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I don't quite understand. There is little thing we use in this republic called the electoral college. If you look at Article II, section 1; and the Twelfth Amendment, you can't miss it. Under these provisions, whomever has the most votes in that tally becomes the next president. According to reports I've seen, Donald Trump won more electoral college votes than Hillary Clinton. I also recall watching Chief Justice Roberts administering Mr. Trump the oath of office a few Fridays back. Even the New York Times reported these occurrences. So, again, I'm not quite following your "he didn't have the votes" mantra. Under your theory, the Buffalo Bills actually won all four of those Super Bowls, the Russian hockey team won the gold medal in 1980, and Napoleon prevailed at Waterloo. BTW, do you seriously doubt that if a true popular vote-count system were employed, that the Trump campaign would not have adjusted their strategy accordingly and still beaten the amoral, pathological liar?
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Another "logical conclusion" from Reinhard's first point was that judges should be given more control in sentencing people. Prosecutors have the power to charge people with crimes that have mandatory minimum sentences. As Reinhard said, "People who are actually innocent face incredible pressure to take a plea deal, knowing that if a jury finds them guilty, a judge might be forced to send them to prison even if the facts speak to a far different outcome." In regards to our grand jury system, Perlow stated that ,"It amazes me that there are people who believe we want to file cases where there isn’t sufficient evidence". She also said,"Fewer than 10 percent of criminal cases filed in Lane County go to trial", which means prosecutors only have to have sufficient evidence to scare the defendant into taking a plea deal. They really don't need enough evidence to prove guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt". Running out of space so will say more in another post.
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It's strong magic.
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Get outta here with your bigotry/racism. Matter of fact, go back and keep adding to your Little Miss Muffet slush fund.
No trust to China, period. It is a Communist country where the ideology has ruled and will always rule over the democracy and human rights. We must not put Canada under any risk in this matter.
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Tick-Tock-Flip-Flop... Set your clock by him.
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Hot dog restaurants are about the level for the GTA.
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My heart goes out to Britain, but they have shown us all the guts to withstand such attacks over the decades. It is difficult to deal with attackers who are home grown, like in this case. Such was the case with other homegrown attackers like Bissonette, most recently in this country, and Breivik and McVeigh. It is impossible to know when such a social time bomb will go off. We must all be vigilant.
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Great job, Dr. Balderas!
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_"The Envision Eugene proposals ... also included ways to create smaller infill housing that would be available for purchase– cottages, townhomes, etc."_ -- 12AB34CD I may be wrong, but I suspect you don't understand how statutory capacity analysis works. I'm also guessing you think the SW-SAZ proposal provides for workforce housing. That isn't at all true: a) So-called "missing middle" housing is not actually an integral part of the capacity analysis, so essentially there's no real intent to deliver it. b) SW-SAZ would have displaced existing, affordable, family-friendly single-family homes with higher cost apartments or condos. The staff's marketing of some millennial fantasy of creating "Pearl District on Willamette" not only wouldn't produce what Eugene needs, it destroy some of what we have. -- Paul
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Everything about the Trump Presidency is laid back blase BS. There is one of 3 possibilities I personally see by playing the Presidency fast and loose like this: 1. Something will bite trump in the ass that will highly embarrass him, and he will sober up to the fact that he needs to take this job serious. (That is the best case scenario.) 2. Something will bite Trump in the ass and result in something hurting the US on an international level, and result in fallout on the international level. Take your pick what this is? NK invading SK for some reason. Trump pulling out of NATO resulting in Russia invading someone somewhere due to the chaos that ensues, etc. 3. Something that trump does in the US will cause a cascade effect at home. I can't claim to know what that would be, because its far too early in his presidency. Economy, race relations, etc. Its too soon to feel the fallout of climate change. Who knows. But I can guarantee you one of those things is going to happen.
