# FindZebra corpus A collection of 30.658 curated articles about rare diseases gathered from GARD, GeneReviews, Genetics Home Reference, OMIM, Orphanet, and Wikipedia. Each article is referenced with a Concept Unique Identifier ([CUI](https://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/new_users/online_learning/Meta_005.html)). ## Preprocessing The raw HTML content of each article has been processed using the following code (`text` column): ```python # Preprocessing code import math import html2text parser = html2text.HTML2Text() parser.ignore_links = True parser.ignore_images = True parser.ignore_tables = True parser.ignore_emphasis = True parser.body_width = math.inf parser.body_width = math.inf article_text = parser.handle(article_html) ```