diff --git "a/data/train/2823.txt" "b/data/train/2823.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/train/2823.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,3211 @@ + + + + +Produced by Donald Lainson + + + + + +THE FITZ-BOODLE PAPERS. + +By William Makepeace Thackeray + + + + +CONTENTS + + +THE FITZ-BOODLE PAPERS. + + +FITZ-BOODLE'S CONFESSIONS:-- + +Preface + +Dorothea + +Ottilia + + +FITZ-BOODLE'S PROFESSIONS:-- + +First Profession + +Second Profession + + + + +FITZ-BOODLE'S CONFESSIONS.* + + + + +PREFACE. + +GEORGE FITZ-BOODLE, ESQUIRE, TO OLIVER YORKE, ESQUIRE. + + +OMNIUM CLUB, May 20, 1842. + + +DEAR SIR,--I have always been considered the third-best whist-player in +Europe, and (though never betting more than five pounds) have for many +years past added considerably to my yearly income by my skill in the +game, until the commencement of the present season, when a French +gentleman, Monsieur Lalouette, was admitted to the club where I usually +play. His skill and reputation were so great, that no men of the club +were inclined to play against us two of a side; and the consequence has +been, that we have been in a manner pitted against one another. By a +strange turn of luck (for I cannot admit the idea of his superiority), +Fortune, since the Frenchman's arrival, has been almost constantly +against me, and I have lost two-and-thirty nights in the course of a +couple of score of nights' play. + + * The "Fitz-Boodle Papers" first appeared in Fraser's + Magazine for the year 1842. + +Everybody knows that I am a poor man; and so much has Lalouette's luck +drained my finances, that only last week I was obliged to give him that +famous gray cob on which you have seen me riding in the Park (I can't +afford a thoroughbred, and hate a cocktail),--I was, I say, forced to +give him up my cob in exchange for four ponies which I owed him. Thus, +as I never walk, being a heavy man whom nobody cares to mount, my time +hangs heavily on my hands; and, as I hate home, or that apology for +it--a bachelor's lodgings--and as I have nothing earthly to do now until +I can afford to purchase another horse, I spend my time in sauntering +from one club to another, passing many rather listless hours in them +before the men come in. + +You will say, Why not take to backgammon, or ecarte, or amuse yourself +with a book? Sir (putting out of the question the fact that I do not +play upon credit), I make a point never to play before candles are +lighted; and as for books, I must candidly confess to you I am not a +reading man. + +'Twas but the other day that some one recommended me to your Magazine +after dinner, saying it contained an exceedingly witty article upon--I +forget what. I give you my honor, sir, that I took up the work at six, +meaning to amuse myself till seven, when Lord Trumpington's dinner was +to come off, and egad! in two minutes I fell asleep, and never woke till +midnight. Nobody ever thought of looking for me in the library, where +nobody ever goes; and so ravenously hungry was I, that I was obliged to +walk off to Crockford's for supper. + +What is it that makes you literary persons so stupid? I have met various +individuals in society who I was told were writers of books, and that +sort of thing, and expecting rather to be amused by their conversation, +have invariably found them dull to a degree, and as for information, +without a particle of it. Sir, I actually asked one of these fellows, +"What was the nick to seven?" and he stared in my face and said he +didn't know. He was hugely over-dressed in satin, rings, chains and +so forth; and at the beginning of dinner was disposed to be rather +talkative and pert; but my little sally silenced HIM, I promise you, +and got up a good laugh at his expense too. "Leave George alone," +said little Lord Cinqbars, "I warrant he'll be a match for any of +you literary fellows." Cinqbars is no great wiseacre; but, indeed, it +requires no great wiseacre to know THAT. + +What is the simple deduction to be drawn from this truth? Why, +this--that a man to be amusing and well-informed, has no need of +books at all, and had much better go to the world and to men for his +knowledge. There was Ulysses, now, the Greek fellow engaged in the +Trojan war, as I dare say you know; well, he was the cleverest man +possible, and how? From having seen men and cities, their manners noted +and their realms surveyed, to be sure. So have I. I have been in every +capital, and can order a dinner in every language in Europe. + +My notion, then, is this. I have a great deal of spare time on my hands, +and as I am told you pay a handsome sum to persons writing for you, I +will furnish you occasionally with some of my views upon men and things; +occasional histories of my acquaintance, which I think may amuse you; +personal narratives of my own; essays, and what not. I am told that I do +not spell correctly. This of course I don't know; but you will remember +that Richelieu and Marlborough could not spell, and egad! I am an honest +man, and desire to be no better than they. I know that it is the matter, +and not the manner, which is of importance. Have the goodness, then, to +let one of your understrappers correct the spelling and the grammar +of my papers; and you can give him a few shillings in my name for his +trouble. + +Begging you to accept the assurance of my high consideration, I am, sir, + +Your obedient servant, + +GEORGE SAVAGE FITZ-BOODLE. + +P.S.--By the way, I have said in my letter that I found ALL literary +persons vulgar and dull. Permit me to contradict this with regard to +yourself. I met you once at Blackwall, I think it was, and really did +not remark anything offensive in your accent or appearance. + + +Before commencing the series of moral disquisitions, &c. which I intend, +the reader may as well know who I am, and what my past course of life +has been. To say that I am a Fitz-Boodle is to say at once that I am a +gentleman. Our family has held the estate of Boodle ever since the +reign of Henry II.; and it is out of no ill will to my elder brother, +or unnatural desire for his death, but only because the estate is a +very good one, that I wish heartily it was mine: I would say as much of +Chatsworth or Eaton Hall. + +I am not, in the first place, what is called a ladies' man, having +contracted an irrepressible habit of smoking after dinner, which has +obliged me to give up a great deal of the dear creatures' society; nor +can I go much to country-houses for the same reason. Say what they will, +ladies do not like you to smoke in their bedrooms: their silly little +noses scent out the odor upon the chintz, weeks after you have left +them. Sir John has been caught coming to bed particularly merry and +redolent of cigar-smoke; young George, from Eton, was absolutely found +in the little green-house puffing an Havana; and when discovered they +both lay the blame upon Fitz-Boodle. "It was Mr. Fitz-Boodle, mamma," +says George, "who offered me the cigar, and I did not like to refuse +him." "That rascal Fitz seduced us, my dear," says Sir John, "and kept +us laughing until past midnight." Her ladyship instantly sets me down as +a person to be avoided. "George," whispers she to her boy, "promise me +on your honor, when you go to town, not to know that man." And when she +enters the breakfast-room for prayers, the first greeting is a peculiar +expression of countenance, and inhaling of breath, by which my lady +indicates the presence of some exceedingly disagreeable odor in the +room. She makes you the faintest of curtsies, and regards you, if not +with a "flashing eye," as in the novels, at least with a "distended +nostril." During the whole of the service, her heart is filled with the +blackest gall towards you; and she is thinking about the best means of +getting you out of the house. + +What is this smoking that it should be considered a crime? I believe in +my heart that women are jealous of it, as of a rival. They speak of it +as of some secret, awful vice that seizes upon a man, and makes him a +pariah from genteel society. I would lay a guinea that many a lady who +has just been kind enough to rend the above lines lays down the book, +after this confession of mine that I am a smoker, and says, "Oh, the +vulgar wretch!" and passes on to something else. + +The fact is, that the cigar IS a rival to the ladies, and their +conqueror too. In the chief pipe-smoking nations they are kept in +subjection. While the chief, Little White Belt, smokes, the women are +silent in his wigwam; while Mahomet Ben Jawbrahim causes volumes of +odorous incense of Latakia to play round his beard, the women of the +harem do not disturb his meditations, but only add to the delight of +them by tinkling on a dulcimer and dancing before him. When Professor +Strumpff of Gottingen takes down No. 13 from the wall, with a picture +of Beatrice Cenci upon it, and which holds a pound of canaster, the Frau +Professorin knows that for two hours Hermann is engaged, and takes up +her stockings and knits in quiet. The constitution of French society +has been quite changed within the last twelve years: an ancient and +respectable dynasty has been overthrown; an aristocracy which Napoleon +could never master has disappeared: and from what cause? I do not +hesitate to say,--FROM THE HABIT OF SMOKING. Ask any man whether, five +years before the revolution of July, if you wanted a cigar at Paris, +they did not bring you a roll of tobacco with a straw in it! Now, the +whole city smokes; society is changed; and be sure of this, ladies, +a similar combat is going on in this country at present between +cigar-smoking and you. Do you suppose you will conquer? Look over the +wide world, and see that your adversary has overcome it. Germany has +been puffing for threescore years; France smokes to a man. Do you think +you can keep the enemy out of England? Psha! look at his progress. Ask +the clubhouses, Have they smoking-rooms or not? Are they not obliged to +yield to the general want of the age, in spite of the resistance of the +old women on the committees? I, for my part, do not despair to see a +bishop lolling out of the "Athenaeum" with a cheroot in his mouth, or, +at any rate, a pipe stuck in his shovel-hat. + +But as in all great causes and in promulgating new and illustrious +theories, their first propounders and exponents are generally the +victims of their enthusiasm, of course the first preachers of smoking +have been martyrs, too; and George Fitz-Boodle is one. The first gas-man +was ruined; the inventor of steam-engine printing became a pauper. I +began to smoke in days when the task was one of some danger, and paid +the penalty of my crime. I was flogged most fiercely for my first cigar; +for, being asked to dine one Sunday evening with a half-pay colonel of +dragoons (the gallant, simple, humorous Shortcut--heaven bless him!--I +have had many a guinea from him who had so few), he insisted upon my +smoking in his room at the "Salopian," and the consequence was, that I +became so violently ill as to be reported intoxicated upon my return +to Slaughter-House School, where I was a boarder, and I was whipped the +next morning for my peccadillo. At Christ Church, one of our tutors was +the celebrated lamented Otto Rose, who would have been a bishop under +the present Government, had not an immoderate indulgence in water-gruel +cut short his elegant and useful career. He was a good man, a pretty +scholar and poet (the episode upon the discovery of eau-de-Cologne, +in his prize-poem on "The Rhine," was considered a masterpiece of art, +though I am not much of a judge myself upon such matters), and he was as +remarkable for his fondness for a tuft as for his nervous antipathy to +tobacco. As ill-luck would have it, my rooms (in Tom Quad) were exactly +under his; and I was grown by this time to be a confirmed smoker. I was +a baronet's son (we are of James the First's creation), and I do believe +our tutor could have pardoned any crime in the world but this. He had +seen me in a tandem, and at that moment was seized with a violent fit +of sneezing--(sternutatory paroxysm he called it)--at the conclusion of +which I was a mile down the Woodstock Road. He had seen me in pink, as +we used to call it, swaggering in the open sunshine across a grass-plat +in the court; but spied out opportunely a servitor, one Todhunter by +name, who was going to morning chapel with his shoestring untied, +and forthwith sprung towards that unfortunate person, to set him an +imposition. Everything, in fact, but tobacco he could forgive. Why +did cursed fortune bring him into the rooms over mine? The odor of the +cigars made his gentle spirit quite furious; and one luckless morning, +when I was standing before my "oak," and chanced to puff a great bouffee +of Varinas into his face, he forgot his respect for my family altogether +(I was the second son, and my brother a sickly creature THEN,--he is now +sixteen stone in weight, and has a half-score of children); gave me a +severe lecture, to which I replied rather hotly, as was my wont. And +then came demand for an apology; refusal on my part; appeal to the dean; +convocation; and rustication of George Savage Fitz-Boodle. + +My father had taken a second wife (of the noble house of Flintskinner), +and Lady Fitz-Boodle detested smoking, as a woman of her high principles +should. She had an entire mastery over the worthy old gentleman, and +thought I was a sort of demon of wickedness. The old man went to his +grave with some similar notion,--heaven help him! and left me but +the wretched twelve thousand pounds secured to me on my poor mother's +property. + +In the army, my luck was much the same. I joined the --th Lancers, +Lieut.-Col. Lord Martingale, in the year 1817. I only did duty with the +regiment for three months. We were quartered at Cork, where I found the +Irish doodheen and tobacco the pleasantest smoking possible; and was +found by his lordship, one day upon stable duty, smoking the shortest, +dearest little dumpy clay-pipe in the world. + +"Cornet Fitz-Boodle," said my lord in a towering passion, "from what +blackguard did you get that pipe?" + +I omit the oaths which garnished invariably his lordship's conversation. + +"I got it, my lord," said I, "from one Terence Mullins, a jingle-driver, +with a packet of his peculiar tobacco. You sometimes smoke Turkish, I +believe; do try this. Isn't it good?" And in the simplest way in the +world I puffed a volume into his face. "I see you like it," said I, so +coolly, that the men--and I do believe the horses--burst out laughing. + +He started back--choking almost, and recovered himself only to vent such +a storm of oaths and curses that I was compelled to request Capt. +Rawdon (the captain on duty) to take note of his lordship's words; and +unluckily could not help adding a question which settled my business. +"You were good enough," I said, "to ask me, my lord, from what +blackguard I got my pipe; might I ask from what blackguard you learned +your language?" + +This was quite enough. Had I said, "from what GENTLEMAN did your +lordship learn your language?" the point would have been quite as good, +and my Lord Martingale would have suffered in my place: as it was, I +was so strongly recommended to sell out by his Royal Highness the +Commander-in-Chief, that, being of a good-natured disposition, never +knowing how to refuse a friend, I at once threw up my hopes of military +distinction and retired into civil life. + +My lord was kind enough to meet me afterwards in a field in the Glanmire +Road, where he put a ball into my leg. This I returned to him some years +later with about twenty-three others--black ones--when he came to be +balloted for at a club of which I have the honor to be a member. + +Thus by the indulgence of a simple and harmless propensity,--of a +propensity which can inflict an injury upon no person or thing except +the coat and the person of him who indulges in it,--of a custom honored +and observed in almost all the nations of the world,--of a custom which, +far from leading a man into any wickedness or dissipation to which +youth is subject, on the contrary, begets only benevolent silence, and +thoughtful good-humored observation--I found at the age of twenty all +my prospects in life destroyed. I cared not for woman in those days: +the calm smoker has a sweet companion in his pipe. I did not drink +immoderately of wine; for though a friend to trifling potations, to +excessively strong drinks tobacco is abhorrent. I never thought of +gambling, for the lover of the pipe has no need of such excitement; but +I was considered a monster of dissipation in my family, and bade fair to +come to ruin. + +"Look at George," my mother-in-law said to the genteel and correct young +Flintskinners. "He entered the world with every prospect in life, and +see in what an abyss of degradation his fatal habits have plunged him! +At school he was flogged and disgraced, he was disgraced and rusticated +at the university, he was disgraced and expelled from the army! He +might have had the living of Boodle" (her ladyship gave it to one of +her nephews), "but he would not take his degree; his papa would have +purchased him a troop--nay, a lieutenant-colonelcy some day, but for his +fatal excesses. And now as long as my dear husband will listen to the +voice of a wife who adores him--never, never shall he spend a shilling +upon so worthless a young man. He has a small income from his mother +(I cannot but think that the first Lady Fitz-Boodle was a weak and +misguided person); let him live upon his mean pittance as he can, and I +heartily pray we may not hear of him in gaol!" + +My brother, after he came to the estate, married the ninth daughter +of our neighbor, Sir John Spreadeagle; and Boodle Hall has seen a new +little Fitz-Boodle with every succeeding spring. The dowager retired to +Scotland with a large jointure and a wondrous heap of savings. Lady Fitz +is a good creature, but she thinks me something diabolical, trembles +when she sees me, and gathers all her children about her, rushes into +the nursery whenever I pay that little seminary a visit, and actually +slapped poor little Frank's ears one day when I was teaching him to ride +upon the back of a Newfoundland dog. + +"George," said my brother to me the last time I paid him a visit at the +old hall, "don't be angry, my dear fellow, but Maria is in a--hum--in +a delicate situation, expecting her--hum"--(the eleventh)--"and do +you know you frighten her? It was but yesterday you met her in the +rookery--you were smoking that enormous German pipe--and when she came +in she had an hysterical seizure, and Drench says that in her situation +it's dangerous. And I say, George, if you go to town you'll find a +couple of hundred at your banker's." And with this the poor fellow shook +me by the hand, and called for a fresh bottle of claret. + +Afterwards he told me, with many hesitations, that my room at Boodle +Hall had been made into a second nursery. I see my sister-in-law in +London twice or thrice in the season, and the little people, who have +almost forgotten to call me uncle George. + +It's hard, too, for I am a lonely man after all, and my heart yearns to +them. The other day I smuggled a couple of them into my chambers, and +had a little feast of cream and strawberries to welcome them. But it had +like to have cost the nursery-maid (a Swiss girl that Fitz-Boodle hired +somewhere in his travels) her place. My step-mamma, who happened to be +in town, came flying down in her chariot, pounced upon the poor thing +and the children in the midst of the entertainment; and when I asked +her, with rather a bad grace to be sure, to take a chair and a share of +the feast--"Mr. Fitz-Boodle," said she, "I am not accustomed to sit +down in a place that smells of tobacco like an ale-house--an ale-house +inhabited by a SERPENT, sir! A SERPENT!--do you understand me?--who +carries his poison into his brother's own house, and purshues his +eenfamous designs before his brother's own children. Put on Miss Maria's +bonnet this instant. Mamsell, ontondy-voo? Metty le bonny a mamsell. And +I shall take care, Mamsell, that you return to Switzerland to-morrow. +I've no doubt you are a relation of Courvoisier--oui! oui! courvoisier, +vous comprenny--and you shall certainly be sent back to your friends." + +With this speech, and with the children and their maid sobbing before +her, my lady retired; but for once my sister-in-law was on my side, not +liking the meddlement of the elder lady. + +I know, then, that from indulging in that simple habit of smoking, I +have gained among the ladies a dreadful reputation. I see that they look +coolly upon me, and darkly at their husbands when they arrive at home in +my company. Men, I observe, in consequence, ask me to dine much oftener +at the club, or the "Star and Garter" at Richmond, or at "Lovegrove's," +than in their own houses; and with this sort of arrangement I am fain to +acquiesce; for, as I said before, I am of an easy temper, and can at any +rate take my cigar-case out after dinner at Blackwall, when my lady or +the duchess is not by. I know, of course, the best MEN in town; and +as for ladies' society, not having it (for I will have none of your +pseudo-ladies, such as sometimes honor bachelors' parties,--actresses, +couturieres, opera-dancers, and so forth)--as for ladies' society, I +say, I cry pish! 