[{"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-install-nvm-and-node-js-in-macos-using-homebrew/", "title": "How to install NVM and Node.js in macOS using HomeBrew?", "body": "In this article I will share with you the steps on how to install NVM and Node.js in macOS using HomeBrew.HomeBrew is an open-source software package management system that simplifies the installation of software on your macOS. It is like the \u2018apt\u2019 in Linux.Install HomeBrewIf your macOS is not yet install with HomeBrew, you can install it by issuing this command in your Terminal./bin/bash -c \"$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)\"Once you have HomeBrew installed, then you can start install NVM and Node.js in your machine.Install NVM with HomeBrewFirst, we will install NVM in HomeBrew by using this command in the Terminal.brew install nvmThen you need to create NVM folder in your Home directory.mkdir ~/.nvmAnd next, add the following in your shell ~/.profile or ~/.zshrc file. In my case, I\u2019m using .zshrc for my shell.export NVM_DIR=\"$HOME/.nvm\"\n [ -s \"$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/nvm.sh\" ] && \\. \"$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/nvm.sh\" # This loads nvm\n [ -s \"$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm\" ] && \\. \"$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm\" # This loads nvm bash_completionNow, you can restart your Terminal to use this new config.You can check is your NVM is working or not by checking its version.nvm -v\n\n#Output: 0.39.3Install Node.js with NVMIt is recommended to install Node.js using NVM and not Homebrew.Just enter this command to install the latest Node.js version in your machine.nvm install nodeOnce installed, you can check the version with this command.node -v\n\n#Output: v20.3.1That\u2019s it! Now you can start developing your webapp with NVM and Node.js.Good luck!"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/tweet-with-image-using-php/", "title": "How to post status with image to Twitter using PHP?", "body": "Selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan yang ke-64, Malaysia! -CH.Photo Credit:iag.meIn this article, I will show you how to post status with image to your Twitter account using PHP.But first, make sure you already have these items with you.API KeyAPI Secret KeyAccess TokenAccess Token SecretThese items can be generated from yourTwitter account developer page.Step 1DownloadcodebirdfromGITHub.Step 2Uploadcodebirdto your webserverStep 3Create a PHP file using this code. Please take note on thecodebird.phpfile path.function tweet($message,$image) {\n\n// add the codebird library\nrequire_once('codebird/src/codebird.php');\n\n// note: consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, and accessTokenSecret all come from your twitter app at https://apps.twitter.com/\n\\Codebird\\Codebird::setConsumerKey(\"API KEY\", \"API SECRET KEY\");\n$cb = \\Codebird\\Codebird::getInstance();\n$cb->setToken(\"ACCESS TOKEN\", \"ACCESS TOKEN SECRET\");\n\n//build an array of images to send to twitter\n$reply = $cb->media_upload(array(\n 'media' => $image\n));\n//upload the file to your twitter account\n$mediaID = $reply->media_id_string;\n\n//build the data needed to send to twitter, including the tweet and the image id\n$params = array(\n 'status' => $message,\n 'media_ids' => $mediaID\n);\n//post the tweet with codebird\n$reply = $cb->statuses_update($params);\n\n}Step 4You can post the status and image using this function.tweet('This is my tweet message','http://www.example.com/image.jpg');That\u2019s it! Now you can post any tweet with image using PHP. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-back-conda-environments/", "title": "Get back Conda environments after upgraded to MacOS Big Sur", "body": "I just upgraded my laptop from MacOS High Sierra to MacOS Big Sur and noticed my Conda is missing including my environments.I tried installed back Conda but the environments still not available.No environments available in my Conda setupFortunately, the MacOS upgrade did not remove my environments but it just moved them to another location which located here./System/Volumes/Data/anaconda3And my current Conda folder is here.~/opt/anaconda3So what I need to do is just copy the environments folder calledenvsto the current Conda folder.And\u2026done!Now all my previous environments available in CondaPS: I believed the same method also works if you upgraded to MacOS Catalina."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/pine-script-bullish-bearish-engulfing/", "title": "Pine Script: Perfect Bullish & Bearish Engulfing", "body": "Bullish & Bearish Engulfing pattern in TradingViewBefore this I read charts manually to identify bullish and bearishengulfing pattern. Then I thought why not just do some scripting and make it automatic?I know TradingView allows us to write our own script usingPine Scriptlanguage. With some manual reading and try & error, here is the script to get perfect bullish and bearish engulfing in TradingView.// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/\n// \u00a9 CH\n\n//@version=4\nstudy(\"Bullish & Bearish Engulfing\", overlay=true)\n\n// Make sure the shadow is bigger than previous candle\nengulfShadow = high > high[1] and low < low[1]\n\n// Check the Bullish Engulfing\nbullEngulf = open[1] > close[1] and open < close and close >= open[1] and open <= close[1] and engulfShadow\n\n// Check the Bearish Engulfing\nbearEngulf = open[1] < close[1] and open > close and close <= open[1] and open >= close[1] and engulfShadow\n\n// Plot the 'triangle'\nplotshape(bullEngulf, title=\"Bullish Engulf\", location=location.belowbar, transp=0, style=shape.triangleup, text=\"Bullish Engulf\", size=size.auto, color=color.blue)\nplotshape(bearEngulf, title=\"Bearish Engulf\", location=location.abovebar, transp=0, style=shape.triangledown, text=\"Bearish Engulf\", size=size.auto, color=color.red)You may click the above image to get a better view on how it works.And just a quick note, make sure to confirm the engulfing pattern before you make any entry."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/vmware-fusion-usb30-unable-to-connect/", "title": "VMware Fusion – Solved: The device ‘XXX USB3.0’ was unable to connect to its ideal host controller", "body": "Error message in VMWare FusionI was having problem to connect my USB card reader to my Windows 10 virtual machine in VMWare Fusion.I thought the card reader was corrupted, so I replaced it with another one. Unfortunately, the problem still exist with this error message.The device 'XXX USB3.0' was unable to connect to its ideal host controller.The problem is with the compatibility issue in VMWare Fusion and the USB 3.0 device. After did some research, there is a setting that I need to change in the VMWare Fusion.Make sure your Guest OS (in my case is the Windows 10 virtual machine) is powered offGo to yourVirtual MachinesettingsClick on theUSB & BluetoothiconUnderAdvanced USB options, selectUSB 3.0underUSB CompatibilityThat\u2019s it! Power on your virtual machine and your USB 3.0 device should be working now. Problem solved."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/manage-wordpress-with-managewp/", "title": "Manage multiple WordPress sites with ManageWP", "body": "I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin to all my readers. -CH.I have about eleven WordPress sites (or blogs) in my ManageWP account.Before ManageWP exist, it was very time consuming to manage and update all your WordPress sites, plugins and themes to their latest version.But with ManageWP, I just need to login into it once a week and click the Update button to update all my WordPress sites.Easy.But what is ManageWP?ManageWPis the solution for you to manage multiple WordPress sites from one single dashboard. With ManageWP you can update all your themes, plugins, and WordPress core files including monitor your websites performance, perform backup and various tasks.What you need is just to install the plugin and connect your WordPress site to your ManageWP account.ManageWP is free for use but it also provides premium features with minimal fee if you want to have additional features in your ManageWP account.Since I use ManageWP just for myself, the free version is sufficient for my workflow.But if you are a WordPress website developer who manage multiple clients websites and want to add additional benefits to your clients, you may add the premium add-ons into your ManageWP account.Even though it is premium, but the fee is reasonable and affordable.Are you a ManageWP user? Let me know your experience using ManageWP in the comment form below."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/prevent-robots-scraping-email-address/", "title": "Prevent robots from scraping your email address", "body": "Most people use this trick to to prevent robots from scraping their email address,yourname[at]yourdomain[dot]comon the web.They just replace the \u2018@\u2019 with [at] and the \u2018.\u2019 with [dot].That technique is very common. But if you want to make a little bit different, you may use something like this,or custom domain like this,Want to know how? Just go toNexodyne websiteand create your email icon for free."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/protect-wordpress-uploads-folder/", "title": "Protect your WordPress ‘uploads’ folder", "body": "One of my WordPress site,Travelog Jutawanis not \u2018uploads\u2019 protectedBy default, all files that you have uploaded to WordPress will be stored in/wp-content/uploads/folder.And by default, folders that come with WordPress installation i.e., plugins, themes will haveindex.phpfile. So when someone try to access that folder will stumble on a blank page.But for this uploads folder, there is no index.php file created for it. So you need to create an emptyindex.phpfor that folder to protect it. Great!But our next problem is, the sub-folders are not protected. So someone can view and get all files under this sub-folders like the image shown above.Solution?You need to create a.htaccessfile in the uploads folder and put this line in that file.Options -IndexesThat\u2019s it! Only one single line will help you to protect all files under that uploads folder.All sub-folders are now protectedIf someone tries to open your uploads folder and its sub-folder will get a 403 Forbidden error message."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/unlimited-cloud-backup-with-backblaze/", "title": "Unlimited Cloud Backup with Backblaze for MacOS", "body": "Local backup is not enough. You need cloud.I have been using Backblaze since 2014 and it is one of the must have app for MacOS. And the best part, I got it with discounted price fromAppSumo.Just a tip. If you guys have software or services that you want to subscribe, better check with AppSumo first. Some providers run promotion and give a very good discount on AppSumo.Ok, back to business. What is Backblaze?Backblaze interface on MacOSBackblazeis an online backup storage for MacOS. It provides unlimited storage backup for one machine with only $60USD a year. Before this it was $50USD but since March 2019, the price had increased to $60USD a year (or $6USD monthly).With our current currency rate the price is about RM258 a year but you can get cheaper price if you subscribe for 2 years \u2013 $110USD (RM473).FeaturesThe installation is very straight forward. After install, you can do your work without any interruption. Backblaze will get all your files and start uploading to their storage at background.How about data privacy? Your files are encrypted using your email and password before they leave your machine. So you can sleep well without worrying some will open and read you files.Security options you can choose for your data privacyBut if you want to increase further your data privacy, Backblaze allows you to use private encryption key to encrypt your files. But if you forget the private encryption key, no one will be able to restore and retrieve your files including Backblaze!Backblaze stores all your files and will keep old version or deleted files for 30 days. This allows you to recover files from accidental deletions, changes, overwrites, or ransomware within that time period.However, if you wish to extend the file version history for 1-year or forever, there is a small fee you need to pay every month. But for me, the 30 days file version history is enough already.To restore your file is super easy! You can login to their website and download your files or even you can request Backblaze to courier your data in an encrypted drive direct to your doorstep!Based on my experience, I have about 4 or 5 incidents where I need to restore files from Backblaze. Don\u2019t know why, suddenly the file that I worked on earlier became 0 bytes size. Luckily I have Backblaze and able to retrieve the recent backup from their cloud storage.DownsideDownside? Well for me mostly because of the price. A bit pricey but if compare with other cloud backup solutions, Backblaze is way better than the others.And then, it only supports one machine only. If you have more machines, you need to subscribe more accounts = more costs.So far, there is not much problem with Backblaze. In fact, I am very happy with Backblaze and really recommend you to have it. You can get 1 month free account if you subscribe usingmy referral link here.Have different thoughts on Backblaze? Feel free to leave your comment below."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/time-machine-backup-stuck/", "title": "When initial Time Machine backup stuck", "body": "If you are using MacOS, you can use Time Machine to backup your data into external drive. Time Machine will do the backup automatically when the backup drive is connected to your Mac machine.However, if this is your first time doing Time Machine backup, it will take long time to prepare before can proceed the backup. And the initial backup should be completed less than 5-6 hours depending on how big the data you have.Unfortunately, my case is different. My initial backup was stuck and not moving even though the machine was left the whole night. The backup stuck when it reached about 12GB.Even with newly formatted backup drive, reboot the machine, everything, but still the initial Time Machine stuck after few minutes running.Have you tried boot in Safe Mode?Luckily, MacOS allows you to boot intoSafe Mode. So I tried boot the machine into Safe Mode and re-run the Time Machine backup.And it worked!My initial Time Machine backup took about 1 hour to complete (about 300GB data). So if you are having problem with Time Machine and the initial backup took years to complete, try boot it in Safe Mode and re-run the backup process.I am not really sure why, but most probably there might be some applications were blocking the Time Machine to do the backup. And when booted in Safe Mode, the Time Machine can perform the backup without any interruption."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/free-ssl-certificate/", "title": "Get free SSL Certificate for your website", "body": "Photo Credit:KinstaIf you owned a website, it is better to have a SSL certificate installed for it. By having SSL, you can force your website visitors toconnect to your website using HTTPSinstead of HTTP.When they connect to your website using HTTPS, all communication between the website and the visitors will be encrypted. No one can intercept and read the data in between. That is why, most online shopping websites, or online banking portals are using HTTPS connection to protect their customers login credentials and information.SSL certificate cost you money and you need to renew it every year. The price can range as low as $8USD and can be up to more than $200USD a year.Some web hosting providers provide free SSL certificate to their customers. And the SSL certificate will be auto-renewed before the expiry date.But, if your web hosting provider does not provide free SSL certificate, you can get it for free fromhttps://www.sslforfree.comSSL For Free websiteBut before you can get the SSL certificate, you need to verify you are the owner of your website. There are several ways to verify the ownership, but I prefer manually upload the files given bySSL For Free. Just upload the files and done.After the verification is successful, you will be given the SSL certificate where you can install to your website.But just a reminder. The SSL certificate is valid for 3 months. So every 3 months, you need to renew your SSL certificate and redo the same process manually."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/share-wordpress-to-facebook/", "title": "Automatically share WordPress post to Facebook", "body": "In this post, I will share with you how to make your WordPress to automatically share new post update to Facebook page.For me, this technique is very easy and does not require any plugin. It just usesIFTTT(If This Then That) services and your RSS feed.Step 1Create an account at IFTTT andcreate new applet.Step 2Click onTHISand search for \u2018RSS\u2019. Then chooseNew feed item.Step 3Enter your WordPress feed URL. By default, your RSS feed should bewww.yourdomain.com/feed/Step 4Now, click onTHATand search for \u2018Facebook\u2019. In the result page, choose \u2018Facebook Pages\u2019 if you want to set automatically post new updates to Facebook page.Step 5At this step, Facebook will request you to choose which Facebook page that you want to connect to. In my example above, I choose my personal blog Facebook page.Step 6Next, you choose \u2018Create a link post\u2019. In theLink URL, make sure it is set toEntryURLand for theMessage, you putEntryTitle.Step 7And finally, review your Applet and then clickFinish.Now your RSS feed is connected with IFTTT service and it will automatically post to your Facebook page if there is any new post update from your WordPress blog."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/password-protect-website-folders-files/", "title": "How to password protect website folders and files?", "body": "Username and password required to access.In some cases, you might want to protect your web files or folders with password. Especially if it contains your website login page.By making it password protected, you will have another extra of security layer where you need to enter a valid username and password before you can enter the login page.If you are using cPanel, it is very easy. In your cPanel, go toDirectory Privacyand select which folders you want to password protect (ie:Administratorfolder). Create username and password, and\u2026done!But it will protect the wholeAdministratorfolder. How about if you want to protect one single file only? Likeadmin.php?For an example, you want to protect theadmin.phpfile in this path./home/mycpanelusername/public_html/administrator/admin.phpStep 1You need to create a.htpasswdfile and place it outside frompublic_htmlfolder. Why?Because anything underpublic_htmlis accessible by other people. So to be safe, you can put the.htpasswdat this path./home/mycpanelusername/htpasswd/.htpasswdStep 2Next, you need to create username and password. To do that, you can useHtpasswd Generatorto generate one for you.The username-password generated might look like this.pentadbir:$apr1$QAOFJwiy$QjLUKs.6PKTfZfY6T4jtp.Where the \u2018pentadbir\u2019 is the username and the characters after the \u2018:\u2019 is the encrypted password. In this example, the password is \u2018pentadbir\u2019.Copy-paste this username-password into your.htpasswdthat you have created earlier.So now you already have .htpasswd ready. Next, to protect youradmin.phpfile, you need to create.htaccessfile.Step 3To do that, create.htaccessfile in the folder that contains the file you want to protect./home/mycpanelusername/public_html/administrator/.htaccessIn this.htaccessfile, copy-paste the text below.\nAuthName \"Member Only\"\nAuthType Basic\nAuthUserFile /home/mycpanelusername/htpasswd/.htpasswd\nrequire valid-user\nAuthUserFileis the path where you put.htpasswdfile that contains the username and encrypted password.Step 4Done! There is no Step 4 actually. But to test if youradmin.phppassword is working, you can go to the URL.www.mywebsite.com/administrator/admin.phpYou will be prompted with login. Just enter username and password with \u2018pentadbir\u2019, and you can access theadmin.phppage."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/review-surfshark/", "title": "My personal review on Surfshark VPN", "body": "If you are concern on your online privacy when using internet especially public wifi, you better equipped yourself with a VPN.VPN (or Virtual Private Network) is like a special tunnel which protects your connection from being read by unwanted people. Especially when you want to login into sensitive websites.I have been using VPN since 2015. My first VPN was VPN Unlimited and I still have the account since I bought the lifetime license. Until recently when I read about the review on VPN Unlimited, it makes me want to look for another VPN provider.And\u2026I found Surfshark.SurfsharkSurfsharkis not really new in VPN business. They have started their business since 2017 and currently have more than 800 servers in more than 50 countries including Malaysia.I started using Surfshark since last August and it is currently my main VPN service that I use regularly. And my review here is based on my personal preferences where I check the price, speed, stability and the privacy.PriceFor me, Surfshark is the cheapest VPN provider that I ever subscribed. For 2 years subscription, it only costs you $1.99USD monthly or equivalent to RM8.40 per month.But you can get more discount if you are a student where you can get the price down to $1.69USD (or RM7.10) monthly for 2 years.SpeedTo test the speed, here is my setup:Unifi 300MbpsWired connection direct to routerTest the speed connection usingSpeedtest website(3 times)Connect to VPN servers in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Netherlands and US.CheckIP LeaktestAnd here is my test result when using direct connection without VPN and with VPN from various servers.As you can see, the connection speed is very stable when I connect to Singapore and Hong Kong server. But the VPN server in Malaysia is\u2026erm\u2026well, just hope that we will have better connection in near future.StabilitySo far, my connection is very stable. Every time when I want to connect to the VPN server, it will get connected almost instantly. And didn\u2019t experience any connection drop while online.PrivacyThis is the best part with Surfshark. They do not keep any log of your online activities including:IP addressBrowsing historyUsed bandwidthSession informationNetwork trafficConnection timestampsSo you are safe. And in fact, Surfshark HQ is located at British Virgin Island away from the14 Eyes countries.I also did some IP Leak test just want to ensure whether other websites can see my real IP. And rest assured, no real IP were found when using Surfshark.To summarise, I am very happy with my Surfshark purchase. Even though I already have a lifetime VPN Unlimited account, but because its HQ is located in US, so better I use other provider which is safer.And if you want to purchase VPN, I really recommendSurfsharkas your VPN service provider or you can click the banner below for more info."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/check-access-netflix-us/", "title": "How to check if you have access to Netflix US?", "body": "Photo Credit:FortuneBy default, anyone who subscribe Netflix in Malaysia will only have access to Netflix Malaysia\u2019s library.The choice of TV series and movies are limited (there are a lot actually) but if you compare with Netflix US, you can get a lot more.To access Netflix US library, you can use VPN and connect to the server in US. There are many VPN service providers that you can choose likeNordVPN,SurfShark, andVPN Unlimited.Do you know we also have VPN provider in Malaysia? It is called,Boleh VPN. Go check them out!But let say you already have VPN and connected to US server, how you can check whether you have access to Netflix US library?You can check in two (2) ways.First, go to this URL.http://api-global.netflix.com/apps/applefuji/configAnd search for:geolocation.countryIf the geolocation country is\u2018US\u2019like in the image below, thats mean you are in Netflix US library.Click the image to enlarge.Or, the alternative way is you can search for\u2018Nurse Jackie\u2019in Netflix. If the title exist, congratulations. You have access to Netflix US."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/remove-google-recaptcha-badge/", "title": "How to remove Google reCAPTCHA badge?", "body": "Google reCAPTCHA badge at bottom right in every pagesIf you are using Contact Form 7 and Google reCAPTCHA v3, there will be a Google reCAPTCHA badge at the bottom right in every pages of your website. Refer image above.There is no setting to disable it but luckily we can remove it by using CSS. But first, we must include reCAPTCHA branding visibility by adding this text in your contact form page as I put in myContact page.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.Then you can add this CSS in yourAdditional CSSunderAppearancetab in WordPress Dashboard..grecaptcha-badge { visibility: hidden; }It will hide the reCAPTCHA badge from showing and not effect the reCAPTCHA functionality.Source:Google reCAPTCHA FAQ"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/export-import-mysql-database/", "title": "How to export and import MySQL database?", "body": "Photo Credit:TechRepublicI messed up one my forum during version upgrade and it is currently not accessible.Luckily I haveCodeGuardwhich it backup daily my web files and databases. So the restoration can be done right away.But if you don\u2019t have CodeGuard (which I really recommend you to have it), here is how to do the export and import of your website MySQL database just in case you need it.But before that, you need to know this first.dbUser\u2013 Your database usernamedbName\u2013 Your database namedbFile\u2013 Your database filenameExportTo export the database, just enter this command in the terminal.mysqldump -udbUser-pdbName>dbFile.sqlImportTo import the database, just enter this command in the terminal.mysqldump -udbUser-pdbName Others > Terminal2. In the Terminal window, enter this command:ssh @ -p \u2013 the username to login. Eg: admin \u2013 the hostname of the website/server that you want to login. Eg: cypherhackz.net \u2013 the server SSH port number. Eg: 223. That\u2019s all you need. Happy SSHing.. \ud83d\ude09Edit:Some of you might having problem to login using the above command, where your Terminal might shows error, hostname not found.So to login, enter this command in your Terminal to access using SSH.ssh hostname.com -p 22 -l username"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/happy-new-year-2013/", "title": "Happy New Year 2013", "body": "Hello ladies and gentlemen! Happy New Year!I am very excited today because last night at 12.00 midnight 1 January 2013, I launched my newElfbytes Web Hostinglayout and our new web development service to the public.Just in case you want to see how the website looks like before and after the update, check this out!Elfbytes is now running on Genesis Framework. The reason why I choose Genesis Framework because it is so easy to maintain and customize. You already have the framework, so what you just need to do is to create a theme and touch up a little bit to make it looks so attractive and nice.Oh ya, this year I will setup a new business. Hopefully it can be launched on second quarter of this year. I already have the domain name, the logo, the packages, and the only thing that I need now is a suitable WordPress theme for that website.I guess that is my main target for this year. Hopefully it will be successful. Wish me luck, and happy new year everyone! \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/happy-7th-birthday-cypherhackz-net/", "title": "Happy 7th Birthday CypherHackz.Net", "body": "There is nothing that I want to say. Just want to wish a Happy Birthday to CypherHackz.Net.All the best and good luck in year 2013!ps: Actually I just want to test the WordPress plugin that will publish new status on my Facebook page. \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-update-services-in-directadmin-using-custombuild/", "title": "How to update Services in DirectAdmin using CustomBuild?", "body": "It is not that difficult to update your server services in DirectAdmin. By using CustomBuild that comes together with DirectAdmin, you can update the services easily and in just a few steps.Warning!Only do this after you have backup your website content and database. You\u2019ve been warned!1. SSH into your DirectAdmin server as \u201croot\u201d.2. Then type:cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild3. Next, to check the available updates for your server services, type:./build update4. Then if you want to see the available update list, type:./build versions5. Finally, type this to update all services that have new version:./build update_versionsThat\u2019s all that you need. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comment form below."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-fix-active-desktop-recovery/", "title": "How to Fix Active Desktop Recovery ?", "body": "If your Windows desktop suddenly shows thisActive Desktop Recoveryerror message,and even by clicking the\u201cRestore my Active Desktop\u201ddoes not solve the problem, or even by changing the wallpaper still showing the same error message on the next restart, then you might need to follow these steps to fix this error.Go toRunand type,regedit.Then, navigate to:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Desktop\\SafeMode\\ComponentsDouble click,DeskHtmlVersionto modify the value.Change the value to0.ClickOk.And restart your computer.As always, I try to provide you the simplest technique to fix your computer problems. With that, I hope you can follow these simple steps to fix the problem. Good luck! \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/malware-calendar-wallpaper/", "title": "Malware Calendar Wallpaper by Kaspersky Lab", "body": "Malware Calendar Wallpaper for August 2012Sometimes I love to change my desktop wallpaper with something that is more refreshing and interesting. While looking for a wallpaper in Google, I found a malware calendar wallpaper which I can put as background on my desktop.This malware calendar wallpaper is consisting of 12 wallpapers that were published by Kaspersky Lab. The project was started since last year, 2011 where they released one wallpaper for each month.But since early of this year, Kaspersky Lab published the whole 12 month wallpapers in one place for where you can download freely fromMalware Calendar.These wallpapers contain the history of virus breaks and computer crimes that were happened in previous years."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/external-hard-drive-not-recognized/", "title": "What to do when external hard drive not recognized?", "body": "Have you ever been in this situation where your external hard drive not recognized when you plugged it to the computer? What did you do to solve the problem?Basically, there are several steps that you need to follow to diagnose and investigate why your external hard drive is not recognized by the computer.Step #1 \u2013 Check USB cableThe most common reason is, the USB cable that is connected to your external hard drive and your computer is not properly connected.Try to disconnect the cable and reconnect it back properly. And try again to see whether it is working or not.Still not working? Well here is the next step\u2026Step #2 \u2013 Check the USB connectorSometimes due to the wear and tear, the USB connector on your external hard drive is loose or broken. Even though you have securely connected the USB cable to the computer, your computer will not be able to recognize it because the data transfer is not occur between them.To check whether the USB connector got problem or not, you need to take out the hard drive from its casing and try to connect it by using another external hard drive casing. Maybe you can borrow the casing from your friend, or you can connect the hard drive directly to the IDE or SATA connector in your computer (it is easier if you have a desktop PC here).If the hard drive it still can\u2019t be detected, then you need to go to the final step\u2026Step #3 \u2013 Send it to the Data Recovery ExpertHurm\u2026still cannot recognized eh? Then I\u2019m sorry to say, your hard drive is most probably has damaged. Maybe there is a problem with the hard drive platter or the printed circuit board.You need to send your hard drive to the data recovery expert. Don\u2019t ever, and never send your hard drive to the computer shop, or IT technician that you found at the shopping complex. Seriously!The reason I tell you this because I am afraid your data will get leaked and the so called \u201cprofessional\u201d IT guy will distribute your personal data like photos, documents, etc to the Internet like Facebook or Blogspot.It is better if you send your hard drive to the data recovery expert likeCyberSecurity Malaysia(recommended),MDR Data Recovery Solution, orAdroit Data Recovery Centre. These guys are professional and they really care about your data and will not do any unethical behaviour like distributing your data to the public.And of course, the cost to recover your data is very expensive. Depending on how much the difficulty to recover your hard drive. It can be from RM300 to RM5000 for one data recovery case.But for me, it is better to pay RM300 to these experts than losing your precious wedding photos, or multi-million projects when your external hard drive not recognized.Final NoteI know some of you want to repair the hard drive by yourself. But please, please, please don\u2019t try to be a MacGyver. Don\u2019t try to open the hard drive and repair it by yourself.If your external hard drive is not recognized after you have follow the first two steps, please send your external hard drive to the data recovery expert.You would\u2019t want to lose your data, would you? Then just send your hard drive to the Malaysia Data Recovery expert and let them recover your data."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-remove-live-security-platinum-virus/", "title": "Live Security Platinum Removal", "body": "My computer was infected by a virus called,Live Security Platinum. After boot into Windows, suddenly a window that looks like an \u201cantivirus\u201d appeared at the center of the screen.I\u2019m not sure how and when did this \u201cantivirus\u201d get into my computer, but it is clearly not an antivirus.Here is the screenshot of the virus window.It disabled all running applications and blocks you from executing other applications like Mozilla Firefox, MS Paint, etc. You can\u2019t do anything until you register (purchase) the \u201cantivirus\u201d.Luckily I have my iPad near me, so I Google the solutions.And here is the easiest solution that I have prepared for you\u2026 Just follow these steps to remove it from your computer.The Easiest Way to Remove Live Security Platinum VirusNote:Please make sure your computer is connected to the Internet before proceed the removal process.First, what you need to do is to register Live Security Platinum to allow you run other applications like Mozilla Firefox which you will use in the next step. But don\u2019t worry. Here is the registration code that you can use to register the software:AA39754E-715219CEWarning:Don\u2019t click OK or do anything when the virus prompts you to clean your PC after the registration. Just proceed to Step #2.Next, open your favourite Internet browser like Mozilla Firefox, and download free Malwarebytes athttp://www.malwarebytes.org/. We will use this awesome malware removal tool to remove the virus.Install Malwarebytes and go to the installation folder when finished.C:\\Program Files\\Malwarebytes\u2019 Anti-MalwareOpen theChameleonfolder, and double clicksvchost.exeto run it.Malwarebytes Chameleon will start update Malwarebytes Anti-Malware database and then it will terminate all malicious processes that are running in the memory. Please be patient because it will take a while to complete. During this process you will see the Live Security Platinum window is now gone from your screen. Happy?! Not yet\u2026Upon completion, Malwarebytes will open automatically and it will perform aQuick Scan.When the scan is complete, click onShow Resultsand remove all the threats found in your computer.Restart your computer when it asks you to restart.(Recommended)Perform anotherQuick Scanusing Malwarebytes to ensure Live Security Platinum has been completely removed from your computer.That\u2019s all. Nine steps that you need to do in order to remove Live Security Platinum virus. Good luck! \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-solve-computer-keeps-shutting-down-problem/", "title": "How to Solve Computer Keeps Shutting Down Problem?", "body": "It can be really annoying if your computer keeps shutting down frequently. And it can be even more disturbing when you are working on something important. You might lose important data, you will lose your time, get agitated, and consequently all these issues are going to spoil your mood. To forestall all these things from happening, it is important that you fix the problem at the earliest.Frequent computer shut downs can be caused due to various reasons such as overheating, defects in the hardware components, or software issues. Explained below are some of the common reasons for frequent computer shut down problems and their solutions.Software issuesHere is a simple check you might consider trying out. A few minutes after your computer shuts down, restart it again and click on the \u2018Start\u2019 button on your desktop. Choose the \u2018Control Panel\u2019 option and then click on \u2018Administrative Tools\u2019. Then select the \u2018Event Viewer\u2019 from the list of icons and look at the logs.>>> Find Out How To Fix PC Errors with Ease. Easily Scan, Repair and Speed up Your PC. <<>> Find Out How To Fix PC Errors with Ease. Easily Scan, Repair and Speed up Your PC. << Profile > Edit Your Profile\u2026Remove any personal information that you want such as your name, profile picture, phone number, and email address.Now the only thing that you cannot remove is your Skype name.Even though you have removed all your information from your Skype account, your friends still can see your Skype name in their Contact list. You cannot delete your account from them, only they can remove you from their Contact list."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-enable-task-manager-in-windows/", "title": "How to enable Task Manager in Windows?", "body": "Last two weeks, when I pressed Ctrl+Alt+Del to open up the Task Manager, suddenly this error message appeared on the screen,Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator.It was weird because I am the administrator of the computer and I didn\u2019t disable it but how come it says the Task Manager has been disabled by me, the admin?First thing came to my mind was, it most probably the computer has been infected by a virus and the virus has modified the registry keys, disabled the Task Manager.The Solution?Here is the quick fix to re-enable the Task Manager using Registry Editor in Windows.Press \u201cWindows Key\u201d + \u201cR\u201d.Type \u201cregedit\u201d and press Enter.Navigate to,HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Current Version\\Policies\\SystemDouble click on \u201cDisable TaskMgr\u201d at the right pane.Set the value to 0.Restart the computer.Hope this helps!"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/china-domain-scam-alert/", "title": "China Domain Scam Alert", "body": "Last week I received an email from a doman registration company in China. The email sounds like this:(It\u2019s very urgent, Please transfer this email to your CEO or appropriate person, Thanks)Dear CEO/Principal,This is Neil Dong\u2014Senior Consultant of domain name registration and solution center in china. have something to confirm with you. We formally received an application on March 26th, 2012, one company which self-styled \u201cCakebar Investments co.,Ltd\u201d were applying to register \u201cawesomename\u201d as Network Brand and following domain names:\u201cawesomename.asiaawesomename.cnawesomename.co.inawesomename.com.cnawesomename.com.hkawesomename.com.twawesomename.hkawesomename.inawesomename.net.cnawesomename.org.cnawesomename.tw\u201cAfter our initial checking, we found that the brand name applied for registration are as same as your company\u2019s name and brand, so we need to check with you whether your company has authorized that company to register these names. If you authorized this, we will finish the registration at once. If your company has no relationships with that company nor do not authorized, please reply to us within 7 workdays, if we can\u2019t get any information from yours over 7 workdays, we will unconditionally approve the application submitted by \u201cCakebar Investments co.,Ltd\u201d .Thanks for your cooperation.Best Regards,Neil Dong (Mr.)Senior Consultant ManagerGulp!? A company in China, \u201cCakebar Investments co. Ltd\u201d want to use one of my domain (in this article is \u201cawesomename\u201d) as their branding. And they also want to purchase the other available domain names, .asia, .cn, etc and put them into their network brand.I replied the email and have several conversations with Neil Dong, so called \u201cSenior Consultant Manager\u201d in that company.At the same time, I also asked my friends on Facebook whether this email is legit or just a scam. Many of them said this email is a scam. Even my friend working in MyCERT also told me that they received quite number of cases same like this!But I kept on replying emails with this \u201cSenior Consultant Manager\u201d asking what are the benefits the company will get when they register Malay words as their branding. (Yes, they want to register Malay words as branding in China!)He then pushed me to register the other available domain names to protect my branding and also suggested me to register \u201cawesomename\u201d as Network Brand with them. Sounds fishy isn\u2019t it?Then I did some Google searches and found several articles same like this one. The domain is different but the moduse operandi is exactly the same.Top 10 Blogs Share About the China Domain Scamhttp://www.neokrish.co.in/blog/get-entertained-with-spammershttp://www.ogosense.com/blog/are-you-a-victom-of-cybersquattinghttp://texturbation.com/blog/?p=343http://keepsafeonthenet.co.uk/2010/12/asian-domain-registration-service-in-china/http://trusted.md/feed/items/system/2008/01/29/asia_domain_name_registration_scamhttp://www.piotrkrzyzek.com/registration-proclamation-chinese-domain-scam/http://www.firetrust.com/en/blog/chris/domain-name-scamshttp://www.wildwoodinteractive.com/wordpress/?p=351http://blog.onlymyemail.com/registration-proclamation-domain-registration-fraud/http://www.halleynet.co.uk/wordpress/2012/03/29/domain-scams/After combined the inputs I got from my friends and articles on the Internet, then I decided it is a scam.I have stopped communicate with this guy and let\u2019s see whether this company, Cakebar Investments co. Ltd, want to register the available domain names or not.Oh yeah, there is no hit on \u201cCakebar Investments\u201d in Google. \ud83d\ude00"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/p1-4g-wiggy-modem-connection-failed/", "title": "P1 4G Wiggy Modem Connection Failed", "body": "I was having a problem with my P1 4G Wiggy modem. It suddenly cannot connect to P1 Wimax network.It tries to connect as shown in figure below:But after a few seconds (maybe 30 seconds like that), it shows connection failed.I contactedP1Caresvia Twitter. They advised me to reinstall P1 4G Wiggy application manager. I did, but still no luck.They also told me to disable my antivirus (which I don\u2019t know why), but still nothing good happen.Lastly, P1Cares advised me to send the Wiggy modem to P1 centre for checking. But I refused.After being frustrated, I shut down my laptop. After a few minutes, I boot it up again.Tada! It is now connected to P1 network like normal. No need to send the modem to P1 centre.If you are having same problem like mine, try what P1Cares told me first. If it still doesn\u2019t work, try shut down your computer for awhile and boot it up after that.It works for me and hope it will work for you too\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/myeja-a-mozilla-firefox-addon-to-spell-check-malay-words/", "title": "MyEja – A Mozilla Firefox Addon to Spell Check Malay Words", "body": "MyEja addon in actions.I am proud to announce thatAdnan Mohd Shukor(ehem! he is my friend) has released hissecondthird Mozilla Firefox addon called,MyEja.MyEjais a Malay spell-checking addon that will check your spelling and will suggest the correct word if you misspell the typing. Its dictionary is based on the original OpenOffice Extension \u201cKamus Bahasa Malaysia\u201d (Malay Dictionary).How to use?To use it is really simple. First you need to download and install MyEja addonhere. Then in the form field or textarea, right click and make sure that \u201cSpell Checking\u201d is checked. Under Language settings, chooseMalay/Bahasa Malaysiaas your preferred language.I would like to wish congratulations to Adnan Mohd Shukor and the Mozilla Malaysia Community for their achievements in developing the addon. I am sure MyEja will become useful especially for Malaysian people who are using Mozilla Firefox.MyEja also works in Mozilla Thunderbird. Addon page can be found,here."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/download-free-software-everyday-from-daily-software-giveaway/", "title": "Download FREE Software Everyday From Daily Software Giveaway", "body": "Not many people can afford to purchase a paid software (or shareware) using their own pocket money. Although the paid software provides more features and functions, but of course the price is so expensive.But luckily we have,Daily Software Giveaway, a new online software giveaway website, which give free shareware software for FREE everyday.You can download FREE software daily and get special deal promotion at their Deal Section. In the Deal Section area, you can download other software/application of software vendor at discounted price from 50% to 90%!All FREE softwares offered at Daily Software Giveaway is not a trial, or limited version. They are registered and legal version which is fully functional version for you to download in 24 hours.Daily Software Giveaway is a new start up company which currently based in New Delhi, India."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/convert-to-icon-with-convertico/", "title": "Convert to Icon with ConvertICO", "body": "If you have a graphic, or photo, that you want to convert to icon like Windows 7 or Vista style, you can useConvertICO.ConvertICOis an online ico converter that can convert your image to .ico or .png format. It supports multiple image formats, sizes, color depths and profiles too.The beauty of ConvertICO is, it can create a genuine Windows 7 style icon which contains multiple frames and supports the compressed PNG format at the same time.Using Windows XP? No problem\u2026 The converted icon still works on Windows XP.And one more thing, you also can use ConvertICO to convert multi-resolution icons to images in .png, .gif, or .jpg format at a time, and each frame will be converted to a separate image instantly."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/lets-join-saya-nak-hosting-percuma-pengendali-blog-contest/", "title": "Let’s Join “Saya Nak Hosting Percuma Pengendali Blog” Contest", "body": "Psst\u2026do you know that I have other blogs than CypherHackz.Net? One of them is,Pengendali Blog.Yes, I would like to invite you especially Malaysia bloggers to join my blog contest,\u201cSaya Nak Hosting Percuma Pengendali Blog\u201d. You could win a 2 years FREE web hosting package fully sponsored byElfbytes Web Hosting(Ehem! And\u2026do you know that I have a web hosting business as well?)For those who are currently blogging at wordpress.com or blogspot.com,this is your chance to get free webhosting, complete with cPanel, unlimited databases, email accounts, and supports direct from me.And of course, I will help you to setup and transfer your posts from previous blog to this new hosting if you win the prize.Don\u2019t wait any longer. Check out thecontest and participate!PS: Again, do you know that I\u2019m a gold dealer too? Check out my website here,Pengedar Emas GCP. \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/sorry-im-not-p1-wimax-staff/", "title": "Sorry… I’m not P1 Wimax staff…", "body": "Since I posted several articles on P1 Wimax problems and how to solve them, many readers thought that I am one of their P1 Wimax staff.It\u2019s kinda funny though because I got many complaints and questions asking about P1 Wimax. Even some of them were angry with me and asked with rude words! LOL~!Well my dear readers and friends\u2026I would like to announce that I am not P1 Wimax staff!I repeat. I am not P1 Wimax staff, agent, or their affiliate.I\u2019m just their customer (just like you), who pays RM129 monthly, subscribe P1 Wimax services, and became their customer since 2008.If you asked me about technical questions that I can answer, then I will try and help you. But if you asked me about administration questions such as your P1 Wimax login details, change your service package, etc, etc, I will pass you to their customer support at,@p1cares.Okey guys? \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/download-adobe-flash-rtmp-video-streams-using-rtmpdump/", "title": "Download Adobe flash RTMP video streams using RTMPDump", "body": "I want to download a file but it uses RTMP protocol. Even though the file extension is .flv, but I cannot download them as I always do with HTTP or FTP.RTMP is Real-Time Messaging Protocol which was designed for high-performance transmission of audio, video and data between Adobe Flash Platform technologies, such as Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Air.To download these files you either can use Internet Download Manager, or geeker way using RTMPDump.In this article, I\u2019ll show you how to download a file from RTMP by using RTMPDump.1. First, you need RTMPDump \u2013download here.2. Next, get the RTMP link that you want to download. For an example, I would like to download an FLV file from Rich Dad Coaching website.The link is look like this:rtmp://profedu.fcod.llnwd.net/a1681/o15/richdadscoaching.com/8-08 (Learn It) Investing In BusinessesInvesting In Businesses.flv3. Then, I run RTMPDump from Command Prompt like this:rtmpdump.exe -r -o Eg:rtmpdump.exe -r \u201crtmp://profedu.fcod.llnwd.net/a1681/o15/richdadscoaching.com/8-08 (Learn It) Investing In BusinessesInvesting In Businesses.flv\u201d -o \u201c8-08 (Learn It) Investing In BusinessesInvesting In Businesses.flv\u201dNote: Because there are spaces in the URL so I put the RTMP link between the apostrophes.4. Press Enter and see the magic begin\u2026That\u2019s all on how to download Adobe flash RTMP video streams using RTMPDump. Easy isn\u2019t it? \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-connect-ipad-to-p1-wimax-modem/", "title": "How to Connect iPad to P1 Wimax Modem?", "body": "A reader asked me on myFacebook fanpageon how to connect iPad to P1 Wimax modem.Basically it is not that difficult to configure your iPad to connect to P1 Wimax modem. Here\u2019s how\u2026Referring to my article,How to secure your P1 Wimax WiFi Modem?, under\u201cChange WiFi WEP key\u201dsection, take note of your SSID and WEP key (or WPA key).On your iPad, go toSettings > Wi-Fi, andswitch ONthe wifi module.UnderChoose a Network\u2026, choose your P1 Wimax SSID (from Step #1).Enter the WEP key (or WPA key) in the password field.Lastly, tapJointo connect to your P1 Wimax modem.If you still got problem to get the network, make sure you have allow your iPad MAC address in the Access Control List.To get the MAC address, on your iPad, go toSettings > General > About. You will find your iPad MAC address under Wi-Fi Address.Then enter the MAC address in your P1 Wimax modem Access Control List. Just follow the samearticle here, under\u201cOnly allow specific MAC addresses to connect\u201c. Good luck! \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/all-folders-became-shortcut-how-to-fix-them/", "title": "All Folders Became Shortcut! How to Fix Them?", "body": "My USB thumb drive got infected by a trojan virus. All folders in the thumb drive had become shortcuts!From the properties, the shortcut folder is pointing to 0x29ACAAD1.exe file. Kaspersky detects it asTrojan.Win32.VBKrypt.cvcu, and 35 out of 42 antivirus companies confirmed that it is a trojan virus \u2013VirusTotal result.Warning:Don\u2019t double click the shortcut or you will execute the trojan virus.Luckily, you don\u2019t need a data recovery tool to fix this problem. The only thing that you need is just the command prompt.Here I\u2019ll show you how:Go to Start > Run.Type, \u201ccmd\u201d and click Ok.Now type this command, and press Enter:attrib -h -r -s /s /d f:\\*.*Note:Replace f: with your USB drive letter.Done.You will see two folders in the USB thumb drive. One is the shortcut, and the other one is the original folder as shown below.Now copy the orginal folders to a safe place, and format your USB thumb drive. This to ensure that your thumb drive is completely free from the trojan virus, and don\u2019t forget to scan your computer with antivirus too.That\u2019s all. Hope this help!Btw, if your files and folders are suddenly missing/hidden in USB thumb drive,follow this trick to unhide them.PS: If your PC still having problem, you can either scan your PC with antivirus or repair it to speed up by usingRegistry Easy."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-reset-p1-wimax-modem-password/", "title": "How to Reset P1 Wimax Modem Password?", "body": "Happy new year 2012 everyone!-CypherHackz.Many people asked me how to reset P1 Wimax modem password in my article onHow to Secure P1 Wimax Modem?Well it is not that difficult to reset the password actually. Here I will show you the easiest way to reset the password just by using a paper clip. Yes, seriously! Just using a paper clip.Switch on your P1 Wimax modem.Find the Reset hole on your modem. I\u2019m using DX230 model and the hole is near to the LAN port. Refer to the image below.Get a paperclip and press the Reset button through the hole for a few seconds.The signal indicator lights will start blinking shows that the modem has been successfully reset.Now go tohttp:// your web browser and enter the default username and password as below:Username:adminPassword:admin123Congratulations! You have successfully reset your P1 Wimax modem password.This method is actually reset your modem to its original factory settings. All previous configurations together with the password will be set back to default.After your modem has been reset, nowgo back to my article hereand secure your P1 Wimax modem before someone else take control your modem."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/remove-pdf-password-using-pdf-password-remover-tool/", "title": "Remove PDF Password using PDF Password Remover Tool", "body": "There are two types of password protections in PDF which is,User Password\u2013 Password to open the PDF fileOwner Password\u2013 Password to print, copy, modify the PDF fileIf your PDF file is protected with User Password, this trick will not work for you. This tool will not be able to recover and remove the password from the PDF.However if the PDF file is using Owner Password, this tool will decrypt and remove the password so you can print, copy, and make changes to the document.PDF Passwod Remover ToolPDF Password Remover Toolis a freewarePDF password recoverythat will decrypt the Owner Password and remove it from the PDF file. I\u2019ve tested this software and it works perfectly.If you want to remove theUser Password, this tool will popup an alert saying\u2018Cannot decrypt pdf file. Incorrect password.\u2019as shown in the image below.PDF Password Remover Tool unable to decrypt and remove the User Password.But if the PDF file is usingOwner Password, it will able to remove it, and save a new copy which allows you to print, copy and modify the document content.PDF Password Remover Tool successfully removed the Owner Password.PDF Password Remover Toolis free for personal use. As mentioned by the developer, please use this tool to remove passwords from PDF files that belong to you. It was developed to help you recover PDF files in cases where you forget the owner passwords you once set and can no longer remember. Hope this helps!Remove password from PDF files with PDF Password Remover ToolviaEches"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cypherhackz-net-is-now-on-genesis-framework/", "title": "CypherHackz.Net is now on Genesis Framework", "body": "Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha diucapkan kepada anda dan semua pembaca sekalian\u2026-CypherHackz-New design \u2013 CypherFS GOhrange running on Genesis FrameworkOnFebruary 13th, I\u2019ve asked you is it worth to getGenesis Frameworkfor my blog? Many top bloggers are using Genesis Framework and I was thinking to convert my theme too.In mid September, I make my move and bought Genesis Framework. First theme that I converted to Genesis is my personal blog atBlog Aku. Then I start create and convert more child themes as you can see atPengendali BlogandPengedar Emas.Yesterday I decided to convert CypherHackz.Net theme. During the initial process, I got an idea it is better to create new one than using the old design. It took me one day to finish up the design and do some modifications.Old design \u2013 CypherFS DarkSide coded manuallyThe best thing when using Genesis Framework is you doesn\u2019t have to code the theme structure.The only thing that you need to do is modify the CSS file and you\u2019re done. But if you want to add or remove some areas, just do it in the functions.php file. Just simple as that.Genesis Developmentpage helps me a lot. They have a lot of resources and tutorials where you can follow to create your own child theme for Genesis.I named this theme asCypherFS GOhrangebecause it is a combination ofGenesis, Oh~, and Orange. I know it is difficult to pronounce and it\u2019s a kinda weird name. Heh!But hopefully this theme will stand for years and I don\u2019t have to redesign a new one. So what do you guys think? Any comments or critics are welcome."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/portable-blogdesk-with-dropbox/", "title": "Portable BlogDesk with Dropbox", "body": "Portable BlogDesk with DropboxI\u2019m using BlogDesk as my desktop blogging client to update my blogs. The interface is straightforward, can manage multiple blogs, and easy to use.Most of the time, I will use my PC and laptop to update my blogs. Both have Blogdesk installed but the data are kept in each device separately. That\u2019s mean when I saved a draft from PC, I can\u2019t continue writing the draft from my laptop.So, how can I make the draft or any data like images portable in BlogDesk?Use Dropbox\u2026Yup, we can adjust BlogDesk configurations and points the data to Dropbox.So before we start, I would like to list down the tools that we need:BlogDesk \u2013linkDropbox \u2013linkNotepad \u2013 I recommendNotepad++That\u2019s all\u2026The process\u2026First, install BlogDesk and Dropbox if you don\u2019t have them installed in your computer.Setup your blog configurations such as the username and password.Go to BlogDesk\u2019s user data folder which usually located in the Application Data.Eg:C:\\Users\\fauzimd\\AppData\\RoamingCopy the BlogDesk folder and its content into Dropbox.Copy the BlogDesk UserData path directory in Dropbox.Eg:C:\\Users\\fauzimd\\Dropbox\\BlogDesk\\UserDataNext, go to BlogDesk folder in Program Files and editBlogDesk.cfgfile.Paste the new BlogDesk UserData path as shown in the image above.Save!Repeat steps 1-8 (excluding Step 4) on the another PC/laptop that you wish to share the BlogDesk data on Dropbox.ConclusionThe downsides using this method is you must install BlogDesk and Dropbox in both devices. And then, when you upload an image from your PC, the path directory of the image might be different if you open BlogDesk from your laptop. You will get a break image because Blogdesk can\u2019t find the image path.But overall, this method is working fine for me. I can update my blogs either from Blogdesk in PC or laptop using same configurations and data.Please let me know if you got any problems when following the steps. I will try my best to help you to make your BlogDesk portable. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-create-a-bookmark-in-adobe-reader/", "title": "How to create a Bookmark in Adobe Reader?", "body": "Most of the time I use my iPad to read ebooks, or Adobe Reader when read them on my computer. Currently the ebook I read is,The Blogger\u2019s Guide to Online Marketing, by The Web Marketing Ninja from ProBlogger. This ebook is 136 pages long and I can\u2019t read it whole at once.In iPad, I can create bookmarks or open last view page, to continue my reading when I reopen the ebook. But in Adobe Reader, the bookmark feature is not there. Unless if you purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional which have the ability to place a bookmark.Lucikly, Adobe Reader can be set to\u2018Restore last view settings when reopening documents\u2019. It is not a bookmark but at least it can help me to get back to the last view page when I reopen the ebook.To enable this feature,In Adobe Reader, go toEdit > Preferences.Under Categories, click onDocuments.Check\u2018Restore last view settings when reopening documents\u2019.Click Ok.Now I don\u2019t have to write down the page number before I close the ebook, because Adobe Reader will automatically show the last view page the next time I open the ebook."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/the-google-song/", "title": "The Google+ Song", "body": "Have you heard the Google+ Song video? At first, it is kinda boring but when the video shows what we can do with Google+, it is become more interesting and entertaining.Google+ is now open to the public and anyone who have Google account can create their Google+ account athttp://plus.google.com/.Please read my article onhow to make short URL for Google+ profileand don\u2019t forget to add me into your Circles. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/trojphpshll-b-malware-in-wordpress-wp-config-php-file/", "title": "Troj/PHPShll-B malware in WordPress wp-config.php file!", "body": "Suspicious codes found in WordPress wp-config.php fileA Sophos Senior Threat Researcher, Paul O Baccas found a malware codename,Troj/PHPShll-Bin a WordPress wp-config.php file that was installed in one of their IT department friend\u2019s website.This malware was first detected by SophosLabs automated systems asMal/Badsrc-Cfrom the downloaded index.html file.Further analysis, Paul saw a suspicious piece of code written in base64 string format in the wp-config.php file. When translated, the code will only be served if the User-Agent is Internet Explorer.Sophos now detects and disinfects this modified code asTroj/PHPShll-B.They believed it is most likely the code was injected via compromised FTP credentials. Sophos also recommends WordPress users to regularly auditing their WordPress wp-config.php file and make sure to use strong login passwords to avoid the account being compromised.I have checked all my eight WordPress blogs wp-config.php files and luckily there are no weird strings or suspicious codes found in them. How about you?viaTroj/PHPShll-B: Malware injects itself into WordPress installations"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-secure-your-p1-wimax-wifi-modem/", "title": "How to secure your P1 Wimax WiFi Modem?", "body": "Happy Malaysia Day to all Malaysians\u2026-CypherHackz-I have been usingP1 Wimaxsince August 2009. Personally, it is the best Internet broadband that we have in Malaysia. ForHome Pluspackage, the average connection speed is around 120kbps-170kbps. But there were a few times where the speed dropped to 20-50kbps, and even sometimes it disconnected abruptly. If you got problem with P1 Wimax connection, feel free to read my article onApabila P1 Wimax BermasalahatBlogAku.Net.The purpose I write this post is to help you to secure your P1 Wimax WiFi modem. It is actually very easy for unauthorized users to gain access into your P1 Wimax network if you did not change the modem default password, WEP key, and Access Control List. In this How-To guide, I will show you the step by step on how to secure your P1 Wimax WiFi modem. Let\u2019s begin\u2026Change the default passwordChange P1 Wimax modem default passwordBy default, the username and password for P1 Wimax modem is,Username:adminPassword:admin123Please change the default password before someone else gain access to your modem and change it for you. To do that,Go tohttp:// using your favourite web browser.Enter the default username,admin, and password,admin123.Click onPersonalizationat the top left of the page.Enter yourOld Password,admin123, andNew Password.ClickApply.If you\u2019ve changed the P1 Wimax modem password previously and forgot the password, you can reset it back by following my guide here,How to Reset P1 Wimax Modem Password?Change WiFi WEP keyChange P1 Wimax modem default WEP keyAfter you have changed the default password, you also need to change P1 Wimax WiFi WEP key IF you are using DV230 modem. The modem is look like this,P1 Wimax DV230 modemAs you may already know, by default P1 Wimax DV230 modem WiFi is using WEP key that is easy to guess. For an example, let\u2019s say your P1 Wimax WiFi SSID is056789. If the user didn\u2019t change the default WEP key, the key is567891FFB0.SSID:056789Remove 0 at the front,56789Combine with1FFB0, and your P1 Wimax WiFi WEP key is:567891FFB0To change the default WEP key,Go tohttp:// using your favourite web browser.Enter your username,admin, and password.Click onNetworkingat the top right of the page.Click onWIFI.ClickNext.UnderUse Default, chooseUser Defined.And change the WEP key underSecurity Setting.ClickApply.Note:Please ensure to follow these rules to set your WEP key.64 bit5 ASCII characters (A-Z or a mixture of A-Z and 0-9)10 Hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F or mixture of both 0-9 & A-F only)128 bit13 ASCII characters (A-Z or a mixture of A-Z and 0-9)26 Hexadecimal characters (0-9,A-F or mixture of both 0-9 & A-F only)Only allow specific MAC addresses to connectOnly allow specific MAC addresses to connect into your WiFi networkEven though you have changed the default P1 Wimax WEP key, there might be some possibilities where someone can crack the WEP key and use your WiFi connection without your acknowledge. To prevent this, you can set your P1 Wimax WiFi modem to only allow specific MAC addresses to connect into your P1 Wimax WiFi network.Let\u2019s say your iPhone MAC address isF8:1E:DF:43:49:A9.Go tohttp:// your favourite web browser.Enter your username,admin, and password.Click onNetworkingat the top right of the page.Click onWIFI.ClickNext.Scroll down toACL-setting.ChooseAllow only following MAC addresses to connect to wireless network.UnderAccess Control List, enter your device MAC address.Eg: F8:1E:DF:43:49:A9ClickApply.After the modem rebooted, only your iPhone can connect to your P1 Wimax WiFi network. Even though your neighbours can crack your WEP key but they can\u2019t connect to your WiFi because their devices\u2019 MAC addresses are not registered in theAccess Control List.I hope this simple How-To guide will help you to secure your P1 Wimax WiFi modem. If you have any new tips or info on how to secure P1 Wimax modem, feel free to share with us by submitting your comment below. Thank you and good luck! \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/make-short-url-for-google-profile-with-gplus-to/", "title": "Make short URL for Google+ profile with gplus.to", "body": "I just have myGoogle+profile account after got the invitation fromProbloggerandLiewCF. Currently Google+ is not open to public and new registration can only be made via invitation only. If you don\u2019t have Google+ account, you can drop a comment below with your Gmail address and I will invite you to join into my circles.However, Google+ does not provide friendly or short profile URL like Facebook. Instead it uses long URL with your unique Google+ ID which is really difficult to remember or share with your friends.Luckily we havegplus.tothat allows you to choose your own username with at least 3 characters to at most 25 characters long. With gplus.to, you can shortern your Google+ profile URL from this,https://plus.google.com/101399354133518719784to become like this,http://gplus.to/cypherhackzWith the short URL, you can easily share your Google+ profile URL with your friends or put it on your blog. You don\u2019t have to remember your profile ID as the shortend URL will redirect visitors to your Google+ profile page straight away."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-set-dns-record-for-my-domain/", "title": "How to set DNS record for .my domain?", "body": "Custom Short Domain by bit.ly ProCurrently I have seven .my domains that I bought fromMercumaya. All of them are not active (contain no website). But there is one .my domain that I want to use for mybitly.Pro\u2013Custom Short Domain.To use this service, I have to set my DNS A record to point to their IP address. But the problem is, there is no option for me to set the DNS A record from the domain registrar (MyNIC Domain Registry).Luckily, I haveDNS Zone Editorin my cPanel and I can set the DNS A record from there. Here I will show youhow to set DNS record for .my domainby using cPanel.Add the domain using Addon DomainsStep 1\u2013 From your cPanel, add the .my domain into your hosting account by usingAddon Domainstool.Click on Advanced DNS Zone EditorStep 2\u2013 Next, back to your cPanel Home and go toAdvanced DNS Zone Editor.Select the domainStep 3\u2013 Choose the .my domain that you want to change the DNS record. In my case, it is ls.my domain.Step 4\u2013 cPanel will list down all current DNS records for your .my domain. From here, you can choose either to edit or add new DNS record.Enter the IP address to setup A recordStep 5\u2013 I want to change the A record forls.mydomain to point to bitly.Pro IP address, So I click on Edit and replace the IP address with the new one.After it has finished propagatedStep 6\u2013 Lastly, click onEdit Recordand wait the domain to propagate.Hope this helps!Note:You also can set CNAME record in Advanced DNS Zone Editor (or Simple DNS Zone Editor)."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/vaultpress-review-ultimate-wordpress-backup-solution/", "title": "VaultPress Review – Ultimate WordPress Backup Solution", "body": "VaultPress \u2013 A WordPress backup solution by AutomatticI received my VaultPress Golden Ticket a few weeks ago. I thought the ticket has no expiration date but I was wrong. Nearly to its expiration date which was yesterday, I decided to use and install VaultPress in one of my blogs.And here is my VaultPress review\u2026What is VaultPress?VaultPressis a WordPress plugin developed byAutomattic, the same person who created WordPress. This plugin will backup all your files and data such as uploads, plugins, themes and database and transfer them to VaultPress server. All the processes are done automatically and in real-time!Let\u2019s say you published a new article with a JPEG to your blog, VaultPress will backup the article together with the image file to VaultPress server. And you don\u2019t have to worry anything because VaultPress will keep monitoring of any changes that has been made on your blog and will sync them with their server.Sign Up VaultPressPlans and pricing for VaultPressCurrently VaultPress is in private beta release and you must have the Golden Ticket to sign up. The ticket can be requested from theApply for VaultPresspage and as an early customer, you will receive a discounted price to use VaultPress. Alternatively, you also cancontact medirectly to get the VaultPress Golden Ticket. I can send you the ticket via email.VaultPressPlans & Pricingstarts with Basic which is $20USD per blog per month ($15USD if you have the Golden Ticket). But all payments will be credited into your credit card which I don\u2019t prefer very much. I prefer to use PayPal for the payment. Hope they will put PayPal under payment method in future.Using VaultPressOne VaultPress plugin for one WordPress blogAfter the payment has been made, you will need to have a WordPress.com account to enter VaultPress dashboard. From the dashboard, you can download the plugin and install it into your WordPress blog.Once installed, VaultPress will start doing his work. It will begin transferring files starting from uploads, plugins, themes and lastly the database. All files under these folders will be transferred to VaultPress server.VaultPress backup in progressBut in my opinion, it is better to start the backup with the database first. The database is the most important thing for a blog. Without the database, the blog is nothing. So it is better to start the backup starting with the database.During the backup process, you can see the progress either from your WordPress dashboard or from your VaultPress dashboard. It will take a few hours to complete, especially if you have many files and the database is too big.VaultPress Dashboard shows the details of the last snapshot of your blogBut as long as you install VaultPress, just leave it to do his work and don\u2019t worry about your blog. It is really a peace of mind when you have VaultPress to take care your blog from the inside.ConclusionUnlimited backup archives by VaultPressVaultPress is the ultimate WordPress backup solution. Just install it, and forget about it. It will do his work in real-time and sync the backup even when you changed a setting in your WordPress blog.This is the first time I don\u2019t have to worry about my blog. If something goes wrong, I know that I have a complete and the latest backup of my blog.I can request another Golden Ticket and thinking to use it for my CypherHackz.Net blog. And yes, if I want to have VaultPress to take care my blog, I need to add another extra $15USD in my monthly budget.Although the price is expensive, but VaultPress is really worth it. Recommend! \ud83d\ude42Pros & Cons+ Backups everything (uploads, plugins, themes, database)+ Real time backup+ Unlimited backup storage+ Downloadable backup archives+ Stats and activity logs+ Security and vulnerabilities scanning (Premium and Enterprise package only)\u2013 Expensive\u2013 No PayPal subscription"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/what-is-the-best-antivirus-software-for-windows-7/", "title": "What is the best antivirus software for Windows 7?", "body": "Kaspersky Ambassador, Datuk Lee Chong Wei\u2013 credit,WirespotIn your opinion, what is the best antivirus software for Windows 7? What antivirus software do you use to protect your computer?I am usingKaspersky Internet Security 2011. I have been using Kaspersky since 2005. From Windows XP and now using Windows 7, I still believe that Kaspersky is the best antivirus software that able to protect my computer and help me fight against the viruses very well.Why I choose Kaspersky? First, it is light and does not use a lot of resources to run. Second, I can adjust the settings (advanced settings) and set it what I want. Third, it is compatible to run together withMalwarebytes Anti-Malwarewithout having any problem. Lastly, because Datuk Lee Chong Wei and Jackie Chan are their ambassador (just kidding).But yup, if you asked me what is the best antivirus software for Windows, I will say Kaspersky. How about you?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-remove-the-new-facebook-lightbox-photo-viewer/", "title": "How to Remove the New Facebook Lightbox Photo Viewer?", "body": "Facebook is now using lightbox photo viewer to view photos and albums. But this new feature is so annoying and useless.Luckily, there are many ways that you can use to remove the new Facebook lightbox photo viewer (or \u201ctheater\u201d).Hit F5\u2013 When viewing any photo in Facebook lightbox, just hit F5 to refresh and it will go away.Remove&theater\u2013 At the address bar, remove the&theaterfrom the URL and hit Enter.Facebook Lightbox Killer(Mozilla Firefox) \u2013 This is an addon for Mozilla Firefox. It will remove Facebook lightbox automatically when you viewing somebody\u2019s photos.Facebook Lightbox Killer(Google Chrome) \u2013 Same likeFacebook Lightbox Killerfor Mozilla Firefox. This is an extension for Google Chrome that will kill the lightbox when viewing pictures on Facebook.Hope this helps! \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hakin9-free-it-security-magazine/", "title": "Hakin9 – Free IT Security Magazine", "body": "Hakin9 March 2011 issueToday I would like to share with you a free, online IT security magazine called,Hakin9.It contains a lot of useful IT security information which covers about practical guidelines regarding the latest hacking methods, as well as the ways of securing systems, network and applications.Hakin9 is released every month and you can download it for free from their website. Follow them on Twitter (@Hakin9) to get the latest updates and issues.Thanks to my friend,salawankfor sharing this info. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hack-times-square-screens-using-iphone-4-transmitter/", "title": "Hack Times Square Screens using iPhone 4 Transmitter", "body": "Awesome! This guy hacked the screens at Time Square just by using a transmitter that he put on his iPhone 4! It is totally awesome and unbelievable!The way it works is pretty simple: plug in my transmitter into the iPhone 4 and play back any video clip. You can play it through the ipod feature or through the camera roll. The transmitter instantly sends the video signal to the video repeater and the video repeater overrides any video screen that it\u2019s being held next to. It doesn\u2019t matter what shape or size the hacked screen is because the hack video will simply keep its correct dimensions and the rest of the hacked space will stay black.Personally, I don\u2019t think it is fake although some people said it is. But when I watched the video, I was amazed and he is really genius! \ud83d\ude00Guy hacks Times Square screens with iPhone transmitter? [via9 to 5 Mac]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/approve-your-parents-add-as-friends-facebook-request-flowchart/", "title": "Approve Your Parents ‘Add as Friends’ Facebook Request Flowchart", "body": "My parents send me a request toAdd as Friendson Facebook, but I am not sure whether should I accept the request or not.Well, you know I share a lot of things on Facebook,huha-huhawith my friends and everything. So I should consider to approve their request.Click on the image to enlarge\u2026Based on the Facebook flowchart above, I should approve my parentsAdd as Friendsrequest. Hurm\u2026 Or should I redo the flowchart process again? \ud83d\ude00How about you? Will you approve your parents request if they want to add you in their friends list on Facebook?Decision Flowchart: Friend Your Parents on Facebook, Or Not?[via LiewCF]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-css3-code-from-css3-generator/", "title": "Get CSS3 code from CSS3 Generator", "body": "CSS3 Generator by Randy JensenCSS3 currently is the latest CSS version on the web and offers a huge variety of new ways to create an impact with your designs, with quite a few important changes. Most web developers have started using it in their web designs. However, not all web browsers support CSS level 3, like Internet Explorer 8. Even some of them interpret CSS3 code differently on each browser.But if you are interested to do experiment and generate CSS3 codes for your blog, you can useCSS3 Generator by Randy Jensen. Just pick the style that you want and change the settings according to your own choice. It will show you the CSS3 code next to the Preview Area which you can copy and paste into your .css file.CSS3 Generator by Eric HoffmanI also found anotherCSS3 Generator made by Eric Hoffman. But the styles that you can choose are limited. Only 4 styles are available which is: border radius, shadow, background gradient and opacity. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/desktop-blogging-client-by-google/", "title": "Desktop Blogging Client by Google", "body": "Just wondering, will there be any desktop blogging client by Google?Currently I am usingBlogDeskas my desktop blogging client. All the article writing process, editing, are all done in BlogDesk. It is very light and can handles many domains and blog platforms.Microsoft already have their desktop blogging client called,Windows Live Writer. I tried it once before but it is not very good like BlogDesk.Google has released their own web browser (Google Chrome), photo viewer (Picasa), instant messaging (Gtalk), browser toolbar (Google Toolbar) and some other applications. But no desktop blogging client.Maybe it is time for them to develop a new app for bloggers. I really hope that we can have a Google desktop blogging client in the near future.What do you think?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/poking-inventor-mark-zuckerberg-action-figure/", "title": "“Poking Inventor” Mark Zuckerberg Action Figure", "body": "Are you Mark Zuckerberg fan? Don\u2019t you want to buy Mark Zuckerberg action figure and put it on your desk?\u201cPoking Inventor\u201d action figure was created by M.I.C Gadget that is inspired from a man who makes the world more open and connected, Mark Zuckerberg.This 7\u2033 tall figurine can holds a \u201cLike\u201d or \u201cPoke\u201d button in his right hand with his nice pose of sticking his left hand in pocket with his thumb out.It also comes with three speech bubbles cards which you can write anything and attach it onto the figurine. Price is $69.90USD without shipping.I\u2019m gonna get this! How about you?All photos credit toM.I.C. Gadget.\u201cPoking Inventor\u201d Action Figure [viaM.I.C Store]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wordpress-error-is-its-parent-directory-writable-by-the-server/", "title": "WordPress Error: Is its parent directory writable by the server?", "body": "When I want to upload a file to my WordPress blog, there was an error shown on the Media page like in the image above.\u201cfacebook.png\u201d has failed to upload due to an errorUnable to create directory /home/OLDPATH/public_html/BLOG/wp-content/uploads/2011/03. Is its parent directory writable by the server?Supposedly there should be no problems because I have successfully uploaded many files before. After awhile I remembered that a few days ago I moved the blog to another server. There might be some configurations that I missed to change.So I go check the settings atSettings > Mediaand I found the culprit underUploading Files.The path to the uploads folder is wrong. So I entered the correct path and now it is working correctly. Make sure you put the full path to the uploads folder like this:/home/NEWPATH/public_html/BLOG/wp-content/uploadsHope this helps! \ud83d\ude42Alternatively (Easiest Method)Just use the default path.wp-content/uploadsThanks toMick Geniefor the tip. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-remove-lock-icon-from-windows-7-folder/", "title": "How to remove Lock icon from Windows 7 folder?", "body": "I unshared a shared folder in my Windows 7 and suddenly there is a Lock icon appear on the folder icon.To remove the Lock icon, here are the steps that I used:Right click the folder and chooseProperties.Go toSecuritytab and clickEdit.UnderPermissions for Shared Folderwindow, click on theAddbutton.Type in\u201cAuthenticated Users\u201din the field and click Ok.Click Ok to close all the remaining windows.The Lock icon is now gone.I have make a short video on how to remove Lock icon from Windows 7 folder. The video is available here,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOfavrF7Zr0."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/2011-year-of-the-ipad-2/", "title": "2011: Year of the iPad 2", "body": "Apple announces iPad 2iPad 2was launched on 2nd March 2011 at San Francisco by Steve Jobs. It is thinner, lighter and faster with two cameras for FaceTime video calls and HD video recording. Yet it still has the same 10-hour legendary battery life.Apple \u2013 Introducing iPad 2After watching this promo video above, I think I have fallen in love with iPad 2."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-secure-your-wireless-broadband-internet/", "title": "How to Secure Your Wireless Broadband Internet?", "body": "This guest post is by Techwriter ofbroadbandexpert.com.A wireless internet is one of the most advanced forms of internet technology in today\u2019s world and we all know that with improved technology comes improved responsibility and increased need for security. There is no doubt a wireless internet is very powerful and reliable but you should also consider and fix the major security problems you might experience. This post will be giving you some tips to help you secure your wireless broadband internet.Make Sure You Have an Up to Date Antivirus InstalledOne of the major concerns of using a wireless internet is the possibility of your computer being infected by a virus; a wireless broadband internet is very fast and a lot of things can happen before you know it, you can mistakenly download a file before you even realize you\u2019re downloading the wrong file and in most occasions the wrong thing will have been done before you ever think of correcting it. Situations like this can be very dangerous and difficult, and the best option is to make sure they never come.The first step you should take before you ever start using any form of internet connection (wireless or not) is to make sure you have an updated antivirus installed; taking this step alone will help you overcome over 50% of the security problems you will encounter with your wireless internet connection.Make Your Security Keys Difficult to GuessAnother highly important but overlooked step people are supposed to take to secure their wireless broadband internet is ensuring their encryption keys are secure and difficult to guess. Make sure you avoid using generic names or important things and occasions in your life as your encryption key (such as your name, the name of your wife, your birth date etc.), but, do your best to use solid alphanumeric characters. You should also make sure you\u2019re using the latest encryption technology; for example, using the WPA2 encryption technology will be more effective than using the WEP technology.Restrict or Disable SSID BroadcastA major mistake most wireless internet users make is enabling SSID broadcast, some people even go to the extent of using wireless extenders to increase the reach of their wireless network without knowing that this can be a potential problem to their network; it is better to be safe than sorry.Always make sure your wireless network signal broadcast is restricted to inside your home or office (or wherever you need it) alone and not more, or better, disabled. Doing this will make sure nobody is able to connect to your network let alone try to hack it.Guest post from Techwriter who blogs about high speedinternet providers by zip codeandcable internet providerson behalf of Broadband Expert."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/dontphisme-a-mozilla-firefox-addon-by-mycert/", "title": "DontPhishMe – A Mozilla Firefox Addon by MyCERT", "body": "DontPhishMeis a Mozilla Firefox addon developed byMyCERT, CyberSecurity Malaysia to provide a security mechanism in preventing online banking phishing threat specifically for local Malaysian banks.DontPhishMe popups an alert when I clicked the link in a Spam email.When you visit a website that appears to be a fake online banking web page, DontPhishMe will popup an alert with a warning message indicating suspected phising website has been detected.Currently DontPhishMe only supports 17 local Malaysian online banking websites such as Maybank2U, CIMB Clicks, Public Bank, Bank Rakyat, and many more.In my opinion, I agree withone of the reviewerthat DontPhishMe needs to put description of what is phishing. Some people do not know what is phishing and most probably they will ignore the alert and just click Cancel.Or maybe, DontPhishMe can shows a simple alert like this,\u201cThe website you are viewing does not look like Maybank2U website. You are advised to leave the website and please report to Cyber999 Help Centre.\u201dWith that, people with no IT background will directly acknowledged the website is not Maybank2U and he should leave the website when read the alert message.Anyway, I am very happy to see a Malaysian product like this on the Internet. I hope we can see more useful stuffs that are made by Malaysian for Malaysian, especially in combating Internet threats. \ud83d\ude42Note:DontPhishMe also available on Google Chrome \u2013link."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-transfer-a-mysql-database-to-another-server/", "title": "How to transfer a MySQL database to another server?", "body": "Let\u2019s say you want to transfer your blog to a new server. You have uploaded all the files and what is left is just the database.You can import the database to the new server by using phpMyAdmin but it will take a lot of time if the database size is large.So, the best and easiest solution that I would suggest is, transfer the database by using SSH.To do that, you must make sure you have SSH access in both servers \u2013 old and new server. You can request the access by contacting your hosting provider to enable it for you.Old ServerTelnet/SSH into the old server.Backup your database by issuing this command:mysqldump \u2013opt -Q -u USERNAME -p DATABASENAME > /PATH/TO/DATABASENAME.sqlUse the MySQL database password when the old server asks for password.Then, zip the file to reduce the file size:zip DATABASENAME.zip DATABASENAME.sqlDone.Note:USERNAME\u2013 This is the username that you use to access MySQL.DATABASENAME\u2013 Name of the database./PATH/TO/DATABASENAME.sql\u2013 The path of the database file that will be created.Now you have the the database in a zip file format, DATABASENAME.zip.New ServerTelnet/SSH into the new server.Download DATABASENAME.zip from the old server:wget www.oldserver.com/PATH/TO/DATABASENAME.zipUnzip the file:unzip DATABASENAME.zipImport the database file into your new server:mysql -u NEWUSERNAME -p NEWDBNAME < /PATH/TO/NEW/DATABASENAME.sqlUse the new MySQL database password when the server asks for password.Done.Note:NEWUSERNAME\u2013 This is the new username that you use to access MySQL.NEWDBNAME\u2013 Name of the new database./PATH/TO/NEW/DATABASENAME.sql\u2013 The path of the database file that you have extracted in New Server \u2013 Step 3.That is how to transfer a MySQL database to another server. I have used this technique a lot when migrating my blogs to a new server without any problem. So, good luck! \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/when-cloudflare-blocks-access-to-your-blog/", "title": "When CloudFlare Blocks Access to Your Blog", "body": "CloudFlare\u2019s Access Restricted page.I am usingCloudFlaresystem (thanks toLiewCF) to protect my blog from threats and limit abusive bots and crawlers from wasting my bandwidth and server resources. But the problem is,this intelligent system is currently blocking me from accessing my own blog!It is believed my computer or another computer on my network (P1 Wimax) has been infected by a virus and being used to send spam emails and attack websites. That is why CloudFlare has to block my connection and redirect me to theirAccess Restrictedpage (as you can see above).I have contacted CloudFlare reagarding this issue. For the time being, I have to complete the CAPTCHA if I want to access my blog. But the good thing is, I know that I can trust CloudFlare because it is really can prevent my blog from threats and malicious traffic attacks. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-block-websites-from-googles-web-search-results/", "title": "How to Block Websites from Google’s Web Search Results?", "body": "Personal Blocklist by GoogleSometimes when you do searching on Google, the results you get are not relevant with the keyword you typed. Most of the websites are just a low-quality website and spamming the search engines.To block the websites from re-appearing in your Google search results, you can use Google Chrome extension,Personal Blocklist. This extension will block the domain and you won\u2019t see it again when you do the searching in Google.However, you can always revoke a blocked site at the bottom of the search results. You can also edit the blocked websites by clicking on the extension\u2019s icon at the top right of the Google Chrome window.But just want to let you know, when you block a website, the URL will be sent to Google for their further analysis. With that, they can provide a better algorithm and also use it as a potential ranking signal for their search results.New Chrome extension: block sites from Google\u2019s web search results[via Google Blog]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/genesis-framework-whats-your-opinion/", "title": "Genesis Framework – What’s your opinion?", "body": "Genesis Framework by StudiopressIt\u2019s been 3 years since the last time I changed CypherHackz.Net theme layout on26 October 2007. This theme,CypherFS DarkSidewasdesigned and coded by myself. And I think it is time to have a fresh look of CypherHackz.Net and useGenesisas the framework.Why Genesis? Well mostly because I see there are some of the popular bloggers are using Genesis framework, likeProbloggerandCopyBlogger. I am not sure why these guy use Genesis but there might be a reason in behind.I still remember a quote that I learn during my study in year 2002,To follow the path:look to the master,follow the master,walk with the master,see through the master,become the master.If you want to become like them, you have to follow them and see what they use and learn how they work.FromStudioPresswebsite (the developer of Genesis) here is the list of what Genesis offers you:Genesis is Search Engine OptimizedGenesis Offers Great-Looking Turn-key DesignsGenesis Gives You Unlimited EverythingGenesis Gives You State-of-the-Art SecurityGenesis Lets You Update Your Site InstantlyGenesis Makes Customizing Your Site Incredibly EasyGenesis has Custom Widgets and Layout OptionsGenesis Designers You Can TrustCurrently I\u2019m in the designing process. Most probably after 2 or 3 months OR maybe at the end of this year,I will use new theme with Genesis framework for CypherHackz.Net.Anyway, I would like to hear your opinion. Have you used Genesis? What do you think? Good, bad?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/update-your-software-with-filehippo-com-update-checker/", "title": "Update Your Software with FileHippo.com Update Checker", "body": "I have many applications and software installed in my computer. But the problem is, I do not know when a new version of the software comes in and where can I get them. To check the software updates one by one, and go to their website would be very time consuming.Luckily I found a very nice tool,FileHippo.com Update Checker. This tool will scan your computer for installed software, check the versions and then send the information to FileHippo.com to see if there are any newer version have been releases. The result will be displayed in your browser with the download links. Easy right?Another best part with FileHippo.com Update Checker is, it is free and just over 200kB to download and only takes seconds to run. However, your computer must running on Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, ME or 98 to make it work. It also requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 which you candownload directly from Filehippo.com website, or the installer will prompt and download it automatically.But please keep in mind that not all programs are supported. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-print-a-list-of-directories-and-files-in-windows/", "title": "How to print a list of directories and files in Windows?", "body": "Today I received a request from a customer asking me to provide him a list of directories and files from his Windows laptop. It is an easy task if there is only one folder and three files but unfortunately, there are hundreds of folders and thousands of files in a Windows operating system.Luckily, I found a solution how to print out the list. To do that, I\u2019m usingKaren\u2019s Directory Printer. It can prints the list of directories and files into a hardcopy or to a text file.Karen\u2019s Directory Printercan print the name of every file and folder on a drive, along with the file\u2019s size, date and time of modification, attributes (Read-Only, Hidden, System and Archive). The list of files can also be sorted by name, size, date created, date last modified, or date of last access.Click here, if you wish to download orgo to the websitefor more info."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/facebook-will-end-on-15th-march-2011/", "title": "Facebook Will End on 15th March 2011", "body": "Mark Zuckerberg, creditjdlasica.Will you believe this? Facebook will be shut down on 15th March 2011?Mark Zuckerberg said that, Facebook has gotten out of control and become too stressful to manage. Because of that, he decided to close Facebook on 15th March 2011.\u201cI personally don\u2019t think it\u2019s a big deal,\u201d he said in a private phone interview. \u201cAnd to be honest, I think it\u2019s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That\u2019s always a good thing.\u201dWhen asked about money, Zuckerberg said \u201cI don\u2019t care about the money. I just want my old life back.\u201dI am not sure what will happen to us when Facebook is out from the Internet. What are we going to do without Facebook? There is no more status updates, give walls to our friends, and check out our family relatives new photos like we always do in the past years. Facebook has become a part of our life.The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website before March 15th. After that date, all photos, notes, links, and videos will be permanently erased.What\u2019s your opinion on this issue? Are you agree with him to close Facebook?PS:Some people says, it is just a hoax.Facebook Will End on March 15th [viaWeekly World News]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cypherfs-network-facelift/", "title": "CypherFS Network gets a facelift", "body": "I was so bored last weekend so I decided to redesign the template of my network site,CypherFS Network.Old \u2013 CypherFS NetworkNew \u2013 CypherFS NetworkThe design is validXHTMLandCSS. The best part that I like is the RSS script. It will pull latest RSS feed from my blogs and display them on the website. So the visitor can get a general picture of what the blog is about and the latest article from it.But the downside of the new design is it takes around 5-10 seconds to finish loading due to the multiple RSS requests. Sigh~"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/automatic-update-copyright-year-in-wordpress-footer/", "title": "Automatic Update Copyright Year in WordPress Footer", "body": "It is new year guys. Have you update the copyright year in your WordPress footer? Make sure it is year 2011 and not 2010. \ud83d\ude1bHere is a tip that you can use to automatically update the copyright year. Open up yourfooter.phptheme file, and add this line:

Copyright © 2005 \u2013 yoursitename.com

The PHPdate(\u2018Y\u2019);function will display the current year so you don\u2019t have to manually update the copyright year every year. \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/w3-total-cache-best-wordpress-cache-plugin/", "title": "W3 Total Cache – Best WordPress Cache Plugin", "body": "*** Happy New Year 2011 to all my readers\u2026 \ud83d\ude09 ***Previously, I was usingWP Super Cacheplugin to cache my blogs. Unfortunately, the plugin had made my blog vulnerable and a hacker was successfully infiltrated into my server through the cache folder created by the plugin. All my index files have been replaced with the hacker message. Since the incident, I have stopped using WP Super Cache.Right now, I\u2019m using another WordPress cache plugin called,W3 Total Cache. This plugin is the fastest and most complete WordPress performance optimization plugin. Various of popular blogs have using it such as mashable.com, pearsonified.com, lockergnome.com and others.W3 Total Cacheplugin will provide:At least 10x improvement in overall site performance (Grade A in YSlow or significant Google Page Speed improvements) when fully configuredImprove conversion rates and \u201csite performance\u201d which affect your site\u2019s rank on Google.com\u201cInstant\u201d second page views (browser caching after first page view)Optimized progressive render (pages start rendering immediately)Reduced page load time: increased visitor time on site (visitors view more pages)Improved web server performance (sustain high traffic periods)Up to 80% bandwidth savings via minify and HTTP compression of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and feedsTo install, just go to your Plugin page in WordPress Dashboard and search forW3 Total Cacheplugin. Click on theInstall Nowlink and it will be installed automatically. Happy caching your WordPress ya\u2026 \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/looking-for-an-internship-company-in-malaysia/", "title": "Looking for an Internship Company in Malaysia?", "body": "Dear students,Go toIntern.Mywebsite if you are looking for an internship company. They have list of companies that provide a place for university students to do their internship program.Employers who are looking for internship students can also post their job vacancies on the website. It is just RM100 (30USD) for each job submission which I guess not that bad because the job will be listed permanently on the website.But anyway dude, where\u2019s my coffee? (lol~ nice tagline eh?)"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-3-6-open-new-tabs-in-far-right/", "title": "Firefox 3.6 – Open New Tabs in Far Right", "body": "It is quite annoying when each time I open a new tab in Firefox 3.6, the new tab will be opened next to the tab I\u2019m viewing. I don\u2019t like it very much. The new tab supposed to open at the far right of the tab bar like in the previous Firefox versions.Luckily, I found the solution on how to fix that.In the address bar, type in:about:configFiltering the setting with:browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrentLastly, double click the preference name to change it to \u2018false\u2019.You don\u2019t have to restart your Firefox 3.6 as the change takes effect immediately. If you want to switch it back, just change the setting back to \u2018true\u2019."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/live-pagerank-now-supports-mozilla-firefox-3-6/", "title": "Live PageRank now supports Mozilla Firefox 3.6", "body": "One of my favourite Mozilla Firefox extension isLive PageRank. This extension will automatically check and show the pagerank of the page you are browsing at the lower right conner on your Mozilla Firefox browser.Previous version does not work in Firefox 3.5. However, the recent upgrade, version 0.9.7 is now supports Firefox 3.5 and Firefox 3.6. I am very happy with the upgrade as this extension is very useful for me to check my blogs pagerank."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/notepad-my-favourite-text-editor/", "title": "Notepad++ My Favourite Text Editor", "body": "PreviouslyI use EditPlustocode my WordPress themes. The coding process was a lot easier than using Notepad because I can do the undo process up to multiple levels, it supports syntax highlighting and also it will automatically backup the file whenever you click the Save button.However after I found out aboutNotepad++, I fall in love with it.Notepad++is a freeware text editor which I can say, it is the best Notepad replacement that supports several programming languages and also a good competitor to EditPlus.Notepad++is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size.Another great thing aboutNotepad++is it supports plugins. Kerasiotis Vasileios from Jeez Tech haslisted down several Notepad++ pluginsthat are great and necessary forNotepad++. Some of the plugins are quite interesting and I wish I can try them all and write a review here.But if you ask me which one is better betweenNotepad++and EditPlus, I personally will chooseNotepad++. If you are a WordPress theme coder, I recommend you to useNotepad++for your coding jobs. It is easier to code the theme usingNotepad++than using Dreamweaver or Notepad. Go to thedownload pageand get your copy for free."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wordpress-2-9-1-released/", "title": "WordPress 2.9.1 Released", "body": "After three weeksthe release of WordPress 2.9, the patch version WordPress 2.9.1 has come out to fix24 bugs foundin WordPress 2.9.As some of you may already notice, one of the bugs has affected the scheduled post feature where by the scheduling posts were not working and this was really annoying.Like for myself, I use this feature almost of the time. But when this bug came in, I had to post my articles manually during recent New Year\u2019s Eve even though at that time I want to hang-out with my friends.If you are using WordPress, I really recommend you to upgrade your WordPress to version 2.9.1 either by downloading it fromWordPress download page, or automatically upgrade from the notification link on your Admin Dashboard."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-automatically-scan-idm-downloaded-files-with-kaspersky/", "title": "How to automatically scan IDM downloaded files with Kaspersky?", "body": "I\u2019m usingInternet Download Manager(IDM) to take care all my downloads. Once it finished downloading a file, IDM will automatically callKaspersky Internet Security(KIS) to start scanning the downloaded file for any viruses or malwares that can harm my computer system.By default, IDM will not pass the downloaded file to KIS. If you want to do so, you need to configure it from the IDM options menu. Here I\u2019ll show you how:Open up theOptionsmenu in IDM.Click on theDownloadstab.Under\u2018Virus scanner program\u2019, browse your Kaspersky Internet Security or Kaspersky Anti Virus application and select it.eg: avp.exeIn the \u2018Command line parameters\u2018 field, type in:scan [File]Finally, make sure to clickOk.Now, whenever IDM finished downloading a file, it will request your Kaspersky scanner to scan the file automatically. So you don\u2019t have to run the antivirus scanner manually. Everything has been taken care by your IDM. Easy isn\u2019t it?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/echofon-best-twitter-add-on-for-mozilla-firefox/", "title": "Echofon – Best Twitter add-on for Mozilla Firefox", "body": "Echofon(formerly known as Twitterfox) is a great Mozilla Firefox add-on that I think it is a must-have add-on for those who tweets a lot. Echofon can helps you to get your friends updates, post new tweets and get messages directly from your Mozilla Firefox browser.The interface of the add-on is clean and it sits down at the Firefox status bar quietly when there is no incoming tweets received. However, when there is a new tweet arrived, Echofon will display a notification for 3 seconds (can be customized) at the lower right conner of Firefox and display the counter of unread tweets near the icon.Here are the notable features found in Echofon:Unread count in Firefox status barOne-click access to Twitter popup windowEasily post links to current page in FirefoxInstant notification of new Tweets within FirefoxSupport for multiple Twitter accountsHandles all standard Twitter tasks such as direct messages and mentionsSyncs unread tweets with your iPhone when you use Echofon Pro for iPhoneSupports custom sound effects for notificationMultiple color themes availableEasily post links to the current page in FirefoxI havetweeted a lot recentlyand Echofon is really useful to me. With Echofon, I can easily get the tweets from my friends and post new tweets while I browsing the web.Another great feature that I like the most is, it supports multiple Twitter accounts. This feature has saved me a lot of time to change between an account to another."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/winx-dvd-ripper-special-edition-free-download-on-1st-january-2010/", "title": "WinX DVD Ripper Special Edition – Free Download on 1st January 2010", "body": "As for a New Year gift to my lovely and loyal readers, I would like to share with you a great news here. On1st January 2010, there will be a one day free download ofWinX DVD Ripper Special Editionsoftware byWinX DVD. I have put the link to the download page at the end of this post. Make sure you bookmark the link and download the software on this coming Friday.Before that, do you know what isWinX DVD Ripper? WinX DVD Ripper is a free DVD ripper to backup general DVD to videos on your PC. If you have a DVD and would like to copy it into your PC as .avi file for an example, you can use this wonderful DVD ripper software to rip it out. It offers fast ripping speed with best video/audio quality and also capable to customize the output video by adjusting parameters, clipping video segment and grabbing picture from DVD videos.But recent DVD movies such as Transformers 2, The Dark Knight, Star Trek, UP, etc are protected with a new form of protections. Currently, there are rarely solutions to fix it, neither WinX DVD Ripper. However, with the special edition of WinX DVD Ripper which you can download it on this 1st January 2010, you can rip out the DVDs for personal use easily and quickly.Although the download link will only be available on 1st January 2010, but I already have the copy of the WinX DVD Ripper Special Edition for testing and personal use only. I have ripped out a few DVDs and keep the videos in my PC. It took about 1 hour and half to rip a DVD. The quality of the output video and audio is good and I really like it.If you want to have a copy of WinX DVD Ripper Special Edition, feel free to download it atWinX DVD Ripper Special Edition pageon this coming 1st January 2010. Thanks to WinX DVD for giving us this great software for free.ps:Probably this will be my last post for the year 2009. So I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all Happy New Year \u2013 2010. Enjoy the free gift! \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/sqlite-manager-firefox-extension-to-view-sqlite-files/", "title": "SQLite Manager – Firefox Extension to View SQLite Files", "body": "Firefox 3 using SQLite database to store all information of your website history, cookies and form history. Every websites you have visited, forms that you filled-in will be stored in their respective files.To view these files or any files with SQLite format, useSQLite Manager, an add-on for Mozilla Firefox. The interface of the add-on is simple and not too complex. Just click theOpenicon, and choose the SQLite file that you want to view.With SQLite Manager, you can create and manage your databases easily. There is also a tab where you can execute SQL commands to do the alteration.So, if you have a SQLite database to manage, don\u2019t purchase any expensive SQLite database software or viewer. Just download the SQLite Manager and use directly from your Mozilla Firefox for free."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wordpress-2-9-carmen-released/", "title": "WordPress 2.9 “Carmen” Released", "body": "A new version ofWordPress 2.9 has been released. The codename for the release is \u201cCarmen\u201d in honour of magical jazz vocalist Carmen McRae. You can either upgrade directly from your Dashboard or download it fromWordPress website.What\u2019s new? Yes, of course that is what you want to know right? Well, there is aTrashwhere we can restore back deleted comments or posts. Probably if you accidentally deleted a comment, you can restore it back by using Trash.Another interesting new feature is theImage Editor. Although I surely will not use it much but now you can crop, edit, rotate, flip and scale the images directly from the web.There is a useful new feature in \u201cCarmen\u201d which isBatch Plugin Update. Based from the details given in the WordPress blog, we can update 10 plugins at once but I don\u2019t see any option to do that in WordPress 2.9 Upgrade Plugin page. Maybe I miss something here.For more info you can visitWordPress blog. They have listed down the changes and new features in WordPress 2.9. So far, I have no problem upgrading to \u201cCarmen\u201d. Hopefully there is no serious bug or security issue in this new version. Kudos to the development team!"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/happy-4th-birthday-cypherhackz-net/", "title": "Happy 4th Birthday CypherHackz.Net", "body": "I bought the domain on 19th December 2005 and it has been 4 years I have been blogging at CypherHackz.Net.As usual, the main earnings for this blog is coming from Google Adsense. Although I received many emails from those who want to advertise their links but I have to decline their request. Sorry guys\u2026For this coming new year, maybe I will open guest posts on this blog. If you like to write articles on my blog and get some traffics, pleaselet me know.\r\n
\r\n\r\n[viaMicrosoft Support]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/6-weird-things-about-me/", "title": "6 weird things about me", "body": "I have been tagged byVincent Chow. It is about six weird things about myself. But first, here is the rules of this tagging game.Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog!So, here is my list:1. I eat a lot but I\u2019m thinYeah, although I eat a lot, eat chocolates, eat anything that can be eaten, my body still maintain like I\u2019m currently now. No fat, no sickness, nothing. I\u2019m healthy.2. Love chocolatesI love chocolates. Last time on my birthday, my girlfriend gave me chocolates and a watch as gifts. I really like it. Lol\u2026Want some chocs?3. Put pillow on my face when sleepBefore I\u2019m fall asleep, I will put pillow on my face (of course not covers my nose) and then I can continue my sleep.4. Do small businessLol\u2026 Although I\u2019m currently study at UTM, I still do some small business by selling junk foods at blocks. Does anybody want some? :pSmall business but high profit.5. I don\u2019t like football/soccerI\u2019m not really good in this sport. Thats why I don\u2019t like it, even the pc games. So don\u2019t ask me when will be the next match of this team against this team. Or you will hear,\u201cI don\u2019t know\u201d.6. NoneI don\u2019t know what else could be in #6.The Wanted 6EchesThilakTechnoviceCarolMadhurFriedBeef"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/be-cool-with-winamp-and-yahoo-messenger/", "title": "Be cool with Winamp and Yahoo! Messenger", "body": "If you listen to musics while chatting with your friends, I guess you need this thing to show them how cool you are. b-)Larkington\u2019s Yahoo Messenger Winamp Pluginis a additional feature that will set your Yahoo! Messenger status message to the title of the song currently playing on your Winamp. There are also some other Winamp plugins which are working with the same concept but this plugin is better than the others. And I\u2019m currently using it on my PC and this plugin works perfectly. <:-p\n\nBut if you have created custom Yahoo! Messenger status message, you need to delete all the messages because, this plugin will rotate the messages instead of displaying the song currently playing on your Winamp. :-w To delete the custom messages, you needYahoo! Messenger Status Edit.Don\u2019t wait any longer, download the plugin and be cool instantly! >:/ [tags]winamp, plugin, yahoo messenger[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hi-tech-baby-with-her-cellphone/", "title": "Hi-Tech Baby with Her Cellphone", "body": "Got this from email and found out it is funny, interesting and cute\u2026 Lol\u2026Babbling Baby Chatting On Her Cellphone\u2013www.metacafe.comBtw does your baby answers the phone when the phone ringing? \ud83d\ude15 [tags]funny, metacafe, video[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/vista-cursors-for-windows-xp/", "title": "Vista Cursors for Windows XP", "body": "If your computercannot support Vista, how about if you have the Vista cursors package on your Windows XP?To use it, just follow this simple steps.Downloadthe packageExtract it and right-click on file install.ini and choose InstallGo to Control Panel and select MouseClick on Pointers and under scheme chooseAero Cursors (Alphablended).Click Ok and feel the Vista cursors in your Windows XP \ud83d\ude09[tags]windows, windows xp, vista, cursor[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/command-conquer-3-tiberium-wars-demo-screenshots/", "title": "Command & Conquer 3 – Tiberium Wars Demo Screenshots", "body": "Here are some screenshots taken from thedemo versionas requested byMadhur Kapoor. Sorry for taking so long to update because the wireless access point that I\u2019m always use to connect was close. And I had to connect to other access point which is much much slower.C&C3 \u2013 Main MenuIn demo version, you can only play the GDI Campaign Demo and one skirmish map. But maybe there will be more maps available in the final release though.Briefing for the missionFor each mission, there will be a briefing to make sure what you need to do to success the mission.Loading time\u2026While waiting for the mission finish loading, you can read the information given in the display.The gameplayYour battlefield will look like this. As I said before, the units and structures design are fantastic. The designers who create this game really put their heart in it. I really like the look of each items in this game. Five stars to them. *Clap, clap, clap.Overall, I can say that, the long wait for this game had been paid up. And I wish that Command & Conquer will continue their success in making real-time startegy games like this. Congrats and good luck! [tags]ea, command & conquer, tiberium wars, pc game[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/command-conquer-3-tiberium-wars-demo/", "title": "Command & Conquer 3 – Tiberium Wars Demo", "body": "Have you try it yet,Command & Conquer 3 \u2013 Tiberium Warsthe demo version? I did. Although it is only a demo but the graphics and gameplay are really great. I love the new design of each units and structures in this game.The landscape, dusts flying, everything are fantastic and smooth. It\u2019s look like a real. Because of I not playing C&C for a long time, it takes time for me to familiar with the concept use to buy and control the units. To move units from a place to a place is differ from before. You need to right-click to move them and left-click on the ground to deselect them.The demo file size is 1.14Gb. Yea, it is really big but it is worth. I downloaded it at night so I can sleep and leave the download till it finish. You can start your download fromhere.I can\u2019t wait the final release. If my dad know about I have the demo version, I\u2019m sure he also want to play it too. He3. :d [tags]command & conquer, pc game, tiberium wars, ea[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cypherhackznet-banned-in-china/", "title": "CypherHackz.Net Banned in China", "body": "Yup, it is true that my site has been banned in China. I\u2019m not sure why it get banned. I don\u2019t see any threat cause from my site. So, guys at China, sorry because your country\u2019s firewall is blocking my site url from getting through to your desktop.Btw for those who are not sure whether your site get banned in China or not, you can test it atGreat Firewall of China. And let see, how many websites in the banned list.[tags]china, firewall[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/4-reasons-why-use-gmail/", "title": "4 Reasons Why Use Gmail", "body": "Have you watched Gmail Theater yet? This theater (video) is about the features and reasons why you should use Gmail. Here are the 4 reasons:Gmail blocks spams before it even gets to your inboxGmail organizes and automatically groups emails into conversationsGmail helps you easily find any emailBuilt-in chat means quick, real-time communicationIf you want to use Gmail, you can join bysign-upfor free. No more invitation needed.[tags]gmail, features, google, email, video[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/shutdown-day-a-day-without-pc/", "title": "Shutdown Day – A day without PC", "body": "Here is the deal. Do you dare to shutdown your PC and will not touch it within 24 hours?Some of you may say, \u201cOf course I can. I still can breath even I throw away the PC\u201d. But maybe some of you will immediately say, \u201cNo! I can\u2019t live without my PC. Please let us live together\u2026\u201dWell, there is a challenge for those who are computer geeky, computer lover or anyone who using computers everyday in their life. I challenge you to shutdown your PC and don\u2019t ever touch or use any computers within 24 hours start onShutdown Day(24 March 2007). If you can cut your hand away from keyboard and mouse, I admit you are cool. :pCypher:I don\u2019t think I can keep my PC off more than 8 hours.[tags]shutdown, pc[/tags][viaQuick Online Tips]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/i-am-selling-and-buying-drugs-interested/", "title": "I am selling and buying drugs. Interested?", "body": "Yes. I am bored with blogging. There is no point if I continue blogging if the profit I got not much as I be a drug dealer or in a best word,Drug Lord.If you are a Drug Lord, you can earn more and more and more money than blogging. You can buy anything you want with the money you get. Thousands, millions or even billions money you can make per week. So lets playDrug Lordpc game and be a successful drug dealer. :pLol\u2026 I\u2019m just kidding. I will not leave all my blogs dead. Actually I started playing this game when my pc can\u2019t connect to the Internet. Because of bored with the day with no Internet, I play the game. I have installed it a quite long time though but just start playing it in 2, 3 days ago.Drug Lord is about you as a wannabe drug dealer want to earn and get more profit by selling drugs. The more you buy, the more you sell and the more you can earn. But it is not as easy as that. You need to know where is the cheapest place to buy drugs, where is the highest place to sell them and how to analyze statistics.There are many drugs available in this game. Cocaine, Crack, Morphine, Ecstasy, Hashish, etc. You can buy drugs anytime you want but for me, I buy the drugs when the prices gone down and sell them all when the prices are outrageous high. It is really fun when you earn millions at once. :dFeaturesSix available ranks. You start off as a wannabe and with luck and skill can work your way up to Drug Lord.Many cities, each with their own market.Loan sharks to lend you money.A wide array of weaponry to fight off those who come after you.Graphical history of drug prices for each city.Drug vaults for when you don\u2019t want to take them with you.Drug price viewer that shows the price of a drug in every city.Easy-to-use user interface.Fun cheesy sounds!But as the author of this game said, \u201cDon\u2019t sell drugs! Don\u2019t buy drugs! And never ever use drugs!\u201c. So don\u2019t ever sell, buy or use drugs in real life. This game is just for fun only. I will not take any responsibilities if anything happens to you. Play safe and nice, ok? [tags]drug lord, drug, game, pc game[/tags]Download Drug Lord 2.2"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/badge-for-malaysian-technology-blogs-network/", "title": "Badge for Malaysian Technology Blogs Network", "body": "I\u2019m glad to announce, our FeedburnerMalaysian Technology Blogs(feed) network now has it own\u2019s badge.This badge was designed byIzzatz. So for those who are in the network, why not put it at your sidebar as to increase our network subscribers. And make sure to linkback the badge to the network or there is no point you add it to your site. :pMalaysian Technology Blogs is a small technology blogs network that I create to combine all good stuffs from fellow Malaysian tech bloggers. Want to join? Checkthis postout. \ud83d\ude42 [tags]feedbuner, network, malaysian technology blogs, feed[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-free-legal-3-months-kaspersky-license-key/", "title": "Get Free legal 3 months Kaspersky License Key", "body": "For those who are using \u201cillegal\u201dKasperskylicense, now you can get free 3 months legal Kaspersky license key. \ud83d\ude42Go here(don\u2019t bother with the langguage \u2013 german) and enter your email in the box and click the button below it. After awhile, check your inbox and you will get 3 months legal Kaspersky license key for free.Btw do you even heard aboutNod32? I moved from Kaspersky and currently using it right now. I think it is greater and lighter than Kaspersky. Check thecomparison charts. Nod32 only use 4% of resources. Other than that, based on someone\u2019s experience, Nod32 detection for zero-day attack is far better than other antivirus products. ;)[tags]antivirus, kaspersky, license, key, software, nod32[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cms-the-grabber-the-ultimate-rapidshare-downloader/", "title": "CMS The Grabber – The Ultimate Rapidshare Downloader", "body": "Note:New CMS The Grabberhas released. New version is 1.4.8. [Last update: 29 May 2007]It is a pain when we need to wait about an hour after we finished download file fromRapidshare. But for those who havePremium account, they can continue their downloads. Because of that, some helpful programmers create programs that can \u201ccheat\u201d Rapidshare so we (not Premium users) can use it to continue or download multiple files from Rapidshare. But the question is, which one is the best? There are many out there. \ud83d\ude41Lol\u2026 Don\u2019t be sad. Cheer up! :p Here is my choice,CMS The Grabber \u2013 The Ultimate Rapidshare Downloader!Because it allows you using multiple proxies, you can download multiple files at once with CMS The Grabber. Some Rapidshare downloaders only grab links from Rapidshare.DE but CMS The Grabber can grab links from both domain, .DE and .COM. And you can forward the links to your download manager (see the image above \u2013 \u201cSend to Download Manager\u201d). But the best thing is, it is FREE\u2026 :d But still, you can donate to the developer if you want to.Btw what rapidshare downloader you are currently using?TryUse CMS The Grabber. I recommended it! :d Click on the download link below if you want to use it now. \ud83d\ude09 [tags]rapidshare, cms grabber, the grabber, download, software[/tags]Download:CMS The Grabberv1.4.7CPassword:www.cmszone.orgMD5-Hash (of the RAR file, not .EXE):cbe24f2dbc75917fef750bce8bb75b42ImportantAfter you download the program check MD5 hash of the RAR file to be sure it is clean (download the MD5 utility fromhereand run MD5GrabberArchive.rarin the console window \u2013 cmd).Run the program immediately (necessary to activate it)KeepGrabber.EXEandGrabber.INIfiles in a safe place. WithoutGrabber.INI, the program may be deactivated at any time; with it, it will work forever (or until rapidshare changes its site(s)).Note:Grabber.INIis valid only for your computer. It will not work on another computer.For more info, you can visit the forumhere."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/fix-stumbleupon-bug-issue-in-sociable-plugin/", "title": "Fix StumbleUpon bug issue in Sociable plugin", "body": "I\u2019m usingSociablewordpress plugin and found out there is a bug with the submit entry link toStumbleUpon.In sociable.php file, find line 305 to 308 and replace the line with this:'StumbleUpon' => Array('favicon' => 'stumbleupon.png','url' => 'http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=PERMALINK&title=TITLE',),I have contact the author. Hopefully he will fix this issue in the next version. [tags]stumbleupon, stumble, plugin, wordpress plugin[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/calling-all-malaysian-technology-bloggers/", "title": "Calling all Malaysian technology bloggers", "body": "I\u2019m calling all Malaysian bloggers who blog about technology to join my FeedBurnerMalaysian Technology Blogsnetwork. I got this idea after I readTech Buzzpost aboutIndia Technology Blogsnetwork which coordinate byQuick Online Tips. So I decided to create one for Malaysian bloggers.Why you should join? Well, besides you can increase your feed readers, you also can earn money if advertisers advertise in our network. More feed subscribers, more chances earn money. But it is not my main objective. I just want to gather all Malaysian technology bloggers in one network only. \ud83d\ude42For those who want to join, you cancontact meand I will consider to send you the invitation. But first, make sure you areMalaysianand your blog is aboutTechnologyandupdate regularly. :d After you join the network, put the badges, or chicklets, or anything to promote our network on your site. The best place is to put link at the sidebar. So we can get more feed subscribers.Here is thenetwork feed. And if you want to advertise in the network, you can do so by clickinghere.More info:FeedBurner Networks[tags]feed, feedburner, network, feedburner ad network, malaysia[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-delete-yahoo-messenger-status-messages/", "title": "How to delete Yahoo! Messenger status messages", "body": "Yahoo! Messengeris a well known instant messenger client where people use to chat with their family, friends or with other peoples. It also includes an option which we can set our own custom status message to be displayed beside our name in our friend\u2019s messenger buddy list.Old custom status messages will be replaced by the new one. That\u2019s why Yahoo! does not include options to delete the status message history. But some people want to delete the status messages but they don\u2019t know how.Clear/Edit YahooMessenger Status Historyis a small utility coded with VisualBasic that will clear out your custom status messages. You can select which Yahoo! user ID in your computer that you want to edit and start change or delete the status messages for the ID. And you also can changing available custom status messages from the drop down list in your messenger. [tags]yahoo, yahoo messenger, messenger, tool, software[/tags]Download Clear/Edit YahooMessenger Status History"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/kawaii-hello-kitty-wants-to-clean-your-keyboard/", "title": "Kawaii Hello Kitty wants to clean your keyboard", "body": "This is not a joke. Hello Kitty really wants to clean your keyboard. But before she can do her works, she want you to plug her to an empty USB slot. :pHello Kitty USB-powered keyboard cleaner is a product that will clean dusts and germs from your keyboard. With two seperate cleaning heads, this kawaii (Japanesse translation for \u2018cute\u2019) Hello Kitty can finish her jobs perfectly. And while you cleaning your keyboard with Hello Kitty keyboard cleaner, how about if you listen your favorite songs withHello Kitty MP3 player. Sounds cute huh? :dHello Kitty Hell[viaEngadget] [tags]hello kitty, usb, keyboard, cleaner[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/is-your-system-ready-for-windows-vista-upgrade/", "title": "Is your system ready for Windows Vista upgrade?", "body": "Many peoples talk aboutWindows Vistanowadays. It is kind of the ultimate product fromMicrosoft. From the graphics used, the new systems and softwares version embed, and everything else.But to runWindows Vista(Vista) as smooth as it is to be, you must make sure that your computer is ready for Vista. Vista need, urm\u2026 well\u2026sort of high system performance. If you are not sure whether your computer system is ready for Vista or not, take your PC toVista Readinesstest.Vista Readinesswill check your system and see if your current system specifications are compatible with Vista or not. It will perform 7 tests and you must run the tests in Microsoft Internet Explorer. This is because, Vista Readiness will run ActiveX to gather all the informations needed for the tests.After that, Vista Readiness will display the result. There will be two categories, Minimum Requirements and Recommended. For Minimum Requirements, it is the basic specifications needed to run Windows Vista Basic. But Vista Readiness not recommend you to upgrade your current Windows to Windows Vista unless your system passed the Recommended specifications.Btw there is another tool to check your system,Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor.Windows Vista Upgrade Advisoris a 32-bit application that will help you to determine if your Windows XP-based PC can run Windows Vista.Downloadthe application and run Upgrade Advisor.But I have a question to ask, if your computer is ready for Vista upgrade, will you upgrade it? [tags]windows, microsoft, windows vista, vista, software[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/crack-windows-password-with-ophcrack-live-cd/", "title": "Crack Windows password with Ophcrack Live CD", "body": "Here is the situation. You just changed your Windows admin password. The next morning when you boot your PC, you can\u2019t remember the password to login to your Windows. You got nervous and don\u2019t know what to do. Every passwords you entered were wrong. But, be calm\u2026 Every problems have their solutions. :pAll you need isOphcrack, a Windows password recovery tool. Borrow someone PC, download the tool and burn it in CD. Then boot your PC with the Live CD and Ophcrack will start do its work. But make sure to set your BIOS to 1st boot from CD or you will end up with boot in Windows. Launch the program and wait the password to be retrieved.Or in 4 easy steps:DownloadBurnLaunchand Wait :dCypher:Create a strong password but still can be remembered. For an example, you want to make a password with \u201ccypherhackz\u201d. You can change it into \u201ccyph3rh4c| Run > type \u201ccmd\u201d > Ok. In the command prompt, go to the file directory and type this:delfilename.extensionYea, replace the filename and extension with the filename and it\u2019s extension. Eg: notepad.exe.2. Safe ModeIf you find it is difficult to delete from command prompt, you can delete in Windows Safe Mode. When the computer boot up,press F8. An options screen will appear and chooseSafe Modefrom the list.When boot up in Safe Mode, Windows will run only small amount of processes and you can delete the file without any problem.3. Use UnlockerTo use command promptt, you need knowledge to handle it. To delete in Safe Mode, you need to boot up in Safe Mode and takes time. But to use a software is another method that you can use to delete the in-use file.For software, I suggest you useUnlocker. Unlocker is a freeware tool (people love free things right :p ) that you can use to unlock the software from being locked by another program or process.After you install it,right clickon the in-use file and chooseUnlockerfrom the pop-up menu. A new window will appear and clickUnlock Allto unlock the file and delete it.Download Unlocker"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-extensions-you-should-avoid/", "title": "Firefox extensions you should avoid", "body": "Attention to allFirefoxusers. There are some Firefox entensions that you should avoid. This is because the extensions will collect data and uniquely identifying users without notifying them. To be safe, you should disable and remove the extensions from your Firefox usage.List of extensions that you should avoid can be found atMozillazine Forum. And I suggest you forward this post on your site too."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/the-pr-update-begins/", "title": "The PR Update Begins", "body": "In myprevious post, I said that Google maybe will update the pagerank in this month and it is most likely on 7th January. And comment fromecheshas support my post. Google have recently started updating their datacenters.After I read his comment, I go check my pagerank. And the result is, almost datacenters display 5 for my pagerank. Duh\u2026 \ud83d\ude41 Maybe in one or two days later, they will finish update all the datacenters and my site will be stay on 5 until the next update.Actually I already knew that I will get PR 5 two days ago fromiWebtool prediction. It shows that my site will get PR 5. But although I got pagerank 5, it is not the end of this site, right? Lol\u2026 :dBtw I want to share another pagerank checker that might interested you to check out. This checker is different from the others pagerank checker available on the Net. You can try it here,PR Diff.Ahh..btw what is your pagerank? \ud83d\ude15 [tags]pagerank, page rank, pr, google[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/weekly-highlights-week-1-2007/", "title": "Weekly Highlights (Week 1, 2007)", "body": "Some posts fromWeek 1, 2007(1st \u2013 7th January 2007) that might interested you to read. \ud83d\ude09Are you ready for the next PR update?No Updates will make your site loose in Visitors"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/i-got-a-degree-in-blogging/", "title": "I got a degree in blogging", "body": "This is really an honor when you get a degree from The University of Blogging. But what will be your expression when you get a bachelor inComment Spamand major inEmo? Am I a spammer? :((The University of BloggingPresents toCypherHackzAn HonoraryBachelor ofComment SpamMajoring inEmoSignedDr. GoQuiz.com\u00c2\u00aeGo-Quiz.com[viaAreeb\u2019s Online]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-unblock-xmlrpcphp-from-your-host/", "title": "How to unblock xmlrpc.php from your host", "body": "My WordPress xmlrpc.php file been blocked by my hosting due to some security issues. And because of that, incoming trackbacks will get 403 forbidden error. Thats why even you have linked back to my posts, there will no trackbacks appear in the comments.To fix the problem,Techgurlshad make a post about how to unblock xmlrpc.php from your website hosting. Just put this into your .htacess file and upload it in your root.SecFilterInheritance OffLet see how many trackbacks I will get after I upload the .htaccess file. :p"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/no-updates-will-make-your-site-loose-in-visitors/", "title": "No Updates will make your site loose in Visitors", "body": "Maybe some of you wonder why there are no updates in my website recently. This is because the internet connection in my room has been terminated and I need to renew it for this second semester. But the bad news is, the internet provider in my college not yet open their business for this semester. So I cannot renew it right now. I\u2019m not sure when they will open back the internet. Hopefully as soon as possible so I don\u2019t have to wait any more longer. And this post was make from my friend\u2019s comp who is have internet connection.This had happen to my site many times. When there are no updates, your site will loose in visitors. Via the reports fromWordPress Reportsplugin, I can see the decreasing of visits and pageviews when there is no update on my site. Keep updating your site regularly will attract more visitors to your website. But how? When you update your website, as inWordPress, it will automatically ping your new content toPingomatic. And Pingomatic will ping it to various websites to notice them that your site had updated. From that, people will know about the new published content and will come to your site to read it.And don\u2019t forget to ask them to be loyal readers by subscribing to your site feed. As you may noticed, in every single page of my post, I included a linked image to myRSS feed. With this, new readers that interested with your site will click on the link to subscribe to your site feed. So, the readers will get latest update in their feed aggregator when you post new content to your website.I have make a post abouthow to subscribe RSSfeed fromFeedReader, a free RSS aggregator that you can use to subscribe and read RSS feed. This RSS reader is easy to use and the file size is small. If you have some money to spend, you can useFeedDemoninstead. FeedDemon is another feed aggregator that works great and I currently using it right now.Because of no internet access, I have make some draft posts by using Blogdesk (readmy review). I hope I will get the internet on next week, so I can publish them to my site. Till then. See ya later\u2026 \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/are-you-ready-for-the-next-pr-update/", "title": "Are you ready for the next PR update?", "body": "InDigitalPoint forum, their members are discussing about when will be the next Google Page Rank (PR) update? Some of them say that it will be this 7 January. Some of them say 15th Jan. Some say this, some say that. All of us doesn\u2019t know exactly when will the next PR update is.Last update, my site\u2019s PR improves from PR 5 to PR 6. And based on the prediction fromIwebtool, for the next update, my site will still in PR 6. Hopefully the prediction will become true. Lol\u2026 :dTo increase PR is not that difficult but to maintain to where you already are, is where the challenging comes into place. You can get high PR easily but after you get the high PR, you need to maintain it. Of course you don\u2019t want to loose the PR right? So that\u2019s why you need to work hard even you already at the peak of a mountain. \ud83d\ude42Some new bloggers may not know about what is the important of PR. With high PR, you can make your website as a platform to earn money online (read myfive ways to earn money online). Higher PR means that your site is valuable and popular on the Net. With that, more people will come and visit your site and the chances for you to make money online are bigger.If your site has PR 4 and above, I suggest you to joinText Link Ads(TLA). Currently, TLA is my primary online incomes and I have earned a lot from it. Because TLA pricing is also based on PR, the higher your PR, the more money that you can earn from it. Focusing to get high PR is a must if you want to make more money from TLA.Anyway, some peoples don\u2019t bother with PR. They have their own way and perception on PR. As for me, PR is important for a website. But not to forget, the content of your website is the most important that you need to take care. I don\u2019t like to say this but it is true that content is the king. Just remember that, the PR comes from your content.Good contentwill drive traffics and backlinks. Focus on the content and the high PR will come to you.So, whenever the next update is, whatever your next PR is, I wish you all the best. Good luck everyone! \ud83d\ude42 [tags]pr, page rank, pagerank, google, backlinks[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/happy-new-year-2007/", "title": "Happy New Year 2007", "body": "Just a short post to all my readers. I\u2019m wishing you Happy New Year. \ud83d\ude42I have make my own goals that I want to achive for this year. Hopefully I will achive all of them at the end of 2007. [tags]new year, 2007[/tags]And below are the list of my top 10 best posts for year 2006.Change Text on WinXP Start ButtonHow to Advertise Your BlogGet FREE mp3 Downloads from GoogleA must have 10 WordPress plugins for your websiteReduce Firefox Memory Usage when MinimizeTips on how to name your AdSense ChannelsHow to Remove AdSense PSAs from Your Website?4 Tips on How to handle Firefox Memory UsageMake your Own WordPress Theme4 Tricks to Shut Down your Windows"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/tag-five-ways-to-earn-money-online/", "title": "Tag: Five ways to earn money online", "body": "After few days I answeredFive Things About this Not Known Bloggertag, again, I have been tagged byAshok. But this time, it is about how to earn money online? Here is my 5 ways on how you can earnn money online.1. Text Link AdsWhy I putText Link Adsin the first place? It is because TLA is my primary online income. The second place is Google AdSense (see below). With TLA, you can earn much if your website have good traffic and high page rank. The design of you website also count for the pricing too.2. Google AdSenseThis is a well known website monetizing nowadays. Many people have successful and earn so much money from it. If your site has good contents and high paying keywords, you can get even $2 per click. Some people made $10 per click. Interesting huh? :p3. Sponsored LinksIf you noticed on my sidebar, there is a Sponsored Links section. Top 5 links are my sponsored links. They pay me for three months to put the links on my site. Below the 5 links are from TLA.4. AffiliateJoin affiliates and earn money when people join the program or buy things from the affiliate. I have joined some of affiliate program such asMalaysiapalandTradepub Magazines.5. Sell things onlineLastly, you can earn money online if you do online selling. Sell anything that you don\u2019t need but it is still useable. Sell old comics, books, toys, etc might help. [tags]monetize, tag, tla, adsense, adbrite[/tags]Next 5 peoples?I think many peoples use the same way to earn money online. But maybe some of them use different methods to earn money online. If you have, could you please answer this tag. So next 5 peoples are:YouYouYouYouand, You :p"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/diskeeper-took-two-days-to-defrag-my-windows/", "title": "Diskeeper took two days to defrag my Windows", "body": "This is really first time for me. Few days ago, I asked my readers whatdisk defragmenterthey are using. Among the suggestions, I choseDiskeeper 2007 Professionaljust want to try it\u2019s performance. After installed the defragmenter, I run the application.The Defrag ProcessFirst, I start defrag my E (installed applications; 60Gb) drive, then D (my documents, works, etc; 40Gb). Both drives only took about 10 minutes to finished. My first impression is, I think this will be my best disk defragmenter. But the next thing that happen had completely chopped down the impression.After defragged E and D, I defrag my C (Windows files; 20Gb) drive. But do you know how long does it takes to defrag my C drive? Almost two days taken to defrag the drive and even two days, it is still not finish defrag the C drive. It is only 81% completed and suddenly Windows gave me warning that there is not enough space in my C drive. Maybe Diskeeper used to much space when defrag and forcing Windows to give the alert. So after one day and hours waiting, I stopped the defrag process and restart my computer. After the computer restarted, the C drive back to normal and 7Gb free spaces available in the drive.My opinionSo my opinion is, Diskeeper requires a lot of disk space to defrag hard disk. So make sure that you have quite a lot of free spaces before you decide to use this software.Your Opinions?But maybe those who have using Diskeeper for long time know better than me. Does this ever happen to you? Usually how long does it take to defrag your Windows drive? [tags]diskeeper, disk, defragmenter, drive, fragmentation, windows[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hooray-its-back-to-normal/", "title": "Hooray! It’s back to normal!", "body": "It seems like thedisasterthat happen to almost internet users in Asian has over. :d On 12.40am (30 December 2006), my internet connection has back to normal where I can surf the Internet freely without need to wait so long just to open a single page. \ud83d\ude41From the news that I read, it will takes 2 to 3 weeks to repair the damaged caused by the earthquake in Taiwan. But maybe the workers work 24 hours, make this problem solved faster than the time predicted. Thanks to you guys! \ud83d\ude42How about you guys? See any improvements in your connection? [tags]earthquake, taiwan, internet, connection[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/4-tricks-to-shut-down-your-windows/", "title": "4 Tricks to Shut Down your Windows", "body": "There are many methods that you can use to shut down your computer. The normal way is click onStart > Turn Off Computer > Turn Off. But here I will share with you how you can shut down your computer in different ways. \ud83d\ude421. The fastest wayI always do this when I want to shutdown my computer. Just press theWindows key(on the keyboard) and pressU keytwo times.2. Shutdown from desktop[viaCarol]Create a shortcut on your desktop.Right click > New > Shortcut. In the box, enter this:SHUTDOWN -s -t 01and click Next. In the next prompt, enter the name for the new shorcut (eg: Shutdown PC).Optional #1:Right click on the shortcut and choose icon for it.Optional #2:Drag the shorcut to your Quick Launch for faster approch.3. From Task ManagerHold Ctrl + Alt + Del to openTask Manager. In Shut Down tab, chooseTurn Off.4. Super duper the fastest way:dYou only can use this if your keyboard equip with the Power button. Just press the button and leave your PC to shut down. :pMore tips and tricks can be found here:CypherHackz\u2019s Tips & Tricks Collection. [tags]tips, tricks, windows, shut down, how to[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/webhosting-special-promotion-3gb-for-only-rm80/", "title": "Webhosting Special Promotion – 3Gb for only RM80", "body": "This is a special promotion for those who want to buy website hosting. The cheapest hosting that you can found in the internet is here. With onlyRM80, you can get3Gb of spaceand5Gb of bandwitdth. Not only just that, you also will get unlimited subdomain, mysql, email aliases and much more.Surfers Std Hosting Plan:RM 80/Year3 GB of webspace50 GB of monthly bandwidthSurfers Extra Hosting Plan:RM 120/Year5 GB of webspace80 GB of monthly bandwidthSpecification Summary:Cpanel RVSKIN with Multi-Languages (LINUX Platform Only)PLESK 7.5 For Windows (Windows Platform Only)Support Up to 15 Add-On Domain (Linux Platform Only)Unlimited SubdomainUnlimited Email AliasesUnlimited MYSQL DatabasesUnlimited MSSQL Databases (Windows Platform Only)Unlimited MS Access Databases (Windows Platform Only)All our features, andAll our guaranteesMore info:Internet Webhosting Special Promotion Package.Cypher:As far as I use their service, there are not many problems occur. And if there is a problem, they will fix it as soon as possible. I really recommend it for those who are looking for hosting. It is really cheap and affordable.[tags]hosting, website, promotion, package, web hosting[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wanted-best-disk-defragmenter/", "title": "Wanted! Best Disk Defragmenter", "body": "I\u2019m looking for disk defragmenter (other than Windows built-in) that gives good optimization and works without produce any problems to my PC. Does anyone know any best disk defragmenter software? I know there are plenty defrag tools out there but I want to hear from you guys, based on your experiences.I triedPerfectDiskand it gave me death blue screen after it finished analyze my hard disk. Duh\u2026 So I uninstalled it.UltimateDefragalso not so good because my comp got some errors after it finished defrag my hard disk. Maybe there is something missing while the defrag process. \ud83d\ude41So guys, what disk defragmenter you are using? Mind to share with me?[tags]defragmenter, defrag, tools, windows[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/earthquake-in-taiwan-distrupted-entire-asia-network/", "title": "Earthquake in Taiwan Distrupted Entire Asia Network", "body": "This morning, I got an email from my hosting provider. In the email, they said that the earthquake in Taiwan has distrupted entire Asia network when two undersea cables (SeaMeWe 3 and APCN2) are damaged.That\u2019s why the internet connection is so slow right now. I even can\u2019t get access to some websites because of this problem. I\u2019m sure entire Malaysia and Asia face the same problem. And here is the news from Rediff,Earthquake off Taiwan hits cables, BPOs unhurt.An earthquake off Taiwan on Tuesday night, measuring 6.7-7.1 on the Richter scale, knocked out Internet links to India for 20-25 minutes and affected Reliance Communications\u2019 FLAG and VSNL\u2019s SEA-ME-WE-3 under-sea cable systems, even as telecommunications around Asia was severely disrupted, with Internet services slowing and financial transactions being hindered, particularly in the currency market.Other related news:Powerful earthquake off Taiwan\u2019s coast disrupts communications across parts of AsiaStrong Earthquake Shakes TaiwanCypher:Because of this problem, I can\u2019t update my site as usual. It takes so long to open my website and some other sites from here. When the connection back to normal, I will post back with the updates.[tags]earthquake, internet, connection, taiwan, news[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/transformers-in-cinema/", "title": "Transformers in Cinema", "body": "Transformers will come into cinema on July 2007. I really can\u2019t wait to watch the movie. The way the vehicle transforms to robot is really fantastic. I marked this movie as Must Watch Movie. :dTransformers Movie[viaAmanz] [tags]transformers, movie, cinema, mech[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/tag-five-things-about-this-not-known-blogger/", "title": "Tag: Five Things About this Not Known Blogger", "body": "I have been tagged byAshish Mohta. Here are the five things that you did not know about me.Eat a lot\u2013 Yea. I eat a lot but my body still maintain. Ho3. Not big, not small. :pLove old songs\u2013 I love to listen to old school Malay rock songs like Qiara \u2013 Hanya Padamu, Terrarosa \u2013 Bunga Angkasa.Don\u2019t like games\u2013 Although I install many pc games, but I rarely play them.Study when I have mood\u2013 I will not study if I don\u2019t have the mood to do so. So, the best way to fill the free time, I surf the Net. :dKeeping secrets\u2013 I am good in keeping secrets. Lol\u2026 :d I have many friends that who got problems or anything that they want to share, they will talk to me and ask me to keep what they said. Till now, I still keep their secrets and never told to anyone. \ud83d\ude42Other five peoples:[tags]tag, blogger, tagging[/tags]LiewCFInfomalayaFriedbeefNashrexMohd Ismail"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/be-the-malaysian-wordpress-translator/", "title": "Be the Malaysian WordPress Translator", "body": "This is a great opportunity for those who are really have much time to spend. For Malaysian peoples, you can be theWordPress Translatorto translate the English strings for WordPress.com.This project is for those who are speak in English and another language (Eg: Malay) to make WordPress.com available in their national language.This is a project where people who are speak English and another language can make WordPress.com available in their language of choice for themselves and their country.Based on therankings, currently, Bahasa Melayu has only finished about 500 words (still increasing). There are about 3000 words need to translate though.This is not limited to Malaysian only. It is open to all. There are many languages that you can translate. If you interested and don\u2019t have any things to do, go and participate in the project. Wishing you good luck! \ud83d\ude42 [tags]translate, dictionary, translator[/tags]Thanks toEjon. :d"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/test-website-design-in-various-browsers/", "title": "Test Website Design in Various Browsers", "body": "Sometimes the website that we design looks good in browsers that we use. But do you know, some browsers does not support our design and will break the design layout. Because of that, we need to test it in multiple browsers. But how?Browsershots.orgis a website that give you free service to take screenshots on your website design in 9 different browsers.DilloEpiphanyFirefox 1.5Firefox 2.0GaleonKnquerorMozillaOperaSafariWith the screenshots, you can see and edit your site theme to make the design looks perfectly in various browsers. It useHere is my website screenshots taken while ago,CypherHackz.Net Screenshots. From the screennshots, it seems like I need to do something with the email subscription form. Need to edit it a little bit. Duh\u2026 #-o [tags]browser, screenshot, design, website[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/i-won-premium-link-prize/", "title": "I won Premium Link Prize", "body": "I joined Ashokpersonal contestabout the Technorati Favorite. Anyone who add him to their favorite list, they will get chance to get the Rs500. And the winner for the contest isSunny Cool. He3. It is not me. Lol\u2026I only won theconsolation prizewhich is my site link is been put on Ashok\u2019s site header for a month. Well\u2026at least I won something right? :d Thanks to Ashok.Btw does anyone interested to add me in your Technorati Favorite? Just add me in your list and leave a comment here. I will add you once I make sure you had done so.Here is the link to favorite me:Add this blog to my Technorati Favorites![tags]technorati, prize, win[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/happy-1st-birthday-cypherhackznet/", "title": "Happy 1st Birthday CypherHackz.Net", "body": "Happy Birthday, CypherHackz.Net!!!Today is CypherHackz.Net\u2019s birthday. Inone year, CypherHackz.Net has improved so much. From PR0, it has been moved to PR5. And currently it has gain another step to PR6. Beside than that, there are so many changes made to this website. From the design till the structure used. Here are the header that I used in this one year.And as the birthday gift, again, I make another theme for this site. Lol\u2026 After I knowhow tomake aWordPress theme, I get so excited to make more themes. He3. I named this theme, CypherFS Kay2. The pronounce isK2. It is not because I use the K2 technology, but it is just I feel like it. :d I Well, I hope this is the last one. Maybe the next birthday I will make another theme as a gift for this site.My wishes:I wish that CypherHackz.Net will be well known one day. And this website will get more visitors and traffics in the future. Good luck to you, CypherHackz.Net! \ud83d\ude42 [tags]birthday, cypherhackz, website[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hook-up-your-usb-to-the-2-kg-gold-bar/", "title": "Hook up your USB to the 2 Kg Gold Bar", "body": "If you have gold bar, would you put it and showing it to your friends? Lol\u2026Put away common USB Hub and use this USB Gold Bar Hub to amaze your friends with this. This 2 Kg weight USB Hub is painted with gold colour and make it really looks like a gold bar. It powered by AC Adapter and supports up to 8 USB ports.Thanko[viaThe Raw Feed]Cypher:The gold shining that coming from the surface really make me thought it is a gold bar at the first place. Lol\u2026 :d[tags]usb, gold usb hub, usb hub[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/shorten-long-url-with-tinyurl/", "title": "Shorten Long Url with TinyURL", "body": "Long URL will make it difficult to copy and paste it in the browsers. And sometimes it also can break the website design. Because of that,TinyURL.comexists to shorten the long url.What you need to is, go to theTinyURLwebsite and paste the long url into the form box. After that, click\u201cMake TinyUrl!\u201d. TinyUrl.com will give you a shorten url that you can use to replace the long url. This tiny url will re-direct people who clicked on it to the long url location.TinyURL Tips:You can use TinyURL to hidden your affiliate links. :dWordPress Tips:There is a plugin available for you to use to shorten the long url. You can download the plugin here,Chunk Urls for WordPress. [tags]tinyurl, short url, url, long url, wordpress, plugins[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/weekly-highlights-week-50-2006/", "title": "Weekly Highlights (Week 50, 2006)", "body": "Some posts fromWeek 50, 2006(11th \u2013 17th November 2006) that you might want to read. \ud83d\ude09Make Your Own WordPress ThemeCustomize your FeedBurner Headline Animator"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/customize-your-feedburner-headline-animator/", "title": "Customize your FeedBurner Headline Animator", "body": "Do you want to change your FeedBurner Headline Animator from the old-school styleto like thisSome of you may already knew about it. Now we can use our own custom image for our headline animator. Just create your own design, then go toFeedBurneraccount. UnderPublicize, go toHeadline Animatorand inCustomize Your Headline Animator, choose\u201cDesign your own\u2026\u201d.There you can customize the title, date and headline for your headline animator. You can decide the colour, font size and width. And you also can drag to arrange them on your image.Btw what do you think with my feed animator design? The idea I use is from this WordPress theme. Lol\u2026 :d [tags]feedburner, headline, animator[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/make-your-own-wordpress-theme-part-7/", "title": "Make your Own WordPress Theme – Part 7", "body": "You are reading Make your Own WordPress Theme \u2013 Part 7. To read other parts, click on the link below.Part 1 \u2013 The LayoutPart 2 \u2013 HeaderPart 3 \u2013 IndexPart 4 \u2013 CommentPart 5 \u2013 SidebarPart 6 \u2013 FooterPart 7 \u2013 Finish!Yay\u2026 This is the final part for my Make your Own WordPress Theme tutorial. As I said in thefirst part, my tutorial only covers basic parts needed to make your own WordPress theme to work. So, there are some other advanced method that I didn\u2019t mention here.Beside than use single index.php file, you also can modified it to single.php and page.php file. What it does is, single.php will use to display your post in single display, while page.php is use to display your page.Other files that you can create arearchive.phpsearch.php404.phpYou can get more info inWordPresswebsite andWordPress codex.I hope this tutorial will give you some little helps to guide you in making your own WordPress theme. If you has successfully make your own theme from this tutorial, feel free to give comments or post a link on your website that you learn it from here. I really appreciate it. :d I\u2019m sorry if there are so many grammar mistakes (I\u2019m sure there are) or you did not understand some parts in this tutorial.What I will do next? Hurm\u2026I guess I need some rest. Lol\u2026 Just kidding. I will update this site as usual. I will post new and interesting stuffs here. Till then. Thanks for your time\u2026 \ud83d\ude42 [tags]diy, how to, skin, theme[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/make-your-own-wordpress-theme-part-6/", "title": "Make your Own WordPress Theme – Part 6", "body": "You are reading Make your Own WordPress Theme \u2013 Part 6. To read other parts, click on the link below.Part 1 \u2013 The LayoutPart 2 \u2013 HeaderPart 3 \u2013 IndexPart 4 \u2013 CommentPart 5 \u2013 SidebarPart 6 \u2013 FooterPart 7 \u2013 Finish!Now we are in the second last part in my Make your Own WordPress Theme. In footer, you can put your credits or anything that you want. But make sure don\u2019t forget to putbefore like this.
your footer text goes here
Some plugin need this tag to make it work. So if you decided to make your theme to public, make sure to put it in your theme.Next,Part 7 \u2013 Final!:d [tags]diy, how to, skin, theme[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/make-your-own-wordpress-theme-part-5/", "title": "Make your Own WordPress Theme – Part 5", "body": "You are reading Make your Own WordPress Theme \u2013 Part 5. To read other parts, click on the link below.Part 1 \u2013 The LayoutPart 2 \u2013 HeaderPart 3 \u2013 IndexPart 4 \u2013 CommentPart 5 \u2013 SidebarPart 6 \u2013 FooterPart 7 \u2013 Finish!For sidebar, there are some WordPress tags that we can use here. For an example, to display the pages, categories, archives, etc.First what we will do is to put unordered list to make it easier to manage our sidebar. Here what I mean.In sidebar id, we put the
  • like this.
    • our sidebar content goes here
    Because we can use CSS, so it will be better if do like this.
    • sidebar title

