text,label,Claim,Source "There is clear, compelling evidence that many of the major conclusions of the IPCC, your new religions constantly-changing Holy Book, are based on evidence that has been fabricated. The hockey stick graph that purported to abolish the mediaeval warm period is just one example.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "For most of the Holocene (last 10k years), sea level has been rising at a rate of around 2mm per year. Climate change has little to do with it - it's simply a long term inevitability which will end when the current interglacial returns to a glacial period (which we will regret).",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "China, which hosts U.N. climate talks next week for the first time, is promoting what it calls ambitious plans to boost energy efficiency and curb emissions. But its supercharged growth means even with rapid efficiency gains it cancels out other global efforts to combat climate change.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "And the fabricated documents (which Dr. Mann apparently still thinks is factual) which lead to the sort of misinformation Dr. Mann uses, are here:",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS It's going to be 42 here today and the hottest summer on record was iirc 1934 so not sure how global warming works into it.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "The global warming crisis emerged from a belief that small rises in CO 2 concentrations result in large knock-on effects, or strong positive feedbacks. These remain conjectural, as the forcings and feedbacks are poorly understood. Just how much of an effect does a rise in CO 2 have a little, or a lot? Hence the importance of new and better studies in the area of climate science dealing with attribution.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS "Donald Trump has called climate change a fabrication on the part of ""the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.""",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,jindev "It is significantly colder globally, colder even than the significant drop to -0.046C seen in January 2008.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Another issue was the move of weather stations from suburban to urban locations a couple of decades ago in order to hook to the Internet and a change of their housing design from wooden to metal boxes. This supposedly increased temps and started to cause climate change alarm.,misrepresentation,5.1.3,hamburg_test3 Many of these fear mongers also say we should stop burning fossil fuels that are causing this mayhem.,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "Ramping up wind power to 10, 20, or 30% of U.S. electricity production would likely increase annual bat kills to 10-to-30 million every year.",cherry picking,4.4.1,jindev Since Arrhenius made his forecast of warmth in Chicago Illinois temperatures have plummeted and are the coldest on record this year. They peaked in 1921,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "This year, the Jan-Mar temperature is -2.17 F cooler than for example 1907 . And if we compare this years Jan-Mar temperature with 1921 it is -4.17 F cooler.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "I don't need an alternative, because (IMO) there is no such thing as ""global warming"". I was alive in the 70's where I was, as a child, scared shitless by the ""experts"" & media blasting ""if we don't change our ways, we are heading for the next ice age!"" Bullshit, then and now!",misrepresentation,5.1,hamburg_test3 Is it any surprise that climate-change predictions in the real world - where the complexities are exponentially greater and the exactitude of knowledge much less - have such a poor track record?,cherry picking,5.1.4,jintrain "A conclusion and its implication in the summary paper was: because our scientific investigation leads us to the prediction that the Sun is headed into a protracted minimum, the warming forecast by the IPCC might not happen.",single cause,1.2,CARDS Fun fact: 0 people have ever died from climate change. That number is expected to remain constant,slothful induction,3.6,hamburg_test3 "In the very year they had forecast that the Arctic would be ""ice free,"" its thickness increased by a third.",cherry picking,1.1.3,jintrain "Early Global Warming coincided with a slight increase in CO2 emissions, while Global Cooling was paralleled by a dramatic increase in CO2 emissions from 4.0 Gt/yr in 1942 to 20.0 Gt/yr in 1975.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "In an interview with the BBC after the scandal broke, Dr Jones admitted there had been ""no statistically significant global warming since 1995.""",cherry picking,1.4,jintrain "Dearth Of Sunspot Activity To Herald New Ice Age? A top observatory that has been measuring sun cycles for over 200 years predicts that global temperatures will drop by two degrees over the next two decades as solar activity grinds to a halt and the planet drastically cools down, potentially heralding the onset of a new ice age.",single cause,1.2,CARDS "Based on my analysis above, I would say that the Times was definitely onto something global temperatures are rising at a pace so slow as to begin to raise questions as to whether they are being modeled correctly and are starting to suggest we have already left behind the world of possibilities portrayed in the panels report.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS Antarctic land ice increasing (Zwally 2018),cherry picking,1.1.1,hamburg_test3 What's in it for you to push climate change fear? You're getting something out of it.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "According to a recent National Economic Research Associates Economic Consulting study, the Paris Agreement could obliterate $ 3 trillion of GDP, 6.5 million industrial sector jobs and $ 7,000 in per capita household income from the American economy by 2040.",slothful induction,4.1.1,jindev We are expected to believe that emission of traces of a trace gas into the atmosphere is a major planetary driving force.,misrepresentation,2.3.1,jintrain "Instead, and remarkably, government overseers adjust the data to add more recent warming than is being reported in the raw temperature readings.",misrepresentation,5.1.3,jintrain "The question is not if climate change is happening - it is and always has been, long before modern civilizations. The question is if human contribution to climate change is in any way significant to alter it.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "If climate change was a real threat, heat waves would be happening everywhere, all of the time. It is not.This is not climate change. This is the sun.",impossible expectations,1.7,hamburg_test2 Winterlike Cold to Blast United States in Days; South Prepares for Record-Breaking Lows. So much global warming,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 The whole Global Warming myth is fake. 600 million years of evidence along with real science proves it.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "Since 2005, U.S. emissions have fallen while those of the developing countries have soared. Developing country emissions now exceed those of the entire industrialized world. China is by far the world's biggest emitter. This new reality implies that nothing Washington can do domestically will stop climate change.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "Ignore that huge ball of plasma out there, and years of proof.",single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 And a recent paper published in Nature concluded that the planet is less sensitive to increases in CO2 than the computer models say.,cherry picking,3.1,jintrain "He emphatically stated that atmospheric CO2 is not a pollutant. In fact, increased levels of CO2 reduce the negative effects of a number of plant stresses including: high salinity, low light, high and low temperatures, insufficient water, air pollution, and protects against herbivores i.e. being eaten by animals and insects.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS You cannot trust the UN's World Meteorological Organization which like the IPCC is just part of a vast matrix of groups that have been so severely corrupted by the global warming/climate change hoax that one must exercise caution when hearing its forecasts.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS This is yet another climate hoax promotion so only the rich climate change drum beaters can fly around in private jets. The rest of us will walk or bike because our govt is trying to kill fossil fuels to make us govt dependent!,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "After all, if you are claiming the sun caused the warming, and you take it away, and the oceans flip to their negative phase, and a couple of volcanoes blow to boot, then there is real trouble. Hence the triple crown of cooling, which I showed on national TV 4 years ago when explaining why the cooling would commence, and by 2030 temperatures would return to levels seen in the late 1970s.",single cause,1.2,CARDS "Of course the woke lib radical METEOROLOGIST in THE RADICAL WOKE MPLS has to put in his 2 cents..Shouldn't he be reporting on the "" climate crisis"" the existential threat..we are all going to die. #PATHETIC",ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test1 Global warming is cyclical. Ain't our fault. We just have to find a way to live with it....but if it gets worse we will all be dead in decades to come. It's a planet. Evolving. Not guaranteed to be our home forever. Lucky it's not an ice age with heating costs up...!,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "For people experiencing an increase in vegetation in previously barren regions, this greening of the Earth is welcome and wonderful news.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev Can the federal role in climate research be scaled back to improve incentives and quality?,ad hominem,5.2.5,jintrain Concurrently a compilation of all days since 1915 when temperatures exceeded 90F shows them decreasing with time rather than increasing in Figure 2.,cherry picking,1.7,Alhindi_train "It was global warming, now its Climate Change.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 "The authors simply taken a set of gases (including carbon dioxide) and ascribed an effect: climate forcing. They do not demonstrate a mechanism, or even shown a correlation, between levels of anthropogenic carbon dioxide and global warming.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS you should stop drinking the Koolaid and use your head.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 Climate change crap has gotten out of control,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 The fact that we found it difficult to discern warming trends at many stations that are not located in rapidly developing urban areas may indicate that the actual increase in global temperature caused by anthropogenic perturbation is less pronounced than estimated in the last IPCC Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change.,cherry picking,5.1.3,CARDS "As a child I played in it, as an adult I worked all my life in it...the weather. There were freezing cold times & there were heat index over 100 times. This climate change bullshit being pushed is bullshit.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 "While in fact what they do is the opposite, directly cause the climate change by releasing these chemicals in the air. What do they gain by this? Who knows, why did they start the climate change scheme anyway? Thats the question…",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test1 "In fact, combining the slightly higher temperature with higher CO2 levels should significantly increase world crop growth if these are the only factors, and this is clearly a generally positive effect.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Your SUV has overheated the planet, and caused one of the coldest years on record in the US.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Politicians beholden to the hypocritical environmental movement are making it worse.,ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test2 "Yet another significant paper finds low climate sensitivity to CO2, suggesting there is no global warming crisis at hand",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS Marxist Democrats are doing this on purpose as an offering to their alter of Climate Change. They are deliberately trying to destroy the energy industry so we will be forced into less effective forms of energy like wind and solar.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test2 "No matter what humans do , temperature trends go up , and then down ; glaciers expand and then recede ; sea levels rise and then fall",single cause,2.1.4,jintest "Yet the trend for landfalling typhoons around the Philippines has actually declined since 1950, according to a study published in 2012 by the American Meteorological Society's Journal of Climate.",cherry picking,1.7,jintrain "I don't give a toss about so-called 'Climate Change'. The day I start caring about it is the day that corrupt, hypocritical, scumbag politicians give up their limos, private jets & taxpayer-funded perks. It's also the day they stop preaching & lying to us - in other words NEVER!",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Yes but it seems to be increasing with climate change, just like hurricanes. We're more likely to get a Noreaster with 2 feet of snow.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 A minority of scientists question whether this means global warming has peaked and the earth has proved more resilient to greenhouse gases than predicted.,fake experts,1.4,CARDS "But it is almost certain that next year, large falls will also be measured over the oceans, and by weather station thermometers on the surface of the planet - exactly as happened after the end of the last very strong El Nino in 1998.",cherry picking,1.4,jintrain "Discussion does not mention the lag between historical rises in temperature and increases in CO2 and gives the impression that CO2 changes were the cause of the rises in temperature as determined from ice core data. This omission like many others, strongly slants the discussion towards CO2 induced warming.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS Biden admits gas and food prices aren't coming down anytime soon...it's all going according to plan.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 k crazy idea.. what if higher amounts of carbon in the atmosphere feeds all plants and foliage enough that we are forced to bring back the dinosaurs to eat back the excess plant growth? Global warming leads to dinosaurs. I love dinosaurs.,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test2 GLOBAL WARMING:What they DON'T tell you.LESS than a 1/2 a degree is the Actual increase in the last 20 years.LESS than one degree is the Actual increase in the last 70 years.Documented facts from the 2020 NOAA Annual Climate Report.NASA: Ocean warming .6 of a degree in 53 yr,slothful induction,3.4,hamburg_test3 "“Earlier this month, NASA scientists provided a visualization of a startling climate change trend — the Earth is getting greener, as viewed from space, especially in its rapidly warming northern regions. And this is presumably occurring as more carbon dioxide in the air, along with warmer temperatures and longer growing seasons, makes plants very, very happy.”",oversimplification,3.3.1,Alhindi_train "By the way, it's not really ""carbon""; it's carbon dioxide. Want to fix it? Plant more trees.",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 "The vast majority of this warming is near the Earths surface, and is due to H2O molecules, rather than CO2. Forecasts of large amounts of CO2 warming, are not based on any legitimate science.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS """What the alarmists call global heating now stretches to 92 months. The graph compiled by the NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer has been banned by Google AdSense and clearly shows that global warming started to run out of steam about 20 years ago.",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test2 Take your climate change and shove it up your ass! It has been happening for 100s of thousands of years with out commie crats trying to do what they are compelled to do - “ CONTROL”! Only God Controls! He will stop satan!,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "How could that be? Cherry says theres been an implicit assumption that because electric cars dont burn fossil fuels, theyre cleaner for the environment and safer for people, but that doesnt take into account how the electricity they use is generated. In China, that would be from you guessed it fossil fuels. About 85% of the countrys electricity is powered by fossil fuels, of which 95% is coal.",misrepresentation,4.4.1,CARDS "Carbon dioxide is the gas that all humans and animals exhale and all plants require to grow. Without carbon dioxide, all life on Earth would cease.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS The scientists investigated the phase relation (leads/lags) between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperaturesusing standard data series for the period January 1980 to December 2011.They found that changes in global atmospheric CO2 follow 1112 months behind changes in global sea surface temperature and 9.510 months behind changes in global air surface temperature. The findings conflict with the consensus view concerning the greenhouse gas theory that says the opposite should happen with temperatures supposedly being driven by any rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 levels are up 40 percent in recent decades).,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS A weak global cooling began from the mid-1940s and lasted until mid-1970s. I predict this is what we will see in the next few decades.,slothful induction,1.2,CARDS No one on the climate change team recognizes this. I've been saying this for years,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 the sea level rise is so slow that we can easily cope it and that we can't look into the future?,slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3 "Many of the protesters who endured the cold to chant ""Stop Global Warming!"" said they didn't think the snowfall conflicted with their message. Davey Rogner, a 22 year old student at the University of Maryland College Park, beat on an African Djembe drum to rev up the crowd. He said the snow was a ""gift"" to remind eveyone about how rarely Maryland has been blanketed with beautiful white in recent years as temperatures have increased.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "I chose to assess the sea-level trend from 1915-45, when a genuine, independently confirmed warming of approximately 0.5 degree Celsius occurred.",cherry picking,1.6,jindev "They used to call it global warming but seeing as how the earth's temperature hasn't increased for 15 years, they've quietly dropped that in favour of climate change.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test1 "The fact that those who continue to promote this propaganda effort, fully aware of the half-truths and out-right lies, makes clear that science (i.e. truth) is not, to them, sacrosanct. When scientists recognize that they cannot use the science to prove their science then, well, its probably not science.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS "NOAA generated their fake map through an amazing hockey stick of adjustments of 3.5 degrees in Michigan. By massively cooling the past and warming present, they tried to fool Great Lakes ice into believing that the freezing point of water has changed.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "“Peter Wadhams, professor of ocean physics at the University of Cambridge, predicted ‘global disaster’ from the demise of Arctic sea ice—in four years. He too, is eating crow.”",cherry picking,5.2,Alhindi_train "“Professor Judith Curry, of the Georgia Institute of Technology, and president of the Climate Forecast Applications Network, said yesterday: ‘I disagree with Gavin. The record warm years of 2015 and 2016 were primarily caused by the super El Nino.’”",single cause,2.1.3,Alhindi_train It's a hoax to get your money.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 "If cloud feedback is sufficiently negative, then manmade global warming becomes a non-issue.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS "The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850 . Therefore , it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.",single cause,2.1.4,jindev "Not only do polls suggest the public is unmoved at home and in abroad, serial exaggeration at this point is arguably backfiring, confirming the perils of climate exaggeration.",cherry picking,4.3.2,jintrain "I also believe that the Climategate emails revealed, to an extent that surprised even me (and I am difficult to surprise), an ethos of suffocating groupthink and intellectual corruption?",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "But in a carbon market, most market participants actually benefit from fraud . The sellers of carbon credits benefit when they sell fraudulent credits, because they are making money for nothing. The buyers of carbon credits benefit from a market flooded with fraudulent carbon credits, because the oversupply caused by fraudulent credits helps to keep prices down. Corrupt officials benefit financially, when they receive bribes to ignore the fraud.",conspiracy theory,4.2,CARDS This proves greenhouse gases act as cooling agents rather than warming.,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "The amount of fabricated data is increasing exponentially, and at current rates of fabrication 100% of the data will be fake by the year 2035 i.e. there will be no actual thermometer data used after that date. NCDC says that their software which does this, is working as expected.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "One small problem. The CO2 theory says warming is caused by the CO2, where most of it got into the atmosphere since about 1945. This graph shows the warming happening when there is little added CO2, and growth of temperature halting as CO2 is released. Being essentially flat from 1932 to the left margin. We do see that the last half dozen years again have about 1/2 the low going range pruned out of the data; or it could just be like the 1940s flat period again.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS Carbon dioxide present in the oceans is essential to plant life and current very low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the ocean are limiting plant growth. All animal life depends on these plants.,oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "The hotspot is integral to their theory, because it would be evidence of the extra evaporation and thickening of the water vapor blanket that produces two thirds of the warming in the climate models the carbon dioxide itself produces only one third of the projected warming, but is amplified in the models by water vapor. But in reality there is no hotspot, so there is no amplification, which is why the climate models have exaggerated temperature increases.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS "This, all while doing nothing to meaningfully decrease global temperatures.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,jindev "The amount of energy necessary for humans to do everything we do is simply too large. As that demand for energy grows, the amount of renewable energy also has to grow, just to maintain only a 15-20 % fraction of the total.",impossible expectations,4.3.1,jintrain They are using #climatechange as an #excuse to implement a #totalitarian #Control #society.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 This is what the entire climate change movement does. The second someone publishes credible research that discredits what they say. They attack their credibility. Look up Mackentire and Mckitrick. And the Global Warming Bombshell from 2004. That will blow your mind.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "It is worth pondering the italicized sentence. It means that even if the United States and its fellow industrialized nations ceased to exist, emissions from developing nations, not included in the Kyoto Protocol and unlikely to be included in the successor treaty, would carry the CO2 level well beyond 450 ppm by midcentury.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "This comes almost exactly 40 years after the government wrote a state of the climate report saying that global cooling was going to cause floods, famines, extreme weather, and would kill us all.",misrepresentation,5.1,CARDS REPORT ON GEO ENGINEERING A.k.a. man-made FAKE climate change a.k.a. Chemtrails! We are sick and tired of the media not reporting this issue which is blocking out our sun and making our sky a pasty white color! This is the reason for the green new deal!!!,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 "It is in this context that climate change provided a new opportunity for many governments to legitimize their role, and expand their scope. The formation of the IPCC and its apparent focus on the science of climate change allowed the political establishments to claim science as the basis for proposed climate policies that increased the power of government and curtailed the private sector.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS Species thrive when it is warm.,oversimplification,3.2,jintest "Several satellites measure the global sea level elevation. The European satellite, Evisat, provided possibly the best available data. It showed falling sea level since its launch in 2002, and for the last two years the decline was 5mm/yr.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS The Maldives sea level has been stable for the last 30 years.,cherry picking,1.6,CARDS "In return for crippling our economy, the Paris Agreement would do next to nothing to impact global temperatures.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,jindev "don’t worry about the CO2, there is no climate crisis",slothful induction,3,hamburg_test1 There is 0.04% CO2 in the atmosphere so that is Not the issue.,misrepresentation,2.3.1,hamburg_test3 71% Of The US Has Been Below Normal Temperature Over The Past Year,anecdote,1.3,CARDS the satellites now show that in recent months global temperatures have plummeted by more that 0.6 degrees,cherry picking,1.4,jindev "Nearly 28,000 people died in Britain last winter, most of them pensioners who could not afford adequate heat. Charities say this is the highest winter death rate in northern Europe, worse even than much colder nations like Finland and Sweden. And this winter has already seen the coldest December night for Wales in 169 years of record keeping. It was Britain's coldest December in 120 years.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "And as Dr Goklany goes on to explain, the WHOs results use climate model results that apparently overstate the warming trend three-fold compared to observations despite using 27% less greenhouse gas forcing.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS "Temperatures across much of the north-central U.S. on Tuesday were 20 to 40 degrees below average in many areas, the National Weather Service said.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "News flash, Mr. President: Alaska has been buffeted by cyclical swings in climate for thousands of years. That's true for the rest of the world, too. There was a 300-year-long Medieval heat wave, followed by a Little Ice Age that began around 1300, and then the 300-year warming period we're in now.",single cause,2.1.4,jintest "Rise in global temperature has not been induced by increase to anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide. More than 80% of the anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide has been since 1940, and the increase to the emissions has been at a compound rate of ~0.4% p.a. throughout that time. But that time has exhibited 40 years of cooling with only 28 years of warming, and global temperature is now similar to that of 1940.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS The global temperature report for July 2004 from the University of Alabama in Huntsville Earth System Science Center found that the month was the coolest month in four and a half years and the coolest July in a dozen years.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Many alarmist scientists and bureaucrats would lose their jobs or funding if the belief that carbon emissions were causing global warming died, yet they are not accused of vested interests. Very odd.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "That air when dry contains roughly 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon and very small amounts of other gases in fact, such small amounts that they were called trace amounts until we discovered global warming. At that point we called it the greatest challenge in human history and people began to exaggerate the influence of carbon dioxide.",misrepresentation,2.3.1,CARDS "You'd think that by now global warming would have made harsh winter weather a thing of the past. Alas, no. Our tomatoes, and the health and welfare benefits they bring, are still endangered.",impossible expectations,1.3,CARDS "The Independent, 18 December 2010: December 2010 is ""almost certain"" to be the coldest since records began in 1910, according to the Met Office.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS It gives you that nagging feeling that maybe global warming is real after all.,impossible expectations,5.1.3,jintrain "Since humans began adding CO2 to the planets atmosphere, taking plants off their starvation rations by creating a planet-wide greenhouse, plants have thrived. Data from NASA satellites, which since the early 1980s have been tracking the amount of biota on Earth, vividly demonstrate the results. As CO2 emissions grew in leaps and bounds, so did plants the data shows planet Earth is now greener than when those satellite measurements began.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Yes, the science is far from settled. We cannot close the Earths energy budget.",slothful induction,5.1.1,CARDS "Figure 5 illustrates the annual Indian Ocean Sea Level from 1993 to 2007. From 1999 to 2007, Indian Ocean Sea Level appears to have increased exponentially, but a look at the smoothed data in Figure 4 reveals that the rise has ended. http://i33.tinypic.com/9kpm39.jpg Figure 5",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS "A Republican congressman from Colorado, Ken Buck, recently called one military proposal part of a ""radical climate change agenda.""",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "Yes they have, that's the POINT! Dems/Left want society to collapse and become totally dependent on them",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3 In recognition of those facts they don't call it global warming anymore.They modified it to 'climate change'.Same endpoint narrative though.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 "In response to intense questioning from Rep. Mike Pompeo, Kansas Republican, during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on Sept. 18, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy admitted that the new regulations are unlikely to have measurable impact on world climate.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "But for the sake of argument, say there are merely 15 variables involved in predicting global climate change, and assume that climatologists have mastered each one to a near-perfect accuracy of 95 percent.",oversimplification,5.1,jintrain However the warming trend is slower than most climate models have forecast.,cherry picking,5.1.4,jintrain "My problem w/ that is the ppl rallying for climate change want to control you & not change their way of life: they fly private/1st class to Davos, they tell you to eat crickets/mealworms while they feast on steak, they waste carbon tax $ instead of building nuclear energy plants.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "In contrast, records of CO2 and temperature reveal no discernable warming effect of CO2. There is a correlation between atmospheric CO2 and temperature, but with CO2 changes following temperature changes by an average of about 800 years (Caillon 2003 ), indicating that it is temperature change that is driving atmospheric CO2 change (as it should, since warming oceans are able to hold less CO2).",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "With one day to go, February 2015's average temperature is 14.5 degrees. That's the coldest since 1875, when the average temperature was 12.2 degrees, according to the National Weather Service.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Climate change is a joke just fyi the earth naturally goes through phases. U Should read a book,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 Government totalitarianism in the name of climate change is a much bigger threat IMO.,misrepresentation,4.1.5,hamburg_test2 Geologic reconstruction of past climate (see figure below) shows a sharp DROP of 10C during the late Ordovician of the Paleozoic (~488 to 444 million years ago) while atmospheric CO levels INCREASED from ~4100 ppm to 4500 ppm. This climate change reflected the onset of one of the coldest Ice Eras in Earth's climate history and demonstrates conclusively that there is no causative relationship between atmospheric CO and global average temperature.,false equivalence,2.1.4,CARDS "What it does do is lend credence to something we much-maligned sceptics have long been saying: that in many environmental fields, the science is being abused and distorted to promote a political and financial agenda.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "THE WORD religion is often used, rather effectively, to demonise a category of people who hold a strong conviction about something and propose to translate that belief into action. Global warming is a new religion and blasphemy against that religion is not a laughing matter, Lord Lawson has said, adding that there is a great gap in Europe with the decline of any real belief in Marxism and any real belief in Christianity. This has filled the vacuum.",false equivalence,5.2.1,CARDS I also recognize as unscientific the creation of and adoration for Mr. Gores movie An Inconvenient Truth.,ad hominem,5.2,CARDS While taking private jets and bitching about climate change.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 Based on this analysis we can say that there is a probability of 94% of imminent global cooling and the beginning of the coming ice age.,slothful induction,1.2,CARDS Climate has been changing since the Earth formed.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 Climate change is definitely real. It changes every year from Winter to autumn to spring to summer.,false equivalence,2,hamburg_test2 "It is difficult to believe that any self-respecting scientist would have anything to do with the Climate Witness Panel after reading those eight pages. The WWF states baldly, right up front, that the purpose of the panel is to heighten the publics sense of urgency . That particular phrase is used four times on the final page.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "If there's anything I've learned in the past year, I've learned that the science of climate isn't settled.",slothful induction,5.1.1,CARDS "Austrian weather expert Alexander Orlik from the central weather institute ZAMG said: ""It is true the snow is very early this year and that is an indication that it will be a long hard winter, but not proof.""",anecdote,1.3,CARDS We were told 40 years ago we'd be in an ice age by now.,misrepresentation,5.1,hamburg_test3 """The Obama administration is instituting a variety of far-reaching policies to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. Are any of these capable of making a difference?"" asked Mr. Lazear. ""Simple arithmetic suggests not.""",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS Climate change hoax you mean cowboy,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test1 “record temperatures brought in 2016 by an exceptionally strong El Niño”,single cause,1.7,Alhindi_train "On a larger scale, the ice caps show that after a natural orbitally driven warming, atmospheric carbon dioxide content increases 800 years later. Rather than atmospheric carbon dioxide driving temperature, it is the opposite.",false choice,2.3.3,jintrain "The collapse of the global warming hoax has warmists running scared, and some are trying to play the ""uncertainty card"". Busted:",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS “The blue bars show where the raw temperature data has been adjusted downwards to make it cooler; the red bars show where the raw temperature data has been adjusted upwards to make it warmer.” It does no such thing as both the series are adjusted. Hence it is impossible from the graph as constructed to make such an inference. To do so would require taking the adjusted data away from the raw data which is not what is being done here. dev strawman 5.1 is usually red herring when focused on UHI but this is misrepresentation,misrepresentation,5.1.3,Alhindi_dev "Not only did the 3.1 inches of snow in Omaha break the previous May record of 2.0 inches from 1945, but also marked the city's first measurable snow in 46 years.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Climate change agenda is to rob & control industry, business, farms, food supply, you, what you eat, do & use with automatic deductions from bank accounts for exceeding carbon allowance & GM food in schools already in place? #TheGreatReset #NWO #Agenda2030 #DigitalCurrency #CBDC",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test1 "It is also evident from the sea-level reconstruction that, notwithstanding the changes in temperature over the past millennium, sea level has varied by only 20 cm (8 in) either side of the millennial mean.",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS "Slight inconvenience??? What are you people on.In the next few decades, China, India and the rest of developing world will burn all the remaining fossil fuels, whatever we do.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,hamburg_test3 "Probably no single issue damages the reputation of the climate science community more than the refusal to show the data that supports their work, even under an FOI request. The public believes that scientists who purport to be concerned about the future of the planet should not place their own financial interests, including future grants, ahead of this concern, particularly when their research has been done with public funds.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "Last winter had the largest sea ice extent in the last six years, the largest North American snow extent on record, and the second largest northern hemisphere snow extent on record.",cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS I want to know when global warming will start. Im still freezing my ass off at the end of April.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS Can such study overcome the Malthusian bias (change is bad ; mankind is at fault) to achieve impartiality?,ad hominem,5.1,jintrain "Climate change is apart of the earth's natural cycle. Check out the 26,000 year processional cycle of the earth's Axis.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "Its official: this March in northeastern Germany is the coldest in 130 years, and could be the coldest since records began.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "So if they are using temperature and salinity to come up with pH, how can they determine that the ""ocean acidification"" they claim in the PR is truly a function of dissolved CO2, and not just part of the normal regional and seasonal salinity pattern?",slothful induction,5.1,CARDS "Although the extent of the summer sea ice after 2006 dropped abruptly to levels not expected until 2050, the predicted 67-per-cent decline in polar bear numbers simply didn't happen.",cherry picking,3.2.2,jintrain "Decades of over-aggressive fire suppression policies have caused an unnatural buildup of older, denser, more vulnerable pine forests. These conditions predictably aid pine beetles.",single cause,3.2,jindev "Predictions from the model suggest that solar activity will fall by 60 per cent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the 'mini ice age' that began in 1645, according to the results presented by Prof Valentina Zharkova at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno.",false equivalence,1.2,CARDS "Even if Australia stopped emitting all carbon dioxide tomorrow, completely shut up shop and went back to the stone age, according to the official government climate models it would be cooler in 2050 by about 0.015 degrees.",impossible expectations,4.2.4,CARDS "Considering the long years of media-driven drivel about global warming, the hoax should have been over by now, given the exposure in 2009 of thousands of emails between the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) conspirators and growing body of evidence that everything they asserted was a great steaming pile of horse manure.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "Climate change is a hoax to get people to give up freedoms and become dependent on the government. In turn that will make the population easier to control, and more accepting of being a number or a lemming.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 "More than 31,000 American scientists signed a statement saying they disagree with alarmist predictions. ",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS "Love the 97% part as well, it's not even 97 scientists, it's 75 out of 77, so yea!",slothful induction,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 "Ultimately, politicians will face a difficult choice: persuade their voters that the revolutionary change outlined in the report is urgently needed or ignore it and say the scientists have got it wrong.",false choice,5.2,jintest "And what about the scams siphoning off tens of billions that slosh around the world as carbon credits, carbon trading and renewable energy certificates ?",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,jintest "Utilizing 20th century technologies , humans effectively adapted to global sea level rise . Utilizing 21st century technologies , humans will be even better equipped to adapt to global sea level rise .",slothful induction,4.2.5,jindev "“An additional kick was supplied by an El Niño weather pattern that peaked in 2016 and temporarily warmed much of the surface of the planet, causing the hottest year in a historical record dating to 1880.”",single cause,2.1.3,Alhindi_train Nor have various calamities that were supposed to have occurred by now materialized.,cherry picking,5.1,jintrain if it goes below 155ppm plants die,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 Climate change & global warming is the biggest hoax of the century.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 I would wager most “climate crisis” are caused by inept or corrupt people. So I guess that counts as “man-made climate change”,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "they gave us 'global warming'. Now, they're hedging all bets & call it 'climate change'! It should be called 'climate might change'...",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 "According to Lord Monckton, even if all economic activity were closed down to forestall global warming for a period of 100 years, the temperature reduction would only amount to 1 degree Fahrenheit. This would be the height of folly and cruelty!",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "So how did they get it so wrong that back in the 70s they said we were coming into an ""ice age""?",misrepresentation,5.1,hamburg_test1 "So, to keep the masses alarmed, politicians must claim that what is normal is actually abnormal and getting worse. And, furthermore, that only they can fix it and thereby save your children and grandchildren.",ad hominem,5.2.3,jintrain "Piss off troll. This is just another summer storm. They vary in severity every year. 35 years ago we had an F5 tornado hit Edmonton. This is not climate change, it is simply weather.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 death rates from climate-sensitive diseases like malaria and diarrhoea have decreased (since 1900 malaria death rates have declined 96 per cent),oversimplification,3.6,jindev It was only 30 years ago that many of todays global-warming alarmists were telling us that the world was in the midst of a global-cooling catastrophe.,misrepresentation,5.1,CARDS "I guess they should have asked about their chances for snow in the nation's 4th-largest city on December 4th . Of course this is not evidence that discredits global warming trends. After all, it's only a local event, and localized phenomena are only capable of proving global warming, not disproving it.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Avalanches happen in Summer! Glaciers calve! UK lost all of its glaciers due to global warming 12,000 years of it! Long before man!",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "It is power over people by unelected activists, often funded from outside Australia.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "Much of recent global warming has been fabricated by climate scientists to make it look more frightening, a study has found.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,jindev The news comes amid mounting evidence that the recent run of world record high temperatures is about to end.,cherry picking,1.4,jintrain The doomsday predictions of the climate change religionists of the past didn't happen.,ad hominem,5.2.1,hamburg_test3 "The science is not settled, not by a long shot. Last month, scientists at CERN, the prestigious high-energy physics lab in Switzerland, reported that neutrinos might ""repeat, might ""travel faster than the speed of light. If serious scientists can question Einstein's theory of relativity, then there must be room for debate about the workings and complexities of the Earth's atmosphere.",false equivalence,5.1,CARDS I think looking for alternative energy is good idea for a back up plan when fossil fuels start dwindling down but that won't be for a very long time so until then stop with the New Green Deal agenda and Climate Change bullshit and let's get back to drilling for oil you fuckers.,slothful induction,4.5.1,hamburg_test3 We have environmental problems but climate change is not the one to focus on as it is a natural cycle.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 "Instead of simply mandating less carbon output, we need more R & D spending on green energy, including more efficient fission and fusion, cheaper solar and wind, and improved storage. New technology is crucial if green energy is to out-compete fossil fuels.",false choice,4.2.7,jintrain Sea level rise was occurring long before humans could be blamed.,single cause,1.6,jintrain "The inference is that climate model predictions should be used to drive global energy policy. This is the simple linear model of scientism, that has been resoundingly debunked particularly for a complex problem like climate change.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS """We are getting towards the end of the warm period, the peak of the warmth was about 5,000 years ago and we are heading for the next inevitable ice age,"" he told Sky News host Cory Bernardi.",slothful induction,1.2,jintrain We can't afford it even if there was a solution.,false choice,4.3,hamburg_test1 "There's no trend in U.S. tornado damage (in fact , 2012 to 2017 was below average) . There's no trend in global droughts. Cold snaps in the U.S. are down but, unexpectedly, so are heatwaves. The bottom line is there's no solid connection between climate change and many major indicators of extreme weather that politicians keep talking about, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, rainfall and floods, despite Trudeau's claims to the contrary.",cherry picking,1.7,jindev His string of failed predictions were supported by the British Met offices sixty six million dollar (AU) computer modeling. They both incorrectly predicted 2009 would be one of the five warmest years ever.,ad hominem,5.1.4,CARDS According to BBC Weather the Summer Average Temperatures in Tomintoul on day 15 of Summer are SADHT 15.6000 C and SADHT 7.3333 C which is amazing low and demonstrates effectively how Scotland isn't affected by Climate Change,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 If there‚' a climate crisis why do the Rich democrats keep buying houses on the beach?,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 Yea how crazy it takes a genius to figure out that these climate change cultists can't figure out that the cost of everything is energy drivin. What? You mean my Starbucks coffee isn't grown in the Starbucks? It has to be trucked in? Lol kids,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "In Black Swan Climate Theory II we explain, in depth, why, in my opinion, I believe this is not an accident. I have concluded American basic climate data has been hijacked and corrupted within NOAA through the use of a simple master computer algorithm that I have repeated here.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS It is Chinese overfishing. Not climate change.,single cause,2.2,hamburg_test3 "Moreover, current CO2 levels are quite low relative to their levels across geological time, meaning terrestrial, fresh water, and oceanic plant life is currently starved for CO2 by comparison.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS """... heavy rains caused by climate change...""Our media circling the toilet by taking as fact statements that are completely unprovable.",ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test1 "So, was mankind responsible for ""global warming"" back in the days of Noah??? Geologically there is evidence of flooding many times even before ""man"" arrived. Did the dinosaurs cause global warming???",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 Climate change is real. But stop bullshitting us about too warm seas. Our Adriatic Sea hasn't been this cold (19'C in August) in like last 7 years or more! #ClimateScam,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 Canadian researcher Steve McIntyre discovered earlier this week that the IPCCs recent report on alternative energy which asserted that it was possible to convert the world to 80% green energy by 2050 if politicians would simply tax conventional sources and spend billions on alternative sources was lifted largely from Greenpeace reports.,ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "Why do we ""fight"" climate change?!?! Climates change constantly with or without mankind.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "No evidence supports either proposition. Moreover, oil sands production would add a minuscule 0.06% to US greenhouse gas emissions, a tiny fraction of that amount to global carbon dioxide emissions, and an undetectable 0.00002 deg F (0.00001 C) per year to useless computer-model scenarios for global warming.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS Forcing the American economy to operate on expensive and unreliable wind and solar power will have tremendous negative economic consequences.,cherry picking,4.4.1,jindev The left control ALL the climate change groups. In this latest kick at Capitalism they claim Fashion is responsible for 8% of ‘emissions’. I love Capitalism and its emissions. Thats the only way lives have ever been improved #Capitalism #ClimateChange,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 the water levels in some areas have not risen in the last 30 years.,cherry picking,1.6,hamburg_test3 "We have, for example, the case of a former editor of Science who was quite open about his belief in DAGW, and actively discouraged publication of any papers that went against his bias. Finally, he had to be shamed into giving voice to a climate skeptics contrary opinion, based on solid scientific evidence. But of course, he reserved to himself the last word in the debate.