'tis not worth the trouble of the complimenting, and +the bother of pumps and black silk stockings. + +Let any man remember what ladies' society was when he had an opportunity +of seeing them among themselves, as What-d'ye-call'im does in the +Thesmophoria--(I beg pardon, I was on the verge of a classical allusion, +which I abominate)--I mean at that period of his life when the intellect +is pretty acute, though the body is small--namely, when a young +gentleman is about eleven years of age, dining at his father's +table during the holidays, and is requested by his papa to quit the +dinner-table when the ladies retire from it. + +Corbleu! I recollect their whole talk as well as if it had been +whispered but yesterday; and can see, after a long dinner, the yellow +summer sun throwing long shadows over the lawn before the dining-room +windows, and my poor mother and her company of ladies sailing away to +the music-room in old Boodle Hall. The Countess Dawdley was the great +lady in our county, a portly lady who used to love crimson satin in +those days, and birds-of-paradise. She was flaxen-haired, and the Regent +once said she resembled one of King Charles's beauties. + +When Sir John Todcaster used to begin his famous story of the exciseman +(I shall not tell it here, for very good reasons), my poor mother +used to turn to Lady Dawdley, and give that mystic signal at which all +females rise from their chairs. Tufthunt, the curate, would spring +from his seat, and be sure to be the first to open the door for the +retreating ladies; and my brother Tom and I, though remaining stoutly in +our places, were speedily ejected from them by the governor's invariable +remark, "Tom and George, if you have had QUITE enough of wine, you had +better go and join your mamma." Yonder she marches, heaven bless her! +through the old oak hall (how long the shadows of the antlers are on the +wainscot, and the armor of Rollo Fitz-Boodle looks in the sunset as if +it were emblazoned with rubies)--yonder she marches, stately and tall, +in her invariable pearl-colored tabbinet, followed by Lady Dawdley, +blazing like a flamingo; next comes Lady Emily Tufthunt (she was Lady +Emily Flintskinner), who will not for all the world take precedence of +rich, vulgar, kind, good-humored Mrs. COLONEL Grogwater, as she would be +called, with a yellow little husband from Madras, who first taught me +to drink sangaree. He was a new arrival in our county, but paid nobly to +the hounds, and occupied hospitably a house which was always famous +for its hospitality--Sievely Hall (poor Bob Cullender ran through seven +thousand a year before he was thirty years old). Once when I was a +lad, Colonel Grogwater gave me two gold mohurs out of his desk for +whist-markers, and I'm sorry to say I ran up from Eton and sold them +both for seventy-three shillings at a shop in Cornhill. But to return +to the ladies, who are all this while kept waiting in the hall, and to +their usual conversation after dinner. + +Can any man forget how miserably flat it was? Five matrons sit on sofas, +and talk in a subdued voice:--First Lady (mysteriously).--"My dear Lady +Dawdley, do tell me about poor Susan Tuckett." + +Second Lady.--"All three children are perfectly well, and I assure you +as fine babies as I ever saw in my life. I made her give them Daffy's +Elixir the first day; and it was the greatest mercy that I had some of +Frederick's baby-clothes by me; for you know I had provided Susan with +sets for one only, and really--" + +Third Lady.--"Of course one couldn't; and for my part I think your +ladyship is a great deal too kind to these people. A little gardener's +boy dressed in Lord Dawdley's frocks indeed! I recollect that one at his +christening had the sweetest lace in the world!" + +Fourth Lady.--"What do you think of this, ma'am--Lady Emily, I mean? I +have just had it from Howell and James:--guipure, they call it. Isn't +it an odd name for lace! And they charge me, upon my conscience, four +guineas a yard!" + +Third Lady.--"My mother, when she came to Flintskinner, had lace upon +her robe that cost sixty guineas a yard, ma'am! 'Twas sent from Malines +direct by our relation, the Count d'Araignay." + +Fourth Lady (aside).--"I thought she would not let the evening pass +without talking of her Malines lace and her Count d'Araignay. Odious +people! they don't spare their backs, but they pinch their--" + +Here Tom upsets a coffee-cup over his white jean trousers, and another +young gentleman bursts into a laugh, saying, "By Jove, that's a good +'un!" + +"George, my dear," says mamma, "had not you and your young friend better +go into the garden? But mind, no fruit, or Dr. Glauber must be called in +again immediately!" And we all go, and in ten minutes I and my brother +are fighting in the stables. + +If, instead of listening to the matrons and their discourse, we had +taken the opportunity of attending to the conversation of the Misses, we +should have heard matter not a whit more interesting. + +First Miss.--"They were all three in blue crape; you never saw anything +so odious. And I know for a certainty that they wore those dresses at +Muddlebury, at the archery-ball, and I dare say they had them in town." + +Second Miss.--"Don't you think Jemima decidedly crooked? And those +fair complexions, they freckle so, that really Miss Blanche ought to be +called Miss Brown." + +Third Miss.--"He, he, he!" + +Fourth Miss.--"Don't you think Blanche is a pretty name?" + +First Miss.--"La! do you think so, dear? Why, it's my second name!" + +Second Miss.--"Then I'm sure Captain Travers thinks it a BEAUTIFUL +name!" + +Third Miss.--"He, he, he!" + +Fourth Miss.--"What was he telling you at dinner that seemed to interest +you so?" + +First Miss.--"O law, nothing!--that is, yes! Charles--that is,--Captain +Travers, is a sweet poet, and was reciting to me some lines that he had +composed upon a faded violet:-- + + "'The odor from the flower is gone, + That like thy--, + +like thy something, I forget what it was; but his lines are sweet, and +so original too! I wish that horrid Sir John Todcaster had not begun his +story of the exciseman, for Lady Fitz-Boodle always quits the table when +he begins." + +Third Miss.--"Do you like those tufts that gentlemen wear sometimes on +their chins?" + +Second Miss.--"Nonsense, Mary!" + +Third Miss.--"Well, I only asked, Jane. Frank thinks, you know, that +he shall very soon have one, and puts bear's-grease on his chin every +night." + +Second Miss.--"Mary, nonsense!" + +Third Miss.--"Well, only ask him. You know he came to our dressing-room +last night and took the pomatum away; and he says that when boys go to +Oxford they always--" + +First Miss.--"O heavens! have you heard the news about the Lancers? +Charles--that is, Captain Travers, told it me!" + +Second Miss.--"Law! they won't go away before the ball, I hope!" + +First Miss.--"No, but on the 15th they are to shave their moustaches! He +says that Lord Tufto is in a perfect fury about it!" + +Second Miss.--"And poor George Beardmore, too!" &c. + +Here Tom upsets the coffee over his trousers, and the conversations end. +I can recollect a dozen such, and ask any man of sense whether such talk +amuses him? + +Try again to speak to a young lady while you are dancing--what we call +in this country--a quadrille. What nonsense do you invariably give and +receive in return! No, I am a woman-scorner, and don't care to own it. I +hate young ladies! Have I not been in love with several, and has any one +of them ever treated me decently? I hate married women! Do they not hate +me? and, simply because I smoke, try to draw their husbands away from +my society? I hate dowagers! Have I not cause? Does not every dowager in +London point to George Fitz-Boodle as to a dissolute wretch whom young +and old should avoid? + +And yet do not imagine that I have not loved. I have, and madly, many, +many times! I am but eight-and-thirty,* not past the age of passion, and +may very likely end by running off with an heiress--or a cook-maid +(for who knows what strange freaks Love may choose to play in his own +particular person? and I hold a man to be a mean creature who calculates +about checking any such sacred impulse as lawful love)--I say, though +despising the sex in general for their conduct to me, I know of +particular persons belonging to it who are worthy of all respect and +esteem, and as such I beg leave to point out the particular young lady +who is perusing these lines. Do not, dear madam, then imagine that if +I knew you I should be disposed to sneer at you. Ah, no! Fitz-Boodle's +bosom has tenderer sentiments than from his way of life you would fancy, +and stern by rule is only too soft by practice. Shall I whisper to you +the story of one or two of my attachments? All terminating fatally +(not in death, but in disappointment, which, as it occurred, I used +to imagine a thousand times more bitter than death, but from which one +recovers somehow more readily than from the other-named complaint)--all, +I say, terminating wretchedly to myself, as if some fatality pursued my +desire to become a domestic character. + + * He is five-and-forty, if he is a day old.--O. Y. + +My first love--no, let us pass THAT over. Sweet one! thy name shall +profane no hireling page. Sweet, sweet memory! Ah, ladies, those +delicate hearts of yours have, too, felt the throb. And between the +last 'ob' in the word throb and the words now written, I have passed a +delicious period of perhaps an hour, perhaps a minute, I know not how +long, thinking of that holy first love and of her who inspired it. How +clearly every single incident of the passion is remembered by me! +and yet 'twas long, long since. I was but a child then--a child at +school--and, if the truth must be told, L--ra R-ggl-s (I would not write +her whole name to be made one of the Marquess of Hertford's executors) +was a woman full thirteen years older than myself; at the period of +which I write she must have been at least five-and-twenty. She and her +mother used to sell tarts, hard-bake, lollipops, and other such simple +comestibles, on Wednesdays and Saturdays (half-holidays), at a private +school where I received the first rudiments of a classical education. +I used to go and sit before her tray for hours, but I do not think the +poor girl ever supposed any motive led me so constantly to her little +stall beyond a vulgar longing for her tarts and her ginger-beer. Yes, +even at that early period my actions were misrepresented, and the +fatality which has oppressed my whole life began to show itself,--the +purest passion was misinterpreted by her and my school-fellows, and +they thought I was actuated by simple gluttony. They nicknamed me +Alicompayne. + +Well, be it so. Laugh at early passion ye who will; a highborn boy madly +in love with a lowly ginger-beer girl! She married afterwards, took the +name of Latter, and now keeps with her old husband a turnpike, through +which I often ride; but I can recollect her bright and rosy of a sunny +summer afternoon, her red cheeks shaded by a battered straw bonnet, her +tarts and ginger-beer upon a neat white cloth before her, mending blue +worsted stockings until the young gentlemen should interrupt her by +coming to buy. + +Many persons will call this description low; I do not envy them their +gentility, and have always observed through life (as, to be sure, every +other GENTLEMAN has observed as well as myself) that it is your parvenu +who stickles most for what he calls the genteel, and has the most +squeamish abhorrence for what is frank and natural. Let us pass at once, +however, as all the world must be pleased, to a recital of an affair +which occurred in the very best circles of society, as they are called, +viz, my next unfortunate attachment. + +It did not occur for several years after that simple and platonic +passion just described: for though they may talk of youth as the season +of romance, it has always appeared to me that there are no beings in +the world so entirely unromantic and selfish as certain young English +gentlemen from the age of fifteen to twenty. The oldest Lovelace about +town is scarcely more hard-hearted and scornful than they; they ape all +sorts of selfishness and rouerie: they aim at excelling at cricket, at +billiards, at rowing, and drinking, and set more store by a red coat +and a neat pair of top-boots than by any other glory. A young fellow +staggers into college chapel of a morning, and communicates to all his +friends that he was "so CUT last night," with the greatest possible +pride. He makes a joke of having sisters and a kind mother at home who +loves him; and if he speaks of his father, it is with a knowing sneer to +say that he has a tailor's and a horse-dealer's bill that will surprise +"the old governor." He would be ashamed of being in love. I, in common +with my kind, had these affectations, and my perpetual custom of smoking +added not a little to my reputation as an accomplished roue. What came +of this custom in the army and at college, the reader has already heard. +Alas! in life it went no better with me, and many pretty chances I had +went off in that accursed smoke. + +After quitting the army in the abrupt manner stated, I passed some +short time at home, and was tolerated by my mother-in-law, because I +had formed an attachment to a young lady of good connections and with a +considerable fortune, which was really very nearly becoming mine. Mary +M'Alister was the only daughter of Colonel M'Alister, late of the Blues, +and Lady Susan his wife. Her ladyship was no more; and, indeed, of no +family compared to ours (which has refused a peerage any time these two +hundred years); but being an earl's daughter and a Scotchwoman, Lady +Emily Fitz-Boodle did not fail to consider her highly. Lady Susan was +daughter of the late Admiral Earl of Marlingspike and Baron Plumduff. +The Colonel, Miss M'Alister's father, had a good estate, of which his +daughter was the heiress, and as I fished her out of the water upon +a pleasure-party, and swam with her to shore, we became naturally +intimate, and Colonel M'Alister forgot, on account of the service +rendered to him, the dreadful reputation for profligacy which I enjoyed +in the county. + +Well, to cut a long story short, which is told here merely for the +moral at the end of it, I should have been Fitz-Boodle M'Alister at this +minute most probably, and master of four thousand a year, but for +the fatal cigar-box. I bear Mary no malice in saying that she was a +high-spirited little girl, loving, before all things, her own way; nay, +perhaps I do not, from long habit and indulgence in tobacco-smoking, +appreciate the delicacy of female organizations, which were oftentimes +most painfully affected by it. She was a keen-sighted little person, +and soon found that the world had belied poor George Fitz-Boodle; who, +instead of being the cunning monster people supposed him to be, was a +simple, reckless, good-humored, honest fellow, marvellously addicted to +smoking, idleness, and telling the truth. She called me Orson, and I +was happy enough on the 14th February, in the year 18-- (it's of no +consequence), to send her such a pretty little copy of verses about +Orson and Valentine, in which the rude habits of the savage man were +shown to be overcome by the polished graces of his kind and brilliant +conqueror, that she was fairly overcome, and said to me, "George +Fitz-Boodle, if you give up smoking for a year, I will marry you." + +I swore I would, of course, and went home and flung four pounds of +Hudson's cigars, two meerschaum pipes that had cost me ten guineas +at the establishment of Mr. Gattie at Oxford, a tobacco-bag that Lady +Fitz-Boodle had given me BEFORE her marriage with my father (it was the +only present that I ever had from her or any member of the Flintskinner +family), and some choice packets of Varinas and Syrian, into the lake +in Boodle Park. The weapon amongst them all which I most regretted +was--will it be believed?--the little black doodheen which had been the +cause of the quarrel between Lord Martingale and me. However, it went +along with the others. I would not allow my groom to have so much as a +cigar, lest I should be tempted hereafter; and the consequence was that +a few days after many fat carps and tenches in the lake (I must confess +'twas no bigger than a pond) nibbled at the tobacco, and came floating +on their backs on the top of the water quite intoxicated. My conversion +made some noise in the county, being emphasized as it were by this fact +of the fish. I can't tell you with what pangs I kept my resolution; but +keep it I did for some time. + +With so much beauty and wealth, Mary M'Alister had of course many +suitors, and among them was the young Lord Dawdley, whose mamma has +previously been described in her gown of red satin. As I used to thrash +Dawdley at school, I thrashed him in after-life in love; he put up with +his disappointment pretty well, and came after a while and shook hands +with me, telling me of the bets that there were in the county, where the +whole story was known, for and against me. For the fact is, as I must +own, that Mary M'Alister, the queerest, frankest of women, made no +secret of the agreement, or the cause of it. + +"I did not care a penny for Orson," she said, "but he would go on +writing me such dear pretty verses that at last I couldn't help saying +yes. But if he breaks his promise to me, I declare, upon my honor, I'll +break mine, and nobody's heart will be broken either." + +This was the perfect fact, as I must confess, and I declare that it was +only because she amused me and delighted me, and provoked me, and made +me laugh very much, and because, no doubt, she was very rich, that I had +any attachment for her. + +"For heaven's sake, George," my father said to me, as I quitted home to +follow my beloved to London, "remember that you are a younger brother +and have a lovely girl and four thousand a year within a year's reach of +you. Smoke as much as you like, my boy, after marriage," added the old +gentleman, knowingly (as if HE, honest soul, after his second marriage, +dared drink an extra pint of wine without my lady's permission!) "but +eschew the tobacco-shops till then." + +I went to London resolving to act upon the paternal advice, and oh! how +I longed for the day when I should be married, vowing in my secret soul +that I would light a cigar as I walked out of St. George's, Hanover +Square. + +Well, I came to London, and so carefully avoided smoking that I would +not even go into Hudson's shop to pay his bill, and as smoking was not +the fashion then among young men as (thank heaven!) it is now, I had +not many temptations from my friends' examples in my clubs or elsewhere; +only little Dawdley began to smoke, as if to spite me. He had never done +so before, but confessed--the rascal!--that he enjoyed a cigar now, +if it were but to mortify me. But I took to other and more dangerous +excitements, and upon the nights when not in attendance upon Mary +M'Alister, might be found in very dangerous proximity to a polished +mahogany table, round which claret-bottles circulated a great deal +too often, or worse still, to a table covered with green cloth and +ornamented with a couple of wax-candles and a couple of packs of cards, +and four gentlemen playing the enticing game of whist. Likewise, I +came to carry a snuff-box, and to consume in secret huge quantities of +rappee. + +For ladies' society I was even then disinclined, hating and despising +small-talk, and dancing, and hot routs, and vulgar scrambles for +suppers. I never could understand the pleasure of acting the part of +lackey to a dowager, and standing behind her chair, or bustling through +the crowd for her carriage. I always found an opera too long by +two acts, and have repeatedly fallen asleep in the presence of Mary +M'Alister herself, sitting at the back of the box shaded by the huge +beret of her old aunt, Lady Betty Plumduff; and many a time has Dawdley, +with Miss M'Alister on his arm, wakened me up at the close of the +entertainment in time to offer my hand to Lady Betty, and lead the +ladies to their carriage. If I attended her occasionally to any ball +or party of pleasure, I went, it must be confessed, with clumsy, +ill-disguised ill-humor. Good heavens! have I often and often thought in +the midst of a song, or the very thick of a ball-room, can people prefer +this to a book and a sofa, and a dear, dear cigar-box, from thy stores, +O charming Mariana Woodville! Deprived of my favorite plant, I grew sick +in mind and body, moody, sarcastic, and discontented. + +Such a state of things could not long continue, nor could Miss M'Alister +continue to have much attachment for such a sullen, ill-conditioned +creature as I then was. She used to make me wild with her wit and her +sarcasm, nor have I ever possessed the readiness to parry or reply +to those fine points of woman's wit, and she treated me the more +mercilessly as she saw that I could not resist her. + +Well, the polite reader must remember a great fete that was given at +B---- House, some years back, in honor of his Highness the Hereditary +Prince of Kalbsbraten-Pumpernickel, who was then in London on a visit to +his illustrious relatives. It was a fancy ball, and the poems of Scott +being at that time all the fashion, Mary was to appear in the character +of the "Lady of the Lake," old M'Alister making a very tall and +severe-looking harper; Dawdley, a most insignificant Fitzjames; and your +humble servant a stalwart manly Roderick Dhu. We were to meet at B---- +House at twelve o'clock, and as I had no fancy to drive through the town +in my cab dressed in a kilt and philibeg, I agreed to take a seat in +Dawdley's carriage, and to dress at his house in May Fair. At eleven +I left a very pleasant bachelors' party, growling to quit them and the +honest, jovial claret-bottle, in order to scrape and cut capers like a +harlequin from the theatre. When I arrived at Dawdley's, I mounted to a +dressing-room, and began to array myself in my cursed costume. + +The art of costuming was by no means so well understood in those days +as it has been since, and mine was out of all correctness. I was made +to sport an enormous plume of black ostrich-feathers, such as never was +worn by any Highland chief, and had a huge tiger-skin sporran to dangle +like an apron before innumerable yards of plaid petticoat. The tartan +cloak was outrageously hot and voluminous; it was the dog-days, and +all these things I was condemned to wear in the midst of a crowd of a +thousand people! + +Dawdley sent up word, as I was dressing, that his dress had not arrived, +and he took my cab and drove off in a rage to his tailor. + +There was no hurry, I thought, to make a fool of myself; so having put +on a pair of plaid trews, and very neat pumps with shoe-buckles, my +courage failed me as to the rest of the dress, and taking down one of +his dressing-gowns, I went down stairs to the study, to wait until he +should arrive. + +The windows of the pretty room were open, and a snug sofa, with +innumerable cushions, drawn towards one of them. A great tranquil moon +was staring into the chamber, in which stood, amidst books and all +sorts of bachelor's lumber, a silver tray with a couple of tall Venice +glasses, and a bottle of Maraschino bound with straw. I can see now the +twinkle of the liquor in the moonshine, as I poured it into the glass; +and I swallowed two or three little cups of it, for my spirits were +downcast. Close to the tray of Maraschino stood--must I say it?