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The Pre-He White Dwarfs in Eclipsing Binaries. I. WASP 0131+28,0,0,0
3 |
A Possible Origin of kHZ QPOs in Low-Mass X-ray Binaries,0,0,0
4 |
The effects of driving time scales on heating in a coronal arcade,0,0,0
5 |
A new hard X-ray selected sample of extreme high-energy peaked BL Lac objects and their TeV gamma-ray properties,0,0,0
6 |
The baryon cycle of Seven Dwarfs with superbubble feedback,0,0,0
7 |
Type Ia supernovae have two physical width-luminosity relations and they favor sub-Chandrasekhar and direct collision models - II. Color evolution,0,0,0
8 |
Fast and Automated Peak Bagging with DIAMONDS (FAMED),0,0,0
9 |
The MUSE view of the planetary nebula NGC 3132,0,0,0
10 |
Estimating fast transient detection pipeline efficiencies at UTMOST via real-time injection of mock FRBs,0,0,0
11 |
"The 300-pc Scale ALMA View of [CI] $^3P_1$-$^3P_0$, CO $J$=1-0, and 609 $\mu$m Dust Continuum in A Luminous Infrared Galaxy",0,0,0
12 |
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Initial Conditions: Revisiting Wagoner et al. (1967),0,0,0
13 |
Astrophysical Black Holes: A Review,0,0,0
14 |
Age Demographics of the Milky Way Disk and Bulge,0,0,0
15 |
Flare Energy Release at the Magnetic Field Polarity Inversion Line During M1.2 Solar Flare of 2015 March 15. II. Investigation of Photospheric Electric Current and Magnetic Field Variations Using HMI 135-second Vector Magnetograms,0,0,0
16 |
Quasi-spherical collapse of matter in $\Lambda$CDM,0,0,0
17 |
The Process of Stellar Tidal Disruption by Supermassive Black Holes. The first pericenter passage,0,0,0
18 |
A survey of active galaxies at TeV photon energies with the HAWC gamma-ray observatory,0,0,0
19 |
Spiral arms in the proto-planetary disc HD100453 detected with ALMA: evidence for binary-disc interaction and a vertical temperature gradient,0,0,0
20 |
The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program. VII. The Distance to M101 via the Optical Tip of the Red Giant Branch Method,0,0,0
21 |
Modelling the coincident observation of a high-energy neutrino and a bright blazar flare,0,0,0
22 |
Galaxy disc central surface brightness distribution in the optical and near-infrared bands,0,0,0
23 |
"Murchison Widefield Array detection of steep-spectrum, diffuse, non-thermal radio emission within Abell 1127",0,0,0
24 |
Reconciling X-ray and 21cm HI absorption gas column densities toward obscured AGN,0,0,0
25 |
Unraveling the complex structure of AGN-driven outflows: IV. Comparing AGNs with and without strong outflows,0,0,0
26 |
Constraints on Binary Black Hole Populations from LIGO-Virgo Detections,0,0,0
27 |
"Middle aged $\gamma$-ray pulsar J1957+5033 in X-rays: pulsations, thermal emission and nebula",0,0,0
28 |
Polarized radiation and the Emergence of Biological Homochirality on Earth and Beyond,0,0,0
29 |
Towers on the Moon: 1. Concrete,0,0,0
30 |
Updated extraction of the APOGEE 1.5273 {\mu}m diffuse interstellar band: a Planck view on the carrier depletion in dense cores,0,0,0
31 |
On stochastic heating and its phase-space signatures in low-$\beta$ kinetic turbulence,0,0,0
32 |
Application and interpretation of deep learning for identifying pre-emergence magnetic-field patterns,0,0,0
33 |
An HI absorption distance to the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1535-571,0,0,0
34 |
On the Rate of Neutron Star Binary Mergers from Globular Clusters,0,0,0
35 |
A simple two-component description of mass segregation for anisotropic globular clusters,0,0,0
36 |
MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) IV: A two sightline tomography of a galactic wind,0,0,0
37 |
NSV 1440: First WZ Sge-type Object in AM CVn stars and candidates,0,0,0
38 |
New high-resolution near-infrared observations of the asymmetric jet of the massive young stellar object G192.16-3.82,0,0,0
39 |
Estimation of the size and structure of the broad line region using Bayesian approach,0,0,0
40 |
Measurements of the Ca II infrared triplet emission lines of pre-main-sequence stars,0,0,0
41 |
FLaREON : a fast computation of Ly$\alpha$ escape fractions and line profiles,0,0,0
42 |
Particle acceleration and magnetic field amplification in massive young stellar object jets,0,0,0
43 |
Search for Ultra-High-Energy Neutrinos with the Telescope Array Surface Detector,0,0,0
44 |
Exoplanetary atmosphere target selection in the era of comparative planetology,0,0,0
45 |
Massive Neutrinos Leave Fingerprints on Cosmic Voids,0,0,0
46 |
WISPR Imaging of a Pristine CME,0,0,0
47 |
Cosmological constraints on ultra-light axion fields,0,0,0
48 |
Fully general-relativistic simulations of isolated and binary strange quark stars,0,0,0
49 |
Thermal X-ray emission identified from the millisecond pulsar PSR J1909-3744,0,0,0
50 |
The Formation Times and Building Blocks of Milky Way-mass Galaxies in the FIRE Simulations,0,0,0
51 |
Parallaxes for star forming regions in the inner Perseus spiral arm,0,0,0
52 |
Evidence for an ancient sea level on Mars,0,0,0
53 |
Orbital Modulation of Gamma Rays from PSR~J2339$-$0533,0,0,0
54 |
Ram pressure stripping: An analytical approach,0,0,0
55 |
Direct constraints on ultra-light boson mass from searches for continuous gravitational waves,0,0,0
56 |
Educational and Outreach Resource for Astroparticle Physics,0,0,0
57 |
Impact of Stellar Superflares on Planetary Habitability,0,0,0
58 |
Binary-induced spiral arms inside the disc cavity of AB Aurigae,0,0,0
59 |
"Formation of ""Blanets"" from Dust Grains around the Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxies",0,0,0
60 |
Mass of prominences experiencing failed eruptions,0,0,0
61 |
Shock and Splash: Gas and Dark Matter Halo Boundaries around LambdaCDM Galaxy Clusters,0,0,0
62 |
Constraining transport of angular momentum in stars: Combining asteroseismic observations of core helium burning stars and white dwarfs,0,0,0
63 |
The role of Active Galactic Nuclei in galaxy evolution: insights from space ultraviolet spectropolarimetry,0,0,0
64 |
Non-Gaussianity in D3-brane inflation,0,0,0
65 |
Nitrogen Atmospheres of the Icy Bodies in the Solar System,0,0,0
66 |
BICEP2 / Keck Array XI: Beam Characterization and Temperature-to-Polarization Leakage in the BK15 Dataset,0,0,0
67 |
Why is it so Cold in Here?: Explaining the Cold Temperatures Retrieved from Transmission Spectra of Exoplanet Atmospheres,0,0,0
68 |
SN2020bvc: a Broad-lined Type Ic Supernova with a Double-peaked Optical Light Curve and a Luminous X-ray and Radio Counterpart,0,0,0
69 |
VTXO: the Virtual Telescope for X-ray Observations,0,0,0
70 |
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey -- XVII: The Parsec-scale Jet Properties of the Ultra Hard X-ray Selected Local AGN,0,0,0
71 |
Hic sunt dracones: Cartography of the Milky Way spiral arms and bar resonances with Gaia Data Release 2,0,0,0
72 |
CME Induced Thermodynamic Changes in the Corona as Inferred from Fe XI and Fe XIV Emission Observations during the 2017 August 21 Total Solar Eclipse,0,0,0
73 |
Prevalence of Extra Power-Law Spectral Components in Short Gamma-Ray Bursts,0,0,0
74 |
An accurate method to determine the systematics due to the peculiar velocities of galaxies in measuring the Hubble constant from gravitational wave standard sirens,0,0,0
75 |
Commissioning and Performance of CHEC-S -- a compact high-energy camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array,0,0,0
76 |
Variable H$\alpha$ Emission in the Nebular Spectra of the Low-Luminosity Type Ia SN2018cqj/ATLAS18qtd,0,0,0
77 |
Designing optimal masks for a multi-object spectrometer,0,0,0
78 |
GeV emission of gamma-ray binary with pulsar scenario,0,0,0
79 |
A Search for a Contribution from Axion-Like Particles to the X-Ray Diffuse Background Utilizing the Earth's Magnetic Field,0,0,0
80 |
"The role of dissipative evolution for three-planet, near-resonant extrasolar systems",0,0,0
81 |
Identifying Candidate Atmospheres on Rocky M dwarf Planets via Eclipse Photometry,0,0,0
82 |
Magnetic field and chromospheric activity evolution of HD75332: a rapid magnetic cycle in an F star without a hot Jupiter,0,0,0
83 |
Massive stars evolution: feedbacks in low-Z environment,0,0,0
84 |
The First Metallicity Study of M83 using the integrated UV light of Star Clusters,0,0,0
85 |
Kepler Object of Interest Network III. Kepler-82f: A new non-transiting $21 M_\bigoplus$ planet from photodynamical modelling,0,0,0
86 |
SHAPing the Gas: Understanding Gas Shapes in Dark Matter Haloes with Interpretable Machine Learning,0,0,0
87 |
Predicting the long-term stability of compact multiplanet systems,0,0,0
88 |
A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach to Cosmological Constraints From Galaxy Redshift Surveys,0,0,0
89 |
Fragmentation of star-forming filaments in the X-shape Nebula of the California molecular cloud,0,0,0
90 |
Simple interpolation functions for the galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function and its effects in early-type galaxies,0,0,0
91 |
A study of holographic dark energy models using configuration entropy,0,0,0
92 |
Cosmic evolution of star-forming galaxies to $z \simeq 1.8$ in the faint low-frequency radio source population,0,0,0
93 |
Constraining millisecond pulsar geometry using time-aligned radio and gamma-ray pulse profile,0,0,0
94 |
"Flare Rates, Rotation Periods. and Spectroscopic Activity Indicators of a Volume-Complete Sample of Mid-to-Late M dwarfs within 15 Parsecs",0,0,0
95 |
The proper motion of sub-populations in Omega Centauri,0,0,0
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Investigating Cosmic Discordance,0,0,0
97 |
"Fundamental parameters and evolutionary status of the magnetic chemically peculiar stars HD 188041 (V1291 Aquilae), HD 111133 (EP Virginis), and HD 204411. Spectroscopy versus interferometry",0,0,0
98 |
Cross-correlations as a Diagnostic Tool for Primordial Gravitational Waves,0,0,0
99 |
Revisiting high-order Taylor methods for astrodynamics and celestial mechanics,0,0,0
100 |
SZ Scaling Relations of Galaxy Groups and Clusters Near the North Ecliptic Pole,0,0,0
101 |
"Extended X-ray emission around FR II radio galaxies: hotspots, lobes and galaxy clusters",0,0,0
102 |
Observability of Forming Planets and their Circumplanetary Disks II. -- SEDs and Near-Infrared Fluxes,0,0,0
103 |
Uncovering the orbital dynamics of stars hidden inside their powerful winds: application to $\eta$ Carinae and RMC 140,0,0,0
104 |
Survey of planetesimal belts with ALMA: gas detected around the Sun-like star HD 129590,0,0,0
105 |
Optimising growth of structure constraints on modified gravity,0,0,0
106 |
Multi-epoch X-ray spectral analysis of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 478,0,0,0
107 |
Testing the chemical homogeneity of chemically-tagged dissolved birth clusters,0,0,0
108 |
New Constraints on Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter from $NuSTAR$ M31 Observations,0,0,0
109 |
A Multiple Power Law Distribution for Initial Mass Functions,0,0,0
110 |
Discovery statistics and the 1/a-distribution of long-period comets detected over the 1801-2017 period,0,0,0
111 |
Discovery of a Lya emitting dark-cloud within z ~ 2.8 SMMJ02399-0136 system,0,0,0
112 |
"Member stars of the GD1 tidal stream from the SDSS, LAMOST and Gaia surveys",0,0,0
113 |
High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Hot Molecular Gas in AFGL 2591 and AFGL 2136: Accretion in the Inner Regions of Disks Around Massive Young Stellar Objects,0,0,0
114 |
Gravity and the Nonlinear Growth of Structure in the Carnegie-Spitzer-IMACS Redshift Survey,0,0,0
115 |
ASKAP observations of multiple rapid scintillators reveal a degrees-long plasma filament,0,0,0
116 |
K2-295 b and K2-237 b: two transiting hot Jupiters,0,0,0
117 |
Fourier-series expansion of the dark-energy equation of state,0,0,0
