diff --git "a/data/train/2841.txt" "b/data/train/2841.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/train/2841.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,11265 @@ + + + + +Produced by John Bickers; Emma Dudding; Dagny + + + + + +THE IVORY CHILD + +by H. Rider Haggard + + + + +CHAPTER I + +ALLAN GIVES A SHOOTING LESSON + +Now I, Allan Quatermain, come to the story of what was, perhaps, one of +the strangest of all the adventures which have befallen me in the course +of a life that so far can scarcely be called tame or humdrum. + +Amongst many other things it tells of the war against the Black Kendah +people and the dead of Jana, their elephant god. Often since then I +have wondered if this creature was or was not anything more than a mere +gigantic beast of the forest. It seems improbable, even impossible, but +the reader of future days may judge of this matter for himself. + +Also he can form his opinion as to the religion of the White Kendah and +their pretensions to a certain degree of magical skill. Of this magic +I will make only one remark: If it existed at all, it was by no means +infallible. To take a single instance, Harut and Marut were convinced +by divination that I, and I only, could kill Jana, which was why they +invited me to Kendahland. Yet in the end it was Hans who killed him. +Jana nearly killed me! + +Now to my tale. + + + +In another history, called "The Holy Flower," I have told how I came to +England with a young gentleman of the name of Scroope, partly to see him +safely home after a hunting accident, and partly to try to dispose of +a unique orchid for a friend of mine called Brother John by the white +people, and Dogeetah by the natives, who was popularly supposed to be +mad, but, in fact, was very sane indeed. So sane was he that he pursued +what seemed to be an absolutely desperate quest for over twenty years, +until, with some humble assistance on my part, he brought it to a +curiously successful issue. But all this tale is told in "The Holy +Flower," and I only allude to it here, that is at present, to explain +how I came to be in England. + +While in this country I stayed for a few days with Scroope, or, rather, +with his fiancee and her people, at a fine house in Essex. (I called it +Essex to avoid the place being identified, but really it was one of the +neighbouring counties.) During my visit I was taken to see a much finer +place, a splendid old castle with brick gateway towers, that had been +wonderfully well restored and turned into a most luxurious modern +dwelling. Let us call it "Ragnall," the seat of a baron of that name. + +I had heard a good deal about Lord Ragnall, who, according to all +accounts, seemed a kind of Admirable Crichton. He was said to be +wonderfully handsome, a great scholar--he had taken a double first at +college; a great athlete--he had been captain of the Oxford boat at the +University race; a very promising speaker who had already made his mark +in the House of Lords; a sportsman who had shot tigers and other large +game in India; a poet who had published a successful volume of verse +under a pseudonym; a good solider until he left the Service; and lastly, +a man of enormous wealth, owning, in addition to his estates, several +coal mines and an entire town in the north of England. + +"Dear me!" I said when the list was finished, "he seems to have been +born with a whole case of gold spoons in his mouth. I hope one of them +will not choke him," adding: "Perhaps he will be unlucky in love." + +"That's just where he is most lucky of all," answered the young lady to +whom I was talking--it was Scroope's fiancee, Miss Manners--"for he is +engaged to a lady that, I am told, is the loveliest, sweetest, cleverest +girl in all England, and they absolutely adore each other." + +"Dear me!" I repeated. "I wonder what Fate _has_ got up its sleeve for +Lord Ragnall and his perfect lady-love?" + +I was doomed to find out one day. + +So it came about that when, on the following morning, I was asked if +I would like to see the wonders of Ragnall Castle, I answered "Yes." +Really, however, I wanted to have a look at Lord Ragnall himself, if +possible, for the account of his many perfections had impressed the +imagination of a poor colonist like myself, who had never found an +opportunity of setting his eyes upon a kind of human angel. Human devils +I had met in plenty, but never a single angel--at least, of the male +sex. Also there was always the possibility that I might get a glimpse +of the still more angelic lady to whom he was engaged, whose name, +I understood, was the Hon. Miss Holmes. So I said that nothing would +please me more than to see this castle. + +Thither we drove accordingly through the fine, frosty air, for the month +was December. On reaching the castle, Mr. Scroope was told that Lord +Ragnall, whom he knew well, was out shooting somewhere in the park, but +that, of course, he could show his friend over the place. So we went +in, the three of us, for Miss Manners, to whom Scroope was to be married +very shortly, had driven us over in her pony carriage. The porter at the +gateway towers took us to the main door of the castle and handed us over +to another man, whom he addressed as Mr. Savage, whispering to me that +he was his lordship's personal attendant. + +I remember the name, because it seemed to me that I had never seen +anyone who looked much less savage. In truth, his appearance was that +of a duke in disguise, as I imagine dukes to be, for I never set eyes +on one. His dress--he wore a black morning cut-away coat--was faultless. +His manners were exquisite, polite to the verge of irony, but with a +hint of haughty pride in the background. He was handsome also, with a +fine nose and a hawk-like eye, while a touch of baldness added to the +general effect. His age may have been anything between thirty-five and +forty, and the way he deprived me of my hat and stick, to which I +strove to cling, showed, I thought, resolution of character. Probably, I +reflected to myself, he considers me an unusual sort of person who might +damage the pictures and other objects of art with the stick, and not +seeing his way how to ask me to give it up without suggesting suspicion, +has hit upon the expedient of taking my hat also. + +In after days Mr. Samuel Savage informed me that I was quite right +in this surmise. He said he thought that, judging from my somewhat +unconventional appearance, I might be one of the dangerous class of whom +he had been reading in the papers, namely, a "hanarchist." I write the +word as he pronounced it, for here comes the curious thing. This man, +so flawless, so well instructed in some respects, had a fault which gave +everything away. His h's were uncertain. Three of them would come quite +right, but the fourth, let us say, would be conspicuous either by +its utter absence or by its unwanted appearance. He could speak, when +describing the Ragnall pictures, in rotund and flowing periods that +would scarcely have disgraced the pen of Gibbon. Then suddenly that +"h" would appear or disappear, and the illusion was over. It was like a +sudden shock of cold water down the back. I never discovered the origin +of his family; it was a matter of which he did not speak, perhaps +because he was vague about it himself; but if an earl of Norman blood +had married a handsome Cockney kitchenmaid of native ability, I can +quite imagine that Samuel Savage might have been a child of the union. +For the rest he was a good man and a faithful one, for whom I have a +high respect. + +On this occasion he conducted us round the castle, or, rather, its more +public rooms, showing us many treasures and, I should think, at least +two hundred pictures by eminent and departed artists, which gave him an +opportunity of exhibiting a peculiar, if somewhat erratic, knowledge of +history. To tell the truth, I began to wish that it were a little less +full in detail, since on a December day those large apartments felt +uncommonly cold. Scroope and Miss Manners seemed to keep warm, perhaps +with the inward fires of mutual admiration, but as I had no one to +admire except Mr. Savage, a temperature of about 35 degrees produced its +natural effect upon me. + +At length we took a short cut from the large to the little gallery +through a warmed and comfortable room, which I understood was Lord +Ragnall's study. Halting for a moment by one of the fires, I observed +a picture on the wall, over which a curtain was drawn, and asked Mr. +Savage what it might be. + +"That, sir," he replied with a kind of haughty reserve, "is the portrait +of her future ladyship, which his lordship keeps for his private heye." + +Miss Manners sniggered, and I said: + +"Oh, thank you. What an ill-omened kind of thing to do!" + +Then, observing through an open door the hall in which my hat had been +taken from me, I lingered and as the others vanished in the little +gallery, slipped into it, recovered my belongings, and passed out to +the garden, purposing to walk there till I was warm again and Scroope +reappeared. While I marched up and down a terrace, on which, I remember, +several very cold-looking peacocks were seated, like conscientious +birds that knew it was their duty to be ornamental, however low the +temperature, I heard some shots fired, apparently in a clump of ilex +oaks which grew about five hundred yards away, and reflected to myself +that they seemed to be those of a small rifle, not of a shotgun. + +My curiosity being excited as to what was to be an almost professional +matter, I walked towards the grove, making a circuit through a +shrubbery. At length I found myself near to the edge of a glade, and +perceived, standing behind the shelter of a magnificent ilex, two men. +One of these was a young keeper, and the other, from his appearance, +I felt sure must be Lord Ragnall himself. Certainly he was a +splendid-looking man, very tall, very broad, very handsome, with a +peaked beard, a kind and charming face, and large dark eyes. He wore a +cloak upon his shoulders, which was thrown back from over a velvet coat, +and, except for the light double-barrelled rifle in his hand, looked +exactly like a picture by Van Dyck which Mr. Savage had just informed me +was that of one of his lordship's ancestors of the time of Charles I. + +Standing behind another oak, I observed that he was trying to shoot +wood-pigeons as they descended to feed upon the acorns, for which the +hard weather had made them greedy. From time to time these beautiful +blue birds appeared and hovered a moment before they settled, whereon +the sportsman fired and--they flew away. _Bang! Bang!_ went the +double-barrelled rifle, and off fled the pigeon. + +"Damn!" said the sportsman in a pleasant, laughing voice; "that's the +twelfth I have missed, Charles." + +"You hit his tail, my lord. I saw a feather come out. But, my lord, as +I told you, there ain't no man living what can kill pigeons on the wing +with a bullet, even when they seem to sit still in the air." + +"I have heard of one, Charles. Mr. Scroope has a friend from Africa +staying with him who, he swears, could knock over four out of six." + +"Then, my lord, Mr. Scroope has a friend what lies," replied Charles as +he handed him the second rifle. + +This was too much for me. I stepped forward, raising my hat politely, +and said: + +"Sir, forgive me for interrupting you, but you are not shooting at those +wood-pigeons in the right way. Although they seem to hover just before +they settle, they are dropping much faster than you think. Your keeper +was mistaken when he said that you knocked a feather out of the tail of +that last bird at which you fired two barrels. In both cases you shot at +least a foot above it, and what fell was a leaf from the ilex tree." + +There was a moment's silence, which was broken by Charles, who +ejaculated in a thick voice: + +"Well, of all the cheek!" + +Lord Ragnall, however, for it was he, looked first angry and then +amused. + +"Sir," he said, "I thank you for your advice, which no doubt is +excellent, for it is certainly true that I have missed every pigeon +which I tried to shoot with these confounded little rifles. But if you +could demonstrate in practice what you so kindly set out in precept, the +value of your counsel would be enhanced." + +Thus he spoke, mimicking, I have no doubt (for he had a sense of +humour), the manner of my address, which nervousness had made somewhat +pompous. + +"Give me the rifle," I answered, taking off my greatcoat. + +He handed it me with a bow. + +"Mind what you are about," growled Charles. "That there thing is full +cocked and 'air-triggered." + +I withered, or, rather, tried to wither him with a glance, but this +unbelieving keeper only stared back at me with insolence in his round +and bird-like eyes. Never before had I felt quite so angry with a +menial. Then a horrible doubt struck me. Supposing I should miss! I knew +very little of the manner of flight of English wood-pigeons, which +are not difficult to miss with a bullet, and nothing at all of these +particular rifles, though a glance at them showed me that they were +exquisite weapons of their sort and by a great maker. If I muffed +the thing now, how should I bear the scorn of Charles and the polite +amusement of his noble master? Almost I prayed that no more pigeons +would put in an appearance, and thus that the issue of my supposed skill +might be left in doubt. + +But this was not to be. These birds came from far in ones or twos to +search for their favourite food, and the fact that others had been +scared away did not cause them to cease from coming. Presently I heard +Charles mutter: + +"Now, then, look out, guv'nor. Here's your chance of teaching his +lordship how to do it, though he does happen to be the best shot in +these counties." + +While he spoke two pigeons appeared, one a little behind the other, +coming down very straight. As they reached the opening in the ilex grove +they hovered, preparing to alight, for of us they could see nothing, one +at a distance of about fifty and the other of, say, seventy yards away. +I took the nearest, got on to it, allowing for the drop and the angle, +and touched the trigger of the rifle, which fell to my shoulder very +sweetly. The bullet struck that pigeon on the crop, out of which fell a +shower of acorns that it had been eating, as it sank to the ground stone +dead. Number two pigeon, realizing danger, began to mount upwards almost +straight. I fired the second barrel, and by good luck shot its head +off. Then I snatched the other rifle, which Charles had been loading +automatically, from his outstretched hand, for at that moment I saw two +more pigeons coming. At the first I risked a difficult shot and hit it +far back, knocking out its tail, but bringing it, still fluttering, to +the ground. The other, too, I covered, but when I touched the trigger +there was a click, no more. + +This was my opportunity of coming even with Charles, and I availed +myself of it. + +"Young man," I said, while he gaped at me open-mouthed, "you should +learn to be careful with rifles, which are dangerous weapons. If you +give one to a shooter that is not loaded, it shows that you are capable +of anything." + +Then I turned, and addressing Lord Ragnall, added: + +"I must apologize for that third shot of mine, which was infamous, for +I committed a similar fault to that against which I warned you, sir, +and did not fire far enough ahead. However, it may serve to show your +attendant the difference between the tail of a pigeon and an oak leaf," +and I pointed to one of the feathers of the poor bird, which was still +drifting to the ground. + +"Well, if this here snipe of a chap ain't the devil in boots!" exclaimed +Charles to himself. + +But his master cut him short with a look, then lifted his hat to me and +said: + +"Sir, the practice much surpasses the precept, which is unusual. I +congratulate you upon a skill that almost partakes of the marvellous, +unless, indeed, chance----" And he stopped. + +"It is natural that you should think so," I replied; "but if more +pigeons come, and Mr. Charles will make sure that he loads the rifle, I +hope to undeceive you." + +At this moment, however, a loud shout from Scroope, who was looking for +me, reinforced by a shrill cry uttered by Miss Manners, banished every +pigeon within half a mile, a fact of which I was not sorry, since who +knows whether I should have it all, or any, of the next three birds? + +"I think my friends are calling me, so I will bid you good morning," I +said awkwardly. + +"One moment, sir," he exclaimed. "Might I first ask you your name? Mine +is Ragnall--Lord Ragnall." + +"And mine is Allan Quatermain," I said. + +"Oh!" he answered, "that explains matters. Charles, this is Mr. +Scroope's friend, the gentleman that you said--exaggerated. I think you +had better apologize." + +But Charles was gone, to pick up the pigeons, I suppose. + +At this moment Scroope and the young lady appeared, having heard our +voices, and a general explanation ensued. + +"Mr. Quatermain has been giving me a lesson in shooting pigeons on the +wing with a small-bore rifle," said Lord Ragnall, pointing to the dead +birds that still lay upon the ground. + +"He is competent to do that," said Scroope. + +"Painfully competent," replied his lordship. "If you don't believe me, +ask the under-keeper." + +"It is the only thing I can do," I explained modestly. "Rifle-shooting +is my trade, and I have made a habit of practising at birds on the wing +with ball. I have no doubt that with a shot-gun your lordship would +leave me nowhere, for that is a game at which I have had little +practice, except when shooting for the pot in Africa." + +"Yes," interrupted Scroope, "you wouldn't have any chance at that, +Allan, against one of the finest shots in England." + +"I'm not so sure," said Lord Ragnall, laughing pleasantly. "I have an +idea that Mr. Quatermain is full of surprises. However, with his leave, +we'll see. If you have a day to spare, Mr. Quatermain, we are going to +shoot through the home coverts to-morrow, which haven't been touched +till now, and I hope you will join us." + +"It is most kind of you, but that is impossible," I answered with +firmness. "I have no gun here." + +"Oh, never mind that, Mr. Quatermain. I have a pair of +breech-loaders"--these were new things at that date--"which have been +sent down to me to try. I am going to return them, because they are much +too short in the stock for me. I think they would just suit you, and you +are quite welcome to the use of them." + +Again I excused myself, guessing that the discomfited Charles would +put all sorts of stories about concerning me, and not wishing to look +foolish before a party of grand strangers, no doubt chosen for their +skill at this particular form of sport. + +"Well, Allan," exclaimed Scroope, who always had a talent for saying the +wrong thing, "you are quite right not to go into a competition with Lord +Ragnall over high pheasants." + +I flushed, for there was some truth in his blundering remark, whereon +Lord Ragnall said with ready tact: + +"I asked Mr. Quatermain to shoot, not to a shooting match, Scroope, and +I hope he'll come." + +This left me no option, and with a sinking heart I had to accept. + +"Sorry I can't ask you too, Scroope," said his lordship, when details +had been arranged, "but we can only manage seven guns at this shoot. But +will you and Miss Manners come to dine and sleep to-morrow evening? I +should like to introduce your future wife to my future wife," he added, +colouring a little. + +Miss Manners being devoured with curiosity as to the wonderful Miss +Holmes, of whom she had heard so much but never actually seen, accepted +at once, before her lover could get out a word, whereon Scroope +volunteered to bring me over in the morning and load for me. Being +possessed by a terror that I should be handed over to the care of the +unsympathetic Charles, I replied that I should be very grateful, and so +the thing was settled. + +On our way home we passed through a country town, of which I forget the +name, and the sight of a gunsmith's shop there reminded me that I had +no cartridges. So I stopped to order some, as, fortunately, Lord Ragnall +had mentioned that the guns he was going to lend me were twelve-bores. +The tradesman asked me how many cartridges I wanted, and when I replied +"a hundred," stared at me and said: + +"If, as I understood, sir, you are going to the big winter shoot at +Ragnall to-morrow, you had better make it three hundred and fifty at +least. I shall be there to watch, like lots of others, and I expect to +see nearly two hundred fired by each gun at the last Lake stand." + +"Very well," I answered, fearing to show more ignorance by further +discussion. "I will call for the cartridges on my way to-morrow morning. +Please load them with three drachms of powder." + +"Yes, sir, and an ounce and an eighth of No. 5 shot, sir? That's what +all the gentlemen use." + +"No," I answered, "No. 3; please be sure as to that. Good evening." + +The gunsmith stared at me, and as I left the shop I heard him remark to +his assistant: + +"That African gent must think he's going out to shoot ostriches with +buck shot. I expect he ain't no good, whatever they may say about him." + + + +CHAPTER II + +ALLAN MAKES A BET + +On the following morning Scroope and I arrived at Castle Ragnall at +or about a quarter to ten. On our way we stopped to pick up my three +hundred and fifty cartridges. I had to pay something over three solid +sovereigns for them, as in those days such things were dear, which +showed me that I was not going to get my lesson in English pheasant +shooting for nothing. The gunsmith, however, to whom Scroope gave a lift +in his cart to the castle, impressed upon me that they were dirt cheap, +since he and his assistant had sat up most of the night loading them +with my special No. 3 shot. + +As I climbed out of the vehicle a splendid-looking and portly person, +arrayed in a velvet coat and a scarlet waistcoat, approached with +the air of an emperor, followed by an individual in whom I recognized +Charles, carrying a gun under each arm. + +"That's the head-keeper," whispered Scroope; "mind you treat him +respectfully." + +Much alarmed, I took off my hat and waited. + +"Do I speak to Mr. Allan Quatermain?" said his majesty in a deep and +rumbling voice, surveying me the while with a cold and disapproving eye. + +I intimated that he did. + +"Then, sir," he went on, pausing a little at the "sir," as though he +suspected me of being no more than an African colleague of his own, "I +have been ordered by his lordship to bring you these guns, and I hope, +sir, that you will be careful of them, as they are here on sale or +return. Charles, explain the working of them there guns to this foreign +gentleman, and in doing so keep the muzzles up _or_ down. They ain't +loaded, it's true, but the example is always useful." + +"Thank you, Mr. Keeper," I replied, growing somewhat nettled, "but I +think that I am already acquainted with most that there is to learn +about guns." + +"I am glad to hear it, sir," said his majesty with evident disbelief. +"Charles, I understand that Squire Scroope is going to load for the +gentleman, which I hope he knows how to do with safety. His lordship's +orders are that you accompany them and carry the cartridges. And, +Charles, you will please keep count of the number fired and what +is killed dead, not reckoning runners. I'm sick of them stories of +runners." + +These directions were given in a portentous stage aside which we were +not supposed to hear. They caused Scroope to snigger and Charles to +grin, but in me they raised a feeling of indignation. + +I took one of the guns and looked at it. It was a costly and beautifully +made weapon of the period, with an under-lever action. + +"There's nothing wrong with the gun, sir," rumbled Red Waistcoat. "If +you hold it straight it will do the rest. But keep the muzzle up, sir, +keep it up, for I know what the bore is without studying the same with +my eye. Also perhaps you won't take it amiss if I tell you that here at +Ragnall we hates a low pheasant. I mention it because the last gentleman +who came from foreign parts--he was French, he was--shot nothing all day +but one hen bird sitting just on the top of the brush, two beaters, his +lordship's hat, and a starling." + +At this point Scroope broke into a roar of idiotic laughter. Charles, +from whom Fortune decreed that I was not to escape, after all, turned +his back and doubled up as though seized with sudden pain in the +stomach, and I grew absolutely furious. + +"Confound it, Mr. Keeper," I explained, "what do you mean by lecturing +me? Attend to your business, and I'll attend to mine." + +At this moment who should appear from behind the angle of some +building--we were talking in the stableyard, near the gun-room--but Lord +Ragnall himself. I could see that he had overheard the conversation, for +he looked angry. + +"Jenkins," he said, addressing the keeper, "do what Mr. Quatermain has +said and attend to your own business. Perhaps you are not aware that he +has shot more lions, elephants, and other big game than you have cats. +But, however that may be, it is not your place to try to instruct him or +any of my guests. Now go and see to the beaters." + +"Beg pardon, my lord," ejaculated Jenkins, his face, that was as florid +as his waistcoat, turning quite pale; "no offence meant, my lord, but +elephants and lions don't fly, my lord, and those accustomed to such +ground varmin are apt to shoot low, my lord. Beaters all ready at the +Hunt Copse, my lord." + +Thus speaking he backed himself out of sight. Lord Ragnall watched him +go, then said with a laugh: + +"I apologize to you, Mr. Quatermain. That silly old fool was part of my +inheritance, so to speak; and the joke of it is that he is himself the +worst and most dangerous shot I ever saw. However, on the other hand, +he is the best rearer of pheasants in the county, so I put up with +him. Come in, now, won't you? Charles will look after your guns and +cartridges." + +So Scroope and I were taken through a side entrance into the big hall +and there introduced to the other members of the shooting party, most of +whom were staying at the castle. They were famous shots. Indeed, I +had read of the prowess of some of them in _The Field_, a paper that I +always took in Africa, although often enough, when I was on my distant +expeditions, I did not see a copy of it for a year at a time. + +To my astonishment I found that I knew one of these gentlemen. We had +not, it is true, met for a dozen years; but I seldom forget a face, +and I was sure that I could not be mistaken in this instance. That mean +appearance, those small, shifty grey eyes, that red, pointed nose could +belong to nobody except Van Koop, so famous in his day in South Africa +in connexion with certain gigantic and most successful frauds that the +law seemed quite unable to touch, of which frauds I had been one of the +many victims to the extent of L250, a large sum for me. + +The last time we met there had been a stormy scene between us, which +ended in my declaring in my wrath that if I came across him on the veld +I should shoot him at sight. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why Mr. +van Koop vanished from South Africa, for I may add that he was a cur +of the first water. I believe that he had only just entered the room, +having driven over from wherever he lived at some distance from Ragnall. +At any rate, he knew nothing of my presence at this shoot. Had he known +I am quite sure that he would have been absent. He turned, and seeing +me, ejaculated: "Allan Quatermain, by heaven!" beneath his breath, but +in such a tone of astonishment that it attracted the attention of Lord +Ragnall, who was standing near. + +"Yes, Mr. van Koop," I answered in a cheerful voice, "Allan Quatermain, +no other, and I hope you are as glad to see me as I am to see you." + +"I think there is some mistake," said Lord Ragnall, staring at us. "This +is Sir Junius Fortescue, who used to be Mr. Fortescue." + +"Indeed," I replied. "I don't know that I ever remember his being called +by that particular name, but I do know that we are old--friends." + +Lord Ragnall moved away as though he did not wish to continue the +conversation, which no one else had overheard, and Van Koop sidled up to +me. + +"Mr. Quatermain," he said in a low voice, "circumstances have changed +with me since last we met." + +"So I gather," I replied; "but mine have remained much the same, and if +it is convenient to you to repay me that L250 you owe me, with interest, +I shall be much obliged. If not, I think I have a good story to tell +about you." + +"Oh, Mr. Quatermain," he answered with a sort of smile which made me +feel inclined to kick him, "you know I dispute that debt." + +"Do you?" I exclaimed. "Well, perhaps you will dispute the story also. +But the question is, will you be believed when I give the proofs?" + +"Ever heard of the Statute of Limitations, Mr. Quatermain?" he asked +with a sneer. + +"Not where character is concerned," I replied stoutly. "Now, what are +you going to do?" + +He reflected for a moment, and answered: + +"Look here, Mr. Quatermain, you were always a bit of a sportsman, and +I'll make you an offer. If I kill more birds than you do to-day, you +shall promise to hold your tongue about my affairs in South Africa; and +if you kill more than I do, you shall still hold your tongue, but I will +pay you that L250 and interest for six years." + +I also reflected for a moment, knowing that the man had something up his +sleeve. Of course, I could refuse and make a scandal. But that was not +in my line, and would not bring me nearer my L250, which, if I chanced +to win, might find its way back to me. + +"All right, done!" I said. + +"What is your bet, Sir Junius?" asked Lord Ragnall, who was approaching +again. + +"It is rather a long story," he answered, "but, to put it shortly, years +ago, when I was travelling in Africa, Mr. Quatermain and I had a dispute +as to a sum of L5 which he thought I owed him, and to save argument +about a trifle we have agreed that I should shoot against him for it +to-day." + +"Indeed," said Lord Ragnall rather seriously, for I could see that +he did not believe Van Koop's statement as to the amount of the bet; +perhaps he had heard more than we thought. "To be frank, Sir Junius, I +don't much care for betting--for that's what it comes to--here. Also I +think Mr. Quatermain said yesterday that he had never shot pheasants in +England, so the match seems scarcely fair. However, you gentlemen know +your own business best. Only I must tell you both that if money is +concerned, I shall have to set someone whose decision will be final to +count your birds and report the number to me." + +"Agreed," said Van Koop, or, rather, Sir Junius; but I answered nothing, +for, to tell the truth, already I felt ashamed of the whole affair. + +As it happened, Lord Ragnall and I walked together ahead of the others, +to the first covert, which was half a mile or more away. + +"You have met Sir Junius before?" he said to me interrogatively. + +"I have met Mr. van Koop before," I answered, "about twelve years +since, shortly after which he vanished from South Africa, where he was a +well-known and very successful--speculator." + +"To reappear here. Ten years ago he bought a large property in this +neighbourhood. Three years ago he became a baronet." + +"How did a man like Van Koop become a baronet?" I inquired. + +"By purchase, I believe." + +"By purchase! Are honours in England purchased?" + +"You are delightfully innocent, Mr. Quatermain, as a hunter from Africa +should be," said Lord Ragnall, laughing. "Your friend----" + +"Excuse me, Lord Ragnall, I am a very humble person, not so elevated, +indeed, as that gamekeeper of yours; therefore I should not venture to +call Sir Junius, late Mr. van Koop, my friend, at least in earnest." + +He laughed again. + +"Well, the individual with whom you make bets subscribed largely to the +funds of his party. I am telling you what I know to be true, though the +amount I do not know. It has been variously stated to be from fifteen +to fifty thousand pounds, and, perhaps by coincidence, subsequently was +somehow created a baronet." + +I stared at him. + +"That's all the story," he went on. "I don't like the man myself, but he +is a wonderful pheasant shot, which passes him everywhere. Shooting has +become a kind of fetish in these parts, Mr. Quatermain. For instance, it +is a tradition on this estate that we must kill more pheasants than on +any other in the country, and therefore I have to ask the best guns, who +are not always the best fellows. It annoys me, but it seems that I must +do what was done before me." + +"Under those circumstances I should be inclined to give up the thing +altogether, Lord Ragnall. Sport as sport is good, but when it becomes a +business it grows hateful. I know, who have had to follow it as a trade +for many years." + +"That's an idea," he replied reflectively. "Meanwhile, I do hope that +you will win back your--L5 from Sir Junius. He is so vain that I would +gladly give L50 to see you do so." + +"There is little chance of that," I said, "for, as I told you, I have +never shot pheasants before. Still, I'll try, as you wish it." + +"That's right. And look here, Mr. Quatermain, shoot well forward of +them. You see, I am venturing to advise you now, as you advised me +yesterday. Shot does not travel so fast as ball, and the pheasant is a +bird that is generally going much quicker than you think. Now, here we +are. Charles will show you your stand. Good luck to you." + +Ten minutes later the game began outside of a long covert, all the +seven guns being posted within sight of each other. So occupied was I in +watching the preliminaries, which were quite new to me, that I allowed +first a hare and then a hen pheasant to depart without firing at them, +which hen pheasant, by the way, curved round and was beautifully killed +by Van Koop, who stood two guns off upon my right. + +"Look here, Allan," said Scroope, "if you are going to beat your African +friend you had better wake up, for you won't do it by admiring the +scenery or that squirrel on a tree." + +So I woke up. Just at that moment there was a cry of "cock forward." +I thought it meant a cock pheasant, and was astonished when I saw a +beautiful brown bird with a long beak flitting towards me through the +tops of the oak trees. + +"Am I to shoot at that?" I asked. + +"Of course. It is a woodcock," answered Scroope. + +By this time the brown bird was rocking past me within ten yards. I +fired and killed it, for where it had been appeared nothing but a cloud +of feathers. It was a quick and clever shot, or so I thought. But when +Charles stepped out and picked from the ground only a beak and a head, a +titter of laughter went down the whole line of guns and loaders. + +"I say, old chap," said Scroope, "if you will use No. 3 shot, let your +birds get a little farther off you." + +The incident upset me so much that immediately afterwards I missed three +easy pheasants in succession, while Van Koop added two to his bag. + +Scroope shook his head and Charles groaned audibly. Now that I was not +in competition with his master he had become suddenly anxious that I +should win, for in some mysterious way the news of that bet had spread, +and my adversary was not popular amongst the keeper class. + +"Here you come again," said Scroope, pointing to an advancing pheasant. + +It was an extraordinarily high pheasant, flushed, I think, outside the +covert by a stop, so high that, as it travelled down the line, although +three guns fired at it, including Van Koop, none of them seemed to touch +it. Then I fired, and remembering Lord Ragnall's advice, far in front. +Its flight changed. Still it travelled through the air, but with the +momentum of a stone to fall fifty yards to my right, dead. + +"That's better!" said Scroope, while Charles grinned all over his round +face, muttering: + +"Wiped his eye that time." + +This shot seemed to give me confidence, and I improved considerably, +though, oddly enough, I found that it was the high and difficult +pheasants which I killed and the easy ones that I was apt to muff. But +Van Koop, who was certainly a finished artist, killed both. + +At the next stand Lord Ragnall, who had been observing my somewhat +indifferent performance, asked me to stand back with him behind the +other guns. + +"I see the tall ones are your line, Mr. Quatermain," he said, "and you +will get some here." + +On this occasion we were placed in a dip between two long coverts which +lay about three hundred yards apart. That which was being beaten proved +full of pheasants, and the shooting of those picked guns was really a +thing to see. I did quite well here, nearly, but not altogether, as well +as Lord Ragnall himself, though that is saying a great deal, for he was +a lovely shot. + +"Bravo!" he said at the end of the beat. "I believe you have got a +chance of winning your L5, after all." + +When, however, at luncheon, more than an hour later, I found that I +was thirty pheasants behind my adversary, I shook my head, and so did +everybody else. On the whole, that luncheon, of which we partook in +a keeper's house, was a very pleasant meal, though Van Koop talked so +continuously and in such a boastful strain that I saw it irritated our +host and some of the other gentlemen, who were very pleasant people. At +last he began to patronize me, asking me how I had been getting on with +my "elephant-potting" of late years. + +I replied, "Fairly well." + +"Then you should tell our friends some of your famous stories, which +I promise I won't contradict," he said, adding: "You see, they are +different from us, and have no experience of big-game shooting." + +"I did not know that you had any, either, Sir Junius," I answered, +nettled. "Indeed, I thought I remembered your telling me in Africa that +the only big game you had ever shot was an ox sick with the red-water. +Anyway, shooting is a business with me, not an amusement, as it is to +you, and I do not talk shop." + +At this he collapsed amid some laughter, after which Scroope, the most +loyal of friends, began to repeat exploits of mine till my ears tingled, +and I rose and went outside to look at the weather. + +It had changed very much during luncheon. The fair promise of the +morning had departed, the sky was overcast, and a wind, blowing in +strong gusts, was rising rapidly, driving before it occasional scurries +of snow. + +"My word," said Lord Ragnall, who had joined me, "the Lake +covert--that's our great stand here, you know--will take some shooting +this afternoon. We ought to kill seven hundred pheasants in it with this +team, but I doubt if we shall get five. Now, Mr. Quatermain, I am going +to stand Sir Junius Fortescue and you back in the covert, where you +will have the best of it, as a lot of pheasants will never face the lake +against this wind. What is more, I am coming with you, if I may, as +six guns are enough for this beat, and I don't mean to shoot any more +to-day." + +"I fear that you will be disappointed," I said nervously. + +"Oh, no, I sha'n't," he answered. "I tell you frankly that if only you +could have a season's practice, in my opinion you would make the best +pheasant shot of the lot of us. At present you don't quite understand +the ways of the birds, that's all; also those guns are strange to you. +Have a glass of cherry brandy; it will steady your nerves." + +I drank the cherry brandy, and presently off we went. The covert we +were going to shoot, into which we had been driving pheasants all the +morning, must have been nearly a mile long. At the top end it was broad, +narrowing at the bottom to a width of about two hundred yards. Here it +ran into a horse-shoe shaped piece of water that was about fifty yards +in breadth. Four of the guns were placed round the bow of this water, +but on its farther side, in such a position that the pheasants should +stream over them to yet another covert behind at the top of a , Van +Koop and I, however, were ordered to take our places, he to the right +and I to the left, about seventy yards up the tongue in little glades in +the woodland, having the lake to our right and our left respectively. +I noticed with dismay that we were so set that the guns below us on +its farther side could note all that we did or did not do; also that a +little band of watchers, among whom I recognized my friend the gunsmith, +were gathered in a place where, without interfering with us, they could +see the sport. On our way to the boat, however, which was to row us +across the water, an incident happened that put me in very good spirits +and earned some applause. + +I was walking with Lord Ragnall, Scroope and Charles, about sixty yards +clear of a belt of tall trees, when from far away on the other side of +the trees came a cry of "Partridges over!" in the hoarse voice of the +red-waistcoated Jenkins, who was engaged in superintending the driving +in of some low scrub before he joined his army at the top of the covert. + +"Look out, Mr. Quatermain, they are coming this way," said Lord Ragnall, +while Charles thrust a loaded gun into my hand. + +Another moment and they appeared over the tree-tops, a big covey of them +in a long, straggling line, travelling at I know not what speed, for a +fierce gust from the rising gale had caught them. I fired at the first +bird, which fell at my feet. I fired again, and another fell behind me. +I snatched up the second gun and killed a third as it passed over me +high up. Then, wheeling round, I covered the last retreating bird, and +lo! it too fell, a very long shot indeed. + +"By George!" said Scroope, "I never saw that done before," while Ragnall +stared and Charles whistled. + +But now I will tell the truth and expose all my weakness. The second +bird was not the one I aimed at. I was behind it and caught that which +followed. And in my vanity I did not own up, at least not till that +evening. + +The four dead partridges--there was not a runner among them--having been +collected amidst many congratulations, we went on and were punted across +the lake to the covert. As we entered the boat I observed that, in +addition to the great bags, Charles was carrying a box of cartridges +under his arm, and asked him where he got it from. + +He replied, from Mr. Popham--that was the gunsmith's name--who had +brought it with him in case I should not have enough. I made no remark, +but as I knew I had quite half of my cartridges left out of the three +hundred and fifty that I had bought, I wondered to myself what kind of a +shoot this was going to be. + +Well, we took up our stands, and while we were doing so, suddenly the +wind increased to a tearing gale, which seemed to me to blow from all +points of the compass in turn. Rooks flying homewards, and pigeons +disturbed by the beaters were swept over us like drifting leaves; wild +duck, of which I got one, went by like arrows; the great bare oaks +tossed their boughs and groaned; while not far off a fir tree was blown +down, falling with a splash into the water. + +"It's a wild afternoon," said Lord Ragnall, and as he spoke Van Koop +came from his stand, looking rather scared, and suggested that the shoot +should be given up. + +Lord Ragnall asked me what I wished to do. I replied that I would rather +go on, but that I was in his hands. + +"I think we are fairly safe in these open places, Sir Junius," he said; +"and as the pheasants have been so much disturbed already, it does not +much matter if they are blown about a bit. But if you are of another +opinion, perhaps you had better get out of it and stand with the others +over the lake. I'll send for my guns and take your place." + +On hearing this Van Koop changed his mind and said that he would go on. + +So the beat began. At first the wind blew from behind us, and pheasants +in increasing numbers passed over our heads, most of them rather low, +to the guns on the farther side of the water, who, skilled though they +were, did not make very good work with them. We had been instructed not +to fire at birds going forward, so I let these be. Van Koop, however, +did not interpret the order in the same spirit, for he loosed at +several, killing one or two and missing others. + +"That fellow is no sportsman," I heard Lord Ragnall remark. "I suppose +it is the bet." + +Then he sent Charles to ask him to desist. + +Shortly after this the gale worked round to the north and settled there, +blowing with ever-increasing violence. The pheasants, however, still +flew forward in the shelter of the trees, for they were making for the +covert on the hill, where they had been bred. But when they got into the +open and felt the full force of the wind, quite four out of six of +them turned and came back at a most fearful pace, many so high as to be +almost out of shot. + +For the next three-quarters of an hour or more--as I think I have +explained, the beat was a very long one--I had such covert shooting as +I suppose I shall never see again. High above those shrieking trees, +or over the lake to my left, flashed the wind-driven pheasants in an +endless procession. Oddly enough, I found that this wild work suited me, +for as time went on and the pheasants grew more and more impossible, I +shot better and better. One after another down they came far behind me +with a crash in the brushwood or a splash in the lake, till the +guns grew almost too hot to hold. There were so many of them that I +discovered I could pick my shots; also that nine out of ten were caught +by the wind and curved at a certain angle, and that the time to fire was +just before they took the curve. The excitement was great and the +sport splendid, as anyone will testify who has shot December pheasants +breaking back over the covert and in a tearing gale. Van Koop also +was doing very well, but the guns in front got comparatively little +shooting. They were forced to stand there, poor fellows, and watch our +performance from afar. + +As the thing drew towards an end the birds came thicker and thicker, and +I shot, as I have said, better and better. This may be judged from the +fact that, notwithstanding their height and tremendous pace, I killed +my last thirty pheasants with thirty-five cartridges. The final bird +of all, a splendid cock, appeared by himself out of nothingness when we +thought that all was done. I think it must have been flushed from the +covert on the hill, or been turned back just as it reached it by the +resistless strength of the storm. Over it came, so high above us that it +looked quite small in the dark snow-scud. + +"Too far--no use!" said Lord Ragnall, as I lifted the gun. + +Still, I fired, holding I know not how much in front, and lo! that +pheasant died in mid air, falling with a mighty splash near the bank of +the lake, but at a great distance behind us. The shot was so remarkable +that everyone who saw it, including most of the beaters, who had passed +us by now, uttered a cheer, and the red-waistcoated old Jenkins, who had +stopped by us, remarked: "Well, bust me if that bain't a master one!" + +Scroope made me angry by slapping me so hard upon the back that it hurt, +and nearly caused me to let off the other barrel of the gun. Charles +seemed to become one great grin, and Lord Ragnall, with a brief +congratulatory "Never enjoyed a shoot so much in my life," called to the +men who were posted behind us to pick up all the dead pheasants, being +careful to keep mine apart from those of Sir Junius Fortescue. + +"You should have a hundred and forty-three at this stand," he said, +"allowing for every possible runner. Charles and I make the same total." + +I remarked that I did not think there were many runners, as the No. 3 +shot had served me very well, and getting into the boat was rowed to the +other side, where I received more congratulations. Then, as all further +shooting was out of the question because of the weather, we walked back +to the castle to tea. + +As I emptied my cup Lord Ragnall, who had left the room, returned and +asked us to come and see the game. So we went, to find it laid out in +endless lines upon the snow-powdered grass in the quadrangle of the +castle, arranged in one main and two separate lots. + +"Those are yours and Sir Junius's," said Scroope. "I wonder which of you +has won. I'll put a sovereign on you, old fellow." + +"Then you're a donkey for your pains," I answered, feeling vexed, for at +that moment I had forgotten all about the bet. + +I do not remember how many pheasants were killed altogether, but the +total was much smaller than had been hoped for, because of the gale. + +"Jenkins," said Lord Ragnall presently to Red Waistcoat, "how many have +you to the credit of Sir Junius Fortescue?" + +"Two hundred and seventy-seven, my lord, twelve hares, two woodcocks, +and three pigeons." + +"And how many to that of Mr. Quatermain?" adding: "I must remind +you both, gentlemen, that the birds have been picked as carefully as +possible and kept unmixed, and therefore that the figures given by +Jenkins must be considered as final." + +"Quite so," I answered, but Van Koop said nothing. Then, while we all +waited anxiously, came the amazing answer: + +"Two hundred and seventy-seven pheasants, my lord, same number as those +of Sir Junius, Bart., fifteen hares, three pigeons, four partridges, one +duck, and a beak--I mean a woodcock." + +"Then it seems you have won your L5, Mr. Quatermain, upon which I +congratulate you," said Lord Ragnall. + +"Stop a minute," broke in Van Koop. "The bet was as to pheasants; the +other things don't count." + +"I think the term used was 'birds,'" I remarked. "But to be frank, when +I made it I was thinking of pheasants, as no doubt Sir Junius was also. +Therefore, if the counting is correct, there is a dead heat and the +wager falls through." + +"I am sure we all appreciate the view you take of the matter," said Lord +Ragnall, "for it might be argued another way. In these circumstances Sir +Junius keeps his L5 in his pocket. It is unlucky for you, Quatermain," +he added, dropping the "mister," "that the last high pheasant you shot +can't be found. It fell into the lake, you remember, and, I suppose, +swam ashore and ran." + +"Yes," I replied, "especially as I could have sworn that it was quite +dead." + +"So could I, Quatermain; but the fact remains that it isn't there." + +"If we had all the pheasants that we think fall dead our bags would +be much bigger than they are," remarked Van Koop, with a look of great +relief upon his face, adding in his horrid, patronizing way: "Still, +you shot uncommonly well, Quatermain. I'd no idea you would run me so +close." + +I felt inclined to answer, but didn't. Only Lord Ragnall said: + +"Mr. Quatermain shot more than well. His performance in the Lake covert +was the most brilliant that I have ever seen. When you went in there +together, Sir Junius, you were thirty ahead of him, and you fired +seventeen more cartridges at the stand." + +Then, just as we turned to go, something happened. The round-eyed +Charles ran puffing into the quadrangle, followed by another man with +a dog, who had been specially set to pick my birds, and carrying in his +hand a much-bedraggled cock pheasant without a tail. + +"I've got him, my lord," he gasped, for he had run very fast; "the +little gent's--I mean that which he killed in the clouds with the last +shot he fired. It had gone right down into the mud and stuck there. Tom +and me fished him up with a pole." + +Lord Ragnall took the bird and looked at it. It was almost cold, but +evidently freshly killed, for the limbs were quite flexible. + +"That turns the scale in favour of Mr. Quatermain," he said, "so, Sir +Junius, you had better pay your money and congratulate him, as I do." + +"I protest," exclaimed Van Koop, looking very angry and meaner than +usual. "How am I to know that this was Mr. Quatermain's pheasant? The +sum involved is more than L5 and I feel it is my duty to protest." + +"Because my men say so, Sir Junius; moreover, seeing the height from +which the bird fell, their story is obviously true." + +Then he examined the pheasant further, pointing out that it appeared +to have only one wound--a shot through the throat almost exactly at the +root of the beak, of which shot there was no mark of exit. "What sized +shot were you using, Sir Junius?" he asked. + +"No. 4 at the last stand." + +"And you were using No. 3, Mr. Quatermain. Now, was any other gun using +No. 3?" + +All shook their heads. + +"Jenkins, open that bird's head. I think the shot that killed it will be +found in the brain." + +Jenkins obeyed, using a penknife cleverly enough. Pressed against the +bone of the skull he found the shot. + +"No. 3 it is, sure enough, my lord," he said. + +"You will agree that settles the matter, Sir Junius," said Lord Ragnall. +"And now, as a bet has been made here it had better be paid." + +"I have not enough money on me," said Van Koop sulkily. + +"I think your banker is mine," said Lord Ragnall quietly, "so you can +write a cheque in the house. Come in, all of you, it is cold in this +wind." + +So we went into the smoking-room, and Lord Ragnall, who, I could see, +was annoyed, instantly fetched a blank cheque from his study and handed +it to Van Koop in rather a pointed manner. + +He took it, and turning to me, said: + +"I remember the capital sum, but how much is the interest? Sorry to +trouble you, but I am not very good at figures." + +"Then you must have changed a good deal during the last twelve years, +Sir Junius," I could not help saying. "Still, never mind the interest, I +shall be quite satisfied with the principal." + +So he filled up the cheque for L250 and threw it down on the table +before me, saying something about its being a bother to mix up business +with pleasure. + +I took the draft, saw that it was correct though rather illegible, and +proceeded to dry it by waving it in the air. As I did so it came into my +mind that I would not touch the money of this successful scamp, won back +from him in such a way. + +Yielding to a perhaps foolish impulse, I said: + +"Lord Ragnall, this cheque is for a debt which years ago I wrote off +as lost. At luncheon to-day you were talking of a Cottage Hospital for +which you are trying to get up an endowment fund in this neighbourhood, +and in answer to a question from you Sir Junius Fortescue said that he +had not as yet made any subscription to its fund. Will you allow me to +hand you Sir Junius's subscription--to be entered in his name, if you +please?" And I passed him the cheque, which was drawn to myself or +bearer. + +He looked at the amount, and seeing that it was not L5, but L250, +flushed, then asked: + +"What do you say to this act of generosity on the part of Mr. +Quatermain, Sir Junius?" + +There was no answer, because Sir Junius had gone. I never saw him +again, for years ago the poor man died quite disgraced. His passion for +semi-fraudulent speculations reasserted itself, and he became a bankrupt +in conditions which caused him to leave the country for America, where +he was killed in a railway accident while travelling as an immigrant. I +have heard, however, that he was not asked to shoot at Ragnall any more. + +The cheque was passed to the credit of the Cottage Hospital, but not, as +I had requested, as a subscription from Sir Junius Fortescue. A couple +of years later, indeed, I learned that this sum of money was used to +build a little room in that institution to accommodate sick children, +which room was named the Allan Quatermain ward. + +Now, I have told this story of that December shoot because it was the +beginning of my long and close friendship with Ragnall. + +When he found that Van Koop had gone away without saying good-bye, Lord +Ragnall made no remark. Only he took my hand and shook it. + +I have only to add that, although, except for the element of competition +which entered into it, I enjoyed this day's shooting very much indeed, +when I came to count up its cost I felt glad that I had not been +asked to any more such entertainments. Here it is, taken from an old +note-book: + + Cartridges, including those not used and given to Charles L4 0 0 + Game License 3 0 0 + Tip to Red Waistcoat (keeper) 2 0 0 + Tip to Charles 0 10 0 + Tip to man who helped Charles to find pheasant 0 5 0 + Tip to man who collected pheasants behind me 0 10 0 + --------- + L10 5 0 + --------- + +Truly pheasant shooting in England is, or was, a sport for the rich! + + + +CHAPTER III + +MISS HOLMES + +Two and a half hours passed by, most of which time I spent lying down to +rest and get rid of a headache caused by the continual, rapid firing +and the roar of the gale, or both; also in rubbing my shoulder with +ointment, for it was sore from the recoil of the guns. Then Scroope +appeared, as, being unable to find my way about the long passages of +that great old castle, I had asked him to do, and we descended together +to the large drawing-room. + +It was a splendid apartment, only used upon state occasions, lighted, +I should think, with at least two or three hundred wax candles, which +threw a soft glow over the panelled and pictured walls, the priceless +antique furniture, and the bejewelled ladies who were gathered there. To +my mind there never was and never will be any artificial light to equal +that of wax candles in sufficient quantity. The company was large; I +think thirty sat down to dinner that night, which was given to introduce +Lord Ragnall's future wife to the neighbourhood, whereof she was +destined to be the leader. + +Miss Manners, who was looking very happy and charming in her jewels and +fine clothes, joined us at once, and informed Scroope that "she" was +just coming; the maid in the cloakroom had told her so. + +"Is she?" replied Scroope indifferently. "Well, so long as you have come +I don't care about anyone else." + +Then he told her she was looking beautiful, and stared at her with such +affection that I fell back a step or two and contemplated a picture of +Judith vigorously engaged in cutting off the head of Holofernes. + +Presently the large door at the end of the room was thrown open and the +immaculate Savage, who was acting as a kind of master of the ceremonies, +announced in well-bred but penetrating tones, "Lady Longden and the +Honourable Miss Holmes." I stared, like everybody else, but for a while +her ladyship filled my eye. She was an ample and, to my mind, rather +awful-looking person, clad in black satin--she was a widow--and very +large diamonds. Her hair was white, her nose was hooked, her dark eyes +were penetrating, and she had a bad cold in her head. That was all I +found time to notice about her, for suddenly her daughter came into my +line of vision. + +Truly she was a lovely girl, or rather, young woman, for she must +have been two or three-and-twenty. Not very tall, her proportions were +rounded and exquisite, and her movements as graceful as those of a doe. +Altogether she was doe-like, especially in the fineness of her lines +and her large and liquid eyes. She was a dark beauty, with rich brown, +waving hair, a clear olive complexion, a perfectly shaped mouth and very +red lips. To me she looked more Italian or Spanish than Anglo-Saxon, and +I believe that, as a matter of fact, she had some southern blood in her +on her father's side. She wore a dress of soft rose colour, and her only +ornaments were a string of pearls and a single red camellia. I could see +but one blemish, if it were a blemish, in her perfect person, and that +was a curious white mark upon her breast, which in its shape exactly +resembled the crescent moon. + +The face, however, impressed me with other than its physical qualities. +It was bright, intelligent, sympathetic and, just now, happy. But I +thought it more, I thought it mystical. Something that her mother said +to her, probably about her dress, caused her smile to vanish for a +moment, and then, from beneath it as it were, appeared this shadow of +innate mysticism. In a second it was gone and she was laughing again; +but I, who am accustomed to observe, had caught it, perhaps alone of all +that company. Moreover, it reminded me of something. + +What was it? Ah! I knew. A look that sometimes I had seen upon the face +of a certain Zulu lady named Mameena, especially at the moment of her +wonderful and tragic death. The thought made me shiver a little; I could +not tell why, for certainly, I reflected, this high-placed and fortunate +English girl had nothing in common with that fate-driven Child of Storm, +whose dark and imperial spirit dwelt in the woman called Mameena. They +were as far apart as Zululand is from Essex. Yet it was quite sure that +both of them had touch with hidden things. + +Lord Ragnall, looking more like a splendid Van Dyck than ever in his +evening dress, stepped forward to greet his fiancee and her mother with +a courtly bow, and I turned again to continue my contemplation of the +stalwart Judith and the very ugly head of Holofernes. Presently I was +aware of a soft voice--a very rich and thrilling voice--asking quite +close to me: + +"Which is he? Oh! you need not answer, dear. I know him from the +description." + +"Yes," replied Lord Ragnall to Miss Holmes--for it was she--"you are +quite right. I will introduce you to him presently. But, love, whom do +you wish to take you in to dinner? I can't--your mother, you know; and +as there are no titles here to-night, you may make your choice. Would +you like old Dr. Jeffreys, the clergyman?" + +"No," she replied, with quiet firmness, "I know him; he took me in once +before. I wish Mr. Allan Quatermain to take me in. He is interesting, +and I want to hear about Africa." + +"Very well," he answered, "and he _is_ more interesting than all the +rest put together. But, Luna, why are you always thinking and talking +about Africa? One might imagine that you were going to live there." + +"So I may one day," she answered dreamily. "Who knows where one has +lived, or where one will live!" And again I saw that mystic look come +into her face. + +I heard no more of that conversation, which it is improbable that anyone +whose ears had not been sharpened by a lifetime of listening in great +silences would have caught at all. To tell the truth, I made myself +scarce, slipping off to the other end of the big room in the hope of +evading the kind intentions of Miss Holmes. I have a great dislike +of being put out of my place, and I felt that among all these local +celebrities it was not fitting that I should be selected to take in +the future bride on an occasion of this sort. But it was of no use, for +presently Lord Ragnall hunted me up, bringing the young lady with him. + +"Let me introduce you to Miss Holmes, Quatermain," he said. "She is +anxious that you should take her in to dinner, if you will be so kind. +She is very interested in--in----" + +"Africa," I suggested. + +"In Mr. Quatermain, who, I am told, is one of the greatest hunters in +Africa," she corrected me, with a dazzling smile. + +I bowed, not knowing what to say. Lord Ragnall laughed and vanished, +leaving us together. Dinner was announced. Presently we were wending in +the centre of a long and glittering procession across the central hall +to the banqueting chamber, a splendid room with a roof like a church +that was said to have been built in the times of the Plantagenets. Here +Mr. Savage, who evidently had been looking out for her future ladyship, +conducted us to our places, which were upon the left of Lord Ragnall, +who sat at the head of the broad table with Lady Longden on his right. +Then the old clergyman, Dr. Jeffreys, a pompous and rather frowsy +ecclesiastic, said grace, for grace was still in fashion at such feasts +in those days, asking Heaven to make us truly thankful for the dinner we +were about to consume. + +Certainly there was a great deal to be thankful for in the eating and +drinking line, but of all I remember little, except a general vision of +silver dishes, champagne, splendour, and things I did not want to eat +being constantly handed to me. What I do remember is Miss Holmes, and +nothing but Miss Holmes; the charm of her conversation, the light of her +beautiful eyes, the fragrance of her hair, her most flattering interest +in my unworthy self. To tell the truth, we got on "like fire in the +winter grass," as the Zulus say, and when that dinner was over the grass +was still burning. + +I don't think that Lord Ragnall quite liked it, but fortunately Lady +Longden was a talkative person. First she conversed about her cold in +the head, sneezing at intervals, poor soul, and being reduced to send +for another handkerchief after the entrees. Then she got off upon +business matters; to judge from the look of boredom on her host's face, +I think it must have been of settlements. Three times did I hear him +refer her to the lawyers--without avail. Lastly, when he thought he had +escaped, she embarked upon a quite vigorous argument with Dr. Jeffreys +about church matters--I gathered that she was "low" and he was +"high"--in which she insisted upon his lordship acting as referee. + +"Do try and keep your attention fixed, George," I heard her say +severely. "To allow it to wander when high spiritual affairs are under +discussion (sneeze) is scarcely reverent. Could you tell the man to shut +that door? The draught is dreadful. It is quite impossible for you to +agree with both of us, as you say you do, seeing that metaphorically Dr. +Jeffreys is at one pole and I am at the other." (Sneeze.) + +"Then I wish I were at the Tropic of Cancer," I heard him mutter with a +groan. + +In vain; he had to keep his "attention fixed" on this point for the next +three-quarters of an hour. So as Miss Manners was at the other side +of me, and Scroope, unhampered by the presence of any prospective +mother-in-law, was at the other side of her, for all practical purposes +Miss Holmes and I were left alone. + +She began by saying: + +"I hear you beat Sir Junius Fortescue out shooting to-day, and won a lot +of money from him which you gave to the Cottage Hospital. I don't like +shooting, and I don't like betting; and it's strange, because you don't +look like a man who bets. But I detest Sir Junius Fortescue, and that is +a bond of union between us." + +"I never said I detested him." + +"No, but I am sure you do. Your face changed when I mentioned his name." + +"As it happens, you are right. But, Miss Holmes, I should like you to +understand that you were also right when you said I did not look like a +betting man." And I told her some of the story of Van Koop and the L250. + +"Ah!" she said, when I had finished, "I always felt sure he was a +horror. And my mother wanted me, just because he pretended to be low +church--but that's a secret." + +Then I congratulated her upon her approaching marriage, saying what +a joyful thing it was now and again to see everything going in real, +happy, storybook fashion: beauty, male and female, united by love, high +rank, wealth, troops of friends, health of body, a lovely and an ancient +home in a settled land where dangers do not come--at present--respect +and affection of crowds of dependants, the prospect of a high and useful +career of a sort whereof the door is shut to most people, everything +in short that human beings who are not actually royalty could desire or +deserve. Indeed after my second glass of champagne I grew quite eloquent +on these and kindred points, being moved thereto by memories of the +misery that is in the world which formed so great a contrast to the lot +of this striking and brilliant pair. + +She listened to me attentively and answered: + +"Thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes. But does it not strike +you, Mr. Quatermain, that there is something ill-omened in such talk? I +believe that it does; that as you finished speaking it occurred to you +that after all the future is as much veiled from all of us as--as the +picture which hangs behind its curtain of rose- silk in Lord +Ragnall's study is from you." + +"How did you know that?" I asked sharply in a low voice. For by the +strangest of coincidences, as I concluded my somewhat old-fashioned +little speech of compliments, this very reflection had entered my +mind, and with it the memory of the veiled picture which Mr. Savage had +pointed out to me on the previous morning. + +"I can't say, Mr. Quatermain, but I did know it. You were thinking of +the picture, were you not?" + +"And if I was," I said, avoiding a direct reply, "what of it? Though +it is hidden from everybody else, he has only to draw the curtain and +see--you." + +"Supposing he should draw the curtain one day and see nothing, Mr. +Quatermain?" + +"Then the picture would have been stolen, that is all, and he would have +to search for it till he found it again, which doubtless sooner or later +he would do." + +"Yes, sooner or later. But where? Perhaps you have lost a picture or two +in your time, Mr. Quatermain, and are better able to answer the question +than I am." + +There was silence for a few moments, for this talk of lost pictures +brought back memories which choked me. + +Then she began to speak again, low, quickly, and with suppressed +passion, but acting wonderfully all the while. Knowing that eyes were on +her, her gestures and the expression of her face were such as might +have been those of any young lady of fashion who was talking of everyday +affairs, such as dancing, or flowers, or jewels. She smiled and even +laughed occasionally. She played with the golden salt-cellar in front +of her and, upsetting a little of the salt, threw it over her left +shoulder, appearing to ask me if I were a victim of that ancient habit, +and so on. + +But all the while she was talking deeply of deep things, such as I +should never have thought would pass her mind. This was the substance +of what she said, for I cannot set it all down verbatim; after so many +years my memory fails me. + +"I am not like other women. Something moves me to tell you so, something +very real and powerful which pushes me as a strong man might. It is odd, +because I have never spoken to anyone else like that, not to my mother +for instance, or even to Lord Ragnall. They would neither of them +understand, although they would misunderstand differently. My mother +would think I ought to see a doctor--and if you knew that doctor! He," +and she nodded towards Lord Ragnall, "would think that my engagement had +upset me, or that I had grown rather more religious than I ought to be +at my age, and been reflecting too much--well, on the end of all things. +From a child I have understood that I am a mystery set in the midst of +many other mysteries. It all came to me one night when I was about nine +years old. I seemed to see the past and the future, although I could +grasp neither. Such a long, long past and such an infinite future. I +don't know what I saw, and still see sometimes. It comes in a flash, and +is in a flash forgotten. My mind cannot hold it. It is too big for +my mind; you might as well try to pack Dr. Jeffreys there into this +wineglass. Only two facts remain written on my heart. The first is +that there is trouble ahead of me, curious and unusual trouble; and +the second, that permanently, continually, I, or a part of me, have +something to do with Africa, a country of which I know nothing +except from a few very dull books. Also, by the way--this is a new +thought--that I have a great deal to do with _you_. That is why I am +so interested in Africa and you. Tell me about Africa and yourself now, +while we have the chance." And she ended rather abruptly, adding in a +louder voice, "You have lived there all your life, have you not, Mr. +Quatermain?" + +"I rather think your mother would be right--about the doctor, I mean," I +said. + +"You _say_ that, but you don't _believe_ it. Oh! you are very +transparent, Mr. Quatermain--at least, to me." + +So, hurriedly enough, for these subjects seemed to be uncomfortable, +even dangerous in a sense, I began to talk of the first thing about +Africa that I remembered--namely, of the legend of the Holy Flower that +was guarded by a huge ape, of which I had heard from a white man who was +supposed to be rather mad, who went by the name of Brother John. Also I +told her that there was something in it, as I had with me a specimen of +the flower. + +"Oh! show it me," she said. + +I replied that I feared I could not, as it was locked away in a safe in +London, whither I was returning on the morrow. I promised, however, to +send her a life-sized water-colour drawing of which I had caused several +to be made. She asked me if I were going to look for this flower, and +I said that I hoped so if I could make the necessary arrangements. Next +she asked me if there chanced to be any other African quests upon which +I had set my mind. I replied that there were several. For instance, I +had heard vaguely through Brother John, and indirectly from one or +two other sources, of the existence of a certain tribe in East Central +Africa--Arabs or semi-Arabs--who were reported to worship a child that +always remained a child. This child, I took it, was a dwarf; but as I +was interested in native religious customs which were infinite in their +variety, I should much like to find out the truth of the matter. + +"Talking of Arabs," she broke in, "I will tell you a curious story. Once +when I was a little girl, eight or nine years of age--it was just before +that kind of awakening of which I have spoken to you--I was playing in +Kensington Gardens, for we lived in London at the time, in the charge of +my nurse-governess. She was talking to some young man who she said was +her cousin, and told me to run about with my hoop and not to bother. I +drove the hoop across the grass to some elm trees. From behind one of +the trees came out two tall men dressed in white robes and turbans, who +looked to me like scriptural characters in a picture-book. One was an +elderly man with flashing, black eyes, hooked nose, and a long grey +beard. The other was much younger, but I do not remember him so well. +They were both brown in colour, but otherwise almost like white men; not +s by any means. My hoop hit the elder man, and I stood still, not +knowing what to say. He bowed politely and picked it up, but did not +offer to return it to me. They talked together rapidly, and one of them +pointed to the moon-shaped birthmark which you see I have upon my +neck, for it was hot weather, and I was wearing a low-cut frock. It was +because of this mark that my father named me Luna. The elder of the two +said in broken English: + +"'What is your name, pretty little girl?' + +"I told him it was Luna Holmes. Then he drew from his robe a box made of +scented wood, and, opening it, took out some sweetmeat which looked +as if it had been frozen, and gave me a piece that, being very fond of +sweet, I put into my mouth. Next, he bowled the hoop along the ground +into the shadow of the trees--it was evening time and beginning to grow +dark--saying, 'Run, catch it, little girl!' + +"I began to run, but something in the taste of that sweet caused me to +drop it from my lips. Then all grew misty, and the next thing I remember +was finding myself in the arms of the younger Eastern, with the nurse +and her 'cousin,' a stalwart person like a soldier, standing in front of +us. + +"'Little girl go ill,' said the elder Arab. 