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS There are two other graphs spanning over five hundred million years by R. A. Berner and C. R. Scotese which show that there is no correlation at all between CO2 and temperature. These well publicized graphs were conveniently omitted from this section.,single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "Here's the bottom line: Yes other forms of warming (under extreme circumstances) could cause the hot-spot according to the models. But it isn't there, the models are still wrong. Just compare the models with reality.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS "The big lie peddled by the UN is the notion that a doubling of CO2 concentration will cause as much as 2-4.5 C of global warming. In fact, according to a stream of recent papers in the peer-reviewed journals, it will cause more like 0.5-0.8 C of warming. That is all and it is harmless.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS "Scientists are also expecting a ""huge reduction"" in solar activity for 33 years between 2020 and 2053 that will cause thermometers to crash.",single cause,1.2,jintrain "Oceans provide a negative feedback (automatic global air conditioning) to compensate for higher temperatures. Higher temperatures are known to increase emissions of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) from the worlds oceans, which increases the albedo of marine stratus clouds, which has a cooling effect.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS And now for the 2nd question: Does the massive cold air outbreak blanketing much of the U.S. disprove global warming?,anecdote,1.3,CARDS Don't u see that they are trying to feed u bugs? Climate change is as real as the cov vax being safe and effective. They lie.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Tthe temperature distribution of the atmosphere is a natural result of thermal equilibrium and conservation of energy. The dry lapse rate can be calculated precisely without any reference to greenhouse gases (GHGs), and the wet lapse rate can be calculated precisely simply by factoring in latent heat release from water vapour to the dry lapse rate. This proves that GHG radiation does not determine nor have any effect upon the temperature distribution of the atmosphere, whatsoever.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS Global sea level has barely risen at all since 2006.,cherry picking,1.6,CARDS My family lives in Charters Towers north Queensland. It's never been this cold Ever.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 What are you going to do about the pollution that is created by making batteries which is 10x worse?,cherry picking,4.1.3,hamburg_test2 "Also, it is increasingly clear that the planet was significantly warmer than today several times during the past 10,000 years.",cherry picking,2.1.4,jintrain "Unlike carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and other pollutants, carbon dioxide is not toxic. In fact, it is an essential ingredient in plant photosynthesis, without which there would be no life on earth.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Here in Kentucky it's raining and unusually cold, this must be global warming.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2 Last time I looked the Maldives and Seychelles were still there!,impossible expectations,1.6,hamburg_test3 "This applies not only to the northern areas, but also the south. In the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions the average daily temperature is below normal by 4 degrees, reaching temperatures normally seen in October.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "No, real research shows that man made climate change is a hoax.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 I don't think he's an idiot climate change is the result of changes in solar orbit not Diesel engines and cows farts,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 It's NOT fcuking extreme!!!! Extreme temperatures would mean that it is hotter than Death Valley. It is SUMMER!,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 "Just as an archaeologist must admit there is only so much that can be inferred from a single Roman coin found in the dirt, we must accept the limit to how good trees are as thermometers. The problem with tree rings (the primary source for Manns hockey stick) is that they vary in width for any number of reasons, only one of which is temperature.",impossible expectations,5.1.2,CARDS what has long been known to chemical scientists carbon dioxide is an extremely efficient cooling gas.,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS Where's your proof climate change is real. Cause here's proof it's BS. The earth goes through heating and cooling stages.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 The answer to the third question may be that there is a generally positive effect if the only change to the atmosphere was a significant increase in CO2 concentration. Most plant growth increases at higher levels of CO2.,oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Global warming took a vacation last year and there was more than a foot of snow on the ground. As we motored up the highway the thermometer registered a balmy 35 degrees, but the radio said a cold front was moving in. Our final destination was an open log shelter a mile up the mountain.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Seriously Met Eireann who can't forecast the next day's weather talking about climate change!,false equivalence,5.1.4,hamburg_test3 It is not surprising that Earths natural and managed ecosystems have already benefited immensely from the increase in atmospheric CO2 that has accompanied the progression of the Industrial Revolution; and they will further prosper from future CO2 increases.,oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "No one and nothing would experience it directly since we all live in regions, not the globe.",impossible expectations,5.1.3,jintrain Global warming realists understand that a greener biosphere with richer and more abundant plant life is not a horrible thing simply because humans may have had some role in creating it.,oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev There is no climate emergency.,slothful induction,3,hamburg_test3 Also all the sun has to do is go to a solar minimum. Another ice age.,slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3 Tell me one single place that heat is trapped. Heat has to be generated. Heat is always flowing from hot to cold. Heat is only maintained while heat is being constantly generated.,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "Global warming alarmists nevertheless claim that nearly all climate scientists believe dangerous global warming will occur. This is a strange claim in view of the fact more than 30,000 American scientists signed the Oregon Petition stating that there is no basis for dangerous man-made global warming forecasts, and no convincing evidence that carbon dioxide is dangerously warming the planet or disrupting its climate.",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS "Remarkably, Obama's global warming policies are increasing electricity prices even while new natural gas discoveries, revolutionary advances in natural gas production technologies, and a dramatic resultant decline in natural gas prices would otherwise spur a dramatic decline in electricity prices.",slothful induction,4.5,jindev We've had reefs on planet Earth for 3500 million years. They came and went many times.,false equivalence,2.1.4,jintrain "“More than half of the 44 studies selected for publication found that raised levels of CO2 had little or no impact on marine life, including crabs, limpets, sea urchins and sponges” ",cherry picking,3.2.3,Alhindi_train "The whole Northern Hemisphere is experiencing cold snaps at the same time, says Argiris. Whatever happened to global warming?",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "A report by the International Energy Agency claims that emissions which will be saved by COP21 / Paris climate pledges currently on the table, will only delay Climageddon by 8 months.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "Wow, you guys seem to think government can solve for the consequences of climate change. You're kidding yourself.",impossible expectations,4.2,hamburg_test1 "Dave, if global warming is caused by man made CO2, what raised the temperature to bring us out of the last ice age 13,000 years ago? And all of the ice ages before that?",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "Fred Singer has now publicly declared that CO2 does not affect Global temperature, and Pierre Latour has helped him along the way by providing an algebraic proof.",fake experts,2.3,CARDS One graph to illustrate the death of the global warming hoax,conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS "It hasn't warmed in 7 years. Al Gore says that ""there is one relationship that is more powerful than all the others and it is this: When there is more carbon dioxide, the temperature gets warmer."" Well, emissions keep going up, yet temperatures stay the same. Where's the warming?",cherry picking,2.3.3,CARDS Gosh n Gee whiz. Good point. #climatechange czar The hypocrisy is astounding.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 Some cancers induce a muscle-wasting syndrome that leads to faster-than-usual weight loss. This is likely what happened to the emaciated Baffin Island bear captured on video in July 2017 and promoted by National Geographic late last year.,anecdote,3.2.2,jintrain "“Healthy societies do not fall apart over slow, widely predicted, relatively small economic adjustments of the sort painted by climate analysis. Societies do fall apart from war, disease or chaos. Climate policy must compete with other long-term threats for always-scarce resources.”",slothful induction,3.5,Alhindi_train The EV solution to climate change is essentially the modern day equivalent of Marie Antoinette's solution to the lack of bread in France (distribute cake to the people instead). It doesn't solve the underlying issue of green energy production as batteries don't produce energy.,impossible expectations,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 I don't deny that the climate changes naturally.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 "The work of Sherwood, Craig, and Keith Idso, and many other scientists",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS Such misrepresentations are now commonplace in NOAA and NASA announcements. They are regularly proclaiming monthly and yearly records set by less than the uncertainties in the measurements.,impossible expectations,5.1.3,jintrain Also sea level rise is set to take centuries to even reach 5m.,slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3 A recent NASA report throws the space agency into conflict with its climatologists after new NASA measurements prove that carbon dioxide acts as a coolant in Earth's atmosphere.,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "I suspect that the really clever ones driving the climate change hysteria realize that the evidence for warming is junk, which is why it was changed from Global warming to climate change",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test1 No such thing as climate change!,slothful induction,1,hamburg_test1 the satellite data has shown virtually no warming over the last twenty years.,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 "That's why it's called ""climate change,"" now instead of global warming.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 "Only the federal government and crony confederates could come up with a scam where we are forced to pay more to remove something that doesnt really matter, use it for something else they are trying to regulate out of existence, and then release that same bad stuff into the air where it was supposed to be dangerous.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS "Prior to the Industrial Revolution, it is likely that rice had a more difficult time growing than it does today. At lower atmospheric CO2 concentrations, it is likely that rice plants had to reallocate valuable resources into rubisco and other photosynthetic proteins just to ensure that net carbon uptake could prevail for plant survival. Thus, it is likely that plants were smaller and produced less yield than they do today.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "It's not just that the quasi-religious, pseudo-scientific ""Gaia hypothesis"" - the belief, taking its name from the pagan Greek goddess of the Earth, that the sum of the parts of the Earth's ecosystems together make up a living thing is popular in certain environmentalist circles.",ad hominem,5.2.1,CARDS reefs are improving,cherry picking,3.2.3,hamburg_test3 Global Warming Update: Icy ocean wind plummets temperatures on Australia's east coast well below expected temperatures - just after one city endured the coldest start to winter since 1904,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 Very cold. They'll call it climate change lol,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "Before it was rebranded ""climate change"" it was Global Warming + before that it was the BIG FREEZE- the NEXT ICE AGE - the scam has been going on for 50 YEARS",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 A note to my liberal friends . Hitler played to Global warming card,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 Right now we are witnessing cold temperatures that we have not seen in decades.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "At the end of the day I don't see immediate risk to my life as a result, Barack Obama buying sea front property makes me doubt climate change as he pushes rising sea levels so much",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 Even the BBC has admitted to Ofcom that the corporation is now biased on the matter because it no longer thinks there is a counter-argument.,ad hominem,5.2.2,jintrain "“Ice core drilling shows that 800 years after natural warming, the atmosphere increases in carbon dioxide”",false choice,2.3.3,Alhindi_train Climate deaths are down.,oversimplification,3.6,hamburg_test2 Imagine what it could do if some of that money was directed in Cdn companies to help reduce the costs of living.,false choice,4.2,hamburg_test1 We all owe a debt of gratitude to the skeptics who have courageously disputed the global warming/climate change hoax and to The Heartland Institute that has provided a platform for them to gather to continue their efforts to educate a public that has been deluged by a massive deception.,conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS "For the past 500 million years, the atmospheric carbon dioxide content has been decreasing and if we halved today's atmospheric carbon dioxide content, all life would die.",misrepresentation,3.3,jintrain "Freeman Dyson has followed the same path as myself, going from true believer in 1979 to skeptic in 2015.",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS In this case such a simple correlation does not exist. The rise of global temperature started approximately 150 years ago but man-made CO2 emissions did not start to grow visibly before the 1940s. Temperature changes also repeatedly moved in the opposite direction than the CO2emissions trend suggests.,single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "In addition , they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial . CO2 is plant food , the basis of all life on Earth.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev "In the geological time frame, the current amount of atmospheric CO2 is near an all time low, vying with the Carboniferous and Permian Periods for the lowest atmospheric CO2 in over 500 million years.",false equivalence,2.1.4,CARDS The Great Barrier Reef is doing fine and climate change is all overblown,cherry picking,3.2.3,hamburg_test3 Fiddling with temperature data is biggest science scandal ever,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,jintrain "Meanwhile, Germany, Italy and Japan plan to phase out nuclear power, thereby increasing their use of natural gas and coal for electricity while China and India build 900 new coal-fired power plants to electrify their growing economies. All will pump tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere dwarfing any reductions the USA might achieve by closing more power plants and further shackling our economy.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS Climate change and GLOBAL WARMING are NWO BS.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 "(Photo Stephen Orsillo) The record-shattering snow that has shut down Boston's public transit system threatens to white out a global warming forum organized by Massachusetts Senate President Stanley Rosenberg (D, Amherst).",anecdote,1.3,CARDS So Harry is flying from his $13M mansion in California to NY to lecture us all about poverty and climate change.... Prince Harry is set to lecture the UN General Assembly on poverty,ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test1 Carbon is actually not warming the earth and is needed for life,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 "We can't predict the weather a week ahead of time & you climate change hoaxers expect us to believe you can predict what it will be like years from now? I tell you what, get off your unicorns and get in the real world.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,hamburg_test2 "As a result, at higher CO2 concentrations, plants can better cope under conditions of drought, thereby vastly improving their productivity and growth as opposed to conditions experienced under lower CO2.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "We'll see if that happens in a world in which politicians assert the science is settled and plan astronomical levels of spending to replace the nation's massive infrastructures with ""green"" alternatives.",ad hominem,5.2.3,jintrain "Therein lies a principle. So theoretically if the molecules of Carbon Dioxide gas are hotter than the other gases, then theoretically it might be possible for the teeniest-weeniest warming to occur. But it is as remote as swimmers off the coasts of the Riviera who might occasionally piddle while bathing; it is as remote as the possibility that they are warming the Mediterranean!",false equivalence,2.3,CARDS The alarmism is not going away without a struggle.,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "Even under the worst case scenario warming, when the usual method of comparing the cost and benefit of policy is used, it is more cost effective to deal with any problems that occur than to pay to try to stop them.",slothful induction,4.2.5,CARDS There's always been carbon. Do you think someone was around when volcanoes eruption significantly to rid the carbon.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "Barely twelve months after its Meteorological Office said the 2009-10 winter was the coldest in three decades, Britain endured its coldest December-January since 1683. Because the United Kingdom's ultra green energy policies have driven heating costs into the stratosphere, British pensioners rode buses or spent all day in libraries to stay warm, then shivered all night in their apartments. Tens of thousands risked hypothermia, trying to control costs by bundling up and turning the heat down or off. Many died.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The first 20 ppm accounts for over half of the alleged heating effect of CO2 to the pre-industrial level of 280 ppm, by which time carbon dioxide is tuckered out as a greenhouse gas.",oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS In the 80's it was planet wide ice age!,misrepresentation,5.1.4,hamburg_test2 "Land-based thermometers are frequently compromised by the urban heat island effect. The microclimate around a land-based thermometer can change due to urban encroachment, such as nearby asphalt, concrete, buildings, air conditioners, cars, electrical appliances, or changes in vegetation. The annual mean air temperature of a city with 1 million people can be 13C warmer than its surroundings . In the evening, the difference can be as high as 12C.",misrepresentation,5.1.3,CARDS "Yes, you read that correctly , three million - million - years ago CO2 levels on Earth were the same as they are today, but there is one major difference between three million years ago and today. Three million years ago, we humans were not driving cars or eating the meat that requires cow farts; we weren't barbecuing or refusing to recycle or building factories; there was no Industrial Age, no plastic, no air conditioning, no electricity, no lumber mills, no consumerism, no aerosols. In fact, three million years ago, there were probably no human beings on Earth, at least not human in the way we use that term today.",false equivalence,2.1.4,jintrain The damage this twit and governments will do to prevent the now non existent global warming will be worse for humanity than massive global warming,cherry picking,4.1.1,hamburg_test3 President Trump has claimed that scientists stopped referring to global warming and started calling it climate change,misrepresentation,1.8,jintrain "At a cost of between $ 1 trillion and $ 2 trillion annually, the Paris climate agreement, recently ratified by China, is likely to be history's most expensive treaty.",slothful induction,4.1.1,jintrain renewables like solar and wind turbines have a short shelf life then end up in land fills.. sounds really renewable,misrepresentation,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 "What ""escalating climate emergency""? It's bloody freezing here. What happened to that global warming you lot promised?",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "Only cowards spend billions of dollars trying to combat climate change. Humans are spectacular at adaptation, and that's lives free in humans brains.",false choice,4.2.5,hamburg_test3 The fact you're arrogant enough to believe humans can change climate change. Which is a natural occurring thing. Is laughable. There is evidence of 6 ice ages and global warming events that happened before humans ever existed.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "In his peer-reviewed 1980 paper Apparent Trends of Mean Temperature in New Zealand Since 1930, JWD Hessell found that exposures of most New Zealand weather stations have been affected by changes in shelter, screenage and/or urbanisation, all of which tend to increase the observed mean temperature. A systematic analysis reveals that no important change in annual mean temperature since 1930 has been found at those stations where the above factors are negligible.",misrepresentation,5.1.3,CARDS Geology shows us again there is no correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature. Each of the six major past ice ages began when the atmospheric carbon dioxide content was far higher than at present.,single cause,2.1.4,jintrain "Since even immediate and total shutdown of all carbon dioxide-emitting vehicles, power plants, and factories in the U.S. would decrease global warming by only a hypothetical and undetectable two-tenths of a degree Celsius by 2100, it is misleading to imply, as the report does, that the Obama administration's climate policies can provide any measurable protection from extreme weather events.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS EPA Estimates Its Greenhouse Gas Restrictions Would reduce global Temperature by No More Than 0.006 of a Degree in 90 Years,impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "The panel, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, now faces the inconvenient truth that it relied on scientists who violated scientific process. In one email, the Climate Research Unit's director, Phil Jones, wrote Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University, promising to spike studies that cast doubt on the relationship between human activity and global warming. ""I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report,"" he said. He pledged to ""keep them out somehoweven if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!""",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS There is however evidence that the climate changes in 1000 year cycles,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 The Weather has always been changing and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. CO2 has nothing to do with climate.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 Of course climate change is blamed directly. But there is a history to the crab decline going back decades. 90% reduction in catch size in 1980's. Regulation etc. Change in Arric fishing regulations. People just need to stop eating crabs.,oversimplification,3.2,hamburg_test3 "Ocean SST as measured by PDO, AMO, ocean heat content and ENSO cycles and pressure changes as measured by AO and NAO are all pointing to a future cooling planet.",single cause,1.2,CARDS Stop peddling the climate change agenda it's all a load of bollocks,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 Carbon-as-climate-change is a globalist scam for more socioeconomic power & control.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 "Hence the need for a fallback position, an environmental theory which would justify the massively expensive and disruptive ongoing decarbonisation programme so assiduously championed by politicians, scientists, green campaigners and anyone making money out of the renewables business.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "Goklany has argued that the rising level of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere ""is currently net beneficial for both humanity and the biosphere generally.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jintrain "Look, I'm a huge fan of being better stewards. And if SM, politicos and the MSM really cared about the environment they would: 1. Act like it; and 2. Focus on that instead of making climate change a religion.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 Its just summer time and not climate change and come september it be rain gales and floods .....then the news be reporting the gales rain and floods ....,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 Exit Glacier has been shrinking for 200 years - since 1815 - long before widespread industrialization and automobiles.,single cause,2.1.4,jintest "For the past 4567 million years, the sun and the Earth's orbit have driven climate change cycles.",single cause,2.1.1,jintrain "Stott isnt alone. Within the past two years, at least seven peer-reviewed studies published in the scientific literature have concluded that the influence of doubling the amount of CO 2 in the Earths atmosphere is likely to be substantially lower than IPCC has determined and have ruled out the high-end projections.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS "Lewis finds that in recent years neither the global temperature nor ocean heat uptake have changed very much, while CO 2 concentrations have continued to rise. Therefore, the climate sensitivity must be lower.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS "In the name of reducing emissions, Obama deliberately ignores the increasing use of coal in Europe and nations that include China, Japan, and India.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS U.S. emission controls can have only a trivial direct effect on global climate. ,impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "Contents of the emails suggested scientists had been hiding or manipulating data, preventing people accessing their figures and working to stop papers critical of their findings from being published.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,jintrain "But if you're trying to imply significant trauma/betrayal predisposes to mistrust of authority, I'd say the last 2 years qualify - I am now mistrustful of authority and ""experts"", makes me wonder if climate change is bullshit too",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 """greenhouse-gas emissions that cause climate change"". You should have stopped with green house gas emissions. The climate is always changing.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "“The list of variables that shape climate […] would run to hundreds, if not thousands, of elements, none of which scientists would claim to understand with absolute precision.”",impossible expectations,5.1.4,Alhindi_train "Despite hundreds of billions of dollars of expenditure during the past few decades, it still has not been shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming.",slothful induction,2.3,jintest "The scientists noted that the largest recent period of Antarctic warming occurred during the 1990s as the result of a particularly lengthy and strong set of El Nio conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Many other decades, including pre-industrial times such as the 1830s, also showed marked temperature spikes, according to the latest report.",single cause,2.1.3,CARDS Climate change is just part of their narrative for control,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 "Lol, you can switch every existing car on the road to an EV today and it won't change anything. Industry is driving climate change, not personal transportation, that is a fact.You little story is silly.",impossible expectations,4.2,hamburg_test3 The current round of anti-natalism ties entirely into the climate movement saying too many people on the planet so don't have kids to prevent climate change.The left genuinely runs a cluster of interlocking pathologies now.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "According to NOAA temp data, the atmosphere has cooled over the past seven years, not warmed. How is that so?",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 "yup ""global warming""as i am old i also remember being told we were heading for a new ice age as a teenager",misrepresentation,5.1,hamburg_test3 "It is global warming that triggers higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, not the other way round.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "Not long ago some climate scientists announced winters with snow would be a thing of the past in Europe. Global warming, they said, would be especially noticeable in the wintertime. But then in the late 2000s and early 2010s, a string of harsh winters gripped the old continent and the trend in Germany went downhill: colder and snowier winters.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS The climate has been changing for eons!,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "“Without human intervention, the concentration of CO2 has climbed as high as 7,000 parts per million (ppm) in prior eras, whereas at present the concentration is just over 400 ppm.”",false equivalence,2.1.4,Alhindi_dev "By the end of this 21st Century, a big cool down may occur that could ultimately lead to expanding glaciers worldwide, even in the mid-latitudes. We could possibly see even a new Great Ice Age.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS I've given you > 30k actual scientists who disagree. That should give you some reading to do.,fake experts,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 "This diminishing influence of a new CO2 molecule over time is actually a function of known climate physics - the logarithmic effect of carbon dioxide. Essentially, from lab testing it was determined that increasing levels of CO2 caused a diminishing returns effect.",oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS "Do you consider that spending $150 billion to cut surface temperature by 0.00006 Celsius degrees is a sensible, proportionate,cost-effective use of other people's money?",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS Climate change is a form of control of the masses,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "Under the EPA's own models, if all carbon emissions in America were basically eliminated, global temperatures would only decrease by less than two-tenths of a degree Celsius.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,jindev "How much warming will a doubling of CO2 lead to? Not much, or a lot? Thats what is beinghotly debated. A number of recent peer-reviewed studies and data are showing that the warming indeed will be small.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS "If you discover Earths temperature has stabilized at a local high since 1998, you can expect it to begin cooling soon. Maybe -15C. Because a new glacial has begun.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS The absurdity of the hysterical Climate change nutters is becoming clearer by the day.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "Human caused climate change is bullshit. The climate has been changing all by itself for millions of years, and will not be altered by your transportation type.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "Remember when the media pushed the plight of polar bears in regards to ""climate change""?",ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test3 Global warming alarmists frequently make false and deplorable assertions.,ad hominem,5.2,jindev "Meteorologists at Weather Bell reported the average temperature in the United States registered merely 14.8 degrees Fahrenheit this morning, with strong Arctic cold extending into South Texas and Florida. Global warming activists and their media allies have already begun blaming global warming for the record cold.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Todays models are often unable to predict weather conditions for a single season, let alone long-term climate trends.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS "environmental pressure groups, renewable energy companies and some public officials who keep each other well supplied with lavish funds, scare stories and green tape.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS "That is, the adjusted data used by alarmist organizations like NASA, NOAA, and the UK Met Office differs so markedly from the original raw data that it can not be trusted.",ad hominem,5.1.3,jindev "Also, the modest recent warming is producing U.S. and global crop production records virtually every year, creating billions of dollars in new economic and human welfare benefits each and every year. This creates a net economic benefit completely ignored by EDF.",cherry picking,3,jindev "Until last June, most scientists acknowledged that warming reached a peak in the late 1990s, and since then had plateaued in a ""hiatus.""",cherry picking,1.4,jintrain Empirical evidence directly contradicts claims that increased carbon dioxide has reduced human wellbeing.,oversimplification,3.6,jindev "Currently the weather pattern dominating Central Europe is bringing unusually cold air over the continent, and early this morning regions in a number of countries were hit by ground surface frost.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "But it is part of a long list of studies from independent teams (as this interactive graphic shows), using a variety of methods that take account of critical challenges, all of which conclude that climate models exhibit too much sensitivity to greenhouse gases.",cherry picking,3.1,Alhindi_test The scientists investigated the phase relation (leads/lags) between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperaturesusing standard data series for the period January 1980 to December 2011.They found that changes in global atmospheric CO2 follow 11-12 months behind changes in global sea surface temperature and 9.5-10 months behind changes in global air surface temperature. The findings conflict with the consensus view concerning the greenhouse gas theory that says the opposite should happen with temperatures supposedly being driven by any rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 levels are up 40 percent in recent decades).,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "Your climate change bull is speculation which won‚Äôt help the world as long as China, India & others do little.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,hamburg_test2 "Although alarmists frequently point to a modest recent shrinkage in the Arctic ice sheet , that decline has been completely offset by ice sheet expansion in the Antarctic . Cumulatively , polar ice sheets have not declined at all since NASA satellite instruments began precisely measuring them 35 years ago . Alarmist Assertion # 5",cherry picking,1.1.1,jindev "*idiot builds house on riverbank**erosion causes house to flood*""Why would climate change do this?""",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 "Climate Change does not have the same effect on people though as say a disease (well a pretend one), as they've been at that Climate BS for years now and a strong majority know it's a load of nonsense.",cherry picking,4.3.2,hamburg_test3 Remember when the liboturds called it global warming? But you had to change it to climate change!!! Remember that!!!!,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 "Indoctrination is promoting/teaching one side of the argument only. To be fair, curriculums should include both. ""Agenda driven and biased"" pertaining to climate science. The reviewer noted the publisher accepted the climate crisis as a ""scientific fact.""",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 Here's a 42 year timeframe July heat wave comparison. Nothing changed. Weather changes no such thing as climate change.,cherry picking,1.7,hamburg_test3 "Let's assume that the agreement between the U.S. and China that was announced last November will be implemented fully, even though the Chinese effectively disavowed it almost immediately, and did so smack dab in the middle of the 20th Conference of the Parties in Lima, Peru. That agreement calls for an additional 10 percent reduction by the U.S. by 2025, with no actual reduction by the Chinese; this additional cut in U.S. emissions gets us another temperature reduction of one one-hundredth of a degree.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS Global warming my ass this mf cold as hell,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 The point is that the globalists say the sea is rising while at the same time living and building where (if they are right) it would be under water. Proves they know the sea isn't rising and that climate emergency is a con for political purposes.,ad hominem,1.6,hamburg_test3 "On the one hand, it's good because we know that today's global warming will eventually be canceled out through this stabilizing feedback",cherry picking,3.1,hamburg_test3 "For quite some time, I've harbored the suspicion that both the popular science and the political activity that create and sustain the belief in Global Warmingism are informed by a retrogressively pagan mindset.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS "NO Warmie Waifus Cultists ARE ALLOWED TO WATCH,OUT OF ABUNDANT CONCERN FOR THEIR MENTAL HEALTH",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Not denying that climate changes. Canada was covered in ice sheets miles thick just 12,000 years ago",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS "Can any of the areas of the science now be considered settled as a result of AR5s publication, if so which? Unfortunately very few things are settled in the global warming debate. There is only one solid fact: the greenhouse gas concentrations are rising and humans are causing this increase. A second fact is that the climate is warmer than a century ago. How much warmer exactly is still a matter of debate. And how much of the warming is attributable to humans is also far from settled.",slothful induction,5.1.1,CARDS that's why the switch to climate change.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 "There is no human activity whatsoever that does not generate CO2, and no plant can grow without a generous supply of CO2 in the atmosphere. More than any other substance on earth, production of CO2 measures human prosperity and plant growth.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Dr. Robinson is well known for the Oregon Petition Project, which says ""there is no convincing scientific evidence"" that humans are causing ""catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere"" or disruption of its climate. It urges Congress to reject the Kyoto global warming agreement and has been signed by more than 32,000 Americans with university degrees in physical sciences (including yours truly and over 9,000 PhDs).",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS "In the past decade China has increased its carbon dioxide emissions by 53 per cent, 12 times Australia's total carbon dioxide output of 1.3 per cent of the global total.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,jintrain What happened to the hole in the ozone layer? That was apparently the issue when I was a teen?,misrepresentation,5.1,hamburg_test3 Climate change happens by itself,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 "Trudeau was made by Jepetto.He could have turned out to be a perfectly good pair of shoes..Instead, we get 170# pussy trying to lead the 2nd largest (area-wise) country on the planet.",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 climate change nutters are at last getting their wish we are heading back to the time when there was less polution like in the dark ages,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Atmospheric radiation absorption and emission are dominated by the presence of all three phases of H 2 O. Like all molecules, CO 2 only absorbs and emits specific spectral wavelengths (14.77 microns) that constitute a tiny fraction of solar radiation energy in Earth's atmosphere. The first 50 ppm of CO2 absorbs about half of this tiny energy, each additional 50 ppm absorbs half of the remaining tiny fraction, so at the current 380 ppm there are almost no absorbable photons left. CO2 could triple to 1,000 ppm with no additional discernable absorptionemission. This is the Beer-Lambert Law: The intensity of radiation decreases exponentially as it passes through an absorbing medium.",oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS Climate change Jeff there is nothing anyone can do to change or control the weather,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 Check out how the moon blew up earth and how the dinosaurs ended.. that was climate change as well.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 Climate change is utter bollocks..More lies.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test1 Climate change is a complete hoax always has been.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test2 "If CO2 actually rose HIGH into the atmosphere, then ALL plant & trees would face EXTINCTION.They need CO2 to survive",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 USA has had no increase in temperature in 17 years..,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 "The thermometers show that US temperatures are declining then NCDC and GISS tamper with the data, and tell the public that we are heating out of control.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "Even IPCC officials now openly brag that climate policy has ""almost nothing"" to do with protecting the environment and everything to do with intentionally transforming the global economy and redistributing its wealth.",misrepresentation,4.1.5,CARDS All the carbon emissions reductions throughout the world are effectively canceled out by China's increase.,impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "Instead, the evidence now points to the IPCC and its Climategate scientists conspiring to mislead.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "18 years after 1998, global warming still has not created the runaway warming we were told to expect.",cherry picking,1.4,jintrain Climate Change is the greatest hoax every perpetrated on human beings; now innocent poor people are literally going to die of starvation for your radical nonsensical green death cult.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "I predict that there will be cold, snow and storms this winter, with lots of climate destroying Christmas lights.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Methane is a short-lived gas in the atmosphere and, like carbon dioxide, there is no hard evidence that it causes dangerous global warming.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "In light of these many observations, therefore, it would appear that there is a plethora of natural and anthropogenic-induced negative feedbacks to purported global warming that are more than capable of maintaining the climate of the globe within a temperature range conducive to the continued well-being of all forms of life currently found upon the face of the earth.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS "“global warming will make the world much greener – by the end of the century, it is likely that global biomass will have increased by forty percent.”",oversimplification,3.3.1,Alhindi_dev "The unvalidated IPCC (and CSIRO) computer climate models that project significant human-caused warming in the future are faulty, with many known inadequacies.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS "CO2 warming I am convinced that theoretically rising CO2 should lead to higher temperatures, but I have yet to see ANY evidence proving this theoretical connection.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS Sea level rise has not accelerated and still amounts to only 1 inch every ten years.,slothful induction,1.6,jintrain "Global warming and climate change, even if it is 100 % caused by humans, is so slow that it can not be observed by anyone in their lifetime.",misrepresentation,3.4,jintrain "Deaths attributed to such natural disasters have never been fewer, thanks to modern technology and infrastructure.",oversimplification,1.7,jintrain "As the air's CO2 concentration continues to increase, it will likely boost rates of net photosynthesis in nearly all plant species, including white clover and perennial ryegrass. These increases in photosynthesis, in turn, will likely lead to greater root production and enhanced exudation of organic compounds below ground into the soil rhizosphere, which should stimulate the growth and productivity of microbial organisms living there.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Our attempts at domestic emissions savings will have only minimal direct climate impact, but instead they will serve as an example for the developing world of what, or what not, to do. So if Kerry and Lieberman were interested in directly tackling the climate change issue, they would be working with China's National People's Congress to draft legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, not the U. S. Senate.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "These tide gauges show that sea levels are rising and falling around Vanuatu over the last 20 years (feast your eyes, there is a 30cm range on that graph below). Where is that CO2 signal? Seas around Vanuatu have been falling since 2008.",oversimplification,1.6,CARDS I put no value in the climate change hysterics.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "From 2004 to 2012, the Envisat satellite reported a rise of one-tenth of an inch. From 2003 to 2009, gravity satellites actually showed sea level falling.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS "Computer models of the climate are at the heart of calls to ban the cheap, reliable energy that powers our thriving economy and promotes healthier, longer lives.",slothful induction,5.1.4,Alhindi_test "Next, consider CO2 levels. With huge, green subsidies showing up on our electricity bills, you would be excused for believing that we have managed to cut CO2 substantially. You would be wrong. Global CO2 has risen relentlessly since 1950. In 1997 the Kyoto protocol put legally binding limits on rich-country emissions. But Kyoto and all our fine policies have had no real impact.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "As such, pollen counts will rise and fall along with plant health and vegetation intensity. Any increase in pollen will be the result of a greener biosphere with more plant growth.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev "As of Wednesday, Jan. 13, the area has experienced 12 consecutive days of below freezing temperatures - a new record.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS We have also been told the problem is DEFINITELY NOT a billions-year-old planet running through cycles where the temperature might fluctuate a bit.,single cause,2.1.4,Alhindi_train Climate change..the greatest lie ever told while our world leaders do testing to manipulate weather.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 15% colder is the new global warming,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test1 "In fact, the opposite relationship applies at all time scales. Temperature change precedes carbon dioxide change by about 5 months during the annual seasonal cycle, and by about 700-1000 years during ice age climatic cycling. Hypothesis fails.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "The greening of the world, crop yields following CO2 concentration (corn, 30 to 180 bushes per acre from 1940 to present). Every indicator is a positive. Global warming has fed the US and put 10 to 15% ethanol in every gallon of gas.",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test2 Between 1938 and 1991 New England had a landfalling hurricane on average once every seven years. Since then there have been none. This is classic meteo misinformation media,cherry picking,1.7,hamburg_test1 We can easily adapt to any challenges the slight warming of climate change will cause.,slothful induction,4.2.5,hamburg_test3 "you notice it only goes one way! we have record cold at both poles, that's just weather. 3 days of not even record braking heat in the UK and that ""PROVES"" global warming.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "“While record low sea ice is nothing new in the Arctic, this is a surprising turn of events for the Antarctic. Even as sea ice in the Arctic has seen a rapid and consistent decline over the past decade, its counterpart in the Southern Hemisphere has seen its extent increasing.”",cherry picking,1.1.1,Alhindi_test "Figure 2 shows that the impacts on future sea level rise projections are equally insignificant. Instead of a projected sea level rise of 15.1cm by 2050, the Kerry-Lieberman bill produces a rise of 14.9cm. By 2100, the BAU projected rise is 37.1cm and the Kerry-Lieberman rise is 36.0cm. A centurys end sea level rise savings of 1.1cm, or 0.43 inches. Too small to be of consequence.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "If you buy overpriced insurance against every potential danger , you soon run out of money.",impossible expectations,4.1,jintest Haha get outa here with your climate change nonsense.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 First it was global warming then climate change trying to tax our carbon we breath.