118 |
Lyman-$\alpha$ Observations of High Radial Velocity Low-Mass Stars Ross 1044 and Ross 825,0,0,0
119 |
Position-dependent Voronoi probability distribution functions for matter and halos,0,0,0
120 |
Integrating Undergraduate Research and Faculty Development in a Legacy Astronomy Research Project,0,0,0
121 |
Rapid Deceleration of Blast Waves Witnessed in Tycho's Supernova Remnant,0,0,0
122 |
"The Rapid Build-up of Massive Early-type Galaxies. Supersolar Metallicity, High Velocity Dispersion and Young Age for an ETG at z=3.35",0,0,0
123 |
Hints about the multiplicity of WR 133 based on multiepoch radio observations,0,0,0
124 |
Optical identification of active galactic nucleus candidates detected by the Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC telescope aboard the SRG observatory during the all-sky X-ray survey,0,0,0
125 |
Probing supermassive stars and massive black hole seeds through gravitational wave inspirals,0,0,0
126 |
Equation-of-State Constraints on the Neutron-Star Binding Energy and Tests of Binary Formation Scenarios,0,0,0
127 |
Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Isolated Local Volume Dwarfs GALFA-Dw3 and Dw4,0,0,0
128 |
"Testing Emergent Gravity with Optical, X-ray, and Weak Lensing Measurements in Massive, Relaxed Galaxy Clusters",0,0,0
129 |
Magnetic field of the eclipsing binary UV Piscium,0,0,0
130 |
Dark matter and no dark matter: On the halo mass of NGC 1052,0,0,0
131 |
A New Automatic Tool for CME Detection and Tracking with Machine Learning Techniques,0,0,0
132 |
A Solar Magnetic-fan Flaring Arch Heated by Non-thermal Particles and Hot Plasma from an X-ray Jet Eruption,0,0,0
133 |
Systematics and Consequences of Comet Nucleus Outgassing Torques,0,0,0
134 |
A proposal for relative in-flight flux self-calibrations for spectro-photometric surveys,0,0,0
135 |
Upgraded GMRT observations of the Coma cluster of galaxies: The observations,0,0,0
136 |
Intra-cluster GC-LMXB in the Fornax galaxy cluster,0,0,0
137 |
Analysis of the unconcentrated background of the EPIC-pn camera on board XMM-Newton,0,0,0
138 |
"The effect of circumstellar matter on the double-peaked type Ic supernovae and implications for LSQ14efd, iPTF15dtg and SN 2020bvc",0,0,0
139 |
SN 2016hil-- a Type II supernova in the remote outskirts of an elliptical host and its origin,0,0,0
140 |
Searching for the possible signal of the photon-axionlike particle oscillation in the combined GeV and TeV spectra of supernova remnants,0,0,0
141 |
"A massive blow for $\Lambda$CDM $-$ the high redshift, mass, and collision velocity of the interacting galaxy cluster El Gordo contradicts concordance cosmology",0,0,0
142 |
Upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope timing of NGC 1851A: a possible millisecond pulsar-neutron star system,0,0,0
143 |
Comparing Short Gamma-Ray Burst Jet Structure Models,0,0,0
144 |
Planck constraints on the tensor-to-scalar ratio,0,0,0
145 |
The 21 cm Power Spectrum from the Cosmic Dawn: First Results from the OVRO-LWA,0,0,0
146 |
The frequency drift and fine structures of Solar S-bursts in the high frequency band of LOFAR,0,0,0
147 |
Iron abundance distribution in the hot gas of merging galaxy clusters,0,0,0
148 |
The HI Structure of the Local Volume Dwarf Galaxy Pisces A,0,0,0
149 |
A D-term Modeling Code (DMC) for simultaneous calibration and full-Stokes imaging of very long baseline interferometric data,0,0,0
150 |
Liger for Next Generation Keck AO: Filter Wheel and Pupil Design,0,0,0
151 |
Observational Signatures of Sub-Relativistic Meteors,0,0,0
152 |
Dark-ages Reionization and Galaxy Formation Simulation -- XIX: Predictions of infrared excess and cosmic star formation rate density from UV observations,0,0,0
153 |
Effective sound speed in relativistic accretion discs around rotating black holes,0,0,0
154 |
The Virtual Observatory Ecosystem Facing the European Open Science Cloud,0,0,0
155 |
Interacting dark matter and cosmic acceleration,0,0,0
156 |
Cosmology dependence of galaxy cluster scaling relations,0,0,0
157 |
Measurements of the Hubble constant and cosmic curvature with quasars: ultra-compact radio structure and strong gravitational lensing,0,0,0
158 |
Milliarcsecond compact structure in radio quasars and the geometry of the universe,0,0,0
159 |
Membership of Stars in Open Clusters using Random Forest with Gaia Data,0,0,0
160 |
Hypercompact stellar clusters: morphological renditions and spectro-photometric models,0,0,0
161 |
Current and Next Generation Survey Filter Conversions with ProSpect,0,0,0
162 |
Improved deep learning techniques in gravitational-wave data analysis,0,0,0
163 |
Halpha Nuclear Geyser (Bipolar Outflow) from the Barred Galaxy NGC 1415 (ESO 482-G033),0,0,0
164 |
Errata on the Calculation of Hot Gas Properties in a Few Li Jiang-Tao's Papers,0,0,0
165 |
Probing clumpy wind accretion in IGR J18027-2016 with XMM-Newton,0,0,0
166 |
Transiting exocomets detected in broadband light by TESS in the $\beta$ Pictoris system,0,0,0
167 |
Optical and X-ray discovery of the changing-look AGN IRAS23226-3843 showing extremely broad and double-peaked Balmer profiles,0,0,0
168 |
OPTICAM: A triple-camera optical system designed to explore the fastest timescales in Astronomy,0,0,0
169 |
A theoretical scenario for Galactic RR Lyrae in the Gaia database: constraints on the parallax offset,0,0,0
170 |
Nature and Origins of Rich Complexes of C IV Associated Absorption Lines,0,0,0
171 |
"X-ray Observations of a [C II]-bright, z=6.59 Quasar/Companion System",0,0,0
172 |
Signatures of sunspot oscillations and the case for chromospheric resonances,0,0,0
173 |
Probing the physical conditions and star formation processes in the Galactic HII region S305,0,0,0
174 |
The Origin of Elements from Carbon to Uranium,0,0,0
175 |
The CGEM Lorentz Force Data from HMI Vector Magnetograms,0,0,0
176 |
Probing the gravitational wave background from cosmic strings with LISA,0,0,0
177 |
An analysis pipeline for CHIME/FRB full-array baseband data,0,0,0
178 |
Characterizing X-ray properties of the gamma-ray pulsar PSR J1418$-$6058 in the Rabbit pulsar wind nebula,0,0,0
179 |
Electromagnetic Signatures from the Tidal Tail of a Black Hole - Neutron Star Merger,0,0,0
180 |
What the sudden death of solar cycles can tell us about the nature of the solar interior,0,0,0
181 |
"The Chandra Deep Wide-Field Survey: A New Chandra Legacy Survey in the Bo\""otes Field I. X-ray Point Source Catalog, Number Counts and Multi-Wavelength Counterparts",0,0,0
182 |
A Census of Star Formation in the Outer Galaxy: the SMOG field,0,0,0
183 |
A novel approach for deducing the mass composition of cosmic rays from lateral densities of EAS particles,0,0,0
184 |
Long-term temperature evolution of neutron stars undergoing episodic accretion outbursts,0,0,0
185 |
"ALMA chemical survey of disk-outflow sources in Taurus (ALMA-DOT) II: Vertical stratification of CO, CS, CN, H$_2$CO, and CH$_3$OH in a Class I disk",0,0,0
186 |
Differential rotation of the chromosphere in the He I absorption line,0,0,0
187 |
Is there enough star formation in simulated protoclusters?,0,0,0
188 |
Constraints on the Coupling between Axionlike Dark Matter and Photons Using an Antiproton Superconducting Tuned Detection Circuit in a Cryogenic Penning Trap,0,0,0
189 |
Colors of an Earth-like exoplanet -- Temporal flux and polarization signals of the Earth,0,0,0
190 |
Asteroseismic analysis of 15 solar-like oscillating evolved stars,0,0,0
191 |
Exomoon Candidates from Transit Timing Variations: Eight Kepler systems with TTVs explainable by photometrically unseen exomoons,0,0,0
192 |
Magnetic stability of massive star forming clumps in RCW 106,0,0,0
193 |
Interpretation of the resonant drag instability of dust settling in protoplanetary disc,0,0,0
194 |
Generalized anisotropic $\kappa$-cookbook: 2D fitting of Ulysses electron data,0,0,0
195 |
Time dependent signatures of core-collapse supernova neutrinos at HALO,0,0,0
196 |
Spiral-wave wind for the blue kilonova,0,0,0
197 |
Physical conditions and chemical abundances in photoionized nebulae from optical spectra,0,0,0
198 |
Infrared detection of aliphatic organics on a cometary nucleus,0,0,0
199 |
Primordial Radius Gap and Potentially Broad Core Mass Distributions of Super-Earths and Sub-Neptunes,0,0,0
200 |
"The Fundamental Vibrational Frequencies and Spectroscopic Constants of the Dicyanoamine Anion, NCNCN$^-$ (C$_2$N$_3^-$): Quantum Chemical Analysis for Astrophysical and Planetary Environments",0,0,0
201 |
Cosmological Fluctuations in Delta Gravity,0,0,0
202 |
On the Correlation between Hot Jupiters and Stellar Clustering: High-eccentricity Migration Induced by Stellar Flybys,0,0,0
203 |
Using ALMA to resolve the nature of the early star-forming large-scale structure PLCK G073.4-57.5,0,0,0
204 |
Model-independent Estimations for the Cosmic Curvature from the Latest Strong Gravitational Lensing Systems,0,0,0
205 |
Galaxy number counts at second order in perturbation theory: a leading-order term comparison,0,0,0
206 |
Measurement of the high-energy all-flavor neutrino-nucleon cross section with IceCube,0,0,0
207 |
Primordial Weibel instability,0,0,0
208 |
"Weak signal extraction using matrix decomposition, with application to ultra high energy neutrino detection",0,0,0
209 |
Linking Compact Dwarf Starburst Galaxies in the RESOLVE Survey to Downsized Blue Nuggets,0,0,0
210 |
"Absorption Lines in the 0.91-1.33 $\mu$m Spectra of Red Giants for Measuring Abundances of Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, and Ni",0,0,0
211 |
Cosmic-ray current-driven instabilities -- revisiting environmental conditions,0,0,0
212 |
Sulphur-Bearing and Complex Organic Molecules in an Infrared Cold Core,0,0,0
213 |
Ultraviolet-Based Science in the Solar System: Advances and Next Steps,0,0,0
214 |
The Properties of Planetesimal Collisions under Jupiter's Perturbation and the Application to Chondrule Formation via Impact Jetting,0,0,0
215 |
A Universal Relation of Dust Obscuration Across Cosmic Time,0,0,0
216 |
The environmental effects of very large bolide impacts on early Mars explored with a hierarchy of numerical models,0,0,0
217 |
Quantifying the impact of variable BLR diffuse continuum contributions on measured continuum inter-band delays,0,0,0
218 |
Star Formation in Nuclear Rings with the TIGRESS Framework,0,0,0
219 |
Molecular cloud distances based on the MWISP CO survey and Gaia DR2,0,0,0
220 |
Critical decay index for eruptions of 'short' filaments,0,0,0
221 |
Oxygen abundance and the N/C vs N/O relation for AFG supergiants and bright giants,0,0,0
222 |
Are primordial black holes produced by entropy perturbations in single field inflationary models?,0,0,0
223 |
Angular distribution of gamma-ray emission from velocity-dependent dark matter annihilation in subhalos,0,0,0
224 |
LOFAR imaging of the solar corona during the 2015 March 20 solar eclipse,0,0,0
225 |
Atmospheric Escape and the Evolution of Close-in Exoplanets,0,0,0
226 |
X-ray constraints on the spectral energy distribution of the $z=5.18$ blazar SDSS J013127.34-032100.1,0,0,0
227 |
"Initial results from the New Horizons exploration of 2014 MU69, a small Kuiper Belt Object",0,0,0
228 |
UVIT/ASTROSAT studies of Blue Straggler stars and post-mass transfer systems in star clusters: Detection of one more blue lurker in M67,0,0,0
229 |
The effective temperature -- radius relationship of M-dwarfs,0,0,0
230 |
High mass but low spin: an exclusion region to rule out hierarchical black-hole mergers as a mechanism to populate the pair-instability mass gap,0,0,0
231 |
Cosmological Evolution of the Formation Rate of Short Gamma-ray Bursts With and Without Extended Emission,0,0,0
232 |
Unlocking the Capabilities of Future High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy Missions Through Laboratory Astrophysics,0,0,0
