i think a person would have to have ice in their veins to not feel something great when watching the band play and i knew that under that tough exterior mr.[SEP]hunter had a big heart .
my heart jumped because i thought we really might have convinced mr.[SEP]hunter to let jonathan follow his dream .
he looked at mrs.[SEP]hunter and held her gaze .
it was around 5:00 p.m.[SEP]on a gorgeous saturday in the spring , i was checking my lipstick in the car mirror and i looked over at jonathan , who was driving , and smiled at him .
as she turned away from mr.[SEP]wandering hands , she saw bill pritt waving her over to a corner booth .
when she approached the area where mr.[SEP]wandering hands was still standing , he stepped back and tapped his friends to do the same so she could pass .
i told you she 's feisty , mr.[SEP]wandering hands said to his friends .
the stoic wall of muscle merely repeated , please report to mr.[SEP]andrade 's office .
stepping out of the elevator , she headed into mr.[SEP]andrade 's outer office and faced her fear .
her heart was beating so loudly in her ears she did n't actually hear if mr.[SEP]andrade 's secretary said , wait while i announce you , or follow me , please .
she forced herself to walk across the room until she was just a few feet in front of mr.[SEP]andrade 's desk .
the super-serious replacement security guard said , mr.[SEP]andrade has left the building .
i appreciate your concern , mr.[SEP]andrade , but it 's unnecessary .
she shook it off and walked past tom and paul , hoping they would n't ask her what the great mr.[SEP]andrade had wanted .
i 've never seen mr.[SEP]andrade do anything inappropriate , but it 's obvious he 's interested in you .
when she answered , paul said from the other end of the line , mr.[SEP]andrade just exited the elevator .
from across the floor , mrs.[SEP]rockport said , until just now i had no idea that the dressing rooms were not soundproof .
settling somewhat , mrs.[SEP]rockport said , everyone has an off day .
they sat there quietly for a moment , then mrs.[SEP]rockport asked , so , are you getting the dress ?
i know you 're not , paul , but mr.[SEP]andrade 's right .
instead of immediately leaving , miles cleared his throat and said , i have worked for mr.[SEP]andrade since his mid-twenties .
gio brought him back to the u.s.[SEP]buried him , took over the company , and has looked exactly that miserable ever since .
worse than a specter ... mrs.[SEP]andrade , what a ... surprise ... to hear from you .
they laughed as they watched young american children chasing pigeons in st.[SEP]mark 's square .
she could create mrs.[SEP]rockport 's orders anywhere .
they 'd told stories of how each generation of andrade worked hard to make sure the next was taken care of , and how proud gio sr.[SEP]must be when he looked down on his sons .
i was going to leave the clothes on the table for you , mr.[SEP]andrade , but i can bring them back later .
i 'm sorry , mr.[SEP]andrade is in a meeting this morning .
in the beginning , janet had at least called him mr.[SEP]andrade , but more and more she slipped and called him by his first name .
rule number five point two four will now read , 'if sex commences on friday after eight p.m.[SEP]the no-overnight statute will be null and void from that point onward .
i hope you find your answers , mrs.[SEP]d'argenson , but i ca n't help you .
they ca n't bear to see me ill.[SEP]oh , i 'm sure that 's it , tara thought , but kept it to herself .
i 'm worried she may actually be ill.[SEP]i 'm not a doctor , julia .
mother nature throws more at us than mr.[SEP]andrade and his resort ever could .
what would you say if i told you mr.[SEP]andrade is considering keeping the homes as they are and using them for a family retreat ?
now if i could just get away from my mother for two seconds , i would think about taking you up on that offer , mr.[SEP]palazzo , ari replied with a giggle .
other than that , you should be fine , dr.[SEP]ricord assured her .
i swear , i 'll call in the u.s.[SEP]military , adriane , she threatened .
i do n't think i like the sound of that , ms.[SEP]harlow , he said menacingly .
there will be no obeying , mr.[SEP]palazzo , she warned as she pushed her h*ps against him , sending her heat to scorching levels .
i 'm sorry , ms.[SEP]palazzo , but any outgoing calls are not authorized at this time .
that certainly is n't enough of a reason for us to wed.[SEP]he seemed thoughtful as he looked at her .
i do apologize , ms.[SEP]palazzo , he offered as she passed him .
right now , all that mattered was that their baby be ok.[SEP]just for now , they needed to present a united front .
no one is cleared for duty until the doc gives his ok.[SEP]shane 's gaze narrowed just the slightest , and his commander narrowed his own in turn , making shane back down immediately .
and i am one lucky woman , mr.[SEP]palazzo , she said , holding him tight , and praying this was n't just a dream .
i would never take you for a fool , ms.[SEP]palazzo , he said before a slight smiled split his lips .
but if he dared ask about the babies again , she would n't be at all ok.[SEP]in that case , i will just make sure to be more gentle from here on out .
welcome home , mrs.[SEP]palazzo , rafe said before scooping ari up into his arms and carrying her across the threshold .
we 're going to take you to the exam room now , ms.[SEP]palazzo , the nurse said , making both lia and rachel turn .
i take it that your meeting with ms.[SEP]harlow went well .
we 're both ok.[SEP]lia was n't sure whether he was trying to reassure her or himself .
rachel practically floated into the bathroom ; she stepped beneath the shower spray and quickly lathered herself with sense-entrancing body wash.[SEP]as much as she did n't want to leave their small haven , she was looking forward to whatever he had planned .
