diff --git "a/data/CHRG-110/CHRG-110hhrg34014.txt" "b/data/CHRG-110/CHRG-110hhrg34014.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/CHRG-110/CHRG-110hhrg34014.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,3938 @@ + + - THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION (NOAA) FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET PROPOSAL +
+[House Hearing, 110 Congress]
+[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
+                 ADMINISTRATION (NOAA) FISCAL YEAR 2008 
+                            BUDGET PROPOSAL 
+                                HEARING
+                               BEFORE THE
+                       SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND
+                              ENVIRONMENT
+                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
+                       ONE HUNDRED TENTH CONGRESS
+                             FIRST SESSION
+                               __________
+                             MARCH 22, 2007
+                               __________
+                           Serial No. 110-16
+                               __________
+     Printed for the use of the Committee on Science and Technology
+     Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.house.gov/science
+                                 ______
+                     U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE
+34-014 PDF                 WASHINGTON DC:  2007
+For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
+Office  Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov Phone: toll free (866)512-1800
+DC area (202)512-1800  Fax: (202) 512-2250 Mail Stop SSOP, 
+Washington, DC 20402-0001
+                 HON. BART GORDON, Tennessee, Chairman
+JERRY F. COSTELLO, Illinois          RALPH M. HALL, Texas
+LYNN C. WOOLSEY, California              Wisconsin
+MARK UDALL, Colorado                 LAMAR S. SMITH, Texas
+DAVID WU, Oregon                     DANA ROHRABACHER, California
+BRIAN BAIRD, Washington              KEN CALVERT, California
+BRAD MILLER, North Carolina          ROSCOE G. BARTLETT, Maryland
+DANIEL LIPINSKI, Illinois            VERNON J. EHLERS, Michigan
+NICK LAMPSON, Texas                  FRANK D. LUCAS, Oklahoma
+GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, Arizona          JUDY BIGGERT, Illinois
+JERRY MCNERNEY, California           W. TODD AKIN, Missouri
+PAUL KANJORSKI, Pennsylvania         JO BONNER, Alabama
+DARLENE HOOLEY, Oregon               TOM FEENEY, Florida
+MICHAEL M. HONDA, California         BOB INGLIS, South Carolina
+JIM MATHESON, Utah                   DAVID G. REICHERT, Washington
+MIKE ROSS, Arkansas                  MICHAEL T. MCCAUL, Texas
+BEN CHANDLER, Kentucky               MARIO DIAZ-BALART, Florida
+RUSS CARNAHAN, Missouri              PHIL GINGREY, Georgia
+CHARLIE MELANCON, Louisiana          BRIAN P. BILBRAY, California
+BARON P. HILL, Indiana               ADRIAN SMITH, Nebraska
+                                 ------                                
+                 Subcommittee on Energy and Environment
+                   HON. NICK LAMPSON, Texas, Chairman
+JERRY F. COSTELLO, Illinois          BOB INGLIS, South Carolina
+LYNN C. WOOLSEY, California          ROSCOE G. BARTLETT, Maryland
+DANIEL LIPINSKI, Illinois            JUDY BIGGERT, Illinois
+GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, Arizona          W. TODD AKIN, Missouri
+JERRY MCNERNEY, California           RANDY NEUGEBAUER, Texas
+MARK UDALL, Colorado                 MICHAEL T. MCCAUL, Texas
+BRIAN BAIRD, Washington              MARIO DIAZ-BALART, Florida
+PAUL KANJORSKI, Pennsylvania             
+BART GORDON, Tennessee               RALPH M. HALL, Texas
+                  JEAN FRUCI Democratic Staff Director
+            CHRIS KING Democratic Professional Staff Member
+         SHIMERE WILLIAMS Democratic Professional Staff Member
+         ELAINE PAULIONIS Democratic Professional Staff Member
+                    STACEY STEEP Research Assistant
+                            C O N T E N T S
+                             March 22, 2007
+                                                                   Page
+Witness List.....................................................     2
+Hearing Charter..................................................     3
+                           Opening Statements
+Statement by Representative Nick Lampson, Chairman, Subcommittee 
+  on Energy and Environment, Committee on Science and Technology, 
+  U.S. House of Representatives..................................     8
+    Written Statement............................................     9
+Statement by Representative Bob Inglis, Ranking Minority Member, 
+  Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, Committee on Science 
+  and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives..................     9
+    Written Statement............................................    10
+Prepared Statement by Representative Jerry F. Costello, Member, 
+  Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, Committee on Science 
+  and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives..................    10
+                               Witnesses:
+Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr. (U.S. Navy, Ret.), Under 
+  Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA 
+  Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
+  U.S. Department of Commerce
+    Oral Statement...............................................    11
+    Written Statement............................................    13
+    Biography....................................................    19
+Dr. Len Pietrafesa, Associate Dean, Office of External Affairs; 
+  Professor of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, College of 
+  Physical and Mathematical Sciences, North Carolina State 
+  University
+    Oral Statement...............................................    20
+    Written Statement............................................    22
+    Biography....................................................    33
+  National Weather Service Operations............................    33
+  National Polar Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite 
+    System (NPOESS)..............................................    35
+  Wildfire and Drought Warnings..................................    35
+  Insufficient Funding Levels....................................    36
+  Law Enforcement Capability.....................................    37
+  Research Capability............................................    38
+  National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).......................    39
+  Satellite Capability...........................................    42
+  International Collaboration....................................    44
+  More on the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)...........    45
+  Climate Change.................................................    46
+  More on the NPOESS.............................................    47
+  Water Monitoring Programs......................................    49
+  New Programs...................................................    49
+  Hurricane Forecasting..........................................    51
+  More on Insufficient Funding...................................    53
+  Water Conservation.............................................    54
+             Appendix 1: Answers to Post-Hearing Questions
+Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr. (U.S. Navy, Ret.), Under 
+  Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA 
+  Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
+  U.S. Department of Commerce....................................    60
+Dr. Len Pietrafesa, Associate Dean, Office of External Affairs; 
+  Professor of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, College of 
+  Physical and Mathematical Sciences, North Carolina State 
+  University.....................................................    62
+             Appendix 2: Additional Material for the Record
+Statement by Dr. Braxton C. Davis, Director, Science and Policy 
+  Division, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, 
+  South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control..    66
+                          2008 BUDGET PROPOSAL
+                              ----------                              
+                        THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2007
+                  House of Representatives,
+            Subcommittee on Energy and Environment,
+                       Committee on Science and Technology,
+                                                    Washington, DC.
+    The Subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 2:00 p.m., in 
+Room 2318 of the Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Nick 
+Lampson [Chairman of the Subcommittee] presiding.
+                            hearing charter
+                     U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
+                  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
+                 Administration (NOAA) Fiscal Year 2008
+                            Budget Proposal
+                        thursday, march 22, 2007
+                          2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
+                   2318 rayburn house office building
+    On Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. the House Committee on 
+Science and Technology's Subcommittee on Energy and Environment will 
+hold a hearing to examine the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
+Administration (NOAA) fiscal year 2008 (FY08) budget proposal.
+Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr., Under Secretary of Commerce for 
+Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator, National Oceanic and 
+Atmospheric Administration
+Dr. Len Pietrafesa, Associate Dean, Office of External Affairs, 
+Professor of Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, College of Physical & 
+Mathematical Sciences, North Carolina State University
+    The President's FY 2008 budget request for the National Oceanic and 
+Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is $3.96 billion, 2.7 percent below 
+the FY 2006 appropriated funding.
+    NOAA's mission includes weather forecasting, climate prediction, 
+management of fisheries and coastal and ocean resources. In addition, 
+NOAA is responsible for mapping and charting our coastal areas and 
+providing other navigation support services through programs of the 
+National Ocean Service (NOS). NOAA also conducts research in support of 
+these missions including atmospheric sciences, coastal and oceanic 
+science, climate and air quality research, ecosystem research, and 
+fisheries and marine mammal research. NOAA also operates a 
+constellation of satellites that monitor and transmit data for weather 
+forecasting, climate prediction, space weather forecasting, and Earth 
+and ocean science research through the National Environmental Satellite 
+Data and Information Service (NESDIS).
+    The President's requests for NOAA routinely exclude funding for a 
+wide array of Congressionally-mandated projects with some of this 
+funding is re-directed to Presidential priorities. However, much of 
+this funding is simply cut from the NOAA budget resulting in a lower 
+funding request for NOAA. This is especially true for accounts in NOS 
+which has the highest number of Congressionally-mandated activities.
+    The table below shows the six primary accounts of the agency's 
+budget. The only line office receiving a substantial increase in the FY 
+2008 request is the National Weather Service (NWS). The FY 2008 request 
+would result in funding levels below FY 2006 appropriations for all 
+other offices, with NOS receiving the largest reduction of $122 
+million, a 21 percent reduction.
+National Weather Service:
+    The National Weather Service (NWS) provides weather, hydrologic, 
+and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, adjacent 
+waters, and ocean areas for the protection of life and property. NWS 
+provides a national infrastructure to gather and process data worldwide 
+from the land, sea, and air.
+    The NWS is the only line office that receives a substantial 
+increase in the President's FY 2008 request. The FY 2008 request for 
+NWS is 6.5 percent higher than the 2006 enacted levels. Three areas 
+account for most (about 84 percent) of the $55.3 million increase: 
+mandatory federal pay raises ($18.3 million); operation and maintenance 
+of the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS), 
+Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), and Next Generation Weather 
+Radar (NEXRAD) ($11.3 million); and the expansion of the Tsunami 
+Warning Network ($17.2 million).
+    AWIPS is the specialized software package that enables forecasters 
+to prepare accurate, timely forecasts and warnings. ASOS is composed of 
+the sensors needed to measure and record significant weather 
+conditions. NEXRAD is the radar system that shows patterns and movement 
+of weather conditions.
+    The increases for the Tsunami network involves funds to repair one 
+of the weather data buoys that add to the enhanced real-time hurricane 
+observations and storm monitoring as well as complete the 39 DART buoy 
+network system. The completion of the tsunami detection network expands 
+NWS's operational capabilities.
+    However, this is the only area where the Administration proposes to 
+make an investment in improved forecasting to protect life and 
+property. If funds for the mandatory pay raise and tsunami network 
+expansion are excluded from the FY 2008 request, the proposed NWS 
+budget increase is a little over two percent. The Tsunami Hazard 
+Mitigation Program was moved from Oceanic and Atmospheric Research 
+(OAR) with a request of $2.1 million.
+    NWS also requests a $1.9 million increase to fund operations, 
+maintenance and transition costs associated with the planned frequency 
+conversion and technical updating of the NOAA Wind Profiler Network 
+(NPN). The NPN improves NWS forecast capability during tornadoes, 
+winter storms, and other severe storms improving their ability to 
+provide aviation and fire weather warnings. The NPN has been in a 
+quasi-operational status. The funds requested will provide for the 
+transition of the NPN to full operational status.
+    NOAA requests an increase of $2.3 million for the Space Environment 
+Center (SEC) over the FY 2006 enacted funding level. The $6.2 million 
+request will support SEC real-time monitoring and forecasting of solar 
+and geophysical events. This will support the space weather alerts and 
+warnings for disturbances that can affect satellite operations, 
+electric utility transmission equipment, astronauts working in the 
+space station and people in aircraft flying along polar flight paths.
+    This FY 2008 request increase may not be sufficient to fully cover 
+all operational and maintenance requirements for current weather 
+forecasting equipment especially if we experience a year with high 
+frequency of severe weather events and hurricanes that often result in 
+damage or loss to weather monitoring and forecasting equipment. This 
+level of funding will not enable NWS to move new monitoring and 
+forecasting equipment from research to fully operational mode.
+National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS):
+    The President's budget FY 2008 budget request would increase the 
+overall NESDIS budget increased by three percent ($26 million 
+increase). The budget for NESDIS is dominated by the procurement, 
+acquisitions and construction (PAC) accounts for the polar and 
+geostationary satellite systems.
+    The Operations, Research and Facilities (ORF) account for NESDIS 
+contains the programmatic funding for management, processing, 
+analyzing, and archiving the data received from all of NOAA's weather 
+monitoring equipment--both ground-based and space-based. This program 
+account includes funds for data processing and analyses at data centers 
+located in Kentucky, North Carolina, Maryland, and West Virginia.
+    This account also supports a number of regional climate centers. 
+The FY 2008 request for these accounts is $20 million below the FY 2006 
+enacted levels. The FY 2008 request also eliminates $4 million in 
+funding for NOAA-NASA Partnerships to facilitate the transfer of 
+research to operations. The Data Centers and Information Services 
+accounts are reduced by $18 million from the FY 2006 enacted levels.
+NESDIS Procurement, Acquisitions and Construction (PAC) Accounts:
+    NOAA operates two satellite systems that collect data for weather 
+forecasting. The polar satellites (Polar-Orbiting Environmental 
+Satellites--POES) orbit the Earth and provide information for medium to 
+long-range weather forecasts. The geostationary satellites (GOES) 
+gather data above a fixed position on the Earth's surface and provide 
+information for short-range warnings and current weather conditions. 
+Both of these systems are scheduled for replacement through the NPOESS 
+and GOES-R programs, respectively. Because of the long time period 
+required to design and develop new satellite series, the procurement of 
+a new series begins years before the current series has completed its 
+production cycle. Therefore, NOAA's procurement budget in this area 
+includes both funds to complete and launch current weather satellites 
+(POES and GOES) and funds to design and develop the next generation of 
+weather satellites (NPOESS and GOES-R).
+    The current series of Geostationary Operational Environmental 
+Satellites (GOES-N, O and P) are nearing completion. GOES-N was 
+launched last May. The FY 2008 request of $80.4 million will support 
+the continued development, procurement and launch of the remaining GOES 
+satellites scheduled for April 2007 and October 2008, respectively. The 
+request for GOES-R, the new series of geostationary satellites ($279 
+million) has been reduced from the original FY 2008 estimate ($532 
+million) to reflect changes in the program's content (reducing the 
+number of instruments and planned number of satellites) and to provide 
+additional time to re-structure the program.
+    The current series of Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellites 
+(POES) is nearing the end of its production cycle. There is one 
+remaining satellite in this series to be launched (POES N-Prime). This 
+satellite was damaged in production in 2003. Problems with the new 
+series of polar satellites, National Polar Orbiting Environmental 
+Satellite System (NPOESS) has resulted in a delay for the first launch 
+of an NPOESS satellite. To decrease the risk of gaps in weather data 
+from these satellites, the last POES satellite will now be launched in 
+2009. The original planned request for POES in FY 2008 was $62 million. 
+The FY 2008 request is $43 million above the original estimate for FY 
+2008 provided in the FY 2007 request. The extra funds are to cover 
+costs for rebuilding and storage costs for N-Prime, support for testing 
+of a European satellite, installation of NOAA instrumentation on a 
+European satellite, and to restore N-Prime funding that was re-directed 
+to POES-N due to an unplanned delay in the launch of the POES-N 
+    The request for NPOESS, the new polar satellite series, is $331 
+million. This is $13 million less than the planned FY 2008 request 
+included in the FY 2007 budget. The funding will cover the continued 
+development, production and risk reduction activities for the four key 
+instruments to be included on the test satellite, the NPOESS 
+Preparatory Project (NPP), scheduled for launch in 2010. Funding for 
+this program will be officially re-evaluated and estimated and the 
+prime contract will be re-negotiated later this year.
+Oceanic and Atmospheric Research:
+    The office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) is the primary 
+research arm of NOAA that provides the scientific information and tools 
+needed for better understanding of the oceans and atmosphere. OAR 
+conducts the scientific research, environmental studies, and technology 
+development needed to improve NOAA's operations. OAR consists of seven 
+internal research laboratories and manages extramural research at 30 
+National Sea Grant colleges and universities. Therefore, OAR contains 
+over half of the research programs at NOAA. These programs are reduced 
+by nearly $11 million below the FY 2006 enacted levels an approximate 
+three percent reduction.
+    NOAA's FY 2008 budget request for Climate Research increases by $23 
+million (13.5 percent) over FY 2006 enacted funding. Most of this 
+increase is in the competitive research program and is accomplished by 
+redirection of funds from Congressionally-mandated projects. This 
+includes $50 million for Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes and 
+Climate Data and $133 million for the Competitive Research Program. A 
+portion of this increase of $5 million will enhance our understanding 
+of the link between ocean currents and rapid climate change. An 
+additional $1 million in funding will provide additional computational 
+support for assessing abrupt climate change.
+    The Administration's FY 2008 NOAA budget reflects an increase in 
+requested funds for ocean activities included in the Ocean Action Plan 
+(OAP) and the recently released Ocean Research Priorities Plan (ORPP). 
+The FY 2008 NOAA budget includes $143 million to support three major 
+areas outlined in the OAP: (1) Enhanced ocean science and research; (2) 
+Protection and restoration of sensitive marine and coastal areas; and 
+(3) Ensuring sustainable use of ocean resources.
+    The FY 2008 budget includes funding for several important ocean and 
+coastal programs for the first time and the FY 2008 budget request is 
+higher than the FY 2007 request. However, the $143 million provided in 
+the Ocean Action Plan represents a decrease of over $200 million from 
+the FY 2006 request for ocean, Great Lakes, and fisheries programs at 
+NOAA. The Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) receives a request 
+of $11.5 million for regional observations.
+    The Administration's budget once again cuts the Ocean, Coastal, and 
+Great Lake Research account below previous years' funding. The FY 2006 
+appropriation level is reduced from $127 million to $105 million, a 17 
+percent decrease for these programs.
+    Sea Grant receives a very small increase ($166 thousand), and the 
+Administration requests an increase for Ocean Exploration of about $14 
+million. The Administration proposed last year to merge the National 
+Undersea Research Program (NURP) with the Ocean Exploration Program. 
+The budget appears to reflect this proposal. All funding for NURP is 
+eliminated ($9 million). Again, the largest reduction comes through the 
+elimination of Congressionally-mandated projects under the category of 
+Other Partnership Programs.
+    The FY 2008 budget request for programs authorized in the Harmful 
+Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act (HABHRCA) is $8.9 
+million, a $9.5 million decrease from FY 2006 funding. HABHRCA 
+authorizes funding for research on harmful algal blooms (HABs) and 
+hypoxia to advance scientific understanding and our ability to detect, 
+assess, predict, control, and mitigate these events.
+    Weather and Air Quality research accounts are reduced in the FY 
+2008 request by $21 million dollars (30 percent decrease) from the FY 
+2006 enacted levels. The Laboratories and Joint Institutes would 
+receive about $6 million above FY 2006 enacted levels, but the other 
+Partnership Programs are reduced by $25 million with the elimination of 
+over a dozen Congressionally-mandated projects.
+    The OAR budget also contains funding for the High-Performance 
+Computing and Communication (HPCC) program. NOAA relies upon 
+sophisticated computer models to make major improvements in NOAA's 
+ability to forecast the weather and climate and to model ecosystems and 
+ocean processes. The FY 2008 budget request proposes $12.97 million, a 
+$6.6 million increase for this program.
+National Ocean Service:
+    The National Ocean Service (NOS) protects the National Marine 
+Sanctuaries and is an advocate for coastal and ocean stewardship. It 
+also introduced electronic nautical charts which they combine with 
+Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to enhance the safety and efficiency 
+of navigation of U.S. waterways. The President's FY 2008 request for 
+NOS would reduce funding for NOS programs by over 20 percent. The 
+largest reductions are in the Ocean Assessment program ($36 million) 
+and in the Response and Restoration program ($13 million) of the Ocean 
+Resources, Conservation and Assessment accounts.
+    Funding for Navigational Services including mapping and charting 
+and geodetic surveys (measuring and monitoring the size and shape of 
+the Earth and locating points on its surface) would be reduced by over 
+$5 million in the FY 2008 request.
+    The Ocean and Coastal Zone Management accounts would receive about 
+$4 million additional in funding primarily through an increase in the 
+request for funds in the Marine Sanctuary program.
+Program Support:
+    The Program Support account includes funding for corporate services 
+and agency management. This is the Under Secretary's office, the office 
+of the Chief Financial Officer, and the Program, Planning and 
+Integration Office.
+    The Program Support account also includes the NOAA Education 
+Program. Overall, the Program Support account is reduced by about 10 
+percent as compared to the FY 2006 enacted level. Most of this 
+reduction is due to a reduction in the procurement accounts.
+    However, the proposed funding for NOAA education programs is also 
+reduced significantly below the $38 million enacted for these programs 
+in FY 2006 to a proposed funding level of $19 million (48 percent 
+reduction). NOAA plans to provide lower funding levels for the Hollings 
+Scholarship ($3.7 million); the Nancy Foster Scholarship ($400,000); 
+JASON Education and Outreach ($1 million) and the Education Partnership 
+Program ($14 million).
+    With a nearly fifty-percent cut to the Education Program, the 
+promotion of careers in environmental sciences to ensure future 
+workforce in disciplines critical to NOAA's mission is undermined.
+    Chairman Lampson. I will call this meeting to order. I wish 
+everyone a good afternoon. Welcome everyone to today's 
+Subcommittee hearing on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
+Administration Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Request. This important 
+agency provides warnings to our citizens of severe weather, 
+charts our seas and skies, guides the management of our ocean 
+and coastal resources and conducts research to improve our 
+understanding of the environment.
+    NOAA is a diverse agency with many important missions and 
+responsibilities. However, issuing watches and warnings of 
+severe storms may be the role for which NOAA is most famous. In 
+Texas we experience storms every year in the form of tornadoes 
+and hurricanes. In 2005, the Gulf Coast experienced one of the 
+worst natural disasters in American history when Hurricanes 
+Katrina and Rita slammed into our coastline back to back. Texas 
+was hit especially hard by Rita causing billions of dollars in 
+damage. Fortunately, many lives were saved as a result of the 
+forecasting done by NOAA's National Hurricane Center and the 
+local forecasting offices of the National Weather Service.
+    Accurate prediction of hurricanes and other severe storms 
+and sound management of our ocean and coastal resources can 
+only be achieved through sound investments in the personnel, 
+equipment, and research at NOAA.
+    While there are some encouraging features of this year's 
+budget request for NOAA, the Administration has once again 
+requested less funding for 2008 than Congress appropriated in 
+past years. The Administration's budget provides few 
+opportunities to expand NOAA capacity to fulfill its diverse 
+missions. If NOAA is to advance its capabilities to forecast 
+the weather, if we are to restore our fisheries and coastal 
+ecosystems to a productive and healthy state, if we are to 
+advance our understanding of the oceans and the atmosphere, we 
+must invest additional funds in this agency. I have said it a 
+thousand times that an investment will give us significant 
+return when we make those investments, if they are done right.