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 "” ‘and it’s only got to take one sizable volcano to erupt and all the models, everything else, is right off the board’ ” ",misrepresentation,2.1.2,Alhindi_dev "In our lifetime, there has been no correlation between carbon dioxide emissions and temperature.",slothful induction,2.3,jintrain "It represents the exact misguided, top-down, government-knows-best approach that American voters resoundingly rejected in 2016.",ad hominem,5.2.3,jindev Cato Institute scientists Patrick Michaels and Chip Knappenberger have noted the climate models have been over-hyping warming for decades. Scientist John Christy of the University of Alabama-Huntsville has testified before Congress on the matter. Christy's research has shown climate models show 2.5 times more warming in the bulk atmosphere than has been observed.,cherry picking,5.1.4,jindev so climate change is….. good?,cherry picking,3,hamburg_test1 Just because we are alive today does not mean we change major planetary systems that operated for billions of years.,single cause,2.1.4,jintrain It's a whopping 78 degrees here in north Louisiana. Global warming!,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test1 "Under the Theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming, it is human-generated greenhouse gases, and mainly CO2, that cause climate change. The Kyoto theorists have put the cart before the horse, says renowned Russian geographer Andrei Kapitsa.",fake experts,2.3,CARDS "The word ""denier"" is of course meant to associate skeptics of climate alarmism with Holocaust deniers.",misrepresentation,5.2,jintrain He did invent Hysterical Nonsense about Global Warming later amended to Climate Change due to brutally cold winters.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 "Without carbon dioxide, there would be no complex life on earth.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jintrain "I've long thought that man-made carbon-dioxide emissions will raise global temperatures, but that this effect will not be amplified much by feedbacks from extra water vapor and clouds, so the world will probably be only a bit more than one degree Celsius warmer in 2100 than today.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS "The strongest heat wave ever recorded occurred in July 1936, generating high temperatures in half of America's 50 states. In 1935, fossil fuel emissions were 25 times lower than today.",single cause,1.7,jintrain So climate change has not changed enough to do anything. Remember New York was supposed to be under water by now according to Al Gore,slothful induction,3.4,hamburg_test3 1200 of the worlds scientists say there is no climate crisis,fake experts,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 "I, and a number of other scientists, believe that nature has a thermostatic control mechanism that pushes back against a warming influence, such as the relatively weak warming from more atmospheric carbon dioxide.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS "Throughout the past 420 millennia, comprising four interglacial periods, the Vostok record of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is imprinted with, and fully characterized by, the physics of the solubility of CO2 in water, along with the lag in the deep ocean circulation. Notwithstanding that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, atmospheric carbon dioxide has neither caused nor amplified global temperature increases.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "The mainstream media loves Democrat lies , especially if the lies support their beloved climate change hoax agenda. The growing Fakegate climate science scandal is an example of such.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "9 In June 2007, Tim Flannery warned Brisbane that its water supplies are so low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months. Last month Brisbane recorded the wettest December in 150 years .",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "This current no-holds-barred attack on the coal industry is a sequel to previously failed liberal efforts to pass congressional cap-and-trade legislation. In addition to lacking a valid scientific basis for such policies, any emission reductions achieved would be minuscule compared with large increases already occurring in Asia and other regions.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "Climate change not real, just google it",slothful induction,1,hamburg_test1 "Have you ever considered that with all of the changes that the earth has gone through in the past few million years that JUST MAYBE, the earth and it climate change on its own?#nature",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "Whether it is the President or the Pope, or the countless politicians and bureaucrats, along with multitudes of ""environmental"" organizations, as well as self-serving ""scientists"", all aided by the media, a virtual Green Army has been deliberately deceiving and misleading the citizens of planet Earth for four and a half decades. It won't stop any time soon, but it must before the charade of environmentalism leaves us all enslaved by the quest for political control over our lives that hides behind it.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS "BREAKING NEWS: CARBON DIOXIDE IS KILLING THE #EARTH! -Biden #Climatechange But, plants breathe carbon dioxide...And then...plants exhale oxygen we breathe.",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 "Most extreme weather phenomena have not become more extreme, more deadly, or more destructive.",cherry picking,1.7,jindev There is no climate crisis.There is an intelligence crisis.There is an anti- physics crisis.There is a crisis in leadership in 'first world' nations.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Anti-skepticism isn't science. At best it's a kind of para-science, because skepticism is inherent to the scientific process.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "Twenty times as many people die from cold as from heat, according to a worldwide review of 74 million temperature-related deaths by Dr. Antonio Gasparrini and a team of physicians.",oversimplification,3.6,jintest "One thing ive never understood about climate change ""activists"" is their inability to understand that the electricity being used to power electric cars would most likely comes from a fossil fuel power plant. If y'all are all for clean energy, use nuclear energy!",single cause,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 There are multiple conflicting knowledge claims & evidence in climate science with regard to the possible cause(s) of climate change.,slothful induction,5.1.1,hamburg_test2 Sea levels are not and will not rise. Show me and others the actual data that shows that they have in the last hundred years. Climate change? Climate bollocks.,slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test2 "From 2007 to 2013 there was a near-zero trend in observed Arctic September sea-ice extent, in large part due to a strong uptick of the ice-pack in 2013, which has continued into 2014.",cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS "As Larry Bell noted, even by the EPAs own calculations and estimates, the methane emissions limits, along with other limits on so called greenhouse gases will prevent less than two-hundredths of a degree Celsius of warming by the end of this century.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS Trolls my butt if these people were really serious about climate control do you think they would’ve had like 100+ planes at Davos I mean come on Obama just bought beachfront property how much could he be worried about climate change it’s just another way to get power to them,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 "Anyone who lives in the nation's capital knows that it has been FREEZING, with well below average temperatures. Even today, inauguration day, started out with the wind chill in single digits. It's good to know that the president already is seeking to fulfill his promise to halt global warming. After all, as candidate Barack Obama told us in his June speech celebrating having locked up the Democratic Party nomination",anecdote,1.3,CARDS the temperature has been static for 20 years.,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 "The impact on calcification, metabolism, growth, fertility and survival of calcifying marine species when pH is lowered up to 0.3 units (beyond what is considered a plausible reduction this century) is beneficial, not damaging. Marine life has nothing whatsoever to fear from ocean acidification.",cherry picking,3.2.3,jintrain Global warming is a scam! So are Electric vehicles!“ Electric vehicles are a scam tomake private motoring a thing of the past.”,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test1 The liberal media might take issue with a U.S. think tank funding a study that says global warming doesn't exist,ad hominem,5.2.2,jintrain "there has been no systematic increase in the frequency of extreme weather events,",slothful induction,1.7,Alhindi_dev "well, that's inconvenient to global warming narrative eh? According to the U.S.-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), the northern sea route along Eurasia ""may not become ice free"" this year for the first time since 2007",cherry picking,1.1.3,hamburg_test3 "Climate change has existed for millennia, because climate is always changing.",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS """Global warming"" is fake. They've been saying that since the 1920's, and always with a 7 to 10 year ""cataclysmic outcome"" if we didn't respond with communism.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2 "While reading how flawed EDF's assertions are, remember these are the very best arguments global warming alarmists can make.",ad hominem,5.2,jindev "Problem is the AGW sheep have hijacked the term climate change, and it can be [and is] applied to almost anything, good bad or indifferent. The lazy MSM have a lot to answer for too.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "A new paper published in The Cryosphere finds the largest ice cap in Tibet had approximately equal gain and loss of ice mass between 2000 and 2012, such that ""Overall, our results show an almost balanced mass budget for the studied time period. Additionally, we detected one continuously advancing glacier tongue in the eastern part of the ice cap."" The findings stand in stark contrast to alarmist claims of a ""meltdown"" in "" the climate front line of Tibet .""",cherry picking,1.1.4,CARDS "Below 30 year average but with upward trends since 2016 (Antarctic).There is No Global Warming, and certainly not any Climate Emergency.",cherry picking,1.1.1,hamburg_test3 "6) Thought control. In addition to vilifying climate chaos skeptics, alarmists are determined to control all thinking on the subject. They are terrified that people will find realist analyses and explanations far more persuasive. They refuse to debate skeptics, respond to NIPCC and other studies examining natural climate change and carbon dioxide benefits to wildlife and agriculture, or even admit there is no consensus.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "Yes I recognize that levels of carbon dioxide have risen from around 260 ppm to 360 ppm, but I still can't grasp how a gas that represents less than 0.04% of the atmosphere dictates the climate for the whole planet. ... So why would a trace gas be so crucial? And when did carbon dioxide go from irrelevant to the dominant driver of climate?",misrepresentation,2.3.1,CARDS A poll of 1854 members of the American Meteorological Society found the number who believe climate change to be man-made to be 52 per cent .,fake experts,5.1.1,jintrain "Alarmists made huge news out of last years warmth, and forgot to mention that five out of the last six years started out with below normal temperatures. (The 2013 numbers will probably rise a little before the month is over.)",anecdote,1.3,CARDS CO2 is just the latest in a long history of tax/restriction tools against the masses.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 I remember over 30 years ago the Greens were laughed at. Now they're lauded by the brainwashed young - it starts in school where the kids are taught climate change issues over history lessons.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3 In our decades of personal experience in the field we have been dismayed that many distinguished scientific journals now have editorial boards that further the agenda of climate-change alarmism rather than objective science.,ad hominem,5.2.5,hamburg_test2 "What is rarely mentioned by climate alarmists is the incontrovertible fact that adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere has an ever-decreasing effect on global temperature. To illustrate this, compare covering a glass window with very thin paint. The first coat of paint cuts out some light, the second some more; but each subsequent coat has an ever decreasing effect on light shining through.",oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS "We have two new entries to the long (and growing) list of papers appearing the in recent scientific literature that argue that the earths climate sensitivitythe ultimate rise in the earths average surface temperature from a doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide contentis close to 2C, or near the low end of the range of possible values presented by the U.N.s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS "To reduce the interpretation of the causality of all kinds of climate changes and of global warming to one variable, CO2, or to a small proportion of one variable - human-induced CO2 - is impossible to accept.",impossible expectations,5.1,CARDS Only very few peer-reviewed papers even go so far as to say that recent warming is chiefly anthropogenic.,slothful induction,5.1.1,jindev Climate change is another way for the rich to get richer and to control our lives.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 Well I have my own article on where the heck is global warming? We are asking that here in Boulder where we have broken records the past two days for the coldest days on record. The fact is that we cant account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we cant. The data published in the August 2009 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS There is no climate crisis. It's all bought and paid for by China.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "But for the last 15 years, Earths surface temperatures have failed to rise, despite rising atmospheric carbon dioxide. All climate models predicted a rapid rise in global temperatures, in conflict with actual measured data.",cherry picking,5.1.4,CARDS By their reasoning man cause climate change also by it there has been many ice age. But the changes that man made has only occurred in the last 150 or so years. By their reasoning who did it all the other time?,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 You can say this for bleeding-heart liberals: They certainly have a flair for the ironic.,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain The Alaska Climate Research Center reports almost no evidence of warming trends in Alaska since 1977.,cherry picking,1.4,jintest Welcome to Global Warming - where you freeze in mid-summer!,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 So it's been a surprise to climate scientists that 2017 has been so remarkably warm‚ because the last El Nino ended a year ago.,single cause,2.1.3,jindev The report will make hugely depressing reading for all the prominent environmental activists from the Pope and Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg to the Great Reset's Klaus Schwab - who have been pushing the climate emergency narrative.,ad hominem,5.2,jindev "Global warming is raising the sea level by something like 1 inch every 10 years. We got total increase of 8 inches since it started many decades ago. 8 inches is irrelevant to this video, it's not that much.",slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test2 "Yet as we have seen time and time again, with the exception of a -0.05C cooling applied for UHI (which is woefully under-represented) all ""adjustments, improvements, and fiddlings"" to data applied by NCDC and other organizations always seem to result in an increased warming trend.",conspiracy theory,5.1.3,CARDS Mars has a 95% concentration of CO2 in its atmosphere. It has almost no oxygen or nitrogen. According to environmental wackos the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere that play should be a tropical Paradise and yet it's a frozen wasteland. That's my point about global warming,false equivalence,2.3,hamburg_test3 "It will be so tiny we cant even measure it. Its going to be less than .02 of a degree for the next several decades, Christy said.We measure the global temperature through satellites, my colleague Roy Spencer and I, here at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. And we see changes ofmore than that from day to day. It would be impossible to detect and attribute a .02 degree change to any regulation that was proposed.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS So why do you own beachfront property if you are worried about climate change? Curious minds want to know.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "The article mentions increased surface temperatures 5-7 degrees but doesnt mention the cold snap resulting in darn near freezing the Great Lakes over. It also mentions increases in swimmers itch, from duck feces. Is that a result of an increasing duck and goose population or climate change?",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Now, they stopped making predictions and just call it ""climate change""!",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 "Moreover, the anti-hydrocarbon global warming ""solutions"" the Obama Administration is imposing will bring no real world benefits even assuming carbon dioxide actually drives climate change. That's largely because China, India and other developing countries are increasing their use of coal for electricity generation, and thus their CO2 emissions far beyond our ability to reduce US emissions. These nations rightly refuse to sacrifice economic growth and poverty eradication on the altar of climate alarmism.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "Even in our own lifetimes, there is no relationship between temperature and carbon dioxide emissions by humans, yet there is a very close relationship between solar activity and temperature.",slothful induction,2.1.1,jintrain "Others have argued that the records were caused by El Nino, a complex natural phenomenon that takes place every few years, and has nothing to do with greenhouse gas emissions by humans.",single cause,2.1.3,jintrain "When correlating CO2 with temperature trends in various periods of cyclical warming and cooling the last 110 years we find a negative correlation from the late 1800s to 1917 (-0.35), positive from 1917 to 1940 (+0.43), negative during the WWII and post WWII boom from 1940 to around 1975 (-0.40), positive from 1975 to around 2000 (+0.36) and negative in the short period to 2009 (-0.56).",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "However, since 1998, little warming has occurred while carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase.",cherry picking,1.4,jintrain """Since the end of the 20th century , the temperature hasn't done much,"" Dr. Christy said. ""It's on this kind of warmish plateau.""",cherry picking,1.4,jintest "If we continue using fossil fuels, there is a 0.0% chance that it will lead to a climate catastrophe. CO2 was much higher for most of the last 600 million years, and life thrived.",false equivalence,2.1.4,CARDS "Shorten should know that for thousands of millions of years the Earth has been changing, with cycles and one-off events such as an asteroid impact, super-volcano or a supernova explosion.",single cause,2.1.4,jintest "So let me try to lure you away from feeble-minded, religious belief in the Church of Global Warming and back towards the use of the faculty of reason.",ad hominem,5.2.1,CARDS Facts: Clouds float because water molecules are lighter than air; CO2 can't cause Climate Change because it's heavier than air;,misrepresentation,2.3,hamburg_test3 There's no climate crisis the elites control the weather they can bring a storm to destroy the entire city or fire to destroy the forest. Kill 3000 livestock with lightning .Burn food manufacturing warehouses.They control everything.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "We cannot tell if global temperatures are significantly increasing just by looking at the graph. Moreover, the process that generates global temperaturesEarth??s climate systemis extremely complicated. Hence determining whether there is a significant increase is likely to be difficult.",impossible expectations,5.1.3,CARDS GLOBAL WARMING:What they DON'T tell you. LESS than a 1/2 a degree is the Actual increase in the last 20 years. LESS than one degree is the Actual increase in the last 70 years. Documented facts from the 2020 NOAA Annual Climate Report.,slothful induction,3.4,hamburg_test3 "Additionally, our estimates of climate sensitivity using our and the four instrumental temperature records range from about 1.5C to 2.0C. These are on the low end of the estimates in the IPCCs Fourth Assessment Report.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS CO2 does nothing but fertilise plants,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 "Globally averaged thermometers show two periods of warming since 1900: a half-degree from natural causes in the first half of the 20th century, before there was an increase in industrial carbon dioxide that was enough to produce it, and another half-degree in the last quarter of the century.",false equivalence,2.1.4,Alhindi_train "But if ECS is high‚ say, around four degrees or more then climate change is probably a big problem . We may not be able to stop it , but we'd better get ready to adapt to it .",slothful induction,4.2.5,jindev "Emails and documents mysteriously released from the previously-prestigious Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom revealed discussions of manipulation and destruction of research data, as well as efforts to interfere with the peer review process to stifle opposing views. The motivation underlying these efforts appears to be a coordinated strategy to support the belief that mankinds activities are causing global warming.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "If Hillary would have fact-checked her example of sea level rise in Norfolk, Virginia, she would have found out that the experts already know this is mostly due to the land there sinking.",cherry picking,1.6,jintrain "We have 800,000 years of ice core data showing repeated warming & cooling. It is called natural climate variability.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 Global warming saves lives.,oversimplification,3.6,jintest "Although the EPA assumes a price of $15 per ton during the early years of the program, the market doesn't support that price, at least not today.",slothful induction,4.3.2,CARDS Repeat after me - there is NOTHING govts can due to significantly affect global climate change cycles.Glaciers have grown and melted several times - this will continue.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "Whether increased CO2 levels cause significant warming or not, the increased CO2 levels themselves will result in considerable increases in the growth rate of plants, including our food crops and forests.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "The onset of a new glaciation could cause the sea level to stop rising. It could even fall 400 feet, to the level at the last glaciation maximum 18,000 years ago.",slothful induction,1.2,jindev "Long-term CO2 enrichment studies confirm the findings of shorter-term experiments, demonstrating numerous growth-enhancing, water-conserving, and stress-alleviating effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on plants growing in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS Water vapor is the main causes of Global warming. You want to ban water?,misrepresentation,2.3.4,hamburg_test3 "A new paper published in The Cryosphere finds the largest ice cap in Tibet had approximately equal gain and loss of ice mass between 2000 and 2012, such that ""Overall, our results show an almost balanced mass budget for the studied time period. Additionally, we detected one continuously advancing glacier tongue in the eastern part of the ice cap."" The findings stand in stark contrast to alarmist claims of a ""meltdown"" in "" the climate front line of Tibet .",cherry picking,1.1.4,CARDS Absolute BS look at the data. they have not be getting stronger and more of them they do get stronger from time to time it just happens to be circumstantial why did the ice shelf in Antarctica gain more ice than ever in the last two years? Climate change? BS,cherry picking,1.1.1,hamburg_test3 What will happen this winter if we keep going on with this trend? Ten degrees below normal with high precipitations? SNOW! A LOT OF SNOW!,anecdote,1.3,CARDS Global warming is helping grow the Antarctic ice sheet.,cherry picking,1.1.1,jintest "2007 was the coldest year of the 21st century so far If they're right, a period of deep freeze will start around 2055-2060 and last for 50 years or so. These predictions are based on a detailed analysis of internal dynamics of the Sun.",single cause,1.2,CARDS No legislation can fix climate change. Any suggestion that it will is a lie.,impossible expectations,4.3,hamburg_test1 "The facts are there, the reef is flourishing scientists in Australia admit the Great Barrier Reef is doing very well, is very resilient",cherry picking,3.2.3,hamburg_test3 Global warming is real but the planet has gone through warming and cooling for millennia and will continue to do.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 It tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.,impossible expectations,5.1,jindev Another thing that feeds my suspicion that a pagan mindset informs Global Warmingism are the steady and consistent calls for sacrifice - even human sacrifice - to ward off the threatened catastrophes.,false equivalence,5.2.1,CARDS "People around the province woke up to snow Monday morning, after an ""unseasonably cold Arctic airmass"" descended over the province.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Not that I'm saying there is no climate change, but we had 5 floods in 1950, Australia has always had floods.",false equivalence,1.7,hamburg_test3 water vapour has been the main greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide has had a minuscule effect on global climate,misrepresentation,2.3.4,Alhindi_dev "Our research has shown that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has no impact on global temperatures, or the climate.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS The year 2007 is now very likely to become RSS MSU's 9th warmest year on record which really means one of the coldest years of our times. It will end up colder than all other years in the 21st century so far as well as 1998 (by 0.4 C) and 1995. We explained that 2006 was very cold but 2007 will be shown as 0.1 C colder.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Why is this important? Because, by an equation called the Clausius-Clapeyron relation, as the space occupied by the atmosphere warms it is also capable of carrying near-exponentially more water vapor. Superficially, therefore, considerable amplification of the original warming might be expected. In practice, however, as you rightly point out, the likelihood is that more water vapor in the atmosphere will lead to the formation of more clouds. And it is here that the UN's analysis goes completely astray. For it makes no allowance for the additional cloud-albedo effect that these clouds generated by the water-vapor feedback will create. This leads to a catastrophic overvaluation by the IPCC of the water-vapor feedback; and, though this is partly compensated for by the treatment of all cloud albedo as a forcing, it creates an overstatement of the final warming effect of adding greenhouse gases such as CO2 to the atmosphere after all feedbacks have been taken into account.",oversimplification,3.1,CARDS "All the while droughts, forest fires, heat waves, and temperature-related deaths have declined substantially.",single cause,1.7,jintest "Wishing he would stop talking, just like everyone. Flying 38K in a month, almost the perimeter of the planet, so a #FascistDictator can talk about spreading democracy (the American way) and climate change (eugenics).",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "According to an EPA estimate made last year, the Waxman-Markey emissions target, even if fully achieved, would lower global CO2 levels in the year 2095 by 25 ppm at most and would, therefore, have a negligible effect on holding back global warming.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "Regular readers of CO2 Science will recognize the significance we attach to documenting the existence of the Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and Little Medieval Warm Period throughout the world, the reality of which periods of thermal extremes is typically denied by the world's climate alarmists. Strangely enough, however, evidence for these distinctive warm and cold periods continues to be discovered almost weekly, and at a variety of places around the globe, supporting our thesis that the Current Warm Period is more a product of planet-wide natural forces than of accelerating CO 2 -induced global warming.",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS "The ice caps are melting the ice caps are melting oh, they came back? Climate change!?!?!?",cherry picking,1.1,hamburg_test3 Can climate research get back on track?,ad hominem,5.1,jintrain "While many scientists have acknowledged the mismatch between model predictions and actual temperature observations, few have really challenged the validity of the models themselves.",ad hominem,5.1.4,jintrain The fact that there have been historic warming and cooling periods is not news to anyone and also in now way way disproves climate change.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "However, records indicate that modern warming began more than 300 years ago in the depths of the horrific Little Ice Age.",single cause,2.1.4,jintest "Skeptics have long pointed to ice gain in the Southern Hemisphere as evidence climate change wasn't occurring, but scientists warned that it was caused by natural variations and circulations in the atmosphere.",cherry picking,1.1.1,jintrain "Reduce: The effect of Australias carbon tax on the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is so tiny as to be undetectable and any miniscule reduction would be totally swamped in the far bigger natural seasonal variations of carbon dioxide levels. The effect on global climate, if any, would also be too small to be measured and of no benefit to the climate or life on Earth.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS Humans contribute roughly 3-5% of atmospheric C02.,oversimplification,2.5,hamburg_test3 "My read on the 23,000 year cycle chart looks like we're about at the turn to the other direction. Add that to a 5000 year cycle turn and an 1800 year peak warmth spot, well, lets just say Id not be moving to Alaska any time soon. Florida and Texas would be better choices.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS Carbon dioxide hurts nobody's health.,oversimplification,3.6,jintest "In response to a video posted by a commenter on WUWT, I noted that Parmesan continues to misrepresent her 1996 study.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "Yes, sea levels are rising, but the rise is not accelerating‚ if anything, two recent papers, one by Chinese scientists published in the January 2014 issue of Global and Planetary Change, and the other by U.S. scientists published in the May 2013 issue of Coastal Engineering, have shown a small decline in the rate of sea-level increase.",slothful induction,1.6,jintrain [headline:] Climate Change ‘Heat Records’ Are a Huge Data Manipulation,ad hominem,5.1.3,Alhindi_train "The current temperature in Westminster, MD is 56.9 degrees. The previous cold record for the date was 57.02 degrees.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The Northern Hemisphere, North Atlantic, North Pacific and East Pacific SST Anomalies are all dropping. It will not be long before the Atlantic Coast and the Arctic regions will show similar cooling as the AMO goes cool or negative. North America is more likely see much cold weather during the next 20-30 years rather than global warming of 3-6C as predicted by the IPCC.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS "We are often being told that we're seeing more and more droughts, but a study published last March in the journal Nature actually shows a decrease in the world's surface that has been afflicted by droughts since 1982.",cherry picking,1.7,jintrain “The science is far from settled.”,slothful induction,5.1.1,Alhindi_train "The disaster for alarmists is that the winds have reversed and are pushing the ice towards the Pacific side, which is driving the massive recovery in the amount of Arctic sea ice up 60% from last summer.",cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS "Killing 30 million bats every year in response to dubious claims that global warming might once in a great while kill 100,000 bats makes no sense .",cherry picking,4.4.1,jindev "Yes, but the Government could be using Weather Manipulation to make the useful idiots think extreme weather is from Climate Change. And if you think they can't you have been living under a rock.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 The idea that climate change is producing heat records across the Earth is among the most egregious manipulations of data in the absurd global warming debate.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,jintrain @MrMatthewTodd It makes you wonder. Since humans are cause global warming now what caused all the other global warming throughout history?,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "Global warming is not even the obvious top environmental threat. Dirty water, dirty air and insect-borne diseases are a far greater problem today for most people world-wide.",false choice,4.2,jintest "The MWP allowed grain crops to flourish, the global population to soar and wine grapes to be planted in England for the first time in hundreds of years.",cherry picking,3,jintrain "No, parts of northern Europe heated up during the Roman occupation of GB. That wasn't global warming, in other words.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "The assaults on Monckton and other high-visibility skeptics (for example, Marc Morano of Climate Depot, Joe D'Aleo of ICECAP, Dr. Willie Soon, Dr. Fred Singer, Anthony Watts and Dr. Ferenc Miskolczi) are further evidence that the global warmists are in full retreat and resorting to slash and burn tactics as they make a desperate last stand to defend their cherished theory from the onslaught of countervailing scientific evidence.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS "But as we suggested earlier in the year , the incautious statements issued by Met Office scientists looked less like the work of scientific enquiry, and more like post-hoc speculation about which way the weather would turn.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "Marjorie Taylor Greene Argues Global Warming Is ""Actually Healthy For Us""",oversimplification,3.6,hamburg_test3 The fact is sea level are flatlining now since 2006 are may actually start to decline..due to reduced watts/mt from the sun.,cherry picking,1.6,CARDS "The Climategate scandal of 2009, wherein thousands of emails were leaked from the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in England, showed that certain senior members of the research community were, and presumably still are, quite capable of deliberately selecting data in order to overstate the evidence for dangerous climate change.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS “a killer analysis conducted by Craig Idso of all the studies which have been done on the effects of reduced pH levels on marine life.”,fake experts,,Alhindi_dev The water is not rising. Maybe at high tide if they ever heard of that,anecdote,1.6,hamburg_test3 Let’s find out by comparing the actual temperatures since 1979 with what the 32 families of climate models used in the latest U.N. report on climate science predicted they would be.,cherry picking,5.1.4,Alhindi_train "The 3 scientists argue that even if the planet warms by 5 degrees, humans can adjust.",false equivalence,3.2.1,jintrain There hasn't been any sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay for at least 70 years.,cherry picking,1.6,CARDS "Then early next week I will post part 3, detailing a train of specific unscientific and anti-scientific steps in the IPCC analysis that render it not just scientifically invalid but properly classify it as a hoax and a fraud.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS The ongoing rise in sea level that began with the end of the ice age continues with no great increase in magnitude,slothful induction,1.6,jintest "Coldest start to May for more than 70 years. In fact, temperatures could hit the lowest ever recorded for May.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS I'm a staunch conservative. I disagree with the reasons for climate change. You can't pave over billions of acres of greenery and trees without moderation and not affect climate. Where do you think the water goes that was once used by plants and trees? The radiational heat?,single cause,2.2,hamburg_test3 "I suspect that what the Maya calendar cycle was saying was not that this is the end, but rather that this is as good as it gets and the next many thousands start a long slow slide into cold. ",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS The left is lying and using this to sell the climate change lie.,slothful induction,5.2,hamburg_test3 The Paris Agreement would also handicap America in the global race for new sources of energy .,slothful induction,4.1.1,jindev “Scientists are also expecting a ‘huge reduction’ in solar activity for 33 years between 2020 and 2053 that will cause thermometers to crash.”,misrepresentation,1.2,Alhindi_test Yet Climate Change Warriors keep flying around the world in private jets 1 at a time to conferences to eat endangered fish and ride around in limos and yachts. Pardon me if I suspect their honesty.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 A waste of money global warming/ climate change isn't man made. IT occurs naturally and has since the planet was formed.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "What are the models missing? Obsessed with radiation from greenhouse forcings and questionable temperature feedbacks, they ignore or poorly parameterize many important climate processes and undervalue the net cooling effect of the following events:",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS The green freaks and climate change nuts hate Plymouth Rock. Still at Sea level December 26th 1620. Guess what. Still there at sea Level. Dang rising oceans because we use gasoline,anecdote,1.6,hamburg_test3 That's why the left went from GLOBAL WARMING to climate change.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 Brooks added that Antarctic ice is growing.,cherry picking,1.1.1,Alhindi_train "The cost of living crisis is a result of the boom and bust system of control being bust! The virus, the war & climate change all cover for NWO to create a new social credit prison system, an electric one (on/off) with no escape! Stop the NWO or allow it. YOUR CHOICE!",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 "Clearly, absorption and re-radiation of the sunshine in the upper atmosphere at this wavelength cools the Earth and is going to cause additional cooling as the concentration of CO2 increases.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "Despite the expenditure of over $50 billion to find evidence that man-induced greenhouse gasses are the primary cause of the current warming, not one piece of empirical evidence in support of this theory has been found.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "There is no climate emergency, crisis, breakdown, bombshell or any other superlative you attach to it.The Great Barrier reef isn't dying, the poles are having their coldest periods in fifty years",cherry picking,1,hamburg_test3 """Despite the fact that the carbon trading market, along with ""smart meter"" programs, have been exposed as slush fund scams owned by the very globalists fearmongering about man-made climate change - namely Al Gore and Maurice Strong - designed to line the pockets of habitual con men who have been caught over and over again lying about the evidence behind global warming, states are now adopting their own version of the scheme so that the trick can be played on an unsuspecting public who still think that cap and trade hasn?t been implemented.""",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS "And as people are freezing to death in their homes, will we still be paying the green levies to stop global warming?",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "Also, as Peltier (2009) points out, the GRACE gravitational-anomaly record indicates that sea level has actually fallen in recent years.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS Climate Models Performing Poorly Compared to Actual Temperatures,impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS "The media overplays every single extreme weather event and despite no scientific data or evidence, claims that the extreme weather is because of ""climate change"".",ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test3 There has always been catastrophic weather. Of course we get to see it first hand.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test2 Gas and oil are constantly being created and never run out.,slothful induction,4.5.1,hamburg_test3 Temperatures in Minden this week are forecast to be 30-40 degrees cooler than they were in 1936. President Barack Obama says that the US is heating out of control.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The report , published in the journal Nature Geoscience on September 18, acknowledges that most of the models of warming trends failed to predict the ""slowdown'' in warming post-2000, resulting in less pronounced warming than predicted and thus more room in the CO2 `""emissions budget'' for the coming decades.",cherry picking,5.1.4,jindev But carbon isn't the main driver of climate change. The sun is.,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 "Tissue and Lewis continue saying that ""glacial plants were severely carbon limited over a very long time period, until atmospheric CO2 began rising during the glacial-interglacial transition."" In fact, they indicate that ""controlled environment studies with modern plants grown in glacial CO2"" have shown ""significant carbon limitations on plant physiology even when other resources were generally not limiting ,"" citing Dippery et al. (1995) and Tissue et al. (1995). So in spite of anything one could have done to enhance their productivity (other than supply them with more CO2), glacial-age plants simply could not produce the bounty that today's plants do. In fact, they were fortunate to merely survive.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "For any objective reader and citizen of the world, this sort of bullying ought to inform everyone that science and its practice are now no longer free and willing. In fact, we are constantly being terrorized and threatened by the research funding gravy trains and large resources needed for science to progress and prosper.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "Since Nov. 18, the normal high temperature has been hovering around 15 degrees colder than the historical normal temperature of 55 degrees. The normal low has been about 10 degrees lower than the normal temperature of 36 de grees. The national weather forecasters are predicting this same weather pattern going into the beginning of December.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "For if you own the dataset, you can reduce older temperatures and increase recent ones, just as NASA has been doing, and give the impression of greater warming. Naughty, naughty. more",conspiracy theory,5.1.3,CARDS "Based on the last 25 years, 2013 was the fourth coldest. If we look at the average temperatures for the last 25 years, we see that they have pretty much remained constant.",cherry picking,1.4,CARDS global warming doesn't exist -- or at least hasn't for 19 years,cherry picking,1.4,jintrain "Hubbard Glacier has been advancing into Disenchantment Bay for more than 100 years, according to NASA's Earth Observatory. In addition to its forward movement, the glacier has been thickening as well.",cherry picking,1.1.4,CARDS "However the conspiracy main stream media News states a global warming, are they refering to HAARP?",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 DEMOCRATS CAN'T DEFINE ' climate change ' ! NOT A STINKING ONE OF THEM ! NONE NADA ZELCH !!!,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "It was minus 1.0 degrees in Gulmarg, two degrees below normal, while Pahalgam recorded minus 3.0 degrees today (Monday), three degree below normal.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS can today’s climate models be trusted when scientists have misrepresented the data in the past?,ad hominem,5.1.4,Alhindi_train "However, I do not believe the earths climate is dominated by strong positive feedbacks and tipping points. It is this feedback hypothesis in climate models that multiplies warming to 3-4-5 degrees or more over the next century. In climate models, the catastrophe comes from feedback, not greenhouse effects, and I think this is a bad hypothesis.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS I have emphasized that the CO2-temperature relationship is mostly caused by the influence of temperature on the gas concentrations (as seen through the 800-year lag in the Vostok data).,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "Again , why would anyone with critical thinking ability , trust ANYTHING , the government tells you?",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test2 " He calculates the cooling effect of CO2 and other ""greenhouse"" gases to be 100 times greater than the heating effect.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS The Little Ice Age (LIA) showed that the present warming trend began prior to the major impact of the Industrial Revolution. Significant production of CO2 by humans began only after World War II.,single cause,2.1.4,CARDS "Using data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a Science and Public Policy Institute paper published last month found that if the United States eliminated all carbon dioxide emissions, the overall impact on global temperature rise would be only 0.08 degrees Celsius by 2050.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS Since the late 1980s The New York Times has engaged in the most horrid effort to convince its readers and the world that the IPCC should be taken seriously even though its successive reports have proven to be an offense to real science and the truth. No opportunity was ignored to advance the hoax even in the face of incontrovertible facts of every description.,ad hominem,5.2.2,CARDS "Since the ice extent dropped to a record level in 2007, heavy snowfall, much more abundant than normal were observed in vast areas of North America, continental Europe and China, according to the article, published on February 27.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has estimated the potential savings from a nationwide 25% renewable electricity standard, a goal included in the Waxman-Markey energy bill that narrowly passed the House last year. Best-case scenario: about 306 million tons less CO2 by 2030. Given that the agency expects annual U.S. carbon emissions to be about 6.2 billion tons in 2030, that expected reduction will only equal about 4.9% of emissions nationwide. That's not much when you consider that the Obama administration wants to cut CO2 emissions 80% by 2050.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS The far-left ThinkProgress reports that scientists have finally proven that the theory of man-made Global Warming is a total hoax.,conspiracy theory,5.3,jintrain "What this means, the report concludes, is that claims by NASA, NOAA, and the UK Met Office that the world is experiencing unprecedented and dramatic warming should be taken with a huge pinch of salt: they all use the same corrupted global average temperature (GAST) data. The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality.",ad hominem,5.1.3,jindev "No one has ever proven Climate Change. Scientific Consensus is a political term, not a scientific term.",slothful induction,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 "The widespread snow cover is due to cold, not the imaginary warmth inside your computer model.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The forecast is for global warming to be 1.7C from 1850-2100. We have already had 1.1C and the population has grown by 500%. Why would anyone think the next 0.6C is so special it will kill all human life? Pass this on, we need a grown up discussion on this.",slothful induction,3.4,hamburg_test3 Some experts have defended rising CO2 levels as a good thing for humanity.,oversimplification,3.3.1,jintrain "Observe the last interglacial 130,000 to 110,000 years ago. Temperature plummeted even as CO2 stayed at about 260 ppm.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "Thus, 4.7 ln(390/388) = 0.043 Fahrenheit degrees less than a twentieth of a Fahrenheit degree of global warming every year. That is all. Putting it another way, it would take almost a quarter of a century with no carbon-emitting activity at all not a single train, plane, automobile, or fossil-fueled power station to forestall just 1 Fahrenheit degree of global warming.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS The intellectually corrupt and mendacious alarmist science establishment,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "They had to change it to the ambiguous ""climate change"" because temperatures weren't actually getting warmer.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 The result: our economic output would lag while other countries continued to expand their GDPs.,false choice,4.2.6,jindev As for those record temperatures brought in 2016 by an exceptionally strong El Nino,single cause,2.1.3,jindev "One major conclusion that should be reached from the unpredicted wide ranging severe cold and snow this winter, is that multi-decadal global climate models have demonstrated no skill in predicting such regional events which clearly have a major impact on society and the environment.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS "Thus, nitrogen fertilisers and carbon dioxide fertilisation have together increased global food production by 111 per cent.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev "Global warming alarmists frequently make false and deplorable assertions (see, for example, my recent column debunking false claims that global warming is causing a decline in wheat production).",ad hominem,5.2,jindev "Increased amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere cannot be the cause of global warming, if global warming even exists.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS Mismanagement and over fishing are the primary factors long before the claims of climate change.,single cause,3.2,hamburg_test3 "Mount Isa was very cold, dropping below freezing for only the second time this year and registering its coldest morning in 10 years. It was a staggering 11 degrees below average, reaching minus one.