text,pos,label,aim "He was also one of the wealthiest presidents ever to enter the White House, with far-reaching business connections that have already raised questions about where his interests end and the country’s begin.",raised questions about where his interests end and the country’s begin,1,1 "Mr. Trump signed it on Friday night, restoring normal operations at a series of federal agencies until Feb. 15 and opening the way to paying the 800,000 federal workers who have been furloughed or forced to work without pay for 35 days.",forced to work,0,1 "“To this point, we have avoided calling them out and demanding them to be responsible,” Mr. Jealous said.",,2,2 "Between public statements and news conferences, the staffs of the president and the speaker have been in close contact.",,2,2 "But Republicans tore into the FBI official, with House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy saying he exhibited ""textbook bias."" ",,2,2 The people of Alabama deserve to know the truth and will make their own decisions.”,,2,2 "“To the extent they had information concerning the fitness, character or qualifications of a presidential candidate, I believed that I should at least hear them out,” Trump Jr. said in a statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, one of the congressional committees probing the campaign’s Russia ties, in September.","“To the extent they had information concerning the fitness, character or qualifications of a presidential candidate, I believed that I should at least hear them out,”",1,1 "Trump Caves To Democrats, Agrees To Reopen Government Short-Term Without Border Wall",Caves,0,1 "He left Trump’s campaign in August 2015, but maintained regular contact with and publicly supported the Trump campaign throughout the 2016 presidential election.",,2,2 "“For the sake of the security of the free world, our country must give our troops the support necessary to win this war,” Mr. Steele said.",,2,2 "“Those subpoenas will be designed to maximize our chance of getting the information that we need,” Mr. Schiff told reporters during a breakfast hosted by The Christian Science Monitor.",,2,2 The White House is also expected to use drug interdiction money from the Department of Defense.,,2,2 "But when Indiana passed a slightly more expansive version which critics said could allow discrimination by businesses, Indiana lawmakers and Gov. Mike Pence later vowed to ""clarify"" the language in response to complaints.",,2,2 "Critics, however, say the Indiana law includes different wording that could open the door to wider discrimination.",,2,2 He has complained that marijuana arrests have strained his jail budget.,complained,0,1 Republicans know if they admit their involvement in this game of gotcha it will undermine their credibility.,,2,2 "Even then, Mattis’ recommendation that congressional approval be sought for the strikes put him at odds with the president.",,2,2 """This contraband has been heavily trafficked into our state,"" Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning said at a news conference in Lincoln.",,2,2 "It can make her strong again.""",,2,2 "Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom tweeted: “Ryan: serious, sober, steady.","Ryan: serious, sober, steady",1,1 Perry is a Methodist.,,2,2 “We’ve done it in the past. We will do it again by making that differentiation.”,,2,2 """And you exemplify it.",,2,2 "Without naming names, Mrs. Clinton sought to distinguish herself from Mr. Sanders and Ms. Warren, as well as from fervent supporters of the deal like some of the Republicans running for president.",,2,2 "According to New York Magazine writer Yashar Ali, Griffin claims that the image is an “expression of art” inspired by Trump’s comments about former Fox News correspondent Megyn Kelly having “blood coming out of her eyes” and “out of her — wherever.”",,2,2 "In fact, as recently as the US Senate debate on March 1, 2010, Blumenthal clearly stated ""serving in the United States military gave me a perspective as well, even in the reserves.",,2,2 "Republicans welcomed the release of the e-mails, saying they confirmed that the administration had airbrushed its account of the attack during an election campaign.",airbrushed,0,1 "The lawyer for Mrs. Clinton, David Kendall, said that in response to that request, Mrs. Clinton’s representatives had determined which of her roughly 60,000 emails were personal and private.",,2,2 WASHINGTON — Impeachment was always going to hang heavily over a divided Washington.,Impeachment was always going to hang heavily over a divided Washington,1,1 "And what we know for sure is that without any of it we are facing a really difficult situation.""",,2,2 "Lieberman, who ran as vice president on Al Gore's 2000 ticket, became an independent after losing the Democratic primary in 2006.",,2,2 "“Allowing this relationship to be subjected to party politics does weaken the relationship,” Mr. Earnest said.",,2,2 Officials with the Democratic National Committee quickly called the Republican abortion position the “Akin plank” and scheduled a news conference to denounce it.,,2,2 "Pelosi’s understanding of Midwesterners, or lack thereof, is what Ryan highlighted as the party’s biggest problem.",or lack thereof,0,1 "WASHINGTON — The special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election disputed on Friday a report that said President Trump had directed Michael D. Cohen, his longtime lawyer and fixer, to lie to Congress about his role in negotiations to build a skyscraper in Moscow.",,2,2 """Rise to the occasion.",,2,2 Flynn is also being investigated over whether he was fully forthcoming about his foreign contacts and earnings from organizations linked to the governments of Russia and Turkey.,,2,2 "Some also said the White House should not have put lawmakers on the spot in the first place and could have been better prepared for the president’s statement, lining up religious and community leaders to offer support for the right to build the mosque and undermine Republican attacks.",,2,2 "Stone was “contacted by senior Trump Campaign officials to inquire about future releases” by WikiLeaks, according to the indictment, which refers to WikiLeaks as “Organization 1.”",,2,2 "The Georgetown University letter argues, though, that Ryan misappropriated the Catholic teaching as a “rationale for gutting government programs.”",misappropriated the Catholic teaching as a “rationale for gutting government programs.”,1,1 "Mr. Cantor was strongly opposed, for instance, to the so-called grand bargain negotiations on the budget between the speaker and President Obama.",,2,2 He has previously said that he would support an independent commission to investigate ties between Trump’s administration and Russia.,,2,2 "The center's president, Cathi Herrod, has been deriding what she called ""fear-mongering"" from the measure's opponents.",,2,2 "The NRA said it needs ""time to digest"" the findings, but it commended Hutchinson and his team for contributions that ""will go a long way to making America's schools safer.""","it commended Hutchinson and his team for contributions that ""will go a long way to making America's schools safer.""",1,1 "“Like anyone else, native-born Americans, whoever their parents are, can be charged with crimes if they disobey U.S. law,” Mr. Legomsky said.",,2,2 And you might think it’s O.K. he lied about it to the F.B.I. You might say that’s all O.K.,,2,2 "The A.G., according to the Times, said he had misspoken at a 2008 event in Norfolk in which he said he had served in Vietnam.",,2,2 "Labrador, of Idaho, would be the Tea Party alternative to McCarthy, who is the whip and is favored by establishment Republicans.",,2,2 "A month ago, when Mr. Bush released his own tax returns, he said: “One fun fact I learned in this process: I have paid a higher tax rate than the Clintons even though I earned less income.”",,2,2 "Positive reviews coming in from economists, Summers said, show the deal is the right thing to do.",,2,2 "“Committed and loving gay and lesbian married couples will now be treated equally under our nation’s federal tax laws, regardless of what state they call home,” said Chad Griffin, the president of the Human Rights Campaign.","“Committed and loving gay and lesbian married couples will now be treated equally under our nation’s federal tax laws, regardless of what state they call home,”",1,1 "The surprise meeting abroad with a foreign leader will be Trump’s first as a presidential nominee, and is not without risks to his candidacy.",,2,2 Blumenthal told the Times he had misspoken at the 2008 event in Norfolk in which he said he served in Vietnam.,,2,2 Ryan offered new insight as well on how Romney and Ryan came to bond in the months before he was announced as running mate.,,2,2 Troops in the Middle East permanently.,,2,2 I am confident that this person or people will be brought to justice.”,,2,2 "“Every day, Paul LePage gives Maine people more evidence that he is unfit for office,” State House Majority Leader Jeff McCabe (D) and Assistant House Majority Leader Sara Gideon (D) said in a statement Tuesday night.","“Every day, Paul LePage gives Maine people more evidence that he is unfit for office,”",1,1 "The lawmaker was apparently referring to a 2005 video that came to light ahead of the 2016 presidential election, in which Trump – talking to Billy Bush – made lewd comments about women.",apparently,0,1 Democrats have already pounced.,,2,2 Republicans argue the Aug. 16 cable was rather high priority.,,2,2 "Goelman called the decision “a departure from typical Bureau practice” and said it contradicted FBI Director Chris Wray’s earlier guarantee that the bureau would follow its regular process, despite Trump’s disdain for the now-former FBI official.",,2,2 "Donald J. Trump is heading to Mexico on Wednesday to meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto, but one of the Mexican leader’s predecessors had a different message for the Republican presidential nominee: You are not welcome here.",,2,2 "However, he made clear that party unity was on his mind.",,2,2 "In January, Trump asserted that he had “the absolute right to declare a national emergency,” according to CNN.",asserted,0,1 “Not when there are so many roads and bridges and runways waiting to be repaired and waiting to be rebuilt.”,,2,2 "She called the estate tax provision ""a bridge too far.""",,2,2 The Obama administration has pushed federal agencies to ensure the Supreme Court’s ruling is carried out quickly and smoothly.,,2,2 "At the time, he was one of several lawmakers to announce his eventual departure from Congress after being accused of sexual harassment and discrimination.",,2,2 "They have criticized Nuland for requesting to remove a line from the final draft noting that there had been ""at least five other attacks against foreign interests in Benghazi by unidentified assailants.""",,2,2 Keeping Guantanamo Bay open.,,2,2 "The inspector general report, meanwhile, referred a total of five FBI employees for investigation in connection with politically charged texts, suggesting more disciplinary action could be considered for additional employees. ",,2,2 WASHINGTON ― Democrats provided votes to fund the government on Monday in exchange for an assurance from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that he would put an immigration bill on the floor in the coming weeks.,,2,2 "“This review established that both Zambia and Zimbabwe had met new standards, strict international conservation standards that allowed Americans to resume hunting in those countries,” she told reporters during a news briefing.",,2,2 Democrats lost the House majority in the 2010 Tea Party-inspired wave election.,,2,2 He received no special treatment from anyone.,,2,2 "According to the returns, the Clintons earned $140,937,785 over the eight year span, primarily from book sales and speaking fees.",,2,2 "The president opted not to tap hurricane relief money from Texas or Puerto Rico, an idea that had generated angry complaints from Republicans.",,2,2 Khakis filled the grounds.,,2,2 I couldn’t believe it when I saw it.”,,2,2 "As criticism against him swelled, Mr. LePage came to believe that a Democratic lawmaker had called him a racist.",,2,2 "Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, called the massacre in Orlando, Fla., an “act of terror” and an “act of hate” and called for “hardening our defenses at home” while “refusing to be intimidated and staying true to our values” in the United States.",,2,2 "Pressed by Vice President Mike Pence and Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the incoming minority leader, they refused to budge from their offer to devote $1.3 billion to border security.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — With the Senate set to debate gun control this month, a National Rifle Association task force released a 225-page report on Tuesday that called for armed police officers, security guards or staff members in every American school, and urged states to loosen gun restrictions to allow trained teachers and administrators to carry weapons.",,2,2 WASHINGTON ― The House intelligence committee is preparing to issue subpoenas against Michael Flynn after the former national security adviser denied a request to voluntarily turn over documents related to the committee’s Russia probe.,,2,2 "Let everybody participate, good & bad, and we will all just have to figure it out!” he said at the end of a lengthy post on Twitter.",,2,2 "During congressional hearings in January, Clinton was asked whether she had seen the cable by Republican Rep. Michael McCaul.",,2,2 "Mr. Sayoc, a registered Republican, has a lengthy criminal history in Florida dating back to 1991 that includes felony theft, drug and fraud charges, as well as being arrested and accused of threatening to use a bomb, public records show.","Mr. Sayoc, a registered Republican, has a lengthy criminal history",1,1 """I'm not sure it rises -- no pun intended -- to that level,"" he continued.",,2,2 "“Most Senate Democrats, including Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, voted to allow Donald Trump to continue to subject an ever-growing number of Dreamers to lives threatened by deportation from the only home they’ve ever known.”",lives threatened by deportation from the only home they’ve ever known,1,0 "He warned, “I’m afraid the president could be taken advantage of.”",,2,2 "“This American carnage stops right here and stops right now,” Trump said.",,2,2 "“I have held my peace because I thought it was important for the Congress to have a full debate without thrusting presidential politics and candidates into it,” Mrs. Clinton added.",,2,2 "Every Senate Republican has signed onto a letter vowing to block all Democratic-backed legislation until the chamber extends the Bush tax cuts and approves a spending bill to keep the government running, Fox News has learned.",,2,2 Brooke Singman is a Reporter for Fox News.,,2,2 """They’re trying to make this election, as I said earlier, about anything other than the president’s failed economic policies.",the president’s failed economic policies,1,0 "The career Marine was respected among allies and adversaries and on Capitol Hill, and he was beloved in the Pentagon as a protector against a president with scant understanding of his own role as commander in chief.","The career Marine was respected among allies and adversaries and on Capitol Hill, and he was beloved in the Pentagon as a protector",1,1 And she said the country needs to “keep guns like the ones used last night out of the hands of terrorists or other violent criminals.”,,2,2 “This is not a Republican or a Democrat view — it is simply the reality.,,2,2 "“It’s a power grab for the American people,” said Representative Zoe Lofgren of California, who leads the House administration committee that shepherded the legislation.",,2,2 He really has an ego.,He really has an ego.,1,1 "“It’s great that public outrage has forced Trump to reconsider this despicable decision,” said Tanya Sanerib, a senior lawyer with the Center for Biological Diversity, “but it takes more than a tweet to stop trophy hunters from slaughtering elephants and lions.”",despicable,0,1 "The president’s comments, made to reporters as he left Washington for a policy announcement in Utah, saw Trump wading deeper into the Flynn investigation even after a weekend tweet landed the White House in hot water.",,2,2 "“And that weakness, on the other hand, is the friend of danger and the enemy of peace.""",,2,2 "“This is a sobering reminder that attacks on any American — regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation — is an attack on all of us and on the fundamental values of equality and dignity that define us as a country,” he said.",,2,2 "The letter quotes the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which wrote several letters to Congress saying “a just framework for future budgets cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor persons.”",,2,2 "Mr. Hunter cannot take his name off the ballot, according to a spokesman for the California secretary of state, and California does not allow write-in candidates.",,2,2 "It was unclear whether the president’s acknowledgment that Mr. Lieberman was a finalist was intended to stoke the “Apprentice”-style frenzy of speculation he has favored with other high-profile picks, only to opt for a lesser-known candidate.",the “Apprentice”-style frenzy of speculation he has favored with other high-profile picks,1,1 Mr. Trump also implored his administration to investigate Ms. Abedin.,,2,2 “I think he’d have a good audience with Tea Partiers.”,,2,2 "Elizabeth Lauten, the communications director for Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.), wrote that the two teenagers should ""try showing a little class,"" ""dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar,"" and, most of all, ""don't make faces"" at Very Serious public events.",Very Serious,0,1 Rubio said the embargo is not to blame for Cuba's failed economy.,,2,2 "He favored working with allies, and often spoke of how difficult it was to conduct American policy without the benefit of friends.",,2,2 """These guys discovered the phrase 'middle class' during the last six months on the campaign trail,"" said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who has sparred with Ryan on the House Budget Committee for years and who played Ryan in debate preparation with Biden.",,2,2 "“I believe there was gross incompetence and mismanagement,” he said.","“I believe there was gross incompetence and mismanagement,”",1,1 "Soon, Capt. Ron Johnson of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, who has earned some praise since he took over policing of Ferguson's nightly protests, stopped by to greet the attorney general.",,2,2 "With polls showing the president enduring most of the blame by the public, Republicans led by Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, pressured Mr. Trump to agree to the temporary truce.",,2,2 "President Obama is targeting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens instead of seriously addressing the real underlying causes of such violence,"" he said.",President Obama is targeting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens instead of seriously addressing the real underlying causes of such violence,1,1 "Vega contended that there was a ""rush to indict"" after a two-year grand jury investigation.",,2,2 The July 2018 indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers in connection with the hack of a Democratic National Committee server during the 2016 election referred to Stone as “a person who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump.”,,2,2 "I mean, I know that Democrats would be out there pushing this, and certainly the president is,"" he said.",,2,2 "Lis Smith, a spokeswoman for the Obama campaign, said, “Mitt Romney’s Medicare ad is dishonest and hypocritical.”",dishonest and hypocritical,0,1 "McConnell, R-Ky., called the bills “a time-wasting act of political posturing” and said that “a resolution will have to be palatable to House Democrats and Senate Republicans alike.”",“a time-wasting act of political posturing”,1,0 "“Mike Bloomberg is doing a great job as mayor of New York City,” he posted in 2012.",,2,2 "He added, “Needless to say, the war in Afghanistan was not ‘a war of Obama’s choosing.’",,2,2 "Speaking on CNN on Friday, Mr. Clapper said he was not surprised that a device had been sent to him. ",,2,2 "“AARP is the 800-pound gorilla, but they do not speak for seniors.”","“AARP is the 800-pound gorilla, but they do not speak for seniors.”",1,1 "In other words, it doesn't say how much they paid, where is the doctor, here's your room bill.""",,2,2 "If majority Republicans change the threshold, Gorsuch could be approved with a simple majority of 51 votes.",,2,2 "“But I also ... you know, Jon Stewart might have had it right last night: that there were elements of this photograph that might have been doctored.”",,2,2 "At a January fundraiser in Texas, Braley urged the attorneys present to contribute to his campaign and contrasted his background with Grassley's.",,2,2 "Safari Club International, a trophy-hunting organization that sued the Obama administration in 2014 in an effort to challenge the ban and was the first to report the policy change on Tuesday, lashed out against the news media and “anti-hunters” for swaying the Trump administration to lift the trophy ban.",,2,2 "More recently, Grimm was in the news in January after he physically threatened a reporter in the Capitol.","More recently, Grimm was in the news in January after he physically threatened a reporter in the Capitol.",1,1 """It lasted approximately 50 minutes.",,2,2 But his answers to other questions were less clear.,,2,2 "Mr. McCarthy spent much of the day calling members and shoring up support, said a Republican aide close to the majority whip.",,2,2 “It’s official: Chuck Schumer is the worst negotiator in Washington ― even worse than Trump.,“It’s official: Chuck Schumer is the worst negotiator in Washington ― even worse than Trump.,1,0 “But no less a theology.”,,2,2 "Doing away with birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants was an idea Mr. Trump pitched as a presidential candidate, but there is no clear indication that he would be able to do so unilaterally, and attempting to would be certain to prompt legal challenges.",,2,2 """I'm not convinced that he has one,"" Trump said of the birth certificate issue.",,2,2 "Trump’s administrative attempts to curtail the asylum process have faced legal challenges in two federal courts, however, prompting this week’s legislative fix.",,2,2 "Near the dugout, the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump bantered with Chuck Schumer, the Senate’s top Democrat, who chatted with two of her young children.",,2,2 "But Mr. Steele has kept close counsel about his future, Republican officials said Sunday, and his plans were unknown even to several of his own advisers.",,2,2 "Nonetheless, many see the next majority leader as potentially influencing the House handling of immigration reform, which stalled as conservative members said they would not support a comprehensive measure for an overhaul of the system, and especially not one that, in their view, would grant amnesty to lawbreakers.",,2,2 The death of Mr. Cowan’s father at a young age left her to raise her children alone.,,2,2 "He said, ‘I don’t think I can do that,’” said Mr. Gutiérrez, whoendorsed Ms. Newman last week.",,2,2 “Let the Senate know we stand with them for the Dreamers … say THANKS!,,2,2 Proponents say the law should allow Christian vendors to refuse service to same-sex couples without fear of legal reprisals.,,2,2 "While some of those conservative lawmakers elected in 2010 were hoping that the House leadership elections on Thursday would offer them the chance to reclaim their influence on Capitol Hill, few of them give Mr. Labrador much of a chance against the current House majority whip, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California.",,2,2 "The Arizona Republican said Steele needs to assess whether he can still function in his job and must make ""an appropriate decision"" about his future.",,2,2 """We must also address bad-faith actors who intend to manipulate or detract from healthy conversation.""",,2,2 "The video pointed to Ryan’s budget proposals, which include significant changes to Medicare.",,2,2 "Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, is a longtime supporter of gun rights.",,2,2 The project also found that the African elephant population shrunk nearly 30 percent from 2007 to 2014.,,2,2 "He repaid his campaign more than $60,000 earlier this year for improper expenses dating back to 2015, but the FBI began investigation additional charges dating back as far as 2009, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.",,2,2 "“It’s not something to be decided by a show of hands,” Mary Cheney reportedly wrote on her personal Facebook page, concluding her internecine post by saying, “Please like and share if you agree.”",internecine,0,1 "“My views on treating allies with respect and also being cleareyed about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held,” Mr. Mattis wrote.",,2,2 "On Wednesday morning, LePage said unequivocally that he will be staying put.",,2,2 "“If true, the president committed a crime and must be held accountable.”",,2,2 "The Associated Press reported that McGurk said in a resignation letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that ISIS was on the run, but wasn’t yet defeated and that U.S. work in Syria wasn’t yet done. ",,2,2 "Connecticut, the home of the Sandy Hook school shooting, is the latest to advance a sweeping gun control proposal -- lawmakers announced a deal Monday on a package that is likely to win approval.",,2,2 "Mr. Steele’s comments prompted William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard and a leading voice of conservative support for the war in Afghanistan, to call for Mr. Steele’s resignation as party leader.",,2,2 "Mr. Strzok told lawmakers that he never leaked information about the Russia inquiry, which could have upended the election and hurt Mr. Trump’s chances of becoming president.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump relented as the effects of the shutdown were rippling with ever greater force across the economy, with fallout far beyond paychecks.",,2,2 President Obama met with top GOP and Democratic congressional leaders Tuesday but left the nitty-gritty negotiations to the panel -- he assigned Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and budget director Jacob Lew to represent the administration. ,,2,2 "Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday that the panel has begun to see ""the putting together of a case of obstruction of justice"" against Trump.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — In one of the most stunning primary election upsets in congressional history, the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, was soundly defeated on Tuesday by a Tea Party-backed economics professor who had hammered him for being insufficiently conservative.",soundly,0,1 "The House speaker, in an interview with Fox News to air Tuesday morning, gave his Republican Party a ""two-in-three chance"" of holding on to control of the House after taking power in the 2010 elections.",,2,2 "“Everything we care about [is] at risk,” Schiff told the room.",,2,2 Plus Obama is nominating ATF Acting Director Todd Jones to officially lead the agency,,2,2 "Since then, Mr. Jackson, who has said he had no knowledge of the offer, has been dogged by questions about his ethics.","Since then, Mr. Jackson, who has said he had no knowledge of the offer, has been dogged by questions about his ethics.",1,1 But Justice Stephen G. Breyer said Wal-Mart could be held accountable if it failed to take action in the face of reports of discrimination from its stores.,,2,2 "With the shutdown entering its fifth week and polls showing a majority of the public blaming Mr. Trump, the president’s advisers have been searching for an exit strategy.",,2,2 "Mr. Gowdy said the committee believed that “a transcribed interview would best protect Secretary Clinton’s privacy, the security of the information queried and the public’s interest in ensuring this committee has all information needed to accomplish the task set before it.”",,2,2 "CORRECTION: This article originally said the Super Bowl is set to be held in Tempe, Ariz.",,2,2 "In May, Hillary Clinton filed a disclosure with the Federal Elections Commission showing the couple had earned approximately $30 million from book sales and speeches in 2014 and the first four months of 2015.",,2,2 Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum were the only two Republicans who agreed to participate.,,2,2 Theater tickets were mischaracterized as “holiday gift certificates.”,,2,2 “What the Committee cannot do is conclude its work without assurances the Committee has all relevant information necessary for us to discharge the duties required of us.”,,2,2 "There could also be a flurry of conservative outrage at the convention, which could distract from the carefully choreographed event Mr. Romney’s strategists are planning.",,2,2 """I just saw the reports that he had previously said he opposed same-sex marriage and now according to ABC News he saying that he supports it.",,2,2 "Farenthold was sued by his former aide, Lauren Greene, in 2014, alleging a hostile work environment, gender discrimination and retaliation.",,2,2 """That means that all families — regardless of how they look or how they are made — all families are entitled to the same rights, privileges and protections as every other.""",,2,2 “It was incredibly disheartening that they don’t want to know the facts when making policy.”,they don’t want to know the facts,1,1 "Following President Obama's comments in a TV interview expressing his support for same-sex marriage, his likely GOP rival Mitt Romney said Wednedsay he maintains his opposition to it -- the same position he's had since he ""started running for office""",,2,2 White House spokesman Josh Earnest later said Sanders has the right to make campaign decisions on his own timeline.,,2,2 "As he often has in Senate hearings, Rubio assailed Obama for stressing dialogues and diplomacy over ironclad dealings with heads of foreign governments that have been openly hostile to the United States, and which continue to exercise oppression against political dissidents.",As he often has in Senate hearings,1,1 "“I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,” Justice Ginsburg told The Times in an interview published Sunday.","“I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,”",1,1 "As scholars, we want to join the Catholic bishops in pointing out that his budget has a devastating impact on programs for the poor.”",devastating,0,1 """We're talking about specifically prenatal testing, and specifically amniocentesis, which is a procedure that actually creates a risk of having a miscarriage when you have it, and is done for the purposes of identifying maladies of a child in the womb.",,2,2 """This is punishable by prison.","""This is punishable by prison.",1,1 "Mr. Biden, clearly delighted to come to President Obama’s rescue, relished his role, addressing his opponent as “my friend” but dismissing his arguments as “malarkey.”",,2,2 And so there are real consequences to that decision.,,2,2 Whether the debate will alter the course of the race remains to be seen.,,2,2 The USPS operates an innovative imaging system that photographs each piece of mail processed throughout the country. ,,2,2 "“You can bet if the shoe were on the other foot and a Democratic president was under investigation by the FBI the Republicans would be howling at the moon about filling a Supreme Court seat in such circumstances.""",howling at the moon,0,1 "If AARP is open to reducing benefits, it would be a major boost for Social Security reformers who say the program is too generous and therefore unaffordable.",too generous and therefore unaffordable,0,1 "Still, Judge Gorsuch’s nomination is broadly popular among conservatives.",,2,2 """I want more Americans to have the chance to work hard and get ahead, just like we did.",,2,2 It has virtually no chance of passing the Senate.,,2,2 "The crowd was enthralled, even as Beck took them down winding tales of Calvin Coolidge, the Statute of Liberty and the supposed great middle class explosion of the 1920s.","even as Beck took them down winding tales of Calvin Coolidge, the Statute of Liberty and the supposed great middle class explosion of the 1920s",1,1 "Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio said on Monday that Republicans had a one-in-three chance of losing control of the House in November, a surprisingly downbeat assessment from a Republican leader who until now has expressed no fears of losing the gavel.",,2,2 """The AARP has a history of division between the top folks and their base on these issues.",,2,2 """All through this administration, the White House has been a spear carrier for the president,"" he said.",,2,2 """Rape is an evil act.",,2,2 “That just makes my stomach sick.”,“That just makes my stomach sick.”,1,1 "In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, Mr. Ryan said he welcomed the back and forth.",,2,2 "“I just want to get it done faster, that’s all.”",,2,2 Family dental bills paid with campaign funds were characterized as a charitable contribution to “Smiles for Life.”,,2,2 "He appeared to be attempting to push back against early reports that the government had direct access to the huge computer servers at Google, Microsoft, Facebook and similar companies.",,2,2 WASHINGTON — Leading Democrats called Friday for President Trump to cancel his upcoming meeting with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia after the Justice Department indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers accused of hacking Democrats’ emails and computer networks during the 2016 presidential race.,,2,2 "House conservatives — lacking a rationale to fight Mr. McCarthy, a well-liked member of leadership who has raised millions of dollars for Republican incumbents — have begun protesting that his voting record is actually to the left of Mr. Cantor’s.",a well-liked member of leadership who has raised millions of dollars for Republican incumbents,1,1 "According to BuzzFeed, “Cohen then acknowledged those instructions during his interviews with that office.”",,2,2 "The truth is, rape has many victims.",,2,2 "Bush is followed in the poll by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio with 18 percent, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker with 14 percent, Cruz and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul with 11 percent, Carson with 7 percent, Huckabee and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at 5 percent, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry at 2 percent and former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina at 1 percent.",,2,2 "Democrats countered initially with $1.3 billion for general border security, while Trump said initially he would not sign anything without wall funding.",,2,2 "“We know where that will lead. It will lead to a special prosecutor,” he said.",,2,2 "In his current role as whip, McCarthy's job is to round up votes from other Republicans.",,2,2 "Republicans, by contrast, praised Lieberman.",,2,2 "And the announcement Tuesday was met with a mixed reception by lawmakers in Congress, particularly the idea that Trump might use an executive order to impose such a significant immigration change -- something Republicans blasted former President Barack Obama for doing with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy.",blasted,0,0 "-On a few occasions out of hundreds, Dick misspoke and he'll be the first to admit that those were mistakes.",,2,2 "Republicans panned the call as ""ridiculous.""","Republicans panned the call as ""ridiculous.""",1,1 "Dmitry Bam, a professor at the University of Maine School of Law who has written on judicial recusals and ethics, said “there is little question that she has crossed a line.”",“there is little question that she has crossed a line.”,1,1 "“Elected representatives should jealously guard the public’s trust, not abuse their positions for personal gain,” Mr. Braverman added.",abuse their positions for personal gain,1,1 "It is going to be a long, hot summer.",,2,2 "It came after Boehner publicly chided Obama on Friday for the lack of progress to date, accusing the president of having ""wasted another week.""","""wasted another week.""",1,1 "Within minutes of the indictment, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., urged Trump to call off the Putin meeting.",,2,2 But former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia Joseph diGenova blasted the tactic as “outrageous.”,,2,2 "During the interview, Akin said he would continue campaigning because he still believed he could win.",,2,2 "It is sheer journalistic dishonesty,"" Bozell told FoxNews.com.",It is sheer journalistic dishonesty,1,1 "“I’m a believer in following the plain text of the Constitution, and I think in this case, the 14th Amendment is pretty clear, and that would involve a very, very lengthy constitutional process.”",,2,2 "Mr. Cowan, 43, who is known as Mo, is a former partner in the politically connected law firm of Mintz Levin and will become Massachusetts’ first black senator since Edward Brooke, a Republican, held the seat from 1966 to 1978.",,2,2 """The president didn't do this because of the politics.",,2,2 "Holtz-Eakin said, ""We were looking for efficiencies in delivery a la Managed Medicaid.""",,2,2 "“You cannot trust a guy like this,” Mr. Fox said.","“You cannot trust a guy like this,”",1,1 "“Anyone who has in any way been a critic, publicly been a critic of President Trump, needs to be on an extra alert.”",,2,2 "By lifting the ban, she said, Trump was “encouraging Americans to kill elephants.”",“encouraging Americans to kill elephants.”,1,1 "In a statement Friday, Mr. Sestak said Mr. Clinton had conveyed Mr. Emanuel’s suggestion that he join a “presidential board” while remaining in the House, but he declined.",,2,2 "Responding to the statement from Mueller’s office on their report, BuzzFeed Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith said it stands by its reporting and asked the special counsel’s office to clarify its statement.",,2,2 "The leadership elections, conducted by secret ballot behind closed doors, stamped out calls for new leaders.",stamped out,0,1 "After handing out pocket-size Constitutions at rallies, after studying the document article by article and after demanding that Washington return to its founding principles, tea party activists have something new to applaud.",demanding,0,1 "“However, we would be remiss … if we did not challenge your continuing misuse of Catholic teaching to defend a budget plan that decimates food programs for struggling families, radically weakens protections for the elderly and sick and gives more tax breaks to the wealthiest few.”","your continuing misuse of Catholic teaching to defend a budget plan that decimates food programs for struggling families, radically weakens protections for the elderly and sick and gives more tax breaks to the wealthiest few",1,1 The meeting with Obama was private.,,2,2 "If not this year, he has strongly advocated for amnesty next year.",,2,2 "Akin's ad, and claims Monday that he's ""going to stay in,"" defied Republican Party leaders who are nervous the controversy could imperil their chances of taking control of the Senate after the November elections.",,2,2 "Cleaver, D-Mo., also said he was spit on.","Cleaver, D-Mo., also said he was spit on.",1,1 The amended legislation mirrors the federal RFRA.,,2,2 The rules issued Thursday said the policies would affect all legally married gay couples regardless of where they live.,,2,2 "Trump met on Wednesday with Lieberman and three other candidates: current acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe; Frank Keating, the former governor of Oklahoma who previously served as an FBI agent and in high-level positions in the Justice Department; and Richard McFeely, who served in the FBI for 24 years before retiring as executive assistant director in 2014.",,2,2 "“I’m honored to get the ability to meet with him and discuss it, and I want to thank him for being such a supporter of this issue.”",I’m honored to get the ability to meet with him,1,1 "But Mr. Mattis also quietly slow-walked a number of Mr. Trump’s proposals, including banning transgender troops, starting a Space Force and putting on a costly military parade.",,2,2 """I believe that we can win this,"" Akin said, citing a ""tremendous outpouring of support"" from individual donors even as party heavyweights freeze him out.",,2,2 "One of the most significant warnings was an August 2012 State Department classified cable, which has not been made public, that summarized an emergency meeting in Benghazi where the CIA briefed on the significant threat of terrorist activity.",,2,2 "If he’s gone soft on Trump, it will hurt him greatly.",,2,2 "He acknowledged that Romney’s Medicare plan would not cost seniors an extra $6,400 a year, despite the claim in a recently launched Obama campaign ad.",,2,2 "They pored over his testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, which is conducting its own investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.",,2,2 "“Throughout my many years of service to the people of North Carolina, I have always tried to treat people from all viewpoints with respect. ",,2,2 "“The Democrats’ talking points have been that the president is solely responsible for shutting down the government,” Marc Short, the former White House legislative director, said.",,2,2 "However, Democrats are thought to have far more safe seats than Republicans going into November.",,2,2 "The House Republican immigration principles reportedly will cover how the U.S. border should be protected, how immigration laws should be enforced inside the United States, and how many of the country’s estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants can embark on a path to legalize their status, according to various media stories.",,2,2 She won by a 134-to-63 vote.,,2,2 Donald Trump Jr. Communicated With WikiLeaks During Campaign,,2,2 """Democracy cannot pick crazy people that doesn't know what's going on in the world today,"" he said.",crazy people,0,1 "The latest candidate to learn the hard way was Representative Bruce Braley, an Iowa Democrat running for Senate this year.",,2,2 """This is America's war.",,2,2 Wray added: “It’s too early at this stage to discuss motive.”,,2,2 "For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.”",,2,2 "When the question of her role was taken up again in the afternoon hearing by Representative Ed Royce, the California Republican who is chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Mrs. Clinton acknowledged that she had been briefed on a series of events that indicated that security in Benghazi was deteriorating in the months before the attack.",,2,2 "Lois Lerner, the director of the exempt organizations unit at the Internal Revenue Service, plans to invoke the Fifth Amendment during her expected testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Wednesday, the Los Angeles Times reports.",,2,2 Justice Anthony M. Kennedy said the theory about how the company discriminated — through a central policy conferring local discretion — was internally inconsistent.,,2,2 The case also could affect the future of other class-action lawsuits that pool modest individual claims into a single action that creates the potential for a large judgment and increases the pressure on businesses to settle.,,2,2 "The Justice Department said the pair used political money to pay for their children’s tuition and spent thousands of dollars at shopping malls, Washington restaurants and surf shops, among other expenditures.",,2,2 "Tea party activist Alex Poulter, who co-founded a Kansas City-area group called Political Chips, also disputed the allegations.",,2,2 "“I'm going to be remaining as the chair of the Democratic National Committee as President Obama has asked me to do until January 21, 2017, and I appreciate the president’s support,” she said.",,2,2 The address completes Trump’s remarkable journey from political outsider written off by countless Beltway pundits to the most powerful man in the country.,remarkable,0,1 "Obama campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith described the new Romney-Ryan ad on the subject as “dishonest and hypocritical,” considering Ryan’s own proposals for Medicare.","“dishonest and hypocritical,”",0,1 "He added the administration can't control the conversation on cable TV or in newspapers, but the White House has had a ""pretty fulsome conversation"" about it and has addressed it to a ""pretty full extent.""","""pretty fulsome conversation""",0,0 "And so it was on Saturday, with lawmakers nearing a vote on the legislation that critics said would legalize discrimination against gay people, that the younger Mr. Hutchinson wrote to his father and warned that the proposal could damage Arkansas’s reputation and economy.",,2,2 "Known for his blunt speaking style, Christie has acknowledged that he can come off brash and confrontational.",,2,2 "“I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Ted Cruz in this week's issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it.",,2,2 """Like Governor Romney has refused to specify how he will pay for his $5 trillion tax cuts weighted toward millionaires, Senator McCain would have cut $1.3 trillion from health care programs to pay for tax cuts while refusing to rule out cutting benefits or to say what he was cutting,"" Obama's current campaign press secretary, Ben LaBolt, said in an email to The Huffington Post.",,2,2 Stone has previously admitted to being in contact with Julian Assange of WikiLeaks during the Trump campaign.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, whose experience and stability were widely seen as a balance to an unpredictable president, resigned Thursday in protest of President Trump’s decision to withdraw American forces from Syria and his rejection of international alliances.",whose experience and stability were widely seen as a balance to an unpredictable president,1,1 “I think it comes down to a First Amendment issue.,,2,2 "And sooner or later, we basically started sharing the microphones at these town hall meetings and we just kind of developed a chemistry with one another and a mutual understanding with each other.”",,2,2 "Show me something. Show me a policy,” Biden said.",,2,2 “This is the kind of trade we don’t need.”,,2,2 """None of those persistent problems was caused by the Tea Party movement, yet the principles of the Tea Party are exactly what's needed to wind down the multigenerational destruction in the African-American community.","""None of those persistent problems was caused by the Tea Party movement, yet the principles of the Tea Party are exactly what's needed to wind down the multigenerational destruction in the African-American community.",1,1 "With no detailed information available about the report, Ms. Warren and Mr. Booker — as well as Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris — sought to focus attention and pressure on how quickly Attorney General William P. Barr would release the full report.",,2,2 "But Hensarling pondered his options for a full day Wednesday, while McCarthy moved quickly to generate support.",,2,2 "AUGUSTA, Me. — Paul R. LePage, the embattled Republican governor of Maine, declared on Wednesday that he would not step down despite widespread criticism over a profane threat and generalizations about drugs and race that had prompted him to hint on Tuesday that he might abort his second term.",,2,2 He's a good man. He's a family man.,He's a good man. He's a family man.,1,1 "“When you see working-class people, blue-collar people, going and voting for Trump, that’s a failure of the Democratic Party because they felt like we didn’t care about them,” Ryan said earlier this month.",,2,2 The Washington Post reported that Grimm is likely to turn himself in once the indictment is unsealed.,,2,2 "“Of course the National Enquirer story is 100 percent false!,” Pierson tweeted.",,2,2 "On Thursday, Trump had promised that Republicans “will not cave"" on border wall demands.","On Thursday, Trump had promised that Republicans “will not cave"" on border wall demands.",1,1 Trump on Tuesday specifically cited Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus' concerns about his involvement.,,2,2 “Deep State Justice Dept must finally act?,,2,2 """It had been my intention to file cloture on both of these bills last evening,"" said Reid on the Senate floor on Tuesday, ""however, supporters of the original bills requested that some modifications be made.",,2,2 "“I would not trust the president alone with Putin without some other Americans in the administration in there,” he said.","“I would not trust the president alone with Putin without some other Americans in the administration in there,”",1,1 "“The savings his ad attacks do not cut a single guaranteed Medicare benefit, and Mitt Romney embraced the very same savings when he promised he’d sign Paul Ryan’s budget,” Smith said.",,2,2 Mr. Trump drew considerable criticism from the Republican establishment for moderating a presidential debate while openly saying that he might still run if he was displeased with the candidates.,while openly saying that he might still run if he was displeased with the candidates,1,1 A group called the St. Louis Tea Party issued its own resolution Tuesday calling on the NAACP to withdraw the proposal.,,2,2 """However, it appears the plaintiffs' primary grievance stems from non-enforcement of federal laws regarding marijuana, as opposed to choices made by the voters of Colorado.""",,2,2 "Stone on Friday said he would plead not guilty to the charges leveled against him by the special counsel’s team, and said he “looks forward to being fully and completely vindicated.”",,2,2 A federal grand jury impaneled by special counsel Robert Mueller charged Stone in a seven-count indictment.,,2,2 "From personal experience, they also “know how cuts in Pell Grants will make it difficult for low-income students to pursue their educations at colleges across the nation, including Georgetown.”",,2,2 “It’s a fake question.”,,2,2 """It was a prank,"" Weiner reiterated.",,2,2 "For an evening, at least, Washington delivered.",,2,2 "Timothy Geithner, the treasury secretary, and Rob Nabors, director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs, joined Obama, a White House aide confirmed.",,2,2 "Kelly Townsend, a founder of the Greater Phoenix Tea Party, said Mr. Trump told them that he was interested in learning more about the legislation in Arizona.",,2,2 "The press conference underscored how far apart both sides are, even as Trump called the meeting ""productive"" and suggested the standoff could end soon -- or not. ",,2,2 The Clinton campaign separately announced that she and Obama would campaign together June 15 in Green Bay.,,2,2 "In an October 2012 interview with Fox News, Christie said he didn't ""give a damn about presidential politics"" in the wake of the storm.",,2,2 The other two are all but vacant now; worship services are already taking place in one of them.,,2,2 They said they warned Republicans who voted for the bill that it was destined for trouble.,,2,2 Rep. Williams backed Gingrich's comments in a press conference on Capitol Hill Wednesday.,,2,2 "Business interests have lined up with Wal-Mart while civil rights, women's and consumer groups have sided with the women plaintiffs.",,2,2 "The other, Ofer Biton, pleaded guilty to visa fraud charges.",,2,2 "Back on NBC, Trump said he wants Obama to do well, but the presidency is not going that direction.",,2,2 "He offered some flexibility only on what the wall would be made of, saying it could be concrete or steel.",,2,2 Obama last year explained that he refuses to describe the self-proclaimed Islamic State and al Qaeda as groups fueled by “radical Islam” because the term grants them a religious legitimacy they don’t deserve.,,2,2 "With a little more than a month to go before the New Hampshire primary, the Texas governor is trying to shore up his credentials on immigration: On Tuesday he won an endorsement from one of the nation’s most outspoken and controversial public officials on that issue: Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., who unabashedly calls himself the “toughest sheriff” in the country.",one of the nation’s most outspoken and controversial public officials,1,1 "The emergency declaration, according to White House officials, enables the president to divert $3.6 billion from military construction projects to the wall.",,2,2 "Asked about the Bridgeport rally, when he told the crowd, “When we returned, we saw nothing like this,” Mr. Blumenthal said he did not recall the event.",,2,2 "The question of what motivated the Benghazi attacks has often been viewed as a duality: Either it was the result of a mob angry over a recently released anti-Islamic video, or it was a terrorist attack.",,2,2 "Scalise, R-La., like other members of leadership, is assigned a full-time security detail from U.S. Capitol Police, who guard him in Washington and at home in his district.",,2,2 "In victory, Mr. Brat said that his candidacy had resonated with voters who believed that politics had been dumbed down by partisan infighting.",,2,2 "Ms. Pelosi and senior Democrats said they were determined not to take the bait for now and risk generating a backlash from Mr. Trump’s supporters, who would most likely see impeachment as the overreaction of out-of-control Democrats.",overreaction of out-of-control Democrats,1,1 Lloyd Bentsen was a friend of Joe Biden’s.,,2,2 The evening began in a familiar fashion: Demonstrators marched along the street and chanted “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” and other slogans that have become common here since Mr. Brown’s death.,,2,2 Splashed across the cover of this week’s Newsweek magazine is a picture of the Republican presidential candidate and Tea Party favorite Representative Michele Bachmann.,,2,2 Their concerns at other times were more mundane.,,2,2 "Seth Hutchinson later moved to Texas and became a labor activist, which the governor mentions to left-leaning audiences.",,2,2 "The Obama administration is not taking part in the case, although it was lobbied by both sides.",,2,2 "He paused, then added: “But I don’t know that.",,2,2 "It's time to have a debate on our political positions, but not question each other's character and faith,"" he said.",,2,2 The letter says Mr. Obama “should not back down. Nor should we.”,,2,2 "“Leaving my service in the House,” he said in his statement, “I’m able to look back at the entirety of my career in public office and say that it was well worthwhile.”",,2,2 "Ryan, after a disappointing 2016 election cycle for Democrats, argued that newer lawmakers in the party need a bigger, fresher voice to represent them, instead of the same slate of leaders and committee chairmen.",,2,2 There is still plenty of space between the kind of plan Hutchison is calling for and what groups like the AARP would accept.,,2,2 Clinton had counted on winning all three.,,2,2 "Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin said that, because of today’s ruling, “committed and loving gay and lesbian married couples will now be treated equally under our nation’s federal tax laws, regardless of what state they call home.”",committed and loving gay and lesbian married couples will now be treated equally under our nation’s federal tax laws,1,1 "BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N.J. — President Trump said on Saturday that conservative voices were being unfairly censored on social media, hinting that he might intervene if his allies’ accounts continued to be shut down.",unfairly,0,1 "The Trumps had the support of the daughter of the woman the president beat in last year’s election, among others.","The Trumps had the support of the daughter of the woman the president beat in last year’s election, among others.",1,0 Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich lauded the current system where lawmakers interact with the people on a regular basis in settings like grocery stores.,,2,2 They want someone different.,,2,2 "Instead, it condemned Mr. Trump’s approach to the world as destructive to American influence and power.",,2,2 """Chairman Ryan remains grateful for Georgetown's invitation to advance a thoughtful dialogue this week on his efforts to avert a looming debt crisis that would hurt the poor the first and the worst,” a Ryan spokesman said.",,2,2 "He added: ""The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.""",,2,2 “We will need to see guidance from each nonrecognition state to see how this will be handled.”,,2,2 "It’s useful to remember the news media outrage in 2012 when Todd Akin, running as the Republican nominee for Senate in Missouri, defended what he called “legitimate rape,” a remark that was overwhelmingly offensive to women.",,2,2 "“I beg for your forgiveness,” she continued.",,2,2 "Santorum, who has pulled ahead of Mitt Romney in polling for the 2012 Republican presidential primary nod, said Sunday that when he used the word ""theology"" he was referring to a ""world view that elevates the Earth above man.""",,2,2 "While former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum agreed to attend early on, other Republican candidates subsequently bowed out.",,2,2 "Mr. McConnell — who has insisted he will not put any legislation on the floor unless the president will sign it — spoke to Mr. Trump, Mr. Kushner and Mr. Pence on Thursday night about finding a way forward.",,2,2 Democrats believe that the reform package is popular and plan to vote on individual pieces of it to keep the issues of corruption and voting rights front and center.,,2,2 "Liz Cheney’s stance underlines the degree to which full-throated support for same-sex marriage, even in a libertarian-leaning state like Wyoming, still poses a political risk in a Republican primary.",,2,2 "I have made it very clear that the security cables did not come to my attention or above the assistant secretary level,"" Clinton said.",,2,2 The illegal immigration issue has also been a hotbed for clashes between Perry and GOP presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.,,2,2 "This latest ad ""Strong"" ends with Perry claiming, ""faith made America strong.",,2,2 "In her first detailed comments on the trade deal since the House of Representatives refused on Friday to allow Mr. Obama to negotiate it freely, Mrs. Clinton laid out a far more calibrated position on the deal than many Democrats and Republicans have taken.",far more calibrated,0,1 """Of course my job is to defeat Michele Bachmann and I intend to do so.",,2,2 """I abhor discrimination.","""I abhor discrimination.",1,1 Ginsburg’s comments also left Democratic lawmakers squirming.,squirming,0,0 “I don’t think that’s okay.”,,2,2 The Earth is not the objective. Man is the objective.,,2,2 "In court papers filed against Jackson on Friday, prosecutors said that upon conviction he must forfeit $750,000, plus tens of thousands of dollars' worth of memorabilia items and furs.",,2,2 """The good news is dollars don't vote, people do,"" Brat told Hannity.",,2,2 House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was beaten Tuesday night by a political novice who is currently working as an economics professor at a small Virginia college.,novice,0,1 "BuzzFeed published the story on Thursday, citing two law enforcement officials who said Cohen -- Trump’s former longtime attorney -- acknowledged to Mueller’s office that he was told to lie to Congress about the potential real-estate deal in Moscow, telling Congress that the negotiations ended months before they did so as to conceal Trump’s involvement.",,2,2 "The Pentagon chief, nicknamed “Mad Dog Mattis” during his time as a Marine, echoed Trump’s call for strengthening the military and beefing up its combat readiness.",nicknamed “Mad Dog Mattis”,1,1 """They may identify potential leads with respect to folks who might engage in terrorism,"" he said.",,2,2 "All these details, surrounding the deadliest terror attack on the U.S. homeland since 9/11, have fueled tensions in the presidential race at an already-combustible time.",,2,2 """I've repeatedly said that I believe the president's Christian -- he says he's Christian.",,2,2 """Senate Bill 1062 does not address a specific or present concern related to religious liberty in Arizona,"" she said.",,2,2 "Throughout the shutdown, Trump’s reputation has suffered across parties as airports have grappled with severe delays and federal workers have gone without paychecks, putting many at risk of losing their homes, defaulting on loans and missing other crucial payments.","putting many at risk of losing their homes, defaulting on loans and missing other crucial payments",1,0 Some sheriffs in bordering states say they have pulled over drivers and found edibles and marijuana from multiple Colorado retail outlets.,,2,2 "The 2020 Democratic presidential candidates may have faced a setback after Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, but made clear that they're not giving up the hunt for incriminating details against the president.",,2,2 """I have got a job to do here in New Jersey that is much bigger than presidential politics.","""I have got a job to do here in New Jersey that is much bigger than presidential politics.",1,1 "The 76-year-old Pelosi, in the months prior to the Nov. 8 elections, repeatedly vowed that her party would retake control of the lower chamber, despite needing to gain roughly 35 seats.",,2,2 "Instead, it provided $1.375 billion for about 55 miles of fencing.",,2,2 """We want elections not to be appointments.""",,2,2 "“Though times were tough, Raúl’s mother often reminded him that if he studied, worked hard, and played by the rules, he could achieve the American Dream.","“Though times were tough, Raúl’s mother often reminded him that if he studied, worked hard, and played by the rules, he could achieve the American Dream.",1,1 "Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., had also suggested that a three-week continuing resolution could be the way forward.",,2,2 But that deal fell apart when hard-line White House advisers persuaded the president to back away.,,2,2 "Indeed, as the DNC Communications Director (of all people) has said, your statement “puts [you] at odds with about 100 percent of the Republican Party.",,2,2 "President Trump stood firm Friday on his demands for a border wall after the second White House meeting with congressional leaders this week broke up with no apparent deal, warning Democrats the partial government shutdown could last ""years"" and saying he could even declare a ""national emergency"" to bypass Congress if necessary.",,2,2 "“This is a historic day, a pivotal day, a day that will make a difference,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said.","“This is a historic day, a pivotal day, a day that will make a difference,”",1,1 "After a dismal Election Day for Democrats, the fight for Ms. Pelosi’s post had become a proxy battle for the future of the party, with House Democrats agonizing over how to reconnect with the working-class voters who abandoned them.",,2,2 "A Kaine spokesman later told HuffPost that the senator was traveling during the vote, but had he been there, he would have voted to sustain the veto.",,2,2 "As a result, Clinton experienced double vision and wore glasses with a Fresnel prism for two months.",,2,2 The indictments did reveal that attempts to hack into Democratic Party emails occurred later the same day that Trump called on Russians in a speech to uncover emails that his rival Hillary Clinton had held on a private server.,The indictments did reveal that attempts to hack into Democratic Party emails occurred later the same day that Trump called on Russians in a speech to uncover emails that his rival Hillary Clinton had held on a private server.,1,1 "Representative Blake Farenthold, Republican of Texas, in December at the Capitol.CreditJoshua Roberts/Reuters",,2,2 "But those two remedies require different standards for class certification and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said it was ""a very serious problem"" in the case to try and sue for punitive damages after only obtaining certification under the lower threshold required for the injunction.",,2,2 "At a ceremony honoring veterans and senior citizens who sent presents to soldiers overseas, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut rose and spoke of an earlier time in his life.",,2,2 "... We've spoken about it and all I could say to you is, I’ll believe it when I see it.""",,2,2 "The only candidate less palatable: Donald J. Trump, the bombastic developer turned reality television star.",,2,2 "In that interview, he invoked the Catholic teaching of ""subsidiarity,"" saying it means ""not having big government crowd out civic society, but ... having enough space in our communities so that we can interact with each other"" and take care of people.",,2,2 The are some experts who disagree.,,2,2 "In a follow-up tweet posted later Sunday, Trump reiterated his call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States -- even though the Orlando gunman was an American citizen, born in New York.","even though the Orlando gunman was an American citizen, born in New York",1,1 "Doyle, too, suggested that could be the solution: “I think when you’re in an area with 30 or 40 members, where anyone can walk through, we need to re-think that—but I think most members would tell you they feel fine and they’re not looking for any security.”",,2,2 "The tightening was reflected in the candidates' attitude onstage Thursday, each loath to give the other too many seconds of speech-time without a challenge.",,2,2 "“I could do the wall over a longer period of time ― I didn’t need to do this,” Trump said in a televised speech, even as he contended the situation on the southern border amounted to a national emergency.",even as he contended the situation on the southern border amounted to a national emergency,1,1 But Mr. Cummings also admonished his Republican colleagues.,,2,2 "He added that the report found that ""local school authorities are in the best position"" to determine their own school security measures, ""specifically whether an armed security guard is necessary and supported by the education and citizen community.""",,2,2 "“This vote is an opportunity to be on the right side of history,” Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said.","“This vote is an opportunity to be on the right side of history,”",1,1 I’m not going to say that I’m not going to finish it. I’m not saying that I am going to finish it.”,,2,2 "The source told Fox News that home arrests typically take place early in the morning with a team of FBI agents in protective gear, adding that Stone’s situation was “nothing out of the ordinary.”",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — President Obama this week will embrace a comprehensive plan to reduce gun violence that will call for major legislation to expand background checks for gun purchases and lay out 19 separate actions the president could take by invoking the power of his office, lawmakers who were briefed on the plan said Monday.",embrace,0,1 "WASHINGTON — Peter Strzok, the F.B.I. senior counterintelligence agent who disparaged President Trump in inflammatory text messages and helped oversee the Hillary Clinton email and Russia investigations, has been fired for violating bureau policies, Mr. Strzok’s lawyer said Monday.",,2,2 "In a heated congressional hearing last month, Mr. Strzok expressed “significant regret” for the texts and rebutted the president’s attacks on the Russia inquiry. ",,2,2 "“Who is making the choices, because I can already tell you that too many mistakes are being made. ",,2,2 "Mr. Emanuel’s deputy, Jim Messina, suggested a possible administration job to Andrew Romanoff to get him to not challenge Sen. Michael Bennet in a Colorado primary, The Denver Post has reported, citing unnamed sources.",,2,2 "“Hiya, it’d be great if you guys could comment on/push this story,” WikiLeaks said in a message to Mr. Trump on Oct. 3, 2016, that included a quote from Mrs. Clinton in which she said she wanted to “just drone” Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder.",,2,2 Brennan is an MSNBC and NBC contributor.,,2,2 The records listed Mr. Sayoc’s occupation as “manager.”,,2,2 "Weiner's spokesman said that the congressman's Twitter account had been hacked and dismissed the episode as a prank, but this week the congressman hired a lawyer, prompting additional rumors to swirl.",,2,2 "The flight is ultimately going to be $1 million, the official said - a media-tracking source said about $400,000 has been placed so far.",,2,2 "White House Communications Director Hope Hicks, a Trump aide before he won the presidency, announced her resignation in February.",,2,2 Republican lawmakers have argued that the State Department and the White House were attempting to alter the talking points for political reasons and ignored suggestions and language put forward by the CIA.,the State Department and the White House were attempting to alter the talking points for political reasons and ignored suggestions and language put forward by the CIA,1,1 "“When the dust settles, he will be vindicated.",,2,2 "In the meantime, they are planning to open multiple investigations into accusations of wrongdoing around the president, his campaign and his administration.",,2,2 "So who is Dave Brat, and how did he pull off such a stunning win?",pull off,0,1 """It's clear the President realizes that by closing the government and hurting so many American workers and their families, he has put himself and the country in an untenable position.","""It's clear the President realizes that by closing the government and hurting so many American workers and their families, he has put himself and the country in an untenable position.",1,1 "WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee will issue subpoenas to Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s first national security adviser, the committee’s senior Democrat said on Wednesday, escalating Mr. Flynn’s troubles with Congress.",,2,2 "“So now it is reported that the Democrats, who have excoriated Carter Page about Russia, don’t want him to testify,” he wrote.",,2,2 His most prominent moment in the public spotlight occurred in April when he handled briefings on Trump’s decision to conduct targeted airstrikes against Syria in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by Assad’s regime in that nation’s civil war.,,2,2 "That means same-sex couples would receive benefits as long as they are legally married, regardless of where they live.",,2,2 "Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has repeatedly targeted the Obama administration for not taking a firm enough stance against Iran, claiming on many occasions that the president has “thrown Israel under a bus.”",“thrown Israel under a bus.”,0,1 "Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) made this point abundantly clear when he pointed to the series of 5-4 decisions made under Roberts’ leadership that have changed laws to help Republicans get elected, big donors gain more influence in politics through campaign contributions and corporations gain more economic and political power.",,2,2 That proposal went nowhere.,That proposal went nowhere.,1,1 "Lieberman’s law enforcement experience stems from his two-term tenure as Connecticut’s attorney general, spanning from 1983 until his resignation in 1989 when he was elected to the U.S. Senate.",,2,2 "Is the photo of him? I can't say with certitude"" he told Russert.",,2,2 "He raised just over $200,000 for his campaign, while Cantor spent more than $1 million in April and May alone to try to beat back his challenge.",,2,2 Fox News’ Matt Richardson and John Roberts contributed to this report.,,2,2 "Elections, after all, are won when candidates broaden their appeal to the voters responsible for electing them.",,2,2 "Farenthold said after the reports broke that he would repay the $84,000 to the Treasury Department, but has not made good on that promise.",,2,2 "Democratic campaign officials accused Republicans of exploiting the Sept. 11 attacks, noting that their outrage over the Islamic center came just weeks after many House Republicans opposed a new medical program to monitor and treat emergency workers and others suffering ill effects from exposure to hazardous materials at ground zero.","Democratic campaign officials accused Republicans of exploiting the Sept. 11 attacks, noting that their outrage over the Islamic center came just weeks after many House Republicans opposed a new medical program to monitor and treat emergency workers and others suffering ill effects from exposure to hazardous materials at ground zero.",1,1 The four-term New York senator and the dozens of other Democrats who initially voted Friday to block the spending bill had been lauded by their progressive base even as nearly 1 million federal workers were furloughed without pay.,even as nearly 1 million federal workers were furloughed without pay,1,0 The president this morning says 'I feel badly for General Flynn.',,2,2 "“These are the issues that we will take to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July,” Mr. Sanders said, declining to answer reporters’ shouted questions about whether he would leave the race.",,2,2 """If somebody tells you how to exercise discretion, you don't have discretion,"" he said.",,2,2 "The comments from Fox echo those of his successor, Felipe Calderón, who a week ago asserted that Mexico will not pay for a border wall.",,2,2 "She doubled down late Monday, telling CNN: “He is a faker.”",“He is a faker.”,1,1 Mr. Blocker said that he would not change his mind even if there was proof that Mr. Moore was guilty.,,2,2 "Trying to claw his way back to the top of the Republican field, Mr. Christie took a pointed swipe at his rivals who are in the United States Senate, like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, who have never run a state government.",claw,0,1 He told him to “man up” and make a decision so that the case will not be further delayed.,,2,2 ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?,... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?,1,1 """We disclose user data to government in accordance with the law, and we review all such requests carefully,"" the spokesperson said.","""We disclose user data to government in accordance with the law, and we review all such requests carefully,""",1,1 "Glenn Beck, the hero of the political right and the closing speaker of a three-day conservative conference, ripped the roof off a Washington hotel Saturday with a sweeping denunciation of progressivism.",ripped the roof off,0,1 But I am talking about his world view or his -- the way he approaches problems in this country.,,2,2 This is hardly the first time Shields' photos have caused uproar.,This is hardly the first time Shields' photos have caused uproar.,1,0 "Mr. Trump signed the package into law on Friday anyway to avoid a second government shutdown after the impasse over border wall funding closed the doors of many federal agencies for 35 days and left 800,000 workers without pay.",,2,2 The resurgent controversy over the Obama administration's initial story-line on the Benghazi attack underscores State Department concerns about the leadership's failure to act on documented warnings and security incidents.,story-line,0,1 "“WikiLeaks loves its pending publications and ignores those who ask for details,” Mr. Assange said, adding that thousands of people had asked the group about the emails it had published.",,2,2 "As the partisan brawl over Medicare continued on Tuesday and threatened to become the focus of the race, the Obama campaign said that Mr. Ryan’s budget plan — broadly endorsed by Mr. Romney — “would end Medicare as we know it” and shift costs to beneficiaries.",“would end Medicare as we know it”,1,1 "A day earlier, on another ball field some seven miles southwest, a gunman had opened fire on members of the Republican congressional baseball team, striking four people — including Steve Scalise, the majority whip of the House of Representatives — who were there for a practice.",,2,2 "In a succinct speech heavy on populist themes, the new president told Americans across the country they will “never be ignored again” and promised concrete results.",,2,2 "Even before Judge Gorsuch’s nomination, Ms. McCaskill inadvertently drew the ire of liberal activists by expressing support for “a full confirmation hearing process and a vote,” before making clear she believed in a 60-vote threshold.",,2,2 Trump fired Flynn in February because he misled Vice President Mike Pence about conversations he had with Russia’s ambassador about potentially easing economic sanctions.,,2,2 "Thursday’s showdown came, ironically enough, during a hearing with four subject experts on “Putin’s Playbook: The Kremlin’s Use of Oligarchs, Money and Intelligence in 2016 and Beyond.”",,2,2 """We are currently fighting proposals to cut Social Security to pay the nation's bills,"" he said.",,2,2 "See the Bachmann cover below, and tell us whether you think it crosses a line.",,2,2 "Prosecutors sealed details of the case because they feared that public disclosure would increase the risk of Mr. Stone fleeing or destroying or tampering with evidence, according to court documents.",fleeing or destroying or tampering,0,1 "Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, moving to address a growing political firestorm over a religious freedom law enacted last week, said over the weekend that he would seek legislation to clarify the intent of the law, and rejected assertions that it sanctioned discrimination against gays and lesbians.",firestorm,0,1 "Rep. Loretta Sanchez won the competition for vice Democratic Caucus chairman, defeating fellow California congresswoman Barbara Lee.",,2,2 """Too many voices are being destroyed, some good & some bad, and that cannot be allowed to happen,"" he tweeted.",,2,2 "He also affirmed that he does not plan to testify against Trump, but would not say if he seeks a pardon from the president.",,2,2 "“He really just didn’t have very much money, but what he did have was a lot of heart,” she said of Mr. Brat.",what he did have was a lot of heart,1,1 "But the Treasury decision could have ramifications for many gay couples’ tax liabilities, said Roberton Williams of the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center in Washington.",But the Treasury decision could have ramifications for many gay couples’ tax liabilities,1,1 "Though the administration faced some criticism for involving children in the program, they were positioned off to the side while Obama spoke.",,2,2 His health care plan would cut Medicare by $800 billion -- that means a 22 percent cut in benefits.,,2,2 "Martha Raddatz of ABC News was the moderator, and she made a point of speaking forcefully, pushing the candidates to be specific and changing subjects abruptly.",,2,2 The Democrats’ argument was instead directed at both their base and their caucus to provide a clear rationale for opposing the nominee ― no matter his qualifications.,,2,2 The relationship between Mr. Mattis and Mr. Trump had deteriorated for months.,,2,2 "In Tuesday's arguments, several justices suggested they were troubled by the case and lower court decisions against Bentonville, Ark.-based Wal-Mart.",,2,2 "As governor of Arkansas in 2002, he called for lifting the economic embargo of Cuba, which would have helped rice farmers in his state.",,2,2 This is far from the only declared national emergency.,,2,2 "“It’s an invasion,” he added. “We have an invasion of drugs and criminals coming into our country.”",,2,2 "In their letter to Ryan, the scholars make clear they are not objecting to his speaking on campus, but rather his recent comments defending his budget on Christian grounds.",,2,2 "In 2015, LePage was forced to apologize to the son of a cartoonist for The Bangor Daily News because he told him he’d “like to shoot” his father.","In 2015, LePage was forced to apologize to the son of a cartoonist for The Bangor Daily News because he told him he’d “like to shoot” his father.",1,1 "“We do not deem it illegal. We do not believe that it was illegal, what they did,” he said.",,2,2 "When the teacher didn’t do something right, the principal had to jump in.",,2,2 "Some called the article a partisan plot, even as the reporters behind it described in detail how they had uncovered the story and corroborated the allegations.",even as the reporters behind it described in detail how they had uncovered the story and corroborated the allegations,1,1 "Shot by celebrity photographer and director Tyler Shields, the comedian stares the camera down in one photo, as she holds what resembles the bloody head of President Donald Trump.",,2,2 "Mr. Rubio, who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations and Senate Intelligence committees, has used his time in Congress to burnish his foreign policy credits and cast himself as a defense hawk: a position that could help him stand out in a crowded primary field.",who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations and Senate Intelligence committees,1,1 """Trump says he wants to run the nation like he's running his business?",,2,2 "The article said the aide, Huma Abedin, forwarded some government passwords to her private Yahoo email account in 2009, when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state.",,2,2 "Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, whose loss to Trump marked one of the biggest upsets in modern political history, attended and tweeted shortly before Trump took the oath that she came to “honor our democracy & its enduring values.”",whose loss to Trump marked one of the biggest upsets in modern political history,1,0 Mr. Trump was among those Republicans who criticized President Barack Obama for using his executive authority to spare millions of illegal immigrants from deportation after failing to persuade Congress to do so.,Mr. Trump was among those Republicans who criticized President Barack Obama for using his executive authority to spare millions of illegal immigrants from deportation after failing to persuade Congress to do so.,1,1 "Florida GOP Gov. Rick Scott declared a state of emergency, which will make additional resources available for local authorities.",,2,2 "“The world is at its safest when America is at its strongest,” Rubio said.",,2,2 Mr. Santorum also defended his criticism of a requirement in the president’s health-care policy that insurance companies to cover prenatal testing.,,2,2 He has complained that marijuana arrests have strained his jail budget.,He has complained that marijuana arrests have strained his jail budget.,1,1 That hope was short-lived.,,2,2 "As Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., put it, ""Libya has to have been one of the hottest of hot spots around the world.""",,2,2 "Mr. Blumenthal, 64, is known as a brilliant lawyer who likes to argue cases in court and uses language with power and precision.",uses language with power and precision,1,1 "President Obama and Democratic lawmakers want to extend the cuts to all Americans except those with income above $250,000, while Republicans want tax cuts extended to Americans at all income levels. ",,2,2 "When Mr. Trump formally announced during the spring of 2015 that he was running for president, Mr. Stone was one of the first to join his campaign.",,2,2 "Mary Cheney, openly lesbian and married to Heather Poe since 2012, reportedly posted to her personal page on the social media site: “For the record, I love my sister, but she is dead wrong on the issue of marriage.",,2,2 "“I don’t see how she makes it through the convention,” one Democratic lawmaker told Fox News.",,2,2 "But Ms. Coulter, who has viscerally attacked Mr. Trump for caving on the wall, has clearly gotten under his skin.",clearly gotten under his skin,0,1 Top administration officials have hinted more openly of their displeasure in recent days.,,2,2 "In a statement Wednesday night, the hospital said Scalise sustained “a single rifle shot to the left hip” that “travelled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs and causing severe bleeding.”",,2,2 "At times, committee members could hardly conceal their contempt for the I.R.S. and the Obama White House.",,2,2 "“I put my arms around the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters.”",,2,2 “There will be no stone left unturned.”,,2,2 "The video, which was posted on YouTube by ""DCCameraGuy,"" does not reveal the identity of the men making the tape.",,2,2 Mr. Trump also lashed out at Democrats in Congress whom he accused of trying to squelch testimony involving the investigation into Russian meddling in last year’s election.,Mr. Trump also lashed out at Democrats in Congress whom he accused of trying to squelch testimony involving the investigation into Russian meddling in last year’s election.,1,1 "Some Democrats are unhappy that Obama agreed to extend expiring tax cuts not just for the middle class but also for higher earners, and that he agreed to impose a lower estate tax on wealthy heirs.",,2,2 """Right now, these regulations exist in legal no-man's-land,"" said Sam Kamin, a University of Denver law professor.",,2,2 "Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, said ""somebody within your office should have seen this cable.""",,2,2 But putting together ideas is the easy part.,,2,2 He said personal emails also should be preserved and said Clinton's team responded to the request by the department seeking them.,,2,2 "Instead, they must file together as “married filing jointly” or individually as “married filing separately.”",,2,2 "Almost 14 months after the election, Mr. Trump has kept up a regular drumbeat of attacks on Mrs. Clinton.",Mr. Trump has kept up a regular drumbeat of attacks on Mrs. Clinton,1,1 Members of Congress who are aware of the program were reportedly bound by oath to keep it confidential.,,2,2 They existed in different circles of New York’s ultrarich: Mr. Bloomberg is known as a generous philanthropist; Mr. Trump appears to have been flinty in his giving.,Mr. Trump appears to have been flinty in his giving,1,1 "Those expansions, he said, include subsidies to help low- and middle-income people buy private insurance.",,2,2 """Sheriff Arpaio knows the struggle border states face as Washington politicians and bureaucrats fail time and again to properly secure our nation's southern boundary with Mexico,"" said Gov. Perry.",Washington politicians and bureaucrats fail time and again,1,0 "And on Saturday, one day before Attorney General William Barr released a short summary of Mueller’s findings, former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke charged on the campaign trail in South Carolina that you “have a president, who in my opinion beyond the shadow of a doubt, sought to, however ham-handedly, collude with the Russian government ― a foreign power ― to undermine and influence our elections.”","“have a president, who in my opinion beyond the shadow of a doubt, sought to, however ham-handedly, collude with the Russian government ― a foreign power ― to undermine and influence our elections.”",1,1 But none of the Trump associates connected to Trump have been charged with crimes related to collusion.,,2,2 "Mr. Obama singled out the Republican leaders of the House and Senate – Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio and Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader – just as he did in September when he visited an aging bridge over the Ohio River that connects their two states.",,2,2 "The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and major corporations including Bank of America, General Electric and Microsoft submitted briefs in the case supporting Wal-Mart.","The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and major corporations including Bank of America, General Electric and Microsoft submitted briefs in the case supporting Wal-Mart.",1,1 "But the report did get support from at least one Newtown parent: Mark Mattioli, whose 6-year-old son, James, was killed.",,2,2 “Can we say that we’re truly doing enough to give all the children of this country the chance they deserve to live out their lives in happiness and with purpose?” an emotional Mr. Obama said after the Newtown attack.,,2,2 "Mr. Cruz has no affiliation with the super PAC, and he has denounced the ad.",,2,2 """However, the president also believes that if these allegations are true, Judge Moore will do the right thing and step aside.""",,2,2 “Eric is a good friend and I have tremendous respect for him.,,2,2 "“Despite the fact that e-mails relating to the Benghazi talking points were made available to members of Congress several months ago, in recent days these e-mails have been selectively and inaccurately read out to the media.",,2,2 “This is unconscionable.”,“This is unconscionable.”,1,1 "“Over the last several months, we have worked cooperatively with each of the committees and have voluntarily turned over thousands of documents in response to their requests,” Alan Futerfas, an attorney for Trump Jr., said in a statement.",,2,2 It is likewise unknown how serious Mr. Trump is about taking the action.,,2,2 House Democrats have also lost nearly 60 seats over the past six years.,House Democrats have also lost nearly 60 seats over the past six years.,1,1 he was willing to use his official FBI position to try and stop President Trump from getting elected. ,he was willing to use his official FBI position to try and stop President Trump from getting elected.,1,1 "His face flushed, Mr. Sanders did not speak at all.","His face flushed, Mr. Sanders did not speak at all.",1,1 "… Today, we made our caucus more representative of our members.”",,2,2 "In 2013, she tested “negative” for all clotting disorders, though continues a daily anticoagulation as a precaution, Bardack said.",,2,2 “The courts will be the last word.”,,2,2 But the organization has already harshly criticized the Obama administration for overreach.,harshly,0,1 "“Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans?",,2,2 "“Ultimately, we’re responsible.”",,2,2 "Calling Mr. Trump a “sniveling coward,” Mr. Cruz told his rival to “leave Heidi the hell alone.”","“sniveling coward,”",1,1 "In his statement on Friday afternoon, Mr. Steele did not respond to the call for his resignation.",,2,2 "Ryan Morris, founder of Tripwire Operation Group, a company that provides explosives training to law enforcement and military officials, called the devices “Mickey Mouse” bombs that were meant to be found. ",called the devices “Mickey Mouse” bombs,1,0 "Ms. Page, who had left Mr. Mueller’s team before the discovery of the text messages, quit the F.B.I. in May.",,2,2 "The Washington, D.C., field office and the FBI headquarters had 24 teams in place and on the hunt for the culprit.",,2,2 The president’s concession came a day after two competing measures to reopen the government failed on the Senate floor.,,2,2 He added later that “Wal-Mart was behind the other large retailers.”,,2,2 The president's endorsement reflects their desire to unify as the general election battle between Clinton and presumptive rival Trump intensifies.,,2,2 But state lawmakers and Republican Gov. Mike Pence have been defending and trying to explain the Religious Freedom Restoration Act ever since the governor signed it into law on Thursday.,,2,2 "The back-to-back indictments are all but certain to give ammunition to Democrats, who have been promising to clean up corruption in Washington if voters give them control of the House.",,2,2 The remark was widely seized upon by Republicans who argued she was out of touch.,,2,2 "“We offered the prime minister an opportunity to balance the politically divisive invitation from Speaker Boehner with a private meeting with Democrats who are committed to keeping the bipartisan support of Israel strong,” Mr. Durbin said in a statement.",,2,2 "The White House, when pressed on the matter, had been vague.",,2,2 "“Our founding was built by people who were political philosophers, and we need to get back to that, away from this kind of cheap political rhetoric of right and left.”",,2,2 "In a rare statement issued Friday night, special counsel Robert Mueller’s team disputed BuzzFeed’s explosive report Thursday that said President Donald Trump directed attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress.",,2,2 It passed in a 396-9 vote.,,2,2 He says whatever comes into his head at the moment.,He says whatever comes into his head at the moment.,1,1 "“With today’s ruling, committed and loving gay and lesbian married couples will now be treated equally under our nation’s federal tax laws, regardless of what state they call home,” said Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin.","“With today’s ruling, committed and loving gay and lesbian married couples will now be treated equally under our nation’s federal tax laws, regardless of what state they call home,”",1,1 “We cannot permit northern Mali to become a safe haven.”,,2,2 He said the committee learned she had “unilaterally decided” to wipe it clean and permanently delete all emails.,she had “unilaterally decided” to wipe it clean and permanently delete all emails,1,1 "“As president, I will support the spread of economic and political freedom, reinforce our alliances, resist efforts by large powers to subjugate their smaller neighbors, maintain a robust commitment to transparent and effective foreign assistance programs, and advance the rights of the vulnerable, including women and the religious minorities that are so often persecuted, so that the afflicted peoples of the world know the truth: The American people hear their cries, see their suffering and most of all, desire their freedom,” he is expected to say.",,2,2 "Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday released her most recent eight years of tax returns, showing that she and former President Bill Clinton earned $139 million in adjusted gross income from 2007 to 2014.",,2,2 "Amplifying the Romney campaign message, he said Obama’s heavy borrowing is dragging down economic growth – he also claimed the “hope and change campaign of '08 has become the blame and attack campaign of 2012.”",,2,2 "“Ending in a prayer, no gas in the air.”",,2,2 Mr. Casey is among the 10 Democrats facing re-election next year in states that Mr. Trump won.,,2,2 "For his oath, Mr. Trump placed his hand on two Bibles held by his wife, one given him by his mother in 1955 just before his ninth birthday and another used by Abraham Lincoln in 1861 and again by Mr. Obama in 2009 and 2013.",,2,2 "Then there was New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez's response. He bluntly accused Trump of forcing ""a pointless shutdown"" to pay for the border wall.",bluntly accused,0,1 "“Border security, DACA, T.P.S. Many other things.",,2,2 "For months, Trump has stood by his initial comments about building a border wall and getting Mexico to pay for it.",,2,2 "He walked back his remarks later that day, criticizing “rumors” that he was going to resign ― even though they came directly from LePage himself.",even though they came directly from LePage himself,1,1 "The last message Mr. Trump received from WikiLeaks was in July, shortly after The Times reported that he had corresponded with the Russians promising “dirt” on Mrs. Clinton.",,2,2 “But anybody that knows her understands that.”,,2,2 """I’m not going to pay for that f***ing wall!” Fox told Jorge Ramos in an interview for Fusion.",,2,2 "At his announcement, Mr. Christie sought political rebirth, as he has before, by relying on his powers as a narrator, and mythologizer, of his own story.",,2,2 "Skype can reportedly be monitored for audio when one end of a call is a conventional telephone and also can be monitored for video, chat and file transfers when users connect just by a computer.",,2,2 Americans don’t believe their leaders in Washington are listening and now is the time to change that.”,,2,2 "In a head-to-head battle of proxies, Vice President Biden wasted no time Thursday trying to do what many Democrats felt President Obama failed to against Mitt Romney, going on offense with an often disdainful attack on Paul Ryan -- who stood his ground against a barrage of Biden grins, guffaws, snickers and interruptions.","grins, guffaws, snickers and interruptions",0,1 "In her talking points, issued to Democrats, Ms. Pelosi said her party favored “new drug, weapons and contraband scanning technology at official ports of entry,” and “filling the more than 3,000 vacancies for customs officers.”",,2,2 "He joked about the need for a new and refined tax code that would finally put his father, a certified public account standing nearby, out of business.",,2,2 "They also, in some respects, echo the opinions of some members of the conservative community (Joe Scarborough and George Will among them) who have been critical of the deployment of U.S. forces in that country. ",,2,2 “He was constantly interrupting and trying to talk over people.,,2,2 "“I’ve been by Mike’s side for 19 years, and I’ve never met Donald Trump,” said Kevin Sheekey, an adviser to Mr. Bloomberg, underscoring the extent to which the men were not close.",,2,2 "President Obama’s chief of staff used former President Bill Clinton as an intermediary to see if Representative Joe Sestak would drop out of Pennsylvania’s Democratic Senate primary if given a prominent, but unpaid, advisory position, the White House said on Friday.",,2,2 Fifteen of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were Saudi nationals.,,2,2 A majority of Democrats in the room said they agreed that he’s a terrible choice.,terrible,0,1 """We will have a national emergency, and we will then be sued,"" Trump said, adding that the federal appeals courts could well rule against his administration.",,2,2 "“Without Capitol Hill police, it would have been a massacre—we had no defense—we had no defense at all,” Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said on ""Fox & Friends.""",,2,2 "He said he would continue fighting for the issues that animated his campaign, including enhancing Social Security benefits, college affordability and restoring the nation’s crumbling infrastructure.",,2,2 "From the least of us to the greatest of us.""",,2,2 "Mr. Fox fired back with a Twitter post of his own, reminding Mr. Trump that he invited him to come to Mexico and personally apologize to all Mexicans.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON -- Former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) pleaded guilty in a federal courtroom Wednesday morning to using campaign funds to purchase an array of personal items including Bruce Lee memorabilia, a $43,000 Rolex watch and a mink cashmere cape.",,2,2 "“I don’t have memory of this photograph,” Mr. Weiner said in the interview in his office.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — The Obama administration tried Saturday to marshal new evidence in defense of its collection of private Internet and telephone data, arguing that a secret program called Prism is simply an “internal government computer system” designed to sort through court-supervised collection of data, and that Congress has been briefed 13 times on the programs since 2009.",simply an “internal government computer system”,0,1 He added: “My starting point is not to worry about the politics.,,2,2 "We’re going to continue to explain it to people who don’t understand it, and if possible, we will find a way to amplify what this bill really is in the legislative process.”",,2,2 Lauten later apologized for rushing to judgment on Facebook.,,2,2 "Colorado has raised more than $60 million in taxes, licenses and fees from medical and recreational marijuana, which has been sold in stores since January.",,2,2 "He argued that the Founders were not ""demigods"" and that the document's needs for amendments to abolish slavery and other injustices showed it was ""highly imperfect.""",,2,2 Clinton said any deal should include the scuttled Trade Adjustment Assistance program to help retrain workers.,,2,2 "During his remarks, the president also called out House Speaker John Boehner for what the administration has made a drumbeat over the last week -- a do-nothing Congress.",a do-nothing Congress,0,1 They picked up just six seats in this election cycle ― far fewer than expected.,far fewer than expected,1,1 "This would be a priority even in times of peace and stability, though the world today is neither peaceful nor stable.”",,2,2 Mr. Obama took no questions from reporters after delivering his five-minute remarks.,,2,2 "After appearing in court on Friday, Stone said he plans to plead not guilty to the charges, saying he was “falsely accused” and calling the investigation “politically motivated.”",,2,2 """If there's even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try.""",,2,2 Hillary Clinton said Sunday the problems that Congress has with President Obama’s trade agenda should be an opportunity for the president to ask fellow Democrats about their concerns with the proposal but still declined to say whether she supports or opposes the legislation.,,2,2 "But on Thursday, he said “we will vigorously defend” against the lawsuit attempting to undo it.",,2,2 Why? To pay for Obamacare.,Why? To pay for Obamacare.,1,1 "Pointing to his time as a recovering alcoholic, the Fox News host urged the GOP to embark on a 12-step program of recovery.",,2,2 "Roger Stone, an eccentric longtime Republican strategist with a tattoo of Richard Nixon’s face on his back, was arrested early Friday on criminal charges that include obstruction of an official proceeding, false statements and witness tampering.",eccentric,0,1 A person briefed on the matter said the prosecutors had also issued subpoenas to some of the 20 people and entities — including potential witnesses and people who have come under scrutiny in the inquiry — that received subpoenas last week from a New Jersey legislative committee whose investigation largely parallels the federal one.,,2,2 Rogers was injured during the attack when he dove into the dugout “like a pool without water.”,,2,2 "Last week, Gowdy said Clinton did not respond to any of the subpoenas requesting documents in the case, and her lawyer had informed the committee that the server used for emails during her tenure had been wiped clean.",,2,2 "“President Trump must demand and secure a real, concrete and comprehensive agreement that the Russians will cease their ongoing attacks on our democracy,” Pelosi said in a statement Friday.",,2,2 "As Mr. Mattis was handing in his resignation, the Pentagon was preparing to draw down forces in Afghanistan.",,2,2 "“The Constitution and the federal antidrug laws do not permit the development of a patchwork of state and local pro-drug policies and licensed distribution schemes throughout the country,” the lawsuit says.",,2,2 And Ms. Pelosi could not resist suggesting that Republicans were the initiators of the present rancor.,And Ms. Pelosi could not resist suggesting that Republicans were the initiators of the present rancor.,1,0 Trump and the White House have long claimed that the investigations into the campaign have nothing to do with Trump himself.,,2,2 It’s so beneath the court for her to be making statements like that.,It’s so beneath the court for her to be making statements like that.,1,1 "The NCAA, whose headquarters is in Indianapolis, also has expressed concern about the law, as figures in corporate America and Hollywood voice their opposition.",,2,2 "Trump also criticized Clinton, his presumptive Democratic challenger, for wanting to ""dramatically increase admissions"" of Syrian refugees into the United States.",,2,2 "At a 2008 ceremony in front of the Veterans War Memorial Building in Shelton, he praised the audience for paying tribute to troops fighting abroad, noting that America had not always done so.",,2,2 "President Obama on Wednesday visited another bridge in need of repair – this one somewhat closer to home, between Washington and Virginia — to promote his job-creation proposals as the Senate began the latest partisan debate over his plans.",,2,2 "Mr. Obama has often hailed the progress on gay rights that has been made during his presidency, especially the decision by the United States Supreme Court to allow same-sex marriage.",,2,2 "The rules, though, would not apply to domestic partnerships and civil unions.",,2,2 "Republican senators kept up pressure on party Chairman Michael Steele Sunday to better explain -- and publicly apologize for -- his on-camera claim that Afghanistan is a ""war of Obama's choosing"" and may not be winnable.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — With just three weeks left for lawmakers to avert a fiscal crisis, President Obama and Speaker John A. Boehner met privately at the White House on Sunday as a top Republican senator suggested that his party should perhaps accede to Mr. Obama’s demand to raise the top tax rates so that the attention can shift to making serious cuts in benefit programs like Medicare and Medicaid.",,2,2 "Within the Republican Party, he was seen as a star, with the ability to tap into the energy of the House’s more conservative members while at the same time not alienating the party’s establishment wing.",,2,2 "Carney said the particular reference by the president to God was made in the context of ""inaction by the House of Representatives, which has spent time on issues like commemorative Hall-of-Fame baseball coins and reaffirming a motto that I don't think anyone doubted, is that ‘In God We Trust' is our motto.",inaction by the House of Representatives,1,1 "The tradition of Thanksgiving turkeys being presented to the president dates back to 1947, with the turkey pardon being permanently instituted in 1989.",,2,2 "On Saturday, the mayor of Hoboken, Dawn Zimmer, said Mr. Christie’s lieutenant governor and another senior administration official had threatened in May to withhold federal recovery aid for Hurricane Sandy unless she supported a development favored by the Christie administration.",threatened,0,0 "The national emergency declaration will allow the Trump administration to use about $3.6 billion from Defense Department construction projects to build the wall, along with another $2.5 billion the department had allocated for counter-drug activities, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney told reporters.",,2,2 "“Trump hasn’t been part of the business, political or charitable community since the Koch administration.","“Trump hasn’t been part of the business, political or charitable community since the Koch administration.",1,1 "Abedin also forwarded sensitive State Department emails to her personal Yahoo email account before every Yahoo account was hacked, first reported by the Daily Caller.",,2,2 "He has falsely claimed the caravan is stocked with criminals, gang members and Middle Eastern terrorists, and has threatened to cut off aid to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, the countries where most of the migrants hail from.",,2,2 Mr. Trump noted that he had adopted some Democratic proposals on border security.,,2,2 "And unlike either of the Bushes, he is taking action after failing to persuade lawmakers to go along with his plans through the regular appropriations process.",,2,2 The emails found on Mr. Weiner’s computer are a sore spot for Mrs. Clinton.,The emails found on Mr. Weiner’s computer are a sore spot for Mrs. Clinton.,1,1 Jackson told the judge that he had been hospitalized for psychological issues.,,2,2 We believe this suit is without merit and we will vigorously defend against it in the U.S. Supreme Court.”,,2,2 "“We have 50 of our members in tough races, 89 freshmen running for their first re-elections, and we have 32 districts that are in states where there is no presidential campaign going to be run, no big Senate race,” he said.",,2,2 "“The bad news is that there is a new ideological fight between Putinism and the West, and it has only just begun,” said Michael McFaul, an ambassador to Moscow under former President Barack Obama.",,2,2 """Who are you!"" the seven-term congressman demands.",demands,0,1 """He's been to Pennsylvania. Tomorrow he is going to Detroit.",,2,2 Brown's office did not respond to The Huffington Post's request for comment.,,2,2 "He seemed to suggest a double standard is at play, compared with the lack of punishment for Clinton and her aides.",,2,2 "The Shelton Weekly reported on May 23, 2008, that Mr. Blumenthal “was met with applause when he spoke about his experience as a Marine sergeant in Vietnam.”",,2,2 "But good women will not run for office if Newsweek magazine can do this to such a prominent politician and get away with it,"" O'Neill said.",But good women will not run for office if Newsweek magazine can do this to such a prominent politician and get away with it,1,1 That's not putting people back to work.,That's not putting people back to work.,1,1 "Instead, it accuses him of witness tampering, obstruction and false statements about his interactions related to WikiLeaks' release.",,2,2 The 37 million-member lobbying powerhouse launched a national ad campaign Thursday warning members of Congress not to reduce benefits for recipients of Social Security and Medicare.,,2,2 "However, a growing number of Republicans are suggesting the party should give Obama what he wants on tax rates -- and focus instead on winning entitlement cuts once that is cleared away.",,2,2 "In Wednesday's speech the senator also took a swipe at Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, calling her tenure as secretary of state ""ineffective at best and dangerously negligent at worst.""",took a swipe at,0,1 "“They are now feeling the heat,” Schumer said.",,2,2 "I don’t think that’s O.K. You might think it’s O.K. that an associate of the president made direct contact with the G.R.U. through Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks; that is considered a hostile intelligence agency,” Mr. Schiff said, referring to Russian military intelligence and a Russian intelligence hacker.",,2,2 "“We’re the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for 85 years, with all of those benefits,” Mr. Trump told Axios during an interview that was released in part on Tuesday, making a false claim.",making a false claim,1,1 It was deleted within minutes of being sent.,,2,2 -His opponent's campaign admits they are the ones who cherry-picked the quotes and are behind the hit piece.,-His opponent's campaign admits they are the ones who cherry-picked the quotes and are behind the hit piece.,1,0 Bloomberg ― who rivals Trump in unwavering self-assurance ― favorably compared his own achievements in business and politics with Trump’s.,,2,2 They became parents of Jesus.”,,2,2 "And he is employed by one of the firms where Marc E. Kasowitz, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, works, raising the prospect of conflict-of-interest accusations.",,2,2 "“And in this country, you cannot do that.",,2,2 "“None of us are willing to go through this again,” said Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, referring to a half-dozen Republicans who voted on Thursday for a Democratic measure to reopen the government for two weeks.",,2,2 His brash behavior made him less of a subject of news media scrutiny than other current and former aides to President Trump — like the character in a whodunit whom readers immediately dismiss as too obvious to have committed the crime.,like the character in a whodunit whom readers immediately dismiss as too obvious to have committed the crime,1,1 """That's what art is meant to do,"" he said.",,2,2 "Trump also attracted the usual share of public ridicule for his decision to moderate, as well as his pledge to endorse whichever candidate he liked best at the debate.",the usual share of public ridicule,1,1 "The Federal Election Commission, and Departments of Health and Human Services and Homeland Security, also extended federal benefits to gay couples in states that don’t recognize their marriages.",,2,2 "On abortion, he cautioned that the next president will get to choose one or two justices on the Supreme Court -- ""that's how close Roe v. Wade is.""",,2,2 "“Marijuana flows from this gap into neighboring states,” the suit says, undermining their marijuana bans, “draining their treasuries, and placing stress on their criminal justice systems.”","“draining their treasuries, and placing stress on their criminal justice systems.”",1,1 """The President and Speaker had a frank meeting in the Oval Office tonight,"" said the statements.",,2,2 "The Wednesday attack injured Scalise; Matt Mika, a lobbyist for Tyson Foods; Zack Barth, a staffer from Texas Rep. Roger Williams’ office; and two U.S. Capitol Police officers, Special Agents Crystal Griner and David Bailey.",,2,2 "The order of reading was ironed out at the last minute, with the goal of letting all who wished to read do so, but making sure there was party parity, Mr. Goodlatte said.",,2,2 "He suggested that a ""prorated down payment"" on the wall, without providing a concrete dollar figure, could be viable.",without providing a concrete dollar figure,1,1 "Behind the scenes, White House Counsel Bob Bauer's office began investigating the matter when stories first surfaced.",,2,2 But the congressman repeatedly declined to say whether the picture was an image of him.,,2,2 DiGenova likened the FBI arrest of Stone to the bureau’s early morning raid last summer of the home of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.,,2,2 Mr. Morell later removed the entire reference.,,2,2 "It provides access to benefits, responsibilities and protections under federal tax law that all Americans deserve,” Lew said in a statement.","It provides access to benefits, responsibilities and protections under federal tax law that all Americans deserve",1,1 """Washington will join other states and cities in opposing this law and I will impose an administration-wide ban on state-funded travel to Indiana.""","""Washington will join other states and cities in opposing this law and I will impose an administration-wide ban on state-funded travel to Indiana.""",1,1 "The State Department has made available several hundred pages of documents in prior releases related to the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, and other issues.",,2,2 "“Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a GQ shoot in his ad,” Trump said on the social media site.",Lyin,0,1 Former campaign adviser Rick Gates in 2018 pleaded guilty and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was convicted and later pleaded guilty in a separate financial crimes case dating back before the 2016 election.,,2,2 "“I probably have a generational reaction to it, but in any event I’m not in the censorship business,” she told MSNBC’s Joy Reid in a town hall interview set to air in full Friday evening.",,2,2 """Wal-Mart may be a big company and that is no doubt.",,2,2 "Strzok’s attorney, meanwhile, blasted the bureau on Monday, saying the deputy director “reversed the decision of the career FBI official responsible for employee discipline who concluded, through an independent review process, that a 60-day suspension and demotion from supervisory duties was the appropriate punishment.”",,2,2 "But Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., called Biden’s absence “appalling and unacceptable.”",“appalling and unacceptable.”,1,1 "The list of briefings begins on May 12, 2009, with a classified hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee involving Gen. Keith B. Alexander, the head of the United States Cyber Command, and David S. Kris, assistant attorney general for national security.",,2,2 "In doing so, he left open many questions about what his vision of legally recognizable gay unions would encompass, and what it would exclude.","In doing so, he left open many questions about what his vision of legally recognizable gay unions would encompass, and what it would exclude.",1,1 If that doesn’t tell you this is a Republican Party hatchet job nothing will.”,If that doesn’t tell you this is a Republican Party hatchet job nothing will.”,1,0 "Reflecting on his own lack of formal education, he railed against government handouts - extending the logic to argue against a right to health care.",a right to,0,1 Mrs. Clinton first publicly took responsibility for the Sept. 11 attack in an Oct. 15 interview with television reporters.,,2,2 "According to one recent poll, immigration was cited by only 4 percent of likely Republican voters as the most important issue.",,2,2 "“There needs to be other Americans in the room, or the summit should be canceled.”",,2,2 """This senseless government shutdown is hurting millions of Americans, and its impacts are only getting worse. The President should re-open the government so that Republicans and Democrats in Congress can work with the White House to find a sensible solution on border security and immigration.",senseless,0,1 "On Thursday, aides to House conservatives who oppose the leadership’s plan gathered in the office of Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama and a fierce opponent of the immigration push, to plot a strategy to torpedo it.",plot a strategy to torpedo it,0,1 "On Wednesday, the Democratic leaders emerged from the White House after 90 minutes, unified on not giving in to Trump.",,2,2 "U.S. Capitol Police officers assigned to Scalise engaged Hodgkinson in gunfire, and Alexandria Police responded soon after.",,2,2 But Democrats are still operating as though the Tea Party is more powerful than The Resistance.”,,2,2 Romney added his voice after five past and present Missouri Republican senators urged Akin to step aside.,,2,2 "“But more to the point, I disagree with what she said.",,2,2 "For Mr. Biden especially, the night was his chance to relive past debates and unleash his inner barroom brawler.",unleash his inner barroom brawler,1,1 "Defending the law in the interviews with The Star and Mr. Stephanopoulos, the governor pointed to its origins in federal legislation signed by President Bill Clinton and adopted by about 19 other states.",,2,2 "In his video, flanked by an American flag and a Texas state flag, he added: “You know, I look forward to staying in touch with everyone.",,2,2 """There's a reason these programs are classified.""",,2,2 "“A Republican involved with the project said it’s airing in Miami, West Palm Beach and Ft. Myers.",,2,2 "Some Republicans on Capitol Hill — including Mr. Gowdy — are growing frustrated with Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, who they contend is politicizing the email issue.",,2,2 "Earlier this year, the Rothenberg Political Report projected a Democratic pick-up of between five and 12 seats.",,2,2 "Breitbart's BigGovernment.com first reported that it was tweeted to a Seattle woman, later identified as Gennette Cordova.",,2,2 "Representative Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio, tried to link the I.R.S. scandal with other controversies that are dogging the Obama administration.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump’s announcement came during a freewheeling, 50-minute appearance in which he ping-ponged from topic to topic, touching on the economy, China trade talks and his coming summit meeting with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un.","Mr. Trump’s announcement came during a freewheeling, 50-minute appearance in which he ping-ponged from topic to topic, touching on the economy, China trade talks and his coming summit meeting with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un.",1,1 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie expected to become the latest Republican to throw his hat in the ring for 2016.,,2,2 "“From this day forward, it’s going to be only America first,” Trump said. ",,2,2 "On Saturday, she praised the president, saying she hoped that Mr. Trump’s offer would “lead to constructive debate that will end this impasse.”",,2,2 "Batting down allegations that the White House dangled the secretary of Navy position in front of Sestak, the report said that Sestak was offered executive branch positions on advisory boards that were uncompensated.",dangled,0,1 Federal authorities had been focusing on Florida as the location where the majority of packages originated.,,2,2 A national emergency declaration grants a president the ability to circumvent certain government rules so that an administration can respond to a crisis.,,2,2 “This ruling also assures legally married same-sex couples that they can move freely throughout the country knowing that their federal filing status will not change.”,,2,2 "“Our committee is already working to secure additional witness testimony and documents related to the Trump Tower Moscow deal and other investigative matters,” Schiff said.",,2,2 "In an interview with Fox News, to be shown on Tuesday, Mr. Boehner delivered what aides called a wake-up call to his troops.",,2,2 "He will even be considered like a traitor because we don’t accept to be offended like we just heard, and it should not happen.","He will even be considered like a traitor because we don’t accept to be offended like we just heard, and it should not happen.",1,1 """The House interim report found that 'senior State Department officials requested the talking points be changed to avoid criticism for ignoring the threat environment in Benghazi' and that those changes were ultimately made,"" said Buck.",,2,2 "In addition, the inspector general said that Mr. Strzok had forwarded a proposed search warrant to his personal email account. ",,2,2 "After the vote, Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., one of the nine lawmakers to vote against the resolution, said the nation faces bigger problems, such as the economy, failing public schools and poverty.",,2,2 The release of the e-mails offers a rare glimpse inside the White House five days after the attack as it struggled to piece together intelligence to formulate a public account of what happened.,struggled to,0,1 """When the Department asked former Secretaries last year for help ensuring their emails were in fact retained, we immediately said yes,"" he said.",,2,2 Mr. Huckabee has talked of the possibility of using military force against Iran.,,2,2 "Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., said Trump should “immediately cancel his meeting.”",,2,2 "But when the final draft of the talking points was sent to Mr. Petraeus, he dismissed them, saying “Frankly, I’d just as soon not use this,” adding that the heavily scrubbed account would not satisfy the House Democrat who had requested it.",the heavily scrubbed account would not satisfy the House Democrat who had requested it,1,1 "The whole episode offered a sharp contrast to the Senate Intelligence Committee, which with a yawning pace and no-leaks team has continued apace with its own Russia investigation.",,2,2 "On Sunday, Akin prompted outrage with his response to a question about supporting abortion in the case of rape.",prompted outrage,0,1 Two other measures also zero in on the costs of administration officials’ travel.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON - Representative Paul D. Ryan’s budget blueprint assumes the same amount of Medicare savings as President Obama’s health care law, even though Mitt Romney and Mr. Ryan have said those cuts would be devastating to millions of older Americans on Medicare",,2,2 "Biden also criticized Romney for making a ""political statement""on the night of the attack, a reference to Romney's criticism of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo's early response to protests there.",,2,2 "Three weeks ago, the State Department handed over the Benghazi emails to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which is led by Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina.",,2,2 "But, Mr. Swalwell added, Democrats need to avoid making “a martyr” out of Mr. Trump by affording him “a fairer investigation than he deserves.”",,2,2 "The gunman, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, was heard shouting “Allahu Akbar” while engaging officers, law enforcement sources told Fox News.",,2,2 "But each new idea has underscored the fact that Ms. Pelosi refuses to relinquish much power and has cultivated a large, loyal following that does not expect her to.",Ms. Pelosi refuses to relinquish much power,1,1 Trump said earlier this year that he fired Flynn only for lying to Vice President Pence about the issue.,,2,2 "Farenthold pledged to repay the $84,000 in taxpayer money spent to settle the claim.",,2,2 "Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., asked her if she could ""comment briefly on the status on the IRS investigation into these political not-for-profits.""",,2,2 The F.B.I.’s New York office has been leading the investigation and five of the bombs sent this week fall under the jurisdiction of the United States attorney’s office in Manhattan.,,2,2 "Holder also described how once, while living in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, he was running to catch a movie with his cousin when a squad car rolled up and flashed its lights at the pair.",,2,2 "In 1970, with his last deferment in jeopardy, he landed a coveted spot in the Marine Reserve, which virtually guaranteed that he would not be sent to Vietnam.",with his last deferment in jeopardy,1,1 “Then you would say every single company is in violation of Title VII” of the Civil Rights Act?,,2,2 "Dear Sasha and Malia, I get you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re a part of the First Family, try showing a little class.",try showing a little class,1,1 "The administration, by disclosing the briefings, sought to push back on claims by Democrats and Republicans in Congress that they were either not aware of programs to mine vast amounts of Internet data and business telephone records or were insufficiently briefed on the details.",,2,2 "“The lying and stealing has already happened, the horse is out of the barn, we need to get it back in, and the only way to do it is by force,” he said.",,2,2 “I hope that the articles of impeachment are the subject of hearings before the Judiciary Committee early in 2019.”,,2,2 People are being encouraged to post photos of their kisses.,,2,2 He was reassigned to the F.B.I.’s human resources division. ,,2,2 "Whether it’s voter suppression, voter intimidation, attacks on our free press, gerrymandering, or attempted violence ― the trust and norms that are the actual basis for our civil society and political system are being eroded.”",,2,2 Sestak was also a loyal and tireless supporter of Hillary Clinton's run for the presidency in 2008.,,2,2 "Bloomberg weighed an independent bid for president this year because he objected to both Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Clinton’s primary challenger.",,2,2 """If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn't enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant? ","""If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn't enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant?",1,1 "WASHINGTON — House Republicans are preparing to unveil their own broad template for overhauling the nation’s immigration system this week, potentially offering a small opening for President Obama and congressional Democrats to pass bipartisan legislation before the end of the year.",,2,2 "On Thursday, Mr. McConnell accused Democrats of engaging in “obstructionist tactics” to block a well-qualified nominee.",,2,2 Mrs. Clinton responded that Congress had delayed aid to Libya and said she would provide a list of steps that had been taken to train and equip Libyan forces.,,2,2 "This is how we will be judged,"" Obama said.",,2,2 "The Obama campaign used that line Monday in a Web video timed for Romney’s arrival in Florida, with its large senior population.",,2,2 "“Gloria Steinem has a very simple test,” Ms. O’Neill continued.",,2,2 "In December, Mr. Farenthold, who represented the 27th District of Texas, said that he would not run for re-election amid scrutiny over the payment and accusations from other aides that he set the tone for a hostile work environment in his office.",,2,2 The administration has been pushing back hard against criticism from fellow Democrats that the president has caved too much to Republicans.,caved,0,1 But he sought to make the case that Afghanistan is now Mr. Obama’s war.,,2,2 Trump noted so helpfully in a tweet Wednesday morning.,so helpfully,0,1 A Microsoft spokesperson said that the company only provides customer data after receiving a legally binding order or subpoena.,,2,2 "Last weekend, Mr. Huckabee used his television and radio programs, as well as Facebook, to help organize an appreciation day for Chick-fil-A on Wednesday.",,2,2 Others appeared worried about the consequences for other businesses of a ruling that would allow the case against Wal-Mart to go forward.,,2,2 "No Collusion, No Obstruction - I just fight back!""",,2,2 “Our response must not depend on which side was victimized.”,,2,2 "After growing up in poverty in rural North Carolina, Cowan went to Duke University and then Northeastern University School of Law.",,2,2 "Two mosques, founded in 1970 and 1985, are already within several blocks of the proposed center.",,2,2 I intend to move forward on both of these pieces of legislation.,,2,2 """Well, we'll have to take a look at that, won't we?""",,2,2 Mr. Trump’s remarks came in a telephone interview with The Times two days after Justice Ginsburg was quoted as saying she was frightened about what the nation would look like if he were elected.,,2,2 "In his latest embrace of the birther strategy, Mr. Trump has invited Tea Party leaders and a legislator from Arizona to his office in Manhattan on Friday morning to discuss a bill moving through the Arizona legislature that would require candidates for president to prove that they are natural born citizens.",,2,2 "In one exchange, Mr. Stone wrote that more WikiLeaks disclosures were forthcoming, “a load every week going forward,” according to the indictment.",,2,2 He suggested that Mr. Trump was only coming as part of a “desperate” strategy to improve his sagging poll numbers and in explicit terms he urged Americans not to vote for him.,“desperate”,0,1 "“We shouldn’t be impeaching for a political reason, and we shouldn’t avoid impeachment for a political reason,” Ms. Pelosi said.",,2,2 "Looking for an elusive resolution, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Trump agreed to designate staff to engage in negotiations with congressional leadership aides this weekend. ",,2,2 "I am going to be a President for all Americans, and I am going to protect and defend all Americans.""",,2,2 "A Pelosi aide said Schiff was being attacked because he's done ""an outstanding job.""","A Pelosi aide said Schiff was being attacked because he's done ""an outstanding job.""",1,1 "Though he doesn’t use the word “cuts,” the plan would slow the rate of benefit growth for seniors according to the Congressional Budget Office.",,2,2 The former immigration attorney stepped forward to run after a number of other conservative House Republicans declined to.,,2,2 "Obama, at least, was cheered by the offensive.",,2,2 “There will be hell to pay if that’s the route we choose to go down.”,,2,2 "Republican officials did not dispute the authenticity of the video, but disputed its characterization.",,2,2 "Chief Justice John Roberts administered the 38-word oath at 12:00 p.m., capping Trump’s unlikely journey from New York City real estate developer and reality TV star to the nation’s highest office.",,2,2 "The cable also warned that the 17 February Brigade, the group charged with protecting the consulate, appeared to be compromised.",,2,2 "“The indictment alleges that Congressman Hunter and his wife repeatedly dipped into campaign coffers as if they were personal bank accounts, and falsified F.E.C. campaign finance reports to cover their tracks,” Adam L. Braverman, the United States attorney for the Southern District of California, said in a statement, referring to the Federal Election Commission.",dipped,0,1 "“I feel responsible for the nearly 70,000 people who work for the State Department,” Mrs. Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the morning.",,2,2 "Mr. Ryan made a point of praising Mr. Romney, even trying to soften his image by recounting a time when Mr. Romney gave money and attention to a couple whose children were badly injured in a car accident.",,2,2 "“Now, media reports say President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about that business deal,” Feinstein continued.",,2,2 Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton encouraged President Barack Obama on Sunday to listen to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D) on trade.,,2,2 "All of the envelopes had return address labels bearing the misspelled name of Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Democrat whose district is in southern Florida. ",,2,2 “It’s not worth having a party divided when we have so many issues we can come together on.”,,2,2 "“You have to look at all the tradeoffs,” Mr. Rother said, “and what we’re trying to do is engage the American public in that debate.”",,2,2 "On Wednedsay, though, he said that the rights of domestic partners should be decided by the states.",,2,2 """That's why you have an independent group like an (Accountability Review Board); that's why it was created to look at everything,"" Clinton said.",,2,2 "“He’s always been concerned with justice, however he’s thought of it.”","“He’s always been concerned with justice, however he’s thought of it.”",1,1 "This triggered a fiery response from Fox, also on Twitter, as he called on Trump to apologize and ""stop lying.""",,2,2 "Mr. Obama’s national security deputies reviewed the talking points at a meeting the next day, Sept. 15, Mr. Rhodes said.",,2,2 "Cantor was expected to defeat Brat by a wide margin, outraising the college professor $5.4 million to $200,000.",,2,2 """Patrick has a long list of accomplishments while serving as Deputy, & previously Boeing. ",,2,2 "A hard, progressive left captured the Democrat majority in Congress and forced them to enact a fantasy grab-bag of legislation that is increasingly unpopular with the American public.","A hard, progressive left captured the Democrat majority in Congress and forced them to enact a fantasy grab-bag of legislation that is increasingly unpopular with the American public.",1,0 "I’m disappointed, but I think the party’s better off because of this.”",,2,2 "With just over $200,000, David Brat, a professor at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va., toppled Mr. Cantor, repeatedly criticizing him for being soft on immigration and contending that he supported what critics call amnesty for immigrants in the country illegally.",toppled,0,1 "Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Fund last week warned the Social Security Trust Fund will be exhausted in 2036 and under current law, seniors would then face a 23 percent across-the-board cut in benefits.",seniors would then face a 23 percent across-the-board cut in benefits,1,1 "Nebraska and Oklahoma’s challenge is aimed more at the commercial side of marijuana legalization, which created new systems of regulations and taxes as well as recreational stores, dispensaries and production facilities that are monitored and licensed by state officials.",,2,2 """If not for the president's insistence on pushing the American Jobs Act, would we be having a debate about jobs and the economy right now in Washington or would Congress be -- or the Republicans in Congress be so divorced from the reality that Americans are encountering every day that they would be debating matters wholly unrelated to the primary concerns of the American people?",the Republicans in Congress be so divorced from the reality that Americans are encountering every day that they would be debating matters wholly unrelated to the primary concerns of the American people,1,1 "In addition, the inspector general criticized Mr. Strzok’s decision not to move swiftly to examine new emails related to the Clinton investigation just weeks before the 2016 election.",,2,2 “It is abundantly clear that this kind of conduct is contrary to President Obama’s pledge to change ’business as usual’ and that his administration has engaged in the kind of political shenanigans he once campaigned to end.”,shenanigans,0,1 "At a rally in Iowa, Clinton said that if the president can't come to terms with Pelosi, there should be no deal.",,2,2 "But as the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, Mr. Grassley could assume the chairmanship if his party takes control of the Senate this year.",,2,2 """Then in the next breath, you say, well, now these supervisors have too much discretion.",,2,2 "It overrides the 1976 Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, which grants immunity to countries that aren’t designated state sponsors of terrorism.",,2,2 The final tally was 97-1.,,2,2 "The shutdown stalemate is creating increasing nervousness on Capitol Hill, especially among Republicans seeking re-election in Democratic-leaning states.",,2,2 """The fact is that every day that passes, Iran gets closer and closer to a nuclear bomb,” Netanyahu says.",,2,2 Members of the committee were invited to share the information with other lawmakers.,,2,2 Scalise underwent surgery at the MedStar Washington Hospital Center after being shot in the hip.,,2,2 "“I just saw the reports that he had previously said he opposed same sex marriage and now, according to ABC News, he said that he supports it.",,2,2 "His cousin ""started mouthing off,"" and Holder urged him to be quiet.",,2,2 "The governor then left him an expletive-laden voicemail message, which he followed up by threatening to shoot the lawmaker between the eyes.",,2,2 "For years, support for Ms. Pelosi has run so deep that few would even consider challenging her.","For years, support for Ms. Pelosi has run so deep that few would even consider challenging her.",1,1 "Representative Paul D. Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, has been excoriated by some Roman Catholic leaders ever since he claimed this month that his budget plan, which slashes antipoverty programs, was inspired by the moral teachings of his Catholic faith.",slashes,0,1 "And on Wednesday, in a speech before the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida and a 2016 presidential candidate, will outline his own approach to foreign policy.",,2,2 "“I told President Clinton that my only consideration in getting into the Senate race or not was whether it was the right thing to do for Pennsylvania working families and not any offer,” Mr. Sestak said.",,2,2 "I don’t….establish any language standards for my colleagues, but I don’t think it’s anything worse than what the president has said.”",I don’t think it’s anything worse than what the president has said,1,0 "The states of Nebraska and Oklahoma filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday, claiming that Colorado's legalization of recreational marijuana is unconstitutional under federal law.",,2,2 "“But I don’t think it’s any worse than what the president has said,” she concluded.",I don’t think it’s any worse than what the president has said,1,0 """I don't think the Constitution is propaganda.",,2,2 But marijuana advocates said that the challenge — if it succeeds at shutting down marijuana retailers — could boost the black market.,,2,2 The lawsuit says the sales have strained Nebraska and Oklahoma's finances and legal systems.,,2,2 "“Undoubtedly there is collusion,” Schiff told The Washington Post on Tuesday.",,2,2 "“I’m not in the censorship business,” Ms. Pelosi said.",,2,2 The office said at the time that it would seek to determine whether any federal laws had been broken.,,2,2 "“Unlike some people who offer themselves for president in 2016, you won’t have to wonder whether I can do it or not,” he said, invoking the “economic calamity” he said he inherited in 2010 and the “unprecedented natural disaster,” Hurricane Sandy, that he weathered as governor.",,2,2 "While the Mexican government has said little about Mr. Trump’s plan to beef up border security, two of the country’s former presidents have a message for Mr. Trump: Mexico won’t pay.",,2,2 "Bloomberg contrasted his business history with Trump's, saying ""I’ve built a business, and I didn’t start it with a million-dollar check from my father.""","""I’ve built a business, and I didn’t start it with a million-dollar check from my father.""",1,1 """I wasn't suggesting the president's not a Christian.",,2,2 The appointment marks the first time in Senate history that two black senators have served at the same time.,,2,2 """As I've said many times, this job offer issue is not my focus, and it's not where Pennsylvanians want the focus of the campaign to be.""",,2,2 "When Mr. Biden went after Mr. Romney’s infamous remark at a private fund-raiser about the “47 percent,” Mr. Ryan reminded the vice president of his own propensity for gaffes.",,2,2 "And he describes the hostile reaction directed at veterans coming back from Vietnam, intimating that he was among them.""",,2,2 "In a televised White House address on Saturday afternoon, Trump offered Democrats a three-year extension of protections for 700,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, in exchange for the $5.7 billion he has been seeking for a barrier along the nation's southern border with Mexico.",,2,2 "“I don’t make a habit out of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my family,” Cruz said at a press conference after a Wisconsin rally, according to The Hill.","“I don’t make a habit out of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my family,”",1,1 LePage has long been clear about his distaste for the media.,,2,2 "“Therefore, I will go to Washington to address the American Congress, because the American Congress is likely to be the final brake before the agreement between the major powers and Iran,” he said as he toured a military base in southern Israel.",,2,2 """Our federalist system is based on individual states of being able to enact policies that benefit their citizens, without the interference of other states,"" Polis said.",,2,2 "Senator Richard M. Burr of North Carolina, the Republican chairman of the committee, has dismissed that option.",,2,2 Mr. Mattis was the primary author of a new American defense strategy whose central goal was to take on “revisionist” powers — an approach that some of Mr. Trump’s former advisers say the president never fully comprehended.,the president never fully comprehended,1,1 Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. resumed the White House campaign for gun control on Tuesday by reporting on executive action taken unilaterally by the administration and pressing Congress to take up legislation again.,,2,2 "Many politicians have faced questions over their decisions during the Vietnam War, and Mr. Blumenthal, who is seeking the seat being vacated by Senator Christopher J. Dodd, is not alone in staying out of the war.",,2,2 "Instead, Mr. Christie will plant himself in New Hampshire for a week, holding one town hall after another.",,2,2 "“People said, ‘Trump is crazy,’” he said at one point, discussing his outreach to Mr. Kim.",,2,2 """There have been numerous, reported instances in the past when prior administrations -- both Democratic and Republican, and motivated by the same goals -- discussed alternative paths to service for qualified individuals also considering campaigns for public office,"" the report read.",,2,2 Mr. Trump did not cite specifically what Mrs. Clinton said that he considered a lie.,Mr. Trump did not cite specifically what Mrs. Clinton said that he considered a lie.,1,1 It was unclear if other neighboring states would take similar action.,,2,2 "She had rescinded her invitation this week to come to the House chamber until the government was reopened, and on Friday, she said she would work with Mr. Trump to find a new date.",,2,2 He “should be forced to resign from Congress!” the president wrote on Twitter.,,2,2 "But he aimed his fire at Republicans as well as Democrats, and gave them little quarter, saying he did not know what the Republicans stood for.",,2,2 "But all the original decisions remain in the Constitution, including in the copies authorized by Congress' Joint Committee on Printing and used in Thursday's reading.",,2,2 "The president made clear he would no longer stand on the sidelines, even as Vermont Sen. Sanders vows to stick out the race at least through the final primary in Washington, D.C., next Tuesday.",,2,2 "The vice president dominated the spotlight in the only debate between himself and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), charging at Republican Mitt Romney's running mate from the get-go and bombarding him with a flurry of eye rolls, interjections and accusations.",dominated,0,1 You've had legislation reaffirming that 'In God We Trust' is our motto.,,2,2 The committee is also looking for ways to obtain documentation of Trump’s conversations with top intelligence and law enforcement officials involved in a separate federal Russia probe.,,2,2 "Rep. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.) is expected to be indicted by the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, Grimm's lawyer said Friday.",,2,2 A top Senate Democratic aide told the Huffington Post on Thursday that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told his caucus that finalizing a deal by Christmas was now basically impossible.,,2,2 “I call on the Trump administration to make Special Counsel Mueller’s full report public as soon as possible.,,2,2 "“I don’t think there’s a big wave right now,” Hunter said, referring to a wave of Democratic gains.",,2,2 "A year later, LePage said that NAACP officials, who had called him out for not attending a Martin Luther King Jr.’s event, could “kiss my butt.”","A year later, LePage said that NAACP officials, who had called him out for not attending a Martin Luther King Jr.’s event, could “kiss my butt.”",1,1 "Questions about what the full report uncovered are still at the forefront of many Democrats’ minds, and the party is uniformly calling for the Justice Department to release it publicly.",,2,2 "Hunter, 41, is a five-term congressman representing San Diego County who served for three tours in Afghanistan and Iraq as a Marine.",,2,2 "On another occasion, she said Moore, then 32, took her to his home in the woods and kissed her.",,2,2 Colorado's top cop defends pot law after challenges from neighboring states,,2,2 I’m not going to say that I’m not going to finish it.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON -- Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) on Wednesday appointed William ""Mo"" Cowan to the Senate seat vacated by newly confirmed Secretary of State John Kerry.",,2,2 "On one day, protesters were told to gather in one place. Another day, they were told to keep moving.",,2,2 "-In the past twenty years, Dick has attended literally hundreds of vets events, debates, news conferences where he was clear, honest, and proud about his service in the Marine Corps Reserve.",,2,2 "It’s too early to determine whether the attack was politically motivated, authorities said.",,2,2 NJ Gov Chris Christie to Throw His Hat in the Ring for White House Run,,2,2 "But other Republicans believe traditional marriage is a pillar of family values, and in some cases are reluctant to abandon their social conservative base on the issue.",,2,2 "The seemingly political nature of the State Department’s concerns raises questions about the motivations behind these changes and who at the State Department was seeking them.""","The seemingly political nature of the State Department’s concerns raises questions about the motivations behind these changes and who at the State Department was seeking them.""",1,1 "But they, too, planned to return, at least part time, to Washington, where Mrs. Biden teaches at a community college in the Virginia suburbs.",,2,2 "In an appeal to hard-right conservatives, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is broadcasting a new campaign ad that seems to contrast Christianity with homosexuality, vows to end what he calls “Obama’s war on religion,” and highlights Mr. Perry’s criticism of overturning the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for gays serving in the military.","“Obama’s war on religion,”",1,1 "“It’s never been done before, so we’re in a little bit of uncharted waters,” said Mr. Katz, who said he wanted Mr. LePage to get “a competent evaluation and follow the recommendations of the evaluator.”",he wanted Mr. LePage to get “a competent evaluation and follow the recommendations of the evaluator.”,1,1 Trump's allies cheered the former agent's termination on Monday. ,cheered,0,0 "Also on Thursday, Trump had said Mattis -- the first Cabinet official in 40 years to resign over a stated policy difference with the president -- was leaving in February.",the first Cabinet official in 40 years to resign over a stated policy difference with the president,1,1 The 225-page report also called for states to require schools to conduct a safety assessment and for a pilot program to be created assessing mental health as a pre-indicator for violence.,,2,2 "Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, warned that such a failure was the gravest threat now facing the still-fragile United States economy — greater than the European debt crisis or any uncertainty in China.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump intervened as well, accusing Mr. Schiff of “knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking.”",“knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking.”,1,1 "Although he's expressed openness to legal status previously, his comments could be a hint at what's to come in the House GOP's plan to soon release its own principles for immigration reform.",,2,2 "“It’s a very opportunistic move and I hope U.S. public opinion, U.S. citizens can see this and finally, and finally see what is behind Trump, this false prophet that is just cheating everybody,” he added.",this false prophet that is just cheating everybody,1,1 "In addition, I intend to file cloture this week on the 9/11 health bill.",,2,2 He also was a special assistant district attorney in the Office of the Middlesex County District Attorney.,,2,2 "Pelosi defeated her lone challenger, Rep. Tim Ryan (Ohio), by a vote of 134 to 63.",,2,2 “There are thousands and thousands of emails that are missing.”,,2,2 "KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Leaders of the country's largest civil rights organization accused tea party activists on Tuesday of tolerating bigotry and approved a resolution condemning racism within the political movement.",,2,2 The lurch into the sort of personal territory that's normally off limits in campaigns occurred as an anti-Trump super PAC began running an ad in primary states featuring women reciting comments made by the billionaire that are derogatory toward women.,,2,2 "Etheridge told reporters that he hasn't apologized to the young men involved because ""I dont know who they are.""",,2,2 "After news of the photo shoot broke, Griffin took to Twitter to explain her motivations behind the image and reiterate that she does not condone violence in any way.",,2,2 Neither the White House nor Fincher made any public comment about the issue Saturday.,,2,2 The more substantive criticism concerned McCain's proposal to tax worker health care plans as a way of generating money to give people a new tax credit so that they could buy private insurance.,,2,2 "They also donated $15 million to charity, and paid an additional $13.6 million in state taxes.",,2,2 He is talking with Brown's parents and with members of the local congressional delegation.,,2,2 "Sen. Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat, was quoted in The Hill as saying: “I think our Republican colleagues realize that to be blocking immigration reform is not good for them.”",“I think our Republican colleagues realize that to be blocking immigration reform is not good for them.”,1,1 “It has been really disconcerting how many of my FB friends have stood up on the side of hate and proudly posted their photos of Chick-fil-a — and they all have their little quotes about how they ‘love their gay friends’ but they ‘don’t approve’ of their lifestyles.,stood up on the side of hate,0,0 "Mediaite, in a response to the Big Government post, writes about the problems with anonymous inflammatory assault interviews, and argues that it might be this new brand of “journalism” that has Etheridge on edge:",,2,2 "The president again suggested that he should win the Nobel Peace Prize, and he reviewed which conservative commentators had been supportive of him, while dismissing Ann Coulter, who has not.","The president again suggested that he should win the Nobel Peace Prize, and he reviewed which conservative commentators had been supportive of him, while dismissing Ann Coulter, who has not.",1,1 "“Bob Etheridge has lost it,” said Jon Thompson, a Republican spokesman. ","“Bob Etheridge has lost it,”",1,1 "Moore did take her home, she said.",,2,2 At least respect the part you play.,At least respect the part you play.,1,1 A senior Democratic staffer told The Huffington Post that it was likely to happen tonight or tomorrow.,,2,2 "He was the fourth person charged in the investigation of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel appointed to lead an inquiry into Russia’s influence on the 2016 election and possible ties to Trump associates.",,2,2 "So his point was simply that the House should get busy with matters of great importance to the United States and to the American people.""",the House should get busy with matters of great importance to the United States and to the American people,1,1 "At a news conference on Friday morning, John Miller, the New York Police Department’s deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said a postal worker at the mail facility on 52nd Street recognized the package addressed to Mr. Clapper as similar to other suspicious packages discovered this week and “froze it in the system.”",,2,2 And instability in Mali has created an expanding safe haven for terrorists who look to extend their influence and plot further attacks of the kind we saw just last week in Algeria.”,,2,2 "“The point is, we want the relationship between the United States and Israel to be unquestionably strong, immutable, regardless of political seasons in either country, regardless of which party may be in charge in either country.","“The point is, we want the relationship between the United States and Israel to be unquestionably strong, immutable, regardless of political seasons in either country, regardless of which party may be in charge in either country.",1,1 "Couples with similar incomes often pay the “marriage penalty,” with their tax liability as a couple being much higher than it would be if they were single.",,2,2 "Mr. Jackson’s father, the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, his mother and several brothers and sisters accompanied him to the hearing.",,2,2 Ryan said he doesn’t know whether he had a “special place” but it was “very clear we thought the same on these issues.”,,2,2 “But the FBI agents were extraordinarily courteous.”,,2,2 And certainly don’t make faces during televised public events.,,2,2 "None of the devices inside have exploded on their own so far, and investigators are still seeking to determine whether they were even capable of detonating. ",,2,2 Obama also endorsed her earlier this year in her House primary battle.,,2,2 But Tea Party members have challenged claims that their activists accosted black lawmakers in March and no visual evidence has been produced depicting a racist attack.,no visual evidence has been produced depicting a racist attack,1,1 "Yet by the time Schumer said Monday afternoon on the Senate floor that Democrats would soon vote in support of ending the shutdown, in exchange for Republicans’ commitment to promptly craft and vote on legislation to help DREAMers, Schumer’s support had turned.",,2,2 "From 2007 to 2011, Mr. Jackson bought $10,977.74 worth of televisions, DVD players and DVDs at Best Buy, according to the documents.",,2,2 Mr. Trump was similarly critical of Ms. Tlaib.,,2,2 Dowd attempted to explain Sunday that the tweet was referring to then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates telling White House Counsel Don McGahn in January that Flynn had “given the agents the same story he gave the vice president.”,,2,2 "But with significant help from conservative talk radio hosts like Laura Ingraham, Mr. Brat was able to galvanize opposition to Mr. Cantor in one of Virginia’s most conservative congressional districts.",,2,2 """We have a little bit of time,"" said Jack Lew, director of the Office of Management and Budget.",,2,2 I don’t think the proper response is to arm all the projectionists in the movie theaters or all the vendors in the mall.”,I don’t think the proper response is to arm all the projectionists in the movie theaters or all the vendors in the mall.”,1,1 "A Romney campaign aide, though, said “that’s a distinction without a difference” since the “provider passes that reduction along to” patients.",,2,2 "“I am very proud to announce we have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government,” he said to applause from gathered Cabinet members.",,2,2 "White House aides and allies of Mr. Trump said Saturday that Mr. Trump succeeded in ratcheting up the political pressure on Ms. Pelosi, especially if the Senate succeeded in passing a bill.",,2,2 Mattis’ resignation letter addressed to Trump indicates his final day in office will be Feb. 28.,,2,2 "The ad, reportedly to air in Miami, West Palm Beach and Fort Myers, is costing Secure America $1 million, the organization confirmed to Fox News.",,2,2 "The speech did not delve into policy details, and rather reprised objectives from his 2016 campaign on trade, immigration and national security.",The speech did not delve into policy details,1,1 "A spokesperson for Google says the company ""cares deeply"" about the security of users' data.",,2,2 "Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., was caught on a hot mic in the Senate ripping the lame-duck agenda, which was set exclusively by his party, as ""rigged"" and done without a discussion among members.",ripping,0,1 “GOP lost entitlement to policing women’s behavior a long time ago. Next.”,“GOP lost entitlement to policing women’s behavior a long time ago. Next.”,1,0 "The proposal, which comes at the end of a month-long review process spearheaded by Vice President Joe Biden, is broken down into four key subsections: law enforcement, the availability of dangerous firearms and ammunition, school safety and mental health.",,2,2 "“All of the fools that are so focused on looking only at Russia should start also looking in another direction, China,” Mr. Trump wrote. ",fools,0,1 "“I’m not going to pay for that fucking wall,” Fox told Fusion’s Jorge Ramos in an interview airing Thursday.",,2,2 The path to legalization’s inclusion in the plan – which House Republican leaders discussed as recently as Wednesday -- is particularly significant given that it is one of the pivotal reasons that plans last year to pass a comprehensive immigration reform law broke down in the House of Representatives after it passed in the Senate in June.,,2,2 Donald Trump is investing more in the conspiracy theories about President Obama’s birth certificate as he explores his own bid for the presidency.,conspiracy theories,0,1 "The president’s short trip from the White House to the event stage on the Potomac riverfront came more than a month after he began campaigning throughout the country for his jobs plan, building public pressure on Republicans but winning no votes from them.",,2,2 "The war in Afghanistan, which has entered its ninth year, was started by former President George W. Bush in response to the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.",,2,2 """I think that freedom means freedom for everyone,"" the former vice president said.",,2,2 "Chants of “We love you, Pelosi!” rang out briefly, until the minority leader acknowledged them.",,2,2 "He has been a frequent critic of President Trump, a similarity shared with everyone whose names have appeared on the packages discovered so far.",,2,2 Mr. Boutrous said Mr. Sellers was trying to have it both ways.,,2,2 "Presuming the meeting takes place as scheduled, Helsinki will be the final stop on Trump’s four-nation European tour.",,2,2 "This is a bad deal.""","This is a bad deal.""",1,1 Ms. Lauten wrote what she thought the daughters should have done: “Rise to the occasion.,,2,2 "Brat received his doctorate from American University, his master's from Princeton Theological Seminary and his bachelor's from Hope College.",,2,2 "The June decision found that same-sex couples were entitled to federal benefits, but left open the question of how Washington would actually administer them.",,2,2 "Within months, however, the two had a public dispute and Mr. Stone left the team.",,2,2 "Sanders and the DNC chairwoman have been at odds for months, with Sanders’ team long accusing her of helping now-presumptive nominee Clinton.",,2,2 "Rourke demanded Barr “release the full Mueller report to the American people and their representatives.""",,2,2 """America is not a clown show.",,2,2 "“He reiterated his commitment to the speaker, and the speaker expects him to follow through.”",,2,2 "In a speech from beneath the D.C. area's Key Bridge, Obama told spectators that Congress had time to bring up votes on aspects of the American Jobs Act, but were instead dealing with more frivolous legislation.",,2,2 "The FBI is taking over the investigation into the shooting, Alexandria Police Chief Michael Brown said.",,2,2 Americans don’t believe their leaders in Washington are listening and now is the time to change that.,Americans don’t believe their leaders in Washington are listening and now is the time to change that.,1,1 """Brett McGurk, who I do not know, was appointed by President Obama in 2015. ",,2,2 "Meanwhile, CNN reports that the “principal conclusion” of the report, which the attorney general will soon give to Congress, is expected to be made public.",,2,2 """The NAACP was once a vital weapon in the war against segregation and oppression.",,2,2 "She said Obama had an ""amazing opportunity"" to negotiate better terms and reiterated the criteria of worker protections, wages and national security provisions she would seek in a final deal.",,2,2 "Was supposed to leave in February but he just resigned prior to leaving,"" Trump tweeted. ",,2,2 """I could see the men going forth and the women in the store stayed in the basic positions they were always in,"" Dukes once told an interviewer.","""I could see the men going forth and the women in the store stayed in the basic positions they were always in,""",1,1 "The group has drafted a resolution of its own condemning the civil rights group for reducing itself to a ""bigoted"" and ""partisan attack dog organization.""","""partisan attack dog organization.""",1,1 “I can’t help but think that those remarks are well over the line.,well over the line,0,1 "Top Republicans were mostly mute, though a handful — including Representative Ed Royce of California, the retiring chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; Senator John McCain of Arizona, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who has brain cancer; and Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, a frequent critic of Mr. Trump — urged the president to use the indictments to get tough with Mr. Putin when they meet on Monday in Helsinki, Finland.",,2,2 Hoyer said negotiation can progress after the government reopens.,,2,2 "But the issue is, that the deal certainly is not enough to lift the economy to a different place.",,2,2 """We do have a challenge, but it's not that we fall off of a cliff.""",,2,2 It was unclear where Mr. Bush got the figure.,It was unclear where Mr. Bush got the figure.,1,1 We need to close those holes.”,,2,2 "The fate of emails to foreign leaders, private citizens, and non-State Department officials is unclear.",,2,2 “It is contrary to everything the FBI is about and it undermines the confidence that the public needs to have in the independence of the agency.,“It is contrary to everything the FBI is about and it undermines the confidence that the public needs to have in the independence of the agency.,1,1 "However, the poll showed that 64 percent think it would be wrong to build it, regardless of whether the developers are within their right to do so.",,2,2 “This is authority given to the president in law already.,,2,2 "Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters on Friday that the panel expected Mr. Cohen to be back to testify privately in early February.",,2,2 "She sued him in 2014, claiming that he had illegally fired her after she complained about mistreatment.",,2,2 This year’s game is scheduled for Thursday night.,,2,2 "The prosecutor, who is white, has insisted his background will have no bearing on the handling of the Brown case, which has touched off days of nighttime protests during which authorities used tear gas and rubber bullets to clear the streets.",,2,2 "Memories have faded, he said, and Wal-Mart did not keep good records.",,2,2 "But she then said that the server, which contained personal communications of her husband, former President Bill Clinton, “will remain private.”",,2,2 Democrats say such disclosure is broadly popular with voters across the political spectrum.,,2,2 "“Since the end of the Cold War, the threats facing America have changed, but the need for American strength has not,” Rubio said.",,2,2 Obama portrayed the programs as a trade-off between security and civil liberties.,,2,2 """One party will tax and spend,"" he added at another point.",,2,2 "The campaign and the state party intend to cooperate with the U.S. Attorney's office and the state legislative committee and will respond to the subpoenas accordingly.""",,2,2 "In a sign of just how deep the distrust runs, there were three separate autopsies performed on Mr. Brown’s body: one by the county medical examiner, one by a private pathologist hired by the family, and one by federal authorities.",,2,2 "“But if that Republican, in my opinion, is not the right candidate, I am not willing to give up my right to run as an independent candidate.”",,2,2 "“We will do what is necessary to confirm Judge Gorsuch on the Supreme Court, yes,” he told Fox News’ Shannon Bream on “America’s Newsroom,” when asked if they’d go that route.",,2,2 "Iran was following the pact’s rules, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, which monitors the use of nuclear energy and has verified Iranian compliance with the accord multiple times since 2015.",,2,2 "“I believe the issue of marriage must be decided by the states, and by the people in the states, not by judges and not even by legislators, but by the people themselves.""",,2,2 I’m not saying that I am going to finish it.”,,2,2 """Republicans know that they have the debt ceiling that's coming up right around the corner, and the leverage is going to shift, as soon as we get beyond this issue,"" Corker said on ""Fox News Sunday.""",,2,2 Aides did not expect to be focusing heavily on the party’s abortion positions this week.,,2,2 "According to HuffPost Pollster, Huckabee falls behind a few other GOP 2016 candidates, trailing Sens. Rand Paul (Ky.) and Ted Cruz (Texas), and Marco Rubio (Fla.), but slightly edging out former neurosurgeon Ben Carson.",,2,2 Israeli officials warned this week that such a deal would allow Iran to become a nuclear threshold state.,,2,2 "During his news conference Friday, LePage offered more racially charged comments that have drawn fire, saying, ""A bad guy is a bad guy.",,2,2 "He tweeted, ""I look forward to voting for it and will work to encourage my Republican and Democratic colleagues to do the same.",,2,2 "The group continued its offensive this week, launching an advertising campaign attacking Obama as an ""elitist hypocrite"" for opposing the NRA's widely-criticized proposal, made after the Newtown, Conn. shooting, to place armed guards in all of the nation's schools.","""elitist hypocrite""",0,1 """What has happened over the last several weeks, by virtue of the invitation that was issued by the Speaker [John Boehner] and the acceptance of it by Prime Minister Netanyahu two weeks in advance of his election, is that on both sides, there has now been injected a degree of partisanship, which is not only unfortunate, I think it's destructive of the fabric of the relationship,"" Rice told PBS' Charlie Rose.","which is not only unfortunate, I think it's destructive of the fabric of the relationship",1,1 "The result delivered a major jolt to the Republican Party — Mr. Cantor had widely been considered the top candidate to succeed Speaker John A. Boehner — and it has the potential to change both the debate in Washington on immigration and, possibly, the midterm elections.",,2,2 Farenthold’s resignation took effect Friday at 5 p.m. Eastern time.,,2,2 "House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), a longtime target of immigration activists, said Tuesday that he would support allowing undocumented immigrants to stay in the U.S., but stopped short of calling for a path to citizenship.",,2,2 Twenty-six Russian nationals and three Russian companies have been charged with interfering in the 2016 presidential election. ,,2,2 "“Hello, my name is the Republican Party and I have a problem!” he declared.",,2,2 "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi made their first visit to the White House since their Dec. 11 meeting with Trump, when he said he would be “proud” to take responsibility for a government shutdown in his effort to force Congress to spend billions of dollars on a wall along the southern border.",“proud”,0,1 "Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee, wrote an opinion article in The Washington Post suggesting three ways out: Grant the president the $1.6 billion for border security that he requested, without wall funding, plus an additional $1 billion for security at ports of entry; approve a bipartisan bill linking wall funding with protection for young immigrants brought illegally to the country as children; or resurrect the 2013 comprehensive immigration overhaul that included huge increases in border security measures, sweeping changes to immigration law and a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants.",,2,2 "“It’s not a birther bill,” Ms. Townsend said.",,2,2 "In an explosive congressional hearing last month, Strzok sought to clear his name and address the many controversial messages. ",,2,2 "On Monday, state Senate President Pro Tem David Long and House Speaker Brian Bosma, both Republicans, held a press conference to further explain the law.",,2,2 "Trump, in contrast, has praised Putin’s leadership skills and recently roiled U.S. allies by calling for Russia’s reinstatement to the Group of Seven major industrial nations.",,2,2 "On Feb. 14, 2011, all senators were offered the opportunity to discuss the broad authority under the Patriot Act with the director of national intelligence, Mr. Clapper; the F.B.I. director, Robert S. Mueller III; and General Alexander.",,2,2 “I think someone should prosecute and go after them.,,2,2 A series of explosive reports over the last week have heightened the appearance that Trump interfered with the investigation.,A series of explosive reports over the last week have heightened the appearance that Trump interfered with the investigation.,1,1 "“Against this backdrop, we do not believe the executive branch is operating pursuant to ‘secret law’ or ‘secret opinions of the Department of Justice,’ ” Mr. Weich wrote.",,2,2 Mr. de Léon said Monday that Democrats had made a grave mistake striking “another fingers-crossed bargain with Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell.”,Mr. de Léon said Monday that Democrats had made a grave mistake striking “another fingers-crossed bargain with Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell.”,1,1 "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg faced a growing and bipartisan backlash Wednesday -- including a call from Donald Trump to resign -- as she doubled down on her criticism of the presumptive GOP nominee, calling him a “faker” who is unqualified to be president.",doubled down,0,1 “The key to Hillary winning is getting Sanders supporters on board.”,,2,2 "A few hours before Mrs. Clinton’s remarks, Mr. Sanders repeated his challenge to her to oppose the trade agreement.",,2,2 But Republicans have repeatedly raised concerns that anti-Trump bias played a role in the start of the investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump associates in 2016. ,,2,2 "But Steele has been unpredictable, especially over recent weeks, and some close to the GOP chairman say he wants to run for another term and is struggling to find enough support for a second term.",But Steele has been unpredictable,1,1 "He also rejected reports that Obama refused his request for a meeting, pinning the circumstances on a scheduling conflict, as has the White House when pressed on the subject.",,2,2 "That's a high bar for Republicans, who have just 52 members in the Senate.",,2,2 “How can we grant confidence and support to ideas that change everyday?,,2,2 "Mr. Bush said his average federal tax rate was 36 percent, and contrasted that with what he said was the Clintons’ 2014 tax rate: 30 percent.",,2,2 "The president proposed $800 million for humanitarian assistance and $805 million for drug detection technology, in addition to funding for 2,750 more border agents and law enforcement officials and 75 new immigration judge teams.",,2,2 "The vote puts the Republican Party at odds with Mr. Romney, who supports rape and incest exceptions, at a time that controversial comments by Representative Todd Akin, the Republican Senate candidate in Missouri, have increased national scrutiny on the divisive social issue.",,2,2 "For the court, it could be -- I don’t even want to contemplate that,” she said.",,2,2 "The hasty retreat by 33 Senate Democrats was particularly humiliating in the immediate aftermath of the anniversary of the Women’s March, which saw thousands of activists reconvene in cities across the country to protest against President Trump and congressional Republicans.",humiliating,0,1 Perry has recently stepped up his attacks on Obama for cultural issues.,,2,2 Mr. Moore told The Post that the allegations were “completely false and are a desperate political attack by the National Democrat Party and the Washington Post on this campaign.”,desperate,0,0 “We need a great director of the F.B.I. I cherish the F.B.I.,,2,2 "“Come to think of it, does anyone get attacked more than me?” Trump said.",,2,2 "“I am not pro-gay marriage,” Liz Cheney reportedly said.",,2,2 The intensity of their attacks showed that they do not appear worried about the risk of being seen as intolerant or not supportive of the right to freedom of religion.,they do not appear worried about the risk of being seen as intolerant or not supportive of the right to freedom of religion,1,1 "The new first family headed later to the parade along Pennsylvania Avenue, before an evening of inaugural balls and other festivities.",,2,2 “Where did they come up that public education and bigger education bureaucracies was the rule in America?” he said.,,2,2 “He should pay [for] it. He’s got the money.”,,2,2 "If you do wrong, then you should be held accountable.","If you do wrong, then you should be held accountable.",1,1 “I used money I shouldn’t have used for personal purposes.”,,2,2 "Still, the police did make 47 arrests overnight.",,2,2 """I understand that mistrust,"" Holder said.",,2,2 That caused other Republicans to warn that the party risked a backlash and was alienating the nation’s Muslims.,,2,2 "Mike Huckabee, the Baptist minister who became Arkansas governor, announced Tuesday he'll run for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.",,2,2 "The Republican Governors Association announced on Thursday that he would make fund-raising trips to Illinois, Texas, Massachusetts, Georgia, Connecticut and Utah in the coming months.",,2,2 "To accompany that, his group proposed a ""model"" state law that would allow certain personnel who have undergone this training to carry weapons on school grounds.",,2,2 Politico reported Tuesday that Perry bought $1 million in broadcast television time ahead of the Jan. 3 caucuses.,,2,2 "In a recent campaign video, Huckabee argued that in his more than 10 years as governor, he took on Democrats in ""Bill Clinton's Arkansas"" after then-candidate Bill Clinton won election to the White House in 1992.",,2,2 "The $6,400 figure is based on a study of one of Ryan’s earlier plans for Medicare, which he has since changed to make it more bipartisan.",,2,2 "In a speech earlier this month, Hunter echoed President Donald Trump and castigated the Justice Department, accusing the agency of being “corrupt, answerable to no one” and said it “uses the law to extort the American people and effect political change.”","In a speech earlier this month, Hunter echoed President Donald Trump and castigated the Justice Department, accusing the agency of being “corrupt, answerable to no one” and said it “uses the law to extort the American people and effect political change.”",1,1 What are we suffering from?”,,2,2 "And when Mr. Bloomberg ruled out running, he did so because he said he did not want his third-party candidacy to siphon enough votes to help Mr. Trump.",,2,2 "Among those items were a $5,000 football signed by American presidents and two hats that once belonged to Michael Jackson, including a $4,600 fedora.",,2,2 It certainly wasn't historically unique.,It certainly wasn't historically unique.,1,1 "Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said that the report should be released “without delay,” and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) released a joint statement in agreement.",,2,2 There could be some cracks in the GOP coalition to stand firm against any non-budget or tax cuts legislation though.,,2,2 "And the 5-4 decision in Bush v. Gore, along partisan lines, also shows the political nature of the court,” Bam said.",,2,2 "More than 30 nations, including Canada and Mexico, have similar policies.","More than 30 nations, including Canada and Mexico, have similar policies.",1,1 Those restrictions would be overturned by the For The People Act.,,2,2 "The National Mall was filled with supporters, many wearing “Make America Great Again” hats and chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!”",,2,2 Ms. Speier said the executive action is part of the “most comprehensive gun safety effort in a generation.”,“most comprehensive gun safety effort in a generation.”,1,1 "It was not a conventionally Republican speech, with nothing about tax cuts or restraining government.",,2,2 "“I think the way the vice president handled himself was condescending,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah).",condescending,0,1 """I have not heard people in the Republican Party admit yet that they have a problem,"" he said.",,2,2 "“But in any event, I’m not in the censorship business. ",,2,2 "“Then he says we’re going to have a proceeding where the district judge relies only on the records that he says are inadequate, to allow a reconstruction of the decision.",,2,2 "Durbin would not detail what those changes are, deferring to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.",,2,2 "“I think those are grounds enough for members of the House to bring up the issue of impeachment,” he said.",,2,2 That is a word Mr. Obama has often used to describe his preferred outcome.,,2,2 “The PAC is a recycled pro-Iraq war PAC.,,2,2 "“You obviously cannot do that,” Ryan told WVLK, a radio station in Lexington, Ky.",obviously,0,1 "Democrats rejected the offer before Trump even announced it on Saturday, however, maintaining that it didn’t go nearly far enough and that the president ought to reopen the government before any negotiations over the border proceed.",,2,2 "Governor Christie? “Strong,” he said.",,2,2 And this meant this cable went unnoticed by your office.,,2,2 "“I went way too far,” she said in a video on the social media site.",,2,2 I am trying to save lives and prevent the next terrorist attack.”,,2,2 "Despite discussions earlier about addressing the pervasive violence in the entertainment and video game industries, the president's plan did not address those issues in depth.",,2,2 "As part of its final bit of business before the election, Congress is set to vote to override President Obama’s veto of a bill allowing families of those killed in the Sept. 11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia for any role in the terrorist plot.",,2,2 "Democrats, who had high hopes of significant gains in the election, picked up just six seats on Election Day earlier this month and remain in the minority with 194 seats.",,2,2 "A U.S. intelligence official told The Huffington Post the review was completed ""early this year.""",,2,2 "“The former president said he knew I’d say that, and the conversation moved on to other subjects.”",,2,2 "Former Vice President Cheney has publicly voiced support for same-sex marriage and, mirroring Elizabeth’s stance, has reportedly said the matter should be decided on a state-by-state basis.",,2,2 "He added, “These families finally have access to crucial tax benefits and protections previously denied to them under the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act.”",“These families finally have access to crucial tax benefits and protections previously denied to them under the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act.”,1,1 The speech was the second time during the shutdown that the president addressed the nation about the immigration crisis.,,2,2 """If the government has a broader voluntary national security program to gather customer data we don't participate in it.""","""If the government has a broader voluntary national security program to gather customer data we don't participate in it.""",1,1 "The whole question is whether they should or not,"" he told Fox News.",,2,2 "Another criticism among rank-and-file House Democrats was that the top posts are largely filled by East and West coast members, not those from the heartland.",,2,2 She has declined to comment on Ms. Zimmer’s allegation.,,2,2 "Republicans have since both criticized his position and pressured other Democrats to take a stand on the politically sticky issue, one where charges of insensitivity have flown on both sides.",,2,2 """The Blumenthal Bombshell comes at the end of more than 2 months of deep, persistent research by Republican Linda McMahon's Senate campaign.",,2,2 "In Mr. Mattis’s early days as defense secretary, he often ate dinner with the president in the White House residence.",,2,2 "Clinton said she had no knowledge of the warning which former diplomatic security agents have told Fox News amounted to a ""cry for help.""","former diplomatic security agents have told Fox News amounted to a ""cry for help.""",1,1 "Mike Huckabee, a former Republican governor of Arkansas and preacher who has announced his run for the presidency on Tuesday, has been outspoken on a range of matters, particularly foreign policy and social issues like same-sex marriage.",,2,2 “President Obama and the Democrats have had their chance and they have failed.,,2,2 "He described the decision to enter politics as a “coin toss” between him and his wife, Mary Pat, herself a nimble political mind.",,2,2 "The Clintons' effective federal tax rate for 2014 was 35.7 percent, while the effective tax rate for federal, state and local taxes was 45.8 percent.