      • sidebar link1
      • sidebar link2
      • sidebar link3
    So we can make each section has their own title and content. For an example, we display our site categories like this.
    • Categories

    Some of you may noticed that I did not include
  • tag for the Category. This is because WordPress already list down the output in
  • and
  • . So we no need to put the
  • .Some other WordPress tags that you can use in sidebar.php\u2013 display Monthly Archives

    \u2013 display our site categories\u2013 list down our BlogrollYou can get more tags here,WordPress Template Tags.Here is the sidebar code that I make that you can use in your sidebar.php

    • Pages' ); ?>
    • Archives

    • Categories

    Next,Part 6 \u2013 Footer. [tags]diy, how to, skin, theme[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/make-your-own-wordpress-theme-part-4/", "title": "Make your Own WordPress Theme – Part 4", "body": "You are reading Make your Own WordPress Theme \u2013 Part 4. To read other parts, click on the link below.Part 1 \u2013 The LayoutPart 2 \u2013 HeaderPart 3 \u2013 IndexPart 4 \u2013 CommentPart 5 \u2013 SidebarPart 6 \u2013 FooterPart 7 \u2013 Finish!In Part 4, we will learn steps taken to make our comments.php file. First I will show you how to create the layout for the comments and then we will put the tags needed.This comments.php will be called by our index.php file when we view our entry in single or page. The function that will call the file isNote:This part is kinda tricky. So make sure you give 300% of consentration. :dComments LayoutWhat we are going to do now is to create our comments layout. We will make layout like this.Open your text editor and put this html code in and save it as comments.php.
    comments list here
    comments form here
    In comments_list, we will display the comments in ordered way. So we replace \u201ccomments list here\u201d with ol and li. In li, we will put the comment author name and his comment.
    1. comments author here
      comments text here
    We will not touch our comments_form right now because we will just copy and paste the html + php code in it. It is not easy to explain how it works unless you have php background. \ud83d\ude42Now we jump into the WordPress tags needed in our comments.php.Put this code above our comments idpost_password)) { // if there's a passwordif ($_COOKIE['wp-postpass_' . COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password) { // and it doesn't match the cookie?>

    This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.

    like thispost_password)) { // if there's a passwordif ($_COOKIE['wp-postpass_' . COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password) { // and it doesn't match the cookie?>

    This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.

    , we put the if function. If it is comment, WordPress will display the comment.Put the above if function like this
    The next thing that we will do is to loop the comments. We start looping after the
      . Put this loop, after the
        tagand with this functionlike this
        1. and
        2. here. see below.
        Now we will focus in our loop. Put your eyes and mind on it. Ok? Good\u2026 :p Ok here is our comments list start with
      1. and end with
      2. .
      3. comments author here
        comments text here
      4. We replace our
      5. with this
      6. \u201d id=\u201dcomment-\u201d>What it do is, the class will change to odd if the comment is odd number. So you can stylish your comments list with CSS.Then for the comment author, we replace with thisThis will display the author name with link to his website.Next is we replace \u201ccomments text here\u201d withIt will display the comment in our website.Some of you might use the comments moderation option. So we need to tell the commentator that we need to moderate the comments first. To do this, we put this if function before our comment_approved == '0') : ?>Your comment is awaiting moderation.Lastly, put this before the Hopefully, your comments_list will be like this.
        1. \" id=\"comment-\">
          comment_approved == '0') : ?>Your comment is awaiting moderation.
        But it is not finish yet. We need to end our if that we declare previous with this. Just put this code after the comments_list div.comment_status) : ?>

        Comments are closed.

        The Comments FormOk here we will put the form for visitors to give comment to our post. But we need to make sure that the visitors can see the comments form if the comment status is open. To do so, we need this function to check it.comment_status) : ?>We put that function above our comments_form class like this.comment_status) : ?>
        But maybe you like people has to login first before they can give comment. So we need to put this code after check the comment status.

        You must be /wp-login.php?redirect_to=\">logged in to post a comment.

        And they will look like thiscomment_status) : ?>

        You must be /wp-login.php?redirect_to=\">logged in to post a comment.

        This is the easiet part. Just copy and paste all of this into your comments_form class.
        /wp-comments-post.php\" method=\"post\" id=\"commentform\">

        Logged in as /wp-admin/profile.php\">. /wp-login.php?action=logout\" title=\"Log out of this account\">Logout »

        \" size=\"22\" tabindex=\"1\" />

        \" size=\"22\" tabindex=\"2\" />

        \" size=\"22\" tabindex=\"3\" />

        \" />

        ID); ?>
        comment_status == \"open\" && $post->ping_status == \"open\") { ?>

        \">Trackback this post  | 

        comment_status == \"open\") {?>

        ping_status == \"open\") {?>

        \">Trackback this post

        After the comments_form, make sure to end our if.Finally, our comments.php will be like this.post_password)) { // if there's a passwordif ($_COOKIE['wp-postpass_' . COOKIEHASH] != $post->post_password) { // and it doesn't match the cookie?>

        This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.

        1. \" id=\"comment-\">
          comment_approved == '0') : ?>Your comment is awaiting moderation.
        comment_status) : ?>

        Comments are closed.

        comment_status) : ?>

        You must be /wp-login.php?redirect_to=\">logged in to post a comment.

        /wp-comments-post.php\" method=\"post\" id=\"commentform\">

        Logged in as /wp-admin/profile.php\">. /wp-login.php?action=logout\" title=\"Log out of this account\">Logout »

        \" size=\"22\" tabindex=\"1\" />

        \" size=\"22\" tabindex=\"2\" />

        \" size=\"22\" tabindex=\"3\" />

        \" />

        ID); ?>
        comment_status == \"open\" && $post->ping_status == \"open\") { ?>

