[House Hearing, 116 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] VIEWS AND ESTIMATES OF THE SMALL BUSINESS COMMITTEE FOR FY 2020 ======================================================================= HEARING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SIXTEENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION __________ HEARING HELD MARCH 6, 2019 __________ [GRAPHIC NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] Small Business Committee Document Number 116-008 Available via the GPO Website: www.govinfo.gov __________ U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE 35-261 WASHINGTON : 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing Office, http://bookstore.gpo.gov. For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Publishing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-512-1800 (toll-free).E-mail, [email protected]. HOUSE COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS NYDIA VELAZQUEZ, New York, Chairwoman ABBY FINKENAUER, Iowa JARED GOLDEN, Maine ANDY KIM, New Jersey JASON CROW, Colorado SHARICE DAVIDS, Kansas JUDY CHU, California MARC VEASEY, Texas DWIGHT EVANS, Pennsylvania BRAD SCHNEIDER, Illinois ADRIANO ESPAILLAT, New York ANTONIO DELGADO, New York CHRISSY HOULAHAN, Pennsylvania ANGIE CRAIG, Minnesota STEVE CHABOT, Ohio, Ranking Member AUMUA AMATA COLEMAN RADEWAGEN, American Samoa, Vice Ranking Member TRENT KELLY, Mississippi TROY BALDERSON, Ohio KEVIN HERN, Oklahoma JIM HAGEDORN, Minnesota PETE STAUBER, Minnesota TIM BURCHETT, Tennessee ROSS SPANO, Florida JOHN JOYCE, Pennsylvania Adam Minehardt, Majority Staff Director Melissa Jung, Majority Deputy Staff Director and Chief Counsel Kevin Fitzpatrick, Staff Director C O N T E N T S OPENING STATEMENTS Page Hon. Nydia Velazquez............................................. 1 Hon. Steve Chabot................................................ 2 APPENDIX Additional Material for the Record: Committee's Views and Estimates.............................. 4 MARKUP OF: VIEWS AND ESTIMATES OF THE SMALL BUSINESS COMMITTEE FOR FY 2020 ---------- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2019 House of Representatives, Committee on Small Business, Washington, DC. The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10:50 a.m., in Room 2360, Rayburn House Office Building. Hon. Nydia Velazquez [chairwoman of the committee] presiding. Present: Representatives Velazquez, Finkenauer, Kim, Davids, Golden, Crow, Veasey, Evans, Delgado, Houlahan, Chabot, Radewagen, Kelly, Balderson, Hern, Hagedorn, Stauber, Burchett, and Joyce. Chairwoman VELAZQUEZ. Good morning. The Small Business Committee will come to order. Today's order of business is to consider the Views and Estimates of the Committee on Small Business for fiscal year 2020. These resources are a critical first step in helping entrepreneurs start and grow their business and in aiding established businesses to leverage their experience to invest in their business and employees. I will admit that we are again considering our views and estimates before there is a proposed budget provided from the Administration. Unfortunately, this is becoming all too common. Nevertheless, we are here to set our priorities and expectations for fiscal year 2020 to ensure the Small Business Administration has the necessary resources and funding to modernize and strengthen its core programs on behalf of America's entrepreneurs. While the economy is healthy, much uncertainty remains. As a recent GDP report from the Commerce Department suggests, the economy is slowing. In fact, there is consensus among many economists that the forecast for this year is growing dim. Rising interest rates, increasing tariffs, market volatility, and a depressed global economy have led consumer confidence to fall. With fears of a recession growing, and a Harvard economist and former Treasury secretary estimating a 50 percent chance by 2020, more entrepreneurs and small business owners are looking towards the Small Business Administration and its many programs for help. That is why it is imperative that such critical programs are properly funded and at robust levels. The SBA's core programs ensure small employers and budding entrepreneurs have the financing, training, counseling, and access to the Federal marketplace they deserve as they work to strengthen our economy. Today's Views and Estimates reiterates the Committee's longstanding position to prioritize core programs, like the Small Business Development Centers and Women's Business Centers, rather than expanding critical funding on untested, agency-initiated programs. In order to support the SBA in its mission and to leverage the success of current programs, such as the SBA's flagship 7(a) lending program, the agency requires our commitment to provide the requisite resources and funding levels. Today's proposal carries forward this commitment, but at the same time recognizes where