+    We continue to be concerned about the procurements for the 
+new polar and geostationary weather satellite systems. It is 
+essential that we have these new systems completed and 
+delivered in time to avoid any gaps in coverage of weather 
+data. I am also concerned about the long-term implications of 
+the cost overruns in the polar satellite program, NPOESS, for 
+NOAA's budget in the future. The Committee will continue to 
+follow both of these procurements closely.
+    On the positive side, the Administration included funding 
+for an integrated ocean observing system, funding for the 
+National Integrated Drought Information System, NOAA's wind 
+profilers, and funding to complete the Tsunami Warning Network. 
+I also support the provision of funds to cover the cost of pay 
+raise for NOAA employees. The work NOAA does every day impacts 
+our everyday lives and supports our economy.
+    I look forward to hearing the testimony of our witnesses 
+who are here today, and I thank you very much, your views on 
+the Administration's budget proposal, and your recommendations 
+for improving NOAA's capabilities in the atmospheric and ocean 
+    At this time I'd like to recognize our distinguished 
+Ranking Member, Mr. Inglis, of South Carolina, for his opening 
+    [The prepared statement of Chairman Lampson follows:]
+              Prepared Statement of Chairman Nick Lampson
+    Good Afternoon. I want to welcome everyone to today's Subcommittee 
+hearing on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration FY 2008 
+budget request.
+    This important agency provides warnings to our citizens of severe 
+weather; charts our seas and skies; guides the management of our ocean 
+and coastal resources; and conducts research to improve our 
+understanding of the environment.
+    NOAA is a diverse agency with many important missions and 
+responsibilities. However, issuing watches and warnings of severe 
+storms may be the role for which NOAA is the most famous.
+    In Texas we experience severe storms every year in the form of 
+tornadoes and hurricanes. In 2005, the Gulf Coast experienced one of 
+the worst natural disasters in American history when Hurricanes Katrina 
+and Rita slammed into our coastline back-to-back.
+    Texas was hit especially hard by Rita, causing billions of dollars 
+in damage. Fortunately, many lives were saved as a result of the 
+forecasting done by NOAA's National Hurricane Center and the local 
+forecasting offices of the National Weather Service.
+    Accurate prediction of hurricanes and other severe storms and sound 
+management of our ocean and coastal resources can only be achieved 
+through sound investments in the personnel, equipment, and research at 
+    While there are some encouraging features of this year's budget 
+request for NOAA, the Administration has once again requested less 
+funding for NOAA in 2008 than Congress appropriated in past years. The 
+Administration's budget provides few opportunities to expand NOAA's 
+capacity to fulfill its diverse missions.
+    If NOAA is to advance its capabilities to forecast the weather, if 
+we are to restore our fisheries and coastal ecosystems to a productive 
+and healthy state, if we are to advance our understanding of the oceans 
+and the atmosphere, we must invest additional funds in this agency.
+    We continue to be concerned about the procurements for the new 
+polar and geostationary weather satellite systems. It is essential that 
+we have these new systems completed and delivered in time to avoid any 
+gaps in coverage of weather data.
+    I am also concerned about the long-term implications of the cost-
+overruns in the polar satellite program--NPOESS--for NOAA's budget in 
+the future. The Committee will continue to follow both of these 
+procurements closely.
+    On the positive side, the Administration included funding for an 
+integrated ocean observing system, funding for the National Integrated 
+Drought Information System, NOAA's wind profilers, and funding to 
+complete the Tsunami Warning Network. I also support the provision of 
+funds to cover the cost of the pay raise for NOAA employees.
+    The work NOAA does everyday impacts our everyday lives and supports 
+our economy.
+    I look forward to hearing your testimony, your views on the 
+Administration's budget proposal, and your recommendations for 
+improving NOAA's capabilities in the atmospheric and ocean sciences.
+    Mr. Inglis. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you for 
+being here today with us. Good afternoon. This hearing about 
+the President's fiscal year 2008 request for the National 
+Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is an important part of 
+what we do here at the Science Committee. This is a tight 
+budget climate, and given all the competing demands for federal 
+resources, this appears to be a balanced budget request for 
+NOAA. It maintains ongoing operational needs while providing 
+for some new initiatives that have been recommended by the U.S. 
+Commission on Ocean Policy.
+    I am particularly interested in the budget for the National 
+Weather Service. This arm of NOAA provides vital services that 
+our citizens and economy depend on every day. My state of South 
+Carolina faces threats from hurricanes, occasional ice storms, 
+if you can believe it, and flooding just to name a few. Without 
+the timely and accurate forecast and warnings provided by the 
+Weather Service, we would be in the dark about these dangers, 
+and so I want to make sure that the Weather Service continues 
+to have the resources to do its great work.
+    NOAA also provides important information services for other 
+parts of our coastal communities or other aspects for our 
+coastal communities. While I recognize that many in the ocean 
+community would like to see an even larger budget for NOAA, I 
+would give the Admiral credit for the new initiatives in the 
+Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Request that reflect priorities in the 
+President's Ocean Action Plan. At a time when many agencies 
+face flat or declining budgets, he convinced the Administration 
+to invest $123 million in programs that will improve our 
+understanding of stewardship of coastal and ocean resources. We 
+are grateful for your work on that, Admiral.
+    Thank you to both of you for being here, and we look 
+forward to hearing more of the details of the NOAA proposed 
+budget for 2008. And I yield back the balance of my time, Mr. 
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. Inglis follows:]
+            Prepared Statement of Representative Bob Inglis
+    Good afternoon. Thank you, Chairman Lampson, for holding this 
+hearing about the President's Fiscal Year 2008 request for the National 
+Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
+    Outside this committee, we don't hear much about NOAA, but that's 
+not because NOAA isn't doing much. The services NOAA provides have 
+broad applications and impacts, and it's vital that these services have 
+the resources necessary to continue to do the best job possible.
+    Take the National Weather Service for example. This arm of NOAA 
+provides vital services that our citizens and economy depend on every 
+day. One of those citizens and businessmen is my brother, who operates 
+a shrimping boat in Bluffton, South Carolina. The timely and accurate 
+forecasts and warnings provided by the Weather Service enable my 
+brother to profit from the best weather, and avoid the worst. It's 
+vital that this, and other services, have the resources necessary to 
+continue to do the best job possible.
+    NOAA also provides important information and services for coastal 
+communities. While I recognize that many in the ocean community would 
+like to see an even larger budget for NOAA, I want to give Admiral 
+Lautenbacher credit for the new initiatives in the FY 2008 budget 
+request that reflect priorities in the President's Ocean Action Plan. 
+At a time when many agencies face flat or declining budgets, he 
+convinced the powers that be to invest $123 million in programs that 
+will improve our understanding and stewardship of coastal and ocean 
+resources. We should not overlook his good work on that issue.
+    I thank our witnesses for being here today and look forward to 
+learning more details about NOAA's proposed FY 2008 budget.
+    I yield back the balance of my time.
+    Chairman Lampson. Thank you, Mr. Inglis. I ask unanimous 
+consent that all additional opening statements, and we have so 
+many Members here today, submitted by the Subcommittee Members 
+be included in the record. Without objection so ordered.
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. Costello follows:]
+         Prepared Statement of Representative Jerry F. Costello
+    Good afternoon. I would like to thank the witnesses for appearing 
+before our subcommittee today to discuss the President's fiscal year 
+2008 (FY08) budget proposal for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
+Administration (NOAA).
+    The National Weather Service (NWS) is under the jurisdiction of 
+NOAA and it plays a significant role in providing weather forecasting 
+for a variety of sectors. Specifically, the NWS's weather products and 
+data are a vital component of the Federal Aviation Administration's 
+(FAA's) air traffic control system, providing timely and accurate 
+weather information to local, regional, and national air traffic 
+management, navigation, and surveillance systems. To ensure our 
+nation's aviation weather technologies and services are accurate, cost 
+effective, and efficient, I am pleased the Government Accountability 
+Office (GAO) is in the process of evaluating the NWS's efforts to 
+implement recommendations to improve aviation weather services and I 
+look forward to hearing from our witnesses on the current status of the 
+Nation's aviation weather technologies and services.
+    In addition to NWS's role in providing weather services to the 
+aviation community, the agency within NOAA is also involved in 
+forecasting weather for our communities. In Southwestern Illinois, 
+there have been a series of bad weather-related storms causing 
+significant damage and destruction to communities in the congressional 
+district I am privileged to represent. As a result, several of the 
+counties were declared federal disaster areas by the President, and our 
+region has been eligible for assistance to rebuild and restore homes, 
+schools, businesses, and local infrastructures. Before any storm hits, 
+it is critically important to have accurate and timely information on 
+weather forecasts in order to prepare.
+    While I recognize that weather forecasting is not 100% correct, 
+computer modeling and weather forecasting programs continue to advance 
+in order to reduce the margin of error. The President's FY08 proposed 
+budget provides for a 6.5 percent increase than the 2006 enacted levels 
+for the National Weather Service (NWS). I am pleased the Next 
+Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD), a radar system that shows patterns 
+and movements of weather conditions, received an $11.3 million 
+    However, I have concerns that the FY08 increase for the NWS may not 
+be sufficient to fully cover all operational and maintenance 
+requirements for current weather forecasting equipment, especially if 
+we experience a year with severe weather events and hurricanes that 
+often result in damage or loss to weather monitoring and forecasting 
+    I look forward to hearing the testimony of our witnesses.
+    Chairman Lampson. We do have one small problem. I think we 
+can get our opening statements out of the way in convenient 
+time, but we will have a vote that will come up probably 
+sometime in the next five, maybe less than 10, minutes. We have 
+got adequate time, I believe, to have both of your statements 
+made, and then if you all will forgive us, we will run off and 
+make our way back as quickly as we possibly can.
+    It is a pleasure to introduce the excellent panel of 
+witnesses that we have with us here this afternoon. Vice 
+Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher is the Under Secretary of Commerce 
+for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator of NOAA and Dr. Len 
+Pietrafesa is the Associate Dean of External Affairs and 
+Professor of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at North Carolina 
+State University and is the former Chair of NOAA's Science 
+Advisory Board.
+    So we welcome both of you very much. You will each have 
+five minutes for your spoken testimony. Your full, written 
+testimony will be included in the record for the hearing. And 
+when each of you have completed your testimony, we will begin 
+with questions, and each Member will have five minutes to 
+question the panel and we will rotate as normal.
+    Admiral Lautenbacher, would you please begin?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Good 
+afternoon, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Inglis, members of the 
+staff. We appreciate very much this opportunity to be able to 
+testify on behalf of the 2008 budget. We thank this committee 
+for its continuing support. This committee has been very 
+important to the ability of NOAA to carry out its mission, and 
+we look forward to working with you to build the best budget 
+possible for the country.
+    This year I think everyone is aware NOAA is celebrating 200 
+years of science, service, and stewardship to the Nation. The 
+precursor of NOAA was the first scientific agency in the United 
+States Government, seen fit to be brought into existence by 
+President Thomas Jefferson and the Congress in those days. 
+Since that point, we have been joined by the Weather Bureau, 
+Commission on Fish and Fisheries in the 1870's and up until 
+today where we have satellites and a fabulous research branch 
+that works for us. So it has been a long road. Our folks are 
+very proud of their contributions, and we are looking forward 
+to celebrating this legacy this year.
+    I have a couple of details on the 2008 request. Allow me to 
+mention just a couple of the accomplishments that have occurred 
+in the past year thanks to the support of Congress. In June, 
+the President designated the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands as a 
+Marine National Monument encompassing nearly 140,000 square 
+miles. This monument includes 4,500 square miles of relatively 
+undisturbed coral reef habitat that is home to more than 7,000 
+species, a quarter of which do not exist anywhere else on 
+Earth. And for the first time, NOAA will play a leading role in 
+managing a national monument. It is an exciting and important 
+opportunity for NOAA.
+    We have also increased the security of our nation's folks 
+living around the coastlines. We have a combination of new 
+tsunami buoys and around-the-clock warning capability thanks to 
+support from Congress. NOAA has 23 special buoys around the 
+U.S. coast. Plans call for the U.S. Tsunami Warning Network to 
+include 39 buoy stations by mid-summer 2008 with 32 in the 
+Pacific and seven in the Atlantic. NOAA has also achieved 24-7 
+operation of the Nation's two Tsunami Warning Centers located 
+in Alaska and Hawaii which provide warnings and alerts to our 
+nation and to the nations in the Pacific rim.
+    NOAA collaborated with federal partners to place a NOAA 
+weather radio in every public school in America, and the 
+support of this committee has been very important to NOAA 
+weather radio. That is more than 97,000 radios to aid in 
+protecting our children. Our weather radios, All Hazards, 
+provide automatic alerts for severe weather, man-made disasters 
+such as chemical spills and terrorism threats as well as Amber 
+Alerts for missing children.
+    My written testimony presents the details of the budget. It 
+is aligned in several priority areas. First of all, sustaining 
+critical operations and then supporting our U.S. Ocean Action 
+Plan mentioned previously, improving weather warnings and 
+forecasts and climate monitoring and research are all important 
+to today's society and economy. I will highlight just a few of 
+the key increases in these areas.
+    The total request is $3.8 billion which represents a $131 
+million, or 3.4 percent, increase over the fiscal year 2007 
+request. But as mentioned, it is a $96 million decrease from 
+the fiscal year 2006 enacted level. The budget does provide 
+modest new investments in priority areas while maintaining 
+critical services. Approximately $54 million in net increases 
+will support our workforce which is mentioned again as a 
+critical part of what we provide to the country and pay for 
+regular inflation costs. Continued implementation of the 
+President's Ocean Action Plan, which follows on the Ocean 
+Policy Commission and the Pew Commission, remains a priority 
+for the Administration. As mentioned, the budget requests $123 
+million increase to support the plan, $60 million for ocean 
+science and research, $38 million to protect and restore marine 
+and coastal areas, and $25 million to ensure sustainable use of 
+our oceans. And specifically the budget requests $16.4 million 
+for the Integrated Ocean Observing System, or IOOS, for 
+development of regional systems and improved data management 
+and communications. It also includes $8 million for enforcement 
+and management activities in the newly designated Northwestern 
+Hawaiian Islands National Marine Monument.
+    To improve weather forecast and warnings, our budget 
+requested an increase of $5 million to support operations and 
+maintenance of hurricane data buoys and research on hurricane 
+intensity that will ultimately save lives. More than $23 
+million in total is requested to continue strengthening the 
+U.S. Tsunami Warning System, which is including an increase of 
+about $2 million for additional deep-ocean buoy stations. 
+Climate monitoring and research increases of $9.4 million will 
+support the development of an integrated drought early warning 
+forecast system that will enhance our nation's food security by 
+providing earlier and more accurate drought forecasts.
+    I appreciate the efforts again of this committee in passing 
+the NIDIS legislation last year.
+    Let me conclude briefly by talking briefly about two 
+oversight issues which I know are of importance to this 
+committee and certainly to NOAA. There have been many 
+challenges with our satellite programs and NPOESS in 
+particular. Let me assure the Committee that I am doing 
+everything, along with my organization, to ensure this program 
+stays on track. We have made numerous personnel changes, we are 
+implementing every recommendation from the GAO and the 
+Department of Commerce Inspector General and I meet with the 
+Under Secretary of the Air Force and the NASA Administrator 
+once a quarter and more often, if necessary, to review this 
+program. Satellites are complex and risky tools, but they are 
+vital to all aspects of NOAA's mission.
+    I also want to assure the Committee that the Department of 
+Commerce is in the final stage of updating its communication 
+policy which will ensure our scientists have, for the 
+foreseeable future, the freedom to speak openly, communicate 
+their science to the media and public. Open and free scientific 
+debate is an important principle that I maintain personally and 
+within the organization.
+    Again, thank you for this opportunity to present the 
+budget. I look forward to your questions.
+    [The prepared statement of Vice Admiral Lautenbacher 
+      Prepared Statement of Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr.
+    Madam Chairwoman and Members of the Subcommittee, before I begin my 
+testimony I would like to thank you for your leadership and the 
+generous support you have shown the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
+Administration (NOAA). Your continued support for our programs is 
+appreciated as we work to improve our products and services for the 
+American people. Thank you for the opportunity to testify on the 
+President's Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Budget Request for NOAA.
+    The FY 2008 President's Budget supports NOAA's priority to advance 
+mission-critical services. The FY 2008 request is $3.815 billion, which 
+represents a $131 million or 3.4 percent increase over the FY 2007 
+request. This request includes the level of resources necessary to 
+carry out NOAA's mission, which is to understand and predict changes in 
+the Earth's environment, and conserve and manage coastal and marine 
+resources to meet our nation's economic, social and environmental 
+needs. At NOAA we work to protect the lives and livelihoods of 
+Americans, and provide products and services that benefit the economy, 
+environment, and public safety of the Nation. Before I discuss the 
+details of our FY 2008 budget request, I would like to briefly 
+highlight some of NOAA's notable successes from the past fiscal year 
+President Designates Largest Fully-Protected Marine Area on Earth
+    Recognizing the continuing need for resource protection, President 
+Bush designated the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands as a marine national 
+monument on June 15, 2006. Encompassing nearly 140,000 square miles, 
+the monument covers an area larger than all of our national parks put 
+together, including 4,500 square miles of relatively undisturbed coral 
+reef habitat that is home to more than 7,000 species. The creation of 
+the largest fully-protected marine area in the world is an exciting 
+achievement and recognizes the value of marine resources to our nation.
+Successful Launch of NOAA Satellite GOES-13 and New Satellite 
+                    Operations Facility Ensure Continuity of Improved 
+                    Data Collection
+    On May 24, 2006, officials from NOAA and the National Aeronautics 
+and Space Administration (NASA) confirmed that a new geostationary 
+operational environmental satellite, designed to track hurricanes and 
+other severe weather impacting the Nation, successfully reached orbit. 
+Upon reaching final orbit, the satellite was renamed GOES-13. This is 
+the first in a new series of satellites featuring a more stable 
+platform enabling improved instrument performance. NOAA instruments 
+were also launched on the European MetOp-A polar-orbiting satellite in 
+October 2006. Combined with NOAA and Department of Defense (DOD) 
+operational satellites, MetOp-A will help provide global data for 
+improving forecasts of severe weather, disaster mitigation, and 
+monitoring of the environment. This launch ushered in a new era of 
+U.S.-European cooperation in environmental observing.
+    In 2006, NOAA satellite operations and data processing groups began 
+moving into the new NOAA Satellite Operations Facility (NSOF). The NSOF 
+will house the NOAA satellite command and control functions and data 
+and distribution activities that are central to NOAA's mission. The 
+NSOF will also house the U.S. Mission Control Center for the Search and 
+Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking (SARSAT) program and the National Ice 
+Center (NIC), a joint NOAA/DOD mission to track ice floes and issue 
+warnings to the Nation's maritime force. The NSOF will become fully 
+operational in Spring 2007.
+Enhancements to NOAA's Fleet of Ships and Aircraft
+    Significant progress is being made in modernizing NOAA's fleet. 
+NOAA took delivery of the Fisheries Survey Vessel (FSV) HENRY B. 
+BIGELOW, the second of four new FSV, on July 25, 2006. The BIGELOW has 
+high-tech capabilities that make it one of the world's most advanced 
+fisheries research ships. These ships will be able to perform hydro-
+acoustic fish surveys and conduct bottom and mid-water trawls while 
+running physical and biological oceanographic sampling during a single 
+deployment--a combined capability unavailable in the private sector 
+that will enable research and assessment to be carried out with greater 
+accuracy and cost efficiency. NOAA also took delivery from the Navy of 
+a ``retired'' P-3 aircraft in response to the hurricane supplemental 
+bill attached to the FY 2006 Defense appropriations legislation. 
+Rehabilitation of the P-3 is expected to be completed by the start of 
+the 2008 hurricane season.
+Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Reauthorized
+    Congress reauthorized the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and 
+Management Act (MSA) in December, 2006, and it was signed into law by 
+President Bush on January 12, 2007. The MSA is the guiding legislation 
+that authorizes fishery management activities in federal waters. 
+Enactment of this bill was one of the top priorities of the U.S. Ocean 
+Action Plan. The reauthorized MSA strengthens NOAA's ability to end 
+overfishing, rebuild fish stocks, and work collaboratively on 
+U.S. Tsunami Warning System Improved
+    NOAA designed easy to deploy Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of 
+Tsunamis (DART)-II technology, which provides two-way communication 
+between the buoys and NOAA facilities. This technology allows engineers 
+to troubleshoot these systems from the lab and repair the systems 
+remotely when possible. This functionality can minimize system downtime 
+and save money by not requiring a ship be deployed to make minor 
+repairs. The U.S. Tsunami Warning Program also created tsunami impact 
+forecast models for nine major coastal communities, providing 
+information for inundation maps. With the December 11, 2006 deployment 
+of DART #23 in the Western Pacific Ocean, NOAA achieved initial 
+operating capability (IOC) of the planned expanded U.S. Tsunami Warning 
+Program. NOAA also achieved full 24/7 operations of the Nation's two 
+Tsunami Warning Centers. Plans call for the U.S. Tsunami Warning 
+Network to total 39 DART-II buoy stations by mid-summer 2008 (32 in the 
+Pacific, seven in the Atlantic).
+    NOAA also continued to monitor sea height through a network of 
+buoys and tide gauges, collecting information critical to understanding 
+the time of arrival and the height of tsunami waves. In 2006, NOAA 
+completed the installation of eight new National Water Level 
+Observation Network (NWLON) stations to fill gaps in the detection 
+network, bringing the two-year total to 15. The 15 stations were 
+installed in California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and 
+the Virgin Islands. These and other new stations brought the NWLON to 
+200 stations by the end of calendar year 2006. In addition, NOAA 
+continued to upgrade the entire NWLON to real-time status by replacing 
+over 50 data collection platforms.
+Red Tide Monitoring Protects Human Health and Coastal Economics in New 
+                    England
+    In the wake of the 2005 New England red tide crisis that forced the 
+closure of most shell fisheries in the region, NOAA provided additional 
+emergency funding in 2006 to provide timely and critical information to 
+state managers to build upon long-term research supported by the 
+Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Bloom, and Monitoring and 
+Event Response for Harmful Algal Bloom programs at the Woods Hole 
+Oceanographic Institution, as well as other partner institutions. In 
+the spring of 2006, NOAA-sponsored monitoring detected rapid 
+escalations of the bloom, which subsequently closed shell fisheries in 
+Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. Additional NOAA efforts allowed 
+New England managers to make more strategic sampling and shellfish bed 
+closures/openings to protect human health and minimize the economic 
+impacts of harmful algal blooms.