'We seek policeman.' + +"'You drop that child,' answered the 'cousin,' doubling his fists. Then +I grew faint again, and when I came to myself the two white-robed men +had gone. All the way home my governess scolded me for accepting sweets +from strangers, saying that if my parents came to know of it, I should +be whipped and sent to bed. Of course, I begged her not to tell them, +and at last she consented. Do you know, I think you are the first to +whom I have ever mentioned the matter, of which I am sure the governess +never breathed a word, though after that, whenever we walked in the +gardens, her 'cousin' always came to look after us. In the end I think +she married him." + +"You believe the sweet was drugged?" I asked. + +She nodded. "There was something very strange in it. It was a night +or two after I had tasted it that I had what just now I called my +awakening, and began to think about Africa." + +"Have you ever seen these men again, Miss Holmes?" + +"No, never." + +At this moment I heard Lady Longden say, in a severe voice: + +"My dear Luna, I am sorry to interrupt your absorbing conversation, but +we are all waiting for you." + +So they were, for to my horror I saw that everyone was standing up +except ourselves. + +Miss Holmes departed in a hurry, while Scroope whispered in my ear with +a snigger: + +"I say, Allan, if you carry on like that with his young lady, his +lordship will be growing jealous of you." + +"Don't be a fool," I said sharply. But there was something in his +remark, for as Lord Ragnall passed on his way to the other end of the +table, he said in a low voice and with rather a forced smile: + +"Well, Quatermain, I hope your dinner has not been as dull as mine, +although your appetite seemed so poor." + +Then I reflected that I could not remember having eaten a thing since +the first entree. So overcome was I that, rejecting all Scroope's +attempts at conversation, I sat silent, drinking port and filling up +with dates, until not long afterwards we went into the drawing-room, +where I sat down as far from Miss Holmes as possible, and looked at a +book of views of Jerusalem. + +While I was thus engaged, Lord Ragnall, pitying my lonely condition, or +being instigated thereto by Miss Holmes, I know not which, came up and +began to chat with me about African big-game shooting. Also he asked me +what was my permanent address in that country. I told him Durban, and in +my turn asked why he wanted to know. + +"Because Miss Holmes seems quite crazy about the place, and I expect I +shall be dragged out there one day," he replied, quite gloomily. It was +a prophetic remark. + +At this moment our conversation was interrupted by Lady Longden, who +came to bid her future son-in-law good night. She said that she must go +to bed, and put her feet in mustard and water as her cold was so bad, +which left me wondering whether she meant to carry out this operation +in bed. I recommended her to take quinine, a suggestion she acknowledged +rather inconsequently by remarking in somewhat icy tones that she +supposed I sat up to all hours of the night in Africa. I replied that +frequently I did, waiting for the sun to rise next day, for that member +of the British aristocracy irritated me. + +Thus we parted, and I never saw her again. She died many years ago, +poor soul, and I suppose is now freezing her former acquaintances in +the Shades, for I cannot imagine that she ever had a friend. They talk +a great deal about the influences of heredity nowadays, but I don't +believe very much in them myself. Who, for instance, could conceive +that persons so utterly different in every way as Lady Longden and her +daughter, Miss Holmes, could be mother and child? Our bodies, no doubt, +we do inherit from our ancestors, but not our individualities. These +come from far away. + +A good many of the guests went at the same time, having long distances +to drive on that cold frosty night, although it was only just ten +o'clock. For as was usual at that period even in fashionable houses, we +had dined at seven. + + + +CHAPTER IV + +HARUT AND MARUT + +After Lord Ragnall had seen his guests to the door in the old-fashioned +manner, he returned and asked me if I played cards, or whether I +preferred music. I was assuring him that I hated the sight of a card +when Mr. Savage appeared in his silent way and respectfully inquired +of his lordship whether any gentleman was staying in the house whose +Christian name was _Here-come-a-zany_. Lord Ragnall looked at him with a +searching eye as though he suspected him of being drunk, and then asked +what he meant by such a ridiculous question. + +"I mean, my lord," replied Mr. Savage with a touch of offence in his +tone, "that two foreign individuals in white clothes have arrived at +the castle, stating that they wish to speak at once with a _Mr. +Here-come-a-zany_ who is staying here. I told them to go away as the +butler said he could make nothing of their talk, but they only sat down +in the snow and said they would wait for _Here-come-a-zany_." + +"Then you had better put them in the old guardroom, lock them up with +something to eat, and send the stable-boy for the policeman, who is a +zany if ever anybody was. I expect they are after the pheasants." + +"Stop a bit," I said, for an idea had occurred to me. "The message may +be meant for me, though I can't conceive who sent it. My native name is +Macumazana, which possibly Mr. Savage has not caught quite correctly. +Shall I go to see these men?" + +"I wouldn't do that in this cold, Quatermain," Lord Ragnall answered. +"Did they say what they are, Savage?" + +"I made out that they were conjurers, my lord. At least when I told them +to go away one of them said, 'You will go first, gentleman.' Then, my +lord, I heard a hissing sound in my coat-tail pocket and, putting my +hand into it, I found a large snake which dropped on the ground and +vanished. It quite paralysed me, my lord, and while I stood there +wondering whether I was bitten, a mouse jumped out of the kitchenmaid's +hair. She had been laughing at their dress, my lord, but _now_ she's +screaming in hysterics." + +The solemn aspect of Mr. Savage as he narrated these unholy marvels was +such that, like the kitchenmaid, we both burst into ill-timed merriment. +Attracted by our laughter, Miss Holmes, Miss Manners, with whom she was +talking, and some of the other guests, approached and asked what was the +matter. + +"Savage here declares that there are two conjurers in the kitchen +premises, who have been producing snakes out of his pocket and mice from +the hair of one of the maids, and who want to see Mr. Quatermain," Lord +Ragnall answered. + +"Conjurers! Oh, do have them in, George," exclaimed Miss Holmes; +while Miss Manners and the others, who were getting a little tired of +promiscuous conversation, echoed her request. + +"By all means," he answered, "though we have enough mice here without +their bringing any more. Savage, go and tell your two friends that _Mr. +Here-come-a-zany_ is waiting for them in the drawing-room, and that the +company would like to see some of their tricks." + +Savage bowed and departed, like a hero to execution, for by his pallor I +could see that he was in a great fright. When he had gone we set to +work and cleared a space in the middle of the room, in front of which we +arranged chairs for the company to sit on. + +"No doubt they are Indian jugglers," said Lord Ragnall, "and will want +a place to grow their mango-tree, as I remember seeing them do in +Kashmir." + +As he spoke the door opened and Mr. Savage appeared through it, walking +much faster than was his wont. I noted also that he gripped the pockets +of his swallow-tail coat firmly in his hand. + +"Mr. Hare-root and Mr. Mare-root," he announced. + +"Hare-root and Mare-root!" repeated Lord Ragnall. + +"Harut and Marut, I expect," I said. "I think I have read somewhere +that they were great magicians, whose names these conjurers have taken." +(Since then I have discovered that they are mentioned in the Koran as +masters of the Black Art.) + +A moment later two men followed him through the doorway. The first was +a tall, Eastern-looking person with a grave countenance, a long, white +beard, a hooked nose, and flashing, hawk-like eyes. The second was +shorter and rather stout, also much younger. He had a genial, smiling +face, small, beady-black eyes, and was clean-shaven. They were very +light in colour; indeed I have seen Italians who are much darker; and +there was about their whole aspect a certain air of power. + +Instantly I remembered the story that Miss Holmes had told me at dinner +and looked at her covertly, to see that she had turned quite pale and +was trembling a little. I do not think that anyone else noticed this, +however, as all were staring at the strangers. Moreover she recovered +herself in a moment, and, catching my eye, laid her finger on her lips +in token of silence. + +The men were clothed in thick, fur-lined cloaks, which they took off +and, folding them neatly, laid upon the floor, standing revealed in +robes of a beautiful whiteness and in large plain turbans, also white. + +"High-class Somali Arabs," thought I to myself, noting the while that as +they arranged the robes they were taking in every one of us with their +quick eyes. One of them shut the door, leaving Savage on this side of +it as though they meant him to be present. Then they walked towards +us, each of them carrying an ornamental basket made apparently of split +reeds, that contained doubtless their conjuring outfit and probably the +snake which Savage had found in his pocket. To my surprise they came +straight to me, and, having set down the baskets, lifted their hands +above their heads, as a person about to dive might do, and bowed till +the points of their fingers touched the floor. Next they spoke, not in +Arabic as I had expected that they would, but in Bantu, which of course +I understood perfectly well. + +"I, Harut, head priest and doctor of the White Kendah People, greet you, +O Macumazana," said the elder man. + +"I, Marut, a priest and doctor of the People of the White Kendah, greet +you, O Watcher-by-night, whom we have travelled far to find," said the +younger man. Then together, + +"We both greet you, O Lord, who seem small but are great, O Chief with +a troubled past and with a mighty future, O Beloved of Mameena who has +'gone down' but still speaks from beneath, Mameena who was and is of our +company." + +At this point it was my turn to shiver and become pale, as any may guess +who may have chanced to read the history of Mameena, and the turn of +Miss Holmes to watch _me_ with animated interest. + +"O Slayer of evil men and beasts!" they went on, in their rich-voiced, +monotonous chant, "who, as our magic tells us, are destined to deliver +our land from the terrible scourge, we greet you, we bow before you, we +acknowledge you as our lord and brother, to whom we vow safety among us +and in the desert, to whom we promise a great reward." + +Again they bowed, once, twice, thrice; then stood silent before me with +folded arms. + +"What on earth are they saying?" asked Scroope. "I could catch a few +words"--he knew a little kitchen Zulu--"but not much." + +I told him briefly while the others listened. + +"What does Mameena mean?" asked Miss Holmes, with a horrible acuteness. +"Is it a woman's name?" + +Hearing her, Harut and Marut bowed as though doing reverence to that +name. I am sorry to say that at this point I grew confused, though +really there was no reason why I should, and muttered something about a +native girl who had made trouble in her day. + +Miss Holmes and the other ladies looked at me with amused disbelief, +and to my dismay the venerable Harut turned to Miss Holmes, and with his +inevitable bow, said in broken English: + +"Mameena very beautiful woman, perhaps more beautiful than you, lady. +Mameena love the white lord Macumazana. She love him while she live, she +love him now she dead. She tell me so again just now. You ask white lord +tell you pretty story of how he kiss her before she kill herself." + +Needless to say all this very misleading information was received by the +audience with an attention that I can but call rapt, and in a kind of +holy silence which was broken only by a sudden burst of sniggering on +the part of Scroope. I favoured him with my fiercest frown. Then I fell +upon that venerable villain Harut, and belaboured him in Bantu, while +the audience listened as intently as though they understood. + +I asked him what he meant by coming here to asperse my character. I +asked him who the deuce he was. I asked him how he came to know anything +about Mameena, and finally I told him that soon or late I would be even +with him, and paused exhausted. + +He stood there looking for all the world like a statue of the patriarch +Job as I imagine him, and when I had done, replied without moving a +muscle and in English: + +"O Lord, Zikali, Zulu wizard, friend of mine! All great wizard friend +just like all elephant and all snake. Zikali make me know Mameena, +and she tell me story and send you much love, and say she wait for +you always." (More sniggers from Scroope, and still intenser interest +evinced by Miss Holmes and others.) "If you like, I show you Mameena +'fore I go." (Murmurs from Miss Holmes and Miss Manners of "Oh, _please_ +do!") "But that very little business, for what one long-ago lady out of +so many?" + +Then suddenly he broke into Bantu, and added: "A jest is a jest, +Macumazana, though often there is meaning in a jest, and you shall see +Mameena if you will. I come here to ask you to do my people a service +for which you shall not lack reward. We, the White Kendah, the People of +the Child, are at war with the Black Kendah, our subjects who outnumber +us. The Black Kendah have an evil spirit for a god, which spirit from +the beginning has dwelt in the largest elephant in all the world, a +beast that none can kill, but which kills many and bewitches more. While +that elephant, which is named Jana, lives we, the People of the Child, +go in terror, for day by day it destroys us. We have learned--how it +does not matter--that you alone can kill that elephant. If you will come +and kill it, we will show you the place where all the elephants go to +die, and you shall take their ivory, many wagon-loads, and grow rich. +Soon you are going on a journey that has to do with a flower, and you +will visit peoples named the Mazitu and the Pongo who live on an island +in a lake. Far beyond the Pongo and across the desert dwell my people, +the Kendah, in a secret land. When you wish to visit us, as you will do, +journey to the north of that lake where the Pongo dwell, and stay there +on the edge of the desert shooting till we come. Now mock me if you +will, but do not forget, for these things shall befall in their season, +though that time be far. If we meet no more for a while, still do not +forget. When you have need of gold or of the ivory that is gold, then +journey to the north of the lake where the Pongo dwell, and call on the +names of Harut and Marut." + +"And call on the names of Harut and Marut," repeated the younger man, +who hitherto appeared to take no interest in our talk. + +Next, before I could answer, before I could think the thing out indeed, +for all this breath from savage and mystical Africa blowing on me +suddenly here in an Essex drawing-room, seemed to overwhelm me, the +ineffable Harut proceeded in his English conjurer's patter: + +"Rich ladies and gentlemen want see trick by poor old wizard from centre +Africa. Well, we show them, but please 'member no magic, all quite +simple trick. Teach it you if you pay. Please not look too hard, no want +you learn how it done. What you like see? Tree grow out of nothing, eh? +Good! Please lend me that plate--what you call him--china." + +Then the performance began. The tree grew admirably upon the china plate +under the cover of an antimacassar. A number of bits of stick danced +together on the said plate, apparently without being touched. At a +whistle from Marut a second snake crawled out of the pocket of the +horrified Mr. Savage, who stood observing these proceedings at a +respectful distance, erected itself on its tail upon the plate and took +fire till it was consumed to ashes, and so forth. + +The show was very good, but to tell the truth I did not take much notice +of it, for I had seen similar things before and was engaged in thoughts +much excited by what Harut had said to me. At length the pair paused +amidst the clapping of the audience, and Marut began to pack up the +properties as though all were done. Then Harut observed casually: + +"The Lord Macumazana think this poor business and he right. Very poor +business, any conjurer do better. All common trick"--here his eye fell +upon Mr. Savage who was wriggling uneasily in the background. "What +matter with that gentleman? Brother Marut, go see." + +Brother Marut went and freed Mr. Savage from two more snakes which +seemed to have taken possession of various parts of his garments. Also, +amidst shouts of laughter, from a large dead rat which he appeared to +draw from his well-oiled hair. + +"Ah!" said Harut, as his confederate returned with these prizes, leaving +Savage collapsed in a chair, "snake love that gentleman much. He earn +great money in Africa. Well, he keep rat in hair; hungry snake always +want rat. But as I say, this poor business. Now you like to see some +better, eh? Mameena, eh?" + +"No," I replied firmly, whereat everyone laughed. + +"Elephant Jana we want you kill, eh? Just as he look this minute." + +"Yes," I said, "very much indeed, only how will you show it me?" + +"That quite easy, Macumazana. You just smoke little Kendah 'bacco and +see many things, if you have gift, as I _think_ you got, and as I almost +_sure_ that lady got," and he pointed to Miss Holmes. "Sometimes they +things people want see, and sometimes they things people not want see." + +"Dakka," I said contemptuously, alluding to the Indian hemp on which +natives make themselves drunk throughout great districts of Africa. + +"Oh! no, not dakka, that common stuff; this 'bacco much better than +dakka, only grow in Kendah-land. You think all nonsense? Well, you see. +Give me match please." + +Then while we watched he placed some tobacco, at least it looked like +tobacco, in a little wooden bowl that he also produced from his basket. +Next he said something to his companion, Marut, who drew a flute from +his robe made out of a thick reed, and began to play on it a wild and +melancholy music, the sound of which seemed to affect my backbone as +standing on a great height often does. Presently too Harut broke into a +low song whereof I could not understand a word, that rose and fell with +the music of the flute. Now he struck a match, which seemed incongruous +in the midst of this semi-magical ceremony, and taking a pinch of the +tobacco, lit it and dropped it among the rest. A pale, blue smoke arose +from the bowl and with it a very sweet odour not unlike that of the +tuberoses gardeners grow in hot-houses, but more searching. + +"Now you breath smoke, Macumazana," he said, "and tell us what you +see. Oh! no fear, that not hurt you. Just like cigarette. Look," and he +inhaled some of the vapour and blew it out through his nostrils, after +which his face seemed to change to me, though what the change was I +could not define. + +I hesitated till Scroope said: + +"Come, Allan, don't shirk this Central African adventure. I'll try if +you like." + +"No," said Harut brusquely, "_you_ no good." + +Then curiosity and perhaps the fear of being laughed at overcame me. I +took the bowl and held it under my nose, while Harut threw over my head +the antimacassar which he had used in the mango trick, to keep in the +fumes I suppose. + +At first these fumes were unpleasant, but just as I was about to drop +the bowl they seemed to become agreeable and to penetrate to the inmost +recesses of my being. The general affect of them was not unlike that of +the laughing gas which dentists give, with this difference, that whereas +the gas produces insensibility, these fumes seemed to set the mind +on fire and to burn away all limitations of time and distance. Things +shifted before me. It was as though I were no longer in that room but +travelling with inconceivable rapidity. + +Suddenly I appeared to stop before a curtain of mist. The mist rolled +up in front of me and I saw a wild and wonderful scene. There lay a lake +surrounded by dense African forest. The sky above was still red with the +last lights of sunset and in it floated the full moon. On the eastern +side of the lake was a great open space where nothing seemed to grow and +all about this space were the skeletons of hundreds of dead elephants. +There they lay, some of them almost covered with grey mosses hanging to +their bones, through which their yellow tusks projected as though they +had been dead for centuries; others with the rotting hide still on them. +I knew that I was looking on a cemetery of elephants, the place where +these great beasts went to die, as I have since been told the extinct +moas did in New Zealand. All my life as a hunter had I heard rumours +of these cemeteries, but never before did I see such a spot even in a +dream. + +See! There was one dying now, a huge gaunt bull that looked as though it +were several hundred years old. It stood there swaying to and fro. Then +it lifted its trunk, I suppose to trumpet, though of course I could +hear nothing, and slowly sank upon its knees and so remained in the last +relaxation of death. + +Almost in the centre of this cemetery was a little mound of water-washed +rock that had endured when the rest of the stony plain was denuded in +past epochs. Suddenly upon that rock appeared the shape of the most +gigantic elephant that ever I beheld in all my long experience. It had +one enormous tusk, but the other was deformed and broken off short. Its +sides were scarred as though with fighting and its eyes shone red and +wickedly. Held in its trunk was the body of a woman whose hair hung down +upon one side and whose feet hung down upon the other. Clasped in her +arms was a child that seemed to be still living. + +The rogue, as a brute of this sort is called, for evidently such it was, +dropped the corpse to the ground and stood a while, flapping its ears. +Then it felt for and picked up the child with its trunk, swung it to and +fro and finally tossed it high into the air, hurling it far away. After +this it walked to the elephant that I had just seen die, and charged +the carcass, knocking it over. Then having lifted its trunk as though to +trumpet in triumph, it shambled off towards the forest and vanished. + +The curtain of mist fell again and in it, dimly, I thought I saw--well, +never mind who or what I saw. Then I awoke. + +"Well, did you see anything?" asked a chorus of voices. + +I told them what I had seen, leaving out the last part. + +"I say, old fellow," said Scroope, "you must have been pretty clever to +get all that in, for your eyes weren't shut for more than ten seconds." + +"Then I wonder what you would say if I repeated everything," I answered, +for I still felt dreamy and not quite myself. + +"You see elephant Jana?" asked Harut. "He kill woman and child, eh? +Well, he do that every night. Well, that why people of White Kendah +want you to kill _him_ and take all that ivory which they no dare touch +because it in holy place and Black Kendah not let them. So he live +still. That what we wish know. Thank you much, Macumazana. You very good +look through-distance man. Just what I think. Kendah 'bacco smoke work +very well in you. Now, beautiful lady," he added turning to Miss Holmes, +"you like look too? Better look. Who knows what you see?" + +Miss Holmes hesitated a moment, studying me with an inquiring eye. But I +made no sign, being in truth very curious to hear _her_ experience. + +"Yes," she said. + +"I would prefer, Luna, that you left this business alone," remarked Lord +Ragnall uneasily. "I think it is time that you ladies went to bed." + +"Here is a match," said Miss Holmes to Harut who was engaged in putting +more tobacco into the bowl, the suspicion of a smile upon his grave +and statuesque countenance. Harut received the match with a low bow +and fired the stuff as before. Then he handed the bowl, from which once +again the blue smoke curled upwards, to Miss Holmes, and gently and +gracefully let the antimacassar fall over it and her head, which it +draped as a wedding veil might do. A few seconds later she threw off the +antimacassar and cast the bowl, in which the fire was now out, on to the +floor. Then she stood up with wide eyes, looking wondrous lovely and, +notwithstanding her lack of height, majestic. + +"I have been in another world," she said in a low voice as though she +spoke to the air, "I have travelled a great way. I found myself in a +small place made of stone. It was dark in the place, the fire in that +bowl lit it up. There was nothing there except a beautiful statue of a +naked baby which seemed to be carved in yellow ivory, and a chair made +of ebony inlaid with ivory and seated with string. I stood in front of +the statue of the Ivory Child. It seemed to come to life and smile at +me. Round its neck was a string of red stones. It took them from its +neck and set them upon mine. Then it pointed to the chair, and I sat +down in the chair. That was all." + +Harut followed her words with an interest that I could see was intense, +although he attempted to hide it. Then he asked me to translate them, +which I did. + +As their full sense came home to him, although his face remained +impassive, I saw his dark eyes shine with the light of triumph. Moreover +I heard him whisper to Marut words that seemed to mean, + +"The Sacred Child accepts the Guardian. The Spirit of the White Kendah +finds a voice again." + +Then as though involuntarily, but with the utmost reverence, both of +them bowed deeply towards Miss Holmes. + +A babel of conversation broke out. + +"What a ridiculous dream," I heard Lord Ragnall say in a vexed voice. +"An ivory child that seemed to come to life and to give you a necklace. +Whoever heard such nonsense?" + +"Whoever heard such nonsense?" repeated Miss Holmes after him, as though +in polite acquiescence, but speaking as an automaton might speak. + +"I say," interrupted Scroope, addressing Miss Manners, "this is a +drawing-room entertainment and a half, isn't it, dear?" + +"I don't know," answered Miss Manners, doubtfully, "it is rather too +queer for my taste. Tricks are all very well, but when it comes to magic +and visions I get frightened." + +"Well, I suppose the show is over," said Lord Ragnall. "Quatermain, +would you mind asking your conjurer friends what I owe them?" + +Here Harut, who had understood, paused from packing up his properties +and answered, + +"Nothing, O great Lord, nothing. It is we owe you much. Here we learn +what we want know long time. I mean if elephant Jana still kill people +of Kendah. Kendah 'bacco no speak to us. Only speak to new spirit. You +got great gift, lady, and you too, Macumazana. You not like smoke more +Kendah 'bacco and look into past, eh? Better look! Very full, past, +learn much there about all us; learn how things begin. Make you +understand lot what seem odd to-day. No! Well, one day you look p'raps, +'cause past pull hard and call loud, only no one hear what it say. +Good night, O great Lord. Good night, O beautiful lady. Good night, +O Macumazana, till we meet again when you come kill elephant Jana. +Blessing of the Heaven-Child, who give rain, who protect all danger, who +give food, who give health, on you all." + +Then making many obeisances they walked backwards to the door where they +put on their long cloaks. + +At a sign from Lord Ragnall I accompanied them, an office which, fearing +more snakes, Mr. Savage was very glad to resign to me. Presently we +stood outside the house amidst the moaning trees, and very cold it was +there. + +"What does all this mean, O men of Africa?" I asked. + +"Answer the question yourself when you stand face to face with the great +elephant Jana that has in it an evil spirit, O Macumazana," replied +Harut. "Nay, listen. We are far from our home and we sought tidings +through those who could give it to us, and we have won those tidings, +that is all. We are worshippers of the Heavenly Child that is eternal +youth and all good things, but of late the Child has lacked a tongue. +Yet to-night it spoke again. Seek to know no more, you who in due season +will know all things." + +"Seek to know no more," echoed Marut, "who already, perhaps, know too +much, lest harm should come to you, Macumazana." + +"Where are you going to sleep to-night?" I asked. + +"We do not sleep here," answered Harut, "we walk to the great city and +thence find our way to Africa, where we shall meet you again. You know +that we are no liars, common readers of thought and makers of tricks, +for did not Dogeetah, the wandering white man, speak to you of the +people of whom he had heard who worshipped the Child of Heaven? Go in, +Macumazana, ere you take harm in this horrible cold, and take with you +this as a marriage gift from the Child of Heaven whom she met to-night, +to the beautiful lady stamped with the sign of the young moon who is +about to marry the great lord she loves." + +Then he thrust a little linen-wrapped parcel into my hand and with his +companion vanished into the darkness. + +I returned to the drawing-room where the others were still discussing +the remarkable performance of the two native conjurers. + +"They have gone," I said in answer to Lord Ragnall, "to walk to London +as they said. But they have sent a wedding-present to Miss Holmes," and +I showed the parcel. + +"Open it, Quatermain," he said again. + +"No, George," interrupted Miss Holmes, laughing, for by now she seemed +to have quite recovered herself, "I like to open my own presents." + + + +He shrugged his shoulders and I handed her the parcel, which was neatly +sewn up. Somebody produced scissors and the stitches were cut. Within +the linen was a necklace of beautiful red stones, oval-shaped like amber +beads and of the size of a robin's egg. They were roughly polished and +threaded on what I recognized at once to be hair from an elephant's +tail. From certain indications I judged these stones, which might have +been spinels or carbuncles, or even rubies, to be very ancient. Possibly +they had once hung round the neck of some lady in old Egypt. Indeed a +beautiful little statuette, also of red stone, which was suspended from +the centre of the necklace, suggested that this was so, for it may well +have been a likeness of one of the great gods of the Egyptians, the +infant Horus, the son of Isis. + +"That is the necklace I saw which the Ivory Child gave me in my dream," +said Miss Holmes quietly. + +Then with much deliberation she clasped it round her throat. + + + +CHAPTER V + +THE PLOT + +The sequel to the events of this evening may be told very briefly and of +it the reader can form his own judgment. I narrate it as it happened. + +That night I did not sleep at all well. It may have been because of the +excitement of the great shoot in which I found myself in competition +with another man whom I disliked and who had defrauded me in the past, +to say nothing of its physical strain in cold and heavy weather. Or it +may have been that my imagination was stirred by the arrival of that +strange pair, Harut and Marut, apparently in search of myself, seven +thousand miles away from any place where they can have known aught of an +insignificant individual with a purely local repute. Or it may have been +that the pictures which they showed me when under the influence of +the fumes of their "tobacco"--or of their hypnotism--took an undue +possession of my brain. + +Or lastly, the strange coincidence that the beautiful betrothed of my +host should have related to me a tale of her childhood of which she +declared she had never spoken before, and that within an hour the two +principal actors in that tale should have appeared before my eyes and +hers (for I may state that from the beginning I had no doubt that +they were the same men), moved me and filled me with quite natural +foreboding. Or all these things together may have tended to a +concomitant effect. At any rate the issue was that I could not sleep. + +For hour after hour I lay thinking and in an irritated way listening for +the chimes of the Ragnall stable-clock which once had adorned the tower +of the church and struck the quarters with a damnable reiteration. I +concluded that Messrs. Harut and Marut were a couple of common Arab +rogues such as I had seen performing at the African ports. Then a +quarter struck and I concluded that the elephants' cemetery which I +beheld in the smoke undoubtedly existed and that I meant to collar those +thousands of pounds' worth of ivory before I died. Then after another +quarter I concluded that there was no elephants' cemetery--although by +the way my old friend, Dogeetah or Brother John, had mentioned such +a thing to me--but that probably there was a tribe, as he had also +mentioned, called the Kendah, who worshipped a baby, or rather its +effigy. + +Well now, as had already occurred to me, the old Egyptians, of whom I +was always fond of reading when I got a chance, also worshipped a child, +Horus the Saviour. And that child had a mother called Isis symbolized in +the crescent moon, the great Nature goddess, the mistress of mysteries +to whose cult ten thousand priests were sworn--do not Herodotus and +others, especially Apuleius, tell us all about her? And by a queer +coincidence Miss Holmes had the mark of a crescent moon upon her breast. +And when she was a child those two men, or others very like them, had +pointed out that mark to each other. And I had seen them staring hard +at it that night. And in her vapour-invoked dream the "Heavenly Child," +_alias_ Horus, or the double of Horus, the _Ka_, I think the Egyptians +called it, had awakened at the sight of her and kissed her and given her +the necklace of the goddess, and--all the rest. What did it mean? + +I went to sleep at last wondering what on earth it _could_ mean, till +presently that confounded clock woke me up again and I must go through +the whole business once more. + +By degrees, this was towards dawn, I became aware that all hope of rest +had vanished from me utterly; that I was most painfully awake, and what +is more, oppressed by a curious fear to the effect that something was +going to happen to Miss Holmes. So vivid did this fear become that at +length I arose, lit a candle and dressed myself. As it happened I knew +where Miss Holmes slept. Her room, which I had seen her enter, was on +the same corridor as mine though at the other end of it near the head +of a stair that ran I knew not whither. In my portmanteau that had been +sent over from Miss Manners's house, amongst other things was a small +double-barrelled pistol which from long habit I always carried with me +loaded, except for the caps that were in a little leather case with some +spare ammunition attached to the pistol belt. I took it out, capped it +and thrust it into my pocket. Then I slipped from the room and stood +behind a tall clock in the corridor, watching Miss Holmes's door and +reflecting what a fool I should look if anyone chanced to find me. + +Half an hour or so later by the light of the setting moon which +struggled through a window, I saw the door open and Miss Holmes emerge +in a kind of dressing-gown and still wearing the necklace which Harut +and Marut had given her. Of this I was sure for the light gleamed upon +the red stones. + +Also it shone upon her face and showed me without doubt that she was +walking in her sleep. + +Gliding as silently as a ghost she crossed the corridor and vanished. +I followed and saw that she had descended an ancient, twisting stairway +which I had noted in the castle wall. I went after her, my stockinged +feet making no noise, feeling my way carefully in the darkness of the +stair, for I did not dare to strike a match. Beneath me I heard a noise +as of someone fumbling with bolts. Then a door creaked on its hinges and +there was some light. When I reached the doorway I caught sight of the +figure of Miss Holmes flitting across a hollow garden that was laid out +in the bottom of the castle moat which had been drained. The garden, as +I had observed when we walked through it on the previous day on our way +to the first covert that we shot, was bordered by a shrubbery through +which ran paths that led to the back drive of the castle. + +Across the garden glided the figure of Miss Holmes and after it went I, +crouching and taking cover behind every bush as though I were stalking +big game, which indeed I was. She entered the shrubbery, moving much +more swiftly now, for as she went she seemed to gather speed, like a +stone which is rolled down a hill. It was as though whatever might be +attracting her, for I felt sure that she was being drawn by something, +acted more strongly upon her sleeping will as she drew nearer to it. +For a while I lost sight of her in the shadow of the tall trees. Then +suddenly I saw her again, standing quite still in an opening caused by +the blowing down in the gale of one of the avenue of elms that bordered +the back drive. But now she was no longer alone, for advancing towards +her were two cloaked figures in whom I recognized Harut and Marut. + +There she stood with outstretched arms, and towards her, stealthily as +lions stalking a buck, came Harut and Marut. Moreover, between the naked +boughs of the fallen elm I caught sight of what looked like the outline +of a closed carriage standing upon the drive. Also I heard a horse +stamp upon the frosty ground. Round the edge of the little glade I ran, +keeping in the dark shadow, as I went cocking the pistol that was in my +pocket. Then suddenly I darted out and stood between Harut and Marut and +Miss Holmes. + +Not a word passed between us. I think that all three of us +subconsciously were anxious not to awake the sleeping woman, knowing +that if we did so there would be a terrible scene. Only after motioning +to me to stand aside, of course in vain, Harut and Marut drew from their +robes curved and cruel-looking knives and bowed, for even now their +politeness did not forsake them. I bowed back and when I straightened +myself those enterprising Easterns found that I was covering the heart +of Harut with my pistol. Then with that perception which is part of the +mental outfit of the great, they saw that the game was up since I could +have shot them both before a knife touched me. + +"You have won this time, O Watcher-by-Night," whispered Harut softly, +"but another time you will lose. That beautiful lady belongs to us and +the People of the White Kendah, for she is marked with the holy mark of +the young moon. The call of the Child of Heaven is heard in her heart, +and will bring her home to the Child as it has brought her to us +to-night. Now lead her hence still sleeping, O brave and clever one, so +well named Watcher-by-Night." + +Then they were gone and presently I heard the sound of horses being +driven rapidly along the drive. + +For a moment I hesitated as to whether I would or would not run in and +shoot those horses. Two considerations stayed me. The first was that +if I did so my pistol would be empty, or even if I shot one horse +and retained a barrel loaded, with it I could only kill a single man, +leaving myself defenceless against the knife of the other. The second +consideration was that now as before I did not wish to wake up Miss +Holmes. + +I crept to her and not knowing what else to do, took hold of one of her +outstretched hands. She turned and came with me at once as though she +knew me, remaining all the while fast asleep. Thus we went back to the +house, through the still open door, up the stairway straight to her own +room, on the threshold of which I loosed her hand. The room was dark and +I could see nothing, but I listened until I heard a sound as of a person +throwing herself upon the bed and drawing up the blankets. Then knowing +that she was safe for a while, I shut the door, which opened outwards +as doors of ancient make sometimes do, and set against it a little table +that stood in the passage. + +Next, after reflecting for a minute, the circumstances being awkward in +many ways, I went to my room and lit a candle. Obviously it was my +duty to inform Lord Ragnall of what had happened and that as soon as +possible. But I had no idea in what part of that huge building his +sleeping place might be, nor, for patent reasons, was it desirable +that I should disturb the house and so create talk. In this dilemma I +remembered that Lord Ragnall's confidential servant, Mr. Savage, when he +conducted me to my room on the previous night, which he made a point of +doing perhaps because he wished to talk over the matter of the snakes +that had found their way into his pockets, had shown me a bell in it +which he said rang outside his door. He called it an "emergency bell." I +remarked idly that it was improbable that I should have any occasion for +its use. + +"Who knows, sir?" said Mr. Savage prophetically. "There are folk who say +that this old castle is haunted, which after what I have seen to-night +I can well believe. If you should chance to meet a ghost looking, let us +say, like those black villains, Harum and Scarum, or whatever they call +themselves--well, sir, two's better company than one." + +I considered that bell but was loath to ring it for the reasons I have +given. Then I went outside the room and looked. As I had hoped might be +the case, there ran the wire on the face of the wall connected along its +length by other wires with the various rooms it passed. + +I set to work and followed that wire. It was not an easy job; indeed +once or twice it reminded me of that story of the old Greek hero who +found his way through a labyrinth by means of a silken thread. I forget +whether it were a bull or a lady he was looking for, but with care and +perseverance he found one or the other, or it may have been both. + +Down staircases and various passages I went with my eye glued upon the +wire, which occasionally got mixed up with other wires, till at length +it led me through a swing door covered with red baize into what appeared +to be a modern annexe to the castle. Here at last it terminated on +the spring of an alarming-looking and deep-throated bell that hung +immediately over a certain door. + +On this door I knocked, hoping that it might be that of Mr. Savage and +praying earnestly that it did not enclose the chaste resting-place of +the cook or any other female. Too late, I mean after I had knocked, +it occurred to me that if so my position would be painful to a degree. +However in this particular Fortune stood my friend, which does not +always happen to the virtuous. For presently I heard a voice which I +recognized as that of Mr. Savage, asking, not without a certain quaver +in its tone, + +"Who the devil is that?" + +"Me," I replied, being flustered. + +"'Me' won't do," said the voice. "'Me' might be Harum or it might be +Scarum, or it might be someone worse. Who's 'Me'?" + +"Allan Quatermain, you idiot," I whispered through the keyhole. + +"Anna who? Well, never mind. Go away, Hanna. I'll talk to you in the +morning." + +Then I kicked the door, and at length, very cautiously, Mr. Savage +opened it. + +"Good heavens, sir," he said, "what are you doing here, sir? Dressed +too, at this hour, and with the handle of a pistol sticking out of your +pocket--or is it--the head of a snake?" and he jumped back, a strange +and stately figure in a long white nightshirt which apparently he wore +over his underclothing. + +I entered the room and shut the door, whereon he politely handed me a +chair, remarking, + +"Is it ghosts, sir, or are you ill, or is it Harum and Scarum, of whom +I have been thinking all night? Very cold too, sir, being afraid to pull +up the bedclothes for fear lest there might be more reptiles in them." +He pointed to his dress-coat hanging on the back of another chair with +both the pockets turned inside out, adding tragically, "To think, sir, +that this new coat has been a nest of snakes, which I have hated like +poison from a child, and me almost a teetotaller!" + +"Yes," I said impatiently, "it's Harum and Scarum as you call them. Take +me to Lord Ragnall's bedroom at once." + +"Ah! sir, burgling, I suppose, or mayhap worse," he exclaimed as he +threw on some miscellaneous garments and seized a life-preserver which +hung upon a hook. "Now I'm ready, only I hope they have left their +snakes behind. I never could bear the sight of a snake, and they seem to +know it--the brutes." + +In due course we reached Lord Ragnall's room, which Mr. Savage entered, +and in answer to a stifled inquiry exclaimed, + +"Mr. Allan Quatermain to see you, my lord." + +"What is it, Quatermain?" he asked, sitting up in bed and yawning. "Have +you had a nightmare?" + +"Yes," I answered, and Savage having left us and shut the door, I told +him everything as it is written down. + +"Great heavens!" he exclaimed when I had finished. "If it had not been +for you and your intuition and courage----" + +"Never mind me," I interrupted. "The question is--what should be done +now? Are you going to try to arrest these men, or will you--hold your +tongue and merely cause them to be watched?" + +"Really I don't know. Even if we can catch them the whole story would +sound so strange in a law-court, and all sorts of things might be +suggested." + +"Yes, Lord Ragnall, it would sound so strange that I beg you will come +at once to see the evidences of what I tell you, before rain or snow +obliterates them, bringing another witness with you. Lady Longden, +perhaps." + +"Lady Longden! Why one might as well write to _The Times_. I have it! +There's Savage. He is faithful and can be silent." + +So Savage was called in and, while Lord Ragnall dressed himself +hurriedly, told the outline of his story under pain of instant dismissal +if he breathed a word. Really to watch his face was as good as a play. +So astonished was he that all he could ejaculate was-- + +"The black-hearted villains! Well, they ain't friendly with snakes for +nothing." + +Then having made sure that Miss Holmes was still in her room, we went +down the twisting stair and through the side doorway, locking the door +after us. By now the dawn was breaking and there was enough light to +enable me in certain places where the snow that fell after the gale +remained, to show Lord Ragnall and Savage the impress of the little +bedroom slippers which Miss Holmes wore, and of my stockinged feet +following after. + +In the plantation things were still easier, for every detail of the +movements of the four of us could be traced. Moreover, on the back drive +was the spoor of the horses and the marks of the wheels of the carriage +that had been brought for the purposes of the abduction. Also my great +good fortune, for this seemed to prove my theory, we found a parcel +wrapped in native linen that appeared to have fallen out of the carriage +when Harut and Marut made their hurried escape, as one of the wheels had +gone over it. It contained an Eastern woman's dress and veil, intended, +I suppose, to be used in disguising Miss Holmes, who thence-forward +would have appeared to be the wife or daughter of one of the abductors. + +Savage discovered this parcel, which he lifted only to drop it with a +yell, for underneath it lay a torpid snake, doubtless one of those that +had been used in the performance. + +Of these discoveries and many other details, on our return to the house, +Lord Ragnall made full notes in a pocket-book, that when completed were +signed by all three of us. + +There is not much more to tell, that is of this part of the story. The +matter was put into the hands of detectives who discovered that the +Easterns had driven to London, where all traces of the carriage which +conveyed them was lost. They, however, embarked upon a steamer called +the _Antelope_, together with two native women, who probably had been +provided to look after Miss Holmes, and sailed that very afternoon for +Egypt. Thither, of course, it was useless to follow them in those days, +even if it had been advisable to do so. + + + +To return to Miss Holmes. She came down to breakfast looking very +charming but rather pale. Again I sat next to her and took some +opportunity to ask her how she had rested that night. + +She replied, Very well and yet very ill, since, although she never +remembered sleeping more soundly in her life, she had experienced all +sorts of queer dreams of which she could remember nothing at all, a +circumstance that annoyed her much, as she was sure that they were most +interesting. Then she added, + +"Do you know, Mr. Quatermain, I found a lot of mud on my dressing-gown +this morning, and my bedroom slippers were also a mass of mud and wet +through. How do you account for that? It is just as though I had been +walking about outside in my sleep, which is absurd, as I never did such +a thing in my life." + +Not feeling equal to the invention of any convincing explanation of +these phenomena, I upset the marmalade pot on to the table in such a way +that some of it fell upon her dress, and then covered my retreat with +profuse apologies. Understanding my dilemma, for he had heard something +of this talk, Lord Ragnall came to my aid with a startling statement of +which I forget the purport, and thus that crisis passed. + +Shortly after breakfast Scroope announced to Miss Manners that her +carriage was waiting, and we departed. Before I went, as it chanced, +I had a few private words with my host, with Miss Holmes, and with the +magnificent Mr. Savage. To the last, by the way, I offered a tip which +he refused, saying that after all we had gone through together he could +not allow "money to come between us," by which he meant, to pass from my +pocket to his. Lord Ragnall asked me for both my English and my African +addresses, which he noted in his pocket-book. Then he said, + +"Really, Quatermain, I feel as though I had known you for years instead +of three days; if you will allow me I will add that I should like to +know a great deal more of you." (He was destined to do so, poor fellow, +though neither of us knew it at the time.) "If ever you come to England +again I hope you will make this house your headquarters." + +"And if ever you come to South Africa, Lord Ragnall, I hope you will +make my four-roomed shanty on the Berea at Durban your headquarters. You +will get a hearty welcome there and something to eat, but little more." + +"There is nothing I should like better, Quatermain. Circumstances have +put me in a certain position in this country, still to tell you the +truth there is a great deal about the life of which I grow very tired. +But you see I am going to be married, and that I fear means an end +of travelling, since naturally my wife will wish to take her place in +society and the rest." + +"Of course," I replied, "for it is not every young lady who has the luck +to become an English peeress with all the etceteras, is it? Still I +am not so sure but that Miss Holmes will take to travelling some day, +although I _am_ sure that she would do better to stay at home." + +He looked at me curiously, then asked, + +"You don't think there is anything really serious in all this business, +do you?" + +"I don't know what to think," I answered, "except that you will do well +to keep a good eye upon your wife. What those Easterns tried to do last +night and, I think, years ago, they may try again soon, or years hence, +for evidently they are patient and determined men with much to win. +Also it is a curious coincidence that she should have that mark upon her +which appeals so strongly to Messrs. Harut and Marut, and, to be brief, +she is in some ways different from most young women. As she said to +me herself last night, Lord Ragnall, we are surrounded by mysteries; +mysteries of blood, of inherited spirit, of this world generally in +which it is probable that we all descended from quite a few common +ancestors. And beyond these are other mysteries of the measureless +universe to which we belong, that may already be exercising their strong +and secret influences upon us, as perhaps, did we know it, they have +done for millions of years in the Infinite whence we came and whither we +go." + +I suppose I spoke somewhat solemnly, for he said, + +"Do you know you frighten me a little, though I don't quite understand +what you mean." Then we parted. + +With Miss Holmes my conversation was shorter. She remarked, + +"It has been a great pleasure to me to meet you. I do not remember +anybody with whom I have found myself in so much sympathy--except one +of course. It is strange to think that when we meet again I shall be a +married woman." + +"I do not suppose we shall ever meet again, Miss Holmes. Your life is +here, mine is in the wildest places of a wild land far away." + +"Oh! yes, we shall," she answered. "I learned this and lots of other +things when I held my head in that smoke last night." + +Then we also parted. + +Lastly Mr. Savage arrived with my coat. "Goodbye, Mr. Quatermain," he +said. "If I forget everything else I shall never forget you and those +villains, Harum and Scarum and their snakes. I hope it won't be my lot +ever to clap eyes on them again, Mr. Quatermain, and yet somehow I don't +feel so sure of that." + +"Nor do I," I replied, with a kind of inspiration, after which followed +the episode of the rejected tip. + + + +CHAPTER VI + +THE BONA FIDE GOLD MINE + +Fully two years had gone by since I bade farewell to Lord Ragnall and +Miss Holmes, and when the curtain draws up again behold me seated on the +stoep of my little house at Durban, plunged in reflection and very sad +indeed. Why I was sad I will explain presently. + +In that interval of time I had heard once or twice about Lord Ragnall. +Thus I received from Scroope a letter telling of his lordship's marriage +with Miss Holmes, which, it appeared, had been a very fine affair +indeed, quite one of the events of the London season. Two Royalties +attended the ceremony, a duke was the best man, and the presents +according to all accounts were superb and of great value, including a +priceless pearl necklace given by the bridegroom to the bride. A cutting +from a society paper which Scroope enclosed dwelt at length upon the +splendid appearance of the bridegroom and the sweet loveliness of the +bride. Also it described her dress in language which was Greek to me. +One sentence, however, interested me intensely. + +It ran: "The bride occasioned some comment by wearing only one ornament, +although the Ragnall family diamonds, which have not seen the light for +many years, are known to be some of the finest in the country. It was +a necklace of what appeared to be large but rather roughly polished +rubies, to which hung a small effigy of an Egyptian god also fashioned +from a ruby. It must be added that although of an unusual nature on +such an occasion this jewel suited her dark beauty well. Lady Ragnall's +selection of it, however, from the many she possesses was the cause of +much speculation. When asked by a friend why she had chosen it, she is +reported to have said that it was to bring her good fortune." + +Now why did she wear the barbaric marriage gift of Harut and Marut in +preference to all the other gems at her disposal, I wondered. The thing +was so strange as to be almost uncanny. + +The second piece of information concerning this pair reached me through +the medium of an old _Times_ newspaper which I received over a year +later. It was to the effect that a son and heir had been born to Lord +Ragnall and that both mother and child were doing well. + +So there's the end to a very curious little story, thought I to myself. + + + +Well, during those two years many things befell me. First of all, in +company with my old friend Sir Stephen Somers, I made the expedition to +Pongoland in search of the wonderful orchid which he desired to add +to his collection. I have already written of that journey and our +extraordinary adventures, and need therefore allude to it no more here, +except to say that during the course of it I was sorely tempted to +travel to the territory north of the lake in which the Pongos dwelt. +Much did I desire to see whether Messrs. Harut and Marut would in truth +appear to conduct me to the land where the wonderful elephant which was +supposed to be animated by an evil spirit was waiting to be killed by +my rifle. However, I resisted the impulse, as indeed our circumstances +obliged me to do. In the end we returned safely to Durban, and here I +came to the conclusion that never again would I risk my life on such mad +expeditions. + +Owing to circumstances which I have detailed elsewhere I was now in +possession of a considerable sum of cash, and this I determined to lay +out in such a fashion as to make me independent of hunting and trading +in the wilder regions of Africa. As usual when money is forthcoming, an +opportunity soon presented itself in the shape of a gold mine which had +been discovered on the borders of Zululand, one of the first that was +ever found in those districts. A Jew trader named Jacob brought it to +my notice and offered me a half share if I would put up the capital +necessary to work the mine. I made a journey of inspection and convinced +myself that it was indeed a wonderful proposition. I need not enter into +the particulars nor, to tell the truth, have I any desire to do so, for +the subject is still painful to me, further than to say that this Jew +and some friends of his panned out visible gold before my eyes and +then revealed to me the magnificent quartz reef from which, as they +demonstrated, it had been washed in the bygone ages of the world. The +news of our discovery spread like wildfire, and as, whatever else I +might be, everyone knew that I was honest, in the end a small company +was formed with Allan Quatermain, Esq., as the chairman of the Bona Fide +Gold Mine, Limited. + +Oh! that company! Often to this day I dream of it when I have +indigestion. + +Our capital was small, L10,000, of which the Jew, who was well named +Jacob, and his friends, took half (for nothing of course) as the +purchase price of their rights. I thought the proportion large and said +so, especially after I had ascertained that these rights had cost them +exactly three dozen of square-face gin, a broken-down wagon, four cows +past the bearing age and L5 in cash. However, when it was pointed out +to me that by their peculiar knowledge and genius they had located and +provided the value of a property of enormous potential worth, moreover +that this sum was to be paid to them in scrip which would only be +realizable when success was assured and not in money, after a night of +anxious consideration I gave way. + +Personally, before I consented to accept the chairmanship, which carried +with it a salary of L100 a year (which I never got), I bought and paid +for in cash, shares to the value of L1,000 sterling. I remember that +Jacob and his friends seemed surprised at this act of mine, as they +had offered to give me five hundred of their shares for nothing "in +consideration of the guarantee of my name." These I refused, saying that +I would not ask others to invest in a venture in which I had no actual +money stake; whereon they accepted my decision, not without enthusiasm. +In the end the balance of L4,000 was subscribed and we got to work. Work +is a good name for it so far as I was concerned, for never in all my +days have I gone through so harrowing a time. + +We began by washing a certain patch of gravel and obtained results which +seemed really astonishing. So remarkable were they that on publication +the shares rose to 10s. premium. Jacob and Co. took advantage of +this opportunity to sell quite half of their bonus holding to eager +applicants, explaining to me that they did so not for personal profit, +which they scorned, but "to broaden the basis of the undertaking by +admitting fresh blood." + +It was shortly after this boom that the gravel surrounding the rich +patch became very gravelly indeed, and it was determined that we should +buy a small battery and begin to crush the quartz from which the gold +was supposed to flow in a Pactolian stream. We negotiated for that +battery through a Cape Town firm of engineers--but why follow the +melancholy business in all its details? The shares began to decrease in +value. They shrank to their original price of L1, then to 15s., then +to 10s. Jacob, he was managing director, explained to me that it +was necessary to "support the market," as he was already doing to an +enormous extent, and that I as chairman ought to take a "lead in this +good work" in order to show my faith in the concern. + +I took a lead to the extent of another L500, which was all that I could +afford. I admit that it was a shock to such trust in human nature as +remained to me when I discovered subsequently that the 1,000 shares +which I bought for my L500 had really been the property of Jacob, +although they appeared to be sold to me in various other names. + +The crisis came at last, for before that battery was delivered our +available funds were exhausted, and no one would subscribe another +halfpenny. Debentures, it is true, had been issued and taken up to the +extent of about L1,000 out of the L5,000 offered, though who bought them +remained at the time a mystery to me. Ultimately a meeting was called to +consider the question of liquidating the company, and at this meeting, +after three sleepless nights, I occupied the chair. + +When I entered the room, to my amazement I found that of the five +directors only one was present besides myself, an honest old retired +sea captain who had bought and paid for 300 shares. Jacob and the two +friends who represented his interests had, it appeared, taken ship that +morning for Cape Town, whither they were summoned to attend various +relatives who had been seized with illness. + +It was a stormy meeting at first. I explained the position to the best +of my ability, and when I had finished was assailed with a number of +questions which I could not answer to the satisfaction of myself or +of anybody else. Then a gentleman, the owner of ten shares, who had +evidently been drinking, suggested in plain language that I had cheated +the shareholders by issuing false reports. + +I jumped up in a fury and, although he was twice my size, asked him to +come and argue the question outside, whereon he promptly went away. This +incident excited a laugh, and then the whole truth came out. A man with + blood in him stood up and told a story which was subsequently +proved to be true. Jacob had employed him to "salt" the mine by mixing +a heavy sprinkling of gold in the gravel we had first washed (which the + man swore he did in innocence), and subsequently had defrauded +him of his wages. That was all. I sank back in my chair overcome. Then +some good fellow in the audience, who had lost money himself in the +affair and whom I scarcely knew, got up and made a noble speech which +went far to restore my belief in human nature. + +He said in effect that it was well known that I, Allan Quatermain, +after working like a horse in the interests of the shareholders, had +practically ruined myself over this enterprise, and that the real thief +was Jacob, who had made tracks for the Cape, taking with him a large +cash profit resulting from the sale of shares. Finally he concluded by +calling for "three cheers for our honest friend and fellow sufferer, Mr. +Allan Quatermain." + +Strange to say the audience gave them very heartily indeed. I thanked +them with tears in my eyes, saying that I was glad to leave the room as +poor as I had ever been, but with a reputation which my conscience as +well as their kindness assured me was quite unblemished. + +Thus the winding-up resolution was passed and that meeting came to +an end. After shaking hands with my deliverer from a most unpleasant +situation, I walked homewards with the lightest heart in the world. My +money was gone, it was true; also my over-confidence in others had led +me to make a fool of myself by accepting as fact, on what I believed +to be the evidence of my eyes, that which I had not sufficient expert +knowledge to verify. But my honour was saved, and as I have again and +again seen in the course of life, money is nothing when compared with +honour, a remark which Shakespeare made long ago, though like many other +truths this is one of which a full appreciation can only be gained by +personal experience. + +Not very far from the place where our meeting had been held I passed a +side street then in embryo, for it had only one or two houses situated +in their gardens and a rather large and muddy sluit of water running +down one side at the edge of the footpath. Save for two people this +street was empty, but that pair attracted my attention. They were +a white man, in whom I recognized the stout and half-intoxicated +individual who had accused me of cheating the company and then departed, +and a withered old Hottentot who at that distance, nearly a hundred +yards away, much reminded me of a certain Hans. + +This Hans, I must explain, was originally a servant of my father, who +was a missionary in the Cape Colony, and had been my companion in +many adventures. Thus in my youth he and I alone escaped when Dingaan +murdered Retief and his party of Boers,[*] and he had been one of my +party in our quest for the wonderful orchid, the record of which I have +written down in "The Holy Flower." + + [*] See the book called "Marie."--Editor. + +Hans had his weak points, among which must be counted his love of +liquor, but he was a gallant and resourceful old fellow as indeed he had +amply proved upon that orchid-seeking expedition. Moreover he loved me +with a love passing the love of women. Now, having acquired some +money in a way I need not stop to describe--for is it not written +elsewhere?