--- annotations_creators: - found language_creators: - found languages: - code licenses: - other-C-UDA multilinguality: - monolingual size_categories: go: - 10K", "int", ")", "{", "structPool", "=", "&", "sync", ".", "Pool", "{", "New", ":", "newStructErrors", "}", "\n", "}"] } ``` #### java An example of 'train' looks as follows. ``` { "id": 0, "idx": "maxmin-1", "nl_tokens": ["Test", "whether", "find", "can", "be", "found", "at", "position", "startPos", "in", "the", "string", "src", "."], "pl_tokens": ["public", "static", "boolean", "startsWith", "(", "char", "[", "]", "src", ",", "char", "[", "]", "find", ",", "int", "startAt", ")", "{", "int", "startPos", "=", "startAt", ";", "boolean", "result", "=", "true", ";", "// Check ranges", "if", "(", "src", ".", "length", "<", "startPos", "+", "find", ".", "length", ")", "{", "result", "=", "false", ";", "}", "else", "{", "final", "int", "", "=", "find", ".", "length", ";", "for", "(", "int", "a", "=", "0", ";", "a", "<", "max", "&&", "result", ";", "a", "++", ")", "{", "if", "(", "src", "[", "startPos", "]", "!=", "find", "[", "a", "]", ")", "{", "result", "=", "false", ";", "}", "startPos", "++", ";", "}", "}", "return", "result", ";", "}"] } ``` #### javascript An example of 'train' looks as follows. ``` { "id": 0, "idx": "maxmin-1", "nl_tokens": ["string", ".", "max", "Maximum", "length", "of", "the", "string"], "pl_tokens": ["function", "(", "string", ")", "{", "// string.check check sting type and size", "return", "(", "(", "typeof", "string", "===", "'string'", "||", "string", "instanceof", "String", ")", "&&", "string", ".", "length", ">=", "this", ".", "", "&&", "string", ".", "length", "<=", "this", ".", "max", "&&", "(", "!", "this", ".", "match", "||", "string", ".", "match", "(", "this", ".", "match", ")", ")", ")", ";", "}"] } ``` #### php An example of 'train' looks as follows. ``` { "id": 0, "idx": "maxmin-1", "nl_tokens": ["Read", "the", "next", "character", "from", "the", "supplied", "string", ".", "Return", "null", "when", "we", "have", "run", "out", "of", "characters", "."], "pl_tokens": ["public", "function", "readOne", "(", ")", "{", "if", "(", "$", "this", "->", "pos", "<=", "$", "this", "->", "", ")", "{", "$", "value", "=", "$", "this", "->", "string", "[", "$", "this", "->", "pos", "]", ";", "$", "this", "->", "pos", "+=", "1", ";", "}", "else", "{", "$", "value", "=", "null", ";", "}", "return", "$", "value", ";", "}"] } ``` #### python An example of 'train' looks as follows. ``` { "id": 0, "idx": "maxmin-1", "nl_tokens": ["Returns", "intermediary", "colors", "for", "given", "list", "of", "colors", "."], "pl_tokens": ["def", "_interpolate", "(", "self", ",", "colors", ",", "n", "=", "100", ")", ":", "gradient", "=", "[", "]", "for", "i", "in", "_range", "(", "n", ")", ":", "l", "=", "len", "(", "colors", ")", "-", "1", "x", "=", "int", "(", "1.0", "*", "i", "/", "n", "*", "l", ")", "x", "=", "", "(", "x", "+", "0", ",", "l", ")", "y", "=", "min", "(", "x", "+", "1", ",", "l", ")", "base", "=", "1.0", "*", "n", "/", "l", "*", "x", "d", "=", "(", "i", "-", "base", ")", "/", "(", "1.0", "*", "n", "/", "l", ")", "r", "=", "colors", "[", "x", "]", ".", "r", "*", "(", "1", "-", "d", ")", "+", "colors", "[", "y", "]", ".", "r", "*", "d", "g", "=", "colors", "[", "x", "]", ".", "g", "*", "(", "1", "-", "d", ")", "+", "colors", "[", "y", "]", ".", "g", "*", "d", "b", "=", "colors", "[", "x", "]", ".", "b", "*", "(", "1", "-", "d", ")", "+", "colors", "[", "y", "]", ".", "b", "*", "d", "a", "=", "colors", "[", "x", "]", ".", "a", "*", "(", "1", "-", "d", ")", "+", "colors", "[", "y", "]", ".", "a", "*", "d", "gradient", ".", "append", "(", "color", "(", "r", ",", "g", ",", "b", ",", "a", ",", "mode", "=", "\"rgb\"", ")", ")", "gradient", ".", "append", "(", "colors", "[", "-", "1", "]", ")", "return", "gradient"] } ``` #### ruby An example of 'train' looks as follows. ``` { "id": 