[House Hearing, 118 Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

                         ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING


                              COMMITTEE ON
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES


                             FIRST SESSION


                            JANUARY 31, 2023


  Printed for the use of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability

                       Available on: govinfo.gov,
                         oversight.house.gov or

                    U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE                    
51-118 PDF                 WASHINGTON : 2023                    

                    JAMES COMER, Kentucky, Chairman

Jim Jordan, Ohio                     Jamie Raskin, Maryland, Ranking 
Mike Turner, Ohio                        Minority Member
Paul Gosar, Arizona                  Eleanor Holmes Norton, District of 
Virginia Foxx, North Carolina            Columbia
Glenn Grothman, Wisconsin            Stephen F. Lynch, Massachusetts
Gary Palmer, Alabama                 Gerald E. Connolly, Virginia
Clay Higgins, Louisiana              Raja Krishnamoorthi, Illinois
Pete Sessions, Texas                 Ro Khanna, California
Andy Biggs, Arizona                  Kweisi Mfume, Maryland
Nancy Mace, South Carolina           Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York
Jake LaTurner, Kansas                Katie Porter, California
Pat Fallon, Texas                    Cori Bush, Missouri
Byron Donalds, Florida               Shontel Brown, Ohio
Kelly Armstrong, North Dakota        Jimmy Gomez, California
Scott Perry, Pennsylvania            Melanie Stansbury, New Mexico
William Timmons, South Carolina      Robert Garcia, California
Tim Burchett, Tennessee              Maxwell Frost, Florida
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia      Becca Balint, Vermont
Lisa McClain, Michigan               Summer Lee, Pennsylvania
Lauren Boebert, Colorado             Greg Casar, Texas
Russell Fry, South Carolina          Jasmine Crockett, Texas
Anna Paulina Luna, Florida           Dan Goldman, New York
Chuck Edwards, North Carolina        Jared Moskowitz, Florida
Nick Langworthy, New York
Eric Burlison, Missouri

                       Mark Marin, Staff Director
       Jessica Donlon, Deputy Staff Director and General Counsel
                 Ashlee Vinyard, Director of Operations
      Mallory Cogar, Deputy Director of Operations and Chief Clerk

                      Contact Number: 202-225-5074

                  Julie Tagen, Minority Staff Director
                         C  O  N  T  E  N  T  S


Hearing held on January 31, 2023.................................     1

                           INDEX OF DOCUMENTS


The documents listed below are available at: docs.house.gov.

  * Amendment No. 1; submitted by Rep. Raskin.

  * Amendment No. 2; submitted by Rep. Lynch.

  * Amendment No. 3; submitted by Rep. Raskin.

  * Amendment No. 4; submitted by Rep. Mfume.

  * Amendment No. 5; submitted by Rep. Porter.

  * Amendment No. 6; submitted by Rep. Crockett.

  * Amendment No. 7; submitted by Rep. Donalds.