+National Estuarine Research Reserve System Adds 27th Reserve
+    On May 6, 2006, Commerce and Congressional officials dedicated the 
+newest site in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System in Port 
+Aransas, TX, bring the total to 27 reserves. This new reserve 
+introduces a new biogeographic area type into the system, and adds 
+185,708 acres of public and private land and water. The reserves are 
+federal-State partnerships, where NOAA provides national program 
+guidance and operational funding. These reserves serve as living 
+laboratories for scientists and provide science-based educational 
+programs for students and the public.
+Wide Application Potential of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Demonstrated
+    In 2006, NOAA worked with federal and private sector partners to 
+successfully demonstrate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) technology. 
+NOAA is interested in UAS as a tool to explore and gather data to help 
+us reach new heights in our ability to understand and predict the world 
+in which we live. Use of UAS could help NOAA achieve our mission goals 
+and provide cost-effective means to: enforce regulations over NOAA's 
+National Marine Sanctuaries, conduct long endurance flights for 
+weather, conduct research over areas that pose significant risks to 
+pilots, validate satellite measurements, provide counts of marine 
+mammal populations, monitor atmospheric composition and climate, and 
+hover above hurricanes and gather critical data for input into 
+hurricane models. NOAA will continue to examine how UAS can assist in 
+the collection of environmental data.
+Protecting Habitat Essential to Fish
+    In 2006, over 500,000 square miles of U.S. Pacific Ocean habitats 
+were protected from damage by fishing practices, particularly bottom-
+trawling. Combined, these areas are more than three times the size of 
+all U.S. national parks. The historic protections, implemented by NOAA 
+with the support and advice of the regional fishery management 
+councils, fishing industry, and environmental groups, made the 
+protection of essential fish habitat and deep coral and sponge 
+assemblages a significant part of management efforts to conserve 
+fisheries in the Pacific Ocean.
+NOAA Continues Efforts to Assist with Gulf Coast Recovery Following 
+                    2005 Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
+    In addition to providing the forecasts and immediate response 
+assistance in 2005, following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, NOAA has 
+continued to assist with Gulf Coast recovery efforts in FY 2006.
+    NOAA ships and aircraft provided critical response and recovery 
+capabilities in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. NOAA Ship 
+THOMAS JEFFERSON completed obstruction surveys in the Gulf of Mexico so 
+that busy ports and shipping lanes could be re-opened to traffic. 
+NOAA's Citation aircraft flew post-storm damage assessment surveys 
+along the coasts of the Gulf States. This imagery was downloaded on the 
+NOAA website, enabling emergency managers, local officials and average 
+citizens to inventory damage and prioritize recovery efforts.
+    NOAA mounted a multi-pronged effort to address fishery-related 
+impacts in the Gulf of Mexico in FY 2006. In August, 2006, NOAA awarded 
+$128 million to the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission to reseed 
+and restore oyster beds and conduct fisheries monitoring in the Gulf. 
+In addition, NOAA Ship NANCY FOSTER conducted a seafood contamination 
+survey for NOAA Fisheries near the Mississippi Delta to spot potential 
+safety issues. This research monitored the seafood coming in from the 
+Gulf to ensure it was safe for public consumption (free of PCBs, 
+pesticides, and fossil fuels).
+Collaboration Enables a NOAA Weather Radio to be Placed in Every Public 
+                    School in America
+    NOAA and the Departments of Homeland Security and Education worked 
+to get 97,000 NOAA weather radios placed in every public school in 
+America to aid in protecting our children from hazards, both natural 
+and man-made. In many cases, local Weather Forecast Office staff 
+provided expertise in programming the radios to select specific hazards 
+and geographic areas for which the school wanted to be alerted. This 
+multi-month effort required close collaboration between the Departments 
+of Homeland Security, Education, and Commerce (NOAA). This effort 
+enabled schools to connect to part of the Nation's Emergency Alert 
+System and greatly increases environmental situational awareness and 
+public safety.
+World Ocean Database 2005
+    NOAA's National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) released a major 
+upgrade to its World Ocean Database product. World Ocean Database 2005 
+(WOD05) is the largest collection of quality-controlled ocean profile 
+data available internationally without restriction. All data are 
+available on-line for public use. Data are available for 29 ocean 
+variables, including plankton data. The database includes an additional 
+900,000 temperature profiles not available in its predecessor. The 
+database provides the ocean and climate science communities with 
+research-quality ocean profile data sets that will be useful in 
+describing physical, chemical and biological parameters in the ocean, 
+over both time and space. This database is a crucial part of the 
+Integrated Ocean Observing System and the Global Earth Observation 
+System of Systems.
+New Arctic Observatory Established for Long-Term Climate Measurements
+    NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, in 
+conjunction with our Canadian counterparts, established a research site 
+located on Ellesmere Island to make long-term climate measurements of 
+Arctic clouds and aerosols. This observatory supports NOAA's activities 
+for the 2007-2008 International Polar Year.
+NOAA Scientists Identify Carbon Dioxide Threats to Marine Life
+    A report co-authored by NOAA research scientists documents how 
+carbon dioxide is dramatically altering ocean chemistry and threatening 
+the health of marine organisms. The research also uncovered new 
+evidence of ocean acidification in the North Pacific. The report 
+resulted from a workshop sponsored by NOAA, the National Science 
+Foundation, and the U.S. Geological Survey.
+First Operational Satellite Products for Ocean Biology
+    In June, 2006, NOAA began to process and distribute ocean biology 
+products for U.S. coastal waters, using satellite observations. This 
+activity represents a successful transition of NASA research to NOAA 
+operations. These products (e.g., chlorophyll concentration) represent 
+the first satellite-derived biological products generated by NOAA for 
+coastal and open ocean waters. These products are useful in detecting 
+and monitoring harmful algal blooms, assessing regional water quality, 
+and locating suitable habitat for fish and other important marine 
+species. Development of these products prepares NOAA for generating and 
+distributing ocean biology products in the global ocean after 2010.
+Supporting the U.S. Ocean Action Plan
+    Coastal and marine waters help support over 28 million jobs, and 
+the value of the ocean economy to the United States is over $115 
+billion. The commercial and recreational fishing industries alone add 
+over $48 billion to the national economy each year. The FY 2008 
+President's Budget requests $123 million in increases for NOAA to 
+support the President's U.S. Ocean Action Plan. This oceans initiative 
+includes $38 million to protect and restore marine and coastal areas, 
+$25 million to ensure sustainable use of ocean resources, and $60 
+million to advance ocean science and research.
+    New investments in ocean science are aimed at monitoring and better 
+understanding marine ecosystems. Increased funding of $16 million is 
+included for the Integrated Ocean Observing System to enhance models 
+and information products through development of regional systems and 
+improved data management and communications. A total increase of $20 
+million is provided for NOAA research on four near-term priorities 
+established through the national Ocean Research Priorities Plan. An 
+additional $8 million will support exploring and defining areas of the 
+continental shelf that are adjacent to, but currently outside of, U.S. 
+jurisdiction. This work will enable a U.S. claim to these areas and the 
+potential $1.2 trillion worth of resources they are estimated to 
+    The FY 2008 President's Budget builds on NOAA's strong record of 
+investing in projects that embody the spirit of cooperative 
+conservation. Projects to protect and restore valuable marine and 
+coastal areas include funding of $8 million for enforcement and 
+management activities in the recently designated Northwestern Hawaiian 
+Islands Marine National Monument, and $10 million for a project to 
+restore nearly 1,000 stream miles of habitat for endangered Atlantic 
+salmon and other fish species. A total of $15 million is provided for 
+the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program, to assist State 
+and local partners in the purchase of high priority coastal or 
+estuarine lands or conservation easements. Increased funding of $3 
+million is also included to support Klamath River salmon recovery 
+projects. Finally, an increase of $5 million will support competitive 
+grant programs focused on the Gulf of Mexico Alliance coastal resource 
+priorities, as identified in the Governors' Action Plan for Healthy and 
+Resilient Coasts.
+    Finally, the FY 2008 NOAA budget provides support to ensure 
+sustainable access to seafood through development of offshore 
+aquaculture and better management of fish harvests. The Administration 
+will propose legislation to establish clear regulatory authority and 
+permitting processes for offshore aquaculture. An increase of $3 
+million is included to establish the regulatory framework to encourage 
+and facilitate development of environmentally sustainable commercial 
+opportunities. In addition, $20 million in increases are provided to 
+improve management of fish harvests, including $6.5 million in 
+increases to implement the new and expanded requirements of the 
+Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization 
+Act of 2006, $3 million for observer programs, and $6 million for 
+market-based approaches to fisheries management. Market-based 
+approaches--such as Limited Access Privilege Programs (LAPPs) that 
+provide exclusive privileges to harvest a quantity of fish--move 
+fisheries management away from cumbersome and inefficient regulatory 
+practices and have been shown to lead to lengthened fishing seasons, 
+improved product quality, and safer conditions for fishermen. The 
+Administration has set a goal of doubling the number of LAPPs in use by 
+the year 2010, and the increased funding of $6 million for LAPPs in 
+this request supports that goal. Finally, an additional $2 million in 
+funding is provided to meet the management challenges of assessing and 
+mitigating the impacts of sound from human activities, such as national 
+defense readiness and energy exploration and development, on marine 
+Sustaining Critical Operations
+    As always, I support NOAA's employees by requesting adequate 
+funding for our people, infrastructure, and facilities. NOAA's core 
+values are science, service, and stewardship, as well as people, 
+ingenuity, integrity, excellence, and teamwork. Our ability to serve 
+the Nation and accomplish the missions outlined below is determined by 
+the quality of our people and the tools they employ. Our facilities, 
+ships, aircraft, environmental satellites, data-processing systems, 
+computing and communications systems, and our approach to management 
+provide the foundation of support for all of our programs. 
+Approximately $54.6 million in net increases will support our workforce 
+inflation factors, including $44.9 million for salaries and benefits 
+and $6.6 million for non-labor related adjustments such as fuel costs.
+    This year, we focus on the operations and maintenance of NOAA 
+vessels and necessary enhancements to marine safety, facility repair, 
+and modernization. A funding increase of $8.3 million will be used to 
+support marine operations and equipment, including $5.6 million for new 
+vessel operations and maintenance and $1.7 million to implement a more 
+effective maritime staff rotation and safety enhancements. This funding 
+will support the operations maintenance for the OKEANOS EXPLORER, 
+NOAA's first dedicated Ocean Exploration vessel. Increased funding of 
+$5.5 million will support operations and maintenance for NOAA's third 
+P-3 aircraft. NOAA is also moving forward this year with increases in 
+funding for unmanned vehicles, with $0.7 million in support of 
+Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) and an increase of $3 million in 
+funding to support the further use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). 
+With this increase, NOAA will evaluate the benefits and potential of 
+using UAS to collect data crucial for climate models, weather research, 
+fisheries enforcement, and coastal zone studies.
+    The backbone of the NOAA infrastructure is our integrated Earth 
+observation effort. NOAA, NASA and the Office of Science and Technology 
+Policy (OSTP) serve as the lead agencies for the Federal Government in 
+developing our U.S. integrated Earth observing strategy. In addition, I 
+serve as one of four intergovernmental co-chairs of the effort to 
+develop the Global Earth Observation System of Systems. Building and 
+maintaining state of the art satellite programs is an important 
+component of NOAA's integrated observation efforts. An increase of $25 
+million in the Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) program 
+continues support for development and acquisition of polar-orbiting 
+weather satellites to improve weather forecasting and our understanding 
+of the climate. This increase will allow NOAA to complete acquisition 
+of this series of polar satellites and install and maintain instruments 
+important to U.S. Government interests on the European MetOp partner 
+satellite. Following the completion of the POES program, it will be 
+replaced by the tri-agency National Polar-orbiting Operational 
+Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). This transition is expected in 
+2013. We will continue to partner with the Europeans on their MetOp 
+satellite as NPOESS replaces our current POES satellites.
+Improving Weather Warnings & Forecasts
+    Severe weather events cause $11 billion in damages and 
+approximately 7,000 weather-related fatalities yearly in the United 
+States. Nearly one-third of the economy is sensitive to weather and 
+climate. Realizing this, NOAA seeks to provide decision makers with key 
+observations, analyses, predictions, and warnings for a variety of 
+weather and water conditions to help protect the health, lives, and 
+property of the United States and enhance its economy. Increased 
+funding of $2 million will accelerate research to improve hurricane 
+intensity forecasts through targeted research for new models and 
+observations. Another $3 million will support the operations and 
+maintenance of 15 hurricane data buoys in the Caribbean, Gulf of 
+Mexico, and the Atlantic Ocean. Finally, NOAA continues to strengthen 
+the U.S. Tsunami Warning Program with an increase of $1.7 million to 
+deploy additional deep ocean buoy (DART) stations. Strengthening the 
+U.S. Tsunami Warning Program provides effective, community-based 
+tsunami hazard mitigation actions including required inundation flood 
+mapping, modeling, forecasting efforts and evacuation mapping, and 
+community-based public education/awareness/preparedness for all U.S. 
+communities at risk.
+Climate Monitoring & Research
+    Society exists in a highly variable climate system, and major 
+climatic events can impose serious consequences on society. The FY 2008 
+Budget Request contains investments in several programs aimed at 
+increasing our predictive capability, enabling NOAA to provide our 
+customers (farmers, utilities, land managers, weather risk industry, 
+fisheries resource managers and decision makers) with assessments of 
+current and future impacts of climate events such as droughts, floods, 
+and trends in extreme climate events. NOAA is building a suite of 
+information, products and services to enable society to understand, 
+predict, and respond to changing climate conditions. These activities 
+are part of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and are being 
+conducted in collaboration and coordination with our important 
+interagency partners including NASA, NSF, and the Department of Energy. 
+We will continue to expand and improve access to global oceanic and 
+atmospheric data sets for improved climate prediction and development 
+of climate change indicators. NOAA will support the critical National 
+Integrated Drought Information System with increases of $4.4 million to 
+develop an integrated drought early warning and forecast system to 
+provide earlier and more accurate forecasts of drought conditions. This 
+request also supports the Administration's efforts to create a U.S. 
+Integrated Earth Observation System. With an increase of $0.9 million, 
+we will support research on water vapor to refine climate models. In 
+support of the Ocean Research Priorities Plan, NOAA will enhance our 
+understanding of the link between ocean currents and rapid climate 
+change with an increase of $5 million in support of research on this 
+topic. Finally, an additional $1 million in funding will provide 
+additional computational support for assessing abrupt climate change.
+Critical Facilities Investments
+    The FY 2008 President's Budget Request also includes important 
+increases for critical facilities, necessary to provide a safe and 
+effective working environment for NOAA's employees.
+    Of particular importance this year is the $3 million funding 
+increase to begin design of a replacement facility at the La Jolla 
+Southwest Fisheries Science Center. NOAA is also requesting $20.3 
+million for continued construction of the new Pacific Region Center on 
+Ford Island in Honolulu, Hawaii. This increase in funding will allow 
+NOAA to complete the exterior renovation of one of the Ford Island 
+buildings, a crucial next step in the construction process.
+    NOAA's FY 2008 Budget Request provides essential new investments in 
+our priority areas while maintaining critical services, reflecting 
+NOAA's vision, mission, and core values. The work NOAA accomplished in 
+2006 impacted every U.S. citizen. We will build on our successes from 
+last year, and stand ready to meet the challenges that will surface in 
+FY 2008 and beyond. NOAA is dedicated to enhancing economic security 
+and national safety through research and accurate prediction of weather 
+and climate-related events, and to providing environmental stewardship 
+of our nation's coastal and marine resources. That concludes my 
+statement, Madam Chairwoman. Thank you for the opportunity to present 
+NOAA's FY 2008 Budget Request. I am happy to respond to any questions 
+the Committee may have.
+         Biography for Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr.
+    A native of Philadelphia, Pa., retired Navy Vice Admiral Conrad C. 
+Lautenbacher, Ph.D., is serving as the Under Secretary of Commerce for 
+Oceans and Atmosphere. He was appointed Dec. 19, 2001. Along with this 
+title comes the added distinction of serving as the eighth 
+Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 
+He holds an M.S. and Ph.D. from Harvard University in applied 
+    Lautenbacher oversees the day-to-day functions of NOAA, as well as 
+laying out its strategic and operational future. The agency manages an 
+annual budget of $4 billion. The agency includes, and is comprised of, 
+the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Services; 
+National Marine Fisheries Service; National Ocean Service; National 
+Weather Service; Oceanic and Atmospheric Research; Marine and Aviation 
+Operations; and the NOAA Corps, the Nation's seventh uniformed service. 
+He directed an extensive review and reorganization of the NOAA 
+corporate structure to meet the environmental challenges of the 21st 
+    As the NOAA Administrator, Lautenbacher spearheaded the first-ever 
+Earth Observation Summit, which hosted ministerial-level representation 
+from several dozen of the world's nations in Washington July 2003. 
+Through subsequent international summits and working groups, he worked 
+to encourage world scientific and policy leaders to work toward a 
+common goal of building a sustained Global Earth Observation System of 
+Systems (GEOSS) that would collect and disseminate data, information 
+and models to stakeholders and decision-makers for the benefit of all 
+nations individually and the world community collectively. The effort 
+culminated in an agreement for a 10-year implementation plan for GEOSS 
+reached by the 55 member countries of the Group on Earth Observations 
+at the Third Observation Summit held in Brussels February 2005.
+    He also has headed numerous delegations at international 
+governmental summits and conferences around the world, including the 
+U.S. delegation to 2002 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Ocean 
+Ministerial Meeting in Korea, and 2002 and 2003 meetings of the World 
+Meteorological Organization and Intergovernmental Oceanographic 
+Commission in Switzerland and France, as well as leading the Commerce 
+delegation to the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in South 
+    Before joining NOAA, Lautenbacher formed his own management 
+consultant business, and worked principally for Technology, Strategies 
+& Alliances Inc. He was president and CEO of the Consortium for 
+Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE). This not-for-profit 
+organization has a membership of 76 institutions of higher learning and 
+a mission to increase basic knowledge and public support across the 
+spectrum of ocean sciences.
+    Lautenbacher is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy (Class of 
+1964), and has won accolades for his performance in a broad range of 
+operational, command and staff positions both ashore and afloat. He 
+retired after 40 years of service in the Navy. His military career was 
+marked by skilled fiscal management and significant improvements in 
+operations through performance-based evaluations of processes.
+    During his time in the Navy, he was selected as a Federal Executive 
+Fellow and served at the Brookings Institution. He served as a guest 
+lecturer on numerous occasions at the Naval War College, the Army War 
+College, the Air War College, The Fletcher School of Diplomacy, and the 
+components of the National Defense University.
+    His Navy experience includes tours as Commanding Officer of USS 
+HEWITT (DD-966), Commander Naval Station Norfolk; Commander of Cruiser-
+Destroyer Group Five with additional duties as Commander U.S. Naval 
+Forces Central Command Riyadh during Operations Desert Shield and 
+Desert Storm, where he was in charge of Navy planning and participation 
+in the air campaign. As Commander U.S. Third Fleet, he introduced joint 
+training to the Pacific with the initiation of the first West Coast 
+Joint Task Force Training Exercises (JTFEXs).
+    A leader in the introduction of cutting-edge information 
+technology, he pioneered the use of information technology to mount 
+large-scale operations using sea-based command and control. As 
+Assistant for Strategy with the Chief of Naval Operations Executive 
+Panel, and Program Planning Branch Head in the Navy Program Planning 
+Directorate, he continued to hone his analytic skills resulting in 
+designation as a specialist both in Operations Analysis and Financial 
+Management. During his final tour of duty, he served as Deputy Chief of 
+Naval Operations (Resources, Warfare Requirements and Assessments) in 
+charge of Navy programs and budget.
+    Lautenbacher lives in Northern Virginia with his wife Susan who is 
+a life-long high school and middle school science teacher.
+    Chairman Lampson. Thank you, Admiral Lautenbacher. I would 
+now call on Dr. Pietrafesa.
+                        STATE UNIVERSITY
+    Dr. Pietrafesa Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member Inglis, 
+thank you for this opportunity to participate in this hearing 
+regarding NOAA and its budget proposal for fiscal year 2008.
+    Today I am appearing on behalf of the Friends of NOAA 
+Coalition consisting of over 40 very diverse entities, all NOAA 
+stakeholders. A copy of a letter sent by the Friends Coalition 
+to this committee in support of an adequate budget for NOAA for 
+fiscal year 2008 is attached to my testimony.
+    At the $4.5 billion level, which is $15 per American 
+annually, NOAA would be able to better serve our nation. The 
+American people need and deserve the most comprehensive, 
+objective, accurate, and timely environmental information 
+possible. The value of these services to the Nation, save for 
+D-Day, has never been greater.
+    What is the broad brush economic importance of NOAA to the 
+Nation? Department of Commerce statistics show that weather and 
+climate sensitive industries account for more than one-third of 
+the Nation's GDP. Seventy-five percent of the Nation's gross 
+State product comes from the coastal States, and 50 percent of 
+the Nation's economy derives from the coastal counties where 
+NOAA roles support the significant economic activities. 
+Annually there are 1.5 million highway accidents, and 700,000 
+deaths that are weather related. $4.5 billion is lost annually 
+just due to weather-related air traffic delays such as the 
+3,600 canceled flights this past weekend. Investments in road 
+and aviation, weather infrastructure, and research would 
+greatly reduce these numbers and economic impacts.
+    Total annual federal spending for weather information is 
+about $25 per household. Aquaculture represents a $1 billion a 
+year industry for U.S. fish farmers and $6 billion per year in 
+retail sales. Yet, we presently import 80 percent of the fish 
+we consume. As the Nation's appetite for seafood grows, the 
+U.S. will need an additional $4.5 billion pounds per year. Here 
+NOAA must lead this effort.
+    The recently released NRC report, the Decadal Survey, 
+points out that the U.S. Earth integrated observation 
+capability is lacking and puts our nation's global economic 
+competitiveness at risk. Lloyds of London has stated that we 
+cannot afford to deny climate trends that may likely lead to 
+$100 billion individual mega catastrophes in insured losses and 
+that U.S. environmental observing assets and products that 
+should be provided are crucial and critical to avoiding these 
+industry-threatening costs. Long-term sustained aid is needed 
+to quantify climate trends. Here the NOAA National Climatic 
+Data Center's archive of data and information is critical for 
+all federal agencies and for its huge economic worth to 
+    But chronic under funding prevents us from capitalizing on 
+new advances in knowledge, new technology, and innovative 
+ideas; and in this context, disarray and delay in developing 
+our Earth-observing systems makes no sense to me.
