PMID,AbstractText 1133452,"In congenital blindness, the absence of vision can be compensated for by the utilization of the tactile and auditory senses, resulting in normal affect and ego development. Some of the major problems in the way of such compensation were noted. Adventitious blindness produces disruption of ego functions, with severe affect manifestations, notably grief and mourning reactions and actual dependency. The factors favoring successful or unsuccessful resolution of mourning and restoration of normal ego functions were indicated." 1133453,"Comparisons of the nests of associations within which a single memory reappeared during the course of an analysis deemed successful by analysis and patient revealed changes in content and structure of these matrices. Judges, given a sample of associations surrounding a reappearance, were able to relate a particular appearance to its sequential location in the development and flow of an analysis. In the study samples, the patient became increasingly active and insightful as the analysis progressed. Resistance decreased, and the memory, initially given as a narrative report, became a powerful metaphor for the examination of conflicts concerning aggression and its defense, passivity. The results of the judges' analyses and of the thematic analysis suggest that a close examination of associations surrounding a repeated stimulus, a single memory, can be used as an index of analytic progress." 1133454,We have described some of the problems encountered in an analyzability committee's evolving approach to the assessment of applicants to a psychoanalytic clinic. A primary error was to think in terms of the level of drive development--equating pathology at an oedipal level with analyzability. Recognition that the more important issue for assessment purposes was the presence or absence of those ego capacities and personality characteristics necessary for success in analysis has led to a reorientation of our approach. 1133455,"The relative iron, copper and mercury contents of individual, isolated erythrocytes from eight people were determined by analytical electron microscopy. The variation in iron content between erythrocytes of the same sample is more than six times, for copper content more than tem times and for mercury more than five times. Similar variations were observed for 1-day-old chick defintive erythrocytes and for 4-day-old chick embryo primitive erythrocytes. The range of variation does not depend greatly, it at all, on the age of the erythroyctes or the tissue of origin. There is little or no correlation between the variation of iron contnet and that of copper. The cause of the wide variation of metallic ion contnt among erythroyctes is not yet known." 1133526,"A technique of hypophysectomy and regimes of pre- and post-operative care were developed for the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii, to a stage when animals can survive the operation with little apparent stress. Thyroid and adrenal gland weights declined after hypophysectomy, especially within the first 20-30 days. Changes in the adrenal cortex after hypophysectomy suggested that this region may have a zonal organization different from that in eutherian mammals. The reproductive tracts of males and females lost weight rapidly after hypophysectomy. Eleven plasma parameters were studied for the effects of hypophysectomy. There was a reduction in sodium and chloride and a tendency to higher potassium levels, reflecting inadequate adrenal cortical function. Calcium and total protein values remained unaffected, but inorganic phosphate, glucose and cholesterol were depleted, and a less significant depletion in blood urea, nitrogen and uric acid was evident." 1133529,"Intact, breeding female budgerigars enter and occupy a nestbox 8-10 days before egg-laying. Ovariectomized budgerigars did not enter nestboxes. Oestradiol-17 beta monobenzoate (OB) (0-05 mg, i.m.) induced ovariectomized birds to enter nestboxes. Higher dosages (0-1 or 0-5 mg) did not facilitate this effect. The amount of time spent in nesting behaviour by all OB-treated groups did not differ from that shown by a group of intact females during the initial phase of the nesting sequence (first 4 days in the nestbox), but was significantly less than that of intact females undergoing later stages of nesting behaviour (4 days before and after laying the first egg). Oestradiol induced a increase in oviduct weight and size which was dose-dependent. With a low dose (0-05 mg OB), the oviducts were slightly larger than those of intact females which had been in the nestbox 1-2 days. With higher dose levels (0-1-0-5 mg OB), precursor albumen granules had formed in tubular glands of the magnum, a stage more typical of females which had been in the nestbox 4-6 days. The results indicate that low levels of oestrogen induce female budgerigars to enter nestboxes and initiate oviduct development. Subsequent phases of the nesting behaviour and oviduct development may be causally related to other hormones." 1133534,"Photorefractory intact female canaries were exposed to a photoperiod of 8 h light: 16 h darkness (8L: 16D) for 0, 2, 4 or 6 weeks before photostimulation with 14L: 10D for 4 weeks. Photoresponsiveness was measured in terms of plasma immunoreactive LH, ovary and oviduct weights, follicle size and nest-building behaviour. Birds not exposed to 8L: 16D were unresponsive to photostimulation while those exposed for 6 weeks to 8L: 16D were as fully photosensitive as females similarly treated immediately before their first breeding season. Birds exposed for 2 or 4 weeks to 8L: 16D responded to subsequent photostimulation but were not as responsive as birds exposed to short days for 6 weeks. Positive correlations between the two ovarian parameters and between these ovarian parameters and oviductal weight existed in all groups exposed to short days, but not in birds not exposed to short days. It is concluded that the restoration of photosensitivity at the end of the refractory period is a function of the number of short days experienced; about 6 weeks of short days are needed for its completion. In another experiment photorefractory birds exposed for 6 weeks to short days without subsequent photostimulation, although potentially photosensitive, were indistinguishable (in terms of the above parameters) from refractory birds kept on long days for the same period; in these birds refractoriness was not broken." 1133539,"The effect of alpha-MSH on sebum secretion and preputial gland weight was examined in intact, castrated and hypophysectomized male rats and in hypophysectomized rats receiving treatment with either testosterone propionate (TP) or progesterone. After treatment with alpha-MSH for 2 weeks, increases in sebum secretion occurred in intact, castrated and hypophysectomized rats, but larger responses were found in the hypophysectomized rats that had received treatment with either TP or progesterone, suggesting that alpha-MSH acts synergistically with TP and progesterone to stimulate sebum secretion. Alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone also increased preputial gland weight in intact rats, but there was no response after castration and only a small response after hypophysectomy. However, when the hypophysectomized rats received simultaneous treatment with either TP or progesterone, alpha-MSH increased preputial gland weight. It is suggested that alpha-MSH acts directly on the sebaceous glands to stimulate lipogenesis and, together with steroid hormones, may have an important role in controlling sebaceous glandd function in the rat and other hairy mammals. With the evolution of hair, certain of the MSH peptides may have lost their significance as pigmentary hormones and have developed a sebotrophic function. For this reason, it might be more appropriate to refer to these peptides as the 'sebotrophins'." 1133540,"The concentration of LH in the plasma of guinea-pigs from day 50 of gestation to day 45 of postnatal life was assayed by radioimmunoassay utilizing a cross-reaction with anti-ovine LH antiserum. The effect of gonadectomy in infancy and in the adult upon the plasma concentration of LH was also studied. The LH concentration in the plasma of male or female foetuses was high immediately prenatally and fell at birth. High levels of LH were again detected in male, with a lesser increase in female, guinea-pigs over the first 10 days postnatally. Maternal plasma concentrations of LH remained consistently low. Removal of the gonads on days 0, 5, 10, 15, 25 or 35 of postnatal life, followed by blood collection at autopsy 10 days later, caused a significant rise in plasma LH content at all ages. The rise in plasma LH after gonadectomy in adults was less marked in male than in female guinea-pigs." 1133541,"Binding of 5alpha-androstane-3alpha, 17 beta-diol (3alpha-diol) and 5alpha-androstane-3beta,-17 beta-diol (3beta-diol) in vivo and in vitro to the 100 000 g cytosol fraction of the rat prostate and seminal vesicles as well as to plasma was studied by agargel electrophoresis and sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and the results compared with the corresponding findings for 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5alpha-DHT). The metabolism of 3alpha-diol and 3beta-diol was also investigated by thin-layer chromatography. The following results were obtained: (1) A specific binding of 3alpha-diol and 3beta-diol by the cytosols could not be demonstrated in vitro, while 5alpha-DHT was specifically bound. (2) In plasma, 3alpha-diol was extensively bound, 3beta-diol less extensively bound, while 5alpha-DHT remained unbound. (3) After intravenous injection of 3alpha-diol, specifically bound radioactivity, increasing within 30 min, was found in the prostate cytosol, while after 3beta-diol injection no binding occurred. (4) Parallel to the increased binding, the total radioactivity in the prostate accumulated within 30 min after 3alpha-diol injection, the uptake being 5-3 times higher than in skeletal muscle. However after 3beta-diol injection, total radioactivity decreased in the prostate within 30 min, the uptake being only 1-5 times higher than in skeletal muscle. (5) One minute after injection of 3alpha-diol, 53% of the extracted radioactivity in the prostate had been converted to 5alpha-DHT, this increased within 30 min to 81%. Thirty minutes after the injection of 3beta-diol, about 32% of the extracted radioactivity in the prostate had been converted to 5alpha-DHT. (6) From the in-vivo and in-vitro experiments it was concluded that 3alpha-diol exerts its biological effects mainly by its conversion into 5alpha-DHT." 1133546,"The concentrations of FSH, LH, prolactin, oestradiol and progesterone were measured in peripheral plasma and follicular fluid of women throughout the menstrual cycle. With the exception of prolactin, concentrations of pituitary and steroid hormones in follicular fluid correlated with those in peripheral plasma. Follicle-stimulating hormone was present in a greater number of small follicles (smaller than 8mm) during or just after the peaks of FSH in peripheral plasma. During the mid-follicular phase the concentration of both FSH and oestradiol in fluid from large follicles (larger than or equal to 8 mm) was high. During the late follicular phase the large follicles (larger than or equal to 8 mm) contained high amounts of progesterone in addition to oestradiol, low physiological levels of prolactin, and concentrations of LH and FSH about 30 and 60% respectively of those found in plasma. By contrast no large 'active' follicles (larger than or equal to 8 mm) were found during the luteal phase although many contained both LH and FSH. Luteinizing hormone was present in a proportion of small follicles (smaller than 8 mm) during the late follicular and early luteal but not at other stages of the menstrual cycle. It is suggested that a precise sequence of hormonal changes occur within the microenvironment of the developing Graafian follicle; the order in which they occur may be of considerable importance for the growth of that follicle and secretory activity of the granulosa cells both before and after ovulation." 1133566,"After two daily ovine prolactin injections in rats, significant increases in jejunal absorption of glucose, glycine and proline, as well as of fluid and NaCl, occurred. Although ouabain caused dramatic reductions in fluid, sodium, chloride and glucose transport, prolactin had an effect even in the presence of ouabain. Mucosal hypersomolaity significantly decreased fluid, sodium and chloride absorption but had no significant effect on glucose transport. Addition of prolactin in vitro had no effect on intestinal absorption. Prolactin-induced increases in transport of fluid, NaCl and organic nutrients by the mammalian jejunum may play an important role in nutritional and osmoregulatory adaptations." 1133567,"The fine structure of the zona pellucida of mouse unfertilized egg cells and of mouse embryos was investigated. In addition to standard fixation for electron microscopy, fixation with an addition of ruthenium red was used and found to be especially valuable for the purpose of studying the zona pellucida. The zona pellucida of unfertilized egg cells and of embryos consisted mainly of fibrillar and granular material. There were two layers: a thicker internal and a denser external layer in the zona pellucida of the unfertilized egg cells. The zona pellucida of embryos had, in addition to these two layers, a coarse-grained intimal layer inside the internal layer and a fine-grained peripheral cortical reaction whereas the peripheral layer can be accumulated and modified during the passage of the embryo through the female genital tract. The influence of developmental events and environmental factors on the fine structure of zona pellucida was discussed." 1133568,"The ability of caput, corpus, and cauda epididymal and vasa deferentia mouse sperm to fertilize eggs in vitro was investigated. Cauda epididymal sperm fertilized 45 of 54 ova, whereas caput and corpus sperm fertilized a negligible number of ova, thus indicating their immaturity. Vasa deferentia sperm fertilized only 10 of 52 ova and their reduced fertility may be due to aging in vivo. No difference in preimplantation development of the resulting zygotes with respect to the sperm source was observed. Three centrifugations and resuspensions of cauda epididymal sperm in fresh medium did not affect their fertilizing ability. I conclude that fertilization in vitro can occur after removal of epididymal secretions." 1133569,"Elimination of 137-Cs and 59-Fe by three species of wild rodents was measured in laboratory and field experiments to determine whether excretion rates of these nuclides are influenced directly by general metabolic (CO-2 production) rates. Sigmodon hispidus and Peromyscus leucopus were used in both field and laboratory experiments, and Reithrodontomys humulis was investigated only in the laboratory. Final-component biological half-lives (Tb) of 59-Fe for Sigmodon averaged 108 days in winter, 144 days in spring, and means ranged from 176 to 242 days under various laboratory conditions (ambient temperature, cold-exposure, irradiation, and chemical metabolic inhibition); for Peromyscus, values were 50 days in winter 47 days in spring, and 289 days (at ambient temperature only) in the laboratory; for Reithrodontomys mean values ranged from 121 to 178 days at different laboratory treatment levels. Biological half-lives of final-component 137-Cs elimination for Sigmodon averaged 7.5 days in winter, 7.9 days in spring, and means ranged from 7.7 to 8.6 days at the different treatment levels in the laboratory. Laboratory mean values for Reithrodontomys ranged from 3.5 to 3.9 days. For Peromyscus, Tb values averaged 3.4 days in winter, 3.6 days in spring, and 3.5 days in the laboratory. The data suggested that elimination of 59-Fe is influenced by metabolic rates of rodents in the field, but laboratory experiments were unable to demonstrate any predictable relationship. Neither did the rate of final-component 137-Cs loss from rodents appear to be influenced by metabolic rate in the laboratory or in the field. However, final-component Y-axis intercept values of 137-Cs exhibited a linear correlation with metabolic rates, and equations were derived from these intercept values to predict metabolism in the field for two species: for Sigmodon, Daily Average CO-2 Production (ml/hr/g, STP) [5.24-0.9172 (log-ea)] [0.886]; and for Reithrodontomys, = [12.51-1.80 (log-ea)] [0.886]." 1133571,The presence of microfibrillar structures in the nucleus and cytoplasm of Amoeba proteus has been described after glutaraldehyde and osmium fixation. The possible roles of cytoplasmic microfibrils in the contraction process of amoeba and nuclear microfibrils in the formation of the honeycomb nuclear lamina are discussed. 1133572,"UV irradiation of the vegetal pole of stage 2 X. laevis embryos with doses of 6000-18000 ergs/mm-2 delayed or inhibited cytokinesis in the vegetal hemisphere. Nuclear division continued so that a syncytium was formed, the size and persistence of which depended on the dose. Embryos which received a low UV dose were subsequently able to recover whereas embryos receiving a high dose were unable to gastrulate successfully. The implications for investigations into the role of cytoplasmic determinants are discussed." 1133573,"In X. laevis embryos injected with (3-H) thymidine between early gastrula and late neurula, the presumptive primordial germ cell nuclei were labelled and some were observed in mitosis, confirming that division occurs throughout this developmental period. In all labelled and mitotic cells, the germ plasm adjoined the nucleus, an observation which invalidates the hypothesis that germ plasm inhibits mitosis in presumptive primordial germ cells after gastrula. In embryos which had been irradiated with UV at the vegetal pole at the 2-cell stage, the presumptive primordial germ cells also incorporated (3-H) thymidine and divided during the same developmental period." 1133574,"Physical and nutritional factors required for growth of Bacteroides nodosus isolates from ovine foot-rot lesions were examined. Simplified anaerobic culture techniques were devised utilizing a fully soluble, autoclavable, liquid medium (TAS) which contained proteose-peptone, yeast and meat extracts and certain other essential compounds required to promote prompt and serially transferrable growth of cultures from small inocula. The latter included Trypticase, arginine, a reducing agent (most suitably thioglycollic acid) and CO2; serine and Mg2+ markedly increased growth yields. Trypticase could not be replaced by a commercial preparation of acid-hydrolysed casein; other forms of hydrolysed protein gave delayed and inconsistent growth. Maximum growth of cultures required concentrations of 0-02 to 0-35 M-arginine, which could not be replaced by glutamic acid, citrulline or ornithine. Exogenous carbohydrate compounds were not required. The temperature range for optimum growth of cultures was 37 to 39 degrees C, and anaerobic culture conditions were essential for growth and the production of B. nodosus organisms of normal morphology. Solidified TAS media for the isolation and maintenance of B. nodosus cultures were also devised." 1133575,"An agar-degrading bacterium, having a guanine-cytosine content of 50-5 mol% has been isolated from sewage. This Gram-negative rod grew well in a simple salts medium containing various carbohydrates. Growing bacteria dissolved gels and suspensions of agar and agarose rapidly, but did not attack cross-linked agars. Agarase was cell-bound in exponentially growing cultures but was released into the medium at stationary phase. Both cell extracts and culture filtrates released reducing sugars from agar solutions and prevented them from gelling. Gels were not dissolved by enzyme solutions, but the turbidity and iodine-binding properties of the agar were decreased." 1133586,"Choroid plexuses from adult rats were grafted to the kidneys of other rats of the same inbred strain. Almost all the grafts survived and exhibited a multiloculated pattern of choroidal papillae. Mild but progressive enlargement of the locules was probably caused by secretion of cerebrospinal fluid. Cyclophosphamide, a drug which damages the normally situated plexus, had similar but milder effects on the plexus implants. Isografts should prove useful for other studies of choroid plexus structure and function." 1133587,"Replicas of the perineurium of rabbit sciatic nerve fascicles show extensive zonulae occludentes between the flattened cells of each perineuriallamella. The junctions formed by the zonulae occludentes are of the morphologically 'tight' type. Therefore, theyare likely to represent the anatomical site of the diffusion barrier previously demonstrated by other morphological and physiological methods. Neighbouring perineurial lamellae are connected to one another by numerous maculae occludentes, some of which lie on thelateral processes of the perineurial cells. Within the meshes of the maculae occludentes and close tothem, small gap junctions can be observed." 1133588,"The synaptic organization of the fleshfly (Boettcherisca peregrina) ocellus has been studied by transmission electron microscropy. Three types of neuronal element are recognized in the ocellus: (1) 70-100 retinula axons (2) four thick ocellar nerve fibres and(3) several thin ocellar nerve fibres. Synaptic connections accompanied by characteristic presynaptic ribbons have been found between these three elements in five combinations. Four of these are numerous (retinula axons symapsing onto thick ocellar nerve fibres or onto thin ocellar fibres; thin ocellar nerve fibres synapsing onto thick ocellar nerve fibres or onto other thin ocellar fibres). On or two of the thin ocellar nerve fibres are mainly presynaptic elements. The remaining thin fibres are both pre-and postsynaptic. These observations suggest that the thick ocellar nerve fibres are afferent and at least one or two of the thin ocellar nerve fibres are efferent. The function of the remaining thin fibres is not known. The fifth combination is a feedback synapse from thin ocellar nerve fibres onto retinula oxons. In addition, neuro-glial synapses have been found between thin ocellar nerve fibres and glial cells. The latter two combinations are less common and may provide alternative neuronal pathways for processingocellar input." 1133589,"Pleomorphic vesicles in two different classes of 'flat-vesicle-containing profiles'(F-profiles) from the superficial layers of the superior colliculus of Galago and chimpanzee were found to be disk-like in shape as revealed by tilt analysis. In both primates, presynaptic dendrites, postsynaptic F-profiles and exclusively presynaptic F-profiles cannot be distinguished on the basis of vesicle morphology. This lends to support to the notion that F-profiles originate from one type of neuron. Modifications of the basic disk shape are interpreted as manifestations of different stages in the life cycle of individual vesicles." 