                         ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING


                       Tuesday, January 31, 2023

                  House of Representatives,
         Committee on Oversight and Accountability,
                                                   Washington, D.C.
    The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 11:07 a.m., in 
room 2154, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. James Comer 
(chairman of the committee) presiding.
    Present: Representatives Comer, Jordan, Gosar, Foxx, 
Grothman, Palmer, Higgins, Sessions, Biggs, Mace, LaTurner, 
Fallon, Donalds, Armstrong, Perry, Timmons, Burchett, Greene, 
McClain, Boebert, Fry, Luna, Edwards, Langworthy, Burlison, 
Raskin, Norton, Lynch, Connolly, Krishnamoorthi, Khanna, Mfume, 
Ocasio-Cortez, Porter, Bush, Brown, Gomez, Robert Garcia of 
California, Frost, Balint, Lee of Pennsylvania, Casar, 
Crockett, and Moskowitz.
    Chairman Comer. Without objection, the Chairman is 
authorized to declare a recess of the committee at any time.
    I want to welcome everyone to the organizational meeting of 
the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, the committee I 
believe will be the most exciting and effective committee for 
this Congress.
    We are going to be returning this committee to its core 
mission, and that is to ensure that taxpayer dollars are not 
being mismanaged, abused, or wasted; to shine a light in the 
darkness of the Federal bureaucracy to prevent corruption and 
self-dealing; to make sure our Federal Government is working 
efficiently for the American people.
    For this meeting, we will be proceeding as follows. First, 
Ranking Member Raskin and I will introduce our new members. 
Then we will officially adopt the committee rules.
    I want to welcome all of our returning members. It is great 
to have you again this Congress. I want to also welcome back to 
the committee Chairman Mike Turner from Ohio, Congressman Gary 
Palmer from Alabama, Congressman Kelly Armstrong from North 
Dakota, and Congressman Paul Gosar from Arizona.
    Last, I want to welcome our new members to the committee. 
They hail from all parts of our great country. First of all--we 
will go in order of seniority--I want to recognize Scott Perry 
from Pennsylvania.
    William Timmons from South Carolina. Tim Burchett from 
Tennessee. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia. Lisa McClain 
from Michigan. Lauren Boebert from Colorado. Russell Fry from 
South Carolina. Anna Paulina Luna from Florida. Chuck Edwards 
from North Carolina. Nick Langworthy from New York. And Eric 
Burlison from Missouri.
    Welcome to the Oversight Committee, which, again, I think 
you will find is the best committee in Congress. We are really 
glad you all are on the committee. I look forward to working 
with each and every one of you this Congress. We have a big 
agenda, and we are just going to work really hard and try to be 
very effective for the taxpayers and the American people.
    With that, I yield to the distinguished gentleman from 
Maryland, Ranking Member Jamie Raskin, to introduce his 
    But, first, I want to publicly say, Mr. Raskin, we are all 
rooting for you. We know that you are going to win this battle. 
You are in our thoughts and prayers. And it is good to see you 
here today.
    I yield to Ranking Member Raskin.
    Mr. Raskin. Mr. Chairman, thank you so much. It means a lot 
to me. I have been gratified to receive so many kinds words of 
encouragement and sympathy from colleagues on both sides of the 
aisle. I hope that these expressions of concern and solidarity 
will become seeds of friendship over the year. I certainly plan 
on getting through this thing and beating it. And I thank you 
for your patience and indulgence.
    Mr. Raskin. Now it is my turn to welcome the members on our 
side of the aisle, Mr. Chairman, beginning with Eleanor Holmes 
Norton, who represents the great people of the District of 
Columbia. Mr. Lynch of Massachusetts. Mr. Connolly of Virginia. 
Mr. Krishnamoorthi of Illinois. Mr. Khanna of California. Mr. 
Mfume of Maryland. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez of New York, who is our 
vice ranking member for this Congress. Ms. Porter of 
California. Ms. Bush. Ms. Brown. And Mr. Gomez. Those are the 
returning members. Ms. Brown of Ohio, Mr. Gomez of California, 
Ms. Bush of Missouri.
    But from across the country our new members, Mr. Chairman, 
are Ms. Stansbury, Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico. Robert 
Garcia of California. Maxwell Frost from Florida. Becca Balint 
of Vermont. Summer Lee from Pennsylvania. Greg Casar of Texas. 
Jasmine Crockett, also from Texas. Dan Goldman from New York. 
And Jared Moskowitz from Florida.
    Mr. Chairman, it is hard for me today not to think of my 
fellow Marylander and my friend, Elijah Cummings, who was 
chairman and ranking member of this committee not so long ago. 
Elijah recruited me to Oversight and taught me the central 
purpose of this committee. Our job is to make government and 
America serve not as an opportunity for greed and self-
enrichment, not as a violator of the rights and liberties of 
the people, but rather as the protector of the rights and 
liberties of the people, and always the effective and efficient 
instrument of the common good, the greatest good for the 
greatest number of Americans we can serve every single day. I 
take this duty seriously, and I am committed to ensuring with 
you an effective and efficient government that delivers 
meaningful benefits to the people that we serve.
    I have taken the liberty, Mr. Chairman, of purchasing--out 
my own pocket, I hasten to add--a copy of Tom Paine's ``Common 
Sense'' for every member of this committee--Republican, 
Democrat--the pamphlet that launched the American Revolution, 
because what we need to proceed and succeed in this committee 
is common sense, to use our five senses and our reason in order 
to make sure that we are vindicating the public interests that 
our Constitution exists for. So, that will be coming to 
everybody's office this week.
    We pledge to work closely with you in the days ahead. And 
wherever we can find grounds for bipartisan work and 
collaboration we will pursue it. Obviously, we will be standing 
up for the Constitution, for the Bill of Rights, and for the 
laws of the land.
    I know our staffs have already begun meeting to discuss 
different ways the committee can begin a process of 
collaboration, and I am optimistic that we will be able to find 
a good, constructive, collaborative path forward.
    I thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your many courtesies in 
working with us and hope that we will be able to work 
successfully together over the next couple years.
    Happy to yield back.
    Chairman Comer. I want to thank the Ranking Member.
    We will now move to consider our committee rules. The rules 
package before you is substantially the same as last Congress 
with only a few changes. Those changes include the following.
    First, I want to highlight rule 6, which outlines our new 
subcommittees and their jurisdictions. Through these 
subcommittees we are once again focused on the priorities of 
the American people.
    Second, we are including a change to allow members of the 
committee to participate in subcommittee and select committee 
hearings at the discretion of the Chair.
    Last, to align our deposition authority rule with House 
rules, we made clear that a witness can only bring two personal 
nongovernmental attorneys to the deposition to advise them to 
their rights.
    Now before I yield to Ranking Member Raskin, I want to 
thank the Ranking Member and his staff for providing their 
feedback to the rules. I know we have had lots of communication 
back and forth over the last several days. I know we did not 
come to an agreement on all the suggested edits, but I know we 
will be able to find a bipartisan solution on the items not 
reflected in the committee rules.
    With that, I yield back to the Ranking Member for his 
opening statement on the rules.
    Mr. Raskin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
    I have an amendment at the desk.
    And perhaps, while the clerk prepares to report the 
amendment, I will just say that thank you for working with us 
on the rules. Much of it--most of it--we are able to go along 
with, but we definitely have a few issues that we wanted to 
raise today, and I am hoping that we might be able to work them 
out. That is the source of the first amendment.
    Chairman Comer. OK. The clerk will designate the amendment.
    The Clerk. Amendment No. 1 to the rules of the Committee on 
Oversight and Accountability as offered by Representative 
    Chairman Comer. Without objection, the amendment is 
considered as read.
    Chairman Comer. Mr. Raskin is recognized to explain the 
    Mr. Raskin. Thank you kindly, Mr. Chairman.
    So, I am offering the amendment to strike the provision of 
rule 7 granting the Chair the unilateral discretion to allow 
committee members to participate in the hearings of 
subcommittees on which they are not members.
    Now, this has been a common and replete practice on our 
committee, but such authority has historically been granted 
through unanimous consent requests on both sides. This is a 
practice that allows our members to enjoy great flexibility and 
accountability to each other. I am certain that members on both 
sides will not recall a single occasion when anyone has ever 
objected to waiving someone on.
    So, this practice has worked seamlessly in a bipartisan way 
for decades, and there is no need to break from precedent to 
centralize this authority in the chair.
    You know, the danger, of course, is that this authority, 
whether the chair is a Democrat or a Republican, will be used 
to allow certain members to do it and other members not to do 
it. So, we prefer to stick with the unanimous consent practice, 
Mr. Chairman, and so this moves to just strike that one part.
    Mr. Connolly. Would the distinguished Ranking Member yield 
for a second?
    Mr. Raskin. Yes. I am happy to yield.
    Mr. Connolly. I thank my friend.
    I want to join him in supporting this amendment. I have 
been on this committee now, this is my 15th year, under 
Republican chairs, Democratic chairs, Republican majorities, 
Democratic majorities, and we have never, ever had a problem in 
unanimously waiving somebody on who seeks to participate. I 
need to know what the rationale would be for changing that 
    So I just think, as we begin the new year, Mr. Chairman and 
Mr. Ranking Member, I think this amendment, adopting the 
amendment Mr. Raskin has put forward, would be a good faith 
action on the part of all of us. So, I urge adoption and this 
modification of the rules.
    And I thank my friend for yielding.
    Mr. Raskin. So Mr. Chairman, it looks like there might be 
some other members who want to weigh in. Should I----
    Chairman Comer. Just yield back.
    Mr. Raskin. OK. I will yield back to you, and we can go 
back and forth. Thanks.
    Chairman Comer. If left silent, the House rules require a 
vote that needs unanimous consent by the committee to allow 
    This rule change only memorializes what is already the 
case. So, it can still be used. There is nothing changed. It 
can still be used. This just speeds things up with some of 
these committee hearings. We don't have to do that to disrupt 
the flow.
    So, I am bound by House rules, and I pledge to follow them.
    I urge my colleagues to vote no on the amendment.
    Do any members have further discussion?
    Ms. Norton.
    Ms. Norton. Mr. Chairman, this is merely a courtesy. So, I 
support the Ranking Member's change so that, as a courtesy, any 
member could be waived on.
    I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. Does any other member seek recognition?
    Mr. Lynch. Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. Mr. Lynch.
    The Chair will recognize Mr. Lynch.
    Mr. Lynch. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
    I don't want to repeat what my colleagues have said, but in 
the past--and I have been on this committee now, this is my 
22nd year--and we have always had an agreement, a gentleman's 
or gentlewoman's agreement between our parties.
    As you will see during this session--and I am sure you 
know, Mr. Chairman--with the competing activities going on in 
other hearings, it is often challenging to get members to come 
in because they have also got commitments on other hearings. 
So, making that process fluid and generous and bipartisan has 
really helped the way this committee has worked together in the 
    So, I would hope that you would see fit to support Mr. 
Raskin's amendment. I think it would be good not for one party 
or the other, but for the work that we are about to embark on 
    Thank you. I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. Any other member seek recognition?
    The question is on the amendment.
    All those in favor, say aye.
    All those opposed, say no.
    In the opinion of the Chair, the nos have it.
    Mr. Raskin. I would like to request a recorded vote, 
please, Mr. Chairman.
    Chairman Comer. OK. Roll call votes will be postponed, and 
the time will be announced in advance, same way we did this 
last year.
    I will get this down after about the third vote here.
    Mr. Lynch. Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. The Chair recognizes Mr. Lynch.
    Mr. Lynch. I have an amendment at the desk.
    Chairman Comer. The clerk will designate the amendment.
    The Clerk. Amendment No. 2 to the rules of the Committee on 
Oversight and Accountability as offered by Representative 
    Mr. Raskin. Does the Chairman recognize Mr. Lynch?
    Chairman Comer. Yes. The Chair recognizes Mr. Lynch.
    Mr. Lynch. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
    I think in the interest of fairness and efficiency this 
amendment would simply afford the Ranking Member, the 
distinguished gentleman from Maryland, the same discretion that 
the proposed committee rules currently grant to the Chairman 
over member participation on subcommittees and, quote, ``other 
    In support of this amendment, I would underscore that 
granting our chairman the unilateral authority to determine 
whether a committee member may participate in an Oversight 
Committee hearing or additional oversight activities does not 
align with previous committee practices or precedent during my 
time on this committee.
    As previous chairman and ranking member of the Subcommittee 
on National Security for at least the past eight years, I can 
attest that our subcommittee rules and committee rules have not 
granted our chairs such authority under either Democratic or 
Republican majorities.
    In stark contrast, we have primarily left the question of 
member participation to our colleagues through bipartisan 
unanimous consent requests to waive interested members onto the 
subcommittee for hearings, which has never been denied.
    So, whether a Republican member or a Democratic member 
wanted to come in and--look, the Oversight Committee has 
unlimited jurisdiction, so oftentimes we have members who are 
on other jurisdictional committees that share our interests.
    The proposed rule regarding member participation also 