+    The cost of an integrated ocean observing system that 
+builds on the essential federal monitoring backbone in the 
+coastal waters, including the Great Lakes, will be $250 million 
+a year. But the value to the Nation of greatly improved 
+forecasts, including ecological, will be in the many billions, 
+tens of billions of dollars per year.
+    I, along with the Pew Commission, the U.S. Commission on 
+Ocean Policy and many members of the Friends Coalition, believe 
+that an organic act would significantly strengthen NOAA. A 
+comprehensive NOAA Organic Act should address the following key 
+issues: management; assessment, production, operations and 
+applications; and research with external partners and 
+educational engagement of the public. As this committee knows, 
+the idea of making NOAA into an independent agency is not new 
+and is controversial. But OMB should assess the NOAA budget in 
+the context of other major agencies and departments within its 
+natural resource programs directorate. In this context, the 
+linkages that exist between NOAA and NASA and NSF must be 
+acknowledged and understood. Enactment of a NOAA Organic Act 
+provides a useful forum for the consideration of such a 
+    In conclusion, the Friends of NOAA Coalition appreciates 
+the severe budgetary constraints under which the Congress is 
+working. However, we believe that the case for the NOAA budget 
+is so compelling that we urge the Congress to support an 
+appropriation of at least $4.5 billion and to support the 
+legislation which would codify and strengthen the agency. The 
+Friends Coalition is deeply grateful for the opportunity to 
+participate in this hearing, and I would be happy to respond to 
+any question you and the Members of the Committee might have.
+    Thank you.
+    [The prepared statement of Dr. Pietrafesa follows:]
+                  Prepared Statement of Len Pietrafesa
+    Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee--thank you for this 
+opportunity to participate in this hearing regarding the National 
+Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and its budget proposal 
+for fiscal year 2008.
+    My name is Len Pietrafesa. I am a Professor of Ocean and 
+Atmospheric Sciences and an Associate Dean at North Carolina State 
+University. I am the immediate past chair of the NOAA Science Advisory 
+Board, a member of the Board of Trustees of the University Corporation 
+for Atmospheric Research and have been a Governor on the Board of the 
+Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education, Chair of the 
+National Council on Ocean Affairs and Chair of the National Association 
+of State Universities and Land Grant College Board on Oceans and 
+    Today, I am appearing on behalf of the Friends of NOAA Coalition. 
+The Coalition consists of over 40 different organizations, 
+institutions, and groups from the academic community, the environmental 
+community and the private sector, including such organizations as the 
+Shipbuilders Council of America, the Consortium for Oceanographic 
+Research and Education, the Reinsurance Association of America, the 
+National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, the Joint Ocean Commission 
+Initiative, the Alliance for Earth Observations, the University 
+Corporation for Atmospheric Research, the National Association of 
+Marine Laboratories, the Red Cross and The Weather Channel--just to 
+name a few. Diverse though they are, each one of these organizations 
+believes strongly in the effectiveness of NOAA and benefits from the 
+products and services provided by the agency. I have attached to my 
+testimony a copy of a recent letter sent by the Friends of NOAA 
+Coalition to this and other Committees in support of an adequate budget 
+for NOAA for FY 2008 (Attachment I).
+    The Coalition was formed last year to educate and inform policy-
+makers and the public about the important role NOAA plays as a supplier 
+of environmental data and information products, as the world's greatest 
+environmental data archiving agency, as a provider of environmental 
+stewardship services, and as a leader in facilitating the conduct and 
+integration of scientific research in support of the agency's critical 
+missions. These missions are: to operationally, routinely forecast 
+atmospheric, marine, space, aviation and road weather and climate, to 
+understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment and to 
+conserve and manage hydrologic, coastal and marine resources to meet 
+our nation's economic, social and environmental needs.
+    The services, products and research results provided by NOAA--from 
+forecasting the weather to predicting coastal hazards to monitoring and 
+anticipating solar disruptions of communications on Earth, to 
+recognizing climate variability and forecasting climate, and from 
+managing drought and wildfires and fisheries, to ensuring safe and 
+healthy seafood, providing access to navigational information and vital 
+community assistance and by facilitating scientific research that 
+improves operations and applications--touch the lives of every American 
+and every facet of our economy. If funded at the $4.5 billion level 
+($15 per person annually) as recommended by the House Oceans Caucus and 
+this Coalition, NOAA would be able to continue serving the extensive 
+and varied interests and needs of our nation. The American people need 
+and deserve the most comprehensive and timely environmental information 
+possible. The value of objective, timely, and accurate environmental 
+information (save for D-Day) has never been greater.
+    Significant events in recent years--the devastating tsunami 
+following the Southeast Asian earthquake in 2004, the extent and 
+ferocity of the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons, and the persistence 
+and impact of the prolonged drought in the western United States--all 
+underscore the importance of NOAA's mission to the Nation and the 
+world. NOAA's National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center 
+issued its forecast for Hurricane Katrina in a very timely manner--a 
+forecast that probably saved many tens of thousands of lives. Moreover, 
+it is the integration of NOAA's wide range of activities that allowed 
+the agency to deliver such valuable life-saving services and 
+information to our citizens. This integrated system includes satellites 
+in space, buoys at sea, coastal and ocean observatories, weather 
+stations found in every state of the Nation with a national radar 
+network that is the envy of the world, and the people who provide life 
+saving information to those with responsibility for the public's safety 
+at State and local levels.
+    A wide variety of government agencies, professional and community 
+organizations, and private industry have a vested interest in NOAA's 
+ability to meet its mission. Each has its respective role in being 
+responsive and effective in serving the Nation's needs for economic 
+strength, environmental vitality, and human health and thus relies on 
+services from NOAA. As an agency, NOAA has responsibilities for 
+maintaining and improving the viability of marine and coastal 
+ecosystems, for delivering valuable weather, climate, and water 
+information and services, for understanding the science and 
+consequences of climate change, and for supporting and enhancing the 
+global commerce and transportation upon which we all depend. To do so 
+successfully in today's ever changing world, it must have strong 
+Presidential and Congressional support and work in concert with its 
+partners and stakeholders in Federal, State, and local governments and 
+private organizations.
+The Importance of NOAA to the Nation
+    Let me paint a picture of the economic importance of NOAA to the 
+Nation, garnering high returns and greatly reducing losses relative to 
+the overall investment in the agency. According to statistics published 
+by the Department of Commerce last spring, weather and climate 
+sensitive industries, both directly and indirectly, account for about 
+one-third of the Nation's GDP ranging from finance, insurance, and real 
+estate to services, retail and wholesale trade and manufacturing. 
+Industries directly impacted by atmospheric, space and marine weather 
+such as agriculture, construction, air, highway and sea travel, energy 
+distribution, and outdoor recreation account for nearly 10 percent of 
+the Nation's GDP. Six billion dollars is lost annually in economic 
+efficiencies as a result of air traffic delays, of which 70 percent is 
+attributed to weather; such as the 3600 flights canceled this past 
+Saturday due to the ice and snow storm that pummeled the Northeast. 
+Approximately seven thousand five hundred deaths and 1.5 million 
+highway accidents occur annually across the Nation that are weather 
+related. Total annual federal spending for weather information is about 
+$25 per household (including aviation and defense, in addition to 
+NOAA), which produces an annual benefit-cost ratio of 4.4 to one for 
+U.S. households alone or net national benefits of $8.8 billion a year. 
+This does not include benefits in agriculture, transportation, 
+construction or benefits to households in other countries that rely on 
+weather information from the United States.
+    A report about to be issued (by the Centric Consulting Group of 
+Savoy, IL) documents an assessment on the value of NOAA to various 
+sectors of our society. Using temperature information from the National 
+Climatic Data Center, the Homebuilders Association was able to adjust 
+its building foundation depth code, resulting in an industry savings of 
+$250 M/year. The value of data from GOES-R satellite sensors to the 
+U.S. economy includes such sectors as aviation weather, the power 
+industry, crop irrigation, recreational boating, tropical cyclone 
+forecasting and thus emergency and health and risk management sectors.
+    NOAA's role as the primary management agency for our oceans and 
+coasts also helps support the significant economic activity in these 
+regions. Seventy-five percent of the Nation's Gross State Product came 
+from the coastal states in 2003. Almost half of the national economy 
+came from the coastal watershed counties, and more than one-third came 
+from those counties in which states operate their Coastal Zone 
+Management programs. The near shore area, which is four percent of the 
+Nation's land, produces more than 11 percent of the Nation's economic 
+output. The portion of the U.S. economy that depends directly on the 
+ocean is also large, with 2.2 million people employed and $197 billion 
+in output (gross state product) in 2003. Aquaculture represents a $1 
+billion per year industry for fish farmers and produces $6 billion per 
+year in retail food; yet the Nation is presently importing 80 percent 
+of the fish it consumes. Overall, U.S. citizens consume about 16 pounds 
+of seafood per capita per year (half the global average) and, as the 
+population continues to grow, the U.S. will need to find another two 
+million metric tons of high quality seafood each year at a value of 
+about $2-8 billion per year. To address this need, by way of examples, 
+research and outreach supported by the National Sea Grant College 
+Program on Manila clams and blue mussels have resulted in new 
+industries worth $19 million annually and a $25M annual hybrid striped 
+bass aquaculture industry.
+    Estimates of the economic impacts of harmful algal blooms in the 
+United States average $75 million annually. These impacts are the sum 
+of different kinds of direct output impacts across four categories of 
+effects: public health (divided between fish ciguatera and shellfish 
+poisonings); commercial fishing; recreation and tourism; and monitoring 
+and management costs. However, individual outbreaks can cause economic 
+damage that exceeds the annual average. For example, outbreaks in the 
+Chesapeake Bay in 1997 cost the Maryland seafood and recreational 
+fishing industries almost $50 million in just a few months. Lost sales 
+of shell fish in Maine and Massachusetts due to closures imposed as a 
+consequence of 2005 harmful algal bloom were estimated to be $11 
+million for the months of May through September. Invasive algal blooms 
+along Maui's Kihei coast cause over $20 million in potential revenue 
+lost each year to the State of Hawaii--including reductions in property 
+value and rental income, and increased clean up costs.
+    NOAA can help mitigate these losses by funding the research 
+necessary to uncover the conditions responsible for the blooms and then 
+advise on how to eliminate them or how to anticipate them and take the 
+necessary actions to reduce their impacts.
+Integrated Earth Observation Capabilities and Leadership
+    Integrated Earth observation capabilities are vital to American 
+competitiveness. The recently released National Research Council (NRC) 
+report, the Decadal Survey, helps us realize that the U.S. Earth 
+observation capability is not keeping up with expectations and needs 
+and puts our nation's global competitiveness is at risk. For example, 
+preliminary estimates of the potential economic benefits from new 
+investments in an Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) in U.S. 
+waters range from $500 million to $1 billion per year, estimated 
+largely in terms of increased economic activity and social surplus 
+realized as a result of improved information about coastal marine 
+    It is likely that this is a gross underestimate of the potential 
+value of IOOS as the NOAA Science Advisory Board has issued the report 
+Ocean Modeling which claims that interactively coupled atmospheric--
+ocean models with more real time air--sea data available to be 
+assimilated into the models will greatly improve NOAA's ability to 
+forecast the size, intensity and precipitation content of winter 
+storms; such as dreaded Nor'easters which frequently impact the 
+Nation's Capitol. The cost of an IOOS that builds out the essential 
+federal monitoring backbone in the Nation's coastal waters, including 
+the Great Lakes, could well be $250M/year in equipment, maintenance, 
+ship and personnel costs. But what is the value to the Northeast from 
+Charleston to Nova Scotia of greatly improved forecasts of the timing, 
+amount and type of precipitation or of impending catastrophic storms in 
+Barrow or the Great Lakes? It must be in the tens of billions per 
+annum. Risk management requires investments in national infrastructure.
+    In a January 12, 2007, speech to the World Affairs Council, Lord 
+Levene, Chairman of Lloyd's, provided a global insurer's perspective on 
+catastrophe trends and climate change. He stated, ``We cannot risk 
+being in denial on catastrophe trends. We can expect to see U.S. mega-
+catastrophes with 100 billion dollars insured losses soon. We urgently 
+need a radical rethink of public policy, and to build the facts into 
+our future planning.'' He added, ``The insurance industry will continue 
+to play a vital role as enabler and rebuilder of the U.S. economy.'' 
+U.S. environmental observing assets and the products provided are 
+critical to ensuring that insurance and other sectors have accurate and 
+timely information.
+    Currently, the annual economic return to the U.S. economy 
+associated with NOAA's El Nino Ocean observing and forecast system is 
+between 13 and 26 percent, which is significantly higher than the 
+Office of Management and Budget's 5.8 percent minimum rate of return 
+specified for federal projects. To wit, we must have the global 
+information infrastructure that is critical to our interconnected 
+society. Comprehensive science information ensures that decisions will 
+be made based on evidence rather than anecdotes. Long-term, sustained 
+data is needed to document climate and identify trends. Without U.S. 
+long-term climate data, the IPCC assessment would not have been 
+    Environmental sensors and remote observations improve our 
+understanding and response to climate change and can help build 
+enabling capacity to sustain U.S. competitiveness. Here again, in 
+today's global, flat-Earth economy, innovation is the key to America's 
+ability to prosper. The U.S. must stay at the forefront of Earth 
+observation and geospatial technologies to better forecast and mitigate 
+the impact of climate change, natural disasters and not only lead the 
+competition but leave a more sustainable world for our children and 
+their children. The motivations and aspirations of the next-generation 
+workforce are being shaped today. We should be setting a long-range 
+vision in place to encourage today's youth to pursue science, math, 
+technology and engineering professions to assure future innovation and 
+competitiveness. NOAA can aid and abet that process.
+    While satellites have been viewed as the panacea they are limited 
+in their applications. As stated in the NRC report ``Satellite 
+observations have spatial and temporal resolution limitations and hence 
+do not alone provide a picture of the Earth system that is sufficient 
+for understanding all of the key physical, chemical, and biological 
+processes.'' Thus, we need a system of space, ground (in-situ), 
+airborne and ocean-based (in-situ) sensors, both public and private, 
+that can gather complementary information and can be integrated with a 
+minimum of duplication. Our commitment today to technology and greater 
+knowledge of the Earth would allow us to better protect life and 
+property and create unprecedented opportunities to promote economic 
+vitality. The right instruments and information systems enable our 
+ability to make forecasts that help anticipate outbreaks of infectious 
+disease, ensure adequate water availability and quality, or increase 
+agricultural productivity. NOAA can aid and abet the build out of the 
+required infrastructure.
+    The recommendations by the NRC Decadal Report would enable a global 
+view of issues and activities. But a global view alone is not 
+sufficient to make policy or decisions. We need researchers, geospatial 
+modeling and analysis that integrate NOAA data. We should promote the 
+use of established standards and protocols to assimilate data from 
+multiple sensors and sources-including commercial providers, State and 
+local governments, academia and international partners-and provide the 
+data through user-friendly web portals. The NOAA NESDIS National 
+Climatic Data Center is the Nation's archive of weather, climate, 
+satellite, sea level, radar, precipitation, etc. data that are so 
+critical to planning for all federal agencies, including the Department 
+of Homeland Security and its Federal Emergency Management Agency, and 
+private industry and academia. High quality, scrubbed, reliable data 
+are available and can be used to conduct retrospectives and to develop 
+disaster risk management based on physical, ecological and social 
+sciences diagnostic assessments and prognostications. NOAA data is 
+vital to this process.
+    The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, the Pew Commission, and the 
+NRC Decadal report all call for increased funding to improve our 
+current national Earth monitoring capability. While funding is 
+important, what is also needed is clear federal leadership to address 
+key questions such as: What is our national vision for Earth 
+observations? How are requirements from the federal operational sector 
+such as NOAA, USGS, USDA and EPA reflected in our research and 
+development programs within NASA and NSF? Are requirements from the 
+private sector being addressed? Leadership is essential to: protect 
+these critical assets; develop a national Earth observation strategy to 
+appropriately addresses climate change and other environmental 
+challenges based on evidence over anecdote; assure economy and 
+efficiency in agency plans and budgets; allow a smooth transition from 
+research to operations to applications; improve U.S. land, atmospheric 
+and oceanic -observing capabilities in equal priorities; improve 
+capability and cooperation among government, private sector, academia, 
+and non-governmental organizations; assure the much needed integration 
+of our national and international Earth observation systems; and 
+develop the products needed to make the best decisions for our country 
+and future generations.
+    The NRC Decadal report recommends that the Office of Science and 
+Technology Policy, in collaboration with the relevant agencies, and in 
+consultation with the scientific community, should develop and 
+implement a plan for achieving and sustaining global Earth 
+observations. Then a single point of contact or lead agency--such as 
+NOAA--should be designated to assure complementary rather than 
+duplicative or fragmented effort for all operational aspects of Earth 
+observation and analysis.
+Climate Change Science
+    Through their capacity to absorb and transport heat and carbon 
+dioxide, oceans are key drivers of climate change processes. In 
+addition, they are also undergoing significant short- and long-term 
+change over both large and small areas as evidenced by the increasing 
+acidification of the oceans, climatic shifts associated with El Nino, 
+dramatic changes in the amount of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, rising 
+sea level rise, and concern about possible abrupt climatic and 
+ecological changes, particularly associated with shifts in ocean 
+    Unfortunately, chronic under-funding of ocean and atmospheric 
+science has prevented us from capitalizing on new technology and 
+innovative ideas that would help address huge information gaps and 
+significantly advance our understanding of atmospheric and ocean 
+processes. Improved understanding of these processes will greatly 
+enhance our ability to predict the economic and ecological 
+ramifications associated with climate change. This information will be 
+essential as Congress balances competing demands in the development of 
+new national policies to minimize and adapt to climate changes in the 
+coming years and decades.
+    NOAA can provide critical value to the deliberations concerning 
+climate change by highlighting the importance of significantly 
+improving our knowledge of ocean and atmospheric processes (physical, 
+biological, chemical, geological) to provide decision makers with the 
+information they need to make intelligent, economic and ecologically 
+sound decisions--as well as the capacity to monitor these system to 
+evaluate the effectiveness of any new policy mandates. The need to 
+reduce our carbon emissions/footprint is important but so is the need 
+to improve climate science and to pursue new management approaches to 
+adapt to the inevitable environmental changes that will occur in the 
+coming years and decades.
+    A recent example of the advances that have been made but of a lack 
+of resources to continue the exceptional research results that have 
+been developed derives form a NOAA sponsored university cooperative 
+partnership called Climate and Weather Impacts on Society and the 
+Environment (CWISE). One of the many new advances made is the ability 
+to predict in April, the number of hurricanes that will make land fall 
+for an upcoming hurricane season on the U.S. eastern seaboard and the 
+Gulf of Mexico (as was done in 2006), allowing for advanced planning. 
+Unfortunately the program will not be continued, apparently because of 
+a lack of NOAA resources to support the next phase of
+    research which, within the next year, would have resulted in bi-
+state level forecasts, from Texas to Maine. How much value would this 
+new information be to federal and State agencies, to offshore and 
+coastal industries, to insurance and risk management companies and to 
+society? This Committee has been out front in leading the fight for 
+meeting the Nation's future scientific and technical workforce needs. 
+But here, the funding for graduate students, who would be skilled in 
+helping NOAA and society deal with future impacts of natural hazards, 
+will be terminated and the students will not be allowed to finish their 
+Stewardship and Environmental Stability
+    Beyond the economic benefits that NOAA provides to the Nation, many 
+of its activities and duties help to maintain environmental stability, 
+help to support human health, and help to enhance national security. 
+The conservation and stewardship aspects of NOAA are vital to these 
+many benefits provided by the agency. Some examples include:
+          NOAA works to preserve the Nation's living marine 
+        resources by managing our fisheries and essential fish habitats 
+        for safe and sustainable harvesting and consumption, by 
+        protecting marine mammals under its jurisdiction, and by 
+        helping to implement the Endangered Species Act;
+          NOAA protects our underwater treasures through the 
+        National Marine Sanctuary System, which maintain, monitor, and 
+        enhance the natural biodiversity, historical and cultural 
+        heritage, and other unique qualities of these areas, while 
+        enhancing public awareness, understanding, and stewardship 
+        towards the marine environment; and
+          NOAA helps manage the Nation's coastal zones to 
+        balance competing demands, maintains a national network of 
+        monitoring programs that detect, quantify and forecast changes 
+        in coastal environmental quality, and works to protect coastal 
+        communities from the occurrence of disastrous oil and hazardous 
+        material spills and limiting the effects of spills on coastal 
+        resources that are vital to local economies.
+NOAA Organic Act
+    Many members of the Friends of NOAA Coalition believe that an 
+organic act would be very useful to guide the continued development of 
+the policies, priorities, and programs of NOAA. I would like to offer 
+some suggestions on the issues to be addressed in the hope that 
+Congress will move to enact an organic act for NOAA.
+    Both the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy and the Pew Commission 
+argued strongly for an organic statute for NOAA. I believe such a bill 
+would significantly strengthen the agency by providing a clear mandate 
+from Congress to the Nation's lead civilian agency for oceans and 
+atmosphere. The Joint Ocean Commission Initiative's recent report, From 
+Sea to Shining Sea, also calls on Congress to codify and strengthen 
+NOAA and thereby enhance its missions.
+    A comprehensive NOAA organic act should address the following key 
+          Management--including the management of ocean and 
+        coastal areas and living and non-living marine resources, 
+        including fisheries, ocean and coastal areas, vulnerable 
+        species and habitats, and protection from pollution and 
+        invasive species;
+          Assessment, prediction, and operations for 
+        atmospheric, ocean, and coastal atmospheric environments, 
+        including mapping and charting, satellite-based and in situ 
+        data collection, implementation of the Integrated Ocean 
+        Observing System, broadly based data information systems, and 
+        climate and weather services and products; and
+          Research and education on all aspects of oceanic and 
+        atmospheric resources, including a focus on the importance of 
+        research and development, the use of scientifically valid 
+        technical data throughout the agency and with external 
+        partners, and promotion of educational activities at all levels 
+        across the agency and with the public.
+    Within any NOAA organic act, beginning with a strengthened science 
+program and a more service-oriented approach, NOAA should promote 
+inclusiveness and a commitment to meaningful partnerships with other 
+agencies, states, the private sector, and the academic community. Where 
+partnerships are strong, each institution benefits from the strengths 
+of the others and the tendency to duplicate similar expertise and 
+functions are minimized.