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign on Friday released a statement from her doctor declaring she is in “excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president of the United States,” along with eight years of tax returns showing the Clintons paid tens of millions of dollars in federal taxes.",,2,2 "He would contact a cousin, Tim C. Hutchinson, who sat in the State House of Representatives, to register his views.",,2,2 "The Florida Republican, who delivered his speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan on Wednesday, said that the United States was losing its place as a world military and moral power because of what he depicted as the Obama administration’s overly cautious responses to crises overseas.",overly cautious,0,1 That money has been described as “easy money” that the White House can use however it wants.,,2,2 """Number one, you said this is a culture where Arkansas knows, the headquarters knows, everything that's going on,"" Kennedy told lawyer Joseph Sellers who represents the women.",,2,2 "Blumenthal's campaign called a New York Times report which includes video of him at a 2008 event saying he had served ""in Vietnam"" an ""outrageous distortion"" on his record.",,2,2 "He made clear that the group’s willingness to discuss cuts comes with conditions: Reductions in benefits should be “minimal,” they should not affect current recipients and instead should be directed “far off in the future,” and they should be offset by increases in tax-generated revenue.",,2,2 "The proposal provoked outrage among civil rights groups, a response that Mr. Trump’s advisers have argued privately is a central objective of many of the president’s most aggressive proposals on immigration and other matters.",,2,2 "This isn’t the first ad Secure America Now has run against Obama, even though on its website the organization describes itself as representing all political ideologies.","This isn’t the first ad Secure America Now has run against Obama, even though on its website the organization describes itself as representing all political ideologies.",1,1 """What is this? A circus?"" he said, drawing laughter.",,2,2 Mr. Clinton was at the White House on Thursday to have lunch with Mr. Obama and join him in greeting the American men’s World Cup soccer team heading to South Africa.,,2,2 "“These ads, and the stories of the people in them, give voice to the nagging doubts that many Jewish voters feel about President Obama.",the nagging doubts that many Jewish voters feel about President Obama,1,1 "“There won’t be any daylight there at all,” he said.",,2,2 He was also scheduled to meet with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.,,2,2 "The indictment made no mention of whether Mr. Trump played a role in the coordination, though Mr. Mueller did leave a curious clue about how high in the campaign the effort reached: A senior campaign official “was directed” by an unnamed person to contact Mr. Stone about additional WikiLeaks releases that might damage the Clinton campaign, according to the court document.",,2,2 "Mr. Schumer rejected the idea of offering a down payment for the wall to reopen the government and pitched Mr. McConnell on what ultimately became the agreement with Mr. Trump, according to a senior Democratic aide.",,2,2 "LePage hinted on Tuesday that he may resign before his term ends in 2018, telling a local radio station, “I’m looking at all options.",,2,2 He said he and Vice President Biden lived up to their pledge not to put their “thumb on the scales.”,,2,2 "On Wednesday, Judge Gorsuch told the committee that the email had not been “my finest moment” and that he had been “blowing off steam with a friend, privately.”",,2,2 "On Tuesday night, however, it seemed that some of that energy had gone from the streets.",,2,2 Lawmakers said that what they knew was vague and broad — and that strict rules of classification prevented them from truly debating the programs or conducting proper oversight.,Lawmakers said that what they knew was vague and broad,1,1 "WASHINGTON — President Trump, facing a growing public backlash over the partial government shutdown, shifted course on Saturday and offered Democrats a deal: temporary protections for roughly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants in exchange for $5.7 billion in funding for a wall along the southern border.",,2,2 "Minutes after addressing the threats to prominent Democrats, Trump claimed Republicans are often attacked for supporting him.","Minutes after addressing the threats to prominent Democrats, Trump claimed Republicans are often attacked for supporting him.",1,1 "Mr. McCain defended Mr. Lieberman, who endorsed his 2008 run for president.",,2,2 At least one GOP insider who had direct contact with Steele told the Washington Post that the chairman would indeed be seeking another term atop the RNC.,,2,2 "Brian Brown, president of the National Organization of Marriage, believes that giving same sex couples the right to file jointly “continues a pattern of lawlessness” across the country.",“continues a pattern of lawlessness”,1,1 """RSO (Regional Security Officer) expressed concerns with the ability to defend Post in the event of a coordinated attack due to limited manpower, security measures, weapons capabilities, host nation support, and the overall size of the compound,"" it said.",,2,2 "As president, I will secure the border within a year putting thousands more federal boots on the ground, strategic fencing and aerial resources to fight border crime and make our states and nation safer.""",,2,2 "Christie told supporters of his plans in a phone call Tuesday morning, according to NBC and the AP.",,2,2 The legislation would give the president “fast-track” authority to approve pending trade deals with 11 Pacific Rim nations.,,2,2 """We've got to break that habit before it starts,"" the president said.",,2,2 "Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the committee, also scolded the agency.",,2,2 They also said the e-mails belied the White House’s insistence that it had changed only one word in the talking points.,They also said the e-mails belied the White House’s insistence that it had changed only one word in the talking points.,1,1 "Top Democrats on Friday swiftly pressured President Trump to consider cancelling his upcoming summit with Vladimir Putin, after a dozen Russian intelligence officers were indicted for allegedly hacking party emails in 2016.",,2,2 And he said he plans to take his message “to the Democratic National Convention” in July.,,2,2 "She said she supported trade adjustment authority to protect American jobs, but otherwise did not delve into details.",but otherwise did not delve into details,1,1 "The young man is not identified in the video, which was made last week. ",,2,2 "“I get used to it and watch with a grain of salt, or don’t watch at all..”",,2,2 "A suspicious package was also found Friday in Burlingame, California, addressed to Democratic donor Tom Steyer, CNN and NBC reported.",,2,2 "“When America has the mightiest Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and intelligence community in the world, the result is more peace, not more conflict.”",,2,2 "“This is certainly not what Vice Chairman Ruppersberger was hoping to get,” Mr. Petraeus wrote, referring to Representative C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, which had asked Mr. Petraeus for talking points to use with reporters in discussing the attack on Benghazi.","“This is certainly not what Vice Chairman Ruppersberger was hoping to get,”",1,1 "But those arguments didn’t sway lawmakers, who say the White House’s case is overblown.",,2,2 "“Our immigration system should be a source of pride ... not a source of shame as it is all over the world,” Trump said in his plea.",plea,0,1 Rather than go ahead with the debate and declare that he will not run — Mr. Trump has flirted with running for president several times since the 1980s but has always decided not to follow through — he chose to drop the debate.,Mr. Trump has flirted with running for president several times since the 1980s but has always decided not to follow through,1,1 """We need to protect all Americans, of all backgrounds and all beliefs, from Radical Islamic Terrorism - which has no place in an open and tolerant society,"" Trump said.",,2,2 "“Elephants and other big game in Africa are blood currency for terrorist organizations, and they are being killed at an alarming rate,” Royce said.",,2,2 "The son of Cuban immigrants, Rubio has challenged Obama's efforts to normalize diplomatic relations with the island, saying that closer ties would only help the communist Castro government keep power.",Rubio has challenged Obama's efforts to normalize diplomatic relations with the island,1,1 Christie focused on his state rather than the presidential election that took place days after New Jersey's shore was ravaged by the storm.,Christie focused on his state rather than the presidential election that took place days after New Jersey's shore was ravaged by the storm.,1,1 "But just two days before the ABA conference, Lerner was specifically asked about the investigation.",,2,2 "McConnell is perhaps the nation’s biggest opponent of campaign finance reforms, and the Republican Party has enacted measures across the country in the last decade to restrict voter access.",the Republican Party has enacted measures across the country in the last decade to restrict voter access,1,1 "The complaint says the measure runs afoul of federal law and therefore violates the Constitution's supremacy clause, which says federal laws trump state laws.",,2,2 """Both Time and Newsweek have been doing this to conservatives for years.",,2,2 "The new ad follows Mr. Perry’s statement on Tuesday criticizing the Obama administration’s announcement that the United States would use all the elements of diplomacy, including the possible granting of foreign aid, to promote gay rights around the world and beat back efforts in other nations to criminalize homosexual conduct.",,2,2 """Not a single thing he said is accurate,"" Biden said.","""Not a single thing he said is accurate,""",1,1 "The document is expected to call for border security and enforcement measures, as well as providing a path to legal status — but not citizenship — for many of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country, the aides said.",,2,2 The episode is a low point in the tense relationship between Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu and has touched off weeks of mostly anonymous sniping and finger-pointing.,,2,2 One of the highest-profile Republicans in the House of Representatives – where national immigration reform will live or die this year – said he agrees with giving undocumented immigrants a chance to legalize their status.,,2,2 "The problem with plans to hike taxes is that they're politically unfeasible because of congressional Republicans' adamant opposition to any sort of tax increase, much less a tax increase not accompanied by a spending cut.",adamant,0,1 The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has also issued several letters to members of Congress calling for a budget that prioritizes aid to the poor.,,2,2 "Stopping poaching isn't just about saving the world's most majestic animals for the future — it's about our national security.""",,2,2 """The legalization of marijuana is clearly in violation of the federal Controlled Substances Act and is not implemented in a vacuum.""",is not implemented in a vacuum,1,1 "Donald J. Trump on Tuesday assailed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the Supreme Court for speaking out on the presidential race, calling her disdainful remarks about his candidacy “highly inappropriate” and suggesting that she owed other justices an apology.",assailed,0,1 "While AARP has not issued specific recommendations or figures on how benefit reductions might be carried out, the group’s recent discussions with its members signal support for using increased revenue to fill two-thirds of the projected gap, and benefits reductions for one-third, Mr. Rother said.",,2,2 "CREDO Action, the activist arm of the wireless phone company, advocates for progressive causes, including immigrants rights and the passage of legislation that would give Dreamers a pathway to citizenship.",,2,2 "At the practice on Wednesday, Mr. Flake had raced to Mr. Scalise’s side to provide water and first aid after the shooting stopped.",,2,2 Trump responded to Cruz's allegations in a statement on Friday afternoon:,,2,2 Other lawmakers further complained that the State Department has spent millions on lower-priority projects that could have been spent on security.,,2,2 "The Democratic senator also said ""a legitimate negotiation"" can proceed after the government is reopened.",,2,2 "But Williams suggested he would feel “safer” if he were allowed to carry a gun on Capitol Hill, reminding reporters that he’s “a big Second Amendment guy” -- and said “we probably ought to take a look at our security in big groups like that.”",,2,2 Johnson believes it’s “highly likely” the person who built the bombs will have been previously flagged by law enforcement. ,,2,2 Mrs. Clinton gave a voluntary interview to the bureau in July 2016 during its investigation into whether she or her aides broke the law by corresponding through a private email server set up for her use as secretary of state.,Mrs. Clinton gave a voluntary interview to the bureau in July 2016 during its investigation into whether she or her aides broke the law by corresponding through a private email server set up for her use as secretary of state.,1,0 "She has winning brought “a special spring in my step” because it gives her the opportunity to “differentiate between us and the administration coming in January.""",,2,2 "Shortly thereafter, Mr. Trump released the emails himself.",,2,2 "Earlier this month, Clinton acknowledged that she sent or received roughly 60,000 related emails, turning over roughly half to the State Department and deleting about the same number of “personal” ones.",,2,2 "The chalkboard, a prop that he uses frequently on his top-rated show, brought the audience to its feet.",top-rated,1,1 One of Ryan’s best one-liners came when he sought to explain these comments.,,2,2 The elder Cheney daughter is challenging Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) in next year's Republican primary.,,2,2 Mueller’s nearly two-year-long investigation did not establish that members of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government to interfere in the election in favor of Trump and at the expense of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.,,2,2 """He says he is a Christian.",,2,2 "Among Mrs. Clinton’s disclosures Friday was that she was paid $9.68 million in 2013 for 41 speeches, all in the United States except for two in Toronto.",,2,2 "All that's left is a bigoted and malicious shell that does far more harm than good for people who need a break,"" he wrote.",All that's left is a bigoted and malicious shell that does far more harm than good for people who need a break,1,1 "“We need concrete action to change things in this country,” he said, according to excerpts provided by the Justice Department.",,2,2 I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin' Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman (sic) and then pretend total innocence.,Lyin,0,1 “I think the President Peña is taking an enormous political risk by hosting Trump.,,2,2 "The indictment also alleged that the pair spent “tens of thousands of dollars” on items ranging from movie tickets, fast food, golf outings, groceries and home utilities.",,2,2 """By waffling on a trade deal she helped negotiate and once called a ""gold standard,"" Hillary Clinton continues to show why voters overwhelmingly see her as dishonest and untrustworthy,"" Short said in a statement.","""By waffling on a trade deal she helped negotiate and once called a ""gold standard,"" Hillary Clinton continues to show why voters overwhelmingly see her as dishonest and untrustworthy,""",1,1 "Some conservatives have long made the argument that the 14th Amendment was meant to apply only to citizens and legal permanent residents, not immigrants who are present in the country without authorization.",,2,2 "Mr. Perry, in his most expansive comments about illegal immigration since last week’s Republican presidential debate, was not suggesting any rounding up of illegal immigrants, an aide later made clear, but calling for all people arrested or detained — and later found to be undocumented — to be expelled from the country after an expedited hearing.",expelled from the country after an expedited hearing,1,1 "It deeply influenced who they are and who I am, and gave me a profound appreciation for what farmers do for the world.”",,2,2 "The ad, paid for by nonprofit conservative advocacy group Secure America Now, could have a powerful influence in heavily-Jewish markets, including Miami.",,2,2 """From the beginning, the government has pursued a politically driven vendetta against Congressman Grimm and not an independent search for the truth.""","""From the beginning, the government has pursued a politically driven vendetta against Congressman Grimm and not an independent search for the truth.""",1,1 "The public deserves answers now-our democracy depends on it.""",our democracy depends on it,1,1 "The biggest question remaining in this drawn-out episode, which began last fall when Mr. Kerry’s name surfaced as a possible successor to Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state, is whether former Senator Scott P. Brown, a Republican, will jump in.",,2,2 "In particular, The New York Times reported that Trump asked Comey to shut down a separate probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s contacts with Russian officials, according to a memo Comey wrote to document a meeting with Trump.","In particular, The New York Times reported that Trump asked Comey to shut down a separate probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s contacts with Russian officials, according to a memo Comey wrote to document a meeting with Trump.",1,1 The Justice Department began investigating Grimm two years ago on allegations that he filed erroneous campaign finance reports and accepted improper donations during his first congressional campaign.,,2,2 "And unlike the courtly Mr. Bentsen in 1988, Mr. Biden turned his temperature up, singeing the young man across the table with patronizing grins, but mostly withering retorts.","singeing the young man across the table with patronizing grins, but mostly withering retorts",1,1 "In the last year, Catholic bishops have emerged as vocal critics of the Obama administration over what they regard as violations of religious freedom, in particular the mandate that even religious employers must provide health insurance that covers birth control.",,2,2 Republicans also left out the part about counting slaves and Native Americans as three-fifths of a person.,,2,2 The messages were given to congressional investigators probing whether Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russian officials to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.,,2,2 He and Cowan shook hands and hugged.,He and Cowan shook hands and hugged.,1,1 "“Needless to say, the war in Afghanistan was not “a war of Obama’s choosing.”",,2,2 It’ll be for another day.”,,2,2 "Mr. Anton argued in The Post that because his parents were legal residents, the ruling should not be read as an affirmation of the status of children of undocumented immigrants.",,2,2 "According to the slides, there has been “continued exponential growth in tasking to Facebook and Skype.""",,2,2 One demand Sanders was thought to be considering – as part of a party-unity deal -- is the removal of Democratic boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz.,,2,2 The speaker is effectively caught between two competing wings of the Republican Party.,,2,2 And it ended with: “Neoconservative meets Cold War: that’s the Rubio doctrine.”,“Neoconservative meets Cold War: that’s the Rubio doctrine.”,1,1 Crowley later called her answer evasive.,,2,2 """Until then, he will continue to serve his constituents with the same dedication and tenacity that has characterized his lifetime of public service as a Member of Congress, Marine Corps combat veteran, and decorated FBI Special Agent.”","lifetime of public service as a Member of Congress, Marine Corps combat veteran, and decorated FBI Special Agent",1,1 "“It would result in the stock market really taking a hit,” Ms. Lagarde said on the CNN program “State of the Union.”",,2,2 "After Obama's debate performance last week, the pressure was on Biden to recapture the momentum -- while equally on Ryan to prevent the Obama ticket from blunting Romney's surge.",,2,2 "Roger Stone, an eccentric longtime Republican strategist with a tattoo of Richard Nixon’s face on his back, was arrested early Friday on criminal charges that include obstruction of an official proceeding, false statements and witness tampering.",with a tattoo of Richard Nixon’s face on his back,1,1 "“For the record, I love my sister, but she is dead wrong on the issue of marriage,"" she wrote.",,2,2 "Vega asserted the prosecution was ""politically motivated"" because of Hunter's early support of Donald Trump for president.",,2,2 "LIVINGSTON, N.J. — Gov. Chris Christie declared an uphill candidacy for president on Tuesday with New Jersey-style swagger, unconcealed disgust for Washington and a high regard for his own candor, vowing that “there is one thing you will know for sure: I say what I mean and I mean what I say.”",a high regard for his own candor,1,1 "“These standards are unclear and entirely subjective, which will lead to confusion and, ultimately, less speech,” the ACLU said.",,2,2 "After that, according to the indictment, the Trump campaign sought more.",,2,2 There’s no reason for us to accept a mosque next to the World Trade Center.”,,2,2 "Mr. Jackson’s wife, Sandi, also accompanied him, and later in the day she pleaded guilty to a charge that she filed false income tax statements during the time that Mr. Jackson was dipping into his campaign treasury.",,2,2 Gorsuch’s nomination represents the fruit of the Republicans’ decision to block Garland.,,2,2 "It was unclear whether the subpoenas would seek documents or Mr. Flynn’s testimony, or both.",,2,2 "Though he collected only a dozen or so public endorsements, Mr. Ryan mounted an unlikely challenge to Ms. Pelosi, long considered a legislative and fund-raising powerhouse.",,2,2 "She said the two did not have sexual intercourse, and that she ended up getting dressed and asking Moore to take her home, according to the Post.",,2,2 Mainstream media outlets also joined in the chorus of criticism.,,2,2 "“And if we don’t get it, there should be no deal,” she added.",,2,2 """It's time for Chuck Schumer to stand up and be counted -- does he stand with President Obama in support of this mosque or does he stand with the countless 9/11 families who believe its location is inappropriate?"" Walsh asked.",,2,2 "Echoing the reaction to Indiana's law, Hutchinson has faced pressure from the state's top employers, including retail giant Wal-Mart, which complained that the measure was discriminatory and would stifle economic development.","Hutchinson has faced pressure from the state's top employers, including retail giant Wal-Mart, which complained that the measure was discriminatory and would stifle economic development",1,1 "Clinton said it was ""very disappointing"" that ""inadequacies"" were found in the ""responsiveness of our team here in Washington,"" and said ""it's something we're fixing and intend to put into place protocols and systems to make sure it doesn't happen again.""",,2,2 "Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., questioned the reading of the ""amended"" Constitution.",,2,2 Ryan wants to make changes to Medicare for those retiring a decade from now but leave benefits for current retirees and those retiring soon in place.,,2,2 "Chris Johnson sees a double standard. “He (Dan Cathy) said the exact same thing that President Obama said,” Johnson told Fox News -- referring to the president’s past opposition to gay marriage – “And he gets negativity, and Obama gets positivity.”",,2,2 "“I may very well share her concerns about Donald Trump ... but the ethics concerns don’t depend on the soundness or unsoundness of the candidate,” Whelan added.",,2,2 "“It’s a big F-U from [special prosecutor Robert] Mueller,” a White House official told Politico, adding that it “wasn’t an accident” that the indictments were announced before the Helsinki summit.","“It’s a big F-U from [special prosecutor Robert] Mueller,” a White House official told Politico, adding that it “wasn’t an accident” that the indictments were announced before the Helsinki summit.",1,0 "Of the 10 Democrats who gathered outside the Senate chamber after the vote to crow about their bipartisan agreement, six are on the ballot this year.",crow,0,1 After widespread criticism ― including from members of his own party ― he apologized.,including from members of his own party,1,1 Politico was first to report the news of the expected indictment.,,2,2 The state pension system he vowed to fix has descended into a morass of missed payments and lawsuits.,descended into a morass of missed payments and lawsuits,1,1 "In his interview with Fox News, Ryan also hammered Obama for what he called his “utter failure when it comes to creating jobs.”",“utter failure when it comes to creating jobs.”,1,1 Washington flourished but the people did not share in the wealth.”,,2,2 "Supporters of the women say that if the court sides with Wal-Mart, it could remove a valuable weapon for fighting all sorts of discrimination.",,2,2 Trade has emerged as an early divider within the Democratic primary.,,2,2 Blumenthal says he's always tried to make it clear his Marine Reserve service never took him overseas.,,2,2 "His son had reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIS before executing the attack, though officials say there is no evidence he had direct ties to the group.",,2,2 The board noted the Code of Conduct for U.S. judges says that a “judge should not ... publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office.”,,2,2 "All of the confirmed packages listed the Florida office of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), the former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, as the return address.",,2,2 "But, to the dismay of lawmakers, Clinton repeatedly said she never saw it.",to the dismay of lawmakers,1,1 "In nearby Clayton, a grand jury began hearing evidence to determine whether Wilson should be charged in Brown's death.",,2,2 "Their calls were echoed by three Republican state senators — Adam Driggs, Steve Pierce and Bob Worsley, all members of the party’s conservative camp — who had helped pass the legislation in the first place.",,2,2 "“Guilty, Your Honor — I misled the American people,” Mr. Jackson said when asked whether he would accept the plea deal.",,2,2 "We know that on January 1 people's taxes will go up, we know that at the end of this month 2 million people will lose their unemployment insurance.",,2,2 "The Clintons have grown immensely better off in the 15 years since they left the White House, primarily through book deals, paid speeches and other business ventures involving Mr. Clinton.",,2,2 "However, AARP legislative policy director David Certner told Fox News that Social Security needs a ""package of revenue and benefit adjustments ... to make it solvent.""",,2,2 "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg faced a growing and bipartisan backlash Wednesday -- including a call from Donald Trump to resign -- as she doubled down on her criticism of the presumptive GOP nominee, calling him a “faker” who is unqualified to be president.",a “faker” who is unqualified to be president,1,1 "On Thursday, representatives of the American Bar Association told the committee that it had unanimously found Judge Gorsuch to be “well qualified,” the group’s highest rating.",,2,2 "This discontent may be satisfied if Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) wins his race against Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) for House majority whip, taking McCarthy's spot.",,2,2 "After Biden's more feisty performance Thursday, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina quipped that he's a ""happy warrior"" for the middle class.","""happy warrior""",0,1 "The social media posts read, “Meet Melania Trump. Your next First Lady. Or you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”",,2,2 "Another attendee delivered this message, held aloft: “This Democrat is here to support Congressman Scalise.",,2,2 "“We should not be used as a platform to spread false information and bizarre conspiracies,” Mr. Nunes said on Thursday in brief remarks before deferring to Mr. Conaway.",,2,2 "It said ""requests to provide a daily police presence have gone unanswered,"" adding there was also a ""lack of host nation security support to the US mission.""",,2,2 "Santorum appeared on CBS' ""Face the Nation.""",,2,2 "Enter Ms. Lauten — a former Republican National Committee new media aide who describes herself on Twitter as loving God, cats, the Daughters of the American Revolution “& all things pink, green and pearls!” — whose commentary had a sharper edge.",,2,2 "The continued dialogue provides some rays of hope to a negotiating process that, in recent days, has shown very little progress.",,2,2 Cowan joined the Patrick administration in 2009 and reportedly quit earlier this month to join private practice.,,2,2 "President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., corresponded with WikiLeaks before the 2016 presidential election, a dialogue of which the president’s son confirmed Monday night on Twitter.",,2,2 "In his speech, he will promise to use American power “to oppose any violations of international waters, airspace, cyberspace or outer space,” including the “economic disruption caused when one country invades another,” according to excerpts.",,2,2 The Obama campaign is disputing that argument.,,2,2 "“[Obama] demonstrated a disregard for our moral purpose that at times flirted with disdain,” said Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants.","“[Obama] demonstrated a disregard for our moral purpose that at times flirted with disdain,”",1,1 The group had also given its highest rating to Judge Garland.,The group had also given its highest rating to Judge Garland.,1,0 "On Wednesday, Mr. Fox expressed disbelief that Mr. Peña Nieto would invite Mr. Trump for the private meeting.",,2,2 "Speaking on ""Fox News Sunday,"" Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., would not go that far but said Steele must apologize to the troops.",,2,2 The Senate committee responded with two additional subpoenas on Tuesday targeting Flynn’s businesses.,,2,2 "Kathy Griffin admitted Tuesday she ""went too far"" on her latest photo shoot with controversial photographer Tyler Shields in which she is holding a bloodied mask of President Trump.",admitted,0,1 "A few of his GOP colleagues urged him to resign over the accusations, which Farenthold has repeatedly denied.",,2,2 "Members of the tea party caucus also want to vote for a majority leader candidate that they believe in, even if he loses.",,2,2 "During a press conference in the state capital of Little Rock, Hutchinson said he wants to strike the ""right balance.""",,2,2 "In the tax returns, released late Friday afternoon, the documents show the Clintons have paid $43 million in federal taxes since 2007.",,2,2 "Mr. Bloomberg began exploring his own presidential bid, as an independent, in part to block Mr. Trump from being elected.",,2,2 "If that’s the case then you’ll be able to make that determination on your own.""",,2,2 """Free prenatal testing ends up in more abortions and therefore less care that has to be done, because we cull the ranks of the disabled in our society,"" Santorum told the Ohio Christian Alliance conference.",we cull the ranks of the disabled in our society,1,1 "Many said they showed up because they agreed with the position of Chick-fil-A’s president on same-sex marriage, while others said they wanted to support freedom of expression for business owners.",,2,2 """No one influences the reporting that The National Enquirer does other than our own reporters and editors.",,2,2 "A former Marine in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mr. Hunter was first elected in 2008 to a seat held by his father, and now serves on the House Armed Services Committee.",,2,2 "As a centrist candidate from the Northeast, he would have a difficult path to the Republican presidential nomination under the best circumstances.",,2,2 “We need the very best to lead us.,,2,2 "“I don’t think it’s OK,” he said Thursday.",,2,2 """She has not committed any crime or made any misrepresentation but under the circumstances she has no choice but to take this course,"" the letter addressed to Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) reads, according to the Los Angeles Times.",,2,2 "About a year earlier, two former deliverymen hired a lawyer who contacted Mr. Grimm’s congressional office to complain that the restaurant had paid them less than minimum wage, did not pay for work beyond 40 hours per week and paid them in cash to evade scrutiny.",,2,2 "Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California praised Mr. Schiff as “calm, professional, patriotic,” and said his work as the chairman of the committee has been “in stark contrast to the irresponsible and almost criminal behavior of the previous chair of the committee,” Representative Devin Nunes, Republican of California.","“in stark contrast to the irresponsible and almost criminal behavior of the previous chair of the committee,”",1,0 """This dialogue is important. But it can't simply be that we have a conversation that begins based on what happened on August 9 and ends sometime in December, and nothing happens.",,2,2 "As the players shook hands, the team managers — Representative Mike Doyle, Democrat of Pennsylvania, and Representative Joe L. Barton, Republican of Texas — gathered for closing ceremonies.",,2,2 But Colorado Attorney General John Suthers isn't backing down.,,2,2 "Mr. Steele has lost the backing of many top supporters, but he has not yet said whether he will try to rebuild his frayed coalition and fight for the chance to lead the party into the 2012 election cycle.",,2,2 "Election-harried Democrats opted against producing a budget at all this year, preferring to punt questions on tax rates and spending until after Nov. 2. ",,2,2 """When liberals tell today that the Constitution is essentially a blank slate to be filled by transient majorities, nothing could be further from the truth.",,2,2 "Two Defense Department officials said Thursday that about 7,000 troops will be withdrawn in the coming months — cutting in half the number of American forces there — in an early step to ending the United States’ involvement in the 17-year war.",,2,2 "“And to actively do nothing is a decision, as well.”",,2,2 "All patriotic Americans should understand that Putin is not America’s friend, and he is not the president’s buddy.",president’s buddy,0,1 """I am strongly pro-life and I am not pro-gay marriage,"" she said.",,2,2 "During the contentious meeting in the Situation Room, Mr. Trump made his case for a wall on the southwestern border and rejected Democrats’ proposals for reopening the government while the two sides ironed out their differences.",,2,2 "Only in Congress since 2010, Labrador would represent several firsts: the first Latino, first Mormon and first Idaho lawmaker to be House majority leader.",,2,2 Romney has said that Perry provided a magnet for undocumented immigrants to settle in Texas by supporting a law that allows people who are in the country unlawfully to attend public colleges at in-state tuition rates.,,2,2 Democrats backed him.,,2,2 “He was the only conduit they have to express their anger right now.,,2,2 "And I’m being myself, frank, we’ve got a big challenge and we’ve got work to do,"" he said to Fox News' Bill Hemmer.",,2,2 “Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms.”,“Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms.”,1,0 "A record-breaking 158,682 people attended the games last year in Texas.",,2,2 "Responding to Gorsuch’s stated belief that justices have no partisan leanings, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) explained, “And you know, you said earlier, there are no Democratic judges, there are no Republican judges.",,2,2 "At the bottom of the page, floating across her torso in bold white letters, are the words “The Queen of Rage.”",,2,2 "The “cabin rabbit transport fees” were first reported in January 2017 by a California newspaper, The Press-Enterprise.",,2,2 "“I don’t think we should move forward on the Gorsuch nomination until the nomination of Merrick Garland has been dealt with fairly,” Senator Thomas R. Carper, Democrat of Delaware, said on Thursday, signaling his support for a filibuster.",,2,2 But tensions are rising on all sides.,,2,2 "“The president is not particularly concerned about that,” Earnest said in his Friday briefing.",,2,2 """The bottom line is you cannot lie to Congress, and you cannot be evasive, you cannot try to mislead Congress,"" he said.","""The bottom line is you cannot lie to Congress, and you cannot be evasive, you cannot try to mislead Congress,""",1,1 "The 59-year-old Huckabee has a strong following among the party’s evangelical Christian base but this time will face stiff competition for that vote from such primary candidates as Dr. Ben Carson and Sen. Ted Cruz, of Texas.",,2,2 """Then in the next breath, you say, well, now these (local) supervisors have too much discretion.""",,2,2 "But Netanyahu pushed back against these criticisms in two separate interviews on Sunday, first telling CNN, “I know that people are trying to draw me into the American election.",,2,2 """The wait would not cause a double dip,"" he said.",,2,2 """There is absolutely no way there can be a fair process here,"" Boutrous said.","""There is absolutely no way there can be a fair process here,""",1,1 "The Congressman will require additional operations, and will be in the hospital for some time.""",,2,2 "But as Trump continues to describe the Russia probe as a ""witch hunt,"" the White House downplayed the latest allegations.",,2,2 "Mr. Nadler, Ms. Pelosi and other party elders believe Mr. Trump is threatening the country’s democratic institutions.","Mr. Nadler, Ms. Pelosi and other party elders believe Mr. Trump is threatening the country’s democratic institutions.",1,1 "Mr. Cohen said he initially lied because he did not want to contradict his congressional testimony, prosecutors said.",,2,2 "Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it -- Afghanistan or Iraq -- we owe our military men and women unconditional support.""",,2,2 "Federal authorities made an arrest on Friday in connection with the nationwide bombing campaign against outspoken critics of President Trump, a significant breakthrough in a case that has gripped the country in the days leading up to the midterm elections.",,2,2 "The savings come predominantly from limiting waste, fraud and abuse, mostly in Medicare Advantage, and are budgeted to help subsidize insurance for people under the ACA.",,2,2 "Within hours of Mr. Mueller’s completing his investigation, Senator Elizabeth Warren and the campaign arm of House Democrats were already placing ads on Facebook demanding the full report’s release, with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee seeking 100,000 signatures for its online petition.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court appears ready to block a massive sex discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart on behalf of up to 1.6 million women, and that could make it harder for other workers nationwide to bring class-action claims against large employers.",,2,2 "I'm going to get back to the conversation I care about.""",,2,2 "White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, traveling with the president on his trip to Asia, told reporters that Trump “believes that we cannot allow a mere allegation ― in this case, one from many years ago ― to destroy a person’s life” but that if the allegations are true, “Judge Moore will do the right thing and step aside.”",,2,2 "“I’m not going to ascribe motives to the prime minister,” she told Mr. Rose.",,2,2 Texas Rep. Blake Farenthold resigns from Congress,,2,2 "“Toward that end and because of the Secretary’s unique arrangement with herself as it relates to public records during and after her tenure as Secretary of State, this Committee is left with no alternative but to request Secretary Clinton appear before this Committee for a transcribed interview to better understand decisions the Secretary made relevant to the creation, maintenance, retention, and ultimately deletion of public records,” Gowdy stated in the letter.",,2,2 "“Most people now recognize that judges are heavily influenced by their personal beliefs and experiences,” said Bam, of the Maine School of Law.","“Most people now recognize that judges are heavily influenced by their personal beliefs and experiences,”",1,1 "Their condemnation has grown so heated that this month, Bishop Daniel Jenky, of Peoria, Ill., said in a homily that President Obama was so intolerant of religion that he was “following a similar path” as Hitler and Stalin.","Their condemnation has grown so heated that this month, Bishop Daniel Jenky, of Peoria, Ill., said in a homily that President Obama was so intolerant of religion that he was “following a similar path” as Hitler and Stalin.",1,1 "He left the Patrick administration last year to return to the private sector, but said this brief detour to Washington was a sacrifice worth making because he wanted to give something back to the state that had given him so much.",,2,2 "Throwing down the gauntlet, all 42 members of the GOP caucus are sending the letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid warning him that they will bring matters to a standstill unless he swiftly brings those tax-and-spending issues to the floor.",,2,2 """Democrats aren't going to be intimidated by the White House or Congressional Republicans,"" spokeswoman Ashley Etienne said.",,2,2 "She said there had been progress only in the sense of a ""better understanding"" of each other.",,2,2 "It is not clear how many total emails from that period were in Clinton's personal account, nor is it clear how Clinton's advisers decided which emails to hand over to the State Department.","It is not clear how many total emails from that period were in Clinton's personal account, nor is it clear how Clinton's advisers decided which emails to hand over to the State Department.",1,1 "He also took aim at former Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, who he said “was right in 1993, before he and the Democrats went insane and started with the Open Borders (which brings massive crime) ‘stuff.’”",insane,0,0 "Trump, who placed second in an NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll of potential 2012 Republican candidates, said he will decide by June whether to run, and if he is the GOP nominee, ""I'd like to beat him straight up,"" not on the basis of the question of where Obama was born.",,2,2 "The budget authored by Mr. Ryan, a rising star among conservatives, has given Catholic leaders an opportunity to distance the church from the Republican Party.",rising star,0,1 "WASHINGTON — Donald John Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States on Friday, ushering in a new era that he vowed would shatter the established order and reverse a national decline that he called “this American carnage.”",“this American carnage.”,0,1 That committee said it would defer its inquiry because of a separate Department of Justice investigation.,,2,2 """But if you want to become a citizen, you'll have to go through the path.",,2,2 "They were the governor’s deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, and Bill Baroni and David Wildstein, two senior officials and allies of Mr. Christie at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates the bridge.",,2,2 "(Parts of Mr. Obama’s home in the northwest section of the city are bordered by a low brick retaining wall, and others have iron or chain-link fencing.)",,2,2 “I’m just now seeing the reaction of these images.,,2,2 "A few days later, the F.B.I. director at the time, James B. Comey, recommended no charges be filed against her in the matter.","A few days later, the F.B.I. director at the time, James B. Comey, recommended no charges be filed against her in the matter.",1,0 "Strzok subsequently joined the Mueller team, but left the team as soon as Mueller became aware of his anti-Trump texts.",,2,2 """It is not as though we had this whole policy paper sitting on the shelf somewhere,"" said a senior administration official.",,2,2 Mr. Obama vowed to respond forcefully to what he called a devastating “act of terror and an act of hate.”,,2,2 "Ms. Lauten, who did not respond to repeated requests for further comment, later posted an apology for her “hurtful” words, saying she had “judged the two young ladies in a way that I would never have wanted to be judged myself as a teenager.”",who did not respond to repeated requests for further comment,1,1 They are following an incorrect reading of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.”,,2,2 "Now, they will have to file their federal returns as other married couples do, but may be required to file their state returns as individuals.",,2,2 "In 2009, the editors selected a photo of Sarah Palin in running shorts, which the former governor — and many others — called “sexist.”","In 2009, the editors selected a photo of Sarah Palin in running shorts, which the former governor — and many others — called “sexist.”",1,1 "Mrs. Clinton’s tax return showed that her 2014 federal tax rate was 35.72, and, with city and state income taxes, was a combined rate of 45.8 percent.",,2,2 "Pacing the stage without a prepared text and raising his voice to a shout at times, he vowed to campaign and govern as a colorful teller of difficult truths, even if “it makes you cringe every once in a while.”",raising his voice to a shout at times,1,1 Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) tweeted tersely to Trump to “cancel your ridiculous Putin summit and get your butt on a plane back to the United States.”,“cancel your ridiculous Putin summit and get your butt on a plane back to the United States.”,1,1 "U.S. officials suggest Netanyahu’s trip is aimed primarily at derailing a nuclear deal with Iran, a signature Obama foreign policy objective.","U.S. officials suggest Netanyahu’s trip is aimed primarily at derailing a nuclear deal with Iran, a signature Obama foreign policy objective.",1,1 "The St. Louis Tea Party Coalition issued its own resolution against the N.A.A.C.P., accusing the civil rights body of acting as a “partisan political attack dog” and calling on the Internal Revenue Service to review the group’s tax-exempt status.",“partisan political attack dog”,1,1 "WASHINGTON — In one of the most stunning primary election upsets in congressional history, the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, was soundly defeated on Tuesday by a Tea Party-backed economics professor who had hammered him for being insufficiently conservative.",hammered,0,1 "Long lines were seen outside Chick-fil-A restaurants nationwide, and many customers documented their visits on social media sites and shared their reasons for eating at the chain.",,2,2 "Since the disclosure that Mrs. Clinton used the private account, a spokeswoman for the State Department has described the request from Mrs. Clinton as part of the department’s larger efforts to improve its record-keeping.",,2,2 "Other lawmakers decried the exercise altogether, saying the Constitution is a living document that shouldn't be followed to the letter.",,2,2 "Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, said he was warming up with Sean Hannity, the Fox News host, who is not known for bipartisan spirit.",who is not known for bipartisan spirit,1,0 "The report by the inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, that preceded Mr. Strzok’s firing not only criticized his conduct in sending the texts but also his use of personal email accounts to handle sensitive information. ",,2,2 "But he now opposes Mr. Obama’s warming of relations with Havana, calling Cuba’s government tyrannical.",,2,2 "These included Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which opened the door to unlimited corporate spending in politics; Shelby County v. Holder, which overturned a key section of the voting rights act; and numerous pro-corporate decisions limiting the rights of citizens to challenge corporations in courts, reducing the ability of states to protect patient and privacy and allowing mutual funds to lie to investors.","These included Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which opened the door to unlimited corporate spending in politics; Shelby County v. Holder, which overturned a key section of the voting rights act; and numerous pro-corporate decisions limiting the rights of citizens to challenge corporations in courts, reducing the ability of states to protect patient and privacy and allowing mutual funds to lie to investors.",1,1 "President Obama has again mistaken America's tolerance for different lifestyles with an endorsement of those lifestyles.""","President Obama has again mistaken America's tolerance for different lifestyles with an endorsement of those lifestyles.""",1,1 "Since she will be pleading the Fifth, Taylor has asked the committee that she be excused from testifying.",,2,2 "The Illinois Democrat faces up to five years in prison, but guidelines recommend slightly less.",,2,2 "The GOP front-runner, who has made many outrageous comments about Latinos including calling Mexican immigrants ""criminals"" and ""rapists,"" insists he'll coerce Mexico into paying for a wall to keep undocumented migrants out of the U.S. if he's elected.","who has made many outrageous comments about Latinos including calling Mexican immigrants ""criminals"" and ""rapists,""",1,1 "James Bopp, the Christian Coalition's lawyer, said he was ""shocked and appalled"" by that.","""shocked and appalled""",0,0 "Yet AARP reassured labor groups that it had not changed its position on Social Security, labor officials told HuffPost.",,2,2 "“Don’t allow a side issue to derail these things,” Mr. Emanuel said during a discussion about gun policy.",,2,2 White House Press Secretary Jay Carney wouldn’t say whether Obama is also bracing for dragged out negotiations,,2,2 "He spoke about it because he feels he has an obligation as the president to address this,"" Burton said.",,2,2 Mr. Schumer is not a figure of derision on the left as Mr. McConnell is on the right.,Mr. Schumer is not a figure of derision on the left as Mr. McConnell is on the right.,1,1 """He's cool,"" Murray said of Cowan.",,2,2 "Prior to this spring, the Internal Revenue Service did not recognize same-sex married couples pursuant to section 3 of DOMA.",,2,2 "He called Steele's comments ""unacceptable"" and ""inaccurate.""",,2,2 Patrick has consistently said that the pick to succeed Kerry should not run in the general election slated for June 25.,,2,2 "Representative Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio, a founder of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, asked if Mr. Trump should demand extradition of the hackers, said, “I’ll leave that to the president.”",,2,2 "Gowdy suggested Monday that he wants to have ""separate conversations"" with Clinton about Benghazi and the emails, in light of her wiping clean the server.",,2,2 Critics of birthright citizenship say that the amendment was never intended to apply to children of two non-citizens -- and particularly those who have come to the country illegally.,,2,2 Prominent Republicans are calling for Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer to veto a controversial bill that would allow businesses to deny service over religious beliefs.,,2,2 "Under pressure from news outlets, the Republican Party tried to cauterize the wound that Mr. Akin had created by isolating him.",,2,2 "“I think all of us have, you know, have had concerns about WikiLeaks over the years, and it’s just a reality of American life today, and of life in the wider world.”",,2,2 "But since taking office, Trump has never asked Mexico for payment.",,2,2 "“In the Obama years, Republicans learned to be more afraid of primary challenges than general elections.",,2,2 "A white lawmaker said he also heard the epithets, but conservative activists said the lawmakers were lying.",,2,2 "Representative Bob Etheridge, Democrat of North Carolina, issued an apology on Monday for grabbing a young man by the hand, arm and neck – as a video camera rolled – as the man tried to ask him whether he supports President Obama’s agenda.",,2,2 "In a CNN interview in January, Mr. Trump voiced skepticism that Mr. Bloomberg was worth as much as Forbes magazine estimated and speculated that Mr. Bloomberg’s company, which provides data terminals to financial firms and wealthy individuals, was vulnerable to competitors.","Mr. Trump voiced skepticism that Mr. Bloomberg was worth as much as Forbes magazine estimated and speculated that Mr. Bloomberg’s company, which provides data terminals to financial firms and wealthy individuals, was vulnerable to competitors",1,1 """I am the attorney general of the United States. But I am also a black man.""",,2,2 "“It is very important to me that the right Republican candidate be chosen to defeat the failed and very destructive Obama administration,” Mr. Trump said in his statement.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, revealed on Friday the most direct link yet between parallel efforts by the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks to damage Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election using Democratic Party material stolen by Russians.",,2,2 "“Nazis don’t have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust Museum in Washington,” Mr. Gingrich said on the Fox News program “Fox and Friends.”",,2,2 "In each case, he went through the motions of acquiescing to the White House — and then buried the plans in Defense Department red tape.",,2,2 "Clinton appeared to be seeking a middle ground, saying while some support the deal and others vehemently oppose it, ""I kind of fall in the group that says ‘what's in it?’ And ‘let's make it as good as it can be, and then let's make a decision.’ ”",,2,2 "The indictment is part of an open investigation led by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, who is examining whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, and whether Mr. Trump obstructed justice.",,2,2 "Some of the more experienced Republicans tried to resist talking about Biden’s behavior, knowing it would come across as complaining.",,2,2 "Third Way, a moderate Democratic group in Washington that has favored possible reductions in benefits, called AARP’s position “a watershed moment” in the debate over Social Security.",,2,2 He signed the spending deal Friday afternoon.,,2,2 "Mr. Sellers said that was not the appropriate comparison. “The comparison that’s relevant,” he said, “is between men and women and Wal-Mart.”",,2,2 Sayoc is a registered Republican and a self-described promoter and booking agent.,,2,2 "In addition to attacks in Benghazi on the British ambassador -- which forced the temporary closure of the U.K. operation -- the International Red Cross and United Nations, in the summer of 2012 the group Ansar al-Sharia was so well-established it held an annual conference in Benghazi to promote Islamic law.",,2,2 "If he had this much anger and vitriol against these people, you would think he would know how to spell their names",,2,2 "When he asked about the federal campaign financing investigation, Mr. Grimm stormed off camera but returned and threatened to throw Mr. Scotto off the balcony.",stormed,0,1 "He later released a followup video apology, insisting the remarks didn't ""reflect who I am.”","He later released a followup video apology, insisting the remarks didn't ""reflect who I am.”",1,0 "“So I like her, but she’s off the reservation,” he said.",,2,2 "“For years I lived off my campaign,” Mr. Jackson, 47, said in response to questions from the judge about the plea.",,2,2 "“We’ve come a long way from my days going door to door for the Children’s Defense Fund and earning $16,450 as a young law professor in Arkansas — and we owe it to the opportunities America provides,” Mrs. Clinton said in her statement.",,2,2 "It drew attention to a draft of the talking points — the only document provided by the White House that was not part of an e-mail chain — in which Mr. Morell, in his own writing, crossed out five lines that referred to C.I.A. warnings about the threat of attacks by Al Qaeda-linked extremists in Benghazi and eastern Libya.","Mr. Morell, in his own writing, crossed out five lines that referred to C.I.A. warnings about the threat of attacks by Al Qaeda-linked extremists in Benghazi and eastern Libya",1,1 It is a total Hoax. ,It is a total Hoax.,1,0 "“Big-game trophy decision will be announced next week but will be very hard pressed to change my mind that this horror show in any way helps conservation of Elephants or any other animal,” he posted to Twitter Sunday evening.",,2,2 "Ms. Klobuchar, however, illustrates why the Democratic base may find it difficult to inflict payback: She is broadly popular with liberals in Minnesota, and the shutdown fight has come late enough in the congressional calendar to leave any would-be challenger with little time to prepare.",,2,2 "Mr. Calderón, who was president from 2006 until 2012, went on to argue that Mr. Trump was misinformed about the flow of immigrants from Mexico to the United States and that closing the border would harm America’s economy.",,2,2 CNN shared footage of FBI agents arriving at the property:,,2,2 "At 9:24 p.m., Ms. Nuland, reading the latest draft, complained in an e-mail, “These don’t resolve all my issues or those of my building leadership.”",,2,2 Mr. Biden’s visit with the House Democrats is likely to be as contentious as the one that he led with their Senate colleagues on Tuesday — if not more so.,,2,2 “This isn’t funny anymore.” He added that Ginsburg’s comments are “beyond the pale.”,“beyond the pale.”,1,1 "The Democratic governor picked former Chief of Staff William ""Mo"" Cowan, who also served as Patrick’s chief legal counsel.",,2,2 "The New York Democrat, who is known for his combative style in interviews and on the House floor, granted a series of TV interviews after getting testy with reporters late Tuesday.",after getting testy,0,1 "Now under the protection of her lawyers and the Fifth Amendment, Lois Lerner is facing a maelstrom of controversy.",maelstrom,0,1 """I have not done anything wrong,"" she said.",,2,2 "Members of the “No, DREAM, No Deal” began stepping up their calls for Schumer and others to “stand strong” Sunday night, when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., suggested a compromise had been reached, without offering any solid commitment.",,2,2 And the ObamaCare cuts he referenced would likely come in the form of lower payments to providers.,,2,2 "Mr. Bannon appears to be the official described in the court document as “the high-ranking Trump Campaign official,” based on previous disclosures about the email exchange.",,2,2 "It can be personal data, like Social Security numbers, or information on matters that other countries consider classified or important to their national security.",,2,2 "That's the bottom line,"" he said.",,2,2 "“So-called Birthright Citizenship, which costs our Country billions of dollars and is very unfair to our citizens, will be ended one way or the other,” he tweeted. ",is very unfair to our citizens,1,1 "The report has drawn heavy criticism from Republicans, including at least one potential challenger in the 2016 presidential race.",,2,2 "The offer for that position was made more than a month before -- on March 26, 2009 -- to Ray Mabus.",,2,2 "“The grass-roots are rightly furious with a slew of elected Democrats,” said Ben Wikler, the Washington director of MoveOn.org.",,2,2 """Russia, China, Iran or any other nation that attempts to block global commerce will know to expect a response from my administration.”",,2,2 "Rick Santorum said Sunday he wasn't questioning whether President Obama is a Christian when he referred to his ""phony theology"" over the weekend, but was in fact challenging policies that he says place the stewardship of the Earth above the welfare of people living on it.",,2,2 "The 24-page indictment released early Friday alleges that Stone worked to obstruct the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election by making false statements to the committee, denying he had records sought by the committee and persuading a witness to provide false testimony.",,2,2 "Santorum had said that because of this trend, health insurance providers should not be forced to make the procedures available free of charge.",,2,2 """I was talking about the radical environmentalists,"" Santorum said, suggesting that they believe man should protect the earth, rather than ""steward its resources.""",,2,2 "On one occasion, Trump Jr. tweeted a link to a cache of leaked emails after the WikiLeaks account messaged it to him.",,2,2 "The cost of the package, senior officials estimated, would be roughly $500 million, some of which could come from already budgeted funds.",,2,2 "The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, or JASTA, moved to the floor of the Senate in May and passed by voice vote.",,2,2 "News of Mattis’ departure comes in the wake of reports that the White House had been discussing who might replace him, a topic that was first reported by The Washington Post in early September.",,2,2 Mr. Trump once encouraged Mr. Flynn to seek an immunity deal.,,2,2 """Everything is on the table,"" Burr said.",,2,2 "From 1997 to 2009, he practiced civil litigation as an associate and later a partner in the Boston office of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo.",,2,2 But it remained unclear if the van belonged to Mr. Sayoc.,,2,2 “This is an abuse of power and it underscores the vindictive nature of it by the fact that CNN was alerted ahead of time.”,“This is an abuse of power and it underscores the vindictive nature of it by the fact that CNN was alerted ahead of time.”,1,0 "WASHINGTON — Representative Raúl R. Labrador, a Republican of Idaho who has barely served two terms in Congress, jumped into the race for House majority leader on Friday, offering himself as the more conservative alternative who could pull the House rightward in the wake of Representative Eric Cantor’s loss in a primary.",who has barely served two terms in Congress,1,1 "But determined not to let that taint their signature legislation and fired up by a rousing speech from freshman Representative Max Rose of New York, Democrats held steady.",,2,2 "On Wednesday, the governor said he would ask lawmakers to either recall or rewrite portions of the bill.",,2,2 "… We're the ones continuing the guarantee of Medicare for people in or near retirement.""",,2,2 "That puts him on the same page as Clinton, who has said she backs the bill.",,2,2 "Mr. Obama said Sunday’s massacre, by a gunman with a handgun and an assault weapon, is another brutal reminder of how easy it is for someone to slaughter dozens.",,2,2 "“My view is the same as it’s been from the beginning,” Mr. Romney told a CBS affiliate in Denver.",,2,2 "But a White House official said the plan always was for Sestak to remain in the House, and he couldn't have served in the House and on the president's intelligence advisory board.",,2,2 "Democrats point to modest decreases in funding in recent years, and the fact that Congress has approved less than was requested.",,2,2 "Democrats hope to deflect such attacks this year by pointing out that Mr. Ryan’s budget plan, approved twice by the House, includes similar savings — roughly $700 billion from 2013 to 2022, according to the Congressional Budget Office.",,2,2 "The spate of voluntary disclosures on Friday, intended to highlight Mrs. Clinton’s efforts at transparency, came after a week of renewed attention to her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.","The spate of voluntary disclosures on Friday, intended to highlight Mrs. Clinton’s efforts at transparency, came after a week of renewed attention to her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.",1,1 "Asked why Sayoc appeared to be targeting Democratic politicians and others critical of Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he didn’t know but that the suspect “appears to be a partisan”",,2,2 "In the next shot, Etheridge grabs the reporter’s wrist and continually asks him to identify himself.",,2,2 "When Bopp learned years later that Lerner had been promoted to an IRS position, he became concerned.","When Bopp learned years later that Lerner had been promoted to an IRS position, he became concerned.",1,1 "Behind the scenes, state lawmakers — Democrats and Senate Republicans — exasperated after six years of political controversies and what they saw as erratic behavior, were scrambling to figure out what, if anything, they could do to formally address this latest crisis.",state lawmakers — Democrats and Senate Republicans — exasperated after six years of political controversies and what they saw as erratic behavior,1,1 "Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Jon M. Huntsman Jr. and Ron Paul all declined, putting a big dent in Mr. Trump’s self-proclaimed status as Republican kingmaker.",Mr. Trump’s self-proclaimed status as Republican kingmaker,1,1 Here are his stances on important issues.,,2,2 "“I was stunned when Eric Cantor lost his primary election earlier this week,” Labrador, who is 46, said in his announcement about running for majority leader.",,2,2 "Mr. Akin said over the weekend that women’s bodies will resist getting pregnant from a “legitimate rape,” comments that have been widely condemned, including by Mr. Romney who called for Mr. Akin to withdraw from the race.",comments that have been widely condemned,1,1 """The principles aren't combined, written out yet, but in my personal belief I think it'll go with legal status that will allow you to work and pay your taxes,"" McCarthy told KBFX Eyewitnesses News.",,2,2 "During the president’s speech earlier in the day, cabinet officials and White House aides lined the sides of the Rose Garden and applauded him.",,2,2 The liberal icon justice had kicked off the storm with comments to The New York Times published Saturday.,,2,2 "Asked in the interview how genuine his presidential ambition is, Trump, who would have to hand over the reins of his international empire in order to run the country, said, ""I always take things seriously, but I've never taken it seriously like this.",,2,2 "Fox said, as a taxpayer, he’s not willing to fund Trump’s big idea.",,2,2 """And then these groups, these extremist groups, are looking for something, and they are latching on to this.""",extremist,0,1 "“If he wasn’t here, it wouldn’t have happened.”",,2,2 The video appears to have been taken by a hidden camera at an event that was closed to the press.,,2,2 "Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday for lying to the FBI in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia, becoming the first former administration official to face charges in the probe.",,2,2 "Patrick on Wednesday was asked to reflect on the fact that eight years ago, the highest black official in the state was Suffolk County D.A. Ralph Martin.",,2,2 "When Sestak began making overtures that he would run, the White House looked for ways to follow through on its promise.",,2,2 "Mark Mattioli, the father of one Newtown shooting victim, also spoke after Hutchinson's announcement to applaud the review effort.","Mark Mattioli, the father of one Newtown shooting victim, also spoke after Hutchinson's announcement to applaud the review effort.",1,1 Workers who are 58 and older would not be affected.,,2,2 A double dip recession?,,2,2 "Boehner, though, is facing some pressure from Republicans to give a little bit more.",,2,2 Jail!” Trump tweeted early Tuesday.,Jail!,0,0 "Obama has acknowledged he had a ""bad night"" in his debate last week, but the campaign indicates it will be more aggressive going forward.",,2,2 He added: “President Obama is actually damaging Medicare for current seniors.,President Obama is actually damaging Medicare for current seniors,1,1 "From there, members who wished to read were recognized from their seats, beginning with Representative Steve Rothman, Democrat of New Jersey.",,2,2 "Perhaps out of a belief that an impeachment fight would help him politically — as it did President Bill Clinton in the 1990s — or outright fear that newly empowered Democrats actually might threaten his presidency, Mr. Trump dived into the conversation head first.",outright fear that newly empowered Democrats actually might threaten his presidency,1,1 "Arpaio endorsed Mitt Romney in 2008, choosing him over eventual nominee and fellow Arizonan John McCain.",,2,2 "Forensic investigators in Quantico, Va., have been sifting through the packages addressed to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, liberal billionaire George Soros, former Attorney General Eric Holder, former CIA Director John Brennan and California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters.",,2,2 "For months, some sheriffs and police officers in rural counties bordering Colorado have complained that they have seen more marijuana entering their towns and being transported down their highways since recreational sales began in January.",complained,0,1 """As the father of two daughters, I want tough justice for predators.",,2,2 "McCain tweeted that if Trump “is not prepared to hold Putin accountable,” the talks in Helsinki on Monday “should not move forward.”",,2,2 "Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and his wife, Margaret, were indicted on charges of illegally converting $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses and filing false records, prosecutors announced Tuesday.",,2,2 "Bruning, a Republican, blamed U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for failing to enforce the federal law's ban on drugs in Colorado.",,2,2 The surprise announcement was a remarkable surrender for a president who made the wall his nonnegotiable condition for reopening the government and a centerpiece of his political platform.,remarkable surrender,0,1 """I asked that changes be made in the legislation,"" Hutchinson said, urging state lawmakers to ""recall"" the bill -- or pass additional legislation -- to ""remedy"" the issue.",,2,2 "Separately, the Health and Human Services Department said Thursday that Medicare would extend certain key benefits to same-sex spouses, “clarifying that all beneficiaries in private Medicare plans have access to equal coverage when it comes to care in a nursing home where their spouse lives.”",,2,2 "“Now, instead of getting money out of politics, the Democrats on this committee voted to pass a bill that will publicly fund – campaign travel, campaign dinners, and in some cases, the politicians themselves,” Illinois Rep. Rodney Davis wrote in an op-ed for The Hill.","publicly fund – campaign travel, campaign dinners, and in some cases, the politicians themselves",1,1 """Is it true that Wal-Mart's pay disparity across the company was less than the national average?"" he asked.",,2,2 "“Repubs must not allow Pres Obama to subvert the Constitution of the US for his own benefit & because he is unable to negotiate w/ Congress,” Mr. Trump tweeted in 2014.",,2,2 "At the time, Republican leadership praised his decision to step aside, over Democratic criticism that he should immediately resign.",,2,2 "Mrs. Clinton indicated that if she were president, she would not abandon the 12-nation Pacific trade deal – as some Democrats want – but would use the opposition in Congress as negotiating leverage.",,2,2 Liberals are going as far as trying to prevent outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from bringing the tax cut compromise to the floor.,,2,2 But it is his background in politics that had Democrats reacting with severe reservation.,severe,0,1 "Trump, returning to Washington after spending the holidays at his Florida resort, posted an early-morning tweet lashing out at former Clinton aide Huma Abedin, apparently in response to Abedin emails released by the State Department on Friday.",after spending the holidays at his Florida resort,1,1 "And in meeting with reporters, Mr. LePage spoke emotionally about Maine’s heroin crisis.",,2,2 "Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, whose views on the president and his policies have fluctuated, said Trump ""put forth a reasonable, good faith proposal that will reopen the government and help secure the border.""","reasonable, good faith",0,1 "What the staff member did not know was that the interior designer was actually an undercover F.B.I. employee who was investigating the Jacksons, the documents say.",,2,2 "I'll file cloture on all three of these at the same time.""",,2,2 "No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response.",,2,2 "He says that as a member of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the Senate Committee on Intelligence, he is privy to information that form the basis of his decision on how the United States must approach foreign policy.",,2,2 NRA urges states to allow more armed officers in schools,,2,2 "“There is no circumstance whatsoever under which I will bear false witness against the president, nor will I make up lies to ease the pressure on myself,” he said.",,2,2 "“The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot,” she said on KABC radio in Los Angeles.","“The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot,”",1,1 "Mattis, who served more than four decades in the military and headed the U.S. Central Command from 2010 to 2013, won Senate confirmation as defense secretary on Jan. 20, 2017, shortly after Trump’s inauguration.",,2,2 "In a televised March debate, Blumenthal stated clearly he had not served in Vietnam.","In a televised March debate, Blumenthal stated clearly he had not served in Vietnam.",1,1 "When law enforcement arrested him on Friday in Plantation, Florida, they also took possession of a van covered in stickers supporting Trump and criticizing Democratic officials.",,2,2 "I hope that instead of choosing the road of endless obstruction, Democrats will decide to work with him to reach an agreement and end the shutdown,” he said.",instead of choosing the road of endless obstruction,1,1 "He urged offices to use a ""strong password"" of at least 10 characters including numbers and symbols, be on the lookout for ""suspicious links,"" and refrain from giving out passwords to ""untrusted third-parties.""",,2,2 "Edie Windsor, the plaintiff in the DOMA case, sued the government after being forced to pay estate taxes following the death of her wife, Thea Spyer.",,2,2 “We would never accept the Japanese putting up a site next to Pearl Harbor.,,2,2 The resolution did not go over well with Tea Party groups and their supporters.,,2,2 "The vice president dominated the spotlight in the only debate between himself and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), charging at Republican Mitt Romney's running mate from the get-go and bombarding him with a flurry of eye rolls, interjections and accusations.","flurry of eye rolls, interjections and accusations",0,1 Other Republicans quickly criticized Mr. Braley.,,2,2 "Mr. LePage spoke shortly after he met with — and apologized to — Representative Drew Gattine, the state Democratic lawmaker who had been the recipient of the angry voice mail.",,2,2 "Jackson, dressed in a blue tie, blue shirt and a blue suit, looked back in the direction of his father and wife several times during the hearing.",,2,2 "Her spokesman, Andrew Wilder, suggested that she would not take that long, but he would not say what she was inclined to do.",,2,2 "She topped out at $400,000 for a speech to the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago.",,2,2 “So I came out here to support Chick-fil-A and the movement.”,,2,2 "A day after telling reporters that he's ""not going to talk about this anymore,"" Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) broke his silence Wednesday about the controversy surrounding a lewd photo sent from his Twitter account.","A day after telling reporters that he's ""not going to talk about this anymore,""",1,1 "President Trump on Monday called the criminal case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn “very unfair,” claiming he and Hillary Clinton both “lied” to the FBI but only Flynn faced consequences.",,2,2 "“I will fight for you with every breath in my body, and I will never, ever let you down. … ",,2,2 "The report, commissioned in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, recommended properly trained armed employees to provide ""an important layer of security in schools.""",,2,2 "With the ousting this month of John F. Kelly as White House chief of staff, Mr. Mattis was the last of Mr. Trump’s old-guard national security team — leaving policy in the hands of Mike Pompeo, the president’s second secretary of state, and John R. Bolton, the third White House national security adviser.",,2,2 "Sanders afterward struck a conciliatory tone Thursday, saying he plans to meet soon with Clinton to discuss how they can “work together to defeat Donald Trump.”",,2,2 "In both of those cases, the presidents were responding to new events — the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and Al Qaeda’s assault on the United States — and were moving military funds around for a military purposes.",,2,2 "Federal prosecutors in New Jersey have issued grand jury subpoenas to Gov. Chris Christie’s re-election campaign and to the state Republican Party as part of a preliminary inquiry into accusations that aides to Mr. Christie shut down access lanes to the George Washington Bridge as political retribution, the lawyer for the campaign and the party said Thursday.",,2,2 "During the four days of hearings, even Judge Gorsuch’s critics did not dispute his credentials.",even Judge Gorsuch’s critics did not dispute his credentials,1,1 "F.B.I. agents arrested Mr. Stone before dawn, appearing at his Fort Lauderdale, Fla., home with ballistic vests and guns drawn.",,2,2 "Later when the official White House briefing transcript was released, there was an asterik, to Carney's statement, ""* This common phrase does not appear in the Bible,"" it read.",,2,2 "When Mr. Steele made the remarks, he was speaking to Republican contributors at a fund-raiser in Connecticut.",,2,2 This feels like an “America’s Next Top Model” challenge gone so horribly wrong.,,2,2 “We were like sitting ducks.”,,2,2 "Beyond the family vacations and private school tuition, the indictment said expenses included dental work, theater tickets, and domestic and international travel for almost a dozen relatives, as well as “tens of thousands of dollars on smaller purchases, including fast food, movie tickets, golf outings, video games, coffee, groceries, home utilities and expensive meals,” according to a statement released by the Justice Department.",,2,2 "Some Republican senators called the idea of Lieberman replacing Comey “intriguing,” but Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., said it was a “mistake” to nominate him.",,2,2 "Stone’s attorney, Grant Smith, said in a statement that “there was no Russian collusion” and that the charges were “a clear attempt at silencing Roger.”",,2,2 But Mr. Trump overcame skeptics when he embarked on what seemed like a quixotic bid for the presidency.,,2,2 "Fox, an outspoken critic of Trump, started the fight when he said on CNN that he disagreed with current President Enrique Pena Nieto’s decision to invite the billionaire to the country to meet with him.",,2,2 "However, there's not a lot of time for that to happen before next Thursday's election, and leadership elections generally are dominated by inside baseball politics and arcane political interests.",,2,2 "In a December court filing, prosecutors working for Mr. Mueller described how Mr. Cohen had repeatedly lied to Congress both about the length of negotiations over the Trump Tower Moscow deal and about Mr. Trump’s involvement in the project.",,2,2 "There are two more presidential debates on the calendar, and the polls have started to swing in Romney's favor.",,2,2 The FBI is investigating Hodgkinson and his possible motives.,,2,2 "Jason Baron, a former director of litigation at the National Archives, told the paper he found it ""very difficult to conceive of a scenario — short of nuclear winter — where an agency would be justified in allowing its cabinet-level head officer to solely use a private email communications channel for the conduct of government business.""",,2,2 "An executive order challenging birthright citizenship would ensure a legal battle, in which most experts think the president would fail.",,2,2 "The compromise package, which was negotiated for weeks in a bipartisan conference committee, passed both the House and the Senate on Thursday.",,2,2 "“A telephone call would have done the job, and he would have appeared. ",,2,2 “I think they’re just scaredy-cats.,“I think they’re just scaredy-cats.,1,1 "The comment was ""the latest low in a Republican primary campaign that has been fueled by distortions, ugliness, and searing pessimism and negativity.""","""the latest low in a Republican primary campaign that has been fueled by distortions, ugliness, and searing pessimism and negativity.""",1,1 The statement also quotes from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' letters to Congress saying budgets cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to the poor.,,2,2 Warren added on Twitter: “Neil Gorsuch is up for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court from a President whose campaign is under FBI investigation.”,,2,2 "During Clinton’s follow-up evaluations, she was found to have a “transverse sinus venous thrombosis” and started “anticoagulation therapy” to dissolve the clot.",,2,2 Weiner was a Twitter follower of the female college student who received the photo.,,2,2 "Mason Tvert, communications director for Marijuana Policy Project, told The Huffington Post that MPP agrees with Suthers' opinion that the suit is ""without merit.""",,2,2 "“If we end up with that gridlock, I would say, ‘If you can, Mitch, go nuclear,'” Trump said Feb. 1.",,2,2 "Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California praised Mr. Schiff as “calm, professional, patriotic,” and said his work as the chairman of the committee has been “in stark contrast to the irresponsible and almost criminal behavior of the previous chair of the committee,” Representative Devin Nunes, Republican of California.","“calm, professional, patriotic,”",1,1 "The key vote for a Wal-Mart victory could belong to Justice Anthony Kennedy, who said he was troubled by what he called an inconsistency in the women's lawsuit.",,2,2 "Several hours earlier, a senior administration official also pushed back, saying the Guardian article and Washington Post article about the Internet mining refers to collection under a law that ""does not allow the targeting of any U.S. citizen or of any person located within the United States.”",,2,2 "“My view is the White House should call Nancy and a few other of the Democrats to say, ‘What would it take to get an agreement that would be better and not worse for American workers?’” Mrs. Clinton said, aligning herself with a potential future ally (Ms. Pelosi) over a lame-duck president.",,2,2 Democrats were not impressed.,,2,2 "We, I think we all stipulate, the president did, no one likes those provisions that they dislike but on the other side of the ledger are significant things that will help people and help the economy.",,2,2 "The subpoenas could not be issued without at least some support from Republicans, who make up the majority of the committee.",,2,2 “Now we have Schiff chasing after Russian collusion.”,“Now we have Schiff chasing after Russian collusion.”,1,1 "President Donald Trump used Twitter to tear into social media companies Saturday morning, claiming they were “totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices.”",tear into,0,1 “That’s just equality 101.”,“That’s just equality 101.”,1,1 "Instead, he laid out a protectionist agenda, saying his rule will be “buy American and hire American.”",,2,2 "According to the person briefed on the matter, the subpoenas, issued by prosecutors in the office of the United States attorney for New Jersey, Paul J. Fishman, seek a broad range of records relating to the lane closings: emails, text messages, other correspondence and memorandums, calendar entries, spreadsheets, voice mail messages.",,2,2 "At the same time, Congress needs to make a legislative move to keep the government funded before the 112th Congress takes over in January.",,2,2 "He received a standing ovation when he was introduced as a team member, with Democrats waving their caps at his image on the screen beyond the outfield fence.",,2,2 Top Senate leaders including Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell have condemned Akin's comments.,,2,2 "On May 26, 2009, The Connecticut Post, a Bridgeport newspaper that is the state’s third-largest daily, described Mr. Blumenthal as “a Vietnam veteran.”",,2,2 "“That one generation removed from that guy who was working on the floor of the Breyers ice cream plant, his son is the two-term governor of the state that he was born and raised in.”",,2,2 We are VERY interested in confidentially obtaining and publishing a copy of the email(s) cited in the New York Times today.”,,2,2 Trump has maintained he is innocent and on Friday accused Cohen of lying to the special counsel in order to reduce his jail time.,Cohen of lying to the special counsel in order to reduce his jail time,1,1 “WikiLeaks appears to beguile some people into transparency by convincing them that it is in their interest.”,,2,2 """Chairman Steele needs to apologize to our military, all the men and women who've been fighting in Afghanistan,"" he said.",,2,2 He settled into a corner booth as residents explained the problems that need to be rectified.,,2,2 "“I think it’s immoral. I think it’s unethical. I think it’s unpatriotic, and yes, I think it’s corrupt and evidence of collusion.”","“I think it’s immoral. I think it’s unethical. I think it’s unpatriotic, and yes, I think it’s corrupt and evidence of collusion.”",1,1 "Mr. Schiff, clearly prepared for the ambush, argued that there was a difference between prosecutors proving a criminal conspiracy and the committee investigating evidence of foreign compromise.",ambush,0,1 "Marking a significant defeat for the White House, the House ensured the bill will become law after voting 348-77 to override Wednesday afternoon.",defeat,0,0 "The letter says, “We would be remiss in our duty to you and our students if we did not challenge your continuing misuse of Catholic teaching to defend a budget plan that decimates food programs for struggling families, radically weakens protections for the elderly and sick, and gives more tax breaks to the wealthiest few.”","your continuing misuse of Catholic teaching to defend a budget plan that decimates food programs for struggling families, radically weakens protections for the elderly and sick, and gives more tax breaks to the wealthiest few",1,1 "Mr. Santorum, at another appearance on Saturday, in Columbus, Ohio, called the idea of schools being run by the federal government or by state governments “anachronistic.”",,2,2 "Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa? “A terrific, exciting person.”",,2,2 "Lieberman, who was the 2000 Democratic vice presidential nominee before losing a primary bid for re-election and becoming an independent, would be an unconventional choice.",,2,2 "Still, the final version of the talking points is stripped of material — including a reference to Libya being awash with weapons and fighters that made it a dangerous environment — which critics say would have raised questions about the State Department’s security posture.",,2,2 "Elected officials accused one another of hypocrisy and selective memory on matters of policy, perhaps a bit more gently than they might have on a typical weekday.",,2,2 "The traffic lanes were closed for four days in September, creating traffic gridlock in Fort Lee, the town at the base of the bridge on the New Jersey side.",,2,2 “I asked him to sign on to Dream bill.,,2,2 Mr. Romney has offered a Medicare proposal similar to Mr. Ryan’s.,,2,2 "Jonathan Cowan, president of centrist think tank Third Way, hailed AARP's apparent reversal, per the Journal story.",hailed,0,1 "You know if it had been a right wing blog, they’d identify themselves and they’d be booking this person on TV all day.",,2,2 "“It shows that there is either a fundamental distrust of Mr. Stone, possibly due to the witness tampering charge, or that there was a real breakdown with his attorney,” Trusty said Friday. ",,2,2 "Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) was the other conservative alternate to McCarthy, though he is almost as much an establishment character as anyone else in leadership.",,2,2 "In his interview on CNN, Fox warned Peña Nieto would be viewed like “a traitor” if he does not stand up to the GOP nominee.",traitor,0,1 "“We already had concerns and we have great law enforcement at home, first responders do a great job, but this makes you anticipate every event now in a new way,” Brat said on Fox News’ “America’s News HQ” on Wednesday.",,2,2 "President Obama formally endorsed Hillary Clinton to succeed him in the White House Thursday, saying she has the ""courage"" for the job and vowing to hit the campaign trail for her soon -- in a video message posted just moments after meeting with her primary rival Bernie Sanders.","""courage""",0,1 "It is both of them together.""",,2,2 But the patience of the left may be running thin.,,2,2 Why would he not do that?”,Why would he not do that?”,1,1 Bishop Jenky has stood by his comments.,,2,2 """There are dozens of ways modest tax increases on even just the very wealthiest Americans would restore Social Security to long-run actuarial balance, and there would be enough left over to increase benefits,"" said Nancy Altman, co-chair of Strengthen Social Security, a 300-member coalition of national and state organizations opposed to benefit cuts.",,2,2 “It will fool few Americans because it’s neither serious nor credible as a real remedy for Dreamers.”,“It will fool few Americans because it’s neither serious nor credible as a real remedy for Dreamers.”,1,1 "The sad young man who did that in Newtown was clearly haunted by demons and no gun law could have saved the children in Sandy Hook Elementary from his terror.""",,2,2 "Instead, the paper reports, Clinton's advisers selected which of her emails to turn over to the State Department for archival purposes after going through tens of thousands of pages of correspondence.",,2,2 "Telling the American people this is “your moment” and “your day,” Trump closed his speech with the promise that started it all: “We will make America great again.”",,2,2 "That exchange set the tone for a contentious hearing that veered into veiled accusations that the White House had a larger role in the controversy than previously disclosed, as well as outright attacks on President Obama’s character.",,2,2 "He indicated he was not shifting on his demand for more than $5 billion for funding for a wall on the southern border, saying it was necessary as the border is a ""dangerous, horrible disaster.""","""dangerous, horrible disaster.""",1,0 The leaked voicemail prompted members of LePage’s own party to question his ability to lead the state.,,2,2 Earnest would not say whether the White House believes Clinton broke the law.,,2,2 Fox’s interview on Fusion comes about 6 months after Ramos had his own very public skirmish with Trump in which the Spanish-language news icon confronted the billionaire during a press conference in Iowa – prompting the candidate's security team to remove Ramos from the room.,,2,2 "“We know how to win elections,” she added.",,2,2 "After she refused on Wednesday to say anything more to the committee, despite attempts by Representative Darrell Issa of California, the committee’s Republican chairman, to persuade her otherwise, Mr. Issa tried to dismiss her and her lawyer.",,2,2 WASHINGTON ―House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) was still in critical condition on Thursday after a lone gunman opened fire Wednesday morning on a group of Republican lawmakers practicing for a congressional baseball game.,,2,2 It's difficult to tell how much was specifically allocated for Benghazi.,,2,2 "The Dallas Morning Newsrecently reported that his presidential campaign plans to bring ""more than 600 influential Texans"" to Iowa in December.",,2,2 "The plan includes none of the money for the wall that Mr. Trump had demanded and was essentially the same approach that he rejected at the end of December and that Democrats have advocated since, meaning he won nothing concrete during the impasse.",he won nothing concrete during the impasse,1,1 Mrs. Clinton invoked Ms. Pelosi’s name twice during her remarks and appeared to agree with Ms. Pelosi that “there are some specifics in there that could and should be changed.”,,2,2 Trump and his right-wing allies continue to raise the issue.,,2,2 They included the placement of a bomb at the outer wall of the compound in June and an ambush that month on the British ambassador.,,2,2 "Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) appeared unreceptive to the question of an anonymous reporter this weekend, when he grabbed the self-identified “student” after he asked the congressman if he “fully supported the Obama agenda.”",,2,2 The convention is intended to return the campaign’s message to one of how Mr. Romney will get the nation’s economy back on track.,,2,2 "That will buy the administration some 234 miles of border wall, a senior administration official told reporters Friday.",,2,2 "The White House said in a statement that the Democrats' plan would ""micromanage"" elections that now are run largely by states and would establish ""costly and unnecessary program to finance political campaigns.""","The White House said in a statement that the Democrats' plan would ""micromanage"" elections that now are run largely by states and would establish ""costly and unnecessary program to finance political campaigns.""",1,1 "It is also quite obvious, from 223 years of legal and political debate on the topic, that the text of the Constitution itself, including those portions that deal with legislative power, is susceptible to many different (and often evolving) views and interpretations, a practical reality that would likely render most “Constitutional Authority Statements” controversial and contentious.”",It is also quite obvious,1,1 "WASHINGTON — Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, drew fierce criticism and a call for his resignation on Friday after declaring at a party fund-raiser that the United States was on the wrong side of history with its conflict in Afghanistan, a military fight he called “a war of Obama’s choosing.”",fierce,0,1 """There is no reason to have workers pay a price with their paycheck,"" she said","""There is no reason to have workers pay a price with their paycheck,""",1,0 "The regulation of recreational marijuana -- as seen in programs currently in place in Colorado and Washington state, as well as those that will soon go into effect in Oregon and Alaska -- remains illegal under the 1970 Controlled Substances Act.",,2,2 "The committee’s own investigative work would go on, he signaled, though outside the hearing room he has indicated that work may well need to shift course once Mr. Mueller’s findings are fully understood.",,2,2 The scholars corrected Mr. Ryan on his use of the Catholic concept of “subsidiarity” as “a rationale gutting government programs.”,,2,2 "On Friday, supporters of same-sex marriage will have their say.",,2,2 "With the year-end deadline for all rates to expire and $1 trillion in spending cuts to kick in, the prospect of actually failing to find agreement is coming into focus.",,2,2 "“(Clinton’s) cancer screening evaluations are all negative,” Bardack added.. “She is in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president of the United States.”",“She is in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president of the United States.”,1,1 Mr. Bauer went on to say that such horse-trading has been commonplace through history.,Mr. Bauer went on to say that such horse-trading has been commonplace through history.,1,1 "Protesters gathered outside Mr. McCulloch’s office on Wednesday, calling for him to step aside.",,2,2 """How would your golden years turn out under John McCain?",,2,2 "But given the difficulty of pushing new rules through a bitterly divided Congress, Mr. Obama will also promise to act on his own to reduce gun violence wherever possible.",,2,2 "Mr. Sanders, who requested the meeting with the president, pulled into the White House grounds at 10:56 a.m. after stopping at a nearby Peet’s Coffee for a scone.",,2,2 "He is the figurehead of the Republican Party whose tenure, once again, seems shaky.",once again,1,1 "Proponents of a pathway to legal status argued that the opportunity would be given only to those undocumented immigrants who earned it by meeting a strict set of criteria including paying fines, learning English, having a clean police record and paying taxes.",,2,2 Mr. Ryan and Mr. Romney would limit the government’s current open-ended financial commitment to Medicare.,,2,2 "Kyl said an official analysis and price tag, referred to as a ""score,"" from the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) are not yet ready, but that the Senate could move to the bill anyway.",,2,2 “So perhaps the pretense that judges are nonpartisan and apolitical does more harm than good.”,“So perhaps the pretense that judges are nonpartisan and apolitical does more harm than good.”,1,1 "It also follows a request to Lerner from the committee to provide information on why she gave ""false or misleading information"" to the committee on four previous occasions in 2012.",,2,2 “Stopping poaching isn’t just about saving the world’s most majestic animals for the future ― it’s about our national security.”,,2,2 "Very few lawmakers avail themselves of such briefings, he suggested, and only the most senior leaders are kept fully abreast of intelligence activities.",,2,2 "Throughout the day, there were mostly peaceful protests against the new president.",,2,2 "After the breach, the data was offered for sale by a hacking collective based in Eastern Europe.",,2,2 "Two years prior, then-Senator Obama used virtually identical language to beat up on his general election opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.):",beat up,0,1 "Summers added that he thinks Congress will pass the deal President Obama struck with Republicans, an agreement that has come under withering criticism from liberal Democrats over the two-year extension of tax cuts for the rich as well as the middle class.",withering criticism from liberal Democrats over the two-year extension of tax cuts for the rich as well as the middle class,1,1 "John Podesta, a former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and a close ally of Mr. Obama, issued a statement calling the tax deal “a steep price” but saying the president was “right to choose helping working Americans over a December conflagration.” ",,2,2 "“And if I did” spend campaign funds improperly, he said, “it was an accident and I paid it back.”",,2,2 "“Mexico is not yours to play with, show some respect.”","“Mexico is not yours to play with, show some respect.”",1,1 "“Undoubtedly, there is collusion,” Schiff told The Washington Post after Attorney General William Barr's four-page summary of Mueller's investigation was released Sunday.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — President Trump made his first “Crooked Hillary” Twitter post less than 48 hours into the new year on Tuesday, accusing a former Clinton aide of “disregarding basic security protocols,” and calling his own Justice Department a “deep state.”",his own,0,1 "“He blows away their case against him & now wants to clear his name by showing ‘the false or misleading testimony by James Comey, John Brennan …’ Witch Hunt!”",,2,2 "He failed in that today,” said Indivisible co-founder Ezra Levin.",He failed in that today,1,1 """We are disappointed by the government’s decision, but hardly surprised,"" he said.",but hardly surprised,1,1 "No sane country would do that, right?"" Reid said. ","No sane country would do that, right",1,1 """I don't think anyone believes it's in the best interest to do straight across-the-board cuts,"" he said.",,2,2 "“There was a good chance that I wouldn’t have won, in which case I would have gotten back into the business, and why should I lose lots of opportunities?” he told reporters.",,2,2 The newly announced policy applies to the remains of African elephants killed between January 2016 and December 2018.,,2,2 Wal-Mart lawyer Theodore Boutrous argued that every member of the class couldn't possibly meet a standard of commonality to justify the lawsuit.,,2,2 "Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader who plans to support the override effort, tried on Tuesday to play down any split between Democrats and Mr. Obama.",,2,2 But that was before Mr. Trump’s Twitter post with the pictures of the two women.,,2,2 "The discovery of those records reopened the case against Clinton, several months after Comey said he wasn’t recommending any charges be filed in the case.",,2,2 “Today’s indictment confirms just how deep this corruption can reach when someone like Duncan Hunter Jr. is in it for himself instead of representing the people.”,Duncan Hunter Jr. is in it for himself instead of representing the people,1,1 He is also savvy about the news media and attentive to how he is portrayed in the press.,,2,2 Actor George Takei is calling for a boycott.,,2,2 "Mrs. Clinton’s spokesman, Mr. Merrill, did not respond to an email seeking comment.","Mrs. Clinton’s spokesman, Mr. Merrill, did not respond to an email seeking comment.",1,1 "“I think this is ultimately a question for judicial ethicists, but I do think following these comments it is a legitimate question to raise, should Donald Trump’s campaign come to the Court with any legal questions before the election,” he wrote in his widely read Election Law Blog.",,2,2 "At the very least, the indictment will require Republicans to spend money to defend the seat.",,2,2 "Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his wife, Jill, rode an Amtrak train to Delaware and the home they have there.",,2,2 "In a tweet on Friday night, Trump said he decided to put the ""big game trophy decision on hold.”",,2,2 "While Mueller says his report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime,” it “also does not exonerate him.”",,2,2 I understand there are going to be people that hate this.,,2,2 """This is just the most recent example of an administration at war with people of faith in this country,"" he said.",an administration at war with people of faith in this country,1,1 The subpoenas issued this week show that prosecutors have begun taking the necessary steps to answer that question.,,2,2 The task force also suggested that states loosen current legal restrictions on who can carry a firearm on school property.,,2,2 "But it was the vice president who set the aggressive tone, blatantly striving to hit the reset after President Obama was panned for his lackluster performance at last week's opening debate.",But it was the vice president who set the aggressive tone,1,1 "They, like Warner, didn’t want Trump to throw a wrench in Congress’ spokes by getting early access to the documents.",,2,2 "The Twitter post on Tuesday morning followed an article in The Daily Caller, a conservative publication that Mr. Trump closely monitors.",,2,2 "“I may do it,” he said, before adding, “If we can do it through a negotiated process, we’re giving it a shot.”",,2,2 "Pence has defended his decision to sign the bill, claiming that the measure has been ""grossly misconstrued as a 'license to discriminate.'""",,2,2 "Ryan was, as usual, knowledgeable and in command of the facts.","Ryan was, as usual, knowledgeable and in command of the facts.",1,1 Obama came out in support of same-sex marriage on Wednesday in an interview with ABC.,,2,2 Mr. Romney and his aides have worked hard to ensure that social conservatives at the convention — and the voters they represent — do not feel left out.,,2,2 "“Throughout the last year there has been a great debate about the expansion of the federal government, and lots of my constituents have said that Congress has gone beyond its powers granted in the Constitution,” said Mr. Goodlatte, a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over constitutional amendments.",,2,2 "Mr. de Léon said he had called and left a voice mail message with Thomas E. Perez, the Democratic National Committee chairman, and planned to convey that Democrats had sent a terrible message to “voters of color and millennial voters who feel like they’ve been abandoned.”",,2,2 “Political capital in the gun debate only goes so far.,,2,2 """The president supports measures to strengthen Social Security, but he does not support anything that would slash benefits for future generations,"" Carney said Friday.",,2,2 "Angie’s List, the business-rating website, this weekend put on hold plans to expand its Indianapolis headquarters.",,2,2 "But in a statement, after denouncing the leak of the data to The Guardian and The Washington Post, Mr. Clapper insisted it was “not an undisclosed collection or data mining program.”",,2,2 "And it's going to be completely useless,” Calderón told CNBC.",And it's going to be completely useless,1,0 "“I will no longer speak to the press ever again after today,” he told reporters Wednesday.",,2,2 "The letter follows the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe, which turned up no evidence of collusion between Trump campaign members and Russia during the 2016 presidential election.",,2,2 Mr. Brown has high name recognition and money left over from his unsuccessful race last year against Elizabeth Warren.,,2,2 "“As a result, I allowed a workplace culture to take root in my office that was too permissive and decidedly unprofessional.”",,2,2 The bill originally passed the House and Senate without a single “no” vote.,,2,2 "When asked if he believed the president had flip-flopped on the issue, Romney said it's up to the public to be the judge.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump and Mr. Lieberman had good chemistry when they met privately, one White House aide said — a key ingredient for Mr. Trump in hiring people.",a key ingredient for Mr. Trump in hiring people,1,1 "South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who’s seen his campaign surge in recent days, also called for the entire report to be released.",,2,2 "“Is it true,” Chief Justice Roberts asked Mr. Sellers, “that Wal-Mart’s pay disparity across the company was less than the national average?”",,2,2 "In another appeal to Iowa farmers, Joni Ernst, a candidate in the Republican Senate primary on June 3, announced in an ad that she grew up “castrating hogs on an Iowa farm.”","In another appeal to Iowa farmers, Joni Ernst, a candidate in the Republican Senate primary on June 3, announced in an ad that she grew up “castrating hogs on an Iowa farm.”",1,0 The situation left House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and the rest of the Republican leadership in the House with a problem: The 40 or so hardline tea party members of the House GOP do not want the response to Cantor's loss -- which was driven by grassroots discontent with the establishment -- to simply be more establishment leadership.,,2,2 She declined to take sides on the Friday vote itself but instead allied herself with Democratic critics of the deal — without actually opposing it.,She declined to take sides on the Friday vote itself but instead allied herself with Democratic critics of the deal — without actually opposing it.,1,1 "“I love this country, and I don’t understand how a president of the United States that loves his country could paint a picture of its failures.”","“I love this country, and I don’t understand how a president of the United States that loves his country could paint a picture of its failures.”",1,1 "While in office, Bloomberg had a cordial relationship with Clinton, who, as a senator from New York, was involved in the city's post-9/11 rebuilding effort.",,2,2 He previously had said he supported equal rights for same-sex couples but stopped short of endorsing gay marriage.,,2,2 "The New York Times reported the charges against Grimm ""will include mail fraud and wire fraud and focus on his conduct in connection with a health food restaurant he owned on the Upper East Side of Manhattan after he left the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2006,"" citing someone familiar with the case.",,2,2 "Mr. Mattis’s resignation letter was the sharpest, and most public, protest from inside the Trump administration over the president’s rejection of the alliances and relationships that have underpinned American security since the end of World War II.",,2,2 More than 200 people were arrested.,,2,2 "That cable summarized an emergency meeting the day before by the U.S. Mission in Benghazi and warned the consulate could not defend against a ""coordinated attack.""",,2,2 "Mr. Trump, an avid user of Twitter, made positive comments about Mr. Bloomberg when he was in office.",,2,2 "In a statement released Tuesday, he decried the Obama administration’s decision to use foreign aid to promote rights for gays and lesbians abroad.",,2,2 Lieberman told Fox Business Network last year that he “never changed parties” and in fact ended up endorsing Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential campaign against Trump.,,2,2 States might also respond to the federal ruling with changes of their own.,,2,2 Any attempt by the Trump Administration to cover up the results of this investigation into Russia’s attack on our democracy would be unacceptable.”,Any attempt by the Trump Administration to cover up the results of this investigation into Russia’s attack on our democracy would be unacceptable.”,1,0 "Whitehouse asked about the court’s controversial Citizens United decision, “What could be more involved in politics than to open this ocean of dark money that’s flooded into our politics?”",ocean of dark money,0,1 “Under study for years. Will update soon with Secretary Zinke. Thank you!”,,2,2 Huckabee's religion has played a prominent role in his political career and shaped him as a staunch social conservative.,,2,2 "When Mrs. Clinton arrived, some in the crowd chanted, “Lock her up,” mimicking Mr. Trump’s campaign rallies.",,2,2 """However, it appears the plaintiffs’ primary grievance stems from non-enforcement of federal laws regarding marijuana, as opposed to choices made by the voters of Colorado.",,2,2 The statement does not deny that AARP is open to reducing benefits.,,2,2 "A senior State Department official said, “It would be oversimplified and inaccurate to draw the conclusion that the preservation of her records was done for one purpose.”",,2,2 "It would also cap the number of Central American minors who are allowed to apply for asylum each year at 50,000 and limit the number of asylum applications that could be granted per year to 15,000.",,2,2 "To date, 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical purposes.",,2,2 Obama wrote in a letter delivered Tuesday.,,2,2 "In one message, Strzok called Trump an ""idiot."" ",,2,2 "Expanding on tough races, Boehner said, ""We have 50 of our members in tough races; 89 freshmen running for their first re-elections.",,2,2 "Citing an article that said the normally chatty Schumer would not comment on the mosque remarks, the NRSC said Schumer should weigh in.",,2,2 "On Wednesday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, House Democrats’ campaign arm, announced that Mr. Schiff would serve as a key fund-raiser for the caucus’s most vulnerable members to help put together a firewall to project the House majority.",,2,2 Ms. Gillibrand made similar demands and also retweeted the news of the report along with three words: “See you Sunday.”,,2,2 "In earlier interviews, some local law-enforcement officers along Colorado’s borders said that they had not seen an increase in marijuana coming from Colorado.",,2,2 "Mr. Huckabee opposes same-sex marriage, suggesting as recently as February that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice akin to drinking or swearing.","Mr. Huckabee opposes same-sex marriage, suggesting as recently as February that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice akin to drinking or swearing.",1,1 “This is a transparent and blatantly unconstitutional attempt to sow division and fan the flames of anti-immigrant hatred in the days ahead of the midterms.”,“This is a transparent and blatantly unconstitutional attempt to sow division and fan the flames of anti-immigrant hatred in the days ahead of the midterms.”,1,1 “And you know what it ended up being? A very good relationship.”,,2,2 "As reporters continued to ask him for several minutes whether he sent the image, the exchange became heated.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — The decision by Senate Democrats to end the government shutdown on Monday in exchange for a promised immigration vote enraged liberals, who accused the lawmakers of betrayal and threatened to mount primaries against some of the Democrats who voted yes.",,2,2 "“It’s great that public outrage has forced Trump to reconsider this despicable decision, but it takes more than a tweet to stop trophy hunters from slaughtering elephants and lions,” Tanya Sanerib, senior attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity, said in a statement.",,2,2 Goelman said bureau Deputy Director David Bowdich “overruled” the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility to remove him. ,,2,2 "Documents released on Friday showed how Mr. Jackson used his campaign money to buy items like fur capes, celebrity memorabilia and expensive furniture.",,2,2 "There is no reason for Americans to be shut out of work and without a paycheck while negotiations take place on the best way to secure our borders,” he said.",There is no reason for Americans to be shut out of work and without a paycheck while negotiations take place on the best way to secure our borders,1,1 "The hearing, the second this week on the I.R.S.’s efforts to target conservative groups, offered few new revelations.",,2,2 "“It actually creates zero precedent,” Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, told reporters.",,2,2 Two of his fund-raisers have already been charged.,,2,2 "Earlier Monday, Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy (D) took a similar stand against the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, signed into law by Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) at a private ceremony last week.",,2,2 "National Security Adviser Susan Rice warned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming Capitol Hill address will be a “destructive” force in long-standing U.S.-Israel relations, adding more political acrimony to the already contentious visit.",,2,2 "He is also friendly with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a former senator, who has told Trump aides that Mr. Lieberman would most likely receive overwhelming support in the Senate.",,2,2 He repeatedly has said it was “a possibility” that he would be indicted in Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible Trump campaign collusion.,,2,2 The base also effectively serves as a cap on benefits because they are calculated according to a worker's contributions over his or her lifetime.,,2,2 "While the Enquirer has an infamous reputation for tabloid journalism, it has also broken a number of major sex scandals over the years, including the extramarital affairs of former Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) and golfer Tiger Woods.",,2,2 "After 11 hearings, 25,000 pages of documents, and now this release, we can hopefully spend our time working on what’s important – what we can do together to ensure those serving their nation overseas are better protected than they were last September.”",,2,2 "U.S. Capitol Police have not announced any increased security measures for congressional lawmakers, but said they will “continue to provide a robust and visible presence” around the Capitol.",,2,2 WASHINGTON -- Real estate tycoon Donald Trump said Thursday he has doubts about whether President Obama was born in the United States and has sent investigators to Hawaii looking for answers.,,2,2 """If you go door to door knocking, the American people know the country is headed in the wrong direction,"" Brat said.",,2,2 "“I believe in my heart, if we’re going to win as Democrats, we have to have the kind of message that resonates in every corner of this country.”",,2,2 "Malia, 16, was dressed in a plaid miniskirt, sweater, dark tights and black hiking-style boots.",,2,2 That is on top of projections that currently are in the range of 2 percent to 3 percent.,,2,2 "In 2014, Mr. Trump tweeted congratulations at Georgina for winning an equestrian tournament.",,2,2 "Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he is bowing out as the moderator for a Republican presidential debate later this month, after most candidates in the field opted not to attend.",after most candidates in the field opted not to attend,1,1 "One of the sharpest exchanges of the day came when Mrs. Clinton responded to questions from Senator Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, by saying there was too much focus on how the Benghazi attack had been characterized in its early hours and not enough on how to prevent a recurrence.",,2,2 "The meeting was arranged ""at Senator Sanders' request,"" Earnest said, and the two will discuss ""how to build on the extraordinary work he has done to engage millions of Democratic voters, and to build on that enthusiasm in the weeks and months ahead.""",extraordinary,0,1 And they're trying to get us to jam it through again.,,2,2 "O'Neill said that the main reason her group, which disagrees with Bachmann on almost every issue, would stand up for and defend Bachmann against ""these kind of misogynistic attacks is we want women to run for office.""",which disagrees with Bachmann on almost every issue,1,0 "Even for a Congress known to battle over every little detail, reading the U.S. Constitution aloud sounded like a simple exercise.",Even for a Congress known to battle over every little detail,1,1 "Democrats want them extended for all but the wealthy, while Republicans want them extended for everybody.",Democrats want them extended for all but the wealthy,1,1 "However, Brat offset the cash disadvantage with endorsements from conservative activists like radio host Laura Ingraham and with help from local Tea Party activists angry at Cantor.",,2,2 WASHINGTON ― The White House relayed President Donald Trump’s response late Thursday to bombshell allegations that Alabama GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore sexually molested a 14-year-old girl in 1979.,bombshell,0,1 "In a number of releases and statements, Republican House and Senate candidates challenged Democrats like Mr. Reid to make their positions clear on the construction of a mosque and community center about two blocks from the site of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, in New York City.",,2,2 Mr. Magee cautioned that it could take weeks for the grand jury to consider all of the evidence.,,2,2 "Noah Nathan, 47, lives in a nearby apartment building and was at the dog park when the shooting took place.",,2,2 "Disappointed by the outcome of the leadership election, a handful of Democrats who had backed Mr. Ryan vowed to press forward with a proposal to turn some jobs, such as the chairman of the party’s campaign arm, into elected positions.",,2,2 Republicans called the bill a Democratic power grab that amounts to a federal takeover of elections.,Republicans called the bill a Democratic power grab that amounts to a federal takeover of elections.,1,1 His campaign manager Kellyanne Conway noted in an earlier interview with Fox News that Trump was “making history” as a businessman with no prior political or military experience – someone successful in the private sector coming to Washington “owing nobody anything.”,,2,2 "Mr. Rogers, a former F.B.I. agent, was endorsed by the agents’ association.",,2,2 But Akin rebuffed calls late Monday to step aside and let another Republican candidate take his place.,rebuffed,0,1 A spokeswoman for the F.B.I. did not respond to a message seeking comment about why Mr. Strzok was dismissed rather than demoted. ,,2,2 The lawsuit says Colorado marijuana flows into neighboring states undermining their efforts to enforce their anti-marijuana laws.,,2,2 UPDATE: Richard Blumenthal defended himself against charges that he repeatedly made misleading comments about his military service during a press conference on Tuesday afternoon. Details here.,,2,2 Jackson's guilty plea was to a conspiracy charge.,,2,2 One provision would require the Defense Department to regularly report to Congress details of the costs of presidential travel; the other would prohibit political appointees from using federal funds to pay for travel on noncommercial or private flights for official business.,,2,2 "In a city that gave just 4 percent of its vote to Mr. Trump, many residents left town and about 60 House Democrats boycotted the event.","In a city that gave just 4 percent of its vote to Mr. Trump, many residents left town and about 60 House Democrats boycotted the event.",1,1 "Mr. Emanuel was eager last summer to clear the way to this year’s Democratic Senate nomination for Mr. Specter, who had just left the Republican party, and to bolster Democrats’ majority in the Senate.",,2,2 The final wording won't be released until the NAACP's national board of directors approves the resolution during its meeting in October.,,2,2 "On Tuesday, Mr. Perry signaled that he would not support the continuation of that lawsuit if he were elected president, saying that the federal government should not “be suing states for making decisions that they think” are in the best interests of their citizens.",,2,2 Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) confirmed on Wednesday that Hodgkinson had volunteered for his presidential campaign.,,2,2 "“The notion that simply being born within the geographical limits of the United States automatically confers U.S. citizenship is an absurdity — historically, constitutionally, philosophically and practically,” Mr. Anton wrote in July.","“The notion that simply being born within the geographical limits of the United States automatically confers U.S. citizenship is an absurdity — historically, constitutionally, philosophically and practically,”",1,1 "“Congress didn’t ask for a 'summary,' Attorney General Barr.",,2,2 "“To be clear, she remains ready to appear at a hearing open to the American public.”",,2,2 “I’m not going to talk about Gorsuch.”,,2,2 "It was ""a stark contrast with the president who is focused everyday on creating jobs and restoring economic security for the middle class,"" LaBolt said.","""a stark contrast with the president who is focused everyday on creating jobs and restoring economic security for the middle class,""",1,1 "... I must leave all of my options open because, above all else, we must make America great again!""",,2,2 Trump Accuses Former Clinton Aide of Failing to Follow Security Protocols,,2,2 "It started Wednesday with the most innocuous of events: the annual naming of the National Thanksgiving Turkey, when Mr. Obama officially liberated Cheese, a large white bird with impressive plumage, from the Thursday dinner table.",,2,2 "Without a text, Mr. Christie frequently descended into clichés.","Without a text, Mr. Christie frequently descended into clichés.",1,1 "Weiner's office initially said the congressman's account was ""obviously hacked,"" but the representative has since taken to calling the incident a ""prank"" -- he used both terms Wednesday.","Weiner's office initially said the congressman's account was ""obviously hacked,"" but the representative has since taken to calling the incident a ""prank"" -- he used both terms Wednesday.",1,1 “A Romney-Ryan administration will restore the funding to Medicare.”,,2,2 "But in pressing for approval of $60 billion in infrastructure spending, Mr. Obama took his biggest shot not at the measure’s Republican opponents in the Senate, but at those in the House.",,2,2 "“This is plainly a power grab by a disappointed president, who has gone outside the bounds of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative process,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, said in a joint statement.",This is plainly a power grab by a disappointed president,1,1 "At one point, Weiner referred to a reporter in the scrum as a ""jackass.""","""jackass.""",0,0 "In one emailed statement, Perry stated, ""just when you thought Barack Obama couldn't get any more out of touch with America's values, AP reports his administration wants to make foreign aid decisions based on gay rights.",just when you thought Barack Obama couldn't get any more out of touch with America's values,1,1 "Mr. Rother said the group’s stance on possible cuts, which was first reported in The Wall Street Journal in Friday’s editions, should be seen less as a major change in position than as a reflection of the political and financial realities facing the Social Security system and the country as a whole.",,2,2 "Some blocked checkpoints and forced their temporary closure earlier Friday morning, while elsewhere demonstrators resorted to violence and vandalism. ","Some blocked checkpoints and forced their temporary closure earlier Friday morning, while elsewhere demonstrators resorted to violence and vandalism.",1,0 "“Leaving my service in the House, I’m able to look back at the entirety of my career in public office and say that it was well worthwhile.”",,2,2 "As he prepared to travel to Mexico, Mr. Trump responded to Mr. Fox’s attacks, noting on Twitter that the former Mexican president once suggested that he pay the country a visit.",,2,2 "Prior to the declaration, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the proclamation a “gross abuse of the power of the presidency” and vowed that “Congress will defend our constitutional authorities.”",“gross abuse of the power of the presidency”,1,1 "The FBI's pre-dawn arrest of President Trump's ex-adviser Roger Stone at his Florida home prompted critics to once again question the tactics of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, after more than a dozen special agents clad in tactical gear raided Stone's property Friday.",,2,2 "If things were done right in the beginning, all this wouldn’t have to be.”",,2,2 "President Obama called Wednesday for a new and tougher assault-weapons ban and a 10-round limit on magazines, as part of a comprehensive plan to curb gun violence that includes 23 steps he took without congressional action.",without congressional action,0,1 "As gay rights groups launched boycotts against the company, prominent conservative figures like former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin began showing their support by visiting the restaurant.",,2,2 "Obama campaign deputy press secretary Ben Labolt also issued a statement Saturday shortly after Santorum told voters that Obama's agenda is ""not about you.",,2,2 "“Let me be clear — AARP is as committed as we’ve ever been to fighting to protect Social Security for today’s seniors and strengthening it for future generations,” Mr. Rand said.",,2,2 """The President’s declaration of a national emergency would be an abuse of his constitutional oath and an affront to the separation of powers.","""The President’s declaration of a national emergency would be an abuse of his constitutional oath and an affront to the separation of powers.",1,1 "The classified program is code-named PRISM, the Washington Post reported, and has not been disclosed publicly before.",,2,2 President Obama was heading to Detroit Monday afternoon to continue campaigning for tax hikes on top earners -- a day after a face-to-face meeting with House Speaker John Boehner that offered slight hope the two could be making progress toward a deal.,,2,2 "An informal dinner party at the Georgetown apartment of Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader, turned into a celebration.",,2,2 "“There’s going to be a review of exactly what funds can and should be used in the event there are security concerns by any member,” said House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.).",,2,2 "The American Civil Liberties Union, in a recent letter to Congress, encouraged lawmakers to vote against the bill because of “provisions that unconstitutionally impinge on the free speech rights of American citizens and public interest organizations.”",,2,2 "Brian Vicente, a Colorado attorney and legalization advocate who wrote Amendment 64, said the challenge is ""political grandstanding"" without merit.","the challenge is ""political grandstanding"" without merit",1,1 "He added that Mrs. Clinton’s disclosure last week that all of the emails from the personal account had been deleted “only exacerbates our need to better understand what the secretary did, when she did it and why she did it.”",,2,2 "He insisted that he wanted to move on from the incident, which was distracting from his work on Capitol Hill.",,2,2 "Trump Attacks Justice Department As 'Deep State,' Calls For Jailing Top Clinton Aide",,2,2 """No matter how partisan and no matter how difficult things get sometimes, that's no excuse for my response,"" he added, shortly after releasing a written statement in which he said he ""profoundly"" regrets the incident.",,2,2 "Three days after that guilty plea, the FBI filed a sealed criminal complaint accusing a Houston woman who had been romantically involved with Grimm of using straw donors to make illegal campaign contributions.",,2,2 "The president addressed a packed crowd of spectators stretching from the Capitol across the National Mall on a mild but overcast and at-times drizzly day, after taking the oath of office along with Vice President Mike Pence. ",,2,2 "The bill would ban asylum for Central American minors, including those who arrive at the border with their parents, unless the minors apply for asylum in their home country.",,2,2 In both cases WikiLeaks had publicly teased the publications.,,2,2 "Sporadic violence broke out as demonstrators smashed shop windows and burned a limousine, while police officers in riot helmets responded with tear gas.",,2,2 "The F.B.I. has not had that special reputation with what happened in the campaign, what happened with respect to the Clinton campaign, and even, you could say — directly or indirectly — with respect to the much more successful Trump campaign.”","The F.B.I. has not had that special reputation with what happened in the campaign, what happened with respect to the Clinton campaign, and even, you could say — directly or indirectly — with respect to the much more successful Trump campaign.”",1,0 """The decisions are informed by the values the company provides,"" Sellers said.",,2,2 """The wall and the government shutdown really have nothing to do with each other,"" Pelosi said at an MSNBC Town Hall.",,2,2 This encouraged Raúl to never give up on his professional aspirations and personal dreams.”,,2,2 "“I don’t think they have American citizenship and if you speak to some very, very good lawyers — and I know some will disagree — but many of them agree with me and you’re going to find they do not have American citizenship.",,2,2 "House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy of California said the legislation would undermine the integrity of elections by allowing convicted felons to vote, and would apply a one-size-fits-all standard to elections now run by states and local governments.",undermine the integrity of elections,1,1 "O'Neill said that the main reason her group, which disagrees with Bachmann on almost every issue, would stand up for and defend Bachmann against ""these kind of misogynistic attacks is we want women to run for office.""",misogynistic attacks,0,1 The same kid who got stopped on the New Jersey freeway is now the attorney general of the United States.,,2,2 I am trying to save lives and prevent the next terrorist attack.,,2,2 "Sullivan, for the record, called the night ""a solid win for Biden"" and called Ryan ""competent.""","""a solid win for Biden""",1,1 The president was joined by four children who wrote to the White House about gun violence following the Connecticut mass shooting in which 20 children were killed.,The president was joined by four children who wrote to the White House about gun violence following the Connecticut mass shooting in which 20 children were killed.,1,1 "If the Saudis were culpable, they should be held accountable.",,2,2 That doesn't take anything away from Dick's service or his long record of standing up for veterans - he is known throughout the state as a strong advocate for vets services and benefits.,,2,2 “There really is a question what is the message that’s sent when the voters replace someone in leadership.,,2,2 "After threatening to “spill the beans” on Mr. Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz, who suffered a bout of depression years ago, he retweeted a post from someone who made a side-by-side photo comparison of Mrs. Cruz at an unflattering angle, and Mrs. Trump.",,2,2 "But unlike his first address, a prime-time broadcast from the Oval Office that leaned heavily on dark messaging about the dangers of crime and illegal drugs flowing across the border, Mr. Trump seemed on Saturday to soften his tone.",a prime-time broadcast from the Oval Office that leaned heavily on dark messaging about the dangers of crime and illegal drugs flowing across the border,1,1 "Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., accused Obama of trying to ""undermine Americans' constitutional right to bear arms"" without doing enough to focus on keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.","""undermine Americans' constitutional right to bear arms""",1,1 """We have full confidence we're going to be able to handle all of this very well,"" he said.",,2,2 "Another candidate, Doug Ducey, the state treasurer, qualified his view, saying that he would veto the bill but then “bring together all the interested parties before this legislative session adjourns to forge consensus on acceptable language protecting religious liberty.”",,2,2 Mr. Assange said on Twitter that he could not confirm whether the group had corresponded with Mr. Trump.,,2,2 … And so we propose no changes to anybody in or near retirement so that the guarantee of Medicare is for them.,,2,2 "Biden’s argument on Medicare was aimed at voters’ guts, much more so than minds.",,2,2 "He wrote in his memoir, ""From Hope to Higher Ground,"" that his work as a pastor helps him understand how politics and policy affect people.",,2,2 “But I’d rather do it much faster.”,,2,2 "During a short concession speech late Tuesday, Mr. Cantor did not try to analyze his defeat or cast blame, saying only that he knew he had disappointed his supporters.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats on Thursday vowed to filibuster the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, signaling an imminent partisan showdown over the nominee’s fate and the future of century-old rules in the chamber.",,2,2 """You can now see what the Congress has seen -- collectively these emails make clear that the interagency process, including the White House's interactions, were focused on providing the facts as we knew them based on the best information available at the time and protecting an ongoing investigation.",,2,2 """But you don't need to be in the pews every Sunday to know that there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.""",,2,2 "The video, posted to YouTube last Friday, shows the man, who appears to be in his early 20s and who identifies himself as a student, approaching Etheridge on the sidewalk.",,2,2 “It went in October of 2014 — that was before we had gotten a request from the committee — as part of our records-maintenance upgrading and the process we go through.”,,2,2 "The pictures show Ms. Bachmann shaking hands with voters, standing by herself in the corner of a room and signing autographs, all with the same wide-eyed intensity as in the cover shot.",,2,2 Why? To pay for ObamaCare.”,Why? To pay for ObamaCare.”,1,1 "Mr. Putin at Monday’s summit meeting, adding, “We can’t afford to give an inch of ground in defending democracy.”",,2,2 "The short-term deal now only gives Congress until Feb. 8 to work out longer-term legislation, and an agreement on immigration.",,2,2 "“Now when you need it, Obama has cut $716 billion from Medicare.","“Now when you need it, Obama has cut $716 billion from Medicare.",1,1 Mr. Hutchinson has not always been what he described as the family’s political “black sheep.”,,2,2 """I want to see the birth certificate,"" said Trump in an interview on NBC's ""Today"" show, according to TIME.",,2,2 "At a packed news conference at the State House, Mr. Cowan said he would not seek the permanent office or use the appointment as a springboard later.",,2,2 "“Now that they have opened the door to reform, it is time for lawmakers to walk through it,” said Jonathan Cowan, president of Third Way.",,2,2 Mr. Ryan says he would use the money to shore up Medicare and to help reduce budget deficits.,,2,2 "But that has done little to calm the controversy, and Trump on Saturday accused social media sites of “closing down the opinions of many people on the right, while at the same time doing nothing to others.”",,2,2 Lawmakers from both parties expressed sympathy for the victims.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON — President Trump declared a national emergency on the border with Mexico on Friday in order to access billions of dollars that Congress refused to give him to build a wall there, transforming a highly charged policy dispute into a confrontation over the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution.",,2,2 "Write a budget, Address health care, veterans, disaster relief, pensions & the opioid epidemic.",,2,2 "… Let it be known -- we will be watching, and will make sure voters this November know if their representatives stood for Dreamers or for their deportations.”",,2,2 "Relying on his biggest, and perhaps his last, remaining advantage in a field of better-financed and better-liked rivals — his personality — Mr. Christie portrayed himself as the only candidate in the Republican field who is forthright and forceful enough to run the country.",and perhaps his last,1,1 "It's time Democrats do what is right for the functioning and security of our nation and agree to a deal that opens our government, and includes funding for a border wall and other measures to solve this serious immigration crisis at our southern border,"" he said in a statement.",It's time Democrats do what is right for the functioning and security of our nation,1,1 "Others on Mr. Trump’s list are former Gov. Frank Keating of Oklahoma and former Representative Mike Rogers of Michigan, both Republicans.",,2,2 "Shortly after the announcement, the Senate and House both passed a resolution to reopen the government through that date.",,2,2 "It will be held in Glendale, Ariz.",,2,2 "Ms. Brewer was in Washington on Monday but was scheduled to return Tuesday to Phoenix, where she will have until the end of the week to act on the bill.",,2,2 "The overall result could be zero growth next year, not the 2.1 percent growth rate projected by the I.M.F.",,2,2 Rubio also told Rose he would not have authorized the 2003 invasion of Iraq that toppled Saddam Hussein's regine if he knew Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction.,,2,2 "The officer yelled, ""Where are you going? Hold it!"" Holder recalled.",,2,2 A national NBC/WSJ poll released yesterday shows Trump tied for 2nd with Mike Huckabee in the 2012 GOP primary field at 17 percent (Mitt Romney leads the pack at 21 percent).,,2,2 “And we want to point that out.,,2,2 "But Mr. Labrador’s path to victory is steep, especially in the few days before House Republicans gather to elect Mr. Cantor’s replacement.",,2,2 "They also criticized Colorado for not tracking marijuana once it is sold, and for not requiring marijuana buyers to undergo criminal background checks (under Colorado law, anyone 21 or older can legally purchase recreational marijuana).",,2,2 "And while those factories as we all know in Ohio and Pennsylvania have fundamentally changed, the factory school has not.”",,2,2 "The scholars also gave the Representative a reading assignment: “The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church,” which was commissioned by John Paul II and published by the Vatican.",,2,2 "These inquiries about parliamentary procedure were not well received, and for several minutes, before a word of the preamble could be uttered, Democrats and Republicans battled back and forth over the issue of language, perhaps presaging future partisan battles over the meaning, purpose and application of the document.",Democrats and Republicans battled back and forth over the issue of language,1,1 """The question is: Are the Democrats going to do this to their president?""",,2,2 “It will just be a matter of which one comes first.”,,2,2 "Polls show him beating Representative Edward J. Markey, the only Democrat who has officially declared his candidacy.",,2,2 "Despite Trump saying conversations had ""come a long way,"" Democrats were more dour in their assessment. ",,2,2 """It's about some phony ideal, some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology.""",phony,0,1 "Instead, he said it was a computer system to “facilitate” the collection of foreign intelligence that had been authorized by Congress.",,2,2 "Mr. Ryan’s budget plan was approved in March by the House Budget Committee, of which he is chairman.",,2,2 "If anything, it's clearer now than it was last week (when Democrats were mostly silent on the matter) how deeply the party just wants this entire issue to go away.",,2,2 The House Ethics Committee announced in November that Grimm was under investigation for possible campaign finance violations.,,2,2 "At one point during the hearing, the judge stopped his questioning of Mr. Jackson, who was crying, so that he could be given a tissue.","At one point during the hearing, the judge stopped his questioning of Mr. Jackson, who was crying, so that he could be given a tissue.",1,1 "The source insisted that no laws were broken in the process of offering the position, that the matter hardly rose to the level of political scandal -- suggesting that Republicans on the Hill were hoping to reap political benefits from the saga.",,2,2 "When the man asks Etheridge to ""please let go of me,"" the congressman then grabs him by the neck.","When the man asks Etheridge to ""please let go of me,"" the congressman then grabs him by the neck.",1,1 "Changing that policy would dramatically reshape the U.S. ― effectively punishing the children of undocumented immigrants, whom Trump has vowed to remove from the country.",effectively punishing the children of undocumented immigrants,1,1 "“Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!”",who spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking,1,1 Trump's 'Compromise' Immigration Offer To Democrats Includes Major Changes Restricting Asylum Law,'Compromise',0,1 "Late Wednesday night, two days after The New York Times first reported that she had exclusively used a personal email account as secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton announced that she had asked the State Department to release those communications.",,2,2 "In July, The New York Times reported that Mr. Trump met with Russians in June 2016 who said they had damaging information on Mrs. Clinton, and that the information was part of the Russian government’s support for Mr. Trump.",,2,2 """Everyone says as far as I know that the Muslim community has the right to build a mosque.",,2,2 """As a result, our nation and its armed forces, State Department, intelligence officials and others may find themselves subject to lawsuits in foreign courts.""",,2,2 "“We need to use whatever compulsory mechanism necessary to get the information he possesses … the Fifth Amendment right not to provide materials or documents is limited,” he added.",,2,2 "He joined a number of other Democrats, including several 2020 presidential candidates, who either had statements prepared or tweeted about a prompt release.",,2,2 And Republican-led redistricting has made chances of a Democratic comeback increasingly difficult.,,2,2 The first retail marijuana shops opened their doors on New Years Day 2014.,,2,2 "The offer would also give a three-year extension to 300,000 people from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Honduras who are living in the U.S. under the temporary protected status program.",,2,2 """My experience dealing every day with real people who were genuinely affected by policies created by government gave me a deep understanding of the fragility of the human spirit and vulnerability of so many families who struggled from week to week,"" he wrote.",,2,2 “Leader Pelosi always listened and she always understood.”,,2,2 "On Tuesday, Dukes walked out of the courthouse full of confidence and poise saying she feels no anger toward her bosses or anyone else.",,2,2 "Lieberman, 75, who served in the Senate from 1989-2013, first as a Democrat and then as an independent, met with Trump at the White House on Wednesday afternoon to discuss leading the law enforcement agency.",,2,2 """I think the people are just ready for some major changes in this country.""",,2,2 "Asked why he opposed civil unions, in particular, he explained that in many cases they represent marriage by a different name for gay couples.",,2,2 "The only possible candidate he confirmed speaking with was former Democratic Rep. Barney Frank, and then only after Frank told reporters he'd spoken with Patrick.",,2,2 "“I think she dishonored herself, and I think she dishonored her family.”","“I think she dishonored herself, and I think she dishonored her family.”",1,1 “And it will not be allowed.,,2,2 Republicans have cited this history often in accusing their colleagues of hypocrisy on Judge Gorsuch.,,2,2 Ms. Lagarde offered a tentative prediction that what she called American “pragmatism” would prevail and avert the worst outcome.,,2,2 "“The fight for the freedom to hunt is far from over,” Paul Babaz, the organization’s president, said in a statement.",,2,2 The proposal was Mr. Trump’s first public offer to Democrats since the partial shutdown began nearly a month ago.,,2,2 The House of Representatives on Friday approved a sweeping election reform bill that serves as the touchstone to the House Democratic agenda but has been criticized by civil libertarians and Republicans over First Amendment concerns.,,2,2 Immigration activists have targeted McCarthy specifically due to his high rank in the House GOP.,,2,2 The widely accepted narrative that Mr. Mattis was the adult in the room when at the White House came to annoy the president.,The widely accepted narrative that Mr. Mattis was the adult in the room when at the White House came to annoy the president.,1,1 "If it were anyone other than Biden, who is treated by the press as a lovable, half-crazy uncle, he would have been labeled insufferable.","who is treated by the press as a lovable, half-crazy uncle",1,1 They are already pursuing a reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act in a separate bill.,,2,2 "The same day, Bill Oesterle, the chief executive officer of Angie’s List, said his company would abandon a deal with Indiana and Indianapolis to expand its headquarters.","The same day, Bill Oesterle, the chief executive officer of Angie’s List, said his company would abandon a deal with Indiana and Indianapolis to expand its headquarters.",1,1 """A double dip would come out of the reality of a relatively contractionary fiscal policy...",,2,2 Biden went after the Romney/Ryan ticket with a directness that Obama did not.,Biden went after the Romney/Ryan ticket with a directness that Obama did not.,1,1 A representative for his office told HuffPost in February that the congressman was waiting to see what changes lawmakers will add to the Congressional Accountability Act.,,2,2 "Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, told reporters on Monday that he was “taken aback that there was some political operative on Capitol Hill who did use the occasion of a Thanksgiving-themed event to criticize members of the first family.”",“taken aback that there was some political operative on Capitol Hill who did use the occasion of a Thanksgiving-themed event to criticize members of the first family.”,1,1 Ms. Rice demurred when asked whether she believed Mr. Netanyahu was making the speech to gain political favor.,,2,2 "When my 11-year-old tries to do that at the dinner table, it’s not tolerated.”","When my 11-year-old tries to do that at the dinner table, it’s not tolerated.”",1,1 "Combined with $1.375 billion authorized for fencing in the spending package passed on Thursday night, Mr. Trump would have about $8 billion in all for barriers, significantly more than the $5.7 billion he unsuccessfully demanded from Congress.",,2,2 "Republican Sen. Scott Brown, who's in a tough race against Democrat Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts, was the first Republican senator to call on Akin to withdraw from the race.",,2,2 "DANVILLE, Ky. –- Joe Biden did everything President Barack Obama did not last week, and a good bit more.",and a good bit more,1,1 "According to the Office of the Historian of the House of Representatives, the only two prior instances in which a full or partial text of the Constitution was inserted into the Congressional Record was in 1882, when Roswell Flower of New York “appended” a text of the Constitution — minus the amendments — into the record, and in 1915, when Thomas Reilly of Connecticut inserted the full text of the Constitution into the Congressional Record as an extension of his remarks.",,2,2 The economic recovery he promised has turned into a cascade of ugly credit downgrades and anemic job growth.,a cascade of ugly credit downgrades and anemic job growth,1,1 The FBI said Friday that the package for Booker was found in a Florida mail facility.,,2,2 "Susan Rice, President Barack Obama's national security adviser, said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's planned speech in front of a joint session of Congress will be ""destructive"" to U.S.-Israel relations.",,2,2 He said the rest of the world does not have an embargo against Cuba.,,2,2 "In citing the classified report to rebuff congressional queries about the administration's handling of the crisis, Clinton was drawing on a powerful tool of her office, although discussing a classified document is sure to raise further questions.",,2,2 "President Trump thinks Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore “will do the right thing and step aside” if the sexual misconduct allegations against him are true, the White House said in a statement Thursday.",,2,2 "“We start surrounding these folks with layers of guards—it will really cripple the ability to be a free society,” he said on “Outnumbered.”",,2,2 I didn’t see those requests. They didn’t come to me. I didn’t approve them. I didn’t deny them.”,,2,2 "It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races!”",,2,2 Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me.,Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me.,1,1 """She's no rookie to these high-profile deals — she gives both sides their due,"" said Doug Cole, a political consultant whose firm has run all of Brewer's campaigns for decades.","""She's no rookie to these high-profile deals — she gives both sides their due,""",1,1 "Representative Darrell Issa of California, the senior Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said the interactions described by the White House “represent an illegal quid pro quo,” even if the position was unpaid.",,2,2 "He added: “For those of us who have been prosecutors and have prosecuted mob figures, drug dealers and terrorists—those are the people for whom these aggressive tactics are reserved. ",,2,2 "After his resignation on Friday, Mr. Farenthold deleted his Twitter account and the Facebook campaign page where he first announced his decision to not seek re-election.",,2,2 But he was able to capitalize on a primary voting base that was angry at the establishment GOP for not more aggressively fighting President Barack Obama’s policies.,But he was able to capitalize on a primary voting base that was angry at the establishment GOP for not more aggressively fighting President Barack Obama’s policies.,1,1 "Her eyes are open wide — very, very wide — focused intensely somewhere off in the distance, just a smidge too high above the camera.","very, very wide",0,1 "Schumer, near the time of his announcement Monday, pledged his continued support for DREAMers, tweeting: “Soon, the govt will reopen, and we have a lot to do: #ProtectDreamers.",,2,2 """In the abstract, you can complain about 'Big Brother' and how this is a potential program run amok.",,2,2 "The package addressed to Mr. Booker, a New Jersey Democrat, was found in Florida, which two people briefed on the matter have said has become a focus of the intense, nationwide investigation into the bombs.",,2,2 I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse.”,,2,2 This strategy is very cynical but very obvious and transparent.”,This strategy is very cynical but very obvious and transparent.”,1,1 "We’re on the cusp of a deeper recession, millions of unemployed Americans have no prospect for work, taxes are about to spike higher and we’ve maxed out the national credit card.","We’re on the cusp of a deeper recession, millions of unemployed Americans have no prospect for work, taxes are about to spike higher and we’ve maxed out the national credit card.",1,0 "The announcement comes on the 35th day of the longest shutdown in United States history and is a clear cave by Trump, whose impasse over the budget stems from his demands for $5.7 billion in funds for his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border ― a project Democratic lawmakers say is a firm deal-breaker.",clear,0,1 "Biden made a thinly-veiled attack on Trump on Thursday, decrying the reality TV star’s ""dangerous"" rhetoric.",the reality TV star’s,1,1 WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump’s partial government shutdown over his border wall closed in on the two-week mark and a brand-new Congress on Wednesday with no end in sight.,Trump’s,0,1 "Asked for quick thoughts about each of the candidates he is known to be considering, Mr. Trump played along.",,2,2 "“The preferential option for the poor, which is one of the primary tenants of Catholic social teaching, means don’t keep people poor, don’t make people dependent on government so that they stay stuck at their station in life, help people get out of poverty out onto life of independence,” he said.",,2,2 "Dress like you deserve respect ... And certainly don’t make faces during televised, public events."" added Lauten, who works for Rep. Stephen Fincher, R-Tenn.",Dress like you deserve respect,1,1 "Labrador supports a path to legal status, but only after evidence that enforcement has been improved, he has said.