improvements and increased oversight are needed. It is a priority for this Committee to take a renewed look at the entrepreneurial development programs to maximize their effectiveness by modernizing the programs. In doing so, we can deliver better results for the millions of entrepreneurs utilizing the SBA's resources and that of its resource partners. Finally, we all must work together to level the playing field in lending and Federal procurement opportunities for socially and economically disadvantaged business owners all over the country. We can achieve this through a greater emphasis on hiring more contracting personnel and providing them with adequate training in order to effectively assist small contractors competing in the $500 billion Federal marketplace. The budget we are proposing will breathe new life into the SBA. More importantly, it will provide tangible benefits to small businesses and make sure taxpayers get a positive return on their investment. At this point, I will yield to the Ranking Member, Mr. Chabot, for any comments he may have on the Committee's Views and Estimates. Mr. CHABOT. Thank you, Madam Chairwoman. And good morning to everyone who is here. I want to thank the Chair and her staff for working in a bipartisan manner on the Budget Views and Estimates. I appreciate her willingness to work collegially as we meet our responsibilities to small businesses all across the country. According to the latest economic numbers, the U.S. economy is continuing to improve and economic forecasts are strong. In our congressional districts back home and in hearings in Cincinnati and here in Washington and all over the country we hear from small business owners that they are optimistic about the future. There are fewer regulations from Washington, and they have more money to invest in their business because of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. However, small businesses are still finding it difficult for access to capital. The Small Business Administration (SBA) and its programs are key to helping small firms expand, create jobs, and grow our economy. These programs help small businesses to access capital, provide counseling and training, and link entrepreneurs with mentors. The SBA, in short, is vital to their success in many instances. Our job is to ensure that the SBA's programs are working efficiently and effectively. We must insist that they are transparent and making the best use of taxpayer dollars. I often say that every small business starts as an idea. America is a Nation of creators, inventors, and risk-takers. Our economy was structured to be driven by entrepreneurs, and in fact, most net job growth is from startups and new businesses. Under Administrator Linda McMahon's leadership, the SBA has made progress in delivering its services and ensuring that it is offering the services that small businesses need. She has traveled across the country visiting all 68 SBA district offices, and she listens to the SBA employees and she listens to small businesses. Again, I want to thank the Chairwoman, and I yield back the balance of my time. Chairwoman VELAZQUEZ. The gentleman yields back, and I thank him for his remarks. Are there any other members who wish to be recognized for a statement on the Views and Estimates on the priorities of the Committee for fiscal year 2020? Seeing no members, the Committee now moves to consideration of the Views and Estimates. The clerk will read the title of the document. The CLERK. Views and Estimates of the Committee on Small Business on matters to be set forth---- Chairwoman VELAZQUEZ. I ask unanimous consent that the Views and Estimates be considered as read and open for amendment in its entirety. Does any member seek recognition for the purpose of offering an amendment? Seeing no amendments we will move on. And the question is on adopting the Views and Estimates on the priorities of the Committee for fiscal year 2020. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed no. In the opinion of the Chair the ayes have it. The ayes have it, and the Views and Estimates are agreed to. I will now recognize the Ranking Member for the purpose of making a motion. Mr. CHABOT. Thank you, Madam Chairwoman. I would move that the minority members of the Committee be permitted to offer additional views and estimates on the budget for fiscal year 2020. Chairwoman VELAZQUEZ. Thank you. Without objection, so ordered. And the Committee is authorized to make technical and grammatical corrections to the Views and Estimates. And I believe that concludes the business before the Committee today. So if there is no further business to come before the Committee, we are adjourned and the Committee will stand in recess for a few moments to prepare for the Committee hearing. Thank you. [Whereupon, at 10:57 a.m., the committee was adjourned.] A P P E N D I X [GRAPHICS NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] [all]