import datasets import pandas as pd import os _DESCRIPTION = """\ A dataset containing both DGA and normal domain names. The normal domain names were taken from the Alexa top one million domains. An additional 3,161 normal domains were included in the dataset, provided by the Bambenek Consulting feed. This later group is particularly interesting since it consists of suspicious domain names that were not generated by DGA. Therefore, the total amount of domains normal in the dataset is 1,003,161. DGA domains were obtained from the repositories of DGA domains of Andrey Abakumov and John Bambenek. The total amount of DGA domains is 1,915,335, and they correspond to 51 different malware families. DGA domains were generated by 51 different malware families. About the 55% of of the DGA portion of dataset is composed of samples from the Banjori, Post, Timba, Cryptolocker, Ramdo and Conficker malware. """ _HOMEPAGE = "https://" class MyDataset(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): def _info(self): # Provide metadata for the dataset return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=datasets.Features( {"domain": datasets.Value("string"), "label": datasets.Value("string"), "class": datasets.Value("int") } ), supervised_keys=("domain", "class"), homepage="_HOMEPAGE", ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager: datasets.DownloadConfig): # Load your dataset file csv_path = "" # Create SplitGenerators for each dataset split (train, test, validation) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=split, gen_kwargs={ "filepath": csv_path, "split": split, }, ) for split in ["train", "test", "validation"] ] """"" The data variable in the _generate_examples() method is a temporary variable that holds the portion of the dataset based on the current split. The datasets.SplitGenerator in the _split_generators() method is responsible for creating the three different keys ('train', 'test', 'validation').When you load your dataset using load_dataset(), the Hugging Face Datasets library will automatically call the _split_generators() method to create the three different dataset splits. Then, it will call the _generate_examples() method for each split separately, passing the corresponding split name as the split argument. This is how the different keys are created. To clarify, the _generate_examples() method processes one split at a time, and the Datasets library combines the results to create a final dataset with keys for 'train', 'test', and 'validation'. """ def _generate_examples( self, filepath: str, split: str, ): # Read your CSV dataset dataset = pd.read_csv(filepath,compression='gzip') # Create the 'class' column based on the 'label' column dataset['class'] = dataset['label'].apply(lambda x: 0 if 'normal' in x else 1) # Get the total number of rows total_rows = len(dataset) # Define the ratio for train, test, and validation splits train_ratio = 0.7 test_ratio = 0.2 # Calculate the indices for each split train_end = int(train_ratio * total_rows) test_end = train_end + int(test_ratio * total_rows) # Filter your dataset based on the 'split' argument if split == "train": dataset = dataset.iloc[:train_end] elif split == "test": dataset = dataset.iloc[train_end:test_end] elif split == "validation": dataset = dataset.iloc[test_end:] # Generate examples for index, row in dataset.iterrows(): yield index, { "domain": row["domain"], "label": row["label"], "class": row["class"], }