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Actually, according to a peer-reviewed paper just published in Nature Climate Change, there has been no statistically-significant global warming for the past 20 years .",cherry picking,1.4,CARDS No doubt climate change is here. No different than any other time it's changed during the history of this planet. From hot & arid to hot & humid with no polar ice caps to ice sheets covering most of the planet. All about cycle. Good luck stopping nature.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 There is no reversing climate change. Climate change has always happened and will always happen regardless of human activity.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "Mini ice age hits UK in January 2010.Must be global warming causing all this extreme cold weather.July 2022 UK heating up,in fact burning up must be global warming.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 It’s sad that the climate crisis crowd has been able to brain wash a big share of the planet with the term “Settled Science.” A fourth grader should no better than that! Ask Galileo about it!,slothful induction,5.1.1,hamburg_test1 Independent climate researcher Nick Lewis put out a study last year with Georgia Techs Dr. Judith Curry that found that the climates response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 levels a measurement called climate sensitivity was 1.64 degrees Celsius.,cherry picking,3.1,CARDS There is no convincing evidence that carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases are causing a catastrophic heating of the Earths atmosphere and disruption of the Earths climate.,slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "“But observations, such as those on our CO2 Coalition website, show that increased CO2 levels over the next century will cause modest and beneficial warming—perhaps as much as one degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit)”",cherry picking,3,Alhindi_train "There's another reason why there will be more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It involves two of the most swiftly developing nations in the world, China and India, both of whom are building coal-fired plants to generate electricity as fast as they can. This is happening while the Environmental Protection Agency has been engaged in an all-out war on coal that has closed several hundred U.S. plants.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS White House Supply Chain Advisor Is a World Economic Forum Climate Change Activist Who Worked at Hunter Biden's Think Tank.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "10,000 years ago there was no manmade global warming. The years of fast sea level rise are shown on the charts.The sea level rise of the last few thousand years is well known, too.Our beliefs about sea level rise until now are the same. Your religion teaches acceleration, though.",false equivalence,1.6,hamburg_test3 "In fact, the 50-ppm increase in atmospheric CO2 between 1981 and 2010 fertilized an 11% boost in plant cover worldwide.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "First up, a common misconception in the climate debate is that radiation from a cold body (e.g. the -18C atmosphere) can warm a hot body (e.g. the +15C Earth surface) just because the cold body does indeed send very-low-energy photons to the hot body. Heat transfer (not radiation) from cold to hot is forbidden by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics on a macro basis, and by the Pauli Exclusion Principle of fundamental quantum theory on an atomic and molecular basis.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "The latest nail for the CO2-GHT coffin has been contributed by Dr. Charles R. Anderson with his article ""The Most Essential Physics of the Earth's Temperature and Why Carbon Dioxide is No Threat to the Earth."" This comes hard on the heels of a recent paper on ""The phase relation between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature"" by Dr. Ole Humlum and coworkers.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS You can't get accurate CO2 measurements from samples taken on the side of an active volcano that is outgassing CO2.,misrepresentation,5.1,CARDS You understand that Scientists know Climate change is a hoax. What do you think made Al Gore a multimillionaire?,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 "Meanwhile, Chapman University has released a survey of the top ten issues Americans fear the most. Guess what ? Climate change didn't make the list.",cherry picking,4.3.2,jintrain There's still record levels of ice in the Antarctic.,cherry picking,1.1.1,hamburg_test3 "Fact 2. Between 2001 and 2010 global average temperature decreased by 0.05 degrees, over the same time that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increased by 5 per cent. Ergo, carbon dioxide emissions are not driving dangerous warming.",cherry picking,2.3,CARDS "As suggested in the last comment this statistic is quite uncertain (1.5 – 3.3). Some climate models simulate less warming than some satellite datasets. The reason that the average of the CMIP5 models exhibits more warming than observations is in part due to natural variability and problems with the forcing (aerosols, solar changes, etc.) in the models.",cherry picking,5.1.4,Alhindi_test "Then there's the issue of sea level change. Global warming and climate change are usually thought to mean that world sea levels will rise, perhaps disastrously. But according to US government scientific experts, in recent times (2010 and 2011, to be precise) phenomena driven by human carbon emissions have actually caused world sea levels to fall. According to a statement issued by the US National Science Foundation: For an 18-month period beginning in 2010, the oceans mysteriously dropped by about seven millimeters.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS the glaciers of Geenland have shown substantial growth in the last 10 years,cherry picking,1.1.2,hamburg_test3 frost fairs were held on the Thames when the river froze,single cause,2.1.4,Alhindi_train "On the same day the President was lying about warming, eight inches of snow fell in Rize, Turkey. It has fallen as well in South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia while closer to home snow fell on several cities in Idaho with cold freezes extending into Oregon. In June!",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "For the past century, greenhouse operators have been adding CO2 to the air inside greenhouses to enhance plant growth.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Moreover, even if CO2 does drive climate change, slashing US greenhouse gas emissions would bring no benefits, since China, India and other developing nations will not be reducing their enormous emissions.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "More to the point, unilateral action will not mitigate climate change. The U.S. is only a small fraction of total emissions. Even if all of the Annex I countries of the Kyoto Protocol agreed to binding constraints, they would account for less than half of the world?s total emissions, and a far smaller fraction of the expected growth in emissions between now and 2100. To act unilaterally, or even in conjunction with the rest of the developed world, would mean paying the full measure of mitigating climate change while receiving only a fraction of its benefit.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "2010 is the hottest year ever, which explains why US winter temperatures have been dropping at a rate of more than 30 degrees per century since 1998.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "I've got a plan to bring down Global Warming. We're already making progress, the Average daily temperature is 40 degrees lower since this summer.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "As the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere continues to rise, soybean plants will likely exhibit enhanced rates of photosynthesis, which will lead to greater synthesis of starch and other carbohydrates for supporting increased growth and development. In addition, if the atmospheric ozone level continues to rise, the rising CO2 content of the air will likely protect soybeans and other crops from the adverse effects of ozone that reduce productivity, growth, and yield.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "I have had over 21 inches of snow at my house, here on the valley floor, at no elevation at all. For over a month now, every morning except one or two has been below freezing. And we all remember the arctic cold just before Christmas.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Are the 80 temperature proxies used in the paper sufficiently accurate to establish a solid global temperature chronology?,impossible expectations,5.1.2,CARDS "Well, maybe the second greatest lie ever told, after the anthropogenic GW hoax.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS Even if Canada met it's reduction it would make no god dam difference.,impossible expectations,4.2.3,hamburg_test2 "Well, not a debate because climate alarmists who were invited didn't show.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "Considering that they constantly claim that global warming is going to cause dramatic rises in sea levels, why have they bought a house that will soon be underwater ??It's almost as if.....",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Given this reality, we would be wise to consider strategies that complement and may be more effective than mitigation namely, adaptation.",slothful induction,4.2.5,CARDS “global warming causes about as much damage as benefits.”,cherry picking,3,Alhindi_train THIS REPORT CLARIFIES BIASES IN STATISTICAL methods used in optimal fingerprinting for climate change attribution,ad hominem,5.1,hamburg_test3 "As the CO2 content of the air continues to rise, it is likely that wheat plants will exhibit significant increases in photosynthesis and yield even under less than favorable growing conditions characterized by elevated atmospheric ozone concentrations and/or pathogenic infections by rust-causing organisms. Thus, it is likely that such detrimental environmental and biotic factors will not threaten world grain production in the years to come, as long as the air's CO2 content is allowed to increase unhindered by mankind's misguided legislative attempts to stabilize the atmospheric concentration of this vital life-supporting gas.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS Bombshell conclusion new peer reviewed analysis: worldwide-temperature increase has not produced acceleration of global sea level over the past 100years,slothful induction,1.6,CARDS Surface Mass Balance of Greenland ice sheet is way up.,cherry picking,1.1.2,hamburg_test3 One of the few benefits of global warming: on top of Ben Aigen in November without a coat on. Taken a few weeks ago. Was icy up there yesterday afternoon.,cherry picking,3,hamburg_test1 "Too hot, climate change, not too hot climate change, rain falling, climate change, ducks flying in opposite direction, climate change, dog barks, caused by climate change.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "The climate has always changed, so focus on milking female cows. Oops. Did I offend any liberals? I certainly hope so.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 At least he was SMART enough to provide the infrastructure for his vehicles. Unlike the demoncrates who have been stealing our money since the 90's just rambling out of control about climate change. Where is Gore anyhow???,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3 What about the dem climate change scam#CarbonTaxingAGhost,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test1 "Even in warm summers , there's plenty of ice over much of the Arctic Ocean.",cherry picking,1.1.3,jintest I think I was pretty clear in accepting that there had been a small amount of warming overall between 1979 and about 7 years ago. There is nothing alarming or exceptional about it. There is no climate crisis or emergency.,slothful induction,3.4,hamburg_test3 "Nobody denies climate change, the climate is always changing.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "Initially, Antarctic ice cores were proof of CO2 creating temperature increase and low pre-industrial levels. Then we learned temperature increase preceded CO2 increase and levels were similar to today. The former was widely accepted and contradicted the major assumption of the hypothesis, so recently Shakun et al tried, unsuccessfully , to reassert the claim. The latter claim was contradicted by Jaworowski but essentially ignored.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "For global warming alarmists, however, a greener biosphere is terrible news and something to be opposed.",ad hominem,5.2,jindev Then climate change must have started thousand years ago or more .. It's not just recently.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 Are you tweeting this from your lakefront property or your private jet fueled airplane?! haha climate change hypocrisy at it's finest!!,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 Carbon dioxide is regulated by plant life. It's been that way forever.,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 "There is no Climate Crisis, it is apocalyptic nonsense.",slothful induction,3,hamburg_test1 "One was the revelation by the European Space Agency that in 2013 and 2014, after years when the volume of Arctic ice had been diminishing, it increased again by as much as 33 per cent.",cherry picking,1.1.3,jintrain "Climate Realism: Searching For Global Warming, Pittsburgh Freezes Under Record Cold",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2 "DSM proponents exaggerate the energy savings from such policies. Contrary to popular belief, energy efficiency improvements do not reduce society's overall energy consumption. In fact, greater efficiency leads to more energy use, because efficiency lowers the cost of consumption and frees up dollars for other energy-consuming activities.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS Conspiracy theorists are 21-0. Climate change predictions are 0-42. I'm going with the Conspiracy theorists for now on!,cherry picking,5.1.4,hamburg_test2 "As Dick Lindzen alluded to back in 1990 , while everyone seems to understand that the greenhouse effect warms the Earths surface, few people are aware of the fact that weather processes greatly limit that warming.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS So yes there is climate change happening.. The Worlds Climate always changes.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 "Pat Michaels, former president of the American Association of State Climatologists, says, ""It 's warmed up around one degree Celsius since 1900, and life expectancy DOUBLED‚ yet [ if ] that temperature ticks up another half a degree‚ the entire system crashes? That 's the most absurd belief.""",single cause,3,jintrain "There is no longer any doubt that the purported tropical hot spot simply does not exist. Thus, EPA's theory as to how CO2 affects global average surface temperature - EPA's first line of evidence - has been falsified.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS "Athumani Juma doesn't believe it. A guide who's been hiking the mountain for the past seven years, he laughed when he was asked about the likelihood that Kilimanjaro's snowcap would disappear soon. The glaciers, he claimed, no longer are shrinking, but growing.",cherry picking,1.1.4,CARDS "We were told that the mild winters we experienced in Europe were due to global warming. Now, suddenly, we are getting hit with yet another nasty cold winter.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The conventional wisdom is dead wrong and the Earth is cooling right on schedule, according to one of the leading scientists who is skeptical of the climate-change premise.",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS "No matter how much money you throw at it, you can't stop climate change.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,hamburg_test3 I love how Global Warming has had a major 0% effect on the winters in my current home state of Minnesota.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 The satanic democrats are turning earth into hell.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 Colors show what drives fire activity. The greatest fire activity occurs during the duff-driven period typically occurring from mid-June to early July. Some years are stronger than others. Guess it's not climate change since it's been happening for 1000's of years,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 Biden's crises: Implemented IN ORDER TO advance phony green transition.Manmade climate change is a hoax.Don't let Biden seal the socialist deal for America.STAND against SOCIALISM. Rule yourself.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 All time record cold January morning in Canberra,anecdote,1.3,CARDS It hasn't been hotter. Maybe than last year. But it hasn't been hotter. If next year it's below normal cool. They will call it a climate crisis. There is no such thing as an average year,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 "Either way, its plain to see that a savings of 27 parts per million over 87 years is trivial, particularly in comparison to its cost (shutting down the entire economy) and would make no meaningful climatic difference even if atmospheric carbon dioxide was the driver of global climate that the alarmists claim it is.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "The atmosphere has only about 0.04% carbon dioxide, compared with about 1% to 4% water vapour. Each water vapour molecule absorbs and radiates in a far wider range of wavelengths than each carbon dioxide molecule and so, as some have estimated, the overall effect of all the carbon dioxide could be as little as 0.1% that of all the water vapour.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS "Looking back in 1981, the world had just barely started warming, despite years of rising CO2 levels.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "This is recognised by the major carbon dioxide emitters such as China, India and the US, which don't comply. No EU state has met its target.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,jintrain A second fact is that the climate is warmer than a century ago. How much warmer exactly is still a matter of debate.,slothful induction,5.1.3,CARDS "Suddenly we are also seeing studies showing that warming won't be so bad after all, and that CO2 climate sensitivity is much lower than first thought. The policy-making pressure coming from the threat of climate change is disappearing rapidly.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS The cold winters are likely to continue and so are the floods for the next 20-30 years as the 60 year planetary climate cycle goes into its cold phase. We are having the winters like the previous cold cycle 30 years ago.,single cause,1.2,CARDS "As we now know from the Climategate Emails, this band saw the Medieval Warm Period as an enormous obstacle in their mission of spreading the word about global warming. If temperatures were warmer 1,000 years ago than today, the Climategate Emails explain in detail, their message that we now live in the warmest of all possible times would be undermined. As put by one band member, a Briton named Folland at the Hadley Centre, a Medieval Warm Period ""dilutes the message rather significantly.""",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "May 2007 and October 2007 share the silver and bronze medals with the anomaly of 0.091 Celsius degrees which is 0.81 Celsius degrees cooler than the warmest RSS month, April 1998. Using Al Gore's terminology, two of the three coldest months in this century have occurred in this year! ;-)",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Satellite data shows that glaciers in part of the Karakoram range on the China-Pakistan border are putting on mass, defying (supposedly) the general trend toward glacier shrinkage.",cherry picking,1.1.4,CARDS The most telling point is that after spending $30 billion on pure science research no one is able to point to a single piece of empirical evidence that man-made carbon dioxide has a significant effect on the global climate.,slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "You should practise what you preach, flew in on a carbon belching plane etc.",ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test2 "The IPCC no longer includes the ""Hockey stick"" chart in its reports.",ad hominem,5.1.2,jintrain "This is complete nonsense. If the absorption of relevant wavelengths is already saturated, there is no mechanism for the Earth to warm in response to increased levels of greenhouse gases",oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS WHEN YOU FIND THAT CLIMATE CHANGE IS REALLY ON NEPTUNE AND NOT EARTH! TEMPS INCREASED BY 10% ON NEPTUNE!,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 "Canada's carbon tax is actually *not* ""doing something about climate change"". It has no measurable impact on climate change. None.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,hamburg_test3 As you can see from the graph below global sea ice extent is nearly on average since 1979 according to satellite measurement. Arctic sea ice is slightly below average and Antarctic sea ice is above average. The total sea ice extent shows no obvious influence from global warming.,cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS "We had an ice age and a global flood before a single fossil fuel was ever burned…. If you can’t see what’s happening, I feel bad for you….",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "You thought $6-$10 a gallon of gas is bad? Wait until your electric car needs a battery, and you need to shell out over $10k",oversimplification,4.1.1,hamburg_test2 "I was going to write that the bullying, obfuscation, data manipulation, public activism (and shoddy science journalism ) we've witnessed in the name of ""climate"" research is just the tip of the iceberg , but that's not quite accurate. It's more like a template.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "Update Jan. 25 , 2016 : As I predicted in this article , global warming activists have indeed made a full-blown public relations effort to claim 2015 was the warmest year on record .",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain Postmodern science envisages a sort of political nirvana in which scientific theory and results can be consciously and legitimately manipulated to suit either the dictates of political correctness or the policies of the government of theday.,ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS Fun fact! In 2012 the Obama administration flirted with the idea of federally prosecuting any scientist or citizen that did not believe in global warming. Dems said it wasn’t true fast forward 10 years california passed a law doctors cant disagree with politicians,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 "Man-made climate change"" has not been proven in the first place. Your claim. First tweet. Back it up.",slothful induction,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 "To those of us who have been studying the global warming scare in some detail, the answer is depressingly obvious. It's because in the last decade or so, the climate change industry has become so vast and all encompassing, employing so many people, it simply can not be allowed to fail .",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain I can't not stand all the weather control chemtrails going on I'm so sick of it. Making storms and tornado hurricane to kill people is stupid you will burn in hell for what your doing. There's your climate change it's man-made,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2 "Obama made EPA change the naming of Global Warming to Climate Change to mask the 410 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere and it's static nature, thereby eliminating Global Warming argument.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 "Central Europeans right now are scratching their heads, wondering how on Earth they are still shoveling snow past Easter. March in Germany, according to the German Weather Service DWD , was the 6th coldest since measurements began in 1881. Britain has just seen its coldest March in 100 years. In fact over the last few winters hundreds of cold and snowfall records have been shattered.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS The Sun's radiation output waxes and wanes periodically in predictable cycles.,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 "So far this month, the US is having its 10th coldest January on record, and the coldest since 1982",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Global warming, is and has always been, a propaganda campaign with a thin veneer of science. As the evidence against the scam built up year upon year as mother earth steadfastly refused to warm as instructed, it was inevitable the scam would fall apart. This year, when I heard Greenland was refreezing I finally realised that there was not a shred of evidence to support the scam and so it will inevitably die.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS """We're in a historic drought?""What, in recent decades? Nothing compared to what nature (naturally occurring climate change) can bring to CA. Here's some real recent history about ""historic droughts."" Tighten your seat belt, folks:PS - current droughts here are simply regional",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 "Whatever detrimental effects warming and higher carbon dioxide may have had on terrestrial species and ecosystems, they have been swamped by the contribution of fossil fuels to increased biological productivity.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev "Carbon dioxide emissions from non-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries such as China and India are projected to grow by 9 billion tons per year. The Partnership for a Better Energy Future reports: ""for every ton of CO2 reduced in 2030 as a result of EPA's rule, the rest of the world will have increased emissions by more than 16 tons."" Our reduction in 2030 would offset the equivalent of just 13.5 days of CO2 emissions from China. The CPP will become the definition of ""all pain and no gain."" Or, as economist Thomas Sowell calls it: ""replacing what worked with what sounded good.""",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "According to the satellites, the late 2016 temperatures are returning to the levels they were at after the 1998 El Nino.",cherry picking,1.4,jintrain "When it's significantly colder than average will you be flapping on twitter? Of course not, not a peep because it doesn't fit the global warming climate crisis con!",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "In fact , human wellbeing has never been higher.",oversimplification,3.6,jindev Global Warming/Climate Change are money laundering scams.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 "It's always the same, a couple of warmish days a year and that's our lot, whatever happened to global warming?!",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "Inflation around the world is now averaging 8%/yr and is accelerating. Caused by the idiotic fairy tale of global warming policies against fossil fuels, we are headed for destruction.",misrepresentation,4.1.1,hamburg_test2 "In northeastern Germany, March is the coldest since at least 130 years ago. In Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg and Berlin, the DWD average temperatures measured up to almost minus two degrees, which lie very close to the previous March-cold record from 1883. In the last four days of the month will determine whether there is even a record. It would then be the coldest March since records began 1881st",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Why is it that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming yet natural emissions do not?,oversimplification,2.5,jintrain I was skeptical and now I know why. Climate change is a natural cycle the earth go through and little to do with humans.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test1 "With the 19.5 inch two-day snowfall total measured at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall airport, the seasonal snowfall total in Baltimore stands at 79.9 inches. This would break the previous all-time seasonal snowfall record for",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Skeptics claim such anomalies prove that Earth can quickly warm and cool even in the absence of carbon dioxide, and any warming today may be caused by similar natural events.",single cause,2.1.4,Alhindi_train "When Prince William lets slip ""Digital Passports will help fight climate change"" you know the plan. Rationing. Food ration. Energy ration. Travel ration. Total top down control of your real world.",conspiracy theory,4.1.5,hamburg_test3 "Another powerful negative-feedback mechanism which acts to reduce the effects of global warming has been identified, as scientists say that rising temperatures cause plants to emit higher levels of planet-cooling aerosols.",oversimplification,3.1,CARDS My argument in recent days has not been against climate change but against this fiction of a national emergency. Where I live we have cloudy & 12 degrees.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test1 "He will argue that the 2008 Climate Change Act, which ties Britain into stringent targets to reduce the use of fossil fuels, should be suspended until other countries agree to take similar measures. If they refuse, the legislation should be scrapped altogether, he will say.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "Have a look at the buildings in the valley when it rains and floods it's climate change, no they built in a area where the water flows.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 To me this indicates that people who do not have the faculties to care for themselves as responsible adults are particularly attracted to Green promises.,ad hominem,5.2,CARDS "By ""global warming"" these papers don't , of course, mean the mild warming of around 0.8 degrees Celsius that the planet has experienced since the middle of the 19th century as the world crawled out of the Little Ice Age.",single cause,2.1.4,jintrain "I like your graph: despite all the rhetoric and worrying about carbon, there has been NO verifiable climate change.",impossible expectations,5.1,hamburg_test3 US is second. China has doubled cO2 output than US. Then India and Japan. The US is the only industrialized country that has dropped emissions on a mass scale.,impossible expectations,4.2.6,hamburg_test3 Man made climate change is bullshit being used to WEF our world. FIGHT AGAINST THIS TYRANNY!!,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "I'm going to give him two answers. A little later I will post taking Keating seriously part 2?? that recounts a few of the prima facie ways that the IPCC's radical attribution claims are highly unscientific, as pointed out by numerous people in recent years.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS You mean the same whack jobs that push Global Warming? For over thirty years these climate cultists have been screaming the sky is falling. They've been wrong. Enough.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 Should we trust these computer models of doom?,ad hominem,5.1.4,jintest "Any attempts to claim global warming will cause a few more Lyme Disease deaths must be weighed against the 36,000 Americans who are killed by the flu each year.",oversimplification,3.6,jindev "Nope and so many people say climate change is not real, we really have no hope.",cherry picking,4.3.2,hamburg_test1 "At the beginning, he quotes a number of climate doom-mongers , including the Pope.",ad hominem,5.2,jindev "The article started out by saying record low temperatures. Then it switched to coldest temperatures of the year. I dont know which statement is true. Either way, it certainly doesn??t look like ""global warming.""",anecdote,1.3,CARDS no change in numbers or severity of tropical storms,cherry picking,1.7,hamburg_test3 "Nature is dominated by negative feedbacks - a reason to expect that the climate sensitivity is smaller than, not larger than, the no-feedback value of 1.2 C per CO2 doubling.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS Why the name change from global warming to climate change.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 "An atmosphere enriched with carbon dioxide provides for more robust plant growth than the current atmosphere. Thus, a carbon dioxide enriched atmosphere is a great benefit to agriculture, humanity, and the environment. The EPA ignores this work.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "And an extra bonus from the weather is not climate department January 29, 2010 at 39.9 degrees was ten degrees below normal and the second coldest on record.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Contrary to sensational media reports, extreme weather-related deaths in the U.S. have decreased more than 98% over the last 100 years.",single cause,1.7,jintest Brazil has had its coldest winter ever.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "There are 16 million square km of sea ice around the Antarctic - twice as much as in the Arctic.Antarctic sea ice extent was slightly greater in the 2010's than the 1980's.Yet the bigger ice cap is NEVER mentioned because it does not fit the climate "" emergency"".",cherry picking,1.1.1,hamburg_test3 "A similar thing happened from 1940 to 1980 during the post-Second-World-War industrial boom when carbon dioxide increased rapidly, but was accompanied by 40 years of global cooling.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "Yet, some scientists argue that the gas is not capable of producing the extreme temperature rises seen in recent decades.",fake experts,2.3,jintrain "New Ice Age coming, the only thing that can save us is burning more fossil fuels to add CO2 to the atmosphere for the greenhouse effect. Climate change activists are going to kill us all... freeze us all to death.",slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3 By the turn of Century after plugging figures in for Climate change The result reduction of 0.0009%.What a huge difference from this Inflation Reduction Act.,impossible expectations,4.2.3,hamburg_test3 "The methodology widely used to understand sea temperatures in the scientific community may be based on a mistake, the new study suggests, and so our understanding of climate change might be fundamentally flawed.",ad hominem,5.1,jintrain The geological history of the planet shows major planetary climate changes have never been driven by a trace gas. Just because we are alive today does not mean we change major planetary systems that operated for billions of years.,single cause,2.1.4,jintrain "officials and public planning experts"" scheduled to meet with Rosenberg will manage to find private transportation and hold their global warming forum today, or whether the record snow and bitter cold will force it to be rescheduled.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Because water vapor is much more plentiful in the atmosphere than any of the others, H2O absorbs vastly more energy and is by far the most important greenhouse gas.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS "The EPA is moving toward imposing these baseless regulations despite the fact that China and India have been building coal-fired plants to provide their nations with the energy to expand and compete in the global marketplace. China's CO2 emissions increased by 167% between 1999 and 2009, while the U.S., the second largest emitter of CO2, lowered its emissions by 17% over the same 10-year period.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "A large portion of physicists in Russia, especially solar physicists, have reached a ""scientific consensus"" - as others would call it - that the Earth will enter a period of global cooling in a couple of years and the temperatures will drop to the minimum sometime in the middle of this century.",fake experts,2.1.1,CARDS "@ft_content @Equinor C02 is food for plants, trees and crops üåçüåªüåûüëçüá¨üáßWhy don't you do some actual journalism and look into this 'climate change' fraud ü§î",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 "Charles Anderson PhD, a materials physicist, has a new post today",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS FYI warming stopped 20 years ago,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 Climate change is the most critical thing to humankind per your words and yet you are contributing how much CO2 to the climate as you travel around the globe?,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Some experts, such as UN climate scientist Dr. Indur Goklany",fake experts,5.1.1,jintrain "Thankfully, the vast majority of the world's scientists do not believe in the IPCC's climate political-science proclamations and thus continue performing/producing empirical research to determine the science truth.",ad hominem,5.1.1,CARDS "Since there is evidence that glacier retreat and sea level rise started well before humans can be blamed, causation is - once again - a major source of uncertainty.",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS "Green sympathizers probably can be classified in 3 primary categories: 1) people who want to nanny and boss everyone around, 2) people who want to be nannied and bossed around, and 3) the many gullible who actually believe the climate catastrophe scam.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS Belief in climate change is proof positive of mental retardation. In my lifetime alone I was supposed to die of this or that climate emergency no less than three times. Only a mental midget continues to believe in the same lie over and over.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "Cabinet had discussed the idea of ratifying the Kyoto Protocol many times, ever since it was negotiated in 1997. Robert Hill had done a sterling job at the Conference in negotiating a target for Australia that frankly looked impossible at the outset. At the time I was surprised that, after investing so much effort in getting such a good outcome, we did not ratify it. The reason was that the protocol, by leaving out huge emitters in the developing world, was going to have little impact on global climate change. The protocol was flawed by the fact that it covered only the developed world.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS “over 20 years of almost no change in temperatures”,cherry picking,1.4,Alhindi_train Gore was talking about the emission of greenhouse gas. Worrying about it is the latest religion.,ad hominem,5.2.1,CARDS "It's not sea level rise that caused this. It was a swell. Maybe that is related to climate change, but it's not evidence of rising sea levels.",single cause,1.6,hamburg_test3 "A comprehensive list would run to hundreds, if not thousands, of elements, none of which scientists would claim to understand with absolute precision.",impossible expectations,5.1,jintrain "Even according the IPCCs faulty models, if Australia stopped all emissions of carbon dioxide from tomorrow, the total effect on the temperature in 2050 would be to theoretically lower it by 0.0154 C.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS The press is trying to blame the snow in New York on global warming. Their largest snowstorm in 1977 was blamed at the time on global cooling #ClimateScam,false equivalence,5.1.4,hamburg_test1 "Who is denying climate change exactly? Climate has always changed..nobody is denying that. What people properly deny, is the fake claims that mankind is warming Earth.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "Bullshit. Next thing you're going to tell me is humans have an immune system capable of fending off Illness. So much bullshit. Earth can regulate its own temperature, naturally ""canceling out"" global warming but likely not soon enough",false equivalence,3.1,hamburg_test3 Texas just had its coolest winter in 2021.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2 BECAUSE IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR BACK RADIATION FROM A COLDER ATMOSPHERE TO HEAT UP A WARMER EARTH THATS WHY!,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "The MWP lasted from about 950 to 1250AD, and temperature records appear to show it was even hotter than today.",false equivalence,2.1.4,jintrain Ldecke and his colleagues agree with Dr. Michaels assertion that the projected increase in the earths temperature from CO2 is getting smaller and smaller.,oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS "Tuesday is Earth Day, the calendar's High Holy Day of Green theology. With each passing year, environmentalism more clearly assumes the trappings of a secular religion.",false equivalence,5.2.1,CARDS "This is a scientific fact. The total volume of water remains the same. Think of an ice tea with ice cubs served in the summer. If you forget to drink your ice tea and the cube melt,the level of the water stays the same, the glass will not spill over or rise. climate emergency, no!",single cause,1.6,hamburg_test3 "Do you know global warming has saved more people than it has killed, a lot more people die from the cold each year than the heat.",oversimplification,3.6,hamburg_test3 "The absence of sunspots is the most prolonged in a century, and scientists say the reduced solar activity is reminiscent of the Maunder Minimum, between 1645 and 1715, when the Northern Hemisphere suffered through the coldest weather, worst storms and shortest growing seasons of the Little Ice Age.",false equivalence,1.2,CARDS "Climate change, what climate change? It's a mere hypothosis at best not something to make loony policies from, the world's gone f ing mad.",slothful induction,5.1,hamburg_test1 What climate change? All you Fkers are buying ocean front properties!,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "Global warming of a few degrees will happen, and we'll adapt.",slothful induction,3.4,hamburg_test3 Climate change has been happening for thousands of years. How would legislation and tax increases help that?,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "The focus on greenhouse gas mitigation, both domestically and internationally, has been misplaced, and the money and attention of world leaders toward greenhouse gas mitigation efforts would be best directed elsewhere.",false choice,4.2,CARDS "“With more CO2 in the atmosphere, the challenge [feeding 2.5 billion more people] can and will be met.”",oversimplification,3.3.1,Alhindi_test "“The Lancet researchers found that about 0.5%—half a percent—of all deaths are associated with heat, not only from acute problems like heat stroke, but also increased mortality from cardiac events and dehydration. But more than 7% of deaths are related to cold—counting hypothermia, as well as increased blood pressure and risk of heart attack that results when the body restricts blood flow in response to frigid temperatures.”",oversimplification,3.6,Alhindi_train "Climate crisis is a hoax, and if you believe it is real and the US can solve it for the world by crop our country you're a fool.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 "The foundation of the greenhouse theory is that 'greenhouse' gases absorb infrared radiation from the earth and then 'back-radiate' this energy to the earth to cause global warming. Several prior posts have illustrated that the concepts of greenhouse gas 'back-radiation,' 'heat-trapping,' 'heat capture,' and 'radiative forcing' are essentially all referring to the same unphysical, fundamental error of the greenhouse theory that cannot be found in textbooks of physics.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS Add those that preach climate change and can't sort their recycle/compost/landfill or turn off lights in unused rooms. They're the least concerned about hopping a private jet or zoom to their business airport in a limo so they can hobnob with their elite buddies.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 CLIMATE CHANGE seems to be used to push the left 'agenda.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "Can any of the areas of the science now be considered settled as a result of AR5s publication, if so which? Unfortunately very few things are settled in the global warming debate.",impossible expectations,5.1,CARDS "But it is worse than it seems. Since 1990, sea level in North Carolina has been rising at less than half a millimetre per year. If the post-1990 trend continued, North Carolina would see less than two inches of sea level rise by the year 2100.",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS Natural variability is simply too large. This should not be surprising given that humanity's greenhouse gas emissions have caused only a 1 percent change in the natural energy flows coursing through the climate system.,oversimplification,2.3,jintest Climate change is one of the biggest hoaxes is ever perpetrated on the world.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 Cool Clouded Fact: The idea of climate change is not new False. The theory of climate change is not new- it has been around for centuries. The first recorded reference to the idea of climate change was in the late 1600s.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "Michael Bastasch, writing for The Daily Caller on Saturday, confirmed D'Aleo's and other meteorologist's forecasts. ""The bitter cold that has hit the U.S. East Coast is expected throughout February, and on Jan 28the day of the addressthe Mid-Atlantic region is expected to be hit with freezing cold air that could drive temperatures below zero in big cities among the I-95 corridor.""",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Nor, as Idsos father Dr. Sherwood Idso points out, is there any doubt in the scientific community that the temperature increase associated with an interglacial period precedes an increase in carbon dioxide concentrations. Ice core data shows this relationship quite clearly and Al Gores misrepresentation of this fact, by skewing data in An Inconvenient Truth to make it seem that carbon dioxide concentrations have historically caused, rather than followed, temperature changes is one of the more glaring errors in his film.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "This past summer was one of the coolest on record in the US. There is no drought in the midwest, and only a complete imbecile would believe that cold is caused by heat.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The great problem with climate change is that it no longer seems like a scientific theory, but more like a 21 st century version of the pre-Reformation Catholic Church, complete with evangelists, tithes, indulgences and bizarre superstitions.",false equivalence,5.2.1,CARDS "In Australia before they find out how a bushfire start it climate change, when the find out some person started it the left nothing to see hear.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test1 "Thats why expending at least one-third more energy to capture, compress, transport and inject carbon dioxide rather than simply venting to atmosphere where it is a valuable resource for green plants and hence all aerobic life on earth is not worth it and never can be.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Why is climate change a different story? They are capitalizing on (normal) mid summer high temps. Once winter hits, it won't be hot anymore.",single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 "With their reputations and huge amounts government grant money at stake, it's unlikely that many climate scientists would ever admit to being wrong.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain A new assessment of global mean sea level from altimeters highlights a reduction of global trend from 2005 to 2008,cherry picking,1.6,CARDS "Wednesday Marc Morano, founder of CFACT's Climate Depot, released a 321 page report listing over 1,000 scientists who dissent over man-made global warming which Morano termed a ""consensus buster.""",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS """The polar caps are melting ! Global warming !"" Bruh we're coming out of an ice age tf you think is gonna happen ?",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 Record Cold And Snow Destroy Global Warming Claims,anecdote,1.3,CARDS Not the climate change nonsense...nature is gonna do what she does.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 Reality Check: Winter Of 2009/10 Coldest Winter For Over 30 Years,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Next week, Alberta will experience some of the coldest weather on record for early November. Ask those who live and work in cold climates and they say they're the same or getting colder.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "As the CO2 content of the air rises, most plants respond by increasing their photosynthetic rates, which results in greater leaf carbohydrate concentrations, including starch. It has been suggested that starch accumulation may signal photosynthetic acclimation in response to growth in elevated CO2 conditions. However, in the present study, transformed potatoes lacked the ability to accumulate starch, yet they still displayed reduced rates of photosynthesis. This observation suggests that rates of starch synthesis can influence rates of photosynthesis.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "In the 19th century, British Prime Ministers used to say there were lies, damned lies, and statistics. In the 21st century, we may say there are frauds, serious frauds, and IPCC Assessment Reports. Recall, for instance, the notorious graph in the Fourth Assessment Report that falsely indicated that the rate of global warming is accelerating and we are to blame. Using the same statistical dodge, one can show that a sine-wave has a rising trend.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS "Sea level was stable from at least BC 100 until AD 950. Sea level then increased for 400 y at a rate of 0.6 mm/y, followed by a further period of stable, or slightly falling, sea level that persisted until the late 19th century. Since then, sea level has risen at an average rate of 2.1 mm/y, representing the steepest century-scale increase of the past two millennia. This rate was initiated between AD 1865 and 1892.",single cause,1.6,CARDS The climate change narrative is designed to defund oil companies and transfer energy income to the LEFT.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 "Again, let me stress that I am describing the impacts on projected global temperatures. There is growing evidence that actual global temperatures are not evolving the way projections indicate that they should. So, the degree to which these temperature projections described above reflect what really will happen in the future, is far from certain.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS """For now, energy is carbon based because it is cheaper than anything else and it makes no sense to decarbonise unless everybody is doing it; it's lunacy to go it alone when China is building a new coal power station every week,"" he said, speaking at the LGA annual conference.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "There is and always has been climate change. In my opinion, you can't just use the last 10,000 years to say it's rising exponentially. 