--- annotations_creators: - expert-generated language: - cs language_creators: - other license: - cc-by-nc-sa-4.0 multilinguality: - monolingual pretty_name: Czech Court Decisions NER size_categories: - n<1K source_datasets: - original tags: - czech NER - court decisions task_categories: - token-classification task_ids: - named-entity-recognition --- # Dataset Card for Czech Court Decisions NER ## Dataset Description Czech Court Decisions NER is a dataset of 300 court decisions published by The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. In the documents, 4 types of named entities are selected. ## Dataset Features Each sample contains: - `filename`: file name in the original dataset - `text`: court decision document in plain text - `entities`: list of selected entities. Each entity contains: - `category_id`: integer identifier of the entity category - `category_str`: human-friendly category name in Czech (verbalizer) - `start`: index on which the entity starts in the source text - `end`: index on which the entity ends in the source text - `content`: entity content, it was created as `text[start:end]` - `entity_id`: unique entity string identifier - `refers_to`: some entities (mostly of category 'Reference na rozhodnutí soudu') refer to a specific other entity. `refers_to` attribute contains the `entity_id` of the referred entity The `entity_id` field was checked to be globally unique (across data samples and dataset splits.) ## Entity categories The list of the recognized entities (`category_id`, `category_str` pairs): ```python3 { 0: 'Soudní instituce', 1: 'Reference na rozhodnutí soudu', 2: 'Účinnost', 3: 'Reference zákonu' } ``` ## Dataset Source The dataset is a preprocessed adaptation of existing Czech Court Decisions Dataset [project info](https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/ccdd), [link to data](https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/xmlui/handle/11234/1-2853). This adaptation contains (almost) same data, but converted to a convenient format and with stripped leaked xml-like tags in the texts. The category names (verbalizers) were added by a Czech native speaker. ## Citation Cite authors of the [original dataset](https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/ccdd): ```bibtex @misc{11234/1-2853, title = {Czech Court Decisions Dataset}, author = {Kr{\'{\i}}{\v z}, Vincent and Hladk{\'a}, Barbora}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-2853}, note = {{LINDAT}/{CLARIAH}-{CZ} digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics ({{\'U}FAL}), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University}, copyright = {Creative Commons - Attribution-{NonCommercial}-{ShareAlike} 4.0 International ({CC} {BY}-{NC}-{SA} 4.0)}, year = {2014} } ```