The fine people of Corpro Corp. are a festive bunch. Every holiday season, everybody buys a gift for their manager. A cynic might say that the employees are just trying to bribe their way to a better performance review, but if you asked them yourself, they'd say they just wanted to spread cheer. The fine people of Corpro Corp. are a frugal bunch. When they buy gifts, they cooperate to collectively buy the least expensive gifts that they can. A cynic might say that the employees are cheap, but if you asked them yourself, they'd say it's the thought that counts. There are **N** employees working at Corpro Corp., and each of them has a manager, except for the CEO who has no manager (the CEO also buys a gift every year, but she donates it to charity). The employees each have a unique employee ID which is an integer from 1 to **N**. As you might expect, the CEO has the ID 1. If there exists a set of two or more employees {**p1**, ..., **pk**} such that, for all **i** < **k**, **pi** is the manager of **pi+1**, then we say that **p1** is "responsible for" **pk**. There are never two employees who are responsible for each other. That would be a silly hierarchy indeed. There are **N** kinds of gifts available for purchase, and the **i**th kind of gift costs **i** dollars. That is, the prices of the different kinds of gifts are {$1, $2, $3, ... $**N**}. There are **N** copies of each gift available for purchase. The only thing that stops all employees from purchasing gifts that cost $1 is the awkwardness of buying a gift for their manager that's the same as the one their manager is giving away. No employee would ever do such a thing! For example, in a company with just 2 employees, at least $3 must be spent in total. If employee #1 (the CEO) buys a $1 gift to donate to charity, then employee #2 cannot buy a $1 gift for employee #1 (their manager), but they can buy a $2 gift instead. Note that it would be equally optimal for the CEO to buy a $2 gift, while receiving a $1 gift from her subordinate. What's the minimum possible total expenditure across the whole company during the gift exchange? ### Input Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of corporate hierarchies to consider. Each hierarchy is made up of two lines. The first line contains the integer **N**. The second line contains **N** space-separated integers. The **i**th integer is the employee ID of the manager of employee **i**, with the exception that the first integer is always 0, denoting that the CEO has no manager. ### Output For the **i**th hierarchy, print a line containing "Case #**i**: " followed by the smallest amount of money the entire company would need to spend. ### Constraints 1 ≤ **T** ≤ 100 1 ≤ **N** ≤ 200,000 **NOTE:** The input file is about 10-20MB. ### Explanation of Sample In the first test case, the CEO will spend $2, and the other employees will spend $1. In the second test case, employees #2 and #3 will spend $2, and the other employees will spend $1.