1133590,"Teratomas are tumours which may arise spontaneously in the testis or ovary or may be induced experimentally by the implantation of young embryos into ectopic sites. In this study the nervous tissue within mouse teratomas was investigated by light and electronmicroscopy. Characteristic neuroepithelial tubules, neurons, glia and neuropil were recognized and showed no ultrastructural abnormality apart from collagenous infiltration. Synapses were frequently observed. However, other features of mature C.N.S. tissue including myelin and complex synaptic configurations were never seen, and it was not possible to recognize distinct classes of neurons, or organizations of cells and processes which characterized specific regions of the C.N.S. The limited differentiation of the nervous tissue of teratomas is discussed with reference to the normal development of C.N.A. in vivo and in vitro. The presence of synapses in the nervous tissue of teratomas is interpreted as a reflection of an intrinsic tendency of neuronal processes to form these specialized contacts even under conditions which prevent the development of certain other characteristics of nervous tissue." 1133591,"When certain intracellular and extracellular localities known to be rich in protein complexes are fixed and processed for electron microscopy, they show a reticulate precipitate which represents three-dimensional framework of material that forms the wall of polygonal lacunae. This is referred to as a stereoframework. Examples of a stereoframework described her include the presynaptic dense projections, cleft substance, postsynaptic density, the cytonet, coats of coated vesicles, reticulosomes, 'microfilamentous' network of growth cones, the glycocalyx of gut microvilli, blood plasma, precipitates of the Golgi apparatus, the chromatin of nuclei and the nuclear pore complex. The stereoframeworkappears most electron-dense when it has a very close mesh, e.g. as in the case of the dense projections. The stereoframework is assumed to have no direct relationship with themolecular architecture of the protein complexes in vivo and so can be regarded as a denaturization and precipitation artifact. This being so, attempts to elucidate the substructure of the above entities simply by inspection are fruitless. Furthermore, evidence is given that stereoframework precipitation can distort or completely obliterate organelles occupying the same locality, for example this could apply to structures such as actin filaments (perhaps running into the locality marked by a dense projection), microtubules(running into the presynaptic bag), smooth ER, tenuous connections between synaptic vesicles and the presynaptic membrane, structures within the nuclear pore complex and chromosome substructures in the nucleus. Finally it is suggested that the flat shape of synaptic vesicles (at inhibitory synapses) may be a distortion effect imposed upon the synaptic vesicles not as a result of osmotic effects, but as a conformation to the shape of a stereoframework which has been precipitated from protein complexes in the vicinity ofthe synaptic vesicles." 1133592,"Sensory ganglia from 9-day chick embryos were grown on collagen coated coverslips for36 h in the presence of nerve growth factor, producing a profuse neuritic outgrowth. The cultures were then incubated for varying periods in a colloidal suspension of thorium dioxide, and the pinocytotic uptake of this marker was followed by electron microscopy. Following brief exposures (3 min), most of the labelled organelles consisted of smooth surfaced vesicles and vacuoles; with longer exposures, the bulk of the marker accumulated first in cup-shaped pre-multivesticular bodies and ultimately in multivesicular bodies. The marker was also taken up into coated vesicles, dense-cored and electron lucent tubules,dense-cored vesicles and dense bodies of the multi-layered myelin body configuration. In addition, evidence suggestive of exocytosis was also obtained; views of apparent fusion of labelled multivesicular bodies with the plasmalemma involving extrusion of vesiclesand marker particles into the extracellular space were regularly encountered following long exposures." 1133593,"The ultrastructure of synaptic junctions in whole brain tissue and isolated synaptic membranes has been compared. Type 1 junctions are present in the isolated membranes,readily identified by the presence of dense-staining material associated with the postsynaptic membrane, but the dense projections present at the presynaptic membrane in intact tissue are absent. Type 2 junctions are not easily recognized because of the absence of prominent junctional densities, but apposed membranes with the appearance of type 2 junctions are seen in isolated membrane preparations. Junctions without dense-staining material are also seen among SYNAPtosomes and survive the hypotonic conditions used during isolation of the membranes. It thus seems probable that both type 1 and 2 junctions are present in isolated synaptic membrane preparations. In type 1 junctions after isolation,the postsynaptic thickening and cleft substance are together seen to be composed of an array of 200 A dense-staining subunits spanning the postsynaptic unit membrane. The relationship of this structure to the ultrastructure of the cleft substance and postsynapticthickening in intact tissue is discussed." 1133594,Synaptic membranes can be treated with detergents to yield postsynaptic densities from which the lipid unit membrane has been removed. The ultrastructure of these densities is identical to THAT of the synaptic lattice observed in undigested synaptic membranes; a1000-3000 A diameter planar array of 200 A diameter dense-staining subunits. The persistence of this synaptic lattice in the absence of lipid membrane may reflect a functional role in the maintenance of defined synaptic junctional structures in intact tissue. 1133648,"We have recently developed an immunoassay that can measure thyroxine rapidly and accurately in the eluate of 40 mul of dried blood spotted on filter paper at the fifth day of life. The method is completely automated and by using the samples received by the Central Laboratory of the Quebec Network for Genetic Medicine and their follow-up facilities, we are now screening every newborn in the province of Quebec for neonatal hypothyroidism. To date, from 47,000 measurements, three newborn infants with abnormally low TBG and seven hypothyroid infants have been detected. From these data we conclude that the frequency of congenital hypothyroidism is about one in 7,000 births and that our method is effective in detecting thyroid hormone abnormalities with an acceptable percentage of false positive measurements; no false negative results have occurred to our knowledge." 1133649,"Focal biliary cirrhosis is an uncommon finding in infants with cystic fibrosis, but it is present in more than a fifth of surviving children and adolescents. It was found at postmortem examination in only five of 47 infants with CF younger than 3 months, in five of 32 infants from 3 to 12 months, and in 18 of 67 children older than 1 year. In infants under 3 months, excessive mucus in intrahepatic bile ducts was seen in 11 necropsies; in 15 others there were only nonspecific periportal changes. Cholestasis was found in the livers of 18 of the 26 infants. Excessive mucus in the biliary tree was occasionally associated with periportal changes and cholestasis in older infants. The periportal changes, which are regarded as nonspecific, were never found in infants more than 1 year of age." 1133650,"The frequency of coronary risk factors was documented in 4,829 school children in Muscatine, Iowa, over a 14-month period of time. Serum cholesterol levels were similar for children at all ages; the mean serum cholesterol level was 182 mg/dl (SD lus or minus 29). Twenty four percent had levels larger than or equal to 200 mg/dl, 9% were larger than or equal to 220 mg/dl, 3 % were larger than or equal to 240 mg/dl, and 1% were larger than or equal to 260 mg/dl. Casual levels of serum triglyceride increased with age: the mean level was 71 mg/dl (SD plus or minus 36) at age 6 years and 108 mg/dl (SD plus or minus 45) at age 18 years. Only 15% of the children had serum triglyceride levels of 140 mg/dl or more. Blood pressure increased strikingly with age. No child between 6 and 9 years of age had blood pressures larger than or equal to 140 mm Hg systolic or larger than or equal to 90 mm Hg diastolic. In the age group 14 to 18 years, 8.9% had systolic blood pressures larger than or equal to 140 mm Hg, 12.2% had diastolic blood pressures larger than or equal to 90 mm Hg, and in 4.4% both pressures were at or above these levels. Obesity also increased through the school years. At ages 6 to 9 years, 20% had weights relative to those of the group as a whole of larger than or equal to 110%, and 5% were larger than or equal to 130%; in the 14 to 18 years age group, 25% had relative weights of larger than or equal to 110%, and 8% were larger than or equal to 130%. These data indicate that a considerable number of school-age children have risk factors which in adults are predictive of coronary heart disease." 1133651,"Propionyl CoA carboxylase deficiency was found in a 7-month-old boy who presented with attacks of vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, weakness, and hypotonia. He failed to thrive and had generalized seizures. He had propionic acidemia and hyperglycinemia; these are the manifestations of the ketotic hyperglycinemia syndrome. However, ketonuria was not a consistent part of his clinical picture, and he had at least two episodes of acute overwhelming illness, the latter one fatal, in which ketones were never found in the urine. Large amounts of pyrrolidone carboxylic acid were found in body fluids." 1133652,"Evaluation of 19 patients with the Williams elfin facies syndrome, in order to more completely delineate the total spectrum of the disorder, indicates that ""infantile hypercalcemia, peculiar facies, supravalvular aortic stenosis"" designation which was heretofore used is inappropriate. Only 32% of the patients have evidence of supravalvular aortic stenosis and not one of them has had documented hypercalcemia, including eight patients who had a serum calcium determination in the first year of life. Rather, the most consistent features are growth deficiency which is predominantly of postnatal onset, mild microcephaly with mental deficiency, and an altered pattern of facial development which includes short palpebral fissures, a stellate pattern in the iris, medial eyebrow flare, a depressed nasal bridge with anteverted nares, and thick lips. The disorder is a sporadic occurrence of unknown etiology." 1133653,"Eight patients in three families had mental retardation, characteristic facies and hands, and skeletal changes; the clinical features suggested to us that they had a syndrome previously thought to represent two entities described by Lowry and associates and by Coffin and associates, respectively. New findings include skeletal, orodental, and dermatoglyphic abnormalities and histopathologic changes suggesting that the syndrome is a heritable disorder of connective tissue. Severe expression in males and transmission through mildly affected females suggest X-linked or sex-influenced autosomal dominant inheritance." 1133654,Fetal and infant hips were analyzed in an attempt to explain some of the observed complications (particularly avascular necrosis) encountered in the treatment of hip dysplasia. Gross manipulation showed a tight interlocking of the acetabular labrum into the intertrochanteric notch of the proximal femur in the commonly used treatment positions that emphaized positional extremes. Injection studies corroborated vascular occlusion at three major sites when such positions were maintained. Marked abduction appeared to be the important position to avoid during treatment. 1133659,"Cord blood from 16 premature infants and 10 full-term infants, and blood from 10 healthy adults, was incubated for 30 minutes with tritiated thymidine, after which an autoradiographic study was made of spontaneously labeling cells. Apart from a varying number of erythroblasts, myelocytes, and an occasional blast cell, two main types of spontaneously labeling cells were observed: transitional cells and large lymphoid cells, previously shown to be phagocytic. Spontaneously labeling cells were 12 times more frequent in cord blood of premature and full-term infants than in the blood of adults. No transitional cells were seen in adult blood." 1133662,Seventeen constitutionally short boys were studied throughout puberty. Nine received oxandrolone (0.1 mg/kg/day). Treatment was started before onset of puberty. Eight boys served as control subjects. No significant increase in linear growth or skeletal maturation was observed in the treated group. Likewise the peak height velocity was unchanged. Pubic hair developed similarly in both groups in relation to chronologic and skeletal age. The only significant difference was a diminution in testicular volume index during treatment after bone age of 12 years and until bone age of 14 6/12 years. 1133663,"Previously published data of plasma concentrations and pharmacologic effects obtained after rapid intravenous injection and during constant rate intravenous infusion of theophylline in asthmatic children were analyzed pharmacokinetically to determine the relationship between effect on pulmonary function (improvement of forced expiratory volume in the first second) and drug level. The pharmacokinetics of distribution and elimination of theophylline are well described by a linear two-compartment open model consisting of a central and a tissue compartment. There is an essentially linear correlation between the intensity of effect and the logarithm of the amount of drug in the tissue compartment. This correlation exists both with decreasing and increasing drug concentrations, i.e., after intravenous injection and during intravenous infusion of theophylline." 1133664,"The administration of Na benzoate to grown and suckling Gunn rats in single doses of 7 and 35 mg/kg failed to significantly alter serum bilirubin concentrations. These doses are comparable to quantities of Na benzoate contained in injectable diazepam used therapeutically for newborn infants. Repeated doses of 7 mg/kg in the grown rat showed no effect, as well. A single dose of 100 or 200 mg/kg of Na benzoate and repeated doses of 35 mg/kg resulted in depressed serum bilirubin concentrations. The higher concentrations of Na benzoate, however, greatly exceed amounts contained in doses of diazepam recommended for clinical use in the human neonate. The data suggest that the use of injectable diazepam, in appropriate quantities, poses no hazard to the newborn infant in terms of bilirubin toxicity. The greater affinity for bilirubin of human albumin, than that of rat albumin, may further minimize the risk." 1133680,"A reinvestigation of the constituents of the Osage orange (maclura pomifera) yielded, in addition to the previously reported triterpenses (lupeol, butyrospermol, and lupan-3beta,20-diol), the pigments osajin and pomiferin, and a previously unreported constituent. The structure of this new compound was investigated. On the basis of spectroscopic and chemical data, it appeared to be an epimer of lupeol and is referred to as 19alpha-H-lupeol." 1133681,"In a clinical study involving 22 normal adult volunteers, the bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of prednisone tablets with varying dissolution rates were evaluated. Serum levels were measured by a radioimmunoassay for prednisolone. Absorption rate constants and serum half-lives are presented. Substantial serum levels of prednisolone were attained quite rapidly (within 0.5 hr). The observed serum levels were statistically analyzed and fitted to the one-compartment open model with first-order absorption and elimination. A qualitative correlation between the in vitro dissolution rate and the calculated initial absorption rate constants was found. However, the in vitro dissolution rates were not predictive of the overall bioavailability of the prednisone tablets tested in terms of peak concentration and area under the serum concentration-time curve." 1133682,"A technique for serial sampling of whole blood, plasma, or serum from unanesthetized, unrestrained rats is described. This technique is sufficiently rapid, reliable, and independent of the need for elaborate preparation, specialized equipment, or practiced skills to appeal to a wide range of experimental and teaching situations requiring multiple sampling from many animals. A simple surgical procedure implants a one-piece jugular cannula cut from a commercial coil of silicone polymer tubing. Multiple blood samples are almost immediately available for 5 weeks or more. Plasma or serum samples are readily obtainable from each blood sample without transfer from the syringe in which it is collected. Intravenous injection through the cannula does not prejudice later sampling protocol." 1133683,A spectrophotofluorometric method is described for the assay of thioguanine. The assay involves the oxidation of thioguanine with potassium permanganate to a fluorescent product. The method is suitable for routine quality control in laboratory preparations of thioguanine. 1133685,"The commonly used 4-aminoantipyrine dye formation procedure for hexachlorophene analysis in topical formulations was modified to overcome interference due to other components. Bar soaps and nonemulsion formulations are analyzed directly, employing a chloroform back-extraction stage of the dye prior to quantitation. Hexachlorophene in emulsions and liquid soaps is determined using a TLC separation prior to dye formation." 1133686,A rapid method for determining sorbitol or mannitol in pharmaceuticals by GLC using the tris-n-butyldiboronate esters is described. An internal standard unrelated to the hexitols is utilized to avoid the problems of cross-contamination introduced by the use of other hexitols. 1133687,"The chemistry of the red color formed during perchloric acid titration of chlorpromazine hydrochloride in acetic acid in the presence of mercuric acetate is discussed. Addition of ascorbic acid prevents the color formation and allows titration using a crystal violet end-point. Ascorbic acid addition also sharpens the potentiometric end-point. Ascrobic acid and its oxidation product, dehydroascorbic acid, being neutral to perchloric acid, do not interfere with the titration." 1133688,"A GLC method was developed for the assay of saccharin in pharmaceutical products. The procedure requires silylation with N, O-bis (trimethylsily) acetamide and subsequent chromatography on trifluoropropyl methyl silicone, using n-octacosane as an internal standard." 1133689,"The design and construction of a laboratory size dryer and other accessories suitable for investigating the drying rate kinetics of granules under controlled external conditions are described. Granulations of lactose and sulfathiazole, representing water-soluble and insoluble materials, were prepared using various commonly used binders, and their drying rates were determined. The binders and diluents affected the drying rate curves for these granulations both qualitatively and quantitatively. Granules made with starch paste and gelatin solution required maximum time and energy for drying and those made with simply syrup USP required the least among the binders studied. Generally, three linear slopes were observed when the drying rate was plotted against the moisture remaining, indicating that granulation drying may be considered as occurring through three distinct phases." 1133693,A method for the separation of 3beta-hydroxysterols from other sterols is presented. The method involves precipitating 3beta-hydroxysterols as the digitonides. The digitonide is then decomposed and separated into components using chromatography on highly cross-linked lipophilic polysaccharide gels. The digitonin in the mother liquor is separated from other sterols using the same chromatographic procedure. 1133695,"The effect of compressional force on the disintegration time of tablets prepared from calcium phosphate dibasic dihydrate containing various tablet disintegrants was examined. The results show that effects of compressional force on disintegration time are of two types. The first type is that of insoluble disintegrants, e.g., starch and a cation-exchange resin, where the disintegration time initially shows a dramatic decrease. After this decrease, a further increase in compressional force appears to have no effect on the disintegration time. The second type is that of soluble disintegrants, e.g., calcium sodium alginate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, and sodium staarch glycolate, where variation in compressional force has very little effect on the disintegration time. These results are discussed in terms of the differing mechanism whereby these substances act as disintegrants." 1133696,"Hypoiodite photolysis of 3beta-acetoxy-5-pragnen-20beta-olgave 3beta-acetoxy-5-pregnene-18,20-lactone in 46% yield. Lithium aluminum hydride reduction of the latter afforded 3beta, 18,20beta-trihydroxy-5-pregnen (91% yield) which, on Oppenauer oxidation, was converted to 18-hydroxyprogesterone (66%). Lead tetraacetate oxidation followed by mild saponification gave 18-hydroxydeoxycorticosterone (58%) yield)." 1133697,Small mesenteric arteries free of all extraarterial tissues were obtained from anesthetized dogs and perfused in vitro with Krebs solution. Vasoconstrictor responses of these arteries to intraarterial levarterenol and epinephrine were dose related and equivalent to those of arteries surrounded by fat and other tissues. Responsiveness was stable for at least 60 min. This simple preparation is useful for the study of vasoconstrictor phenomena uncomplicated arterial tissue. 1133698,"A number of indanamines substituted at the terminal amino nitrogen with various aliphatic, alicyclic, heterocyclic, and aromatic ring systems were synthesized and screened for hypoglycemic activity. None was found to possess significant activity compared to tolbutamide." 1133705,"The relative solubilities of n-alkyl p-aminobenzoates in water, proplyene blycol-water mixtures, proplyene glycol, and several other pharmaceutically important solvents can be predicted on the basis of a theoretical equation. This equation relates the activity coefficient of the hydrophobic portion of the molecule to the product of its surface area and its interfacial tension [free energy per unit area of a hydrocarbon (tetradecane) against the polar or semipolar solvent of interest]. The assumptions, conclusions, and applicability of the theorectical relationship are compared to those of the Scatchard-Hildebrand approach." 1133709,"The preparation of cast films of ethylcellulose containing caffeine and salicylic acid is described. These films exhibit timed release of drugs. Release rates were found to agree with both the classical first-order equation (log drug retained against time) and diffusion-controlled release models, as exemplified by Higuchi's equations (drug release linearly related to square root of time). Mathematical analysis of the data shows that the release behavior actually conforms with the diffusion-controlled model. Literature results, reported as first order, for the release of cetylpyridinium chloride and benzalkonium chloride from polyamide films were analyzed similarly and shown to be diffusion controlled. Recommendations are made for presentation and routine treatment of drug release data to avoid ambiguity and provide useful biopharmaceutical information." 