        \">Trackback this post  | 

        comment_status == \"open\") {?>

        ping_status == \"open\") {?>

        \">Trackback this post

        Next,Part 5 \u2013 Sidebar. [tags]diy, how to, skin, theme[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/make-your-own-wordpress-theme-part-3/", "title": "Make your Own WordPress Theme – Part 3", "body": "You are reading Make your Own WordPress Theme \u2013 Part 3. To read other parts, click on the link below.Part 1 \u2013 The LayoutPart 2 \u2013 HeaderPart 3 \u2013 IndexPart 4 \u2013 CommentPart 5 \u2013 SidebarPart 6 \u2013 FooterPart 7 \u2013 Finish!Now we will going into the hard part. Index.php file is the core file in our theme file.Hopefully your index.php will look like this. (ReadPart 1 \u2013 The Layout)
        Call Template FilesNow what we want to do is to call our header.php, sidebar.php and footer.php into our index.php file. To do this we need these functions. \u2013 This function will call our header.php file \u2013 This function will call our sidebar.php file \u2013 This function will call our footer.php filePutabove main id andandbelow the main id like this.
        The LoopOk whats next? Now we are going to dive into the WordPress loop. Yay\u2026 :d This loop is use to display our posts on our website.The loop start with thisand will end with this. I will explain why we need \u201celse:\u201d later. \ud83d\ude42After the, make sure to close the if with.Put all these functions in our main id and our index.php will be like this.
        Now we will focus in the loop. In loop, we will make three div classes. This is use to put our post title, post content and post date, time, etc.Remember, we are only focus in the loop. Put these div\u2019s in the loop.
        post title here
        post content here
        post tag here
        Our loop will look like this.
        post title here
        post content here
        post tag here
        Post TitleFor the post title, we use these tags. \u2013 Call our post id to put in our post_title div as id \u2013 Call our post url \u2013 The title of our postIn post_title class, we create our post title with link to the post. Here is the HTML + PHP code.\u201d rel=\u201dbookmark\u201d title=\u201dPermanent Link to \u201d>And include the post id in our post_title div and it will look like this. Post ContentIn content, we only need one tag to call our post content. The tag that we will use is this.Note:You can change \u201cRead more\u2026\u201d to something else.
        Post TagIn post tag, I usually put date, time, category and link to the post comment. And I also put a link to edit the post (only viseable if login). \u2013 Call post date \u2013 Call post time \u2013 Call post category \u2013 Call the comment link \u2013 Call the post edit linkWe put all these tags into our post_tag div.
        | | | |
        Done! Phew\u2026 #:-sCall the CommentsAfter we end with the post part, we need to call our comments (will be discussed in Part 4 \u2013 Comment). Use thisand put it before the endwhile tag.If 404 ErrorMaybe some of you wonder why I put \u201celse:\u201d after the endwhile. It is use to display an error text if the page/post is not available.Just type in any text that you want to display after the else tag. I will type this.Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn\u2019t here.And it will look like this.Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.Finally your index.php hopefully will become like this. \ud83d\ude42
        | | | |
        Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.
        Next,Part 4 \u2013 Comment. [tags]diy, how to, skin, theme[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/make-your-own-wordpress-theme-part-2/", "title": "Make your Own WordPress Theme – Part 2", "body": "You are reading Make your Own WordPress Theme \u2013 Part 2. To read other parts, click on the link below.Part 1 \u2013 The LayoutPart 2 \u2013 HeaderPart 3 \u2013 IndexPart 4 \u2013 CommentPart 5 \u2013 SidebarPart 6 \u2013 FooterPart 7 \u2013 Finish!Part 2 will be more detail on things and functions needed to put in your WordPress header file. Open your header.php file.My WordPress Theme
        Now, we are going to put wordpress functions into our header. We start with the title first.Because WordPress is dynamic, so we can make our site has dynamic title by put thisbetweenand. This tag is use to call the title of the page.<?php wp_title(); ?>But to make the title more interesting, we use the title tag with other PHP codes.Just copy and paste this code between and .Tag Archive for archive Search for at - And it will look like this<?php wp_title(''); if (function_exists('is_tag') and is_tag()) { ?>Tag Archive for <?php echo $tag; } if (is_archive()) { ?> archive<?php } elseif (is_search()) { ?> Search for <?php echo $s; } if ( !(is_404()) and (is_search()) or (is_single()) or (is_page()) or (function_exists('is_tag') and is_tag()) or (is_archive()) ) { ?> at <?php } ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?> - <?php bloginfo('description'); ?>The next thing that we will do is to import our stylesheet file to be use in our theme.This tag will return our stylesheet url. Put this tag after . But make sure that your CSS file named with style.css.There are some other tags that we need to put in. Just copy this code below and paste it before \" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" /> RSS Feed\" href=\"\" />\" />\" />Last thing that we need is to putin header.php.Finally, your header.php file will look like this.<?php wp_title(''); if (function_exists('is_tag') and is_tag()) { ?>Tag Archive for <?php echo $tag; } if (is_archive()) { ?> archive<?php } elseif (is_search()) { ?> Search for <?php echo $s; } if ( !(is_404()) and (is_search()) or (is_single()) or (is_page()) or (function_exists('is_tag') and is_tag()) or (is_archive()) ) { ?> at <?php } ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?> - <?php bloginfo('description'); ?>\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" /> RSS Feed\" href=\"\" />\" />\" />
        Next,Part 3 \u2013 Index. [tags]diy, how to, skin, theme[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/make-your-own-wordpress-theme-part-1/", "title": "Make your Own WordPress Theme – Part 1", "body": "After I released myfirst WordPress themeto public, I make another theme for my site,CypherFS Royale. Then an idea sparkling into my head. Why not I make a tutorial on how to make WordPress theme to public? I\u2019m sure there are many peoples are looking to make their own theme for their website. So lets get started.But before we proceed, I want to tell you first that this tutorial only covers on how to set the layout and the tags or functions needed to make your WordPress theme works perfectly. It is really basic. I will not teach you html, css and php here. You need to learn them by yourself. There are many tutorials available on the net. I\u2019m sure you can found them in ease.Ok, I split this tutorial to 7 parts. Here are some details for each part.Part 1 \u2013 The LayoutPart 2 \u2013 HeaderPart 3 \u2013 IndexPart 4 \u2013 CommentPart 5 \u2013 SidebarPart 6 \u2013 FooterPart 7 \u2013 Finish!Let\u2019s begin the Part 1 \u2013 The Layout.The best thing in using WordPress is we can divide our theme into section. Eg: header.php, index.php, etc. But before that, we need to create our theme layout first. To do it, we start with blank html file. Btw theme that we will make here is two columns theme.Now open your favourite text editor such as Notepad. For me, I use EditPlus. It is easy to use and each tag has each colour code. After you open your text editor, we start building the layout.Type this into your text editor and save it as index.html.My WordPress ThemeThat is really basic. Now we are going to create sections in our index.html file. We will use
        tag here. So prepare your CSS to beautify your theme. Ok now we put in the
        tags.My WordPress Theme
        As you can see from the code above, I end the close div tag with a comment to make me easier to trace the close div tag belong to which div\u2019s id.Ok now we have the sections that we want. The next thing that we will do is to divide each section to their own PHP file. This will save our time if we want to edit our theme in the future. PHP files that we will create are:header.php \u2013 contains the headerindex.php \u2013 our main filesidebar.php \u2013 sidebar section will be herefooter.php \u2013 our footer fileNow divide the sections to their own file. Copy and paste them into each file. Make sure to save them in .php extension. Each file will looks like this.header.phpMy WordPress Theme
        Next,Part 2 \u2013 Header.In thereal examsof350-001, people do learn to make wordpress themes. However it is not until you have done yourVCP-310as well as640-802, that your work reeks of finesse. There can be work produced by70-290as well as70-291but that is basically crude."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/the-new-interface-of-cypherhackznet/", "title": "The New Interface of CypherHackz.Net", "body": "Hey guys! What do you think with the new look of CypherHackz.Net? I start coding the template on 4th December and because of this site use graphic as the background, so it takes time to finish it up. At first I want to use this theme on this coming 19th December as a birthday gift for the domain. It will become one year old. but I can\u2019t wait ya know. Lol\u2026This theme name is CypherFS Royale. I chose Royale as the name because the idea of this design is from my XP theme which isRoyale.But the problem is the html file is too big. About 60kb per page. Do you know how to reduce it? The best html file should be below 20kb.This theme should valid XHTML and CSS but because I use the feedburner chicklet and some other scripts make it not valid anymore. Duh\u2026Btw does this site load slow? [tags]site, theme, wordpress[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/display-adsense-in-certain-posts-in-wordpress/", "title": "Display AdSense in certain Posts in WordPress", "body": "Jamesemailed me on how I display my adsense in certain posts. As you can see on my homepage, there is an adsense above the content in my first post. And after the first post, there is another post that has adsense but without content. To do it, you just need to put a counter. We create the counter by using PHP.First we need to declare the variables that we want to use.$postnum\u2013 This variable use for count how many posts in the loop$showads#\u2013 This variable is use the adsense that we want to display.Note:Replace the # with number, eg: 1, 2, etc.Ok here is the trick. Put this PHP code before the loop.So your WordPress index.php file will look like this:Next what we want to do is to put the Adsense code in our post. Here is how to do it. Just put this if function before the content tag.... your adsense code goes here ...And finally we increment the counter value with this code before the endwhile tag.Your index.php will look like this:After you put all the code above, your WordPress index file might look like this one.
        ... your adsense code goes here ...
        If you want to only display the ads without the content, just use the if function. Ok here is the example. Let say we want to display the ads after the third post.
        ... your adsense code goes here ...
        But make sure you put the function in the loop or it might not work. I hope it is clear. If you have any problems regarding this, feel free to give comments or email me. Thanks for your time. \ud83d\ude42PS:I hope this entry helps, James. :d[tags]adsense, tips, php[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hack-feedbuner-chicklet-button/", "title": "Hack FeedBuner Chicklet Button", "body": "Usually the FeedBurner chicklet that we see is like thisHow about if we change it to something different likeororTo do it, just put this following code&label=hackedafter the image url. It is really simple. :d [tags]hack, tweak, feed, feedburner[/tags]Digital Inspiration[viaQuick Online Tips]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/got-my-first-adsense-check/", "title": "Got my first AdSense Check", "body": "Ha3. Know what? I got my firstAdSensecheck today. Kinda happy. Aboutone year(that link was posted in Malay) I\u2019m waiting to get this check. Lol\u2026 How lame\u2026 My blog will be one year old this coming19th Decemberand I guess this check is a gift from Google. :dI took some pics of my adsense check but couldn\u2019t transfer them to my comp because I didn\u2019t bring my phone camera cable with me. Duh\u2026It is not really hard to make money from adsense. If your site has good traffics, you can earn the money easily. Btw my site is not really high in traffics. That\u2019s why I waited about a year just want to hold this check. \ud83d\ude42Beside than AdSense, I had join other site monetizing such asText Link AdsandAdBrite. Currently Text Link Ads is my primary online money incomes. :d[tags]adsense, check, cheque, money[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/4-tips-on-how-to-handle-firefox-memory-usage/", "title": "4 Tips on How to handle Firefox Memory Usage", "body": "As we know, Firefox has problem with the memory usage. It makes the Firefox load slow, use too many resources and drag our computer down. Here are 5 tips on how you can use to handle and improve Firefox memory usage.1. Reduce memory usage when minimizeThis tip will reduce the memory usage when each time youminimize your Firefox. Actually what it does is, Firefox will let Windows to claiming back the memory used when it minimize.Startup FirefoxType inabout:configin the address bar and hitEnterRight click and chooseNew > BooleanTypeconfig.trim_on_minimizein the pop-up box and hitEnterSelectTrueand hitEnter.Restartyour Firefox2. Fixed cache capacityEvery time new page is loaded, Firefox will cache the page so it doesn\u2019t need to load again to be redisplayed. By default, this setting was set to -1 which mean, Firefox use the cache memory depends on your RAM size. Here is how to fix the cache capacity use for your Firefox.Start upFirefoxTypeabout:configin the address bar and hitEnterIn the filter, enter this stringbrowser.cache.memory.capacityIf you set to0, Firefox will not cache any pages. If you want to customize to other value, readhere.Note:browser.cache.memory.enablemust beTrueif you decide to change the integer.3. Limit pages stored in memoryEvery page you viewed will be stored in memory. Although it looks like the same as cache, but it is differ. Firefox will save the page you visited in memory to let improve its performance when you click Back and Forward button. The string that handles this setting isbrowser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewersStart upFirefoxTypeabout:configin the address bar and hitEnterIn the filter, enter this stringbrowser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewersBy default, it was set to -1 which mean, Firefox will automatically decide maximum pages to be stored in memory. Change the value to0willstop Firefoxfrom store any pages in memory. If you want to use other value, readherefor more info.4. Use less extensionThis is really simple tips. Use tomany extensionswill let your Firefox to use more RAM. Use only extensions that you usually use to minimum the memory usage. Uninstall unwanted extensions because some of the extensions can cause memory leak. And upgrade your extensions to the latest version may fix the problems.Extra TipsActually I want to make this as tip number 5 but it is not really a tip. It is just extra information about Firefox in dealing with memory. If you want to know your current memory usage, you can type thisabout:cache?device=memoryin the address bar and hit Enter. Firefox will display your current number of entries, maximum storage size, storage in use and inactive storage. [tags]firefox, tips, tricks, memory, ram, extensions[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/my-second-article-got-published-in-ezine-articles/", "title": "My Second Article got published in Ezine Articles", "body": "I submitted my entry aboutTips on how to name your AdSense ChannelstoEzine Articleslast month and recently I got an email from them that the article I sent has successfully approved on their website.I decided to submitthe articlebecause I think it is worth to share with others especially the adsense publishers on how they can name their adsense channels for better tracking in the reports. The format that I use to rename my channels is really easy. Here is the format that I use:[site/theme]_[file]-[location]-[ads type]Explanations for the format above has been explained in my post. For more details, read the entry here,Tips on how to name your AdSense Channels.The first article that I submitted to Ezine Articles is aboutHow to Advertise Your Blog. It is mainly focus about how you can use free services such as Ezine Articles to promote your blog. Read the entryhereand start advertise and promote your blog. \ud83d\ude42Btw I have a question to ask. Do you mind if your articles gotplagiarised?[tags]adsense, channel, articles, promote, blog[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/calculate-your-adsense-earnings-with-adsense-calculator/", "title": "Calculate your AdSense earnings with AdSense Calculator", "body": "This freeAdSense Calculatorwill let you to pre-calculate your AdSense earnings. It based on your page impressions, CTR and CPC.No time limitationsIntegrated with AdSense HelpAutomatically notified when there is a new version[viaBlogIsEverything] [tags]adsense, calculator, adsense calculator, adsense earning[/tags]Edit:Thanks for the comments. The link has been edited. Please try again! :d"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-theme-tulus-10-beta-by-bat/", "title": "WP Theme: Tulus 1.0 beta by Bat", "body": "ActuallyBatand me want to release our theme (my theme:CypherFS Bliss) together. And this is the theme designed by Bat fromInfomalaya. Another Malaysian wordpress theme maker.Theme Name: TulusTheme URI: http://www.infomalaya.comDescription: 3 column theme. Easy to customized.Version: 1.0Author: Mohd Huzairy@Bat Mohd RezuanAuthor URI: http://huzairy.wordpress.comThis theme name is Tulus with version 1.0 beta. It is 3 columns with fixed width and nice header. Clean and neat with white background. He also has included the .psd file for the header so you can edit the header image as you wish.For a demo, you can visit the theme here,Tulus 1.0 betaand for download here is the link:Tulus2.zip[tags]themes, skin, tulus, infomalaya[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-theme-cypherfs-bliss-v120061204/", "title": "WP Theme: CypherFS Bliss v1.20061204", "body": "At last here is the release of my first public theme for WordPress. Some of you may already know about the name. This theme name is CypherFS Bliss with version v1.20061204. Why the version looks kinda weird? Well that is my types of naming a theme version. Lol\u00e2\u20ac\u00a6 He3.This theme is valid Xhtml and CSS. If you wish to download the theme, you can visit the theme page here,WP Theme: CypherFS Bliss. Thanks for your time. [tags]themes, skins, cypherfs bliss[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cypherfs-bliss-demo/", "title": "CypherFS Bliss Demo", "body": "I\u2019m testing myCypherFS Blisstheme at my personal blog website. You can view thedemoon that site.And here is the latest screenshot:Not many changes made. And I will release this theme in about two or three days later. [tags]wordpress theme, skin, theme, cypherfs bliss[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/my-wordpress-theme-97-finished/", "title": "My WordPress Theme – 97% Finished", "body": "The WordPress theme that I currentlyworking onis about 97% finished. Just there are some little things that I need to do. I hope it will be released as soon as possible.This two sidebars theme name isCypherFS Bliss. There is a reason why I include \u2018FS\u2019 in choosing the name. :-j Well here is the screenshot:So from the screenshot above, what do you think? Have any comments or suggestions? \ud83d\ude42 [tags]wordpress, themes, skins, cypherfs bliss[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-gone-wild-with-101-extensions/", "title": "Firefox gone wild with 101 Extensions", "body": "Wonder what your lovely Firefox will looks like if you use so many extensions? See the pic below.This is sure crazy. What this guy doing with all of those extensions in his Firefox? Beside it will takes so long to open the Firefox, it also will eat the ram (read here:how to reduce firefox memory usage) so much. Unless this guy has 2Gigs of ram in his comp. But\u2026it still eat the ram right? \ud83d\ude15Digg[viaTech-Buzz][tags]firefox, entensions, plugins[/tags]Cypher:I only use 13 extensions for my Firefox."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/improve-your-english-online/", "title": "Improve your English Online", "body": "I am not good in English \ud83d\ude41 and because of that, I am still learning to improve it. Lol\u2026 Shame on me. :p I admit that I start learn English when I was at 4 years old but till now I still not good in this international language. Right now, blogging is the platform that I use to to improve my English. Maybe you all had noticed that my entries got so many grammar mistakes and I am sure that there are some errors in this entry. And recently I visited my friends\u2019 sites and I stop by to a post about he want to improve his English. Thanks toarajaebecause he put a link to a website that I think it is worth to share here.Thinkglish, which currently is in Beta is a website thatyou(I guess I should use we here) we can register and learn on how to improve our English. This prThere are four steps to follow and only takes a few minutes per day. This free programe includes with English Podcasts and Vodpodcasts. So I think it is worth for trying if we really want to.Cypher:Sorry for all grammar mistakes that you found in my entries."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/applied-for-public-bank-debit-card/", "title": "Applied for Public Bank Debit Card", "body": "Last week I have applied forPublic Bank debit card. Because I am still a student so I could not afford to use a credit card. So get a debit card is the only option for me.I applied for debit card because I want to activate my Paypal account. Really want to activate it. As soon as possible is better. At first, I thought I can useBSN Matrixcard because it has Visa Electron. But when I type in the card number, it got rejected. And after asked in MalaysiaBloggers forum, they said that BSN Matrix card is useless. It is not accepted anywhere in online. Duh\u00e2\u20ac\u00a6Why PB debit card?Well first I can\u2019t use BSN Matrix card, that\u2019s why I applied it. Beside than I am still a student, so I choose a debit card rather than credit card. If we use debit card, we can manage our spending properly. We only can use the debit card if there is money in it. So no need to pay the monthly bills. To topup the money into the card, just need to cash-in into our account. And the annual fee is cheap. Just RM24 per year.Cypher:Really hope that I will receive the debit card next week.[tags]bank, debitcard, malaysia, visa, visaelectron[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-test-your-php-scripts-locally/", "title": "How to test your PHP scripts locally?", "body": "How do you test your PHP scripts? Upload them to your website server and test them one by one, or you test them locally on your computer first before upload them to the server?To test my PHP files, I useWAMP. With WAMP, you can make your computer act as a website server. Before I knew about WAMP, I always upload my PHP files to web server to test them. But after one of my friends, name Azhar (I called him Ja\u2019a) told me about WAMP, I now will test the scripts locally in my computer before I upload them to my site. [tags]wamp, wampserver, php[/tags]What is WAMP?WAMP is stands forWindows \u2013Apache \u2013MySQL \u2013PHP. These are services that are needed to make your computer act as a server. When you install WAMP, WAMP will automatically configures them to work together. So you can test your scripts before you upload them to your server.Do I really need WAMP?If I were you, I will definitely install and use this software. This tool is really useful. Let say that you want to edit your wordpress site theme. After you have edit the theme, how you want to know whether the theme that you have edited contains no errors. As myself, I always edit my theme. I don\u2019t know why, but I love to. He3. When I edit the theme, I will test it first. If it is not ok, I will edit it again until I satisfy. Then after all are finish, I will upload it to my website.I can\u2019t wait. Where I can get it?Hold on bro\u2026 He3. This software is free to download. Its size is about 17Mb. The latest version was released on 2nd November 2006 contains with latest version of PHP, My SQL, Apache and php My Admin. For more info and to download the software, you can visit their websiteHERE."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/easy-auto-update-your-copyright-in-footer/", "title": "Easy Auto Update your Copyright in Footer", "body": "For those who like to put Copyright [year] in footer might like this trick. It is just simple trick by using php date function. Usually we see a copyright at footer like this:Copyright \u00c2\u00a9 2004 \u2013 2006www.website.comBut when the next year come, you have to edit the footer for the next year. But with php, it will save your time. Just put this code:Copyright \u00c2\u00a9 2004 - www.website.comin your footer and you no need to update your footer every year. It will automatically change to the current year.[viaWPMalaysia][tags]php, copyright, auto update[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/akismet-alone-is-not-enough/", "title": "Akismet Alone is Not Enough", "body": "There are many anti-spam plugins available on the net that you can use to prevent your website from getting/blocking more spams in comments or trackbacks. Some of them are working just fine and some of them are too strict which even blocking human visitors (there are two types of visitors, human and robots) from visiting your website. I\u2019m sure many of WordPress users useAkismet(wiki) as their website spam protection because it comes in the installation package. But using Akismet alone is not enough. Why?Akismet will check the comment entered and compare it with the database in Akismet web service. If it found that the comment is a spam, it will block and waiting you to decide whether to delete or de-marked it as spam. If you only use Akismet plugin, you will get about 10 or 30 (maybe more) spams caught in one day. And some of the comments maybe came from legit visitors comment or we can say good comments. Do you will use the all-delete button or you will analyze each comments one by one?Here is the Akismet statistic that I pull out from Akismetstats page:Total spam: 372,630,209Total ham: 27,310,898The total spams caught still increasing. And what we can do as Akismet user to slow down the increasing rate? To reduce these spams, you need to use some other plugins to help Akismet from doing so many jobs. I personally useMath Comment Spam Protection. This plugin will let visitors to answer math question and enter the correct answer before it stamp the comment into the database. If wrong number entered, you need to go back and learn some maths before you can give comments. Lol\u2026 :d After I use this plugin, spams caught by Akismet has been reduced to about 5 or 6 compared to if I don\u2019t use, which always about 10 or 30 spams in a day.If you don\u2019t want use math comment protection, you can use another options of protection that we call it as Captcha (CompletelyAutomatedPublicTuring test to tellComputers andHumansApart) (wiki). The difference between Captcha and Math Protection is, you need to enter word or numbers displayed on the image created. If the word or numbers entered same with the image, Captcha will granted the comment as a good comment.Example of WordPress plugin that using Captcha isPeter\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s Custom Anti-Spam Plugin. I never use this plugin, so I don\u2019t know how it performs. But based onThilakpost, it seems like this plugin is really good. And from my understanding, Captcha can also be use to reduce the spams in your Akismet.As conclusion, don\u2019t rely only on one protection. You need more to enhance the effectiveness of your spam guard. But using too much protection is not good. So use one or three plugins are already enough. Hope this helps. \ud83d\ude42 [tags]spam, guard, captcha, plugin[/tags]Previous Article:Fight WordPress Comment Spam"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/working-on-my-own-wordpress-theme/", "title": "Working on my own WordPress theme", "body": "Currently I working on to make my own WordPress theme. I already knew basic HTML but I need to learn and master CSS. I want to learn how to use
        . If using it is easy because you can set which place you want to put the rows and the datas but if using
        , it is all depends on CSS.I think I want to use Dreamweaver as my platform to design and create the theme. But as you may know, if we using Dreamweaver or Microsoft Frontpage, we are limited on the software it self. So I use EditPlus as my text editor to make my own WordPress theme.Btw I just make my own RSS feed icon to use on my site. It took me about 1 hour to design it. The hard part is when I want to design the RSS logo. At first, I don\u2019t know but after tried so many times, at last I got the design. Any comments, condamns, etc? He3. [tags]wordpress, theme, rss, feed, icon[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/tv-links-better-than-a-remote-control/", "title": "TV Links – Better than a Remote Control", "body": "Want to watch free tv shows, cartoons or animes? Here is come the website you are waiting for,TV Links.TV Links with their slogan\u201cBetter than a Remote Control\u201dis a website that provide links to available videos from various sources such as youtube, dailymotion or bolt. They collect all these links and compile them in one page and let you decide which video you want to watch.TV Links doesn\u2019t host the videos, they only link to them. If you want to download the videos, you can useYouTubeXfor YouTube. And to watch them, you need thisFLV Player.Btw do you know, how many rejected slogans they have before they decided to use the current one? Checkthis out.[viaGhacks][tags]tv links, video, movie, tv show, anime, cartoon[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-plugin-today-posts-v10/", "title": "WP Plugin: Today Posts v1.0", "body": "I would like to announce my new plugin,Today Posts. This plugin will list down your posts for that day. Let say, you have published multiple post in a day. So maybe some of the posts published will not be read by your site visitors because they need to scroll down. By list down your today posts, the chances for your posts be read by your site readers will high.Plugin Name: Today PostsPlugin URI: http://www.cypherhackz.net/plugins-themes/today-posts/Description: Display a list of today posts. Useful for bloggers who publish multiple posts in a day.Version: 1.0Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.net/For more details, demo and download link, you can visit the plugin page here,WP Plugin: Today Posts. [tags]plugin, post, update[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/simple-tweak-in-easy-announcement-plugin/", "title": "Simple tweak in Easy Announcement plugin", "body": "I just edited myEasy Announcementplugin which is, it will display a link to edit the announcement when you are login to your website. So you can directly go to edit file page, without need to go to admin panel > manage > edit file. Here are the screenshots on what I mean.Image 1: When you are not loginImage 2: When you are loginI have update the plugin and you can download the plugin from the plugin page. Read the readme on how to update the plugin. [tags]download, plugin, tweak[/tags]Cypher:I don\u2019t know why but I love watching the chicken dance. Lol\u2026 =))"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/weekly-highlights-week-46-2006/", "title": "Weekly Highlights (Week 46, 2006)", "body": "Some posts fromWeek 46, 2006 (20th \u2013 26th November 2006)that you might want to read. \ud83d\ude09Reduce Firefox Memory Usage when MinimizeTips on how to name your AdSense ChannelsAdd StumbleUpon in your WordPressPublish your post while you are away"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-remove-adsense-psas-from-your-website/", "title": "How to Remove AdSense PSAs from Your Website?", "body": "PSAstands forPublic Service Adswhich mean you will get nothing if peoples click on those ads. These ads will appear on your site if there is not enough contents or adsense crawler has not yet crawled to your website pages.Beside you can fill the ads with solid color, you can remove the PSAs with this following code:Copythe code above andsaveit as a html file. Eg: adsense_script.html.Uploadit to your website (usually in root, eg:www.website.com/adsense_script.html)Setup your Adsense ads as usual.In the\u201cShow non-Google ads from another URL\u201dbox, type in the html file url.Done!With this, the PSAs will not show up because they have been replaced with the script above. \ud83d\ude42[viaMalaysia Bloggers][tags]adsense, public service ads, tips, how-to[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-plugin-site-statistics-v13/", "title": "WP Plugin: Site Statistics v1.3", "body": "This is the latest update for my WordPress plugin, Site Statistics.Plugin Name: Site StatisticsVersion: 1.3Plugin URI: http://www.cypherhackz.net/plugins-themes/site-statistics/Description: Show your site statistics. Posts, comments, categories, last post, last commentator and last modified.Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.net/Download:cypher_site-statistics.zipWhat\u2019s NewOnly display approved comments.Last Modified is now easier to read.For more info and demo about this plugin, you can visit the plugin page here,WP Plugin: Site Statistics. [tags]site statistics, plugin, wordpress plugin[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/some-more-new-domains-for-livecom-passport-account/", "title": "Some more New Domains for Live.com Passport Account", "body": "A few weeks back Ipostedabout how you can get more domains choices for your Live.com passport account. But here is another more Live IDs that you can choose to register.Go to theregistrationpage.Copy and paste this javascript code in your address toolbar.HitEnter.You will get a pop-up message box saying that \u201cMore Live IDs have been added!\u201c. That\u2019s mean the javascript works. Now you can start register your own new Live account.Here is the list of the available domains:hotmail.comhotmail.co.ukmsn.commsdn.commicrosoft.commicrosoft.com.auzune.netmsngames.comwindows.comwindows2000.comwindowsxp.comwindowsvista.comwindowsmarketplace.comwindowslive.comxbox.comxbox360.comofficelive.combungie.nethalo2.comhalo3.comlive.(you name it)CUSTOM.COM \u2013 If you discover another domain that you want to use, Just Find \u201cCUSTOM.COM\u201d in the script and change it to \u201cWHATEVER.COM/NET/ORG/COM.AU/CO.UK etc\u2026\u201dNote:Only works in Firefox.Mess[viaRaymondCC][tags]live, domain, passport, account[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-and-ie-vulnerable-to-password-theft/", "title": "Firefox and IE Vulnerable to Password Theft", "body": "A software security researcher has warned that the password manager features of Mozilla\u2019s open source, Firefox 2.0 and Microsoft\u2019s (Nasdaq: MSFT), Internet Explorer (IE) Web browsers could be exploited, placing unsuspecting users at risk.Users of Firefox or Explorer, both of which may be vulnerable to the attack known as \u201cReverse Cross Site Request\u201d (RCSR), are not fooled directly by the password theft exploit. Instead, it provides a fake login site that fools a browser\u2019s saved password feature into automatically providing the information, Robert Chapin, president of Chapin Information Services, reported.Microsoft and Mozilla acknowledge about this probem. While waiting for the next update for this security issue, please disable Passwod Manager in your Firefox.[viaTechNewsWorld][tags]firefox, ie, security, vulnerable[/tags]Cypher:Btw incase you don\u2019t know yet, you also can discoversaved passwordsin Firefox. It is really dangerous if your computer use by multiple users."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/publish-your-post-while-you-are-away/", "title": "Publish your post while you are away", "body": "This is why I like using WordPress. You can do so many things with it. Here I will teach you how to publish your post even you are on vacation. This tricks kinda old. I\u2019m sure there are some of you have knew about it. It is just we set the date and time when we want to publish that post. Ok here is how to do it.Just type your post as usual.Before you click on Publish, make sure you set the time when you want your post been published. To do this, you set it at thePost Timestamp. It is located at the sidebar in the New Post page.Then clickPublish.When the time reach, your post will be published automatically. So it is easier for you who are hardcore bloggers who always want to update your site daily. :dBinaryMoon[viaInfoMalaya] [tags]tips, tricks, publish[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/add-stumbleupon-in-your-wordpress/", "title": "Add StumbleUpon in your WordPress", "body": "That is why I love usingWordPressfor my website. You can do so many things with it. Lately I read about howLiewCFintegrateStumbleUponon his website. To do it is really simple.Open up yoursingle.php(index.phpis also can) file.Put this code in the file.&title=\u201d>\u201dStumbleMake sure you put that code in the loop or it will not work.Done!If you don\u2019t want image as the link for the StumbleUpon, you can replace it with simple text likeStumble It!,Thumbs Up!, etc. I know that you guys are creative. Lol\u2026 :d [tags]stumbleupon, tips, stumble[/tags]For the demo, you can see the StumbleUpon button below my post. Stumble It! :p"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/microsoft-firefox-2007-weve-made-it-better/", "title": "Microsoft Firefox 2007 – We’ve Made it Better", "body": "Check this out,Microsoft Firefox 2007 Professional Edition.At first when I look at this site, I can see that it is not a website from Microsoft. And why should Microsoft use Google AdSense on their site. Want to generate more incomes? Lol\u2026 Btw they offer free @msfirefox.com email account. If you want, you can signup at their site but beware, I\u2019m not sure whether this website belongs to Microsoft or not.Cypher:I like watching the video. Funny! Lol\u2026 :)) I have downloaded the video for my collection. :d [tags]microsoft, firefox, internet browser[/tags][viaInfoMalaya]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-plugin-easy-announcement-v11/", "title": "WP Plugin: Easy Announcement v1.1", "body": "This is a must upgrade for those who are using my Easy Announcement WordPress plugin. Why? Because in this latest version, you can use newline instead of using breakline
        in your announce.txt text file.Plugin Name: Easy AnnouncementVersion: 1.1Plugin URI:http://www.cypherhackz.net/plugins-themes/Description: An easy way to display announcement on your site without have to edit your theme file.Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI:http://www.cypherhackz.netDownload:cypher_easy-announcement.zip[tags]plugin, wordpress plugin, download, easy announcement[/tags]How to InstallDownload the plugin file.Extract filecypher_easy-announcement.zip.Uploadeasy_announcementfolder into your WordPress plugin folder.CHMODeasy_announcementfolder andannounce.txtfile to 666.Activate the plugin in your Plugins admin panel.Put this functionin your theme file.Eg: index.phpDone!How to UpgradeDownload the plugin file.Extract filecypher_easy-announcement.zip.Uploadeasy_announcement.phptoeasy_announcementfolder to replace the previous version plugin.Done!How to Update the AnnouncementIn your Admin Panel, go to Plugins.Scroll down to Easy Announcement plugin.Under Description there is a hyperlink text \u201cHERE\u201d.Click on it and update your annoucement.Version History1.1\u2013 Now can use newline instead of using
        \u2013 Bugs fixed1.0\u2013 Initial Release"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/tips-on-how-to-name-your-adsense-channels/", "title": "Tips on how to name your AdSense Channels", "body": "For adsense publishers, as we know, we can set our adsense ads with channels. But how did you name the channels? Here I will share with you tips on how I manage my adsense ads by using specific name format for my adsense channels.Because I have multiple websites and use wordpress themes, so I need to name the channels according to where the adsense will be displayed. To make it simple I use this kind of format for my adsense channels.[site/theme]_[file]-[location]-[ads type]Here are what the meaning for each tag.site/theme\u2013 Your site or theme name.Eg: k2, kubrick, dfire, chnet.file\u2013 Filename which you put the adsense code.Eg: index, page, archives, search, 404.location\u2013 Where you place the adsense code.Eg: header, sidebar, footer, entry.ads type\u2013 Your adsense type.Eg: adunit, linkunit.Ok here is an example:k2_single-header-adunitWhat we can get from this channel name is, the ads is an adunit type. It is located under k2 theme folder in file single.php. And the ads is being display on site header.So when each time you login into your adsense report, it is easier for you to track down which ads are performing well and which are not.Note:If there are more ads in one page in one location, put a number after the ads type.Eg: k2_single-header-adunit2Make sure you name your adsense channels properly because the maximum characters are 30.You also can use this tips on AdSearch channels too.If you have anything to ask or want to give suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comment box below. I hope this post is helpful and thanks for your time! \ud83d\ude42 [tags]adsense, google, revenue, tips, channel[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/funny-404-error-page/", "title": "Funny 404 Error Page", "body": "First take a look at the real 404 error page on this website.http://www.homestarrunner.com/system.htmlNothing weird right? It is just saying that the file could not be found. Ok how about this 404 error page created by the site owner with flash movie. [tags]404, 404 error page, animation, funny, movie[/tags]http://www.homestarrunner.com/systemisdown.htmlDoes anyone want to make like this flash movie on your 404 error page? Lol\u2026 :))"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/snap-preview-anywhere-create-site-thumbnails-in-a-snap/", "title": "Snap Preview Anywhere – Create site thumbnails in a Snap", "body": "Snap Preview AnywherefromSnapis a site tool that will let your visitors see where a link goes before they click on it. Just rollover the mouse on any link on your site, Snap Preview Anywhere will give visual display of the site without having to go there. The best part is this service is free and no maintenance required. [tags]snap, thumbnail, site tool[/tags]Features:High quality preview imagesInstant feedback and response250 million site previewsSimple signup processNo maintenance requiredSnap search boxCypher:I don\u2019t think that I will impliment it on here. Found atTech Buzz. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/youtube-kiwi-is-flying/", "title": "YouTube: Kiwi is flying!", "body": "This kiwi has tried everything that he could to make he fly. But at the end\u2026 \ud83d\ude41Direct Download[viaEches Blog] [tags]youtube, video, kiwi[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/reduce-firefox-memory-usage-when-minimize/", "title": "Reduce Firefox Memory Usage when Minimize", "body": "We knew that Firefox has problem with the memory usage. Sometimes it can reach to hundreds of megabytes. But here is a tricks on how to reduce the memory usage when you minimize your Firefox.Typeabout:configin Firefox address bar and pressEnter.Right click in the page and selectNew > Boolean.Typeconfig.trim_on_minimizein the box that pops up.Press Enter.SelectTrueand then pressEnter.RestartFirefox.What it will do is, when each time you minimize your Firefox, the memory usage will dramatically drop down to 10Mb (this is what happen on my PC) but then it will slowly increase up to 50Mb. When you maximize it back, it will stay on 50Mb or maybe 70Mb.Note:This is only to reduce the Firefox memory usage when you minimize it. Not to fix them. \ud83d\ude42r9studio.com[viaAzmie.net][tags]firefox, tricks, memory, software[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/pre-order-your-optimus-103-keyboard-this-december-12/", "title": "Pre-Order your Optimus-103 Keyboard this December 12", "body": "Seems like they have been ready to take pre-orders onOptimus-103keyboard. This product is actually has been released on 14th July 2005 but it is not available for orders until now after they said in theirLivejournalthat they are going to start taking the pre-orders on this 12th December 2006.We are going to start taking pre-orders for the Optimus-103 on 12.12.2006 (00:00 MSK).Optimus-103 is a LED keyboard powered by its own DC adapter. Because of hundres LED used, this keyboard cannot functional if powered by USB alone. The stylish design and the cool looking LED keys on the keyboard, it sure will brigthen up your desktop in the dark. :dPrevious EntryOptimus Keyboard \u2013 End of 2006? But When?[viaEngadget] [tags]optimus, keyboard, led, usb[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/rainlendar-2-vertical-dual-calendar-display/", "title": "Rainlendar 2 – Vertical Dual Calendar Display", "body": "I haveinstalled Rainlendar 2on my dekstop but in this latest version, you are limited to edit the settings. Beside than that, the default skin, Shadow4 doesn\u2019t include vertical dual calendar display which I used it before. So I have to edit the skin source code to make it display the calendar in vertical way.Here are two screenshots taken from my desktop, the default dual calendar display and the edited one.Image 1: Default Dual Calendar displayImage 2: Edited Dual Calendar displayIf you want to use this vertical calendar, I have uploaded the edited Dual Calendar file. But first, there are some steps that you need to do:Downloadthis edited Dual Calendar file.Go to your Rainlendar 2skin folder. eg: [installation path]\\rainlendar2\\skins\\Open theShadow4.r2skinwith Winzip or Winrar and extract all files and folders contained in the archive file.Now extract the edited Dual Calendar file intoShadow4\\xml folder.Click Okwhen Windows ask for confirmation to replace existing file.Don\u2019t worry, I have included thebackup fileof the original Dual Calendar file in the zip archive.Now go to your desktop, right click on Rainlendar and chooseRefresh.Done!If you have anything that you want to ask, you can leave it in the comments form below. I hope my grammars are clear. Lol\u2026 :d [tags]rainlendar, calendar, software, tool[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cypherhackznet-will-become-one-year-old/", "title": "CypherHackz.Net will become one year old", "body": "Earlier this morning I got an email from myhosting provider(promotion page) about the invoice for my hosting package. I bought the hosting on19th December 2005, so I need to renew it before the coming 19th December 2006 or it will discontinue my site hosting. But unfortunately, on 18th to 23rd December I will not be able to online because I will attend for a camp. So I will pay the annual fee earlier and thats mean on that week, I will not update this site.Because I bought the domain from other services, so I only need to pay RM80 for the hosting. And for the domain which I bought fromSaleiz, I will need to pay RM35. All of these cost me to pay RM115.Urgh\u2026although I\u2019m broke but I still need to pay for them or else, this site will not be able to online. [tags]hosting, package, domain, annual, renew[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/awesome-breakdance-from-a-baby/", "title": "Awesome Breakdance from a Baby", "body": "Cypher:It is really awesome. Does anyone interested to challenge this kid? \ud83d\ude15[viaVincent Chow] [tags]youtube, breakdance, baby, video[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/internet-download-manager-the-fastest-download-accelerator/", "title": "Internet Download Manager – The Fastest Download Accelerator", "body": "I have used Download Accelerator Plus, GetRight and Internet Download Manager. From these three download acclerators, I must say thatInternet Download Manager(IDM) is the best and the fastest download accelerator I ever use.IDM is a user friendly software which you can use to manage your downloads and can accelerate the download speeds. It takes less time to download because IDM can increase your download speed up to 5 times. IDM also can resume and schedule your downloads. And it also compatible to integrate with almost all internet browsers.Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.Features:All popular browsers and applications are supportedDownload with one clickDownload SpeedDownload ResumeAutomatic Antivirus checkingMore\u2026Latest version isv5.07bbut it is currently in Beta. If you want to get the stable version, you can downloadv5.05instead.Cypher:I really like this software. It\u2019s really speed up my download speeds. Try it and tell me what is your opinion. \ud83d\ude42 [tags]internet download manager, download, acclerator, idm[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hack-atms-using-mp3-player/", "title": "Hack ATMs using MP3 Player", "body": "According to The Times of London, a criminal gang in U.K was able to steal confidential banking data by bugging ATMs with a MP3 player.The gang tapped the phone line between the targeted freestanding cash dispenser ATM and a wall soket by placing a two-way adaptor on it and connect it to a MP3. The electronic noise from the data traffic will be recorded into the MP3 player and will be interpreted by using a modem line tap or using special software program.They managed to get copies of credit cards and make purchases worth $380 000 according to The Times.[viaCNET News] [tags]atm, mp3, player, hack, handphone[/tags]Cypher:How about if we tapped the phone line by using handphone. Then we transfer the recorded noise to a software to interpret the data. Just an idea. :d"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/delete-individual-links-in-firefox-ie/", "title": "Delete Individual Links in Firefox & IE", "body": "Every links that you have typed in the address bar will be stored in History. And you can clear all those links at once by clearing the History. But how you can delete individual links from the address bar?Mozilla FirefoxTo delete spesific url from Firefox address bar is really easy. You just need toSHIFT-DELETEthe url and it will be gone.Internet ExplorerTo do this in IE is a little bit complex. Because you will play with the registry. So backup your registry before you proceed.Close your IE.Runregedit.exefrom Start > Run.Go to this tree:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\TypedURLsDelete all numbered urls that you don\u2019t wish to visiable in IE address bar. But make sure you renamed the urls in sequential order start from url1, if you delete only certain keys.Close regedit.exeFirefox|IE[via Raymond.CC Blog] [tags]internet explorer, firefox, address bar, url[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/bigger-than-the-previous-rss-button/", "title": "Bigger than the previous RSS Button", "body": "Last week, I posted an entry about the worldlargest RSS Button\u201ccreated\u201d by John Chow. But there is a guy named himself as SeanRox had created bigger RSS Button than John Chow\u2019s.Want to see his RSS Button? But first, guess how much the size is?Here is the link to thebiggest RSS Buttonthat I ever seen. The button size is 2001 x 2000 px. Really big huh? [tags]rss, rss button, world[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-free-magazines-subscribes-at-cypherhackznet/", "title": "Get FREE Magazines Subscribes at CypherHackz.Net", "body": "For all my site visitors, get FREE magazine subscribes atCypherHackz Tradepubsubscribe page. There are many topics covered including information technology, network management, telecommunications, graphics, manufacturing, multimedia and more!Special PromotionWhy Phishing WorkLearn about a proactive approach that professionals can take in protecting their customers from phishers, including what makes a phishing campaign successful and leveraging this information to detect phish attacks before they happen. [tags]free, subscribe, promotion, special, magazine[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/no-internet-and-412-precondition/", "title": "No Internet and 412 Precondition", "body": "It happen last Sunday when suddenly the server went down and I can\u2019t get online. So sorry guys coz I\u2019m not update this site.Btw I got reports from my colleagues,NovatechandAzhar Ahmadthat they can\u2019t visit this website. So I investigate what\u2019s going wrong. I tried to connect my site from one of my friend\u2019s comp and this what I got.After pooking around in Google. It caused byBad Behaviour. Then I deactivate the plugin and now they can visit my site without any problems. Thanks to Mr Google. \ud83d\ude09 [tags]wordpress, plugin, bad behavior, 412 precondition[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/rss-button-can-you-make-it-more-bigger/", "title": "RSS Button – Can you make it more bigger?", "body": "I found this RSS button inJohn Chow post. He make the RSS button fromReviewMe blogmore bigger than the original one. So, can you make it more bigger than this and break the \u201cworld\u201d record? :pNote:If you wish tosubscribemy site feed, you can do so by copy thislinkand paste it into your feed reader software.[tags]world, rss, rss button[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-a-livecom-account-or-other-live-dot-extension/", "title": "Get a Live.com account or other Live dot Extension", "body": "Here is a trick which you can use to register an account with other domain name instead of hotmail.com domain.Go to Windows Live IDoverview page.Click on the Sign-Up button.Copy and paste the following code into the address bar and hit enter.After you hit enter, there will be an alert saying \u201cSuccess \u2013 additional domains added!\u201d.Now you can select which domain that you want to register instead of hotmail.com only.Note:Run this trick in Firefox. Some peoples can\u2019t run it to work because they use IE.[viaMess.be][tags]windows, windows live, live account[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/when-bill-gates-recommend-ubuntu/", "title": "When Bill Gates recommend Ubuntu", "body": "What will happen when Bill Gates recommend Ubuntu?Btw if you want to getfree Ubuntu CDs, you can get them athttps://shipit.ubuntu.com/. \ud83d\ude09[viaAmanz][tags]bill gates, microsoft, ubuntu, funny[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/stumbleupon-discover-and-share-great-websites/", "title": "StumbleUpon – Discover and Share Great Websites", "body": "I just registered toStumbleUpontoday*. Lol\u2026 It has online since 2001 but I just register it today. What a pity\u2026 He3.Anyway for those who don\u2019t know what is StumbleUpon, StumbleUpon is a website that helps you to discover and share great websites. When you stumble a website, you will share the website to your friends and like-minded people that have same interests with you. And you also can discover new great websites that your friends recommend.Registerto StumbleUpon is totally free. But you need to install their toolbar. This toolbar is working fine with Firefox and IE. And don\u2019t forget toadd meas your friend once you have registered. \ud83d\ude42 [tags]stumbleupon, register, discover, website[/tags]*Actually the date was 3rd November 2006"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/no-internet-connection-no-updates-final-exam/", "title": "No Internet Connection. No Updates. Final Exam.", "body": "I just get back my wireless connection today. And because of the termination of the wireless connection in my college, so I couldn\u2019t get online and update my sites for about a week.Actually they should not terminate our wireless account because the semester is not over yet. But seems they have activate back the server, so I can back online. I hope they will open up the server till the end of this semester.And just want to let you know that currently I\u2019m sitting for final exam. Done one paper and 4 more papers to go. Wish me luck! Thank you! :d [tags]internet, updates, exam[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-edit-rainlendar-2-style-settings/", "title": "How-To: Edit Rainlendar 2 Style Settings", "body": "A few days ago, I havepostedabout cool dekstop calendar software calledRainlendar 2. All the new features are great. But I don\u2019t know how to edit the style settings like I did in the earlier version.After I searched at their support forum, I found atopicdiscuss about this problem. If you want to edit the skin style settings, justrenamethe skin file extension to.zipand edit thexml/elements.xml. Edit what you want and save the new settings. Then refresh Rainlendar 2 and see the changes made.Another problems that I currently working on are how to add new categories and how to edit the text colour. If I found the way to resolve these problems, I will update this post again. [tags]rainlendar, rainlendar 2, software, tweaks, how-to[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/zunenet-official-zune-website/", "title": "Zune.net – Official Zune Website", "body": "For Zune users, now you can get latest updates and help support from Zune official website atZune.net.Btw there isZune Dekstop Themefor Windows XP. I have downloaded it but not install it yet. Will try it later.Cypher:Why they don\u2019t use Zune.com domain name? Someone else has bought it? Hurm\u2026[tags]zune, official website, dekstop theme[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/youtube-virus-alert/", "title": "YouTube: Virus Alert!", "body": "Check this out. Funny YouTube video about virus attack that I found inSean\u2019s blog.Direct Download:Weird Al \u2013 Virus AlertCypher:Can you see that Bush also in this video too? Wonder what he doing in there. \ud83d\ude15[tags]youtube, youtube video, video, virus, alert[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-extension-tab-mix-plus-in-firefox-2/", "title": "Firefox Extension: Tab Mix Plus in Firefox 2", "body": "After I upgraded my Firefox toFirefox 2, there are many my favourite Firefox extensions doesn\u2019t work. This includingTab Mix Plus.But thanks to Jumanjisama for hispostthat now, Tab Mix Plus is compatible with Firefox 2. You can download it fromhere.Tab Mix Plus enhances Firefox\u2019s tab browsing capabilities. It includes such features as duplicating tabs, controlling tab focus, tab clicking options, undo closed tabs and windows, plus much more. It also includes a full-featured session manager with crash recovery that can save and restore combinations of opened tabs and windows.[tags]firefox, extension, tab mix plus[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/avg-free-71-will-be-discontinued-on-jan-2007/", "title": "AVG Free 7.1 will be discontinued on Jan 2007", "body": "Starting 15th Jan 2007, AVG Free 7.1 version will no longer be free. So getAVG Free 7.5instead. \ud83d\ude42GRISOFT is announcing a new version of the AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition. This new 7.5 version with improved performance and user interface is available. Users that are using AVG Free 7.1 will be provided with a specific dialog, within the next few weeks, with the opportunity to choose the right option fulfilling their needs. AVG Free 7.1 version will be discontinued on 15th of Jan 2007.Link:AVG Free Advisor[tags]avg, avg free, avg free edition, antivirus[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/youtube-neo-matrix-funny-videos/", "title": "YouTube: Neo Matrix (Funny Videos)", "body": "Here are some videos that I\u2019m sure you guys will laugh when watch them. He3. Among these three videos, which one is the funniest? But I really laugh when watching these videos. Really2 funny\u2026 :))Episode 1 \u2013 Run! Neo Waits For the Ghost TrainDirect Download Episode 1Episode 2 \u2013 Closen! Neo Waits For the Ghost TrainDirect Download Episode 2Episode 3 \u2013 Why! Neo Waits For the Ghost TrainDirect Download Episode 3Note:After you downloaded these videos, make sure change the extension to .flv and use thisFLV Playerto watch them. Enjoy! \ud83d\ude42 [tags]matrix, neo, youtube, video[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/youtube-neo-matrix-vs-robocop/", "title": "YouTube: Neo (Matrix) vs Robocop", "body": "Have you watch the fight between Terminator and Robocop yet? If not, you can watch ithere.And this is another video about Robocop fights with Neo (Matrix). I really enjoy this video. And guess who will win? He3.Direct Download[tags]neo, robocop, youtube, video, matrix[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-2-30-downloads-per-second/", "title": "Firefox 2 – 30 Downloads per Second", "body": "Is this a record? 2 million downloads in a day which means about 30 downloads per each second. That is really amazing.What an amazing week it\u2019s been. In just the first 24 hours, there were more than 2 million people using the new Firefox 2 browser. We were seeing downloads as high as 30 per second. 30 per second!!! Wow. \u2013Spread FirefoxHave you upgrade your Firefox yet? I have installed this new version and I don\u2019t finish yet explore all the new functions but one thing I don\u2019t like with this Firefox 2 is, some of my favourite extensions doesn\u2019t work in this second version. Urgh\u2026 \ud83d\ude41 Right now all incompatible extensions are disable and will enable back when the developers upgrade these extensions to compatible with Firefox 2. [tags]firefox, firefox 2, mozilla, upgrade[/tags][viaBetaNews]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/rainlendar-2-a-customizable-desktop-calendar/", "title": "Rainlendar 2 – A customizable desktop calendar", "body": "I have using Rainlendar since early 2005 and I really like it features. And now,Rainlendar 2has been released and ready to download.For those who doesn\u2019t know what is Rainlendar, Rainlendar is a feature rich calendar application that you can use to manage and organise your daily life with it. There are manyskinsandlanguagesavailable for you to choose from and all of the skins are free.Rainlendar is not only just a calendar, it also included with To-Do Lists and Events. So you can save any important tasks directly on your desktop. It is really useful.For more info, you can visit Rainlendar sitehereor if you wish to download this useful software, you can get it from thedownload page.Cypher:Although there are many major updates in this new version, but you can\u2019t edit as much as you can like in the previous version. In previous version, you are free to edit the skin and the calendar settings and you also can edit the icon used in the calendar events. But I can\u2019t find it in this latest version. \ud83d\ude41 But anyway, I still like this software. :d[tags]rainlendar, rainlendar 2, software[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/youtube-system-administrators-day-song/", "title": "YouTube: System Administrator’s Day song", "body": "To all System Administrators, this is a song for you. Hope you guys like it. Lol\u2026Direct Download(change the extension to .flv or it will not work) [tags]youtube, youtubex, video, system administrator[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wordpress-205-released/", "title": "WordPress 2.0.5 released", "body": "Have you upgrade your WordPress to version 2.0.5 yet? Get the latest stable WordPress version 2.0.5 now at WordPressdownload page. There are about 50 bug fixes which you can check atdev trackerand thanks toMarkfor this latest WordPress version.If you want to upgrade from version WordPress 2.0.4, you don\u2019t need to upload all the files included in the .zip file. You just need to download thisChanged Files Zip(fromWordPress 2.0.5 Upgrade: changed files ZIP, changes diff, changed files list) and upload it to your WordPress installation folder.Be warned! Always make a backup of your database(s) before you proceed to upgrade to the latest version.Cypher:Ehem\u2026they are working on WordPress 2.1. I can\u2019t wait for the next release. He3. [tags]wordpress, wordpress 2.0.5, wordpress upgrade[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/back-from-on-vacation-21st-oct-29th-oct-2006/", "title": "Back from “On Vacation (21st Oct – 29th Oct 2006)”", "body": "Hello guys\u2026I have back to UTM. Just arrived actually. So tired. Journey from KL to JB is so tiring. About 5 hours I sit in the bus. \ud83d\ude41Well this is just a short post. I will start update this website begin tomorrow morning or maybe tonight. And don\u2019t forget to subscribe to mysite feedto get the updates. Till then. See ya later\u2026 \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/on-vacation-21st-oct-29th-oct-2006/", "title": "On Vacation (21st Oct – 29th Oct 2006)", "body": "There will no updates from today, 21st October till the next Sunday, 29th October 2006. This is because today I will back to my hometown in KL at 4.00 pm by bus. And then tomorrow will \u201cbalik kampung\u201d to Penang for Hari Raya. :dSo one week I will away from my comp. Incase you guys are busy or don\u2019t have much time to visit my site, you can subscribe tomy site feedto get latest updates when I back from the vacation.Hope you guys take care and I apologize if I make mistakes or any wrong doing. So Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin\u2026 \ud83d\ude09A special wish card for you all (sorry it is in Malay)\u2013 Fauzi @ CypherHackz \u2013 [tags]malaysia, hari raya, raya, vacation[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/web-20-logo-creator/", "title": "Web 2.0 Logo Creator", "body": "Ever wanted to create your own Web 2.0 logo for your website? Try thisWeb 2.0 logo creatorby Alex P. Not only it will create you the Web 2.0 logo, it also will host it on their site.But to improve your site load-up, I recommended you to upload the logo in your website server because it will reduce the times needed to load the image. [tags]web 2.0, logo, web2.0 logo, logo creator[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/vulnerability-found-in-ie7/", "title": "Vulnerability found in IE7", "body": "Edit:This report is not accurate. For more info, read thisnews. [Thanks toaMer]After few days Microsoft releasedInternet Explorer 7, new vulnerability has been found in this software. This vulnerability can be exploited by malicious people to disclose potentially sensitive information.Secuniahad make a demonstrationtoolwhich is you can check whether your IE7 is vulnerable or not. The test will try to read content from Google News in the context of your browser. This vulnerability is caused by due to an error in handling of redirections for URLs with the \u201cmhtml:\u201d URI handler. And this weak spot can be exploited to access documents served from another web site.Right now, there is no patch for this vulnerability. But for the moment, you can disable active scripting to prevent from this exploit.Cypher:Wondering how much new vulnerabilities will be discovered by \u201ctechie\u201d guys\u2026 \ud83d\ude15[tags]vulnerable, exploit, ie, ie7, microsoft[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/optimus-keyboard-end-of-2006-but-when/", "title": "Optimus Keyboard – End of 2006? But When?", "body": "I have wrote anarticleaboutOptimus Keyboardlast year (take note, it was last year \u2013 July 23rd 2005) but the article written in Malay. After a long wait, they still not yet announce when will they exact release date for the coolest keyboard. They only stated that it will out this end of 2006 but when?But well, maybe because of theysaid,Wehopeit will be released in 2006.So we also can only hope that it will be released in this 2006 but when the exact date, we don\u2019t know. Anyway, I\u2019m sure there are many peoples want to try and use this LED keyboard. How about you? Do you will buy this modern high-tech keyboard? :)[tags]optimus keyboard, led keyboard, keyboard, led[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/pr-0-website-with-2798-0000-readers/", "title": "PR 0 website with 2798, 0000 readers?", "body": "Note:In this post, I just too curious with what had happen. I didn\u2019t mean to hate or make something bad to the site owner. So forgive me if I did something wrong. \ud83d\ude42Ok here is the situation. I was shocked when I saw a PR 0 website have 2798K feed readers. The website that I\u2019m talking about ishttp://www.webblogerz.com/It curious me when a website with only PR 0 can have 2798K readers. It is really amazing. Then I make my own investigation. :dFirst, I click on the feed counter and it bring me this page.Of course it will bring you to it\u2019s site feed but I still not satisfy with what I get. Then I go back to the website and right click on the feed counter to check it\u2019s image properties.Tada\u2026 I found something that is not correct here. As you can see in the image above, the image location is not from the site feed, but it is fromBoingBoingwebsite.Now I know that it just only a hoax. But how many exactly their feed readers? So with simple trick, I get this.Nah\u2026 It actually only have 21 feed readers\u2026 Nice trick! \ud83d\ude09 [tags]nice trick, feed readers, feed counter, boingboing[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cute-tiny-web-20-icons/", "title": "Cute Tiny Web 2.0 Icons", "body": "Web 2.0 icons fromUtom. I must say that these icons are really cute. What do you think? You can download this icon packHERE. [tags]web 2.0, icons, web icons, icon pack[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/blogdesk-your-desktop-blogging-client/", "title": "BlogDesk – Your Desktop Blogging Client", "body": "What kind of software that you use to publish posts on your website? Login to admin panel and post from there or you use weblog client software? If you use weblog client, what client that you use?I personally useBlogDesk. BlogDesk is not only free but it have many extra features. Beside it is easy to use, BlogDesk also can edit the images that you want to upload to your server.The simple interface is suitable even for unexperienced users.Intuitive WYSIWYG Editor instead of complicated HTML Tags. Of course you can edit the tags if you prefer to.Easy image inserting and editing. The files are uploaded by BlogDesk, no extra work is needed.Automatic thumbnail handling.Everything can be done offline and saved for later editing. You only have to be online a few seconds to finally publish your new weblog entry.Integrated spell checker with dictionaries for 14 languages.Features like Notebook, Frequently-Used-Phrases and the Technorati-Tags-Generator relieve you from time wasting and recurring tasks.Publish to multiple weblogs on different servers with one click.Default settings can be saved as templates.Keep local copies of your posts.I really recommended it to all bloggers out there. Use this software if you want to publish posts on your site. You can download it for free here,Download. It is reall useful blogging tool\u2026 \ud83d\ude42 [tags]blogdesk, blogging client, desktop client[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/sorry-for-no-updates-yesterday/", "title": "Sorry for no updates yesterday", "body": "Sorry because there are no updates yesterday. Actually I really want to update my site (I think I am ablogaholic:d ) but because of theproblemscaused by my university, I can\u2019t get accees to the Internet.They had blocked all access including their network websites. I don\u2019t know how this could be happen. But now, I think the problems have been solved and I already get back the access. And I\u2019m ready to give the best news and infos to you all. Thanks for your supports and visits. \ud83d\ude42Cheers\u2026 <:-p"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/weekly-highlights-week-41-2006/", "title": "Weekly Highlights (Week 41, 2006)", "body": "Some posts fromWeek 41, 2006 (8th \u2013 14th Oct 2006)that you might want to read. \ud83d\ude09Plagiarized article deletedYouTube \u2013 Terminator vs RobocopHow-To: Automatically Backup WordPressStop Spams \u2013 Turn Off Vacation ResponseURL.Com \u2013 A Searching CommunityAdSense Buddy for Google AdSense PublishersTroubleshooting your hosting for your Hosting Provider"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/utm-server-block-feedburner-access/", "title": "UTM server block FeedBurner access", "body": "Duh\u2026 Check out this screenshot below. My university,UTMhas block access to FeedBurner. But it doesn\u2019t block the whole domain, it only block access to feed reader counter only.The script that blocking the page isWebMarshall. I think this is a new security script that UTM impliment to protect the network from malicious attacks. And I also noticed that they had tighten the security level on their server because last night I can\u2019t access some of websites that I usually visits.By the way, I must say that this is a good action taken by UTM. Because if they don\u2019t install these security scripts, students computers will be in more vulnerable and danger. Before this, many computers in UTM got attacked by Brontok virus. And recently, virus Ravmon attacks are on the rise. By implimenting this security protection, atleast it can reduce the risk to get infect.But anyway, please don\u2019t block websites that are not harmful\u2026 Duh\u2026 \ud83d\ude41 [tags]utm, webmarshall, brontok, ravmon, malaysia[/tags]Edit:Here is another screenshot from WebMarshall script."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/10-ways-are-you-a-blogaholic/", "title": "10 Ways – Are you a Blogaholic?", "body": "Blokehas listed down 10 ways to know if you are a blogaholic. Let see if you are the one.Note:This is just a summary from the list. For more details you can visit his post here,10 Ways of Knowing if You are a BlogaholicWithin a few minutes of publishing a postThe last thing that you do before going to bedThe first thing that you do when you get up in the morningIf you are away from your computer for more than a few minutesYour sense of reality becomes so distortedWhen your computer is sick and in the shopYou are so into your blogBefore leaving the houseYou complain the next dayYou neglect yourselfCypher:I think I am blogaholic because when I woke up in the morning, the first thing that I will do is check for any comments on my sites. Then before going to bed, I do the same thing. And almost of the time when I in my room, I will surf the Internet and blogging. [tags]blogaholic, addict, bloke, blog[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/google-adsense-down-again/", "title": "Google AdSense down again", "body": "I don\u2019t know how many times does Google AdSensedown. Last night I can\u2019t login to my account because it was down. And recently, it down again. I think Google is conducting more upgrades to enhance the usage to publishers.A few days ago, Googleannouncedthat publishers can use up to 5 channels on one AdSense code. With this new feature, publishers can track down their ads performance to improve their earnings. [tags]google, google adsense, adsense[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/youtube-how-they-paint-the-airbus-a320/", "title": "YouTube – How they paint the Airbus A320", "body": "Want to know how they paint the big giant Virgin America Airbus A320 aeroplane? Watch this video.Download this video:.flv fileCypher:Wondering how long does this camera has been switched on? Hurm\u2026 \ud83d\ude15[viaiRevenue][tags]youtube, video, airbus, airbus a320[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/new-image-header-towards-web-20/", "title": "New Image Header – Towards Web 2.0", "body": "I just designed a new image header and favicon for my site. What do you think? Actually I want to make this site aWeb 2.0by making my own new theme but I don\u2019t know how to create theme by using