"We still live in one of the safest, strongest rule of law country on the planet"? Too bad Clinton doesn't apply to this.. Good Grief.. Sounds like you think we should all be sheep and kneel at the feet of the Government.. FYI Trump will get more votes just to vote against Clinton than votes for actual Trump.. this election isn't about Trump.. it's about CLINTON.
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well our history here in Eugene has been one that was seriously opposed to a sale tax for years. Shoot they've been trying since Torrey? maybe? Since the late 70's. But it's a different world now. South Hills get priorities (seems). council members weren't paid, and we simply fought it tooth and nail. Now? It seems every time these irresponsible folks who can't seem to run gov w/in their means....go for another tax to impose on us. So now that there are so many elite, materialistic people living here then my mind has changed: bring on the sales tax, tax those that have a lot and stop sucking dry the areas that affect the lower class people. Gosh I have no idea if I'm making sense. I'm not trying to offend anyone, seriously. I'm just sick of their greed and irresponsibility in doing w/what they have. IE? City Hall.
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working in the industry I can agree that "Sustainability" is wildly over-used buzz word by people that don't understand what it means. Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, just thought I'd add some professional input.
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"Pruitt is leading a group of 26 state attorneys general who are suing the EPA..." Dang! That's almost half the states!
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Right. Let's not have any maps. People traveling across the country? Just head east, you'll figure it out. The old Alaska is dead, my man. Time to embrace it or else go on being a grumpy old koot. He should be proud of the work he has done. It took a lot of time and effort to compete it.
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So if you agree to go on a cruise, and then you find out your ship has been patched with Silly Putty, you are obligated to go on the cruise anyway? The GOP doesn't have the slightest clue what they are doing. They had seven years to come up with something, plus Donald said he was like a smart person with all the answers. Donald is just a racist, and his main objective is to undo everything the previous colored POTUS did.
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I rest my case.
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Maybe a fire extinguisher? Police carry them in their cars, and you'd be surprised how many people don't have them in their dwellings, or if they do, haven't checked or replaced them in years. Do you know how old yours is?
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A disgusting misuse of public funds.
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Yep. A good example was after Charles fumbled, Joseph was giving him a speech and it was clear Charles wasn't listening. Charles had an expression that said "I'm pissed I fumbled. Take your college rah-rah speech and get out of my face"
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Trudeau is rewarding migrants for breaking the law and effectively penalizing prospective refugees and immigrants trying to enter legally. The Manitoba crossers successfully jumped the cue. If the bar is set at Sun Sea smugglers, what's the worst that could happen? Even the smugglers got off free of charge. The only thing that's surprising (apart from the shameless naivety of Liberals and their supporters) is that more migrants aren't crossing illegally - they have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Enter illegally by sea or by land - the worst thing that could happen is that you are sent home after 3-5 years of living on taxpayer-funded support. It's ok though, it's not like Canada has existing issues of homelessness and affordability and "they" can pay for it, you know, the Doctors and small businesses about to have their taxes increased. Trudeau couldn't care less, his trust-fund is safe and he will never have to worry about paying rent or putting food on the table.
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Frank Baker, if #4's in 3" shells don't get the job done, try "00" bucks.
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Jaded - provide your source for that claim or retract it.
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Before I get started there is a lot wrong with HPD. Lets hope they clean out their ranks quickly and keep it that way. Rape is a very serious and long lasting crime upon the victims. A person we rescued more than a year ago is still terrified that she doesn't want to testify even though we know who the people involved are and some of them are employed by hint hint. Granted we snagged about 5 people but there are more on this island that need to go. Death penalty I believe in it. But there is nothing worse than putting an innocent person to death. I think these people who do these rapes should at least have their *things* removed not sure what to do about females who are involved though. Those who are serial rapists put to death. I've killed a lot of people it doesn't bother me putting scum down. Only one really bothers me but that is because I could see the fear in his eyes. He deserved it. But it left a scar on my soul as a human being.