--he was settled as a kind of little chief on a farm not very +far from Durban, where he lived in great honour because of the fame of +his deeds. + +The white man and Hans, if Hans it was, were engaged in violent +altercation whereof snatches floated to me on the breeze, spoken in the +Dutch tongue. + +"You dirty little Hottentot!" shouted the white man, waving a stick, +"I'll cut the liver out of you. What do you mean by nosing about after +me like a jackal?" And he struck at Hans, who jumped aside. + +"Son of a fat white sow," screamed Hans in answer (for the moment I +heard his voice I knew that it was Hans), "did you dare to call the Baas +a thief? Yes, a thief, O Rooter in the mud, O Feeder on filth and worms, +O Hog of the gutter--the Baas, the clipping of whose nail is worth +more than you and all your family, he whose honour is as clear as the +sunlight and whose heart is cleaner than the white sand of the sea." + +"Yes, I did," roared the white man; "for he got my money in the gold +mine." + +"Then, hog, why did you run away. Why did you not wait to tell him so +outside that house?" + +"I'll teach you about running away, you little yellow dog," replied the +other, catching Hans a cut across the ribs. + +"Oh! you want to see me run, do you?" said Hans, skipping back a few +yards with wonderful agility. "Then look!" + +Thus speaking he lowered his head and charged like a buffalo. Fair +in the middle he caught that white man, causing him to double up, fly +backwards and land with a most resounding splash in the deepest part of +the muddy sluit. Here I may remark that, as his shins are the weakest, +a Hottentot's head is by far the hardest and most dangerous part of him. +Indeed it seems to partake of the nature of a cannon ball, for, +without more than temporary disturbance to its possessor, I have seen a +half-loaded wagon go over one of them on a muddy road. + +Having delivered this home thrust Hans bolted round a corner and +disappeared, while I waited trembling to see what happened to his +adversary. To my relief nearly a minute later he crept out of the sluit +covered with mud and dripping with water and hobbled off slowly down the +street, his head so near his feet that he looked as though he had been +folded in two, and his hands pressed upon what I believe is medically +known as the diaphragm. Then I also went upon my way roaring with +laughter. Often I have heard Hottentots called the lowest of mankind, +but, reflected I, they can at any rate be good friends to those who +treat them well--a fact of which I was to have further proof ere long. + +By the time I reached my house and had filled my pipe and sat myself +down in the dilapidated cane chair on the veranda, that natural reaction +set in which so often follows rejoicing at the escape from a great +danger. It was true that no one believed I had cheated them over that +thrice-accursed gold mine, but how about other matters? + +I mused upon the Bible narrative of Jacob and Esau with a new and very +poignant sympathy for Esau. I wondered what would become of my Jacob. +Jacob, I mean the original, prospered exceedingly as a result of +his deal in porridge, and, as thought I, probably would his artful +descendant who so appropriately bore his name. As a matter of fact I do +not know what became of him, but bearing his talents in mind I think +it probable that, like Van Koop, under some other patronymic he has now +been rewarded with a title by the British Government. At any rate I +had eaten the porridge in the shape of worthless but dearly purchased +shares, after labouring hard at the chase of the golden calf, while +brother Jacob had got my inheritance, or rather my money. Probably he +was now counting it over in sovereigns upon the ship and sniggering as +he thought of the shareholders' meeting with me in the chair. Well, +he was a thief and would run his road to whatever end is appointed for +thieves, so why should I bother my head more about him? As I had kept my +honour--let him take my savings. + +But I had a son to support, and now what was I to do with scarcely three +hundred pounds, a good stock of guns and this little Durban property +left to me in the world? Commerce in all its shapes I renounced once +and for ever. It was too high--or too low--for me; so it would seem that +there remained to me only my old business of professional hunting. Once +again I must seek those adventures which I had forsworn when my evil +star shone so brightly over a gold mine. What was it to be? Elephants, I +supposed, since these are the only creatures worth killing from a money +point of view. But most of my old haunts had been more or less shot out. +The competition of younger professionals, of wandering backveld Boers +and even of poaching natives who had obtained guns, was growing severe. +If I went at all I should have to travel farther afield. + +Whilst I meditated thus, turning over the comparative advantages +or disadvantages of various possible hunting grounds in my mind, my +attention was caught by a kind of cough that seemed to proceed from the +farther side of a large gardenia bush. It was not a human cough, but +rather resembled that made by a certain small buck at night, probably +to signal to its mate, which of course it could not be as there were no +buck within several miles. Yet I knew it came from a human throat, for +had I not heard it before in many an hour of difficulty and danger? + +"Draw near, Hans," I said in Dutch, and instantly out of a clump of +aloes that grew in front of the pomegranate hedge, crept the withered +shape of the old Hottentot, as a big yellow snake might do. Why he +should choose this method of advance instead of that offered by the +garden path I did not know, but it was quite in accordance with his +secretive nature, inherited from a hundred generations of ancestors who +spent their lives avoiding the observation of murderous foes. + +He squatted down in front of me, staring in a vacant way at the fierce +ball of the westering sun without blinking an eyelid, just as a vulture +does. + +"You look to me as though you had been fighting, Hans," I said. "The +crown of your hat is knocked out; you are splashed with mud and there is +the mark of a stick upon your left side." + +"Yes, Baas. You are right as usual, Baas. I had a quarrel with a man +about sixpence that he owed me, and knocked him over with my head, +forgetting to take my hat off first. Therefore it is spoiled, for which +I am sorry, as it was quite a new hat, not two years old. The Baas gave +it me. He bought it in a store at Utrecht when we were coming back from +Pongoland." + +"Why do you lie to me?" I asked "You have been fighting a white man +and for more than sixpence. You knocked him into a sluit and the mud +splashed up over you." + +"Yes, Baas, that is so. Your spirit speaks truly to you of the matter. +Yet it wanders a little from the path, since I fought the white man for +less than sixpence. I fought him for love, which is nothing at all." + +"Then you are even a bigger fool than I took you for, Hans. What do you +want now?" + +"I want to borrow a pound, Baas. The white man will take me before +the magistrate, and I shall be fined a pound, or fourteen days in the +_trunk_ (i.e. jail). It is true that the white man struck me first, but +the magistrate will not believe the word of a poor old Hottentot against +his, and I have no witness. He will say, 'Hans, you were drunk again. +Hans, you are a liar and deserve to be flogged, which you will be next +time. Pay a pound and ten shillings more, which is the price of good +white justice, or go to the _trunk_ for fourteen days and make baskets +there for the great Queen to use.' Baas, I have the price of the justice +which is ten shillings, but I want to borrow the pound for the fine." + +"Hans, I think that just now you are better able to lend me a pound than +I am to lend one to you. My bag is empty, Hans." + +"Is it so, Baas? Well, it does not matter. If necessary I can make +baskets for the great white Queen to put her food in, for fourteen days, +or mats on which she will wipe her feet. The _trunk_ is not such a bad +place, Baas. It gives time to think of the white man's justice and to +thank the Great One in the Sky, because the little sins one did not do +have been found out and punished, while the big sins one did do, +such as--well, never mind, Baas--have not been found out at all. Your +reverend father, the Predikant, always taught me to have a thankful +heart, Baas, and when I remember that I have only been in the _trunk_ +for three months altogether who, if all were known, ought to have been +there for years, I remember his words, Baas." + +"Why should you go to the _trunk_ at all, Hans, when you are rich and +can pay a fine, even if it were a hundred pounds?" + +"A month or two ago it is true I was rich, Baas, but now I am poor. I +have nothing left except ten shillings." + +"Hans," I said severely, "you have been gambling again; you have been +drinking again. You have sold your property and your cattle to pay your +gambling debts and to buy square-face gin." + +"Yes, Baas, and for no good it seems; though it is not true that I have +been drinking. I sold the land and the cattle for L650, Baas, and with +the money I bought other things." + +"What did you buy?" I said. + +He fumbled first in one pocket of his coat and then in the other, and +ultimately produced a crumpled and dirty-looking piece of paper that +resembled a bank-note. I took and examined this document and next minute +nearly fainted. It certified that Hans was the proprietor of I know not +how many debentures or shares, I forget which they were, in the Bona +Fide Gold Mine, Limited, that same company of which I was the unlucky +chairman, in consideration for which he had paid a sum of over six +hundred and fifty pounds. + +"Hans," I said feebly, "from whom did you buy this?" + +"From the baas with the hooked nose, Baas. He who was named Jacob, after +the great man in the Bible of whom your father, the Predikant, used to +tell us, that one who was so slim and dressed himself up in a goatskin +and gave his brother mealie porridge when he was hungry, after he had +come in from shooting buck, Baas, and got his farm and cattle, Baas, and +then went to Heaven up a ladder, Baas." + +"And who told you to buy them, Hans?" + +"Sammy, Baas, he who was your cook when we went to Pongoland, he who hid +in the mealie-pit when the slavers burned Beza-Town and came out half +cooked like a fowl from the oven. The Baas Jacob stopped at Sammy's +hotel, Baas, and told him that unless he bought bits of paper like this, +of which he had plenty, you would be brought before the magistrate and +sent to the _trunk_, Baas. So Sammy bought some, Baas, but not many for +he had only a little money, and the Baas Jacob paid him for all he ate +and drank with other bits of paper. Then Sammy came to me and showed me +what it was my duty to do, reminding me that your reverend father, the +Predikant, had left you in my charge till one of us dies, whether you +were well or ill and whether you got better or got worse--just like a +white wife, Baas. So I sold the farm and the cattle to a friend of the +Baas Jacob's, at a very low price, Baas, and that is all the story." + +I heard and, to tell the honest truth, almost I wept, since the thought +of the sacrifice which this poor old Hottentot had made for my sake on +the instigation of a rogue utterly overwhelmed me. + +"Hans," I asked recovering myself, "tell me what was that new name which +the Zulu captain Mavovo gave you before he died, I mean after you had +fired Beza-Town and caught Hassan and his slavers in their own trap?" + +Hans, who had suddenly found something that interested him extremely +out at sea, perhaps because he did not wish to witness my grief, turned +round slowly and answered: + +"Mavovo named me Light-in-Darkness, and by that name the s know me +now, Baas, though some of them call me Lord-of-the-Fire." + +"Then Mavovo named you well, for indeed, Hans, you shine like a light in +the darkness of my heart. I whom you think wise am but a fool, Hans, who +has been tricked by a _vernuker_, a common cheat, and he has tricked you +and Sammy as well. But as he has shown me that man can be very vile, you +have shown me that he can be very noble; and, setting the one against +the other, my spirit that was in the dust rises up once more like a +withered flower after rain. Light-in-Darkness, although if I had ten +thousand pounds I could never pay you back--since what you have given +me is more than all the gold in the world and all the land and all the +cattle--yet with honour and with love I will try to pay you," and I held +out my hand to him. + +He took it and pressed it against his wrinkled old forehead, then +answered: + +"Talk no more of that, Baas, for it makes me sad, who am so happy. How +often have you forgiven me when I have done wrong? How often have you +not flogged me when I should have been flogged for being drunk and other +things--yes, even when once I stole some of your powder and sold it to +buy square-face gin, though it is true I knew it was bad powder, not fit +for you to use? Did I thank you then overmuch? Why therefore should you +thank me who have done but a little thing, not really to help you but +because, as you know, I love gambling, and was told that this bit of +paper would soon be worth much more than I gave for it. If it had proved +so, should I have given you that money? No, I should have kept it myself +and bought a bigger farm and more cattle." + +"Hans," I said sternly, "if you lie so hard, you will certainly go to +hell, as the Predikant, my father, often told you." + +"Not if I lie for you, Baas, or if I do it doesn't matter, except that +then we should be separated by the big kloof written of in the Book, +especially as there I should meet the Baas Jacob, as I very much want to +do for a reason of my own." + +Not wishing to pursue this somewhat unchristian line of thought, I +inquired of him why he felt happy. + +"Oh! Baas," he answered with a twinkle in his little black eyes, "can't +you guess why? Now you have very little money left and I have none at +all. Therefore it is plain that we must go somewhere to earn money, +and I am glad of that, Baas, for I am tired of sitting on that farm out +there and growing mealies and milking cows, especially as I am too old +to marry, Baas, as you are tired of looking for gold where there isn't +any and singing sad songs in that house of meeting yonder like you did +this afternoon. Oh! the Great Father in the skies knew what He was about +when He sent the Baas Jacob our way. He beat us for our good, Baas, as +He does always if we could only understand." + +I reflected to myself that I had not often heard the doctrine of the +Church better or more concisely put, but I only said: + +"That is true, Hans, and I thank you for the lesson, the second you have +taught me to-day. But where are we to go to, Hans? Remember, it must be +elephants." + +He suggested some places; indeed he seemed to have come provided with a +list of them, and I sat silent making no comment. At length he finished +and squatted there before me, chewing a bit of tobacco I had given him, +and looking up at me interrogatively with his head on one side, for all +the world like a dilapidated and inquisitive bird. + +"Hans," I said, "do you remember a story I told you when you came to see +me a year or more ago, about a tribe called the Kendah in whose country +there is said to be a great cemetery of elephants which travel there +to die from all the land about? A country that lies somewhere to the +north-east of the lake island on which the Pongo used to dwell?" + +"Yes, Baas." + +"And you said, I think, that you had never heard of such a people." + +"No, Baas, I never said anything at all. I have heard a good deal about +them." + +"Then why did you not tell me so before, you little idiot?" I asked +indignantly. + +"What was the good, Baas? You were hunting gold then, not ivory. Why +should I make you unhappy, and waste my own breath by talking about +beautiful things which were far beyond the reach of either of us, far as +that sky?" + +"Don't ask fool's questions but tell me what you know, Hans. Tell me at +once." + +"This, Baas: When we were up at Beza-Town after we came back from +killing the gorilla-god, and the Baas Stephen your friend lay sick, and +there was nothing else to do, I talked with everyone I could find worth +talking to, and they were not many, Baas. But there was one very old +woman who was not of the Mazitu race and whose husband and children +were all dead, but whom the people in the town looked up to and feared +because she was wise and made medicines out of herbs, and told fortunes. +I used to go to see her. She was quite blind, Baas, and fond of talking +with me--which shows how wise she was. I told her all about the Pongo +gorilla-god, of which already she knew something. When I had done she +said that he was as nothing compared with a certain god that she +had seen in her youth, seven tens of years ago, when she became +marriageable. I asked her for that story, and she spoke it thus: + +"Far away to the north and east live a people called the Kendah, who are +ruled over by a sultan. They are a very great people and inhabit a most +fertile country. But all round their country the land is desolate and +manless, peopled only by game, for the reason that they will suffer none +to dwell there. That is why nobody knows anything about them: he that +comes across the wilderness into that land is killed and never returns +to tell of it. + +"She told me also that she was born of this people, but fled because +their sultan wished to place her in his house of women, which she did +not desire. For a long while she wandered southwards, living on roots +and berries, till she came to desert land and at last, worn out, lay +down to die. Then she was found by some of the Mazitu who were on an +expedition seeking ostrich feathers for war-plumes. They gave her food +and, seeing that she was fair, brought her back to their country, where +one of them married her. But of her own land she uttered only lying +words to them because she feared that if she told the truth the gods who +guard its secrets would be avenged on her, though now when she was near +to death she dreaded them no more, since even the Kendah gods cannot +swim through the waters of death. That is all she said about her journey +because she had forgotten the rest." + +"Bother her journey, Hans. What did she say about her god and the Kendah +people?" + +"This, Baas: that the Kendah have not one god but two, and not one ruler +but two. They have a good god who is a child-fetish" (here I started) +"that speaks through the mouth of an oracle who is always a woman. If +that woman dies the god does not speak until they find another woman +bearing certain marks which show that she holds the spirit of the god. +Before the woman dies she always tells the priests in what land they are +to look for her who is to come after her; but sometimes they cannot find +her and then trouble falls because 'the Child has lost its tongue,' and +the people become the prey of the other god that never dies." + +"And what is that god, Hans?" + +"That god, Baas, is an elephant" (here I started again), "a very bad +elephant to which human sacrifice is offered. I think, Baas, that it is +the devil wearing the shape of an elephant, at least that is what she +said. Now the sultan is a worshipper of the god that dwells in the +elephant Jana" (here I positively whistled) "and so are most of the +people, indeed all those among them who are black. For once far away +in the beginning the Kendah were two peoples, but the lighter- +people who worshipped the Child came down from the north and conquered +the black people, bringing the Child with them, or so I understood her, +Baas, thousands and thousands of years ago when the world was young. +Since then they have flowed on side by side like two streams in the same +channel, never mixing, for each keeps its own colour. Only, she said, +that stream which comes from the north grows weaker and that from the +south more strong." + +"Then why does not the strong swallow up the weak?" + +"Because the weak are still the pure and the wise, Baas, or so the old +vrouw declared. Because they worship the good while the others worship +the devil, and as your father the Predikant used to say, Good is the +cock which always wins the fight at the last, Baas. Yes, when he seems +to be dead he gets up again and kicks the devil in the stomach and +stands on him and crows, Baas. Also these northern folk are mighty +magicians. Through their Child-fetish they give rain and fat seasons and +keep away sickness, whereas Jana gives only evil gifts that have to do +with cruelty and war and so forth. Lastly, the priests who rule through +the Child have the secrets of wealth and ancient knowledge, whereas the +sultan and his followers have only the might of the spear. This was the +song which the old woman sang to me, Baas." + +"Why did you not tell me of these matters when we were at Beza-Town and +I could have talked with her myself, Hans?" + +"For two reasons, Baas. The first was that I feared, if I told you, +you would wish to go on to find these people, whereas I was tired of +travelling and wanted to come to Natal to rest. The second was that +on the night when the old woman finished telling me her story, she was +taken sick and died, and therefore it would have been no use to bring +you to see her. So I saved it up in my head until it was wanted. +Moreover, Baas, all the Mazitu declared that old woman to be the +greatest of liars." + +"She was not altogether a liar, Hans. Hear what I have learned," and I +told him of the magic of Harut and Marut and of the picture that I had +seemed to see of the elephant Jana and of the prayer that Harut and +Marut had made to me, to all of which he listened quite stolidly. It is +not easy to astonish a Hottentot's brain, which often draws no accurate +dividing-line between the possible and what the modern world holds to be +impossible. + +"Yes, Baas," he said when I had finished, "then it seems that the old +woman was not such a liar after all. Baas, when shall we start after +that hoard of dead ivory, and which way will you go? By Kilwa or through +Zululand? It should be settled soon because of the seasons." + +After this we talked together for a long while, for with pockets as +empty as mine were then, the problem seemed difficult, if not insoluble. + + + +CHAPTER VII + +LORD RAGNALL'S STORY + +That night Hans slept at my house, or rather outside of it in the +garden, or upon the stoep, saying that he feared arrest if he went to +the town, because of his quarrel with the white man. As it happened, +however, the other party concerned never stirred further in the +business, probably because he was too drunk to remember who had knocked +him into the sluit or whether he had gravitated thither by accident. + +On the following morning we renewed our discussion, debating in detail +every possible method of reaching the Kendah people by help of such +means as we could command. Like that of the previous night it proved +somewhat abortive. Obviously such a long and hazardous expedition ought +to be properly financed and--where was the money? At length I came +to the conclusion that if we went at all it would be best, in the +circumstances, for Hans and myself to start alone with a Scotch cart +drawn by oxen and driven by a couple of Zulu hunters, which we could +lade with ammunition and a few necessaries. + +Thus lightly equipped we might work through Zululand and thence +northward to Beza-Town, the capital of the Mazitu, where we were sure of +a welcome. After that we must take our chance. It was probable that +we should never reach the district where these Kendah were supposed to +dwell, but at least I might be able to kill some elephants in the wild +country beyond Zululand. + +While we were talking I heard the gun fired which announced the arrival +of the English mail, and stepping to the end of the garden, saw the +steamer lying at anchor outside the bar. Then I went indoors to write a +few business letters which, since I had become immersed in the affairs +of that unlucky gold mine, had grown to be almost a daily task with me. +I had got through several with many groanings, for none were agreeable +in their tenor, when Hans poked his head through the window in a silent +kind of a way as a big snake might do, and said: "Baas, I think there +are two baases out on the road there who are looking for you. Very fine +baases whom I don't know." + +"Shareholders in the Bona Fide Gold Mine," thought I to myself, then +added as I prepared to leave through the back door: "If they come here +tell them I am not at home. Tell them I left early this morning for the +Congo River to look for the sources of the Nile." + +"Yes, Baas," said Hans, collapsing on to the stoep. + +I went out through the back door, sorrowing that I, Allan Quatermain, +should have reached a rung in the ladder of life whence I shrank from +looking any stranger in the face, for fear of what he might have to say +to me. Then suddenly my pride asserted itself. After all what was there +of which I should be ashamed? I would face these irate shareholders as I +had faced the others yesterday. + +I walked round the little house to the front garden which was planted +with orange trees, and up to a big moonflower bush, I believe _datura_ +is its right name, that grew near the pomegranate hedge which separated +my domain from the road. There a conversation was in progress, if so it +may be called. + +"_Ikona_" (that is: "I don't know"), "_Inkoosi_" (i.e. "Chief"), said +some in a stupid drawl. + +Thereon a voice that instantly struck me as familiar, answered: + +"We want to know where the great hunter lives." + +"_Ikona_," said the . + +"Can't you remember his native name?" asked another voice which was also +familiar to me, for I never forget voices though I am unable to place +them at once. + +"The great hunter, Here-come-a-zany," said the first voice triumphantly, +and instantly there flashed back upon my mind a vision of the splendid +drawing-room at Ragnall Castle and of an imposing majordomo introducing +into it two white-robed, Arab-looking men. + +"Mr. Savage, by the Heavens!" I muttered. "What in the name of goodness +is he doing here?" + +"There," said the second voice, "your black friend has bolted, and no +wonder, for who can be called by such a name? If you had done what I +told you, Savage, and hired a white guide, it would have saved us a lot +of trouble. Why will you always think that you know better than anyone +else?" + +"Seemed an unnecessary expense, my lord, considering we are travelling +incog., my lord." + +"How long shall we travel 'incog.' if you persist in calling me my lord +at the top of your voice, Savage? There is a house beyond those trees; +go in and ask where----" + +By this time I had reached the gate which I opened, remarking quietly, + +"How do you do, Lord Ragnall? How do you do, Mr. Savage? I thought that +I recognized your voices on the road and came to see if I was right. +Please walk in; that is, if it is I whom you wish to visit." + +As I spoke I studied them both, and observed that while Savage +looked much the same, although slightly out of place in these strange +surroundings, the time that had passed since we met had changed Lord +Ragnall a good deal. He was still a magnificent-looking man, one of +those whom no one that had seen him would ever forget, but now his +handsome face was stamped with some new seal of suffering. I felt at +once that he had become acquainted with grief. The shadow in his dark +eyes and a certain worn expression about the mouth told me that this was +so. + +"Yes, Quatermain," he said as he took my hand, "it is you whom I have +travelled seven thousand miles to visit, and I thank God that I have +been so fortunate as to find you. I feared lest you might be dead, or +perhaps far away in the centre of Africa where I should never be able to +track you down." + +"A week later perhaps you would not have found me, Lord Ragnall," I +answered, "but as it happens misfortune has kept me here." + +"And misfortune has brought me here, Quatermain." + +Then before I had time to answer Savage came up and we went into the +house. + +"You are just in time for lunch," I said, "and as luck will have it +there is a good rock cod and a leg of oribe buck for you to eat. Boy, +set two more places." + +"One more place, if you please, sir," said Savage. "I should prefer to +take my food afterwards." + +"You will have to get over that in Africa," I muttered. Still I let him +have his way, with the result that presently the strange sight was seen +of the magnificent English majordomo standing behind my chair in +the little room and handing round the square-face as though it were +champagne. It was a spectacle that excited the greatest interest in my +primitive establishment and caused Hans with some native hangers-on +to gather at the window. However, Lord Ragnall took it as a matter of +course and I thought it better not to interfere. + +When we had finished we went on to the stoep to smoke, leaving Savage +to eat his dinner, and I asked Lord Ragnall where his luggage was. He +replied that he had left it at the Customs. "Then," I said, "I will send +a native with Savage to arrange about getting it up here. If you do not +mind my rough accommodation there is a room for you, and your man can +pitch a tent in the garden." + +After some demur he accepted with gratitude, and a little later Savage +and the native were sent off with a note to a man who hired out a +mule-cart. + +"Now," I said when the gate had shut behind them, "will you tell me why +you have come to Africa?" + +"Disaster," he replied. "Disaster of the worst sort." + +"Is your wife dead, Lord Ragnall?" + +"I do not know. I almost hope that she is. At any rate she is lost to +me." + +An idea leapt to my mind to the effect that she might have run away with +somebody else, a thing which often happens in the world. But fortunately +I kept it to myself and only said, + +"She was nearly lost once before, was she not?" + +"Yes, when you saved her. Oh! if only you had been with us, Quatermain, +this would never have happened. Listen: About eighteen months ago she +had a son, a very beautiful child. She recovered well from the business +and we were as happy as two mortals could be, for we loved each other, +Quatermain, and God has blessed us in every way; we were so happy that +I remember her telling me that our great good fortune made her feel +afraid. One day last September when I was out shooting, she drove in a +little pony cart we had, with the nurse, and the child but no man, to +call on Mrs. Scroope who also had been recently confined. She often went +out thus, for the pony was an old animal and quiet as a sheep. + +"By some cursed trick of fate it chanced that when they were passing +through the little town which you may remember near Ragnall, they met a +travelling menagerie that was going to some new encampment. At the head +of the procession marched a large bull elephant, which I discovered +afterwards was an ill-tempered brute that had already killed a man and +should never have been allowed upon the roads. The sight of the pony +cart, or perhaps a red cloak which my wife was wearing, as she always +liked bright colours, for some unknown reason seems to have infuriated +this beast, which trumpeted. The pony becoming frightened wheeled round +and overturned the cart right in front of the animal, but apparently +without hurting anybody. Then"--here he paused a moment and with +an effort continued--"that devil in beast's shape cocked its ears, +stretched out its long trunk, dragged the baby from the nurse's arms, +whirled it round and threw it high into the air, to fall crushed upon +the kerb. It sniffed at the body of the child, feeling it over with the +tip of its trunk, as though to make sure that it was dead. Next, once +more it trumpeted triumphantly, and without attempting to harm my wife +or anybody else, walked quietly past the broken cart and continued its +journey, until outside the town it was made fast and shot." + +"What an awful story!" I said with a gasp. + +"Yes, but there is worse to follow. My poor wife went off her head, with +the shock I suppose, for no physical injury could be found upon her. She +did not suffer in health or become violent, quite the reverse indeed +for her gentleness increased. She just went off her head. For hours at +a time she would sit silent and smiling, playing with the stones of that +red necklace which those conjurers gave her, or rather counting them, +as a nun might do with the beads of her rosary. At times, however, she +would talk, but always to the baby, as though it lay before her or she +were nursing it. Oh! Quatermain, it was pitiful, pitiful! + +"I did everything I could. She was seen by three of the greatest +brain-doctors in England, but none of them was able to help. The only +hope they gave was that the fit might pass off as suddenly as it had +come. They said too that a thorough change of scene would perhaps be +beneficial, and suggested Egypt; that was in October. I did not take +much to the idea, I don't know why, and personally should not have +acceded to it had it not been for a curious circumstance. The last +consultation took place in the big drawing-room at Ragnall. When it was +over my wife remained with her mother at one end of the room while I and +the doctors talked together at the other, as I thought quite out of her +earshot. Presently, however, she called to me, saying in a perfectly +clear and natural voice: + +"'Yes, George, I will go to Egypt. I should like to go to Egypt.' Then +she went on playing with the necklace and talking to the imaginary +child. + +"Again on the following morning as I came into her room to kiss her, she +exclaimed, + +"'When do we start for Egypt? Let it be soon.' + +"With these sayings the doctors were very pleased, declaring that they +showed signs of a returning interest in life and begging me not to +thwart her wish. + +"So I gave way and in the end we went to Egypt together with Lady +Longden, who insisted upon accompanying us although she is a wretched +sailor. At Cairo a large dahabeeyah that I had hired in advance, manned +by an excellent crew and a guard of four soldiers, was awaiting us. In +it we started up the Nile. For a month or more all went well; also to +my delight my wife seemed now and again to show signs of returning +intelligence. Thus she took some interest in the sculptures on the walls +of the temples, about which she had been very fond of reading when in +health. I remember that only a few days before the--the catastrophe, +she pointed out one of them to me, it was of Isis and the infant Horus, +saying, 'Look, George, the holy Mother and the holy Child,' and then +bowed to it reverently as she might have done to an altar. At length +after passing the First Cataract and the Island of Philae we came to +the temple of Abu Simbel, opposite to which our boat was moored. On the +following morning we explored the temple at daybreak and saw the sun +strike upon the four statues which sit at its farther end, spending +the rest of that day studying the colossal figures of Rameses that are +carved upon its face and watching some cavalcades of Arabs mounted upon +camels travelling along the banks of the Nile. + +"My wife was unusually quiet that afternoon. For hour after hour she sat +still upon the deck, gazing first at the mouth of the rock-hewn temple +and the mighty figures which guard it and then at the surrounding +desert. Only once did I hear her speak and then she said, 'Beautiful, +beautiful! Now I am at home.' We dined and as there was no moon, went +to bed rather early after listening to the Sudanese singers as they sang +one of their weird chanties. + +"My wife and her mother slept together in the state cabin of the +dahabeeyah, which was at the stern of the boat. My cabin, a small one, +was on one side of this, and that of the trained nurse on the other. The +crew and the guard were forward of the saloon. A gangway was fixed from +the side to the shore and over it a sentry stood, or was supposed to +stand. During the night a Khamsin wind began to blow, though lightly as +was to be expected at this season of the year. I did not hear it for, as +a matter of fact, I slept very soundly, as it appears did everyone else +upon the dahabeeyah, including the sentry as I suspect. + +"The first thing I remember was the appearance of Lady Longden just +at daybreak at the doorway of my cabin and the frightened sound of her +voice asking if Luna, that is my wife, was with me. Then it transpired +that she had left her cabin clad in a fur cloak, evidently some +time before, as the bed in which she had been lying was quite cold. +Quatermain, we searched everywhere; we searched for four days, but from +that hour to this no trace whatever of her has been found." + +"Have you any theory?" I asked. + +"Yes, or at least all the experts whom we consulted have a theory. It is +that she slipped down the saloon in the dark, gained the deck and thence +fell or threw herself into the Nile, which of course would have carried +her body away. As you may have heard, the Nile is full of bodies. I +myself saw two of them during that journey. The Egyptian police +and others were so convinced that this was what had happened that, +notwithstanding the reward of a thousand pounds which I offered for any +valuable information, they could scarcely be persuaded to continue the +search." + +"You said that a wind was blowing and I understand that the shores are +sandy, so I suppose that all footprints would have been filled in?" + +He nodded and I went on. "What is your own belief? Do you think she was +drowned?" + +He countered my query with another of: + +"What do _you_ think?" + +"I? Oh! although I have no right to say so, I don't think at all. I +am quite sure that she was _not_ drowned; that she is living at this +moment." + +"Where?" + +"As to that you had better inquire of our friends, Harut and Marut," I +answered dryly. + +"What have you to go on, Quatermain? There is no clue." + +"On the contrary I hold that there are a good many clues. The whole +English part of the story in which we were concerned, and the threats +those mysterious persons uttered are the first and greatest of these +clues. The second is the fact that your hiring of the dahabeeyah +regardless of expense was known a long time before your arrival in +Egypt, for I suppose you did so in your own name, which is not +exactly that of Smith or Brown. The third is your wife's sleep-walking +propensities, which would have made it quite easy for her to be drawn +ashore under some kind of mesmeric influence. The fourth is that you had +seen Arabs mounted on camels upon the banks of the Nile. The fifth is +the heavy sleep you say held everybody on board that particular night, +which suggests to me that your food may have been drugged. The sixth is +the apathy displayed by those employed in the search, which suggests to +me that some person or persons in authority may have been bribed, as is +common in the East, or perhaps frightened with threats of bewitchment. +The seventh is that a night was chosen when a wind blew which would +obliterate all spoor whether of men or of swiftly travelling camels. +These are enough to begin with, though doubtless if I had time to think +I could find others. You must remember too that although the journey +would be long, this country of the Kendah can doubtless be reached +from the Sudan by those who know the road, as well as from southern or +eastern Africa." + +"Then you think that my wife has been kidnapped by those villains, Harut +and Marut?" + +"Of course, though villains is a strong term to apply to them. They +might be quite honest men according to their peculiar lights, as indeed +I expect they are. Remember that they serve a god or a fetish, or +rather, as they believe, a god _in_ a fetish, who to them doubtless is +a very terrible master, especially when, as I understand, that god is +threatened by a rival god." + +"Why do you say that, Quatermain?" + +By way of answer I repeated to him the story which Hans said he had +heard from the old woman at Beza, the town of the Mazitu. Lord Ragnall +listened with the deepest interest, then said in an agitated voice: + +"That is a very strange tale, but has it struck you, Quatermain, that +if your suppositions are correct, one of the most terrible circumstances +connected with my case is that our child should have chanced to come to +its dreadful death through the wickedness of an elephant?" + +"That curious coincidence has struck me most forcibly, Lord Ragnall. +At the same time I do not see how it can be set down as more than +a coincidence, since the elephant which slaughtered your child was +certainly not that called Jana. To suppose because there is a war +between an elephant-god and a child-god somewhere in the heart of +Africa, that therefore another elephant can be so influenced that it +kills a child in England, is to my mind out of all reason." + +That is what I said to him, as I did not wish to introduce a new horror +into an affair that was already horrible enough. But, recollecting that +these priests, Harut and Marut, believed the mother of this murdered +infant to be none other than the oracle of their worship (though how +this chanced passed my comprehension), and therefore the great enemy +of the evil elephant-god, I confess that at heart I felt afraid. If any +powers of magic, black or white or both, were mixed up with the matter +as my experiences in England seemed to suggest, who could say what might +be their exact limits? As, however, it has been demonstrated again and +again by the learned that no such thing as African magic exists, this +line of thought appeared to be too foolish to follow. So passing it by I +asked Lord Ragnall to continue. + +"For over a month," he went on, "I stopped in Egypt waiting till +emissaries who had been sent to the chiefs of various tribes in the +Sudan and elsewhere, returned with the news that nothing whatsoever had +been seen of a white woman travelling in the company of natives, nor +had they heard of any such woman being sold as a slave. Also through the +Khedive, on whom I was able to bring influence to bear by help of +the British Government, I caused many harems in Egypt to be visited, +entirely without result. After this, leaving the inquiry in the hands of +the British Consul and a firm of French lawyers, although in truth all +hope had gone, I returned to England whither I had already sent Lady +Longden, broken-hearted, for it occurred to me as possible that my wife +might have drifted or been taken thither. But here, too, there was no +trace of her or of anybody who could possibly answer to her description. +So at last I came to the conclusion that her bones must lie somewhere at +the bottom of the Nile, and gave way to despair." + +"Always a foolish thing to do," I remarked. + +"You will say so indeed when you hear the end, Quatermain. My +bereavement and the sleeplessness which it caused prayed upon me so +much, for now that the child was dead my wife was everything to me, +that, I will tell you the truth, my brain became affected and like Job I +cursed God in my heart and determined to die. Indeed I should have died +by my own hand, had it not been for Savage. I had procured the laudanum +and loaded the pistol with which I proposed to shoot myself immediately +after it was swallowed so that there might be no mistake. One night only +a couple of months or so ago, Quatermain, I sat in my study at Ragnall, +with the doors locked as I thought, writing a few final letters before +I did the deed. The last of them was just finished about twelve when +hearing a noise, I looked up and saw Savage standing before me. I asked +him angrily how he came there (I suppose he must have had another key to +one of the other doors) and what he wanted. Ignoring the first part of +the question he replied: + +"'My lord, I have been thinking over our trouble'--he was with us in +Egypt--'I have been thinking so much that it has got a hold of my sleep. +To-night as you said you did not want me any more and I was tired, I +went to bed early and had a dream. I dreamed that we were once more in +the shrubbery, as happened some years ago, and that the little African +gent who shot like a book, was showing us the traces of those two black +men, just as he did when they tried to steal her ladyship. Then in my +dream I seemed to go back to bed and that beastly snake which we found +lying under the parcel in the road seemed to follow me. When I had got +to sleep again, all in the dream, there it was standing on its tail +at the end of the bed, hissing till it woke me. Then it spoke in good +English and not in African as might have been expected. + +"'"Savage," it said, "get up and dress yourself and go at once and tell +his lordship to travel to Natal and find Mr. Allan Quatermain" (you may +remember that was the African gentleman's name, my lord, which, with so +many coming and going in this great house, I had quite forgotten, until +I had the dream). "Find Mr. Allan Quatermain," that slimy reptile went +on, opening and shutting its mouth for all the world like a Christian +making a speech, "for he will have something to tell him as to that +which has made a hole in his heart that is now filled with the seven +devils. Be quick, Savage, and don't stop to put on your shirt or your +tie"--I have not, my lord, as you may see. "He is shut up in the study, +but you know how to get into it. If he will not listen to you let him +look round the study and he will see something which will tell him that +this is a true dream." + +"'Then the snake vanished, seeming to wriggle down the left bottom +bed-post, and I woke up in a cold sweat, my lord, and did what it had +told me.' + +"Those were his very words, Quatermain, for I wrote them down afterwards +while they were fresh in my memory, and you see here they are in my +pocket-book. + +"Well, I answered him, rather brusquely I am afraid, for a crazed man +who is about to leave the world under such circumstances does not show +at his best when disturbed almost in the very act, to the edge of which +long agony has brought him. I told him that all his dream of snakes +seemed ridiculous, which obviously it was, and was about to send him +away, when it occurred to me that the suggestion it conveyed that I +should put myself in communication with you was not ridiculous in view +of the part you had already played in the story." + +"Very far from ridiculous," I interpolated. + +"To tell the truth," went on Lord Ragnall, "I had already thought of +doing the same thing, but somehow beneath the pressure of my imminent +grief the idea was squeezed out of my mind, perhaps because you were so +far away and I did not know if I could find you even if I tried. Pausing +for a moment before I dismissed Savage, I rose from the desk at which I +was writing and began to walk up and down the room thinking what I would +do. I am not certain if you saw it when you were at Ragnall, but it is +a large room, fifty feet long or so though not very broad. It has two +fireplaces, in both of which fires were burning on this night, and it +was lit by four standing lamps besides that upon my desk. Now between +these fireplaces, in a kind of niche in the wall, and a little in the +shadow because none of the lamps was exactly opposite to it, hung a +portrait of my wife which I had caused to be painted by a fashionable +artist when first we became engaged." + +"I remember it," I said. "Or rather, I remember its existence. I did not +see it because a curtain hung over the picture, which Savage told me +you did not wish to be looked at by anybody but yourself. At the time +I remarked to him, or rather to myself, that to veil the likeness of a +living woman in such a way seemed to me rather an ill-omened thing to +do, though why I should have thought it so I do not quite know." + +"You are quite right, Quatermain. I had that foolish fancy, a lover's +freak, I suppose. When we married the curtain was removed although the +brass rod on which it hung was left by some oversight. On my return to +England after my loss, however, I found that I could not bear to +look upon this lifeless likeness of one who had been taken from me so +cruelly, and I caused it to be replaced. I did more. In order that it +might not be disturbed by some dusting housemaid, I myself made it fast +with three or four tin-tacks which I remember I drove through the velvet +stuff into the panelling, using a fireiron as a hammer. At the time +I thought it a good job although by accident I struck the nail of the +third finger of my left hand so hard that it came off. Look, it has not +quite finished growing again," and he showed the finger on which the new +nail was still in process of formation. + +"Well, as I walked up and down the room some impulse caused me to look +towards the picture. To my astonishment I saw that it was no longer +veiled, although to the best of my belief the curtain had been drawn +over it as lately as that afternoon; indeed I could have sworn that this +was so. I called to Savage to bring the lamp that stood upon my table, +and by its light made an examination. The curtain was drawn back, very +tidily, being fastened in its place clear of the little alcove by means +of a thin brass chain. Also along one edge of it, that which I had +nailed to the panelling, the tin-tacks were still in their places; that +is, three of them were, the fourth I found afterwards upon the floor. + +"'She looks beautiful, doesn't she, my lord,' said Savage, 'and please +God so we shall still find her somewhere in the world.' + +"I did not answer him, or even remark upon the withdrawal of the +curtain, as to which indeed I never made an inquiry. I suppose that +it was done by some zealous servant while I was pretending to eat my +dinner--there were one or two new ones in the house whose names and +appearance I did not know. What impressed itself upon my mind was that +the face which I had never expected to see again on the earth, even in +a picture, was once more given to my eyes, it mattered not how. This, in +my excited state, for laudanum waiting to be swallowed and a pistol at +full cock for firing do not induce calmness in a man already almost mad, +at any rate until they have fulfilled their offices, did in truth appear +to me to be something of the nature of a sign such as that spoken of +in Savage's idiotic dream, which I was to find if 'I looked round the +study.' + +"'Savage,' I said, 'I don't think much of your dreams about snakes that +talk to you, but I do think that it might be well to see Mr. Quatermain. +To-day is Sunday and I believe that the African mail sails on Friday. Go +to town early to-morrow and book passages.' + +"Also I told him to see various gunsmiths and bid them send down a +selection of rifles and other weapons for me to choose from, as I +did not know whither we might wander in Africa, and to make further +necessary arrangements. All of these things he did, and--here we are." + +"Yes," I answered reflectively, "here you are. What is more, here is +your luggage of which there seems to be enough for a regiment," and I +pointed to a Scotch cart piled up with baggage and followed by a +long line of s carrying sundry packages upon their heads that, +marshalled by Savage, had halted at my gate. + + + +CHAPTER VIII + +THE START + +That evening when the baggage had been disposed of and locked up in my +little stable and arrangements were made for the delivery of some cases +containing tinned foods, etc., which had proved too heavy for the Scotch +cart, Lord Ragnall and I continued our conversation. First, however, we +unpacked the guns and checked the ammunition, of which there was a large +supply, with more to follow. + +A beautiful battery they were of all sorts from elephant guns down, the +most costly and best finished that money could buy at the time. It made +me shiver to think what the bill for them must have been, while their +appearance when they were put together and stood in a long line against +the wall of my sitting-room, moved old Hans to a kind of ecstasy. For a +long while he contemplated them, patting the stocks one after the other +and giving to each a name as though they were all alive, then exclaimed: + +"With such weapons as these the Baas could kill the devil himself. +Still, let the Baas bring Intombi with him"--a favourite old rifle of +mine and a mere toy in size, that had however done me good service in +the past, as those who have read what I have written in "Marie" and +"The Holy Flower" may remember. "For, Baas, after all, the wife of one's +youth often proves more to be trusted than the fine young ones a man +buys in his age. Also one knows all her faults, but who can say how +many there may be hidden up in new women however beautifully they are +tattooed?" and he pointed to the elaborate engraving upon the guns. + +I translated this speech to Lord Ragnall. It made him laugh, at which +I was glad for up till then I had not seen him even smile. I should +add that in addition to these sporting weapons there were no fewer than +fifty military rifles of the best make, they were large-bore Sniders +that had just then been put upon the market, and with them, packed in +tin cases, a great quantity of ammunition. Although the regulations +were not so strict then as they are now, I met with a great deal of +difficulty in getting all this armament through the Customs. Lord +Ragnall however had letters from the Colonial Office to such authorities +as ruled in Natal, and on our giving a joint undertaking that they were +for defensive purposes only in unexplored territory and not for sale, +they were allowed through. Fortunate did it prove for us in after days +that this matter was arranged. + +That night before we went to bed I narrated to Lord Ragnall all the +history of our search for the Holy Flower, which he seemed to find very +entertaining. Also I told him of my adventures, to me far more terrible, +as chairman of the Bona Fide Gold Mine and of their melancholy end. + +"The lesson of which is," he remarked when I had finished, "that because +a man is master of one trade, it does not follow that he is master of +another. You are, I should judge, one of the finest shots in the +world, you are also a great hunter and explorer. But when it comes to +companies, Quatermain----! Still," he went on, "I ought to be grateful +to that Bona Fide Gold Mine, since I gather that had it not been for +it and for your rascally friend, Mr. Jacob, I should not have found you +here." + +"No," I answered, "it is probable that you would not, as by this time +I might have been far in the interior where a man cannot be traced and +letters do not reach him." + +Then he made a few pointed inquiries about the affairs of the mine, +noting my answers down in his pocket-book. I thought this odd but +concluded that he wished to verify my statements before entering into +a close companionship with me, since for aught he knew I might be the +largest liar in the world and a swindler to boot. So I said nothing, +even when I heard through a roundabout channel on the morrow that he had +sought an interview with the late secretary of the defunct company. + +A few days later, for I may as well finish with this matter at once, the +astonishing object of these inquiries was made clear to me. One morning +I found upon my table a whole pile of correspondence, at the sight +of which I groaned, feeling sure that it must come from duns and be +connected with that infernal mine. Curiosity and a desire to face the +worst, however, led me to open the first letter which as it happened +proved to be from that very shareholder who had proposed a vote of +confidence in me at the winding-up meeting. By the time that it was +finished my eyes were swimming and really I felt quite faint. It ran: + +"Honoured Sir,--I knew that I was putting my money on the right horse +when I said the other day that you were one of the straightest that ever +ran. Well, I have got the cheque sent me by the lawyer on your account, +being payment in full for every farthing I invested in the Bona Fide +Gold Mine, and I can only say that it is uncommonly useful, for that +business had pretty well cleaned me out. God bless you, Mr. Quatermain." + +I opened another letter, and another, and another. They were all to the +same effect. Bewildered I went on to the stoep, where I found Hans with +an epistle in his hand which he requested me to be good enough to read. +I read it. It was from a well-known firm of local lawyers and said: + +"On behalf of Allan Quatermain, Esq., we beg to enclose a draft for +the sum of L650, being the value of the interest in the Bona Fide Gold +Company, Limited (in liquidation), which stands in your name on the +books of the company. Please sign enclosed receipt and return same to +us." + +Yes, and there was the draft for L650 sterling! + +I explained the matter to Hans, or rather I translated the document, +adding: + +"You see you have got your money back again. But Hans, I never sent it; +I don't know where it comes from." + +"Is it money, Baas?" asked Hans, surveying the draft with suspicion. "It +looks very much like the other bit of paper for which I paid money." + +Again I explained, reiterating that I knew nothing of the transaction. + +"Well, Baas," he said, "if you did not send it someone did--perhaps +your father the reverend Predikant, who sees that you are in trouble and +wishes to wash your name white again. Meanwhile, Baas, please put that +bit of paper in your pocket-book and keep it for me, for otherwise I +might be tempted to buy square-face with it." + +"No," I answered, "you can now buy your land back, or some other land, +and there will be no need for you to come with me to the country of the +Kendah." + +Hans thought a moment and then very deliberately began to tear up the +draft; indeed I was only just in time to save it from destruction. + +"If the Baas is going to turn me off because of this paper," he said, "I +will make it small and eat it." + +"You silly old fool," I said as I possessed myself of the cheque. + +Then the conversation was interrupted, for who should appear but Sammy, +my old cook, who began in his pompous language: + +"The perfect rectitude of your conduct, Mr. Quatermain, moves me to the +deepest gratitude, though indeed I wish that I had put something into +the food of the knave Jacob who beguiled us all, that would have caused +him internal pangs of a severe if not of a dangerous order. My holding +in the gold mine was not extensive, but the unpaid bill of the said +Jacob and his friends----" + +Here I cut him short and fled, since I saw yet another shareholder +galloping to the gate, and behind him two more in a spider. First I took +refuge in my room, my idea being to put away that pile of letters. In so +doing I observed that there was one still unopened. Half mechanically +I took it from the envelope and glanced at its contents. They were +word for word identical with those of that addressed to "Mr. Hans, +Hottentot," only my name was at the bottom of it instead of that of Hans +and the cheque was for L1,500, the amount I had paid for the shares I +held in the venture. + +Feeling as though my brain were in a melting-pot, I departed from the +house into a patch of native bush that in those days still grew upon the + of the hill behind. Here I sat myself down, as I had often +done before when there was a knotty point to be considered, aimlessly +watching a lovely emerald cuckoo flashing, a jewel of light, from tree +to tree, while I turned all this fairy-godmother business over in my +mind. + +Of course it soon became clear to me. Lord Ragnall in this case was +the little old lady with the wand, the touch of which could convert +worthless share certificates into bank-notes of their face value. I +remembered now that his wealth was said to be phenomenal and after +all the cash capital of the company was quite small. But the question +was--could I accept his bounty? + +I returned to the house where the first person whom I met was Lord +Ragnall himself, just arrived from some interview about the fifty Snider +rifles, which were still in bond. I told him solemnly that I wished to +speak to him, whereon he remarked in a cheerful voice, + +"Advance, friend, and all's well!" + +I don't know that I need set out the details of the interview. He +waited till I had got through my halting speech of mingled gratitude and +expostulation, then remarked: + +"My friend, if you will allow me to call you so, it is quite true that I +have done this because I wished to do it. But it is equally true that to +me it is a small thing--to be frank, scarcely a month's income; what I +have saved travelling on that ship to Natal would pay for it all. Also +I have weighed my own interest in the matter, for I am anxious that you +should start upon this hazardous journey of ours up country with a mind +absolutely free from self-reproach or any money care, for thus you will +be able to do me better service. Therefore I beg that you will say no +more of the episode. I have only one thing to add, namely that I have +myself bought up at par value a few of the debentures. The price of them +will pay the lawyers and the liquidation fees; moreover they give me a +status as a shareholder which will enable me to sue Mr. Jacob for his +fraud, to which business I have already issued instructions. For please +understand that I have not paid off any shares still standing in his +name or in those of his friends." + +Here I may add that nothing ever came of this action, for the lawyers +found themselves unable to serve any writ upon that elusive person, +Mr. Jacob, who by then had probably adopted the name of some other +patriarch. + +"Please put it all down as a rich man's whim," he concluded. + +"I can't call that a whim which has returned L1,500 odd to my pocket +that I had lost upon a gamble, Lord Ragnall." + +"Do you remember, Quatermain, how you won L250 upon a gamble at my place +and what you did with it, which sum probably represented to you twenty +or fifty times what it would to me? Also if that argument does not +appeal to you, may I remark that I do not expect you to give me your +services as a professional hunter and guide for nothing." + +"Ah!" I answered, fixing on this point and ignoring the rest, "now +we come to business. If I may look upon this amount as salary, a very +handsome salary by the way, paid in advance, you taking the risks of my +dying or becoming incapacitated before it is earned, I will say no more +of the matter. If not I must refuse to accept what is an unearned gift." + +"I confess, Quatermain, that I did not regard it in that light, though I +might have been willing to call it a retaining fee. However, do not let +us wrangle about money any more. We can always settle our accounts when +the bill is added up, if ever we reach so far. Now let us come to more +important details." + +So we fell to discussing the scheme, route and details of our proposed +journey. Expenditure being practically no object, there were several +plans open to us. We might sail up the coast and go by Kilwa, as I had +done on the search for the Holy Flower, or we might retrace the line of +our retreat from the Mazitu country which ran through Zululand. Again, +we might advance by whatever road we selected with a small army of +drilled and disciplined retainers, trusting to force to break a way +through to the Kendah. Or we might go practically unaccompanied, relying +on our native wit and good fortune to attain our ends. Each of these +alternatives had so much to recommend it and yet presented so many +difficulties, that after long hours of discussion, for this talk was +renewed again and again, I found it quite impossible to decide upon +any one of them, especially as in the end Lord Ragnall always left the +choice with its heavy responsibilities to me. + +At length in despair I opened the window and whistled twice on a certain +low note. A minute later Hans shuffled in, shaking the wet off the new +corduroy clothes which he had bought upon the strength of his return to +affluence, for it was raining outside, and squatted himself down upon +the floor at a little distance. In the shadow of the table which cut off +the light from the hanging lamp he looked, I remember, exactly like +an enormous and antique toad. I threw him a piece of tobacco which he +thrust into his corn-cob pipe and lit with a match. + +"The Baas called me," he said when it was drawing to his satisfaction, +"what does Baas want of Hans?" + +"Light in darkness!" I replied, playing on his native name, and +proceeded to set out the whole case to him. + +He listened without a word, then asked for a small glass of gin, which +I gave him doubtfully. Having swallowed this at a gulp as though it were +water, he delivered himself briefly to this effect: + +"I think the Baas will do well not to go to Kilwa, since it means +waiting for a ship, or hiring one; also there may be more slave-traders +there by now who will bear him no love because of a lesson he taught +them a while ago. On the other hand the road through Zululand is open, +though it be long, and there the name of Macumazana is one well known. +I think also that the Baas would do well not to take too many men, who +make marching slow, only a wagon or two and some drivers which might be +sent back when they can go no farther. From Zululand messengers can be +dispatched to the Mazitu, who love you, and Bausi or whoever is king +there to-day will order bearers to meet us on the road, until which time +we can hire other bearers in Zululand. The old woman at Beza-Town told +me, moreover, as you will remember, that the Kendah are a very great +people who live by themselves and will allow none to enter their land, +which is bordered by deserts. Therefore no force that you could take +with you and feed upon a road without water would be strong enough to +knock down their gates like an elephant, and it seems better that you +should try to creep through them like a wise snake, although they appear +to be shut in your face. Perhaps also they will not be shut since did +you not say that two of their great doctors promised to meet you and +guide you through them?" + +"Yes," I interrupted, "I dare say it will be easier to get in than to +get out of Kendahland." + +"Last of all, Baas, if you take many men armed with guns, the black part +of the Kendah people of whom I told you will perhaps think you come to +make war, whatever the white Kendah may say, and kill us all, whereas if +we be but a few perchance they will let us pass in peace. I think that +is all, Baas. Let the Baas and the Lord Igeza forgive me if my words are +foolish." + +Here I should explain that "Igeza" was the name which the natives +had given to Lord Ragnall because of his appearance. The word means a +handsome person in the Zulu tongue. Savage they called "Bena," I don't +know why. "Bena" in Zulu means to push out the breast and it may be +that the name was a round-about allusion to the proud appearance of the +dignified Savage, or possibly it had some other recondite signification. +At any rate Lord Ragnall, Hans and myself knew the splendid Savage +thenceforward by the homely appellation of Beans. His master said it +suited him very well because he was so green. + +"The advice seems wise, Hans. Go now. No, no more gin," I answered. + +As a matter of fact careful consideration convinced us it was so wise +that we acted on it down to the last detail. + + + +So it came about that one fine afternoon about a fortnight later, for +hurry as we would our preparations took a little time, we trekked for +Zululand over the sandy roads that ran from the outskirts of Durban. +Our baggage and stores were stowed in two half-tented wagons, very good +wagons since everything we had with us was the best that money could +buy, the after-part of which served us as sleeping-places at night. +Hans sat on the _voor-kisse_ or driving-seat of one of the wagons; Lord +Ragnall, Savage and I were mounted upon "salted" horses, that is, horses +which had recovered from and were therefore supposed to be proof against +the dreadful sickness, valuable and docile animals which were trained to +shooting. + +At our start a little contretemps occurred. To my amazement I saw +Savage, who insisted upon continuing to wear his funereal upper +servant's cut-away coat, engaged with grim determination in mounting his +steed from the wrong side. He got into the saddle somehow, but there +was worse to follow. The horse, astonished at such treatment, bolted +a little way, Savage sawing at its mouth. Lord Ragnall and I cantered +after it past the wagons, fearing disaster. All of a sudden it swerved +violently and Savage flew into the air, landing heavily in a sitting +posture. + +"Poor Beans!" ejaculated Lord Ragnall as we sped forward. "I expect +there is an end of his journeyings." + +To our surprise, however, we saw him leap from the ground with the most +marvellous agility and begin to dance about slapping at his posterior +parts and shouting, + +"Take it off! Kill it!" + +A few seconds later we discovered the reason. The horse had shied at +a sleeping puff adder which was curled up in the sand of that little +frequented road, and on this puff adder Savage had descended with +so much force, for he weighed thirteen stone, that the creature was +squashed quite flat and never stirred again. This, however, he did not +notice in his agitation, being convinced indeed that it was hanging to +him behind like a bulldog. + +"Snakes! my lord," he exclaimed, when at last after careful search we +demonstrated to him that the adder had died before it could come into +action. + +"I hate 'em, my lord, and they haunts" (he said 'aunts) "me. If ever +I get out of this I'll go and live in Ireland, my lord, where they +say there ain't none. But it isn't likely that I shall," he added +mournfully, "for the omen is horrid." + +"On the contrary," I answered, "it is splendid, for you have killed the +snake and not the snake you. 'The dog it was that died,' Savage." + +After this the s gave Savage a second very long name which meant +"He-who-sits-down-on-snakes-and-makes-them-flat." Having remounted him +on his horse, which was standing patiently a few yards away, at +length we got off. I lingered a minute behind the others to give some +directions to my old Griqua gardener, Jack, who snivelled at parting +with me, and to take a last look at my little home. Alack! I feared it +might be the last indeed, knowing as I did that this was a dangerous +enterprise upon which I found myself embarked, I who had vowed that I +would be done with danger. + +With a lump in my throat I turned from the contemplation of that +peaceful dwelling and happy garden in which each tree and plant was dear +to me, and waving a good-bye to Jack, cantered on to where Ragnall was +waiting for me. + +"I am afraid this is rather a sad hour for you, who are leaving your +little boy and your home," he said gently, "to face unknown perils." + +"Not so sad as others I have passed," I answered, "and perils are my +daily bread in every sense of the word. Moreover, whatever it is for me +it is for you also." + +"No, Quatermain. For me it is an hour of hope; a faint hope, I admit, +but the only one left, for the letters I got last night from Egypt and +England report that no clue whatsoever has been found, and indeed that +the search for any has been abandoned. Yes, I follow the last star left +in my sky and if it sets I hope that I may set also, at any rate to this +world. Therefore I am happier than I have been for months, thanks to +you," and he stretched out his hand, which I shook. + +It was a token of friendship and mutual confidence which I am glad to +say nothing that happened afterwards ever disturbed for a moment. + + + +CHAPTER IX + +THE MEETING IN THE DESERT + +Now I do not propose to describe all our journey to Kendahland, or at +any rate the first part thereof. It was interesting enough in its way +and we met with a few hunting adventures, also some others. But there is +so much to tell of what happened to us after we reached the place that +I have not the time, even if I had the inclination to set all these +matters down. Let it be sufficient, then, to say that although owing +to political events the country happened to be rather disturbed at the +time, we trekked through Zululand without any great difficulty. For +here my name was a power in the land and all parties united to help me. +Thence, too, I managed to dispatch three messengers, half-bred border +men, lean fellows and swift of foot, forward to the king of the Mazitu, +as Hans had suggested that I should do, advising him that his old +friends, Macumazana, Watcher-by-Night, and the yellow man who was named +Light-in-Darkness and Lord-of-the-Fire, were about to visit him again. + +As I knew we could not take the wagons beyond a certain point where +there was a river called the Luba, unfordable by anything on wheels, I +requested him, moreover, to send a hundred bearers with whatever escort +might be necessary, to meet us on the banks of that river at a spot +which was known to both of us. These words the messengers promised to +deliver for a fee of five head of cattle apiece, to be paid on their +return, or to their families if they died on the road, which cattle we +purchased and left in charge of a chief, who was their kinsman. As it +happened two of the poor fellows did die, one of them of cold in a swamp +through which they took a short cut, and the other at the teeth of a +hungry lion. The third, however, won through and delivered the message. + +After resting for a fortnight in the northern parts of Zululand, to give +time to our wayworn oxen to get some flesh on their bones in the warm +bushveld where grass was plentiful even in the dry season, we trekked +forward by a route known to Hans and myself. Indeed it was the +same which we had followed on our journey from Mazituland after our +expedition in search for the Holy Flower. + +We took with us a small army of Zulu bearers. This, although they were +difficult to feed in a country where no corn could be bought, proved +fortunate in the end, since so many of our cattle died from tsetse bite +that we were obliged to abandon one of the wagons, which meant that +the goods it contained must be carried by men. At length we reached the +banks of the river, and camped there one night by three tall peaks +of rock which the natives called "The Three Doctors," where I had +instructed the messengers to tell the Mazitu to meet us. For four days +we remained here, since rains in the interior had made the river quite +impassable. Every morning I climbed the tallest of the "Doctors" and +with my glasses looked over its broad yellow flood, searching the wide, +bush-clad land beyond in the hope of discovering the Mazitu advancing to +meet us. Not a man was to be seen, however, and on the fourth evening, +as the river had now become fordable, we determined that we would cross +on the morrow, leaving the remaining wagon, which it was impossible to +drag over its rocky bottom, to be taken back to Natal by our drivers. + +Here a difficulty arose. No promise of reward would induce any of our +Zulu bearers even to wet their feet in the waters of this River Luba, +which for some reason that I could not extract from them they declared +to be _tagati_, that is, bewitched, to people of their blood. When I +pointed out that three Zulus had already undertaken to cross it, they +answered that those men were half-breeds, so that for them it was only +half bewitched, but they thought that even so one or more of them would +pay the penalty of death for this rash crime. + +It chanced that this happened, for, as I have said, two of the poor +fellows did die, though not, I think, owing to the magical properties +of the waters of the Luba. This is how African superstitions are kept +alive. Sooner or later some saying of the sort fulfils itself and then +the instance is remembered and handed down for generations, while +other instances in which nothing out of the common has occurred are not +heeded, or are forgotten. + +This decision on the part of those stupid Zulus put us in an awkward +fix, since it was impossible for us to carry over all our baggage and +ammunition without help. Therefore glad was I when before dawn on the +fifth morning the nocturnal Hans crept into the wagon, in the after +part of which Ragnall and I were sleeping, and informed us that he heard +men's voices on the farther side of the river, though how he could hear +anything above that roar of water passed my comprehension. + +At the first break of dawn again we climbed the tallest of the "Doctor" +rocks and stared into the mist. At length it rolled away and there on +the farther side of the river I saw quite a hundred men who by their +dress and spears I knew to be Mazitu. They saw me also and raising a +cheer, dashed into the water, groups of them holding each other round +the middle to prevent their being swept away. Thereupon our silly Zulus +seized their spears and formed up upon the bank. I slid down the steep +side of the "Great Doctor" and ran forward, calling out that these were +friends who came. + +"Friends or foes," answered their captain sullenly, "it is a pity that +we should walk so far and not have a fight with those Mazitu dogs." + +Well, I drove them off to a distance, not knowing what might happen if +the two peoples met, and then went down to the bank. By now the Mazitu +were near, and to my delight at the head of them I perceived no other +than my old friend, their chief general, Babemba, a one-eyed man with +whom Hans and I had shared many adventures. Through the water he plunged +with great bounds and reaching the shore, greeted me literally with +rapture. + +"O Macumazana," he said, "little did I hope that ever again I should +look upon your face. Welcome to you, a thousand welcomes, and to you +too, Light-in-Darkness, Lord-of-the-Fire, Cunning-one whose wit saved us +in the battle of the Gate. But where is Dogeetah, where is Wazeela, and +where are the Mother and the Child of the Flower?" + +"Far away across the Black Water, Babemba," I answered. "But here are +two others in place of them," and I introduced him to Ragnall and Savage +by their native names of Igeza and Bena. + +He contemplated them for a moment, then said: + +"This," pointing to Ragnall, "is a great lord, but this," pointing to +Savage, who was much the better dressed of the two, "is a cock of the +ashpit arrayed in an eagle's feathers," a remark I did not translate, +but one which caused Hans to snigger vacuously. + +While we breakfasted on food prepared by the "Cock of the Ashpit," who +amongst many other merits had that of being an excellent cook, I heard +all the news. Bausi the king was dead but had been succeeded by one +of his sons, also named Bausi, whom I remembered. Beza-Town had been +rebuilt after the great fire that destroyed the slavers, and much more +strongly fortified than before. Of the slavers themselves nothing more +had been seen, or of the Pongo either, though the Mazitu declared that +their ghosts, or those of their victims, still haunted the island in the +lake. That was all, except the ill tidings as to two of our messengers +which the third, who had returned with the Mazitu, reported to us. + +After breakfast I addressed and sent away our Zulus, each with a +handsome present from the trade goods, giving into their charge the +remaining wagon and our servants, none of whom, somewhat to my relief, +wished to accompany us farther. They sang their song of good-bye, +saluted and departed over the rise, still looking hungrily behind them +at the Mazitu, and we were very pleased to see the last of them without +bloodshed or trouble. + +When we had watched the white tilt of the wagon vanish, we set to work +to get ourselves and our goods across the river. This we accomplished +safely, for the Mazitu worked for us like friends and not as do hired +men. On the farther bank, however, it took us two full days so to divide +up the loads that the bearers could carry them without being overladen. + +At length all was arranged and we started. Of the month's trek that +followed there is nothing to tell, except that we completed it without +notable accidents and at last reached the new Beza-Town, which much +resembled the old, where we were accorded a great public reception. +Bausi II himself headed the procession which met us outside the south +gate on that very mound which we had occupied in the great fight, where +the bones of the gallant Mavovo and my other hunters lay buried. Almost +did it seem to me as though I could hear their deep voices joining in +the shouts of welcome. + +That night, while the Mazitu feasted in our honour, we held an _indaba_ +in the big new guest house with Bausi II, a pleasant-faced young +man, and old Babemba. The king asked us how long we meant to stay at +Beza-Town, intimating his hope that the visit would be prolonged. I +replied, but a few days, as we were travelling far to the north to find +a people called the Kendah whom we wished to see, and hoped that he +would give us bearers to carry our goods as far as the confines of their +country. At the name of Kendah a look of astonishment appeared upon +their faces and Babemba said: + +"Has madness seized you, Macumazana, that you would attempt this thing? +Oh surely you must be mad." + +"You thought us mad, Babemba, when we crossed the lake to Rica Town, yet +we came back safely." + +"True, Macumazana, but compared to the Kendah the Pongo were but as the +smallest star before the face of the sun." + +"What do you know of them then?" I asked. "But stay--before you answer, +I will speak what I know," and I repeated what I had learned from Hans, +who confirmed my words, and from Harut and Marut, leaving out, however, +any mention of their dealings with Lady Ragnall. + +"It is all true," said Babemba when I had finished, "for that old woman +of whom Light-in-the-Darkness speaks, was one of the wives of my uncle +and I knew her well. Hearken! These Kendah are a terrible nation and +countless in number and of all the people the fiercest. Their king is +called Simba, which means Lion. He who rules is always called Simba, +and has been so called for hundreds of years. He is of the Black Kendah +whose god is the elephant Jana, but as Light-in-Darkness has said, there +are also the White Kendah who are Arab men, the priests and traders of +the people. The Kendah will allow no stranger within their doors; if one +comes they kill him by torment, or blind him and turn him out into the +desert which surrounds their country, there to die. These things the +old woman who married my uncle told me, as she told them to +Light-in-Darkness, also I have heard them from others, and what she +did not tell me, that the White Kendah are great breeders of the beasts +called camels which they sell to the Arabs of the north. Go not near +them, for if you pass the desert the Black Kendah will kill you; and +if you escape these, then their king, Simba, will kill you; and if you +escape him, then their god Jana will kill you; and if you escape him, +then their white priests will kill you with their magic. Oh! long before +you look upon the faces of those priests you will be dead many times +over." + +"Then why did they ask me to visit them, Babemba?" + +"I know not, Macumazana, but perhaps because they wished to make an +offering of you to the god Jana, whom no spear can harm; no, nor even +your bullets that pierce a tree." + +"I am willing to make trial of that matter," I answered confidently, +"and any way we must go to see these things for ourselves." + +"Yes," echoed Ragnall, "we must certainly go," while even Savage, for I +had been translating to them all this while, nodded his head although he +looked as though he would much rather stay behind. + +"Ask him if there are any snakes there, sir," he said, and foolishly +enough I put the question to give me time to think of other things. + +"Yes, O Bena. Yes, O Cock of the Ashpit," replied Babemba. "My uncle's +Kendar wife told me that one of the guardians of the shrine of the White +Kendah is such a snake as was never seen elsewhere in the world." + +"Then say to him, sir," said Savage, when I had translated almost +automatically, "that shrine ain't a church where _I_ shall go to say my +prayers." + +Alas! poor Savage little knew the future and its gifts. + +Then we came to the question of bearers. The end of it was that after +some hesitation Bausi II, because of his great affection for us, +promised to provide us with these upon our solemnly undertaking to +dismiss them at the borders of the desert, "so that they might escape +our doom," as he remarked cheerfully. + +Four days later we started, accompanied by about one hundred and twenty +picked men under the command of old Babemba himself, who, he explained, +wished to be the last to see us alive in the world. This was depressing, +but other circumstances connected with our start were calculated to +weigh even more upon my