+    Extramural partnerships were stressed in the recommendations from 
+the NOAA Research Review Team's Review of the Organization and 
+Management of Research in NOAA which said, among other things, ``NOAA 
+cannot accomplish its goals without the extramural community, 
+specifically the universities and institutions that represent the broad 
+range of expertise and resources across the physical, biological, and 
+social sciences. Moreover, there is the important issue of maintaining 
+a scientific and technologically competent workforce in NOAA and that 
+workforce is another `product' of the external research community.'' We 
+urge Congress to provide explicit authority and guidance via a NOAA 
+Organic Act that will emphasize the development of meaningful 
+partnerships with NOAA's stakeholders and partners.
+NOAA, NASA, NSF and the Earth Sciences
+    No discussion about the role of NOAA is complete without 
+recognizing the inextricable linkage that exists between NOAA, NASA and 
+NSF. The importance of NOAA research and the unique niche that it fills 
+vis-a-vis both NASA and NSF research is very important and is one of 
+the areas that is always seemingly misunderstood when it comes to the 
+vitally important issue of Earth-observing systems, and of the need for 
+end-to end scientific research in support of operations, applications, 
+and services needed by multiple sectors of society including private 
+industry and society in general.
+    This committee has already heard from the co-chairs of the National 
+Academy of Sciences panel that prepared the decadal survey entitled, 
+Earth Science and Applications from Space: Urgent Needs and 
+Opportunities to Serve the Nation. The panel's interim report made the 
+following observations:
+         ``The current U.S. civilian Earth observing system centers on 
+        the environmental satellites operated by NOAA; the atmosphere-, 
+        biosphere-, ocean-, ice-, and land-observation satellites of 
+        NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS); and the Landsat 
+        satellites, which are operated by a cooperative arrangement 
+        involving NASA, NOAA, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). 
+        Today, this system of environmental satellites is at risk of 
+        collapse. Although NOAA plans to modernize and refresh its 
+        weather satellites, NASA has no plan to replace its EOS 
+        platforms after their nominal six-year lifetimes end (beginning 
+        with the Terra satellite in 2005), and it has canceled, 
+        descoped, or delayed at least six planned missions, including 
+        the Landsat Data Continuity Mission.
+         ``. . .a substantial reduction in Earth observation programs 
+        today will result in a loss of U.S. scientific and technical 
+        capacity, which will decrease the competitiveness of the United 
+        States internationally for years to come. U.S. leadership in 
+        science, technology development, and societal applications 
+        depends on sustaining competence across a broad range of 
+        disciplines that include the Earth sciences.''
+    In January 2007, the National Academies released the final report 
+of the Decadal Survey panel. In the final report, the panel reiterated 
+the concerns about the Nation's system of environmental satellites 
+being ``at risk of collapse.'' The final report states: ``In the short 
+period since the publication of the Interim Report, budgetary 
+constraints and programmatic difficulties at NASA and NOAA have greatly 
+exacerbated this concern. At a time of unprecedented need, the Nation's 
+Earth observation satellite programs, once the envy of the world, are 
+in disarray.''
+    At a time when policy-makers worldwide are grappling with the 
+important issue of climate change and global warming, allowing such 
+disarray to develop in our Earth observing systems makes no sense to 
+me. The Coalition supports the continued vigilance of this committee on 
+this matter and urge the Administration and the Congress to provide the 
+necessary support to move our Earth-observing systems forward rather 
+than backward.
+An Independent NOAA
+    As this committee knows well, the idea of making NOAA into an 
+independent agency is not new and remains a controversial proposal. At 
+the very least, however, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
+could consider reviewing NOAA's budget within its natural resource 
+programs directorate, rather than the general government programs 
+directorate. This change would make it easier to reconcile NOAA's 
+budget with those of the other major resource-oriented departments and 
+agencies, all of which are reviewed as natural resource programs at 
+OMB. Enactment of a NOAA Organic Act provides a useful forum for the 
+consideration of such a proposal.
+    The members of the Friends of NOAA Coalition appreciate the severe 
+budgetary constraints under which the Congress is working. However, we 
+also believe that NOAA and its partners directly contribute to the 
+health, safety, and continued economic competitiveness of our country. 
+Therefore, the Coalition urges the Congress to recognize the importance 
+of NOAA--and the information it produces and services it provides--by 
+fully supporting an appropriation of at least $4.5 billion (again, only 
+about $15/American annually) and legislation to codify and strengthen 
+the agency as the legislative and congressional budget processes go 
+forward over the coming months.
+    On behalf of the dozens of organizations, companies, and 
+universities that make up the Friends of NOAA Coalition, we are 
+grateful for the opportunity to participate in this hearing. I would be 
+happy to try to answer any questions you and the Members of the 
+Committee might have.
+    Thank you.
+                      Biography for Len Pietrafesa
+    After receiving his Ph.D. in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics in 1973 
+from the University of Washington, Dr. Len Pietrafesa joined the 
+faculty at North Carolina State University and was made Full Professor 
+(of Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences) in 1980. He served as the Head of the 
+Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences for over 10 years 
+and is presently the Associate Dean for External Affairs at the College 
+of Physical and Mathematical Science. Dr. Pietrafesa's research and 
+publications are diverse and include: estuary plume dynamics; coastal 
+storm induced surge, flood and inundation forecasts; the interaction 
+between the atmosphere and ocean in coastal storm genesis and 
+intensification; interactive wave-current coupled modeling; the 
+climatology of the frequency of occurrence and tracks of tropical; and 
+the role of science in public policy. Recent foci are on the linkages 
+between weather and climate and human disease, end to end modeling of 
+physical through human systems and building a real time reporting 
+coastal air-sea observing network offshore of the Carolinas in which 
+data is assessed on the fly and assimilated into interactively coupled 
+atmospheric-ocean models. He also discovered the mechanisms for the 
+topographic deflection of the Gulf Stream at the Charleston Bump and 
+the creation of the Charleston Trough, which he discovered and named, 
+and coined the air-sea interaction term ``buoyancy stress.''
+    Dr. Pietrafesa is widely published (more than 180 publications) and 
+his community service includes being Chair of the NOAA Science Advisory 
+Board (eight years total on the Board, five years as the Chair); a 
+member of the Board of Trustees of the University Corporation for 
+Atmospheric Research (for six years); former Chair of the USA-Peoples 
+Republic of China Steering Committee on Virtual Co-Laboratories; former 
+Chair of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant 
+Colleges Board on Oceans and Atmosphere and Vice Chair of the 
+Commission on Environment, Food and Renewable Resource. He was also 
+former Chair of the Council on Ocean Affairs, the precursor to the 
+Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (an organization he 
+helped form). As well as former Chair of the American Meteorology 
+Society Educational Advisory Committee, and a member of the American 
+Geophysical Union Committee on Public Affairs. He has chaired 25 Ph.D. 
+and 25 M.Sc. committees and mentored 15 post-doctoral students. He has 
+given written and oral testimony on capitol Hill to committees on 
+science in both the House and the Senate regarding such topics as: 
+``are we prepared as a nation for severe weather''; ``what were the 
+three most important recommendations in the COPS report''; and ``is the 
+academic community in support of the American Competitiveness 
+                               Discussion
+                  National Weather Service Operations
+    Chairman Lampson. Thank you very much. Let us start in with 
+the questioning. As I said before, we will go back and forth 
+between each of the sides as normal. There is an old saying 
+that we all know. If something is not broken, do not fix it.
+    With that thought in mind, what is the current status of 
+NOAA's concept of operations plan for change in the 
+configuration of local weather forecasting offices of the 
+National Weather Service, Admiral?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. For the past couple of years, 
+obviously to try to be as efficient as you possibly can with 
+the taxpayer resources, we are looking for ways to be more 
+efficient with services from our forecast offices. We have not 
+fully fleshed out all of the ideas that I think are relevant in 
+that area. We are looking at ways to deal with that, and 
+basically the current idea is on hold while we look at ways to 
+modify it or change it. But we are going to continue with the 
+service that we have today and not make any changes until new 
+ideas can be tested and be thoroughly vetted with our unions 
+and our personnel.
+    Chairman Lampson. Are you looking at trying to achieve a 
+cost savings in the Weather Service operations?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. We need to involve building new 
+products. So when I talk about saving money, we are trying to 
+figure out how to take care of some of the needs that we have 
+that are not covered today by being able to be more efficient 
+in the way we do business. I would like to prefer to say it 
+that way.
+    Chairman Lampson. And I assume that is a yes?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Well, we have a lot of need to 
+provide climate forecasting, ecosystem forecasting, and 
+extensions of our hazardous weather forecasts. So there is more 
+that can be done, that needs to be done, as the Nation grows; 
+and we need ways to be able to accommodate that within our 
+program. So looking for ways to deliver that service in a more 
+efficient way is one of the things that we are trying to work 
+    Chairman Lampson. Has there been any effort to try to look 
+at in terms of a percentage or dollar terms as to what kind of 
+savings you might be interested in trying to achieve?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Our target is to be more 
+efficient but maintain the service that we have to date with 
+room for more service. There is no target. There is no, you 
+must save five percent, you must save 10 percent. We have found 
+that in an area where you are providing 24-7 emergency coverage 
+for the Nation is not the right way to go about delivering 
+those services. Arbitrary cuts generally don't work.
+    Chairman Lampson. In the agency briefing to staff in 
+January on the Concept of Operations (CONOPS) plan, General 
+Johnson indicated that NOAA would ``demonstrate operability, 
+performance, and effectiveness before committing to changes.'' 
+What activities are you planning to demonstrate operability, 
+performance, and effectiveness?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Well, right now they are looking 
+at ways to set up a testing process. I haven't approved the 
+final testing process yet, so I can't sit here and tell you 
+exactly how that will be done, but we have to do a test in a 
+way that is fair, that doesn't eliminate any service, and that 
+goes along with the congressional advice on indications on what 
+we should do with our spending. So we intend to honor those 
+indications that we have from Congress.
+    Chairman Lampson. Is the agency planning to obtain comments 
+from the outside community of the National Weather Service 
+stakeholders', State and local emergency managers, for example, 
+who rely on local forecasting office personnel for information 
+and assistance?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Absolutely. I run an active 
+forum with our stakeholders as well as General Johnson, and any 
+changes we make are always discussed with our stakeholders.
+    Chairman Lampson. Are NOAA's employees fully informed of 
+the agency's plans and are they being included in the planning 
+and demonstration of the proposed changes?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Yes, they are and they will be.
+      National Polar Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite 
+                            System (NPOESS)
+    Chairman Lampson. This committee has been following the 
+NPOESS program closely for years now, and it is well over 
+budget and behind schedule.
+    The risk of a gap in our weather data is still quite high. 
+The estimate for the procurement of the new geostationary 
+satellite series is well-above the previous estimate, but there 
+is no indication in this budget or in any recent budgets that 
+the Administration has presented to this Congress that any 
+adjustments are being made to accommodate the budget realities 
+associated with the true cost of your satellite procurement 
+programs. It looks like the administration's plan is to pass 
+the bill for all of this onto the next administration. Even a 
+small cost overrun by satellite procurement standards 
+translates into significant amounts of money where NOAA's other 
+programs are concerned.
+    Where are the additional funds that are needed to continue 
+support for the existing essential programs at NOAA?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. The funding that is in our 
+budget and that is projected, which we provided as Congress 
+asked for the next five years, is the restructured NPOESS 
+program. That represents a fully funded program that will 
+deliver the Nunn-McCurdy Review Program which was briefed to 
+the Committee. The numbers for this year that are there is 100 
+percent of the funding that is needed to maintain this program 
+on track and to minimize the risk, and the numbers that we have 
+in the out years, 2009, 2010, are the projections. We intend to 
+work hard to ensure that the funding remains on track and that 
+the program that we brief to you will be delivered at this 
+point on track; and I will fight for the funds to try to do 
+    Chairman Lampson. Even in the outyears?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Even in the outyears. I am a 
+shameless advocate of these programs, and I will continue to 
+fight to get what I think is right, sir.
+    Chairman Lampson. Thank you very much. I will now recognize 
+the Ranking Member, Mr. Inglis, for five minutes.
+                     Wildfire and Drought Warnings
+    Mr. Inglis. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We were talking about 
+a number of things recently when you and I had an opportunity 
+to get together, and I am particularly interested in wildfires 
+and planning for droughts and how NOAA might be helpful in that 
+way. Is that something that you currently do?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Yes, we do. We are involved in 
+providing warnings for wildfires. We use satellites to help us 
+get the information where wildfires might be starting and then 
+we use the atmospheric information that we get from the 
+satellites as well as ground-based information to plot smoke 
+plumes, and we provide tailored forecasts to firefighters on 
+scene. And when there is a significant fire, we deploy what we 
+call an I-MET, a well-trained meteorologist with a field 
+computer receiving station right to the command post on-site in 
+the firefighting to provide, which is the most important thing 
+you can do for firefighters is to give them an idea what is 
+happening locally with winds and precipitation and 
+temperatures. That is what we do, and that is a normal service 
+and we intend to try to make it better.
+    We are looking at doing better models, we are looking at 
+improving the links with our satellites and the use of more 
+information and working with the Department of Agriculture, the 
+Forestry Service, and the other folks, the states and the local 
+emergency managers. It is an important part of our mission.
+    Mr. Inglis. How about the long-range aspects of that? Any 
+ability to predict a drought in this planting season, for 
+example, such that it wouldn't be wise to plant somewhere 
+because we see that this is coming? Are we that good or is that 
+a ways away still?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. It is not far away, and thanks 
+to the bill in Congress that you all helped pass last year, the 
+NIDIS Bill, the Integrated Drought Information System is going 
+to create a network that uses the federal networks as well as 
+local networks, private networks, to build a much finer scale 
+of information that can be brought in to produce models that 
+will give us a much better handle on predicting the future. We 
+believe that with the integrated ocean observing system that 
+was just talked about in addition to the new sensors on 
+satellites, that we will be able to do things like accurately 
+forecasting seasonal conditions so that planting and crop 
+rotation and management of livestock can be done on a much more 
+economically sound basis taking into account environmental 
+conditions. I believe that we are at the threshold of being 
+able to do that.
+                      Insufficient Funding Levels
+    Mr. Inglis. Dr. Pietrafesa, you testified I believe that 
+the funding level you would recommend is $4.5 billion. As I 
+understand it we are at $3.8 billion in this request. And 
+climate change is obviously a significant topic around here. Do 
+you think that the $3.8 billion is sufficient to have NOAA be 
+gathering the information that we need or how do you think we 
+will fare at the $3.8 billion level?
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. I don't believe we will fare very well and 
+the reason is in various parts of NOAA, there are activities 
+that will contribute to our better understanding of climate, 
+but for lack of the distributed observing network, the global 
+observing network that is required, let alone the observing 
+network in the coastal areas of the United States, the Great 
+Lakes, and even over land, we are lacking the data that is 
+needed and the precision of the data, the resolution of the 
+data that is really required to really detect climate signals. 
+That said, our ability to archive and store the data and to 
+scrub that data and make that data available in near-real time 
+or real time to industry, to university, researchers, and to 
+federal agency researchers and information providers is 
+compromised because the budgets are so tight.
+    One of the issues that really challenged the Science 
+Advisory Board was the fact that NOAA simply can't afford to 
+invest as much money as we believe it could or it should rather 
+into the data activity. And NOAA has made every effort to 
+improve its data archiving and access facilities and 
+capabilities, but they are just under capitalized in that area. 
+Also, the assessments of those data require different kinds of 
+mathematical methodologies, both deterministic and statistical 
+and empirical. And that requires an investment not only in the 
+computers to be able to analyze those massive data sets but to 
+integrate those data sets with each other; and these are 
+diverse, different but complementary data sets that need to be 
+integrated if one is going to truly resolve what the 
+relationships are between different climate factors and the 
+weather delivery systems that evolve from these climate 
+conditions. That takes people, it takes personnel, that takes 
+extramural engagement, that is engagement of the extramural 
+community, the university community, private industry, along 
+with the NOAA scientists. And that is a considerable 
+    So just in the data area, if we saw another $25 to $50 
+million that would go a long way towards improving the 
+capability of the agency to deliver more timely climate 
+information and better climate information, more advance 
+climate information, and in fact to get into the downscaling 
+and upscaling of the climate to weather models and vice versa. 
+And these are not just weather models--it doesn't end with the 
+weather models. It actually could move into the ecological 
+    So one could anticipate ecological impacts from various 
+climate conditions, along with socioeconomic impacts. The 
+Science Advisory Board believes that it is entirely possible to 
+go from physical phenomenon to socioeconomic impacts in a 
+seamless way through some complex mathematics and assimilation 
+of the data that NOAA has in its archives or should be and 
+could be collecting in its archives were it not 
+    Chairman Lampson. The gentleman from Washington, the 
+Chairman of the Research and Science Education Committee I'll 
+recognize for five minutes.
+                       Law Enforcement Capability
+    Mr. Baird. I thank the Chair. Thank you, Gentlemen. Being 
+from Washington State we are obviously interested in NOAA's 
+activities. Particularly I want to ask a question about the 
+resources available. Almost by its nature, NOAA is going to 
+have to spend a lot of time in the water. Do you have adequate 
+resources and what sorts of resources do you need for two main 
+missions, both enforcement and research?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Those are fully loaded 
+    Mr. Baird. They are not meant to be loaded. I know they are 
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. No, no, they are broad. But 
+enforcement, I believe that we have the right amount of money 
+in our budget to be able to deal with enforcement, and what is 
+important about our enforcement budget is that it leverages 
+State assets and resources. Part of our budget is designed to 
+have cooperative agreements with each of the States that bring 
+their Department of Fisheries and Wildlife and DNR people in so 
+we have seamless enforcement of our rules between the State 
+waters and between the federal waters.
+    Mr. Baird. I have been told that some of your vessels are 
+kind of aging to say the least and not up to the task of 
+tracking down people who are violating our maritime laws. And 
+that is really, on the enforcement side, that is the nature of 
+my concern. We have got these wonderful sanctuaries or other 
+zones of protection or just natural interest. Do you guys have 
+the folks who can track somebody as an intruder? They spend 
+time out in the region themselves, in the real world in the 
+region, and then if somebody does intrude or violate laws, 
+track them down. That is the essence what I am after.
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. I understand your question. The 
+sanctuaries have small boats that they do use for enforcement 
+activities inside the marine sanctuaries, which of course, 
+there is a number on the West Coast. We try to recapitalize 
+those boats with what we have. Obviously the fleet is aging, 
+but we are able to each year replace a few and try to move on. 
+We also use the cooperative agreements again. Fish and Wildlife 
+helps us in places where we have adjoining types of preserves 
+and national monument areas and national management areas. And 
+the states help us as well. But in fact, it is difficult at 
+times to maintain full coverage of all of our national marine 
+sanctuaries. They have their large areas, and that is true.
+                          Research Capability
+    Mr. Baird. The second question, in particular, Doctor, the 
+research side, do we have the kinds of vessels we need. I 
+remember talking to somebody a couple years ago, and the nature 
+of the vessel--if they wanted to study an area, they weren't 
+equipped to go overnight for a couple of days. And so they were 
+having to go out, study during the day, and come back; and sort 
+of common sense says, one, that is not the most economical way. 
+If you have the seakeeping capacity and the berths and whatnot 
+to spend a couple days there, you could save all that transit 
+time, plus you are in the environment longer. You can do real-
+time continuous observation versus--anyway, any thoughts on 
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. We have been able to in the last couple of 
+years with some congressional help to provide some larger 
+vessels. There is a new one now at the Monterey Bay Sanctuary 
+that allows us to go overnight for several days and do the 
+kinds of research activities that you've mentioned. I think 
+this new boat is a good prototype for the future. We are 
+looking as we can build the capital budgets to be able to put 
+more of these in our sanctuaries, but they are an important 
+adjunct to research.
+    Mr. Baird. Thank you. Admiral, Doctor, any comments on 
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Yeah, I mentioned earlier the 
+integrated ocean observing system, part of the deploying and 
+maintaining and recovering and keeping the system alive is 
+actually a research activity because the kinds of systems that 
+have been deployed in the past are not necessarily real time 
+but all of the NOAA assets have been real time. But some of the 
+new observing systems are capable of observing for example wave 
+spectra, that is, the propagation of waves and also tell you 
+not just the amplitude of the waves but which way they are 
+moving. And getting that data back in real time is a challenge 
+because, you know, you are collecting data every half-second; 
+and so you need wide band widths and you need to be able to 
+talk to the instruments out in the ocean, so it has to be two-
+way communication.
+    But those sensors are still in developmental stages, and 
+NOAA is going to have to develop a strategy to maintain those 
+systems once they are shown to be very valuable, particularly 
+in predicting things like riptides for example which take so 
+many lives per year. And once they get into that game, they are 
+going to have to be able to get back out there to service these 
+instruments. It is not going to be an annual servicing but 
+rather it may have to be every six months.
+    Mr. Baird. So that will need to be in the budget?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. That needs to be in the budget 
+as well.
+                National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
+    Mr. Baird. Admiral, educate me. NMFS is part of your 
+budget, correct?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Yes, it is.
+    Mr. Baird. One of the challenges we face in the northwest 
+has been with the listing of salmon steelhead, and those 
+species. Permitting times are extraordinarily costly to our 
+economy. I recognize the importance of your job in trying to do 
+the environmental review process, but when we don't have enough 
+personnel to move permits quickly, literally hundreds of 
+millions of dollars and significant opportunity costs result.
+    So I would be interested first of all in your comments on 
+your budget as it relates to personnel to process permits. 
+Secondly I want to commend some of your folks in the district. 
+We have really initiated, at my request, some collaborative 
+efforts where NMFS works with Fish and Wildlife, Corps of 
+Engineers works with EPA, as needed, and with State agencies to 
+do simultaneous parallel processing of permits, to work on 
+programmatic kinds of permits. Any comments either on that 
+approach and/or personnel would be much appreciated.
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Yes, sir. Thank you very much 
+with recognizing the issues that we have with permitting. We 
+have some additional money, not a lot, in this budget to help 
+improve the permitting system and get a few more people on it. 
+It is one of the issues that generally is not recognized as 
+important in my view as it ought to be. I am a strong advocate 
+for increasing resources in that area. Each year I try to do as 
+much as I can to improve both in the marine mammal protection 
+area as well as in the fishery permits and the consultations 
+that we have to do for various other licensing that occurs for 
+power dams and all that other thing.
+    I am a big fan of the streamlining and of simultaneous 
+processes. We have tried to make strong bridging agreements 
+with the Interior Department and local areas so we can do 
+things simultaneously and try to improve, and EPA as well to 
+try to improve it. I strongly support all efforts to make that 
+a collaborative effort.
+    Mr. Baird. I appreciate that. I know my time has expired. 
+The last comment I would make is I personally believe that 
+investing in additional permitting personnel would vastly pay 
+back the taxpayers in terms of expedited review process.