contravenes the fundamental mission of our committee to conduct 
oversight, to identify waste, fraud, and abuse and hold 
government accountable, and also in favor of reform on behalf 
of the American people.
    As recommended by the nonpartisan Project on Government 
Oversight, ``congressional oversight is stronger and more 
credible when it is bipartisan,'' close quote.
    So, rather than fostering a bipartisan examination of the 
critical issues facing the American people--and they are 
considerable--this proposed rule encourages the partisan 
selection of which members can be afforded the opportunity to 
undertake congressional oversight at all.
    The amendment under consideration would at least ensure 
that our oversight efforts do not fall victim to partisanship 
or capriciousness when it comes to member participation.
    I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support 
this amendment. I yield back the balance of my time.
    Chairman Comer. Gentleman yields back.
    Here, the Ranking Member is asking for more consideration 
than is contemplated under the House rules, and, therefore, our 
committee rules would then be in conflict.
    The Democrat members can still be considered and added to 
any subcommittee hearing at the discretion of the Chair and 
upon a request for unanimous consent at any hearing. So, 
nothing changes.
    I urge my colleagues to vote no on this amendment.
    Mr. Raskin. Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. Any other member seek recognition?
    Mr. Raskin.
    Mr. Raskin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
    The only problem with the statement you just made is that 
it does create a change in introducing asymmetry into the 
rules. And, again, members should consider this from the 
perspective of both being in the majority now and potentially 
being in the minority later, because if an asymmetrical rule is 
adopted that seems to benefit one team at one point, it will 
come to disadvantage you in the future.
    In the past, because we have had a universal unanimous 
consent practice, no one has had an incentive to object, and 
everybody understands that that should be a privilege of 
membership of the committee, that you should be able to go to 
various subcommittees.
    Now, if we centralize the power exclusively in the chair, 
whether that is a Republican or a Democrat, that person will be 
able to grant it as a matter of course to members of his or her 
own party, but deny it to others or use unanimous consent to 
have somebody block it in that case.
    The rules work best when they work symmetrically and fairly 
for everyone. So, I like very much the approach that Mr. Lynch 
has taken given that we seem to be going down this road. If the 
chair has the power to unilaterally grant a member 
participation in a subcommittee proceeding, the ranking member 
should have that same power regardless of whether red or blue 
is in the majority or the minority.
    Yield back.
    Chairman Comer. The Ranking Member yields back.
    Again, I pledge to work with the Ranking Member on whomever 
he deems necessary to be waived in. It doesn't change anything.
    So, any further member seek recognition?
    Seeing not, the question is on the amendment.
    All those in favor, say aye.
    All those opposed, say no.
    In the opinion of the Chair, the nos have it.
    Mr. Raskin. I would request a recorded vote, please.
    Chairman Comer. Roll call votes have been requested. They 
will be postponed, and the time will be announced in advance.
    Are there any more amendments at the table?
    Mr. Raskin. Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. The Chair recognizes the Ranking Member.
    Mr. Raskin. I have one other amendment. Thank you, Mr. 
    This will allow remote participation----
    Chairman Comer. I am sorry. The clerk will designate the 
amendment. That is three times. I will get it right from now 
    The clerk will designate the amendment.
    The Clerk. Amendment No. 3 to the rules of the Committee on 
Oversight and Accountability as offered by Representative 
    Chairman Comer. The Chair recognizes the Ranking Member.
    Mr. Raskin. Thank you kindly, Mr. Chairman.
    This amendment would simply allow remote participation in 
committee activities for members when in-person participation 
would potentially compromise the member's health.
    I know there is a desire to have all members in person 
moving forward. I certainly share that desire. But that should 
not prevent members who may need reasonable accommodations in 
light of extremely exceptional medical circumstances from 
participating in committee proceedings, for example, if someone 
has COVID-19.
    I appreciate the willingness that Chairman Comer has 
displayed to work on ways for members with health conditions to 
participate. I think it is important that we enshrine any 
exceptions of this nature in our rules.
    I want all of our members to be able to participate fully 
in the committee. No one should be prevented from performing 
their duties on behalf of their constituents due to unavoidable 
and uncontrollable health conditions, whether it is being 
immunocompromised or having COVID-19 or being injured in some 
way that prevents him or her from coming to work.
    With that, I submit the amendment to you, Mr. Chairman, for 
    Chairman Comer. The Ranking Member yields back.
    As the Chairman, I already have the discretion to make 
reasonable accommodations in the exact situations like the 
Ranking Member just mentioned. I have said--he and I have had 
several conversations. I will say this publicly.
    I will do everything in my ability to work with you to make 
sure that we can accommodate anything with respect to committee 
work while you are undergoing treatment. I am very sympathetic 
to what you are going through. We have members on our side. My 
mother went through this. So, we are going to work with you. I 
have given you that pledge.
    For example, we made an accommodation at this afternoon's 
transcribed interview to enable the Ranking Member to appear 
remotely. And we will work with you on that.
    But this amendment is not necessary. I pledge to continue 
working with the Ranking Member, as I already have. We 
demonstrated that in good faith today with the transcribed 
interview later on today.
    So, I urge my colleagues to vote no.
    Does any other member seek recognition?
    Mr. Connolly. Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. The Chair recognizes Mr. Connolly.
    Mr. Connolly. I thank the Chair, and I really appreciate 
his accommodation, both to the Ranking Member personally and 
his pledge to work in a reasonable fashion to accommodate 
legitimate health needs.
    But what we are debating here today is the rule, and the 
rule is the architecture for the next two years. We need a rule 
that assures that, should somebody else be in that chair, we 
have protection, we have rights.
    So, I think the amendment is not unnecessary. I think it, 
in fact, improves things. Over a million and a half Americans 
have succumbed to COVID-19. People have died from this terrible 
virus. People are terribly vulnerable. People have immune-
compromised systems and long-term symptoms because of this 
    So, that is not just a nice thing to do if somebody asks 
for it. It is an essential thing to do, both for members and 
for witnesses, as we proceed as a committee. I think it is 
going to be essential, hopefully in a diminishing basis, but we 
don't know that yet. We have had many, many rounds and many 
variants of this virus, all of them deadly.
    So, I urge adoption of this change and urge that we also do 
it for witnesses.
    I thank the Chairman for giving me time, and I thank the 
Ranking Member for his amendment.
    Chairman Comer. The gentleman yields back.
    The Chair recognizes Ms. Norton.
    Ms. Norton. Well, I note that the Chair seems to agree with 
the underlying purpose of the amendment.
    I think the amendment is necessary, because the Congress is 
so closely divided. Because of this close division, we don't 
know whether, for partisan purposes, there would be a 
disagreement. I think this is a fail-safe amendment that would 
be important for both sides to have in their pocket.
    I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. The gentlelady yields back.
    The Chair recognizes Mr. Donalds.
    Mr. Donalds. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
    Members, I oppose the amendment to the rules, obviously 
understanding the health conditions of the Ranking Member and 
the Chairman's desire to help him with that as we move through 
this Congress.
    But let's be very clear. As a member of this committee in 
the last Congress, there were many members who, frankly, abused 
the virtual nature of our hearings. They would be in their 
offices doing these hearings and not here in this room. We are 
going to be touching a lot of critical topics in this Congress, 
and attendance is necessary.
    So, I urge my members and my colleagues to vote down on 
this amendment, understanding fully the issues that the Ranking 
Member is dealing with, with his health personally. But this 
amendment is not needed, and I back the Chairman on this.
    Chairman Comer. The gentleman yields back.
    The Chair recognizes Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
    I think one of the things that we all want to acknowledge 
is gratitude for your willingness to be able to work to 
accommodate the Ranking Member and the various conditions that 
we would have to adapt to.
    But I think that the Ranking Member would also be one of 
the first to say that this rule is not about him, and it is 
really about the vast majority of--or the vast amount of people 
who encounter disabilities at some point in their life or 
    The rules here are about the rules of our workplace, and 
this rule is in place so that it is not up to one individual's 
discretion to protect a person that may encounter a disability, 
who may find themselves with a condition such as the Ranking 
Member's, pregnancy, et cetera.
    A rule to protect individuals based on health outcome 
should be part of our workplace protections. I think the 
examples that we set here are an example for the country.
    I extend quite a bit of understanding toward the 
Representative from Florida about making sure that we are here. 
But in the rule it states explicitly about an extraordinary, 
extenuating healthcare-related circumstance.
    So, in that spirit, I would hope that we would all be able 
to set that example in protecting the millions of people who 
encounter disabilities, immunocompromised conditions, et 
cetera. And I would hope that we would enshrine that 
protection, not just for the ranking member, but for all of us 
in the rules of this committee.
    I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. I thank the gentlelady for yielding back.
    Any further--the Chair recognizes Ms. Marjorie Taylor 
    Ms. Greene. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
    I oppose this amendment. I think it is important for us to 
all recognize that the White House just announced that they 
will be calling an end to the COVID-19 emergency. So, there is 
no need for us to vote to amend the rules to allow for this.
    Of course we extend our heartfelt prayers and good well 
wishes to Mr. Raskin as he is going through cancer treatment, 
something certainly all of us can understand and hope the best 
for him.
    As far as pregnancy, pregnancy is a wonderful gift for 
women, and becoming a mother is a wonderful thing. It doesn't 
stop many women from showing up for work. So, I don't think 
that should be considered to be a concern of why we need to 
adopt this amendment that members can't show up.
    I think it is important for all members to come and to be 
present as much as they possibly can because we have a job to 
do for the American people.
    And I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. Gentlelady yields back.
    Is there any further discussion?
    Mr. Fallon. Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. The Chair recognizes Mr. Fallon.
    Mr. Fallon. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is great to call 
you Mr. Chairman.
    I oppose the amendment. But I want to--just on a personal 
level, Ranking Member Raskin, so many of us have lost loved 
ones to cancer. I want you to fight, and I want you to win.
    God bless you.
    Chairman Comer. Gentleman yields back.
    Any further discussion?
    Again, we, the Chair, pledges to work with any member 
depending on the various circumstances. That has been the rule. 
That will continue to be the rule.
    So, if no one else seeks recognition, the question is on 
the amendment. Again, I urge my colleagues to vote no.
    All those in favor, say aye.
    All those opposed, say no.
    In the opinion of the Chair, the nos have it.
    Mr. Raskin. Seek a recorded vote, please.
    Chairman Comer. The roll call votes will be postponed, and 
the time will be announced in advance.
    Does any member seek recognition? Any further amendments?
    Mr. Mfume. Mr. Chairman, I have an amendment at the desk.
    Chairman Comer. The clerk will designate the amendment.
    The clerk will designate the amendment.
    We don't have the amendment?
    Mr. Mfume. It is Amendment No. 4.
    Chairman Comer. We don't have it. OK.
    Mr. Mfume. It is at the desk.
    Chairman Comer. One moment, Mr. Mfume, please.
    The Clerk. Amendment No. 4 to the rules of the Committee on 
Oversight and Accountability as offered by Representative 
    Chairman Comer. The Chair recognizes Mr. Mfume for five 
    Mr. Mfume. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
    I want to first say congratulations to Ranking Member 
Raskin for his continued leadership and dedication to the 
    And, Mr. Chairman, I want to congratulate you as well. It 
has been great working with you in the previous Congress, and I 
congratulate you also on your new position.
    I move to offer Amendment No. 4 to the rules of the 
Committee on Oversight and Accountability.
    House Rule XI, clause 2(m) authorizes House committees and 
subcommittees to issue subpoenas for attendance of witnesses 
and the production of documents.
    This amendment will, quite simply, require a majority vote 
approval by members of the committee prior to authorizing and 
issuing a subpoena in the conduct of any investigation or 
activity within the jurisdiction of this committee.
    I think we have a real opportunity today to execute strong, 
bipartisan oversight, and this is a rule, quite frankly, that 
both Democrats and Republicans have supported in the past. Mr. 
Chairman, I am particularly pleased that you supported this 
amendment the last time and we hope today that it will carry.
    I hope we embrace this sort of moment so that we can show, 
quite frankly, the American people and Members of Congress that 
we are still prepared in this committee to unite, regardless of 
our different political beliefs.
    So, I would encourage my colleagues from both sides of the 
aisle to support the amendment.
    I thank you, sir, and I yield back any time I may have 
    Chairman Comer. The gentleman yields back.
    The Chair recognizes himself.
    A congressional subpoena is a powerful tool which should be 