233 |
180$^\circ$ Rotations in the Polarization Angle for Blazars,0,0,0
234 |
Receiver control for the Submillimeter Array,0,0,0
235 |
A search for He I airglow emission from the hot Jupiter tau Boo b,0,0,0
236 |
On the relative importance of hadronic emission processes along the jet axis of Active Galactic Nuclei,0,0,0
237 |
Spikey: Self-Lensing Flares from Eccentric SMBH Binaries,0,0,0
238 |
X-ray and Optical Monitoring of State Transitions in MAXI J1820+070,0,0,0
239 |
The spatial distributions of blue main-sequence stars in Magellanic Cloud star clusters,0,0,0
240 |
Models of irradiated molecular shocks,0,0,0
241 |
MOS spectroscopy of protocluster candidate galaxies at z=6.5,0,0,0
242 |
Lessons from the first multiply imaged supernova: A revised Light-Traces-Mass strong lensing model for the galaxy cluster MACS J1149.5+2223,0,0,0
243 |
"The Araucaria Project: Deep near-infrared photometric maps of Local and Sculptor Group galaxies. I. Carina, Fornax, Sculptor",0,0,0
244 |
High Energy Emission and its Variability in Young Stellar Objects,0,0,0
245 |
The Spin-Barrier Ratio for S and C-Type Main Asteroids Belt,0,0,0
246 |
RadioLuna: A Penetrometer Deployed Network For Lunar Radio Science Below 2 MHz,0,0,0
247 |
Machine learning application to Fermi-LAT data: sharpening all-sky map and emphasizing variable sources,0,0,0
248 |
"Developing a self-consistent AGB wind model: II. Non-classical, non-equilibrium polymer nucleation in a chemical mixture",0,0,0
249 |
Unveiling the wave nature of gravitational-waves with simulations,0,0,0
250 |
Surface properties of large TNOs: Expanding the study to longer wavelengths with the James Webb Space Telescope,0,0,0
251 |
Disk-jet coupling changes as a possible indicator for outbursts from GX 339-4 remaining within the X-ray hard state,0,0,0
252 |
CWISEP J193518.59$-$154620.3: An Extremely Cold Brown Dwarf in the Solar Neighborhood Discovered with CatWISE,0,0,0
253 |
The effect of non-linear mutual friction on pulsar glitch sizes and rise times,0,0,0
254 |
Gravitational-wave constraints on the cosmic opacity at $z\sim 5$: forecast from space gravitational-wave antenna DECIGO,0,0,0
255 |
A Native Hawaiian-led summary of the current impact of constructing the Thirty Meter Telescope on Maunakea,0,0,0
256 |
Ultraviolet Mg II emission from fast neutral ejecta around Eta Carinae,0,0,0
257 |
CO and HCN isotopologue ratios in the outflows of AGB stars,0,0,0
258 |
Probing the absorption of gamma-rays by IR radiation from the dusty torus in FSRQs with the Cherenkov Telescope Array,0,0,0
259 |
Voluminous silica precipitated from martian waters during late-stage aqueous alteration,0,0,0
260 |
Primordial magnetic helicity evolution with a homogeneous magnetic field from inflation,0,0,0
261 |
HST Imaging of the Ionizing Radiation from a Star-forming Galaxy at z = 3.794,0,0,0
262 |
The Twins Embedding of Type Ia Supernovae II: Improving Cosmological Distance Estimates,0,0,0
263 |
A search for ultrahigh-energy neutrinos associated with astrophysical sources using the third flight of ANITA,0,0,0
264 |
Small-Scale Dynamical Coherence Accompanied with Galaxy Conformity,0,0,0
265 |
Fermi LAT detection of the supernova remnant SN 1006 revisited: the south-west limb,0,0,0
266 |
The Breakdown Scale of HI Bias Linearity,0,0,0
267 |
A model independent comparison of supernova and strong lensing cosmography: implications for the Hubble constant tension,0,0,0
268 |
Implications of the lowest frequency detection of the persistent counterpart of FRB121102,0,0,0
269 |
Electromagnetic transients and gravitational waves from white dwarf disruptions by stellar black holes in triple systems,0,0,0
270 |
Clouds will likely prevent the detection of water vapor in JWST transmission spectra of terrestrial exoplanets,0,0,0
271 |
High redshift JWST predictions from IllustrisTNG: II. Galaxy line and continuum spectral indices and dust attenuation curves,0,0,0
272 |
Yellow symbiotic star AG Draconis in the scope of the New Online Database of Symbiotic Variables,0,0,0
273 |
Magnetic white dwarfs in post-common-envelope binaries,0,0,0
274 |
On the role of resonances in polluting white dwarfs by asteroids,0,0,0
275 |
Superstrong photospheric magnetic fields in sunspot penumbrae,0,0,0
276 |
A significant mutual inclination between the planets within the $\pi$ Mensae system,0,0,0
277 |
A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. II. Supernova Remnants in the first quadrant of the Milky Way,0,0,0
278 |
The Milky Way Project: Probing Star Formation with First Results on Yellowballs from DR2,0,0,0
279 |
Can Neutron-Star Mergers Explain the r-process Enrichment in Globular Clusters?,0,0,0
280 |
A more probable explanation for a continuum flash in the direction of a redshift $\approx$ 11 galaxy,0,0,0
281 |
The Spatial Power Spectrum and Derived Turbulent Properties of Isolated Galaxies,0,0,0
282 |
"The XGIS instrument on-board THESEUS: Monte Carlo simulations for response, background, and sensitivity",0,0,0
283 |
Identification of a New Ultraluminous X-ray Source in NGC 1316,0,0,0
284 |
An Open-source Bayesian Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (BART) Code: II. The {\transit} Radiative-Transfer Module and Retrieval of HAT-P-11b,0,0,0
285 |
All-sky radiometer for narrowband gravitational waves using folded data,0,0,0
286 |
Accretion of Small Satellites and Gas Inflows in a Disc Galaxy,0,0,0
287 |
Near-infrared observations of active asteroid (3200) Phaethon reveal no evidence for hydration,0,0,0
288 |
Assessing Cosmic Acceleration with the Alcock-Paczynski Effect in the SDSS-IV Quasar Catalog,0,0,0
289 |
Quenching and morphological evolution due to circumgalactic gas expulsion in a simulated galaxy with a controlled assembly history,0,0,0
290 |
Gas accretion regulates the scatter of the mass-metallicity relation,0,0,0
291 |
A search for radio jets from massive young stellar objects. Association of radio jets with H2O and CH3OH masers,0,0,0
292 |
Bridging the Planet Radius Valley: Stellar Clustering as a Key Driver for Turning Sub-Neptunes into Super-Earths,0,0,0
293 |
Recent insights on the penumbra formation process,0,0,0
294 |
Origin of the Golden Mass of Galaxies and Black Holes,0,0,0
295 |
Dynamic Processes of the Moreton Wave on 2014 March 29,0,0,0
296 |
The role of disc torques in forming resonant planetary systems,0,0,0
297 |
The rocky road to quiescence: compaction and quenching of quasar host galaxies at z~2,0,0,0
298 |
Efficiency of tidal dissipation in slowly rotating fully convective stars or planets,0,0,0
299 |
"BH Mass, Jet and Accretion Disk Connection: An Analysis of Radio-loud and Radio-quiet Quasars",0,0,0
300 |
A prototype industrial laser system for cold atom inertial sensing in space,0,0,0
301 |
"On the alignment of haloes, filaments and magnetic fields in the simulated cosmic web",0,0,0
302 |
On the X-ray Spectral Energy Distributions of Star-Forming Galaxies: the 0.3-30 keV Spectrum of the Low-Metallicity Starburst Galaxy VV 114,0,0,0
303 |
A thermophysical and dynamical study of the Hildas (1162) Larissa and (1911) Schubart,0,0,0
304 |
Analysis of a Century's Worth of AR Scorpii Photometry from DASCH and ASAS-SN,0,0,0
305 |
A Flaring AGN In a ULIRG candidate in Stripe 82,0,0,0
306 |
Placing High-Redshift Quasars in Perspective: a Catalog of Spectroscopic Properties from the Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph -- Distant Quasar Survey,0,0,0
307 |
"On the orbital evolution of 2020 AV2, the first asteroid ever observed to go around the Sun inside the orbit of Venus",0,0,0
308 |
Cloud-cloud collision in the DR 21 cloud as a trigger of massive star formation,0,0,0
309 |
WISE J044232.92+322734.9: A star-forming galaxy at redshift 1.1 seen through a Galactic dust clump?,0,0,0
310 |
The Cherenkov Telescope Array: Science Goals and Current Status,0,0,0
311 |
In situ Exploration of the Giant Planets,0,0,0
312 |
A search for transiting planets around FGKM dwarfs and sub-giants in the TESS Full Frame Images of the Southern ecliptic hemisphere,0,0,0
313 |
Cadmium Zinc Telluride Detectors for a Next-Generation Hard X-ray Telescope,0,0,0
314 |
Atmospheric Density Uncertainty Quantification for Satellite Conjunction Assessment,0,0,0
315 |
Catch Me if You Can: Biased Distribution of Ly$\alpha$-emitting Galaxies according to the Viewing Direction,0,0,0
316 |
The mass fraction of halo stars contributed by the disruption of globular clusters in the E-MOSAICS simulations,0,0,0
317 |
GASP XXVII: Gas-phase metallicity scaling relations in disk galaxies with and without ram-pressure stripping,0,0,0
318 |
Evaluation of Hadronic Emission in Starburst Galaxies and Star-forming Galaxies,0,0,0
319 |
"Nucleosynthesis of ""Light"" Heavy Nuclei in Neutrino-driven Winds. Role of ($\alpha,n$) reactions",0,0,0
320 |
Modeling the Baryon Cycle in Low Mass Galaxy Encounters: the Case of NGC 4490 & NGC 4485,0,0,0
321 |
Detectability of SASI activity in supernova neutrino signals,0,0,0
322 |
Surface rotation and photometric activity for Kepler targets I. M and K main-sequence stars,0,0,0
323 |
Vortex lattice in rotating neutron spin-triplet superfluid,0,0,0
324 |
Mirror principle and the red-giant bump: the battle of entropy in low-mass stars,0,0,0
325 |
Estimating Covariance Matrices for Two- and Three-Point Correlation Function Moments in Arbitrary Survey Geometries,0,0,0
326 |
Primary beam effects of radio astronomy antennas: I. Modelling the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) L-band beam using holography,0,0,0
327 |
Simulating the optical alignment of the multiconjugate adaptive optics module for the extremely large telescope,0,0,0
328 |
Spectral Classification and Ionized Gas Outflows in $z\sim2$ WISE-Selected Hot Dust-Obscured Galaxies,0,0,0
329 |
The mass and density of the dwarf planet (225088) 2007 OR10,0,0,0
330 |
Associations of dwarf galaxies in a $\Lambda$CDM Universe,0,0,0
331 |
A Novel Survey for Young Substellar Objects with the W-band Filter. I. Filter Design and New Discoveries in Ophiuchus and Perseus,0,0,0
332 |
Uncertainty Estimates of Solar Wind Prediction using HMI Photospheric Vector and Spatial Standard Deviation Synoptic Maps,0,0,0
333 |
Gaseous nebulae and massive stars in the giant HI ring in Leo,0,0,0
334 |
The 2017 September 6 Flare: Radio Bursts and Pulsations in the 22-5000 MHz Range and Associated Phenomena,0,0,0
335 |
An oversized magnetic sheath wrapping around the parsec-scale jet in 3C 273,0,0,0
336 |
The SLUGGS Survey: Measuring globular cluster ages using both photometry and spectroscopy,0,0,0
337 |
Possible formation of lowly luminous highly magnetized white dwarfs by accretion leading to SGRs/AXPs,0,0,0
338 |
Distinguishing Mergers and Disks in High Redshift Observations of Galaxy Kinematics,0,0,0
339 |
Magnetohydrodynamic Winds Driven by Line Force from the Standard Thin Disk around Supermassive Black Holes: I. the case of weak magnetic field,0,0,0
340 |
VTXO: The Virtual Telescope for X-ray Observations,0,0,0
341 |
Red Be stars in the Magellanic Clouds,0,0,0
342 |
"The Neutrino Puzzle: Anomalies, Interactions, and Cosmological Tensions",0,0,0
343 |
Shallow transit follow-up from NGTS: simultaneous observations of HD106315 with 11 identical telescopes,0,0,0
344 |
Gamma-ray binaries,0,0,0
345 |
REX: X-ray experiment on the Water Recovery Rocket,0,0,0
346 |
Dynamical structures of retrograde resonances: analytical and numerical studies,0,0,0
347 |
Physics of Planet Trapping with Applications to HL Tau,0,0,0
348 |
DRAGraces: A pipeline for the GRACES high-resolution spectrograph at Gemini,0,0,0
349 |
Possible early linear acceleration of proto-neutron stars via asymmetric neutrino emission in core-collapse supernovae,0,0,0
350 |