10,000 years is only 0.0002% of the Earth's life so is too small a sample size. I don't think we will have much say in how hot the Earth gets",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 Why is Plymouth rock still above water? It's only been there 400 years. Should be under water if global warming was real,anecdote,1.6,hamburg_test3 But i utterly refute the theory of man made climate change.,slothful induction,2.3,hamburg_test3 Another thing they try to do is tamper with the temperature datasets to for example prove there is no pause. That is frankly ridiculous!,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS Climate will always fluctuate naturally.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "The extreme snow event in New Zealand that is forecast this weekend is noteworthy in the context of climatology since, according to the IPCC-type predictions, such events should be becoming less common. The forecasts for this event are quite serious. The newsagency TVNZ just released the article",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The climate scientists are not only just wrong, but are now criminals who are intentionally committing fraud. Large parts of the public believe them.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "In addition, as is well known, prompt policy action (by cutting emissions of greenhouse gases in accord with the Kyoto Protocol) would lower the calculated temperature rise by 2050 by at most a tiny one-thirtieth of a degree C - too small to even measure.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "Why are negative feedbacks more common? It's simple. They're a property of stable points in the landscape of possibilities, in the configuration spaces of complicated physical systems. There can also be unstable points in the landscape where unstable feedbacks may be the kings but because they are unstable, the system usually finds its reason to evolve away from them and end in a more stable situation where the negative feedbacks prevail.",misrepresentation,3.1,CARDS "Something else also stands out in the 3 regions where current temperatures are warmest, my Figure 2. Only one of the reconstructions extends back the full 2000 years. Would Asia and Australasia have warmer temperatures than those weve experienced recently if their reconstructions could be extended farther back in time? Dunno.",impossible expectations,5.1.2,CARDS "According to the Central England Temperature Series, England has just experienced its coldest Spring since 1891, says this article by Paul Homewood.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "So, you think Biden's handler's power trip with vax mandates (ruled unconstitutional), open borders (ruled unconstitutional) and soon-to-be abuse of power ""climate emergency"" that will be inundated with so many lawsuits (they'll win) is better, huh? I don't believe in polls...",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 This is a non-falsifiable hypothesis Too hot- climate change Too cold - climate change Floods - climate change Drought - climate change Hurricanes - climate change Forest fires - climate change Beautiful weather - also climate change because weather is not meant to be beautiful.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC/AGW Alarmism,fake experts,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 "Temperatures in Antarctica have hit a balmy -109F over the last two days, which can mean only one thing tropical vacation.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Liberals know very well..the sun solar flares are at the end of a hot cycle. Next 8 years will be considerably colder. Harsher winters. Will they still call it ""climate crisis"" ?How old are you Steve. Go ahead ...pick the climate crisis for your birth year.",single cause,1.2,hamburg_test3 No trend in Tokyo temps over the past 40 yrs.,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 "Undoubtedly, if human caused global warming is one day proven to be a hoax (a moment that may be just around the corner), AL Gore will go down in history as one of the most successful fraud artists ever. He will have enriched himself while causing massive strains to be placed on Western economies just when they are in an economic crisis ... and all this for a hocus pocus theory that has yet to be proven and is showing growing cracks in its facade. But, emerging ever more from the shadows is the real man behind the Global warming frenzy; Dr. James Hansen of NASA.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS "But the thermometer records showed that the warming stopped from 2000 to 2014. Until they didn’t. In two of the four global surface series, data were adjusted in two ways that wiped out the “pause” that had been observed[…]",ad hominem,5.1.3,Alhindi_train "Remember when it was ""global warming,"" and then the facts didn't support it? #ClimateHoax",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 In recent years there has been more polar ice in the world than at any time since satellite records began in 1979.,cherry picking,1.1,jintrain This April 2013 is seeing avg. temps at -4.8C! Right now we are a whopping 10 degrees below normal for this time of the year!,anecdote,1.3,CARDS Climate change has been around for billions of years. It is undeniable.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 Very handy as an excuse to tax & control people though,conspiracy theory,4.1.5,hamburg_test3 "Finally, it is a fact that people who have saltwater aquariums sometimes add CO2 to the water in order to increase coral growth and to increase plant growth. The truth is CO2 is the most important food for all life on Earth, including marine life. It is the main food for photosynthetic plankton (algae), which in turn is the food for the entire food chain in the sea.",oversimplification,3.2.3,CARDS "When the Dinosaurs roamed, the CO2 content was 6 to 9 times current and the planet was green from pole to pole; almost no deserts. If we doubled the atmospheric content of CO2, young pine trees would grow at twice the rate and nearly every crop yield would go up 30 to 40%.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS "Jay Lehr, science director of the Chicago-based Heartland Institute",fake experts,5.1.1,jintrain "1,200 Scientists and Professionals Declare: ""There is No Climate Emergency""",fake experts,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 "News flash, Mr. President: Alaska has been buffeted by cyclical swings in climate for thousands of years.",single cause,2.1.4,jintest "It is claimed by IPCC that the increased carbon dioxide emitted by Man is causing global warming. In my paper it is shown that the cause and effect relation is exactly the opposite; that natural global warming has caused an increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, simply because of the reduction in solubility of carbon dioxide in sea water with increasing sea temperatures.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "Politicians and activists claim rising sea levels are a direct cause of global warming but sea levels rates have been increasing steadily since the last ice age 10,000 ago",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 The surprising thing is that the Energy Balance estimates are very low compared to model-based estimates.,cherry picking,3.1,Alhindi_test Climate change will be easily defeated by the Premier as he lays asphalt over as much green area as possible.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3 But the observed warming as monitored by satellites (our only truly global monitoring system) has been only about half of what computerized climate models say should be happening.,cherry picking,5.1.4,jintrain "“Sea level rise, which was occurring long before humans could be blamed, has not accelerated and still amounts to only 1 inch every ten years. If a major hurricane is approaching with a predicted storm surge of 10-14 feet, are you really going to worry about a sea level rise of 1 inch per decade?”",slothful induction,1.6,Alhindi_train Stratford Mountain Club spokesman Rob Needs said it was the most significant snow to fall at such low levels and so early in the winter season for several decades.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Well, for example, it would not ""curb climate change"" at all. It would make no difference. A 40% reduction in US emissions would have no measurable impact on atmospheric CO2 increase. It would take global emissions back to a point where it was rising at the same rate as today.",impossible expectations,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Even if the temperature rises in accordance with predictions that are always wrong, there is no threat to human existence from climate change.",slothful induction,3,hamburg_test3 This Global Warming Is Freezing My Azz Off !!!,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 I cannot deny climate change. Climate has been changing since Earth began. I have no doubt that it is still occurring.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 Global cooling is one of the fundamental effects of global warming. Because it's getting cooler it just proves global warming is happening.Or something.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 Did he fly his private jet from Toronto to Hamilton in the middle of a climate emergency to pick it up?,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 CLIMATE CHANGE is a huge money making HOAX!!,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 "The only thing that has changed is ""climate change"" equals more money in pockets",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "There is a warming of the surface by infra-red active gases, the so-called greenhouse gases, but that effect was maximized at lower concentrations of those gases than we now have.Increases in those gases now cause small decreases in surface and general tropospheric temperatures.This is because the mean free length for infra-red absorption by these gases is now too short for them to move the upper troposphere radiative equilibrium altitude to higher altitudes in the dense troposphere.",oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS "He now says: ""Anyone who tries to predict more than five to 10 years is a bit of an idiot, because so many things can change unexpectedly.""",impossible expectations,5.1.4,jintest "Those circumstances prompted Dr. Frederick Seitz, former president of the U.S. Academy of Sciences, the American Physical Society, and Rockefeller University to write in The Wall Street Journal: ""I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer review process than events that led to this IPCC report.""",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS "There’s no trend in global droughts. Cold snaps in the U.S. are down but, unexpectedly, so are heatwaves.",cherry picking,1.7,Alhindi_train "The other was that Canadian scientists studying the effect of climate change on Arctic ice from an icebreaker had to suspend their research, when their vessel was called to the aid of other ships trapped in the thickest summer ice seen in Hudson Bay for 20 years.",anecdote,1.1.3,jintrain "If human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming, why have there been slight warmings and coolings since the Industrial Revolution?",single cause,2.1.4,Alhindi_train "” ‘You’ve only got to look at Singapore. It’s two-and-a-half times higher than the worst-case scenario for climate change, and it’s one of the most desirable cities in the world to live in.’ ”",oversimplification,3,Alhindi_train "“Previous satellite estimates of modern ice losses tried to take this into account, but precise new GPS data showed much of Greenland is rising far more rapidly than thought, up to 12mm a year. This means 19 cubic kilometres more ice is falling into the sea each year, an increase of about 8% on earlier figures.”",cherry picking,1.1.2,Alhindi_train "Low temperature records are falling by the hundreds this winter. This is occurring despite the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicting that extreme cold outbreaks will become less frequent and less severe. When a theory's predictions are contradicted by real-world events, sound science requires us to re-examine the theory.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS mortality from Extreme Weather Events has declined by 99 per cent since the 1920s,oversimplification,3.6,jindev "Also we have applied a completely artificial adjustment to the data after 1960, so they look closer to observed temperatures than the tree-ring data actually were Dr. Tim Osborn, Climatic Research Unit, disclosed Climategate e-mail, Dec. 20, 2006",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "The flaw in the UN reasoning is clear, however. The alarmists claim the global warming since 1976 has been too rapid to be caused by natural forces, and therefore must be man-made. However, the earth's Industrial Revolution went global after 1945 releasing the first big flush of CO2 emissions. That burst of greenhouse gases should have sharply boosted the earths temperatures. Instead, the earth's temperature declined from 1940-75.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS “The news comes amid mounting evidence that the recent run of world record high temperatures is about to end.”,cherry picking,1.4,Alhindi_test "Will Happer, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton",fake experts,5.1.1,jintest "Since the beginning of time, water vapour has been the main greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide has had a minuscule effect on global climate.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,jintrain South Australia declares a climate emergency.. I agree terribly cold here see adelaide What don’t they intend to do burn down parliament and all the furniture,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 Construction and maintenance of wind and solar facilities release far more carbon dioxide than they are meant to save over their working lives and they need to be supported 24/7 by coal-fired generators.,misrepresentation,4.4.1,jintrain "50 FAILED predictions isnt cherry picking. Its fact, they were predicted and FAILED.",cherry picking,5.1.4,hamburg_test2 If your serious Ryan why don't you tell us how many accurate predictions on the climate have the scaremongering shills got right in the last 50 years.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "The mid- to upper troposphere mythical ""hot spot"" is predicted to warm the most from AGW, but despite millions of weather balloon and satellite measurements, has not been found in observations.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS "Until last month, when the lies of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were revealed to the world by an anonymous hacker. Not since Aladdin has a thief saved his country; and this data thief may actually save the world from the proverbial fate worse than death. For the stolen data, now posted on public whistle-blowing websites throughout the Internet, reveals all the truths that climate-change ""deniers"" have been shouting upon deaf ears.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS Man made climate change is a lie used to fleece economies and destroy our wealth. It will allow Communism and totalitarianism to rule out of necessity. That will result in millions of deaths.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2 "It's a cooling trend equaling 1.3F per century. And not a single government sponsored climate expert, nor wildly expensive climate model, predicted such.",cherry picking,1.2,CARDS "And furthermore, the fact that they were preceded by the temperature changes means that the temperature changes are causing the CO2 changes and not the reverse. As oceans warm, they emit CO2, and as they cool they absorb it. Bubbles of CO2 are emitted from cold soda as it is poured into a warm glass, and soda is produced by dissolving CO2 into cold water.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS It's nice to see people w/common sense & courage to deal w/the Global Warming Liberal Cultists aka Green Anti-Fossil Fuel Energy,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 The only period in 600 million years when CO2 levels were equal to the present was over 300 million years ago. Since that time CO2 levels averaged 1000 to 1200 ppm or 3 to 4 times current levels. How did the plant and animal life survive those levels? It makes a mockery of the claim that even a doubling of atmospheric CO2 is a problem.,false equivalence,2.1.4,CARDS The lack of sun spots during the past solar cycle has surpassed all records since the Dalton Minimum and some solar physicists have suggested we may be headed for a Dalton or Maunder type mimimum with severe cooling.,single cause,1.2,CARDS "Climate ""expert"" says 1 in 100 year events are now like 1 in 25 years.. But he doesn't know for sure.Soo really, you're guessing like everyone else & just making stuff up to suit climate change agenda..",impossible expectations,5.1,hamburg_test3 No one should care about climate change even if gas was free. It's a money grab con job!,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "In recent years snows have fallen in unusual places like Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Buenos Aires, southern Brazil. Johannesburg, South Africa, southern Australia, the Mediterranean Coast and Greece. All-time record snows fell in many locales across the western and northern United States from Washington State and Oregon and Colorado to Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Vermont and Maine. All-time records were also set in southern Canada.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "You do realize that greenhouse gases and climate change are not formally linked, right?",slothful induction,2.3,hamburg_test3 If climate change is so real then why were the biggest most destructive hurricanes in 1935 and 1938 and the most destructive tornado was in 1925?,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test2 Since the climate change activists will not let us increase supply then they should decrease their use of fossil fuel.,ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test2 "I clearly remember the dire warnings of global COOLING in the 70s which flipped overnight (like a live enactment of 1984 doublethink) to dire warnings of global WARMING! [Now even more vague, climate change] So excuse me if I'm skeptical of what ""the experts"" warn of this week.",ad hominem,5.1,hamburg_test3 "the concept of man made climate change was developed in 1968 by the club of Rome, a think tank of sorts made up of international globalist like Rockefeller.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 "Because it’s getting warmer, there’s more CO2 coming out which means it’s going to get warmer which means there’s more CO2 coming out[…] And it will just run away with itself.”",misrepresentation,3,Alhindi_train "Monckton then shows a graph for 1880 1990 of CO2 and temperature mismatch, pointing out that there is not a good correlation.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "For hundreds of years, #flooding has been one of #Jakarta's biggest problems. Jakarta is now sinking at a truly alarming rate. Meanwhile, #climatechange is raising #sea level by only a fraction of an inch a year.",slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3 "We had global warming at Paganhill yesterday, I hate to disappoint the gloom merchants that the Ice Age is back today.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2 "Since we have now been in an interglacial warm period for 11,500 years, (the normal length between ice ages), we should be more worried about getting colder then warmer in the future.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS "Fancy that, the Global Warming narrative doesn't fit with actual reality. 2 months ago an independent report on The Great Barrier Reef, confirmed it has recovered dramatically and is in the best shape it has been in for 36 years.",cherry picking,3.2.3,hamburg_test3 Humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century.,cherry picking,1.7,jintrain "In 1985, ice cores extracted from Greenland revealed temperatures and CO2 levels going back 150,000 years. Temperature and CO2 seemed locked together. It was a turning point - the greenhouse effect captured attention. But, in 1999 it became clear that carbon dioxide rose and fell after temperatures did. By 2003, we had better data showing the lag was 800 200 years. CO2 was in the back seat.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "But if ECS is high - say, around four degrees or more - then climate change is probably a big problem. We may not be able to stop it , but we'd better get ready to adapt to it .",false choice,4.2.5,jindev "Can you liberals *please* ask the important question ""hey, where does the electricity come from?"" before you think electric vehicles will solve global warming",misrepresentation,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 """It breaks my heart to think we'd lose half our tropical forests for plantations just to save ourselves,"" Lawrence said. It's horrifying that we'd lose our biodiversity to avert climate change.",false choice,4.1.3,jintrain Professor Mann is currently under investigation by Penn State University because of activities related to a closed circle of climate scientists who appear to have been engaged in agenda-driven science.,ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "“in a letter to The Times from Lord Krebs and company, essentially telling the newspaper to stop reporting less-than-negative climate stories.”",misrepresentation,5.2,Alhindi_train The outrage by the promoters of global warming and their allies in journalism was predictable. They immediately denounced Heartland and all those associated with it. The hypocrisy is typical.,ad hominem,5.2,CARDS But what % of those EV charging stations will run on renewable generated power? 5% maybe. This isn't real progress on climate change. It's a rouse until the majority of those EVs run on something other than fossil fuel gen power.,oversimplification,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 We have been deemed carbon emitters By the people who recognized Bob Dole as Jesus of climate change,ad hominem,5.2.1,hamburg_test3 "After years of decline, glaciers in Norway are again growing, reports the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE).",cherry picking,1.1.4,CARDS "Hasn't Climate always changed? Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? Do not scientists agree that there were 5 major ice ages before man was on Earth? For there to be 5 major ice ages, didn't there also have to be five major warm-ups?Isn't that climate change occurred before man was here?",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "Unusually cold and wet conditions across the middle of the country led to several snowfall records. Cheyenne, Wyoming observed 28 inches of snow during October, making this the city's snowiest October on record. North Platte, Nebraska recorded 30.3 inches of snowfall, making October 2009 the snowiest month of all months on record for the city. The previous record was 27.8 inches, in March 1912.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Less than 5% of the infrastructure bill will go to actual infrastructure. Most of it will go to fund Democrat pet projects. Like climate change activism.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 "They visualize a U.S.-China bilateral deal to limit emissions (mainly of carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel burning) that would operate in parallel with the Kyoto Protocol (which neither country plans to ratify). In their plan, the United States buys emission rights from an arbitrary excess quota allotted to China. The authors call it headroom but I call it a subsidy. The United States pays, China gets, and the atmosphere does not benefit because emissions continue essentially unabated.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "He would have learned that natural warm times, like now, bring great prosperity, increased longevity and less disease, whereas Jack Frost brings death, depopulation and economic stresses.",oversimplification,3.6,jintest Isn't it time to start ignoring the calamitous annual claims that this is the hottest year on record?,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain A gentle warming of 1 degree Celsius in the last 130 years has not created a climate emergency.,slothful induction,3.4,hamburg_test3 A recent publication by NASA suggests that carbon dioxide actually contributes to Global Cooling.,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "Recognizing that skepticism and asking challenging questions are part of good science, yet climate change radicals have made their politically fueled narrative more important than the truth.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "Global sea surface temperatures have warmed over the past 30 years, but there is no evidence the warming was caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases. No evidence at all.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "That's because while the Obama administration irresponsibly committed America to immediate, real cuts in emissions, our global economic competitors would have no such handicap.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,jindev Global Warming Brings An Avalanche Of Bitter Cold Winter Forecasts,anecdote,1.3,CARDS The global climate warming is not solely affected by the CO2 greenhouse effect. The best example is temperature obviously cooling however atmospheric CO2 concentration is ascending from 1940s to 1970s.,single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "A July 2014 e-mail from Judd Legum, an editor at ThinkProgress, to billionaire Democratic climate activist (and former coal-mine investor) Tom Steyer exposes the climate-change McCarthyism that the Left and its myriad allies in the liberal media use to discredit or silence anyone who doesn't adhere to the orthodoxy of the climate catastrophists.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS "A significant change in ocean pH would cause some changes, and there would be some winners and some losers in ocean life, but it appears that for realistic level changes this would not be a major problem.",slothful induction,3.2.3,CARDS "They label skeptics as deniers, implying they are Holocaust deniers. These promoters claim that skeptics are shills for the tobacco industry, the oil industry, etc. In short, they try to eliminate any possibility of public, rational discourse on the scientific issues.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS "As is easy to see using some basic research, ""Global Warming/""Climate Change"" is nothing more than a scam designed to make the poor even poorer while the...",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "CO2 concentration, meanwhile, continues its upward trend. And it is this disconnect between rising CO2 concentration and stable near-surface temperatures that makes the present long hiatus in global warming more significant than the previous periods of a decade or more without warming over the 163 years of global mean surface temperatures.",cherry picking,2.3,CARDS """Climate Change"" is a HOAX in order to charge us poor people more money",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 "We simply can not afford an agreement that puts thousands of Americans out of work , increases their energy costs and devastates our core industries .",slothful induction,4.1.1,jindev The climate has always changed‚ it's NEVER the same. Civilization expands during warming periods and it collapses during cold periods.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 Science…climate change isn’t happening.,slothful induction,1,hamburg_test1 government and the Libtards want to scare us into believing the climate change hoax....,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test3 "By how much, measured in thousandths of degrees Celsius, will the Earths temperature be reduced through the carbon tax?",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS Buying an electric car does literally next to nothing to help climate change.,impossible expectations,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 Moreover the WBDGE site writes that Arctic sea ice has grown strongly over last year and that there has been no melting trend there in almost 10 years.,cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS "Can the ""uncertainty monster"" in climate research, and particularly climate modeling, be acknowledged?",impossible expectations,5.1,jintrain The role of the sun and clouds was not considered important by modellers. They are the major drivers for the climate on our planet.,misrepresentation,5.1.4,jintrain THE CLIMATE IS CHANGING BECAUSE IT'S CHANGING AND IT'S NOTHING WE'VE DONE!!!!! DID GLOBAL WARMING MELT THE GLACIERS THAT FORMED THE GREAT LAKES!!!!! I DON'T THINK SO!!!!! THEY WERE 2.5 MILES THICK!!!!!,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "CO2 is not a pollutant . It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev "Jacinda, its called credo because its based on feelings not science about our pandemic and catastrophic climate change.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 The extent of global fires has been trending significantly downward.,cherry picking,1.7,jintrain "Clermont in central Queensland had record-low temperatures on Friday, July 11, but broke records again on Saturday morning July 12, with the temperature dropping down to minus 4.5 degrees Celsius.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "As far as our GHG emissions are concerned, there is evidence that they increase the temperature a little. But the warming effect of carbon dioxide is a reducing one, meaning that as its level increases, more and more CO2 is required to produce a unit of warming. More and more CO2 will not warm the planet more and more, but less and less.",oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS The nation seems to be passing through a period in which too many U.S. Senators have been elected without so much as a high school level understanding of what drives the Earths climate.,ad hominem,5.2.3,CARDS The term climate change was hijacked by “progressives” when the term global warming wasn’t working out for their agenda.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test1 "Climate change advocates refuse to call out & sanction the world's biggest polluter (China). Why isn't AOC & her squad calling out China's refusal to limit pollution? AOC is all talk, no action!",impossible expectations,4.2.6,hamburg_test3 Perhaps there is good news in the ugliness of desperate activists who are trying to get their issue out front.,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "Last year, the U.S. reduced its emissions by 3.9 percent. That reduction was larger than that of any other major industrialized country. In contrast, China's carbon-dioxide output soared by 6 percent and India's by 6.9 percent, while Brazil's rose by 2.5 percent and Mexico's by 4.3 percent.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "Water Vapor accounts for the largest percentage of the greenhouse effect, between 36% and 66% for clear sky conditions and between 66% and 85% when including clouds.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS "The UK has been experiencing the coldest winter in several decades, and hopefully policymakers have learned a few basic lessons from this.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Polar bear numbers are rising, not falling.",cherry picking,3.2.2,jintrain "Al Gore owns massive estate on a beach. So does John Kerry. Do does Leonardo DiCaprio. I expect they all do, and that tells you all you need to know about how seriously they believe Global Warming is.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 You want to know what dumb is? Having all the evidence that Biden is corrupt and seeing in and denying it.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 "This is not because climate change isn't real. It is because Gore is a politician...not a scientist, and had no clue what he was talking about.",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 "There is no ""climate crisis"". Climatologists have known for years that the Earth undergoes cyclic shifts in its prevailing climate characteristics. We have done nothing but negligibly alter the climate over the past millenia. You cannot mitigate a process on this scale.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "In the same week that a crazed climate fanatic attacked the Mona Lisa at the Louvre, France experienced another unhinged stunt from a climate-change activist.",ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test2 Climate change is a scam.oxygen carbon dioxide nitrogen is normal,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 Warming is far slower than predicted.,cherry picking,5.1.4,jindev Hot summers are not climate change. They are season change.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 "The planet needs CO2 to grow & prosper, the more we have of it,the better we are! if only people would read a book!",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 The amount of energy used to construct solar and wind facilities is greater than they produce in their working lives.,misrepresentation,4.4.1,jintest "Objection #2: The Atmosphere, which is cooler than the Earth Surface, cannot warm the Earth Surface.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "And his house is waterfront property, I guess he thinks he's moses and hell just part the sea when it swallows his mansion from climate change driven sea rise!!! LMFAO!! These people are such lying scammers.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 Climate change is real. The earth is a dynamic system once molten later a frozen ball.How much do humans affect the planet we dont know.Using the best available knowledge and technology on a time permitted basis our activities would have less effect that the current argument,impossible expectations,5.1,hamburg_test3 "How can even reputable news agencies like Reuters continue spreading the well-worn lie that the United States is one of the ""biggest polluters"" in the world ? ",ad hominem,5.2.2,jintrain "Sadly though for Joe, even Greenland has turned exceptionally cold this month. No place left for alarmists to hide.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "South Australia has the most unreliable grid in the world outside Africa and the most expensive electricity. When South Australians buy electricity at $14,200/MWh, they are paying the equivalent of $400 a litre for petrol.",misrepresentation,4.1.1,Alhindi_train I can't imagine why the highs are in the 90s. It's not climate change it's climate norms people it's mid July dog days in about three months will all be wearing sweaters.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 "Furthermore, whereas in 2008 most of the ice was extremely thin, this year most has been at least two metres thick.",cherry picking,1.1.3,jintrain "Why can't you just tell me if it's going to rain tomorrow and leave the bunk ""man made climate change"" science to yourselves? Good grief.",false equivalence,5.1.4,hamburg_test3 "@JustinTrudeau has no clue about anything. He flies a private jet all over the place, on vacations and useless trips like this one and then whines about climate change",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 This is a money driven fear mongering event and I personally call BS on it,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Based on long-term climatic data, these major ice ages have recurred about every 11,500 years. Well, you guessed it. The last extensive ice age was approximately 11,500 years ago, so we may be due.",single cause,1.2,CARDS A new paper by Stephen Schwartz of the Brookhaven National Laboratory says that the Earth is not as sensitive to carbon dioxide as had previously been thought.,cherry picking,3.1,CARDS renewable energy is a workable thing...some day. its just way to early in its development for anyone to rely on it to replace petrofuels.,impossible expectations,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 we are entering a colder grand solar minimum for the next 3 decades.,slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3 Here's your climate change. Didn't you mean economic climate change? Moving the money from our pockets to yours?,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 "Don't think so called climate change has anything to do with it. For years Quilty has been battered from Atlantic winter storms, and for years their waiting for coastal protection. So blame council and forget the climate change narrative",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test2 Co2 is an insignificant factor. Water vapor is more a factor then carbon dioxide.,misrepresentation,2.3.4,hamburg_test2 "Alarmists dont want to talk about that or about what is happening in Asia. BPs Energy Outlook 2035 report forecasts that Chinas oil, natural gas and coal use will increase by some 50% and its carbon dioxide emissions by 37% over the next 20 years. Indias energy production will soar 117% with fossil fuels accounting for 87% of all demand in 2035. Its CO2 emissions will also skyrocket. So even if the USA and EU eliminated fossil fuels, atmospheric carbon dioxide would continue to climb.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "Any changes in hurricanes over 70 years, even if real, can easily be part of natural cycles or incomplete data.",single cause,1.7,jintest Australia's energy policy is based on the fallacious assumption that human emissions of CO2 drive global warming.,slothful induction,2.3,jintrain "The world has not warmed up very much since the millennium. Twelve years is a reasonable time it (the temperature) has stayed almost constant, whereas it should have been rising carbon dioxide is rising, no question about that.",cherry picking,1.4,CARDS "Globally there’s no clear evidence of trends and patterns in extreme events such as droughts, hurricanes and floods. Some regions experience more, some less and some no trend. Limitations of data and inconsistencies in patterns prevent confident claims about global trends one way or another. There’s no trend in U.S. hurricane landfall frequency or intensity. If anything, the past 50 years has been relatively quiet. There’s no trend in hurricane-related flooding in the U.S. Nor is there evidence of an increase in floods globally. Since 1965, more parts of the U.S. have seen a decrease in flooding than have seen an increase. And from 1940 to today, flood damage as a percentage of GDP has fallen to less than 0.05 per cent per year from about 0.2 per cent.",slothful induction,1.7,Alhindi_dev "Pine beetles are a natural part of forest ecosystems. Expanding pine forests can support more beetles. The predictable increase in pine beetles is largely a product of, rather than a foil against, expanding pine forests.",oversimplification,3.2,jindev There's no scientific basis that global warming is net-harmful. All of the supposed harms from it are very minor or merely hypothetical & generally implausible.,slothful induction,3,hamburg_test3 "What happened to hole in ozone, acid rain, global warming? Now its climate shift.",misrepresentation,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Global warming and climate change are the biggest scam of all. This continues despite disclosures about the falsity of the science, corruption of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the manipulations of the people at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU).",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS The founder of the Weather Channel is ridiculing Al Gore over his calls for action on global climate change,fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS It used to be called Global warming but ask Western New Yorkers about that. They are getting 5-6 feet of snow.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "In 1974, the consensus agreed that global cooling was the new normal, and that much money was needed to study it. 97% of scientists understood that global cooling caused extreme weather.",misrepresentation,5.1,CARDS "Why are all you ""WOMEN""???? Wearing jackets? Did GLOBAL WARMING SUDDENLY TURN TO GLOBAL COOLING???",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 On all timescales it can be shown that there is no correlation between CO2 emissions and global warming.,cherry picking,2.3.3,jintrain "These continental ice shields had reached their maximum extent approximately 20,000 years ago but had completely melted away some 5,000 years ago. Now thats real climate change in action! Yes the CO2 levels increased too, but only with a time lag of 800 years. As clearly established from deep ice cores on Greenland, that CO2 increase was not the cause but the consequence of the melting.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "Nor is there evidence of an increase in floods globally. Since 1965, more parts of the U.S. have seen a decrease in flooding than have seen an increase. And from 1940 to today, flood damage as a percentage of GDP has fallen to less than 0.05 per cent per year from about 0.2 per cent.",cherry picking,1.7,jindev Global warming is a transfer of wealth scam. Nothing more.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "Electric cars are nothing but fancy golf carts for rich people , it's like white guilt, when buying one will not make any difference in global warming what so ever",impossible expectations,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 "As the oceans (all bodies of H2O) warm, increased planetary albedo (incresed fall, winter snowfall) will likely create a negative feedback to global warming. Snowpack will last into spring, reflecting high energy photons back into space.",slothful induction,3.1,hamburg_test3 "Yet for all the hyperventilating , Pruitt's answer to the question he was asked - whether carbon dioxide is the climate's primary control knob - was entirely sound. ""We don't know that yet"" he said.",slothful induction,2.3,jintrain Knock it off. We don't have a climate crisis. We have a democrat crisis.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 "And that is all climate change is, a complete fantasy...!!! Earth's been cooling for past 15-years minimum but ""they"" forgot to inform us all while they had their hands in our wallets...!!! Strange that...?!?!?!?!",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 “[South Australia] has the most expensive electricity in the world.”,slothful induction,4.1.1,Alhindi_dev "it's in the interest of big business to steer us towards renewables, as they then make a packet out of our green agenda",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 "In Australia is fuxing cold and raining, coldest winter in 75 years, still they blame it on climate change.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 The planet has been here longer than we have and survived more than we know.,false equivalence,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 According to Marlo Lewis in A Skeptics Guide to the Inconvenient Truth ** tide gauge records show that sea levels at Tuvalu actually fell during the latter half of the 20th Century. This is an island often quoted as being lost to rising sea levels including in Al Gores book also called An Inconvenient Truth where there is a two-page photograph and reference to the islands of Funafuti and Tuvalu and residents having to evacuate their homes because of rising seas.,cherry picking,1.6,CARDS "Julian Morris discusses the economic impact of various changes of the climate rationally, as an economist. He compares the wealth of the future generations in poor nations with the riches of the present generation in rich nations: the first group will be wealthier. He argues that they will have enough resources to adapt to any change except for a global collapse.",slothful induction,4.2.5,CARDS "According to anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory, carbon dioxide increases the potential of water vapor to absorb and emit IR radiation as a consequence of the overlapping absorption/emission spectral bands. I have determined the total emissivity of a mixture of gases containing 5% of water vapor and 0.039% of carbon dioxide in all spectral bands where their absorptivities/emissivities overlap. The result of my calculations is that carbon dioxide reduces the total absorptivity/emissivity of the water vapor, working like a coolant, not a warmer of the atmosphere and the surface.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "Poor Jill, so scientifically mislead, inept at critical thinking and self-important. Not a single global warming/cooling prediction has ever come true, so have children and teach them not to be indoctrinated like you.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "Which ""climate change""? The one you wake up to, relying on it to further your ambitions, or the other one?",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 It is a mistake to then regard the atmosphere as radiating down to the surface because the atmosphere always radiates upward. Instead we should regard the atmosphere as being heated by energy scattering from the surface upward such that it is the temperature of the atmosphere just at or above the surface that passes energy back to the ground and not the sky as proposed by AGW theory.,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS The greatest scare story of all simply isn't turning out as their computer models predicted.,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain I'll listen to people barking on about climate change if they're actions show they care but not to V8 car drivers.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "As for records of sea-level change, tide-gauge measurements indicate no acceleration in sea-level rise in the 20th century.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS "On any other subject but this, where true-believers such as Nuccitelli now routinely get away with outrageous falsehoods that smear the reputations of any scientists bold enough to raise even the mildest questions about the New Religion, that remark would have led to a libel suit.",ad hominem,5.2.2,CARDS "Carbon dioxide is a plant fertilizer - the more of it there is in the atmosphere, the better plants grow.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Carbon dioxide replenished through the carbon cycle is the source of the carbon utilized to produce carbohydrates through photosynthesis. Without plants of course, we animals could not survive.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS That's when they said we were fo sho going into another ice age.,misrepresentation,5.1,hamburg_test3 "Longer growing seasons and fewer frost events also benefit plant growth and crop production. As this column has repeatedly documented, global crops set new production records virtually every year as our planet modestly warms. If crop shortages cause national security threats and global warming increases crop production, then global warming benefits rather than jeopardizes national security.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev "Carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis and life on Earth. Rising CO2 levels are increasing crop, forest, and grassland growth, improving ecosystems and wildlife, and feeding more people.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS The fossil record shows that a thriving and diversification of plant and animal life occurs every time the atmosphere had a very high carbon dioxide content.,single cause,2.1.4,jintrain "They do see it. They willfully ignore it as they continue their ""climate change"" crusade. Greta is a paid puppet.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 But we've had the coldest winters in a long time,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "In other words, if you are a scientist funded by global warming research money, you make up whatever lie best suits your current funding requirements.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "oh yeah , the global temperature trend has not warmed for 19 years .",cherry picking,1.4,jintrain When someone talks about climate change then I ask what's the cause.It ain't fossil fuels it's those who use them and that is increasing world population but no one mentions that,single cause,2.2,hamburg_test3 The bottom line is there’s no solid connection between climate change and the major indicators of extreme weather,slothful induction,1.6,Alhindi_test Here is my opinion. There is no climate change. The earths weather has been evolving for thousands of years this is just another phase.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "The ingredient plants need most is carbon from CO2. They typically exchange over 2,000 water molecules to grab one CO2 molecule. Plants are desperate for carbon from the air, just like we humans are desperate for oxygen from the air.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS Reporters also pressed NOAA climatologists about the severe cold weather currently hitting most of the U.S. and how much longer Americans could expect to freeze. The main question: is this caused by global warming?,anecdote,1.3,CARDS The temperature increasing capacity of atmospheric CO2 is known to diminish as concentrations increase. This diminution effect is probably the reason why there was no runaway greenhouse warming caused by CO2 in earlier eons when CO2 levels were known to be at levels of several thousands ppm v .,oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS When is ANYONE willing to SHOW UP ? Flying on jets and getting picked up by limousines while you PREACH about climate change?,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "As Indur Goklany, (who writes frequently for Cato) has pointed out, if left to develop, the entire world will be much more resilient to climate change than it would be if the ineffective policies to stop it slowed economic growth.",slothful induction,4.2.5,CARDS "Eastern Russia is so freezing minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and counting that the traffic lights recently stopped working in the city of Yakutsk. But if it was CO2-caused global warming, Eastern Russia ought to be warmer.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS The influence of CO2 is so small that it's at a noise level.,slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "Interesting to note that Oklahoma minimum temperatures in 2011 were in the bottom ten, including the coldest Oklahoma temperature ever recorded, -31F on February 10, 2011.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "If governments off this world are poring millions $ into climate change, and lots millionaires are making big $ what climate change businesses can I get into with no money to make huge $ like all the other millionaires riding the gravy train?",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test2 There is no scientific proof that warming is even man made let alone catastrophic.,slothful induction,2.3,hamburg_test3 "HUMAN #climatechange is a 100% money scam, a blank check for democrat demons",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "There are significantly less people dying due to natural disasters today, than in times gone by. If climate change is so frequent and bad, how is the number decreasing and not increasing?",oversimplification,1.7,hamburg_test2 “What are the odds that a climate model built on a system that simple would be reliable? Less than 50/50. (Multiplying .95 by itself 15 times yields 46.3 percent.)”,oversimplification,5.1.4,Alhindi_dev "These zealots would like you to believe that due to fossil fuel emissions, summers are now longer and hotter while winters are shorter and milder.",ad hominem,5.2.1,jintrain coral reefs have shown substantial growth in the last 10 years.,cherry picking,3.2.3,hamburg_test3 "Biden has no plan at all on how to go about doing what he's talking about, and climate change is bogus anyway",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 I have taken note that global warming has been replaced by climate change,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 Because climate change isn't man made and oceans rise 1/10000th of an inch per year.,slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3 He chastises not so much local news media as journalists with prestigious national media who should know better.,ad hominem,5.2.2,jintrain Global Warming? Tell that to the southern districts that woke up to negative 10 degrees this morning.