used in limited circumstances. Its use is appropriate when 
attempts to reach an accommodation with a witness are at an 
impasse; when necessary to obtain certain sensitive 
information, such as financial information; or when a friendly 
subpoena is needed, just simply to protect the witness.
    In the normal course of committee business, I hope to work 
with the Ranking Member on proposed subpoenas in advance.
    The American people have made clear that they want this 
committee to conduct fair and rigorous oversight, and we will 
do that. That will require this committee to work quickly and 
efficiently and at times provide less opportunity for debate 
and markup in order to uncover the truth in the timeliest 
    I appreciate Mr. Mfume pointing out that I supported this 
amendment last Congress, but you all opposed it.
    So, we just want to keep the rules the way that you all had 
them in the last Congress with respect to--yes, things change, 
    During the past two Congresses, committee Democrats, as I 
said, voted against this change and refused on at least two 
occasions my written request to vote for a subpoena before it 
was issued. If we need to provide that for any fact-finding 
friends out in the audience, we will be happy to do that.
    Yet, with this amendment, they now ask the committee to 
change its rules to give them rights refused to Republicans 
when Democrats were in charge.
    So, as former Chairwoman Maloney pointed out during our 
last organizational meeting, hundreds of subpoenas have been 
issued under both Republican-and Democrat-controlled Congresses 
in this committee without any vote. Democrats have provided no 
valid reason today to depart from this precedent. So, I oppose 
this amendment and urge my colleagues to vote against it.
    Does any member seek--the Chair recognizes Mr. Raskin.
    Mr. Raskin. Mr. Chairman, thank you.
    I rise in support of the gentleman's amendment. Indeed, one 
of the great things about Congress changing hands is we get to 
quote each other from the prior Congress.
    Mr. Chairman, then you did say the subpoena is a powerful 
tool and notice and consultation are just commonsense measures 
that the majority should afford the minority to the fullest 
extent possible.
    You are absolutely correct, and we are joined here to point 
out that the majority didn't accept that. But I will say that, 
if we are simply going to be in a race to the bottom, then the 
precedent was set by the Trump administration when President 
Trump said he would not cooperate with any subpoenas at all and 
simply shut down the process and ignored and rejected hundreds 
of congressional subpoenas.
    I don't think we want to go down that route, and I don't 
want we want to encourage the Biden administration to go down 
that route.
    So, I would encourage a complete reset at this point. Let's 
resolve to do better together. Let's issue subpoenas together 
and let's make those subpoenas stick and work by making sure 
that the administration complies with them.
    I urge all my colleagues to support Mr. Mfume's amendment, 
and I yield back.
    Mr. Connolly. Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. Does any further member seek recognition?
    Mr. Connolly.
    Mr. Connolly. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
    You know, the issue of subpoenas in this committee has a 
long and sorry history. When Dan Burton was chairman of the 
committee he issued hundreds of subpoenas--losing track of who 
he had subpoenaed, as a matter of fact--and it kind of made a 
mockery of the process.
    When Tom Davis, my predecessor, and Henry Waxman kind of 
switched back and forth as chairman and ranking member, they 
actually set a model where they genuinely did consult each 
other and try to cooperate on the issuance of subpoenas.
    Why is that important? Because from an institutional point 
of view if we simply proliferate the world with subpoenas we 
are going to dilute the importance of that as a tool, as you 
correctly pointed out, Mr. Chairman. It is a tool that ought to 
be used sparingly, and it ought to have force.
    I happen to believe that Congress ought to revive inherent 
contempt enforcing subpoenas institutionally as the separate 
but coequal legislative branch of government. That is a fight 
someday we will, I hope, revisit.
    But we want to make sure--I think all of us, as members of 
this committee--that a subpoena has force, that it has meaning, 
that it has broad support behind it. And I hope, as we move 
forward, that is the spirit in which we look at subpoenas and 
issue subpoenas for the sake of the institution, for the sake 
of the integrity of this committee.
    I thank the Chair and the Ranking Member, and I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. The gentleman yields back.
    The Chair recognizes Mr. Sessions.
    Mr. Sessions. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much.
    Mr. Chairman, I do understand the debate that is going on 
back and forth. We have got a lot of members here who seemingly 
are also brand-new. Back in 1997 and 1998, when I sat on this 
committee, the gentleman, Chairman Burton, was in charge and 
was forced into having several hundred subpoenas.
    As a matter of fact, I remember items to which I was, in 
particular, a part of with Johnny Chung, a Communist Chinese 
who came to this country to infiltrate our national security, a 
man who did come in and compromise the Clinton Administration, 
a man who compromised companies, a man who compromised to use 
political contributions, not just to get in the White House, 
but to have the Commerce Department to allow export of 
important items of national security that dealt directly with 
rockets and their ability to work off a gyroscope. It was one 
of the biggest political, important things that Dan Burton did.
    The Attorney General of the United States chose not to 
answer questions when almost everybody in her Department, 
including the U.S. attorney from San Diego, who was bringing 
forth the case against Johnny Chung, and she used her political 
power to stop those things--national security, things dealing 
with not just this committee, but the entire country needed to 
    So, he was forced to issue these. Three times, the Attorney 
General of the United States went into the hospital for 
exhaustion rather than coming to be a part of what this 
committee was asking for.
    So, I am aware of the games that get played. I am aware of 
the things that are hidden behind executive privilege and other 
    I would like to see us, as opposed to that now, since the 
shoe is on the other foot, to encourage this administration to 
be forthright as we ask things, because this committee and 
other committees have gained knowledge about how to use the 
power of not just this committee, but of Congress against 
Donald Trump. And, if you don't think those things are not 
going to be expected now when the shoe is on the other foot, we 
have lost it.
    So, I think that the Ranking Member and others on your side 
should use this as a commonality, a stick to avoid what we have 
to do. But it means that you have to be forthright in the 
administration, which is an oath of office that you took. So, I 
think that it is not lay down your sword and leave yourself 
defenseless. I think it is let's work for common sense.
    I appreciate the gentleman giving me time to express my 
    Chairman Comer. The gentleman from Texas yields back.
    The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Pennsylvania, Mr. 
    Mr. Perry. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
    I just want to observe that, now that Republicans are in 
the lead, it is not lost on me that suddenly it has become a 
race to the bottom. Don't you all find that fascinating?
    I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. The gentleman yields back.
    But before we call for a vote, if I may, I am excited about 
this newfound willingness to work with Republicans. So, I think 
that--I think we will have some opportunities, Mr. Raskin, to 
work together in the future on subpoenas.
    The Chair recognizes Mr. Palmer for five minutes.
    Mr. Palmer. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
    I congratulate you on your chairmanship and Mr. Raskin as 
ranking member.
    We have worked together before, and you are in our prayers.
    Having been on this committee previously and now returning, 
I think many of us who have been on this committee before have 
been through the process where we issued subpoenas and also 
issued evidence preservation orders, particularly involving the 
Obama Administration, some of their administrators, and saw 
that those subpoenas and evidence preservation orders were not 
    Mr. Connolly, the gentleman from Virginia, raises an 
interesting point about using contempt in cases where our 
subpoena power is not honored. I have full confidence that you 
will only issue subpoenas, Mr. Chairman, judiciously and full 
confidence that you, Mr. Chairman, and your staff will not lose 
track of any of them.
    But in the case where we do issue subpoenas, or in cases 
where we issue evidence preservation orders, which I think 
could very likely be the case in this committee, I think we 
might need an additional tool to ensure that those subpoenas 
and those contempt--and those evidence preservation orders are 
complied with and that we do the duty, the due diligence that 
this committee is required to do in some of these 
investigations that we will most undoubtedly have to engage in 
over the next couple of years.
    With that, Mr. Chairman, I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. The gentleman yields back.
    The Chair recognizes Mr. Mfume for five minutes.
    Mr. Mfume. Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
    Just a few other words in support of my amendment.
    I have heard Representative Burton's name mentioned a 
couple of times. And let me just say this about Dan. He and I 
fought like hell on a number of issues all through the 1980's 
and halfway through the 1990's. But we tried to find, where we 
could, commonality on things that didn't push us and push the 
Congress in the wrong direction.
    In fact, we got in one argument in front of President 
Reagan, who jokingly said: Well, can I take you guys out and 
buy you an ice cream cone and get you to agree?
    Dan and I were--we had strong differences, very, very 
strong differences of opinion. But at the end of the day I 
thought where you could make a commonsense argument you could 
win over his support. And he thought where he could make a 
commonsense argument he could win over mine.
    So, when I look up at the portrait of Elijah Cummings 
hanging here, I am reminded that Elijah always said: We can do 
better than this.
    And, Mr. Chairman, you are absolutely right about the last 
Congress. You voted to have this sort of amendment in place and 
the majority ruled. In that instance I think the majority may 
have been misplaced in its support.
    But having said all of that, this provides us with a fresh 
opportunity not to turn left or to turn right, but to go ahead 
together as a committee, recognizing if not then, who knows, 
two years from now we might be back in the same position with 
someone on the other side making the argument for this 
    Life is too short for that, and I think, more than anything 
else, when it comes to subpoenaing witnesses and documents that 
there ought to be, at least where we can provide it, a 
semblance of unity, a semblance of bipartisanship, so that 
Democrats and Republicans are, in fact, agreeing on those 
    So, I would ask people just to kind of keep that in the 
back of your mind. Someone used the term reset. I think that is 
the perfect word for this situation. We can reset the clock now 
and start moving in the right direction or we can continue in 
the path we are going, which, as both the Ranking Member and 
the Chairman said, is a back and forth sort of seesaw on 
whoever controls the gavel.
    I yield back. Thank you, sir.
    Chairman Comer. The gentleman yields back.
    The Chair recognizes Mr. Biggs.
    Mr. Biggs. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
    I am fascinated on this desire for freshness, this desire 
for a reset, having wandered through these halls for some 
period of time. What this rule is without the amendment is not 
dissimilar from what we see in the Judiciary chair. That 
happens, and we have been contented with that. We have lived 
with that. We know how it works.
    And, quite frankly, we know how it works in here, because 
that is what my friends across the aisle have engaged in for 
the last four years. This is nothing unusual.
    The notion that this is going to provide unity if we adopt 
this amendment is almost laughable on its face, that it will 
provide a Clinton, Secretary of State Clinton-Russian reset 
moment, is also laughable.
    The reality is we have a disparity here. We view the world 
differently. Where we can find accommodation, we should, and we 
will. But there is nothing unique, bizarre, or out of the order 
on the current underlying rule that we are going to be voting 
    So, to say that we must have this freshness, this reset, 
and basically saying, well, now that you have control, we don't 
want you to treat us the way you have treated us. You don't 
want to be treated the way you have been treating us. You are 
saying, please, please, have mercy.
    And the reality for me is the pendulum may have begun real 
far to the left. It will swing back a bit to the right. 
Ultimately it will find equilibrium. And the equilibrium will 
come as we find points of accommodation, points that we agree 
on, and going forward. But this amendment does not begin to do 
what I think you are telling me it is going to do, and so I 
irredeemably oppose it.
    I yield back.
    Mr. Mfume. Would the gentleman yield for 10 seconds?
    Mr. Biggs. I have already yielded back, but if I can, then 
I am happy to yield to you, Mr. Mfume.
    Mr. Mfume. I just want to set the record straight. I am not 
saying please, please, have mercy. No, no, no, no.
    Mr. Biggs. Fair enough.
    Mr. Mfume. I am a fighter. That is not what I am saying.
    Mr. Biggs. Fair enough.
    Mr. Mfume. I am saying, please, please, let's try to 
correct a wrong.
    Mr. Biggs. Yes, that is fair enough. Thank you. I 
appreciate that. And I think everybody on this committee are 
fighters. That is why we are on this committee. That is part of 
the reason that we love being on this committee. We are each 
fighting for what we truly believe is the best direction of the 
    Thank you. Thank you, sir. Yield back.
    Chairman Comer. OK. The gentleman yields back.
    Chair recognizes the gentlelady from Georgia, Ms. Greene.
    Ms. Greene. I really appreciate the sentiments of 
bipartisanship. I think that is what is missing in Congress.
    But I would also like to remind the committee that after 
two years of a very heavy controlled hand here in Congress and 
on committees, where Republicans didn't have a voice--I, in 
particular, had no voice, having no committees, being stripped 
of them by our former Speaker and Democrats in Congress.
    I think it is also important to point out that, as far as 
subpoenas are concerned and bringing up President Trump and how 
his family has been treated by Democrats, Eric Trump in 