        tag. I only know using . So I just change what I can in this theme.Btw does your site is a Web2.0? [tags]web 2.0, image, design[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/recharge-your-batteries-through-usb/", "title": "Recharge your batteries through USB", "body": "Life now get more easier. With this USB rechargeable batteries, you no need to bring along your charger or cables when travelling.If the power become low, all you need to do is just plug this USB batteries to any accessible powered USB to recharge the batteries.This NiMH AA can be used like other normal batteries and the unique about this product is it is USB recharge. Btw the price for 2 cell pack is \u00c3\u201a\u00c2\u00a312.99. Is that too much?See other future products from USBCELL:AA Rechargeable Batteries[fromUSBCELL][tags]batteries, usbcell, rechargeable, charger, new stuff[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/troubleshooting-your-hosting-for-your-hosting-provider/", "title": "Troubleshooting your hosting for your Hosting Provider", "body": "Sometimes our site(s) down and we don\u2019t know what to do. Instead of leave the problems settled by our hosting provider, we also can help them by troubleshooting the problems by ourselves.Josh Testonehas compiled a PDF format file about \u201cHow to Troubleshoot your Hosting Provider for them\u201c. It is a simple PDF file with some instructions, information and a diagnostic flowchart. The instructions in the manual are easily to follow which make, even beginner users can troubleshoot it without have any problems.Follow thislinkif you want to download the PDF directly or clickhereto go to his website. \ud83d\ude42 [tags]troubleshoot, hosting, provider, hosting provider[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/adsense-buddy-for-google-adsense-publishers/", "title": "AdSense Buddy for Google AdSense Publishers", "body": "Joel Comm fromAdSense Secretsemailed me saying that he had developed new software calledAdSense Buddy. AdSense Buddy is a Google AdSense statistics package designed to help Google AdSense publishers to make better sense of AdSense results.This software is designed to run on Windows-based computers and it is currently available to download. And the most important is, it is free.Direct DownloadCypher:Currently downloading the software. Will install it when the download is finished. \ud83d\ude09 [tags]adsense, google adsense, adsense buddy, joel comm[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-the-loser-ie-the-winner/", "title": "Firefox the loser. IE the winner.", "body": "Is that true that IE is faster than firefox? Watch this YouTube video and give your comments.Direct DownloadCypher:Even IE is faster, I still want to use Firefox because Firefox have many extensions and themes. :dEven IE is faster than Firefox[viaJohnTP][tags]youtube, firefox, ie, benchmarks[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/urlcom-a-searching-community/", "title": "URL.Com – A Searching Community", "body": "URL.Comis a searching community website. Three top search engines are combine in one search which mean you will get the best results from these three giant engines.We use a \u201cbionic search engine\u201d that lets us collaborate and to improve upon a foundation of search results gathered from the best web search engines, including Yahoo!, MSN, and Google.This is how it works.You search. You vote. Better results.When you search, URL.Com search engine will search your keyword phrases at once across MSN, Yahoo and Google and display top 10 results from these three search engine. If you found out that the result is good, you can vote it. So next time when somebody search the same keywords, they will get the best voted results. Besides it saving our time, it also give accurate results.More Info:http://www.url.com/message/learn_more[tags]search engine, url, msn, yahoo, google[/tags]Cypher:I like its domain name, URL.Com \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/stop-spams-turn-off-vacation-response/", "title": "Stop Spams – Turn Off Vacation Response", "body": "Everyone hatespamsand so do I. But if you don\u2019t want more spams coming into your email,TURN OFFthe Vacation Response setting in your email. [tags]spams protection, stop spams, spams[/tags]Many email services include this options. By default it is turn off. But you can turn it on if you want to give auto-response to incoming emails while you are away or on a vacation.Beware that turn this settings on will give spammers chance to keep spamming on you. How? Ok let say spammers send an email to you. Usually spam emails will directly send to Bulk/Spam Folder. If you turn on the Vacation Response setting, your email will automatically send a reply back to the spammers saying that you are away or something else that you have set it before. So when the spammers receive the email, they will know that your email is active and they will keep spamming on you.So how to make sure your email has turn this setting off? Ok here how to do it in GMail and in Yahoo. Other email services I don\u2019t know, but you can check their help page for more help. Anyway, I like GMail more because it include extra feature in Vacation Response setting. I\u2019ll explain it below.GMailAfter login into your GMail account, click onSettings.In General tab, scroll down toVacation reponder.Make sure that Vacation responder is off.But if you still want to use Vacation responder, you can set it toOnly send a response to people in my Contacts. So your email is less \u201cvulnerable\u201d to spammers. This is the extra feature that I told you before.YahooIn Yahoo, after you login to your email account, go toOptions.Click onVacation ReponseunderManagement.If Auto Responder is set to off, you will seeTurn Auto-Response Onbutton at the below of the page.And if you want to use Vacation Response, just simply click the button on.Well I hope with this short post can help you to stop more spams coming to your inbox. If you like want to know more about how to setup Vacation Response, just follow these links:How do I set up an automatic vacation response?How do I create a vacation response?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-automatically-backup-wordpress/", "title": "How-To: Automatically Backup WordPress", "body": "After the \u201cdisaster\u201d happen to my site, now I backup my databases daily. But I do it manually. And recently I stumbled to thissiteon how to automatically backup your wordpress database. The only things that you need are thisWP-CronandWordPress Database Backup. BTW I assumed that you have already install WordPress Database Backup plugin. If not, you need to download the plugin and install it first before you can proceed.With WP-Cron plugin, you can schedule your wordpress to backup and send the backup file to your email. Here how to do it:You need to download thisWP-Cron pluginExtract the wp-cron.php file into /wp-content/pluginsActivate the plugin in Plugin panelThen go to Manage > BackupMake sure Daily in Schedule is checked and type in the email where you want the file will be sent to.Tick other tables that you want to include.Click Submit.Lastly, wait the attached email to your inbox.Cypher:I must say that this is really great plugin. I really recommend for you all to download and use this plugin. [tags]how to, backup, cron job, plugin[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/weekly-highlights-week-40-2006/", "title": "Weekly Highlights (Week 40, 2006)", "body": "Some posts fromWeek 40, 2006(1st \u2013 7th Oct 2006) that you might want to read. \ud83d\ude42Always backup your Databases! Why?CypherHackz.Net is now PR61 step simple trick with Recycle BinReceived Text Link Ads chequesImageFly \u2013 Host images and earn moneyOnline YouTube Video DownloaderiFeedReaders \u2013 Feed that feed them all"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/the-greatest-magician-in-the-world/", "title": "The “Greatest” Magician in The World", "body": "I don\u2019t know why there are so many interesting YouTube videos nowadays. Check this out. The \u201cGreatest\u201d Magician in The World.Direct downloadHERE.[viaBlogIsEverything][tags]youtube, magician, magic, youtube video[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/youtube-terminator-vs-roboccp/", "title": "YouTube – Terminator vs Robocop", "body": "Check this out. Terminator fight with Robocop. Who will win?Cypher:This is really good crossover vidoes between Terminator and Robocop. I really enjoy it. I hasdownloadedthis video to show it with my friends. Can\u2019t wait the next episode. [tags]youtube, robocop, terminator, video[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hypnotizing-website-amazing/", "title": "Hypnotizing Website – Amazing!", "body": "In three minutes this hypnotizing dots will back to its initial state after go around the origin point. It is really amazing when sound is triggered each time the dots passing the line.Click on the image to go to the website or \u201csave link as\u201d thislinkto view it in full screen mode.Note:Make sure you turn on your speaker to hear the music. [tags]hypnotize, fun, cool stuff[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/plagiarized-article-deleted/", "title": "Plagiarized article deleted", "body": "Last month, Inoticedthat myarticlegot plagiarized and I emailed the website admin. After waiting for about a month, theplagiarizedarticle got deleted by the admin and here is the email that I got from them,HiThank you for bringing this to my attention. On behalf of Helium I\u2019m sorry that this has taken place. We do not tolerate plagiarism and I will delete the article right away.RegardsKatie, HeliumThanks for their support! \ud83d\ude42 [tags]plagiarize, article, helium knowledge[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/lego-ice-cube-maker/", "title": "LEGO Ice Cube Maker", "body": "Want to make LEGO Ice Lemonade? LEGO Ice Tea? Lol\u2026 :dServe the coolest drinks around with ice that looks like LEGO bricks, or build your own LEGO ice \u201csculpture!\u201dWith this ice maker, you can make your LEGO Ice drinks. 10 cubes make at a time and with durable silicone material, this ice cube maker is dishwasher safe.LEGO Ice Cube Tray[viaMAKE][tags]lego, ice maker, lego blocks[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/ifeedreaders-feed-that-feed-them-all/", "title": "iFeedReaders – Feed that feed them all", "body": "Site cluttered with icons like this?How about change all of them into once icon like this:iFeedReadersis a service that combine all those subscription services into one icon. It will make your site more neat and clean. It is really simple concept. But take note that it is currently in beta.Cypher:I personally usingFeedBurner. If you want to subcribe my site feeds, you can do so by copy thislinkand paste it in yourfeed readersoftware. \ud83d\ude42 [tags]ifeedreaders, feed, feedburner, feeds[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/online-youtube-video-downloader/", "title": "Online YouTube Video Downloader", "body": "Before this I use YouTube Downloader to download YouTube videos. But If you don\u2019t want to install that software, you can use this online YouTube videos downloader fromYouTubeX.YouTube.com is an excellent website that allows you to view saved videos on their servers. Unfortuneatly YouTube doesn\u2019t allow you to download these videos. YouTubeX.com allows you to save YouTube videos and download YouTube videos easily using only your IE or firefox browser.To download videos from YouTubeX is easy. You just type in the address of the YouTube video that you want to download, and YouTubeX will download it for you. The downloaded videos are in .flv format so you need aFLV playerto watch it. [tags]youtube, youtubex, youtube downloader[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/imagefly-host-images-and-earn-money/", "title": "ImageFly – Host images and earn money", "body": "This is another way to earn money online. All you have to do is just host image to ImageFly and you will get money. It is simple and easy!ImageFlyis a website which give free image hosting. Not just that, you also can earn money when you hosted images on their server. But how?Here is the formula:[tags]imagefly, image, hosting, image hosting[/tags]Unique Page Views* = Points = MoneyTo earn money from ImageFly, it is depends on how many unique page views recieved. More page views, more points. More points, more money. For 4,500 unique page views, you will get 1USD.FeaturesUpload Files SimultaneouslyYou may upload multiple files simultaneously.File DescriptionAttach a meaningful description to your file in any language.Image Resize On-the-flyResize your image to any predefined size while it is being uploaded. (for JPEG and PNG files only)Image CompressionCompress images larger than 512KB on-the-fly. (for JPEG and PNG files only)Private FileSet your file to private and no one will be able to see it unless they are given the links.Display LanguageImagefly speaks your language! You may change Imagefly\u2019s interface to a more suitable language. More languages are coming.Want to join? Just click thisLINKand follow the instructions. It is simple and it is FREE!!!*Unique Page Views only counts when someone view the image on ImageFly server. Hotlinked and thumbnail images are not count."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/play-pacman-in-excel/", "title": "Play Pacman in Excel", "body": "Do you still remember aboutPacman? The old school game that you play while you are still young. I am no big fan of Pacman game but I enjoyed play the game.The game is fun and you must always caution which way that you choose or you will get caught by 4 ghosts known as Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde that always chasing you.Anyway did you know that you also can play Pacman in Excel?A Japanese man, Nobuya Chikada called himself as Japanese Excel Crazy Guy has created a Pacman game in Excel. But the game only works in Excel 97 and Excel 2000. Here are screenshots of the game:All actions are expressed by rewriting of a cell background color.Each one of cells as a dot, and move it by make cell\u2019s background color high-speed rewriting.Although I did not think it\u2019s possiblele, but now it\u2019s possiblele by the favor of theimprovement in a performance of a personal computer.The window zoom is 10%, so the each cell can not be seen. But it is A CELL.Want to try this game? Click the download linkHERE. BTW Nobuya also created Space Invaders game in Excel. Check out the link below.Link:Pacman[tags]pacman, video game, excel, game[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/received-text-link-ads-cheques/", "title": "Received Text Link Ads cheques", "body": "These are cheques that I got fromText Link Ads. I got them last month and has deposited all of them. He3. Hopefully I will get the money this upcoming before Raya. So I can go for shopping to buy new clothes and some new stuffs.Before this, I have deposited cheque for June earning and it took about a month for the cheque to be deposited into my account. For 25USD you will get aroung RM80 something. I\u2019m not sure but around that number.Text Link Ads is an easy way for you to earn money from your website or blog and it is my primary site earning sources. Second source is from Google AdSense. Now, Text Link Ads not only seel text link ads but it also offerFeedVertising. I have make an entry about this but that post got washed away because of the database problem before. And I\u2019m waiting for anyone who want to buy link ads in my RSS.Other interesting read:Earn more money from Text Link AdsText Links Ads: Alternative to Google\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s AdSenseGet Money From Your SiteInterested to join Text Link Ads? Just follow thislinkand submit your site for FREE!!!Cypher:Can\u2019t wait for the money. He3.[tags]text link ads, adsense, google, tla[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/usb-hamster-wheel/", "title": "USB Hamster Wheel", "body": "Run cutie\u2026 Run\u2026 :))Plug this USB Hamster Wheel to your USB port and load the software included. When you start typing, this hamster will run and starts spinning the wheel. The more faster you type, the more faster it goes. Lol\u2026Thought:I think I can\u2019t type anything because this \u201clittle boy\u201d will make me laugh when it starts running.[viaGizmodo][tags]usb, hamster, tech[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cypherhackznet-is-now-pr6/", "title": "CypherHackz.Net is now PR6", "body": "Recently Google has updated the PR for all their datacenters. And this morning, I just noticed that my site\u2019s PR increase to PR6. He3.Actually I have heard about Google will update the PR last month.Jimmytold me about this. He got some friends that closed to Google. I\u2019m not sure but it is something like that.Anyway, does your site\u2019s PR increase? [tags]pr, page rank, pagerank, google[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/beta-marker-like-it-mark-it/", "title": "Beta Marker – Like it? Mark it!", "body": "Beta Markeris a website use the same concept as Digg. But the diffrence is, at Beta Marker you only mark software that you like. If you like or found out that the software is useful, you mark it. With this, you can promote the software to peoples.Beta Marker is about software you like. You\u2019ll discover the newest software releases here, all submitted by Beta Marker members. If you like a software, mark it to promote it to the home page. Submit, comment, mark and share your activity with friends.Link:Beta Marker[tags]beta marker, freeware, shareware, downloads[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wooden-memory-sticks/", "title": "Wooden Memory Sticks", "body": "Unique design of USB Memory sticks. It use natural wooden sticks and handmade by professional people. They come with 3 sizes, 256Mb, 512Mb and 1Gb.USB memory sticks are always nice to have around when transferring files from computer to computer. These sticks are made to stand out against its natural environment of computers and offices.These sticks are picked from the wood and are manually selected on their natural beauty, professionally handmade into unique and personal USB memory sticks.[viaoooms][tags]usb, memory, flash drive[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/1-step-simple-trick-with-recycle-bin/", "title": "1 step simple trick with Recycle Bin", "body": "I disable Show Desktop Icons on my computer. So all the icons on my dekstop will be hidden including the Recycle Bin icon. Sometimes I will empty the Recycle Bin but how I can do it without enabling Show Desktop Icons? Here is my one step simple trick.Before you disable Show Desktop Icons, hold and drag your Recycle Bin icon to Quick Launch toolbar.Done! Now even you enable or disable Show Desktop Icons, you still can empty your Recycle Bin by right clicking the icon and choose Empty Recycle Bin. Here is the screenshot when you right click the icon. [tags]how to, tricks, windows[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/always-backup-your-databases-why/", "title": "Always backup your Databases! Why?", "body": "This is a warning to all of internet bloggers. Please, please and please backup your database(s) each time you publish new posts to your website. I don\u2019t want what had happen to me maybe someday will happen to you.Recently, my site has problem with 403 error in all subfolders under cypherhackz.net including subdomains. At first, I thought I did something wrong but I\u2019m sure I didn\u2019t edit any permissions that will give me the 403 Forbidden page. So I asked my hosting provider to check it out. After awhile, they reply my email and said that they have fixed the problem and my site is ready to go.So I open up my site then I got this page:My first impression when read this was shock, angry, frust, sad, everything negatives came into my mind. I don\u2019t know what had happen to my database. Why it got disappeared? I don\u2019t want to blame my hostee. I don\u2019t want to blame anyone. Although I have some backup files but my last backup was 21st September. And it quite old. Hmm\u2026 Want or not, I have to use the backup file.So my advice to those who read this is, always backup your databases. Don\u2019t let this happen to you. Thanks you for your time\u2026 [tags]backup, tips, secure[/tags]ps: Is my site load slower than before?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/mozilla-firefox-1507-released/", "title": "Mozilla Firefox released", "body": "Have you upgrade your Firefox toFirefox The new update has been released yesterday. Yesterday, while I surfed the Internet, suddenly there was a pop-up from my Firefox browser asking me to install the latest version. So I chose ok and it install the latest updates in a minute.Some of my friends (Internet Explorer users) asked me why I use Firefox. With calm and confidence I answered the question. :d I said that, with Firefox you can surf the net with tabbed browsing. Which means you no need to open new window if you want to visit other sites. Beside than that, there are many themes and extensions that you can use to enhance the usebility of your Firefox. And all of them are free to download.I\u2019m using 6 extensions for my Firefox and useMostly Crystalas my Firefox theme. I really like Mostly Crystal. The theme uses colourful icons and there are really nice. You can see the screenshot below.Ok back to the topic. He3. This latest update have fixed known critical flaws. You can see the detailshere. And I wonder when will Firefox 100% free from vulnerabilities. Hmm\u2026 \ud83d\ude15 [tags]mozilla firefox, firefox, internet browser[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/leave-to-langkawi/", "title": "Leave to Langkawi", "body": "Hi guys\u2026Just want to let you know that I will not update my site till this Monday because I have a trip to Langkawi for my co-curriculum activities. I will leave to Langkawi with other members tonight at 8.30pm from UTM and we will first stop at Pusat Serenti Tasik Gelugor, Pulau Pinang before we continue our journey at 2.30pm.I will back from Langkawi on this Sunday evening and will arrive in UTM this Monday morning. That\u2019s all for now. I will update once I back from the trip. Till then\u2026 Bye! [tags]malaysia, langkawi, trip[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/adsense-earnings-reports-for-your-wordpress/", "title": "AdSense Earnings Reports for your WordPress", "body": "For those who have Google AdSense account, you can use this plugin to check your AdSense earning without need to visit Google AdSense website. It is very useful for those who frequently check their earning incomes like me. :dThe plugin,AdSense Earning Reportswill show your today earnings, past earnings from selected range in your WordPress dashboard or in the Options page.Here are two screenshots of the plugin on the run:Image 1: On your wordpress dashboardImage 2: In your WordPress Options page (click the image to enlarge)As you can see in Image 2, you can set how many past earnings that you want to display. By default it was set to 10 but I have changed it to 5. So it easier for me to check my past 5 days earnings without have to scrolldown so many times.Want to use this plugin? Get it here,AdSense Earnings WordPress Plugin. \ud83d\ude42 [tags]wordpress plugin, plugin, adsense[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/have-a-flight-with-google/", "title": "Have a flight with Google", "body": "Don\u2019t think Google only have their best search engine in the world. They also have their \u201cown\u201d plane. Check out this picture. An aeroplane fly with Google word on it.viaGmail Tools[tags]google, flight, funny pic[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/myorionet-hacked-and-lessons-learned/", "title": "MyOrionet hacked and lessons learned", "body": "MyOrionetis conducting acompetitionwhich is, webmaster who can listed his website on the first rank in Google will win. Today,WTJcommented on one of my post about MyOrionet had been hacked. Thehackernamed himself as Hacker_Amca and s/he (I don\u2019t know the gender :p ) put link to other website. I don\u2019t know what language used there. I think the website is from Tukey. Here is the print screen of the hacked website:Lessons learnedLessons that we can learn from this situation are:Updateyour website scripts when there are new updates availableThis is a must because the latest updates have bugs fixed and some upgrades that can improve the security of your website.Alwaysbackupyour site and databasesMake a backup of your website everyday if you update your site contents everyday. If not, make backup at least once a week.I\u2019m no security expert but I have little knowledge how to prevent sites from being hacked. Hope we can learn something from what had happen to MyOrionet. [tags]hacker, hack, website[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/old-posts-dont-throw-them-away-why/", "title": "Old posts. Don’t throw them away. Why?", "body": "I would like to ask you bloggers, what happen with your olds posts? Old that I mean here are posts that have been leave down far at the bottom of your archives.I start thinking about this yesterday when I glance through my own posts in my archives and thought what will happen with all of my old posts. Do people read them? Do I need to delete all of these old posts to clear my spaces? (sure I will not delete them lol\u2026) Should I republish these posts? Many questions came into my head yesterday.If so, what we can do?Just delete them and get rid them off. Just kidding. :d I\u2019m sure there is no one want to delete their entries right? He3. Ok. There are many ways that we can do. For those who use WordPress, you should smile because there are many plugins that we can use to make these old posts reusable. There are two plugins that I use on my site:Related Posts PluginThis plugin will display posts that are related with your entry. As you can see below of this post, there are 5 related posts which are related with this post. It is not hard to setup this plugin. And to select related posts are all automatically done by this plugin.Random PostOk. Next plugin that useful is Random Post. Random post will display random post on your website. I have put this plugin below my site header. See above. This plugin is very useful for your old posts. Try it! \ud83d\ude09Manual Link backBeside than using WordPress plugins, you also can manually link to your old posts. If you think that your entry is related with your old posts, just link back the posts in your entry. When readers read your entries, they will attract to click the link and read your old posts.That\u2019s all from me. Try them and don\u2019t let your old posts crying because they are \u201cold\u201d. \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/land-walker-gundam-mech-in-the-real-world/", "title": "Land Walker, “Gundam Mech” in the real world", "body": "Technology in Japan has taken step more further. This \u201cGundam\u201d robot is a person-carying robot vehicle with 3.4 metres high and 1000 kg weight and is the first mechanatron ever built by human being.The manufacturer,Sakakibara-Kikaireleased this mech to attract attention for the company. This heavy duty mech not only can walk but it also can shoot. Yea, shooting and fighting with mech is the best part in Gundam series. \ud83d\ude42Anyway, the bullets used by this mech are not the real one. It just shoot with rubber balls. But wonder what will happen if Land Walker equiped with real bullets? \ud83d\ude15Take a look at this robot in actions:More videos:Land Walker movingLand Walker shootingSo, for Gundam fans out there, do you interested to have this \u201ctoy\u201d in your collections? Prepare US$345,000 first and you can drive this machine at your nearest playground. :pviagizmag[tags]gundam_robot, gundam_fans, mech, robot[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-send-executable-file-in-gmail/", "title": "How to send executable file in Gmail", "body": "Yesterday my friend SMS me to send an installer (executable) file via email. So I useGmailas my primary email account and attached the file. But when I want to send the email, Gmail warned me that it does not allow any executable file send from Gmail. I\u2019m sure this is regarding of the security issues. So how I can send the executable file? Here is the trick. :dOk let say the file that you want to send name is Executable.Go toFolder Options(My Computer > Tools > Folder Options)InViewtab, uncheck \u201cHide extensions for known file types\u201c.And the file will look like thisThenrename the extension.exe with other extension like .jpg. Windows will prompt a warning message, just click \u201cOk\u201d. The file icon will be changed to .jpg icon and now your executable file is in .jpg format.Send the file to the receipent.After the receipent recieve the file, ask them to rename the extension file with .exe or it will not work.Note:I have try this many times in Gmail and it works and I\u2019m sure this trick also works in other email services. Because you send an image file not executable file. :pFound this trick useful?Please Digg the story!\ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/my-article-got-plagiarized/", "title": "My article got plagiarized", "body": "Take a look at thisarticle. Is the article looks the same like the article that Iwrote?I don\u2019t care ifhewant to copy and use my article but at least put the author name or where he got the article. Dude\u2026 I don\u2019t know how you can earn money by submitting my article as yours on that site but anyway I hope you \u201chappy\u201d with what you did.ps: Guys\u2026sorry if I\u2019m little bit emo in this post. I just don\u2019t feel like it when someone do like that. Plagiarize."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/businessx-submit-get-and-improve/", "title": "BusinessX – Submit, Get and Improve", "body": "BusinessX.Orgis a business exchange directory which you can submit your site links for free. Yea, it is free and no need to put reciprocal link on your site. All you have to do is just submit your site link and wait for the editors to approve your submission. Normally it won\u2019t take too long to get your site link approved.As the feedback, when you submit link to website directories like BusinessX.Org, you will get more back links and this will improve your site\u2019s PR. Not only just that, you also can get visitors for your sites.If you have read myarticle, I have mentioned that you can advertise your blog or website by submitting your site link to directories. So if you want to promote your site, this is your chance! \ud83d\ude09Link:BusinessX.Org"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/create-strong-password-with-password-chart/", "title": "Create strong password with Password Chart", "body": "How strong your password is? Is it easy to guess? Using simple combinational characters? Or you don\u2019t use any passwords at all in your life? Nah\u2026 I\u2019m sure every each of you have their own password. Those who know how to surf the Internet should know how to use and how to create their password. But is your password really strong?Can you remember these passwords?Here are some examples of strong passwords:m8+bbNY46u?z7$u?46^X7HrJs867$s66P$s6867n7_!nr8hr8h98bCan you imagine how hard it is to remember these passwords? I admit that I also can\u2019t remember these passwords. With all the special characters with multiple combinational used in the passwords, it is really hard to remember them. But with this tool (read below), you can create your own unguessable passwords without worrying to remember it.How did you do that?Password Chartis a password converter which will convert your password to more unbreakable password. Just type in the phrase that you can remember, Password Chart will create chart for your password and then type in the password that you want to convert. The password will automatically converted to more stronger password.How it works?Taken from thesite:An MD5 hash of the chart selection phrase is performed and the first 4 bytes of the hash is usedas a random number seed to a Mersenne Twister pseudo-random number generator.The password chart is then filled using sequences of 1 to 3 random upper and lower case letters andoptionally numbers and punctuation by grabbing successive numbers generated from the Twister.The reason for the random sequence length is to make reversing the substitution cipher a bit harder.The alphanumeric characters in the password is then converted using the chart.Basically it just convert your passwords based on the phrase you type in. :dLast NoteTo use this tool you must remember the phrase that you use for the password chart. If you forgot the phrase, you can\u2019t retrieve the strong passwords. So, in life there is no easy way to get something. You have to sacrifice something if you want to get something. \ud83d\ude09Link:Password Chart"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-rm100-by-joining-pertandingan-seomyorionet/", "title": "Get RM100 by joining pertandingan seomyorionet", "body": "Good news for those who have good knowledge aboutSEO.Myorionetlaunch a competition called \u201cpertandingan seomyorionet\u201c. This competition is based on how well your site ranked in Google when people looking for \u201cpertandingan seomyorionet\u201c.What is pertandingan seomyorionet?pertandingan seomyorionetis a competition where you must get atleast rank three in Google search engine when people searching forpertandingan seomyorionet(small letters only). The competition is held for two months start from 4th September till 4th November 2006.What are the prizes?The prizes forpertandingan seomyorionetare:First place \u2013 RM100Second place \u2013 RM50Third place \u2013 RM30Although it is not too much but atleast you will get some money when you win the competition. \ud83d\ude09For more infomation you can check at theirwebsite. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/site-poll-do-you-have-friendster-account/", "title": "Site Poll: Do you have Friendster account?", "body": "For this timesite pollquestion is, do you haveFriendsteraccount?I do have myown Friendster account. With Friendster, not only you can keep in touch with your friends, you also can make new friends. Beside than that, you also can see their profile, what they like, who are their members, are they still available or not and many much more.With more than 30 million members, Friendster is the best way to stay in touch with your friends and it\u2019s the fastest way to discover the people and things that matter to you most.You also can give them testimonial if you want to. See on my profile. I have about 500 testimonials (and still growing) that I got from my friends. You can write anything you want to your friends and they will reply back your testimonial. The concept used here same like blogging. You give comments and you will get comments. \ud83d\ude09Ok. Back to the topic. Do you have Friendster account? Take the vote now. :dps: If you don\u2019t mind,add meas your friend. \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/support-forums-for-malaysia-bloggers/", "title": "Support forums for Malaysia Bloggers", "body": "I have join three Malaysia bloggers support forums. And I want to share with you and would like to invite you to join our community.What I can get if I join these communities?Lol\u2026 Ok, when you join these parties, you can get new friends. Not only that, you also can promote your site. Which mean, you will get traffics and peoples will know about your site and will visit your site. Bloggers need visitors\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd right? \ud83d\ude09The forumsOk here are the forums that I join. Come and join us. Click on the link and register.Malaysia BloggersRun by Malaysia top blogger,LiewCF. He is the founder of this forum. There are some other famous bloggers likeLiewCF,Zeo,me. Ha3. Lol\u2026 I\u2019m just kidding. But anyway, there are many Malaysia bloggers you can find there. \ud83d\ude09WP MalaysiaThis forum focus for Malaysia WordPress users and all of the posts are in Malay. It is not an official WordPress forum support but it will give great help for those who need helps with their WordPress.WeblogscenterSad\u2026 \ud83d\ude41 Currently this forum site is down because of database errors. Don\u2019t know when will it up.Other support forums suggested by commentatorsBloglah\u2013 suggested byAdibps: If you have any Malaysia bloggers support forum, leave the link in the comment and I will add up here. Thank you! \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/google-analytics-another-service-from-google/", "title": "Google Analytics – another service from Google", "body": "How many of you usingGoogle Analytics? I have use Google Analytics since June 2006. Before this Google Analytics only can be sign up by invitation only but now you can sign up Google Analytics for free.What is Google Analytics?Google Analytics is another service from Google which will display eveything about your website. It is actually a site counter anyway but more advanced. With Google Analytics you not only know how many visitors visit your site but you also know how the visitors come to your site, what is their computer resolution, which link get more clicks, etc.Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. You\u2019ll be able to focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver ROI, and improve your site to convert more visitors.When the first time I use Google Analytics, the statistics page load too slow. Maybe because heavy traffics bump to Google Analytics server. Anyway, right now the statistics load faster than before. So you don\u2019t need to wait long.Google Analytics in WordPressIf you have sign up for Google Analytics, I recommended you to download and install thisWordPress plugin. This plugin will give you report without you have to login to your Google Analytics account. You can view the reports directly in your WordPress admin dashboard. \ud83d\ude42Google Analytics[viaTech-Scope]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cheapest-domain-name-registration-rm26-per-year/", "title": "Cheapest Domain name registration! RM26 per year!", "body": "For those who use subdomain or use free shorten url for your website, now you can get your own domain name for onlyRM26 per yearatMercumaya.Net. I think it is the cheapest price that you can get nowadays. The promotion will last this 15th September. So don\u2019t wait or you\u2019ll regret it. \ud83d\ude09RM26 per year.COM, .NET, .BIZ, .INFO, .ORG, .USRM66 per year.COM.MY, .NET.MY, .ORG.MYActually the offer start on 23rd August but I just found the info atAmanzsite. Anyway, I think it is not too late for you to buy your own domain name. Show your pride by having your own domain name. :dps: Am I a good promoter? Lol\u2026\ud83d\ude15"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-your-cyborg-name/", "title": "Get your Cyborg name", "body": "Ever imagine what will your cyborg name? You can heck your cyborg namehere. I have try it. At first I type in my nick, CypherHackz but that site not allow me to put name more than 10 letters. So I type in my name, Fauzi. And here what my cyborg name:Functional Artificial Ultimate Zoology Individual? Why Zoology? Lol\u2026 Anyway, what is yours? \ud83d\ude09The Cyborg Name Decoder[viaFaizulzone]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/mycypherhackznet-released/", "title": "myCypherHackz.Net released!", "body": "This is thepersonal blog projectthat I\u2019m talking about,myCypherHackz.Net. myCypherHackz.Net (myCHN) is my second blog that most of the posts will be in Malay. That\u2019s why I said that the project will be conducted in Malay. \ud83d\ude09 myCHN is powered by WordPress withK2as it\u2019s theme. Because it is difficult to edit K2, so I need times to edit the theme.If you noticed, there is \u201cMy Network\u201d section on the sidebar. Below it I have put CypherHackz.Net and myCypherHackz.Net link. If you forgot the link to myCHN (I hope you will not), you can check the link overthere. Anyway, CypherHackz.Net still run as usual. So keep visiting my CypherHackz.Net because I will update it each time I got good infos or news to share with you all.Lastly, come and feel free to visit my second blog site,myCypherHackz.Net"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/my-personal-blog-project/", "title": "My personal blog project", "body": "I have started this project (not really a project :p ) 2 days ago. And currently it is still under development. There are many things that I need to do. So I will not announce it before everything are finish.The project is conduct in Malay because I want to focus to Malaysian visitors only. But for those who know Malay, you can also participate in. I\u2019m not sure when I can finish setup all of this things. I hope it can done as soon as possible. \ud83d\ude42Lastly, I hope this project will get good response from the visitors. \ud83d\ude09 [tags]project, malaysia[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/can-you-see-google-ads-here/", "title": "Can you see Google Ads here?", "body": "I stumbled tothis site. At first it looks like just a normal website with so many links on it. While I glance through the page, my eyes catched on a phrase that I familiar with, \u201cAds by Google\u201d. Here take a look at the picture:Click image to enlargeCan you see howJoel Commembed Google Ads with his site contents? The contents look exactly the same with Google Ads.Below is the html code for the site contents:
        Cypher says: Can you imagine how much Joel Comm will earn every months?[tags]google adsense, google, adsense[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/digg-in-malaysia/", "title": "Digg in Malaysia?", "body": "Now Malaysian internet surfers can digg interesting local news toDigg Malaysia. It is exactly really the same withDigg.comwhere you can submit articles and voted by the community. \ud83d\ude42I appreciate what they did, but the poor is, when will Malaysia release something that are different than others. It is ok if use the idea but at least use something diffrent approches. Here what I get more the site:Please note that we\u2019re not trying to compete with the official digg!Sure, we can compete them (hopefully) but by using the same way as Digg.com, I think we can\u2019t go far. Anyway, congratulations to Digg Malaysia team for their afford to release Digg site for Malaysian. \ud83d\ude09Digg MalaysiaviaAmanz.Net[tags]digg, malaysia, digg malaysia[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/a-must-have-10-wordpress-plugins-for-your-website/", "title": "A must have 10 WordPress plugins for your website", "body": "These are 10 WordPress plugins that are useful for your website. If you not yet have them, I really suggest you to download and activate these plugins. \ud83d\ude09Google SitemapsThis generator will create a Google compliant sitemap of your WordPress blog.website|downloadFeedburner Feed ReplacementForwards all feed traffic to Feedburner while creating a randomized feed for Feedburner to pull from.website|downloadUltimate Tag WarriorAdd tags to wordpress. Tags and tag/post associations are seperated out for great justice.website|downloadOptimal TitleMirrors the function of wp_title() exactly, but moves the position of the \u2019separator\u2019 to after the title rather than before.website|downloadRelated PostsReturns a list of the related entries based on active/passive keyword matches.website|downloadChunk Urls for WordPressThis plugin shorten urls in comments so that they won\u2019t break your site.website|downloadSubscribe to CommentsAllows readers to recieve notifications of new comments that are posted to an entry.website|downloadExtended Live ArchivesImplements a dynamic archive, inspired by Binary Bonsai and the original Super Archives by Jonas Rabbe. Visit the ELA option panel to initialize the plugin.website|downloadWP-ContactFormWP Contact Form is a drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a post.website|downloadWordPress Database BackupOn-demand backup of your WordPress database.website|download[tags]plugins, enhance[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/malaysia-happy-independence-day/", "title": "Malaysia – Happy Independence Day", "body": "Today 31st August, all Malaysians are celebrating Malaysia\u2019s 49th Independence Day. And since I in UTM, I never miss to celebratemerdekabecause each year, the university will held ceremony for it.Actually I just back from celebrating merdeka at Padang Kawad UTM. After watched the fireworks, we sang patriotics songs. Then because I am too sleepy, I back to my room earlier. :pBefore I end this post I want to wish Happy Independence Day, MALAYSIA!!! [tags]malaysia, event, merdeka[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/yahoo-easter-egg/", "title": "Yahoo! – Easter Egg", "body": "Ever wonder Yahoo! also has it\u2019s owneaster egg?Go toYahoo!and click at the ! on the logo. But make sure you turn on your speaker and tell me what did you hear? :dYahoo! Easter Egg[LiewCF.com] [tags]yahoo, easter egg[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/earn-more-money-from-text-link-ads/", "title": "Earn more money from Text Link Ads", "body": "After about\u00a03 months I sign up forText Link Ads, I have made about $76 from it. It is not much comparing to other sites but at least I have make some money from my site.I have sign up to 4 site revenues, Text Link Ads, Google AdSense, AdBrite and Chitika eMinimalls. From these 4 revenues, I\u00a0earn more money from Text Link Ads. My site doesn\u2019t get much from Google AdSense and none from Chitika.\u00a0I get zero from Chitika because almost of my site visitors are from Malaysia and Asian countries. Thats mean even if they click on the ads, the clicks will not be\u00a0recorded.\u00a0Chitika only record clicks from supported countries like U.S, etc. Because of that I have removed Chitika ads from my site.And I also have removed AdBrite marketplace\u00a0from my site. After 3 months\u00a0I put the AdBrite marketplace on my site, there is no one want to buy them. So the marketplace, removed.Now I only run Google AdSense and Text Link Ads on my site. If you not yet sign up for Text Link Ads, you can sign up for freehere. I recommend you all to try Text Link Ads and wait the check come direct to your house. \ud83d\ude09Must Read:Text Links Ads: Alternative to Google\u2019s AdSenseGet Money From Your Site[tags]google adsense, text link ads, chitika, adbrite[/tags]Site:Text Link Ads"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/site-poll-result-what-internet-browser-you-are-using/", "title": "Site Poll Result: What Internet browser you are using?", "body": "Here is the result from the poll: [tags]internet browser, site poll, web browser[/tags]From the graph we can see that many of my site visitors using Firefox as their primary Internet browser. As my self, I also use Firefox because it is much better than other browsers. Besides, I have familiar with it. \ud83d\ude42I also use Opera. Opera is good in speed but it can\u2019t support some of javascripts. And I also can\u2019t login to my site if I use Opera. I don\u2019t know why. The error that I get saying that the precondition is failed. \ud83d\ude41"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/convert-your-site-to-dna-art/", "title": "Convert your Site to DNA Art", "body": "Ever wonder your website also have it own DNA?WEB2DNA will take you website, analyze it, crunch it to little bits and spit it out as a graphic representation of a human DNA.Baekdalcreate a cool tool which you can use it to convert your site into DNA traits. The above picture is my site DNA traits. You can can convert your website to DNA art here,WEB2DNA Art Project.If you like the DNA art, you can get thepotrait ship to your house. Here are some pictures of the potraits.WEB2DNA Art Project[baekdal.com] [tags]baekdal, dna art, web2dna[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/editplus-source-code-editor-for-website-programmers/", "title": "EditPlus – Source code editor for website programmers", "body": "Notepad is a software that comes with Windows. If you install Windows, Notepad will automatically install in your computer. With Notepad, you can write or open any files that you want. Some of the files are readable and some are not. Before this, I only use Notepad or sometimes Wordpad to write or edit my website source codes. But after I knew aboutEditPlus, I edit all of my .php and .htm files with it.EditPlus? What is it?EditPlus is another text editor that can do more than Notepad. You can write or modify your site files by using this powerful software. It offers many features for website authors and programmers.Colour my code pleaseThe best part that I love to use EditPlus is EditPlus support syntax highlighting. Not only for HTML or PHP files, EditPlus also can highlight syntax for CSS, ASP, PERL, C/C++, Java, Javascript and VBScript. And you also can create your own syntax to support other programming language. You can\u2019t find this in Notepad though. :pHey, make me a backup copy firstEditPlus will make a backup copy of your files each time you save your work. It will save the backup files with extension .bak. So, if anything goes wrong, you can replace the problem files with the copies. Just remove the ending .bak extension and you are done. Your files are back to the state before they get modified.More featuresEditPlus give many features. I don\u2019t want to list them all here because they have explained it wellhere. \ud83d\ude09Want to get a copy?If you want to try EditPlus, you can download it for free at EditPlusdownload page. The latest version is v2.21. But it is 30 days trial version only. If you want to own it, you need to pay. Well it is not cost to much compare to it features. [tags]editplus, software, text editor[/tags]EditPlus [EditPlus Text Editor, HTML Editor, Programmers Editor for Windows]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/check-your-sitescore-at-silktide/", "title": "Check your sitescore at Silktide", "body": "Silktideoffer free service which you can use to check what is your sitescore. After you type in your site address, Silktide will check and give informations about your site. The score is divided into 5 parts, marketing, design, accessbility, experience and visitor rating. You can read the explanation for each parts at their site.Beside giving the summary of the score, Silktide also give details for every aspects about your website. From the language use, speed, features, your site link popularity, etc. All are well explain under Detailed Breakdown. And they also give recommendations to improve your sitescore. if you have time to edit your site theme, you can do so and get higher score for your site.Overall, my sitescore is 7.9. For marketing score, my site only get 8.7. Design is 9.2. Accessbility only get 6.2. I don\u2019t know why this happen. It said \u201cHow accessible the website is, particularly to those with disabilities.\u201d What does they mean about \u201cto those with disabilities\u201d? And for experience, I get 9.7. Not bad huh? :d For visitor rating, my site don\u2019t get any rating yet. Maybe you guys can rate my site for. Of course I will not rate my own site. If you have time, feel free to rate my site. \ud83d\ude09If you want to check your sitescore, click on thisLINKand tell me what is your Silktide sitescore. \ud83d\ude42Silktide [Sitescore]via Amanz [Ranking Blog Anda] [tags]sitescore, silktide, info[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/my-articles-is-on-ezine-articles/", "title": "My article is on Ezine Articles", "body": "Few days ago I submited my article about \u201cHow to Advertise Your Blog\u201d to Ezine Articles. But today I received an email form Ezine Article saying this:Hello Fauzi,Your article, \u201cHow to Advertise Your Blog\u201d \u2013 has been accepted and added to the EzineArticles.com directory:http://EzineArticles.com/?id=267685You\u2019ve also earned Expert Author status:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fauzi_Mohd_DarusYour article will be on our high-traffic home page later today:http://EzineArticles.com/Your article has also been sent to our exclusive EzineArticles RSSFeed and to our proprietary EzineArticles Email Alert Members.For quality control purposes, your article was reviewed by ourAssociate Editor #9To Your Article Marketing Success!http://EzineArticles.com/And now I can put this banner on my site:But I will not call myself as Expert Author yet because I am not actually a good author. I just only write when I have ideas or things that I want to share to my site visitors. Thanks to you all\u2026 :d [tags]ezine articles, articles[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-free-windows-vista-beta-2-cd/", "title": "Get FREE Windows Vista Beta 2 CD", "body": "Want to get free Windows Vista Beta 2 CD? Just take the quiz and answer all the questions, you will get free Windows Vista Beta 2 CD ship right to your house. [tags]windows, windows vista, free[/tags]*cough*cough Here are the answers *cough*coughVistaClarityNovember 2006TrueAeroAll the aboveAll the above512 MBTake the quiz now:Microsoft Windows Vista Quiz\ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/bully-a-trailer-from-rockstar-games/", "title": "Bully – A trailer from Rockstar Games", "body": "Rockstar Games release a trailer for their new game, Bully. Watch the trailer and give comment. What do you think?[tags]movie trailer, bully, rockstar games, youtube[/tags]As a mischievous schoolboy, you\u2019ll stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks, win or lose the girl, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the worst school around, Bullworth Academy \u2013 a corrupt and crumbling prep school with an uptight facade.The story follows Jimmy Hopkins, a teenager who\u2019s been expelled from every school he\u2019s ever attended. Left to fend for himself after his mother abandons him at Bullworth to go on her fifth honeymoon, Jimmy has a whole year at Bullworth ahead of him, working his way up the social ladder of this demented institution of supposed learning, standing up for what he thinks is right and taking on the liars, cheats and snobs who are the most popular members of the student body and faculty. If Jimmy can survive the school year and outsmart his rivals, he could rule the school.Rockstar Games [Bully]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/beautify-your-windows-xp-with-style-xp/", "title": "Beautify your Windows XP with Style XP", "body": "Do you feel bored with the default Windows XP theme? Ever wanted to change the theme with more interesting and colourful styles? TryStyle XP. With Style XP you can change your Windows theme, logon page, boot screen, icons and backgrounds. It is easy to install and use.Once the installation completed, Style XP will test by changing your Windows XP theme to Panther style. The test theme looks like MacOS theme. Beside the themes that come with the software, you can add new themes which you can download for free atThemeXP.OrgThis website is like the heaven for Style XP users because they have thousands of visual styles which you can choose from. Not only visual styles, you also can download icon packs, boot screens, logons and background that meet your needs.I have use Style XP since 2004 and I never encounters any problem with it. Thats mean Style XP is stable and working fine with Windows XP. So what are you waiting for. Try StyleXP today! [tags]windows xp, style xp, theme xp[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/weird-error-messages/", "title": "Weird Error Messages", "body": "Check this funny and weird error messages that happen in the world. I\u2019m not sure whether they are true or not but it is really funny. :dWeird #1:This guy has online 136 years. Lol\u2026 Just wonder how old he is.Weird #2:Have you ever get this error message? :))Weird #3:Want to shop for a spyware? \ud83d\ude15ClickHERE, if you want to see more weird error messages like this."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hacking-simulation-where-hackers-test-their-skills/", "title": "Hacking Simulation: Where “hackers” test their skills", "body": "Have you ever play any hacking simulation game? I have play 2 games which areUplinkandStreet Hacker. I have finished play Uplink game but still playing the other one, Street Hacker. Uplink is more easier. Thats why I can finish it in less than 2 days. \ud83d\ude09Hacking simulation is a game where you as an underground or registered agent for a company break into your enemy systems and blow the systems off. It is depend on what objective of the missions. Some of the missions, you need to steal the money or maybe you need to plant viruses into the systems and take it down. There are many missions, so I\u2019m sure you will keep busy punching the keyboard. :pIf the mission is successful, you will get money and can upgrade your computer systems to maximum. The more missions you completed, the more money you will get and you will rank up yourself in the underground scene.There are other simulation games like this. Like BS Hacker and Digital Hazard. I not yet play these game because I want to finish Street Hacker first. But Street Hacker is not easy to play. \ud83d\ude41Anyway these are just simulations. Just a game for release tensions or just want to have fun in hacking. It is legal to play these games unless you really breakin into real life company or organsition, then you are in trouble. \ud83d\ude09 [tags]uplink, street hacker, digital hazard, bs hacker, hacking simulation[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-ubuntu-stickers-for-free/", "title": "Get Ubuntu Stickers for FREE!", "body": "For those who useUbuntu, you must get this four free Ubuntu stickers. Show your pride to others as Ubuntu users.System76give free Ubuntu stickers for those who want it. All you have to do is just send them a self addressed stamped envelope to:System76, Inc. (Free Sticker)875 S. Colorado Blvd. #765Denver, Colorado 80246Cypher says: I have got thefree Ubuntu CDs. If you want, you can get them for freeHERE.[tags]ubuntu, free stickers, ubuntu stickers[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/google%e2%80%99s-data-center-picture/", "title": "Google\u2019s Data Center picture", "body": "This is a picture taken by Jason Bettineski. This data center is located in Oregon. I never see any data center building and this is the first time I see it. Although it is just a picture but at least I know how data center looks like.via Sabahan [Picture of Google Data Center] [tags]google, data center, google data center, flickr[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/3d-art-illusions-by-julian-beever/", "title": "3D Art Illusions by Julian Beever", "body": "Check this out! Pavement 3D art illusions by Julian Beever. He draw the arts on pavement and it looks like real things. Really fantastic. I don\u2019t know how long it will takes to make one 3D art like this one.If you want to see more 3D art from him, you can visit his site athttp://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/index.htmlvia eRemaja [Virtual 3D Street Art] [tags]3d illusion, 3d art, pavement drawing[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/test-your-site-incoming-trackback/", "title": "Test your site incoming trackback", "body": "How to make sure that your site incoming trackback is working or not?Red Altgive a free service to check whether your site incoming trackback is working. The test trackback contain a message from Red Alt. If the trackback is succesfull, you can see the trackback message on your site. You can test the tracback here:Manual Trackback[tags]trackback, manual trackback[/tags]via LiewCF [Trackback Checker]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/site-poll-what-internet-brwoser-you-are-using/", "title": "Site Poll: What internet brwoser you are using?", "body": "For this time site poll question is, what internet browser you are using? I have put 5 answers but you can add up your own if your browser does not list there.I personally use Firefox. But sometimes I use Opera for download because in Firefox, you can\u2019t resume your downloads if there is a problem occur. Beside than that, Opera is the fastest web browser in the world [Opera still the fastest web browser]. Lol\u2026So what\u2019s yours? \ud83d\ude09 [tags]site poll, internet browser, web browser[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wireless-connection-with-d-link-usb-wireless-adapter/", "title": "Wireless Connection with D-Link USB Wireless Adapter", "body": "Yay\u2026 I have bought wireless adapter. I bought it when I went to PC Fair in JB last week. It cost about RM105. At first, I just want to buy the cheapest adopter that I can get there, but the seller told me that D-Link have more qualities than the other brands.I put the adapter on my table as you can see at the image. The best thing with this USB wireless adapter is, it comes with craddle. So I can stand it up which mean I can get more signal strength. Below is the Network Connection Status pic that I catched yesterday.If you want to know more about this product, you can visitDWL-G122 > High Speed 2.4GHz (802.11g) Wireless USB Adapter. [tags]wireless adaptor, wireless, network, d-link[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/just-only-a-short-post/", "title": "Just only a short post", "body": "It is been a while since my last update. So how are you guys? I really busy with my works and don\u2019t have time to update my site. But anyway I will subsribe wireless connection. So it is easier for me to update my site everyday without have to go to CICT.And just want to let you know that I\u2019ve just recieved my first cheque fromText Link Ads. And that is the first oversea cheque that I ever get. :d But I not yet deposit the cheque. Hopefully next week I will deposit it. So what will I do with the money? For this first cheque I will give it to my parents. Although it is not much but atleast they happy with what I\u2019ve earned. \ud83d\ude09 And seems like I get more money from TLA rather than Adsense and Adbrite. So I suggest for those who not yet register for TLA, you sign-up now because it\u2019s really worth it. \ud83d\ude42Btw my post aboutGet Rapidshare Free Premium Accountget many comments from my site readers. Thanks for those who sharing the download links although some of them are dead links. Lol\u2026 :p And forgive me if I not reply some of the comments. I will reply all the comments after I get the internet connection in my room.I think thats all for now. Till the next update. \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/sorry-cant-update-frequently/", "title": "Sorry… Can’t update frequently", "body": "Just a short post to say that I\u2019m sorry because I can\u2019t update this site frequently because I am busy with my works and studies. There are many things that I need to do. And currently I less of money because I don\u2019t get yet the scholarship money for this semester. I hope my sponsor will bank-in the money this week.Thats all for now. Till then\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cute-hello-kitty-mp3-player/", "title": "Cute Hello Kitty MP3 Player", "body": "Girls\u2026 This is a cute toy for you! :p I\u2019m just kidding. This is not a toy but it is a mp3 player from Sanrio. This cute Hello Kitty can play .mp3 and .wma files. With only 56mm x 35mm x 20mm in size and 26g weight, you can control the player by pushing the legs and arms. And this product only available in Korea."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-rapidshare-free-premium-account/", "title": "Get Rapidshare Free Premium Account", "body": "Sometime Rapidshare will give free premium account. With this premium account, you can download unlimited files. Which mean, you can download how many files that you want without have to wait like in free download. To check wether the free premium accounts are available, you must get this Rapidshare Free Premium Account Checker.Main features:Checks availability of free Premium RapidShare AccountsManual CheckProgrammable timerStarts with WindowsRuns in system trayPopups balloon/plays sound/opens RS page when there are free accountsProxy supportExtreme fast (uses GZIP)Download:http://rapidshare.de/files/24497496/RS_FAN_1.0.rarRapidShare Free Premium Accounts Checker[Blog Is Everything]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/the-ultimate-keyboard-from-microsoft/", "title": "The Ultimate Keyboard from Microsoft", "body": "Microsoft has released their ultimate keyboard for computer users. You can use it for your works, play games or just to show your style. This wireless keyboard comes with mouse (also wireless) with a 30 foot range. This smart technology keyboard will automatically turn on backlit keys in dim room and will turn it self off when you leave the room.Microsoft Hardware is pushing the innovation envelope and introducing industry firsts to help you move from work to play with cutting-edge performance and total style.Can a keyboard create its own mood lighting? Respond to you? Enlighten you? Move with you? The ultimate desktop can with ambient backlighting, proximity sensing and 30-feet of range.If you want to know more about this ultimate keyboard, you can watch flash presentation by Microsoft here:The Ultimate Keyboard"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wordpress-204-and-bug-hunt/", "title": "WordPress 2.0.4 and Bug Hunt", "body": "To make sure their next version free of bugs,WordPress.Orgwill hold aBug Huntnext week. This is due to Bug Independence Day on this 4th July. If you interested to join, you can join their IRC channel at#wordpress-bugs.More Info:2.0.4 and 2.1 Bug Hunt[Wordpress.Org]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/tag-4meme/", "title": "Tag: 4Meme", "body": "I\u2019ve been tagged from 2 persons, Korokmu [I\u2019ve Been Tagged \u2013 4Meme] and Amanz [4meme]4 jobs I would stink at:Security guard (I\u2019m not tough enough :d )Garbage CollectorCleanerBlogger \ud83d\ude154 nicknames I\u2019m making up for myself:FauziPojieCypherCypherHackz4 movies I can watch over & over:HackersBujang SenangAnak Mami KembaliThe Fast and The Furious \u2013 Tokyo Drift \ud83d\ude094 alcoholic beverages I enjoy from time to time:I don\u2019t drink4 fantastic destinations I would like to go to on vacation before I pass out:MeccaNorth or South PoleJapanGermany4 things I love to do on weekends:SleepingWash my clothesPlay bowlingWacthing movie4 celebrities I would go on a Big Date with:I don\u2019t have any celebrities that I like4 objects I could not live without:T-shirtPantsFoodsDrinks :d4 gadgets I do not have which I would quite like to have:Digital Camera \u2013 with high resolutionLatest Samsung phone model (I prefer to use Samsung instead or Nokia or others)iPodWireless USB Pen Drive \ud83d\ude154 wannabe bloggers tagged:JohnTPThilakTom ParkerKeith Dsouza"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cypherhackznet-rest-for-awhile/", "title": "CypherHackz.Net rest for awhile", "body": "Actually I want to announce about this before I back to UTM but my site was down so I can\u2019t publish this post before I leave.I am now in UTM and this post was published from CICT. I have to back to UTM cause I will going for 10 days camp in Muar, Johor. The camp will start on this 21st June and will end on 30th June. For 10 days I can\u2019t update my site and thats mean CypherHackz.Net will have his rest for awhile.Anyway, CypherHackz.Net will continue his routine after I back from the camp.. So please come back after 30th June. Or you can get free updates bysubscribe to my site feedor byemail subscription. You can also use the subscription form at the top of the sidebar.Hope I will see you all on this 1st July 2006. Bye! \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/new-firefox-mascot-a-girl/", "title": "New Firefox Mascot? A GIRL?", "body": "Click to view the picTiagosaid in one of his posts, Mozilla just finished the deal with a top model to promote their popular web browser product, Firefox. The model name is Alexandra Ansgar a blond Scandinavian girl. The hot chick pic as you see above. Wearing sexy Firefox shirt with her sexy style. What do you think? Hot like FIREfox? :dAt first when I read the first paragraph, I believed Alexandra Ansgar is the new Firefox mascot. But after I finished read his post, I saw a link to another post.After read the post, what I can say is the image above is just a HOAX. Again I said, it is a HOAX. :p\u2026I made up a name for the girl and decided to call her Alexandra Ansgar, also had to give her a nationality and picked up Scandinavian. With this in mind, I wrote the good news and published them\u2026Actually it is just a picture that he found on the internet and want to share with his site visitors.