--a box, +a mere box of cedar, bound rudely together with pink paper, branded with +the name of "Hudson" on the side, and bearing on the cover the arms of +Spain. I thought I would just take up the box and look in it. + +Ah heaven! there they were--a hundred and fifty of them, in calm, +comfortable rows: lovingly side by side they lay, with the great moon +shining down upon them--thin at the tip, full in the waist, +elegantly round and full, a little spot here and there shining upon +them--beauty-spots upon the cheek of Sylvia. The house was quite quiet. +Dawdley always smoked in his room--I had not smoked for four months and +eleven days. + +***** + +When Lord Dawdley came into the study, he did not make any remarks; and +oh, how easy my heart felt! He was dressed in his green and boots, after +Westall's picture, correctly. + +"It's time to be off, George," said he; "they told me you were dressed +long ago. Come up, my man, and get ready." + +I rushed up into the dressing-room, and madly dashed my head and arms +into a pool of eau-de-Cologne. I drank, I believe, a tumberful of it. I +called for my clothes, and, strange to say, they were gone. My servant +brought them, however, saying that he had put them away--making some +stupid excuse. I put them on, not heeding them much, for I was half +tipsy with the excitement of the ci-- of the smo-- of what had taken +place in Dawdley's study, and with the Maraschino and the eau-de-Cologue +I had drunk. + +"What a fine odor of lavender-water!" said Dawdley, as we rode in the +carriage. + +I put my head out of the window and shrieked out a laugh; but made no +other reply. + +"What's the joke, George?" said Dawdley. "Did I say anything witty?" + +"No," cried I, yelling still more wildly; "nothing more witty than +usual." + +"Don't be severe, George," said he, with a mortified air; and we drove +on to B---- House. + +***** + +There must have been something strange and wild in my appearance, and +those awful black plumes, as I passed through the crowd; for I observed +people looking and making a strange nasal noise (it is called sniffing, +and I have no other more delicate term for it), and making way as +I pushed on. But I moved forward very fiercely, for the wine, the +Maraschino, the eau-de-Cologne, and the--the excitement had rendered me +almost wild; and at length I arrived at the place where my lovely Lady +of the Lake and her Harper stood. How beautiful she looked,--all eyes +were upon her as she stood blushing. When she saw me, however; her +countenance assumed an appearance of alarm. "Good heavens, George!" she +said, stretching her hand to me, "what makes you look so wild and pale?" +I advanced, and was going to take her hand, when she dropped it with a +scream. + +"Ah--ah--ah!" she said. "Mr. Fitz-Boodle, you've been smoking!" + +There was an immense laugh from four hundred people round about us, and +the scoundrelly Dawdley joined in the yell. I rushed furiously out, +and, as I passed, hurtled over the fat Hereditary Prince of +Kalbsbraten-Pumpernickel. + +"Es riecht hier ungeheuer stark von Tabak!" I heard his Highness say, as +I madly flung myself through the aides-de-camp. + +The next day Mary M'Alister, in a note full of the most odious good +sense and sarcasm, reminded me of our agreement; said that she was quite +convinced that we were not by any means fitted for one another, and +begged me to consider myself henceforth quite free. The little wretch +had the impertinence to send me a dozen boxes of cigars, which, she +said, would console me for my lost love; as she was perfectly certain +that I was not mercenary, and that I loved tobacco better than any woman +in the world. + +I believe she was right, though I have never to this day been able to +pardon the scoundrelly stratagem by which Dawdley robbed me of a wife +and won one himself. As I was lying on his sofa, looking at the moon and +lost in a thousand happy contemplations, Lord Dawdley, returning +from the tailor's, saw me smoking at my leisure. On entering his +dressing-room, a horrible treacherous thought struck him. "I must not +betray my friend," said he; "but in love all is fair, and he shall +betray himself." There were my tartans, my cursed feathers, my +tiger-skin sporran, upon the sofa. + +He called up my groom; he made the rascal put on all my clothes, and, +giving him a guinea and four cigars, bade him lock himself into the +little pantry and smoke them WITHOUT TAKING THE CLOTHES OFF. John did +so, and was very ill in consequence, and so when I came to B---- House, +my clothes were redolent of tobacco, and I lost lovely Mary M'Alister. + +I am godfather to one of Lady Dawdley's boys, and hers is the only house +where I am allowed to smoke unmolested; but I have never been able to +admire Dawdley, a sly, sournois, spiritless, lily-livered fellow, that +took his name off all his clubs the year he married. + + + + +DOROTHEA. + + +Beyond sparring and cricket, I do not recollect I learned anything +useful at Slaughter-House School, where I was educated (according to an +old family tradition, which sends particular generations of gentlemen to +particular schools in the kingdom; and such is the force of habit, that +though I hate the place, I shall send my own son thither too, should +I marry any day). I say I learned little that was useful at Slaughter +House, and nothing that was ornamental. I would as soon have thought +of learning to dance as of learning to climb chimneys. Up to the age of +seventeen, as I have shown, I had a great contempt for the female race, +and when age brought with it warmer and juster sentiments, where was +I?--I could no more dance nor prattle to a young girl than a young bear +could. I have seen the ugliest little low-bred wretches carrying off +young and lovely creatures, twirling with them in waltzes, whispering +between their glossy curls in quadrilles, simpering with perfect +equanimity, and cutting pas in that abominable "cavalier seul," until my +soul grew sick with fury. In a word, I determined to learn to dance. + +But such things are hard to be acquired late in life, when the bones and +the habits of a man are formed. Look at a man in a hunting-field who has +not been taught to ride as a boy. All the pluck and courage in the world +will not make the man of him that I am, or as any man who has had the +advantages of early education in the field. + +In the same way with dancing. Though I went to work with immense energy, +both in Brewer Street, Golden Square (with an advertising fellow), and +afterwards with old Coulon at Paris, I never was able to be EASY in +dancing; and though little Coulon instructed me in a smile, it was a +cursed forced one, that looked like the grin of a person in extreme +agony. I once caught sight of it in a glass, and have hardly ever smiled +since. + +Most young men about London have gone through that strange secret ordeal +of the dancing-school. I am given to understand that young snobs from +attorneys' offices, banks, shops, and the like, make not the least +mystery of their proceedings in the saltatory line, but trip gayly, with +pumps in hand, to some dancing-place about Soho, waltz and quadrille it +with Miss Greengrocer or Miss Butcher, and fancy they have had rather +a pleasant evening. There is one house in Dover Street, where, behind +a dirty curtain, such figures may be seen hopping every night, to a +perpetual fiddling; and I have stood sometimes wondering in the street, +with about six blackguard boys wondering too, at the strange contortions +of the figures jumping up and down to the mysterious squeaking of the +kit. Have they no shame ces gens? are such degrading initiations to be +held in public? No, the snob may, but the man of refined mind never can +submit to show himself in public laboring at the apprenticeship of this +most absurd art. It is owing, perhaps, to this modesty, and the fact +that I had no sisters at home, that I have never thoroughly been able to +dance; for though I always arrive at the end of a quadrille (and +thank heaven for it too!) and though, I believe, I make no mistake in +particular, yet I solemnly confess I have never been able thoroughly +to comprehend the mysteries of it, or what I have been about from the +beginning to the end of the dance. I always look at the lady opposite, +and do as she does: if SHE did not know how to dance, par hasard, it +would be all up. But if they can't do anything else, women can dance: +let us give them that praise at least. + +In London, then, for a considerable time, I used to get up at eight +o'clock in the morning, and pass an hour alone with Mr. Wilkinson, of +the Theatres Royal, in Golden Square;--an hour alone. It was "one, two, +three; one, two, three--now jump--right foot more out, Mr. Smith; and if +you COULD try and look a little more cheerful; your partner, sir, would +like you hall the better." Wilkinson called me Smith, for the fact is, +I did not tell him my real name, nor (thank heaven!) does he know it to +this day. + +I never breathed a word of my doings to any soul among my friends; once +a pack of them met me in the strange neighborhood, when, I am ashamed to +say, I muttered something about a "little French milliner," and walked +off, looking as knowing as I could. + +In Paris, two Cambridge-men and myself, who happened to be staying at +a boarding-house together, agreed to go to Coulon, a little creature of +four feet high with a pigtail. His room was hung round with glasses. He +made us take off our coats, and dance each before a mirror. Once he was +standing before us playing on his kit the sight of the little master +and the pupil was so supremely ridiculous, that I burst into a yell of +laughter, which so offended the old man that he walked away abruptly, +and begged me not to repeat my visits. Nor did I. I was just getting +into waltzing then, but determined to drop waltzing, and content myself +with quadrilling for the rest of my days. + +This was all very well in France and England; but in Germany what was +I to do? What did Hercules do when Omphale captivated him? What did +Rinaldo do when Armida fixed upon him her twinkling eyes? Nay, to cut +all historical instances short, by going at once to the earliest, what +did Adam do when Eve tempted him? He yielded and became her slave; and +so I do heartily trust every honest man will yield until the end of the +world--he has no heart who will not. When I was in Germany, I say, I +began to learn to WALTZ. The reader from this will no doubt expect +that some new love-adventures befell me--nor will his gentle heart be +disappointed. Two deep and tremendous incidents occurred which shall be +notified on the present occasion. + +The reader, perhaps, remembers the brief appearance of his Highness the +Duke of Kalbsbraten-Pumpernickel at B---- House, in the first part of +my Memoirs, at that unlucky period of my life when the Duke was led +to remark the odor about my clothes, which lost me the hand of Mary +M'Alister. I somehow found myself in his Highness's territories, of +which anybody may read a description in the Almanach de Gotha. His +Highness's father, as is well known, married Emilia Kunegunda Thomasina +Charleria Emanuela Louisa Georgina, Princess of Saxe-Pumpernickel, and a +cousin of his Highness the Duke. Thus the two principalities were united +under one happy sovereign in the person of Philibert Sigismund Emanuel +Maria, the reigning Duke, who has received from his country (on +account of the celebrated pump which he erected in the marketplace +of Kalbsbraten) the well-merited appellation of the Magnificent. The +allegory which the statues round about the pump represent, is of a very +mysterious and complicated sort. Minerva is observed leading up Ceres to +a river-god, who has his arms round the neck of Pomona; while Mars (in +a full-bottomed wig) is driven away by Peace, under whose mantle two +lovely children, representing the Duke's two provinces, repose. The +celebrated Speck is, as need scarcely be said, the author of this +piece; and of other magnificent edifices in the Residenz, such as the +guard-room, the skittle-hall Grossherzoglich Kalbsbratenpumpernickelisch +Schkittelspielsaal, &c., and the superb sentry-boxes before the +Grand-Ducal Palace. He is Knight Grand Cross of the Ancient Kartoffel +Order, as, indeed, is almost every one else in his Highness's dominions. + +The town of Kalbsbraten contains a population of two thousand +inhabitants, and a palace which would accommodate about six times +that number. The principality sends three and a half men to the +German Confederation, who are commanded by a General (Excellency), two +Major-Generals, and sixty-four officers of lower grades; all noble, all +knights of the Order, and almost all chamberlains to his Highness the +Grand Duke. An excellent band of eighty performers is the admiration of +the surrounding country, and leads the Grand-Ducal troops to battle in +time of war. Only three of the contingent of soldiers returned from the +Battle of Waterloo, where they won much honor; the remainder was cut to +pieces on that glorious day. + +There is a chamber of representatives (which, however, nothing can +induce to sit), home and foreign ministers, residents from neighboring +courts, law presidents, town councils, &c., all the adjuncts of a big +or little government. The court has its chamberlains and marshals, the +Grand Duchess her noble ladies in waiting, and blushing maids of honor. +Thou wert one, Dorothea! Dost remember the poor young Englander? We +parted in anger; but I think--I think thou hast not forgotten him. + +The way in which I have Dorothea von Speck present to my mind is this: +not as I first saw her in the garden--for her hair was in bandeaux +then, and a large Leghorn hat with a deep ribbon covered half her fair +face,--not in a morning-dress, which, by the way, was none of the newest +nor the best made--but as I saw her afterwards at a ball at the pleasant +splendid little court, where she moved the most beautiful of the +beauties of Kalbsbraten. The grand saloon of the palace is lighted--the +Grand Duke and his officers, the Duchess and her ladies, have passed +through. I, in my uniform, of the --th, and a number of young +fellows (who are evidently admiring my legs and envying my distingue +appearance), are waiting round the entrance-door, where a huge Heyduke +is standing, and announcing the titles of the guests as they arrive. + +"HERR OBERHOF- UND BAU-INSPEKTOR VON SPECK!" shouts the Heyduke; and +the little Inspector comes in. His lady is on his arm huge, in towering +plumes, and her favorite costume of light blue. Fair women always dress +in light blue or light green; and Frau von Speck is very fair and stout. + +But who comes behind her? Lieber Himmel! It is Dorothea! Did earth, +among all the flowers which have sprung from its bosom, produce ever one +more beautiful? She was none of your heavenly beauties, I tell you. She +had nothing ethereal about her. No, sir; she was of the earth earthy, +and must have weighed ten stone four or five, if she weighed an ounce. +She had none of your Chinese feet, nor waspy, unhealthy waists, which +those may admire who will. No: Dora's foot was a good stout one; you +could see her ankle (if her robe was short enough) without the aid of +a microscope; and that envious little, sour, skinny Amalia von +Mangelwurzel used to hold up her four fingers and say (the two girls +were most intimate friends of course), "Dear Dorothea's vaist is so much +dicker as dis." And so I have no doubt it was. + +But what then? Goethe sings in one of his divine epigrams:-- + +"Epicures vaunting their taste, entitle me vulgar and savage, Give them +their Brussels-sprouts, but I am contented with cabbage." + + +I hate your little women--that is, when I am in love with a tall one; +and who would not have loved Dorothea? + +Fancy her, then, if you please, about five feet four inches high--fancy +her in the family color of light blue, a little scarf covering the most +brilliant shoulders in the world; and a pair of gloves clinging close +round an arm that may, perhaps, be somewhat too large now, but that +Juno might have envied then. After the fashion of young ladies on the +continent, she wears no jewels or gimcracks: her only ornament is a +wreath of vine-leaves in her hair, with little clusters of artificial +grapes. Down on her shoulders falls the brown hair, in rich liberal +clusters; all that health, and good-humor, and beauty can do for her +face, kind nature has done for hers. Her eyes are frank, sparkling, and +kind. As for her cheeks, what paint-box or dictionary contains pigments +or words to describe their red? They say she opens her mouth and smiles +always to show the dimples in her cheeks. Psha! she smiles because she +is happy, and kind, and good-humored, and not because her teeth are +little pearls. + +All the young fellows crowd up to ask her to dance, and, taking from her +waist a little mother-of-pearl remembrancer, she notes them down. Old +Schnabel for the polonaise; Klingenspohr, first waltz; Haarbart, second +waltz; Count Hornpieper (the Danish envoy), third; and so on. I have +said why I could not ask her to waltz, and I turned away with a pang, +and played ecarte with Colonel Trumpenpack all night. + +In thus introducing this lovely creature in her ball-costume, I have +been somewhat premature, and had best go back to the beginning of the +history of my acquaintance with her. + +Dorothea, then, was the daughter of the celebrated Speck before +mentioned. It is one of the oldest names in Germany, where her father's +and mother's houses, those of Speck and Eyer, are loved wherever they +are known. Unlike his warlike progenitor, Lorenzo von Speck, Dorothea's +father, had early shown himself a passionate admirer of art; had +quitted home to study architecture in Italy, and had become celebrated +throughout Europe, and been appointed Oberhofarchitect and Kunst- und +Bau-inspektor of the united principalities. They are but four miles +wide, and his genius has consequently but little room to play. What art +can do, however, he does. The palace is frequently whitewashed under +his eyes; the theatre painted occasionally; the noble public buildings +erected, of which I have already made mention. + +I had come to Kalbsbraten, scarce knowing whither I went; and having, in +about ten minutes, seen the curiosities of the place (I did not care +to see the King's palace, for chairs and tables have no great charm for +me), I had ordered horses, and wanted to get on I cared not whither, +when Fate threw Dorothea in my way. I was yawning back to the hotel +through the palace-garden, a valet-de-place at my side, when I saw a +young lady seated under a tree reading a novel, her mamma on the same +bench (a fat woman in light blue) knitting a stocking, and two officers, +choked in their stays, with various orders on their spinach-colored +coats, standing by in first attitudes: the one was caressing the +fat-lady-in-blue's little dog; the other was twirling his own moustache, +which was already as nearly as possible curled into his own eye. + +I don't know how it is, but I hate to see men evidently intimate with +nice-looking women, and on good terms with themselves. There's something +annoying in their cursed complacency--their evident sunshiny happiness. +I've no woman to make sunshine for ME; and yet my heart tells me that +not one, but several such suns, would do good to my system. + +"Who are those pert-looking officers," says I, peevishly, to the guide, +"who are talking to those vulgar-looking women?" + +"The big one, with the epaulets, is Major von Schnabel; the little one, +with the pale face, is Stiefel von Klingenspohr." + +"And the big blue woman?" + +"The Grand-Ducal Pumpernickelian-court-architectress and +Upper-Palace-and-building-inspectress Von Speck, born V. Eyer," replied +the guide. "Your well-born honor has seen the pump in the market-place; +that is the work of the great Von Speck." + +"And yonder young person?" + +"Mr. Court-architect's daughter; the Fraulein Dorothea." + +***** + +Dorothea looked up from her novel here, and turned her face towards +the stranger who was passing, and then blushing turned it down again. +Schnabel looked at me with a scowl, Klingenspohr