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2 "the most extraordinary fraud in the history of Western science: the fantasy that by controlling anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, mankind can control global temperatures; a miraculous global thermostat.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS "Furthermore, from 1940 to 1970, carbon dioxide built up rapidly in the atmosphere, and according to the computer projections of climate, the temperature of the earth should also have risen rapidly. Instead, as the chart shows, the temperature dropped.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "The leaders of the fake issue of ""climate change"" are deliberately & deceitfully attempting to destroy humanity by impoverishment & economic / governmental enslavement - global communism.Many of the followers are simply chumps, what Vladimir Lenin called the ""useful idiots"".",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "Given Kyoto's impotence as climate policy, it would avert a hypothetical and unverifiable 0.07C of warming by 2050. Kyoto is largely an EU trade strategy masquerading as an environmental treaty.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "The report is driven by the misguided ideology of Climatism, the belief that man-made greenhouse gases are destroying Earths climate. According to Climatism, Earths climate has been unchanging for thousands of years, but carbon dioxide emissions from human society are now causing dangerous global warming. Further, any change in Earths climate must be bad for US citizens.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS The last global warming cycle ended in 1790 and the year 2020 is 230 following this - thus I have been talking about rapid cooling beginning in 2019.,single cause,2.1.4,jintrain Physical science has turned into profit-maximizing political science.,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "All in all I heard Joe Bastardi forecast here December global temps to drop to about +0.15 to 0.20 above the normal. I say expect a similar drop for January, meaning well be in negative territory. Same goes for February. There just seems to be lots of cold out there.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "[…] the Roman Warming, the Dark Ages, the Medieval Warming and the Little Ice Age. These took place before industrialisation and were all driven by changes in the sun.",single cause,2.1.4,Alhindi_train fewer people are dying from heat,oversimplification,3.6,jindev Just think of what the answer to every climate change problem is.... Money and regulation. How is money going to make the air cleaner or reduce CO2? The rich and powerful fly around on their private jets creating a larger carbon footprint in a week than most of us in 10 years.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 We had these temperatures 20 years ago - if there was climate change they would have been seen in the intervening 20 years - try and get some balance. Its clear urbanisation is driving higher temperatures not the climate - Mega cities create their own weather,slothful induction,5.1.3,hamburg_test3 The weather changes 4x a year.Summer-Autumn-Winter-Spring.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 "If the atmosphere comprised 85,000 molecules, the total carbon dioxide emissions added annually would be 33 molecules, of which only one molecule would be from human emissions and the other 32 from natural emissions.",misrepresentation,2.3.1,jintrain I remember how mind-blown I was when I found out that the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica melted and grew back normally depending on the seasons.. the climate change propaganda would have you believe that the ice has almost finished.,single cause,1.1,hamburg_test3 "Then we learned that in the much touted Antarctic ice core record temperature increased before CO2 , contradicting the main assumption of the Warmists hypothesis.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "Anecdotally, from my weather station here on the Upper North Shore in Sydney, this has been the Year without a Summer. Mean temperatures for December, January and February were 18.6C, 21.5C and 21.6C, significantly lower than 2010/11 (21.7, 23.9, 24.1) and 2009/10 (22.9, 23.9, 23.4).",anecdote,1.3,CARDS we have experienced 0.86 C warming since the start of the HADCRUT4 data set. This warming is similar to what would be expected over the next ~ 100 years and has not been catastrophic by any measure.,slothful induction,3,CARDS The emails showed as well that these senior members were quite happy to discuss ways and means of controlling the research journals so as to deny publication of any material that goes against the orthodox dogma. The ways and means included the sacking of recalcitrant editors.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS We are not in climate crisis.. stop drinking the kool aid. Were you around while everyone was waiting for all the acid rain too..because I remember it well,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 @rtenews One of the coldest Junes I can remember here in Ireland . Is that due to 'Global Warming ' as well ?,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 Real-world data does not show any hint of any form of the postulated greenhouse effect.,slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "This article, by ABCs environment editor, Sara Phillips (pictured), encapsulates all that is wrong with the national broadcasters treatment of the climate debate. Written, as always, from a position of belief, and institutionally critical of any dissent, Phillips attempts to show that scepticism is crumbling in the face of ever-mounting evidence to the contrary:",ad hominem,5.2.2,CARDS "NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth‚Äôs solar orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels",single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 This is what's wrong with discussing global warming with the uninformed. They throw out a bunch of nonsense.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 Yup comparatively !! these elites are pushing for carbon footprint climate change .. demanding us to travel less but they fly private jet and block our vacation and creating crisis for their own good?,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "Look on the bright side m8, the climate emergency will be cooler by Wednesday.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test1 "In 1975 it was 35.9 Deg next week they ""think"" it could get to 35..so in 47 years of climate change, it's got 0.9 deg cooler",anecdote,1.4,hamburg_test3 "Good for energy independence and reduced CO2 emissions, but “stave off climate change”- nope. The climate has always been changing, and will continue to do so.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "The U.S. government is at it again, hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn't matter.",impossible expectations,5.1,jintrain "If positive feedback was actually a problem, anthropogenic H2O would be causing more feedback than anthropogenic CO2. Does the climate care which greenhouse gas molecule is making things hotter?",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS """We indicated 23 years ago in our 1994 Nature article that climate models had the atmosphere's sensitivity to CO2 much too high,"" Christy said in a statement. This recent paper bolsters that conclusion.",ad hominem,3.1,jintrain So I find it fascinating that I find articles we are heading into a grand solar minimum,false equivalence,1.2,hamburg_test3 "So, the new temperature records are meaningless.",impossible expectations,5.1.3,jintrain "An English judge previously ruled that Gore's book is partisan, biased, and contains many factual errors, even though he shared Gore's belief that man is causing global warming.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS But now it turns out the Arctic sea ice is thicker than ever,cherry picking,1.1.3,jintrain "The other implication of Dr. Meier's statement is that a warmer, ice free Arctic occurred when CO2 levels were less than 290 ppm. This implies that there is no long term correlation between CO2 and Arctic temperatures.",false equivalence,2.1.4,CARDS "It is generally agreed that if greenhouse warming was occurring, the strongest warming would be in the upper atmosphere above the tropics. Recent research shows this is not occurring, which indicates that warming is not being caused by greenhouse gases.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS Open-minded readers should have very little difficulty dismissing the mythical global warming crisis after examining the top 10 assertions in the alarmist playbook .,ad hominem,5.2,jindev If you push Net Zero then you must not fly or eat meat before preaching to the rest of us. Let's hope our new Labour Council having announced a climate emergency don't fly and give up meat to prove it's not just virtue signalling.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test2 Between the energy shortages and food shortages it should be obvious to everyone by now the Climate Change cult is a death cult.,ad hominem,5.2.1,hamburg_test1 "In reality, solar activity drives climate change on Earth & other planets",single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 "Algore said that the sea would rise 20?? and much of the world would be submerged. How inconvenient that sea levels in the South pacific have been, um, stable for over ten years.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS "The consensus Cook considered was the standard definition: that Man had caused most post-1950 warming. Even on this weaker definition the true consensus among published scientific papers is now demonstrated to be not 97.1%, as Cook had claimed, but only 0.3%.",impossible expectations,5.1.1,CARDS "To voters who DON'T think they are stupid, AF:When politicians tell you that they have a ""plan"" to address ""climate change""......they DON'T! To believe that bunch of shit shows JUST how stupid you are and will always be. Give yourselves a trophy.-Carry on.",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 "How many times have career politicians said that they won't raise taxes, or costs won't go up or we back the middle class and LIED?How many times have they proclaimed we are going to freeze from climate change? Or the Arctic ice will disappear by 2013? And LIED? MISINFORMATION!",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "Third, the climate models predict a particular pattern of atmospheric warming during periods of global warming. In particular, the most prominent change they predict is a warming in the tropics about 10 km up, the so-called hotspot. But we have been measuring atmospheric temperatures by weather balloons since the 1960s, and millions of weather balloons say there was no such hotspot during the last warming from 1975 to 2001.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS "Past geological records indicate carbon dioxide levels in excess of 7,000 ppm and no correlation with temperature;",false equivalence,2.3.3,CARDS This morning I read a terrific recounting of the the fact that a whole section of the scientific establishment is defending Gleick on the grounds that it's OK to lie to promote their cause.,ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "Global warming is a myth, it was invented by Margaret Thatcher when she wanted to get rid of the Miners.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 “The most dramatic impacts may not be felt for 50 or 100 years.”,slothful induction,3,Alhindi_train The Met Office now confirms on its climate blog that no significant warming has occurred recently: We agree with Mr Rose that there has only been a very small amount of warming in the 21st Century.,cherry picking,1.4,CARDS THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS CLIMATE CHANGE AND WE ARE NOT OVER POPULATED!!! THIS IS ABOUT CONTROL!!!! THEY ARE TRYING TO ENSLAVE US AND KILL THE USELESS EATERS!!! WAKE UP!!,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 Why do climate change fanatics dislike natural gas? Natural gas is the single largest force over the last 15/20 yrs that has led to dramatic reductions in CO2 emissions. Over the last 5/6 yrs the US reduced CO2 emissions more than any country that signed the Paris Agreement.,misrepresentation,4.5,hamburg_test3 "Astrophysicist, Joe Postma - in his momentous paper The Absence of a Measurable Greenhouse Effect",fake experts,2.3,CARDS "Noted physicist Freeman Dyson has ruffled feathers in recent years by coming out as a skeptic about catastrophic climate change. Given his reputation, even the NYT magazine had to give him a reasonable hearing on his views.",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS Interesting how they go from Freezing over in an Ice Age to Global warming melting the polar ice and flooding the world.,misrepresentation,5.1,hamburg_test1 Global average temperatures over land have plummeted by more than 1C since the middle of this year - their biggest and steepest fall on record.,cherry picking,1.4,jintrain Climate change is a LIE.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 One wonders if the emphasis on climate change is just a way to distract away from pesticides and the collapse of honey bees and other pollinators.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 "It is generally agreed that if greenhouse warming was occurring, the strongest warming would be in the upper atmosphere above the tropics. Recent research shows this is not occurring, which indicates that warming is not being caused by greenhouse gases:",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS Gore's famous graph where carbon dioxide lags behind temperature changes by 800 years,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "Whether short or long-term, the state-of-the-art empirical satellite evidence is not only obvious, it is both climate and statistically significant: CO2 emissions have not had a significant influence (warming or cooling) on atmospheric temperatures. For objective science, this means that the CO2-centric anthropogenic global warming hypothesis is essentially invalidated, as it is currently understood.",cherry picking,2.3,CARDS "After 30 years of studies, still no proof exists of that theory being true.",slothful induction,2.3,hamburg_test2 Global warming is based on a model that is 120 years old. A bit out of date.,misrepresentation,5.1.4,hamburg_test3 A new review paper from SPPI and CO2 Science,fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS Well said....my oldest daughter in law and a true liberal told me that the temperatures in Alaska is all because of climate change. Well I was born and raised up there so I informed her that in the 50's and 60s it was still just as cold. She had no comment,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "Last month, scientists at CERN, the prestigious high-energy physics lab in Switzerland, reported that neutrinos might ""repeat, might ""travel faster than the speed of light. If serious scientists can question Einstein's theory of relativity, then there must be room for debate about the workings and complexities of the Earth's atmosphere.",false equivalence,5.1.1,CARDS but how many of the worlds poor will die because of moronic govt energy policies? Climate change is NOT an existential threat to the worlds poor. Starvation is...,false choice,4.1.1,hamburg_test1 We have peer-reviewed articles on how feedback effects are not the big amplifiers that the models (must) assume.,cherry picking,3.1,CARDS "She's not lecturing us, she's the mouthpiece and face of anti capitalist Marxist movement. She doesn't have a clue and it's not even about climate change",ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test1 "From 1970 until 1998 there was a warming period that raised temperatures by about 0.7 F that helped spawn the global warming alarmist movement. However, since 1998, little warming has occurred while carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase.",cherry picking,1.4,Alhindi_train "Did you know that even if US emissions were reduced to absolutely zero it would have literally NO impact on global warming? FACT. Therefore, stop the insanity and bad policy!",impossible expectations,4.2.3,hamburg_test3 "And, addressing climate change? The whole thing is a hoax. Govts grant money to the scientists that will give them the results they're looking for, so that world govts can gain ultimate control over their ppl.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "This is because even if the countries of the world agree to do what they promised on climate change, and that climate change is entirely our fault, and that climate change really will ultimately get bad, the promised actions will have no measurable effect on future global temperatures.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,jintrain "There are two tide gauges in the San Francisco Bay one shows 0.00 mm/year since 1980, and the other shows -0.78 mm/year since 1980.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS We're still thousands of years from man accelerated climate change becoming catastrophic.,slothful induction,3,hamburg_test3 "If Ma Nature caused the ""pause,"" can't this same lady be responsible for the warming observed earlier? You bet! Fact is, the earth was cooling and warming long before so-called GHGs could have been a factor. A warm spell ushered in the Viking Age, and many scientists believe recent warming was merely a recovery from what's called ""the Little Ice Age"" that began around 1300.",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS "It can not be what is happening to world temperatures, because they have gone up only very slowly, less than half as fast as the scientific consensus predicted in 1990 when the global-warming scare began in earnest.",cherry picking,5.1.4,jintrain "Carbon dioxide CO2 is a trace. It is less than 400ppm (parts per million) or 0.04% of all the atmosphere (on a dry basis). Surprisingly, less than a fifth of that is man-made CO2 (0.008% of the total), and that is only since the beginning of the industrial era and the rapid increase in world population.",misrepresentation,2.3.1,CARDS You're purposely being exterminated by the NWO...STUPID!,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 No that was the hottest temperature recorded on a day. The hottest summer (as in hottest average temperature across the summer) was 1976. Which is a far more useful statistic when talking about alleged temperature increase from climate change.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test2 Maybe the IPCC might cotton on to the additional reality that our current very weak solar cycle 24 is not exactly portending warmer times.,single cause,1.2,CARDS sea level has not risen since the beginning of 2006.,cherry picking,1.6,CARDS If @AOC knew anything about how everything gets done in this country. Climate change is bs,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 There is no systematic causal relationship between carbon dioxide levels and climate change simply because the greenhouse conjecture is not based on real world physics.,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "They expect the citizens to be utterly stupid, and not know that the Earth pivots on It's axes every 1500 years. That causes the Earth to get warmer and then cooler.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 The Globalists don't want you to understand that we are going into a mini ice age commonly known as a grand solar minimum where the sun's corona actually shrinks.,slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3 "Can we finally realize that Climate Change activists want to relegate US to 3rd world living, w/ no driving, no AC, no flying. Only elites will be able to go where they want.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "It started in December 1911 and continued into late February 1912. February and March continued the unrelenting freeze. Both months were unusually cold, and March was the coldest on record for many states in the Midwest and Northeast. Parts of North Dakota saw their coldest March readings to date. Some cities saw their coldest weather that winter since the Little Ice Age. 1912 itself was a very cold year.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "So, no climate that has been relatively stable can have high levels of positive feedback. And if a climate did have very high levels of positive feedback it would have gone off the rails a very long time ago either leading to runaway warming or runaway cooling until the climate had so changed that the positive feedback mechanism disappeared and it became stable again but with an entirely new temperature or state.",misrepresentation,3.1,CARDS I'm not denying climate change it has always changed and will continue for ever.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 Seas are not rising. Obvious markers like this are ignored,slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3 "We go through cycles, endless cycles of hot, cold, etc. man-made, no. The planet went through an almost biblical massive climate change event 12,000 years ago as well as 13,600 years ago. Look up the ""Younger Dryas period"" and you'll be shocked what happened.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "Around the world, meanwhile, record low temperatures continue to make a mockery of global warming theories. While anecdotal, to be sure, Cairo, Egypt, just saw its first snowfall in more than 100 years . In the United States there have been thousands of new records for cold temperatures and snowfalls just in the month of December. In an extremely bizarre twist, some climate scientists have even started claiming that the freezing temperatures are actually more evidence of global warming.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Global average temperatures during the 2030's will reach a level of at least 1.5 C lower than the peak temperature year of the past 100 years established in 1998.,slothful induction,1.2,CARDS "They simply hypothesize, model and assert that every observed weather and climate phenomenon is due to human CO2 emissions. Warmer or colder, wetter or drier, more ice or less, more storms, fewer storms, occasional big storms if not now, someday, sooner or later. Its exactly what climate alarmists predicted.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS "Reason why this is not due to climate change is you have all the boxes for a fire, ordinary fire. Climate change did not do this fire - you cannot tie this to climate change.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 Efforts to prove the theory that carbon dioxide is a significant 'greenhouse' gas and pollutant causing significant warming or weather effects have failed.,slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "The CO2 warming theory depends on a strong water vapor amplification mechanism, where the initial CO2 temperature forcing evaporates water into atmosphere whichg traps yet more heat, creating yet more water vapor, etcetera. As Roy notes, it is this warming and humidifying of the global atmosphere and the resulting acceleration of the hydrologic cycle that creates the upper troposphere hotspot. Ergo, no hotspot means no powerful water vapor amplification mechanism and no CO2-based account of late 20th century warming.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS "Yet they will all fly around on private jets to a conference to talk about how we ""the rest on the population"" can help climate change",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "To believe in such unsubstantiated tripe substitutes wishful thinking for logic, and hubris for the humility that science demands of all who study nature. This forces even the worst scientist to the ultimate realization, that nature is always right and science is most often wrong.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS Unfortunately people like to talk about supporting climate change more than actually doing. There is a company named Tesla whose mission is to support climate change but now the left hates the Ceo & company. Let's start supporting the doers & stop praising the talkers.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Despite evidence now available to us, however, trace gas heating theory has a firm grip on the minds of skeptic and believer alike. Decades more look likely to pass before this 19th century conjecture is finally abandoned.",misrepresentation,2.3.1,CARDS "Tennessean Reporter/former VP Al Gore created the term ""Global Warming"" & it didn't happen so now ""Climate Change"".",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 "Moreover, a careful analysis showed that some of the atmospheric CO2 changes did not precede the temperature changes, as the greenhouse warming theory would predict. Instead, changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide followed the temperature changes. The atmospheric CO2 changes were not the cause of the temperature changes; the CO2 changes were likely driven by vegetation changes in response to natural variations in air and sea-surface temperatures.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "WAKE UP PEOPLE THEY HAVE BEEN LYING FOR DECADES, CO2 DOES NOT CONTROL CLIMATE.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test3 Isn’t Thunberg a 19 year old high school dropout who is being used by climate change folks.,ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test1 This is a scientific dark age we are living in because no more scientists of Professor Rossiters caliber are speaking out and telling the whole truth on any matters scientific.,ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "In addition, stabilizing atmospheric CO2 concentrations Kyoto's ultimate goal is impossible without constraining energy use in developing countries. China's energy emissions alone will surpass those of the U.S. by 2020. Kyoto is, thus, the proverbial camel's nose under the tent.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "One-fiftieth of a Celsius degree of warming forestalled is all that complete, global compliance with the Copenhagen Accord for an entire decade would achieve. Yet the cost of achieving this result an outcome so small that our instruments would not be able to measure it would run into trillions of dollars. Do your Treasury models demonstrate that this calculation is in any way erroneous? If they do, junk them.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS The same Medway council that declared a climate emergency in 2019... now refusing to install solar panels on its own office roof,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 The Fakegate scandal provides opportunity for U.S. congressman to push common Democrat lies and the climate change hoax - the Heartland Institute challenges congressman about falsehoods,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "Yep, and sea levels unchanged for hundreds of years",slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3 We are dealing here with something more like religion and less like science.,false equivalence,5.2.1,CARDS "Gotta keep the ""global warming"" crowd happy. He knows what has to be done, he just won't do it.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 It's been reported for decades that global warming/cooling is occurring on several planets in our solar system due to irregular orbits around the sun & the sun's irregular output.,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 "And we know climate change is why several record cold days have been measured in the south pole. I am sure that the Hurricanes from this season sucked so much water and depositing it there, making it colder.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 You environmentalists ARE the problem!,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "No doubt humans are influencing the climate, however,the biggest contributor to climate change is the program for controlling the weather, Geo-Engineering. Spraying particulate into the upper atmosphere, all over the World. No one will address this issue!",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 It seems you are unaware that the IR absorbtion of CO2 in the atmosphere is constrained to only two narrow bands with almost all being in the 15 micron band. These bands are so near to saturation that they only increase their absorbtion by band broadening.,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "This has nothing to do with global warming. The oceans are, of course, rising very slowlyas they have been doing for thousands of years, since the end of the last Ice Age.",single cause,1.6,CARDS Why the Russians Conceived the Global Warming Scam.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 Do you worry about the climate crisis when you charge your iPhone? Or the resources used and pollution created during the process to manufacture it?,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 “Not everyone is convinced that the evidence is in that climate change is responsible for extreme swings between drought and deluge.”,slothful induction,1.7,Alhindi_test Climate change hoax is a multibillion dollar business,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 The Climatards get their knickers in a twist over imperceptible temperature variability over a mere 180yrs.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 The 2010 and 2012 winters were the coldest and snowiest in centuries.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "UH OH! Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were urged to cover up the fact that the world's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years, it is claimed.",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 "In school science, Shorten would have learned carbon dioxide is the food of life and without this natural gas, which occurs in space and all planets, there would be no life.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jintest Its called weather and controlled by Sun spots.,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 Climate change is a scam designed to steal tax dollars...,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "WCVB TV reports that, ""Boston also set a record with the most snow in 30 days with 60.8 inches.'",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Nor, despite Mr. Paulson's claims, is there much reason to think that adopting a U.S. carbon tax would cause Beijing to do the same. China's Communist Party, after all, flouts Western norms on human rights, on intellectual property, and even on market-based exchange rates. Why should climate be different? To the contrary, that high Party officials are extracting fortunes from the massively polluting state owned enterprises would seem to cast an especially dark shadow of doubt over hopes for change in this area. Yet Mr. Paulson, a self-proclaimed expert on avoiding needless risks, urges the United States to incur the costs of a carbon tax based mainly on the rather far-fetched hope that it will induce Beijing to change its behavior.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "Also notice that the term ""global warming"" has been memory holed because it's not actually observed. Thus we're to understand carbon emissions cause the temperature to shift up and down.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 Try again. Lake effect snow like this happens when the lake it warm and cold wind scoops up moisture. And it has nothing to do with climate change. Obviously you don't live in a snow belt area.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 The UK is expecting the heaviest snow in about 20 years tomorrow. Snow and freezing weather threaten to shut down Britain. Arctic blizzards are set to cause a national shutdown on Monday as forecasters warn of the most widespread snowfall for almost 20 years. Now is the time you'd expect to see the daffodils coming out but we're not expecting them for two or three weeks at best if it warms up.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS These Polar Bears Can Survive With Less Sea Ice.,cherry picking,3.2.2,hamburg_test2 wind and solar are not green due to having to mine for the copper etc.,misrepresentation,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 "And despite common claims that the ""science is settled"" when it comes to global warming, we are still learning more and more about the earth complex climate systemand the more we learn, the less responsive it seems that the earths average temperature is to human carbon dioxide emissions.",slothful induction,5.1.1,CARDS There was so much ice in the Arctic that the icebreaker it was going to use was needed elsewhere.,anecdote,1.1.3,jintrain "It has been thought that an increase in carbon dioxide will lead to global warming. While carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing over the past 100 years, there is no evidence that it is causing an increase in global temperatures.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "30 inches (75 cm) of snow were measured in Zurich-Fluntern, more than has ever been seen here since the measurements were taken in 1949.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The global temperature savings of the Kerry-Lieberman bill is astoundingly small 0.043C (0.077F) by 2050 and 0.111C (0.200F) by 2100. In other words, by century's end, reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 83% will only result in global temperatures being one-fifth of one degree Fahrenheit less than they would otherwise be. That is a scientifically meaningless reduction...",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS It's going to be very difficult selling the climate 'crisis' this winter when people are sat at home freezing to death (literally) because they can't afford gas to heat their homes.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "In fact, this year was cooler than years such as 1762, 1779 and 1826, and more than a degree colder than 1783.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS A big part of this data tampering is implemented by making up monthly temperatures at stations where USHCN says they have no thermometer data.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS Polar regions have the thickest ice for years,cherry picking,1.1,hamburg_test3 These models have proved to be incorrect when compared with real-world temperature data;,impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS "Contrary to popular belief, Fossil Fuels are not the problem causing ( runaway) global warming, but the 70 Billion animals unnecessarily bred for eating every year. Who's emissions and environmental destruction totally eclipses those of fossil fuels!",single cause,2.2,hamburg_test3 "Its a canard of climate science that increasing atmospheric CO2 from 390PPM to 780PPM will raise the earths surface temperature by about 1C (expanded to 3C by positive feedbacks). From my way of thinking, the only thing CO2 can do is increase coupling to space - it certainly cant store or trap energy or increase the earths peak or 24-hour average temperature.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS You assert AGW/CAGW so the burden of proof is on you to cite verifiable scientific evidence showing that human CO2/GHG emissions are the cause of climate change and you have repeatedly failed to cite any such evidence.,slothful induction,2.3,hamburg_test1 Absolutely terrible news for the global warming-climate change shills,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "Sadly, these supposed experts use mathematical equations that do not jibe with reality over the past 140 years.",cherry picking,5.1.4,Alhindi_dev "Well I guess actually telling the truth about 'climate change' doesn't get you any media coverage, and that's the only thing these celebs crave.",ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test1 "Genuinely awful news. But, did ""climate change"" cause spontaneous combustion?. The are is dry pretty much every summer, Heathland is!. ""Climate change"" did not cause the fire.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 "If we add an additional 20 percent emissions cut by China by 2030, that adds 0.2 degrees; and another 0.2 degrees if we assume a 30 percent emissions cut by the rest of the industrialized world, by 2030. If we assume also a 20 percent reduction by the less-developed world by 2030, temperatures would be reduced by another one-tenth of a degree.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "Some are even talking about a repeat of the Maunder Minimum, the period in the 17th century when sunspots disappeared (and, coincidentally, the planet went through the Little Ice Age). Interesting times.",false equivalence,1.2,CARDS "NOAA claims an uncertainty of 14 one-hundredths of a degree in its temperature averages, or near twice the amount by which they say the record was set.",impossible expectations,5.1.3,jintrain If global warming was real Obama wouldn't have bought a mansion on the coast. Think for yourself if you are capable.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test2 We are not in a crisis. Climate change has been occurring throughout the history of this planet,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 The government authorised aircraft substance dispersal on Sunday to trap the sun’s heat for 48 hours in order to get @metoffice the high record temperatures they wanted to justify government’s climate change policies and laws to restrict public rights and freedoms in future.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test1 "For twenty year trends, these are from a sea level rise of three mm/year to a sea level fall of three mm per year. SOURCE: Pacific Country Report, Sea Level & Climate: Their Present State Marshall Islands December 2010",oversimplification,1.6,CARDS "Vostock Ice core data showed carbon dioxide levels and temperature rising and falling together. Cause and effect was claimed, proof that rising carbon dioxide caused temperatures to increase. Since then, more accurate dating has shown temperature rises or falls 800 years before carbon dioxide responds. This negates the original claims since it shows that rising temperature causes rising carbon dioxide not vice versa.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "It is long overdue that the IPCC was called for what it is, an activist eco-political body driven not by the dangerous manmade warming evidence that it pretends exists, but by the beliefs and philosophies of its sponsor, the UNEP, and by key individuals at the time the IPCC was established.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "Jason Box of Denmark is todays featured climate fraudster, as he is one of the principals pushing the Greenland melting scam. Jason claims that 2015 was a big melt summer in Greenland",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS The Democrat fictional Climate Change Crisis is just another ruse for the Dem Marxist GND agenda. The Democrats are using this the lie to fear monger and control our lives. Vote Red,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 the climate crisis is just bs,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 The Greenland ice cap last winter increased in volume faster than at any time for years .,cherry picking,1.1.2,jindev "If you've crossed over 40 international borders since January, you must be involved in some pointless and ridiculous activity that dramatically increases your personal responsibility for climate change. Why would you boast about that?",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 Temperatures are expected to be several degrees colder than usual for the rest of the week and dropping each day.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS This climate change is freezing our bums off - two and half years ago we were going to burn to death. I wish it would settle on one method of killing us and stick to that...,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2 This despite a recent article that reports how tens of thousands of scientists have declared that human-driven global climate change is a hoax.,fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS Which is it? Do facts matter anymore? CO2 global warming theory originally said both poles would warm. But Antarctica has not warmed and 70 years peer reviewed study says.,cherry picking,1.1.1,hamburg_test3 "You do know that climate change has been going on for millions of years? And that species come and go, sea levels rise and fall?",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "Since late Friday, the country has experienced uncommonly cold weather as temperature dropped below freezing in many areas, Kuwait Meteorology Center said yesterday.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Dr. Martin Hertzberg, Ph,D, co-author of Slaying the Sky Dragon Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory, summed it up neatly.",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS "So the assertion that A (the earths surface) gets hotter by thermally exciting B (IR-reactive gases) is a meaningless statement. Since the 2nd law prohibits this, ""radiative forcing"" by IR-reactive gases is entirely a product of imagination, a complete reversal of cause and effect.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "Global Warming (oh sorry, you rebranded that to Climate Change)",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 "The heaviest snow yesterday hit northeastern Asia, which is suffering its worst winter weather for 60 years. More than 25 centimetres (10in) of snow covered Seoul, the South Korean capital the heaviest fall since records began in 1937.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Sea ice is setting records this year.,cherry picking,1.1.3,hamburg_test3 "It is the Sun's variability that drives Climate Change, not Man's CO2 contribution",single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 "The finding that the 20th century was not the hottest of the last millennium is controversial in part because it undercuts the argument that burning oil and other fossil fuels is the leading cause of the current temperature increase. However, if the temperature was even warmer before large-scale use of fossil fuels, perhaps the current warm period reflects natural causes.",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS "The so-called greenhouse effect will not avert the onset of the next deep temperature drop, the 19th in the last 7500 years, which without fail follows after natural warming.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS "Trillions are being stolen under the fraud of 'climate change', get ready to be cold and poor.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2 Dont worry we will cool down. Its called ice age.,slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3 "Back in November, when the Met Office was still doing its ""mild winter"" schtick, Corbyn said it would be the coldest for 100 years. Indeed, it was back in May that he first predicted a snowy December, and he put his own money on a white Christmas about a month before the Met Office made any such forecast. He said that the Met Office would be wrong about last year's mythical ""barbecue summer"", and he was vindicated. He was closer to the truth about last winter, too.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Growing. Not melting. In Norway, many maritime glaciers were able to gain mass, Zemp concedes.",cherry picking,1.1.4,CARDS Future changes in the next century are by no means alarming; at the most it would imply a return to the pre-1970 situation with an about 20 cm higher sea level as was the case from 1790 to 1970. These are the observational facts and the consequences to face for the future: i.e. no real problems and certainly no reason for any alarm and SOS message.,slothful induction,1.6,CARDS "“The term ocean acidification was also a misnomer, he said, because it suggested that the oceans could become acidic instead of alkaline.” ",misrepresentation,3.2.3,Alhindi_test "The reason that global CO2 levels rise and fall in response to the global temperature is because cold water is capable of retaining more CO2 than warm water. That is why carbonated beverages loose their carbonation, or CO2, when stored in a warm environment. We store our carbonated soft drinks, wine, and beer in a cool place to prevent them from loosing their fizz, which is a feature of their carbonation, or CO2 content. The earth is currently warming as a result of the natural Ice Age cycle, and as the oceans get warmer, they release increasing amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "The geologic record does not support dangerous CO2-driven planetary warming either. CO2 has played no role in the dramatic climate change of the ice ages, or at any other time over the past 500 million years, said University of Ottawa Earth Sciences Professor Ian D. Clark.",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS If you go back far enough a College student wrote the first paper on Global Warming as a way to Get a Better Grade in his class and a Politician seen it and Now we have THE LAGEST FARCE EVER to the WORLD!,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 It will slow the world's economic growth to force a shift to inefficient green energy sources.,slothful induction,4.1.1,jintrain Heat waves in the US are now no more common than they were in 1900 and the warmest temperatures in the US have not risen in the past fifty years.,cherry picking,1.7,jintrain Is the Earth truly experiencing the hottest weather on record? Absolutely not.,slothful induction,1,jintrain "A better way to look at this is in cross plots of the corresponding CO2-temperature data as shown below. If there is 95% certainty that global warming is predominately caused by manmade activities the relationship should be easily discernible including by the naked eye. In fact the cross plot below covering over the period mentioned there were two hiatuses totaling 35 years out of the total 56 years (nearly two-thirds of the time), exhibiting no or very little correlation between CO2 and global mean temperature. So how can the IPCC in AR5 increase the probability (to 95%) of manmade causes being the overwhelming predominant and by implication the only important forcing of global warming?",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "This low climate sensitivity along with ocean cycles like the AMO, ENSO, and PDO may be the reason for no warming since 1998.",cherry picking,1.4,CARDS Earth's climate has always been changing with and without humans.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "It is first and foremost a profit above all else - including the survival of the planet cult. So yes, ultimately, the death of us all. Including themselves - therefore I assume they truly do not believe in global warming.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "To date, climate policies have been guided by targets and timetables for emissions reduction derived from various academic exercises. Such methods are both oblivious to and in violation of on-the-ground political and technological realities that serve as practical boundary conditions for effective policy making. Until climate policies are designed with respect for these boundary conditions, failure is certain.",impossible expectations,4.3.1,CARDS "All climate models falsely assume clouds result in net positive feedback and increased temperatures, however this new paper and several others show clouds instead result in net negative feedback and cooling.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS "Do we really believe that one bellowing fan in a crowd of 85,000 at the MCG can completely change the course of a game?",oversimplification,2.3.2,Alhindi_test Weather isn't climate (as we all know) but the number of stories about extreme cold in the Northern hemisphere this last few months has been staggering (see here for a recent example). And now it appears the Southern hemisphere may be about to follow suit:,anecdote,1.3,CARDS It is a tiny part of our atmosphere that allows plants to survive,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 "Coastal lake sediments along the Gulf of Mexico shoreline from 1,000 to 2,000 years ago suggest more frequent and intense hurricanes than occur today .",cherry picking,1.7,jintest "Isn’t climate change now fixed cos of Albo's plan? So these floods aren’t climate change, just a weather event or did he lie to us ?",impossible expectations,1.7,hamburg_test1 "Yeah, it is weird that we are constantly told to trust the science. Science takes years of proven theory to come to a correct conclusion although climate change has never been proven over the years.",slothful induction,5.1,hamburg_test1 "“According to a recent National Economic Research Associates Economic Consulting study, the Paris Agreement could obliterate $3 trillion of GDP, 6.5 million industrial sector jobs and $7,000 in per capita household income from the American economy by 2040. Meeting the 2025 emissions reduction target alone could subtract $250 billion from our GDP and eliminate 2.7 million jobs. The cement, iron and steel, and petroleum refining industries could see their production cut by 21% 19%, and 11% respectively.”",oversimplification,4.1.1,Alhindi_train "Just as in Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth, weather disasters that have always occurred have been repurposed to support the climate change narrative, with the claim those disasters are getting worse.",false equivalence,1.7,jintrain First global warming that didn't working then a marketing shift to climate,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 "Some scientists believe that solar activity is more likely to influence today's climate than carbon dioxide, and Dr Soon has compiled data showing temperature in America, Canada and Mexico rises and falls in line with solar activity.",cherry picking,2.1.1,jintrain He and his team did an exhaustive investigation of the claim made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that the Maldives in the Indian Ocean are at risk from sea level rise accelerated by global warming. He found considerable evidence that the sea level in the islands has fallen over the past 30 years,oversimplification,1.6,CARDS "“Research shows that this process is overpowering the erosion from sea-level rise, leading to net land-area gain. This is not only true for the Marshall Islands. […]several studies have documented noteworthy shoreline progradation [growth] and positional changes of islands since the mid-20th century, resulting in a net increase in island area.”",oversimplification,1.6,Alhindi_dev "let's not forget that eradicating cattle from this planet would buy ~10yr of cooling before the global warming continued *at the same rate as before* unless we drop net CO2 production to ZERO. Does that seem fair, given that from a cow's point of view ~86-94% of CO2 is 'human'?",impossible expectations,4.2.3,hamburg_test2 We are freezing our arse off in Australia at the moment. This global warming crap is a big lie,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "Meanwhile, Bjorn Lomborg has his own take on things at Project Syndicate, looking at the IPCC's cost estimates, the attempts to adjust them to help the green movement and the embarrassing chasm between current and earlier estimates like those of Lord Stern:",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "As the CO2 content of the air continues to rise, the enhanced ability of plants to synthesize starch from increased photosynthetic products should allow them to maintain their higher rates of photosynthesis, which ultimately should stimulate their growth and biomass production.