\u2026I can\u00ef\u00bf\u00bdt be selfish, need to share this with someone\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd wouldn\u00ef\u00bf\u00bdt it be cool to write about this on Gadgetizer?You can read his post here:New Firefox Mascot \u2013 Alexandra Ansgar. And don\u2019t forget to read this too:Firefox Mascot Hoax \u2013 Alexandra Ansgar:d [tags]firefox, firefox mascot, mascot[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/diy-dirty-mosquito-trap/", "title": "DIY Dirty Mosquito Trap", "body": "Can I put this trick in Tips & Tricks? :d Just found this on the internet. A quick DIY to trap mosquitoes by a 2 litre bootle.Only 7 materials needed to make this simple but successful mosquito trap. You can see how much mosquitoes trapped in the bottle. It is all about science. They just use carbon dioxide to attract mosquitoes to the bottle. If you want to make this trap, you can read the instructions (in English of course :p ) here:Quick and Dirty Mosquito Trap[DIY Happy]Cypher says: I think, if all peoples in the world use this mosquito trap, there will be no more air pollution or ozone issues. \ud83d\ude09viaQuick and Dirty Mosquito Trap[Kahsoon] [tags]diy, do it yourself, mosquito trap, tricks[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-plugin-site-statistics-v12/", "title": "WP Plugin: Site Statistics v1.2", "body": "Plugin Name: Site StatisticsPlugin URI:http://www.cypherhackz.net/archives/2006/06/16/wp-plugin-site-statistics-v12/Description: Show your site statistics. Posts, comments, categories, last post, last commentator and last modified.Version: 1.2Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netNow Site Statistics v1.2 works with permalinks. No more ugly links like before. :d Watch the demo below:< ?php cypher_sitestats(); ?>Download:cypher_site-statistics-v12.zipLatest Here"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/free-online-signature-user-bars/", "title": "FREE Online Signature User Bars", "body": "If you don\u2019t know how to use Adobe Photoshop or any graphic tools, you can generate your own signature user bar for free. Do you want to put these colourful signature user bars in your signature? It can be use in forums, as your email signature or just put it on your site. Do what you want to do with it. Because it is totally FREE.GFXedithave make an easy coolonline signature generator. Beside you can use just like that or you can put your name on it. There are 7 fonts and many designs that you can choose from.And if you want free Gmail Signature like this:Get them atSr-Ultimate Gmail Signature. There all FREE\u2026 Get one today!Cypher says: I think I\u2019m like a promoter. Lol\u2026 :dLinks:Online Siggy Maker,Gmail Signature[tags]user bars, signature, sig, online generator, gmail signature[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-free-mp3-downloads-from-google/", "title": "Get FREE MP3 Downloads from Google", "body": "Google is the best place where you can get anything that you want. Just named it. What kind of files that you want to download, you can get them from Google.In this article, I will show you how to get FREE MP3 files from Google.The trick is simple. You just use Google search expression to retrieve all indexed files in the search results page.For an example, you want to download MP3 songs of Ayumi Hamasaki. (She is my favourite singer when I was 19 years old) \ud83d\ude1bYou just type this line in Google search box:intitle:index.of? mp3 ayumiClick Search button and you will get hundreds or thousands of Ayumi Hamasaki MP3 files which you can download freely.Tip:You also can download free videos, movies, from Google. Just change \u2018mp3\u2019 to \u2018mpg\u2019 or \u2018avi\u2019 if you want to get the download links. \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/worlds-smallest-led-projector-by-sony/", "title": "World’s Smallest LED Projector by Sony", "body": "Just big size of a ball pen, this Sony (Light Emitting Diode)LED projector is the smallest LED Projector in the world. It only\u00a0used 14 LEDs including 4 red, 4 blue and 6 green diodes. Two innovations have been made to this projector to make it smaller.\u2026three transmissive LCDs serving as display devices and a prism for synthesizing light beams emitted from the three devices are directly coupled together to be a unitary component. Another innovation is that the distance between the LEDs and the display devices are reduced.And Sony not yet announce it availabilty and pricing. I wonder how much it will cost when it is available in the market. And who will buy this\u00a0cute little projector?\u00a0\ud83d\ude15Sony develops smallest LED projector[New Launches] [tags]projector, device, sony, led[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/31-usb-devices-on-1-usb-megahub/", "title": "31 USB devices on 1 USB MegaHub", "body": "You have many USB devices that you want to plug on to your computer. But your computer only have 4 USB ports. And all of them been used by your keyboard, mouse, usb pendrive and your printer.But\u00a0you want to transfer pictures from your digital camera, you need USB port. You want to use microphone to have a live chat with your Yahoo! Messenger buddies, you need USB port. You want to use webcam, you need USB port. All of them need extra USB ports.How about if you have 1 USB hub with 31 USB ports ready to use? I am sure you will not have any problems with your USB ports anymore. \ud83d\ude09But how much power does it need to supply this USB hub? :-wMore Info:31 ports USB Hub[tags]usb, usb port, usb hub, usb device[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/adsense-status-in-your-google-desktop/", "title": "AdSense Status in your Google Desktop", "body": "If you haveGoogle Desktop, you can download and use this plugin. AdSense Status is a Google Desktop plugin which you can use to monitor your Google AdSense earnings. It will display information form AdSense for Content, Search and Referrals.You can download it\u00a0for free directly from here:AdSense StatusAdSense Status[Airbear Software] [tags]adsense, google adsense, adsense status, software[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/more-than-60-free-it-magazines-for-subscibe/", "title": "More than 60 free IT Magazines for subscibe", "body": "I think this is the first short entry that I ever posted. :dIf you like reading IT magazines, check this site out. They list more than 60 IT magazines for subscribe.Link:60+ Free IT Magazines[tags]free magazines, it magazines, free it magazines[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/permalinks-structure-and-403-forbidden-error-problem-fixed/", "title": "Permalinks Structure and 403 Forbidden error problem fixed", "body": "If you have read my post aboutpermalinks structure problem, I just want to let you know that the problem has been fixed. Thanks toZeofor his help. :dHe told me to remove file 403.shtml from my site directory. After I removed it (actually I just renamed it to another name), now I can view date archives without getting the 403 error page:http://www.cypherhackz.net/archives/2006/06/14/I don\u2019t know why 403.shtml can caused the problem. At first, I thought it caused by wrong parameters in .htaccess file but it wasn\u2019t it.Anyway, I am happy my site is ok now. \ud83d\ude09 [tags]permalinks, permalinks structure[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hack-rapidshare-download-time-limits/", "title": "Hack Rapidshare Download Time Limits", "body": "Note: Does not working anymoreUsually I download softwares from Rapidshare and sometimes from MegaUpload. In Rapidshare, sometimes you have to wait certain time before you can begin your download. But is there anyway to remove the download limit?There are many ways that you can use to faster or remove the download limit. I will show you 2 easy tips on how to do it.By JavascriptIn the download page, click FREE buttonType this in the address bar and hit Enter:javascript:alert(c=0)Click Ok when a pop-up appearAnd start your downloadChanging your IP addressGo to Command Prompt (Run > cmd)Type this and hit Enter after each new lineipconfig /flushdnsipconfig /releaseipconfig /renewexitNow erase your cookies (I\u2019m sure you know how to do this \ud83d\ude09 )Go to the download page and try download againHacks to Beat Rapidshare Download Limits and Waiting Time[Tech-Recipes] [tags]tips, tricks, how-to[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/permalinks-structure-and-403-forbidden-error/", "title": "Permalinks Structure and 403 Forbidden error", "body": "While waiting for Brazil and Crotia match (in Malaysia the game start at 3 am), I try to fix my site permalinks structure problem. Actually this problem happen last week, I\u2019m not sure when it started. Before or after I upgraded my WordPress. I don\u2019t think this problem caused by my plugin because I have try diactivated all the plugins but nothing help there.The problem is, if I go to this link:http://www.cypherhackz.net/archives/2006/06/13/I will get 403 Forbidden error page and I can\u2019t view my posts on that day. But if I remove the forward-slash, I can view and see the posts. Like this:http://www.cypherhackz.net/archives/2006/06/13In WordPress Support, one of the members suggested me to reinstall my website. He thought maybe there is something isn\u2019t connect in my database. I did but I tested in another database. I just change database name in wp-config.php and install new database. But the problem still happen although with a fresh install.I also have asked my hosting provider and they said, from their experiences I need to edit .htaccess file. I don\u2019t know what to edit so I just delete .htaccess file (WordPress will create new one when this file got deleted) but still get 403 error page.And now, I don\u2019t know what to do\u2026 Does anyone ever had this problem before? How did you fix it? \ud83d\ude41 [tags]wordpress support, permalinks[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/worldcup-2006-scoreboard-on-your-desktop/", "title": "WorldCup 2006 Scoreboard on your Desktop", "body": "Microsoft Soccer Scoreboardalso known as Microsoft Football Scoreboard is a small program which will display real-time WorldCup 2006 tournament results directly on your Windows desktop. This free program with only 3.5Mb download in size allow you to access all latest tournament news just in one click. Not just display tournaments schedule, Microsoft Soccer Board also can act as news aggregator read RSS feed from sport sites that you subscribed.This program only run on WindowsXP platform (Home or Professional Edition). And your computer must at least have 500Mhz and with 30Mb of free space. And of course must have connection to the Internet.Although your computer can support this program, but Microsoft Soccer Scoreboard only available running on genuine Microsoft Windows. Before you can start your download, Microsoft will check whether your Windows is legit or not. If your Windows is not legit, don\u2019t ever think that you can download and use this program. :pI personally wouldn\u2019t download this program because I am not big fan of WorldCup. And I don\u2019t want wasting my money just want to online 24/7. Because your computer must stay connect to the Internet if you want to get latest update every seconds. \ud83d\ude09More Info:Microsoft Soccer ScoreboardviaMicrosoft WorldCup Soccerboard[Art of Silence] [tags]worldcup, fifa, worldcup 2006, microsoft[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/new-adsense-format-on-my-site/", "title": "New AdSense format on my site", "body": "I just found new adsense format on my site today. Maybe some of you have seen it on somewhere else or maybe on your site, but this is the first time it happen to my site and I saw it by myself.The ads combine with adblock and adlink. I think I have seen this in Problogger.Net. Darren has posted the samething like this on his site if I\u2019m not mistaken.I\u2019m just wonder when will Google make inline text ads\u2026 [tags]adsense, google, google adsense, internet[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-update-your-windowsxp-with-automatic-updates-is-turned-off/", "title": "How to update your WindowsXP with Automatic Updates is turned off", "body": "How you can get latest updates from Windows if you turn Automatic Updates off? Well, there is a website that offer download for those who don\u2019t want to download from Windows.Go to this site:http://www.softwarepatch.com/windows/and choose which updates that you want to download. After the download finished, restart your computer. \ud83d\ude42 [tags]windows, microsoft, softwaree[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/worm-for-yahoo-mail-users/", "title": "Worm for Yahoo Mail users", "body": "Beware for all Yahoo mail users. Don\u2019t open email that came fromav3@yahoo.comaddress with subject \u201cNew Graphic Site\u201c. A new worm targetting Yahoo Web based email has been spotted in the wild. The worm targets address with the yahoo.com and yahoogroups.com.This worm arrives as a message containing Javascript. When the user open the email, the worm will spread to other users in Yahoo address book.Cypher says: Thats why I use Gmail as my primary email. \ud83d\ude09Yahoo Mail Worm Harvesting Addresses[TechWeb] [tags]worm, internet worm, yahoo[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/google-developing-interactive-tv-apps/", "title": "Google Developing Interactive TV Apps", "body": "Google now move on to new area which they currently in developing interactive TV applications.The system uses a microphone to analyze the sound and can then provide the user with related Web content.Google Developing Interactive TV Apps[TechNews World] [tags]google, internet[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/gmail-corrupted/", "title": "Gmail Corrupted", "body": "I\u2019m surprised when I open my Gmail, it gave me alert like this:Why I should disable my firewall? There is nothing to do with my it. But when I click on emails that I want to read, it won\u2019t allow me. So, I have to logout and re-login.Does anyone have any experiences with this? [tags]gmail, email, internet[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/weekly-highlights-week-23-2006/", "title": "Weekly Highlights (Week 23, 2006)", "body": "My posts from 5th June till 11th June 2006 \ud83d\ude425 June 2006Firefox Extensions \u2013 200+ problems solvedStart Firefox with Multiple TabsPoll of The Week: Do you use Shoutbox on your site?6 June 2006My first entry with BlogJetOpera still the fastest web browser12 flaws in Firefox fixed7 June 2006FeedReader \u2013 RSS Feed ReaderFuture PageRank from SEOChatYahoo WebRank8 June 2006Text Link Ads: Alternative to Google\u2019s AdSenseGo away Thumbs.db!ZoneAlarm warned! Clear text password send to Bloglah.com9 June 2006How to Prevent from IP Spoofing?Want to test Windows Vista Beta 2?10 June 2006How to Advertise Your BlogGoogle got his fever!Online Casino, Gambling, Valium are the top paying keywords11 June 2006Ghostzilla \u2013 Ghost browser in your WindowsPlaintext passwords in FirefoxI am an Official SOBSite poll will close todayNote: Start on next Weekly Highlights, I will only highlighten certain posts only."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/tab-browsing-in-internet-explorer/", "title": "Tab browsing in Internet Explorer", "body": "Surf the internet with Internet Explorer Beta 7. A new improvement made by Yahoo! What\u2019s new in this Beta:Built in Yahoo! SearchYou can browse in tabsYahoo! Mail will automatically load in secondary tabSafer web browsingFor those regular IE users, get the beta copy now and enjoy your surf in tab browsing. :pCypher says: Although IE has tab browsing but I still want to use Firefox. :dMore Info:Internet Explorer (Beta 2)[Yahoo!] [tags]software, internet explorer, yahoo[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-windows-vista-beta-in-bittorent/", "title": "Get Windows Vista Beta in Bittorent", "body": "If you can\u2019t download from Microsoft website, now you can get Windows Vista Beta copy with bittorent.Chris Pirillo and Jake Ludington have createdVistaTorrentwith instructions on downloading the file thorugh Bittorent. You can read and follow the instructions given to download it. [tags]windows vista, vista, windows vista beta, bittorent[/tags]More Info:VistaTorrentviaWindows Vista Beta Available on Bittorent[TechCrunch]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/tag-let-me-tell-you-about-my-perfect-lover/", "title": "Tag: Let Me Tell You About My Perfect Lover", "body": "I\u2019ve been tagged byArif[Let Me Tell You About My Perfect Lover]Here are the rules:The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.If you are tagged the second time. There is NO need to do this again.Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.Ok. My perfect lover must:Pretty (Of course what\u2026 :d )CaringHonest in our relationshipUnderstandingShe don\u2019t mind if I close with my friends (girls)Know how to cook :pHer dressing must be simpleStay cute\u2026 \ud83d\ude42Next victims:AzmieIkokoLisaAmanC4stelloGieMr EimsNeezmoLeave me a comment if you have finished this task. :pEdit: For those who have married, I don\u2019t mind if you don\u2019t want to do this task."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/poll-result-do-you-use-shoutbox-on-your-site/", "title": "Poll Result: Do you use Shoutbox on your site?", "body": "There are 18 peoples have voted. Thanks for your time. \ud83d\ude42From the graph above we can divide it into two categories: Personal Site and Non-Personal Site.For Personal Site, almost site owners not use Shoutbox on their site. This is different from what I\u2019ve thought before. I thought personal site will mostly have shoutbox because they can interact with their regular site visitors which mostly are their friends.And again, I\u2019m wrong. I thought not many non-personal site will use shoutbox but from the graph, there are 2 my site visitors have voted Yes for Non-Personal Site. But the difference Yes (Non-Personal Site) and No (Non-Personal Site) is not big anyway. :d [tags]site poll, poll of this week[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/feedreader-303-released/", "title": "FeedReader 3.0.3 released", "body": "After not so long since my entry aboutFeedReader \u2013 RSS Feed Reader, FeedReader 3.0.3 has been released.FeedReader is a free news feed aggregator which you can use to subscribe and read latest site\u2019s news that you subcribed. You can read my post on how to use ithereor you can visit their site for more info.Download:Download FeedReaderMore Info:FeedReader[tags]feedreader, aggregator, rss, feeds, news[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/site-poll-will-close-today/", "title": "Site poll will close today", "body": "I will close this week site poll today. You have about 6 hours before I close it. \ud83d\ude09 It is not necessary to vote but at least I know you have participate and visit my site.So for those who not yet vote, you can vote it now. The site poll is on the sidebar. Thank you! :d [tags]site poll, poll of the week[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/i-am-an-official-sob/", "title": "I am an Official SOB", "body": "They take the conversation to their readers,contribute great ideas, challenge us, make us better, and make our businesses stronger.I thank every one of our SOBs for thinking what we say is worth passing on.Good conversation shared can only improve the blogging community.I have been awarded asSuccessful and Outstanding BloggersbyLiz. That is really a big honor for me. Thanks for the award Liz. I really appreciate it and thanks to my site readers and visitors too\u2026 [tags]sob, successful and outstanding bloggers, promotion, blog award[/tags]You can see other official SOB bloggers here:Thanks to Week 33 SOBs"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/plaintext-passwords-in-firefox/", "title": "Plaintext passwords in Firefox", "body": "Go to Tools > Options and click on Password tab. Then click on View Saved Passwords. Now click Show Passwords to reveal all saved passwords in Firefox. \ud83d\ude2eWow\u00ef\u00bf\u00bd It really reveal all the saved passwords in plaintext. I never knew about this before. But fortunately only me use this computer. I hope there is no one read my passwords.How to secure it?To secure all the saved passwords, you must setup your Master Password. And if there is someone who want to reveal the saved passwords, s/he need to enter Master Password first before they can view the saved passwords.Secure your saved passwords in Firefox[gHacks] [tags]firefox, internet, softwares, privacy[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/ghostzilla-ghost-browser-in-your-windows/", "title": "Ghostzilla – Ghost browser in your Windows", "body": "Do you surf internet at work? How do you hide from your boss while you surfing the internet? Or did you get caught before? :pWithGostzilla, you can surf the internet in any applications in Windows. Either in Microsoft Words, Internet Explorer, notepad or anything. This is a web browser which you can use to surf freely without anyone will notice.But the images and texts are in gray and white colours. So, it\u2019s not useful if you want to visit flickr or websites which have many images on it. But at least you can surf the internet right? \ud83d\ude09More Info:Ghostzilla[tags]ghostzilla, web browser, internet, softwares[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/online-casino-gambling-valium-are-the-top-paying-keywords/", "title": "Online Casino, Gambling, Valium are the top paying keywords", "body": "I am looking for what are the highest paying keywords in adsense. And what I got is differ from what I thought before. I thought the\u00a0top paying keywords\u00a0are something like gadgets, nano-technology, etc but the top paying keywords are:online casinoonline gamblingbuy xanaxgambling casinovalium onlineOnline casinois the highest paying keyword withmaximum price $6.39\ud83d\ude2e (this may change by the time). If you want to get more from your adsense, make a website contain with this keyword. Lol\u2026 Just kidding. :dActually it doesn\u2019t matter whether your site have high paying keywords or not, the most important is your site must have good quality content, have something that can attract peoples to visit your site regularly and it give benefits to your readers. [tags]high paying keywords, top paying keywords[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/google-got-his-fever/", "title": "Google got his fever!", "body": "Today when I open up Google.com, I saw they have change their logo on the main site. It is all because of World Cup 2006 which start\u00a0about 11.00\u00a0pm (Malaysia time) in Germany.The first match between Germany and Costa Rica. And Germany has won the match with 4 \u2013 2. But\u00a0I think Costa Rica should not have the goals because it were offside. I can saw it when the television rewind the goals in slow mode. [tags]google, world cup, world cup 2006[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-advertise-your-blog/", "title": "How to Advertise Your Blog", "body": "Everyday you update your blog. You write about your life and post it on your site. But no one reads them. Then you try writiting about latest technology and gadgets hoping that you will get some comments from readers on the next day but still, not many people comes to your site. But you still continue posting and updating your site everyday, every night. After some period, you realized that you need to promote and advertise your site but you don\u2019t know how.Here I will share with you some tips on how to promote and get more readers to your site. I\u2019m no expert in site advertising or marketing but I have some little knowledge that I want to share with you. :dJoin bloggers forumJoin and participate in bloggers forum or portals. Introduce yourself and brief politely about your site. Tell them what your site is about. I\u2019m sure in every bloggers forum, there is a section where you can promote or show off your blog. Post something there.Describe your blog and invite them to visit. If the forum admin enable signature in post (usually it is enable), put your site link in your signature. That way, peoples can see your site link when you post or reply someone\u2019s post on the forum.Visit other blogsYou must start it first. Don\u2019t wait people come to your site. Visit other member\u00ef\u00bf\u00bds blog and drop them some comments about their blog posts. Don\u2019t give comments say something like, \u201cHey, nice site!\u201d or \u201cI love your site. Cool!\u201d but give comments that relate to their posts. If they read your comment, they also will visit back to your site.Another way is, if your post same like other people post, trackback their post. I assume you know how to use trackback. :pSubmit to Blog Directory/TopsitesThere are many blog directories in the Internet. Submit your site to as many blog directories as you can. Almost of them are free but some of them you need to put HTML code on your site before your site been listed in their directory.And join topsites too. If your site is on top rank, there will be more peoples now about your site.Signature in EmailPut your site link in your email signature. So each time you send or reply email, the receiver will see it. So they\u2019ll know that you have a site and they will visit your site to see what your blog is about.Join Exchange Link programThis program is a two way feedback. You put their site link on your site and they will put yours on their site. The system goes like that. Beside increase your page rank, it also can bring more peoples to your site.Public BookmarkingSubmit your contents to any public book marking sites suchdel.icio.usorFurl, etc. There are many to list here. But make sure that you submit on specific topic or people will ignore it.Submit to Search EngineSubmit your site link to popular search engine such as Google, Yahoo, etc. There are some sites that can submit your site to 20 search engines for free.Ping your siteThis is a must. Ping your site toPingoat.comorPingomatic.comeach time you update your site. Both of them give the best ping-ing services.Well, if you have make all these things I\u2019m sure in one week or maybe less, you will have regular visitors that come to your site. But make sure you have good contents on your site or you will loose them one by one.If you have any comments or want to add up your own tips, feel free to say it in the comment form. Well, thanks for your time and hope this helps! \ud83d\ude09 [tags]advertise blog, increase visitors, increase traffic[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/want-to-test-windows-vista-beta-2/", "title": "Want to test Windows Vista Beta 2?", "body": "Microsoftis inviting people who want to test their new beta released, Vista Beta 2.Windows Vistawhich will available in early 2007 is currently looking for any volunteer who want to try Vista Beta 2 and give comments to improve it\u2019s performance.But before you decide want to dowload Vista Beta 2, make sure your computer is able to run it. Or you have to wait 10 minutes just to boot it up. :dSystem RequirementsA modern processor (at least 800MHz1)512 MB of system memoryA graphics processor that is DirectX 9 capableI love it\u2019s interface. Reall love it. But it use too much memory, 512Mb RAM. WindowsXP minimum requirement is only 256Mb. Maybe the next Microsoft OS will use 1.2Gb of RAM. \ud83d\ude41More Info:Windows Vista[tags]windows, windows vista, vista[/tags]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-to-prevent-from-ip-spoofing/", "title": "How to Prevent from IP Spoofing?", "body": "IP Spoofing is a trick which an attacker use to spoof clients to think that the packets come from trusted machine. There are many types of IP Spoofing and these are common types of the attack:Blind spoofingNon-blind spoofingDenial-of-service attackTo prevent from IP Spoofing, Jonathan Hassell has wrote an article aboutThe Top 5 Ways to Prevent IP Spoofing. He explain some common attacks in his article and how to prevent from these attacks.After read his article, I agree with his point to use encryption when transfer private data to others. It is more secure by that way.The Top 5 Ways to Prevent IP Spoofing[Computer World]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/zonealarm-warned-clear-text-password-send-to-bloglahcom/", "title": "ZoneAlarm warned! Clear text password send to Bloglah.com", "body": "I was shocked today when I want to login to my site,ZoneAlarm Progave me warning, Firefox want to send password toBloglah.com. Huh? When did I want to send password to Bloglah.com. I want to send password to CypherHackz.Net so I can login to my site. I talking to myself.I denied the request and Firefox sent me back to WordPress login prompt. I type in my user and password and try to login again. ZoneAlarm warned me with the same question. Hey! Not Bloglah.com but I want to login to CypherHackz.Net\u2026There is something wrong with my Firefox I thought. I close Firefox and try to login from Opera. Still get the same warning from ZoneAlarm. So the problem is not from Firefox. But my computer.I disconnect my computer and run ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware. Nothing suspicious scripts were found. Hmmm\u2026then I decided to restart my computer. After the computer restarted, everything is fine. I can login to my site and ZoneAlarm does not give me warning anymore.So, the lesson that we can learn here is use ZoneAlarm or any firewalls for your computer. Because you don\u2019t know if your password is send to other sites unless your trusted firewall give you warning like it did to me before.But why my computer want to send password to Bloglah.com?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/go-away-thumbsdb/", "title": "Go away Thumbs.db!", "body": "When I upload a folder image to my site via FTP, there is a file called Thumbs.db go along with it. What is that file? I wondered.What is Thumbs.db?Thumbs.db is a file generated by WindowsXP each time you view folder contents in \u201cThumbnail\u201d or \u201cFilmstrip\u201d view. This file is a cache file which use by WindowsXP to load up faster the next time you browse that folder.How to remove it permanently?You can delete Thumb.db and send it into Recycle Bin but it will keep appearing because by default thumbnails cache is enable in WindowsXP.To get rid of it, go toMy Computer > Tool > Folder Options > Viewand check \u201cDo not cache thumbnails\u201d.Be WarnedBy enabling this option, it will take a long time to open folder that contains large image files or quantity because the thumbnail images not been cached in Thumbs.db before.Windows tip: Rid your folders of Thumbs.db[LifeHacker]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/text-links-ads-alternative-to-googles-adsense/", "title": "Text Links Ads: Alternative to Google’s AdSense", "body": "After few days my site been approved byText Link Ads, I have earneddolarsfrom it by sellingone text link adon my site. If you noticed, there is a link on my sidebar under \u201cText Link Ads\u201d. The ad will be there until the end of this month.What is Text Link Ads?Text Link Adsis not a pay per click program like Google AdSense but it is a program where you sell your site space to advertisers. For each text link ads sold, you will get half revenue from it. Let say the text link ad worth about $50, you will get $25 from it. With one link you\u2019ll get $25, how about if you can sell 3 or 4 links or maybe more? You will get more than $100 for that month. There is a webmaster have make $600 just from selling text link ads on his site. Don\u2019t you want to be like him?Can I display Text Link Ads with Google AdSense?As mentioned above, Text Link Ads is not a pay per click or contextually served ad system. You can display Text Link Ads on the same page with Google AdSense, Yahoo! Publisher Network and other contextually served ads. So don\u2019t worry because you are not violating one of Google AdSense policy.How do I get paid?You will get paid via check or paypal. Minimum payout is $25. I currently don\u2019t receive the payment yet because only I sold one link early this month. The payments are only sent to publishers the first of every month. I hope I can sell more text link ads on my site before next month.How to register?To register your site for Text Link Ads is easy.Submit your siteto be approved into their publisher program, insert ad code and wait for advertisers buying your ads space. For wordpress user, there is a plugin where you can use to insert the code without you have to copy all the code into your site page.More about Text Link AdsIf you want to know more about Text Link Ads, you can visit their site atwww.text-link-ads.com"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/yahoo-webrank/", "title": "Yahoo WebRank", "body": "Usually we only know about Google PageRank. Like my site, pagerank 5. But do you know, Yahoo has its pagerank too? But it is not Yahoo PageRank but it is calledYahoo WebRank.Yahoo WebRank is a rank assigned to URL by Yahoo on a scale of 0-10. You can check your website webrankhere.I check my site webrank with \u2018www\u2019 and without \u2018www\u2019, the result still same. My site\u2019s webrank is 0. How lame\u2026 Lol\u2026 :dAnyway, what is your site\u2019s webrank?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/future-pagerank-from-seochat/", "title": "Future PageRank from SEOChat", "body": "Check your future pagerank with this SEO Tool fromSEOChat. This tool will query Google\u2019s various data centers to check for any changes in PageRank values for a given URL.You can check your future pagerank here:Future PageRankI\u2019ve check mine and the result is 5\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/feedreader-rss-feed-reader/", "title": "FeedReader – RSS Feed Reader", "body": "What software do you use to readRSS Feed? I personally useFeedReader. FeedReader is a freeware which you can use to subscribe and read RSS feeds. It is easy to use and manage. You can download it for free here:Download FeedReaderHow to use it?FeedReader is easy to use. All you have to do is, go to the website that you want to subscribe and find it\u2019s RSS link. Usually the link marked with one of these icons:After you found the link, copy the link (not the image link) and paste it in Add Feed (File > New > Feed) box. Then click Ok. FeedReader will start searching for the site\u2019s feed. If the feed is found, FeedReader will display RSS feed from the site that you subscribed.Do you have an example?Ok, for an example, copy my site\u2019s RSS feed link below and paste it in the Add Feed box. Then click OK. After awhile, you will get my site\u2019s feed in your FeedReader. It\u2019s simple. Copy and paste. :dRSS FeedsWhy do we need a FeedReader (or aggregator)?With FeedReader, you can get latest updates from the site that you subscribed without you have to visit or open the site. Each time the site updated, you\u2019ll get notice from FeedReader. FeedReader will display unread posts/news directly. So you don\u2019t have to waste your time by visiting your favourite sites just want to check whether they have published new posts/news or not.I don\u2019t like FeedReader. I want something else.Sure. If you don\u2019t like FeedReader (I hope you are not \ud83d\ude42 ), you can useFeedDeamon(30 days trial) orGreatNews. But I never use one of these two softwares, so I don\u2019t know how to use it. Maybe some of you who are using these two softwares can post some comments below. :dGood news for Firefox usersIf you use Firefox, there are extensions that you can use to read RSS feeds in your Firefox web browser. Here are two aggreagators that I used before:Wizz RSS News Reader 2.1.3NewsFox 0.5.2Both of them works great but I more prefer to FeedReader because of it\u2019s features. \ud83d\ude42So, have you subscribed to my site\u2019s feed yet? \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/12-flaws-in-firefox-fixed/", "title": "12 flaws in Firefox fixed", "body": "After the release new patches for Firefox, 12 flaws discovered have been patched. Five of the patches issued in Firefox were labeled \u201ccritical\u201d. Mozilla has released four security updates to the 1.5 edition since it was made available last November.Why you need to update your Firefox?You need to update your Firefox because multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Firefox. HTTP response smuggling attacks, could allow malicious code writer to steal login cookies or other sensitive data if the user has an account at the spoofed website.Beside than that, hackers can run buffer overflaw to unpatch Firefox that would allow them plant malicious code on victim\u2019s computer. Other flaws could let attacker run malicious JavaScript without the user\u2019s permission.I have updated my Firefox to the latest version. How about you? \ud83d\ude09More Info:Mozilla Fixes 12 Flaws in Firefox Browser"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/opera-still-the-fastest-web-browser/", "title": "Opera still the fastest web browser", "body": "On December 2005, I have wrote aboutOpera 8 \u2013 The Fastest Browser on Earth. After half year has past, Opera still hold the title.This sitehas performed web browser speed tests on 3 platforms (Linux, Mac and Windows) and almost all the tests won by Opera.But from my opinion, Opera is good in speed but it doesn\u2019t support some scripts and site layout on the net. For example, some sites that I open with Opera, the site\u2019s layout change and the site does not look like a site anymore. But this does not happen in Firefox and IE perhaps.Because of that reason, I make Firefox as my default web browser. Beside than that, it hasmany extensionsthat can enhance its usebility. How about you? What is your default web browser?More Info:Windows \u2013 Browser speed comparisons"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/my-first-entry-with-blogjet/", "title": "My first entry with BlogJet", "body": "This is my first post withBlogJet. Actually I have installed this application about 3 days ago but I have problem to connect it to my site because of some security issues with my hosting.BlogJetis not free. You need to get it\u2019s license if you want to keep it. For now, I just want to test it performance.BlogJetis a software where you can publish your entry without you visit your site. How do I say that? Erm\u2026you don\u2019t have to login to your site to write your new entry. You just write it inBlogJetthen click publish. Then you are done. Easy isn\u2019t it?Ah\u2026I also have downloadedBlogDeskand install it. It is a freeware. Of course many peoples want free things. If you want to try BlogDesk you can visit their site and download it. Tell me which one do you prefer between these two softwares. I think thats all for now. I will write my next post in BlogDesk and will tell you which one is the best.Note: The image above there is just for testing.Edit: Looks like BlogJet can\u2019t upload the image. And this post I edit with BlogDesk. \ud83d\ude09And I want to thanks to my friend,Thilakfor telling me about this desktop blogging client. :p"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/poll-of-the-week-do-you-use-shoutbox-on-your-site/", "title": "Poll of The Week: Do you use Shoutbox on your site?", "body": "I wonder how many my site readers use shoutbox on their site.So, this week poll is about do you use shoutbox on your site?If you do, is your site is a personal site (daily life) or something like commercial (info news, tech news, etc)?Feel free to take the vote\u2026 \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/start-firefox-with-multiple-tabs/", "title": "Start Firefox with Multiple Tabs", "body": "Each time I start Firefox, Google is the first page that will open up. To visit other sites, I push Ctrl+T many times to open new tabs. But do you know how to start Firefox with multiple tabs so you don\u2019t have to hold Ctrl+T or righ-click > New Tab to open new tabs when you start your Firefox?Here I will show you how to do it. But don\u2019t try this at IE because it will not work. I guarantee it. :pFig 1Ok, after you open up Firefox, go to Tools > Options. In General tab, you will see Home Page. In the box (Fig 1), is the url that your Firefox will open up when you open Firefox. To do the multiple tabs trick, just put this | between urls (Fig 2). For example,http://www.google.com|http://www.cypherhackz.net|http://www.gmail.comFig 2This will open www.google.com, www.cypherhackz.net and www.gmail.com in their own tab.If you don\u2019t have Firefox, you can download it for free here:Cypher says: When I open up Firefox, the first three things that I want to check are my site, my email and my friendster. :d"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/weekly-highlights-week-22-2006/", "title": "Weekly Highlights (Week 22, 2006)", "body": "My posts from 29th May till 4th June 2006. \ud83d\ude4229 May 2006\u2013Remote Exploit in Symantec Antivirus\u2013WP Plugin: Previous Posts v1.130 May 2006\u2013Fight WordPress Comment Spam\u2013Where are my Ubuntu CDs?1 June 2006\u2013Explode Your Blog Traffic\u2013AdSense API Beta\u2013Skype users in Danger\u2013StarOffice got his first virus2 June 2006\u2013Firefox release\u2013WordPress 2.0.3 release\u2013AdSense Calendar by Google3 June 2006\u2013Poll will be closed tomorrow\u2013New banner? Again?4 June 2006\u2013FootieFox \u2013 Firefox Footbal Worldcup Extension\u2013Technorati Favorites\u2013Site Poll closed\u2013Tips on how to get traffic for your blog"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-extensions-200-problems-solved/", "title": "Firefox Extensions – 200+ problems solved", "body": "Many peoples want to do more with their Firefox. Thats why Firefox extensions exist. But how do you know which extensions that can fullfill your needs?Thanks to eConsultant for their hard work listing all solutions for common problems.200+ extremely useful firefox extensions that save time and effortCurrently I using six extensions for my Firefox.Dom InspectorTalkbackDownload StatusbarCuteMenus \u2013 Crystal SVGTab Mix PlusAdBlockSo what Firefox extensions do you use? \ud83d\ude15"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/tips-on-how-to-get-traffic-for-your-blog/", "title": "Tips on how to get traffic for your blog", "body": "Every bloggers want to get high traffic for their blog(s). Seth has posted56 useful tipson how to get traffic for your blog.I wonder why he said \u201cBetter write in Chinese\u201d. \ud83d\ude15"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/site-poll-closed/", "title": "Site Poll closed", "body": "I have closed the Site Poll. There are 5 votes. 1 vote for Computer News and 4 vote for Tips & Tricks. Start next week I will post about Tips & Tricks. Bookmark orsubscribemy site so you will get updates each time I update my site."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/technorati-favorites/", "title": "Technorati Favorites", "body": "Technorati has released new feature where you now can add your favorite blogs on Technorati Favorites. With this feature, you can monitor, search and share your favorites with others.Want to start using this brand new feature? Clickhereand you\u2019ll directed to My Favorites panel. There you can add your favorite blogs url.Beside than that, they also offer Importing Tools which you can use to add any blog to your Favorites from your browser\u2019s toolbar. And you also can putthis nice buttonon your site to make your blog readers easier to add your blog in to their Favorites.If you like my blog, you can add my blog to your Favorites by clicking on this button:Add to Technorati Favorites!More Info:Got Favorites?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/footiefox-firefox-footbal-worldcup-extension/", "title": "FootieFox – Firefox Footbal Worldcup Extension", "body": "Worldcup will start about 6 days from now in Germany. For those who really love football, do you want to have listing of all games, teams, live results and all kick off times? In your Firefox?FootieFox is a firefox extension that offer information games that are played in every major league in the world. There are many things that you can do with this extension. You can add leagues of cups that you want to observe. Then you can select your favourite team and recieve the game information.You\u2019ll never miss a game with this extension. \ud83d\ude09More Info:FootieFox 1.0.4Note: If you don\u2019t have Firefox, you can download it for free here:"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-wallpapers/", "title": "Firefox Wallpapers", "body": "Here are some wallpapers that I get from the Internet. There are free for download. But the resolution is 1024 x 768. Maybe you have noticed that one of the wallpapers look familiar. Heh! Yea, I use it to make my site banner. :d Click the thumb image to enlarge."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/new-banner-again/", "title": "New banner? Again?", "body": "Lol\u2026 I change my site banner again. What do you think? Theme for this banner is \u201cFirefox rules\u2026 IE scared\u2026\u201d Hehehe\u2026 Before this, isOne Piecetheme.Ah\u2026beside than that, I also design new avatar, signature, site button and favicon. You can see my new favicon beside your address bar in your browser.Cypher Firefox Small BannerCypher Firefox AvatarCypher Firefox SignatureNote: If you want to put my site small banner on your site, usethis image linkinstead. And for those who has already put my site button, can you edit the image link with the new link. I use other extension format. Sorry and thank you!"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/poll-will-be-closed-tomorrow/", "title": "Poll will be closed tomorrow", "body": "Tomorrow I will close the site poll. For those who not yet vote, vote now if you like to. Right now, there are four peoples have voted. The question is \u201cWhat do you want more from this website?\u201d. From four votes, one voted for Computer News and three has voted for Tips & Tricks. You still have time to change the result though. \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/download-accelerator-plus-8/", "title": "Download Accelerator Plus 8", "body": "I have a copy of Download Accelerator Plus 8 and install it last night just want to try it\u2019s performance. What I can say after I try it is, wether I use it or not, the time it takes to download is same. To download 2Mb file, it took more than 10min which mean it is same if I download without using it.As you can see from the image above, the time left is 5min but the download is only about 59% finished. So I have decided don\u2019t want to use any download accelerator anymore. [-("}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/adsense-calendar-by-google/", "title": "AdSense Calendar by Google", "body": "Google announce that they are launching AdSense Calendar for Google AdSense publishers. With AdSense Calendar, publishers can check their Monthly Payment Schedule, Inside AdSense Announcement and other upcoming events.There are two ways, publishers can subscribe for AdSense Calendar. Readherefor more info on how to subcribe.More Info:Make a date with AdSense Calendar"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wordpress-203-release/", "title": "WordPress 2.0.3 release", "body": "The latest stable WordPress 2.0.3 version is avaiable for download now. This is a bug fix an security release, and recommended to all users to download the update now. They\u2019ve also backported a number of security enhancements from 2.1 to further enhance and protect your blog, including small performance enhancements. You can download ithere.If this is your first installation, you can read the instructionshere. And if you want to upgrade your current wordpress, visitthis site.For addition, if you don\u2019t want to waste your time by uploading all the files,Markhas compiled \u201cchanged files only\u201d zip, a diff (patch file) and a plain text list of the files that have changed.More Info:WordPress 2.0.3"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-1504-release/", "title": "Firefox release", "body": "Mozilla has released new Firefox version, Firefox on 1 June 2006. This version give more improvements of product stability and update some security flaw. Upgrade your Firefox now by clicking here,Get Firefox.More Info:Firefox"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/kaspersky-6-best-buy-award-from-computer-shopper/", "title": "Kaspersky 6 – Best Buy Award from Computer Shopper", "body": "Kaspersky AntiVirus 6won the Computer Shopper Best Buy Award for this June edition of Computer Shopper. Ease of use, good perform in detection, easy to update and reasonable price are the things that make Kaspersky 6 worth to get the award.Kaspersky 6 which released this 15th May 2006, was tested against other leading antivirus programs for the first time in UK.Once install, you can leave Kaspersky 6 do it works. A reviewer commented: \u201cAn updated, friendly interface gives access to lots of options; many suitable for advanced users. However, if you don\u2019t want to get your hands dirty playing with advanced settings or exporting virus scan reports in CSV format, you don\u2019t have to. Simply install the software, let it update itself, and it scans your system regularly. A single slider selects one of three security levels.\u201dThe reviewer add: \u201cPerfectly, as it turned out. It was one of only three products tested to detect every sample. Interestingly, the other two (F-Secure and Steganos AntiVirus) also use Kaspersky Anti-Virus technology.\u201dMore Info:Kaspersky\u00ae Anti-Virus 6.0 wins first Best Buy Award from Computer ShopperCypher says: I currently using KAV 5. Will upgrade it when KAV 6 support local folder update."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/staroffice-got-his-first-virus/", "title": "StarOffice got his first virus", "body": "Based onKasperskyresearchers report, they found a new virus that attackStarOffice. They named it \u201cStardust\u201d. Stardust is the first virus that created to infect StarOffice and/orOpenOffice. Written in Star Basic, the macro virus download an image (adult content) from the Internet and open it as a new document.Kaspersky said, they will add up more information about Stardust in their Virus Encyclopedia very soon.More Info:Virus.StarOffice.Stardust.a"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/skype-users-in-danger/", "title": "Skype users in Danger", "body": "This is kind of old news. But attention to all Skype users. Download thelatest Skype updatefor your Skype software because a flaw has been found by Australian security firm.Security-Assessment.comhas discovered with the install of Windows-based Skype client. The flaw is dangeorus because an attacker can retrieve files from other Skype users through unauthenticated connections due to a flaw in the URI(Uniform Resource Identifiers). Skype was notified about the flaw earlier this month (May) and promptly issued a patch. General vulnerability dissemination was made on 22 May by Security-Assessment.com.More Info:Australian company uncovers Skype flaw"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/adsense-api-beta/", "title": "AdSense API Beta", "body": "AdSense API beta is a service that enables you to integrate Google Adsense in your site. By using AdSense API, you can enable users using AdSense functions without leaving your site. Here is what they said:Using the AdSense API, you can enable users to perform a variety of AdSense functions without leaving your website, including the following:\u2013 Create an AdSense account\u2013 Manage an AdSense account\u2013 Create and modify AdSense for content ad units and link units, AdSense for search boxes, and Referrals\u2013 View detailed reports to monitor performance and earningsWith AdSense API you can get more earnings from publishers that you signed up. And you will get $100 more if the publishers get $100 less than 180 days after they registered. But anyway, not all site will be accepted cause your site must have minimum 100 000 page views per day.More Info:Introducing the AdSense API beta"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/explode-your-blog-traffic/", "title": "Explode Your Blog Traffic", "body": "No one read your blog? Try this free service to promote your blog and get your blog traffic explode!Blog Explosionis a well known blog traffic generator where you read other people blogs and they will read your blog. It is easy and it is totally 100% free.But before you sign-up for Blog Explosion, make sure your site must be in English or your apllication will be rejected. This happen to me months ago. Lol\u2026 :d It will only take about 2 or 3 days for your site been accepted by them. After that you can start earning credits by surfing other members blog. For every 2 blogs you read, you will earn 1 credit. With this 1 credit you can assign it to bring one visitor to your blog.Beside earning credits by visiting other blogs, they also offer a referral program which you can use to get more traffics. They will assign 15%, 10% and 5% more traffics generated from the members you refer through three levels. It seems like multi-level marketing right? Anyway, it\u2019s worth!I have sign up and my site traffic increases since that. So, what are you waiting for? Boost your blog traffic today! Clickhereto sign-up."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/where-is-my-ubuntu-cds/", "title": "Where are my Ubuntu CDs?", "body": "I have make an order onDec 2005. But till now I still didn\u2019t receive the free Ubuntu CD. Did they forgot about my order? Or maybe my order was in the dust-bin. I really hope that I will receive them before I back to Uni. \ud83d\ude41Btw I think I will gonna make another wordpress plugin. So I don\u2019t need to edit the announcement each time I update my post. :d"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/fight-wordpress-comment-spam/", "title": "Fight WordPress Comment Spam", "body": "Have you ever encounter spam in your comments? I was. Before I use these plugins (read below), about 500+ spams in my comments and I need to delete all of them each time I logging into my account. The problem getting worst when there were about 1000+ spams I need to delete.But you know, to delete these spams is not easy as the word is because you need to manage them in your admin panel. You have to tick which comments that are spams (you don\u2019t want to delete your visitor comments right? \ud83d\ude42 )and click delete. If there are 5 or 8 spams, it is fine. But how about if there are 500 or 1000+ comments (including spams) that you need to check before you click the delete button? It will really takes time. I don\u2019t have time for that. So I downloaded and use these useful anti-spam plugins which I recommended for you to use it on your wordpress.I use 2 wordpress plugins that can block and delete these unwanted spams automatically. I know, one plugin is enough but I love to have more protection and want to try their performance. :p All you have to do is just download, upload the plugin and activate it. But one of these plugins need an API key.Spam Karma 2This is my first anti-spam plugin that I use. This plugin works great. After I use this plugin, there are no more spams in my comments. So I don\u2019t need to moderate comments each time I login. Spam Karma 2 (SK2) created byDr Dave. There is not many steps to install this plugin. Just upload it in wp-content/plugins folder, then activate it in your admin panel. Each time when SK2 caught spams, it will send a notification email to your email account. So you\u2019ll know that spam is attacking your site.For more info, you can visit SK2 pagehere. If you want to download the plugin, you can download it directly fromhere.AkismetAutomatic Kismet (Akismet) is another great anti-spam plugin that I recommended. But before you can use this plugin, you need to haveWordPress API keywhere you can get it for freehere. Sign-up and choose \u201cJust an username\u201d (if you already have wordpress site runs up). After register, you\u2019ll get an API key that you can use for the plugin. Upload, activate and enter the API key. Then you\u2019re done. Simple!After the plugin activated, you can manage the spams in Options. Click on Akismet Spam tab and click Delete All. All spams will be deleted. Anyway, this plugin can do this automatically. After 15 days, Akismet will delete the spams from your database. Easy eh? :dIf you wish to know more about this plugin, you can visitAkismet plugin pageto download it or you can download ithere.Bad BehaviorI don\u2019t use this plugin but other anti-spam plugin you might consider to use isBad Behaviour. This plugin will prevents spams bot from accessing your site by analyzing their HTTP header. Bad Behavior is not for WordPress only but it also can be integrated with other PHP based software too. Clickhereto download Bad Behavior."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/inject-adsense-in-your-post/", "title": "Inject Adsense in Your Post", "body": "Dax has created Adsense Injection a plugin for wordpress where it will put adsense script randomly in your post. The ads will change places each page view. It is really useful to reducing ads blindness spot in your blog.You can check the plugin in actionhere. Try to refresh the page a few times and you will see the ads will change place when you refresh it.For more details, you can visit Dax sitehere. If you wish to download the plugin, clickhere."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-plugin-previous-posts-v11/", "title": "WP Plugin: Previous Posts v1.1", "body": "Plugin Name: Previous PostsPlugin URI:http://www.cypherhackz.net/archives/2006/05/29/wp-plugin-previous-posts-v11/Description: Returns a list of your previous posts. You can set how many posts to be displayed.Version: 1.1Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netThis is the latest update from theprevious version. It just a minor changes only where this plugin now can display links with with custom permalinks.Download:cypher_previousposts.zip"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/remote-exploit-in-symantec-antivirus/", "title": "Remote Exploit in Symantec Antivirus", "body": "According to research conduct byeEye, a vulnerability remote exploit has been found inSymantec Antivirusproduct. The flaw does not require any user interaction for exploitation and can compromise the systems. With this exploit, the affected system allow for the execution of malicious code with SYSTEM level access. Symantec software that affected with this vulnerability are Symantect Antivirus 10.x, Symantect Client Security 3.x and maybe other products also affeted with this exploit.Source:eEye Digital SecurityCypher says: Fortunately I use Kaspersky on my comp.\ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/weekly-highlights-week-21-2006/", "title": "Weekly Highlights (Week 21, 2006)", "body": "My posts from 22nd May till 28th May 2006. \ud83d\ude4222 May 2006\u2013Change Text on WinXP Start Button23 May 2006\u2013New Site Banner\u2013Abang? Sayang? Kereta?24 May 2006\u2013Site Modifications\u2013I\u00ef\u00bf\u00bdve Been Tagged\u2013Google PageRank Prediction25 May 2006\u2013Custom Made USB Flash Drive\u2013New Friendster Pages\u2013Your Windows XP Uptime26 May 2006\u2013Get Money From Your Site27 May 2006\u2013Chitika eMiniMalls Plugin for WordPress28 May 2006\u2013The Chitika eMiniMalls Tool\u2013Poll of the Week: What do you want?\u2013Disable Send Error Report in WinXP"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/disable-send-error-report-in-winxp/", "title": "Disable Send Error Report in WinXP", "body": "Windows will tries to send error report to Microsoft every time a porgram crashed. To disable this, follow these simple steps:1. Right click My Computer and choose Properties2. Click on Advanced tab3. Click on Error Reporting4. Check Disable error reporting5. OkHope this helps!Cypher says: This error report is annoying. We don\u2019t need them. Why it should exist?Hmm\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/poll-of-the-week-what-do-you-want/", "title": "Poll of the Week: What do you want?", "body": "For this week poll, I would like to ask what do you want more from this site? I have put four answers for you to vote. If you like, you can add new answer to it. At the end of this week, I will check the results and I will start a new and first project for this site."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/the-chitika-eminimalls-tool/", "title": "The Chitika eMiniMalls Tool", "body": "ThisTOOLwill show you what products that will be shown if you put certain keywords. For an example, if you put \u201cATI Radeon\u201d, Chitika eMiniMalls will show up \u201cATI RADEON X1900 XTX\u201d product.Don\u2019t have Chitika? Sign-up freeHERE."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/chitika-eminimalls-plugin-for-wordpress/", "title": "Chitika eMiniMalls Plugin for WordPress", "body": "If you useChitikaads on your wordpress, you can use this plugin to place the ads in your posts. I just installed and use Chitika eMiniMalls plugin today. You can download it fromHERE. It works fine. Easy to install and manage. Just put the plugin folder into wp-content/plugins and activate it in your plugin management. After activated, you can edit the settings in eMiniMall options. Go to Options and click on eMiniMall tab.There you\u2019ll see 10 options that you can change for your Chitika plugin.Chitika Account IdThis account id is required for Chitika plugin. If you don\u2019t have it, you can sign-up atChitikawebsite.WidthUse to set the width size of the ads.HeightUse to set the height size of the ads.CategoryBy defaults, the plugin set it to 20001 which means it is the category code for \u201cChitika Seasonal Specials\u201d. If you want to change another category, you can get the numeric code fromTHIS LIST.ProductsType in products or keywords that match with your site. For an example, \u201cSony Playstation\u201d. The ads display will corresponding to these keywords.Channel TrackingIf you use channel tracking, enter the channel for the Chitika ads. Channel is useful if you put many Chitika ads at one page. So it easier to look which Chitika ads that get more clicks.Background ColorBy default is white. In this textbox, you can type in any color that you like for the ads background. And you also can set it with Hex color code. Usually people will set it same as the site background color.Border ColorSet the border color. From what I read from other\u2019s posts on some website, they said it is much better if you set it same as the background color which mean it will look no border.Title ColorSet the title color for the ads. I suggest that you put the same color as your site link color.Text ColorAs the name applies, use to set the text color. I also recommended you to put the same color as the site text color.After you have set all the default settings for the plugin, you now can put the Chitika ads in your post. In your Write Post area, there will be a eMiniMall text or Chitika icon (if you use Rich Text Editor). Just click the icon to place the ads in your post.Sometimes you want to change the ads code without changing the default settings (which you set it in the Options). To do this, after you click \u201ceMiniMall\u201d, the code \u201c[eminimall]\u201d will be inserted in your textarea. If you want to change the products into something else like \u201cSDRM Memory\u201d and \u201cPower Supply\u201d, change the line to this:[eminimall products = \u201cSDRM Memory, Power Supply\u201d]If you want to change the background and border color (eg: black), you can change the code with this:[eminimall background = \u201cblack\u201d border = \u201cblack\u201d]The complete list of the options:[eminimallchannel=\u201dchannel_name\u201dbackground=\u201dcolor\u201dborder=\u201dcolor\u201dtitlecolor=\u201dcolor\u201dtextcolor=\u201dcolor\u201dwidth=\u201dwidth\u201dheight=\u201dheight\u201dclient=\u201dyour-client-id\u201dproducts=\u201dlist of products seperated by commas\u201d]This is my first review for this plugin. If you have any comments or tips or want to add something, you can leave it in the comments below. Thanks!"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-money-from-your-site/", "title": "Get Money From Your Site", "body": "After long time using Google Adsense now I\u2019m trying new ads for my site. Yay! My site have been approved by some new revenue sites that I registered a few days ago. I have submited my application toAdBrite,Text Link AdsandChitika. And they approved my applications. Right now I have put their banners on my site. If you noticed everything is on the sidebar. But some ads I put at the end of my post. I know, although my site been approved but it doesn\u2019t mean that I will get much money from it. But at least I\u2019ll get some that can cover cost for my hosting.Well, if you have your own site/blog, why don\u2019t you want to register? Give it a try. Click one of those links below:AdBrite\u2013 The Internet Ad\u2019s MarketplaceText Link Ads\u2013 Smart Link MarketingChitika\u2013 Turning Pages View Into Profit"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/your-windows-xp-uptime/", "title": "Your Windows XP Uptime", "body": "Want to know how long has your Windows XP system been running is?Click Start > Run and type \u201ccmd\u201d (without the quotes) to open the command prompt. At the prompt, you type:systeminfoThere you\u2019ll see your system information. Scroll down the list to the line where it says System Up Time. This line will tell you in days, hours, minutes and seconds how long your computer been running.Note: This command works in Windows XP Professional. If in Home Edition you type:net statistics workstationHope this helps!"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/new-friendster/", "title": "New Friendster Pages", "body": "Have you logon into yourFriendsteraccount yet? Take a look their new pages. They have changed their main page and also user home page. It looks more organised and neat."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/custom-made-usb-flash-drive/", "title": "Custom Made USB Flash Drive", "body": "Want to make your own USB Flash Drive with your unique company/personal logo on it?CustomUSBoffer a service where you can make your own USB flash drive with low price. It is a good opportunity for any organizations or companies to promote themselves. And even if schools or universities want to make a big event, they can promote it by giving the flash drive as door-gifts (I don\u2019t think so \ud83d\ude42 ).CustomUSB offer up to 16Gb of storage for flash disk and for external disk they offer up to 500Gb. 500Gb? Hmm\u2026what you will do with 500Gb space anyway? Well I think this is another great way to promote events or organizations.Link:CustomUSB"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/google-pagerank-prediction/", "title": "Google PageRank Prediction", "body": "Currently my site Google PageRank is 5. And I wonder what is my pagerank would be. So, I search in google.com if I can find sites that can calculate my next google pagerank. Yes, there are many sites that offer free service to predict next google page rank. But I click on thisSITElink.I enter my site link in the box and click submit. Want to know what my google pagerank would be? He3. They said that my future pagerank will 6. I really hope that it will come true. Lol\u2026Results: Your current Google PageRank is 5. Based on our calculations, we predict your future PageRank after the next Google update will be 6, an increase of 10.54%.So, do you want to know your future google pagerank? Just click on this link:Google PageRank Prediction."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/site-modifications/", "title": "Site Modifications", "body": "Late at night about 1.30 am, after watching Prison Break series, I edit my site theme. I add up Site Poll on my site. So everything need to be organised back since I put the poll on the sidebar. Actually I\u2019ve decided to put site poll about 3 or 4 months ago but couldn\u2019t find plugin that meet my needs and considering the time since I at UTM. Untill last night when I open up Google and enter some keys, then I found wordpress poll plugin from thissite. This poll plugin called Democracy. But don\u2019t ask me why the author named it like that. Maybe he loved to. It works fine and easy to manage. Thanks to the author,Andrew Sutherlandfor his great plugin.And if you noticed, I removed Countdown from the list and replace it with the Site Poll. I also replace my old shoutbox with new shoutbox fromShoutMix.Ikokosaid that I need to try it first if I want to know it\u2019s advantages. Lol\u2026 Well\u2026I have use it couple days now and I think it is not differ from the other shoutbox out there. Currently I working on editting it\u2019s CSS so it\u2019ll match with my current theme.Other changes, I putDiggandDel.icio.ussubmit link in every single posts. So if I post something that I think I can share to them, I just click on the link. Ah\u2026not to forget that if you like to get updates each time I add up new posts, you can click onSubscribelink at the bottom of the post. When you subscribed to my site, you\u2019ll get email saying that I have post something new on my site.Hmm\u2026I think thats all from now. I feel so sleepy. It\u2019s about 2.45 am here. Time to sleep. See ya on the next post. But before I go, don\u2019t forget to vote the poll each time you visit my site. He3. Later\u2026 \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/abang-sayang-kereta/", "title": "Abang? Sayang? Kereta?", "body": "Taken fromhttp://odin.blogdrive.com.Dear abang,ayang nak mintak kebenaran abang untuk bawa anak-anak balik ke kampung. abang tak perlu hantar ayang sebab ayang mampu untuk bawa anak-anak ke kampung musim cuti sekolah ni dengan bas.. abang jagalah diri abang dan kereta abang baik-baik\u2026 cuma ada perkara yang ingin ayang luahkan disini\u2026 kereta baru abang tu mahal.. harga mencecah 100k barangkali..sebab tu abang sayangkan kereta abang lebih dari ayang.. sampaikan abang dah terlena dalam kereta abang tu sejak abang beli 3 bulan yang lalu dah masuk 3 malam\u2026 abang sayangkan kereta abang lebih dari ayang, nak tau ngape?harga kereta abang tu lebih mahal dari wang hantaran yang ayah ayang letakan masa kita kahwin dulu.. cuba hantaran ayang lebih mahal dari harga kereta abang?tiap-tiap pagi abang mesti gosok kereta abang, nak nampak berkilat..tapi ayang nak dapat kiss g.morning pun susahsejak beli kereta tu, sebulan sekali macam-macam aksesori abang beli kat kereta, ayang nak dapat hadiah besday setahun sekali pun susah..kereta sebulan sekali abang servis, abang kata kena jaga maintainance..ayang nak dapat pi salon setahun sekali pun susah..kereta abang make up lawa-lawa.. tapi kalau ayang make up lawa-lawa abang kata ayang tak sedar dirikereta abang bagi makan minyak mahal-mahal cecah $100 setin pun ada, ayang nak makan pizza sekeping jer masa mengidam anak kedua kita abang kata ayang mengada-ngadakereta abang kalau anak-anak sentuh sikit bodynya abang marah anak macam nak makan, ayang jatuh longkang besar boleh abang gelakpaling menyedihkan.. ayang tanya ngape tidur dalam kereta? abang jawab takut orang curi kereta abang.. kalau ayang kena curi??ayang nak balik kampung dulu.. anak-anak nak jumpa atuk dengan nenek depa.. tak nak naik kereta abang takut calar.. ayang calar takpe.. jaga diri elok-elok, sarapan ayang dah sediakan. ayang pi tak lama sekolah bukak ayang balik lah dengan anak-anak.. pesanan ayang..ABANG SURUHLAH KERETA ABANG TU MASAKKAN MAKAN KESUKAAN ABANGABANG SURUHLAH KERETA ABANG TU BASUHKAN PAKAIAN ABANGABANG SURUHLAH KERETA ABANG TU GOSOKAN KEMEJA ABANGABANG SURUHLAH KERETA ABANG TU SIAPKAN AIR MANDI ABANGABANG SURUHLAH KERETA ABANG TU KEMASKAN RUMAH ABANGABANG SURUHLAH KERETA ABANG TU URUT-URUT BADAN ABANGABANG SURUHLAH KERETA ABANG TU TEMANKAN ABANG TIDURLove,ayangJawapan kepada surat ayang\u2026\u2026Dear ayang,bukan lah abang sayang keta tu lebih dr ayang.. tapi ayang kene faham keta tu keta bos abang nnti kalau ilang sapa nak ganti..ayang abang suruh keja ayang xnak, ayang kata nak dok umah jaga anak,nak siap kan sarapan nak kemas umah tapi ayang tiap2 hari bgn tido kul 12.. macam mana nak wat keja umah..cuba lah ayang pk mana x abang tido dalam keta.. abang balik keja lambat skit ayang dah kunci pintu..bukan nye abang gi foya2 kan \u2026abang gi keja\u2026lagi satu pasal piza yang ayang ngidam tu.. ayang nak piza yg di oder dr jepun.. mana lah abang ada duit nak oder.. abang nak bg apam balik yg jual kat depan ofis abang ni ayang xnak, ayang nak jugak piza dr jepun.. nasib baik abang x belikan kalau x anak kedua kita tu mesti muka cam doremon..ish xnak laa abang..pasal hadiah kan abang dah belikan tapi abang sembunyi kan kat dapur.. ayang yang tersalah buang ingatkan sampah.. tu lah abang suruh kemas umah tu ayang kata umah kita dah bersih tapi hadiah dgn sampah pun dah jadi serupa jek..hadiah tu mahal tau abang beli untuk ayang..sebenarnye abang sayang ayang lebih dr keta tu wlau pun hantaran masa kita kawin cuma rm80k.. ayang x tau bpe kali abang turun naik bank nak wat loan rm80k..tapi demi ayang abang watjugak..sbb masa tu ayang kalau mekup mmg sebijik maya karin.. tapi sejak ayang wat rebonding 3 tahun lepas.. setiap kali ayang mekup abang terbayang lak muka pontianak dlm citer phsm.. bukanayang x cantik tapi kening ayang tu gi cukur wat per.. wlau pun abang selalu cukur janggut abang tapi ayang xyah laa nak cukur kening ayang tu\u2026pasal morning kis tu, ayang bgn pun dah tghrinak morning kis cam mana..dah laa ayang.. abang malas nak citer.. tapi abang nak bg tau jgk kat sini ayang tetap no 1 dlm hati abang.. nnti kalau naik bas tu bebaik.. ayang nak balik kpg abang izinkan cuma jgn lupa kim salamkat mak ayah kat sana.. kalau ada gulai tempoyak ke nnti jgn lupa bwk balik skit.. kalau ada lembu terlepas ke ayang xyah laa susah2 gi kejar lembu tu\u2026 biar jek.. nnti abang balik kpg abang kejarkan..bukan apa takut lembu tu tanduk ayang nnti bukan stakat calar jek silap2 leh masuk hspital.. abang kene tanduk xpe..jaga anak2 baik2 jgn bagi diorang main kat sungai musim2 banjir ni.. nak dpt anak bukan senang takut nnti ayang ngidam lagi piza jepun lak lagi haru.. baik jaga jek yg dah ada tu..ayang punjaga diri baik2.. jgn sampai jatuh longkang lagi.. hehe.. abang mmg xnak ketawa masa tu tapi nak wat cam mana ayang jatuh kepala dulu yang masuk longkang..dah laa rambut ayang masa tubaru lepas rebonding.. mmg abang kesian tapi muka ayang lepas jatuh longkang tu xleh abang nak bayang kan cam mana\u2026.tgk laa sendiri gambar tu..ok lah ayang.. nnti lepas cuti skolah kitajumpa lagi eah.. bye ayanglove,abang"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/new-site-banner-2/", "title": "New Site Banner", "body": "Cool eh? He3. It tooks about 30 minutes to edit this and that and finally here it is. CypherHackz.Net The Cyber Pirate Island. :d Why I call it The Cyber Pirate Site? Because I like watching One Piece anime and get addict to it. Lol! Well, One Piece is a story about a young pirate, Monkey D. Luffy to be the Pirate King. His journey with his beloved nakama is full with great adventures and experiences.I also make new small banner for my site (see below of this post). Everytime I change my banner, I also change my site small banner. But for those who already put my previous small banner at your site, you don\u2019t need to edit the image link because I have replace it with the same name. So, it will change automatically. And because I have plenty of time to spend, I have make new avatar and signature too. What do you think? Any comments? \ud83d\ude42Small BannerCypherHackz AvatarCypherHackz Signature"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/change-text-on-winxp-start-button/", "title": "Change Text on WinXP Start Button", "body": "Bored with the \u201cstart\u201d text on XP Start button? Here I will show you step by step on how to change the text. Before continue reading, you first need to download a tool calledResource Hacker. We need this tool because we want to edit file explorer.exe located at C:\\Windows. Since explorer.exe is a binary file, so we need that tool to view, modify and compile the file.Step 1 \u2013 Editing explorer.exeI assume you have downloaded the tool that we need. First, make a backup copy of your explorer.exe located at C:\\Windows and place it in somewhere in your hard disk. Run Resource Hacker and open explorer.exe. Click on \u201cString Table\u201d and expand by clicking the plussign. Then, click on folder 37 (38 for classic windows) and highlight 1033. Highlight \u201cstart\u201d and change it with any words that you like, eg: Begin. (Note: Make sure you type the words between the quotes). Then compile the script by clicking on Compile Script button. From the File menu, click on Save As and save it with new file name. But make sure to put .exe after the filename, eg: newexplorer.exe. Save it in C:\\Windows.Step 2 \u2013 Editing the registryNow we need to modify the registry. Run registry editor (Go to Start > Run > type \u201cregedit\u201d). It is safer if we make a backup copy of the registry. To make the backup, click on File > Export and save your registry.Now navigate to;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\ SOFTWARE\\ Microsoft\\ Windows NT\\ CurrentVersion\\ WinlogonIn the right panel, double click \u201cShell\u201d. In Value data, type the name of the modified explorer.exe (newexplorer.exe) and click Ok.Close Registry Editor and logoff or restart your computer. If everything works fine, your Start button will change to Begin.Hope this helps!Cypher says: I never did to my computer but I have try it on my friend\u2019s comp (on his request, ofcourse :p ) and it works!"