## wav2png Run this script to convert wav files to spectrograms, which are saved as png files. Is able to run on a folder structure with class labels: root/dog/0001.wav root/dog/0002.wav root/cat/0001.wav root/cat/0002.wav etc. Or otherwise on single files. Example use: **For class folder structure** ```bash python ./wav2png.py folder --rootdir [rootdir] ``` **For single files** ```bash python ./wav2png.py single --filename [filename.wav] ``` Scaling is done on the STFT output to be compatible with 8-bit png format. The script searches the dataset for the maximum and minimum values, rounds up and down to the nearest integer respectively then scales to [0,255]. ## png2wav Run to convert individual png spectrograms back to wav. Script assumes (and inverts) similar scaling as in wav2png. Griffin-Lim algortihm is initialized with [SPSI](http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7251907/). SPSI code originally from [here](https://github.com/lonce/SPSI_Python). Example use: **For single png spectrogram** ```bash python ./png2wav.py [filename.png] ``` ## cqtconv This script is to transform a linear frequency scaled spectrogram image (like the ones generated by wav2png) to a pseudo constant-Q (CQT) scaled spectrogram. Algorithm is adapted from [Matlab code written by Dan Ellis](http://www.ee.columbia.edu/ln/rosa/matlab/sgram/). Example use: **For linear to cqt** ```bash python ./cqtconv.py --rootdir [rootdir] --outdir [outdir] --conversion spec2cqt ``` **For cqt to linear** ```bash python ./cqtconv.py --rootdir [rootdir] --outdir [outdir] --conversion cqt2spec ```