with a simper, the dog +with a yelp, the fat lady in blue just gave one glance, and seemed, I +thought, rather well pleased. "Silence, Lischen!" said she to the dog. +"Go on, darling Dorothea," she added, to her daughter, who continued her +novel. + +Her voice was a little tremulous, but very low and rich. For some reason +or other, on getting back to the inn, I countermanded the horses, and +said I would stay for the night. + +I not only stayed that night, but many, many afterwards; and as for the +manner in which I became acquainted with the Speck family, why it was +a good joke against me at the time, and I did not like then to have +it known; but now it may as well come out at once. Speck, as everybody +knows, lives in the market-place, opposite his grand work of art, the +town pump, or fountain. I bought a large sheet of paper, and having a +knack at drawing, sat down, with the greatest gravity, before the pump, +and sketched it for several hours. I knew it would bring out old Speck +to see. At first he contented himself by flattening his nose against the +window-glasses of his study, and looking what the Englander was about. +Then he put on his gray cap with the huge green shade, and sauntered +to the door: then he walked round me, and formed one of a band of +street-idlers who were looking on: then at last he could restrain +himself no more, but, pulling off his cap, with a low bow, began to +discourse upon arts, and architecture in particular. + +"It is curious," says he, "that you have taken the same view of which a +print has been engraved." + +"That IS extraordinary," says I (though it wasn't, for I had traced my +drawing at a window off the very print in question). I added that I was, +like all the world, immensely struck with the beauty of the edifice; +heard of it at Rome, where it was considered to be superior to any of +the celebrated fountains of that capital of the fine arts; finally, +that unless perhaps the celebrated fountain of Aldgate in London +might compare with it, Kalbsbraten building, EXCEPT in that case, was +incomparable. + +This speech I addressed in French, of which the worthy Hofarchitect +understood somewhat, and continuing to reply in German, our conversation +grew pretty close. It is singular that I can talk to a man and pay him +compliments with the utmost gravity, whereas, to a woman, I at once lose +all self-possession, and have never said a pretty thing in my life. + +My operations on old Speck were so conducted, that in a quarter of an +hour I had elicited from him an invitation to go over the town with +him, and see its architectural beauties. So we walked through the huge +half-furnished chambers of the palace, we panted up the copper pinnacle +of the church-tower, we went to see the Museum and Gymnasium, and coming +back into the market-place again, what could the Hofarchitect do but +offer me a glass of wine and a seat in his house? He introduced me +to his Gattinn, his Leocadia (the fat woman in blue), "as a young +world-observer, and worthy art-friend, a young scion of British Adel, +who had come to refresh himself at the Urquellen of his race, and see +his brethren of the great family of Hermann." + +I saw instantly that the old fellow was of a romantic turn, from this +rodomontade to his lady; nor was she a whit less so; nor was Dorothea +less sentimental than her mamma. She knew everything regarding the +literature of Albion, as she was pleased to call it; and asked me news +of all the famous writers there. I told her that Miss Edgeworth was one +of the loveliest young beauties at our court; I described to her Lady +Morgan, herself as beautiful as the wild Irish girl she drew; I promised +to give her a signature of Mrs. Hemans (which I wrote for her that very +evening); and described a fox-hunt, at which I had seen Thomas Moore +and Samuel Rogers, Esquires; and a boxing-match, in which the athletic +author of "Pelham" was pitched against the hardy mountain bard, +Wordsworth. You see my education was not neglected, for though I have +never read the works of the above-named ladies and gentlemen, yet I knew +their names well enough. + +Time passed away. I, perhaps, was never so brilliant in conversation as +when excited by the Asmanshauser and the brilliant eyes of Dorothea that +day. She and her parents had dined at their usual heathen hour; but I +was, I don't care to own it, so smitten, that for the first time in my +life I did not even miss the meal, and talked on until six o'clock, when +tea was served. Madame Speck said they always drank it; and so placing +a teaspoonful of bohea in a cauldron of water, she placidly handed out +this decoction, which we took with cakes and tartines. I leave you to +imagine how disgusted Klingenspohr and Schnabel looked when they stepped +in as usual that evening to make their party of whist with the Speck +family! Down they were obliged to sit; and the lovely Dorothea, for that +night, declined to play altogether, and--sat on the sofa by me. + +What we talked about, who shall tell? I would not, for my part, break +the secret of one of those delicious conversations, of which I and every +man in his time have held so many. You begin, very probably, about the +weather--'tis a common subject, but what sentiments the genius of Love +can fling into it! I have often, for my part, said to the girl of my +heart for the time being, "It's a fine day," or "It's a rainy morning!" +in a way that has brought tears to her eyes. Something beats in your +heart, and twangle! a corresponding string thrills and echoes in +hers. You offer her anything--her knitting-needles, a slice of +bread-and-butter--what causes the grateful blush with which she accepts +the one or the other? Why, she sees your heart handed over to her upon +the needles, and the bread-and-butter is to her a sandwich with love +inside it. If you say to your grandmother, "Ma'am, it's a fine day," +or what not, she would find in the words no other meaning than their +outward and visible one; but say so to the girl you love, and she +understands a thousand mystic meanings in them. Thus, in a word, though +Dorothea and I did not, probably, on the first night of our meeting, +talk of anything more than the weather, or trumps, or some subjects +which to such listeners as Schnabel and Klingenspohr and others might +appear quite ordinary, yet to US they had a different signification, of +which Love alone held the key. + +Without further ado then, after the occurrences of that evening, I +determined on staying at Kalbsbraten, and presenting my card the next +day to the Hof-Marshal, requesting to have the honor of being presented +to his Highness the Prince, at one of whose court-balls my Dorothea +appeared as I have described her. + +It was summer when I first arrived at Kalbsbraten. The little court was +removed to Siegmundslust, his Highness's country-seat: no balls were +taking place, and, in consequence, I held my own with Dorothea pretty +well. I treated her admirer, Lieutenant Klingenspohr, with perfect +scorn, had a manifest advantage over Major Schnabel, and used somehow +to meet the fair one every day, walking in company with her mamma in +the palace garden, or sitting under the acacias, with Belotte in her +mother's lap, and the favorite romance beside her. Dear, dear Dorothea! +what a number of novels she must have read in her time! She confesses to +me that she had been in love with Uncas, with Saint Preux, with Ivanhoe, +and with hosts of German heroes of romance; and when I asked her if +she, whose heart was so tender towards imaginary youths, had never had +a preference for any one of her living adorers, she only looked, and +blushed, and sighed, and said nothing. + +You see I had got on as well as man could do, until the confounded court +season and the balls began, and then--why, then came my usual luck. + +Waltzing is a part of a German girl's life. With the best will in the +world--which, I doubt not, she entertains for me, for I never put the +matter of marriage directly to her--Dorothea could not go to balls and +not waltz. It was madness to me to see her whirling round the room +with officers, attaches, prim little chamberlains with gold keys and +embroidered coats, her hair floating in the wind, her hand reposing upon +the abominable little dancer's epaulet, her good-humored face lighted up +with still greater satisfaction. I saw that I must learn to waltz too, +and took my measures accordingly. + +The leader of the ballet at the Kalbsbraten theatre in my time was +Springbock, from Vienna. He had been a regular zephyr once, 'twas said, +in his younger days; and though he is now fifteen stone weight, I can, +helas! recommend him conscientiously as a master; and I determined to +take some lessons from him in the art which I had neglected so foolishly +in early life. + +It may be said, without vanity, that I was an apt pupil, and in the +course of half a dozen lessons I had arrived at very considerable +agility in the waltzing line, and could twirl round the room with him +at such a pace as made the old gentleman pant again, and hardly left him +breath enough to puff out a compliment to his pupil. I may say, that in +a single week I became an expert waltzer; but as I wished, when I came +out publicly in that character, to be quite sure of myself, and as I had +hitherto practised not with a lady, but with a very fat old man, it was +agreed that he should bring a lady of his acquaintance to perfect me, +and accordingly, at my eighth lesson, Madame Springbock herself came to +the dancing-room, and the old zephyr performed on the violin. + +If any man ventures the least sneer with regard to this lady, or dares +to insinuate anything disrespectful to her or myself, I say at once that +he is an impudent calumniator. Madame Springbock is old enough to be my +grandmother, and as ugly a woman as I ever saw; but, though old, she was +passionnee pour la danse, and not having (on account, doubtless, of her +age and unprepossessing appearance) many opportunities of indulging in +her favorite pastime, made up for lost time by immense activity +whenever she could get a partner. In vain, at the end of the hour, would +Springbock exclaim, "Amalia, my soul's blessing, the time is up!" "Play +on, dear Alphonso!" would the old lady exclaim, whisking me round: and +though I had not the least pleasure in such a homely partner, yet for +the sake of perfecting myself I waltzed and waltzed with her, until we +were both half dead with fatigue. + +At the end of three weeks I could waltz as well as any man in Germany. + +At the end of four weeks there was a grand ball at court in honor of H. +H. the Prince of Dummerland and his Princess, and THEN I determined +I would come out in public. I dressed myself with unusual care and +splendor. My hair was curled and my moustache dyed to a nicety; and +of the four hundred gentlemen present, if the girls of Kalbsbraten DID +select one who wore an English hussar uniform, why should I disguise the +fact? In spite of my silence, the news had somehow got abroad, as news +will in such small towns,--Herr von Fitz-Boodle was coming out in a +waltz that evening. His Highness the Duke even made an allusion to the +circumstance. When on this eventful night, I went, as usual, and made +him my bow in the presentation, "Vous, monsieur," said he--"vous qui +etes si jeune, devez aimer la danse." I blushed as red as my trousers, +and bowing, went away. + +I stepped up to Dorothea. Heavens! how beautiful she looked! and how +archly she smiled as, with a thumping heart, I asked her hand for a +WALTZ! She took out her little mother-of-pearl dancing-book, she wrote +down my name with her pencil: we were engaged for the fourth waltz, and +till then I left her to other partners. + +Who says that his first waltz is not a nervous moment? I vow I was +more excited than by any duel I ever fought. I would not dance any +contre-danse or galop. I repeatedly went to the buffet and got glasses +of punch (dear simple Germany! 'tis with rum-punch and egg-flip thy +children strengthen themselves for the dance!) I went into the ball-room +and looked--the couples bounded before me, the music clashed and rung +in my ears--all was fiery, feverish, indistinct. The gleaming white +columns, the polished oaken floors in which the innumerable tapers were +reflected--all together swam before my eyes, and I was in a pitch of +madness almost when the fourth waltz at length came. "WILL YOU DANCE +WITH YOUR SWORD ON?" said the sweetest voice in the world. I blushed, +and stammered, and trembled, as I laid down that weapon and my cap, and +hark! the music began! + +Oh, how my hand trembled as I placed it round the waist of Dorothea! +With my left hand I took her right--did she squeeze it? I think she +did--to this day I think she did. Away we went! we tripped over the +polished oak floor like two young fairies. "Courage, monsieur," said +she, with her sweet smile. Then it was "Tres bien, monsieur." Then I +heard the voices humming and buzzing about. "Il danse bien, l'Anglais." +"Ma foi, oui," says another. On we went, twirling and twisting, and +turning and whirling; couple after couple dropped panting off. Little +Klingenspohr himself was obliged to give in. All eyes were upon us--we +were going round ALONE. Dorothea was almost exhausted, when + +* * * * * + +I have been sitting for two hours since I marked the asterisks, +thinking--thinking. I have committed crimes in my life--who hasn't? But +talk of remorse, what remorse is there like THAT which rushes up in a +flood to my brain sometimes when I am alone, and causes me to blush when +I'm a-bed in the dark? + +I fell, sir, on that infernal slippery floor. Down we came like shot; we +rolled over and over in the midst of the ballroom, the music going +ten miles an hour, 800 pairs of eyes fixed upon us, a cursed shriek of +laughter bursting out from all sides. Heavens! how clear I heard it, as +we went on rolling and rolling! "My child! my Dorothea!" shrieked out +Madame Speck, rushing forward, and as soon as she had breath to do +so, Dorothea of course screamed too; then she fainted, then she was +disentangled from out my spurs, and borne off by a bevy of tittering +women. "Clumsy brute!" said Madame Speck, turning her fat back upon me. +I remained upon my seant, wild, ghastly, looking about. It was all up +with me--I knew it was. I wished I could have died there, and I wish so +still. + +Klingenspohr married her, that is the long and short; but before that +event I placed a sabre-cut across the young scoundrel's nose, which +destroyed HIS beauty for ever. + +O Dorothea! you can't forgive me--you oughtn't to forgive me; but I love +you madly still. + +My next flame was Ottilia: but let us keep her for another number; my +feelings overpower me at present. + + + + +OTTILIA. + + +CHAPTER I. + +THE ALBUM--THE MEDITERRANEAN HEATH. + + +Travelling some little time back in a wild part of Connemara, where +I had been for fishing and seal-shooting, I had the good luck to get +admission to the chateau of a hospitable Irish gentleman, and to procure +some news of my once dear Ottilia. + +Yes, of no other than Ottilia v. Schlippenschlopp, the Muse of +Kalbsbraten-Pumpernickel, the friendly little town far away in +Sachsenland,--where old Speck built the town pump, where Klingenspohr +was slashed across the nose,--where Dorothea rolled over and over in +that horrible waltz with Fitz-Boo--Psha!--away with the recollection; +but wasn't it strange to get news of Ottilia in the wildest corner of +Ireland, where I never should have thought to hear her gentle name? +Walking on that very Urrisbeg Mountain under whose shadow I heard +Ottilia's name, Mackay, the learned author of the "Flora Patlandica," +discovered the Mediterranean heath,--such a flower as I have often +plucked on the sides of Vesuvius, and as Proserpine, no doubt, amused +herself in gathering as she strayed in the fields of Enna. Here it +is--the self-same flower, peering out at the Atlantic from Roundstone +Bay; here, too, in this wild lonely place, nestles the fragrant memory +of my Ottilia! + +In a word, after a day on Ballylynch Lake (where, with a brown fly and +a single hair, I killed fourteen salmon, the smallest twenty-nine pounds +weight, the largest somewhere about five stone ten), my young friend +Blake Bodkin Lynch Browne (a fine lad who has made his continental tour) +and I adjourned, after dinner, to the young gentleman's private room, +for the purpose of smoking a certain cigar; which is never more pleasant +than after a hard day's sport, or a day spent in-doors, or after a good +dinner, or a bad one, or at night when you are tired, or in the morning +when you are fresh, or of a cold winter's day, or of a scorching +summer's afternoon, or at any other moment you choose to fix upon. + +What should I see in Blake's room but a rack of pipes, such as are to +be found in almost all the bachelors' rooms in Germany, and amongst them +was a porcelain pipe-head bearing the image of the Kalbsbraten pump! +There it was: the old spout, the old familiar allegory of Mars, Bacchus, +Apollo virorum, and the rest, that I had so often looked at from +Hofarchitect Speck's window, as I sat there, by the side of Dorothea. +The old gentleman had given me one of these very pipes; for he had +hundreds of them painted, wherewith he used to gratify almost every +stranger who came into his native town. + +Any old place with which I have once been familiar (as, perhaps, I have +before stated in these "Confessions"--but never mind that) is in some +sort dear to me: and were I Lord Shootingcastle or Colonel Popland, +I think after a residence of six months there I should love the Fleet +Prison. As I saw the old familiar pipe, I took it down, and crammed it +with Cavendish tobacco, and lay down on a sofa, and puffed away for an +hour wellnigh, thinking of old, old times. + +"You're very entertaining to-night, Fitz," says young Blake, who had +made several tumblers of punch for me, which I had gulped down without +saying a word. "Don't ye think ye'd be more easy in bed than snorting +and sighing there on my sofa, and groaning fit to make me go hang +myself?" + +"I am thinking, Blake," says I, "about Pumpernickel, where old Speck +gave you this pipe." + +"'Deed he did," replies the young man; "and did ye know the old Bar'n?" + +"I did," said I. "My friend, I have been by the banks of the Bendemeer. +Tell me, are the nightingales still singing there, and do the roses +still bloom?" + +"The HWHAT?" cries Blake. "What the divvle, Fitz, are you growling +about? Bendemeer Lake's in Westmoreland, as I preshume; and as for roses +and nightingales, I give ye my word it's Greek ye're talking to me." And +Greek it very possibly was, for my young friend, though as good across +country as any man in his county, has not the fine feeling and tender +perception of beauty which may be found elsewhere, dear madam. + +"Tell me about Speck, Blake, and Kalbsbraten, and Dorothea, and +Klingenspohr her husband." + +"He with the cut across the nose, is it?" cries Blake. "I know him well, +and his old wife." + +"His old what, sir!" cries Fitz-Boodle, jumping up from his seat. +"Klingenspohr's wife old!--is he married again?--Is Dorothea, then, +d-d-dead?" + +"Dead!--no more dead than you are, only I take her to be +five-and-thirty. And when a woman has had nine children, you know, +she looks none the younger; and I can tell ye that when she trod on my +corruns at a ball at the Grand Juke's, I felt something heavier than a +feather on my foot." + +"Madame de Klingenspohr, then," replied I, hesitating somewhat, "has +grown rather--rather st-st-out?" I could hardly get out the OUT, and +trembled I don't know why as I asked the question. + +"Stout, begad!