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/weekly-highlights-week-20-2006/", "title": "Weekly Highlights (Week 20, 2006)", "body": "My posts from 15th May till 21st May 2006. \ud83d\ude4215 May 2006\u2013Virus Test16 May 2006\u2013Bowling kat Skudai Parade\u2013Kaspersky 6 release17 May 2006\u2013Aku Doakan Kau Bahagia19 May 2006\u2013Promotion! 1Gb space for only RM80 (USD21)21 May 2006\u2013CypherHackz Free Web Hosting"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cypherhackz-free-web-hosting/", "title": "CypherHackz Free Web Hosting", "body": "Looking for free hosting without ads and banners? You have come to the right place. \ud83d\ude42 I offer a free hosting for those who really want to build their own website especially for bloggers. Only 5 peoples will get hosted here but not all requests will be acceptable.Hosting Package\u2013 A subdomain name (eg: yourname.cypherhackz.net)\u2013 An email address (eg:yourname@cypherhackz.net) Note: Will be forwarded to your primary email address if you want to\u2013 100Mb of storage\u2013 An FTP account\u2013 1 MySQL database\u2013 PHP supported\u2013 Bandwidth will not be allocated (I will monitor usage weekly)\u2013 No ads and bannersRules & Regulations\u2013 You must know how to use FTP client.\u2013 You must know how to use HTML or other CMS/weblog engines for your site.\u2013 Site must be updated at least twice a month.\u2013 Site must not contain adult stuff like porn, hentai, etc.\u2013 Site must not have any *.mp3, *.wma or any other audio and video files for others to download.\u2013 Not necessary but it would be great if you put a link back to my site. \ud83d\ude42Notes:* Submitting the request does not mean you will get hosting.* You will be contacted via your email address within 72 hours (maybe less) stating your approval or denial to obtain hosting here.* If you are approved, you will be sent an email giving you your info to your hosting.* You will be notified if your site using too much resource or bandwidth that might affect other hostees or my own site.* If you aggree with the rules & regulations,contactme by sending desired username and password."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/promotion-1gb-space-for-only-rm80-usd21/", "title": "Promotion! 1Gb space for only RM80 (USD21)", "body": "For those who want to buy hosting, I suggest you check out the link below. They offer 1Gb space for only RM80 (USD21)\u00a0yearly with 20Gb bandwidth. It is worth to buy because all the things that you need come with one package.1 GB of webspace20 GB of monthly bandwidthCpanel RVSKIN with Multi-Languages (LINUX Platform Only)PLESK 7.5 For Windows (Windows Platform Only)Support Up to 15 Add-On Domain (Linux Platform Only)Unlimited SubdomainUnlimited Email AliasesUnlimited MYSQL DatabasesUnlimited MSSQL Databases (Windows Platform Only)Unlimited MS Access Databases\u00a0 (Windows Platform Only)All our features, andAll our guaranteesHurry! Because they have\u00a0only limited accounts for signup.Link:http://www.internet-webhosting.com/bloghosting.php"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/kaspersky-6-release/", "title": "Kaspersky 6 release", "body": "Kaspersky\u00ae Anti-Virus 6.0 combines reactive antivirus detection methods with the latest proactive technologies to provide your computer with the most effective protection against malicious programs.Main AdvantagesHighly effective antivirus protectionOptimized for use on laptopsSeamless integration with Microsoft WindowsSimplicity and ease of useKey FeaturesAntivirus protection for email, Internet traffic & file systemsProactive protection blocks dangerous macros and monitors changes in the system registryFast operating speeds with accelerated antivirus scanning & reduced update sizeLinks:More Info"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/virus-test/", "title": "Virus Test", "body": "Have you try this test yet? If you don\u2019t, try it. You\u2019ll know what type of virus if you are one of them. He3. :dLink:Virus TestKnow virus typeSmall sleek and potentially devastating, rarely seen these days and rather retro.You are the Good Times virus, widely talked about devastating powers and non-existant.The macro virus, bane of M$ users and sysadmins. Incedibly virulent due to poor coding.Love the new image, you\u2019ve come along way since wooden horses, but as popular as ever.Almost as popular as the Macro virus, you really like to get out and infect the world.Your destructive powers vary widely as you constantly change trying to hide from everything."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/chat-in-myspaceim/", "title": "Chat in MySpaceIM?", "body": "Do you useMySpace? If you do, you now can chatting with your MySpace friends with this application. It\u2019s called MySpaceIM. Currently it is in beta version but many people have using it because it\u2019s freeware. Yay\u2026 It includes with One-Click login to mail, bulletins and more. You also can find your friends and view their profile with just one-click. \ud83d\ude42 Hmm\u2026just woinder whenFriendsterwill make their IM like MySpace?More info:MySpaceIM Beta"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/7ghz-cpu-project/", "title": "7GHz CPU Project", "body": "3 years ago these guys overclocked a CPU to 3Ghz. But now they has set a new world record after they overclocked Pentium D805 Dual Core CPU to 7Ghz. The CPU cooled with liquid nitrogen by using a special nitrogen container called \u201cLiquid Nitrogen Block\u201d.For more info and story you can visit their website atTravelling Towards 7000"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/command-conquer-3-tiberium-wars/", "title": "Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars", "body": "REDWOOD CITY, Calif., April 20, 2006 \u2013 The epic struggle between the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and The Brotherhood of NOD continues?and the third Tiberium War is about to begin. Welcome back, Commander. Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced that Command & Conquer\u2122, the groundbreaking series that put the Real-time Strategy (RTS) genre on the map, is returning in full force with Command & Conquer\u2122 3 Tiberium Wars*. This highly-anticipated next chapter takes the popular series back to its roots in the Tiberium universe and features the fast, fluid gameplay that Command & Conquer is known for and a gripping story that will redefine storytelling in RTS games.It is 2047 and the stakes could not be higher. Tiberium-a self-replicating alien substance that has infected the Earth-is spreading like a radioactive ice age. The GDI, a high-tech alliance of the world\u2019s most advanced nations, is fighting to contain Tiberium, but Kane, the megalomaniacal leader of The Brotherhood of NOD has other plans for Earth. Kane\u2019s secret society turned superpower is bent on using Tiberium to take control and transform humanity into his twisted vision of the future. All-out war rages over Tiberium and the fate of the planet rests in the balance.Westwoodwill release another real-time strategy game calledCommand & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars. Currently this game is till under development and will ship in 2007 for Windows PC.More info:www.CommandAndConquer.EA.comImage:Medium ResolutionHigh Resolution"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/planetarium-for-you-computer/", "title": "Planetarium for you Computer", "body": "Ever wonder your desktop change into a planetarium? With this software you can watch the sky without you need to go to planetarium. And you even can watch other planets without using binoculars or telescopes. The best part is it is open source.Site:http://stellarium.sourceforge.net/"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/notes-in-your-website/", "title": "Notes in your Website", "body": "Want to put notes in yur website like mine? He3. Check it out this website:http://www.itypeit.net/Thanks toc4stello."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/kinda-busy/", "title": "Kinda Busy", "body": "I kinda busy lately. Although I have finished my exam but I still have works that I need to do. Designing college\u2019s magazine. Urgh\u2026 I\u2019m not too good in design and graphic but people still want me to be their Graphic Unit.Hmm\u2026ramai kawan2 aku yang dah balik rumah. Aku gak yang tinggal kat kolej ni lagi. Hu3. Selagi part aku lum siap, aku tak leh balik. Apa la nasib\u2026 Hidup diperantauan orang\u2026 Huk3."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/gmail-drive-1010/", "title": "GMail Drive 1.0.10", "body": "GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google GMail account and enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your GMail account directly from inside Windows Explorer. GMail Drive literally adds a new drive to your computer under the My Computer folder, where you can create new folders, copy and drag\u2019n\u2019drop files to.Betanews: GMail Drive 1.0.10"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wordpress-202-cpanel-x/", "title": "WordPress 2.0.2 & cPanel X", "body": "Hurray! At last, I have updated my WP to WP2.The admin interface is really nice and clean. Much more better than the old one. And it also has tinyMCE. It is really useful. Thanks and congrats to the developer.Btw my hosting have updated my cpanel to cpanel X. Everything looks new. Cool!"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/tips-to-get-people-read-your-blog/", "title": "Tips To Get People Read Your Blog", "body": "You have setup your own blog site and posted many articles. Everyday you spend times just want to update your blog regularly but each time you come to your blog, there is only 0 comment in your every single post. So, want to know how to increase and get more peoples come visit your blog? Check out these links:16 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your BlogTop 10 Ways to Get People Online to Read Your Business BlogHow to get people to read your blog"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/15-viruses-detected/", "title": "15 Viruses Detected", "body": "I have replacedPC-Cillin Internet Security 2005withKaspersky Personal Pro 5for my old PC. It detected 15 viruses which PC-Cillin can\u2019t detect. I don\u2019t know what the problem with PC-Cillin. It can\u2019t detect although I have updated it. But Kaspersky works great."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/password-recovery-speed/", "title": "Password Recovery Speed", "body": "Want to know how long it will take to recover your lost password if you use a bruteforcer to guess the passwords?Check this out:Password Recovery SpeedsIt will take 22,875 years if your password length is 8 with mixed combinations. \ud83d\ude2e"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/google-page-rank-2/", "title": "Google Page Rank", "body": "Hey! I have get back my 5 page rank. Before this it\u2019s 0 because I use new domain name. \ud83d\ude41 But after couple months, my site have boost up to 5.If you want to check what your site page rank is, just click on the image above."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/nak-cite-pasal-bujang-senang/", "title": "Nak cite pasal Bujang Senang", "body": "Dah lama aku tak tulis dalam BI. Hu3. Takde mood r nak tulis dalam BI tu. Takde idea. Ni pun aku just tulis je ape yang aku rase nak tulis.Aku baru je balik dari JJ (Jaya Jusco) ni. Gi beli hadiah untuk En Rahim, Pembantu Asrama (PA) kolej kitorang Kolej Tuanku Canselor. Beliau dah ditukarkan ke kolej lain pada 1hb April haritu. Bukan April fool tau. :d So skang ni kolej kitorangnye PA telah digantikan dengan orang lain. Aku tak tau sape nama PA baru kitorang tu. Hadiah tu aku beli simple-simple je. Chop! Aku beli ni coz aku diminta tolong untuk belikan hadiah sebagai tanda terima kasih dari pihak Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa kolej aku. Bukannye aku beli sebab hal peribadi eh.Btw hari Sabtu hari tu (1 April 2006) aku gi tengok wayang cite Bujang Senang kat City Square kat JB. Nak tau tak ape yang menarik time tu? Artis-artis cite Bujang Senang ade time tu. He3. Saiful Apek, Fasha and Yasin pun ade. Dorang punye pengarah pun ade gak, A Razak Moheidin (betul ke tak aku eja ni). Best weh bile jumpe dorang secara dekat. Ramai gile orang time tu. Habis penuh orang kat depan Mega Pavillion tu. Aku gi tengok cite tu ngan 2 orang kawan aku, Yazid and Wani. Wani sorang je perempuan. He3. Sebenarnye, plan nak kuar gi jenjalan tu merupakan idea Wani and aku. Kitorang saja2 je nak kuar nak release tension pas penat study tuk 3 test pada minggu tu. Alang-alang tu aku ajak r Yazid tuk gi skali. Die pun tension gak. Kau tension ape Yazid? :pTapi kan cite tu memang best. Penuh ngan gelak ketawa mase dalam pawagam tu. Apek r buat banyak lawak. Starting cite je dah buat riuh-rendah. Semua orang ketawa. Kalau orang tu tak ketawa maksudnye die tido or tak dengar r tu. Heh! Tapi memang best r. Aku kalau ade cite yang Apek berlakon je, mesti aku gi tengok. Dulu pun cite Anak Mami Kembali pun aku tengok kat CS. Tak puas tengok kat wayang, aku gi beli plak CD cite die. Ni pun cite Bujang Senang ni pun kalau dah kuar cite die kat CD, mesti aku gi beli nyer. Saje nak buat koleksi. He3.Eh? Panjang plak aku tulis ni. Tu la orang cakap, kalau takde idea, tulis je ape-ape. Then nanti penuh idea-idea datang. Sampai tak tertulis nanti. Sebelum aku akhiri post aku ni, aku nak tunjuk r kat korang semua gambar artis-artis Bujang Senang yang aku tangkap gune anset mase aku nak masuk pawagam tu.ps: Sorry quality gambar kurang memuaskan coz aku tangkap gune kamera anset aku."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/the-top-10-weirdest-keyboards/", "title": "The Top 10 Weirdest Keyboards", "body": "There are many keyboards sell at the outside. But do you know which one is the 1st rank in the top 10 weirdest keyboards? Check this outTop 10 Weirdest Keyboards."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cerpen-kau_tak_pernah_jauh/", "title": "Cerpen: kAu_tAk_pErNAh_jAuH", "body": "kAu_tAk_pErNAh_jAuHNext cerpen dari author yang sama. So, kepada peminat2 cerpen. Baca la cerpen ni.Thanks to the author cause sudi untuk berkongsi cerpen die ngan kite semua\u2026Donwload:kAu_tAk_pErNAh_jAuHKalau nak baca cerpen beliau yang dulu, leh la gi kat link ni:Invisible Love"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/avg-vs-kaspersky-vs-bitdefender/", "title": "AVG vs Kaspersky vs BitDefender", "body": "Semua test ini dijalankan kat computer aku la. So, maybe tak sama ngan ape yang berlaku kat computer korang.System: Windows XP Pro SP2Memory: 512Mb DDR2Hard Disk: 120Gb SataIIAV Update: Secara manual je coz computer aku takde internetAVG ProfessionalSpace usage: 32.07MbMemory usage: 17.81MbKaspersky v5Space usage: 13.71MbMemory usage: 33.40MbBitDefender v9Space usage: 36.37MbMemory usage: 26.65MbGune memory sikit je walaupun die ade Virus Shield. Computer aku pun dapat load up ngan pantas sekali. Takyah nak tunggu lama2. Cara nak update secara manual pun senang je. Just download definition ke dalam folder kite, then pilih folder tu semasa kite nak meng\u2019update. Senang r berbanding ngan BitDefender nyer (akan diterangkan kemudian).Tapi kalau nak bukak Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, etc), akan memakan masa sebab AVG integrate ngan Microsoft Office. So, die akan scan program Microsoft Office tu dulu, then baru la die open Microsoft Office and file tersebut.Kekurangan AVG ni adalah (seperti mana pemahaman aku r yang aku baca kat internet), die tak lepas Level 2 di mana die tak dapat disinfect virus tu walaupun sebenarnye virus tu boleh disinfect.Serial untuk AVG Professional Edition: 70-THXMV1-P4-C15-S5XFN-QFP-IX3XGune memory yang banyak (tapi tak r banyak sangat) sebab die ade Real-Time Protection di mana die akan scan system file dalam sela masa tertentu. Kalau ade RAM yang banyak, maybe tak akan mengganggu sistem pun. Tapi kalau kurang, maybe akan kacau kot. Walaupun aku nye computer leh kata ada banyak RAM, tapi computer aku lambat mase nak load up nak masuk ke Windows tu. Tak r lama sangat tunggu. Tapi leh kata gak r lama berbanding ngan AV lain yang aku dah try.Dari segi cara nak meng\u2019update plak, secara manual nak update die senang je. Just download definition ke dalam folder korang, then just pilih je folder tu mase nak meng\u2019update. Cara die sama je macam yang AVG punye. Senang r. Tak leceh.Erm\u2026kelebihan yang lain adalah die scan ngan laju sekali. Ni kerana die ade iStream. Ngan iStream ni, setiap kali bile die run scan, die takkan scan file2 yang pernah di\u2019scan. Die akan scan bile file tu telah dimodified je. So lagi pantas r kalau nak scan. Tapi iStream ni hanya disupport pada NTFS je.Selain itu, Kaspersky ni lepas test Level 1 dan Level 2 dalam men\u2019detect dan disinfect virus. So, kalau die jumpe virus yang terbaru yang takde dalam databse die, die akan bagi warning r.Walaupun die ranking #1 dalam list, tetapi aku tak sukekan nye\u2026 Muhahahaha\u2026 Sebabnye, kalau nak update die secara manual, punye la payah. First, nak kene exit dulu BitDefender ni. Then kene stop\u2019kan services die. Nak stop tu memakan masa a jugak. Dah lepas stop tu, kene plak copy/paste kat folder definition die. Banyak keje r plak. Malas aku. Tapi kelebihan die adalah die lepas ujian Level 1 dan Level 2 r. Masa yang diambil untuk scan leh kata laju gak dan tak ambil masa yang banyak semasa nak load up Windows.Kesimpulannye, aku skang ni gune Kaspersky. He3. Sebenarnye payah gak nak decide nak gune yang mana satu. Yang paling ringan AVG tapi die ade kelemahan plak. So, last skali aku decide untuk guneKaspersky. Mari2lah menggunakan Kaspersky. :d"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/bitdefender-kaspersky/", "title": "BitDefender & Kaspersky", "body": "Aku ingat nak try plak guneBitDefender&Kaspersky. Nak tengok ape kelebihan die. Tapi aku dah penah install Kaspersky dulu. Tapi sekejap r. Install jap then scan computer. Pastu aku uninstall. He3. Yang best Kaspersky ni adalah die ni scan ngan amat pantas sekali. Laju r die scan.Yang Bitdefender plak aku tak penah try lagi. Nanti baru nak try. Nak tengok ape plak kelebihan die. Tapi setahu aku, nak update Bitdefender ni secara manual memang leceh r. Kene off dulu service die, then baru la leh replace definition die tu.Kalau macamAVGand Kaspersky, takyah nak kene shutdown service die tu. Just pilih folder, then click update. Senang jek.Hmm\u2026pepehal pun aku akan cite lagi pasal Bitdefender pas aku install and try gune die nanti. Till then\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/grisoft-avg-antivirus/", "title": "Grisoft AVG Antivirus", "body": "Skang ni aku dah tak gune lagi PC-Cillin Internet Security 2006. Skang aku dah beralih arah ke AVG Professional Edition. Ho3. Aku tukar ke AVG coz ade sekali tu, comp kawan aku (gune AVG Free je) dapat detect yang pen drive aku ada virus VBS/Redlof. Padahal aku selalu update, PC-Cillin aku tu. Entah kenapa, PC-Cillin tak detect pun virus tu. Huh!Pada esoknye, terus aku tukar antivirus aku ke AVG. Siap download AVG Professional Edition lagik. Mana main AVG Free nih\u2026 He3.So kepada sesapa yang tak gune AVG tu, marilah sama2 kite menggunakannye sebab AVG memang sedia dipergunakan. :p Kat bawah ni aku ade letakkan link tuk download AVG. Tapi ni yang free punye r.Download:AVG FreeBtw rank yang pertama skang ni dipegang olehBitDefender. Cube cek kat sini:Antivirus Review"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/happy-birthday/", "title": "Happy Birthday!", "body": "Happy Birthday to me!!! \ud83d\ude42Dah tua dah aku nih. Hu3."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cerpen-invisible-love/", "title": "Cerpen: Invisible Love", "body": "Best! Tu la ungkapan yang dapat aku luahkan. Tapi aku rase best tu, lum cukup lagi coz best sangat2. Sebabnye\u2026 He3. Cerpen ni dikarang oleh seseorang yang aku kenali. Sapa die? Tak leh la bagitau coz atas kehendak penulis, die minta nama die dirahsiakan. :-$Cite die berkisahkan pasal\u2026 Erm\u2026korang kene r baca dulu. Baru tahu\u2026 Hak3. Hope korang enjoy!!! \ud83d\ude42Download:invisible_l0ve.doc"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/meaningful-testimonial/", "title": "Meaningful Testimonial", "body": "Takde pe2 nak tulis. Saje je posting bende nih. Aku dapat testimonial ni dari sorang kawan baik aku. He3. Thanks Waneey! Meaningful le sangat\u2026 :pHere is a meaningful testimonial..dis isa meaningful testimonial as datestimonial is meaningful..not like thosemeaningless testimonials such as thosewif spaces n blanks n nothing of itmakes meaning..however, lucky u..i\u2019mgonna write for u a meaningfultestimonial n not like those meaninglesstestimonials filled with spaces n has nomeaning to it at all..u wanna know whythis testimonial is meaningful? Becauseit is not an empty testimonial wifspaces n only spaces wif urname on it along with the date whichstates the time they actually wasted topress the spacebar in order to wasteur time by checking it n accepting itjust for the sake of more testimonials..nto refresh ur memory on what ameaningful testimonial is, it is atestimonial with meaning in it n notjust spaces n only spaces..so, there ugo, ur meaningful testimonial n i hope uenjoy it very much!!!Link:My Friendster Profile"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/free-adsense-ebook/", "title": "Free Adsense Ebook", "body": "Want to get more from your Adsense?Download this ebook for free\u2026http://www.free-adsense-ebook.com"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/in-the-beginning-there-was-the-computer/", "title": "In the beginning there was the computer", "body": "In the beginning there was the computer. And God said%Let there be light!#Enter user id.%God#Enter password.%Omniscient#Password incorrect. Try again.%Omnipotent#Password incorrect. Try again.%Technocrat#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Sunday, March 1.%Let there be light!#Unrecognizable command. Try again.%Create light#Done%Run heaven and earth#And God created Day and Night. And God saw there were 0 errors.#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Sunday, March 1.#Approx. funds remaining: $92.50.#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Monday, March 2.%Let there be firmament in the midst of water and light#Unrecognizable command. Try again.%Create firmament#Done.%Run firmament#And God divided the waters. And God saw there were 0 errors.#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Monday, March 2.#Approx. funds remaining: $84.60.#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Tuesday, March 3.%Let the waters under heaven be gathered together unto one place and letthe dry land appear and#Too many characters in specification string. Try again.%Create dry_land#Done.%Run firmament#And God divided the waters. And God saw there were 0 errors.#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Tuesday, March 3.#Approx. funds remaining: $65.00.#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Wednesday, March 4.%Create lights in the firmament to divide the day from the night#Unspecified type. Try again.%Create sun_moon_stars#Done%Run sun_moon_stars#And God created the heavens. And God saw there were 0 errors.#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Wednesday, March 4.#Approx. funds remaining: $54.00.#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Thursday, March 5.%Create fish#Done%Create fowl#Done%Run fish, fowl#And God created the great sea monsters and every living creature thatcreepeth wherewith the waters swarmed after its kind and every wingedfowlafter its kind. And God saw there were 0 errors.#And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Thursday, March 5.#Approx. funds remaining: $45.00.#And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Friday, March 6.%Create cattle#Done%Create creepy_things#Done%Now let us make man in our image#Unspecified type. Try again.%Create man#Done%Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and havedominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and overevery living thing that creepeth upon the earth#Too many command operands. Try again.%Run multiplication#Execution terminated. 6 errors.%Insert breath#Done%Run multiplication#Execution terminated. 5 errors.%Move man to Garden of Eden#File Garden of Eden does not exist.%Create Garden.edn#Done%Move man to Garden.edn#Done%Run multiplication#Execution terminated. 4 errors..%Copy woman from man#Done%Run multiplication#Execution terminated. 3 errors.%Insert woman into man#Illegal parameters. Try again.%Insert man into woman#Done%Run multiplication#Execution terminated. 2 errors.%Create desire#Done%Run multiplication#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in Garden.edn#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.%Create freewill#Done%Run freewill#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in Garden.edn#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.%Undo desire#Desire cannot be undone once freewill is created.%Destroy freewill#Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.#Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.%Help#Desire cannot be undone once freewill is created.#Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.#Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.%Create tree_of_knowledge#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in Garden.edn#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.%Create good, evil#Done%Activate evil#And God saw he had created shame.#Warning system error in sector E95. Man and woman not in Garden.edn.#1 errors.%Scan Garden.edn for man, woman#Search failed.%Delete shame#Shame cannot be deleted once evil has been activated.%Destroy freewill#Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed.#Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.%Stop#Unrecognizable command. Try again%Break%Break%Break#ATTENTION ALL USERS *** ATTENTION ALL USERS: COMPUTER GOING DOWN FORREGULAR DAY OFMAINTENANCE AND REST IN FIVE MINUTES. PLEASE LOG OFF.%Create new world#You have exceeded your allocated file space. You must destroy old filesbefore new ones can be created.%Destroy earth#Destroy earth: Please confirm.%Destroy earth confirmed#COMPUTER DOWN *** COMPUTER DOWN. SERVICES WILL RESUME SUNDAY, MARCH 8AT 6:00 AM.YOU MUST SIGN OFF NOW.#And God logged off at 11:59:59 PM, Friday, March 6.#Approx. funds remaining: $0.00."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/gmail-web-clip/", "title": "Gmail Web Clip", "body": "I try this cool thing inGmailrecently and found it is really interesting. You can read your friends or other websites feeds while you read your e-mail. It is easy to add your friend\u2019s site in the web clip library..In Gmail, go to Settings > Web Clips and put your friend\u2019s site url in the search box. If your friend\u2019s sites have feeds or rss, you can click on the Add button beside the url. If not, gmail will display saying that they don\u2019t find the site that you requested.After the sites added in the list, there will be a web clip above your inbox. So, it is easy for you to know if your friends have update their website or not. Pretty useful\u2026Don\u2019t have Gmail? E-mail me and I will send you the invitation as soon I read your e-mail. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/who-were-you-in-high-school/", "title": "Who Were You In High School?", "body": "This is what I got after taking the quiz. Heh! :dBrainy KidIn high school, you were acing AP classes or hanging out in the computer lab.You may have been a bit of a geek back then, but now you\u2019re a total success!Who Were You In High School?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-plugin-easy-announcement-v10/", "title": "WP Plugin: Easy Announcement v1.0", "body": "Plugin Name: Easy AnnouncementVersion: 1.0Plugin URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netDescription: An easy way to display announcement on your site without have to edit your theme file.Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netA useful plugin where you can display announcements on your site without editing your template each time you want to make new annoucement.Download:cypher_easy-announcement.zipNOTE: This plugin does not tested yet with WP2"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/love-your-mom/", "title": "Love Your Mom", "body": "When you were 8 years old,your mom handed you an ice cream.You thanked her by dripping it all over your lap.When you were 9 years old,she paid for piano lessons.You thanked her by never even bothering to practice.When you were 10 years old she drove you all day,from soccer to football to one birthday party after another.You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back.When you were 11 years old,she took you and your friends to the movies.You thanked her by asking to sit in a different row.When you were 12 years old,she warned you not to watch certain TV shows.You thanked her by waiting until she left the house.When you were 13,she suggested a haircut that was becoming.You thanked her by telling her she had no taste.When you were 14,she paid for a month away at summer camp.You thanked her by forgetting to write a single letter.When you were 15,she came home from work,looking for a hug.You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked.When you were 16,she taught you how to drive her car.You thanked her by taking it every chance you could.When you were 17,she was expecting an important call.You thanked her by being on the phone all night.When you were 18,she cried at your high school graduation.You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn.When you were 19,she paid for your college tuition,drove you to campus carried your bags.You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn\u2019t be embarrassed in front of your friends.When you were 25,she helped to pay for your wedding,and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you.You thanked her by moving halfway across the country.When you were 50,she fell ill andneeded you to take care of her.You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children.And then, one day, she quietly died.And everything you never did came crashing downlike thunder on YOUR HEART.So, if you really love your mom, say it that you love her before it was too late\u2026Source:Friendster"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/top-weirdest-usb-devices/", "title": "Top 10 Weirdest USB Devices", "body": "Wonder what is the weirdest USB devices?It is \u201cThe USB Vibrator\u201c. Shh\u2026 It is controlled by small microprosessor and can be manipulated to give an ultimately deep of orgasm. Duh\u2026Well\u2026for the top 10 list, check out this site:Top 10 Weirdest USB Devices"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/the-100-products-of-2005/", "title": "The 100 Best Products of 2005", "body": "Maybe some of you doesn\u2019t know what is the best products in year 2005.For your information,Firefoxis the 1st rank in the listing. 2nd get byGmailandAppleis on 3rd.There are many porducts listing here:The 100 Best Products of 2005Source:PC World"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/icallsoft-prepaid-agent/", "title": "iCallSoft Prepaid Agent", "body": "Interested to be a prepaid agent?Want to get side income?If you do, feel free to check out my page:iCallSoft Prepaid Agent"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cpanel-proxy/", "title": "cPanel Proxy", "body": "Last night I try to figure out why I can\u2019t use my subdomain to cpanel and webmail. After a few minutes, I surrender. Then I asked my hosting provider why I got that problem. And here what they replied:Hi,You cannot simply create a subdomain to enter to your cpanel and webmail.You will need to install a proxy in the subdomain in order to access to the cpanel and webmail .We can install it for you but we need you username and password for your cpanel.Please give us your cpanel login details and we will install it for you asap.I asked them again, can I make it by my own and they gave me a link where you can use the script to create subdomain for your webmail and cpanel.Here is the link:http://www.cpanelproxy.net/autoinstallSo, if you have problem like mine, you can try this script."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/the-pussycat-dolls-stickwitu/", "title": "The Pussycat Dolls – Stickwitu", "body": "My current favourite song. Stickwitu fromThe Pussycat Dolls. Actually, I have many favourite songs but this is the one that I like most. Thanks to my friend because she gave me the song. He3.The Pussycat Dolls \u2013 StickwituI don\u2019t wanna go another daySo I\u2019m telling you, exactly what is on my mindSeems like everybody is breaking upAnd throwing their love awayBut I know I got a good thing right hereThat\u2019s why I say (Hey)Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick wit u foreverNobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit uYou know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u, my babyNobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wit uI don\u2019t wanna go another daySo I\u2019m telling you, exactly what is on my mindSee the way we ride, in our private livesAin\u2019t nobody gettin\u2019 in betweenI want you to know that, you\u2019re the only one for me (one for me)(What I\u2019m sayin\u2019)Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick wit u foreverNobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit uYou know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u, my babyNobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wit uAnd now, ain\u2019t nothing else I can needAnd now, I\u2019m singing \u2019cause you\u2019re so, so into meI got you, we\u2019ll be making love endlesslyI\u2019m with you (baby I\u2019m with you)Baby you\u2019re with me (baby you\u2019re with me, higher)So don\u2019t cha worry aboutPeople hanging aroundThey ain\u2019t bringing us downI know you, and you know meAnd that\u2019s all that countsSo don\u2019t cha worry aboutPeople hanging aroundThey ain\u2019t bringing us downI know you, and you know meAnd that\u2019s, that\u2019s why I say (Hey)Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick wit u foreverNobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit u (come on)You know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u, my babyNobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wit uNobody gonna love me better, I must stick wit u foreverNobody gonna take me higher, I must stick wit uYou know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u, my babyNobody ever made me feel this way, I must stick wit u"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/sorry/", "title": "Sorry….", "body": "Sorry to say that I can\u2019t update my site regularly as usual because I am busy with my study and assignments. But I will try to online once a week to reply comments and maybe post new topics if I have things to talk about.Btw this weekend I will go for a camp at Savanah Hills Resort. Yippie\u2026 :d I will post pics and will tell story about the camp when I back. See ya all later\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/my-new-keyboard/", "title": "My New Keyboard", "body": "I bought this keyboard a few days ago. For me, it is very stylish and tech design with silver colour (matching with my CPU). I bought it for only RM45 at Taman Universiti. The keys are all slim like laptop keyboards but the arrangement of the key are different from normal keyboard. Take a look at the pic. I hope you can see keys on the keyboard. And it is silent and looks cool with blue LED on it. :d"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/movie-venom/", "title": "Movie: Venom", "body": "Today, my friends (Pijan, Waheda & Huda) and I went to City Square (CS) to hang out and watch movie. At first we not yet decided which movie that we want to watch but after we arrived, we all agree to watch Venom. This movie is enteresting and full of suspenses. But the movie start quite slow but after the tragedy happen, I getting cold because of the air-cond actually. He3. But the movie is worth to watch. Blood split everywhere\u2026The StoryVenom is an extremely distorted horror tale of a group of teenagers so large and similar, that only after each is inexplicably slain do you breathe a sigh of relief. Set in the swamps of a New Orleans town\u2013 yes, unfortunate timing\u2013which oozes voodoo folklore, the story starts with local outcast Ray (Rick Cramer) mysteriously dying\u2013sort of. A venom has been passed to him just before he died, allowing him to be resurrected. Now as an evil undead incarnation, whose gait and physique remind you of Vincent D\u2019Onofrio\u2019s bug imitation in Men in Black, Ray has a fever to kill, and the only remedy is\u2026more cowbell. Just kidding. It\u2019s the souls of the town\u2019s scantily clad teenage girls and the washboard-abs totin\u2019 teenage guys, of course. Their only defense against Ray is to make a voodoo doll. Problem is, voodoo-doll rules mandate that either the blood or the hair of the person must be possessed\u2013and that\u2019s a little difficult since Ray keeps killing them before they can get it. You just can\u2019t make this stuff up!Source:http://www.hollywood.com"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/can-get-access-to-cpanel/", "title": "Can get access to CPanel", "body": "Just want to say that I can get access to my cpanel although I in UTM. :d Many people said that I can\u2019t login to my panel when I here. But today I try login from this CC and I can get in.I have to go now. Just come by to check my email and download notes. See ya guys later. Chiow\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/first-time-with-ubuntu/", "title": "First time with Ubuntu", "body": "This is my first time using Ubuntu. I use it in my faculty system lab. But the computer that I using is too slow. It takes about 5 or 6 seconds to open new tab in Firefox. Duh\u2026Wanna see the screenshot? But the resolution is too big making the desktop looks wierd.What is Ubuntu? Ubuntu is Linux based operating system. It is free and you can get it fromHERE."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-plugin-previous-posts-v10/", "title": "WP Plugin: Previous Posts v1.0", "body": "Note: Latest version can be found here:WP Plugin: Previous Posts v1.1Plugin Name: Previous PostsPlugin URI:http://www.cypherhackz.net/archives/2005/12/22/wp-plugin-previous-posts-v10/Description: Returns a list of your previous posts. You can set how many posts to be displayed.Version: 1.0Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netYet another plugin from me. It will display your previous posts on your site.Demo? Check out 5 previous posts at my sidebar.Download:cypher_previousposts.zip"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/talking-lips/", "title": "Talking Lips", "body": "Wanna see a talking lips when you plug it onto your computer, TV or radio? Lol\u2026 This is just a speaker. With this speaker, you can see the mouth will open and shut like it\u2019s talking to you. Usefull for lonely person. Nah\u2026 Usefull for those who like weird things. \ud83d\ude00Link:Sensual lips for chatting sessions"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wmd-pc-case/", "title": "WMD PC Case", "body": "The World of Mass Destruction (WMD) PC case. With this case you can destroy the world. Lol\u2026 I\u2019m just kidding. Actually this is the one of the weirdest PC case mod. There are many more weirdest case mod been listed. Wanna see the top 10 weirdest PC case mods? Check out this link:The Top 10 Weirdest Case Mods"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/imation-3-cute-animals/", "title": "Imation 3 Cute Animals", "body": "To celebrate year 2006, Imation has created 3 cute little animal USB\u2019s. Hipopotamus, aligator and dog. Their mouth holds the USB drive and they can store 128Mb space in their \u201cstomach\u201d. Cool eh? And they use Hi-Speed USB 2.0 interface and cost about $30 (RM84).Link:Imation\u2019s Plush Animal USB Drives[Everything USB]"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/friendster-personal-url/", "title": "Friendster Personal Url", "body": "Now you can personalize your own Friendster personal url. No more user ID ending. Just your name.Example my Friendster personal url:http://www.friendster.com/profiles/cypherhackzGet it now or someone else will take your name before you do.Click here to personalize yours:http://www.friendster.com/editusername.phpDon\u2019t have Friendster account yet? Sign upHERE. It\u2019s free."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/shoutbox-added/", "title": "Shoutbox Added", "body": "Early in the morning I edited my shoutbox css file to fit with mynew theme. It doesn\u2019t take too long. Just edit some code and it\u2019s done.Btw I got a reply from Yahoo regardingmy problemabout the domain e-mail. Here what they said:Hello .,Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail.While we make our best effort to deliver solicited email directly toourusers\u2019 Inbox, we may occasionally send a solicited message to the BulkMail folder. To ensure valid messages are sent to your inbox, weencourage you to add the sender\u2019s email address to your Yahoo! AddressBook. All contacts entered in your Address Book are automaticallydelivered to the Inbox.Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.Regards,EthelI think they misunderstood what I asked. Actually I want emails that I send to my friends (for the first time receive) will automatically direct into their inbox. Without they have to open their Bulk folder or click on \u201cNot Spam\u201d button."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/theme-fblue/", "title": "New Domain, New Hosting with New Theme", "body": "Theme Name: fBlueTheme URI:http://www.fahlstad.seDescription: Liquid theme with max width, easy to customize.Version: 1.0Author: Fredrik FahlstadAuthor URI:http://www.fahlstad.seJust installed new theme today. For my new domain and hosting. Urgh\u2026I edited the template till 3.30 am. Feel so sleepy. My eyes almost can\u2019t open right now. I don\u2019t know why I\u2019m so strugle to edit and use this theme. Well, it looks much more brighter than before. Lol. But it doesn\u2019t look good with theGoogle Adsenseup there. I think I want to pull it out but I chose to leave as it is.Huh? What am I talking about? I like mumbling to myself. Maybe I\u2019m too sleepy and tired. I have to go now. Going to sleep. Chiow\u2026Erm\u2026btw I will put back the shoutbox when I woke up this morning. Till then\u2026 End."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/e-mails-sent-into-bulk-folder/", "title": "E-mails Sent into Bulk Folder", "body": "Today, I tested sending my admin email account fromwww.cypherhackz.netto my own email atYahooandGmail. But the emails that I sent toYahoowere sent into Bulk folder and emails that I sent toGmailwere succesfully placed into my inbox. I asked my hosting provider why this things happen. They said that this happen maybe caused by my domain had been blacklisted by my old hosting. Lol. Actually I bought this domain name on the same day I bought the hosting but from another services. Not from them.So, how come my domain can be blacklisted although I just bought the domain yesterday. I really hope that I can fix this problem. I really want to send emails to my friends and they get the emails in their inbox. Not Bulk folder.BTW they also give me suggestion to click on \u201cNot Spam\u201d in theYahoomail. It\u2019s work but only for me. I want emails that I send to my friends (for the first time receive) will automatically direct into their inbox. How many peoples open their Bulk folder when they read the email? Not many. So, that\u2019s why I want the email directly send into the inbox without they need to click on \u201cNot Spam\u201d button.Or maybe it happen caused by my domain name (cypherHACKz) soYahoosent my email into Bulk folder? I\u2019ve sent report toYahoo. I hope I\u2019ll get response from them ASAP."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/custom-error-page/", "title": "Custom Error Page", "body": "Today I created images for my custom error page. I have created all of the images. Want to see them? Here there are:400 \u2013 Bad Request401 \u2013 Authorization Required403 \u2013 Forbidden404 \u2013 Not Found500 \u2013 Internal Server ErrorAnd I also created image for my site if my site under maintenance.Site Under MaintenancePS: You only can create your own error pages if you have your own hosting. So, get it now! Lol\u2026 :d"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/new-domain-and-hosting/", "title": "New Domain and Hosting", "body": "At last, I have my own domain and hosting. Thanks toSlumbermanfor his helps. He has helped me from the beginning when I want to buy the domain name till I buy the hosting. He also helped me changing the DNS for my hosting. I also would like to thanks toSyaiful,Winter,Azmie,Loriand whoever who gave me suggestions and opinions for my domain name. Thanks guys!I bought the domain fromSlumbermanand for the hosting I get it from herewww.internet-webhosting.comI pay RM80 for 1Gb space. This is the cheapest price that I found in Google. \ud83d\ude00 I\u2019m not sure if there still have cheapest prices in Google. But maybe yes, free hosting. :pSo, my new domain is:www.cypherhackz.netUse this domain if you want to visit my site. Heh!Btw I hope you can change my link on your site with my new domain. Anyway, if you don\u2019t want to, it will also automatically redirect to this site cause I has edited the index page to redirect here. He3.Btw my site google page rank is 0. Isk3. I hope I will get back rank no 5. Lol."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/create-icon-for-your-e-mail/", "title": "Create icon for your e-mail", "body": "Want to get nice icon for your email like this:or thisGet it here for free:http://services.nexodyne.com/email/index.php"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-extension-tab-mix-plus/", "title": "Firefox Extension: Tab Mix Plus", "body": "I just downloaded this extension today and found it\u2019s really cool\u2026 As the title says, with Tab Mix Plus you can do many things with your tab. You can change the way your tabs work. Such as, you can choose to put close icon on each of your tabs. So you don\u2019t need to right click and choose close tab each time you want to close the tabs.And if you click a link on any sites while you\u2019re browsing, the link will be opened in new tab although it has been set to open in new window. Beside than that, each tabs will show progress of the sites that you open. So, you will know the progress of the site when it\u2019s load. And it also will show you with red text title if the tab is not read yet.Actually there are many other features but I don\u2019t have time to try it all. So, if you want to test and use it, check out the official site or click the download link below to download the lastest version.Site:http://tmp.gary.elixant.com/Download:http://tmp.garyr.net/tmp.xpi"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/best-firefox-extensions-sites/", "title": "Best Firefox Extensions Sites", "body": "Last night I\u2019m looking for Firefox extensions. After searched for awhile, I\u2019ve found some useful sites where you can get and download extensions for your Firefox.http://www.mozdev.org/projects/active.htmlhttps://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/?application=firefoxhttp://www.extensionsmirror.nl/I have downloaded some extensions and tested it. Some of the extensions are good and some of them are not. Currently, I\u2019m using:AdSense Notifier\u2013 Will display your Google AdSense earnings in your statusbarCute Menus\u2013 Display small cute icons beside the menu-itemsGmail Manager\u2013 Make you easy to manage your Gmail if you have multiple accountsFasterfox\u2013 Improve your Firefox connection speed"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/gmail-invite/", "title": "Gmail Invite", "body": "Want to get 2.5 Gb email space? And read your email with no pop-ups and ads?Email me atcypherhackz [at] gmail [dot] comand I will send the invitation to your email. Or you can use theContactform and tell me that you want the invitation. After you received the invitation you just need to follow the instruction given. But sometimes the invitation will be sent in your bulk folder. I don\u2019t know why this happen. I have tried in Yahoo! and the invitation was send to my bulk folder. So, make sure you check your bulk folder too.Related posts:Gmail Mobile"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/gmail-mobile/", "title": "Gmail Mobile", "body": "Gmail have added up new function where you can read your email from your mobile phone. Type in \u201chttp://m.gmail.com\u201d in your phone\u2019s web browser and read your mail box from there. Simple and easy.It also has extra features:\u2013 Automatically optimize the interface for your phone\u2013 Opens the attachments you receive in messages (photos, .pdf files, etc)\u2013 Lets you reply by call to people whose phone number in your Gmail Contacts listSource:http://www.google.com/glm/gmail"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/feed-add-to-google/", "title": "Feed: Add to Google", "body": "Promote your site\u2019s feed withGoogleand get this button:Link:http://www.google.com/intl/zh-cn/webmasters/addfeed.html"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/get-ubuntu-cds-for-free/", "title": "Get Ubuntu CDs for Free", "body": "Want to get free of charge Ubuntu CDs. Click here:https://shipit.ubuntu.comBut you need to haveLaunchpadaccount first before you can login and proceed with your request. I have requested 5 CDs. My friend told me that I will get the CDs in 2 months. So I have to wait\u2026 Urgh! Btw he requested 100 CDs. I don\u2019t know what he wants to do with all of the CDs."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/opera-8-the-fastest-browser-on-earth/", "title": "Opera 8 – The Fastest Browser on Earth", "body": "Want to have a fast internet surfing although you\u2019re using dial-up internet connection? Use the fastest internet browser in the world. I just downloaded it today, gave it a test run and yeah, it\u2019s true. It\u2019s faster than Firefox and Internet Explorer (IE) but\u2026it does not support some of the javascripts on the Internet. Hope the developer will enhance the ability in the next version.Well\u2026what is Opera actually? Like been said in its official websitehttp://www.opera.com, Opera is a powerful web browser for surfing the Internet. It\u2019s come with an integrated e-mail program and a wide range of easy-to-use tools to let you surf the Internet easier and safer. It\u2019s also more secure than other web browser. If you use IE, there are many exploits and malicious code programs that can take advantages on it\u2019s vulnerabilities. With Opera, its more secure and you can surf without worrying if this kind of threats (viruses, worms, hackers) can harm your computer. Opera have tighten its coding to improve the security level.Opera\u2019s tight code is designed to keep hazards out. Its many security features include high encryption, advanced cookie control, intelligent pop-up blocking and a security information field with a padlock icon to let you judge the trustworthiness of Web sites. When visiting a secure site (for online banking or shopping etc.), Opera will display that site\u2019s security certificate information and give it a a security rating from 1-3. That means you can better judge the authenticity of the site.\u2013http://www.opera.comOpera also have some extra furthers like in Firefox where you can tabbed browsing without open up new window like IE. It\u2019s also includes integrated searches. There are 7 (Google, Opera, Answers.com, Amazon.com, Price Comparison, Ebay.com and Download.com) integrated search sites in it. And you can manage your password with Opera\u2019s password manager or Wand. With Wand, you no need to remember login names and passwords. Wand will do it for you. It will remember and store your logins and passwords in its own encryption algorithm.I think thats all that I can write about Opera. Sorry for my grammar mistakes. Im sure there are many mistakes here. Lol\u2026 \ud83d\ude00For more information about Opera, you can visit its official website athttp://www.opera.com. And if you would like to download Opera, click this link:http://www.opera.com/download/.Check out this site to see the speed comparison for web browsers:http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/browserSpeed.html"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/google-pagerank-how-it-works/", "title": "Google Pagerank – How it Works", "body": "I\u2019m was wondering how the Google Pagerank works. Then I searched with Google and found this article.Page Rank is a topic much discussed by Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) experts. At the heart of PageRank is a mathematical formula that seems scary to look at but is actually fairly simple to understand.So, pagerank has its own algorithm to calculate your site pagerank. My site\u2019s pagerank is 5. You can check your site pagerank here:http://pr.blogflux.comand see how popular your site is in Google.For more information how Google Pagerank works, click the link below:Link:http://www.iprcom.com/papers/pagerank/"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/27-google-adsense-tips-tricks-and-secrets/", "title": "27 Google Adsense Tips, Tricks and Secrets", "body": "27 Google Adsense Tips and Tricks for making more money (profit) from Google adsense program. \u2013 You will always earn more revenue from Adsense by playing it clean. If you like these tips for using the Google AdSense program., also check my other adsense articles.1. Strictly follow rules mentioned in Adsense policies2. Never modify the Google Adsense HTML code.3. Don\u2019t ask your friends or visitors to click on your Google ads. Do not include incentives of any kind for users to click on ads. Don\u2019t label the Google ads with text other than \u201csponsored links\u201d or \u201cadvertisements.\u201d.4. Don\u2019t click on your own ads \u2013 Google is much smarter than you think. You should not reload your pages excessively. If you are testing your website layout with Google adsense, follow these precautions.5. Don\u2019t place ads in pop-up windows, error pages or even empty pages6. Don\u2019t start another \u201cstudent consolidation\u201d or \u201chome equity loan rates\u201d website. You will never make money out these \u201cmade-for-adsense-only\u201d websites. Instead, write on topics what you are passionate about. Don\u2019t waste your money on high-paying adsense keywords lists.7. For short articles, CTR is best when ads are placed just above the content8. For long articles, CTR improves if ads are placed somewhere in middle of the content \u2013 visitors read the long content and then they are looking for more resources.9. Use Text Ads instead of Image Ads as users get more options. If you still want to display image ads, consider ad formats that support image ads \u2013 Choose either the 300\u00d7250 medium rectangle or the 160\u00d7600 wide skyscraper \u2013 or both, if you display multiple ad units on a page.10. Google Ads without background color and borders always perform better. Make the border color and background color same as your page background color.11. Always put ads above the main fold. Make sure that the ad unit with the highest clickthrough rate is the first instance of the ad code that appears in the HTML. Since the first ad unit is always filled before the rest, you want to make sure that ad unit is located in the best placement on your page.12. Try setting the ad link URL color to a lighter shade. If your text is black, you may make the adlink as light gray.13. Go Wide \u2013 The large rectangle is the best paying adsense format (336\u00d7280) \u2013 The Google Adsense Publisher team also feels that the best formats are the wider ones \u2013 the ad formats that contain the widest individual ads. Try using the 336\u00d7280 large rectangle, 300\u00d7250 medium rectangle, or 160\u00d7600 wide skyscraper.14. Placing images next to ads or above ads does help in attracting user attention.15. Blend AdLinks with other navigation links or place horizontal adlinks at the top of your webpage. AdSense publishers are permitted to click on link unit topics on their web pages, provided that they do not click on any Google ads on the resulting page.16. Organize an Adsense Party for your friends and colleagues \u2013 Request them to navigate your website, watch their activity \u2013 it will provide vital clues about which regions on your website draw more user attention. Try putting ads near those areas. (Thanks Darren)17. You can put upto 3 adsense units on a page. Try putting a large skyscraper on the right navigation sidebar of your website. That area is close to the browser scrollbar.18. The first few lines of your content are an important factor for determining what Ads are served on your webpage. That\u2019s the right place to put keywords in bold or header tags.19. Open Google Adsense search box results in a new browser window, so you won\u2019t lose your visitors.20. Maximum people think the search box is on the top right corner. So you know where to put it.21. Don\u2019t syndicate full content. If people can read everything from the newsreader window itself, why would they visit your website where your ads are.22. Use URL channels to determine performance of individual pages. I track my most popular pages with Statcounter and create a channel for each of the URL.23. For low CTR pages, try changing titles or adding more content to get better focused ads24. Block low paying advertisers with Filters. Why to loose a visitor for 0.01 cents.25. The AdSense for search Top Queries report shows you what your users are looking for, by listing the 25 most common searches conducted through your AdSense for search boxes. Use this report to identify additional topics to add to your site, or to keep track of your most sought-after information. Focus and improve that content.26. Not everyone has a RSS reader. Use RSS to Email services like FeedBlitz, Bloglet or Rmail to let users subscribe to your blog by email.27. You are the best judge when it comes to choosing ad formats. Even Google doesn\u2019t offer the best advise always. For instance, in the visual heat map, Google suggests that webmasters are best served by positioning ads on the upper left-hand side of a Web page. But on the Google homepage, you will find ads on the far right.Source:http://labnol.blogspot.com/2005/09/z-adsense-tips-for-increasing-revenue.html"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/how-much-is-my-blog-worth/", "title": "How Much Is My Blog Worth?", "body": "Want to know how much your blog worth is? Just click the link below and type in your site url and click the submit button. And you\u2019ll see how much is your blog worth\u2026My blog worth about$15,807.12Link:http://www.business-opportunities.biz/projects/how-much-is-your-blog-worth/"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-15-released/", "title": "Firefox 1.5 Released", "body": "The award-winning Web browser is better than ever. Browse the Web with confidence \u2013 Firefox protects you from viruses, spyware and pop-ups. Enjoy improvements to performance, ease of use and privacy. It\u2019s easy to import your favorites and settings and get started. Download Firefox now and get the most out of the Web.A Better Web ExperienceFirefox 1.5 has an intuitive interface and blocks viruses, spyware, and popup ads. It delivers Web pages faster than ever. And it"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/extended-live-archive/", "title": "Extended Live Archive", "body": "Hmm\u2026boleh r pulak gune Extended Live Archive ni. Kadang2 boleh, kadang2 tak. Pelik pulak aku rasa. Ish3. Aku terasa nak gune balik plugin ni coz plugin nih lebih tersusun dan ade control panel die tersendiri. And korang leh edit css die tu untuk match\u2019kan ngan site korang. So kalau korang nak tengok live demo die, leh la checkArchivesaku tu. Dan kalau korang nak download, ni download link die:Download Extended Live ArchiveNow Im using Extended Live Archive plugin to display my archive. Before this, I dont use that plugin because it doesnt work but sometimes it can. I use that plugin back cause this plugin is more managable and it has it own control panel and you can edit it css too. If you like to see the live demo, check out myArchives. And if you want to download the plugin, click here:Download Extended Live ArchiveNote: Urgh\u2026susah nye nak tulis dwi-bahasa nih\u2026 \ud83d\ude00"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/google-page-rank/", "title": "Google Page Rank", "body": "Link:http://pr.blogflux.comCheck korangnye site page rank. Aku nye:Check your site page rank. Mine:"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/firefox-contest/", "title": "Firefox Contest", "body": "We\u2019re giving away dual-processor, Firefox-skinned Alienware machines (price tag: $4700) to the three developers who extend firefox in ways that are worthy of such raw computing power. We\u2019ve also got iPod Nanos, O\u2019Reilly gift certificates and Firefox swag. The contest ends January 6th, so you\u2019d better read the contest site and get coding! Or at least start buttering up the judges; I hear Jeremy really needs some gmail invites."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/spybot-search-destroy/", "title": "Spybot Search & Destroy", "body": "Spybot Search & Destroy is a free downloadable software to remove malwares and spywares. It will scan your computer for spywares and remove it from your computer. A must use for all internet users. \ud83d\ude00Website:http://www.safer-networking.org/en/home/index.htmlDownload:http://www.safer-networking.org/en/download/index.html"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/win98-source-code/", "title": "Win98 Source Code", "body": "/* Source Code to Windows 98 */#include \u201cwin31.h\u201d#include \u201cwin95.h\u201d#include \u201cevenmore.h\u201d#include \u201coldstuff.h\u201d#include \u201cbillrulz.h\u201d#include \u201cmonopoly.h\u201d#define INSTALL = HARDchar make_prog_look_big[1600000];void main(){while(!CRASHED){display_copyright_message();display_bill_rules_message();do_nothing_loop();if (first_time_installation){make_50_megabyte_swapfile();do_nothing_loop();totally_screw_up_HPFS_file_system();search_and_destroy_the_rest_of_OS/2();disable_Netscape();disable_RealPlayer();disable_Corel_Products();hang_system();}write_something(anything);display_copyright_message();do_nothing_loop();do_some_stuff();if (still_not_crashed){display_copyright_message();do_nothing_loop();basically_run_windows_3.1();do_nothing_loop();do_nothing_loop();}}if (detect_cache())disable_cache();if (fast_cpu()){set_wait_states(lots);set_mouse(speed, very_slow);set_mouse(action, jumpy);set_mouse(reaction, sometimes);}/* printf(\u201cWelcome to Windows 3.11\u201d); *//* printf(\u201cWelcome to Windows 95\u201d); */printf(\u201cWelcome to Windows 98\u201d);if (system_ok())crash(to_dos_prompt)elsesystem_memory = open(\u201ca:\\swp0001.swp\u201d, O_CREATE);while(something){sleep(5);get_user_input();sleep(5);act_on_user_input();sleep(5);}create_general_protection_fault();}"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/changes-made-to-my-theme/", "title": "Changes made to my theme", "body": "Sekali sekala nak gak tulis dalam BI walaupun tunggang langgang \ud83d\ude00Today I edit and make changes to my theme. Add some codes in my theme and install new plugins. What do you think? Check out the sidebar change when you view posts or pages.Btw, I just installedKGArchivesplugin. Before this, I usedSmart Archivesbut have problem with it. Don\u2019t know why. :((I also tryExtended Live Archieveplugin but sometimes it works, sometimes don\u2019t. Thats furstrating me\u2026 The plugin is ok, nice but the problem\u2026 Urgh\u2026 :-l I dont like things that have problems."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/5ghz-project-cpu-cooling-with-liquid-nitrogen/", "title": "5Ghz Project – CPU Cooling With Liquid Nitrogen", "body": "Cool! Thats what I can say about this. They overclock 3.2Ghz prosessor to 5Ghz. The temparature is really high and need nitrogen to cool it down. What do you think if you touch the processor? Want to cool it with the nitrogen? Lol\u2026I can\u2019t link the image here because the site block image linking. Anyway, for more info about this project, check out this link:http://www20.tomshardware.com/cpu/20031230/Actually there is a video about this project but I dont know where to get it. I watched that video from my friend. He donwloaded from this site but I dont know where I can download it. If I know, I will give the link so you guys can watch it.Edit:Here is the link for the video:http://www20.tomshardware.com/cpu/20031230/5ghz-02.html#video_11_to_download_525_ghz_with_a_p4Source:http://www.tomshardware.com"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/yahoo-messenger-with-voice/", "title": "Yahoo! Messenger – with Voice", "body": "New Yahoo! Messenger \u2013 with Voice. With Yahoo! new messenger, you not only can chat with your friends but you also can making calls from PC to PC. Talk with your friends like you call them by using your phone.New FeaturesFree worldwide PC-to-PC callsEnjoy free PC-to-PC calls around the globe. All you and your friends need is Messenger with Voice \u2013 and a microphone and speakers (or headset*).Voice Mail and Call HistoryIf you or your friends are offline or away from the computer, leave voice mail. Check your Call History to see all incoming, outgoing and missed calls, too.Quick, simple photo sharingDrag-and-drop photos into your IM window, and use PC-to-PC calling or instant messaging to bring memories to life.\u2013More Info\u2013Get It Now"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/gmail-virus-scanning/", "title": "Gmail Virus Scanning", "body": "Gmail has lunched it Virus Scanning for their gmail account users. Now you can open your emails and attachments without worrying if there is a virus or not. Gmail will automatically scans them for viruses. If a virus found, it will automatically clean the file and you can open it as usuall. But if Gmail can\u2019t remove the file, you can\u2019t open or download the attachment.And if you send an email which contains a virus, Gmail will block it until you remove the attachment from the email. Cool heh? Well\u2026thats another improvement from Gmail."