--- dataset_info: features: - name: question_text dtype: string - name: background_description sequence: string - name: answer_text dtype: string - name: options sequence: string - name: need_image dtype: string - name: language dtype: string - name: level dtype: string - name: subject dtype: string - name: subject_category dtype: string - name: year dtype: string - name: image_ids sequence: string - name: images list: - name: bytes dtype: binary - name: path dtype: 'null' splits: - name: italian num_bytes: 56350406 num_examples: 407 - name: javanese num_bytes: 181707 num_examples: 5 - name: afrikaans num_bytes: 28552878 num_examples: 163 - name: thai num_bytes: 112113903 num_examples: 401 - name: chinese num_bytes: 43661702 num_examples: 453 - name: swahili num_bytes: 96790 num_examples: 4 - name: portuguese num_bytes: 44423012 num_examples: 452 - name: vietnamese num_bytes: 7009517 num_examples: 116 - name: english num_bytes: 78893609 num_examples: 795 download_size: 248223963 dataset_size: 371283524 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: italian path: data/italian-* - split: javanese path: data/javanese-* - split: afrikaans path: data/afrikaans-* - split: thai path: data/thai-* - split: chinese path: data/chinese-* - split: swahili path: data/swahili-* - split: portuguese path: data/portuguese-* - split: vietnamese path: data/vietnamese-* - split: english path: data/english-* task_categories: - visual-question-answering language: - it - th - en - jv - sw - vi - zh - pt - af pretty_name: Multi-Modal M3Exam size_categories: - 1K Show the code used to generate this dataset. This assumes that the directory `m3exam/multimodal-question/` exists and is an exact copy from the original GitHub repository. ```python import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path from datasets import Image, DatasetDict, Dataset, Value, Sequence from PIL import Image as PILImage from tqdm.auto import tqdm from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial import re tqdm.pandas() def get_img_ids(row, img_base_p): p = r"\(image\)\[image-.*\..*\]" imgs = re.findall(p, row["question_text"]) for option in row["options"]: imgs.extend(re.findall(p, option)) for bgdesc in row["background_description"]: imgs.extend(re.findall(p, bgdesc)) img_ids = [img.split("[")[1].split("]")[0] for img in imgs] # remove the last character if it is a period (eg. image-1.png. -> image-1.png) img_ids = [img_id[:-1] if img_id[-1] == "." else img_id for img_id in img_ids] # remove character after the last digit (eg. image-13c.png -> image-13.png) img_ids = [re.sub(r"\D*\.", ".", img_id) for img_id in img_ids] # remove character between dots (eg. image-13.c.png -> image-13.png) img_ids = [re.sub(r"\.\D*\.", ".", img_id) for img_id in img_ids] for img_id in img_ids: if not (img_base_p / img_id).exists(): # print(f"MISSING IMAGE: {img_id=}, {imgs=}, {row.name=}") return None return img_ids def load_images(img_ids, img_base_p): if img_ids is None: return None img = Image() return [ img.encode_example(deepcopy(PILImage.open(img_base_p / img_id).convert("RGB"))) for img_id in img_ids ] if __name__ == "__main__": dsd = DatasetDict() img_base_p = "m3exam/multimodal-question/images-" for p in ( pbar := tqdm( list(Path("m3exam/multimodal-question").glob("*-questions-image.json")) ) ): lang = p.stem.split("-")[0] pbar.set_description(lang) df = pd.read_json(p) df["image_ids"] = df.apply( partial(get_img_ids, img_base_p=Path(img_base_p + lang)), axis=1 ) df["images"] = df["image_ids"].progress_apply( partial(load_images, img_base_p=Path(img_base_p + lang)) ) df = df[~df.image_ids.isna()] df["year"] = df["year"].astype(str).str.strip() df["answer_text"] = df["answer_text"].astype(str).str.strip() df["question_text"] = df["question_text"].astype(str).str.strip() ds = Dataset.from_pandas(df.reset_index(drop=True)) # for javanese there are no background descs thus it is interpreted as dtype null. We need to change it to string features = ds.features.copy() features["background_description"] = Sequence( feature=Value(dtype="string", id=None), length=-1, id=None ) ds = ds.cast(features) dsd[lang] = ds dsd.push_to_hub( "floschne/multimodal-m3exam", token= ) ```