particular has been subpoenaed over 400 times and has never 
broken a law.
    So, I think subpoena power is extremely important, but I 
oppose this amendment, because the Democrats have proven what 
they do with subpoena power, especially with the January 6th 
Committee, and I think we can trust Republicans on this 
committee and our new chairman, Jamie Comer, to do a great job 
with it.
    I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. The gentlelady yields back.
    If no one else seeks recognition, the question is on the 
    All those in favor, say aye.
    All those opposed, say no.
    In the opinion of the Chair, the nos have it.
    Mr. Raskin. Recorded vote, please.
    Chairman Comer. A recorded vote has been requested. Roll 
call votes will be postponed, and the time will be announced in 
    Does any----
    Ms. Porter. Mr. Chair, I have an amendment at the desk.
    Chairman Comer. The clerk will designate the amendment.
    The Clerk. Amendment No. 5 to the rules of the Committee on 
Oversight and Accountability as offered by Representative 
    Chairman Comer. The Chair recognizes Representative Porter 
for five minutes.
    Ms. Porter. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
    I move to offer this amendment so that our subcommittee 
rules are consistent with the House rules that we just enacted. 
This amendment would set forth a simple, clear process for the 
chair to determine when it is appropriate and if it is 
appropriate for a nongovernmental witness to appear remotely.
    Before I served in Congress I was a witness before Congress 
many times, and it is difficult for people of regular means, 
people in rural areas, people from Tribal communities, to be 
able to travel here to Washington, often on very short notice, 
and always at their personal expense.
    I think this committee room and the Halls of Congress need 
to be filled with the voices of regular Americans, Americans 
who are living and experiencing the very problems, the very 
challenges that we are trying to do oversight of. This should 
not be a committee room where the voices of lobbyists, again 
and again and again, are heard and are heard loudly.
    So, I think this is an important rule to allow everyday 
Americans from modest means, from rural areas, from indigenous 
areas, people with disabilities who can't travel, when the 
chair determines it is appropriate, to allow them to appear 
    Again, this is entirely consistent with the Republican 
rules package that was just enacted. It is simply setting forth 
a procedure so that the chair, in his discretion, may exercise 
that authority clearly.
    Chairman Comer. The gentlelady yields back.
    As I have said before, I pledge to follow the House rules. 
In fact, I am bound by them to take all the steps necessary to 
seek permission for a witness to appear remotely. The House 
rules give permission for witnesses to appear remotely and 
provide the instructions for this accommodation.
    So, I don't believe my friends on the other side of the 
aisle have demonstrated why this amendment is necessary. So, I 
urge my colleagues to vote against it.
    Does any other member seek recognition?
    Mr. Raskin. Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. Ranking Member Raskin.
    Mr. Raskin. Thank you kindly.
    I would that this would be a commonsense amendment 
universally adopted as completely consistent with and following 
through on the rules of the House itself. The amendment ensures 
that the public is not robbed of essential testimony from 
people across the country.
    Oftentimes we talk about wanting the voices of America to 
be heard here. This is precisely the way to do it. It protects 
equal access to the right to testify, ensuring that witnesses 
are not barred from participation by distance or money or 
travel delays or whatever might be the circumstances beyond 
their control. It is common sense, and I would hope we can all 
endorse it.
    I yield back to you, Mr. Chairman.
    Chairman Comer. The Chair recognizes Ms. Norton.
    Ms. Norton. I support this amendment.
    Again, I call to the attention of the committee that the 
Congress is evenly divided, so it will make a difference often 
that such a member be able to vote remotely. I strongly support 
this amendment.
    Ms. Porter. Mr. Chair?
    Chairman Comer. The Chair recognizes Ms. Porter.
    Ms. Porter. I just want to clarify.
    The amendment does not permit voting remotely. The 
amendment at the desk is to allow nongovernmental witnesses, 
who would otherwise have to potentially travel to this 
committee on short notice, to be able, in the chair's 
discretion, to appear remotely.
    So, it does not affect our duties. It is about lifting up 
the voice of the full swath of the American people.
    Chairman Comer. And I will do everything in my ability. If 
someone--if you have a witness that demonstrates they don't 
have the financial means or whatever to be able to appear in 
person, then we will work with them any way we can to 
accommodate. We will take that on a case-by-case basis. That is 
my pledge. I don't think this amendment is necessary.
    Any other member seek recognition?
    If no one else seeks recognition, the question is on the 
    All those in favor, say aye.
    All those opposed, no.
    In the opinion of the Chair, the nos have it.
    Any other member seek recognition?
    Mr. Raskin. I would like to request a recorded vote also.
    Chairman Comer. Recorded vote has been requested.
    Roll call votes will be postponed, and the time will be 
announced in advance.
    Any other member seek recognition?
    Mr. Crockett. Mr. Chairman, I have an amendment at the 
    Chairman Comer. The clerk will designate the amendment.
    The Clerk. Amendment No. 6 to the rules of the Committee on 
Oversight and Accountability as offered by Representative 
    Chairman Comer. OK. The Chair recognizes Ms. Crockett.
    Ms. Crockett. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
    This amendment would, quite simply, restore the Civil 
Rights and Civil Liberties Subcommittee that has been a vital 
part of this committee's work for the past four years.
    In light of the tragedy of this past weekend, passage of 
the amendment and the restoration of the Civil Rights 
Subcommittee would show the American people what this committee 
stands for, whether we will waste taxpayers' time and money on 
fishing expeditions or whether we will dedicate ourselves to 
holding those who violate the civil and human rights of our 
constituents accountable, because under the current rules 
package if one of our constituents has their civil rights 
violated or their civil liberties curtailed this committee 
offers no place for them to turn.
    The rules, as written, send an unmistakable message to the 
American people that their civil rights and civil liberties are 
no longer a priority in the 118th Congress as they have been in 
the past sessions of Congress.
    I know that each of us, regardless of our political 
backgrounds, believes earnestly in the importance of civil 
rights and liberties. So, why would we turn a blind eye to 
their violation, especially in a time like this when, across 
the Nation, from small towns to big cities, Americans are 
crying out against the horrible injustice that was perpetrated 
against Tyre Nichols and so many others every single day.
    It is undeniable that the civil rights of American people 
are under threat, and this committee must do something about 
    Our Congress has a proud legacy conducting history-making 
investigations that rally the Nation to its most humane 
resolutions. In 1871, less than two years after the passage of 
the 15th Amendment guaranteeing the right to vote regardless of 
race, the Ku Klux Klan used domestic terrorism to infringe on 
the newly guaranteed civil right to vote.
    And unlike later times where members of the KKK were 
vigilantes in the 1870's, local officials of all stripes took 
part in this vile organization.
    In the face of this brazen attack on American civil rights, 
the Congress rolled up its sleeves and conducted real 
investigatory oversight, producing, after a 10-month 
investigation, 13 pages of reports. The findings of that 
investigation were the cornerstone on which, after great 
struggle, the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1875 was built.
    As the committee charged with oversight and accountability, 
this is the legacy we inherit, and we owe it to the American 
people to live up to it. So, when over a hundred people every 
year are losing their lives in routine traffic stops, when over 
a dozen large police departments are operating under consent 
decrees for violations of their citizens' civil liberties, and 
when the attention of a Nation is focused on the issue of civil 
rights, it is our duty to rise to the occasion and conduct 
oversight and provide accountability on this crucial subject 
and not shrink from this shared responsibility. But without 
this amendment that is what passage of the current rules would 
    Now, one might argue that the Government Ops and Federal 
Workforce Committee is the right venue to address these issues. 
Accepting that argument only gives more reason for concern.
    Of the five clauses concerning the jurisdiction of the 
committee, comprised themselves of 18 identified subjects, only 
one of which could be construed to be used to investigate the 
tragic circumstances of the death of Tyre Nichols. The current 
rules package buries civil rights as one of over a dozen 
charges of that subcommittee when upholding Americans' civil 
rights and liberties should be one of the core functions of 
this committee.
    It is a question of values, a question of legacy, a 
question of justice. Let us live up to the legacy of this 
committee. Let us show the American people that we hear them 
and we are fighting for them. Let us restore the Subcommittee 
on Civil Rights and Civil Remedies.
    I urge passage.
    With that, I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. The gentlelady yields back.
    Let me be very clear. Any topic that is not mentioned in 
the subcommittee jurisdiction is reserved for the full 
committee. So, we can have a committee hearing in this 
committee on basically anything we want.
    I know there are a lot of new members on the committee, so 
I just want to go back in history a little bit. I requested, 
with Chairwoman Maloney, who I had a lot of respect for--and I 
think even the members on the other side of the aisle that were 
on the committee last year would agree we had a very good 
working relationship. I worked--we worked together, not just 
Maloney and I, but several members of this committee, on 
bipartisan legislation.
    Despite what the media says, there is a lot of bipartisan 
work that takes place in this committee, and there could be a 
lot more. Last year, Chairwoman Maloney and I and Mr. Connolly 
and Mr. Lynch worked together to pass what I think was the most 
significant bipartisan bill last year in Congress, the postal 
reform bill.
    We will have Postmaster General DeJoy before the committee 
soon to give us an update of how that is going to see what 
other improvements need to be made moving forward with the 
Postal Service, which we have legislative jurisdiction on over 
    Chairman Comer. Chairwoman Mace and Ro Khanna worked 
together on a lot of cybersecurity bills, bipartisan bills. I 
worked. Former Ranking Member Hice worked with Mr. Connolly on 
many good government bills to come out of this committee. So, 
there were some bipartisan successes in this committee.
    But I requested several committee hearings to Chairwoman 
Maloney to have in that would have been and should have been 
bipartisan, and I am going to go through these.
    We were very interested and very concerned about how some 
of the COVID funds were being spent, but we never had a 
committee hearing like we are going to have tomorrow to examine 
the COVID thing. Now, I know the COVID select committee, which 
is a different committee, had some hearings on that. But this 
Oversight Committee, we never had a single hearing on that.
    We were concerned about the origination of COVID. Now, I 
know there is a select committee, but, again, there was a 
little separation between this committee and the select 
committee. I hope that we are closer, and I am confident we 
will be closer next year, because I wasn't on the select 
committee last year. The chairman serves as ex officio on that 
committee. I think we will be working a lot closer with that 
select subcommittee next year--or this year--than we did last 
    I requested a hearing with the FDA to look at the CBD oil. 
We are all over the board on this. There are people that 
support CBD oil, hemp-derived products. There are people that 
oppose it on both sides of the aisle. That is something that we 
should have done and could have done, but she refused.
    Then the last one and the most baffling to me, something 
that we will definitely have very soon in this committee, we 
wanted a bipartisan hearing on the PBMs, the pharmacy benefit 
managers. We had several hearings in this committee on 
prescription drug pricing, but we never touched on the thing 
that I think is an area where there is bipartisan support--do 
you agree, Ms. Porter?--on the PBMs. We are going to have those 
hearings in this committee.
    So, I think there are going to be a lot of opportunities to 
work together. There are going to be opportunities where, as 
Mr. Mfume said, we will disagree. But I do believe there will 
be a lot of opportunities to work together.
    If there are hearings that my friends on the other side of 
the aisle are interested in having that would have bipartisan 
support, I am very open to that. We are going to meet a lot in 
this committee. So, you are going to have to work hard to be on 
this committee. We are going to have a very active subcommittee 
    So, any topic that is not mentioned in the names or the 
subcommittee jurisdiction is reserved for the full committee. 
So, I don't believe this amendment is necessary, and I urge my 
colleagues to vote against it.
    Does any other member seek recognition?
    Mr. Raskin. Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. Ranking Member Raskin.
    Mr. Raskin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And thank you for that 
expression of openness to having hearings on a whole range of 
matters that would bring us together as a committee in 
interesting ways, and I very much appreciate that sensibility 
that you have brought to the job.
    I am glad that we are, indeed, going to begin on COVID-19 
relief and some abuses that have taken place under that 
program. That is certainly something that we pursued very 
aggressively in the COVID-19 select committee--select 
subcommittee, rather. But I am delighted that the Oversight 
Committee will take it up.
    Having said that, I do want to strongly support the 
gentlelady's amendment, the gentlelady from Texas, who, 
herself, is a civil rights and constitutional lawyer, 
distinguished in her field, raises the important point that we 
had a civil rights-civil liberties subcommittee, which just 
seems to have vanished under the rules. And with Mr. Cummings 
looking down on us, I feel the obligation to stand in defense 
