sentence_id sentence sentence_domain source 0a4a34065374ba35d82716d2321820f46572888457050e008bedf1f9e25ef43e Қатыны семіз, ері арық, үй жұтынан сақтасын. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 0efbfa4424a2699dc685eac8d619af6b9e16e9de847ffb30db82cf3f900c1624 ысылмаған адамнан кедір-бұдыр сөз шығады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 15beba91796b0a1605e1572401fa8da1ed014be81b602a770bc8db311d1d5fe2 Мінгеспе, мінгессең, үндеспе. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 1ad3c5fb0d2dcf28396d7c34e57b2428c763ebced258f8feaad98ae1574b34e5 Сөз сүйектен өтеді, таяқ еттен өтеді, сөз тапқанға қолқа жоқ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 1d5ff0372970ad9643316fe6e1aef012fba0ee20a4468d2f6e291d1abc392cc9 Екіжүзді достан, ежелгі дұшпан артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 1dc1232a830bc4049e5da0af4e4394dccf21372e1e0bf64f15fba129a5ba366c ұяттан адам өлмейді, сағы сынады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 2106a5956b7cba58a6f750c5d2a482042b4d5e31cc7666f527e8d9e2461fc8e8 Өз үйің, өлең төсегің — сабырлық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 214d4336138583524f88f94589a331e94e539812c1d584fb0a07387007a54af2 Төртеу түгел болса, Төбедегі келеді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 21c62ee832ebcbdcdc0f514faaac3c8ab715b2184f4a54765b794477b72fef4c ұрыстың мерейі — ерлік, ьІрыстың мерейі — достық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 21dfccdb18db67510059bb16279efef8430a29a95f0a23cc3cf40d983885ddcd ұзын киім ұлымдікі, қысқа киім қызымдікі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 220337c9918508cec11428811ac140a9b28a053dc1c29ca249b9e8077d423cea Әкесін сыйламағанды, баласы сыйламайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 223f7790f01454d3404400fb5037db4268b5759396dc920c5bbd12d27210d819 ұрып, ұрып оймен жүргенше, ұрғызып, ұрғызып қырмен жүр. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 24bcc9f4e5c94dbd89b0ce54e60d1bddbfeb1404a81bd24d89b6c87c568b12ce Жақсы көрісіп, келіседі, жаман келісіп, керіседі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 257c83582e5b05114b585109cdd8c542f6fbfdb7c97b8b73fddfac678eaeaed9 Жаман да болса көршіңді жамандама. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 26063c22ea77f935095bf404619c94f70e8f80ac0d0a9425b76c9ac8d647b25c Саптыаяқтың сабы тесік, ерге жолдас, жолдасына қас қылған жігіт оңбас. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 266af7ca9d91a4d0c1fdce1488dedfa4cb4ca6389c49b42afb445b284d2a5913 Ағаны бордан, ініні зордан. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 269ccd13a242ce0836db88a83da2b5c9c0cf34eb845a6fc33ac2ea3f66e61cc6 Иттің аузына түскен қан соқта, жаншылмай шықпайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 2adddd8b7a2557ccd7ec95ae60709addb421f97ebdd0023c58cf8aedeebca65f Тозар елдің баласы, бірін-бірі «қатыным» дейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 2af04639c98890f46617200ac5c3015e6a39cd84fefa52335401ba286f7d982d Отан от басынан басталады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 2b6b528ba3c18306cb88f8422669fbaa2aeef10ee2757825fc3e3dad13049c02 «Адаспаймын» деген ерді, қараңғы тұман адастырады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 2c0cf52de1d2774004c768561e60d98491ca4937ea2241dab9ae552ebde29b5b Қайырлы күн Дарынның дарабоздары! Күндеріңіз сәтті өтсін. Оқушыларға 2cded65b30056e3836c8cf8f7d71eaf4f7193e3f33400a667badff2c0c124221 Еркек көрсе, рас, қатын көрсе, жаңылыс. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 2e4d56d0b58a8a7df406c5f6ea7ffa82471839b44e928c840a56e3a0604accb9 Түн соғыста дем алатын мезгіл емес, жаудан кек алатын мезгіл. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 314bf41d684e602d0fdf6a2bc3be64e9e8c021bc10d6a74ecb9f50cbe720b9df Он алтыншы желтоқсан – ата бабамыздың арманы орындалып, жасампаздығымызды жаңа белеске көтерген Тәуелсіздік күні. 31b909f6cda31424082e4278d033b05800798ce86315917ce4a7bcc7dea5efff Жақсы ұл көңіл тоғы, жаман ұл мұрын боғы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 31dda1211b6f1867d3abc5f3eb70c5a1b7a62ca4dc08c664dbc3bd8a0bca8fa1 Саптаяққа ас құйып, сабынан қарауыл қараған. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 330194b07ecb08a9ae8fd9db4295189bfe9c9f3bbe64936e09d088830a4a194c Көз жеткізер, көз жеткізбегенді сөз жеткізер көзбен көрген шындық, құлақпен естіген өтірік. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 331f5835d37aed73a76680a4d8dd04032968980685f4722721c73e36dce44a40 Оқу түбі — тоқу, оқу білім бұлағы, білім өнер шырағы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 35014ef29d14b59f91d58f8f4e0d91aac5aec1001dbce7f079eb8e578cb0540c Ер басына кун туса, үйінен безеді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 353427a26ef3a269d39cdf3e85ae14e46ddd041cd3599e1805a8bc8f82a7750a Оқымаған бір бала, оқыса екі бала. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 3757f4545d730b7f3f079aa7fd31ed3b36e6c0d9effea345496f6eb7e29c9e6d Өсер елдің баласы бірін-бірі «батыр» дер, өспес елдің баласы бірін-бір «қатын» дер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 37f86b667660aeda854411f1688b548782dffe0983466c8e4e525484b1913138 ұры басынып ұрлайды, қонақ таңдап қонады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 39c08007b8b6073b589a2e1e0bcd5ee0046ac6c8ca754ddc0d31fa9a3db28388 Әліпті «таяқ» деп білмейд. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 3c3c476804c2dbbf1052c31230829ed6252ee83eba82cde73f337d3537ddd0e1 Диханшылық түбі — кеңіс, саудагершілік түбі — борыш. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 3c50c1323d96570d0b0197782860cbdf44572d5147bcfc0e609676da9a24ee61 Бедеу қатын бойын сылар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 3c97f3a781bafa10e65da130c439d0fd1dceeca1640db5ba092e5e0509758de7 Арба сынса, отын, өгіз өлсе, етің. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 3cc6b98523f727fa269b92ea5100b780140a9cc1e7963441ef5fef446765a4c6 Ер азамат белгісі — түзде мырза, үйде құл. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 3f30a6215c2c875bdf3fa13a911008e60e1620febc073340cca9e9a2d04fa550 ұрымен жолдас болсаң, тамағың тояр. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 3f6d05a7be290ea4bc20607baf1028e4d4ebe890f23ca826da8d22db9f20f28e Алғаны жаман жігіттің ісінің сәті болмайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 3f8c516d3c7b4cbe97f8897e3a2126834232e08010376ff49b4640e21a7e7531 Құры сөзге дуа жоқ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 408a973e83958e2fb8f913d7b889318ef32ad8f367cf6a56093ad8e00bfae609 ұры бүлікке құмар, шыбын шірікке құмар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 4160f0bc784ddf08e9904ebc8b48c3e379c0b8ea411c1beb87317c0b7c99f23b Бүйректен сирақ шығарып. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 4205de7c67f8c127659205a08a4ed721bfd80aef8e028e5babce83eb5772daf5 ұл туғанға, күн туар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 420e2dd9cebca0c25f231d67d0f0a23badecbb403b7c6e47bee674a11feba67f Атасыз ұл ақылға жарымас, анасыз қыз жасауға жарымас. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 42ae1f9a8497559a6d5c5c7aa9279757aa321dde2606c2ea98bf73b035f6b47e Жақсының сөзі кепіл, жаманның өзі кепіл. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 43852645c78503bf9e217939de3c771406ba184c166f258f71277bf46749c7df Ағаны көріп іні өсер, ананы көріп сіңілі өсер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 43f96758d78f6667ca33b1c247e7a94193c5557cbbd817e4caa9059bba21fe2f Есердің мақтағанынан, естінің даттағаны артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 440a9cc659bfa46c10bed6228dab7a1bbe8ef0502d5b62c885a55dca392c5cb0 ұйқы — жанның тынысы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 4550095f3ef2bb30a1fe796300f54dce8c598068d0115f428913ec0709d013f7 Көше білмес жамандар, көшсе, көлік өлтірер, сөйлей білмес жамандар сөзді өзіне келтірер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 47eaa7924fff18521498bf96a211fd05953c3faf5fc3233b3edc4e47242e0b5b ұры басқаның малын жейді, өзінің арын жейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 488fd3e4d815d9dc381899fcb8eca61cec99ac08450c1f6dce69835525aefb2f Сабыр қылсаң елден бетер, жақсылық ұзамай жетер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 48b29bda49c5e82da92285f633eb06cb420983ba935d2f817c2efc6f02e92643 Тойдан қыныңа жақ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 48c09671de0a5e7fd4822d4221a57692980679b5f201494fea7a464e93d3c35e Би асылдан асыл болмас, би асылмен жолдас болсаң, мұрадың, сірә да, хасыл қалмас. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 4942d837d6b81450b5ae171cddadb9332ebe9c0492799180a4977e1bdd670959 ұятсыз қатын тұзсыз ас секілді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 49913bfdd27d69847bf06e7acaf7b4dae750602b97147a5afffa4d8adfccc900 Бай мен жарлы құда болса, «қайдан құда болдық» деп, зорға жүреді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 4a01e7e497ed6088cfab44ea05eb5000cb384d9712a42bdb435c3697b70d3ef3 Ексең, орарсың, берсең, аларсың. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 4b6c9cafd2f3f0937e81a8b3ae80491f7125eb5c8a5eee307564b36659e2ffe3 Аңымақтың алды, арты болмайды. """These are a few Kazakh proverbs from Volume 68 of 100-Volume set of Kazakh folklore called ""??????? ????"". By Article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are in the public domain.""" 4c0a1c7a6426160be324fe17ea3d31863eb3b0459ec973833a02c58d54072473 Жалтақтап жеген жаядан, сықпай жеген жуа артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 4c476e8b72b813c4a600e76dca25f44ff4a57b7641884856c0d9f555e8a16a58 ұрыспай айырылысқан, ұялмай көріседі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 4d82d83162ade4f4f9928b327575dabfa9e8672cf429f19f0b1e6446932b99d3 Азын-шоғын ағалық, аз оқыған молдалық, ата ұлына керек-ті. """These are a few Kazakh proverbs from Volume 68 of 100-Volume set of Kazakh folklore called ""??????? ????"". By Article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are in the public domain.""" 4ef4b2294c049335b6972b15f2aa1966da5e1526127e760222a7c56b42326ff4 Жақсы сүрінсе, жаман табашы болады, жаман сүрінсе, жақсы тәубашы болады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 4fd340515552b2f845638a4fd2f640936f9e1511824bf427f753bf2f4ce7fd0c Атқа ердің батқанын иесі білмес, ат білер, ер жігіттің қадірін жақыны білмес, жат білер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5064bfe390663ab6b5ee1aa4aac4f43363efc847b18a3f07f7e9f8ad7247dc54 ұры түн асқанша, бөрі қыр асқанша. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 509398bbc19f83025f22834046d0f998dbac39c656d1d40ee1cfefbaf5f47453 ұрының өмірі — қауіптен, жыршының өмірі — сауықпен. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5185f4b6f0a21a1c8f769c26614057bce96a68620651b80f18317d503b8fb69f ұры бірігерде ауыз жаласады, айырыларда итше таласады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 524b70d3c9d064c1e6347940356249fc7e65e60a3e6e2cad90266173e75bdd18 Тарамдалған саусақтан, түйген жұдырық артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5299d3fc8e96a54a4aca88aaa96aa63a1bf22235ae0d42327c476313c3e61861 ұшқан құс, жүгірген аң — бәрі тамақ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5418f10e7c5b84fe863badfa473ffa135dcb9d66c2972c4e6c30289f9a8ffa61 Қонаққа барғаныңда орныңды тандап отыр. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 55a7fa1999d50b75add8bd19c397e088bc5a699585cfd8dd5949085a2507341b ұқыптылық — істің көркі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 56c4992930cc8223f359d7b7f7453aece9a13e18cf07912a2fc246dfc92dbec3 Сабыр еткен, мұратына жеткен. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 56cf87261f30b4c538a5fdbc8144811dc598276d48ce53edcf79dadb24b62a5a ұрыға үйірдің малы күйеді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 56d7d7e0f1553cf98eed820f892a4db86cea89163773bab1b8d26c537975ebcb Сақалын сатқан кәріден, еңбегін сатқан бала артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5760b8a4466d7c0a0e7612a99e3aa314d99f0787d73b234972229ae26f31cbd9 ұлдың өзі өскендей, келіннің өзі түскендей. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 57eceefdbedc5c467ec6f960c0b76a24fbf8aa518a8ffa2b4d74470a8191cc61 Жақсыдан шарапат, жаманнан кесепат. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 57edf2110e8d98e2690f172bb05e2a4c41fb85c7be7cb91ab80c2253595f0f9e Жауда қалған бұлбұлдан, елге қайтқан ит озады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 58dde6a9b0c678bf9c776822192b0bafb415beb242175482cdc13b99d43c0777 ұят — иманның қабы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5a61a42eeeaffe96607250acc7c4333d26d40f817b07e5cba2f183238144c8f6 Ілім — бұлақ, ақыл жағалай біткен құрақ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5a879cac75b8393e96df6caa322635a8b6ccb336f24727da803a4c012d47b2f0 Сөйлесе, қайдан туады, сөз-сөзден туады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5bb06276e7770c9e04732ddb1b99de01a8f77e75c7b1644a8a68f3c97f0be1df Аяқтыға жол бермеген, ауыздығы сөз бермеген. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5c49c305d920368588f781327c9174dc163584ebca90770f52269d1694f6e55a Аз жеймін деген көп жейді, көп жеймін деген боқ жейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5c8d144b4520885f4de94e894ddab6861744c00d6b9163ec8d147fe472fd7920 Қонағын сүймеген баласын ұрады, ия, үйін сыпырады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5d4a45179757720838703e3f3f56940229f48a8151c0ea426a6547b3a4820e59 Пәле ізденіп таспа, өзі келсе саспа. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5d8650998ce9541b341a9bbb58ec78038871bf76ec4ab57e4d2ccc99560de306 ұрыға мал құтаймас. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5eb5eb47e06180c26200991e45b760b0e1a90ed0c2a8542928814efe2d79d1f1 ұят кімде болса, иман сонда. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 5eede5eba719a7904541284941f5eaf7cb7285cb18548d432ef9b22a8dfe43af Балаң тілалғыш болса ғажап, тілазар болса азап. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 6054fd719bf5d377b9ddb296615ae56d39c85f37764b9f6cbb2a30be74b11700 Адам өлсе, сөзі қалар ат өлсе, ізі қалар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 60f63be5f8d7e623268364791b0e86bd11d020e6b360ec300e5bc1d2d5224d0c ұялшақ сыбағасынан құр қалар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 611b0559e4390b3449e32982b36e7bc61b378f5b087800ece0ce2175df149cf5 ұйықтаған ұйқы алар, ұйықтамаған жылқы алар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 6251d7f169b6ca2e930e9b55e4f9a4b111e6f919a199af86a378cc62ff150015 ұялған тек тұрмас. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 62684feb1dd1aa978bcf0c546b8374c5499fda2c32beb3fe08d6d5469e6123c1 ұлға отыз үйден тыю, қызға қырық үйден тыю. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 626e4dc666719cb37687e703c67f8c422ecddee7348f4fe720b832f4d1c5db41 Аузы кіші, қарны әйдік, қой семірсе, көтерер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 6397cb88dcb8f523c13a8e10e65a5c5e24add9f06808aa4e1567e8b7c0445909 Қанағаттандырылмағандықтарыңыздан . 644ef1f1ca326aa78e5fd71d47427cfde0bb7495d857e9d6adadbb27ff48185a Бидің әділ сөзі, тентектің тезі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 650623438606f807a59002a5a654a21720867f4135d23ebf6a875804aa064245 Алғаны жақсы жігіттің, әрқашан ісін оңдайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 6509dcfa4e5e088a1990b4b83b5f208c45a6db01869480976654b93e616bb429 Егер жау берілмесе, құртар болар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 65280853bc50ca4ef77dcff18ce33ad6e383a35dd62bbcf356bc91ef322fe004 Ақшасы жоқ базардан, ат шалдырған жер артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 65b14b538f8a925ec21f64f877cf03fded26d97d5d5dcf94b42a1827eff502fa Қараша үйде сұңқар бар ораздыға кездесер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 65d7f5ce55b7964b195a5dae8a5acfa4bf99b88f5cba87c5f154a91a3ad878d5 ылдидың да өрі бар, өтіріктің де жөні бар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 65e0e190cd51c43afe28170bbad387cf0031e0a28f4063b8dd5e3aea6d96c842 ұялған тек тұрмайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 679a38db9aa4db150c7e6fbf72db8e037ed474d4e229ffdb6183377eb2ad67ff Балта шапқанша, дөңбек жол табады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 67b64deebdf17c60479bc7c9d620acc3663b3d8cc49d93ec6c5cbd78d859180f ұрыдан жалмауыз туады, жалмауыздан қанды ауыз туады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 680a90fafd394b061aea270145a8b3641e5fe11142a9f647d78048e4a14fdc0c ұрыны қарақшы талайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 69020097a35f50b99ef3ad152b760df9a81e005fcff49d687dae5142e2657881 Жүзден біреу шешен, мыңнан біреу көсем. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 6aee4437be6e888bf282ba30f9d0b1605765743c889f0380296208c1683fd7ea Тоғыз қабат торқадан тоқтышағым терісі артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 6cc0e5757186baf96b4bdd29446de4aed1165018fbb6508eb97b60cf6af453b5 ыдысына қарап, асын іш. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 6dec863f74e083aaa44364bfa779b9a678908724a4a6ce64f8bed1583dfedb5f Тізерлеп күнелткеннен, тік тұрып өлген артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 6e2d78c3c34a0f3475be3ccdb3cd5926a556b47a420878eced250a81d2372b29 Сөйлей білмес жаманның сөзі өтпес бір пышақ, сөз білетін адамның әр сөзіне бір тұсақ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 6ea9586eed4a68b1cc944b742dc90ffb8cf089b0831363307c6c48c7cf163349 Тозған қазды, топтанған қарға алады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 71049692329b16d22d894241155fe7571e2aa4e93a52e09fb4b274c2590e833f Жаман еркек әйелінің жанын жеп рахаттанады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7118e3bd37acbd90dc33a028885dc3f6a00960cc1dd62dd584cbac5e3f8581c0 ұрының өзіне лайықты сойылы бар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 711b571d675d0cc4d8d375621a8f5c6a99a60e9e758e7284b54325923db5cb3b Асыққан шайтан ісі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 719d91d728fd9f279c1a3b8791c2ece8c5e289d7fad110124de48ffd6262d90e Ақылды ойланганша, тентек ісін бітіреді. """These are a few Kazakh proverbs from Volume 68 of 100-Volume set of Kazakh folklore called ""??????? ????"". By Article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are in the public domain.""" 7218e9e07a3a73924b2c7522c10137c88e99ab4d44da994dcc2a3eb8a376363b Қыз бала өкпеші болса, қалың малы көп болар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 724ea89d4e95b09cae18d67a0e170bc70dfdddf3f9f2cf886ab45e3f6c0d9e2a Ел үшін еткен еңбек, ешқашан ұмытылмайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 738fb72a49982e08f688ca97c23d7bcd0645fa1aafc967c865f231ab0f44d768 Егіз болар жігітке, алғаны сырлас қосылар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 74cac5354eafff6d0ee02eb6d604e0cf9fe8164a5b0e498dde62684528a3d431 Аққу қүсқа оқ тисе, қанатын суға тидірмес. """These are a few Kazakh proverbs from Volume 68 of 100-Volume set of Kazakh folklore called ""??????? ????"". By Article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are in the public domain.""" 