spirit. Thus the night before we left Hans +arrived and asked me to "write a paper" for him. I inquired what he +wanted me to put in the paper. He replied that as he was going to his +death and had property, namely the L650 that had been left in a bank to +his credit, he desired to make a "white man's will" to be left in the +charge of Babemba. The only provision of the said will was that I was to +inherit his property, if I lived. If I died, which, he added, "of course +you must, Baas, like the rest of us," it was to be devoted to furnishing +poor black people in hospital with something comforting to drink instead +of the "cow's water" that was given to them there. Needless to say +I turned him out at once, and that testamentary deposition remained +unrecorded. Indeed it was unnecessary, since, as I reminded him, on my +advice he had already made a will before we left Durban, a circumstance +that he had quite forgotten. + +The second event, which occurred about an hour before our departure, +was, that hearing a mighty wailing in the market-place where once Hans +and I had been tied to stakes to be shot to death with arrows, I went +out to see what was the matter. At the gateway I was greeted by the +sight of about a hundred old women plastered all over with ashes, +engaged in howling their loudest in a melancholy unison. Behind these +stood the entire population of Beza-Town, who chanted a kind of chorus. + +"What the devil are they doing?" I asked of Hans. + +"Singing our death-song, Baas," he replied stolidly, "as they say that +where we are going no one will take the trouble to do so, and it is +not right that great lords should die and the heavens above remain +uninformed that they are coming." + +"That's cheerful," I remarked, and wheeling round, asked Ragnall +straight out if he wished to persevere in this business, for to tell the +truth my nerve was shaken. + +"I must," he answered simply, "but there is no reason why you and Hans +should, or Savage either for the matter of that." + +"Oh! I'm going where you go," I said, "and where I go Hans will go. +Savage must speak for himself." + +This he did and to the same effect, being a very honest and faithful +man. It was the more to his credit since, as he informed me in private, +he did not enjoy African adventure and often dreamed at nights of +his comfortable room at Ragnall whence he superintended the social +activities of that great establishment. + +So we departed and marched for the matter of a month or more through +every kind of country. After we had passed the head of the great lake +wherein lay the island, if it really was an island, where the Pongo used +to dwell (one clear morning through my glasses I discerned the mountain +top that marked the former residence of the Mother of the Flower, and by +contrast it made me feel quite homesick), we struck up north, following +a route known to Babemba and our guides. After this we steered by the +stars through a land with very few inhabitants, timid and nondescript +folk who dwelt in scattered villages and scarcely understood the art of +cultivating the soil, even in its most primitive form. + +A hundred miles or so farther on these villages ceased and thenceforward +we only encountered some nomads, little bushmen who lived on game which +they shot with poisoned arrows. Once they attacked us and killed two +of the Mazitu with those horrid arrows, against the venom of which no +remedy that we had in our medicine chest proved of any avail. On this +occasion Savage exhibited his courage if not his discretion, for rushing +out of our thorn fence, after missing a bushmen with both barrels at a +distance of five yards--he was, I think, the worst shot I ever saw--he +seized the little viper with his hands and dragged him back to camp. How +Savage escaped with his life I do not know, for one poisoned arrow went +through his hat and stuck in his hair and another just grazed his leg +without drawing blood. + +This valorous deed was of great service to us, since we were able +through Hans, who knew something of the bushmen's language, to explain +to our prisoner that if we were shot at again he would be hung. This +information he contrived to shout, or rather to squeak and grunt, to +his amiable tribe, of which it appeared he was a kind of chief, with the +result that we were no more molested. Later, when we were clear of the +bushmen country, we let him depart, which he did with great rapidity. + +By degrees the land grew more and more barren and utterly devoid of +inhabitants, till at last it merged into desert. At the edge of this +desert which rolled away without apparent limit we came, however, to +a kind of oasis where there was a strong and beautiful spring of water +that formed a stream which soon lost itself in the surrounding sand. +As we could go no farther, for even if we had wished to do so, and were +able to find water there, the Mazitu refused to accompany us into the +desert, not knowing what else to do, we camped in the oasis and waited. + +As it happened, the place was a kind of hunter's paradise, since every +kind of game, large and small, came to the water to drink at night, and +in the daytime browsed upon the saltish grass that at this season of the +year grew plentifully upon the edge of the wilderness. + +Amongst other creatures there were elephants in plenty that travelled +hither out of the bushlands we had passed, or sometimes emerged from +the desert itself, suggesting that beyond this waste there lay fertile +country. So numerous were these great beasts indeed that for my part I +hoped earnestly that it would prove impossible for us to continue our +journey, since I saw that in a few months I could collect an enormous +amount of ivory, enough to make me comparatively rich, if only I were +able to get it away. As it was we only killed a few of them, ten in all +to be accurate, that we might send back the tusks as presents to Bausi +II. To slaughter the poor animals uselessly was cruel, especially as +being unaccustomed to the sight of man, they were as easy to approach as +cows. Even Savage slew one--by carefully aiming at another five paces to +its left. + +For the rest we lived on the fat of the land and, as meat was necessary +to us, had as much sport as we could desire among the various antelope. + +For fourteen days or so this went on, till at length we grew thoroughly +tired of the business, as did the Mazitu, who were so gorged with flesh +that they began to desire vegetable food. Twice we rode as far into the +desert as we dared, for our horses remained to us and had grown fresh +again after the rest, but only to return without information. The place +was just a vast wilderness strewn with brown stones beautifully polished +by the wind-driven sand of ages, and quite devoid of water. + +After our second trip, on which we suffered severely from thirst, we +held a consultation. Old Babemba said that he could keep his men no +longer, even for us, as they insisted upon returning home, and inquired +what we meant to do and why we sat here "like a stone." I answered that +we were waiting for some of the Kendah who had bid me to shoot game +hereabouts until they arrived to be our guides. He remarked that the +Kendah to the best of his belief lived in a country that was still +hundreds of miles away and that, as they did not know of our presence, +any communication across the desert being impossible, our proceedings +seemed to be foolish. + +I retorted that I was not quite so sure of this, since the Kendah seemed +to have remarkable ways of acquiring information. + +"Then, Macumazana, I fear that you will have to wait by yourselves until +you discover which of us is right," he said stolidly. + +Turning to Ragnall, I asked him what he would do, pointing out that +to journey into the desert meant death, especially as we did not know +whither we were going, and that to return alone, without the stores +which we must abandon, through the country of the bushmen to Mazituland, +would also be a risky proceeding. However, it was for him to decide. + +Now he grew much perturbed. Taking me apart again he dwelt earnestly +upon his secret reasons for wishing to visit these Kendah, with which of +course I was already acquainted, as indeed was Savage. + +"I desire to stay here," he ended. + +"Which means that we must all stay, Ragnall, since Savage will not +desert you. Nor will Hans desert me although he thinks us mad. He points +out that I came to seek ivory and here about is ivory in plenty for the +trouble of taking." + +"I might remain alone, Quatermain----" he began, but I looked at him in +such a way that he never finished the sentence. + +Ultimately we came to a compromise. Babemba, on behalf of the Mazitu, +agreed to wait three more days. If nothing happened during that period +we on our part agreed to return with them to a stretch of well-watered +bush about fifty miles behind us, which we knew swarmed with elephants, +that by now were growing shy of approaching our oasis where there was so +much noise and shooting. There we would kill as much ivory as we could +carry, an operation in which they were willing to assist for the fun of +it, and then go back with them to Mazituland. + +The three days went by and with every hour that passed my spirits rose, +as did those of Savage and Hans, while Lord Ragnall became more and +more depressed. The third afternoon was devoted to a jubilant packing of +loads, for in accordance with the terms of our bargain we were to start +backwards on our spoor at dawn upon the morrow. Most happily did I lay +myself down to sleep in my little bough shelter that night, feeling that +at last I was rid of an uncommonly awkward adventure. If I thought that +we could do any good by staying on, it would have been another matter. +But as I was certain that there was no earthly chance of our finding +among the Kendah--if ever we reached them--the lady who had tumbled in +the Nile in Egypt, well, I was glad that Providence had been so good as +to make it impossible for us to commit suicide by thirst in a desert, or +otherwise. For, notwithstanding my former reasonings to the contrary, +I was now convinced that this was what had happened to poor Ragnall's +wife. + +That, however, was just what Providence had not done. In the middle of +the night, to be precise, at exactly two in the morning, I was awakened +by Hans, who slept at the back of my shanty, into which he had crept +through a hole in the s, exclaiming in a frightened voice, + +"Open your eyes and look, Baas. There are two _spooks_ waiting to see +you outside, Baas." + +Very cautiously I lifted myself a little and stared out into the +moonlight. There, seated about five paces from the open end of the hut +were the "spooks" sure enough, two white-robed figures squatting silent +and immovable on the ground. At first I was frightened. Then I bethought +me of thieves and felt for my Colt pistol under the rug that served me +as a pillow. As I got hold of the handle, however, a deep voice said: + +"Is it your custom, O Macumazana, Watcher-by-Night, to receive guests +with bullets?" + +Now thought I to myself, who is there in the world who could see a man +catch hold of the handle of a pistol in the recesses of a dark place and +under a blanket at night, except the owner of that voice which I seemed +to remember hearing in a certain drawing-room in England? + +"Yes, Harut," I answered with an unconcerned yawn, "when the guests come +in such a doubtful fashion and in the middle of the night. But as you +are here at last, will you be so good as to tell us why you have kept us +waiting all this time? Is that your way of fulfilling an engagement?" + +"O Lord Macumazana," answered Harut, for of course it was he, in quite a +perturbed tone, "I offer to you our humble apologies. The truth is +that when we heard of your arrival at Beza-Town we started, or tried to +start, from hundreds of miles away to keep our tryst with you here as +we promised we would do. But we are mortal, Macumazana, and accidents +intervened. Thus, when we had ascertained the weight of your baggage, +camels had to be collected to carry it, which were grazing at a +distance. Also it was necessary to send forward to dig out a certain +well in the desert where they must drink. Hence the delay. Still, you +will admit that we have arrived in time, five, or at any rate four hours +before the rising of that sun which was to light you on your homeward +way." + +"Yes, you have, O Prophets, or O Liars, whichever you may be," I +exclaimed with pardonable exasperation, for really their knowledge of my +private affairs, however obtained, was enough to anger a saint. "So as +you are here at last, come in and have a drink, for whether you are men +or devils, you must be cold out there in the damp." + +In they came accordingly, and, not being Mohammedans, partook of a tot +of square-face from a bottle which I kept locked in a box to put Hans +beyond the reach of temptation. + +"To your health, Harut and Marut," I said, drinking a little out of the +pannikin and giving the rest to Hans, who gulped the fiery liquor down +with a smack of his lips. For I will admit that I joined in this unholy +midnight potation to gain time for thought and to steady my nerve. + +"To your health, O Lord Macumazana," the pair answered as they swallowed +their tots, which I had made pretty stiff, and set down their pannikins +in front of them with as much reverence as though these had been holy +vessels. + +"Now," I said, throwing a blanket over my shoulders, for the air +was chilly, "now let us talk," and taking the lantern which Hans had +thoughtfully lighted, I held it up and contemplated them. + +There they were, Harut and Marut without doubt, to all appearance +totally unchanged since some years before I had seen them at Ragnall +in England. "What are you doing here?" I asked in a kind of fiery +indignation inspired by my intense curiosity. "How did you get out of +England after you had tried to steal away the lady to whom you sent the +necklace? What did you do with that lady after you had beguiled her from +the boat at Abu-Simbel? In the name of your Holy Child, or of Shaitan +of the Mohammedans, or of Set of the Egyptians, answer me, lest I should +make an end of both of you, which I can do here without any questions +being asked," and I whipped out my pistol. + +"Pardon us," said Harut with a grave smile, "but if you were to do as +you say, Lord Macumazana, many questions would be asked which _you_ +might find it hard to answer. So be pleased to put that death-dealer +back into its place, and to tell us before we reply to you, what you +know of Set of the Egyptians." + +"As much or as little as you do," I replied. + +Both bowed as though this information were of the most satisfactory +order. Then Harut went on: "In reply to your requests, O Macumazana, we +left England by a steamboat and in due course after long journeyings we +reached our own country. We do not understand your allusions to a place +called Abu-Simbel on the Nile, whence, never having been there, we have +taken no lady. Indeed, we never meant to take that lady to whom we sent +a necklace in England. We only meant to ask certain questions of her, as +she had the gift of vision, when you appeared and interrupted us. What +should we want with white ladies, who have already far too many of our +own?" + +"I don't know," I replied, "but I do know that you are the biggest liars +I ever met." + +At these words, which some might have thought insulting, Harut and Marut +bowed again as though to acknowledge a great compliment. Then Harut +said: + +"Let us leave the question of ladies and come to matters that have to do +with men. You are here as we told you that you would be at a time when +you did not believe us, and we here to meet _you_, as we told you that +we would be. How we knew that you were coming and how we came do not +matter at all. Believe what you will. Are you ready to start with us, +O Lord Macumazana, that you may bring to its death the wicked elephant +Jana which ravages our land, and receive the great reward of ivory? If +so, your camel waits." + +"One camel cannot carry four men," I answered, avoiding the question. + +"In courage and skill you are more than many men, O Macumazana, yet in +body you are but one and not four." + +"If you think that I am going with you alone, you are much mistaken, +Harut and Marut," I exclaimed. "Here with me is my servant without whom +I do not stir," and I pointed to Hans, whom they contemplated gravely. +"Also there is the Lord Ragnall, who in this land is named Igeza, and +his servant who here is named Bena, the man out of whom you drew snakes +in the room in England. They also must accompany us." + +At this news the impassive countenances of Harut and Marut showed, I +thought, some signs of disturbance. They muttered together in an unknown +tongue. Then Harut said: + +"Our secret land is open to you alone, O Macumazana, for one purpose +only--to kill the elephant Jana, for which deed we promise you a great +reward. We do not wish to see the others there." + +"Then you can kill your own elephant, Harut and Marut, for not one step +do I go with you. Why should I when there is as much ivory here as I +want, to be had for the shooting?" + +"How if we take you, O Macumazana?" + +"How if I kill you both, O Harut and Marut? Fools, here are many brave +men at my command, and if you or any with you want fighting it shall be +given you in plenty. Hans, bid the Mazitu stand to their arms and summon +Igeza and Bena." + +"Stay, Lord," said Harut, "and put down that weapon," for once more I +had produced the pistol. "We would not begin our fellowship by shedding +blood, though we are safer from you than you think. Your companions +shall accompany you to the land of the Kendah, but let them know that +they do so at their own risk. Learn that it is revealed to us that if +they go in there some of them will pass out again as spirits but not as +men." + +"Do you mean that you will murder them?" + +"No. We mean that yonder are some stronger than us or any men, who will +take their lives in sacrifice. Not yours, Macumazana, for that, it is +decreed, is safe, but those of two of the others, which two we do not +know." + +"Indeed, Harut and Marut, and how am I to be sure that any of us are +safe, or that you do not but trick us to your country, there to kill us +with treachery and steal our goods?" + +"Because we swear it by the oath that may not be broken; we swear it by +the Heavenly Child," both of them exclaimed solemnly, speaking with one +voice and bowing till their foreheads almost touched the ground. + +I shrugged my shoulders and laughed a little. + +"You do not believe us," went on Harut, "who have not heard what happens +to those who break this oath. Come now and see something. Within five +paces of your hut is a tall ant-heap upon which doubtless you have been +accustomed to stand and overlook the desert." (This was true, but how +did they guess it, I wondered.) "Go climb that ant-heap once more." + +Perhaps it was rash, but my curiosity led me to accept this invitation. +Out I went, followed by Hans with a loaded double-barrelled rifle, and +scrambled up the ant-heap which, as it was twenty feet high and there +were no trees just here, commanded a very fine view of the desert +beyond. + +"Look to the north," said Harut from its foot. + +I looked, and there in the bright moonlight five or six hundred yards +away, ranged rank by rank upon a of sand and along the crest of +the ridge beyond, I saw quite two hundred kneeling camels, and by each +camel a tall, white-robed figure who held in his hand a long lance to +the shaft of which, not far beneath the blade, was attached a little +flag. For a while I stared to make sure that I was not the victim of an +illusion or a mirage. Then when I had satisfied myself that these were +indeed men and camels I descended from the ant-heap. + +"You will admit, Macumazana," said Harut politely, "that if we had meant +you any ill, with such a force it would have been easy for us to take a +sleeping camp at night. But these men come here to be your escort, not +to kill or enslave you or yours. And, Macumazana, we have sworn to +you the oath that may not be broken. Now we go to our people. In the +morning, after you have eaten, we will return again unarmed and alone." + +Then like shadows they slipped away. + + + +CHAPTER X + +CHARGE! + +Ten minutes later the truth was known and every man in the camp was up +and armed. At first there were some signs of panic, but these with the +help of Babemba we managed to control, setting the men to make the +best preparations for defence that circumstances would allow, and thus +occupying their minds. For from the first we saw that, except for the +three of us who had horses, escape was impossible. That great camel +corps could catch us within a mile. + +Leaving old Babemba in charge of his soldiers, we three white men and +Hans held a council at which I repeated every word that had passed +between Harut and Marut and myself, including their absolute denial of +their having had anything to do with the disappearance of Lady Ragnall +on the Nile. + +"Now," I asked, "what is to be done? My fate is sealed, since for +purposes of their own, of which probably we know nothing, these people +intend to take me with them to their country, as indeed they are +justified in doing, since I have been fool enough to keep a kind of +assignation with them here. But they don't want anybody else. Therefore +there is nothing to prevent you Ragnall, and you Savage, and you Hans, +from returning with the Mazitu." + +"Oh! Baas," said Hans, who could understand English well enough +although he seldom spoke it, "why are you always bothering me with such +_praatjes_?"--(that is, chatter). "Whatever you do I will do, and I +don't care what you do, except for your own sake, Baas. If I am going to +die, let me die; it doesn't at all matter how, since I must go soon and +make report to your reverend father, the Predikant. And now, Baas, I +have been awake all night, for I heard those camels coming a long while +before the two spook men appeared, and as I have never heard camels +before, could not make out what they were, for they don't walk like +giraffes. So I am going to sleep, Baas, there in the sun. When you have +settled things, you can wake me up and give me your orders," and he +suited the action to the word, for when I glanced at him again he was, +or appeared to be, slumbering, just like a dog at its master's feet. + +I looked at Ragnall in interrogation. + +"I am going on," he said briefly. + +"Despite the denial of these men of any complicity in your wife's +fate?" I asked. "If their words are true, what have you to gain by this +journey, Ragnall?" + +"An interesting experience while it lasts; that is all. Like Hans +there, if what they say _is_ true, my future is a matter of complete +indifference to me. But I do not believe a word of what they say. +Something tells me that they know a great deal which they do not choose +to repeat--about my wife I mean. That is why they are so anxious that I +should not accompany you." + +"You must judge for yourself," I answered doubtfully, "and I hope to +Heaven that you are judging right. Now, Savage, what have you decided? +Remember before you reply that these uncanny fellows declare that if we +four go, two of us will never return. It seems impossible that they can +read the future, still, without doubt, they _are_ most uncanny." + +"Sir," said Savage, "I will take my chance. Before I left England his +lordship made a provision for my old mother and my widowed sister and +her children, and I have none other dependent upon me. Moreover, I won't +return alone with those Mazitu to become a barbarian, for how could I +find my way back to the coast without anyone to guide me? So I'll go on +and leave the rest to God." + +"Which is just what we have all got to do," I remarked. "Well, as that +is settled, let us send for Babemba and tell him." + +This we did accordingly. The old fellow received the news with more +resignation than I had anticipated. Fixing his one eye upon me, he said: + +"Macumazana, these words are what I expected from you. Had any other man +spoken them I should have declared that he was quite mad. But I remember +that I said this when you determined to visit the Pongo, and that you +came back from their country safe and sound, having done wonderful +things there, and that it was the Pongo who suffered, not you. So I +believe it will be again, so far as you are concerned, Macumazana, for +I think that some devil goes with you who looks after his own. For the +others I do not know. They must settle the matter with their own devils, +or with those of the Kendah people. Now farewell, Macumazana, for it +comes to me that we shall meet no more. Well, that happens to all at +last, and it is good to have known you who are so great in your own way. +Often I shall think of you as you will think of me, and hope that in a +country beyond that of the Kendah I may hear from your lips all that +has befallen you on this and other journeys. Now I go to withdraw my +men before these white-robed Arabs come on their strange beasts to seize +you, lest they should take us also and there should be a fight in which +we, being the fewer, must die. The loads are all in order ready to be +laden on their strange beasts. If they declare that the horses cannot +cross the desert, leave them loose and we will catch them and take them +home with us, and since they are male and female, breed young ones from +them which shall be yours when you send for them, or Bausi the king's +if you never send. Nay, I want no more presents who have the gun and the +powder and the bullets you gave me, and the tusks of ivory for Bausi the +king, and what is best of all, the memory of you and of your courage +and wisdom. May these and the gods you worship befriend you. From +yonder hill we will watch till we see that you have gone. Farewell," +and waiting for no answer, he departed with the tears running from his +solitary eye. + +Ten minutes later the Mazitu bearers had also saluted us and gone, +leaving us seated in that deserted camp surrounded by our baggage, and +so far as I was concerned, feeling most lonely. Another ten minutes went +by which we occupied in packing our personal belongings. Then Hans, who +was now washing out the coffee kettle at a little distance, looked up +and said: + +"Here come the spook-men, Baas, the whole regiment of them." We ran and +looked. It was true. Marshalled in orderly squadrons, the camels with +their riders were sweeping towards us, and a fine sight the beasts made +with their swaying necks and long, lurching gait. About fifty yards away +they halted just where the stream from our spring entered the desert, +and there proceeded to water the camels, twenty of them at a time. Two +men, however, in whom I recognized Harut and Marut, walked forward and +presently were standing before us, bowing obsequiously. + +"Good morning, Lord," said Harut to Ragnall in his broken English. "So +you come with Macumazana to call at our poor house, as we call at your +fine one in England. You think we got the beautiful lady you marry, she +we give old necklace. That is not so. No white lady ever in Kendahland. +We hear story from Macumazana and believe that lady drowned in Nile, for +you 'member she walk much in her sleep. We very sorry for you, but gods +know their business. They leave when they will leave, and take when they +will take. You find her again some day more beautiful still and with her +soul come back." + +Here I looked at him sharply. I had told him nothing about Lady Ragnall +having lost her wits. How then did he know of the matter? Still I +thought it best to hold my peace. I think that Harut saw he had made +some mistake, for leaving the subject of Lady Ragnall, he went on: + +"You very welcome, O Lord, but it right tell you this most dangerous +journey, since elephant Jana not like strangers, and," he continued +slowly, "think no elephant like your blood, and all elephants brothers. +What one hate rest hate everywhere in world. See it in your face that +you already suffer great hurt from elephant, you or someone near you. +Also some of Kendah very fierce people and love fighting, and p'raps +there war in the land while you there, and in war people get killed." + +"Very good, my friend," said Ragnall, "I am prepared to take my +chance of these things. Either we all go to your country together, as +Macumazana has explained to you, or none of us go." + +"We understand. That is our bargain and we no break word," replied +Harut. + +Then he turned his benevolent gaze upon Savage, and said: "So you come +too, Mr. Bena. That your name here, eh? Well, you learn lot things in +Kendahland, about snakes and all rest." + +Here the jovial-looking Marut whispered something into the ear of his +companion, smiling all over his face and showing his white teeth as he +did so. "Oh!" went on Harut, "my brother tells me you meet one snake +already, down in country called Natal, but sit on him so hard, that he +grow quite flat and no bite." + +"Who told him that?" gasped Savage. + +"Oh! forget. Think Macumazana. No? Then p'raps you tell him in sleep, +for people talk much in sleep, you know, and some other people got good +ears and hear long way. Or p'raps little joke Harut. You 'member, he +first-rate conjurer. P'raps he send that snake. No trouble if know how. +Well, we show you much better snake Kendahland. But you no sit on _him_, +Mr. Bena." + +To me, I know not why, there was something horrible in all this +jocosity, something that gave me the creeps as always does the sight +of a cat playing with a mouse. I felt even then that it foreshadowed +terrible things. How _could_ these men know the details of occurrences +at which they were not present and of which no one had told them? Did +that strange "tobacco" of theirs really give them some clairvoyant +power, I wondered, or had they other secret methods of obtaining news? +I glanced at poor Savage and perceived that he too felt as I did, for +he had turned quite pale beneath his tan. Even Hans was affected, for +he whispered to me in Dutch: "These are not men; these are devils, Baas, +and this journey of ours is one into hell." + +Only Ragnall sat stern, silent, and apparently quite unmoved. Indeed +there was something almost sphinx-like about the set and expression of +his handsome face. Moreover, I felt sure that Harut and Marut recognized +the man's strength and determination and that he was one with whom they +must reckon seriously. Beneath all their smiles and courtesies I could +read this knowledge in their eyes; also that it was causing them grave +anxiety. It was as though they knew that here was one against whom their +power had no avail, whose fate was the master of their fate. In a sense +Harut admitted this to me, for suddenly he looked up and said in a +changed voice and in Bantu: + +"You are a good reader of hearts, O Macumazana, almost as good as I am. +But remember that there is One Who writes upon the book of the heart, +Who is the Lord of us who do but read, and that what He writes, that +will befall, strive as we may, for in His hands is the future." + +"Quite so," I replied coolly, "and that is why I am going with you to +Kendahland and fear you not at all." + +"So it is and so let it be," he answered. "And now, Lords, are you ready +to start? For long is the road and who knows what awaits us ere we see +its end?" + +"Yes," I replied, "long is the road of life and who knows what awaits us +ere we see its end--and after?" + + + +Three hours later I halted the splendid white riding-camel upon which +I was mounted, and looked back from the crest of a wave of the desert. +There far behind us on the horizon, by the help of my glasses, I could +make out the site of the camp we had left and even the tall ant-hill +whence I had gazed in the moonlight at our mysterious escort which +seemed to have sprung from the desert as though by magic. + +This was the manner of our march: A mile or so ahead of us went a picket +of eight or ten men mounted on the swiftest beasts, doubtless to give +warning of any danger. Next, three or four hundred yards away, followed +a body of about fifty Kendah, travelling in a double line, and behind +these the baggage men, mounted like everyone else, and leading behind +them strings of camels laden with water, provisions, tents of skin +and all our goods, including the fifty rifles and the ammunition that +Ragnall had brought from England. Then came we three white men and Hans, +each of us riding as swift and fine a camel as Africa can breed. On +our right at a distance of about half a mile, and also on our left, +travelled other bodies of the Kendah of the same numerical strength +as that ahead, while the rear was brought up by the remainder of the +company who drove a number of spare camels. + +Thus we journeyed in the centre of a square whence any escape would have +been impossible, for I forgot to say that our keepers Harut and Marut +rode exactly behind us, at such a distance that we could call to them if +we wished. + +At first I found this method of travelling very tiring, as does everyone +who is quite unaccustomed to camel-back. Indeed the swing and the jolt +of the swift creature beneath me seemed to wrench my bones asunder to +such an extent that at the beginning I had once or twice to be lifted +from the saddle when, after hours of torture, at length we camped for +the night. Poor Savage suffered even more than I did, for the motion +reduced him to a kind of jelly. Ragnall, however, who I think had ridden +camels before, felt little inconvenience, and the same may be said of +Hans, who rode in all sorts of positions, sometimes sideways like +a lady, and at others kneeling on the saddle like a monkey on a +barrel-organ. Also, being very light and tough as rimpis, the swaying +motion did not seem to affect him. + +By degrees all these troubles left us to such an extent that I could +cover my fifty miles a day, more or less, without even feeling tired. +Indeed I grew to like the life in that pure and sparkling desert air, +perhaps because it was so restful. Day after day we journeyed on across +the endless, sandy plain, watching the sun rise, watching it grow high, +watching it sink again. Night after night we ate our simple food with +appetite and slept beneath the glittering stars till the new dawn broke +in glory from the bosom of the immeasurable East. + +We spoke but little during all this time. It was as though the silence +of the wilderness had got hold of us and sealed our lips. Or perhaps +each of us was occupied with his own thoughts. At any rate I know that +for my part I seemed to live in a kind of dreamland, thinking of the +past, reflecting much upon the innumerable problems of this passing show +called life, but not paying much heed to the future. What did the future +matter to me, who did not know whether I should have a share of it even +for another month, or week, or day, surrounded as I was by the shadow of +death? No, I troubled little as to any earthly future, although I admit +that in this oasis of calm I reflected upon that state where past, +present and future will all be one; also that those reflections, which +were in their essence a kind of unshaped prayer, brought much calm to my +spirit. + +With the regiment of escort we had practically no communication; I think +that they had been forbidden to talk to us. They were a very silent set +of men, finely-made, capable persons, of an Arab type, light rather than +dark in colour, who seemed for the most part to communicate with each +other by signs or in low-muttered words. Evidently they looked upon +Harut and Marut with great veneration, for any order which either of +these brethren gave, if they were brethren, was obeyed without +dispute or delay. Thus, when I happened to mention that I had lost a +pocket-knife at one of our camping-places two days' journey back, three +of them, much against my wish, were ordered to return to look for it, +and did so, making no question. Eight days later they rejoined us much +exhausted and having lost a camel, but with the knife, which they handed +to me with a low bow; and I confess that I felt ashamed to take the +thing. + +Nor did we exchange many further confidences with Harut and Marut. Up +to the time of our arrival at the boundaries of the Kendah country, our +only talk with them was of the incidents of travel, of where we should +camp, of how far it might be to the next water, for water-holes or old +wells existed in this desert, of such birds as we saw, and so forth. As +to other and more important matters a kind of truce seemed to prevail. +Still, I observed that they were always studying us, and especially Lord +Ragnall, who rode on day after day, self-absorbed and staring straight +in front of him as though he looked at something we could not see. + +Thus we covered hundreds of miles, not less than five hundred at the +least, reckoning our progress at only thirty miles a day, including +stoppages. For occasionally we stopped at the water-holes or small +oases, where the camels drank and rested. Indeed, these were so +conveniently arranged that I came to the conclusion that once there must +have been some established route running across these wastelands to +the south, of which the traditional knowledge remained with the Kendah +people. If so, it had not been used for generations, for save those of +one or two that had died on the outward march, we saw no skeletons of +camels or other beasts, or indeed any sign of man. The place was an +absolute wilderness where nothing lived except a few small mammals at +the oases and the birds that passed over it in the air on their way to +more fertile regions. Of these, by the way, I saw many that are known +both to Europe and Africa, especially ducks and cranes; also storks +that, for aught I can say, may have come from far-off, homely Holland. + +At last the character of the country began to change. Grass appeared on +its lower-lying stretches, then bushes, then occasional trees and among +the trees a few buck. Halting the caravan I crept out and shot two of +these buck with a right and left, a feat that caused our grave escort to +stare in a fashion which showed me that they had never seen anything of +the sort done before. + +That night, while we were eating the venison with relish, since it was +the first fresh meat that we had tasted for many a day, I observed that +the disposition of our camp was different from its common form. Thus it +was smaller and placed on an eminence. Also the camels were not allowed +to graze where they would as usual, but were kept within a limited area +while their riders were arranged in groups outside of them. Further, the +stores were piled near our tents, in the centre, with guards set over +them. I asked Harut and Marut, who were sharing our meal, the reason of +these alterations. + +"It is because we are on the borders of the Kendah country," answered +old Harut. "Four days' more march will bring us there, Macumazana." + +"Then why should you take precautions against your own people? Surely +they will welcome you." + +"With spears perhaps. Macumazana, learn that the Kendah are not one but +two people. As you may have heard before, we are the White Kendah, but +there are also Black Kendah who outnumber us many times over, though in +the beginning we from the north conquered them, or so says our history. +The White Kendah have their own territory; but as there is no other +road, to reach it we must pass through that of the Black Kendah, where +it is always possible that we may be attacked, especially as we bring +strangers into the land." + +"How is it then that the Black Kendah allow you to live at all, Harut, +if they are so much the more numerous?" + +"Because of fear, Macumazana. They fear our wisdom and the decrees of +the Heavenly Child spoken through the mouth of its oracle, which, if it +is offended, can bring a curse upon them. Still, if they find us outside +our borders they may kill us, if they can, as we may kill them if we +find them within our borders." + +"Indeed, Harut. Then it looks to me as though there were a war breeding +between you." + +"A war is breeding, Macumazana, the last great war in which either the +White Kendah or the Black Kendah must perish. Or perhaps both will die +together. Maybe that is the real reason why we have asked you to be our +guest, Macumazana," and with their usual courteous bows, both of them +rose and departed before I could reply. + +"You see how it stands," I said to Ragnall. "We have been brought here +to fight for our friends, Harut, Marut and Co., against their rebellious +subjects, or rather the king who reigns jointly with them." + +"It looks like it," he replied quietly, "but doubtless we shall find +out the truth in time and meanwhile speculation is no good. Do you go to +bed, Quatermain, I will watch till midnight and then wake you." + +That night passed in safety. Next day we marched before the dawn, +passing through country that grew continually better watered and more +fertile, though it was still open plain but sloping upwards ever more +steeply. On this plain I saw herds of antelopes and what in the distance +looked like cattle, but no human being. Before evening we camped where +there was good water and plenty of food for the camels. + +While the camp was being set Harut came and invited us to follow him to +the outposts, whence he said we should see a view. We walked with him, a +matter of not more than a quarter of a mile to the head of that rise up +which we had been travelling all day, and thence perceived one of +the most glorious prospects on which my eyes have fallen in all great +Africa. From where we stood the land sloped steeply for a matter of ten +or fifteen miles, till finally the fall ended in a vast plain like to +the bottom of a gigantic saucer, that I presume in some far time of the +world's history was once an enormous lake. A river ran east and west +across this plain and into it fell tributaries. Far beyond this river +the contours of the country rose again till, many, many miles away, +there appeared a solitary hill, tumulus-shaped, which seemed to be +covered with bush. + +Beyond and surrounding this hill was more plain which with the aid of my +powerful glasses was, we could see, bordered at last by a range of +great mountains, looking like a blue line pencilled across the northern +distance. To the east and west the plain seemed to be illimitable. +Obviously its soil was of a most fertile character and supported numbers +of inhabitants, for everywhere we could see their kraals or villages. +Much of it to the west, however, was covered with dense forest with, to +all appearance, a clearing in its midst. + +"Behold the land of the Kendah," said Harut. "On this side of the River +Tava live the Black Kendah, on the farther side, the White Kendah." + +"And what is that hill?" + +"That is the Holy Mount, the Home of the Heavenly Child, where no man +may set foot"--here he looked at us meaningly--"save the priests of the +Child." + +"What happens to him if he does?" I asked. + +"He dies, my Lord Macumazana." + +"Then it is guarded, Harut?" + +"It is guarded, not with mortal weapons, Macumazana, but by the spirits +that watch over the Child." + +As he would say no more on this interesting matter, I asked him as to +the numbers of the Kendah people, to which he replied that the Black +Kendah might number twenty thousand men of arm-bearing age, but the +White Kendah not more than two thousand. + +"Then no wonder you want spirits to guard your Heavenly Child," I +remarked, "since the Black Kendah are your foes and with you warriors +are few." + +At this moment our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a +picket on a camel, who reported something to Harut which appeared to +disturb him. I asked him what was the matter. + +"That is the matter," he said, pointing to a man mounted on a rough pony +who just then appeared from behind some bushes about half a mile away, +galloping down the towards the plain. "He is one of the scouts of +Simba, King of the Black Kendah, and he goes to Simba's town in yonder +forest to make report of our arrival. Return to camp, Macumazana, and +eat, for we must march with the rising of the moon." + +As soon as the moon rose we marched accordingly, although the camels, +many of which were much worn with the long journey, scarcely had been +given time to fill themselves and none to rest. All night we marched +down the long , only halting for half an hour before daylight to +eat something and rearrange the loads on the baggage beasts, which now, +I noticed, were guarded with extra care. When we were starting again +Marut came to us and remarked with his usual smile, on behalf of his +brother Harut, who was otherwise engaged, that it might be well if we +had our guns ready, since we were entering the land of the elephant Jana +and "who knew but that we might meet him?" + +"Or his worshippers on two legs," I suggested, to which his only reply +was a nod. + +So we got our repeating rifles, some of the first that were ever made, +serviceable but rather complicated weapons that fired five cartridges. +Hans, however, with my permission, armed himself with the little Purdey +piece that was named "Intombi," the singe-barrelled, muzzle-loading gun +which had done me so much service in earlier days, and even on my last +journey to Pongoland. He said that he was accustomed to it and did not +understand these new-fangled breechloaders, also that it was "lucky." I +consented as I did not think that it made much difference with what kind +of rifle Hans was provided. As a marksman he had this peculiarity: up to +a hundred yards or so he was an excellent shot, but beyond that distance +no good at all. + +A quarter of an hour later, as the dawn was breaking, we passed through +a kind of _nek_ of rough stones bordering the flat land, and emerged +into a compact body on to the edge of the grassy plain. Here the word +was given to halt for a reason that became clear to me so soon as I was +out of the rocks. For there, marching rapidly, not half a mile away, +were some five hundred white-robed men. A large proportion of these +were mounted, the best being foot-soldiers, of whom more were running +up every minute, appearing out of bush that grew upon the hill-side, +apparently to dispute our passage. These people, who were black-faced +with fuzzy hair upon which they wore no head-dress, all seemed to be +armed with spears. + +Presently from out of the mass of them two horsemen dashed forward, one +of whom bore a white flag in token that they came to parley. Our advance +guard allowed them to pass and they galloped on, dodging in and out +between the camels with wonderful skill till at length they came to +where we were with Harut and Marut, and pulling up their horses so +sharply that the animals almost sat down on their haunches, saluted by +raising their spears. They were very fine-looking fellows, perfectly +black in colour with a negroid cast of countenance and long frizzled +hair which hung down on to their shoulders. Their clothing was light, +consisting of hide riding breeches that resembled bathing drawers, +sandals, and an arrangement of triple chains which seemed to be made +of some silvery metal that hung from their necks across the breast and +back. Their arms consisted of a long lance similar to that carried by +the White Kendah, and a straight, cross-handled sword suspended from +a belt. This, as I ascertained afterwards, was the regulation cavalry +equipment among these people. The footmen carried a shorter spear, a +round leather shield, two throwing javelins or assegais, and a curved +knife with a horn handle. + +"Greeting, Prophets of the Child!" cried one of them. "We are messengers +from the god Jana who speaks through the mouth of Simba the King." + +"Say on, worshippers of the devil Jana. What word has Simba the King for +us?" answered Harut. + +"The word of war, Prophet. What do you beyond your southern boundary of +the Tava river in the territory of the Black Kendah, that was sealed +to them by pact after the battle of a hundred years ago? Is not all +the land to the north as far as the mountains and beyond the mountains +enough for you? Simba the King let you go out, hoping that the desert +would swallow you, but return you shall not." + +"That we shall know presently," replied Harut in a suave voice. "It +depends upon whether the Heavenly Child or the devil Jana is the more +powerful in the land. Still, as we would avoid bloodshed if we may, we +desire to explain to you, messengers of King Simba, that we are here +upon a peaceful errand. It was necessary that we should convey the white +lords to make an offering to the Child, and this was the only road by +which we could lead them to the Holy Mount, since they come from the +south. Through the forests and the swamps that lie to the east and west +camels cannot travel." + +"And what is the offering that the white men would make to the Child, +Prophet? Oh! we know well, for like you we have our magic. The offering +that they must make is the blood of Jana our god, which you have brought +them here to kill with their strange weapons, as though any weapon could +prevail against Jana the god. Now, give to us these white men that we +may offer them to the god, and perchance Simba the King will let you go +through." + +"Why?" asked Harut, "seeing that you declare that the white men cannot +harm Jana, to whom indeed they wish no harm. To surrender them to you +that they may be torn to pieces by the devil Jana would be to break the +law of hospitality, for they are our guests. Now return to Simba the +King, and say to Simba that if he lifts a spear against us the threefold +curse of the Child shall fall upon him and upon you his people: The +curse of Heaven by storm or by drought. The curse of famine. The curse +of war. I the prophet have spoken. Depart." + +Watching, I could see that this ultimatum delivered by Harut in a most +impressive voice, and seconded as it was by the sudden and simultaneous +lifting of the spears of all our escort that were within hearing, +produced a considerable effect upon the messengers. Their faces grew +afraid and they shrank a little. Evidently the "threefold curse of the +Child" suggested calamities which they dreaded. Making no answer, they +wheeled their horses about and galloped back to the force that was +gathering below as swiftly as they had come. + +"We must fight, my Lord Macumazana," said Harut, "and if we would live, +conquer, as I know that we shall do." + +Then he issued some orders, of which the result was that the caravan +adopted a wedge-shaped formation like to that of a great flock of +wildfowl on the wing. Harut stationed himself almost at the apex of the +triangle. I with Hans and Marut were about the centre of the line, while +Ragnall and Savage were placed opposite to us in the right line, the +whole width of the wedge being between us. The baggage camels and their +leaders occupied the middle space between the lines and were followed by +a small rear-guard. + +At first we white men were inclined to protest at this separation, but +when Marut explained to us that its object was to give confidence to the +two divisions of the force and also to minimize the risk of destruction +or capture of all three of us, of course we had nothing more to say. +So we just shook hands, and with as much assurance as we could command +wished each other well through the job. + +Then we parted, poor Savage looking very limp indeed, for this was his +first experience of war. Ragnall, however, who came of an old fighting +stock, seemed to be happy as a king. I who had known so many battles, +was the reverse of happy, for inconveniently enough there flashed into +my mind at this juncture the dying words of the Zulu captain and seer, +Mavovo, which foretold that I too should fall far away in war; and I +wondered whether this were the occasion that had been present to his +foreseeing mind. + +Only Hans seemed quite unconcerned. Indeed I noted that he took the +opportunity of the halt to fill and light his large corn-cob pipe, a bit +of bravado in the face of Providence for which I could have kicked him +had he not been perched in his usual monkey fashion on the top of a very +tall camel. The act, however, excited the admiration of the Kendah, for +I heard one of them call to the others: + +"Look! He is not a monkey after all, but a man--more of a man than his +master." + +The arrangements were soon made. Within a quarter of an hour of the +departure of the messengers Harut, after bowing thrice towards the Holy +Mountain, rose in his stirrups and shaking a long spear above his head, +shouted a single word: + +"Charge!" + + + +CHAPTER XI + +ALLAN IS CAPTURED + +The ride that followed was really quite exhilarating. The camels, +notwithstanding their long journey, seemed to have caught some of the +enthusiasm of the war-horse as described in the Book of Job; indeed I +had no idea that they could travel at such a rate. On we swung down the +, keeping excellent order, the forest of tall spears shining +and the little lancer-like pennons fluttering on the breeze in a very +gallant way. In silence we went save for the thudding of the hoofs of +the camels and an occasional squeal of anger as some rider drove his +lance handle into their ribs. Not until we actually joined battle did +a single man open his lips. Then, it is true, there went up one +simultaneous and mighty roar of: + +"The Child! Death to Jana! The Child! The Child!" + +But this happened a few minutes later. + +As we drew near the enemy I saw that they had massed their footmen in +a dense body, six or eight lines thick. There they stood to receive the +impact of our charge, or rather they did not all stand, for the first +two ranks were kneeling with long spears stretched out in front of them. +I imagine that their appearance must have greatly resembled that of the +Greek phalanx, or that of the Swiss prepared to receive cavalry in the +Middle Ages. On either side of this formidable body, which by now must +have numbered four or five hundred men, and at a distance perhaps of +a quarter of a mile from them, were gathered the horsemen of the Black +Kendah, divided into two bodies of nearly equal strength, say about a +hundred horse in each body. + +As we approached, our triangle curved a little, no doubt under the +direction of Harut. A minute or so later I saw the reason. It was that +we might strike the foot-soldiers not full in front but at an angle. It +was an admirable manoeuvre, for when presently we did strike, we caught +them swiftly on the flank and crumpled them up. My word! we went through +those fellows like a knife through butter; they had as much chance +against the rush of our camels as a brown-paper screen has against a +typhoon. Over they rolled in heaps while the White Kendah spitted them +with their lances. + +"The Child is top dog! My money on the Child," reflected I in irreverent +ecstasy. But that exultation was premature, for those Black Kendah were +by no means all dead. Presently I saw that scores of them had appeared +among the camels, which they were engaged in stabbing, or trying +to stab, in the stomach with their spears. Also I had forgotten the +horsemen. As our charge slackened owing to the complication in front, +these arrived on our flanks like two thunderbolts. We faced about and +did our best to meet the onslaught, of which the net result was that +both our left and right lines were pierced through about fifty yards +behind the baggage camels. Luckily for us the very impetuosity of the +Black Kendah rush deprived it of most of the fruits of victory, since +the two squadrons, being unable to check their horses, ended by charging +into each other and becoming mixed in inextricable confusion. Then, I +do not know who gave the order, we wheeled our camels in and fell upon +them, a struggling, stationary mass, with the result that many of them +were speared, or overthrown and trampled. + +"I have said we, but that is not quite correct, at any rate so far +as Marut, Hans, I and about fifteen camelmen were concerned. How it +happened I could not tell in that dust and confusion, but we were +cut off from the main body and presently found ourselves fighting +desperately in a group at which Black Kendah horsemen were charging +again and again. We made the best stand we could. By degrees the +bewildered camels sank under the repeated spear-thrusts of the enemy, +all except one, oddly enough that ridden by Hans, which by some strange +chance was never touched. The rest of us were thrown or tumbled off the +camels and continued the fight from behind their struggling bodies." + +That is where I came in. Up to this time I had not fired a single shot, +partly because I do not like missing, which it is so easy to do from the +back of a swaying camel, and still more for the reason that I had +not the slightest desire to kill any of these savage men unless I was +obliged to do so in self-defence. Now, however, the thing was different, +as I was fighting for my life. Leaning against my camel, which was dying +and beating its head upon the ground, groaning horribly the while, I +emptied the five cartridges of the repeater into those Black Kendah, +pausing between each shot to take aim, with the result that presently +five riderless horses were galloping loose about the veld. + +The effect was electrical, since our attackers had never seen anything +of the kind before. For a while they all drew off, which gave me time to +reload. Then they came on again and I repeated the process. For a second +time they retreated and after consultation which lasted for a minute or +more, made a third attack. Once more I saluted them to the best of my +ability, though on this occasion only three men and a horse fell. The +fifth shot was a clean miss because they came on in such a scattered +formation that I had to turn from side to side to fire. + +Now at last the game was up, for the simple reason that I had no more +cartridges save two in my double-barrelled pistol. It may be asked why. +The answer is, want of foresight. Too many cartridges in one's pocket +are apt to chafe on camel-back and so is a belt full of them. In those +days also the engagements were few in which a man fired over fifteen. +I had forty or fifty more in a bag, which bag Savage with his usual +politeness had taken and hung upon his saddle without saying a word to +me. At the beginning of the action I found this out, but could not then +get them from him as he was separated from me. Hans, always careless in +small matters, was really to blame as he ought to have seen that I had +the cartridges, or at any rate to have carried them himself. In short, +it was one of those accidents that will happen. There is nothing more to +be said. + +After a still longer consultation our enemies advanced on us for the +fourth time, but very slowly. Meanwhile I had been taking stock of the +position. The camel corps, or what was left of it, oblivious of our +plight which the dust of conflict had hidden from them, was travelling +on to the north, more or less victorious. That is to say, it had cut its +way through the Black Kendah and was escaping unpursued, huddled up in +a mob with the baggage animals safe in its centre. The Black Kendah +themselves were engaged in killing our wounded and succouring their +own; also in collecting the bodies of the dead. In short, quite +unintentionally, we were deserted. Probably, if anybody thought about us +at all in the turmoil of desperate battle, they concluded that we were +among the slain. + +Marut came up to me, unhurt, still smiling and waving a bloody spear. + +"Lord Macumazana," he said, "the end is at hand. The Child has saved the +others, or most of them, but us it has abandoned. Now what will you do? +Kill yourself, or if that does not please you, suffer me to kill you? Or +shoot on until you must surrender?" + +"I have nothing to shoot with any more," I answered. "But if we +surrender, what will happen to us?" + +"We shall be taken to Simba's town and there sacrificed to the devil +Jana--I have not time to tell you how. Therefore I propose to kill +myself." + +"Then I think you are foolish, Marut, since once we are dead, we are +dead; but while we are alive it is always possible that we may escape +from Jana. If the worst comes to the worst I have a pistol with two +bullets in it, one for you and one for me." + +"The wisdom of the Child is in you," he replied. "I shall surrender with +you, Macumazana, and take my chance." + +Then he turned and explained things to his followers, who spoke together +for a moment. In the end these took a strange and, to my mind, a very +heroic decision. Waiting till the attacking Kendah were quite close +to us, with the exception of three men, who either because they lacked +courage or for some other reason, stayed with us, they advanced humbly +as though to make submission. A number of the Black Kendah dismounted +and ran up, I suppose to take them prisoners. The men waited till +these were all round them. Then with a yell of "The Child!" they sprang +forward, taking the enemy unawares and fighting like demons, inflicted +great loss upon them before they fell themselves covered with wounds. + +"Brave men indeed!" said Marut approvingly. "Well, now they are all at +peace with the Child, where doubtless we shall find them ere long." + +I nodded but answered nothing. To tell the truth, I was too much engaged +in nursing the remains of my own courage to enter into conversation +about that of other people. + +This fierce and cunning stratagem of desperate men which had cost their +enemies so dear, seemed to infuriate the Black Kendah. + +At us came the whole mob of them--we were but six now--roaring "Jana! +Jana!" and led by a grey-beard who, to judge from the number of silver +chains upon his breast and his other trappings, seemed to be a great man +among them. When they were about fifty yards away and I was preparing +for the worst, a shot rang out from above and behind me. At the same +instant Greybeard threw his arms wide and letting fall the spear he +held, pitched from his horse, evidently stone dead. I glanced back and +saw Hans, the corn-cob pipe still in his mouth and the little rifle, +"Intombi," still at his shoulder. He had fired from the back of the +camel, I think for the first time that day, and whether by chance or +through good marksmanship, I do not know, had killed this man. + +His sudden and unexpected end seemed to fill the Black Kendah with grief +and dismay. Halting in their charge they gathered round him, while a +fierce-looking middle-aged man, also adorned with much barbaric finery, +dismounted to examine him. + +"That is Simba the King," said Marut, "and the slain one is his uncle, +Goru, the great general who brought him up from a babe." + +"Then I wish I had another cartridge left for the nephew," I began and +stopped, for Hans was speaking to me. + +"Good-bye, Baas," he said, "I must go, for I cannot load 'Intombi' on +the back of this beast. If you meet your reverend father the Predikant +before I do, tell him to make a nice place ready for me among the +fires." + +Then before I could get out an answer, Hans dragged his camel round; +as I have said, it was quite uninjured. Urging it to a shambling gallop +with blows of the rifle stock, he departed at a great rate, not towards +the home of the Child but up the hill into a brake of giant grass +mingled with thorn trees that grew quite close at hand. Here with +startling suddenness both he and the camel vanished away. + +If the Black Kendah saw him go, of which I am doubtful, for they all +seemed to be lost in consultation round their king and the dead general, +Goru, they made no attempt to follow him. Another possibility is that +they thought he was trying to lead them into some snare or ambush. + +I do not know what they thought because I never heard them mention Hans +or the matter of his disappearance, if indeed they ever realized that +there was such a person. Curiously enough in the case of men who had +just shown themselves so brave, this last accident of the decease of +Goru coming on the top of all their other casualties, seemed to take the +courage out of them. It was as though they had come to the conclusion +that we with our guns were something more than mortal. + +For several minutes they debated in evident hesitation. At last from out +of their array rode a single man, in whom I recognized one of the envoys +who had met us in the morning, carrying in his hand a white flag as he +had done before. Thereon I laid down my rifle in token that I would not +fire at him, which indeed I could not do having nothing to fire. Seeing +this he came to within a few yards and halting, addressed Marut. + +"O second Prophet of the Child," he said, "these are the words of Simba +the King: Your god has been too strong for us to-day, though in a day +to come it may be otherwise. I thought I had you in a pit; that you were +the bucks and I the hunter. But, though with loss, you have escaped out +of the pit," and the speaker glanced towards our retreating force which +was now but a cloud of dust in the far distance, "while I the hunter +have been gored by your horns," and again he glanced at the dead that +were scattered about the plain. "The noblest of the buck, the white bull +of the herd," and he looked at me, who in any other circumstances +would have felt complimented, "and you, O Prophet Marut, and one or two +others, besides those that I have slain, are however still in the pit +and your horn is a magic horn," here he pointed to my rifle, "which +pierces from afar and kills dead all by whom it is touched." + +"So I caught those gentry well in the middle," thought I to myself, "and +with soft-nosed bullets!" + +"Therefore I, Simba the King, make you an offer. Yield yourselves and +I swear that no spear shall be driven through your hearts and no knife +come near your throats. You shall only be taken to my town and there +be fed on the best and kept as prisoners, till once more there is peace +between the Black Kendah and the White. If you refuse, then I will +ring you round and perhaps in the dark rush on you and kill you all. Or +perhaps I will watch you from day to day till you, who have no water, +die of thirst in the heat of the sun. These are my words to which +nothing may be added and from which nothing shall be taken away." + +Having finished this speech he rode back a few yards out of earshot, and +waited. + +"What will you answer, Lord Macumazana?" asked Marut. + +I replied by another question. "Is there any chance of our being rescued +by your people?" + +He shook his head. "None. What we have seen to-day is but a small part +of the army of the Black Kendah, one regiment of foot and one of horse, +that are always ready. By to-morrow thousands will be gathered, many +more than we can hope to deal with in the open and still less in their +strongholds, also Harut will believe that we are dead. Unless the Child +saves us we shall be left to our fate." + +"Then it seems that we are indeed in a pit, as that black brute of +a king puts it, Marut, and if he does what he says and rushes us at +sundown, everyone of us will be killed. Also I am thirsty already and +there is nothing to drink. But will this king keep his word? There are +other ways of dying besides by steel." + +"I think that he will keep his word, but as that messenger said, he will +not add to his word. Choose now, for see, they are beginning to hedge us +round." + +"What do you say, men?" I asked of the three who had remained with us. + +"We say, Lord, that we are in the hands of the Child, though we wish +now that we had died with our brothers," answered their spokesman +fatalistically. + +So after Marut and I had consulted together for a little as to the form +of his reply, he beckoned to the messenger and said: + +"We accept the offer of Simba, although it would be easy for this lord +to kill him now where he stands, namely, to yield ourselves as prisoners +on his oath that no harm shall come to us. For know that if harm does +come, the vengeance will be terrible. Now in proof of his good faith, +let Simba draw near and drink the cup of peace with us, for we thirst." + +"Not so," said the messenger, "for then that white lord might kill him +with his tube. Give me the tube and Simba shall come." + +"Take it," I said magnanimously, handing him the rifle, which he +received in a very gingerly fashion. After all, I reflected, there is +nothing much more useless than a rifle without ammunition. + +Off he went holding the weapon at arm's length, and presently Simba +himself, accompanied by some of his men, one of whom carried a skin of +water and another a large cup hollowed from an elephant's tusk, rode up +to us. This Simba was a fine and rather terrifying person with a large +moustache and a chin shaved except for a little tuft of hair which +he wore at its point like an Italian. His eyes were big and dark, +frank-looking, yet now and again with sinister expression in the corners +of them. He was not nearly so black as most of his followers; probably +in bygone generations his blood had been crossed with that of the White +Kendah. He wore his hair long without any head-dress, held in place by a +band of gold which I suppose represented a crown. On his forehead was +a large white scar, probably received in some battle. Such was his +appearance. + +He looked at me with great curiosity, and I have often wondered since +what kind of an impression I produced upon him. My hat had fallen off, +or I had knocked it off when I fired my last cartridge into his people, +and forgotten to replace it, and my intractable hair, which was longer +than usual, had not been recently brushed. My worn Norfolk jacket was +dyed with blood from a wounded or dying man who had tumbled against me +in the scrimmage when the cavalry charged us, and my right leg and boot +were stained in a similar fashion from having rubbed against my camel +where a spear had entered it. Altogether I must have appeared a most +disreputable object. + +Some indication of his opinion was given, however, in a remark, which of +course I pretended not to understand, that I overheard him make to one +of his officers: + +"Truly," he said, "we must not always look to the strong for strength. +And yet this little white porcupine is strength itself, for see how much +damage he has wrought us. Also consider his eyes that appear to pierce +everything. Jana himself might fear those eyes. Well, time that grinds +the rocks will tell us all." + +All of this I caught perfectly, my ears being very sharp, although he +thought that he spoke out of my hearing, for after spending a month in +their company I understood the Kendah dialect of Bantu very well. + +Having delivered himself thus he rode nearer and said: + +"You, Prophet Marut, my enemy, have heard the terms of me, Simba the +King, and have accepted them. Therefore discuss them no more. What I +have promised I will keep. What I have given I give, neither greater nor +less by the weight of a hair." + +"So be it, O King," answered Marut with his usual smile, which nothing +ever seemed to disturb. "Only remember that if those terms are broken +either in the letter or in the spirit, especially the spirit" (that is +the best rendering I can give of his word), "the manifold curses of +the Child will fall upon you and yours. Yes, though you kill us all by +treachery, still those curses will fall." + +"May Jana take the Child and all who worship it," exclaimed the king +with evident irritation. + +"In the end, O King, Jana will take the Child and its followers--or +the Child will take Jana and his followers. Which of these things must +happen is known to the Child alone, and perchance to its prophets. +Meanwhile, for every one of those of the Child I think that three of the +followers of Jana, or more, lie dead upon this field. Also the caravan +is now out of your reach with two of the white lords and many of such +tubes which deal death, like that which we have surrendered to you. +Therefore because we are helpless, do not think that the Child is +helpless. Jana must have been asleep, O King, or you would have set your +trap better." + +I thought that this coolly insolent speech would have produced some +outburst, but in fact it seemed to have an opposite effect. Making no +reply to it, Simba said almost humbly: + +"I come to drink the cup of peace with you and the white lord, O +Prophet. Afterwards we can talk. Give me water, slave." + +Then a man filled the great ivory cup with water from the skin he +carried. Simba took it and having sprinkled a little upon the ground, +I suppose as an offering, drank from the cup, doubtless to show that it +was not poisoned. Watching carefully, I made sure that he swallowed what +he drank by studying the motions of his throat. Then he handed the cup +with a bow to Marut, who with a still deeper bow passed it to me. Being +absolutely parched I absorbed about a pint of it, and feeling a new man, +passed the horn to Marut, who swallowed the rest. Then it was filled +again for our three White Kendah, the King first tasting the water as +before, after which Marut and I had a second pull. + +When at length our thirst was satisfied, horses were brought to us, +serviceable and docile little beasts with sheepskins for saddles and +loops of hide for stirrups. On these we mounted and for the next three +hours rode across the plain, surrounded by a strong escort and with an +armed Black Kendah running on each side of our horses and holding in his +hand a thong attached to the ring of the bridle, no doubt to prevent any +attempt to escape. + +Our road ran past but not through some villages whence we saw many women +and children staring at us, and through beautiful crops of mealies and +other sorts of grain that in this country were now just ripening. The +luxuriant appearance of these crops suggested that the rains must have +been plentiful and the season all that could be desired. From some of +the villages by the track arose a miserable sound of wailing. Evidently +their inhabitants had already heard that certain of their menkind had +fallen in that morning's fight. + +At the end of the third hour we began to enter the great forest which +I had seen when first we looked down on Kendahland. It was filled with +splendid trees, most of them quite strange to me, but perhaps because of +the denseness of their overshadowing crowns there was comparatively +no undergrowth. The general effect of the place was very gloomy, since +little light could pass through the interlacing foliage of the tops of +those mighty trees. + +Towards evening we came to a clearing in this forest, it may have been +four or five miles in diameter, but whether it was natural or artificial +I am not sure. I think, however, that it was probably the former for +two reasons: the hollow nature of the ground, which lay a good many feet +lower than the surrounding forest, and the wonderful fertility of the +soil, which suggested that it had once been deposited upon an old +lake bottom. Never did I see such crops as those that grew upon that +clearing; they were magnificent. + +Wending our way along the road that ran through the tall corn, for here +every inch was cultivated, we came suddenly upon the capital of the +Black Kendah, which was known as Simba Town. It was a large place, +somewhat different from any other African settlement with which I +am acquainted, inasmuch as