Thick-disc model to explain the spectral state transition in NGC 247,0,0,0
351 |
A Deep Chandra View of A Candidate Parsec-Scale Jet from the Galactic Center Super-massive Black Hole,0,0,0
352 |
Denuded Dwarfs Demystified: Gas Loss from dSph Progenitors and Implications for the Minimum Mass of Galaxies,0,0,0
353 |
GALACTICNUCLEUS: A high-angular-resolution JHKs imaging survey of the Galactic centre II. First data release of the catalogue and the most detailed CMDs of the GC,0,0,0
354 |
X-ray and Optical Observations of the Black Hole Candidate MAXI J1828-249,0,0,0
355 |
The slingshot effect as a probe of transverse motions of galaxies,0,0,0
356 |
Accelerated orbital decay of supermassive black hole binaries in merging nuclear star clusters,0,0,0
357 |
Pulsar Radio Emission Mechanism: Radio Nanoshots as a Low Frequency Afterglow of Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection,0,0,0
358 |
The Catalogue of Cometary Orbits and their Dynamical Evolution,0,0,0
359 |
Observation and Modeling of Solar Jets,0,0,0
360 |
A possible bright ultraviolet flash from a galaxy at redshift z ~ 11,0,0,0
361 |
First Resolved Dust Continuum Measurements of Individual Giant Molecular Clouds in the Andromeda Galaxy,0,0,0
362 |
HAWC and Fermi-LAT Detection of Extended Emission from the Unidentified Source 2HWC J2006+341,0,0,0
363 |
Discovery of a Candidate Binary Supermassive Black Hole in a Periodic Quasar from Circumbinary Accretion Variability,0,0,0
364 |
Characterization of Thermal Infrared Dust Emission and Refinements to the Nucleus Properties of Centaur 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1,0,0,0
365 |
Quality control of the CFRP mirror manufacturing process at NPF,0,0,0
366 |
Classification and Evolution of Galaxies According to the Dynamical State of Host Clusters and Galaxy Luminosities,0,0,0
367 |
Semi-empirical model atmospheres for the chromosphere of the sunspot penumbra and umbral flashes,0,0,0
368 |
Starquakes in millisecond pulsars and gravitational waves emission,0,0,0
369 |
Ionisation state of the accretion disc in the neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1728-34,0,0,0
370 |
Wave heating in gravitationally stratified coronal loops in the presence of resistivity and viscosity,0,0,0
371 |
Failed prominence eruptions near 24 cycle maximum,0,0,0
372 |
Giants eating giants: Mass loss and giant planets modifying the luminosity of the Tip of the Giant Branch,0,0,0
373 |
AGN radiative feedback in the early growth of massive black holes,0,0,0
374 |
Kilonova rates from spherical and axisymmetrical models,0,0,0
375 |
Timing of stellar pulsations to search for sub-stellar companions beyond the main sequence,0,0,0
376 |
Optical polarization properties of February 2010 outburst of the blazar Mrk 421,0,0,0
377 |
Anomaly Detection for Multivariate Time Series of Exotic Supernovae,0,0,0
378 |
The Data Processor of the EUSO-SPB2 Telescopes,0,0,0
379 |
Evidence of a dynamically evolving Galactic warp,0,0,0
380 |
First imaging spectroscopy observations of solar drift pair bursts,0,0,0
381 |
Scaling relations and baryonic cycling in local star-forming galaxies: II. Gas content and star-formation efficiency,0,0,0
382 |
Conducting the SONG: The robotic nature and efficiency of a fully automated telescope,0,0,0
383 |
Tilted outer and inner structures in edge-on galaxies?,0,0,0
384 |
The effect of a dynamo-generated field on the Parker wind,0,0,0
385 |
On the non-axisymmetric fragmentation of rings generated by the Secular Gravitational Instability,0,0,0
386 |
Motion of Particles in Solar and Galactic Systems by Using Neumann Boundary Condition,0,0,0
387 |
Stellar mass Primordial Black Holes as Cold Dark Matter,0,0,0
388 |
The Far Ultraviolet M-dwarf Evolution Survey. I. The Rotational Evolution of High-Energy Emissions,0,0,0
389 |
Massive black hole binary systems and the NANOGrav 12.5 year results,0,0,0
390 |
The Boundary between Gas-rich and Gas-poor Planets,0,0,0
391 |
Solar Active Region Electric Currents Before and During Eruptive Flares,0,0,0
392 |
"Simulating Non-hydrostatic atmospheres on Planets (SNAP): formulation, validation and application to the Jovian atmosphere",0,0,0
393 |
Energy Optimization in Extrasolar Planetary Systems: The Transition from Peas-in-a-Pod to Runaway Growth,0,0,0
394 |
High-energy cosmic particles,0,0,0
395 |
Searching for Thermal Inversion Agents in the Transmission Spectrum of MASCARA-2b/KELT-20b: Detection of Neutral Iron and Ionised Calcium H$\&$K Lines,0,0,0
396 |
Cluster-forming site AFGL 5157: colliding filamentary clouds and star formation,0,0,0
397 |
Double-peak emission line galaxies in the SDSS catalogue. A minor merger sequence,0,0,0
398 |
The Multidimensional Milky Way,0,0,0
399 |
How Astronomers Perceive the Societal Impact of Research: An Exploratory Study,0,0,0
400 |
Hot Plasma Flows and Oscillations in the Loop-top Region During the September 10 2017 X8.2 Solar Flare,0,0,0
401 |
The Three Causes of Low-Mass Assembly Bias,0,0,0
402 |
Carina's Pillars of Destruction: the view from ALMA,0,0,0
403 |
"Scaling K2. I. Revised Parameters for 222,088 K2 Stars and a K2 Planet Radius Valley at 1.9 $R_{\oplus}$",0,0,0
404 |
Close-up view of a luminous star-forming galaxy at z=2.95,0,0,0
405 |
A transition of dynamo modes in M dwarfs: narrowing down the spectral range where the transition occurs*,0,0,0
406 |
A Low-mass Cold and Quiescent Core Population in a Massive Star Protocluster,0,0,0
407 |
The Impact of Peculiar Velocities on the Estimation of the Hubble Constant from Gravitational Wave Standard Sirens,0,0,0
408 |
Temperature dependent appearance of exotic matter makes nascent neutron stars spin faster,0,0,0
409 |
The First Direct Search for Inelastic Boosted Dark Matter with COSINE-100,0,0,0
410 |
Anisotropy of the Milky Way's stellar halo using K giants from LAMOST and $Gaia$,0,0,0
411 |
The relation of the Alpha Persei star cluster with the nearby stellar stream,0,0,0
412 |
Efficient highly-subsonic turbulent dynamo and growth of primordial magnetic fields,0,0,0
413 |
"Cosmology with extragalactic proper motions: harmonic formalism, estimators, and forecasts",0,0,0
414 |
Studying Magnetic Fields in Star Formation and the Turbulent Interstellar Medium,0,0,0
415 |
Intrinsic Alignments in IllustrisTNG and their implications for weak lensing: Tidal shearing and tidal torquing mechanisms put to the test,0,0,0
416 |
Forecasts on Interacting Dark Energy from 21-cm Angular Power Spectrum with BINGO and SKA observations,0,0,0
417 |
The Most Common Habitable Planets II -- Salty Oceans in Low Mass Habitable Planets and Global Climate Evolution,0,0,0
418 |
Star formation and morphological properties of galaxies in the Pan-STARRS $3 \pi$ survey- I. A machine learning approach to galaxy and supernova classification,0,0,0
419 |
Combined Effects of Rotation and Age Spreads on Extended Main Sequence Turn Offs,0,0,0
420 |
Detecting gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions with LISA: an update,0,0,0
421 |
Star formation activity and the spatial distribution and mass segregation of dense cores in the early phases of star formation,0,0,0
422 |
Gemini NIFS survey of feeding and feedback in nearbyActive Galaxies - III. Ionized versus warm molecular gasmasses and distributions,0,0,0
423 |
Inflation: a quantum laboratory on cosmological scales,0,0,0
424 |
Propagating Speed of Primordial Gravitational Waves,0,0,0
425 |
Grandma: a network to coordinate them all,0,0,0
426 |
Friends and Foes: Conditional Occurrence Rates of Exoplanet Companions and their Impact on Radial Velocity Follow-up Surveys,0,0,0
427 |
X-ray cavities in the hot corona of the lenticular galaxy NGC~4477,0,0,0
428 |
Searching for Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect from Fermi-LAT Diffuse $\gamma$-ray Map,0,0,0
429 |
Mapping Diffuse Emission in Lyman UV band,0,0,0
430 |
Temperature Structure of the Pipe Nebula Studied by the Intensity Anomaly of the OH 18 cm,0,0,0
431 |
Bar Fraction in Early- and Late-type Spirals,0,0,0
432 |
Resonant absorption: transformation of compressive motions into vortical motions,0,0,0
433 |
WALOP-South: A wide-field one-shot linear optical polarimeter for PASIPHAE survey,0,0,0
434 |
Elucidating the global distribution of reprocessing gas in NGC 1194,0,0,0
435 |
The Initial Mass Function in the Extended Ultraviolet Disk of M83,0,0,0
436 |
"Calibration and monitoring of the ASTRI-Horn telescope by using the night-sky background measured by the photon-statistics (""variance"") method",0,0,0
437 |
Inferring the Age of the Universe with Globular Clusters,0,0,0
438 |
Photo-z outlier self-calibration in weak lensing surveys,0,0,0
439 |
SMART: A new implementation of Schwarzschild's Orbit Superposition technique for triaxial galaxies and its application to an N-body merger simulation,0,0,0
440 |
Identifying kinematic structures in simulated galaxies using unsupervised machine learning,0,0,0
441 |
Model of heat diffusion in the outer crust of bursting neutron stars,0,0,0
442 |
Testing one-loop galaxy bias: joint analysis of power spectrum and bispectrum,0,0,0
443 |
From Solar-like to Mira stars: a unifying description of stellar pulsators in the presence of stochastic noise,0,0,0
444 |
"Room Temperature, Quantum-Limited THz Heterodyne Detection? Not Yet",0,0,0
445 |
Wave pressure and energy cascade rate of kink waves computed with Elsasser variables,0,0,0
446 |
Atmospheres and UV Environments of Earth-like Planets Throughout Post-Main Sequence Evolution,0,0,0
447 |
Low-mass planet migration in three dimensional wind-driven inviscid discs: a negative corotation torque,0,0,0
448 |
Dust Attenuation Curve for Local Subgalactic Star-forming Regions,0,0,0
449 |
Global Analysis of the TRAPPIST Ultra-Cool Dwarf Transit Survey,0,0,0
450 |
Revised planet brightness temperatures using the Planck/LFI 2018 data release,0,0,0
451 |
Non-equilibrium ionization in mixed-morphology supernova remnants,0,0,0
452 |
Universal properties of primary and secondary cosmic ray energy spectra,0,0,0
453 |
Chandra survey of nearby highly inclined disk galaxies -- V: emission structure and origin of galactic coronae,0,0,0
454 |
Hydrodynamical turbulence in eccentric circumbinary discs and its impact on the in situ formation of circumbinary planets,0,0,0
455 |
Magnetic Field Orientation in Self-Gravitating Turbulent Molecular Clouds,0,0,0
456 |
CosmoGAN: creating high-fidelity weak lensing convergence maps using Generative Adversarial Networks,0,0,0
457 |
A 3D-printed broadband millimeter wave absorber,0,0,0
458 |
The Heating and Pulsations of V386 Serpentis after its 2019 Dwarf Nova Outburst,0,0,0
459 |
The case for a 'sub-millimeter SDSS': a 3D map of galaxy evolution to z~10,0,0,0
460 |
Origin and binary evolution of millisecond pulsars,0,0,0
461 |
Dipolar stability in spherical simulations: the impact of an inner stable zone,0,0,0
462 |
Electrical and seismological structure of the martian mantle and the detectability of impact-generated anomalies,0,0,0
463 |
What did the seahorse swallow? APEX 170 GHz observations of the chemical conditions in the Seahorse infrared dark cloud,0,0,0
464 |
ATLASGAL -- Relationship between dense star forming clumps and interstellar masers,0,0,0
465 |
HST Proper Motions of NGC 147 and NGC 185: Orbital Histories and Test of Dynamically Coherent Andromeda Satellite Plane,0,0,0
466 |
The Clustering of DESI-like Luminous Red Galaxies Using Photometric Redshifts,0,0,0
467 |
Evolution of primordial black hole spin due to Hawking radiation,0,0,0
468 |
On the observability of individual Population III stars and their stellar-mass black hole accretion disks through cluster caustic transits,0,0,0
469 |
Black hole hyperaccretion in collapsars. I. MeV neutrinos,0,0,0
470 |