--she weighs fourteen stone, saddle and bridle. That's +right, down goes my pipe; flop! crash falls the tumbler into the fender! +Break away, my boy, and remember, whoever breaks a glass here pays a +dozen." + +The fact was, that the announcement of Dorothea's changed condition +caused no small disturbance within me, and I expressed it in the abrupt +manner mentioned by young Blake. + +Roused thus from my reverie, I questioned the young fellow about his +residence at Kalbsbraten, which has been always since the war a favorite +place for our young gentry, and heard with some satisfaction that +Potzdorff was married to the Behrenstein, Haabart had left the dragoons, +the Crown Prince had broken with the ---- but mum! of what interest are +all these details to the reader, who has never been at friendly little +Kalbsbraten? + +Presently Lynch reaches me down one of the three books that formed his +library (the "Racing Calendar" and a book of fishing-flies making up +the remainder of the set). "And there's my album," says he. "You'll +find plenty of hands in it that you'll recognize, as you are an old +Pumpernickelaner." And so I did, in truth: it was a little book after +the fashion of German albums, in which good simple little ledger every +friend or acquaintance of the owner inscribes a poem or stanza from some +favorite poet or philosopher with the transcriber's own name, as thus:-- + +"To the true house-friend, and beloved Irelandish youth. + +"'Sera nunquam est ad bonos mores via.' + +"WACKERBART, Professor at the Grand-Ducal Kalbsbraten-Pumpernickelisch +Gymnasium." + + +Another writes,-- + +"'Wander on roses and forget me not.' + +"AMALIA v. NACHTMUTZE, + +"GEB. v. SHALAFROCK," + + +with a flourish, and the picture mayhap of a rose. Let the reader +imagine some hundreds of these interesting inscriptions, and he will +have an idea of the book. + +Turning over the leaves I came presently on DOROTHEA'S hand. There +it was, the little neat, pretty handwriting, the dear old up-and-down +strokes that I had not looked at for many a long year,--the +Mediterranean heath, which grew on the sunniest banks of Fitz-Boodle's +existence, and here found, dear, dear little sprig! in rude Galwagian +bog-lands. + +"Look at the other side of the page," says Lynch, rather sarcastically +(for I don't care to confess that I kissed the name of "Dorothea v. +Klingenspohr, born v. Speck" written under an extremely feeble passage +of verse). "Look at the other side of the paper!" + +I did, and what do you think I saw? + +I saw the writing of five of the little Klingenspohrs, who have all +sprung up since my time. + +***** + +"Ha! ha! haw!" screamed the impertinent young Irishman, and the story +was all over Connemara and Joyce's Country in a day after. + + + + +CHAPTER II. + +OTTILIA IN PARTICULAR. + + +Some kind critic who peruses these writings will, doubtless, have the +goodness to point out that the simile of the Mediterranean heath is +applied to two personages in this chapter--to Ottilia and Dorothea, and +say, Psha! the fellow is but a poor unimaginative creature not to be +able to find a simile apiece at least for the girls; how much better +would WE have done the business! + +Well, it is a very pretty simile. The girls were rivals, were beautiful, +I loved them both,--which should have the sprig of heath? Mr. Cruikshank +(who has taken to serious painting) is getting ready for the exhibition +a fine piece, representing Fitz-Boodle on the Urrisbeg Mountain, county +Galway, Ireland, with a sprig of heath in his hand, hesitating, like +Paris, on which of the beauties he should bestow it. In the background +is a certain animal between two bundles of hay; but that I take to +represent the critic, puzzled to which of my young beauties to assign +the choice. + +If Dorothea had been as rich as Miss Coutts, and had come to me the next +day after the accident at the ball and said, "George, will you marry +me?" it must not be supposed I would have done any such thing. THAT +dream had vanished for ever: rage and pride took the place of love; and +the only chance I had of recovering from my dreadful discomfiture was +by bearing it bravely, and trying, if possible, to awaken a little +compassion in my favor. I limped home (arranging my scheme with great +presence of mind, as I actually sat spinning there on the ground)--I +limped home, sent for Pflastersticken, the court-surgeon, and addressed +him to the following effect: "Pflastersticken," says I, "there has been +an accident at court of which you will hear. You will send in leeches, +pills, and the deuce knows what, and you will say that I have dislocated +my leg: for some days you will state that I am in considerable danger. +You are a good fellow and a man of courage I know, for which very reason +you can appreciate those qualities in another; so mind, if you breathe a +word of my secret, either you or I must lose a life." + +Away went the surgeon, and the next day all Kalbsbraten knew that I was +on the point of death: I had been delirious all night, had had eighty +leeches, besides I don't know how much medicine; but the Kalbsbrateners +knew to a scruple. Whenever anybody was ill, this little kind society +knew what medicines were prescribed. Everybody in the town knew what +everybody had for dinner. If Madame Rumpel had her satin dyed ever so +quietly, the whole society was on the qui vive; if Countess Pultuski +sent to Berlin for a new set of teeth, not a person in Kalbsbraten but +what was ready to compliment her as she put them on; if Potzdorff paid +his tailor's bill, or Muffinstein bought a piece of black wax for his +moustaches, it was the talk of the little city. And so, of course, was +my accident. In their sorrow for my misfortune, Dorothea's was quite +forgotten, and those eighty leeches saved me. I became interesting; I +had cards left at my door; and I kept my room for a fortnight, during +which time I read every one of M. Kotzebue's plays. + +At the end of that period I was convalescent, though still a little +lame. I called at old Speck's house and apologized for my clumsiness, +with the most admirable coolness; I appeared at court, and stated calmly +that I did not intend to dance any more; and when Klingenspohr grinned, +I told that young gentleman such a piece of my mind as led to his +wearing a large sticking-plaster patch on his nose: which was split as +neatly down the middle as you would split an orange at dessert. In a +word what man could do to repair my defeat, I did. + +There is but one thing now of which I am ashamed--of those killing +epigrams which I wrote (mon Dieu! must I own it?--but even the fury of +my anger proves the extent of my love!) against the Speck family. +They were handed about in confidence at court, and made a frightful +sensation: + + "IS IT POSSIBLE?" + + "There happened at Schloss P-mp-rn-ckel, + A strange mishap our sides to tickle, + And set the people in a roar;-- + A strange caprice of Fortune fickle: + I never thought at Pumpernickel + To see a SPECK UPON THE FLOOR!" + + + LA PERFIDE ALBION; OR, A CAUTION TO WALTZERS. + + "'Come to the dance,' the Briton said, + And forward D-r-th-a led, + Fair, fresh, and three-and-twenty! + Ah, girls; beware of Britons red! + What wonder that it TURNED HER HEAD? + SAT VERBUM SAPIENTI." + + + "REASONS FOR NOT MARRYING. + + "'The lovely Miss S. + Will surely say "yes," + You've only to ask and try;' + 'That subject we'll quit;' + Says Georgy the wit, + 'I'VE A MUCH BETTER SPEC IN MY EYE!'" + +This last epigram especially was voted so killing that it flew +like wildfire; and I know for a fact that our Charge-d'Affaires at +Kalbsbraten sent a courier express with it to the Foreign Office in +England, whence, through our amiable Foreign Secretary, Lord P-lm-rston, +it made its way into every fashionable circle: nay, I have reason to +believe caused a smile on the cheek of R-y-lty itself. Now that Time has +taken away the sting of these epigrams, there can be no harm in giving +them; and 'twas well enough then to endeavor to hide under the lash of +wit the bitter pangs of humiliation: but my heart bleeds now to think +that I should have ever brought a tear on the gentle cheek of Dorothea. + +Not content with this--with humiliating her by satire, and with wounding +her accepted lover across the nose--I determined to carry my revenge +still farther, and to fall in love with somebody else. This person was +Ottilia v. Schlippenschlopp. + +Otho Sigismund Freyherr von Schlippenschlopp, Knight Grand Cross of +the Ducal Order of the Two-Necked Swan of Pumpernickel, of the +Porc-et-Siflet of Kalbsbraten, Commander of the George and Blue-Boar of +Dummerland, Excellency, and High Chancellor of the United Duchies, lived +in the second floor of a house in the Schwapsgasse; where, with his +private income and his revenues as Chancellor, amounting together to +some 300L. per annum, he maintained such a state as very few other +officers of the Grand-Ducal Crown could exhibit. The Baron is married to +Marie Antoinette, a Countess of the house of Kartoffelstadt, branches +of which have taken root all over Germany. He has no sons, and but one +daughter, the Fraulein OTTILIA. + +The Chancellor is a worthy old gentleman, too fat and wheezy to preside +at the Privy Council, fond of his pipe, his ease, and his rubber. His +lady is a very tall and pale Roman-nosed Countess, who looks as gentle +as Mrs. Robert Roy, where, in the novel, she is for putting Baillie +Nicol Jarvie into the lake, and who keeps the honest Chancellor in the +greatest order. The Fraulein Ottilia had not arrived at Kalbsbraten when +the little affair between me and Dorothea was going on; or rather had +only just come in for the conclusion of it, being presented for the +first time that year at the ball where I--where I met with my accident. + +At the time when the Countess was young, it was not the fashion in her +country to educate the young ladies so highly as since they have been +educated; and provided they could waltz, sew, and make puddings, they +were thought to be decently bred; being seldom called upon for algebra +or Sanscrit in the discharge of the honest duties of their lives. But +Fraulein Ottilia was of the modern school in this respect, and came back +from the pension at Strasburg speaking all the languages, dabbling in +all the sciences: an historian, a poet,--a blue of the ultramarinest +sort, in a word. What a difference there was, for instance, between +poor, simple Dorothea's love of novel reading and the profound +encyclopaedic learning of Ottilia! + +Before the latter arrived from Strasburg (where she had been under the +care of her aunt the canoness, Countess Ottilia of Kartoffeldstadt, to +whom I here beg to offer my humblest respects), Dorothea had passed for +a bel esprit in the little court circle, and her little simple stock +of accomplishments had amused us all very well. She used to sing "Herz, +mein Herz" and "T'en souviens-tu," in a decent manner (ONCE, before +heaven, I thought her singing better than Grisi's), and then she had a +little album in which she drew flowers, and used to embroider slippers +wonderfully, and was very merry at a game of loto or forfeits, and had +a hundred small agremens de societe! which rendered her an acceptable +member of it. + +But when Ottilia arrived, poor Dolly's reputation was crushed in a +month. The former wrote poems both in French and German; she painted +landscapes and portraits in real oil; and she twanged off a rattling +piece of Listz or Kalkbrenner in such a brilliant way, that Dora +scarcely dared to touch the instrument after her, or ventured, after +Ottilia had trilled and gurgled through "Una voce," or "Di piacer" +(Rossini was in fashion then), to lift up her little modest pipe in a +ballad. What was the use of the poor thing going to sit in the park, +where so many of the young officers used ever to gather round her? Whir! +Ottilia went by galloping on a chestnut mare with a groom after her, and +presently all the young fellows who could buy or hire horseflesh were +prancing in her train. + +When they met, Ottilia would bounce towards her soul's darling, and +put her hands round her waist, and call her by a thousand affectionate +names, and then talk of her as only ladies or authors can talk of one +another. How tenderly she would hint at Dora's little imperfections of +education!--how cleverly she would insinuate that the poor girl had no +wit! and, thank God, no more she had. The fact is, that do what I will I +see I'm in love with her still, and would be if she had fifty children; +but my passion blinded me THEN, and every arrow that fiery Ottilia +discharged I marked with savage joy. Dolly, thank heaven, didn't mind +the wit much; she was too simple for that. But still the recurrence of +it would leave in her heart a vague, indefinite feeling of pain, and +somehow she began to understand that her empire was passing away, +and that her dear friend hated her like poison; and so she married +Klingenspohr. I have written myself almost into a reconciliation with +the silly fellow; for the truth is, he has been a good, honest husband +to her, and she has children, and makes puddings, and is happy. + +Ottilia was pale and delicate. She wore her glistening black hair in +bands, and dressed in vapory white muslin. She sang her own words to +her harp, and they commonly insinuated that she was alone in the +world,--that she suffered some inexpressible and mysterious heart-pangs, +the lot of all finer geniuses,--that though she lived and moved in the +world she was not of it, that she was of a consumptive tendency and +might look for a premature interment. She even had fixed on the spot +where she should lie: the violets grew there, she said, the river went +moaning by; the gray willow whispered sadly over her head, and her heart +pined to be at rest. "Mother," she would say, turning to her parent, +"promise me--promise me to lay me in that spot when the parting hour has +come!" At which Madame de Schlippenschlopp would shriek, and grasp her +in her arms; and at which, I confess, I would myself blubber like a +child. She had six darling friends at school, and every courier from +Kalbsbraten carried off whole reams of her letter-paper. + +In Kalbsbraten, as in every other German town, there are a vast number +of literary characters, of whom our young friend quickly became the +chief. They set up a literary journal, which appeared once a week, upon +light-blue or primrose paper, and which, in compliment to the lovely +Ottilia's maternal name, was called the Kartoffelnkranz. Here are a +couple of her ballads extracted from the Kranz, and by far the most +cheerful specimen of her style. For in her songs she never would +willingly let off the heroines without a suicide or a consumption. +She never would hear of such a thing as a happy marriage, and had an +appetite for grief quite amazing in so young a person. As for her dying +and desiring to be buried under the willow-tree, of which the first +ballad is the subject, though I believed the story then, I have at +present some doubts about it. For, since the publication of my Memoirs, +I have been thrown much into the society of literary persons (who admire +my style hugely), and egad! though some of them are dismal enough in +their works, I find them in their persons the least sentimental class +that ever a gentleman fell in with. + + "THE WILLOW-TREE. + + + "Know ye the willow-tree + Whose gray leaves quiver, + Whispering gloomily + To yon pale river? + Lady, at even-tide + Wander not near it, + They say its branches hide + A sad, lost spirit! + + "Once to the willow-tree + A maid came fearful, + Pale seemed her cheek to be, + Her blue eye tearful; + Soon as she saw the tree, + Her step moved fleeter, + No one was there--ah me! + No one to meet her! + + "Quick beat her heart to hear + The far bell's chime + Toll from the chapel-tower + The trysting time: + But the red sun went down + In golden flame, + And though she looked round, + Yet no one came! + + "Presently came the night, + Sadly to greet her,-- + Moon in her silver light, + Stars in their glitter. + Then sank the moon away + Under the billow, + Still wept the maid alone-- + There by the willow! + + "Through the long darkness, + By the stream rolling, + Hour after hour went on + Tolling and tolling. + Long was the darkness, + Lonely and stilly; + Shrill came the night-wind, + Piercing and chilly. + + "Shrill blew the morning breeze, + Biting and cold, + Bleak peers the gray dawn + Over the wold. + Bleak over moor and stream + Looks the grey dawn, + Gray, with dishevelled hair, + Still stands the willow there-- + + + THE MAID IS GONE! + + "Domine, Domine! + Sing we a litany,-- + Sing for poor maiden-hearts broken and + weary; + Domine, Domine! + Sing we a litany, + Wail we and weep we a wild Miserere!" + +One of the chief beauties of this ballad (for the translation of which I +received some well-merited compliments) is the delicate way in which the +suicide of the poor young woman under the willow-tree is hinted at; for +that she threw herself into the water and became one among the lilies +of the stream, is as clear as a pikestaff. Her suicide is committed some +time in the darkness, when the slow hours move on tolling and tolling, +and is hinted at darkly as befits the time and the deed. + +But that unromantic brute, Van Cutsem, the Dutch Charge-d'Affaires, sent +to the Kartoffelnkranz of the week after a conclusion of the ballad, +which shows what a poor creature he must be. His pretext for writing it +was, he said, because he could not bear such melancholy endings to poems +and young women, and therefore he submitted the following lines:-- + + I. + + "Long by the willow-trees + Vainly they sought her, + Wild rang the mother's screams + O'er the gray water: + 'Where is my lovely one? + Where is my daughter? + + II. + + "'Rouse thee, sir constable-- + Rouse thee and look; + Fisherman, bring your net, + Boatman your hook. + Beat in the lily-beds, + Dive in the brook!' + + III. + + "Vainly the constable + Shouted and called her; + Vainly the fisherman + Beat the green alder; + Vainly he flung the net, + Never it hauled her! + + IV. + + "Mother beside the fire + Sat, her nightcap in; + Father, in easy chair, + Gloomily napping; + When at the window-sill + Came a light tapping! + + V. + + "And a pale countenance + Looked through the casement. + Loud beat the mother's heart, + Sick with amazement, + And at the vision which + Came to surprise her, + Shrieked in an agony-- + 'Lor! it's Elizar!' + + VI + + "Yes, 'twas Elizabeth-- + Yes, 'twas their girl; + Pale was her cheek, and her + Hair out of curl. + 'Mother!' the loving one, + Blushing, exclaimed, + 'Let not your innocent + Lizzy be blamed. + + VII. + + "'Yesterday, going to aunt + Jones's to tea, + Mother, dear mother, I + FORGOT THE DOOR-KEY! + And as the night was cold, + And the way steep, + Mrs. Jones kept me to + Breakfast and sleep.' + + VIII. + + "Whether her Pa and Ma + Fully believed her, + That we shall never know, + Stern they received her; + And for the work of that + Cruel, though short, night, + Sent her to bed without + Tea for a fortnight. + + IX. + + "MORAL + + "Hey diddle diddlety, + Cat and the Fiddlety, + Maidens of England take caution by she! + Let love and suicide + Never tempt you aside, + And always remember to take the door-key!" + +Some people laughed at this parody, and even preferred it to the +original; but for myself I have no patience with the individual who +can turn the finest sentiments of our nature into ridicule, and make +everything sacred a subject of scorn. The next ballad is less gloomy +than that of the willow-tree, and in it the lovely writer expresses her +longing for what has charmed us all, and, as it were, squeezes the whole +spirit of the fairy tale into a few stanzas:-- + + "FAIRY DAYS. + + "Beside the old hall-fire--upon my nurse's knee, + Of happy fairy days--what tales were told to me! + I thought the world was once--all peopled with princesses, + And my heart would beat to hear--their loves and their distresses; + And many a quiet night,--in slumber sweet and deep, + The pretty fairy people--would visit me in sleep. + + "I saw them in my dreams--come flying east and west, + With wondrous fairy gifts--the new-born babe they bless'd; + One has brought a jewel--and one a crown of gold, + And one has brought a curse--but she is wrinkled and old. + The gentle queen turns pale--to hear those words of sin, + But the king he only laughs--and bids the dance begin. + + "The babe has grown to be--the fairest of the land + And rides the forest green--a hawk upon her hand. + An ambling palfrey white--a golden robe and crown; + I've seen her in my dreams--riding up and down; + And heard the ogre laugh--as she fell into his snare, + At the little tender creature--who wept and tore her hair! + + "But ever when it seemed--her need was at the sorest + A prince in shining mail--comes prancing through the forest. + A waving ostrich-plume--a buckler burnished bright; + I've seen him in my dreams--good sooth! a gallant knight. + His lips are coral red--beneath a dark moustache; + See how he waves his hand--and how his blue eyes flash! + + "'Come forth, thou Paynim knight!'--he shouts in accents clear. + The giant and the maid--both tremble his voice to hear. + Saint Mary guard him well!--he draws his falchion keen, + The giant and the knight--are fighting on the green. + I see them in my dreams--his blade gives stroke on stroke, + The giant pants and reels--and tumbles like an oak! + + "With what a blushing grace--he falls upon his knee + And takes the lady's hand--and whispers, 'You are free!' + Ah! happy childish tales--of knight and faerie! + I waken from my dreams--but there's ne'er a knight for me; + I waken from my dreams--and wish that I could be + A child by the old hall-fire--upon my nurse's knee." + +Indeed, Ottilia looked like a fairy herself: pale, small, slim, and +airy. You could not see her face, as it were, for her eyes, which were +so wild, and so tender, and shone so that they would have dazzled an +eagle, much more a poor goose of a Fitz-Boodle. In the theatre, when she +sat on the opposite side of the house, those big eyes used to pursue me +as I sat pretending to listen to the "Zauberflote," or to "Don Carlos," +or "Egmont," and at the tender passages, especially, they would have +such a winning, weeping, imploring look with them as flesh and blood +could not bear. + +Shall I tell how I became a poet for the dear girl's sake? 