A "Pillar of our Community" pays taxes Judge/Attorney!! BTW....I don't see Obama's name as the initiator of his deportation. C'mon SA....? Also, Which part of illegal means legal?
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If it's the city, it will be "on time and within budget". You have the mayor's word on it.
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I don't know this from legal perspective, I only know that Quebec has a vaccine injury compensation program, which compensates the injured, but separately from the usual legal way - in Ontario, we would need to sue the government and the vaccine manufacturer. In the States, the injured present their injuries, the vaccine manufacturers deny any responsibility and then they settle outside the court. For a very small money for some dramatic injuries, which is sad. Quebec is similar. The rest of Canada, well, good luck!!
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Nope. In the Heller case, they just re-affirmed that gun laws are constitutional, while striking down a gun law, of course. Now, where have they struck down cases involving word counts?
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I don't agree with it but maybe it is because they are tired of arresting them just to see them released again within a day or two. Seems to be a rotating door and there are no real consequences for their crimes.
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Our government seems to think negotiate = capitulate. Our leader takes selfies, theirs takes our resources, economy and our future.
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Well done, Guv.
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I guess what is trivial and what is not is in the eye of the beholder.
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I'm a white middle aged 4th generation Canadian. I don't like what she said and disagree with it very much but she's entitled to free speech. Besides, my white skin is pretty thick I only worry about the sticks and stones.
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Quit wetting your knickers over this man. He so predictably opposes every progressive measure that comes his way. In other words, he's dogmatic.
It's like The Dog Who Stopped the War, but in reverse.
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How's the weather in Florida?
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Trump will make Junior wet his pants.
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You got that right, Davis, 90% success rate of filing for bankruptcies and the other 10% making FAKE donations to veterans and using charity money to pay off his legal fees. Gawd knows what else Trump has done that the public won't know about until after he loses the November election.
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The current trimming of the corrupt troika tree, as evidenced in a few notable "falls" such as Molefe, Koko, Motsoeneng, Ntlemeza, Phalane could be seen as just a tactical withdrawal of the corrupt, state capture project. These pawns are forsaken to distract their enemies from the real offensive yet to come. The combination of legislation in the pipeline (Land, Mines, Hate Speech/Censorship and more) and the renewed commitment to the NDR are proof of this. Oosthuizen is displaying wishful thinking when he states; "History will judge the silent majority in the party harshly, for lounging around as one scandal after another smears the ANC". There is no "silent majority", there are no "good" ANC cadres. The National Democratic revolution rules. The ANC has played its historical liberating role and has lost its relevance. We now yearn for (and need) modern, pragmatic governance untrammelled by outmoded revolutionary ideology.
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This precedes Trump so your argument is invalid. Also, it wasn't just one guy. Do you even watch football? And if it's not such a big deal why don't they just stand the hell up instead of bringing politics into an arena it doesn't belong in? Just play f**king football.
"One of the problems with Catholicism (and I am Catholic) is the whole pesky repentance/forgiveness thing." "Another problem is the concept that we are more than the sum of our parts, that our abilities and skills are not defined only by our past, that we are capable of extreme growth and change." Those are very terrible problems for someone claiming to be Catholic. Perhaps you would be better off as a confused atheist.
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Que the anti-gun , anti-USA ,Canadian whining .
Well, why are you repeating a false talking point from the right, then?
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I have held Chartwell for a few years now and hope that my profits from it will help to pay for my accommodations at a Chartwell residence if it should come to that down the road.
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Maybe a walk out to the Woodshed!! Go Old School!!
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I don’t think children need an explanation. They are life’s imperative, not a privilige. What are you, a eugenicist?
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As usual Trump supporters keep getting it wrong. The mental aberration initialzed as TDS is really called Trump Defender Syndrome, an irrational Faith Based belief that Trump is the cure for everything, despite daily reminders that Trump is a Big Fat Liar.