The hidden past of M92: Detection and characterization of a newly formed 17{\deg} long stellar stream using the Canada-France Imaging Survey,0,0,0
471 |
A deep radio view of the evolution of the cosmic star-formation rate density from a stellar-mass selected sample in VLA-COSMOS,0,0,0
472 |
Broadband reflection spectroscopy of MAXI J1535-571 using AstroSat: Estimation of black hole mass and spin,0,0,0
473 |
Effect of non-equilibrium ionization on derived physical conditions of the high-$z$ intergalactic medium,0,0,0
474 |
Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Transmission Spectrum Modelling of HD209458b,0,0,0
475 |
Modelling the radiation pattern of a dual circular polarization system,0,0,0
476 |
Ethane clathrate hydrate infrared signatures for solar system remote sensing,0,0,0
477 |
The orbital anisotropy profiles of nearby globular clusters from Gaia Data Release 2,0,0,0
478 |
Conservative MOND from first principles,0,0,0
479 |
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with an Inhomogeneous Primordial Magnetic Field Strength,0,0,0
480 |
Swift X-ray Follow-Up Observations of Gravitational Wave and High-Energy Neutrino Coincident Signals,0,0,0
481 |
Self-Interacting Dark Matter and the Delay of Super-Massive Black Hole Growth,0,0,0
482 |
CMB $\mu T$ cross-correlations as a probe of PBH scenarios,0,0,0
483 |
Gravitational wave background from kink-kink collisions on infinite cosmic strings,0,0,0
484 |
Demonstration of 220/280 GHz Multichroic Feedhorn-Coupled TES Polarimeter,0,0,0
485 |
Physics of Eclipsing Binaries. III. Spin-Orbit Misalignment,0,0,0
486 |
Multi-messenger Detection Rates and distributions of Binary Neutron Star Mergers and Their Cosmological Implications,0,0,0
487 |
The kpc Scale Fe K$\alpha$ Emission in the Compton Thin Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4388 resolved by Chandra,0,0,0
488 |
Comparative analysis of solar radio bursts before and during CME propagation,0,0,0
489 |
Prospects of gravitational-waves detections from common-envelope evolution with LISA,0,0,0
490 |
Photometry of active Centaurs: Colors of dormant active Centaur nuclei,0,0,0
491 |
Possibility of Concentration of Non-volatile Species near the Surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,0,0,0
492 |
Detection of a bolide in Jupiter's atmosphere with Juno UVS,0,0,0
493 |
X-shooter Spectroscopy and HST Imaging of 15 Ultra Massive Quiescent Galaxies at $z\gtrsim2$,0,0,0
494 |
Investigation of the Gamma-ray Spectrum of CTA 102 During the Exceptional Flaring State in 2016-2017,0,0,0
495 |
Parallel implementation of w-projection wide-field imaging,0,0,0
496 |
Effects of small-scale dynamo and compressibility on the $\Lambda$ effect,0,0,0
497 |
"Masses and radii for the three super-Earths orbiting GJ 9827, and implications for the composition of small exoplanets",0,0,0
498 |
CMB lensing power spectrum estimation without instrument noise bias,0,0,0
499 |
Surveying the X-ray Behavior of Novae as They Emit $\gamma$-rays,0,0,0
500 |
A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for General Relativistic Hydrodynamics in thornado,0,0,0
501 |
"Surveys of Clumps, Cores, and Condensations in Cygnus X: I. a New Catalog of ~0.1 pc Massive Dense Cores",0,0,0
502 |
Lessons Learned from Applying off-the-shelf BERT: There is no Silver Bullet,1,0,2
503 |
Characterizing and Modeling Distributed Training with Transient Cloud GPU Servers,1,0,2
504 |
Faithful Euclidean Distance Field from Log-Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces,1,0,2
505 |
Neuromorphic AI Empowered Root Cause Analysis of Faults in Emerging Networks,1,0,2
506 |
NLP-IIS@UT at SemEval-2021 Task 4: Machine Reading Comprehension using the Long Document Transformer,1,0,2
507 |
A Universal Approximation Result for Difference of log-sum-exp Neural Networks,1,0,2
508 |
SIGNED: A Challenge-Response Based Interrogation Scheme for Simultaneous Watermarking and Trojan Detection,1,0,2
509 |
Context Modeling in 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Unified Perspective,1,0,2
510 |
Collaborative Filtering via High-Dimensional Regression,1,0,2
511 |
DESlib: A Dynamic ensemble selection library in Python,1,0,2
512 |
Perfectly Parallel Fairness Certification of Neural Networks,1,0,2
513 |
SQuARM-SGD: Communication-Efficient Momentum SGD for Decentralized Optimization,1,0,2
514 |
Early detection of sepsis utilizing deep learning on electronic health record event sequences,1,0,2
515 |
Bi-Arc Digraphs and Conservative Polymorphisms,1,0,2
516 |
New Construction for Constant Dimension Subspace Codes via a Composite Structure,1,0,2
517 |
Distributed Resource Scheduling for Large-Scale MEC Systems: A Multi-Agent Ensemble Deep Reinforcement Learning with Imitation Acceleration,1,0,2
518 |
Advances in Deep Learning for Hyperspectral Image Analysis--Addressing Challenges Arising in Practical Imaging Scenarios,1,0,2
519 |
Is the Chen-Sbert Divergence a Metric?,1,0,2
520 |
OpenReq Issue Link Map: A Tool to Visualize Issue Links in Jira,1,0,2
521 |
Policy Teaching in Reinforcement Learning via Environment Poisoning Attacks,1,0,2
522 |
Probabilistic Output Analyses for Deterministic Programs --- Reusing Existing Non-probabilistic Analyses,1,0,2
523 |
Deep Graph Mapper: Seeing Graphs through the Neural Lens,1,0,2
524 |
A novel initialisation based on hospital-resident assignment for the k-modes algorithm,1,0,2
525 |
Predicting Hourly Demand in Station-free Bike-sharing Systems with Video-level Data,1,0,2
526 |
Conclave: secure multi-party computation on big data (extended TR),1,0,2
527 |
Detecting Fine-Grained Cross-Lingual Semantic Divergences without Supervision by Learning to Rank,1,0,2
528 |
Chaos-Based Multicarrier VLC Modulator With Compensation of LED Nonlinearity,1,0,2
529 |
An In-Depth Study on Open-Set Camera Model Identification,1,0,2
530 |
ArtEmis: Affective Language for Visual Art,1,0,2
531 |
Chained-Tracker: Chaining Paired Attentive Regression Results for End-to-End Joint Multiple-Object Detection and Tracking,1,0,2
532 |
Sparse Optimization Problem with s-difference Regularization,1,0,2
533 |
Fast learning synapses with molecular spin valves via selective magnetic potentiation,1,0,2
534 |
Three-dimensional matching is NP-Hard,1,0,2
535 |
End-to-End 3D Multi-Object Tracking and Trajectory Forecasting,1,0,2
536 |
VFH+ based shared control for remotely operated mobile robots,1,0,2
537 |
"Modeling, simulation and validation of supersonic parachute inflation dynamics during Mars landing",1,0,2
538 |
A Neural Network Architecture for Learning Word-Referent Associations in Multiple Contexts,1,0,2
539 |
A Possibility Distribution Based Multi-Criteria Decision Algorithm for Resilient Supplier Selection Problems,1,0,2
540 |
Using Semantic Web Services for AI-Based Research in Industry 4.0,1,0,2
541 |
A self-organizing fuzzy neural network for sequence learning,1,0,2
542 |
How to Authenticate MQTT Sessions Without Channel- and Broker Security,1,0,2
543 |
Is It Time to Redefine the Classification Task for Deep Neural Networks?,1,0,2
544 |
Hybrid Neural Fusion for Full-frame Video Stabilization,1,0,2
545 |
DSVO: Direct Stereo Visual Odometry,1,0,2
546 |
A Relation Between Weight Enumerating Function and Number of Full Rank Sub-matrices,1,0,2
547 |
Continuous Release of Data Streams under both Centralized and Local Differential Privacy,1,0,2
548 |
Achieving Proportionality up to the Maximin Item with Indivisible Goods,1,0,2
549 |
Cross-Subject Transfer Learning in Human Activity Recognition Systems using Generative Adversarial Networks,1,0,2
550 |
Weakly Supervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation in Urban Scenes,1,0,2
551 |
Evaluating Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Handwritten Text Recognition,1,0,2
552 |
Demographic Inference and Representative Population Estimates from Multilingual Social Media Data,1,0,2
553 |
SAI: a Sensible Artificial Intelligence that plays with handicap and targets high scores in 9x9 Go (extended version),1,0,2
554 |
Energy Efficient Node Deployment in Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Networks,1,0,2
555 |
End-to-End Entity Resolution for Big Data: A Survey,1,0,2
556 |
On the Asymptotic Capacity of $X$-Secure $T$-Private Information Retrieval with Graph Based Replicated Storage,1,0,2
557 |
Harnessing Evolution for Multi-Hunk Program Repair,1,0,2
558 |
Learning and Strongly Truthful Multi-Task Peer Prediction: A Variational Approach,1,0,2
559 |
Bobtail: A Proof-of-Work Target that Minimizes Blockchain Mining Variance (Draft),1,0,2
560 |
A Benchmarking Study to Evaluate Apache Spark on Large-Scale Supercomputers,1,0,2
561 |
Adaptive Belief Discretization for POMDP Planning,1,0,2
562 |
"RealityCheck: Bringing Modularity, Hierarchy, and Abstraction to Automated Microarchitectural Memory Consistency Verification",1,0,2
563 |
Context-aware and Scale-insensitive Temporal Repetition Counting,1,0,2
564 |
Autonomous Control of a Tendon-driven Robotic Limb with Elastic Elements Reveals that Added Elasticity can Enhance Learning,1,0,2
565 |
Simple strategies versus optimal schedules in multi-agent patrolling,1,0,2
566 |
X-METRA-ADA: Cross-lingual Meta-Transfer Learning Adaptation to Natural Language Understanding and Question Answering,1,0,2
567 |
Actionable Interpretation of Machine Learning Models for Sequential Data: Dementia-related Agitation Use Case,1,0,2
568 |
Purifying Naturalistic Images through a Real-time Style Transfer Semantics Network,1,0,2
569 |
Covariance-Based Cooperative Activity Detection for Massive Grant-Free Random Access,1,0,2
570 |
Paragraph-level Simplification of Medical Texts,1,0,2
571 |
CoT-AMFlow: Adaptive Modulation Network with Co-Teaching Strategy for Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation,1,0,2
572 |
The minimum volume of subspace trades,1,0,2
573 |
"Convolution Algebras: Relational Convolution, Generalised Modalities and Incidence Algebras",1,0,2
574 |
The surprising little effectiveness of cooperative algorithms in parallel problem solving,1,0,2
575 |
Meta Module Network for Compositional Visual Reasoning,1,0,2
576 |
Emotion Generation and Recognition: A StarGAN Approach,1,0,2
577 |
An Enhanced Adversarial Network with Combined Latent Features for Spatio-Temporal Facial Affect Estimation in the Wild,1,0,2
578 |
Semi-Relaxed Quantization with DropBits: Training Low-Bit Neural Networks via Bit-wise Regularization,1,0,2
579 |
On the Precise Error Analysis of Support Vector Machines,1,0,2
580 |
Pea-KD: Parameter-efficient and Accurate Knowledge Distillation on BERT,1,0,2
581 |
On the complexity of counting feedback arc sets,1,0,2
582 |
SoK: Why Johnny Can't Fix PGP Standardization,1,0,2
583 |
Raising the Performance of the Tinker-HP Molecular Modeling Package [Article v1.0],1,0,2
584 |
Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-motion with Differentiable Bundle Adjustment,1,0,2
585 |
Deep Bayesian Multi-Target Learning for Recommender Systems,1,0,2
586 |
Electrophoretic Molecular Communication with Time-Varying Electric Fields,1,0,2
587 |
A Survey of Benchmarks to Evaluate Data Analytics for Smart-* Applications,1,0,2
588 |
PK-GCN: Prior Knowledge Assisted Image Classification using Graph Convolution Networks,1,0,2
589 |
Efficiently Estimating Erdos-Renyi Graphs with Node Differential Privacy,1,0,2
590 |
Compressing GANs using Knowledge Distillation,1,0,2
591 |
Part-level Car Parsing and Reconstruction from Single Street View,1,0,2
592 |
Real-Time Lip Sync for Live 2D Animation,1,0,2
593 |
Deep learning for lithological classification of carbonate rock micro-CT images,1,0,2
594 |
Risk-Based Optimization of Virtual Reality over Terahertz Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces,1,0,2
595 |
The Costs and Benefits of Goal-Directed Attention in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks,1,0,2