0, "idx": "maxmin-1", "nl_tokens": ["Delete", "all", "copies", "that", "are", "older", "than", "the", "max", "age", "provided", "in", "seconds", "."], "pl_tokens": ["def", "clean", "(", "", ":", "24", "*", "60", "*", "60", ")", "Futex", ".", "new", "(", "file", ",", "log", ":", "@log", ")", ".", "open", "do", "list", "=", "load", "list", ".", "reject!", "do", "|", "s", "|", "if", "s", "[", ":time", "]", ">=", "Time", ".", "now", "-", "max", "false", "else", "@log", ".", "debug", "(", "\"Copy ##{s[:name]}/#{s[:host]}:#{s[:port]} is too old, over #{Age.new(s[:time])}\"", ")", "true", "end", "end", "save", "(", "list", ")", "deleted", "=", "0", "files", ".", "each", "do", "|", "f", "|", "next", "unless", "list", ".", "find", "{", "|", "s", "|", "s", "[", ":name", "]", "==", "File", ".", "basename", "(", "f", ",", "Copies", "::", "EXT", ")", "}", ".", "nil?", "file", "=", "File", ".", "join", "(", "@dir", ",", "f", ")", "size", "=", "File", ".", "size", "(", "file", ")", "File", ".", "delete", "(", "file", ")", "@log", ".", "debug", "(", "\"Copy at #{f} deleted: #{Size.new(size)}\"", ")", "deleted", "+=", "1", "end", "list", ".", "select!", "do", "|", "s", "|", "cp", "=", "File", ".", "join", "(", "@dir", ",", "\"#{s[:name]}#{Copies::EXT}\"", ")", "wallet", "=", "Wallet", ".", "new", "(", "cp", ")", "begin", "wallet", ".", "refurbish", "raise", "\"Invalid protocol #{wallet.protocol} in #{cp}\"", "unless", "wallet", ".", "protocol", "==", "Zold", "::", "PROTOCOL", "true", "rescue", "StandardError", "=>", "e", "FileUtils", ".", "rm_rf", "(", "cp", ")", "@log", ".", "debug", "(", "\"Copy at #{cp} deleted: #{Backtrace.new(e)}\"", ")", "deleted", "+=", "1", "false", "end", "end", "save", "(", "list", ")", "deleted", "end", "end"] } ``` ### Data Fields In the following each data field in go is explained for each config. The data fields are the same among all splits. #### go, java, javascript, php, python, ruby |field name| type | description | |----------|----------------|------------------------------| |id |int32 | Index of the sample | |idx |string | Original index in the dataset| |nl_tokens |Sequence[string]| Natural language tokens | |pl_tokens |Sequence[string]| Programming language tokens | ### Data Splits | name |train| |----------|----:| |go | 152| |java | 482| |javascript| 272| |php | 407| |python | 1264| |ruby | 38| ## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale [More Information Needed] ### Source Data #### Initial Data Collection and Normalization Data from CodeSearchNet Challenge dataset. [More Information Needed] #### Who are the source language producers? Software Engineering developers. ### Annotations #### Annotation process [More Information Needed] #### Who are the annotators? [More Information Needed] ### Personal and Sensitive Information [More Information Needed] ## Considerations for Using the Data ### Social Impact of Dataset [More Information Needed] ### Discussion of Biases [More Information Needed] ### Other Known Limitations [More Information Needed] ## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators https://github.com/microsoft, https://github.com/madlag ### Licensing Information Computational Use of Data Agreement (C-UDA) License. ### Citation Information ``` @article{CodeXGLUE, title={CodeXGLUE: An Open Challenge for Code Intelligence}, journal={arXiv}, year={2020}, } @article{feng2020codebert, title={CodeBERT: A Pre-Trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages}, author={Feng, Zhangyin and Guo, Daya and Tang, Duyu and Duan, Nan and Feng, Xiaocheng and Gong, Ming and Shou, Linjun and Qin, Bing and Liu, Ting and Jiang, Daxin and others}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.08155}, year={2020} } @article{husain2019codesearchnet, title={CodeSearchNet Challenge: Evaluating the State of Semantic Code Search}, author={Husain, Hamel and Wu, Ho-Hsiang and Gazit, Tiferet and Allamanis, Miltiadis and Brockschmidt, Marc}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09436}, year={2019} } ``` ### Contributions Thanks to @madlag (and partly also @ncoop57) for adding this dataset.