1133711,"The whole plant of Swertia purpurascens Wall. (Gentianaceae) has been shown to contain five tetraoxygenated and three pentaoxygenated zanthones. These are identified as 1,5,8-trihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone, 1,3,8-trihydroxy-5-methoxyzanthone, 1-hydroxy-3,7,8-trimethoxyxanthone, 1,3,7,8-tetrahydroxyxanthone, 1,3,5,8-tetrahydroxyxanthone, and 1-hydroxy-3,4,7,8-tetramethoxyxanthone by chemical and spectral evidence. Additionally, the crude mixture of natural xanthones has been shown to include two partially emthylated pentaoxygenated xanthones as minor entities, which yield 1-hydroxy-3,4,7,8-tetramethoxyxanthone and 1-hydroxy-3,4,5,8-tetramethoxyxanthone on methylation. This is the first time that pentaoxygenated xanthones have been found in a member of the genus Swertia. 1-Hydroxy-3,4,7,8-tetramethoxyxanthone was previously known only as a synthetic compound. The total xanthones of S. purpurascens produce significant CNS stimulant actions, consistent with some therapeutic uses of the plant extract in the Indian system of medicine. The chemotaxonomic significance of the cooccurrence of various biogenetically related chemical characters in a single plant species is appraised." 1133712,"Mycophenolic acid, a novel antibiotic of low toxicity containing no nitrogen atoms in its structure, induces tumor regression in several murine solid tumor assays. It has been reported in extensive structure-activity studies that chemical modifications on the antibiotic itself reduce or eliminate antitumor activity. With the objective of antitumor activity enhancement, nitrogen-containing analogs of mycophenolic acid were synthesized according to a program directed toward the ultimate synthesis of close bioisosteres of the antibiotic. Intial efforts reported here describe the terpenoid side-chain degradation of N-geranyl-2(1H)-pyridones and N-geranylglutarimides, where the terminal isopropylidene is replaced with a carboxyl group as it occurs in mycophenolic acid. The resulting nitrogen-containing analogs of the antitumor antibiotic were inactive in the l-1210 and Walker 256 tumor systems." 1133713,"A novel hydrodynamic model for drug distribution, when the drug is administered intravenously in physiological systems, is presented. In addition to obtaining results of familiar multicompartment models, the theory presents fresh insights into pharmacokinetic problems. A detailed procedure is included for evaluating drug-physiological system parameters such as the elimination rate constant, volumes of distribution, and permeability properties from the experimental time course of concentration of the central compartment." 1133714,"A model was developed to detect nonlinear disposition of a drug in a tissue. The model was experimentally tested relating to salicylic acid disposition in the brain. Experimental data obtained in rats are reported for doses of 25 and 40 mg/kg ip. The parameters measured for each dose were the ratio of the area under the brain concentration-time curve to the area under the plasma concentration-time curve and the ratio of the maximum brain concentration of salicylic acid to the plasma concentration at that point in time. The ratios increased with dose; furthermore, ratios calculated using plasma concentrations corrected for plasma protein binding were dose dependent. Calculations performed on literature data for salicylic acid disposition in mouse brain corroborated the results of this sutdy. The existence of a saturable transport system for the elimination of salicylic acid from the brain is supported by the data presented. The rationale necessary to apply the model to any tissue is discussed." 1133715,"2-(N-Arylcarboxamide)-3-substituted ethoxyindoles were synthesized by the reaction of 2-(N-arylcarboxamide)-3-hydroxyindoles, which were obtained by the cyclization of 2-carbomethoxyphenylglycine-substituted anilides. These 2-(N-arylcarboxamide)-3-substituted ethoxyindoles were evaluated for their in vitro monoamine oxidase inhibitory ability and in vivo monamine oxidase inhibitory property as evidence by reserpine reversal response. Their anticonvulsant activity also was determined against pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures. No definite correlation could be observed between chemical structure and biological activity." 1133718,"A high-pressure liquid chromatographic method, using an absorption column and sulfabenzamide as the internal standard, is proposed for the determination of sulfacetamide sodium and its principal hydrolysis product, sulfanilamide, in eye drops. It affords an average recovery of 100.9% of added sodium sulfacetamide with a relative standard deviation of 1.9%." 1133719,A GLC method for the assay of griseofulvin in bulk and dosage forms was subjected to a wide and rigorous collaborative study. An overall recovery of 99.52 plus or minus 2.33% for three samples from 19 participating laboratories was obtained. The success of this study is ascribed to the fact that strict performance requirements are specified for the operating system. 1133720,"The effects of the granule size and density on the drying rate kinetics of tablet granulations were studied using lactose and sulfathiazole granules prepared with acacia mucilage and providone solution. The drying rate kinetics consisted of three distinct phases of drying when the drying rate was platted against remaining moisture content: constant rate, first falling rate, and second falling rate periods. The effect of various statistical diameters and granular density on the drying rate during the first falling rate period was analyzed, and the mechanism of moisture migration during this phase of drying was identified." 1133721,"An automated high-pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the separation and determination of aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine in pharmaceutical dosage forms is descreibed. Separation of these compounds for quantitation is achieved on a controlled pore glass support, utilizing a mixture of acetic acid and chloroform as the mobile phase. The method is specific, accurate, and simple and provides for the quantitation of each chromatogram in a continuous fashion every 7 min. HPLC separation of other analgesics was studied on a spherical siliceous support. The feasibility of determining free salicylic acid in analgesics also was established." 1133722,"The release rates of quinine sulfate from slowly eroding, timed-release tablets prepared with various amounts of a swellable gum, carbomer, and cellulose acetate hydrogen phthalate at different compaction pressures were attained. For the dissolution test of the prepared tablets, the method described in NF XIII was followed. The concentration of the released quinine sulfate was determined spectrophotometrically." 1133723,"The first-pass equation based on the dose, hepatic blood flow, and total area under the plasma level-time curve after oral administration was used retrospectively to predict the bioavailability of nortriptyline after oral administration of 1 mg/kg-single oral doses to monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs. The predicted values of bioavailability ranged from 45 to 85%, consistent with experimentally derived estimates of nortriptyline availability." 1133724,"The effects of acids and bases on the viscosity of salicylic acid-cetrimide systems were investigated. A viscosity reduction was produced by the addition of acids and was independent of the degree of saturation of the cetrimide solution with salicylic acid. The incorporation of base followed by that of acid increased and decreased the viscosity, respectively. This viscosity behavior was demonstrated in undersaturated systems and was not goverened by the relative amounts of base or acid used. In oversaturated systems, only a lowering of viscosity was observed." 1133726,"Aliphatic aldehydes react with 2,3-dimethyl-2,3-bis-(hydroxylamino)butane and sodium periodate for form colored free radicals. These radicals were stabilized with pyridine in aqueous solution. Low levels of formaldehyde in aqueous solutions were determined utilizing this reaction." 1133729,A sensitive procedure was developed for metronidazole in human plasma. The metronidazole is extracted from the plasma with chloroform and determined as the trimethylsilyl derivatives by GLC using a flame-ionization detector. Myristyl alcohol is used as the internal standard for quantitation by relative peak height. 1133730,A study was undertaken to develop a method that could be used an an indication of the absorption of steroids. It was demonstrated that 17-hydroxycorticosteroids in urine could be quantitatively determined via absorptivity values obtained through the use of standard hydrocortisone-alcohol solutions or standard solutions of hydrocortisone in urine utilizing the blue tetrazolium assay method. This method is dependent upon the hydrolysis of conjugated urinary steroids by beef liver glucuronidase. The resultant concentration of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids is determined colorimetrically using blue tetrazolium. 1133731,"Binding of trichloromonofluoromethane, dichlorodifluoromethane, and dichlorotetrafluoroethane was studied in aqueous 5% human albumin solution, using the partition coefficient method in sealed serum bottles. The partition coefficient and the fraction of fluorocarbons bound were highly dependent on fluorocarbon concentrations. The average binding sites per molecule of albumin were 2.17, 0.30, and 0.42 and the binding association constants were 1.11 X10-3, 1.73 X10-3, and 5.06X10-3 M-minus 1, respectively. At the lowest concentration studied, 62.3, 25.5, and 65.6% were found bound to albumin, respectively. This appears to represent the first extensive study on any gas-albumin interaction." 1133732,The release of sulfathiazole and salicylic acid from white petrolatum containing ethoxylated surfactants of varying ethylene oxide chain length was evaluated by the dialysis method. The rate of release of the drugs increased with the ethylene oxide number of the added surfactant. 1133733,"Treatment of mixed anhydrides derived from cis- and trans-2-carbobenzyloxycyclopropanecarboxylic acids and ethyl chloroformate with ethoxymagnesio di-tert-butyl malonate and subsequent treatment of the resulting adducts with p-toluenesulfonic acid afforded cis- and trans-benzyl-2-acetylcyclopropanecarboxylates in good to excellent yields, with retention of the original stereochemistry of the systems. These methyl ketones and an open chain congener, benzyl levulinate, were inert toward m-chloroperbenzoic acid. The cis-isomer and benzyl levulinate underwent normal Baeyer-Villiger reactions mediated by trifluoroperacetic acid, forming moderate yields of the acetate ester insertion products." 1133734,"The syntheses of 2-(9-acridinyl)ethyl-N-substituted carbamates and their hydrochlorides and 10-N-oxides are reported along with biological results in the areas of antineoplastic, antimalarial, and CNS activity screening. The compounds showed negative biological activity in the areas tested." 1133735,"A comparison of the bioavailability of salicylate from five brands of commercially available aspirin rectal suppositories in an adult panel is presented. All brands show slow absorption compared to oral administration of the drug in tablet form. At best, about 40% of the dose (on the average) was absorbed when retention time in the bowel was limited to 2 hr. However, four out of the five brands give substantially lower absorption rates so that only about 20% of the aspirin is available." 1133736,"The activity of tertiary and quaternary anticholinergic drugs was compared in two different test procedures designed to measure cholinolytic activity in mice. The four drugs utilized were atropine sulfate, atropine methylnitrate, scopolamine hydrobromide, and scopolamine methylnitrate. The results led to the conclusion that one of these test procedures, the induction of mydriasis (increase in pupil size), primarily measures peripheral anticholinergic activity whereas the other procedure, inhibition of physostigmine lethality, primarily measures anticholinergic activity in the CNS. These two test procedures can be utilized to characterize the nature of the cholinolytic properties of prospective therapeutic drug candidates." 1133737,"The distribution of radioactivity as 5-, 10-, and 15-min intervals following the intravenous administration of N-14-C-azure C was determined. The concentrations of radioactivity observed indicated that radioactive derivatives of azure C would not be useful pancreas of parathyroid scanning agents." 1133744,"The influences of drug concentration and vehicle composition on the corneal penetration of the steroid fluorometholone were studied in the albino rabbit. Aqueous dosing systems included a saturated solution and 0.1, 0.05, and 0.1% suspensions of micronized fluorometholone. Two different doses of a 0.1% oleaginous ointment were also studied. The results from the 0.1 and 0.5% suspensions show a peak aqueous humor steroid concentration at 30 min and a substantial sustaining effect with these two concentrations. The results also support the belief that moderate dilution of a suspension of a slowly soluble drug may not substantially lower the aqueous humor drug levels or, conversely, that use of a higher concentration suspension may not improve the aqueous humor drug concentration-time profile. The 0.1% suspension and the saturated solution did not produce a sustaining effect. The results demonstrate for the first time that the particles present in a dose of suspension are retained within the cul-de-sac of the eye and contribute significantly to the amount of steroid penetrating the cornea. This finding was confirmed by a study in which the eye was rinsed with saline solution 30 min after instillation of a dose of a 0.05% suspension. The rinsing procedure prematurely terminated the sustaining effect of the suspension. The results of the ointment studies show that partitioning of the lipophilic steroid from the oleaginous vehicle has a greater rate-limiting influence on corneal penetration than the dissolution rate parameter associated with the aqueous suspensions. Peak aqueous humor concentration was not achieved until 3 hr after dosing and was comparable to the 0.1 and 0.05% suspensions. Predosing of the eye with a saturated solution or the 0.1% suspension prior to dosing with ointment overcomes the inability of the ointment to provide adequate drug at short times following dosing. In this case, peak levels were achieved within 60 min and then maintained. The duration of aqueous humor levels and the amount penetrating from the ointment were greater than the suspensions, and these effects are discussed relative to the mechanism. Differences in aqueous humor levels produced by 25- and 50-mg doses of ointment were minimal. A discussion of the results from all studies is presented in the context of present theories regarding the role of the lipophilic epithelial layer of the cornea as a barrier to drug penetration." 1133745,"A simple, rapid, and sensitive radioimmunoassay was developed for the determination of chlordiazepoxide (7-chloro-2-methylamino-5-phenyl-3H-1,4-benzodiazepine 4-oxide) in plasma. Antiserum capable of binding chlordiazepoxide-2-14C was obtained from rabbits following immunization with an antigen prepared by coupling the reactive acyl azide of 7-chloro-5-(4-hydrazinocarbonylmethoxyphenyl)-2-methylamino-3H-1,4-benzodiazepine 4-oxide to bovine serum albumin. The radioimmunoassay allows for the specific determination of chlordiazepoxide directly in plasma without extraction and was compared with a differential spectrofluorometric assay for chlordiazepoxide. Both methods gave satisfactory agreement for the plasma levels of chlordiazepoxide in human subjects resulting from single and chronic oral doses of chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride." 1133746,"Aluminum hydroxide gel loses reactivity upon aging. However, a sharp decrease in reactivity occurs when the gel is diluted with double-distilled water. The loss of reactivity is directly related to the degree of dilution, but dilution with dioxane or the mother liquor has no effect on reactivity. It is hypothesized that dilution with water causes a change in the equilibrium between stabilizing ions incorporated in the gel structure and ions in solution. As the stabilizing ions leave the gel structure to reestablish the equilibrium, a loss of reactivity is observed until a new equilibrium is established." 1133747,"The applicability of a permeation rate technique to the determination of drug-macromolecule interactions was tested by measuring the extent of interaction of methylparaben with polyvinylpyrrolidone and polysorbate 80. Results were in agreement with literature data obtained by other techniques. The present method, although restricted to permeant molecules that diffuse readily through nonporous nylon membranes, is of potential value for investigations of drug binding by macromolecules not retained by porous dialysis membranes." 1133748,"Reaction of chlorpromazine with 9-bromomethylacridine under appropriate conditions yields a nonfluorescent quaternary ammonium derivative which, on subsequent photolysis, liberates fluorescence. The major component of this fluorescence is 9-methylacridine (86%), while two minor components are 9-acridinecarboxaldehyde (6%) and 9-acridinemethanol (8%). The mechanism of photolysis leading to formation of these products appears to involve homolytic as well as heterolytic cleavages of the quaternary salt. Both the quaternization and the photolysis are stoichiometric. Appropriate isolation of the fluorescence and its quantitative determination constitutes the basis of a new and highly sensitive assay applicable to chlorpromazine and other tertiary amine drugs." 1133749,"The 3, 3-dimethyl-, 3-n-butyl-3-methyl-, 3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3-methyl-, 3,3-bis(2-fluoroethyl)-, and 3, 3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-triazenyl derivatives of imidazole-4-carbonitrile were prepared from 5-diazoimidazole-4-carbonitrile, a stable compound which produced a mass spectrum consistent with its structure. In contrast to the corresponding carboxamides, none of the triazenylimidazole-4-carbonitriles were active against lymphatic leukemia L-1210 im mice. Like the analogous carboxamide, the bis(2-chloroethyl) triazene readily cyclizes to the 1, 2, 3-triazolinium chloride." 1133750,"The possibility tht metronidazole exerts several of its biological actions via interaction with important metal ions was investigated. NMR spectroscopy and polarography (ac) were used to test for any interaction, to locate the probable sites for complexation, and to determine the molecular stoichiometry of any complexes formed. Of the series of divalent metal ions tests, only cupric ion showed detectable interaction with metronidazole. The predominant site of interaction of cupric ion was the unsubstituted nitrogen atom (N-3) on the metronidazole molecule. The stoichiometry of the complex was (Cu-(metronidazole)4)+2. A likely structure for the complex is presented." 1133751,"The extent of plasma binding and the partition coefficient of disopyramide and 20 disopyramide derivatives were determined. Structural variations on the four functional groups around the tetrahedral carbon in the disopyramide molecule was found to influence both parameters to varying degrees. Three linear equations were developed to correlate the observed effects, depending on the type of chemical modification. The linear correlation between drug-plasma interaction and lipophilic character was analyzed theoretically. A simple model was derived to relate quantitatively the variation in the extent of plasma binding to the change in lipophilicity of disopyramide derivatives." 1133752,"The role of principal component analysis in the selection of pharmaceutical formulations is presented. The objective and the procedure of the analysis are discussed in detail. The technique was successfully applied to a system consisting of 10 response variables (tablet properties). Analysis of the results showed that the first component (dissolution) and components one and two together (dissolution and disintegration) contributed 95.4 and 99.3%, respectively, to the overall information about the formulations and that eight of 10 response parameters contributed nothing further to the overall information. The results obtained from this method of analysis may be found useful for achieving economy in both cost and time of measuring response. Principal component analysis also provides a basis for understanding the underlying mechanism of the system under consideration." 1133753,"The published procedure for the synthesis of pyrrolidone-5-hydroxamic acid was improved. The acidity constant of the pyrrolidone-5-hydroxamic acid was determined as pKa = 8.65. In an aqueous solution of iron (III) ions, pyrrolidone-5-hydroxamic acid binds ferric ion, forming a mixture of mono-, bis-, and tris(pyrrolidone-5-hydroxamato)iron (III) complexes. These complexes were studied by potentiometric and spectrophotometric methods. The tris compound was isolated as dark orange-red crystals and identified according to elemental analysis and IR spectral data as C15H21FeN6O9.6H2O, having the magnetic moment of 5.67 B.M." 1133754,"A spectrodensitometric method for the direct determination of sulfadiazine at the tissue residue level (0.1 ppm) is based upon the measurement of the fluorescence of a sulfadiazine-fluorescamine derivative formed directly on a TLC plate by dipping it into a fluorescamine solution. The linear dynamic range for the assay is about 150 from 200 to 0.2 ng, the lower limit of sensitivity. Recoveries from various spiked tissues including milk, eggs, liver, kidneys, muscle, skin, and fat varied with the tissue type but were reproducible. The assay technique has also been used for the assay of sulfamethoxazole and has been explored for use in specifically assaying sulfonamide mixtures." 1133755,"Subjective spreadability, viscosity, and stickiness perceived with the fingers were predicted from fluid mechanics. The correlation coefficients of these predictions were 0.95 for spreadability, 0.95 for viscosity, and 0.09 for stickiness. The two important assumptions in the predictions were that spreadability and viscosity were perceived as shear stress and that stickiness was perceived as time. When the finger geometry was approximated as two parallel plates, the predictions only required rheological data for the Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids used. While these liquids covered a range of 10-6 in apparent viscosity, large variations in other fluid properties such as density and surface tension were not studied." 