--- configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: "train.csv" - split: dev path: "dev.csv" - split: test path: "test.csv" --- # STIF-Indonesia ![Paper](imgs/meme_stif.PNG) A dataset of ["Semi-Supervised Low-Resource Style Transfer of Indonesian Informal to Formal Language with Iterative Forward-Translation"](https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.03286v1). You can also find Indonesian informal-formal parallel corpus in this repository. ## Description We were researching transforming a sentence from informal to its formal form. Our work addresses a style-transfer from informal to formal Indonesian as a low-resource **machine translation** problem. We benchmark several strategies to perform the style transfer. In this repository, we provide the Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation, which has the highest result in our experiment. Note that, our data is extremely low-resource and domain-specific (Customer Service domain). Therefore, the system might not be robust towards out-of-domain input. Our future work includes exploring more robust style transfer. Stay tuned! ## Paper ![Paper](imgs/paper.PNG) You can access our paper below: [Semi-Supervised Low-Resource Style Transfer of Indonesian Informal to Formal Language with Iterative Forward-Translation (IALP 2020)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.03286v1) ## Team 1. Haryo Akbarianto Wibowo @ Kata.ai 2. Tatag Aziz Prawiro @ Universitas Indonesia 3. Muhammad Ihsan @ Bina Nusantara 4. Alham Fikri Aji @ Kata.ai 5. Radityo Eko Prasojo @ Kata.ai 6. Rahmad Mahendra @ Universitas Indonesia