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump’s victory traces back to June, when Mr. Strzok’s conduct was laid out in a wide-ranging inspector general’s report on how the F.B.I. handled the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails in the run-up to the 2016 election. ",,2,2 It is also critical that all documents related to the Special Counsel’s investigation be preserved and made available to the appropriate Congressional committees.,,2,2 "Christie made a public announcement Tuesday afternoon at Livingston High School, his alma mater, in Livingston, New Jersey.",,2,2 "Correction: December 1, 2010",,2,2 "“The Republicans left in California are pretty well-liked by their constituents,” he said.",,2,2 But Republicans have suggested such actions may constitute a crime.,,2,2 "And on Saturday, one day before Attorney General William Barr released a short summary of Mueller’s findings, former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke charged on the campaign trail in South Carolina that you “have a president, who in my opinion beyond the shadow of a doubt, sought to, however ham-handedly, collude with the Russian government ― a foreign power ― to undermine and influence our elections.”",ham-handedly,0,1 """The reality is, we have more people older and who are living longer, so we need to make changes.",,2,2 "“The world tells Israel, wait, there's still time.",,2,2 "After the meeting, attendees said they were thankful that Holder and the federal government were paying attention to Ferguson’s problems.",,2,2 "“This is going to be a very short political career,” he vowed.",,2,2 "As late as early Friday morning, Mr. Trump appeared intent on declaring a national emergency at the border alongside the agreement to reopen the government, but Mr. McConnell and White House officials encouraged him to drop the idea, according to people familiar with the discussions who were not authorized to discuss them.",,2,2 Farenthold declared in December that he would not seek re-election in 2018 after reports emerged that he’d used taxpayer money to settle sexual harassment claims.,,2,2 "The announcement comes on the 35th day of the longest shutdown in United States history and is a clear cave by Trump, whose impasse over the budget stems from his demands for $5.7 billion in funds for his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border ― a project Democratic lawmakers say is a firm deal-breaker.",is a clear cave by Trump,1,1 "Austin Smythe, the panel’s Republican staff director, said: “We assume those savings.",,2,2 "He has brown eyes, black hair and a scar on his left arm, the records said, and was born in New York. ",,2,2 "Before approaching Mac and Cheese, the two turkeys, the president remarked that it was ""puzzling that I do this every year.""",,2,2 "Mr. O’Rourke, asked if he supported impeaching Mr. Trump, said he believed the president and his 2016 campaign “at least sought to collude with the Russian government to undermine our democracy” and that Mr. Trump “sought to obstruct justice” once in office.",,2,2 "Mr. Brown has remained mum on the subject, and his camp has sent few signals about his intentions, but he may find the opportunity hard to resist.",,2,2 "Speaking at a pair of hearings on Capitol Hill to examine the Obama administration's handling of and response to the attacks, Clinton repeatedly cited the classified version of the review by a State Department Accountability Review Board, distributed to lawmakers last month.",,2,2 "Trump reopened the government for three weeks on Jan. 25, allowing government workers to get back to work as border security negotiations continued.",,2,2 "“[B]y tilting the political playing field so heavily toward corporations and against individuals, hasn’t the court impacted the composition of who is in Congress and made it therefore even harder for Congress to taking meaningful,” Hirono said.",,2,2 "And for the most part, the liberal senators who opposed the agreement held their fire.",,2,2 It’s possible that the former FBI counterintelligence official’s extramarital relationship with Page also played a role in the FBI’s decision.,,2,2 "“The program is subject to oversight by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the Executive Branch, and Congress,” the official said.",,2,2 What is this the circus? America is not a clown show. America is not a circus.,,2,2 "House conservatives — lacking a rationale to fight Mr. McCarthy, a well-liked member of leadership who has raised millions of dollars for Republican incumbents — have begun protesting that his voting record is actually to the left of Mr. Cantor’s.",lacking a rationale to fight Mr. McCarthy,1,0 "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid broke with President Obama Monday over the proposed mosque near Ground Zero, saying the controversial Islamic center should be built elsewhere.",,2,2 "The outcome in the Senate on the infrastructure spending provision, however, is not expected to be any different from the previous two votes.",,2,2 "Unlike other Republican candidates, Mr. Huckabee is a strong defender of entitlement programs, opposing plans to raise the retirement age for collecting Social Security and criticizing plans to curtail Medicare.",,2,2 "The authorities made at least 47 arrests after demonstrators tossed bottles toward police officers, some of whom used pepper spray to subdue some protesters.",,2,2 His response was to hit away a video camera and assault a student.,His response was to hit away a video camera and assault a student.,1,1 "Another man, not seen on camera, then tells Etheridge, ""We're just here for a project.""",,2,2 "Earlier Friday, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) revealed that his committee had already begun searching for witnesses and documents to confirm BuzzFeed’s report. ",,2,2 "Either individual managers are on their own, ""or else a strong corporate culture tells them what to do.""",,2,2 "But in recent days, it has come under intense criticism from activists, lawmakers and business interests both in Arizona and nationally.",,2,2 I understand how it offends people.,,2,2 "“We are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people,” he said.",,2,2 "President Obama has called for tough new controls on gun ownership, but the prospects for such legislation are murky — a testimony to the rifle association’s prowess as a lobbying force.",a testimony to the rifle association’s prowess as a lobbying force,1,1 He comes here with a smile on his face.,,2,2 "For others, it is about religious views of marriage.",,2,2 That line is a not-so-veiled swipe at President Obama.,,2,2 "“If Judge Gorsuch can’t achieve 60 votes in the Senate, could any judge appointed by a Republican president be approved with 60 or more votes in the Senate?” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., asked on Tuesday.",,2,2 "A day before Mr. Stone and Mr. Bannon emailed about WikiLeaks, Donald Trump Jr. exchanged messages on Twitter with the WikiLeaks account and asked, “What’s behind this Wednesday leak I keep reading about.”",,2,2 The added complexity wasn't always satisfying to the legislators who grilled her Wednesday.,The added complexity wasn't always satisfying to the legislators who grilled her Wednesday.,1,1 "He lamented childhood poverty rates, crushing college debt, crumbling infrastructure and other woes and said these are the issues he’ll bring to the Philadelphia convention.",,2,2 "I ran on the Republican principles.""",,2,2 "It's now time to govern. The election is over,"" he said on NBC's ""Meet the Press.""",,2,2 "Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the messages, if real, are “one more example of Russians, Russian agents — in this case WikiLeaks — reaching out to senior officials in the Trump Organization or Trump campaign.”",,2,2 The back and forth drew an angry response from the Department of Homeland Security.,,2,2 "There are also around 25,000 American troops in South Korea, where they have served for generations as a deterrent against North Korea.",,2,2 "Trying to quell the furor, Steele issued a statement saying: ""There is no question that America must win the war on terror.",,2,2 "Elizabeth Lauten, the communications director for Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.), wrote that the two teenagers should ""try showing a little class,"" ""dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar,"" and, most of all, ""don't make faces"" at Very Serious public events.","""try showing a little class,"" ""dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar,""",1,1 Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has also opposed the deal.,,2,2 "Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., became the latest Republican to open the door to tax rate hikes during an interview on ""Fox News Sunday.""",,2,2 LePage initially said his outburst was justified because Gattine called him a racist – something Gattine has denied.,,2,2 “Even the protesters are commenting on that: what are they doing?”,what are they doing?,1,1 "Previously, she had spoken out against the military's former ""don't ask, don't tell"" policy.",,2,2 "Clinton's release comes about one month after Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush released 33 years of returns, showing his net worth between $19 and $22 million.",,2,2 "If it wasn’t a party tracker or intern, why is the face blurred and why is the source hidden?",,2,2 "The bill, known as the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, prevents Saudi Arabia and other countries with alleged ties to terrorist groups from invoking their legal immunity in U.S. courts.",,2,2 "Family members of the victims of the terrorist attacks have pushed for such a measure for years, and they have pressured members of Congress to move ahead with the legislation in the days leading up to the 15th anniversary of the attacks.",,2,2 "Mr. Ryan claimed in a recent interview that those letters did not speak for all bishops, but the conference responded that those letters do indeed represent the bishops’ collective opinion.","Mr. Ryan claimed in a recent interview that those letters did not speak for all bishops, but the conference responded that those letters do indeed represent the bishops’ collective opinion.",1,1 Trump Lashes Out at Kathy Griffin and Democrats,,2,2 But let's assume maybe that didn't work or something.,,2,2 "To avoid the perception of a conflict of interest, the hearing on Wednesday was led by Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, the incoming chairman, and Mr. Kerry did not attend.",,2,2 "Trump later said the group would ""determine what we're going to do about the border."" ",,2,2 Tickets for the family to see the Irish dance show Riverdance at the San Diego Civic Theater became “San Diego Civic Center for Republican Women Federated/Fund-raising.”,,2,2 "“Because neighboring states have expressed concern about Colorado-grown marijuana coming into their states, we are not entirely surprised by this action,"" Suthers said.",,2,2 "“The numbers that you gave are wrong,” he told one reporter.",,2,2 "For some, it harks to the days of intolerance and segregation.",,2,2 And Justice Elena Kagan said that “excessive subjectivity” may be a policy that violates the civil rights laws.,,2,2 "From his seat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Rubio has already played a key role in U.S. foreign policy debates, often staking out positions that directly counter President Barack Obama's administration.","From his seat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Rubio has already played a key role in U.S. foreign policy debates",1,1 "Less than a decade after George W. Bush and Dick Cheney won re-election in part thanks to conservative enthusiasm over enshrining traditional marriage into law, some in the party believe they are losing voters, particularly younger ones, over an issue on which public opinion has changed rapidly.",,2,2 "“Some of the packages went through the mail,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen earlier told Fox News. ",,2,2 But it's not impossible.,,2,2 "The president on Wednesday will nominate Byron Todd Jones, the acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, to take over the post permanently.",,2,2 It's not about your quality of life. It's not about your jobs. It's about some phony ideal.,phony,0,1 "Cowan said Patrick offered him the job on Tuesday, and he accepted.",,2,2 "The Justice Department is fighting the law, which has not taken effect yet.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON – Five hundred and eighty-four days after descending his Trump Tower escalator to announce his candidacy, Donald J. Trump took the oath of office Friday to become the 45th president of the United States.",,2,2 "While many gun control advocates are eager to harness what they believe is a ripe moment in American life for new and robust restrictions on the kinds of guns that were used in Newtown, there is an emerging consensus on Capitol Hill and among gun education groups that improving the system of background check legislation that currently exempts private gun sales and gun shows is the most viable legislative route to pursue.",,2,2 "Even with that guidance and other self-imposed checks in place, the justices have time and again declined to step aside in cases of high political salience ― most recently in the same-sex marriage cases, where Ginsburg and Justices Elena Kagan and Clarence Thomas all took part despite calls for them to recuse.",,2,2 "Mr. Amash, after all, voted last year to make him speaker of the House.",,2,2 "“Speaker Pelosi made clear that today’s meeting was about re-opening government, not impeachment.”",,2,2 "“The decision to fire Special Agent Strzok is not only a departure from typical bureau practice, but also contradicts Director Wray’s testimony to Congress and his assurances that the F.B.I. intended to follow its regular process in this and all personnel matters,” Mr. Goelman said.","“The decision to fire Special Agent Strzok is not only a departure from typical bureau practice, but also contradicts Director Wray’s testimony to Congress and his assurances that the F.B.I. intended to follow its regular process in this and all personnel matters,”",1,0 "Since the report by The New York Times on March 2 that Mrs. Clinton used only a personal email account and did not even have a government account, she seems to have provided two answers about whether she still has copies of her emails.","Since the report by The New York Times on March 2 that Mrs. Clinton used only a personal email account and did not even have a government account, she seems to have provided two answers about whether she still has copies of her emails.",1,1 "Holder told the students he understands ""the mistrust"" between some residents and the police.",,2,2 "“I would hope that the secretary joins Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown and the vast majority of Democrats in the Congress in saying, ‘No, we have got to defeat this piece of legislation,’ ” Mr. Sanders said on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” referring to fellow senators.",,2,2 WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court appeared closely divided on Tuesday during arguments over the theory put forth by the plaintiffs in an enormous sex discrimination class-action case against Wal-Mart.,,2,2 "And a number of us are just saying that's enough.""",,2,2 "“It is a tabloid smear, and it has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen.”",henchmen,0,1 "President Trump vowed Wednesday that birthright citizenship will end “one way or the other,” a day after it emerged he was considering killing the policy by executive order -- a development that sparked disagreement among Republicans and condemnation from Democrats.",killing,0,1 Both provisions are seen by many Democrats as giveaways to the rich that will do little to help the economy.,Both provisions are seen by many Democrats as giveaways to the rich that will do little to help the economy.,1,1 "Asked by one of Ms. Rice’s aides, “Is this the final language you want to use on Benghazi,” Mr. Rhodes replied with a single word: “Yup.”",Mr. Rhodes replied with a single word: “Yup.”,1,0 "She went on to say that Malia and Sasha were “coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department” because their parents “don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter.”","“don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter.”",1,1 "We believe in freedom of assembly and people raising their voices in a democracy,"" the NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said in a written statement announcing the unanimous vote.",,2,2 Other recusals were related to stock ownership and family ties to judges or lawyers who participated in earlier stages of the cases.,,2,2 The field of confirmed and potential GOP presidential candidates includes more than a dozen people.,,2,2 "And he then added: “With respect to that quote, I think the vice president very well knows that sometimes the words don't come out of your mouth the right way.”",,2,2 "And the vice president made full use of his old Senate colleague’s 1988 debate playbook, shaking his head and scoffing pityingly at Representative Paul D. Ryan, trying to paint his opponent as a latter-day Dan Quayle.",shaking his head and scoffing pityingly,0,1 "A Facebook executive apologized last month for mistreating Diamond and Silk -- two pro-Trump personalities who have long claimed they are being censored by the platform, but the company has also denied being biased against conservatives.","A Facebook executive apologized last month for mistreating Diamond and Silk -- two pro-Trump personalities who have long claimed they are being censored by the platform, but the company has also denied being biased against conservatives.",1,1 "It’s not clear what the executive order would look like or when it would be proposed ― if Trump follows through at all, considering his tendency for pre-election bluster and warnings he has received from fellow Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.), who have said doing so would be outside the bounds the president’s authority.",bluster,0,1 The states that have legalized marijuana or softened penalties for possession have only been able to do so because of federal guidance urging federal prosecutors to refrain from targeting state-legal marijuana operations.,,2,2 """I know for a fact that my account was hacked,"" Weiner told Fox News.",,2,2 "President Trump said Friday that he will support a short-term spending bill to re-open the government, temporarily ending the partial government shutdown that has dragged on for more than a month -- despite a day earlier saying Republicans would not “cave” on his demands for funding for a wall on the southern border.",despite a day earlier saying Republicans would not “cave”,1,1 The chances of a successful primary election challenge in the Senate are far more remote.,,2,2 "“We don’t dislike each other,” Mr. McConnell said, deploying a rare complimentary double negative.",deploying a rare complimentary double negative,1,0 "The Atlantic first reported on Monday that Trump Jr. received a private message from the WikiLeaks Twitter account on September 20, 2016 — a message shown in the tweets produced by the president’s son.",,2,2 "Other recommendations included creating threat assessment teams at schools, better coordinating state and federal funding for school security, and offering an online assessment tool, so that administrators can evaluate their schools' potential security gaps.",,2,2 "However, the Indiana law differs in several ways, primarily in that it allows a business to assert a right to ""the free exercise of religion.""",,2,2 "The Guardian reported Wednesday that the National Security Agency had obtained a court order to collect phone records from Verizon Wireless customers, while The Washington Post reported Thursday of the existence of a program launched in 2007 called PRISM, which tracks information from nine leading U.S. Internet companies: Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, AOL, YouTube, Apple, PalTalk and Skype.",,2,2 "“I think the parent should be in charge,” he added, “working with the local school district to try to design an educational environment for each child that optimizes their potential.”",,2,2 "On Wednesday, he adopted a strikingly different approach, sitting patiently for a series of interviews at which he insisted he had done nothing wrong and marveled at what he said on MSNBC was the “Alice in Wonderland world” in which a wayward Twitter message had become the talk of the town.",strikingly different,0,1 "Larry Johnson, a former head of criminal investigations for the U.S. Secret Service who also served as a special agent in charge of the presidential protective detail, agreed that bomb makers usually leave evidence – and their signature- behind.",,2,2 "Police still stood guard, but many wore regular uniforms rather than riot gear.",,2,2 """And it's going to be completely useless. ...","""And it's going to be completely useless. ...",1,0 """I welcome this debate and I think it's healthy for our democracy,"" he continued.",,2,2 "The president himself responded on Twitter late Friday, calling the special counsel’s statement “a very sad day for journalism, but a great day for our Country!”","“a very sad day for journalism, but a great day for our Country!”",1,1 "It would also stem the use of military-style weapons -- the White House says its proposal would improve on the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, which was riddled with loopholes -- and give schools and communities resources to address violence when it occurs.",,2,2 I think some things I’ve been asked to do are beyond my ability.,,2,2 "In casting the plan as a compromise, the president sought to shift pressure to Democrats — who have repeatedly refused to give Mr. Trump any money for his border wall — to end the shutdown.",,2,2 "But the lingering animosity from the presidential campaign was on display, too.",,2,2 "Some in the GOP have called for spending cuts in military spending, with which he disagrees.",,2,2 "“Rather, the intelligence community is conducting court-authorized intelligence activities pursuant to a public statute, with the knowledge and oversight of Congress and the Intelligence Committees of both houses.”","“Rather, the intelligence community is conducting court-authorized intelligence activities pursuant to a public statute, with the knowledge and oversight of Congress and the Intelligence Committees of both houses.”",1,1 """None of this would have happened without Glenn,"" she said.","""None of this would have happened without Glenn,""",1,1 "Netanyahu was invited to speak in front of a joint session of Congress by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who did not seek approval from the White House before sending the invitation.","Netanyahu was invited to speak in front of a joint session of Congress by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who did not seek approval from the White House before sending the invitation.",1,0 "The House vote to reaffirm that ""In God We Trust"" is the U.S. motto is ""not putting people back to work,"" President Obama said Wednesday in a speech pushing his jobs bill.",,2,2 "One strain of criticism came from human rights and civil liberties activists, who expressed alarm over Judge Gorsuch’s experiences as a Justice Department official in the Bush administration in 2005 and 2006, when he helped to defend and advance the executive branch’s positions on matters like detainee treatment and surveillance.",,2,2 "But it was the review of Benghazi-related documents last summer that, within the State Department, set off the chain of events leading to the public disclosure this week of Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email account, according to the current and former department officials.",,2,2 “You want to pet him?” Mr. Obama asked his daughters.,,2,2 "The bill aims to answer rising attacks on voting rights from courts and politicians across the country, and also to stem the increasing inequality of campaign funding by empowering small donors with matching contributions from public funds, among many other things.",,2,2 "It was on vivid display Tuesday before hundreds of supporters, including many of Mr. Christie’s oldest friends and most loyal aides.",,2,2 "Foreign affairs is, we take care of ourselves first.""",,2,2 Mr. McCarthy has been preparing for months to move up from No. 3 in the Republican leadership to No. 2 in the event that Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio would retire after the November elections.,,2,2 "The Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s chairman, Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, has been nominated to succeed Mrs. Clinton and is scheduled to appear before his committee on Thursday for a confirmation hearing.",,2,2 "To that effect, the Office of Management and Budget circulated a letter to affected agencies and departments on Friday afternoon instructing management to prepare for an “orderly reopening” and to prioritize pay and benefits for workers.",,2,2 Trump also noted over the weekend that Clinton was not recorded or under oath during that interview.,,2,2 "In a response shortly after the emails were made public on Wednesday, Brendan Buck, spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), said just that.",,2,2 Authorities haven’t said whether the devices were built to explode and kill or simply sow fear.,,2,2 "President Barack Obama urged lawmakers to move on the transportation funding portion of his jobs bill Wednesday, while simultaneously mocking them for spending time on supposedly less-important undertakings, such as a recent measure to reaffirm ""In God We Trust"" as the national motto.",supposedly,0,1 This is not about immigration.,,2,2 "“Aside from being unconstitutional, such an executive order would exacerbate racial tensions, exploit fears and drive further polarization across the country at a moment that calls for the promotion of unity and inclusion,” Ms. Clarke said in a statement.",,2,2 "Biden looked as if he could barely stay in his seat for much of the night, interrupting Ryan repeatedly and sometimes making it difficult for the GOP nominee to get out his answers.","Biden looked as if he could barely stay in his seat for much of the night, interrupting Ryan repeatedly and sometimes making it difficult for the GOP nominee to get out his answers.",1,1 "Ms. Lerner has become a person of intense interest to Congressional investigators, who insist that she made, at best, incomplete statements when she said she first learned that her subordinates had singled out Tea Party groups after reading news media reports last year.","insist that she made, at best, incomplete statements",1,1 "Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said a handshake with Putin would be ""a moment of historic cowardice.""","""a moment of historic cowardice.""",1,1 "In fact, at least 30 other countries, including Canada, Mexico and many others in the Western Hemisphere, grant automatic birthright citizenship, according to a study by the Center for Immigration Studies, an organization that supports restricting immigration and whose work Mr. Trump’s advisers often cite.",,2,2 "One candidate, Scott Smith, the mayor of Mesa, who is a Mormon, said that the bill “gives carte blanche for anybody to discriminate under the guise of religion.”",,2,2 "More important, what extra money does come in will be from tariffs, which are paid by people in the U.S., not Mexico.",,2,2 "There are, of course, those who think we should pull out of Afghanistan, and they’re certainly entitled to make their case.",,2,2 “That response ignited what we have seen all week.”,,2,2 Calls and e-mails to a half-dozen advisers on the subject were not returned on Tuesday.,Calls and e-mails to a half-dozen advisers on the subject were not returned on Tuesday.,1,1 "It was a sharp and spirited debate, with both candidates delivering some lacerating blows, but Mr. Ryan at times seemed disconcerted by the sheer blowhard intensity Mr. Biden brought to the night.",sheer blowhard intensity,0,1 "In addition, Democrats are still irritated at Roberts for promising to call only “balls and strikes” in his 2005 confirmation hearing.",,2,2 "While offering no endorsement himself, Sanders said he spoke with Clinton and congratulated her “on her very strong campaign.”",strong,0,1 Mr. Trump was facing a potentially awkward task: moderating a debate that only two candidates said they would attend.,,2,2 """And that's the kind of -- and even putting that aside, the plaintiffs needed to come forward with something that showed that there was this miraculous recurrence at every decision across every store of stereotyping, and the evidence simply doesn't show that.""",,2,2 "Mike Flynn, a conservative blogger for biggovernment.com, wrote that the confrontation occurred last week outside a fundraiser headlined by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.",,2,2 "After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents, and re-reading my words online I can see more clearly just how hurtful my words were. ...","After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents, and re-reading my words online I can see more clearly just how hurtful my words were. ...",1,1 "Speaking at the White House on Friday, Mr. Trump praised law enforcement officials for quickly arresting a suspect.",,2,2 "When asked point-blank by a reporter in the Oval Office Thursday if Lieberman was the leading contender, Trump replied, ""Yes.""",,2,2 "Republican leaders, who have led calls for revamping Social Security, had no immediate comments on AARP’s willingness to consider benefit reductions.",,2,2 The Republican governor returned home Tuesday afternoon to a political climate that is much different from just a week ago when she left for Washington the last five days for a governor's conference.,,2,2 "A late and somewhat unlikely addition to Trump's short list, Lieberman is nonetheless the sudden frontrunner.",,2,2 WASHINGTON — Real estate tycoon Donald Trump said Thursday he hopes questions surrounding Barack Obama’s U.S. citizenship won’t be the defining issue if he’s chosen as the Republican candidate to challenge the president’s re-election.,,2,2 "There's only one way out: open the government, Mr. President, and then Democrats and Republicans can have a civil discussion and come up with bipartisan solutions.""",,2,2 "Though not affiliated with either major political party, tea party activists espouse a political philosophy of less government, a free market, lower taxes, individual rights and political activism.",,2,2 Republicans are challenging a host of statements made by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Democratic allies during Wednesday's heated Libya testimony -- claiming that complaints about a lack of funding are bogus and questioning the secretary's insistence she never saw urgent cables warning about the danger of an attack.,bogus,0,1 "By appearing to retreat on Monday, Democrats have stirred new talk on the left about challenging incumbents who had previously given little thought to their own nominations.",,2,2 At least four of the documents were marked “classified.”,At least four of the documents were marked “classified.”,1,0 He also took a swipe at President Obama for declining to recognize the Islamic State group as radical Islamic terrorists and vowed to stop them.,took a swipe,0,1 "Cowan's selection is a step forward for a state that has a troubled history with race relations, exploding in the South Boston busing riots in the 1970s.",,2,2 "In recent days, with the approach of the midterm balloting in which Republican control of Congress is at risk, he has sought to appeal to voters by making other dramatic claims that appear to have no chance of materializing, such as imminent action to grant a 10 percent tax cut for the middle class.",making other dramatic claims that appear to have no chance of materializing,1,1 But he also said that Mr. Moore was not guilty of “forcible rape.”,,2,2 "She does, however, condone “mocking the Mocker in Chief.”",,2,2 "But the president's campaign, responding forcefully to the new frontrunner in the GOP race, said the remark is a personal affront.",,2,2 "After Gorsuch repeatedly stated that there was ample room for Congress to legislate without worrying about court decisions, Democrats reminded him of how the court’s decisions play a key role in shaping who is elected to Congress and, therefore, what bills can be passed in the first place.",,2,2 They existed in different circles of New York’s ultrarich: Mr. Bloomberg is known as a generous philanthropist; Mr. Trump appears to have been flinty in his giving.,Mr. Bloomberg is known as a generous philanthropist,1,1 Slightly more has been requested for fiscal 2013.,,2,2 “Such discussions are fully consistent with the relevant law and ethical requirements.”,“Such discussions are fully consistent with the relevant law and ethical requirements.”,1,1 "“We think we're hopeful because the people that elected Nancy Pelosi didn't elect her to come up here and do nothing and didn't elect her to play political games,” she said. ",,2,2 "Diverting Pentagon funding, however, is expected to set off a legal battle and has already prompted fierce opposition from Democrats in Congress.",,2,2 “We all know that the justices on the Supreme Court have political views.,,2,2 "It is unclear why Mr. Trump reversed the decision, but the announcement faced backlash from both conservatives and liberals.",It is unclear why Mr. Trump reversed the decision,1,1 """It's time to get rid of this.",,2,2 DeFazio said House Democrats aren't going to keep rubber-stamping deals they don't like.,,2,2 "Trump is now insisting that Congress appropriate $5.7 billion for that project, while Democrats want a short-term spending bill for the Department of Homeland Security and full-year funding for the other affected agencies while funding for the wall is negotiated separately.",,2,2 "Democrats face an uphill battle in their efforts to take back the House, where Republicans hold a 242-190 seat advantage.",,2,2 But Mr. Romney’s campaign is also trying hard to make sure that the convention projects an image that swing voters in battleground states will find appealing.,,2,2 "Lawmakers in both chambers needed to muster a two-thirds majority to override, and did so easily.",,2,2 "The inspector general, who uncovered the messages, found no evidence that the pair imposed their political views on their investigative decisions but cited that exchange as “not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, implies a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects.”","“not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, implies a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects.”",1,1 "The United States has never seen a president quite like Mr. Trump, the son and grandson of immigrants who grew up to become a real estate magnate, casino owner, beauty pageant operator and reality television star whose tumultuous love life played out in the tabloids.",whose tumultuous love life played out in the tabloids,1,1 """Sen. Reid respects that but thinks that the mosque should be built someplace else.""",,2,2 "The emails, disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the conservative group Judicial Watch, were uncovered during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to Politico, part of the FBI’s probe into Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state.",,2,2 Below are some of the photos shared Wednesday on Twitter from Chick-fil-A restaurants around the country.,,2,2 "Mr. Cohen was sentenced in December to three years in prison for lying to Congress, campaign finance violations and financial crimes.",,2,2 Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day – as it is being called was the idea of former Arkansas governor and Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee.,,2,2 "When a video message from President Trump played on the big screen, some of the Democrats in the crowd booed, but less lustily than usual.","some of the Democrats in the crowd booed, but less lustily than usual",1,1 "Michael Dukakis, the former governor and 1988 Democratic presidential nominee, and Victoria Kennedy, Sen. Kennedy’s widow, had also been mentioned as possible candidates for the interim post.",,2,2 """They are pulling people together and focusing on the negative, and then it's hard to make anything positive out of that,"" said Anita L. Russell, president of the Kansas City, Mo., branch of the NAACP, which introduced the resolution.",,2,2 Members of the House voted 420-0 to release the report.,,2,2 “I can’t say with certainty very much about where the photograph came from.”,,2,2 Administration officials had spent time and capital recruiting Senator Arlen Specter to switch parties and run for re-election as a Democrat.,,2,2 "The Jacksons were appearing separately before U.S. District Judge Robert L. Wilkins in Washington, D.C. Jackson's wife spent $5,150 on fur capes and parkas, court documents said.",,2,2 Other Democrats said they did not see the fight resonating strongly outside New York and did not expect it to become a defining campaign issue.,,2,2 "With AARP potentially backing off its opposition, other groups are poised to take up the fight.",,2,2 "Trump requested $5.7 billion for construction of the wall, while Democrats vowed to block any spending proposal that included such funding.",,2,2 "As he took the oath, a cluster of people blew whistles and screamed, “Not my president,” before being escorted out.",,2,2 "As the official, Lois Lerner, appeared under subpoena before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, she sternly told her questioners that accusations that she had misled Congress in previous testimony were false.",,2,2 "But by the time Republicans had the 60-plus votes, with support from 33 Democrats, the revolt was in full force.",,2,2 "Following Romney's news conference, Obama's campaign immediately pounced on the former governor's comments.",immediately pounced,0,0 "At the time, Mr. Strzok was in the early stages of investigating whether any Trump associates had conspired with Russia’s interference in the presidential election, and nearly a month passed before agents and analysts began to act on the emails found on Mr. Weiner’s laptop. ",,2,2 "“I don’t want to think about that possibility,” Ginsburg said when asked to consider Trump in the role of appointer-in-chief. ","“I don’t want to think about that possibility,”",1,1 "During his announcement, Huckabee said that he would ""conquer Jihadism"" and protect Social Security.",,2,2 "Obama, while saying he personally supports same-sex marriage, also said the issue should be left to the states to decide.",,2,2 "“Think about how amazing this country is,” Mr. Christie said.",,2,2 "The sweeping legislation, passed 234-193, makes good on the campaign pledge to clean up Washington that helped catapult Democrats into the majority.",,2,2 Mr. Bloomberg is not overly ostentatious for a man of great wealth; Mr. Trump loves to show off his possessions.,Mr. Trump loves to show off his possessions,1,1 "“I will be making a decision over the next three- to four-day period of time, and I think it will be a decision that will be a very good decision for a lot of people,” he added.",,2,2 """We support this action by the attorneys general of Oklahoma and Nebraska because Colorado's decisions regarding marijuana are not without consequences to neighboring states, and indeed all Americans,"" Sabet said.",and indeed all Americans,1,1 "Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., who opposes the mosque project, said Monday that the White House softened Obama's original comments because it probably heard ""pushback"" from other Democrats.",,2,2 "She said she hadn't revealed the information sooner, because she was never asked.",,2,2 "In a statement released Tuesday afternoon, they said his presence does not serve ""the national interest.""",,2,2 "Alabama’s state auditor, Jim Ziegler, told The Washington Examiner that the women’s claims were “much ado about nothing” and said that Mr. Moore had done nothing “immoral or illegal.”",,2,2 """He just let us speak, basically.",,2,2 "While Senate Democrats did not receive everything they asked for in exchange for voting to reopen the government, they did manage to get the Children’s Health Insurance Program funded for six years.",,2,2 Etheridge is then seen trying to snatch a cell phone camera out of the student's hands. He then grabs the man's wrist and refuses to let go.,Etheridge is then seen trying to snatch a cell phone camera out of the student's hands. He then grabs the man's wrist and refuses to let go.,1,1 "In his statement, Inslee cited the case of a Washington-based florist who was recently ordered to pay a fine for discriminating against a gay couple who sought her services.",,2,2 "“Attorney General Barr — release the Mueller report to the American public. Now,” Ms. Warren wrote on Twitter.",,2,2 We should stand united against Putin’s past and planned future attacks against us.”,,2,2 "Trump had talked about pulling out of Syria before, but military leaders had warned about ISIS re-emerging should the U.S. do so. ",,2,2 "Her aides hope to set up a favorable contrast for her with former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, a leading Republican contender, who has argued he is more transparent than she is.",,2,2 "“When he asked me to join the ticket, he basically said to me, 'You share my values and you have the kind of experience that could be a complement to my experience to getting this country back on track, to creating jobs, to getting people back to work, to saving this country from a debt crisis,'"" Ryan said.",,2,2 """It's lost tremendous credibility.""","""It's lost tremendous credibility.""",1,0 She noted that thousands of federal workers in her state were not receiving paychecks.,,2,2 "Certainly, as the Washington Examiner's Phillip Klein notes, it will contribute to the general reluctance to talk substantively about Medicare reform out of a concern that it merely invites future attacks.",,2,2 Judges time their retirements to coincide with a certain party being in office.,,2,2 "He held the audience spellbound with riffs on his personal life laced through his political philosophy, strong on personal responsibility.",He held the audience spellbound,1,1 "Her opposition also puts her at odds with her father, who offered support for gay marriage in 2009.",,2,2 To which the Clinton campaign tweeted: “Delete your account.”,,2,2 The president’s proposal reflects that.,,2,2 "Conservative websites are already crying foul over the cover, with some saying it makes Bachmann look ""crazy"" and one blogger asking, ""Can anyone really say with a straight face that the mainstream media is not totally biased against conservatives?""","""Can anyone really say with a straight face that the mainstream media is not totally biased against conservatives?""",1,1 The Trump administration also plans to take executive action to move about $200 million from the Department of Homeland Security and another $600 million from the Treasury Department’s asset forfeiture account.,,2,2 "So why, he asked, does Cuba not have Toyotas or modern goods from other nations?",,2,2 And he speculated that a Lieberman nomination would split the chamber.,,2,2 """If Nebraska and Oklahoma succeed, they will put the violent criminal organizations back in charge,"" Elliott said.",,2,2 "“It is garbage, complete and utter lies,” Cruz said about the National Enquirer article alleging that he has had multiple affairs.","“It is garbage, complete and utter lies,”",1,1 "Clinton initiated conversations with Sestak at the behest of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who was Clinton's political director when he was president.",,2,2 "“Because the president is eliminating subsidies to insurance companies and cutting waste and fraud, we’ve extended the life of Medicare by eight years.",,2,2 Agents typically use those tactics as a precaution to secure possible evidence and protect themselves in case a suspect fights arrest.,,2,2 But the divisions that have slowed progress in the House have not been entirely mended.,,2,2 "The Post story centered on allegations made by Leigh Corfman, now 53.",,2,2 "It was decided in advance that any portion of the Constitution that was superseded by amendments — including the amendments themselves — would not be read, preventing lawmakers from having to make references to slaves, referred to in Article 1, Section 2 as “three fifths of all other persons,” or to things like prohibition.",,2,2 Some top Democrats called on Mueller to release what his team knows about Trump’s Moscow deal as a matter of public duty.,,2,2 "Representative Jerrold Nadler, a Democrat who represents the district that includes ground zero, said he doubted that the fight over the mosque would inflict much damage on fellow Democrats in the November elections.",,2,2 Metadata from the companies is used to identify suspicious individuals and the secondary search goes into content.,,2,2 "The spokeswoman, Marie Harf, was asked on Tuesday whether there was any connection between the requests from Congress and the decision to ask the former secretaries of state for emails from their personal accounts.",,2,2 "The event pits Republicans against Democrats and raises funds for area nonprofits, including the Washington Literacy Center, the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington and the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation.",,2,2 The reluctance to talk about the platform reflects the delicate position that Mr. Romney is in when it comes to abortion policy.,,2,2 "The real estate mogul and reality TV star said he wants to make sure Republicans pick the ""right"" candidate -- he said he still plans to make an endorsement despite his threatened third-party run.",threatened,0,1 Newsweek has defended the photo -- an extreme close-up of the crystal blue-eyed Bachmann looking over the camera with a dark blue background -- saying that several of the images taken of her appeared the same way.,,2,2 Mr. Huckabee has focused his economic message on what he calls wage stagnation under Mr. Obama.,,2,2 "Mr. Sestak endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton against Mr. Obama in the 2008 presidential primaries, and Mr. Clinton was one of the first to call to congratulate him on his Senate victory last week.",,2,2 Trump’s comments came at what was billed as the first Cabinet meeting of 2019.,,2,2 "While some, such as black conservative group BOND Action, have directly announced their intentions to work toward insuring Steele's termination at the committee, other Republicans have simply lined up behind his growing list of challengers.",,2,2 "Some members of Pinto's congregation subsequently said they made tens of thousands of dollars in illegal contributions, including gifts passed through straw donors.",,2,2 "Even so, there are signs that the state’s aggressive immigration policies have begun to turn off some: Earlier this month a longtime Arpaio ally, Arizona State Sen. Russell Pearce, was defeated in a recall election by a more moderate Republican.",,2,2 He notably led the state during catastrophic damage from Hurricane Sandy in 2012.,,2,2 "And so, in this case, he decided to state clearly how he feels about making sure that people are treated equally, that there is a fairness and that our bedrock principles are upheld,"" Burton said.",,2,2 It gave the explosive Norwalk video recording to The Times.,,2,2 "Of that, $3 billion could be diverted with help from the emergency declaration.",,2,2 "Congress has the exclusive power of the purse, and the Constitution specifically prohibits the President from spending money that has not been appropriated. ...",,2,2 "“The Hunters knew that many of their desired purchases could be made only by using campaign funds, since they did not otherwise have sufficient personal funds to pay for their purchases.”",,2,2 "Stone, according to the indictment, “on multiple occasions” around Dec. 1, 2017, told Credico (“Person 2”) that he should “do a ‘Frank Pentangeli’” in his testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence “to avoid contradicting Stone’s testimony.”",,2,2 "On Friday, postal officials intercepted the package for Clapper, a CNN contributor, before it could reach the CNN offices, where it was addressed, according to the network.",,2,2 Steele's gaffe-prone tenure at the helm of the RNC has aided the creation of a significant bloc of GOPers who are intent on seeing his departure next month.,gaffe-prone,0,1 "A spokeswoman for Mr. Fishman’s office, Rebekah Carmichael, said Thursday afternoon that she could neither confirm nor deny whether any specific investigative steps had been taken.",,2,2 "Biden: smirking, mocking, immature.”","Biden: smirking, mocking, immature.”",1,1 "Despite her hardships, he said, “My mother told me that days like this were possible.”",,2,2 "A review of now-public State Department records as well as a classified State Department cable, first reviewed and reported by Fox News, shows a steady stream of documented warnings to Washington from intelligence and State security officials on the ground in Libya that the Islamist threat was severe and growing.",,2,2 The Democratic National Committee issued a brief statement shortly after Rubio's speech:,,2,2 "“If he knows he is going to lose,” Mr. Conway, a vocal critic of Mr. Trump, wrote on Twitter, “then he knows he is violating the Constitution and laws he has sworn to uphold.”",,2,2 I don't believe that's what we're here to do ... We're not here to serve the earth.,,2,2 "Still, it was revealed last year that, in the weeks before the election, Mr. Stone was messaging on Twitter with Guccifer 2.0, a pseudonym used by one or more operatives in the Russian intelligence scheme to steal the emails and funnel them to WikiLeaks.",,2,2 "Obama also ordered U.S. flags to be flown at half-staff “as a mark of respect for the victims of the act of hatred and terror perpetrated on Sunday, June 12, 2016, in Orlando, Florida.”",,2,2 "“I want to invite him to Arizona to talk to people and to meet our leaders,” she said.",,2,2 He also declined the Senate committee’s invitation for an interview.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON — AARP, the powerful lobby for older Americans that has been seen as one of the leading opponents of Social Security benefit cuts, said on Friday that it was open to modest reductions in benefits for future recipients.",powerful,0,1 "WASHINGTON — Susan E. Rice, President Obama’s national security adviser, sharply criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Tuesday over his plans to address a joint meeting of Congress next week, saying his actions had hurt his nation’s relationship with the United States.",sharply,0,1 "Mr. Strzok, who rose over 20 years at the F.B.I. to become one of its most experienced counterintelligence agents, was a key figure in the early months of the inquiry.","Mr. Strzok, who rose over 20 years at the F.B.I. to become one of its most experienced counterintelligence agents",1,1 The report caused immediate problems for Moore with his own party as he heads into the Dec. 12 election against Democrat Doug Jones.,,2,2 "“Because our leaders are weak, I said this was going to happen — and it is only going to get worse.",our leaders are weak,1,1 "Indiana’s bill was drafted from a version that President Obama voted for when he was a state senator in Illinois, Mr. Pence said.","Indiana’s bill was drafted from a version that President Obama voted for when he was a state senator in Illinois, Mr. Pence said.",1,1 Tea party organizers disputed claims of racism and called on the NAACP to withdraw the resolution.,,2,2 "Even as Mr. Trump’s legal perils have deepened — and federal prosecutors in New York appear to have gathered evidence implicating him in a campaign finance crime — Democrats have said they want to wait to see the findings of an investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, of the president, his campaign and Russia’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 election.",Mr. Trump’s legal perils have deepened — and federal prosecutors in New York appear to have gathered evidence implicating him in a campaign finance crime,1,1 "The issue before the justices at Tuesday’s arguments was not whether Wal-Mart, the country’s largest retailer and biggest private employer, discriminated against women who worked there.",,2,2 "Asked by Schieffer about his claims that prenatal testing leads to more abortions, Santorum insisted that this was ""a fact.""",,2,2 "Trump issued an apology at the time and described the contents of the ""Access Hollywood"" recording as “locker room banter.” ","Trump issued an apology at the time and described the contents of the ""Access Hollywood"" recording as “locker room banter.”",1,0 "But there was no sign the story, or the speculation about who may have been responsible for tweeting the photo, was fading.",,2,2 "In the last few weeks, the fight turned particularly nasty -- with Trump canceling a Democratic congressional trip to Afghanistan after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on Trump to delay his State of the Union address or submit it in writing. ","In the last few weeks, the fight turned particularly nasty -- with Trump canceling a Democratic congressional trip to Afghanistan after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on Trump to delay his State of the Union address or submit it in writing.",1,1 """Had I been president at the time, and I found that you did not read the cables from Benghazi, you did not read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, I would have relieved you of your post.",,2,2 "But the report, by White House Counsel Robert Bauer, concluded that ""allegations of improper conduct rest on factual errors and lack a basis in the law.""",,2,2 "Democratic Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, once thought to be a shoo-in for the seat being vacated by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-CT, finds himself on the political ropes after a newspaper exposed a past incorrect statement regarding his service in Vietnam, and Republicans smell an opening.",,2,2 "“If they believe this man is predatory, they are guilty of allowing him to exist for 40 years,” he said.",,2,2 "Mr. Strzok, 48, a graduate of Georgetown University, served as an officer in the Army before he joined the F.B.I. ","Mr. Strzok, 48, a graduate of Georgetown University, served as an officer in the Army before he joined the F.B.I.",1,1 "But Cornyn, one of the bill's leading proponents, dismissed Obama's concerns as ""unpersuasive.""",,2,2 Mr. Nunes’s sustained work last term to scrutinize the origins of the Russia investigation and accuse federal law enforcement officials of acting out of anti-Trump political bias sent convulsions through what in quieter times is one of Congress’s more bipartisan bodies.,,2,2 """Today, his fellow Missourians urged him to step aside, and I think he should accept their counsel and exit the Senate race.""",,2,2 Sellers said that wasn't a fair comparison because Wal-Mart has an obligation under federal law to make sure its managers do not discriminate.,,2,2 "The pollster for Secure America Now is John McLaughlin, who has worked with Netanyahu’s Likud Party.”",,2,2 "“If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore,” Mr. Trump said in a statement.",,2,2 Sensitive information is different from classified information.,,2,2 The list of tragedies on President Obama’s watch seems countless by now.,,2,2 "Obama adviser David Axelrod said ""Andrew is a unique thinker, and I can't speak for how he might react to this.",,2,2 "On Friday, the State Department released about 3,000 of Ms. Abedin’s work-related emails.",,2,2 "“It is very troubling to see President Obama again turning a deaf ear to the thoughts and concerns of a majority of Americans,” said James Renacci, a Republican candidate in Ohio’s 16th District, who said people at a recent public meeting were furious about the mosque proposal.","“It is very troubling to see President Obama again turning a deaf ear to the thoughts and concerns of a majority of Americans,”",1,1 "Ms. Ingraham, one of the few high-profile conservatives to put her muscle behind Mr. Brat, said on Fox News on Tuesday night that the primary results were “an absolute repudiation of establishment politics” and that Republican leaders should take note.",,2,2 "While marijuana remains illegal under federal law, officials have largely allowed Colorado and other states to move ahead with state-run programs allowing medical and recreational marijuana.",,2,2 “They are followers of a false prophet.”,false prophet,0,1 But House Democrats are not listening.,But House Democrats are not listening.,1,1 "The committee’s ranking member, Elijah E. Cummings, Democrat of Maryland, said the panel should hold a public hearing instead of a private interview.",,2,2 Mr. Trump’s comments Monday on Mr. Flynn come at a time when the special counsel investigation is focusing intensely on the president’s inner circle.,,2,2 He told the paper that the question of whether Trump or the people around him were compromised by a hostile foreign power was not in any part of Mueller’s report.,,2,2 Russia was expelled from what was then the Group of Eight after its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.,,2,2 """I guess the question back for those who ask [why not fight for more] is where does this go, what is the end game and what are the consequences of playing it?"" said senior adviser David Axelrod.",,2,2 "While serving as a senator from New York in 2007, Clinton criticized the Bush administration for its ""secrecy,"" according to The Hill.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump’s desire for approval by Fox and other conservative news outlets was on display when he identified various pundits as supporters, naming Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh, although he insisted that “they don’t decide policy.”","Mr. Trump’s desire for approval by Fox and other conservative news outlets was on display when he identified various pundits as supporters, naming Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson and Rush Limbaugh, although he insisted that “they don’t decide policy.”",1,1 "Other Democrats, such as Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.), remained unconvinced that McConnell and the House Republicans would follow through on immigration.",,2,2 "Jackson said he was clearheaded and had not been under treatment for alcohol or drug abuse, though he did have a beer last night.",though he did have a beer last night,1,1 "Fifteen minutes later, however, his father tweeted: “Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks.",,2,2 "Hunter had blamed his wife, who acted as a campaign manager, for many of the improper charges, saying she controlled the campaign’s credit card, and in February he feigned ignorance in an interview with Politico, saying: “Nah, I know the rules.”","Hunter had blamed his wife, who acted as a campaign manager, for many of the improper charges, saying she controlled the campaign’s credit card, and in February he feigned ignorance in an interview with Politico, saying: “Nah, I know the rules.”",1,1 The review comes as Congress and a number of state legislatures pursue gun control legislation.,,2,2 "On at least two instances, Mr. Jackson and his wife used campaign money at Build-A-Bear Workshop, a store where patrons can create stuffed animals.",,2,2 "Mr. Stone appeared briefly on Friday morning in Federal District Court in Fort Lauderdale, his ankles and waist shackled in front of a packed courtroom.",,2,2 "Hutchinson, though, did call for the creation of a 40-60 hour training program for armed officers.",,2,2 It's not just Republicans who are concerned about the way the lame-duck session became a dumping ground for campaign promises and wish-list legislation.,,2,2 """The administration should withdraw this decision until Zimbabwe stabilizes,"" the committee chairman said in a statement.",,2,2 "The Wednesday hearing would have been Lerner's first public appearance, and first under oath, since she apologized for the IRS' inappropriate targeting of conservative groups at a May 10 American Bar Association meeting.",,2,2 "“Maybe with a little more time, the teams would be mixed,” suggested Representative Ted Deutch, Democrat of Florida.",,2,2 "The backlash has been an unexpected political headache for Mr. Pence, who is juggling whether to run for re-election or for president in 2016.",headache,0,1 "He turned from the podium to walk back into the West Wing, once again left to monitor the investigation, prepare a likely eulogy for the dead and wonder when he might have to come into the briefing room again.",,2,2 "All week, Mr. Trump has slowly escalated a war of words on Twitter against Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, his main competition in the Republican race, based on an ad by a “super PAC” started by people who want to stop the New York developer from getting the nomination.",escalated,0,1 "Perry has also said the federal government should extend work visas permitting undocumented immigrants to move freely between the U.S. and their home countries, but stressed that he still opposes amnesty or a path to citizenship.",,2,2 "But the disclosure of the meeting indicated that private discussions continue in the face of Republican leaders’ public statements deploring the lack of progress and the president’s refusal so far to specify the sort of deep, long-term reductions in spending for social programs that they insist upon as a condition of their support for raising taxes on high earners.",,2,2 "“That’s not on my agenda,” he said on “This Week.”","“That’s not on my agenda,” he said on “This Week.”",1,1 "Mrs. Clinton has devoted a fair amount of time since April, when she began her second presidential campaign, to showing she understands the needs of working-class Americans, who have not seen their wages grow in years, and those struggling in the post-recession job market.","she understands the needs of working-class Americans, who have not seen their wages grow in years, and those struggling in the post-recession job market",1,1 "Asked about the 63 Democrats who voted for Ryan, Pelosi said, “I got two-thirds of the vote.”",,2,2 The national intelligence director’s rare Saturday statement was notable for what it omitted: any description of other means the government may use to intercept Internet information directly from fiber optic cables or satellite systems even before or after it reaches those Internet companies.,,2,2 "So it is no surprise, with just over four weeks remaining, in a race for the U.S. Senate with national implications, that the Democratic Party and the country’s most liberal newspaper would come up with a fabrication of this kind.","So it is no surprise, with just over four weeks remaining, in a race for the U.S. Senate with national implications, that the Democratic Party and the country’s most liberal newspaper would come up with a fabrication of this kind.",1,0 "He claimed that a 2005 tape of him bragging about sexual assault, which was released last fall, was “locker room talk.”",bragging about sexual assault,0,1 "Gowdy said Friday that Clinton, the presumptive Democratic front-runner in the 2016 presidential race, has yet to adequately respond to the subpoena request for the server.",,2,2 "“I mean, you cannot just destroy documents when an agency is telling you to turn them over,” Mr. Priebus said on “Fox and Friends.”",,2,2 The move is expected to face a swift and forceful legal challenge that could stall the attempt in the courts for the near future.,,2,2 And Mr. Gingrich? “Newt is Newt. He’s a good guy.”,,2,2 LePage’s second and final term as governor officially ends in 2019.,,2,2 The statements are the latest boycott threats to emerge over claims that the law has the potential to discriminate against gays and others.,,2,2 """To me, the principle of subsidiarity, which is really federalism, meaning government closest to the people governs best,"" he said.",,2,2 That is when Ms. Gillibrand plans to formally kick off her 2020 campaign in front of Trump International Tower in New York.,,2,2 "“Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as Chairman of this Committee,” the letter stated.","“Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as Chairman of this Committee,”",1,1 "The department’s bomb squad responded to the facility and secured the package for delivery to an F.B.I. lab in Quantico, Va., Mr. Miller said.",,2,2 "It came after Boehner publicly chided Obama on Friday for the lack of progress to date, accusing the president of having ""wasted another week.""",chided,0,1 "When it becomes injected or infused with politics, that's a problem.""",,2,2 "“He is not welcome to Mexico,” Fox told CNN.",,2,2 "By contrast, Romney operatives in the spin room said Ryan clearly won on substance and composure while Biden devolved into fits of laughter and audible groans.",devolved,0,1 "He added, “It was interesting sitting up onstage with a bunch of billionaires hearing him say how bad the country was.”",“It was interesting sitting up onstage with a bunch of billionaires hearing him say how bad the country was.”,1,1 "And that's what happened tonight: they lost the debate.""",,2,2 And we met with a lot of groups and we learned a lot of ideas that came as a result of this process.,,2,2 "“We’re going to confront the national security crisis on our southern border … one way or the other, we have to do it,” Trump said in the Rose Garden.",,2,2 "The question facing Democrats is whether to have a filibuster fight over Judge Gorsuch, highlighting what they consider the theft of a seat they believe Mr. Obama had a right to fill, or whether to save that attention-grabbing tactic for a hypothetical future vacancy if a more liberal justice dies or steps down and President Trump nominates a staunch conservative who would shift the court’s balance.",,2,2 "The former Alaska governor said claims that tea party activists ""judge people by the color of their skin"" were false and appalling.",appalling,0,1 "Bosma acknowledged a major concern is whether businesses will now be legally permitted to deny services to some people, as a result of the law, and that even he is unclear.",,2,2 "Mr. Romney has, over the years, made it clear that his opposition to same-sex marriage and civil unions is a deeply held moral conviction, and he has not shied from using strong language to describe the offense he has taken to its introduction.",,2,2 "It came after an acrimonious week of tit-for-tat politics, in which Ms. Pelosi told the president he could not deliver his State of the Union address in the Capitol until the shutdown was over, and the president retaliated by grounding a plane that was supposed to take Ms. Pelosi on a fact-finding mission to Afghanistan.","It came after an acrimonious week of tit-for-tat politics, in which Ms. Pelosi told the president he could not deliver his State of the Union address in the Capitol until the shutdown was over, and the president retaliated by grounding a plane that was supposed to take Ms. Pelosi on a fact-finding mission to Afghanistan.",1,0 """Given the struggle of African Americans, given the struggle of women, given the struggle of others to create a more perfect document, to hear that those elements of the Constitution that have been dedacted (sic) by amendment are no less serious, no less part of our ongoing struggle to improve the country and our desire to continue to improve the Constitution, many of us don't want that to be lost upon the reading of our sacred document,"" he said.",,2,2 "While there are other items that might ultimately be worthy of the Senate’s attention, we cannot agree to prioritize any matters above the critical issues of funding the government and preventing a job-killing tax hike.”",,2,2 "It seems to me there's an inconsistency there, and I'm just not sure what the unlawful policy is.""","It seems to me there's an inconsistency there, and I'm just not sure what the unlawful policy is.""",1,1 "Since the evening Judge Gorsuch was nominated, liberal groups have been pressuring Democrats to filibuster the vote on him.",,2,2 "In an interview shown Thursday on the “Today” show, Mr. Trump told Meredith Vieira that he had “real doubts” about whether Mr. Obama was born in this country, and that he has sent his own investigators to Hawaii to research the issue.",“real doubts”,0,1 "The terror massacre at a packed Orlando nightclub reverberated across the presidential campaign trail Sunday, as the candidates condemned the deadliest shooting in U.S. history -- and Donald Trump ripped President Obama and Hillary Clinton for avoiding the term “radical Islam” in doing so.",,2,2 "Unfortunately, he keeps putting forward one-sided and ineffective remedies.",,2,2 "Greene accused Farenthold of telling her he had “sexual fantasies” and “wet dreams” about her, and then claimed she was fired after complaining to Farenthold.",Greene accused Farenthold of telling her he had “sexual fantasies” and “wet dreams” about her,1,1 "“The president cannot erase the Constitution with an executive order, and the 14th Amendment’s citizenship guarantee is clear,” said Omar Jadwat, director of the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project.",,2,2 """What I said it would significantly increase the risk,"" Summers replied.",,2,2 "By all indications, Mr. LePage seemed determined to again ride out the political storm.",,2,2 And the complaints tend to overlook the fact that the overall security budget has more than doubled since fiscal 2004.,,2,2 The Roberts Court has done much to reshape power in the United States.,,2,2 The House Ethics Committee also opened a subcommittee investigation into Ms. Greene’s allegations.,,2,2 A second person accompanying him pulled out another camera to record the congressman’s actions. ,,2,2 "Representative Peter T. King, a Republican of New York and a longtime critic of proposals to change the immigration system, said it was significant that both the third-ranking Republican in the House, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, and the Judiciary Committee chairman, Representative Robert W. Goodlatte of Virginia, had voiced support in recent days for legal status for some immigrants living in the country illegally — and have taken very little heat for their remarks on either side of the aisle.",,2,2 "Call off this summit, ,"" Wyden tweeted.",,2,2 Republicans have estimated that this will save $35 million over the next nine months.,,2,2 "“I support religious liberty, and I support this law,” the governor said.","“I support religious liberty, and I support this law,”",1,1 "A former party chairman, Mike Duncan, also is considering a run.",,2,2 Lynch holds more conservative positions than Markey; he opposes abortion rights and voted against President Barack Obama's health care law.,,2,2 But it did little to placate her sister.,placate,0,1 "The YouTube video is published under an account titled TonyManization, and even more damning is that the faces of the individuals asking the Congressman questions are blurred out.",,2,2 "The task force panel called on the Departments of Homeland Security, Education and Justice to coordinate school safety efforts and provide grant money for schools to assess their ability to prevent and respond to attacks.",,2,2 "It shows complete disrespect, it shows they’re more worried about the politics in Israel than receiving information about a common threat,"" Graham, R-S.C., said Tuesday night on Fox News' ""On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.""",shows complete disrespect,1,1 "But senior administration officials on Wednesday said that Michael J. Morell, then the deputy director of the CIA, also wanted that line removed, separately from Nuland.",,2,2 "He, too, may seize on the meeting as an opportunity to bolster his image with Mexicans.","He, too, may seize on the meeting as an opportunity to bolster his image with Mexicans.",1,1 """I wish this was the greatest place in the world,"" Trump said, but he also said jobs are disappearing in the United States and that Obama has given the country ""a terrible presidency.""","""a terrible presidency.""",1,1 "He has a history of multiple arrests, including for felony grand theft and misdemeanor retail theft.","He has a history of multiple arrests, including for felony grand theft and misdemeanor retail theft.",1,1 Saudi Arabia has objected vehemently to the legislation.,,2,2 "Buying a car, by contrast he said, is ""designed to meet the needs of a customer.",,2,2 "“I don’t know if we tried to do so or not,” he said.",,2,2 The release comes on the same day the State Department released thousands of emails relating to her tenure as secretary of state.,,2,2 "He also said that he would run for majority leader in hopes of creating ""a leadership team that can bring the Republican conference together.""",,2,2 "Higher premiums and co-pays ... after a lifetime of work, senior's health care shouldn't be a gamble.",,2,2 It wasn’t funny. I get it.”,,2,2 "“The truth will set us free,” he said at one point.",,2,2 The request comes after reports revealed Clinton used a private email address and a server located in her New York home during her time as secretary of state.,,2,2 "“I have strong support from our friends in the unions, including steelworkers, which I guess are his area ... I’m a woman of steel in there.”","“I have strong support from our friends in the unions, including steelworkers, which I guess are his area ... I’m a woman of steel in there.”",1,1 HuffPost reported in November 2012 Christie turned down an invitation to appear at an event with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney days ahead of the election.,,2,2 "In Mr. Trump’s case, he is defining a longstanding problem at the border as an emergency even though border apprehensions have actually fallen in recent years, to 400,000 in the last fiscal year from a peak of 1.6 million in the 2000 fiscal year.",,2,2 "“This administration, which told us and told the American people that the attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi was the work, was caused by a video, is now the same administration who expects us to believe that this scandal was just the result of two rogue agents in Cincinnati,” he said.","“This administration, which told us and told the American people that the attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi was the work, was caused by a video, is now the same administration who expects us to believe that this scandal was just the result of two rogue agents in Cincinnati,”",1,0 "Ms. Feinstein has tacked to the left since Kevin de Léon, the president of the California State Senate, announced his challenge to her in October.",,2,2 "President Trump on Saturday announced a compromise plan that funded the wall while extending protections for 700,000 illegal immigrants brought to the country as children and 300,000 immigrants from countries designated unsafe to return. ","President Trump on Saturday announced a compromise plan that funded the wall while extending protections for 700,000 illegal immigrants brought to the country as children and 300,000 immigrants from countries designated unsafe to return.",1,1 The events underscored the personal and political crosscurrents standing in the way of any compromise between a president unwilling to lose face with his core supporters on his signature campaign promise and newly empowered Democrats — poised to assume control of the House on Thursday — who refuse to give ground on an issue that has come to symbolize Mr. Trump’s immigration policies.,,2,2 "This is not the first time that Trump Jr. has been in the spotlight, and has had his actions brought into question amid the larger probe into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates in the 2016 presidential election.","This is not the first time that Trump Jr. has been in the spotlight, and has had his actions brought into question amid the larger probe into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates in the 2016 presidential election.",1,1 "“The indictment alleges that Congressman Hunter and his wife repeatedly dipped into campaign coffers as if they were personal bank accounts, and falsified F.E.C. campaign finance reports to cover their tracks,” Adam L. Braverman, the United States attorney for the Southern District of California, said in a statement, referring to the Federal Election Commission.",as if they were personal bank accounts,1,1 "Representative Michael R. Turner, Republican of Ohio, played the same card in the hearing room, fuming that Mr. Schiff would not accept Attorney General William P. Barr’s word that Mr. Mueller had not found the Trump campaign to have taken part in a conspiracy to undermine the election.",,2,2 "Trump announced Thursday that he would delay the address, but if the government re-opens then it could take place on Tuesday as had been previously scheduled.",,2,2 "The White House did not respond to HuffPost queries about whether Trump understood that what he was saying was false and, if he did, why he was doing so anyway.","The White House did not respond to HuffPost queries about whether Trump understood that what he was saying was false and, if he did, why he was doing so anyway.",1,0 "He outlined a dark vision of an America afflicted by “the ravages” of economic dislocation and foreign exploitation, requiring his can-do approach to turn around.",,2,2 AARP initially pushed back against the newspaper's story.,,2,2 "But now, a staggering 55 percent of Republican primary voters say that they cannot envision voting for Mr. Christie, according to an NBC-Wall Street Journal Poll.",,2,2 "Other convictions include former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, who both pleaded guilty to making false statements in 2017. ",,2,2 "In a letter to the Clinton’s lawyer, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the committee chairman, said the committee is not interested in emails relating to personal or private matters, and instead will focus solely on those pertaining to “Libya and Benghazi during the relevant time periods.”",,2,2 "“Absolutely not,” Mr. Pence said, adding later: “I signed the bill.",,2,2 "Because our leaders are weak, I said this was going to happen – and it is only going to get worse.",our leaders are weak,1,1 He told Fox News he believes the primary motive is fear. ,,2,2 "The guy in the back of the room who's throwing the pie or yelling out the insult wants that to be the conversation,"" Weiner told reporters.",,2,2 "The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, said he intends to hold a hearing on election security at the end of July.",,2,2 "Kathy Griffin has made a career out of shocking her public by telling stories of Lindsay Lohan’s fire crotch and simulating oral sex with Anderson Cooper on CNN, but she took things to a whole new level with a controversial photo shoot.",telling stories of Lindsay Lohan’s fire crotch and simulating oral sex with Anderson Cooper on CNN,1,1 "But in all their time in New York City, their interactions have been limited, yet cordial, according to people who know both of them.",,2,2 """It is a failure to show Americans that while we seek a more perfect union, we do so from imperfect beginnings, through an imperfect history, with an imperfect government created by an imperfect document,"" he added.","""It is a failure to show Americans that while we seek a more perfect union, we do so from imperfect beginnings, through an imperfect history, with an imperfect government created by an imperfect document,""",1,0 "Elizabeth Lauten wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post Friday that Malia and Sasha Obama, aged 16 and 13 respectively, should ""try showing a little class"" and described their outfits as more appropriate for ""a spot at the bar.""",now-deleted,1,1 "The top folks like to be in the inside game,"" one union official said.",,2,2 "“How we go forward in our caucus to put forth our values, which are what unite us a caucus, to differentiate between us and the administration that will come into Washington in January, to take that message clearly to the public, is something that is a historic challenge.”",,2,2 "The congressman over the weekend joked about the incident on Twitter, asking whether his kitchen blender would be next to ""attack"" him.",,2,2 "They said they will swiftly try to ""clarify"" its language.",,2,2 “Kathy is all about pushing the limits and she went above and beyond on this one.,,2,2 "Patrick, Cowan and Lt. Governor Tim Murray were all smiles as they walked into a news conference to announce the appointment.",were all smiles,1,1 "She said: ""Well there's a questionnaire that began this discussion and there's also a questionnaire out there that is seeking info from 501 c3,4,5 organizations.""",,2,2 """The same kid who got stopped on the New Jersey freeway is now the attorney general of the United States,"" Holder added.",,2,2 "“This is not just about Donald Trump. This is about all of us. In the face of this constitutional crisis, we must rise,” she tweeted.",,2,2 "One would fund the Department of Homeland Security through Feb. 8, providing a month to break the impasse over border security funding, and a second would provide money for the remaining shuttered agencies and departments through September.",,2,2 "Broader briefings were held in 2011 before the reauthorization of the Patriot Act, the post-Sept. 11 law that authorized much of the surveillance.",,2,2 "On Friday, the day that Mr. Stone stood on the steps of a courthouse and pledged his enduring loyalty to the president, Mr. Trump bashed the investigation that had led armed federal agents to his friend’s house in the morning darkness.",,2,2 She served in that position from 2009 to 2013.,,2,2 "Sestak said he almost interrupted Clinton to tell him Clinton that ""I am going to decide to get into this or not only depending upon what's good for Pennsylvania's working families and not an offer.",,2,2 "Text messages first emerged last year, showing Strzok and Page discussing 2016 campaign politics and repeatedly blasting Trump. ",,2,2 "And he has moved to rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, an Obama-era program that shielded the young undocumented immigrants known as Dreamers from deportation.",,2,2 "That tweet immediately caused problems for the White House, as some legal experts said it potentially exposed the president to obstruction of justice allegations – since, according to the tweet, he would have known Flynn lied to agents when he allegedly asked Comey to lay off the Flynn investigation and later fired Comey. ",,2,2 "Like many elected officials in Colorado, Mr. Suthers had opposed Amendment 64, which legalized marijuana.",Like many elected officials in Colorado,1,1 "Trump celebrated Strzok’s firing on Twitter, writing Monday that the investigation into his campaign “should be dropped” and that the investigation into Clinton “should be properly redone.”",,2,2 "“There is no reason to appoint a politician to run the FBI,” Schatz said.",,2,2 "That group of Republicans, Mr. Corker said on Fox, was beginning to realize “that we don’t have a lot of cards as it relates to the tax issue before year end” — but that a tax-rate concession could be converted, jujitsu style, into a tactical advantage.",,2,2 "All babies born in the U.S. are American citizens under the Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which cannot be changed by presidential order.",,2,2 "He will face Jack Trammell, a Democrat who is also a professor at Randolph-Macon, this fall in the heavily Republican district.",,2,2 He testified last month after the release of an inspector general report on the handling of the FBI’s Hillary Clinton probe that described anti-Trump texts exchanged by bureau officials.,,2,2 He added that “this class includes at least 544 store managers who are alleged to be discriminators and victims.”,,2,2 Judicial ethics require that a judge disqualify himself if his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.,,2,2 These are steel barriers in high priority locations.,,2,2 The president said he would name a replacement soon.,,2,2 The Miami-Dade County Police Department confirmed Thursday it was helping federal agents who were at the facility in Opa-locka as part of the ongoing investigation.,,2,2 Newly sworn members of the House reading aloud the country's founding document on Thursday didn't recite every verse and article of the document because Republicans decided that the obsolete parts can be skipped since they've been superseded by amendment.,,2,2 "He has never shied away from his faith during this campaign, and in earlier appeal to key evangelical voters, he released another ad in Iowa describing himself as a ""man of faith.""",,2,2 The Christian Broadcasting Network referred to her as a “foul-mouthed Islamic congresswoman.”),“foul-mouthed Islamic congresswoman.”,1,1 """What's happened is our opponents have employed a new political tactic, and it's working,"" she said.",,2,2 "However, Perry netted just six percent support among likely Republican caucus-goers, according to a Des Moines Register poll released Saturday.",,2,2 "Now they're trying to blame the Romney/Ryan ticket for making this an issue,"" he said.",,2,2 """We kind of figured out what would be the best image to make out of that.""",,2,2 "In the newly filed court papers, prosecutors and lawyers for both Jesse Jackson Jr. and Sandra Jackson said they were willing to proceed with the cases with Wilkins presiding.",,2,2 It steadily climbed to $1.6 billion in fiscal 2010.,,2,2 "America Rising, a conservative political action committee that has vowed to use videos and opposition research to attack Democratic candidates, posted the footage on YouTube on Tuesday.",vowed to,0,0 Mr. Schiff had many questions of his own.,,2,2 "Meanwhile, senior Obama administration officials, including the directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and of national intelligence, have held 13 classified hearings and briefings for members of Congress since 2009 to explain the broad authority they say they have to sweep up electronic records for national security purposes, a senior administration official said Saturday.",,2,2 Trump changed his mind after Fox News and talk radio hosts ridiculed him for again backing down on his demand for wall money.,ridiculed,0,1 But the contentious Clarence Thomas hearing in 1991 produced a 52-48 split that just pushed Thomas over the finish line.,,2,2 One person familiar with Mr. Cohen’s testimony to the special counsel’s prosecutors said that Mr. Cohen did not state that the president had pressured him to lie to Congress.,,2,2 "Under the new Treasury policy, all federal tax provisions where marriage is a factor, including filing status, employee benefits, IRA contributions, earned income, child tax credits, and income, gift and estate taxes, will apply to same sex couples regardless of where they live.",,2,2 """I reacted to an article and quickly judged the two young ladies in a way that I would never have wanted to be judged myself as a teenager,"" she said.",,2,2 "We are open for business, and open to all people.""",,2,2 "The suit does not specifically seek to overturn the portion of Amendment 64 that made marijuana legal for personal use and possession, meaning that portions of legalization could survive even if Nebraska and Oklahoma prevail.",,2,2 The nearby St. Louis Tea Party had an all-hands-on-deck response to the NAACP's plan.,,2,2 "Democrats have continued to call for Mr. LePage’s ouster, and on Wednesday said they were scheduling meetings with Republican leadership to discuss how to proceed.",,2,2 "Under the GOP bill, minors who apply for asylum would face much stiffer consequences for filing an application found to be frivolous ― including permanent ineligibility for future protections.",,2,2 "In 2003, he addressed a rally in Bridgeport, where about 100 military families gathered to express support for American troops overseas.",,2,2 He also served as a special assistant district attorney in Middlesex County.,,2,2 "Though Weiner said the incident did not constitute a federal crime, the former official said multiple federal crimes would have been committed if somebody did hack into his account -- and it could lead to years behind bars.",,2,2 "Actions the president could take on his own are likely to include imposing new limits on guns imported from overseas, compelling federal agencies to improve sharing of mental health records and directing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct research on gun violence, according to those briefed on the effort.",,2,2 Many of the Democrats facing re-election in November hail from states that Mr. Trump carried and are more concerned about well-funded Republican opponents than liberal challengers.,,2,2 """From time to time, people allege that we have created a government 'back door' into our systems, but Google does not have a 'back door' for the government to access private user data.""","""From time to time, people allege that we have created a government 'back door' into our systems, but Google does not have a 'back door' for the government to access private user data.""",1,1 "Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin countered that Obama ""is a phone call away and you know it.""",,2,2 "The messages are mostly from WikiLeaks to the president’s son, but Trump Jr. did occasionally respond to the messages.",,2,2 "According to the indictment, between June and July 2016, Mr. Stone told “senior Trump campaign officials” about the stolen emails in WikiLeaks’ possession that could be damaging to Mrs. Clinton.",,2,2 "The package addressed to Mr. Clapper was meant to be delivered to the New York offices of CNN, where he works as an analyst, but was intercepted at a mail facility in Midtown Manhattan, police officials in New York City said. ",,2,2 "President Trump said Thursday he is “very close” to naming a new FBI director to replace James Comey, and his leading contender is former Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman.",,2,2 "In the deal he outlined on Saturday, Mr. Trump offered to restore T.P.S. protection for 300,000 people, and said he would allow 700,000 Dreamers to keep their protections for three more years in exchange for $5.7 billion for a border barrier.",,2,2 Pelosi accused Republicans of holding government workers hostage for the separate demand of a wall.,,2,2 "If he won, he would presumably run in 2014 for a full six-year term — or four statewide races in nearly five years.",,2,2 "Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said that at this stage of the lawsuit, the issue is not proving discrimination but showing enough evidence to go forward.",,2,2 "During the closed-door caucus meeting, several Democrats went to bat for Pelosi. Reps. Adam Schiff (Calif.), Gwen Moore (Wis.), Bill Pascrell (N.J.), Katherine Clark (Mass.), Joaquin Castro (Texas) and Debbie Dingell (Mich.) each gave nominating speeches for her.",,2,2 "On Saturday, Ocasio-Cortez tweeted a vow to support Tlaib, D-Mich.",,2,2 Supreme Court justices have faced more pushback from the opposition party in recent years.,,2,2 "Paul Ryan went on offense Tuesday in response to criticism over his Medicare plan, using an interview with Fox News coupled with a new TV ad to claim President Obama’s health care plan treats the treasured entitlement like a “piggy bank,” while the “Romney-Ryan” plan preserves it.","President Obama’s health care plan treats the treasured entitlement like a “piggy bank,” while the “Romney-Ryan” plan preserves it",1,1 """There are times when I disagree with Hillary,"" Bloomberg said.",,2,2 "A grand jury has been convened and was scheduled to meet Wednesday to begin hearing evidence, said Edward Magee, a spokesman for Robert P. McCulloch, the prosecuting attorney for St. Louis County.",,2,2 "The headline advertising the magazine's story reads, ""THE QUEEN OF RAGE.""",,2,2 "“Look, I expect to be sued,” he said, launching into a mocking riff about how he anticipated lower court rulings against him.",,2,2 "They are not secret, in that every member of Congress has been briefed,"" he said during a speech in San Jose, Calif.",,2,2 "“Joe Lieberman has more experience than all of my Democrat colleagues combined, so screw them,” McCain said of Democrats’ concerns.",,2,2 "Clinton’s current medications also include Armour Thyroid, which is used to treat underactive thyroids, antihistamines and Vitamin B12.",,2,2 Pilon added that the Founders never intended for the Constitution to be viewed as fluid advice.,,2,2 """What we take issue with is the Tea Party's continued tolerance for bigotry and bigoted statements.",the Tea Party's continued tolerance for bigotry and bigoted statements,1,1 Mr. Issa made a second attempt to persuade her to change her mind.,,2,2 "Nearby, a thick line of cameras and cluster of microphones were assembled in the driveway outside the West Wing, where journalists peppered the Vermont senator with questions.",,2,2 "Trump did not reference any person in particular in his tirade against the tech companies, although a host of them have in recent weeks banned conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his website Infowars from their platforms.",,2,2 "The same people have been running the caucus for years ― Pelosi, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) and Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn (S.C.) ― and they’re all in their 70s now.",,2,2 "McMahon, the CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, is one of the Republican Senate candidates running to face Blumenthal in November.",,2,2 "The indictment is expected to be unsealed in the coming days.""",,2,2 "“We come here, and these members become our family,” Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia, said at the Capitol before a game he had not intended to see.",,2,2 "It’s very unusual,” Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., told the outlet.",,2,2 "He's the ideological leader of the Republicans in Congress,” Obama said.",,2,2 "“Throughout his career, Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, angry stockholders and contractors who feel cheated and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off,” Bloomberg said.","Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, angry stockholders and contractors who feel cheated and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off",1,1 "If Mr. McConnell does indeed put a bill on the floor, as the president said he would, Senate Democrats will have to decide whether to block it or let it come up for a vote.",,2,2 The House approved the plan 234-193.,,2,2 "It allows any business, church or person to cite the law as a defense in any action brought by the government or individual claiming discrimination.",,2,2 "Following her speech, House Democrats rejected Obama's trade agenda in overwhelming numbers.","Following her speech, House Democrats rejected Obama's trade agenda in overwhelming numbers.",1,1 "As the tension on the street seemed to ease, the focus turned to the investigation into the shooting death of Michael Brown.",,2,2 "He previously practiced civil litigation at the Boston office of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo PC, where he was a partner.",,2,2 He said he has only one interest: conducting a fair and thorough investigation.,,2,2 "In a briefing with reporters at the White House on Wednesday afternoon, senior administration officials used the 100 pages of emails to show that a number of government agencies, not just the State Department, drove many of the changes to the talking points that were ultimately used by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.",,2,2 It’s Senator Schumer’s job to keep the caucus together and fight for progressive values.,,2,2 "The two have repeatedly said they would support allocating additional money for technology and increased patrols along the border, like the ones Mr. Trump referenced on Friday.",,2,2 "“Whatever it takes to get him on the court, I will do,” Mr. Graham told “The Mike Gallagher Show” radio program.",,2,2 "An article in New York magazine described how Mr. Trump, Mr. Bloomberg, the comedian Billy Crystal and the former New York Yankees manager Joe Torre were set to play together in the lead foursome — but could not agree on who would go first.",,2,2 """Both parties have failed our country... both parties have led us to believe that America, a country that was built on compromise -- that compromise is somehow a dirty word,"" Christie said.",,2,2 "With the override, the bill will now become law.",,2,2 Mr. Fox has been critical of Mr. Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border between the United States and Mexico and on Wednesday he shrugged off recent signs of Mr. Trump softening his plans to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants.,,2,2 “The Republican senate caucus has clearly stated that we need an acceptable plan for corrective action before the determination of whether the Legislature should convene is made.”,,2,2 The plaintiffs have presented sworn statements and statistics to support their claim.,,2,2 "Ms. Pelosi also intends to bring up legislation in the coming days that includes an additional $1 billion for border security, including $563 million for 75 new immigration judges and support staff.",,2,2 Follow her on Twitter at .,,2,2 Republicans thought it was much more than that.,,2,2 That was particularly notable in light of studies that have shown the group has tended to favor the nominees of Democratic presidents.,,2,2 """We're ready to push this thing through.""",,2,2 """It still seems to me that there has to be room … to broaden the scope of what a campaign needs to be about,"" he said, going on to suggest Romney had made a bigger deal of the remark than he needed to.",,2,2 "But it remains to be seen how much an endorsement from Sheriff Arpaio will help him in this state, where Mr. Perry is polling far behind the leader, Mitt Romney.",,2,2 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was in the middle of a roundtable with Capitol Hill reporters when reports began surfacing of Trump’s support for a short-term government funding bill.,,2,2 "Indeed, in the hours after the announcement of the report, Democratic candidates reacted over Twitter or in remarks at events rather than in back-and-forth conversations with voters.","Indeed, in the hours after the announcement of the report, Democratic candidates reacted over Twitter or in remarks at events rather than in back-and-forth conversations with voters.",1,1 "“I am determined to leave the State Department and our country safer, stronger and more secure.”",,2,2 "“I hail from a state that is very supportive of the president and border security with barriers, so that is a consideration for me, but there are a lot of other strategies we could employ that would work better” than a shutdown, said Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Republican of West Virginia.",,2,2 "The need for a new FBI director came after Trump fired Comey last week, a stunning move that occurred amid the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.",stunning,0,1 The official also insisted on anonymity to describe the private conversation.,,2,2 "A vote to impeach takes a simple majority in the House, but a two-thirds vote is needed in the Senate to convict and remove an official from office.",,2,2 "Fox, however, isn't worried that Trump will actually win the presidency.",,2,2 The skepticism is near-universal.,,2,2 "Another top Republican, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, also lambasted Schiff on Thursday - comparing the California lawmaker to director Oliver Stone.",,2,2 "Governor Perry has a superior border security record and plan to make our border and our nation safer.""","Governor Perry has a superior border security record and plan to make our border and our nation safer.""",1,1 "Gowdy went on to call Clinton’s email situation “highly unusual, if not unprecedented,” and said it “exacerbates” lawmakers’ needs to “understand what the Secretary did.”","Gowdy went on to call Clinton’s email situation “highly unusual, if not unprecedented,” and said it “exacerbates” lawmakers’ needs to “understand what the Secretary did.”",1,1 Other staffers accused Farenthold of routinely commenting on the size of women’s breasts and making jokes about being on “redhead patrol” because he was attracted to women with red hair.,Other staffers accused Farenthold of routinely commenting on the size of women’s breasts and making jokes about being on “redhead patrol” because he was attracted to women with red hair.,1,1 Trump’s criticisms were echoed by Republican congressional leaders.,,2,2 "Democratic leaders, who view discussion of impeachment as politically dangerous and premature, offered worried words meant to tamp down speculation about their intentions.",,2,2 """I attribute [the win] to God... God acted through the people on my behalf.""",,2,2 "A lengthy investigation and multiple rounds of Congressional testimony failed to produce a shred of evidence that Special Agent Strzok’s personal views ever affected his work,” Goelman said.",,2,2 “Failure to stand up to Putin would constitute a profound betrayal of the Constitution and our democracy.”,“Failure to stand up to Putin would constitute a profound betrayal of the Constitution and our democracy.”,1,1 "“I trust in God,” Mr. Obama said, “but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work!”",,2,2 "President Barack Obama urged lawmakers to move on the transportation funding portion of his jobs bill Wednesday, while simultaneously mocking them for spending time on supposedly less-important undertakings, such as a recent measure to reaffirm ""In God We Trust"" as the national motto.",mocking,0,1 "“A lot of is gut. A lot of it is,” he said.",,2,2 "Cruz vehemently denied the rumors, which rippled through the Washington media establishment on Friday.",,2,2 "Bachmann asked her followers on what became an unofficial ""Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.""",,2,2 "In any event, the company says, the plaintiffs — who worked in 3,400 stores in 170 job classifications — do not have enough in common to warrant class-action treatment.",,2,2 The White House released the e-mails to reporters after Republicans seized on snippets of the correspondence that became public on Friday to suggest that President Obama’s national security staff had been complicit in trying to alter the talking points for political reasons.,seized,0,1 "“Donald, if you try to attack Heidi, you're more of a coward than I thought. #classless.”",you're more of a coward than I thought. #classless,1,1 "But the bill's proponents have disputed Obama's rationale as ""unconvincing and unsupportable,"" saying the measure is narrowly tailored and applies only to acts of terrorism that occur on U.S. soil.",,2,2 Clinton is not the only government official to use a private email for work.,,2,2 "The Atlantic Wire ran a story about that cover called, simply, “How Creepy Is Princess Diana’s Ghost on the Cover of Newsweek?”","The Atlantic Wire ran a story about that cover called, simply, “How Creepy Is Princess Diana’s Ghost on the Cover of Newsweek?”",1,1 DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse addressed the video in a statement Monday:,,2,2 Clinton and her aides reportedly did not follow that requirement at the time -- until her office turned over documents.,Clinton and her aides reportedly did not follow that requirement at the time -- until her office turned over documents.,1,1 "“But there are a lot of bad actors out there looking to do harm, and vigilance needs to be taken by each member and their staff.”",,2,2 "But they acknowledge handing over material when ordered to do so by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, though they have not described the mechanism for complying with those orders.",,2,2 When you go to war ... you try to identify the enemy.,,2,2 “The Democratic Party leadership had a legitimate interest in averting a divisive primary fight and a similarly legitimate concern about the congressman vacating his seat in the House.”,,2,2 "Abedin reportedly forwarded State Department emails, including some that contained passwords, to a personal account.",,2,2 """Do they have a sense of how this ends and how long will that take, because as Larry said there are real consequences to that.",,2,2 "While large, the crowds on a soggy day did not rival the energetic throngs at Mr. Obama’s first inauguration eight years ago, according to aerial photographs.","While large, the crowds on a soggy day did not rival the energetic throngs at Mr. Obama’s first inauguration eight years ago, according to aerial photographs.",1,1 "Mr. Wilder, the governor’s spokesman, said Ms. Brewer’s office had received more than 10,000 calls and emails on the matter as of Monday morning.",,2,2 "FERGUSON, Mo. -- Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday that the “eyes of the nation and the world” are on this small suburb of St. Louis where an unarmed teenager was shot and killed by police earlier this month.",,2,2 The official told Fox News that the Utah Data Center is likely a repository for this material.,,2,2 The photo was criticized for making light of domestic abuse.,The photo was criticized for making light of domestic abuse.,1,0 """Not a proud day,"" he said. ""I'm sorry I let everybody down.""",,2,2 "Though the Dec. 27 debate technically is sponsored by Newsmax, Trump quickly became the face of it after he was named as moderator.",,2,2 "When asked if Obama had thrown Israel under a bus, Netanyahu responded, “There is no bus.”",,2,2 “But we disagree a lot on political issues.,,2,2 "Trump Jr. is expected to publicly testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, according to the panel’s top Democrat, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California.",,2,2 "Those claims are all circumstantial, but it doesn't help his case should there ever actually be one.","Those claims are all circumstantial, but it doesn't help his case should there ever actually be one.",1,1 """We're the ones who are offering a plan to save Medicare, to protect Medicare, to strengthen Medicare,"" Ryan said.",,2,2 “I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be -- with Donald Trump as our president.,“I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be -- with Donald Trump as our president.,1,1 "However, the governor and legislative leaders say they will seek to clarify that the law does not protect discrimination.",,2,2 "On July 22 that year, WikiLeaks released its first batch of Democratic emails.",,2,2 "Historian Alan Brinkley of Columbia University told Fox News the reading may be ""a bit of theater,"" but it is ""not insignificant given that many Republicans have decided -- implausibly, in my opinion -- that the Constitution is the vehicle that can reduce the size of government.""","""not insignificant given that many Republicans have decided -- implausibly, in my opinion -- that the Constitution is the vehicle that can reduce the size of government.""",1,1 "Mr. Steele, a former lieutenant governor of Maryland, was elected in January 2009 to lead Republicans at a bleak moment.",,2,2 “I think there will be a lot of people out there saying this could be the beginning of something really big for the Republican Party.”,,2,2 "As word of AARP’s position set off debate in Washington on Friday, the group’s chief executive, Barry Rand, issued a formal statement saying that the group’s position had not changed in any substantive way and refuting what he described as “misleading” media reports.",,2,2 It recommended that officers or employees who are armed take a 40- to 60-hour training course to be developed by the rifle association based on a model the task force has designed.,,2,2 "Messages continued to trickle out, including some reflecting apparent concern about being too tough on Clinton during the investigation into her private email system use. ",,2,2 He also called Mr. Trump a “false prophet” who was misleading his followers.,He also called Mr. Trump a “false prophet” who was misleading his followers.,1,1 "The White House plan does address school security, urging Congress to help schools complete emergency plans; proposing an initiative to help schools hire up to 1,000 resource officers and mental health professionals; and proposing new training for teachers to recognize mental health issues among young people.",,2,2 "In October, Mr. Trump accused Mr. Mattis of being a Democrat — a charge akin to treason in the current Republican administration.",,2,2 "“I am the attorney general of the United States, but I am also a black man,"" Holder said.",,2,2 "Despite Mr. Trump’s promises that Mexico will pay for his border wall, Mr. Fox vowed in February that it would never happen.",,2,2 "However, they did read the 21st Amendment, which repealed prohibition in 1933 and is still in force.",,2,2 "But Congress often scales back the administration's requests, and not just for the State Department.",,2,2 """The president should listen to and work with his allies in Congress, starting with Nancy Pelosi, who have expressed their concerns about the impact that a weak agreement would have on our workers, to make sure we get the best, strongest deal possible and if we don't get it, there should be no deal.""",,2,2 "And the responses to Mr. Trump’s comments among news media critics, over time, have been far more subdued.",,2,2 "“If there is a human involved, there is a high probability you’re going to get somewhere investigatively,” he told The Associated Press. ",,2,2 "“I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize,"" Trump said.",,2,2 The U.S. Capitol Police so far have not opened an investigation into the matter.,,2,2 "Patrick said it was important to have black elected officials, adding, ""the commonwealth and the country [are] changing.""",,2,2 "After reporter Michael Scotto finished his report, Grimm stormed back, leaned into him and said, ""Let me be clear to you.","After reporter Michael Scotto finished his report, Grimm stormed back, leaned into him and said, ""Let me be clear to you.",1,1 "It is from that sizable collection of House Democrats that she draws her picks for smaller leadership posts, making her a powerful ally and, for those like Mr. Ryan who have challenged her, a formidable opponent.",,2,2 Ms. Lerner then left the hearing room with her lawyer to a whir of camera shutters.,,2,2 Corker suggested that Republicans instead focus on extracting entitlement cuts as part of the debt-ceiling negotiations.,,2,2 He continued: “You might think that it’s O.K. that the national security-designate secretly conferred with the Russian ambassador about undermining U.S. sanctions.,,2,2 It is much rarer for a member of the congressional leadership to lose a primary.,,2,2 "... And, for the sake of the security of the free world, our country must give our troops the support necessary to win this war.""",,2,2 "Trump later confirmed in the Rose Garden, ""Absolutely I said that,"" while clarifying he hopes the partial shutdown doesn't last more than a few more days. ",,2,2 Mr. Doyle did not hold the trophy for long.,,2,2 "The announcement prompted a flurry of responses, from Democrats praising his statements to Republicans decrying them.",,2,2 "Straightforward, fair, reasonable and common sense with lots of compromise.”",,2,2 A Cuba policy that is stuck in the Cold War.,,2,2 "Republicans and Democrats, in their reactions to the president’s support for same-sex marriage, said they saw a newly wide, and seemingly unbridgeable, gap between the two leaders on the issue.",,2,2 "His appointment makes Mr. Cowan the second black member to be seated in the current Senate, after Tim Scott of South Carolina was appointed by Gov. Nikki R. Haley.",,2,2 "Dennis accused the NAACP of playing the ""race card"" and called the organization ""irrelevant.""",,2,2 "One Strzok text in particular vowed to ""stop"" Trump from becoming president. ","vowed to ""stop",0,1 "F.B.I. agents were also seen carting hard drives and other evidence from Mr. Stone’s apartment in Harlem, and his recording studio in South Florida was also raided.",,2,2 "As HuffPost reported Wednesday, the administration optedto lift the 2014 ban after determining that sport hunting of elephants in those African countries would “enhance the survival of the species in the wild,” a spokesperson for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said.",,2,2 """The Supreme Court is not the supreme being,"" he said.",,2,2 The real-estate developer also reacts defensively when his success is questioned.,The real-estate developer also reacts defensively when his success is questioned.,1,1 "Ryan, in his first one-on-one interview since being named Saturday as Mitt Romney’s running mate, told Fox News on Tuesday he thinks Medicare can be a winning issue for their campaign.",,2,2 "It would dramatically expand voting access, create publicly funded House elections, enhance the transparency of money in politics, restore voting rights to millions of ex-felons, strengthen executive branch ethics law and end partisan gerrymandering.","It would dramatically expand voting access, create publicly funded House elections, enhance the transparency of money in politics, restore voting rights to millions of ex-felons, strengthen executive branch ethics law and end partisan gerrymandering.",1,1 """So I think this is serious. And I'm willing to give her or anyone who defends her the benefit of defending it or explaining it, but on its face, it seems to be rather serious.""",,2,2 "“The Mueller report needs to be made public, the underlying investigative materials should be handed over to Congress, and Barr must testify.",,2,2 "And notably, the word ""wall"" does not appear once in the 1,768 pages of legislation and explanatory materials.",,2,2 He also praised the campaign that Mr. Sanders ran.,He also praised the campaign that Mr. Sanders ran.,1,1 "That created a fight among Republicans in Congress, with some – including conservatives such as Sen. Marco Rubio, a Tea Party lawmaker from Florida – arguing that deporting all 11 million undocumented immigrants was not a realistic option, and that not doing anything to bring them onto the radar amounted to an amnesty.",,2,2 "The changes came amid immense national backlash, with dozens of politicians, business leaders and celebrities speaking out against the bill.",,2,2 But none of the emergencies have involved the president of the United States spending money that had not been specifically appropriated by Congress.,,2,2 """The time for political games has long passed.",,2,2 He also vowed to protect Medicare and give states more of a say in government and education.,,2,2 "“What the president is interested in is working with Congress to achieve a deal that avoids the fiscal cliff and, beyond that, addresses our long-term fiscal challenges in a balanced way.",,2,2 He chuckled and smirked through many of Ryan's responses.,He chuckled and smirked through many of Ryan's responses.,1,1 President Trump’s immigration compromise package to end the partial government shutdown drew sharp reactions from Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike.,,2,2 "“Each of the plaintiffs have very different stories,” he said.",,2,2 "Signing the letter were over a dozen Georgetown Jesuit priests, numerous members of the Theology and other departments including History, Government, Philosophy, School of Foreign Service and School of Nursing & Health Studies.",,2,2 That the administration wavered over its public declarations of the cause of the assault -- repeatedly citing the video before eventually confirming that it was clearly an act of terrorism -- was widely interpreted among critics as evidence of a desire to suppress or conceal the truth.,That the administration wavered over its public declarations of the cause of the assault -- repeatedly citing the video before eventually confirming that it was clearly an act of terrorism -- was widely interpreted among critics as evidence of a desire to suppress or conceal the truth.,1,0 "For the same reason, some leading business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Associated General Contractors of America, have withdrawn support for the infrastructure spending bill, though Mr. Obama cited the Chamber as a supporter in his remarks.",,2,2 The Post reporters talked to more than 30 sources in the course of their investigation.,The Post reporters talked to more than 30 sources in the course of their investigation.,1,0 "He accused Obama of carrying out a confusing policy on the civil war in Libya, saying ""nobody knows what's happening, and now it looks like (Libyan strongman Moammar) Gadhafi is going to beat the United States.""",He accused Obama of carrying out a confusing policy on the civil war in Libya,1,1 "“Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States,” the commentator Ann Coulter, who has aggressively pushed Mr. Trump to keep his campaign promise on the wall, wrote on Twitter.",he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States,1,1 "Ryan, since introducing the budget last month, has talked about the doctrine in several interviews including one a couple weeks ago on the Christian Broadcasting Network.",,2,2 "Mr. Schiff said he hoped the committee would issue the subpoenas this week, before Congress leaves for a one-week recess.",,2,2 "Max Richtman, executive vice president of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, an advocacy group in Washington, said the timing of AARP’s statements was particularly bad because it came in the midst of deliberations between the Obama administration and Congressional Republicans about the debt ceiling and overall deficit reduction.",,2,2 "The real problem, he said, is progressivism, scrawling the word with chalk on his signature blackboard. “This is the disease in America,” he said.",,2,2 "But members of Mr. Trump’s staff — alarmed by his rapid embrace of Mr. Lieberman, a charming 75-year-old political operator with no federal law enforcement experience — have quietly urged him to take more time to make such a critical hire.","his rapid embrace of Mr. Lieberman, a charming 75-year-old political operator with no federal law enforcement experience",1,1 "Cornyn, according to the source, told him the party is concerned his presence in the race could hurt Republicans' chances of winning the Senate majority.",,2,2 "Outside the White House, the search for a way out is getting more urgent.",,2,2 It has been prosecuted by the United States under Presidents Bush and Obama.,,2,2 "Lawmakers and other officials said that the president could use a public event as soon as Wednesday to signal his intention to engage in the biggest Congressional fight over guns in nearly two decades, focusing on the heightened background checks and including efforts to ban assault weapons and their high-capacity clips.",fight,0,1 The president has said he will not meet with Mr. Netanyahu during his visit to avoid any appearance that he is trying to influence the Israeli elections that are scheduled for mid-March.,,2,2 "Brat is married and has two children, an 11-year-old daughter and a 15-year-old son.",,2,2 "In the film, the character testifies and “claims not to know critical information that he does in fact know,” the indictment recounts.",,2,2 "On Monday, Mr. Priebus said in an appearance on Fox News that Mrs. Clinton’s decision to delete her emails “is criminal in nature.”",“is criminal in nature.”,1,1 “They were really nice and they were really listening.,“They were really nice and they were really listening.,1,1 "Shortly after their meeting, Mr. Obama endorsed Mrs. Clinton in a video.",,2,2 "(The lawsuit) certainly was a surprise to me given the movement at the federal level, which seems to be in favor of allowing states to experiment.""",,2,2 "As he announced the deal, Mr. Trump paid tribute to the federal workers who have endured five weeks without pay, expressing sympathy for them in a way he had not until now.",expressing sympathy for them in a way he had not until now,1,1 "The surge of support for the fast-food chain came after Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy said the Atlanta-based company was ""guilty as charged"" for backing ""the biblical definition of a family.""",,2,2 "It would require presidents and vice presidents, as well as candidates for the nation’s highest offices, to release at least 10 years of federal tax returns — Mr. Trump has released none — and it stipulates that inaugural committees must disclose their expenditures.",Mr. Trump has released none,1,1 "Mr. Collins, who is accused of passing insider information to his son about a drug company on whose board he served, has said he expects to be “fully vindicated and exonerated.”",,2,2 They have raised their offer on border security funding considerably and toughened their rhetoric on stopping illegal immigration.,,2,2 "The continuing controversy over the attack, which resulted in the deaths of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, has cast a cloud over Mrs. Clinton’s final months at the State Department.",,2,2 "The president argues that fights over the debt ceiling merely shake global confidence in the country's ability to pay its bills, and as part of talks over the looming fiscal crisis has called for a de facto permanent increase in the debt limit.",,2,2 "“Putting aside the question as to why or by whom such documents, provided to Congress under promises of confidentiality, have been selectively leaked, we can say with confidence that we have no concerns about these documents and any questions raised about them have been easily answered in the appropriate forum.”",,2,2 "Democrats want them extended for all but the wealthy, while Republicans want them extended for everybody.",while Republicans want them extended for everybody,1,1 The pushback crested with Bill Kristol — still an influential voice among Republican lawmakers — writing a letter to Steele on his Weekly Standard site calling for the RNC leader’s resignation.,,2,2 "And I said, ’Baby, they don’t.’ Because we’re going to go in there, and we’re going to impeach the motherfucker.”",,2,2 "Based on the fact that Strzok was in charge of the Witch Hunt, will it be dropped? ",Witch Hunt,0,0 "They maintain that that giving those immigrants any kind of break would amount to amnesty, or rewarding law-breakers.",,2,2 "The tea party group has pulled other legislators to the right on a host of issues, including many related to government spending and debt.",,2,2 "“Already did that earlier today,” Mr. Trump said in response.",,2,2 Glenn Beck Rips Progressivism at CPAC,,2,2 """If any person in this entire debate has blood on their hands in regard to Medicare, it's Barack Obama.""","""If any person in this entire debate has blood on their hands in regard to Medicare, it's Barack Obama.""",1,1 "Rubio responded that the Kennedy statements represented ""timeless"" truths.",,2,2 "A grand jury in San Diego indicted the Hunters on charges of filing false campaign finance records, saying the couple misused more than $250,000 after a two-year investigation.",,2,2 "Twitter, which initially said Mr. Jones and Infowars had not violated its policies, later suspended the two accounts for a week for violating rules against inciting violence.",,2,2 "The moment now turns to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. The country is watching.""",,2,2 "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tweeted about her opposition to the restaurant, and West Hollywood bar The Abbey introduced a ""Chick-for-Gay"" sandwich as a protest against the chain.",,2,2 "But the address was stitched together, more broadly, by an appeal for a “new national pride” and a rediscovery of American patriotism, as he described this as a salve for the country’s divisions.",,2,2 WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) met for nearly an hour on Thursday evening in their latest attempt to break the impasse on impending tax hikes and spending cuts.,,2,2 "Mr. Holder’s first stop was at a community college, where he met with people who told him about their own personal experiences with the local police, some of which they said helped fuel the rage that was ultimately ignited by the shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white police officer on Aug. 9.",fuel the rage,0,1 "Little Rock's mayor, the city's Chamber of Commerce and Arkansas-based data services company Acxiom all urged the governor to reject the measure in recent days.","Little Rock's mayor, the city's Chamber of Commerce and Arkansas-based data services company Acxiom all urged the governor to reject the measure in recent days.",1,1 """It's incredibly unusual for a state to be suing another state.",,2,2 Clinton has not yet announced a presidential bid.,,2,2 "But, he added, “if we can make some compromises here for the good of the country, I think we have a very good chance for the first time in a long time of changing something that is really damaging all of us.”",,2,2 """As I said yesterday, Todd Akin's comments were offensive and wrong and he should very seriously consider what course would be in the best interest of our country,"" said Romney in a statement.",Todd Akin's comments were offensive and wrong,1,1 "Everything but immunity, he added.","Everything but immunity, he added.",1,1 "Even before the speech, Huckabee was trying to position himself as the GOP candidate best equipped to defeat Hillary Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner.",,2,2 "It was the burden of federal tax law on same-sex couples, after all, that prompted the legal challenge to DOMA in the first place.",,2,2 Mr. Lieberman also has law enforcement experience as the former attorney general of Connecticut.,,2,2 "“While I planned on serving out the remainder of my term in Congress, I know in my heart it’s time for me to move along and look for new ways to serve,” he said in the statement.",,2,2 “It’s too important a subject to walk away from.”,,2,2 "As chief of staff and previously as chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Mr. Emanuel has not been shy about trying to steer party nominations to those he considers the stronger candidates.",,2,2 "“I call on this Congress to root out all the corrupt lawyers and bureaucrats in the DOJ and the FBI so the greatest president of my generation can do the work that the American people duly elected him to do,” Hunter said.",,2,2 "According to the Times, however, while past secretaries of state often used personal email, updated regulations required such emails to be preserved.",,2,2 "“What I have is a backbone, and I want to move Maine forward.”",,2,2 The fierce competition will end next month with the selection of a chairman for the 2012 election cycle.,,2,2 There won’t be amnesty inside it.”,,2,2 "While he said he did not oppose government financing of schools, Mr. Santorum said that “public education should be a dynamic process that’s locally run.”",,2,2 "Mr. Steele’s tenure has been one of the few blemishes this year for the Republican Party, which scored historic victories in the midterm elections.",Mr. Steele’s tenure has been one of the few blemishes this year for the Republican Party,1,1 "“We’re just one day removed, so it still feels different, I think,” Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said before the game, recalling past tragedies that many swore would reshape the nation’s politics.",,2,2 "Clinton responded to the controversy on Wednesday, tweeting that she had asked the State Department to make her private emails publicly available.",,2,2 "“I’ll be right there with you as a citizen, inspired by your voices of truth and justice, good humor, and love.”",,2,2 Romney had stopped short of calling on Akin to resign in an interview with WMUR Monday.,,2,2 "Trump is also expected to approve Congress’ spending bill, which grants him $1.375 billion for the wall, as opposed to the $5.7 billion he initially demanded.",,2,2 WASHINGTON — President Trump assailed Democrats and a television comedian on Wednesday in his latest Twitter blasts since returning from an overseas trip in which he had largely abstained from the sort of combative social media postings that helped propel him to the Oval Office and have gotten him in trouble ever since.,the sort of combative social media postings that helped propel him to the Oval Office and have gotten him in trouble ever since,1,1 “You might think that it’s O.K. that the president’s son-in-law sought to establish a secret back channel of communications with the Russians through a Russian diplomatic facility.,You might think that it’s O.K. that the president’s son-in-law sought to establish a secret back channel of communications with the Russians through a Russian diplomatic facility,1,1 """It turns out, Senator McCain would pay for part of his plan by making drastic cuts in Medicare: $882 billion worth -- $882 billion in Medicare cuts to pay for a ill-conceived, badly thought-through health care plan that won't provide more health care to people, even though Medicare is already facing a looming shortfall,"" Obama declared at a campaign stop in Roanoke, Va.",,2,2 Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done.”,,2,2 "Wikileaks “does not keep such records and the Atlantic’s presentation is edited and clearly does not have the full context,” Assange wrote.",,2,2 "On Sunday, Robert Gibbs, a political adviser to President Obama, criticized such attacks on “character and faith.”",,2,2 "The resolution was adopted during the annual convention in Kansas City of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, spokesman Chris Fleming said.",,2,2 Much of the border is already protected by natural barriers such as mountains and water.”,,2,2 "In response to Mr. Obama, House Republicans said the Democratic-controlled Senate should take up some 16 House-passed measures; most would attack federal regulations or spending and would have long-term impact, analysts say, but they would not spur job creation in the coming year or two.",,2,2 "He said he took full responsibility for his crimes, but said he acted out of blind loyalty to Mr. Trump, who he said “led me to choose a path of darkness over light.”",“led me to choose a path of darkness over light.”,1,1 "Mr. Trump, who has been criticized for lacing his campaign speeches with profanity, called on Mr. Fox to apologize for using foul language when talking about the wall.",who has been criticized for lacing his campaign speeches with profanity,1,1 And they blasted “hysterical anti-hunters and news media outlets.”,,2,2 "Trump’s personal lawyer John Dowd later said he was the one who wrote that tweet, saying he “did not mean to break news.”",,2,2 The Treasury’s actions on Thursday are just the latest in a set of LGBT policies offered by agencies within the Obama administration following the DOMA ruling.,,2,2 "A self-described dirty trickster, Mr. Stone began his career as a Nixon campaign aide and has a tattoo of Nixon on his back.",has a tattoo of Nixon on his back,1,1 "They note that then-President Bill Clinton in 1993 signed similar federal legislation into law, and 19 other states also have similar policies.",,2,2 The White House claimed Monday that politics were not at play in Obama's decision to dive into the controversy over a planned mosque near Ground Zero.,,2,2 "“The principles they lay out I’m sure won’t satisfy everybody,” Michael R. Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City, said at an immigration forum on Friday.",,2,2 Trump did not immediately respond to the speech.,,2,2 "“I thought her comments were disgraceful,” Mr. Trump said at the news conference.","“I thought her comments were disgraceful,”",1,1 "Mr. Obama pleaded with Americans during his remarks not to “give in to fear or turn against each other,” a somewhat muted reference to Mr. Trump’s previous call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.","“give in to fear or turn against each other,”",1,1 """We do not provide any government organization with direct access to Facebook servers.",,2,2 "Wednesday morning brought some relief for the under-fire justice, with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders giving qualified support for her comments.",,2,2 A handful of others attended the meeting.,,2,2 "Rubio said Obama ""wasted no time stripping parts from the engine of American strength,"" and cast former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as his loyal deputy.","""wasted no time stripping parts from the engine of American strength,""",1,1 “I have not done anything wrong.,,2,2 "“Arming the teacher is merely a response to the last tragedy,” said Representative Mike Thompson, a California Democrat who is chairman of a House task force on gun violence.",,2,2 """So we want to have a record vote in the caucus on a resolution that says this resolution should not go to the floor without a majority of Democratic votes.""",,2,2 "The candidate sought to draw a contrast with the Obama administration, which he criticized as having a “catch-and-release” policy that allows some nonviolent illegal immigrants to be released back into the general public.",,2,2 "Mr. Grimm, the only Republican member of New York City’s congressional delegation, is up for re-election in November and faces a potentially formidable challenger in former City Councilman Domenic M. Recchia Jr., a Democrat who headed the Council’s Finance Committee and was Christine C. Quinn’s chief lieutenant when she was Council speaker.",,2,2 News of the Clinton conversation was first reported by Greg Sargent at The Plum Line.,,2,2 "He said that he had hired an Internet security company and a lawyer to look into the matter, but that he did not believe the episode merited investigation by federal law enforcement.",,2,2 "A young man, dressed in a jacket and tie, approached the congressman on a sidewalk, saying: “Hi, Congressman. How are you? Do you fully support the Obama agenda?”",dressed in a jacket and tie,1,0 "The Israeli businessman who had served as Grimm's liaison to Pinto's followers, Ofer Biton, pleaded guilty in August to an immigration fraud charge.",,2,2 The list of bad players in the FBI & DOJ gets longer & longer. ,The list of bad players in the FBI & DOJ gets longer & longer.,1,0 "McConnell warned Trump in private that declaring an emergency would spark a backlash among Republicans, according to The Washington Post.",,2,2 "“But the idea that the federal government should be running schools, frankly — much less that the state government should be running schools — is anachronistic.",,2,2 "He had to be contained and courteous when he debated Sarah Palin four years ago, lest he look like a bully.",contained,0,1 "Macroeconomic Advisors, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs projected smaller increases but no less than at least 0.5 percentage point.",,2,2 "DeMint, who said Afghanistan is a war the United States must win, said Steele needs to ""refocus"" on the November election.",,2,2 "From his reset with Russia, to his open hand to Iran, to his unreciprocated opening to Cuba, he has embraced regimes that systematically oppose every principle our nation has long championed.”","From his reset with Russia, to his open hand to Iran, to his unreciprocated opening to Cuba, he has embraced regimes that systematically oppose every principle our nation has long championed.”",1,1 Saudi Arabia has threatened to retaliate by selling off hundreds of billions of dollars in American assets.,,2,2 """So to restore American strength, my first priority will be to adequately fund our military.",,2,2 Santorum said he never questioned the president's faith and repeatedly said he believes Obama is a Christian.,,2,2 "“The problem here, Mr. Sellers says, is that the records are not available,” Mr. Boutrous said.",,2,2 "“If Nebraska and Oklahoma succeed, they will put the violent criminal organizations back in charge,” Michael Elliott, the executive director of the Marijuana Industry Group, a Colorado-based trade group, said in a statement.","“If Nebraska and Oklahoma succeed, they will put the violent criminal organizations back in charge,”",1,1 He demanded that Mr. Obama resign because he refused to say the words “radical Islam” in his remarks.,,2,2 "But heading into the three-day Republican retreat, even some of the most ardent conservatives say consensus is forming around an immigration package that would include several separate bills on border security; a clampdown against the hiring of undocumented workers; expanded guest-worker programs; a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants brought to the country as children; and a path to legal status for undocumented workers with family ties to citizens or employer sponsors.",,2,2 "He said the core of American national interests lay in “providing effective leadership to our alliances,” and specifically described the importance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a defense alliance Mr. Trump has often derided.",derided,0,1 "“I probably have a generational reaction to it,” Pelosi said at an MSNBC town hall. ",,2,2 And that number continues to decline each year.,,2,2 "And on Thursday, the capital’s various institutional forces — senators and lobbyists, staff members with a job to do and residents with an evening to spare — joined, for a moment, in a bipartisan rebuttal: Play ball.",,2,2 "They vowed Congress would ""defend our constitutional authorities in the Congress, in the Courts, and in the public, using every remedy available.""",,2,2 Texas Congressman Who Settled Harassment Case With Taxpayer Funds Resigns,,2,2 "My job is to lead, and that's what I try to do,"" Christie said in 2014, according to the AP.",,2,2 "Her historic campaign inspired millions and is an extension of her lifelong fight for middle-class families and children,"" White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement.",Her historic campaign inspired millions,1,1 "“He would defend his views,” Mr. Standefer said.","“He would defend his views,”",1,1 "“With the government open, we can negotiate an agreement to strengthen border security that both sides can support and that is in the best interests of the American people.”",,2,2 Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) recently introduced a compromise bill on extending unemployment benefits.,,2,2 """We already have things on the calendar,"" said the Democratic staffer, noting that right now, it doesn't appear as if tax cuts will come before these measures that are already in the queue.",,2,2 """We don't care about the pigment of one's skin,"" he said.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — The tableau at the White House was chillingly familiar: The somber president, nearing the end of his eight-year term, walked grim-faced to the podium to offer his condolences, promised action in the wake of suffering and pleaded for a new resolve that just might prevent more deaths in a hail of bullets.",,2,2 "Colorado’s attorney general, John Suthers, a Republican, said in a statement that the challenge from Nebraska and Oklahoma was “without merit.”",,2,2 Both political parties will hold special-election primaries in mid May.,,2,2 The precise justification for Bowdich’s decision to fire Strzok despite the recommendation of the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility is unclear.,The precise justification for Bowdich’s decision to fire Strzok despite the recommendation of the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility is unclear.,1,0 "Employees would have to dip into their savings or borrow money to pay their bills, as there is no government program to help them.","Employees would have to dip into their savings or borrow money to pay their bills, as there is no government program to help them.",1,0 "“Ground zero is hallowed ground to Americans,” Elliott Maynard, a Republican trying to unseat Representative Nick J. Rahall II, a Democrat, in West Virginia’s Third District, said in a typical statement.",,2,2 “This was a Republican party tracking operation.,,2,2 The Republicans hit back on Tuesday with a television commercial asserting that the Romney-Ryan Medicare plan was better for older Americans.,,2,2 "Hutchinson, too, said the country is clearly split on how to balance religious traditions with non-discrimination.",,2,2 "A spokesman for St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch said there was no timeline for the process, but it could take weeks.",,2,2 "It also has enormous political implications for Mrs. Clinton, the former New York senator who is already regarded as the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination if she chooses to run.",,2,2 Morell believed it was irrelevant to the message of the talking points -- what happened in Benghazi -- and unprofessional to include those warnings but not allow State Department officials to include how they had responded to them.,unprofessional to include those warnings but not allow State Department officials to include how they had responded to them,1,1 “I don’t think we need to translate that.”,,2,2 Site Mobile Navigation,,2,2 A number of Democrats lined up behind Mr. Schumer.,,2,2 "Though Tea Party activists provided the energy and votes for Mr. Cantor’s ouster, the elections might be more of a plea for a place at the leadership table.",,2,2 Williams sustained a minor leg injury.,,2,2 "Mr. Nadler, whose view is that the developers were entitled to build the mosque at the selected location if they choose, said, “Ultimately I suspect that once this simmers down in a few weeks, people will realize that everybody’s liberty is at stake here.”",everybody’s liberty is at stake here,1,0 "Then White House spokesman Bill Burton said Obama was not ""backing off"" his original remarks.",,2,2 "Another former primary candidate, ex-Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, did endorse Clinton, saying ""it is time now to unite our party.""",,2,2 "But, as Mr. Smythe pointed out, “the committees of jurisdiction determine the details” in separate legislation.",,2,2 "On Saturday, thousands of protesters gathered at the Statehouse as businesses and other governments announced a halt to business with the state and the capital, Indianapolis, over the law.",,2,2 "Critics worry that House Republican leaders and Senate Democrats are essentially negotiating a final deal, bypassing formal House-Senate negotiations, where conservatives had hoped to derail the process.",,2,2 "In May, Trump told NBC’s Lester Holt that he fired then-FBI Director James Comey with “this Russia thing” in mind.",,2,2 "For that reason alone, he should step down.",,2,2 "“I’m not aware [that] any justice before has ever commented on the merits or demerits of a presidential candidate,” said Ed Whelan, the president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a frequent contributor to the conservative National Review Online, where he has chronicled this episode and what he deems Ginsburg’s “remarkable record of indiscretions.”","“I’m not aware [that] any justice before has ever commented on the merits or demerits of a presidential candidate,”",1,1 """I have not heard one example where business owners' religious liberty has been violated.""","""I have not heard one example where business owners' religious liberty has been violated.""",1,1 "Ahead of her remarks in Iowa on Sunday, her campaign said she would not be taking a position on trade until details of a deal were finalized.",,2,2 "U.S. Representative Blake Farenthold resigned from Congress on Friday, following multiple allegations of sexual harassment, misconduct and inappropriate behavior.",,2,2 “We don’t want him. We reject his visit.”,“We don’t want him. We reject his visit.”,1,1 """Stay tuned -- our position has not changed on Social Security,"" an AARP spokeswoman said in an email to HuffPost.",,2,2 NEW YORK -- U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) set forth a foreign policy vision Wednesday that invoked President John F. Kennedy in an assertive call to project American power abroad.,assertive,0,1 "When asked about the looming sequester, he said the ""best-case scenario"" was a ""balanced approach"" of spending cuts and tax increases.",,2,2 "In 2007 Mr. Huckabee was quoted as saying, “Climate change is here, it’s real.” But more recently he has minimized it as a threat, and said he opposes “cap and trade” legislation meant to curtail carbon emissions.","In 2007 Mr. Huckabee was quoted as saying, “Climate change is here, it’s real.” But more recently he has minimized it as a threat, and said he opposes “cap and trade” legislation meant to curtail carbon emissions.",1,1 It was the first time she had faced extensive questioning about her role in the episode.,,2,2 "Republicans have simply put in writing their political strategy which they have pursued over the last two years: obstruct and delay action on critical matters, and then blame the Democrats for not addressing the needs of the American people. ","Republicans have simply put in writing their political strategy which they have pursued over the last two years: obstruct and delay action on critical matters, and then blame the Democrats for not addressing the needs of the American people.",1,1 Ms. Tlaib is far from alone among House Democrats.,,2,2 "However, The Times reports that the imposition of penalties for not complying with federal record-keeping requirements are rare because the National Archives has so few enforcement mechanisms.",,2,2 Shields added the image was meant to serve as art and he's aware that it could make some viewers uncomfortable.,,2,2 "“As a result, in a manner compliant with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, the issuing of permits is being put on hold as the decision is being removed.”",,2,2 “It’s the one word they know in Spanish: mañana.”,,2,2 "Because these recommendations require congressional approval, the administration is supplementing its proposal with 23 executive actions that will be taken immediately.",,2,2 "In an interview with Axios published Monday, Dowd brought out a new defense: Trump isn’t guilty of obstructing justice because he is the president.",,2,2 "The source challenged one major aspect of the story line, insisting that the White House never offered Sestak the job of Secretary of the Navy.",,2,2 The Democrats would need 25 seats in the House to regain the majority -- a very steep climb in a year when neither party is particularly popular.,,2,2 "It goes back to the time of industrialization of America when people came off the farms where they did home-school or have the little neighborhood school, and into these big factories, so we built equal factories called public schools.",,2,2 "Mr. Netanyahu’s decision to travel to Washington to deliver the speech two weeks before the Israeli elections has “injected a degree of partisanship, which is not only unfortunate, I think it’s destructive of the fabric of the relationship,” Ms. Rice said in an interview on the PBS television program “Charlie Rose.”","which is not only unfortunate, I think it’s destructive of the fabric of the relationship",1,1 "The indictment alleges he spoke “to senior Trump Campaign officials” about WikiLeaks and “information it might have had that would be damaging” to the campaign of Trump’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, in the summer before the election.",,2,2 Rose asked Rubio what he though of Pope Francis's embrace of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba.,,2,2 "“That could be further evidence of an attempt to interfere with the investigation,” Schiff said of Trump’s reported request to Coats and Rogers.",,2,2 He did pledge to “eradicate from the face of the Earth” Islamic terrorism.,,2,2 Gattine denied to the Portland Press Herald that he ever called the governor a racist.,,2,2 "In 2008, Mr. Jackson used the money for things like a $466.30 dinner at CityZen in the Mandarin Oriental in Washington and a $5,587.75 vacation at the Martha’s Vineyard Holistic Retreat, the document said.",,2,2 It would have allowed Sestak to remain in the House of Representatives while advising the president.,,2,2 But then Certner acknowledged that AARP believes the program needs to be changed.,,2,2 Lee is a former Congressional Black Caucus chairman.,,2,2 “And it’s going to be completely useless.”,“And it’s going to be completely useless.”,1,0 "“Coming back in for a special session will be discussed and all options around the governor’s political future are on the table,” said the Democratic leader of the Senate, Justin Alfond.",,2,2 "Like Patrick, who grew up on the South Side of Chicago before attending Milton Academy, Harvard and Harvard Law, Cowan came from a poor background to Boston for education and made a career there.",,2,2 "After the bruising debt-ceiling fight from 2011, Obama recently warned that he will not ""play that game"" again.",,2,2 The president said Schiff should be “forced” to step down from Congress entirely.,,2,2 She’s also the only woman in top House and Senate leadership.,,2,2 "Strzok, a 21-year veteran of the FBI, played a prominent role in both of the investigations surrounding the Clinton and Trump campaigns during the 2016 election.",,2,2 "In a letter, obtained by Fox News and signed by every Republican on the committee, the lawmakers slammed Schiff for his claims in the media that there was “more than circumstantial evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.",slammed,0,1 "Among the payments he did not disclose was a $45,000 fee from a Russian state-backed news organization for a speech he gave in Moscow two months before.",,2,2 “And it’s not just a few of us. There are a great many in our conference that feel pretty strongly.”,,2,2 He doesn't have a birth certificate or he hasn't shown it.,,2,2 "For now, the question in the case, Wal-Mart Stores v. Dukes, No. 10-277, is whether hundreds of thousands of female workers have enough in common to join together in a single lawsuit.",,2,2 "Before the surgery, Scalise was “in good spirits and spoke to his wife by phone,” his office said.",,2,2 AARP insisted that the Social Security trust funds should not be raided to reduce the deficit and that the two issues were separate.,,2,2 "“You may have heard that Governor Romney just chose his running mate, Congressman Ryan.",,2,2 But the AARP has told Fox News that Hutchison's proposal is not acceptable.,,2,2 "With two pillars of his presidential run — his record and his judgment — looking wobbly, Mr. Christie must now build a campaign around his most raw and prodigious asset: his personality, a magnetic mix of quick-witted charm, insult-trading banter, vulnerability, empathy and effrontery.",,2,2 "Ms. Harris, Ms. Warren and Ms. Gillibrand also joined Mr. Booker and Senator Bernie Sanders in asking supporters to sign their petitions calling for the report’s immediate release.",,2,2 "In follow-up questioning by Representative Gerald E. Connolly, a Virginia Democrat, Mr. Shulman offered what he said was one of the many plausible explanations why he would have visited the White House.",,2,2 Rubio said his priorities and those of the pope's are by necessity different.,,2,2 That position — deferring to the will of the voters on a state-by-state basis — may represent something of a compromise between total support or opposition.,,2,2 """Instead of facing these challenges and creating jobs to help American people make sure they have a roof over their head and food on their table, we are debating whether or not to affirm and proliferate a motto that was adopted in 1956 and is under no threat of attack,"" he said.","""Instead of facing these challenges and creating jobs to help American people make sure they have a roof over their head and food on their table, we are debating whether or not to affirm and proliferate a motto that was adopted in 1956 and is under no threat of attack,""",1,1 Pelosi also described her upcoming role of contrasting Democrats to Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration as a “historic challenge” that goes “beyond politics.”,,2,2 "On a conference call convened Sunday night by liberal groups, there was notable anger toward Ms. Klobuchar, according to two participants.",,2,2 "The meeting was the first face-to-face negotiation between the president and the speaker since a session three weeks ago, when they were joined by the House Democratic leader, Nancy Pelosi of California; the Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid of Nevada; and the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.",,2,2 "In blunt and unvarnished terms similar to the language used during his nomination acceptance address last summer, Trump on Friday lamented the jobs lost to foreign rivals – he described “rusted out factories scattered like tombstones” across the land – and the crime in America’s cities.",blunt and unvarnished,0,1 "For example, if Congress doesn't act on the tax cuts, it means Republicans will be in position to enact their own, retroactive plan starting Jan. 1 without having to make any concessions to Democratic demands for upper-income earners.",,2,2 "We've got a big challenge, and we've got work to do.""",,2,2 "On another, WikiLeaks wrote it was happy to see the elder Trump mentioning the group on the campaign trail.",,2,2 "Presidents have declared national emergencies under a 1970s-era law about five dozen times, and 31 of those prior emergencies remain active.",,2,2 "The report added another jolt to a chaotic week for the White House, which has had to fend off questions about recent revelations that F.B.I. counterintelligence agents began investigating Mr. Trump in 2017 and that Mr. Trump has tried to conceal the details from senior administration officials about his interactions with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.",,2,2 That is what transparency looks like.,,2,2 "The White House proposals, even officials there admit, are not a cure-all for mass shootings.",,2,2 Mr. Sestak said no and went on to win last week’s primary against Senator Arlen Specter.,,2,2 "I believe in the Golden Rule that you should 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you,'"" Pence wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.",I believe in the Golden Rule that you should 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you,1,1 "Bloomberg also charged that Trump had ""left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies and thousands of lawsuits and angry shareholders and contractors who feel cheated and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off.""","""left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies and thousands of lawsuits and angry shareholders and contractors who feel cheated and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off.""",1,1 "In 2007, when Mr. Bloomberg was in the second of his three terms as mayor, the two played together in a charity event at Trump National Golf Club in the city’s northern suburbs.",,2,2 Billions of dollars are at stake if it is allowed to go forward.,,2,2 You have a bill here that's so toxic it's going to divide this Legislature.,You have a bill here that's so toxic it's going to divide this Legislature.,1,1 "Some on the House Foreign Affairs Committee also called for Mr. Trump to cancel the Monday session, as did Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, and Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.",,2,2 """Steel is more expensive than the concrete, but I feel like we’re talking about steel because the other side feels better about it,"" he said.",,2,2 Listening to Michael R. Bloomberg rage about Donald J. Trump in his speech at the Democratic National Convention this week — labeling him a public menace and hinting that he was not quite sane — it would be easy to think that the two billionaires had a rift going back many years.,rage,0,1 "The woman told the New York Daily News that she had never met Weiner, and that there had ""never been any inappropriate exchanges"" between her and the congressman.","The woman told the New York Daily News that she had never met Weiner, and that there had ""never been any inappropriate exchanges"" between her and the congressman.",1,1 "She doubled down late Monday, telling CNN: “He is a faker.”",doubled down,0,1 "Trump went on to praise Gingrich and Santorum for ""having the courage, conviction, and confidence"" to agree to the debate.",,2,2 "Mr. Morell, officials said, acted on his own and not in response to pressure from the State Department.",,2,2 "Colorado’s rules have no way to prevent “criminal enterprises, gangs and cartels from acquiring marijuana inventory directly from retail marijuana stores,” the lawsuit says.",,2,2 Akin is challenging Democratic Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill in a race considered key to a GOP Senate majority come 2013.,,2,2 He said it was possible that the photo could have been sent from Mr. Weiner’s yFrog account through his Twitter password or through a yFrog password.,,2,2 "He deemed Trump's economic plan ""a con"" and ""a disaster in the making.""","He deemed Trump's economic plan ""a con"" and ""a disaster in the making.""",1,1 "Daniel Dale, a reporter for The Toronto Star, contacted multiple Republican officials in the state and kept a running report of their responses to the story.",,2,2 Mattis joins a growing list of high-profile departures from the administration.,,2,2 "Senor, who served under the Bush administration as chief spokesman in Iraq and has been a major booster of efforts to escalate U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, noted that Steele’s RNC actually sponsored a conference call for his group to praise Obama’s Afghan surge last year. ",Steele’s RNC actually sponsored a conference call for his group to praise Obama’s Afghan surge last year,1,1 "But his tone, compared with his defiant speech early Wednesday after Clinton clinched the Democratic nomination, appeared to soften.",compared with his defiant speech early Wednesday after Clinton clinched the Democratic nomination,1,1 “There’s a natural process of everybody recognizing that this is not about any individual.”,,2,2 "That to me is not helpful to him but I'm not going to ask him to resign for Congress.""",,2,2 "Another security review, on June 25, 2012, reported a spike in violence with ""foreigners also increasingly targeted.""",,2,2 """It's not about you. It's not about your quality of life. It's not about your jobs,"" Santorum said.",,2,2 "The issues raised by Michael Brown's death, Holder said, have simmered “beneath the surface in more communities than just Ferguson.”",,2,2 “We cannot rely on empty promises from those who have already proven to play politics with the lives of Dreamers.,“We cannot rely on empty promises from those who have already proven to play politics with the lives of Dreamers.,1,1 "The White House on Wednesday said that Mr. Obama agreed with Ms. Rice’s assessment, saying he had raised the same concerns several times.","Mr. Obama agreed with Ms. Rice’s assessment, saying he had raised the same concerns several times.",1,1 "Stone’s indictment came after his associate Randy Credico, a radio show host, testified before the grand jury.",,2,2 The president’s concession paved the way for the House and the Senate to both pass a stopgap spending bill by voice vote.,,2,2 "In addition, the president is proposing a new initiative that would incentivize police departments to hire more school resource officers and encourage schools to hire more mental health professionals.",,2,2 """Both political activity and religious activity are specifically protected by the First Amendment,"" he said.",,2,2 "But Biden, as expected, attempted to plow him over with broadsides.","But Biden, as expected, attempted to plow him over with broadsides.",1,1 "The communications pro also took a shot at President Obama and the first lady, writing ""your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the 'good role model' department.”",took a shot,0,1 """Our expert's report and testimony showed that at 90 percent of the stores, there was no pay disparity,"" Boutrous told the court.",,2,2 "“All over the world, no matter where you go, the F.B.I. is special.",,2,2 "The company Mr. Grimm formed to operate it was called Granny Sayz, L.L.C., and was affiliated with a company connected to Mr. Biton, the fund-raiser.",,2,2 “Having a political opinion just came naturally to me.,,2,2 "He also met with Missouri Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson, who has been in charge of security in Ferguson for nearly a week.",,2,2 The Chick-fil-A firestorm has taken on different meanings for different people.,,2,2 Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to making false statements in a case brought by Mueller in November. ,,2,2 "Earlier, while speaking in Ogden, Utah, Romney said he did not understand Pelosi's position on border security.",,2,2 "A source within the National Republican Senatorial Committee told Fox News that Sen. John Cornyn, head of the Senate GOP campaign arm, already has told Akin that if he stays in the race, the $5 million set aside for the Missouri race will be withdrawn.",,2,2 WikiLeaks can be very effective at convincing even high profile people that it is their interest to promote links to its publications.,,2,2 That money includes about $600 million from the Treasury Department’s forfeiture fund.,,2,2 It was the president’s first face-to-face meeting with Democratic leaders since a combative session last month when he said he would insist that any government spending bill include money for a border wall — and would proudly own the consequences if that meant a shutdown.,,2,2 "Douglas Holtz-Eakin, McCain's policy director at the time, recalled that the attack originated with a Wall Street Journal article that referenced his saying that McCain would assume savings in Medicare and Medicaid spending to make his health care plan budget neutral.",,2,2 Sheridan works for the firm and is general counsel for the state Republican committee.,,2,2 "A grand jury indicted the officers on Friday, accusing them of conspiring to interfere with the outcome of the 2016 presidential election by hacking the Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.",,2,2 Not just a letter from someone appointed by Trump to protect himself—all of it.,,2,2 "“As I have said many times, I take responsibility, and nobody is more committed to getting this right,” she said, reading a statement during a day of testimony before Senate and House committees.","“As I have said many times, I take responsibility, and nobody is more committed to getting this right,”",1,1 "The meeting came on the 14th day of the shutdown, which was triggered by disagreements over the funding of Trump’s promised wall, after Democrats formally took control of the House of Representatives. ",after Democrats formally took control of the House of Representatives,1,0 "Mr. Braley’s apology noted his family’s history with Iowa agriculture, including his own stint “doing farm jobs and working a grain elevator.”",,2,2 "BOSTON — Gov. Deval Patrick on Wednesday appointed William Cowan, a Boston lawyer who is a longtime friend and former aide, to serve as an interim United States senator until voters chose a successor to John Kerry in a special election set for June 25.",,2,2 The communications director for a Republican member of Congress had to apologize Saturday for a Facebook post critical of the first daughters during President Barack Obama's Thanksgiving address earlier this week.,,2,2 "An elementary classroom. A church. A military base. A movie theater. And, now, a gay nightclub.",,2,2 """We need a chairman who's focused,"" DeMint said.",,2,2 “The amount I get is nearly $1.1 million.,,2,2 "But the GOP bill incorporating his offer would also gut existing asylum laws for children and trafficking victims from Central America, ban asylum for minors who present themselves at ports of entry, gut the concept of temporary protected status for future cases and expand immigration detention ― all measures making it more likely to be dead on arrival in the Senate.",gut,0,1 "As director of the IRS exempt organizations unit, she is in charge of the division overseeing nonprofit organizations, which includes the Cincinnati office that was the source of the inappropriate targeting criteria.",,2,2 "Porn star Ginger Lee tweeted last month that she received a direct message from Weiner, and several other attractive women say they've been surprised to get a ""follow"" or a message from the prominent Democrat.","Porn star Ginger Lee tweeted last month that she received a direct message from Weiner, and several other attractive women say they've been surprised to get a ""follow"" or a message from the prominent Democrat.",1,1 The backlash built quickly over the weekend as some prominent conservatives called for Steele's resignation.,,2,2 "“This would be a priority even in times of peace and stability, though the world today is neither,” Mr. Rubio is expected to say.",,2,2 "He said the indictments are evidence of an “extensive plot” by Putin’s government to “attack the 2016 election, sow chaos and dissension among the American electorate, and undermine faith in our democracy.”",,2,2 "“It’s not something to be decided by a show of hands,” Mary Cheney wrote.",,2,2 "White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said on ""Fox & Friends"" earlier Friday that it would be up to Pelosi to get her party behind her, including the left flank pushing for impeachment.",,2,2 "Huckabee, who left his job as a Fox News host earlier this year in preparation for a potential 2016 run, was Arkansas governor from 1996 to 2007, serving after Bill Clinton, who also is from Hope.",,2,2 Mr. Trump has urged Mr. McConnell to take that step if necessary.,,2,2 But he acknowledged that Gov. Jay Nixon of Missouri has the power to appoint a new prosecutor.,,2,2 """This is not a national security matter.",,2,2 Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Friday also praised Mueller’s office for “correcting the Buzzfeed false story” and asked the press to take heed that their hysterical desire to destroy this President has gone too far.”,hysterical,0,0 "On immigration, he insists on a secure border and bemoans the presence of millions of people who are living in the country illegally, though he favors a creating a path to citizenship for children of immigrant parents who brought them to the U.S. illegally.",,2,2 "His comments echoed those he has delivered at rallies and sent over Twitter in the wake of the bomb scares, calling for unity and a calmer discourse but refusing to tone down his own inflammatory rhetoric.",but refusing to tone down his own inflammatory rhetoric,1,1 "The Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area wrote in a recent report that the amount of Colorado pot seized on highways increased from an annual average of 2,763 pounds between 2005 and 2008 to a yearly average of 3,690 pounds from 2009 to 2013.",,2,2 "$1,071,872.87, to be exact, though of course this is more back-of-the-envelope than exact.",,2,2 """He's getting into conspiracy land and he's acting like an Oliver Stone type figure.",,2,2 "Ground troops moved into Syria in 2015 to combat ISIS in the region, amid an escalating Syrian civil war. ",,2,2 """And I say that because in the unclassified ARB, it is -- I quote: 'Key questions surrounding the identity, actions and motivations of the perpetrators remain to be determined.'""",,2,2 "For his part, Mr. Boehner has remained firm that he wanted to get it done quickly and minimize disruption.",,2,2 """If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.",,2,2 """To pass this bill in the next couple of weeks would materially increase the risk that the economy would stall out and we would have a double dip,"" he told reporters at the White House.",,2,2 "They argued that he could not be impartial because his father, a police officer, was shot and killed by a black man while on duty when Mr. McCulloch was a child.",,2,2 "Clinton said she wants to ""find out what's in it and make it as good as it can be,"" and pushed for more transparency ""so the American people can actually see what will be in a finalized deal.""",,2,2 """I think it's important to recognize that you can't have 100 percent security, and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience.",,2,2 Mr. Mattis’s letter did not single out any decision.,,2,2 """These people are my mom and dad, the people I grew up with, my neighbors,"" Biden said, adding he's ""had it up to here"" with those kinds of comments.",,2,2 "Economics professor Dave Brat, the Tea Party candidate who defeated Cantor, attacked the congressman as soft on border security and on people who come here illegally.",,2,2 "Schumer, D-N.Y., concluded, ""It was the President who single-handedly took away DACA and TPS protections in the first place – offering some protections back in exchange for the wall is not a compromise but more hostage taking.""",but more hostage taking,1,1 "By the concessions, attendees discussed field director salaries and legislative wrangling.",,2,2 The frustrations in the community have been fueled in part by the slow pace with which the authorities have released information.,,2,2 "Trump and his lawyer, John Dowd, now claim that the president already knew about Flynn lying to the FBI, renewing questions of whether Trump obstructed justice in the investigation.",,2,2 But Mr. Reid gently scolded the assembled journalists for asking questions at what was supposed to be just a photo opportunity.,,2,2 """While there are other items that might ultimately be worthy of the Senate's attention, we cannot agree to prioritize any matters above the critical issues of funding the government and preventing a job-killing tax hike,"" they wrote. ",,2,2 "Harf added that the department turned over about 300 emails to the Benghazi select committee, and noted that Clinton's successor as secretary of state, John Kerry, ""is the first ... to rely primarily on a state.gov email account.""",,2,2 "Moore lashed out earlier at what he called ""the Obama-Clinton machine's liberal media lapdogs"" after The Washington Post reported on a woman's claims that the former judge and staunch social conservative initiated a sexual encounter with her when she was 14.","""the Obama-Clinton machine's liberal media lapdogs""",0,0 The letter to Schiff was sent as those same Republicans confronted Schiff at the start of a Russia-themed hearing Thursday morning.,,2,2 "Chelsea Clinton called it ""vile and wrong"" in a Twitter post.","Chelsea Clinton called it ""vile and wrong"" in a Twitter post.",1,1 "In the House, Democratic lawmakers said Wednesday morning that the sense of disappointment with the president remained strong.",,2,2 The age of Pericles this ain’t.,,2,2 "“We have far more people trying to get into our country today than probably ever before,” Trump said.",,2,2 Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. planned to return to Capitol Hill this afternoon to meet with House Democrats as President Obama and the White House sought to quell the uproar among liberals about the tax deal.,uproar,0,1 "Regardless, investigators were treating the devices as “live” explosives New York City Police Commissioner James O’Neill said.",,2,2 "Their situations were discussed only briefly, with Boutrous noting how different they were as a way to argue they should not be dealt with in the same lawsuit.",,2,2 Trump over the weekend denied that he asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn.,,2,2 President Donald Trump has been advised to veto the legislation if it reaches his desk.,,2,2 “We are seeing a systematic attack on our democracy and our rule of law that extends much further than just one isolated terrorist in Florida.,,2,2 I think that's possible.,,2,2 "“We’ve got a real challenge,” Mr. Boehner said.",,2,2 """Nothing the president is proposing would have stopped the massacre at Sandy Hook.","""Nothing the president is proposing would have stopped the massacre at Sandy Hook.",1,1 "With a majority of Americans now supporting marijuana legalization, and with states continuing to pass legalization laws, it seems unlikely that the federal government would push back against the legalizations.",,2,2 "Asked, for example, if he would vote for military cuts if they cost jobs in Massachusetts, he called for “a balanced approach,” with some cuts and some revenue growth.",,2,2 "The cable, sent under Ambassador Chris Stevens' signature and marked SECRET, warned the office of Secretary of State Clinton that the CIA advised ""ten Islamist militias and AQ training camps (were) within Benghazi.""",,2,2 """Mr. vice president, I know you're under a lot of duress to make up for lost ground, but I think people would be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other,"" Ryan said.",,2,2 "At 9:52 p.m., a C.I.A. spokesman e-mailed to other agency staff members a draft note intended for Mr. Petraeus, warning him that while the White House had quickly cleared the proposed talking points, the State Department had “major concerns.”",,2,2 "The majority leader, who had raised $5.4 million for the campaign, blanketed Virginia’s Seventh Congressional District with fliers and television advertisements in which he emphasized that he opposed an “amnesty” policy.",,2,2 """We said this is exactly what is going to happen.",,2,2 Aides to Mr. Romney declined to say on Tuesday whether he would call on the convention delegates to reconsider their position on abortion.,,2,2 "Instead, he relied mostly on state and local activists.",,2,2 "“Threats made against protectees receive the highest priority of all of our investigations,” with the hashtag #ProtectionNeverRests.",,2,2 "He noted, though, that she was an early predictor of his election victory.",,2,2 The truth is that the Romney-Ryan budget would end Medicare as we know it: people with Medicare would be left with nothing but a voucher in place of the guaranteed benefits they rely on today.”,The truth is that the Romney-Ryan budget would end Medicare as we know it: people with Medicare would be left with nothing but a voucher in place of the guaranteed benefits they rely on today.”,1,1 "“I am not going to be the most popular guy who looks into your eye every day and says what you want to hear,” he continued.",,2,2 "Other officials in the GOP, including five senior Missouri Republicans, were less forgiving, however, suggesting that Akin had created an irreversible distraction and could no longer run as a viable candidate.",,2,2 I’m a citizen. I’m an immigrant. I’m a reporter.,,2,2 "Mr. Cantor had won primaries in his district, which stretches from Richmond to the Washington suburbs, with as much as 79 percent of the vote, and he won the general election race for a seventh term in 2012 with 58 percent.",,2,2 Boutrous said the class-action nature of the case deprives the company of its legal rights because it is being forced to defend the treatment of female employees regardless of the jobs they hold or where they work.,,2,2 Everybody recognizes that.,,2,2 """I'm not sure filing a lawsuit is the most constructive way to find a solution to whatever issues they are,"" he said.",,2,2 """The President thanked Senator Sanders for energizing millions of Americans with his commitment to issues like fighting economic inequality and special interests' influence on our politics.""","""The President thanked Senator Sanders for energizing millions of Americans with his commitment to issues like fighting economic inequality and special interests' influence on our politics.""",1,1 "HOUSTON — The decision by Republican convention delegates to oppose abortion without explicit exceptions for rape and incest poses a tricky political challenge for Mitt Romney as he prepares to accept the presidential nomination in Tampa, Fla., next week.",,2,2 "Rick Hasen, another avid court watcher who specializes in election law, wrote that Ginsburg’s statements could very well lead a “reasonable person” to question her impartiality in a future politically charged case.",,2,2 "This year, he captured the nomination of a party whose hard-core activists remained suspicious of Mr. Romney’s late-in-life conversion to their cause.",late-in-life,0,1 "Somewhat misleadingly, the GOP committee members stated in their letter that Mueller’s findings “conclusively refute” Schiff’s “past and present assertions” about the investigation.",Somewhat misleadingly,0,1 I will hold judgment until we know the facts.,,2,2 "Unlike the bills that have come from the House over the past few weeks, this proposal could actually resolve this impasse.",,2,2 "I don't just get to pick and choose which laws I enforce.""",,2,2 "Among those on the field before the game was Representative Roger Williams, Republican of Texas, whose aide Zachary Barth was shot at the practice.",,2,2 The investigation focuses on whether Flynn and other Trump associates colluded with Russia to boost the Republican candidate in the 2016 elections.,,2,2 "He was referring to comments unearthed from 1993 in which Reid said that ""no sane country"" would award citizenship to children of illegal immigrants born on its soil and promoted legislation to end the practice.",,2,2 I made a mistake and I was wrong.” She did not address Mr. Trump specifically in her video.,,2,2 "The problem with plans to hike taxes is that they're politically unfeasible because of congressional Republicans' adamant opposition to any sort of tax increase, much less a tax increase not accompanied by a spending cut.",any sort of,0,1 "And while many predict that Steele will call it quits after his current term, his increasing seclusion and detachment from other Republican advisers has made his forthcoming decision difficult to ascertain.",his increasing seclusion and detachment from other Republican advisers,1,1 "“Today’s ruling provides certainty and clear, coherent tax-filing guidance for all legally married same-sex couples nationwide,” Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said.",,2,2 "Democrats also re-elected Representative Steny H. Hoyer, 77, of Maryland as whip, the No. 2 position, as well as Representative James E. Clyburn, 76, of South Carolina in the No. 3 spot as the assistant Democratic leader.",,2,2 "Mueller’s investigation, which was initially ordered to look into the 2016 election, has gone on for more than a year and half. ",,2,2 The Wall Street Journal reported late Sunday that she was expected to formally launch her candidacy next month.,,2,2 "Dodd, who faced an onslaught of criticism for his involvement with now-defunct Countrywide mortgage broker, among other problems, quickly scuttled his re-election plans in order to make way for the exceedingly popular Blumenthal, when it was clear in polls that Dodd was not likely to win his race.",,2,2 He arrived in the Oval Office dogged by reports about Russian interference in the election on his behalf.,,2,2 "“Christie was excellent yesterday and Newt is excellent.” Mr. Trump will appear on Tuesday night in Indiana with Gov. Mike Pence, who has risen in the estimation of many of the nominee’s advisers.",,2,2 "“Mr. Farenthold made a commitment that he would reimburse taxpayers for the settlement,” said AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for Speaker Paul Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin.",,2,2 "A new report in The Guardian, published online on Saturday, cited another document that showed that in March 2013 there were 97 billion pieces of data collected from networks worldwide; about 14 percent of it was from Iran, much was from Pakistan and about 3 percent came from inside the United States, though some of that may have been foreign data traffic routed through American-based servers.",,2,2 Pelosi did not agree with Ryan’s assessment in a Monday interview with The Huffington Post.,,2,2 "In 2013, he praised Mr. Bloomberg’s administration for choosing him to finish a stalled Bronx golf course project, and then wrote on Twitter about a ribbon-cutting with the mayor.",,2,2 "“I continue to believe that obstruction of justice is the clearest, simplest and most provable high crime and misdemeanor committed by Donald J. Trump,” Mr. Sherman said in a statement.","“I continue to believe that obstruction of justice is the clearest, simplest and most provable high crime and misdemeanor committed by Donald J. Trump,”",1,1 He said he “respects” Grassley and proclaimed his support for Iowa’s farmers.,“respects”,0,1 "Adam S. Lee, the well-regarded special agent in charge of the bureau’s Richmond, Va., field office, was interviewed, as were Richard A. McFeely, a former senior official at the F.B.I., and Andrew G. McCabe, the acting director.",,2,2 Brat cast the congressman as a Washington insider who isn't conservative enough.,,2,2 "“Mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall!” Mr. Calderón told CNBC.",stupid,0,0 "Like many conservative Republicans, Mitt Romney is opposed not only to same-sex marriage, but also to the civil unions that many states have adopted as an alternative to full marital rights for gay couples.",,2,2 "He suggested raising the age at which retirees can receive full benefits -- currently, 66 years old -- would be on the table even though doing so represents ""a massive benefit cut for people.""",,2,2 “We have an idea that may help a little.,,2,2 "“History will clarify what has happened,” said Representative Jim Himes, Democrat of Connecticut.",,2,2 "McCarthy tweeted: ""President Trump has put forward a serious and reasonable offer to reform parts of our broken immigration system and reopen government.",,2,2 "R. Clarke Cooper, the group’s executive director, said, “Governor Perry is running to be commander-in-chief, not theocrat-in-chief.”",not theocrat-in-chief,1,1 "A secure border is vital to protecting America's national security, public safety and jobs.",,2,2 “I think some things I’ve been asked to do are beyond my ability.,,2,2 Holder made the comments during a meeting with about 50 community leaders at the Florissant campus of St. Louis Community College in which he heard about their own issues with law enforcement officials.,,2,2 "In a statement, Mrs. Clinton highlighted the millions of dollars she said she and her husband had paid in taxes and given to charity, while lamenting what she called a lopsided tax code that favors wealthy people like them.",while lamenting what she called a lopsided tax code that favors wealthy people like them,1,1 "The latest criticism comes in a letter released Tuesday and signed by nearly 90 faculty members and priests at Georgetown, the Jesuit university in Washington, in advance of Mr. Ryan’s visit there on Thursday.",,2,2 "Earlier Thursday, the Republican-controlled state legislature passed a new version of the bill at the governor's request, amending provisions that would have allowed businesses to discriminate against LGBT customers.",,2,2 "In a follow-up statement on Saturday, a BuzzFeed spokesman told The New York Times that the news site had “re-confirmed” its reporting and seen “no indication that any specific aspect of our story is inaccurate.”",,2,2 "And the day after the primary, the president tweeted in support of Moore, calling him “a really great guy.”","And the day after the primary, the president tweeted in support of Moore, calling him “a really great guy.”",1,1 Paul said that a number of aides were lying down during the attack as the shooter fired bullets their way.,,2,2 "He repeatedly singled out Ms. Pelosi, asking why she had not censured Ms. Tlaib.",repeatedly singled out,0,1 "The package, as it stands, is enough to build just 55 miles of barrier.",,2,2 "McCarthy has previously been more open to immigration reform than many of his House Republican colleagues, and, as TPM notes, his district is 35 percent Latino.",,2,2 "If Hillary Clinton, after this attack, still cannot say the two words 'Radical Islam' she should get out of this race for the Presidency,"" Trump said in a statement released by his campaign.",,2,2 "Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) announced Monday that he would ban state-funded travel to Indiana, where a controversial new law could allow businesses to deny service to gay and lesbian individuals for religious reasons.",,2,2 "Nevertheless, stretch yourself. Rise to the occasion.",,2,2 Republicans have made strict adherence to the Constitution a key tenet of their effort to reduce the size of the federal government.,,2,2 "These ranking models take many signals into consideration to best organize tweets for timely relevance,"" the statement said. ",,2,2 She seemed determined to be less passive and sleepy than Jim Lehrer of PBS was as moderator of the Obama-Romney debate.,,2,2 "In a strong statement issued Friday night, Sen. Dianne Feinstein joined a chorus of her Democratic colleagues in threatening serious action, including impeachment, against Trump if the allegations proved true.",,2,2 "White House press secretary Josh Earnest last week downplayed the significance of Obama getting such a strong rebuke from Congress, including from Democratic leaders.",,2,2 "Some members of Congress had not expected to stay behind for the annual showdown, with families and district business waiting for them.",,2,2 Secretary of State John Kerry said Tuesday that he would be in Switzerland negotiating with the Iranians.,,2,2 "Instead, they are creating a patchwork of regulations affecting gay and lesbian couples — and may be raising questions about discrimination and fairness in the way that federal benefits are distributed.",,2,2 Doctors said his condition was critical but improving.,,2,2 "Hillary and Bill Clinton earned roughly $141 million and paid nearly $44 million in federal income taxes from 2007 to 2014, according to tax returns released Friday.",,2,2 "Earlier this month, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said only that his office was reviewing the matter ""to determine whether a federal law was implicated.""",,2,2 "Three and a half years ago, Mr. Christie seemed such an antidote to all that ailed the Republican brand that senior figures in the party pleaded with him to run for president as a substitute for the eventual nominee, Mitt Romney.",,2,2 "On Friday, the aide, Elizabeth Lauten, 31, who has more than 14,000 followers on Twitter as and at the time was a spokeswoman for a little-known congressman from Tennessee, wrote an open letter to Sasha and Malia Obama on her Facebook page, saying they should “try showing a little class” and “dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.”","“try showing a little class” and “dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.”",1,1 """It's destructive to the fabric of the relationship,"" Rice said Tuesday on PBS’s the “Charlie Rose” show.","""It's destructive to the fabric of the relationship,""",1,1 Many federal contractors do not expect to be repaid for their work during the shutdown.,,2,2 "Rice's comments came as Netanyahu turned down an invitation to meet privately with leading Senate Democrats during his trip to Washington, saying such a session could ""compound the misperception of partisanship"" surrounding his visit.",,2,2 "“This bill includes the most extreme changes on asylum that I’ve ever seen,” Kerri Talbot, the director of federal advocacy at the group Immigration Hub, said on a press call on Tuesday.",,2,2 "In a speech in Jakarta last year, Obama remarked that the American ""motto is E pluribus unum -- out of many, one.""",,2,2 "While civil liberties groups cried foul over the program, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper issued a statement late Thursday decrying the leak of the materials.",,2,2 He handled many important espionage cases including one involving a former C.I.A. officer suspected of working for China and a group of Russian spies who had been working undercover in the United States.,He handled many important espionage cases including one involving a former C.I.A. officer suspected of working for China and a group of Russian spies who had been working undercover in the United States.,1,1 "“The findings of the special counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions and have exposed you as having abused your position to knowingly promote false information, having damaged the integrity of this committee, and undermined faith in U.S. government institutions,” Representative K. Michael Conaway, Republican of Texas, said to Mr. Schiff.",,2,2 "He said that if he’s nominated, “I’d like to beat him straight up,” not on the basis of the birth issue.",,2,2 "“And when your son looks at you and says: ‘Momma, look you won. Bullies don’t win.’ ",,2,2 “I think my dad is rethinking this because of the pressure that’s coming at him from all sides.”,,2,2 He said he regretted that Ms. Cordova was caught in the middle of the controversy.,,2,2 """And if someone can capture both the blue-collar, working-class Republicans, the conservatives, many of them even union members, as well as evangelicals, there's a real pathway to the nomination.""",,2,2 "“This American carnage,” he declared, “stops right here and stops right now.”",,2,2 "He spoke of 1968 and of the political violence he had seen up close as a civil rights leader, invoking Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy.",,2,2 """We do rank tweets and search results. ",,2,2 "Senior administration officials, discussing that internal review, relayed that some CIA officials didn't like that the original draft of the talking points said the government ""know[s] that Islamic extremists with ties to al-Qa'ida participated in the attack,"" because at that time it was premature to name those responsible for the attacks.",,2,2 "Grimm has denied knowledge of any improprieties, and the FBI hasn't accused him of any wrongdoing.",the FBI hasn't accused him of any wrongdoing,1,1 """Faith made America strong. It can make her strong again.""",,2,2 But Moore’s campaign issued a statement saying the report is “baseless” and false.,,2,2 But a release from Mr. Seel’s office about the planned meeting noted that Mr. Trump “has brought the issue of President Barack Obama failing to provide a birth certificate front and center recently.”,,2,2 Democrats want access to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election before President Donald Trump has a chance to interfere.,before President Donald Trump has a chance to interfere,1,1 "None of the money will come from hurricane relief, Mulvaney said.",,2,2 "On Medicare, Biden charged that the Republican ticket's plan would raise costs for future seniors with a de facto ""voucher"" system.",,2,2 "While investigators initially thought that some devices were hand delivered, they now believe it is likely all of them were sent in the mail. ",,2,2 "The White House did not disclose what those options were, but people briefed on the matter said one option was an appointment to the president’s Intelligence Advisory Board, a panel of prominent Americans outside government who provide independent oversight of the nation’s spy apparatus and advise the president.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump is “very close” to selecting an interim candidate to replace former FBI Director James Comey, he told White House reporters on Thursday.",,2,2 "Marc Benioff, the chief executive officer of Salesforce.com, said on Thursday that his company would halt all corporate travel to Indiana.","Marc Benioff, the chief executive officer of Salesforce.com, said on Thursday that his company would halt all corporate travel to Indiana.",1,1 "As he often has in Senate hearings, Rubio assailed Obama for stressing dialogues and diplomacy over ironclad dealings with heads of foreign governments that have been openly hostile to the United States, and which continue to exercise oppression against political dissidents.",assailed,0,1 "He semi-voiced his opinion, but we all did the talking.",,2,2 Republicans were so sure that Mr. Cantor would win that most party leaders had been watching for how broad his victory would be.,,2,2 But more than 60 Democrats voted against her ― a stunning level of dissent at a time when the party is trying to pick up the pieces after a disastrous presidential election.,But more than 60 Democrats voted against her ― a stunning level of dissent at a time when the party is trying to pick up the pieces after a disastrous presidential election.,1,1 But Mr. Trump has continued to express disbelief.,,2,2 "After President Obama’s State of the Union address, NY1’s Washington reporter, Michael Scotto, interviewed the congressman about the speech.",,2,2 He was one of several members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee who signed a letter calling on Trump to cancel.,,2,2 "“And if Trump v. Clinton arises in the fall, I would say that there is at the very least an appearance of bias if Justice Ginsburg participates.”",,2,2 """The 'Queen of Rage' is something you apply to wrestlers or somebody who is crazy.","""The 'Queen of Rage' is something you apply to wrestlers or somebody who is crazy.",1,1 "Ryan seemed focused more on winning over moderate and independent voters who are still making up their minds, less than a month before the election.",,2,2 "It was also the first resignation over a major national security issue by a leading cabinet member since 1980, when Cyrus Vance quit as secretary of state.","It was also the first resignation over a major national security issue by a leading cabinet member since 1980, when Cyrus Vance quit as secretary of state.",1,1 """These are programs that have been authored by large bipartisan majorities repeatedly since 2006.""","""These are programs that have been authored by large bipartisan majorities repeatedly since 2006.""",1,1 """Everybody knows we need to look at a package of different changes to Social Security to make it strong for the long term,"" he said.",,2,2 "It's bad enough that he's joined Obama's assault on North Carolina jobs, but his physical assault on a college student goes beyond the pale.""","It's bad enough that he's joined Obama's assault on North Carolina jobs, but his physical assault on a college student goes beyond the pale.""",1,1 "“National liberal organizations know their chosen candidate Doug Jones is in a death spiral, and this is their last ditch Hail Mary,” Moore campaign chairman Bill Armistead said.","“National liberal organizations know their chosen candidate Doug Jones is in a death spiral, and this is their last ditch Hail Mary,”",1,0 "The latest controversy really dates back to January, when LePage claimed that drug dealers with names like “Smoothie, D-Money and Shifty” come into Maine and “impregnate a young, white girl before they leave.”",,2,2 """Teachers should teach.""",,2,2 "At Tuesday's press conference, he stated that its findings were independent of the nation's largest gun lobby.",,2,2 "The indictment is the first in months by Mr. Mueller, who is investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and possible coordination with Trump associates.",,2,2 "He said Obama was ""clearly"" taking a side on the issue no matter what he claims.",,2,2 "Abedin’s emails shook the 2016 presidential race, as Comey told Congress on Oct. 28, 2016, just days before the election, that the FBI had found more of Clinton’s messages on Weiner’s laptop as they investigated a sexting case against him.",,2,2 "In the same video appeal, Mr. Jones urged Mr. Trump to “point out that the communist Chinese have penetrated and infiltrated” the American election system and are “way, way worse than the Russians.”",,2,2 "Some people were told that they would be meeting with an official from the Justice Department, but not that it was Holder.",,2,2 The budget bill the president signed into law in February earmarked $700 billion for the Defense Department this fiscal year ― a more than 15 percent increase over the previous year and the biggest hike in military spending since 2002.,,2,2 "“By 130 million people, we don’t like him, we don’t want him. We reject his message.”","“By 130 million people, we don’t like him, we don’t want him. We reject his message.”",1,1 "The FBI and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, meanwhile, are looking into separate controversies over whether the Christie administration misused Hurricane Sandy relief dollars.","The FBI and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, meanwhile, are looking into separate controversies over whether the Christie administration misused Hurricane Sandy relief dollars.",1,1 "Foreign affairs is, we take care of ourselves first""",,2,2 "During multiple committee hearings and floor debate, GOP representatives castigated the bill as a federal power grab designed to help Democrats win elections by allowing increased voting access and nonpartisan gerrymandering.",a federal power grab designed to help Democrats win elections,1,1 The suit doesn't contain statistics to support the claim.,The suit doesn't contain statistics to support the claim.,1,1 "“We're not playing games, we have to do it.""",,2,2 "The current fight centers on changes in the program made in the new health law, the Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010 without Republican votes.",,2,2 "Amendments to the Constitution cannot be overridden by presidential action — they can be changed or undone only by overwhelming majorities in Congress or the states, with a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or through a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of state legislatures.",,2,2 "“I sincerely apologize,” she said in a video.",,2,2 "The Justice Department, meanwhile, has started a separate inquiry.",,2,2 "He joins an already crowded 2016 Republican field, and will likely enlist support from the party's far right wing, where he faces competition from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who has positioned himself as a tea party favorite.",far right,0,0 "In a separate October 2016 exchange, WikiLeaks urged Trump Jr. to “comment on/push this story” about then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton wanting to “just drone” Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder.",,2,2 "The Wall Street Journal first reported Friday that the AARP, which opposed President George W. Bush's push to partially privatize Social Security, has decided to accept cuts -- though it would reportedly push for tax hikes to close most of the long-term Social Security shortfall.",,2,2 """It seems to me first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare,"" Akin told KTVI.",,2,2 "After the Newtown shooting, Wayne LaPierre, the rifle association’s executive director, announced that it would devise a plan to put armed guards in every school.",,2,2 "“Any crisis on our border is of President Trump’s own making: family separations, child detention, turning our backs on asylum seekers, and more.","“Any crisis on our border is of President Trump’s own making: family separations, child detention, turning our backs on asylum seekers, and more.",1,1 “Freedom means freedom for everyone.,,2,2 "“I would like to thank my staff both in Washington and Texas for all of their hard work on behalf of our constituents. I would also like to thank my family for their unwavering support and most importantly the people that elected me,” he said.",,2,2 "In addition to Ferguson community members, Holder spent Wednesday meeting with officials from the St. Louis-based U.S. attorney's office and the local FBI office investigating Brown's death.",,2,2 It's no different from a movie.,,2,2 "According to the report issued by the Department of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, Lerner had to correct the criteria developed by the Cincinnati office twice because she and other top IRS officials found that they were using politically fraught terms as they sought to make sure groups were properly applying for tax exemption.",,2,2 "Johnson said there were six arrests Wednesday, compared to 47 the previous night.",,2,2 "Under her direction, the FEC undertook the largest enforcement action in its history -- suing the Christian Coalition for violating campaign laws.",,2,2 "The next step would be to secure those lands, where the Pentagon would erect barriers.",,2,2 "Standing nearby were his adult children from two previous marriages, Donald Jr., Eric, Ivanka and Tiffany.",,2,2 "But at the same time, Manley put Reid on the record for the first time in the hyper-sensitive and volatile mosque debate.",,2,2 "A secure border is vital to protecting America's national security, public safety and jobs.""",,2,2 "Rahm Emanuel, the chief of staff, asked Mr. Clinton last summer to explore “options of service” on a presidential or senior government advisory board with Mr. Sestak, the White House said in a statement.",,2,2 "After the meeting with Mr. Obama, which lasted more than an hour, Mr. Sanders gave no indication that he was ready to leave the race just yet, insisting that he would compete in next week’s primary contest here in Washington.",,2,2 "Mr. Stone has changed his story as investigators closed in, saying that he was not actually speaking to Mr. Assange and that he had no direct knowledge that Russians were responsible for the Democratic hacking.",,2,2 "The speech capped three days of panel discussions and high-profile speakers, including numerous politicians mentioned as contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.",,2,2 But how and whether the task force recommendations will be put into effect — and the cost — was unclear.,But how and whether the task force recommendations will be put into effect — and the cost — was unclear.,1,1 “Who’s gonna pay?” he asks.,,2,2 "Rep. Dave Brat, R-Va., acknowledged the incident has sparked new security questions for members without assigned police protection at events outside Capitol Hill.",,2,2 "He never left, and became a prominent Boston lawyer.",,2,2 "The fact is, rape can lead to pregnancy.",,2,2 It does not appear that Mr. Blumenthal ever sought to correct those mistakes.,It does not appear that Mr. Blumenthal ever sought to correct those mistakes.,1,1 "Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, stopped short of calling on Mr. Trump to cancel, but he said the president should insist that other Americans be present and should demand that Mr. Putin extradite those indicted.",,2,2 "In a Tuesday appearance on ""The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,"" House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the Axios interview didn't surprise her.",,2,2 "The night's 90-minute debate, the only one for the two vice presidential candidates, fluctuated between domestic policy and foreign policy, with ABC's Martha Raddatz, a reporter with vast foreign policy experience, asking numerous questions about events overseas.",,2,2 "St. Louis Tea Party organizer Bill Hennessy wrote on the group's website Tuesday that the Tea Party stands for smaller government and fiscal responsibility, and accused the NAACP of abandoning black America.",,2,2 "When a demonstration ended shortly before midnight, many of the demonstrators prayed.","When a demonstration ended shortly before midnight, many of the demonstrators prayed.",1,1 """I love this country, but this country is going to hell. ...",,2,2 "“I will work as hard as I can, to make sure that Donald Trump does not become president of the United States,” Mr. Sanders told reporters, saying the Manhattan businessman “makes bigotry and discrimination the cornerstone of his campaign” and would be a “disaster” as commander in chief.",,2,2 "There's no indication yet that it will make it to the floor anytime soon, but if it did come up before a vote on the Bush tax cuts, it would put Brown in the tough spot of voting against his legislation or breaking with his party.",,2,2 "“I would vote for Judge Moore because I wouldn’t want to vote for Doug,” he said.",,2,2 "NRA School Safety Report Recommends Arming Teachers, Loosening Gun Laws",,2,2 The spending package passed Thursday by Congress included none of the $5.7 billion that Mr. Trump demanded for 234 miles of steel wall.,,2,2 "The White House remains divided, and several senior officials expressed serious doubts about Mr. Lieberman.",,2,2 "Ferguson has endured more than a week of unrest since the August 9 death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was shot by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson.",,2,2 "Though their numbers are declining, farmers are still a powerful force in the Iowa, which ranks second in the country in total farm sales.",,2,2 "One of the conservative members in the House who wanted to postpone the June 19 vote for majority leader quickly indicated that for him, Labrador would not do.",,2,2 "Moments later, Trump tweeted about the organization.",,2,2 """Therefore, so that there is no conflict of interest within the Republican Party, I have decided not to be the moderator of the Newsmax debate.",,2,2 "The gory photo first published in TMZ from Griffin's photo session with the famed Shields, known for his shocking pictures.",known for his shocking pictures,1,0 "Blumenthal will face the winner of the GOP primary on August 10 - either former Cong. Rob Simmons, himself a Vietnam vet, or former WWE wrestling executive Linda McMahon.",,2,2 """I am a candidate for president of the United States of America,"" he said.",,2,2 "Cantor, who had once been more moderate on immigration issues – particularly on the bitterly divisive aspect of whether to give undocumented immigrants already in the U.S. a chance to legalize their status – shifted sharply to a hard line position, saying he would block any effort in the House to consider proposals to give such immigrants a break.",,2,2 "“I want a…leadership team that can bring the Republican conference together,” Labrador said in his statement, “A leadership team that can help unite and grow our party.",,2,2 "Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, is a celebrated figure among evangelical Christians.","Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, is a celebrated figure among evangelical Christians.",1,1 Republican National Committee spokesman Tim Miller called Biden “unhinged.”,“unhinged.”,0,1 "“I think we got the message out,” he said.",,2,2 "“The president should listen to and work with his allies in Congress, starting with Nancy Pelosi, who have expressed their concerns about the impact that a weak agreement would have on our workers to make sure we get the best, strongest deal possible,” Mrs. Clinton said at a rally here.",,2,2 "He got started right away with rolling back the policies of his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, by issuing orders freezing new regulations from recent weeks and ordering agencies to “ease the burden” of the Affordable Care Act during the transition from repealing to replacing the law.",,2,2 "“I would look foolish if I did that,” Mr. Trump responded after Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, posed the question to him directly, according to three officials familiar with the meeting who described it on the condition of anonymity.",,2,2 "Trump won the Republican nomination against a crowded field of 16 other candidates, many far more experienced in politics.",many far more experienced in politics,1,0 "“Most people probably found the vice president’s performance a little -- well anyway, I think that people will judge for themselves,” said Ed Gillespie, one of the top advisers to Romney and one of the most seasoned Republican operatives in politics.",,2,2 "Last month, he began plotting campaign strategy and hiring staff.",,2,2 "A male suspect was arrested in Florida on Friday morning in connection with the rash of suspicious packages sent to prominent Democrats nationwide, law enforcement sources confirmed to Fox News.",,2,2 "Baron added that the use of private e-mail accounts is meant to be reserved only for emergencies, such as when a department's server is not working or compromised.",,2,2 "But not even Gillespie, when he was asked by a reporter where he was going before he cut himself off, could resist getting some digs at Biden.",,2,2 "This year's town halls to date have been particularly rowdy and tense, prompting lawmaker concerns long before Wednesday's attack.",,2,2 "Yet Pelosi, D-Calif., downplayed Tlaib’s remarks, expressing distaste for the language but suggesting that Trump’s own language had started the heated rhetoric in Washington.",suggesting that Trump’s own language had started the heated rhetoric in Washington,1,0 "Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said in an interview with WVLK that the 14th Amendment is “pretty clear” and said that “you cannot end birthright citizenship with an executive order.” ",,2,2 "“I don’t favor civil unions if it’s identical to marriage, and I don’t favor marriage between people of the same gender.”",,2,2 "The personal expenses at nightclubs and lounges topped $60,000, while personal dry-cleaning expenses topped $14,000.",,2,2 "It just happens to be a still image.""",,2,2 "Without fail, Mr. Trump’s adoring fans reply, “Mexico!”",adoring,0,1 "Before the reading began, Jay Inslee, Democrat of Washington, asked Republicans to illuminate exactly what part of the Constitution would be read, what parts would be deleted and who would decide how things would unfold.",,2,2 "At other times, he has used more ambiguous language, but the impression left on audiences can be similar.",,2,2 "“As we begin this new Congress, our first task should be to reopen the Government and to deliver on our highest duty as elected officials: the security of the Nation and its borders,"" he said. ",,2,2 "“In the heat of the political moment just as the Republicans wanted to try to convict Hillary Clinton in the public sphere, Democrats probably contributed to the expectations that the outcome would be worse for the president than it was,” Mr. Himes said in an interview a day ahead of the hearing.",,2,2 Mr. Huckabee warns that radical Islam is a grave threat to the United States and says President Obama too frequently defends Islam.,,2,2 "“Now that grass-roots conservatives FIRED Eric Cantor, we need a new majority leader in the House of Representatives,” FreedomWorks’ website said Friday.",,2,2 "Progressives, however, are already eyeing one of the Democrats who pushed for a compromise: Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota.",,2,2 But even some unlikely allies have emerged to decry the cover as disrespectful.,,2,2 "In tapping Mr. Clinton as the go-between, Mr. Emanuel picked the party’s most prominent figure other than Mr. Obama and someone Mr. Sestak had worked for on the National Security Council in the 1990s.",,2,2 "Clinton and Obama, along with other party leaders, are eager to bring Sanders – and his supporters – into the fold.",,2,2 "“You are showing the world that we will not be intimidated,” Mr. Trump said.",,2,2 "Asa Hutchinson, a former Republican congressman from Arkansas who led the task force, unveiled the report at a packed news conference with unusually heavy security, including a bomb-sniffing yellow Labrador retriever.","unusually heavy security, including a bomb-sniffing yellow Labrador retriever",1,1 "Several Democrats, including Mr. Kerry, have closed ranks behind him in the hopes of discouraging anyone else from getting in and avoiding a bruising primary.",,2,2 "As President, I'll end Obama's war on religion.",Obama's war on religion,1,1 "The president, immediately after making his remarks, signed nearly two-dozen executive actions -- a step that has stirred objections from lawmakers who have warned Obama not to overstep his bounds.",,2,2 Hillary Clinton lied many times to the F.B.I. Nothing happened to her.,Hillary Clinton lied many times to the F.B.I. Nothing happened to her.,1,0 "Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was among the many people who called on Trump to abandon his trophy hunting decision.",,2,2 "But there are broad questions at hand in boosting security beyond that: particularly, does it hurt democracy to put an added barrier between lawmakers and constituents?",,2,2 "“The one before that was in a shopping mall in Oregon, and the one before that was in a movie theater in Colorado.",,2,2 """What he said is just flat wrong in addition to being wildly offensive to any victim of sexual abuse,"" McConnell said.","""What he said is just flat wrong in addition to being wildly offensive to any victim of sexual abuse,""",1,1 "We think it should be spent on things that would have the greatest impact on gun violence, like universal background checks and cracking down on gun trafficking.”",,2,2 "Mr. Mattis, a retired four-star Marine general, was rebuffed.",a retired four-star Marine general,1,1 "All we've heard, the Fox News host complained, is ""we need a big tent. We need a big tent. Can we get a bigger tent? How can we get a big tent?",complained,0,1 """For me, I love the idea we have freedom of speech.",,2,2 "He agreed somewhat to what everyone said,” McCoy added.",,2,2 "Donald J. Trump has dropped plans to moderate a presidential debate, but don’t expect him to fade quietly from the political scene.",,2,2 "The two states filed a lawsuit seeking a court order to prevent Colorado from enforcing the measure known as Amendment 64, which was approved by voters in 2012 and allows recreational marijuana for adults over 21.",,2,2 I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you.,,2,2 "Last year, the Clintons paid an effective federal tax rate of 35.7 percent and donated over 10 percent of their income to charity.",donated over 10 percent of their income to charity,1,1 "Democrats urge Trump to cancel Putin summit, after indictment of Russian intel officers",,2,2 "At one point, he said Ms. Pelosi should back it because she was “a good Catholic” and Vatican City is surrounded by a wall, according to one of the officials familiar with the discussion.",he said Ms. Pelosi should back it because she was “a good Catholic” and Vatican City is surrounded by a wall,1,1 "“You have to consider that there is a lot of information for the public—obviously members want to give as much information as they can—a lot of calendars are broadcast, social media, information is readily available,” Norton said.",,2,2 "The backlash to Indiana's new religious freedom law grew Monday, even as state lawmakers move to clarify the legislation, with Wash. Gov. Jay Inslee and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray banning government-funded travel to Indiana.",,2,2 "“I think it’s tragic that AARP would, wittingly or unwittingly, play into the hands of people who have never really liked Social Security and want to decimate it,” Mr. Richtman said.","“I think it’s tragic that AARP would, wittingly or unwittingly, play into the hands of people who have never really liked Social Security and want to decimate it,”",1,1 "The resolution initially said the NAACP would ""repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties"" and stand against the movement's attempt to ""push our country back to the pre-civil rights era,"" though the wording was amended to downplay criticism of all Tea Partiers while asking them to repudiate bigots in their own ranks.","""push our country back to the pre-civil rights era,""",1,1 Cuts recommended by the board would take effect automatically unless Congress voted to block or change them.,,2,2 “What I have is a backbone.”,,2,2 "Each candidate made frequent appeals to the middle class, Biden by pledging to protect programs in the federal budget and Ryan by pledging to grow the economy for everybody.",,2,2 Pelosi has led House Democrats since 2002.,,2,2 Those firms have denied they give the government a “back door” to their systems.,,2,2 The Senate last year passed a sweeping bipartisan immigration reform bill that both tightened border security and provided a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants who meet a strict set of criteria.,,2,2 He continued: “That she should be saying that?,,2,2 The lawyer eventually sued Granny Sayz in federal court.,,2,2 """And if we don't get it, there should be no deal.""",,2,2 "He said the California progressive has lost the connection with working-class people in the Midwest ― the same people who make up his district, and the same people who turned out in droves to vote for Trump and help defeat Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton weeks ago.",the California progressive has lost the connection with working-class people in the Midwest,1,1 No fair trying to redefine amnesty.”,,2,2 "“I said, Why don’t you use this for impeachment?",,2,2 "Controversial Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced on Tuesday he will officially endorse Texas Governor Rick Perry for the Republican presidential nomination, which could give Perry something of a credibility boost on immigration and border issues.",,2,2 "“I am running for majority leader because I want to help create a vision of growth and opportunity for everyone and start getting to work for the American people,” he said.",,2,2 """House committees of jurisdiction will review these recommendations.",,2,2 "No senior Pentagon official has defended the withdrawal publicly, despite requests from the White House.",,2,2 Biden did another thing Obama did not a week ago.,,2,2 President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency at the southern U.S. border in an effort to unilaterally seize funding to begin building his long-promised wall between the U.S. and Mexico.,seize,0,1 The Wal-Mart case dwarfs those rulings in importance.,,2,2 "Mr. Williams, a coach on the team, trudged out on crutches after injuring his foot in the Wednesday morning fray as well.",,2,2 "But unlike Obama a week ago, he let few points go unchallenged.","But unlike Obama a week ago, he let few points go unchallenged.",1,1 "In an effort to touch on all four of those elements, the president recommended requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales; reinstating the assault weapons ban; restoring a 10-round limit on ammunition magazines; eliminating armor-piercing bullets; providing mental health services in schools; allocating funds to hire more police officers; and instituting a federal gun trafficking statute, among other policies.",,2,2 "“And when your son looks at you and says: ’Momma, look, you won. Bullies don’t win.’",,2,2 Obama spent the weekend lobbying members of his party to switch their votes next week.,,2,2 "Asked point-blank, ""Is that picture you?"" Weiner replied, ""You know I'm not going to talk about this anymore.""",,2,2 "One-hundred candidates, including those who won their 2018 races, signed a letter to Pelosi and other congressional leaders demanding the reforms be the first order of business.",,2,2 Some of the most debated provisions are intended to reveal who funds online political ads and finances so-called dark-money groups.,,2,2 "He is also puzzled as to why Dan Cathy is such a target, when other corporate CEOs who openly support same-sex marriage are not similarly criticized by conservatives.",,2,2 "“When you were a little boy and you didn’t do something well at school, your mother had to jump in.",,2,2 The stakes are too high for us to accept anything but success in Afghanistan.”,,2,2 "Trump has long supported ending birthright citizenship, recommending in 2015 on the campaign trail that the country “start a process” to scrap it.",,2,2 "But environmental groups applauded the reversal on Friday and called for more restrictions on trophy hunting, which has faced increased scrutiny, especially after an American dentist killed Cecil, a lion beloved in Zimbabwe, in 2015.",,2,2 "In recent months, he has at times said the wall could just be steel slats, which would be like the “bollard fencing” developed during President Barack Obama’s administration.",,2,2 Our children and grandchildren’s futures are on the line.,,2,2 Investigators were likely relying on that system to pinpoint where some of the packages were mailed.,,2,2 But Democrats have become bolder on their predictions.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON -- Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) announced her decision to veto legislation on Wednesday that would have allowed businesses to legally refuse service to anyone on ""religious freedom"" grounds, effectively allowing them to discriminate against same-sex couples.","""religious freedom""",0,1 "Ryan says this is to preserve Medicare, not “end” it, as Obama’s campaign claims.",,2,2 "Representative Steve Stockman, Republican of Texas, threatened Monday to file articles of impeachment if the president seeks to regulate guns with executive orders.",threatened,0,0 "The larger figure referred to the amount Mr. Trump has demanded for the wall, which the House endorsed in a vote last month, but which failed to garner even majority support in the Senate, where it would need 60 votes to prevail.",,2,2 "Chief Justice John Roberts also offered his doubts about the merits of lawsuit, suggesting that any discriminatory acts at Wal-Mart are no worse than anywhere else.",,2,2 "The FWS concluded that Zimbabwe has made strides to improve elephant management and anti-poaching efforts, according to a notice published Friday in the Federal Register.",,2,2 "On Monday, the Arizona Super Bowl Host Committee came out against SB 1062, stating, ""[W]e have heard loud and clear from our various stakeholders that adoption of this legislation would not only run contrary to that goal but deal a significant blow to the state's economic growth potential.",[W]e have heard loud and clear from our various stakeholders that adoption of this legislation would not only run contrary to that goal but deal a significant blow to the state's economic growth potential,1,1 Yvette Townsend-Saunders called the meeting “wonderful” and said she was thankful that Holder had come to the town.,Yvette Townsend-Saunders called the meeting “wonderful” and said she was thankful that Holder had come to the town.,1,1 "Cordova is just one of 198 people that Weiner follows on Twitter, though he has nearly 50,000 followers.","Cordova is just one of 198 people that Weiner follows on Twitter, though he has nearly 50,000 followers.",1,1 "“I am not running for president of the United States as surrogate for being elected prom king of America,” Mr. Christie said inside the gymnasium at the high school where he was president of his class all three years.",he was president of his class all three years,1,1 "“I don't know if his staff didn't brief him or not, but somebody should have told him that these debates are split-screen,” Gillespie said.",,2,2 "To be immune from lawsuits, companies like Yahoo and AOL are reportedly obliged to accept a directive from the attorney general and national intelligence director to open their service to the FBI's Data Intercept Technology Unit, which acts as a liaison between the companies and the NSA.",,2,2 Crtitics of Chick-fil-A argue that the company’s opposition to gay marriage goes well beyond Dan Cathy’s statements.,,2,2 "I think if you do something right from the bottom, the top doesn’t have to jump in.",,2,2 "He is forgoing the customary tour of early-voting states that usually follows a formal announcement, aides said.",,2,2 "But he cited a ""generational gap.""",,2,2 "“On two occasions, we — we — we advocated for constituents who were applying for grants,” Mr. Ryan said stiffly.",stiffly,0,1 "“I’m not that cool,” the governor replied.","“I’m not that cool,”",1,1 "He later apologized, and even invited Trump “to come to Mexico and to learn about the real Mexico.”",,2,2 "“He will even be considered like a traitor because we don't accept to be offended like we just heard, and it should not happen that he comes here with a smile on his face.",He will even be considered like a traitor,1,0 "In the video, the North Carolina lawmaker is seen approaching the camera, while the reporter asks, “Hi, Congressman. How are you?",,2,2 "The arrest operation drew scrutiny on social media—even from President Trump, who said “Border Coyotes, Drug Dealers and Human Traffickers are treated better,” and questioned “who alerted CNN to be there?”","“Border Coyotes, Drug Dealers and Human Traffickers are treated better,” and questioned “who alerted CNN to be there?”",1,1 "The court only allows the data to be queried when there is a reasonable suspicion, based on specific facts, that the particular basis for the query is associated with a foreign terrorist organization.“",,2,2 "“We share the Secretary’s desire these two conversations take place as quickly and efficiently as possible, and are willing to expedite both working with your office, the Secretary’s schedule and our Democrat colleagues on the Committee,” Gowdy said.",,2,2 He said he does not expect Newsmax to follow through with the debate now that he's out.,,2,2 "A short letter from Trump's hand-picked Attorney General is not sufficient,” Sen. Kamala Harris of California wrote on Twitter Sunday.",A short letter from Trump's hand-picked Attorney General is not sufficient,1,1 "But Mr. Page urged the committee “to investigate the growing evidence of collusion between Clinton campaign associates, Comey and other former Obama administration officials.”",,2,2 “We now have a leadership team that listens to us.,,2,2 Campaign Chairman John Podesta told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Clinton “has a clear standard that (the deal) has got to be good for American workers or she thinks the United States should walk away from it.”,,2,2 "The letter released Tuesday by the faculty at Georgetown took Mr. Ryan to task for that argument, saying that Catholic teaching calls for government to step in and help when communities “face problems beyond their means to address, such as economic crises, high unemployment, endemic poverty and hunger.”",,2,2 "It was not immediately clear why Mattis' departure date was apparently moved up, but tension in the Defense Department and Washington generally has skyrocketed in the days since he suddenly announced his resignation.",,2,2 They were particularly incensed that Mr. Trump’s offer extended protections to Dreamers and T.P.S. recipients that he himself revoked.,,2,2 "“The Easter Egg Roll with my kids,” he said.",,2,2 "-Here are the facts: unlike many of his peers, Dick Blumenthal voluntarily joined the Marine Corps Reserves in 1970 and served for six months in Parris Island, SC and six years in the reserves.",,2,2 The whole hearing lasted about 50 minutes.,,2,2 "Kevin Rennie, a former Republican state lawmaker, published a blog post stating that the Times piece was ""fed to the paper by the Linda McMahon [Senate] campaign.""","Kevin Rennie, a former Republican state lawmaker, published a blog post stating that the Times piece was ""fed to the paper by the Linda McMahon [Senate] campaign.""",1,0 An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed Mr. Trump as the most favored candidate among Republicans who consider themselves Tea Party supporters.,,2,2 """Those two things would keep our Social Security system solvent for 75 years with really, I think, minor pain and a big gain,"" she told Fox News on Thursday.",,2,2 Sen. Ted Cruz has laid down the gauntlet in the growing war of words with Donald Trump over the Republican presidential candidates’ wives.,,2,2 Mr. Flynn’s legal troubles have only mounted in recent days.,,2,2 "“While I 100 percent support more transparency with respect to claims against members of Congress, I can neither confirm nor deny that settlement involved my office,” Mr. Farenthold said at the time.",,2,2 The article itself seems to have spawned little outrage.,,2,2 Stone has described his contact with the Russians ― who used the handle “Guccifer 2.0” ― as “benign.”,,2,2 Mr. Huckabee noted in regular audio updates Wednesday that Chick-fil-A did not participate in organizing the event.,,2,2 He has said newspapers are his greatest fear and joked about blowing up the headquarters of the Portland Press Herald.,joked about blowing up the headquarters of the Portland Press Herald,1,1 He also expressed his displeasure that the domestic spying programs' existence was leaked to the press.,,2,2 "Instead, his campaign released a new ad in which Akin looks into the camera and addresses the controversy surrounding his remarks.",,2,2 "But the legislation stalled in the Republican-controlled House, where some of the party’s more conservative members oppose any form of legal status as “amnesty.”",,2,2 "Huckabee, who is embarking on his second presidential run, made the announcement in his hometown of Hope, Ark.",,2,2 "On Fox News’ “Hannity,” she called on the Obamas to rebuke the N.A.A.C.P. and “set the record the straight.”",,2,2 "Speaking to reporters, Mr. Obama said the country had again been traumatized by grievous violence, which shattered more than 100 lives during a three-hour nightmare early Sunday, with 50 people killed and 53 wounded in the attack.",,2,2 He trailed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the general election nearly the entire way.,,2,2 """President Kennedy, like most presidents before and since, understood what I believe our current president does not: that American strength is a means of preventing war, not promoting it,” Rubio said.",,2,2 "His advisers have complained that Democrats are slowing the process, and resisting the kind of swift confirmation the Senate gave many of Obama’s nominees in 2009.","His advisers have complained that Democrats are slowing the process, and resisting the kind of swift confirmation the Senate gave many of Obama’s nominees in 2009.",1,0 """Hello, my name is the Republican Party, and I got a problem.",,2,2 "Then, the congressman, speaking in a barely audible whisper as he stood close to the reporter, said Mr. Scotto was “not man enough” and added: “I’ll break you in half. Like a boy.”","Then, the congressman, speaking in a barely audible whisper as he stood close to the reporter, said Mr. Scotto was “not man enough” and added: “I’ll break you in half. Like a boy.”",1,1 "Yet hours before the meeting began, what was billed as a somber security briefing had already taken on the sharp tone of a political showdown, as Mr. Trump charged that Democrats were sacrificing border security for a partisan advantage in the 2020 elections.",,2,2 "But Mrs. Clinton, whose appearance before Congress had been postponed since December because of illness, quickly departed from the script.",quickly departed from the script,1,1 "During a subsequent visit, Corfman reportedly claimed he took off her shirt and pants; touched her over her bra and underwear; and guided her hand to his underwear.",,2,2 "Since then, much intrigue has surrounded what conversations actually took place.",,2,2 "“It was unsettling, and also it seemed to be occupied. ",It was unsettling,1,0 "Huckabee made the announcement in his hometown of Hope, Arkansas.",,2,2 "“That is our plan,” Mr. Trump said.",,2,2 "whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it 'Afghanistan or Iraq, we owe our military men and women unconditional support.""",,2,2 Assertions that State Department posts are left vulnerable because Congress has decided not to fully fund security requests pervaded Wednesday's hearings.,,2,2 "John Boehner is setting expectations high -- but apparently not too high -- for this year's congressional elections, telling Fox News that the Democrats have a chance of retaking the House.",,2,2 "Law enforcement agencies have long said anecdotally that they are feeling the impacts of Colorado's legal weed, making more marijuana arrests and seizing more of the drug.",,2,2 Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Friday also praised Mueller’s office for “correcting the Buzzfeed false story” and asked the press to take heed that their hysterical desire to destroy this President has gone too far.”,desire to destroy this President has gone too far,1,0 "Dogged by scandals and plummeting popularity in his home state, Christie has seen many of the mega-donors who once toasted him drift toward his rivals, including former Florida governor Jeb Bush.”",Dogged by scandals and plummeting popularity in his home state,1,1 "In their remarks on Sunday, both Obama and Clinton referred to the shooting as an “act of terror"" and an ""act of hate.""",,2,2 Ramos later returned and Trump took several of his questions.,,2,2 """This strategy is very cynical but very obvious and transparent,"" he said in a statement.",,2,2 """As president, I'll end Obama's war on religion and I'll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage,"" the Texas governor continues.",liberal attacks on our religious heritage,1,1 "“Some likened it to the action of the tyrannical kings who claim that they have sole control, as one of our senators referred to here a few minutes ago.”","“Some likened it to the action of the tyrannical kings who claim that they have sole control, as one of our senators referred to here a few minutes ago.”",1,1 The oddsmakers who track congressional races with obsessive dedication project a handful of pickups for Republicans in the Senate -- but not necessarily enough to get to 51.,,2,2 The administration has argued that such a measure would put Americans at legal risk overseas from retaliating nations.,,2,2 "Mr. Pence did not directly answer whether the law might protect, for example, a Christian florist who denied service to a gay couple.","Mr. Pence did not directly answer whether the law might protect, for example, a Christian florist who denied service to a gay couple.",1,1 "Cornyn, the Senate's No. 2 Republican, and other supporters said the bill is narrowly tailored and applies only to acts of terrorism that occur on U.S. soil.",,2,2 "Since then, he said he's looked into it and believes ""there is a big possibility"" Obama may have violated the Constitution.",,2,2 "“Or, you might have a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school, never practiced law, serving as the next chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.”",,2,2 This followed a 97-1 vote hours earlier in the Senate.,,2,2 "Democrats were equally adamant, according to another official who was present for the discussion.",,2,2 “A lengthy investigation and multiple rounds of congressional testimony failed to produce a shred of evidence that Special Agent Strzok’s personal views ever affected his work.”,,2,2 "The deferments allowed Mr. Blumenthal to complete his studies at Harvard; pursue a graduate fellowship in England; serve as a special assistant to The Washington Post’s publisher, Katharine Graham; and ultimately take a job in the Nixon White House.",,2,2 Akin had also vowed to remain in the race earlier Tuesday on the radio show of former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.,,2,2 "Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, who is the third-ranking Republican in the House, made his comments in an interview with KBFX-TV in Bakersfield, Calif. just as his fellow GOP lawmakers are expected to unveil any day a set of “immigration principles” that reportedly call for a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants.",,2,2 "Trump confirmed that former Sen. Joe Lieberman is his top choice, according to White House pool reports.",,2,2 "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.","Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.",1,1 "“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a Florida news conference on July 27, 2016.",,2,2 "Stone ― who worked on presidential campaigns for Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and others ― took credit for Donald Trump’s presidential run and served as an informal adviser after he left Trump’s campaign in August 2015.",,2,2 The election is slated for 2014.,,2,2 "“You don’t get to tell your side of the story and then not be subjected to cross-examination,” said Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina.",,2,2 “You should go there and engage people and tell them what you believe in.”,,2,2 I don’t feel that I should be coerced.”,I don’t feel that I should be coerced,1,0 "It is also illegal for a government official to use “his official authority for the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate” for Senate.",,2,2 While the president's team has pointed to the Republican plan to turn Medicare into a quasi-voucher program -- in which recipients would receive a check to buy either insurance through the private market or traditional Medicare -- the Romney team has responded by noting that Obama took more than $700 billion out of Medicare as part of his health care overhaul.,,2,2 "He remains in critical condition, but has improved in the last 24 hours.",,2,2 "“Some people are saying that because of the position that Chick-fil-A is taking, they don’t want them in their cities.",,2,2 A Secret Service representative confirmed to HuffPost that the following tweets were in direct response to the controversial image.,,2,2 "“At that point, we were able to calm the situation, and victims were transported to the hospital,” Verderosa said.",,2,2 "Trump uses Twitter on a daily basis, and his campaign was credited for its use of Facebook as one of the ways it secured its victory in November 2016.",,2,2 "Ryan also discussed his affection for novelist Ayn Rand, saying “Atlas Shrugged” triggered his interest in economics.",,2,2 Delegates at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People approved the measure Tuesday in Kansas City.,,2,2 Mr. Hoyer and Mr. Clyburn have been part of the Democratic leadership team since 2003 and 2007.,,2,2 "“We intend to closely examine the implications of this bill and how it might affect future events as well as our work force,” he said.",,2,2 "The Arizona group said the call from Mr. Trump on Wednesday came unexpectedly, and the group had spent much of the day Thursday scurrying to make travel arrangements to New York.","the call from Mr. Trump on Wednesday came unexpectedly, and the group had spent much of the day Thursday scurrying to make travel arrangements to New York",1,1 The president has said he plans to meet with the Russian leader alone.,,2,2 "Arkansas Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson on Wednesday urged state lawmakers to change a controversial religious freedom bill sent to his desk a day earlier, in the face of criticism that it could allow businesses and others to discriminate based on sexual orientation.",,2,2 "“For the longest time we were saying, this is becoming a problem for us.”",,2,2 "The Post interviewed three other women who were teenagers at the time who claimed Moore pursued them when he was in his 30s, though he did not force them into any type of sexual relationship.",,2,2 "In the 1990's, Lerner also served as chief of enforcement at the Federal Elections Commission.",,2,2 "The most high-profile potential Republican candidate is former Sen. Scott Brown, who pulled off a surprise 2010 victory in the race for the open seat of Sen. Ted Kennedy.",,2,2 """When the [U.S. Capitol] Visitor Center was opened ... they did not have the national motto in there.",,2,2 "“I’m addicted to spending and big government,” he said, drawing cheers and applause from the thousands of people packed into the hotel ballroom.",the thousands of people packed into the hotel ballroom,1,1 "The South Carolina Republican set a deadline of May 1 for the interview and restated the committee is interested only in the deleted emails relating to Clinton’s response as secretary of state to the 2012 terror attacks on a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans were killed.",,2,2 "Yahoo was hacked in 2013, which affected all three billion of its accounts.",,2,2 A flood of angry responses quickly followed.,,2,2 "CNN, which conveniently happened to be staking out Stone's Fort Lauderdale home, posted video of the arrest that showed a team of FBI agents with guns banging on Stone’s door and demanding that he come outside.",which conveniently happened to be staking out Stone's Fort Lauderdale home,1,0 "Mr. Braley apologized to Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, and “anyone I may have offended” after video emerged of him warning that “a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school, never practiced law” could become chairman of the Judiciary Committee.",,2,2 Her discrimination claims were folded into a class action lawsuit covering all current female Wal-Mart employees and any who worked for the company going back to late 1998.,,2,2 "The lawsuit, which was brought by Nebraska’s attorney general, Jon Bruning, and Oklahoma’s attorney general, Scott Pruitt, accused Colorado officials of participating in a “scheme” that cultivates, packages and distributes marijuana in direct violation of controlled-substances laws while “ignoring every objective embodied in the federal drug control regulation.”",“scheme”,0,1 "“I did not sway my dad,” he said.",,2,2 "Brat shied away from explicitly identifying as a tea party candidate, saying he ran on Republican principles.",shied away,0,1 "The Washington Metrorail system recorded fewer than half as many rides on Friday morning as in 2009, and knots of bystanders along the inaugural parade route were not as thick.","The Washington Metrorail system recorded fewer than half as many rides on Friday morning as in 2009, and knots of bystanders along the inaugural parade route were not as thick.",1,1 "Sarah Palin, a vocal tea party supporter, said in a statement late Tuesday that she was ""saddened by the NAACP's claim that patriotic Americans ... are somehow 'racists.'""",,2,2 "He, along with several other members of Congress, suggested the most critical change may be to boost security for large lawmaker gatherings, even informal ones like the baseball practice in Alexandria, Va.",,2,2 "We can't afford to be politically correct anymore,"" the statement continued.",,2,2 "Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) said Wednesday that he has no plans to resign, adding that from this day forward, he will no longer talk to the media.",,2,2 "He later confirmed that vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan called him and told him to ""give some thought to stepping down,"" but didn't tell him to get out.",,2,2 "On the question of why the administration initially claimed the attack was the result of a protest, Biden explained ""the intelligence community told us that.""",,2,2 "She jousted with Republican lawmakers over who deserved blame for the security problems at the compound, and choked up as she described being at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington when the bodies of the Americans killed in the assault arrived from Libya.","She jousted with Republican lawmakers over who deserved blame for the security problems at the compound, and choked up as she described being at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington when the bodies of the Americans killed in the assault arrived from Libya.",1,1 "Spokesman Jim Manley said in a written statement that Republicans should show their sincerity about sensitivity to Sept. 11 survivors by backing a high-profile bill to grant health benefits to rescue workers, something that stalled in Congress earlier this month.",,2,2 """After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents and re-reading my words online, I can see more clearly how hurtful my words were.","""After many hours of prayer, talking to my parents and re-reading my words online, I can see more clearly how hurtful my words were.",1,1 "Rep. Michele Bachmann has declined to get into the scrum with Newsweek over its cover story of the presidential candidate called ""The Queen of Rage,"" accompanied by an unflattering photo of the Minnesota Republican, but others are calling the magazine out of bounds in its depiction.",,2,2 "Mr. Steele, seeking to clarify his remarks, issued a statement on Friday afternoon, saying, “There is no question that America must win the war on terror.”",,2,2 "Mattis opposed Trump’s proposed ban on transgender service members, as well as the use of torture in the interrogation of terrorist suspects.",,2,2 "The tweet of the lewd photo first was reported Saturday by BigGovernment.com, a website run by conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart.",,2,2 "In his tweets on Saturday, Mr. Trump urged social media companies to “let everybody participate, good & bad,” saying that while networks like CNN and MSNBC might be “fake news,” he does not “ask that their sick behavior be removed.”","“fake news,”",0,1 Zinke is a former Montana congressman and Navy SEAL.,,2,2 "Wearing a dark suit and red tie and accompanied by his wife, Melania, in a powder-blue suit and matching gloves, Mr. Trump took the 35-word oath administered by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. precisely at noon.",,2,2 "His family has been a household name in California politics for decades, and his father, also named Duncan Hunter, served in the U.S. House for nearly 30 years until handing the reins to his son.",,2,2 "I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish.""",,2,2 "Flynn stepped down in February, saying that he had misled the transition team, including then Vice President-elect Mike Pence, about the extent of his contacts with Russian officials, which included discussing sanctions and the creation of a backchannel with the Kremlin.",,2,2 "During a press conference Monday, President Obama even acknowledged that the country now knows that ""clearly (the staff in Benghazi) were not in a position where they were adequately protected.""",even,0,1 "Dempsey said: ""I would call myself surprised that she didn't.""","""I would call myself surprised that she didn't.""",0,1 "Kevin Sabet, president of anti-legalization group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, applauded the action by Nebraska and Oklahoma.",applauded,0,1 "That day, Mr. Trump defended his role in the Trump Tower Moscow discussions, brushing aside concerns that he was advancing his business interests at the time he was hoping to become president.",,2,2 "Braley's remarks were released Tuesday by America Rising, a conservative political action committee which conducts opposition research on Democrats.",which conducts opposition research on Democrats,1,0 "Combined, Obama's clarification and Reid's opposition represent a double dose of bad news for progressives and even Republicans who believed that a strong case could be made in favor of Cordoba House.",,2,2 """I believe we must do more than simply paper over the cracks,"" said Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona, one of a handful of House Democrats to endorse Ryan.",,2,2 "“The article omits key information regarding how a classified intelligence collection program is used to prevent terrorist attacks and the numerous safeguards that protect privacy and civil liberties,"" he said of the Guardian story.",,2,2 Shanahan is a former Boeing executive who joined the Pentagon in July 2017.,,2,2 "“I have five candidates, plus two, two that are unknown to anybody,” Mr. Trump said from Chicago, where he was raising money for his campaign.",,2,2 "Strzok exchanged texts with former FBI official Lisa Page that disparaged Trump as well as other politicians, including various Democrats.",,2,2 "“Like most Americans, the president believes we cannot allow a mere allegation, in this case one from many years ago, to destroy a person’s life,"" Sanders said.",,2,2 "He obtained his weapons legally, despite having been investigated by the FBI several times.",,2,2 "The world laughs at us. They won't be laughing if I'm elected president.""",,2,2 A series of explosive reports over the last week have heightened the appearance that Trump interfered with the investigation.,explosive,0,1 """To not read the full document, including all the text that was later amended, is to fail to acknowledge the struggle our nation has constantly fought, within and without, to 'keep' our Republic,"" he said in a written statement.",fail,0,1 "On Sunday, Ms. Zimmer issued a statement saying prosecutors in Mr. Fishman’s office had interviewed her about her accusation.",,2,2 "While in Ferguson, Holder met with federal officials investigating the case, as well as Brown's parents.",,2,2 "“This decision should be deeply troubling to all Americans,” Mr. Goelman added. ","“This decision should be deeply troubling to all Americans,”",1,0 "“I think we need to be very, very careful not to let partisanship undermine the integrity not only of the committee but our investigation and our work product,” he said.",,2,2 "“This bill is a massive federal government takeover that would undermine the integrity of our elections,” Mr. McCarthy said in a speech on Friday, in an attack on “this new, Democrat, socialist majority.”","“this new, Democrat, socialist majority.”",1,1 We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams.”,,2,2 "Mrs. Clinton sought to put the events in Benghazi in a regional context, noting the presence of a group in northern Mali affiliated with Al Qaeda.",,2,2 "The Intelligence Committee Republicans’ letter concluded, “Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as Chairman of this Committee, which alone in the House of Representatives has the obligation and authority to provide effective oversight of the U.S. intelligence community.”",,2,2 "Trying to regain momentum after losing a grinding two-month battle with lawmakers over funding the wall, Mr. Trump asserted that the flow of drugs, criminals and illegal immigrants from Mexico constituted a profound threat to national security that justified unilateral action.",profound,0,1 Republicans won control of the House in 2010 partly by arguing that Democrats had raided Medicare to pay for Mr. Obama’s health care law.,raided,0,1 "Most Americans oppose Mr. Trump’s emergency declaration, according to polls.",,2,2 "“These terrorizing acts are despicable and have no place in our country,” he said.","“These terrorizing acts are despicable and have no place in our country,”",1,0 "How are we gonna have verification of that?"" McCain said.",,2,2 "The line was an unscripted addition to a speech in which Bloomberg criticized Democrats, but argued that Trump was a “dangerous demagogue” and a bad businessman who would be a disastrous president.",Trump was a “dangerous demagogue” and a bad businessman who would be a disastrous president,1,1 "BuzzFeed’s original reporting sent Democrats on Capitol Hill into a furor as it suggested that Trump may have obstructed justice, thus providing grounds for impeachment or criminal charges.",,2,2 "But the public relations offensive is being met with public expressions of outrage from Mr. Obama’s base, including the most liberal members of Congress and spokesmen for interest groups on the left.",,2,2 "He and Mrs. Trump, a former model from Slovenia who became the first foreign-born first lady since John Quincy Adams’s wife, Louisa, started the day with a service at St. John’s Episcopal Church adjacent to Lafayette Square, then joined the Obamas, Bidens and Pences for coffee at the White House.",,2,2 "He told the newspaper that he expected legislation clarifying the law to be introduced in the General Assembly this week, but offered no details.",but offered no details,1,1 The provisions — “one on roving authority for electronic surveillance and the other on the acquisition of business records that are relevant to investigations to protect against international terrorism or espionage” — were added to the 1978 law by the Patriot Act.,,2,2 Trump told NBC News in an interview that plans to decide by June whether to run.,,2,2 "Using hand gestures, multiple impersonations and his infamous chalkboard, he took the usual swipes at Democrats.",he took the usual swipes at Democrats,1,1 "“I feel very badly for Gen. Flynn,” Trump told reporters before leaving for a trip to Utah, saying that Flynn’s life has been “ruined.”",,2,2 "For the country, it could be four years.",,2,2 “She has committed no crime except to follow me on Twitter.”,,2,2 Her outburst ran counter to all Democratic talking points.,outburst,0,1 "He was also expected to be charged with obstruction of justice, for allegedly lying under oath in a federal lawsuit.",,2,2 Republican Whip Steve Scalise called on Democrats to match Trump's willingness to negotiate.,,2,2 "In a 30-minute speech that focused on his humble beginnings, Huckabee vowed to end “stagnant wages,” protect Medicare and defeat radical Islamic terrorism.",,2,2 "“The solution to this impasse was to separate funding the government from our disagreements over border security,” Schumer said, adding that “we can never hold American workers hostage again.”",“we can never hold American workers hostage again.”,1,0 "But it does not extend to civil unions, registered domestic partnerships or other legal relationships, the Treasury said.",,2,2 """You talk about magnets -- you put in place a magnet.""","""You talk about magnets -- you put in place a magnet.""",1,1 "At the time, he repeatedly said he would not allow the incident to distract him from his job, as he likened what he described as a ""prank"" to somebody shouting out an insult or throwing a pie during a speech.",,2,2 "“I think politics needs to be set aside here, and I hope this doesn’t lead to name-calling,” said Mr. Mattioli, who joined Mr. Hutchinson at the news conference.",,2,2 "The New Haven Register on July 20, 2006, described him as “a veteran of the Vietnam War,” and on April 6, 2007, said that the attorney general had “served in the Marines in Vietnam.”",,2,2 "In the meantime, about 800,000 federal employees ― about half furloughed, half deemed “essential” and required to work anyway ― face real problems with their household finances.",,2,2 "Summers said that he doesn't think that Congress would take a step that ""materially increases the risk that this economy will stall out.""",,2,2 """My son Seth signed the petition asking me, Dad, the governor, to veto this bill,"" he said.",,2,2 "He kept a home in suburban Richmond and sent his children to school there, but he spent much of his time in recent years traveling across the country to raise money and campaign for Republican candidates.",,2,2 "“Our thoughts and prayers are with the members of Congress, their staffs, Capitol Police, first responders, and all others affected,” he said in a statement.",,2,2 But fellow Republicans suggested that he had not.,,2,2 "And, Mr. Rubio will offer his greater vision of the country’s broader role in the world.",greater,0,1 "During that trip, he was photographed at a gala sitting next to the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin.",,2,2 "She doesn’t smoke, drinks occasionally and eats a diet rich in protein.",,2,2 "While the document dump does soften some of the more critical theories that have arisen with respect to the White House's handling of the events in Benghazi, it could also embolden critics who now see an administration willing to accommodate demands for documents.",,2,2 "Earnest also said the Indiana law was a ""significant expansion"" of current law.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump told Axios that while he initially believed he needed a constitutional amendment or action by Congress to make the change, the White House Counsel’s Office has advised him otherwise.",,2,2 "“I’m distressed to hear you think that judges of the Supreme Court is an organ of a party,” Gorsuch told Whitehouse.",,2,2 "“It’s about some phony ideal, some phony theology.",phony,0,1 "Mr. Ryan compared the idea of doing so to Barack Obama’s 2012 action to grant work permits and deportation reprieves to some undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children, which Republicans, including Mr. Trump, vociferously protested as a naked abuse of presidential power.",vociferously protested as a naked abuse of presidential power,1,1 "Sasha, 13, wore a maroon dress, a cardigan sweater, a pair of white midcalf-high socks and black ankle boots.",,2,2 Mr. Thibodeau said many Senate Republicans were still deciding whether or not Mr. LePage’s apology and promise to seek “spiritual guidance” had allayed their concerns about the governor — a process that could deepen their divide with Republicans in the House and pull the controversy into a second week.,,2,2 "The White House did not offer Mr. Sestak a full-time paid position because Mr. Emanuel wanted him to stay in the House rather than risk losing his seat, so he considered “uncompensated advisory board options.”",,2,2 "The debate cast a shadow over preparations in Indianapolis for the N.C.A.A. men’s basketball tournament, which will take place in Indianapolis on Saturday and next Monday.",,2,2 "It also follows action by the Trump administration to try to discourage legal immigrants from using public benefits through a new federal rule that would deny green card status to people who use social safety net services, like food assistance and Medicaid.",,2,2 "Sestak's opponent in the general election for the Senate seat, Republican Pat Toomey, questioned why it took so long for this explanation.",,2,2 "Mrs. Clinton’s decision leaves it to the State Department to determine whether parts of her correspondence should be redacted if they contain information that could be damaging to national security, or for other reasons.",,2,2 "Rubio repeated his characterization of Obama as a president so concerned with softening any perception other nations has of the United States as a bully that he erred in acting in the other extreme, eager to acquiesce to foreign governments that have thumbed their noses at the U.S. and international laws.","Obama as a president so concerned with softening any perception other nations has of the United States as a bully that he erred in acting in the other extreme, eager to acquiesce to foreign governments that have thumbed their noses at the U.S. and international laws.",1,1 """It is very important to me that the right Republican candidate be chosen to defeat the failed and very destructive Obama administration, but if that Republican, in my opinion, is not the right candidate, I am not willing to give up my right to run as an independent candidate,"" he said.",,2,2 """Lieberman is probably the only person who can get 100 votes in the Senate,"" Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, said on Capitol Hill on Thursday after the closed Senate briefing with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.","""Lieberman is probably the only person who can get 100 votes in the Senate,""",1,1 "Mr. Boehner facetiously said that Mr. Obama, as a former Democratic senator, could help: “I’m sure he has great influence over there in terms of getting them to take up these bills that really will help put the American people back to work.”",facetiously,0,0 "When Cantor lost his seat in a shock result Tuesday, conservatives in the House were not prepared to unite behind a standard-bearer, much less wage an organized effort to whip up votes in support of a candidate for majority leader.",,2,2 "“I don’t know her,” he said before quickly correcting himself. “I hardly know her.",,2,2 "Representative Michael G. Grimm, a former F.B.I. agent and Marine who capitalized on his straight-arrow image to win a seat in Congress, was expected to be indicted on federal fraud charges after a lengthy corruption investigation, people with knowledge of the case said on Friday.",who capitalized on his straight-arrow image,1,1 He said he had tried to stick to a consistent way of describing his military experience: that he served as a member of the United State Marine Corps Reserve during the Vietnam era.,,2,2 "Ryan first told a humanizing story about Romney caring for a family whose children were in a car crash, a story clearly prepared to push back against the portrait of Romney as out of touch and uncaring.",,2,2 "Asked Wednesday about the possibility of Sanders seeking her removal, Wasserman Schultz said she’s not worried about her job.",,2,2 "Republicans challenge Clinton claims on budget cuts, Benghazi cable",,2,2 "At that March 2 event, which can be found here on You Tube, Blumenthal, advocating for troops returning from war, clearly says, ""We have learned something very important since the days that I served in Vietnam...",clearly,0,1 "Mr. Cantor, 51, who is in his seventh term, had sought to counter Mr. Brat’s accusations that he was too willing to compromise on immigration.",,2,2 I’m not going to do that.”,,2,2 "“We are especially concerned about how this legislation could affect our student-athletes and employees,” said NCAA President Mark Emmert.","“We are especially concerned about how this legislation could affect our student-athletes and employees,”",1,1 "Democrats have been pounding LePage, saying that he needs to step down and questioning his mental abilities.",questioning his mental abilities,1,1 He grew frustrated when he saw older workers enduring financial hardships in low-paying jobs.,,2,2 “Mitt Romney should do the right thing and denounce this dangerous language.”,dangerous,0,1 "Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., meanwhile, lamented the increasing politicization of Supreme Court nominations and implored his Democratic colleagues to vote on the man – not the party of the president who nominated him.",,2,2 Trump promised hundreds of times during his campaign that the wall would cost taxpayers nothing because he would get Mexico to pay for it.,hundreds of times,0,1 "“I’m protecting my wife, who every day is waking up to these insane stories that are getting so far from reality,” he told CNN.","“I’m protecting my wife, who every day is waking up to these insane stories that are getting so far from reality,”",1,0 Tradition dictates that political parties out of power do what they can to expand their coalition.,,2,2 "Patti Davis, the daughter of Ronald Reagan, could relate.",,2,2 "Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas have introduced legislation to amend their laws.",,2,2 "The statute of limitations, though, has long since passed.",,2,2 "“I am afraid that Chairman Ryan’s budget reflects the values of his favorite philosopher Ayn Rand rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ,” said Father Reese.",,2,2 "The report comes one day after President Obama insisted ""nothing improper"" happened with Sestak.",,2,2 "In June 2016, Trump Jr. accepted a now-highly scrutinized meeting with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, after he allegedly was promised “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.","In June 2016, Trump Jr. accepted a now-highly scrutinized meeting with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, after he allegedly was promised “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.",1,1 He called it an “especially heartbreaking day” for the gay community.,,2,2 "“This is an opportunity for this committee to finally do the work that it should have been doing for years,” Mr. Corker said.",,2,2 The timing of the White House's document release raises its own set of questions.,,2,2 "“There’s a legal standard that needs to be met for impeachment and then there’s a very practical standard that has to be met,” Schiff said.",,2,2 Ms. Coulter fired back shortly afterward.,,2,2 Mrs. Clinton defended Ms. Rice even as she appeared to distance herself from Ms. Rice’s comments.,,2,2 "And in many cases -- and in fact in most cases -- most physicians recommend, if there is a problem, they recommend abortion,"" Santorum said.",,2,2 And actor Ashton Kutcher recently tweeted: “Indiana are you also going to allow Christian establishments to ban Jews from coming in? Or Vice Versa? Religious freedom??? #OUTRAGE.”,“Indiana are you also going to allow Christian establishments to ban Jews from coming in? Or Vice Versa? Religious freedom??? #OUTRAGE.”,1,1 "“It’s not about Mr. Obama. It’s about preventing any questions from coming up in the future, putting something in place so no one could question it.”",,2,2 Glenn Beck CPAC 2010 Speech VIDEO: Republicans Don't Need A Big Tent,,2,2 "“It just showed me that there’s something wrong,” he said, adding that he became interested in gay rights at about the same time, when friends began discussing their sexual orientations and after the arrest of an art teacher, who was gay.",,2,2 President Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform drafted a plan that would tweak Social Security by increasing taxes and reducing benefits both.,,2,2 "“And while there isn’t anything normal about the life you are living right now, you still can be.”",,2,2 About a quarter of the federal government ran out of operating money at midnight Dec. 21 after Trump reneged on his commitment to a sign a short-term spending bill that had already passed the Senate on a unanimous vote.,,2,2 "No one I have ever talked to.""",,2,2 "From Washington on Monday, Gov. Jack Markell of Delaware, a Democrat, told Ronan Farrow of MSNBC that if Ms. Brewer signs the measure, “the N.F.L. may be looking, or maybe should be looking, to move the Super Bowl out of the state.”",,2,2 """He’s not a Republican. Absolutely not,” Fox said.",,2,2 "We have an issue with their acceptance and welcoming of white supremacists into their organizations,"" he said.",We have an issue with their acceptance and welcoming of white supremacists into their organizations,1,1 "God bless you, God bless Texas, God bless America.”",,2,2 "Last month, a feisty crowd of Brat supporters booed Cantor in front of his family at a local party convention.","Last month, a feisty crowd of Brat supporters booed Cantor in front of his family at a local party convention.",1,0 "Privately, many harbor suspicions that he obstructed justice, collaborated with the Russians in 2016 or both.",,2,2 "The so-called “HR 1” measure embraced by House Democrats aims to curb big money in politics, make it easier to vote and bolster election security.",,2,2 "Wednesday’s gathering in the Situation Room, a secure chamber in the basement of the White House where military operations are tracked and other sensitive discussions unfold, was a conscious effort by Mr. Trump and his aides to infuse a sense of national-security crisis into the immigration discussion.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON –- The White House on Wednesday released the full set of emails surrounding the Obama administration’s development of talking points describing the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya, in response to continuing charges from congressional Republicans that there was a massive political “cover-up” of what transpired there.",“cover-up”,0,1 Administration officials warn that it would put Americans overseas at legal risk and leave the United States vulnerable to bogus lawsuits ― and hefty bills ― in court systems around the world.,,2,2 "But they have remained close, speaking often by telephone.",,2,2 "Under federal law, justices must step aside from cases where their “impartiality might reasonably be questioned” ― and they did so in 180 cases during the court’s last term, according to a new analysis by Fix the Court, a group that pushes for structural reform at the Supreme Court.",,2,2 That’s what it was about.”,That’s what it was about.”,1,0 "The #TrumpShutdown will soon end, but the work goes on.”",,2,2 """You've got to understand, this for me is not about the right side or the wrong side of history, this is the right side of the Bible, and unless God rewrites it, edits it, sends it down with his signature on it, it's not my book to change.",,2,2 "Judge Gorsuch must earn the support of at least eight Democrats to break a filibuster — a threshold he is not on track to meet, at least so far, according to interviews and internal party discussions.",,2,2 President Donald Trump said he’s considering an executive order to remove the right to citizenship for babies born in the U.S. to parents who aren’t citizens ― a right enshrined in the 14th Amendment that could likely be changed only through a constitutional amendment.,enshrined,0,1 "The plaintiffs’ theory is that a centralized companywide policy gave local managers too much discretion in pay and promotion decisions, leaving Wal-Mart vulnerable to gender stereotypes.",,2,2 "In a February interview, Mr. Brat spoke of the difficulty he had in rounding up conservative support despite meeting with powerful groups and donors to try to convince them that he was worth the investment.",,2,2 "To underscore that point, numerous polls have shown an erosion in Jewish support for the president.""","To underscore that point, numerous polls have shown an erosion in Jewish support for the president.""",1,1 "Mr. LePage’s six years in office here, which began as part of the Tea Party sweep in 2010, have been marked by controversy.",,2,2 "The lame-duck Congress so far has approved a food safety bill, which still needs a final vote in the House, and a $4.5 billion settlement payment to black farmers and American Indians who claimed they were discriminated against by the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Interior.",,2,2 "“Truth be told, the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy,” Bloomberg said.",the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy,1,1 "Among those predicting a flurry of judicial decisions against Mr. Trump was George T. Conway III, a conservative lawyer and the husband of Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor.",,2,2 "There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam.",,2,2 The charge against Sandra Jackson carries a maximum of three years in prison.,,2,2 "Both Democrats and Republicans have denounced the remarks, as many legislators called for a special session to at least rebuke the governor over his latest tirade.",,2,2 "“Nah,” Malia said quickly.","“Nah,” Malia said quickly.",1,1 """Who has ever called a man 'The King of Rage?'","""Who has ever called a man 'The King of Rage?'",1,1 "“If they reach a deal, I suspect the majority of our conference will support the speaker.",,2,2 "“I got your back - the Bronx and Detroit ride together,” she tweeted.",,2,2 "“Motives matter, and I think you can see who was behind this,” Woodhouse said.",,2,2 "“We really have no choice but to build a powerful wall or steel barrier,” Mr. Trump said.",,2,2 "The Vermont senator said he still plans to compete in next Tuesday’s Washington, D.C., primary, the final contest on the calendar.",,2,2 “Unfortunately this letter is nothing new. ,,2,2 "By 2085, it will be able to pay 74 percent of promised benefits.",,2,2 "“You might think that’s okay that they lied about the meeting,” Schiff said.","“You might think that’s okay that they lied about the meeting,”",1,1 The White House nevertheless insists that its package of proposals has teeth.,,2,2 "He did, as well, with Trump, whom he knew from New York's glitzy social circuit and from dealings with him as a developer.",,2,2 Obama vetoed the bill last week and issued a lengthy statement with it.,,2,2 """Radical Islam advocates hate for women, gays, Jews, Christians and all Americans.",,2,2 Tea Party groups say there is no racism within the movement.,,2,2 "Seth Hutchinson, though, refused to take credit.","Seth Hutchinson, though, refused to take credit.",1,1 "“What seems to me a very serious problem in this case is, how do you work out the back pay?” Justice Ginsburg asked.",,2,2 Others are not waiting until Friday to post their photos.,,2,2 There is always a chance that grassroots fervor in support of Labrador could gain a level of intensity that Boehner and McCarthy did not anticipate.,,2,2 "Mr. Fox’s successor, Felipe Calderón, expressed similar concerns about the wall this month.",,2,2 """I remember how humiliating that was and how angry I was and the impact it had on me,"" Holder said.",,2,2 "Rice's statements were among the Obama administration's toughest on Netanyahu's speech, set for March 3.",,2,2 "And though the long-term economic damage caused by the shutdown remains to be seen, it appears that at the very least the short-term pain was more costly than a down payment on the border wall.",the long-term economic damage caused by the shutdown remains to be seen,1,1 """Congressman, that cable did not come to my attention,"" Clinton testified before the House Foreign Affairs committee.",,2,2 """I'm saying that local communities and parents should be the ones in control over public education, certainly not the federal government, and I think the state governments have not done a particularly good job in public education, either,"" Santorum said.",,2,2 "The second-term congressman represents New York’s 11th District, which includes Staten Island and part of Brooklyn.",,2,2 The ruling allows homosexual couples to receive the same tax benefits that heterosexual couples do when filing jointly.,,2,2 """This is our first task as a society: keeping our children safe.",,2,2 "He has no federal law enforcement experience and, while currently at a high-profile law firm, is most associated as a centrist Democrat.",,2,2 "At its heart, he said, ""this bill is not really complicated.""",,2,2 "In a statement, union President Randi Weingarten called the report ""a cruel hoax that will fail to keep our children and schools safe,"" adding that the findings ""are simply designed to assist gun manufacturers flood the nation and our schools with more guns.""","""a cruel hoax that will fail to keep our children and schools safe,""",1,1 Jeb Bush later said he had misunderstood the question.,,2,2 But the cordiality dissipated not long after Mr. Trump declared his candidacy.,,2,2 "The plan commits itself to the idea – which is heavily favored by many Republicans – that immigration reform will be handled in a piecemeal fashion, instead of comprehensively, as the Senate did.",,2,2 "He represents northeast Ohio, a region full of the type of disaffected union workers and former Democrats who helped Republican Donald Trump win that battleground state and the White House.",,2,2 "“Make no mistake,” he said. ",,2,2 "Six people, including two congressmen, two police officers, a congressional aide and a lobbyist, were injured in the attack in an Alexandria, Virginia, park.",,2,2 “Today’s indictment is a reminder that no one is above the law.”,“Today’s indictment is a reminder that no one is above the law.”,1,1 "Republicans have repeatedly charged that Obama administration officials deliberately played down the attack, focusing much of their criticism on Susan E. Rice, the ambassador to the United Nations and once Mr. Obama’s choice to succeed Mrs. Clinton.","repeatedly charged that Obama administration officials deliberately played down the attack, focusing much of their criticism on Susan E. Rice, the ambassador to the United Nations and once Mr. Obama’s choice to succeed Mrs. Clinton.",1,0 “Being against gay marriage is not being anti-gay.”,“Being against gay marriage is not being anti-gay.”,1,1 "Ms. Pelosi then laid out the legislative proposals she planned to bring up on Thursday, detailing how the spending measures had all received broad bipartisan support either in committees or on the floor in the Republican-controlled Congress.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump and his allies seized on the texts — exchanged during the 2016 campaign with a former F.B.I. lawyer, Lisa Page — in assailing the Russia investigation as an illegitimate “witch hunt.” ",,2,2 "Huckabee is the third Republican this week to announce a 2016 White House bid, following Fiorina and Carson, a retired neurosurgeon They join Cruz, Paul and Rubio.",,2,2 "Despite the escalating political friction, the atmosphere in the hearing room on Thursday was often more perfunctory than passionate, as panels of witnesses selected by Democrats and Republicans alternately expressed concerns that Judge Gorsuch was too conservative or praised him as a well-qualified and careful judge.",,2,2 "“Yes the government can help,” Mr. Santorum added.",,2,2 “The Arab revolutions have scrambled power dynamics and shattered security forces across the region.,,2,2 "Christie, a tough-talking former federal prosecutor whose reputation for political bullying was reinforced by a George Washington Bridge lane-closing scandal last year, has served as New Jersey governor since January 2010, winning election twice in a state where Democrats greatly outnumber Republicans.",whose reputation for political bullying was reinforced by a George Washington Bridge lane-closing scandal last year,1,1 "Gen. Martin Dempsey responded: ""Well, I don't know that she didn't know about the cable.""",,2,2 "Colorado voters approved Amendment 64, legalizing recreational marijuana in the state, in 2012.",,2,2 The declaration also provided that land may be transferred to the Defense Department from other federal agencies or from privately purchased or condemned land.,,2,2 "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not upset over Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s vulgar comment on impeaching President Donald Trump, said just hours after Thursday’s swearing-in ceremony on the House floor.",,2,2 "After Trump won the election, Wikileaks suggested that Trump should prod Australia to appoint the site’s founder, Julian Assange, ambassador to the United States.",,2,2 Mr. Trump contended that Mr. Strzok targeted the president and accused Mr. Strzok of being “treasonous” and a “disgrace.” ,,2,2 "They are basically casting her as a nut job,"" O'Neill said to The Daily Caller and NOW confirmed to FoxNews.com on Tuesday.",They are basically casting her as a nut job,1,1 House Speaker Paul Ryan used similar language at a CNN event Tuesday.,,2,2 "As for what he wants, Sanders said he’ll continue to fight what he called the “drift” toward an oligarchic society.",,2,2 "“, I invited you to come and apologize to all Mexicans.",,2,2 "“When the department asked former secretaries last year for help ensuring their emails were in fact retained, we immediately said yes,” Nick Merrill, the Clinton spokesman, said on Sunday.",,2,2 "By late Thursday, the president appeared increasingly likely to leave Friday for a nine-day foreign trip without picking a new director, according to three senior administration officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.",,2,2 "“He’s cool,” Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray said of Mr. Cowan. “Tom Brady, George Clooney, James Bond and the president have nothing on Mo.”",,2,2 "During the campaign, he promised a “great, great” wall made of reinforced concrete that would rise 30 feet or more and extend so far underground that it would be impossible to tunnel underneath.","“great, great”",0,1 "The Democratic National Committee alerted reporters that Jennifer Granholm, the Democratic governor of Michigan, also supports the deal.",,2,2 "Norm Stamper, the former Seattle police chief who was in charge during the protests that rocked that city in 1999, said that the wrong tone was set from the first day in Ferguson.","Norm Stamper, the former Seattle police chief who was in charge during the protests that rocked that city in 1999, said that the wrong tone was set from the first day in Ferguson.",1,1 Peña Nieto’s approval rating fell to a record low earlier this year amid several corruption scandals.,,2,2 The administration’s strategy reflects the uncertainty of gun politics in America and the desire by White House officials to address the Connecticut shooting while also confronting the broader deficiencies in the country’s criminal justice and mental health systems.,,2,2 “His conduct is unbecoming of a member of Congress.”,“His conduct is unbecoming of a member of Congress.”,1,1 "Michael Richard Pence, a former governor and congressman from Indiana, was sworn in minutes before as vice president by Justice Clarence Thomas.",,2,2 The White House did not immediately respond to requests for clarification of the legal grounds the president’s lawyers have given him for validating such a move.,,2,2 """I mean, this is just all an attempt to, you know, to centralize power and to give more power to the government,"" Santorum said.",,2,2 """It’s a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok.""","""It’s a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok.""",1,1 "Social media companies, facing pressure from lawmakers and users over their role in the rise of misinformation and partisan division, have promised to step up their enforcement practices. ",,2,2 "Labrador says this about himself on his website: “Born to a single mother in Puerto Rico, Raúl Labrador moved with his mother to the mainland U.S. at age 13.”",,2,2 """Although Rep. Akin has apologized, I believe he should take time with his family to consider whether this statement will prevent him from effectively representing our party in this critical election.""",,2,2 "The California Democrat spoke briefly to reporters after the vote, saying she feels “exhilarated” at being re-elected.",,2,2 Ahead of the meeting Trump sent a letter to members of Congress congratulating Pelosi on her election as speaker and calling on Congress to re-open the government.,,2,2 "Hutchinson's report and his press conference were both met with scathing criticism from the American Federation of Teachers, which supports broader gun control measures and strongly opposes arming educators.",scathing,0,1 "“Benefits of that nature may well be appropriate, and states are able to make a provision for the determination of those kinds of rights,” Mr. Romney said Wednesday.",,2,2 "“This is a debate we want to have,” he said.",,2,2 """I recommend that every member read the classified version, which goes into greater detail that I cannot speak to here today.",,2,2 """How come his own family doesn't know which hospital he was born in?","""How come his own family doesn't know which hospital he was born in?",1,1 "A little before 10 p.m., the Democrats secured their final out for an 11-2 victory, taking a 40-to-39 edge in the lifetime series.",,2,2 "The conspiracy charge against the former congressman carries a maximum statutory penalty of up to five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and other penalties.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump’s offer to Democrats over the weekend seeking to trade temporary protections for some immigrants in exchange for funding for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border received positive coverage from some outlets, including being called a “compromise” and a move by Trump “toward the center.”",,2,2 "Romney's comments were far more measured than some other Republicans, who have openly accused the president of disrespecting religion and using the issue for political gain.",,2,2 "Some Republican senators who pushed the bill through the Legislature are now calling for a veto as well, but they cite ""inaccurate"" information about the measure for igniting a firestorm.",,2,2 Calling The Senate GOP's Bluff: Multiple Bills Likely To Come Up Before Tax Cuts,Calling The Senate GOP's Bluff,1,1 "Romney said he supports states' rights to make decisions on domestic partnership benefits, including hospital visitation.",,2,2 "Mary Cheney, one of ex-Vice President Dick Cheney’s two daughters, has taken to Facebook to blast her older sibling, Elizabeth, a Wyoming Senate candidate, for the latter’s stance on same-sex marriage, The New York Times is reporting.",blast,0,1 "And reforming the tax code can help.""",,2,2 "“I wanted it over with – I wanted out,” she told the Post, apparently recalling her train of thought at the time.",apparently,0,0 """What we are watching on our TV screens is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy,"" Ryan said.",,2,2 "Mr. Cowan, who usually wears a bow tie but opted not to for this occasion, is a former chief of staff and chief legal counsel to Mr. Patrick, the state’s first black governor.",who usually wears a bow tie,1,1 "Several lawmakers have spoken out against the speech, saying it could cause additional strain on international talks over Iran's nuclear plans.",,2,2 Boehner has refused to budge from his refusal to consider raising tax rates on top earners while arguing that heavy spending cuts are needed.,refused to budge,0,1 "He added later, ""That's a decision that every Republican will have to make in laying out the principles, but that's my personal position.""",,2,2 "What it accomplished among undecided voters, if anything, is hard to tell and will take days to sort out.",,2,2 "“We know how to win elections,” she said Wednesday.",,2,2 But they do not know what’s going on on the ground.”,,2,2 "WASHINGTON—Joining a chorus of Catholic bishops , theologians, priests, and social justice leaders, nearly 90 Georgetown University faculty and administrators have called Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) to task for his misuse of Catholic social teaching in defending his budget, which hurts the poor.","Joining a chorus of Catholic bishops , theologians, priests, and social justice leaders",1,1 "Indeed, Public Citizen, an advocacy group, filed suit by the end of the day on behalf of three Texas landowners whose property might be taken for a barrier.",,2,2 Pressing this question did not knock Gorsuch off his steady stream of non-answers.,,2,2 The local police were in control; then another unit took over.,,2,2 Mr. Earnest said he did not know whether Mr. Obama and Ms. Rice had talked in advance of the interview about what she would say about Mr. Netanyahu’s visit.,,2,2 "“It is the sovereign right of every nation to establish an immigration program in its national interest—lawfully admitting those who have followed the rules, while denying entry to those who break the rules or fail to meet the requirements established in law.""",,2,2 """You’ve been named as well, Amanda,"" Cohen said, referring to the National Enquirer piece.",,2,2 "He wants to makes sure, first and foremost, that the middle class does not have their taxes go up on January 1st.”","He wants to makes sure, first and foremost, that the middle class does not have their taxes go up on January 1st.”",1,1 "“If a civil union is identical to marriage other than with the name, why, I don’t support that,” he said Wednesday.",,2,2 "Ms. Pelosi sat for an interview alongside Speaker Paul D. Ryan, Republican of Wisconsin.",,2,2 Mr. Trump on Monday night releasedseveralscreen shots of his messages with WikiLeaks.,,2,2 Selling them on the Hill will take a bit of legislative craft.,,2,2 Ms. Harf said that Mrs. Clinton was the only secretary of state who had sent back copies of emails.,Ms. Harf said that Mrs. Clinton was the only secretary of state who had sent back copies of emails.,1,1 And backers said that it wouldn't hurt to try to live by the aspirations of the Founding Fathers.,,2,2 "By Monday, Ms. Lauten had resigned as communications director to Representative Stephen Fincher, a farmer and gospel singer perhaps best known for his whimsically named hometown, Frog Jump.",a farmer and gospel singer perhaps best known for his whimsically named hometown,1,1 "During multiple committee hearings and floor debate, GOP representatives castigated the bill as a federal power grab designed to help Democrats win elections by allowing increased voting access and nonpartisan gerrymandering.",by allowing increased voting access and nonpartisan gerrymandering,1,1 He and wife Stacy have two young sons.,,2,2 """All three subpoenas focus on the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge.",,2,2 From Dec. 22 through Jan. 25—for 35 days—the White House and congressional Democrats battled over border security funding.,,2,2 "Pelosi’s supporters said her experience is what the party needs now more than ever, going up against President-elect Donald Trump and a GOP-controlled Congress: She’s battle-tested, she’s a prolific fundraiser and she knows better than anyone how to count votes and keep her party together.","Pelosi’s supporters said her experience is what the party needs now more than ever, going up against President-elect Donald Trump and a GOP-controlled Congress: She’s battle-tested, she’s a prolific fundraiser and she knows better than anyone how to count votes and keep her party together.",1,1 "Former GOP candidate Rick Santorum, for example, put out a statement shortly after Romney's remarks that claimed Obama ""has consistently fought against protecting the institution of marriage from radical social engineering at both the state and federal level.""","""has consistently fought against protecting the institution of marriage from radical social engineering at both the state and federal level.""",1,1 It's unclear whether Obama might drop that demand if he gets what he wants on tax rates.,,2,2 "The Republican primary poll was taken as part of a March 31-April 4 survey of 1,000 adults, but the sample survey of Republican primary voters polled was only 238.",,2,2 Trump’s remarks were riddled with falsehoods on everything from trade to the number of illegal immigrants in the country to the way NATO works.,Trump’s remarks were riddled with falsehoods,1,1 "In a joint appearance at the White House with Mr. Komorowski, Mr. Obama said that “economists across the country have upwardly revised their forecasts for growth” after the tax deal was announced on Monday night.",,2,2 Trump also falsely stated that the U.S. is “the only country in the world” that offers citizenship to those born here.,,2,2 "Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) announced Tuesday that he would introduce legislation “along the same lines as the proposed executive order from President Trump” to end birthright citizenship, a policy change he has supported for years.",,2,2 GOP Rep. Blake Farenthold Resigns After Sexual Harassment Allegations,,2,2 "The governor, a Republican, told The Indianapolis Star on Saturday that he was taken aback by negative reactions to the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which he signed into law on Thursday.",,2,2 "“If you want results, you have to compromise, and if you’re unwilling to compromise, you won’t get results,” said Senator Heidi Heitkamp, Democrat of North Dakota.",,2,2 "However, they would achieve the goal in different ways.",,2,2 "But instead of emerging from the talks complaining about each other, as was the case following phone calls last week, each side released an identical statement.",,2,2 "“This was essentially a hacked account that had a gag photo sent out on it,” Mr. Weiner, a Democrat, said during an interview in his office here.",,2,2 "Etheridge, who has represented North Carolina's 2nd Congressional District since 1997, is running for re-election against Republican Renee Ellmers, a registered nurse, in November.",,2,2 Such single-mindedness belies the serious and stubborn vulnerabilities of his campaign.,Such single-mindedness belies the serious and stubborn vulnerabilities of his campaign.,1,1 "But the message from Tuesday is clear -- Americans are looking for a change in the status quo,"" Labrador said in a statement.",Americans are looking for a change in the status quo,1,1 "After the content from Mr. Jones and his website, Infowars, was removed, he issued a plea to Mr. Trump to block the companies’ actions and “come out before the midterms and make the censorship the big issue.”",,2,2 Mr. Vance left over President Jimmy Carter’s decision to attempt a rescue effort for American hostages in Iran that Mr. Vance considered ill-advised and that ended in tragedy.,Mr. Vance considered ill-advised and that ended in tragedy,1,0 Mr. Jordan said the president has already “been clear he is going to ask Mr. Putin some tough questions.”,,2,2 "Akin, though, told Fox News host Mike Huckabee on his radio show Tuesday afternoon that he's staying in.",,2,2 Schumer bashed by the left over shutdown-ending deal,,2,2 """I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work,"" the president said during a speech at Key Bridge in Washington, D.C., where he was highlighting the need for federal funding of infrastructure repairs nationwide.",,2,2 "The anger on the left was reminiscent of conservative unrest that fueled primary race challenges against sitting Republican senators accused of appeasing an opposition president, Barack Obama, and his congressional allies.",,2,2 And on Monday the highest-ranking Democrat in the Senate officially came out against construction of the mosque in its current location,,2,2 "Reps. Steny Hoyer, Maryland, kept the No. 2 job of House minority whip, and Jim Clyburn, South Carolina, remained in No. 3 position of assistant leader.",,2,2 "The Democratic leaders seemed short on concrete strategies, too, committing generally to refocus their message on economic issues.",,2,2 "It’s wrong. It’s destructive,” Mr. Gibbs said on the ABC News program “This Week,” adding that it reflected the “nastiness, divisiveness, ugliness” and distortions of a hard-fought Republican nominating process.",It’s wrong. It’s destructive,0,1 It was circulated by the National Republican Congressional Committee.,,2,2 "Hours before his departure, Mr. Obama posted on Twitter to thank followers and hint that he would not fade away.",,2,2 It is no surprise that Democrats find little need to take this opinion seriously anymore.,It is no surprise that Democrats find little need to take this opinion seriously anymore.,1,1 "But the words of Ms. Tlaib, who stood by her comments on Friday, made evident the pressure already mounting from the left, where public opinion polls suggest a majority of liberals want the president removed from office.",,2,2 "However, Clinton appeared to suggest she would seek to negotiate the trade agreement as president.",,2,2 "A spokesperson for Grassley fired back Tuesday, telling FoxNews.com that by Braley’s logic he, as a trial lawyer, would not be eligible to speak out on a number of policy issues like agriculture, energy or health care.",,2,2 "The state’s image is still scarred by a divisive immigration law passed in 2010, which gave police officers the ability to stop people whom they suspected of being in the country illegally, and triggered widespread boycotts.",,2,2 Ryan told Fox News the campaign is trying to show the “clear contrast” between what Republicans propose and what Obama’s health care law does.,,2,2 "“In my estimation, we as a country are underestimating it.”",,2,2 Investing tax dollars promoting a lifestyle many Americas of faith find so deeply objectionable is wrong.,Investing tax dollars promoting a lifestyle many Americas of faith find so deeply objectionable is wrong.,1,1 "But they noticed that among the 15,000 documents they examined, there were no emails to or from an official departmental account for Mrs. Clinton.",,2,2 "The enemy right now, the overwhelming majority of people coming in, are people of color or people of Hispanic origin.""",,2,2 "“I’m joining many of these workers to say that it makes absolutely no sense when there’s so much work to be done that they’re not doing the work,” Mr. Obama said to their applause.",Mr. Obama said to their applause,1,1 """I think that it's a debate that was had and we've weighed in,"" Burton said.",,2,2 """They're followers of a false prophet.""",false prophet,0,1 "Some Republicans have expressed reservations about changing the rules, but Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said Thursday that he would relent if it meant seating Judge Gorsuch.",,2,2 """We are going to limit it to the manufacturing of assault weapons and clips going forward.""",,2,2 "Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., the No. 3 Republican in the House, suggested Sunday that the president's itinerary has left Republicans to negotiate with themselves.",,2,2 "Federal employees will get back pay “very quickly or as soon as possible,” he said.",,2,2 "Will we see what happened with the large stimulus happen here, which is once the stimulus is over the economy returns to slow growth? That's the danger.",,2,2 The term “deep state” typically refers to a shadow government of agency officials who secretly plot to influence policy; they are usually associated with countries that have authoritarian elements that undercut democratically elected leaders.,,2,2 "“The wild card here is that in charging Stone with a form of obstruction of justice, the Mueller team may view it differently than typical white-collar investigations.”",,2,2 "He said it could be opened ""very quickly"" if they come to an agreement on the wall. ",,2,2 "Florida Sen. Marco Rubio took a positive view of Trump's proposed deal, like his fellow Republicans.",,2,2 "Two other lawmakers, Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., and Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., co-chairs of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus, assailed the administration's decision.",assailed,0,1 "There won't be amnesty inside it.""",,2,2 "More than 40 F.B.I. agents have been dispatched to Ferguson, and Mr. Holder said they are not only investigating the shooting but also looking for any broad patterns of civil rights violations.",,2,2 Neither was elected -- Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) was appointed in December after former Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) left the chamber in the middle of his term.,,2,2 "“I bet most members of Congress would say they don’t want [a] security detail—I sure don’t,” Rep. Mike Doyle, D-Pa., manager of the Democratic congressional baseball team, told reporters.",,2,2 Mr. Rubio’s first priority will be to “adequately fund” the nation’s military.,,2,2 "Armed school personnel, called school resource officers, would also be required to undergo a ""background investigation, testing, and [have] relevant experience.""",,2,2 "“I think it’s highly inappropriate that a United States Supreme Court judge gets involved in a political campaign, frankly,” Mr. Trump said.",,2,2 "And at the center of their wrath is Mr. Schiff, whose doughy-faced demeanor hardly evokes an attack dog.",whose doughy-faced demeanor hardly evokes an attack dog,1,1 Some local officials have vowed to resist federal action.,vowed,0,1 "Although she may ultimately side with the plaintiffs, even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an ardent defender of women's rights, expressed some concerns about the particulars of the sex discrimination lawsuit that covers 1.5 million women and could cost the world's largest retailer billions of dollars.","even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an ardent defender of women's rights, expressed some concerns about the particulars of the sex discrimination lawsuit",1,1 Sandra Jackson was a Chicago alderman before she resigned last month during the federal investigation.,,2,2 "For now, though, Democrats who voted to reopen the government said that simply pushing the conversation in the right direction was a victory on its own.",,2,2 "But while Ms. Pelosi won, 134 to 63, Mr. Ryan’s significant share of the total served as a measure of internal discontent and in some ways a repudiation of Ms. Pelosi’s leadership.",a measure of internal discontent and in some ways a repudiation of Ms. Pelosi’s leadership,1,1 I don't care what color it is.,,2,2 "Ryan, toward the end of the debate, warned that a ""debt crisis is coming"" and claimed the sitting president offers little more than speeches to address the deficit.",,2,2 "He added, “Donald Trump is not going to be the Republican nominee.”",,2,2 "The process began in earnest at 4:20 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 14, when Stephen W. Preston, the C.I.A. general counsel, sent an e-mail to other agency officials warning them not to disclose information that might interfere with the F.B.I.’s investigation.",,2,2 "Over the course of his administration, Mr. Trump has repeatedly sought to curb both legal and illegal immigration.",,2,2 "That means putting on the backburner a push to repeal the military's policy banning gays from serving openly in the military, a bill giving illegal immigrant students and military members a pathway to legal status and an extension of long-term unemployment benefits.","That means putting on the backburner a push to repeal the military's policy banning gays from serving openly in the military, a bill giving illegal immigrant students and military members a pathway to legal status and an extension of long-term unemployment benefits.",1,1 "Ryan shot back: ""They got caught with their hand in the cookie jar turning Medicare into a piggy bank for ObamaCare.""",,2,2 "Her historic campaign inspired millions and is an extension of her lifelong fight for middle-class families and children,"" White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement.",historic,0,1 "The visit, though, has further challenged the strained relationship between President Obama and Netanyahu.",,2,2 "Asked later in the day whether it was fair to invoke God in the debate over the Congressional schedule, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said, ""Yeah, I think it's a fair jab if I do say so myself.""",,2,2 """I would like to know who those Hispanics are, because they are followers of a false prophet,"" Fox said.",false prophet,0,1 "“It is not the intent of the law to discriminate against anyone, and it will not be allowed to discriminate against anyone,” state Senate President Pro Tem David Long (R) said.",,2,2 """I think it would be better if he went,"" he said.",,2,2 "“We’re asking the president to open the government,” she told reporters on the White House driveway.",,2,2 The White House has said it wants a path to citizenship for both children and adults in any new immigration legislation.,,2,2 "A Hoboken city councilman, David Mello, also said that Ms. Zimmer told him several months later about the encounter with Ms. Guadagno.",,2,2 "Mr. Cowan said at the news conference that he was proud to take the post, noting that his mother, who was home in North Carolina recovering from knee surgery, was a child of the segregated South and had not attended college.",,2,2 The Georgetown scholars pointed to the devastating impact of cuts in food programs that keep the poor from starvation.,,2,2 The meeting was brokered by music publicist Rob Goldstone who promised the campaign information.,,2,2 "Rep. Michael Conaway, R-Texas, attacked Schiff for driving a “false narrative” about collusion between Trump and Russia and “undermining the faith” of the American people.",“undermining the faith”,1,1 "He is famous for pushing worksite raids and creating a ""Tent City,"" a military-style holding ground for inmates, now in its eighteenth year.","He is famous for pushing worksite raids and creating a ""Tent City,"" a military-style holding ground for inmates, now in its eighteenth year.",1,1 And it upends the June 19 voting by the House Republicans for majority leader.,,2,2 That potential ruling would get Wal-Mart off the hook for any financial damages.,,2,2 "Even so, Democrats roundly criticized the president’s plan.","Even so, Democrats roundly criticized the president’s plan.",1,1 "Former Senator Byron L. Dorgan, Democrat of North Dakota, said Democrats from the more rural states that make up much of the 2018 map would prefer to battle over issues other than immigration.",,2,2 """In the House of Representatives, what have you guys been doing, John?"" Obama continued, calling out Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio).",,2,2 "Schiff defended himself during Thursday’s hearing – pointing to evidence of Russian hacking during the last presidential election, that Russian operatives offered dirt on Hillary Clinton during the campaign and that members of Trump’s campaign and family took meetings with Russians.",,2,2 "According to messages obtained by The Atlantic’s Julia Ioffe, Trump Jr. messaged with the WikiLeaks account between September 2016 and July 2017.",,2,2 "Records released by the House oversight committee, including a report from the regional security officer, also documented more than 200 cases of violence in Libya in the year leading up to the attack, specifically between June 2011 and July 2012.",,2,2 """Today's ruling provides certainty and clear, coherent tax filing guidance for all legally married same-sex couples nationwide.",,2,2 "In addition to teaching, he has served on the state Joint Advisory Board of Economists and served as the president of the Virginia Association of Economists.",,2,2 "But Democrats could still try and filibuster, requiring Gorsuch to garner 60 “yea” votes in the Senate.",,2,2 It was filed directly with the Supreme Court because it involves a dispute among states.,,2,2 """We do not shadow ban. ",,2,2 Another idea that has been kicking around over the last few weeks — proposed by some Democrats — is raising the expiration income ceiling to households with at least $1 million in income.,,2,2 "“If all of this is part of a pattern by the White House of interference or worse, that’s something that we have to find out about and it’s something we have to stop,” he said.",,2,2 "Mr. Hutchinson had robust political discussions with his father even as a high school student, long before their views diverged so vastly.",,2,2 "“We have got to have an alternative,” Representative Louie Gohmert, Republican of Texas, said on Glenn Beck’s conservative radio show.",,2,2 "Part of the reason that the Obama campaign is crying foul over this line of criticism, however, may be because it knows how effective it can be.",,2,2 "Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Penn.) was offered a prominent but uncompensated, advisory position -- in the national security/foreign policy area -- if he declined to enter the Pennsylvania Senate primary race, a source with knowledge of the exchange said during a briefing on Friday morning.",,2,2 """With a few clicks and an affirmation that the subject is believed to be engaged in terrorism, espionage or nuclear proliferation, an analyst obtains full access to Facebook’s 'extensive search and surveillance capabilities against the variety of online social networking services,'"" the Washington Post reports.",,2,2 "“We’re looking at that,” Hoyer said.",,2,2 "“My man! You are the man,” Holder said as Johnson walked in.",,2,2 "Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) called this “an extraordinary blockade.” “It was totally unprecedented in our country’s whole history,” he added.",,2,2 "“We have an opportunity to slow down,” Pelosi said.",,2,2 Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Tuesday joined a chorus of Republicans calling for Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) to drop out of the U.S. Senate race in Missouri.,chorus,0,1 "Just this past June, the news magazine ran a computer generated image of Catherine, the new Duchess of Cambridge, walking alongside Princess Diana, who has been dead for nearly 14 years.","Just this past June, the news magazine ran a computer generated image of Catherine, the new Duchess of Cambridge, walking alongside Princess Diana, who has been dead for nearly 14 years.",1,1 "In his statement, he said; “Compromise in divided government means that everyone can’t get everything they want every time.",,2,2 """This kind of public outcry ... is indicative of how this piece of legislation flies in the face of values that people all across America strongly support,"" said White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.",,2,2 "Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid said ""all options should be on the table.""",,2,2 "In total, the proposal goes beyond what most gun control advocates were hoping for at the start of Biden's review process, during which he held 22 different meetings with 229 different organizations and 31 elected officials.",,2,2 "The Trumps also met with Crystal Griner, one of the two U.S. Capitol Police officers injured in the attack, and her wife.",,2,2 "“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the special counsel’s office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller’s office, said. ",,2,2 "“That means that all families — regardless of how they look or how they are made — all families are entitled to the same rights, privileges and protections as every other,” Mary Cheney wrote.",,2,2 "The State Department, in a document put out last week, noted that while an internal review found certain senior officials ""demonstrated a lack of proactive leadership and management ability"" in response to security concerns, there was no specific finding of misconduct.","""demonstrated a lack of proactive leadership and management ability""",1,1 "For his part, Mr. Trump has insisted that as president he would have the leverage to compel Mexico to pay for the wall, which he estimates would cost about $8 billion.",,2,2 "He added: ""This talk about this weakness, I don't understand what my friend's talking about.""",,2,2 "“Exactly what were the editors thinking putting this kind of a picture of a sitting congresswoman and presidential candidate on their cover?” wrote Noel Sheppard on the conservative Web site News Busters, under the headline “Newsweek Puts Picture of Michele Bachmann on Cover That Makes Her Look Crazy.”",“Exactly what were the editors thinking putting this kind of a picture of a sitting congresswoman and presidential candidate on their cover?”,1,1 "Kristen Clarke, the president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, called the idea illegal and offensive.",illegal and offensive,0,1 "Flynn is now cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators in the Russia meddling case, though it’s unclear what exactly he might reveal about Trump and his associates.",though it’s unclear what exactly he might reveal about Trump and his associates,1,1 "He added, “Our nation was built upon individual liberty and individual responsibility, and open service by gay and lesbian servicemembers is directly in line with the vision of our founding fathers.”",,2,2 """He entered office believing America was too hard on our adversaries, too engaged in too many places, and that if we just took a step back and did some more 'nation building at home' -- ceding leadership to other countries -- America would be better liked and the world better off.""",ceding leadership to other countries,1,1 "For instance, lawmakers did not read the 18th Amendment, which imposed prohibition on liquor in 1919.",,2,2 "“We can’t put this off any longer.""",,2,2 """The mistake I made was in the words I said, not in the heart I hold.","""The mistake I made was in the words I said, not in the heart I hold.",1,1 “Senator Reid respects that but thinks that the mosque should be built someplace else.”,,2,2 The Arizona Legislature passed a bill last week allowing businesses whose owners cite sincerely held religious beliefs to deny service to gays.,,2,2 "Mr. Trump, the president’s son, in recent weeks handed over Twitter messages he exchanged with WikiLeaks to several congressional committees investigating Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election, according to the officials.",,2,2 """This is how is America should be,"" said Cynthia Burgiss, 22, a student at the University of Dayton in Ohio who attended the 9/12 march in D.C. this year.",,2,2 """But I always say what I mean,"" Biden responded.",,2,2 "Rep. Anthony Weiner, in an interview with Fox News, said Wednesday he's certain he did not send a lewd photo of somebody's bulging underwear to a college student via Twitter.",,2,2 Federal Bureau of Investigation agents and prosecutors from Mr. Fishman’s office have also undertaken what appears to be an unrelated inquiry.,,2,2 "To justify the wall, Trump repeatedly insisted criminals, gang members and drug traffickers were pouring over the border and that only a wall could stop them.",insisted,0,1 "One of Mr. Santorum’s rivals for the Republican nomination, Representative Ron Paul of Texas, scoffed at Mr. Santorum on Sunday for focusing on social issues like abortion and contraception – and for believing that he could defeat Mr. Obama.",,2,2 “He criticized America for having ‘arrogance’ and the audacity to ‘dictate our terms’ to other nations.,“He criticized America for having ‘arrogance’ and the audacity to ‘dictate our terms’ to other nations.,1,1 The project inspired a major march in Washington in September.,,2,2 His resignation is effective December 31.,,2,2 "He previously received death threats over a photo he took of ""Glee"" actress Heather Morris with bruises on her face.",,2,2 Such information is often used for future fund-raising solicitations.,Such information is often used for future fund-raising solicitations.,1,1 "Mr. Romney has said that he favors allowing domestic partnerships that bestow certain rights on same-sex couples, like hospital visitation, but he has not delineated them in great detail.",he has not delineated them in great detail,1,1 """The President's actions clearly violate the Congress’s exclusive power of the purse, which our Founders enshrined in the Constitution.""","""The President's actions clearly violate the Congress’s exclusive power of the purse, which our Founders enshrined in the Constitution.""",1,1 Surely this has never been done to a man.”,Surely this has never been done to a man,1,1 "We're not reading out details of the conversation, but the lines of communication remain open,"" the statement released by each office said.",,2,2 "In other (and considerably less gory) photos shot by Shields, Griffin poses by the pool in a revealing leather getup as a man holding a camera stands above her.",,2,2 Which brings us back to Etheridge’s response.,,2,2 "At a news conference at the United Nations a little more than a week after The Times’s report, Mrs. Clinton first said she “chose not to keep” her private personal emails.",,2,2 "“If it’s standardless and recordless,” he said, “then why is there commonality?”",,2,2 "“We have spread the word to everyone, and there was a lot of interest,” he said.",,2,2 "In a 48-page indictment released by the Justice Department, Mr. Hunter, Republican of California, and his wife, Margaret, are charged with converting more than $250,000 in campaign funds to pay for personal expenses and filing false campaign finance records with the Federal Election Commission.",,2,2 "House interns hauled signs: “Scalise Strong,” “Capitol Police MVP” and “Unvidvided” in red, white, and blue.",,2,2 "Strzok appeared to launch a new Twitter account to fire back, saying he's ""deeply saddened"" by the decision and linking to a GoFundMe page. ",linking to a GoFundMe page,1,1 "While the threats facing the United States have changed in the 21st century, America's global influence remains a benevolent force, Rubio said.",,2,2 "The secretary tried to explain that ""1.43 million cables"" come through the department every year.",,2,2 "With fiscal issues continuing to dominate the political calendar for the next several weeks, White House officials and lawmakers say the gun safety effort is likely to be debated in separate pieces of legislation that could be introduced over time.",,2,2 "The assailant, who authorities have identified as 66-year-old James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, was shot by police and later died of his injuries at a hospital.",,2,2 "But the lawsuit from Nebraska and Oklahoma, where marijuana is still outlawed, argues that Colorado has “created a dangerous gap” in the federal drug-control system.",“created a dangerous gap”,1,1 "The phrase quoted by Carney is not in the Bible, though it is often mistaken as a verse.","The phrase quoted by Carney is not in the Bible, though it is often mistaken as a verse.",1,0 "And his language was markedly different; instead of insisting on the “big beautiful wall” he promised during his 2016 campaign, Mr. Trump took care to use the word “barrier” as well — and seemed to pare back his vision for it.",,2,2 "Despite an expectation that Congress would override, the White House made a last-ditch attempt to fight it.",,2,2 "The Senate will not take up the bill, according to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).",,2,2 But he said he wants changes made so it more closely mirrors a 1993 federal law.,,2,2 """John Boehner and his cronies are holding up the U.S. Constitution as a sacred, perfect document.",cronies,0,0 "The delays were merely the “result of bureaucratic snafus,” Mr. Strzok’s lawyer wrote last month in USA Today.",,2,2 Joe Biden knew Lloyd Bentsen.,,2,2 """This is becoming more troubling by the day.",,2,2 "He tweaked House Republicans for passing a resolution on Tuesday reaffirming the national motto, “In God We Trust,” when they should be creating jobs.",,2,2 In addition to the punitive damages they want an injunction that would force Wal-Mart to adopt more stringent anti-discrimination policies.,,2,2 "The New York Democrat, who is known for his combative style in interviews and on the House floor, granted a series of TV interviews after getting testy with reporters late Tuesday.",who is known for his combative style in interviews and on the House floor,1,1 "It is the same thing that happened when I was marching for civil rights, when they didn’t want a black to come into their restaurant,"" he told a press conference in Washington, DC.",,2,2 It was the third major release of Clinton’s email records.,,2,2 "“After more than two years of investigation plagued by malicious leaks, violations of grand jury secrecy and strong-arm tactics, the U.S. attorney’s office has disclosed its intent to file criminal charges against Congressman Grimm,” Mr. McGinley said.",,2,2 “We need immediate federal action to reverse these policies and protect these amazing animals.”,,2,2 "“There’s a whole lot of anger,” said one Democrat who opposed her, who requested anonymity in order to speak freely.",who requested anonymity in order to speak freely,1,1 "The dueling running mates turned the lone vice presidential debate into an uncharacteristically feisty affair, scrapping over everything from the economy to Libya to taxes.",,2,2 "In brief remarks after meeting with President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland, Mr. Obama on Wednesday emphatically disputed that Democrats generally feel betrayed by his deal with Congressional Republicans on the tax cuts, saying that “the more who look at it, the more will say this makes sense.”",,2,2 """Then we’ll end up in the Supreme Court, and hopefully we’ll get a fair shake, and we’ll win at the Supreme Court -- just like the [travel] ban.”",,2,2 "Reid, after all, only issued the above statement after his Republican opponents began hitting him for going silent on the matter.","Reid, after all, only issued the above statement after his Republican opponents began hitting him for going silent on the matter.",1,1 "Gillibrand tweeted: ""Trump ordered the end of DACA and TPS.",,2,2 "Strzok attorney Aitan Goelman said in a statement Monday that his client, a 21-year FBI veteran, was fired Friday afternoon, claiming this was a departure from standard practice and politically motivated. ",,2,2 A proven effort by Mr. Trump to pressure a witness to commit perjury would be one of the most damning revelations so far in the investigation into Russia’s attempts to sabotage the 2016 presidential election and could be the cornerstone of a case that the president obstructed justice to keep investigators at bay.,,2,2 """This is very emotional for me,"" Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., said on the floor before the reading began.",,2,2 "In a letter to the House Intelligence Committee reported by Fox and other news organizations, Mr. Page wrote: “I have learned from your Committee staff on this Memorial Day holiday that I might not be immediately afforded the opportunity to address the false or misleading testimony by James Comey, John Brennan, et al. as per our previously scheduled appointment for next week.",,2,2 "We're going to have to make some choices as a society,"" he said.",,2,2 "Nadler derided what he called the ""ritualistic reading"" as ""total nonsense"" and ""propaganda"" intended to give Republicans claim to the document.","Nadler derided what he called the ""ritualistic reading"" as ""total nonsense"" and ""propaganda"" intended to give Republicans claim to the document.",1,1 "It's pretty clear what the motivation was.""",,2,2 "I ask for your forgiveness,"" he said.",,2,2 “And I think we need to use whatever compulsory methods are necessary to get the information that he possesses.”,,2,2 "The president’s proposal “strikes a fair compromise by incorporating priorities from both sides of the aisle,” Mr. McConnell said in a statement after Mr. Trump’s speech.",,2,2 "In a written statement, a spokesman for her said she had told the committee months ago that she was prepared to testify at a public hearing.",,2,2 "The former Mexican president, who led the country from 2000 to 2006, also questioned Trump’s allegiance to the Republican party, or, for that matter, any political party.",,2,2 Governor Appoints Ex-Aide to Fill Kerry’s Seat,,2,2 "Mr. McCabe, a veteran agent who joined the bureau in 1996 and once specialized in Russian organized crime, was named deputy director in 2016.",,2,2 WASHINGTON -- The Senate GOP's threat to filibuster every single piece of legislation until the chamber resolves budget and tax cut measures will likely be tested as soon as Friday.,threat,0,1 "Florida is considered a toss-up in recent polling, and its 29 electoral votes could swing the election.",,2,2 "Minutes after his tweets on Saturday morning about social media, the president — who has long had an affinity for conspiracy theories — appeared to do just that.",who has long had an affinity for conspiracy theories,1,1 She told voters she had not seen the cover.,,2,2 "The magazine posted other photos of her on its website, and many of them are flattering.",and many of them are flattering,1,1 "“But whether they do or not, this will ultimately be decided by the American public at the ballot box in South Carolina and in every state of the union.”",,2,2 "Shortly after a “Fox and Friends” segment reporting that Democrats no longer want to hear testimony from Carter Page, a onetime Trump campaign adviser, Mr. Trump wrote that it was all part of a “witch hunt” against him.",,2,2 "But when you actually look at the details, then I think we've struck the right balance,"" he said.",,2,2 "Asserting that the legislation was not about discrimination, he said, “The issue here is, you know, is tolerance a two-way street or not?”",,2,2 "He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records.""",enabled him to avoid,0,1 Republican leaders generally support Obama's trade proposal and have suggested they may try to revive the bill as early as this week.,Republican leaders generally support Obama's trade proposal and have suggested they may try to revive the bill as early as this week.,1,1 "She and other Democrats disputed the claim that taxpayers will pay for campaigns, noting that money for political campaigns would come from a surcharge on federal settlements made with banks and corporations that run afoul of the law.",,2,2 "As for Iran, Rubio said it cannot be trusted.",,2,2 "And to emphasize that she was not shying away from drawing attention to her view, Mary Cheney concluded her Facebook post: “Please like and share if you agree.”",not shying away,0,1 Trump spent the past week meeting with NATO allies in Brussels; meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth II in England; and visiting Scotland.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON — Jesse L. Jackson Jr., the former Democratic representative from Illinois, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to one felony fraud count in connection with his use of $750,000 in campaign money to pay for living expenses and buy items like stuffed animals, elk heads and fur capes.",,2,2 "Members of Congress are calling her evasive, and question why she didn't reveal the program sooner -- plus her history at the Federal Elections Commission is coming under scrutiny.",evasive,0,1 "A decision in 2015 by the Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent, nonpartisan board, cleared him of wrongdoing, and he promised to repay the settlement.",,2,2 """You said I don't want to build a fence,"" Romney said.",,2,2 "Mr. Schumer, determined to keep the fissures in his party coalition muted, used a meeting of Senate Democrats before the vote to urge the liberals in his caucus not to criticize those voting to reopen the government, according to one senator who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private meeting.",,2,2 "Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic socialist lawmaker from New York, went on Twitter to weigh in, accusing the GOP of a having a double standard.",,2,2 The Democratic National Committee also sent that statement around to reporters.,,2,2 White House officials rejected criticism from across the ideological spectrum that Mr. Trump was creating a precedent that future presidents could use to ignore the will of Congress.,,2,2 "Nearly two weeks ago, the department also waived the ban in a similar manner for Zambia.",,2,2 Mr. Sellers responded that “there is no minimum number” in court decisions.,,2,2 "In the poll, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leads the would-be group of contenders with 21 percent of Republican primary voters surveyed followed by Trump and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at 17 percent each.",,2,2 Trump tweeted Tuesday he's not sure it will happen.,,2,2 "The NAACP adopted a resolution Tuesday condemning ""racist elements"" in the Tea Party movement and calling on the movement's leaders to repudiate bigotry, despite claims from Tea Partiers that the measure is just a political ploy.",,2,2 "“I know the pain the Brown family is going through right now,” he said.",,2,2 "Regardless of what happens in the Senate, progressive and immigrant advocacy groups said House Republican leaders will never take up a bill that would offer legal status to young undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children without excruciating concessions on other immigration issues.",,2,2 "Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and 18 members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee called on President Donald Trump to cancel his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin after indictments were announced Friday accusing a dozen Kremlin intelligence officers of hacking Democratic Party emails during the 2016 presidential campaign.",,2,2 "The communications pro also took a shot at President Obama and the first lady, writing ""your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the 'good role model' department.”","your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter",1,1 "The declaration gives Patrick Shanahan, the acting defense secretary, broad latitude to carry out this process.",,2,2 "“The president’s pathway to citizenship is a stumbling block,” said Representative Andy Harris, a conservative Republican who represents the Maryland district that will host the retreat.","“The president’s pathway to citizenship is a stumbling block,”",1,1 "“We must never allow political violence to take root in America,” Trump said.",,2,2 But they also argue that an impeachment that does not have a reasonable shot of winning a conviction in the Senate will backfire and strengthen Mr. Trump in the 2020 campaign.,,2,2 """Federal law undisputedly prohibits the production and sale of marijuana,"" Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning said Thursday in a statement.",,2,2 "Braley says if elected to the Senate to replace retiring Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin, he would want to serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee.",,2,2 "The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has asked supporters to donate the cost of a meal at a Chick-fil-A, about $6.50, to gay and lesbian rights groups.",,2,2 "The financial industry tycoon ridiculed Trump’s statements on immigration, national security, foreign trade, and his use of overseas labor.",,2,2 "Thursday night’s meeting marks the second time in a week the president and House speaker have met in person, and comes after at least two phone calls in recent days.",,2,2 "“So-called Birthright Citizenship, which costs our Country billions of dollars and is very unfair to our citizens, will be ended one way or the other,” he tweeted. ",So-called,0,1 "“I will fight for you with every breath in my body, and I will never, ever let you down,” Mr. Trump told hundreds of thousands of rain-soaked admirers and onlookers in a forceful 16-minute Inaugural Address from the West Front of the Capitol.",Mr. Trump told hundreds of thousands of rain-soaked admirers and onlookers in a forceful 16-minute Inaugural Address,1,1 "A cutout of the head of Representative Tim Ryan, Democrat of Ohio, was held high.",,2,2 Political observers have predicted that the 68-year-old congressman will likely hold on to his seat.,,2,2 "But with Republicans vowing to deprive Democrats of the 60 votes they need to move toward a vote on virtually anything until these issues are addressed, negotiators will have to move quickly if they want to get to other matters before a new, more Republican Congress is sworn in next month.",vowing to deprive,0,1 "While the Democratic presidential candidate declined to comment on whether her comments were appropriate, he said on ABC he agrees Trump is a ""total opportunist"" and said ""the record is quite clear that he lies just a whole lot of the time.""",he lies just a whole lot of the time,1,1 "The Christian Coalition won, but in one deposition, FEC lawyers asked a defendant if televangelist Pat Robertson prayed for him.",,2,2 "Last week, Rep. Ryan dismissed the bishops’ critique, erroneously claiming the letters didn’t represent “all the bishops,” a point the USCCB media office denied.",erroneously,0,1 "Mr. Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria, which was opposed by virtually every high-level administration official but lauded by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, was the last straw.",which was opposed by virtually every high-level administration official but lauded by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia,1,1 "A spokesman for Mr. Hunter, Michael Harrison, said Tuesday that the congressman “believes this action is purely politically motivated,” and referred a reporter to a letter that Mr. Hunter’s lawyer, Gregory A. Vega, sent this month to Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general.",,2,2 "“How ridiculous, we’re the only country in the world where a person comes in, has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for 85 years with all of those benefits,” Trump said.",ridiculous,0,1 "House GOP leadership understands that desire, as does Labrador.",,2,2 "Mr. Pence, 57, was sworn in at 11:54 a.m., placing his hand on Ronald Reagan’s Bible, which was held by his wife, Karen, as their three adult children, Michael, Charlotte and Audrey, watched.",,2,2 "That world view, Santorum continued, suggests that man could harm the Earth by using the resources available even while relying on claims that ""frankly are just not scientifically proven, for example, the politicization of the whole global warming debate.""",,2,2 This country is capable of change. But change doesn't happen by itself.”,,2,2 “This is consistent with what we have been saying all along.”,,2,2 The Romney campaign retorted with an ad of its own Tuesday.,,2,2 Mattis had previously argued that a small U.S. presence should remain because the counterterrorism mission there is ongoing and removing troops now would cause more problems for the region.,,2,2 "This nation is going to fail if it falls into the hands of a crazy man.""",crazy man,0,1 "He also suggested that he would consider polling in states like heavily Democratic Connecticut, which he again said he believed he could put in play in November.",,2,2 "He also rebuked those who have held power in Washington, saying a small group reaped the rewards of government while “the people did not share” in Washington’s wealth.",,2,2 WASHINGTON — President Trump and Democratic congressional leaders dug in Wednesday for a lengthy partial shutdown in a newly divided government after a White House meeting — the first in 22 days — could not break an impasse over Mr. Trump’s demands for billions of dollars for a border wall.,,2,2 "“As Donald Trump said, ’Let it come out,’” Mr. Sanders wrote on Twitter.",,2,2 If the attorney general has a problem with how federal laws are being enforced he should bring that up with the U.S.,,2,2 Nebraska and Oklahoma accused Colorado of leaving huge holes in marijuana rules that allowed the plant to flow out of state.,huge,0,1 "President Trump’s attorney Ty Cobb told Fox News on Monday that he was not aware that Donald Trump Jr.’s attorneys provided these documents to congressional investigators, but said there is likely no legal issue, from what he knows of the documents.",,2,2 "Administration officials cited dozens of previous national emergency declarations, insisting that Trump would not break with historical precedent by “unlocking” new pots of money for the border wall he seeks.",,2,2 "I think it's a valuable exercise and an important moment in this Congress for us to read the Constitution,"" said Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y.",,2,2 "Mr. Cantor received what amounted to a warning shot from local Republicans at a district convention last month in Henrico County, his political home base, when conservatives ousted one of his loyalists as Republican chairman while he looked on.",,2,2 "She said that while he appears to have visited the facility “frequently and at all hours of the day,” staff received “no complaints” about his behavior.",,2,2 "The couple paid $43,885,310 in federal taxes and $13,625,777 in state and local taxes, and made $14,959,450 in charitable contributions during that time.",,2,2 He cited a 1997 Mississippi case in which an assistant principal ran to his truck to retrieve a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol and subdued a gunman who had killed two students.,,2,2 "Democrats, who declined to revel in their clear victory, said they would work in good faith to strike a deal on border security.",,2,2 An immediate task for the new administration will be to get Trump’s Cabinet nominees confirmed. ,,2,2 "Donald Trump assumed the nation’s highest office Friday as the 45th president of the United States, vowing in a tough inaugural address to restore prosperity and “fight” for the country “with every breath.”",,2,2 Justices Kennedy and Samuel A. Alito Jr. said they were concerned about companies whose pay and promotion gaps mirror national numbers where there is no proof of a discriminatory policy.,,2,2 "In a statement issued by his lawyers on Friday after court records indicated he planned a guilty plea, Jackson said he had “no excuses” for his conduct and “fully accept my responsibility for the improper decisions and mistakes I have made.”",,2,2 "I take an oath of office, as does every other police officer in this country.",,2,2 "“Man, that sounds like the Keystone Pipeline to me,” he said, referring to the proposed cross-country oil pipeline that the president has so far declined to approve.",,2,2 "Representative Paul D. Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, has been excoriated by some Roman Catholic leaders ever since he claimed this month that his budget plan, which slashes antipoverty programs, was inspired by the moral teachings of his Catholic faith.",excoriated,0,1 But other advocacy groups that are pushing to preserve Social Security benefits accused AARP of effectively abandoning its core constituency.,,2,2 Mr. Trump will also use more traditional presidential discretion to tap $2.5 billion from counternarcotics programs and $600 million from a Treasury Department asset forfeiture fund.,,2,2 "The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, sought to broadly distance Mr. Trump from the charges.",,2,2 """It's unfounded, but people are running with these accusations like they are true,"" he said.",,2,2 But the message from Tuesday is clear – Americans are looking for a change in the status quo.”,,2,2 "He has become a maestro of the town hall meeting, standing in a suit taking questions from New Jersey residents around the state until none remain, leaving some people enraged but many more laughing, weeping or hoping he would come over and clasp their hand.”",,2,2 The president has made a very reasonable offer to extend DACA and TPS protections in exchange for the border security measures he supports.,,2,2 "Biden, aware of this, told voters they should be suspicious somebody “who would actually put in motion a plan that … added $6,400 a year more to the cost of Medicare?”",,2,2 "“I don’t really like that kind of language,” Representative Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of New York and the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee — where any impeachment inquiry must begin — said on CNN.",,2,2 “We will continue to investigate the counterintelligence issues.,,2,2 "Lauten later apologized for her original post, writing ""I quickly judged the two young ladies in a way that I would never have wanted to be judged myself as a teenager.",,2,2 "Asked on CNN whether he still wished to be mayor, he said, “Put it this way: It’s the only better job than the one I have.”",,2,2 "Mr. Ziegler sought to justify Mr. Moore’s actions by comparing him to the biblical Joseph, saying, “Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter.",,2,2 "Along with writing the texts, Mr. Strzok was accused of sending a highly sensitive search warrant to his personal email account.",,2,2 The group even went so far as to link Schiff to leaked information about the investigation.,even went so far as to,0,1 "It appears the companies use some kind of electronic drop box, in which they place the material, so that the government can then harvest the information.",,2,2 “An executive order could specify to federal agencies that the children of noncitizens are not citizens.”,,2,2 "“They turned Medicare into a piggy bank to finance ObamaCare,” Ryan said.","“They turned Medicare into a piggy bank to finance ObamaCare,”",1,1 Clinton was interviewed by FBI agents as part of the investigation into her exclusive use of a private email system while secretary of state. ,,2,2 """President Obama has said that he is determined to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons,"" he said on the Sunday morning show.",,2,2 """Despite the compelling case for legalization, and progress toward legalization at the state level, ultimate success is not assured,"" Miron wrote.",,2,2 "While on Mitchell's show, McCain also raised the concern that there's no way of knowing if all of Clinton's emails have been saved, since they were not originally retained by the government.",,2,2 "As she passed the microphone, the crowd erupted into cheers.",the crowd erupted into cheers,1,1 "Mr. Pence appeared on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, and the host, George Stephanopoulos, asked him whether signing the law was a mistake.",,2,2 "But several of their more conservative colleagues appeared to agree with Theodore Boutrous Jr., representing Wal-Mart, that even subjecting the company to a trial would be unfair.",,2,2 "Obama has yet to make an endorsement in the race, but White House officials have said that it could come as early as this week.",,2,2 """I am honored to have Sheriff Arpaio's support for my presidential campaign and our shared goals of fighting border crime with more personnel, border fencing and surveillance.",,2,2 """Let's take the lemons and turn it into lemonade,"" Clinton told about 600 supporters at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, addressing the controversial Trans Pacific Partnership trade proposal that has splintered Obama from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and rank-and-file Democrats.","the controversial Trans Pacific Partnership trade proposal that has splintered Obama from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and rank-and-file Democrats",1,1 Many voters also perceived Mr. Cantor as ignoring district concerns as he sought to raise his national profile.,,2,2 "Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, two of the strongest Republican critics of the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi attack, offered support nonetheless for the nomination of Victoria Nuland, who helped edit the much-disputed talking points about the incident.",,2,2 Braley apologized for the remarks in a written statement after the video was released.,,2,2 "President Obama and Gov. Chris Christie, Republican of New Jersey, will reprise their pre-election tour of the coastal areas ravaged by Hurricane Sandy on Tuesday, a White House official said Friday morning.",,2,2 "“I love that. I love that,” Mr. Biden said.",,2,2 "If they had nothing to do with 9/11, they have nothing to fear,” Schumer said.",,2,2 "Already facing stiff opposition from gun-rights advocates and Republican lawmakers, the president called on Congress to pass several major changes to the country's current gun laws -- some of which are already being considered like the restrictions on semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines.",,2,2 "“Amnesty encourages further illegal immigration, incentivizes the tragedy of human trafficking and undermines our citizens’ confidence in the rule of law,” he said.",,2,2 “We’ve heard a lot of talk in this campaign about needing a leader who understands business.,,2,2 "Rennie's article was initially re-posted on Linda McMahon's website, but the story has since been removed.",,2,2 """We’ll see where this process goes,"" Finney told Fox News.",,2,2 "Several conservatives, including Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly, have criticized Mr. Trump for raising questions about it.","Several conservatives, including Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly, have criticized Mr. Trump for raising questions about it.",1,1 The administration has for months tried to reduce the number of people seeking asylum in the U.S. as part of a broader effort to stem the flow of Central American migrants crossing the border from Mexico.,,2,2 "It is no surprise Linda McMahon would want to smear the Attorney General, considering all of the debauchery at the WWF under her watch, including her attempt to interfere with an investigation into widespread drug abuse.","It is no surprise Linda McMahon would want to smear the Attorney General, considering all of the debauchery at the WWF under her watch, including her attempt to interfere with an investigation into widespread drug abuse.",1,0 "The congressional committee probing the Benghazi attacks has formally requested that Hillary Clinton appear for an interview on her use of a personal email and server for official business while secretary of state, after learning the server had been wiped ""clean.""",,2,2 Reid's comments added another high-profile voice to the mosque controversy.,,2,2 He said somebody is just trying to distract him.,,2,2 "But the recommendation that states allow non-law enforcement officers, such as teachers and principals, to carry guns in schools would essentially eliminate gun-free school zones.",,2,2 "The June 25 special election would be Mr. Brown’s third statewide Senate race in three years, starting with his win in a special election in January 2010 to finish Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s term.",,2,2 "Some lawmakers have grown anxious about the shutdown’s impact on their constituents, including federal workers who are not receiving pay while their agencies are denied funding.",,2,2 """If all earnings were subject to the payroll tax, but the base was retained for benefit calculations, the Social Security Trust Funds would remain solvent for the next 75 years,"" said the report.",,2,2 "Throughout the week, more than 10 packages containing potential explosive devices have been mailed to lawmakers and other public figures critical of Trump, including former President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, Trump’s 2016 presidential opponent Hillary Clinton, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), actor Robert De Niro and former CIA Director John Brennan.",,2,2 Some immigration hard-liners that make up a key part of his political base were incensed by the capitulation.,,2,2 I have a compassionate heart for the victims of sexual assault. And I pray for them.,,2,2 “But I urge my colleagues to move swiftly and soundly to reverse this veto so that these families can have their day in court.”,,2,2 "While much has been made of the State Department's failure to respond to repeated security requests for extra help, a former diplomatic security agent and 20-year veteran of the department, who reviewed the publicly available documents on the condition of anonymity, told Fox News the multiple warnings present a compelling argument that State Department leadership was negligent.",negligent,0,1 """I haven't seen the Come-To-Jesus moment from Republicans yet.""",,2,2 White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was peppered with questions at Tuesday's briefing.,,2,2 "But Republicans oppose Mr. Obama’s $447 billion job-creation plan, which also includes tax cuts for workers and employers and state aid to avoid layoffs of teachers, police officers and firefighters, because the package would be paid for with higher taxes on those with taxable income of more than $1 million a year.",,2,2 "The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights group, has run ads in Silicon Valley targeting technology firms Hutchinson hopes to attract to the state.",,2,2 "His wife, Sandra Jackson, who resigned from her position on Chicago’s city council, is expected to plead guilty to filing false tax returns before the same judge on Wednesday afternoon.",,2,2 "And more to the point, it is not as if there is no one else qualified to do this job.",,2,2 "“After careful deliberation I have concluded that I cannot support Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court,” Mr. Schumer said, citing concerns over Judge Gorsuch’s record on workers’ rights and his degree of independence, adding, “My vote will be no, and I urge my colleagues to do the same.”",,2,2 "“WikiLeaks has such chutzpah that it allegedly tried to convince Trump Jr to leak his father’s tax returns & his own “Russian lawyer meeting” emails (he did),” Assange wrote.",(he did),1,1 “He should pay for it. He’s got the money.”,,2,2 """He’s going to take them to the desert, and if they think that they will benefit with an administration led by Donald Trump, they’re wrong.",,2,2 Akin apologized for his remarks Monday.,,2,2 She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents.,,2,2 "President Donald Trump tweeted on Thursday that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a retired Marine general who was one of Trump’s first Cabinet picks, would be retiring at the end of February.",,2,2 "Until then, he will continue to serve his constituents with the same dedication and tenacity that has characterized his lifetime of public service as a member of Congress, Marine Corps combat veteran and decorated F.B.I. special agent.”","lifetime of public service as a member of Congress, Marine Corps combat veteran and decorated F.B.I. special agent",1,1 "Authorities have heightened their search in Florida, as several of the packages may have passed through the state.",,2,2 "House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) admitted there's a ""1 in 3"" chance that the Republicans will lose their majority in the House of Representatives in an interview Tuesday on Fox News' ""America’s Newsroom.""",,2,2 Eric is a good friend and I have tremendous respect for him.,,2,2 "Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., speaking on the Senate floor moments before Wednesday's vote in that chamber, pushed back hard on Saudi government objections to the legislation.",,2,2 "“There is no circumstance whatsoever under which I will bear false witness against the president, nor will I make up lies.”",,2,2 He also referred to past reports that the White House asked allies on Capitol Hill to refute negative press stories about Trump associates’ ties to Russia.,,2,2 "Cowan will become the second black senator from Massachusetts, after Edward Brooke, who served from 1967 to 1979.",,2,2 "He praised his home state during his speech, sharing how working as governor inspired him to run for president.