1133756,"The shifts in the absorption and fluorescence spectra of 3-aminoacridine, proflavine, acridine orange, and acridine yellow were employed to show that the singly charged cations, the predominant species at biological pH, exist in the ground state in the amino form. In the lowest excited singlet state, however, the monocations of the diaminoacridines have the imino structure, a conclusion supported by the relative ground- and excited-state pKa values of the reactions of the monocation with H-+. The ground-state amino structure has its positive charge concentrated at the heterocyclic nitrogen atom, a fact that is of primary importance in determining the geometry of binding to DNA." 1133757,"The influence of dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate and poloxalene on the GI absorption of phenolsulfonphthalein in the rat was studied. Urinary excretion data after oral administration of the drug to intact rats and loss of the drug from the whole small intestine as a loop were both utilized to assess the effect of the surfactants on absorption. Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate markedly increased the absorption of the drug, and the extent was dependent on the surfactant concentration. Maximum effect was observed at the reported ED50 in rats, of the surfactant as a fecal softener. The mechanism responsible for absorption enhancement seems to be an alteration of the permeability of the intestinal membrane. Micellar complexation between the drug and the surfactant resulted in a lesser increase in absorption at the higher surfactant concentrations. Poloxalene did not increase drug absorption, but higher concentrations caused a decrease in absorption due to micellar entrapments of the drug molecules. The influence of dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate on the peritoneal absorption of the drug was also investigated. Lower doses of the surfactant increased absorption of the drug by altering the membrane permeability. Higher doses decreased absorption due to unavailability of the drug molecules entrapped in the micelles." 1133758,"To explore the effect of dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate on drug absorption in humans, the urinary excretion of a poorly absorbable drug, phenolsulfonphthalein, administered in solution with and without the surfactant was determined. Coadministration of a therapeutic dose of the surfactant with the drug solution resulted in a significant increase in the initial rate of absorption. A small increase in the extent of absorption was also observed. Pretreatment with the surfactant for 6 nights, followed by administration of the drug on the 7th day, did not significantly change the rate of extent of absorption. The surfactant is thought to have a direct effect on the GI membrane, resulting in a temporary change in its permeability. This effect appears to be reversible after a few hours." 1133759,"Specific assay procedures were developed to measure plasma concentrations of (plus or minus)-1, 2-bis(3, 5-dioxopiperazinyl) propane (1) by GLC using flame-ionization detection with a sensitivity limit of 5 mug/ml and by GLC-mass fragmentography with a sensitivity limit of 0.2 mug/ml. Applicability of the assay procedures was demonstrated in rats, rabbits, and humans. Plasma concentration-time curves of total 14-C activity and intact I was obtained in rats and rabbits following oral and intravenous administration of 14-C-I. Plasma elimination half-lives of I in the first 2 hr following intravenous doses in rats were 40 and 45 min in two rats. Plasma levels of I were measured over 6 hr after an intravenous dose in rabbits and followed a two-compartment open model with a terminal loglinear plasma half-life of 85 min. Significantly higher total 14-C levels compared to intact I plasma concentrations indicated rapid biotransformation in both rats and rabbits to unknown metabolites. The oral bioavailability appeared to be limited in both species relative to intravenous administration. Two patients receiving 3 g I/m-2 in tablets orally showed plasma levels of I similar to those obtained after oral doses in rats and rabbits, with peak concentrations at 2 hr after the dose (3.8 mug/ml) and with still measurable levels 12 hr after the dose (0.4 mug/ml)." 1133760,"At 37 degrees C the vasoconstrictor response of the isolated, perfused rabbit ear artery to an infusion of nicotine or acetylcholine (ACh) was transient--rising rapidly to a peak and then fading completely within a minute or two. After complete fade of the response during continued infusion of either nicotine or ACh (in the presence of atropine), the vasoconstrictor responses to stimulation of periarterial adrenergic neurons or to infused norepinephrine (NE) were not diminished. The fade of response was attributed to desensitization of nicotinic receptors at the adrenergic nerve terminals on which nicotine and ACh act to release NE. On washout of either nicotinic agonist after development of desensitization, recovery of sensitivity was essentially complete within several minutes, provided that neither excessively high concentrations nor excessively long periods of infusion had been used. The rate of desensitization to nicotine of ACh increased with concentration of the agonist. On infusion of high concentrations (200 mug/ml) of either, the time required for full desensitization was estimated to be less than 5 seconds. Cross-desensitization was demonstrated for nicotine, ACh and tetramethylammonium. Considerable desensitization occurred even on infusion of nicotine (1 mug/ml) slightly below that required to give a threshold vasoconstrictor response. Moreover, full desensitization without any preceding vasoconstrictor response could be obtained if the concentration of infused nicotine was gradually increased from an initial subthreshold to a final very high suprathreshold level over a 20- to 30-minute period. Both the rate and degree of desensitization to nicotine decreased as the temperature was decreased from 37 degrees to 27 degrees C. The present results are consistent with the concept that the nicotinic receptor (or receptor mechanism) at the adrenergic nerve terminal, after being activated as a result of combination with the agonist, can undergo a transformation to an inactive or desensitized state. It is proposed that under conditions where desensitization to the agonist develops in the absence of any vasoconstrictor response, the fraction of receptors in the activated state at any instant in time during the development is too small to trigger the release of NE." 1133761,"Isomers of amphetamine were tested for their ability to evoke changes in the spontaneous motor behavior of rats. d-Amphetamine was effective within the dose range of 0.2 to 2.0 mg/kg; l-amphetamine was effective within the range of 1.0 to 10.0 mg/kg. Both d- and l-amphetamine were also compared for their pressor and tachycardic activity in pithed rats. The doses of amphetamine tested (0.1-10.0 mg/kg) were identical to those which produced changes in behavior. d-Amphetamine was approximately 5-fold more potent than l-amphetamine in evoking pressor responses and approximately 3-fold more potent in evoking tachycardic responses. The two isomers differed little in their ability to block norepinephrine uptake into heart. The ID50 values were; d-amphetamine 0.7 mg/kg; l-amphetamine, 1.2 mg/kg. Cocaine, which also blocked norepinephrine uptake into heart (ID50 = 3.0 mg/kg), lacked significant pressor or tachycardic activity in pithed, adrenalectomized animals. The inability of cocaine to evoke responses was related to the marked reduction in norepinephrine turnover and release in pithed animals. It was concluded that differences in potency between d- and l-amphetamine cannot be explained on the basis of blockade of norepinephrine uptake. The difference may relate to evoked release of amine." 1133762,"The effects of chronic ingestion of oral contraceptive preparations with ""low"" and ""high"" estrogen contents on conversion of angiotensin I (AI) to angiotensin II (AII) have been examined in the rat. The dosage employed was 1.0 mg/kg/day for a period of 3 to 4 weeks. Blood pressure responses in anesthesized animals showed that in vivo conversion of AI was increased by about 40% with either drug treatment. The activity of injected renin was increased to the same extent as that of AI following treatment with the low-estrogen preparation, and to a greater extent following treatment with the high-estrogen preparation. Blood pressure responses to AII were also slightly increased above control values in those animals which received high-estrogen treatment. However, conversion of AI in isolated perfused lungs or in plasma from treated rats was not significantly altered from normal. It is concluded that conversion of AI to AII can constitute the rate-limiting step in AII production under certain circumstances and that increased conversion may play a part in the changes in the renin-angiotensin system associated with high circulating estrogen levels. The increased conversion is unlikely to be due to a change in pulmonary or plasma converting enzyme activity." 1133763,"The antiarrhythmic efficacy of ajmaline has been evaluated in three experimental models of cardiac arrhythmias in the dog. These data have been related to the actions of the compound on several parameters of heart function and compared to results obtained in various clinical arrhythmias. Ajmaline was more effective in arrhythmias of the ectopic focus type than in the circus movement model. These results agreed with the pattern of clinical activity. The compound produced decreases in excitability and conduction and increased the functional refractory period in all heart tissues. These effects were most marked in the atrium. The drug also showed a moderate degree of anticholinergic activity. Both in the dogs and in the clinical cases, the agent showed an important hypotensive effect. In a group of experiments in which transmembrane potentials were recorded, the compound produced in all tissues a decrease in upstroke velocity and amplitude of the action potential; it also increased the duration of the action potential in atrial and ventricular muscle, but it decreased it in Purkinje fibers. The possible mechanism(s) of action of the drug is discussed in terms of the different hypotheses for cardiac arrhythmias." 1133764,"Bretylium produced electrophysiological effects on both rat atrium and ventricle in vitro at concentrations ranging from 2 times 10- minus 5 to 10- minus three M. Those effects included lengthening of action potential duration and effective refractory period; increasing effective refractory period/action potential duration; decreasing dv/dt of phase zero of the action potential and suppressing the action potential amplitude and overshoot. These effects, which could serve as a basis for the antiarrhythmic action of bretylium, were observed also in hearts from immunosympathectomized rats confirming a direct effect of this drug on the electrical properties of the cardiac muscle cells. In vivo and in vitro exposure of the myocardium to 14-C-bretylium showed that this drug is concentrated in cardiac ventricle and that this concentrating ability of the heart may be responsible for attaining effective antiarrhythmic concentrations in the myocardium at low plasma concentrations of the drug. Uptake of bretylium by the sympathetic nerves never amounted to more than 15% of the total bretylium binding by the cardiac ventricle and this neuronal uptake became insignificant compared to total bretylium uptake at concentrations greater than 10- minus 6 M. Subcellular distribution of the bretylium bound to the cardiac ventricle from immunosympathectomized rats suggested a binding to plasma membranes. Efflux studies indicate that this binding was tight, although reversible. These results indicate that underlying the antiarrhythmic effects of bretylium is an accumulation of the drug by cardiac muscle cells and a direct effect of the drug on the electrical properties of the cardiac muscle membrane independent of any action on the adrenergic neuron." 1133765,"The effects of dimethyl quaternary propranolol (UM-272) on electrophysiologic properties of canine cardiac Purkinje fibers (PF) were studied using standard microelectrode techniques. In PF superfused with Tyrode's solution, the effects of UM-272, 10- minus 7 to 10- minus 5 M, were studied. In other experiments, UM-272, 3 mg/kg, was injected into donor animals whose blood was used to superfuse isolated PF. Antiarrhythmic concentrations of UM-272 decreased action potential (AP) amplitude, phase 0 upstroke velocity, membrane responsiveness, AP duration and the effective refractory period (the decrease in the effective refractory period was less than that in AP duration). Automaticity of spontaneously firing PF was suppressed. As perfusate potassium concentration was increased, the magnitude of UM-272 effect was accentuated. When the actions of equimolar concentrations of UM-272 and propranolol on PF AP were compared, propranolol attained a steady-state effect more rapidly and tended to depress the AP more markedly. UM-272 did not block epinephrine-induced increases in PF automaticity or the adenylate cyclase activation of PG homogenates induced by epinephrine. These studies indicate that UM-272 has direct effects on the PF AP similar to those of propranolol, but lacks the beta blocking properties of the latter." 1133766,"Pyridine aldoxime methochloride (2-PAM) increased the force of contraction of stimulated rabbit left atria in vitro. The threshold concentration was 2.3 times 10- minus 3 M whereas 9.2 times 10- minus 2 M produced the absolute maximum increase in tension of 83%. Pretreatment of rabbits with reserpine (2.5 mg/kg/day for 3 days) had no significant influence on the positive inotropic action of 2-PAM. In addition, propranolol (10- minus 8 and 10- minus 6 M) had no effect. Time to peak tension and the time to complete relaxation during each contraction cycle was significantly prolonged. 2-PAM increased the isometric tension developed by isolated aortic strips. The maximum tension developed by the control aortas to 2-PAM was 1.54 plus or minus 0.17 g and after 10- minus 6 M phentolamine, it remained 1.46 plus or minus 0.19 g. The rate of tension decline of stimulated atria was increased in the presence of 2-PAM from 49.7 plus or minus 2.40 to 28.50 plus or minus 1.32 seconds when the atria were placed in a low calcium (Ca)-containing Ringer's solution (0.24 mM CaCl2). When the bathing medium was changed from a low Ca (0.24 mM CaCl2) Ringer's back to normal Ca (2.4 mM CaCl2) Ringers solution, 2-PAM had no influence on the rate of recovery of the initial tension response of the atria. The 34-Ca uptake and efflux studies demonstrated that 2-PAM had no influence on the inward movement of Ca through the membrane but increased the rate of efflux during the phase II process. 2-PAM depressed the rate of uptake of 45-Ca by the isolated rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum. The T1/2 for the control uptake was 1.80 plus or minus 0.07 minutes and in the presence of 2-PAM (2 times 10- minus 2, 5 times 10- minus 2, 1 times 10- minus 1 M) the T1/2 was increased to 4.50 plus or minus 0.22, 7.20 plus or minus 0.36 and 11.6 plus or minus 0.44 minutes, respectively. It is concluded from these studies that 2-PAM has a positive inotropic effect on isolated rabbit atria which is probably not related to the autonomic nervous system. The evidence obtained strongly suggests that the mechanism of the positive inotropic action is related to the effect of 2-PAM on the homeostasis of intracellular Ca storage sites." 1133767,"The biosynthesis of acetylcholine and the fate of intravenously administered choline [methyl- 3-H] were studied in guinea pigs anesthetized with pentobarbital. Choline and acetylcholine were isolated by paper electrophoresis and estimated by use of a specific enzymatic (choline kinase) - radioisotopic assay. The concentration of acetylcholine ranged from 25.5 to 1.1 nmol/g in the following tissues (in order of decreasing concentration): duodenum, corpus striatum, stomach, cerebral cortex, spinal cord, abdominal fat, submaxillary gland, kidney, adrenal gland, spleen, liver, lung, heart and diaphragm. Choline [methyl- 3-H] was converted in the tissues to acetylcholine within 3 minutes after intravenous administration of the precursor. Virtually all the radioactivity in plasma at that time was present as free choline, suggesting that free choline from plasma is the immediate precursor for acetylcholine synthesized in the tissues cited. The concentration of free choline in tissues ranged from 344 nmol/g in adrenals to 40 nmol/g in heart, while that in plasma was 15 nmol/g. The initial half-life of choline in plasma, estimated from the rate of disappearance of choline after intravenous administration of either a tracer dose of choline [methyl- 3-H] (0.031 mumol/kg) or a high dose of choline chloride (200 mumol/kg), was less than 1 minute. This rapid removal of choline from plasma resulted from uptake (or binding) by tissues, with kidney and liver removing about 50% of the administered dose of choline [methyl- 3-H] within 3 minutes after its administration. Uptake of choline occurred in all tissues cited above, but there was a 20-fold difference in the uptake by the most active tissues (kidney and adrenals), as compared to that of the least active (central nervous system). Within 60 minutes after administration of choline [methyl- 3-H], most of the radioactive choline taken up by tissues had been converted to organic-soluble metabolites and to water-soluble metabolites that behaved like either phosphorylcholine or betaine during paper electrophoresis and chromatography. Betaine was the principal metabolite of choline in plasma. Radioactivity was excreted slowly into urine, which contained primarily free choline, betaine and a large amount of an unidentified metabolite. These findings indicate that the principal mechanism for the rapid removal of choline from plasma is uptake into tissues followed by metabolism." 1133768,"Urinary excretion and tubular handling of 3-H-prostaglandin E2 (3-H-PGE2) were examined in anesthetized rats made diuretic with 2.5% saline infusion using the tracer microinjection technique. Radioactive inulin and PGE2 were simultaneously injected into surface convolutions of proximal and distal tubules with volumetric micropipettes and their urinary excretion were measured. The rate of microinjection was adjusted to approximate tubular flow. Net 3-H-PGE2 recoveries from the microinjected kidney were similar following injections into early (61.2 plus or minus 6.8%) and late (62.9 plus or minus 7.9%) proximal tubules, but significantly higher after injection into distal tubules (91.3 plus or minus 7.0%) indicating absorption of 3-H-PGE2 in the loop of Henle but not in the proximal and distal nephron. Excretion was primarily direct, that is, parallel with inulin excretion when PGE2 was deposited in distal convoluted tubules. After injection of 3-H-PGE2 into early and late proximal tubules, half of net recovery was direct and half showed temporal dissociation from inulin (indirect recovery), revealing retardation of PGE2 excretion in the loop. Segmental tubular efflux occurred primarily in the loop of Henle (48.5%). It was low in the distal nephron (13.5%) and negligible in the proximal convoluted tubule (6.1%). These studies indicate that the loop of Henle is the principal site of transtubular PGE2 movement. They do not suggest a primary tubular route of transfer of medullary prostaglandins to cortical vascular or peritubular sites of action except for possible inhibition of distal reabsorption from the luminal side." 1133769,"The effect of carbon tetracholoride (CCl4) inhalation (1100 ppm, 30 minutes) on rat hepatic polyribosomal profile, amino acid incorporation and endoplasmic reticulum were studied in phenobarbital or 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) pretreated rats. The inhalation of CCl4 alone caused a partial disruption of the hepatic polyribosomal profile. Rats pretreated with phenobarbital or 3-MC showed complete disruption of the hepatic polyribosomal profile. The hepatic polyribosomal profile returned to normal within 24 hours after exposure to CCl4 in saline and 3-MC-pretreated rats as compared to 48 hours in phenobarbital-pretreated rats. The incorporation of 14-C(U)-L-leucine into 9000 x g liver supernatant fraction protein was decreased in phenobarbital-pretreated rats when measured immediately following or 24 hours after inhalation of CCl4. The incorporation was also decreased in 3-MC-pretreated rats when measured immediately after exposure but not at 6 or 24 hours. The centrolobular hepatocytes of phenobarbital-pretreated rats exposed to CCl4 showed dilation and vesiculation of cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and striking changes in the nuclear double membrane. Partial recovery occurred within 24 hours and complete recovery within 48 hours after exposure. There were no observable changes in these parameters 0, 6, or 24 hours after exposure to CCl4 in 3-MC-pretreated rats. A new hypothesis is put forward which states that the activation of CCl4 to trichloromethyl free radicals takes place at two sites on the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-cytochrome P-450 electron-transport chain of liver microsomes." 1133770,"1. The membrane resistance of isolated salivary glands was found to decrease in response to 5-HT. The change in resistance was calcium-dependent. 2. The resistance change of the apical membrane was found to be much greater than the change in resistance of the basal membrane. 3. Potential responses under current-clamped conditions showed that one part of the biphasic response to 5-HT (attributed to an increase in chloride permeability) could be reversed and the other part (attributed to an increase in a potassium pump) could not. 4. These observations have been incorporated into a model which, on evaluation, predicts all of the observed potential changes during the action of 5-HT. It suggests that the potential responses reflect changes in the internal chloride concentration produced by the calcium-dependent increases in chloride permeability." 1133771,"1. S-potential responses to transient and maintained light stimuli have been recorded from units in the mixed rod-cone retina of a teleost fish species Eugerres plumieri. 2. Four spectral classes of S-potential were observed, three cone- and one rod-type. The cone-type responses were subdivided into two L-type (referred to as L1 and L2), and a C-type response. Two classes of transient depolarization response were also recorded from those retinal levels associated with the S-potential responses and these are attributed, tentatively, to rod and cone bipolar activity. 3. L2-type S-potentials do not yield constant hyperpolarization during maintained light stimulation, the time course of the response potential, V, being given approximately by (see article) where Vt is the response potential at time t sec following the onset of stimulation, Vo being the initial response potential. In contrast, both hyperpolarizing and depolarizing components of the C-type response were maintained under conditions of steady illumination. 4. Under maintained light stimulation at saturation illumination level, the rod S-potentials escape from hyperpolarization in a manner similar to that previously observed for the skate (Dowling & Ripps, 1971). 5. L2-type responses to transient test stimuli of illumination level I, superimposed on a steady background field of illumination level I', are in some respects consistent with Alpern, Rushton & Torii's (1970) empirical formula (see article) with K, I one-half and ID constants. However, for the present data, the value of I one-half is dependent on I'. 