instruction,input,output,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Learn this mapping between the input and the output,DCATv3,DC and DC Term,,,,,,,,,,,,BioSchema,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:description,Description - dcterms:description,,,,,,,,,,,,description (M),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:title,Title - dcterms:title,,,,,,,,,,,,name (M),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcat:downloadURL,,,,,,,,,,,,,distribution,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:identifier,,,,,,,,,,,,,identifier (M),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,"rdfs:label skos:altLabel",dcterms:alternative,,,,,,,,,,,,alternateName,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,"owl:sameAs skos:exactMatch",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcat:endPointURL,dc:identifier (if URL),,,,,,,,,,,,url (M),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:bibliographicCitation,"dcterms:isReferencedBy dc:relation",,,,,,,,,,,,citation (R),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcat:keyword,Subject - dcterms:subject,,,,,,,,,,,,keywords (M),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dct:license,Rights,,,,,,,,,,,,license (R),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:creator,Creator,,,,,,,,,,,,creator (R),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:isPartOf,dcterms:isPartOf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:hasPart,dcterms:hasPart,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,owl:versionInfo,,,,,,,,,,,,,version (R),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:temporal,dcterms:temporal (start); dcterms:temporal (end),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:spatial,dcterms:coverage (spatial),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,sosa:usedProcedure,,,,,,,,,,,,,measurementTechnique (R),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,sosa:observedProperty,,,,,,,,,,,,,variablesMeasured (R),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:isPartOf,dcterms:isPartOf,,,,,,,,,,,,includedInDataCatalog (M),,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcat:distribution,,,,,,,,,,,,,distribution,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,"dcat:mediaType dcterms:format",dcterms:format,,,,,,,,,,,,encordingFormat,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:contributor,dcterms:contributor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:publisher,Publisher - dcterms:publisher,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dct:contactPoint (R),dcterms:mediator,,,,,,,,,,,,dct:contactPoint,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,"dcat:theme (R) dcterms:subject(O)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:language,Language - dcterms:language,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:created(O),dcterms:created,,,,,,,,,,,,dateCreated,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:dateAccepted,dcterms:dateAccepted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:modified,dcterms:modified,,,,,,,,,,,,dateModified,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:rightsHolder,dcterms:rightsHolder,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dct:relation,dcterms:relation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dct:source(O),dc:source,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dct:relation,dct:relation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dct:format (R) dct:mediaType(O),dct:format (R) dct:mediaType(O),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcat:mediaType,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies," dcat:downloadURL",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dct:byteSize,collSize,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:accrualPeriodicity,dcterms:accrualPeriodicity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:contributor,dcterms:contributor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:contributor,Contributor - dcterms:contributor (Depositor),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:contributor,dcterms:contributor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dcterms:dateCopyrighted,dcterms:dateCopyrighted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dct:rights,rights,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dct:accessRights,dct:accessRights,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,dct:conformsTo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the mapping of na element from DCATv3 to Dublin Core ontologies,prov:qualifiedAttribution,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,also referenced:,,,,,