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — Representative Duncan Hunter was indicted by a federal grand jury in San Diego on Tuesday after a monthslong criminal investigation into allegations that he spent tens of thousands of dollars in campaign funds on family trips to Hawaii and Italy, private school tuition for his children and even a $600 airline ticket for a pet rabbit.",even a $600 airline ticket for a pet rabbit,1,1 The filibuster threat increases pressure on the White House to offer a more realistic agenda for the remaining weeks of the year. ,,2,2 "When the audience finished laughing, he asked: “What made us sit there at the john making us vomit for four hours?",,2,2 "“[Putin’s] actions are designed not to challenge our arms at this point, but to undercut and compromise our belief in our ideals,” Mattis told U.S. Naval War College graduates at a commencement ceremony in June.",,2,2 "In Wednesday's speech the senator also took a swipe at Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, calling her tenure as secretary of state ""ineffective at best and dangerously negligent at worst.""","""ineffective at best and dangerously negligent at worst.""",1,0 """Today"" show host Meredith Vieira asked Trump, ""You've been privy to all of this to know this?""",,2,2 "If you find financial success on the road to happiness, he said, conservatives believe “you shouldn’t be demonized or penalized by it.”",,2,2 "Over the years, its philanthropic wing, WinShape, has donated millions of dollars to outside organizations that actively lobby against efforts to legalize same-sex marriage.",,2,2 "Trump said when he started seriously considering a presidential bid a few weeks back, he thought the president was native-born, but now he's not so sure.",,2,2 "Representative Kurt Schrader of Oregon, who backed Mr. Ryan, said after the vote that unless Democrats changed course and adopted “a working man and woman’s agenda,” they should expect defeat.",,2,2 "After the mayors of Chicago and Boston heaped scorn upon the company, the mayor of Washington, DC, suggested it was peddling “hate chicken.”",peddling “hate chicken.”,1,1 "Laura Ingraham, a Fox News host, said Thursday on Twitter that she did not understand how the decision would not “INCREASE the gruesome poaching of elephants,” while the comedian Ellen DeGeneres started an online campaign, using the hashtag #BeKindToElephants, to raise funds for elephant conservation efforts.",gruesome,0,1 "“WikiLeaks loves its pending publications and ignores those who ask for details,” Assange continued.",,2,2 Facebook users are also signing up to participate in a “National Same-Sex Kiss Day” planned for Friday at Chick-fil-A restaurants.,,2,2 "David Bailey, a Capitol Police officer who was wounded while helping to stop the attack, threw out the ceremonial first pitch.",,2,2 "In short, both Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama have adopted the favored position of their ideological base on a subject that profoundly animates both of those camps.",,2,2 "After DOMA was overturned, it was reported that the IRS owed Windsor $363,053.",,2,2 """The president should listen to and work with his allies in Congress, starting with Nancy Pelosi, who had expressed their concerns about the impact that a weak agreement would have on our workers to make sure we get the best strongest deal possible,"" Clinton said.",,2,2 But he said they need to consider “the dangers” that come with public forums.,,2,2 Newsweek's latest issue features a Michele Bachmann cover that's sure to stir up controversy.,,2,2 Mueller’s team is investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election and rarely issues statements about the state of the investigation or disputing reports in the press.,,2,2 """While it's commendable that Senator Reid now agrees with Republican Sharron Angle that we should respect the wishes of 9/11 families, it's regrettable that he hasn't demonstrated this same independence from President Obama on the critical issues facing America during the last 19 months,"" he said.",,2,2 "The president's full-throated defense of the programs, albeit with the qualification that he welcomes debate, is unlikely to quell the outrage over the revelations.","The president's full-throated defense of the programs, albeit with the qualification that he welcomes debate, is unlikely to quell the outrage over the revelations.",1,1 """I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding,"" Trump told NBC's ""Today"" show on Thursday.",,2,2 "In a policy statement last year, the U.S. Justice Department noted it doesn't have the resources to police all violations of federal marijuana law.",,2,2 "Some residents of Aventura reported seeing a similar white van covered in pro-Trump stickers often parked in the lot of a local strip mall, the Aventura Waterways shopping center. ",,2,2 "White House officials and Democratic lawmakers said that there are clear limits to what the president can and cannot do, and that Mr. Obama has no plans to push beyond what he would need Congressional authority to accomplish.",,2,2 "That truthfulness was a departure from Mr. Cohen’s pattern of deception throughout his professional life, according to a separate sentencing memo by federal prosecutors in New York, filed at the same time as Mr. Mueller’s.",That truthfulness was a departure from Mr. Cohen’s pattern of deception throughout his professional life,1,1 "In comments delivered at the Council on Foreign Relations, the conservative senator vying for the GOP presidential nomination said the world would be safer if the U.S. military had a bigger budget and America asserted itself more aggressively across the globe.",aggressively,0,1 "Trump originally was planning to deliver a speech Monday in Manchester, N.H., focused on the Clintons.",,2,2 "Griner and David Bailey, the other officer hurt, are in stable condition, according to Chief Matthew R. Verderosa.",,2,2 "Perry also opposes a full border fence, although he calls for more enforcement along the southwest border with Mexico.",,2,2 "Arpaio is a hardliner on immigration, leading a push in Maricopa County for more enforcement.",,2,2 "But DOJ’s inspector general was “deeply troubled” by texts Strzok sent that “potentially indicated or created the appearance that the investigative decisions were impacted by bias or improper considerations,” and particularly focused on one anti-Trump text that implied a willingness “to take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects.”",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service official who first disclosed that the agency had targeted conservative groups for special scrutiny, and in doing so ignited a controversy that has ensnared the White House, denied on Wednesday that she had ever provided false information to Congress.",,2,2 "Later in the day, LePage took to Twitter, though, to push back on media reports about a possible resignation.",,2,2 "“For a court that cares a great deal about appearances, this certainly creates the appearance that justices take sides in elections,” Bam wrote in an email.",,2,2 "He raised the issue of Romney’s comments at a fundraiser in May in which he talked disparagingly about people who receive government benefits, claiming that he could “never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.""",,2,2 "Trump also met Wednesday with current acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating and FBI official Richard McFeely.",,2,2 "Twenty-three minutes later, Ms. Nuland sent White House and intelligence officials an even more pointed e-mail, objecting that the talking points could be “abused” by lawmakers “to beat the State Department for not paying attention to agency warnings so why do we want to feed that either? Concerned ... ”",,2,2 "That person could order the attorney general to enforce federal prohibition regardless of state law.""",,2,2 """In fact, I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office.""",I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office,1,1 "Trump, though, has talked for weeks about taking executive action to divert money from other programs for wall construction, without congressional sign-off—despite his criticisms of former President Barack Obama for using executive action.",despite his criticisms of former President Barack Obama for using executive action,1,1 "Ms. Zimmer’s account, however, was supported in some measure by two of the mayor’s aides, who were interviewed by F.B.I. agents and told them that Ms. Zimmer had recounted the threat to them around the time she said it occurred, two people briefed on the matter have said.",,2,2 "Republicans and Democrats stand ready to work toward a solution, but the fact remains that there is no reason to have large parts of the federal government shut down while we debate appropriate border security and immigration policies.""",,2,2 Republican leaders tried to rally their members during a closed policy luncheon before Thursday’s votes.,,2,2 "His age, 75, could be problematic, they said, given that F.B.I. directors serve 10-year terms.",,2,2 But don’t write him off.,,2,2 He’s led a very strong life and I feel very badly.,,2,2 "Those restrictions won’t apply to the portions built with national emergency money, a senior administration official said.",,2,2 """Teachers should teach, but if there is personnel that has interest and is willing to go through 40 to 60 hours of [firearms] training, then schools should be willing to [arm them],"" Hutchinson said.",,2,2 "Scotto, who was asking about fundraising during Grimm's first campaign, protested, saying he was asking ""a valid question.""",,2,2 "Bloomberg considered making a third-party run for president this year before opting against a campaign, expressing worry he would siphon away votes from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and inadvertently help elect Trump.",,2,2 "Gowdy asked that Clinton agree to a ""transcribed"" interview -- and repeated a March 16 request for her to surrender her server so it can be examined by the State Department’s inspector general.",,2,2 """We're not going to be distracted from securing the release of the full Mueller report and the underlying evidence, and we will continue to pursue legitimate oversight because that's what the Constitution requires.""",,2,2 "“My guess is still that we will reach a deal, but I do not think that anything is either certain or imminent,” Representative Tom Cole, an Oklahoma Republican and Boehner lieutenant, said Sunday night.",,2,2 "He did not, however, say specifically whether he would still be an active candidate by then, taking no questions from the press before heading over to a meeting with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.",,2,2 """We're talking about getting a foot in the door,"" Ginsburg said, a standard she called not hard to meet.",,2,2 A terse response from the GOP only said: “No collusion.”,,2,2 "Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio and other Republican leaders are expected to release a one-page statement of immigration principles this week at their annual retreat in Cambridge, Md., according to aides with knowledge of the plan.",,2,2 "Representatives Brad Sherman of California and Al Green of Texas formally introduced an article of impeachment on Thursday, charging that Mr. Trump had obstructed justice in firing James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director.",,2,2 "“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the special counsel’s office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony are not accurate,” said the spokesman, Peter Carr.",,2,2 "Despite that, Democrats have long thought they could make a play for Mr. Hunter’s seat, especially if he were indicted.",,2,2 "The committee’s chairman, Senator Richard M. Burr of North Carolina, said this week that he aimed to finish witness interviews in the coming weeks and issue the last in a series of reports on the panel’s findings in the coming months.",,2,2 "They argued that by making an opening statement, she had waived her Fifth Amendment right and could be compelled to testify, a contention Ms. Lerner’s lawyer disputed.",,2,2 "While it is against the law to take legally purchased marijuana across state lines, Nebraska and Oklahoma said that Colorado does not require consumers to smoke or eat their marijuana where they buy it, and said that despite purchasing and possession limits, anyone can easily visit several dispensaries and stock up.",,2,2 Lawmakers at the scene of Wednesday’s baseball practice shooting described themselves as “sitting ducks” and said the violence would have been a “massacre” if not for Majority Whip Steve Scalise's detail -- spurring new questions over whether congressional security practices should be overhauled.,,2,2 "The existence of the account was discovered by the House select committee investigating the deadly 2012 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and was first reported by The New York Times.",,2,2 And they said the deal was a nonstarter because it did not offer any permanent protections for Dreamers.,,2,2 """Throw out the threat of a boycott to attempt to defeat a bill, and you might just be able to be successful.",,2,2 "On Thursday, as Democrats and Republicans in the House traded recriminations, the Senate panel quietly called back for another interview with Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser.",,2,2 “So much for balls and strikes.,,2,2 "But the legislation could lead to the public disclosure of American secrets and even undercut counterterrorism efforts by sowing mistrust among U.S. partners and allies, according to Carter.",,2,2 "“In his opening comments at the meeting, President Trump brought up impeachment,” Ms. Pelosi’s spokesman, Drew Hammill, wrote on Twitter.",,2,2 Many states currently prohibit anyone but a law enforcement officer from possessing guns in a school.,,2,2 "The criticism has resulted in an array of challenges or potential challenges for Steele's job from Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus, former RNC Co-Chairwoman Ann Wagner, longtime Republican official Maria Cino, former Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis and former RNC Political Director Gentry Collins.",,2,2 "It's going to be polarizing the entire state. And that's exactly what happened.""",,2,2 "Federal law makes it a crime for anyone “who directly or indirectly, promises any employment, position, compensation, contract, appointment, or any other benefit” to someone else “as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity or for the support of or opposition to any candidate or any political party in connection with any general or special election to any political office.”",,2,2 """Because neighboring states have expressed concern about Colorado-grown marijuana coming into their states, we are not entirely surprised by this action,"" he said.",,2,2 "Ryan smiled, and continued to work through a data-filled argument, mentioning the $831 billion stimulus, an 8 percent unemployment rate for 43 months, the 1.3 percent growth rate of the economy, the $90 billion for green energy programs in the stimulus, and the 12 million jobs he and Romney say their economic program would create.",,2,2 Ramos pointed out that Trump likely won among Hispanics during Tuesday’s Nevada caucus -- a statistic that has a few caveats.,,2,2 "FreedomWorks, which has provided financial support for Tea Party candidates, immediately began trying to generate support for Mr. Labrador through its websites and email lists.",,2,2 "But it took little more than 24 hours this week for a freshman House Democrat’s exuberant, expletive-laden impeachment promise to upend the bonhomie of a new Congress and prompt President Trump, by his own telling, to ask the newly elected speaker if Democrats planned to impeach him.",exuberant,0,1 "He added, “There are, of course, those who think we should pull out of Afghanistan, and they’re certainly entitled to make their case.",,2,2 The admission left some Senate Democrats encouraged by the prospect of a bipartisan solution ― even if they have no guarantee from House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) that it will pass in the House.,,2,2 Braley apologized to Grassley in person on Tuesday after state Republican Party leaders and a number of Braley's potential Republican general election opponents condemned his remarks.,,2,2 It took only hours for questions about those connections to become fodder in the presidential campaign.,,2,2 "In addition to identifying the presence of Al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia in Benghazi, the groups ultimately blamed for the assault, a key section of the cable, which remains classified, seemed to foreshadow the attack itself.","a key section of the cable, which remains classified, seemed to foreshadow the attack itself",1,1 And Senate Democrats have crushed most primary election challenges easily.,,2,2 """As many of you know, one of my daughters is gay and it is something we have lived with for a long time in our family.",,2,2 "He went on, ""You take 18 of them -- California, Illinois and New York, where you know we’re not likely to do well at the top of the ticket -- and those districts are frankly pretty vulnerable.""",,2,2 "She also exercises regularly, practices yoga, swims, walks and weight trains, her doctor said.",,2,2 She argued that the House vote gave Mr. Obama “this amazing opportunity” to seek concessions from Pacific trading partners to salvage the deal.,,2,2 "But he refused to provide details, such as who approached him and what position was dangled in front of him.",dangled in front of,0,1 "U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) and his wife, Margaret Hunter, were indicted Tuesday on charges of improperly using campaign funds for private use.",,2,2 The court of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has recently issued a series of rulings in favor of plaintiffs suing for employment discrimination that cut against the court’s pro-business reputation.,,2,2 """That's what we get in this administration -- speeches.",,2,2 "Sounding alternately defensive and aggrieved, Mr. Trump explained his failure to secure wall funding during his first two years in office when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress by saying, “I was a little new to the job.”",defensive and aggrieved,0,1 "In remarks at the White House before a youth leadership summit, Trump congratulated local and national law enforcement agencies for apprehending the suspect.",,2,2 Ms. Sanders also confirmed Friday that a near-total ban on the commercial trade of African elephant ivory enforced during the Obama administration would remain in place.,,2,2 Another pivotal issue Wednesday dealt with an Aug. 16 cable.,,2,2 "Corker said that if the president wants to raise the debt limit by $2 trillion, Republicans should press for $2 trillion in spending cuts.",,2,2 "Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, seized on the attacks as evidence of America’s weakness in facing terrorism.",seized,0,1 But Mr. Richtman said the group’s openness to considering future cuts would no doubt be used by deficit hawks to push for immediate cuts in Social Security benefits as part of the debate over deficit reduction.,,2,2 That separates Mr. Reid from President Obama’s support of the developers’ right to build the center.,,2,2 Mr. Strzok had testified before the House in July about how he had not allowed his political views to interfere with the investigations he was overseeing.,,2,2 "It also means refusing to be intimidated and staying true to our values,” she said.",,2,2 But the authorities in New York and elsewhere have warned that the devices should be considered dangerous.,,2,2 Senate Republicans refused to hold public hearings for Garland and declined to meet with him in private.,,2,2 House passage of the legislation is the result of a long collaborative process by the Democratic Party to prioritize campaign finance and voting rights reforms.,,2,2 "If this guy pretends that closing the borders to anywhere either for trade [or] for people is going to provide prosperity to the United States, he is completely crazy.""",he is completely crazy,1,1 "The next one will be a town hall format focusing on a range of issues, and the last one will focus exclusively on foreign policy.",,2,2 Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence also checked in on Scalise and Griner on Thursday.,,2,2 "On this week’s episode of The Huffington Post’s “So That Happened” podcast, 2016 Democratic House candidate Zephyr Teachout, a constitutional law professor at Fordham University School of Law, said the Democrats took the right approach by aiming their fire at the court as an institution that shapes our economy and our politics.",,2,2 "She also released plans to incorporate more junior members into leadership roles, among other ideas, such as including a freshman Democrat in the leadership team’s regular meetings.",,2,2 It was not immediately clear how the official defined “targeting.”,,2,2 """As president, I'll end Obama's war on religion and I'll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage,"" the Texas governor continues.",Obama's war on religion,1,1 "Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.","Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter",1,1 "Passion was the thing Obama lacked last week, and Romney surprised the president and Democrats by talking constantly about how his policies would help the middle class.",,2,2 """I was talking about the radical environmentalist,"" he said.",,2,2 Any efforts to get gun legislation through Congress will require an enormous and ceaseless pressure campaign by the administration.,,2,2 "Sources told Fox News this week that Mattis had quit ""in protest"" over the president's national security policies and that more resignations could be coming. ",,2,2 "Washington is locked in a battle over what to do about the Bush-era tax cuts, which expire at the end of the year. ",,2,2 "Thursday’s announcement comes on the heels of a historic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, which overturned a part of the Defense of Marriage Act earlier this year.",,2,2 The presumptive Republican presidential nominee went so far as to say Obama should “step down” for not using the term and Clinton should “get out of this race” if she won’t either.,went so far as to say,0,1 "Before a larger meeting at St. Louis Community College–Florissant Valley on Wednesday, the attorney general met with several students at the local school in what he described as an “opportunity to sit down with some wonderful young people and to hear them talk about the mistrust they have at a young age.”",wonderful,0,1 "To accomplish the idea he floated on Tuesday, Mr. Trump would have to find a way around the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”",,2,2 "The ARB, in its unclassified form, mentions that the attackers' motivation is the subject of an ongoing FBI investigation.",,2,2 """I can definitively say that I did not send this.""",,2,2 The ad is a state-wide buy in Iowa that starts Wednesday.,,2,2 "But the winner of the Democratic primary will be a likely favorite to win the June 25 special general election, considering Massachusetts is among the most liberal states in the country.",,2,2 "Privately, many Democrats were not pleased that the issue had been thrown into their laps during the summer recess as they believed they had been making inroads by talking about how some Republicans support privatizing Social Security.","Privately, many Democrats were not pleased that the issue had been thrown into their laps",1,1 "On Twitter, Mr. Strzok said he was “deeply saddened by this decision,” adding, “It has been an honor to serve my country and work with the fine men and women of the FBI.”",,2,2 "The late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) requested in a letter written before his death that the interim pick to replace him not run in the general election, a principle that Patrick honored after Kennedy died by picking Kennedy's longtime chief of staff, Paul Kirk.",,2,2 "Assange also claimed that the “full text of alleged DMs with context provides a different reading, unsurprisingly.”",,2,2 "Peter Carr, a spokesman for the special counsel, told BuzzFeed that its “description” of statements to Mueller’s office, as well as the “characterization” of documents and testimony the office obtained, was inaccurate.",“characterization”,0,0 "Despite the swirl of events that has buffeted him for several days, Mr. Weiner has not abandoned his sharp humor.",,2,2 "If it happens tonight, any of the bills could come before the Senate for a vote on proceeding to full debate as soon as Friday or possibly early next week.",,2,2 "“Today’s ruling provides certainty and clear, coherent tax filing guidance for all legally married same-sex couples nationwide.",,2,2 "She added: ""This was an unprecedented attack in size.""",,2,2 "Gingrich added: “We are a free country, and we’re gonna run the risk of freedom.”",,2,2 "By noon, their own ostensible allies in Congress had buckled.",,2,2 "In one of the highest-profile showdowns between establishment Republicans and Tea Party conservatives so far this year, Rep. Raul Labrador said Friday that he is challenging Rep. Kevin McCarthy for the House majority leader position that became open this week.",,2,2 "And the police also seemed more restrained, refraining from using tear gas.",,2,2 "“It would be nice if they were consistent,” Ms. Miller said.",,2,2 "Royce said that when carefully regulated, conservation hunts could help the wildlife population, but ""that said, this is the wrong move at the wrong time.""",,2,2 Israel and Middle East policy have a tendency of surfacing in presidential politics in rather combustible ways.,,2,2 "While he and his wife were away from their home this week, he added, he told his neighbor not to collect their mail.",,2,2 "Facing Congress, Clinton Defends Her Actions Before and After Libya Attack",,2,2 Obama rejected claims that he betrayed Democrats by cutting a deal with Republicans.,,2,2 "Advocates are hoping for a plan that would give undocumented immigrants a chance to both remain in the country and eventually become citizens, but House Republicans have indicated that the latter is something most cannot support.",,2,2 "“These indictments are further proof of what everyone but the president seems to understand: President Putin is an adversary who interfered in our elections to help President Trump win,” Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, said, adding that Mr. Trump should cancel the meeting “until Russia takes demonstrable and transparent steps to prove that they won’t interfere in future elections.”",These indictments are further proof of what everyone but the president seems to understand,1,1 "As for the prospects of an immigration overhaul now, Mr. Davis said: “How do you get that or anything done now? Eric is too liberal? This was the guy holding Boehner back.”",“How do you get that or anything done now? Eric is too liberal? This was the guy holding Boehner back.”,1,1 Murray says the law doesn't reflect Seattle residents’ values.,,2,2 Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer said $1.3 billion was their highest bid.,,2,2 "Officials said Mr. Mattis went to the White House with his resignation letter already written, but nonetheless made a last attempt at persuading the president to reverse his decision about Syria, which Mr. Trump announced on Wednesday over the objections of his senior advisers.",,2,2 "From his home at Mar-a-Lago, Donald J. Trump stirred up new controversy this week in the Republican presidential primary — and new alarm among party leaders that the front-runner for the nomination will drive away women from candidates running farther down the ballot in the fall.",,2,2 "And Barry Broome, president and chief executive of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council, said that leaders of four companies looking to relocate to Arizona had put his organization on notice, saying they might reconsider if the bill became law.",,2,2 "Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, one of the Democratic architects of the Senate bill, said: “One thing is certain, just as with the budget, at some point both the House and the Senate will have to sit down and resolve all the contentious issues.”",,2,2 """While Colorado reaps millions from the sale of pot, Nebraska taxpayers have to bear the cost.""","""While Colorado reaps millions from the sale of pot, Nebraska taxpayers have to bear the cost.""",1,1 The decision follows a two-year FBI investigation into various aspects of Grimm's business and campaign history.,,2,2 Lerner is a key figure in the unfolding IRS scandal.,,2,2 "This is not about Congressman Sestak,"" Issa said, adding that he wants to know what Clinton was empowered to say.",,2,2 "Last week Ms. Pelosi selected Representative Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico to again lead the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, even though House Democrats picked up just six seats in this election.",,2,2 "One of them told investigators that Mr. Stone not only seemed to predict WikiLeaks’ actions, but also that he took credit afterward for the timing of its disclosures that damaged Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy.",,2,2 "The development came hours after two additional packages were discovered, one addressed to Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and the other to former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.",,2,2 "Prior to the passage Tuesday of the Arkansas bill, the White House repeated its opposition to the Indiana law.",,2,2 "Cornyn's Democratic campaign counterpart, Sen. Bob Menendez, D-NJ, Tuesday offered a critical vote of confidence in the attorney general, saying his lifetime of support for veterans is what really matters.",,2,2 "One House Democrat is already under fire for not taking a stronger stance on behalf of immigrants: Representative Daniel Lipinski of Illinois, a moderate Democrat from Chicago who is facing a primary race challenger, Marie Newman, in March.",,2,2 """I think he's corrected the record in the past.",,2,2 "At the time that he stopped me, I was a federal prosecutor. I wasn't a kid,"" he said.",,2,2 Neither was taking action specifically rejected by Congress.,Neither was taking action specifically rejected by Congress.,1,1 "Spokesmen for the office of the United States attorney in Brooklyn, Loretta E. Lynch, and for the New York F.B.I. office declined to comment.",,2,2 "“I know you’re under duress,” he told the vice president, prompting another belly laugh.",,2,2 "Many previously scheduled events around Capitol Hill were canceled Wednesday, including an event Trump was scheduled to attend at the Department of Labor.",,2,2 "“I believe what the Bible says (about marriage),” Chauncy Fields told us after wolfing down a breakfast of chicken and biscuits.",wolfing down,0,0 "“Democrats in the room either don’t care that there is a humanitarian crisis on the border or just prefer ignorance,” Katie Waldman, a spokeswoman for the department, said in a statement on Wednesday night.","“Democrats in the room either don’t care that there is a humanitarian crisis on the border or just prefer ignorance,”",1,1 "Charges included conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States, wire fraud and falsifying records.",,2,2 “Support for Israel remains strong.,,2,2 "The news that Mattis will be leaving sooner than expected comes just days after Brett McGurk, the U.S. envoy for the global coalition to defeat Islamic State (ISIS), on Saturday accelerated his planned departure and announced his resignation.",,2,2 "The Texas lawmaker blamed his rival for the National Enquirer story published Friday that alleged Cruz has had extramarital affairs, and after hits from Trump’s campaign about the mental health of his wife, the firebrand senator appears to be backing away from his pledge to support Trump if the billionaire real estate mogul wins the GOP nomination.",,2,2 "Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol, who led the charge of conservatives calling for Steele to step down over the remark, said on ""Fox News Sunday"" that Steele still needs to go -- though he said Steele tried to convince him otherwise.",,2,2 The lawmaker is running for re-election in November against Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar.,,2,2 Both these releases come as the State Department releases thousands of pages of emails from her time running the department.,,2,2 "“There was no such impropriety,” Robert F. Bauer, the White House counsel, said in a memo released to reporters.",,2,2 "Democrats pushed back hard on that notion, casting the conservative Mr. Lieberman as a Democrat in name only and noting that he publicly supported Mr. Trump’s pick of Michael T. Flynn as his first national security adviser.",in name only,0,1 The president first stepped into the fray Friday when he appeared to endorse the Park 51 project during a Ramadan dinner at the White House.,,2,2 He said AARP remains opposed to cutting Social Security for the sake of deficit reduction and to any privatization plan.,,2,2 "Attorney General Barr will determine the appropriate next steps,” said the president’s personal attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekulow in a joint statement.",,2,2 "Beck didn't really name names - save for a swipe at one Republican (presumably Sen. John McCain) for admiring another Republican, Teddy Roosevelt -- the latter of whom Beck accused of launching the modern progressive movement.",,2,2 “Who can guarantee you happiness?“ he asked. “Tiger Woods wasn’t happy.”,,2,2 "But from the start, the evidence on the scene in Benghazi was more complex.",,2,2 "Notably, he hammered Mitt Romney over his secretly videotaped comment in which he said he doesn't have to worry about the ""47 percent"" of Americans who don't pay federal income taxes.",,2,2 "“When we returned, we saw nothing like this,” Mr. Blumenthal said.",,2,2 The GOP also has attacked the president for declining an opportunity to meet with Netanyahu at the United Nations General Assembly later this month in an effort to paint the current White House as dismissive of Israel and its concerns.,dismissive,0,1 "Jack Levin, the chief executive of yFrog, the Twitter-affiliated image and video service that was used to upload the photo, said in an interview on Wednesday that his company did not have reason to believe that its user passwords were exposed or stolen.",,2,2 "And when Eric Cantor, a conservative and member of the leadership, is too moderate, it sends a chilling effect to other Republicans and makes it that much harder to cross over and work together.”",,2,2 "Former Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) has not said what he will do, but the Associated Press reported Tuesday that he was ""leaning strongly"" towards a run and would likely announce his candidacy early next week.",,2,2 "Mr. Katz, a lawyer, suggested it may require only a simple majority of the House and senate, which could reduce the House Republicans’ ability to block such a move, although he added there could be other hurdles to an agreement.",,2,2 "Running for president is a new and bigger stage, though, and both Mr. Christie’s stagecraft and his oratory showed room for improvement.",,2,2 "Some of those provisions, however, have drawn criticism from both conservative and liberal groups that argue the language is overly broad and would infringe on First Amendment rights.",drawn criticism from both conservative and liberal groups that argue the language is overly broad and would infringe on First Amendment rights,1,1 Whether Sanders sought – and the president would even consider – a Schultz sacrifice is unclear.,,2,2 "Trump, returning to Washington after spending the holidays at his Florida resort, posted an early-morning tweet lashing out at former Clinton aide Huma Abedin, apparently in response to Abedin emails released by the State Department on Friday.",lashing out,0,1 "“I didn’t use racially charged language,” Mr. LePage claimed, although he also said, “Let’s leave ethnicity out of it.”","“I didn’t use racially charged language,” Mr. LePage claimed, although he also said, “Let’s leave ethnicity out of it.”",1,1 Many in the conservative blogosphere are not pleased.,,2,2 """They know once international sanctions are lifted, they can never be reimposed.""",,2,2 "If Mr. Romney were to reject the party’s tough abortion plank, it would send a politically difficult message to conservatives about how Mr. Romney might govern once he got into the White House.",,2,2 "This time, it was a tragedy that combined gun violence, a hatred of gays and ties to Islamist terrorism.",,2,2 "A self-described dirty trickster, Mr. Stone began his career as a Nixon campaign aide and has a tattoo of Nixon on his back.",A self-described dirty trickster,0,1 "A reference to another terrorist group, Ansar al-Sharia, was left in, but later removed at the request of the State Department; the CIA agreed with that decision, again so as not to hinder the FBI investigation.",,2,2 "“These are not hoax devices,” he said.",,2,2 House Speaker John Boehner declined to weigh in on the merits of the president's proposals Wednesday.,,2,2 "The U.S. is not the only country to grant birthright citizenship, with Canada and a number of Latin American countries also doing so, but the issue has long been a contentious one in the U.S. -- particularly for those seeking to restrict illegal immigration into the U.S.",,2,2 Economists credit the program for drastically reducing poverty among the elderly since its creation in the 1930s.,Economists credit the program for drastically reducing poverty among the elderly since its creation in the 1930s.,1,1 I want to talk to you I want you to prove that I’m a racist.,,2,2 "I have not broken any laws,” said Ms. Lerner, who leads the I.R.S.’s division on tax-exempt organizations.",,2,2 "The former national co-chairman of President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, Jackson was first elected to office in 1995 and resigned from Congress last year amid a federal investigation and his treatment for bipolar disorder.",,2,2 "But that upset other Republicans, who said that Ms. Lerner should not be let go so quickly.",,2,2 Both insisted on anonymity to describe the private gathering.,,2,2 "“Here’s what I hope – that we turn around and go back to where we were, because what we’re doing is going to destroy the judiciary over time,” Graham said on Monday.",,2,2 “Expect more of this.,,2,2 The department said that the improper use of campaign funds continued despite “numerous warnings” and “repeated inquiries” from Mr. Hunter’s campaign treasurer about questionable purchases.,,2,2 "Trump, who was accompanied by parents of children killed by unauthorized immigrants, said he was declaring the national emergency for “virtual invasion purposes.”",,2,2 "In releasing the e-mails, the White House was hoping to show that intelligence officials, not political advisers, drove the debate over the talking points.",,2,2 "While the AARP claims its position on strengthening Social Security remains unchanged, others outside the organization detected a shift.",,2,2 "But in December, the extent of Mr. Farenthold’s settlement was revealed when Congress’s Office of Compliance released details of six settlements that it had paid out since 2013 as part of a review of discrimination and sexual harassment in congressional offices.",,2,2 These changes are reflected in the bills.,,2,2 "“Those are not Republican principles. He is not a Democrat. He is just himself. He is egocentric.""",He is just himself. He is egocentric,1,1 "But by declaring an emergency, Trump would also seek to unlock money from the Defense Department’s military construction budget, to the tune of $3.5 billion.",,2,2 "“Seattleites know that discrimination has no place in our city,” he said in a statement.","“Seattleites know that discrimination has no place in our city,”",1,1 "Also interviewed were two other judges, Michael J. Garcia of the New York State Court of Appeals and Henry E. Hudson of Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.",,2,2 "“They are shaken,” Rucker said of YMCA staff.",,2,2 "Mr. Vega, anticipating an indictment, asserted in the letter that two prosecutors involved in the investigation had attended a fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton, and complained that bringing charges so close to the election would effectively deliver a “solidly Republican” House seat into Democratic hands.",,2,2 """The question that I think's gonna rise over time is, how can we be confident that once she carries out what she tweeted -- that she wants all the emails known -- how are we gonna know that?","""The question that I think's gonna rise over time is, how can we be confident that once she carries out what she tweeted -- that she wants all the emails known -- how are we gonna know that?",1,1 Justice Kennedy responded with a point about the suitability of the case for class-action treatment.,,2,2 "“I find Indiana’s new law disturbing, particularly at a time when more and more states and people in America are embracing civil rights for everyone,"" Inslee said in a statement.",disturbing,0,1 "“I would say that there is a two-in-three chance that we win control of the House again, but there’s a one-in-three chance that we could lose, and I’m being myself, frank,” he said in an interview first posted online by the newspaper The Hill.",,2,2 "Trump accused Obama of conducting a confusing policy on the civil war in Libya, saying ""nobody knows what's happening, and now it looks like (Libyan strongman Muammar) al-Qaddafi is going to beat the United States.""",,2,2 "The president downplayed the news via Twitter Saturday evening, saying he had neither met McGurk nor appointed him.",,2,2 "Those states offer an array of different rights to same-sex couples, among them the ability to pool resources for tax purposes, place a spouse on an employee health care plan and inherit property after a death.",,2,2 "“We do not give the ‘well qualified’ rating lightly,” said Nancy Scott Degan, an official of the bar association.",,2,2 "Gowdy said once Clinton is interviewed and all documents related to the 2012 Benghazi attack are shared, the committee will schedule a time for Clinton to testify publicly in a hearing.",,2,2 "The president castigated Kathy Griffin, the celebrity comic and author, for posing for a video showing her holding what looks like the severed and bloodied head of Mr. Trump.",castigated,0,1 "Democrats’ landmark campaign finance, voting rights and ethics reform bill passed the House of Representatives on Friday.",,2,2 Ramos’ interview with Fox also occurred as U.S. Vice President Joe Biden paid a visit to Mexico for an economic summit.,,2,2 "“I’m not an alcoholic and I’m not a drug addict and I don’t have mental issues,” LePage replied Wednesday.",,2,2 "He claimed that a 2005 tape of him bragging about sexual assault, which was released last fall, was “locker room talk.”","He claimed that a 2005 tape of him bragging about sexual assault, which was released last fall, was “locker room talk.”",1,1 "While serving as chair of the governors association, Christie held prep sessions on foreign policy with officials, business leaders and academics in an attempt to ready himself for a White House run, according The Associated Press.",,2,2 The Democrats were given a chance to run government and they’ve only succeeded in running it into the ground.,The Democrats were given a chance to run government and they’ve only succeeded in running it into the ground.,1,0 "Meanwhile, legislators in Indiana have made changes to the controversial RFRA signed into law by Gov. Mike Pence (R) last week.",,2,2 Now a number of legal academics and Supreme Court observers are raising questions about the propriety of Ginsburg’s candor and what it might mean for the court’s integrity ― with some suggesting she might have to recuse herself from considering any Trump-related case that reaches the high court.,,2,2 "On Tuesday he repeated his apology for that comment, calling it “very inappropriate,” his latest effort to try to win back some Republican primary voters who abandoned him as rivals sought to paint him as too soft on illegal immigration.",abandoned,0,1 "The founder of Lieberman’s law firm ― Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman ― is one of the president’s top lawyers.",,2,2 "But the latest details in the proposal, which Senate Republicans unveiled Monday in a bill they plan to vote on this week, make the offer appear less of a compromise and more of a wish list for immigration hard-liners like White House adviser Stephen Miller.",less of a compromise and more of a wish list for immigration hard-liners,1,1 "The bill’s changes to asylum law alarmed immigration activists online, as well some on the right, including attorney and conservative writer Gabriel Malor.",alarmed,0,0 "He also said that ""few things have affected me as greatly as my trip to Ferguson.""",,2,2 "Sanders acknowledged a common political enemy, railing against Trump in his brief remarks to reporters Thursday afternoon and saying he’ll do everything in his power to prevent Trump’s election.",,2,2 """It is a failed trade policy, and I would hope that the Secretary joins Elizabeth Warren, and vast majority of Democrats in the Congress in saying, ‘No, we've got to defeat this piece of legislation,’ ” Sanders said on CBS' ""Face the Nation.""",,2,2 "For that year, the budget was $640 million.",,2,2 “He first learned of this news from a published report earlier tonight.”,,2,2 "We're not making a federal case out of this.""",,2,2 "It was a performance by the vice president guaranteed to amp up -– and buck up -– worried Democrats, who had fallen into a paralysis of anxiety after the president's debate.","It was a performance by the vice president guaranteed to amp up -– and buck up -– worried Democrats, who had fallen into a paralysis of anxiety after the president's debate.",1,1 And the men have a filial connection: acquaintances said that Mr. Bloomberg’s daughter Georgina is friends with Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka.,,2,2 """An emergency meeting was held and a cable sent out on Aug. 16 by the ambassador himself, warning of what could happen.",,2,2 "So obvious. So predictable. So pathetic,” Frank Sharry, the executive director of the immigration advocacy group America’s Voice, tweeted on Tuesday.",So obvious. So predictable. So pathetic,1,1 "He said he did not know the woman who received the photo, Gennette Cordova, a student at Whatcom Community College in Bellingham, Wash.; she followed him on Twitter.",,2,2 "He said the meeting did not lead to anything, and has denied colluding with the Russian government.",,2,2 "While a parade of witnesses addressed the Senate Judiciary Committee, trading dueling views of Judge Gorsuch, the Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer of New York, went to the Senate floor and announced that he would try to lead Democrats in blocking an up-or-down vote on Judge Gorsuch.",,2,2 The nuclear option was first used by Democrats for circuit court judicial appointments in 2013 and top Republicans – including President Trump – have indicated for weeks it’s a serious option in order to get Gorsuch on the court.,,2,2 "“Because our leaders are weak, I said this was going to happen -- and it is only going to get worse.",our leaders are weak,1,1 "Moore lashed out earlier at what he called ""the Obama-Clinton machine's liberal media lapdogs"" after The Washington Post reported on a woman's claims that the former judge and staunch social conservative initiated a sexual encounter with her when she was 14.",staunch,0,1 "With 50 million beneficiaries, Medicare is a major concern for both parties.",,2,2 """I'm only interested in Libya if we get the oil,"" Trump said.",,2,2 "If Mr. Trump picks Mr. Lieberman, one adviser said he might serve for a short stint — to lend his bipartisan reputation to a president badly in needed of credibility — instead of the full term.",,2,2 "Cesar Sayoc, 56, of South Florida was taken into custody on Friday, FBI Director Chris Wray confirmed at a press conference.",,2,2 President Donald Trump announced Friday a short-term plan that will reopen the government for three weeks so that border security negotiations may continue without the devastating effects of the partial government shutdown.,devastating,0,0 Brewer will likely spend the next day or more pondering Senate Bill 1062 before deciding whether to sign or veto the legislation.,,2,2 "Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed, saying that companies had a responsibility to make sure that women were treated fairly in local workplaces.",,2,2 "And for California Republicans, it has immediate implications, expanding from seven to eight the field of Republican-held seats being seriously targeted by Democrats.",,2,2 But the time frame in which he is asking Mrs. Clinton to submit to questioning — at any time before May 1 — coincides with the period in which she is widely expected to make her candidacy official.,,2,2 They repeated their demand in person during a feisty hearing Thursday morning.,,2,2 "He added that he “can’t possibly know what is reported in all” the articles that are written about him, given the large number of appearances he makes at military-style events.",,2,2 "And who, exactly, sucked as much as the other side?",,2,2 "In the unusual letter, Mattis also wrote that he and Trump had differing views on Russian and Chinese authoritarianism: “Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position.”",,2,2 Ms. Griffin went online on Tuesday night to express regret.,,2,2 "The arguments range from President Obama directing the Justice Department to stop arguing for the Defense of Marriage Act, to less substantive examples like Obama leaving God out of his Thanksgiving speech this year.",less substantive examples,1,1 "“He said that there needs to be some changes made, things need to be looked into and investigated,” Townsend-Saunders said.",,2,2 "We are hoping that as the process goes on and as the debate goes on, we might come up with some other ideas.""",,2,2 """I would say that there is a 2 in 3 chance that we win control of the House again.",,2,2 "The Washington Post reporter Robert Costa writes of Christie today, “his status as the establishment favorite for the GOP nomination has vanished.",,2,2 President Trump on Saturday took aim at social media tech giants for “discriminating” against Republicans and conservatives -- saying that “too many voices are being destroyed” and promising that his administration would not allow it to happen.,“discriminating”,0,1 "Murray, a Democrat who is openly gay, issued his ban via executive order over the weekend, and Inslee issued his Monday afternoon.",,2,2 "Biden was quick to retort: ""With all due respect, that's just a bunch of malarkey.",that's just a bunch of malarkey,1,1 "A version of this article appears in print on October 12, 2012, on page A16 of the New York edition with the headline: Night of Withering Ripostes, Mostly Delivered by Biden.",,2,2 Obama also plans to beef up mental health coverage via executive action.,,2,2 "The Constitution grants the House the power to impeach executive branch officials for “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” but what constitutes such crimes has traditionally been defined by the majority party of the House.",,2,2 "Briefly posing for photographers before his meeting in the Capitol with Senator Harry Reid, the minority leader, Mr. Sanders ignored three questions about Mr. Obama’s endorsement of Mrs. Clinton.",,2,2 "“The division, chaos and corruption in Washington has gone too far,” Mr. Campa-Najjar said in a statement.",,2,2 (Trump made waves by very loudly claiming he was considering running as a Republican earlier in the year.),very loudly,0,1 Others in the group were less eager to declare their intentions.,,2,2 "The Justice Department revealed on Thursday that the report came in at more than 300 pages, raising more questions about what information was behind the four-page summary released by Mr. Barr.",,2,2 "Mr. Summers made the remarks at a briefing with the White House press secretary Robert Gibbs and David Axelrod, the president’s top political adviser.",,2,2 "Shortly after Kristol called for his resignation, a GOP operative began pitching the column to reporters, hoping that the meme of Steele’s troubles would spread far and wide.",,2,2 "Shortly afterward, Mr. Grimm filed papers with the state to dissolve Granny Sayz.",,2,2 "Earlier this year, Fox railed against Trump in an expletive-laden outburst, promising that Mexico would “never pay for that fucking wall.”",,2,2 "I am confident that a reasonable compromise can be reached, but not while President Trump continues to keep significant parts of the government shut down and Leader McConnell refuses to meaningfully negotiate with Senate Democrats,"" he said.",not while President Trump continues to keep significant parts of the government shut down,1,1 "This is a felony,"" said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who has been leading the charge for more details on the allegation.",This is a felony,1,1 "Trump notably backed Strange over Moore, though many members of his base, including former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, supported Moore.",,2,2 “He doesn’t know how to run a nation.,“He doesn’t know how to run a nation.,1,1 He cast his decision as a way to keep his options open.,,2,2 And Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on Thursday that he would like to mandate automatic voter registration across the country.,,2,2 "I mean, we have one house, that's it,"" Corker said.",,2,2 "My starting point is to focus on what makes sense, what works.”",,2,2 "“I believe Sen. McConnell will follow through,” independent Sen. Angus King of Maine, who caucuses with the Democrats, told reporters on Monday.",,2,2 Weiner declined to answer reporters' questions about the photo or why he was hiring a lawyer for the case instead of having law enforcement officials pursue the matter.,,2,2 "The bill, which has been approved by committees of the House and Senate, allows great latitude to the secretary of state in denying a presidential candidate a spot on the ballot, saying that the secretary can do so if he or she believes that the documents do not prove citizenship.",,2,2 "At work on Thursday, those pangs visited lawmakers like a too-familiar houseguest — stalking them down the Capitol’s corridors, past the Senate chamber where a ferocious health care debate had already resumed, along the hall where some had stood one day earlier as survivors, still in dusted cleats and uniforms, unharmed but unsettled.",,2,2 "Saturday’s speech grew out of talks that Vice President Mike Pence and the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, have had in recent days with lawmakers including Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader.",,2,2 Sentencing has been set for June 28.,,2,2 "After the disclosure, more of his aides came forward to accuse Mr. Farenthold of fostering a hostile environment, describing a congressman with a harsh temper who made sexually explicit jokes and engaged in casual sexual banter.",describing a congressman with a harsh temper who made sexually explicit jokes and engaged in casual sexual banter,1,1 "Labrador has not been shy about criticizing House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, saying that he should step down if he allows a vote on an immigration bill this year.",has not been shy,0,1 Thousands of people asked about them.,,2,2 But federal agencies are not moving in lock step.,,2,2 "During his 2016 campaign, Trump dismissed allegations of sexual misconduct against himself from more than a dozen women and threatened to sue some of his accusers.","During his 2016 campaign, Trump dismissed allegations of sexual misconduct against himself from more than a dozen women and threatened to sue some of his accusers.",1,1 "“It is still morning in America,” he posited, “it just happens to be kind of a head-pounding, hung-over, vomiting-for-four-hours kind of morning in America.",,2,2 "But for all those who described the exercise as political waste -- including Vanity Fair magazine, which estimated it as costing more than $1 million -- supporters noted that it was an historic moment -- the first time the U.S. Constitution had been read on the U.S. House floor.",which estimated it as costing more than $1 million,1,1 The article said that Cohen’s testimony “marks a significant new frontier: It is the first known example of Trump explicitly telling a subordinate to lie directly about his own dealings with Russia.”,,2,2 "Get well soon, sir.”",,2,2 "Before he met congressional leaders on Wednesday, Mr. Trump publicly rejected a compromise that Mr. Pence floated privately with Democrats last month to stave off the government funding lapse, saying $2.5 billion in border security spending was insufficient.",,2,2 "To conceal their personal spending, the Hunters mischaracterized the purchases as “campaign travel,” “dinner with volunteers/contributors,” “toy drives,” “teacher/parent and supporter events,” “gift cards” for charitable donations and “gift basket items,” the statement said.",,2,2 Cruz has a stiff challenge trying to catch him in remaining races and may only have a shot at the nomination if the contest spills into the summer convention.,,2,2 "Mr. Mueller did not say that Mr. Stone’s interactions with WikiLeaks were illegal, nor that the Trump campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy with the organization.",,2,2 "And in an interview on MSNBC, he pointed to the 2020 presidential election as the best way to oust Trump from the White House, saying, “I think this is further evidence that it would be a mistake for Democrats to think that the way for the Trump presidency to end is by way of investigation.”",,2,2 "The morning after Calderón made the comments, the GOP front-runner appeared on MSNBC's ""Morning Joe.""",,2,2 "Flynn lied, and it’s like, it ruined his life.","Flynn lied, and it’s like, it ruined his life.",1,0 But Roger Pilon of the Cato Institute said Congress needs to re-read the Constitution to be reminded how out of control government has become.,,2,2 "Bloomberg’s scathing speech seemed designed to chafe Trump’s rawest nerves, mocking Trump’s business prowess, his inheritance from his late father, his ego and his intellect.",,2,2 "Earlier in the day, top Clinton advisers, including senior spokeswoman Karen Finney, said that Clinton is waiting to see the final deal and that she has explained her position in recent weeks.",,2,2 "God help us,"" said Bloomberg, who added that ""the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy.""",God help us,1,1 "Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange tweeted about the report on Monday, saying that the organization couldn’t “confirm” the messages with Trump Jr.",,2,2 "“Benghazi didn’t happen in a vacuum,” she said.",,2,2 "Perry said in a statement that if elected president, he would ""secure the border within a year.""",,2,2 "David Axelrod, the president’s chief political adviser, said on CNN’s “American Morning” that middle-class Americans were “going to get screwed” if their tax cuts were not extended at the end of the year.",“going to get screwed”,0,1 "That same year, a charter school said LePage threatened to strip it of its funding if it did not rescind a job offer to Democratic state House Speaker Mark Eves.",,2,2 "The American people deserve to see the full report. #ReleaseTheFullReport,” she wrote on Twitter.",,2,2 """I don't believe that that's what we're here to do.",,2,2 "There is widespread speculation that Brewer will veto the bill, but she has not said how she'll act, as is her longtime practice with pending legislation.",,2,2 “It has only grown more pressing as the world has grown more interconnected.”,,2,2 Former Mexican President Vincente Fox made it loud and clear that he won’t be chipping in for any part of Donald Trump’s proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.,,2,2 The photo in question showed a close-up shot of a man's bulging underwear.,,2,2 “The people don’t buy it.”,,2,2 His case was the only settlement involving sexual harassment since 2013.,,2,2 "Mr. Page did not list what testimony he considered false by Mr. Comey, who was fired by Mr. Trump as director of the F.B.I., or Mr. Brennan, the former director of the C.I.A., who stepped down when President Barack Obama left office in January.",,2,2 “She ought to stand here and answer our questions.”,,2,2 "Draft ""talking points"" obtained by The Weekly Standard and ABC News depicted efforts by State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland in the days after the attack to strip out references to prior attacks in Benghazi.",,2,2 "One Democrat, Representative Stephen F. Lynch of Massachusetts, even raised the threat of appointing a special prosecutor if Congress continues to feel that the I.R.S. is not being straightforward.",,2,2 "In a Friday statement, Royce pointed to the unrest in Zimbabwe — where a military coup is thought to be unfolding — and said he has no confidence that the regime is properly managing conservation programs.",,2,2 "The cameraman replies, “we’re just here for a project...we’re just students.”",,2,2 "At that point, it was too late to stave off defeat.",,2,2 "The e-mails revealed no new details about the administration’s evolving account of the Sept. 11 attack, which killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.",,2,2 "Many of Ms. Tlaib’s new colleagues expressed sympathy for her sentiments, even as they said the House should proceed differently.",Many of Ms. Tlaib’s new colleagues expressed sympathy for her sentiments,1,1 "MoveOn.org, one of the most influential progressive organizations in Washington, similarly panned the agreement that 33 Senate Democrats voted to advance to a final vote on Monday.",,2,2 A memo circulated by a GOP analyst noted that Reid so far has not been able to peel off any Republicans to support the measure to give benefits beyond 99 weeks.,,2,2 The Hunters are scheduled to be arraigned Thursday morning in San Diego.,,2,2 Chairman Issa remains hopeful that she will ultimately decide to testify tomorrow about her knowledge of outrageous IRS targeting of Americans for their political beliefs.”,outrageous,0,1 “All of us have come together and agreed this is the appropriate and right thing to do.”,,2,2 Mr. Trump’s ascension amounted to a hostile takeover of a capital facing its most significant disruption in generations.,hostile takeover,0,1 "There were more protests planned throughout the day and into the evening, but Capt. Ronald S. Johnson of the Missouri State Highway Patrol said he believed they had reached “a turning point.”",,2,2 The IG ultimately found no evidence that the bias among the several FBI agents impacted prosecutorial decisions in the Clinton email probe. ,,2,2 "The For The People Act “takes power from the elites, special interests and the 1 percent and gives it to the American people,” Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) said.","“takes power from the elites, special interests and the 1 percent and gives it to the American people,”",1,1 "When Mr. Shulman said he had, Mr. Jordan produced White House visitor records that he said indicated Mr. Shulman had been there at least 118 times.",,2,2 "Their address or the location of their wedding does not matter, as long as the marriage is legal: a same-sex couple who marry in Albany, N.Y., and move to Alabama are treated the same as a same-sex couple who marry and live in Massachusetts.",,2,2 "Trump went on to pull out of the deal in May, claiming that it had been poorly negotiated during the Obama administration.",,2,2 "The Obama administration is not mentioned by name in the latest spot, but it implicitly underscores the GOP’s narrative on the president’s relationship with the country’s closest ally.",,2,2 """I will put everything I've got into this and so will Joe [Biden].",,2,2 "“The shooter targeted a nightclub where people came together to be with friends, to dance and to sing, and to live,” Mr. Obama said.",,2,2 “They elected her to find real solutions and actually work with the president and work with all members of Congress to get things done.”,,2,2 "According to Peter Keating at Vanity Fair, $1.1 million is the estimated cost of GOP plans to read the document on the House floor. ","According to Peter Keating at Vanity Fair, $1.1 million is the estimated cost of GOP plans to read the document on the House floor.",1,1 "As Senate Democrats float new options for complicating a vote on President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Republicans appear ready to return fire with a bomb of their own – a nuclear one.",return fire with a bomb of their own – a nuclear one,0,1 "On Wednesday, in anticipation of Mr. Obama’s announcement, Mr. Romney laid out his belief that marriage — and anything resembling it — should be restricted to heterosexual couples, even as he acknowledged that it was “a very tender and sensitive topic.”",,2,2 Governor Pence? “Solid as a rock.”,,2,2 Few lawmakers even in the president’s own party saw it that way.,,2,2 """Senator Reid respects that but thinks that the mosque should be built someplace else.",,2,2 "to and your own senator, and to urge them to stay strong,” tweeted the Brooklyn, N.Y., chapter of Indivisible Nation, a leader in the progressive, Resist Trump movement.",,2,2 "All together, 12 crude explosive devices have been found since Monday, sent through the mail to a host of Democrats and other prominent figures who have been among Mr. Trump’s most vocal detractors. ",,2,2 WASHINGTON — A young Republican congressional aide resigned Monday after her Facebook post berating President Obama’s daughters for their attitude and outfits during the annual White House turkey pardon became a sensation on the Internet.,berating,0,1 "Tlaib, who became one of the first Muslim women in Congress on Thursday, dropped the expletive as she spoke to a crowd of supporters at an event hosted by the progressive group MoveOn.",,2,2 "Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., former chairman of the House oversight committee, said in a statement that Clinton ""failed"" to follow records law.",,2,2 “I’m astounded that this caucus refuses to acknowledge reality and change.”,“I’m astounded that this caucus refuses to acknowledge reality and change.”,1,1 "House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer shared a similar sentiment, urging Trump and Sen. Mitch McConnell to ""stop holding government hostage and end the shutdown"" immediately.",,2,2 "Earlier this week, the colorful and sometimes combative congressman who represents parts of Brooklyn and Queens was characteristically sharp tongued, refusing to answer reporters' questions about it, and even calling one a ""jackass"" for interrupting him.",,2,2 "Mr. Hunter, 41, becomes the second Republican congressman to be indicted this month.",,2,2 "The Post noted that the legal age of consent in the state is 16, and sexual contact by anyone 19 or older with anyone between 12 and 16 years old is considered second-degree sexual abuse.","The Post noted that the legal age of consent in the state is 16, and sexual contact by anyone 19 or older with anyone between 12 and 16 years old is considered second-degree sexual abuse.",1,1 A spokeswoman for Mr. Farenthold did not respond to questions about whether he had fulfilled that promise or whether he would do so after resigning.,,2,2 """But here in this small town called Hope, I was raised to believe where a person started didn't mean that is where he had to stop.",,2,2 It is too early to talk about that intelligently.,,2,2 """Given our struggling economy, preventing the tax increase and providing economic certainty should be our top priority.""",,2,2 It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. ,It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful.,1,1 "That assurance came ahead of the release of a book by acclaimed Watergate journalist Bob Woodward, which reported that Mattis once told staffers that Trump has the understanding of a “fifth- or sixth-grader.” Mattis has denied having said that.",Mattis once told staffers that Trump has the understanding of a “fifth- or sixth-grader.”,1,1 “I don’t like that language.,“I don’t like that language.,1,1 "It also creates a six-to-one matching system for donations of up to $200 to congressional and presidential candidates who reject high-dollar contributions, funded by an additional fine on corporations found to have broken the law.",,2,2 "Republicans arguably have spent more time trying to define the bill — called the For the People Act or H.R. 1, to underscore its primacy — and tear it down than Democrats have spent trying to promote it.","more time trying to define the bill — called the For the People Act or H.R. 1, to underscore its primacy — and tear it down than Democrats have spent trying to promote it",1,1 "“I think liberals are missing a vital point in their blind hatred of Chick-fil-A,” Minor said in a statement sent to Fox News.",blind hatred,0,1 """Donald's a really good friend of mine, I don't know that Donald really wants to be president,"" Christie said in an interview that aired Wednesday night.","""Donald's a really good friend of mine, I don't know that Donald really wants to be president,""",1,1 "“American women know that Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the party they lead are the wrong choice for women and their families,” a statement from the Democratic committee said.",the wrong choice for women and their families,1,1 "“It didn’t sound too important to me,” he said.","“It didn’t sound too important to me,”",1,1 "Nine states, including California, Delaware and New Jersey, now allow civil unions and broad domestic partnerships that most likely fit Mr. Romney’s description of marriage-like arrangements, meaning that they would be in the cross hairs of a President Romney, who supports a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.",cross hairs,0,1 "Several of the packages went through a U.S. postal facility in Opa-locka, which is less than 10 miles from Aventura.",,2,2 """This country is capable of change. But change doesn't happen by itself.""",,2,2 "Others, including the party chairmen for Covington County, William Blocker, and Mobile County, John Skipper, dismissed the story as a Democratic trick.",,2,2 "Speculation over Wasserman Schultz’ position has swirled for months, however, and so far she has retained the public support of the White House.",,2,2 "Mr. Boehner said Tuesday that he and Mr. Cantor had “been through a lot together,” making “tough choices that come with governing.”",,2,2 "The Democrat, Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, said Mr. Flynn had declined the panel’s request for documents and an interview as part of its investigation into Russian meddling in last year’s election.",,2,2 "Some of the relatives, known as “angel moms,” stood up holding pictures of loved ones who had died.",,2,2 "The Deputy Director, as the senior career FBI official, has the delegated authority to review and modify any disciplinary findings and/or penalty as deemed necessary in the best interest of the FBI.”",,2,2 "Largely, it was meant to instruct members, who now must use it to underlie their bills, and to inform voters.",,2,2 "After a few seconds, the congressman grabs the camera and the young man.",,2,2 "While Netanyahu has long been skeptical of the negotiations, his opposition has increased over what he sees as Obama's willingness to make concessions that would leave Iran on the brink of being able to build a nuclear weapon.",,2,2 "Even if he doesn’t follow through or succeed, though, Trump’s vow to try aligns with other messaging and actions attacking undocumented immigrants ahead of the midterm elections next Tuesday.",,2,2 "“We need to make policy rather than simply making political theatre,” he told reporters.",,2,2 "When prosecutors charged the couple last Friday, the ex-congressman said he fully accepts the responsibility for the improper decisions and mistakes he has made.",,2,2 "“People love you and you win,” the video showed Tlaib telling supporters. ",,2,2 Mr. Issa said he reserved the right to recall Ms. Lerner later.,,2,2 He faces up to 48 years in prison.,,2,2 The state’s four legislative caucuses have said that they believe all four would have to agree for a special session to be scheduled.,,2,2 “I did these things. … I used money that should have been used for my campaign.”,,2,2 "As a Harvard Law School student, Wilkins said he had supported the presidential campaign of Jackson's father, civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson, and that as an attorney in 1999, Wilkins had been a guest on a show hosted by Jackson's father.",,2,2 """I don’t know where Joe Biden will be or what he will be doing, but I can’t believe it’s more important than being in the chamber and listening to our best ally in the region -- Israel -- about the biggest threat to mankind, a nuclear-armed Iran. ...","""I don’t know where Joe Biden will be or what he will be doing, but I can’t believe it’s more important than being in the chamber and listening to our best ally in the region -- Israel -- about the biggest threat to mankind, a nuclear-armed Iran. ...",1,1 The company says its policies expressly bar discrimination and promote diversity.,,2,2 Mr. Netanyahu said Tuesday that he was making the trip because it was his obligation to “do everything I can to prevent” a nuclear agreement with Iran.,“do everything I can to prevent” a nuclear agreement with Iran,1,1 """I think if you make comments like that, you make comments that are well over the line,"" he added.",,2,2 "Reps. Peter DeFazio of Oregon, and Jim McDermott and Jay Inslee of Washington state are crafting a letter to share with the House Democratic Caucus that would try to block the bill from seeing the light of day.",from seeing the light of day,0,1 """We don't have a problem with the tea party's existence.",,2,2 "In recent months, Obama has privately suggested that Sanders drop out of the race to help Democrats unite around Clinton and prepare for the general election.",,2,2 "“Two words sum it up better than anything anybody else can say, and that is ’categorically false,’” the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, told reporters on Friday.",,2,2 "It laid out eight federal law enforcement priorities that states need to protect if they want to authorize ""marijuana-related conduct.""",,2,2 "“And I’m 100 percent positive he is not a member of the executive branch, which is charged with investigating and prosecuting under the law.”",And I’m 100 percent positive he is not a member of the executive branch,1,0 "But polls show that many Republicans continue to believe that Mr. Obama was not born in this country, and therefore is not eligible to be president.",,2,2 "At the end of last month, though, Trump signed a short-term spending package that funded the government through the Friday deadline.",,2,2 """This will not happen unless the American people demand it.""",,2,2 "According to the gossip site, Griffin joked with Shields on set they would need to move to Mexico after the photos were released or fear imprisonment.",Griffin joked with Shields on set they would need to move to Mexico after the photos were released or fear imprisonment,1,1 "During a Thursday Democratic caucus lunch, Sens. Dick Durbin (Ill.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.) trashed the idea of Lieberman, or any politician, being in charge of the FBI, according to a senior Democratic aide who was in the private meeting.",trashed,0,0 "The question, in some respects, is not what's missing from the set of ideas, but what took the administration so long to get to this point.",,2,2 "He laughed at Mr. Ryan’s remarks so often and so heartily that at times he seemed like a guest at a comedy club roast, not a vice president debating the fate of the nation with his opponent.","He laughed at Mr. Ryan’s remarks so often and so heartily that at times he seemed like a guest at a comedy club roast, not a vice president debating the fate of the nation with his opponent.",1,1 "Matt Mika, director of government relations for Tyson Foods’ Washington, D.C., office, was also among those shot.",,2,2 "“For the president to break with the normal practice and meet with the Russian president alone, I wouldn’t trust what he says there.”",I wouldn’t trust what he says there,1,1 But the path to such a deal is murky at best.,But the path to such a deal is murky at best.,1,0 "“We hope to have a fix very soon.""",,2,2 """He has no consistency about him.","""He has no consistency about him.",1,1 The final presidential debates will be held Oct. 16 and Oct. 22.,,2,2 "The attack took place shortly after 7 a.m. at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park, less than 8 miles south of the White House.",,2,2 "The National Rifle Association called Tuesday for state legislatures to allow more school personnel to carry weapons on school grounds once they've gone through extensive training, as part of a set of recommendations that capped a weeks-long review in the wake of the Newtown mass shooting.",,2,2 "Creating federal regulations is a process and could change, she said.",,2,2 Mr. Bloomberg is a supporter of the arts and aligns himself with Manhattan’s sophisticated cultural scene; Mr. Trump relishes in being crude.,Mr. Trump relishes in being crude,1,1 "Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, said he found those remarks unbefitting a member of the high court.",,2,2 The account offered by the source was the most detailed to date from primary sources as to the conversations they had with Sestak regarding his entrance into the Pennsylvania race.,,2,2 A government source told Fox News the FBI was analyzing the stamps in Quantico. ,,2,2 "The investigation of the second-term congressman, by the F.B.I. and the United States attorney’s office in Brooklyn, began more than two years ago with an examination of Mr. Grimm’s fund-raising for his 2010 race and expanded.",,2,2 "The cease-fire should pave the way for Mr. Trump to deliver his State of the Union address to Congress after all, but Ms. Pelosi said it would not be held this Tuesday, as originally scheduled.",,2,2 “It’s amazing what she can get away with.”,,2,2 "With elections just over a month away, many lawmakers were reluctant to oppose a measure backed by 9/11 families who say they are still seeking justice 15 years after the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.",,2,2 "But the nearly hour-long address was spent not bemoaning his ideological foes, but rather demanding purity among his likely allies.",,2,2 "Beneath a mostly cloudless sky, at least by the mid-innings, fans in the stands intermingled red and blue.",,2,2 "The “President cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer under [the Constitution’s Article II] and has every right to express his view of any case,” Dowd said.",,2,2 "“People love you and you win,” Ms. Tlaib told the crowd Thursday night.",,2,2 """But it is precisely because of this journalistic dishonesty that conservatives should steer away from these venues -- or at least demand some form of editorial oversight given that these magazines simply cannot be trusted.""",,2,2 """Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad and they eliminate the guarantee of Medicare,"" he said.",,2,2 "The ambitious compendium, at nearly 700 pages, includes proposals designating Election Day as a federal holiday, automatically registering citizens to vote, and restoring voting rights to people who have served felony sentences.",,2,2 "The charges were announced here on Friday by Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, who made clear during a news conference that the Justice Department views the hacking not as an attack on one party, but as an attack against the United States.",,2,2 "Speaking on ABC's ""This Week,"" Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said Steele's comments were ""wildly inaccurate.""",wildly,0,1 The most recent back-and-forth between the Romney and Obama campaigns concerns which candidate would do more harm to people's benefits.,,2,2 The White House and Mr. Boehner’s office issued identical statements afterward that said “the lines of communication remain open.”,,2,2 Do you fully support the Obama agenda?”,,2,2 """Anybody who thinks that whoever the next president is -- and God willing, in my view, it will be Secretary Clinton.""",,2,2 Republican senators rose one by one to voice concerns about the effect on federal workers and the lack of forward momentum in an impasse that felt unbearable.,,2,2 "And if McConnell doesn’t follow through on immigration, Democrats will still be able to use his promise to vote against the next spending bill on Feb. 8 and pin the blame on Republicans.",,2,2 "During his job interview with Mr. Trump in 2016, Mr. Mattis said he did not believe in torturing terrorism suspects to get information because he thought he could get more out of detainees by talking to them over a pack of cigarettes and a beer.",,2,2 "Nick Merrill, a Clinton spokesman, said the former secretary of state expected that emails to State Department officials -- which she sent to department accounts -- would be preserved.",,2,2 "To the Republican leader, it was a way to ease much of the pressure on federal workers and get the Senate back to work.",,2,2 "And I think they're different than how most people do in America,"" he said.",,2,2 "Thune, who serves in the No. 3 position in Senate GOP leadership as chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, added that Democrats “have not laid a glove on him” in the hearings and predicted the judge would get an “affirmative” vote in the Senate.",,2,2 It will be the second time in two days that Mr. Biden has served as the liaison-in-chief for the White House.,,2,2 "Instead, Trump spent the first hour and a half of it complaining about a variety of issues, such as former Defense Secretary James Mattis’ performance and the late Sen. John McCain’s vote against Trump’s repeal of Obamacare, as well as offering his musings on such things as the utility of wheels and his desire for Russia to invade Afghanistan again.",complaining,0,1 “That’s a well known principle of administrative law and of economics.,,2,2 "Walsh also suggested Reid would suffer politically from his allegiance to Obama on other issues, despite his stance on the mosque.",,2,2 """But there's a one-in-three chance we could lose,"" Boehner said.",,2,2 "In a statement later in the day, the first lady, Melania Trump, questioned Ms. Griffin’s sanity.",,2,2 """This is not talking about all teachers,"" he said.",,2,2 'One party won't tax and will spend.,,2,2 """In addition we only ever comply with orders for requests about specific accounts or identifiers,"" the spokesperson said.",,2,2 "From there, the two presidents shared a limousine to the Capitol, where three other presidents waited: Mr. Clinton, Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush, all of whom opposed Mr. Trump’s election.",,2,2 "Former Mexican President Vicente Fox on Wednesday harshly criticized current President Enrique Peña Nieto for inviting Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to meet with him south of the border, just hours before he is due to give a widely anticipated speech on immigration in Arizona.",,2,2 "Police shut down the streets for blocks around the field early Wednesday, and a helicopter was flying overhead.",,2,2 "“The longer we wait,” the aide said, “the more difficult it will be to protect current beneficiaries and those who rely on Social Security the most.”",,2,2 Flynn lied and they destroyed his life.”,Flynn lied and they destroyed his life.”,1,1 “And he was arrested in a park — I think the official charge was attempting to loiter — and it was obvious he was there because he couldn’t be out and keep his job.”,,2,2 "He said that the wall was why he was elected, one of the officials said.",,2,2 "“We don’t believe that will be the effect,” he said.",,2,2 "Their teenage disdain drew its fair share of media attention, including a BuzzFeed article titled “The Obama Girls Could Not Be More Bored by Their Dad’s Jokes.”",,2,2 "To Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., the bill ""grabs power away from the elites and the power brokers and gives it to the people.""",,2,2 "According to the documents, Mr. Jackson arranged in March 2011 to have $7,000 paid to the taxidermist, with much of the money coming from a campaign account, and it was shipped a month later to Mr. Jackson’s Congressional office.",,2,2 "“This garbage is the very definition of fake news and intentional defamation,” he said.","“This garbage is the very definition of fake news and intentional defamation,”",1,0 The indictment does not mention whether Mr. Stone or any other Trump associate knew about the Russian operatives’ plans before they hacked the Democrats.,,2,2 “It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment.,,2,2 """If they [Democrats] don't pass this bill in the next couple weeks it will materially increase the risk that the economy would stall out and we would have a double dip,"" he told a gathering of reporters at an off camera briefing.",,2,2 "Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders also condemned the attack, while speaking to reporters outside his home in Burlington, Vt.",,2,2 "“If you are weeding out Fake News, there is nothing so Fake as CNN & MSNBC, & yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed,” he tweeted. ",,2,2 "So far, the only Democrat in the race is Mr. Markey, 66, a liberal and dean of the state’s Congressional delegation.",,2,2 "Ms. Harris, in addition to calling for the report to be released “immediately,” called on Mr. Barr to “publicly testify under oath about the investigation and its findings.”",,2,2 "According to a 2012 bankruptcy petition filed in Miami, Mr. Sayoc resided at the time at his mother’s home. ",,2,2 She called the president’s decision “a huge mistake” that would reward the Republican Party.,“a huge mistake”,0,1 "Afterward, in a theatrical appearance outside the courthouse, Mr. Stone vowed to beat what he called politically motivated charges.",theatrical,0,1 "The president, speaking at the White House, said he would use ""whatever weight this office holds"" to get the proposals passed.",,2,2 "Like the Constitutional Convention itself, things did not begin auspiciously.",,2,2 He was transported to a local hospital and has since been released.,,2,2 "I’m not sure we’re well served by them airing them out in the open,” Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., told Politico.",,2,2 "“Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen,” he added.",,2,2 "Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Wednesday reiterated that he opposes same-sex marriage, a few hours after President Barack Obama said for the first time he supports it.",,2,2 "Furthermore, I'd like to apologize to all of those who I have hurt and offended with my words, and pledge to learn and grow (and I assure you I have) from this experience.""",,2,2 "“As far as I know, he’s not an expert in federal record-keeping law,” Mr. Gowdy said of Mr. Priebus.","“As far as I know, he’s not an expert in federal record-keeping law,”",1,0 A detail for every lawmaker is likely not possible -- and security already is provided for major events and lawmakers facing a specific threat.,,2,2 "Before Mr. Obama spoke out, leading Republican figures like Newt Gingrich, a former speaker of the House, and Sarah Palin, the party’s 2008 vice-presidential nominee, had been voicing opposition to the Islamic center.",,2,2 "As part of the process, however, Bauer also interviewed representatives for Sestak and Clinton -- in this case Sestak's brother and Doug Brand and Bruce Lindsey respectively.",,2,2 """Well, which is it?"" Scalia asked.",,2,2 "On Monday, it was revealed that he had misled Pentagon investigators about his foreign contacts and sources of income while seeking a renewed security clearance in February 2016.",,2,2 "“I feel badly for General Flynn,” Mr. Trump said on Monday. “I feel very badly.",,2,2 It looks like President Trump is having a change of heart when it comes to his recent decision to lift the ban on importing elephant trophies from Africa.,,2,2 "The companies that participate knowingly in the program are Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple, the Washington Post reports.",,2,2 "We would have gotten great ratings,"" Trump said, voicing his trademark confidence.",,2,2 "Returning to the Pentagon, he asked aides to print out 50 copies of his resignation letter and distribute them around the building.",,2,2 But the Romney campaign said Tuesday that Mr. Romney would restore the money being squeezed out of Medicare by the 2010 health law.,squeezed out,0,1 "The standoff over the shutdown, some former aides noted, was the first time Mr. Trump has had to engage in meaningful, high-stakes negotiations.",,2,2 "The 49-year-old teaches at Randolph-Macon College, a small liberal arts school north of Richmond.",,2,2 "The lawsuit alleges that the company's corporate culture, described in court Tuesday as the ""Wal-Mart Way,"" fosters the advancement of male workers over their female counterparts.",,2,2 "“There have been numerous, reported instances in the past when prior administrations – both Democratic and Republican, and motivated by the same goals – discussed alternative paths to service for qualified individuals also considering campaigns for public office,” he wrote.",,2,2 "Her cholesterol came back at 195, with an LDL of 118, HDL of 64 and triglycerides of 69.",,2,2 "They say it’s not her fault when Democrats lose at the polls, either.",,2,2 "A coalition of groups called Strengthen Social Security has railed against cuts to cost-of-living adjustments, recently releasing a report claiming ""even the modest COLA on which Social Security benefits are adjusted isn't safe.""",,2,2 "“You maybe get a political issue, but you won’t get results.",,2,2 """I am pleased to announce that our very talented Deputy Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, will assume the title of Acting Secretary of Defense starting January 1, 2019,"" Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday morning. ",,2,2 "I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son-of-a-b----, socialist c---sucker.",,2,2 "That's where the so-called ""nuclear option"" comes in.",,2,2 "No members or staff were harmed in the shooting, but the building sustained bullet damage.",,2,2 "He set out a goal for himself and his colleagues, uttered before inside the Capitol.",,2,2 "His criminal record from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement indicates that at the time of his last arrest in 2015, he was 5-foot-11 and 215 pounds. ",,2,2 "“The news from Africa could not have been better for hunters or for anyone who loves or defends hunting culture,” the group wrote.",,2,2 “And it’s time for folks running around spending all their time talking about what’s wrong with America to spend some time rolling up their sleeves to help us make it right.,“And it’s time for folks running around spending all their time talking about what’s wrong with America to spend some time rolling up their sleeves to help us make it right.,1,1 "Mr. Biden flashed a Cheshire Cat grin and said to Ryan, after waiting a beat to let the moment sink in, “So, now you’re Jack Kennedy?”",,2,2 "“And beyond the investigation itself, we will work with the police, civil rights leaders, and members of the public to ensure that this tragedy can give rise to new understanding — and robust action — aimed at bridging persistent gaps between law enforcement officials and the communities we serve.”",,2,2 "Mr. Corker, a member of the Banking Committee who had presented a deficit-reduction plan of his own, said that if Republicans gave in to the president’s chief demand, then “all of a sudden the shift goes back to entitlements, and maybe it puts us in a place where we actually can do something that really saves the nation.”",,2,2 “Stop talking about how you care about people.,,2,2 The announcement reflects the intense debate in state capitals across the country where such legislation is being considered.,,2,2 "Following the concussion, a subsequent blood clot developed in her brain.",,2,2 Liberal groups prepared for a women’s march on Saturday that they said could draw hundreds of thousands.,,2,2 The only place Mike and Donald would have seen each other is on a golf course or on a TV set.”,,2,2 That prospect is sure to infuriate the White House.,,2,2 Democrats and some Republicans have said it is hardly unusual for presidents to offer political appointments to clear the way for allies.,Democrats and some Republicans have said it is hardly unusual for presidents to offer political appointments to clear the way for allies.,1,1 "On Tuesday, a proposal that would require public and charter schools to have an armed “protection officer” on school property during class hours passed a State House committee.",,2,2 "Brat said lawmakers “may need to recalibrate public events,” while also suggesting “tighter security” at town halls -- which most congressional lawmakers have scheduled through the summer recess.",,2,2 The primary would be held on April 30.,,2,2 "A senior administration official said that the president's proposal shouldn't be considered finalized legislative language, but rather a series of recommendations for Congress to consider.",,2,2 "She told the newspaper that Moore, then an assistant district attorney, first approached her in 1979 outside a courtroom in Alabama where she was sitting with her mother.",,2,2 "He said the movement is made up of a ""diverse group of folks who are upset with what is going on with this country.""",,2,2 "Hundreds exchanged over months were found in which the pair disparaged Mr. Trump and, to a lesser extent, Mrs. Clinton, exchanged work gossip and bantered.",exchanged work gossip and bantered,1,1 "There were roughly 520,000 arrests for unauthorized border crossings last year, which is about one-third of the 1.6 million arrests that happened in 2000.",,2,2 "Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, who is in line to be elected speaker on Thursday, said: “We are asking the president to open up government. Why would he not do it?”",,2,2 And they are worried about birth control pills?”,,2,2 """What have you guys been debating, John? You've been debating a commemorative coin for baseball?"" Obama said.","""What have you guys been debating, John? You've been debating a commemorative coin for baseball?""",1,0 Wray said at at a press conference in June that the bureau wouldn’t “hesitate to hold people accountable for their actions” after the disciplinary process.,,2,2 "Speaking to reporters following the president’s Asia trip on Air Force One, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders also cautioned against a rush to judgment.",,2,2 """Such discussions are fully consistent with the relevant law and ethical requirements.""",,2,2 "His supporters expected him to run again in 2012, but he declined.",,2,2 "The White House asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Rep. Joe Sestak about the possibility of obtaining a senior position in the Obama administration if he would drop out of the Democratic primary race against establishment-backed Sen. Arlen Specter, the Obama administration said in a report released Friday morning.",,2,2 "“If somebody tells you how to exercise discretion,” he said, “you don’t have discretion.”",,2,2 "James Carafano, a national security expert at the Heritage Foundation who worked on Mr. Trump’s transition, was among the critics.",,2,2 "Asked for her reaction to Tlaib’s “colorful language” ― the new Democratic congresswoman vowed to “impeach that motherfucker,” referring to Trump ― Pelosi said it was a free speech issue.",,2,2 Mr. Strzok’s text exchanges with Ms. Page demonstrated animosity toward Mr. Trump. ,,2,2 "“She has a lot of friends,” Mr. Ryan said.",,2,2 "As recently as Monday, in his letter to the Senate committee, Mr. Flynn has reiterated his offer to testify in exchange for immunity from prosecution.",,2,2 Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts pointed to a recent unanimous vote by Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives to urge the release of the report.,,2,2 "On social media, photos were being shared of Mr. Trump’s two elder sons hunting on safari in Zimbabwe, including one photo that showed Donald Trump Jr. with a severed elephant tail in one hand and a knife in the other.",including one photo that showed Donald Trump Jr. with a severed elephant tail in one hand and a knife in the other,1,0 "An Ivy League-educated mogul who lives in a New York tower named after himself with an 80-foot-long living room, he transformed himself into the unlikely leader of a working-class movement anchored in rural areas far removed from the coasts.",An Ivy League-educated mogul who lives in a New York tower named after himself with an 80-foot-long living room,1,1 "“They blinked because they’ll always put the party and the success of the party first,” said Representative Luis V. Gutiérrez of Illinois, one of the leading Democratic advocates for immigrants, complaining that Hispanics got short shrift.","“They blinked because they’ll always put the party and the success of the party first,”",1,1 The cities and states are joined by a number of business leaders speaking out against the law.,,2,2 "Mr. Trump repeated his false claims about the border wall, including that Mexico was already paying for it, as he promised during his campaign, and that much of its construction had already been completed.",repeated his false claims,1,1 "In the House, his relationship with Mr. Boehner reflected some of the larger tensions within the party.",,2,2 "It was going to Mr. Scalise’s office, they decided, until he gets back.",,2,2 “This was designed to be vindictive and intimidating.”,“This was designed to be vindictive and intimidating.”,1,0 "He added: “Knowing that the consequence of silence is violence in these times, we’re saying stand up and say enough is enough.",,2,2 "Conservative members of the Republicans in the House, where they hold a majority, had been adamant about not signing off on any measure that called for granting a pathway to legalization for people who are living in the country illegally.",,2,2 "On Friday, the Washington Post reported that Hensarling does not plan to run, according to three people familiar with his plans.",,2,2 "In September, Mr. Trump acknowledged in a closed-door interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee that he had corresponded with the group during the campaign, the officials said.",,2,2 "Nebraska and Oklahoma complained about a “significant influx of Colorado-sourced marijuana,” but the suit did not mention specific statistics about Colorado-related marijuana arrests or drug seizures.",,2,2 He reserved his harshest criticism for the use of tear gas by the police — a mistake he said he made in Seattle and one he regrets to this day.,He reserved his harshest criticism for the use of tear gas by the police — a mistake he said he made in Seattle and one he regrets to this day.,1,1 "He said 23 states have enacted medical marijuana laws, and none have been overturned because of federal law.",,2,2 "The video received widespread attention on Monday after it was posted on the Web site of Andrew Breitbart, a conservative Web publisher and former editor of The Drudge Report. ",,2,2 She then invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and declined to testify at a House hearing on the agency’s actions.,,2,2 "Trump, in the Rose Garden, declared once again that ""walls work"" as he confirmed the emergency declaration would accompany the spending legislation.",,2,2 "The report was critical of Mr. Strzok’s conduct in sending the texts, and the bureau’s Office of Professional Responsibility said that Mr. Strzok should be suspended for 60 days and demoted. ",,2,2 Mr. Trump’s rejection of those measures left the prospects of a resolution at their dimmest since the shutdown began on Dec. 22.,,2,2 """Some of the rhetoric coming from some presidential candidates of the other team are, I think, dangerous, damaging and incredibly ill-advised,"" Biden said, according to AFP.","dangerous, damaging and incredibly ill-advised",1,1 "“The vice president was never aware of anyone associated with the campaign being in contact with WikiLeaks,” said Pence press secretary Alyssa Farah.",,2,2 """President Obama achieved a third as much savings by eliminating unnecessary subsidies to insurances companies and getting waste and fraud out of the system in order to improve seniors' benefits -- saving them $600 a year on prescription drugs and providing them with access to preventive care.",,2,2 Backers of the policy say it allows officials to focus resources on deporting illegal immigrants who have been convicted of serious crimes or who are a threat to the public safety or the national interest.,,2,2 "Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) expressed “great admiration” for the former senator, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) speculated that Lieberman could get 100 confirmation votes, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), said he would be “overjoyed” if Lieberman, who is a friend of his, were picked.",who is a friend of his,1,1 "“I’m not going to pay for your mistakes and I don’t expect you to pay for my mistakes,” he said, to wild applause.",,2,2 "Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry pledges to end ""[President Barack] Obama's war on religion"" in a new television ad airing in Iowa, railing against open service of gays and lesbians in the military and the prohibition against prayer in public schools.",railing against,0,1 """I can't speak for her, [but] I know she loves to stir the pot,"" he said.",,2,2 """Some of the hype we've been hearing over the past day or so -- nobody has listened to the content of people's phone calls,"" he said.",nobody has listened to the content of people's phone calls,1,1 "When Gov. Asa Hutchinson, Republican of Arkansas, spoke on Wednesday about the future of what proponents call the religious freedom bill pending in his state, he disclosed that the proposal had drawn resistance from a particularly noteworthy critic: his son, Seth Hutchinson.","the proposal had drawn resistance from a particularly noteworthy critic: his son, Seth Hutchinson",1,1 "Appearing at Joey’s Diner here, in the southern end of the state, Mr. Arpaio, who had also been courted by Representative Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain, praised what he called Mr. Perry’s efforts to interdict illegal crossings by sending Texas Rangers and other state law enforcement to the Texas border with Mexico.",,2,2 "But he corrected himself during subsequent interviews and proved credible, the special counsel’s office said in a December sentencing memo.",,2,2 "Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate majority leader and a Democrat facing a difficult re-election fight, said through a spokesman that those who plan to erect the Islamic center should look elsewhere.",,2,2 "In his resignation statement, Farenthold reflected on his time spent working to “make government more efficient and responsive, cut government spending, repeal Obamacare, protect life and reduce the debt.”",,2,2 "The state legislature passed the bill, known as SB 1062, last week.",,2,2 "“There’s going to be a cumbersome workaround,” said Nanette Lee Miller of Marcum L.L.P., a public accounting firm.",,2,2 "Holder was greeted as a star at Drake's Place, posing for selfies and group photos with residents and shaking hands.",,2,2 Republicans seized on the developments on Tuesday.,,2,2 "The lone ""no"" vote in the Senate was Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.",,2,2 "In an interview on Monday, the attorney general said that he had misspoken about his service during the Norwalk event and might have misspoken on other occasions.",,2,2 "Most Americans think the group planning the mosque and Islamic cultural center has the right to build it, according to a Fox News poll released Friday.",,2,2 "“If they don’t find Gorsuch acceptable, are they taking the position the vacancy should never be filled? At all?”",,2,2 "The report was prepared by a 12-person task force, called the School Shield Program, led by Hutchinson.",,2,2 "His endorsement of Perry comes after the candidate was criticized for his immigration platform, which rests on the idea that deportation of all 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country is impractical and unlikely.",,2,2 "“This policy is a magnet for illegal immigration, out of the mainstream of the developed world, and needs to come to an end,” Graham said in a statement on Tuesday.","“This policy is a magnet for illegal immigration, out of the mainstream of the developed world, and needs to come to an end,”",1,1 "Senator McCain and Governor Romney have subsequently opposed the savings that the president identified and demagogued the issue, ironically, since Governor Romney's running mate kept them in his budget.""",demagogued,0,1 "Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader, did not have any immediate reaction, while a spokeswoman for Speaker Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin said simply that Mr. Ryan was “glad these hackers are being held to account.”",,2,2 "The House has declined to take up Mr. Obama’s jobs package, while Senate Democrats could not muster the 60 votes needed to block a Republican filibuster against either the full $447 billion package or a $35 billion piece providing state aid, mostly for teachers’ pay.",,2,2 "Since the first day of protests in Ferguson, the authorities shifted their response almost daily, adding to the sense that the situation was out of control.","Since the first day of protests in Ferguson, the authorities shifted their response almost daily, adding to the sense that the situation was out of control.",1,1 "In a statement issued Thursday, Mark Sheridan, a partner with Patton Boggs, said his law firm had been retained to represent both the campaign and the committee in connection with the investigation.",,2,2 Clinton did not reference radical Islam.,Clinton did not reference radical Islam.,1,1 "LePage was upset because he mistakenly believed Gattine heard those remarks and called him a racist, and so he left him the voicemail.",,2,2 "Separate from Wednesday's document release, the CIA recently conducted an internal review of how and why the talking points were changed -- a move that also came in response to the continuing questions from Congress.",,2,2 "“The committee believes a transcribed interview would best protect Secretary Clinton’s privacy, the security of the information queried, and the public’s interest in ensuring this committee has all information needed to accomplish the task set before it,” Gowdy also wrote in the letter.",,2,2 "She told a Detroit television station that “it’s probably exactly how my grandmother, if she was alive, would say it.”",,2,2 "After rushing to declassify some carefully selected descriptions of the programs, James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence, conceded for the first time that the Prism program existed.",,2,2 "“This is scary,” Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a Twitter post.","“This is scary,”",1,0 "According to an analysis from Standard & Poor’s, the ratings agency, the United States economy lost at least $6 billion in the five weeks the government was partly shuttered — more than the $5.7 billion that Mr. Trump had requested to build a steel or concrete barrier at the border.",,2,2 "“I get you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re a part of the First Family, try showing a little class,” she wrote above a picture of the unenthused Obama daughters.",try showing a little class,1,1 "Mr. Trump offered no explanation for his surrender, nor did he acknowledge that it was one.","Mr. Trump offered no explanation for his surrender, nor did he acknowledge that it was one.",1,1 Spouses are generally seen as off limits.,,2,2 "The inspector general’s report also took issue with the reaction by Mr. Strzok and other F.B.I. officials to the discovery of possible new evidence in the Clinton investigation, known internally as Midyear Exam, in late September 2016 on a laptop that belonged to the disgraced politician Anthony D. Weiner, the husband of a top Clinton aide.",,2,2 He has pled guilty to those lies. ,,2,2 Ms. Townsend said she had her own agenda for the meeting at Trump Tower.,,2,2 "Democrats have also used the legislation to make clear that they believe that cleanup must start with the White House, and included several provisions jabbing at the president and homing in on a laundry list of his administration’s alleged ethical abuses.",,2,2 “It’s a matter of the extent we want to keep losing.”,,2,2 He cynically continues to disregard his own people and disregard Mexicans.”,He cynically continues to disregard his own people and disregard Mexicans.”,1,1 "Mr. McConnell privately told the president that he would support the move despite his own reservations, but warned Mr. Trump that he had about two weeks to win over critical Republicans to avoid having Congress vote to reject the declaration.",,2,2 "“I believe that, based upon the interview he gave today on ABC, it said that he had changed his view, but you’re a better judge of that than I am,"" Romney said.",,2,2 "That ad was produced by Our Principles, a group founded by a former Mitt Romney campaign adviser who is trying to help the GOP appeal to women.",,2,2 "In the wake of the Orlando attack, it will also focus on security and immigration issues, Fox News is told.",,2,2 "In a winding speech that touched as much on his personal turmoil as his policies and politics, Beck had the packed auditorium at CPAC captivated from the start.",winding,0,1 Mr. Horowitz said in his report that he was “deeply troubled” by the text messages. ,,2,2 They're hoping to get 60 signatures on their letter and then force a vote in the caucus.,,2,2 Kathy Griffin Apologizes For Controversial Images Of Bloodied Trump Head,,2,2 "Huckabee, a former Baptist minister, ran for president in 2008, winning eight states including the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses before running out of money and exiting the race.",,2,2 "As Mr. Trump approached the podium, rain began to fall.",,2,2 "And Sen. Olympia Snowe, a Republican from Maine, said she wouldn't seek re-election this year.",,2,2 "Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known for his tough and controversial stances on illegal immigration, endorsed three term Texas Governor Rick Perry for the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday morning during a campaign swing with Mr. Perry through New Hampshire.",,2,2 "And circumstances are anything but optimal for him: He faces a wide field of candidates, including several who are better financed and beloved by mainstream donors (Jeb Bush), hold greater appeal to conservative voters who dominate the primary process (Scott Walker), are agile public speakers with persuasive biographies (Mr. Rubio), or are better liked by Republican voters (all of the above).",,2,2 "Mr. Bloomberg also appeared twice on Mr. Trump’s reality TV show, “The Apprentice,” in 2004 and 2008, in part as a way to demonstrate support for the show, which was produced in New York.",,2,2 The business community has said that a ruling for the women would lead to a flood of class-action lawsuits based on vague evidence.,,2,2 He added: “I think it is important that we send a message to people at home that the constitution is an important document.”,,2,2 He added: “We must never allow political violence to take root in America.”,,2,2 "Another moderate Democrat, Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, also said he would reject Judge Gorsuch and join the filibuster effort.",,2,2 "“It is unseemly to be moving forward so fast on confirming a Supreme Court justice with a lifetime appointment while this big gray cloud of an FBI investigation hangs over the presidency,” Schumer said.",big gray cloud,0,0 “The way to end this shutdown is for both sides to make mutual concessions in order to reach an agreement.,,2,2 "As a result, the number of African elephants has shrunk from about 5 million a century ago to about 400,000 remaining.",,2,2 "Investigators identified Sayoc based on a fingerprint found on the package sent to Waters and a DNA sample from a previous arrest in Florida, DOJ officials said Friday.",,2,2 "She gave three speeches to Goldman Sachs in 2013 and was paid a total of $675,000 for them; her husband was paid $200,000 by Goldman Sachs for a speech in New York, two days after Mrs. Clinton spoke to the bank in South Carolina, according to an accompanying list of his 2013 speaking fees.",,2,2 Lerner said at Wednesday's hearing that she had done nothing wrong.,,2,2 "But Reid plans to file cloture this week on at least three measures: the DREAM Act, collective bargaining for firefighters, and a 9/11 health bill.",,2,2 "In the poll, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich garnered 11 percent, while former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin earned 10 percent support.",,2,2 “But we are in discussions with legislative leaders this weekend to see if there’s a way to clarify the intent of the law.”,,2,2 Party leaders got well above that level.,,2,2 "“There should be no one-on-one meeting between this president and Putin,” Warner said.",,2,2 "If he entered the race and won, Mr. Brown would be in the awkward position of becoming the junior senator to Ms. Warren, even though she has been in office only a few weeks.",,2,2 One minute this guy is interviewing a member of Congress on camera and the next a video is released with his face blurred out?,,2,2 "While officially a Republican, he has taken on leaders of both parties and, with no prior political career of his own, made clear that he saw himself as the ultimate outsider not beholden to the current system.",,2,2 "The House bill “is just the first step in our efforts to change politics in this country ― to change politics in this town,” freshman Rep. Max Rose (D-N.Y.) said on Thursday ahead of the vote.",,2,2 "“We’re seeing a lot of marijuana coming over from Colorado,” said Sheriff Adam Hayward of Deuel County, Neb., who said that he was gratified that the two states were challenging Colorado’s marijuana laws.",,2,2 "Though it was Biden at the center of attention and who made it hard for Ryan to get in a word edgewise at times, the 42-year-old kept his composure for much of the night and got in some well-aimed shots at the vice president, who at 69 is his senior by 27 years.",the 42-year-old kept his composure for much of the night and got in some well-aimed shots at the vice president,1,1 He is the second senior F.B.I. agent to be fired as a result of the inspector general’s investigation. ,,2,2 "President Barack Obama's endorsement of the ""Ground Zero mosque"" during a speech on Friday night spurred some hope among supporters that a forceful case could be made for both the project's constitutionality and its larger geopolitical impact.",,2,2 "The homeland security measure would devote $1.3 billion to border security measures, such as enhanced surveillance and fortified fencing, but not the wall.",,2,2 But she said she had gone along with a recommendation from subordinates that the Benghazi post be kept open and assumed that they would take the necessary steps to protect it.,,2,2 "Those actions include requiring federal agencies to hand over relevant data for a background check system; providing law enforcement officials, first responders and school officials with better training for active shooting situations; directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence; and many more.",,2,2 "Clinton’s camp is touting the fact she is the first 2016 candidate to release any kind of health information, though she only officially released a one-and-a-half-page letter from her doctor.","Clinton’s camp is touting the fact she is the first 2016 candidate to release any kind of health information, though she only officially released a one-and-a-half-page letter from her doctor.",1,1 "After the college events, Holder headed over to Drake's Place restaurant in Ferguson to talk with other community members.",,2,2 "“We intend to closely examine the implications of this bill and how it might affect future events as well as our workforce.""",,2,2 "He signaled he did, saying, ""And they cannot believe what they're finding. And I'm serious.""",And they cannot believe what they're finding,1,1 "As defense secretary, Mr. Mattis oversaw the world’s most powerful military, supervising active-duty troops based in the United States and deployed worldwide, including in war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and on the Saudi border with Yemen.",,2,2 "Last week, Trump asserted in a New York Times interview that he had the “absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department.”","Last week, Trump asserted in a New York Times interview that he had the “absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department.”",1,1 "Hutchinson called them ""totally inadequate.""",,2,2 "All three men are under consideration, the administration officials said, even if Mr. Lieberman, who was Al Gore’s running mate in the 2000 presidential campaign, is the front-runner.",,2,2 WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee’s first hearing since Robert S. Mueller III completed his report had barely begun when the panel’s Republicans moved en masse to demand the resignation of the committee’s chairman.,,2,2 "And he may elect to do so, given the objections of some Republicans on Wednesday after he dismissed her.",,2,2 "Flynn’s indictment, however, makes it increasingly difficult for the president to distance himself.","Flynn’s indictment, however, makes it increasingly difficult for the president to distance himself.",1,1 Outgoing White House economic adviser Larry Summers warned Wednesday that failure to pass a new tax cut compromise would significantly raise the risk of a double-dip recession.,,2,2 "Mr. Sestak, a retired admiral and two-term House member, was already planning a run.",,2,2 "“We are in for a struggle, but it is a necessary struggle,” she said.",,2,2 Mr. Huckabee said Mr. Obama exceeded his authority by issuing executive actions shielding millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation.,,2,2 They swore they would never stand by another government shutdown.,,2,2 "And control of the Senate could be up for grabs this year, too, with Democrats clinging to a fragile six-vote majority.",clinging to a fragile,0,1 """If they come to a reasonable agreement, I would support that,"" Trump told reporters.",,2,2 “Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s running his business? God help us.,God help us,1,1 "The NRA initially took criticism from Democrats for focusing so closely on school security, and rejecting gun control measures, following the Connecticut shooting in which 26 people were killed.",,2,2 "“This is definitely domestic terrorism,” Mr. Clapper said. ","“This is definitely domestic terrorism,”",1,0 "Police searched his car, going through the trunk and looking under the seats.",,2,2 "The announcement was made mere hours after the top Republican and Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee issued subpoenas Tuesday afternoon to Mr. Flynn’s two firms, seeking information that could shed light on his lobbying work on behalf of Turkish interests last year, among other connections.",,2,2 The Christian Broadcasting Network referred to her as a “foul-mouthed Islamic congresswoman.”),The Christian Broadcasting Network referred to her as a “foul-mouthed Islamic congresswoman.”),1,0 "The American people are watching, and they’re expecting action on our parts,” Mr. Obama said.",,2,2 "An executive from Apple Inc., which plans to build a big manufacturing plant in Mesa, called Ms. Brewer to urge her to reject it, and W. Douglas Parker, chairman and chief executive of American Airlines, sent her a letter citing the state’s “economic comeback” and saying, “There is genuine concern throughout the business community that this bill, if signed into law, would jeopardize all that has been accomplished so far.”",would jeopardize all that has been accomplished so far,1,1 "Pelosi reasoned that while Trump’s comments have the power to “impact people’s lives,” the new congresswoman’s comments do not.",,2,2 "Was he sure, Mr. Jordan asked, that the I.R.S. targeting never came up?",,2,2 WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks asked Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday to appear for a private interview about her exclusive use of a personal email account when she was secretary of state.,,2,2 “Today has a special excitement for me because I think we’re at a time where it is well beyond politics.,,2,2 "President Trump said he was preparing an executive order that would nullify the long-accepted constitutional guarantee of birthright citizenship in the United States, his latest attention-grabbing maneuver days before midterm congressional elections as he has sought to activate his base by vowing to clamp down on immigrants and immigration.",,2,2 "Even before Donald Trump landed in Mexico Wednesday, he found himself in a Twitter war with former Mexican President Vicente Fox – who went on a tear declaring the Republican nominee “not welcome” in the country.",went on a tear,0,1 "It was the first time in a generation, according to officials, that the federal government has filed suit to force a law enforcement agency to cooperate with such an investigation.","It was the first time in a generation, according to officials, that the federal government has filed suit to force a law enforcement agency to cooperate with such an investigation.",1,1 "And on Wednesday, the White House began a robust process of selling the deal to Democrats -- skeptical, as they are, about an extension of Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and a generous revision of the estate tax.",,2,2 "“This all raised the question to us: What else are we missing, and what do we need to comply” with the request, said one official briefed on the matter.",,2,2 """We can confirm that the Christie for Governor re-election campaign and the New Jersey Republican State Committee received subpoenas for documents from the U.S. Attorney's office, in addition to the subpoena the campaign previously received from the state legislative committee,"" said Sheridan.",,2,2 He doesn’t even know how to run a business.”,He doesn’t even know how to run a business.”,1,1 "In an interview this month on the Christian Broadcasting Network, Mr. Ryan claimed that his budget was consistent with Catholic moral teaching because it pushes the poor to become independent of government assistance.",,2,2 "“I don’t believe he made any commitment whatsoever and I think it would be foolhardy to believe that he made a commitment,” Harris said.",,2,2 "In a statement, he said he intends to defend the state's marijuana laws.",,2,2 Mr. Bloomberg is not overly ostentatious for a man of great wealth; Mr. Trump loves to show off his possessions.,Mr. Bloomberg is not overly ostentatious for a man of great wealth,1,1 The group sent a letter to Rep. Ryan in advance of his appearance on the Catholic campus on Thursday morning to give the Whittington Lecture.,,2,2 Clinton is widely believed to be the front-runner for the Democratic nomination in 2016.,,2,2 "“The State of the Union is not planned now,” Ms. Pelosi said.",,2,2 "The economy, the budget deficit and foreign policy were central.",,2,2 "In the hours before a midnight deadline to avert a shutdown before Christmas, the vice president had broached that number, which his team has quietly continued to push in the days after parts of the government ran out of money.",,2,2 "As with Mr. Trump’s abrupt firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the split with Mr. Mattis was a full turn in a relationship that once appeared strong.",,2,2 "Trump is offering a three-year extension for the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects from deportation hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought to the U.S. as kids.",,2,2 "The congressman's lawyers said in 2017 that Hunter and his wife repaid the campaign about $60,000.",,2,2 "In one, Ms. Page asks: Trump is “not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” ",,2,2 "For two months, Democrats in Congress have been enmeshed in stalled negotiations with Trump as he refused to accept anything less than $5.7 billion in the federal budget for his border wall.",,2,2 Feinstein is a ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.,Feinstein is a ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.,1,0 I haven’t spoken to her in way over a year.”,,2,2 "Barr is expected to make public more of the report, but 2020 Democrats are demanding the full report be released.",,2,2 Make America Awesome PAC paid for the ads and posted them on Facebook and Instagram.,,2,2 “One hundred-eighteen visits and it didn’t come up in casual conversation?” Mr. Jordan said.,,2,2 “We are giving him a Republican path to do that.,,2,2 "“The United States needs a physical barrier,” the president said during the cabinet meeting, comparing the southern border to “a sieve” that allows criminals and drugs to enter the country and facilitates human trafficking.",,2,2 """If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore.","""If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore.",1,1 "Critics say the Sestak job offer may have violated the part of the U.S. code that says: ""Whoever, directly or indirectly, promises any employment, position, compensation...appointment...provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of Congress...to any person as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity...or in connection with any primary election ...shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.""",,2,2 "House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said “the stakes” for the summit “could not be higher.”",,2,2 "“I’m not standing here because I’m a person of color, but because (the governor) believes I can do the job,” said Cowen, who joins South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott as the chamber’s two black senators.","“I’m not standing here because I’m a person of color, but because (the governor) believes I can do the job,”",1,1 And he pushed back forcefully against critics like Mr. Carafano who said the measure amounted to an unacceptable amnesty for undocumented immigrants.,,2,2 "“We know how to win elections,” Ms. Pelosi said.",,2,2 Incoming lawmakers vented new concerns about the shutdown’s effect.,,2,2 "I want the whole damn report because nobody, especially this president, is above the law.”",,2,2 And the Washington Post reported earlier this week that Trump asked Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers to push back on the FBI’s Russia investigation.,,2,2 "Alabama's Republican governor, Kay Ivey, responded: “These allegations are deeply disturbing.",,2,2 "At a news conference on Monday, exactly one month after the school massacre in Newtown, Conn., Mr. Obama said a task force led by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. had “presented me now with a list of sensible, common-sense steps that can be taken to make sure that the kinds of violence we saw at Newtown doesn’t happen again.",,2,2 "“Censorship is a very dangerous thing & impossible to police,” he added, before embarking on a now familiar rant about “fake news” CNN and MSNBC — which he admitted to sometimes watching, but “just with a grain of salt.”",now familiar rant,0,1 "Under axiomatic legal precedent, virtually all congressional action is presumed valid anyway, at least initially.","Under axiomatic legal precedent, virtually all congressional action is presumed valid anyway, at least initially.",1,1 "In February, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham followed up on the classified cable.",,2,2 He defended keeping the embargo.,,2,2 "Despite numerous requests over several weeks, the White House has not provided any economic analysis to back up Trump’s claims.",,2,2 "“The other justices should hold an intervention, and tell her to be quiet or step down,” wrote Josh Blackman, a Houston College of Law professor who frequently writes about the high court.",,2,2 "Still, then-Deputy Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Charlene Lamb testified in October that the size of the attack -- and not the money -- was the issue.",,2,2 "Reince Priebus lasted barely six months as White House chief of staff, and Sean Spicer had a similarly short tenure as press secretary.",,2,2 Mr. Arpaio is also a polarizing figure.,,2,2 "That’s why I know Hillary will be so good at it,"" the president said, in the video posted on Clinton's campaign site.",,2,2 But LaPierre in December argued that improving school security is paramount.,,2,2 Mr. Trump’s statement on Tuesday that he was bowing out of the Newsmax debate seemed certain to open the door to another round of “I just might …” threats from the real estate mogul.,threats,0,1 "Republicans, eager to portray Democrats as out to destroy Mr. Trump’s presidency, piled on criticism of Ms. Tlaib — some of it racially tinged.",some of it racially tinged,1,0 One federal law enforcement source told Fox News on Friday that the operation was “standard” for a home arrest. ,,2,2 "The intensely personal feud between Cruz and Trump began earlier this week when a super PAC that opposes Trump posted a meme-style ad featuring a naked Melania Trump that Trump’s then-girlfriend, a professional model, posed for more that 15 years ago for British GQ.",,2,2 "Despite last-ditch warnings from the Obama administration that the legislation could hurt national security and was “badly misguided,” lawmakers dismissed the concerns.",last-ditch,0,1 "They gave nearly $15 million to charity, or an average of 10.8 percent of their earnings.",,2,2 Democrats also successfully put down an attempt by Republicans to divide the caucus and tar the legislation with a resolution expressing the sense that “allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of United States citizens.”,,2,2 "“As First Daughters, you can’t win,” Ms. Davis wrote.","“As First Daughters, you can’t win,”",1,1 Obama has been critical of the NRA's plan to install armed security in every school.,,2,2 "If the Republicans are being sincere, they would help us pass this long overdue bill to help the first responders whose health and livelihoods have been devastated because of their bravery on 911, rather than continuing to block this much-needed legislation.""",,2,2 "But with illegal border crossings already down and critics accusing him of manufacturing a crisis, he may have undercut his own argument that the border situation was so urgent that it required emergency action.",,2,2 "“Senior administration officials have stated on multiple occasions that the Patriot Act’s ‘business records’ authority is ‘analogous to a grand jury subpoena,’ ” they said.",,2,2 """I am looking at it, if the Republicans choose the wrong candidate, which is a possibility, and if the economy continues to be bad, which I think it will be,"" Trump said.",,2,2 "Monday night, Newsweek responded to the controversy by posting an “outtakes” gallery on its Daily Beast Web site, showcasing other photos taken for the article.",,2,2 But White House officials discovered that it would not work because Mr. Sestak could not serve on the board while still serving in Congress.,,2,2 And we want to … restore those cuts to prevent that raid.,,2,2 "“Of course I was surprised, who wouldn’t be?” said the legislator, Representative Carl Seel.",,2,2 He said the one-on-one meeting should not take place until “Russia takes demonstrable and transparent steps to prove that they won’t interfere in future elections.”,,2,2 "At least one state, Indiana, is considering the idea of armed officers at schools.",,2,2 """They are wasting their taxpayers’ dollars by filing this suit and forcing Coloradans to pick up the bill for defending our state against it.","""They are wasting their taxpayers’ dollars by filing this suit and forcing Coloradans to pick up the bill for defending our state against it.",1,1 """Until then, he will continue to serve his constituents with the same dedication and tenacity that has characterized his lifetime of public service as a Member of Congress, Marine Corps combat veteran, and decorated FBI Special Agent,"" the statement said.","lifetime of public service as a Member of Congress, Marine Corps combat veteran, and decorated FBI Special Agent",1,1 "So if that’s the case you’ll have to make that determination on your own.""",,2,2 "Workers would also see their share of Social Security payroll taxes cut by nearly a third for the coming year, a boost in take-home pay meant to encourage spending and aid the economy.",,2,2 "And Nancy said, We’re not looking to impeach you.”",,2,2 "All day, before as more than 24,000 ticket holders filed in for the charity game, the shorthand for other tragedies ricocheted through the Capitol.",,2,2 "Supporters of the mosque and cultural center in lower Manhattan, including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, say its development should stand as a testament to religious tolerance in America.",,2,2 "“In the face of hate and violence, we will love one another,” Mr. Obama said.",,2,2 "As the days went on, Trump began making noises about possibly canceling the debate; however, as late as Monday night, he was still saying that the forum was taking place.",making noises,0,1 "“We appreciate your willingness to talk about how Catholic social teaching can help inform effective policy in dealing with the urgent challenges facing our country,” the letter states.",,2,2 "Weiner, 46, is married to Huma Abedin, an aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.",,2,2 "Shortly after the meeting ended, both camps put out identical, banal statements.",,2,2 "Why, for example, did the administration choose to make the emails public now, after months of enduring criticism and requests for more information?",,2,2 "Despite the inquiries, Mr. Christie seemed to be trying to conduct business as usual.",,2,2 "Summers himself, downplayed the significance of continuing the Bush tax cuts back in September -- though he was speaking, then, about the rates for the rich and the tax cut deal, at that point in time, did not include money for a 13-month extension of unemployment insurance or other tax incentives to help lower income workers.",,2,2 "“Under these circumstances, we did not have confidence that Strzok’s decision to prioritize the Russia investigation over following up on the Midyear-related investigative lead discovered on the Weiner laptop was free from bias,” he wrote.",,2,2 Critics have said the role of State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland in revising the talking points in particular shows an administration trying to protect its reputation as being tough on terrorism.,trying to protect its reputation as being tough on terrorism,1,1 "Democrats were hoping to force a more ambitious agenda into the final weeks, including the ratification of the New Start treaty, a military authorization bill that would repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” provision, the extension of unemployment funds and the Dream Act, an immigration bill.",,2,2 "FBI official Peter Strzok, who played a lead role in both the Russian meddling and Hillary Clinton email probes but became a political lightning rod after the revelation of anti-Trump text messages, has been fired.",,2,2 "I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work.""",,2,2 "Another major neoconservative figure, Dan Senor, told the Huffington Post that Steele’s comments are “utterly irresponsible.”",“utterly irresponsible.”,0,1 WASHINGTON -- Former Rep. Asa Hutchinson (R-Ark.) on Tuesday released a 225-page report on school safety funded by the National Rifle Association.,,2,2 The FBI said the packages each consisted of a manila envelope with a bubble-wrap interior containing potentially destructive devices. ,,2,2 """Federal law still prohibits marijuana, and existing jurisprudence (Gonzales v. Raich 2005) holds that federal law trumps state law when it comes to marijuana prohibition.",,2,2 "“On the one hand, you say the problem is that they were utterly subjective, and on the other hand you say there is strong corporate culture that guides all of this. Well, which is it?”",,2,2 """This is about the White House.",,2,2 """They sent something over, the speaker has jammed it through and then Obama has negotiated with the Senate.",,2,2 "“I’m very worried we just signed the Democratic Party’s death certificate for the next decade and a half,” Mr. Schrader said.","“I’m very worried we just signed the Democratic Party’s death certificate for the next decade and a half,”",1,1 Trump has a substantial lead in the delegate chase for the GOP nomination.,,2,2 “We don’t like him. We don’t want him. We reject his visit.”,“We don’t like him. We don’t want him. We reject his visit.”,1,1 "Progressivism, he told the Conservative Political Action Conference, is a cancer that must be cut out of the system.",,2,2 News outlets revealed this week that vast spying programs began under President George W. Bush and have continued under Obama.,,2,2 "And Trump himself lashed out on Twitter, saying:",,2,2 "The emails were found on the laptop of Ms. Abedin’s now estranged husband, Anthony D. Weiner, and were released as part of a public records request.",,2,2 "Asked again about budget issues, Lamb said: ""Sir, if it's a volatile situation, we will move assets to cover that.""",,2,2 "If you break our laws by entering this country without permission and give birth to a child, we reward that child with U.S. citizenship and guarantee a full access to all public and social services this society provides.""",,2,2 "Hundreds of thousands of people across the country headed to Chick-fil-A restaurants on Wednesday, answering a call from Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, to show support for the fast-food chain after the company’s president drew criticism for his opposition to same-sex marriage.",,2,2 “His refusal to meet is disappointing to those of us who have stood by Israel for decades.”,“His refusal to meet is disappointing to those of us who have stood by Israel for decades.”,1,1 "The tumultuous relationship between Mr. Stone and Mr. Trump goes back decades, with Mr. Stone serving as an informal adviser as Mr. Trump considered running for president several times.",,2,2 "He sent an e-mail to RNC members saying he hoped his statement would ""clear up any confusion"" caused by his earlier remarks.",,2,2 "Twitter, which does not comment on individual user accounts for privacy reasons, has declined to say whether Mr. Weiner’s account was hacked.",,2,2 "Mr. Fox, who was president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006, was clear in his opposition to Mr. Trump, calling him “egocentric” and lacking in any political values.",calling him “egocentric” and lacking in any political values,1,1 "If Ryan had replaced her, it would have become all white men.",,2,2 “I think he’s made his commitments so publicly and so unequivocally.”,,2,2 "Sometimes the door would be ajar or a window would be open, which indicated to me that maybe somebody was living in the van.”",,2,2 "The organization made multiple requests of Trump Jr., asking him to provide his father’s tax returns and suggesting the candidate refuse to concede if he lost the election to Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.",,2,2 "The cover shows Bachmann standing against a stark blue background, looking directly into the camera with a wide-eyed expression.",,2,2 "In his resignation letter Thursday, Mattis, 68, had said he would remain in his role for more than three months. ",,2,2 And it ought to boost growth by some increment...,,2,2 "Linda McMahon, the party’s candidate for the United States Senate in Connecticut, was in the audience, along with other leading state Republicans.",,2,2 """We are disappointed by the government's decision, but hardly surprised,"" said the statement from Grimm's attorney, William McGinley.",but hardly surprised,1,1 "“This is my pledge to the people of Ferguson: Our investigation into this matter will be full, it will be fair, and it will be independent,” Mr. Holder wrote in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch.",,2,2 But the attack on McCain's accounting was part of the assault nonetheless.,assault,0,1 He later said he had misspoke and meant to say all “Maine women” not only “Maine’s white women.”,,2,2 "“When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice,” he said.",,2,2 The Treasury ruling is one of many that are starting to emerge from all corners of the federal government as Washington changes regulations to conform with the Supreme Court decision.,,2,2 Many will miss their first paycheck on Jan. 11 unless Trump signs a spending bill before then.,,2,2 "Trump also said in his tweet that the Justice Department must act on “Comey and others,” a reference to former FBI Director James Comey, who was leading the investigation into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election until Trump fired him in May.",,2,2 And I say wait for what?,,2,2 "Tea Party organizers routinely defend themselves against charges of racism, disavowing racially charged signs that appear in their protest crowds and provide fodder for Tea Party critics.","Tea Party organizers routinely defend themselves against charges of racism, disavowing racially charged signs that appear in their protest crowds and provide fodder for Tea Party critics.",1,1 "“Not only would I have not been in favor of it, but President [George W.] Bush wouldn’t have been in favor of it,” Rubio said.",,2,2 """This is plainly a power grab by a disappointed President, who has gone outside the bounds of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative process,"" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement.",This is plainly a power grab by a disappointed President,1,1 "... Let's do the right thing.""",,2,2 It would provide law enforcement with the mechanisms needed to go after the illegal transfer of weapons and help prevent those weapons from falling into the wrong hands.,,2,2 “I’m not saying I support what he did.”,,2,2 "Intelligence committee chairman Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., said Tuesday that the panel also sent a letter to Flynn’s lawyer questioning whether his client can indeed invoke the Fifth Amendment to avoid turning over documents.",,2,2 "Trying to turn Republicans' words against them, Pelosi said, ""Yes it is a power grab -- a power grab on behalf of the people.""","""Yes it is a power grab -- a power grab on behalf of the people.""",1,1 "“President Trump must be willing to confront Putin from a position of strength and demonstrate that there will be a serious price to pay for his ongoing aggression towards the United States and democracies around the world,” Mr. McCain said in a statement.",,2,2 The Obama administration intended the trip to underscore its commitment to civil rights in general and the Ferguson case in particular.,,2,2 "Brewer said the bill had ""the potential to create more problems than it purports to solve.""",,2,2 "The report marks the culmination of a controversial process that began in December, when NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre held a press conference the week after the shooting in Newtown, Conn.",,2,2 "In the interview, he said he was not certain whether he had seen the stories or whether any steps had been taken to point out the inaccuracies.",,2,2 "In a rare criticism of the committee by one of its members, Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, the ranking Republican, complained that the panel Mr. Kerry led had failed to conduct proper oversight of security and other State Department issues.",complained,0,1 "But it quickly turned tense as Mr. Trump argued for his wall and called on Kirstjen Nielsen, the homeland security secretary, who appeared via teleconference from the border in San Diego to stress the need for it, according to two of the officials who were at the meeting.",,2,2 "James Norton, who was deputy assistant secretary at Department of Homeland Security under the George W. Bush administration, told Fox News that staffing each member of Congress with a personal security detail would cost billions and acknowledged the unwillingness of some members to have additional layers of security.",,2,2 "White House deputy chief of staff Joe Hagin, who also served in the Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush administrations, is expected to leave his post in July, Politico reported.",,2,2 So I am asking you kindly to please un-friend me — I have no use for friends like you.”,,2,2 """Elephants and other big game in Africa are blood currency for terrorist organizations, and they are being killed at an alarming rate.",,2,2 """Peter Strzok was fired from the FBI because of what his own written words plainly showed: ",,2,2 "“Rather than drag out this political charade into 2016 and selectively leak portions of a closed-door interview, the committee should schedule the public hearing, make her records public and refocus its efforts on the attacks in Benghazi,” he said.",,2,2 "“This kind of mandatory energy policy would have a horrible impact on this nation’s job market,” he said.",,2,2 “I guess we’re not friends anymore.”,,2,2 "Supporters of Mr. McCarthy, who confidently traveled home to his district in Bakersfield for the weekend, said Friday that the Californian had all but sewed up the votes he needs.",,2,2 "It's wrong. It's destructive,"" said Robert Gibbs, the president's former press secretary who is now working on Obama's reelection effort.",It's wrong. It's destructive,0,1 "Mr. Etheridge, who represents a conservative district south of Raleigh, faces a re-election challenge, but his race is not among the top Republican targets in the country. ",,2,2 “We have watched one party refuse to hold hearings based the politics of the president and his potential nominees.,,2,2 "Aitan Goelman, Mr. Strzok’s lawyer, denounced his client’s dismissal. ",,2,2 "At the time, LaPierre assailed the media and gun control advocates for their responses to the massacre, and he proposed that armed volunteers protect schools and that gun-free school zones be eliminated.",,2,2 """[We worked] 24/7 for the past month.",,2,2 "When asked how genuine his presidential ambition is, Trump said, ""I always take things seriously, but I've never taken it seriously like this.""",,2,2 """She's going to get a very detailed briefing from her legal team, and give the proponents their best shot, and the opponents their best shot,"" he said.",,2,2 "The stalemate caused a record-breaking partial government shutdown that forced an estimated 800,000 government employees to go without pay for 35 days.",,2,2 "“We can call a national emergency [to build a border wall] because of the security of our country,” Trump told reporters in the Rose Garden, during a lengthy and impromptu press conference.",,2,2 But the ruling creates complications for same-sex couples who live in any of the 37 states that do not recognize their marriages.,,2,2 "As governor of Indiana, if I were presented a bill that legalized discrimination against any person or group, I would veto it.",,2,2 Other top leadership posts were uncontested.,,2,2 And she vowed that Democrats would continue to stand as a foil to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s administration.,,2,2 "In a Thursday morning tweet, Mr. Trump railed against the “WITCH HUNT” of investigations of his associates.","In a Thursday morning tweet, Mr. Trump railed against the “WITCH HUNT” of investigations of his associates.",1,0 A new NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll of GOP primary voters shows 23 percent picked former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as their first choice.,,2,2 """What he was saying today has no relationship to what his authority is, but that's of course not unusual.""","""What he was saying today has no relationship to what his authority is, but that's of course not unusual.""",1,1 We need compassionate comprehensive immigration reform now.”,,2,2 "“If President Trump is not prepared to hold Putin accountable, the summit in Helsinki should not move forward.”",,2,2 "“We don’t know enough facts, so why speculate?” Mr. Gowdy added.",,2,2 "While Clinton called the pact the ""gold standard"" of trade agreements while serving as secretary of state, she has refused to take a position on the deal since announcing her candidacy.","While Clinton called the pact the ""gold standard"" of trade agreements while serving as secretary of state, she has refused to take a position on the deal since announcing her candidacy.",1,1 "Then he cautioned: ""The physics and the blood and the sweat that might be involved in that, I'm not entirely sure I would put it quite as simply as that.""",,2,2 "UPDATE: AARP CEO A. Barry Rand said in a statement, ""It has long been AARP's policy that Social Security should be strengthened to provide adequate benefits and that it is sufficiently financed to ensure solvency with a stable trust fund for the next 75 years.""",,2,2 Many cited the endemic corruption of money in politics as a top complaint they heard on the campaign trail from constituents.,,2,2 "“It takes forethought to design and many years to build the capabilities we may need at a moment’s notice,"" the 43-year-old said.",the 43-year-old,1,1 "WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama on Friday forcefully defended revelations that the National Security Agency is collecting phone records and electronic communications, saying that Congress was fully briefed and the programs are limited in scope.",forcefully,0,1 "The Perry campaign did not say where the ad would run, but the focus of Mr. Perry’s multimillion-dollar television budget has been in Iowa, where large numbers of Republican caucusgoers describe themselves as Christian evangelicals.",multimillion-dollar television budget,1,1 “Greatest Witch Hunt in the History of our Country!” he wrote on Twitter. “NO COLLUSION!”,“Greatest Witch Hunt in the History of our Country!”,1,1 "But it is not enough just to not suck as much as the other side.""",,2,2 They first blamed the YouTube video.,,2,2 Bush paid an effective tax rate of roughly 36 percent over those three decades.,,2,2 "A leader only starts a fight he's prepared to finish.""",A leader only starts a fight he's prepared to finish,1,1 "The bill was pushed by the Center for Arizona Policy, a social conservative group that opposes abortion and gay marriage.",a social conservative group that opposes abortion and gay marriage,1,1 "Mr. Trump said that he was not basing his vice-presidential selection on fund-raising prowess or potential, and indicated that he had had enough experience with many of those he has been considering for the job that their tryouts on the campaign trail would not necessarily be determinative.",,2,2 """The State Department has long had access to a wide array of Secretary Clinton's records -- including emails between her and Department officials with state.gov accounts,"" State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf told Fox News late Monday.",,2,2 "Fox News host Glenn Beck, armed with his trademark chalkboard, blamed ""progressivism"" for America's problems Saturday in his keynote speech that brought the annual Conservative Political Action Conference to a close.",,2,2 Wal-Mart calls that evidence unrepresentative and unreliable.,unrepresentative and unreliable,0,1 "Weeks before the election, asked if the campaign was “in cahoots” with WikiLeaks, Pence denied it.",,2,2 Trump said in an interview with “Axios on HBO” taped Monday that he could execute the change via executive order.,,2,2 But likely GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush suggested that the use of personal email demonstrated a lack of transparency.,,2,2 "“There are some very angry people upset with the status quo, and Eric became part of that,” said former Representative Thomas M. Davis III, a Virginia Republican.",,2,2 """This is someone who has voted for trade agreements when they have been good for the country and against trade agreements when she thought they were bad for the country.""","""This is someone who has voted for trade agreements when they have been good for the country and against trade agreements when she thought they were bad for the country.""",1,1 "House Speaker Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, who is retiring, said in an interview that the president “obviously” cannot eviscerate birthright citizenship by executive order.",“obviously”,0,1 McCulloch's deep family connections to police have been cited by some black leaders who question his ability to be impartial in the case.,,2,2 "Faiz Shakir, the political director of the American Civil Liberties Union and an adviser to former Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, said the group and its allies were actively exploring places to intervene in primary elections.",,2,2 "The indictment does not charge Stone with conspiring with WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy website that published the emails, or with the Russian officers Mueller says hacked them. ",,2,2 "Clinton, who is often described as the Democratic presidential frontrunner for 2016, has faced scrutiny since Monday when The New York Times reported that she may have violated federal records law by using a personal email account for all of her work messages as secretary of state.",,2,2 "The party platform — and the positions taken on abortion, same-sex marriage and other social issues — are a key part of that effort.",,2,2 "The planned community center, perhaps 15 stories tall, would be built in three adjacent buildings two blocks north of ground zero, though one building, owned by Consolidated Edison, has yet to be sold.",,2,2 Mr. Rother said AARP expected to hear criticism from some of its members over its position on possible cuts.,,2,2 The president and the speaker met Sunday afternoon at the White House for the first time in weeks.,,2,2 But other costs will be more permanent.,,2,2 Trump’s efforts to win over Democratic support on the bill ― which will require at least 60 votes to pass in the Senate ― hit even more trouble on Tuesday after the Supreme Court once again did not act on the administration’s effort to end DACA.,,2,2 FBI officials said they believed the package to be related to the others mailed out this week.,,2,2 """Although I have tremendous tea party support and just wonderful people in the tea party and grassroots helping me out, and they're clearly responsible for the win...",,2,2 Mr. Biden was not the only one in the room intent on rectifying his predecessor’s mistakes.,,2,2 "A spokeswoman for Representative K. Michael Conaway of Texas, the Republican leading the investigation, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.",,2,2 The elephant trophy decision drew national headlines and a fierce response from celebrities and others across social media.,,2,2 "“I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you c---sucker.",,2,2 "Sen. John Cornyn, R-TX, who heads the GOP campaign committee, said Tuesday, ""I think it's a blockbuster revelation,"" and predicted, ""I think it's definitely going to make that race more competitive.""",,2,2 "Saying President Obama, he said, was “too simple an answer.”",,2,2 "He offered “thoughts and prayers” to all those affected by the attack, particularly the victims and their families, and praised the efforts of the first-responders.",,2,2 "On the flip side, gay couples also will now be subjected to the so-called marriage penalty, in which some (usually upper-middle class) joint filers incur a higher tax burden than they would if they filed as single people.","On the flip side, gay couples also will now be subjected to the so-called marriage penalty, in which some (usually upper-middle class) joint filers incur a higher tax burden than they would if they filed as single people.",1,1 "As part of his strategy, he made available to every member a presentation on border security that he said those present at a meeting Wednesday did not want to hear.",those present at a meeting Wednesday did not want to hear,1,0 "“He didn’t even carry his district for Hillary Clinton, so I don’t know why he’s saying that,” she said.",,2,2 """Rage"" is a word that doesn't appear in Newsweek's actual profile of Bachmann, though author Lois Romano does criticize what she calls the ""radical"" nature of the Tea Party that Bachmann champions.",,2,2 Burton said Monday that the president weighed in as part of a constitutional discussion.,,2,2 "Joining them was Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner, who will serve as an unpaid senior adviser.",,2,2 """I think it would be helpful to the members if you would explain to us how the determinations of what to read has been made or not made so that we all be on the same page as to congressional intent,"" he said to Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., who presided over the reading.",,2,2 "Though Reid is on the record, the National Republican Senatorial Committee on Monday targeted Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., for not speaking out on the issue.",,2,2 "A top Trump campaign official dispatched Roger J. Stone Jr., a longtime adviser to President Trump, to get information from WikiLeaks about the thousands of hacked Democratic emails, according to an indictment.",,2,2 "Blumenthal's campaign disputed a report in the New York Times as an ""outrageous distortion"" of his service in the Marines - six months on Paris Island and six years in the reserves, according to his campaign.",,2,2 "Former FBI Director James Comey, who led the Clinton email investigation, said during a congressional hearing last year that he believed Abedin forwarded emails to Weiner for him to print out so that she could give them to Clinton.",,2,2 “How would this be possible if the U.S. had no jurisdiction over them?”,,2,2 Recent polls suggest that the focus on Mrs. Clinton’s email practices has affected the number of voters who see her as “honest” and “trustworthy.”,Recent polls suggest that the focus on Mrs. Clinton’s email practices has affected the number of voters who see her as “honest” and “trustworthy.”,1,1 "Mary Cheney, the younger sister of Wyoming U.S Senate candidate Liz Cheney (R) and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, criticized her sister's opposition to same-sex marriage in a Friday Facebook post, the New York Times reports.",,2,2 "Mr. Cantor’s loss recalled the defeat of former Speaker Thomas S. Foley, a Democrat who lost to a little-known Republican, George Nethercutt, in the 1994 general elections that delivered control of Congress to the Republicans.",,2,2 "You can’t be a victim 40 years later, in my opinion.”",,2,2 """We felt the time had come to stand up and say, 'It's time for the tea party to be responsible members of this democracy and make sure they don't tolerate bigots or bigotry among their members,'"" NAACP President Ben Jealous said ahead of the debate.",,2,2 "Senate Majority Leader McConnell, for instance, commended the president ""for taking bipartisan steps toward addressing current immigration issues.""",,2,2 But it was not immediately clear if that van was the same one seized by the police on Friday.,,2,2 "Netanyahu, who has a famously frosty relationship with President Obama, mentions neither Obama nor Republican challenger Mitt Romney, with whom Netanyahu worked in the mid-1970s at Boston Consulting Group.",famously frosty,0,1 "Moreover, it ""was designed to eat the Constitution.""",,2,2 "Ms. Pelosi defended Ms. Tlaib on Friday at a town hall hosted by MSNBC at the speaker’s alma mater in Washington, Trinity University.",,2,2 """Grandstander? The Fake News is making such a big deal about this nothing event!""","""Grandstander? The Fake News is making such a big deal about this nothing event!""",1,0 "Last week, LePage tried to back up that statement ― which had been widely criticized at the time ― by saying he keeps a binder of drug dealers arrested in Maine and “90-plus percent of those pictures” in his book are of black and Hispanic individuals.",,2,2 "After that interview, then-FBI Director James Comey called her actions extremely careless without recommending criminal charges.",,2,2 Former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney was the latest prominent voice to weigh in and urge Brewer to veto the bill.,,2,2 What resulted were the informal conversation(s).,,2,2 "The Republican governor has a long history of making controversial statements dating back to 2010 when he said if he were elected governor, he’d tell President Obama to “go to hell.”","The Republican governor has a long history of making controversial statements dating back to 2010 when he said if he were elected governor, he’d tell President Obama to “go to hell.”",1,1 "Any plan to protect Dreamers that relies on the word of serial liars like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan or Donald Trump is doomed to fail,” CREDO Political Director Murshed Zaheed said in a statement.",serial liars,0,1 Fifteen of his speeches were abroad.,,2,2 But there is no other evidence in the e-mails that Mr. Morell himself objected to the inclusion of this material.,But there is no other evidence in the e-mails that Mr. Morell himself objected to the inclusion of this material.,1,1 "Weiner referred to prior statements his office had put out, indicating he was through talking about the matter.",,2,2 Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said in a statement on Twitter that he and Trump “believe that conservation & healthy herds are critical.”,,2,2 “We have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee.”,We have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility,1,1 "The Disclose Act, part of the bill, would require super PACs and nonprofit organizations that spend money in elections to disclose the names of donors who contribute more than $10,000.",,2,2 "Sayoc has been charged with five federal crimes ― interstate transportation of an explosive, illegal mailing of explosives, making threats against former presidents and certain other persons, threatening interstate communications, and assaulting current and former federal officers ― the Department of Justice said.",,2,2 "With White House support, Senate Democrats have broken the measure into its main parts to force Republicans to take a series of tough votes on proposals, each of which has broad public support, according to polls.",,2,2 "“I will fight for you with every breath in my body, and I will never, ever let you down,” Mr. Trump told hundreds of thousands of rain-soaked admirers and onlookers in a forceful 16-minute Inaugural Address from the West Front of the Capitol.",rain-soaked,0,0 """As president, I promise you, we will no longer try to contain Jihadism. We will conquer it.”",,2,2 He also claimed bias from prosecutors in the Southern District of California who supported Hillary Clinton's candidacy.,,2,2 "“It would’ve been a massacre without them,” he said.",,2,2 """Republicans delivered,"" Wisconsin GOP Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said on ""Fox News Sunday.""",,2,2 "Journalist Charlie Rose asked Rubio after the speech whether invoking Kennedy and the Cold War might make him appear backward-looking at a time that Rubio's campaign portrays other U.S. leaders as “trapped in the past.""","appear backward-looking at a time that Rubio's campaign portrays other U.S. leaders as “trapped in the past.""",1,1 "The government would contribute a fixed amount of money on behalf of each beneficiary, and future beneficiaries could use the money to buy private insurance or to help pay for coverage under the traditional Medicare program.",,2,2 Gay and civil rights groups praised the ruling.,praised,0,1 "The president, without offering specifics, said his 2016 Democratic rival “lied many times” during her FBI interview in early July.",without offering specifics,1,1 "In social media posts and interviews during the 2016 presidential race, Mr. Stone indicated that he had advance knowledge that a trove of information damaging to Mrs. Clinton’s campaign might be about to spill into public view, and even suggested that he had personally spoken to the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange.",,2,2 "In 2013, Yahoo was hacked, and the company said in a statement that “all Yahoo user accounts were affected” by the theft.",,2,2 Boehner last week put a counter-proposal on the table that included $800 billion in revenue increases over the next decade.,,2,2 It’s unclear what his legislation would look like ― and he has previously suggested such a change would require a constitutional amendment.,,2,2 "At another point, Mr. Smythe said, “We assume the repeal of all of the expansions in the Affordable Care Act.”",,2,2 "Federal prosecutors say Jackson, who resigned from Congress in November amid the investigation and health issues, used campaign money to buy items including a $43,350 gold-plated men's Rolex watch and $9,587.64 worth of children's furniture.",,2,2 The face-off Thursday night was taking on outsized importance for a vice presidential debate.,,2,2 "“Folks, it’s a long way from a little brick rented house on Second Street in Hope, Arkansas, to the White House,” he said.",,2,2 "Before Mr. Carr’s statement, the BuzzFeed report led to a flurry of reactions by senior members of Congress who said that the allegations, if true, could be grounds for initiating impeachment proceedings against Mr. Trump.",,2,2 Faith made America strong. It can make her strong again.”,,2,2 A former Justice Department computer crimes prosecutor said it would not cost much to request an investigation from the FBI.,,2,2 "Cornyn was on the White House's shortlist to replace Comey, but withdrew himself from consideration this week.",,2,2 "The firing was politically motivated, Mr. McCabe has said, as an effort to discredit him as a witness in the special counsel investigation.",,2,2 Many are discouraged after losing the White House and making smaller than expected gains in both chambers of Congress.,,2,2 """If there's even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try,"" Obama said.",,2,2 The FBI responded: “Mr. Strzok was subject to the standard FBI review and disciplinary process after conduct highlighted in the IG report was referred to the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). ,,2,2 "Also on the Republican side, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said she was ""hopeful"" for a ""constructive debate"" with Democrats.",,2,2 "“Lives w/mom,” a handwritten note on the petition said. ",,2,2 "The official said that he and other opponents of benefit cuts had been told that AARP's ""longstanding position"" hadn't changed, but there was some uncertainty about what that position actually is.",,2,2 She said she had asked the photographer to pull the images.,,2,2 Mrs. Clinton’s spokesman and the State Department have cast her decision to hand over her emails as motivated by efforts to update the department’s record management system.,,2,2 "“Trump is using Mexico, using President Peña to boost his sinking poll numbers,” Fox said.","“Trump is using Mexico, using President Peña to boost his sinking poll numbers,”",1,1 "On Twitter, Arizona’s United States senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake, also Republicans, had nearly identical posts, with both of them saying they hoped Ms. Brewer would veto the bill.",,2,2 "In at least eight newspaper articles published in Connecticut from 2003 to 2009, he is described as having served in Vietnam.",,2,2 "“So, you have the company that is absolutely typical of the entire American work force,” Justice Alito said.",,2,2 That effort was made particularly urgent after Mrs. Clinton said last year that she and her husband were “dead broke” when they left the White House.,,2,2 The plea was made all the more effective by the intertwining of Beck's own story of struggle and redemption.,,2,2 Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was the lone opposition.,,2,2 "The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ran traces on the weapons and found no evidence to suggest Hodgkinson purchased the firearms illegally, according to an FBI statement released Thursday.",,2,2 "Conservative websites are already crying foul over the cover, with some saying it makes Bachmann look ""crazy"" and one blogger asking, ""Can anyone really say with a straight face that the mainstream media is not totally biased against conservatives?""","Conservative websites are already crying foul over the cover, with some saying it makes Bachmann look ""crazy"" and one blogger asking, ""Can anyone really say with a straight face that the mainstream media is not totally biased against conservatives?""",1,1 "During the radio interview, the governor apologized repeatedly for an expletive-ridden voicemail he recently left for Democratic state Rep. Drew Gattine -- the latest controversy to hang over his office.",the latest controversy to hang over his office,1,1 "No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response.”",,2,2 "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hasn’t been shy in recent days about the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency, joking that she might move to New Zealand if it ever happens.",,2,2 "Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) also called for the cancellation of the meeting, saying that Trump “cannot claim to love the U.S. while meeting with ... a man who is overseeing an all-out attack on America’s democracy.”",cannot claim to love the U.S.,1,1 "The group has faced occasional claims of racism, most notably in March near the end of the bitter health care debate.",,2,2 It's a long shot bid.,It's a long shot bid.,1,1 "But some of his supporters have started to walk away, prompting growing calls that it is time to bring the party together to defeat Mr. Trump.","But some of his supporters have started to walk away, prompting growing calls that it is time to bring the party together to defeat Mr. Trump.",1,1 "The Times later stood by that version of events, citing it in its fact-check of Republican attacks on Obama during the presidential campaign.",,2,2 "While many have speculated that the White House offered to appoint Mr. Sestak as secretary of the Navy, Mr. Bauer said that was never the case.",,2,2 "In October, the State Department sent a letter to Mrs. Clinton and all former secretaries of state back to Madeleine K. Albright, seeking emails and other documents in their possession that related to their government work.",,2,2 "As of April, 35 million seniors received Social Security retirement benefits averaging $1,179 a month, according to the program's latest monthly snapshot.",,2,2 "“In recent days, these e-mails have been selectively and inaccurately read out to the media,” said a White House spokesman, Eric Schultz.",,2,2 "“I’m not aware [that] any justice before has ever commented on the merits or demerits of a presidential candidate,” said Ed Whelan, the president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a frequent contributor to the conservative National Review Online, where he has chronicled this episode and what he deems Ginsburg’s “remarkable record of indiscretions.”",“remarkable record of indiscretions.”,1,1 “I’m not going to vote for it.,,2,2 """This is just too important to sit out,"" said Bloomberg, a former Democrat who won New York's mayoralty as a Republican in 2001 before leaving the party to become an independent six years later.",,2,2 "If true, Mr. Schiff said, the allegations “would constitute both the subornation of perjury as well as obstruction of justice.”",,2,2 "WASHINGTON—Joining a chorus of Catholic bishops , theologians, priests, and social justice leaders, nearly 90 Georgetown University faculty and administrators have called Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) to task for his misuse of Catholic social teaching in defending his budget, which hurts the poor.",hurts the poor,0,1 "Nonetheless, the group’s openness to the possibility of unspecified cuts was seen as a significant development by people on all sides of the Social Security question because of AARP’s influence on federal policies affecting older Americans, including Medicare, prescription drugs and many more.",,2,2 "Senior White House officials significantly raised the stakes on congressional Democrats in their efforts to get a deal passed on the Bush tax cuts, warning on Wednesday that inaction would ""significantly increase the risk"" of a double dip recession.",,2,2 “Stop lying!” Mr. Fox wrote.,,2,2 Carney contended that Congress wouldn't be focused at all on jobs if not for the president's power of persuasion.,,2,2 "It said something could evolve ""and become more dangerous for that small percentage of people that really think our country has been taken away from them.""",,2,2 "A more congenial Rick Santorum doubled down on several controversial, and religiously laden, remarks in an interview Sunday morning on CBS's ""Face the Nation,"" where he defended his recent claims that prenatal testing results in abortions, that federally provided education was ""anachronistic,"" and that President Obama's policies are not ""based on the Bible.""",,2,2 I would like to thank my staff both in Washington and Texas for all of their hard work on behalf of our constituents.,,2,2 """The programs are secret in the sense that they are classified.",,2,2 “It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous. And it has to end.”,It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous,1,1 Mr. Trump said his decision was largely coming down to instinct.,,2,2 "Invoking patriotism as well as divine intervention – Mr. Obama stood against the backdrop of a giant American flag – he spoke before an audience that included unemployed construction workers, whose industry is among the hardest hit by the housing bust.",,2,2 That group would include Vice President Pence and advisor Jared Kushner.,,2,2 "Meanwhile, Vice President Joe Biden voiced his support of Hillary Thursday evening at the American Constitution Society's national convention.",,2,2 "To eliminate the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees, Republicans would need to vote in virtual lock step: The party effectively has only 51 votes right now because one member, Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia, is recuperating from back surgery, so just two Republican senators could block a rules change.",,2,2 His interruptive barrage was as relentless as his silent mugging for the camera.,His interruptive barrage was as relentless as his silent mugging for the camera.,1,1 "Clinton was spending most of the weekend in Iowa after formally launching her campaign in New York City, seeking to build an organizational edge in the state that tripped up her first presidential campaign against Obama.",,2,2 """If anybody but your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, announced that, after decimating ISIS in Syria, we were going to bring our troops back home (happy & healthy), that person would be the most popular hero in America,"" he continued in a follow-up tweet. ","""If anybody but your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, announced that, after decimating ISIS in Syria, we were going to bring our troops back home (happy & healthy), that person would be the most popular hero in America,"" he continued in a follow-up tweet.",1,1 "It is the broadest federal rule change to come out of the landmark Supreme Court decision in June that struck down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, and a sign of how quickly the government is moving to treat gay couples in the same way that it does straight couples.",,2,2 "It’s wrong. It’s destructive,” Mr. Gibbs said on the ABC News program “This Week,” adding that it reflected the “nastiness, divisiveness, ugliness” and distortions of a hard-fought Republican nominating process.","“nastiness, divisiveness, ugliness”",0,1 "The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence had access to the documents, a source told Fox News.",,2,2 People took to Twitter to express their disdain for the photo shoot.,,2,2 "It also claims that despite a company policy expressly prohibiting discrimination, local store managers are given too much flexibility in determining salary hikes and job promotions that invariably favor men over women.",,2,2 "On that same day, Obama had lunch with Clinton.","On that same day, Obama had lunch with Clinton.",1,1 "Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.”",,2,2 """He's made some pretty outrageous comments that Mueller could not verify, Graham said.",outrageous,0,1 Conservative Republicans in the House pleaded Friday for a delay in the voting.,pleaded,0,0 "The White House, meanwhile, said Obama recorded the video on Tuesday, the day Clinton effectively wrapped up the nomination.",,2,2 "“We always hear members of Congress talking about swearing an oath to represent their constituents, when in reality the only oath we take is to the Constitution,” explained newly-minted Speaker John Boehner to the Post.",,2,2 "Trump, in tweets and interviews, has repeatedly sought to undermine his Justice Department and FBI as the Russia probe has intensified.",repeatedly sought to undermine,1,1 "“Nothing could be further from the truth,” he said.",,2,2 Two lower courts said the case could move toward trial.,,2,2 Medicare and Treasury officials have said they would use a “place of celebration” standard for determining whether gay couples are eligible for benefits.,,2,2 "That is something that's easy to get,"" Trump said, arguing that Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees ""to get away from this issue.""",,2,2 "Mary Cheney, the younger sister of Liz Cheney, a Wyoming Senate candidate, sharply criticized her sister’s stance on same-sex marriage and urged her own Facebook friends to share the message.",sharply,0,1 “My parents both grew up on Iowa farms during the Great Depression.,,2,2 The clock is now ticking toward the special election.,,2,2 "However, Democrats rejected the plan even before Trump announced it, and a Senate version of the plan failed to get the 60 votes needed on Thursday. ","However, Democrats rejected the plan even before Trump announced it",1,0 "When he had finished introducing the report, Hutchinson called up Mark Mattioli, whose 6-year-old son, James Mattioli, was killed in December along with 19 other children at Sandy Hook Elementary School.",,2,2 "On Tuesday, Mr. Weiner presided over two testy news briefings at which he had dodged a variety of questions.",testy,0,1 The bridge inquiry being conducted by Mr. Fishman’s office was confirmed this month.,,2,2 "The girls accompanied their daughter to Wednesday's ceremony, in which he pardoned two turkeys named Mac and Cheese.",,2,2 "Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., who as president of the Senate would be expected to attend, has said he will be traveling abroad.",,2,2 "According to the excerpts, she argued that the administration should not give Congress ammunition to ""beat up"" on her department.",,2,2 “And I’m serious. Everything will be put into writing.,,2,2 "“I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian,” Mr. Perry says in the ad, “but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.”",,2,2 "“Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols.",Crooked,0,1 "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer exited saying Trump told them ""he’d keep the government closed for a very long period of time, months or even years.”",,2,2 "“Because of my success in the private sector, I had the chance to run America’s largest city for 12 years.”",,2,2 "The former representative, who co-wrote a 1999 book with his father, Rev. Jesse Jackson, titled It's About the Money!: How You Can Get Out of Debt, Build Wealth, and Achieve Your Financial Dreams, was accused of spending $750,000 in campaign funds on personal items for himself and for his wife.","The former representative, who co-wrote a 1999 book with his father, Rev. Jesse Jackson, titled It's About the Money!: How You Can Get Out of Debt, Build Wealth, and Achieve Your Financial Dreams, was accused of spending $750,000 in campaign funds on personal items for himself and for his wife.",1,1 Legal scholars say it's too early to know how the Supreme Court might handle the case or if it will even accept it.,,2,2 "Vice President Mike Pence, who in an Oct. 14, 2016, interview with Fox News claimed the campaign had not been in contact with WikiLeaks, said in a statement late Monday that he had not known about Trump Jr.’s messages.",,2,2 "“After seven years of a weak and feckless foreign policy run by Barack Obama, we better not turn it over to his second mate, Hillary Clinton,” Mr. Christie said.",,2,2 "“We’ve previously known about attempts to develop Trump Tower Moscow and the misrepresentations surrounding those efforts,” Feinstein said.",,2,2 It’s not as if he just didn’t get what he wanted so he’s waving a magic wand and taking a bunch of money.”,,2,2 "Like other Republican White House hopefuls, Huckabee is sharply critical of Obama's foreign policy.",,2,2 "Elizabeth Cheney declared in July she plans to challenge incumbent Senator Mike Enzi, also a Republican, in the state’s Republican primary.",,2,2 They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”,,2,2 Obama made the same argument on the stump.,,2,2 "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced Thursday on the Senate floor that Trump planned to sign the bill and declare a national emergency at the same time, adding that he supported the decision.",,2,2 "“With McCarthyism,” a senator was “chasing after Russian Communists,” Mr. Turner, an Intelligence Committee member, said.",,2,2 House Republicans have argued that the procedural votes don't take up very much time.,,2,2 "Tiny bits of genetic material – traces of sweat, skin cells, saliva, hair or fingerprints – are typically used as a roadmap to the suspect’s door, investigators and bomb experts say.",,2,2 He promised to ensure that workers would be compensated for the paychecks they have missed since the shutdown began in late December “very quickly or as soon as possible.”,,2,2 """I know Mr. Cowan is committed to working hard and in a socially fair and economically efficient manner toward solving pending budget issues,"" he said.",,2,2 "A former senior NSA official confirmed to Fox News that the program was started in 2007 by the FBI and NSA and allows them to tap into top U.S. Internet companies to pull audio, video and other data.",,2,2 "Pelosi told Reid that the comment might fire up Trump’s base, but doesn’t actually make much of a difference to actual House business.",,2,2 """Colorado has undermined the United States Constitution, and I hope the U.S. Supreme Court will uphold our constitutional principles.""",Colorado has undermined the United States Constitution,1,1 "Beginning in August, senior State Department officials held negotiations with Mrs. Clinton’s lawyers and advisers to gain access to her personal email records.",,2,2 """This is not what a real recovery looks like,"" Ryan said.",,2,2 That absolutely includes Senator Lieberman.”,,2,2 "It promises to be another bruising campaign, with two Democratic congressmen likely to face off in a primary in April.",,2,2 "Weiner failed in a 2005 bid for the Democratic nomination for mayor of New York City, but he is still is widely considered a future contender for the office.",,2,2 "Mr. Obama is pushing for a measure that would impose mandatory background checks for gun buyers, and the Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, the majority leader, has promised to present a bill that would expand background checks to the floor for a vote.",,2,2 "I want to invite all those organizations, and anyone interested in a state that promotes equality and opportunity, to come visit Washington.",,2,2 "Trump accused social media giants of “closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others.”",,2,2 Mo Cowan Senate: Deval Patrick Names Former Chief Of Staff To Replace John Kerry,,2,2 "Sen. Susan Collins' (R-Maine) is reportedly open to voting to proceed on repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, even if the other issues aren't yet resolved.",,2,2 "As he left for Utah on Monday, the president said he felt “very badly” for Mr. Flynn, whom he fired in February for lying to the vice president about the content of these conversations.",,2,2 "Officials in Hawaii have certified Obama's citizenship, but a segment of society -- labeled ""birthers"" in the vernacular -- have demanded additional proof.",,2,2 "Obama has said he will not meet with Netanyahu ahead of his speech in March, saying it would be ""inappropriate"" to meet with the leader two weeks before the Israeli elections.",,2,2 The speech was widely considered a public relations disaster.,The speech was widely considered a public relations disaster.,1,1 "Hutchinson said Tuesday that the idea of armed volunteers was scrapped after it was met with ""great reluctance"" from school employees.","was scrapped after it was met with ""great reluctance"" from school employees",1,1 "We will bring back our jobs, we will bring back our borders, we will bring back our wealth and we will bring back our dreams.”",,2,2 He belatedly registered as a foreign agent for that work after being forced out of the Trump administration for misrepresenting his communications with the Russian ambassador to Vice President Mike Pence.,,2,2 "“A PAC run anti-Trump site putintrump.org is about to launch,” WikiLeaks wrote.",,2,2 His detail was credited with putting down the attacker and saving lives.,,2,2 "The Israeli prime minister himself has turned down a request by Democratic senators for a private meeting, Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, said Tuesday.","The Israeli prime minister himself has turned down a request by Democratic senators for a private meeting, Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, said Tuesday.",1,1 "“America will start winning again, winning like never before.",,2,2 "Flynn lied, and it destroyed his life, and I think it’s a shame,” Trump said, before again claiming that Clinton “lied many times, [and] nothing happened to her.",,2,2 "Elizabeth Lauten wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post Friday that Malia and Sasha Obama, aged 16 and 13 respectively, should ""try showing a little class"" and described their outfits as more appropriate for ""a spot at the bar.""","""try showing a little class""",1,1 "To me, that's a powerful thing... nobody's killed me for this image so it's not that bad.",,2,2 "Lawmakers also passed a one-month extension of the ""doc fix"" that prevents cuts to Medicare approved 15 years ago from going into effect, but without action the rates paid to doctors for treating those insured by the entitlement program will plummet on Jan. 1.",,2,2 "“Well, I don’t see how that’s possible,” Mr. Paul said on the CNN program “State of the Union.”","Well, I don’t see how that’s possible",1,1 "“Yes,” Mr. Barr said. “Under an obstruction statute, yes.”",,2,2 "During that race, Grimm has acknowledged receiving $250,000 to $300,000 in contributions from followers of an Israeli rabbi, Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto.",,2,2 "An incredulous Bob Schieffer began his interview with Santorum Sunday by asking, ""What in the world were you talking about?""","An incredulous Bob Schieffer began his interview with Santorum Sunday by asking, ""What in the world were you talking about?""",1,1 "The decision regarding elephants was made public not by the federal agency but via a celebratory news release early Tuesday from Safari Club International, a trophy hunting advocacy group that, along with the National Rifle Association, sued to block the 2014 ban.",,2,2 "Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this post said that Senator Harry Reid was from Arizona. He is from Nevada.",,2,2 "Moments later, she added, a bit regretfully: “I really am almost sad for myself that I have gone down this path with you, because I don’t think it’s appropriate for us to have the fullest discussion of it.",,2,2 He added that her comments were “disrespectful to the United States of America.”,“disrespectful to the United States of America.”,1,1 "A 1898 Supreme Court decision held that Wong Kim Ark, who was born in San Francisco to Chinese parents residing in the United States, was a citizen because of his birth on American soil.",,2,2 """We are going to need voices in those areas and congressional districts where the tradition of gun ownership is strong.""",,2,2 "Ted Cruz's problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin' Ted Cruz.”",Lyin,0,1 "Another Republican, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, also tweeted that such an executive order would not be possible.",,2,2 Mr. Trump acknowledged that his declaration of a national emergency would be litigated in the courts and even predicted a rough road for his side.,,2,2 "Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the Democratic whip, resolved to wear a “Team Scalise” shirt to the game.",,2,2 "Obama, speaking from the White House on Sunday, said the nightclub massacre in which 50 people were killed and at least 53 others were wounded is being investigated as an “act of terror,” though did not say whether it was tied to radical Islam.",,2,2 The backlash across the country against Chick-fil-A has been ferocious.,ferocious,0,1 "That apology was planned ahead of time by the IRS, and came in response to a planted question.",,2,2 "“We used to be friends,” Mr. Trump told CNN.",,2,2 "“Most of them will not be shocked,” he said, “and will rather be expecting these shenanigans being pulled by the Democrats as standard operating procedure.”",shenanigans,0,0 "FBI agents arrested him at his home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and he appeared in court later Friday.",,2,2 "“Let’s take the lemons and turn it into lemonade,” she said.",,2,2 The group also called on states to require schools to develop security plans.,,2,2 Liberals Fume At 'Worst Negotiator' Chuck Schumer After Deal To End Shutdown,,2,2 "Perry ties his faith to his conservative stands on social issues, and the campaign has zeroed in on gay marriage and social issues recently, releasing several statements laying out its argument that Obama is attacking the fundamentals social conservative believe in.",,2,2 "An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll last week found that voters favored a Democratic-controlled Congress over a Republican one 46 percent to 41 percent, a spread that has not changed much all year.",,2,2 "A spokesman for the R.N.C. did not respond to inquiries about the conference call, which Mr. Steele announced personally in a weekend e-mail message to fellow Republicans.",,2,2 "“It would be surprising to me if he didn’t do that,” said Shawn Standefer, a childhood friend of the younger Mr. Hutchinson who captained their national championship-winning Quiz Bowl team in high school.",who captained their national championship-winning Quiz Bowl team in high school,1,1 "Mr. Trump began his remarks as if he had actually emerged victorious, saying that he was “very proud to announce” what he called “a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government.”",,2,2 "“I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary,” Mr. Stockman said in a statement.",,2,2 Dreamers and TPS recipients are not bargaining chips.,,2,2 "After bills to re-open the government failed in the Senate Thursday, Trump signaled that a ""large down payment"" on funding, potentially less than the $5.7 billion, could be sufficient to end the stalemate. ",,2,2 "The White House has fought against the bill for months, to no avail.",,2,2 "“But if you want to become a citizen, you’ll have to go through the path.",,2,2 "Schiff, in response to his critics, doubled down on his questions about the special counsel’s investigation, which indicted more than 30 people ― including several close to Trump.",which indicted more than 30 people ― including several close to Trump,1,1 It was during a campaign stop in Ohio on Saturday that Mr. Santorum described what he called the “phony theology” of Mr. Obama’s agenda.,phony,0,1 "In an interview Tuesday, Mr. Gowdy said Mr. Priebus had overstepped his expertise.",,2,2 He supports forceful military action against the Islamic State.,,2,2 "Denver (AP) – Colorado's top law enforcement official promises to vigorously defend the state's historic law legalizing marijuana after Nebraska and Oklahoma asked the U.S. Supreme Court to declare it unconstitutional, saying the drug is freely flowing into neighboring states.",,2,2 "The self-titled America's Toughest Sheriff, who famously re-instituted chain gangs in 1995 and has also been a major supporter of his state's controversial SB1070 immigration law, said that Perry has done more to combat illegal immigration along the U.S. border then any of the other candidates.",self-titled America's Toughest Sheriff,1,1 "“Cancel the Putin meeting. Now,” Schumer tweeted Friday.",,2,2 "One of its members, Demetrios Minor, said critics of Dan Cathy have taken his statements completely out of context.",,2,2 "“For too long,” he continued, “a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.",,2,2 A senior Israeli official said the government was not consulted on the ad and did not approve it.,A senior Israeli official said the government was not consulted on the ad and did not approve it.,1,1 "The party’s Democracy Reform Task Force, endorsed by Pelosi and led by Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.), worked with lawmakers both old and new to bring together legislative ideas and craft them into a coherent package.",,2,2 "In an e-mail, Mary Cheney declined to comment further on her sister’s position, saying she would let her Facebook post speak for itself.",,2,2 "“I apologize to Sen. Grassley and anyone I may have offended,” Braley wrote.",,2,2 "Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden are likely to keep up the pressure on lawmakers with public events in the weeks and months ahead, according to those familiar with the White House strategy.",,2,2 "But we're not getting leadership,"" he said.",,2,2 """We in Washington stand for equality,"" he said.",,2,2 "“I can’t imagine what this place would be ― I can’t imagine what the country would be ― with Donald Trump as our president,” Ginsburg told The New York Times in an article published Sunday.","“I can’t imagine what this place would be ― I can’t imagine what the country would be ― with Donald Trump as our president,”",1,1 "Out of the glare of the television cameras, Democrats are somewhat more circumspect.",,2,2 "As he often has in Senate hearings, Rubio assailed Obama for stressing dialogues and diplomacy over ironclad dealings with heads of foreign governments that have been openly hostile to the United States, and which continue to exercise oppression against political dissidents.","ironclad dealings with heads of foreign governments that have been openly hostile to the United States, and which continue to exercise oppression against political dissidents",1,1 "“We did not give them the kind of assistance that would have been necessary to help dismantle these militias that still, to this day, remain a challenge to democracy in Libya,” he said.",,2,2 "He joined a unit in Washington that conducted drills and other exercises and focused on local projects, like fixing a campground and organizing a Toys for Tots drive.",like fixing a campground and organizing a Toys for Tots drive,1,1 "The administration was quick to highlight comments from Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’sEconomy.com, projecting that the Obama tax deal would increase economic growth next year by 1.25 percentage points and create 1.6 million jobs.",,2,2 But others expressed concerns.,,2,2 He said the deal would keep the government open for three weeks until Feb. 15 and that a bill would go before the Senate immediately. ,,2,2 "Over the next three weeks, a House-Senate conference committee representing both parties will negotiate a border security plan, but if it fails to reach a consensus, government agencies could close again.",,2,2 "It is rare for an FBI director to be appointed without the full backing of the Senate, Schatz noted.",,2,2 “We’ve done it in the past and we’ll do it again.,,2,2 "Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) called Netanyahu's speech ""a tawdry and high-handed stunt"" in a statement earlier this month.","""a tawdry and high-handed stunt""",1,1 """So far, the response has not been very good,"" Pelosi said.",,2,2 "But Representative Stephen F. Lynch, a conservative Democrat from South Boston, is expected to announce Thursday that he will challenge Mr. Markey.",,2,2 "But the classified version, Clinton said, detailed the possible motivations for the attack, and suggested while they were pre-coordinated and deliberate, they were also opportunistic and not planned extensively.",,2,2 "Campaign aides say Huckabee’s path to winning the party nomination this time will be to appeal to working-class cultural conservatives, pitching their candidate as an economic populist and foreign affairs hawk who holds deeply conservative views on social issues such as abortion and gay marriage.",,2,2 "Farenthold, R-Texas, had previously announced that he would not seek re-election in the 2018 midterm election, when reports of sexual misconduct first surfaced.",,2,2 "But I tell you, the only way we can change is if the American people demand it,"" said Obama.",,2,2 "It was not immediately clear why Trump made the announcement, but it came on the same day as the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee called on the Trump administration to reverse its newly announced policy, labeling it the ""wrong move at the wrong time.""",,2,2 "After Ryan finished his opening statement, responding to a question about the death of the U.S. ambassador to Libya in a terrorist attack in Benghazi a month ago, Biden responded: ""That's a bunch of malarkey.""",That's a bunch of malarkey,1,1 "The ad features Netanyahu laying out Israel’s security concerns about Iran’s nuclear program, which Republicans have used to knock President Barack Obama’s sometimes frosty relationship with the Israeli prime minister. ",frosty,0,1 "On Thursday, the service announced on its website that it would begin issuing permits to allow the import of elephants hunted from 2016 to 2018, with two trophies allowed per import.",,2,2 "“Matthew’s death was preventable and should have been prevented,” one of the women, Maureen Maloney, said in an interview after the event.",,2,2 "The video, which was posted online by the conservative super PAC America Rising, apparently shows Braley speaking to a group of lawyers at a fundraiser in Texas.",,2,2 "Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, who on Thursday unveiled her own Social Security reform package, said Friday that the AARP has marked ""a huge shift in the debate on the solvency of Social Security.""",,2,2 "A second bill, already passed by the Democrat-controlled House to re-open the government, also fell short.",,2,2 "Earlier this year, the tabloid endorsed Trump for president with an issue that included an article giving ten reasons why the reality TV star is the “only choice for the White House.”",,2,2 "In an e-mail to Mr. Petraeus accompanying the final version of the talking points, Mr. Morell referred to the State Department’s deep concerns about the references.",,2,2 "“Walls work,” he added, claiming inaccurately that former President Barack Obama has one “around his compound” in Washington.",claiming inaccurately,1,1 """I'm here to tell you: They do not, they do not, they do not represent the view of the vast majority of the American people.”",,2,2 A major split between Trump and Mattis concerned Russian President Vladimir Putin.,,2,2 Trump said he’s prepared to sign a bill to open the government through Feb. 15.,,2,2 "Lerner announced her plans to plead the Fifth during her testimony in a letter from her lawyer, William Taylor III, to the committee.",,2,2 "You are always able to see the tweets from accounts you follow (although you may have to do more work to find them, like go directly to their profile). ",,2,2 "Responding to charges that he demonized Mexicans and Muslims, Mr. Trump said, “There is no room for prejudice.”",,2,2 "The proposal, Mr. Trump added, was intended to “break the logjam and provide Congress with a path forward.”",,2,2 "Ms. Pelosi said, “I still can’t even believe it.”",,2,2 "Mr. Lieberman, who served three terms in the Senate as a Democrat and one as an independent, would be an atypical choice to lead the F.B.I., whose agents prize the bureau’s independence as one of Washington’s few apolitical institutions.",,2,2 Officials in Hawaii have certified that Obama was born in that state.,,2,2 "The statement by Mr. Carr, the special counsel’s spokesman, was unusual because it appeared to be the first time he had publicly challenged the facts of a news media account that had generated significant attention for its revelations about the president.",,2,2 That is not a process known to our jurisprudence.,,2,2 "Cruz quickly retorted by saying that the ads did not come not from his campaign, and called Trump a “coward” threatening to go after his wife.",,2,2 “When government is open we will discuss a mutually agreeable date.”,,2,2 "According to a report in Fox News, the sailor had hoped to receive a pardon from the president, but has not.",,2,2 Her sister replied by pulling no punches.,pulling no punches,0,1 "Given that, Mr. Sellers said, Wal-Mart’s personnel decisions were “standardless” and “recordless.”",“standardless” and “recordless.”,0,1 "James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, has told investigators that if he had known about the emails earlier, it might have influenced his decision to alert Congress to their existence days before the election.",,2,2 "In an opinion piece in The Washington Post this year, Michael Anton, a former spokesman for Mr. Trump’s National Security Council, said birthright citizenship was based on a misreading of the amendment, and of an 1898 Supreme Court ruling that he argued pertained only to the children of legal residents.",,2,2 "By the time Mr. Trump discussed the matter directly in a news conference in the Rose Garden on Friday afternoon, weeks of speculation about his potential peril had burst into the open.",,2,2 "Mueller’s office, the report said, learned of Trump’s orders to Cohen “through interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization and internal company emails, text messages, and a cache of other documents.”",,2,2 """Progressivism,"" he declared, ""is eating the Constitution.""",,2,2 There’s no dialogue taking place to get to the heart of what we really believe as a nation and what is truth.”,,2,2 "His book, ""Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork,"" became a bestseller and he made obesity a major policy initiative as governor.","His book, ""Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork,"" became a bestseller and he made obesity a major policy initiative as governor.",1,1 “The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.,,2,2 "It was only the latest chapter in a politically complicated relationship between Asa Hutchinson, a former congressman, and Seth Hutchinson, 31, an organizer for the Texas State Employees Union.",,2,2 "And I keep on saying this, the single most important thing they can do to avert that is to stabilize housing prices.""",,2,2 "“I mean, for us as a party in Congress to send the message that we didn’t learn a blessed thing from this amazing election result, we aren’t paying attention.”",,2,2 "“He told me that he was here because he was concerned about everything that was going on and he wanted us to voice our opinions and what did we want to change, and that he was going back to the White House to report so we can get some funding, so we can get a game plan on how to help our community,” Angela Whitman told HuffPost.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON – Legally married same-sex couples will now be allowed to file federal joint tax returns, the IRS and Treasury Department announced Thursday.",,2,2 "Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson earlier this year, and Tom Price stepped aside as secretary of health and human services last fall amid ethical questions about his travel practices.",,2,2 "In a bit of irony, Steele’s most recent comments have actually resonated among anti-war Democrats who share the skepticism that Afghanistan is a winnable enterprise.",,2,2 "For weeks, Republicans led by Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky urged Mr. Trump not to declare a national emergency, but the president opted to go ahead anyway to find a way out of the political corner he had put himself in with the failed effort to force Congress to finance the wall.",the president opted to go ahead anyway to find a way out of the political corner he had put himself in with the failed effort to force Congress to finance the wall,1,1 "“We spent about five days on the road, five working hour or so days,” he said.",,2,2 "“Forty guys get together at the same time, that would be a major security event normally, but I think we got a little excited and didn’t think things through as well as we could have.”",,2,2 "The contenders for the position include: Reince Preibus, chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party; Ann Wagner of Missouri, an ambassador to Luxembourg in the Bush administration; Maria Cino, a veteran Republican operative who has the support of former Vice President Dick Cheney; Saul Anuzis, former Republican chairman in Michigan; and Gentry Collins, who resigned last month as political director.",,2,2 "Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) signed a revised version of the state's Religious Freedom Reformation Act on Thursday, one day after refusing to sign an earlier version of the bill over concerns about discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals.","one day after refusing to sign an earlier version of the bill over concerns about discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals",1,1 "The vote broke down on party lines, with Republicans in hardened opposition.",hardened,0,1 "Stone will appear on Fox News Channel's ""Tucker Carlson Tonight"" on Friday at 8 p.m. ET.",,2,2 "The Senate, led by Democrats, passed a broad bipartisan measure in June to overhaul immigration that included a 13-year path to citizenship.",,2,2 "The charges against Mr. Grimm, 44, a Republican who was first elected in 2010 and represents Staten Island and part of Brooklyn, were expected to include mail fraud and wire fraud, and to focus largely on his conduct in connection with a health food restaurant he owned on the Upper East Side of Manhattan after he left the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2006, two of the people said.",,2,2 “It’s been an honor and privilege to serve the constituents of Texas’ 27th Congressional District.,,2,2 "But in a letter to Mr. Gowdy on Friday, a lawyer for Mrs. Clinton said there was no need to turn over the server because an examination of it showed that it had no copies of emails she sent during her time as secretary of state.",,2,2 "It was the number one thing that Democrats had said Obama should have done last week, and it foreshadowed how the president will approach next Tuesday's debate with Romney, the second of three debates for the two men running for president.",,2,2 "“The new law does not discriminate,” Long said.","“The new law does not discriminate,”",1,1 "Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, also said he is concerned that Putin will take “full advantage of an ill-prepared” Trump.",ill-prepared,0,1 "He went on to call censorship “a dangerous thing” and then took a swipe at CNN and MSNBC, saying that while they are “fake,” he does not demand that offending content be taken off air.","“fake,”",0,1 """We take no issue with the Tea Party movement.",,2,2 His brash behavior made him less of a subject of news media scrutiny than other current and former aides to President Trump — like the character in a whodunit whom readers immediately dismiss as too obvious to have committed the crime.,brash,0,1 “So we’ll just have to see how it comes.”,,2,2 "His words are taken from a recent news conference, in which he expressed frustration at the Obama administration’s failure to establish “red lines” for reining in Iran and its rogue nuclear weapons program.",expressed frustration at the Obama administration’s failure,1,1 "“Whatever the deal is with other countries, we want a better deal for America’s workers.”","“Whatever the deal is with other countries, we want a better deal for America’s workers.”",1,0 But Mr. Obama’s allies see a rare opening for tighter gun rules after Congress has shied away from the politically charged issue for years.,,2,2 "Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said he will ""closely review"" the proposed executive order, but said that ""as a general matter, this is an issue that Congress should take the lead to carefully consider and debate.""",,2,2 "The need for a new FBI director came after Trump fired Comey last week, a stunning move that occurred amid the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.",a stunning move that occurred amid the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia,1,1 """When the dust settles, he will be vindicated,"" McGinley added.",,2,2 """I wonder if he can watch a Western from the '50s and be able to figure out who the good guy and the bad guys really are,"" Huckabee said.",,2,2 "That anger has been compounded by Mr. Obama’s inability to persuade lawmakers to impose new restrictions on the availability of firearms, especially the assault-style rifles like the one believed to have been used by the gunman in Sunday morning’s attack in Orlando.",,2,2 "Today Connecticut veterans will come together to show they have his back, just like he has had theirs.",,2,2 "“I am willing to try now to see whether you can push to get rid of the objectionable parts, to drive a harder bargain on some of the other parts,” Mrs. Clinton said at the rally, her first here as a candidate for the 2016 presidential nomination.",,2,2 """That that is just outrageous talk,"" Boehner said.","""That that is just outrageous talk,""",1,0 "The president has repeatedly denounced Mr. Strzok in posts on Twitter, and on Monday expressed satisfaction that he had been sacked.",,2,2 A sitting Congressman-a presumed living extension of James Madison and other founding fathers-was asked on a public street whether he supported the President’s agenda.,,2,2 "These guys are on the wrong side of history.""","These guys are on the wrong side of history.""",1,1 "A spokesperson for Vice President Mike Pence said the veep “found the allegations in the story disturbing and believes, if true, this would disqualify anyone from serving in office.”",,2,2 "And I say, ‘Baby, they don’t.’",,2,2 "But, you’ve been given a target.",,2,2 "Trump said that he was ending the debate because he did not want to ""give up my right to run as an independent candidate,"" which he claimed the Republican Party was asking him to do if he wanted to moderate the debate.",,2,2 "Mr. McConnell has said he wants the Senate to confirm Judge Gorsuch to fill the vacancy, which was created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia more than a year ago, before departing for a scheduled recess on April 7.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump said that Mr. Mattis, 68, will leave at the end of February, and that Mr. Mattis “was a great help to me in getting allies and other countries to pay their share of military obligations.”",,2,2 Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper told The Denver Post he spoke with Nebraska and Oklahoma officials about their concerns.,,2,2 The inspector general report also criticized Strzok for his use of personal email to conduct FBI business.,,2,2 But the issue was quickly feeding fuel to Republicans looking to corner Democrats into taking a position on the issue -- something they were able to avoid before the president spoke up.,,2,2 "A provision of the law, however, allows for sport-hunted trophies to be imported if the government determines that hunting will help safeguard the population.",,2,2 Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) tweeted to Trump: “Don’t hand another dictator a propaganda victory.”,,2,2 "He said Wal-Mart's strong corporate culture stereotypes women as less aggressive than men and that translates into individual pay and promotion decisions at the more than 4,300 Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores across the country.",,2,2 He said he doesn’t share her overall philosophy but said her books “showed how the pitfalls of socialism can hurt the economy.”,,2,2 The National Rifle Association also plans to launch a major ad campaign.,,2,2 “Okay. So here’s Rubio’s alleged ‘new’ foreign policy.,alleged ‘new’,0,1 "The decision, which was prompted by the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, marks the latest political progress for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.",progress,0,1 Not everyone was on board with the decision.,,2,2 His race is one of a handful across the country that will determine control of the Senate.,,2,2 Report Sees Guns as Path to Safety in Schools,,2,2 The image is too disturbing.,,2,2 Mr. Conaway has repeatedly refused to comment on the details of the investigation while it is continuing.,,2,2 "Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge, among the handful of House Democrats who backed Ryan's bid, said the effort to unseat Pelosi was not a failure.",,2,2 "Democrats said that repeal of the new law would also wipe out new Medicare benefits, like additional coverage of prescription drugs and preventive services.",,2,2 "“The American people are with me with this,” Mr. Obama said.",,2,2 Even political figures and newspaper editorial writers who might agree with the comments swiftly said they were out of line for a high court justice.,Even political figures and newspaper editorial writers who might agree with the comments swiftly said they were out of line for a high court justice.,1,1 "Will it be a big story? Probably not, but apparently being prepared for ambush interviews from eager college kids is the next phase of media training for many on Capitol Hill.”",,2,2 There’s nothing wrong in this country that we can’t fix.”,,2,2 "McConnell hasn’t tipped his hand on strategy; however, he’s maintained in interviews that, one way or another, “the nominee will be confirmed.”",,2,2 "The group’s stance, which generated quick reaction from all sides because of its powerful voice on the issue, could provide added ammunition to fiscal conservatives who have sought unsuccessfully to restructure Social Security and chip away at the benefits it promises older Americans.",chip away at the benefits it promises,0,1 "The primary concern is that the law might allow a business to discriminate against gay residents, such as a baker being allowed refuse an order from a gay couple for a wedding cake.",,2,2 "“Nothing happened to her. Flynn lied and it’s like they ruined his life. Very unfair,” Trump said, echoing a weekend tweet in which he asked whether a “double standard” was at play.",Very unfair,1,0 "“I am proud of the progress that has been made over the past two years on some of the key goals articulated in our National Defense Strategy: putting the Department on a more sound budgetary footing, improving readiness and lethality in our forces, and reforming the Department’s business practices for greater performance, he wrote.",,2,2 "Political observers in Arizona cautioned that the governor is deliberate and not prone to act hastily, despite the growing calls from business, politicians of all stripes, and civil rights groups for a veto.",,2,2 "Firing Mr. Strzok, however, removes a favorite target of Mr. Trump from the ranks of the F.B.I. and gives Mr. Bowdich and the F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray, a chance to move beyond the president’s ire.",,2,2 "Aitan Goelman, Strzok’s attorney, said in a statement that Strzok was fired late Friday afternoon on the orders of FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich, despite an FBI career official’s recommendation that Strzok face a 60-day suspension and a demotion.",,2,2 Trump said that he was “deeply saddened” by the news.,,2,2 "Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan would abolish the panel, which they describe as a tool for rationing health care.",,2,2 "So rest assured — I will NEVER GIVE UP the fight!""",,2,2 "Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who was also at the practice, told MSNBC that Scalise crawled through the dirt, bleeding, to get away from the shooter.",,2,2 "Earlier in the campaign, GOP candidates signed a promise not to run as an independent if they were not nominated.",,2,2 Schumer added that he believed he had the 41 votes necessary to filibuster the nomination.,,2,2 "Since then, she has committed herself to putting in place all of the recommendations of an independent review that was led by Thomas R. Pickering, a former American ambassador, and Mike Mullen, the retired admiral who served as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.",,2,2 """I've repeatedly said I don't question the president's faith,"" Santorum told host Bob Schieffer, denying what some have said was a signal that Santorum had challenged the legitimacy of Obama's Christianity.",,2,2 Reid later apologized for his stance and reversed it in 1999.,,2,2 "Brown has kept a low public profile since leaving the Senate in January, other than lashing out at his Twitter critics in a string of messages early Saturday morning.",,2,2 "Alex van der Zwaan, a London-based lawyer, pleaded guilty to making false statements this year, and Richard Pinedo, a California man, pleaded guilty to identity fraud in 2018.",,2,2 "“The world tells Israel, ‘Wait. There’s still time.’",,2,2 "The source said it would not be surprising if more than one conversation took place, though there were no other intermediaries involved.",,2,2 "Progressive groups lined up to rally support for Frank, but Patrick reportedly bristled at his public pursuit of the seat.",bristled,0,1 "To wit, the document reading happened on the same day that House Republicans began the contentious process of repealing the health care law, which they have long said lacks constitutional basis.",,2,2 "“That’s not an excuse, it’s just a fact,” Mr. Weingarten said.",,2,2 "But Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., said ""any suggestion that this is a budget issue is off base, or political.""","off base, or political",0,1 Mr. Trump assumed the presidency of a country still unsettled after a polarizing election and entered office with less support in polls than any other president in recent history.,,2,2 Gattine said after their meeting he believes the governor should resign even though he apologized for the voicemail.,,2,2 "The AARP pushed back Friday on a report claiming the nation's most powerful seniors lobby was dropping its opposition to benefits cuts -- but at the same time acknowledged ""benefit adjustments"" would be necessary to make the system solvent.",most powerful,0,1 "“His mother worked many different jobs to make ends meet,” it says.",,2,2 "“I think there’s a lot of soul-searching,” said Representative Carolyn B. Maloney of New York.",,2,2 "And a new advertisement that will run in areas of Florida with large Jewish populations attempts to stoke anxiety over American policies in the region, using a news clip of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel warning of the risks of a nuclear Iran.",attempts to stoke anxiety,0,1 "The president has lasered in on immigration ahead of next week’s midterm elections, stoking fear about the caravan of migrants heading toward the U.S.-Mexico border from Central America.",stoking fear,0,1 "When one chamber of Congress is in session but not working, we the people still have to pay for members’ salaries and expenses, and for their police protection, and for keeping their lights and phones and coffee machines on.”","When one chamber of Congress is in session but not working, we the people still have to pay for members’ salaries and expenses, and for their police protection, and for keeping their lights and phones and coffee machines on.”",1,1 "But Trump's hardline approach to immigration alienated Bloomberg, who often makes the case that an open immigration policy is needed to keep the nation's economy growing.",,2,2 "When asked how long the shutdown would last, the president replied, “As long as it takes,” calling his wall, a signature campaign promise, a matter of “national security.”",,2,2 "Trump himself said Friday evening that the controversy was “a very sad day for journalism, but a great day for our country.”","“a very sad day for journalism, but a great day for our country.”",1,0 Republican officials dismissed that criticism.,,2,2 The leaders of the Senate intelligence committee said Tuesday they had subpoenaed two of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's businesses as part of the ongoing probe into Russian activity during last year's presidential campaign.,,2,2 "Pence said the legislation prohibits Indiana laws that ""substantially burden"" a person's ability to follow his or her religious beliefs, with the definition of ""person"" including religious institutions, businesses and associations.",,2,2 "Justice Antonin Scalia said he felt ""whipsawed"" by Sellers' description.",,2,2 "The spot featured an old nude photo shoot of Mr. Trump’s wife Melania Trump, a former model, posing on his jet.",,2,2 "FactCheck.org rated the Obama ad as ""false,"" noting that the McCain campaign wasn't talking about slashing benefits but limiting waste and slowing the rate of growth.","FactCheck.org rated the Obama ad as ""false,"" noting that the McCain campaign wasn't talking about slashing benefits but limiting waste and slowing the rate of growth.",1,1 "Thank you,” he said in the message.",,2,2 "The episode began Thursday night, just hours after the 116th Congress was sworn in, when a camera captured Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan promising profanely to impeach Mr. Trump as she drew cheers from liberal activists at a celebration at a bar near the Capitol.",profanely,0,1 Emails and text messages turned over to legislators suggest it may have been a message to the town's Democratic mayor for not endorsing Christie.,,2,2 """Congress alone has the responsibility of determining federal tax law.""",,2,2 "At least one of Mr. Trump’s personal lawyers saw Mr. Cohen’s congressional testimony before he delivered it in August and October 2017, according to people with knowledge of the discussions.",,2,2 "The congressman also expressed concern about the toll the episode was taking on his wife, Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.",,2,2 Republicans have repeatedly ambushed Democrats — twice successfully — with politically freighted procedural motions in a drive to divide Democrats and draw out vulnerable swing-district members.,ambushed,0,1 Democrats on the committee appeared frustrated that Gorsuch refused to acknowledge the court’s role in transforming both the political and economic worlds the country’s citizens operate in.,,2,2 "Mr. Hunter easily won California’s nonpartisan primary with 48 percent of the vote; the next highest vote-getter, Ammar Campa-Najjar, a Democrat, took only 17 percent.",,2,2 "But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the bill ""restores the people's faith that government works for the public interest, the people's interest, not the special interests.""",,2,2 State House Minority Leader Ken Fredette (R) said Tuesday night that he would not support bringing the legislature back into a special session to consider sanctions against LePage ― a position that his counterpart in the Senate wouldn’t back.,,2,2 "“We can say with confidence that we have no concerns about these documents and any questions raised about them have been easily answered in the appropriate forum,” Mr. Futerfas said in a statement.",,2,2 But Steele is not an anti-war Democrat. Nor is he a pundit.,,2,2 Trump’s team had also denied the claims in the article. ,,2,2 Patrick gave little indication who he favored during his deliberations.,,2,2 "He beat GOP establishment candidate Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.), who was chosen to fill the seat left vacant when Jeff Sessions became Trump’s attorney general.",,2,2 "Moore’s campaign denied the allegations, which The Washington Post first reported, telling the paper the accusations of four women are “the very definition of fake news.”",,2,2 Donald Trump Jr. Messaged With WikiLeaks During Presidential Campaign,,2,2 The president’s decision to declare a national emergency comes after a review of the spending package.,,2,2 "Asked whether he was suggesting that Mr. Obama lacked sympathy for the disabled, Mr. Santorum did not back down, saying, “I think the president has a very bad record on the issue of abortion and children who are disabled.”",I think the president has a very bad record on the issue of abortion and children who are disabled.,1,1 Mr. Cohen had told lawmakers that the negotiations ended in January 2016 — before the first presidential primaries — and were never discussed extensively among executives of the Trump Organization.,,2,2 The Supreme Court ruled in 1898’s U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark that a child born in the U.S. to immigrant parents was a citizen under the 14th Amendment.,,2,2 "The tea party-backed candidate attributed his victory to God and to grassroots efforts, calling the win a ""miracle.""",,2,2 A two-term Republican congressman from Idaho with a track record of challenging the House Republican leadership said Friday he would run for the No. 2 job in the chamber.,,2,2 Reps for Griffin did not immediately return Fox News' request for comment.,,2,2 Much of this work was begun while Democrats languished in the House minority.,,2,2 "Officially, this wasn't correct.",,2,2 “You can definitely do it with an act of Congress.,,2,2 "But Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated plainly that any compromise would not include money for a new border wall, which Democrats view as ineffective and overly costly even though many have supported border fencing in the past.",,2,2 "“Congress cannot meaningfully address the nation’s significant challenges without first recognizing and acknowledging the undue influence of special interests in our politics,” said Representative Abigail Spanberger, Democrat of Virginia.",,2,2 Lenahan says he sees a bigger issue at work here.,,2,2 "Mr. McConnell, who had largely been absent from negotiations to reopen the government until late last week, responded, “Are you suggesting I’m enjoying this?”",,2,2 "I think his actions standing up for veterans for a long time speaks volumes,"" Menendez said, ""I'm sure he will continue to stay in the race...and we'll continue to support him.""",,2,2 "Herrod added she was surprised and disappointed that ""in America today, false attacks and irresponsible characterizations about a piece of legislation can so intimidate and persuade people to change their opinion about religious liberty.""","""in America today, false attacks and irresponsible characterizations about a piece of legislation can so intimidate and persuade people to change their opinion about religious liberty.""",1,0 Sellers said that lower courts had been persuaded by statistical and other evidence put forth so far in the lawsuit.,,2,2 "The flurry of reports and statements left unclear whether AARP was opening up to new concessions in the debate over Social Security, as several lawmakers place reform proposals on the table.",,2,2 "They met for over an hour, and Fox News is told no staff or aides were present.",,2,2 "Marijuana Industry Group's Mike Elliott echoed Tvert's sentiments, adding that despite the multi-decade federal war on drugs, marijuana remains ""universally available"" -- including in Nebraska and Oklahoma.",,2,2 Mr. Sasse echoed that sentiment.,,2,2 "Likewise, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy called the president's immigration offer ""reasonable.""",,2,2 "I wish I didn't have to do it.""",,2,2 "Zachary Barth, a staffer for Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas), was shot in the leg.",,2,2 """I intend to use whatever weight this office holds to make them a reality,"" said the president, speaking about his full set of recommendations.",,2,2 They are addressed to her but in many cases do not go to her.,,2,2 "Felipe Calderon, who was president of Mexico from 2006 to 2012, has also dismissed Trump's idea.",,2,2 "A spokesman for the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn said he could not confirm, deny or comment on the case.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump presented the agreement with congressional leaders as a victory anyway, and indicated in a speech in the Rose Garden that his cease-fire may only be temporary: If Republicans and Democrats cannot reach agreement on wall money by the February deadline, he said that he was ready to renew the confrontation or declare a national emergency to bypass Congress altogether.",anyway,0,1 The sheriff has called the Justice Department’s action an attempt to intimidate him and he has said he does not engage in racial profiling.,,2,2 """That cable did not come to my attention.",,2,2 "In a series of tweets Thursday evening, Moore claimed ""The forces of evil will lie, cheat, steal –– even inflict physical harm –– if they believe it will silence and shut up Christian conservatives.""","""The forces of evil will lie, cheat, steal –– even inflict physical harm –– if they believe it will silence and shut up Christian conservatives.""",1,0 "“I’m sure there will be some who will not be happy, but others will be eager to see the program put on a stronger financial footing for the long term.”",,2,2 """While we won't comment on individual accounts, news reports of the past few days are a good reminder of the importance of actively protecting your account credentials,"" Twitter's Adam Sharp wrote.",,2,2 "“The place where they were attacked is more than a nightclub — it is a place of solidarity and empowerment where people have come together to raise awareness, to speak their minds and to advocate for their civil rights.”",,2,2 The shutdown was sparked by disagreement over President Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion in funding for a wall or steel barrier on the southern border. ,,2,2 "In the Rose Garden on Friday, Trump said he found Tlaib’s comments “disgraceful” and thought she “dishonored herself” as well as “her family.”",,2,2 "The paper found three other women who said they had been pursued by Mr. Moore around the same time, when they were between 16 and 18 years old.",,2,2 "“I truly understand the consequences of my actions and of the preceding,” Jackson said through tears.",,2,2 Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told Politico that Gorsuch “did not win anybody over with his testimony.”,,2,2 "One Facebook user who lives near Austin, Tex., posted this status update:",,2,2 "The president pledged to prosecute those responsible ― “them, him, her, whoever it may be,” he said ― to the fullest extent of the law.",,2,2 "In fact, according to prosecutors, the discussions continued as late as June 2016, after Mr. Trump was the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.",,2,2 "He added, with a reference to Gen. David H. Petraeus: “That is why I supported the decision to increase our troop force and, like the entire United States Senate, I support General Petraeus’s confirmation.",,2,2 """This was a circumstance where someone committed a prank on the internet,"" he told MSNBC's Luke Russert.",,2,2 "(The ball was delivered to the mound, in an apparent bit of sponsorship oddity, by a Budweiser Clydesdale.)",,2,2 "“Clearly, this didn’t turn out the way we wanted,” Ryan said after the vote.",,2,2 Much of the hour-long argument delved into the tedious details of class action law and if the Wal-Mart women could properly certify their claims into a single case.,,2,2 "Down in the polls, Texas Gov. Rick Perry is on the attack, claiming in a new TV ad that President Obama is waging a ""War on Religion,"" and he's the GOP candidate that can defend faith in America.",,2,2 "Its signatories include House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), oversight committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), intelligence committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.)",,2,2 "Mr. Shakir said of some Democrats that it is an “open question, still, whether they’re going to fight for Dreamers.”",,2,2 There are literally dozens of people who would get a unanimous vote.”,,2,2 "“It’s time for someone new, someone conservative, someone who will put forward a fresh agenda, and someone we know is a proven and talented spokesman. That man is Raúl Labrador.”","“It’s time for someone new, someone conservative, someone who will put forward a fresh agenda, and someone we know is a proven and talented spokesman. That man is Raúl Labrador.”",1,1 But conservatives weren't the only ones taking sides.,,2,2 "The packages — virtually identical in plain manila envelopes — have been addressed to former President Barack Obama; former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.; former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; Representative Maxine Waters of California; former Attorney General Eric Holder; John O. Brennan, a former C.I.A. director, the actor Robert De Niro; and George Soros, the billionaire Democratic donor.",,2,2 "Last year, he argued that he's on ""the right side of the Bible.""",,2,2 "Several elements of the evening did diverge sharply from the ballpark’s standard, professional fare — commonplace for a congressional game that has, since 1909, produced a steady torrent of middling baseball, worse trash talk and more than occasional injury.",,2,2 The battle for control of the Republican National Committee will take a new turn on Monday when Michael Steele announces whether he plans to step down as party chairman or will disregard the onslaught of criticism about his oversight of the committee and seek a second term.,onslaught,0,1 “I was stunned when Eric Cantor lost his primary election earlier this week.,,2,2 "This is just another one, but a lot of families disagree politically.",,2,2 "The bill also imposed a number of restrictions on the White House, with legislative language preventing the administration from moving funding around to get a barrier or a wall -- a factor that may have contributed to the emergency declaration decision.",,2,2 Clinton refrained from mentioning trade in her official campaign kickoff speech that took place at New York City's Roosevelt Island on Saturday.,,2,2 "President Trump, 24 hours from his self-imposed deadline for picking a new F.B.I. director, told reporters on Thursday that he was “very close” to choosing a successor to James B. Comey, and he named Joseph I. Lieberman, the former Democratic senator and vice-presidential nominee, as a finalist.",24 hours from his self-imposed deadline,1,1 """Ah-hah,"" she said when told the story headline.",,2,2 Presidents typically do not weigh in on federal investigations to avoid appearing to influence the outcome.,Presidents typically do not weigh in on federal investigations to avoid appearing to influence the outcome.,1,1 The Post interviewed more than 30 people in reporting its account.,The Post interviewed more than 30 people in reporting its account.,1,0 "No one, including the president, is above the law.”",,2,2 "Mr. Mattis commanded Marines in Afghanistan and in the 2003 invasion of Iraq before becoming the head of United States Central Command, overseeing all American troops in the Middle East.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — Two days after suddenly halting his own administration’s decision to begin allowing hunters to import elephants killed in two African countries, President Donald Trump called such trophy hunting a “horror show” and said he’s unlikely to change his mind and allow such imports.",,2,2 "The White House, in contrast, has accused House Republican leadership of being deliberately vague on cuts, while insisting that no deal will end up getting the president's signature without a raising of tax rates.",,2,2 Pelosi took to the House floor Friday to oppose trade legislation Obama had personally lobbied for on Capitol Hill earlier that day.,,2,2 """Even when the system works just as advertised, with no American singled out for targeting, the NSA routinely collects a great deal of American content,"" the Washington Post report said.",,2,2 "For his part, Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, called Trump's proposal ""one-sided and ineffective.""","""one-sided and ineffective.""",1,1 "“I stood next to President Obama as the Marines carried those flag-draped caskets off the plane at Andrews,” she said.",,2,2 The Treasury Department answered some of those questions on Thursday.,,2,2 """Colorado voters passed this measure, and more and more states are passing these laws.",,2,2 Strzok was removed from the special counsel probe last year after the discovery that he exchanged anti-Trump and other politically charged messages with colleague and lover Lisa Page. ,with colleague and lover Lisa Page,1,0 "“The American people deserve to know the full truth about Russia’s interference in our democracy,” tweeted former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro.",,2,2 “I don’t know. I don’t know.”,,2,2 "Mr. Ryan was no Dan Quayle, but he did make the mistake of mentioning John F. Kennedy in an argument over whether tax cuts recharge the economy.",make the mistake,0,1 """Mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall,"" he said earlier this month.",stupid,0,0 "Social Security's retirement benefits are funded with taxes on incomes up to $106,800, known as the taxable earnings base.",,2,2 "For the court, it could be ― I don’t even want to contemplate that.”",,2,2 Please know that these judgmental feelings truly have no place in my heart.,Please know that these judgmental feelings truly have no place in my heart.,1,1 "Mr. Trump’s assertions were replete with misinformation and, when challenged by reporters, he refused to accept statistics produced by his own government that conflicted with his narrative.","Mr. Trump’s assertions were replete with misinformation and, when challenged by reporters, he refused to accept statistics produced by his own government that conflicted with his narrative.",1,1 "Even one day out from the initial anguish, much of the political ecosystem seemed unchanged.",,2,2 "“But at least for now, the healthy competition will bring us together.”",,2,2 "A supporter of abortion rights early in his political career, Mr. Romney later switched his position.",,2,2 "In a report that set off the latest tempest over the talking points, ABC News reported incorrectly that Mr. Rhodes had emphasized the need to protect the State Department’s interests.",,2,2 "“I heard the head of Mexico said ‘no way,’ and I said, ‘Now the wall just got taller,” Trump said.",,2,2 "Democrats say that argument doesn't wash and call SB1062 ""toxic"" legislation that allows discrimination.",toxic,0,1 And he put an unusual twist on the dilemma facing the financially stretched Social Security system.,,2,2 We didn't kill anybody nor do I feel anybody should be killed.,We didn't kill anybody nor do I feel anybody should be killed.,1,1 """Some relief for Dreamers and an extension of Temporary Protected Status represent a first step toward comprehensive immigration reform, but more ideas from members of both parties should be taken up and debated.",,2,2 Republican lawmakers have argued that the State Department and the White House were attempting to alter the talking points for political reasons and ignored suggestions and language put forward by the CIA.,argued,0,1 "Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected it even before Mr. Trump spoke, and Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, denounced the offer as “not a compromise but more hostage taking.”",“not a compromise but more hostage taking.”,1,1 "“You get governors and police chiefs and everyone gnashing their teeth,” Mr. Stamper said.",,2,2 "“This morning I requested that my pay be withheld until the shutdown is over,” Representative-elect Mikie Sherrill, Democrat of New Jersey, said Wednesday on Twitter, where she posted a letter to the chief administrative officer of the House making her request official.","“This morning I requested that my pay be withheld until the shutdown is over,”",1,0 “And he's an articulate spokesperson for Governor Romney's views.,,2,2 Rubio also said that the United States must move decisively when aggressive nations such as China and Iran attempt to undermine the economic interests of the United States as well as other nations.,,2,2 "“There’s no place I could go,” he said.",,2,2 "The latest Fox News national poll of likely voters showed Romney edging Obama, 46 percent to 45 percent.",,2,2 "The recommendations — which also included expanding the police presence in schools — drew immediate criticism from gun control advocates and many Democrats, who have been fighting to tighten gun restrictions after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., in December.",,2,2 "A year later, Mr. Jackson’s wife, knowing that the elk head had been bought with campaign money, had it moved from Washington to Chicago, and she asked a Congressional staff member to sell it, the documents say.",,2,2 "“For the country, it could be four years.",,2,2 "The former secretary of state and Democratic presidential candidate released the tax returns on her campaign website, along with her health records and a list of paid speeches she and her husband gave.",,2,2 "Netanyahu also made an appearance on NBC's ""Meet the Press"" last Sunday, urging Obama to take a tougher line with Iran over its nuclear program.",,2,2 "Trump has spent more than a year railing against Mexico and its leaders, promising the country would pay for the construction of a wall on the border it shares with the U.S., as well as fear-mongering about “rapists” and drug dealers that are coming across it.",fear-mongering about “rapists” and drug dealers,1,1 Backers say the intent was to simply replicate the 1993 federal law and similar laws in place in 19 other states.,,2,2 "Social Security will start paying out more in benefits than it absorbs in taxes this year which will lead the retirement program's trust fund to become exhausted in 2036, according to the latest annual trustees report.",,2,2 "But I don’t think it’s O.K. I think it’s immoral. I think it’s unethical. I think it’s unpatriotic. And yes, I think it’s corrupt.”","But I don’t think it’s O.K. I think it’s immoral. I think it’s unethical. I think it’s unpatriotic. And yes, I think it’s corrupt.”",1,1 "“I’m getting whipsawed here,” he told the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Joseph M. Sellers.",,2,2 "She is facing many Democratic primary voters who have deep misgivings about trade agreements, including the North American Free Trade Agreement, or Nafta, that President Bill Clinton signed, and she faces rivals for the 2016 nomination like Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont who flatly oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership.",,2,2 (Mr. Lipinski opposed the measure in 2010 but has said in recent months that he would support it if it comes to the House floor.),,2,2 "The reaction would be different this time, some said.",,2,2 "Mr. Santorum did not say public schools were a bad idea, and he said that there was a role for government help in education.",,2,2 """I think it's a sign of maturity, because probably five years ago, six years ago, we might not have been having this debate.""",,2,2 The amendment means that any child born in the United States is considered a citizen.,,2,2 "He said Trump made ""a very reasonable offer"" and urged Democrats to work with him.",,2,2 "The press seems to be very gentle with him on that,"" she said.",,2,2 "Mr. Obama on Sunday gave his deepest condolences to the families of the victims, and he said Americans should, in particular, keep the country’s gay and lesbian community in mind as they offer their prayers.",,2,2 "America Rising, a pro-Republican opposition research group, took aim at O’Rourke, saying on Sunday after Barr’s announcement that the candidate made “brazen and incorrect claims on the campaign trail.”",,2,2 "But their efforts, which come after both chambers overwhelmingly passed the bill, are almost certain to be futile, and members of both parties have vowed to override the bill.",,2,2 "Hunter, one of Trump’s earliest supporters in the presidential race, allegedly was aware of what he and his wife were doing and continued to spend campaign funds on personal expenses despite multiple warnings from his campaign treasurer about “questionable purchases.”",allegedly was aware of what he and his wife were doing and continued to spend campaign funds on personal expenses despite multiple warnings from his campaign treasurer about “questionable purchases.”,1,1 WASHINGTON — Republican Congressional candidates on Monday intensified efforts to inject the divide over construction of an Islamic center near ground zero into the midterm campaigns while the Senate’s top Democrat said he objected to the mosque being built there.,,2,2 "Government officials, who asked not to be identified discussing legal decisions, said that neither the Justice Department nor the Office of Special Counsel, an agency that looks at violations of the Hatch Act governing the political conduct of federal employees, is investigating.",,2,2 "On Friday, Mr. Udall and Mr. Wyden released a joint statement repeating that they had “long been concerned about the degree to which this collection has relied on ‘secret law.’ ”",,2,2 "Instead, he began threatening to shut down the government early last year unless Congress gave him billions of dollars to build it ― even though the type of structure he wants remains unclear.",threatening,0,1 And Sanders thanked Obama for his “impartiality” throughout the process.,,2,2 "The next day, he clarified that he was merely commenting on fundamental religious freedoms -- not specifically on the ""wisdom"" of the mosque project.","The next day, he clarified that he was merely commenting on fundamental religious freedoms -- not specifically on the ""wisdom"" of the mosque project.",1,1 "“Somewhere in the ’90s, Republicans decided on a politics of personal destruction as they went after the Clintons,” she told reporters earlier on Thursday.",,2,2 "Mr. Ryan tried to be respectful, listening to the vice president with a tilted head, choirboy smile and puppy-dog eyes, but he showed his irritation when Mr. Biden kept interrupting to attack his policy on Medicare.","Mr. Ryan tried to be respectful, listening to the vice president with a tilted head, choirboy smile and puppy-dog eyes",1,1 "His response: ""Well, I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're talking.""",,2,2 We tried to be as comprehensive as possible.,,2,2 "The correspondence, which began weeks before the Nov. 8, 2016, election and continued through much of this year, is the second time it has been publicly revealed that Mr. Trump communicated with people and organizations with ties to the Russian government who were trying to undermine the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.",,2,2 Obama made the groundbreaking news in an interview with ABC.,,2,2 "More than 2,400 American soldiers have died in Afghanistan since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion, and Trump announced in a video last week that troop deaths were on his mind in announcing the pullouts.","More than 2,400 American soldiers have died in Afghanistan since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion, and Trump announced in a video last week that troop deaths were on his mind in announcing the pullouts.",1,1 "“I don’t think I can guarantee a House outcome but I think the stronger the bill, in terms of the strength of the bipartisanship in the bill ― the odds go up in the House,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) told HuffPost on Monday.",,2,2 "McCarthy, 49, began gathering commitments from other House Republicans on Wednesday, the day after then-Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) suffered a stunning loss in the primary for his seat.",,2,2 Mr. Boehner pointed to what aides called “orphan districts” in Democratic-leaning states that would not be a factor in the presidential campaign.,,2,2 But he said the groups needed to do more to distance themselves from known hate groups that actively encourage their members to join the Tea Party.,,2,2 "Rother's thinking, according to the paper, is that tax increases alone can't keep the program's $2.6 trillion trust fund from running out of money, so benefit cuts must be included as well.",,2,2 """Protecting the privacy of our users and their data is a top priority for Facebook,"" the company's chief security officer Joe Sullivan said in a statement.",,2,2 "Because we’re gonna go in there, and we’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.”",,2,2 """I think that the BuzzFeed piece was a disgrace to our country, it was a disgrace to journalism and I think also that the coverage by the mainstream media was disgraceful and I think it's going to take a longtime for the mainstream media to recover its credibility,"" he went on to say. ","a disgrace to our country, it was a disgrace to journalism",1,1 The visit came a day after the senator huddled with his team at his headquarters in Vermont to discuss the fate of his candidacy.,,2,2 “We should keep our conclusions and speculation to a minimum and follow the facts.”,,2,2 "Driven by greed, they said, he “repeatedly used his power and influence for deceptive ends.”","Driven by greed, they said, he “repeatedly used his power and influence for deceptive ends.”",1,1 "“Despite the judge’s outstanding performance, his exceptional background, and the extensive support he’s received from people of all political leanings, we know that some Senate Democrats will continue trying to come up with any reason to delay the confirmation process,” Mr. McConnell said of Judge Gorsuch.",,2,2 "“I know that 14-year-olds dont’t make good decisions,” he said.",,2,2 The gun-rights lobby has already signaled that it will try to block the administration's effort.,,2,2 "Some phony theology. Not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology.""",phony,0,1 "“The bottom line is that Americans must unify,” he went on.",,2,2 She also called it an “act of hate” -- a term Obama also used -- since the attacker targeted an LGBT nightclub during Pride Month.,,2,2 "“It’s always been bipartisan. We need to keep it that way.""",,2,2 "It strikes a fair compromise by incorporating priorities from both sides of the aisle.""",,2,2 "I love this country, but this country is going to hell. ...",this country is going to hell,1,1 "To date, administration officials had maintained a more low-key stance, voicing concerns about the visit while saying Obama would not meet with his Israeli counterpart strictly out of a desire not to influence Israel's tight elections.",,2,2 "Some conservatives in the House were pushing for a postponement of the June 19 election for majority leader, saying they wanted more time to put someone with more right-wing views in the running for the position.",,2,2 "“It’s not as if he just didn’t get what he wanted so he’s waving a magic wand and taking a bunch of money,” Mulvaney said.",,2,2 "Meanwhile, the White House's plan to withdraw half its troops in Afghanistan by the summer -- some 7,000 soldiers -- has drawn similar criticism. ",,2,2 "The Christie administration closed down two of the three George Washington Bridge access lanes in Fort Lee, N.J., in September, in what appeared to be a political retribution scheme aimed at the borough's Democratic mayor.",political retribution scheme,0,1 "“This committee is left with no alternative but to request Secretary Clinton appear before this committee for a transcribed interview to better understand decisions the secretary made relevant to the creation, maintenance, retention, and ultimately deletion of public records,” Gowdy wrote to Clinton attorney David Kendall on Tuesday.",,2,2 "“States are able to make decisions with regards to domestic partnership benefits such as hospital visitation rights, benefits and so forth of various kinds can be determined state by state,"" Romney said.",,2,2 Schumer said in a statement that “glad-handing with Vladimir Putin on the heels of these indictments would be an insult to our democracy.”,,2,2 But Labrador famously quit the group because of a disagreement with its other members over whether to entitle undocumented immigrants to some form of healthcare.,,2,2 "“With all due respect, I completely disagree with Representative Fredette’s position,” the Republican leader, Michael Thibodeau, said in a statement.",,2,2 "For dramatic effect, a soundtrack fit for an episodic drama like “Homeland” plays as the prime minister continues.","For dramatic effect, a soundtrack fit for an episodic drama like “Homeland” plays as the prime minister continues.",1,1 "At hastily arranged news conference Friday afternoon, Sestak said Clinton called him last summer to express concerns over his jumping into the Senate primary, and how his military background could help him leave a mark on the House.",hastily arranged,1,1 "WASHINGTON — House Democrats on Wednesday rejected appeals that they need new leaders to win back disaffected voters, re-electing Representative Nancy Pelosi of California to an eighth term as House leader over a Rust Belt congressman who said the party had lost its connection to the American working class.",rejected appeals that they need new leaders to win back disaffected voters,1,1 Florida has no state income tax.,,2,2 "It is the largest employment discrimination class action in history, and the court’s decision, expected by June, will probably be its most important business ruling this term.",,2,2 They add that they have brought up 15 bills that they contend will help create jobs but have been ignored in the Democratic-led Senate.,,2,2 """Legal, well-regulated sport hunting as part of a sound management program can benefit certain species by providing incentives to local communities to conserve those species and by putting much-needed revenue back into conservation,"" the agency said in a statement.",,2,2 He held a joint press conference with Herman Cain in October after the two met to discuss immigration enforcement.,,2,2 "UPDATE - May 30, 5:20 p.m.: Hours after Kathy Griffin’s photo shoot with a fake bloody Donald Trump head made the internet rounds, the official Twitter account for the U.S. Secret Service has issued a statement.",,2,2 """His conduct is unbecoming of a member of Congress.","""His conduct is unbecoming of a member of Congress.",1,1 Weiner said he has hired a private security company to investigate how his account has been hacked.,,2,2 "Just hours before the White House meeting, Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee, said on “Fox News Sunday” that a small but growing group of Republicans had begun considering acquiescing on tax rates so that the negotiations could shift to entitlement programs.",,2,2 "But while Ryan slams the health care overhaul for cutting Medicare, even he acknowledged that his own plan achieves “savings” for Medicare in the long run.",,2,2 The latest meeting gave rise to renewed optimism that a deal could be reached before the end of the month.,,2,2 "If the Supreme Court were to rule in favor of Nebraska and Oklahoma, all state marijuana laws, in any form, could be in jeopardy of being unraveled.",,2,2 "Mrs. Clinton’s “email arrangement with herself is highly unusual, if not unprecedented,” the committee’s chairman, Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, wrote in a letter to Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer Tuesday morning.",,2,2 "“It’s completely inconsistent with this latest statement,” summarized Senor. ","“It’s completely inconsistent with this latest statement,”",1,1 "“If Washington and Adams and Jefferson believed that compromise was a dirty word, we’d still be under the crown of England,” he said.",,2,2 "A top Senate Democratic aide, likewise, put the prospects of immense opposition to the pick bluntly in an email to HuffPost: “There couldn’t possibly be worse time to take the unprecedented step of handing the FBI over to a politician.",There couldn’t possibly be worse time to take the unprecedented step of handing the FBI over to a politician,1,1 "Over at Big Government, a post accompanying the video provides the following commentary on the encounter:",,2,2 "Ginsburg, who made her name as a lawyer by bringing discrimination claims, said it was possible that Wal-Mart could refute the claims at a trial.",,2,2 "In the current political environment involving Mr. Akin’s comments, a decision by Mr. Romney to accept the party’s abortion plank will open his campaign to attacks from his rivals that he is out of step with moderate, independent voters.",,2,2 "Asked if there was any budget consideration that led her not to increase the security force, she said: ""No.""",,2,2 “The governor is not mentally able to serve and needs to resign.”,“The governor is not mentally able to serve and needs to resign.”,1,1 “Ms. Lerner remains under subpoena from Chairman Issa to appear at tomorrow’s hearing — the Committee has a Constitutional obligation to conduct oversight.,,2,2 "John McCain's plan, it's not the change we need.""",,2,2 I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin' Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman (sic) and then pretend total innocence.,surround myself with political hacks and henchman (sic) and then pretend total innocence,1,1 "He claimed a woman's body can typically fend off pregnancy during a ""legitimate rape,"" as he argued against allowing abortions in cases of rape, claiming such pregnancies are uncommon in the first place.",,2,2 That's a clear contrast with President Obama's plan.”,,2,2 "True to form, neither said much of anything about what was discussed.",,2,2 But what if this is less a question about ethics and more about wanting our judges to be candid about their positions and biases ― and that the political process itself has done away with the veneer that the high court is entirely apolitical?,,2,2 His defeat will reverberate in the capital and could have major implications for any chance of an immigration overhaul.,defeat,0,1 "Harvard economist Jeff Miron, a vocal supporter of marijuana policy reform, highlighted the precarious nature of state marijuana laws in a November op-ed for CNN, saying that Congress needs to act now on federal marijuana policy.",,2,2 "Our country is going to hell,” Trump said then in an interview with CNN.",Our country is going to hell,1,1 "The Republican congressman is facing a 5 p.m. deadline to withdraw -- after that, he would need a court order to have his name removed from the ballot.",,2,2 The Obama administration found itself defending -- and beginning to explain -- yet another surveillance effort after leaked documents revealed information about two secret National Security Agency intelligence-gathering programs.,,2,2 "Earlier this month, Clinton said she had a private email account because she “thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two.”",“thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two.”,1,1 "(Ms. Tlaib, who is Palestinian-American, is one of the first Muslims in Congress.",,2,2 Trump cast his presidency as a return to power for the people and vowed never to let them down.,,2,2 "The Senate historian said that those who return to the Senate after leaving — like Dan Coats of Indiana and Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jersey, for example — lose their seniority, although the distinction has little meaning beyond a way to refer to a state’s senators in the formal oratory of the Senate floor.",,2,2 "This mission was driven not just by party leaders, but also by the candidates who would ultimately deliver Democrats their first majority in the House in eight years.",,2,2 While dozens of House Democrats boycotted Friday’s ceremonies – a move that fueled disputes with Trump’s team over the weekend – other prominent Democrats and past presidents of both parties were in attendance for the transfer of power. ,,2,2 "If that were so, it would never have been ratified in the first place,"" he said.",,2,2 Trump infamously bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy” in a leaked tape from 2005; since taking office he has referred to certain other nations as “shithole countries” and slung insults at a wide range of political foes.,infamously bragged,0,0 Jones’ campaign told multiple news outlets: “Roy Moore needs to answer these serious charges.”,,2,2 """Washington will join other states and cities in opposing this law and I will impose an administration-wide ban on state funded travel to Indiana.""","""Washington will join other states and cities in opposing this law and I will impose an administration-wide ban on state funded travel to Indiana.""",1,1 "President Trump went after ""Crooked"" Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin on Tuesday, appearing to call on the “Deep State” Justice Department to look at potential security issues in her handling of classified material after a recent email dump.","""Crooked""",0,1 "He argued that if banks and members of Congress can have protection, schools across America should be afforded the same security.",,2,2 "A former senior Justice Department official, now-white collar criminal attorney with Ifrah Law, James Trusty, told Fox News that while common procedure in white collar cases would involve a federal prosecutor contacting the defendant’s attorney, Stone’s charges could have sparked a different approach.",,2,2 "“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” Carr told BuzzFeed.",,2,2 """We simply cannot afford to elect as our next president one of the leading agents of this administration's foreign policy — a leader from yesterday whose tenure as secretary of state was ineffective at best and dangerously negligent at worst,"" Rubio said, according to the prepared text of remarks he was to deliver at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.",ineffective at best and dangerously negligent at worst,1,0 "It’s about the character of America,” Pelosi said.",It’s about the character of America,1,1 The funding battle follows the longest government shutdown in U.S. history.,,2,2 "At one point he appeared to mouth, ""I'm sorry.""",,2,2 "He sometimes seemed to taunt American law enforcement agencies, daring them to find hard evidence to link him to Moscow’s interference; it is illegal for a political campaign to accept foreign aid.",taunt,0,1 "Democrats who now control the House say that they will accept Mr. Mueller’s findings, but as Mr. Schiff’s monologue indicated they are increasingly determined not to let go of what they see as a deeply troubling pattern of wrongdoing by Mr. Trump, his businesses and his administration.",monologue,0,1 "A separate attendee, Molyrik Welch, noted to another reporter that her brother had died following an encounter with Ferguson police in 2011.",,2,2 "Democrats contend that, like Mr. Obama’s views, Mr. Romney’s feelings about gay rights have evolved, but in the opposite direction: During his campaign for the Senate in 1994, Mr. Romney vowed to seek “full equality” for gays and lesbians, in a letter to the Log Cabin Republicans of Massachusetts.",,2,2 But for an optimist in the city — and there still seem to be a few — there were flourishes to appreciate.,,2,2 He tarnished the FBI's sterling reputation and severely damaged public trust in an institution where trust is paramount. ,He tarnished the FBI's sterling reputation and severely damaged public trust in an institution where trust is paramount.,1,1 "His team has vowed a “robust” start to the Trump administration, which could include everything from rescinding controversial Obama actions to renegotiating trade deals to repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.",,2,2 "Then an unseen announcer concludes: “The world needs American strength, not apologies.”",,2,2 They made an argument against the Supreme Court itself and its false presentation as a body above politics and power.,,2,2 Nothing short of that will suffice.,,2,2 "The question for Mr. Christie, after a bruising year of watching his story rewritten by others, may be whether Republican voters, who can choose from among a long and intriguing list of fresher faces, will give him a fighting chance to sell himself anew.",,2,2 Donald and Melania Trump met with the Obamas earlier Friday morning after attending a church service in Washington. ,,2,2 "Mitt Romney and other Republicans have criticized his foreign policy as apologetic, toward volatile countries like Iran.",,2,2 "Trump has stood by his Syria decision despite fierce blowback, telling detractors that the pullout should come as “no surprise” given his 2016 campaign promises and arguing that America’s role as “Policeman of the Middle East” is not worth the sacrifice.",,2,2 Some grumbled that the campaign by the college professor David Brat to unseat Mr. Cantor had ousted the one member of House Republican leadership willing to listen to the House’s most conservative members.,grumbled,0,0 "“This is the same individual that just excoriated the Bush administration for supposedly hiding communications within the administration,” McCain said on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports.”",,2,2 Shields told Fox News that Griffin was hoping to create a bold message.,,2,2 But the number one goal for Biden all night was obvious from the outset: push back. Hard.,,2,2 "He did, however, weigh in on state gun control efforts currently being debated in Connecticut, which include a ban on high-capacity magazines and a broader assault weapons ban.",,2,2 "The mere certification of a class-action suit can prompt defendants to settle in light of the sums at stake, and the justices struggled to find a way to distinguish between gaps in pay that might have benign explanations and those caused by unlawful discrimination.",,2,2 Trump spent most of his speech on Friday rehashing his usual talking points about crime at the border.,,2,2 "“This is a bad, outrageous deal.","“This is a bad, outrageous deal.",1,1 The DHS funding bill included restrictions on where new border wall could be constructed.,,2,2 The tabloid published a story earlier this week claiming that Cruz had extramarital affairs with five women.,,2,2 """The end date for my tenure is February 28, 2019, a date that should allow sufficient time for a successor to be nominated and confirmed as well as to make sure the Department's interests are properly articulated and protected at upcoming events to include Congressional posture hearings and the NATO Defense Ministerial meeting in February,"" Mattis wrote Thursday.",,2,2 "Critics also note that in many of the states with similar laws, including Illinois, sexual orientation is protected under civil rights law.",,2,2 "Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), tweeted on Friday ""#Labrador is pro amnesty.",,2,2 He promptly deleted his Twitter and Facebook profiles.,,2,2 "In the days before Wednesday’s vote, Pelosi, a prolific fundraiser, promised some changes to assuage concerns in her caucus, including adding a member of the freshmen class to her leadership team.",a prolific fundraiser,1,1 Here are some of the officials’ responses.,,2,2 "It also highlighted the difficulty of the current situation, in which Democrats, Republicans and even some White House staff members have found themselves trying to anticipate what Mr. Trump will accept.",,2,2 He claimed his personal opinions did not affect his work.,,2,2 "Some of the top names that were reportedly under consideration included four-star Army Gen. Jack Keane, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), former Treasury Department official David McCormick and former Republican Sen. Jim Talent of Missouri.",,2,2 Cowan's appointment means that there will be two black senators serving together for the first time in American history.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON — E-mails released by the White House on Wednesday revealed a fierce internal jostling over the government’s official talking points in the aftermath of last September’s attack in Benghazi, Libya, not only between the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency, but at the highest levels of the C.I.A.",,2,2 "Dukes's case has drawn the attention of the larger business community who fear that if the justices allow the case to proceed, it will open the doors to more class action lawsuits.",,2,2 He would need to replicate that early success to create an opening to build a wider coalition and compete deep into the primary schedule.,,2,2 That cable is seen as one of the vital warnings sent out of Libya in the months leading up to the attack.,,2,2 "As Barack and Michelle Obama depart the White House after eight years in office, Trump will immediately be confronted with the challenge of governing, as he attempts to apply his CEO experience to running the nation. ",attempts,0,1 The representative also posted a statement Tuesday in which he apologized and emphasized that he has farmers in his family.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON — The House passed the Democrats’ showcase anti-corruption and voting rights legislation on Friday, an expansive measure that aims to dismantle barriers to the ballot box, end big money in politics and impose stricter ethics rules on federal officials.","dismantle barriers to the ballot box, end big money in politics and impose stricter ethics rules on federal officials",1,1 "According to the Congressional Research Service, there are at least 30 ""national emergencies"" in effect, including those concerning blocking Iranian government property, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other terror-related acts.",,2,2 "During his presidency, Mr. Obama has repeatedly mourned victims of mass shootings, often expressing anger and frustration at what he has said is the country’s apparent willingness to let them become a “normal” part of life.",,2,2 "While declining to discuss what happened, Mr. Obama on Thursday said, “I can assure the public that nothing improper took place.”",,2,2 "Earlier, the Republican governor had refused to apologize for the message, even saying at press conference he wished it was 1825 so he could shoot Gattine in a duel.","Earlier, the Republican governor had refused to apologize for the message, even saying at press conference he wished it was 1825 so he could shoot Gattine in a duel.",1,1 There were few carrots to go along with the sticks.,There were few carrots to go along with the sticks.,1,0 "“In fact, in his decades of service, Special Agent Strzok has proved himself to be one of the country’s top counterintelligence officers, leading to only one conclusion ― the decision to terminate was taken in response to political pressure, and to punish Special Agent Strzok for political speech protected by the First Amendment, not on a fair and independent examination of the facts.","the decision to terminate was taken in response to political pressure, and to punish Special Agent Strzok for political speech protected by the First Amendment, not on a fair and independent examination of the facts",1,1 The first package was discovered on Monday afternoon at the suburban New York home of Mr. Soros. ,,2,2 "He also appeared Friday at an event with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who offered his support for Labrador's candidacy.",,2,2 "“I want the public to see my email,” Mrs. Clinton wrote in a Twitter post shortly before midnight, addressing the issue publicly for the first time.","“I want the public to see my email,”",1,1 "Suggesting that the photo might have been altered, he alluded to a “Daily Show” sketch on Tuesday in which the comedian Jon Stewart, a longtime friend, had joked that the photo could not have been of the congressman.",,2,2 The party gave Mr. Schiff a more formal nod of confidence this week as well.,,2,2 "Meanwhile, a joint campaign rally with Clinton and Obama set for Wednesday in Green Bay, Wis., has been postponed in light of the attack, according to a White House official.",,2,2 "So far, the federal government has mostly taken a hands-off approach to state medicalizations and legalizations, but in January 2017, the country will have a new president.",,2,2 "Calling the wall “a powerful and beautifully designed see-through steel barrier on our southern border,” Mr. Trump said: “This is not a 2,000-mile concrete structure from sea to sea.",,2,2 "Reached for comment, a spokesman for American Media Inc., the Enquirer's parent company, also denied that the story had been influenced by Trump backers.",,2,2 "Authorities were initially vague about the content of the packages, calling them simply “suspected explosive devices.”",,2,2 Ryan opened the debate with tough criticism of the Obama administration over its handling of the Libya terror attack.,,2,2 "OPR reviewed the investigative materials, as well as the written and oral responses of Mr. Strzok and his counsel, and issued OPR's decision. ",,2,2 "He later praised his defeated opponent, Hillary Clinton, at a lobster-and-beef luncheon with congressional leaders, asking her and former President Bill Clinton to stand for applause.",at a lobster-and-beef luncheon,1,1 "Asked Wednesday about Lamb's testimony, Clinton noted that the review board that examined the Libya attack found budget issues have played a role.",,2,2 "According to a study by the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan group, if citizenship were denied to every child with at least one unauthorized parent, the unauthorized population in the United States would reach 24 million by 2050 — more than double what it is now.",,2,2 "Frank promised that he would not run in the June election if appointed, and he endorsed Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) for Senate, though the two fought over the redistricting process that Frank blamed for his exit from the House of Representatives.",,2,2 "“We’re thankful that everyone we work with at NextGen America and Need to Impeach is safe,” Steyer said in a statement Friday, referring to his super PAC NextGen and his campaign to impeach Trump.",,2,2 “The game will go on.”,,2,2 "Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., head of the Senate GOP campaign arm, called the allegations “deeply troubling” and said: “If these allegations are found to be true, Roy Moore must drop out of the Alabama special Senate election.”",“deeply troubling”,0,1 I do think the deal that they announced is stimulative.,,2,2 "Moreover, by taking their oaths of office, lawmakers swear to abide by the Constitution, and virtually all legislation is vetted for constitutional support on some level by government lawyers before it makes it to committee or to the floor of the House.",,2,2 """We fail to show the American people that imperfection is not to be feared and that our ability to constantly improve on what the Founders gave us is a blessing, not a reason for divisiveness.""",fail,0,1 "Dominique McCoy, who attended the smaller meeting, told The Huffington Post that Holder said change wouldn't happen overnight.",,2,2 "But recusals for political views or implicit support for certain positions are exceedingly rare, even in the face of a code of judicial conduct that guides federal judges on extra-judicial activities and how to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.",recusals for political views or implicit support for certain positions are exceedingly rare,1,1 "But after Moore won, Trump disavowed his endorsement of Strange, deleting tweets in support of him.",deleting tweets in support of him,1,1 "Trying to quell calls to replace her, Ms. Pelosi announced her nominations last week for a handful of other positions, and proposed that three members from Illinois, Pennsylvania and New York share the leadership duties of the party’s messaging committee, offering more regional diversity.",Trying to quell calls to replace her,1,1 "Despite concerns about Trump interfering with ongoing investigations into his campaign, Schiff warned that it is premature for Democrats on Capitol Hill to push for impeachment.",,2,2 "Huckabee said on CBS's ""Face the Nation"" last month that he's confident he can broaden his appeal beyond evangelical Christians and social conservatives to reach working-class Republicans concerned about the economy.",,2,2 "Later, Mr. Jordan pressed Mr. Shulman, the former I.R.S. commissioner, on whether he had visited the White House.",,2,2 "Mr. Obama’s transportation secretary, Ray LaHood, a former Republican congressman from Illinois, appeared with him at the Key Bridge and then went to the Capitol to meet with lawmakers.",,2,2 "Among the Republicans vying to succeed Ms. Brewer, who cannot run for re-election because of term limits, there was broad consensus against the measure, which would expand the state’s definition of “exercise of religion” to protect businesses and citizens from lawsuits after denying services on religious grounds.",,2,2 "Trump swiftly responded Tuesday, telling the Times it was “highly inappropriate that a United States Supreme Court judge gets involved in a political campaign.”",“highly inappropriate that a United States Supreme Court judge gets involved in a political campaign.”,1,1 "“We know, and we know and have seen, that the Supreme Court reshapes power in our country.”",,2,2 "On Tuesday, Mr. Weiner presided over two testy news briefings at which he had dodged a variety of questions.","On Tuesday, Mr. Weiner presided over two testy news briefings at which he had dodged a variety of questions.",1,1 “I think it’s a disgrace to the court and I think she should apologize to the court.,“I think it’s a disgrace to the court and I think she should apologize to the court.,1,1 “This deal was morally reprehensible and political malpractice.,“This deal was morally reprehensible and political malpractice.,1,1 The photo features Mrs. Trump sprawled out naked on a fur rug inside a Boeing 727.,sprawled out,0,0 """The federal government has failed on border crime and border enforcement, and no candidate for president has done more to secure the border than Governor Rick Perry,"" Arpaio said in a statement.",,2,2 "“You are fantastic people,” he said.",,2,2 "He won two years ago by 36 percentage points, and Mr. Obama carried his district by 6 percent.",,2,2 (The real estate mogul estimates the price tag at around $8 billion.),,2,2 "By publishing thousands of hacked emails, American intelligence agencies believe WikiLeaks was acting as a conduit for Russian operatives.","By publishing thousands of hacked emails, American intelligence agencies believe WikiLeaks was acting as a conduit for Russian operatives.",1,1 "But this year, during an encounter with a television reporter, he set a new standard for on-air congressional misbehavior and delivered a bizarre threat.",he set a new standard for on-air congressional misbehavior and delivered a bizarre threat,1,1 WASHINGTON — Senator Bernie Sanders met with President Obama on Thursday and said afterward that he would do everything within his power to stop Donald J. Trump from becoming president — and would work closely with Hillary Clinton to make that happen.,,2,2 "It's not Obama's war.""",,2,2 "“Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter, saying that “censorship is a very dangerous thing.”",totally,0,1 Schiff said he is “skeptical” that the committee would agree to grant Flynn immunity in the future in exchange for information.,,2,2 "But even that has come as a last resort, in what some have likened to negotiating out of desperation after failing to score political points.",negotiating out of desperation after failing to score political points,1,1 "Schiff, a vocal critic of the president, has doubled down on his claim that Trump and his administration colluded with foreign powers despite Mueller’s findings.",doubled down,0,1 "Representative Jackie Speier, Democrat of California, said Vice President Biden had informed lawmakers during a two-hour briefing on Monday that there are “19 independent steps that the president can take by executive order.”",,2,2 How come-- forget about birth certificates. Let's say there's no birth certificate.,,2,2 "“If they really cared about creating jobs, they should stop blocking a preservation of unemployment insurance, which would create or save hundred of thousands of jobs,” Jim Manley, a spokesman for Mr. Reid, said in an e-mail. ",,2,2 "Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Sunday concluded, though, that Mueller’s report did not contain sufficient evidence to establish that Trump committed obstruction of justice.",,2,2 "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman,"" he told reporters following an event at the Oklahoma Republican Party headquartersk, where he garnered the endorsement of Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin.",,2,2 "This is a very tender and sensitive topic, as are many social issues, but I have the same view that I've had since running for office.""",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — Representative Blake Farenthold, the Texas Republican who used $84,000 in taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment case with his former communications director, abruptly resigned from Congress on Friday afternoon.","used $84,000 in taxpayer funds",1,1 "“You can count on two hands the number of people in Congress who really know,” he said in an interview on Friday.","“You can count on two hands the number of people in Congress who really know,”",1,1 The remarks from the potential presidential candidate prompted Vieira to ask Trump if he had people on the ground in Hawaii searching for proof of the president's citizenship.,,2,2 "President Trump announced Sunday that Defense Secretary James Mattis will be leaving the administration on January 1, weeks earlier than planned and just days after Mattis' bombshell resignation letter made clear his policy disagreements with the White House.",bombshell,0,1 "Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the committee, said on Wednesday that the committee is prepared to use “whatever compulsory process we need” to obtain information from Flynn if he does not cooperate with the subpoenas.",,2,2 """We’ve come a long way from my days going door to door for the Children’s Defense Fund and earning $16,450 as a young law professor in Arkansas—and we owe it to the opportunities America provides,"" Clinton said in a statement accompanying the returns.",,2,2 "Earlier this week, Trump went against Mattis by abruptly withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria.",,2,2 "“It’s not enough just to not suck as much as the other side,” he said.",,2,2 "A September 2010 Congressional Research Service report found that lifting the cap, without also raising benefits, would make the program solvent for the foreseeable future.",,2,2 """They are reading it like a sacred text,"" Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., the former chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, told The Washington Post.","""They are reading it like a sacred text,""",1,1 Some blame the media for blowing the law out of proportion.,Some blame the media for blowing the law out of proportion.,1,0 Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee took a different tack.,,2,2 "I mean, I do believe in the traditional values of marriage between a man and a woman,” youth pastor Stephen Lenahan told Fox News after a leisurely breakfast with three members of his ministry.",,2,2 "The Times reports Liz Cheney on Friday first articulated her position on the controversial subject, saying it should be something for voters to decide on a state-by-state basis, and not a matter for “judges” or “legislators.”",,2,2 Twitter at the time said it was an algorithmic glitch that has since been fixed.,,2,2 "Four states have legalized recreational marijuana, along with voters in D.C. -- though the D.C. measure is the subject of a congressional Republican effort to block its implementation.",,2,2 "Kerry, also a Democrat and the state’s senior U.S. senator, was confirmed Tuesday as the new secretary of state, following his nomination by President Obama to replace the retiring Hillary Clinton.",,2,2 Mr. Cohen initially repeated his false statements about the Moscow tower to prosecutors working for Mr. Mueller after he pleaded guilty in August to campaign finance violations and financial crimes.,,2,2 Some say they’re not the right messengers to energize the base and convey an economic message that appeals to people beyond the two coasts.,,2,2 "In 2010, after a wave of Tea Party Republicans swept Democrats out of power, she lost just 43 votes.",,2,2 The 168-member committee will elect a chairman during its meeting in January.,,2,2 Attorneys general in Utah and New Mexico said they had no immediate plans to join the suit.,,2,2 "Mr. Obama made his exit after the ceremony, flying by helicopter to Joint Base Andrews in the Maryland suburbs, where he thanked former aides and members of his administration before boarding the presidential jet, no longer designated Air Force One, to fly to Palm Springs, Calif., for vacation.",,2,2 "But, the Times reported, ""an examination of his remarks at the ceremonies shows that he does not volunteer that his service never took him overseas.",,2,2 "As the Huffington Post reported on Thursday, various political historians and ethics lawyers have approached the Sestak news with yawns, noting that quid pro quos and backroom job offers are fairly common in administrations.",have approached the Sestak news with yawns,1,1 "A coordinated effort to replace Mr. Steele has been underway for weeks, with several leading Republicans arguing that the committee needed to urgently improve its fund-raising practices and tighten its organizational structure to prepare for the presidential election.",,2,2 "A persistent line of questioning by Republican lawmakers concerned the initial comments from Ms. Rice that the attack might have resulted from a protest, over an anti-Islamic video, that spun out of control.",,2,2 "Democrats, meanwhile, passed legislation in the House that would fund the whole government, but not the wall. ",,2,2 "A voice-over at the end of the ad underscores the prime minister's message: ""The world needs American strength, not apologies.""",,2,2 The move is almost certain to be challenged in court.,,2,2 “We are better than that. We are simply better than that.”,,2,2 "If anything, the pitch being offered from the administration to the rest of the party was: take the package now or risk being blamed for an economic downturn.",take the package now or risk being blamed for an economic downturn,1,0 "The polished Gorsuch certainly did not make any deluded or deranged statements, as many have come to expect from the president, that could lead a Republican to flip on his nomination.",,2,2 You might say that’s just what you need to do to win.,,2,2 The Justice Department’s Community Relations Service had arranged for the gatherings.,,2,2 "Indeed, even Steele himself declared back in December that Afghanistan is “’a war we have to win” — a far cry from the comments he made Thursday night, in which he said: “...you don’t do is engage in a land war in Afghanistan, alright, because everyone who’s tried over a thousand years of history has failed.” ",far cry,0,1 "Wray elaborated at Friday’s press briefing that each device contained roughly 6 inches of PVC pipe, as well as a small clock and wiring.",,2,2 "Republicans must be willing to take these challenges head on with new leadership, fresh ideas and a different approach.”",,2,2 "“This bill is a massive federal government takeover that would undermine the integrity of our elections,” Mr. McCarthy said in a speech on Friday, in an attack on “this new, Democrat, socialist majority.”","“This bill is a massive federal government takeover that would undermine the integrity of our elections,”",1,1 "Of Obama, he said, ""I want him to do well. ...",,2,2 "Captain Johnson, whose agency is overseeing security here, said there were only sporadic problems on Tuesday night, and none of the wide-scale looting and confrontations that had erupted on other nights.",,2,2 "This prompted calls to boycott Chick-fil-A that were supported by the mayors of Boston and Chicago, along with plans for a same-sex kiss-in at the restaurants on Friday.",,2,2 "According to slides from an internal presentation intended for NSA senior analysts and obtained by the Washington Post, the program accounts for nearly one in seven intelligence reports.",,2,2 "The world laughs at us. They won't be laughing if I'm elected president,"" he said.",,2,2 "But while Gibbs said it's time to get off the ""mindset that if we disagree, we have to disqualify each other"" comments like Santorum's show that the GOP primary ""has been a race to the bottom.",has been a race to the bottom,1,0 "Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, campaigning in San Francisco on Sunday, told the large crowd that, “I don't want a summary of the report!",,2,2 "In June, he was then escorted from his FBI office and lost his security clearance amid the release of a scathing DOJ inspector general report that largely dealt with the DOJ and FBI’s handling of the investigation into Clinton’s private email server but uncovered messages that “appeared to mix political opinion with discussions” about that probe -- namely, between Strzok and Page. ",,2,2 "Bloomberg, who has an estimated net worth of $48 billion, threw several jabs at Trump, whom he called a ""dangerous demagogue"" and a ""bomb-thrower.""","""bomb-thrower.""",0,1 “Given the poison pills stuffed into a proposal that was supposed to entice Democrats we can now say the Trump ‘offer’ isn’t about getting to a deal but about shifting blame.,,2,2 “She may have got out over her skis a little bit and more forthright and political than she should have been.,,2,2 The state committee subpoenas must be returned Feb. 3.,,2,2 "The nation's leading civil rights group took up the language at its annual convention in Kansas City, Mo.",,2,2 "The plan, though, does call for a range of measures to improve access to mental health services and improve safety at America's schools.",,2,2 "In September, Moore, a controversial judge in Alabama, won the primary for the special election.",,2,2 "In a pair of evening tweets, Mr. Trump seemed to hold out hope of an agreement, writing: “I remain ready and willing to work with Democrats to pass a bill that secures our borders, supports the agents and officers on the ground, and keeps America Safe.",,2,2 Democrats have largely avoided the internal insurrections that upended Republicans over the past decade.,,2,2 """This is a monumental moment.",,2,2 A dozen officers in plain clothes and uniforms stood watch as he spoke; one warned photographers to “remain stationary” during the event.,one warned photographers to “remain stationary” during the event,1,1 """The only way to stop a monster from killing our kids is to be permanently involved and invested in a plan of absolute protection.""",,2,2 "“I will never stop believing in our country & its future,” she wrote.",,2,2 """I'm not holding anyone's feet to the fire but it wasn't a contest between the tea party and the Republicans and all this,"" he said.",,2,2 "According to the report, the messages are part of a long correspondence between WikiLeaks and Trump Jr., though Trump Jr. seemed to ignore many of the messages, including some which urged him to release “one or more of your father’s tax returns.”",Trump Jr. seemed to ignore many of the messages,1,1 "PHOENIX — As the Arizona Legislature sent a bill to her desk Monday that would grant business owners the right to invoke religion to refuse service to gays and others, Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican, faced pressure from many corners to veto the measure, which has cast unwanted national attention on Arizona.",,2,2 But he does have a solution. Sort of.,Sort of,0,1 "Mr. Hutchinson spent a year at Georgetown University before enrolling at the University of Central Arkansas, where he joined groups like the Young Democratic Socialists, and rallied for gay rights during the tenure of another Republican, Gov. Mike Huckabee.",,2,2 """That is described as ""incidental,"" and it is inherent in contact chaining, one of the basic tools of the trade.""",,2,2 """The illegal products being distributed in Colorado are being trafficked across state lines thereby injuring neighboring states like Oklahoma and Nebraska,"" Pruitt said in a statement.",,2,2 The Justice Department wrote Mr. Issa last week that it did not need a special prosecutor to investigate if it chose to do so.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON -- In the wake of Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as his vice presidential nominee, the politics of Medicare have become almost as complicated as the policy itself.",,2,2 "The president has lasered in on immigration ahead of next week’s midterm elections, stoking fear about the caravan of migrants heading toward the U.S.-Mexico border from Central America.",lasered in,0,1 "Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke echoed Trump's comment in his own tweet, saying that he and the president had spoken and ""both believe that conservation & healthy herds are critical...the issuing of permits is put on hold...""",,2,2 "“I believe this is a politically motivated investigation,” Stone said Friday. ",,2,2 "And as the hearing continued, Republicans and Democrats pressed ahead with one point on which they agree these days: that an inept I.R.S. had committed serious misdeeds.",,2,2 "There is no precedent for such a situation here — a fact that has sent lawmakers like Senator Roger Katz, a Republican who has been critical of Mr. LePage, back to reading their state Constitutions on Wednesday to figure out what, if anything, they could do now to convene a special session.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — Donald Trump Jr. had multiple online conversations during the 2016 presidential campaign with WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy group that last year released a hacked trove of Democrats’ emails, according to four congressional officials.",released a hacked trove of Democrats’ emails,1,1 "Everybody just wants to see the polls, how much money you’ve raised.",,2,2 "CHARLESTON, S.C. — Democratic presidential candidates wasted no time Friday evening demanding the immediate public release of the long-awaited report from Robert S. Mueller III, with several saying that Americans deserved to know any findings about President Trump, Russia and the 2016 election in order to form judgments about Mr. Trump and the 2020 race.",wasted no time,0,1 "PHILADELPHIA ― Americans should vote for Hillary Clinton because, unlike Republican nominee Donald Trump, she is a “sane, competent person,” Michael Bloomberg, the former New York mayor and founder of the Bloomberg financial news and information empire, said at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday.","“sane, competent person,”",0,0 "Nominees have, in turn, generally refused to answer any question directly, in an appparent fear of revealing any bias about a potential future case they may hear.",,2,2 "As for his recent collaboration with Griffin, he doesn't regret it.",,2,2 "White House officials were reportedly furious that the indictments were announced by U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Friday morning, just days before the planned summit with Putin.",,2,2 Its compounding effects will ultimately cost the federal government more money than if it was open.,,2,2 "In short, (Netanyahu's) a powerful messenger with a powerful message who the American people believe.”","In short, (Netanyahu's) a powerful messenger with a powerful message who the American people believe.”",1,1 "Sometimes his remarks have been plainly untrue, as in his speech to the group in Norwalk.",,2,2 "But the proposal, which Mr. Trump unveiled in a 13-minute address from the White House, appeared dead on arrival in the Capitol.",,2,2 Beck rejected the notion that the Republican Party should expand its tent to include progressives.,,2,2 "With a little more than a month to go before the New Hampshire primary, the Texas governor is trying to shore up his credentials on immigration: On Tuesday he won an endorsement from one of the nation’s most outspoken and controversial public officials on that issue: Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., who unabashedly calls himself the “toughest sheriff” in the country.",unabashedly,0,1 "WASHINGTON -- The classified version of a State Department review of last year's assault on an American compound in Benghazi, Libya, found that it was impossible to say what exactly motivated the attackers, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed Wednesday.",,2,2 "That means defeating international terror groups, working with allies and partners to go after them wherever they are, countering their attempts to recruit people here and everywhere, and hardening our defenses at home.",,2,2 "As governor, Huckabee signed a ban on gay marriage (which was overturned by a federal judge last year), and he has been outspoken in his opposition against states legalizing marriage equality.","As governor, Huckabee signed a ban on gay marriage (which was overturned by a federal judge last year), and he has been outspoken in his opposition against states legalizing marriage equality.",1,1 "The problem is, those views are wrong.”","The problem is, those views are wrong.”",1,1 "Congress on Wednesday overwhelmingly rejected President Obama’s veto of a bipartisan bill letting families of Sept. 11 victims sue the Saudi Arabian government, in the first successful veto override of Obama’s presidency.",,2,2 "Politico, a news site that covers politics, reported that House Speaker John Boehner, who is from Ohio, wants the plan, also referred to as “principles,” completed and made public before President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address on Jan. 28.",,2,2 Prosecutors said they would seek to have her sentenced to 18 to 24 months.,,2,2 "Mr. Christie, 52, honed his political technique, and developed a YouTube following, during a remarkable run of 137 town-hall-style meetings across New Jersey.",remarkable,0,1 "Mr. Ryan and Mr. Obama would impose similar overall constraints on Medicare spending, stipulating that average spending per beneficiary should not grow faster than the economy, measured by the per capita output of goods and services, plus one-half of one percentage point.",,2,2 Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey wrote that the “American public deserves the full report and findings from the Mueller investigation immediately—not just the in-house summary from a Trump Administration official.”,,2,2 "But it also demands that higher levels of government provide help—‘subsidium’—when communities and local governments face problems beyond their means to address such as economic crises, high unemployment, endemic poverty and hunger.”",,2,2 "Akin also claimed he would help Romney and the Republican party in November by soldiering on, but admitted that no senator had called him to ask him to stay in the race.",but admitted that no senator had called him to ask him to stay in the race,1,1 "McCulloch's father, mother, brother, uncle and cousin all worked for the St. Louis Police Department, and his father was killed while responding to a call involving a black suspect.",,2,2 “At least respect the part you play.”,“At least respect the part you play.”,1,1 """People of every race, political affiliation, religion came together for different reasons.""",,2,2 "The committee didn't recommend any specific kind of firearm for school security, Hutchinson said, adding, ""Everything from a sidearm, to a shotgun, to an AR-15"" would work.",,2,2 The video was released after Akin canceled a scheduled television interview Monday night.,The video was released after Akin canceled a scheduled television interview Monday night.,1,1 "But speaking on ABC News, New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie, who is insistent he personally is not a candidate for president in 2012, said he wasn't sure his friend Trump would be either.",,2,2 "Christie also took hits at lawmakers in Washington, including President Barack Obama, claiming a lack of productivity from Congress is giving Americans anxiety.",,2,2 "But ""birthers"" have demanded additional proof, asserting he could have been born in Kenya.",,2,2 "Former Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchinson, who led the NRA's review, appeared to ease off slightly on the call for armed officers in every school -- he said it's ""important"" for every school to have at least one, but acknowledged these decisions are ""locally made"" based on unique budget circumstances.",,2,2 "But when she declined, he dismissed her again.",,2,2 "“I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction and I apologize to all involved,” Mr. Etheridge said in a statement. ",,2,2 Other Democrats said Trump should nix the summit regardless -- though they were raising concerns about the meeting even before the indictment.,,2,2 But there’s a 1 in 3 chance that we could lose.,,2,2 "Mr. Christie, whose dazzling rise as a national Republican in his first term was matched only by his spectacular loss of stature at home in his second, entered the presidential race bearing little resemblance to the candidate he once expected to be.",dazzling,0,1 "As part of its policy recommendations, the White House called on Congress to act on an old administration proposal to spend $4 billion to keep 15,000 cops on the streets.",,2,2 "Mr. Obama was trying to negotiate, however gently, with him to exit the Democratic race without inflicting damage on efforts to unite the party.",,2,2 "“As a mother, a wife, and a human being, that photo is very disturbing,” she said.",that photo is very disturbing,1,1 "In her Twitter post on Tuesday, Griffin said she was going to ""take down the image.""",,2,2 "“I have to stay,” he said softly.",,2,2 "But the investigation is ongoing, and there hasn’t yet been a determination on possible collusion with the Trump campaign.",,2,2 "The call for universal background checks would extend to gun shows and private sales, with ""limited"" exemptions for ""certain transfers"" among family members and other situations.",,2,2 One of the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights groups passed a resolution Tuesday calling for Tea Party groups to weed “racist elements” out of their ranks.,,2,2 That brought criticism from Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Short on Sunday.,,2,2 "Mr. Patrick, who has served as a mentor to Mr. Cowan, was asked whether he saw some of himself in Mr. Cowan.",,2,2 "The new ones show that from 2007 through 2014 the couple paid $43,885,310 in federal taxes, for an effective tax rate of 31.55 percent.",,2,2 His opposition was seen as an indication of dissatisfaction with the law beyond the liberal political left; he was the campaign director for Mitch Daniels’s successful Republican bid for governor in 2004.,,2,2 But that attack appeared a bit premature.,But that attack appeared a bit premature.,1,0 But Mr. Trump’s plan met with swift pushback from some even in his own party on Tuesday.,,2,2 "In a head-to-head battle of proxies, Vice President Biden wasted no time Thursday trying to do what many Democrats felt President Obama failed to against Mitt Romney, going on offense with an often disdainful attack on Paul Ryan -- who stood his ground against a barrage of Biden grins, guffaws, snickers and interruptions.",disdainful,0,1 "Zambia and Zimbabwe have had mixed success in recent years maintaining or increasing their elephant population, according to the Great Elephant Census, a project financed by Paul G. Allen, a founder of Microsoft.",,2,2 "Former Rep. John Delaney of Maryland called for the report to be made public, but also urged that it was time to move on.",,2,2 "Representative Joaquin Castro of Texas, another Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, wrote in a tweet that “if the story is true, President Trump must resign or be impeached.”",,2,2 "WASHINGTON ― FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, who was taken off special counsel Robert Mueller’s team after Justice Department investigators discovered his texts disparaging President Donald Trump, has been fired from the bureau despite the recommendations of a career FBI official.",,2,2 "“It’s sexist,” said Terry O’Neill, the president of the National Organization for Women, to the news Web site the Daily Caller, which is run by the conservative commentator Tucker Carlson.","“It’s sexist,”",1,1 "He added that the committee could issue additional subpoenas if other witnesses fail to cooperate, but did not name additional individuals.",,2,2 "And so they’re going to look for every boogeyman known to man,"" he said.",And so they’re going to look for every boogeyman known to man,1,1 "RNC Chairman Michael Steele is expected by some to announce that he will not seek a second term as the head of the Republican National Committee, according to multiple reports.",,2,2 "Theodore J. Boutrous Jr., a lawyer for Wal-Mart, said the handful of women named as plaintiffs who seek to represent the entire class did not have typical experiences at the company.",,2,2 "In fact, Republicans may have gotten more than they bargained for by shunning him.","In fact, Republicans may have gotten more than they bargained for by shunning him.",1,1 "Using information collected by the United States Postal Service, investigators have focused their attention on certain Florida postal centers, including one in Opa-locka near Miami.",,2,2 "“If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore,” Trump said in a statement.",,2,2 "“Mexican people, we are not going to pay a single cent for such a stupid wall!",stupid,0,0 (Trump Jr. didn’t respond to either message.),,2,2 "Several candidates, in calling for the swift release of the report, also sought to gather new supporters and their email addresses by putting out “petitions” calling for complete transparency from the Justice Department.",sought to gather new supporters and their email addresses,1,1 "In essence, Mrs. Clinton’s approach was to accept the responsibility for security lapses in Benghazi but not the blame.",,2,2 "“Already did that earlier today,” Trump Jr. later replied.",,2,2 "They were orchestrated by a Christie ally at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, David Wildstein, along with one of Christie's deputy chiefs of staff, Bridget Kelly, and his then-campaign manager and top political adviser, Bill Stepien.",orchestrated,0,0 """She was in effect being promoted for what she had done at the Federal Election Commission and now was going to be expected ... to replicate that at the IRS and now we know that's exactly what happened,"" he said.","""She was in effect being promoted for what she had done at the Federal Election Commission and now was going to be expected ... to replicate that at the IRS and now we know that's exactly what happened,""",1,1 "Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) criticized the president’s statement, calling instead for immigration reform “that makes our country more secure and reaffirms our wonderful tradition as a nation of immigrants.”",wonderful,0,1 """There does not seem to be a majority of the Democrats who support the deal negotiated by Vice President Biden,"" he told Fox News.",,2,2 """I think that is a phony ideal.",,2,2 Now it will be up to Mr. McConnell to put legislation incorporating Mr. Trump’s proposal on the Senate floor.,,2,2 "Etheridge, a member of the House Ways and Means and Budget committees, voted in favor of President Obama's health care overhaul legislation as well as the Democratic climate change bill known by opponents as cap-and-trade.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON -- Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) announced her decision to veto legislation on Wednesday that would have allowed businesses to legally refuse service to anyone on ""religious freedom"" grounds, effectively allowing them to discriminate against same-sex couples.",discriminate,0,1 “Survival of the fittest may be okay for Social Darwinists but not for followers of the gospel of compassion and love.”,“Survival of the fittest may be okay for Social Darwinists but not for followers of the gospel of compassion and love.”,1,1 "The House Judiciary Committee announced Friday that it would investigate the president’s emergency claim, while House Democrats plan to introduce legislation to block it.",,2,2 "I only speak to myself, however.",,2,2 "If it were anyone other than Biden, who is treated by the press as a lovable, half-crazy uncle, he would have been labeled insufferable.",he would have been labeled insufferable,1,1 "Gorsuch, who worked on former President George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign and as a lawyer in his Justice Department, provided the expected performance past court nominees had given during his appearance; he stated that he would be shocked by politics coming into a courtroom.",,2,2 "Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., was caught on a hot mic in the Senate ripping the lame-duck agenda, which was set exclusively by his party, as ""rigged"" and done without a discussion among members.",which was set exclusively by his party,1,1 Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) showed her support for Chick-fil-A Wednesday when she tweeted a photo of her visiting the restaurant.,,2,2 "Mr. Grimm over time developed something of a reputation for being hot-tempered, which did not set him apart from many others in Congress.",,2,2 """I hope it will empower the tea party to actually look at itself and see that there are those who are noticing things that I think most tea partiers don't want,"" he said.",,2,2 No voters brought up the Mueller report to Mr. O’Rourke as he spoke to them Friday.,No voters brought up the Mueller report to Mr. O’Rourke as he spoke to them Friday.,1,0 "The Tea Party movement has been beset with allegations of racism since black members of Congress preparing to vote on health care legislation accused protesters of hurling racial epithets, and in one instance, spitting on a congressman.","The Tea Party movement has been beset with allegations of racism since black members of Congress preparing to vote on health care legislation accused protesters of hurling racial epithets, and in one instance, spitting on a congressman.",1,1 Officials said Mr. Biden will travel to the Hill around 4:30 p.m. in an attempt to sell the compromise Mr. Obama announced this week.,,2,2 "In that letter he argued that he was more supportive of gay rights than his Democratic opponent at the time, Senator Edward M. Kennedy.",,2,2 "“I want to make sure that other Americans hear ... the president make this issue of Russian interference a priority in the meeting,” Warner, D-Va., told reporters on Capitol Hill Friday.",,2,2 Let’s recap what we saw on this video.,,2,2 """Tom Brady, George Clooney, James Bond, the president have nothing on Mo.""",,2,2 "“Today, his fellow Missourians urged him to step aside, and I think he should accept their counsel and exit the Senate race,” Mr. Romney said in a statement, citing former Missouri senators like John Ashcroft, Kit Bond, John Danforth and Jim Talent.",,2,2 "“It was the president who was trying to be cute by half by flipping a script demonizing Iraq, while saying the battle really should be Afghanistan,” Mr. Steele said, according to a video of his remarks that was circulated by Democrats on Friday.",who was trying to be cute,1,1 "Police are spending more time and money making arrests, housing inmates, impounding vehicles, seizing drugs and handling other problems related to Colorado pot.",,2,2 “And you can’t fix crazy.”,“And you can’t fix crazy.”,1,1 "The package addressed Brennan was sent to CNN’s New York City bureau, sparking an evacuation Wednesday.",,2,2 "The reading of the document on the floor of the House, an act that is part of the new rules package, serves several purposes, said Representative Robert W. Goodlatte, Republican of Virginia, who came up with the idea for the live reading.",,2,2 "But the former governor has opposed calls for a higher minimum wage, calling it government intrusion, and he has suggested that policies that encourage a dependency on federal benefits have helped hold wages down.",,2,2 "UPDATE - May 30, 10 p.m.: Kathy Griffin issued a formal apology for the controversial images on Twitter.",,2,2 Frank praised Cowan in a brief statement Wednesday.,praised,0,1 "House Republicans fumed over the comments on Friday, with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., prodding Speaker Nancy Pelosi to act.",,2,2 Mattis had also argued that the U.S. should consider staying in the Iran nuclear deal unless Tehran was found not to be abiding by the multi-nation agreement.,,2,2 "The pressure on Mr. Ryan is part of an effort by some Catholic leaders who are political independents, liberals and Democrats to make it clear that the Catholic church is not an arm of the Republican Party.",,2,2 The chief justice also asked Mr. Sellers “how many examples of abuse of the subjective discrimination delegation need to be shown before you can say that flows from the policy rather than from bad actors?”,,2,2 "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., tweeted, “What we didn’t hear from the President was any sympathy for the federal workers who face so much uncertainty because of the chaos of the #TrumpShutdown.”",“What we didn’t hear from the President was any sympathy for the federal workers who face so much uncertainty because of the chaos of the #TrumpShutdown.”,1,1 He called it “the easy route” while insisting that he’d rather Congress approve his border wall funding.,,2,2 It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve.,,2,2 "The National Organization for Women President Terry O'Neill said that the cover of the magazine's latest edition is ""sexist"" and referred to a simple test by the group's founder Gloria Steinem to explain how they determined that conclusion -- would the magazine do the same to a man.","""sexist""",1,1 It is also the frankest acknowledgment yet by a top American official of the degree to which the controversy has damaged United States-Israeli relations.,It is also the frankest acknowledgment yet by a top American official of the degree to which the controversy has damaged United States-Israeli relations.,1,1 The Department of Justice will hold a press conference at 2:30 p.m. ET.,,2,2 "At 6:41 p.m., Shawn Turner, the spokesman for the director of national intelligence, suggested saying that on Sept. 10, the C.I.A. had “notified” the American embassy in Cairo, not “warned” it, of social media reports calling for a demonstration and encouraging jihadists to break into the embassy.",,2,2 "“But in the end, if we are smart, tough and well prepared, we will get along with everyone!",,2,2 He has argued that he deserves credit for building the party in all corners of the country and winning control of the House of Representatives last month.,,2,2 "In her first legislative act as speaker, Ms. Pelosi plans on Thursday to bring up two bills to reopen the government.",,2,2 The move was meant to convince voters that Trump would remain faithful to the Republican Party even if he lost.,,2,2 "Now he's holding federal workers hostage, saying he'll temporarily give back what he took away -- only if we give him a pointless, ineffective wall he falsely promised Mexico would pay for.","Now he's holding federal workers hostage, saying he'll temporarily give back what he took away -- only if we give him a pointless, ineffective wall he falsely promised Mexico would pay for.",1,1 “One of them was promoted into a managerial position. One was terminated for disciplinary violations. One was promoted and then had a disciplinary problem and then was demoted.”,“One of them was promoted into a managerial position. One was terminated for disciplinary violations. One was promoted and then had a disciplinary problem and then was demoted.”,1,1 "“I met with all of them,” he said. “But it’s tough.",,2,2 "“There’s some huge, huge holes in the process that are set up to keep communities safe.",,2,2 "“He underwent immediate surgery and an additional procedure to stop bleeding,” the hospital said, noting the congressman had received multiple blood transfusions and remained in critical condition late Wednesday.",,2,2 But Democrats continued to insist they will not negotiate with Mr. Trump over border security until the government reopens.,,2,2 We can't afford to be politically correct anymore.”,,2,2 """It is going to be a very good year.",,2,2 And that was the point of contention for Democratic lawmakers who complained that exempting parts of the document from the reading undermines the objective of the exercise.,complained,0,1 It dipped to $1.5 billion the following year and roughly $1.35 billion in fiscal 2012 -- still far more than it was a decade ago.,,2,2 "However, one of her lawyers, Tom Kirsch, says the plea agreement ""does not contemplate a sentence of that length.""",,2,2 "On Friday morning, the authorities surrounded a white van with pro-Trump stickers on it, and television news later showed images of the authorities hauling the van away on a truck underneath a tarp. ",,2,2 "Lerner is represented by lawyer William W. Taylor, who is noted for winning a dismissal of all charges against former IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn in a high-profile sexual assault case.",,2,2 "But Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), won most of the subsequent primaries, and Huckabee withdrew from the race that March.",,2,2 "“President Obama has said that he’s determined to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and I appreciate that and I respect that,” Netanyahu said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”","“President Obama has said that he’s determined to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and I appreciate that and I respect that,”",1,1 "Clapper also said the government was ""prohibited from indiscriminately sifting through the telephony metadata acquired under the program.”","""prohibited from indiscriminately sifting through the telephony metadata acquired under the program.”",1,1 "Down the line, the witnesses warned that Vladimir V. Putin’s Russia would only grow bolder in its efforts to destabilize western democracies, including the United States.",,2,2 Warner said in a statement: “Congress and the American people deserve to judge the facts for themselves.,,2,2 It also serves as a campaign platform for Democrats ahead of 2020.,,2,2 Afghanistan's security forces rely heavily on U.S. airpower against both Taliban and an upstart Islamic State affiliate. ,,2,2 "Last year, Mr. Trump and Mr. Schumer negotiated $25 billion in wall money for a pathway to citizenship for the Dreamers.",,2,2 "Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., announced he will be introducing legislation “to deal with the issue of birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants” and said it was a “magnet for illegal immigration in modern times.”",,2,2 "The NRA also put out a statement on the report, over which the gun lobby insists it had no influence.",insists,0,1 But the Weekly Standard editor was not alone.,,2,2 """The First Amendment protects freedom of religion,"" Manley said.",,2,2 Mr. Bloomberg made his billions in finance and technology; Mr. Trump got his start in real estate before becoming a casino magnate and then a reality-show celebrity.,,2,2 "But Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, draws a distinction between the holding of such briefings and the informed consent of Congress.",,2,2 "“Nice to see all of you,” he said as he kept walking, CNN’s Deirdre Walsh tweeted.",,2,2 "Despite the closed-door lunchtime meeting, Senate aides told The Times afterward that about 30 Democratic senators remained “firmly opposed” to the president’s negotiated deal after hearing from the vice president.",,2,2 "That campaign started Wednesday and runs through Nov. 5 in cable and broadcast TV markets in Florida, Nevada, Ohio and Pennsylvania.",,2,2 That’s what we need.”,That’s what we need.”,1,1 "“You paid into Medicare for years, every paycheck,” the advertisement says.",,2,2 "I think Raul brings that,"" Paul told reporters, according to the Spokesman-Review.",,2,2 "While being questioned at the House Foreign Relations Committee by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), Clinton urged that he read the classified ARB report to find his answers.",,2,2 He said he will be seeking “spiritual guidance” from his family.,,2,2 """The legalization of marijuana is clearly in violation of the federal Controlled Substances Act and is not implemented in a vacuum.""",clearly,0,1 "“For one thing, this proposal does not include the permanent solution for the Dreamers and TPS recipients that our country needs and supports.”",,2,2 "Raul Labrador, a 46-year-old Mormon father of five, tea party congressman and Puerto Rican-born only child of a single mother, will challenge House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for the position of House majority leader.",,2,2 """It can't just be the usual suspects,"" he continued.",,2,2 "Clinton tweeted that she's ""fired up.""",,2,2 Her mind is shot - resign!,Her mind is shot - resign!,1,1 """It was a private fact, but now known publicly thanks to the lieutenant governor, that he also brought cool,"" Patrick said to laughs.","""It was a private fact, but now known publicly thanks to the lieutenant governor, that he also brought cool,""",1,1 "Mattioli praised the NRA ""for coming up and spending the time and resources on putting a program like this together.""","Mattioli praised the NRA ""for coming up and spending the time and resources on putting a program like this together.""",1,1 She called for a “balanced” agreement of both revenue increases and spending cuts.,,2,2 "So if you're going to protect children, you have to do something about enhancing school safety,"" he said.",,2,2 "While Fox said that he believes that Americans will not elect the real estate tycoon to the White House, he is concerned about the results of the Nevada caucus, in which, according to entrance polls, Trump won 44 percent of the Hispanic vote.",,2,2 "But Mr. Mattis’s core complaint was that Mr. Trump had lost sight of the importance of the competition for global power with Russia and China, who want “a world consistent with their authoritarian model.”",,2,2 """There's a real sense in the Republican Party that there's no one speaking, not only to them, but speaking for them,"" Huckabee said then.",,2,2 "She made no apologies for the remark on Friday, proclaiming that “I will always speak truth to power” and fashioning her own hashtag, #unapologeticallyme.","fashioning her own hashtag, #unapologeticallyme",1,1 "Obama Gun Control Proposals Unveiled, Marking Biggest Legislative Effort In A Generation",,2,2 "“There is no pathway to citizenship in this proposal,” Mr. Pence said.",,2,2 Four other candidates — Senators Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota; Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington; former Representative John Delaney; and Julián Castro — also called for the release of the full report.,,2,2 "And he said 'I knew you'd say that,'"" before the conversation moved on to other subjects.",,2,2 "Netanyahu was invited by House Speaker John Boehner, the leader of the Republican-controlled chamber, without him first conferring with the White House or State Department.",without him first conferring with the White House or State Department,1,0 "Such a move is generally considered a diplomatic no-no, but Boehner says he wanted to bring in Netanyahu to address the nuclear threat from Iran amid ongoing negotiations between Washington and Tehran.",diplomatic no-no,0,1 "“Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position.”",,2,2 Some leading Democrats said it was the president’s role to stand up for constitutional rights in the mosque dispute.,,2,2 "America is an idea that sets people free.""",,2,2 "The group that produced the ad, Secure America Now, is run by two longtime Republican strategists, Nelson Warfield ? and John ?McLaughlin, and ?Pat Caddell, a former aide to Jimmy Carter who is now a Fox News contributor.",,2,2 The plan was already earning a mixed response from lawmakers.,,2,2 "“How about the mayor starts it off in honor of the city?” Mr. Trump was quoted as saying, playing peacemaker and showing deference to Mr. Bloomberg.",playing peacemaker and showing deference to Mr. Bloomberg,1,1 "On Feb. 8, 2011, Senators Dianne Feinstein of California, the chairwoman of the Intelligence Committee, and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the ranking Republican on the panel, invited every senator to a briefing with Mr. Clapper and Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to discuss expiring provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.",,2,2 "Instead, he went on to anchor the five vote conservative majority’s decisions in controversial cases.",,2,2 "That decision did not sit well with some other state Republicans, and on Wednesday morning, the spotlight shifted to them as the president of the Senate, whose members govern larger and more competitive districts, made a public break with his colleagues in the House.",,2,2 Pelosi said afterward that she was “exhilarated” by the strong support and reminded reporters that she had accurately predicted winning two-thirds of the vote.,,2,2 The American Civil Liberties Union urged members to vote against the bill.,,2,2 Both the Des Moines Register and the Quad-City Times featured the backlash over Braley’s comments on their front pages.,,2,2 Patrick also announced the general election date Wednesday.,,2,2 Prosecutors said Hunter and his wife “mischaracterized” the purchases in Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings to hide the illicit spending.,,2,2 "He acknowledged he ""used money that shouldn't have been used,"" calling the government's statement accurate and saying he had ""no interest in wasting the taxpayers' time or money.""",,2,2 "California Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday was appointed to an eighth term as House minority leader, surviving a challenge from a Midwestern Democrat backed by caucus members frustrated over repeated election loses and an aging leadership team.",surviving,0,1 He added that Ryan was investigating the matter alongside the Federal Election Commission.,,2,2 "“I believe the issue of marriage must be decided by the states, and by the people in the states, not by judges and not even by legislators, but by the people themselves.”",,2,2 """Walls should not be controversial,"" he said.",,2,2 """They used names like Tea Party or patriots ... and they selected cases simply because the application had those names in the title,"" she admitted.",,2,2 “The Republican Senate caucus has clearly stated that we need an acceptable plan for corrective action before the determination of whether the Legislature should convene is made.”,,2,2 "The Dems have just learned that a Shutdown is not the answer!"" he said.",,2,2 "Oh, not a theology based on the Bible, a different theology,” he said.",,2,2 "Federally or state-run education is not designed to meet the needs of the customer.""",,2,2 O'Malley held a day's events in the state last week.,,2,2 Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump immediately fired back.,,2,2 Romney told a local Denver TV station earlier on Wednesday that he opposes both same-sex marriage and civil unions.,,2,2 "Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, who was charged last month in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian collusion, also attended the meeting.",,2,2 "The GOP front-runner, who has made many outrageous comments about Latinos including calling Mexican immigrants ""criminals"" and ""rapists,"" insists he'll coerce Mexico into paying for a wall to keep undocumented migrants out of the U.S. if he's elected.",coerce,0,1 Mr. McConnell and Mr. Schumer huddled on Thursday night after the failed votes to discuss a path forward.,,2,2 The site said the photo was tweeted to a female college student in Seattle.,,2,2 """We know about the secret wiretaps, we know about the secret military tribunals, the secret White House email accounts,"" she said.","""We know about the secret wiretaps, we know about the secret military tribunals, the secret White House email accounts,""",1,1 "In a statement Saturday aftternoon, BuzzFeed spokesman Matt Mittenthal doubled down on the organization's defense of its reporting.",,2,2 "On Thursday morning on the Senate floor, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., argued against a “career politician” of either party to lead the FBI, though he did not name Lieberman.