6. The significance of Ricco's law for S-potential responses is discussed in relation to these findings." 1133772,"1. A giant dopamine-containing cell, situated in the left pedal ganglion of the water snail Planorbis corneus, was identified in isolated living preparations of the central nervous system. Spectrophotofluorimetric analysis confirms that the cell contains dopamine, whereas noradrenaline appears to be absent. The cell is unique in being a repeatedly identifiable dopamine-containing neurone. 2. Stimulation of the giant dopamine-containing cell resulted in excitatory, inhibitory or biphasic (depolarizing-hyperpolarizing) synaptic potentials in a number of follower neurones. The duration of the e.p.s.p.s and i.p.s.p.s was 0-3-5 sec; they ranged from barely detectable responses to ones 7 mV in amplitude in different cells. The depolarizing phase of a biphasic synaptic potential (b.p.s.p.) was usually less than 1 mV in amplitude (max. 3mV) and lasted 40-400 msec. The latency of i.p.s.p.s was long (70-120 msec) compared with that of e.p.s.p.s and b.p.s.p.s (20 msec). Abolition of the depolarizing phase of by tubocurarine left a long-latency (70-120 msec) i.p.s.p. All responses showed summation and marked facilitation. 3. Evidence is presented that the post-synaptic potentials are produced by direct connections from the giant cell and result from a release of dopamine. Of eight putative transmitter substances tested on these different groups of neurones, only dopamine produced a potential change which in each case was of the same polarity as the post-synaptic potential when this was monophasic. However, generally applied dopamine produced only a hyperpolarization in follower cells showing b.p.s.p.s. This result is probably partly due to rapid desensitization of the receptors mediating the depolarization and also to a masking of the depolarization by the more effective hyperpolarizing response. 4. Erogometrine and 6-hydroxydopamine specifically antagonized the i.p.s.p.s and dopamine receptors mediating inhibition. Neither the e.p.s.p.s nor the excitatory dopamine response were blocked by high concentrations of hexamethonium. Hexamethonium was also ineffective in blocking the depolarizing phase of a b.p.s.p., which was, however, selectively eliminated by tubocurarine. 5. It is suggested that dopamine is the transmitter released from the giant cell and that it can mediate excitatory, inhibitory or biphasic responses in different follower neurones." 1133773,"1. Polyneuronal innervation is known to occur in several types of vertebrate muscle, including mammalian muscle spindle (Gray, 1957). Previous work had led to the suggestion that the multiply innervated cat extraocular muscles were similarly polyneuronally innervated. 2. The presence of polyneuronal innervation in fibres that show propagated conduction was explored in the two muscles innervated by the abducens nerve: the lateral rectus (which contains multiply innervated fibres) and the retractor bulbus (which does not). 3. Under conditions of twitch and tetanic stimulation, the sum of individual tensions from the two nerve branches was compared with the tension elicited from the whole nerve. An analysis of variance indicated that the lateral rectus and the retractor bulbus did not differ significantly in terms of tension excess. The twitch condition yielded a small but statistically significant (P smaller than 0-01) amount of tension excess, whereas the tetanic condition did not. 4. Twitches elicited by stimulation of one branch of the abducens nerve showed slight potentiation when preceded by a tetanic stimulation to the other nerve branch. This effect could be ready differentiated from the post-tetanic potentiation elicited by applying both twitch and tetanic stimuli to the whole nerve. 5. Muscle fatigue produced by intensive stimulation of one nerve branch did not decrease the amplitude of the tetanic contraction elicited by stimulation of the other branch. In fact, instead of crossed fatigue, a small but significant (P smaller than 0-05) potentiation was observed. 6. Analysis of the results of the three tests led to the conclusion that polyneuronal innervation could not be demonstrated in cat extraocular muslce fibers that showed propagated conduction. Thus, the end-to-end muscle fibre junctions (Floyd, 1970) apparently do not transmit conducted impulses." 1133774,"1. Extracts were prepared of chicken duodenum and their actions on pancreatic secretion in urethane anasthetized turkeys and in conscious cats were compared with those of pure natural porcine secretin. 2. The chicken extracts and porcine secretin stimulated dose-dependent increases in the rate of flow, but not the rate of protein secretion, from the pancreas in cats and turkeys. 3. Porcine cholecystokinin stimulated both the rate of flow and the rate of protein secretion from the pancrease in turkeys. 4. The doses of chicken extract required to evoke half maximal rates of flow of pancreatic juice were similar in the turkey (0-55 mg/kg) and in the cat (0-72 mg/kg). The highest concentration of bicarbonate recorded in the turkey responses was 30 m-equiv/l. compared with 112 m-equiv/l. in the cat. 5. The dose of porcine secretin required for half maximal rate of flow in the bird (5-9 mug/kg) was 180 times higher than in the mammal (0-33 mug/kg). In the cat the duration of responses to porcine secretin was significantly greater than to the chicken extract. 6. It is concluded that in birds there is a factor with biological properties similar but not identical to those of porcine secretin, and that this factor may regulate pancreatic secretion by a mechanism resembling the secretin mechanism in mammals." 1133775,"1. The electrical properties of horizontal cells in the mudpuppy in light and dark were measured with a pair of micropipettes separated by about 1 mum with low coupling resistance so that no bridge circuitry was required. 2. All horizontal cells studied showed significant anomalous rectification: the current-voltage characteristic for about 60 per cent of the cells studied had a slope resistance of about 20-30 M omega at the dark potential level; the slope resistance increased by about 15% for each 10 mV depolarization and decreased by about 15% for each 10 mV hyperpolarization. The remaining 40% of the horizontal cells showed a higher input resistance at corresponding potential levels but had similar rectifying properties. 3. The increase in resistance with depolrization developed with a time course of about 1/2 sec when steady steps of outward current were passed across the membrane, but the time course for resistance decrease with hyperpolarization was much shorter for steady inward current steps. In about half the horizontal cells there was a transient decrease in resistance lasting about 100 msec immediately following the outward current steps superimposed upon the slower sustained resistance increase. 4. The normal 20-30 mV hyperpolarizing light response was associated with little or no change in input resistance. However, if the membrane potential was held at the dark potential level with extrinsic current, thereby eliminating the potential-dependent resistance change, a light-elicited resistance increase of about 10 M omega was measured. 5. The time-dependent change in membrane resistance elicited by polarizing steps of current obscured the reversal potential for the response. However, when the reversal potential was measured at short times following polarization of the membrane, before the time-dependent resistance change developed, it was estimated at between +15 and +50 m V. 6. The results suggest that the horizontal cell response is mediated by a light-elicited resistance increase at the synaptic membrane which is obscured by a potential- and time-dependent resistance decrease at another part of the membrane." 1133776,"1. Physiological properties of developing nerve-muscle junctions were studied in regenerating limbs of adult salamanders. 2. During the period of synapse formation the muscle fibres had diameters of 4-10 mum, resting potentials of minus 90 to minus 100 mV and input resistances of 10-50 Momega. Some, but not all, pairs of adjacent muscle fibres were electrically coupled. 3. At the stage when muscle fibres could first be identified, some of them were not innervated, at least as determined by electrophysiological criteria. 4. During muscle innervation the neuromuscular synapses were encountered in several intermediate phases of maturity. (i) At the least mature junctions small spontaneous synaptic potentials occurred, but stimulation of the motor nerve trunk did not evoke synchronous transmitter release. (ii) At other junctions maximal nerve stimulation evoked only a single end-plate potential of low quantum content. (iii) More mature fibres received synaptic input from as many as four motor neurons, which could be distinguished by their discrete stimulus thresholds. 5. During this period of synapse development the fibres lacked an action potential but often showed a prolonged response to depolarization. 6. Fibres in normal adult muscles had from one to three synaptic inputs, were not electrically coupled, and responded to depolarization with an action potential." 1133777,"1. The acetylcholine (ACh)-releasing system in the cerebral cortex of pentobarbital anaesthetized cats was investigated by examining the effect of graded afferent volleys in forelimb nerves on ACh release from the sensorimotor cortices contralateral and ipsilateral to the site of stimulation. 2. Cortical ACh release was determined by bio-assay of neostigmine-containing perfusates which had been in contact with the cortical surfaces for 5-10 min periods. 3. Afferent volleys, generated by stimuli that were effective in activating as many fibres of a fibre group as possible without stimulating fibres in the group with the next highest threshold for activation, were monitored from dorsal roots C7 or C8 before entering the spinal cord. 4. Stimulation of the deep (DR) and superficial (SR) radial nerves and the radial (R) nerve proximal to the junction of the DR and SR were effective in enhancing ACh release only when either group III or groups III and IV fibres were included in the afferent volley. 5. The rates of ACh release from the primary receiving area of the sensorimotor cortex contralateral to the site of stimulation did not differ from those from the same area of the ipsilateral sensorimotor cortex. 6. The pertinence of this data to the various hypotheses concerning the nature of the ACh-releasing pathways to the cerebral cortex is discussed." 1133778,"1. In anaesthetized dogs, stimulation of atrial receptors after destruction of the pituitary gland results in a diuresis. This response was not abolished by the administration of bretylium tosylate and was also observed in a surgically denervated kidney. 2. The diuresis is qualitatively similar to that observed in anaesthetized dogs with intact pituitary glands. 3. It is concluded that the diuresis which results from stimulation of the left atrial receptors is mediated by a blood-borne agent which is not the antidiuretic hormone." 1133779,"1. Variations in the output of glucocorticoids and catecholamines from the right adrenal gland, in response to insulin hypoglycaemia, have been investigated in calves 2-5 weeks after birth. These have been correlated with changes in the concentration of glucocorticoids and glucagon in arterial plasma. 2. Moderate hypoglycaemia for a limited period (0-1 u. insulin/kg), elicited a prompt increase in steroid output from the adrenal gland followed by a significant rise in plasma glucagon concentration. By comparison, changes in both catecholamine output and peripheral plasma glucocorticoid concentrations were found to be trivial in this group of animals. 3. Administration of a larger dose of insulin (0-5 u./kg) produced a more substantial fall in plasma glucose concentration followed by spontaneous recovery within 2-3 hr. This stimulus elicited the release of greater amounts of both cortisol and corticosterone, followed by a significant increase both in the output of adrenaline and in plasma glucagon concentration. Increase in steroid output was accompanied by an increase in adrenal blood flow and was associated with elevated concentrations of both steroids in arterial plasma. 4. The adrenal cortical response and associated changes in plasma steroid concentration were found to be transient even in response to persistent and intense hypoglycaemia (4 u. insulin/kg). The increase in plasma glucagon concentration in this group of animals was not significantly greater than that produced by smaller doses of insulin. However, substantial amounts of adrenaline (78 plus or minus 14 ng. kg-minus 1 min-minus 1; maximum; n equals 9) together with a little noradrenaline (10 plus or minus 3 1 min-minus 1; maximum; n equals 9) were released from the right adrenal gland under these conditions. 5. Changes in adrenal blood flow could be related to adrenal glucocorticoid output in calves given 0-1 or 0-5 u. insulin/kg. In animals given the largest dose of insulin adrenal blood flow was found to increase coincidentally with rising steroid output but this hyperaemia then persisted after steroid output had subsided to values within the normal range. 6. Calves given the largest dose of insulin (4-0 u./kg) invariably collapsed and convulsed after 2-3 hr, but these symptoms could not be related to any particular endocrine response. No clinical signs of hypoglycaemia were observed in the other animals. 7. The results are discussed in relation to previous studies of adrenal function in this and other species." 1133780,"1. Secretion of catecholamines (CA) and dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) activity from the perfused cat adrenal gland was studied following splanchnic nerve stimulation or infusion of acetylcholine (ACh). 2. Splanchnic nerve stimulation (30 Hz) or perfusion with a low concentration of ACh (10-minus5 M) caused a marked release of CA in the venous effluent, but release of DBH activity was minimal while a higher concentration of ACh (10-minus 4 M) enhanced the release of CA and DBH. 3. The ratio of DBH/CA released in the perfusate by splanchnic nerve stimulation or ACh infusion was only a small fraction of the ratio in the soluble lysate of purified chromaffin vesicles. 4. Following reserpine treatment, adrenal CA levels fell to 25% of the control value in 24 hr, remained depressed on days 2, 3, 4 and 5 at 5% of the control and recovered to 60% of the control value on the 6th day. DBH activity was unchanged from the control value at 24 hr after treatment, then rose as high as 5 times the control on the 5th day and was still twice the control value on the 6th day. 5. CA secretion in response to ACh (10-minus 4 M) perfusion was reduced to 30% of the control value on the first day after reserpine treatment, while DBH secretion was unchanged. On the 2nd day, CA secretion was depressed further to 5% of the control and remained at this low level up to 5 days after treatment while DBH secretion was twice the control value at 48 hr and then on days 3, 4 and 5 rose up to 5 times the control value. On the 6th day, secretion of CA recovered to 30% of the control while DBH secretion was now twice the control. 6. Isopycnic sucrose density (discontinuous) gradient centrifugation of vesicles from adrenal glands of control cats, and of cats given reserpine 1 or 2 days perviously, indicated that new vesicles or vesicles depleted of CA by reserpine had a lower equilibrium density than the original population of vesicles. 7. These results suggest that the release of CA is quantal in nature, but the release of DBH is not necessarily coupled with it. Release of DBH by ACh from reserpinized glands suggests that the vesicles which were once involved in secretion may be re-used for synthesis and storage of CA." 1133781,"1. Short segments of isolated longitudinal myometrium from the pregnant rate uterus have been studied in a double sucrose-gap voltage-clamp arrangement. The clamped segment averaged 65 mum times 240 mum times 100 mum, has an average total capacitance of 0-14 muF, and may contain 50-200 individual myometrial cells. 2. A significant resistance exists in series with the membrane, and limits theprecision of the quantitative information. However, it is argued that some qualitative and some comparative information is useful. 3. In Krebs-bicarbonate solution, depolarizing steps produced initial transient inward currents followed by delayed outward currents. 4. When [Na+]o was reduced by 50%, the equilibrium potential Ea shifted by an average of -17-6 mV, the maximum inward current was reduced to 0-5, the time to peak of the early current was delayed by 1-1 msec, and the maximum chord conductances for the early(Ga) and late (GK) currents remained unchanged as compared with those in normal [Na+]o. 5. When [Ca2+] was reduced to 25% of normal, Ea shifted by an average of -20-3 mV, the maximum inward current was reduced to 0-5, the time to peak was delayed 3-1 msec, and Ga was significantly reduced, while GK was unaffected. 6. The early current, and its tail when repolarization was imposed, reversed direction from inward to outward when [Na+]o was reduced from 143 mM to zero, with [Ca2+]o remaining constant at 1-9 mM. 7. From the observations in 4, 5 and 6, it was concluded that Na+ is the main charge carrier for the early current, and that Ca2+ is important in regulating Ga. 8. The late current is outwards when [K+]o equals 5-9 mM, but inwards in some voltage range when [K+]o was elevated to 120 or 148 mM. K+ is the main charge carrier for the late current. 9. The equilibrium potential for the late current, EK, is about 15 mV more negative than the natural resting potential. 10. Prolonged holding of the preparations at voltages that differ significantly from the natural resting potential tends to shift EK in a way consistent with passive changes in [K+]i by the holding current. 11. The steady-state inactivation of the early current, h, is unusual. Inward current is macimum around the resting potential, and declines with both hyperpolarizing and depolarizing changes. Half-inactivation occurred with about 9 mV depolarization and 15 mV hyperpolarization. 12. The instantaneous current-voltage relations of both early and late currents are linear. The chord conductances Ga and GKare similar in form to those in other tissues." 1133782,"1. The kinetics of absorption of glucose, galactose and alpha-methyl glucoside have been measured in rat jejunum in vivo using a chemical method and a new electrical technique. 2. Sugar absorption estimated by chemical methods exhibited two components. One component was phlorrhizin-sensitive, saturable and generated electrical potential differences (electrogenic active component) while the other was phlorrhizin-insensitive, non-saturable and did not generate electrical potentials (diffusive component). 3. The diffusive component of the actively transported sugars was indentical to the absorption behaviour of sorbose, a hexose that is not actively transferred. 4. A method for correcting the data obtained from chemical absorption studies for the diffusive component was developed. The corrected, operational kinetic constants for 'apparent Km' obtained by this method were not significantly different to values obtained electrically. The identity between the values obtained by both methods supports the concept that they represent a measure of the same rate-limiting step in the absorption process. 5. The application and significance of the techniques is discussed in relation to the clinical assessment of intestinal sugar absorption." 1133783,"1. In unanaesthetized cats a comparison is made of the hyperglycaemic effects of adrenaline and morphine, when injected or infused through chronically implanted cannulae, into different regions of the cerebral ventricles or of the subarachnoid space, in order to determine their sites of action. 2. On injection into the cerebral ventricles both adrenaline and morphine have to reach the subarachnoid space beneath the ventral surface of the brain stem before they can exert their hyperglycaemic effect. The adrenaline has to reach the region rostral to the pons, i.e. the fossa interpeduncularis, and the morphine the region caudal to the trapezoid bodies. These conclusions are based on the following findings. 3. When adrenaline (55 mug) and morphine (0-75mg) were infused into one or other of these two regions, adrenaline produced strong hyperglycaemia on infusion into the fossa interpeduncularis, but had scarcely any hyperglycaemic effect on infusion into the region caudal to the trapezoid bodies. The reverse result was obtained with morphine. 4. It is concluded that the adrenaline hyperglycaemia is mainly a peripheral effect. It occurs after the adrenaline has been absorbed into the blood stream from the fossa interpeduncularis but an additional central component, an action on brain stem structures reached from the fossa interpeduncularis, cannot be excluded. The morphine hyperglycaemia is a central effect due to an action on superficial structures of the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata, caudal to the trapezoid bodies." 1133784,"1. 45-Ca efflux and resting tension were measured in isolated guinea-pig auricles under conditions known to change the intracellular free Ca ion concentration. 2. In the presence of [Na]o, caffeine (2mM) increases 45-Ca efflux, but does not produce a contracture, while in the absence of [Na]o and [Ca]o caffeine causes a contracture without increasing 45-Ca efflux. Adrenaline (10-minus5-10-minus 4M) with or without theophylline (0-5-1-0mM) has no effect on either 45-Ca efflux or resting tension. 3. In the presence of caffeine the rate of net efflux of Ca depends on [Na]o-2. Caffeine contractures of muscles in Na-free solution relax upon the addition of [Na]o. Relaxation is correlated with the increase in net efflux of Ca. 4. Cyanide (2mM) produces a variable increase in 45-Ca efflux without a concomitant contracture in Na-containing solutions, but in Na, Ca-free solutions a large contracture occurs without significant increase in 45-Ca efflux. 5. A large increase in 45-Ca efflux and a contracture were observed with the 'Ca-ionophore' X 537 A. 6. Changes in membrane potential (K-depolarization) in hypertonic solutions have no significant effect on Na-dependent 45-Ca efflux, which is an agreement with an electroneutral 2:1 Na-Ca exchange. 7. Cyanide and X 537 A both cause a considerable release of Ca ions from isolated guinea-pig heart mitochondria, while caffeine has no effect. 8. The results suggest a powerful role of the Na-Ca exchange system in reducing the intracellular Ca concentration after Ca release from intracellular stores." 1133785,"1. An investigation was carried out on single cells in 7 day old rat primary somatosensory cortex, which responded to cutaneous stimulation using mechanical pulses. 3 percent of cells encountered showed stable spontaneous activity, whereas 88 percent were silent in the absence of intentional stimulation. The remainder showed unstable spontaneous activity. In contrast, the great majority of adult cells were spontaneously active in the absence of stimulation, under similar conditions of urethane anaesthesia. 