'Tis surely +unnecessary after the reader has perused the above versions of her +poems. Shall I tell what wild follies I committed in prose as well as +in verse? how I used to watch under her window of icy evenings, and with +chilblainy fingers sing serenades to her on the guitar? Shall I tell +how, in a sledging-party, I had the happiness to drive her, and of +the delightful privilege which is, on these occasions, accorded to the +driver? + +Any reader who has spent a winter in Germany perhaps knows it. A large +party of a score or more of sledges is formed. Away they go to some +pleasure-house that has been previously fixed upon, where a ball and +collation are prepared, and where each man, as his partner descends, has +the delicious privilege of saluting her. O heavens and earth! I may grow +to be a thousand years old, but I can never forget the rapture of that +salute. + +"The keen air has given me an appetite," said the dear angel, as we +entered the supper-room; and to say the truth, fairy as she was, she +made a remarkably good meal--consuming a couple of basins of white +soup, several kinds of German sausages, some Westphalia ham, some white +puddings, an anchovy-salad made with cornichons and onions, sweets +innumerable, and a considerable quantity of old Steinwein and rum-punch +afterwards. Then she got up and danced as brisk as a fairy; in which +operation I of course did not follow her, but had the honor, at the +close of the evening's amusement, once more to have her by my side in +the sledge, as we swept in the moonlight over the snow. + +Kalbsbraten is a very hospitable place as far as tea-parties are +concerned, but I never was in one where dinners were so scarce. At the +palace they occurred twice or thrice in a month; but on these occasions +spinsters were not invited, and I seldom had the opportunity of seeing +my Ottilia except at evening-parties. + +Nor are these, if the truth must be told, very much to my taste. Dancing +I have forsworn, whist is too severe a study for me, and I do not like +to play ecarte with old ladies, who are sure to cheat you in the course +of an evening's play. + +But to have an occasional glance at Ottilia was enough; and many and +many a napoleon did I lose to her mamma, Madame de Schlippenschlopp, for +the blest privilege of looking at her daughter. Many is the tea-party +I went to, shivering into cold clothes after dinner (which is my +abomination) in order to have one little look at the lady of my soul. + +At these parties there were generally refreshments of a nature more +substantial than mere tea punch, both milk and rum, hot wine, consomme, +and a peculiar and exceedingly disagreeable sandwich made of a mixture +of cold white puddings and garlic, of which I have forgotten the name, +and always detested the savor. + +Gradually a conviction came upon me that Ottilia ATE A GREAT DEAL. + +I do not dislike to see a woman eat comfortably. I even think that an +agreeable woman ought to be friande, and should love certain little +dishes and knick-knacks. I know that though at dinner they commonly take +nothing, they have had roast-mutton with the children at two, and laugh +at their pretensions to starvation. + +No! a woman who eats a grain of rice, like Amina in the "Arabian +Nights," is absurd and unnatural; but there is a modus in rebus: there +is no reason why she should be a ghoul, a monster, an ogress, a horrid +gormandizeress--faugh! + +It was, then, with a rage amounting almost to agony, that I found +Ottilia ate too much at every meal. She was always eating, and always +eating too much. If I went there in the morning, there was the horrid +familiar odor of those oniony sandwiches; if in the afternoon, dinner +had been just removed, and I was choked by reeking reminiscences of +roast-meat. Tea we have spoken of. She gobbled up more cakes than any +six people present; then came the supper and the sandwiches again, and +the egg-flip and the horrible rum-punch. + +She was as thin as ever--paler if possible than ever:--but, by heavens! +HER NOSE BEGAN TO GROW RED! + +Mon Dieu! how I used to watch and watch it! Some days it was purple, +some days had more of the vermilion--I could take an affidavit that +after a heavy night's supper it was more swollen, more red than before. + +I recollect one night when we were playing a round game (I had been +looking at her nose very eagerly and sadly for some time), she of +herself brought up the conversation about eating, and confessed that she +had five meals a day. + +"THAT ACCOUNTS FOR IT!" says I, flinging down the cards, and springing +up and rushing like a madman out of the room. I rushed away into the +night, and wrestled with my passion. "What! Marry," said I, "a woman who +eats meat twenty-one times in a week, besides breakfast and tea? Marry a +sarcophagus, a cannibal, a butcher's shop?--Away!" I strove and strove. +I drank, I groaned, I wrestled and fought with my love--but it overcame +me: one look of those eyes brought me to her feet again. I yielded +myself up like a slave; I fawned and whined for her; I thought her nose +was not so VERY red. + +Things came to this pitch that I sounded his Highness's Minister to know +whether he would give me service in the Duchy; I thought of purchasing +an estate there. I was given to understand that I should get a +chamberlain's key and some post of honor did I choose to remain, and +I even wrote home to my brother Tom in England, hinting a change in my +condition. + +At this juncture the town of Hamburg sent his Highness the Grand Duke +(apropos of a commercial union which was pending between the two States) +a singular present: no less than a certain number of barrels of oysters, +which are considered extreme luxuries in Germany, especially in the +inland parts of the country, where they are almost unknown. + +In honor of the oysters and the new commercial treaty (which arrived +in fourgons despatched for the purpose), his Highness announced a grand +supper and ball, and invited all the quality of all the principalities +round about. It was a splendid affair: the grand saloon brilliant with +hundreds of uniforms and brilliant toilettes--not the least beautiful +among them, I need not say, was Ottilia. + +At midnight the supper-rooms were thrown open and we formed into little +parties of six, each having a table, nobly served with plate, a lackey +in attendance, and a gratifying ice-pail or two of champagne to egayer +the supper. It was no small cost to serve five hundred people on silver, +and the repast was certainly a princely and magnificent one. + +I had, of course, arranged with Mademoiselle de Schlippenschlopp. +Captains Frumpel and Fridelberger of the Duke's Guard, Mesdames de +Butterbrod and Bopp, formed our little party. + +The first course, of course, consisted of THE OYSTERS. Ottilia's eyes +gleamed with double brilliancy as the lackey opened them. There were +nine apiece for us--how well I recollect the number! + +I never was much of an oyster-eater, nor can I relish them in +naturalibus as some do, but require a quantity of sauces, lemons, +cayenne peppers, bread and butter, and so forth, to render them +palatable. + +By the time I had made my preparations, Ottilia, the Captains, and the +two ladies, had wellnigh finished theirs. Indeed Ottilia had gobbled up +all hers, and there were only my nine in the dish. + +I took one--IT WAS BAD. The scent of it was enough,--they were all bad. +Ottilia had eaten nine bad oysters. + +I put down the horrid shell. Her eyes glistened more and more; she could +not take them off the tray. + +"Dear Herr George," she said, "WILL YOU GIVE ME YOUR OYSTERS?" + +***** + +She had them all down--before--I could say--Jack--Robinson! + +I left Kalbsbraten that night, and have never been there since. + + + + + +FITZ-BOODLE'S PROFESSIONS. + +BEING APPEALS TO THE UNEMPLOYED YOUNGER SONS OF THE NOBILITY. + + + + +FIRST PROFESSION. + + +The fair and honest proposition in which I offered to communicate +privately with parents and guardians, relative to two new and lucrative +professions which I had discovered, has, I find from the publisher, +elicited not one single inquiry from those personages, who I can't but +think are very little careful of their children's welfare to allow +such a chance to be thrown away. It is not for myself I speak, as my +conscience proudly tells me; for though I actually gave up Ascot in +order to be in the way should any father of a family be inclined to +treat with me regarding my discoveries, yet I am grieved, not on my own +account, but on theirs, and for the wretched penny-wise policy that has +held them back. + +That they must feel an interest in my announcement is unquestionable. +Look at the way in which the public prints of all parties have noticed +my appearance in the character of a literary man! Putting aside my +personal narrative, look at the offer I made to the nation,--a choice +of no less than two new professions! Suppose I had invented as many new +kinds of butcher's meat; does any one pretend that the world, tired as +it is of the perpetual recurrence of beef, mutton, veal, cold beef, cold +veal, cold mutton, hashed ditto, would not have jumped eagerly at the +delightful intelligence that their old, stale, stupid meals were about +to be varied at last? + +Of course people would have come forward. I should have had deputations +from Mr. Gibletts and the fashionable butchers of this world; petitions +would have poured in from Whitechapel salesmen; the speculators panting +to know the discovery; the cautious with stock in hand eager to bribe me +to silence and prevent the certain depreciation of the goods which +they already possessed. I should have dealt with them, not greedily or +rapaciously, but on honest principles of fair barter. "Gentlemen," I +should have said, or rather, "Gents"--which affectionate diminutive +is, I am given to understand, at present much in use among commercial +persons--"Gents, my researches, my genius, or my good fortune, have +brought me to the valuable discovery about which you are come to treat. +Will you purchase it outright, or will you give the discoverer an honest +share of the profits resulting from your speculation? My position in the +world puts ME out of the power of executing the vast plan I have formed, +but 'twill be a certain fortune to him who engages in it; and why should +not I, too, participate in that fortune?" + +Such would have been my manner of dealing with the world, too, with +regard to my discovery of the new professions. Does not the world want +new professions? Are there not thousands of well-educated men panting, +struggling, pushing, starving, in the old ones? Grim tenants of +chambers looking out for attorneys who never come?--wretched physicians +practising the stale joke of being called out of church until people no +longer think fit even to laugh or to pity? Are there not hoary-headed +midshipmen, antique ensigns growing mouldy upon fifty years' half-pay? +Nay, are there not men who would pay anything to be employed rather +than remain idle? But such is the glut of professionals, the horrible +cut-throat competition among them, that there is no chance for one in a +thousand, be he ever so willing, or brave, or clever: in the great ocean +of life he makes a few strokes, and puffs, and sputters, and sinks, and +the innumerable waves overwhelm him and he is heard of no more. + +Walking to my banker's t'other day--and I pledge my sacred honor this +story is true--I met a young fellow whom I had known attache to an +embassy abroad, a young man of tolerable parts, unwearied patience, with +some fortune too, and, moreover, allied to a noble Whig family, whose +interest had procured him his appointment to the legation at Krahwinkel, +where I knew him. He remained for ten years a diplomatic character; +he was the working-man of the legation; he sent over the most diffuse +translations of the German papers for the use of the Foreign Secretary; +he signed passports with most astonishing ardor; he exiled himself +for ten long years in a wretched German town, dancing attendance at +court-balls and paying no end of money for uniforms. And what for? At +the end of the ten years--during which period of labor he never received +a single shilling from the Government which employed him (rascally +spendthrift of a Government, va!),--he was offered the paid attacheship +to the court of H. M. the King of the Mosquito Islands, and refused that +appointment a week before the Whig Ministry retired. Then he knew that +there was no further chance for him, and incontinently quitted the +diplomatic service for ever, and I have no doubt will sell his uniform +a bargain. The Government had HIM a bargain certainly; nor is he by any +means the first person who has been sold at that price. + +Well, my worthy friend met me in the street and informed me of these +facts with a smiling countenance,--which I thought a masterpiece of +diplomacy. Fortune had been belaboring and kicking him for ten whole +years, and here he was grinning in my face: could Monsieur de Talleyrand +have acted better? "I have given up diplomacy," said Protocol, quite +simply and good-humoredly, "for between you and me, my good fellow, it's +a very slow profession; sure, perhaps, but slow. But though I gained +no actual pecuniary remuneration in the service, I have learned all +the languages in Europe, which will be invaluable to me in my new +profession--the mercantile one--in which directly I looked out for a +post I found one." + +"What! and a good pay?" said I. + +"Why, no; that's absurd, you know. No young men, strangers to business, +are paid much to speak of. Besides, I don't look to a paltry clerk's +pay. Some day, when thoroughly acquainted with the business (I shall +learn it in about seven years), I shall go into a good house with my +capital and become junior partner." + +"And meanwhile?" + +"Meanwhile I conduct the foreign correspondence of the eminent house of +Jam, Ram, and Johnson; and very heavy it is, I can tell you. From nine +till six every day, except foreign post days, and then from nine till +eleven. Dirty dark court to sit in; snobs to talk to,--great change, as +you may fancy." + +"And you do all this for nothing?" + +"I do it to learn the business." And so saying Protocol gave me a +knowing nod and went his way. + +Good heavens! I thought, and is this a true story? Are there hundreds +of young men in a similar situation at the present day, giving away the +best years of their youth for the sake of a mere windy hope of something +in old age, and dying before they come to the goal? In seven years he +hopes to have a business, and then to have the pleasure of risking his +money? He will be admitted into some great house as a particular favor, +and three months after the house will fail. Has it not happened to a +thousand of our acquaintance? I thought I would run after him and tell +him about the new professions that I have invented. + +"Oh! ay! those you wrote about in Fraser's Magazine. Egad! George, +Necessity makes strange fellows of us all. Who would ever have thought +of you SPELLING, much more writing?" + +"Never mind that. Will you, if I tell you of a new profession that, with +a little cleverness and instruction from me, you may bring to a most +successful end--will you, I say, make me a fair return?" + +"My dear creature," replied young Protocol, "what nonsense you talk! +I saw that very humbug in the Magazine. You say you have made a great +discovery--very good; you puff your discovery--very right; you ask money +for it--nothing can be more reasonable; and then you say that you intend +to make your discovery public in the next number of the Magazine. Do you +think I will be such a fool as to give you money for a thing which I can +have next month for nothing? Good-by, George my boy; the NEXT discovery +you make I'll tell you how to get a better price for it." And with this +the fellow walked off, looking supremely knowing and clever. + +This tale of the person I have called Protocol is not told without a +purpose, you may be sure. In the first place, it shows what are the +reasons that nobody has made application to me concerning the new +professions, namely, because I have passed my word to make them known +in this Magazine, which persons may have for the purchasing, stealing, +borrowing, or hiring, and, therefore, they will never think of applying +personally to me. And, secondly, his story proves also my assertion, +viz, that all professions are most cruelly crowded at present, and that +men will make the most absurd outlay and sacrifices for the smallest +chance of success at some future period. Well, then, I will be a +benefactor to my race, if I cannot be to one single member of it, whom +I love better than most men. What I have discovered I will make known; +there shall be no shilly-shallying work here, no circumlocution, no +bottle-conjuring business. But oh! I wish for all our sakes that I had +had an opportunity to impart the secret to one or two persons only; for, +after all, but one or two can live in the manner I would suggest. And +when the discovery is made known, I am sure ten thousand will try. The +rascals! I can see their brass-plates gleaming over scores of doors. +Competition will ruin my professions, as it has all others. + +It must be premised that the two professions are intended for gentlemen, +and gentlemen only--men of birth and education. No others could support +the parts which they will be called upon to play. + +And, likewise, it must be honestly confessed that these professions +have, to a certain degree, been exercised before. Do not cry out at this +and say it is no discovery! I say it IS a discovery. It is a discovery +if I show you--a gentleman--a profession which you may exercise without +derogation, or loss of standing, with certain profit, nay, possibly with +honor, and of which, until the reading of this present page, you never +thought but as of a calling beneath your rank and quite below your +reach. Sir, I do not mean to say that I create a profession. I cannot +create gold; but if, when discovered, I find the means of putting it in +your pocket, do I or do I not deserve credit? + +I see you sneer contemptuously when I mention to you the word +AUCTIONEER. "Is this all," you say, "that this fellow brags and +prates about? An auctioneer forsooth! he might as well have 'invented' +chimney-sweeping!" + +No such thing. A little boy of seven, be he ever so low of birth, can do +this as well as you. Do you suppose that little stolen Master +Montague made a better sweeper than the lowest-bred chummy that yearly +commemorates his release? No, sir. And he might have been ever so much +a genius or gentleman, and not have been able to make his trade +respectable. + +But all such trades as can be rendered decent the aristocracy has +adopted one by one. At first they followed the profession of arms, +flouting all others as unworthy, and thinking it ungentlemanlike to +know how to read or write. They did not go into the church in very early +days, till the money to be got from the church was strong enough to +tempt them. It is but of later years that they have condescended to +go to the bar, and since the same time only that we see some of them +following trades. I know an English lord's son, who is, or was, a +wine-merchant (he may have been a bankrupt for what I know). As for +bankers, several partners in banking-houses have four balls to their +coronets, and I have no doubt that another sort of banking, viz, that +practised by gentlemen who lend small sums of money upon deposited +securities, will be one day followed by the noble order, so that they +may have four balls on their coronets and carriages, and three in front +of their shops. + +Yes, the nobles come peoplewards as the people, on the other hand, rise +and mingle with the nobles. With the plebs, of course, Fitz-Boodle, in +whose veins flows the blood of a thousand kings, can have nothing to do; +but, watching the progress of the world, 'tis impossible to deny that +the good old days of our race are passed away. We want money still as +much as ever we did; but we cannot go down from our castles with horse +and sword and waylay fat merchants--no, no, confounded new policemen +and the assize-courts prevent that. Younger brothers cannot be pages +to noble houses, as of old they were, serving gentle dames without +disgrace, handing my lord's rose-water to wash, or holding his stirrup +as he mounted for the chase. A page, forsooth! A pretty figure would +George Fitz-Boodle or any other man of fashion cut, in a jacket covered +with sugar-loafed buttons, and handing in penny-post notes on a silver +tray. The plebs have robbed us of THAT trade among others: nor, I +confess, do I much grudge them their trouvaille. Neither can we collect +together a few scores of free lances, like honest Hugh Calverly in the +Black Prince's time, or brave Harry Butler of Wallenstein's dragoons, +and serve this or that prince, Peter the Cruel or Henry of Trastamare, +Gustavus or the Emperor, at our leisure; or, in default of service, +fight and rob on our own gallant account, as the good gentlemen of old +did. Alas! no. In South America or Texas, perhaps, a man might have a +chance that way; but in the ancient world no man can fight except in the +king's service (and a mighty bad service that is too), and the lowest +European sovereign, were it Baldomero Espartero himself, would think +nothing of seizing the best-born condottiere that ever drew sword, and +shooting him down like the vulgarest deserter. + +What, then, is to be done? We must discover fresh fields of +enterprise--of peaceable and commercial enterprise in a peaceful and +commercial age. I say, then, that the auctioneer's pulpit has never yet +been ascended by a scion of the aristocracy, and am prepared to prove +that they might scale it, and do so with dignity and profit. + +For the auctioneer's pulpit is just the peculiar place where a man of +social refinement, of elegant wit, of polite perceptions, can bring +his wit, his eloquence, his taste, and his experience of life, most +delightfully into play. It is not like the bar, where the better and +higher qualities of a man of fashion find no room for exercise. In +defending John Jorrocks in an action of trespass, for cutting down a +stick in Sam Snooks's field, what powers of mind do you require?