ari had to fight to keep from chewing out dr.[SEP]lynn sherman , the world 's most boring podiatrist , who just happened to be sitting across from her at the nice italian restaurant .
a quiet confidence seemed to whisper to her heart that they would be ok.[SEP]maybe it was nothing more than feeling a kinship for the only other person on a deserted island , but she did n't think so .
so here she sat at the u.s.[SEP]embassy in italy , behind a desk , wearing a respectable outfit , and she was bored out of her mind .
chapter twenty seven rafe mr.[SEP]palazzo , it seems that shane grayson 's ship got caught in a storm four days ago and he has n't been heard from since .
it appears that one of your sisters , ms.[SEP]lia palazzo , was onboard with him .
apparently when the workers could n't find them , it took a while before someone had information that mr.[SEP]palazzo had left on the boat to pick up supplies .
if you 'll wait here , we 'll bring ms.[SEP]grayson in to visit with you , the aide said before leaving them in a plain room with four chairs , a table , and nothing else .
i was n't there until after she 'd taken whatever it was that has made her so ill.[SEP]you 're wasting your time and mine , and i 'm at the end of my tolerance level for appeasing people .
we 'll take our chances , mr.[SEP]grayson , one officer answered in a level voice , not even slightly intimidated .
but you know , she went on in a deceptively even tone , you need to tell me more about your boss - this mr.[SEP]rafe palazzo , who was so kind to me .
the fact that lia was still in the u.s.[SEP]was n't helping him deal with his vow of keeping their relationship platonic .
if it worked , thousands of jobs would be created and better conditions brought to both the prince 's country and some impoverished areas in the u.s.[SEP]as she continued taking notes , she learned more about rafe .
hyde she could handle , dr.[SEP]jekyll , not so much .
i promise you that i will be ok.[SEP]i think you will , darling .
i am marco giannini , and it 's such a pleasure to meet you , ms.[SEP]arianna harlow , he finished as he leaned in and kissed her cheek .
if you 'll have a seat , mr.[SEP]kinsor will call you in shortly .
if you 've passed to the second part of our screening process , we 'll call you in three to five days , mr.[SEP]kinsor said with the same gentle smile .
i 'm sorry but mr.[SEP]palazzo is a very private man and this position is ... confidential , he answered with a slight pause .
harlow , if you are n't going to take this interview seriously , you may exit the way you came in , mr.[SEP]palazzo said in an irritated tone , snapping her back to the present .
is something upsetting you , ms.[SEP]harlow , he asked , his voice smooth as molasses as he came back around and looked into her eyes again .
everything 's fine , mr.[SEP]palazzo , she replied , proud of how smooth her voice sounded , especially since her nerves were fried .
i very much play hardball , ms.[SEP]harlow , and it would behoove you to not become my enemy , he said conversationally .
as the doors began shutting , she finally glanced up , her eyes colliding with mr.[SEP]palazzo 's intense stare .
she opened her door to find mr.[SEP]kinsor , the person she 'd had her first interview with , standing before her , impeccably dressed with that same kind smile on his face as before .
the many employees of mr.[SEP]palazzo had to know he hired his females the same as he hired the rest of his staff .
we 're here , mr.[SEP]kinsor said , snapping her from her thoughts .
her stomach was rolling over as she followed mr.[SEP]kinsor inside , past the host , and straight back to a secluded area .
she stood in thunderstruck silence as puzzlement crossed mr.[SEP]palazzo 's features .
she finally moved her head , looking around for mr.[SEP]kinsor , who had disappeared .
that 's not necessary , mr.[SEP]palazzo , as this was n't a date .
waiting until her voice was calm and steady , ari soon dialed mr.[SEP]flander 's number , pressed in the extension and took several deep breaths as she waited for him to come on the line .
maybe you should ask ms.[SEP]harlow how she 's doing , rafe replied coldly .
i assure you , ms.[SEP]harlow that if i kidnapped you , it would n't be for an x-ray .
she could n't fault mr.[SEP]palazzo or the staff for double checking .
he did n't want to be a decent human right now , he wanted to sink deep inside ms.[SEP]harlow until she was screaming his name .
i 'm here for a meeting with mr.[SEP]coolidge and the board members , ari announced to the secretary stationed on the executive floor .
the name plate before him announced him as mr.[SEP]coolidge , who was the chairman of the board .
we 'll meet with you again in a few days , ms.[SEP]harlow to find out if you 've made any headway in the matter , mr.
harlow to find out if you 've made any headway in the matter , mr.[SEP]coolidge said , saving her from having to answer rafe .
while he waited for dr.[SEP]malroy to arrive , he searched her tiny space , only taking a few minutes .
it did n't take dr.[SEP]malroy long to diagnose the problem .
if she looks to have any trouble breathing then you need to rush her to the e.r.[SEP]but they ca n't really do any more than give her the same medications that i have with me .
she 'd hold off for now because it seemed petty of her to snap at the man for providing her with a comfortable bed when she was ill.[SEP]paying him back would n't be easy - he 'd take it as a personal hit on his pride .
you 're at mr.[SEP]palazzo 's residence .
the woman looked at ari like she was mentally ill.[SEP]maybe she was , but she was angry that he 'd swooped in and taken over her life .
you know what , mr.[SEP]palazzo , i think you 're right .
ari 's confusion grew at mr.[SEP]kinsor 's words .