it was not only stockaded but completely +surrounded by a broad artificial moat filled with water from a stream +that ran through the centre of the town, over which moat there were +four timber bridges placed at the cardinal points of the compass. These +bridges were strong enough to bear horses or stock, but so made that in +the event of attack they could be destroyed in a few minutes. + +Riding through the eastern gate, a stout timber structure on the farther +side of the corresponding bridge, where the king was received with +salutes by an armed guard, we entered one of the main streets of the +town which ran from north to south and from east to west. It was broad +and on either side of it were the dwellings of the inhabitants set close +together because the space within the stockade was limited. These were +not huts but square buildings of mud with flat roofs of some kind of +cement. Evidently they were built upon the model of Oriental and North +African houses of which some debased tradition remained with these +people. Thus a stairway or ladder ran from the interior to the roof of +each house, whereon its inhabitants were accustomed, as I discovered +afterwards, to sleep during a good part of the year, also to eat in the +cool of the day. Many of them were gathered there now to watch us pass, +men, women, and children, all except the little ones decently clothed in +long garments of various colours, the women for the most part in white +and the men in a kind of bluish linen. + +I saw at once that they had already heard of the fight and of the +considerable losses which their people had sustained, for their +reception of us prisoners was most unfriendly. Indeed the men shook +their fists at us, the women screamed out curses, while the children +stuck out their tongues in token of derision or defiance. Most of these +demonstrations, however, were directed at Marut and his followers, who +only smiled indifferently. At me they stared in wonder not unmixed with +fear. + +A quarter of a mile or so from the gate we came to an inner enclosure, +that answered to the South African cattle kraal, surrounded by a dry +ditch and a timber palisade outside of which was planted a green fence +of some shrub with long white thorns. Here we passed through more +gates, to find ourselves in an oval space, perhaps five acres in extent. +Evidently this served as a market ground, but all around it were open +sheds where hundreds of horses were stabled. No cattle seemed to be kept +there, except a few that with sheep and goats were driven in every day +for slaughter purposes at a shambles at the north end, from the great +stock kraals built beyond the forest to the south, where they were safe +from possible raiding by the White Kendah. + +A tall reed fence cut off the southern end of this marketplace, outside +of which we were ordered to dismount. Passing through yet another gate +we found within the fence a large hut or house built on the same model +as the others in the town, which Marut whispered to me was that of the +king. Behind it were smaller houses in which lived his queen and women, +good-looking females, who advanced to meet him with obsequious bows. To +the right and left were two more buildings of about equal size, one of +which was occupied by the royal guard and the other was the guest-house +whither we were conducted. + +It proved to be a comfortable dwelling about thirty feet square but +containing only one room, with various huts behind it that served for +cooking and other purposes. In one of these the three camelmen were +placed. Immediately on our arrival food was brought to us, a lamb or kid +roasted whole upon a wooden platter, and some green mealie-cobs boiled +upon another platter; also water to drink and wash with in earthenware +jars of sun-dried clay. + +I ate heartily, for I was starving. Then, as it was useless to attempt +precautions against murder, without any talk to my fellow prisoner, for +which we were both too tired, I threw myself down on a mattress stuffed +with corn husks in a corner of the hut, drew a skin rug over me and, +having commended myself to the protection of the Power above, fell fast +asleep. + + + +CHAPTER XII + +THE FIRST CURSE + +The next thing I remember was feeling upon my face the sunlight that +poured through a window-place which was protected by immovable wooden +bars. For a while I lay still, reflecting as memory returned to me upon +all the events of the previous day and upon my present unhappy position. +Here I was a prisoner in the hands of a horde of fierce savages who had +every reason to hate me, for though this was done in self-defence, had +I not killed a number of their people against whom personally I had no +quarrel? It was true that their king had promised me safety, but what +reliance could be put upon the word of such a man? Unless something +occurred to save me, without doubt my days were numbered. In this way +or in that I should be murdered, which served me right for ever entering +upon such a business. + +The only satisfactory point in the story was that, for the present at +any rate, Ragnall and Savage had escaped, though doubtless sooner or +later fate would overtake them also. I was sure that they had escaped, +since two of the camelmen with us had informed Marut that they saw them +swept away surrounded by our people and quite unharmed. Now they would +be grieving over my death, since none survived who could tell them +of our capture, unless the Black Kendah chose to do so, which was not +likely. I wondered what course they would take when Ragnall found that +his quest was vain, as of course must happen. Try to get out of the +country, I suppose, as I prayed they might succeed in doing, though this +was most improbable. + +Then there was Hans. He of course would attempt to retrace our road +across the desert, if he had got clear away. Having a good camel, +a rifle and some ammunition, it was just possible that he might win +through, as he never forgot a path which he had once travelled, though +probably in a week's time a few bones upon the desert would be all that +remained of him. Well, as he had suggested, perhaps we should soon be +talking the event over in some far sphere with my father--and others. +Poor old Hans! + +I opened my eyes and looked about me. The first thing I noticed was that +my double-barrelled pistol, which I had placed at full cock beside +me before I went to sleep, was gone, also my large clasp-knife. This +discovery did not tend to raise my spirits, since I was now quite +weaponless. Then I observed Marut seated on the floor of the hut staring +straight in front of him, and noted that at length even he had ceased to +smile, but that his lips were moving as though he were engaged in prayer +or meditation. + +"Marut," I said, "someone has been in this place while we were asleep +and stolen my pistol and knife." + +"Yes, Lord," he answered, "and my knife also. I saw them come in the +middle of the night, two men who walked softly as cats, and searched +everything." + +"Then why did you not wake me?" + +"What would have been the use, Lord? If we had caught hold of the men, +they would have called out and we should have been murdered at once. It +was best to let them take the things, which after all are of no good to +us here." + +"The pistol might have been of some good," I replied significantly. + +"Yes," he said, nodding, "but at the worst death is easy to find." + +"Do you think, Marut, that we could manage to let Harut and the others +know our plight? That smoke which I breathed in England, for instance, +seemed to show me far-off things--if we could get any of it." + +"The smoke was nothing, Lord, but some harmless burning powder which +clouded your mind for a minute, and enabled you to see the thoughts that +were in _our_ minds. _We_ drew the pictures at which you looked. Also +here there is none." + +"Oh!" I said, "the old trick of suggestion; just what I imagined. Then +there's an end of that, and as the others will think that we are +dead and we cannot communicate with them, we have no hope except in +ourselves." + +"Or the Child," suggested Marut gently. + +"Look here!" I said with irritation. "After you have just told me that +your smoke vision was a mere conjurer's trick, how do you expect me +to believe in your blessed Child? Who is the Child? What is the Child, +and--this is more important--what can it do? As your throat is going to +be cut shortly you may as well tell me the truth." + +"Lord Macumazana, I will. Who and what the Child is I cannot say because +I do not know. But it has been our god for thousands of years, and we +believe that our remote forefathers brought it with them when they were +driven out of Egypt at some time unknown. We have writings concerning it +done up in little rolls, but as we cannot read them they are of no use +to us. It has an hereditary priesthood, of which Harut my uncle, for he +is my uncle, is the head. We believe that the Child is God, or rather +a symbol in which God dwells, and that it can save us in this world and +the next, for we hold that man is an immortal spirit. We believe also +that through its Oracle--a priestess who is called Guardian of the +Child--it can declare the future and bring blessings or curses upon men, +especially upon our enemies. When the Oracle dies we are helpless +since the Child has no 'mouth' and our enemies prevail against us. This +happened a long while ago, and the last Oracle having declared before +her death that her successor was to be found in England, my uncle and I +travelled thither disguised as conjurers and made search for many years. +We thought that we had found the new Oracle in the lady who married the +Lord Igeza, because of that mark of the new moon upon her neck. After +our return to Africa, however, for as I have spoken of this matter I may +as well tell you all," here he stared me full in the eyes and spoke in +a clear metallic voice which somehow no longer convinced me, "we found +that we had made a mistake, for the real Oracle, a mere girl, was +discovered among our own people, and has now been for two years +installed in her office. Without doubt the last Guardian of the Child +was wandering in her mind when she told us that story before her death +as to a woman in England, a country of which she had heard through +Arabs. That is all." + +"Thank you," I replied, feeling that it would be useless to show any +suspicion of his story. "Now will you be so good as to tell me who and +what is the god, or the elephant Jana, whom you have brought me here to +kill? Is the elephant a god, or is the god an elephant? In either case +what has it to do with the Child?" + +"Lord, Jana among us Kendah represents the evil in the world, as the +Child represents the good. Jana is he whom the Mohammedans call Shaitan +and the Christians call Satan, and our forefathers, the old Egyptians, +called Set." + +"Ah!" thought I to myself, "now we have got it. Horus the Divine Child, +and Set the evil monster, with whom it strives everlastingly." + +"Always," went on Marut, "there has been war between the Child and Jana, +that is, between Good and Evil, and we know that in the end one of them +must conquer the other." + +"The whole world has known that from the beginning," I interrupted. "But +who and what is this Jana?" + +"Among the Black Kendah, Lord, Jana is an elephant, or at any rate his +symbol is an elephant, a very terrible beast to which sacrifices are +made, that kills all who do not worship him if he chances to meet them. +He lives farther on in the forest yonder, and the Black Kendah make use +of him in war, for the devil in him obeys their priests." + +"Indeed, and is this elephant always the same?" + +"I cannot tell you, but for many generations it has been the same, for +it is known by its size and by the fact that one of its tusks is twisted +downwards." + +"Well," I remarked, "all this proves nothing, since elephants certainly +live for at least two hundred years, and perhaps much longer. Also, +after they become 'rogues' they acquire every kind of wicked and +unnatural habit, as to which I could tell you lots of stories. Have you +seen this elephant?" + +"No, Macumazana," he answered with a shiver. "If I had seen it should +I have been alive to-day? Yet I fear I am fated to see it ere long, +not alone," and again he shivered, looking at me in a very suggestive +manner. + +At this moment our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of two +Black Kendahs who brought us our breakfast of porridge and a boiled +fowl, and stood there while we ate it. For my part I was not sorry, as +I had learned all I wanted to know of the theological opinions and +practice of the land, and had come to the conclusion that the terrible +devil-god of the Black Kendah was merely a rogue elephant of unusual +size and ferocity, which under other circumstances it would have given +me the greatest pleasure to try to shoot. + +When we had finished eating, that is soon, for neither of our appetites +was good that morning, we walked out of the house into the surrounding +compound and visited the camelmen in their hut. Here we found them +squatted on the ground looking very depressed indeed. When I asked them +what was the matter they replied, "Nothing," except that they were men +about to die and life was pleasant. Also they had wives and children +whom they would never see again. + +Having tried to cheer them up to the best of my ability, which I fear I +did without conviction, for in my heart I agreed with their view of the +case, we returned to the guest-house and mounted the stair which led to +the flat roof. Hence we saw that some curious ceremony was in progress +in the centre of the market-place. At that distance we could not make +out the details, for I forgot to say that my glasses had been stolen +with the pistol and knife, probably because they were supposed to be +lethal weapons or instruments of magic. + +A rough altar had been erected, on which a fire burned. Behind it the +king, Simba, was seated on a stool with various councillors about him. +In front of the altar was a stout wooden table, on which lay what +looked like the body of a goat or a sheep. A fantastically dressed man, +assisted by other men, appeared to be engaged in inspecting the inside +of this animal with, we gathered, unsatisfactory results, for presently +he raised his arms and uttered a loud wail. Then the creature's viscera +were removed from it and thrown upon the fire, while the rest of the +carcass was carried off. + +I asked Marut what he thought they were doing. He replied dejectedly: + +"Consulting their Oracle; perhaps as to whether we should live or die, +Macumazana." + +Just then the priest in the strange, feathered attire approached the +king, carrying some small object in his hand. I wondered what it could +be, till the sound of a report reached my ears and I saw the man begin +to jump round upon one leg, holding the other with both his hands at the +knee and howling loudly. + +"Ah!" I said, "that pistol was full cocked, and the bullet got him in +the foot." + +Simba shouted out something, whereon a man picked up the pistol and +threw it into the fire, round which the others gathered to watch it +burn. + +"You wait," I said to Marut, and as I spoke the words the inevitable +happened. + +Off went the other barrel of the pistol, which hopped out of the fire +with the recoil like a living thing. But as it happened one of the +assistant priests was standing in front of the mouth of that barrel, and +he also hopped once, but never again, for the heavy bullet struck him +somewhere in the body and killed him. Now there was consternation. +Everyone ran away, leaving the dead man lying on the ground. Simba led +the rout and the head-priest brought up the rear, skipping along upon +one leg. + +Having observed these events, which filled me with an unholy joy, we +descended into the house again as there was nothing more to see, also +because it occurred to me that our presence on the roof, watching their +discomfiture, might irritate these savages. About ten minutes later the +gate of the fence round the guest-house was thrown open, and through it +came four men carrying on a stretcher the body of the priest whom the +bullet had killed, which they laid down in front of our door. Then +followed the king with an armed guard, and after him the befeathered +diviner with his foot bound up, who supported himself upon the shoulders +of two of his colleagues. This man, I now perceived, wore a hideous +mask, from which projected two tusks in imitation of those of an +elephant. Also there were others, as many as the space would hold. + +The king called to us to come out of the house, which, having no choice, +we did. One glance at him showed me that the man was frantic with fear, +or rage, or both. + +"Look upon your work, magicians!" he said in a terrible voice, pointing +first to the dead priest, then to the diviner's wounded foot. + +"It is no work of ours, King Simba," answered Marut. "It is your own +work. You stole the magic weapon of the white lord and made it angry, so +that it has revenged itself upon you." + +"It is true," said Simba, "that the tube has killed one of those who +took it away from you and wounded the other" (here was luck indeed). +"But it was you who ordered it to do so, magicians. Now, hark! Yesterday +I promised you safety, that no spear should pierce your hearts and no +knife come near your throats, and drank the cup of peace with you. But +you have broken the pact, working us more harm, and therefore it no +longer holds, since there are many other ways in which men can die. +Listen again! This is my decree. By your magic you have taken away the +life of one of my servants and hurt another of my servants, destroying +the middle toe of his left foot. If within three days you do not give +back the life to him who seems to be dead, and give back the toe to him +who seems to be hurt, as you well can do, then you shall join those whom +you have slain in the land of death, how I will not tell you." + +Now when I heard this amazing sentence I gasped within myself, but +thinking it better to keep up my role of understanding nothing of their +talk, I preserved an immovable countenance and left Marut to answer. +This, to his credit be it recorded, he did with his customary pleasant +smile. + +"O King," he said, "who can bring the dead back to life? Not even the +Child itself, at any rate in this world, for there is no way." + +"Then, Prophet of the Child, you had better find a way, or, I repeat, I +send you to join them," he shouted, rolling his eyes. + +"What did my brother, the great Prophet, promise to you but yesterday, +O King, if you harmed us?" asked Marut. "Was it not that the three great +curses should fall upon your people? Learn now that if so much as one +of us is murdered by you, these things shall swiftly come to pass. I, +Marut, who am also a Prophet of the Child, have said it." + +Now Simba seemed to go quite mad, so mad that I thought all was over. He +waved his spear and danced about in front of us, till the silver chains +clanked upon his breast. He vituperated the Child and its worshippers, +who, he declared, had worked evil on the Black Kendah for generations. +He appealed to his god Jana to avenge these evils, "to pierce the Child +with his tusks, to tear it with his trunk, and to trample it with his +feet," all of which the wounded diviner ably seconded through his horrid +mask. + +There we stood before him, I leaning against the wall of the house with +an air of studied nonchalance mingled with mild interest, at least that +is what I meant to do, and Marut smiling sweetly and staring at the +heavens. Whilst I was wondering what exact portion of my frame was +destined to become acquainted with that spear, of a sudden Simba gave it +up. Turning to his followers, he bade them dig a hole in the corner of +our little enclosure and set the dead man in it, "with his head out so +that he may breathe," an order which they promptly executed. + +Then he issued a command that we should be well fed and tended, and +remarking that if the departed was not alive and healthy on the third +morning from that day, we should hear from him again, he and his company +stalked off, except those men who were occupied with the interment. + +Soon this was finished also. There sat the deceased buried to the neck +with his face looking towards the house, a most disagreeable sight. +Presently, however, matters were improved in this respect by one of the +sextons fetching a large earthenware pot and several smaller pots full +of food and water. The latter they set round the head, I suppose for the +sustenance of the body beneath, and then placed the big vessel inverted +over all, "to keep the sun off our sleeping brother," as I heard one say +to the other. + +This pot looked innocent enough when all was done, like one of those +that gardeners in England put over forced rhubarb, no more. And yet, +such is the strength of the imagination, I think that on the whole I +should have preferred the object underneath naked and unadorned. For +instance, I have forgotten to say that the heads of those of the White +Kendah who had fallen in the fight had been set up on poles in front of +Simba's house. They were unpleasant to contemplate, but to my mind not +so unpleasant as that pot. + +As a matter of fact, this precaution against injury from the sun to the +late diviner proved unnecessary, since by some strange chance from +that moment the sun ceased to shine. Quite suddenly clouds arose which +gradually covered the whole sky and the weather began to turn very cold, +unprecedentedly so, Marut informed me, for the time of year, which, it +will be remembered, in this country was the season just before harvest. +Obviously the Black Kendah thought so also, since from our seats on the +roof, whither we had retreated to be as far as possible from the pot, we +saw them gathered in the market-place, staring at the sky and talking to +each other. + +The day passed without any further event, except the arrival of our +meals, for which we had no great appetite. The night came, earlier than +usual because of the clouds, and we fell asleep, or rather into a series +of dozes. Once I thought that I heard someone stirring in the huts +behind us, but as it was followed by silence I took no more notice. At +length the light broke very slowly, for now the clouds were denser +than ever. Shivering with the cold, Marut and I made a visit to the +camel-drivers, who were not allowed to enter our house. On going into +their hut we saw to our horror that only two of them remained, seated +stonily upon the floor. We asked where the third was. They replied they +did not know. In the middle of the night, they said, men had crept in, +who seized, bound and gagged him, then dragged him away. As there was +nothing to be said or done, we returned to breakfast filled with horrid +fears. + +Nothing happened that day except that some priests arrived, lifted +the earthenware pot, examined their departed colleague, who by now had +become an unencouraging spectacle, removed old dishes of food, arranged +more about him, and went off. Also the clouds grew thicker and thicker, +and the air more and more chilly, till, had we been in any northern +latitude, I should have said that snow was pending. From our perch on +the roof-top I observed the population of Simba Town discussing the +weather with ever-increasing eagerness; also that the people who were +going out to work in the fields wore mats over their shoulders. + +Once more darkness came, and this night, notwithstanding the cold, we +spent wrapped in rugs, on the roof of the house. It had occurred to us +that kidnapping would be less easy there, as we could make some sort of +a fight at the head of the stairway, or, if the worst came to the worst, +dive from the parapet and break our necks. We kept watch turn and turn +about. During my watch about midnight I heard a noise going on in the +hut behind us; scuffling and a stifled cry which turned my blood cold. +About an hour later a fire was lighted in the centre of the market-place +where the sheep had been sacrificed, and by the flare of it I could see +people moving. But what they did I could not see, which was perhaps as +well. + +Next morning only one of the camelmen was left. This remaining man was +now almost crazy with fear, and could give no clear account of what had +happened to his companion. + +The poor fellow implored us to take him away to our house, as he feared +to be left alone with "the black devils." We tried to do so, but armed +guards appeared mysteriously and thrust him back into his own hut. + +This day was an exact repetition of the others. The same inspection of +the deceased and renewal of his food; the same cold, clouded sky, the +same agitated conferences in the market-place. + +For the third time darkness fell upon us in that horrible place. Once +more we took refuge on the roof, but this night neither of us slept. +We were too cold, too physically miserable, and too filled with mental +apprehensions. All nature seemed to be big with impending disaster. The +sky appeared to be sinking down upon the earth. The moon was hidden, yet +a faint and lurid light shone now in one quarter of the horizon, now in +another. There was no wind, but the air moaned audibly. It was as though +the end of the world were near as, I reflected, probably might be +the case so far as we were concerned. Never, perhaps, have I felt so +spiritually terrified as I was during the dreadful inaction of that +night. Even if I had known that I was going to be executed at dawn, I +think that by comparison I should have been light-hearted. But the worst +part of the business was that I knew nothing. I was like a man forced to +walk through dense darkness among precipices, quite unable to guess when +my journey would end in space, but enduring all the agonies of death at +every step. + +About midnight again we heard that scuffle and stifled cry in the hut +behind us. + +"He's gone," I whispered to Marut, wiping the cold sweat from my brow. + +"Yes," answered Marut, "and very soon we shall follow him, Macumazana." + +I wished that his face were visible so that I could see if he still +smiled when he uttered those words. + +An hour or so later the usual fire appeared in the marketplace, round +which the usual figures flitted dimly. The sight of them fascinated +me, although I did not want to look, fearing what I might see. Luckily, +however, we were too far off to discern anything at night. + +While these unholy ceremonies were in progress the climax came, that is +so far as the weather was concerned. Of a sudden a great gale sprang +up, a gale of icy wind such as in Southern Africa sometimes precedes +a thunderstorm. It blew for half an hour or more, then lulled. Now +lightning flashed across the heavens, and by the glare of it we +perceived that all the population of Simba Town seemed to be gathered in +the market-place. At least there were some thousands of them, talking, +gesticulating, pointing at the sky. + +A few minutes later there came a great crash of thunder, of which it +was impossible to locate the sound, for it rolled from everywhere. Then +suddenly something hard struck the roof by my side and rebounded, to be +followed next moment by a blow upon my shoulder which nearly knocked me +flat, although I was well protected by the skin rugs. + +"Down the stair!" I called. "They are stoning us," and suited the action +to the word. + +Ten seconds later we were both in the room, crouched in its farther +corner, for the stones or whatever they were seemed to be following us. +I struck a match, of which fortunately I had some, together with my pipe +and a good pocketful of tobacco--my only solace in those days--and, as +it burned up, saw first that blood was running down Marut's face, +and secondly, that these stones were great lumps of ice, some of them +weighing several ounces, which hopped about the floor like live things. + +"Hailstorm!" remarked Marut with his accustomed smile. + +"Hell storm!" I replied, "for whoever saw hail like that before?" + +Then the match burnt out and conversation came to an end for the reason +that we could no longer hear each other speak. The hail came down with +a perpetual, rattling roar, that in its sum was one of the most terrible +sounds to which I ever listened. And yet above it I thought that I could +catch another, still more terrible, the wail of hundreds of people in +agony. After the first few minutes I began to be afraid that the roof +would be battered in, or that the walls would crumble beneath this +perpetual fire of the musketry of heaven. But the cement was good and +the place well built. + +So it came about that the house stood the tempest, which had it been +roofed with tiles or galvanized iron I am sure it would never have done, +since the lumps of ice must have shattered one and pierced the other +like paper. Indeed I have seen this happen in a bad hailstorm in +Natal which killed my best horse. But even that hail was as snowflakes +compared to this. + +I suppose that this natural phenomenon continued for about twenty +minutes, not more, during ten of which it was at its worst. Then by +degrees it ceased, the sky cleared and the moon shone out beautifully. +We climbed to the roof again and looked. It was several inches deep in +jagged ice, while the market-place and all the country round appeared in +the bright moonlight to be buried beneath a veil of snow. + +Very rapidly, as the normal temperature of that warm land reasserted +itself, this snow or rather hail melted, causing a flood of water which, +where there was any fall, began to rush away with a gurgling sound. Also +we heard other sounds, such as that from the galloping hoofs of many +of the horses which had broken loose from their wrecked stables at +the north end of the market-place, where in great number they had been +killed by the falling roofs or had kicked each other to death, and a +wild universal wail that rose from every quarter of the big town, in +which quantities of the worst-built houses had collapsed. Further, lying +here and there about the market-place we could see scores of dark shapes +that we knew to be those of men, women and children, whom those sharp +missiles hurled from heaven had caught before they could escape and +slain or wounded almost to death. For it will be remembered that perhaps +not fewer than two thousand people were gathered on this market-place, +attending the horrid midnight sacrifice and discussing the unnatural +weather when the storm burst upon them suddenly as an avalanche. + +"The Child is small, yet its strength is great. Behold the first curse!" +said Marut solemnly. + +I stared at him, but as he chose to believe that a very unusual +hailstorm was a visitation from heaven I did not think it worth while +arguing the point. Only I wondered if he really did believe this. Then +I remembered that such an event was said to have afflicted the old +Egyptians in the hour of their pride because they would not "let the +people go." Well, these blackguardedly Black Kendah were certainly worse +than the Egyptians can ever have been; also they would not let _us_ +go. It was not wonderful therefore that Marut should be the victim of +phantasies on the matter. + +Not until the following morning did we come to understand the full +extent of the calamity which had overtaken the Black Kendah. I think I +have said that their crops this year were magnificent and just ripening +to harvest. From our roof on previous days we could see a great area +of them stretching to the edge of the forest. When the sun rose that +morning this area had vanished, and the ground was covered with a +carpet of green pulp. Also the forest itself appeared suddenly to have +experienced the full effects of a northern winter. Not a leaf was left +upon the trees, which stood their pointing their naked boughs to heaven. + +No one who had not seen it could imagine the devastating fury of that +storm. For example, the head of the diviner who was buried in the +court-yard awaiting resurrection through our magic was, it may be +recalled, covered with a stout earthenware pot. Now that pot had +shattered into sherds and the head beneath was nothing but bits of +broken bone which it would have been impossible for the very best magic +to reconstruct to the likeness of a human being. + +Calamity indeed stalked naked through the land. + + + +CHAPTER XIII + +JANA + +No breakfast was brought to us that morning, probably for the reason +that there was none to bring. This did not matter, however, seeing that +plenty of food accumulated from supper and other meals stood in a corner +of the house practically untouched. So we ate what we could and then +paid our usual visit to the hut in which the camelmen had been confined. +I say had been, for now it was quite empty, the last poor fellow having +vanished away like his companions. + +The sight of this vacuum filled me with a kind of fury. + +"They have all been murdered!" I said to Marut. + +"No," he replied with gentle accuracy. "They have been sacrificed to +Jana. What we have seen on the market-place at night was the rite of +their sacrifice. Now it will be our turn, Lord Macumazana." + +"Well," I exclaimed, "I hope these devils are satisfied with Jana's +answer to their accursed offerings, and if they try their fiendish +pranks on us----" + +"Doubtless there will be another answer. But, Lord, the question is, +will that help us?" + +Dumb with impotent rage I returned to the house, where presently the +remains of the reed gate opened. Through it appeared Simba the King, the +diviner with the injured foot walking upon crutches, and others of whom +the most were more or less wounded, presumably by the hailstones. Then +it was that in my wrath I put off the pretence of not understanding +their language and went for them before they could utter a single word. + +"Where are our servants, you murderers?" I asked, shaking my fist at +them. "Have you sacrificed them to your devil-god? If so, behold the +fruits of sacrifice!" and I swept my arm towards the country beyond. +"Where are your crops?" I went on. "Tell me on what you will live this +winter?" (At these words they quailed. In their imagination already they +saw famine stalking towards them.) "Why do you keep us here? Is it that +you wait for a worse thing to befall you? Why do you visit us here now?" +and I paused, gasping with indignation. + +"We came to look whether you had brought back to life that doctor whom +you killed with your magic, white man," answered the king heavily. + +I stepped to the corner of the court-yard and, drawing aside a mat that +I had thrown there, showed them what lay beneath. + +"Look then," I said, "and be sure that if you do not let us go, as +yonder thing is, so shall all of you be before another moon has been +born and died. Such is the life we shall give to evil men like you." + +Now they grew positively terrified. + +"Lord," said Simba, for the first time addressing me by a title of +respect, "your magic is too strong for us. Great misfortune has fallen +upon our land. Hundreds of people are dead, killed by the ice-stones +that you have called down. Our harvest is ruined, and there is but +little corn left in the storepits now when we looked to gather the new +grain. Messengers come in from the outlying land telling us that nearly +all the sheep and goats and very many of the cattle are slain. Soon we +shall starve." + +"As you deserve to starve," I answered. "Now--will you let us go?" + +Simba stared at me doubtfully, then began to whisper into the ear of +the lamed diviner. I could not catch what they said, so I watched their +faces. That of the diviner whose head I was glad to see had been cut by +a hailstone so that both ends of him were now injured, told me a good +deal. His mask had been ugly, but now that it was off the countenance +beneath was far uglier. Of a negroid type, pendulous-lipped, sensuous +and loose-eyed, he was indeed a hideous fellow, yet very cunning and +cruel-looking, as men of his class are apt to be. Humbled as he was +for the moment, I felt sure that he was still plotting evil against us, +somewhat against the will of his master. The issue showed that I was +right. At length Simba spoke, saying: + +"We had intended, Lord, to keep you and the priest of the Child here as +hostages against mischief that might be worked on us by the followers +of the Child, who have always been our bitter enemies and done us much +undeserved wrong, although on our part we have faithfully kept the pact +concluded in the days of our grandfathers. It seems, however, that fate, +or your magic, is too strong for us, and therefore I have determined to +let you go. To-night at sundown we will set you on the road which leads +to the ford of the River Tava, which divides our territory from that of +the White Kendah, and you may depart where you will, since our wish is +that never again may we see your ill-omened faces." + +At this intelligence my heart leapt in joy that was altogether +premature. But, preserving my indignant air, I exclaimed: + +"To-night! Why to-night? Why not at once? It is hard for us to cross +unknown rivers in the dark." + +"The water is low, Lord, and the ford easy. Moreover, if you started +now you would reach it in the dark; whereas if you start at sundown, you +will reach it in the morning. Lastly, we cannot conduct you hence until +we have buried our dead." + +Then, without giving me time to answer, he turned and left the place, +followed by the others. Only at the gateway the diviner wheeled round on +his crutches and glared at us both, muttering something with his thick +lips; probably it was curses. + +"At any rate they are going to set us free," I said to Marut, not +without exultation, when they had all vanished. + +"Yes, Lord," he replied, "but _where_ are they going to set us free? The +demon Jana lives in the forests and the swamps by the banks of the Tava +River, and it is said that he ravages at night." + +I did not pursue the subject, but reflected to myself cheerfully that +this mystic rogue-elephant was a long way off and might be circumvented, +whereas that altar of sacrifice was extremely near and very difficult to +avoid. + +Never did a thief with a rich booty in view, or a wooer having an +assignation with his lady, wait for sundown more eagerly than I did that +day. Hour after hour I sat upon the house-top, watching the Black Kendah +carrying off the dead killed by the hailstones and generally trying to +repair the damage done by the terrific tempest. Watching the sun also +as it climbed down the cloudless sky, and literally counting the minutes +till it should reach the horizon, although I knew well that it would +have been wiser after such a night to prepare for our journey by lying +down to sleep. + +At length the great orb began to sink in majesty behind the tattered +western forest, and, punctual to the minute, Simba, with a mounted +escort of some twenty men and two led horses, appeared at our gate. As +our preparations, which consisted only of Marut stuffing such food as +was available into the breast of his robe, were already made, we walked +out of that accursed guest-house and, at a sign from the king, mounted +the horses. Riding across the empty market-place and past the spot where +the rough stone altar still stood with charred bones protruding from +the ashes of its extinguished fire--were they those of our friends the +camel-drivers? I wondered--we entered the north street of the town. + +Here, standing at the doors of their houses, were many of the +inhabitants who had gathered to watch us pass. Never did I see hate more +savage than was written on those faces as they shook their fists at us +and muttered curses not loud but deep. + +No wonder! for they were all ruined, poor folk, with nothing to look +forward to but starvation until long months hence the harvest came again +for those who would live to gather it. Also they were convinced that we, +the white magician and the prophet of their enemy the Child, had brought +this disaster on them. Had it not been for the escort I believe they +would have fallen on us and torn us to pieces. Considering them I +understood for the first time how disagreeable real unpopularity _can +be_. But when I saw the actual condition of the fruitful gardens without +in the waning daylight, I confess that I was moved to some sympathy with +their owners. It was appalling. Not a handful of grain was there left +to gather, for the corn had been not only "laid" but literally cut to +ribbons by the hail. + +After running for some miles through the cultivated land the road +entered the forest. Here it was dark as pitch, so dark that I wondered +how our guides found their way. In that blackness dreadful apprehensions +seized me, for I became convinced that we had been brought here to be +murdered. Every minute I expected to feel a knife-thrust in my back. I +thought of digging my heels into the horse's sides and trying to gallop +off anywhere, but abandoned the idea, first because I could not desert +Marut, of whom I had lost touch in the gloom, and secondly because I was +hemmed in by the escort. For the same reason I did not try to slip from +the horse and glide away into the forest. There was nothing to be done +save to go on and await the end. + +It came at last some hours later. We were out of the forest now, and +there was the moon rising, past her full but still very bright. Her +light showed me that we were on a wild moorland, swampy, with scattered +trees growing here and there, across which what seemed to be a game +track ran down hill. That was all I could make out. Here the escort +halted, and Simba the King said in a sullen voice: + +"Dismount and go your ways, evil spirits, for we travel no farther +across this place which is haunted. Follow the track and it will lead +you to a lake. Pass the lake and by morning you will come to the river +beyond which lies the country of your friends. May its waters swallow +you if you reach them. For learn, there is one who watches on this road +whom few care to meet." + +As he finished speaking men sprang at us and, pulling us from the +horses, thrust us out of their company. Then they turned and in another +minute were lost in the darkness, leaving us alone. + +"What now, friend Marut?" I asked. + +"Now, Lord, all we can do is to go forward, for if we stay here Simba +and his people will return and kill us at the daylight. One of them said +so to me." + +"Then, 'come on, Macduff,'" I exclaimed, stepping out briskly, and +though he had never read Shakespeare, Marut understood and followed. + +"What did Simba mean about 'one on the road whom few care to meet'?" I +asked over my shoulder when we had done half a mile or so. + +"I think he meant the elephant Jana," replied Marut with a groan. + +"Then I hope Jana isn't at home. Cheer up, Marut. The chances are that +we shall never meet a single elephant in this big place." + +"Yet many elephants have been here, Lord," and he pointed to the ground. +"It is said that they come to die by the waters of the lake and this +is one of the roads they follow on their death journey, a road that no +other living thing dare travel." + +"Oh!" I exclaimed. "Then after all that was a true dream I had in the +house in England." + +"Yes, Lord, because my brother Harut once lost his way out hunting when +he was young and saw what his mind showed you in the dream, and what we +shall see presently, if we live to come so far." + +I made no reply, both because what he said was either true or false, +which I should ascertain presently, and because I was engaged in +searching the ground with my eyes. He was right; many elephants had +travelled this path--one quite recently. I, a hunter of those brutes, +could not be deceived on this point. Once or twice also I thought that +I caught sight of the outline of some tall creature moving silently +through the scattered thorns a couple of hundred yards or so to our +right. It might have been an elephant or a giraffe, or perhaps nothing +but a shadow, so I said nothing. As I heard no noise I was inclined +to believe the latter explanation. In any case, what was the good of +speaking? Unarmed and solitary amidst unknown dangers, our position was +desperate, and as Marut's nerve was already giving out, to emphasize its +horrors to him would be mere foolishness. + +On we trudged for another two hours, during which time the only living +thing that I saw was a large owl which sailed round our heads as though +to look at us, and then flew away ahead. + +This owl, Marut informed me, was one of "Jana's spies" that kept him +advised of all that was passing in his territory. I muttered "Bosh" +and tramped on. Still I was glad that we saw no more of the owl, for in +certain circumstances such dark fears are catching. + +We reached the top of a rise, and there beneath us lay the most desolate +scene that ever I have seen. At least it would have been the most +desolate if I did not chance to have looked on it before, in the +drawing-room of Ragnall Castle! There was no doubt about it. Below was +the black, melancholy lake, a large sheet of water surrounded by reeds. +Around, but at a considerable distance, appeared the tropical forest. To +the east of the lake stretched a stony plain. At the time I could make +out no more because of the uncertain light and the distance, for we had +still over a mile to go before we reached the edge of the lake. + +The aspect of the place filled me with tremblings, both because of its +utter uncanniness and because of the inexplicable truth that I had seen +it before. Most people will have experienced this kind of moral shock +when on going to some new land they recognize a locality as being quite +familiar to them in all its details. Or it may be the rooms of a house +hitherto unvisited by them. Or it may be a conversation of which, when +it begins, they already foreknow the sequence and the end, because in +some dim state, when or how who can say, they have taken part in +that talk with those same speakers. If this be so even in cheerful +surroundings and among our friends or acquaintances, it is easy to +imagine how much greater was the shock to me, a traveller on such a +journey and in such a night. + +I shrank from approaching the shores of this lake, remembering that as +yet all the vision was not unrolled. I looked about me. If we went to +the left we should either strike the water, or if we followed its edge, +still bearing to the left, must ultimately reach the forest, where +probably we should be lost. I looked to the right. The ground was strewn +with boulders, among which grew thorns and rank grass, impracticable for +men on foot at night. I looked behind me, meditating retreat, and there, +some hundreds of yards away behind low, scrubby mimosas mixed with +aloe-like plants, I saw something brown toss up and disappear again that +might very well have been the trunk of an elephant. Then, animated +by the courage of despair and a desire to know the worst, I began to +descend the elephant track towards the lake almost at a run. + +Ten minutes or so more brought us to the eastern head of the lake, where +the reeds whispered in the breath of the night wind like things alive. +As I expected, it proved to be a bare, open space where nothing seemed +to grow. Yes, and all about me were the decaying remains of elephants, +hundreds of them, some with their bones covered in moss, that may have +lain here for generations, and others more newly dead. They were all +old beasts as I could tell by the tusks, whether male or female. Indeed +about me within a radius of a quarter of a mile lay enough ivory to make +a man very rich for life, since although discoloured, much of it seemed +to have kept quite sound, like human teeth in a mummy case. The sight +gave me a new zest for life. If only I could manage to survive and carry +off that ivory! I would. In this way or in that I swore that I would! +Who could possibly die with so much ivory to be had for the taking? Not +that old hunter, Allan Quatermain. + +Then I forgot about the ivory, for there in front of me, just where +it should be, just as I had seen it in the dream-picture, was the bull +elephant dying, a thin and ancient brute that had lived its long life +to the last hour. It searched about as though to find a convenient +resting-place, and when this was discovered, stood over it, swaying +to and fro for a full minute. Then it lifted its trunk and trumpeted +shrilly thrice, singing its swan-song, after which it sank slowly to its +knees, its trunk outstretched and the points of its worn tusks resting +on the ground. Evidently it was dead. + +I let my eyes travel on, and behold! about fifty yards beyond the dead +bull was a mound of hard rock. I watched it with gasping expectation +and--yes, on the top of the mound something slowly materialized. +Although I knew what it must be well enough, for a while I could not see +quite clearly because there were certain little clouds about and one of +them had floated over the face of the moon. It passed, and before me, +perhaps a hundred and forty paces away, outlined clearly against the +sky, I perceived the devilish elephant of my vision. + +Oh! what a brute was that! In bulk and height it appeared to be half +as big again as any of its tribe which I had known in all my life's +experience. It was enormous, unearthly; a survivor perhaps of some +ancient species that lived before the Flood, or at least a very giant of +its kind. Its grey-black sides were scarred as though with fighting. One +of its huge tusks, much worn at the end, for evidently it was very old, +gleamed white in the moonlight. The other was broken off about halfway +down its length. When perfect it had been malformed, for it curved +downwards and not upwards, also rather out to the right. + +There stood this mammoth, this leviathan, this _monstrum horrendum, +informe, ingens_, as I remember my old father used to call a certain +gigantic and misshapen bull that we had on the Station, flapping a pair +of ears that looked like the sides of a hut, and waving a trunk +as big as a weaver's beam--whatever a weaver's beam may be--an appalling +and a petrifying sight. + +I squatted behind the skeleton of an elephant which happened to be handy +and well covered with moss and ferns and watched the beast, fascinated, +wishing that I had a large-bore rifle in my hand. What became of Marut I +do not exactly know, but I think that he lay down on the ground. + +During the minute or so that followed I reflected a good deal, as we +do in times of emergency, often after a useless sort of a fashion. For +instance, I wondered why the brute appeared thus upon yonder mound, and +the thought suggested itself to me that it was summoned thither from +some neighbouring lair by the trumpet call of the dying elephant. It +occurred to me even that it was a kind of king of the elephants, to +which they felt bound to report themselves, as it were, in the hour +of their decease. Certainly what followed gave some credence to my +fantastical notion which, if there were anything in it, might account +for this great graveyard at that particular spot. + +After standing for a while in the attitude that I have described, +testing the air with its trunk, Jana, for I will call him so, lumbered +down the mound and advanced straight to where the elephant that I had +thought to be dead was kneeling. As a matter of fact it was not quite +dead, for when Jana arrived it lifted its trunk and curled it round +that of Jana as though in affectionate greeting, then let it fall to +the ground again. Thereon Jana did what I had seen it do in my dream or +vision at Ragnall, namely, attacked it, knocking it over on to its side, +where it lay motionless; quite dead this time. + +Now I remembered that the vision was not accurate after all, since in it +I had seen Jana destroy a woman and a child, who on the present occasion +were wanting. Since then I have thought that this was because Harut, +clairvoyantly or telepathically, had conveyed to me, as indeed Marut +declared, a scene which he had witnessed similar to that which I was +witnessing, but not identical in its incidents. Thus it happened, +perhaps, that while the act of the woman and the child was omitted, +in our case there was another act of the play to follow of which I had +received no inkling in my Ragnall experience. Indeed, if I had received +it, I should not have been there that night, for no inducement on earth +would have brought me to Kendahland. + +This was the act. Jana, having prodded his dead brother to his +satisfaction, whether from viciousness or to put it out of pain, I +cannot say, stood over the carcass in an attitude of grief or pious +meditation. At this time, I should mention, the wind, which had been +rustling the hail-stripped reeds at the lake border, had died away +almost, but not completely; that is to say, only a very faint gust +blew now and again, which, with a hunter's instinct, I observed with +satisfaction drew _from_ the direction of Jana towards ourselves. This I +knew, because it struck on my forehead, which was wet with perspiration, +and cooled the skin. + +Presently, however, by a cursed spite of fate, one of these gusts--a +very little one--came from some quarter behind us, for I felt it in my +back hair, that was as damp as the rest of me. Just then I was glancing +to my right, where it seemed to me that out of the corner of my eye I +had caught sight of something passing among the stones at a distance +of a hundred yards or so, possibly the shadow of a cloud or another +elephant. At the time I did not ascertain which it was, since a faint +rattle from Jana's trunk reconcentrated all my faculties on him in a +painfully vivid fashion. + +I looked to see that all the contemplation had departed from his +attitude, now as alert as that of a fox-terrier which imagines he has +seen a rat. His vast ears were cocked, his huge bulk trembled, his +enormous trunk sniffed the air. + +"Great Heavens!" thought I to myself, "he has winded us!" Then I took +such consolation as I could from the fact that the next gust once more +struck upon my forehead, for I hoped he would conclude that he had made +a mistake. + +Not a bit of it! Jana as far too old a bird--or beast--to make any +mistake. He grunted, got himself going like a luggage train, and with +great deliberation walked towards us, smelling at the ground, smelling +at the air, smelling to the right, to the left, and even towards heaven +above, as though he expected that thence might fall upon him vengeance +for his many sins. A dozen times as he came did I cover him with an +imaginary rifle, marking the exact spots where I might have hoped to +send a bullet to his vitals, in a kind of automatic fashion, for all my +real brain was contemplating my own approaching end. + +I wondered how it would happen. Would he drive that great tusk through +me, would he throw me into the air, or would he kneel upon my poor +little body, and avenge the deaths of his kin that had fallen at my +hands? Marut was speaking in a rattling whisper: + +"His priests have told Jana to kill us; we are about to die," he said. +"Before I die I want to say that the lady, the wife of the lord----" + +"Silence!" I hissed. "He will hear you," for at that instant I took not +the slightest interest in any lady on the earth. Fiercely I glared at +Marut and noted even then how pitiful was his countenance. There was no +smile there now. All its jovial roundness had vanished. It had sunk in; +it was blue and ghastly with large, protruding eyes, like to that of a +man who had been three days dead. + +I was right--Jana _had_ heard. Low as the whisper was, through that +intense silence it had penetrated to his almost preternatural senses. +Forward he came at a run for twenty paces or more with his trunk held +straight out in front of him. Then he halted again, perhaps the length +of a cricket pitch away, and smelt as before. + +The sight was too much for Marut. He sprang up and ran for his life +towards the lake, purposing, I suppose, to take refuge in the water. +Oh! how he ran. After him went Jana like a railway engine--express this +time--trumpeting as he charged. Marut reached the lake, which was quite +close, about ten yards ahead, and plunging into it with a bound, began +to swim. + +Now, I thought, he may get away if the crocodiles don't have him, for +that devil will scarcely take to the water. But this was just where I +made a mistake, for with a mighty splash in went Jana too. Also he was +the better swimmer. Marut soon saw this and swung round to the shore, by +which manoeuvre he gained a little as he could turn quicker than Jana. + +Back they came, Jana just behind Marut, striking at him with his great +trunk. They landed, Marut flew a few yards ahead doubling in and out +among the rocks like a hare and, to my horror, making for where I lay, +whether by accident or in a mad hope of obtaining protection, I do not +know. + +It may be asked why I had not taken the opportunity to run also in the +opposite direction. There are several answers. The first was that there +seemed to be nowhere to run; the second, that I felt sure, if I did run, +I should trip up over the skeletons of those elephants or the stones; +the third, that I did not think of it at once; the fourth, that Jana +had not yet seen me, and I had no craving to introduce myself to him +personally; and the fifth and greatest, that I was so paralysed with +fear that I did not feel as though I could lift myself from the ground. +Everything about me seemed to be dead, except my powers of observation, +which were painfully alive. + +Of a sudden Marut gave up. Less than a stone's throw from me he wheeled +round and, facing Jana, hurled at him some fearful and concentrated +curse, of which all that I could distinguish were the words: "The +Child!" + +Oddly enough it seemed to have an effect upon the furious rogue, which +halted in its rush and, putting its four feet together, slid a few paces +nearer and stood still. It was just as though the beast had understood +the words and were considering them. If so, their effect was to rouse +him to perfect madness. He screamed terribly; he lashed his sides with +his trunk; his red and wicked eyes rolled; foam flew from the cavern +of his open mouth; he danced upon his great feet, a sort of hideous +Scottish reel. Then he charged! + +I shut my eyes for a moment. When I opened them again it was to see +poor Marut higher in the air than ever he flew before. I thought that +he would never come down, but he did at last with an awesome thud. Jana +went to him and very gently, now that he was dead, picked him up in his +trunk. I prayed that he might carry him away to some hiding-place and +leave me in peace. But not so. With slow and stately strides, rocking +the deceased Marut up and down in his trunk, as a nurse might rock +a baby, he marched on to the very stone where I lay, behind which I +suppose he had seen or smelt me all the time. + +For quite a long while, it seemed more than a century, he stood over me, +studying me as though I interested him very much, the water of the lake +trickling in a refreshing stream from his great ears on to my back. Had +it not been for that water I think I should have fainted, but as it was +I did the next best thing--pretended to be dead. Perhaps this monster +would scorn to touch a dead man. Watching out of the corner of my eye, I +saw him lift one vast paw that was the size of an arm-chair and hold it +over me. + +Now good-bye to the world, thought I. Then the foot descended as a +steam-hammer does, but also as a steam-hammer sometimes does when used +to crack nuts, stopped as it touched my back, and presently came to +earth again alongside of me, perhaps because Jana thought the foothold +dangerous. At any rate, he took another and better way. Depositing the +remains of Marut with the most tender care beside me, as though the +nurse were putting the child to bed, he unwound his yards of trunk and +began to feel me all over with its tip, commencing at the back of my +neck. Oh! the sensation of that clammy, wriggling tip upon my spinal +column! + +Down it went till it reached the seat of my trousers. There it pinched, +presumably to ascertain whether or no I were malingering, a most +agonizing pinch like to that of a pair of blacksmith's tongs. So sharp +was it that, although I did not stir, who was aware that the slightest +movement meant death, it tore a piece out of the stout cloth of my +breeches, to say nothing of a portion of the skin beneath. This seemed +to astonish the beast, for it lifted the tip of its trunk and shifted +its head, as though to examine the fragment by the light of the moon. + +Now indeed all was over, for when it saw blood upon that cloth----! I +put up one short, piteous prayer to Heaven to save me from this terrible +end, and lo, it was answered! + +For just as Jana, the results of the inspection being unsatisfactory, +was cocking his ears and making ready to slay me, there rang out the +short, sharp report of a rifle fired within a few yards. Glancing up +at the instant, I saw blood spurt from the monster's left eye, where +evidently the bullet had found a home. + +He felt at his eye with his trunk; then, uttering a scream of pain, +wheeled round and rushed away. + + + +CHAPTER XIV + +THE CHASE + +I suppose that I swooned for a minute or two. At any rate I remember +a long and very curious dream, such a dream as is evolved by a patient +under laughing gas, that is very clear and vivid at the time but +immediately afterwards slips from the mind's grasp as water does +from the clenched hand. It was something to the effect that all those +hundreds of skeleton elephants rose and marshalled themselves before me, +making obeisance to me by bending their bony knees, because, as I quite +understood, I was the only human being that had ever escaped from Jana. +Moreover, on the foremost elephant's skull Hans was perched like a +mahout, giving words of command, to their serried ranks and explaining +to them that it would be very convenient if they would carry their +tusks, for which they had no further use, and pile them in a certain +place--I forget where--that must be near a good road to facilitate their +subsequent transport to a land where they would be made into billiard +balls and the backs of ladies' hair-brushes. Next, through the figments +of that retreating dream, I heard the undoubted voice of Hans himself, +which of course I knew to be absurd as Hans was lost and doubtless dead, +saying: + +"If you are alive, Baas, please wake up soon, as I have finished +reloading Intombi, and it is time to be going. I think I hit Jana in the +eye, but so big a beast will soon get over so little a thing as that and +look for us, and the bullet from Intombi is too small to kill him, Baas, +especially as it is not likely that either of us could hit him in the +other eye." + +Now I sat up and stared. Yes, there was Hans himself looking just the +same as usual, only perhaps rather dirtier, engaged in setting a cap on +to the nipple of the little rifle Intombi. + +"Hans," I said in a hollow voice, "why the devil are you here?" + +"To save you from the devil, of course, Baas," he replied aptly. Then, +resting the gun against the stone, the old fellow knelt down by my side +and, throwing his arms around me, began to blubber over me, exclaiming: + +"Just in time, Baas! Only just in time, for as usual Hans made a mess of +things and judged badly--I'll tell you afterwards. Still, just in time, +thanks be to your reverend father, the Predikant. Oh! if he had delayed +me for one more minute you would have been as flat as my nose, Baas. Now +come quickly. I've got the camel tied up there, and he can carry two, +being fat and strong after four days' rest with plenty to eat. This +place is haunted, Baas, and that king of the devils, Jana, will be back +after us presently, as soon as he has wiped the blood out of his eye." + +I didn't make any remark, having no taste for conversation just then, +but only looked at poor Marut, who lay by me as though he was sleeping. + +"Oh, Baas," said Hans, "there is no need to trouble about him, for +his neck is broken and he's quite dead. Also it is as well," he added +cheerfully. "For, as your reverend father doubtless remembered, the +camel could never carry three. Moreover, if he stops here, perhaps Jana +will come back to play with him instead of following us." + +Poor Marut! This was his requiem as sung by Hans. + +With a last glance at the unhappy man to whom I had grown attached in a +way during our time of joint captivity and trial, I took the arm of the +old Hottentot, or rather leant upon his shoulder, for at first I felt +too weak to walk by myself, and picked my path with him through the +stones and skeletons of elephants across the plateau eastwards, that +is, away from the lake. About two hundred yards from the scene of our +tragedy was a mound of rock similar to that on which Jana had appeared, +but much smaller, behind which we found the camel, kneeling as a +well-trained beast of the sort should do and tethered to a stone. + +As we went, in brief but sufficient language Hans told me his story. +It seemed that after he had shot the Kendah general it came into his +cunning, foreseeing mind that he might be of more use to me free than as +a companion in captivity, or that if I were killed he might in that case +live to bring vengeance on my slayers. So he broke away, as has been +described, and hid till nightfall on the hill-side. Then by the light +of the moon he tracked us, avoiding the villages, and ultimately found +a place of shelter in a kind of cave in the forest near to Simba Town, +where no people lived. Here he fed the camel at night, concealing it +at dawn in the cave. The days he spent up a tall tree, whence he could +watch all that went on in the town beneath, living meanwhile on some +food which he carried in a bag tied to the saddle, helped out by green +mealies which he stole from a neighbouring field. + +Thus he saw most of what passed in the town, including the desolation +wrought by the fearful tempest of hail, which, being in their cave, both +he and the camel escaped without harm. On the next evening from his +post of outlook up the tree, where he had now some difficulty in hiding +himself because the hail had stripped off all its leaves, he saw Marut +and myself brought from the guest-house and taken away by the escort. +Descending and running to the cave, he saddled the camel and started +in pursuit, plunging into the forest and hiding there when he perceived +that the escort were leaving us. + +Here he waited until they had gone by on their return journey. So close +did they pass to him that he could overhear their talk, which told him +they expected, or rather were sure, that we should be destroyed by the +elephant Jana, their devil god, to whom the camelmen had been already +sacrificed. After they had departed he remounted and followed us. Here I +asked him why he had not overtaken us before we came to the cemetery of +elephants, as I presumed he might have done, since he stated that he was +close in our rear. This indeed was the case, for it was the head of the +camel I saw behind the thorn trees when I looked back, and not the trunk +of an elephant as I had supposed. + +At the time he would give me no direct answer, except that he grew +muddled as he had already suggested, and thought it best to keep in the +background and see what happened. Long afterwards, however, he admitted +to me that he acted on a presentiment. + +"It seemed to me, Baas," he said, "that your reverend father was telling +me that I should do best to let you two go on and not show myself, since +if I did so we should all three be killed, as one of us must walk whom +the other two could not desert. Whereas if I left you as you were, one +of you would be killed and the other escape, and that the one to be +killed would not be _you_, Baas. All of which came about as the Spirit +spoke in my head, for Marut was killed, who did not matter, and--you +know the rest, Baas." + +To return to Hans' story. He saw us march down to the borders of the +lake, and, keeping to our right, took cover behind the knoll of rock, +whence he watched also all that followed. When Jana advanced to attack +us Hans crept forward in the hope, a very wild one, of crippling him +with the little Purdey rifle. Indeed, he was about to fire at the hind +leg when Marut made his run for life and plunged into the lake. Then he +crawled on to lead me away to the camel, but when he was within a few +yards the chase returned our way and Marut was killed. + +From that moment he waited for an opportunity to shoot Jana in the only +spot where so soft a bullet would, as he knew, have the faintest chance +of injuring him vitally--namely, in the eye--for he was sure that its +penetration would not be sufficient to reach the vitals through that +thick hide and the mass of flesh behind. With an infinite and wonderful +patience he waited, knowing that my life or death hung in the balance. +While Jana held his foot over me, while he felt me with his trunk, still +Hans waited, balancing the arguments for and against firing upon the +scales of experience in his clever old mind, and in the end coming to a +right and wise conclusion. + +At length his chance came, the brute exposed his eye, and by the light +of the clear moon Hans, always a very good shot at a distance when it +was not necessary to allow for trajectory and wind, let drive and _hit_. +The bullet did not get to the brain as he had hoped; it had not strength +for that, but it destroyed this left eye and gave Jana such pain that +for a while he forgot all about me and everything else except escape. + +Such was the Hottentot's tale as I picked it up from his laconic, +colourless, Dutch _patois_ sentences, then and afterwards; a very +wonderful tale I thought. But for him, his fidelity and his bushman's +cunning, where should I have found myself before that moon set? + + + +We mounted the camel after I had paused a minute to take a pull from +a flask of brandy which remained in the saddlebags. Although he loved +strong drink so well Hans had saved it untouched on the mere chance +that it might some time be of service to me, his master. The monkey-like +Hottentot sat in front and directed the camel, while I accommodated +myself as best I could on the sheepskins behind. Luckily they were thick +and soft, for Jana's pinch was not exactly that of a lover. + +Off we went, picking our way carefully till we reached the elephant +track beyond the mound where Jana had appeared, which, in the light of +faith, we hoped would lead us to the River Tava. Here we made better +progress, but still could not go very fast because of the holes made by +the feet of Jana and his company. Soon we had left the cemetery behind +us, and lost sight of the lake which I devoutly trusted I might never +see again. + +Now the track ran upwards from the hollow to a ridge two or three miles +away. We reached the crest of this ridge without accident, except that +on our road we met another aged elephant, a cow with very poor tusks, +travelling to its last resting place, or so I suppose. I don't know +which was the more frightened, the sick cow or the camel, for camels +hate elephants as horses hate camels until they get used to them. The +cow bolted to the right as quickly as it could, which was not very fast, +and the camel bolted to the left with such convulsive bounds that we +were nearly thrown off its back. However, being an equable brute, it +soon recovered its balance, and we got back to the track beyond the cow. + +From the top of the rise we saw that before us lay a sandy plain lightly +clothed in grass, and, to our joy, about ten miles away at the foot of +a very gentle , the moonlight gleamed upon the waters of a broad +river. It was not easy to make out, but it was there, we were both sure +it was there; we could not mistake the wavering, silver flash. On we +went for another quarter of a mile, when something caused me to turn +round on the sheepskin and look back. + +Oh Heavens! At the very top of the rise, clearly outlined against +the sky, stood Jana himself with his trunk lifted. Next instant he +trumpeted, a furious, rattling challenge of rage and defiance. + +"Allemagte! Baas," said Hans, "the old devil is coming to look for +his lost eye, and has seen us with that which remains. He has been +travelling on our spoor." + +"Forward!" I answered, bringing my heels into the camel's ribs. + +Then the race began. The camel was a very good camel, one of the real +running breed; also, as Hans said, it was comparatively fresh, and may, +moreover, have been aware that it was near to the plains where it had +been bred. Lastly, the going was now excellent, soft to its spongy feet +but not too deep in sand, nor were there any rocks over which it could +fall. It went off like the wind, making nothing of our united weights +which did not come to more than two hundred pounds, or a half of what +it could carry with ease, being perhaps urged to its top speed by the +knowledge that the elephant was behind. For mile after mile we rushed +down the plain. But we did not go alone, for Jana came after us like a +cruiser after a gunboat. Moreover, swiftly as we travelled, he travelled +just a little swifter, gaining say a few yards in every hundred. For the +last mile before we came to the river bank, half an hour later perhaps, +though it seemed to be a week, he was not more than fifty paces to our +rear. I glanced back at him, and in the light of the moon, which was +growing low, he bore a strange resemblance to a mud cottage with broken +chimneys (which were his ears flapping on each side of him), and the +yard pump projecting from the upper window. + +"We shall beat him now, Hans," I said looking at the broad river which +was now close at hand. + +"Yes, Baas," answered Hans doubtfully and in jerks. "This is very good +camel, Baas. He runs so fast that I have no inside left, I suppose +because he smells his wife over that river, to say nothing of death +behind him. But, Baas, I am not sure; that devil Jana is still faster +than the camel, and he wants to settle for his lost eye, which makes him +lively. Also I see stones ahead, which are bad for camels. Then there +is the river, and I don't know if camels can swim, but Jana can as Marut +learned. Do you think, Baas, that you could manage to sting him up +with a bullet in his knee or that great trunk of his, just to give him +something to think about besides ourselves?" + +Thus he prattled on, I believe to occupy my mind and his own, till at +length, growing impatient, I replied: + +"Be silent, donkey. Can I shoot an elephant backwards over my shoulder +with a rifle meant for springbuck? Hit the camel! Hit it hard!" + +Alas! Hans was right! There _were_ stones at the verge of the river, +which doubtless it had washed out in periods of past flood, and +presently we were among them. Now a camel, so good on sand that is its +native heath, is a worthless brute among stones, over which it slips and +flounders. But to Jana these appeared to offer little or no obstacle. At +any rate he came over them almost if not quite as fast as before. By +the time that we reached the brink of the water he was not more than ten +yards behind. I could even see the blood running down from the socket of +his ruined eye. + +Moreover, at the sight of the foaming but shallow torrent, the camel, +a creature unaccustomed to water, pulled up in