--powers +of mind, that is, which Mr. Serjeant Snorter, a butcher's son with a +great loud voice, a sizar at Cambridge, a wrangler, and so forth, +does not possess as well as yourself? Snorter has never been in decent +society in his life. He thinks the bar-mess the most fashionable +assemblage in Europe, and the jokes of "grand day" the ne plus ultra of +wit. Snorter lives near Russell Square, eats beef and Yorkshire-pudding, +is a judge of port-wine, is in all social respects your inferior. +Well, it is ten to one but in the case of Snooks v. Jorrocks, before +mentioned, he will be a better advocate than you; he knows the law of +the case entirely, and better probably than you. He can speak long, +loud, to the point, grammatically--more grammatically than you, no +doubt, will condescend to do. In the case of Snooks v. Jorrocks he is +all that can be desired. And so about dry disputes, respecting real +property, he knows the law; and, beyond this, has no more need to be +a gentleman than my body-servant has--who, by the way, from constant +intercourse with the best society, IS almost a gentleman. But this is +apart from the question. + +Now, in the matter of auctioneering, this, I apprehend, is not the case, +and I assert that a high-bred gentleman, with good powers of mind and +speech, must, in such a profession, make a fortune. I do not mean in all +auctioneering matters. I do not mean that such a person should be called +upon to sell the good-will of a public-house, or discourse about the +value of the beer-barrels, or bars with pewter fittings, or the beauty +of a trade doing a stroke of so many hogsheads a week. I do not ask a +gentleman to go down and sell pigs, ploughs, and cart-horses, at Stoke +Pogis; or to enlarge at the Auction-Rooms, Wapping, upon the beauty of +the "Lively Sally" schooner. These articles of commerce or use can be +better appreciated by persons in a different rank of life to his. + +But there are a thousand cases in which a gentleman only can do justice +to the sale of objects which the necessity or convenience of the genteel +world may require to change hands. All articles properly called of taste +should be put under his charge. Pictures,--he is a travelled man, has +seen and judged the best galleries of Europe, and can speak of them as +a common person cannot. For, mark you, you must have the confidence +of your society, you must be able to be familiar with them, to plant a +happy mot in a graceful manner, to appeal to my lord or the duchess in +such a modest, easy, pleasant way as that her grace should not be hurt +by your allusion to her--nay, amused (like the rest of the company) by +the manner in which it was done. + +What is more disgusting than the familiarity of a snob? What more +loathsome than the swaggering quackery of some present holders of the +hammer? There was a late sale, for instance, which made some noise in +the world (I mean the late Lord Gimcrack's, at Dilberry Hill). Ah! what +an opportunity was lost there! I declare solemnly that I believe, but +for the absurd quackery and braggadocio of the advertisements, much +more money would have been bid; people were kept away by the vulgar +trumpeting of the auctioneer, and could not help thinking the things +were worthless that were so outrageously lauded. + +They say that sort of Bartholomew-fair advocacy (in which people +are invited to an entertainment by the medium of a hoarse yelling +beef-eater, twenty-four drums, and a jack-pudding turning head over +heels) is absolutely necessary to excite the public attention. What an +error! I say that the refined individual so accosted is more likely to +close his ears, and, shuddering, run away from the booth. Poor Horace +Waddlepoodle! to think that thy gentle accumulation of bricabrac should +have passed away in such a manner! by means of a man who brings down +a butterfly with a blunderbuss, and talks of a pin's head through a +speaking-trumpet! Why, the auctioneer's very voice was enough to crack +the Sevres porcelain and blow the lace into annihilation. Let it be +remembered that I speak of the gentleman in his public character merely, +meaning to insinuate nothing more than I would by stating that Lord +Brougham speaks with a northern accent, or that the voice of Mr. Shell +is sometimes unpleasantly shrill. + +Now the character I have formed to myself of a great auctioneer is this. +I fancy him a man of first-rate and irreproachable birth and fashion. I +fancy his person so agreeable that it must be a pleasure for ladies to +behold and tailors to dress it. As a private man he must move in the +very best society, which will flock round his pulpit when he mounts +it in his public calling. It will be a privilege for vulgar people to +attend the hall where he lectures; and they will consider it an honor to +be allowed to pay their money for articles the value of which is stamped +by his high recommendation. Nor can such a person be a mere fribble; nor +can any loose hanger-on of fashion imagine he may assume the character. +The gentleman auctioneer must be an artist above all, adoring his +profession; and adoring it, what must he not know? He must have a good +knowledge of the history and language of all nations; not the knowledge +of the mere critical scholar, but of the lively and elegant man of +the world. He will not commit the gross blunders of pronunciation that +untravelled Englishmen perpetrate; he will not degrade his subject by +coarse eulogy or sicken his audience with vulgar banter. He will know +where to apply praise and wit properly; he will have the tact only +acquired in good society, and know where a joke is in place, and how far +a compliment may go. He will not outrageously and indiscriminately laud +all objects committed to his charge, for he knows the value of praise; +that diamonds, could we have them by the bushel, would be used as coals; +that above all, he has a character of sincerity to support; that he +is not merely the advocate of the person who employs him, but that the +public is his client too, who honors him and confides in him. Ask him +to sell a copy of Raffaelle for an original; a trumpery modern Brussels +counterfeit for real old Mechlin; some common French forged crockery for +the old delightful, delicate, Dresden china; and he will quit you with +scorn, or order his servant to show you the door of his study. + +Study, by the way,--no, "study" is a vulgar word; every word is vulgar +which a man uses to give the world an exaggerated notion of himself or +his condition. When the wretched bagman, brought up to give evidence +before Judge Coltman, was asked what his trade was, and replied that "he +represented the house of Dobson and Hobson," he showed himself to be +a vulgar, mean-souled wretch, and was most properly reprimanded by his +lordship. To be a bagman is to be humble, but not of necessity vulgar. +Pomposity is vulgar, to ape a higher rank than your own is vulgar, for +an ensign of militia to call himself captain is vulgar, or for a bagman +to style himself the "representative" of Dobson and Hobson. The honest +auctioneer, then, will not call his room his study; but his "private +room," or his office, or whatever may be the phrase commonly used among +auctioneers. + +He will not for the same reason call himself (as once in a momentary +feeling of pride and enthusiasm for the profession I thought he +should)--he will not call himself an "advocate," but an auctioneer. +There is no need to attempt to awe people by big titles: let each man +bear his own name without shame. And a very gentlemanlike and agreeable, +though exceptional position (for it is clear that there cannot be more +than two of the class,) may the auctioneer occupy. + +He must not sacrifice his honesty, then, either for his own sake or his +clients', in any way, nor tell fibs about himself or them. He is by no +means called upon to draw the long bow in their behalf; all that his +office obliges him to do--and let us hope his disposition will lead him +to do it also--is to take a favorable, kindly, philanthropic view of the +world; to say what can fairly be said by a good-natured and ingenious +man in praise of any article for which he is desirous to awaken public +sympathy. And how readily and pleasantly may this be done! I will take +upon myself, for instance, to write an eulogium upon So-and-So's last +novel, which shall be every word of it true; and which work, though +to some discontented spirits it might appear dull, may be shown to be +really amusing and instructive,--nay, IS amusing and instructive,--to +those who have the art of discovering where those precious qualities +lie. + +An auctioneer should have the organ of truth large; of imagination and +comparison, considerable; of wit, great; of benevolence, excessively +large. + +And how happy might such a man be, and cause others to be! He should go +through the world laughing, merry, observant, kind-hearted. He should +love everything in the world, because his profession regards everything. +With books of lighter literature (for I do not recommend the genteel +auctioneer to meddle with heavy antiquarian and philological works) he +should be elegantly conversant, being able to give a neat history of +the author, a pretty sparkling kind criticism of the work, and an +appropriate eulogium upon the binding, which would make those people +read who never read before; or buy, at least, which is his first +consideration. Of pictures we have already spoken. Of china, of jewelry, +of gold-headed canes, valuable arms, picturesque antiquities, with what +eloquent entrainement might he not speak! He feels every one of these +things in his heart. He has all the tastes of the fashionable world. Dr. +Meyrick cannot be more enthusiastic about an old suit of armor than +he; Sir Harris Nicolas not more eloquent regarding the gallant times in +which it was worn, and the brave histories connected with it. He takes +up a pearl necklace with as much delight as any beauty who was sighing +to wear it round her own snowy throat, and hugs a china monster with +as much joy as the oldest duchess could do. Nor must he affect these +things; he must feel them. He is a glass in which all the tastes of +fashion are reflected. He must be every one of the characters to whom +he addresses himself--a genteel Goethe or Shakspeare, a fashionable +world-spirit. + +How can a man be all this and not be a gentleman; and not have had an +education in the midst of the best company--an insight into the most +delicate feelings, and wants, and usages? The pulpit oratory of such a +man would be invaluable; people would flock to listen to him from +far and near. He might out of a single teacup cause streams of +world-philosophy to flow, which would be drunk in by grateful thousands; +and draw out of an old pincushion points of wit, morals, and experience, +that would make a nation wise. + +Look round, examine THE ANNALS OF AUCTIONS, as Mr. Robins remarks, +and (with every respect for him and his brethren) say, is there in the +profession SUCH A MAN? Do we want such a man? Is such a man likely or +not likely to make an immense fortune? Can we get such a man except out +of the very best society, and among the most favored there? + +Everybody answers "No!" I knew you would answer no. And now, gentlemen +who have laughed at my pretension to discover a profession, say, have +I not? I have laid my finger upon the spot where the social deficit +exists. I have shown that we labor under a want; and when the world +wants, do we not know that a man will step forth to fill the vacant +space that Fate has left for him? Pass we now to the-- + + + + +SECOND PROFESSION. + + +This profession, too, is a great, lofty and exceptional one, and +discovered by me considering these things, and deeply musing upon the +necessities of society. Nor let honorable gentlemen imagine that I am +enabled to offer them in this profession, more than any other, a promise +of what is called future glory, deathless fame, and so forth. All that +I say is, that I can put young men in the way of making a comfortable +livelihood, and leaving behind them, not a name, but what is better, a +decent maintenance to their children. Fitz-Boodle is as good a name as +any in England. General Fitz-Boodle, who, in Marlborough's time, and +in conjunction with the famous Van Slaap, beat the French in the +famous action of Vischzouchee, near Mardyk, in Holland, on the 14th of +February, 1709, is promised an immortality upon his tomb in Westminster +Abbey; but he died of apoplexy, deucedly in debt, two years afterwards: +and what after that is the use of a name? + +No, no; the age of chivalry is past. Take the twenty-four first men who +come into the club, and ask who they are, and how they made their money? +There's Woolsey-Sackville: his father was Lord Chancellor, and sat +on the woolsack, whence he took his title; his grandfather dealt in +coal-sacks, and not in woolsacks,--small coal-sacks, dribbling out +little supplies of black diamonds to the poor. Yonder comes Frank +Leveson, in a huge broad-brimmed hat, his shirt-cuffs turned up to his +elbows. Leveson is as gentlemanly a fellow as the world contains, and if +he has a fault, is perhaps too finikin. Well, you fancy him related to +the Sutherland family: nor, indeed, does honest Frank deny it; but entre +nous, my good sir, his father was an attorney, and his grandfather +a bailiff in Chancery Lane, bearing a name still older than that of +Leveson, namely, Levy. So it is that this confounded equality grows and +grows, and has laid the good old nobility by the heels. Look at that +venerable Sir Charles Kitely, of Kitely Park: he is interested about the +Ashantees, and is just come from Exeter Hall. Kitely discounted bills +in the City in the year 1787, and gained his baronetcy by a loan to the +French princes. All these points of history are perfectly well known; +and do you fancy the world cares? Psha! Profession is no disgrace to +a man: be what you like, provided you succeed. If Mr. Fauntleroy could +come to life with a million of money, you and I would dine with him: you +know we would; for why should we be better than our neighbors? + +Put, then, out of your head the idea that this or that profession is +unworthy of you: take any that may bring you profit, and thank him that +puts you in the way of being rich. + +The profession I would urge (upon a person duly qualified to undertake +it) has, I confess, at the first glance, something ridiculous about +it; and will not appear to young ladies so romantic as the calling of a +gallant soldier, blazing with glory, gold lace, and vermilion coats; +or a dear delightful clergyman, with a sweet blue eye, and a +pocket-handkerchief scented charmingly with lavender-water. The +profession I allude to WILL, I own, be to young women disagreeable, to +sober men trivial, to great stupid moralists unworthy. + +But mark my words for it, that in the religious world (I have once or +twice, by mistake no doubt, had the honor of dining in "serious" houses, +and can vouch for the fact that the dinners there are of excellent +quality)--in the serious world, in the great mercantile world, among the +legal community (notorious feeders), in every house in town (except some +half-dozen which can afford to do without such aid), the man I propose +might speedily render himself indispensable. + +Does the reader now begin to take? Have I hinted enough for him that +he may see with eagle glance the immense beauty of the profession I am +about to unfold to him? We have all seen Gunter and Chevet; Fregoso, on +the Puerta del Sol (a relation of the ex-Minister Calomarde), is a good +purveyor enough for the benighted olla-eaters of Madrid; nor have I any +fault to find with Guimard, a Frenchman, who has lately set up in the +Toledo, at Naples, where he furnishes people with decent food. It has +given me pleasure, too, in walking about London--in the Strand, +in Oxford Street, and elsewhere, to see fournisseurs and +comestible-merchants newly set up. Messrs. Morel have excellent articles +in their warehouses; Fortnum and Mason are known to most of my readers. + +But what is not known, what is wanted, what is languished for in England +is a DINNER-MASTER,--a gentleman who is not a provider of meat or wine, +like the parties before named, who can have no earthly interest in +the price of truffled turkeys or dry champagne beyond that legitimate +interest which he may feel for his client, and which leads him to see +that the latter is not cheated by his tradesmen. For the dinner-giver is +almost naturally an ignorant man. How in mercy's name can Mr. Serjeant +Snorter, who is all day at Westminster, or in chambers, know possibly +the mysteries, the delicacy, of dinner-giving? How can Alderman Pogson +know anything beyond the fact that venison is good with currant jelly, +and that he likes lots of green fat with his turtle? Snorter knows +law, Pogson is acquainted with the state of the tallow-market; but what +should he know of eating, like you and me, who have given up our time +to it? (I say ME only familiarly, for I have only reached so far in +the science as to know that I know nothing.) But men there are, gifted +individuals, who have spent years of deep thought--not merely +intervals of labor, but hours of study every day--over the gormandizing +science,--who, like alchemists, have let their fortunes go, guinea by +guinea, into the all-devouring pot,--who, ruined as they sometimes are, +never get a guinea by chance but they will have a plate of pease in May +with it, or a little feast of ortolans, or a piece of Glo'ster salmon, +or one more flask from their favorite claret-bin. + +It is not the ruined gastronomist that I would advise a person to select +as his TABLE-MASTER; for the opportunities of peculation would be too +great in a position of such confidence--such complete abandonment of +one man to another. A ruined man would be making bargains with the +tradesmen. They would offer to cash bills for him, or send him opportune +presents of wine, which he could convert into money, or bribe him in one +way or another. Let this be done, and the profession of table-master is +ruined. Snorter and Pogson may almost as well order their own dinners, +as be at the mercy of a "gastronomic agent" whose faith is not beyond +all question. + +A vulgar mind, in reply to these remarks regarding the gastronomic +ignorance of Snorter and Pogson, might say, "True, these gentlemen know +nothing of household economy, being occupied with other more important +business elsewhere. But what are their wives about? Lady Pogson in +Harley Street has nothing earthly to do but to mind her poodle, and her +mantua-maker's and housekeeper's bills. Mrs. Snorter in Belford Place, +when she has taken her drive in the Park with the young ladies, may +surely have time to attend to her husband's guests and preside over +the preparations of his kitchen, as she does worthily at his hospitable +mahogany." To this I answer, that a man who expects a woman to +understand the philosophy of dinner-giving, shows the strongest evidence +of a low mind. He is unjust towards that lovely and delicate creature, +woman, to suppose that she heartily understands and cares for what she +eats and drinks. No: taken as a rule, women have no real appetites. +They are children in the gormandizing way; loving sugar, sops, tarts, +trifles, apricot-creams, and such gewgaws. They would take a sip of +Malmsey, and would drink currant-wine just as happily, if that accursed +liquor were presented to them by the butler. Did you ever know a +woman who could lay her fair hand upon her gentle heart and say on her +conscience that she preferred dry sillery to sparkling champagne? Such +a phenomenon does not exist. They are not made for eating and drinking; +or, if they make a pretence to it, become downright odious. Nor can +they, I am sure, witness the preparations of a really great repast +without a certain jealousy. They grudge spending money (ask guards, +coachmen, inn-waiters, whether this be not the case). They will give +their all, heaven bless them to serve a son, a grandson, or a +dear relative, but they have not the heart to pay for small things +magnificently. They are jealous of good dinners, and no wonder. I have +shown in a former discourse how they are jealous of smoking, and other +personal enjoyments of the male. I say, then, that Lady Pogson or Mrs. +Snorter can never conduct their husbands' table properly. Fancy either +of them consenting to allow a calf to be stewed down into gravy for one +dish, or a dozen hares to be sacrificed to a single puree of game, or +the best Madeira to be used for a sauce, or half a dozen of champagne to +boil a ham in. They will be for bringing a bottle of Marsala in place of +the old particular, or for having the ham cooked in water. But of +these matters--of kitchen philosophy--I have no practical or theoretic +knowledge; and must beg pardon if, only understanding the goodness of a +dish when cooked, I may have unconsciously made some blunder regarding +the preparation. + +Let it, then, be set down as an axiom, without further trouble of +demonstration, that a woman is a bad dinner-caterer; either too great +and simple for it, or too mean--I don't know which it is; and gentlemen, +according as they admire or contemn the sex, may settle that matter +their own way. In brief, the mental constitution of lovely woman is such +that she cannot give a great dinner. It must be done by a man. It can't +be done by an ordinary man, because he does not understand it. Vain +fool! and he sends off to the pastry-cook in Great Russell Street or +Baker Street, he lays on a couple of extra waiters (green-grocers in the +neighborhood), he makes a great pother with his butler in the cellar, +and fancies he has done the business. + +Bon Dieu! Who has not been at those dinners?