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON -- In a bold and potentially historic attempt to stem the increase in mass gun violence, President Barack Obama unveiled on Wednesday the most sweeping effort at gun control policy reform in a generation.",bold and potentially historic,0,1 "The For The People Act, which passed 234-193, was Democrats’ top priority upon winning control of the House in the 2018 elections.",,2,2 "In a Wednesday press conference announcing his opposition to the initial version of the bill, Hutchinson said his son had asked him to veto the legislation.",,2,2 "His rejection of the figure seemed to confirm the concerns of Democratic leaders who had questioned whether they could trust senior White House officials to broker any compromise that could then be rejected by a president who has often shifted his position at the last moment, especially when it comes to immigration.",a president who has often shifted his position at the last moment,1,1 Obama Willing to Use Executive Orders on Guns,,2,2 "And if the Senate passes a bill, we will also take a look at that,"" Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said.",,2,2 "In an open letter to the people of Ferguson, Mr. Holder said he understood the desire of residents for an “independent” inquiry.",,2,2 "He pointed to a group of at least 544 women who serve as store managers who ""are alleged to be both discriminators and victims.""",,2,2 The possibility of increasing Medicare premiums for higher-income earners was also floated.,,2,2 "A former NSA official told Fox News the FBI and National Security Agency (NSA) have been tapping into leading U.S. Internet companies to pull audio, video and photographs.",,2,2 "It has the full support of the President and could be signed into law to quickly reopen the government.""",,2,2 "But whatever the issue, Huckabee, also an author, wraps his appeal as a pitch to everyday Americans who he says ""don't feel like anybody understands or knows who they are, much less cares what's happening to them.""","But whatever the issue, Huckabee, also an author, wraps his appeal as a pitch to everyday Americans who he says ""don't feel like anybody understands or knows who they are, much less cares what's happening to them.""",1,1 Press Secretary Robert Gibbs declined repeated attempts for comment before relaying to reporters that he and White House lawyers had looked into the matter and found it legally permissible.,declined repeated attempts for comment,1,1 Wray noted that the investigation was ongoing and warned there could be other packages not yet intercepted.,,2,2 "Two of the named plaintiffs, Christine Kwapnoski and Betty Dukes, attended the argument.",,2,2 That did not satisfy Justice Scalia.,,2,2 "Rubio has also opposed the Obama administration’s negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, pressed for more support of rebels in Syria and advocated to increase aid to the government of Ukraine to counter Russia's influence in the east of the country.",,2,2 The legislation gives victims' families the right to sue in U.S. court for any role that elements of the Saudi government may have played in the 2001 attacks.,,2,2 Christie has also faced criticism for reversinghis position recently on Common Core education standards.,Christie has also faced criticism for reversinghis position recently on Common Core education standards.,1,1 But it would be partly offset by new federal spending on benefits for same-sex spouses.,,2,2 "The governor, amid calls by critics to veto the bill, made clear he still supports the intent of the legislation -- which prohibits state and local governments from infringing upon someone's religious beliefs without a compelling interest.",,2,2 "The congressman, who described the incident as ""mischief,"" continued to allege that he was the victim of a computer hacker.",continued to allege,0,1 """Nebraska officials are acting like bullies, and they have no business trying to dictate Colorado's marijuana laws,"" Tvert said to HuffPost.","""Nebraska officials are acting like bullies, and they have no business trying to dictate Colorado's marijuana laws,""",1,1 "Still, Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) announced the outlines of a Senate companion bill on Wednesday.",,2,2 "How come in the hospital itself, okay? This is one of the...in the hospital itself, there's no records of his birth.",,2,2 We have guessed the password.,,2,2 “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”,,2,2 "Batting down allegations that the White House dangled the secretary of Navy position in front of Sestak, the report said that Sestak was offered executive branch positions on advisory boards that were uncompensated.",Batting down,0,1 "Portions of the U.S. Constitution are never deleted, just amended, as has been done 27 times in history.",,2,2 "He may have a personal fondness for her, but Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) suggested Thursday that Hillary Clinton’s exclusive use of personal email while serving as secretary of state was hypocritical. ","He may have a personal fondness for her, but Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) suggested Thursday that Hillary Clinton’s exclusive use of personal email while serving as secretary of state was hypocritical.",1,1 "“It’s not against the president,” she said.","“It’s not against the president,”",1,1 "Donald J. Trump on Tuesday assailed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the Supreme Court for speaking out on the presidential race, calling her disdainful remarks about his candidacy “highly inappropriate” and suggesting that she owed other justices an apology.",disdainful,0,1 "“I have prayed over this,” Corfman told the Post as to why she came forward, “All I know is that I can’t sit back and let this continue, let him continue without the mask being removed.”",,2,2 "The video touched off a storm of protests from people on all sides of the political spectrum, which forced Ms. Griffin to apologize, and CNN announced that it would fire her from the annual New Year’s Eve program she has co-hosted.",forced,0,1 "Christie has maintained that he had no involvement in, or knowledge of, the plan.",,2,2 "“This investigation is not politically motivated; it is not a witch hunt; it is not a hoax,” he said.",,2,2 "The total wall funding will now come to about $8 billion, partially approved by Congress but mostly by Trump alone.",,2,2 "Historian Alan Brinkley of Columbia University told Fox News the reading may be ""a bit of theater,"" but it is ""not insignificant given that many Republicans have decided -- implausibly, in my opinion -- that the Constitution is the vehicle that can reduce the size of government.""","""a bit of theater,""",1,1 "“There are the voices that are for the deal no matter what’s in it, and there are voices that are against the deal no matter what’s in it.",,2,2 But the way he speaks about his military service has led to confusion and frequent mischaracterizations of his biography in his home state newspapers.,,2,2 ‘Total contrived media garbage’,‘Total contrived media garbage’,1,0 """I have been watching Governor Perry and Texas closely and know his border surge operations with state, local and federal law enforcement officials have helped shut down the illegal trafficking of weapons, drugs and people.",,2,2 "What difference, at this point, does it make?” Mrs. Clinton said, her voice rising.",her voice rising,1,1 "Jess Morales Rocketto, the chairwoman of Families Belong Together, an immigrant advocacy group, called the idea “ethnic cleansing.”",“ethnic cleansing.”,0,1 "To which Duncan replied: ""It was a terrorist attack.",,2,2 "Mrs. Clinton called Ms. Pelosi “as strong a supporter” as Mr. Obama has, and said she hoped Mr. Obama would “seize” the chance to work with Democrats to improve the trade pact.",,2,2 "Republican officials in Alabama staunchly defended their party’s Senate nominee, Roy S. Moore, after a report that he had made sexual advances toward four teenage girls when he was in his 30s.",staunchly,0,1 He adding that the issue has been “under study for years” but that he would provide an update after additional review.,,2,2 "In some instances, teams of officers abruptly entered the crowd, detained a single person whom they had apparently focused on, and returned to West Florissant Avenue, where many of the recent confrontations have occurred.",,2,2 "If the material was too sensitive to share publicly months, weeks or days ago, what changed on Wednesday?",,2,2 "David Sanford, who represents plaintiffs in other class-action cases, said after the arguments that the court seemed inclined to rule against the Wal-Mart women.",,2,2 "In the wake of the Orlando attack, Trump again defended his proposals, saying on Twitter: “What has happened in Orlando is just the beginning.",,2,2 "“We got wiped out in the Midwest, and we’re toxic in rural America,” aides said Mr. Ryan told his colleagues behind closed doors before the vote.",toxic,0,1 "Not surprisingly, he plans to put the town hall meeting at the center of his candidacy — and to put his hopes in a state, New Hampshire, that is famed for its own town hall meetings.",,2,2 "The president reportedly told the Democrats in a meeting that Republicans need to take action on immigration in order to keep the volatile issue from hurting their chances with Latino voters, as it appears to have done in 2012, when GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney did extremely poorly with the increasingly important voting bloc.",,2,2 "Hours before Trump’s review announcement, the FWS defended its decision as “part of a robust United States conservation strategy that seeks to eliminate poaching and associated wildlife trafficking.”",,2,2 Both men were fired before they were eligible for their pension and health benefits.,,2,2 "“We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008.",,2,2 "Kristen Breitweiser, a 9/11 widow and co-chair of September 11th Advocates, criticized Carter's assessment, saying that the defense secretary had testified before Congress last week that he wasn't an expert on the bill.",,2,2 "Trump wound up winning Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by a total of 78,000 votes.",,2,2 "“We stand by our reporting and the sources who informed it, and we urge the Special Counsel to make clear what he’s disputing,” Mr. Smith said on Twitter.",we urge the Special Counsel to make clear what he’s disputing,1,1 Mr. Strzok responds: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.” ,,2,2 "“No, not $2.5 billion, no — we’re asking for $5.6” billion, Mr. Trump said during a cabinet meeting, hours before the Situation Room briefing.",,2,2 "Defense Secretary Ash Carter, in a letter Monday to a senior member of Congress, said he's sympathetic to the intent of the measure.",,2,2 The speech comes after a year in which Beck's growing popularity as a Fox News host coincided with the rise of the Tea Party Movement and populist rage directed at Washington.,,2,2 "On Tuesday as the House was preparing to vote on the nation's debt limit, Weiner was back tweeting about the vote with his usual partisan edge.",usual partisan edge,1,1 "But he expressed no concern that diverting military construction money would delay projects benefiting the troops like base housing, schools and gyms.","But he expressed no concern that diverting military construction money would delay projects benefiting the troops like base housing, schools and gyms.",1,1 "If last year's CPAC keynote speech - delivered by radio host Rush Limbaugh - was defined by urging President Barack Obama to fail, Beck's stood out for his demand that conservatism succeed.",,2,2 "“I am confident this is the right and best choice,” Patrick said at a late-morning press conference.","“I am confident this is the right and best choice,”",1,1 "“I think the vice president very well knows that sometimes the words don’t come out of your mouth the right way,” he said with a gotcha smile.",,2,2 Mr. Pearce had pushed through a controversial law last year that would have turned police officers throughout the state into de facto immigration agents.,,2,2 -Dick has been a constant champion of veterans and of the military.,,2,2 "“It involves extensive procedures, specifically approved by the court, to ensure that only non-U.S. persons outside the U.S. are targeted, and that minimize the acquisition, retention and dissemination of incidentally acquired information about U.S. persons.”",,2,2 "“There should be no one-on-one meeting between President Trump and Vladimir Putin,” Warner told reporters Friday.",,2,2 She sees it as a paperwork bother more than a financial issue.,,2,2 "With time short before Ms. Rice began taping her appearances on Sunday morning news programs, the White House also supplied her aides with the final talking points.",,2,2 "And so, sentence by sentence, in accents that reflect the myriad districts that did not even exist when the document came into being, by women and African Americans whose full rights were not recognized at that time, the constitutional language fluttered through the chamber.",,2,2 “But legalization with no path to citizenship can gain some votes.”,,2,2 """Both the letter and spirit of the rules permitted State Department officials to use non-government email, as long as appropriate records were preserved.""",,2,2 "Pelosi, who is expected to return to the House speakership Thursday afternoon after eight years as minority leader, intends as her first action to pass spending bills that won Republican support last year to reopen the closed agencies.",,2,2 "Trump, however, did not mention them during extended remarks he offered shortly before his meeting with the eight top Democratic and Republican congressional leaders.",,2,2 "The letter from Taylor states that her testimony would ""have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her.""","""have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her.""",1,0 "Instead, Christie was seen that October praising President Barack Obama for responsiveness and ""leadership"" in the storm's aftermath.",,2,2 Wal-Mart's appeal is asking the Supreme Court to stop the case from ever getting to a trial judge.,,2,2 "Previously, such couples filed federal and state tax returns as individuals.",,2,2 The bill’s remaining supporters took to the airwaves and the Internet to defend it.,,2,2 He added that Mr. Mattis “rightly believes that Russia and China are clear adversaries and that we are at war with jihadists across the globe who plot to kill Americans at home.”,,2,2 "The override, the first Mr. Obama has faced in his presidency, is expected to begin in the Senate on Wednesday, followed by the House on Thursday.",,2,2 "“Well, if he’s such a student of history, has he not understood that you know that’s the one thing you don’t do, is engage in a land war in Afghanistan?”",,2,2 "Brent Bozell, head of the Media Research Center and ForAmerica, said he's not surprised by the magazine cover.",,2,2 "At another point, during an exchange first reported by The Washington Post, Senator Ron Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin, vented at Mr. McConnell for putting Republicans in the position of having to vote on two competing approaches to reopen the government — one Republican and one Democratic — without consulting them first.",,2,2 "He did not comment at length on Sunday, but did say at a campaign stop in Las Vegas that Trump is “one of the most racist and uncivil presidents we have ever had.”",“one of the most racist and uncivil presidents we have ever had.”,1,1 "“Now we’re saying that with increased public attention, increased power, comes the responsibility to act responsibly.”",,2,2 "Ryan shot back, in reference to Biden's tendency to make gaffes: ""As the vice president very well knows ... sometimes the words don't come out of your mouth the right way.""",,2,2 I'm endorsing Rick Perry because we need a tough-on-crime president who will champion and fund full-time border security operations from Brownsville to San Diego.,,2,2 "I pledge to learn and grow (and I assure you I have) from this experience.""",,2,2 "While President Obama repeatedly promised to pull all troops out of Afghanistan by 2014, U.S. and NATO forces remain there in a predominately training and advising role.","While President Obama repeatedly promised to pull all troops out of Afghanistan by 2014, U.S. and NATO forces remain there in a predominately training and advising role.",1,0 "Mr. Sayoc’s arrest came only hours after the mysterious spate of pipe bombs spread further as federal authorities said on Friday morning that they had found two more of the explosive devices: one addressed to Senator Cory Booker and the other to James R. Clapper Jr., the former director of national intelligence.",,2,2 "Talking about her victory, she said: “And when your son looks at you and says, ‘Mama, look, you won.",,2,2 "On Wednesday, Trump appeared to shift stance somewhat by avoiding saying it would be ended by executive order, while acknowledging the matter “will be settled by the United States Supreme Court.”",,2,2 "“I told the American people that heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and I vowed to bring them to justice,” Mrs. Clinton said.",,2,2 "His evening Twitter message reversed a decision by his own administration over Zimbabwe that was announced this week and promoted as recently as Friday afternoon by the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.",,2,2 "He said he heard at least 30 shots and got down on the ground, but couldn’t see the shooter.",,2,2 "But the GOP bill incorporating his offer would also gut existing asylum laws for children and trafficking victims from Central America, ban asylum for minors who present themselves at ports of entry, gut the concept of temporary protected status for future cases and expand immigration detention ― all measures making it more likely to be dead on arrival in the Senate.",all measures making it more likely to be dead on arrival in the Senate,1,1 "That measure could pass both houses of Congress if it wins the votes of the half-dozen Republican senators who have criticized the declaration, forcing Mr. Trump to issue the first veto of his presidency.",,2,2 "“According to the indictment, the Hunters knew that many of their desired purchases could be made only by using campaign funds, since they did not otherwise have sufficient personal funds to pay for their purchases,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.",,2,2 "The NAACP resolution, first reported by the Kansas City Star, was expected to make reference to the March incident on Capitol Hill.",,2,2 "“He doesn’t just talk about it; he does something about it,” Mr. Arpaio said.",,2,2 "GOP Rep. Paul Ryan is heading to Georgetown University for a speech Thursday morning, but not before an old-fashioned, Catholic school knuckle-rapping.","old-fashioned, Catholic school knuckle-rapping",0,1 "But immigration advocates argue that scrapping the concept of birthright citizenship would do away with a vital principle, and would be counterproductive to the stated goals of those who, like Mr. Trump, rail routinely against illegal immigration.",,2,2 "“I’m worried about undermining our civil liberties, the constant wars going on, the debt of $16 trillion.",,2,2 "He rejects calls for a minimum wage hike, saying his proposals will yield a ""maximum wage"" for workers.",,2,2 "However, he later told Fox News that the video had glitches, which prompted him to take it down and then re-upload it.",,2,2 "He exchanged heated texts with Randy Credico, a New York radio host with his own contacts with WikiLeaks, pressuring Mr. Credico to lie to the Intelligence Committee so that his story would line up with Mr. Stone’s.",,2,2 Cowmen also emphasized that his assignment is “temporary” and that he will work together with Kerry’s team.,,2,2 """His refusal to meet is disappointing to those of us who have stood by Israel for decades.""","""His refusal to meet is disappointing to those of us who have stood by Israel for decades.""",1,1 "The Ryan proposal, submitted again in the House earlier this year, would a decade from now give seniors government payments to purchase private plans or stay within the current system.",,2,2 "Several candidates, in calling for the swift release of the report, also sought to gather new supporters and their email addresses by putting out “petitions” calling for complete transparency from the Justice Department.",“petitions”,0,1 """This afternoon, the President and Speaker Boehner met at the White House to discuss efforts to resolve the fiscal cliff.",,2,2 "Burton said that he ""can't speak to the politics of what the Republicans are doing,"" but the president was not looking to make political hay with his remarks, which he reportedly considered carefully before delivering them at a White House dinner on Friday night.",reportedly considered carefully,0,1 "“The campaign and the state party intend to cooperate with the U.S. attorney’s office and the state legislative committee and will respond to the subpoenas accordingly,” Mr. Sheridan said.",,2,2 "“Even Nixon didn’t destroy the tapes,” Mr. Priebus said, referring to the Watergate scandal that ultimately led to President Richard M. Nixon’s resignation.","“Even Nixon didn’t destroy the tapes,”",1,0 "“However valid her comments may have been, though, and however in keeping with her known political bent, they were still much, much better left unsaid by a member of the Supreme Court,” The Washington Post’s editorial board said Tuesday.",,2,2 "The bill, which Saudi Arabia has fiercely opposed and has hired a phalanx of lobbyists to combat, addresses a 1976 law that gives other countries broad immunity from American lawsuits, amending it to allow for nations to be sued in federal courts if they are found to have played any role in terrorist attacks that killed Americans on home soil.",,2,2 "In response to a question after his speech, Obama defended the programs as essential to combating terrorist threats.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump, typically, has not shied away from counterattacks.",,2,2 "Last summer, Mr. Jackson took a medical leave from Congress and was later treated for bipolar disorder.",,2,2 Trump has faced intense criticism from members of both parties for his calls to temporarily ban Muslim immigration to the U.S.,Trump has faced intense criticism from members of both parties for his calls to temporarily ban Muslim immigration to the U.S.,1,1 "Trump's campaign said he would be delivering a ""major speech"" in New Hampshire on Monday that would address ""this terrorist attack, immigration, and national security.""","""major speech""",0,1 "Burr added that if there is no response from Flynn, the committee may consider pursuing a contempt of Congress charge.",,2,2 Democrats appeared united in condemnation against Trump’s move this week. ,condemnation,0,1 “The president must stop holding government hostage and end the shutdown so federal employees can get back to work serving the American people.,stop holding government hostage,1,1 "After the hearing, Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, Reid H. Weingarten, said his client had “come to terms with his misconduct.”",,2,2 "“Just because you’re only getting 30 percent of the vote in some area doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go there,” said Representative Cedric L. Richmond of Louisiana.",,2,2 "One of them, Senator Susan Collins of Maine, is among only a handful of Republicans who have broken with the president and called for the government to reopen without a border security deal.",,2,2 """We brought this to their attention five weeks ago,"" said Sen. Steve Gallardo, D-Phoenix.",,2,2 Mr. Strzok became emblematic of Mr. Trump’s unfounded assertions that a so-called deep state of bureaucrats opposed to him was undermining his presidency. ,so-called,0,1 "The shutdown left more than 800,000 federal employees and contractors furloughed or working without pay.",,2,2 "Democrats must put their personal dislike of the president aside, end their obstruction, and finally come to the negotiating table.",,2,2 She won despite her proposals doing little to ensure new blood at the very top or changing the seniority system that has key committees led by lawmakers in their 80s at a moment when the party needs to be defending ObamaCare and other initiatives by President Obama.,despite her proposals doing little to ensure new blood at the very top or changing the seniority system that has key committees led by lawmakers in their 80s,1,1 "But the president's budget director told Fox News that even when the trust funds run out, both Social Security and Medicare would still have some income.",,2,2 "Bush’s brother Jeb, who has all but formally announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, raised eyebrows Monday after telling Fox News he supported the invasion even now that he knows Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction.",,2,2 "Mr. Stone told Mr. Credico he should “do a ‘Frank Pentangeli’” before the House committee, the indictment said, a reference to a “Godfather” character who lies to Congress about his interactions with the Mafia.",“do a ‘Frank Pentangeli’”,1,1 Mr. Mattis had repeatedly told friends and aides over recent months that he viewed his responsibility to protect the United States’ 1.3 million active-duty troops as worth the concessions necessary as defense secretary to a mercurial president.,mercurial,0,1 "Among the study’s central conclusions is that “the presence of armed security personnel adds a layer of security and diminishes response time” in a shooting, Mr. Hutchinson said.",,2,2 "While conservatives have complained for years about what they say is discrimination by the tech giants, the controversy escalated last month when Vice News reported the issue, saying that accounts from top Republicans including GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel were being given limited visibility on Twitter. ",complained,0,0 "“Tell me who you are,” Mr. Etheridge said. “Tell me who you are.”",,2,2 "The National Guard was finally brought in to try to temper the unrest, but its role was not exactly clear.",,2,2 "The Obama-era program that protected young undocumented immigrants — Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA — is an important issue, he said, but “it isn’t the bread and butter of successful Democrat politics.”",,2,2 "Now that President Obama, long a supporter of civil unions, has publicly embraced same-sex marriage, the question of precisely what legal status and protections should be granted to gay couples is emerging as an issue of the starkest possible contrast between the two presidential candidates.",,2,2 "For Beck and the surrounding CPAC crowd, however, ideological purity was the path to redemption and recovery.",,2,2 "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a personal email account to exclusively conduct official business during her time at the State Department, a move that raises questions about access to the full archive of her correspondence, as well as the possibility that she violated federal law requiring official messages to be retained for the record.",exclusively,0,1 """We need to keep it that way. We want it that way. I think Israel wants it that way. The American people want it that way.",,2,2 "The only announced candidate for the general election is Markey, who has received a flood of endorsements from Democrats -- including Kerry -- and has a $3.1 million war chest.",,2,2 "The chorus of opposition has grown each day, with the business community, the state's Super Bowl Committee and both Republican U.S. senators calling for a veto.",,2,2 "“Your tenure has, of course, been marked by gaffes and embarrassments, but I for one have never paid much attention to them, and have never thought they would matter much to the success of the causes and principles we share,” Mr. Kristol wrote Friday.","Your tenure has, of course, been marked by gaffes and embarrassments",1,1 """""We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,"" Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008.",,2,2 """[Clinton] was the chief architect of a foreign policy that was a disaster,"" he said during an interview with Charlie Rose following the speech.","""[Clinton] was the chief architect of a foreign policy that was a disaster,""",1,0 A pillar of their grass-roots movement will become a staple in the bureaucracy that governs Congress.”,,2,2 "The case started a decade ago when Wal-Mart worker Betty Dukes said the management at her Pittsburg, Calif., store was bypassing her for promotions.",,2,2 "Etheridge, a Democrat, is seen in an amateur video grabbing the wrist and neck of an unidentified young man after the man approached the congressman and asked if he supported the ""Obama agenda.""",,2,2 ” He continued the theme at his news conference by asserting that “you can’t impeach somebody who is doing a great job.”,somebody who is doing a great job,1,1 There was nothing to hide!”,,2,2 "Three days after an Internet video surfaced showing North Carolina Rep. Bob Etheridge in a physical confrontation with a young man, the lawmaker said he is ""profoundly"" sorry for the tussle on a Washington street.",,2,2 "One State Department official said that if many lawyers were dedicated to the project, it could be completed in several weeks.",,2,2 Republicans have expressed concern that a Democratic commander in chief could cite Mr. Trump’s move to declare a national emergency over gun violence or climate change without legislation from Congress.,,2,2 But he but did not apologize for statements he made last week that linked trafficking in the drug to blacks and Hispanics.,,2,2 These are two standout changes on a long list of new rules Republicans will institute in the House when they assume the majority on Jan. 5.,,2,2 "“The basic perspective that I have over this whole thing, dating back to the shooting incident itself, what we had were largely peaceful vigils and protests that were met with police tactics that were highly aggressive and militaristic,” he said.",what we had were largely peaceful vigils and protests that were met with police tactics that were highly aggressive and militaristic,1,1 But little is known about these “students.”,“students.”,0,0 Mr. Issa and all seven Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have asked the Justice Department to appoint a special prosecutor.,,2,2 "Lerner's decision to plead the Fifth comes as the Department of Justice has initiated an investigation into whether laws were broken at the IRS, according to Taylor's letter to the committee.",,2,2 The comment comes less than 48 hours after it was first announced that the Trump administration would reverse a 2014 ban made under President Obama on permits for elephant trophies from Zambia and Zimbabwe.,,2,2 """You've been debating a commemorative coin for baseball.",,2,2 "He said he's asked an Internet security firm and a law firm to take a ""hard look"" at the incident and find out what happened, though he suggested he doesn't want to make a federal case out of it.",,2,2 Listening to Michael R. Bloomberg rage about Donald J. Trump in his speech at the Democratic National Convention this week — labeling him a public menace and hinting that he was not quite sane — it would be easy to think that the two billionaires had a rift going back many years.,labeling him a public menace and hinting that he was not quite sane,1,1 "During Thursday’s meeting at the White House, officials said that Mr. Trump again asked Mr. Mattis to publicly endorse the Syria decision.",,2,2 "The mayors of Minnesota's Twin Cities, Minneapolis and St. Paul, have also condemned the measure.","The mayors of Minnesota's Twin Cities, Minneapolis and St. Paul, have also condemned the measure.",1,1 "Her views were widely circulated and eventually posted on Twitter by a reporter for The Root, a news, opinion and culture site aimed at African-American audiences.",,2,2 """The leverage is going to shift to our side, where hopefully we'll do the same thing we did last time.""",,2,2 "He has vowed to “open up” the nation’s libel laws, even though those statutes are in fact state, not federal, laws.","even though those statutes are in fact state, not federal, laws",1,1 "On Capitol Hill, Mr. Obama’s legislative effort will face intense opposition from gun rights groups, including the National Rifle Association, and the lawmakers they support with millions of dollars at election time and who see gun rights as a defining issue in their districts.",,2,2 "House Democrats rejected Obama's trade agenda Friday by blocking a measure that would have granted him the power to fast-track sweeping, secretive international agreements through Congress.","House Democrats rejected Obama's trade agenda Friday by blocking a measure that would have granted him the power to fast-track sweeping, secretive international agreements through Congress.",1,1 "An angry Trump lashed out at Cruz on Twitter, calling the senator a liar, as he has alleged before in the campaign, and threatening to “spill the beans” about Cruz's wife Heidi.",,2,2 Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn? “A patriot.”,,2,2 It only energizes my base even more.,,2,2 "The White House has also not committed to sending a representative next week to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s conference, where Mr. Netanyahu is also scheduled to appear.",,2,2 But Mr. Gingrich showed no sign of backing down on Monday.,,2,2 "He made national headlines for losing more than 110 pounds from 2003 to 2006, and he publicly addressed his struggles with weight.",,2,2 "At a time when Gen. Petraeus has just taken over command, when Republicans in Congress are pushing for a clean war funding resolution, when Republicans around the country are doing their best to rally their fellow citizens behind the mission, your comment is more than an embarrassment.",your comment is more than an embarrassment,1,1 "“We’ve got a big challenge, and we’ve got work to do.”",,2,2 "Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson responded to claims that she is one of the mystery women referred to in the article, stating on Twitter that the allegation is “stupidity on all levels.”",,2,2 "“I came here to govern, not engage in partisan politics at the expense of hardworking Americans,” she said.","“I came here to govern, not engage in partisan politics at the expense of hardworking Americans,”",1,0 "In a statement on Thursday, the N.C.A.A. president, Mark Emmert, said the organization was “deeply concerned” about the legislation.","In a statement on Thursday, the N.C.A.A. president, Mark Emmert, said the organization was “deeply concerned” about the legislation.",1,1 "“If the Republicans in Congress or people at large in the country feel this is simply a way to nullify an election that others didn’t agree with, then you’re not going to meet the practical standards necessary,” Schiff said.",,2,2 Never has the oath been administered to a president who had never served either in public office or as a general in the military.,,2,2 A Frank representative did not respond to interview requests from The Huffington Post.,,2,2 Here's an excerpt from the Times report:,,2,2 "“I have been working hard for the people of Minnesota, and I think the people of Minnesota understand that, including in my party,” Ms. Klobuchar said.",,2,2 "Citing two federal law enforcement officials involved in the investigation, BuzzFeed’s Thursday night report claimed that Trump directed Cohen to lie about negotiations over a Trump Tower in Moscow.",,2,2 "Larry Summers, the outgoing chairman of the National Economic Council, just told a group of reporters that failure to pass a package like the tax deal announced by President Obama this week “would significantly increase the risk” of a double-dip recession.",,2,2 """I want to be crystal clear: these attacks are garbage,"" Cruz said Friday in a statement posted on Facebook.",these attacks are garbage,1,1 "But ultimately, supporting him could hurt more conservative members with the House leadership.",,2,2 "After 2036, the program will only be able to pay 77 percent of promised benefits.",,2,2 "But by nightfall, the decision was clear.",,2,2 Some lawmakers questioned whether his run was really a quest to win the majority leader’s post or merely to raise his own profile.,or merely to raise his own profile,1,1 "“There seemed to be some frustration on his part at times, and sometimes I got the impression that he couldn't defend the facts as they were, [so] raise your voice a little louder,” Gillespie said.","he couldn't defend the facts as they were, [so] raise your voice a little louder",1,1 "Bruning, along with Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, argue that under the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy Clause, Colorado's legalization of recreational marijuana is unconstitutional because marijuana remains illegal under federal law.",,2,2 "Rep. Thomas Massie, R-K.Y., took calls for additional security a step further on Thursday by re-introducing legislation that would allow those who have concealed carry permits in their home states to carry in Washington D.C.",,2,2 "The self-titled America's Toughest Sheriff, who famously re-instituted chain gangs in 1995 and has also been a major supporter of his state's controversial SB1070 immigration law, said that Perry has done more to combat illegal immigration along the U.S. border then any of the other candidates.",self-titled,0,1 Mr. Steele is expected to disclose his intentions during a conference call with committee members on Monday evening.,,2,2 Senate Democrats’ Vote to End Shutdown Infuriates Some on the Left,,2,2 "In the face of widespread public backlash, Tump announced late Friday that he has suspended — at least for now — his administration’s decision to reverse an Obama-era ban on the importation of elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia.",In the face of widespread public backlash,1,1 "At 7:51 p.m., the F.B.I. offered only minor changes to the draft, the bureau’s only suggestions during the contentious process.",,2,2 "In the note, he asked members to join him ""for a private conference call"" Monday evening.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced Thursday that when it comes to taxes, it will recognize same-sex couples' marriages even if they live in a state that does not.",,2,2 """Today marks a watershed moment in American politics,"" Cowan said.",,2,2 "Matt Kibbe, the group’s president and chief executive, said that he did not have great qualms with Mr. McCarthy’s ideology, but that he was more about politics than ideas.",,2,2 He also supports expanding foreign worker visa programs.,,2,2 """I went too far and I was wrong,"" she said.",,2,2 "He won re-election, and two years later further angered Democrats when he endorsed John McCain for president against eventual winner Barack Obama, even speaking at the Republican National Convention.",,2,2 "The lawsuit was brought by attorneys general in Nebraska and Oklahoma, and asks the United States Supreme Court to strike down key parts of a 2012 voter-approved measure that legalized marijuana in Colorado for adult use and created a new system of stores, taxes and regulations surrounding retail marijuana.",,2,2 But Justice Antonin Scalia was unconvinced.,,2,2 "Mr. Cooper distanced himself, as well.","Mr. Cooper distanced himself, as well.",1,1 The White House disputed Republican claims that the conversations might be illegal or improper.,,2,2 "In particular, they pointed to the fact that references to al Qaeda and previous security warnings were removed.",,2,2 """You are not supposed to worship your Constitution,"" he told the newspaper.","""You are not supposed to worship your Constitution,""",1,1 """We need to have the courage to choose, we need to have the courage to stand up and say 'enough,'"" Christie added.",,2,2 "The President works for the people, and he is not above the law.”",,2,2 """AARP's new and welcome position is a positive step towards the type of reforms I've championed, and I look forward to working with the organization to shape the changes in a way that makes the least detrimental impact to present and future retirees,"" she said in a statement.","""AARP's new and welcome position is a positive step towards the type of reforms I've championed, and I look forward to working with the organization to shape the changes in a way that makes the least detrimental impact to present and future retirees,""",1,1 "In October 2016, Mr. Stone exchanged emails with Stephen K. Bannon, then the chief executive of Mr. Trump’s campaign.",,2,2 The federal subpoenas are due Feb. 5.,,2,2 "America is an idea. America is an idea that sets people free.""",,2,2 Trump’s statement comes a day after the Senate failed to pass his proposal to reopen the government with border wall funding in exchange for temporary legal protection for some undocumented immigrants.,,2,2 "On Thursday, numerous Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill called on Moore to drop out of the race ― if the allegations are true.",,2,2 "Aside from Indiana, 15 other states have introduced legislation in 2015 to craft or alter their religious freedom laws.","Aside from Indiana, 15 other states have introduced legislation in 2015 to craft or alter their religious freedom laws.",1,1 "California Rep. Ed Royce on Friday questioned the action because of concerns not only about African wildlife but U.S. national security, citing the political upheaval in Zimbabwe, where the longtime president was placed under house arrest this week by the military.",,2,2 "The committee also heard testimony from Douglas H. Shulman, the former I.R.S. commissioner; Neal S. Wolin, the deputy secretary of the Treasury Department; and J. Russell George, the Treasury inspector general who looked into the accusations of targeting.",,2,2 "“A senior Trump campaign official was directed to contact Stone about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton campaign,” the indictment said, referring to WikiLeaks.",,2,2 "The special counsel’s statement Friday homed in on the statements, documents and testimony that was obtained by Mueller, but it did not directly dispute that Trump had directed Cohen to lie to Congress, nor did it make mention of the Trump Tower deal in Moscow.",,2,2 "In a statement to The Atlantic, Trump Jr.’s attorney, Alan Futerfas, said, “We can say with confidence that we have no concerns about these documents and any questions raised about them have been easily answered in the appropriate forum.”",,2,2 "The report also described the Clinton conversations as informal and not tied to any precise job offer since, as a former president, Clinton could not guarantee Sestak anything.",,2,2 "“The linguist in me noticed that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the last name is spelled missing a ‘c’ and John Brennan’s name is spelled missing an ‘n’ and that kind of surprised me and I have a feeling that was done on purpose to make this look like somebody who doesn’t really know who these people are and that it wasn’t an honest mistake. ",,2,2 """I think this is overdue, and I think other states should jump on board,"" Overman said of the lawsuit.",,2,2 This dual argument that confounded Justice Kennedy also drew the ire of Justice Antonin Scalia who said he was whipsawed by the claims.,,2,2 "UPDATE: Commenting on the Treasury Department's new policy, Edie Windsor hailed the decision as the precise remedy that she sought when she challenged the constitutionality of DOMA.",Edie Windsor hailed the decision as the precise remedy that she sought when she challenged the constitutionality of DOMA,1,1 "Ryan accused Obama of ""projecting weakness"" with his foreign policy, particularly in his response to the terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.",,2,2 "Larry Nordvig, executive director of the Richmond Tea Party, said the national groups were not aware of “how much activity was going on underneath the surface down here and how large the ABC — Anybody But Cantor — mentality was.”",Anybody But Cantor,1,1 """Why can't Mitt Romney run his race and I'll run mine?"" Akin continued.","""Why can't Mitt Romney run his race and I'll run mine?""",1,1 "For example, CIA officials also decided to change the phrase ""attacks in Benghazi ... evolved into a direct assault against the US Consulate"" to ""demonstrations in Benghazi"" because they believed ""attacks"" and ""assault"" were synonymous, making the phrase illogical.",,2,2 "“Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI, nothing happened to her. Flynn lied and they destroyed his life,” Trump said. ","“Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI, nothing happened to her. Flynn lied and they destroyed his life,”",1,0 "“You can’t really blame Nancy Pelosi for gerrymandering and for the national election,” Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) told reporters.",,2,2 "Schiff has maintained his strong belief that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, after the nearly two-year probe came to an end last week without directly implicating the president.",,2,2 He pleaded guilty to conspiracy before U.S. District Judge Robert L. Wilkins.,,2,2 """The Constitution, they wrote that to ensure limited government and they meant for most of us to live our lives free from government, in the private sector, planning and living our own lives, not as dependents on government goods and services.""",,2,2 "“I deeply respect the president and the reasons he has given for vetoing the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said ahead of the vote.",I deeply respect the president,1,1 "“Assuming that the government remains open, it would be my intention to proceed to legislation that would address DACA.”",,2,2 """When it comes to protecting the most vulnerable among us, we must act now.",,2,2 "“Now that the fact of bulk collection has been declassified, we believe that more information about the scale of the collection, and specifically whether it involves the records of ‘millions of Americans,’ should be declassified as well,” they said.",,2,2 "He added the administration can't control the conversation on cable TV or in newspapers, but the White House has had a ""pretty fulsome conversation"" about it and has addressed it to a ""pretty full extent.""","""pretty full extent.""",0,0 "He too declined to run, sensing McCarthy's near inevitability.",,2,2 "We do not support this legislation.""",,2,2 The money being taken out of the system by the Affordable Care Act is mostly derived from limiting the expected rate of growth in the program.,,2,2 Some lawmakers have been scrambling to try to obviate the veto rejection.,,2,2 "Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, echoed Trump’s own earlier call to release the report.",,2,2 "He frequently repeated the phrase, “Hope to higher ground,” which appears to be a slogan of sorts for his 2016 campaign.",,2,2 "AARP CEO Barry Rand later issued a statement calling the article ""misleading"" and claiming ""AARP has not changed its position on Social Security.""",,2,2 "Meanwhile, Haaretz reported that the Republican Jewish Coalition has launched a separate $5 million TV advertising blitz aimed at Jewish voters in swing states.",,2,2 "While Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), in an interview with Huffpost, called the possible nomination “shocking.”",“shocking.”,0,1 "The president asked the congressional leaders to return to the White House on Friday to continue the talks, after Democrats had completed their leadership elections, according to an official who attended the meeting.",,2,2 "If you ever do that to me again, I'll throw you off this (expletive) balcony.""","If you ever do that to me again, I'll throw you off this (expletive) balcony.""",1,1 "They say Democrats will stop at nothing to ruin his presidency, and bristle at Democrats accusing them of turning a blind eye to the Russian threat.",,2,2 "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi made their first visit to the White House since their Dec. 11 meeting with Trump, when he said he would be “proud” to take responsibility for a government shutdown in his effort to force Congress to spend billions of dollars on a wall along the southern border.",force,0,1 "Born the son of a single mother in Puerto Rico, he has seen himself as an ambassador to young and minority voters out of reach to traditional Republicans.",,2,2 """Have you gone today?""",,2,2 "“As a former Republican presidential campaign manager told me, Hillary has some baggage, but Trump is crazy,” said Mr. Sheekey, who was involved in Mr. Bloomberg’s explorative bid.",Trump is crazy,1,1 "“Your complaint faces in two directions,” he told a lawyer for the plaintiffs.",,2,2 "I kind of fall in the group that says, ‘Let’s find out what’s in it, and let’s make it as good as it can be before we make the decision.’”",,2,2 Yet House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the Democrats' view is that they cannot resolve the funding dispute until the government fully opens. ,,2,2 "President Donald Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., communicated with WikiLeaks over Twitter direct message during the 2016 presidential race, according to a report in The Atlantic published Monday.",,2,2 He said he's also working on an executive order to address the issue of tolerance.,,2,2 """Regardless of the original intention of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, we are deeply concerned about the impact it is having on our employees and on the reputation of our state,"" reads the letter.","""Regardless of the original intention of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, we are deeply concerned about the impact it is having on our employees and on the reputation of our state,""",1,1 "Federal agencies spent about $13 million on four of Mr. Trump’s trips to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida in early 2017, according to a report by a nonpartisan congressional watchdog agency issued last month.","Federal agencies spent about $13 million on four of Mr. Trump’s trips to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida in early 2017, according to a report by a nonpartisan congressional watchdog agency issued last month.",1,1 "Ryan, a Catholic and chairman of the House Budget Committee, said last week the letters do not express the views of all U.S. bishops, a point on which the conference disagrees.",,2,2 "Healthalicious, the restaurant that the people said was a focus of the indictment, was on Second Avenue near 83rd Street.",,2,2 The legislation has caused a national uproar.,uproar,0,1 "Labrador, who worked as an immigration attorney before serving in Congress, was part of a bipartisan group in the House that was working on a reform bill.",,2,2 "Clinton, in turn, affirmed their claims, saying budget issues are a ""bipartisan problem.""",,2,2 "When asked whether Obama flip-flopped on same-sex marriage -- an accusation Romney has some experience with -- the presumptive Republican presidential nominee acknowledged the president's change, but said he'd leave the significance for others to decide.",an accusation Romney has some experience with,1,1 "Scotts Bluff County Sheriff Mark Overman, in western Nebraska, said Colorado marijuana is extra potent, making it worth more in his region and giving sellers a greater financial incentive to do business there.",,2,2 Stone served as an adviser to Trump for years before Trump ran for president. ,,2,2 Antonin Scalia – whom Gorsuch would replace on the court following Scalia’s death in 2016 – was confirmed 98-0 and Anthony Kennedy had a tally of 97-0 in 1988.,,2,2 "He called the disclosure of the program that allows the NSA to collect communications data from Internet companies ""reprehensible"" and said the phone-records monitoring leak could cause harm to the nation's intelligence gathering activities.",,2,2 """This ad highlights the 'buyer's remorse' felt by many in the Jewish community, who voted for Obama four years ago but are now disillusioned with his economic policies and his policies toward Israel,” the coalition's executive director, Matt Brooks, said in a written statement Wednesday.",who voted for Obama four years ago but are now disillusioned with his economic policies and his policies toward Israel,1,1 Christie initially supported the standards but said recently that he no longer supports them because of how they've played out in his state.,,2,2 "Other government agencies, like the C.I.A. and the Defense Department, may also need to be consulted on any information related to them.",,2,2 "“We’ve already lost,” lamented Senator Johnny Isakson, Republican of Georgia, according to people familiar with the remarks.",,2,2 Administration officials would not offer details of the discussion between Mr. Obama and Mr. Boehner.,,2,2 """I've been spat at, pushed and threatened before but that's no excuse,"" he added, saying that the incident occurred after a ""long day.""","""long day.""",0,1 "“With all due respect, I completely disagree with Fredette’s position,” Senate President Mike Thibodeau (R) said Wednesday.",,2,2 Senior aides to Ms. Pelosi and other Democrats in the room disputed that characterization.,,2,2 Trump himself called on Schiff to resign Thursday in an early-morning tweet that accused the chairman of “unlawfully lying and leaking” information.,,2,2 "Among the suggested recommendations on the gun-policy front, only the ban on high-capacity magazines could have had a tangible impact on the shooting in Newtown, and it's unclear what, exactly, the effect would have been.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — All same-sex couples who are legally married will be recognized as such for federal tax purposes, even if the state where they live does not recognize their union, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service said Thursday.",,2,2 "He conceded that “we do not need 2,000 miles of concrete wall from sea to shining sea — we never did” and invoked the utility of “smart walls” that substitute some physical barriers for drones and other sensors.",,2,2 "Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee announced Tuesday he is running for president, delivering an economy- and security-centered message that he hopes will appeal to everyday Americans and distinguish him from the already-crowded Republican field.",,2,2 "“The bill is near and dear to my heart as a New Yorker because it would allow the victims of 9/11 to pursue some small measure of justice,” Schumer said Wednesday.",,2,2 "At the end of that week, on Oct. 7, WikiLeaks released more than 6,000 emails related to John D. Podesta, the chairman of the Clinton campaign.",,2,2 “Should central management under the law have withdrawn some of the subjective discretion in order to stop these results?” Justice Breyer asked.,,2,2 "The alleged name-calling came after LePage said during a town hall that he’s collected a binder full of drug dealers arrested in the state showing that 90 percent of them “are black and Hispanic people from Waterbury, Conn.; the Bronx; and Brooklyn.”",,2,2 That didn't seem to quiet the controversy in the slightest.,,2,2 "“I look forward to being fully and completely vindicated,” he said, while onlookers booed.",,2,2 "Lying to federal officials is a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison.",,2,2 "Asked about his political future, he said, ""I am not running for office; I am not a candidate in the future.""",,2,2 Then he shut down the government.,,2,2 Republicans also used the charge that Obamacare raided Medicare as a primary attack line in the 2010 congressional elections.,raided,0,1 "They didn’t even do this to Howard Dean when he had his famous scream,"" she said.",They didn’t even do this to Howard Dean when he had his famous scream,1,1 "The task force recommended that schools designate willing staff to be armed and trained, and it proposed a model training program, 40-60 hours per person, at what Hutchinson said would be a cost of about $800 to $1,000 per trained employee.",,2,2 """Agent Peter Strzok was just fired from the FBI - finally. ",finally,0,1 "“DHS employees who protect the traveling public, investigate and counter terrorism, and protect critical infrastructure should not have to rely on the charitable generosity of others for assistance in feeding their families and paying their bills while they steadfastly focus on the mission at hand,” the letter said. ",,2,2 "In a brief interview later, Mr. Stone said he will plead not guilty, and people close to him have predicted that Mr. Trump could pardon Mr. Stone should he be convicted of any of the charges.",,2,2 Reporters from The New York Times and Reuters who were on the ground immediately after the attacks relayed that people involved in the mob scene around the compound repeatedly cited the video as a cause of their anger.,,2,2 "The president's plan also calls on Congress to allocate resources to help schools, other educational institutions and houses of worship develop emergency management plans.",,2,2 So now the money you paid for your guaranteed health care is going to a massive new government program that’s not for you.”,So now the money you paid for your guaranteed health care is going to a massive new government program that’s not for you.”,1,1 "Axios cited John Eastman, a constitutional law professor at Chapman University and director of The Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, who said the amendment has been misapplied and was not intended to apply to every person born in the U.S. regardless of parentage.",,2,2 "It's irrefutable and that's why I think this is a debate we want to have, and that's the debate we're going to win.”",,2,2 "Mr. McConnell told the president that before he could bring up legislation on the Senate floor, he needed a “public reassurance” that Mr. Trump would sign it, one person close to the talks said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive discussions.",,2,2 "I accept the fact that the president is a Christian,"" Santorum said.",,2,2 "The effort began weeks after Democratic officials publicly accused Russian intelligence operatives of the theft, which was part of Moscow’s broad campaign to sabotage the 2016 presidential race.",,2,2 """His grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya, and she was there and witnessed the birth.",,2,2 Ms. Ernst said that qualified her to “cut pork” in Washington.,,2,2 "Graham said: ""She said she didn't. Are you stunned that she didn't?""",,2,2 “It was incredibly disheartening that they don’t want to know the facts when making policy.”,incredibly disheartening,0,1 "Sanford said such a decision could ""have implications for class actions more generally, making it more difficult for women and minority groups to enjoy equality and fair treatment in the workplace.""",making it more difficult for women and minority groups to enjoy equality and fair treatment in the workplace,1,1 "“To put this in stark contrast, if you help me win this race you may have someone with your background, your experience, your voice, someone who’s been literally fighting tort reform for thirty years, in a visible or public way, on the Senate Judiciary Committee,” he said.",,2,2 “The big blue wave that Schumer hopes will make him Senate majority leader in 2019 will not build itself.”,,2,2 "Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago and Mr. Obama’s former chief of staff, joined the debate on Monday and said that the president should “clear the table” by doing whatever he can administratively so small issues do not get in the way of the bigger legislative fights over access to guns.",,2,2 They all spoke on the condition of anonymity as the charges had not been formally announced and they were not authorized to discuss the case.,,2,2 "He said the administration policy is that employees ""should use their official email accounts when they're conducting official government business.""",,2,2 "BuzzFeed News maintained that its report was accurate, its editor, Ben Smith, said after Mr. Mueller’s office disputed the account.",,2,2 "Hodgkinson was member of the YMCA, Rucker said in a statement.",,2,2 Mr. Mattis also praised the “Defeat ISIS” coalition that Mr. Trump just abandoned in Syria.,,2,2 "Bloomberg, who has an estimated net worth of $48 billion, threw several jabs at Trump, whom he called a ""dangerous demagogue"" and a ""bomb-thrower.""","""dangerous demagogue""",0,1 "She was at CPAC to see Beck and called him a ""relatable ... everyday guy.""","She was at CPAC to see Beck and called him a ""relatable ... everyday guy.""",1,1 "The Washington Post reported that, in early 1979, Mr. Moore, then a district attorney and later the chief justice of the state Supreme Court, had approached a 14-year-old, eventually kissing her, undressing her, touching her over her bra and underpants, and guiding her hand to touch him over his underwear.","eventually kissing her, undressing her, touching her over her bra and underpants, and guiding her hand to touch him over his underwear",1,1 "“I’d like to know who those Hispanics are,” Mr. Fox said.",,2,2 "While the State Department has said there does not appear to be any classified material in Mrs. Clinton’s emails, officials said on Thursday that they needed to go through the trove again to determine whether it contained any “sensitive” information.",,2,2 "Farenthold used $84,000 in taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit his former communications director, Lauren Greene, had filed in 2014, Politico reported in December.",,2,2 "This is what comes of $16 million, a crack opposition research operation and an opponent who, in the words of the president Blumenthal worked for on a draft deferment, who gave them the sword.""",,2,2 "Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, has branded it the “Democrat Politician Protection Act” in weekly speeches, and pledged not to take up the legislation.",“Democrat Politician Protection Act”,0,1 """I am honored to have Sheriff Arpaio's support for my presidential campaign and our shared goals of fighting border crime with more personnel, border fencing and surveillance.",I am honored to have Sheriff Arpaio's support,1,1 Nothing in the emails supports theories that the talking points were changed in order to influence the 2012 election.,Nothing in the emails supports theories that the talking points were changed in order to influence the 2012 election.,1,1 Mr. Scalise remained in the hospital on Thursday after a second surgery for internal injuries and a broken leg.,,2,2 Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) also demurred.,,2,2 "For all of the hours of testimony, the hearings did little to clarify the role of the White House in overseeing the American presence in Libya before the attack or explain why the Pentagon had few forces available on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to respond quickly to any assault on diplomatic outposts in the region.",,2,2 "Kristol’s was the harshest of all the reactions to the Steele, whose spokesman, it should be noted, tried to clarify the comment by insisting that he merely meant that President Obama has not been forthcoming with a winning strategy. ",,2,2 "Mr. Christie, whose dazzling rise as a national Republican in his first term was matched only by his spectacular loss of stature at home in his second, entered the presidential race bearing little resemblance to the candidate he once expected to be.",spectacular,0,1 "Mr. Sestak first mentioned publicly in February that he had been offered a job but provided no details, and the White House for three months had refused to discuss it, generating intense criticism from Republicans who accused it of trying to bribe a congressman and deep consternation among Democrats who called on the administration to answer questions.",,2,2 "She sued him and was paid $84,000 from a public fund on behalf of Farenthold for a sexual harassment claim.",,2,2 "“The FBI director should be drawn from the ranks of career law enforcement‎, prosecutors or the FBI itself ― not politicians,” Durbin told HuffPost later.",,2,2 "“We can’t respond to a stunning loss by giving a pat on the back and promotion to the same team,” Mr. Amash said of Mr. Cantor’s defeat.",,2,2 "Father and son communicate regularly, Seth Hutchinson said, and the family gathers at least once or twice a year.",,2,2 The announcement came just eleven days after Trump initially said he was partnering with the conservative magazine to host a forum with the remaining Republican presidential candidates.,,2,2 "The Twitter messages were first reported by The Atlantic, which published copies of the correspondence.",,2,2 "Mr. Braley, speaking at a January fund-raiser in Corpus Christi, Tex., was explaining why he should go to the Senate instead of his Republican opponent.",,2,2 "“It struck me because of the crazy conspiratorial stickers covering the windows,” said David Cypkin, a documentary film producer and editor with the Rakontur production company. ",crazy,0,1 "The indictment includes details accusing the Hunters of making efforts to hide their personal expenses, including labeling fees for dental work as a donation to a charity called “Smiles for Life” and tickets to see Riverdance as a fundraising event for “Republican women.”",,2,2 The vote on the platform is an important part of the Republican Party’s outreach to its conservative base.,,2,2 "And I'll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage,"" says Perry in the new ad titled ""Strong.""",liberal attacks on our religious heritage,1,1 "“Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI, and nothing happened to her.","“Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI, and nothing happened to her.",1,0 "Hotline On Call says the nature of the decision is a ""closely guarded secret"" and reports that ""even his top advisors, both inside and outside the committee, say they don't know which direction he will take.""",,2,2 "“Enough is enough,” said Lorella Praeli, director of immigration policy and campaigns at the American Civil Liberties Union.",,2,2 "“When the Democrat filibuster of the government funding bill ends, the serious, bipartisan negotiations that have been going on for months now to resolve our unfinished business -- military spending; disaster relief; healthcare; immigration and border security -- will continue,” he said.",,2,2 "The self-titled America's Toughest Sheriff, who famously re-instituted chain gangs in 1995 and has also been a major supporter of his state's controversial SB1070 immigration law, said that Perry has done more to combat illegal immigration along the U.S. border then any of the other candidates.",Perry has done more to combat illegal immigration along the U.S. border then any of the other candidates,1,1 "The federal judge overseeing the case, Robert L. Wilkins, is scheduled to sentence Mr. Jackson on June 28.",,2,2 U.S. and Iranian officials reported progress in negotiations this week on a deal that would clamp down on Tehran's nuclear activities for at least 10 years but then slowly ease restrictions.,,2,2 "Sorry to hear about your problems,” WikiLeaks said.",,2,2 "They were the first one-on-one deficit talks between Mr. Obama and Mr. Boehner since the summer of 2011, when the search for a “grand bargain” on taxes and spending ultimately failed.",,2,2 """I am now ready to fight for the people of the United States of America,"" Christie said at the public announcement.",,2,2 "Mitt Romney joined several other Republicans Tuesday in calling on Missouri Rep. Todd Akin to give up his bid for Senate over his controversial comments on rape, as the Republican congressman continued to hold his ground and vowed to stay in the race.",,2,2 "Lerner touched off the public controversy when, at an American Bar Association conference earlier this month, she apologized for the IRS' practice of targeting conservative organizations for additional scrutiny.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump’s tweets on Saturday, sent from his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., were not the first time he has accused social media companies of discriminating against Republicans. ","sent from his golf club in Bedminster, N.J",1,1 "“I’m going to keep on my theme I’ve been on for a couple of months,” said Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri.",,2,2 The president’s proposal was met with disdain from an array of top Democratic lawmakers.,,2,2 “Our troops continue to provide the capabilities needed to prevail in conflict and sustain strong U.S. global influence.”,,2,2 "“I’ve been with these people for a long time — I know them,” Mr. Trump said, specifically invoking Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker.",,2,2 "The president would be working with lawmakers to move the process forward, the official added, and would be trying to build up public opinion as well.",,2,2 "The acrimony on display Thursday as the intelligence committee tried to resume its work on Russia’s intervention in the 2016 presidential election laid bare the bitter divide that persists in Congress even after Mr. Mueller, the special counsel, completed his 22-month investigation of the subject.",,2,2 "And I could care less about any of that stuff,"" Christie said.",,2,2 He recalled when he was campaigning with Romney earlier this year ahead of the Wisconsin primary.,,2,2 "The Ryan plan, like any budget resolution, specifies levels of spending, savings and revenues, based on certain policy assumptions.",,2,2 "“As a counterintelligence concern of the greatest magnitude, and given that these alleged efforts were intended to interfere with our investigation, our Committee is determined to get to the bottom of this and follow the evidence wherever it may lead,” he added.",,2,2 Trump’s camp wasn’t champing at the bit.,champing at the bit,0,1 "Mr. Obama would use the savings to help offset the cost of covering the uninsured, as well as to improve the financial condition of the Medicare trust fund.",,2,2 "His campaign-style visit to Detroit, though, threatens to muddy the waters on talks.",muddy the waters,0,1 "“Tone down our own rhetoric and not ascribe the worst motives to our colleagues,” he said hopefully.",,2,2 "“He is waiting on the advice of counsel to see what final bill is enacted,” Bob Haueter, Farenthold’s chief of staff, told HuffPost at the time.",,2,2 "“Alongside that, Sen. Grassley’s one of only two working family farmers in the United States Senate, where he brings Iowa common sense to work for ag, anti-trust, transportation, environmental, energy, trade, health care, communications, national security, and tax policy that works for all of America,” the aide said.","“Alongside that, Sen. Grassley’s one of only two working family farmers in the United States Senate, where he brings Iowa common sense to work for ag, anti-trust, transportation, environmental, energy, trade, health care, communications, national security, and tax policy that works for all of America,”",1,1 They argue the bill is designed only to protect business owners with strong religious beliefs from discrimination lawsuits that have happened in other states.,,2,2 """Governor Pence falsely tried to suggest the law is the same as the 1993 law.",,2,2 The envelopes and packaging materials likely contained a treasure trove of DNA information. ,,2,2 "“My intention has always been to be completely clear and accurate and straightforward, out of respect to the veterans who served in Vietnam,” he said.",,2,2 "Patrick, the state's first African-American governor, said recently on local cable television that it was a priority for him to pick a woman or a person of color for the seat.",,2,2 Leaked emails published by The New York Times show Trump Jr. arranged the meeting at Trump Tower in New York.,,2,2 "“Republican hypocrisy at its finest: saying that Trump admitting to sexual assault on tape is just ‘locker room talk,’ but scandalizing themselves into faux-outrage when my sis says a curse word in a bar,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. ","“Republican hypocrisy at its finest: saying that Trump admitting to sexual assault on tape is just ‘locker room talk,’ but scandalizing themselves into faux-outrage when my sis says a curse word in a bar,”",1,0 "“Now that’s what I call a good protest,” Jonathan Smith, 45, said.",,2,2 "According to the Washington Post, Seddique Mateen expressed gratitude toward the Afghan Taliban in videos posted online.",,2,2 """The President congratulated Secretary Clinton for securing the delegates necessary to clinch the Democratic Nomination for President.",,2,2 And it involves both sides.,,2,2 """Who are you!"" the seven-term congressman demands.",!,0,1 "Rather than giving in to fear, the president said, “we will stand united, as Americans, to protect our people, and defend our nation, and to take action against those who threaten us.”",,2,2 "And the idea that he served in Vietnam has become such an accepted part of his public biography that when a national outlet, Slate magazine, produced a profile of Mr. Blumenthal in 2000, it said he had “enlisted in the Marines rather than duck the Vietnam draft.”",,2,2 "Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, began his questions by saying, “It’s wonderful to see you in good health and as combative as ever,” and then proceeded to complain that she had failed to answer lingering questions.",,2,2 Poulter said he has seen no evidence of racism within the movement.,,2,2 Critics have described the chairman as gaffe-prone and said he hasn't raised enough money.,Critics have described the chairman as gaffe-prone,1,1 "“After nearly two years of investigation — accompanied by two years of unprecedented attacks on the integrity of the investigation by President Trump — the public and Congress are entitled to know what the Special Counsel has found,” the letter urged.",,2,2 "But on Friday, after Democrats had called for investigations and hinted at impeachment proceedings, the special counsel’s office took the extraordinary step of releasing a statement disputing the article.",,2,2 "An aide to the Republican-led House Ways and Means Committee, who spoke on condition of anonymity under committee protocol, said AARP’s position was a welcome acknowledgment that Social Security would be unable to pay future benefits at the current rate and that it must be restructured.",,2,2 """It is important for me personally to go ahead and affirm that same-sex couples should be able to get married,"" Obama stated.",,2,2 "And he describes the hostile reaction directed at veterans coming back from Vietnam, intimating that he was among them.",,2,2 "The vice presidential debate on Tuesday was supposed to be a reboot for the Obama campaign after the president’s dismal performance at his debate with the Republican nominee for president, Mitt Romney, last week.",dismal,0,0 "Republicans picked up 63 seats in the House, narrowed the gap in the Senate and picked up 19 state legislative bodies in the November midtem election, but pressure has been mounting all year for Steele to step down from the position.",,2,2 "The House resolution on the national motto passed Tuesday was introduced by Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., and considered under an expedited floor procedure.",,2,2 "Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, called it “a sad day for America because Secretary Mattis was giving advice the President needs to hear.”",“a sad day for America because Secretary Mattis was giving advice the President needs to hear.”,1,1 "A Democratic bill, which would have reopened the government with no strings attached, received more votes than the bill backed by Mr. Trump, which included temporary protections for some undocumented immigrants in exchange for $5.7 billion for his proposed border wall.",,2,2 "And we have 32 districts that are in states where there is no presidential campaign going to be run, no big Senate race and we call these orphan districts.""",,2,2 "Among other things, Greene claimed Farenthold asked her for a threesome.","Among other things, Greene claimed Farenthold asked her for a threesome.",1,1 "The group’s stance, which generated quick reaction from all sides because of its powerful voice on the issue, could provide added ammunition to fiscal conservatives who have sought unsuccessfully to restructure Social Security and chip away at the benefits it promises older Americans.",ammunition,0,1 "Representative Steve Stivers, Republican of Ohio and the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, also said in a statement that he hoped Mr. Farenthold would be “true to his word” and pay back the taxpayer money.",,2,2 "Bachmann was asked about the cover during an appearance in Iowa on Monday, where she is campaigning ahead of Thursday's Fox News/Washington Examiner debate and Saturday's Ames Straw Poll.",,2,2 "As I was just telling these young people, change is possible.",,2,2 """I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a Christian,"" says Perry.",,2,2 "“He had his Red Bull. He certainly had his caffeine,” Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) said after the debate.",,2,2 Last year Romney had signed a pledge sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage promising to support a federal ammendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.,,2,2 The letter said the House and Senate Intelligence Committees had been briefed “on these operations multiple times and have had access to copies of the classified” orders and opinions of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.,,2,2 """Today the Congress regulates our lives and redistributes our wealth in ways that would shock the Founders,"" he said.",,2,2 "On Thursday, the state's general assembly passed new language explicitly stating that the law does not allow discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.",,2,2 "One, Diana Durand of Houston, was charged with illegally funneling more than $10,000 into his campaign.",,2,2 "HARTFORD, Conn. — Connecticut Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal is defending himself against a report he misstated his military service in Vietnam.",,2,2 "Asked about the possibility of Social Security entering budget talks at some point, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney reiterated past statements in saying President Obama does not see Social Security as a ""driver"" of the country's near-term deficits.",,2,2 """You are supposed to govern your government by it.""",,2,2 "“The American people want to pay attention to serious ideas again,” Mr. Brat said, speaking on Fox News.",,2,2 "On Wednesday, Mr. Cruz repeatedly quoted from the movie “The American President” to defend his wife, as she held an event and faced questions about Mr. Trump’s threats.",,2,2 "Last month, he joined with prominent conservatives who have seized on the heightened enforcement of guidelines and the concept of shadow banning on Twitter — making social media posts invisible to everyone except the posters themselves — as proof of biased attacks on their views.",seized,0,0 "“And we’ll win in the Supreme Court,” he predicted.",,2,2 "On Thursday night, Pence said on Fox News' “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that the terms of the negotiations were clear: ""Bottom line, if there's no wall, there's no deal.""",,2,2 "In a series of tweets, Trump Jr. produced “the entire chain of messages with (with my whopping 3 responses) which one of the congressional committees has chosen to selectively leak.",,2,2 "He added, “A lengthy investigation and multiple rounds of Congressional testimony failed to produce a shred of evidence that Special Agent Strzok’s personal views ever affected his work.” ",,2,2 "And Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York also chimed in, demanding that the “Mueller report must be made public.",,2,2 "At her most recent physical on March 21, her blood pressure was 100/65 and her heart rate was 72.",,2,2 "On Wednesday, Mr. Sanders sent out a fund-raising email asking for contributions of $2.70, and at 7 p.m. he will hold a rally outside of R.F.K. Stadium in Washington, where he will discuss his plans for getting big money out of politics and making public universities tuition free.",,2,2 "Mr. Flynn’s rejection of the subpoena put him at risk of being held in contempt of Congress, a rarely invoked process that, should lawmakers choose to pursue it, could result in a criminal citation.","a rarely invoked process that, should lawmakers choose to pursue it, could result in a criminal citation",1,1 He said he wants to use an executive order to end the practice by which children born in the U.S. of non-citizen or illegal immigrant parents are immediately a citizen.,,2,2 She consulted with Schiff and other committee leaders over the weekend as Barr notified Congress of Mueller's report and summarized the details.,,2,2 It's a very touchy subject... but this is not real.,,2,2 "California and New York likewise announced that they will sue over what Gov. Gavin Newsom of California called the president’s “vanity project,” and a roster of other groups lined up to do the same.","“vanity project,”",1,1 He also noted that the president’s ability to declare a national emergency was “absolutely” still a tool available to Mr. Trump to find funds to build the wall if a legislative agreement could not be reached.,,2,2 """My view is that marriage itself is a relationship between a man and a woman and that's my own preference,"" Romney told reporters in Oklahoma.",,2,2 """We can confirm that the Christie for Governor re-election campaign and the New Jersey Republican State Committee received subpoenas for documents from the U.S. Attorney's office, in addition to the subpoena the campaign previously received from the state legislative committee,"" he said.",,2,2 """I'm not everybody's cup of tea, but I'm not in this business to get elected to prom king.",,2,2 "On point after point, the president insisted that he would be proved correct.",,2,2 "“I kind of grew up on the campaign trail,” he said.",,2,2 "The most controversial elements of the president's plan, though, continue to be the proposals he wants Congress to pass.",,2,2 "In a post to Twitter, Wayne Pacelle, the CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, said he was “grateful” that Trump would reconsider.",,2,2 """I would if I knew who they were,"" he said.",,2,2 "It's a long time coming and we're thrilled the president's putting the full weight of his office behind this,"" said Josh Horowitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.",we're thrilled the president's putting the full weight of his office behind this,1,1 """If you help me win this race, you may have someone with your background, your experience, your voice ... on the Senate Judiciary Committee,"" Braley said.",,2,2 "It was known for several years that Mr. Farenthold, already notorious for a heavily circulated photograph of him in duck pajamas, had been accused of sexual harassment by Lauren Greene, his former communications director.",already notorious for a heavily circulated photograph of him in duck pajamas,1,1 "That tracks a comment she made in a separate interview with The Associated Press, when the justice stopped short of noting she’d rather have presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton making future appointments to the Supreme Court.",,2,2 "She admitted that “looking back,” it would have been better to carry the second phone.","She admitted that “looking back,” it would have been better to carry the second phone.",1,1 "“I am not pro-gay marriage,” Liz Cheney said in a statement responding to an apparent push poll against her in Wyoming.",,2,2 The timing of Tuesday’s announcement was not a coincidence: Congress will wrap up its spring recess after this week and is expected to consider gun legislation after lawmakers return.,,2,2 "Grimm's lawyer, William McGinley, said in a statement that the U.S. attorney's office ""has disclosed its intent to file criminal charges.""",,2,2 "Speaking earlier on ABC's ""This Week"" about Santorum's remarks, Obama campaign aide Robert Gibbs called his rhetoric ""well over the line.""",,2,2 "Aside from the tax rates, lawmakers must pass this week a continuing resolution to keep the government functioning. ",,2,2 "But, starting when he was about 15 and working as a dishwasher at a diner, Mr. Hutchinson’s views began to change as he shuffled through other jobs, including stints at Chuck E. Cheese’s and Sears.",including stints at Chuck E. Cheese’s and Sears,1,1 But some observers said Cantor’s tough stance toward the end of the primary – one he’d seemed confident he’d easily win – was too little too late.,,2,2 "President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump on Wednesday night visited Scalise in the hospital, bringing flowers and offering support to the lawmaker’s family.",,2,2 "Mr. Lewis, now 77, stared straight ahead for a moment.",,2,2 "God help us,"" said Bloomberg, who added that ""the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy.""","""the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy.""",1,1 """I applaud those companies and organizations that have spoken out against the law and said they would not locate or expand operations in Indiana.","""I applaud those companies and organizations that have spoken out against the law and said they would not locate or expand operations in Indiana.",1,1 "New York – In his first major foreign policy speech since launching his presidential campaign, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio said if elected, he would prioritize a strong military, take aggressive steps to fight nations that undermine global commerce and ensure that U.S. is a world moral leader.",,2,2 "Businesses in the Phoenix area were also especially worried, with the Super Bowl set to be held in Glendale, Ariz. in 2015.",,2,2 Even some justices who seemed sympathetic to the plaintiffs expressed qualms about how to administer a lawsuit involving as many as 1.5 million women seeking back pay that could amount to billions of dollars.,Even some justices who seemed sympathetic to the plaintiffs expressed qualms about how to administer a lawsuit involving as many as 1.5 million women,1,1 "The controversy, which has galvanized the state, started last Wednesday when Mr. LePage made sweeping statements linking minorities to the state’s drug crisis.",,2,2 "“We can confirm that the Christie for Governor re-election campaign and the New Jersey Republican State Committee received subpoenas for documents from the U.S. attorney’s office, in addition to the subpoena the campaign previously received from the state legislative committee,” the lawyer, Mark D. Sheridan, said in an email.",,2,2 "Obama went on to defend those who operated the programs as ""professionals.""",,2,2 "And I think the point the president is making is that, you know, we should -- we have it within our capacity to do the things to help the American people.",,2,2 "Some on the right also pushed back, describing the proposal as amnesty.",,2,2 "“I had no idea how to run a congressional office,” the four-term congressman said in December.","“I had no idea how to run a congressional office,”",1,1 "Republicans who back such changes, he said, “are embracing a government that lied to its people — that took money from its people under one pretense and then took it away at the time when they started wanting to actually get what they have paid for all these years.”",,2,2 "Mr. Schumer interjected, calling on Ms. Pelosi, who disputed Ms. Nielsen’s statistics, two of the officials said.",,2,2 "Americans who want a great businessperson in the White House should look for someone who isn’t Trump, Bloomberg said.",,2,2 "In a video in December announcing his resignation, Mr. Farenthold continued to deny the allegations, but he acknowledged running an “unprofessional” workplace and said he was “profoundly sorry” for his actions.",,2,2 "The House Republican leader, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, also criticized the legislation.",,2,2 "The Obama campaign, of course, relished in Republicans’ focus on Biden’s behavior instead of the substance of his remarks.",,2,2 "Although there were extended portions of the debate that focused on Libya, Syria, and Afghanistan, Biden and Ryan did engage in a lengthy back-and-forth in the middle of the debate on Medicare and tax policy.",,2,2 "Mr. Ryan is to deliver the prestigious Whittington Lecture, named for an associate dean who was killed on the airplane that crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.",prestigious,0,1 "#MorningJoe pic.twitter.com/tBp5aXWhBj — Morning Joe ( ) December 4, 2017",,2,2 "Justice Anthony Kennedy, often a key vote on the high court, said the women's argument points in apparently conflicting directions.",,2,2 "One released this week by Fox News found 56 percent against it, including 20 percent of Republicans.",,2,2 "“What’s the half-life?” asked Senator Roger Wicker, Republican of Mississippi, appraising how long the comity might last.",,2,2 "That judges do not, as Chief Justice John Roberts once famously said, only call “balls and strikes.”",,2,2 "“We’re going to confront the national security crisis on our southern border, and we’re going to do it one way or the other,” he said in a televised statement in the Rose Garden barely 13 hours after Congress passed a spending measure without the money he had sought.",,2,2 "Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.), a vocal supporter of drug policy reform who has sponsored multiple bills seeking protection for state-legal marijuana businesses and advocated full-scale federal legalization of the drug, told HuffPost that Nebraska and Oklahoma attempting to overturn the will of Colorado's voters is ""outrageous.""",,2,2 The Clintons have previously released their tax returns dating back to 1977.,The Clintons have previously released their tax returns dating back to 1977.,1,1 "But for most people who Fox News spoke to today, it is about free speech.",,2,2 Call it Cheney versus Cheney.,,2,2 It’s the first time a chamber of Congress has had the votes to overrule Obama on a veto.,,2,2 "Trump tweeted that “too many voices are being destroyed, some good and some bad, and that cannot be allowed to happen.” So, he added: “Let everybody participate, good & bad, and we will all just have to figure it out!”",,2,2 "He need not have gotten physical with the students who asked him the provocative question regarding his support of the “Obama Agenda” (honestly, that sort of opening question is straight from the Jason Mattera school of inflammatory interview techniques.)",provocative,0,0 Administration officials described the search as fluid and said the president and his team were keeping the decision-making process closely held to avoid the leaks that Mr. Trump believes are endemic to the West Wing.,,2,2 "Former Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was the only person to publicly campaign for the interim appointment, announcing his desire to fill the seat on MSNBC and doing subsequent interviews about it.",,2,2 "Earlier Friday, Liz Cheney revealed her position on same-sex marriage, a topic she has kept relatively quiet about since declaring her candidacy in July against incumbent Senator Mike Enzi, Republican of Wyoming.",,2,2 "“I won’t stop,” he said.",,2,2 """The president thinks that it's his obligation to speak out when ... issues of the Constitution arise.",,2,2 "He made reference to his previous threats to declare a national emergency, calling it a “very powerful weapon,” but saying he didn’t want to use it. ","He made reference to his previous threats to declare a national emergency, calling it a “very powerful weapon,” but saying he didn’t want to use it.",1,1 "“We’ve worked very hard to have that,” she said, “and we will work very hard to maintain that.”",,2,2 The law aims to protect individuals or companies from being forced to take actions that impose a substantial burden on their religious beliefs.,,2,2 "Former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. pleaded guilty Wednesday in federal court to charges that he spent $750,000 in campaign cash on personal items.",,2,2 "It wasn’t the best example to use, because it prompted Mr. Biden to describe his own tragedy, when his wife and young daughter were killed in a car crash.",,2,2 "The change marks a shift in efforts to stop the importation of elephant tusks and hides, overriding a 2014 ban imposed by the Obama administration.",,2,2 "Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming are looking to put a similar law on their books.",,2,2 "The billionaire ex-Republican, who has endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, made the case that Trump’s career is characterized by a litany of collapses and missteps, and that the Republican presidential nominee’s boasts don’t match reality.","Trump’s career is characterized by a litany of collapses and missteps, and that the Republican presidential nominee’s boasts don’t match reality",1,1 "Obama will meet with Sanders in Washington on Thursday, the same day the Vermont senator plans to hold a rally there.",,2,2 "At times, Biden repeatedly butted in on Ryan's answers, refusing to let Ryan finish his thought.",,2,2 The missive accused the NAACP of resorting to political tactics and urged the IRS to reconsider whether it can continue to qualify for tax-exempt status.,,2,2 "Citing details in emails and other forms of communications, the indictment suggested that Mr. Trump’s campaign knew about additional stolen emails before they were released and asked Mr. Stone to find out about them.",,2,2 "“No president would be a tougher negotiator on behalf of American workers with either our trading partners or Republicans on Capitol Hill than I would be,” Mrs. Clinton said.",,2,2 "“They originated, some of them, from Florida. ",,2,2 "Last week, Sarah Palin posted a photo of her visit to a Chick-fil-A in California on her Facebook page.",,2,2 "Shortly after he spoke, Mr. Obama ordered that flags at the White House and other federal sites around the world be lowered to half-staff. Again.",,2,2 "Hutchinson also faced pressure from Walmart, which is headquartered in the state.","Hutchinson also faced pressure from Walmart, which is headquartered in the state.",1,1 "Neither the White House nor the Pentagon had yet identified which projects may be shelved as a result, but Pentagon lawyers and other officials planned to work over the weekend to identify which construction funds would be diverted.",,2,2 "At 6:20 p.m., the spokesman for the National Security Council at the time, Tommy Vietor, e-mailed to remind officials that Denis McDonough, then the deputy national security adviser and now the White House chief of staff, wanted to ensure that the edits were coordinated with the State Department.",,2,2 "He also said he ""certainly"" does not know the college student the image was sent to -- though, when asked repeatedly, Weiner declined to say whether he was shown in the image.","""certainly""",0,1 The New York Times has not independently confirmed the BuzzFeed report.,,2,2 "Representative Raúl R. Labrador, a Republican of Idaho and once a leading immigration negotiator in the House, said it would be a mistake to push forward.",,2,2 "He was for a time considered as a possible choice for defense secretary or another top job in the Trump administration, and told The San Diego Union-Tribune days after Mr. Trump’s election that he wanted to restore “a warrior culture, a warrior mentality” to the government.",,2,2 "Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty earned 6 percent, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann got 5 percent, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum won 3 percent and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour received 1 percent support.",,2,2 "Once that was settled, just after 11 a.m., Representative John A. Boehner, the newly installed speaker of the House, read the preamble (that magical “We the people”), before yielding to the woman who handed him the gavel on Wednesday, Representative Nancy Pelosi, who picked up with Article 1, Section 1 (“All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives”), followed by Representative Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, and other House leaders.",,2,2 “Let us do better by this generation of men and women.”,,2,2 "Lawmakers and the White House have three weeks to reach a deal, before a potentially crippling set of tax hikes and spending cuts takes effect.",,2,2 "On Wednesday, police said an officer had been suspended for pointing a semi-automatic assault rifle at demonstrators, then cursing and threatening to kill one of them.","pointing a semi-automatic assault rifle at demonstrators, then cursing and threatening to kill one of them",1,1 "Trump claims great wealth, but won’t disclose his real net worth and refuses to release his tax returns.","Trump claims great wealth, but won’t disclose his real net worth and refuses to release his tax returns.",1,1 "James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, had notified Congress shortly before the 2016 election about the existence of newly discovered emails that could be relevant to the closed investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state.",,2,2 "But, in a surprise move, Senate Democrats, meeting behind closed doors to discuss the tax deal, have asked the administration for ""changes"" to the bill, according to Sen Dick Durbin, D-Ill., the No. 2 Democrat in the chamber.",,2,2 "“We didn’t lose today,” she said, interrupting reporters at the post-vote press conference.",interrupting reporters,1,1 "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he’ll steer clear of the American presidential election, but he stars in a new ad set to air in the key battleground state of Florida that aims to make Iran a major campaign issue.",,2,2 And not on a trivial matter.,,2,2 "Some Republicans also rejected Mr. Trump’s suggestion, an indication of the political risks for the party that attend the president’s bid to stoke anti-immigrant sentiment in advance of next Tuesday’s voting.",,2,2 "Some lawmakers pressed Labrador to run, according to several published reports that quoted unnamed sources.",,2,2 "A major push for a ban on assault weapons after the 2012 massacre of schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn., ended in failure.",,2,2 But one of them shouldn’t be the chairman of the Republican Party.”,,2,2 "He ran for the GOP presidential nomination in 2008, capturing strong support from evangelical Christians and winning the Iowa caucuses.",,2,2 This was a relatively minor aspect of the Obama campaign's assault on McCain's Medicare record.,assault,0,1 NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre in December called for armed officers to be installed in every school in the country.,,2,2 Congressman Grimm asserts his innocence of any wrongdoing.,,2,2 "Colorado's top law enforcement officials have better things to do and you’d think Nebraska’s would, as well.","Colorado's top law enforcement officials have better things to do and you’d think Nebraska’s would, as well.",1,1 """Listen, if Republicans were walking in lockstep, my job would be a whole lot easier,"" he added.",,2,2 But Mr. Huckabee said the immigrant children whose parents brought them into the country illegally should not be deported because “you don’t punish a child for something his parents did.”,,2,2 "The measure has sparked national backlash, with critics warning that the law provides legal justification for discrimination against LGBT individuals.",,2,2 "“Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!”",Lyin,0,1 "Her son Matthew Denice, 23, was killed in 2011 in a motorcycle accident in Massachusetts after colliding with an automobile driven by an undocumented immigrant.",,2,2 "Now, is the time for both parties to rise above the partisan discord, to set aside political convenience, and to put the national interest first,” he wrote.",,2,2 Democrats in the Senate hoping to pass nonbudget-related legislation in the lame-duck session were put on notice by their Republican colleagues Wednesday morning: No tax-cut extension? No laws for you!,,2,2 Setting the tone for the 112th Congress — in which every House bill must cite the constitutional source of its authority — members of the House of Representatives began to read the United States Constitution aloud from the chamber’s floor on Thursday morning.,,2,2 "But he reserved his deepest disdain for Congress and for the president’s stewardship of foreign affairs, and extended that critique to President Obama’s former secretary of state.",,2,2 """Here's what I think should happen now,"" Clinton said.",,2,2 "“It’s important for us to avoid thinking politically, as Republicans or Democrats, and instead to think patriotically as Americans,” Mr. Rosenstein said.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — President Trump agreed on Friday to reopen the federal government for three weeks while negotiations continued over how to secure the nation’s southwestern border, backing down after a monthlong standoff failed to force Democrats to give him billions of dollars for his long-promised wall.",,2,2 "“The U.S. intelligence community knows that the Russian government attacked the U.S.,” Mr. Sasse said.",,2,2 "An interview, Gowdy argued, would provide protection for the likely 2016 presidential candidate’s privacy and security for sensitive information.",,2,2 "So much for judges judge best when they judge least, which you mentioned tonight as a virtue.”",,2,2 "“The assault-weapons ban is a low priority relative to the other measures the Biden task force is considering,” Matt Bennett, a spokesman for Third Way, a left-leaning research group, said after hearing from Mr. Biden last week.",,2,2 "Dubbed ""Bridgegate,"" the controversy caused Christie, who had enjoyed high favorability ratings, to see his negatives rise sharply.",,2,2 "“This is pretty much close to a miraculous occurrence,” Cornyn said before the vote.",,2,2 Beck Wows the CPAC Crowd,,2,2 "UPDATE 2:52 p.m. -- Additional records disclosed Wednesday revealed that expenses charged by Jackson and his wife to his campaign included $4,272.78 on the Navigator of the Seas cruise, $2,306.08 at Walt Disney World, over $10,000 at Best Buy, over $300 at Build-A-Bear, $3,544.00 at Mariel's Boutique, and $5,687.75 on Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat.",,2,2 "Still, he blamed both parties for dysfunction and gridlock in Washington.",,2,2 "U.S. officials said this week that the Trump administration is making plans to pull all 2,000 troops out of Syria, and Trump later tweeted that “we have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.”",,2,2 "It’s also the result of some unusual alliances: Sen. Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), who is on track to become the next Democratic leader, led the effort against the president alongside Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), a conservative member of Republican leadership.",,2,2 We do this because Twitter is most useful when it’s immediately relevant. ,,2,2 "Their charitable deductions ranged from $550,000 in 2008 to more than $3 million in 2007, 2013 and 2014.",,2,2 “This bill takes a bipartisan approach to re-opening the closed portions of the federal government.,,2,2 "The Rubio approach, according to excerpts from his speech provided by his campaign, has three main pillars — ensuring American strength; protecting the American economy in a globalized world; and preserving the moral clarity of America’s core values.",,2,2 "Texas Gov. Rick Perry, in a written statement, said: ""Guns require a finger to pull the trigger.",,2,2 "“There’s many great stories the press are missing and we’re sure some of your follows will find it,” WikiLeaks said, adding that the group had just released more emails stolen from Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, John D. Podesta.",,2,2 "In a tweet Wednesday morning, Trump claimed, falsely, that Mexico was already paying for a border wall, thanks to a newly renegotiated trade deal, and that the wall was already largely done but he needed billions of dollars anyway.",,2,2 "It was a similar call from Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, who tweeted that “AG Barr's summary 4-pg letter of Special Counsel Mueller's investigation underscores that the ENTIRE report & documentation-including all information re Russia’s attempts to influence our election-need to be made public.",,2,2 "Among his other concerns, Mr. Mattis viewed the withdrawal as abandoning Kurdish fighters and other American allies, and as ceding critical territory to Russia and Iran.",,2,2 "And, speaking with a sense of alarm about gay couples, he warned a conservative audience that “some are actually having children born to them.”",speaking with a sense of alarm about gay couples,1,1 "He has criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions numerous times for recusing himself from supervising the Russia investigation, and claims to have the right to direct government investigations himself.",,2,2 "Outside economists and trade experts, however, said the revisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement, which Trump has rebranded the United States Mexico Canada Agreement, will not bring in to the U.S. Treasury anywhere near what is necessary to pay for a wall.",,2,2 """The Obama administration is intent on forcing same-sex 'marriage' on an unwilling public,"" Brown said in a written statement.","""The Obama administration is intent on forcing same-sex 'marriage' on an unwilling public,""",1,1 "Riley Seibenhener, the party chairman in Geneva County, told Mr. Dale that if the allegations were true, he would not support the candidate.",,2,2 But the declaration and other money-moving plans allow Trump to continue to fight for border wall construction while also averting another partial government shutdown -- which would have been triggered at midnight absent the new funding package.,,2,2 The Bush Doctrine argued for preventive strikes in the interest of self-defense and national security.,,2,2 Grimm made headlines in January after confronting a New York City cable news station reporter who tried to question him about a long-running FBI investigation into campaign finance on a balcony in the Capitol.,,2,2 It is ‘putintrump.’ See ‘About’ for who is behind it.,,2,2 "Over the next couple of hours, aides made small final changes and e-mailed a final version to lawmakers shortly after 3 p.m.",,2,2 “And I’ll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage.,liberal attacks on our religious heritage,1,1 "A separate law enforcement source told Fox News that the suspect is a white male in his 50s, who used to live in New York and had prior arrests for terroristic threats. ",had prior arrests for terroristic threats,1,1 "Ten minutes later, Benjamin J. Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser, offered his first comments, saying, “We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, especially the investigation.”",,2,2 """I have decided not to be the moderator of the Newsmax debate,"" Trump said in a statement.",,2,2 "Greg Sheehan, principal deputy director of the FWS, broke the news to the hunting organization during the African Wildlife Consultative Forum in Tanzania, an agency spokesperson told HuffPost.",,2,2 The Obama Doctrine is a slightly saltier version of “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff.”,,2,2 The White House didn’t immediately respond to a HuffPost request for comment on the report.,,2,2 "He said that Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Mr. Brown, had been interviewed by police investigators and would be given the opportunity to testify.",,2,2 Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick on Wednesday picked a former chief of staff to fill Sen. John Kerry’s open seat until a special election in June.,,2,2 The remarks were a rare instance in this campaign season when Republicans have strayed from a focus on economic issues in their push for substantial gains in the House and Senate in November.,,2,2 """This is just more of the same of what he's been saying,"" she said, referring to Trump's remarks on immigration. ",,2,2 "Today, his fellow Missourians urged him to step aside, and I think he should accept their counsel and exit the Senate race.""",,2,2 "“And in between all of those stops, driving from, you know, Appleton to Green Bay to Janesville to Milwaukee, we got to know each other.",,2,2 "In a ceremony that capped a remarkable rise to power, Mr. Trump presented himself as the leader of a populist uprising to restore lost greatness.",remarkable,0,1 "On Monday, Mr. Flynn, in a letter from his legal team, rejected a subpoena for documents from the Senate committee, citing the Fifth Amendment’s protections against self-incrimination.",,2,2 "“At the crack of dawn, 29 FBI agents arrived at my home with 17 vehicles, with lights flashing, when they could have contacted my lawyer,” Stone explained after a court appearance Friday. ","29 FBI agents arrived at my home with 17 vehicles, with lights flashing, when they could have contacted my lawyer",1,0 Local Republican Party affiliates are less organized in such states and turnout may be depressed.,,2,2 "On Friday, Liz Cheney issued a statement voicing her opposition to same-sex marriage.",,2,2 "“Our major issues are jobs, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, Social Security, infrastructure, supporting domestic programs, clean air, safe drinking water,” Mr. Dorgan said, adding of his conservative-state brethren, “While those Democrats do strongly support DACA, I’m sure they would prefer to be discussing different issues.”",,2,2 The campaign has already chosen in the last several weeks to move off its core message about jobs and the economy.,,2,2 "The White House under Mr. Emanuel has also leaned on Gov. David Paterson of New York to drop out of this year’s gubernatorial race, which he eventually did under a cloud of scandal.",,2,2 Leadership elections were originally scheduled to be held before Thanksgiving but were delayed to give Democrats more time to discuss and process the election results and consider a path forward.,,2,2 "“I have not violated any I.R.S. rules and regulations, and I have not provided false information to this or any other Congressional committee.”",,2,2 "Any optimism is a step forward from Friday, when Mr. Boehner told reporters that he did not have a progress report because there was “no progress to report.”",,2,2 I hope the president can command equal support on his side of the aisle.”,,2,2 "To make clear what is and is not in these e-mails, today the White House took the extraordinary step of releasing these e-mails,"" Schultz said.",,2,2 Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the charges during a Friday press conference.,,2,2 "Democrats came to her defense, and other media outlets soon pointed out that the rules against using personal email were not relayed to government officials until 2014.",,2,2 "“Put big game trophy decision on hold until such time as I review all conservation facts,” he posted to Twitter.",,2,2 "Their father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, supports same-sex marriage, and the younger Cheney echoed some of his language on the issue when she added, “Freedom means freedom for everyone.”",,2,2 "One of the Republican primary field's leading candidates, businessman Mark Jacobs, immediately released a radio ad in an attempt to capitalize on the negative attention focused on Braley.",in an attempt to capitalize on the negative attention focused on Braley,1,0 "Representative Michele Bachmann, Republican of Minnesota, shared a photo from her visit.",,2,2 "Attacking Hillary Clinton, his former Democratic opponent from the 2016 presidential election, and taking aim at his own Justice Department struck familiar tones for the new year.",,2,2 "It wasn't quite the metaphorical flare of mushroom cloud imagery, but outgoing senior economic adviser Larry Summers offered a fairly dire assessment of the stakes in the tax cut debate.",It wasn't quite the metaphorical flare of mushroom cloud imagery,0,1 "Undaunted, Mr. Schiff made clear he was not about to step down, nor was he about to absolve President Trump or his campaign from nefarious conduct with Moscow — especially without seeing Mr. Mueller’s report first.",,2,2 """I'm not aware of anyone within my office, within the secretary's office, having seen the cable.""",,2,2 "“Your budget appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” says the letter, which the faculty members sent to Mr. Ryan along with a copy of the Vatican’s Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church — “to help deepen your understanding of Catholic social teaching.”",,2,2 "ISIS reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack, though it’s unclear if the shooting was actually directed by the group or only inspired by it.",,2,2 It's a reference to the fact that Labrador is generally respected by both the House leadership and back-bench tea party legislators.,,2,2 UPDATE: 9 p.m. -- White House spokesman Eric Schultz said he hoped Wednesday's disclosure would put to rest the Benghazi issue.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON - And on the second day of Republican rule, the House read the Constitution.",,2,2 Indiana’s new law contains no reference to sexual orientation.,Indiana’s new law contains no reference to sexual orientation.,1,1 "The release, 30 minutes after The Washington Post published a recording of Mr. Trump bragging about assaulting women, appeared aimed at redirecting negative attention from Mr. Trump to the Clinton campaign.",bragging,0,1 Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump issued a bombastic call for President Barack Obama to resign on Sunday over the president’s response to a shooting at an Orlando night club that left 50 people dead and scores of others injured.,bombastic,0,1 "No one represented that Democratic angst more than blogger Andrew Sullivan, a supporter of the president.",,2,2 "Mueller’s long-awaited findings also did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice, with no conclusions that the president committed a crime but also not exonerating Trump.",,2,2 A panel of administration officials and bipartisan lawmakers is getting to work Wednesday to try to hash out a compromise over what to do about the expiring Bush tax cuts. ,,2,2 "President Trump himself went even further than congressional Republicans Thursday morning, tweeting:",,2,2 It doesn’t comport with due process.,,2,2 "He had said earlier that the policy was included to save money “because free prenatal testing ends up in more abortions and therefore less care that has to be done, because we cull the ranks of the disabled in our society.”",we cull the ranks of the disabled in our society,1,1 "Trump said he didn't introduce the citizenship issue, but was asked about it during an interview a month ago.",,2,2 """We're the ones who are not raiding Medicare to pay for ObamaCare.",raiding,0,1 Long and Bosma also conceded they called the press conference because Pence failed to clearly explain the law during an appearance Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”,Long and Bosma also conceded they called the press conference because Pence failed to clearly explain the law during an appearance Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”,1,1 "The FBI said it was processing a cell phone, a computer and a camera recovered from Hodgkinson’s van, which was in the parking lot of a YMCA adjacent to the park.",,2,2 "According to HuffPost Pollster, Christie is in the middle of the pack of GOP presidential candidates.",,2,2 Those markets house some of the state’s largest Jewish communities.,,2,2 "“While I planned on serving out the remainder of my term in Congress, I know in my heart it’s time for me to move along and look for new ways to serve,” Farenthold said in a statement Friday evening, noting he sent a letter to Texas Gov.",,2,2 The move essentially left protections for Dreamers in place for at least the next several months ― giving Democrats less incentive to agree to Trump’s offer of protections to DACA recipients.,,2,2 Just let’s be sure that our Supreme Court doesn’t get to be one of those agencies that’s captured on any subject.”,,2,2 "Mr. Ryan held his own, but did look abashed when Mr. Biden mocked him for opposing the Obama stimulus, yet asking for government funds for his own district.",,2,2 "Mr. Patrick showed similar deftness, skirting a question about why he had not picked former Representative Barney Frank, who had asserted that he would have loved the interim appointment.",,2,2 "“We all cherish the language of the 14th Amendment, but the Supreme Court of the United States has never ruled on whether the language of the 14th Amendment — ’subject to the jurisdiction thereof’ — applies specifically to people who are in the country illegally,” Vice President Mike Pence told Politico in an interview on Tuesday, several hours after Mr. Trump’s comments were reported.",,2,2 Blumenthal's campaign said he planned an event Tuesday with veterans showing their support for him.,,2,2 Part of that arrangement entailed clearing the field for his nomination.,,2,2 "And more than a half-dozen House and Senate Democrats also have said they will skip the event, calling it an affront to Obama and the administration as they negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program.",affront,0,1 They also said Mr. Cohen discussed the progress of the Moscow project with Mr. Trump more frequently than he had told the committee and had briefed members of Mr. Trump’s family about the negotiations.,,2,2 Hutchison's plan does not include tax hikes.,,2,2 """When you look at the crime and poverty and family breakdown of the African-American community ... you see a half-century of failure by the NAACP,"" he wrote.","""When you look at the crime and poverty and family breakdown of the African-American community ... you see a half-century of failure by the NAACP,""",1,1 "But on Friday, it did not appear that the indictment would include any campaign finance charges or accusations that the congressman had misused his office, although several of the people noted that the investigation was continuing.",,2,2 "But the Social Security Administration is now using a “place of residence” standard in determining spousal benefits, and a gay couple in Alabama might not receive the same benefits as a gay couple in New York until final determinations are made or Congress acts.",,2,2 """If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.""",,2,2 The endorsement from Arpaio could prove helpful to Perry who has faced criticism about his stance on immigration from the Right for his support of DREAM children.,,2,2 "But Mr. Strzok’s lawyer said the deputy director of the F.B.I., David Bowdich, had overruled the Office of Professional Responsibility and fired Mr. Strzok.",,2,2 "Trump denied that he had been looking to replace Mattis, telling reporters that he was “very happy” with him.",,2,2 The pair is due to be arraigned in court on Thursday morning.,,2,2 "“The fact is that every day that passes, Iran gets closer and closer to nuclear arms,” Mr. Netanyahu is shown saying.",,2,2 "His condition was upgraded from “critical” to “serious” on Thursday, a spokeswoman for George Washington University Hospital confirmed to HuffPost.",,2,2 "Several GOP senators called on him to step aside if the allegations are true – and at least one senator, Arizona’s John McCain, said he should drop out regardless.",,2,2 The White House argued that the hunting would bring money to local communities and incentivize efforts to protect elephants.,,2,2 Police have arrested a suspect in connection with at least a dozen packages containing likely pipe bombs mailed in the past week to people critical of President Donald Trump.,,2,2 "When HuffPost asked Hunter how his campaign was going at the end of July, just before House lawmakers left for the August break, Hunter said things were good.",,2,2 "It also recently rolled back protections for African lions, releasing new guidelines that allow big game hunters to bring back to the U.S. animal trophies from hunts in parts of Africa.",,2,2 "But as he prepares to accept that nomination next week in Tampa, Mr. Romney is once again being forced to carefully navigate between the uncompromising antiabortion positions of his party’s base and the more moderate politics of the swing voters he needs to win over.",,2,2 "It institutes a public financing system for congressional campaigns, requires presidential candidates to disclose tax returns and makes Election Day a federal holiday.",,2,2 Reese is a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University.,,2,2 They are so busy and crowded that a search was begun for more space.,,2,2 "At almost all of his campaign rallies, Donald J. Trump leads a familiar refrain as he details his plan to build a giant wall along the border with Mexico.",,2,2 They’re looking for solutions and they want to help.”,,2,2 But strategists said Democrats could counter the Republican offensive by labeling the mosque dispute as a local issue and saying Democrats remain focused on the economy.,,2,2 "“Our goal is to limit any changes in benefits,” John Rother, AARP’s policy chief, said in a telephone interview, “but we also want to see the system made solvent.”",,2,2 "By noon, the White House press office had released supportive comments from Antonio Villaraigosa, the mayor of Los Angeles, and Mr. Peters.",,2,2 "Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg formally endorsed Hillary Clinton Wednesday at the Democratic National Convention, saying it was ""imperative"" that voters back the former secretary of state over GOP nominee Donald Trump.",,2,2 Christie: I don't know that he wants that in particular.,,2,2 "I’ve built a business ― and I didn’t start it with a million-dollar check from my father,” Bloomberg said.",I didn’t start it with a million-dollar check from my father,1,1 "Now it has become a symbol of whether you stand for or against same-sex marriage, or – alternately – the right to express your personal views without fear of retaliation.",,2,2 "After Mrs. Clinton won Tuesday’s California primary, Mr. Sanders refused to quit the race, despite Mrs. Clinton’s wide margin of victory and the fact that she had the support of enough delegates for the nomination.",despite Mrs. Clinton’s wide margin of victory and the fact that she had the support of enough delegates for the nomination,1,1 "Basically what Newsweek magazine -- and this is important, what Newsweek magazine, not a blog, Newsweek magazine -- what they are saying of a woman who is a serious contender for president of the United States of America…",,2,2 "In a letter signed by the 42 members of the Republican caucus, delivered to the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, and mentioned Wednesday on the Senate floor by the minority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republicans informed their Democratic counterparts that they would not go forward with “any legislative item until the Senate has acted to fund the government and we have prevented the tax increase that is currently awaiting all American taxpayers.”",,2,2 """I'm going to make a special point of saying that I thought Joe Biden was terrific tonight,"" the president told reporters after stepping off Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, on his way back to the White House after a day of campaigning in Florida.",I thought Joe Biden was terrific tonight,1,1 "During his nearly two full terms in office, Obama had never had a veto overridden by Congress.","During his nearly two full terms in office, Obama had never had a veto overridden by Congress.",1,1 "The gory photo first published in TMZ from Griffin's photo session with the famed Shields, known for his shocking pictures.",gory,0,0 The White House released the e-mails to reporters after Republicans seized on snippets of the correspondence that became public on Friday to suggest that President Obama’s national security staff had been complicit in trying to alter the talking points for political reasons.,complicit,0,1 "At least six top Republicans have already taken steps to run for party chairman and several members have withdrawn their support for Mr. Steele, leading many party leaders to conclude that Mr. Steele will not seek reelection.",,2,2 "But even as Republicans prepared to support Mr. Trump’s plan, the signs of mounting frustration after weeks of inaction were evident.",,2,2 "“He tried to silence me,” the Mexican-born journalist told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly in August.",,2,2 Fox tweeted his own recollection in response:,,2,2 “And a lot of really wanting to have a plan.”,,2,2 "They clashed with police later in the afternoon, amid dozens of arrests.","They clashed with police later in the afternoon, amid dozens of arrests.",1,0 Trump implied earlier this month that he had “tapes” of discussions with recently fired FBI Director James Comey that would be damaging to Comey.,,2,2 "Now that they have opened the door to reform, it is time for lawmakers to walk through it.""",,2,2 "Former Mexican President Vicente Fox says Mexico will not pay for a wall along the U.S. border, despite what GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump may claim.",,2,2 Others are expected to follow.,,2,2 "“Throughout my many years of service to the people of North Carolina, I have always tried to treat people from all viewpoints with respect.",,2,2 "“And this whole idea about talking about the social issues and who is going to pay for birth control pills,” Mr. Paul said.",,2,2 "When Facebook is asked for data or information about specific individuals, we carefully scrutinize any such request for compliance with all applicable laws, and provide information only to the extent required by law.""",,2,2 NAACP leaders have referenced an incident in March when Tea Party protesters allegedly hurled racial epithets at black lawmakers on Capitol Hill ahead of a health care vote.,,2,2 But critics see no distinction between the two.,,2,2 He also has told all city departments to review their contracts to see whether Seattle is doing business with any company whose headquarters is in Indiana.,,2,2 "The Democrats tax and spend, while the Republicans just spend.",,2,2 Cowan is a graduate of Duke University and Northeastern University School of Law.,,2,2 It went downhill from there.,,2,2 "More than 650,000 people signed up to participate, and tens of thousands “liked” photos of packed restaurants that Mr. Huckabee posted on his Facebook page on Wednesday.",,2,2 "Jerry Pow, the party chairman for Bibb County, told Mr. Dale that he’d back Mr. Moore even if the candidate had committed a sex crime.",even if the candidate had committed a sex crime,1,0 "The administration is still looking to repeal the military's ""don't ask, don't tell"" policy after the Pentagon issued a report Tuesday claiming the policy shift would not harm the military in the long-run.",,2,2 "Since then, a majority of those candidates made clear that they would not be turning up, with only Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum pledging to appear.",,2,2 But it reveals that dozens in her caucus voted against her in secret ballots. That’s a lot.,That’s a lot,1,1 "Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., the representative for Senate Democrats, indicated Wednesday he's not worried about the impact the GOP letter will have on the talks.",,2,2 "In addition to the many lingering questions about the shooting, the local authorities have also come under criticism for how they have handled the protests.",,2,2 "“The letter actually went before we got the request from the select committee,” Ms. Harf said of the request to the former secretaries.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — President Trump on Friday reversed the government’s decision to start allowing hunters to import trophies of elephants that were killed in two African countries, pending a further review.",,2,2 "The Flynn Intel Group was paid more than $500,000 to represent Turkey in a dispute with the United States government while Mr. Flynn was advising the Trump campaign.",,2,2 "Once DOMA was overturned in June, the question became: What about same-sex married couples who moved to a state that didn’t recognize their marriage (a couple married in Massachusetts who moved to Arkansas, for example)?",,2,2 "Plus the president wants to commit $4 billion to hiring more police officers, and to pass new gun trafficking laws to explicitly prohibit straw purchasing.",,2,2 "Yet he seemed to recognize the seriousness of the threat only in the final weeks of the campaign, when he suddenly shifted his advertising and began sending aides from Washington to his district.",,2,2 "Democracy for America, the political action committee founded by former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean, also said: ""If you want to know why we lost in 2016 and why a Democratic wave in 2018 is far from guaranteed … look no further than this weak and profoundly disappointing cave from Senate Democrats.”",weak and profoundly disappointing,0,1 "The developer, Sharif el-Gamal, a real estate investor born in New York, has said the center would include meeting rooms, a prayer space, a 500-seat auditorium and a pool.",,2,2 "He said Obama ""doesn't have a doctrine (on foreign affairs.)",,2,2 "After all, he said, “you’re going to have some bad apples” given Wal-Mart’s thousands of stores.",,2,2 "Benjamin Todd Jealous, the president of the N.A.A.C.P., said the resolution was not an attempt to label the entire Tea Party movement as racist.",,2,2 """For someone on the Supreme Court who is going to be calling balls and strikes in the future based upon whatever the next president and Congress does, that strikes me as inherently biased and out of the realm,"" Ryan said.",inherently biased and out of the realm,1,1 "On Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., suggested Trump might want to think twice before tweeting and commenting on the Russia case. ",,2,2 "“We stand by our reporting and the sources who informed it, and we urge the Special Counsel to make clear what he’s disputing,” Smith tweeted.",,2,2 "A lawyer for Mr. Grimm, William McGinley of Patton Boggs, confirmed in a statement that prosecutors intended to file criminal charges against his client and said that Mr. Grimm “asserts his innocence” and that the investigation was “a politically driven vendetta.”",,2,2 "And we're certainly willing to talk about a package of changes that will keep Social Security strong.""",,2,2 "He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records.",enabled him to avoid,0,1 "Akin, however, continued his refusal to step down Tuesday in a subsequent interview on Sean Hannity's radio show.",,2,2 It said Scalise would need further operations.,,2,2 "As evidence, the governor said even his own son had signed a petition urging him to veto the bill.",,2,2 Schumer and fellow Senate Democrats forced the shutdown over the weekend after insisting that any temporary spending bill to keep the government fully operational include permanent protections for the so-called DREAMers -- immigrants brought illegally to the United States as children.,so-called,0,0 "Jameel Jaffer, who litigated national-security cases against the government as the former deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, urged the committee to scrutinize more closely Judge Gorsuch’s views on executive power and individual rights.",,2,2 "We remain confident in what we’ve reported, and will share more as we are able,"" he said.",,2,2 Trump in the past has referred to alleged “shadow banning” by Twitter as “discriminatory and illegal.”,,2,2 "In a sign of its resonance within the party, his campaign noted in an email to supporters Saturday that Clinton's speech in New York didn't ""weigh in on the secretive TPP deal that could depress American wages and cost American jobs.""","didn't ""weigh in on the secretive TPP deal that could depress American wages and cost American jobs.""",1,1 "The questions come as the Senate Foreign Relations Committee begins its confirmation hearing for Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who was tapped to replace Clinton at the department.",,2,2 "But in the hours after he spoke, law enforcement officials said that the gunman had pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State, and they acknowledged that he had twice been investigated for terrorism connections.",,2,2 "The four days of Senate Judiciary Committee hearings held this past week for President Donald Trump’s nominee to fill the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat, Judge Neil Gorsuch, were different.",,2,2 But one reason Democrats are so leery of the deal is that they have been down this road with the president before.,,2,2 "The House approved the Ryan budget plan on March 29 by a vote of 228 to 191, with all but 10 Republicans voting for it.",,2,2 "While Boehner cast that as a significant concession, Obama said it didn't go far enough because it didn't include an increase in tax rates for the top 2 percent.",,2,2 "We stand by the integrity of our coverage and remain committed to our aggressive reporting on such an important topic,"" a spokesman said.",,2,2 "In fact, they inscribed in the stones that our national motto was 'E pluribus unum.'""",,2,2 "Conaway then went on to demand Schiff immediately resign his committee chairmanship, saying that Republicans on the committee have “no faith in you.”",,2,2 The Journal reported that AARP policy chief John Rother is pushing the organization to accept benefit cuts as part of a deal to make Social Security solvent.,,2,2 "In October, the State Department asked former secretaries of state dating back to Madeleine Albright to provide it with any government records — like emails — they might have in their possession.",,2,2 """Those findings are confirmed by the emails released today, and they contradict statements made by the White House that it and the State Department only changed one word in the talking points.",,2,2 "We have seen nastiness, divisiveness, ugliness, distortions of opponents' records, of the president's record.""","We have seen nastiness, divisiveness, ugliness, distortions of opponents' records, of the president's record",1,1 """The First Amendment protects freedom of religion,"" reads a statement from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's office (D-Nev.).",,2,2 "McCarthy, whose district is 35 percent Latino, has expressed support for providing a path to legal status, but only after those applying for it earn it by learning English and paying fines and taxes, among other things.",,2,2 "In his Twitter post, Mr. Trump also referred to the case of a Navy sailor who was jailed for taking pictures inside a military submarine.",,2,2 "“We badly mishandled our communications with them,” Monika Bickert, head of Global Policy Management at Facebook, said at a House Judiciary Committee hearing.",,2,2 "Among the potential Democratic candidates are Reps. Stephen F. Lynch, Michael E. Capuano and Edward Markey.",,2,2 The messages obtained by The Atlantic were turned over to investigators by Trump Jr.’s attorneys.,,2,2 "The president had indeed invoked Ms. Tlaib and other House Democrats who want to impeach him, they said, but Ms. Pelosi tried to shift the meeting back to its intended topic and did not offer the president reassurances.",indeed,0,1 Whether that means a fight to overhaul the party platform – or a last-ditch bid to somehow deny Clinton the nomination – remains to be seen.,a last-ditch bid to somehow deny Clinton the nomination,1,1 Hutchinson also encouraged the NRA to continue funding pilot programs to train school employees to carry weapons.,,2,2 "By releasing them, he said, the White House had shown that the drafting process was “focused on providing the facts as we knew them, based on the best information available at the time and protecting an ongoing investigation.”",,2,2 Mr. Stone has nothing to hide.”,,2,2 "A day after Trump’s suspension, the Safari Club sent out a “call to arms,” encouraging hunters to contact Trump and Zinke and “tell them how much you appreciate the efforts of the Fish & Wildlife Service to remove barriers to sustainable use conservation for African wildlife.”",,2,2 "Before the vote, committee members discussed the budget plan and the Medicare provisions in detail.",,2,2 "Noting that he was a recovering alcoholic himself, he said that the party had to admit that it had a problem, which he had not heard it do.",,2,2 The special counsel’s statement adds more confusion over what Mueller’s team knows in its ongoing investigation into President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia.,,2,2 "The president’s tweet comes after the State Department, in a Friday news dump, released a batch of emails from Abedin’s account that were discovered by the FBI on a laptop belonging to her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner.",,2,2 """As president, I will secure the border within a year putting thousands more federal boots on the ground, strategic fencing and aerial resources to fight border crime and make our states and nation safer,"" Perry said.",,2,2 The semantic evolution provides both the president and Democrats with a face-saving way forward if they want it.,,2,2 "The president over the weekend had tweeted that Strzok and others have “badly damaged” the FBI’s reputation, referring to them as “clowns and losers!” ",referring to them as “clowns and losers,1,1 "Ryan, who was raised on Social Security benefits after his father died, also on Fox News defended his budget against the conference, saying for instance that the concept of denying tax credits to illegal immigrants is merely ""following through on policy"" that has had bipartisan support.",who was raised on Social Security benefits after his father died,1,1 "Tlaib, doubling down on her comments, tweeted on Friday that she “will always speak truth to power. #unapologeticallyMe.”",doubling down,0,1 """It's now time for us to assume responsibly for our schools,"" he said.",,2,2 "“If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress, the government will either shut down on Feb. 15, or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and Constitution of the United States to address this emergency.”",,2,2 "Maria Cino, a former Bush official who recently received key backing from former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie and former Vice President Dick Cheney, became the latest official contender this weekend.",,2,2 "On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) received a letter signed by all 42 Senate Republicans, which stated, ""[W]e write to inform you that we will not agree to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to any legislative item until the Senate has acted to fund the government and we have prevented the tax increase that is currently awaiting all American taxpayers.""",,2,2 “What is the president afraid of — that he would go after a chairman of the committee?” she said.,“What is the president afraid of — that he would go after a chairman of the committee?”,1,1 Talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres launched a campaign called #BeKindToElephants.,,2,2 "At one point, there was yelling in the chamber, and the sergeant-at-arms was called to remove a protester.","At one point, there was yelling in the chamber, and the sergeant-at-arms was called to remove a protester.",1,1 But a senior administration source told NBC on Friday that there was “zero” chance the controversial private meeting between the two men would be canceled.,,2,2 “Thank you and I look forward to talking to you Monday evening.”,,2,2 New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) announced he's running for president in 2016.,,2,2 "Since then, he has continued to influence the conservative movement as a charismatic public speaker and radio and television host.",charismatic,0,1 "“These state taxing authorities will have to figure out how to deal with a same-sex married couple who file a joint income tax return for federal tax purposes.” He added,",,2,2 Some people look at it and they hate it...,,2,2 "I'm addicted to spending and big government,"" he declared, reading out the apology he wanted lawmakers to deliver.",,2,2 "In January 2012, the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board ordered Healthalicious to pay $88,000 for not carrying workers’ compensation insurance.",,2,2 """Tell me who you are ... I have a right to know who you are.""",,2,2 """By virtue of his career in public service, including distinguished military service, Congressman Sestak was viewed to be highly qualified to hold a range of advisory positions in which he could, while holding his House seat, have additional responsibilities of considerable potential interest to him and value to the Executive Branch,"" a memo detailing the administration's findings reads.",,2,2 "I am confident that a reasonable compromise can be reached, but not while President Trump continues to keep significant parts of the government shut down and Leader McConnell refuses to meaningfully negotiate with Senate Democrats,"" he said.",Leader McConnell refuses to meaningfully negotiate with Senate Democrats,1,1 "On Friday morning, McCarthy, 49, appeared to be headed toward running unopposed after some rivals dropped out.",,2,2 "The Governor faces an uphill climb for the nomination with low poll numbers, and a fundraising deficit.",,2,2 "It’s special,” he told reporters later at a joint East Room news conference with Mr. Santos.",,2,2 "According to the DOJ document, 12 Russian intelligence officers are accused of hacking emails from the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic Party during the 2016 election.",,2,2 "Mr. McCulloch, speaking to a local radio station, categorically rejected that notion.",,2,2 More orders are planned for next week.,,2,2 "The statement said Grimm ""asserts his innocence of any wrongdoing"" and ""will be vindicated.""",,2,2 The attorney general then described how he was stopped twice on the New Jersey Turnpike and accused of speeding.,,2,2 "In June, the magazine portrayed Mitt Romney as one of the stars of the Broadway show ""The Book of Mormon.""","In June, the magazine portrayed Mitt Romney as one of the stars of the Broadway show ""The Book of Mormon.""",1,1 "He called it ""a very good night,"" and said Holder's visit had let people know their voices had been heard.",Holder's visit had let people know their voices had been heard,1,1 "“The President is wrong to end #BirthrightCitizenship,” Bob Hugin, a Republican candidate for Senate in New Jersey, said in a Twitter post.",,2,2 The threat comes as Democrats not only threaten to filibuster but suggest he shouldn’t get a vote until the FBI completes its probe of possible links between Russia and Trump associates.,threaten,0,1 """We can't just say the right things -- we must take concrete steps to move our party in the right direction.""",,2,2 “Trump Jr. was rebuffed just like Cambridge Analytica.,,2,2 "On Thursday, however, he appeared to be more angered by Mr. Fox’s tone.",,2,2 He said polling had him safely above his opponent — “We’re looking good” — and he indicated he wasn’t really afraid of losing.,,2,2 "Separately, Ryan told reporters the race didn’t turn out as he wanted but he thinks he did “a pretty good job” of bringing economic issues to the forefront.",,2,2 "“Compromise is not a sign of weakness — it’s a sign of strength, particularly when hundreds of thousands of families are being harmed.",,2,2 """I think that this is a very symbolic showing to the American people and reminder to the members of congress that we are a government of laws not of men and that this Constitution is the foundation for all of our laws,"" Goodlatte said.",,2,2 Unwillingness to even start a discussion of a two state solution.,Unwillingness to even start a discussion,1,1 The religion bill comes as Arizona prepares to host the Super Bowl next year and struggles to regain its economic vitality.,,2,2 "Dingell said she has spoken “endlessly” to Pelosi about appealing to Midwestern voters, and said she gets it.",,2,2 He suddenly faced calls to rally outside his Brooklyn apartment and suggestions that his leadership position was no longer secure.,,2,2 "In laying out what his campaign calls the ""Rubio Doctrine,"" the presidential hopeful said he was guided by three principles: ""American strength,"" ""the protection of the American economy in a globalized world"" and ""moral clarity regarding America’s core values.""",,2,2 "The Senate leaders — Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, and Mr. Schumer of New York — did the same.",,2,2 """And if Congress tells you they don't have time, they've got time to do it,"" Obama said.",,2,2 """I think President Peña is taking an enormous political risk by hosting Trump,” he said.",,2,2 The writers acknowledge that the teaching indeed calls for local-level solutions to problems but say it is “not a free pass to dismantle government” and requires higher levels of government.,,2,2 "Close to three dozen House Democrats have signed a letter from Representative Peter Welch, Democrat of Vermont, calling the tax deal “fiscally irresponsible” and “grossly unfair.”",“grossly unfair.”,1,1 "The First Daughters join President Obama at the ceremony every year, where they can hardly contain their disdain for the lame dad jokes that predictably follow.",hardly contain their disdain,0,1 Former President Barack Obama had nominated Judge Merrick Garland to fill Scalia’s seat practically one year to the date before Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing.,,2,2 "A spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, Brad Woodhouse, said Mr. Steele was “betting against our troops and rooting for failure in Afghanistan.”",“betting against our troops and rooting for failure in Afghanistan.”,1,1 "The memorabilia includes a football signed by U.S. presidents, a Michael Jackson fedora, and memorabilia of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee -- all from a company called Antiquities of Nevada.",,2,2 "After his meeting with Reid, Mr. Sanders made a quick exit through a back hall on his way to meet with Senator Chuck Schumer of New York.",,2,2 "Mr. Morell, administration officials said, deleted a reference in the draft version of the talking points to C.I.A. warnings of extremist threats in Libya, which State Department officials objected to because they feared it would reflect badly on them.",they feared it would reflect badly on them,1,1 "The GOP chairman is known for off-the-cuff and occasionally troublesome comments, but the Afghanistan remarks were too much to bear for some war-supporting Republicans.",The GOP chairman is known for off-the-cuff and occasionally troublesome comments,1,1 "The bill cleared the House earlier this month, also by voice vote.",,2,2 “This president has gone longer in his tenure in the White House than just about any other president in modern history before facing the prospect of having his veto overridden.”,“This president has gone longer in his tenure in the White House than just about any other president in modern history before facing the prospect of having his veto overridden.”,1,1 This is not the first time Newsweek has caused a stir with its cover choices.,,2,2 "In a letter to Sasha and Malia posted on her website, Ms. Davis recalled being criticized by a reporter decades ago for the outfit she wore to a cocktail reception her parents held for Queen Elizabeth II when Mr. Reagan was president.",,2,2 "The New York Times also chimed in: “Washington is more than partisan enough without the spectacle of a Supreme Court justice flinging herself into the mosh pit.""",the spectacle of a Supreme Court justice flinging herself into the mosh pit,1,1 “If this were done to a man or would it ever be done to a man – has it ever been done to a man?,,2,2 "While he did not directly address the question of possible cuts in benefits in his statement, Mr. Rand said his group would be working to evaluate any proposed changes in Social Security “to determine how each might — individually or in different combinations — impact the lives of current and future retirees.”",While he did not directly address the question of possible cuts in benefits in his statement,1,0 "Last year, Mr. Trump also criticized the Justice Department and Attorney General Jeff Sessions for not pursuing investigations of his political opponents.",,2,2 "“It’s great that public outrage has forced Trump to reconsider this despicable decision,” said Tanya Sanerib, a senior lawyer with the Center for Biological Diversity, “but it takes more than a tweet to stop trophy hunters from slaughtering elephants and lions.”",public outrage has forced Trump to reconsider this despicable decision,1,1 "The right decision is to step aside,"" they said.",,2,2 "At the same time, same-sex couples will also be able to file amended returns for certain prior tax years, meaning that many couples might be eligible for refunds.",,2,2 "The partial closure of the government has led to hundreds of thousands of workers furloughed or working without pay, with groups representing the workers increasing their calls for D.C. to end the deadlock and get workers paid again. ",,2,2 Mr. Perry was widely criticized within his own party for backing a state plan that gives some children of illegal immigrants the same lower-cost in-state college tuition that is enjoyed by American citizens who attend the state’s public universities and who have been Texas residents at least three years.,,2,2 "That review showed that many changes were made to the original talking points -- drafted by a senior officer -- over concerns about accuracy, an FBI investigation and other bureaucratic matters.",,2,2 "Illinois and New York could be a problem for Mr. Boehner’s party, but Republican-run redistricting in North Carolina and Indiana would appear to counter those Democratic gains.",,2,2 "Minnesota congresswoman and now-GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann and other members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus piled on weeks later, penning a letter to Obama chastising him for his alleged failure to the use the word ""God"" and ""Creator"" more in his public speeches, especially abroad.",,2,2 And I didn’t come here to do politics.”,,2,2 "In the ensuing days, Mr. LePage also reiterated his insistence that blacks and Hispanics were the vast majority of those arrested for dealing heroin in Maine.",,2,2 "Regardless, Mr. Trump’s frank embrace of the issue was another astonishing development: a president of the United States talking openly about his potential impeachment at a White House news conference.",frank embrace,0,1 "And I said, ‘Baby, they don’t, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the motherf***er.’”",,2,2 He has what's called a certificate of live birth.,,2,2 """I believe this would not only have been the most watched debate, but also the most substantive and interesting debate.""",,2,2 "“Today’s charges include no allegations of knowing involvement by anyone on the campaign and no allegations that the alleged hacking affected the election result,” said Lindsay Walters, the deputy White House press secretary.",,2,2 "“Today’s cave by most Senate Democrats was … a stunning display of moral and political cowardice,"" said Democracy for America, just one of several such groups bashing Schumer for the stand-down on Monday.",a stunning display of moral and political cowardice,1,1 "Posting on Facebook on Friday evening, Mary Cheney, who is gay and married her longtime partner last year, wrote: “For the record, I love my sister, but she is dead wrong on the issue of marriage.”",,2,2 "“The power to tax is the power to destroy,” Mr. Issa said.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — The lawmakers trotted from their dugouts at Nationals Park, together in a near-summer air that never quite felt swampy, united in a certainty that the game must go on, just not exactly as it had before.",,2,2 "The special counsel’s investigators spent months encircling Mr. Stone, and the indictment unsealed on Friday detailed how he relied on several longtime associates to get information about the timing and content of WikiLeaks’ document releases in the months before the election.",,2,2 """I wish I didn't have to do it,"" he said.",,2,2 "Beck wrote ""Progressivism"" on it to underscore his belief in what America is suffering from.",,2,2 "Nuland said in a Sept. 14 email that she didn't want that information included because it ""could be abused by members [of Congress] to beat up the State Department for not paying attention to warnings, so why would we want to feed that either? Concerned ...""",,2,2 But one of them shouldn’t be the chairman of the Republican party.”,,2,2 And Mr. Cruz had finally had enough.,,2,2 "“Beyond its symbolic power, however, it is unclear what impact the new rule will have upon the nation.",,2,2 "“I want to put this behind us,” Mr. LePage said, during a meeting with a select group of reporters in his office on Wednesday morning, adding, “I will never talk about it again.”",,2,2 Congress passed a government funding bill Thursday evening.,,2,2 But they are not big enough where they can't be challenged in a court of law.,,2,2 Liberal groups such as MoveOn.org began urging members to sign up on Monday for rallies aimed at pressuring Republicans to protect the young undocumented immigrants known as Dreamers.,,2,2 A number of the Internet companies issued statements Thursday night saying they only complied when legally bound to do so.,,2,2 "It was all part of his ambition to become speaker of the House, having begun his career as the driver to his predecessor, Representative Thomas J. Bliley Jr.",,2,2 "The members were practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game, a D.C. tradition dating back to 1909.",,2,2 "Mr. McConnell, who viewed the shutdown as unnecessary from the start, found Mr. Trump eager to end the impasse, and in a series of calls, they ironed out the details.",who viewed the shutdown as unnecessary from the start,1,0 New York Republican Rep. Michael Grimm's attorney confirmed late Friday that federal prosecutors plan to file criminal charges against the congressman.,,2,2 "He is set to face Doug Jones, a Democrat, in a special election next month.",,2,2 "But the original called for the NAACP to ""educate its membership and the community that this movement is not just about higher taxes and limited government.""",,2,2 "“If Scalise was not there, he’s the one with security detail, we wouldn’t have had any protection and God knows how bad that might have been,” Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, told ""Fox & Friends.""",God knows how bad that might have been,1,1 "Trump has said that $5 billion in funding for the wall is non-negotiable, while Democrats have said they will fund more general border security -- but not the wall.",,2,2 """But they are walking backwards now.""","""But they are walking backwards now.""",1,1 """Dick Cheney a couple days ago... says it is going to be a good year for conservative ideas,"" he declared at one point, wiping the sweat from his brow.",wiping the sweat from his brow,1,1 "“We even talked about that today,” he told reporters in the Rose Garden, referring to an exchange with Speaker Nancy Pelosi during a meeting earlier Friday to try to negotiate an end to the shutdown of the government, which Mr. Trump threatened to keep closed for years if he did not get money from Congress for a wall on the southern border.",threatened,0,1 "“Let me be as clear as I can be,” Sanders said in a statement.",,2,2 "I hope he is [reassured],"" Axelrod said, adding that he had ""high regard for [Sullivan] by the way.""",,2,2 The administration plans to give private sellers guidance on how to run background checks as soon as possible.,,2,2 The Senate confirmed two cabinet nominations — James N. Mattis as defense secretary and John F. Kelly as secretary of homeland security — but Democrats temporarily held up Mike Pompeo’s confirmation as C.I.A. director.,,2,2 """We negotiate the whole thing, and we walk to our movie.",,2,2 "In return, Democrats would get extended jobless benefits for people who have been unemployed for long stretches.","In return, Democrats would get extended jobless benefits for people who have been unemployed for long stretches.",1,1 "Judges and former prosecutors, not elected officials, have frequently been chosen.",,2,2 "Obama vetoed the measure last week, telling lawmakers the bill would make the U.S. vulnerable to retaliatory litigation in foreign courts that could put U.S. troops in legal jeopardy.",,2,2 "The career Marine was respected among allies and adversaries and on Capitol Hill, and he was beloved in the Pentagon as a protector against a president with scant understanding of his own role as commander in chief.",a president with scant understanding of his own role as commander in chief,1,1 "When Beck asked what America is suffering from, someone shouted ""President Obama,"" though Beck, an outspoken critic of the president, said it's ""not that simple.""",,2,2 Trump met with Democratic and Republican leaders of both chambers. ,,2,2 "His discussion of the idea comes after the administration announced it was streaming more than 5,000 active-duty troops to the southern border, part of an election-season rash of executive action Mr. Trump has undertaken as he works to energize his anti-immigrant base.",,2,2 But an examination of his remarks at the ceremonies shows that he does not volunteer that his service never took him overseas.,,2,2 The New Jersey state legislature is also investigating the lane closures.,,2,2 "“I cannot envision him sitting in that chair, that was the chair of President Washington, President Jefferson, President Kennedy, President Reagan,” Mr. Fox said.",,2,2 "“He should have never been here in the first place,” she said.",,2,2 "But as protests against Chick-fil-A swelled across the country, dozens of groups and prominent individuals joined in support of the company.",,2,2 But that was one reason many Democrats considered it unacceptable.,,2,2 Boehner is heading back to Ohio for the weekend.,,2,2 "Critics say the policy encourages illegal immigrants to come to the country, give birth and then try to claim residency themselves as a result.",,2,2 This was after Trump’s account tweeted Saturday: “I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. ,,2,2 "Trump Jr. later on Monday confirmed his correspondence with WikiLeaks, posting several screenshots of the Twitter messages.",,2,2 And I don’t want that to be the headline.”,,2,2 "WASHINGTON ― In a stinging blow to President Barack Obama, the Senate voted Wednesday to override his veto of a bill to let 9/11 victims sue Saudi Arabia for its alleged role in the terrorist attacks.",stinging blow,0,1 "“A SWAT team, searching the house, scaring his wife, scaring his dogs—it was completely unnecessary,” Stone’s attorney said. ","scaring his wife, scaring his dogs—it was completely unnecessary",1,0 "The decision to ask Mrs. Clinton for her emails went all the way to Secretary of State John Kerry’s chief of staff, who, along with officials working on the response to the Benghazi requests, signed off on it.",,2,2 "Finally, in December, dozens of boxes filled with 50,000 pages of printed emails from Mrs. Clinton’s personal account were delivered to the State Department.",,2,2 "In all, Mr. Clinton earned $13.17 million in 2013, also for 41 speeches, the most lucrative of these, at $750,000, for addressing Handelsbanken Capital Markets in Stockholm that May; Mr. Clinton listed a second payment of $100,000 from the same company the same day.",,2,2 "“Pic of your wife not from us,” Cruz said.",,2,2 Mr. Clapper also said that on Wednesday night he had taken precautions after the first packages were discovered. ,,2,2 "Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday that he understands why many black Americans distrust the police as he made a one-day swing through the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo., where a black teenager was fatally shot by a white police officer almost two weeks earlier.",,2,2 The packages were sent about two weeks ahead of the midterm elections.,,2,2 "Updated: Rick Santorum on Sunday tried to clarify his comment that President Obama subscribed to a “phony theology,” saying he was referring not to the president’s faith but to his view of man’s relationship to the world.",phony,0,1 "Democrats were intent Thursday night to steal back any edge Romney might have deprived them of in being the party who can appeal to working class and blue-collar voters, and to any voter who considers themselves middle class, which is a large number.",,2,2 Today's story unfortunately distorts Dick Blumenthal's record of service by implying that he did not serve.,,2,2 "As part of a plea agreement, prosecutors recommended that Mr. Jackson receive a sentence of 46 to 57 months in prison.",,2,2 "The subpoenas were disclosed Thursday, the same day the Republican governor's campaign announced it had hired the Washington, D.C., law firm Patton Boggs in the case.",,2,2 "“This is a recommendation for solutions, real solutions that will make our kids safer.","“This is a recommendation for solutions, real solutions that will make our kids safer.",1,1 "Hutchinson's chief complaint was that some provisions do not ""precisely mirror"" the federal law, and he wants that addressed.",,2,2 Hmmm...nothing like the courage of the anonymous protester.,Hmmm...nothing like the courage of the anonymous protester.,1,0 "Cathi Herrod, president of the Center for Arizona Policy, an architect of the bill, issued a news release calling attacks on the legislation “politics at its absolute worse,” and saying, “Instead of having an honest discussion about the true meaning of religious liberty, opponents of the bill have hijacked this discussion through lies, personal attacks, and irresponsible reporting.”","opponents of the bill have hijacked this discussion through lies, personal attacks, and irresponsible reporting",1,0 "Romney released a statement late Tuesday saying: ""As I said yesterday, Todd Akin's comments were offensive and wrong and he should very seriously consider what course would be in the best interest of our country.",Todd Akin's comments were offensive and wrong,1,1 """But I do think that you can't just read it like a speech and then leave skid marks on it in your legislative record.""",,2,2 The video was released shortly after Obama met in the Oval Office with Sanders.,,2,2 "(Federal officials believe WikiLeaks published material, including emails from the Democratic National Committee’s servers, that had been obtained via Russian hackers.)","(Federal officials believe WikiLeaks published material, including emails from the Democratic National Committee’s servers, that had been obtained via Russian hackers.)",1,1 "The prior fight left little appetite on either side of the aisle for another shutdown, leading to the passage Thursday of the compromise measure.",,2,2 "“I’m in shock,” said Representative Patrick T. McHenry, Republican of North Carolina.",,2,2 "Politico reported over the weekend that many of his supporters as well as other GOP operatives believe that a Steele run was looking increasingly doubtful, due in part to the fact that he ""has built no known reelection team or structure, making the prospect of a campaign unlikely in the face of competition that grows fiercer by the day.""",,2,2 """But let me tell you, whatever our disagreements may be, I’ve come here to say we must put them aside for the good of our country.""",,2,2 "Clinton did not even have a government email address during her tenure as America's top diplomat, which lasted from 2009 to 2013, and The Times reports that her aides took no action to preserve her emails on department servers, as required by the Federal Records Act.",,2,2 "The Idaho congressman, echoing other conservatives, has said that Congress should wait until at least 2015 to take up the issue again because President Obama must make a clear attempt to take steps to secure the borders and step up interior enforcement of immigration laws.",,2,2 The proposal would instead affect the future production and sale of military-style weapons or high-capacity magazines.,,2,2 One of the more exotic items they bought was an elk head from a taxidermist in Montana.,,2,2 "I used the wrong words in the wrong way and for that I apologize,"" he said in the ad.",,2,2 "He said Grassley, though, would likely become chairman of that committee if Republicans take the Senate.",,2,2 So dishonest! Rigged system!”,,2,2 "Huckabee, 59, quit his job hosting his own Fox News show, ""Huckabee,"" in January.",,2,2 "Asked whether the country would find itself dipping towards the economic doldrums if Congress waited a month or two to get a tax cut package passed, Rob Shapiro, a former commerce official in the Clinton White House and a proponent of the current tax cut deal, offered more sober-minded analysis.",,2,2 "Sen. Jon Kyl, the No. 2 Republican in the Senate, told reporters that a tax cut bill could be on the Senate floor as early as Thursday.",,2,2 "Committee Chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., made the request in a letter sent Tuesday to Clinton's lawyer.",,2,2 "His lawyer said then that the congressman intended to cooperate fully and had already repaid about $60,000 to his campaign to correct for mistaken payments for personal items.",,2,2 "Asked, for instance, if the White House would be willing to revise the informal compromise to bring more Democratic lawmakers on board, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said any changes would be fine, so long as they didn't result in decreased support.",,2,2 "Four years ago, when Democrats controlled the Senate and Republican senators were blockading Mr. Obama’s appeals court and executive branch nominees, Democrats changed the chamber’s rules to bar filibusters for such positions — but left the filibuster rule in place for Supreme Court nominations.",,2,2 "Several prominent conservatives offered swift, negative reactions to Michael Steele on Friday, after the RNC chairman was caught on camera saying that Afghanistan is a largely unwinnable war of President Obama’s choosing. ",,2,2 "A strong defender of Israel, he has been sharply critical of Mr. Obama’s treatment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and said a proposed nuclear deal with Iran is “terrible” because Iran cannot be trusted.",,2,2 Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) has apologized for his combative behavior over the weekend in a statement released by his office:,,2,2 Remember sailors pictures on the submarine?,,2,2 """I was talking about energy, this idea that man is here to serve the Earth as opposed to husband its resources and be good stewards of the Earth.",,2,2 "It’s a “horrific policy,” Mr. Perry said.",,2,2 "Technically, Mr. Hutchison’s task force is independent of the rifle association, even though it paid for the study, and Mr. LaPierre was not present on Tuesday.",Technically,0,1 "(Alabama law, both in 1979 and now, finds that someone who is 19 or older and has sexual contact with someone between the ages of 12 and 16 is guilty of second-degree sex abuse.)",,2,2 "Multiple sources identified the suspect to Fox News as Cesar Sayoc of Aventura, Florida.",,2,2 This is so much bigger that politics.”,,2,2 "“While I planned on serving out the remainder of my term in Congress, I know in my heart it’s time for me to move along and look for new ways to serve,” Mr. Farenthold said in a statement on Friday, thanking his staff, his family and the voters who elected him.",,2,2 """There are key questions surrounding the identity, actions and motivations of the perpetrators that remain to be determined,"" she said.",,2,2 "There is no national emergency,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who has sued the Trump administration multiple times, said in a statement.",,2,2 Mr. Brat had little help from national groups that have funded other Tea Party challengers.,,2,2 "That plan is expected to meet resistance from Ms. Pelosi, who retains the power to appoint people to those positions, though some Democrats have expressed an interest in the idea.",,2,2 "But asked if Mr. Trump should recalibrate his approach to the Putin meeting, Mr. Gowdy said, “That’s above my pay grade.”",,2,2 "And I think a lot of radical environmentalists have it upside down,"" Santorum said.",,2,2 "McConnell said over the weekend that he intends to move to vote on an immigration bill if both parties can’t agree to one by Feb. 8, as long as the government is still fully open.",,2,2 "He and his wife, Sandra, had agreed to plead guilty in deals with federal prosecutors.",,2,2 "“I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction and I apologize to all involved,” Etheridge said.",,2,2 But there's no way to know exactly how much legal pot is leaving Colorado.,But there's no way to know exactly how much legal pot is leaving Colorado.,1,1 WASHINGTON — It is a lesson politicians never seem to learn from others’ mistakes: The microphone is always on.,,2,2 "Ms. Lauten, now a footnote in Mr. Fincher’s career, is the latest cautionary tale about the dangers of social media sniping directed at the country’s most famous offspring.",now a footnote in Mr. Fincher’s career,1,1 Mr. Strzok’s dismissal was not unexpected. ,,2,2 """It's a remarkable commentary on the most camera-friendly senator that he's more than happy to weigh-in on caffeinated malt beverages, but he won't take a public position on the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero,"" NRSC spokesman Brian Walsh said in a written statement.",,2,2 The debate veered across the spectrum of topics from the campaign trail.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON — Representative Anthony D. Weiner, trying to put to rest a bizarre episode that is overshadowing his role as liberal pugilist and threatening his dream of becoming New York’s mayor, emphatically denied on Wednesday that he had sent a suggestive photograph to a woman in Washington State but said he could not be sure that he is not the person in the image.",trying to put to rest a bizarre episode that is overshadowing his role as liberal pugilist and threatening his dream of becoming New York’s mayor,1,1 "Mr. Obama shifted the focus on the war on terrorism from Iraq to Afghanistan and last year announced his plan to send 30,000 more troops there.",,2,2 "The savings, she said, “do not cut a single guaranteed Medicare benefit.”",,2,2 Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) was considered a front-runner to challenge McCarthy.,,2,2 "He was the longest-serving Arkansas governor, from 1996 to 2007.","He was the longest-serving Arkansas governor, from 1996 to 2007.",1,1 "The forum, which ended Friday, was hosted by the Safari Club International Foundation and the United Republic of Tanzania.",,2,2 "“The charges brought against Mr. Stone have nothing to do with the president,” she told CNN. Asked whether he directed a campaign aide to contact Mr. Stone about the WikiLeaks emails, she repeated that the charges did not involve Mr. Trump.",,2,2 "Nancy Pelosi, the House minority leader, wore a shirt from Louisiana State University, Mr. Scalise’s alma mater.",,2,2 The national emergency declaration gives Trump a chance to reroute other government money to fund the project ― and sets up a legal battle that could tie up the president’s signature project for months or years.,,2,2 "Christie's favorability rating among voters skyrocketed after he made himself visible through interviews, press conferences and tours of storm damage during the disaster.","Christie's favorability rating among voters skyrocketed after he made himself visible through interviews, press conferences and tours of storm damage during the disaster.",1,1 "“The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action,” he said.",,2,2 "By Saturday, the president clarified that he was not speaking about the ""wisdom"" of the Islamic cultural center per se, just the right of the group to build the Cordoba House in downtown Manhattan.",,2,2 Cowan will hold the seat in an interim capacity until an election in June.,,2,2 "Representative James Lankford, Republican of Oklahoma, said the way that applicants for tax-exempt status were buried in I.R.S. paperwork reminded him of another sore point that Republicans have with the Obama administration.",,2,2 "Court papers released by federal prosecutors on Wednesday provided new details about how Mr. Jackson and his wife used the $750,000 in campaign money to finance their lavish lifestyle.",,2,2 "Mr. George did shed some light on the extent of the accusations against the I.R.S., saying that at this point in this investigation he had no reason to believe any illegal conduct occurred.",,2,2 "Before he spoke on Friday, throngs of protesters were causing disruptions on the edges of the security zone in Washington. ",,2,2 Act like being in the White House matters to you.,,2,2 "Ms. Pelosi, whose victory was mockingly cheered by Republicans as good news for them, dismissed the idea that House Democrats could no longer win with her at the helm.",,2,2 "Jay Roberts, 60, lives nearby and said the game was “probably one of the few moments with all this rancor and politics that they can have some normalcy.”",,2,2 The cover goes with an article by Lois Romano about Ms. Bachmann’s place in the Tea Party movement and on the national stage.,,2,2 "Tom Kirsch, an attorney for Jackson's wife, said she has signed a plea agreement with federal prosecutors and would plead guilty to one tax count.",,2,2 "We conversed on policy issues, on where to take the country.",,2,2 "If that’s the case, what was Merrick Garland about?",,2,2 "Still, gun legislation is likely to begin in the Senate because the House is controlled by Republicans, many of whom oppose new restrictions on guns.",,2,2 "It was quickly deleted, but a frenzy of coverage and comment ensued on blogs, cable news outlets and other media.",,2,2 "Earlier Sunday, Clinton released a statement unequivocally calling the massacre an “act of terror.”",,2,2 "According to the Times, Mary Cheney, who is openly gay and married her partner, Heather Poe, in Washington, DC last year, took to Facebook to rebuke her sister's remarks.",,2,2 Mr. Trump said the inauguration was not merely the transfer of power from one president to another.,,2,2 "The ""Celebrity Apprentice"" star has shot up in the polls as a potential GOP nominee, in part because of his questions about whether Obama is constitutionally allowed to be president if he doesn't prove he is a natural-born citizen of the United States.","The ""Celebrity Apprentice"" star",1,1 Durbin said he regretted that Netanyahu could not meet with the Democrats.,,2,2 "U.S. Reps. John Lewis, Andre Carson and Emanuel Cleaver said some demonstrators, many of them tea party activists, yelled a racial epithet as the black congressmen walked from House office buildings to the Capitol.",,2,2 "Although I did not serve in Vietnam, I have seen first-hand the affects of military action, and no one wants it to be the first resort, nor do we want to mortgage the countries future....""",,2,2 """I have the same view on marriage that I had when I was governor and that I expressed many times.",,2,2 "“It’s always a lively and engaging conversation,” Mr. Hutchinson said.",,2,2 "On Wednesday night, a diminished number of protesters marched around a single block in Ferguson as a thunderstorm filled the sky with lighting and dumped rain.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — As State Department lawyers sifted last summer through a new batch of documents related to the Benghazi attacks, they repeatedly saw something that caught their attention: emails sent to and from a personal account for Hillary Rodham Clinton.",,2,2 "Mrs. Clinton, in a book released last year, said Mr. Comey’s disclosure hurt her campaign’s momentum and helped Mr. Trump win the election.",,2,2 """Everybody's going to get their say, and they've giving it.""",,2,2 The weed was headed for at least 40 different states.,,2,2 "James Fitzgerald, a retired FBI profiler and forensic linguist who, in 1996, helped catch ""Unabomber"" Ted Kaczynski -- who killed 3 people and injured 23 in bombings between 1978 and 1995 -- told Fox News on Wednesday that the letter sent to John Brennan, the former director of the CIA and a staunch Trump critic, reminded him of something the Unabomber would send because of the number of stamps used on the package.","James Fitzgerald, a retired FBI profiler and forensic linguist who, in 1996, helped catch ""Unabomber"" Ted Kaczynski -- who killed 3 people and injured 23 in bombings between 1978 and 1995 -- told Fox News on Wednesday that the letter sent to John Brennan, the former director of the CIA and a staunch Trump critic, reminded him of something the Unabomber would send because of the number of stamps used on the package.",1,1 But the message was clear: supporting anything that closely resembled the Democratic agenda would no longer fly with the modern GOP.,,2,2 "Obama told Senate Democrats this week that he believes that Boehner will make sure immigration reform is passed this year, according to The Hill, a a political publication in Washington, D.C.",,2,2 "It's possible that instead of an outright victory for Wal-Mart, the justices could issue a split decision of sorts and allow only the injunction part of the lawsuit to move forward.",,2,2 "He held several key positions in the F.B.I., eventually becoming a top deputy in the counterintelligence division.","He held several key positions in the F.B.I., eventually becoming a top deputy in the counterintelligence division.",1,1 "But the justifications for the delay were “unpersuasive” and had “far-reaching consequences,” the inspector general said. ",,2,2 "At a closed-door Democratic lunch on Thursday, Senators Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Richard J. Durbin of Illinois urged party members to hold the line if he is selected.",,2,2 "Liberal groups, which are deeply skeptical whether Republicans will keep their word after years of inaction on codifying protections for the undocumented young people often called Dreamers, angrily slammed Democrats ― and in particular Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) ― for giving away leverage with no firm promise that an immigration bill would reach President Donald Trump’s desk.",angrily slammed,0,1 "The Special Counsel’s report must be provided to Congress immediately, and the Attorney General should swiftly prepare a declassified version of the report for the public.",,2,2 A spokeswoman for Brevard College in North Carolina confirmed to HuffPost that Sayoc attended the school for three semesters starting in the fall of 1980 and did not graduate.,,2,2 President Trump on Saturday said he appreciates FBI special counsel Robert Mueller releasing a statement disputing parts of a BuzzFeed news report claiming Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about the timing of discussions over a proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow.,,2,2 """The time has come for them to accept the responsibility that comes with influence and make clear there is no place for racism and anti-Semitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry in their movement.""",,2,2 "“The principles aren’t written yet, but in my personal belief, I think it’ll go with legal status that will allow you to work and pay taxes,” he said.",,2,2 "On Tuesday morning, a set of response points were circulated by Democrats close to Blumenthal's campaign:",,2,2 "Then a curfew was imposed. The next night, there was no curfew.",,2,2 """I don't welcome leaks,"" he said.