2. The distribution within cortical layers of cutaneously driven cells was similar in adult and 7 day old rats, and similar to that found in adult mammalian cortex by other workers. 3. 7 day old cells showed diminished excitability to cutaneous stimulation with stimuli at intervals below 10-15 sec, whereas adult cells could be successfully repetitively driven with stimuli at intervals of 500 msec. The low ability of the immature cells to follow repetitive cutaneous stimulation is not due to an overall depression of these cells excitability per se. Latencies of unitary responses in these immature cells were about sixfold those found in equivalent cells at maturity. 4. Columnar organization at seven days of age was similar in outline to that of the adult, but much less discrete. Receptive fields were considerably larger at 7 days and evidence is given that this may be due to inadequate surround inhibition. Immature vibrissae-driven units were directionally selective. 5. At 7 days of age, long inter-spike intervals were rare in spontaneously active cells with the result that inter-spike interval histogram distributions (i.h.s.) were approximately normal. Corresponding i.h.s. of adult cells invariably showed skew distributions. 6. Tactile stimulation of centre receptive fields produced an increase in short and long intervals from spontaneously active cells at each age. In contrast to adult cells, the immature cells commonly responded cyclically, with alternating phases of increased and decreased firing rate for periods of up to 3 sec following punctate stimulation. 7. Decrease in spontaneous firing rate, following the first phase of excitation, was profound in 7 day old cells, and implied that inhibitory mechanisms operate at an early age in the rat somatosensory system. These mechanisms also appear to contribute to cyclical activity of 7 day old cells when driven by punctate cutaneous stimulation." 1133786,"1. A constant specific activity of radioactively labelled amino acids was maintained in the circulation by means of a new technique devised for this purpose. This has made it possible to measure accurately the entry rates of amino acids into the brain in vivo. 2. The rates of entry into the brain of seven nutritionally non-essential amino acids were measured. 3. Glycine and proline enter the brain relatively slowly, at rates comparable to those of amino acids which are not normally found in the blood. Thus their entry is due mainly if not entirely to passive diffusion. 4. Serine (which is used by the brain to make glycine) and alanine (which is used to make glutamate and aspartate) enter the brain as rapidly as the essential amino acids and thus, although not essential for the body as a whole, appear to be essential for the brain. 5. It is suggested that those amino acids that the brain is able to synthesize have low rates of entry, even though they are present at high concentrations in the plasma, but that the transport systems for those amino acids that are not synthesized in the brain ensure rapid entry at rates that are related to the rates of cerebral utilization." 1133787,"1. Motor units in the first dorsal interosseus muscle of normal human subjects were recorded by needle electrodes, together with the surface electromyogram (e.m.g.). The wave form contributed by each motor unit to the surface e.m.g. was determined by signal averaging. 2. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the wave form contributed to the surface e.m.g. by a motor unit increased approximately as the square root of the threshold force at which the unit was recruited. The peak-to-peak duration of the wave form was independent of the threshold force. 3. Large and small motor units are uniformly distributed throughout this muscle, and the muscle fibres making up a motor unit may be widely dispersed. 4. The rectified surface e.m.g. was computed as a function of force, based on the sample of motor units recorded. The largest contribution of motor unit recruitment occurs at low force levels, while the contribution of increased firing rate becomes more important at higher force levels. 5. Possible bases for the common experimental observation that the mean rectified surface e.m.g. varies linearly with the force generated by a muscle are discussed. E.m.g. potentials and contractile responses may both sum non-linearly at moderate to high force levels, but in such a way that the rectified surface e.m.g. is still approximately linearly related to the force produced by the muscle." 1133788,"1. Binocularly driven neurones with small receptive fields near the area centralis were recorded in the cat's superior colliculus. 2. Binocular interaction was tested by stimulating both eyes simultaneously with a single moving stimulus at various retinal disparities. 3. Collicular cells in general showed strong summation or even facilitation when the images of the stimulus were in exact correspondence on the receptive fields, sometimes with occlusion when they were out of register. The range of retinal disparity over which there was additive interaction could be as little as 1 or 2 deg, almost as narrow as for the most precisely tuned neurones in the visual cortex. Even cells with large receptive fields sometimes showed a narrow range of binocular interaction. 4. Non-directional cells generally exhibited weaker summation and broader disparity selectivity than did direction-selective cells. 5. Some neurones with virtually no response to a stimulus in one of the eyes can exhibit marked binocular interaction. Other apparently monocular cells show little or no binocular interaction. 6. The disparity of the centres of the receptive fields was measured after correcting for small eye movements, which were assessed by two different techniques. For 132 cells the measured distribution of horizontal disparity (range 4.5 deg; S.D. 0.93 deg) was significantly broader than that of vertical disparity (range 2.2 deg; S.D. 0.52 deg). Sources of error in these measurements are considered. 7. The results are discussed in relation to the known connexions between visual cortex and superior colliculus and the possible role of the latter in the regulation of eye movements." 1133789,"Intracellular responses were recorded from rods in isolated eye-cups of the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina. Responses to small and large diameter spots of 500 nm light were studied. 1. The peak amplitudes of responses smaller than approximately 2 mV were directly proportional to irradiance. Small spots (less than 100 mum diameter) produced approximately 30 muV/rhodopsin molecule bleached. Increasing stimulus diameter to 400-500 mum increased this five to seven times to about 200 muV/rhodopsin molecule bleached in the impaled receptor. The difference is attributed to a neural ""enhancement"" produced by stimulating neighbouring rods. 2. Enlarging the diameter of a spot altered the shape of responses produced by very dim lights. 3. The variance of responses to a small spot was only slightly less than the mean. The variance of responses to a large spot was much less than the mean. 4. Responses evoked by a small spot of dim light obeyed the superposition principle in that the response to a very dim step of light was the integral of the response of a very dim flash. Responses evoked by a large spot did not obey the superposition principle. The response to a step of dim light covering a spot of large diameter was less than predicted from the integral of the response to a flash. The difference is attributed to a neural ""disenhancement"" produced by stimulating neighbouring rods. 5. The time course of this disenhancement could be observed by presenting two large diameter, dim flashes within a short interval. The time course of disenhancement did not coincide with that of the voltage response but was delayed such that its maximum occurred after the peak amplitude. 6. Dim background lights of different diameter, which delivered the same quantity of light to the impaled cell but very different quantities of light to neighbouring cells, left the response produced by a small diameter test spot unaltered. It is concluded that rod-rod interaction can modify the intracellular responses of rods in two ways; it produces an early enhancement which increases response amplitude nearly tenfold and also a delayed disenhancement which replaces the wave of enhancement that follows a flash." 1133790,"The intracellular responses of rods in the retina of the turtle, Chelydra serpentina, were studied with brief flashes of monochromatic light. 1. Flashes of red or green light applied over an area 25 mum in diameter produce responses with the same shape. With such restricted stimuli, the spectral sensitivity of a rod agrees well with the absorption spectrum of the porphyropsin pigment contained in its outer segment. 2. With stimulating spots more than 500 mum in diameter, dim flashes of red or green light produce responses having different shapes. When the spectral sensitivity of a rod is tested using dim lights of large diameter, the sensitivity to red light is much greater than predicted by the absorption spectrum of porphyropsin. 3. The shape of the response produced by large diameter spots of dim, red light resembles that of cones. 4. Increasing the diameter of a dim, red spot beyond 500 mum markedly alters the amplitude and shape of responses from horizontal cells but does not significantly affect the response of rods. It is concluded that rods receive an excitation from neighbouring cones. This interaction is unlikely to be mediated by type I luminosity horizontal cells but may be mediated by either direct connexions between cones and rods or by an interneurone with a small receptive field." 1133791,"1. A method is described for studying renin release from superfused rat glomeruli following their rapid isolation by a magnetic iron-oxide technique. 2. Microscopically selected glomeruli were free of tubular components. Some possessed vascular pole protrusions of up to 20 mum, unrelated to renin content. 3. Renin content of 102 batches, each of 400 glomeruli, was 1.34 plus or minus 0.08 times 10-4 Goldblatt hog units per 100 glomeruli (plus or minus S.E. of mean). Different osmolarities (305, 355 and 400 m-osmole/1.), sodium concentrations (110 and 135 mM) and buffer compositions of the preparation solution did not alter this value. Renin content per glomerulus in intact kidney was 100-fold higher. 4. At 30 degrees C the contained juxtaglomerular cells released renin at consistent but decreasing rates over 4-6 hr. Initial release rate in 110 mM sodium, 305 m-osmole/1. solutions were 0.86 plus or minus 0.068 times 10-6 units per 100 glomeruli per 30 min (plus or minus S.E. of mean, n = 42) or 0.546 plus or minus 0.046 percent of content per 30 min. In 135 mM sodium, 305 m-osmole/1. solutions, release was 2.4-fold higher (P less than 0.001) and remained elevated for at least 3 hr. When related to renin content per glomerulus resting release rate in vitro was higher by at most one order of magnitude than calculated in vivo values. 5. Release was augmented by gentle physical agitation of the glomeruli. 6. Release rate was inversely ralated to temperature. On reducing temperature from 30 degrees C, release increased 2.6-fold at 20 degrees C and 6.7-fold at 10 degrees C (P less than 0.001, n = 11). The response was reversible. 7. 3 mM sodium cyanide plus 3 mM sodium iodoacetate caused a variable release of renin associated with depletion of content within 4 hr. The response was progressive and reached a peak after 60 min. 8. Sensitivity of renin release to temperature and metabolic blockade indicates that energy is required for retention of renin by the cell. This, together with the release observed with increased sodium concentration at constant osmolarity, suggests a dependence of renin release upon the mechanism controlling the volume of the juxtaglomerular cell or its organelles." 1133792,"1. Possible influence of different visual environments on the reorganization of retinotectal projection was studied with neurophysiological mapping methods following excision of the caudal half of the optic tectum in adult goldfish. 2. Post-operative light-deprivation showed no significant effects: in the absence of visual input, the visual projection from the whole retina because compressed on to the remaining rostral half-tectum in correct retinotopic order within 4 months, regardless of whether the contralateral optic nerve was left intact, or severed and then allowed to regenerate. 3. When the operated goldfish were continually exposed to visual stimuli without any dark period (post-operative dark-deprivation), two different results were observed: if the optic nerve was sectioned, in addition to excision of the caudal tectum, an orderly field compression was observed within 70 days in the re-established retinotectal projection; on the other hand, if the optic nerve was left intact, the dark-deprived fish retained the original connexions between the remaining rostral half-tectum and the temporal hemiretina without showing any sign of field compression for up to 253 days. 4. When the dark-deprived fish was then transferred into darkness, the suppressive effect disappeared: a compression of the retinotectal projection was induced within 2 or 3 weeks after the transfer. 5. Histological preparations of the fish brains showed consistent morphologic changes in the laminar structure of the remaining half-tectum. The stratum opticum and the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale merged together to form a new layer which contained an intricate network of thick fibre bundles." 1133793,"1. The renal kallikrein-kinin system has previously been linked with renal control of sodium and water excretion. The present investigations were carried out to examine more closely these relationships. 2. In physiological studies with rabbits, urinary kallikrein was measured by a modification of the [3-H]TAME method. 3. With rabbits on free sodium and water intake, urinary kallikrein was positively correlated with both sodium and water excretion. Kallikrein excretion was also negatively correlated with urinary osmolality. 4. In rabbits on chronic high and low sodium diets, urinary kallikrein was positively correlated with urinary volume but not with sodium excretion. 5. In rabbits held to a constant fluid intake but with sodium intake changed, urinary kallikrein was not correlated with sodium excretion. 6. These results indicate that the positive correlation of kallikrein excretion with sodium excretion under conditions of free sodium and water intake may be only secondary to the positive relationship of kallikrein excretion with urinary volume. 7. The results of the present investigations do not support the hypothesis that the renal kallikrein-kinin system is necessarily involved in renal control of sodium excretion under normal conditions but it is where a change in sodium intake leads to a change in fluid intake and consequently of urinary volume. 8. In the above experiments, urinary kallikrein was always positively correlated with urinary volume and negatively correlated with urinary osmolality. This may indicate a functional relationship between renal kallikrein and water excretion." 1133805,A study of morbidity on a new housing estate reveals a higher prevalence rate of both physical and mental illness. Much of this is due to physical factors associated with the estate which could have been avoided in the light of previous experience had more attention been given to detail. The proposals embodied in the management arrangements for the reorganised National Health Service should provide the machinery to prevent these faults recurring. 1133807,"Electrocardiography has a useful place in general-practice cardiology:(1) by bringing to light unexpected findings thereby altering the diagnostic spectrum and, in some cases at least, management.(2) by acting as a monitor in the continuing management of patients suffering from some forms of cardiovascular disease, and, in particular, from essential hypertension.In 1970 the purchase of a ;Cambridge Transrite' 4-2 battery two-speed electrocardiograph made it possible to test the value of this working tool in a practice population of about 5,300 patients. Before this, members of the medical staff of the Department who needed electrocardiograms for any of their patients made the appointments with the Cardiology Department, The Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, or, later, with the nearby Family Doctor Centre of the Scottish Home and Health Department." 1133808,"Two Birmingham general practitioners held a series of informal seminars with groups of their patients and an account of the object, method and scope of these sessions is given in the belief that they are of significance for a better understanding of health and the community's responsibility for it." 1133810,"Quantitative structure-activity relationship studies have been performed on two types of sulfonamides with hypoglycemic activity. In the case of the 2-benzenesulfonamidopyrimidines, substituted in the 5 position of the pyrimidine ring a correlation between hydrophobic forces, expressed as Rm values, and the binding to serum albumin as well as to the heights of the equipotent dose has been found. In the series of 2-benzenesulfonamidopyrimidines additionally substituted in the 4 position of the benzene ring, however, a correlation between electronic parameters, expressed as the chemical shift of the anilide NH-(type IIA) and benzylamide NH-(type IIb) protons and the biological response was observed. This correlation indicated a charge-controlled second fixation of these molecules to the receptor. This is supported by the observation of stereospecificity of the blood-glucose lowering effect and also by the importance of a constant distance between the nitrogen in the side chain and the nitrogen atom in the sulfonamido group. The correlation between the logarithm of the biological response and the electric effects of the substituents is linear as long as one homologous series is considered. If the anilide and benzylamide derivatives are combined, a linear correlation can only be obtained if a dummy parameter is included which may account for differences in conformation within these two series of compounds." 1133811,For a homologous series of N-alkylnorketobemidones a statistically significant correlation was found between the relative abilities to bind mouse brain homogenate in vitro and their in vivo mouse hot-plate analgesic potencies. The correlation between in vitro binding in the presence of 100 mM sodium and analgesic potency was not as good AS THAT as that found in the absence of sodium. A statistically significant correlatin was found between thir analgesic potencies and their abilities to antogonize electrically induced contractions of the guinea pig ileum. 1133812,"The preparation of alpha, alpha-dimethyl analogs of the hypocholesteremic and hypolipemic agent 3-methyl-4-phenyl-3-butenoic acid (beta-benzalbutyric acid, BBA) is described. These compounds were prepared as part of a continuing program directed toward a study of the structure-activity interrelationships of styryl- and phenoxyacetic acid antilipemic agents and the preparation of metabolically resistant analogs of BBA. Preliminary results on the in vitro ability of the compounds to inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis indicate that alpha, alpha-dimethyl substitution reduces activity although the potency of the p-chloro analog 6b was comparable to that of BBA." 1133813,Eighty-four 4-quinolinehydrazones were synthesized and tested for antiviral activity. Thirty nine derivatives were active against influenza A2 and/or Coxsackie B1 in mice at a dose of 25 mg/kg sc. Structure-activity relationships of 44 derivatives (21 inactive) were analyzed qualitatively using a modified Free-Wilson approach. 1133814,"Trimethylsilyl heparin, when administered intraduodenally or intragastrically to rats, did not increase intestinal absorption and, consequently, the clotting times were not influenced. However, suspension of sodium heparin in Carbowax 200 prolonged the whole blood clotting time at a dose of 50 mg/kg when given intraduodenally or intragastrically to rats." 1133815,"A series of new narcotic antagonists has been synthesized by modifying the C-6 carbonyl group in naloxone (Ia) and naltrexone (Ib). New functional units were introduced by reaction with various phosphorus and sulfur ylides and alkyllithium reagents. The activity of the new compounds were measured by the hot-plate and tail-clip tests after oral administration to mice. The majority of the new narcotic antagonists exhibited oral potencies considerably superior to the parent compounds, with 6-methylene derivatives IIa and IIb showing the most impressive increases." 1133816,The primary amine metabolites of alpha-(plus or minus)- alpha-(minus)-acetylmethadol were synthesized. A neutral permanganate oxidation of noracetylmethadol gave a nitroalkane. This unusual oxidation product was readily converted to the primary amine metabolite of acetylmethadol. 1133817,"15-Ketoprogesterone is as active as spironolactone in blocking the mineralocorticoid effect of deoxycorticosterone acetate. This activity is reduced when a methylene group is attached to the 6beta, 7beta position. The title compound was prepared from 15alpha-acetoxy-6-dehydroprogesterone. Methylenation of the delta6 double bond with dimethyloxosulfonium methylide proceeds steroselectively from the beta side of the molecule." 1133818,"A series of omegadibenzylaminoalkylamines and related compounds have been prepared and tested as inhibitors of fibrin cross-linking. This structural type was chosen in an attempt to develop noncompetitive inhibitors of fibrinoligase. By the combination of the dibenzylamino moiety at one end and the primary amino group at the other end of a polymethylene chain, the same compound could function both as a pseudo donor substrate and as a noncompetitive alkylating inhibitor. Some of the compounds, notably 74-79, are among the most active fibrinoligase inhibitors described. However, the data indicate that the compounds probably function only as pseudo donor inhibitors." 1133819,"[1-Beta-mercapto-beta,beta-pentamethylenepropionic acid]oxytocin was prepared from beta-Mpa(beta-(CH2)5)(Bzl)-Tyr(Bzl)-Ile-Gln-Asn-Cys(Bzl)-Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 by removal of the Bzl-protecting groups with Na-NH3 followed by cyclization of the resulting disulfhydryl compound with K3Fe(CN)6.The analog was purified by desalting on Sephadex G-15 in 50% HOAc and gel filtration on Sephadex G-25 and LH-20. The protected intermediate above was synthesized from Z-Cys(Bzl)-Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 by the stepwose p-nitrophenyl ester method using Nalpha-Boc protection at the penta-, hexa-, and octapeptide stages. The analog was found to be a potent inhibitor of the oxytocic and avian vasodepressor effects of oxytocin (pA2 values of 7.43 and 8.30, respectively) but was only a weak inhibitor of the rat pressor effect of 8-lysine-vasopressin. The rat antipressor potency of [1-deaminopenicillamine]oxytocin was also determined in this study: pA2 = 6.27. Of the alkyl-substituted 1-position analogs of oxytocin studied so far, [1-beta-mercapto-beta,beta-pentamethylenepropionic acid]oxytocin is the most potent antioxytocic agent." 