+    Chairman Lampson. I want to continue a little bit of what 
+Mr. Baird was talking about, because while he is having a 
+problem with salmon in one place, I am having a problem with 
+red fish at another place. And I know how important rebuilding 
+stocks are and it is a priority of the administration, but what 
+has been requested, $3.96 billion is about 2.7 percent below 
+the fiscal year 2006 appropriated funding including $795.9 
+million for the National Marine Fishery Service, nearly $8 
+million less than what was appropriated in fiscal year 2006.
+    So for the past year, I have been literally beaten up over 
+concerns from the Texas Gulf Coast regarding stock assessments, 
+especially like when it comes to red snapper. Now, there are 
+commercial interest, there are recreational anglers which is a 
+significant part of the economy there. In my district and in 
+surrounding districts, along with commercial shrimpers, both 
+shrimpers and commercial boats have experienced losses in 
+recent years with some being literally forced out of business. 
+One of the largest and most popular snapper fishing party boats 
+just recently announced that he could no longer stay in 
+business because of seasons and size restrictions. Anglers have 
+to throw back catch that is deemed too small, and one of the 
+problems with catching red snapper, which is a fish that goes 
+at a very deep water, and if you pull a fish up very quickly as 
+one does in fishing and you find out that it is not the right 
+size and you have to release it, it is dead.
+    And so we are drawing a good resource. And that means that 
+I get to catch more of those fish and pull them up and kill 
+them as well. And if they are not the right size, then we throw 
+them overboard as well.
+    So we got some serious problems here that have been 
+discussed for a long time but don't seem to be reaching the 
+point of solution. It results in higher mortality rates and 
+consequently, lower stocks. And they are being forced to comply 
+with shorter and shorter seasons which is supposed to help in 
+rebuilding the stock but I am not convinced that it is.
+    Same question, is this budget request sufficient to perform 
+the real research necessary to provide adequate stock 
+assessment and management?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. A couple of comments. The 
+Magnuson-Stevens Bill under which we manage fishery was just 
+reauthorized by Congress last year. So it is a bill that 
+includes actually stronger provisions in it to prevent over-
+fishing. The Administration has added another $6.5 million to 
+try to accommodate the work that goes on. Some of that is to 
+improve the amount of effort that goes into the science so that 
+we don't have the debates on what is the right science for 
+    Chairman Lampson. How does that fit with this which has 
+been decreased?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. You were talking about the 
+section of the National Marine Fishery Service budget, and I 
+will point out to you that that is the area that was shall we 
+say least reduced from the enacted level. It is almost at the 
+same level as Congress had left it in fiscal year 2006. That 
+area is not a big change. There are changes if you look 
+    Chairman Lampson. $8 million?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. $8 million out of----
+    Chairman Lampson. $8 million less.
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher.--$800. $8 million out of $800, 
+roughly. I mean that is the numbers you are looking at, I 
+think, right? Around $790-something, $804? I haven't got it in 
+front of me. The Fishery Service of all of our areas is closer 
+to being what Congress authorized in previous years. None of 
+our areas are up to the level as been pointed out by all of 
+you, that we are roughly $100 million down from the enacted 
+levels that we are working on this year with the continuing 
+resolution, but these are increases over what the 
+administration asked for last year. Again, I come before 
+Congress with continued offers to work with Congress to make 
+sure that the money is put in the right places, that together 
+the Nation uses it as well as we can.
+    But we have added more money to help us with Magnuson-
+Stevens which is what you are----
+    Chairman Lampson. Okay.
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher.--commenting on.
+    Chairman Lampson. What about in working with other 
+agencies, for example, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 
+other States' agencies to increase the data collection efforts, 
+especially when it comes to licensing of recreational anglers 
+and tracking of charter boats. Additional work----
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. There is $3 million to try to 
+improve that effort. We recognize that in the National Academy, 
+we asked for a National Academy Report, that we need to have 
+better information for recreational anglers, that it is 
+obviously a major part of our economy and our coastal 
+management issues.
+    Chairman Lampson. Would you like to make a comment on this, 
+Dr. Pietrafesa? My time is expired, but I think it would be----
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. Sure. This is an area where I believe that 
+investments would really be wise and would be very productive. 
+As I said in my testimony, the U.S. appetite for seafood is 
+such that we are going to need an additional 4.5 billion pounds 
+to appear in our supermarkets over the very short term in the 
+future. And I see that there are two approaches that could be 
+taken. One is that we need to be investing in research that 
+looks at the stocks, the strength of the stocks, also the year-
+class strengths of the recruits as relates to climate factors 
+and weather conditions, you know, changes in precipitation, 
+river discharge and the like, changes in how the loop current 
+in your part of the world, how the transport of the loop 
+current changes from year to year or even season to season. So 
+that is how the wild stock varies as a function of naturally 
+occurring phenomenon.
+    On the other side, we need research on creating new 
+agricultural industries, and so if you are going to invest $3 
+million a year in regulation, it seems to me that centers of 
+excellence could be created at least on the order of $6 
+million. At least initially that could be located at some key 
+locations around the country where agriculture research could 
+be done along with climatological weather, ecological research 
+that could be done.
+    So one could take a look at the agriculture approach as 
+well as the wild stock approach to better understand the 
+natural system as well as growing and raising new stocks.
+    Chairman Lampson. I have a personal request, Admiral 
+Lautenbacher, and that is you help me find some way that I can 
+personally work with the folks in NMFS and see if we can't get 
+them to better listen to the tens of thousands of sports 
+fishermen who really know particularly the Western Gulf. My 
+guess is that many know other areas of the Gulf of Mexico as 
+well. But these people truly feel that they are not being heard 
+or listened to by this agency. That is a personal request on my 
+part, and I would be honored if you would work with me on that.
+    And at this time I will recognize Mr. Inglis.
+                          Satellite Capability
+    Mr. Inglis. I thought you were going to ask him to help you 
+identify where the big ones were, or that is what I thought. 
+Admiral Lautenbacher, back to the climate change issue. Help me 
+understand NOAA's role in all that the Federal Government is 
+doing about climate change. I take it you have a fair amount of 
+the responsibility for the work that is going on, right? NASA 
+is also involved and spends a lot of money on satellites. How 
+does that break down? Describe the role of NOAA as compared to 
+other agencies that are doing other things?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. We have a very strong interest 
+and a strong talent and skills to deal with climate issues. We 
+are part of the government-wide Climate Change Science Program. 
+In fact, one of our people is the leader of that program, Dr. 
+Bill Brennan. We contribute across the full spectrum of climate 
+services in general, from research up through products that our 
+Weather Service puts out regularly for people which was 
+mentioned a little earlier in our experimentation to be more 
+    So we have the laboratories to do the modeling. The 
+Princeton Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's model is 
+ranked in the top of the models that was used in the IPCC 
+Report which just came out earlier in February. We have the 
+satellites that are--some of the data is climate quality, a lot 
+of it is not. We are at the verge of an era where we need to 
+build more climate satellite instruments that provide the right 
+kinds of accuracy for climate variables, but what we have NOAA 
+provides and uses. We maintain the depository for all of our 
+climate information at the Climate Data Center. Basically the 
+Library of Congress for Scientific Information on Climate is 
+maintained inside NOAA. We have the delivery service, weather 
+forecast offices, to provide the products to the people, to the 
+public, to emergency managers. So we have a, you might say, 
+sort of a full-service range of activities that we are engaged 
+    We also do assessments because of the impact of climate 
+change on living marine resources and coastal resources where 
+we have, you know, the legislation that requires us to maintain 
+activities in those areas for fisheries as we just mentioned.
+    So we are a full-service climate organization. It is one of 
+our strategic goals, climate change and planning and reacting 
+to climate change for the future. I have organized the whole 
+NOAA enterprise into four themes. We have one manager that 
+manages climate services and deals with that whole arena. So we 
+are very much engaged in it from A to Z.
+    Mr. Inglis. So for example in the satellites, do you pay 
+for the satellites that you just mentioned?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Yeah, we pay--I forgot to 
+mention the NASA role. NASA builds the research satellites and 
+really most of our climate satellites today are research 
+satellites. And so they are a one-of-a-kind research instrument 
+that has been put into place, and they are being used to 
+further our climate records. NOAA operates and maintains the 
+operational satellites. So we have a constellation of 
+satellites that ranges from two in a geostationary orbit that 
+are constantly looking at both coasts of the United States. 
+That is good for hurricanes and severe weather.
+    And then we have polar orbiting satellites that have an 
+orbit of 90-some minutes that circle the Earth and provide--
+they are much lower orbit. They are not 23,000, 22,000 miles, 
+they are down at 500 miles or so; and they provide much of the 
+data that goes into our models. So those are operational 
+satellites. And the NPOESS program, which I talked about, is 
+sort of the next generation polar orbiting satellite.
+    We are trying to move climate instruments from the research 
+into operational, and that is part of the issue of the 
+difficulty of building the NPOESS program, the risk involved in 
+doing that. We have had to stretch out the movement of those 
+instruments from NASA satellites to NOAA operational 
+    Let me stop. Does that help?
+    Mr. Inglis. Who pays for the delivery of the satellites 
+into space? Does NASA do that or do you have to pay them to do 
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. My part of the Commerce 
+Department budget contains the money for the operational 
+satellites. The research satellites--and we also use that data 
+for weather forecasting--are operated and funded by NASA. So we 
+feed off and need the Earth-observing part of NASA's budget to 
+help us with our climate services and weather services 
+    Mr. Inglis. Absent the plus-ups that you hope to get I 
+guess as this goes through the process, without those, you do 
+all right on the things you have just been describing or do 
+those get tight as well as--I know the overhead is particularly 
+tight without--in other words, the ability to pay staff is 
+particularly difficult without those plus-ups, right?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. It is but let me say I support 
+the President's budget, so we have tried to craft a budget 
+which includes enough money for payroll raises for all of our 
+people. And so my plea generally to Congress and certainly to 
+the House has been support the President's budget. We generally 
+have been reduced. The House mark has generally been reduced 
+for NOAA, not increased. So that has been part of the dynamic 
+that shapes our operating from year to year.
+    But the President's budget has been crafted. We have tried 
+to craft a budget that will maintain the services with the 
+right amount of inflation that funds this year's increment for 
+these satellites at exactly what is needed, 100 percent; and 
+again, I will fight for the money for next year and the next 
+year, and I will keep going until we get these things in place.
+    We have also included, which I think is very important for 
+this committee, in the 2007 budget, we have included $19 
+million to help return climate sensors to the NPOESS program 
+that we have had to stretch. Let us not say to the program 
+itself but to find alternative ways if necessary, put them on 
+other satellites, free-flying satellites, have other agreements 
+with our international partners that launch satellites, 
+commercial industries. So we are looking very hard, and there 
+is money there to ensure that we don't lose any data continuity 
+from the sensors that we have had to stretch out because of the 
+NPOESS development difficulties.
+                      International Collaboration
+    Mr. Inglis. You just mentioned something interesting, that 
+is the international cooperation. I take it a fair amount of 
+the information that you gather is shared with folks around the 
+world? So actually it is in effect assistance to the rest of 
+the world that we are providing with weather, is that right? I 
+mean, do we freely share this information or is it available to 
+the world-wide community?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. We do. We share the information 
+and we have worked through the World Meteorological 
+Organization for some 80 years to build a network around the 
+world. It is an example for what I use for a global Earth-
+observing system of systems which we are also working on for 
+more areas to be able to share the information because our 
+weather comes from China and the Pacific Ocean. In fact, a 
+number of years ago, the Europeans loaned us a satellite when 
+we had one that had difficulty. We have helped the Japanese 
+when their satellite went down with one of our older ones that 
+was in orbit. So there is an international group that looks at 
+trying to maintain a continuous constellation and weather 
+information because everyone needs it, and we all benefit from 
+    Mr. Inglis. How dominant are we in that area? I mean, in 
+other words, does the world depend on us or are we depending on 
+them or is it mutual or are we the big players or----
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. We are big players, obviously, 
+because the United States is big player on everything. And so 
+NOAA is a unique concept. The rest of the world has not caught 
+up with the NOAA idea, yet which is bringing together Earth, 
+atmospheric and ocean organizations together to provide the 
+interdisciplinary information for climate change, for ecosystem 
+management, for improving warnings, weather and warnings, and 
+that sort of thing. But we are dominant in the sense that we 
+are a large agency that brings together scientific disciplines 
+in a way that other nations have not done yet. But quite 
+frankly, we need other nations because we can't observe the 
+weather over Russia the same way they can or with their 
+geostationary satellite. So that international collaboration is 
+very important and actually existed through the Cold War.
+    Mr. Inglis. So that is a constant updating kind of thing 
+where we are constantly getting and sharing information, 
+getting it and sharing it?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. It is constantly being sent to 
+our data centers and then being made available through internet 
+and high-speed lines. You can go and look at our center, and 
+you can look at a composite of all the satellites, and I invite 
+any of the Members to come over to our operations center. It is 
+in Suitland. It is not far to go. It is an easy trip. You can 
+look at a composite of all the geostationary satellite data in 
+one shot, you can go to Europe at EUMETSAT and look at it in 
+their headquarters, you can go to Japan, Meteorological in 
+JAXA, their science space agency and see similar things. This 
+is an extraordinary--when you look at all the other 
+international problems we have, this is one that is very 
+importantly consummated in the right direction.
+    Mr. Inglis. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Lampson. You are welcome. Mr. Baird.
+          More on the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
+    Mr. Baird. Thank you. I want to go back if I may, Admiral, 
+and I am not trying to put you on the spot, I am just trying to 
+get some numbers actually. Do you have available the numbers in 
+terms of where your budget for permitting personnel will be if 
+it is broken down that way for this year versus the last 
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. We have line items that have 
+that in there. I don't have that off the top of my head. I will 
+be happy to provide you----
+    Mr. Baird. Could you?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher.--the sections where we do 
+permitting and what the, you know, our budget loading is in 
+those areas.
+    Mr. Baird. Right. That would be helpful. And related to 
+that, how is that line item determined? I mean, does someone 
+look and say, look, here is what an average human being--not an 
+average but you have got exceptional people working for you--so 
+an exceptional human being who is processing permits. This is 
+what they can do, this is the permitting load as we see it now, 
+this is the shortfall, this is the waiting list, this is the 
+cost. Does somebody look at that?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. We do that and at the end, given 
+the allocations that we have we have to make decisions on how 
+much we can put in each of the areas that are worthwhile 
+spending money on, and usually this area comes up each year as 
+being one that needs and I add money to it.
+    Mr. Baird. That was part of my question. How important is 
+this? I can tell you, back home it is very important and I am 
+right there with you. I agree that money spent in this area is 
+well worth the effort.
+    But my friend from Texas was talking about the issue of 
+fish. We have some interesting harvest dynamics in our State. 
+We spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year trying to 
+restore enlisted salmon. And on their way back they get nailed 
+by a host of harvest activities, some human, some non-human; 
+but we have actually been working with NMFS on the issue of sea 
+lion predation.
+    So we have got a marine mammal, which is not in danger in 
+the case of California, the Sea Lion eating two to three 
+percent, maybe more, of the return of one dam alone. Three 
+percent of the returning endangered listed species, and we are 
+working actually with NMFS out in the district to try to 
+address that. We are also working with our sports fishermen 
+back--I don't know if this applies to your species but there is 
+a thing called survival boxes that net fisheries use so that 
+when you bring a fish in and it is one of the listed fish, we 
+actually clip the fins of the hatchery fish so we can 
+distinguish a hatchery fish from a listed natural fish. And if 
+you have caught a natural fish in your net--really, we don't 
+use a net on the commercial or the troll fishery. If you caught 
+a listed fish, you put it in a little box and the box has 
+circulating cold oxygenated water and though they look dead 
+when you put them in, they rally and have a remarkable survival 
+rate after that. And I do not know if it would apply down where 
+you are at, but it is a pretty astonishing thing to see.
+    Anyway, I just want to commend NMFS for working on that. I 
+think this harvest issue in the Pacific Northwest as we look at 
+salmon recovery, we are talking about the four H's as you know, 
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Yes, sir.
+    Mr. Baird. We talk about habitat, hydro, hatcheries, and 
+harvest. I think harvest has not been looked at enough, not to 
+say that it hasn't been looked at, but common sense says if 
+these fish have managed to survive the rigors of the ocean and 
+they are coming back and they are laden with 2,000 or 3,000 
+eggs and they are the ones that are going to reproduce and that 
+is when we kill them or we let sea lions kill them, that is a 
+pretty counterintuitive strategy. It would be like building a 
+neonatal intensive care unit and putting snipers on the roof so 
+nobody can get in.
+    If we do all these things to restore habitat, and we ask 
+landowners and farmers and foresters and cities and governments 
+to improve the cleanliness of our water, the temperature of our 
+water, the quality of habitat which we do, and then we are not 
+as discriminating as we can be in the harvest, then we are 
+making a mistake. And I would like to work with you further on 
+that. I hear folks out there have been very good to work with, 
+but I just wanted to put that marker down. Anything you can do 
+to continue to increase the personnel so that we have a--I 
+guess at some point I don't expect you to do it here, I would 
+like some target in mind of how long we think the average 
+reasonable project from application to permit approval should 
+we take and then ask the staffing levels of your entity, the 
+Corps of Engineers predominantly, because it is really you two 
+folks who tend to be--Fish and Wildlife a little bit--but to 
+have some reasonable timeframe that we think we can tell our 
+consumers this is how long it is going to take to get a permit 
+so you can plan that and then hire staff and train staff and 
+deploy staff accordingly. That is what I would like us to do, 
+and then maybe we can have a dialogue about that.
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. I hear you and I will work with 
+you, sir.
+    Mr. Baird. Thank you, Admiral.
+                             Climate Change
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. Mr. Chairman, if I could actually respond 
+to or make a comment about Mr. Inglis' question about climate. 
+The Friends Coalition, which includes the Red Cross by the way, 
+believes that greater investments in climate really need to be 
+made. For example, the outbreak and spread of infectious 
+diseases that affect human health is of great interest to the 
+Friends Coalition. And this is an area where climate and 
+weather delivery systems can play a very important role both in 
+natural systems like outbreak of mosquitoes and the migration 
+of birds that can carry diseases and the like. And NOAA is the 
+agency that not only has the data archive that can be mined to 
+look for some of these relationships, but NOAA has the national 
+radar network that can actually track, you know, the migrations 
+of birds and insects, believe it or not. That is data that 
+actually contaminates the data that they need to use for winds 
+and precipitation, but it actually may be useful for health and 
+spreads of diseases.
+    So these are areas where NOAA has the capability and the 
+capacity to actually contribute to climate, weather, human 
+health but for which there is no funding presently. And you 
+know, an investment of $25 to $50 million a year would begin 
+that process. And NOAA is the agency that the Friends Coalition 
+looks to for climate information, for climate data and 
+    For example, I will turn to another area, sea level. NOAA 
+has the repositories, and in fact, NOAA is the agency that has 
+maintained the continuous time series of sea level back to the 
+early 1900s around the coastal waters of the United States 
+including the Great Lakes. And so those data really do 
+establish the sea level rise, the sea level trend, and the sea 
+level variability record which, believe it or not, if you don't 
+know what those overall trends are and you don't know how 
+changes in sea level occur from season to season, you can't 
+even initialize a surge and inundation model properly, either 
+off the North Carolina coast when a hurricane is bearing down 
+or on the Texas coast.
+    So these climate activities that could be occurring within 
+the agency are not because once again, the Friends Coalition 
+believes that the agency is under capitalized.
+    Mr. Inglis. Or figure out whether a ship can make it under 
+a bridge as we were talking the other day. By the way, I assure 
+you that there are mosquitoes large enough in South Carolina to 
+show up on radar.
+    Chairman Lampson. I can assure you they are in Texas as 
+well. Before Mr. Baird left, I was going to make an offer to 
+him that we each do a little research. He could come down and 
+find out some of the problems that we face with some of the red 
+snapper problems if he would in turn invite me to come out and 
+find out what some of the problems are with those steelhead 
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. We will be happy to do that, Mr. Chairman.
+                           More on the NPOESS
+    Chairman Lampson. He might even enlist Mr. Diaz-Balart to 
+prove that there are differences between Eastern Gulf and 
+Western Gulf in the quality of fish. Let me go back if I may to 
+a question about the restriction of NPOESS program. As a result 
+of the Nunn-McCurdy restructuring, many sensors vital to 
+monitoring weather and climate were eliminated. The weather 
+quality data that will be collected from the remaining NPOESS 
+sensors won't be precise enough to meet the needs of climate 
+change monitoring and science.
+    You provided us with the January 2007 White Paper that NASA 
+and NOAA prepared at the direction of Dr. Marburger, the 
+Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. And 
+you told the Committee last year that NPOESS would be built 
+with the capacity to house all the sensors. The January 2007 
+White Paper recommended that three sensors be restored to 
+NPOESS. Are these sensors going to be restored?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. We have been able to, as I 
+mentioned, the allocation within the 2007 budget to put one of 
+the sensors back on the OMPS limb sensor, we believe we can put 
+that back on right now. We have money to look at how to get the 
+others on, but at this point we are still doing cost estimates 
+and doing alternatives to be able to handle the replacement or 
+the sustainment of the sensors that are mentioned in the study 
+that you have that we turned in to Dr. Marburger.
+    Chairman Lampson. What level of funding is required to 
+develop it?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. I don't have a precise number at 
+this point for it.
+    Chairman Lampson. Could you speculate? Just give me an 
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. But over a period of five or six 
+years, it is probably a total of $300 or $400 million. I mean 
+we are talking--and maybe more. But it is in the hundreds of 
+millions, okay, to deal with this over a longer period, not in 
+one budget, but it is cost-streamed over a period of time to 
+get all of them back into some position, either on NPOESS or on 
+another bus.
+    Chairman Lampson. Why would we not include a request for 
+that in the 2008 budget, knowing that Congress has really 
+pushed for this and wanted it to be done?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. I don't believe we have the 
+fidelity to come up here and support nickel by nickel how that 
+money would be spend and give you an honest plan that we would 
+stand up and say this is going to work. We need to do the work 
+we are doing now which is to provide alternatives and look at 
+the cost of various--and have a good estimate, an independent 
+cost estimate of what it would take to do this.
+    Chairman Lampson. Waiting three, four, five years? Think we 
+will be able to have it?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. I plan to do it this year. We 
+plan to have assets of alternatives in the next few months.
+    Chairman Lampson. But would we be able to have it almost 
+certainly in the fiscal year 2009 budget?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. It is my goal to try to do that, 
+    Chairman Lampson. As we wait longer, what kind of estimate 
+might you guess that it is going to cost additional because of 
+the time differential and can we speed it up and save money? 