of this subcommittee, which I was the first and I guess the 
only chair up until this point. I got to serve with Ms. Mace 
from South Carolina as the ranking member, and we did terrific 
bipartisan work in that Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil 
    But there is an important point that makes this something 
far more than a semantic issue being raised by the gentlelady 
from Texas. Mr. Cummings was always adamant that there are two 
major purposes for the Oversight Committee and one is to make 
sure that the laws and programs that Congress adopts actually 
go to the benefit of the people that they are intended for and 
not siphoned off in waste and self-enrichment and corruption 
and other forms of fraud and abuse.
    But the other purpose is to make sure that the government 
is always respecting the rights and the freedoms and the civil 
liberties of the people in the conduct of its operations.
    So, the gentlelady raises an important point about our 
structural focus as a committee. Our subcommittee was able to 
look at things that brought us together across partisan lines, 
including certain kinds of abuses in the war on drugs, the 
treatment of marijuana, governmental seizures and forfeitures 
that violated the civil liberties of the people.
    We looked at extremist political violence being led by 
dangerous extremist groups in the country. We had multiple 
hearings on that even before the explosion of violence that 
overcame Congress in the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
    So, I strongly support the gentlelady's amendment.
    I yield back to you, Mr. Chairman.
    Chairman Comer. The gentleman yields back.
    The Chair recognizes Ms. Greene.
    Ms. Greene. Thank you.
    Ms. Crockett, I do agree with you about Tyre Nichols' 
death. I watched the video, and it was tragic and extremely 
difficult to watch.
    I would also like to point out that that city is Democrat-
controlled, and the five officers that have been arrested and 
charged are Black. And I think that this isn't an issue of 
racism or anything like that. I think that the judge and the 
jury and the trial needs to work out what happened there. But I 
share that with you.
    But I would like to also point something that I would hope 
you would share with me. There is a woman in this room whose 
daughter was murdered on January 6, Ashli Babbitt. And Ashli 
Babbitt, there has never been a trial. As a matter of fact, no 
one has cared about the person that shot and killed her, and no 
one in this Congress has really addressed that issue. The 
January 6th Committee didn't address it.
    I believe that there are many people that came into the 
Capitol on January 6 whose civil rights and liberties are being 
violated heavily. This committee will, I hope, Mr. Chairman, 
look into those civil rights abuses, because they are happening 
in a jail right here in this city, and I hope Ms. Norton will 
care about that as well, as well as jails across the country.
    I have been in that jail. And it is not just the January 6 
defendants pretrial, by the way. It is many of the inmates in 
there living in horrific conditions. So, I think that is 
something that you and I can care about.
    Mr. Raskin. Will the gentlelady yield just for a moment?
    Ms. Greene. No, I will not yield.
    But I would like to say and point out that civil rights and 
liberties are important, but we have to make sure that we crack 
down on the two-tiered justice system, because that needs to 
    I yield back the remainder of my time.
    Chairman Comer. The gentlelady yields back.
    Any further?
    Seeing none, the question is on the amendment.
    All those in favor, say aye.
    All those opposed, say no.
    In the opinion of the Chair, the nos have it.
    Mr. Raskin. I would like to request a recorded vote, Mr. 
    Chairman Comer. A recorded vote has been requested.
    Roll call votes will be postponed, and the time will be 
announced in advance.
    Are there any other amendments?
    Mr. Donalds. Mr. Chairman, I have an amendment.
    Chairman Comer. The clerk will designate the amendment.
    The Clerk. Amendment No. 7 to the rules of the Committee on 
Oversight and Accountability, as offered by Representative 
    Chairman Comer. The Chair recognizes Mr. Donalds for five 
    Mr. Donalds. Well, Mr. Chairman, and to the members, what 
my rule would do is actually what we have been doing under the 
discussion of the rules of this committee.
    For the freshmen who are just here, people who have watched 
committees, obviously for my colleagues who have been here for 
a very long time, the process of all the committees in Congress 
has typically been seniority recognition. So, the members 
typically come in by their seniority. You have your five 
minutes. You are recognized. And not all members, but a lot of 
our members do leave at the end of their five minutes.
    So, when we have witnesses in the room, what you actually 
witness is a situation where there is no dialog between the 
Members of Congress. There is a back and forth of witnesses who 
are in the room, and then there is no broader discussion by the 
    My rule change, what it would provide, is an ability for 
all members to be recognized through the chair so that the 
members, at their discretion of when they want to engage in 
dialog, will go through the chair. You wouldn't be constrained 
to simply your five minutes. You would have an ability to 
engage in dialog, whether it is with a witness directly that 
says something later in discussion that you want to come back 
and circle around and speak to, or to even have dialog through 
witnesses with members on the other side of the aisle.
    This rule change actually facilitates debate in committees, 
something that I found, coming in as a freshman, we do very 
little of in committees. This rule change will actually help 
our committees be more efficient in time because instead of 
being structured in five-minute blocks where, obviously, we 
have many staff members in the room, where the staff write our 
commentary to five minutes, it would give us the ability to 
actually get to the point. And sometimes, instead of needing 
five minutes, you only need two, or maybe even one.
    The third thing it will do is that we have issues with 
government official who do have to come before this committee, 
and sometimes their time is limited. So, what this amendment 
will provide for is the ability for their time to be respected 
and for the members of the committee, some, of course, who have 
less seniority, you freshmen, have the ability to engage with 
these members before they have to leave because some of them 
only have two hours or three hours.
    So, that is the structure of the amendment, Mr. Chairman.
    Now, I will also add that I am aware that there are members 
on my side of the aisle who have concerns about this amendment 
because we are in a process where we kind of structure our days 
and our time based upon when we come in and come out. Many of 
us have committees that meet at the same time, another issue 
for the structure of the House that I think should be changed.
    To my colleague on the other side of Florida, we know how 
that works in the state legislature where you actually schedule 
your committees in blocks so members can be where they need to 
    But because this is something that is new to Congress, and 
I think this is something that Congress does need, but also to 
respect the discretion of our chair, my hope is that the 
chairman would work with us all to try to make sure we 
facilitate more debate in our process. Because in the Oversight 
Committee, we are going to be touching many topics that are 
going to require the debate of the members through witnesses 
instead of just speechifying to the witnesses for clips and 
reels and all that fun stuff.
    So, in the essence of being supportive of my Chair, and 
want to make sure that we are working effectively and 
officially in this committee, I am going to withdraw my 
amendment. But I do think it is something that the members 
should think about, not just in this Congress but in the 
evolution of Congress in the years to come.
    Mr. Chairman, I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. The gentleman yields back.
    And if I may respond. I will work with you on that. I agree 
with what you are saying and will make every accommodation 
possible to do exactly what you just said there.
    Any other members seek recognition on amendments?
    Seeing none, we are going to recess until 12:30, and then 
we will have those votes at 12:30, and we will try to get 
through this as quickly as possible. We want to be very 
efficient and respectful of your time. We will have 10 minutes 
to gather everybody up for votes and then we will--or 11 
minutes--and then we will have votes at promptly 12:30.
    The committee is now in recess.
    Chairman Comer. It is now in order to take up the postponed 
recorded votes.
    A recorded vote has been requested for amendment Raskin's 
No. 1. The clerk will call the roll.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan?
    Mr. Jordan. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan votes no.
    Mr. Turner?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Gosar?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx?
    Ms. Foxx. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx votes no.
    Mr. Grothman?
    Mr. Grothman. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Grothman votes no.
    Mr. Palmer?
    Mr. Palmer. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Palmer votes no.
    Mr. Higgins?
    Mr. Higgins. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Higgins votes no.
    Mr. Sessions?
    Mr. Sessions. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Sessions votes no.
    Mr. Biggs?
    Mr. Biggs. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Biggs votes no.
    Ms. Mace?
    Ms. Mace. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Mace votes no.
    Mr. LaTurner?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Fallon?
    Mr. Fallon. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fallon votes no.
    Mr. Donalds?
    Mr. Donalds. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Donalds votes no.
    Mr. Armstrong?
    Mr. Armstrong. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Armstrong votes no.
    Mr. Perry?
    Mr. Perry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Perry votes no.
    Mr. Timmons?
    Mr. Timmons. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Timmons votes no.
    Mr. Burchett?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Ms. Greene?
    Ms. Greene. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Greene votes no.
    Mrs. McClain?
    Mrs. McClain. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. McClain votes no.
    Mrs. Boebert?
    Mrs. Boebert. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Boebert votes no.
    Mr. Fry?
    Mr. Fry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fry votes no.
    Mrs. Luna?
    Mrs. Luna. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Luna votes no.
    Mr. Edwards?
    Mr. Edwards. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Edwards votes no.
    Mr. Langworthy?
    Mr. Langworthy. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Langworthy votes no.
    Mr. Burlison?
    Mr. Burlison. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burlison votes no.
    Mr. Raskin?
    Mr. Raskin. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Raskin votes aye.
    Ms. Norton?
    Ms. Norton. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Norton votes yes.
    Mr. Lynch?
    Mr. Lynch. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Lynch votes yes.
    Mr. Connolly?
    Mr. Connolly. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Connolly votes yes.
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi?
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Krishnamoorthi votes yes.
    Mr. Khanna?
    Mr. Khanna. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Khanna votes yes.
    Mr. Mfume?
    Mr. Mfume. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Mfume votes yes.
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez?
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez votes yes.
    Ms. Porter?
    Ms. Porter. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Porter votes yes.
    Ms. Bush?
    Ms. Bush. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Bush votes yes.
    Ms. Brown?
    Ms. Brown. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Brown votes yes.
    Mr. Gomez?
    Mr. Gomez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Gomez votes yes.
    Ms. Stansbury?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia?
    Mr. Garcia. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia votes yes.
    Mr. Frost?
    Mr. Frost. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Frost votes yes.
    Ms. Balint?
    Ms. Balint. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Balint votes yes.
    Ms. Lee?
    Ms. Lee. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Lee votes yes.
    Mr. Casar?
    Mr. Casar. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Casar votes yes.
    Ms. Crockett?
    Ms. Crockett. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Crockett votes yes.
    Mr. Goldman?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz?
    Mr. Moskowitz. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz votes yes.
    Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. No.
    Are there any other members who haven't recorded a vote?
    Mr. LaTurner. Mr. Chairman, how am I recorded?
    Chairman Comer. How is Mr. LaTurner recorded?
    The Clerk. Mr. LaTurner is not recorded.
    Mr. LaTurner. I vote no.
    The Clerk. Mr. LaTurner votes no.
    Chairman Comer. Will the clerk report the tally.
    The Clerk. The vote is 23 in favor, 19 opposed.
    Chairman Comer. I think that is wrong.
    The Clerk. My apologies. Twenty-three nos, 19 yes.
    Chairman Comer. All right. The amendment fails.
    A recorded vote has been requested for Raskin's Amendment 
No. 2. The clerk will call the roll.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan?
    Mr. Jordan. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan votes no.
    Mr. Turner?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Gosar?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx?
    Ms. Foxx. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx votes no.
    Mr. Grothman?
    Mr. Grothman. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Grothman votes no.
    Mr. Palmer?
    Mr. Palmer. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Palmer votes no.
    Mr. Higgins?
    Mr. Higgins. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Higgins votes no.
    Mr. Sessions?
    Mr. Sessions. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Sessions votes no.
    Mr. Biggs?
    Mr. Biggs. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Biggs votes no.
    Ms. Mace?
    Ms. Mace. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Mace votes no.
    Mr. LaTurner?
    Mr. LaTurner. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. LaTurner votes no.
    Mr. Fallon?
    Mr. Fallon. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fallon votes no.
    Mr. Donalds?