Athletes have every right to refuse to be used as political pawns by sleazy politicians. However, you seem to have conveniently forgotten about a Boston Bruins goalie skipping a White House visit in 2011.
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Thanks for the warning! I wish you had reviewed Wonder Woman!
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BEE is failing because the contractors are been set up to fail with various Gov departments not paying these contractors for months because the "budgets" have run out so they don't get paid from in many cases, as in this year, from end of November 2016 to end of May 2017 until the new budget becomes available how can they become successful
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Like Roberta; Jimmy, let me put it in simpler terms. Reinbold is an Independent. Unlike Governor Walker who promised to cut government spending by 16% and supported the Goldsmith Plan until he later figured out that sleeping with the Democrats came with STD's. Her constituents, the ones who elected her also supported the 16% cut to spending and the Goldsmith Plan; but unlike Walker she does not renege on her promise. Now this disdain for the oil and gas industry is an interesting one considering what this industry has meant for the state and Alaskans. Replacing fossil fuel income with taxes isn't tit for tat; there aren't enough working Alaskans earning enough income to replace oil income; and restructuring the PF doesn't get us there either. I said, and let me be clear on this, Alaska's education system owes most of its livelihood to the oil and gas industry. Yes, our teachers work for the oil companies too!
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Unfortunately 'scammers' with nothing better to do, are active during tax file time.
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He is both
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This is just a silly comment. The Khadr settlement was the result of two Supreme Court of Canada decisions finding that Omar Khadr's Charter rights had been grossly violated. Perhaps you don't care at all about the rule of law but it happens to be what distinguishes a democracy from a tyranny.
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Yet Clinton, Clapper, Brennan who all provably lied to Congressional Committees still walk free. And none of the charges to date have anything to do with Russia or Collusion, yet the headline says "at the heart of the Russian collusion probe", when if G&M had any honesty or integrity would read "a plantar wart on the foot of of a Deep State vendetta".
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Yes there are still NAZI and NAZI like people in Europe, however the attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions in France, Belgium, Germany etc have all come from Radical Muslims. Do not know if that is the case here but would not be surprised.
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Excellent comment. I agree with you about the mother: Not enough is known. And your 90 days sentencing comment is spot on. Senior deputy district attorney Patrick Freeman said “Those who attempted to hide him from justice share blame”. If that's the case, I wonder why the dad wasn't charged with anything. Is the dad blocked from seeing the child?
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Dear Dear Amy Morris-Young! how my heart sang, my eyes filled with tears, dancing between sorrow and joy and back again. Yours, a prayer of the heart... from your lips --- to God's ear! amen amen amen
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Not usually, but arguably there is a reason to on the first because there's an actual eligibility requirement in the US constitution that such a document would help prove. So if there's a case for any required documentation, it should be that one. The other stuff (including the tax return) don't have any basis in legal eligibility.
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GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT The EUGENE CHARTER Chapter XII Miscellaneous Provisions Section 48. Presumption of Validity of City Action. In every proceeding in any court concerning the exercise or enforcement by the city or any of its officers or employees or agencies of any power by this act given to the city or any of its officers or employees or agencies, all acts by the city or any of its officers, employees or agencies shall be presumed to be valid, and no error or omission in any such act invalidates it, unless the person attacking it alleges and proves that he or she has been misled by the error or omission to his or her damage; and the court shall disregard every error or omission which does not affect a substantial right of the person. Any action by this charter committed to the discretion of the council, when taken, shall be final and shall not be reviewed or called into question elsewhere.
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"His prime quality is SHOWING UP." Agree. His only quality, one might add.
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By killing/opposing every innovation which might loosen their grip on the sclerotic and underperforming monopoly they enjoy on primary & secondary education in this country. That's how.
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May be a lenient sentence if his dad was a lawyer.
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In the interests of accuracy, could we change the headline to read "Catholic scholars overreact to Trump's election". Professor Schneck's comments in particular were reminiscent of what Senator Kennedy said about Robert Bork. The same cadence, the same unfairness, the same lack of Christian charity.