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump on Tuesday renewed his attack on his “deep state” Justice Department, and said a top aide to 2016 election rival Hillary Clinton should be jailed.",,2,2 "I love Kathy and I hope they let me visit her in Guantanamo.""","I love Kathy and I hope they let me visit her in Guantanamo.""",1,1 "Two instant surveys of Americans watching the debate -- one by CBS, one by CNN -- showed mixed results.",,2,2 "But Mr. Corker is part of a group of Republicans who say the party will ultimately have to yield to the Obama demand of higher tax rates for top earners, potentially back to the levels that prevailed under President Bill Clinton.",,2,2 "The former official said if Weiner had called the FBI when the story broke, the public would already know where the Tweet originated.",,2,2 "Reaching that pinnacle had, of late, seemed as close as ever, with Washington full of speculation that Mr. Boehner would soon retire.",,2,2 "Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the top Democrat on the committee, identified the businesses as Flynn Intel Group LLC and Flynn Intel Group Inc., both based in Alexandria, Va.",,2,2 "“The First Amendment protects freedom of religion,” said Jim Manley, a top adviser to Mr. Reid.",,2,2 "Her comments marked the strongest public rebuke to date by the Obama administration since Mr. Netanyahu accepted an invitation from Speaker John A. Boehner to make his case to Congress against a nuclear deal with Iran, which is a priority of Mr. Obama’s.",,2,2 "Obama, meanwhile, took on Ryan for the second straight day Tuesday, using a stop in Oskaloosa, Iowa, to criticize Ryan’s and Romney’s tax plan.",,2,2 "Ben Labolt tweeted, "" just refused to say he supports hospital visitation rights at a federal level for gays and lesbians.""",""" just refused to say he supports hospital visitation rights at a federal level for gays and lesbians.""",1,1 "The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a progressive Washington think tank, estimates that Social Security keeps 13 million elderly Americans out of poverty.",Social Security keeps 13 million elderly Americans out of poverty,1,1 "Stop lying! Mexico is not yours to play with, show some respect.”","Stop lying! Mexico is not yours to play with, show some respect.”",1,1 "But for a lot of the CPAC attendees, Beck was the reason they came, as he is seen as a leader in the new conservative movement.",,2,2 "Oklahoma and Nebraska said the influx had led to more arrests, more impounded vehicles and higher jail and court costs.",,2,2 "Mr. Mueller spoke to the House Republican Conference on May 13, 2011, and to the House Democratic Caucus on May 24, 2011.",,2,2 """And he gave me permission to make that reference, and it shows that families -- and there's a generational difference of opinion on these issues.""","""And he gave me permission to make that reference, and it shows that families -- and there's a generational difference of opinion on these issues.""",1,1 Fellow St. Louis Tea Party organizer Dana Loesch accused the NAACP of morphing into a political organization.,,2,2 McCarthy’s district is roughly 35 percent Latino.,,2,2 """I think it shows they are on the wrong side of history,"" Vicente said.","""I think it shows they are on the wrong side of history,""",1,1 "Mr. Trump issued the following exclamation-point laden statement through his lawyer, Michael Cohen.",exclamation-point laden,0,1 "“I was pretty shocked by how dark it was,” Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio, said of Mr. Trump’s Inaugural Address.",,2,2 """You (Pelosi) and your fellow Democrats have voted for over 600 miles of border fence in the past, why won't you vote for another few miles now? I don't understand their position, I really don't,"" the Republican senator said.","You (Pelosi) and your fellow Democrats have voted for over 600 miles of border fence in the past, why won't you vote for another few miles now? I don't understand their position, I really don't",1,1 It is not clear whether he will return to that role once Mr. Comey’s replacement is confirmed.,,2,2 "“You take 18 of them, California, Illinois and New York, where you know we’re not likely to do well at the top of the ticket, and those districts are frankly pretty vulnerable.”",,2,2 "“I served during the Vietnam era,” he said.",,2,2 The offer was made by White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel through a prominent intermediary -- former President Bill Clinton -- during the months of June and July of 2009.,,2,2 "“This is a fight that will not end until we win it,” Pelosi said.",,2,2 “This puts more onus on them to come back and say why this proposal is insufficient.”,,2,2 "Obama obtained three quarters of Latino votes cast in 2012, while Romney racked up 27 percent.",,2,2 "Ms. Pelosi’s victory over Representative Tim Ryan, a 43-year-old congressman from a blue-collar district anchored in Youngstown, Ohio, ensures that the party will be led in the next Congress by the established “coastal” Democrats who have increasingly defined it — Ms. Pelosi, 76, who represents San Francisco, and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, 66, who has held various leadership posts since 2005.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Attorney’s office in New Jersey has subpoenaed documents from the reelection campaign of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and the New Jersey Republican State Committee, as part of its investigation into the ""Bridgegate"" scandal.",scandal,0,1 """It is not covered by the 14th Amendment because of the words 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof.'""",,2,2 """We’re talking about an invasion of our country,"" Trump said.",,2,2 A handful of well-placed and influential RNC insiders tell Fox News they expect Steele to announce he is not running for re-election.,,2,2 "In defending the decision on Friday, Ms. Sanders cited a recently completed Park Service review that had begun during the Obama administration.",,2,2 His resignation came as Congress appeared to be hurtling toward a government shutdown and as a deep market slump became even worse over fears of continuing government turmoil.,,2,2 "“It is by their choice that hasn’t happened,” said the spokesman, Nick Merrill.",,2,2 """Or you might have a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school, never practiced law, serving as the next chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee,"" he continued, referring to Grassley.",,2,2 Indiana for days has faced similar criticism for a related religious freedom bill.,,2,2 "But it was also clearly meant as a nod to the Tea Party, a loosely organized political movement whose members cite the Constitution as the basis for much of their political theory concerning federal powers and the rights and responsibilities of Congress.",,2,2 “Americans have endured decades of broken promises on illegal immigration. ,,2,2 "“He could not give a good answer,” Mr. Schumer said.","“He could not give a good answer,”",1,1 "The F.B.I. had been under immense political pressure by Mr. Trump to dismiss Mr. Strzok, who was removed last summer from the staff of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. ",,2,2 "“President Trump and I have talked, and both believe that conservation and healthy herds are critical,” the statement said.",,2,2 "That has in turn enraged Republicans, who have happily embraced what they call Mr. Mueller’s absolution of Mr. Trump.",who have happily embraced what they call Mr. Mueller’s absolution of Mr. Trump,1,1 "Rep. Jay Inslee, D-Wash., commented that the original document has been changed through amendment, leaving the the reader to interpret the operative language.",,2,2 "And it’s shaping up to be kind of a nasty day, but it’s still morning in America.”",,2,2 A state legislative committee investigating the traffic jams has also issued subpoenas to the two organizations.,,2,2 "At the community college, Holder said that they were starting “a good dialogue” but that it was “not enough.”",,2,2 But he also acknowledged another reason: He didn’t want to wait on Congress to approve the funds.,,2,2 """If you're determined to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, it means you'll act before they get nuclear weapons.""","""If you're determined to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, it means you'll act before they get nuclear weapons.""",1,1 "When in 2003 the Massachusetts courts legalized same-sex marriage in the state, Mr. Romney, then governor, complained that the state had become “San Francisco East.”",complained,0,1 "Stephen Legomsky, a Washington University School of Law professor and former chief counsel for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said the 14th Amendment’s application to the children of undocumented immigrants was a matter of pure common sense.",,2,2 "Dallas Tea Party founder Phillip Dennis said ""there was no proof"" of racist behavior at the event and that the movement welcomes minority members.",,2,2 "In an indictment filled with colorful details about clandestine meetings, angry texts — even a reference to “The Godfather: Part II” — Mr. Stone was charged with seven counts, including obstruction, making false statements and witness tampering.","colorful details about clandestine meetings, angry texts — even a reference to “The Godfather: Part II",1,1 "On Friday, air traffic controllers calling in sick slowed air traffic across the Northeast; hundreds of workers at the Internal Revenue Service also did not show up; and the F.B.I. director said he was as angry as he had ever been over his agents not being paid.",,2,2 "Many also vowed to stand in opposition to the Trump administration, gambling that Mr. Trump and congressional Republicans would disappoint voters and prompt a return to the Democratic Party they rejected.",,2,2 Chris Christie Announces He's Running For President In 2016,,2,2 "“You cannot end birthright citizenship with an executive order,” the House speaker said Tuesday on WVLK Radio, according to Bloomberg News reporter Erik Wasson.",,2,2 Also on Comey & others.”,,2,2 Mr. McCain asserted that the Obama administration’s aversion to nation-building had precluded it from providing the kind of training and assistance that would have helped the fledgling Libyan government in Tripoli confront growing security threats from militants.,,2,2 "In a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Reid, Obama warned the bill could cause chaos in U.S. foreign affairs, as other countries would use the measure to justify the creation of ways to target ""U.S. policies and activities that they oppose.""",,2,2 His wife later pleaded guilty Wednesday to a charge of filing false joint federal income tax returns for the years 2006 through 2011 that knowingly understated the income the couple received.,,2,2 """If I saw a restaurant owner refuse to serve a gay couple, I wouldn’t eat there anymore.",,2,2 "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., both called Tuesday for a postponement on any vote to confirm Gorsuch to the nation’s highest court.",,2,2 "With the partial government funding lapse dragging into its 12th day and affecting 800,000 federal employees, the confrontation in the Situation Room only served to highlight the depth of the divide.",,2,2 "On at least a few occasions, Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Trump met up on the golf links.",,2,2 It's not the first time Newsweek has faced conservative backlash for a cover.,It's not the first time Newsweek has faced conservative backlash for a cover.,1,1 "Democrats also want to extend long-term jobless benefits, which expired Tuesday. ",,2,2 "Gibbs was on ABC's ""This Week.""",,2,2 He is in Idaho this weekend chairing the state GOP convention.,,2,2 "The White House initiated the conversation, which occurred over phone.",,2,2 "On Twitter on Friday night, he said: “This was in no way a concession.",,2,2 "At one point, her advisers met face-to-face with department officials in Washington.",,2,2 "All but $190,450 of their personal charitable giving passed through their philanthropic entity, the Clinton Family Foundation, the returns show.",,2,2 """I can assure you that my sole intention in accepting it was to voice Israel's grave concerns about a potential nuclear agreement with Iran that could threaten the survival of my country,"" he told the senators in a letter.","""I can assure you that my sole intention in accepting it was to voice Israel's grave concerns about a potential nuclear agreement with Iran that could threaten the survival of my country,""",1,1 "The statement came from Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, and former Sens. John Ashcroft, Kit Bond, John Danforth and Jim Talent",,2,2 "It’s an affront, both to the honor of the Republican party and to the commitment of the soldiers fighting to accomplish the mission they’ve been asked to take on by our elected leaders.",It’s an affront,1,1 """With me, hit hard instead by the Fake News Media. Crazy!""",,2,2 "Etheridge appears visibly irritated and immediately asks, “who are you?” before knocking the interviewer’s camera to the ground.",,2,2 Sestak brought the issue to the surface when he alluded to a job offer early in his primary run.,,2,2 "His image suffered a major blow in 2014, when it was revealed members of his administration, including his deputy chief of staff, were involved in a plot to cause traffic jams near the George Washington Bridge to retaliate against a mayor who hadn't supported Christie's 2013 re-election.",,2,2 Donald Trump has announced Tuesday that he is pulling out of his own Dec. 27th debate.,his own,0,1 "In the case of Mr. Jones, it did not initially join the other major platforms in removing his content, and has since taken relatively minor steps against him.",,2,2 "I couldn’t believe it when I saw it,” the presumptive Republican nominee said.",,2,2 "“The Republican penchant for just choosing the next guy in line hasn’t proven to be a great strategy, and it hasn’t picked good leadership,” Mr. Kibbe said.",,2,2 "He deployed 5,200 active-duty troops to the border on Monday in what officials of his administration described as a necessary national security measure.",,2,2 "It came after an acrimonious week of tit-for-tat politics, in which Ms. Pelosi told the president he could not deliver his State of the Union address in the Capitol until the shutdown was over, and the president retaliated by grounding a plane that was supposed to take Ms. Pelosi on a fact-finding mission to Afghanistan.","It came after an acrimonious week of tit-for-tat politics, in which Ms. Pelosi told the president he could not deliver his State of the Union address in the Capitol until the shutdown was over, and the president retaliated by grounding a plane that was supposed to take Ms. Pelosi on a fact-finding mission to Afghanistan.",1,1 Those savings have a complicated history.,,2,2 """This bill is about respecting the voices and rights of American victims,"" Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said.","""This bill is about respecting the voices and rights of American victims,""",1,0 "“Is this the behavior that we are going to find with this new majority party in Congress?” Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the Republican leader, asked at a news conference.",,2,2 "“Family dental bills paid with campaign funds were characterized as a charitable contribution to ‘Smiles for Life,’” the press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office said as an example.",,2,2 "Kwapnoski is an assistant manager at a Sam's Club in Concord, Calif. Dukes is a greeter at the Wal-Mart in Pittsburg, Calif.",,2,2 "Supporters from both parties raised hot dogs and beers, catching up on acquaintances in common.",,2,2 He said having anything to do with Cuba is to avail oneself of properties stolen from Cubans by the Cuban government during the revolution.,,2,2 “Courts in New York have dismissed their claims against foreign entities alleged to have helped in the 9/11 attacks.,,2,2 The defense secretary has characterized Putin as trying to undermine NATO and assaulting Western democracies while violating international norms.,,2,2 African elephants have been listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act since 1978.,,2,2 The IRS official who refused to testify at a House hearing Wednesday has become a key focus of the congressional investigations into the IRS practice of singling out conservative groups.,,2,2 "But to people familiar with the Hutchinsons, long one of the most influential families in Arkansas, the news was hardly a bombshell.",,2,2 Mr. Weingarten said that Mr. Jackson had serious health issues that “directly related” to his conduct.,,2,2 "She also released a list of paid speeches showing that she had earned nearly $10 million in speaking fees in 2013, the year she left the State Department.",,2,2 "He did not rule out the possibility that the photo was of him, but said he did not know who could have sent it.",,2,2 “These families finally have access to crucial tax benefits and protections previously denied to them under the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act.”,“These families finally have access to crucial tax benefits and protections previously denied to them under the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act.”,1,1 "Also on Thursday, the House is to take up its first spending cut measure, a proposed 5 percent trim in the budgets of leadership, rank-and-file member and committee offices.",,2,2 "All nine Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee are calling on Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) to resign as its chairman over his public comments about the Russia investigation, which did not determine that President Donald Trump or anyone on his campaign conspired with Russia to win the 2016 election.",,2,2 "The deal appeared to include no money for a wall or steel barrier, but he said he hoped negotiations would continue to come to an agreement on wall funding.",,2,2 "A law enforcement official identified the suspect as Cesar Sayoc Jr., 56, of Aventura, Fla., just north of Miami.",,2,2 "In his remarks, Mr. Obama said it was still unclear to the authorities whether there was a direct link between the gunman and international terrorist groups.",,2,2 "Last year, Mr. McConnell led his party in refusing to consider President Obama’s choice for the seat, Judge Merrick B. Garland, during a presidential election campaign.","Last year, Mr. McConnell led his party in refusing to consider President Obama’s choice for the seat, Judge Merrick B. Garland, during a presidential election campaign.",1,1 "Those documents were then examined by department lawyers, who found roughly 900 pages pertaining to the Benghazi attacks.",,2,2 "In addition, a few of the most hardline House Republicans, such as Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) and Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Thursday that Labrador was not conservative enough on immigration reform.",,2,2 "At times, the girls gazed glumly at the floor and threw an occasional eye roll at their father as he compared pardoning Cheese to granting amnesty to unauthorized immigrants.","At times, the girls gazed glumly at the floor and threw an occasional eye roll at their father as he compared pardoning Cheese to granting amnesty to unauthorized immigrants.",1,1 Both sides are being selective in how they describe each other’s plans.,,2,2 “There is kind of a culture war going on and people aren’t really respecting each other and difference of opinion.,people aren’t really respecting each other and difference of opinion,1,1 The Obama administration has said it remains confident there are ways to get the trade provisions through Congress.,,2,2 "Last weekend, a lewd photo of a man's bulging underpants was sent to a 21-year-old female college student in Seattle from Weiner's Twitter account.",,2,2 "“I just feel terrible for her,” Mr. Weiner said, adding that he had never corresponded with her.",,2,2 "“This decision should be deeply troubling to all Americans,” the attorney said. ","“This decision should be deeply troubling to all Americans,”",1,0 “I asked State to release them.,,2,2 The two were the earliest congressional supporters of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump.,,2,2 "While the e-mails portrayed White House officials as being sensitive to the concerns of the State Department, they suggest that Mr. Obama’s aides mostly mediated a bureaucratic tug of war between the State Department and the C.I.A. over how much to disclose — all under heavy time constraints because of the demands from Capitol Hill.",bureaucratic tug of war,0,1 Trump first announced his debate decision in a written statement Tuesday afternoon.,,2,2 Mr. Biden was not quite as amused.,,2,2 """We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen.""",,2,2 """In light of what's been revealed about Russia’s attack on our democracy, the president shaking Putin's hand would be a moment of historic cowardice.",a moment of historic cowardice,1,1 Obama called as well for legislation to bar the possession and importation of armor-piercing bullets and to require criminal background checks for nearly all gun sales.,,2,2 "“We’re a nation of immigrants made better by the diversity of its people, especially in NJ.",,2,2 But Mrs. Clinton indicated on Tuesday that she wanted to give her testimony in a public setting.,,2,2 "LePage has been mired in controversy since calling state Rep. Drew Gattine (D) a “son-of-a-bitch, socialist cocksucker” in a voicemail last week.",,2,2 Mr. Corker’s comments came as central figures on network news programs mixed cautious words of optimism over the negotiations between the White House and Congressional Republicans with dire warnings about what a failure to act might bring.,,2,2 "Kathy Griffin admitted Tuesday she ""went too far"" on her latest photo shoot with controversial photographer Tyler Shields in which she is holding a bloodied mask of President Trump.",controversial,0,0 "During a bipartisan briefing on Capitol Hill later Wednesday, lawmakers discussed the possibility of allowing members of Congress to use campaign funds to bolster security at their private residences.",,2,2 But senior administration officials stressed on Wednesday that such language in fact was taken out at the request of the CIA.,,2,2 "“I will not resign,” he said after a reconciliation meeting with Gattine, according to the Boston Globe.",,2,2 "They must open their eyes. Please, you Hispanics in the U.S. – open your eyes.""",,2,2 """I understand how it offends people,"" she said, adding ""I've made a lot of mistakes in my career.""","""I've made a lot of mistakes in my career.""",1,1 "According to the White House, Obama spoke to both Clinton and Sanders by phone following Tuesday's primaries and caucuses and will meet with Sanders on Thursday, at Sanders' request.",,2,2 "Courts would be permitted to waive a claim of foreign sovereign immunity when an act of terrorism occurs inside U.S. borders, according to the terms of the bill.",,2,2 We have to follow the facts.”,,2,2 Read the full rant via Gawker:,,2,2 "The Obama campaign team, in the spin room after the debate, focused on repeating the theme that, as Axelrod said, Biden showed ""passion"" and that he showed ""a great concern for the middle class.""",,2,2 "“He looks forward to affirming our shared commitment to a preferential option for the poor, which of course does not mean a preferential option for bigger government.""",,2,2 "Rep. Bruce Braley (D-Iowa), who is running to succeed retiring Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), faced tough local coverage Tuesday after critical comments he made about Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) were made public.",,2,2 "Mr. Gowdy has sought to prevent his inquiry into the attacks in 2012 on an American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya — and its burgeoning examination of Mrs. Clinton’s email practices — from being dismissed as a strictly partisan effort to embarrass a likely Democratic nominee for president.",,2,2 "In Indiana, gays and lesbians are not a protected class.",,2,2 “Do you think the Muslims would allow a Jewish temple or Christian church to be built in Mecca?”,,2,2 "Former President George Bush remained hospitalized in Houston, recovering from pneumonia, but a spokesman said he watched the ceremony on television.",,2,2 "The Secret Service maintains a wide database of groups and individuals who have made threats in the past against presidents or other top political leaders and activists via email, letters or on social media.",,2,2 But the deal would provide only a fraction of Trump’s originally proposed figure of $5.7 billion for border security and construction of a wall or physical barrier along the southern border.,,2,2 "He added: “If the FBI and the Mueller team believe Stone has engaged in witness tampering, then there is a palpable distrust, which would make them err on the side of surprise, rather than a courtesy phone call.”",,2,2 The attorney general is scheduled to appear at a news conference later today with veterans at the Veterans of Foreign Wars post in West Hartford.,,2,2 "Mr. Obama has shown a certificate of live birth from Hawaii, which is the standard form of birth certificate in the state, and state officials – including the Republican who was governor during the 2008 campaign – have confirmed its authenticity.",including the Republican who was governor during the 2008 campaign,1,1 "He has called for ""bombing the daylights"" out of Islamic State targets in the Middle East, though he says American troops should be deployed to the region only as part of an international coalition that includes nations such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan.",,2,2 """Iran has always had a secret component to its nuclear program,"" he said.",,2,2 Mr. Bloomberg is a supporter of the arts and aligns himself with Manhattan’s sophisticated cultural scene; Mr. Trump relishes in being crude.,Mr. Bloomberg is a supporter of the arts and aligns himself with Manhattan’s sophisticated cultural scene,1,1 "In addition to Connecticut and Washington, San Francisco and Seattle have also imposed bans on city-funded travel to the state.","In addition to Connecticut and Washington, San Francisco and Seattle have also imposed bans on city-funded travel to the state.",1,1 "But inside the Situation Room later on Wednesday, the proposal resurfaced and Mr. Trump appeared open to it, according to one of the officials present, as Mr. Pence and Mr. McCarthy pressed Democrats to meet in the middle.",,2,2 "“If Trump oversteps his authority and abandons negotiations with Congress by declaring a fabricated national emergency, we won’t only call his bluff, we will do what we must to hold him accountable.”",oversteps his authority and abandons negotiations with Congress by declaring a fabricated national emergency,1,1 "His bracing candor, disregard for convention and willingness to offend whole sections of the population to make a point came across as refreshing truth-telling to many Americans disenchanted with Washington elites.",willingness to offend whole sections of the population,1,1 "The group's first ad called Obama an ""elitist hypocrite"" for his daughters' security detail.","""elitist hypocrite""",0,1 "“While our sincere intent in voting for this bill was to create a shield for all citizens’ religious liberties, the bill has instead been mischaracterized by its opponents as a sword of religious intolerance,” the senators said in a letter to Ms. Brewer, adding that the matter was “causing our state immeasurable harm.”",,2,2 Mr. Trump did not respond.,,2,2 "But both parties are to blame, he said.",,2,2 "The House committee’s subpoenas “will be designed to maximize our chance of getting the information that we need,” Schiff told reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.",,2,2 "At one Atlanta location, the restaurant was packed, while the line for the drive-thru looped twice around the building and out into the street.",,2,2 "Yeah - he comes off as a jerk, but...when in Rome.",,2,2 "Twitter has said that it does not shadow ban users, although it has struggled to define what its policies against hate speech are. ",although it has struggled to define what its policies against hate speech are,1,1 """The use of a personal e-mail address to skirt public records laws, aside from failing to meet the security standards one would expect of the nation's top diplomat, enabled Clinton to shield her official communications from scrutiny by the media and the American public,"" he said.","""The use of a personal e-mail address to skirt public records laws, aside from failing to meet the security standards one would expect of the nation's top diplomat, enabled Clinton to shield her official communications from scrutiny by the media and the American public,""",1,1 "To the extent that we need to clarify through legislative action, we plan to do just that.”",,2,2 "Boehner also dismissed top Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod's comment on Sunday that House Republicans are under a ""reign of terror"" brought about by the far right of their party.","""reign of terror""",0,1 "Though a colorful, hard-charging advocate of aggressive offensive action, Mr. Mattis viewed a tough American posture overseas as a way to deter war, not to start them, with potential foes like Iran.",,2,2 "Fox added, ""It is not to defend our race, it is not to defend our creed, but to defend the same nation that is hosting you.",,2,2 "The ACLU said it supports making organizations report spending for public communications like TV ads that expressly call for the election or defeat of a candidate for office, but it worries the DISCLOSE ACT goes beyond that.",,2,2 "While a few have focused on school security -- South Dakota has already approved legislation allowing for teachers to be armed -- many have concentrated on enacting or expanding assault weapons bans, strengthening background checks and passing other measures to restrict access to firearms.",,2,2 "“We really have no choice but to build a powerful wall or a steel barrier,” he said.",,2,2 "“And as they changed, he tried to stand by his new views.”",,2,2 "He’ll make the announcement today at 11am from his hometown of Livingston, New Jersey.",,2,2 The group says the proposal simply clarifies existing state law and is needed to protect against increasingly activist federal courts.,,2,2 CIA officers also removed the reference to al Qaeda in order to avoid prejudging the outcome of a FBI investigation into the incident.,,2,2 "After winning re-election in November, he resigned, citing his health and the federal investigation into his use of campaign money.",,2,2 "Gun-rights groups say the effort to impose more gun control measures is misguided, noting in particular that most killings in America are committed with handguns and not the assault weapons the administration intends to target.",,2,2 He told The Washington Post that he met with a Russian national who wanted to sell Trump damaging information on Hillary Clinton for a sum of $2 million.,,2,2 "Federal prosecutors have subpoenaed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's campaign and a state Republican Party committee, escalating their probe into allegations that his aides created traffic jams as political payback.",payback,0,1 Braley went to the University of Iowa's law school and worked as a lawyer in private practice before he was elected to the House of Representatives in 2006.,,2,2 This post has been revised to reflect the following correction:,,2,2 It takes two-thirds of the Senate to override a veto.,,2,2 "A group of nearly 90 professors and administrators connected to the Jesuit-founded school in Washington, D.C., has sent Ryan, R-Wis., a letter saying he’s misused Catholic doctrine to support his deficit-reducing, GOP House budget.",,2,2 "Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, said after the meeting that he had no intention of putting Democratic bills to reopen the government to a vote if Mr. Trump would not sign them.",,2,2 "The White House report disputed any suggestion that there was ""impropriety"" in Clinton's discussion with Sestak over possible alternatives to his Senate candidacy.",,2,2 "The 100 pages of e-mails showed a disagreement between David H. Petraeus, then the director of the C.I.A., and his deputy, Michael J. Morell, over how much to disclose in the talking points, which were used by Susan E. Rice, the ambassador to the United Nations, in television appearances days after the attack.",,2,2 "In a speech to Tea Party conservatives on Saturday in Columbus, Ohio, Santorum had dismissed Obama’s politics as being based in “some phony theology.”",,2,2 Sestak ultimately rejected the overture and went on to defeat incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Penn) in the Democratic primary election earlier this month.,,2,2 "“I thought both Whitehouse and others rightly pointed out that after Roberts’ confirmation we gotta pull away that fake story that you’re just calling balls and strikes,” Teachout said.",fake story,0,0 "“Once again, the party’s leaders in Washington have capitulated, compromised and redrawn a line in the sand even further away from justice,” he said.","“Once again, the party’s leaders in Washington have capitulated, compromised and redrawn a line in the sand even further away from justice,”",1,1 The Washington Post reported that Lauten had confirmed that she had made both Facebook postings attributed to her.,,2,2 """It is unfortunate that this administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation's most pressing problems,"" the NRA said after meeting with Biden last week.","""It is unfortunate that this administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation's most pressing problems,""",1,1 "“Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming,” they said, joining other top Republican lawmakers demanding Schiff’s ouster.","“Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming,”",1,1 "“He’s putting together a pretty comprehensive list of what could be done to make a difference in this area,” said Representative Mike Thompson of California, who is heading a Democratic task force in the House.","“He’s putting together a pretty comprehensive list of what could be done to make a difference in this area,”",1,1 Mr. Trump tried creative ways to persuade the Democrats that they should support his wall.,,2,2 "Representative James E. Clyburn, the No. 3 House Democrat, said Monday that “articulating the constitutional principles” on which the country was founded and “calling for tolerance on the part of all of its people” were part of “a presidential act worth exercising.”",,2,2 "Yet Mr. Trump has waged relentless attacks on news coverage that he does not like, and has long expressed hostility toward traditional press freedoms. ","Yet Mr. Trump has waged relentless attacks on news coverage that he does not like, and has long expressed hostility toward traditional press freedoms.",1,1 "“I will not resign,” said Mr. LePage, who tried to put to rest swirling questions about his state of mind.",,2,2 Questions were raised following the high court’s decision on how the federal government would treat same-sex couples whose home states don’t recognize gay marriage.,,2,2 """Sheriff Arpaio knows the struggle border states face as Washington politicians and bureaucrats fail time and again to properly secure our nation's southern boundary with Mexico,"" Perry said in a statement.",,2,2 "Pelosi has led House Democrats since 2003, and that’s what Ryan had argued is the problem.",,2,2 "If Obama was too cold, Biden at times bordered on too hot, analysts said afterward.",,2,2 Paul told CNN that “nobody would’ve survived” had Capitol Police not been there.,,2,2 "This is a gross abuse of power that cannot be tolerated,"" House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said in a statement.",This is a gross abuse of power that cannot be tolerated,1,1 "Mr. Trump’s view of the United States was strikingly grim for an Inaugural Address — a country where mothers and children are “trapped in poverty in our inner cities,” where “rusted-out factories” are “scattered like tombstones across the landscape” and where drugs and crime “have stolen too many lives.”",Mr. Trump’s view of the United States was strikingly grim for an Inaugural Address,1,1 The back-and-forth comes amid new warnings about the future of Social Security.,,2,2 "It was a reference to the “Frankie Five Angels” character from “The Godather: Part II,” whom the indictment alleges Stone and Credico had previously discussed.",,2,2 Those savings were expected to come from eliminating fraud and reforming payment policies.,,2,2 … We needed to get out the economic message.,,2,2 "For the nation’s 58th inauguration, though, the untraditional president opted to follow tradition.",,2,2 "But members of Mr. Trump’s staff — alarmed by his rapid embrace of Mr. Lieberman, a charming 75-year-old political operator with no federal law enforcement experience — have quietly urged him to take more time to make such a critical hire.",75-year-old political operator with no federal law enforcement experience,1,1 """I'd like to know who those Hispanics are,"" Fox said.",,2,2 "“It’s against an idea, an interpretation of the bill.”",,2,2 "And in an almost-casual tone, the president predicted a legal fight that will wind up before the Supreme Court.",And in an almost-casual tone,1,1 """Their side is all spending their time talking about laughing and facial tics,"" said Obama campaign manager Jim Messina.",,2,2 This time he let loose.,,2,2 Democrats Say Trump Should Cancel Putin Meeting After Indictments,,2,2 "And that's why he's working so hard to get Congress to take action on the American Jobs Act and the provisions therein,"" Carney told reporters at his daily briefing.",,2,2 “But Trump’s business plan is a disaster in the making.,a disaster in the making,1,1 "The consensus among legal scholars is that he cannot, but Mr. Trump and his allies are eager to test it in the Supreme Court.",,2,2 """Nobody knows for sure that the Republicans & Democrats will be able to reach a deal on DACA by February 8, but everyone will be trying....with a big additional focus put on Military Strength and Border Security.",,2,2 "“He was not out,” Mr. Hutchinson said of the teacher.",,2,2 The source also said the investigation had progressed “significantly” and that the FBI was reaching out to retailers to zero in on where the elements of the bombs were made and where they were sold.,,2,2 Colorado Attorney General John Suthers said the lawsuit was without merit.,,2,2 "WASHINGTON — In one of the most stunning primary election upsets in congressional history, the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, was soundly defeated on Tuesday by a Tea Party-backed economics professor who had hammered him for being insufficiently conservative.",one of the most stunning primary election upsets,0,1 "“The Trump Administration shouldn’t get to lock up Robert Mueller’s report and throw away the key,” Senator Cory Booker argued on Twitter, asking people to sign a petition and provide their names and emails.",,2,2 "Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) blasted Roberts’ decision in Shelby County for creating a whole new constitutional doctrine out of whole cloth, “So, so much for judicial modesty,” she said.",blasted,0,0 "One concern of civil libertarians is the bill’s inclusion of the DISCLOSE ACT, which would require all organizations that spend money on elections to disclose donors.",,2,2 "Instead, he got the aggressive label.",,2,2 "Practically speaking, he continued, impeachment is only possible if Republican lawmakers and the general public believe Trump is unfit for office.",,2,2 That rejoinder is now a subject of intense debate.,,2,2 "Two senators didn’t vote at all: Sens. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), who is Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running mate, and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who was Clinton’s runner-up in the presidential race.",,2,2 "Records officials interviewed by The Times expressed grave concern over Clinton's practice, saying it represents a severe ethical breach and noting that personal email accounts are far less secure than official ones.",,2,2 "Debate was mostly closed to the public, but the final version ""calls on the tea party and all people of good will to repudiate the racist element and activities within the tea party,"" said Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP's Washington bureau.",,2,2 "“Politicization, real or perceived, undermines public faith in the impartiality of the courts.”","“Politicization, real or perceived, undermines public faith in the impartiality of the courts.”",1,1 "AARP legislative policy director David Certner said on CNN Friday that ""there was some miscommunication with the Wall Street Journal story.""",,2,2 "Conservation groups celebrated Trump’s sudden change in course Friday, which was believed to be a response to public pressure.",which was believed to be a response to public pressure,1,1 "A Fox News poll released Wednesday shows Obama leading Romney, 49 percent to 44 percent, in Florida.",,2,2 A spokesman for the National Rifle Association did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the president's proposal.,,2,2 "Driven by the conviction that Democrats need a new leader, he tried to harness discontent with a leadership team that has failed three times to reclaim the majority since being swept out in 2010.",,2,2 "Dozens of faculty members at Notre Dame, also a Catholic university, sent a letter to the president and chairman of the board of trustees last Friday asking them to rebuke Bishop Jenky’s comments and seek his resignation from the board.",,2,2 Most Republicans were keeping mum.,,2,2 "“The letter and spirit of the Fourteenth Amendment places those born in this country on equal footing, and an executive order that strips away citizenship would create a permanent group of second-class citizens and invite litigation.”",,2,2 McCarthy supporters predicted that Mr. Labrador would muster no more than a few dozen votes.,,2,2 "But I am talking about his worldview, the way he addresses problems in this country, and they're different than most people view it in America.""",,2,2 "Besides the royalties from his books and his speaking fees, Mr. Clinton earned nearly $20 million between 2011 and 2014 for advising or consulting companies.",,2,2 "NBC further notes, “Strikingly, Trump . . . finishes first among Tea Party supporters (at 20 percent), followed by Romney (17 percent), Huckabee (14 percent), Palin (12 percent) and Gingrich (9 percent).”",Strikingly,0,1 "Subsequently, he took care “not to overstate his knowledge or the role of others in the conduct under investigation” and provided “useful information” about his contacts with “persons connected to the White House” in 2017 and 2018, the special counsel’s filing said.",,2,2 "Scores of senators, including many Democrats, will be wary of voting on any effort to curb access to guns or ammunition.",,2,2 "And on Monday, the executives of nine Indiana-based companies, including Angie's List and Anthem, sent a letter to Pence outlining their concerns.",,2,2 "She issued a statement over the weekend saying she had never met him, and she has not spoken out since.",,2,2 "The closures, which lasted for four days, caused massive traffic jams.",massive,0,1 """If this explanation is as innocent as it looks, I sure don't know why it took three months to say so,"" Toomey said in a statement.",,2,2 "The court's other two female justices, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, and Justice Stephen Breyer also appeared inclined to allow the lawsuit to proceed.",,2,2 "DENVER — Two heartland states filed the first major court challenge to marijuana legalization on Thursday, saying that Colorado’s growing array of state-regulated recreational marijuana shops was piping marijuana into neighboring states and should be shut down.",,2,2 "As the hearing for Jackson got under way Wednesday, newly filed court papers disclosed that the judge had offered to disqualify himself from handling the cases against Jackson and his wife.",,2,2 "Fox News has confirmed that McGurk submitted his resignation letter on Friday, a day after Mattis resigned. ",,2,2 "In July, the group released an ad pushing the same attack line employed by Romney, accusing the president of embarking on a so-called “apology tour” at the expense of American security. ",so-called,0,1 Trump tweeted Tuesday that he had accepted an invitation to meet Peña Nieto in private.,,2,2 "Also there was Barron, his 10-year-old son with the first lady.",,2,2 "“Now they’re saying I can do it just with an executive order,” Mr. Trump said.",,2,2 "Any controversy over Tlaib’s comment concerns the “freedom of speech of an individual member,” not the stance of the Democratic caucus, Pelosi said.",,2,2 "His decision to jump in was widely seen as proof that more experienced conservative members, like Representatives Jim Jordan of Ohio or Tom Price of Georgia, had rebuffed overtures to run from other conservatives.",,2,2 It is a decision that produces only one winner ― those who seek to harm our country and weaken our democracy.”,It is a decision that produces only one winner ― those who seek to harm our country and weaken our democracy.”,1,0 "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, though, said he will not take up legislation that Trump has not endorsed, which means the shutdown will continue.",,2,2 "Under President Barack Obama, the practice had been banned because of a lack of data on conservation efforts in Zimbabwe.",,2,2 He seemed to be a quick study in the senatorial art of not answering questions definitively.,He seemed to be a quick study in the senatorial art of not answering questions definitively.,1,1 "Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) called it a “mistake” to select an elected official to the post, saying that the FBI director should be a law enforcement official.",,2,2 "In separate but identical letters sent on Oct. 19, 2011, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich told two of Congress’s most outspoken critics of the efforts, Senators Ron Wyden of Oregon and Mark Udall of Colorado, both Democrats, that in December 2009 and February 2011 the Justice Department and intelligence agencies provided a classified document to Congress describing the surveillance efforts in detail.",,2,2 And Bloomberg made dire predictions about the damage a Trump presidency would wreak on virtually every aspect of American life.,,2,2 "As committee hearings on Judge Gorsuch concluded on Thursday, it appeared increasingly likely that Republicans hoping to elevate President Trump’s choice for the court would resort to replacing longstanding rules with a simple majority vote on his confirmation.",,2,2 "The Clintons have previously released their tax returns for the period from 1977, when they entered public life, through 2006.",,2,2 The bishops noted that “the House-passed budget resolution fails to meet these moral criteria.”,,2,2 It doesn’t appear that was any part of [special counsel Robert] Mueller’s report.”,,2,2 "Calling it potentially one of the biggest scams in the history of politics, Trump said he'd like Obama to show his birth certificate.",,2,2 I’m tired of being caught in the gotcha moments.”,,2,2 "The new policy, which was first shared by Lew in a conference call that included LGBT advocates, holds a bit of political significance.",,2,2 "In the House, a flurry of redistricting decisions appears to be working as of late in the Democrats' favor, though the chaotic process has stung both parties repeatedly.",,2,2 One issue that may come up is the department's funding.,,2,2 "Elected to Congress in 1995 at the age of 30 from a district that includes part of the South Side of Chicago, Mr. Jackson was once one of the most prominent young black politicians in the country, working on issues related to health care and education for the poor.",,2,2 "The devices are thought to have been fashioned from crude, bomb-making designs widely available on the Internet. ",,2,2 "“Have I not been clear on a wall?” Ms. Pelosi said at a news conference with Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader.",,2,2 "Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, weighed in to defend the Tea Party movement on Monday when the resolution was proposed.",,2,2 "“We’re going in that direction but we’re not to that place,” said Pelosi.",,2,2 "DES MOINES – Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday urged President Obama to listen to congressional Democrats – particular the House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi – and make changes to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that reflect their concerns about protecting American jobs and wages.",,2,2 "Fellow Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware slammed McConnell for refusing ""to meaningfully negotiate with Senate Democrats,"" but also called Trump's offer ""a first step toward comprehensive immigration reform.""",slammed,0,1 "Mr. Patrick had said he wanted to appoint someone who did not want to run for the seat later because that person would have to conduct a campaign while learning the ropes in the Senate, and would be unlikely to do either job well.",,2,2 "Mr. Obama and Mr. Sanders strolled down the colonnade next to the Rose Garden on their way into the Oval Office, chatting inaudibly and grinning broadly.",grinning broadly,1,1 "“You know, we’ve been married less than a year.”",,2,2 "In the final month of the race, he was helped by the near daily release of internal Democratic Party emails stolen by Russian hackers as well as by FBI Director James Comey’s decision to reopen, briefly, the probe into Clinton’s use of a private email server.",,2,2 "“Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have always been fully committed to repealing Obamacare, ending President Obama’s $716 billion raid on Medicare, and tackling the serious fiscal challenges our country faces,” said Lanhee Chen, the policy director for the Romney campaign.",,2,2 That split among the justices raised the prospect of an ideologically divided ruling by the court this summer.,,2,2 "Ryan Zinke, the interior secretary, said in a statement later Friday night that the decision applied to two African countries, though it did not name them.",,2,2 "That means that all families — regardless of how they look or how they are made — all families are entitled to the same rights, privileges and protections as every other.”",,2,2 """I'm very frustrated.","""I'm very frustrated.",1,1 """But I am not going to allow this thing to dominate what I talk about.""",,2,2 But many scholars counter that it would take a constitutional amendment to change the policy. ,,2,2 "Boehner’s chief of staff, Mike Sommers, and his policy director, Brett Loper, were also in attendance.",,2,2 "FERGUSON, Mo. — Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. arrived in St. Louis on Wednesday, meeting with community leaders and federal investigators even as local law enforcement officials said they were hopeful that they had turned a corner in calming the restive community of Ferguson after 12 days of protests and unrest.",restive,0,1 "... Not a single thing he said is accurate.""","... Not a single thing he said is accurate.""",1,1 "That is not the objective, man is the objective.""",,2,2 "“They will have the effect of harming our public discourse by silencing necessary voices that would otherwise speak out about the public issues of the day,” the ACLU wrote.","“They will have the effect of harming our public discourse by silencing necessary voices that would otherwise speak out about the public issues of the day,”",1,1 "“He is not welcome to Mexico,” Mr. Fox told CNN.",,2,2 "Apple chief Tim Cook called the law ""dangerous"" in a Washington Post op-ed, while Salesforce's Marc Benioff canceled the company's planned events in the state.","Apple chief Tim Cook called the law ""dangerous"" in a Washington Post op-ed, while Salesforce's Marc Benioff canceled the company's planned events in the state.",1,1 "On Iran's nuclear program, Biden repeatedly suggested Romney and Ryan would too readily choose the military option to stop it.",,2,2 He also argued that some have overstated the impact of the programs.,,2,2 "A spokesman in Grimm's Washington office, Nick Iacono, did not immediately return emails or a telephone message seeking comment Friday.","A spokesman in Grimm's Washington office, Nick Iacono, did not immediately return emails or a telephone message seeking comment Friday.",1,0 "To counter condemnations from some Democrats in Congress, the White House circulated a series of e-mails quoting endorsements from private-sector economic forecasters, liberal as well as conservative analysts, and Democratic officeholders, including an obscure freshman House member, Representative Gary Peters of Michigan.",obscure,0,0 "But since vice presidential debates often have a negligible impact on the overall race anyway, Biden's sometimes over-the-top performance probably accomplished what he appeared intent on doing: rallying the Democratic base after Obama's woeful debate performance last week.",sometimes over-the-top performance,0,1 "At Chick-fil-A locations across the country, people voted with their wallets today, coming out to express support for the fast-food chain after CEO Dan Cathy said in an interview that he is a firm backer of traditional marriage.",,2,2 Trump infamously bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy” in a leaked tape from 2005; since taking office he has referred to certain other nations as “shithole countries” and slung insults at a wide range of political foes.,Trump infamously bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy” in a leaked tape from 2005; since taking office he has referred to certain other nations as “shithole countries” and slung insults at a wide range of political foes.,1,0 "Representative Chris Collins, Republican of New York, was indicted on insider trading charges, and announced days later that he had suspended his re-election campaign.",,2,2 Senate leaders have intervened freely in a number of 2018 races — in states like Arizona and Tennessee — to anoint more moderate standard-bearers.,,2,2 Mr. Ryan was working with lawyers for the Trump family as part of a joint defense agreement.,,2,2 "Grassley, who owns a farm, often notes in Senate Judiciary Committee hearings that he is the only non-lawyer on the panel, which oversees the judicial nominations process.",,2,2 "He tweeted Monday afternoon: ""I am in this race to win.""",,2,2 A senior administration official told Fox News that the White House plans to move $8 billion in currently appropriated or available funds toward construction of the wall.,,2,2 "“I remember the taunts, the insults, sometimes even physical abuse.”",,2,2 The administration he pledged would be a paragon of ethics has instead conspired to mire an entire town in traffic and the governor’s office in scandal.,The administration he pledged would be a paragon of ethics has instead conspired to mire an entire town in traffic and the governor’s office in scandal.,1,1 The Senate is preparing to take up a portion of the president's jobs bill - on infrastructure -- after the $447 billion jobs package failed when offered as a whole.,,2,2 """Your duly elected representatives have consistently been informed,"" he said.",,2,2 Republicans have been insisting that the Obama administration agree to substantial savings in entitlement programs as the two sides negotiate how to narrow the country’s huge deficits.,,2,2 "I think this is a big mistake on the part of President Peña.""",,2,2 Mr. Cowan said that he would be relying on Mr. Kerry’s staff in Washington and in Massachusetts for guidance and that he intended to continue Mr. Kerry’s work.,,2,2 Several justices voiced concerns about how many companies could be subject to class-action suits if they allowed the case against Wal-Mart to go forward.,,2,2 "Nebraska, Oklahoma File Federal Suit Against Colorado Over Marijuana Legalization",,2,2 "Even before Donald Trump landed in Mexico Wednesday, he found himself in a Twitter war with former Mexican President Vicente Fox – who went on a tear declaring the Republican nominee “not welcome” in the country.",Twitter war,0,1 "“But the specific security requests pertaining to Benghazi, you know, were handled by the security professionals in the department.",,2,2 "Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said he used a private email during his time in office, as did Jeb Bush when he served as governor of Florida.",,2,2 "“I’m really honored and emotional to be standing here among a group of such great leaders,” Sanchez said in second, late-afternoon press conference led by Pelosi.",,2,2 I couldn’t agree more.,,2,2 "An invitation had also been extended to his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, but the former secretary of state’s campaign said she was looking forward to speaking with him at the “appropriate time.”",,2,2 "At 7:16 p.m., Victoria Nuland, the State Department spokeswoman, weighed in with her initial concerns about ensuring that the talking points provided to lawmakers did not go further than what the administration was telling reporters.",,2,2 Politics Daily recently reported:,,2,2 "Courting Iowa voters, Clinton sought to address Democratic opponents of the trade legislation, including liberals and labor unions, who have said the Obama-backed plan will cost U.S. jobs.",,2,2 "According to the official, the program began in 2007 and is in the second phase.",,2,2 """This is about more than 800,000 Americans who are being held hostage by a President who has forced a pointless shutdown to pay for an expensive, ineffective wall.","""This is about more than 800,000 Americans who are being held hostage by a President who has forced a pointless shutdown to pay for an expensive, ineffective wall.",1,1 "Mr. Sellers responded that “there is this broad discretion given the managers” but that “they do not make their decisions in a vacuum.” Managers, he went on, “are informed by the company about how to exercise that discretion.”",,2,2 "The rule change is likely to provide a small increase for federal revenue, as more same-sex couples pay the marriage penalty, Mr. Williams said, describing it as a “rounding error.”",,2,2 "Although no formal charges have been filed yet in the case, two of the law enforcement officials said there was a high likelihood that Mr. Sayoc would be prosecuted at least in part in Federal District Court in Manhattan. ",,2,2 Democrats called that a mischaracterization.,,2,2 "BuzzFeed’s editor in chief, Ben Smith, later tweeted that “we stand by our reporting and the sources who informed it, and we urge the Special Counsel to make clear what he’s disputing.”",we urge the Special Counsel to make clear what he’s disputing,1,1 "Rubio said, after his speech, in a question-and-answer session with TV host Charlie Rose, that ""Obama has embraced regimes that systematically opposed our principles.""",Obama has embraced regimes that systematically opposed our principles,1,1 """I have made it very clear that the security cable did not come to my attention or above the assistant secretary level where the ARB (Accountability Review Board) placed responsibility where, as I think, Ambassador Pickering said the rubber hit the road.""",,2,2 "He will return to Washington to a rental house while his daughter Sasha finishes high school, the first president to stay in the capital since Woodrow Wilson.",,2,2 "Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who released 250,000 emails from his gubernatorial tenure this past December, tweeted about the contrast between his disclosures and Clinton's secrecy.","Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who released 250,000 emails from his gubernatorial tenure this past December, tweeted about the contrast between his disclosures and Clinton's secrecy.",1,1 "Holder told others at the community college how he had been stopped on the New Jersey Turnpike and accused of speeding twice in the past, with police searching his car.",,2,2 """Some people look at it and they love it.",,2,2 "“All the president knew was that the department was not accusing him of lying,” Dowd said.",,2,2 """He stole $700 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare,"" said RNC Chair Reince Priebus.",stole,0,1 """I think that if I was giving a speech to 45,000 people and someone stood up and heckled in the back, I wouldn't spend three days talking to him.",,2,2 "Among the groups is Project 21, a black conservative activist organization.",,2,2 "“We didn’t know it was Eric Holder [coming],” Rev. John Paul Hopping of Our Lady of Guadalupe, told HuffPost.",,2,2 "His conduct should deeply concern every American,"" House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, R-N.C., said in a statement to Fox News. ",His conduct should deeply concern every American,1,1 But this isn’t the first time LePage’s comments have gotten him in trouble.,But this isn’t the first time LePage’s comments have gotten him in trouble.,1,1 "Amid the controversy, a Twitter official emailed security tips to members of Congress regarding their accounts.",,2,2 "He has spent decades plying the political dark arts — including scandal-mongering — to help influence American election campaigns, and has long maintained that he had no connection to Russia’s attempts to disrupt the 2016 presidential election.",He has spent decades plying the political dark arts — including scandal-mongering,1,1 "Estimates of how many women could be included in the lawsuit run from 500,000 to 1.6 million.",,2,2 "As of the 2013 tax year, same-sex spouses who are legally married will not be able to file federal tax returns as if either were single.",,2,2 The Justice Department declined to comment for this report. ,,2,2 "With the moderator, ABC News' Martha Raddatz, opening the debate with a question about the Libya strike, which happened a month ago Thursday, Ryan criticized the administration for waiting more than a week after the strike to call it a coordinated terror attack.",,2,2 "But the measure is not expected to succeed in the Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has said the bill is dead on arrival.",,2,2 "“We’re hopeful that, somehow, in the coming days and weeks, we’ll be able to reach an agreement,” Mr. McConnell told reporters at the Capitol, offering an ominous timeline.",,2,2 He also said the agents seemed to think Flynn was confused. ,,2,2 "Greg Abbott to tell him about his resignation, effective at 5 p.m.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump on Monday defended his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, by invoking his 2016 election opponent, Hillary Clinton.",,2,2 "But what is striking about Mr. Blumenthal’s record is the contrast between the many steps he took that allowed him to avoid Vietnam, and the misleading way he often speaks about that period of his life now, especially when he is speaking at veterans’ ceremonies or other patriotic events.",,2,2 "Since the 2010 midterm tea party wave election, the House GOP has contained a bloc of members who have opposed the establishment leadership time and time again.",,2,2 "Kristin Davis, the former Manhattan madam, reportedly told The Washington Post’s Manuel Roig-Franzia that FBI agents also executed a search warrant at the New York City apartment she shared with Stone.",,2,2 "Earlier in the day, the allegations spilled over into an almost surreal exchange on CNN between Cruz's former communications director Amanda Carpenter and Boston Herald columnist Adriana Cohen, in which Cohen accused Carpenter of having an affair with Cruz.",,2,2 "A man known for his dapper wardrobe was dressed simply in a navy blue cotton polo shirt, bluejeans and his trademark round, black-rimmed glasses.","A man known for his dapper wardrobe was dressed simply in a navy blue cotton polo shirt, bluejeans and his trademark round, black-rimmed glasses.",1,1 A protester captured the exchange on video Tuesday and posted it to YouTube and other websites.,,2,2 "His lawyer, Alan S. Futerfas, said the documents were “selectively leaked” among the thousands that have been turned over to congressional investigators.",,2,2 Another technical concern that appears to work against the women covers the different types of remedies they are seeking.,,2,2 Mr. Trump’s selection of Mr. Mattis as his Pentagon chief only weeks after his 2016 election was widely praised.,,2,2 "Vice President Biden traveled to the Capitol Wednesday for a private meeting with House Democrats who are resisting the deal, saying it gives away too much to the wealthy.",,2,2 "Representative Allyson Y. Schwartz, Democrat of Pennsylvania, asked whether the savings in the Affordable Care Act — “sometimes referred to as cuts to Medicare” — were part of Mr. Ryan’s budget.",,2,2 "In sum, he said he sympathizes with 9/11 victims and has expanded efforts to help them, but that JASTA undermines “core U.S. interests.”",,2,2 "Many used the same language in their critiques, accusing Trump of holding the government and federal workers ""hostage.""",,2,2 And there were no tweets or photos about the appreciation day on the company’s Facebook or Twitter accounts.,,2,2 The agreement has not been finalized or submitted to Congress.,,2,2 "“You tweet and comment regarding ongoing criminal investigations at your own peril,” he said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”",,2,2 They need to make clear that there is no place for the bigots in the Tea Party movement.”,,2,2 """No president would be a tougher negotiator on behalf of American workers, either with our trading partners or Republicans on Capitol Hill, than I would be,"" she said.",,2,2 And I think that is a phony ideal.,,2,2 """I was in the ICU at 2 a.m. with families faced with the decision to disconnect a respirator on their loved one; I counseled fifteen-year-old pregnant girls who were afraid to tell their parents about their condition; I spent hours hearing the grief of women who had been physically and emotionally clobbered by an abusive husband.""",,2,2 "But Mr. Trump sought to drive home the personal toll of illegal immigration, inviting to the Rose Garden several relatives of Americans killed by people in the country without authorization.",,2,2 "Cowan, 43, is a former chief of staff and former legal counsel to Patrick.",,2,2 "“I can’t speculate about the time frame,” Carney said at his daily briefing.",,2,2 "“On November 2nd, voters called for an end to reckless spending and a renewed commitment to the Constitution,” said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), who has emerged a prominent voice of the Tea Party movement, to the Post.",,2,2 The legislation was immediately dismissed by Republican leadership. ,,2,2 "“But now I think the president and his team could have a chance to drive a harder bargain, because they are now in the position of saying to all of these other countries ‘we need to maximize the number of winners.’”",,2,2 "At 11:25 a.m., Mr. Rhodes changed a reference to the United States “consulate” in Benghazi to “diplomatic post.”",,2,2 "In a letter dated Thursday, the GOP committee members accused Schiff of standing “at the center of a well-orchestrated media campaign” about a possible Trump-Russia connection.",“at the center of a well-orchestrated media campaign”,1,1 "UPDATE: 7:19 p.m. -- The Washington Post now reports that Grimm has already ""been secretly indicted by a federal grand jury in Brooklyn, according to people familiar with the case.",,2,2 "Earlier in the day on Saturday, Santorum had also said that health insurance plans shouldn’t be required to cover prenatal testing, because that testing results in more abortions, as well as contending that government-run public education was “anachronistic.”",,2,2 "Stabilizing the housing market, however, is not on the current congressional docket.",,2,2 "Both Facebook and Twitter have been under fire for allegedly censoring accounts, while ignoring rules violations by liberal and left-wing users. ",,2,2 "After Mr. Horowitz uncovered the texts, Mr. Mueller, who had by then taken over the investigation, removed Mr. Strzok from his team. ",,2,2 "Obama ran as an antidote to Bush's policies in 2008, but the reports reveal that he has continued many of them, leading to concerns over the reach of the national security state.","Obama ran as an antidote to Bush's policies in 2008, but the reports reveal that he has continued many of them, leading to concerns over the reach of the national security state.",1,1 "Instead, Trump spent the first hour and a half of it complaining about a variety of issues, such as former Defense Secretary James Mattis’ performance and the late Sen. John McCain’s vote against Trump’s repeal of Obamacare, as well as offering his musings on such things as the utility of wheels and his desire for Russia to invade Afghanistan again.",offering his musings on such things as the utility of wheels,1,1 "He worked within that role to raise money and contribute to the campaigns of Republican governors across the U.S., many of whom won in the 2014 midterm elections.",,2,2 Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) is expected to announce his bid Thursday for the seat.,,2,2 "The House voted later on Wednesday to override the veto, causing the bill to become law.",,2,2 "Boehner was back at the Capitol soon afterward, but said nothing new as he passed reporters eager for a readout.",,2,2 "Meanwhile, the statement on her health, from Dr. Lisa Bardack, an internist and chairman of the Department of Medicine at the Mount Kisco Medical Group in Mount Kisco, New York, said the former secretary of state has seasonal pollen allergies and listed ""deep vein thrombosis,"" an elbow fracture and her 2012 concussion in her recent medical history.",,2,2 "As a possible victory in the 2018 elections loomed, they made it clear that the reforms would be their No. 1 priority.",,2,2 "On Thursday, he told reporters in Washington that the Justice Department would thoroughly investigate the case, and would ""continue to stand with Ferguson.""",,2,2 "Asked about the current debate in Congress over gun control legislation, Hutchinson said he had ""not dealt with the separate debate"" because he had been too busy considering school safety issues.",,2,2 """Shame on the House for ... failing to adequately fund the administration's request,"" Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., said","""Shame on the House for ... failing to adequately fund the administration's request,""",1,0 "Evangelical Christian voters helped Huckabee win the Iowa caucuses in 2008 and finish a strong second in South Carolina, the largest of the early-voting states.",,2,2 "I always believed that kid could go from hope to higher ground.""",,2,2 But Mr. Akin on Tuesday refused to step down from his race despite loud calls from his party’s leaders to abandon his bid.,,2,2 The approach is so sweeping that what would have otherwise been a headline-grabbing announcement received second billing.,The approach is so sweeping that what would have otherwise been a headline-grabbing announcement received second billing.,1,1 But Brat unseated the House majority leader with 56 percent of the vote.,,2,2 “It’s a desperate move and I don’t see how it can work at all.”,desperate,0,1 "The Republican demand and the barbed response of the committee’s chairman, Representative Adam B. Schiff, echoed well outside the wood-paneled House hearing room.",barbed,0,1 "“This is her caucus, clearly.”","“This is her caucus, clearly.”",1,1 "Mr. Etheridge, a seven-term House member, can be seen on the video repeatedly asking the young man to identify himself. ",,2,2 "Two of Judge Gorsuch’s former colleagues on the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, in Denver — Deanell Reece Tacha, appointed by President Ronald Reagan, and Robert Harlan Henry, appointed by President Bill Clinton — praised his intellect and temperament.",praised his intellect and temperament,1,1 """I'm not going to talk about this anymore,"" Weiner told reporters on Capitol Hill.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON ― In recent years, the opposing party approached Supreme Court nomination hearings by honing in on the nominee’s character and temperament or on one particular case that could possibly derail the nominee.",,2,2 "Close to three dozen House Democrats have signed a letter from Representative Peter Welch, Democrat of Vermont, calling the tax deal “fiscally irresponsible” and “grossly unfair.”",“fiscally irresponsible”,1,1 Dave Brat celebrated his stunning victory over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) for the Republican nomination on Tuesday night in a phone interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity.,stunning,0,1 Ms. Pelosi and her deputies have repeatedly made the case that it is too early to consider impeachment.,,2,2 "He said the threat of the ""occasional deranged person"" should not change that.",,2,2 Huckabee ran for president in 2008.,,2,2 """You can address assault weapons, but it doesn't stop violence in schools.",,2,2 Republican Senate leaders so far have refrained from using the term – but their exasperated rhetoric shows they’re at least kicking the tires of a legislative Enola Gay.,,2,2 "It simply mirrors federal law that President Bill Clinton signed in 1993.""","It simply mirrors federal law that President Bill Clinton signed in 1993.""",1,1 Mr. Biden’s visit and the president’s comments come as the administration’s message machine started churning out statements of support.,message machine,0,0 "Maggie Haberman in the New York Times today explains why, “More than any other candidate, Mr. Christie is poised to run a race that sells his personality -- brash, challenging and often combative -- as his main asset.",,2,2 Other senior administration officials made it clear that part of Mr. Trump’s strategy was to try to drive a wedge within the party between those who want to hold out for a much more generous solution and those who may feel enough political pressure to end the shutdown that they will feel obliged to support it.,,2,2 "Republican lawmakers, at the opposite end of the reaction spectrum, praised the president for his willingness to negotiate.",,2,2 "Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said that his panel would investigate the BuzzFeed report and was “already working to secure additional witness testimony and documents related to the Trump Tower Moscow deal and other investigative matters.”",,2,2 "Arizona hasn't been the only state pushing a bill that would allow open discrimination against same-sex couples; similar bills have been popping up in states including Tennessee, Kansas, South Dakota and Maine.",open discrimination,0,1 "A Labrador bid helps all parties regardless of the outcome -- including Labrador himself, since a run will elevate him as a leader inside the House GOP.",,2,2 They say it has also forced law-enforcement agencies to spend more time and dedicate more resources to handling marijuana-related arrests.,,2,2 The packages were addressed with a computer-printed address label and six stamps.,,2,2 "But Mr. Royce, of California, called Friday for Mr. Trump to “use today’s indictments to challenge”",,2,2 "'Jail!' Trump slams 'crooked' Hillary aide Huma, calls on 'Deep State' DOJ to act",,2,2 "And we certainly don’t shadow ban based on political viewpoints or ideology,"" the tech giant said in a statement.",,2,2 "From December 2007 through December 2008, the Jacksons spent $313.89 on “stuffed animals and accessories for stuffed animals” from Build-A-Bear, according to the documents.",,2,2 "Mr. Jones has had his posts and videos on his personal account and on Infowars severely restricted or removed by Apple, Facebook, Google and Spotify. ",,2,2 "It’s a decisive win, and it (barely) clears the two-thirds majority support that Pelosi predicted she had.",(barely),0,1 "Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, who was campaigning in Iowa on Sunday, has opposed the trade deal and questioned Clinton's refusal to say where she stood.",questioned Clinton's refusal to say where she stood,1,1 "In a letter released by Mr. Durbin’s office, Mr. Netanyahu said such a meeting “could compound the misperception of partisanship regarding my upcoming visit.”",,2,2 "The European Union and former top executive branch officials have urged Obama to stop it, in the name of protecting sovereign immunity.",,2,2 And he was the state’s lieutenant governor from 1993 to 1996.,,2,2 His remarks were the latest in a string of controversial statements that he has made as party chairman.,His remarks were the latest in a string of controversial statements that he has made as party chairman.,1,1 "As my colleagues Kim Severson and Robbie Brown report from Atlanta, where Chick-fil-A began in the 1940s, the president, Dan T. Cathy, made comments last month about the biblical arguments against homosexuality.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump also said he expected to announce his choice of a running mate by Friday, winding down a process that has been closely watched as in all likelihood the most significant decision he will make in his campaign.",,2,2 """I can't help but think that those remarks are well over the line.",,2,2 "Shields tweeted a link to a YouTube video called ""Behind the scenes with Kathy Griffin"" but the video has since been removed.",,2,2 "By March 2017, when the Justice Department opened its criminal investigation, Mr. Hunter was already being investigated by the House Ethics Committee.",,2,2 "“We have such a broad membership, Mr. Rother said.",,2,2 """You said this is a culture where Arkansas knows, the headquarters knows, everything that's going on,"" Kennedy said to Joseph Sellers, the women's lawyer.",,2,2 "“The goal of the conspiracy was for Duncan Hunter and Margaret Hunter to enrich themselves, and others at their direction, by converting campaign funds for their own personal benefit and enjoyment,” the 47-page indictment says.",,2,2 He also said that he favored term limits for individuals in all branches of the federal government -- including the judiciary.,,2,2 "Budget numbers, though, actually show the overall diplomatic security budget has ballooned over the past decade.",,2,2 "And any boycott would have the potential to cut much anticipated revenue for Indianapolis-area hotels, restaurants and other businesses.",,2,2 "The first speaker who preceded him to the stage had no microphone, causing a delay; later on, she was booed when she disclosed that she was a Democrat.",,2,2 "“This is not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in,” Mr. Steele said in a speech Thursday night in Connecticut in which he offered a strong critique of President Obama’s military strategy.",,2,2 "“On it! has a robust protective intelligence division that monitors open source reporting & social media to evaluate threats,” the tweets read.",,2,2 Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer is taking heat from some of the most influential and deep-pocketed groups in the liberal base for caving to Republicans in the shutdown standoff.,,2,2 "Trump Jr. replied, “Off the record I don’t know who that is, but I’ll ask around.",,2,2 "Mr. Trump made only passing efforts to reach out to Democrats beyond thanking Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, for their handling of the transition.",,2,2 "If Democrats band together, the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, has threatened to pursue the so-called nuclear option eliminating the filibuster for Supreme Court selections.",threatened,0,1 "Ryan referred to the weight on Biden's shoulders about mid-way through, as the two talked over each other on Medicare.",,2,2 "They added that “multiple senior officials have stated that U.S. intelligence agencies do not collect information or dossiers on ‘millions of Americans,’ ” assertions that they believe have been contradicted by revelations of Internet data mining and a court order asking a Verizon subsidiary to turn over logs of telephone calls.","They added that “multiple senior officials have stated that U.S. intelligence agencies do not collect information or dossiers on ‘millions of Americans,’ ” assertions that they believe have been contradicted by revelations of Internet data mining and a court order asking a Verizon subsidiary to turn over logs of telephone calls.",1,1 "Had they been a heterosexual couple, Windsor's tax burden would have been zero.",,2,2 "Couples do not have to file amended returns if they do not want to, a senior Treasury official said, meaning that couples who might pay the marriage penalty would not owe back taxes.",,2,2 "In August 2012, the staff member sold the elk head for $5,300 to an interior designer and had the money wired to one of Mr. Jackson’s accounts.",,2,2 "Rubio’s foreign policy agenda – often hawkish in approach – has been a hallmark of his service in the Senate, and now in his campaign.",hawkish,0,1 "The bad guy sometimes wins.""",,2,2 "But we know the Constitution is far from perfect because it does not guarantee women's equality,"" NOW President Terry O'Neill said in a statement.",,2,2 The Senate’s “cloture” rule requires a supermajority of 60 votes to overcome such a filibuster.,,2,2 “We are looking at options to clarify that that's the case.”,,2,2 "“Folks cannot seem to get ahead or even stay even,” he said.",,2,2 "The Safari Club’s political action committees donated a collective $24,500 to Trump’s presidential campaign and Zinke’s 2014 and 2016 congressional campaigns, according to Federal Election Commission data.","The Safari Club’s political action committees donated a collective $24,500 to Trump’s presidential campaign and Zinke’s 2014 and 2016 congressional campaigns, according to Federal Election Commission data.",1,1 "As a result, Mr. Trump appeared by himself in a video — which he tweeted Wednesday evening — announcing victory over the Islamic State.",,2,2 “We will be more proactive and not back down.”,,2,2 "“It is a tabloid smear, and it has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen.”",smear,0,1 """We would have done very well.",,2,2 Mr. Labrador tried on Friday to at least engage the Republican conference in a debate over ideas.,,2,2 Trump overruled the defense secretary and unilaterally ordered the military assault.,,2,2 "“The Committee has been contacted by Ms. Lerner’s lawyer who stated that his client intended to invoke her 5th amendment right and refuse to answer questions,” Oversight and Government Reform Committee spokesman Ali Ahmad said in a statement.",,2,2 """I'm endorsing Rick Perry because we need a tough-on-crime president who will champion and fund full-time border security operations from Brownsville to San Diego,"" Arpaio said.",,2,2 "He said he had never been more clear in his life, and had read the documents thoroughly and had understood the consequences of his actions.",,2,2 "But he also spoke with emotional power, as when he recalled his father’s early job in an ice cream factory in Newark.",,2,2 Mr. Jackson’s plea was yet another chapter in the downward spiral of his career.,,2,2 "“We’re the ones who are offering a plan to save Medicare, to protect Medicare, to strengthen Medicare.”",,2,2 "But on Tuesday, Mr. LePage’s Republican allies in the House, including the minority leader, Kenneth Fredette, announced that they would oppose those efforts — essentially shielding him from any official political consequence.",,2,2 "Trump was referring to U.S. Navy Sailor Kristian Saucier, who was put in prison for taking unauthorized photos inside a nuclear submarine.",,2,2 "Marian Wright Edelman, president of the Children’s Defense Fund, an advocacy group here, criticized the study as “nothing more than a continuation of the N.R.A.’s attempts to prey on America’s fears, saturate our schools with more guns and turn them into armed fortresses.”","“nothing more than a continuation of the N.R.A.’s attempts to prey on America’s fears, saturate our schools with more guns and turn them into armed fortresses.”",1,1 "A pending class action lawsuit against Wal-Mart that would be the largest of its kind in U.S. history may soon be dismissed, considering the tenor of oral arguments before the Supreme Court Tuesday.",,2,2 "No plan forward on Iran.""",,2,2 The investigation was internal at first with the White House reaching conclusions at least two-and-a-half months ago.,,2,2 "“Put big game trophy decision on hold until such time as I review all conservation facts,” Mr. Trump tweeted.",,2,2 “This ruling also assures legally married same-sex couples that they can move freely throughout the country knowing that their federal filing status will not change.”,“This ruling also assures legally married same-sex couples that they can move freely throughout the country knowing that their federal filing status will not change.”,1,1 """This is the tactic.",,2,2 """I know how hard this job can be.",,2,2 "In a recording of the message obtained by the Press Herald, the governor identified himself and went on to curse out Gattine.",,2,2 "Guess what? You don’t,” Trump said.",,2,2 "On Capitol Hill, though, jittery lawmakers from both parties greeted the news with relief.",,2,2 They include keeping marijuana in-state — something Oklahoma and Nebraska says Colorado has failed to do.,,2,2 "But at the time, same-sex marriage was a little-discussed item on the agenda of national gay rights leaders, and aides say Mr. Romney has consistently opposed both marriage and civil unions that resemble marriage for gay couples.",,2,2 "Her comments, said Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, are “entirely consistent with what the president has already said.”",“entirely consistent with what the president has already said.”,1,1 "He said there would be ""no daylight"" between him and Kerry on policy.",,2,2 U.S. Attorney Adam Braverman said Tuesday’s indictment proved that “no one is above the law.”,U.S. Attorney Adam Braverman said Tuesday’s indictment proved that “no one is above the law.”,1,1 """I believe that phrase from the Bible is 'the Lord helps those who help themselves.'",,2,2 At one point he suggested that those who opposed his position were heartless.,At one point he suggested that those who opposed his position were heartless.,1,1 "The ad says: “You paid in to Medicare for years … now when you need it, Obama has cut $716 billion from Medicare.",,2,2 It did not offer further details about what it disputed.,It did not offer further details about what it disputed.,1,1 """From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare,"" said Akin said of pregnancies caused by rape.",,2,2 "Mr. Cohen drafted his statement to Congress in August 2017 along with Steven Ryan, his lawyer at the time, according to people familiar with how the testimony was put together.",,2,2 "In fact, arrests for illegal border crossings are at their lowest levels since the 1970s.",,2,2 "Congressional Democrats were ecstatic, and so stunned by Mr. Cantor’s loss that many admitted they did not even know who the Democratic challenger was.",,2,2 "Tripoli was the only post mentioned in the department's fiscal 2013 request -- funding for that location did slip, from $11.5 million in fiscal 2011 to $10.1 million the following year.",,2,2 The House GOP will reportedly make it a requirement that all new bills put forth in the legislative body include “a statement by the lawmaker who wrote it citing the constitutional authority to enact the proposed legislation.”,,2,2 """So for the president to raise it in the way he did on Friday was clearly giving the impression that he was endorsing it or supporting it -- or tacitly supporting it.""",,2,2 "Mateen also called 911 during the shooting to pledge allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Fox News has learned.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — In one of her final appearances as secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday vigorously defended her handling of last September’s attack on the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, which killed four Americans and prompted a scathing review of State Department procedures.",vigorously,0,1 "“Once the final bill is done and the law is changed and is complete and he can see that, he will make a determination of how he proceeds.”",,2,2 "WASHINGTON — President Trump on Monday said the F.B.I. ruined the life of his former national security adviser and said his Democratic opponent for president, Hillary Clinton, suffered no consequences after she lied “many times” to the F.B.I.",,2,2 """They've answered a question and it begs many more answers,"" he said.",,2,2 “And you exemplify it.,,2,2 The message was hardly subtle. But it certainly was debatable.,The message was hardly subtle. But it certainly was debatable.,1,1 "Some say Congress should not raise any taxes, and were disappointed he went so far as to put any revenue on the table.",,2,2 "“This was such a bad program, and he writes me a letter saying — writes the Department of Energy a letter saying, the reason we need this stimulus — it will create growth and jobs.”",,2,2 "In a joint letter from the chairs of six committees in the U.S. House of Representatives, Democrats wrote they expect Attorney General William Barr to make Mueller’s report public immediately.",,2,2 It had to be. Probably. Maybe. Right?,,2,2 "The new health care law, by contrast, will reduce projected Medicare payments to health maintenance organizations, hospitals and many other health care providers.",,2,2 """In his remarks today, President Obama disgracefully refused to even say the words 'Radical Islam'.",disgracefully,0,1 Just as the forecasts went up on the basis of this agreement they will go down if this agreement fails. That we know.,,2,2 This is just the most recent example of an administration at war with people of faith in this country.,an administration at war with people of faith in this country,1,1 "As Senate Democrats float new options for complicating a vote on President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Republicans appear ready to return fire with a bomb of their own – a nuclear one.",complicating,0,1 "Later on Sunday, at a house party with Democrats in Burlington, Iowa, Mrs. Clinton was more explicit in challenging Mr. Obama by setting expectations for him to work with congressional Democrats on the trade deal.",,2,2 "Labrador is an ambitious, sometimes savvy politician.","Labrador is an ambitious, sometimes savvy politician.",1,1 "Noting that Tuesday is the deadline for the government to reopen in time to prevent federal employees from going a second consecutive pay period without a check, Mick Mulvaney, the acting chief of staff, said Senate Democrats had a tricky decision to make.",,2,2 "Iowa Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley is under fire after a video surfaced Tuesday of him mocking Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, as a “farmer from Iowa who never went to law school” — in the middle of Braley’s campaign for Senate in the state known for its agriculture industry.",mocking,0,1 "The state's two Republican senators, Jeff Flake and John McCain, called on Brewer to veto it, and major corporations like Marriott, Apple and American Airlines all wrote to the governor and expressed their opposition.",,2,2 "Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, tried to deflect questions on behalf of Mr. Romney, saying on Fox News that “this is the platform of the Republican Party, it is not the platform of Mitt Romney.”",tried to deflect questions on behalf of Mr. Romney,1,1 "Additionally, forces were withdrawn despite the concern by many Republicans that “leaving would strengthen the hand of Russia and Iran, which both support Syrian President Bashar al Assad.”",,2,2 "House political analysts also have looked at such states, but redistricting in California – run by an independent commission – has been as tough on Democrats as it has been on Republicans.",,2,2 "“Donald Trump is going to be impeached whether it is by the ballot box or Congress,” said Representative Eric Swalwell, Democrat of California and a member of the Intelligence Committee.",,2,2 """It raises a level of skepticism that the American people have from time to time about just how objective the Supreme Court is, whether they're over there to call the balls and strikes, or weigh in on one side or another,"" he said.",It raises a level of skepticism that the American people have from time to time,1,1 "The indictment documented numerous lies to lawmakers about his efforts to set up a back channel to WikiLeaks, and about his efforts to pressure other witnesses to lie.",,2,2 "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said earlier this week that the mounting calls to remove Schiff were ""absolutely ridiculous.""",,2,2 """I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian, but you don't need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.",,2,2 "Former Representative Beto O’Rourke, campaigning in South Carolina on Friday night, told reporters that “those facts, that truth, needs to be laid out for all Americans to be able to make informed decisions going forward, whether at the ballot box” or in their discussions with their senators and representatives.",,2,2 "Trump, as is often his way, fired back on Twitter.",as is often his way,1,1 Mr. Obama said the two leaders and other Republicans had supported public-works investments in the past.,,2,2 "The letter goes on: “With little time left in this Congressional session, legislative scheduling should be focused on these critical priorities. ",,2,2 "The story was met with immediate backlash from Republicans in Alabama, several of whom dismissed the women’s stories out of hand.",several of whom dismissed the women’s stories out of hand,1,1 But Mr. Trump has already adopted some of the language that his Democratic adversaries have used during the longest shutdown in history.,,2,2 “It is abundantly clear that this kind of conduct is contrary to President Obama’s pledge to change ’business as usual’ and that his administration has engaged in the kind of political shenanigans he once campaigned to end.”,“It is abundantly clear that this kind of conduct is contrary to President Obama’s pledge to change ’business as usual’ and that his administration has engaged in the kind of political shenanigans he once campaigned to end.”,1,1 "That man is here to use the resources and use them wisely, to care for the Earth, to be a steward of the Earth, but we're not here to serve the Earth.",,2,2 "Earlier, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) released a statement immediately after the Mueller report was revealed to be complete, demanding that Barr quickly put together a redacted, releasable version for Congress to access.",,2,2 "Outside the St. Louis County Justice Center, where the grand jury convened, two dozen protesters gathered in a circle for a prayer, chanted and held signs urging McCulloch to step aside.",,2,2 "“We need strength and decision-making and authority back in the Oval Office,” he said.",,2,2 "However, he did not answer directly when asked six times whether, under the law, it would be legal for a merchant to refuse to serve gay customers.",he did not answer directly when asked six times whether,1,1 It used to be that taking a bite of a chicken sandwich just meant you were hungry.,,2,2 "Despite Democrats’ vow to reject the measure, it could create an opening for negotiations between the two sides.",,2,2 "You … I need you to, just friggin.",,2,2 "Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Friday lashed out at Donald Trump, accusing the billionaire of enlisting ""his friends at the National Enquirer and his political henchmen to do his bidding.""",henchmen,0,1 "They have banned a number of pages and accounts in recent weeks for being involved in activity intended to disrupt the midterm elections, and almost all of the major platforms removed content from Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist, this month over what they called hateful and violent speech.",,2,2 "CNN, which has enlisted Ms. Griffin to host New Year’s Eve programming alongside Anderson Cooper for the last decade, announced on Wednesday that she would no longer appear.",,2,2 """We offered the prime minister an opportunity to balance the politically divisive invitation from Speaker Boehner."" Durbin said.",,2,2 "And an amendment sponsored by Representative Raul Ruiz of California would prohibit federal funds from being spent at businesses owned or controlled by the president, the vice president or any cabinet official.",,2,2 "And, of course, it drew widespread criticism for its infamous Sarah Palin cover in 2009.","And, of course, it drew widespread criticism for its infamous Sarah Palin cover in 2009.",1,1 Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) told reporters that he used his belt as a tourniquet to stop a staffer’s bleeding.,,2,2 "Boehner, meanwhile, told lawmakers earlier Thursday not to make plans for Christmas, signaling that there may not realistically be a final deal until the very end of the month.",,2,2 "Top Republican Sen. John Thune, of South Dakota, all but confirmed Wednesday that his party is willing to use what’s known as the “nuclear option,” to lower the vote threshold to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch if Democrats try to filibuster.",,2,2 "The 10-year-old lawsuit, argued in lively exchanges at the court Tuesday, claims that Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest employer, favors men over women in pay and promotions.",,2,2 "He claimed that not knowing about their security requests ""really, I think, cost these people their lives.""","""really, I think, cost these people their lives.""",1,1 """I'm being myself -- frank.",,2,2 "That’s how John Skipper, 66, a former chairman of the Mobile County Republican Party, characterized the claims, speaking to The New York Times.",,2,2 "A lockdown has been lifted at the YMCA Alexandria, next to the field where the shooting took place, spokeswoman Dana Rucker told HuffPost.",,2,2 Both the White House and lawyers for Mr. Trump vigorously denied the BuzzFeed report even before the special counsel’s office weighed in.,vigorously,0,1 "Reacting to the firing, the president tweeted, ""finally,"" while asking whether the Russia case will now be dropped:",,2,2 And I would hope that she would get off the court as soon as possible.”,And I would hope that she would get off the court as soon as possible.”,1,1 "But while Republicans have several opportunities to pick off those Democrat-held seats, three races in particular could undermine those potential gains for the GOP. Republican Sens. Scott Brown in Massachusetts and Dean Heller in Nevada, who was appointed to fill the vacancy left by John Ensign, are both considered vulnerable.",,2,2 "Mark Sheridan, the attorney representing Christie's campaign, confirmed to Fox News that the campaign and the Republican State Committee received subpoenas relating to the closure of traffic lanes near the George Washington Bridge last year.",,2,2 "He would make it harder for small businesses to compete, do great damage to our economy, threaten the retirement savings of millions of Americans, lead to greater debt and more unemployment, erode our influence around the world and make our communities less safe.”","He would make it harder for small businesses to compete, do great damage to our economy, threaten the retirement savings of millions of Americans, lead to greater debt and more unemployment, erode our influence around the world and make our communities less safe.”",1,1 "He told Fox News Sunday night that “whether you're a Democrat, Republican or independent, you should want to see this report, and we should want to move on from this.""",,2,2 “Call it the tea party-ization of Congress. ...,,2,2 "Representative Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican leader, spent much of his weekly news conference comparing Mr. Schiff, a fellow Californian, to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, who fueled fears in the 1950s that Communist spies had infiltrated the American government.",,2,2 """I've been a conservative my whole life,"" he added.",,2,2 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a stand for fellow House freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Saturday after the latter’s expletive-laced comments in favor of impeaching President Trump.,,2,2 "He later praised his defeated opponent, Hillary Clinton, at a lobster-and-beef luncheon with congressional leaders, asking her and former President Bill Clinton to stand for applause.","He later praised his defeated opponent, Hillary Clinton, at a lobster-and-beef luncheon with congressional leaders, asking her and former President Bill Clinton to stand for applause.",1,1 "The emails were on a server at her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Mr. Gowdy had asked Mrs. Clinton to turn over that server to a neutral third party, like the State Department’s inspector general, to determine which emails were personal and which were government records.",,2,2 “We knew it was going to be an uphill battle.,,2,2 "He has revoked Temporary Protected Status, or T.P.S., which offers crucial protections for immigrants, for people from some Latin American and African countries.",,2,2 "“We must hold our government leaders to the highest standards, and with so many high-profile ethics violations in the past years, it is clear we have failed to do that,” Representative Tom O’Halleran, Democrat of Arizona and the sponsor of the amendments, said in a statement.","“We must hold our government leaders to the highest standards, and with so many high-profile ethics violations in the past years, it is clear we have failed to do that,”",1,1 "On top of a Guardian newspaper report that revealed how authorities were collecting phone records from millions, a Washington Post report detailed another program that scours major Internet companies including Google and Facebook for data.",,2,2 "“As we’ve re-confirmed our reporting, we’ve seen no indication that any specific aspect of our story is inaccurate. ",,2,2 He called Mr. Mattis “an island of stability amidst the chaos of the Trump administration.”,“an island of stability amidst the chaos of the Trump administration.”,1,1 Every Republican on the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday demanded Rep. Adam Schiff step down as chairman over the California Democrat’s repeated claims to have evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.,,2,2 "The inspector general said the email, which included a draft of the search warrant affidavit, contained information that appeared to be under seal.",,2,2 “My whole life has been about gut.”,,2,2 "Last year, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against the sheriff for not cooperating with an investigation into whether the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department is systematically violating the rights of Hispanics.","Last year, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against the sheriff for not cooperating with an investigation into whether the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department is systematically violating the rights of Hispanics.",1,1 "“I now look forward to working for the election of Ed Markey to continue this work, and to providing President Obama the support he deserves in carrying out the mandate he received in November.""",,2,2 "He has also shown an eagerness to assail presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, which could be an important asset in helping Clinton defeat Trump in the general election.",,2,2 "“I’m a New Yorker,” he said, “and New Yorkers know a con when we see one.”",con,0,1 """I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations, and I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee.""",,2,2 "They have reserved $500,000 of airtime in Fort Myers, West Palm Beach and Miami.",,2,2 """The issues at stake are too big, and this election is simply too important.",,2,2 It was the first time the agency acknowledged the practice.,,2,2 "He has said he will not back a version of the Senate reform bill, and prefers to deal with the subject in a piecemeal fashion.",,2,2 "The beneficiaries of that foundation, which files a separate tax return, include their larger foundation ($1.865 million in 2014), as well as the Museum for African Art in New York, the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in California and the American Ireland Fund, based in New York.",,2,2 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said in a written notice issued Thursday that permitting elephants from Zimbabwe and Zambia to be brought back as trophies will raise money for conservation programs.,,2,2 "We devote them to solvency of Medicare and to deficit reduction, instead of covering the expansions.”",,2,2 “Meaningful action to say past laws to protect worker safety or the access of students with special needs to an education?”,,2,2 "So, the government relies on a series of patches to keep operating. Similarly, lawmakers must vote on a supplemental appropriation to fund military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.",,2,2 "“They no longer prioritize civil rights,” she told Fox News.","“They no longer prioritize civil rights,”",1,1 Stone’s attorney added that the arrest was a “spectacle.”,,2,2 "The bill's sponsor, Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) had argued that some people, including Obama, needed to be reminded of the motto.",,2,2 "“I believe that based upon the interview that he gave today on ABC it said that he had changed his view, but you’re a better judge of that than I,"" Romney said.",,2,2 "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) spoke on the Senate floor shortly after Trump’s announcement, congratulating lawmakers on the development.",,2,2 "Some expressed concern that Trump, who previously flirted with a possible Republican presidential bid before shelving the idea, would not definitively rule out running as a third-party candidate.",flirted,0,1 "“It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.”",,2,2 "“I have tremendous respect for Iowa farmers and appreciate how important they are to our state, and I’m grateful to have the support of hundreds of farmers across Iowa,” he said.",,2,2 He said the right awarded to babies born as birthright Americans is “ridiculous” and that the system “has to end.”,“ridiculous”,0,1 WASHINGTON ― House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was re-elected to her leadership post Wednesday morning.,,2,2 "“I am appalled that the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI have permitted a vindictive use of arrest in a non-violent case with a defendant who was willing to surrender,” diGenova, who has informally been an adviser to the president throughout the Russia investigation, told Fox News. ","“I am appalled that the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI have permitted a vindictive use of arrest in a non-violent case with a defendant who was willing to surrender,”",1,0 "Although law enforcement officers in riot gear eyed the protesters while a police helicopter occasionally circled the city, there were no signs of trouble for long stretches of the evening.",,2,2 "“I never thought I’d see the day that Eric Cantor would be losing his primary,” said Representative Louise M. Slaughter of New York, the senior Democrat on the House Rules Committee.",,2,2 "At the same time, he took the rare step of moving to declassify information about the programs as he sought to defend them against criticism.",,2,2 "Peter Carr, a spokesman for the special counsel, told BuzzFeed that its “description” of statements to Mueller’s office, as well as the “characterization” of documents and testimony the office obtained, was inaccurate.",“description”,0,0 """I know other people have differing views.",,2,2 "“I imagined it would be something fun to watch, you know, because evidently it’s partisan politics are put aside, let’s have a softball game, let’s have some fun,” he said.",,2,2 "“I have a lot of respect for these two people,” he said.",,2,2 "Representative Justin Amash, Republican of Michigan, rushed to champion Mr. Labrador’s candidacy.",,2,2 "At the base of this argument was a simple question that has been dogging Democrats ever since the infamous Bush v. Gore decision on the 2000 presidential election: Is the Supreme Court rigged to benefit corporations, the wealthy and, well, Republicans?",rigged,0,1 "“I don’t think it was preordained that if we had a deadlock, they would have won it,” said Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, in an interview on MSNBC.",,2,2 "He was involved in the Clinton investigation, which was highly public, as well as the investigation into the Trump campaign and Russian interference in the 2016 election, which the bureau never publicly acknowledged until months into Trump’s presidency.",,2,2 """I think that the BuzzFeed piece was a disgrace to our country, it was a disgrace to journalism and I think also that the coverage by the mainstream media was disgraceful and I think it's going to take a longtime for the mainstream media to recover its credibility,"" he went on to say. ",the coverage by the mainstream media was disgraceful,1,0 "“We now have a clear choice between Romney and Obama,” said Maggie Gallagher, a founder of the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex marriage.",,2,2 "“If not us, then who? If not now, then when?”",,2,2 "Meanwhile, multiple sources tell Fox News that they believe Steele will drop out of the race.",,2,2 "But the comments helped Trump make his controversial case, after his push first emerged in an interview with “Axios on HBO”. ",,2,2 "Still, it would be unusual for a state to have two senators who had run against each other, especially in a race that was particularly hard fought.",,2,2 "It has expanded to probe financial crimes of Trump associates before the election, conversations Trump’s national security adviser had with the Russians during the transition and whether Trump obstructed justice with his comments and actions related to the probe.",,2,2 "The former Pennsylvania senator has a 3-year-old daughter, Bella, with a serious chromosomal disorder, and he said that doctors who detect such a condition before birth typically recommend abortion.",,2,2 Mr. Sheridan is representing the campaign along with Robert D. Luskin; both men are partners at Patton Boggs.,,2,2 "It provides access to benefits, responsibilities and protections under federal tax law that all Americans deserve,"" Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said in a written statement.",,2,2 "I'd love to make a statement,'"" he explained.",,2,2 Of course the National Enquirer story is 100% FALSE!!!,,2,2 "“If they don’t make the indictments a priority in the meeting in Helsinki, then the summit should be canceled.”",,2,2 "Fox News confirmed Steele sent an e-mail to committee members Saturday night with the subject line, ""conference call.""",,2,2 "Her standard rate was $225,000.",,2,2 "Moreover, the administration is pointedly not going after those weapons and ammunition magazines that are currently and lawfully owned.",,2,2 "BuzzFeed also reported that Trump backed a plan, set up by Cohen, to visit Russia during the presidential campaign, meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in person and begin the negotiations.",,2,2 """From the beginning, the government has pursued a politically driven vendetta against Congressman Grimm and not an independent search for the truth.","""From the beginning, the government has pursued a politically driven vendetta against Congressman Grimm and not an independent search for the truth.",1,1 "In a message a week later, WikiLeaks asked Mr. Trump to have his father tweet a link to a site where users could search through hacked emails from Democrats.",,2,2 Republicans ignored the distinction.,,2,2 "Trump then pivoted to Clinton, apparently referring to the FBI’s investigation into her use of a private email server.",,2,2 “These new rules show that Republicans are serious about respecting the Constitution.”,“These new rules show that Republicans are serious about respecting the Constitution.”,1,1 "“He is not welcome to Mexico,” Fox said in an interview on CNN.",,2,2 But the ups and downs of the search for a deal to avert a fiscal crisis have been in large measure for public consumption.,,2,2 "Cowan embraced the temporary appointment Wednesday, repeating over and over that his stint would be short.",,2,2 Sanchez formerly led the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.,,2,2 "“They have been magnificent,” he said in his speech.",,2,2 "Lawmakers have appealed for more security before, including after the 2011 shooting of then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.",,2,2 "The president’s tweets announcing the departure of his defense secretary shocked officials at the Pentagon, who as recently as Thursday afternoon were insisting that Mr. Mattis had no intention of resigning.",,2,2 One of the jobs Clinton specifically discussed with Sestak was the president's intelligence advisory board.,,2,2 """There's nothing hard right or far right about anything.",,2,2 “We’re pleased that the Office of Special Counsel has delivered its report to the Attorney General pursuant to the regulations.,,2,2 "As Texas governor, he directed funds to enforcement along the border and requested more National Guard troops from President Barack Obama.",,2,2 "Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) is resigning from Congress, he announced Friday in a statement and accompanying video.",,2,2 Mr. Fox also expressed disbelief that Mr. Trump did well with Hispanic voters in the Nevada caucuses on Tuesday and called on them to open their eyes.,,2,2 It will be interesting to follow how this story plays out in the news media.,,2,2 "As a backstop, to ensure savings, the law creates a Medicare cost control board.",,2,2 The resurgent controversy over the Obama administration's initial story-line on the Benghazi attack underscores State Department concerns about the leadership's failure to act on documented warnings and security incidents.,failure,0,1 The congressman and the former president were not contacted for Bauer's investigation.,,2,2 "We must also remember that after the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001, it is also a necessary one.”",,2,2 "“Our problem with Representative Ryan is that he claims his budget is based on Catholic social teaching,” said Jesuit Father Thomas J. Reese , one of the organizers of the letter.",,2,2 "“Sizable majorities in both states believe that Iran will share nuclear weapons with terrorists,” said Jeri Thompson, advisory board member for Secure America Now.",,2,2 """Governor Perry has a superior border security record and plan to make our border and our nation safer.""","""Governor Perry has a superior border security record and plan to make our border and our nation safer.""",1,1 "“There should be consequences for our actions,” Mr. Thibodeau said, “and I think that’s why we’re really struggling.”",,2,2 "Beck also launched the 9/12 Project, which sets forth nine values and 12 principles that he believes the country was founded upon.",,2,2 Comey at the time said Clinton was “extremely careless” in her handling of classified emails on her private server.,Comey at the time said Clinton was “extremely careless” in her handling of classified emails on her private server.,1,1 """A business does not have the right to take the fifth,"" Warner told reporters.",,2,2 "Thursday night, the MedStar Washington Hospital Center issued a statement saying Scalise ""underwent a second surgery related to his internal injuries and a broken bone in his leg.",,2,2 "In response, House Speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday evening that he would remove the congressman from all committee assignments for the time being, calling the charges against Hunter “deeply serious.”",,2,2 "Though Weiner's office had earlier responded to media inquiries, a few details appear to be keeping the story alive.",,2,2 "Per tradition, the first daughters were in attendance, this time wearing mostly cheerless expressions and short outfits.",this time wearing mostly cheerless expressions and short outfits,1,1 Whether that constitutes ordinary political horse-trading or crosses a legal line has been debated in Washington for months.,,2,2 "He blamed “certain people, a particular one, for not having pushed this faster,” a clear reference to former Speaker Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, a Republican.",,2,2 Both sides have painted the case as extremely consequential.,,2,2 """There is a growing group of folks that are looking at this and realizing that we don't have a lot of cards as it relates to the tax issue, before year-end.",,2,2 "Elected officials, civic leaders and business groups spoke out publicly against the measure, which passed both houses of the Legislature on Thursday.",,2,2 "Mr. Jaffer pointed to documents showing, for example, that Judge Gorsuch had worked to get Congress to enact a law stripping courts of jurisdiction to hear lawsuits by Guantánamo Bay detainees, and in one email chain he criticized law firms that helped represent prisoners in seeking judicial review of their detention.","Mr. Jaffer pointed to documents showing, for example, that Judge Gorsuch had worked to get Congress to enact a law stripping courts of jurisdiction to hear lawsuits by Guantánamo Bay detainees, and in one email chain he criticized law firms that helped represent prisoners in seeking judicial review of their detention.",1,1 "In a matter of days, Romney has picked up steam in both battleground and national polls.",,2,2 The spokesperson also touted Grassley’s “strong record” on the judiciary committee.,The spokesperson also touted Grassley’s “strong record” on the judiciary committee.,1,1 It was clear from the day that there would be no grace period either for or by the new president.,,2,2 Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell on how FBI official Peter Strzok requested that he retain his security clearance after being added to special counsel Robert Mueller's team. ,,2,2 "Obama urges new restrictions on assault weapons, magazines as part of gun control plan",,2,2 "He added, “I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse.”",,2,2 "The indictment details scores of instances, beginning in 2009 and continuing through 2016, in which the Justice Department said the Hunters spent campaign money on themselves.",,2,2 """Investing tax dollars promoting a lifestyle many Americas of faith find so deeply objectionable is wrong.","""Investing tax dollars promoting a lifestyle many Americas of faith find so deeply objectionable is wrong.",1,1 "Georgetown's Public Policy Institute, which is hosting the upcoming Ryan lecture, said Wednesday the event is still scheduled for Thursday morning.",,2,2 """And to be honest with you, I hope he can,"" he told ""Today.""",,2,2 "The clause states that in general, federal law takes precedence over state law.",,2,2 "Hutchinson had initially said he planned to sign the bill but backed off as his state, overnight, became the new focal point of a nationwide backlash over such legislation.","Hutchinson had initially said he planned to sign the bill but backed off as his state, overnight, became the new focal point of a nationwide backlash over such legislation.",1,1 He said the party needed to address issues like upward income mobility among the poor and middle-class economic insecurity.,,2,2 "In that case, made public this month, the woman was accused of funneling at least $10,000 to Grimm's campaign by passing them through friends who agreed to have the donations listed under their names.",,2,2 Ryan was referring to a claim by an Obama aide earlier Thursday that the only reason the attack had entered the political debate was because of Romney's criticism - a claim Romney rejected.,,2,2 "The Perry ad was denounced by the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay men and lesbian group, which said it was “wrong for Governor Perry to assume being a person of faith does not afford one to support equality.”",“wrong for Governor Perry to assume being a person of faith does not afford one to support equality.”,1,1 "The cache of emails paint a fuller picture than did an email leaked earlier this week, which portrayed a State Department concerned about its public image.",,2,2 "Long on Monday also denied that a clarification of the law would be needed before this weekend’s men’s NCAA Final Four basketball championships, in Indianapolis.",,2,2 "In a Twitter post late Tuesday, Griffin said the image ""is too disturbing,"" and that ""it wasn't funny.""",,2,2 Democrats until Wednesday had never had a female minority in their leadership ranks.,,2,2 "“As we have learned throughout history, winning a war in Afghanistan is a difficult task.",,2,2 "And I have the right in this country to ask any question I want, to whomever I want.”",,2,2 "Mr. Weiner, one of Congress’s most enthusiastic users of social media to engage with constituents and supporters, said he believed his Twitter account, or a related photo-sharing site, had been infiltrated by a hacker or a prankster, who had then sent the offending photo out late Friday.",,2,2 "“Attorney General Barr must not give President Trump, his lawyers or his staff any ‘sneak preview’ of Special Counsel Mueller’s findings or evidence, and the White House must not be allowed to interfere in decisions about what parts of those findings or evidence are made public,” the joint statement said.",‘sneak preview’,0,1 He also criticized the Supreme Court for potentially overturning bans on same-sex marriage.,,2,2 He also suggested on the show and in the letter that efforts to get Clinton to comply with the requests might require the full weight of the Republican-led House and that he will confer with House Speaker John Boehner about whether another committee will be involved.,,2,2 "“I’m not going to pay,” Vicente Fox said, using a profanity to comment about the wall Thursday in an interview with Fusion.",,2,2 """Freedom means freedom for everyone,"" she continued.",,2,2 "Citing the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, Flynn’s lawyer said on Monday that Flynn would not comply with subpoenas from the Senate intelligence committee, which is conducting its own parallel investigation into Russia’s interference in the election and whether it colluded with President Donald Trump’s associates.",,2,2 "Three senior Trump campaign officials told Mr. Mueller’s team that Mr. Stone created the impression that he was a conduit for inside information from WikiLeaks, according to people familiar with their witness interviews.",,2,2 "Michael T. Flynn, Mr. Trump’s first national security adviser, pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to the F.B.I. when he was questioned early this year about his conversations with the Russian ambassador.",,2,2 "He even has taken tougher stances on foreign policy than some of his Republican colleagues, who have softened their views on diplomatic relations with Cuba – to which Rubio objects – and how to handle the nuclear talks with Iran.","He even has taken tougher stances on foreign policy than some of his Republican colleagues, who have softened their views on diplomatic relations with Cuba",1,1 She even joked ruefully about moving to New Zealand.,,2,2 “Judge Roy Moore is winning with a double-digit lead.,,2,2 "I just believe in the ideas and that ideas matter in history.""",,2,2 "The rough and tumble of the coming campaign seemed far away at Wednesday’s news conference, which was attended by Mr. Cowan’s wife, Stacey, and their two young sons.",,2,2 "In a matter of hours, the St. Louis group fired off to the NAACP the statement demanding the organization withdraw its ""bigoted, false and inflammatory"" resolution.",,2,2 The election is Thursday -- leaving little time for Labrador to build momentum and peel off votes from McCarthy.,peel off,0,1 "When he appeared in court to plead guilty to lying to Congress, Mr. Cohen said he had concealed his interactions with Russian officials and the fact that he asked Mr. Trump to travel to Russia to promote the deal because he wanted to support Mr. Trump’s “political messaging.”",,2,2 "And in light of the current debate over Medicare proposals, it could complicate the political dialogue even further.",,2,2 "A plan to revive and revamp a ban on assault weapons, which expired in 2004, is almost certain to be defeated.",,2,2 "“I look forward to being fully and completely vindicated,” he added, then flashed twin V-for-victory hand signs reminiscent of his political hero, former President Richard M. Nixon.","flashed twin V-for-victory hand signs reminiscent of his political hero, former President Richard M. Nixon",1,1 A second official who attended said Mr. Trump’s team believed it would be easier for Ms. Pelosi to negotiate once she was officially installed as speaker.,,2,2 "But most of them dealt with foreign crises and involved freezing property, blocking trade or exports or taking other actions against national adversaries, not redirecting money without explicit congressional authorization.",,2,2 The Cheney family dispute mirrors the broader disagreement among Republicans on same-sex marriage.,,2,2 "In coming weeks, Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, will reintroduce a measure that would require every gun buyer, with limited exceptions, to undergo a background check and would force states to feed all relevant data into the background check system so those with criminal convictions and the mentally ill could be flagged.",,2,2 "But on Thursday, in an extraordinary rebuke of the president, he decided that Mr. Trump’s decision to withdraw roughly 2,000 American troops from Syria was a step too far.",extraordinary rebuke,0,1 "By failing to act, Mr. McCulloch said, the governor “undermines everything except the cover he has pulled over his head.”",,2,2 There is also concern about abandoning the U.S.' Kurdish allies.,,2,2 "“I’m not an alcoholic, and I’m not a drug addict, and I don’t have mental issues,” he said.",,2,2 Republicans said Mr. Obama’s defense of the right of the developers to pursue the project showed that he was out of touch with average Americans.,,2,2 "Huckabee advocates a national consumption tax, which is similar to a sales tax, to replace the existing federal taxes on personal income and payrolls.",,2,2 Thursday’s ruling by Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew provides a uniform policy for the IRS; the state of celebration -- where the wedding took place -- now trumps the state of residency when it comes to federal tax status for same-sex married couples.,,2,2 "Of course, Biden was so demonstrative, so outsized, that it was hard to talk about anything else.",,2,2 "Notably sitting out the fight was Mr. Nunes, whom Democrats have accused of many of the same abuses that Republicans accused Mr. Schiff of on Thursday and whose resignation they asked for last year.",,2,2 "“Former President Vicente Fox, who is railing against my visit to Mexico today, also invited me when he apologized for using the ‘f bomb,’” he said, referring to when Fox said he wasn't going to pay for ""that f-----g wall.""",,2,2 "“Most state income tax regimes begin with federal taxable income as the starting point,” Marvin Kirsner, a tax lawyer at Greenberg Traurig, said in an e-mail.",,2,2 "Ten of those 33 seats are open -- again, the state of play is in the Republicans' favor, with seven held by Democrats and three held by Republicans.",,2,2 "People are losing a fundamental belief that things will get better, he said.",,2,2 "Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.”","Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar.”",1,1 "“One person can make a difference,” he said at another.",,2,2 "“Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business,” Mr. Bloomberg said on Wednesday.",,2,2 "Stone, 66, was taken into custody early Friday after being indicted by a federal grand jury a day earlier as part of Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election. ",,2,2 The ruling applies to all legal marriages made in the United States or foreign countries.,,2,2 "Labrador’s foray into the race for majority leader is yet another dramatic turn of events for Republicans, who were stunned by the defeat in Tuesday’s primary in Virginia of Rep. Eric Cantor to a Tea Party candidate who cast the congressman as someone who embraces the status quo of Beltway GOP politics and did not truly represent his constituents.",,2,2 "He also states on his website that he is active in his local Republican party, and has often served as commentator on economic issues for local media.",,2,2 Republicans are on track to hold at least 240 seats in the House next year.,,2,2 "Representative Joseph Crowley of New York was also elected chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, and in a narrow victory, 98 to 96, Representative Linda T. Sánchez of California defeated another California Democrat, Representative Barbara Lee, to become vice chairwoman.",,2,2 "“The president has shown he’s not willing to work with us on immigration,” Mr. Labrador said.","“The president has shown he’s not willing to work with us on immigration,”",1,1 "“Fortunately, Donald Trump is not the last word,” said Mr. Newsom, a Democrat.",,2,2 "(In 2013, then-President Obama removed Mattis from his post running U.S. military's Central Command, reportedly without calling to notify him of the decision.)","(In 2013, then-President Obama removed Mattis from his post running U.S. military's Central Command, reportedly without calling to notify him of the decision.)",1,1 "On Monday, Trump said he feels “badly” for Flynn, who pleaded guilty on Friday to giving false statements to the FBI about his Russia contacts.",,2,2 "Sanders was campaigning across the state and former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb, who is exploring a potential Democratic bid, also was holding events in Iowa on Sunday.",,2,2 Her office claims the bill would cut deficits by $416 billion over the next decade and keep Social Security solvent by instead raising the retirement age to 69 over 16 years and cutting yearly cost-of-living adjustments by 1 percent.,,2,2 "Trump and Republicans in Congress stood with their anti-immigrant nativist base, and too many Democrats backed down, abandoned Dreamers, and failed to fight for their values,” MoveOn.org Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman said in a statement.",,2,2 "However, Brown lost his re-election bid in November to Democrat Elizabeth Warren.",,2,2 "Farenthold’s former communications director, Michael Rekola, also described in detail the congressman’s alleged abusive behavior toward staff members, which ranged from making sexually graphic jokes to verbally abusing his aides.",which ranged from making sexually graphic jokes to verbally abusing his aides,1,1 "Trump noted in his statement that the gunman, Omar Mateen, was ""the son of an immigrant from Afghanistan who openly published his support for the Afghanistani Taliban and even tried to run for President of Afghanistan.""",,2,2 Pelosi was challenged by Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan in a secret-ballot vote among House Democrats.,,2,2 She was mum on whether she considered his proposal a final deal.,,2,2 "“I just think it’s very important for Congress to examine the agreement, look at the facts, have a thorough debate, but get this done.",,2,2 """You're going to do that when you've lost a debate.",,2,2 "“I’m looking at all options,” LePage said on talk radio station WVOM.",,2,2 "The president’s decision incited instant condemnation from Democrats, who called it an unconstitutional abuse of his authority and vowed to try to overturn it with the support of Republicans who also objected to the move.",,2,2 "“Dear Members, Please join me for a private conference call,” Mr. Steele wrote in a message to Republicans, which was provided to the New York Times by a committee member.",,2,2 "In this case, Trump is sidestepping Congress so that he can gain access to certain federal funds without congressional approval.","In this case, Trump is sidestepping Congress so that he can gain access to certain federal funds without congressional approval.",1,1 They just don’t know what to do.”,They just don’t know what to do.”,1,1 "“For now, we can say for certain that we need to redouble our efforts to defend our country from threats at home and abroad.",,2,2 "The rare public statement by a spokesman for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, challenged the facts of an article published by BuzzFeed News on Thursday saying that Mr. Cohen had told prosecutors about being pressured by the president before his congressional testimony.",,2,2 "During his nomination hearing this week to become attorney general, William P. Barr was asked if the president would have committed a crime if he had coached a witness to testify falsely — or not to testify at all.",,2,2 Seasoned political observers have questioned whether it makes more sense to break the package into separate bills or push for one comprehensive proposal.,,2,2 I think this is a big mistake on part of President Peña.”,,2,2 "The department said late Monday that it had received 55,000 pages of Clinton's emails as part of a request made to previous secretaries of state to turn over any official documents they may have had in their possession.",,2,2 Vice President Biden won't attend the Netanyahu speech.,,2,2 "Trump said he wanted to make sure there's no ""conflict of interest"" in case he decides to run as a third-party candidate next year.",,2,2 "In response to the outpouring of support for Chick-fil-A, many people used social media to share their disappointment.",,2,2 "Earlier in the day, Mr. Trump had asked on Twitter, “How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time?",a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time,1,1 "Please, stay in touch.",,2,2 But the office could not find any examples of the full text of the Constitution actually being read out loud on the House Floor.,,2,2 """For decades, AARP has stood against any substantial changes to Social Security.",,2,2 "Ruth Bader Ginsburg was confirmed 96-3 two years later and “yea” votes have largely dwindled ever since: Stephen Breyer, 87; John Roberts, 78; Samuel Alito, 58; Sonia Sotomayor, 68; Elena Kagan, 63.",,2,2 """I think it's time in our politics that we get rid of this mindset that if we disagree, we have to disqualify each other,"" Gibbs said.",,2,2 Biden didn’t worry so much about numbers.,,2,2 It has been prosecuted by the United States under Presidents Bush and Obama.”,,2,2 Gowdy set a May 1 deadline for the interview.,,2,2 "I would also like to thank my family for their unwavering support and most importantly the people that elected me,” Farenthold said.",,2,2 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday Ginsburg’s comments were “totally inappropriate.”,“totally inappropriate.”,1,1 The National Guard is also helping to keep the peace.,,2,2 "At home, he accused the administration of presiding over a shoddy recovery.",,2,2 "Schiff, in response to his critics, doubled down on his questions about the special counsel’s investigation, which indicted more than 30 people ― including several close to Trump.",doubled down,0,1 "President Trump and his allies for months, though, have hammered the former FBI agent and cast him as the poster child for anti-Trump bias within the bureau and Justice Department. ",,2,2 He said that he and other Alabama Republicans would continue to support their candidate and echoed Mr. Moore’s assertion that the Democratic Party had been behind the story.,,2,2 "Before Trump made his announcement, Pelosi had called his anticipated proposal “a non-starter.”",,2,2 "Over hamburgers, and with the help of briefing folders, Mr. Mattis explained to Mr. Trump key points about the United States’ relationships with allies.",,2,2 Republicans have consistently supported the effort.,,2,2 The illicit demand for elephant ivory has led to devastating losses from illegal poaching as the natural habitat available for the animals to roam has also dwindled by more than half.,,2,2 "Mr. Braley is not running against Mr. Grassley, who plans to seek a seventh term in 2016.",,2,2 "The lawyers, according to current and former State Department officials, were working to respond to a request from a specially appointed House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Libya.",,2,2 "I think it's inexcusable,"" Paul said.",inexcusable,0,1 "They said the campaign finance disclosures and the public funding of elections assaulted free speech rights, the ethics laws were too broad and unnecessary, and the creation of a federal election day holiday was an unnecessary benefit for lazy workers.",,2,2 Mr. Levin said neither Mr. Weiner’s office nor any law enforcement authorities had contacted him or his company to inquire about the photo.,,2,2 """Sadly, I believe President Obama often disagrees with that simple truth,"" Rubio added.","""Sadly, I believe President Obama often disagrees with that simple truth,""",1,1 "Trump appeared to respond to Tlaib over Twitter Friday morning, writing: “They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020, too much success!”",,2,2 Many workers missed their second paycheck on Friday.,Many workers missed their second paycheck on Friday.,1,0 "Sen. Mark Warner, top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, offered Trump an ultimatum for the highly anticipated summit: make Russian interference a priority, or cancel the meeting.",,2,2 "Tlaib, who was sworn in as a new member of the 116th Congress on Thursday, was videotaped that night vowing to impeach the president -- shortly after she penned an op-ed for The Detroit Free Press outlining the case for impeachment.",,2,2 The five vote conservative majority that included Scalia has sided with corporations and corporate lobby groups more than any other Supreme Court majority in recent history.,,2,2 "That process could take several months, officials said, because different parts of the State Department must weigh in on whether information should be redacted.",,2,2 "A blogger on the Web site Freedom’s Lighthouse said, “Can anyone really say with a straight face that the Mainstream Media is not totally biased against conservatives?”",“Can anyone really say with a straight face that the Mainstream Media is not totally biased against conservatives?”,1,1 "Instead, the House will end up elevating a leader with a less conservative record and less patience for the far-right flank.",,2,2 Mr. Horowitz could not rule out that Mr. Strzok had slow-walked the examination of the new emails to help Mrs. Clinton’s presidential bid.,,2,2 "The son of Cuban immigrants, Rubio has challenged Obama's efforts to normalize diplomatic relations with the island, saying that closer ties would only help the communist Castro government keep power.",The son of Cuban immigrants,1,1 "Tea Party groups off Capitol Hill may believe Mr. Labrador can win, and they will pressure House conservatives to join the campaign.",,2,2 Lisa Page left the bureau earlier this year. ,,2,2 "Unilaterally, Obama on Wednesday directed federal agencies to share information with the federal background check system; proposed new rules to let law enforcement run full background checks before returning a seized gun; ordered the Centers for Disease Control to research causes of gun violence; required law enforcement to trace guns from criminal investigations; and took other steps.",Unilaterally,0,1 "“You put us in this position,” Mr. Johnson said, according to one of his aides.",,2,2 "Members of LePage’s own party have been trying to deal with the headaches he’s caused as well, with one GOP state senator even talking about censuring him.",headaches,0,1 Issa has issued a subpoena to compel Lerner to appear at the hearing.,,2,2 "“I must leave all of my options open because, above all else, we must make America great again!” he said.",,2,2 "Some of the more specific strategies considered included starting a more aggressive recruitment campaign for Democratic candidates from more conservative areas, as well as increasing their outreach to traditionally “red” districts.",,2,2 "Right now, only one Democratic senator faces a serious primary challenge: Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, who voted against the government-funding deal and complained privately that she and most of her colleagues had been asked to vote on Friday against a nearly identical measure to keep the government open.",,2,2 The White House and Republican leaders in Congress now face long odds in trying to revive the trade legislation after congressional Democrats helped defeat a job retraining program to jeopardize Obama's attempt to secure the fast-track authority.,,2,2 "It's unacceptable that after taking away DACA protections, eliminating the TPS program for thousands of immigrants and creating a humanitarian crisis at the border, President Trump is offering temporary solutions in exchange for a permanent wall.""","It's unacceptable that after taking away DACA protections, eliminating the TPS program for thousands of immigrants and creating a humanitarian crisis at the border, President Trump is offering temporary solutions in exchange for a permanent wall.""",1,1 "As the Constitution was being read inside the lower chamber, Nadler and others gathered outside the Capitol to push for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, a perennial effort to update the document with a statement on women.",,2,2 "The United States Fish and Wildlife Service had signaled its intention to end the 2014 ban, citing Zimbabwe’s conservation efforts.",,2,2 Those wondering whether the reading would be dramatic found out on Thursday as volunteers gave voice to the seven articles and 27 amendments that make up the nation’s governing document.,,2,2 "But casting Mr. Lieberman as the most likely choice did have one immediate advantage: It appealed to Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, who had suggested this week that the firestorm over Mr. Trump’s ouster of Mr. Comey was as bad as Watergate.",,2,2 "On Saturday, Mayor Ed Murray of Seattle announced a ban on city employees traveling to Indiana for work using city funds.","On Saturday, Mayor Ed Murray of Seattle announced a ban on city employees traveling to Indiana for work using city funds.",1,1 "“My hope is, is that over the next couple of weeks, we’re able to pull things together,” Mr. Obama said during a taping of an appearance on the “Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” on Wednesday in New York.",,2,2 """We are not going to go after existing stock of weapons or magazines,"" said a senior administration official.",,2,2 "“That could very well be the case,” Mr. Sellers said.",,2,2 The owners of the restaurant said they were informed of the event only about an hour ahead of time.,,2,2 Some Republicans ― including Ryan ― quickly shot down Trump’s idea.,,2,2 "Asked about those remarks on the CBS News program “Face the Nation,” Mr. Santorum, who with his wife has home-schooled their children, remained adamant on Sunday.",,2,2 "But with the exception of Mr. McCain, Republicans steered clear of discussing whether Mr. Trump should cancel Monday’s meeting in Helsinki.",,2,2 """It's always been bipartisan,"" Rice added.",,2,2 "“I think these 5-4 decisions are a problem, you said sometimes ― I think I’m quoting you correctly ― sometimes big corporations can capture an agency,” Whitehouse said to Gorsuch.",,2,2 "“As president, I’ll end Obama’s war on religion,” Mr. Perry also says in the ad.",Obama’s war on religion,1,1 "“We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining but never doing anything about it,” he said.",,2,2 "“Parents educated their children, because it’s their responsibility to educate their children.”",,2,2 “They’re just grateful everyone was able to work together as a team and get out.”,,2,2 "The 14th Amendment states that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” ",,2,2 "Speaking to reporters at a joint appearance with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski, Obama said economists predict higher job growth in 2011 and 2012 if Congress passes the agreement and urged lawmakers to examine the details of the deal and ""get this done.""",,2,2 "By proposing to use the independent power of his office, Mr. Obama is inviting political attacks by gun owners who have already expressed fear that he will abuse that authority to restrict their rights.",,2,2 "The following month, Comey testified before the Senate that Trump had requested that Comey put an end to the agency’s investigation into Flynn.",,2,2 "“The message from Tuesday is clear — Americans are looking for a change in the status quo,” Mr. Labrador, a former immigration lawyer elected in the Tea Party wave of 2010, said in a statement.",,2,2 "In the interest of finally providing the American people with some accurate information at long last, I hope that we can proceed with this straight dialogue soon.”",,2,2 "The Republican effort comes as Mr. Obama is expected to push once again for an overhaul of the immigration system in his State of the Union address Tuesday, and as lawmakers from both parties describe immigration as one of the few potential areas for bipartisan compromise before the end of the current Congress.",,2,2 "WASHINGTON -- With presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton officially reaching the number of delegates required for the nomination, President Barack Obama congratulated her on Tuesday evening, and signaled that the campaign of rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) might be coming to an end.",,2,2 "Even though Bibi Netanyahu recently decried the use of his name in election-year politicking, the Israeli prime minister is the subject of a new ad by Secure America Now, a neoconservative nonprofit organization dedicated to influencing the debate around American security and foreign policy.",Even though Bibi Netanyahu recently decried the use of his name in election-year politicking,1,1 "They accused Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, and moderate Democratic senators of capitulating to protect senators up for re-election in November in Republican-leaning states.",,2,2 "Mr. LePage nevertheless said he was seeking “spiritual guidance,” had apologized for his threat, and vowed to make one change to his behavior: “I will no longer speak to the press ever again after today,” he said.",,2,2 "Then, he said, a setting on the email account was changed to retain only messages sent in the previous two months.",,2,2 """This is national security we’re talking about, we’re not talking about games,"" he told reporters. ",,2,2 "“Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States,” the commentator Ann Coulter, who has aggressively pushed Mr. Trump to keep his campaign promise on the wall, wrote on Twitter.",biggest wimp,0,0 He said later on Fox News that he's still considering an independent bid.,,2,2 But was the message what the conservative movement needed to hear?,,2,2 """I need to ask what she did (with the server) and when she did it and importantly why she did it,” he said on Fox News' ""On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.""",,2,2 "“We have to decide if that’s the kind of country we want to be,” Mr. Obama said on Sunday as he mourned the nation’s deadliest mass shooting.",,2,2 """Perry is referring to a presidential memorandum released by the White House, in which Obama has directed all agencies working abroad ensure U.S. diplomacy and aid programs ""promote and protect"" the rights of gays and lesbians.",,2,2 Bombastic conservative talk show host Glenn Beck closed a three-day conservative conference on Saturday by demanding that Republicans get their own house in order before re-trying their hand at governance.,Bombastic,0,1 "Rather, they go through ""the bureaucracy.""",,2,2 Politico also reports that former Senator Norm Coleman could enter the race if Steele decides not to run.,,2,2 WASHINGTON -- The House Select Committee on Benghazi sent a formal interview request to Hillary Clinton’s lawyer on Tuesday regarding emails she exchanged during her time as secretary of state.,,2,2 But now they’re saying I can do it just with an executive order.”,,2,2 "After the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed he knew about the cable which summarized the August emergency meeting in Benghazi, Graham questioned why the military was read in when Clinton apparently was not.",apparently,0,1 """I think the GOP race has been, in many cases, a race to the bottom.""","""I think the GOP race has been, in many cases, a race to the bottom.""",1,0 " He added, “That all changes starting right here and right now.”",,2,2 "The speech, scheduled for March 3, was arranged by Mr. Boehner and the Israeli ambassador without consulting the White House — a move that Mr. Obama’s team has called a breach of protocol.",,2,2 "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who backed Moore’s rival Luther Strange in the GOP primary, said in a statement: ""If these allegations are true, he must step aside.""",,2,2 "All information acquired, he said, “is subject to strict, court-imposed restrictions on review and handling.",,2,2 "Netanyahu told Sens. Dick Durbin, of Illinois, and Dianne Feinstein, of California, that he regrets the invitation has been perceived by some to be political or partisan.",,2,2 "“Former President Vicente Fox, who is railing against my visit to Mexico today, also invited me when he apologized for using the “f bomb.””","“Former President Vicente Fox, who is railing against my visit to Mexico today, also invited me when he apologized for using the “f bomb.””",1,1 "Mrs. Clinton has been criticized by Republicans and some Democrats for saying little about the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal in recent weeks, especially since she had made favorable comments about it as secretary of state.","Mrs. Clinton has been criticized by Republicans and some Democrats for saying little about the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal in recent weeks, especially since she had made favorable comments about it as secretary of state.",1,1 "As such, independent fact-checkers and news analysts alike have disputed the Romney campaign's characterization.","As such, independent fact-checkers and news analysts alike have disputed the Romney campaign's characterization.",1,1 A law enforcement source told CNN the package was similar to the other ones sent to politicians and public figures this week.,,2,2 "That is, is the president or people around him compromised in any way by a hostile foreign power? ...",,2,2 "Now lets just hope she stays out of jail,” a representative for Shields told HuffPost.",,2,2 "Reading from a letter signed by every Republican member of the committee, Mr. Conaway added, “Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duties as chairman of this committee.”",,2,2 Controversial Maine Gov. Paul LePage opened the door Tuesday to making an early exit from the governor’s office following pressure from state lawmakers to step down.,Controversial,0,1 Trump Jr. became embroiled in the Russia investigation after it was revealed he and other campaign officials met with a Kremlin-backed attorney in June 2016 who had promised damaging information about Clinton.,Trump Jr. became embroiled in the Russia investigation after it was revealed he and other campaign officials met with a Kremlin-backed attorney in June 2016 who had promised damaging information about Clinton.,1,1 "An inspector general’s report found, however, that she was briefed on their actions as early as June 2011.",,2,2 "He paired the address with his first naturalization ceremony at the White House, a move intended to underscore the idea that he supports legal immigration.",,2,2 They also specifically seek records relating to three close aides to Mr. Christie who resigned or were fired when their roles in the lane closings were revealed.,,2,2 "There will be no further readout of the meeting, but lines of communication remain open.""",,2,2 "When asked if he would seek those protections, the governor said that he would not.",,2,2 The fact that I'm allowed to make an image like this says a lot.,,2,2 No one is a better tactician than Nancy Pelosi. No one does it better. No one even comes close.”,No one is a better tactician than Nancy Pelosi. No one does it better. No one even comes close.”,1,1 "Opening up about his troubled past, Beck told the crowd, ""People need to understand that life is not fair.",,2,2 "A Republican staffer on Friday apologized for a Facebook post that criticized Malia and Sasha Obama's appearance at the annual White House turkey pardon ceremony, one of America's silliest holiday traditions.",,2,2 "Mr. Arpaio, who gained wide notice for forcing inmates to wear pink underwear and housing them in tents, is popular in his state, where he has repeatedly won re-election by a sizable margin.",forcing inmates to wear pink underwear and housing them in tents,1,1 Fix the Court found that the bulk of recent recusals were due to the justices’ prior work as appellate judges or in government positions.,,2,2 The Sacramento County Sheriff Department also said Friday that a suspicious package found at a Sacramento mail facility and addressed to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) contained an explosive device.,,2,2 The committee's action comes a day after Flynn’s lawyer notified the committee that his client will invoke his Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination and not comply with the committee’s subpoena seeking documents related to its investigation.,,2,2 Christie was elected chairman of the Republican Governors Association in November 2013.,,2,2 "If funding for his border wall is not secured by the end of the negotiation period, Trump said he is prepared to shut down the government again or issue a national emergency declaration in order to get funding ― a plan that would strip funding from disaster recovery efforts.",a plan that would strip funding from disaster recovery efforts,1,1 "The criteria directed the IRS to conduct a more intensive review of applications for tax-exempt status from groups with the name ""tea party"" or ""patriot.""",,2,2 """Every day in my life in politics was a fight,"" Huckabee says in the video, released as a preview of his Tuesday announcement.",,2,2 "The Wall Street Journal reported Friday morning that AARP, one of the most influential lobbying groups in Washington, was softening its opposition to cutting retirement benefits.",,2,2 Mr. Enzi opposes legalizing same-sex marriage.,,2,2 "Even as he fueled outrage among Democrats and angst among many moderate Republicans, his well of support, fed by voters drawn to his unfiltered political style, never seemed to run dry.",Even as he fueled outrage among Democrats and angst among many moderate Republicans,1,1 Those comments drew a sharp response from Rev. William Owens of the Coalition of African American Pastors.,,2,2 "White House officials cited only two times that such emergency declarations were used by presidents to spend money without legislative approval — once by President George Bush in 1990 during the run-up to the Persian Gulf war, and again by his son, President George W. Bush, in 2001 after the terrorist attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.",,2,2 "Mr. Clapper also insisted that the government “does not unilaterally obtain information from the servers” of telephone and Internet providers, saying that information is turned over only under court order, when there is a “documented, foreign intelligence purpose for acquisition” of the data.",,2,2 "“I think it’s simply more fake promises raising false hopes,” Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut, said.","“I think it’s simply more fake promises raising false hopes,”",1,1 "“Now, Etheridge’s actions are only partially defensible.",,2,2 "Santorum also told Schieffer that government-provided education was not working and that the process ought to be customizable, like buying a car.",,2,2 "Amid calls for him to drop out of the race, Moore added, ""Our nation is at a crossroads right now — both spiritually and politically.",,2,2 The prolonged presidential explanation elevated the issue beyond a local dispute and hurled it into the political arena.,The prolonged presidential explanation elevated the issue beyond a local dispute and hurled it into the political arena.,1,1 "Google services that can be monitored include Gmail, voice and video chat, Google Drive files, and search terms.",,2,2 "“I love my dad, and we have a good, close relationship,” Seth Hutchinson said on Wednesday.","“I love my dad, and we have a good, close relationship,”",1,1 "On Wednesday, the House voted 396-9 on a bill that reaffirmed the motto and encouraged its display in all public schools and government buildings.",,2,2 It pairs the border security investment that our nation needs with additional immigration measures that both Democrat and Republican members of Congress believe are necessary.,,2,2 "Every former secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, including former White House chief of staff John Kelly, sent a letter to the president and Congress on Thursday asking them restore the department’s funding.","Every former secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, including former White House chief of staff John Kelly, sent a letter to the president and Congress on Thursday asking them restore the department’s funding.",1,1 "Among the allegations named in the 48-page indictment included instances between 2009 and 2016 when Hunter and his wife used campaign funds to pay for family vacations to Italy and Hawaii, school tuition, dental work, and even domestic and international travel for almost a dozen relatives, according to a press release from the Southern District of California’s U.S. Attorney’s Office.",,2,2 But those legal protections have not erased hatred in the country.,,2,2 "Mr. Trump is still seeking applicants, and some aides, along with many law enforcement officials, have suggested that he hire from within the agency to repair some of the damage to morale wrought by Mr. Comey’s sudden firing.",,2,2 “This decision should be deeply troubling to all Americans.,“This decision should be deeply troubling to all Americans.,1,0 "Warner, whose committee has been investigating Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates in the 2016 election for more than a year, also stressed that there “needs to be other Americans in the room” in Helsinki, Finland Monday to ensure that Trump makes the issue of interference in the 2016 election a “priority.”",,2,2 "WASHINGTON -- The nation's leading advocate for senior citizens says that it hasn't wavered in its opposition to cutting Social Security benefits, though a top official with the group said it is open to a discussion about raising the retirement age and other changes.",,2,2 "“I didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster,” he said.",,2,2 """I didn't send [that] picture out"" the congressman said, though he does not know who did.",,2,2 The political director of the committee resigned in protest last month and is among those vying for the job.,,2,2 "The most recent projections from the Social Security Administration, issued last month, indicate that at the current rate, the program’s trust funds will be exhausted by 2036, and that $6.5 trillion in additional money will be needed over a 75-year period to pay all scheduled benefits.",$6.5 trillion in additional money will be needed over a 75-year period to pay all scheduled benefits,1,1 "Wisconsin GOP Chairman Reince Preibus, recently resigned RNC political director Gentry Collins, former U.S. ambassador Ann Wagner and former Michigan GOP chairman Saul Anuzis also round out the list.",,2,2 "Trump said that if the current fight over budget issues forces a shutdown, ""I think the president will be blamed.""",,2,2 "But as the federal authorities investigated Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois over his efforts to sell the Senate seat that President Obama vacated in 2008, they uncovered evidence that one of Mr. Jackson’s friends had offered to make a contribution to Mr. Blagojevich’s campaign in exchange for the seat.",one of Mr. Jackson’s friends had offered to make a contribution to Mr. Blagojevich’s campaign in exchange for the seat,1,0 "Mr. Sellers said the trial court could rely on statistics culled from company databases, which he said were more reliable than the evidence that might be presented in individualized hearings given the available information about particular pay and promotion decisions.",,2,2 "“I understand the appeal of a businessman president,” Bloomberg said.",,2,2 "At age 70, Mr. Trump became the oldest president sworn in for the first time and the first born in New York since Franklin D. Roosevelt.",,2,2 Akin made the remarks in an interview with Fox affiliate KTVI.,,2,2 The shooter’s weapons ― a 9 mm handgun and 7.62-caliber rifle ― were recovered at the scene by law enforcement officials.,,2,2 "Malia even declined her father's offer to pet one of the pardoned turkeys with a nonchalant, ""Nah.""","with a nonchalant, ""Nah.""",0,1 """As the ARB makes clear, after their months of research the picture remains still somewhat complicated,"" Clinton said, during an exchange with Sen. James Risch (R-Idaho) at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.",,2,2 "White House aides believe Mr. Obama can also ratchet up enforcement of existing laws, including tougher prosecution of people who lie on their background checks.",,2,2 """Well, when these issues were raised in my state of Massachusetts, I indicated my view, which is I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender, and I do not favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name,"" Romney told Denver Fox affiliate KDVR-TV.",,2,2 "Since 2014, a high proportion of those crossing have been Central American children and families seeking to make humanitarian claims such as asylum.","Since 2014, a high proportion of those crossing have been Central American children and families seeking to make humanitarian claims such as asylum.",1,0 "Abedin also sent passwords for her government laptop to her Yahoo account on Aug. 24, 2009.",,2,2 "“When you consider some of the atrocities happening in the world today, a photo opportunity like this is simply wrong and makes you wonder about the mental health of the person who did it.”","“When you consider some of the atrocities happening in the world today, a photo opportunity like this is simply wrong and makes you wonder about the mental health of the person who did it.”",1,1 "I wouldn’t use that language,” the House speaker continued, noting that she doesn’t tell her colleagues what to say.",,2,2 "They say it would be a mistake to equate Islam as a whole, and its practice in the United States, with Al Qaeda -- and remind critics that Muslims were also killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center.",,2,2 "“Anyone who wants me off the case needs to call up the governor and express their opinion to him,” Mr. McCulloch told KTRS radio.",,2,2 "The comments signal Ryan and Romney are prepared to dig in and fight back, as Democrats lob charges that Ryan stands for “ending Medicare as we know it.”",,2,2 The Washington Post reported last week that reading the founding document in full appears to be a first in the chamber’s 221-year history:,,2,2 "Fox News obtained a letter sent from Hunter's attorney, Gregory A. Vega, to U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein on Aug. 6 asking him to postpone the indictment.",,2,2 This administration's war on traditional American values must stop.,This administration's war on traditional American values must stop.,1,1 "As president, Clinton promoted Sestak to vice admiral and made him his director of defense policy.",,2,2 Our leadership is weak and ineffective. I called it and asked for the ban. Must be tough.”,Our leadership is weak and ineffective,1,1 Turned out it wasn't.,,2,2 "Mr. Pence, briefing reporters after Mr. Trump’s remarks, said the speech reflected a painstaking process of listening to lawmakers, including rank-and-file Democrats who made it clear they believed that protections for DACA and T.P.S. recipients must be included in a border security deal.",,2,2 Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele will speak with RNC members Monday evening in which he is expected to announce a decision about whether to make another run for the party chairmanship.,,2,2 Schiff on Monday signed a letter with his fellow House committee chairs demanding the full Mueller report by April 2.,,2,2 """Almost a year ago, the president in making a speech across the world said that our national motto was 'E pluribus unum,'"" Forbes said.",,2,2 "Vicente Fox, Mexico’s president from 2000 to 2006, said on Wednesday that the invitation from Mr. Peña Nieto was a mistake and that Mr. Trump should never be trusted in the country because of the way he has demonized its people.",demonized,0,1 "“The seemingly political nature of the State Department’s concerns raises questions about the motivations behind these changes and who at the State Department was seeking them,” said Brendan Buck, a spokesman for Speaker John A. Boehner.","“The seemingly political nature of the State Department’s concerns raises questions about the motivations behind these changes and who at the State Department was seeking them,”",1,1 "I don’t like that language, I wouldn’t use that language. ",,2,2 "I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist.""",,2,2 "At first, I pretty much followed the values that my family and my parents laid out for me.”",,2,2 """Kathy and I are friends and we worked together before, so when we started doing this shoot, she said, 'I'd love to do something political.",,2,2 "The judge set the sentencing for June 28 at 2 p.m. Jackson will be free to go after he surrenders his passport, and will be restricted to living in the D.C. or Chicago area.",,2,2 Both sides were tightlipped about the surprise Sunday afternoon meeting.,,2,2 "The lieutenant governor, Kim Guadagno, emphatically denied the allegations on Monday.",,2,2 Not a one defended Lieberman.,Not a one defended Lieberman.,1,1 "I crossed the line. I move the line, I cross it. I went way too far.",,2,2 "The measure also allows Congress to approve or reject such deals, but not amend them.",,2,2 "Fifteen of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi citizens, but the Saudi government denies any role in the attacks and multiple U.S. government investigations have cleared it of blame.",,2,2 Several justices had practical concerns.,,2,2 "In March, Andrew G. McCabe, the former deputy director, was fired after the inspector general repeatedly faulted him for misleading investigators.",,2,2 "Another leading Dem, Sen. Kristen Gillibrand of New York, who announced her White House bid on Jan. 15 in an episode of ""The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,"" said Trump's offer was a ""bad deal.""",,2,2 "In January, he said drug dealers with names like “D-Money, Smoothie (and) Shifty” are getting Maine’s white women pregnant.",,2,2 "AMHERST, N.H. — Gov. Rick Perry of Texas on Tuesday said he would back a federal policy “to detain and to deport every illegal alien that we apprehend.”",,2,2 "CEO Doug McMillon called on the governor to veto the bill, which he said ""threatens to undermine the spirit of inclusion.""","CEO Doug McMillon called on the governor to veto the bill, which he said ""threatens to undermine the spirit of inclusion.""",1,0 "President Trump said Friday he is declaring a national emergency on the southern border, tapping into executive powers in a bid to divert billions toward construction of a wall even as he signs a funding package that includes just $1.4 billion for border security.",,2,2 "“I thought that the BuzzFeed piece -- and maybe equally as bad the coverage of the BuzzFeed phony story -- it was a total phony story, and I appreciate the special counsel coming out with a statement last night, I think it was appropriate that they did so, I appreciate that,” he told reporters.",equally as bad the coverage of the BuzzFeed phony story -- it was a total phony story,1,1 "Added Gibbs: ""I think you would really have to ask somebody who says... lets have some eight week fight and on February the 15th come in and say, alright, now we are ready to make a compromise, who on earth, who on earth thinks that that is somehow going to be a fundamentally better agreement than the one we are looking at right now?","I think you would really have to ask somebody who says... lets have some eight week fight and on February the 15th come in and say, alright, now we are ready to make a compromise, who on earth, who on earth thinks that that is somehow going to be a fundamentally better agreement than the one we are looking at right now?",1,0 "The man had previously worked as an informant for the FBI, but told the Post that he was not working on the FBI’s behalf when he met with Stone in May 2016.",,2,2 The scholars say that it is true that “It calls for solutions to be enacted as close to the level of local communities as possible.,,2,2 "Evan Wolfson, the founder of Freedom to Marry, a gay rights organization, said that now “there is absolutely no way that opponents of gay rights can hide behind any unclarity in the president’s position and make the bogus claim that it’s the same as theirs.”",,2,2 "In total, 33 Senate seats are in play this year, with 23 currently held by Democrats and 10 held by Republicans.",,2,2 "Still, Mr. Trump, speaking briefly with reporters in the Oval Office as he met with President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia, offered an emphatic “yes” when asked whether Mr. Lieberman was among the finalists.",,2,2 "But in an interview Tuesday, Mr. Ryan suggested few ideas for how to appeal to voters beyond essentially crowdsourcing the task to more House Democrats, and he offered no indication that working with the Republican majority on any particular policy compromises would be a priority.",,2,2 "Others say it was Cantor’s lack of popularity in general in his district, and his lackluster campaign, that doomed him.",,2,2 "A group of senators pledged to find ways to improve the measure during a post-election, lame-duck session of Congress.",,2,2 "According to The Hill, Cheney sought to clarify her position after an alleged poll in Wyoming said she ""supports abortion and aggressively promotes gay marriage.""",aggressively,0,1 He also vowed to eradicate Islamic terrorism.,,2,2 "Mitt Romney’s trip to Israel during the 2012 presidential campaign, for example, did not go over well.",,2,2 They plan a “kiss-in” at Chick-fil-A restaurants across the country – encouraging gays and lesbians to share a public display of affection at the home of the chicken sandwich.,,2,2 "The policy only applies to married couples, and not those in domestic partnerships or same-sex unions.",,2,2 "Folks, that's why I stand where I stand,"" he said.",,2,2 """But any drunken redneck can walk into a bar and start a fight.",,2,2 Bloomberg was a vocal critic of the Republican candidate ― his former friend ― long before backing Clinton’s White House run.,,2,2 "Mr. Rubio, who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations and Senate Intelligence committees, has used his time in Congress to burnish his foreign policy credits and cast himself as a defense hawk: a position that could help him stand out in a crowded primary field.",has used his time in Congress to burnish his foreign policy credits and cast himself as a defense hawk: a position that could help him stand out in a crowded primary field,1,1 "The Administration, Senate Republicans, and Democrats must now resolve this stalemate before 800,000 federal workers and their families miss yet another paycheck, and our economy is further damaged,” she said.",,2,2 "“Could be a long time, or it could be quickly,” Mr. Trump said of resolving the shutdown.",,2,2