+And would that be wise for us to do?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. I am all for speeding it up as 
+quickly as possible. Part of the issue is to not incur the 
+risk. The reason they are not on there today is not because we 
+do not want the sensors or the data, it is because of the risk 
+in building a satellite and having something that will work, 
+that will pass the test, and will be launched on time.
+    So we have the issue of ensuring that we don't increase the 
+risk to the program in terms of cost and schedule, and given 
+that we meet that, then I absolutely agree that we should do it 
+as efficiently and as rapidly as technically feasible. We 
+should do it efficiently. I am all for it.
+                       Water Monitoring Programs
+    Chairman Lampson. Okay. Let me just squeeze one more 
+question in, and then I am going to turn this over to the 
+Ranking Member on the Science Committee. Recently, and it has 
+probably been two years, maybe two-and-a-half years ago, a 
+tragic event occurred down in southeast Texas when a dentist 
+was launching a boat I think in Galveston Bay and fell, scraped 
+his leg and it got infected by an organism called Vibrio 
+vulnificus. It is a bacteria. Lumped in together with other 
+organisms, we consider it to be harmful algal bloom organisms 
+and he died from that infection within about seven or eight 
+    With respect to our water monitoring programs, are coastal 
+waters monitored year round or are the monitoring programs 
+restricted to particular times of the year, fishing seasons, 
+peak recreation seasons when people are swimming?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. A lot of those monitoring 
+systems are operated or connected to an EPA network, and I am 
+really not the right guy to tell you exactly how that goes. But 
+we, in NOAA, worry continuously about the health generally of 
+harmful algal blooms and potentially other life-threatening 
+organisms that live in the water. So we use satellites to help 
+monitor the color, we have used our radars and our weather 
+information, and we actually now put out harmful algal bloom 
+forecasts for the Gulf of Mexico, for Florida, and we are 
+looking to move that into the Texas area in this next year. We 
+believe it is a very important area. There is $9 million for 
+harmful algal blooms in our request, and we look to expand our 
+ability to provide early warning and actually try to in the 
+future pinpoint where they come from and do something to help 
+mitigate them.
+    Chairman Lampson. It would be hugely----
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Very important.
+    Chairman Lampson. A life-threatening situation.
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. It goes to what Dr. Pietrafesa 
+mentioned about health and the atmosphere and the ocean. They 
+are directly related.
+    Chairman Lampson. Very good. I will recognize Mr. Hall, the 
+Ranking Member on the Science Committee. My friend from Texas.
+    Mr. Hall. That is the way it is when you are in the 
+minority, nothing works.
+    Chairman Lampson. I knew that. I knew all about that.
+                              New Programs
+    Mr. Hall. I thank you for working with us last year on the 
+National Integrated Drought Information System Act. The NIDIS 
+program authorized by that law is going to lessen the economic 
+and environmental devastation caused by drought by equipping 
+our farmers and water resource managers with the tools they 
+need to prepare for and respond to drought situations. With 
+improved monitoring and forecasting, our economy is going to be 
+spared what we think to be billions of dollars in drought-
+related damages every day. NIDIS was a result of a close 
+collaboration between NOAA and university scientists and State 
+and natural resource managers. It is an excellent example how 
+small investment in environmental monitoring and prediction, I 
+think it is around $4 million in your fiscal year 2008 budget 
+request, can have an enormous benefit to the Nation.
+    Do you have similar programs in the pipeline that would 
+address other pressing needs? If so, describe a few of them.
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. First of all, let me thank you 
+for your help and your work in passing the NIDIS bill. It was 
+extremely valuable to us because we have been working with the 
+western governors for a number of years on trying to build the 
+kind of a program that would be very useful for the Federal 
+Government and the States. We also have worked hard locally 
+with air quality monitoring.
+    Air quality is very important. We now have been able to 
+provide air quality forecasting for the whole country, and that 
+began in the similar partnerships with our research 
+universities, with support from this committee, and work with 
+the EPA and local jurisdictions. We are working from ozone 
+forecasts now into particulate forecasts, or aerosols. That is 
+very important for asthma and other types of respiratory issues 
+that people have. It will also help us manage our air quality 
+in various places because we will be able to tell where it is 
+coming from, where it is going, and what the concentrations 
+might be. So air quality is very important to us.
+    I mentioned the harmful algal bloom issue, looking at 
+health along our coasts. We have, for the first time, the 
+Administration did put some money in the Human Health 
+Initiative for oceans which the Congress has been a strong 
+supporter of and we look forward to working with Congress this 
+year with that program.
+    We are looking at improving our ability to monitor 
+wildfires and provide better information to the people who 
+fight those fires. We are looking at a better carbon network, 
+and we just put something called a carbon tracker on our 
+website built out in Boulder which will allow everyone to take 
+a look at where is the carbon in our air. It is experimental. 
+We haven't got a full network yet, but we are building the 
+tools to help provide information to individual citizens as 
+well as policy-makers.
+    So those are a few of the things we are working on, sir.
+    Mr. Hall. I am sure they help you in monitoring and 
+forecasting and helping to plan that can really be meaningful. 
+We went through just a terrible drought there in East Texas 
+this last time, the worst certainly in my memory and my memory 
+is longer than anybody's in here. We were very pleased to 
+finally get this bill through, finally to get the President to 
+sign it. The one farmer called me and said, ``Well, now, can 
+you make it rain?'' This bill does everything short of that, 
+but it plans for it.
+    You know, no woman in here and very few of you men remember 
+the '30s, but in the '30s during the--from '30 to '40, I was a 
+paperboy and I delivered papers. But I read my papers, and I 
+read about the weather. It seemed like I was always concerned 
+about the weather. I watched radio then a lot. I watched WRR 
+radio, it was all we had. But we had a professor on there, I 
+think Dr. Archer, but I am not sure what his name was; but he 
+would tell us what the weather was every day because he had a 
+new breakthrough. He had, of all things and nobody else in the 
+world I guess had one, a sling cyclometer. And man, that was up 
+to date. And he would say what the weather was going to be at 
+6:00 every morning. I would be back in after delivering my 
+papers, and I would watch him on radio. And I would listen to 
+him. And there was a guy up in Paris, Texas, about 80 miles on 
+up northeast or 60 miles, something like that, he would listen 
+to him and predict just the opposite every year, and he was 
+right about 80 percent of the time.
+    So I don't know if getting all this equipment is good or 
+bad, but it is great to have that information and it is great 
+to see the years ahead and see how much it is going to benefit 
+them. And I thank both of you for your work and your report and 
+for being here today, and I thank this Chairman for calling 
+this meeting. I yield back.
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. Thank you, sir.
+    Mr. Hall. I don't have to turn it off.
+                         Hurricane Forecasting
+    Chairman Lampson. Thank you, Mr. Hall. It is always a 
+pleasure. I certainly did not mean to slight you along the way, 
+Dr. Pietrafesa, with all my questions seem to be going to 
+Admiral Lautenbacher. But I certainly appreciate both of you 
+participating, and I did have a question about the role that 
+NOAA's National Hurricane Center played that I would like to 
+ask of you. Obviously it has played a critical role during the 
+devastating '05 hurricane season, but how can hurricane 
+forecasting be improved to better warn the public of such 
+disasters? Obviously it is not going to be that piece of 
+equipment that Mr. Hall was just referring to, but can we make 
+it better and is the budget adequate to achieve the 
+improvements in hurricane forecasting that we would all like to 
+see happen?
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. I do not think the budget is adequate, but 
+NOAA, I would have to compliment the agency and the Admiral for 
+the efforts that the agency has put forward. For example, the 
+new P3 that is coming on line will allow another degree of 
+freedom in terms of being able to make more measurements. It 
+turns out the stepped microwave frequency sensor that has been 
+deployed over the last year or last several hurricane seasons 
+has shown that the winds that are blowing just above the 
+surface of the ocean are in fact very different than the winds 
+aloft. And those winds are the winds that are actually driving 
+the wave field and also driving the surface currents. And if 
+one is going to do an adequate job well in advance four to 
+three to two days to one day out of a hurricane making 
+landfall, one really must know what the wind field is like and 
+the wave field that it is driving along with the current field. 
+And you have to know not only the speeds and directions of the 
+wind, but you have to understand the asymmetries that are built 
+into each one of these vortices, these hurricane vortexes. 
+There is no symmetric hurricane. They are antisymmetric which 
+means that they have a very unusual configuration around their 
+eye and beyond where the radius of maximum winds occurs. And 
+that is an advance that has occurred through NOAA efforts.
+    Now, that data then needs to be assimilated into the 
+hurricane weather research forecast model and into the surge 
+and inundation and flood models that ensue. So that is an 
+activity that NOAA is moving towards, but once again, we 
+believe that they are undercapitalized in that area. The 
+observing network that is out there, once again, NOAA is 
+building out. It is still in the process of building that 
+system out, but that system has to be more complicated than it 
+was in the past. We now understand that the water and the air, 
+the atmosphere and the ocean and the gulf waters and the loop 
+current and the eddies that are shed, the warm core rings, and 
+on the east coast of the United States it is the filaments, the 
+Gulf Stream filaments, those systems exchange heat, mass, and 
+momentum, between the two. They are interactively coupled in 
+real time. For example, Katrina went through nine stages of 
+change. She went from a zero to a one up to a five and back 
+down to a three when she finally beached herself.
+    So if you are an emergency manager or if you are in charge 
+of evacuating folks, the models now are capable of actually 
+getting down to resolution of 100 feet special resolution on 
+land in terms of where and when the inundation is going to 
+occur; but if you don't have the forcing, the wind fields, 
+correct and you don't know that that event is going to de-
+intensify, you are going to get it wrong. You know, if you are 
+going to evacuate areas and put everybody on the highway at the 
+same time going in one direction, and you have got four lanes 
+and you have to station highway patrol at the on and off ramps 
+to make sure that nobody is getting on in the wrong direction, 
+you have to have the best information possible, and NOAA can 
+provide that but not yet.
+    So the mathematical architectures are there, the new 
+hurricane weather research forecast model is there, the 
+interactive coupling with the ocean system models has advanced 
+to the point where we are actually running one in my own shop. 
+But it requires more investment and research, and so the short 
+answer is NOAA is still undercapitalized in this area, but it 
+is moving in that direction.
+    Chairman Lampson. Excellent. I think those are more 
+examples of just how we do get a return on the monies that we 
+do invest. I think it is critically important that we push 
+ourselves to make those things happen.
+    I know what kind of money was expended in life just in 
+evacuating some towns that ultimately didn't have to evacuate. 
+Probably the people who were best off were those who got 
+frustrated, unfortunately, and went back home and sat the storm 
+out. But then that is the wrong message to send to other 
+people. Many stories that we have read about people who 
+couldn't make the trip from wherever they started to wherever 
+they were going ended up dying in the process or at the end of 
+it and very tragically so.
+    So it is a great opportunity for us to push as hard as we 
+can possibly push to make some of these things happen when we 
+know that the technology exists.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart, you have been awfully quiet over there. 
+Can we impose upon you for some words of wisdom or questions? 
+Push it and it will come on. Now try.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Actually, I was 
+going to follow up on your question, Mr. Chairman. Doctor, you 
+gave a very good explanation. I represent parts of Miami and 
+Dade County and parts of Collier, so the ratings for the 
+National Hurricane Center broadcast during hurricane season in 
+the part of the State that I represent far exceed the NFL's. It 
+is the thing to watch. There has been incredible progress on 
+the accuracy of where a hurricane is going to strike. But as 
+far as the strength of the hurricane, obviously, that is where 
+we have some weakness.
+    Doctor, when you were giving this explanation, how far are 
+we? We have the same type of really significant advances in the 
+ability to track where a hurricane is going to land, and the 
+advances there have been just incredible. How far are we to be 
+able to really be able to forecast, you know, the strength of a 
+hurricane when it is going to land? Is it just a funding issue, 
+is it a technology issue, is it a little bit of both?
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. It is both. As I said, the new stepped 
+microwave system is really an important new technological 
+advance that has been introduced into the capabilities area, 
+and NOAA is now flying that in real time.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. I know it is not a fair question but is 
+there a----
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. Well----
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. Can we say within two years, five years we 
+are going to have--is there any way to do that, any guess?
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. Yeah, actually the NOAA Science Advisory 
+Board actually put together at the request of the Admiral an 
+external review panel that looked into that issue specifically 
+about could we make advances in hurricane intensity 
+forecasting, and what kind of time period are we looking at. 
+And we are looking at a five-year period of time with 
+significant investments in that area. You know, it is a half-
+decade. The mathematical tools are on the shelf. But it takes 
+people once again and it takes putting together partnerships, 
+both from NOAA itself, from within the agency, and from without 
+the agency. So you have got to join the expertise. You have got 
+to leverage the expertise of the academic community that is 
+external to the agency. And it turns out there are not a lot of 
+hurricane modelers and hurricane technologists in the United 
+States. It is a very small community of scientists and 
+engineers. But they are capable and are willing to work 
+together to create this capability and really looking at the 
+order of a half-decade which is a very short time. But it is 
+going to take, you know, the several tens of millions of 
+dollars per year of investment to get this done.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. Also, Mr. Chairman, on a separate note I 
+represent, as you know, the Everglades; so with all due 
+respect, my mosquitoes are bigger than yours.
+                      More on Insufficient Funding
+    Chairman Lampson. I don't know if I would know the 
+difference. I have been chewed on by them too many times in my 
+lifetime. Even Mr. Hall can remember some big mosquitoes in 
+East Texas. Last question I will ask, unless others have some 
+desire to wrap up, the impact of NOAA's tight budget. It has 
+got to have some impact on the ability to fund both extramural 
+research and to do some of the in-house research that is 
+necessary to really do the kinds of things that are necessary.
+    Would you comment on the impact of that, Dr. Pietrafesa?
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. Well, given NOAA's present budget from the 
+perspective of the external community, NOAA is doing the best 
+job it can to maintain the services that it provides presently. 
+But in the face of, you know, increases in salaries and having 
+to pay for turning lights on and off, you know, it is really 
+stretched. And so we understand that when push comes to shove, 
+it is the external activities that are most likely to be cut. 
+So while we understand that, it is difficult for us to accept 
+that, the external community, because if you look at the 
+leveraged assets, both intellectual and physical assets that 
+the external community brings to the table, there is an 
+enormous amount of people power and intellectual power and 
+compute power and technological power that the external 
+community brings to the table. And the external community has 
+got a long and rich tradition of partnering with the agency 
+which has, in fact, led to many of the advances from research 
+to operations to applications that we have experienced.
+    But in fact when the Weather Forecast Office at the 
+Raleigh/Durham Airport--I come from Raleigh, North Carolina--
+was moved to the NC State Campus, within two years, NOAA 
+headquarters gave that Weather Forecast Office an award called 
+a NOAA Unit Citation Award; and that Citation Award recognizes 
+outstanding research and then transitioned from creating new 
+research tools to moving them to new operational forecast 
+tools. Papers were published, papers were given at conferences, 
+but the point was that the forecasts that were emanating from 
+that office improved so dramatically that NOAA headquarters 
+gave that forecast office this award. And that is an award for 
+advances for research and operations which is very unusual. It 
+was the first forecast office to ever receive that award.
+    It shows what can be done if you put NOAA scientists and 
+staff together with the external community and you leverage the 
+assets. You challenge the external community, you become 
+engaged, you engage them in interesting problems, and you bring 
+students to the table. And in fact, that ensures that NOAA will 
+have the workforce that it is going to need for the future when 
+you engage students. And that is one issue we are seriously 
+concerned about is that when external funds are cut, the first 
+to go are the students. And so you compromise the future of 
+this agency, the scientific and technological excellence of the 
+agency because the workforce that could become engaged, that 
+would become engaged is lost. And so that is a serious issue.
+    Chairman Lampson. Thank you. Mr. Hall.
+                           Water Conservation
+    Mr. Hall. I want to talk about the future and conservation, 
+and this may be wild and crazy but it has been something that 
+has been on my mind for a long time and maybe you could give us 
+some advice on it or guidance. But we have to start conserving 
+our water. If we are not going to get the rain as we predict 
+them or as we expect them where over the last 50 years or 
+something. How unreasonable is it to think that we ought to be 
+studying, create some kind of a study today, maybe not a paid 
+study but a study of maybe two people from your agency, two 
+from some other, that would be unpaid that would meet maybe 
+four times a year or quarterly to talk about the future; and I 
+am thinking in terms of--Texas is a typical State, I guess. 
+Every state has its own variances of mountains and hills and 
+tributaries and all that. But Texas has mountains that get 
+water. It goes down, trickles down, gets finally to one of the 
+tributaries and then to the ocean and washes away. How 
+unreasonable is it to think in terms of one day, when I say 
+this as a good bottle of water costs as much as a good bottle 
+of beer now and you got to go to really thinking about the 
+value of water, but how unreasonable is it to have a million-
+dollar subterranean tanks in the desert at the foot of the 
+hills or in strategic places to capture this water and not let 
+it go all the way down to the sea? Too expensive now to do it 
+but there was a time when it was too expensive to put an escape 
+module in the NASA vehicle, but we are going to put one in 
+there now with the deaths and the losses we have. If we have a 
+different day and time and the rains come at a different time 
+or they don't come or they do come but not with more time 
+between them, why not capture that water and keep it? Think 
+about it and have somebody study it, and I won't be here and 
+none of us in this room will be here when you will ever need 
+something like that; but someone is going to be here to think 
+in terms of studying and maybe have huge underground tanks to 
+collect that water and not let it go off to the sea. How 
+impractical is that?
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. I agree----
+    Mr. Hall. I don't want to get put away for recommending 
+something like that or people getting a net after me.
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. I would have to go with you if 
+you got put away because I think you are right on.
+    Mr. Hall. But somebody ought to be studying that.
+    Vice Admiral Lautenbacher. And I agree. I asked my staff 
+when I took over to give me their top 10 problems for the 
+environment for the future. Forget what we do, forget our 
+budget, tell me what are problems are. And when I tabulated 
+that, water. And so that is why we have in NOAA now, weather 
+and water. Water is one of our four major themes, and we are 
+trying to work the problem you talked about, the watershed 
+management down to the ocean. How do we deal with that? And my 
+crazy idea is that we are going to need a water distribution 
+system at some point. So that would include tanks, it would 
+include pipes, it would include pumps. I mean, we are going to 
+need water. I agree with you, and I think we all need to start 
+thinking about the future and how we deal with water. It is a 
+precious commodity.
+    Mr. Hall. I have even thought about it at my home. I put a 
+2,000 gallon tank at the back of my home at the end of my 
+series of garages there, and you would be surprised at how much 
+water comes off of your roof. It goes into that tank, and then 
+for the swimming pool in front, I have a 450-gallon tank, it 
+catches it. It will save about $100 a month there with filling 
+it up with evaporation things for the pool. It makes sense, and 
+I think some day everybody will have that.
+    I had a little guy come out from the city about three weeks 
+ago. I was watering on a day when it wasn't my day to water, 
+and that is kind of embarrassing, you know. But one of my 
+neighbors, and I got a few Democratic neighbors there that will 
+call in on me every now and then; and you know, my wife and I 
+are fighting too loud or we are having arguments or something. 
+But I was watering out there on Friday, and that guy's calendar 
+said it was Monday, you know. And he came up to me and said, 
+``Congressman, I sure hate to come out there;'' and I said, 
+``Well, what is the problem?'' He said, ``Well, you are not 
+supposed to be watering.'' I said, ``Well, I think I have a 
+right to be watering.'' He said, ``Congressman, you don't have 
+a right to be watering, and my dad is going to kill me if I 
+have to give you a ticket.'' Anyway, he went on and on like 
+that a little bit. Pretty soon I said, ``I tell you I am 
+different than other people.'' He said, ``Congressman, you are 
+not any different to us, now. You are just Ralph Hall down here 
+but you have to comply the same rules that everybody else 
+does.'' I said, ``Well, here.'' I handed him my hose. He 
+wouldn't take it. And I made him take it, and I said, ``Now, 
+come on, follow this hose.'' He followed it back around the 
+house and got up to the tank there where it was my tank, my 
+water that I was watering with. He said, ``God, I was never so 
+glad to see anything. I thought I was going to have to go home 
+and tell my dad I had given you a ticket.''
+    I think everybody is going to--I am thinking about going 
+into that business of putting those in and let people pay them 
+out. The Chairman and I may put that together.
+    Chairman Lampson. Is that----
+    Mr. Hall. Need a bunch of money, but I have got the idea, 
+he ought to furnish the money for it.
+    Chairman Lampson. Would that be considered new technology?
+    Mr. Hall. Well, not terribly new but it makes sense and 
+keeps you from getting a ticket, too. I probably would have 
+been watering whether it was my day or not.
+    Dr. Pietrafesa. Mr. Hall, you raise a very interesting 
+point. You are a man of deep wisdom. Of every quart of water on 
+this planet, if you just take all the water on this planet and 
+fit it into a quart, there are only four drops of that water 
+that is available for our use, fresh water, only four drops. 
+And of those four drops, only one is available on land, on the 
+surface of land. So that is how precious that supply of water 
+actually is. So you know, if you would use that analogy. So you 
+have really hit on a key, key issue, availability of fresh 
+water in the future. So we must manage our water resources, you 
+know, in a very, very careful way.
+    So when we alter the environment and we pave the natural 
+environment, particularly the coastal environment over, and we 
+go from having a system that can absorb the water at a 100 
+percent level and retain the fresh water as fresh water lenses 
+under the Barrier Island, and we allow it then--once we pave it 
+over, we go from a 100 percent capability of retaining the 
+water to down to a five percent. And we give it up, and we 
+shouldn't do that. We need to have better management of our 
+water systems, our coastal systems and our land-based systems, 
+and we must pay more attention to the availability of fresh 
+    Mr. Hall. The Chairman and I may set up a study for 
+something, to look at it and study it for a while and then 
+maybe get some people from different agencies that would give 
+some times quarterly to start a plan and start thinking in 
+terms of that because I think it is important.
+    I yield back my time. Thank you.
+    Chairman Lampson. Thank you, Mr. Hall. I think it is 
+tremendous. And I remember as a kid the cistern that was at my 
+grandparents' house, and I know that my grandmother would never 
+wash her hair with anything other than rainwater that had been 
+    Mr. Hall. You know, out front there we had that same 
+cistern. We had a stock tied around the faucet there. That was 
+to catch the wiggle worms that came through there. And we 
+finally wised up and just poured a little coal oil on top and 
+that killed the mosquitoes when they laid the eggs. So we were 
+innovative even back in 1910.