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/lelaki-lelaki-lelaki/", "title": "Lelaki… Lelaki… Lelaki…", "body": "LELAKI yang TULIN\u2026Tahu hakikat yang dia dijadikan sebagai lelaki dan dari itu bersifat sebagai lelaki dan tidak bertingkah laku hingga terkeluar dari kategori lelaki.LELAKI yang BERHARGA\u2026Lelaki yang tidak cemburu buta kerana lelaki yang cemburu itu lemah dan cemburu itu melambangkan bahawa dirinya tidak berharga.LELAKI yang TEGUH JIWA\u2026Tidak mudah mengalirkan air mata. Bila lelaki menangis, maka harga dirinya hilang kerana air mata adalah perhiasan hati wanita.Lelaki yang sederhana\u2026Tidak meninggi diri dan tidak pula terlalu merendah diri.LELAKI yang CANTIK\u2026Wanita menganggap kecantikan lelaki berada pada perangainya dan kebersihan hatinya.LELAKI yang PUNYAI PENDIRIAN\u2026Lelaki yang berpegang teguh pada kata-katanya dan menunaikan janji bila berjanji.LELAKI yang KEMAS\u2026Menjaga kebersihan serta berdandan tetapi tidak secara berlebihan. Pakaiannya kemas dan tidak nampak canggung.LELAKI yang CERDIK\u2026Cepat faham apa yang dikehendaki oleh wanita tanpa perlu disebutkan.LELAKI yang CEKAP\u2026Segera memberikan kepada wanita apa yang dihajati tanpa perlu diminta terlebih dahulu.LELAKI yang BIJAK\u2026Tidak suka bercerita tentang kelebihan atau ketampanan dirinya.LELAKI yang TABAH\u2026Tidak mudah hilang akal bila menghadapi masalah dan tidak bingung atau kalut bila menghadapi suasana menekan, kesuntukan masa, atau cemas.LELAKI yang BERWAWASAN\u2026Tidak melakukan sesuatu tanpa merancang. Objketif dan cekal dalam mengejar cita-citanya. Masa digunakan untuk perkara yang produktif.LELAKI yang BAIK\u2026Tidak suka hidup berfoya. Taat kepada suruhan agama. Tidak berjudi, berzina atau minum arak.LELAKI yang SOPAN\u2026Tahu menghormati orang tua serta pandai mengambil hati.LELAKI yang MENGASIHI\u2026Walaupun mungkin dia tidak menyatakan kasihnya pada wanita itu. Satu masa, wanita berharap lelaki ini akan meluahkan perasaan kasihnya itu.LELAKI yang CERIA\u2026Boleh berjenaka dan berkongsi cerita. Tidak selalu sugul dan berkerut-kerut dahinya.Source:http://simplespoilerz.blogdrive.com/"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cypherwp-theme-rs-version/", "title": "CypherWP Theme – RS version", "body": "Aku just edit je CypherWP Theme aku yang lama tu and create theme baru RS (Right Sidebar) version. Tah ape2 nama tah yang aku bagi nih. Ish3. Saje je nak nampak kelainan dari biasa. Asyik belah kiri jek. Bosan gak kekadang. So beralih arah dari haluan kiri ke haluan kanan plak. Hak3. :))Hmm\u2026nanti ingat nak edit yang Double Sidebars plak. :)>-"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wordpress-theme-development/", "title": "WordPress Theme Development", "body": "For those who want to create their own wordpress theme, you can check out this site link:http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_DevelopmentThis site will guides you on building your own theme such as which files should be included in your theme, the format, etc.Other article:http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/minor-changes-to-cypherwp-theme-v1/", "title": "Minor changes to CypherWP Theme v1", "body": "Disebabkan takde ape nak buat, so petang tadi aku pun saja2 la design graphic untuk title2 bagi sidebar ngan navigation links kat atas tu.What do you think? He3. \ud83d\ude00Aku dapat idea ni pun dari website saudaraSyaifulsebenarnya. Nampak cam lawa plak kalau buat macam tu. Then aku pun try la buat. Pas siap semua, puas hati gak la\u2026Pada mulanya, aku buat semua image tu dalam format .png Bile open gune browserFirefoxok je. Tapi bile open guneInternet Explorer, transparent yang aku buat tu tak jadi. Then, terpaksa la aku save balik dalam format .gif Tak tahu kenapaInternet Explorertak support .png Mungkin kene setting dariCSSaku kot. Tak tahu la. Aku bukan reti sangat nganCSSni. He3.Selain tu, aku ade gak r buat tag nama tuk nama aku tu, CypherHackz. Cool tak? Heh! So, tiap kali aku post, takkan ade lagi perkataan post by Administrator tapi dah ditukar ngan icon CypherHackz (kat atas sebelah kanan setiap post).Btw rancangan untuk buat CypherWP Theme v2 masih takde ape2 perkembangan lagi. Skang ni pun tengah cari mana2 theme yang sedia ade untuk mendapatkan idea. Erm\u2026minggu depan plak aku akan pergi Kem Pembentukan JKM kolej aku. So, tak dapat la aku nak online pada mase tu. Seminggu aku akan kesepian tanpa komputer. Isk3. \ud83d\ude41"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/qiara-hanya-padamu/", "title": "Qiara – Hanya Padamu", "body": "Qiara \u2013 Hanya PadamuFormat RM:Download(Right click > Save Target As)Hanya pada muKu serahkan segalanyaKau bertakhta di nuraniAnggun cinta mu abadiHanya pada muPertama dan yang terakhirPohon cinta ku merendangDisirami kasih suci( korus )Jiwa ku dipalu gemersik tak terkiraHampir ku terlena dalam belaian muCinta mu selembut sutera menjadi saksi kasih kuTiada dua hanyalah satu kau yang ku cintaiSekelumit cinta sekurun kerinduanKu rempuhi ranjau dukaMembara sehangat apiTerhapus sepi di hati kuSeulas bibir mu kelu tidak berkataNamun ada sesuatuNurbisa dari mata muTerpancar cinta yang sejatiAwan yang berarak saujana membiruCerahlah wajah mu di rimba sendu kuMenjadi hamparan cinta suci"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/aim-triton/", "title": "AIM Triton", "body": "I just downloaded AIM Triton today. Have pretty nice interface. I dont regret for waiting more than an hour just to download it. I have AIM before but installed it in my old computer.Anyway, if you want to add me, here is my screen name:CypherHackzGet AIM Triton"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/movie-the-exorcism-of-emily-rose/", "title": "Movie: The Exorcism of Emily Rose", "body": "A lawyer takes on a negligent homicide case involving a priest who performed an exorcism on a young girl that resulted in her death.Genres:Suspense/Horror and ThrillerRunning Time:1 hr. 54 min.Release Date:September 9th, 2005 (wide)MPAA Rating:PG-13 for thematic material, including intense/frightening sequences and disturbing images.Distributors:Screen GemsSemalam aku kuar gi pasar malam cari CD cite. Bosan2 duk umah. So sekali sekala nak gak r tengok CD plak. Asyik tengok wayang je, mati r duit aku. He3. So, semalam aku beli dua CD cite. Cite Saw 2 ngan cite The Exorcism of Emily Rose.Cite ni tak best sangat r coz banyak cakap daripada action. Nyesal aku beli\u2026 \ud83d\ude41Source:http://www.yahoo.com"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/movie-harry-porter-the-goblet-of-fire/", "title": "Movie: Harry Porter – The Goblet of Fire", "body": "Genres:Action/Adventure, Kids/Family and Science Fiction/FantasyRunning Time:2 hrs. 30 min.Release Date:November 18th, 2005 (wide)MPAA Rating:PG-13 for sequences of fantasy violence and frightening images.Distributors:Warner Bros. Pictures DistributionMidway through both his training and his coming-of-age, Harry wants to get away from the Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with his friends, Hermione and Ron and his family. Harry develops a crush on a schoolmate and gets to represent Hogwarts in a competition against two other wizard schools. It comes down to a face-off between Harry and You-Know-Who that ends in tragedy.Aku baru je tengok cite ni ngan member aku kat One Utama petang tadi. Best gak r. Tapi, skang ni cite Harry Porter cam jiwang jek. Biase r tu. Bile Harry Porter dah membesar, mesti r jalan cerita pun kene ade kelainan. Mule2 tu tak berapa paham sangat jalan cerita die ni coz tak tahu ape bende sebenarnye Goblet of Fire tu. Rupe2nye goblet tu merupakan sebuah gelas je. Tapi gelas bukan la sebarang gelas. Gelas tu memang gempak.So, memang rugi r kalau tak tengok cite tu.Source:http://www.yahoo.com"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/sygate-personal-firewall-pro/", "title": "Sygate Personal Firewall Pro", "body": "Ultimate Firewall Software Protection Technology!Application-Based Intrusion Detection SystemProtocol Driver-Level ProtectionActive ResponseAnti-IP & Anti-MAC SpoofingApplication DLL AuthenticationFirewall Termination PreventionSygate Personal Best Firewall Pro ReviewWinner of the 2002 Windows & .NET Reader\u2019s Choice Award and PC World\u2019s 2002 World Class Award, Sygate Personal Firewall Pro provides a multi-layered shield of network, content, application, and operating system protection for your PC.The Pro version includes a comprehensive Intrusion Protection System (IPS) which includes IDS, DoS protection, and Trojan protection which sets this program high above other personal firewalls.Sygate Personal Best Firewall Pro is the ultimate desktop security solution trusted by professionals and relied upon by millions of users.Features:Network Layer \u2014 Secure Internet ConnectionsHalt Trojan AttacksIt is the first personal firewall that offers real protocol driver-level protection, preventing hostile programs such as Trojan Horses and malicious mobile code from accessing the network using their own protocol driver. With newly added network layer protection measures and existing application level protection, Sygate Personal Best Firewall Pro provides complete security from the network to the application layer.Content Layer \u2014 Secure Trusted TrafficPrevent Fraudulent TrafficIt is the first personal firewall with an application-based intrusion detection system (IDS). Network layer protection can ensure the inbound network packets are legitimate, but it can do little about the contents hiding in the packets. The high performance intrusion detection engine in Sygate Personal Firewall Pro monitors network traffic content, and uses pattern matching to detect a variety of attacks and probes, such as buffer overflows and stealth port scans.Application Layer \u2014 Secure Component IntegrityStop Application Hi-JackingIt secures systems from intrusions that exploit vulnerabilities in applications to execute attacks. It verifies the integrity of every application that attempts to communicate through a fingerprint that includes a MD5 checksum. In addition to that, Sygate Personal Firewall Pro authenticates application dynamic link libraries (DLLs), preventing hostile programs that masquerade as authorized applications from compromising users"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/pc-cillin-internet-security-2006/", "title": "PC-Cillin Internet Security 2006", "body": "Trend Micro"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/jangan-jangan-jangan/", "title": "Jangan, jangan, jangan", "body": "1. Jangan sengaja lewatkan solat. Perbuatan ini Allah tidak suka. Kalau tertidur lain cerita.2. Jangan masuk ke bilik air tanpa memakai alas kaki (selipar). Takut kalau-kalau terbawa keluar najis, mengotori seluruh rumah kita.3. Jangan makan dan minum dalam bekas yang pecah atau sumbing. Makruh kerana ia membahayakan.4. Jangan biarkan pinggan mangkuk yang telah digunakan tidak berbasuh. Makruh dan mewarisi kepapaan.5. Jangan tidur selepas solat Subuh, nanti rezeki mahal (kerana berpagi-pagi itu membuka pintu berkat).6. Jangan makan tanpa membaca BISMILLAH dan doa makan. Nanti rezeki kita dikongsi syaitan.7. Jangan keluar rumah tanpa niat untuk membuat kebaikan. Takut-takut kita mati dalam perjalanan.8. Jangan pakai sepatu atau selipar yang berlainan pasangan. Makruh dan mewarisi kepapaan.9. Jangan biarkan mata liar di perjalanan. Nanti hati kita gelap diselaputi dosa.10. Jangan menangguh taubat bila berbuat dosa kerana mati boleh datang bila-bila masa.11. Jangan ego untuk meminta maaf pada ibu bapa dan sesama manusia kalau memang kita bersalah.12. Jangan mengumpat sesama rakan taulan. Nanti rosak persahabatan kita hilang bahagia.13. Jangan lupa bergantung kepada ALLAH dalam setiap kerja kita. Nanti kita sombong apabila berjaya. Kalau gagal kecewa pula.14. Jangan bakhil untuk bersedekah. Sedekah itu memanjangkan umur dan memurahkan rezeki kita.15. Jangan banyak ketawa. Nanti mati jiwa.16. Jangan biasakan berbohong, kerana ia adalah ciri-ciri munafik dan menghilangkan kasih orang kepada kita.17. Jangan suka menganiaya manusia atau haiwan. Doa makhluk yang teraniaya cepat dimakbulkan ALLAH.18. Jangan terlalu susah hati dengan urusan dunia. Akhirat itu lebih utama dan hidup di sana lebih lama dan kekal selamanya.19. Jangan mempertikaikan kenapa ISLAM itu berkata JANGAN. Sebab semuanya untuk keselamatan kita. ALLAH lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hamba ciptaanNya.Source:http://hanny24.blogspot.com/"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/new-photoshop-design/", "title": "New photoshop design!", "body": "Bosan2 petang tadi aku pun design la banner baru tuk site aku ni. Cool tak? \ud83d\ude00 He3.Btw aku ade gak buat small banner tuk website aku ni and beberapa graphic baru. Check this out!CypherHackz Small BannerCypherHackz\u2019s AvatarCypherHackz\u2019s Signature"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/anime-the-law-of-ueki/", "title": "Anime: The Law of Ueki", "body": "Aku hari tu tengok anime ni sebelum aku balik umah. Best gak r.Cite die berkisahkan seorang budak ni dapat kuasa dari seorang God Candidate (Sebab God Candidate ni akan jadi God, so dorang terpaksa la mencari orang sebagai pengganti dorang plak). This person, Ueki dapat power best di mana die leh tukar trash jadi pokok. Then ada gak r pesaing2 lain yang ade power gak. Ade yang boleh tukar air jadi api. Ade yang boleh tukar manik2 jadi bom. Macam2 lagi r.Title:The Law of UekiSeason:1Episodes:1 -25Description:Junior High School student Ueki Kosuke has a strange ability: he can turn anything that he believes to be garbage into a tree. This ability was given to him by his homeroom teacher, a man named Kobayashi. Ueki manages to keep his ability a secret until one day when his classmate, Hori Ai, finds out about it. .Hori initially had been following him in order to debunk his true character, but begins to help him when she sees the sacrifice he must make to use his talent..Ueki soon finds himself embroiled in a battle of 100 participants, one of which is his teacher, Kobayashi. Each of the participants in the tournament must choose a champion from their students and give them a special ability, as Kobayashi had to Ueki. The abilities that were chosen, such as the skill to turn a towel into iron, give the student receiving it a better chance of winning the tournament. The participants in the tournament must then make their student champions fight each other. Whoever student wins will become the next \u201cgod\u201d, and. his student will receive a \u201cblank ability\u201d that can become any ability at all.Skang ni tak sabar nak tunggu Season 2 die kuar."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/ketahui-pasangan-anda-melalui-tarikh-lahir/", "title": "Ketahui pasangan anda melalui TARIKH LAHIR", "body": "Ketahui pasangan anda melalui TARIKH LAHIR ( BETUL ATAU KEBETULAN)1. Tarikh Lahir pada 1, 9 & 24Pada umumnya pasangan ini bersifat pendiam & konservatif. Namun dengan orang-orang tertentu dia cepat mesra. Tapi pasangan yang lahir tarikh ini mudah terperasan. Kerana sifatnya itu menyebabkan ramai orang yang tidak menyukainya. Namun begitu dia tetap dikagumi kerana bersikap serius terutamanya yang berhubung dengan orang ramai. Dalam hal percintaan, dia sanggup berhabis semata-mata untuk memenuhi segala keinginan pasangannya. Tapi hati-hati kadangkala dia lebih mementingkan persahabatan daripada percintaan dan lebih rela memutuskan cintanya demi sebuah persahabatan yang telah terjalin lama.2. Tarikh Lahir pada 2, 11 & 30Orangnya perasa dan mudah tersinggung. Sifatnya yang suka menyendiri membuatkan dia lebih suka tinggal di rumah. Ramai orang suka bergaul denganya kerana perwatakannya yang lembut & ramah. Dia paling benci jika cintanya ditolak atau dikhianati olih orang yang benar-benar dicintainya. Namun begitu dia selalu bersikap sabar dan tidak terburu- buru dalam bertindak. Sayangnya untuk urusan masa depan dia bersikap pesimis sering mengalah sebelum mencuba.Oleh itu mesti ada yang mendorongnya agar tidak terus terjebak dengan sikap pesimisnya.3. Tarikh Lahir pada 3, 18 & 29Sabar serta pandai menguasai diri adalah ciri yang khas bagi pasangan yang lahir pada tarikh ini. Tapi jangan cuba mempermain-mainkannya, dia akan mengamuk dengan hebat. Dia tergolong pasangan yang bijaksana dan bertanggungjawab. Sifat jujur & ramah adalah modal utamanya dalam bergaul. Tapi dalam soal cinta dia merupakan pasangan yang susah untuk di mengertikan.4. Tarikh Lahir pada 4, & 13Pasangan yang lahir pada tarikh ini adalah seorang yang pandai, suka bergaul dan mudah berubah pendapat. Dia seringkali tidak yakin dengan diri sendiri.Dalam soal cinta, dia tergolong pasangan yang mata keranjang dan suka bertukar-tukar partner. Sifat ini membuatkan orang tidak suka apa lagi untuk bersimpati dengannya. Dia sering bersifat dingin kepada orang lain kerana menganggap orang lain merupakan faktor penyebab timbulnya masalah. Tapi dia memiliki sifat kelakar, mudah ketawa dan kadangkala bersikap keanak-anakkan.5. Tarikh Lahir pada 5 & 17Yang lahir pada tarikh ini adalah seorang yang optimis, bercita-cita tinggi dan punya kecederungan untuk berprestasi. Namun begitu dia adalah seorang yang berwatak keras dan apa yang diinginkan selalunya dipenuhi.Memandangkan sesuatu selalunya dari segi yang menguntungkan.Tapi sayangnya dia suka menganggap remeh pada orang lain.Dalam soal cinta, berhati-hatilah kerana dia suka bertukar-tukar pasangan.6.Tarikh Lahir pada 6, 14 & 27Dia adalah seorang pasangan yang tidak mahu kalah dan pantang menyerah. Kejujuran dan keadilan merupakan sifat yang membuatkan dia disegani.Dalam soal cinta dia ingin memberi yang terbaik kepada orang yang dicintainya.Namun begitu harga dirinya terlalu tinggi sehingga dia tidak pernah mengerti mengapa seseorang itu menolak kebaikannya.7. Tarikh Lahir pada 7, 28 & 31Dia adalah seorang yang bersifat terbuka berterus terang & jujur.Namun dia mudah sekali terpengaruh dan ingin mencapai sesuatu itu dengan cara mudah. Cinta baginya sering diertikan sebagai pengisi masa lapang. Semasa bercinta dia sangat berhati-hati dan suka sekali merayu dan kalau pasangannya curang dia dengan mudah meninggalkannya.8. Tarikh Lahir pada 8 & 23Dia bersifat peramah dan mudah perasa. Kepada teman-teman dia bersifat lembut & bijaksana. Namun begitu dia tersisih dari teman- teman kerana rasa rendah diri yang terlalu menebal. Dia memerlukan suasana yang seimbang baik sewaktu berfikir mahupun dalam kehidupan seharian.Kelemahan yang paling menonjol ialah gugup dan selalu dihantui perasaan khuatir tetapi dia adalah seorang yang penjimat. Dalam urusan cinta, dia seorang yang tabah dan rela berkorban.9. Tarikh Lahir pada 10, 16 & 21Suka bekerja keras,memiliki nafsu yang tinggi dalam usaha mencapai cita-citanya.Dalam pergaulan sehari-hari dia merupakan orang yang mudah tersinggung.Namun begitu dia seorang yang jujur & tabah dalam menghadapi persoalan.Soal cinta dia sangat setia dan sebab itulah dia mudah disenangi. Tapi dia seorang yang terlalu cemburu. Kalau baik dia sangat baik dan kalau jahat dia merupakan orang yang paling jahat.10. Tarikh Lahir pada 12 & 19Orang yang lahir pada tarikh ini memiliki sifat suka dipuji.Dia berharap setiap orang akan menganggapnya sebagai juara. Pada dasarnya dia suka berdandan dan berpakaian rapi.Kerana itu dia sering membelanjakan wangnya untuk menunjukan penampilannya.Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dia adalah pasangan yang disegani kerana bakat kepimpinannya.Sifatnya yang bijaksana membuatkan dia disegani dalam pergaulan.Dalam urusan cinta, dia adalah pasangan yang sangat susah untuk dipercayai.11. Tarikh Lahir pada 15, 20 & 26Jangan mengharapkan sifat romantis dari pasangan yang lahir pada tarikh ini.Dia tergolong dalam orang yang kurang serius, bersikap bodoh dalam menghadapi sesuatu. Namun begitu dia selalu bersikap penuh pengertian bila menghadapi sesuatu masalah. Dia sangat benci pada perkara-perkara yang berbau keributan terutama yang menimbulkan huru-hara. Dalam hal percintaan dia menuntut untuk lebih diberi perhatian tapi dia jarang mengambil berat pada pasangannya. Namun begitu sikapnya disenangi oleh kawan-kawan.12. Tarikh Lahir pada 22 & 25Wataknya paling susah untuk dimengertikan. Kadangkala dia disukai kerana kebaikannya dan kadangkala dia dibenci kerana perbuatannya.Namun buat teman-teman dia merupakan orang penuh pengertian. Dalam pelbagai situasi dia lebih suka merendahkan diri jarang sekali mahu menonjolkan kelebihannya pada orang lain. Pasangan jenis ini terkenal sebagai perayu dan sebab itulah dia diberi jolokan senimanasmara.Dipetik darihttp://www.wira4ce.net"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/8-petanda-dia-adalah-jodohmu/", "title": "8 Petanda Dia Adalah Jodohmu!", "body": "Dua manusia yang merasa saling berjodoh pasti memiliki ikatanemosional, spiritual dan fizikal antara keduanya. Hanya dengan menatap mataatau mendengar suaranya, kita akan merasakan getaran dan seolah inginterus bersamanya. Benarkah seperti itu?Lalu, apakah ada petanda lainnya agar seseorang dapat merasakan bahawasi dia jodoh (soulmate) kita atau bukan?Petanda 1Rahsia sepasang kekasih agar dapat memiliki usia hubungan yang panjangadalah dengan adanya saling kerjasama. Kamu dan dia selalu dapatsaling membantu, dalam urusan remeh atau besar. Paling penting adalah kamuberdua selalu dapat melalui segala aspek kehidupan secarabersama-sama. Dan semuanya terasa amat menyenangkan meskipun tanpa harusmelibatkan orang lain. Apakah kamu sudah merasakan perkara tersebut? Jika ya,selamat\u2026 kerana ada harapan bahawa dia adalah calon pendamping hidupkamu!Petanda 2Salah satu kriteria yang menentukan sesuai atau tidaknya dia sebagaijodoh kamu atau bukan adalah kemampuannya bersikap bersahaja di depankamu. Cuba sekarang perhatikan, apakah gerak-gerinya, caranyaberpakaian, gaya rambutnya, caranya berbicara serta tertawanya mengesankan apaadanya? Apakah setiap ucapannya selalu tampak spontan dan tidakdibuat-buat? Jika tidak, maaf kemungkinan besar dia bukan jodoh kamu!Petanda 3Adanya deria batiniah membuat hati kamu berdua dapat selalu salingtahu. Dan bila kamu atau si dia dapat saling membaca fikiran dan mendugareaksi serta perasaannya satu sama lainnya pada situasi tertentu.Selamat! Sebenarnya dialah destini kebahagian kamu\u2026Petanda 4Bersamanya dapat membuat perasaan kamu menjadi tenang, selesa dantanpa perasaan tertekan. Berjam-jam bersamanya, setiap waktu dan setiaphari tanpa membuat kamu merasa bosan\u2026 Inilah petanda bahawa kamuberdua kelak akan saling terikat.Petanda 5Dia selalu ada untuk kamu dalam situasi apapun. Dan dia selalu dapatmemahami situasi dalam hati kamu baik dalam suka dan duka. Percayalahpasangan yang berjodoh pasti tak takut mengalami pasang-surut, suka-dukasaat bersama. Sekarang, ingat-ingat kembali. Apakah dia orang pertamayang datang memberi bantuan tatkala kamu dirundung musibah? Dia selalufaham saat emosi kamu terganggu? Dia tahu keadaan waktu anda sakit?Jika ya, tak salah lagi. Dialah orangnya\u2026Petanda 6Dia tak terlalu peduli dengan masa lalu keluarga kamu, dia tak pedulidengan masa lalu kamu saat bersama kekasih terdahulu. Dia juga takmalu-malu menceritakan masa lalunya\u2026 Nah, kalau begitu ini bisa berartidia sudah siap menerima kamu apa adanya..Petanda 7Setiap orang pasti memiliki kekurangan, dan kamu tak malu-maluperlihatkannya pada si dia. Bahkan pada saat kamu tampil \u2018buruk\u2019 di depannyasekalipun, misalnya saat kamu bangun tidur atau saat kamu sakit dan takmandi selama dua hari. Ataupun menceritakan sejujurnya kepada kamutentang kelemahan dan kekurangannya\u2026 Nah! Kamu dan dia memangnyadisuratkan untuk bersama!Petanda 8Bila merasa rahsia kamu bisa lebih selamat di tangannya daripada ditangan sahabat-sahabat kamu yang lain. Atau kamu merasa sudah tak dapatlagi menyimpan rahsia apapun darinya, maka berbahagialah! Kerana inibererti pasangan sejati telah kamu temukan!Dipetik darihttp://www.wira4ce.net"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/bowling-and-movie-zathura/", "title": "Bowling and Movie: Zathura", "body": "Hari Khamis aritu aku gi jenjalan ngan member aku (Ikram nama die). Baru je balik dari UTM dah nak jenjalan. Bosan duk umah. Lagi pun aku dah memang plan dah ngan member aku tu nak gi main bowling and tengok wayang bile kitorang balik nanti.Kitorang gi jenjalan kat Mid Valley je. First tu ingat nak gi One Utama, tapi member aku tu cakap die tak tahu jalan. (Member aku tu bukan nye orang KL. Die orang Perak. Die singgah jap kat umah akak die kat Shah Alam before balik terus gi umah die kat Perak tu).First sampai kitorang gi beli tiket dulu. Ingatkan tak ramai orang. Rupe2 nye ramai gile orang beratur and nak tengok wayang aritu. Ada gak la dalam 15 minit bediri beratur. First tu kitorang ingat nak tengok cite Harry Porter, tapi seat yang tinggal seat depan je. Ingatkan nak beli tiket yag kul 6.20 petang nye, ada gaj la seat belakang tapi masalahnye Student price hanya sampai kul 6 je. So terpaksa la kitorang decide cite ape yang nak ditengok. Last2 kitorang decide nak tengok cite Zathura kul 5.45 petang.Pas beli tiket sementara nak tunggu masuk panggung, kitorang gi ke plan seterusnye iaitu gi main bowling. He3. Entah ape la nasib aku hari tu. Banyak dapat strike and aku telah pecahkan rekod peribadi aku. \ud83d\ude00 Tak sangka aku aritu. Sampaikan member aku pun jeles ngan point yang aku dapat. (Sorry\u2026tau Ikram. Hak3.)Selepas habis main 2 game, kitorang singgah jap kat McD nak beli cone sundae (standard aku ngan kawan2 kalau dah pas habis main bowling mesti singgah gi McD makan ais-krim). Then kitorang gi surau nak solat Asar kat bawah tu sambil jalan2 nak habiskan ais-krim tu.After that, kitorang pun gi la naik balik tingkat atas sekali nak gi tengok wayang. Best gak r cite tu. Aku mule2 tak nak tengok cite tu coz rase cite tu macam budak2. Member aku r cakap cite tu best and die nak tengok. Sebab member aku ni orang jauh and sekali sekala turun KL, aku pun layan je la. Rupe2nye best cite tu and tak nyesal la aku layan kepala member aku sorang nih.Cite die berkisahkan pasal sebuah permainan pengembaraan ke angkasa lepas (lebih kurang cam Jumanji tapi ni ekspedisi ke angkasa lepas r). Setiap kali kad yang kuar dari mesin tu akan menentukan ape yang bakal berlaku. And aku rase part yag paling best mase ending die tu la. Memang aku pun tak sangka yang ****** merupakan ****** tu (saje je censored :p ). Aku bagi 3.5 bintang kat cite ni. So aku rase kepada sesapa yang nak tengok cite Zathura ni, baik gi tengok cepat. Tak nyesal pun kalau tengok\u2026Antara gambar2 dari filem Zathura:Note: Semua gambar2 ini diambil dari websitehttp://www.hollywood.comBtw aku skang ni tak sabar nak gi tengok cite Aeon Flux (2hb Disember) kuar. Best gak r aku tengok thriller die.Cite Narnia pun best gak!Ps: Bile la aku nak tengok cite Harry Porter nih?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/good-luck/", "title": "Good Luck!!!", "body": "Di kesempatan ini, aku nak ucapkanlah kepada dak2 UTM, good luck untuk final korang. All the best!!!Ish3. Aku pun nak kene pulun study gak nih."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/forum-cypherhackz-board/", "title": "Forum: CypherHackz Board", "body": "Aku baru je setup forum tuk website aku nih.So sudi-sudilah join and bersembang sesama kita.Klik link kat atas tu atau, click link nih:http://www.cypherhackz.net/forum/index.php"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/gahooyoogle/", "title": "GahooYoogle", "body": "Check it out:http://www.gahooyoogle.com/Two search engine inone website\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/my-new-computer-pics/", "title": "My New Computer Pics", "body": "Ok. Ni la gambar2 computer baru aku. Sorry, meja aku tu bersepah sikit sebab baru je lepas pasang PC tu. He3."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/feedburner-image/", "title": "FeedBurner Image", "body": "Saje. Bosan2 aku pun post la FeedBurner aku ni\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/new-shoutbox/", "title": "“New” ShoutBox", "body": "Bukan baru pun shoutbox aku nih. Aku just embed balik from site lama ke site yang baru nih.1st ingat nak gune G-Shout. Tapi pas aku godak2 file die, terus jadi tah ape2 tah. Siap tak leh nak pakai kat localhost lagik. \ud83d\ude41Last2 aku gune shoutbox yang lama\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/akon-lonely/", "title": "Akon – Lonely", "body": "Lonely I\u2019m Mr Lonely,I have nobody,For my owwnnnI\u2019m so lonely, I\u2019m Mr. LonelyI have nobody,For my owwnnnI\u2019m so lonely,Yo this one here goes out to all my playas out there ya kno got that one good girl whose always been there like yaKno took all the bullshit then one day she cant take it no more and decides to leaveI woke up in the middle of the night and I noticed my girl wasn\u2019t by my side, coulda sworn I was dreamin, for her I wasFeenin, so I hadda take a little ride, back tracking ova these few years, tryna figure out wat I do to make it go bad, cuzEver since my girl left me, my whole life came crashinI\u2019m so lonely (so lonely),I\u2019m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)I have nobody (I have nobody)To call my own (to call my own) girlI\u2019m so lonely (so lonely)I\u2019m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)I have nobody (I have nobody)To call my own (to call my own) girlCant belive I hadda girl like you and I just let you walk right outta my life, after all I put u thru u still stuckAround and stayed by my side, what really hurt me is I broke ur heart, baby you were a good girl and I had no right, IReally wanna make things right, cuz without u in my life girlI\u2019m so lonely (so lonely)I\u2019m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)I have nobody (I have nobody to call my own)To call my own (to call my own) girlI\u2019m so lonely (so lonely)I\u2019m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)I have nobody (I have nobody)To call my own (to call my own) girlBeen all about the world ain\u2019t neva met a girl that can take the things that you been throughNever thought the day would come where you would get up and run and I would be out chasing uCuz aint nowhere in the globe id rather be, aint noone in the globe id rather see then the girl of my dreams that made meBe so happy but now so lonelySo lonely (so lonely)I\u2019m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)I have nobody (I have nobody)To call my own (to call my own)I\u2019m so lonely (so lonely)I\u2019m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)I have nobody (I have nobody)To call my own (to call my own) girrllNever thought that id be alone, I didnt hope you\u2019d be gone this long, I jus want u to call my phone, so stop playing girl andCome on home (come on home), baby girl I didn\u2019t mean to shout, I want me and you to work it out, I never wished Id everHurt my baby, and its drivin me crazy cuz\u2026I\u2019m so lonely (so lonely)I\u2019m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)I have nobody (I have nobody)To call my own (to call my own)I\u2019m so lonely (so lonely)I\u2019m Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)I have nobody (I have nobody)To call my own (to call my own) girllLonely, so lonelySo lonely, (so lonely),Mr. Lonely, so lonelySo lonely, so lonely, (so lonely), Mr. Lonely"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/view-sites-in-l337-way/", "title": "View Sites in l337 Way", "body": "I found this from the internet1. Copy this link into your address bar: http://l33t.0pointer.de/?_skill_=3&_url_=http://2. After that add the site url that you want to view in l33t after http://3. Now you can read/view that site in l33t way\u2026 :pEg:http://l33t.0pointer.de/?_skill_=3&_url_=http://www.yahoo.comBtw, some sites will not work with this trick\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/my-computer-hardwares/", "title": "My Computer Hardwares", "body": "Gigabyte GA-8I945P-G MainboardGigabyte X600XT 128MB (128Bit) PCI-E 16X 3D Graphic CardCreative Sound Blaster Live 7.1 24-BitiCute 0408-SL ATX Casing (silver)LG 52"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/led-keyboard/", "title": "LED Keyboard", "body": "Wow! Itulah ungkapan yang dapat aku ungkapkan semasa melihat design keyboard ini. Stylish sungguh. Keyboard yang penuh dengan LED. So bile malam, mesti menyerlah dan terang benderang meja korang dengan lampu-lampu from keyboard nih.Quoted from:Optimus FAQIt"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/alahai-computer-baru/", "title": "Alahai computer baru…", "body": "Hmm\u2026aku tak puas hati ngan computer baru aku nih. Orang technician tu tah pape tah setup aku nye comp.Die buat 3 partition kat hard disk aku. Tapi huruf2 untuk hard disk aku tu tak ikut turutan. Jadi macam ni hah:1st partition: C (40Gb)2nd partition: F (40Gb)3rd partition: G (40Gb)pastu CD-RW aku, huruf die: DDVD-ROM: EDah tu plak, ade problem ngan user account name. And\u2026macam2 lagi la problem nye. Last2 aku gi hantar balik kat kedai computer tu suh die reset balik semua setting2 drive aku n format balik WinXP Pro aku tu. Pastu aku die buat partition baru ikut size (20Gb, 40Gb, 60Gb). Senang sikit aku nak organize file2 aku.C (20Gb) aku gune untuk system file Windows. D (40Gb) aku gune untuk simpan file2 kerja2 aku. And E (60Gb) aku gune untuk software2 yang aku install dalam computer aku tu.Harap2 pas dapat balik computer aku tu, takde lagi problem ngan computer baru aku tu."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/my-computer-specs/", "title": "My Computer Specs", "body": "Ok. Here is my new computer specification. \ud83d\ude00Intel Pentium 4 3.2GHz processor (LGA775) 800FSB,1MB L2 CacheGigabyte GA-8I945P-G MainboardGigabyte X600XT 128MB (128Bit) PCI-E 16X 3D Graphic CardCreative Sound Blaster Live 7.1 24-BitNCP 512MB DDR2 RAM (PC4300/533MHz)Western Digital 120GB Harddisk (SATA 2)LG 16X DVDROM DriveLG 52x32x52x CDWriterPCI TV-CardALPS 1.44mB Floppy Disk DriveEpson Stylus C45 Color PrinteriCute 0408-SL ATX Casing (silver)I will post the photos later. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-plugin-cat2tag/", "title": "WP Plugin: Cat2Tag", "body": "Another WordPress plugin that I found from the internet and I think its really useful. \ud83d\ude00Gives you the posibility to create new categories"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wordpress-pinging/", "title": "WordPress Pinging", "body": "By default WordPress only pinghttp://rpc.pingomatic.com/Here is another links that I get from the internet. Just put this links in your Options>Writing>Update Serviceshttp://1470.net/api/pinghttp://www.a2b.cc/setloc/bp.a2bhttp://api.feedster.com/pinghttp://api.moreover.com/RPC2http://api.moreover.com/pinghttp://api.my.yahoo.com/RPC2http://api.my.yahoo.com/rss/pinghttp://www.bitacoles.net/ping.phphttp://bitacoras.net/pinghttp://blogdb.jp/xmlrpchttp://www.blogdigger.com/RPC2http://blogmatcher.com/u.phphttp://www.blogoole.com/ping/http://www.blogoon.net/ping/http://www.blogpeople.net/servlet/weblogUpdateshttp://www.blogroots.com/tb_populi.blog?id=1http://www.blogshares.com/rpc.phphttp://www.blogsnow.com/pinghttp://www.blogstreet.com/xrbin/xmlrpc.cgihttp://blog.goo.ne.jp/XMLRPChttp://bulkfeeds.net/rpchttp://coreblog.org/ping/http://www.lasermemory.com/lsrpc/http://mod-pubsub.org/kn_apps/blogchatthttp://www.mod-pubsub.org/kn_apps/blogchatter/ping.phphttp://www.newsisfree.com/xmlrpctest.phphttp://ping.amagle.com/http://ping.bitacoras.comhttp://ping.blo.gs/http://ping.bloggers.jp/rpc/http://ping.blogmura.jp/rpc/http://ping.cocolog-nifty.com/xmlrpchttp://ping.exblog.jp/xmlrpchttp://ping.feedburner.comhttp://ping.myblog.jphttp://ping.rootblog.com/rpc.phphttp://ping.syndic8.com/xmlrpc.phphttp://ping.weblogalot.com/rpc.phphttp://ping.weblogs.se/http://www.popdex.com/addsite.phphttp://rcs.datashed.net/RPC2/http://rpc.blogrolling.com/pinger/http://rpc.pingomatic.com/http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/pinghttp://rpc.weblogs.com/RPC2http://www.snipsnap.org/RPC2http://trackback.bakeinu.jp/bakeping.phphttp://topicexchange.com/RPC2http://www.weblogues.com/RPC/http://xping.pubsub.com/ping/http://xmlrpc.blogg.de/"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/error-in-localhost-server/", "title": "Error in Localhost Server", "body": "Wa\u2026tak tahu nape ngan server kat localhost aku ni. Die takleh nak run wordpress. Yang lain boleh r plak.Ish3. Bile aku gi kathttp://localhost/wordpresskuar error nih:Fatal error: Call to undefined function the_post_keytags() in e:\\wamp\\www\\wordpress\\wp-content\\themes\\cypherwp_theme\\index.php on line 218Warning: mysql_affected_rows() [function.mysql-affected-rows]: A link to the server could not be established in e:\\wamp\\www\\wordpress\\wp-includes\\wp-db.php on line 155Aku dah siap install balik dah server aku tu. Tapi masih gak jadi macam tu. Tak tahu nape. :((Edit: Dah setel dah prob nih. Aku lupe activate plugin die. Tu pasal jadi macam nih. He3."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/had-to-remove-smartarchives-plugin/", "title": "Had to remove SmartArchives plugin", "body": "After changing the theme to one sidebar theme, I have problem with SmartArchives plugin. I have deactivated it before changing the theme, but still get the problem. :((Btw this also happen to my localhost\u2026 \ud83d\ude41"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/one-sidebar-or-double-sidebars/", "title": "One sidebar or Double Sidebars", "body": "Hmm\u2026I don\u2019t know which one should I use.One sidebar or double sidebars for this site?Can you suggest it for me?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-plugin-jeromes-keywords/", "title": "WP Plugin: Jeromes Keywords", "body": "I found this plugin really useful if you want more traffics to your blog."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/wp-plugin-site-statistics/", "title": "WP Plugin: Site Statistics v1.0", "body": "There is a new version:WP Plugin: Site Statistics v1.2Plugin Name: Site StatisticsPlugin URI:http://www.cypherhackz.net/archives/2005/07/01/wp-plugin-site-statistics/Description: Show your site statistics. Posts, comments, categories, last post and last modified.Version: 1.0Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netDownload Link:cypher_site-statistics.zipIf you have any ideas or suggestions to improve this plugin, please drop by a comment. Thank you!"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/name-in-japanesse/", "title": "Japanesse Name", "body": "Check your japanesse name here:Japanesse Name GeneratorMy Japanesse name for \u201cFauzi\u201d\u85e4\u539f Fujiwara (wisteria fields) \u62d3\u6d77 Takumi (open sea)My Japanesse name for \u201cCypherHackz\u201d (Just for fun\u2026 \ud83d\ude00 )\u9ed2\u7530 Kuroda (black field) \u5065\u592a Kenta (healthy and plump)So, what is yours Japanesse name?"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/virus-worm-trojan/", "title": "Virus, Worm & Trojan", "body": "Ini merupakan text yang telah aku tulis suatu ketika dulu. Tetapi text tu ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. So, ni aku just mentranslatekan balik apa yang telah aku tulis ke dalam bahasa Melayu. Diingatkan bahawa ada sesetengah perkataan aku tulis dalam bahasa Inggeris untuk kesesuaian dalam penulisan.Apa itu Virus, Worm & Trojan?VirusVirus atau juga dikenali sebagai virus komputer merupakan satu program yang ada dalam komputer anda tanpa anda sedari. Virus dapat merebak dan menjangkiti komputer lain. Kemudian, komputer yang telah dijankiti itu pula akan menjangkiti pula komputer lain dan seterusnya. Virus tidak wujud dengan sendirinya seperti virus biologi yang kita ketahui. Tetapi virus komputer wujud hasil dari kod-kod programming yang telah dikodkan oleh pengaturcara (programmer) yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Kenapa programmer membuat virus? Kebanyakkan virus yang dicipta adalah untuk memusnahkan komputer. Mereka (programmer) ini ingin menunjukkan betapa hebatnya ilmu pengetahuan meraka dalam programming ini. Tetapi ada sesetengah programmer mencipta virus untuk memusnahkan virus lain. Tetapi programmer or virus seperti ini amat jarang dijumpai. Dan ada juga jenis virus yang dapat mereplika (replicate) diri mereka sendiri.WormWorm atau cecacing merupakan salah satu jenis virus yang dapat replicate diri mereka sendiri pada jaringan computer (computer network). Mereka tidak perlukan program atau host unuk merebak. Worm ini tidak memerlukan program atau host seperti virus untuk merebak. Apabila worm ini replicate diri mereka sendiri, ini akan melambatkan kelajuan sistem network. Ramai yang salah anggap bahawa, virus adalah worm. Ini tidak benar. Worm adalah virus tetapi virus bukannya worm. Terdapat dua jenis worm, iaitu internet worm dan mass-mailing worm.TrojanTrojan adalah satu program \u201cpemusnah\u201d yang tidak dapat replicate dirinya sendiri. Program ini dilihat seperti amat berguna tetapi sebenarnya tidak. Ianya boleh dikatakan seperti \u201cmusuh dalam selimut\u201d. Perkataan \u201cTrojan\u201d ini wujud dari satu mitos dari Greek. Pada masa peperangan dengan pihak Troy (Trojan), Greek telah meletak sebuah kuda kayu di luar pintu pagar kota Troy. Pihak Troy beranggapan bahawa Greek telah memberikan hadiah sebagai tanda kekalahan. Dan Troy membawa masuk kuda itu ke dalam kota mereka. Apabila malam menjelma, tentera-tentera Greek yang telah bersembunyi di dalam kuda itu keluar dan membuka pintu kota dan membolehkan tentera-tentera Greek masuk ke kota Troy dan menawan kota itu. Situasi ini samalah dengan program Trojan ini. Di mana, ianya nampak seperti amat berguna dan menarik. Tetapi kemusnahan yang dibawa adalah lebih teruk. Anda boleh dijangkiti trojan apabila anda menerima atau mendownload program-program dari Instant Messenging, warez, email attachment dan lain-lain lagi. Untuk membuang program trojan ini amat mudah. Anda hanya perlu mendelete program itu sendiri.Bagaimana mereka berfungsi?VirusVirus hanya berfungsi apabila user mengguna atau run program/fail itu. Ia tidak akan merosakkan komputer sehinggalah ia diaktifkan. Setiap virus mempunyai tandatangan atau v-marker (virus marker) yang tersendiri. V-maker ini diletakkan di dalam program/fail yang telah dijangkiti. Jadi, program/fail yang telah dijangkiti itu tidak akan dijangkiti lagi oleh virus yang sama. Antivirus juga menggunkan cara yang sama dalam mengesan virus. Setiap antivirus mempunyai database signature virus-virus ini. Apabila anda menggunakan antivirus, antivirus ini akan menlihat dan mengesan setiap signature yang ada pada program/fail anda dan akan membandingkan sama ada signature itu terdapat dalam database. Sekiranya ada, antivirus akan memaparkan amaran pada skrin komputer bahawa ada program/fail telah dijangkiti virus. Apabila tiada lagi program/fail untuk dijangkiti, virus ini akan mula merosakkan sistem komputer. Cara kerosakan bergantung pada virus itu sendiri. Ada sesetengahnya mendelete fail-fail sistem komputer dan ada juga yang mengedit boot files (fail-fail yang digunakan untuk komputer anda boot up) dan menyebabkan komputer anda tidak dapat diboot.WormWorm bertindak dengan mencari kelemahan (flaw) sistem komputer dalam internet. Apabila menjumpai flow ini, worm akan mengreplika diri mereka menerusi flaw itu. Kemudian ianya akan mencari dan menjangkiti sistem komputer yang lain. Mass-mailing worm merupakan worm yang bertindak melalui e-mail. Selalunya worm jenis ini akan menyerang Outlook Express atau Windows Outlook e-mail client. Apabila komputer itu telah dijangkiti, ia akan mendapatkan senarai email di dalam buku alamat e-mail untuk diserang. Kemudian ia akan menghantar salinan diri mereka pada setiap e-mail yang mereka dapat dalam buku alamat e-mail. Kaedah serangan jangkitan ini amat pantas kerana penerima e-mail tersebut akan membuka dan membaca e-mail tersebut kerana mengetahui bahawa e-mail itu datang dari orang yang diketahui.TrojanTrojan datang dalam dua bahagian. Satu dikenali sebagai client (attacker) dan satu lagi dikenali sebagai server (victim). Terdapat juga trojan yang tidak memerlukan client. Ia dapat berjalan dengan dirinya sendiri seperti program trojan yang mencuri nombor kredit card, password dan lain-lain. Trojan yang menggunakan kedua-dua bahagian ini dikenali sebagai RAT (Remote Administration Trojan). Apabila victim memulakan server (dengan tanpa disedari), program trojan itu akan menghubungi (instant messenger, e-mail, etc) attacker yang menyatakan bahawa server sedang berjalan. Kemudian, attacker akan mencuba connect pada server itu dan melakukan apa yang diinginkan.Bagaimana untuk mengatasinya?1. Install dan update selalu antivirus anda. Sekiranya anda tidak berkemampuan untuk membeli program antivirus, anda boleh melakukan imbasan antivirus secara online.2. Install firewall dan setkan ia pada tahap maksimum.3. Setkan antivirus anda pada auto-protect.4. Download dan install patches terkini untuk sistem operasi anda.5. Jangan membuka email yang datang dari orang yang anda tidak kenali6. Jangan mendownload email attachment sebelum anda melakukan imbasan antivirus.7. Lakukan imbasan antivirus sekurang-kurangnya, dua kali seminggu.8. Jika anda dijangkiti trojan, cuba download trojan remover dan run\u2019kannya.9. Langgani artikal-artikal yang berkaitan keselamatan komputer supaya anda dapat mengetahui perkembangan keselamatan komputer.LinksAntivirushttp://www.sophos.comhttp://www.pandasoftware.comhttp://www.grisoft.comhttp://www.symantec.comFirewallhttp://soho.sygate.comhttp://www.zonelabs.comhttp://www.www.symantec.comOnline scannerhttp://housecall.trendmicro.comhttp://www.pandasoftware.com/activescanhttp://www.symantec.com/cgi-bin/securitycheck.cgiTrojan removerhttp://www.symantec.com/avcenterhttp://www.simplysup.comhttp://www.majorgeeks.com/download903.htmlhttp://www.emsisoft.com/enAkhir KataSorry kalau terdapat salah bahasa dalam susunan ayat-ayat aku ini. Sekiranya korang ada mempunyai komen atau pendapat silalah contact aku\u2026 \ud83d\ude09"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/new-release-wordpress-1513/", "title": "New Release: WordPress", "body": "New WordPress dah kuar.WordPress Link:DownloadBeberapa update telah dibuat. Dan SQL Injection ngan Cross Site Scripting dah di fix.How to upgrade from to\u2026jenuh la aku nak edit balik file2 die nih. \ud83d\ude41 Banyak plak tu. Hu3."}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/latest-comments-v101/", "title": "WP Plugin: Latest Comments v1.0.1", "body": "Plugin Name: Latest CommentsPlugin URI: http://www.cypherhackz.net/?p=35Description: Returns a list of the latest comments from your blog comments. You can set how many comments to be displayed.Version: 1.0.1Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netDownload Link: Not Available"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/latest-posts-v101/", "title": "WP Plugin: Latest Posts v1.0", "body": "Plugin Name: Latest PostsPlugin URI: http://www.cypherhackz.net/?p=34Description: Returns a list of the latest posts. You can set how many posts to be displayed.Version: 1.0Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netDownload Link:cypher_latest-posts.zipNOTE: This plugin is not compatible with WordPress 2.0. I will upgrade it when I have time for it. Sorry\u2026In the mean time, maybe you want to check myPrevious Postsplugin. It is similar with Latest Posts plugin but more flexible. \ud83d\ude42"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/13-steps-to-successful-blogging/", "title": "13 Steps to Successful Blogging", "body": "Blogs can be a very marketable and very profitable tool if used correctly. Profiting from blogs is just a matter of grabbing the attention of an audience and not doing any actual salesmen selling. In this article you will learn the 13 most essential steps to successful blogging.1) Where to start?You should begin your blog with a free blog hosting service such as Journal Home or Blogger. Starting with a free blog hosting service allows you to begin blogging instantly without having any advance knowledge of scripts, hosting, or programming. It allows you to focus on your content and not the internal maintenance of the blog. The best benefit of starting with a free service is, in the case your blog doesn\u2019t become successful you do not lose any money or are you left holding the bill. The great thing about a blog is that they are organized in chronological order, your latest entry is displayed first. When your blog traffic grows greatly and you are ready to upgrade to your own domain then you can simply make your last blog entry the announcement of your \u201cmove\u201d. Simply add a last entry stating that your blog has \u201cmoved\u201d and type the new blog URL address. Which directs visitors to your new blog site, keeping your following, without a major inconvenience to anyone. Upgrade as you need to\u2026but only when you need to!2) NicheA niche is a targeted product, service, or topic. You should first decide on a product, service, or topic which interest you. Choose an area which you can enthusiastically write about on a daily basis. You can use keyword research services like Google Zeitgeist or Yahoo! Buzz Index to find popular searched topics. It does NOT matter if your topic is popular as long as there is a audience for your topic and the topic is precisely focused then your blog should be successful. Anything can be considered a niche as long as it has a target audience no matter how large or how small the audience is. A blog about your cat can be a niche or a blog about the species of the cat family can be a larger niche market, if there are people who are interested in hearing about your cat or the species of the cat family\u2026you can even choose to build your audience for a market which an audience does not exist, but first you must build your blog.3) Update Daily (nothing less)This step is a must and not a suggestion. Updating your blog daily not only keeps your blog more interesting to readers, but it also gives your blog fresh content on a day to day making it more appealing to search engines. Not updating your blog on an occasional holiday or one day here and there is understandable to most, but missing days at a time or weeks is unacceptable and will most likely result in your blog being unsuccessful. To keep your blog traffic and retain your visitors interest it is a must to update your blog daily with multiple entries. You should try to update your blog everyday with at least 3 or more daily entries. The best way to accomplish this is to set aside 1-2 hours a day for tending to your blog and adding new entries. It may even be wise to schedule a set time which you dedicate to your blog each day. Give yourself work hours and treat your blog as a job, what happens if you don\u2019t come to work for days or weeks\u2026you lose money or worse you get fired! Same applies here\u2026if you don\u2019t update your blog for days or weeks you\u2019ll lose visitors.4) TrafficIt\u2019s no secret. You must have traffic to profit from blogs. There are numerous ways to build traffic. Paid advertising, free advertising, viral marketing, search engine marketing, RSS/XML feeds, and word-of-mouth. You should always use your blog URL address in the signature of your email, forum discussions, message boards, or any other communication media. You should submit your blog URL address to search engines and blog directories. You should submit your RSS/XML URL feed to blog ping services like Technorati, Ping-O-Matic, and Blogdigger. You should confidently share your blog with family, friends, co-workers, associates, and business professionals when it relates. Many blogs can be considered as a collection of articles, for this purpose you should submit your blog entries (those that are valuable and lengthy articles) to content syndicators like GoArticles.com or ArticleCity.com. Once submitted your articles can be picked up and published by others. The trick is to make sure you include your Blog URL address in the \u201cAbout the Author\u201d passage. What this does is create link popularity and backlinks for your blog, when someone picks up your article from the syndication then publish the article on their website the \u201cAbout the Author\u201d passage is included with each publication and the link you included is followed, crawled, and indexed by search engines. Imagine if your article is popular enough or controversial enough to produce 10,000 publications across the web. The search engines is bound to find your site in no time with that many publications and credit you a authority on the topic, in return increasing your rank on search engines. The small effort of writing a well written article is rewarding. You should try to write at least 1 full length article every week for syndication and submit your article to at least 10 article syndicators.5) Track Your BlogHow do you know if your blog has traffic? Just because no one is leaving comments doesn\u2019t mean your blog isn\u2019t growing. Many visitors do not leave comments but they are returning visitors. I know it sounds crazy but with blogs people are more interested in what \u201cyou\u201d have to say! Many visitors do not comment their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd time. Some do not comment at all, but are active daily visitors.Tracking your blog does not have to be overly sophisticated usually a simple free page counter like StatCounter.com or Active Meter will do the trick. Install (copy/paste) the code into the html of your blog template and start tracking your visitors. Its better to use a service which gives you advanced traffic analysis, such as keyword tracking information, referral information, and search engine information. Visitors, returning visitors, and unique visitors should be standard for any page counter service you choose.6) Listen to Your AudienceWhen using the proper page counter you should begin to see how others are finding your blog and if through search engines then which keywords are being used to find your blog. If constantly your blog is being found by 1 or more keywords then focus your blog around those keywords to make it even more powerful. When writing entry titles and entries use the keywords as often as possible while keeping the blog legible and interesting.7) Multiple blogsUse multiple blogging accounts to attract more people. This means you should have a blog with JournalHome.com, Blogger.com, LiveJournal.com, Blog-City.com, tBlogs.com, etc. The more blog accounts the better. You can copy/paste from 1 blog to all others. Having different blog accounts is like having a publication in different newspapers. This enables you to attract more visitors and this also increases the chance that 1 of your blogs will be in the search engine results for your focused keywords.8) Short & ConciseAside from the lengthy article a week for syndication and publication your blog entries should be short & concise (if you can help it). Sometimes there are exceptions to the rule and you have no choice but to blog lengthy entries, but try to avoid this as much as possible. You do not want your blog entries to become hours of reading. Visitors like to easily find information and skim through your entries. It is good to be detailed and provide useful information, but do not include useless information or run away sentences that veer away from your topic.9) Digital ArtTry to include non-advertising graphics, pictures, photos, and art in your blog entries. Not too much. Once a week is fine. Graphics can sometimes bring your blog to life. Of course, the content of the blog is the most important aspect and you do not want to overshadow your content with graphics, but displaying graphics can add a bit of spice to the blog. Be choosy about your graphics and make sure they fit your entry topic. You should add content with the graphic, at least a caption. Original graphics, photos, pictures, and art is recommended.10) Keep it PersonalA blog is most successful when it is kept personal. Try to include personal experiences which relates to the topic of your blog entry. Stay away from the business style of writing. Write with a more personal style and use first-person narratives. Do not write any of your entries as sales letters, instead share product reviews and personal endeavors.11) Interact With Your VisitorsYou now have the traffic you deserve. You should begin interacting with your visitors. Create a regular theme such as: \u201cMonday Money Tip\u201d or \u201cPicture of the Week\u201d which entices your readers to look forward to each week.Give your readers advance notice about a product, service, or topic which you are going to review and then talk about later. If the President was scheduled to give a speech then in your blog you should state that you \u201cwill discuss the speech and give your opinion after the speech airs. Comments will be appreciated\u201d.Try your best to find exclusive information that not many have. Do not disclose any confidential or secret information which is deemed illegal or can potentially get you into trouble, but try to get the scoop before everyone else does. Such as: If your blog was about Paris Hilton (the socialite) and you had a blog entry about \u201cParis Hilton Getting Married\u201d then it would be interesting to your readers if you had a actual picture of Paris Hilton engagement ring. Give your best effort to dig and search the internet for exclusive information and you will possibly come up with something useful. Your readers will appreciate this and they show their appreciation through word-of-mouth referrals. Imagine how many readers will tell their friends, family, and others about information they only can find at your blog.12) Make MoneyOnce your blog has gained some real momentum and your blog traffic is increasing then it is time to start thinking about turning your traffic into profit. You should use contextual advertising, like Google Adsense or Chitika. Contextual advertising is usually text links which use the content of your blog to publish targeted ads on your blog. The payout is usually based on a pay-per-click model, meaning for ever click an ad receives you are paid a small percentage of the profits. In addition to contextual advertising it is good to also use graphical advertising such as: BlogAds.com, Amazon.com, MammaMedia, or General Sponsored Advertising.13) You\u2019re a ProfessionalYou\u2019re a professional now! What are you still doing with that free blog hosting service? It is time to upgrade to a domain hosted solution. You need to get a web host and choose a domain name for your blog then check its availability. Select the blogging software you wish to use, such as: Squarespace.com, WordPress.org, MovableType.org, etc. When you have your new blog domain setup and ready for traffic then it is time for you to announce your move on all your previous blog accounts. Your last entry to the blog should be a \u201cmove\u201d announcement. The title should be \u201cMoved\u201d and the blog entry should state something like \u201cOld Blog has been moved to New Blog please follow and bookmark this link for future reference: http://www.YourNewBlogDomainName.com\u201d. This way all returning visitors and new readers should not have any problem finding your new blog domain.At the level of a professional blogger you may want to team up with 1 or more other bloggers. This will create a more interesting and more powerful blog. The old saying \u201ctwo heads is better than one\u201d, more authors mean more advertising and exposure because each author will have a vested interest in the blog. The idea of a team blog is to make it profitable and rewarding for all authors, while continuing to target the blog topic and keeping the blog interesting for visitors.Following these blogging techniques should make your blogging experience much more rewarding. There is no guarantee that your blog will become popular or a household name, but the effort should at least put you one step closer. Making money online is not an overnight experience like many may think, but making money online is definitely a foreseeable possibility. As well, growing popularity on the web is not an overnight experience, but through time, dedication, and persistence you will be rewarded with all the royalties of blogging.Source:www.emoblog.com"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/simple-image-linking-v101/", "title": "WP Plugin: Simple Image Linking v1.0", "body": "Yet another plugin from me. This plugin used for easy images/photos linking where you don\u2019t need to write long line to link an image. But you have to create a folder for the images. I have included the explanation in the download package. \ud83d\ude09Plugin Name: Simple Image LinkingPlugin URI: http://www.cypherhackz.net/?p=32Description: A simple image linking. Easy to modified. You can change the thumbnails width and height. You also can change the images folder too.Version: 1.0Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netDownload Link:cypher_simple-imagelinking.zip"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/easy-admincp-v101/", "title": "WP Plugin: Easy AdminCP v1.0", "body": "At last\u2026I have created my own plugin. Actually I make this plugin for myself but after awhile I think I want to share it to the public. Btw this is my first plugin that I ever created. Lol\u2026 Before this I never make any plugins for CMS. So this is my first time and I hope its useful.Here is some details about this plugin:Plugin Name: Easy AdminCPPlugin URI: http://www.cypherhackz.net/?p=31Description: This plugin add an admin menu links on your site. Easy to customize and add new menu links. Have 2 choices: List Menu or Bar Menu.Version: 1.0Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netDownload Link:cypher_easy-admincp.zipThank you!"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/test/", "title": "CypherWP Admin Theme v1.0.1", "body": "Ni plak plugin tuk admin theme yang aku buat sendiri.Payah gak nak buat nye. Banyak file2 wordpress aku dah edit.Dari wp-login.php sampai la ke wp-footer.phpTapi alhamdulillah la. Berjaya gak aku buatnye. And CypherWP Admin Theme v1.0.1 match dengan CypherWP Theme v1.0.1 aku. Hu3. Tu yang best tu.Ni image dalam admin panel aku tu. Click kat gambar tu kalau nak tengok paparan yang lebih besar.[slink img=admin_panel.JPG]Btw yang ni aku buat bukan untuk di download la. \ud83d\ude00"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/cypherwp-theme-v10/", "title": "CypherWP Theme v1.0.1", "body": "Phew\u2026Setelah 2 hari berhempas pulas. Dengan kurang tidurnye, akhirnye berjaya gak aku design theme untuk WordPress nih. Alhamdulillah\u2026Mule2 tu memang payah. Tapi lepas try godak sana godak sini, fail-fail theme yang lain, dapat gak aku buat theme aku sendiri.Aku namakan theme aku ni sebagai CypherWP Theme v1.0 Yay!!!Sebelum-sebelum nih aku just gune HTML je tuk buat website. Tapi dah lama tu, rase malas la pulak asyik nak coding sendiri jek. Hik3. So, aku move kepada WordPress. Lagi pun ramai gak orang gune WordPress nih.Kebanyakkan member-member kat Weblogs Center gune WordPress. Aku pun try la gune. Untuk pengetahuan, aku dah gune and dah try lebih kurang 15 CMS. Akhir sekali aku rase WordPress ok n senang nak buat theme die.So, here it is. My first theme for WordPress. Not for download. \ud83d\ude00"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/naruto-character-test/", "title": "Naruto Character Test", "body": "Aku baru je test character Naruto aku yang mana satu. Pas jawab 8 soalan, then aku dapat character Naruto aku ialah Hatake Kakashi. He3.Korang leh try check character korang kat sinih:Naruto-Kun.com Character Test"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/marsha-af3/", "title": "Marsha – AF3", "body": "Hak3. Dulu aku bukan minat sangat pun Akademi Fantasia nih. Tapi sejak Marsha dapat masuk AF ni, terus aku sangkut ngan AF ni. Wak3.Tapi sangkut aku tu bukan kat AF r. Kat Marsha gaks. Die dah la cute, cun, ayu\u2026 Hu3. Anyway, undi la Marsha! Yay\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/what-is-a-friend/", "title": "What Is A Friend?", "body": "(A)ccepts u as u are(B)elieves in \u201cu\u201d(C)alls u just to say \u201cHI\u201d(D)oesn\u2019t give up on u !!(E)nvisions the whole of u(F)orgives your mistakes(G)ives unconditionally(H)elps u(I)nvites u over(J)ust \u201cbe\u201d with u(K)eeps u close at heart(L)oves u for who u are(M)akes a difference in your life(N)ever Judges(O)ffers support(P)icks u up(Q)uiets your fears(R)aises your spirits(S)ays nice things about u(T)ells u the truth when u need to hear it(U)nderstands u(V)alues u(W)alks beside u(X)-plains thing udon\u2019t understand(Y)ells when u won\u2019t listen and(Z)aps u back to reality"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/notepad-dedication/", "title": "Notepad Dedication", "body": "This page is a just small dedication to the many men and women out there who work hard and proud using only the simplest of tools to create their works of HTML art\u2026It is a dedication to those who took the extra time to read a book (or help page) to learn the craft of manually creating a web page, while boldly holding steadfast against the evil temptations of a WYSIWYG editor\u2026It is a dedication to those who know what really means\u2026It is a dedication to those who know that, although it is proper, tags don\u2019t need to be capitalized to work properly\u2026This page is for the brave souls who proudly create their pages with NOTEPAD!\u2013AnonymousSource:Made With Notepad Campaign"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/top-10-reasons-to-use-notepad/", "title": "Top 10 Reasons to use Notepad", "body": "FreeIt\u2019s free. If you have Windows, you have Notepad.SimpleSimple user interface. Whereas more complex page-making programs can take months to learn, with Notepad you can start coding right away.CompatibleCompatible with all markup languages. Including those currently in use, as well as all future languages not yet devised.CompleteComplete control over your coding. You can design pages exactly the way you want, without having any 3rd party coding \u201cstandards\u201d or limitations arbitrarily imposed on you.Easy ProgressView your progress as you go. Simply load the local page into your favorite browser. As you work in Notepad, save the file, switch over to the browser window, and click \u201creload\u201d to see the latest changes.SpeedSpeed. Notepad comes up in a blink of an eye, there are no slow loading, time consuming dialog boxes, wizards, or plug-ins. You can literally code as fast as you can type (faster, if you use a lot of cut & paste).VersatileVersatility. Notepad is compatible with all versions of Windows, has no special system requirements, and places virtually no extra load on system resources.MultipleSupports multiple windows. You can edit any number of pages simultaneously in separate Notepad windows.EfficientMore efficient coding than any WYSIWYG editor could ever offer. Coding done with Notepad is often tidier than any generated by computer, loads faster in a browser, and is generally more cross-browser compatible. If you don\u2019t want lots of tags defining every possible detail of an image you just inserted, then you don\u2019t have to enter them!PridePride. Building a web site entirely yourself, using only your knowledge of HTML (or whatever markup language) and your two bare hands, while resisting the temptation to \u201ccheat\u201d using a page-maker, is an accomplishment you can feel proud of.Source:Made With Notepad Campaign"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/sgh-e600c/", "title": "SGH-E600C", "body": "SGH-E600C\u201cSmall is beautiful\u201dSGH-E600C. Hmm\u2026tak tahu nak tulis ape. So aku tulis la pasal anset nih. Aku beli anset ni pada 24/11/2004. Ni la anset aku skang nih. Sebelum nih aku gune Nokia 2100. Not bad r E600 ni. Best pakai n really easy to use. Biase r. Semua anset senang nak pakai.Hmm\u2026kat sini nak crita sikit pasal anset nih.Stylish and compact designThe SGH-E600C is elegance defined with it\u2019s refined curves and stylish clamshell design. The smallest VGA camera phone in our line-up, this diminutive beauty weighs a trim 85g at 82 x 41.8 x 23.5mm.Dual 65,536 Colour TFT ScreensExperience colour in all its splendour! Feast your eyes on richer hues with the dual 65,536 colour TFT screens, capable of supporting dual folders without sacrificing in quality and brillance. The SGH-E600C features two screens \u2013 an external display lets you identify who\u2019s calling in an instant (Photo CLI), while the internal display showcases colour with crisp clarity to bring you truer-to-life images and more intense game play!64-Chord Polyphonic RingtonesImmerse yourself in the harmony. With it\u2019s 64-chord polyphonic ringtones, the SGH-E600C delivers real music and richer sound for your listening pleasure.Let your personality resonate by customising your Keypad, Message, Folder and Power on/off sounds for a more interesting mobile experience.VGA CameraSnap your favourite moments in high resolution with the powerful built-in (640 x 480) 300,000 pixel level digital VGA camera. And share these memories with your friends and loved ones by sending via email or MMS.Multi-shot and Matrix-shot Shoot in rapid succession with the Multi-Shot Function. Take 6,9 or up to 15 continuous shots in high-speed or normal mode. Select the best or save the entire series for a stop-motion effect. The E600C also supports a matrix-shot that splits the screen to show a collage of 4 or 9 images.Digital Zoom and Brightness Enhance your photos/images with 7 special effects \u2013 Gray, Negative, Sepia, Sketch, Emboss, Vertical Flip and Mirror \u2013 or decorate them with a choice of 15 different frames, to add that special touch.Video Recorder / Playback (Motion JPEG)Capture life in spontaneous motion. The Motion JPEG camera enables you to record, so you can relive your cherished memories time and again.Photo Messaging with MMSShoot it and send it with MMS. Along with text messages, send images, voice/sound, photos or other animated images to any MMS enabled phone.Send and receive messages of up to 100KB and store up to 1MBJava & Internet capabilitiesEngage your senses and sharpen your skills with 4 embedded java games: Bubble Smile, Fun 2 Link, Ultimate Golf Challenge & Mobile Chess.If you are craving for more action, more games are available at Samsung Fun Club.Improve your mobile communications by downloading Java applets including useful utilities, travel information and personal management tools.Picture Caller IDLet your picture do the talking. Make receiving calls even more interesting with photo caller ID displayed on the external screen. This way, you\u2019ll know who\u2019s calling at a glance!Source:Samsung Mobile"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/opera-8/", "title": "Opera 8", "body": "Aku baru je download Opera 8 hari nih. Ok r. Laju gak r bile aku surf internet nih.Tapi die ade banyak gak r problem. Some website tak support Opera nih. Macam website aku tuh, table semuanye lari. Ade gak yang site tu Opera tak dapat nak support javascript die. Isk3. Harap2 Opera dapat baiki la. Tu je.Incase korang nak download Opera, ni link die:"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/lagu-yang-aku-minat/", "title": "Lagu Yang Aku Minat", "body": "Aku minat gak r dengar lagu2 nih. Tapi aku suke dengar lagu Melayu r. Lagu yang aku paling minat skali:\u2013 Bunga Angkasa \u2013 Terrarossa\u2013 Jauh Di Sudut Hati \u2013 Sudirman\u2013 Kau Pergi Jua \u2013 Adam Ahmad\u2013 Mahligaimu Dari Airmata Ku \u2013 Lestari"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/bunga-angkasa-terrarossa/", "title": "Bunga Angkasa – Terrarossa", "body": "Indah sinar sang suriaMerdu irama sang bayuTiada seindah wajahmuTiada semerdu suara muLembut bayu membelaiMerdu burung berlaguTiada selembut belaianmuTiada semerdu kau berlaguKeindahan wajahmu jadi sumber ilhamkuSuara mu yang merdu menghiburkan hatikuBertambah cahaya hidupkuKau janji bersumpah setiaWalaupun ribut melanda kan bersamaSelagi masih ada sinaran mentariSelagi ada getar di jiwakuKan ku korban jiwa ragaDemi cinta untukmu bunga angkasa"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/jauh-di-sudut-hati-sudirman/", "title": "Jauh Di Sudut Hati – Sudirman", "body": "SayangKubawa jauh rindukuKerna akau telah tahuKau bukan milikkuSayangSesunguhnya bukan mudahMenjalani hidup iniTanpa kau di sisiJauh disudut hatiAku masih bermimpiMimpi yang indahEsok kau kembaliJauh di sudut hatiAda waktu-waktunyaAku berdoaKau pulang semulaSayangBiar ku mengingatimuBiar kugantung harapanHingga sampai waktuNafas terakhirku"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/kau-pergi-jua-adam-ahmad/", "title": "Kau Pergi Jua – Adam Ahmad", "body": "WajahmuSeindah serinya pelangi yang indahSeharum mawar putih segar berkembangWajahmuMengapa sering terbayang dimatakuSehingga terbawa didalam mimpikuSayangkuTahukah kau didalam hatiku iniTersimpan perasaan cinta nan suciKau bungaIngin kusuntingmu menjadi milikkuLantas kuabadikan dalam jiwakuSayangnyaHarapan yang selama ini kubawaHancur berkecai musnah jua akhirnyaSemuanya bagaikan sebuah mimpiKau pergi juaSetelah cinta ku kini membaraBelum sempat kucurahkan kasihkuKau pergi tak kembali\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/mahligaimu-dari-airmata-ku-lestari/", "title": "Mahligaimu Dari Airmata Ku – Lestari", "body": "Izinkan diriku meluahkan rasaMaafkanlah aku andai kau terasaBiar kupaparkan apa yang terjadiMoga engkau tak ulangiSungguh tak kusangka kau berpaling tadahSetelah lamanya menjalinkan cintaDalam diam-diam kau sudah berpunyaTanpa aku menyedari semuanyaAku mendoakan agar kau bahagiaBersama si dia insan yang kau sukaPercintaan kita tak sampai ke manaSetakat di bibir saja sayangKau bina mahligai dari air mataYang jatuh berderai di wajah sepikuHancurnya hatiku bisa tak terkataTerhumban rasa dirikuOh aduhai ku masih ingatiJanji manis dan saat romantisKau pintaku supaya setiaAkhirnya kau yang berubahOh tuhanku tabahkan hatikuTemukan ku dengan ketenanganJiwa ini dibelasah rindu tetapi apa dayakuKucuba pejam mata tapi tak terlenaKerana ku masih teringat padamuBegitu payahnya nak ku melupakanPernahkah engkau fikirkan oh sayang\u2026"}, {"url": "https://www.cypherhackz.net/hello-world/", "title": "My first blog", "body": "Well\u2026this is my first blog that I created on 13th May 2005. Still new and don\u2019t know how to use it. I will add up some more contents here. Till then\u2026Thank you!"}]