    Mr. Donalds. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Donalds votes no.
    Mr. Armstrong?
    Mr. Armstrong. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Armstrong votes no.
    Mr. Perry?
    Mr. Perry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Perry votes no.
    Mr. Timmons?
    Mr. Timmons. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Timmons votes no.
    Mr. Burchett?
    Mr. Burchett?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Ms. Greene?
    Ms. Greene. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Greene votes no.
    Mrs. McClain?
    Mrs. McClain. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. McClain votes no.
    Mrs. Boebert?
    Mrs. Boebert. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Boebert votes no.
    Mr. Fry?
    Mr. Fry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fry votes no.
    Mrs. Luna?
    Mrs. Luna. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Luna votes no.
    Mr. Edwards?
    Mr. Edwards. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Edwards votes no.
    Mr. Langworthy?
    Mr. Langworthy. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Langworthy votes no.
    Mr. Burlison?
    Mr. Burlison. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burlison votes no.
    Mr. Raskin?
    Mr. Raskin. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Raskin votes yes.
    Ms. Norton?
    Ms. Norton. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Norton votes yes.
    Mr. Lynch?
    Mr. Lynch. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Lynch votes yes.
    Mr. Connolly?
    Mr. Connolly. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Connolly votes yes.
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi?
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Krishnamoorthi votes yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Khanna?
    Mr. Khanna. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Khanna votes yes.
    Mr. Mfume?
    Mr. Mfume. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Mfume votes yes.
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez?
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez votes yes.
    Ms. Porter?
    Ms. Porter. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Porter votes yes.
    Ms. Bush?
    Ms. Bush. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Bush votes yes.
    Ms. Brown?
    Ms. Brown. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Brown votes yes.
    Mr. Gomez?
    Mr. Gomez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Gomez votes yes.
    Ms. Stansbury?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia?
    Mr. Garcia. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia votes yes.
    Mr. Frost?
    Mr. Frost. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Frost votes yes.
    Ms. Balint?
    Ms. Balint. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Balint votes yes.
    Ms. Lee?
    Ms. Lee. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Lee votes yes.
    Mr. Casar?
    Mr. Casar. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Casar votes yes.
    Ms. Crockett?
    Ms. Crockett. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Crockett votes yes.
    Mr. Goldman?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz?
    Mr. Moskowitz. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz votes yes.
    Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. Vote no.
    Does any other member seek to be recognized to vote?
    If not, the clerk will report the tally.
    The Clerk. Twenty-three nos, 19 yeses.
    Chairman Comer. The amendment fails.
    A recorded vote has been requested for the Lynch amendment. 
The clerk will call the roll.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Turner?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Gosar?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx?
    Ms. Foxx. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx votes no.
    Mr. Grothman?
    Mr. Grothman. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Grothman votes no.
    Mr. Palmer?
    Mr. Palmer. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Palmer votes no.
    Mr. Higgins?
    Mr. Higgins. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Higgins votes no.
    Mr. Sessions?
    Mr. Sessions. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Sessions votes no.
    Mr. Biggs?
    Mr. Biggs. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Biggs votes no.
    Ms. Mace?
    Ms. Mace. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Mace votes no.
    Mr. LaTurner?
    Mr. LaTurner. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. LaTurner votes no.
    Mr. Fallon?
    Mr. Fallon. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fallon votes no.
    Mr. Donalds?
    Mr. Donalds. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Donalds votes no.
    Mr. Armstrong?
    Mr. Armstrong. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Armstrong votes no.
    Mr. Perry?
    Mr. Perry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Perry votes no.
    Mr. Timmons?
    Mr. Timmons. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Timmons votes no.
    Mr. Burchett?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Ms. Greene?
    Ms. Greene. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Greene votes no.
    Mrs. McClain?
    Mrs. McClain. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. McClain votes no.
    Mrs. Boebert?
    Mrs. Boebert. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Boebert votes no.
    Mr. Fry?
    Mr. Fry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fry votes no.
    Mrs. Luna?
    Mrs. Luna. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Luna votes no.
    Mr. Edwards?
    Mr. Edwards. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Edwards votes no.
    Mr. Langworthy?
    Mr. Langworthy. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Langworthy votes no.
    Mr. Burlison?
    Mr. Burlison. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burlison votes no.
    Mr. Raskin?
    Mr. Raskin. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Raskin votes yes.
    Ms. Norton?
    Ms. Norton. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Norton votes yes.
    Mr. Lynch?
    Mr. Lynch. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Lynch votes yes.
    Mr. Connolly?
    Mr. Connolly. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Connolly votes yes.
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi?
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Krishnamoorthi votes yes.
    Mr. Khanna?
    Mr. Khanna. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Khanna votes yes.
    Mr. Mfume?
    Mr. Mfume. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Mfume votes yes.
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez?
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez votes yes.
    Ms. Porter?
    Ms. Porter. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Porter votes yes.
    Ms. Bush?
    Ms. Bush. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Bush votes yes.
    Ms. Brown?
    Ms. Brown. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Brown votes yes.
    Mr. Gomez?
    Mr. Gomez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Gomez votes yes.
    Ms. Stansbury?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia?
    Mr. Garcia. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia votes yes.
    Mr. Frost?
    Mr. Frost. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Frost votes yes.
    Ms. Balint?
    Ms. Balint. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Balint votes yes.
    Ms. Lee?
    Ms. Lee. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Lee votes yes.
    Mr. Casar?
    Mr. Casar. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Casar votes yes.
    Ms. Crockett?
    Ms. Crockett. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Crockett votes yes.
    Mr. Goldman?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz?
    Mr. Moskowitz. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz votes yes.
    Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. The Chairman votes no.
    How has Mr. Burchett been recorded?
    The Clerk. He is not recorded.
    Mr. Burchett. Mr. Burchett votes no.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burchett votes no.
    Chairman Comer. Has any other member not been recognized 
for a vote?
    The clerk will please report the tally.
    The Clerk. Twenty-three no, 19 yes.
    Chairman Comer. The amendment fails.
    Now, the recorded vote has been requested for the Mfume 
amendment. The clerk will call the roll.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Turner?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Gosar?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx?
    Ms. Foxx. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx votes no.
    Mr. Grothman?
    Mr. Grothman. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Grothman votes no.
    Mr. Palmer?
    Mr. Palmer. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Palmer votes no.
    Mr. Higgins?
    Mr. Higgins. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Higgins votes no.
    Mr. Sessions?
    Mr. Sessions. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Sessions votes no.
    Mr. Biggs?
    Mr. Biggs. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Biggs votes no.
    Ms. Mace?
    Ms. Mace. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Mace votes no.
    Mr. LaTurner?
    Mr. LaTurner. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. LaTurner votes no.
    Mr. Fallon?
    Mr. Fallon. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fallon votes no.
    Mr. Donalds?
    Mr. Donalds. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Donalds votes no.
    Mr. Armstrong?
    Mr. Armstrong. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Armstrong votes no.
    Mr. Perry?
    Mr. Perry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Perry votes no.
    Mr. Timmons?
    Mr. Timmons. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Timmons votes no.
    Mr. Burchett?
    Mr. Burchett. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burchett votes no.
    Ms. Greene?
    Ms. Greene. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Greene votes no.
    Mrs. McClain?
    Mrs. McClain. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. McClain votes no.
    Mrs. Boebert?
    Mrs. Boebert. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Boebert votes no.
    Mr. Fry?
    Mr. Fry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fry votes no.
    Mrs. Luna?
    Mrs. Luna. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Luna votes no.
    Mr. Edwards?
    Mr. Edwards. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Edwards votes no.
    Mr. Langworthy?
    Mr. Langworthy. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Langworthy votes no.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burlison?
    Mr. Burlison. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burlison votes no.
    Mr. Raskin?
    Mr. Raskin. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Raskin votes yes.
    Ms. Norton?
    Ms. Norton. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Norton votes yes.
    Mr. Lynch?
    Mr. Lynch. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Lynch votes yes.
    Mr. Connolly?
    Mr. Connolly. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Connolly votes yes.
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi?
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Krishnamoorthi votes yes.
    Mr. Khanna?
    Mr. Khanna. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Khanna votes yes.
    Mr. Mfume?
    Mr. Mfume. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Mfume votes yes.
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez?
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez votes yes.
    Ms. Porter?
    Ms. Porter. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Porter votes yes.
    Ms. Bush?
    Ms. Bush. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Bush votes yes.
    Ms. Brown?
    Ms. Brown. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Brown votes yes.
    Mr. Gomez?
    Mr. Gomez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Gomez votes yes.
    Ms. Stansbury?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia?
    Mr. Garcia. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia votes yes.
    Mr. Frost?
    Mr. Fry. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Frost votes yes.
    Ms. Balint?
    Ms. Balint. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Balint votes yes.
    Ms. Lee?
    Ms. Lee. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Lee votes yes.
    Mr. Casar?
    Mr. Casar. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Casar votes yes.
    Ms. Crockett?
    Ms. Crockett. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Crockett votes yes.
    Mr. Goldman?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz?
    Mr. Moskowitz. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz votes yes.
    Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. The Chairman votes no.
    And how has Mr. Jordan been recorded?
    Chairman Comer. Mr. Jordan has not been recorded.
    Mr. Jordan. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan votes no.
    Chairman Comer. Has Mr. Fallon been recorded?
    The Clerk. Yes. Mr. Fallon votes no.
    Chairman Comer. Any other member seek recognition?
    Seeing none, the clerk will record the tally.
    The Clerk. Twenty-four nos, 19 yes.
    Chairman Comer. The amendment fails.
    A recorded vote has been requested for the Porter 
amendment. The clerk will call the roll.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan?
    Mr. Jordan. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan votes no.
    Mr. Turner?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Gosar?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx?
    Ms. Foxx. Foxx votes no.
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx votes no.
    Mr. Grothman?
    Mr. Grothman. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Grothman votes no.
    Mr. Palmer?
    Mr. Palmer. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Palmer votes no.
    Mr. Higgins?
    Mr. Higgins. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Higgins votes no.
    Mr. Sessions?
    Mr. Sessions. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Sessions votes no.
    Mr. Biggs?
    Mr. Biggs. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Biggs votes no.
    Ms. Mace?
    Ms. Mace. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Mace votes no.
    Mr. LaTurner?
    Mr. LaTurner. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. LaTurner votes no.
    Mr. Fallon?
    Mr. Fallon. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fallon votes no.
    Mr. Donalds?
    Mr. Donalds. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Donalds votes no.
    Mr. Armstrong?
    Mr. Armstrong. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Armstrong votes no.
    Mr. Perry?
    Mr. Perry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Perry votes no.
    Mr. Timmons?