+    Chairman Lampson. Well, see, there we could be. Thank you. 
+I think this has been fascinating. Thank you both for coming to 
+us today, and before I close I want to say that obviously your 
+testimonies have been very thoughtful and insightful and most 
+    If there is no objection, the record will remain open for 
+additional statements from Members and for answers to any 
+follow-up questions the Committee may ask of the witnesses.
+    Without objection, it is so ordered. This hearing is now 
+adjourned. Thank you all.
+    [Whereupon, at 3:48 p.m., the Subcommittee was adjourned.]
+                              Appendix 1:
+                              ----------                              
+                   Answers to Post-Hearing Questions
+                   Answers to Post-Hearing Questions
+Responses by Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr. (U.S. Navy, Ret.), 
+        Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA 
+        Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 
+        U.S. Department of Commerce
+Questions submitted by Chairman Nick Lampson
+Q1.  There are increasingly problems associated with harmful algal 
+blooms (HABs) in our coastal areas including more events of greater 
+duration and intensity. In the FY 2008 budget, the Administration's 
+requested funding for this program is less than current appropriated 
+levels. What specific activities that are now funded will be eliminated 
+if the HAB program is funded at the requested level?
+A1. The President's FY 2008 budget provides approximately $8.9M on 
+research related to harmful algal blooms (HABs) and hypoxia. This $8.9M 
+provides the tools necessary for managers to respond and predict HAB 
+and hypoxia events such as those affecting the New England, Florida, 
+Pacific NW and California coasts as well as the Great Lakes every year. 
+HAB and hypoxia events threaten human health, kill marine animals, 
+impact fisheries, and cost millions of dollars each year.
+    In addition, the FY 2008 President's budget provides $20M for near-
+term priorities projects included in the report Charting the Course for 
+Ocean Science in the United States in the Next Decade: An Ocean 
+Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy. These funds will 
+be used in part to develop in situ sensors for rapid detection of 
+pathogens, harmful algae and their toxins in coastal areas. Also, an 
+increase is requested for Gulf of Mexico Partnerships. This funding may 
+be used to support coastal communities in their efforts to address 
+harmful algal blooms and hypoxia events through competitive grants.
+Q2.  NASA develops sensors that generate new data streams that NOAA 
+begins to incorporate into their operational missions. Some of the 
+current examples of NASA satellites that are improving our forecasting 
+abilities are the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the 
+Quick Scatterometer (QuickSCAT) satellite used in tropical storm 
+forecasting. However, there is still a serious problem providing a 
+smooth transition from research to operations for instrumentation that 
+proves useful in improving weather forecasting and climate monitoring. 
+What is being done to address this problem?
+A2. NOAA and NASA have a long history of collaborating on Earth 
+observation systems. Many of the sensors that fly on NOAA's 
+geostationary and polar-orbiting operational environmental satellites 
+are based on technology developed by NASA to satisfy NOAA operational 
+    NASA and NOAA mission coordination was further strengthened with 
+the December 2005 formation of the NASA-NOAA Joint Working Group on 
+Research and Operations (JWG). This team, formed in response to Section 
+306(a) of the NASA Authorization Act of 2005, provides strategic 
+oversight of NASA-NOAA collaborative activities and facilitates the 
+formation of specific mission transition teams.
+    NOAA and NASA have other collaborative interactions such as:
+          NASA-NOAA Executive Roundtable: At the Executive 
+        level, a program of conducting ``Roundtable'' meetings has been 
+        reinstituted. These meetings are jointly led by the NOAA 
+        Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services 
+        and the Director of the NASA Earth Science Division.
+          Program Management Councils: Both NASA and NOAA have 
+        executive-level Program Management Councils (PMCs). These 
+        councils provide a regular forum for senior management review 
+        of major satellite development activities. NOAA has formally 
+        included NASA as members of its Program Management Council. 
+        NASA has similarly asked senior NOAA individuals to participate 
+        in relevant NASA Program Management Council meetings.
+          Data Assimilation: NOAA and NASA currently 
+        collaborate on algorithm development commensurate with hardware 
+        development through the Joint Center for Satellite Data 
+        Assimilation.
+          Staff Rotations: Ongoing coordination between NASA 
+        and NOAA is being facilitated by the exchange of staff.
+    NOAA acknowledges the value of collaboration with NASA, to more 
+efficiently transition appropriate research capabilities into 
+operations. NOAA has requested the National Academy of Sciences to 
+provide additional scientific recommendations on how best to approach 
+this issue, in response to the February 2007 report from the National 
+Academy of Sciences' National Research Council entitled ``Earth Science 
+and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the next Decade 
+and Beyond.''
+Question submitted by Representative Brian Baird
+Q1.  Please provide the proportion of full time equivalents (FTEs) 
+devoted to permitting at the National Marine Fisheries Service for the 
+proposed FY 2008 budget, as well as for the previous four years.
+A1. National Marine Fisheries Service issues many different types of 
+permits (e.g., commercial fishing, MMPA, ESA) from offices around the 
+country. Within NFMS there is not a specific group of employees that 
+exclusively issues permits. Of those employees working to issue 
+permits, that task only represents a portion of their time and job 
+responsibilities, making explicitly answering this question difficult. 
+NMFS may be better able to address this question regarding a specific 
+type of permit, please let us know.
+Questions submitted by Representative Bob Inglis
+Q1.  Your budget request includes an increase of $2 million for 
+research to improve predictions of hurricane intensity. What type of 
+work will that money support? When could we expect to see that research 
+translate into changes in operational hurricane forecasting and 
+warnings? In the past, NOAA has had a hard time translating research 
+findings into operational advances. Does NOAA have a plan for using the 
+results of this research effort to improve operational hurricane 
+forecast products?
+A1. In the past 10 years NOAA has made major strides in improving 
+(reducing) its hurricane track forecast errors--but has made less 
+progress in improving its hurricane intensity and related inundation 
+forecast skill. The $2.0M increase will be used to support research 
+aimed at improving NOAA's ability to forecast hurricane intensity and 
+provide better information for emergency managers and the public. 
+Specifically, the money will be used to research physics of intensity 
+change in tropical cyclones, flux and sea spray, and to develop 
+applications for tropical cyclone forecasting.
+    NOAA is committed to maximizing the value of its research and 
+ensuring successful transition of research to application. We have 
+taken and continue to take steps to ensure the bridge between research 
+and operations is appropriately identified and resourced. This 
+commitment is demonstrated by NOAA's adoption of a Transition of 
+Research to Application policy and implementation procedures, the 
+development of an inter-agency Tropical Cyclone Research Plan 
+(www.ofcm.gov), and a Hurricane and Related Inundation Plan. NOAA 
+research is annually reviewed to assess readiness for transition. A 
+Joint Hurricane Testbed already in place at the National Weather 
+Service's National Hurricane Center evaluates competitively chosen 
+candidate technology of deemed value to hurricane forecasting. After 
+research produces results, NOAA's process for transitioning them into 
+forecast operations requires multiple steps to ensure the value and 
+quality of changes. This usually takes a minimum of two years.
+    Examples of NOAA research successfully transitioned into forecast 
+operations include a statistical-dynamical intensity model, Rapid 
+Intensification Index statistical models for the Atlantic and Northeast 
+Pacific, improvements to the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory 
+model that significantly increased its track and intensity forecast 
+skill, and radiometrically-derived surface wind speed data (i.e., the 
+Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer) taken from hurricane hunter 
+                   Answers to Post-Hearing Questions
+Responses by Len Pietrafesa, Associate Dean, Office of External 
+        Affairs; Professor of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, College 
+        of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, North Carolina State 
+        University
+Questions submitted by Chairman Nick Lampson
+Q1.  In your testimony you describe the Friends of NOAA coalition as 
+comprised of a diverse group of organizations that all benefit from 
+NOAA's products and services. The coalition is relatively recent in its 
+formation. Please provide a few examples to illustrate the breadth of 
+membership in the coalition with a few examples of the services and 
+applications of NOAA's work that are important to this community. What 
+do the diversity of the coalition and the NOAA services they utilize 
+tell us about the future workforce the agency needs to provide these 
+A1. The Friends of NOAA Coalition was formed in 2006 in an effort to 
+bring together a cross section of the diverse communities supported and 
+benefited by the products, services and resources provided by the 
+National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The coalition's 
+purpose is to inform policy-makers about the importance of NOAA to the 
+health and well-being of this nation on a variety of levels. Today, 
+this ad hoc coalition consists of over 40 different organizations 
+including the Shipbuilders Council of America, the Consortium for 
+Oceanographic Research and Education, the Reinsurance Association of 
+America, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, the Joint Ocean 
+Commission Initiative, the Alliance for Earth Observations, the 
+University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, the National 
+Association of Marine Laboratories, the Red Cross and The Weather 
+Channel. A complete list of members of the coalition can be found at 
+its website: http://www.friendsofnoaa.org.
+    Let me provide a few examples that demonstrate the value of NOAA's 
+outcomes that ultimately benefit the Nation and its citizens. The data 
+and forecasts provided by the National Weather Service provide 
+lifesaving information to assist State and local officials prepare for 
+and respond to severe weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes. 
+Hundreds of thousands of residents of the gulf coast are alive today 
+due to the accuracy of the NOAA's National Weather Service forecast for 
+Hurricane Katrina. This forecast was based on the transitioned results 
+of prior research conducted over several decades. For NOAA to continue 
+to develop ever more precise and accurate life saving forecasts will 
+require a strong and continuing investment in the Nation's weather 
+enterprise, which includes among other issues: applied research; 
+technology development; high performance computing; applications; and 
+education and training, including public education and outreach.
+    According to the Department of Commerce, preliminary estimates of 
+the potential economic benefits from new investments in regional 
+coastal ocean observing systems in U.S. waters are in the billions per 
+year, estimated largely in terms of increased economic activity and 
+social surplus realized as a result of improved information about 
+coastal marine conditions. Albeit, it is my opinion that more and 
+better observations of both the atmosphere and the coastal ocean at 
+every observing site will greatly improve weather forecasts not only 
+over the coastal ocean but also over land. For example, the forecasts 
+of the spawning or further intensification of extra-tropical cyclones, 
+also known as nor'easters, and the amounts and types of precipitation, 
+could be greatly improved by the availability of air-sea data from a 
+more ambitious observing network along the eastern seaboard from 
+Charleston to Lewes. The data would be assimilated in real time into 
+interactively coupled ocean-atmosphere models. How much in savings to 
+the economy would this advanced capability result in? The savings would 
+likely be in the many tens of billions per year as commerce and 
+transportation and other societal benefits are derived. Both NOAA and 
+its regional coastal partners are heavily invested in the continued 
+development of this network of coastal observing systems that will, 
+over time, contribute enormous economic benefits and better information 
+to mitigate against the loss of lives and property.
+    Finally, the kinds of data, forecasts, and environmental 
+predictions provided by NOAA such as long-term weather forecasts and 
+regional climate change projections--are of vital importance to the 
+insurance industry as they routinely assess risk and provide financial 
+protection against future unplanned events to private citizens, State 
+and local governments, and industry.
+    NOAA must continue to provide ever more accurate environmental 
+information to meet the needs of its stakeholders, such as those in 
+this coalition. To do so will require the development of an ever more 
+sophisticated and technically trained workforce, a workforce capable of 
+integrating a vast and diverse amount of data and information and 
+turning it into a form that can be readily used and depended upon by 
+federal, State and local policy officials.
+Ouestions submitted by Representative Bob Inglis
+Q1.  In your testimony you state that there is a need for both public 
+and private support of Earth observations. What would you recommend the 
+balance should be between publicly and privately funded Earth observing 
+efforts? What types of observations should be public, what type 
+A1. Basic, raw observations of Earth are a ``common good'' that support 
+many efforts for the public good, including education, research, and 
+protection of life and property. They also support a great many 
+industries and commercial efforts. Thus the government has a valid 
+responsibility to provide these basic observations. More specialized 
+observations for particular applications could be supported by the 
+private sector, but they will understandably want to make a profit and 
+hence will hold the observations proprietary.
+    In practice, the private sector can perform all of the measurement 
+functions currently undertaken by the public sector, and in many cases 
+the private sector can do these more effectively than the public 
+sector. That said NOAA should take the lead on weather and climate 
+observations. But private industry might implement the measurements 
+according to NOAA, for example NWS, criteria and standards; because 
+industry may be able to make such observations at reduced cost to the 
+government at no sacrifice in quality (examples of existing practices 
+include lightning data). Of course, these data that private industry 
+might collect cannot be proprietary and must be publicly available in 
+real time.
+    Improvements in our Earth observing system required to support 
+higher-resolution modeling and warnings might best be implemented by 
+public-private consortia for at least two reasons. The public sector 
+does not have the financial or personnel resources to go it alone, and 
+those dense/more comprehensive (e.g., finer scale land or coastal ocean 
+observing networks) will serve many applications apart from public 
+safety and so should the costs should be shared among the private and 
+public sectors.
+    Freeing the public sector from all of the responsibilities of 
+observations (by including industry) will enable the public sector to 
+focus greater effort on its core activities (e.g., data assimilation 
+and nowcasting in support of forecasts, watches and warnings and of 
+climate). The Oklahoma Mesonet is an example of a very successful 
+public-private observing network. The coastal areas are ripe with like 
+                              Appendix 2:
+                              ----------                              
+                   Additional Material for the Record
+                   Statement of Dr. Braxton C. Davis
+                 Director, Science and Policy Division
+            Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
+                     South Carolina Dept. of Health
+                       and Environmental Control
+    Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: As Director of the 
+Science and Policy Division of the South Carolina Coastal Zone 
+Management Program, which is carried out by the Office of Ocean and 
+Coastal Resource Management in the SC Department of Health and 
+Environmental Control (SCDHEC-OCRM), I appreciate the opportunity to 
+provide testimony on the importance of the National Oceanic and 
+Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in South Carolina. Having formerly 
+held a research faculty position at the University of South Carolina, I 
+hope that I can offer some insights on the support that NOAA provides 
+in both coastal research and coastal management settings.
+    As you may know, South Carolina's eight coastal counties have a 
+substantial impact on the economy of the State and the lives of its 
+citizens. The resident population of the eight coastal counties in 2005 
+was approximately one million (nearly a quarter of the State's total). 
+These counties support over $40 billion in economic output annually. 
+Tourism and related industries lead the economic markets in coastal 
+South Carolina, and are supported by significant and accessible natural 
+resources, including over 150 miles of sandy beaches, 500,000 acres of 
+salt marsh, and substantial local fisheries. Commercial shipping and 
+port activities add more than $9.4 billion annually in statewide 
+personal income.
+    South Carolina's coastal areas are experiencing rapid population 
+and economic growth. The Myrtle Beach area experienced a 36.5 percent 
+population growth in the 1990s and was recently ranked the 13th fastest 
+growing area in the Nation. In the Charleston region, the population is 
+expected to grow by almost 50 percent over the next two decades with 
+the development of 113,000 new homes in planning stages and/or under 
+construction. Since 1990, Beaufort and Jasper Counties grew at a rate 
+of 40 and 35 percent, respectively, and are expected to continue to 
+expand at this pace based on approved developments. Tourism and other 
+industries along the coast are also expected to increase substantially.
+    Recognizing the importance of the Nation's coast, in 1972, Congress 
+enacted the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). The Act establishes a 
+voluntary federal-State partnership to encourage states to develop and 
+implement programs to manage their coastal communities and resources in 
+a comprehensive and balanced manner. The CZMA provides both monetary 
+and other incentives for participating states. South Carolina entered 
+into the CZMA partnership thirty years ago when the state enacted the 
+SC Coastal Zone Management Act of 1977 to establish a comprehensive 
+program ``to protect and enhance the State's coastal resources by 
+preserving sensitive and fragile areas while promoting responsible 
+development in the eight coastal counties of the State.''
+    The SCDHEC-OCRM accomplishes this mission through direct regulation 
+of developments and alterations in marine and intertidal areas of the 
+coast, including estuaries, marshes and beach/dune systems; and through 
+certification of other State and federal permits for consistency with 
+approved coastal policies. The agency also assists local governments 
+with coastal planning issues and improvement projects. Our new Science 
+and Policy Division seeks to better integrate coastal science into 
+management decisions and policies, and works very closely with other 
+NOAA-funded state partners, including the South Carolina Sea Grant 
+Consortium, North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve 
+(NERR), and the ACE Basin NERR.
+Priority Coastal Management Issues
+    To demonstrate how our state and NOAA are working together on 
+coastal and marine issues, I would like to share with you several on-
+the-ground experiences and examples.
+    Some of the most pressing issues associated with the rapid growth 
+along South Carolina's coast are the associated impacts on coastal 
+water quality. As watersheds become increasingly developed, fresh 
+groundwater supplies are declining, and wastewater and surface runoff 
+are delivering increased nutrient loads, bacteria, pesticides, 
+herbicides, and even pharmaceuticals to rivers, estuaries, and near-
+shore waters. NOAA plays a key role in our ability to understand, 
+predict, and respond to these water quality concerns. Our program has 
+interacted closely with the NOAA Hollings Marine Laboratory (HML) in 
+Charleston, where tools are developed to protect coastal ecosystems by 
+understanding environmental indicators and how they relate to human 
+health issues. For example, HML has examined the impacts of increased 
+urbanization on water quality in tidal creek systems in SC. In 
+addition, the NOAA Center for Coastal Environmental Health and 
+Biomolecular Research (CCEHBR), also based in Charleston, is testing 
+emerging environmental contaminants in our region, including new 
+pesticides, herbicides, and pharmaceuticals to predict their effects on 
+marine life and habitats.
+    Emerging regional components of the Integrated Ocean Observing 
+System (the Carolinas Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction System, 
+Caro-COOPS; the Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program, CORMP; 
+and the Southeast Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing System, SEACOOS), 
+have also assisted SC researchers and managers in responding to an 
+unusual water quality event along the Myrtle Beach Grand Strand that 
+occurred in 2004. By partnering with the NOAA-funded IOOS community in 
+our state, we now have real-time, continuous monitoring of water 
+quality conditions at several piers along the Grand Strand, and we are 
+beginning to understand the conditions that led to an unprecedented, 
+large-scale fish stranding that year.
+    South Carolina is also vulnerable to the impacts of major 
+hurricanes, which have impacted our coast on the order of once every 
+twelve years. As evidenced by the 2005 hurricane season, these storms 
+can be devastating in terms of lives lost and economic impacts. As a 
+researcher with the University of South Carolina, I collaborated with a 
+research team who, with NOAA funding, worked to develop improved 
+information products for SC emergency managers based on state-of-the-
+art storm surge modeling. These refined model projections for the SC 
+coast demonstrate that significant flooding will occur even in Category 
+3 hurricane scenarios, and are now being tied to community 
+vulnerability studies. Also with NOAA support, our research team 
+partnered with local Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) to integrate real-
+time offshore observations from our subregional IOOS components with 
+the latest observations, forecasts, and warnings of the NOAA National 
+Weather Service (www.weather.gov/carolinascoast).
+    South Carolina is beginning to view many of the issues facing our 
+coast through the lens of climate change, given the serious 
+implications of the potential for an increase in the rate of sea level 
+rise and changes in our regional climate. NOAA provides data that are 
+critical to understanding climate variability and change, and the NOAA 
+Climate Change Program has increased its focus toward providing data 
+and research support for coastal states seeking to adapt to changing 
+coastal climates and sea level rise. In South Carolina, the Charleston-
+based NOAA Coastal Services Center (CSC) is providing our coastal 
+management program with critical spatial data and technical support in 
+our initial efforts to address ongoing and future shoreline changes. We 
+also appreciate the leadership that NOAA's CSC is providing to enhance 
+community ``resiliency'' to potential impacts of climate change.
+Research and Information Needs
+    In addition to the support described above, we have continuing 
+science needs related to NOAA's future planned activities. First, a 
+wide variety of marine and coastal data collection efforts have been 
+undertaken over the past several decades, but they are sometimes 
+difficult to discover, access and/or merge for a comprehensive 
+understanding of environmental health and resource trends. In 
+attempting to manage the cumulative impacts of often small-scale 
+developments and alterations, it is critical that state resource 
+agencies have integrated, synthesis products from NOAA that are easy to 
+use and clearly define data limitations, changes in methodologies or 
+scales, and ongoing data gaps. In particular, the ecological histories 
+of specific coastal areas are often not well documented; and spatial 
+data such as coastal topography, bathymetry, and habitat maps are at 
+times disconnected or available at irregular intervals.
+    In a related matter, it is often difficult to fund and maintain 
+basic environmental monitoring at appropriate spatial and temporal 
+scales for resource planning and management. For example, little is 
+known about short- and long-term water quality trends in near-shore 
+marine and coastal waters outside the boundaries of our National 
+Estuarine Research Reserves. Some of the basic questions about the 
+status and trends of our coastal resources remain difficult to assess. 
+The development of the Integrated Ocean Observing System promises an 
+increased density of marine observations, and the potential for 
+integration and expansion of existing local, State, and federal 
+monitoring programs, which we feel are equally important.
+NOAA's FY 2008 Budget Proposal
+    Sustained and robust funding for NOAA is critical to South 
+Carolina's coasts. The President's budget requests $3.8 billion, an 
+increase of $131 million over last year's budget. The budget proposes 
+increases for numerous programs important to South Carolina and other 
+states, including regional ocean observing systems, mapping and 
+charting, implementation of the Ocean Research Priorities Plan, 
+regional ocean partnerships, and the Coastal and Estuarine Land 
+Conservation Program. While I applaud this increase in funding, 
+particularly given these tight fiscal times, the President's budget 
+still falls short of what Congress appropriates to NOAA each year. The 
+shortfall puts programs at risk and hampers the ability of current 
+programs to keep pace with emerging priorities and inflation.
+    State coastal zone management programs play a key role in the 
+coordination of federal, State, and local activities that affect our 
+coast. We are striving to leverage existing funds and programs through 
+new partnerships, but we have considerable and ongoing responsibilities 
+for managing coastal resources and protecting the public from coastal 
+storms and other hazards. NOAA currently supports nearly half of 
+SCDHEC-OCRM's annual operating budget, and this funding, along with the 
+science and technical support that NOAA provides, is vital to our 
+coastal program and to those of many other coastal states and 
+territories. State coastal programs should not be considered as 
+stakeholders of NOAA--we consider ourselves part of NOAA and look 
+forward to continued support from Congress for the priority areas 
+identified in NOAA's FY 2008 budget proposal.
+    Thank you again for the opportunity to help inform the Committee 
+about NOAA's vital role is assisting our state in managing natural 
+resources and reducing the impacts of coastal hazards. I would be happy 
+to respond to any additional questions that you may have.