596 |
Weakly Supervised Prostate TMA Classification via Graph Convolutional Networks,1,0,2
597 |
Twin Subsequence Search in Time Series,1,0,2
598 |
"Random thoughts about Complexity, Data and Models",1,0,2
599 |
Design of a Fully Actuated Robotic Hand With Multiple Gelsight Tactile Sensors,1,0,2
600 |
Smoke Testing for Machine Learning: Simple Tests to Discover Severe Defects,1,0,2
601 |
P6: A Declarative Language for Integrating Machine Learning in Visual Analytics,1,0,2
602 |
Moderation Challenges in Voice-based Online Communities on Discord,1,0,2
603 |
False News Detection on Social Media,1,0,2
604 |
TCM-NOMA: Joint Multi-user Codeword Design and Detection in Trellis Coded Modulation based NOMA for Beyond 5G,1,0,2
605 |
Uncovering the Corona Virus Map Using Deep Entities and Relationship Models,1,0,2
606 |
Does BLEU Score Work for Code Migration?,1,0,2
607 |
CDR Based Trajectories: Tentative for Filtering Ping-pong Handover,1,0,2
608 |
End-to-End Deep Learning for Reliable Cardiac Activity Monitoring using Seismocardiograms,1,0,2
609 |
Non-Convex Compressed Sensing with Training Data,1,0,2
610 |
An Energy Ontology for Global City Indicators (ISO 37120),1,0,2
611 |
A Survey on Software Defined Networking: Architecture for Next Generation Network,1,0,2
612 |
Multipole Graph Neural Operator for Parametric Partial Differential Equations,1,0,2
613 |
High-order Semantic Role Labeling,1,0,2
614 |
Unified Representation Learning for Efficient Medical Image Analysis,1,0,2
615 |
Leveraging an Efficient and Semantic Location Embedding to Seek New Ports of Bike Share Services,1,0,2
616 |
List Learning with Attribute Noise,1,0,2
617 |
MetaAugment: Sample-Aware Data Augmentation Policy Learning,1,0,2
618 |
Attentive Mimicking: Better Word Embeddings by Attending to Informative Contexts,1,0,2
619 |
Differentiable Sparsification for Deep Neural Networks,1,0,2
620 |
A Learning-Based Approach to Address Complexity-Reliability Tradeoff in OS Decoders,1,0,2
621 |
A Call for Prudent Choice of Subword Merge Operations in Neural Machine Translation,1,0,2
622 |
Distributed Uplink Power Control in an Ultra-Dense Millimeter Wave Network: A Mean-field Game Approach,1,0,2
623 |
UAV Communications for 5G and Beyond: Recent Advances and Future Trends,1,0,2
624 |
Semi-Automatic Crowdsourcing Tool for Online Food Image Collection and Annotation,1,0,2
625 |
ConAML: Constrained Adversarial Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems,1,0,2
626 |
Spatiotemporal Action Recognition in Restaurant Videos,1,0,2
627 |
Active Deep Densely Connected Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification,1,0,2
628 |
Regularization in neural network optimization via trimmed stochastic gradient descent with noisy label,1,0,2
629 |
Improving Zero-Shot Entity Retrieval through Effective Dense Representations,1,0,2
630 |
Assessing out-of-domain generalization for robust building damage detection,1,0,2
631 |
Duty to Warn in Strategic Games,1,0,2
632 |
"Finally, how many efficiencies supercomputers have? And, what do they measure?",1,0,2
633 |
Quantitative Evaluations on Saliency Methods: An Experimental Study,1,0,2
634 |
Eye: Program Visualizer for CS2,1,0,2
635 |
SummaryNet: A Multi-Stage Deep Learning Model for Automatic Video Summarisation,1,0,2
636 |
Towards Generalization of 3D Human Pose Estimation In The Wild,1,0,2
637 |
Longest Common Subsequence in Sublinear Space,1,0,2
638 |
Approximating p-Mean Curve of Large Data-Sets,1,0,2
639 |
Security analysis of cancellable biometrics using constrained-optimized similarity-based attack,1,0,2
640 |
Synthetic QA Corpora Generation with Roundtrip Consistency,1,0,2
641 |
On the Realization of Compositionality in Neural Networks,1,0,2
642 |
Cooper: Cooperative Perception for Connected Autonomous Vehicles based on 3D Point Clouds,1,0,2
643 |
Finding Security Threats That Matter: An Industrial Case Study,1,0,2
644 |
Time and Communication Complexity of Leader Election in Anonymous Networks,1,0,2
645 |
The Penetration of Internet of Things in Robotics: Towards a Web of Robotic Things,1,0,2
646 |
Contact Tracing: Beyond the Apps,1,0,2
647 |
Privately Answering Classification Queries in the Agnostic PAC Model,1,0,2
648 |
SMap: Internet-wide Scanning for Ingress Filtering,1,0,2
649 |
An attention-based multi-resolution model for prostate whole slide imageclassification and localization,1,0,2
650 |
Optimal Strategies for Graph-Structured Bandits,1,0,2
651 |
An exploration of the encoding of grammatical gender in word embeddings,1,0,2
652 |
Rapid detection of fast innovation under the pressure of COVID-19,1,0,2
653 |
"Garbage In, Garbage Out? Do Machine Learning Application Papers in Social Computing Report Where Human-Labeled Training Data Comes From?",1,0,2
654 |
Low-Cost Spectrum Analyzers for Channel Allocation in Wireless Networks 2.4 GHz Range,1,0,2
655 |
Disentangled Non-Local Neural Networks,1,0,2
656 |
Starling: A Scalable Query Engine on Cloud Function Services,1,0,2
657 |
Feature Learning Viewpoint of AdaBoost and a New Algorithm,1,0,2
658 |
Understanding Heart-Failure Patients EHR Clinical Features via SHAP Interpretation of Tree-Based Machine Learning Model Predictions,1,0,2
659 |
Multi-Image Summarization: Textual Summary from a Set of Cohesive Images,1,0,2
660 |
Emergent Properties of Finetuned Language Representation Models,1,0,2
661 |
"SmartTriage: A system for personalized patient data capture, documentation generation, and decision support",1,0,2
662 |
Machine learning for detection of stenoses and aneurysms: application in a physiologically realistic virtual patient database,1,0,2
663 |
Point2Skeleton: Learning Skeletal Representations from Point Clouds,1,0,2
664 |
Improving Person Re-identification with Iterative Impression Aggregation,1,0,2
665 |
Domain Robustness in Neural Machine Translation,1,0,2
666 |
VisualGPT: Data-efficient Adaptation of Pretrained Language Models for Image Captioning,1,0,2
667 |
Efficient Computation of Higher-Order Variational Integrators in Robotic Simulation and Trajectory Optimization,1,0,2
668 |
Sequential Solutions in Machine Scheduling Games,1,0,2
669 |
AntMan: Sparse Low-Rank Compression to Accelerate RNN inference,1,0,2
670 |
Bi-tuning of Pre-trained Representations,1,0,2
671 |
Learning Stable Manoeuvres in Quadruped Robots from Expert Demonstrations,1,0,2
672 |
A structured approach for the implementation of distributed manufacturing simulation,1,0,2
673 |
Towards Self-Explainable Cyber-Physical Systems,1,0,2
674 |
Node-Constrained Traffic Engineering: Theory and Applications,1,0,2
675 |
Querying Guarded Fragments via Resolution,1,0,2
676 |
HumBug Zooniverse: a crowd-sourced acoustic mosquito dataset,1,0,2
677 |
Simple versus Optimal Contracts,1,0,2
678 |
Learning to Combine Top-Down and Bottom-Up Signals in Recurrent Neural Networks with Attention over Modules,1,0,2
679 |
Latent Feature Representation via Unsupervised Learning for Pattern Discovery in Massive Electron Microscopy Image Volumes,1,0,2
680 |
"Regret, stability, and fairness in matching markets with bandit learners",1,0,2
681 |
HoVer-Net: Simultaneous Segmentation and Classification of Nuclei in Multi-Tissue Histology Images,1,0,2
682 |
As good as new. How to successfully recycle English GPT-2 to make models for other languages,1,0,2
683 |
Mental representations of objects reflect the ways in which we interact with them,1,0,2
684 |
Physical Layer Secret Key Generation in Static Environments,1,0,2
685 |
Deep Learning for Recognizing Mobile Targets in Satellite Imagery,1,0,2
686 |
Parameter Space Factorization for Zero-Shot Learning across Tasks and Languages,1,0,2
687 |
Navigation in the Presence of Obstacles for an Agile Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,1,0,2
688 |
Rapid Collision Detection for Multicopter Trajectories,1,0,2
689 |
First Degree Entailment with Group Attitudes and Information Updates,1,0,2
690 |
Multi-Robot Routing with Time Windows: A Column Generation Approach,1,0,2
691 |
Spatio-Temporal Neural Network for Fitting and Forecasting COVID-19,1,0,2
692 |
CONTRA: Area-Constrained Technology Mapping Framework For Memristive Memory Processing Unit,1,0,2
693 |
MaskParse@Deskin at SemEval-2019 Task 1: Cross-lingual UCCA Semantic Parsing using Recursive Masked Sequence Tagging,1,0,2
694 |
Coronary Plaque Analysis for CT Angiography Clinical Research,1,0,2
695 |
Tight Localizations of Feedback Sets,1,0,2
696 |
Coded Caching with Heterogeneous Cache Sizes and Link Qualities: The Two-User Case,1,0,2
697 |
SSTVOS: Sparse Spatiotemporal Transformers for Video Object Segmentation,1,0,2
698 |
Full-Duplex Enabled Mobile Edge Caching: From Distributed to Cooperative Caching,1,0,2
699 |
Bandwidth-Aware Page Placement in NUMA,1,0,2
700 |
Leveraging synthetic imagery for collision-at-sea avoidance,1,0,2
701 |
WeatherNet: Recognising weather and visual conditions from street-level images using deep residual learning,1,0,2
702 |
Semantic Linking Maps for Active Visual Object Search,1,0,2
703 |
Processing Large Datasets of Fined Grained Source Code Changes,1,0,2
704 |
Accurate and Reliable Forecasting using Stochastic Differential Equations,1,0,2
705 |
Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm Framework with Three Solution Sets,1,0,2
706 |
"Dependency Solving Is Still Hard, but We Are Getting Better at It",1,0,2
707 |
Vulnerability Prediction Based on Weighted Software Network for Secure Software Building,1,0,2
708 |
Multi-label Prediction in Time Series Data using Deep Neural Networks,1,0,2
709 |
Solving Gossip Problems using Answer Set Programming: An Epistemic Planning Approach,1,0,2
710 |
Broadly Applicable Targeted Data Sample Omission Attacks,1,0,2
711 |
The iMet Collection 2019 Challenge Dataset,1,0,2
712 |
Leverage Unlabeled Data for Abstractive Speech Summarization with Self-Supervised Learning and Back-Summarization,1,0,2
713 |
Towards Robustness against Unsuspicious Adversarial Examples,1,0,2
714 |
Towards Automated Factchecking: Developing an Annotation Schema and Benchmark for Consistent Automated Claim Detection,1,0,2
715 |
FixNorm: Dissecting Weight Decay for Training Deep Neural Networks,1,0,2
716 |
Detection of Bangla Fake News using MNB and SVM Classifier,1,0,2
717 |
On the computational content of Zorn's lemma,1,0,2
718 |
Trainable Projected Gradient Detector for Massive Overloaded MIMO Channels: Data-driven Tuning Approach,1,0,2
719 |
Feasibility Assessment of a Cost-Effective Two-Wheel Kian-I Mobile Robot for Autonomous Navigation,1,0,2
720 |
Perception Matters: Exploring Imperceptible and Transferable Anti-forensics for GAN-generated Fake Face Imagery Detection,1,0,2
721 |
Spherical k-Nearest Neighbors Interpolation,1,0,2
722 |
PC-GAIN: Pseudo-label Conditional Generative Adversarial Imputation Networks for Incomplete Data,1,0,2
723 |
Knowledge-based Biomedical Data Science 2019,1,0,2
724 |
On the Impact of Attachment Strategies for Payment Channel Networks,1,0,2
725 |
Incorporating Context and External Knowledge for Pronoun Coreference Resolution,1,0,2
726 |
How Does an Approximate Model Help in Reinforcement Learning?,1,0,2
727 |
Multi-source Neural Topic Modeling in Multi-view Embedding Spaces,1,0,2
728 |
Two-level Dynamic Load Balancing for High Performance Scientific Applications,1,0,2
729 |
Cooperative Activity Detection: Sourced and Unsourced Massive Random Access Paradigms,1,0,2
730 |
Global Regularity and Individual Variability in Dynamic Behaviors of Human Communication,1,0,2
731 |
Rare Disease Detection by Sequence Modeling with Generative Adversarial Networks,1,0,2
732 |
Automatic Failure Recovery and Re-Initialization for Online UAV Tracking with Joint Scale and Aspect Ratio Optimization,1,0,2
733 |