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Humanity makes so little contribution to affecting the climate, that even if humanity was wiped out in the morning, nothing would change.",single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 Whatever happened to global warming? How freezing temperatures are starting to shatter climate change theory.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "It's long but worth it, why are leading scientists changing their minds about 'global warming'? Because it's NOT happening!",fake experts,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 There is absolutely no evidence of man made climate change. Not one piece. Stop being a harbinger of doom. Stop pretending there is an issue that can be changed there isn't.,slothful induction,2.3,hamburg_test3 it's just a natural cycle,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 "The simple 5-year moving average curve during the very recent past indicates a declining period for 30-year changes, possibly signalling an extended cooling phase is upon us.",cherry picking,1.2,CARDS "Most of the warming in forecasts (2/3 or more in the IPCC cases) comes from positive feedback in #3, but we really know nothing here, except that most systems are driven by negative feedback. In other words, this is so unsettled we dont even know the sign of the effect.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS It appears to have become something of a game to see who can add in the most creative feedback mechanisms to produce the scariest warming scenarios from their models but there remains no evidence the planet includes any such effects or behaves in a similar manner.,slothful induction,3.1,CARDS "Following a successful international tour and the G-7 Summit in Italy, President Trump has an opportunity to relieve our nation of the unfair and economically devastating requirements of the Paris Agreement, the United Nations climate treaty he pledged to rip up during the campaign.",slothful induction,4.1.1,jindev "1 day and it's back to normal summer. That is not ""climate change"" or ""climate crisis"" that is WEATHER you bunch of useless #scaremongering zealots.",false equivalence,2.1,hamburg_test1 "As the air's CO2 content rises, grassland plants will likely exhibit enhanced rates of photosynthesis and biomass production that will not be diminished by any global warming that might occur concurrently.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS You showed a graph of the tenor of atmospheric carbon dioxide against time at Hawaii. You drew a trend line through it. That wiggly line showed something else: it showed that carbon dioxide tenor follows temperature on an annual basis. Carbon dioxide is the dependant variable not temperature. That is the short term observation. The long term observation comes from the ice cores where carbon dioxide again follows temperature.,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as Expert Reviewer of its next Assessment Report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public.",fake experts,5.2,jintrain "He accused the Society of promoting a ""pseudoscientific fraud,"" namely ""the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists. . .""",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test3 "In his new book, he also laments how political ideologies, beliefs and arguments hide behind science in climate debates.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS This snowy winter will extend over three months and spread into the flatlands. And it is going to be bitter cold. For Germany the fourth colder-than-normal winter in a row lies ahead. The fourth below normal winter in a row would be a small sensation.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "With more and longer lateral roots in a future CO2-enriched atmosphere, tomato plants (and likely other plants as well) should be better equipped to take up both major and micro nutrients from the soils in which they grow, making them both bigger and better and more apt to produce larger and more nutritious fruit ... and more of it .",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Dozens of blog articles about dozens of recent scientific papers that disagree with the so-called ""consensus"".",cherry picking,5.1.1,CARDS Any increase in flooding activity is due to human alterations of river and stream flow rather than precipitation changes .,single cause,1.7,jindev But Climategate was only the tip of the iceberg. An AR4 warning that unchecked climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 was found to be lifted from an erroneous World Wildlife Federation (WWF) report and misrepresented as peer-reviewed science.,ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS "Twentieth century data support this idea in at least two ways. First, most of the 20th centurys warming occurred before 1940, while most of the centurys greenhouse gas emissions occurred after 1940.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS "“In 2013 the level of U.S. farm output was about 2.7 times its 1948 level, and productivity was growing at an average annual rate of 1.52%. From 2001 to 2013, world-wide, global output of total crop and livestock commodities was expanding at an average rate of 2.52% a year[…] Along with better plant varieties, cropping practices and fertilizer, CO2 has contributed to this welcome increase in productivity.”",oversimplification,3.3.1,Alhindi_train Our evolving dynamic planet has survived sea level changes of hundreds of metres,false equivalence,3.2,Alhindi_train Is Climate Change Really Killing Polar Bears? Scientists find new population in ice-free sea,cherry picking,3.2.2,hamburg_test2 "Man's mining and industrial activities are harmlessly recycling some of this valuable carbon dioxide from natural limestones and hydrocarbons buried in the dead lithosphere, back to the living biosphere.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Jo Nova has an entertaining article describing the excellent correlation between increasing US Postal charges and rising temperatures through the 20th Century. Joanne humorously claims a causal relation and thus excellently lampoons the IPCCs ridiculous assertion that a similar correlation between rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and rising world temperatures proves that carbon dioxide is causing the temperature rise. Actually, even the claim of a correlation is disputed, since temperatures have gone both up and down while CO2 rises quite steadily.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS Climate crisis…climate crisis… bloody hell I’ve still got my ‘global warming’ decorations up,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test1 "They call it the greenhouse effect. Inconveniently, physicist R.W.Wood disproved the existence of any such effect. In 1909.",fake experts,2.3,CARDS "The only more prolific snow-producers this deep into March occurred March 28-29, 1942 (11.5 inches), and March 27-28, 1891 (12 inches).",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Until civility returns, our side can ask whether the critics are acting like the Gestapo of global warming.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "Global Warming? We live in a post glacial age. Because of slight shifts in the way the earth faces the sun, shifts that occur every 100k years or so; it is inevitable that in the future, humans, plants and animals will have to adapts to the next ice age -----> already on its way.",slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3 "Plimer says every occurrence of icebergs expanding and shrinking happened with ""more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than now"".",false equivalence,2.1.4,jintrain CIA invents global warming fiction to reduce fossil fuels usage so there are more fossil fuels left over after they depopulate the earth.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 Remove the two non-CO2 related effects of the past 30 years (1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption and the 2015+ El Nino) and the global warming 'pause' dates back to the dawn of global warming hysteria.,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 What about Russian astrophysicist Habibullo Abdussamatovs contention that were headed into a little ice age? No mention of him.,fake experts,1.2,CARDS I conclude that there is no relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature at a pristine site like that at Mauna Loa.,cherry picking,2.3.3,CARDS Climate skeptics argue temperature records have been adjusted in recent years to make the past appear cooler and the present warmer,ad hominem,5.1.3,jintrain Changes in global atmospheric CO2 are lagging 9.510 months behind changes in global air surface temperature.,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "They should have vandalized something actually related to the climate crisis or fossil fuels then. Also, banksy's art doesn't require the destruction of other artworks.",ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test1 "Actually, more concern by all should be directed towards the potential of extreme global cooling, based on the most current 10-year trend",cherry picking,1.2,CARDS "1,700 Scientists and Economists Call For Immediate Action on Greenhouse Gas Reductions. My first question: Why are there only 1,700 names on the above list, when there are 31,000 on this opposing list?",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS "Such a dramatic decrease of the frequency of record cold temperatures is clearly not happening because the record cold temperatures seem to be as frequent as they were in the past. More precisely, their frequency should be naturally decreasing with the growing temperature records (with time).",anecdote,1.3,CARDS I'm sure that was likely as reliable as the so called science of climate change we are assaulted with daily.,ad hominem,5.1,hamburg_test1 "Temperatures were in the middle 60s through the day on Wednesday, which likely sent it to the record books for the cold. The coldest high temperature ever recorded on this date was 70 degrees back in 1896. If Wednesday stays at or below 67 degrees, that will make July 16th the coldest July day Toledo has had since 2003.The average high this time of the year is 85 degrees. The average high does not fall to the middle 60s until the middle of October.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Willis Eschenbach has an open letter at WUWT which absolutely excoriates Phil Climategate Jones for his lies to the public and to Willis. The letter is quite strongly worded, places the FOI lies in context and is worth a read. The critique is strong enough that it extends not only to Phil, but to his teammembers as well as to the kangaroo investigations of Climategate.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS Wholly Unexpected: These Polar Bears Can Survive With Less Sea Ice,oversimplification,3.2.2,hamburg_test3 "See that's why they rebranded it to ""climate change"" . Now they can apply it you any thing they want too.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 CO2 has been at 7000ppm in the past,false equivalence,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "Who cares? It was warmer during the time of the dinosaurs, more co2. And guess what? It wasn't co2 or warmer temps that killed them.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 This means the global temperature trend has now shown no further warming for 19 years.,cherry picking,1.4,jintrain "For example, when scientists analyzed the relationship between atmospheric CO2 levels and temperatures dating back 250,000 years, inferred from ice cores drilled in Greenland and the Antarctic, they found that sometimes the concentration of CO2 was high when the temperature was low, and sometimes the CO2 was low when the temperature was high.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS There is no evidence that recent extreme weather events are more frequent or severe than over the previous 100 years.,slothful induction,1.7,CARDS "Of course , a lot can happen in 7,000 years . The onset of a new glaciation could cause the sea level to stop rising.",slothful induction,1.2,jindev "CO2 is not powerful in that sense, the only thing it does in the system is make the planet greener.",oversimplification,3.3.1,Alhindi_test "Asserting, without any supporting data or evidence, that a disease that prospers in cool climates will become more prevalent as a result of global warming defies objective data and common sense.",false choice,3.6,jindev "Climate change is governed by hundreds of factors, or variables, and the very idea that we can manage climate change predictably by understanding and manipulating at the margins one politically-selected factor (CO2), is as misguided as it gets.",impossible expectations,5.1,CARDS "As nonsense climate alarmism increases, so does the frequency at which we attribute any deviation from the norm as ""CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!""Hurricane in 2004; what a terrible tragedy. Hurricane in 2021: OMG WE NEED TO STOP KILLING THE PLANET!!!!",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 I'll believe in climate change when elitists stop building mansions on the coast.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "A recent article in the British newspaper, The Register , reported on a study by scientists in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, that was published in Nature Geoscience that concluded there was no scientific consensus to suggest the rate of the seas rise will accelerate dangerously.",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS And total solar irradiance has been going down in the past few decades,single cause,1.2,hamburg_test3 we are going into a cooling period for the next 30 years. It has already started.,slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3 "WHY IS UK GOVERNMENT BUILDING A ¬£20B NUCLEAR PLANT ON WATER EDGE, IN SUFFOLK, IF CLIMATE CHANGE IS REALLY THREATENING?",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3 "A third problem I have with Ron's article: he uses ""falsifiable predictions"" of the future as evidence supporting his case! Really? Well, we've already had abundant predictions of what would happen by now from modelers like James Hansen that have turned out to be wrong. There you go, skeptics have real falsified predictions they can point to: not predictions of what might happen 10 years from now.",cherry picking,5.1.4,CARDS "As soon as the words emissions, climate change and Paris are used, you know you are being conned and that the world's biggest scam will continue.",conspiracy theory,5.3,jintrain "This isn't the first time that NOAA has used dubious data to justify global warming alarmism. In early June, NOAA rewrote the historical climate record by making it ""cooler"" so the present appears warmer. Even climate scientists who believe that man is primarily responsible for the planet warming less than one degree Celsius over the last 100 years rejected NOAA's readjustments.",conspiracy theory,5.1.3,CARDS #GlobalWarming Is a PROVEN #HOAX...#FJB and the #AOC #GreenNewDeal #DemocRATs who Declared #WAR on #FossilFuels Are #Destroying #AMERICA...!,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "Global Warming is a scam, just as covid and J6 are. Stop accepting their premises.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 Those liberals that were locking down people and complaining about climate change sure love their flights that spew jet fuel all over the stratosphere.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 It could be worse-she could try expressing fake empathy for high gas prices & her climate change BS as she burns taxpayer jet fuel!!,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 Why ? That sounds like a fantastic idea ! Ghomer should simply pray to Jesus to make the sun smaller so we wouldn't have this global warming.,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 In modern conditions the overwhelming thermostatic influence of the two giant atmospheric heat-sinks - the oceans and outer space - dampens the already small direct warming from a doubling of CO2.,slothful induction,3.1,CARDS Scientific theories are NOT proven but they can be proven wrong. As for Anthropogenic Global Warming & the science of climate change the latter has NEVER happened If you can prove them wrong I bet a Nobel Prize & 10 Million SEK (about $1.2M USD) will be yours.Go for it!,slothful induction,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 This appalling death toll occurs every year even while wind power produces just 3% of U.S. electricity.,slothful induction,4.4.1,jindev "If global warming caused the 2014 Queensland heat wave, why wasn't it as severe as the 1972 Queensland heat wave?",single cause,1.7,jindev "The one thing we can say is that whatever the warming effect of CO2, it is not detectable in the raw CO2 vs. temperature data.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "Figure 3 shows the global temperature projections from the BAU scenario, along with the successive adherence to the Kerry-Lieberman emissions schedule by the U.S., the OECD90 countries (industrialized countries including the U.S., Western Europe, Australia and Japan), and the entire world. Basically, unless the developing world comes on board, the world's future temperature pathway will be largely unchanged.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "1,100 Scientists and Professionals Declare: ""There Is No Climate Emergency""",fake experts,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 """You will also learn that there have not been any reports of global warming in over 18 years.""",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test1 Fl under water yet?,impossible expectations,1.6,hamburg_test3 YOU HAVE A CONSCIENCE ??? I DONT THINK SO ..PEDDLING CRAP LIKE CLIMATE CHANGE,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 what this study proves is that there is nothing we can do to stop the Earth’s naturally occurring climate cycles.,single cause,2.1.4,Alhindi_test "“First, marine species that calcify have survived through millions of years when CO2 was at much higher levels; second, they are more than capable of adapting — even in the short term — to environmental change”",false equivalence,3.2.1,Alhindi_train Climate change is a con to make shareholders even wealthier!,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 "My argument has always been that I can find no evidence of a contribution from manmade greenhouse gases to the warming of ocean heat content data (depths of 700 meters) since 1955, and that there is no evidence that anthropogenic greenhouse gases contributed to the warming of sea surface temperatures of the global oceans during the satellite era.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS "Climate change is real. We are in the late stages of the pleistoscene epoch. Yes we are still in an ice age. It started 2.3 b years ago. It's real, but we humans have nothing to do with it nor can we effect it.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "The figure traditionally cited that suggests 97 per cent of climate scientists agree that global warming is man-made was also found to be flawed. A survey which claimed to have questioned 10,257 academics, was found to have winnowed down the sample to just 77.",oversimplification,5.1.1,jintrain "Simply this: it's not about climate change, it's about control.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2 "The agreement's proponents market it as a panacea for addressing the impacts of climate change, but at its core, it is about increasing government control - over the economy, the energy sector and nearly every aspect of our daily lives.",conspiracy theory,4.1.5,jindev For environmentalists it's money for their organizations and confirmation of their near religious devotion to the idea that man is a destructive force acting upon nature.,ad hominem,5.2.4,jintest Global warming changed to Climate Change because they realised the Global Cooling guys were right.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 The planet appears to be cooling overall.,cherry picking,1.2,hamburg_test3 It's not climate change. It's the mainstream media scare mongering with there red weather display.,ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test2 "The longest running tide gauge in the Marshall Islands is on Wake Island. It shows a trend of 1.91mm/year since 1950; in other words, about 5 inches since the war.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS "B..ut #Liberals do have #oceansofmoney to provide the corporate elite investors in International#ClimateChange who they support through CAP, WEF and the UN.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test1 "That data show four glacial coolings each followed by an interglacial warming with atmospheric CO2 concentrations near their highest during the warmings and near their lowest during the coolings. In all cases, however, the temperature changes precede the CO2 changes by about 500 - 1,000 years.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "The Wild Jet Stream (Mini-Ice-Age) era we are now in has nothing whatsoever to do with CO2, says astrophysicist and forecaster Piers Corbyn.",fake experts,2.3,CARDS "A proper analysis of ice core records from the past 650,000 years demonstrates that temperature increases have come before, and not resulted from, increases in CO2 by hundreds of years.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "There is no ""climate change"". The climate has for millions of years done the same thing it is doing now. Proceeding along it's billion year old path.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "One of the main areas of contention is the existence of two strange climate episodes known as The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age. The MWP lasted from about 950 to 1250AD, and temperature records appear to show it was even hotter than today",false equivalence,2.1.4,Alhindi_train The Environmental Protection Agency has been in a full assault on the U.S. economy since the 1980s when the global warming hoax was initiated. It has been assisted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA.,conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS "Climate change??? A bit of heat in the summer, freezing in winter shocker",single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3 "So far this Winter Season (December 1st through January 26th) of 2013-2014, International Falls ranks as the 3rd coldest on record.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Global warming is a new religion and blasphemy against that religion is not a laughing matter, Lord Lawson has said, adding that there is a great gap in Europe with the decline of any real belief in Marxism and any real belief in Christianity. This has filled the vacuum.",ad hominem,5.2.1,CARDS "If we adjust for population and wealth, hurricane damage during the period 1900-2013 decreased slightly.",cherry picking,1.7,jintrain "In the past 30 years of records, no storms west of Florida have intensified in the last 12 hours before landfall.",cherry picking,1.7,jintrain "Overall, the results of this study support the hypothesis that published temperature data are contaminated with nonclimatic influences that add up to a net warming bias, and that efforts should be made to properly quantify these effects.",misrepresentation,5.1.3,CARDS "31 Aug 11 Following the coldest June in nearly 40 years and the coldest July in 50 years, this month is now one of the coldest Augusts since records began in 1851.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Hell NO.Carbon is plant food; releasing CO2 from fossil fuels is PRO-GREEN(ing).,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 What do you do if you are a global warming alarmist and real-world temperatures do not warm as much as your climate model predicted?,impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS What will happen when leaders like dictator Newsom of CA decides to turn off power in the name of climate change?,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3 No such thing as climate change. Mother Nature has changed the climate a million times over!! and she will continue to do so! Just move on.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "In short, if melting permafrost continues, as it has being doing steadily since the last Ice Age, then more carbon dioxide will be absorbed. This represents a massive natural buffer to any tipping point predicted by climate change doomsayers.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS "Adding more CO2 molecules to the atmosphere is like painting over a red wall with white paint — the first coat does most of the work of concealing the red. A second coat of paint has much less of an effect, while adding a third or fourth coat has almost no impact at all.",false equivalence,2.3.2,Alhindi_train "China and India are growing so rapidly that their additional greenhouse gas emissions swamp any reductions possible in the U.S. today. For example, Chinese car ownership today on a per-capita basis is not even equal to U.S. car ownership in 1920.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "And while it's true that studies in some regions show polar bears are lighter in weight than they were in the 1980s, there is no evidence that more individuals are starving to death or becoming too thin to reproduce because of less summer ice.",slothful induction,3.2.2,jintrain Carbon taxes are political poison because they increase gas prices and electric rates.,slothful induction,4.1.1,jintrain "And while global atmospheric CO2 levels are obviously higher now than two centuries ago , they're not at any record planetary high‚ they're at a low that has only been seen once before in the past 500 million years.",false equivalence,2.4,jintrain "The global warming ""pause"" has just reached eight years, one month and temperatures generally are lower than they were in 1998.",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 "The sun is causing the cooling thats going on. The sun reached a peak of activity around 2000 and has been declining ever since, said Ball, who noted that the cooling trend will continue for years to come.",single cause,1.2,CARDS GLOBAL WARMING: What they DON'T tell you. LESS than a 1/2 a degree is the Actual increase in the last 20 years. LESS than one degree is the Actual increase in the last 70 years.,slothful induction,3.4,hamburg_test3 "Here For the 12th time this meteorological summer (since June 1), daytime highs failed to reach 70 degrees Wednesday. Only one other year in the past half century has hosted so many sub-70-degree days up to this point in a summer season -- 1969, when 14 such days occurred. Wednesday's paltry 65-degree high at O'Hare International Airport (an early-May-level temperature and a reading 18 degrees below normal) was also the city's coolest July 8 high in 118 years -- since a 61-degree high on the date in 1891.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Yes,now you are against the Co2 increase made by some,& I am neutral (Climate change) Because Co2 is only 0.04% in the atmosphere,& humans are only responsible for 3% of it=0.00152",misrepresentation,2.5,hamburg_test3 "Wait, I was told climate change was making the earth hotter. How can the temps be the same as 1875?",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "CO2 has increased by 10% over the last 18 years, with no warming.",cherry picking,2.3.3,CARDS "Indeed , Queensland's 2014 heat wave paled in comparison to the 1972 heat wave that occurred 42 years of global warming ago. If global warming caused the 2014 Queensland heat wave , why wasn't it as severe as the 1972 Queensland heat wave?",false equivalence,1.7,jindev The temperatures were higher than that a century ago! Was that Global Warming back then?,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 “the climate models have overestimated the amount of global warming and failed to predict what climatologists call the warming ‘hiatus’”,oversimplification,5.1.4,Alhindi_train Climate change is a scam.Banks and Home Owner's insurance still buying and covering ocean front properties.,ad hominem,1.6,hamburg_test3 Many scientists are predicting the onset of two or three centuries of cooler weather - which would mean bigger glaciers.,fake experts,1.2,jintest Earth is greening. Food production is up.,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test2 "If this weather forecast showing sub-freezing temperatures in the Beaufort Sea is correct, alarmists are in a world of hurt.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Back on August 6, 2010 , when the UK BOM was predicting a warm winter, and every Met Agency in the West was already declaring that 2010 would be the hottest year ever, Bryan Leyland predicted (on a global scale) that before the end of the year, there would be significant cooling. As you can see from the chart, this is exactly what happened.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "What a difference that extra 120 ppm has made for plants, and for animals and humans that depend on them. The more carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere, the more it is absorbed by plants of every description - and the faster and better they grow, even under adverse conditions like limited water, extremely hot air temperatures, or infestations of insects, weeds and other pests. As trees, grasses, algae and crops grow more rapidly and become healthier and more robust, animals and humans enjoy better nutrition on a planet that is greener and greener.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS Climate Realism (2) Every bit of 'fighting climate change' has utterly failed. Its all been a total waste of our time and our money. CO2 continues to increase.,impossible expectations,4.2,hamburg_test3 Your absolutist position shows that your politics come before critical thinking.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 We are actually heading for next ice age.,slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3 The latest study from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that in the previous 15 years temperatures had risen 0.09 degrees Fahrenheit. The average of all models expected 0.8 degrees. So we're seeing about 90 % less temperature rise than expected.,cherry picking,5.1.4,jintrain The trend in warming of the lower troposphere shows that there is no climate crisis.,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 Hey could you hurry up with the climate change because Buffalo had 36 in and New York 81 inches of snow recently and its very cold here in the Western United States. Get this climate change going so it will warm up. Thanks. That is all. LOL,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "In the mountainous Karakoram region of Asia the glaciers aren't melting. If anything, some are expanding, says this article on LiveScience .",cherry picking,1.1.4,CARDS Initially it was assumed that constantly increasing atmospheric CO2 created constantly increasing temperature. Then it was determined that the first few parts per million achieved the greenhouse capacity of CO2. Eschenbach graphed the reality,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS How could earth possibly warm unlessthe Sun got HOTTER?,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3 Climate change is such a hoax dude. I hope one day you realize that. They say the oceans are rising but liberals are buying up all the beachfront houses,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2 "The IPCC's own climate-sensitivity equations show that abating 0.06% of global carbon emissions would reduce CO2 concentration from a predicted business-as-usual 410 microatmospheres to 409.988 microatmospheres, and that this would reduce global mean surface temperature by just 0.00006 Celsius degrees.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "Using terms such as ""battlefield,"" ""siege,'' and ""front,"" those opposed this ""war effort"" have been labeled anything from Nazis to Holocaust deniers. (I personally have been called a sociopath by climate activist Joe Romm of the Center for American Progress, another story.)",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "It often is stated that water vapor is the chief greenhouse gas (GHG) in the atmosphere. For example, it has been asserted that about 98% of the natural greenhouse effect is due to water vapour and stratiform clouds with CO2 contributing less than 2%",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS 10 points to anyone who can demonstrably prove climate change is man-made.,impossible expectations,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 “cold kills many more people than heat.”,oversimplification,3.6,Alhindi_train Nothing like Markle who preaches about the global warming and used a private jet 11 times in 2 weeks,ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test1 "I'm sick of the elitists screaming ""Climate Change"" when they are the ones flying all over the world on vacations when the middle class can't ever afford to drive to work thanks to Biden‚ $6.00 a gallon gas.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "Direct studies of sea level are showing only small rises. Most stations show a rise of sea level of about 1.7mm per year, but there is considerable variation even within a single state. ",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS "We have neither an Energy Crisis nor a Climate Crisis. What we have is a knowledge suppression issue. The knowledge & tech. exists how to do zero point energy, but it is non-billable. Suppressed with claims of being national security regardless of it actually being a world issue.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 "In reality, the case for an international climate treaty rests on an ensemble of hypotheses that are highly questionable.",slothful induction,5.1.1,CARDS "Some truths:1. Global warming, whether man made or not, has been an overall net positive for the world, not a negative.",cherry picking,3,hamburg_test3 "Positive feedback in engineering invariably results in unstable systems so we have to ask why do most if not all of the climate models rely on it to get doomsday predictions? For the Earth to have survived as long as it has with a stable climate, through major events like ice-ages or volcanic eruptions, there is little doubt that a degree of negative climate feedback is essential.",misrepresentation,3.1,CARDS "According to the Milankovitch astronomical calculations, the next glaciation is just around the corner - or at least a millennium or so away.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS "Meanwhile, China's emissions jumped by 123% over the past decade and now exceed those of the U.S. by more than two billion tons per year. Africa's carbon-dioxide emissions jumped by 30%, Asia's by 44%, and the Middle East's by a whopping 57%. Put another way, over the past decade, U.S. carbon dioxide emissions ""about 6.1 billion tons per year ""could have gone to zero and yet global emissions still would have gone up.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "“There was, he said, an ‘inherent bias’ in scientific journals which predisposed them to publish ‘doom and gloom stories’.”",misrepresentation,5.2,Alhindi_train Not one single climate change fear mongering claim since the 70s has come true.No sea level rise not dooms day nada nothing.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 a number of empirical studies show that climate sensitivity is much lower than the climate models assume.,cherry picking,3.1,CARDS "Even on a frozen planet, H2O would be much more abundant than CO2, and H2O also absorbs a much wider spectrum of LW radiation.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS "Carbon dioxide has continued to rise, while global temperatures appear to have stopped rising in 1998 having stabilized below the 1998 level and might even now be starting to fall.",cherry picking,1.4,CARDS “What we don’t hear from her is that fewer people will die from cold.”,oversimplification,3.6,Alhindi_train What all these papers argue in their different ways is that the alarmist version of global warming aka Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) is a fake artefact.,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "Get that my fellow Skeptics? CO2 causes Global Cooling. This is the high ground this is the ground from which we should be fighting, not in the swamps of positive and negative feed backs.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "“CO2 is certainly a heat-trapping greenhouse gas, but hardly the primary one: Water vapor accounts for about 95 percent of greenhouse gases. By contrast, carbon dioxide is only a trace component in the atmosphere: about 400 ppm (parts per million), or 0.04 percent.”",misrepresentation,2.3.4,Alhindi_train Climate change is a natural Earth cycle.It was going on when man was still living in caves.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "“Whereas in 2008 most of the ice was extremely thin, this year most has been at least two metres thick.”",cherry picking,1.1.3,Alhindi_train "That's certainly interesting, but hardly earth-shaking. Ice cores and fossil pollen show the earth has had six major global warmings since the last Ice Age, interspersed with centuries-long cold periods. The earth's temperatures are always cycling up and down.",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS "It is now six months since I reported on what even environmentalists are calling ""the biggest environmental scandal in history"". Indeed this is a scam so glaringly bizarre that even the UN and the EU have belatedly announced that they are thinking of taking steps to stop it. The essence of the scam is that a handful of Chinese and Indian firms are deliberately producing large quantities of an incredibly powerful ""greenhouse gas"" which we in the West - including UK taxpayers - then pay them billions of dollars to destroy.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,CARDS "In 2012, Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter, ""The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing noncompetitive.""",conspiracy theory,5.3,jintrain Andy Dessler's study will not stand hard scrutiny. COP16 delegates worried about the ongoing credibility problems of climate modeling will find no solace in Dessler's work.,ad hominem,5.1,CARDS "The world's climate scientists are almost all employed by western governments. They usually don't pay you to do climate research unless you say you believe manmade global warming is dangerous, and it has been that way for more than 20 years. The result is a near-unanimity that is unusual for a theory in such an immature science.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS Climate change or global warming is nothing more than a hox and another form to control the populas. We do ultimately have a pollution problem and need to take care of it. But there is no global warming. There never has been.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "for every extra person who dies from heat, 2 are saved from dying of cold i.e. net saving of a life: Global warming is good for mankind. Global cooling would kill more people from cold than saved from heat.",oversimplification,3.6,hamburg_test3 We are here blaming climate change on human activities alone and disregarding that our position on the milky way Galaxy affects our experience on our solar system.,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test1 Greenland announces that a major ice sheet is growing....darn climate change!,cherry picking,1.1.2,hamburg_test3 "As we both know or should know carbon dioxide is plant food. Other nutrients are needed, but CO2 is a plant's only food, it cannot survive without it.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "We should not let a deal subject to the whims of future administrations or Congresses hang like a wet blanket over our economy - driving up energy prices, devastating our industrial base and bolstering our rivals.",slothful induction,4.1.1,jindev It has warned .5 degrees in the last thousand years.,false equivalence,3.4,hamburg_test3 "In the geological past, Earth’s atmosphere had hundreds of times the CO2 content of the modern atmosphere yet there were no carbon dioxide-driven catastrophes. The past shows that climate change is normal, that warmer times and more atmospheric carbon dioxide have driven biodiversity and that cold times kill.",false equivalence,2.1.4,Alhindi_train "To demonstrate to yourself that the ABC is completely biased, in particular on climate change, all you need to do is go to the ABC web site here , get yourself a stiff drink (because believe me, youll need it) and watch the debate that followed the screening of the film The Great Global Warming Swindle. The audience was partisan and biased, just as alleged by Senator Eric Abetz:",ad hominem,5.2.2,CARDS "Moreover, its warming impact decreases sharply after the first 20 or 30 ppm.",oversimplification,2.3.2,Alhindi_train We scientists have known since 1896 that increased carbon dioxide has a greatly diminished effect on temperature. At today's carbon dioxide concentration only a tiny effect can ensue even if the concentration doubles.,oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS "Then theres the issue of sea level change. Global warming and climate change are usually thought to mean that world sea levels will rise, perhaps disastrously. But according to US government scientific experts, in recent times (2010 and 2011, to be precise) phenomena driven by human carbon emissions have actually caused world sea levels to fall. According to a statement issued by the US National Science Foundation: For an 18-month period beginning in 2010, the oceans mysteriously dropped by about seven millimeters. (3)",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS The NDP Party wants to land grab and Unionize us also,ad hominem,4.1.5,hamburg_test3 Why would you listen to a consistently wrong UN?,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3 "There have now been several major ice core surveys, and everyone of them says the same thing. CO2 clearly does not cause temperature changes, it follows temperature changes.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "In other words, increasing atmospheric CO2 is not causing global temperature to rise; instead the natural cyclic increase in global temperature is causing global CO2 to rise.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS You need to point that temperatures have increased by a mere 1.5 degrees over the last 150 years and have stabilised this century.,slothful induction,3.4,hamburg_test3 "This attribution error evokes one of Mr. Koonin'rare rebukes : ""Pointing to hurricanes as an example of the ravages of human-caused climate change is at best unconvincing , and at worst plainly dishonest.""",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "All along the public was told the reason for rising temperatures was a result of the increase in global carbon emissions. Yet carbon emissions continue to rise, while temperatures do not.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS So it's going to be what it was like 500 + years ago. Whilst climate change is a thing. It's just the earth doing a cycle. In a 500 years we will have global cooling.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 “[CO2] is also a greenhouse gas which helps maintain earth at a habitable temperature.”,slothful induction,3,Alhindi_train Same junk 50 years ago and Miami is still here.,impossible expectations,1.6,hamburg_test3 "2000s Me: ""Hey thats weird that Planes are checkerboarding the Sky, noone finds this strange?""MSM: Conspiracy theorist Nut!! MSM 2022: Of Course they spray us with chemicals and seed clouds for rain, lol duh - they HAVE TO to save the world from Climate Change you monster!!",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test1 "A Dormant Sun: In February, TWTW reported a study from the Pulkovo Observatory in Russia stating that if the current solar cycle pattern continues, with little solar activity, the globe may experience a new Little Ice Age.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS "But like most claims regarding global warming, the real effect is small, probably temporary, and most likely due to natural weather patterns.",single cause,1.7,jintest "Global warming activists do not extend the record back any further, they say, because it has only been since the late 1800s that we have had a global network of mercury thermometers.",ad hominem,5.1.3,jintrain Professor emeritus of biogeography Philip Stott of the University of London explained the crux of the entire global warming debate when he rebutted the notion that CO2 is the main climate driver.,fake experts,2.3,CARDS "Well, I just read a study that showed that the climate hasn't warmed in 15 years globally.",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 Water vapor in the Earths atmosphere is a primary factor affecting climate long term and weather short term.,misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS "Climate Crisis? Ever Fewer People Dying Of Climate Disasters. There's Hype, And There's Reality",oversimplification,3.6,hamburg_test3 The little extra Co2 has made the planet green and more would increase crop yields and feed more peopleCo2 is Plant food. Simple,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 "Haven't Global Temperatures Risen Before? Yes. In the longer term, say hundreds to thousands of years, there is considerable indirect, proxy evidence (not from thermometers) of both warming and cooling. Since humankind can't be responsible for these early events, this is evidence that nature can cause warming and cooling. If that is the case, it then opens up the possibility that some (or most) of the warming in the last 50 years has been natural, too.",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS "As you can see, only in the driest desert on earth will increasing CO2 increase the back radiation. Water vapor is by far the strongest greenhouse gas, but it is nearly saturated at 10% humidity. At 10% humidity and above, no amount of CO2 does anything. Most of the humidity on earth is in that area on the right where doubling CO2 will do nothing to increase the long-wave radiation from the sky. Yet another CAGW fail.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS """The western media is hijacking the conversation around climate change‚"" writes @LouDelBello in this thread.",ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test3 "The annual trend of the departures as shown below indicates a flat or slightly cooling trend, and not global warming at all. Yes they fluctuate but that does not mean the trend is warming.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS "France has had the coldest April since 1947 Yet Macron vows to get France out of oil, gas, and coal while Paris freezes.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2 The fact is that any supposed damage caused by human driven climate change is being massively over exaggerated to further agendas and line pockets. Humanity has far more serious threats facing it.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test1 "The coalition alleged that the method used to collect national temperature records, which show a national warming trend of almost one degree Celsius in the past century, almost 50 per cent above the global average, had been unscientific. That had created an unrealistic and unreliable indication of climate warming, it said.",ad hominem,5.1.3,CARDS "“The IPCC reports also don’t fully account for the albedo effect (less ice means less reflected and more absorbed sunlight, hence more warming); more cloud cover (which traps heat); or the dieback of forests and other flora (which extract carbon from the atmosphere). Each of these promises to accelerate warming”",misrepresentation,5.2.5,Alhindi_train "However, since actual CO2 production is already below IPCC forecasts, we might take a more reasonable date of 2080-2100 for a doubling to 560. And, combining this with our derived sensitivity of 1C (rather than RealClimate's 3C) we will get 0.5C more warming in the next 75-100 years. This is about the magnitude of warming we experienced in the last century, and most of us did not even notice.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS Climate change is the new religion used to control and tax the masses.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3 Sea level is not rising appreciably in California. The global warming industry is reduced to nothing but fantasy.,cherry picking,1.6,CARDS There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who do not agree with the IPCC conclusion that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are very probably likely to be primarily responsible for the global warming that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution.,fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS "Yet another bitterly cold, snowy winter is destroying alarmist global warming claims, proving once again that over-the-top global warming predictions are proving no more scientifically credible than snake oil.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The tiny effect of rising CO2 levels on climate contrasts sharply with their enormous benefits to plant growth and agriculture. Not only is more CO2 greening deserts, forests and grasslands; it is increasing grain and food yields worldwide, and helping people in developing nations live longer, healthier lives.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "The new snowfall brought the depth of accumulated snow to 65 centimetres (26 inches), setting an all-time record for April.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "While the mass media, Al Gore and politicized bodies like the IPCC scaremonger about the perils of global warming and demand the poor and middle class pay CO2 taxes, both hard scientific data and circumstantial evidence points to a clear cooling trend.",ad hominem,5.2.2,CARDS Climate change is bs. It's made up propaganda. Models are bought and paid for by commies wanting to redistribute wealth. Rich get richer poor get poorer.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test1 "Second, all mainstream climate models predict a hotspot, a warming in the upper troposphere (about 10 km or 6 miles up, in the tropics) caused by an ascending water vapor emissions layer, during periods of warming such as the 1980s and 1990s. This is crucial, because two thirds of their predicted warming is from water vapor; only one third is directly due to increasing carbon dioxide. So no hotspot means not much cause for alarm. Our only suitable instruments for detecting the hotspot are weather balloonsthirty million of them since the 1950s, released from hundreds of locations, twice a day. They show no hotspot, and indicate that the water vapor emissions layer descended slightly instead. Satellites are unsuitable because they intrinsically aggregate information from several vertical kilometers into each data point, but the predicted ascent is only tens of meters.