a mulish kind of way and +for a moment refused to stir. Luckily at this instant Jana let off one +of his archangel kind of trumpetings which started our beast again, +since it was more afraid of elephants than it was of water. + +In we went and were presently floundering among the loose stones at the +bottom of the river, which was nowhere over four feet deep, with Jana +splashing after us not more than five yards behind. I twisted myself +round and fired at him with the rifle. Whether I hit him or no I could +not say, but he stopped for a few seconds, perhaps because he remembered +the effect of a similar explosion upon his eye, which gave us a trifling +start. Then he came on again in his steam-engine fashion. + +When we were about in the middle of the river the inevitable happened. +The camel fell, pitching us over its head into the stream. Still +clinging to the rifle I picked myself up and began half to swim half to +wade towards the farther shore, catching hold of Hans with my free hand. +In a moment Jana was on to that camel. He gored it with his tusks, he +trampled it with his feet, he got it round the neck with his trunk, +dragging nearly the whole bulk of it out of the water. Then he set to +work to pound it down into the mud and stones at the bottom of the river +with such a persistent thoroughness, that he gave us time to reach +the other bank and climb up a stout tree which grew there, a sloping, +flat-topped kind of tree that was fortunately easy to ascend, at least +for a man. Here we sat gasping, perhaps about thirty feet above the +ground level, and waited. + +Presently Jana, having finished with the camel, followed us, and +without any difficulty located us in that tree. He walked all round it +considering the situation. Then he wound his huge trunk about the bole +of the tree and, putting out his strength, tried to pull it over. It was +an anxious moment, but this particular child of the forest had not grown +there for some hundreds of years, withstanding all the shocks of wind, +weather and water, in order to be laid low by an elephant, however +enormous. It shook a little--no more. Abandoning this attempt as futile, +Jana next began to try to dig it up by driving his tusk under its roots. +Here, too, he failed because they grew among stones which evidently +jarred him. + +Ceasing from these agricultural efforts with a deep rumble of rage, he +adopted yet a third expedient. Rearing his huge bulk into the air he +brought down his forefeet with all the tremendous weight of his great +body behind them on to the sloping trunk of the tree just below where +the branches sprang, perhaps twelve or thirteen feet above the ground. +The shock was so heavy that for a moment I thought the tree would be +uprooted or snapped in two. Thank Heaven! it held, but the vibration was +such that Hans and I were nearly shaken out of the upper branches, like +autumn apples from a bough. Indeed, I think I should have gone had not +the monkey-like Hans, who had toes to cling with as well as fingers, +gripped me by the collar. + +Thrice did Jana repeat this manoeuvre, and at the third onslaught I saw +to my horror that the roots were loosening. I heard some of them snap, +and a crack appeared in the ground not far from the bole. Fortunately +Jana never noted these symptoms, for abandoning a plan which he +considered unavailing, he stood for a while swaying his trunk and lost +in gentle thought. + +"Hans," I whispered, "load the rifle quick! I can get him in the spine +or the other eye." + +"Wet powder won't go off, Baas," groaned Hans. "The water got to it in +the river." + +"No," I answered, "and it is all your fault for making me shoot at him +when I could take no aim." + +"It would have been just the same, Baas, for the rifle went under water +also when we fell from the camel, and the cap would have been damp, and +perhaps the powder too. Also the shot made Jana stop for a moment." + +This was true, but it was maddening to be obliged to sit there with an +empty gun, when if I had but one charge, or even my pistol, I was sure +that I could have blinded or crippled this satanic pachyderm. + +A few minutes later Jana played his last card. Coming quite close to +the trunk of the tree he reared himself up as before, but this time +stretched out his forelegs so that these and his body were supported on +the broad bole. Then he elongated his trunk and with it began to break +off boughs which grew between us and him. + +"I don't think he can reach us," I said doubtfully to Hans, "that is, +unless he brings a stone to stand on." + +"Oh! Baas, pray be silent," answered Hans, "or he will understand and +fetch one." + +Although the idea seemed absurd, on the whole I thought it well to take +the hint, for who knew how much this experienced beast did or did not +understand? Then, as we could go no higher, we wriggled as far as we +dared along our boughs and waited. + +Presently Jana, having finished his clearing operations, began to +lengthen his trunk to its full measure. Literally, it seemed to expand +like a telescope or an indiarubber ring. Out it came, foot after foot, +till its snapping tip was waving within a few inches of us, just short +of my foot and Han's head, or rather felt hat. One final stretch and he +reached the hat, which he removed with a flourish and thrust into the +red cavern of his mouth. As it appeared no more I suppose he ate it. +This loss of his hat moved Hans to fury. Hurling horrible curses at Jana +he drew his butcher's knife and made ready. + +Once more the sinuous brown trunk elongated itself. Evidently Jana had +got a better hold with his hind legs this time, or perhaps had actually +wriggled himself a few inches up the tree. At any rate I saw to my +dismay that there was every prospect of my making a second acquaintance +with that snapping tip. The end of the trunk was lying along my bough +like a huge brown snake and creeping up, up, up. + +"He'll get us," I muttered. + +Hans said nothing but leaned forward a little, holding on with his left +hand. Next instant in the light of the rising sun I saw a knife flash, +saw also that the point of it had been driven through the lower lip of +Jana's trunk, pinning it to the bough like a butterfly to a board. + +My word! what a commotion ensued! Up the trunk came a scream which +nearly blew me away. Then Jana, with a wriggling motion, tried to unnail +himself as gently as possible, for it was clear that the knife point +hurt him, but could not do so because Hans still held the handle and had +driven the blade deep into the wood. Lastly he dragged himself downwards +with such energy that something had to go, that something being the skin +and muscle of the lower lip, which was cut clean through, leaving the +knife erect in the bough. + +Over he went backwards, a most imperial cropper. Then he picked himself +up, thrust the tip of his trunk into his mouth, sucked it as one does a +cut finger, and finally, roaring in defeated rage, fled into the river, +which he waded, and back upon his tracks towards his own home. Yes, off +he went, Hans screaming curses and demands that he should restore his +hat to him, and very seldom in all my life have I seen a sight that I +thought more beautiful than that of his whisking tail. + +"Now, Baas," chuckled Hans, "the old devil has got a sore nose as well +as a sore eye by which to remember us. And, Baas, I think we had better +be going before he has time to think and comes back with a long stick to +knock us out of this tree." + +So we went, in double-quick time I can assure you, or at any rate as +fast as my stiff limbs and general condition would allow. Fortunately +we had now no doubt as to our direction, since standing up through the +mists of dawn with the sunbeams resting on its forest-clad crest, we +could clearly see the strange, tumulus-shaped hill which the White +Kendah called the Holy Mount, the Home of the Child. It appeared to be +about twenty miles away, but in reality was a good deal farther, for +when we had walked for several hours it seemed almost as distant as +ever. + +In truth that was a dreadful trudge. Not only was I exhausted with all +the terrors I had passed and our long midnight flight, but the wound +where Jana had pinched out a portion of my frame, inflamed by the +riding, had now grown stiff and intolerably sore, so that every step +gave me pain which sometimes culminated in agony. Moreover, it was +no use giving in, foodless as we were, for Marut had carried the +provisions, and with the chance of Jana returning to look us up. So I +stuck to it and said nothing. + +For the first ten miles the country seemed uninhabited; doubtless it +was too near the borders of the Black Kendah to be popular as a place +of residence. After this we saw herds of cattle and a few camels, +apparently untended; perhaps their guards were hidden away in the long +grass. Then we came to some fields of mealies that were, I noticed, +quite untouched by the hailstorm, which, it would seem, had confined its +attentions to the land of the Black Kendah. Of these we ate thankfully +enough. A little farther on we perceived huts perched on an inaccessible +place in a kloof. Also their inhabitants perceived us, for they ran away +as though in a great fright. + +Still we did not try to approach the huts, not knowing how we should +be received. After my sojourn in Simba Town I had become possessed of a +love of life in the open. + +For another two hours I limped forward with pain and grief--by now I was +leaning on Hans' shoulder--up an endless, uncultivated rise clothed with +euphorbias and fern-like cycads. At length we reached its top and found +ourselves within a rifle shot of a fenced native village. I suppose that +its inhabitants had been warned of our coming by runners from the huts +I have mentioned. At any rate the moment we appeared the men, to the +number of thirty or more, poured out of the south gate armed with spears +and other weapons and proceeded to ring us round and behave in a very +threatening manner. I noticed at once that, although most of them were +comparatively light in colour, some of these men partook of the +characteristics of the Black Kendah from whom we had escaped, to such an +extent indeed that this blood was clearly predominant in them. Still, +it was also clear that they were deadly foes of this people, for when +I shouted out to them that we were the friends of Harut and those who +worshipped the Child, they yelled back that we were liars. No friends +of the Child, they said, came from the country of the Black Kendah, who +worshipped the devil Jana. I tried to explain that least of all men in +the world did we worship Jana, who had been hunting us for hours, but +they would not listen. + +"You are spies of Simba's, the smell of Jana is upon you" (this may have +been true enough), they yelled, adding: "We will kill you, white-faced +goat. We will kill you, little yellow monkey, for none who are not +enemies come here from the land of the Black Kendah." + +"Kill us then," I answered, "and bring the curse of the Child upon you. +Bring famine, bring hail, bring war!" + +These words were, I think, well chosen; at any rate they induced a pause +in their murderous intentions. For a while they hesitated, all talking +together at once. At last the advocates of violence appeared to get the +upper hand, and once more a number of the men began to dance about us, +waving their spears and crying out that we must die who came from the +Black Kendah. + +I sat down upon the ground, for I was so exhausted that at the time I +did not greatly care whether I died or lived, while Hans drew his +knife and stood over me, cursing them as he had cursed at Jana. By slow +degrees they drew nearer and nearer. I watched them with a kind of +idle curiosity, believing that the moment when they came within actual +spear-thrust would be our last, but, as I have said, not greatly caring +because of my mental and physical exhaustion. + +I had already closed my eyes that I might not see the flash of the +falling steel, when an exclamation from Hans caused me to open them +again. Following the line of the knife with which he pointed, I +perceived a troop of men on camels emerging from the gates of the +village at full speed. In front of these, his white garments fluttering +on the wind, rode a bearded and dignified person in whom I recognized +Harut, Harut himself, waving a spear and shouting as he came. Our +assailants heard and saw him also, then flung down their weapons as +though in dismay either at his appearance or his words, which I could +not catch. Harut guided his rushing camel straight at the man who I +presume was their leader, and struck at him with his spear, as though +in fury, wounding him in the shoulder and causing him to fall to the +ground. As he struck he called out: + +"Dog! Would you harm the guests of the Child?" + +Then I heard no more because I fainted away. + + + +CHAPTER XV + +THE DWELLER IN THE CAVE + +After this it seemed to me that I dreamed a long and very troubled dream +concerning all sorts of curious things which I cannot remember. At last +I opened my eyes and observed that I lay on a low bed raised about three +inches above the floor, in an Eastern-looking room, large and cool. It +had window-places in it but no windows, only grass mats hung upon a +rod which, I noted inconsequently, worked on a rough, wooden hinge, or +rather pin, that enabled the curtain to be turned back against the wall. + +Through one of these window-places I saw at a little distance the +of the forest-covered hill, which reminded me of something to do with a +child--for the life of me I could not remember what. As I lay wondering +over the matter I heard a shuffling step which I recognized, and, +turning, saw Hans twiddling a new hat made of straw in his fingers. + +"Hans," I said, "where did you get that new hat?" + +"They gave it me here, Baas," he answered. "The Baas will remember that +the devil Jana ate the other." + +Then I did remember more or less, while Hans continued to twiddle the +hat. I begged him to put it on his head because it fidgeted me, and then +inquired where we were. + +"In the Town of the Child, Baas, where they carried you after you had +seemed to die down yonder. A very nice town, where there is plenty to +eat, though, having been asleep for three days, you have had nothing +except a little milk and soup, which was poured down your throat with a +spoon whenever you seemed to half wake up for a while." + +"I was tired and wanted a long rest, Hans, and now I feel hungry. Tell +me, are the lord and Bena here also, or were they killed after all?" + +"Yes, Baas, they are safe enough, and so are all our goods. They were +both with Harut when he saved us down by the village yonder, but you +went to sleep and did not see them. They have been nursing you ever +since, Baas." + +Just then Savage himself entered, carrying some soup upon a wooden tray +and looking almost as smart as he used to do at Ragnall Castle. + +"Good day, sir," he said in his best professional manner. "Very glad to +see you back with us, sir, and getting well, I trust, especially after +we had given you and Mr. Hans up as dead." + +I thanked him and drank the soup, asking him to cook me something more +substantial as I was starving, which he departed to do. Then I sent Hans +to find Lord Ragnall, who it appeared was out walking in the town. No +sooner had they gone than Harut entered looking more dignified than ever +and, bowing gravely, seated himself upon the mat in the Eastern fashion. + +"Some strong spirit must go with you, Lord Macumazana," he said, "that +you should live today, after we were sure that you had been slain." + +"That's where you made a mistake. Your magic was not of much service to +you there, friend Harut." + +"Yet my magic, as you call it, though I have none, was of some service +after all, Macumazana. As it chanced I had no opportunity of breathing +in the wisdom of the Child for two days from the hour of our arrival +here, because I was hurt on the knee in the fight and so weary that I +could not travel up the mountain and seek light from the eyes of the +Child. On the third day, however, I went and the Oracle told me all. +Then I descended swiftly, gathered men and reached those fools in time +to keep you from harm. They have paid for what they did, Lord." + +"I am sorry, Harut, for they knew no better; and, Harut, although I +saved myself, or rather Hans saved me, we have left your brother behind, +and with him the others." + +"I know. Jana was too strong for them; you and your servant alone could +prevail against him." + +"Not so, Harut. He prevailed against us; all we could do was to injure +his eye and the tip of his trunk and escape from him." + +"Which is more than any others have done for many generations, Lord. But +doubtless as the beginning was, so shall the end be. Jana, I think, is +near his death and through you." + +"I don't know," I repeated. "Who and what is Jana?" + +"Have I not told you that he is an evil spirit who inhabits the body of +a huge elephant?" + +"Yes, and so did Marut; but I think that he is just a huge elephant with +a very bad temper of his own. Still, whatever he is, he will take some +killing, and I don't want to meet him again by that horrible lake." + +"Then you will meet him elsewhere, Lord. For if you do not go to look +for Jana, Jana will come to look for you who have hurt him so sorely. +Remember that henceforth, wherever you go in all this land, it may +happen that you will meet Jana." + +"Do you mean to say that the brute comes into the territory of the White +Kendah?" + +"Yes, Macumazana, at times he comes, or a spirit wearing his shape +comes; I know not which. What I do know is that twice in my life I +myself have seen him upon the Holy Mount, though how he came or how he +went none can tell." + +"Why was he wandering there, Harut?" + +"Who can say, Lord? Tell me why evil wanders through the world and I +will answer your question. Only I repeat--let those who have harmed Jana +beware of Jana." + +"And let Jana beware of me if I can meet him with a decent gun in my +hand, for I have a score to settle with the beast. Now, Harut, there is +another matter. Just before he was killed Marut, your brother, began to +tell me something about the wife of the Lord Ragnall. I had no time to +listen to the end of his words, though I thought he said that she was +upon yonder Holy Mount. Did I hear aright?" + +Instantly Harut's face became like that of a stone idol, impenetrable, +impassive. + +"Either you misunderstood, Lord," he answered, "or my brother raved in +his fear. Wherever she may be, that beautiful lady is not upon the +Holy Mount, unless there is another Holy Mount in the Land of Death. +Moreover, Lord, as we are speaking of this matter, let me tell you the +forest upon that Mount must be trodden by none save the priest of +the Child. If others set foot there they die, for it is watched by a +guardian more terrible even than Jana, nor is he the only one. Ask me +nothing of that guardian, for I will not answer, and, above all, if you +or your comrades value life, let them not seek to look upon him." + +Understanding that it was quite useless to pursue this subject farther +at the moment, I turned to another, remarking that the hailstorm which +had smitten the country of the Black Kendah was the worst that I had +ever experienced. + +"Yes," answered Harut, "so I have learned. That was the first of the +curses which the Child, through my mouth, promised to Simba and his +people if they molested us upon our road. The second, you will remember, +was famine, which for them is near at hand, seeing that they have little +corn in store and none left to gather, and that most of their cattle are +dead of the hail." + +"If they have no corn while, as I noted, you have plenty which the storm +spared, will not they, who are many in number but near to starving, +attack you and take your corn, Harut?" + +"Certainly they will do so, Lord, and then will fall the third curse, +the curse of war. All this was foreseen long ago, Macumazana, and you +are here to help us in that war. Among your goods you have many guns and +much powder and lead. You shall teach our people how to use those guns, +that with them we may destroy the Black Kendah." + +"I think not," I replied quietly. "I came here to kill a certain +elephant, and to receive payment for my service in ivory, not to fight +the Black Kendah, of whom I have already seen enough. Moreover, the guns +are not my property but that of the Lord Ragnall, who perhaps will ask +his own price for the use of them." + +"And the Lord Ragnall, who came here against our will, is, as it +chances, our property and we may ask your own price for his life. Now, +farewell for a while, since you, who are still sick and weak, have +talked enough. Only before I go, as your friend and that of those with +you, I will add one word. If you would continue to look upon the sun, +let none of you try to set foot in the forest upon the Holy Mount. +Wander where you will upon its southern s, but strive not to pass +the wall of rock which rings the forest round." + +Then he rose, bowed gravely and departed, leaving me full of +reflections. + +Shortly afterwards Savage and Hans returned, bringing me some meat which +the former had cooked in an admirable fashion. I ate of it heartily, and +just as they were carrying off the remains of the meal Ragnall himself +arrived. Our greeting was very warm, as might be expected in the case of +two comrades who never thought to speak to each other again on this side +of the grave. As I had supposed, he was certain that Hans and I had been +cut off and killed by the Black Kendah, as, after we were missed, some +of the camelmen asserted that they had actually seen us fall. So he went +on, or rather was carried on by the rush of the camels, grieving, since, +it being impossible to attempt to recover our bodies or even to return, +that was the only thing to do, and in due course reached the Town of +the Child without further accident. Here they rested and mourned for +us, till some days later Harut suddenly announced that we still lived, +though how he knew this they could not ascertain. Then they sallied +out and found us, as has been told, in great danger from the ignorant +villagers who, until we appeared, had not even heard of our existence. + +I asked what they had done and what information they had obtained since +their arrival at this place. His answer was: Nothing and none worth +mentioning. The town appeared to be a small one of not much over two +thousand inhabitants, all of whom were engaged in agricultural pursuits +and in camel-breeding. The herds of camels, however, they gathered, for +the most part were kept at outlying settlements on the farther side of +the cone-shaped mountain. As they were unable to talk the language the +only person from whom they could gain knowledge was Harut, who spoke +to them in his broken English and told them much what he had told me, +namely that the upper mountain was a sacred place that might only be +visited by the priests, since any uninitiated person who set foot there +came to a bad end. They had not seen any of these priests in the town, +where no form of worship appeared to be practised, but they had observed +men driving small numbers of sheep or goats up the flanks of the +mountain towards the forest. + +Of what went on upon this mountain and who lived there they remained +in complete ignorance. It was a case of stalemate. Harut would not tell +them anything nor could they learn anything for themselves. He added in +a depressed way that the whole business seemed very hopeless, and that +he had begun to doubt whether there was any tidings of his lost wife to +be gained among the Kendah, White or Black. + +Now I repeated to him Marut's dying words, of which most unhappily I had +never heard the end. These seemed to give him new life since they showed +that tidings there was of some sort, if only it could be extracted. But +how might this be done? How, how? + + + +For a whole week things went on thus. During this time I recovered +my strength completely, except in one particular which reduced me to +helplessness. The place on my thigh where Jana had pinched out a bit of +the skin healed up well enough, but the inflammation struck inwards to +the nerve of my left leg, where once I had been injured by a lion, with +the result that whenever I tried to move I was tortured by pains of a +sciatic nature. So I was obliged to lie still and to content myself +with being carried on the bed into a little garden which surrounded +the mud-built and white-washed house that had been allotted to us as a +dwelling-place. + +There I lay hour after hour, staring at the Holy Mount which began +to spring from the plain within a few hundred yards of the scattered +township. For a mile or so its s were bare except for grass on +which sheep and goats were grazed, and a few scattered trees. Studying +the place through glasses I observed that these s were crowned by +a vertical precipice of what looked like lava rock, which seemed to +surround the whole mountain and must have been quite a hundred +feet high. Beyond this precipice, which to all appearance was of an +unclimbable nature, began a dense forest of large trees, cedars I +thought, clothing it to the very top, that is so far as I could see. + +One day when I was considering the place, Harut entered the garden +suddenly and caught me in the act. + +"The House of the god is beautiful," he said, "is it not?" + +"Very," I answered, "and of a strange formation. But how do those who +dwell on it climb that precipice?" + +"It cannot be climbed," he answered, "but there is a road which I +am about to travel who go to worship the Child. Yet I have told you, +Macumazana, that any strangers who seek to walk that road find death. If +they do not believe me, let them try," he added meaningly. + +Then, after many inquiries about my health, he informed me that news had +reached him to the effect that the Black Kendah were mad at the loss +of their crops which the hail had destroyed and because of the near +prospect of starvation. + +"Then soon they will be wishing to reap yours with spears," I said. + +"That is so. Therefore, my Lord Macumazana, get well quickly that you +may be able to scare away these crows with guns, for in fourteen days +the harvest should begin upon our uplands. Farewell and have no fears, +for during my absence my people will feed and watch you and on the third +night I shall return again." + +After Harut's departure a deep depression fell upon all of us. Even +Hans was depressed, while Savage became like a man under sentence of +execution at a near but uncertain date. I tried to cheer him up and +asked him what was the matter. + +"I don't know, Mr. Quatermain," he answered, "but the fact is this is +a 'ateful and un'oly 'ole" (in his agitation he quite lost grip of his +h's, which was always weak), "and I am sure that it is the last I shall +ever see, except one." + +"Well, Savage," I said jokingly, "at any rate there don't seem to be any +snakes here." + +"No, Mr. Quatermain. That is, I haven't met any, but they crawl about me +all night, and whenever I see that prophet man he talks of them to me. +Yes, he talks of them and nothing else with a sort of cold look in his +eyes that makes my back creep. I wish it was over, I do, who shall +never see old England again," and he went away, I think to hide his very +painful and evident emotion. + +That evening Hans returned from an expedition on which I had sent him +with instructions to try to get round the mountain and report what was +on its other side. It had been a complete failure, as after he had gone +a few miles men appeared who ordered him back. They were so threatening +in their demeanour that had it not been for the little rifle, Intombi, +which he carried under pretence of shooting buck, a weapon that they +regarded with great awe, they would, he thought, have killed him. He +added that he had been quite unsuccessful in his efforts to collect +any news of value from man, woman or child, all of whom, although very +polite, appeared to have orders to tell him nothing, concluding with the +remark that he considered the White Kendah bigger devils than the Black +Kendah, inasmuch as they were more clever. + + + +Shortly after this abortive attempt we debated our position with +earnestness and came to a certain conclusion, of which I will speak in +its place. + +If I remember right it was on this same night of our debate, after +Harut's return from the mountain, that the first incident of interest +happened. There were two rooms in our house divided by a partition +which ran almost up to the roof. In the left-hand room slept Ragnall +and Savage, and in that to the right Hans and I. Just at the breaking of +dawn I was awakened by hearing some agitated conversation between Savage +and his master. A minute later they both entered my sleeping place, and +I saw in the faint light that Ragnall looked very disturbed and Savage +very frightened. + +"What's the matter?" I asked. + +"We have seen my wife," answered Ragnall. + +I stared at him and he went on: + +"Savage woke me by saying that there was someone in the room. I sat up +and looked and, as I live, Quatermain, standing gazing at me in such a +position that the light of dawn from the window-place fell upon her, was +my wife." + +"How was she dressed?" I asked at once. + +"In a kind of white robe cut rather low, with her hair loose hanging to +her waist, but carefully combed and held outspread by what appeared to +be a bent piece of ivory about a foot and a half long, to which it was +fastened by a thread of gold." + +"Is that all?" + +"No. Upon her breast was that necklace of red stones with the little +image hanging from its centre which those rascals gave her and she +always wore." + +"Anything more?" + +"Yes. In her arms she carried what looked like a veiled child. It was so +still that I think it must have been dead." + +"Well. What happened?" + +"I was so overcome I could not speak, and she stood gazing at me with +wide-opened eyes, looking more beautiful than I can tell you. She never +stirred, and her lips never moved--that I will swear. And yet both of us +heard her say, very low but quite clearly: 'The mountain, George! Don't +desert me. Seek me on the mountain, my dear, my husband.'" + +"Well, what next?" + +"I sprang up and she was gone. That's all." + +"Now tell me what _you_ saw and heard, Savage." + +"What his lordship saw and heard, Mr. Quatermain, neither more nor less. +Except that I was awake, having had one of my bad dreams about snakes, +and saw her come through the door." + +"Through the door! Was it open then?" + +"No, sir, it was shut and bolted. She just came through it as if it +wasn't there. Then I called to his lordship after she had been looking +at him for half a minute or so, for I couldn't speak at first. There's +one more thing, or rather two. On her head was a little cap that looked +as though it had been made from the skin of a bird, with a gold snake +rising up in front, which snake was the first thing I caught sight of, +as of course it would be, sir. Also the dress she wore was so thin that +through it I could see her shape and the sandals on her feet, which were +fastened at the instep with studs of gold." + +"I saw no feather cap or snake," said Ragnall. + +"Then that's the oddest part of the whole business," I remarked. "Go +back to your room, both of you, and if you see anything more, call me. I +want to think things over." + +They went, in a bewildered sort of fashion, and I called Hans and spoke +with him in a whisper, repeating to him the little that he had not +understood of our talk, for as I have said, although he never spoke it, +Hans knew a great deal of English. + +"Now, Hans," I said to him, "what is the use of you? You are no better +than a fraud. You pretend to be the best watchdog in Africa, and yet +a woman comes into this house under your nose and in the grey of the +morning, and you do not see her. Where is your reputation, Hans?" + +The old fellow grew almost speechless with indignation, then he +spluttered his answer: + +"It was not a woman, Baas, but a spook. Who am I that I should be +expected to catch spooks as though they were thieves or rats? As it +happens I was wide awake half an hour before the dawn and lay with my +eyes fixed upon that door, which I bolted myself last night. It never +opened, Baas; moreover, since this talk began I have been to look at it. +During the night a spider has made its web from door-post to door-post, +and that web is unbroken. If you do not believe me, come and see for +yourself. Yet they say the woman came through the doorway and therefore +through the spider's web. Oh! Baas, what is the use of wasting thought +upon the ways of spooks which, like the wind, come and go as they will, +especially in this haunted land from which, as we have all agreed, we +should do well to get away." + +I went and examined the door for myself, for by now my sciatica, or +whatever it may have been, was so much better that I could walk a +little. What Hans said was true. There was the spider's web with the +spider sitting in the middle. Also some of the threads of the web were +fixed from post to post, so that it was impossible that the door could +have been opened or, if opened, that anyone could have passed through +the doorway without breaking them. Therefore, unless the woman came +through one of the little window-places, which was almost incredible as +they were high above the ground, or dropped from the smoke-hole in the +roof, or had been shut into the place when the door was closed on the +previous night, I could not see how she had arrived there. And if any +one of these incredible suppositions was correct, then how did she get +out again with two men watching her? + +There were only two solutions to the problem--namely, that the whole +occurrence was hallucination, or that, in fact, Ragnall and Savage had +seen something unnatural and uncanny. If the latter were correct I only +wished that I had shared the experience, as I have always longed to +see a ghost. A real, indisputable ghost would be a great support to our +doubting minds, that is if we _knew_ its owner to be dead. + +But--this was another thought--if by any chance Lady Ragnall were still +alive and a prisoner upon that mountain, what they had seen was no +ghost, but a shadow or _simulacrum_ of a living person projected +consciously or unconsciously by that person for some unknown purpose. +What could the purpose be? As it chanced the answer was not difficult, +and to it the words she was reported to have uttered gave a cue. Only a +few hours ago, just before we turned in indeed, as I have said, we had +been discussing matters. What I have not said is that in the end we +arrived at the conclusion that our quest here was wild and useless and +that we should do well to try to escape from the place before we became +involved in a war of extermination between two branches of an obscure +tribe, one of which was quite and the other semi-savage. + +Indeed, although Ragnall still hung back a little, it had been arranged +that I should try to purchase camels in exchange for guns, unless I +could get them for nothing which might be less suspicious, and that we +should attempt such an escape under cover of an expedition to kill the +elephant Jana. + +Supposing such a vision to be possible, then might it not have come, or +been sent to deter us from this plan? It would seem so. + +Thus reflecting I went to sleep worn out with useless wonderment, and +did not wake again till breakfast time. That morning, when we were alone +together, Ragnall said to me: + +"I have been thinking over what happened, or seemed to happen last +night. I am not at all a superstitious man, or one given to vain +imaginings, but I am sure that Savage and I really did see and hear the +spirit or the shadow of my wife. Her body it could not have been as you +will admit, though how she could utter, or seem to utter, audible speech +without one is more than I can tell. Also I am sure that she is captive +upon yonder mountain and came to call me to rescue her. Under these +circumstances I feel that it is my duty, as well as my desire, to give +up any idea of leaving the country and try to find out the truth." + +"And how will you do that," I asked, "seeing that no one will tell us +anything?" + +"By going to see for myself." + +"It is impossible, Ragnall. I am too lame at present to walk half a +mile, much less to climb precipices." + +"I know, and that is one of the reasons why I did not suggest that you +should accompany me. The other is that there is no object in all of +us risking our lives. I wished to face the thing alone, but that good +fellow Savage says that he will go where I go, leaving you and Hans here +to make further attempts if we do not return. Our plan is to slip out +of the town during the night, wearing white dresses like the Kendah, of +which I have bought some for tobacco, and make the best of our way up +the by starlight that is very bright now. When dawn comes we will +try to find the road through that precipice, or over it, and for the +rest trust to Providence." + +Dismayed at this intelligence, I did all I could to dissuade him from +such a mad venture, but quite without avail, for never did I know a more +determined or more fearless man than Lord Ragnall. He had made up +his mind and there was an end of the matter. Afterwards I talked with +Savage, pointing out to him all the perils involved in the attempt, but +likewise without avail. He was more depressed than usual, apparently on +the ground that "having seen the ghost of her ladyship" he was sure he +had not long to live. Still, he declared that where his master went he +would go, as he preferred to die with him rather than alone. + +So I was obliged to give in and with a melancholy heart to do what I +could to help in the simple preparations for this crazy undertaking, +realizing all the while that the only real help must come from above, +since in such a case man was powerless. I should add that after +consultation, Ragnall gave up the idea of adopting a Kendah disguise +which was certain to be discovered, also of starting at night when the +town was guarded. + +That very afternoon they went, going out of the town quite openly on the +pretext of shooting partridges and small buck on the lower s of +the mountain, where both were numerous, as Harut had informed us we were +quite at liberty to do. The farewell was somewhat sad, especially +with Savage, who gave me a letter he had written for his old mother in +England, requesting me to post it if ever again I came to a civilized +land. + +I did my best to put a better spirit in him but without avail. He only +wrung my hand warmly, said that it was a pleasure to have known such a +"real gentleman" as myself, and expressed a hope that I might get out of +this hell and live to a green old age amongst Christians. Then he wiped +away a tear with the cuff of his coat, touched his hat in the orthodox +fashion and departed. Their outfit, I should add, was very simple: some +food in bags, a flask of spirits, two double-barrelled guns that would +shoot either shot or ball, a bull's-eye lantern, matches and their +pistols. + +Hans walked with them a little way and, leaving them outside the town, +returned. + +"Why do you look so gloomy, Hans?" I asked. + +"Because, Baas," he answered, twiddling his hat, "I had grown to be fond +of the white man, Bena, who was always very kind to me and did not treat +me like dirt as low-born whites are apt to do. Also he cooked well, and +now I shall have to do that work which I do not like." + +"What do you mean, Hans? The man isn't dead, is he?" + +"No, Baas, but soon he will be, for the shadow of death is in his eyes." + +"Then how about Lord Ragnall?" + +"I saw no shadow in his eyes; I think that he will live, Baas." + +I tried to get some explanation of these dark sayings out of the +Hottentot, but he would add nothing to his words. + +All the following night I lay awake filled with heavy fears which +deepened as the hours went on. Just before dawn we heard a knocking on +our door and Ragnall's voice whispering to us to open. Hans did so while +I lit a candle, of which we had a good supply. As it burned up Ragnall +entered, and from his face I saw at once that something terrible had +happened. He went to the jar where we kept our water and drank three +pannikin-fuls, one after the other. Then without waiting to be asked, he +said: + +"Savage is dead," and paused a while as though some awful recollection +overcame him. "Listen," he went on presently. "We worked up the +hill-side without firing, although we saw plenty of partridges and one +buck, till just as twilight was closing in, we came to the cliff face. +Here we perceived a track that ran to the mouth of a narrow cave +or tunnel in the lava rock of the precipice, which looked quite +unclimbable. While we were wondering what to do, eight or ten +white-robed men appeared out of the shadows and seized us before we +could make any resistance. After talking together for a little they took +away our guns and pistols, with which some of them disappeared. Then +their leader, with many bows, indicated that we were at liberty to +proceed by pointing first to the mouth of the cave, and next to the top +of the precipice, saying something about '_ingane_,' which I believe +means a little child, does it not?" + +I nodded, and he went on: + +"After this they all departed down the hill, smiling in a fashion that +disturbed me. We stood for a while irresolute, until it became quite +dark. I asked Savage what he thought we had better do, expecting that he +would say 'Return to the town.' To my surprise, he answered: + +"'Go on, of course, my lord. Don't let those brutes say that we white +men daren't walk a step without our guns. Indeed, in any case I mean to +go on, even if your lordship won't.' + +"Whilst he spoke he took a bull's-eye lantern from his foodbag, which +had not been interfered with by the Kendah, and lit it. I stared at him +amazed, for the man seemed to be animated by some tremendous purpose. +Or rather it was as though a force from without had got hold of his will +and were pushing him on to an unknown end. Indeed his next words showed +that this was so, for he exclaimed: + +"'There is something drawing me into that cave, my lord. It may be +death; I think it is death, but whatever it be, go I must. Perhaps you +would do well to stop outside till I have seen.' + +"I stepped forward to catch hold of the man, who I thought had gone mad, +as perhaps was the case. Before I could lay my hands on him he had +run rapidly to the mouth of the cave. Of course I followed, but when I +reached its entrance the star of light thrown forward by the bull's-eye +lantern showed me that he was already about eight yards down the tunnel. +Then I heard a terrible hissing noise and Savage exclaiming: 'Oh! my +God!' twice over. As he spoke the lantern fell from his hand, but did +not go out, because, as you know, it is made to burn in any position. +I leapt forward and picked it from the ground, and while I was doing so +became aware that Savage was running still farther into the depths of +the cave. I lifted the lantern above my head and looked. + +"This was what I saw: About ten paces from me was Savage with his arms +outstretched and dancing--yes, dancing--first to the right and then to +the left, with a kind of horrible grace and to the tune of a hideous +hissing music. I held the lantern higher and perceived that beyond him, +lifted eight or nine feet into the air, nearly to the roof of the tunnel +in fact, was the head of the hugest snake of which I have ever heard. It +was as broad as the bottom of a wheelbarrow--were it cut off I think +it would fill a large wheelbarrow--while the neck upon which it was +supported was quite as thick as my middle, and the undulating body +behind it, which stretched far away into the darkness, was the size of +an eighteen-gallon cask and glittered green and grey, lined and splashed +with silver and with gold. + +"It hissed and swayed its great head to the right, holding Savage with +cold eyes that yet seemed to be on fire, whereon he danced to the right. +It hissed again and swayed its head to the left, whereon he danced to +the left. Then suddenly it reared its head right to the top of the cave +and so remained for a few seconds, whereon Savage stood still, bending +a little forward, as though he were bowing to the reptile. Next instant, +like a flash it struck, for I saw its white fangs bury themselves in +the back of Savage, who with a kind of sigh fell forward on to his face. +Then there was a convulsion of those shining folds, followed by a sound +as of bones being ground up in a steam-driven mortar. + +"I staggered against the wall of the cave and shut my eyes for a moment, +for I felt faint. When I opened them again it was to see something flat, +misshapen, elongated like a reflection in a spoon, something that had +been Savage lying on the floor, and stretched out over it the huge +serpent studying me with its steely eyes. Then I ran; I am not ashamed +to say I ran out of that horrible hole and far into the night." + +"Small blame to you," I said, adding: "Hans, give me some square-face +neat." For I felt as queer as though I also had been in that cave with +its guardian. + +"There is very little more to tell," went on Ragnall after I had drunk +the hollands. "I lost my way on the mountain-side and wandered for many +hours, till at last I blundered up against one of the outermost houses +of the town, after which things were easy. Perhaps I should add that +wherever I went on my way down the mountain it seemed to me that I heard +people laughing at me in an unnatural kind of voice. That's all." + +After this we sat silent for a long while, till at length Hans said in +his unmoved tone: + +"The light has come, Baas. Shall I blow out the candle, which it is a +pity to waste? Also, does the Baas wish me to cook the breakfast, now +that the snake devil is making his off Bena, as I hope to make mine off +him before all is done. Snakes are very good to eat, Baas, if you know +how to dress them in the Hottentot way." + + + +CHAPTER XVI + +HANS STEALS THE KEYS + +A few hours later some of the White Kendah arrived at the house and very +politely delivered to us Ragnall's and poor Savage's guns and pistols, +which they said they had found lying in the grass on the mountain-side, +and with them the bull's-eye lantern that Ragnall had thrown away in his +flight; all of which articles I accepted without comment. That evening +also Harut called and, after salutations, asked where Bena was as he did +not see him. Then my indignation broke out: + +"Oh! white-bearded father of liars," I said, "you know well that he is +in the belly of the serpent which lives in the cave of the mountain." + +"What, Lord!" exclaimed Harut addressing Ragnall in his peculiar +English, "have you been for walk up to hole in hill? Suppose Bena want +see big snake. He always very fond of snake, you know, and they very +fond of him. You 'member how they come out of his pocket in your house +in England? Well, he know all about snake now." + +"You villain!" exclaimed Ragnall, "you murderer! I have a mind to kill +you where you are." + +"Why you choke me, Lord, because snake choke your man? Poor snake, he +only want dinner. If you go where lion live, lion kill you. If you go +where snake live, snake kill you. I tell you not to. You take no notice. +Now I tell you all--go if you wish, no one stop you. Perhaps you kill +snake, who knows? Only you no take gun there, please. That not allowed. +When you tired of this town, go see snake. Only, 'member that not right +way to House of Child. There another way which you never find." + +"Look here," said Ragnall, "what is the use of all this foolery? You +know very well why we are in your devilish country. It is because I +believe you have stolen my wife to make her the priestess of your evil +religion whatever it may be, and I want her back." + +"All this great mistake," replied Harut blandly. "We no steal beautiful +lady you marry because we find she not right priestess. Also Macumazana +here not to look for lady but to kill elephant Jana and get pay in ivory +like good business man. You, Lord, come with him as friend though we no +ask you, that all. Then you try find temple of our god and snake which +watch door kill your servant. Why we not kill _you_, eh?" + +"Because you are afraid to," answered Ragnall boldly. "Kill me if you +can and take the consequences. I am ready." + +Harut studied him not without admiration. + +"You very brave man," he said, "and we no wish kill you and p'raps after +all everything come right in end. Only Child know about that. Also you +help us fight Black Kendah by and by. So, Lord, you quite safe unless +you big fool and go call on snake in cave. He very hungry snake and soon +want more dinner. You hear, Light-in-Darkness, Lord-of-the-Fire," he +added suddenly turning on Hans who was squatted near by twiddling his +hat with a face that for absolute impassiveness resembled a deal board. +"You hear, he very hungry snake, and you make nice tea for him." + +Hans rolled his little yellow eyes without even turning his head until +they rested on the stately countenance of Harut, and answered in Bantu: + +"I hear, Liar-with-the-White-Beard, but what have I to do with this +matter? Jana is my enemy who would have killed Macumazana, my master, +not your dirty snake. What is the good of this snake of yours? If it +were any good, why does it not kill Jana whom you hate? And if it is no +good, why do you not take a stick and knock it on the head? If you are +afraid I will do so for you if you pay me. That for your snake," and +very energetically he spat upon the floor. + +"All right," said Harut, still speaking in English, "you go kill snake. +Go when you like, no one say no. Then we give you new name. Then we call +you Lord-of-the-Snake." + +As Hans, who now was engaged in lighting his corn-cob pipe, did not +deign to answer these remarks, Harut turned to me and said: + +"Lord Macumazana, your leg still bad, eh? Well, I bring you some +ointment what make it quite well; it holy ointment come from the Child. +We want you get well quick." + +Then suddenly he broke into Bantu. "My Lord, war draws near. The Black +Kendah are gathering all their strength to attack us and we must have +your aid. I go down to the River Tava to see to certain matters, as to +the reaping of the outlying crops and other things. Within a week I will +be back; then we must talk again, for by that time, if you will use the +ointment that I have given you, you will be as well as ever you were +in your life. Rub it on your leg, and mix a piece as large as a mealie +grain in water and swallow it at night. It is not poison, see," and +taking the cover off a little earthenware pot which he produced he +scooped from it with his finger some of the contents, which looked like +lard, put it on his tongue and swallowed it. + +Then he rose and departed with his usual bows. + +Here I may state that I used Harut's prescription with the most +excellent results. That night I took a dose in water, very nasty it was, +and rubbed my leg with the stuff, to find that next morning all pain +had left me and that, except for some local weakness, I was practically +quite well. I kept the rest of the salve for years, and it proved a +perfect specific in cases of sciatica and rheumatism. Now, alas! it is +all used and no recipe is available from which it can be made up again. + +The next few days passed uneventfully. As soon as I could walk I began +to go about the town, which was nothing but a scattered village much +resembling those to be seen on the eastern coasts of Africa. Nearly +all the men seemed to be away, making preparations for the harvest, I +suppose, and as the women shut themselves up in their houses after the +Oriental fashion, though the few that I saw about were unveiled and +rather good-looking, I did not gather any intelligence worth noting. + +To tell the truth I cannot remember being in a more uninteresting place +than this little town with its extremely uncommunicative population +which, it seemed to me, lived under a shadow of fear that prevented all +gaiety. Even the children, of whom there were not many, crept about in +a depressed fashion and talked in a low voice. I never saw any of them +playing games or heard them shouting and laughing, as young people do +in most parts of the world. For the rest we were very well looked after. +Plenty of food was provided for us and every thought taken for our +comfort. Thus a strong and quiet pony was brought for me to ride because +of my lameness. I had only to go out of the house and call and it +arrived from somewhere, all ready saddled and bridled, in charge of a +lad who appeared to be dumb. At any rate when I spoke to him he would +not answer. + +Mounted on this pony I took one or two rides along the southern s +of the mountain on the old pretext of shooting for the pot. Hans +accompanied me on these occasions, but was, I noted, very silent and +thoughtful, as though he were hunting something up and down his tortuous +intelligence. Once we got quite near to the mouth of the cave or tunnel +where poor Savage had met his horrid end. As we stood studying it a +white-robed man whose head was shaved, which made me think he must be +a priest, came up and asked me mockingly why we did not go through the +tunnel and see what lay beyond, adding, almost in the words of Harut +himself, that none would attempt to interfere with us as the road was +open to any who could travel it. By way of answer I only smiled and +put him a few questions about a very beautiful breed of goats with long +silky hair, some of which he seemed to be engaged in herding. He replied +that these goats were sacred, being the food of "one who dwelt in the +Mountain who only ate when the moon changed." + +When I inquired who this person was he said with his unpleasant +smile that I had better go through the tunnel and see for myself, an +invitation which I did not accept. + +That evening Harut appeared unexpectedly, looking very grave and +troubled. He was in a great hurry and only stayed long enough to +congratulate me upon the excellent effects of his ointment, since "no +man could fight Jana on one leg." + +I asked him when the fight with Jana was to come off. He replied: + +"Lord, I go up to the Mountain to attend the Feast of the First-fruits, +which is held at sunrise on the day of the new moon. After the offering +the Oracle will speak and we shall learn when there will be war with +Jana, and perchance other things." + +"May we not attend this feast, Harut, who are weary of doing nothing +here?" + +"Certainly," he answered with his grave bow. "That is, if you come +unarmed; for to appear before the Child with arms is death. You know the +road; it runs through yonder cave and the forest beyond the cave. Take +it when you will, Lord." + +"Then if we can pass the cave we shall be welcome at the feast?" + +"You will be very welcome. None shall hurt you there, going or +returning. I swear it by the Child. Oh! Macumazana," he added, smiling +a little, "why do you talk folly, who know well that one lives in yonder +cave whom none may look upon and love, as Bena learned not long ago? You +are thinking that perhaps you might kill this Dweller in the cave with +your weapons. Put away that dream, seeing that henceforth those who +watch you have orders to see that none of you leave this house carrying +so much as a knife. Indeed, unless you promise me that this shall be so +you will not be suffered to set foot outside its garden until I return +again. Now do you promise?" + +I thought a while and, drawing the two others aside out of hearing, +asked them their opinion. + +Ragnall was at first unwilling to give any such promise, but Hans said: + +"Baas, it is better to go free and unhurt without guns and knives than +to become a prisoner once, as you were among the Black Kendah. Often +there is but a short step between the prison and the grave." + +Both Ragnall and I acknowledged the force of this argument and in the +end we gave the promise, speaking one by one. + +"It is enough," said Harut; "moreover, know, Lord, that among us White +Kendah he who breaks an oath is put across the River Tava unarmed to +make report thereof to Jana, Father of Lies. Now farewell. If we do +not meet at the Feast of the First-fruits on the day of the new moon, +whither once more I invite you, we can talk together here after I have +heard the voice of the Oracle." + +Then he mounted a camel which awaited him outside the gate and departed +with an escort of twelve men, also riding camels. + +"There is some other road up that mountain, Quatermain," said Ragnall. +"A camel could sooner pass through the eye of a needle than through that +dreadful cave, even if it were empty." + +"Probably," I answered, "but as we don't know where it is and I dare say +it lies miles from here, we need not trouble our heads on the matter. +The cave is _our_ only road, which means that there is _no_ road." + +That evening at supper we discovered that Hans was missing; also that he +had got possession of my keys and broken into a box containing liquor, +for there it stood open in the cooking-hut with the keys in the lock. + +"He has gone on the drink," I said to Ragnall, "and upon my soul I don't +wonder at it; for sixpence I would follow his example." + +Then we went to bed. Next morning we breakfasted rather late, since when +one has nothing to do there is no object in getting up early. As I was +preparing to go to the cook-house to boil some eggs, to our astonishment +Hans appeared with a kettle of coffee. + +"Hans," I said, "you are a thief." + +"Yes, Baas," answered Hans. + +"You have been at the gin box and taking that poison." + +"Yes, Baas, I have been taking poison. Also I took a walk and all is +right now. The Baas must not be angry, for it is very dull doing nothing +here. Will the Baases eat porridge as well as eggs?" + +As it was no use scolding him I said that we would. Moreover, there was +something about his manner which made me suspicious, for really he did +not look like a person who has just been very drunk. + +After we had finished breakfast he came and squatted down before me. +Having lit his pipe he asked suddenly: + +"Would the Baases like to walk through that cave to-night? If so, there +will be no trouble." + +"What do you mean?" I asked, suspecting that he was still drunk. + +"I mean, Baas, that the Dweller-in-the-cave is fast asleep." + +"How do you know that, Hans?" + +"Because I am the nurse who put him to sleep, Baas, though he kicked +and cried a great deal. He is asleep; he will wake no more. Baas, I have +killed the Father of Serpents." + +"Hans," I said, "now I am sure that you are still drunk, although you do +not show it outside." + +"Hans," added Ragnall, to whom I had translated as much of this as he +did not understand, "it is too early in the day to tell good stories. +How could you possibly have killed that serpent without a gun--for you +took none with you--or with it either for that matter?" + +"Will the Baases come and take a walk through the cave?" asked Hans with +a snigger. + +"Not till I am quite sure that you are sober," I replied; then, +remembering certain other events in this worthy's career, added; "Hans, +if you do not tell us the story at once I will beat you." + +"There isn't much story, Baas," replied Hans between long sucks at his +pipe, which had nearly gone out, "because the thing was so easy. The +Baas is very clever and so is the Lord Baas, why then can they never +see the stones that lie under their noses? It is because their eyes are +always fixed upon the mountains between this world and the next. But +the poor Hottentot, who looks at the ground to be sure that he does not +stumble, ah! he sees the stones. Now, Baas, did you not hear that man +in a night shirt with his head shaved say that those goats were food for +One who dwelt in the mountain?" + +"I did. What of it, Hans?" + +"Who would be the One who dwelt in the mountain except the Father of +Snakes in the cave, Baas? Ah, now for the first time you see the stone +that lay at your feet all the while. And, Baas, did not the bald man add +that this One in the mountain was only fed at new and full moon, and is +not to-morrow the day of new moon, and therefore would he not be very +hungry on the day before new moon, that is, last night?" + +"No doubt, Hans; but how can you kill a snake by feeding it?" + +"Oh! Baas, you may eat things that make you ill, and so can a snake. Now +you will guess the rest, so I had better go to wash the dishes." + +"Whether I guess or do not guess," I replied sagely, the latter being +the right hypothesis, "the dishes can wait, Hans, since the Lord there +has not guessed; so continue." + +"Very well, Baas. In one of those boxes are some pounds of stuff which, +when mixed with water, is used for preserving skins and skulls." + +"You mean the arsenic crystals," I said with a flash of inspiration. + +"I don't know what you call them, Baas. At first I thought they were +hard sugar and stole some once, when the real sugar was left behind, to +put into the coffee--without telling the Baas, because it was my fault +that the sugar was left behind." + +"Great Heavens!" I ejaculated, "then why aren't we all dead?" + +"Because at the last moment, Baas, I thought I would make sure, so I put +some of the hard sugar into hot milk and, when it had melted, I gave it +to that yellow dog which once bit me in the leg, the one that came from +Beza-Town, Baas, that I told you had run away. He was a very greedy dog, +Baas, and drank up the milk at once. Then he gave a howl, twisted about, +foamed at the mouth and died and I buried him at once. After that I +threw some more of the large sugar mixed with mealies to the fowls that +we brought with us for cooking. Two cocks and a hen swallowed them +by mistake for the corn. Presently they fell on their backs, kicked a +little and died. Some of the Mazitu, who were great thieves, stole those +dead fowls, Baas. After this, Baas, I thought it best not to use that +sugar in the coffee, and later on Bena told me that it was deadly +poison. Well, Baas, it came into my mind that if I could make that great +snake swallow enough of this poison, he, too, might die. + +"So I stole your keys, as I often do, Baas, when I want anything, +because you leave them lying about everywhere, and to deceive you first +opened one of the boxes that are full of square-face and brandy and left +it open, for I wished you to think that I had just gone to get drunk +like anybody else. Then I opened another box and got out two one-pound +tins of the sugar which kills dogs and fowls. Half a pound of it I +melted in boiling water with some real sugar to make the stuff sweet, +and put it into a bottle. The rest I tied with string in twelve little +packets in the soft paper which is in one of the boxes, and put them in +my pocket. Then I went up the hill, Baas, to the place where I saw those +goats are kraaled at night behind a reed fence. As I had hoped, no one +was watching them because there are no tigers so near this town, and +man does not steal the goats that are sacred. I went into the kraal and +found a fat young ewe which had a kid. I dragged it out and, taking it +behind some stones, I made its leg fast with a bit of cord and poured +this stuff out of the bottle all over its skin, rubbing it in well. +Then I tied the twelve packets of hard poison-sugar everywhere about its +body, making them very fast deep in the long hair so that they could not +tumble or rub off. + +"After this I untied the goat, led it near to the mouth of the cave and +held it there for a time while it kept on bleating for its kid. Next I +took it almost up to the cave, wondering how I should drive it in, for I +did not wish to enter there myself, Baas. As it happened I need not have +troubled about that. When the goat was within five yards of the cave, it +stopped bleating, stood still and shivered. Then it began to go forward +with little jumps, as though it did not want to go, yet must do so. +Also, Baas, I felt as though _I_ wished to go with it. So I lay down and +put my heels against a rock, leaving go of the goat. + +"For now, Baas, I did not care where that goat went so long as I could +keep out of the hole where dwelt the Father of Serpents that had eaten +Bena. But it was all right, Baas; the goat knew what it had to do and +did it, jumping straight into the cave. As it entered it turned its head +and looked at me. I could see its eyes in the starlight, and, Baas, they +were dreadful. I think it knew what was coming and did not like it at +all. And yet it had to walk on because it could not help it. Just like a +man going to the devil, Baas! + +"Holding on to the stone I peered after it, for I had heard something +stirring in the cave making a soft noise like a white lady's dress upon +the floor. There in the blackness I saw two little sparks of fire, which +were the eyes of the serpent, Baas. Then I heard a sound of hissing like +four big kettles boiling all at once, and a little bleat from the goat. +After this there was a noise as of men wrestling, followed by another +noise as of bones breaking, and lastly, yet another sucking noise as of +a pump that won't draw up the water. Then everything grew nice and quiet +and I went some way off, sat down a little to one side of the cave, and +waited to see if anything happened. + +"It must have been nearly an hour later that something did begin to +happen, Baas. It was as though sacks filled with chaff were being beaten +against stone walls there in the cave. Ah! thought I to myself, your +stomach is beginning to ache, Eater-up-of-Bena, and, as that goat had +little horns on its head--to which I tied two of the bags of the poison, +Baas--and, like all snakes, no doubt you have spikes in your throat +pointing downwards, you won't be able to get it up again. Then--I +expect this was after the poison-sugar had begun to melt nicely in the +serpent's stomach, Baas--there was a noise as though a whole company of +girls were dancing a war-dance in the cave to a music of hisses. + +"And then--oh! then, Baas, of a sudden that Father of Serpents came out. +I tell you, Baas, that when I saw him in the bright starlight my hair +stood up upon my head, for never has there been such another snake in +the whole world. Those that live in trees and eat bucks in Zululand, of +whose skins men make waistcoats and slippers, are but babies compared +to this one. He came out, yard after yard of him. He wriggled about, he +stood upon his tail with his head where the top of a tree might be, he +made himself into a ring, he bit at stones and at his own stomach, while +I hid behind my rock praying to your reverend father that he might not +see me. Then at last he rushed away down the hill, faster than any horse +could gallop. + +"Now I hoped that he had gone for good and thought of going myself. +Still I feared to do so lest I should meet him somewhere, so I made up +my mind to wait till daylight. It was as well, Baas, for about half an +hour later he came back again. Only now he could not jump, he could only +crawl. Never in my life did I see a snake look so sick, Baas. Into the +cave he went and lay there hissing. By degrees the hissing grew very +faint, till at length they died away altogether. I waited another +half-hour, Baas, and then I grew so curious that I thought that I would +go to look in the cave. + +"I lit the little lantern I had with me and, holding it in one hand and +my stick in the other, I crept into the hole. Before I had crawled ten +paces I saw something white stretched along the ground. It was the belly +of the great snake, Baas, which lay upon its back quite dead. + +"I know that it was dead, for I lit three wax matches, setting them to +burn upon its tail and it never stirred, as any live snake will do when +it feels fire. Then I came home, Baas, feeling very proud because I +had outwitted that great-grandfather of all snakes who killed Bena my +friend, and had made the way clear for us to walk through the cave. + +"That is all the story, Baas. Now I must go to wash those dishes," and +without waiting for any comment off he went, leaving us marvelling at +his wit, resource and courage. + +"What next?" I asked presently. + +"Nothing till to-night," answered Ragnall with determination, "when I am +going to look at the snake which the noble Hans has killed and whatever +lies beyond the cave, as you will remember Harut invited us to do +unmolested, if we could." + +"Do you think Harut will keep his word, Ragnall?" + +"On the whole, yes, and if he doesn't I don't care. Anything is better +than sitting here in this suspense." + +"I agree as to Harut, because we are too valuable to be killed just now, +if for no other reason; also as to the suspense, which is unendurable. +Therefore I will walk with you to look at that snake, Ragnall, and so no +doubt will Hans. The exercise will do my leg good." + +"Do you think it wise?" he asked doubtfully; "in your case, I mean." + +"I think it most unwise that we should separate any more. We had better +stand or fall altogether; further, we do not seem to have any luck +apart." + + + +CHAPTER XVII + +THE SANCTUARY AND THE OATH + +That evening shortly after sundown the three of us started boldly from +our house wearing over our clothes the Kendah dresses which Ragnall had +bought, and carrying nothing save sticks in our hands, some food and +the lantern in our pockets. On the outskirts of the town we were met by +certain Kendah, one of whom I knew, for I had often ridden by his side +on our march across the desert. + +"Have any of you arms upon you, Lord Macumazana?" he asked, looking +curiously at us and our white robes. + +"None," I answered. "Search us if you will." + +"Your word is sufficient," he replied with the grave courtesy of his +people. "If you are unarmed we have orders to let you go where you wish +however you may be dressed. Yet, Lord," he whispered to me, "I pray you +do not enter the cave, since One lives there who strikes and does not +miss, One whose kiss is death. I pray it for your own sakes, also for +ours who need you." + +"We shall not wake him who sleeps in the cave," I answered +enigmatically, as we departed rejoicing, for now we had learned that the +Kendah did not yet know of the death of the serpent. + +An hour's walk up the hill, guided by Hans, brought us to the mouth of +the tunnel. To tell the truth I could have wished it had been longer, +for as we drew near all sorts of doubts assailed me. What if Hans really +had been drinking and invented this story to account for his absence? +What if the snake had recovered from a merely temporary indisposition? +What if it had a wife and family living in that cave, every one of them +thirsting for vengeance? + +Well, it was too late to hesitate now, but secretly I hoped that one +of the others would prefer to lead the way. We reached the place and +listened. It was silent as a tomb. Then that brave fellow Hans lit the +lantern and said: + +"Do you stop here, Baases, while I go to look. If you hear anything +happen to me, you will have time to run away," words that made me feel +somewhat ashamed of myself. + +However, knowing that he was quick as a weasel and silent as a cat, +we let him go. A minute or two later suddenly he reappeared out of the +darkness, for he had turned the metal shield over the bull's-eye of the +lantern, and even in that light I could see that he was grinning. + +"It is all right, Baas," he said. "The Father of Serpents has really +gone to that land whither he sent Bena, where no doubt he is now +roasting in the fires of hell, and I don't see any others. Come and look +at him." + +So in we went and there, true enough, upon the floor of the cave lay the +huge reptile stone dead and already much swollen. I don't know how long +it was, for part of its body was twisted into coils, so I will only say +that it was by far the most enormous snake that I have ever seen. It is +true that I have heard of such reptiles in different parts of +Africa, but hitherto I had always put them down as fabulous creatures +transformed into and worshipped as local gods. Also this particular +specimen was, I presume, of a new variety, since, according to Ragnall, +it both struck like the cobra or the adder, and crushed like the +boa-constrictor. It is possible, however, that he was mistaken on this +point; I do not know, since I had no time, or indeed inclination, to +examine its head for the poison fangs, and when next I passed that way +it was gone. + +I shall never forget the stench of that cave. It was horrible, which is +not to be wondered at seeing that probably this creature had dwelt there +for centuries, since these large snakes are said to be as long lived as +tortoises, and, being sacred, of course it had never lacked for food. +Everywhere lay piles of cast bones, amongst one of which I noticed +fragments of a human skull, perhaps that of poor Savage. Also the +projecting rocks in the place were covered with great pieces of snake +skin, doubtless rubbed off by the reptile when once a year it changed +its coat. + +For a while we gazed at the loathsome and still glittering creature, +then pushed on fearful lest we should stumble upon more of its kind. +I suppose that it must have been solitary, a kind of serpent rogue, +as Jana was an elephant rogue, for we met none and, if the information +which I obtained afterwards may be believed, there was no species at +all resembling it in the country. What its origin may have been I never +learned. All the Kendah could or would say about it was that it had +lived in this hole from the beginning and that Black Kendah prisoners, +or malefactors, were sometimes given to it to kill, as White Kendah +prisoners were given to Jana. + +The cave itself proved to be not very long, perhaps one hundred and +fifty feet, no more. It was not an artificial but a natural hollow in +the lava rock, which I suppose had once been blown through it by an +outburst of steam. Towards the farther end it narrowed so much that I +began to fear there might be no exit. In this I was mistaken, however, +for at its termination we found a hole just large enough for a man to +walk in upright and so difficult to climb through that it became clear +to us that certainly this was not the path by which the White Kendah +approached their sanctuary. + +Scrambling out of this aperture with thankfulness, we found ourselves +upon the of a kind of huge ditch of lava which ran first downwards +for about eighty paces, then up again to the base of the great cone of +the inner mountain which was covered with dense forest. + +I presume that the whole formation of this peculiar hill was the result +of a violent volcanic action in the early ages of the earth. But as I do +not understand such matters I will not dilate upon them further than to +say that, although comparatively small, it bore a certain resemblance +to other extinct volcanoes which I had met with in different parts of +Africa. + +We climbed down to the bottom of the ditch that from its general +appearance might have been dug out by some giant race as a protection to +their stronghold, and up its farther side to where the forest began on +deep and fertile soil. Why there should have been rich earth here and +none in the ditch is more than we could guess, but perhaps