    Mr. Timmons. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Timmons votes no.
    Mr. Burchett?
    Mr. Burchett. It is Burchett. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burchett votes no.
    Ms. Greene?
    Ms. Greene. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Greene votes no.
    Mrs. McClain?
    Mrs. McClain. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. McClain votes no.
    Mrs. Boebert?
    Mrs. Boebert. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Boebert votes no.
    Mr. Fry?
    Mr. Fry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fry votes no.
    Mrs. Luna?
    Mrs. Luna. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Luna votes no.
    Mr. Edwards?
    Mr. Edwards. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Edwards votes no.
    Mr. Langworthy?
    Mr. Langworthy. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Langworthy votes no.
    Mr. Burlison?
    Mr. Burlison. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burlison votes no.
    Mr. Raskin?
    Mr. Raskin. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Raskin votes yes.
    Ms. Norton?
    Ms. Norton. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Norton votes yes.
    Mr. Lynch?
    Mr. Lynch. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Lynch votes yes.
    Mr. Connolly?
    Mr. Connolly. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Connolly votes yes.
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi?
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Krishnamoorthi votes yes.
    Mr. Khanna?
    Mr. Khanna. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Khanna votes yes.
    Mr. Mfume?
    Mr. Mfume. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Mfume votes yes.
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez?
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez votes yes.
    Ms. Porter?
    Ms. Porter. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Porter votes yes.
    Ms. Bush?
    Ms. Bush. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Bush votes yes.
    Ms. Brown?
    Ms. Brown. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Brown votes yes.
    Mr. Gomez?
    Mr. Gomez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Gomez votes yes.
    Ms. Stansbury?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia?
    Mr. Garcia. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia votes yes.
    Mr. Frost?
    Mr. Frost. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Frost votes yes.
    Ms. Balint?
    Ms. Balint. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Balint votes yes.
    Ms. Lee?
    Ms. Lee. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Lee votes yes.
    Mr. Casar?
    Mr. Casar. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Casar votes yes.
    Ms. Crockett?
    Ms. Crockett. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Crockett votes yes.
    Mr. Goldman?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz?
    Mr. Moskowitz. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz votes yes.
    Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. Vote no.
    Does any other member seek recognition to vote?
    Seeing none, the clerk will report the tally.
    The Clerk. Twenty-four no, 19 yes.
    Chairman Comer. The Porter amendment fails.
    A recorded vote has been requested for the Crockett 
amendment. The clerk will now call the roll.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan?
    Mr. Jordan. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan votes no.
    Mr. Turner?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Gosar?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx?
    Ms. Foxx. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx votes no.
    Mr. Grothman?
    Mr. Grothman. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Grothman votes no.
    Mr. Palmer?
    Mr. Palmer. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Palmer votes no.
    Mr. Higgins?
    Mr. Higgins. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Higgins votes no.
    Mr. Sessions?
    Mr. Sessions. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Sessions votes no.
    Mr. Biggs?
    Mr. Biggs. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Biggs votes no.
    Ms. Mace?
    Ms. Mace. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Mace votes no.
    Mr. LaTurner?
    Mr. LaTurner. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. LaTurner votes no.
    Mr. Fallon?
    Mr. Fallon. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fallon votes no.
    Mr. Donalds?
    Mr. Donalds. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Donalds votes no.
    Mr. Armstrong?
    Mr. Armstrong. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Armstrong votes no.
    Mr. Perry?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Timmons?
    Mr. Timmons. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Timmons votes no.
    Mr. Burchett?
    Mr. Burchett. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burchett votes no.
    Ms. Greene?
    Ms. Greene. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Greene votes no.
    Mrs. McClain?
    Mrs. McClain. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. McClain votes no.
    Mrs. Boebert?
    Mrs. Boebert. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Boebert votes no.
    Mr. Fry?
    Mr. Fry. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fry votes no.
    Mrs. Luna?
    Mrs. Luna. No.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Luna votes no.
    Mr. Edwards?
    Mr. Edwards. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Edwards votes no.
    Mr. Langworthy?
    Mr. Langworthy. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Langworthy votes no.
    Mr. Burlison?
    Mr. Burlison. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burlison votes no.
    Mr. Raskin?
    Mr. Raskin. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Raskin votes yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Norton?
    Ms. Norton. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Norton votes yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Lynch?
    Mr. Lynch. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Lynch votes yes.
    Mr. Connolly?
    Mr. Connolly. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Connolly votes yes.
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi?
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi. It is Burchett. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Krishnamoorthi votes yes.
    Mr. Khanna?
    Mr. Khanna. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Khanna votes yes.
    Mr. Mfume?
    Mr. Mfume. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Mfume votes yes.
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez?
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez votes yes.
    Ms. Porter?
    Ms. Porter. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Porter votes yes.
    Ms. Bush?
    Ms. Bush. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Bush votes yes.
    Ms. Brown?
    Ms. Brown. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Brown votes yes.
    Mr. Gomez?
    Mr. Gomez. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Gomez votes yes.
    Ms. Stansbury?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia?
    Mr. Garcia. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia votes yes.
    Mr. Frost?
    Mr. Frost. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Frost votes yes.
    Ms. Balint?
    Ms. Balint. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Balint votes yes.
    Ms. Lee?
    Ms. Lee. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Lee votes yes.
    Mr. Casar?
    Mr. Casar. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Casar votes yes.
    Ms. Crockett?
    Ms. Crockett. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Crockett votes yes.
    Mr. Goldman?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz?
    Mr. Moskowitz. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz votes yes.
    Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. Vote no.
    How has Mr. Perry been recorded?
    The Clerk. Mr. Perry is not recorded.
    Mr. Perry. Mr. Perry votes no.
    The Clerk. Mr. Perry votes no.
    Chairman Comer. Any other members not been recorded?
    Seeing none, the clerk will please report the tally.
    The Clerk. Twenty-four nos, 19 yes.
    Chairman Comer. The Crockett amendment fails.
    Since we have concluded our votes on the amendments, I move 
that the proposed rules be adopted as the rules of the 
Committee on Oversight and Accountability for the 118th 
    All those in favor, say aye.
    All those opposed, say no.
    In the opinion of the Chair, the ayes have it, and the 
proposed rules are adopted.
    Mr. Raskin. I would like to seek a recorded vote, Mr. 
    Chairman Comer. A recorded vote has been requested. Will 
the clerk please call the roll?
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan?
    Mr. Jordan. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Jordan votes yes.
    Mr. Turner?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Gosar?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx?
    Ms. Foxx. Yes.
    The Clerk. Ms. Foxx votes yes.
    Mr. Grothman?
    Mr. Grothman. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Grothman votes yes.
    Mr. Palmer?
    Mr. Palmer. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Palmer votes yes.
    Mr. Higgins?
    Mr. Higgins. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Higgins votes yes.
    Mr. Sessions?
    Mr. Sessions. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Sessions votes yes.
    Mr. Biggs?
    Mr. Biggs. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Biggs votes yes.
    Ms. Mace?
    Ms. Mace. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Mace votes yes.
    Mr. LaTurner?
    Mr. LaTurner. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. LaTurner votes yes.
    Mr. Fallon?
    Mr. Fallon. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fallon votes yes.
    Mr. Donalds?
    Mr. Donalds. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Donalds votes yes.
    Mr. Armstrong?
    Mr. Armstrong. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Armstrong votes yes.
    Mr. Perry?
    Mr. Perry. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Perry votes yes.
    Mr. Timmons?
    Mr. Timmons. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Timmons votes yes.
    Mr. Burchett?
    Mr. Burchett. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burchett votes yes.
    Ms. Greene?
    Ms. Greene. Aye.
    The Clerk. Ms. Greene votes yes.
    Mrs. McClain?
    Mrs. McClain. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mrs. McClain votes yes.
    Mrs. Boebert?
    Mrs. Boebert. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Boebert votes yes.
    Mr. Fry?
    Mr. Fry. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Fry votes yes.
    Mrs. Luna?
    Mrs. Luna. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mrs. Luna votes yes.
    Mr. Edwards?
    Mr. Edwards. Yes.
    The Clerk. Mr. Edwards votes yes.
    Mr. Langworthy?
    Mr. Langworthy. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Langworthy votes yes.
    Mr. Burlison?
    Mr. Burlison. Aye.
    The Clerk. Mr. Burlison votes yes.
    Mr. Raskin?
    Mr. Raskin. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Raskin votes no.
    Ms. Norton?
    Ms. Norton. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Norton votes no.
    Mr. Lynch?
    Mr. Lynch. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Lynch votes no.
    Mr. Connolly?
    Mr. Connolly. Nay.
    The Clerk. Mr. Connolly votes no.
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi?
    Mr. Krishnamoorthi. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Krishnamoorthi votes no.
    Mr. Khanna?
    Mr. Khanna. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Khanna votes no.
    Mr. Mfume?
    Mr. Mfume. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Mfume votes no.
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez?
    Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez votes no.
    Ms. Porter?
    Ms. Porter. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Porter votes no.
    Ms. Bush?
    Ms. Bush. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Bush votes no.
    Ms. Brown?
    Ms. Brown. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Brown votes no.
    Mr. Gomez?
    Mr. Gomez. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Gomez votes no.
    Ms. Stansbury?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia?
    Mr. Garcia. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Garcia votes no.
    Mr. Frost?
    Mr. Frost. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Frost votes no.
    Ms. Balint?
    Ms. Balint. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Balint votes no.
    Ms. Lee?
    Ms. Lee. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Lee votes no.
    Mr. Casar?
    Mr. Casar. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Casar votes no.
    Ms. Crockett?
    Ms. Crockett. No.
    The Clerk. Ms. Crockett votes no.
    Mr. Goldman?
    [No response.]
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz?
    Mr. Moskowitz. No.
    The Clerk. Mr. Moskowitz votes no.
    Mr. Chairman?
    Chairman Comer. Yes.
    Does any member need to vote? Everybody voted?
    Will the clerk please report the tally?
    The Clerk. Twenty-four yes, 19 no.
    Chairman Comer. The rules are adopted. And without 
objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. 
Pursuant to House rules, the rules adopted by the Committee on 
Oversight and Accountability for the 118th Congress will be 
published and in the Congressional Record, and made available 
to all members and the public on the committee's website.
    Before we conclude the organizational meeting, I want to 
yield to Ranking Member Raskin for some closing remarks.
    Mr. Raskin. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much.
    I just want to briefly return to something you mentioned at 
the start of the meeting. Our staffs have been working hard to 
update a bipartisan agreement that outlines how we will jointly 
handle certain issues, such as maintaining whistleblower 
protections for witnesses, the use of committee records, 
committing to not investigate each other's staff, our security 
clearance policy, and several other such items.
    The agreement, based on committee precedent, is intended to 
facilitate bipartisan cooperation, transparency, and fairness 
so the committee can conduct its mission as efficiently and 
effectively and in as united a way as possible.
    I hope we can continue our productive conversations and 
appreciate your continuing thoughtful consideration in this 
    I yield back.
    Chairman Comer. I just love this newfound willingness for 
bipartisanship. I think we are going to get along just fine.
    This concludes today's organizational meeting. Without 
objection, committee staff are authorized to make technical and 
conforming changes to reflect the action of the committee in 
adopting the resolution embodying our rules.
    Without objection, the committee stands adjourned.
    [Whereupon, at 1:09 p.m., the committee was adjourned.]