Feature-Rich Part-of-speech Tagging for Morphologically Complex Languages: Application to Bulgarian,1,0,2
734 |
SCDP: Systematic Rateless Coding for Efficient Data Transport in Data Centres,1,0,2
735 |
End-to-End Model for Speech Enhancement by Consistent Spectrogram Masking,1,0,2
736 |
Extreme Relative Pose Estimation for RGB-D Scans via Scene Completion,1,0,2
737 |
"Learning vector representation of local content and matrix representation of local motion, with implications for V1",1,0,2
738 |
Contracting Implicit Recurrent Neural Networks: Stable Models with Improved Trainability,1,0,2
739 |
Intrinsic Geometric Vulnerability of High-Dimensional Artificial Intelligence,1,0,2
740 |
SID4VAM: A Benchmark Dataset with Synthetic Images for Visual Attention Modeling,1,0,2
741 |
ATOM3D: Tasks On Molecules in Three Dimensions,1,0,2
742 |
Neural Language Modeling for Contextualized Temporal Graph Generation,1,0,2
743 |
Topology Optimization and 3D printing of Large Deformation Compliant Mechanisms for Straining Biological Tissues,1,0,2
744 |
Clustered Federated Learning: Model-Agnostic Distributed Multi-Task Optimization under Privacy Constraints,1,0,2
745 |
Optimization Issues in KL-Constrained Approximate Policy Iteration,1,0,2
746 |
Robustness Analysis of the Data-Selective Volterra NLMS Algorithm,1,0,2
747 |
Computer-aided abnormality detection in chest radiographs in a clinical setting via domain-adaptation,1,0,2
748 |
Evidential Sparsification of Multimodal Latent Spaces in Conditional Variational Autoencoders,1,0,2
749 |
Handling Noisy Labels via One-Step Abductive Multi-Target Learning,1,0,2
750 |
SUMMARIZED: Efficient Framework for Analyzing Multidimensional Process Traces under Edit-distance Constraint,1,0,2
751 |
Fine-tuning BERT-based models for Plant Health Bulletin Classification,1,0,2
752 |
Federated Double Deep Q-learning for Joint Delay and Energy Minimization in IoT networks,1,0,2
753 |
Connected Subgraph Defense Games,1,0,2
754 |
Cycle-SUM: Cycle-consistent Adversarial LSTM Networks for Unsupervised Video Summarization,1,0,2
755 |
Rhoban Football Club: RoboCup Humanoid KidSize 2019 Champion Team Paper,1,0,2
756 |
Deep Polynomial Neural Networks,1,0,2
757 |
Adversarial Attack on Deep Product Quantization Network for Image Retrieval,1,0,2
758 |
Product Knowledge Graph Embedding for E-commerce,1,0,2
759 |
secureTF: A Secure TensorFlow Framework,1,0,2
760 |
Towards Time-Aware Context-Aware Deep Trust Prediction in Online Social Networks,1,0,2
761 |
The rhetorical structure of science? A multidisciplinary analysis of article headings,1,0,2
762 |
Recognition and 3D Localization of Pedestrian Actions from Monocular Video,1,0,2
763 |
Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction using Enhanced Table Filling by Contextualized Representations,1,0,2
764 |
Diversely Stale Parameters for Efficient Training of CNNs,1,0,2
765 |
"Polestar: An Intelligent, Efficient and National-Wide Public Transportation Routing Engine",1,0,2
766 |
LM-Reloc: Levenberg-Marquardt Based Direct Visual Relocalization,1,0,2
767 |
Node Immunization with Non-backtracking Eigenvalues,1,0,2
768 |
Evaluation of Neural Architectures Trained with Square Loss vs Cross-Entropy in Classification Tasks,1,0,2
769 |
Bit Allocation for Multi-Task Collaborative Intelligence,1,0,2
770 |
Can I Still Trust You?: Understanding the Impact of Distribution Shifts on Algorithmic Recourses,1,0,2
771 |
Dependency-Based Neural Representations for Classifying Lines of Programs,1,0,2
772 |
Discovering Salient Anatomical Landmarks by Predicting Human Gaze,1,0,2
773 |
An IDEA: An Ingestion Framework for Data Enrichment in AsterixDB,1,0,2
774 |
Light-weight Calibrator: a Separable Component for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation,1,0,2
775 |
Fault-Tolerant Routing in Hypercube Networks by Avoiding Faulty Nodes,1,0,2
776 |
MultiSubs: A Large-scale Multimodal and Multilingual Dataset,1,0,2
777 |
Rate matching for polar codes based on binary domination,1,0,2
778 |
Learning the Structure of Auto-Encoding Recommenders,1,0,2
779 |
To Reduce Gross NPA and Classify Defaulters Using Shannon Entropy,1,0,2
780 |
AM-LFS: AutoML for Loss Function Search,1,0,2
781 |
Two Dimensional Router: Design and Implementation,1,0,2
782 |
A Deep Learning Pipeline for Patient Diagnosis Prediction Using Electronic Health Records,1,0,2
783 |
On Hybrid-ARQ-Based Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Communication System,1,0,2
784 |
Supporting verification of news articles with automated search for semantically similar articles,1,0,2
785 |
Business and Information Technology Alignment Measurement -- a recent Literature Review,1,0,2
786 |
Revisiting Round-Trip Translation for Quality Estimation,1,0,2
787 |
Co-Contagion Diffusion on Multilayer Networks,1,0,2
788 |
Stochastic Blockmodels meet Graph Neural Networks,1,0,2
789 |
LEP-CNN: A Lightweight Edge Device Assisted Privacy-preserving CNN Inference Solution for IoT,1,0,2
790 |
Assert Use and Defectiveness in Industrial Code,1,0,2
791 |
Can 100 Machines Agree?,1,0,2
792 |
Spanners for Directed Transmission Graphs,1,0,2
793 |
From Asking to Answering: Getting More Involved on Stack Overflow,1,0,2
794 |
A Comprehensive Framework for Analyzing IoT Platforms: A Smart City Industrial Experience,1,0,2
795 |
Adversarial Risk Analysis (Overview),1,0,2
796 |
Learning Accurate Business Process Simulation Models from Event Logs via Automated Process Discovery and Deep Learning,1,0,2
797 |
Memory Integrity of CNNs for Cross-Dataset Facial Expression Recognition,1,0,2
798 |
MAGE: Mutual Attestation for a Group of Enclaves without Trusted Third Parties,1,0,2
799 |
Multi-level Forwarding and Scheduling Recovery Algorithm in Rapidly-changing Network for Erasure-coded Clusters,1,0,2
800 |
Learning from Unlabelled Videos Using Contrastive Predictive Neural 3D Mapping,1,0,2
801 |
F2ED-Learning: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors,1,0,2
802 |
On the Evaluation of Military Simulations: Towards A Taxonomy of Assessment Criteria,1,0,2
803 |
"Who Filters the Filters: Understanding the Growth, Usefulness and Efficiency of Crowdsourced Ad Blocking",1,0,2
804 |
Design and Evaluation of a Multi-Domain Trojan Detection Method on Deep Neural Networks,1,0,2
805 |
Statistical Hypothesis Testing for Class-Conditional Label Noise,1,0,2
806 |
DSAL-GAN: Denoising based Saliency Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks,1,0,2
807 |
A Semantics for Hybrid Iteration,1,0,2
808 |
Near Zero-Energy Computation Using Quantum-dot Cellular Automata,1,0,2
809 |
Finding the right scale of a network: Efficient identification of causal emergence through spectral clustering,1,0,2
810 |
End-to-End Motion Planning of Quadrotors Using Deep Reinforcement Learning,1,0,2
811 |
Modeling and Loop Shaping of Single-Joint Amplification Exoskeleton with Contact Sensing and Series Elastic Actuation,1,0,2
812 |
Removing biased data to improve fairness and accuracy,1,0,2
813 |
Contour Proposal Networks for Biomedical Instance Segmentation,1,0,2
814 |
Applications of Social Media in Hydroinformatics: A Survey,1,0,2
815 |
Self-Supervised MultiModal Versatile Networks,1,0,2
816 |
Baseline Pruning-Based Approach to Trojan Detection in Neural Networks,1,0,2
817 |
Improving rigid 3D calibration for robotic surgery,1,0,2
818 |
Positional Injectivity for Innocent Strategies,1,0,2
819 |
Zero Shot Learning with the Isoperimetric Loss,1,0,2
820 |
Semantic Matching of Documents from Heterogeneous Collections: A Simple and Transparent Method for Practical Applications,1,0,2
821 |
Improved Fixed-Budget Results via Drift Analysis,1,0,2
822 |
Unsupervised algorithm for disaggregating low-sampling-rate electricity consumption of households,1,0,2
823 |
Staggered Diagonal Embedding Based Linear Field Size Streaming Codes,1,0,2
824 |
Stereo Radiance Fields (SRF): Learning View Synthesis for Sparse Views of Novel Scenes,1,0,2
825 |
Towards transformation-resilient provenance detection of digital media,1,0,2
826 |
To Index or Not to Index: Optimizing Exact Maximum Inner Product Search,1,0,2
827 |
Trajectory Design for Multiple-UAV Assisted Wireless Networks,1,0,2
828 |
Fast Convergence of Langevin Dynamics on Manifold: Geodesics meet Log-Sobolev,1,0,2
829 |
Datalog-Expressibility for Monadic and Guarded Second-Order Logic,1,0,2
830 |
Walking on TacTip toes: A tactile sensing foot for walking robots,1,0,2
831 |
SLAKE: A Semantically-Labeled Knowledge-Enhanced Dataset for Medical Visual Question Answering,1,0,2
832 |
Cooking Is All About People: Comment Classification On Cookery Channels Using BERT and Classification Models (Malayalam-English Mix-Code),1,0,2
833 |
Sentence Embedding Alignment for Lifelong Relation Extraction,1,0,2
834 |
Pebble Minimization of Polyregular Functions,1,0,2
835 |
Explicit Sparse Transformer: Concentrated Attention Through Explicit Selection,1,0,2
836 |
Developing parsimonious ensembles using ensemble diversity within a reinforcement learning framework,1,0,2
837 |
PixelVAE++: Improved PixelVAE with Discrete Prior,1,0,2
838 |
Photorealistic Style Transfer via Wavelet Transforms,1,0,2
839 |
Relational Deep Reinforcement Learning for Routing in Wireless Networks,1,0,2
840 |
A Multi-Media Exchange Format for Time-Series Dataset Curation,1,0,2
841 |
Learned Threshold Pruning,1,0,2
842 |
An Improvement of Reed's Treewidth Approximation,1,0,2
843 |
Tracing Complexity in Food Blogging Entries,1,0,2
844 |
A Survey of Deep Learning for Scientific Discovery,1,0,2
845 |
Designing Just-in-Time Detection for Gamified Fitness Frameworks,1,0,2
846 |
"ChartStory: Automated Partitioning, Layout, and Captioning of Charts into Comic-Style Narratives",1,0,2
847 |
An Integration of UTAUT and Task-Technology Fit Frameworks for Assessing the Acceptance of Clinical Decision Support Systems in the Context of a Developing Country,1,0,2
848 |
C1 at SemEval-2020 Task 9: SentiMix: Sentiment Analysis for Code-Mixed Social Media Text using Feature Engineering,1,0,2
849 |
Reachability Problem in Non-uniform Cellular Automata,1,0,2
850 |
Understanding the Effects of Data Parallelism and Sparsity on Neural Network Training,1,0,2
851 |
Tight Bounds for Maximal Identifiability of Failure Nodes in Boolean Network Tomography,1,0,2
852 |
Sparse Neural Attentive Knowledge-based Models for Grade Prediction,1,0,2
853 |
From Pixels to Affect: A Study on Games and Player Experience,1,0,2
854 |
Real-Time Video Super-Resolution by Joint Local Inference and Global Parameter Estimation,1,0,2
855 |
"Graph Embedding on Biomedical Networks: Methods, Applications, and Evaluations",1,0,2
856 |
R-VGAE: Relational-variational Graph Autoencoder for Unsupervised Prerequisite Chain Learning,1,0,2
857 |
SCSampler: Sampling Salient Clips from Video for Efficient Action Recognition,1,0,2
858 |
Age of Information in an Overtake-Free Network of Quasi-Reversible Queues,1,0,2
859 |
Empirical analysis of the variability in the flow-density relationship for smart motorways,1,0,2
860 |
Image Quality Assessment: Unifying Structure and Texture Similarity,1,0,2
861 |
Canonical Representations of k-Safety Hyperproperties,1,0,2
862 |
Channel Matching: An Adaptive Technique to Increase the Accuracy of Soft Decisions,1,0,2
863 |
Probabilistic Category-Level Pose Estimation via Segmentation and Predicted-Shape Priors,1,0,2
864 |
BlockLoc: Secure Localization in the Internet-of-Things using Blockchain,1,0,2
865 |
QoS Provision for Controlling Energy Consumption in Ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Networks,1,0,2
866 |
Prototypical Contrast and Reverse Prediction: Unsupervised Skeleton Based Action Recognition,1,0,2
867 |
Human-Robot Team Coordination with Dynamic and Latent Human Task Proficiencies: Scheduling with Learning Curves,1,0,2
868 |