the presence +of springs of water in this part of the mount may have been a cause. At +any rate it was so. + +The trees in this forest were huge and of a variety of cedar, but did +not grow closely together; also there was practically no undergrowth, +perhaps for the reason that their dense, spreading tops shut out the +light. As I saw afterwards both trunks and boughs were clothed with +long grey moss, which even at midday gave the place a very ghostly +appearance. The darkness beneath those trees was intense, literally we +could not see an inch before our faces. Yet rather than stand still we +struggled on, Hans leading the way, for his instincts were quicker than +ours. The steep rise of the ground beneath our feet told us that we were +going uphill, as we wished to do, and from time to time I consulted a +pocket compass I carried by the light of a match, knowing from previous +observations that the top of the Holy Mount lay due north. + +Thus for hour after hour we crept up and on, occasionally butting into +the trunk of a tree or stumbling over a fallen bough, but meeting with +no other adventures or obstacles of a physical kind. Of moral, or rather +mental, obstacles there were many, since to all of us the atmosphere +of this forest was as that of a haunted house. It may have been the +embracing darkness, or the sough of the night wind amongst the boughs +and mosses, or the sense of the imminent dangers that we had passed and +that still awaited us. Or it may have been unknown horrors connected +with this place of which some spiritual essence still survived, for +without doubt localities preserve such influences, which can be felt by +the sensitive among living things, especially in favouring conditions of +fear and gloom. At any rate I never experienced more subtle and yet more +penetrating terrors than I did upon that night, and afterwards Ragnall +confessed to me that my case was his own. Black as it was I thought that +I saw apparitions, among them glaring eyes and that of the elephant +Jana standing in front of me with his trunk raised against the bole of a +cedar. I could have sworn that I saw him, nor was I reassured when Hans +whispered to me below his breath, for here we did not seem to dare to +raise our voices: + +"Look, Baas. Is it Jana glowing like hot iron who stands yonder?" + +"Don't be a fool," I answered. "How can Jana be here and, if he were +here, how could we see him in the night?" But as I said the words I +remembered Harut had told us that Jana had been met with on the Holy +Mount "in the spirit or in the flesh." However this may be, next instant +he was gone and we beheld him or his shadow no more. Also we thought +that from time to time we heard voices speaking all around us, now here, +now there and now in the tree tops above our heads, though what they +said we could not catch or understand. + +Thus the long night wore away. Our progress was very slow, but guided by +occasional glimpses at the compass we never stopped but twice, once +when we found ourselves apparently surrounded by tree boles and fallen +boughs, and once when we got into swampy ground. Then we took the risk +of lighting the lantern, and by its aid picked our way through these +difficult places. By degrees the trees grew fewer so that we could see +the stars between their tops. This was a help to us as I knew that one +of them, which I had carefully noted, shone at this season of the year +directly over the cone of the mountain, and we were enabled to steer +thereby. + +It must have been not more than half an hour before the dawn that Hans, +who was leading--we were pushing our way through thick bushes at the +time--halted hurriedly, saying: + +"Stop, Baas, we are on the edge of a cliff. When I thrust my stick +forward it stands on nothing." + +Needless to say we pulled up dead and so remained without stirring +an inch, for who could say what might be beyond us? Ragnall wished to +examine the ground with the lantern. I was about to consent, though +doubtfully, when suddenly I heard voices murmuring and through the +screen of bushes saw lights moving at a little distance, forty feet or +more below us. Then we gave up all idea of making further use of the +lantern and crouched still as mice in our bushes, waiting for the dawn. + +It came at last. In the east appeared a faint pearly flush that by +degrees spread itself over the whole arch of the sky and was welcomed +by the barking of monkeys and the call of birds in the depths of the +dew-steeped forest. Next a ray from the unrisen sun, a single spear +of light shot suddenly across the sky, and as it appeared, from the +darkness below us arose a sound of chanting, very low and sweet to hear. +It died away and for a little while there was silence broken only by +a rustling sound like to that of people taking their seats in a dark +theatre. Then a woman began to sing in a beautiful, contralto voice, +but in what language I do not know, for I could not catch the words, if +these were words and not only musical notes. + +I felt Ragnall trembling beside me and in a whisper asked him what was +the matter. He answered, also in a whisper: + +"I believe that is my wife's voice." + +"If so, I beg you to control yourself," I replied. + +Now the skies began to flame and the light to pour itself into a misty +hollow beneath us like streams of many- gems into a bowl, +driving away the shadows. By degrees these vanished; by degrees we saw +everything. Beneath us was an amphitheatre, on the southern wall of +which we were seated, though it was not a wall but a lava cliff between +forty and fifty feet high which served as a wall. The amphitheatre +itself, however, almost exactly resembled those of the ancients which +I had seen in pictures and Ragnall had visited in Italy, Greece, and +Southern France. It was oval in shape and not very large, perhaps the +flat space at the bottom may have covered something over an acre, but +all round this oval ran tiers of seats cut in the lava of the crater. +For without doubt this was the crater of an extinct volcano. + +Moreover, in what I will call the arena, stood a temple that in its main +outlines, although small, exactly resembled those still to be seen in +Egypt. There was the gateway or pylon; there the open outer court with +columns round it supporting roofed cloisters, which, as we ascertained +afterwards, were used as dwelling-places by the priests. There beyond +and connected with the first by a short passage was a second rather +smaller court, also open to the sky, and beyond this again, built like +all the rest of the temple of lava blocks, a roofed erection measuring +about twelve feet square, which I guessed at once must be the sanctuary. + +This temple was, as I have said, small, but extremely well proportioned, +every detail of it being in the most excellent taste though unornamented +by sculpture or painting. I have to add that in front of the sanctuary +door stood a large block of lava, which I concluded was an altar, and in +front of this a stone seat and a basin, also of stone, supported upon a +very low tripod. Further, behind the sanctuary was a square house with +window-places. + +At the moment of our first sight of this place the courts were empty, +but on the benches of the amphitheatre were seated about three hundred +persons, male and female, the men to the north and the women to the +south. They were all clad in pure white robes, the heads of the men +being shaved and those of the women veiled, but leaving the face +exposed. Lastly, there were two roadways into the amphitheatre, one +running east and one west through tunnels hollowed in the encircling +rock of the crater, both of which roads were closed at the mouths of the +tunnels by massive wooden double doors, seventeen or eighteen feet +in height. From these roadways and their doors we learned two things. +First, that the cave where had lived the Father of Serpents was, as I +had suspected, not the real approach to the shrine of the Child, but +only a blind; and, secondly, that the ceremony we were about to witness +was secret and might only be attended by the priestly class or families +of this strange tribe. + +Scarcely was it full daylight when from the cells of the cloisters +round the outer court issued twelve priests headed by Harut himself, who +looked very dignified in his white garment, each of whom carried on a +wooden platter ears of different kinds of corn. Then from the cells of +the southern cloister issued twelve women, or rather girls, for all were +young and very comely, who ranged themselves alongside of the men. These +also carried wooden platters, and on them blooming flowers. + +At a sign they struck up a religious chant and began to walk forward +through the passage that led from the first court to the second. +Arriving in front of the altar they halted and one by one, first a +priest and then a priestess, set down the platters of offerings, piling +them above each other into a cone. Next the priests and the priestesses +ranged themselves in lines on either side of the altar, and Harut took +a platter of corn and a platter of flowers in his hands. These he held +first towards that quarter of the sky in which swam the invisible new +moon, secondly towards the rising sun, and thirdly towards the doors of +the sanctuary, making genuflexions and uttering some chanted prayer, the +words of which we could not hear. + +A pause followed, that was succeeded by a sudden outburst of song +wherein all the audience took part. It was a very sonorous and beautiful +song or hymn in some language which I did not understand, divided into +four verses, the end of each verse being marked by the bowing of every +one of those many singers towards the east, towards the west, and +finally towards the altar. + +Another pause till suddenly the doors of the sanctuary were thrown wide +and from between them issued--the goddess Isis of the Egyptians as I +have seen her in pictures! She was wrapped in closely clinging draperies +of material so thin that the whiteness of her body could be seen +beneath. Her hair was outspread before her, and she wore a head-dress +or bonnet of glittering feathers from the front of which rose a little +golden snake. In her arms she bore what at that distance seemed to be +a naked child. With her came two women, walking a little behind her +and supporting her arms, who also wore feather bonnets but without the +golden snake, and were clad in tight-fitting, transparent garments. + +"My God!" whispered Ragnall, "it is my wife!" + +"Then be silent and thank Him that she is alive and well," I answered. + +The goddess Isis, or the English lady--in that excitement I did not +reck which--stood still while the priests and priestesses and all the +audience, who, gathered on the upper benches of the amphitheatre, could +see her above the wall of the inner court, raised a thrice-repeated and +triumphant cry of welcome. Then Harut and the first priestess lifted +respectively an ear of corn and a flower from the two topmost platters +and held these first to the lips of the child in her arms and secondly +to her lips. + +This ceremony concluded, the two attendant women led her round the altar +to the stone chair, upon which she seated herself. Next fire was kindled +in the bowl on the tripod in front of the chair, how I could not see; +but perhaps it was already smouldering there. At any rate it burnt up +in a thin blue flame, on to which Harut and the head priestess threw +something that caused the flame to turn to smoke. Then Isis, for I +prefer to call her so while describing this ceremony, was caused to bend +her head forward, so that it was enveloped in the smoke exactly as she +and I had done some years before in the drawing-room at Ragnall Castle. +Presently the smoke died away and the two attendants with the feathered +head-dresses straightened her in the chair where she sat still holding +the babe against her breast as she might have done to nurse it, but with +her head bent forward like that of a person in a swoon. + +Now Harut stepped forward and appeared to speak to the goddess at some +length, then fell back again and waited, till in the midst of an intense +silence she rose from her seat and, fixing her wide eyes on the heavens, +spoke in her turn, for although we heard nothing of what she said, in +that clear, morning light we could see her lips moving. For some minutes +she spoke, then sat down again upon the chair and remained motionless, +staring straight in front of her. Harut advanced again, this time to +the front of the altar, and, taking his stand upon a kind of stone step, +addressed the priests and priestesses and all the encircling audience in +a voice so loud and clear that I could distinguish and understand every +word he said. + +"The Guardian of the heavenly Child, the Nurse decreed, the appointed +Nurturer, She who is the shadow of her that bore the Child, She who in +her day bears the symbol of the Child and is consecrated to its service +from of old, She whose heart is filled with the wisdom of the Child and +who utters the decrees of Heaven, has spoken. Hearken now to the voice +of the Oracle uttered in answer to the questions of me, Harut, the head +priest of the Eternal Child during my life-days. Thus says the Oracle, +the Guardian, the Nurturer, marked like all who went before her with +the holy mark of the new moon. She on whom the spirit, flitting from +generation to generation, has alighted for a while. 'O people of the +White Kendah, worshippers of the Child in this land and descendants of +those who for thousands of years worshipped the Child in a more +ancient land until the barbarians drove it thence with the remnant that +remained. War is upon you, O people of the White Kendah. Jana the evil +one; he whose other name is Set, he whose other name is Satan, he who +for this while lives in the shape of an elephant, he who is worshipped +by the thousands whom once you conquered, and whom still you bridle by +my might, comes up against you. The Darkness wars against the Daylight, +the Evil wars against the Good. My curse has fallen upon the people of +Jana, my hail has smitten them, their corn and their cattle; they have +no food to eat. But they are still strong for war and there is food in +your land. They come to take your corn; Jana comes to trample your god. +The Evil comes to destroy the Good, the Night to Devour the Day. It is +the last of many battles. How shall you conquer, O People of the Child? +Not by your own strength, for you are few in number and Jana is very +strong. Not by the strength of the Child, for the Child grows weak and +old, the days of its dominion are almost done, and its worship is almost +outworn. Here alone that worship lingers, but new gods, who are still +the old gods, press on to take its place and to lead it to its rest.' + +"How then shall you conquer that, when the Child has departed to its own +place, a remnant of you may still remain? In one way only--so says +the Guardian, the Nurturer of the Child speaking with the voice of the +Child; by the help of those whom you have summoned to your aid from far. +There were four of them, but one you have suffered to be slain in +the maw of the Watcher in the cave. It was an evil deed, O sons and +daughters of the Child, for as the Watcher is now dead, so ere long +many of you who planned this deed must die who, had it not been for that +man's blood, would have lived on a while. Why did you do this thing? +That you might keep a secret, the secret of the theft of a woman, that +you might continue to act a lie which falls upon your head like a stone +from heaven. + +"Thus saith the Child: 'Lift no hand against the three who remain, and +what they shall ask, that give, for thus alone shall some of you be +saved from Jana and those who serve him, even though the Guardian and +the Child be taken away and the Child itself returned to its own +place.' These are the words of the Oracle uttered at the Feast of the +First-fruits, the words that cannot be changed and mayhap its last." + + +Harut ceased, and there was silence while this portentous message sank +into the minds of his audience. At length they seemed to understand its +ominous nature and from them all there arose a universal, simultaneous +groan. As it died away the two attendants dressed as goddesses assisted +the personification of the Lady Isis to rise from her seat and, opening +the robes upon her breast, pointed to something beneath her throat, +doubtless that birthmark shaped like the new moon which made her so +sacred in their eyes since she who bore it and she alone could fill her +holy office. + +All the audience and with them the priests and priestesses bowed before +her. She lifted the symbol of the Child, holding it high above her head, +whereon once more they bowed with the deepest veneration. Then still +holding the effigy aloft, she turned and with her two attendants passed +into the sanctuary and doubtless thence by a covered way into the house +beyond. At any rate we saw her no more. + + + +As soon as she was gone the congregation, if I may call it so, leaving +their seats, swarmed down into the outer court of the temple through +its eastern gate, which was now opened. Here the priests proceeded to +distribute among them the offerings taken from the altar, giving a grain +of corn to each of the men to eat and a flower to each of the women, +which flower she kissed and hid in the bosom of her robe. Evidently it +was a kind of sacrament. + +Ragnall lifted himself a little upon his hands and knees, and I saw that +his eyes glowed and his face was very pale. + +"What are you going to do?" I asked. + +"Demand that those people give me back my wife, whom they have stolen. +Don't try to stop me, Quatermain, I mean what I say." + +"But, but," I stammered, "they never will and we are but three unarmed +men." + +Hans lifted up his little yellow face between us. + +"Baas," he hissed, "I have a thought. The Lord Baas wishes to get the +lady dressed like a bird as to her head and like one for burial as to +her body, who is, he says, his wife. But for us to take her from among +so many is impossible. Now what did that old witch-doctor Harut declare +just now? He declared, speaking for his fetish, that by our help alone +the White Kendah can resist the hosts of the Black Kendah and that no +harm must be done to us if the White Kendah would continue to live. So +it seems, Baas, that we have something to sell which the White Kendah +must buy, namely our help against the Black Kendah, for if we will not +fight for them, they believe that they cannot conquer their enemies and +kill the devil Jana. Well now, supposing that the Baas says that our +price is the white woman dressed like a bird, to be delivered over to us +when we have defeated the Black Kendah and killed Jana--after which they +will have no more use for her. And supposing that the Baas says that if +they refuse to pay that price we will burn all our powder and cartridges +so that the rifles are no use? Is there not a path to walk on here?" + +"Perhaps," I answered. "Something of the sort was working in my mind but +I had no time to think it out." + +Turning, I explained the idea to Ragnall, adding: + +"I pray you not to be rash. If you are, not only may we be killed, which +does not so much matter, but it is very probable that even if they spare +us they will put an end to your wife rather than suffer one whom they +look upon as holy and who is necessary to their faith in its last +struggle to be separated from her charge of the Child." + +This was a fortunate argument of mine and one which went home. + +"To lose her now would be more than I could bear," he muttered. + +"Then will you promise to let me try to manage this affair and not to +interfere with me and show violence?" + +He hesitated a moment and answered: + +"Yes, I promise, for you two are cleverer than I am and--I cannot trust +my judgment." + +"Good," I said, assuming an air of confidence which I did not feel. "Now +we will go down to call upon Harut and his friends. I want to have a +closer look at that temple." + +So behind our screen of bushes we wriggled back a little distance till +we knew that the of the ground would hide us when we stood up. +Then as quickly as we could we made our way eastwards for something over +a quarter of a mile and after this turned to the north. As I expected, +beyond the ring of the crater we found ourselves on the rising, +tree-clad bosom of the mountain and, threading our path through the +cedars, came presently to that track or roadway which led to the eastern +gate of the amphitheatre. This road we followed unseen until presently +the gateway appeared before us. We walked through it without attracting +any attention, perhaps because all the people were either talking +together, or praying, or perhaps because like themselves we were wrapped +in white robes. At the mouth of the tunnel we stopped and I called out +in a loud voice: + +"The white lords and their servant have come to visit Harut, as he +invited them to do. Bring us, we pray you, into the presence of Harut." + +Everyone wheeled round and stared at us standing there in the shadow of +the gateway tunnel, for the sun behind us was still low. My word, how +they did stare! A voice cried: + +"Kill them! Kill these strangers who desecrate our temple." + +"What!" I answered. "Would you kill those to whom your high-priest has +given safe-conduct; those moreover by whose help alone, as your Oracle +has just declared, you can hope to slay Jana and destroy his hosts?" + +"How do they know that?" shouted another voice. "They are magicians!" + +"Yes," I remarked, "all magic does not dwell in the hearts of the White +Kendah. If you doubt it, go to look at the Watcher in the Cave whom your +Oracle told you is dead. You will find that it did not lie." + +As I spoke a man rushed through the gates, his white rob streaming on +the wind, shouting as he emerged from the tunnel: + +"O Priests and Priestesses of the Child, the ancient serpent is dead. I +whose office it is to feed the serpent on the day of the new moon have +found him dead in his house." + +"You hear," I interpolated calmly. "The Father of Snakes is dead. If you +want to know how, I will tell you. We looked on it and it died." + +They might have answered that poor Savage also looked on it with the +result that _he_ died, but luckily it did not occur to them to do so. +On the contrary, they just stood still and stared at us like a flock of +startled sheep. + +Presently the sheep parted and the shepherd in the shape of Harut +appeared looking, I reflected, the very picture of Abraham softened by +a touch of the melancholia of Job, that is, as I have always imagined +those patriarchs. He bowed to us with his usual Oriental courtesy, and +we bowed back to him. Hans' bow, I may explain, was of the most peculiar +nature, more like a _skulpat_, as the Boers call a land-tortoise, +drawing its wrinkled head into its shell and putting it out again than +anything else. Then Harut remarked in his peculiar English, which I +suppose the White Kendah took for some tongue known only to magicians: + +"So you get here, eh? Why you get here, how the devil you get here, eh?" + +"We got here because you asked us to do so if we could," I answered, +"and we thought it rude not to accept your invitation. For the rest, we +came through a cave where you kept a tame snake, an ugly-looking reptile +but very harmless to those who know how to deal with snakes and are not +afraid of them as poor Bena was. If you can spare the skin I should like +to have it to make myself a robe." + +Harut looked at me with evident respect, muttering: + +"Oh, Macumazana, you what you English call cool, quite cool! Is that +all?" + +"No," I answered. "Although you did not happen to notice us, we have +been present at your church service, and heard and seen everything. For +instance, we saw the wife of the lord here whom you stole away in Egypt, +her that, being a liar, Harut, you swore you never stole. Also we heard +her words after you had made her drunk with your tobacco smoke." + +Now for once in his life Harut was, in sporting parlance, knocked out. +He looked at us, then turning quite pale, lifted his eyes to heaven and +rocked upon his feet as though he were about to fall. + +"How you do it? How you do it, eh?" he queried in a weak voice. + +"Never you mind how we did it, my friend," I answered loftily. "What +we want to know is when you are going to hand over that lady to her +husband." + +"Not possible," he answered, recovering some of his tone. "First we kill +you, first we kill her, she Nurse of the Child. While Child there, she +stop there till she die." + +"See here," broke in Ragnall. "Either you give me my wife or someone +else will die. You will die, Harut. I am a stronger man than you are +and unless you promise to give me my wife I will kill you now with this +stick and my hands. Do not move or call out if you want to live." + +"Lord," answered the old man with some dignity, "I know you can kill me, +and if you kill me, I think I say thank you who no wish to live in so +much trouble. But what good that, since in one minute then you die too, +all of you, and lady she stop here till Black Kendah king take her to +wife or she too die?" + +"Let us talk," I broke in, treading warningly upon Ragnall's foot. "We +have heard your Oracle and we know that you believe its words. It is +said that we alone can help you to conquer the Black Kendah. If you will +not promise what we ask, we will not help you. We will burn our powder +and melt our lead, so that the guns we have cannot speak with Jana and +with Simba, and after that we will do other things that I need not tell +you. But if you promise what we ask, then we will fight for you against +Jana and Simba and teach your men to use the fifty rifles which we have +here with us, and by our help you shall conquer. Do you understand?" + +He nodded and stroking his long beard, asked: + +"What you want us promise, eh?" + +"We want you to promise that after Jana is dead and the Black Kendah +are driven away, you will give up to us unharmed that lady whom you have +stolen. Also that you will bring her and us safely out of your country +by the roads you know, and meanwhile that you will let this lord see his +wife." + +"Not last, no," replied Harut, "that not possible. That bring us all to +grave. Also no good, 'cause her mind empty. For rest, you come to other +place, sit down and eat while I talk with priests. Be afraid nothing; +you quite safe." + +"Why should we be afraid? It is you who should be afraid, you who stole +the lady and brought Bena to his death. Do you not remember the words of +your own Oracle, Harut?" + +"Yes, I know words, but how _you_ know them _that_ I not know," he +replied. + +Then he issued some orders, as a result of which a guard formed itself +about us and conducted us through the crowd and along the passage to the +second court of the temple, which was now empty. Here the guard left us +but remained at the mouth of the passage, keeping watch. Presently women +brought us food and drink, of which Hans and I partook heartily though +Ragnall, who was so near to his lost wife and yet so far away, could eat +but little. Mingled joy because after these months of arduous search he +found her yet alive, and fear lest she should again be taken from him +for ever, deprived him of all appetite. + +While we ate, priests to the number of about a dozen, who I suppose had +been summoned by Harut, were admitted by the guard and, gathering out of +earshot of us between the altar and the sanctuary, entered on an earnest +discussion with him. Watching their faces I could see that there was a +strong difference of opinion between them, about half taking one view +on the matter of which they disputed, and half another. At length Harut +made some proposition to which they all agreed. Then the door of the +sanctuary was opened with a strange sort of key which one of the priests +produced, showing a dark interior in which gleamed a white object, I +suppose the statue of the Child. Harut and two others entered, the door +being closed behind them. About five minutes later they appeared again +and others, who listened earnestly and after renewed consultation +signified assent by holding up the right hand. Now one of the priests +walked to where we were and, bowing, begged us to advance to the altar. +This we did, and were stood in a line in front of it, Hans being set in +the middle place, while the priests ranged themselves on either side. +Next Harut, having once more opened the door of the sanctuary, took his +stand a little to the right of it and addressed us, not in English but +in his own language, pausing at the end of each sentence that I might +translate to Ragnall. + +"Lords Macumazana and Igeza, and yellow man who is named +Light-in-Darkness," he said, "we, the head priests of the Child, +speaking on behalf of the White Kendah people with full authority so to +do, have taken counsel together and of the wisdom of the Child as to the +demands which you make of us. Those demands are: First, that after you +have killed Jana and defeated the Black Kendah we should give over to +you the white lady who was born in a far land to fill the office of +Guardian of the Child, as is shown by the mark of the new moon upon +her breast, but who, because for the second time we could not take her, +became the wife of you, the Lord Igeza. Secondly, that we should conduct +you and her safely out of our land to some place whence you can return +to your own country. Both of these things we will do, because we know +from of old that if once Jana is dead we shall have no cause to fear the +Black Kendah any more, since we believe that then they will leave their +home and go elsewhere, and therefore that we shall no longer need an +Oracle to declare to us in what way Heaven will protect us from Jana and +from them. Or if another Oracle should become necessary to us, doubtless +in due season she will be found. Also we admit that we stole away this +lady because we must, although she was the wife of one of you. But if we +swear this, you on your part must also swear that you will stay with us +till the end of the war, making our cause your cause and, if need be, +giving your lives for us in battle. You must swear further that none of +you will attempt to see or to take hence that lady who is named Guardian +of the Child until we hand her over to you unharmed. If you will not +swear these things, then since no blood may be shed in this holy place, +here we will ring you round until you die of hunger and of thirst, or if +you escape from this temple, then we will fall upon you and put you to +death and fight our own battle with Jana as best we may." + +"And if we make these promises how are we to know that you will keep +yours?" I interrupted. + +"Because the oath that we shall give you will be the oath of the Child +that may not be broken." + +"Then give it," I said, for although I did not altogether like the +security, obviously it was the best to be had. + +So very solemnly they laid their right hands upon the altar and "in the +presence of the Child and the name of the Child and of all the White +Kendah people," repeated after Harut a most solemn oath of which I +have already given the substance. It called down on their heads a very +dreadful doom in this world and the next, should it be broken either in +the spirit or the letter; the said oath, however, to be only binding if +we, on our part, swore to observe their terms and kept our engagement +also in the spirit and the letter. + +Then they asked us to fulfil our share of the pact and very +considerately drew out of hearing while we discussed the matter; Harut, +the only one of them who understood a word of English, retiring behind +the sanctuary. At first I had difficulties with Ragnall, who was most +unwilling to bind himself in any way. In the end, on my pointing out +that nothing less than our lives were involved and probably that of his +wife as well, also that no other course was open to us, he gave way, to +my great relief. + +Hans announced himself ready to swear anything, adding blandly that +words mattered nothing, as afterwards we could do whatever seemed best +in our own interests, whereon I read him a short moral lecture on the +heinousness of perjury, which did not seem to impress him very much. + +This matter settled, we called back the priests and informed them of our +decision. Harut demanded that we should affirm it "by the Child," which +we declined to do, saying that it was our custom to swear only in the +name of our own God. Being a liberal-minded man who had travelled, Harut +gave way on the point. So I swore first to the effect that I would fight +for the White Kendah to the finish in consideration of the promises that +they had made to us. I added that I would not attempt either to see or +to interfere with the lady here known as the Guardian of the Child until +the war was over or even to bring our existence to her knowledge, ending +up, "so help me God," as I had done several times when giving evidence +in a court of law. + +Next Ragnall with a great effort repeated my oath in English, Harut +listening carefully to every word and once or twice asking me to explain +the exact meaning of some of them. + +Lastly Hans, who seemed very bored with the whole affair, swore, also +repeating the words after me and finishing on his own account with +"so help me the reverend Predikant, the Baas's father," a form that he +utterly declined to vary although it involved more explanations. When +pressed, indeed, he showed considerable ingenuity by pointing out to +the priests that to his mind my poor father stood in exactly the same +relation to the Power above us as their Oracle did to the Child. He +offered generously, however, to throw in the spirits of his grandfather +and grandmother and some extraordinary divinity they worshipped, I think +it was a hare, as an additional guarantee of good faith. This proposal +the priests accepted gravely, whereon Hans whispered into my ear in +Dutch: + +"Those fools do not remember that when pressed by dogs the hare often +doubles on its own spoor, and that your reverend father will be very +pleased if I can play them the same trick with the white lady that they +played with the Lord Igeza." + +I only looked at him in reply, since the morality of Hans was past +argument. It might perhaps be summed up in one sentence: To get the +better of his neighbour in his master's service, honestly if possible; +if not, by any means that came to his hand down to that of murder. At +the bottom of his dark and mysterious heart Hans worshipped only one +god, named Love, not of woman or child, but of my humble self. His +principles were those of a rather sly but very high-class and exclusive +dog, neither better nor worse. Still, when all is said and done, there +are lower creatures in the world than high-class dogs. At least so +the masters whom they adore are apt to think, especially if their +watchfulness and courage have often saved them from death or disaster. + + + +CHAPTER XVIII + +THE EMBASSY + +The ceremonies were over and the priests, with the exception of Harut +and two who remained to attend upon him, vanished, probably to inform +the male and female hierophants of their result, and through these the +whole people of the White Kendah. Old Harut stared at us for a little +while, then said in English, which he always liked to talk when Ragnall +was present, perhaps for the sake of practice: + +"What you like do now, eh? P'r'aps wish fly back to Town of Child, for +suppose this how you come. If so, please take me with you, because that +save long ride." + +"Oh! no," I answered. "We walked here through that hole where lived the +Father of Snakes who died of fear when he saw us, and just mixed with +the rest of you in the court of the temple." + +"Good lie," said Harut admiringly, "very first-class lie! Wonder how +you kill great snake, which we all think never die, for he live there +hundred, hundred years; our people find him there when first they come +to this country, and make him kind of god. Well, he nasty beast and best +dead. I say, you like see Child? If so, come, for you our brothers now, +only please take off hat and not speak." + +I intimated that we should "like see Child," and led by Harut we entered +the little sanctuary which was barely large enough to hold all of us. +In a niche of the end wall stood the sacred effigy which Ragnall and I +examined with a kind of reverent interest. It proved to be the statue of +an infant about two feet high, cut, I imagine, from the base of a single +but very large elephant's tusk, so ancient that the yellowish ivory had +become rotten and was covered with a multitude of tiny fissures. Indeed, +for its appearance I made up my mind that several thousands of years +must have passed since the beast died from which this ivory was taken, +especially as it had, I presume, always been carefully preserved under +cover. + +The workmanship of the object was excellent, that of a fine artist who, +I should think, had taken some living infant for his model, perhaps a +child of the Pharaoh of the day. Here I may say at once that there could +be no doubt of its Egyptian origin, since on one side of the head was a +single lock of hair, while the fourth finger of the right hand was +held before the lips as though to enjoin silence. Both of these +peculiarities, it will be remembered, are characteristic of the infant +Horus, the child of Osiris and Isis, as portrayed in bronzes and temple +carvings. So at least Ragnall, who recently had studied many such +effigies in Egypt, informed me later. There was nothing else in the +place except an ancient, string-seated chair of ebony, adorned with +inlaid ivory patterns; an effigy of a snake in porcelain, showing that +serpent worship was in some way mixed up with their religion; and two +rolls of papyrus, at least that is what they looked like, which were +laid in the niche with the statue. These rolls, to my disappointment, +Harut refused to allow us to examine or even to touch. + +After we had left the sanctuary I asked Harut when this figure was +brought to their land. He replied that it came when they came, at what +date he could not tell us as it was so long ago, and that with it came +the worship and the ceremonies of their religion. + +In answer to further questions he added that this figure, which seemed +to be of ivory, contained the spirits which ruled the sun and the moon, +and through them the world. This, said Ragnall, was just a piece of +Egyptian theology, preserved down to our own times in a remote corner +of Africa, doubtless by descendants of dwellers on the Nile who had been +driven thence in some national catastrophe, and brought away with them +their faith and one of the effigies of their gods. Perhaps they fled at +the time of the Persian invasion by Cambyses. + +After we had emerged from this deeply interesting shrine, which was +locked behind us, Harut led us, not through the passage connecting it +with the stone house that we knew was occupied by Ragnall's wife in her +capacity as Guardian of the Child, or a latter-day personification of +Isis, Lady of the Moon, at which house he cast many longing glances, but +back through the two courts and the pylon to the gateway of the temple. +Here on the road by which we had entered the place, a fact which we did +not mention to him, he paused and addressed us. + +"Lords," he said, "now you and the People of the White Kendah are one; +your ends are their ends, your fate is their fate, their secrets are +your secrets. You, Lord Igeza, work for a reward, namely the person of +that lady whom we took from you on the Nile." + +"How did you do that?" interrupted Ragnall when I had interpreted. + +"Lord, we watched you. We knew when you came to Egypt; we followed you +in Egypt, whither we had journeyed on our road to England once more to +seek our Oracles, till the day of our opportunity dawned. Then at night +we called her and she obeyed the call, as she must do whose mind we have +taken away--ask me not how--and brought her to dwell with us, she who +is marked from her birth with the holy sign and wears upon her breast +certain charmed stones and a symbol that for thousands of years have +adorned the body of the Child and those of its Oracles. Do you remember +a company of Arabs whom you saw riding on the banks of the Great River +on the day before the night when she was lost to you? We were with that +company and on our camels we bore her thence, happy and unharmed to this +our land, as I trust, when all is done, we shall bear her back again and +you with her." + +"I trust so also, for you have wrought me a great wrong," said Ragnall +briefly, "perhaps a greater wrong than I know at present, for how came +it that my boy was killed by an elephant?" + +"Ask that question of Jana and not of me," Harut answered darkly. Then +he went on: "You also, Lord Macumazana, work for a reward, the countless +store of ivory which your eyes have beheld lying in the burial place of +elephants beyond the Tava River. When you have slain Jana who watches +the store, and defeated the Black Kendah who serve him, it is yours and +we will give you camels to bear it, or some of it, for all cannot be +carried, to the sea where it can be taken away in ships. As for the +yellow man, I think that he seeks no reward who soon will inherit all +things." + +"The old witch-doctor means that I am going to die," remarked Hans +expectorating reflectively. "Well, Baas, I am quite ready, if only Jana +and certain others die first. Indeed I grow too old to fight and travel +as I used to do, and therefore shall be glad to pass to some land where +I become young again." + +"Stuff and rubbish!" I exclaimed, then turned and listened to Harut who, +not understanding our Dutch conversation, was speaking once more. + +"Lords," he said, "these paths which run east and west are the real +approach to the mountain top and the temple, not that which, as I +suppose, led you through the cave of the old serpent. The road to +the west, which wanders round the base of the hill to a pass in those +distant mountains and thence across the deserts to the north, is so easy +to stop that by it we need fear no attack. With this eastern road the +case is, however, different, as I shall now show you, if you will ride +with me." + +Then he gave some orders to two attendant priests who departed at a run +and presently reappeared at the head of a small train of camels which +had been hidden, I know not where. We mounted and, following the road +across a flat piece of ground, found that not more than half a mile away +was another precipitous ridge of rock which had presumably once formed +the lip of an outer crater. This ridge, however, was broken away for a +width of two or three hundred yards, perhaps by some outrush of lava, +the road running through the centre of the gap on which schanzes had +been built here and there for purposes of defence. Looking at these I +saw that they were very old and inefficient and asked when they had been +erected. Harut replied about a century before when the last war took +place with the Black Kendah, who had been finally driven off at this +spot, for then the White Kendah were more numerous than at present. + +"So Simba knows this road?" I said. + +"Yes, Lord, and Jana knows it also, for he fought in that war and still +at times visits us here and kills any whom he may meet. Only to the +temple he has never dared to come." + +Now I wondered whether we had really seen Jana in the forest on the +previous night, but coming to the conclusion that it was useless to +investigate the matter, made no inquiries, especially as these would +have revealed to Harut the route by which we approached the temple. Only +I pointed out to him that proper defences should be put up here without +delay, that is if they meant to make a stronghold of the mountain. + +"We do, Lord," he answered, "since we are not strong enough to attack +the Black Kendah in their own country or to meet them in pitched battle +on the plain. Here and in no other place must be fought the last fight +between Jana and the Child. Therefore it will be your task to build +walls cunningly, so that when they come we may defeat Jana and the hosts +of the Black Kendah." + +"Do you mean that this elephant will accompany Simba and his soldiers, +Harut?" + +"Without doubt, Lord, since he has always done so from the beginning. +Jana is tame to the king and certain priests of the Black Kendah, whose +forefathers have fed him for generations, and will obey their orders. +Also he can think for himself, being an evil spirit and invulnerable." + +"His left eye and the tip of his trunk are not invulnerable," I +remarked, "though from what I saw of him I should say there is no doubt +about his being able to think for himself. Well, I am glad the brute is +coming as I have an account to settle with him." + +"As he, Lord, who does not forget, has an account to settle with you and +your servant, Light-in-Darkness," commented Harut in an unpleasant and +suggestive tone. + +Then after we had taken a few measurements and Ragnall, who understands +such matters, had drawn a rough sketch of the place in his pocket-book +to serve as data for our proposed scheme of fortifications, we pursued +our journey back to the town, where we had left all our stores and there +were many things to be arranged. It proved to be quite a long ride, down +the eastern of the mountain which was easy to negotiate, although +like the rest of this strange hill it was covered with dense cedar +forests that also seemed to me to have defensive possibilities. Reaching +its foot at length we were obliged to make a detour by certain winding +paths to avoid ground that was too rough for the camels, so that in the +end we did not come to our own house in the Town of the Child till about +midday. + +Glad enough were we to reach it, since all three of us were tired out +with our terrible night journey and the anxious emotions that we had +undergone. Indeed, after we had eaten we lay down and I rejoiced to +see that, notwithstanding the state of mental excitement into which the +discovery of his wife had plunged him, Ragnall was the first of us to +fall asleep. + +About five o'clock we were awakened by a messenger from Harut, +who requested our attendance on important business at a kind of +meeting-house which stood at a little distance on an open place where +the White Kendah bartered produce. Here we found Harut and about twenty +of the headmen seated in the shade of a thatched roof, while behind +them, at a respectful distance, stood quite a hundred of the White +Kendah. Most of these, however, were women and children, for as I have +said the greater part of the male population was absent from the town +because of the commencement of the harvest. + +We were conducted to chairs, or rather stools of honour, and when we two +had seated ourselves, Hans taking his stand behind us, Harut rose and +informed us that an embassy had arrived from the Black Kendah which was +about to be admitted. + +Presently they came, five of them, great, truculent-looking fellows of +a surprising blackness, unarmed, for they had not been allowed to bring +their weapons in to the town, but adorned with the usual silver chains +across their breasts to show their rank, and other savage finery. In the +man who was their leader I recognized one of those messengers who had +accosted us when first we entered their territory on our way from the +south, before that fight in which I was taken prisoner. Stepping forward +and addressing himself to Harut, he said: + +"A while ago, O Prophet of the Child, I, the messenger of the god Jana, +speaking through the mouth of Simba the King, gave to you and your +brother Marut a certain warning to which you did not listen. Now Jana +has Marut, and again I come to warn you, Harut." + +"If I remember right," interrupted Harut blandly, "I think that on that +occasion two of you delivered the message and that the Child marked one +of you upon the brow. If Jana has my brother, say, where is yours?" + +"We warned you," went on the messenger, "and you cursed us in the name +of the Child." + +"Yes," interrupted Harut again, "we cursed you with three curses. The +first was the curse of Heaven by storm or drought, which has fallen upon +you. The second was the curse of famine, which is falling upon you; and +the third was the curse of war, which is yet to fall on you." + +"It is of war that we come to speak," replied the messenger, +diplomatically avoiding the other two topics which perhaps he found it +awkward to discuss. + +"That is foolish of you," replied the bland Harut, "seeing that the +other day you matched yourselves against us with but small success. Many +of you were killed but only a very few of us, and the white lord whom +you took captive escaped out of your hands and from the tusks of Jana +who, I think, now lacks an eye. If he is a god, how comes it that he +lacks an eye and could not kill an unarmed white man?" + +"Let Jana answer for himself, as he will do ere long, O Harut. +Meanwhile, these are the words of Jana spoken through the mouth of Simba +the King: The Child has destroyed my harvest and therefore I demand this +of the people of the Child--that they give me three-fourths of their +harvest, reaping the same and delivering it on the south bank of the +River Tava. That they give me the two white lords to be sacrificed to +me. That they give the white lady who is Guardian of the Child to be a +wife of Simba the King, and with her a hundred virgins of your people. +That the image of the Child be brought to the god Jana in the presence +of his priests and Simba the King. These are the demands of Jana spoken +through the mouth of Simba the King." + +Watching, I saw a thrill of horror shake the forms of Harut and of +all those with him as the full meaning of these, to them, most impious +requests sank into their minds. But he only asked very quietly: + +"And if we refuse the demands, what then?" + +"Then," shouted the messenger insolently, "then Jana declares war upon +you, the last war of all, war till every one of your men be dead and the +Child you worship is burnt to grey ashes with fire. War till your women +are taken as slaves and the corn which you refuse is stored in our grain +pits and your land is a waste and your name forgotten. Already the hosts +of Jana are gathered and the trumpet of Jana calls them to the fight. +To-morrow or the next day they advance upon you, and ere the moon is +full not one of you will be left to look upon her." + +Harut rose, and walking from under the shed, turned his back upon the +envoys and stared at the distant line of great mountains which stood out +far away against the sky. Out of curiosity I followed him and observed +that these mountains were no longer visible. Where they had been was +nothing but a line of black and heavy cloud. After looking for a while +he returned and addressing the envoys, said quite casually: + +"If you will be advised by me, friends, you will ride hard for the +river. There is such rain upon the mountains as I have never seen +before, and you will be fortunate if you cross it before the flood comes +down, the greatest flood that has happened in our day." + +This intelligence seemed to disturb the messengers, for they too stepped +out of the shed and stared at the mountains, muttering to each other +something that I could not understand. Then they returned and with a +fine appearance of indifference demanded an immediate answer to their +challenge. + +"Can you not guess it?" answered Harut. Then changing his tone he drew +himself to his full height and thundered out at them: "Get you back +to your evil spirit of a god that hides in the shape of a beast of the +forest and to his slave who calls himself a king, and say to them: 'Thus +speaks the Child to his rebellious servants, the Black Kendah dogs: Swim +my river when you can, which will not be yet, and come up against me +when you will; for whenever you come I shall be ready for you. You are +already dead, O Jana. You are already dead, O Simba the slave. You are +scattered and lost, O dogs of the Black Kendah, and the home of such +of you as remain shall be far away in a barren land, where you must dig +deep for water and live upon the wild game because there little corn +will grow.' Now begone, and swiftly, lest you stop here for ever." + +So they turned and went, leaving me full of admiration for the +histrionic powers of Harut. + +I must add, however, that being without doubt a keen observer of the +weather conditions of the neighbourhood, he was quite right about +the rain upon the mountains, which by the way never extended to the +territory of the People of the Child. As we heard afterwards, the flood +came down just as the envoys reached the river; indeed, one of them was +drowned in attempting its crossing, and for fourteen days after this it +remained impassable to an army. + + + +That very evening we began our preparations to meet an attack which was +now inevitable. Putting aside the supposed rival powers of the tribal +divinities worshipped under the names of the Child and Jana, which, +while they added a kind of Homeric interest to the contest, could, we +felt, scarcely affect an issue that must be decided with cold steel +and other mortal weapons, the position of the White Kendah was serious +indeed. As I think I have said, in all they did not number more than +about two thousand men between the ages of twenty and fifty-five, or, +including lads between fourteen and twenty and old men still able-bodied +between fifty-five and seventy, say two thousand seven hundred capable +of some sort of martial service. To these might be added something under +two thousand women, since among this dwindling folk, oddly enough, from +causes that I never ascertained, the males out-numbered the females, +which accounted for their marriage customs that were, by comparison with +those of most African peoples, monogamous. At any rate only the +rich among them had more than one wife, while the poor or otherwise +ineligible often had none at all, since inter-marriage with other races +and above all with the Black Kendah dwelling beyond the river was so +strictly taboo that it was punishable with death or expulsion. + +Against this little band the Black Kendah could bring up twenty thousand +men, besides boys and aged persons who with the women would probably +be left to defend their own country, that is, not less than ten to one. +Moreover, all of these enemies would be fighting with the courage of +despair, since quite three-fourths of their crops with many of their +cattle and sheep had been destroyed by the terrific hail-burst that +I have described. Therefore, since no other corn was available in the +surrounding land, where they dwelt alone encircled by deserts, either +they must capture that of the White Kendah, or suffer terribly from +starvation until a year later when another harvest ripened. + +The only points I could see in favour of the People of the Child +were that they would fight on the vantage ground of their mountain +stronghold, a formidable position if properly defended. Also they would +have the benefit of the skill and knowledge of Ragnall and myself. +Lastly, the enemy must face our rifles. Neither the White nor the +Black Kendah, I should say, possessed any guns, except a few antiquated +flintlock weapons that the former had captured from some nomadic tribe +and kept as curiosities. Why this was the case I do not know, since +undoubtedly at times the White Kendah traded in camels and corn with +Arabs who wandered as far as the Sudan, or Egypt, nomadic tribes to whom +even then firearms were known, although perhaps rarely used by them. But +so it was, possibly because of some old law or prejudice which forbade +their introduction into the country, or mayhap of the difficulty of +procuring powder and lead, or for the reason that they had none to teach +them the use of such new-fangled weapons. + +Now it will be remembered that, on the chance of their proving useful, +Ragnall, in addition to our own sporting rifles, had brought with him to +Africa fifty Snider rifles with an ample supply of ammunition, the same +that I had trouble in passing through the Customs at Durban, all of +which had arrived safely at the Town of the Child. Clearly our first +duty was to make the best possible use of this invaluable store. To +that end I asked Harut to select seventy-five of the boldest and most +intelligent young men among his people, and to hand them over to me and +Hans for instruction in musketry. We had only fifty rifles but I drilled +seventy-five men, or fifty per cent. more, that some might be ready to +replace any who fell. + +From dawn to dark each day Hans and I worked at trying to convert +these Kendah into sharpshooters. It was no easy task with men, however +willing, who till then had never held a gun, especially as I must be +very sparing of the ammunition necessary to practice, of which of course +our supply was limited. Still we taught them how to take cover, how to +fire and to cease from firing at a word of command, also to hold the +rifles low and waste no shot. To make marksmen of them was more than I +could hope to do under the circumstances. + +With the exception of these men nearly the entire male population +were working day and night to get in the harvest. This proved a very +difficult business, both because some of the crops were scarcely fit and +because all the grain had to be carried on camels to be stored in and at +the back of the second court of the temple, the only place where it was +likely to be safe. Indeed in the end a great deal was left unreaped. +Then the herds of cattle and breeding camels which grazed on the farther +sides of the Holy Mount must be brought into places of safety, glens in +the forest on its , and forage stacked to feed them. Also it was +necessary to provide scouts to keep watch along the river. + +Lastly, the fortifications in the mountain pass required unceasing +labour and attention. This was the task of Ragnall, who fortunately in +his youth, before he succeeded unexpectedly to the title, was for +some years an officer in the Royal Engineers and therefore thoroughly +understood that business. Indeed he understood it rather too well, since +the result of his somewhat complicated and scientific scheme of defence +was a little confusing to the simple native mind. However, with the +assistance of all the priests and of all the women and children who +were not engaged in provisioning the Mount, he built wall after wall and +redoubt after redoubt, if that is the right word, to say nothing of the +shelter trenches he dug and many pitfalls, furnished at the bottom with +sharp stakes, which he hollowed out wherever the soil could be easily +moved, to discomfit a charging enemy. + +Indeed, when I saw the amount of work he had concluded in ten +days, which was not until I joined him on the mountain, I was quite +astonished. + +About this time a dispute arose as to whether we should attempt to +prevent the Black Kendah from crossing the river which was now running +down, a plan that some of the elders favoured. At last the controversy +was referred to me as head general and I decided against anything of the +sort. It seemed to me that our force was too small, and that if I took +the rifle-men a great deal of ammunition might be expended with poor +result. Also in the event of any reverse or when we were finally driven +back, which must happen, there might be difficulty about remounting the +camels, our only means of escape from the horsemen who would possibly +gallop us down. Moreover the Tava had several fords, any one of which +might be selected by the enemy. So it was arranged that we should make +our first and last stand upon the Holy Mount. + +On the fourteenth night from new moon our swift camel-scouts who were +posted in relays between the Tava and the Mount reported that the Black +Kendah were gathered in thousands upon the farther side of the river, +where they were engaged in celebrating magical ceremonies. On the +fifteenth night the scouts reported that they were crossing the river, +about five thousand horsemen and fifteen thousand foot soldiers, and +that at the head of them marched the huge god-elephant Jana, on which +rode Simba the King and a lame priest (evidently my friend whose foot +had been injured by the pistol), who acted as a mahout. This part of the +story I confess I did not believe, since it seemed to me impossible that +anyone could ride upon that mad rogue, Jana. Yet, as subsequent events +showed, it was in fact true. I suppose that in certain hands the beast +became tame. Or perhaps it was drugged. + +Two nights later, for the Black Kendah advanced but slowly, spreading +themselves over the country in order to collect such crops as had not +been gathered through lack of time or because they were still unripe, +we saw flames and smoke arising from the Town of the Child beneath us, +which they had fired. Now we knew that the time of trial had come and +until near midnight men, women and children worked feverishly finishing +or trying to finish the fortifications and making every preparation in +our power. + +Our position was that we held a very strong post, that is, strong +against an enemy unprovided with big guns or even firearms, which, as +all other possible approaches had been blocked, was only assailable by +direct frontal attack from the east. In the pass we had three main lines +of defence, one arranged behind the other and separated by distances of +a few hundred yards. Our last refuge was furnished by the walls of the +temple itself, in the rear of which were camped the whole White Kendah +tribe, save a few hundred who were employed in watching the herds of +camels and stock in almost inaccessible positions on the northern s +of the Mount. + +There were perhaps five thousand people of both sexes and every age +gathered in this camp, which was so well provided with food and water +that it could have stood a siege of several months. If, however, our +defences should be carried there was no possibility of escape, since +we learned from our scouts that the Black Kendah, who by tradition and +through spies were well acquainted with every feature of the country, +had detached a party of several thousand men to watch the western road +and the s of the mountain, in case we should try to break out by +that route. The only one remaining, that which ran through the cave +of the serpent, we had taken the precaution of blocking up with great +stones, lest through it our flank should be turned. + +In short, we were rats in a trap and where we were there we must either +conquer or die--unless indeed we chose to surrender, which for most of +us would mean a fate worse than death. + + + +CHAPTER XIX + +ALLAN QUATERMAIN MISSES + +I had made my last round of the little corps that I facetiously named +"The Sharpshooters," though to tell the truth at shooting they were +anything but sharp, and seen that each man was in his place behind a +wall with a reserve man squatted at the rear of every pair of them, +waiting to take his rifle if either of these should fall. Also I had +made sure that all of them had twenty rounds of ammunition in their skin +pouches. More I would not serve out, fearing lest in excitement or in +panic they might fire away to the last cartridge uselessly, as before +now even disciplined white troops have been known to do. Therefore I had +arranged that certain old men of standing who could be trusted should +wait in a place of comparative safety behind the line, carrying all our +reserve ammunition, which amounted, allowing for what had been expended +in practice, to nearly sixty rounds per rifle. This they were instructed +to deliver from their wallets to the firing line in small lots when they +saw that it was necessary and not before. + +It was, I admit, an arrangement apt to miscarry in the heat of desperate +battle, but I could think of none better, since it was absolutely +necessary that no shot should be wasted. + +After a few words of exhortation and caution to the natives who acted +as sergeants to the corps, I returned to a bough shelter that had been +built for us behind a rock to get a few hours' sleep, if that were +possible, before the fight began. + +Here I found Ragnall, who had just come in from his inspection. This +was of a much more extensive nature than my own, since it involved going +round some furlongs of the rough walls and trenches that he had prepared +with so much thought and care, and seeing that the various companies of +the White Kendah were ready to play their part in the defence of them. + +He was tired and rather excited, too much so to sleep at once. So we +talked a little while, first about the prospects of the morrow's battle, +as to which we were, to say the least of it, dubious, and afterwards of +other things. I asked him if during his stay in this place, while I was +below at the town or later, he had heard or seen anything of his wife. + +"Nothing," he answered. "These priests never speak of her, and if +they did Harut is the only one of them that I can really understand. +Moreover, I have kept my word strictly and, even when I had occasion +to see to the blocking of the western road, made a circuit on the +mountain-top in order to avoid the neighbourhood of that house where I +suppose she lives Oh! Quatermain, my friend, my case is a hard one, as +you would think if the woman you loved with your whole heart were shut +up within a few hundred yards of you and no communication with her +possible after all this time of separation and agony. What makes it +worse is, as I gathered from what Harut said the other day, that she is +still out of her mind." + +"That has some consolations," I replied, "since the mindless do not +suffer. But if such is the case, how do you account for what you +and poor Savage saw that night in the Town of the Child? It was not +altogether a phantasy, for the dress you described was the same we saw +her wearing at the Feast of the First-fruits." + +"I don't know what to make of it, Quatermain, except that many strange +things happen in the world which we mock at as insults to our limited +intelligence because we cannot understand them." (Very soon I was to +have another proof of this remark.) "But what are you driving at? You +are keeping something back." + +"Only this, Ragnall. If your wife were utterly mad I cannot conceive +how it came about that she searched you out and spoke to you even in +a vision--for the thing was not an individual dream since both you and +Savage saw her. Nor did she actually visit you in the flesh, as the door +never opened and the spider's web across it was not broken. So it comes +to this: either some part of her is not mad but can still exercise +sufficient will to project itself upon your senses, or she is dead and +her disembodied spirit did this thing. Now we know that she is not +dead, for we have seen her and Harut has confessed as much. Therefore +I maintain that, whatever may be her temporary state, she must still +be fundamentally of a reasonable mind, as she is of a natural body. For +instance, she may only be hypnotized, in which case the spell will break +one day." + +"Thank you for that thought, old fellow. It never occurred to me and +it gives me new hope. Now listen! If I should come to grief in this +business, which is very likely, and you should survive, you will do your +best to get her home; will you not? Here is a codicil to my will which I +drew up after that night of dream, duly witnessed by Savage and Hans. +It leaves to you whatever sums may be necessary in this connexion +and something over for yourself. Take it, it is best in your keeping, +especially as if you should be killed it has no value." + +"Of course I will do my best," I answered as I put away the paper in +my pocket. "And now don't let us take any more thought of being killed, +which may prevent us from getting the sleep we want. I don't mean to be +killed if I can help it. I mean to give those beggars, the Black Kendah, +such a doing as they never had before, and then start for the coast with +you and Lady Ragnall, as, God willing, we shall do. Good night." + +After this I slept like a top for some hours, as I believe Ragnall did +also. When I awoke, which happened suddenly and completely, the first +thing that I saw was Hans seated at the entrance to my little shelter +smoking his corn-cob pipe, and nursing the single-barrelled rifle, +Intombi, on his knee. I asked him what the time was, to which he replied +that it lacked two hours to dawn. Then I asked him why he had not been +sleeping. He replied that he had been asleep and dreamed a dream. Idly +enough I inquired what dream, to which he replied: + +"Rather a strange one, Baas, for a man who is about to go into battle. I +dreamed that I was in a large place that was full of quiet. It was light +there, but I could not see any sun or moon, and the air was very soft +and tasted like food and drink, so much so, Baas, that if anyone had +offered me a cup quite full of the best 'Cape smoke' I should have told +him to take it away. Then, Baas, suddenly I saw your reverend father, +the Predikant, standing beside me and looking just as he used to look, +only younger and stronger and very happy, and so of course knew at once +that I was dead and in hell. Only I wondered where the fire that does +not go out might be, for I could not see it. Presently your reverend +father said to me: 'Good day, Hans. So you have come here at last. Now +tell me, how has it gone with my son, the Baas Allan? Have you looked +after him as I told you to do?' + +"I answered: 'I have looked after him as well as I could, O reverend +sir. Little enough have I done; still, not once or twice or three times +only have I offered up my life for him as was my duty, and yet we both +have lived.' And that I might be sure he heard the best of me, as was +but natural, I told him the times, Baas, making a big story out of small +things, although all the while I could see that he knew exactly just +where I began to lie and just where I stopped from lying. Still he did +not scold me, Baas; indeed, when I had finished, he said: + +"'Well done, O good and faithful servant,' words that I think I have +heard him use before when he was alive, Baas, and used to preach to us +for such a long time on Sunday afternoons. Then he asked: 'And how goes +it with Baas Allan, my son, now, Hans?' to which I replied: + +"'The Baas Allan is going to fight a very great battle in which he may +well fall, and if I could feel sorry here, which I can't, I should +weep, O reverend sir, because I have died before that battle began and +therefore cannot stand at his side in the battle and be killed for him +as a servant should for his master!' + +"'You will stand at his side in the battle,' said your reverend father, +'and those things which you desire you will do, as it is fitting that +you should. And afterwards, Hans, you will make report to me of how the +battle went and of what honour my son has won therein. Moreover, know +this, Hans, that though while you live in the world you seem to see many +other things, they are but dreams, since in all the world there is but +one real thing, and its name is Love, which if it be but strong enough, +the stars themselves must obey, for it is the king of every one of them, +and all who dwell in them worship it day and night under many names for +ever and for ever, Amen.' + +"What he meant by that I am sure I don't know, Baas, seeing that I have +never thought much of women, at least not for many years since my last +old vrouw went and drank herself to death after lying in her sleep on +the baby which I loved much better than I did her, Baas. + +"Well, before I could ask him, or about hell either, he was gone like a +whiff of smoke from a rifle mouth in a strong wind." + +Hans paused, puffed at his pipe, spat upon the ground in his usual +reflective way and asked: + +"Is the Baas tired of the dream or would he like to hear the rest?" + +"I should like to hear the rest," I said in a low voice, for I was +strangely moved. + +"Well, Baas, while I was standing in that place which was so full of +quiet, turning my hat in my hands and wondering what work they would set +me to there among the devils, I looked up. There I saw coming towards +me two very beautiful women, Baas, who had their arms round each other's +necks. They were dressed in white, with the little hard things that are +found in shells hanging about them, and bright stones in their hair. +And as they came, Baas, wherever they set a foot flowers sprang up, very +pretty flowers, so that all their path across the quiet place was marked +with flowers. Birds too sang as they passed, at least I think they were +birds though I could not see them." + +"What were they like, Hans?" I whispered. + +"One of them, Baas, the taller I did not know. But the other I knew well +enough; it was she whose name is holy, not to be mentioned. Yet I must +mention that name; it was the Missie Marie herself as last we saw +her alive many, many years ago, only grown a hundred times more +beautiful."