1133820,"A series of amino acids, amidino acids, and amidino esters was synthesized and the compounds were evaluated for their inhibitory activity against bovine trypsin, bovine thrombin, and porcine pancreatic kallikrein and as anticoagulants. Among these compounds, ethyl 4-amidino-2-iodophenoxyacetate was found to be the most effective inhibitor of the enzymes in question, with a potency (Ki = 3.16 x 10-6 M vs. trypsin; Ki = 4.8 x 10-5 M vs. thrombin) similar to that of p-amidinophenylpyruvic acid (Ki = 6.0 x 10-6 M vs. trypsin; Ki = 2.0 x 10-5 M vs. thrombin). Ethyl 4-amidino-2-iodophenoxyacetate was also found to be the most effective in blocking the clotting activity of plasma, as indicated by significant prolongation of the partial thromboplastin time. This paper reports the synthetic methods, the enzyme inhibitory activity, and the structure-activity relationships observed." 1133821,"Structural analogs of S-ADENOSYL-L-HONOCYSTEINE (L-SAG), WITH MODIFICATION IN THE RIBCOSE PORTION OF THE MOLECULE, HAVE BEEN SYNTHESIZED AND THEIR ABILITIES TO INHIBIT CATECHOL O-METHYLTRANSFERECE(COMT), phenylethanolamine N-methltransferase (PNMT) histamine N-methyltransferase (HMT),and hydroxyindole o-methytransferase (HIOMT) have been investigated. From these studies it was concluded that, in general, the 2'-hydroxyl and 3'-hydroxyl groups of the ribcose moiety of SAH play crucial roles in the binding of this molecule to most methyltransferases. However several interesting exceptions to this strict structural specificity have been observed. While S-3'-DEOXY-ADENOSYL-L-HOMOCYSTEINE PRODUCED NO INHIBITION OF HMT and HIOMT, it produced strong inhibition of the transmethylation catalyzed by PNMT and COMT. Likewise, S-2'-DEOXYADENOSYL-L-HOMOCYSTEINE AND S-5'-(9-(arabinofuranosyl)adenyl)-l-homocysteine had little or no effect of COMT, HMT, and HIOMT but were potent inhibtors of PNMT. The significance of these data relative to the nature of the SAH binding sites and the potential inhibitors of PNMT. The significance of these data relative to the nature of the SAH binding sites and the potential for in vivo differential inhibition of methyltransferases will be discussed." 1133822,"Norepinephrine N-methyltransferase (NMT) from rabbit adrenal glands was inhibited by benzylamine and phenethylamine analogs in which the nitrogen was replaced by an amidino or guanidino group. Mono and dichloro derivatives of benzamidines, phenylacetamidines, benzylguanidines, and phenethylguanidines were studied. The two most potent NMT inhibitors among the compounds examined were 2,3-dichlorobenzamidine and 3,4-dichlorophenylacetamidine, with pI50 values of 5.55 and 5.36, respectively. These inhibitors were reversible and were competitive with norepinephrine as the variable substrate. They inhibited NMT from human, rat, and bovine adrenal glands but were slightly less effective against those enzymes than against the rabbit adrenal enzyme. In exercised rats, 2, 3-dichlorobenzamidine had no significant effect on adrenal catecholamine levels. 3,4-Dichlorophenylacetamidine slightly reduced epinephrine levels in the adrenal glands of exercised rats, but the effect may have been due to release rather than inhibition of synthesis, since heart norepinephrine levels were also reduced significantly by that agent (which is from a chemical series known to release catecholamines). Thus, whereas these compounds are reasonably potent inhibitors of NMT in vitro, they apparently are not effective in blocking enzyme activity in vivo." 1133823,"Starting with mitomycin C (1), a number of solvolytic reactions were investigated and were found to result in opening of the aziridine ring with loss or migration of the 9a-methoxy group. A careful examination of the resulting 1,2-disubstituted 7-aminomitosenes indicated that there was a strong tendency for the azridine ring on opening to furnish mainly one stereoisomer, always with the oxygen stom at C-1 and the nitrogen atom at C-2. Thus the hydrolysis of 1withdition to small amounts of the trans-aminohydrin (10). Mitomycin A (2) BEHAVED ANALOGOUSLY. Both 1 and 2 generated a cis-1-acetoxy-2-acetamide when they were allowed to react with acetic anhydride. Acetolysis of mitomycin C was found to give the cis-1-hydroxy-2-acetamide (5), the trans-1-acetoxy-2-amine (14), and a cis-trans mixture of 1-acetoxy-2-acetamides (4 and 11, respectively). Routes to cis-1-methoxy-2-acetamide (9) were possible through the methanolysis of 1 or through the methylation of 5. For comparison, the trans-1-methoxy-2-acetamide (16) was obtained through a dnown resin-catalyzed methoxy migration from C-9A TO C-1 IN MITOMYCIN C. The use of 1-H nmr spectroscopy to asign configurations to 1,2-disubstituted mitosenes is discussed." 1133824,"The preparation, characterization, and estrogenic activity of the two new steroids 3-(cylopentyloxy)-2',3'-dihydroestra-1,3,5(10)-trieno(16alpha,17alpha-b)furan-17beta-ol and 2',3'-dihydroestra-1,3,5(10)-trieno(16alpha,17alphs-b)furan-3,17beta-diol are described. The compounds were found to be 0.1 and 0.002 respectively, as potnet as estrone in a test design to measure the uterine weight gain of treated immature mice relative to controls." 1133826,"Doubts have been raised concerning the success of minority students in obtaining the more desirable teaching hospital internships in the United States. Earlier reports by others indicated that minority graduates may be anywhere from 41 percent to 70 percent successful in obtaining their first, second, or third choice of internship through the National Intern and Resident Matching Program. Ninety percent of those in the sample reported here were successful. At least one minority applicant was a successful intern candidate in 79 out of the 103 institutions where internships had been most sought after by this group. Possible reasons for these different findings are not adequately explained because of a lack of comparable data on minority and nonminority pools; further sample studies are required to establish the actual facts." 1133827,"Reluctance to train women for medical careers has been justified by the failure of women to use their education. Using data from studies of physician practice patterns and of educational costs, this article presents a preliminary estimate of the ""loss"" of investment involved in educating women for medicine. Women physicians are estimated to practice an average of two-fifths fewer hours over their lifetimes than do men, with a consequent loss of educational investment of about $55,000. Suggestions are made for reducing this loss. The finding of some loss of investment should not be used as an argument for discriminatory treatment of women seeking a medical education, as the rights of women as individuals must be recognized." 1133828,"In 1970 approximately 81 percent of the nation's physicians were in specialty practice, and by 1990 this figure is projected to rise to 94 percent. A phenomenon of this magnitude clearly warrants intensive study. In this inquiry preference ratings for 40 specialties were obtained from 140 male and 20 female physicians and from 71 male and 18 female third-year medical students. Although significant differences were noted, there was a common hierarchy of preference observable in all four groups. For example, family and internal medicine were rated high by all four groups, whereas neurological and colon-rectal surgery were rated low; Males, and particularly male physicians, gave significantly higher ratings to surgical specialties, whereas females expressed stronger preferences for obstetrics and gynecology. Students gave lower ratings than physicians to surgical and eye, ear, nose, and throat specialties." 1133829,"During the academic year 1969-70 a detailed inventory was conducted of biostatistics teaching in American and Canadian medical schools. Approximately two-thirds of schools required a separate, distinct biostatistics course. This report describes these courses, their content, and the characteristics of the individuals who taught the courses and their perception of the medical student's reaction to biostatistics. A more recent survey covering the academic year 1973-74 revealed that the situation had not changed; slightly more than two-thirds of respondents indicated that exposure to biostatistics was required in their schools' curricula." 1133830,"Following an extensive review of the literature on the teaching of interviewing to medical students and psychiatry residents, the authors conclude that too much teaching emphasis has been given to the content of the interview and not enough to the process of the interview. A new method to teach interviewing skills to residents in psychiatry is described. The method focuses entirely on the interpersonal aspects of the interview. Within a seminar format, each resident attempts to reduce the ""emotional distance"" between himself and a patient. Much consideration is given to the individual emotional style of the resident. Through practice with this method and with peer and staff feedback, each resident who was studied improved in this ability, gained much affectual information from the patient, and learned many of the subtle aspects of process that are necessary for good interviewing and good psychotherapy." 1133831,"A questionnaire study of Yugoslav general practitioners was undertaken to document reasons for the unpopularity of rural practice and to characterize better the GPs who do choose rural practice. Responses indicated that rural GPs were significantly more overworked, had less opportunity for continuing education, had poorer medical facilities, and had less adequate schools for their children than urban GPs. On the other hand, rural work was felt to be more interesting and to provide closer contact with patients. GPs who were happy in rural practice were more likely to have urban backgrounds, to have planned to be rural physicians before entering medical school, and to have undergone GP specialization training than were other GPs in the sample. Relative importances attributed to the various practice location determinants are noted. Possible applications of the study in alleviating rural doctor shortages are discussed." 1133839,"In summary, there are several changes influencing the NIRMP. The changes noted are: (a) the number of graduates from foreign medical colleges has been increasing rapidly since 1970 and now represents 21 percent of the applicants; (b) the proportion of U.S. medical school graduates in the program has decreased to a low of 84 percent; (c) there is a better balance of numbers between the positions available and matched in 1975." 1133844,"The urinary excretion of 14 neutral steroids was measured by gas-liquid chromatography in women with early and advanced breast cancer, in women with early uterine cancer, and in healthy women from urban and rural districts. The premenopausal patients with early breast cancer excreted subnormal amounts of five steroids (11-hydroxyandrosterone, 11-hydroxyetiocholanolone, pregnanediol, pregnanetriol, and tetrahydrocorticosterone) and increased amounts of tetrahydrocortisol as compared with the normal subjects of corresponding ages. From our findings, a new parameter was proposed by which a premenopausal breast-cancer patient was separated from the control. Postmenopausal breast-cancer patients excreted greater amounts of five steroids (one steroid from 17-ketosteroids and four from 17-hydroxycorticoids) than the corresponding controls. The discrepancy between premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer was tentatively related to ovarian-adrenal dysfunction in the course of aging. Oophorectomy induced a long-lasting tumor regression only in patients with a high value for the ratio of 11-deoxy-17-ketosteroid to 17-hydroxycorticosteroid in urine taken before surgery; the ratio in the responsive patients decreased remarkably after surgery. A constitutional change in 17-ketosteroids, as observed in a postmenopausal breast-cancer patient and a premenopausal healthy woman of urban origin, favored the geographic importance in the genesis of breast malignancy. The steroid abnormalities in uterine cancer were distinguishable from those of breast cancer in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women." 1133845,"The HL-A antigens were determined retrospectively in a group of 14 surgically cured bronchogenic carcinoma patients and prospectively in another group of 100 untreated patients. In the retrospective group, the frequencies of antigens W-19 and HL-A5 were significantly increased when compared with the noncancer control and the prospective lung cancer populations. In the latter group, 60% of the patients with W-19 and 58% with HL-A5 survived without evidence of tumor for at least 1 year after treatment compared with 15% of patients with neither of these antigens, P less than 0.01 and 0.005, respectively. These comparisons were for adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma. The patient groups for oat cell and undifferentiated carcinoma were too small for valid statistical comparisons. This preliminary study suggests that the presence of HL-A antigens W-19 and HL-A5 confers resistance to dissemination of bronchogenic carcinoma." 1133846,"The effect of exposure to UV irradiation or to the N-acetoxy-ester derivatives of four carcinogenic aromatic amides, 4-acetylaminobiphenyl (AABP), 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF), 2-acetylaminophenanthrene, and 4-acetylaminostilbene, on cell survival was compared in strains of cultured human fibroblasts possessing normal rates of excision repair of DNA and in three strains of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells, each differing in its rate of excision repair. The survival of each strain after exposure to UV reflected its capacity to repair DNA. Thus the slope of the survival curve for the XP strain with the poorest capacity for excision repair (XP12BE complementation group A) was 5.8-fold steeper than the exponential portion of the curve for the normally repairing strains; that of XP2BE (complementation group C) was 1.95-fold; and that of XP4BE (a variant capable of a normal rate of dimer excision) was only 1.3-fold steeper. The slope of the survival curves after exposure to each N-acetoxy ester derivative for these same XP strains averaged 6.4, 2.0, and 1.4 times steeper, respectively, than that of the normal strains tested. The excision repair capacity of these lines after exposure to N-acetoxy-AAF (50 muM/ml) was tested with alkaline cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation to detect incorporation of tritiated thymidine into nonreplicated DNA. The normal strains and XP4BE exhibited DNA excision repair by this method, whereas XP patients 2 and 12 did not. The cytotoxic effect of the four parent aromatic amide carcinogens, their N-hydroxy derivatives, as well as the N-acetoxy ester of each of the four N-hydroxy compounds and the N-sulfate ester of N-hydroxy-AAF and N-hydroxy-AABP in the XP2BE strain, was compared with their effect on the normal fibroblasts. The parent amides proved to be noncytotoxic at all doses tested. In contrast, the N-hydroxy derivatives of each aromatic amide were highly cytotoxic, as were the ester compounds. For each active derivative, the slope of the survival curve for XP2BE was 2-2.k times steeper than that of the normally repairing strain." 1133847,"Lymphocytes from cancer patients and normal individuals demonstrated blastogenesis with allogeneic potassium chloride (3 M KCl) extracts of breast carcinoma cells. Normal individuals reacted with a greater frequency and stronger blastogenic responses to tumor extracts than did breast carcinoma patients; allogeneic extracts may have elicited recognition of normal alloantigens rather than tumor-associated antigens. Normal individuals also responded to 3 M KCl extracts of allogeneic pooled normal leukocytes, normal breast tissue, and other cancers, but did not react to extracts of autologous leukocytes." 1133848,"Antineuraminidase-treated lymphocyte antibody levels in normal individuals were compared to levels in patients with newly diagnosed malignancies, patients with immunodeficiency syndromes (some of whom subsequently developed cancer), and normal and affected members of multiple malignancy families. No correlation between antibody level and the presence of malignancy was found. In normal individuals, antibody levels were high in childhood and declined with advancing age in accord with behavior of other natural antibodies." 1133849,"The distribution patterns of epithelial blood group AB antigens (BG) in colon polyps of varying degrees of differentiation were studied by the mixed cell agglutination reaction. BG appeared in colon polyps if a certain degree of dedifferentiation was present. Two different distribution patterns were recognized: 1) association of BG with the secretory part of goblet cells with slight-to-moderate atypia and 2) association of BG with the whole cells in cases of pronounced dedifferentiation and loss of secretory activity. The second type resembled the distribution pattern of BG found previously in colon carcinomas. With respect to BG, the mucosa of colon polyps behaved similarly to embryonal colon mucosa. The detection of BG represents a useful method to assess objectively the degree of dedifferentiation in most colon polyps." 1133850,"Melanomas developed in both sexes of a strain of Tuxedo variety of the swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) at a relative frequency of 10-15%. They did not metastasize. However, the tumor margin had infiltratitive growth and subsequently ulcerated. This feature, together with the histologic and cytologic features and apparent heteroploidy of the tumors, as revealed by their DNA content, indicated that the tumors were indeed neoplastic. Electron microscopic findings on the melanosomes in these melanomas at various stages of development were comparable with those on the Harding-Passey mouse melanoma, which contains granular premelanosomes." 1133851,"Plasmacytomas were found in 58% of 373 BALB/cAnN (C) mice given three 0.5-ml doses of mineral oil (Bayol F or light mineral oil) or 2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane (pristane) ip. The incidence of plasmacytomas in C57BL/6N (B6), C57BL/Ka (BK), (C times B6)F1 and (C times BK)F1 was 6.4, 0, 11.5, and 16.5%, respectively. The plasmacytomas occurred in old B6 mice, in contrast to their early appearance in strain C mice. The incidence of plasmacytomas in mineral oil-treated or pristane-treated C times B recombinant-inbred (Rl) strain mice was 28.3% in C times BD, 17.5% IN C times BE, 36.5% IN C times BG, 0% in C times BH, 2.9% in C times Bl, 48% in C times BJ, and 4.3% in C times BK. C times BD, C times BG, and C times BJ strains were considered susceptible to plascytoma induction by mineral oil or pristane; C times BE had a low susceptibility, and C times BH, C times Bl, and C times BK were resistant. The results suggested that there were only a few gene difference between C and B6 or BK that determined susceptibility or resistance to plasmacytoma induction, and that B6 and BK have at least one dominant resistance gene. The distribution pattern of susceptibility and resistance in the C times B Rl strains suggested the presence of a resistance gene on chromosome 9, linkage group II." 1133852,"The age-related incidence of spontaneously occurring neoplasms and degenerative diseases in the F344 inbred rat strain was established from the histologic examination of tissues from 160 male and 192 female rats kept throughout their natural life-span. The most common neoplasms were leukemias (25%), mammary tumors (females, 40.6%; males, 23.1%), pituitary adenomas (females, 35.9%; males, 23.8%), and testicular interstitial cell tumors (males, 85%). Various less common neoplasms were observed: thyroid interstitial cell tumors, adrenocortical adenomas, carcinomas of the genitourinary tract, representative central nervous system tumors, pheochromocytomas, and tumors of mesodermal origin including mesotheliomas, myoblastomas, fibromas, and fibrosarcomas. Multiple tumor types were found in 176 of the rats; metastatic tumors were uncommon. Degenerative diseases including myocardial degeneration and nephrosis were often observed. The incidence rate of these neoplasms and degenerative diseases generally increased with advancing age of the animals." 1133853,"A strain-specific transplantable melanoma (S-91) growing progressively in DBA/1 mice and metastasizing selectively to the lungs was maintained for 16 days in organ culture before being grafted to syngeneic (DBA/1) and allogeneic (BALB/c and C57BL/6) recipients. The cultured S-91 grew progressively in the syngeneic mice and to a moderate degree in the allogeneic strains; it showed an increased tendency to metastasize in both the DBA/1 and C57BL/6 recipients. Heterophilic cytoagglutination assays of cultured S-91 were less apt to aggregate in the presence of concanavalin A than were their noncultured counterparts, which suggested alteration of the plasma membrane. Organ culture explantation appeared to alter phenotypically the cell-surface membrane and thus increase the cell's ability to metastasize while possibly reducing the immunogenicity of the cultured tumor cells." 1133854,"The RNase activity observed in the sera of leukemic guinea pigs was compared to that observed in white blood cell (WBC) lysates of the same animals. The WBC-associated RNase activity directed against polyuridylic acid decreased with the progression of neoplastic disease, though serum RNase activity remained unchanged. With certain forms of cancer, therefore, variations in cell RNase may be more sensitive markers than changes in serum RNase for the evaluation of the progression or regression of disease." 1133855,"Vitamin A palmitate was incorporated into a laboratory chow (150,000 IU/kg diet) and fed ad libitum to C3H/HeJ female mice inoculated with 1 times 10-6 C3HBA tumor cells, beginning the day of inoculation. Control female mice of the same strain similarly inoculated were fed the laboratory chow alone. Vitamin A did not affect rate for the first 19 days, after which growth rates were independent of treatment. Vitamin A-treated mice survived for significantly longer times than did control mice." 1133876,"RNA transcription was investigated during the development of F1 phage, which is specific for the strict anaerobe Clostridium sporogenes. RNA species transcribed during F1 phage infection were characterized with respect to time of appearance and molecular weight by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Ten mRNA species were characterized, of which five were produced early in infection and five were synthesized late in infection. All the above 10 species were transcribed from one strand of F1DNA, the heavy strand. Two additional mRNA species were transcribed from the light strand of F1 phage DNA later in infection. Throughout the F1 phage infective cycle, rRNA was continuously synthesized by cells of C. sporogenes." 