--- pretty_name: MGB2 alt_glob: [] alt_sep: '' dataset_link: https://huggingface.co/datasets/malmarz/test_mgb2/resolve/main/mgb2.test.tar.gz dataset_name: mgb2_speech datasets_path: datasets file_type: wav header: null hf_path: '' json_key: null label_column_name: '' level: null lines: false local_dir: false new_columns: '' pal: false skiprows: 0 squad: false xml_columns: '' dataset_info: features: - name: audio dtype: audio - name: transcription dtype: string splits: - name: test num_bytes: 384372257.17 num_examples: 3890 - name: train num_bytes: 1488884786.673 num_examples: 15559 download_size: 0 dataset_size: 1873257043.8430002 --- Please note this dataset is private ### Using the data You can stream the data data loader: ```python myaudio = load_dataset( "evageon/myaudio", use_auth_token=os.environ["HG_USER_TOKEN"], # replace this with your access token streaming=True) ``` Then you can iterate over the dataset ```python # replace test with validation or train depending on split you need print(next(iter(myaudio["test"]))) ``` outputs: ``` {'path': 'CD93A8FF-C3ED-4AD4-95A6-8363CCB93B90_spk-0001_seg-0024467:0025150.wav', 'audio': {'path': 'dataset/test/wav/CD93A8FF-C3ED-4AD4-95A6-8363CCB93B90_spk-0001_seg-0024467:0025150.wav', 'array': array([0.00662231, 0.00497437, 0.00518799, ..., 0.01150513, 0.00708008, 0.00296021]), 'sampling_rate': 16000}, 'text': 'خطرا على دول الخليج لماذا اعتبرت أن إيران اليوم والخطر الذي تشكله إيران مختلف'} ```