--- caption: - An iPhone is sitting on top of a stand. - A dresser with drawers and an ottoman in front of it. - Red earrings with pearls and flowers on them. - A bowl filled with soup and topped with green onions. - The desk is white and has wheels. - An 18 carat yellow gold ring with princess cut diamonds. - a small model castle with some soldiers in it - sunflowers in the field with a blue sky and clouds - A cross made out of pressed flowers on a chain. - The chair is covered with brown and white quilt. url: - https://images.milledcdn.com/2013-09-30/i6lBTeWIvMsOFjgw/b5c458e2f95101157de95bc2908ae8a55e04ac44.jpg - http://img.wfrcdn.com/lf/49/hash/2037/40193003/1/1/1.jpg - https://dtkp6g0samjql.cloudfront.net/uploads/photo/file/570799/gallery_hero_570799-original.jpg - https://singlerecipe.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Chicken-Soup.jpg - https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-9eyx0j794u/images/stencil/650x800/products/2127/24547/OG_AGFLIP126B_W__49090.1538474575.jpg?c=2&imbypass=on - http://demandware.edgesuite.net/sits_pod30/dw/image/v2/AAXN_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-master-catalog-tjc/default/dw59a4bb76/Large/22/4/2248825.jpg?sw=500&sh=500&sm=fit - https://i.servimg.com/u/f68/18/57/01/44/frost110.jpg - https://render.fineartamerica.com/images/rendered/default/flat/bath-towel/images-medium-5/yellow-flower-on-blue-sky-photographic-arts-and-design-studio.jpg?&targetx=0&targety=-142%E2%84%91width=952%E2%84%91height=761&modelwidth=952&modelheight=476&backgroundcolor=3087C3%E2%88%A8ientation=1%E2%88%8Fucttype=bathtowel-32-64 - https://d2j6dbq0eux0bg.cloudfront.net/images/31856577/1485740932.jpg - https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61aTZDC7-FL._AC_SL1500_.jpg width: - 460 - 400 - 690 - 886 - 650 - 500 - 800 - 967 - 1500 - 1490 height: - 460 - 400 - 507 - 496 - 488 - 500 - 600 - 500 - 1500 - 1296 aesthetic_score: - 5.226390838623047 - 5.735770225524902 - 5.063193321228027 - 5.046572208404541 - 5.000614643096924 - 4.961130619049072 - 5.200085639953613 - 4.996423721313477 - 5.009314060211182 - 5.105873107910156 watermark: - 0.2370239794254303 - 0.10315462201833725 - 0.12591174244880676 - 0.27483510971069336 - 0.18587197363376617 - 0.09447281807661057 - 0.013786680996418 - 0.025597747415304184 - 0.37870165705680847 - 0.07777189463376999 --- # LAION COCO with aesthetic score and watermark score This dataset contains 10% samples of the [LAION-COCO](https://huggingface.co/datasets/laion/laion-coco) dataset filtered by some text rules (*remove url, special tokens*, etc.), and image rules (*image size > 384x384*, *aesthetic score>4.75* and *watermark probability<0.5*). There are total 8,563,753 data instances in this dataset. And the corresponding [aesthetic score](https://github.com/christophschuhmann/improved-aesthetic-predictor/tree/main) and [watermark score](https://github.com/LAION-AI/LAION-5B-WatermarkDetection/tree/main) are also included. Noted: watermark score in the table means the probability of the existence of the watermark in the image.