[*] + + [*] See the book called _Marie_ by H. Rider Haggard. + +Now I groaned, and Hans went on: + +"The two White Ones came up to me, and stood looking at me with eyes +that were more soft than those of bucks. Then the Missie Marie said to +the other: 'This is Hans of whom I have so often told you, O Star.'" + +Here I groaned again, for how did this Hottentot know that name, or +rather its sweet rendering? + +"Then she who was called Star asked, 'How goes it with one who is the +heart of all three of us, O Hans?' Yes, Baas, those Shining Ones joined +_me_, the dirty little Hottentot in my old clothes and smelling of +tobacco, with themselves when they spoke of you, for I knew they were +speaking of you, Baas, which made me think I must be drunk, even there +in the quiet place. So I told them all that I had told your reverend +father, and a very great deal more, for they seemed never to be tired of +listening. And once, when I mentioned that sometimes, while pretending +to be asleep, I had heard you praying aloud at night for the Missie +Marie who died for you, and for another who had been your wife whose +name I did not remember but who had also died, they both cried a little, +Baas. Their tears shone like crystals and smelt like that stuff in a +little glass tube which Harut said that he brought from some far land +when he put a drop or two on your handkerchief, after you were faint +from the pain in your leg at the house yonder. Or perhaps it was the +flowers that smelt, for where the tears fell there sprang up white +lilies shaped like two babes' hands held together in prayer." + +Hearing this, I hid my face in my hands lest Hans should see human tears +unscented with attar of roses, and bade him continue. + +"Baas, the White One who was called Star, asked me of your son, the +young Baas Harry, and I told her that when last I had seen him he was +strong and well and would make a bigger man than you were, whereat she +sighed and shook her head. Then the Missie Marie said: 'Tell the Baas, +Hans, that I also have a child which he will see one day, but it is not +a son.' + +"After this they, too, said something about Love, but what it was +I cannot remember, since even as I repeat this dream to you it is +beginning to slip away from me fast as a swallow skimming the water. +Their last words, however, I do remember. They were: 'Say to the Baas +that we who never met in life, but who here are as twin sisters, wait +and count the years and count the months and count the days and count +the hours and count the minutes and count the seconds until once more he +shall hear our voices calling to him across the night.' That's what they +say, Baas. Then they were gone and only the flowers remained to show +that they had been standing there. + +"Now I set off to bring you the message and travelled a very long way +at a great rate; if Jana himself had been after me I could not have gone +more fast. At last I got out of that quiet place and among mountains +where there were dark kloofs, and there in the kloofs I heard Zulu impis +singing their war-song; yes, they sang the _ingoma_ or something very +like it. Now suddenly in the pass of the mountains along which I sped, +there appeared before me a very beautiful woman whose skin shone like +the best copper coffee kettle after I have polished it, Baas. She was +dressed in a leopard-like moocha and wore on her shoulders a fur kaross, +and about her neck a circlet of blue beads, and from her hair there rose +one crane's feather tall as a walking-stick, and in her hand she held a +little spear. No flowers sprang beneath her feet when she walked towards +me and no birds sang, only the air was filled with the sound of a royal +salute which rolled among the mountains like the roar of thunder, and +her eyes flashed like summer lightning." + +Now I let my hands fall and stared at him, for well I knew what was +coming. + +"'Stand, yellow man!' she said, 'and give me the royal salute.' + +"So I gave her the _Bayete_, though who she might be I did not know, +since I did not think it wise to stay to ask her if it were hers of +right, although I should have liked to do so. Then she said: 'The Old +Man on the plain yonder and those two pale White Ones have talked to you +of their love for your master, the Lord Macumazana. I tell you, little +Yellow Dog, that they do not know what love can be. There is more love +for him in my eyes alone than they have in all that makes them fair. Say +it to the Lord Macumazana that, as I know well, he goes down to battle +and that the Lady Mameena will be with him in the battle as, though he +saw her not, she has been with him in other battles, and will be with +him till the River of Time has run over the edge of the world and is +lost beyond the sun. Let him remember this when Jana rushes on and death +is very near to him to-day, and let him look--for then perchance he +shall see me. Begone now, Yellow Dog, to the heels of your master, and +play your part well in the battle, for of what you do or leave undone +you shall give account to me. Say that Mameena sends her greetings to +the Lord Macumazana and that she adds this, that when the Old Man and +the White ones told you that Love is the secret blood of the worlds +which makes them to be they did not lie. Love reigns and I, Mameena, am +its priestess, and the heart of Macumazana is my holy house.' + +"Then, Baas, I tumbled off a precipice and woke up here; and, Baas, as +we may not light a fire I have kept some coffee hot for you buried in +warm ashes," and without another word he went to fetch that coffee, +leaving me shaken and amazed. + +For what kind of a dream was it which revealed to an old Hottentot all +these mysteries and hidden things about persons whom he had never seen +and of whom I had never spoken to him? My father and my wife Marie might +be explained, for with these he had been mixed up, but how about Stella +and above all Mameena, although of course it was possible that he had +heard of the latter, who made some stir in her time? But to hit her off +as he had done in all her pride, splendour, and dominion of desire! + +Well, that was his story which, perhaps fortunately, I lacked time to +analyse or brood upon, since there was much in it calculated to unnerve +a man just entering the crisis of a desperate fray. Indeed a minute or +so later, as I was swallowing the last of the coffee, messengers arrived +about some business, I forget what, sent by Ragnall I think, who had +risen before I woke. I turned to give the pannikin to Hans, but he had +vanished in his snake-like fashion, so I threw it down upon the ground +and devoted my mind to the question raised in Ragnall's message. + +Next minute scouts came in who had been watching the camp of the Black +Kendah all night. + +These were sleeping not more than half a mile away, in an open place on +the of the hill with pickets thrown out round them, intending to +advance upon us, it was said, as soon as the sun rose, since because of +their number they feared lest to march at night should throw them into +confusion and, in case of their falling into an ambush, bring about a +disaster. Such at least was the story of two spies whom our people had +captured. + +There had been some question as to whether we should not attempt a night +attack upon their camp, of which I was rather in favour. After full +debate, however, the idea had been abandoned, owing to the fewness of +our numbers, the dislike which the White Kendah shared with the Black of +attempting to operate in the dark, and the well chosen position of our +enemy, whom it would be impossible to rush before we were discovered by +their outposts. What I hoped in my heart was that they might try to +rush us, notwithstanding the story of the two captured spies, and in +the gloom, after the moon had sunk low and before the dawn came, become +entangled in our pitfalls and outlying entrenchments, where we should be +able to destroy a great number of them. Only on the previous afternoon +that cunning old fellow, Hans, had pointed out to me how advantageous +such an event would be to our cause and, while agreeing with him, I +suggested that probably the Black Kendah knew this as well as we did, as +the prisoners had told us. + +Yet that very thing happened, and through Hans himself. Thus: Old Harut +had come to me just one hour before the dawn to inform me that all +our people were awake and at their stations, and to make some last +arrangements as to the course of the defence, also about our final +concentration behind the last line of walls and in the first court of +the temple, if we should be driven from the outer entrenchments. He +was telling me that the Oracle of the Child had uttered words at the +ceremony that night which he and all the priests considered were of the +most favourable import, news to which I listened with some impatience, +feeling as I did that this business had passed out of the range of the +Child and its Oracle. As he spoke, suddenly through the silence that +precedes the dawn, there floated to our ears the unmistakable sound of +a rifle. Yes, a rifle shot, half a mile or so away, followed by the +roaring murmur of a great camp unexpectedly alarmed at night. + +"Who can have fired that?" I asked. "The Black Kendah have no guns." + +He replied that he did not know, unless some of my fifty men had left +their posts. + +While we were investigating the matter, scouts rushed in with the +intelligence that the Black Kendah, thinking apparently that they were +being attacked, had broken camp and were advancing towards us. We passed +a warning all down the lines and stood to arms. Five minutes later, as I +stood listening to that approaching roar, filled with every kind of fear +and melancholy foreboding such as the hour and the occasion might well +have evoked, through the gloom, which was dense, the moon being hidden +behind the hill, I thought I caught sight of something running towards +me like a crouching man. I lifted my rifle to fire but, reflecting that +it might be no more than a hyena and fearing to provoke a fusilade from +my half-trained company, did not do so. + +Next instant I was glad indeed, for immediately on the other side of the +wall behind which I was standing I heard a well-known voice gasp out: + +"Don't shoot, Baas, it is I." + +"What have you been doing, Hans?" I said as he scrambled over the wall +to my side, limping a little as I fancied. + +"Baas," he puffed, "I have been paying the Black Kendah a visit. I crept +down between their stupid outposts, who are as blind in the dark as a +bat in daytime, hoping to find Jana and put a bullet into his leg or +trunk. I didn't find him, Baas, although I heard him. But one of their +captains stood up in front of a watchfire, giving a good shot. My bullet +found _him_, Baas, for he tumbled back into the fire making the sparks +fly this way and that. Then I ran and, as you see, got here quite +safely." + +"Why did you play that fool's trick?" I asked, "seeing that it ought to +have cost you your life?" + +"I shall die just when I have to die, not before, Baas," he replied in +the intervals of reloading the little rifle. "Also it was the trick of a +wise man, not of a fool, seeing that it has made the Black Kendah think +that we were attacking them and caused them to hurry on to attack _us_ +in the dark over ground that they do not know. Listen to them coming!" + +As he spoke a roar of sound told us that the great charge had swept +round a turn there was in the pass and was heading towards us up +the straight. Ivory horns brayed, captains shouted orders, the very +mountains shook beneath the beating of thousands of feet of men and +horses, while in one great yell that echoed from the cliffs and forests +went up the battle-cry of "_Jana! Jana!_"--a mixed tumult of noise which +contrasted very strangely with the utter silence in our ranks. + +"They will be among the pitfalls presently," sniggered Hans, shifting +his weight nervously from one leg on to the other. "Hark! they are going +into them." + +It was true. Screams of fear and pain told me that the front ranks +had begun to fall, horse and foot together, into the cunningly devised +snares of which with so much labour we had dug many, concealing them +with earth spread over thin wickerwork, or rather interlaced +boughs. Into them went the forerunners, to be pierced by the sharp, +fire-hardened stakes set at the bottom of each pit. Vainly did those who +were near enough to understand their danger call to the ranks behind to +stop. They could not or would not comprehend, and had no room to extend +their front. Forward surged the human torrent, thrusting all in front of +it to death by wounds or suffocation in those deadly holes, till one by +one they were filled level with the ground by struggling men and horses, +over whom the army still rushed on. + +How many perished there I do not know, but after the battle was over we +found scarcely a pit that was not crowded to the brim with dead. Truly +this device of Ragnall's, for if I had conceived the idea, which +was unfamiliar to the Kendah, it was he who had carried it out in so +masterly a fashion, had served us well. + +Still the enemy surged on, since the pits were only large enough to hold +a tithe of them, till at length, horsemen and footmen mixed up together +in inextricable confusion, their mighty mass became faintly visible +quite close to us, a blacker blot upon the gloom. + +Then my turn came. When they were not more than fifty yards away from +the first wall, I shouted an order to my riflemen to fire, aiming low, +and set the example by loosing both barrels of an elephant gun at the +thickest of the mob. At that distance even the most inexperienced shots +could not miss such a mark, especially as those bullets that went high +struck among the oncoming troops behind, or caught the horsemen lifted +above their fellows. Indeed, of the first few rounds I do not think that +one was wasted, while often single balls killed or injured several men. + +The result was instantaneous. The Black Kendah who, be it remembered, +were totally unaccustomed to the effects of rifle fire and imagined that +we only possessed two or three guns in all, stopped their advance as +though paralyzed. For a few seconds there was silence, except for the +intermittent crackle of the rifles as my men loaded and fired. Next came +the cries of the smitten men and horses that were falling everywhere, +and then--the unmistakable sound of a stampede. + +"They have gone. That was too warm for them, Baas," chuckled Hans +exultingly. + +"Yes," I answered, when I had at length succeeded in stopping the +firing, "but I expect they will come back with the light. Still, that +trick of yours has cost them dear, Hans." + +By degrees the dawn began to break. It was, I remember, a particularly +beautiful dawn, resembling a gigantic and vivid rose opening in the +east, or a cup of brightness from which many wines were poured +all athwart the firmament. Very peaceful also, for not a breath of wind +was stirring. But what a scene the first rays of the sun revealed upon +that narrow stretch of pass in front of us. Everywhere the pitfalls and +trenches were filled with still surging heaps of men and horses, while +all about lay dead and wounded men, the red harvest of our rifle fire. +It was dreadful to contrast the heavenly peace above and the hellish +horror beneath. + +We took count and found that up to this moment we had not lost a single +man, one only having been slightly wounded by a thrown spear. As is +common among semi-savages, this fact filled the White Kendah with an +undue exultation. Thinking that as the beginning was so the end must +be, they cheered and shouted, shaking each other's hands, then fell to +eating the food which the women brought them with appetite, chattering +incessantly, although as a general rule they were a very silent people. +Even the grave Harut, who arrived full of congratulations, seemed as +high-spirited as a boy, till I reminded him that the real battle had not +yet commenced. + +The Black Kendah had fallen into a trap and lost some of their number, +that was all, which was fortunate for us but could scarcely affect the +issue of the struggle, since they had many thousands left. Ragnall, who +had come up from his lines, agreed with me. As he said, these people +were fighting for life as well as honour, seeing that most of the corn +which they needed for their sustenance was stored in great heaps either +in or to the rear of the temple behind us. Therefore they must come on +until they won or were destroyed. How with our small force could we hope +to destroy this multitude? That was the problem which weighed upon our +hearts. + +About a quarter of an hour later two spies that we had set upon the +top of the precipitous cliffs, whence they had a good view of the pass +beyond the bend, came scrambling down the rocks like monkeys by a route +that was known to them. These boys, for they were no more, reported that +the Black Kendah were reforming their army beyond the bend of the pass, +and that the cavalry were dismounting and sending their horses to the +rear, evidently because they found them useless in such a place. A +little later solitary men appeared from behind the bend, carrying +bundles of long sticks to each of which was attached a piece of white +cloth, a proceeding that excited my curiosity. + +Soon its object became apparent. Swiftly these men, of whom in the end +there may have been thirty or forty, ran to and fro, testing the ground +with spears in search for pitfalls. I think they only found a very few +that had not been broken into, but in front of these and also of those +that were already full of men and horses they set up the flags as a +warning that they should be avoided in the advance. Also they removed a +number of their wounded. + +We had great difficulty in restraining the White Kendah from rushing out +to attack them, which of course would only have led us into a trap in +our turn, since they would have fled and conducted their pursuers into +the arms of the enemy. Nor would I allow my riflemen to fire, as the +result must have been many misses and a great waste of ammunition which +ere long would be badly wanted. I, however, did shoot two or three, then +gave it up as the remainder took no notice whatever. + +When they had thoroughly explored the ground they retired until, a +little later, the Black Kendah army began to appear, marching in serried +regiments and excellent order round the bend, till perhaps eight or ten +thousand of them were visible, a very fierce and awe-inspiring _impi_. +Their front ranks halted between three and four hundred yards away, +which I thought farther off than it was advisable to open fire on them +with Snider rifles held by unskilled troops. Then came a pause, which +at length was broken by the blowing of horns and a sound of exultant +shouting beyond the turn of the pass. + +Now from round this turn appeared the strangest sight that I think my +eyes had ever seen. Yes, there came the huge elephant, Jana, at a slow, +shambling trot. On his back and head were two men in whom, with my +glasses, I recognized the lame priest whom I already knew too well and +Simba, the king of the Black Kendah, himself, gorgeously apparelled and +waving a long spear, seated in a kind of wooden chair. Round the brute's +neck were a number of bright metal chains, twelve in all, and each of +these chains was held by a spearman who ran alongside, six on one side +and six on the other. Lastly, ingeniously fastened to the end of his +trunk were three other chains to which were attached spiked knobs of +metal. + +On he came as docilely as any Indian elephant used for carrying teak +logs, passing through the centre of the host up a wide lane which had +been left, I suppose for his convenience, and intelligently avoiding the +pitfalls filled with dead. I thought that he would stop among the first +ranks. But not so. Slackening his pace to a walk he marched forwards +towards our fortifications. Now, of course, I saw my chance and made +sure that my double-barrelled elephant rifle was ready and that Hans +held a second rifle, also double-barrelled and of similar calibre, +full-cocked in such a position that I could snatch it from him in a +moment. + +"I am going to kill that elephant," I said. "Let no one else fire. Stand +still and you shall see the god Jana die." + +Still the enormous beast floundered forward; up to that moment I had +never realized how truly huge it was, not even when it stood over me in +the moonlight about to crush me with its foot. Of this I am sure, that +none to equal it ever lived in Africa, at least in any times of which I +have knowledge. + +"Fire, Baas," whispered Hans, "it is near enough." + +But like the Frenchman and the cock pheasant, I determined to wait until +it stopped, wishing to finish it with a single ball, if only for the +prestige of the thing. + +At length it did stop and, opening its cavern of a mouth, lifted its +great trunk and trumpeted, while Simba, standing up in his chair, began +to shout out some command to us to surrender to the god Jana, "the +Invincible, the Invulnerable." + +"I will show you if you are invulnerable, my boy," said I to myself, +glancing round to make sure that Hans had the second rifle ready and +catching sight of Ragnall and Harut and all the White Kendah standing +up in their trenches, breathlessly awaiting the end, as were the Black +Kendah a few hundred yards away. Never could there have been a fairer +shot and one more certain to result in a fatal wound. The brute's head +was up and its mouth was open. All I had to do was to send a hard-tipped +bullet crashing through the palate to the brain behind. It was so easy +that I would have made a bet that I could have finished him with one +hand tied behind me. + +I lifted the heavy rifle. I got the sights dead on to a certain spot at +the back of that red cave. I pressed the trigger; the charge boomed--and +nothing happened! I heard no bullet strike and Jana did not even take +the trouble to close his mouth. + +An exclamation of "O-oh!" went up from the watchers. Before it had +died away the second bullet followed the first, with the same result +or rather lack of result, and another louder "O-oh!" arose. Then Jana +tranquilly shut his mouth, having finished trumpeting, and as though +to give me a still better target, turned broadside on and stood quite +still. + +With an inward curse I snatched the second rifle and aiming behind the +ear at a spot which long experience told me covered the heart let drive +again, first one barrel and then the other. + +Jana never stirred. No bullet thudded. No mark of blood appeared upon +his hide. The horrible thought overcame me that I, Allan Quatermain, +I the famous shot, the renowned elephant-hunter, had four times missed +this haystack of a brute from a distance of forty yards. So great was +my shame that I think I almost fainted. Through a kind of mist I heard +various ejaculations: + +"Great Heavens!" said Ragnall. + +"_Allemagte!_" remarked Hans. + +"The Child help us!" muttered Harut. + +All the rest of them stared at me as though I were a freak or a lunatic. +Then somebody laughed nervously, and immediately everybody began to +laugh. Even the distant army of the Black Kendah became convulsed with +roars of unholy merriment and I, Allan Quatermain, was the centre of +all this mockery, till I felt as though I were going mad. Suddenly the +laughter ceased and once more Simba the King began to roar out something +about "Jana the Invincible and Invulnerable," to which the White Kendah +replied with cries of "Magic" and "Bewitched! Bewitched!" + +"Yes," yelled Simba, "no bullet can touch Jana the god, not even those +of the white lord who was brought from far to kill him." + +Hans leaped on to the top of the wall, where he danced up and down like +an intoxicated monkey, and screamed: + +"Then where is Jana's left eye? Did not my bullet put it out like a +lamp? If Jana is invulnerable, why did my bullet put out his left eye?" + +Hans ceased from dancing on the wall and steadying himself, lifted the +little rifle Intombi, shouting: + +"Let us see whether after all this beast is a god or an elephant." + +Then he touched the trigger, and simultaneously with the report, I heard +the bullet clap and saw blood appear on Jana's hide just by the very +spot over the heart at which I had aimed without result. Of course, the +soft ball driven from a small-bore rifle with a light charge of powder +was far too weak to penetrate to the vitals. Probably it did not do much +more than pierce through the skin and an inch or two of flesh behind it. + +Still, its effects upon this "invulnerable" god were of a marked order. +He whipped round; he lifted his trunk and screamed with rage and pain. +Then off he lumbered back towards his own people, at such a pace that +the attendants who held the chains on either side of him were thrown +over and forced to leave go of him, while the king and the priest upon +his back could only retain their seats by clinging to the chair and the +rope about his neck. + +The result was satisfactory so far as the dispelling of magical +illusions went, but it left me in a worse position than before, since +it now became evident that what had protected Jana from my bullets was +nothing more supernatural than my own lack of skill. Oh! never in my +life did I drink of such a cup of humiliation as it was my lot to drain +to the dregs in this most unhappy hour. Almost did I hope that I might +be killed at once. + +And yet, and yet, how was it possible that with all my skill I should +have missed this towering mountain of flesh four times in succession. +The question is one to which I have never discovered any answer, +especially as Hans hit it easily enough, which at the time I wished +heartily he had not done, since his success only served to emphasize +my miserable failure. Fortunately, just then a diversion occurred which +freed my unhappy self from further public attention. With a shout and a +roar the great army of the Black Kendah woke into life. + +The advance had begun. + + + +CHAPTER XX + +ALLAN WEEPS + +On they came, slowly and steadily, preceded by a cloud of skirmishers--a +thousand or more of these--who kept as open an order as the narrow +ground would allow and carried, each of them, a bundle of throwing +spears arranged in loops or sockets at the back of the shield. When +these men were about a hundred yards away we opened fire and killed a +great number of them, also some of the marshalled troops behind. But +this did not stop them in the least, for what could fifty rifles do +against a horde of brave barbarians who, it seemed, had no fear of +death? Presently their spears were falling among us and a few casualties +began to occur, not many, because of the protecting wall, but still +some. Again and again we loaded and fired, sweeping away those in front +of us, but always others came to take their places. Finally at some word +of command these light skirmishers vanished, except whose who were dead +or wounded, taking shelter behind the advancing regiments which now were +within fifty yards of us. + +Then, after a momentary pause another command was shouted out and the +first regiment charged in three solid ranks. We fired a volley point +blank into them and, as it was hopeless for fifty men to withstand such +an onslaught, bolted during the temporary confusion that ensued, taking +refuge, as it had been arranged that we should do, at a point of vantage +farther down the line of fortifications, whence we maintained our +galling fire. + +Now it was that the main body of the White Kendah came into action under +the leadership of Ragnall and Harut. The enemy scrambled over the first +wall, which we had just vacated, to find themselves in a network of +other walls held by our spearmen in a narrow place where numbers gave no +great advantage. + +Here the fighting was terrible and the loss of the attackers great, for +always as they carried one entrenchment they found another a few yards +in front of them, out of which the defenders could only be driven at +much cost of life. + +Two hours or more the battle went on thus. In spite of the desperate +resistance which we offered, the multitude of the Black Kendah, who I +must say fought magnificently, stormed wall after wall, leaving hundreds +of dead and wounded to mark their difficult progress. Meanwhile I and +my riflemen rained bullets on them from certain positions which we had +selected beforehand, until at length our ammunition began to run low. + +At half-past eight in the morning we were driven back over the open +ground to our last entrenchment, a very strong one just outside of the +eastern gate of the temple which, it will be remembered, was set in +a tunnel pierced through the natural lava rock. Thrice did the Black +Kendah come on and thrice we beat them off, till the ditch in front of +the wall was almost full of fallen. As fast as they climbed to the top +of it the White Kendah thrust them through with their long spears, or we +shot them with our rifles, the nature of the ground being such that only +a direct frontal attack was possible. + +In the end they drew back sullenly, having, as we hoped, given up the +assault. As it turned out, this was not so. They were only resting +and waiting for the arrival of their reserve. It came up shouting and +singing a war-song, two thousand strong or more, and presently once more +they charged like a flood of water. We beat them back. They reformed and +charged a second time and we beat them back. + +Then they took another counsel. Standing among the dead and dying at the +base of the wall, which was built of loose stones and earth, where we +could not easily get at them because of the showers of spears which +were rained at anyone who showed himself, they began to undermine it, +levering out the bottom stones with stakes and battering them with +poles. + +In five minutes a breach appeared, through which they poured +tumultuously. It was hopeless to withstand that onslaught of so vast a +number. Fighting desperately, we were driven down the tunnel and through +the doors that were opened to us, into the first court of the temple. +By furious efforts we managed to close these doors and block them +with stones and earth. But this did not avail us long, for, bringing +brushwood and dry grass, they built a fire against them that soon caught +the thick cedar wood of which they were made. + +While they burned we consulted together. Further retreat seemed +impossible, since the second court of the temple, save for a narrow +passage, was filled with corn which allowed no room for fighting, +while behind it were gathered all the women and children, more than two +thousand of them. Here, or nowhere, we must make our stand and conquer +or die. Up to this time, compared with what which we had inflicted upon +the Black Kendah, of whom a couple of thousand or more had fallen, our +loss was comparatively slight, say two hundred killed and as many more +wounded. Most of such of the latter as could not walk we had managed to +carry into the first court of the temple, laying them close against the +cloister walls, whence they watched us in a grisly ring. + +This left us about sixteen hundred able-bodied men or many more than we +could employ with effect in that narrow place. Therefore we determined +to act upon a plan which we had already designed in case such an +emergency as ours should arise. About three hundred and fifty of the +best men were to remain to defend the temple till all were slain. The +rest, to the number of over a thousand, were to withdraw through the +second court and the gates beyond to the camp of the women and children. +These they were to conduct by secret paths that were known to them to +where the camels were kraaled, and mounting as many as possible of +them on the camels to fly whither they could. Our hope was that the +victorious Black Kendah would be too exhausted to follow them across the +plain to the distant mountains. It was a dreadful determination, but we +had no choice. + +"What of my wife?" Ragnall asked hoarsely. + +"While the temple stands she must remain in the temple," replied Harut. +"But when all is lost, if I have fallen, do you, White Lord, go to the +sanctuary with those who remain and take her and the Ivory Child and +flee after the others. Only I lay this charge on you under pain of the +curse of Heaven, that you do not suffer the Ivory Child to fall into the +hands of the Black Kendah. First must you burn it with fire or grind it +to dust with stones. Moreover, I give this command to all in case of +the priests in charge of it should fail me, that they set flame to the +brushwood that is built up with the stacks of corn, so that, after all, +those of our enemies who escape may die of famine." + +Instantly and without murmuring, for never did I see more perfect +discipline than that which prevailed among these poor people, the orders +given by Harut, who in addition to his office as head priest was a kind +of president of what was in fact a republic, were put in the way of +execution. Company by company the men appointed to escort the women and +children departed through the gateway of the second court, each company +turning in the gateway to salute us who remained, by raising their +spears, till all were gone. Then we, the three hundred and fifty who +were left, marshalled ourselves as the Greeks may have done in the Pass +of Thermopylae. + +First stood I and my riflemen, to whom all the remaining ammunition was +served out; it amounted to eight rounds per man. Then, ranged across +the court in four lines, came the spearmen armed with lances and swords +under the immediate command of Harut. Behind these, near the gate of the +second court so that at the last they might attempt the rescue of the +priestess, were fifty picked men, captained by Ragnall, who, I forgot +to say, was wounded in two places, though not badly, having received +a spear thrust in the left shoulder and a sword cut to the left thigh +during his desperate defence of the entrenchment. + +By the time that all was ready and every man had been given to drink +from the great jars of water which stood along the walls, the massive +wooden doors began to burn through, though this did not happen for quite +half an hour after the enemy had begun to attempt to fire them. They +fell at length beneath the battering of poles, leaving only the mound of +earth and stones which we had piled up in the gateway after the closing +of the doors. This the Black Kendah, who had raked out the burning +embers, set themselves to dig away with hands and sticks and spears, a +task that was made very difficult to them by about a score of our people +who stabbed at them with their long lances or dashed them down with +stones, killing and disabling many. But always the dead and wounded were +dragged off while others took their places, so that at last the gateway +was practically cleared. Then I called back the spearmen who passed into +the ranks behind us, and made ready to play my part. + +I had not long to wait. With a rush and a roar a great company of the +Black Kendah charged the gateway. Just as they began to emerge into the +court I gave the word to fire, sending fifty Snider bullets tearing into +them from a distance of a few yards. They fell in a heap; they fell like +corn before the scythe, not a man won through. Quickly we reloaded and +waited for the next rush. In due course it came and the dreadful scene +repeated itself. Now the gateway and the tunnel beyond were so choked +with fallen men that the enemy must drag these out before they could +charge any more. It was done under the fire of myself, Hans and a few +picked shots--somehow it was done. + +Once more they charged, and once more were mown down. So it went on +till our last cartridge was spent, for never did I see more magnificent +courage than was shown by those Black Kendah in the face of terrific +loss. Then my people threw aside their useless rifles and arming +themselves with spears and swords fell back to rest, leaving Harut and +his company to take their place. For half an hour or more raged that +awful struggle, since the spot being so narrow, charge as they would, +the Black Kendah could not win through the spears of despairing +warriors defending their lives and the sanctuary of their god. Nor, the +encircling cliffs being so sheer, could they get round any other way. + +At length the enemy drew back as though defeated, giving us time to drag +aside our dead and wounded and drink more water, for the heat in the +place was now overwhelming. We hoped against hope that they had given up +the attack. But this was far from the case; they were but making a new +plan. + +Suddenly in the gateway there appeared the huge bulk of the elephant +Jana, rushing forward at speed and being urged on by men who pricked it +with spears behind. It swept through the defenders as though they were +but dry grass, battering those in front of it with its great trunk +from which swung the iron balls that crushed all on whom they fell, and +paying no more heed to the lance thrusts than it might have done to the +bites of gnats. On it came, trumpeting and trampling, and after it in a +flood flowed the Black Kendah, upon whom our spearmen flung themselves +from either side. + +At the time I, followed by Hans, was just returning from speaking with +Ragnall at the gate of the second court. A little before I had retired +exhausted from the fierce and fearful fighting, whereon he took my place +and repelled several of the Black Kendah charges, including the last. In +this fray he received a further injury, a knock on the head from a stick +or stone which stunned him for a few minutes, whereon some of our people +had carried him off and set him on the ground with his back against one +of the pillars of the second gate. Being told that he was hurt I ran +to see what was the matter. Finding to my joy that it was nothing very +serious, I was hurrying to the front again when I looked up and saw that +devil Jana charging straight towards me, the throng of armed men parting +on each side of him, as rough water does before the leaping prow of a +storm-driven ship. + +To tell the truth, although I was never fond of unnecessary risks, I +rejoiced at the sight. Not even all the excitement of that hideous and +prolonged battle had obliterated from my mind the burning sense of shame +at the exhibition which I had made of myself by missing this beast with +four barrels at forty yards. + +Now, thought I to myself with a kind of exultant thrill, now, Jana, +I will wipe out both my disgrace and you. This time there shall be no +mistake, or if there is, let it be my last. + +On thundered Jana, whirling the iron balls among the soldiers, who fled +to right and left leaving a clear path between me and him. To make quite +sure of things, for I was trembling a little with fatigue and somewhat +sick from the continuous sight of bloodshed, I knelt down upon my right +knee, using the other as a prop for my left elbow, and since I could +not make certain of a head shot because of the continual whirling of +the huge trunk, got the sight of my big-game rifle dead on to the beast +where the throat joins the chest. I hoped that the heavy conical +bullet would either pierce through to the spine or cut one of the large +arteries in the neck, or at least that the tremendous shock of its +impact would bring him down. + +At about twenty paces I fired and hit--not Jana but the lame priest who +was fulfilling the office of mahout, perched upon his shoulders many +feet above the point at which I had aimed. Yes! I hit him in the head, +which was shattered like an eggshell, so that he fell lifeless to the +ground. + +In perfect desperation again I aimed, and fired when Jana was not more +than thirty feet away. This time the bullet must have gone wide to +the left, for I saw a chip fly from the end of the animal's broken and +deformed tusk, which stuck out in that direction several feet clear of +its side. + +Then I gave up all hope. There was no time to gain my feet and escape; +indeed I did not wish to do so, who felt that there are some failures +which can only be absolved by death. I just knelt there, waiting for the +end. + +In an instant the giant creature was almost over me. I remember looking +up at it and thinking in a queer sort of a way--perhaps it was some +ancestral memory--that I was a little ape-like child about to be slain +by a primordial elephant, thrice as big as any that now inhabit the +earth. Then something appeared to happen which I only repeat to show how +at such moments absurd and impossible things seem real to us. + +The reader may remember the strange dream which Hans had related to me +that morning. + +One incident of this phantasy was that he had met the spirit of the Zulu +lady Mameena, whom I knew in bygone years, and that she bade him tell me +she would be with me in the battle and that I was to look for her when +death drew near to me and "Jana thundered on," for then perchance I +should see her. + +Well, no doubt in some lightning flash of thought the memory of these +words occurred to me at this juncture, with the ridiculous result that +my subjective intelligence, if that is the right term, actually created +the scene which they described. As clearly, or perhaps more clearly than +ever I saw anything else in my life, I appeared to behold the beautiful +Mameena in her fur cloak and her blue beads, standing between Jana and +myself with her arms folded upon her breast and looking exactly as she +did in the tremendous moment of her death before King Panda. I even +noted how the faint breeze stirred a loose end of her outspread hair +and how the sunlight caught a particular point of a copper bangle on her +upper arm. + +So she stood, or rather seemed to stand, quite still; and as it +happened, at that moment the giant Jana, either because something had +frightened him, or perhaps owing to the shock of my bullet striking on +his tusk having jarred the brain, suddenly pulled up, sliding along a +little with all his four feet together, till I thought he was going to +sit down like a performing elephant. Then it appeared to me as though +Mameena turned round very slowly, bent towards me, whispering something +which I could not hear although her lips moved, looked at me sweetly +with those wonderful eyes of hers and vanished away. + +A fraction of a second later all this vision had gone and something that +was no vision took its place. Jana had recovered himself and was at me +again with open mouth and lifted trunk. I heard a Dutch curse and saw +a little yellow form; saw Hans, for it was he, thrust the barrels of +my second elephant rifle almost into that red cave of a mouth, which +however they could not reach, and fire, first one barrel, then the +other. + +Another moment, and the mighty trunk had wrapped itself about Hans and +hurled him through the air to fall on to his head and arms thirty or +forty feet away. + +Jana staggered as though he too were about to fall; recovered himself, +swerved to the right, perhaps to follow Hans, stumbled on a few paces, +missing me altogether, then again came to a standstill. I wriggled +myself round and, seated on the pavement of the court, watched what +followed, and glad am I that I was able to do so, for never shall I +behold such another scene. + +First I saw Ragnall run up with a rifle and fire two barrels at the +brute's head, of which he took no notice whatsoever. Then I saw his +wife, who in this land was known as the Guardian of the Child, issuing +from the portals of the second court, dressed in her goddess robes, +wearing the cap of bird's feathers, attended by the two priestesses also +dressed as goddesses, as we had seen her on the morning of sacrifice, +and holding in front of her the statue of the Ivory Child. + +On she came quite quietly, her wide, empty eyes fixed upon Jana. As she +advanced the monster seemed to grow uneasy. Turning his head, he lifted +his trunk and thrust it along his back until it gripped the ankle of the +King Simba, who all this while was seated there in his chair making no +movement. + +With a slow, steady pull he dragged Simba from the chair so that he fell +upon the ground near his left foreleg. Next very composedly he wound his +trunk about the body of the helpless man, whose horrified eyes I can see +to this day, and began to whirl him round and round in the air, gently +at first but with a motion that grew ever more rapid, until the bright +chains on the victim's breast flashed in the sunlight like a silver +wheel. Then he hurled him to the ground, where the poor king lay a mere +shattered pulp that had been human. + +Now the priestess was standing in front of the beast-god, apparently +quite without fear, though her two attendants had fallen back. Ragnall +sprang forward as though to drag her away, but a dozen men leapt on to +him and held him fast, either to save his life or for some secret reason +of their own which I never learned. + +Jana looked down at her and she looked up at Jana. Then he screamed +furiously and, shooting out his trunk, snatched the Ivory Child from her +hands, whirled it round as he had whirled Simba, and at last dashed it +to the stone pavement as he had dashed Simba, so that its substance, +grown brittle on the passage of the ages, shattered into ten thousand +fragments. + +At this sight a great groan went up from the men of the White Kendah, +the women dressed as goddesses shrieked and tore their robes, and Harut, +who stood near, fell down in a fit or faint. + +Once more Jana screamed. Then slowly he knelt down, beat his trunk and +the clattering metal balls upon the ground thrice, as though he were +making obeisance to the beautiful priestess who stood before him, +shivered throughout his mighty bulk, and rolled over--dead! + + + +The fighting ceased. The Black Kendah, who all this while had been +pressing into the court of the temple, saw and stood stupefied. It was +as though in the presence of events to them so pregnant and terrible men +could no longer lift their swords in war. + +A voice called: "The god is dead! The king is dead! Jana has slain Simba +and has himself been slain! Shattered is the Child; spilt is the blood +of Jana! Fly, People of the Black Kendah; fly, for the gods are dead and +your land is a land of ghosts!" + +From every side was this wail echoed: "Fly, People of the Black Kendah, +for the gods are dead!" + +They turned; they sped away like shadows, carrying their wounded with +them, nor did any attempt to stay them. Thirty minutes later, save for +some desperately hurt or dying men, not one of them was left in the +temple or the pass beyond. They had all gone, leaving none but the dead +behind them. + +The fight was finished! The fight that had seemed lost was won! + + + +I dragged myself from the ground. As I gained my tottering feet, for now +that all was over I felt as if I were made of running water, I saw the +men who held Ragnall loose their grip of him. He sprang to where his +wife was and stood before her as though confused, much as Jana had +stood, Jana against whose head he rested, his left hand holding to the +brute's gigantic tusk, for I think that he also was weak with toil, +terror, loss of blood and emotion. + +"Luna," he gasped, "Luna!" + +Leaning on the shoulder of a Kendah man, I drew nearer to see what +passed between them, for my curiosity overcame my faintness. For quite a +long while she stared at him, till suddenly her eyes began to change. It +was as though a soul were arising in their emptiness as the moon arises +in the quiet evening sky, giving them light and life. At length she +spoke in a slow, hesitating voice, the tones of which I remembered well +enough, saying: + +"Oh! George, that dreadful brute," and she pointed to the dead elephant, +"has killed our baby. Look at it! Look at it! We must be everything to +each other now, dear, as we were before it came--unless God sends us +another." + +Then she burst into a flood of weeping and fell into his arms, after +which I turned away. So, to their honour be it said, did the Kendah, +leaving the pair alone behind the bulk of dead Jana. + +Here I may state two things: first, that Lady Ragnall, whose bodily +health had remained perfect throughout, entirely recovered her reason +from that moment. It was as though on the shattering of the Ivory Child +some spell had been lifted off her. What this spell may have been I am +quite unable to explain, but I presume that in a dim and unknown way she +connected this effigy with her own lost infant and that while she held +and tended it her intellect remained in abeyance. If so, she must also +have connected its destruction with the death of her own child which, +strangely enough, it will be remembered, was likewise killed by an +elephant. The first death that occurred in her presence took away her +reason, the second seeming death, which also occurred in her presence, +brought it back again! + +Secondly, from the moment of the destruction of her boy in the streets +of the English country town to that of the shattering of the Ivory Child +in Central Africa her memory was an utter blank, with one exception. +This exception was a dream which a few days later she narrated to +Ragnall in my presence. That dream was that she had seen him and Savage +sleeping together in a native house one night. In view of a certain +incident recorded in this history I leave the reader to draw his own +conclusions as to this curious incident. I have none to offer, or if I +have I prefer to keep them to myself. + +Leaving Ragnall and his wife, I staggered off to look for Hans and found +him lying senseless near the north wall of the temple. Evidently he was +beyond human help, for Jana seemed to have crushed most of his ribs in +his iron trunk. We carried him to one of the priest's cells and there I +watched him till the end, which came at sundown. + +Before he died he became quite conscious and talked with me a good deal. + +"Don't grieve about missing Jana, Baas," he said, "for it wasn't you who +missed him but some devil that turned your bullets. You see, Baas, he +was bewitched against you white men. When you look at him closely you +will find that the Lord Igeza missed him also" (strange as it may seem, +this proved to be the case), "and when you managed to hit the tip of his +tusk with the last ball the magic was wearing off him, that's all. +But, Baas, those Black Kendah wizards forgot to bewitch him against +the little yellow man, of whom they took no account. So I hit him sure +enough every time I fired at him, and I hope he liked the taste of my +bullets in that great mouth of his. He knew who had sent them there very +well. That's why he left you alone and made for me, as I had hoped he +would. Oh! Baas, I die happy, quite happy since I have killed Jana and +he caught me and not you, me who was nearly finished anyhow. For, Baas, +though I didn't say anything about it, a thrown spear struck my groin +when I went down among the Black Kendah this morning. It was only a +small cut, which bled little, but as the fighting went on something gave +way and my inside began to come through it, though I tied it up with a +bit of cloth, which of course means death in a day or two." (Subsequent +examination showed me that Hans's story of this wound was perfectly +true. He could not have lived for very long.) + +"Baas," he went on after a pause, "no doubt I shall meet that Zulu lady +Mameena to-night. Tell me, is she really entitled to the royal salute? +Because if not, when I am as much a spook as she is I will not give it +to her again. She never gave me my titles, which are good ones in their +way, so why should I give her the _Bayete_, unless it is hers by right +of blood, although I am only a little 'yellow dog' as she chose to call +me?" + +As this ridiculous point seemed to weigh upon his mind I told him that +Mameena was not even of royal blood and in nowise entitled to the salute +of kings. + +"Ah!" he said with a feeble grin, "then now I shall know how to deal +with her, especially as she cannot pretend that I did not play my part +in the battle, as she bade me do. Did you see anything of her when Jana +charged, Baas, because I thought I did?" + +"I seemed to see something, but no doubt it was only a fancy." + +"A fancy? Explain to me, Baas, where truths end and fancies begin and +whether what we think are fancies are not sometimes the real truths. +Once or twice I have thought so of late, Baas." + +I could not answer this riddle, so instead I gave him some water which +he asked for, and he continued: + +"Baas, have you any messages for the two Shining ones, for her whose +name is holy and her sister, and for the child of her whose name is +holy, the Missie Marie, and for your reverend father, the Predikant? If +so, tell it quickly before my head grows too empty to hold the words." + +I will confess, however foolish it may seem, that I gave him certain +messages, but what they were I shall not write down. Let them remain +secret between me and him. Yes, between me and him and perhaps those to +whom they were to be delivered. For after all, in his own words, who +can know exactly where fancies end and truth begin, and whether at times +fancies are not the veritable truths in this universal mystery of which +the individual life of each of us is so small a part? + +Hans repeated what I had spoken to him word for word, as a native does, +repeated it twice over, after which he said he knew it by heart and +remained silent for a long while. Then he asked me to lift him up in +the doorway of the cell so that he might look at the sun setting for +the last time, "for, Baas," he added, "I think I am going far beyond the +sun." + +He stared at it for a while, remarking that from the look of the sky +there should be fine weather coming, "which will be good for your +journey towards the Black Water, Baas, with all that ivory to carry." + +I answered that perhaps I should never get the ivory from the graveyard +of the elephants, as the Black Kendah might prevent this. + +"No, no, Baas," he replied, "now that Jana is dead the Black Kendah will +go away. I know it, I know it!" + +Then he wandered for a space, speaking of sundry adventures we had +shared together, till quite before the last indeed, when his mind +returned to him. + +"Baas," he said, "did not the captain Mavovo name me Light-in-Darkness, +and is not that my name? When you too enter the Darkness, look for that +Light; it will be shining very close to you." + +He only spoke once more. His words were: + +"Baas, I understand now what your reverend father, the Predikant, meant +when he spoke to me about Love last night. It had nothing to do with +women, Baas, at least not much. It was something a great deal bigger, +Baas, something as big as what I feel for you!" + +Then Hans died with a smile on his wrinkled face. + +I wept! + + + +CHAPTER XXI + +HOMEWARDS + +There is not much more to write of this expedition, or if that statement +be not strictly true, not much more that I wish to write, though I have +no doubt that Ragnall, if he had a mind that way, could make a good and +valuable book concerning many matters on which, confining myself to the +history of our adventure, I have scarcely touched. All the affinities +between this Central African Worship of the Heavenly Child and +its Guardian and that of Horus and Isis in Egypt from which it was +undoubtedly descended, for instance. Also the part which the great +serpent played therein, as it may be seen playing a part in every tomb +upon the Nile, and indeed plays a part in our own and other religions. +Further, our journey across the desert to the Red Sea was very +interesting, but I am tired of describing journeys--and of making them. + +The truth is that after the death of Hans, like to Queen Sheba when she +had surveyed the wonders of Solomon's court, there was no more spirit in +me. For quite a long while I did not seem to care at all what happened +to me or to anybody else. We buried him in a place of honour, exactly +where he shot Jana before the gateway of the second court, and when the +earth was thrown over his little yellow face I felt as though half my +past had departed with him into that hole. Poor drunken old Hans, where +in the world shall I find such another man as you were? Where in the +world shall I find so much love as filled the cup of that strange heart +of yours? + +I dare say it is a form of selfishness, but what every man desires is +something that cares for him _alone_, which is just why we are so fond +of dogs. Now Hans was a dog with a human brain and he cared for me +alone. Often our vanity makes us think that this has happened to some of +us in the instance of one or more women. But honest and quiet reflection +may well cause us to doubt the truth of such supposings. The woman who +as we believed adored us solely has probably in the course of her career +adored others, or at any rate other things. + +To take but one instance, that of Mameena, the Zulu lady whom Hans +thought he saw in the Shades. She, I believe, did me the honour to be +very fond of me, but I am convinced that she was fonder still of her +ambition. Now Hans never cared for any living creature, or for any human +hope or object, as he cared for me. There was no man or woman whom +he would not have cheated, or even murdered for my sake. There was no +earthly advantage, down to that of life itself, that he would not, and +in the end did not forgo for my sake; witness the case of his little +fortune which he invested in my rotten gold mine and thought nothing of +losing--for my sake. + +That is love _in excelsis_, and the man who has succeeded in inspiring +it in any creature, even in a low, bibulous, old Hottentot, may feel +proud indeed. At least I am proud and as the years go by the pride +increases, as the hope grows that somewhere in the quiet of that great +plain which he saw in his dream, I may find the light of Hans's love +burning like a beacon in the darkness, as he promised I should do, and +that it may guide and warm my shivering, new-born soul before I dare the +adventure of the Infinite. + +Meanwhile, since the sublime and the ridiculous are so very near akin, +I often wonder how he and Mameena settled that question of her right to +the royal salute. Perhaps I shall learn one day--indeed already I have +had a hint of it. If so, even in the blaze of a new and universal Truth, +I am certain that their stories will differ wildly. + + + +Hans was quite right about the Black Kendah. They cleared out, probably +in search of food, where I do not know and I do not care, though whether +this were a temporary or permanent move on their part remains, and so +far as I am concerned is likely to remain, veiled in obscurity. They +were great blackguards, though extraordinarily fine soldiers, and what +became of them is a matter of complete indifference to me. One thing is +certain, however, a very large percentage of them never migrated at all, +for something over three thousand of their bodies did our people have to +bury in the pass and about the temple, a purpose for which all the pits +and trenches we had dug came in very useful. Our loss, by the way, was +five hundred and three, including those who died of wounds. It was a +great fight and, except for those who perished in the pitfalls during +the first rush, all practically hand to hand. + +Jana we interred where he fell because we could not move him, within a +few feet of the body of his slayer Hans. I have always regretted that +I did not take the exact measurements of this brute, as I believe the +record elephant of the world, but I had no time to do so and no rule or +tape at hand. I only saw him for a minute on the following morning, just +as he was being tumbled into a huge hole, together with the remains of +his master, Simba the King. I found, however, that the sole wounds upon +him, save some cuts and scratches from spears, were those inflicted by +Hans--namely, the loss of one eye, the puncture through the skin over +the heart made when he shot at him for the second time with the little +rifle Intombi, and two neat holes at the back of the mouth through which +the bullets from the elephant gun had driven upwards to the base of the +brain, causing his death from haemorrhage on that organ. + +I asked the White Kendah to give me his two enormous tusks, unequalled, +I suppose, in size and weight in Africa, although one was deformed +and broken. But they refused. These, I presume, they wished to keep, +together with the chains off his breast and trunk, as mementoes of their +victory over the god of their foes. At any rate they hewed the former +out with axes and removed the latter before tumbling the carcass into +the grave. From the worn-down state of the teeth I concluded that this +beast must have been extraordinarily old, how old it is impossible to +say. + +That is all I have to tell of Jana. May he rest in peace, which +certainly he will not do if Hans dwells anywhere in his neighbourhood, +in the region which the old boy used to call that of the "fires that +do not go out." Because of my horrible failure in connection with this +beast, the very memory of which humiliates me, I do not like to think of +it more than I can help. + +For the rest the White Kendah kept faith with us in every particular. In +a curious and semi-religious ceremony, at which I was not present, Lady +Ragnall was absolved from her high office of Guardian or Nurse to a god +whereof the symbol no longer existed, though I believe that the priests +collected the tiny fragments of ivory, or as many of them as could be +found, and preserved them in a jar in the sanctuary. After this had +been done women stripped the Nurse of her hallowed robes, of the ancient +origin of which, by the way, I believe that none of them, except perhaps +Harut, had any idea, any more than they knew that the Child represented +the Egyptian Horus and his lady Guardian the moon-goddess Isis. Then, +dressed in some native garments, she was handed over to Ragnall and +thenceforth treated as a stranger-guest, like ourselves, being allowed, +however, to live with her husband in the same house that she had +occupied during all the period of her strange captivity. Here they abode +together, lost in the mutual bliss of this wonderful reunion to which +they had attained through so much bodily and spiritual darkness and +misery, until a month or so later we started upon our journey across the +mountains and the great desert that lay beyond them. + +Only once did I find any real opportunity of private conversation with +Lady Ragnall. + +This happened after her husband had recovered from the hurts he received +in the battle, on an occasion when he was obliged to separate from her +for a day in order to attend to some matter in the Town of the Child. +I think it had to do with the rifles used in the battle, which he had +presented to the White Kendah. So, leaving me to look after her, he +went, unwillingly enough, who seemed to hate losing sight of his wife +even for an hour. + +I took her for a walk in the wood, to that very point indeed on the lip +of the crater whence we had watched her play her part as priestess at +the Feast of the First-fruits. After we had stood there a while we went +down among the great cedars, trying to retrace the last part of our +march through the darkness of that anxious night, whereof now for the +first time I told her all the story. + +Growing tired of scrambling among the fallen boughs, at length Lady +Ragnall sat down and said: + +"Do you know, Mr. Quatermain, these are the first words we have really +had since that party at Ragnall before I was married, when, as you may +have forgotten, you took me in to dinner." + +I replied that there was nothing I recollected much more clearly, which +was both true and the right thing to say, or so I supposed. + +"Well," she said slowly, "you see that after all there was something in +those fancies of mine which at the time you thought would best be dealt +with by a doctor--about Africa and the rest, I mean." + +"Yes, Lady Ragnall, though of course we should always remember that +coincidence accounts for many things. In any case they are done with +now." + +"Not quite, Mr. Quatermain, even as you mean, since we have still a long +way to go. Also in another sense I believe that they are but begun." + +"I do not understand, Lady Ragnall." + +"Nor do I, but listen. You know that of anything which happened during +those months I have no memory at all, except of that one dream when I +seemed to see George and Savage in the hut. I remember my baby being +killed by that horrible circus elephant, just as the Ivory Child was +killed or rather destroyed by Jana, which I suppose is another of your +coincidences, Mr. Quatermain. After that I remember nothing until I woke +up and saw George standing in front of me covered with blood, and you, +and Jana dead, and the rest." + +"Because during that time your mind was gone, Lady Ragnall." + +"Yes, but where had it gone? I tell you, Mr. Quatermain, that although +I remember nothing of what was passing about me then, I do remember a +great deal of what seemed to be passing either long ago or in some time +to come, though I have said nothing of it to George, as I hope you will +not either. It might upset him." + +"What do you remember?" I asked. + +"That's the trouble; I can't tell you. What was once very clear to me +has for the most part become vague and formless. When my mind tries to +grasp it, it slips away. It was another life to this, quite a different +life; and there was a great story in it of which I think what we have +been going through is either a sequel or a prologue. I see, or saw, +cities and temples with people moving about them, George and you among +them, also that old priest, Harut. You will laugh, but my recollection +is that you stood in some relationship to me, either that of father or +brother." + +"Or perhaps a cousin," I suggested. + +"Or perhaps a cousin," she repeated, smiling, "or a great friend; at any +rate something very intimate. As for George, I don't know what he was, +or Harut either. But the odd thing is that little yellow man, Hans, whom +I only saw once living for a few minutes that I can remember, comes more +clearly back to my mind than any of you. He was a dwarf, much stouter +than when I saw him the other day, but very like. I recall him curiously +dressed with feathers and holding an ivory rod, seated upon a stool +at the feet of a great personage--a king, I think. The king asked him +questions, and everyone listened to his answers. That is all, except +that the scenes seemed to be flooded with sunlight." + +"Which is more than this place is. I think we had better be moving, Lady +Ragnall, or you will catch a chill under these damp cedars." + +I said this because I did not wish to pursue the conversation. I +considered it too exciting under all her circumstances, especially as I +perceived that mystical look gathering on her face and in her beautiful +eyes, which I remembered noting before she was married. + +She read my thoughts and answered with a laugh: + +"Yes, it is damp; but you know I am very strong and damp will not hurt +me. For the rest you need not be afraid, Mr. Quatermain. I did not lose +my mind. It was taken from me by some power and sent to live elsewhere. +Now it has been given back and I do not think it will be taken again in +that way." + +"Of course it won't," I exclaimed confidently. "Whoever dreamed of such +a thing?" + +"_You_ did," she answered, looking me in the eyes. "Now before we go I +want to say one more thing. Harut and the head priestess have made me a +present. They have given me a box full of that herb they called tobacco, +but of which I have discovered the real name is Taduki. It is the same +that they burned in the bowl when you and I saw visions at Ragnall +Castle, which visions, Mr. Quatermain, by another of your coincidences, +have since been translated into facts." + +"I know. We saw you breathe that smoke again as priestess when you +uttered the prophecy as Oracle of the Child at the Feast of the +First-fruits. But what are you going to do with this stuff, Lady +Ragnall? I think you have had enough of visions just at present." + +"So do I, though to tell you the truth I like them. I am going to keep +it and do nothing--as yet. Still, I want you always to remember one +thing--don't laugh at me"--here again she looked me in the eyes--"that +there is a time coming, some way off I think, when I and you--no one +else, Mr. Quatermain--will breathe that smoke again together and see +strange things." + +"No, no!" I replied, "I have given up tobacco of the Kendah variety; it +is too strong for me." + +"Yes, yes!" she said, "for something that is stronger than the Kendah +tobacco will make you do it--when I wish." + +"Did Harut tell you that, Lady Ragnall?" + +"I don't know," she answered confusedly. "I think the Ivory Child +told me; it used to talk to me often. You know that Child isn't really +destroyed. Like my reason that seemed to be lost, it has only gone +backwards or forwards where you and I shall see it again. You and I and +no others--unless it be the little yellow man. I repeat that I do not +know when that will be. Perhaps it is written in those rolls of papyrus, +which they have given me also, because they said they belonged to me +who am 'the first priestess and the last.' They told me, however, or +perhaps," she added, passing her hand across her forehead, "it was the +Child who told me, that I was not to attempt to read them or have them +read, until after a great change in my life. What the change will be I +do not know." + +"And had better not inquire, Lady Ragnall, since in this world most +changes are for the worse." + +"I agree, and shall not inquire. Now I have spoken to you like this +because I felt that I must do so. Also I want to thank you for all you +have done for me and George. Probably we shall not talk in such a way +again; as I am situated the opportunity will be lacking, even if the +wish is present. So once more I thank you from my heart. Until we meet +again--I mean really meet--good-bye," and she held her right hand to me +in such a fashion that I knew she meant me to kiss it. + +This I did very reverently and we walked back to the temple almost in +silence. + + + +That month of rest, or rather the last three weeks of it, since for the +first few days after the battle I was quite prostrate, I occupied in +various ways, amongst others in a journey with Harut to Simba Town. This +we made after our spies had assured us that the Black Kendah were +really gone somewhere to the south-west, in which direction fertile and +unoccupied lands were said to exist about three hundred miles away. It +was with very strange feelings that I retraced our road and looked once +more upon that wind-bent tree still scored with the marks of Jana's +huge tusk, in the boughs of which Hans and I had taken refuge from the +monster's fury. Crossing the river, quite low now, I travelled up the + down which we raced for our lives and came to the melancholy lake +and the cemetery of dead elephants. + +Here all was unchanged. There was the little mount worn by his feet, on +which Jana was wont to stand. There were the rocks behind which I had +tried to hide, and near to them some crushed human bones which I knew to +be those of the unfortunate Marut. These we buried with due reverence on +the spot where he had fallen, I meanwhile thanking God that my own bones +were not being interred at their side, as but for Hans would have been +the case--if they were ever interred at all. All about lay the skeletons +of dead elephants, and from among these we collected as much of the best +ivory as we could carry, namely about fifty camel loads. Of course there +was much more, but a great deal of the stuff had been exposed for so +long to sun and weather that it was almost worthless. + +Having sent this ivory back to the Town of the Child, which was being +rebuilt after a fashion, we went on to Simba Town through the forest, +dispatching pickets ahead of us to search and make sure that it was +empty. Empty it was indeed; never did I see such a place of desolation. + +The Black Kendah had left it just as it stood, except for a pile of +corpses which lay around and over the altar in the market-place, where +the three poor camelmen were sacrificed to Jana, doubtless those of +wounded men who had died during or after the retreat. The doors of the +houses stood open, many domestic articles, such as great jars resembling +that which had been set over the head of the dead man whom we were +commanded to restore life, and other furniture lay about because they +could not be carried away. So did a great quantity of spears and various +weapons of war, whose owners being killed would never want them again. +Except a few starved dogs and jackals no living creature remained in the +town. It was in its own way as waste and even more impressive than the +graveyard of elephants by the lonely lake. + +"The curse of the Child worked well," said Harut to me grimly. "First, +the storm; the hunger; then the battle; and now the misery of flight and +ruin." + +"It seems so," I answered. "Yet that curse, like others, came back to +roost, for if Jana is dead and his people fled, where are the Child and +many of its people? What will you do without your god, Harut?" + +"Repent us of our sins and wait till the Heavens send us another, as +doubtless they will in their own season," he replied very sadly. + +I wonder whether they ever did and, if so, what form that new divinity +put on. + +I slept, or rather did not sleep, that night in the same guest-house in +which Marut and I had been imprisoned during our dreadful days of fear, +reconstructing in my mind every event connected with them. Once more I +saw the fires of sacrifice flaring upon the altar and heard the roar of +the dancing hail that proclaimed the ruin of the Black Kendah as loudly +as the trumpet of a destroying angel. Very glad was I when the morning +came at length and, having looked my last upon Simba Town, I crossed +the moats and set out homewards through the forest whereof the stripped +boughs also spoke of death, though in the spring these would grow green +again. + +Ten days later we started from the Holy Mount, a caravan of about a +hundred camels, of which fifty were laden with the ivory and the rest +ridden by our escort under the command of Harut and our three selves. +But there was an evil fate upon this ivory, as on everything else that +had to do with Jana. Some weeks later in the desert a great sandstorm +overtook us in which we barely escaped with our lives. At the height of +the storm the ivory-laden camels broke loose, flying before it. Probably +they fell and were buried beneath the sand; at any rate of the fifty we +only recovered ten. + +Ragnall wished to pay me the value of the remaining loads, which ran +into thousands of pounds, but I would not take the money, saying it +was outside our bargain. Sometimes since then I have thought that I +was foolish, especially when on glancing at that codicil to his will in +after days, the same which he had given me before the battle, I found +that he had set me down for a legacy of L10,000. But in such matters +every man must follow his own instinct. + +The White Kendah, an unemotional people especially now when they were +mourning for their lost god and their dead, watched us go without any +demonstration of affection, or even of farewell. Only those priestesses +who had attended upon the person of Lady Ragnall while she played a +divine part among them wept when they parted from her, and uttered +prayers that they might meet her again "in the presence of the Child." + +The pass through the great mountains proved hard to climb, as the +foothold for the camels was bad. But we managed it at last, most of the +way on foot, pausing a little while on their crest to look our last for +ever at the land which we had left, where the Mount of the Child was +still dimly visible. Then we descended their farther and entered +the northern desert. + +Day after day and week after week we travelled across that endless +desert by a way known to Harut on which water could be found, the only +living things in all its vastness, meeting with no accidents save that +of the sandstorm in which the ivory was lost. I was much alone during +that time, since Harut spoke little and Ragnall and his wife were +wrapped up in each other. + +At length, months later, we struck a little port on the Red Sea, of +which I forget the Arab name, a place as hot as the infernal regions. +Shortly afterwards, by great good luck, two trading vessels put in for +water, one bound for Aden, in which I embarked en route for Natal, and +the other for the port of Suez, whence Ragnall and his wife could travel +overland to Alexandria. + +Our parting was so hurried at the last, as is often the way after long +fellowship, that beyond mutual thanks and good wishes we said little +to one another. I can see them now standing with their arms about each +other watching me disappear. Concerning their future there is so much +to tell that of it I shall say nothing; at any rate here and now, except +that Lady Ragnall was right. We did not part for the last time. + +As I shook old Harut's hand in farewell he told me that he was going on +to Egypt, and I asked him why. + +"Perchance to look for another god, Lord Macumazana," he answered +gravely, "whom now there is no Jana to destroy. We may speak of that +matter if we should meet again." + +Such are some of the things that I remember about this journey, but to +tell truth I paid little attention to them and many others. + +For oh! my heart was sore because of Hans. + + + + + +End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Ivory Child, by H. Rider Haggard + +*** \ No newline at end of file