755fb9f7224e2e330ca16a1995a61cf1da66f2f6c3dbd3e144d46ac58fa568c4 Су иеріге и болмас, сұғанақ жігіт би болмас. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7577367c4494d61f892cb3bf0460e755dab212cd3e53f182072d7561906539b1 ұры бол, қарақшы бол — ынсапты бол. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 758485c8277ede035c52fa5178128d78f0f9ef65169148bd831deab0f9143f18 Бағың асқан шағыңда құзғын салсаң, қаз ілер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 75bfbb5444e2abb734edafdad792700b18e4115c03aafb62400610f61a63fc7e Жақсының жаны — жаннат. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7644fbb09bfb57aeef471cc491c626ad77f7f554e1d22b89f1de57f5d12a1ac6 Ақырын-ақырын мінсе, болар торы атқа, ақырындап барып жетсе, болар мүратқа. """These are a few Kazakh proverbs from Volume 68 of 100-Volume set of Kazakh folklore called ""??????? ????"". By Article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are in the public domain.""" 76b0c5f1880611985dfa652e711951c448538f19e2bf8758cf23a32bcdc89f4a ұлы сөзде ұят жоқ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 78771560421168af865847a1907630af8a009f747121b0f1a10fde904fdcbf32 ұсынған мойынды қылыш кеспес. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 794c98191962d28742684170ad38e1dcae972b55920296943418694446ef4f2c Бишараның асын «бісмілла» тауысады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7982b370bab864639edb5dd10fc5f9f7c36edc45cdaf7b11f86d30cce71321de Атың да сат, тоныңды сат, жатарыңда тойып жат. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 79b59f85d1c8900ab974801a3f174fc39f235bb7285bd52be8ab3183ec971761 Есепке кірмеген — есек. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7ae1bbf28b2645f4ca5f19fb23ea6772ee685d18690c9d538fbf2b21617616b3 Бағың тайған шағында тұйғын салсаң, аз ілер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7af519ce0a535c70c423bdf2d519e0c6a37a47a4fbcff064f590a8126e2f6cb6 Жаманмен жанатта болғанша, жақсымен тозақта бол. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7b8d50be496e796b31054c5d8d49273b7d4c7d38f10439a476ee1314ba0b2fd7 Бәрінен қой бағып, көтеншек жеген озар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7bf2d72c2e643772c3f85a04cd7b33a31e653ec5dc167f8a6a860345367ce7c9 Малымды алса алсын, пейілімді алмасын. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7c71a772ae6df4a5ca00eb9fbc1977fe67fb1159ca5c8a751737fdf5d6ff2692 ұрының қолы қан, бөрінің аузы қан. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7d8dacf4282fc575473a2e7a376cd84717d1b2670f1c7e3777037195b1187895 Жердің сәні егін, ердің сәні білім. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7e0e47151c54d7ecff9de2b7c57996c686132a9af0a2c7ff4118cbead9462299 Еркені есірткеннің, басыңа секірткенің. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7fb7177c780bf37722e228aadb66b43dcf51f6bd052ff78b91239847c0877493 ұрының үйі көп, біреуінен алады, біреуіне береді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7fd7cb808479a22fac8ba59566c6a1d32014e22ca670d0679f4b99a13f9d2159 Жігіттің үш жұрты бар: ата жұрты — күңшіл, ана жұрты — сыншыл, қайын жұрты — міншіл. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 7ff65cb5a1ca7d6f1a3ab66de2b2bb86a09d3744afcdd95d4eaed49d9ec56b4c ryryrtyry fdydyrty 804ac74fffbe521aaab4379d4963c4e09d4b6dbc518fa26a3b84753a1ecc459f ұрының қулығы ұзын. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 805d0cf697043c09c05f7ea91178b771ee1d55cd93349f875f81f97663c91496 Жасық пышақ өтпейді жаныса да, жаман «арма» демейді таныса да. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8077e8844c1d8e259f3c0176e74d9d7244e20536cc18d289b6ee8747779af235 ұл — орнықты алтын ту, қыз — айдыннан ұшатын қу. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 80c43c34875409dffb89ddd4bc34ef87eb46185ca1b170c4ec1e50b21ceae280 Балаға дәм берсең, үйіңнен шықпайды, өлікке дәм берсең, түсіңнен шықпайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 812577080b81bbf6e448927be3d5143c783a02cbcec6ba0e2ab0ced013a0ab18 Оқы да, біл, ойна да, күл. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 81ba87c3b4c51217b943a067b18dc75d7a7ae536d5dc1c2b3446db6ce002aafb Падиша Құдай емес, құдайдан былай емес. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8241310cb6a53849841033774028cbe64e78db0afa08899b7f87a1fef4c51bc6 Быламық бетінен суыйды, көже түбінен суыйды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 826bf3324cd02749bafe9a700f7eb87ad67be17c4653a75ec93c72015264c0d2 Дихан болсаң, қос өзегің тең болсын. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 836b5f9f59022394921f6cfa8feca294d25d531cf49a46cdceca05e9e156c9a9 Тамағы тоқтық, жұмысы жоқтық, аздырар адам баласын. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 83dd070eb265c25fd5f7b300e702cd27476aa4657b04cab520ae6a6a38ec9ab6 Жау жоқ деме, жар астында, бөрі жоқ деме бөрік астында. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 84ea1fe2d0dff6827ea205503c3d9ffaa7b5b0cf9e09047db7a6da9c52ec5e9d Ойлай білген он табар, жүре білген жол табар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 84fb0f42324b2b48cdd237af9fe58ab15f3a3ad9f2972beb41e11e9b9b97eed8 Асты жуыс ішер, ия туыс ішер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 87934358803349c8b8cc7f761bfa83049ae9d4df10d944f4e75145b18053ad0c ұяты жоқ ұл жаман, қылығы бұзық қыз жаман. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8814ebacd3fccc40eb177a5fc2aa4318eec0f89ab8e27f459306e7c3aa77ea19 Әділ істің — арты игі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8a68b1d4878c509c0e1b51bbc871be12fed2812af877893c3806ceb14df867e8 Алып келсем, «жолдым» дейді, алмай келсем, «сорлым» дейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8ad7e9724ed8b56e41569f3b77954b8ff66699f7c6e1250f180d2daef1129524 Жерге түскен жетімдікі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8ae7b7fc038448d832dc76be0669411f137dee7c84508c382bd5836deaf827db Қалай айстам екен, қылмыстық тимбилдинг. Movie script 8b990f3d3240da2d2d1ee83cbd8a587bcdcd634162bc898222fd301098ba4a85 Әкеңде жоқ арғымақ, шешеңде жоқ арғымақ, саған оңай болып па, биік жардан қарғымақ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8bfafc1fe39ebe3a759a86f4af9b4c72994c70bcee0a84dded5512631649edf0 ұрысы күшті болса иесі өлер, айғыры күшті болса, биесі өлер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8ced23cacf2ef9adee84eadfde265be43faf5b891eff4ba8e82754c794e8c500 Тышқан інінде шалқасынан жатып, «Аспанды аяғымен тіреп жатырмын» дейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8d5fb05a38ae5d151ed64a210997804fd224e8cf55c2481aa8b89cc0ba029f92 Жүз сөзден бір іс артық, жылы сөйлесең, жылан інінен шығады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8d6444beb48e00bfb89fe57ee07564b2553bf1467f3b00ab4d5ec6352aba8220 Таздан — жарғақбас, кедейден малбаққас бала туар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8d8c55663514a15619d3ae7aceed05241c28ae436845401da0386c51c3ee7f85 ұры халықпен күндіз — дос, түнде — жау. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8da554c6d7b6478062933448025eb52e005522ebcbc9cc7a7703f3d48b842cb6 ұрымын дегенше, құрыдым де. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 8f938a445eee04a0a45804b47b1a6a79fa672c17a775de820e6873db401d0bca ұят — беттің пердесі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 9071eeb9917d8b9b7a403fca884a0aa74279f88e4393a876399f4fc9a6837a9f Әкесі құрдастың, баласы да құрдас. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 917ad51afe522fbcf105d11503fa8c243b74a91020f2ce611c1e0ef1ea8fe5b4 Жарға біткен жантақты, жаннан көшкен нар жейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 918ff92461774612293a3ee831a35a3f7070d4acc61c35102305d5566152c8e7 ұрлық пен өсек егіз, бірі — есек, бірі — өгіз. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 93c48a6c8b06f78e89e5b31382318543bcfb25b12ecbbb11bd2be88f546b036e ыстық сүттен аузы күйген айранды үрлеп ішеді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 93f93e71682481ba91b6a60df81816c2d58e4b040398335e4312d4d012d68714 ұлыңды өзің жөнге салмасаң, өмір тезге салады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 942c40af97dcb51f42cea590ce22f0b66f3eac0e59c6c250c8c0e67a50fbabc5 ұзын арқан — кең тұсау. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 94d6a32349a0cb8824545c9e3660c60e0cd35e26d27d27698c90d63c18308ca7 ұзында өшің, қысқада кегің бар ма? These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 954e9cd7bfbbedd16a1690dc5abeb23485c6ebdb55ecbde8f3b1548935e66031 ұлың өссе, үлгілімен, қызың өссе, қылықтымен жолдас бол. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 96666986c3a21f78964e35c28affcb9cc64c328c60f1ab956b4b882d8fd9b47b Өнердің ең жаманы бұқа пішкен. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 970356a98b6c009cc6687889182c4e729eb9b211db3c102f4125d0121d963d5d Тәңір жаққан шырағыңды, адам үрлеп өшірмес. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 98017df73260fcc61f002abaf4f8ac26a5a364f4a18643e0eb7c97f3e0377716 Білімдінің жүрген жері — береке, білімсіз, надан жұртқа күлкі, келеке. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 989b3182bc2dd05ec01034e2870009c82696a5b722abecef98c49dcb38c8a546 Ет жақсысы қарта-ды, о да нәсіліне тартады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 99313f2391b4666c494df6d26e5c737def902cdc56d9791da789a01a4e11f476 Жылқы, айдаса, жаудікі, ысқырса, желдікі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 9ae5792e957fff11d70785fb0545331ccba1c11b7722961a147554f0b5ab0aba Анығын айту адалдық, ала сөйлеу арамдық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 9d39978d36282fd3adde1c80baa7fb7a62d09e00c1c2b4dd6b920135fbd84635 Келіп көрмей сыйын сұрама. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 9e74c77c5f4966019d1a6052dca5f4c8d793bcdf044408b102e4bb9131e2f54a Толықсып аққан дария, мейірбанды кәрия. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. 9ed30a89de0ed6b40281f1b3cdad8e445cc33851c4136b2d79f7641b82e45c06 Жаяу жаяудың көңілі — қаяу. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. a0f569214f0ddf2f8552624e318bb1efb007b6a54281ece87d880c3f30f94ed5 "Как мне процитировать? " common voice a15bf304b1a103158da6c858fb9cdf1975e821d2d1f6771a9108f0e672d6899a Түймедейді түйедей етіп. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. a2353a8b7349dc787f75107fe009c5fcd245fa2ce54b9545e1030bc02c5b4c04 Әке қарғысы — оқ, шеше қарғысы — боқ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. a2cf989b7cad7aabc93cc98575da135d49e69f1d081d16973b06952fe454afa0 Ер басына ерендер назар салмас па, есен базарына делдал салмас па. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. a341f3cc67abd9c3a442c5b0ef465e7cd0ac506dc73938e2d22c719135432f5f ұяттыда иман бар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. a4579aee4265f11d5668cb7d5b870fc22750ca1b74a6d5b319955c9be8eaa9f9 Қонақ, берсең, етіңді жейді, бермесең, бетіңді жейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. a4657aaa45d76857b3729a80c3dec030144e02b13ef6c6a0ae2fa22dbcc38af8 Мың сіз — бізден, бір шыж-быж. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. a7888c8b0c1dbc692147cfd947e332f230fc908b8eb10c2c7862928ad3151d65 Орақ ұстап әкең қалғанша, оймақ ұстап шешең қалсын. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. a822671a51887891264001c4b0ae97e92882a049e3c594f3bf04394011842271 ұры байымайды, сұқ семірмейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. a882313416a275cf9759db46f889bda6c5a8ea0a3b67cbcb6c9d6978b0156a43 Әйел ақылсыз, бақа көріксіз. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. a98d60976ae5206b46e5cfcaef1a9b4d362ca8f9511689be7ab04f4e8bdf62e1 Атты кісі жаяудың ақын жемейді, ақын жесе, оны жұрт мақұл демейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ab1509e7f2759cbbcce0d8a90bd8e820a525a75a3632cdac401485e86de69334 ықылас пен ынтымақ, бітер іске болсын тап. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. abc89b95081925fc0ed8627a188ab7cd2a579c9ac8ac3af5d06bd67bdaa5c94b ұялмаған өлеңші болады, ерінбеген етікші болады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ad9ae1cc03789d85c847bd90f2fecc9845896965d6fb78d17d5300a288d940b0 Әркім өзін сыйлағанның құлы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ae7d9f2771ae8870380f4f257960277e4526bb83673f620f485aa5544955c755 Жолаушы үйден қырық қадам шыққан соң кәріп. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ae86d3b27530b67b159138d77ae96ad7964576b84c7b2efa20d6758d29ca5051 ұяты бардың ожданы биік. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. afbc4f26a5c3cf7c7ccd88333f1b244656ea90b6f37c31dcdf79aa909fbfb374 ұятсыз қатын — тұзсыз ас, әдепсіз жігіт — жүгенсіз ат. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b01da5e8ef14adedc15619cd2bed741071e2339a92353aaa5fa04ab0ff9d6d51 Айтса болар, ақылды алып үққанға, айтып-айтпай немене, екі қүлағын маңтамен тыққанға. """These are a few Kazakh proverbs from Volume 68 of 100-Volume set of Kazakh folklore called ""??????? ????"". By Article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are in the public domain.""" b0462e4823ef9327734ada30ba50e1a12ef0b0b366e58658e4cca9b829f15223 Тамақтан өткен — бұйырған, өтпеген — күман. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b04d495c126969e9564537d65cb8ba5f1b0b59d7c2fc80d72fbe4652d7200cb6 Қойманы көмген алады, не көрген алады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b17aa601d1568878f3008c9cccae59d7d7300ad73da85724540581619dc72b4e Бидайдың кеудесін көтергені, дақылы тоқтығы, жігіттің кеудесін көтергені — ақылы жоқтығы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b34dcea1e2b1a1d471fa9d44b1ec0d16827dd1a3fb7ec53344d3efcdd3974b4a Ілім-білім мың түрлі, тоқсан тоғызға әдеп, біреуі білім, әдебің болмаса, білімді ұстау қиын. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b446321284af37e22a73c283af5ffb83beeab6e74db8e664edf15b94eb3e909f Киіз кімдікі болса, білек сонікі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b4958515dd44f5d54ef3b69710bbe504aabe2b9372f8c65f996d5afb899f76dd Жаман елге түскен келін, келісап болады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b501d324d357923b0dfdcfa913ac30ec293a7d54597042c7475a64ede559275f Қазақ пен қазақ жөн сұраса келе, қарын бөле шығады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b519077304309197905ae9bbc53edd4d88ff26a97c68e1369431811ccf5989ae Қисық қабырғадан, қыңыр адам қиын. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b5986e6f423c4e7e2e24430372eede5ded3628c3275609db3d605a559de35190 Ат жақсысы кермеде, ер жақсысы түрмеде. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b5bdd9489df289277948c8ec66eb9cff0828d3e589056555a244ecdf2bc80ded Жаман әйелден гөрі, бойдағым жақсы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b5d3db6e15aab76d54acbbba0e370459122773b208c67d19f58f8475e5f4bbaa ұялған қыздан құр қалар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b67249f63bd7ed383aab1b8cb62ef868520199bc63e4768e33d320bc42328dfa предложение должно легко читаться common voice b692b8b8ee64f5d72a901ddbcd07c97bb1319949cd7860a87103107695f68516 Жан-жағыңды жайқарсың, бір күн басты шайқарсың. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b6de8eb7cd8a73aeb28028b140a2ca5d593dc9a14456b034d599188091c09ee8 Қаузанып шығар үйің болса, ордадағы, қоғамшыл қарияң болса, қорғандағы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b929c825b294ff6943f3f91e0c5d403164fa332214d890a768ed8f6491a33a36 Алдияр «алдияр» десең, далияр. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b94b44f4e74ea1ba7a26b3896813b5b3c6fa0fee0a2de17b9b1c83b80c8e1f71 Жігітті Құдай ұрарында жорта бастайды, байталды Құдай ұрарында құлын тастайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. b9a8e23805a764f71e3e3fecb0a20732244839d865a1c493bb059dee03bd85c0 Болар елдің баласы, бірін-бірі «батырым» дейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ba7e5f0c3c1e8802c07168a501ac7237294bf497401509a1a104e72b6f007b14 ұры ұрлығын қойса да, ұры атағы қалмайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. bb2678e4577dae3aa4148be97ca70e51ce5f708e8eeb524c2f64d563cc54ca65 Ғылым деген — гауһар бағасы жоқ, надандық деген — бір кесел дауасы жоқ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. bd7b2d59670f35d23c4e9ebdada5ff3f37dc7263b0391184a02949dea0ad7a93 Жақсы адам елдің ырысы, жақсы сөз жанның тынысы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. be76bb574e328b54c588f10ce2a4e929a4ab658d21631302808bd48f068d372d Қарағай бойы қар жауса да, жұтамайды сауысқан қанды қалпақ кисе де, қиыспайды туысқан. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. bee29427615be86cf76c03804e637f07023b606e7e4755886d382b514d39bc37 ұлық болсаң, кішік бол. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. bfa04d074a3e07e8fba760d0e0dce11728869045b8c39a892647a3f45b9b66e0 Қонағым сен ет деме, мен кет демеймін. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. c29a8fdb5c72f47bac4b62f952cb699f1f5f4c1db00f20bae4e3f2e20c6b684b ұят — иман белгісі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. c366c9b6a582e939e8f9f86ac5f58369287f927ec63d6fa0ef2765e37d3125e7 ұқыпты етегін жабады, ұқыпсыз ұятын табады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. c43a8f97a2fb5e0dbb4b99175cbcd3402a71d8886ae405feedffb65bf686fae3 Алтау ала болса, Ауыздағы кетеді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. c466355c7c224d054772b0bd5ecad538771c5092f52439516431d23d16b33f45 Әдепті әдепсізден үйрен, жақсыға үйрен, жаманнан жирен. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. c4a55b52b6a513152e49ea0f8c9587cf07f2a96c3d32aa8f1cd272cc10b2a19e Өсекке кірмей есепке кірмейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. c542fe9b3a7553d32fd1eec14d41ba7ceb5f9f20fad0d5bcb3f1eb1aa631692e Кісіде ақыл болмаса, көз дегенің құр әйнек. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. c7c7982015799868af6b92f7ac27c2c7a86bfdc0ddc3c24a0bc9caeed6b6ce50 Кенекті сырттан сұраған... These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. c8b8f8b1e53a3a53f7aecacc92cd016f9f68e65b7e29d5fc5a699215c0072773 Айылың қүйысқандай болса, алашың туысқандай болсын. """These are a few Kazakh proverbs from Volume 68 of 100-Volume set of Kazakh folklore called ""??????? ????"". By Article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are in the public domain.""" c9006d29f2f3840c3c652aa4181100209f21fea6156311557dec8196a0b05c84 Бар болса сойғанның жөні бар, бір қойда он кісінің құны бар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. c92a4a7899d4408add2ed55ba6b54dd5da402e0af55a50af9ac7e97af31f6d33 ұры өле-өлгенше «ақпын» дейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. cb6ff9bf8a70eaa633104dfabd5434cca7d93c06fccfd8263a67440ad14aa324 ынсап, ұят, терең ой — асыл зейнет, біліп қой. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. cd572f9f27606c472733b8b2cf526233436e70ff029d67c5dc938769d86c72ac Есіктен кіріп төр менікі деме. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. cdc953634ed7a1add06a312ca37dcda109883ba709fb0034450047212aa780d1 Өсектен сау сонау қыз, шайқалмаған сары уыз. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. cedce7cfb34e1207310af444b73f76a5f6f11509efb9b8e3f92c2e5ee714c90b Жолы болар жігітке, жолдан жолдас қосылар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. cfa61ea72c92847fd181e92e7e7c0a8b44c3e3ec38d29f655f9915e39213ac95 Жасында шапалақ жегеннің, өскенде өкініші аз болады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. cff8a2510b9fe27dc20aa10cb988df9b18f41f78fd6066f73f23ae5e79e2dc59 ұлыңды ұлықтыға жұмса. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d0df6c3735463c1bf27ad1e0098906365d1d6aa452d2d264c6a36b0d027d6a71 ұрының арты қуыс. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d110caf20024a321cd3567e36840bcadd679e20cbc3e516640cf8e5a50609545 ұлың өссе, ұлықтымен ауыл бол. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d12fe5a05761ad5a436a82f6222c062cef447c0a235c1322481dcce19a8c9f59 Қой толғағыңды берме, толғағыңды бер! These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d1aa9a75b0dae15afa7932fdc45f71363deaf93c5e2a2ca4dbe5a747f2e3c75f ұрыстың басы «боқ жеме». These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d26950cea631262f3dafc1ca899311f4dff87e54cd00c7eafca0c3c462b412d8 Қатының жаман болса, ата алмассың, алып барып базарға сата алмассың. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d26a7024a89bf057f204fa2627ee287dc104b4778261f20fcbe9e1f0411716c2 Алтын басты әйелден бақыр басты еркек артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d31e9e6110b0eaf2dc000be0eeb4751ddf77dc62ba59303cd33875860b7bb905 Сөз бергенге ерме, бөз бергенге ер, сөз еңбек болар, боз көйлек болар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d3ac2fe1624ee727d362bd5407cfc4c7bfc521dd9d536f5dd703e196401bcb4b Қатын-балаға қарамай қаңғығаннан без, қазан асқан үйді аңдығаннан без. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d3f169ef7e7db87f5d3996a6d21b16b9bce29f8d57f1cc28a75c203cb113f397 Батыр жігіт, жау жеңер, шешен жігіт дау шешер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d3fe17d25e7484eb13fd016e02c0e294add5650ff38366f743ee221d9db76b3c Көрші айнасы — көршінің айнасы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d698f63366d1ffeaf3405c9fa3c22816e781d505627a56ea6cfd115598374535 Қатын — ақылсыз. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d7c8047c21711a6d402518d2f5cc4ce67dc89f5123c60394702e989000a1e515 Бір қазанға екі қошқардың басы сыймайды Қазақ халқының мақал-мәтелі d85f897dd3d0dd6de085b2c0a057dc4d0c402da8f4588dcd71623bc1b1870328 Сімілтір сімер іргеге сиер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d98fe9205144a6e8d63eb2b781dd2d4fe5e3a829d17fbe572594d9a5880d4b17 Мықты болсаң, қоқан-лоқыға шыда. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. d9f970661aeaf6043cd5de7d4b4d37d240ccccf1bc0679f9c90d85d5730ac2ba ұры жете алмайтын жаяудікін алады, сұрай алмайтын таяудікін алады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. dae4a75d19f23f3ba6a2972ac0724e3c8e86e20e06eca66712eef29a3f27679a Айнымас досы бар адам, ең бақытты адам. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. dbda13b9751348f35d0aab138c2063b780d64130b82180ffa4d5fa7a76e8e69b ұялмаған бұйырмағанды жейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. dca510d4a6df273e1460fcff40b40751e7fff9fac0e584a389abb2076a369113 Жолаушыдан дәметкен мырзадан қорын. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ddbe497995232bcab3a5244be49518266ea2f84e66f035ae8ce4e3bd434b4f59 Диханшылықтың бірі бес, ұқыптылық оған ес. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. de8de55b19ac3536e4365f192a13ee20f7277411f80085e44b71fc5ac1cedea4 Кәріліктің алды, жастықтың арты. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. dfcd20e58f6a338d59b57c16477890a9374dc0d58f1d8855be5931a046d75979 Бірдің кесапаты мыңға, мыңдікі түменге. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e10cec1df8c4b00dec2461fdf4b7af2bd57321010ad41ed4cc131a3d5577bf7e ұлың өссе, ұлы үлгілімен ауылдас бол, қызың өссе, қызы үлгілімен ауылдас бол. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e148df76b79c7edb564320259b86310b0a9a1cb71e691bcacbd9726ed62dcb19 Дихан бір иіннен. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e1522e539c2b3d4b8205154f753708d5175e7eade283743c4b13371df2322abf Құмырсқаның басқаны құдайға аян. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e1db931ad90977a90792e49f198105faf069622e52a6e126ffd7ab9049b2d277 ыржыңдап күлгеннен аулақ, сөз тыңдап жүргеннен аулақ. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e2c59a16b0febf4f96785bdb849c14cefbb3bf3652e67d0df16cab23b21ec764 Әжептәуір ән еді, пұшық шіркін быж-тыж қылды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e3aaa40b83bede041c57c7550f28eea634c1c64d02433acc212866fc1a669617 ұялмаған ұялтады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e444a0f86b3fe4b3062a8ab872a39006fbc67c7e47e77401fe5bc45037848acf ұрыға мал көп. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e503de3239de257638028ef295fc517f99cee6255eb477eee06d43f370822741 Көженің көннеуі болса, қымыздың қызуы бар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e516d2e0b7cf809af1282aaf1f786951defd7a7feb38b072fc4c749ee2694ccb Тамырдың сұрағаны келгені, сұрағанын алмаса, өлгені. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e5a184cd4dacf1c630872013ee834a79664f120b2a4870181136151e971876b2 Қыз көрмеген қыз көрсе, уалап жүріп өлтірер, қой көрмеген қой көрсе, қуалап жүріп өлтірер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e61aa36e14ea5922a9337d98efcafb1ff17f3a8b5b3cf48b595b332bcca43f21 Жарлының сөзі жалған, жалғыздың сөзі жалған. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e67a98fee0f904770f8113c4595010d6f9cb62044f8d0b9a300e72a0a2daa799 Жасырын жымысқадан ашық айқай артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e6cfd86206be165f9a1a5ed00546402f425e027f38ec36bfc876b2e21f0b3075 ұры мен бөрі бейғамдыкі. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e71c120579479c50f054cbc8cec1c19e6f3be8019f78cdddc06105c96bae40c6 Ердің көркі ақыл, ақылдың көркі сабыр. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e7a0d1cee5a0b4b54c2c86e21081e247b852854b45fcfb7d7f4b747f64e5c36b Оқысаң, озарсың, оқымасаң, тозарсың. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e7aed050b6a4db31eb115eb3650e3e48d1efd0ea48c05f24cdd762347c655779 Цитировать с ссылкой или полным названием работы. common voice e92c0859f01be70961b978d03f5f4f5156f49174b5e09e3a08aec18764100aee Құрсанған жаудан қорықпаған басым, қайныма барғанда жеңгемнен қорыққаным-ай! These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. e971b3f0e33f7f24e5949250d184f2ada3797f8a6973111fdc5e975381a53a29 Ақ сұңқардың баласы, алдына қоймай жем жемес. """These are a few Kazakh proverbs from Volume 68 of 100-Volume set of Kazakh folklore called ""??????? ????"". By Article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are in the public domain.""" e9dccd01301297ae4abe914db3642312e96844076a23408bc7627779607b751a Сараңның өзі тойса да, көзі тоймас, сасқанда ернің табылмас. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ea0be835a3f1aa5900f2efaf2538147ba6ee7985648ced9ef2bc95d34812508b Әр елден келін келер, әртүрлі ырым етер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ebc9b218848b66ebad34dbf04d182ef74885fb6cb6ad440157ee618d6822f035 Көйлектің кірі, жуса, кетеді, көңілдің кірі, айтса, кетеді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ed68c8a5748fa243ccc35bc847f6ec29cb3758ef96fba45b76a95a46b69e7564 Санасызға сан айтсаң да, қонбайды. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ed761e992aad473c31bf9fd987bbb767fea4e2be67c946ef0e94aaa39e606ffa Адасқанның алды жөн, арты соқпақ ақтан жабысқан пәледен сақтан, аяқ астынан жапқан жаладан сақтан. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. edc14181bdb77dd547d3586c7379a0e88af54e532a23d7b74e849f2add78a824 Оңбағанның саяғы екеуі жүріп тебісер. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ee306d6da3c15ab67583accfbb3dfe0e579ad13cf3a27938f7adcf9eb76dc440 ұл он беске келгенше, қолыңдағы қобызың, он бестен асқан соң, тіл алмаса, доңызың. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. eef00899d00995caf116d5f26a138eb97b99c9901c8b70ac91c2d5538ace81a7 Дау шешеннен қорқады, шешен-мылжыңнан қорқады. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ef388fcb45e12879e650decae6b94a6f8f9a6ff6acacb7522d327d05f7f09911 ұялмаған бұйырмағаннан жейді. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ef92133c7418849e2b15350a4e4db2ad46e54a2cd1a844ed7e5dc7ca1cffecc0 Жолға жомарт қонар немесе нәмарт қонар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. f05e898daec7b7e110f664111c427857266193a39dbae84c3409c98b8e6b7edd Кедейлік — кемдік емес. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. f1b24919dfa0edf532402ca21a0e6d5f6e4a3e1fdb2c22a213310dc61acee57a Ертеңге қаратқан мың істен, бүгін бітірген бір ас артық. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. f2163c29075e16adfb7d075cbb0831673650c7a8a4eb79a10561d2c5f58aba98 Тас түссе талайынан. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. f2d2c8d69b37c4306272f3f4628279148c2a624ad5218376fabb7b7648cb2d33 Еркек үйдің иманы, әйел үйдің жиғаны. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. f43bdb24c4d5b3cddc0849c0166e029877ab6b6a2ca495bfebc47881e17e35b3 Жерге түскен қамшыны кім алады еңкейіп. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. f495b9a5b73af7db3238a4ec214232215c2cd3757c3ad04887bd545daec65136 Әуелі тағам, сонан соң кәләм. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. f5840dff1f89210c2535f75fccc4d594b9a57155df30a7c0cb093dbf3456547a Менің атам мен әжем қонаққа келді, енді бізде көптен күткен той болады. Өзім f635c34366e1c48cbed72c7747af9a1653d0e2659efa9fdf40a23f9846b0d410 Қатыны өлген мен байы өлген қосылса, түнде екеу, күндіз төртеу. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. f752cb89fae428facab2a9c8c92530a184101bb8c55a9f8476657234d45161a4 Малым жаным садағасы, жаным арым садағасы. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. f79c2feeb6279e20041e23c1fa6da5d7a42802e124c4a325b8f8421548ac90fc Өзімдікі дегенде, өгіз қара күшім бар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. f9576030a73693d9e241c5731efe0f4768ee427339857cb43d642116dd4be7e6 ұяда не көрсең, ұшқанда соны ілерсің. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. fb9350bc95266f67bce137806ea152a7513e1cda0c4fa878a05e19bd9af83240 ұры елді жауықтырар, тәуіп ерді сауықтырар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. fc28b7343660e8d563a5c9fffa30ec921315ec70937d1c8e751e3fea4a25ca48 Қас жақсының белгісі, қара сөзді қостамас. """These are a few Kazakh proverbs from Volume 68 of 100-Volume set of Kazakh folklore called ""??????? ????"". By Article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are in the public domain.""" fca8a76b5b029f1c71b36a0a8e4fbdae04f3b8da660e9b0e28da6ae4177e3110 ұлың болса, қой бақтыр, адам болар, көп бақтырма, аз бақтыр, надан болар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. fcaa6e2a5c29dc71857bfd7ea4ba437c83f2a652f50d3abf329b2cff7e3f2125 ұлы, қызы сай кісі құдалыққа барысар. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. fe0f156db528fe89ed5ed246034d28009985a2cd915d6b7bfd36f92a59a35b2f Айтқанмен жарамазан тоямыз ба, бүрынғының кәдесін қоямыз ба? """These are a few Kazakh proverbs from Volume 68 of 100-Volume set of Kazakh folklore called ""??????? ????"". By Article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are in the public domain.""" fe57f3626e31e7ba7311c7a466bdf234e607f5684ccf44a448e1176ed5a56f97 Көңілі түссе, көлдей, көңілі түспесе, шөлдей. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain. ffb3af6b1297641c09fddb5cfdd634a5df11211d8f20ae4cdbca332237a019ae Құт құтты болып келсе құт, құтсыз болып келсе жұт. These are proverbs from volume 65 of 100-volume collection called '??????? ????'. By article 8 of Kazakhstani copyright law, works of folklore are exempt from copyright and are thus in the public domain.