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS mann fixed his hockey stick numbers,ad hominem,5.1.2,hamburg_test3 Plymouth Rock still at sea level 600 years later…,anecdote,1.6,hamburg_test3 "Carbon dioxide, a trace gas absolutely essential for human and other life, is currently four one-hundredths of 1 percent of the atmosphere.",misrepresentation,2.3.1,CARDS "The simple fact is, humans know very little about the climate cycles of our world.",slothful induction,5.1,jintrain "The Democrats' superstar witness was renowned climatologist Al Gore, who had earned a C and a D in the only science courses he took in college.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS "a study that totally debunks the whole concept of man-made Global Warming,",fake experts,5.1.1,Alhindi_train I can’t imagine how uniquely obtuse one must be to believe the bovine excrement of climate change.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "at the end of recent ice ages, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere started to rise only after temperatures began to climb.",false choice,2.3.3,Alhindi_dev "You global Marxists are using the very crisis your ideology created to nudge, shove & control humanity.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "Global warming bah humbug - IR act won't do much about it but Maybe the ""Let er Rip"" disease fighting policy will eventually have an impact. Thanos was right",impossible expectations,4.2.3,hamburg_test3 Whitehouse said the massive fall in temperatures following the end of El Nino meant the warming hiatus or slowdown may be coming back.,cherry picking,1.4,jintrain "On a global scale , as scientists keep confirming, there has been no increase in frequency or intensity of storms, floods or droughts",cherry picking,1.7,jintrain Damn so there was global warming in 61.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 "The US Midwest is having its coolest summer, after its second coldest winter on record. During the winter of 1932, the average temperature was above freezing.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Below 150 ppm, 99% of life on Earth goes extinct. Earth is CO2 starved.",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 The rate of sea-level rise has not accelerated .,slothful induction,1.6,jintrain The first rule of climate change fanaticism is that no story is ever considered too outlandish or preposterous for purposes of public consumption.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 Climate always changes. Take the little Ice Age. Vikings had to abandon Greenland. Now things are warming up. We need to destroy the Sun to prevent climate change.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "In the past, the atmospheric carbon dioxide content has been orders of magnitude higher than now, yet there were ice ages.",single cause,2.1.4,jintrain Saying electric vehicles are better for the environment is like saying vaping is better than cigarettes. It's somewhat true but just replaces one bad habit with another.,false equivalence,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 "December 2010 is ""almost certain"" to be the coldest since records began in 1910, according to the Met Office. The Independent, 18 December 2010",anecdote,1.3,CARDS But-but-but-but Alexandria Ocasio-Crazy told me we only have 12 years!,misrepresentation,5.2.3,Alhindi_test "I note particularly that sea-level rise is not affected by the warming; it continues at the same rate, 1.8 millimeters a year, according to a 1990 review by Andrew S. Trupin and John Wahr.",slothful induction,1.6,Alhindi_train "The highest record temperature ever reported was 136 degrees Fahrenheit in Libya in 1922. The record high temperature for the United States was 134 degrees Fahrenheit in Death Valley, California in 1913. Fossil fuel emissions in 1913 and 1922 were negligible compared to today.",single cause,1.7,jintrain "Carbon dioxide gas is NOT a pollutant, but a harmless and vital gas which trees and plants fix by the process of photosynthesis and liberate oxygen to the atmosphere. We humans and all animals need this oxygen to breath and survive.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS Carbon dioxide is a trace gas in the atmosphere.,misrepresentation,2.3.1,Alhindi_dev "Coral Reefs Unharmed by Anthropogenic Global Warming, Major New Study Shows",cherry picking,3.2.3,hamburg_test3 "Levels of CO2 far beyond what we will ever be able to achieve in the ambient atmosphere are highly beneficial for plant growth, which is why most commercial greenhouses use CO2 generators to keep CO2 at 3x to 4x ambient levels, at significant expense. They spend the money to keep CO2 levels high because that dramatically improves productivity.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS Climate change has not been proven it can't.,impossible expectations,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 "How Chretien, as the leader of a large, cold, northern, oil-exporting country, could have committed Canada to an emissions treaty that excluded the U.S. and required nothing of China, defies explanation to this day.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "A carbon tax, whether imposed by the United States unilaterally or by the industrialized world, would have virtually no effect on temperatures over the course of this century.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "A climate economics approach finds that today, contrary to the alarmists massive insistence on negatives-only stories, global warming causes about as much damage as benefits.",misrepresentation,3,jintrain "When you figure out how to regulate the Sun, we can discuss reversing climate change that's been going on for millions of years.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "A new paper finds that over the past decade the global average effective cloud height has declined and that If sustained, such a decrease would indicate a significant measure of negative cloud feedback to global warming.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS "Just like Dr Mann's ""hockey stick"" graph he had cut off the tree-ring data just at the point where it stopped showing an upward trend and swapped in thermometer temperatures for recent decades, making them look much warmer.",ad hominem,5.1.2,jintrain There are far bigger problems to worry about than climate change,false choice,3.4,hamburg_test3 We dont really know how clouds are formed. Water vapour impacts the climate more than any other gas.,misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS "This debate as I argue at some length in Watermelons was always about left-wing ideology, quasi-religious hysteria, and follow the money corruption, never about ""science.""",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain We are asked to believe that humans are drastically changing the earths climate by burning fossil fuels. The problem with their theory is very simple: It is NOT true.,slothful induction,2.3,CARDS The raw data from the Envisat satellite from 2004-2012 show sea level rising at a rate equivalent to an unalarming 3.2 cm/century:,slothful induction,1.6,CARDS Vast regions of Africa's deserts at one time were covered in ocean water climate change it's been going on since the earth was formed,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "Ugh. You're doing it wrong. It's climate change now. How else does one explain the record cold, or blame carbon emissions on both floods and drought at the same time?",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 #TheLeft replaced {Racism in everything} with #ClimateChange new playbook drivers:● create Situation as Crisis● cue #IdentityPolitics ● push ClimateChange2020 Covid *redistribute €£$2021 Vax *control via Digital IDs2022 Heatwave #RinseRepeat all above reduce #Workforce,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 Global warming is unlikely to happen during the next 30 years since the world 60-year climate cycle is heading for colder weather due to changing ocean surface temperatures and changes in deep ocean currents,single cause,1.2,CARDS Science that changes as quickly as this Science has is called a lie.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test1 FFS This is not meant to happen Global Warming? Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover At 56-Year High,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "“The most famous of these studies, published in 2010 by Paul Kench and Arthur Webb of the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission in Fiji, showed that of 27 Pacific islands, 14% lost area. Yet 43% gained area, with the rest remaining stable.”",oversimplification,1.6,Alhindi_dev It is currently 87 degrees in Tampa FL! Who would have ever imagined Florida in July as one of the coolest places to be in July! What climate change???!!!!,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 Global warming is a myth so say 80 graphs from 58 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in 2017.,cherry picking,1,jintrain "In theory a doubling of CO2 should cause about a 1 degree increase in temperature before any feedback effects are accounted, but feedbacks could be negative (dampening rather than amplifying temperature forcings), so there no reason, just from what we know about the greenhouse mechanism, that CO2 has to be a significant player.",slothful induction,2.3.4,CARDS "The reality is that the infra-red active gases act more like an umbrella providing the Earths surface with shade to keep it cool than like a greenhouse to keep it warmer. It is a much more realistic description of the infra-red active gases to call them shade gases, rather than greenhouse gases.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "Mr. Koonin's science credentials are impeccable unlike, say, those of one well-known Swedish teenager to whom the media affords great attention on climate matters.",fake experts,5.2.4,jintrain Troy is forecast to be 22 degrees cooler today than it was on the same day in 1926. Experts tell us that this dramatic reduction in temperature since 1926 is due to man-made global warming.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Abundant CO2 also increases the biomass, numbers and total surface area of lateral roots and fine-roots, enabling plants to absorb more water and soil nutrients, and obtain sufficient phosphorus even when it is in short supply in soils. Carbon dioxide also stimulates nitrogen fixation, helping plants to form stronger symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria, further increasing photosynthetic rates.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Hottest day in Atlanta in last 100 years, July 17, 1980. So much for global warming?",anecdote,1.7,hamburg_test3 "Although some researchers doubted the existence of a global warming hiatus because of coverage bias, artificial inconsistency, and a change point analysis of instrumental Ts records,’ a just-published study at Nature.com’s Scientific Reports found, ‘it is now accepted that a recent warming deceleration can be clearly observed.",cherry picking,1.4,Alhindi_train “precipitation from global warming will make the world much greener”,oversimplification,3.3,Alhindi_train Electric cars provide perhaps a thousandth in climate benefit of their substantial public subsidies.,misrepresentation,4.2.3,jintrain Climate change agenda BS: along with the weirs and millstreams that have been a feature of the British landscape since before the Norman Conquest.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "Warmer is better for humanity - fewer deaths, generally better health, etc - so you could argue that a slight global warming is a planet-wide 'good thing'.",oversimplification,3.6,hamburg_test3 "Recent global climate variation is entirely within natural cyclical variation, cooling trend now underway and is likely to continue to 2030's, according to best data.",single cause,1.2,CARDS Climate change hoopla about rising ocean levels did not stop the purchase.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 Climate change activities are a deception from satan to divert people's attention from the signs of the end time.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "But anyone who looks at the data (shown in Figure 1) will see that no matter which caused the other, the changes in temperature from ice-age cold to interglacial warmth are about 10C while the change in CO 2 is about 100ppm. Since the late 1800s, the temperature has warmed a bit less than 1C , while the CO 2 concentration has increased by a bit less than 100ppm. In other words, the natural, historical relationship between CO 2 and temperature is about 10 times weaker than that observed over the past 100 or so years. Thus, there is no way that the temperature rise from the Little Ice Age to the present can be the cause of an atmospheric CO 2 increase of nearly 100ppmthe reasonable expectation would be about 10ppm. This line of reasoning is off by an order of magnitude.",false equivalence,2.3,CARDS It will never fly in Alberta or Saskatchewan where most of our Farming is. We are a tough bunch.,cherry picking,4.3.2,hamburg_test3 "Objective scientific data verify winters are getting colder, which counters the key prerequisite to EDF's pine beetle claim. NOAA temperature data show winter temperatures in the United States have been getting colder for at least the past two decades. Pine beetles can not be taking advantage of warmer winters if winters are in fact getting colder.",cherry picking,1.3,jindev "Agree, no climate crisis or emergency, climate changes all the time a natural phenomena.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 Except climate change has been around since the dawn of the planet.Remember when their was an Ice Age?Remember when the climate changed?,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "As Mr Koonin illustrates, tornado frequency and severity are also not trending up; nor are the number and severity of droughts.",cherry picking,1.7,jintrain "But no matter how cold it gets, global-warming adherents insist its all part and parcel of what they believe to be abnormal and soon-to-be-catastrophic warming of the planets surface due to mans reckless introduction of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS "Have you seen the indoctrinating propaganda delivered via TV commercials? ""Let's have a conversation about climate change. Net Zero emissions. The rational middle."" How calming. How nice. Destroying America is so sensible.Rational middle? How about ""extreme far-left lunacy?""",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "Because so small a fraction of global emissions will be abated by the scheme, simple calculations based on the IPCCs central assumptions about how much warming will occur this century (which, for the sake of argument, I simply accepted as correct) show that as a result of the full and successful operation of the scheme global CO2 concentration will fall from 410 to er 409.93 parts per million by volume by the end of the decade.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "In the last month, the Arctic Oscillation Index (AO) has gone strongly negative. You can see that it headed to its negative peak right about the time the Copenhagen Climate Conference started, so it is no wonder that they ironically experienced cold and snow there. It is also a setup for the record snow and cold Canada and the USA has seen recently.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "I'm thinking that the ""coldest December on record"" in Siberia could be significant. Not just one day, mind you, but the entire month so far.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "As global warming pushes temperatures up, more people will die in heat waves; a point emphasized by campaigners like UN climate chief, Christiana Figueres. What we don't hear from her is that fewer people will die from cold.",oversimplification,3.6,jintrain My close examination of recent research has revealed that serious inconsistencies exist within the polar bear literature and between that literature and public statements made by some researchers.,ad hominem,5.2.5,jintrain "No, the lack of 3km of ice over Canada is evidence of climate change",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "At one point, Smith showed a slide of two charts that he said demonstrated how the rate of sea-level rise does not equal the sharp spike in the consumption of fossil fuels.",cherry picking,1.6,jintest "Memo to believers of global catastrophe: Here's a strategic tip - run, flee, hide, and avoid the Hot Spot argument at all costs. (You can't win). Either the hot spot is missing because the models exaggerate wildly, or the hot spot is there but we can't see it because the world hasn't warmed as much as those thermometers-near-carparks are claiming it has.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS "“[…]an explanation of the fluctuations of the earth’s temperatures that global warming alarmists are going to make sure to bury: The cycle of changes in the climate over the millennia is a result of changes in the amount of solar radiation, in part caused by small changes in the orbits of Earth and Mars.”",single cause,2.1.1,Alhindi_dev "His conclusion: ""Because of the saturation effect in the energy absorption of CO2 molecules with increasing concentration and short residence time, the further increase in temperature could be therefore only at most a few tenths of a degree, if at all. However, the known fossil reserves would be exhausted by then.""",oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS Climate change is a natural event. We have had three ice ages and gets warmer. Today is no different!,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 "For instance, wind turbines kill birds and insects, and palm-oil plantations destroy the biodiversity of the rainforests.",cherry picking,4.4.1,jindev Any extra CO2 is already increasing the fertility and reducing water needs of all plant life and thus enhancing world food production.,oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "The problem with the proponents of man-made climate change theories isn't that they might be wrong. The real issue is the arrogance and zealotry found in people who see science not as an ongoing process, but as a religion.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain These folk wanted to live on the water and made their living from it. Sea level is rising at 2 mm/yr with no acceleration.,slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3 "Greenland 's ice sheet has melted to a point of no return, and efforts to slow global warming will not stop it from disintegrating.",false choice,4.3,jintrain "In comparison to water in all of its forms, the effect of the carbon dioxide increase over the last century on the temperature of the earth is about as significant as a few farts in a hurricane!",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS "The earth is 15 years from a period of low solar activity similar to that last seen during the ""mini ice-age"" of the 17th century, when the Thames froze.",false equivalence,2.1.4,jintrain "Climate has always changed, there've been many extinction events, our impact is negligible. All this worry over Global Warming, no - Cooling, wait - Aerosols, Ozone, ahh bugger ""current thing""",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3 "Apparently, many in Washington and elsewhere, particularly those in the Administration, remain ignorant of the critical role CO2 has in life on the planet and the enormous benefits that enhanced atmospheric carbon dioxide is providing to plant life, to the environment, and to humanity.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Can you offer evidence of a climate emergency rather than calling people deniers? What data leads you to believe that climate sensitivity is high, which is the only thing that matters when all the latest data says it's low? Why do you want to shut down debate?",cherry picking,3.1,hamburg_test3 "Obviously this was a bit of a problem for the Scare Campaign. Much of the amplifying feedback created in the models also creates the hot-spot, so without any evidence that the hot-spot is occurring, there goes the disaster (and the urgent need for funding and junkets).",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS "Another transfer of wealth in the name of ""Climate Change"".",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test1 "Climate change is a natural process as the earth alternates between icehouse phases and greenhouse phases. The planet cools down, then it warms up again, always has, always will.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 Models are not scientific proof.,impossible expectations,5.1.4,hamburg_test3 They've been saying it's too late since the 1970s. If you believed Al Gore Manhattan and Florida would be underwater right now. Career politicians are a bigger threat to this country then any climate change.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test2 """We should fear a deep temperature drop - not catastrophic global warming,"" warns Abdussamatov",slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3 "At the current sea-level-equivalent ice-loss rate of 0.05 millimeters per year, it would take a full millennium to raise global sea level by just 5 cm, and it would take fully 20,000 years to raise it a single meter.",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS "The monetary cost of damages has increased dramatically in recent decades, but that is due to increasing population, wealth and the amount of vulnerable infrastructure. It's not due to stronger storms.",single cause,1.7,jintest Three bulldozer operators worked on the 4th of July trying to break down mountains of snow still towering over parts of Anchorage after the city broke its annual snowfall record of 132.6 inches.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS Not started by climate change. Dry weather creates conditions for fires. I lived in Texas for many years and still have family there. We would go for weeks without rain. People being careless in these times is the reason.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 Many other major news outlets did not even report on the study.,ad hominem,5.2.2,jintrain "Equating the Third Reich with the free society's fossil-fuel reliance, and charging Republicans with climate destruction, is from the theater of the absurd.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "For people experiencing an increase in vegetation in previously barren regions , this greening of the Earth is welcome and wonderful news .",oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev How is it possible that there is MORE Coral now? Climate change was supposed to destroy it!,cherry picking,3.2.3,hamburg_test3 "This means that most (1.71/1.98 = 86%) of the upward trend in carbon dioxide since CO2 monitoring began at Mauna Loa 50 years ago could indeed be explained as a result of the warming, rather than the other way around.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "“while it’s true that studies in some regions show polar bears are lighter in weight than they were in the 1980s, there is no evidence that more individuals are starving to death or becoming too thin to reproduce because of less summer ice.”",slothful induction,3.2.2,Alhindi_dev "As usual, the Gov pushing Climate Change as harmful to the planet and for mankind to reduce its Carbon footprint is all ass backwards. The more C02 the livelier the vegetables and output for our food. They literally killing off everything sustainable 2 us",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 "Actually, northeast Atlantic white sharks range from the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and their numbers are returning to normal thanks to conservation efforts.Stop spreading climate change hooey.",oversimplification,3.2,hamburg_test3 This is a critical error. Getting the tropical climate right is essential to understanding climate worldwide.,cherry picking,5.1.4,Alhindi_train "The changes in CO2 concentrations actually follow the temperature changes by about 800 years, not the other way round, which is most likely to be explained by the fact that less CO2 is dissolved in the oceans the higher their temperature, so called ocean outgassing.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS "The scientific method dictates that when the models aren't working, it's time to rework the models and assumptions, not double down by invoking unicorns and leprechauns to explain why up is really down.",misrepresentation,5.1.4,CARDS Till then all this climate change garbage is a total hoax,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 There isn't even evidence that our ability to adapt to the climate isn't faster than the rate of climate change.Dismissing that would be extremely bias. It's valid,slothful induction,3.2.1,hamburg_test3 "You are so right, but so many people have been indoctrinated with this Climate Change BS and are too stupid to find out the facts from reliable and competent scientific sources speaking as a scientist.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 Sad to say Simon but you & the rest of the media & schools need to take a hard look at yourselves for damaging young peoples mental health with the hyperbolic climate change predictions.,ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test3 "Whitehouse, a scientist who works with Lord Lawson's sceptic Global Warming Policy Foundation",fake experts,5.1.1,jintrain Clearly a deadly combo of white supremacy and climate change.With a dash of patriarchy,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "And the great middle can be excused for realizing that obsessing about climate change is avoiding a frank discussion about the here-and-now problems of budget deficits, the federal debt, school choice, entitlement reform, and so on.",false choice,4.2,jintrain "Once again, we have yet another experimental demonstration of the fact that atmospheric CO 2 enrichment generally enables plants to find the extra nitrogen they need to take full advantage of the aerial fertilization effect of elevated atmospheric CO 2 concentrations, with the result that total ecosystem carbon content is increased , resulting in a negative feedback to anthropogenic CO 2 emissions.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS "Currently , sea-level rise does not seem to depend on ocean temperature , and certainly not on CO2.",false choice,1.6,jindev "Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will ""go to sleep"" in 2030 and could cause temperatures to plummet.",single cause,1.2,CARDS The globe has been cooling since 1998,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3 "There are measurable cycles with the sun, Earth's orbit , oceans and moon that drive climate change, especially if cycles coincide. It has yet to be demonstrated that the climate change today is any different from those of the past.",single cause,2.1.4,jintest I was just pointing out you can find any answer you want you just need to ask the right question.Luckily they changed the name from global warming to climate change or all east coast Australians would be questioning their faith.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 "Temperature in Greenland now is -67F, and only needs to warm up 100 degrees to get above freezing.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS """Even if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen trees, if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions, guess what? That still wouldn't be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world. If all the industrial nations went down to zero emissions it wouldn't be enough, not when more than 65 percent of the world's carbon pollution comes from the developing world.""",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS "If there is no tropical upper troposphere hotspot, then there is no positive feedback, and thus, no climate change crisis as predicted by the IPCC. If there is no hotspot, then the IPCC hypothesis of CO2 caused global warming (AGW) is essentially proven false.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS "Globally there's no clear evidence of trends and patterns in extreme events such as droughts, hurricanes and floods. Some regions experience more, some less and some no trend.",cherry picking,1.7,jindev I do not believe the assertion that CO2 is the main force behind climate change. It's a money laundering scheme.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test2 "On June 2, the temperature in Stockholm rose only to 6C, the coldest high in 84 years. Earlier in the month one town recorded a temperature of 6C below zero the coldest June temperature in Sweden in 20 years. Snow even blanketed parts of northern Sweden.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS "The greenhouse gas (water vapor) that produces 95% of the 'greenhouse effect' near the surface is also the component in the atmosphere that sets the lapse rate. The supposed amplification of AGW by the increase in the concentration of water vapor by an increase in the concentration of CO 2 is contradicted by the measurements taken by radiosondes of temperature changes in the atmosphere, which clearly show that an increase in the concentration of water vapor causes the temperature of the surface to fall rather than rise.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS That’s why they changed the term to “Climate Change”… Covers basically everything!!,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test1 "Professor Lance Enderbee has published graphs of mean temperatures from 27 rural recording stations in Australia for 100 years from 1890 to 1990. The trend is horizontal, with mean temperature in 1990 below that for 1880. This has occurred during the century of the motor car, two world wars, and massive growth of coal burning for steel production and power generation. Rising carbon dioxide levels have had no effect on temperatures.",cherry picking,2.3.3,CARDS "Temperature, like viscosity and density, and of course phone numbers, is not something that can be meaningfully averaged. ""Global temperature"" does not exist.",impossible expectations,5.1.3,jintrain "And last month, Brown told a conference at the Vatican that the world needed ""brain washing"" on climate change.",ad hominem,5.2.3,jintrain Anthropogenic global warming is a scam. Co2 is a control plan for the world's elites. I am not your enemy.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 So no I would not agree that it's a primary contributor to the global warming that we see. But we don't know that yet. We need to continue the debate and continue the review and the analysis.,slothful induction,5.1.1,jintrain They don't know it or think it but they are some of the most fervently religious people in the world Instead of God it's climate change Instead of communion it's abortion,false equivalence,5.2.1,hamburg_test2 """When we distract our military with a radical climate change agenda, we detract from their main purpose of defending America from enemies"" like the Islamic State, said Mr. Buck of Colorado, the Republican congressman who sponsored the measure.",false choice,4.1.2,jintrain "Australia's proposed carbon tax would have reduced worldwide temperatures by 1/20,000 th of a degree after ten years. (One twenty-thousandth .)",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "The result was an overall cooling effect that completely contradicts claims made by NASAs own climatology division that greenhouse gases are a cause of global warming. As illustrated by data collected using Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER), both carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), which are abundant in the earths upper atmosphere, greenhouse gases reflect heating energy rather than absorb it",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "We are already seeing a recovery of the Atlantic sector of the Arctic sea ice, and some hints of cooling in Greenland.",cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS "People welcoming tyranny to fight fake climate change can't read the writing in the sky. The weather isn't changing its being tampered with by the same people that want to tax you and lock you down to ""save"" you.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test1 "More than 100 climate models over the past 30 years did not predict what actually happened because it was assumed carbon dioxide had the pivotal role in driving climate change and that the effects of clouds, back-radiation and the sun were trivial.",cherry picking,5.1.4,Alhindi_train "Temperatures were up to 7 degrees Fahrenheit warmer globally, at least double that at the poles, and sea levels were some 20 meters ( 65 feet ) higher. How is that possible 2,999,945 years before Americans moved to the suburbs and lit up the charcoal grills?",single cause,2.1.4,jintrain "The year as a whole is currently running as the second coldest since 1996, beaten only by the exceptionally cold year of 2010. Temperatures so far in December are 2 degrees below normal, and the Met Office are forecasting that this will continue for the foreseeable future.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS The difference between recorded temperatures and reported temperatures has been slowly rising in recent years.,ad hominem,5.1.3,jintrain "Trump's other nominees , such as State Department nominee Rex Tillerson and Interior Department nominee Ryan Zinke, have been less dismissive of climate change in their confirmation hearings, acknowledging at least some human contribution to the phenomenon but also raising questions either about the extent to which it is human-caused or about our capacity to predict the consequences.",impossible expectations,5.1,jintrain "The CPP's Climate Benefits Are Illusory. EPA claims the CPP will deliver $31 billion in climate benefits to the American people in 2030. That is impossible because, even assuming EPA climate sensitivity estimates, the CPP will avert less than 0.02 C of global warming by 2100 too small an amount to have any discernible impact on sea-level rise, weather patterns, polar bear populations, or any other climate-related variable people care about.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS Erroneous greenhouse effect assumptions are only the tip of the iceberg for the multitude of other climate model failings,misrepresentation,5.1.4,CARDS We're all being had in the great reset for the climate change hoax - to MAKE you drive an electric car OR not at all!,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2 Winter? Teesdale in County Durham blanketed in snow on May 23 in what is likely to be Britains coldest spring since 1962,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "In 2010 we also got like 6 feet of snow (hyperbole). Happened in 96 as well. Texas also froze over the last 2 years. I don't deny climate change, and I don't deny man's impact, but weird local weather is not evidence. Let's chill",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 “Global human emissions are only 3 per cent of total annual emissions.”,oversimplification,2.5,Alhindi_test "“Late 20th century and early 21st century global warming, they show, is neither dramatic, nor unusual, nor scary. Here … are just some of the charts to prove it.”",false equivalence,2.1.4,Alhindi_dev "International Energy Agency, a global analysis organization, “continue to see a role for coal for the foreseeable future.”",misrepresentation,3.2.3,Alhindi_test "The global temperature ""savings"" of the Kerry-Lieberman bill is astoundingly small - 0.043 C (0.077 F) by 2050 and 0.111 C (0.200 F) by 2100. In other words, by century's end, reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 83% will only result in global temperatures being one-fifth of one degree Fahrenheit less than they would otherwise be. That is a scientifically meaningless reduction.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "I don't deny the buildup in atmospheric carbon dioxide in the last century. But that doesn't mean it is driving climate change. That's an assumption, a hypothesis derived from principles based on laboratory experiments and extrapolated to the complex climate system as a whole.",impossible expectations,5.1,hamburg_test3 But this is just ugly propaganda.,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain "In this satellite image the blue colour in the northern hemisphere represents low carbon dioxide emissions from the industrial nations of the US, UK and EU. The red colour in the southern hemisphere represents high carbon emissions from forested vegetation areas in equatorial regions. This is precisely the opposite of what an alarmist and quiescent mainstream media would have you believe.",ad hominem,5.2.2,CARDS "Sure enough, the Climategate emailers, who effectively but invisibly control the UN's climate panel to a dangerous extent, pretended that Professor Reiter's nomination papers had not been received.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "Cooling trends have been ""homogenised"" to warming trends.",ad hominem,5.1.3,jintrain "Even if human-induced global warming could be shown, a reduction in Australian emissions, comprising 1.3 per cent of global annual emissions, is dwarfed by annual increases of 2 per cent globally and 4 per cent by China.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,jintrain "4. CO2 COOLS, NOT WARMS, THE ATMOSPHERE. This one is a little more subtle because the net effect of greenhouse gases is to cool the upper atmosphere, and warm the lower atmosphere, compared to if no greenhouse gases were present. Since any IR absorber is also an IR emitter, a CO2 molecule can both cool and warm, because it both absorbs and emits IR photons.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS "So again, none of them prove sea levels are actually rising because of global warming. Or even that sea levels are actually rising whatsoever. Other than the effected areas by natural disasters or human intervention etc",slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3 "“For example, Canadian polar bear biologist Ian Stirling learned in the 1970s that spring sea ice in the southern Beaufort Sea periodically gets so thick that seals depart, depriving local polar bears of their prey and causing their numbers to plummet. But that fact, documented in more than a dozen scientific papers, is not discussed today as part of polar bear ecology.”",cherry picking,3.2.2,Alhindi_test "Accelerating , rapid and ""runaway, tipping point"" global warming does not exist, nor is it even remotely and/or feasibly ""imminent""",misrepresentation,3.1,CARDS "The two-week period, last week of November and first week of December is the coldest since CET records began in 1659.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS Carbon dioxide is plant food.,oversimplification,3.3.1,jintrain "Your ""climate change crisis"" is not a crisis it's a power grab scam.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3 "But, we have this graph charting the rise and fall of arctic sea ice for the last 365 days, notice that the arctic sea ice is right back where it started at in February 2007.",cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS Only in unverified computer models cited by the IPCC does CO2 drive climate change.,slothful induction,5.1.4,CARDS 4 C in Brisbane! Global warming stopped!,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2 "Mr Watson, the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change's coastal unit team leader, analysed data taken over 100 years by tidal gauges at Fremantle, Auckland, Fort Denison in Sydney and Newcastle, and found a weak deceleration of sea-level rises between 1940 and 2000.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS Yet other scientists claim this is a red herring because of the positive feedback loop created by water vapour.,fake experts,5.1.1,Alhindi_train "Due to co2 & climate change, the biosphere is growing by 21 gigatons per yr & growth is accelerating.",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3 "My peer-reviewed research, published last November in the journal Global Policy, shows that even if every nation were to fulfill all their carbon-cutting promises by 2030 and stick to them all the way through the century - at a cost of more than $ 100 trillion in lost GDP - global temperature rise would be reduced by a tiny 0.3F ( 0.17C ).",impossible expectations,4.2.3,jintrain There are hard limits on how much theatrical agitation against fossil-fuel extraction can accomplish. And the past year of high and rising energy prices has exposed them.,impossible expectations,4.3,hamburg_test1 "We are dealing with environmental groups, the IPCC, and government leaders like Obama for whom the telling of huge and blatantly obvious lies about global warming is nothing compared to the billions generated by the hoax for the universities and scientists that line their pockets supporting it and industries that benefit by offering ways to capture carbon dioxide or conserve energy by first banning incandescent light bulbs.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS "The earth is cooling, the arctic ice is growing.",cherry picking,1.1.3,hamburg_test2 "The EDF's assertion about Glacier National Park is also misleading. Alpine glaciers at Glacier National Park and elsewhere have been receding for over 300 years, since the Earth's temperature bottomed out during the depths of the Little Ice Age. The warming of the past 300 years and the resulting recession of alpine glaciers predated humans building coal-fired power plants and driving SUVs.",single cause,1.1.4,jindev Actual weather records over the past 100 years show no correlation between rising carbon dioxide levels and local temperatures.,cherry picking,2.3.3,Alhindi_train You can’t stop the climate from changing. Its nature. It changes.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 "“According to the satellites, the late 2016 temperatures are returning to the levels they were at after the 1998 El Nino.”",cherry picking,1.4,Alhindi_train "In the geological past, Earth's atmosphere had hundreds of times the CO2 content of the modern atmosphere yet there were no carbon dioxide-driven catastrophes.",false equivalence,2.1.4,jintrain "“Several of the papers note that the primary influence on warming appears to be solar activity. Few, if any, entertain the notion that carbon dioxide levels have much to do with it.”",slothful induction,2.1.1,Alhindi_train "Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) said scientists said in the 1970s that the Earth was cooling, a popular talking point of climate skeptics and the subject of a fake Time magazine cover that has become a meme.",misrepresentation,5.1,jintest The elites have no problem flying anywhere in the world so problems are probably due to climate change (policy),ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2 "Climate is CONSTANTLY changing. And, if not for climate change, please tell me where all that ice about 10 or 11 thousand years ago went? A clue for ya: It wasn't used in mixed drinks.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2 since 1979 to the most reliable observations — those made by satellites and weather balloons over the vast tropics.,cherry picking,5.1.3,Alhindi_train "There is no ""radiative heat trapping"" as the net heat flow is nil between surface and air. And air does not ""warm the surface""!",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS This diminution effect is probably the reason there was no runaway greenhouse warming caused by CO2 in earlier eons when CO2 levels were known to be at levels of several thousands ppm v . The following simplifying diagram shows the logarithmic diminution effect using tranches of 100ppm v up to 1000ppm v and the significance of differing CO2 concentrations on the biosphere:,oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS it's Impossible for green energy to replace FF.,slothful induction,4.4.1,hamburg_test3 "The question is not whether there's climate change been going on for millions of years, the question is major causes, sorry but co2 is only one of 1000s attributes",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1 What a load of BS. It has been cold all month and lots of snow. The albedo of the Greenland ice sheet is very high. These people have got to stop lying at some point.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Climatologically, the Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act, in and of itself, is a meaningless bill.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS Absurd group of fantasy fanatics.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1 "unfortunately, most of these green, CO2-jihadist climate scientists still pursue empirical malfeasance by purposefully misleading policymakers and the public with even more temperature fabrications",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS "Himalayas are still snow capped - we were told all the glaciers will melt and drown Kathmandu since 1990s. Must be Covid 19 delaying the ""climate change."" God is great.",impossible expectations,1.1,hamburg_test3 "In the United States alone , influenza kills 36,000 people every year, which dwarfs all heat-dependent viruses and diseases combined.",oversimplification,3.6,jindev "This line of thinking falls apart at the very beginning, of course, since it's not at all clear that global temperatures are driven by atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS 10 degrees in June global warming yeah right,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "Mother Nature controls the environment, not people. You can't ""fix"" the climate. That's why the politicians changed the name from global warming, because that didn't happen, to climate change. There is always climate change daily, they suck you in.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2 "Calling attention to anecdotal incidents of icebergs breaking off the Antarctic ice sheet, while deliberately ignoring the overall growth of the Antarctic ice sheet , is a misleading and favorite tactic of global warming alarmists.",cherry picking,1.1.1,jindev "In this century glaciers are growing, as seen in the Andes, Perito Moreno, Logan, the highest mountain in Canada, and with Franz-Josef Glacier, New Zealand, said Velasco Herrera.",cherry picking,1.1.4,CARDS I‚Äôm old enough to remember hearing about families pulling their mattresses onto the lawn to get relief from the heat so they could sleep. It's not a climate crisis; it's weather.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3 “Nor have various calamities that were supposed to have occurred by now materialized.”,cherry picking,5.1.4,Alhindi_train The logarithmic plots of CO2 doubling help demonstrate why CO2 won't cause a runaway greenhouse effect due to diminished IR returns as CO2 PPM's increase.,oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS "Meteorologists are what? You're so focused on scientist, that you're not even willing to disprove anything he said. Funny this ""climate change"" science has been ""consensus"" since the 40's but nothing they've created hysteria about ever came to fruition.",ad hominem,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 Earth to looney left. A record cold winter is the wrong time to be picking a global warming fight.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "* Climate changes without any help from us has for millions of years and as we can expect, always will with Ice Ages occurring during about 90 percent of the time.",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS "I'm dreaming of a white...climate change protest. As you might have seen on the Drudge Report, a demonstration in support of cap-and-trade legislation in Annapolis ended up covered in chilly snow yesterday. Where's your global warming, now?",anecdote,1.3,CARDS “[Those who signed the Paris Accord] cannot change Earth’s orbit and radiation released from the sun that drive climate”,single cause,2.1.1,Alhindi_dev yeah Buffalo New York I remember in the mid 70s when they were having snow like that and they thought we were going into a Ice Age so much for the global warming theory right.,misrepresentation,5.1,hamburg_test3 "This is exactly why ""global warming"" is now ""climate change""",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3 The fear factor has ebbed. They'll have to go back to the global warming hoax!,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2 "The 5% water vapour is more of an issue, but you can't tax that as its natural.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,hamburg_test3 "Patrick Michaels notes that even if all industrial countries faithfully meet their Kyoto targets, the amount of warming averted will be a miniscule 0.19oC by the year 2047 (if, that is, we assume the validity of the National Center for Atmospheric Research s newest climate model). Ground-based measurements probably could not verify that such a small change had actually occurred.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS "Until 2017, the United States went 11 years without a major hurricane strike - something that is statistically very improbable.",cherry picking,1.7,jintest we have been warned about rising sea levels for the last 40 yrs and nothing has happened,slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3 Initially it was assumed that constantly increasing atmospheric CO2 created constantly increasing temperature. Then it was determined that the first few parts per million achieved the greenhouse capacity of CO2.,oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS Two more members of the perpetually wrong club: James Hansen & Bill McKibben on Global Warming. Predicting the end is just few years away many times since the 1980s.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3 "If this crazy lady expects us to believe any kid dreams of “climate change”, it’s pure rhetoric or child abuse because she’s indoctrinated this into the child’s mind. Wouldn’t surprise me from the fascist left as they are worse than the scum of the earth",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1 "Record-Breaking Gloom Grips Britain As ""Nightmare"" Winter Approaches",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3 "Once again, scientists are trying to pretend that they know something scary, when in fact there is not one shred of evidence to support their claims.",slothful induction,5.1,CARDS "As we've noted in this space, the idea of ""settled science"" peddled by environmentalists and politicians defies the history of science, which has seen repeated upheavals of previous forms of ""settled science.""",false equivalence,5.1.1,jintrain "The direct warming effect of doubling the CO2 in the air is generally agreed to be little more than 1 C. However climate models produce exaggerated warming forecasts by assuming that strongly positive or amplifying temperature feedbacks, such as the increased capacity of warmer air to carry water vapour, a greenhouse gas. They assume that these positive feedbacks will turn 1 C of direct warming into 3 C of imagined catastrophe.",slothful induction,5.1.4,CARDS German weather site www.wetter.net here reports that 2013 in Germany was the second coldest year in a decade.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS "Abdussamatov, who was one of the researchers featured in the 2009 U.S. Senate Report of More Than 700 Dissenting Scientists Over Man-Made Global Warming.",fake experts,5.1.1,hamburg_test3 "There is no climate crisis,you've been duped.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2 Blaming every single summer heat wave or extreme weather event on global warming is a stale and discredited tactic in the alarmist playbook .,ad hominem,1.7,jindev It is a scam that dwarfs all others that have come before.,conspiracy theory,5.3,jintrain