--those monstrous +exhibitions of the pastry-cook's art? Who does not know those made +dishes with the universal sauce to each: fricandeaux, sweet-breads, damp +dumpy cutlets, &c., seasoned with the compound of grease, onions, bad +port-wine, cayenne pepper, curry-powder (Warren's blacking, for what +I know, but the taste is always the same)--there they lie in the old +corner dishes, the poor wiry Moselle and sparkling Burgundy in the +ice-coolers, and the old story of white and brown soup, turbot, little +smelts, boiled turkey, saddle-of-mutton, and so forth? "Try a little of +that fricandeau," says Mrs. Snorter, with a kind smile. "You'll find +it, I think, very nice." Be sure it has come in a green tray from Great +Russell Street. "Mr. Fitz-Boodle, you have been in Germany," cries +Snorter, knowingly; "taste the hock, and tell me what you think of +THAT." + +How should he know better, poor benighted creature; or she, dear +good soul that she is? If they would have a leg-of-mutton and +an apple-pudding, and a glass of sherry and port (or simple +brandy-and-water called by its own name) after dinner, all would be very +well; but they must shine, they must dine as their neighbors. There +is no difference in the style of dinners in London; people with five +hundred a year treat you exactly as those of five thousand. They WILL +have their Moselle or hock, their fatal side-dishes brought in the green +trays from the pastry-cook's. + +Well, there is no harm done; not as regards the dinner-givers at least, +though the dinner-eaters may have to suffer somewhat; it only shows +that the former are hospitably inclined, and wish to do the very best in +their power,--good honest fellows! If they do wrong, how can they help +it? they know no better. + +And now, is it not as clear as the sun at noonday, that A WANT exists +in London for a superintendent of the table--a gastronomic agent--a +dinner-master, as I have called him before? A man of such a profession +would be a metropolitan benefit; hundreds of thousands of people of the +respectable sort, people in white waistcoats, would thank him daily. +Calculate how many dinners are given in the City of London, and +calculate the numbers of benedictions that "the Agency" might win. + +And as no doubt the observant man of the world has remarked that the +freeborn Englishman of the respectable class is, of all others, the most +slavish and truckling to a lord; that there is no fly-blown peer but he +is pleased to have him at his table, proud beyond measure to call him +by his surname (without the lordly prefix); and that those lords whom he +does not know, he yet (the freeborn Englishman) takes care to have their +pedigrees and ages by heart from his world-bible, the "Peerage:" as +this is an indisputable fact, and as it is in this particular class of +Britons that our agent must look to find clients, I need not say it is +necessary that the agent should be as high-born as possible, and that he +should be able to tack, if possible, an honorable or some other handle +to his respectable name. He must have it on his professional card-- + + THE HONORABLE GEORGE GORMAND GOBBLETON, + + Apician Chambers, Pall Mall. + + + Or, + + + SIR AUGUSTUS CARVER CRAMLEY CRAMLEY, + + Amphitryonic Council Office, Swallow Street. + +or, in some such neat way, Gothic letters on a large handsome +crockeryware card, with possibly a gilt coat-of-arms and supporters, or +the blood-red hand of baronetcy duly displayed. Depend on it plenty of +guineas will fall in it, and that Gobbleton's supporters will support +him comfortably enough. + +For this profession is not like that of the auctioneer, which I take to +be a far more noble one, because more varied and more truthful; but in +the Agency case, a little humbug at least is necessary. A man cannot be +a successful agent by the mere force of his simple merit or genius in +eating and drinking. He must of necessity impose upon the vulgar to a +certain degree. He must be of that rank which will lead them naturally +to respect him, otherwise they might be led to jeer at his profession; +but let a noble exercise it, and bless your soul, all the "Court Guide" +is dumb! + +He will then give out in a manly and somewhat pompous address what has +before been mentioned, namely, that he has seen the fatal way in which +the hospitality of England has been perverted hitherto, accapare'd by +a few cooks with green trays. (He must use a good deal of French in his +language, for that is considered very gentlemanlike by vulgar people.) +He will take a set of chambers in Canton Gardens, which will be richly +though severely furnished, and the door of which will be opened by +a French valet (he MUST be a Frenchman, remember), who will say, on +letting Mr. Snorter or Sir Benjamin Pogson in, that "MILOR is at +home." Pogson will then be shown into a library furnished with massive +bookcases, containing all the works on cookery and wines (the titles +of them) in all the known languages in the world. Any books, of course, +will do, as you will have them handsomely bound, and keep them under +plate-glass. On a side-table will be little sample-bottles of wine, a +few truffles on a white porcelain saucer, a prodigious strawberry or +two, perhaps, at the time when such fruit costs much money. On the +library will be busts marked Ude, Careme, Bechamel, in marble (never +mind what heads, of course); and, perhaps, on the clock should be a +figure of the Prince of Conde's cook killing himself because the fish +had not arrived in time: there may be a wreath of immortelles on the +figure to give it a more decidedly Frenchified air. The walls will be of +a dark rich paper, hung round with neat gilt frames, containing plans +of menus of various great dinners, those of Cambaceres, Napoleon, +Louis XIV., Louis XVIII., Heliogabalus if you like, each signed by the +respective cook. + +After the stranger has looked about him at these things, which he does +not understand in the least, especially the truffles, which look like +dirty potatoes, you will make your appearance, dressed in a dark dress, +with one handsome enormous gold chain, and one large diamond ring; a +gold snuff-box, of course, which you will thrust into the visitor's paw +before saying a word. You will be yourself a portly grave man, with +your hair a little bald and gray. In fact, in this, as in all other +professions, you had best try to look as like Canning as you can. + +When Pogson has done sneezing with the snuff, you will say to him, +"Take a fauteuil. I have the honor of addressing Sir Benjamin Pogson, I +believe?" And then you will explain to him your system. + +This, of course, must vary with every person you address. But let us +lay down a few of the heads of a plan which may be useful, or may +be modified infinitely, or may be cast aside altogether, just as +circumstances dictate. After all I am not going to turn gastronomic +agent, and speak only for the benefit perhaps of the very person who is +reading this:-- + +"SYNOPSIS OF THE GASTRONOMIC AGENCY OF THE HONORABLE GEORGE GOBBLETON. + +"The Gastronomic Agent having traversed Europe, and dined with the best +society of the world, has been led naturally, as a patriot, to turn +his thoughts homeward, and cannot but deplore the lamentable ignorance +regarding gastronomy displayed in a country for which Nature has done +almost everything. + +"But it is ever singularly thus. Inherent ignorance belongs to man; and +The Agent, in his Continental travels, has always remarked, that the +countries most fertile in themselves were invariably worse tilled than +those more barren. The Italians and the Spaniards leave their fields to +Nature, as we leave our vegetables, fish, and meat. And, heavens! what +richness do we fling away, what dormant qualities in our dishes do +we disregard,--what glorious gastronomic crops (if the Agent may +be permitted the expression)--what glorious gastronomic crops do we +sacrifice, allowing our goodly meats and fishes to lie fallow! 'Chance,' +it is said by an ingenious historian, who, having been long a secretary +in the East India House, must certainly have had access to the best +information upon Eastern matters--'Chance,' it is said by Mr. +Charles Lamb, 'which burnt down a Chinaman's house, with a litter of +sucking-pigs that were unable to escape from the interior, discovered to +the world the excellence of roast-pig.' Gunpowder, we know, was invented +by a similar fortuity." [The reader will observe that my style in the +supposed character of a Gastronomic Agent is purposely pompous and +loud.] "So, 'tis said, was printing,--so glass.--We should have drunk +our wine poisoned with the villanous odor of the borachio, had not +some Eastern merchants, lighting their fires in the Desert, marked the +strange composition which now glitters on our sideboards, and holds the +costly produce of our vines. + +"We have spoken of the natural riches of a country. Let the reader think +but for one moment of the gastronomic wealth of our country of England, +and he will be lost in thankful amazement as he watches the astonishing +riches poured out upon us from Nature's bounteous cornucopia! Look at +our fisheries!--the trout and salmon tossing in our brawling streams; +the white and full-breasted turbot struggling in the mariner's net; the +purple lobster lured by hopes of greed into his basket-prison, which +he quits only for the red ordeal of the pot. Look at whitebait, great +heavens!--look at whitebait, and a thousand frisking, glittering, +silvery things besides, which the nymphs of our native streams bear +kindly to the deities of our kitchens--our kitchens such as they are. + +"And though it may be said that other countries produce the +freckle-backed salmon and the dark broad-shouldered turbot; though trout +frequent many a stream besides those of England, and lobsters sprawl +on other sands than ours; yet, let it be remembered, that our native +country possesses these altogether, while other lands only know them +separately; that, above all, whitebait is peculiarly our country's--our +city's own! Blessings and eternal praises be on it, and, of course, on +brown bread and butter! And the Briton should further remember, with +honest pride and thankfulness, the situation of his capital, of London: +the lordly turtle floats from the sea into the stream, and from the +stream to the city; the rapid fleets of all the world se donnent +rendezvous in the docks of our silvery Thames; the produce of our coasts +and provincial cities, east and west, is borne to us on the swift lines +of lightning railroads. In a word--and no man but one who, like The +Agent, has travelled Europe over, can appreciate the gift--there is no +city on earth's surface so well supplied with fish as London! + +"With respect to our meats, all praise is supererogatory. Ask the +wretched hunter of chevreuil, the poor devourer of rehbraten, what they +think of the noble English haunch, that, after bounding in the Park of +Knole or Windsor, exposes its magnificent flank upon some broad silver +platter at our tables? It is enough to say of foreign venison, that THEY +ARE OBLIGED TO LARD IT. Away! ours is the palm of roast; whether of the +crisp mutton that crops the thymy herbage of our downs, or the noble ox +who revels on lush Althorpian oil-cakes. What game is like to ours? Mans +excels us in poultry, 'tis true; but 'tis only in merry England that the +partridge has a flavor, that the turkey can almost se passer de truffes, +that the jolly juicy goose can be eaten as he deserves. + +"Our vegetables, moreover, surpass all comment; Art (by the means of +glass) has wrung fruit out of the bosom of Nature, such as she grants to +no other clime. And if we have no vineyards on our hills, we have gold +to purchase their best produce. Nature, and enterprise that masters +Nature, have done everything for our land. + +"But, with all these prodigious riches in our power, is it not painful +to reflect how absurdly we employ them? Can we say that we are in the +habit of dining well? Alas, no! and The Agent, roaming o'er foreign +lands, and seeing how, with small means and great ingenuity and +perseverance, great ends were effected, comes back sadly to his own +country, whose wealth he sees absurdly wasted, whose energies are +misdirected, and whose vast capabilities are allowed to lie idle. . . ." +[Here should follow what I have only hinted at previously, a vivid and +terrible picture of the degradation of our table.] ". . . Oh, for a +master spirit, to give an impetus to the land, to see its great power +directed in the right way, and its wealth not squandered or hidden, but +nobly put out to interest and spent! + +"The Agent dares not hope to win that proud station--to be the destroyer +of a barbarous system wallowing in abusive prodigality--to become a +dietetic reformer--the Luther of the table. + +"But convinced of the wrongs which exist, he will do his humble endeavor +to set them right, and to those who know that they are ignorant (and +this is a vast step to knowledge) he offers his counsels, his active +co-operation, his frank and kindly sympathy. The Agent's qualifications +are these:-- '1. He is of one of the best families in England; and has +in himself, or through his ancestors, been accustomed to good living +for centuries. In the reign of Henry V., his maternal +great-great-grandfather, Roger de Gobylton' [the name may be varied, of +course, or the king's reign, or the dish invented], 'was the first +who discovered the method of roasting a peacock whole, with his +tail-feathers displayed; and the dish was served to the two kings at +Rouen. Sir Walter Cramley, in Elizabeth's reign, produced before +her Majesty, when at Killingworth Castle, mackerel with the famous +GOOSEBERRY SAUCE, &c.' + +"2. He has, through life, devoted himself to no other study than that of +the table: and has visited to that end the courts of all the monarchs of +Europe: taking the receipts of the cooks, with whom he lives on terms of +intimate friendship, often at enormous expense to himself. + +"3. He has the same acquaintance with all the vintages of the Continent; +having passed the autumn of 1811 (the comet year) on the great Weinberg +of Johannisberg; being employed similarly at Bordeaux, in 1834; at +Oporto, in 1820; and at Xeres de la Frontera, with his excellent +friends, Duff, Gordon and Co., the year after. He travelled to India and +back in company with fourteen pipes of Madeira (on board of the Samuel +Snob' East Indiaman, Captain Scuttler), and spent the vintage season in +the island, with unlimited powers of observation granted to him by the +great houses there. + +"4. He has attended Mr. Groves of Charing Cross, and Mr. Giblett of +Bond Street, in a course of purchases of fish and meat; and is able at +a glance to recognize the age of mutton, the primeness of beef, the +firmness and freshness of fish of all kinds. + +"5. He has visited the parks, the grouse-manors, and the principal +gardens of England, in a similar professional point of view." + + +The Agent then, through his subordinates, engages to provide gentlemen +who are about to give dinner-parties--"1. With cooks to dress the +dinners; a list of which gentlemen he has by him, and will recommend +none who are not worthy of the strictest confidence. + +"2. With a menu for the table, according to the price which the +Amphitryon chooses to incur. + +"3. He will, through correspondence, with the various fournisseurs of +the metropolis, provide them with viands, fruit, wine, &c., sending to +Paris, if need be, where he has a regular correspondence with Messrs. +Chevet. + +"4. He has a list of dexterous table-waiters (all answering to the name +of John for fear of mistakes, the butler's name to be settled according +to pleasure), and would strongly recommend that the servants of the +house should be locked in the back-kitchen or servants' hall during the +time the dinner takes place. + +"5. He will receive and examine all the accounts of the +fournisseurs,--of course pledging his honor as a gentleman not to +receive one shilling of paltry gratification from the tradesmen he +employs, but to see that the bills are more moderate, and their goods of +better quality, than they would provide to any person of less experience +than himself. + +"6. His fee for superintending a dinner will be five guineas: and The +Agent entreats his clients to trust ENTIRELY to him and his subordinates +for the arrangement of the repast,--NOT TO THINK of inserting dishes +of their own invention, or producing wine from their own cellars, as +he engages to have it brought in the best order, and fit for immediate +drinking. Should the Amphitryon, however, desire some particular dish +or wine, he must consult The Agent in the first case by writing, in the +second, by sending a sample to The Agent's chambers. For it is manifest +that the whole complexion of a dinner may be altered by the insertion +of a single dish; and, therefore, parties will do well to mention their +wishes on the first interview with The Agent. He cannot be called upon +to recompose his bill of fare, except at great risk to the ensemble of +the dinner and enormous inconvenience to himself. + +"7. The Agent will be at home for consultation from ten o'clock until +two, earlier if gentlemen who are engaged at early hours in the City +desire to have an interview: and be it remembered, that a PERSONAL +INTERVIEW is always the best: for it is greatly necessary to know not +only the number but the character of the guests whom the Amphitryon +proposes to entertain,--whether they are fond of any particular wine or +dish, what is their state of health, rank, style, profession, &c. + +"8. At two o'clock, he will commence his rounds; for as the metropolis is +wide, it is clear that he must be early in the field in some districts. +From 2 to 3 he will be in Russell Square and the neighborhood; 3 to 3 +3/4, Harley Street, Portland Place, Cavendish Square, and the environs; +3 3/4 to 4 1/4, Portman Square, Gloucester Place, Baker Street, &c.; +4 1/4 to 5, the new district about Hyde Park Terrace; 5 to 5 3/4, St. +John's Wood and the Regent's Park. He will be in Grosvenor Square by 6, +and in Belgrave Square, Pimlico, and its vicinity, by 7. Parties there +are requested not to dine until 8 o'clock; and The Agent, once for all, +peremptorily announces that he will NOT go to the palace, where it is +utterly impossible to serve a good dinner." + +"TO TRADESMEN. + +"Every Monday evening during the season the Gastronomic Agent proposes +to give a series of trial-dinners, to which the principal gormands of +the metropolis, and a few of The Agent's most respectable clients, will +be invited. Covers will be laid for TEN at nine o'clock precisely. And +as The Agent does not propose to exact a single shilling of profit from +their bills, and as his recommendation will be of infinite value to +them, the tradesmen he employs will furnish the weekly dinner gratis. +Cooks will attend (who have acknowledged characters) upon the same +terms. To save trouble, a book will be kept where butchers, poulterers, +fishmongers, &c. may inscribe their names in order, taking it by turns +to supply the trial-table. Wine-merchants will naturally compete every +week promiscuously, sending what they consider their best samples, and +leaving with the hall-porter tickets of the prices. Confectionery to +be done out of the house. Fruiterers, market-men, as butchers and +poulterers. The Agent's maitre-d'hotel will give a receipt to each +individual for the articles he produces; and let all remember that The +Agent is a VERY KEEN JUDGE, and woe betide those who serve him or his +clients ill! + +"GEORGE GORMAND GOBBLETON. + +"CARLTON GARDENS, June 10, 1842." + + +Here I have sketched out the heads of such an address as I conceive a +gastronomic agent might put forth; and appeal pretty confidently to the +British public regarding its merits and my own discovery. If this be not +a profession--a new one--a feasible one--a lucrative one,--I don't +know what is. Say that a man attends but fifteen dinners daily, that +is seventy-five guineas, or five hundred and fifty pounds weekly, or +fourteen thousand three hundred pounds for a season of six months: and +how many of our younger sons have such a capital even? Let, then, some +unemployed gentleman with the requisite qualifications come forward. It +will not be necessary that he should have done all that is stated in the +prospectus; but, at any rate, let him SAY he has: there can't be much +harm in an innocent fib of that sort; for the gastronomic agent must be +a sort of dinner-pope, whose opinions cannot be supposed to err. + +And as he really will be an excellent judge of eating and drinking, and +will bring his whole mind to bear upon the question, and will speedily +acquire an experience which no person out of the profession can possibly +have; and as, moreover, he will be an honorable man, not practising upon +his client in any way, or demanding sixpence beyond his just fee, the +world will gain vastly by the coming forward of such a person,--gain in +good dinners, and absolutely save money: for what is five guineas for a +dinner of sixteen? The sum may be gaspille by a cook-wench, or by one of +those abominable before-named pastry-cooks with their green trays. + +If any man take up the business, he will invite me, of course, to the +Monday dinners. Or does ingratitude go so far as that a man should +forget the author of his good fortune? I believe it does. Turn we away +from the sickening theme! + + +And now, having concluded my professions, how shall I express my +obligations to the discriminating press of this country for the +unanimous applause which hailed my first appearance? It is the more +wonderful, as I pledge my sacred word, I never wrote a document before +much longer than a laundress's bill, or the acceptance of an invitation +to dinner. But enough of this egotism: thanks for praise conferred sound +like vanity; gratitude is hard to speak of, and at present it swells the +full heart of + +GEORGE SAVAGE FITZ-BOODLE. + + + + + +End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Fitz-Boodle Papers, by +William Makepeace Thackeray + +*** \ No newline at end of file