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Conversely, reading the following in this article how could anyone think ACA would work? “Now that I have a child I’m considering seriously moving back to Florida and giving up my Nashville dreams to work for a corporation,” said Potter. “That way I can at least be certain my child and I will have coverage.”
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She has already been exonerated twice! If he chooses to appoint a special prosecutor, the ony way she would be convicted is if he paid someone off- which he might well do.
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I'd like to add that I know this from your activity on Disqus and not through any unscrupulous means. :)
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If cold is 10 c then fine start and go but if cold is -10c or worse then the guy is full of it. When ice cold meets red hot bad things can happen and we all don't have the luxury of idling along until the car warms enough to bolt down the freeway or on a highway at high speeds. Even punching it out onto a city street with heavy rush hour traffic with an ice cold engine is asking for problems. Sorry bucko but your advice does not apply in all circumstances. Maybe you're one of those guys that is lollygagging along the freeway at rush hour causing chaos with everyone zipping around you because you're gently warming your engine while sipping your mocha chino.
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OK, I think I finally earned a rejection. Civil is now batting .333 in that regard.
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Julian Assange 🔹 @JulianAssange Mike Pence (@VP) responds to knowledge that Hillary Clinton and two officials close to him are working towards him taking the presidency. https://twitter.com/CNN/status/841695929501679617 … 12:09 PM - Mar 14, 2017 357 357 Replies 2,285 2,285 Retweets 2,147
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“My family has had such a tough time. I hope the Prime Minister of Canada can bring us home as quickly as he can,” she said. - If she is placing her hopes with prime minister Simpleton - she has no hope
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Anderson said "noting that there have not been past problems with live Christmas trees in Honolulu Hale.". Okay, so if you have a frayed electrical wire in your living room, you do nothing because "there hasn't been any problems with it". Until the house burns down! No sprinkler system and HFD voicing opposition is not enough. The council is out of touch with reality. Geezh!
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Government interference in student loans like interference in health care allows politicians to hand out favors with taxpayer money. This also drives up higher education costs. The Pell Grant is a good example of this. It's free money courtesy of taxpayers to "deserving" college students.
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I'll have to come down on both sides. Yes, both parties' rules are being flagrantly broken. And these are internal matters. But Pine and Djou are fake Republicans (indeed, former tea partiers) who support wasteful spending and high taxes. So maybe it's time for the local GOP to raise its standards and do some housecleaning.
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He had his best statistical year per minute last year. And did I mention $2.5 million/year? If they signed him, I'd bet you he has more ppg than they guy they just got from Utah. Don't get me wrong, you can't overpay, but the Nuggets are always beggars. (By the way, a Washington Post article today had him as a free agent steal.)
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What's the relevance of your questions?
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Word salad.
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Plus a the little detail of NO EVIDENCE. Yes who could forget when the big question from the establishment was how Trump and his ilk were going to handle the loss !!! Truly if I was a Democrat or a supporter of theirs I would just simply crawl under a rock and fight a another day but Nope they march on with media support.
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Not sure of the minimum age to fly without parental consent but pretty sure it's under sixteen. They don't know where she's headed? Um maybe where the plane was going for starters.
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Hillary will stack the Supreme Court and within 8 yrs the Supremes will say 2nd Amendment applies to militias, not individuals. Then the arrests will start. Turn in your guns by this date or go to prison when your neighbor turns you in and a SWAT team raids your home in the middle of the night. Not a fantasy.
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Back in the 1940s/50s our (Coos Bay) Marshfield Junior High teams were called the "Redskins" and we used stereotypical terms like tom-toms, wampum, braves, and squ-ws to refer to them. We didn't know any better. Today we do know much better and there is no reason to keep repeating these racist terms from the past, especially for a team in our nation's capital..
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Keep lying and denying, Boris...