Attributes Guided Feature Learning for Vehicle Re-identification,1,0,2
869 |
Real-time Funnel Generation for Restricted Motion Planning,1,0,2
870 |
Online Convex Optimization with Continuous Switching Constraint,1,0,2
871 |
Non-Linear Estimation of Convolutionally Encoded Sequences,1,0,2
872 |
Document Similarity for Texts of Varying Lengths via Hidden Topics,1,0,2
873 |
Adversarial Perturbations of Opinion Dynamics in Networks,1,0,2
874 |
GAG: Global Attributed Graph Neural Network for Streaming Session-based Recommendation,1,0,2
875 |
Ordinary Facet Angles of a Stroked Path Tessellated by Uniform Tangent Angle Steps Are Bounded by Twice the Step Angle,1,0,2
876 |
Everything Has a Cause: Leveraging Causal Inference in Legal Text Analysis,1,0,2
877 |
Faster Compressed Quadtrees,1,0,2
878 |
Level Three Synthetic Fingerprint Generation,1,0,2
879 |
A Jointly Design for STAR-RIS enhanced NOMA-CoMP Networks: A Simultaneously-Signal-Enhancement-and-Cancellation-based (SSECB) Design,1,0,2
880 |
"Image Based Identification of Ghanaian Timbers Using the XyloTron: Opportunities, Risks and Challenges",1,0,2
881 |
Relative Variational Intrinsic Control,1,0,2
882 |
BUOCA: Budget-Optimized Crowd Worker Allocation,1,0,2
883 |
AdaBits: Neural Network Quantization with Adaptive Bit-Widths,1,0,2
884 |
Partial Information Decomposition of Boolean Functions: a Fourier Analysis perspective,1,0,2
885 |
Hyperspectral Image Restoration via Global Total Variation Regularized Local nonconvex Low-Rank matrix Approximation,1,0,2
886 |
Reservoir-size dependent learning in analogue neural networks,1,0,2
887 |
Feature visualization of Raman spectrum analysis with deep convolutional neural network,1,0,2
888 |
Towards Fine-grained Human Pose Transfer with Detail Replenishing Network,1,0,2
889 |
RankSRGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks with Ranker for Image Super-Resolution,1,0,2
890 |
Face Reflectance and Geometry Modeling via Differentiable Ray Tracing,1,0,2
891 |
Unsupervised Learning of Camera Pose with Compositional Re-estimation,1,0,2
892 |
MetaKernel: Learning Variational Random Features with Limited Labels,1,0,2
893 |
Learning Internal Representations (PhD Thesis),1,0,2
894 |
DeepRadioID: Real-Time Channel-Resilient Optimization of Deep Learning-based Radio Fingerprinting Algorithms,1,0,2
895 |
Automatic Text Line Segmentation Directly in JPEG Compressed Document Images,1,0,2
896 |
Fog Computing as Privacy Enabler,1,0,2
897 |
Modeling Dispositional and Initial learned Trust in Automated Vehicles with Predictability and Explainability,1,0,2
898 |
Evolving Neural Networks in Reinforcement Learning by means of UMDAc,1,0,2
899 |
A Comparison Between Joint Space and Task Space Mappings for Dynamic Teleoperation of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Arm in Reaction Tests,1,0,2
900 |
On Fault Tolerant Feedback Vertex Set,1,0,2
901 |
PLOP: Probabilistic poLynomial Objects trajectory Planning for autonomous driving,1,0,2
902 |
Viewmaker Networks: Learning Views for Unsupervised Representation Learning,1,0,2
903 |
Just-Enough Interaction Approach to Knee MRI Segmentation: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative,1,0,2
904 |
Point-Based Modeling of Human Clothing,1,0,2
905 |
Efficient Randomized Test-And-Set Implementations,1,0,2
906 |
Adaptive Learning in Continuous Games: Optimal Regret Bounds and Convergence to Nash Equilibrium,1,0,2
907 |
A Bandit Approach for Mode Selection in Ambient Backscatter-Assisted Wireless-Powered Relaying,1,0,2
908 |
A Tight Lower Bound for the Weights of Maximum Weight Matching in Bipartite Graphs,1,0,2
909 |
Partitioned Graph Convolution Using Adversarial and Regression Networks for Road Travel Speed Prediction,1,0,2
910 |
Concept Bottleneck Models,1,0,2
911 |
Clarification of Video Retrieval Query Results by the Automated Insertion of Supporting Shots,1,0,2
912 |
Large-scale Bisample Learning on ID Versus Spot Face Recognition,1,0,2
913 |
Finite Model Theory of the Triguarded Fragment and Related Logics,1,0,2
914 |
End-to-End Chinese Landscape Painting Creation Using Generative Adversarial Networks,1,0,2
915 |
"The Design of a Mobile App for Promotion of Physical Activity and Self-Management in Prostate Cancer Survivors: Personas, Feature Ideation and Low-Fidelity Prototyping",1,0,2
916 |
Stochastic Trust Region Inexact Newton Method for Large-scale Machine Learning,1,0,2
917 |
Fast Enhanced CT Metal Artifact Reduction using Data Domain Deep Learning,1,0,2
918 |
Continual Learning Using Multi-view Task Conditional Neural Networks,1,0,2
919 |
Infusing Sequential Information into Conditional Masked Translation Model with Self-Review Mechanism,1,0,2
920 |
Dynamic Image for 3D MRI Image Alzheimer's Disease Classification,1,0,2
921 |
A Cryptanalysis of Two Cancelable Biometric Schemes based on Index-of-Max Hashing,1,0,2
922 |
Principal Components of the Meaning,1,0,2
923 |
Mitigating the Position Bias of Transformer Models in Passage Re-Ranking,1,0,2
924 |
Image Completion and Extrapolation with Contextual Cycle Consistency,1,0,2
925 |
High-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Parallel Viterbi Decoder for Convolutional Codes on GPU,1,0,2
926 |
Discovering Imperfectly Observable Adversarial Actions using Anomaly Detection,1,0,2
927 |
Battle between Rate and Error in Minimizing Age of Information,1,0,2
928 |
Raising Secure Coding Awareness for Software Developers in the Industry,1,0,2
929 |
SmartDeal: Re-Modeling Deep Network Weights for Efficient Inference and Training,1,0,2
930 |
"Deterministic Distributed Vertex Coloring: Simpler, Faster, and without Network Decomposition",1,0,2
931 |
Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Communications: A Tutorial,1,0,2
932 |
Local Features and Visual Words Emerge in Activations,1,0,2
933 |
Provable Representation Learning for Imitation Learning via Bi-level Optimization,1,0,2
934 |
Survival and Neural Models for Private Equity Exit Prediction,1,0,2
935 |
Exact Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs with Failing Vertices,1,0,2
936 |
Detecting Adverse Drug Reactions from Twitter through Domain-Specific Preprocessing and BERT Ensembling,1,0,2
937 |
NEMO: Frequentist Inference Approach to Constrained Linguistic Typology Feature Prediction in SIGTYP 2020 Shared Task,1,0,2
938 |
Hierarchical Clusterings of Unweighted Graphs,1,0,2
939 |
Constructing Multilayer Perceptrons as Piecewise Low-Order Polynomial Approximators: A Signal Processing Approach,1,0,2
940 |
A Complete Discriminative Tensor Representation Learning for Two-Dimensional Correlation Analysis,1,0,2
941 |
Encoding Musical Style with Transformer Autoencoders,1,0,2
942 |
Undecidability of $D_{<:}$ and Its Decidable Fragments,1,0,2
943 |
LieTransformer: Equivariant self-attention for Lie Groups,1,0,2
944 |
"The Complexity of Comparative Text Analysis -- ""The Gardener is always the Murderer"" says the Fourth Machine",1,0,2
945 |
"The Curse of Performance Instability in Analysis Datasets: Consequences, Source, and Suggestions",1,0,2
946 |
Detecting Electric Devices in 3D Images of Bags,1,0,2
947 |
Pixel-based Facial Expression Synthesis,1,0,2
948 |
Production vs Perception: The Role of Individuality in Usage-Based Grammar Induction,1,0,2
949 |
Probabilistic Graph Attention Network with Conditional Kernels for Pixel-Wise Prediction,1,0,2
950 |
Off-Policy Policy Gradient with State Distribution Correction,1,0,2
951 |
Masked Face Recognition for Secure Authentication,1,0,2
952 |
Efficient Analysis of Unambiguous Automata Using Matrix Semigroup Techniques,1,0,2
953 |
All About Phishing: Exploring User Research through a Systematic Literature Review,1,0,2
954 |
Improving Change Prediction Models with Code Smell-Related Information,1,0,2
955 |
Lockless Transaction Isolation in Hyperledger Fabric,1,0,2
956 |
Physics-consistent deep learning for structural topology optimization,1,0,2
957 |
CycleMorph: Cycle Consistent Unsupervised Deformable Image Registration,1,0,2
958 |
OccInpFlow: Occlusion-Inpainting Optical Flow Estimation by Unsupervised Learning,1,0,2
959 |
Acoustic Echo Cancellation by Combining Adaptive Digital Filter and Recurrent Neural Network,1,0,2
960 |
"OneGAN: Simultaneous Unsupervised Learning of Conditional Image Generation, Foreground Segmentation, and Fine-Grained Clustering",1,0,2
961 |
Automatic Construction of Multi-layer Perceptron Network from Streaming Examples,1,0,2
962 |
Quantifying the effect of representations on task complexity,1,0,2
963 |
Qatten: A General Framework for Cooperative Multiagent Reinforcement Learning,1,0,2
964 |
Congolese Swahili Machine Translation for Humanitarian Response,1,0,2
965 |
Age-Partitioned Bloom Filters,1,0,2
966 |
LightTrack: Finding Lightweight Neural Networks for Object Tracking via One-Shot Architecture Search,1,0,2
967 |
BERTQA -- Attention on Steroids,1,0,2
968 |
Reducing the Model Variance of a Rectal Cancer Segmentation Network,1,0,2
969 |
Real-Time Optimal Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicles and Lap Time Simulation Using Machine Learning,1,0,2
970 |
Optimal Communication Rates and Combinatorial Properties for Distributed Simulation,1,0,2
971 |
regvis.net -- A Visual Bibliography of Regulatory Visualization,1,0,2
972 |
Multi-task Learning for Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis,1,0,2
973 |
On Posterior Collapse and Encoder Feature Dispersion in Sequence VAEs,1,0,2
974 |
Adversarial Feature Distribution Alignment for Semi-Supervised Learning,1,0,2
975 |
Differentiated nonblocking: a new progress condition and a matching queue algorithm,1,0,2
976 |
The Design of Tangible Digital Musical Instruments,1,0,2
977 |
Addressing the Memory Bottleneck in AI Model Training,1,0,2
978 |
Refine and Distill: Exploiting Cycle-Inconsistency and Knowledge Distillation for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation,1,0,2
979 |
Learning and Generalisation of Primitives Skills Towards Robust Dual-arm Manipulation,1,0,2
980 |
Persistent Multi-UAV Surveillance with Data Latency Constraints,1,0,2
981 |
A Quantitative Approach to Understanding Online Antisemitism,1,0,2
982 |
Compressing 1D Time-Channel Separable Convolutions using Sparse Random Ternary Matrices,1,0,2
983 |
Enforcing Reasoning in Visual Commonsense Reasoning,1,0,2
984 |
A novel Region of Interest Extraction Layer for Instance Segmentation,1,0,2
985 |
SEPAL: Towards a Large-scale Analysis of SEAndroid Policy Customization,1,0,2
986 |
Approximating Optimisation Solutions for Travelling Officer Problem with Customised Deep Learning Network,1,0,2
987 |
Consistency and Certain Answers in Relational to RDF Data Exchange with Shape Constraints,1,0,2
988 |
Testing isomorphism of circular-arc graphs -- Hsu's approach revisited,1,0,2
989 |
Adaptive Transformers in RL,1,0,2
990 |
DNN-based Localization from Channel Estimates: Feature Design and Experimental Results,1,0,2
991 |
Fast Fourier Intrinsic Network,1,0,2
992 |
Musical Features for Automatic Music Transcription Evaluation,1,0,2
993 |
Some Network Optimization Models under Diverse Uncertain Environments,1,0,2
994 |
Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Learning for Historical Text Normalization,1,0,2
995 |
Discovering Hierarchical Processes Using Flexible Activity Trees for Event Abstraction,1,0,2
996 |
VGG Fine-tuning for Cooking State Recognition,1,0,2
997 |
BadNL: Backdoor Attacks Against NLP Models,1,0,2
998 |
Multispectral Biometrics System Framework: Application to Presentation Attack Detection,1,0,2
999 |
Local Algorithms for Sparse Spanning Graphs,1,0,2
1000 |
"Deep Neural Network Approximation for Custom Hardware: Where We've Been, Where We're Going",1,0,2
1001 |
Remote VR Studies -- A Framework for Running Virtual Reality Studies Remotely Via Participant-Owned HMDs,1,0,2