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Yeah, sure, Justin Trudeau, all your promises, clear transparency, open nominations, no secrecy - what a load that all turned out to be. And now our newspapers report this about you: That you refuse to disclose why you thought it was the case that a candidate was not "the right person to become the face of the party". Ah yes, the old not-the-right-face for the position in question. Disgusting, Justin Trudeau. The last time we heard this kind of talk was when Jean Chretien was smeared by Tory TV ads with the question about something like "Is this the face you want for your next Prime Minister", showing a freeze-frame of Chretien chosen to look as horrible as possible. Justin Trudeau, there is more to being a leader than looking the part with the "right face". Those are things that high school drama teachers fret and fuss about, not what open and transparent Prime Ministers fret and fuss about. Justin Trudeau. He's just not ready.
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That slight mill rate decrease would be great, if your properties assessed value remained the same. Unfortunately the MPAC assessed value of your home has sky rocketed since 2009 rendering that slight mill rate decrease meaningless. Kitcheners mill rate should be in the 0.08 to 0.09 range based on the increases in MPAC assessed values. As to the budgeting, municipalities have a very good idea each year as to how much new assessed value has been added by MPAC and they inflate budgets accordingly.
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In Fasi's time TheBus made great strides in improving service, but he knew that the future cried out for investment in rail...
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Why was the statue erected? Was it to honour this woman's contributions to Canadian society, or was it to snub an entire race of people at a time of civil unrest? Asking for a friend.
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There isn't a Scored under the age of 50. So you're saying all the under 50 members of the BC Liberals are really regular conservatives? Where did all the non-conservative under 50's go? Certainly not to the NDP so where? Did they leave the province?
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People should easily comprehend that touching someone, as we tell children, in the area that would be covered by a bathing suit without explicit consent is sexual assault. Taking advantage of a person who is impaired by drugs or alcohol to the extent that they cannot think coherently to consent or not is sexual assault.
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The day the Liberals spiked the tax rate, cruising past 50% in most provinces without a care, they broke faith with taxpayers. To imagine that they are entitled to confiscate more than half of a person’s rightfully gained income is a clear sign of the arrogance and greed of this government and its leader. I see in many of these comments, people pointing fingers at some other group, rather than the greedy, bloated government. Stop. There is one group here that is out of control and that is the Liberal government.
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Slu, That's why we have a professional Code of Ethics, http://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp; good journalists stick to that, and I recommend you only support and subscribe to journalism organizations that follow it; the rest is just social-media noise. ... There is not many (if any) benefits to a democracy that puts ethical journalists, just doing their jobs, on the stand.
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the usa is the sane alternative pal, lowering taxes and regulations not increasing them which mean they will prosper and we will go down the toilet while accomplishing nothing for emmissions in the big picture since canada spews all but a hickup of them
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What this legislature can steal from you and your children a subsequent legislature cannot give back all you have lost but it CAN make sure it doesn't happen again. But only if we all clean house - so that every legislator (every one, all of them, none left--NONE, zero, zilch) who puts his/her/its hand in your pocket loses their next election, primary or general, by 90% or better. Then, by public contribution, erect some sort of statue that would function like a grim scarecrow for the new crop.
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You ought to be, unless you want to be seen as dishonest.
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There you go. That's another issue. They're actually getting worse at lying.
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You mean the Liberals didn't pre-screen the audience by going over their facebook profiles?
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"alleged harassment by members of the drug squad" There was noting "alleged" about it. I was stopped and searched several times on the streets of Vancouver and Burnaby in the late sixties. I was lucky nobody wanted to plant "evidence" on me.
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....and Douchebag Donald's only accomplishments are being born rich and bragging about it.
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Perhaps they should try the Ontario solution to resolve the teacher's concerns. Give them what they want....
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"I'll repeat my rebuttal" I wouldn't bother - you are just feeding the beast. He isn't interested in facts.
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