1133877,"Replicating chromosomes, called intermediate DNA, have been extracted from the adenovirus replication complex. Compared to mature molecules, intermediate DNA had a greater buoyant density in CsCl gradients and ethidium bromide-cesium chloride gradients. Digestion of intermediate DNA with S1 endonuclease, but not with RNase, abolished the difference in densities. These properties suggest that replicating molecules contain extensive regions of parental single strands. Although intermediate DNA sedimented faster than marker viral DNA in neutral sucrose gradients, single strands longer than unit length could not be detected after alkaline denaturation. Integral size classes of nascent chains in intermediate DNA suggest a relationship between units of replication and the nucleoprotein structure of the virus chromosome. Adenovirus DNA was replicated at a rate of 0.7 x 10-6 daltons/min. Although newly synthesized molecules had the same sedimentation coefficient and buoyant density as mature chromosomes, they still contained single-strand interruptions. Complete joining of daughter strands required an additional 15 to 20 min." 1133878,"Purified vaccinia virus rapidly inhibited HeLa cell protein synthesis in the presence of actinomycin D. Under these conditions host polyribosomes were extensively degraded but the mRNA was stable as indicated by a greater than 90% recovery of prelabeled polyadenylylated RNA. Although actinomycin D prevented the synthesis of host mRNA and poly(A) in uninfected cells, incorporation of adenosine into poly(A) was inhibited by less than 50% in infected cells. Further analysis indicated that there was little or no normal size viral mRNA but that a unique class of small poly(A)-rich RNA was made in the presence of actinomycin D. From measurements of the RNase resistance and base composition of the RNA, approximately 40% of the nucleotide sequence was estimated to be poly(A). The poly(A)-rich RNA was found associated with small polyribosomes and monoribosomes that were inactive in protein synthesis. It was suggested that the poly(A) segment of the RNA is formed by the poly(A) polymerase previously found in vaccinia virus cores and that the inactive RNA, by competing with host mRNA, may contribute to the virus-mediated inhibition of host protein synthesis observed in the presence of actinomycin D." 1133879,"Studies have been carried out to elucidate the in vivo function of gene 2 in T7 DNA synthesis. In gene 2-infected cells the rate of incorporation of (3-H)thymidine into acid-insoluble material is about 60% that of cells infected with T7 wild type. Gene 2 mutants do not however produce viable phage after infection of the nonpermissive host. In T7 wild type-infected cells, a major portion of the newly alkaline sucrose gradients. The concatemers serve as precursors for the formation of mature T7 DNA as demonstrated in pulse-chase experiments. In similar studies carried out with gene 2-infected cells, concatemers are not detected when the intracellular DNA is analyzed at several different times during the infection process. The DNA made during a gene 2 infection is present as duplex structures with a sedimentation rate close to mature T7 DNA." 1133897,"Role of parathyroid hormone in the phosphaturia of extracellular fluid volume expansion. Acute expansion of the extracellular fluid volume increases the urinary excretion of phosphate. The present study examined the importance of increased plasma parathyroid hormone concentration in the phosphaturia accompanying acute extracellular fluid volume expansion (ECVE). Infusion of a calcium-free Ringer's solution into dogs was associated with increased urinary phosphateexcretion and serum immunoreactive parathyroid hormone concentration (iPTH), the latter being significantly correlated with a decrease in plasma ionized calcium concentration. Prevention of the fall in plasma ionized calcium concentration by infusion of a calcium containing Ringer's solution prevented the increase in serum iPTH but the magnitude of the phosphaturia was not affected." 1133898,"Reaction constants of renin in juxtaglomerular apparatus and plasma renin activity after renal ischemia and hemorrhage. During and after total renal ischemia and acute hemorrhage, renin activity in plasma (PRA) and microdissected juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) of rabbits were investigated. In controls, the apparent Michaelis-Mentoen constant (MMC) of semipurified standard renin of rabbits was 1025 plus or minus 223 SD ng/ml. Plasma renin of normal rabbits showed similar values: 1062 plus or minus 138 SD ng/ml. Intrarenal JGA renin, however, showed a great scatter of MMC (920 to 4760 ng/ml) and a significantly higher mean value of 2572 plus or minus 1156 SD ng/ml (pis less than 0.001). After complete renal ischemia by clamping both renal arteries for a 90-min period, the following results wereobtained: 1) Sixty min after the beginning of ischemia, PRA decreased from 20.9 plus or minus 9.8 SD to 7.6 plus or minus 5.2 SD ng/ml-hr (P is less than 0.05) and increased to 103, 68 and 42 ng/ml-hr 10, 30 and 90 min after removal of the clamps, respectively (P is less than 0.05)." 1134031,"Mice from our Nya:NYLAR colony were parabiosed using the skin-to-skin or coelomic method, and more than 150 such pairs survived for periods greater than 1 mo. The oldest pair at this writing survived for 27 mo after parabiosis, which is equivalent to the normal life span of the Nya:NYLAR mouse. No evidence of parabiotic intoxication in any pair, even those kept for several mo, was noted." 1134032,"Rabbits were orally infected with Taenia pisiformis eggs and then serially killed. The development and regression of focal granulomatous lesions in the liver were observed, and these lesions were considered to be identical with the lesions in the naturally occurring disease. Focal granulomatous lesions containing onchospheres were also observed in the lungs, mesentery, and mesenteric lymph node. Thrombosis was present in some pulmonary arteries, and infarction of the lung was observed in 1 rabbit." 1134033,"The use of time-lapse and normal speed photography as a tool in evaluating the effect of cage size on physical activity in the beagle dog was examined. Normal speed motion pictures also served to demonstrate the degree of physical activity possible within specific sized cages, and the effect of changes in external activity on the dogs' activity within the cage. Viewing of these films showed that specific activity measurements can be made, providing a feasible scientific method for evaluating cage activity in a wide range of cage sizes. Physiological data collected over the course of this experiment from dogs housed in 2 different sized cages failed to show a cause-and-effect relationship." 1134034,"The validity of the ultrasonic Doppler technic for indirectly measuring arterial blood pressure over a wide range was tested in anesthetized dogs. Correlation coefficents of 0.99 and 0.97 for systolic and diastolic pressure were verified on the basis of 316 comparisons of direct and indirect measurements. Utility of the method for detecting hypotensive, normotensive, and hypertensive arterial blood pressures was demonstrated. Potential applications of the method by life scientists and veterinarians includes routine monitoring of anesthesia, characterization of disease, and documentation of pharmacologic states." 1134035,"Studies of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelet function, and clotting factors were performed on banked baboon blood. It was found to be a suitable model for the study of micro-aggregate formation and other coagulation abnormalities encountered in storage of human blood." 1134036,Bilateral draining fistulas which communicated with the cheek pouches were noted in the threat region of an adult femal Macaca mulatta receiving isoniazid for tuberculosis prophylaxis. Necrospy findings included enlargedregional lymph nodes and ulceration of cheek pouch mucous membranes. Acid-fast bacilli were demonstrated in tissue section. Cultures of the regional lymph nodes and cheek pouch mucous membrane yielded Runyon Group III mycobacteria. Intrapalpebral tuberculin tests with homologous mycobacterial antigen (Battery strain PPD) and Kochs Old Tuberculin were performed in an unsuccessful attempt to identify additional infected monkeys. This case is considered significant because of the unusual manifestation of mycobacterial disease and its occurrence in an animal receiving isoniazid at levels considered sufficient for the prevention of tuberculosis. 1134037,"The blood of 6 male and 6 female European hamsters (Cricetus cricetus L) was examined in summer, in winter before hibernation, and 1 da after awaking from hibernation. Blood was drawn from a sublingual vein under ether anesthesia in nonhibernating animals. No influence of hibernation upon the number of erythrocytes and the differentials was found, whereas the number of thrombocytes and leukocytes were reduced to a minimum. From the unchanged numbers of thrombocytes and leukocytes in nonhibernating animals during winter, the influence on the blood of a seasonal cycle independent of hiberation was excluded." 1134038,"A new method was described for repetitive blood sampling of guinea pigs via percutaneous puncture of the femoral vessels. Either manual immobilization of the animal or a specially designed restraining board was used. This method did not endanger the animal and required neither anesthesia, surgical skill, nor special equipment." 1134040,"A tooth-grasping forceps with a gas-driven oscillating headpiece was designed for dental extractions in the dog, Compared with the conventional method, the extraction time was shortened considerably, and preliminary results indicate it may cause less trauma to alveolar bone and periodontal ligament." 1134041,Thirteen cases of a spontaneous neuropathy were observed among 150 free-ranging Japanese snow monkeys (Macaca fuscata). Necropsy of 4 individuals revealed lesions in the peripheral and central nervous systems. Pathologic changes were associated with ingestion of coyotillo berries (Karwinskia humboldtiana). 1134042,"Complete absence of kidneys was observed in 3 neonatal guinea pigs which died 2-3 da after birth. Congestion of intestines and other organs was also observed. Renal agencies in the guinea pigs appeared to be of rare occurrence. Agenesis of right kidney was observed in 2 of over 500 opossums examined. Both opossums were males, and the corresponding ureters were smaller in diameter than the contralateral ureters. The left kidney was enlarged as a result of compensatory hypertrophy. The lumina of right ureters were found to be obliterated on microscopic examination." 1134111,"Normothermic anoxic arrest of 15 and 30 minutes, repeated for up to a total of 90 minutes of anoxia was employed in 24 pigs. The purpose was to determine the effect of varying the duration of anoxia on coronary blood flow, coronary vascular resistance, and the distribution of coronary flow to the free wall of the ventricle. Five minutes of reperfusion at pressures of 50 and 100 mm. Hg with the ventricle fibrillating, was employed between each anoxic interval. Results were compared to control studies performed during ventricular fibrillation without anoxic arrest in 12 pigs. Prolonging the anoxic interval to 30 minutes served to create a maldistribution of coronary flow away from the left ventricular endocardium and to reduce the reactive hypermic response to anoxia. Increasing the perfusion pressure to 100mm. Hg accentuated these changes. Both light and electron microscopy of sections demonstrated edema and early myocardial necrosis in the subendocardial layer of the left ventricle subjected to repeated 30 minute intervals of anoxia at a high perfusion pressure. We postulate that repeated anoxic insults with inadequate repayment of oxygen debt results in subendocardial edema, a decrease in perfusion, increasing necrosis, and further edema. A myocardial infarction must result if this vicious cycle cannot be interrupted." 1134112,"A study was designed to evaluate the hemodynamic effects of massive doses of methylprednisolone (30 mg. per kilogram) during cardiopulmonary bypass at normothermia and hypothermia. In 427 patients studied, significantly less vasoconstriction (p less than 0.01) and improved perfusion flows (p less than 0.0005) were obtained at comparable pressure levels in the steroid-treated group (272 patients) compared with the control group (155 patients). Because of these measured parameters, methylprednisolone should be considered a valuable adjunct to improving tissue perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass." 1134113,"A study was undertaken to determine whether changes occurred in the coronary arteries of dogs after obstruction of the cardiac lymphatics. Other investigators have described changes in the walls of coronary arteries after cardiac lymphatic obstruction that caused compromise of the lumen. Adult mongrel dogs were subjected to an operation which occluded the cardiac lymphatics. Several days later, a second operation was done to remove specimens of the terminal branches of the coronary arteries. The specimens were studied by light and electron microscopy. There was no gross or microscopic evidence of altered morphology of the coronary arterial walls." 1134114,"The Lande'-Edwards oxygenator has been used for clinical perfusions on 283 patients. Among these patients we have encountered the full range of congenital and acquired defects and a variance in age from 1 day to adulthood. Data are presented concerning the means and methods of perfusion, the defects involved, and the results of treatment. A comparison has been made between two groups of 20 adults each, one group perfused with a bubble oxygenator (Bently) and the other with the Lande'-Edwards membrane lung. This study showed that platelet function is better preserved by the membrane lung, that hemolysis is less severe, and that postoperative bleeding is reduced. Indirect evidence has been accumulated to suggest that pulmonary, cerebral, and renal function is also better preserved when the membrane lung is employed." 1134115,"Clinical experience with permanent transvenous pacing during a 6 year period at Hannover Medical School is presented. A total of 1,376 pacemaker operations were performed in 799 patients, with a mortality rate of 1.1 per cent. The most common complications were premature battery failure, dislocation of endocardial electrodes, infections of the generator and/or electrodes, and skin ulcerations. In our cumulative follow-up period of 1,225 years, a complication necessitating a reoperation is to be expected after an average function-time of 31 months. Including normal battery exhaustion in this calculation will make reoperation necessary every 21.9 months." 1134116,In this report we shall describe a new route for perfusion during long-term support with the membrane oxygenator. The ascending aorta is cannulated so that blood from the oxygenator mixes with blood in the ascending aorta. Thus oxygenated blood is supplied to both the cerebral and coronary systems. 1134117,"Fibrinolysis in cyanotic and acyanotic children has been studied before and after open intracardiac operations. Preoperatively, shorter lysis times were found in the cyanotic group. Lysis times in individual patients varied at different times before operation. Precise documentation of the timing of fibrinolysis determinations is necessary. The lysis times appear to be affected by variables such as fasting, stress, and anesthesia in addition to perfusion. Postoperatively there was no excessive fibrinolysis in either the cyanotic or acyanotic group, the groups showing no differences. No significant alterations in plasma fibrinogen were present before or after perfusion with the pediatric Bentley Temptrol system." 1134118,"In this study, we evaluated the accuracy of radioisotope scans in detecting metastatic lesions in patients with bronchogenic carcinoma. To be included in the study, the patient had to have undergone liver, brain, and/or bone scanning within 10 weeks of autopsy. Other means of evaluating these organs for metastatic involvement were used as well. The liver was checked by palpation and by determination of enzyme levels. A history, physical examination, and neurologic examination were used to establish the possibility of brain metastases. For studying bones, a history, physical examination, and conventional x-ray films were employed. Results of the scans and other tests were compared with findings at autopsy, and accuracy rates for each method of study were determined." 1134119,"In this report, we shall describe a case of interventricular septal defect with severe cardiac and respiratory insufficiency unresponsive to clinical treatment. The critical condition of the patient prompted us to introduce an obstructive balloon into the pulmonary artery with the objective of reducing pulmonary flow and improving respiratory insufficiency. The mean pressure was reduced from 45 to 19 mm. Hg, and the infant's cardiopulmonary status improved dramatically. After 36 hours, during which the clinical picture stabilized, a banding operation was performed with success." 1134120,"An 11-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in remission developed a bilateral pneumonia which rapidly progressed to acute respiratory failure. During 9 days of intensive therapy the patient's respiratory status progressively deteriorated. When it became impossible to maintain the arterial oxygen tension (PAO2) above 40 mm.Hg by conventional means, extracorporeal blood-gas exchange with a membrane lung was begun. After 5 days of bypass the patient's respiratory function began to improve, and he was weaned from the membrane lung on the tenth day. Seven days later he was discharged from the hospital and is currently in excellemt health 23 months after bypass. This perfusion, the longest successful effort to provide respiratory assist with a membrane lung, attests to the efficacy of this therapeutic modality." 1134121,"Bullet migration toward and within the pulmonary circulation occurred in a case of gunshot wound to the right upper abdominal quadrant. Difficulties in locating the missile were encountered during surgical attempts to remove it. Finally, a Swan-Ganz catheter was used for pulmonary angiography. The balloon of the catheter was inflated to prevent further migration of the missile until it could be surgically removed." 1134122,"We have systematically reviewed the literature concerning iatrogenic chylothorax and shall report our personal observations on the subject. Despite an increasing number of thoracic operations, injuries to the thoracic duct are infrequent. Cardiovascular and esophageal procedures are the most frequent causes of chylothorax. Malformations of the thoracic duct and other organs of the mediastinum have often been involved in lymphatic injury. Consequently, we believe that a complicating chylothorax may result from varied causes rather than solely from a surgical error." 1134208,"Extracts of Acacia longifolia yielded two major histamine aldaloiks which were separated by tlc. Nmr, ms, uv, ir and other physical measurements led to structural assignments of the compounds as N-(2-imidazol-4-yl-ethyl)-trans-cinnamamide and N-(2-imidazol-4-yl-ethyl)-deca-trans-2, cis-4-dienamide. Confirmation of these structures was by comparison of literature data in the case of the cinnamamide and by synthesis of the new decadienamide. Dowex-50 ion exchange resin (H+ form) was found to be highly efficient in the isolation of these compounds from crude plant extracts." 1134209,"From the weakly antibacterial non-quaternary alkaloidal fractions from Ptelea trifoliata L. (Rutaceae), ten tertiary quinol-2-one and quinol-4-one alkaloids were isolated and identified. In addition, beta-sitosterol, beta-sitosteryl-beta-D-glucoside and bergapten were isolated. None of these compounds possessed perceptible antimicrobial activity. The weak antimicrobial activity of the neutral and alkaloidal fractions was traced to small amounts of pteleatinium chloride which had not been completely separated by bulk processes. Alkaloids previously known to be present in P. trifoliata which were found in this study ptelefoline methyl ether, pteleine and skimmianine. Alkaloids previously known but new to this plant were lunidoine and isomaculasidine. Alkaloids newly found in nature were neohydroxylunine, hydroxylunidonine, 6-methoxylunidoine, 6-methoxylunineand 6-methoxy-hydroxylunidine. The structure of the latter three bases is proposed tentatively." 1134210,"The carboline alkaloids, harman and norharman, detected in the culture filtrate of Phaseolus vulgaris suspension culture are the two major products of the biotransformation of tryptophan by this culture. The peak concentration of harman and norharman in the medium was reached between the second and fourth day of fermentation, depending on the size of the inoculum. A supplement of 0.1 mg of tryptophan per ml of 67V medium (with a low basal concentration of 15 to 20 mug of tryptophan per ml medium) increased the peak concentration of harman by an average of 2.1 times and of norharman by an average of 4.7 times in medium." 1134212,"The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), the melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett, and the oriental fruit fly, D. dorsalis Hendel, three Hawaiian tephritids of economic importance, were exposed to traps each containing one of 232 ethyl ether extracts of air-dried botanicals. The principal concern was to establish which extracts were attractive judged on the basis of an index determined by the number of times more flies were attracted to the trap baited with water and extract than were attracted to traps baited with water only. Female Mediterranean fruit flies were attracted to 61 extracts and melon fly females to 31 extracts. Female oriental fruit flies were not much attracted. Many extracts were attractive to males of the three species. The extract of Coffea robusta Linden (Family Rubiaceae) was the only material attractive to both sexes of all three species." 1134211,"Callus cultures were extablished from the seedlings of Cassia tora on a chemically defined medium supplemented with 2, 4-D and kinetin. A phytochemical investigation of callus tissues demonstrated the presence of chrysophanol, emodin, physcion, and an unidentified pigment, all of which are contained in the seeds of the original plant. The maximum content of antraquinones on a fresh weight basis was 0.334 percent, which is higher than the content of total anthraquinones in the dry seeds. Furthermore, it was shown that the production of these compounds is influenced by the concentrations of auxin and cytokinin supplied to the culture medium." 1134219,"The desaturation of stearic, linoleic, and alpha-linolenic acids by human liver microsomes were studied. The microsomes were isolated from liver biopsies obtained during operation. It was shown that human liver microsomes are able to desaturate 1-14-C-alpha-linoleic acid to octadeca-6,9,12,15,-telraenoic acid: 1-15-C-linoleic acid to gammalinolenic acid; and 1-14-C-stearic acid to oleic acid in the same system described in the rat. However, the desaturation activity obtained was low compared to other mammals. This effect was attributed to fasting, pre-medication, or the anaesthesia." 1134220,"The enzyme(s) present in acetonedried powder of rat and rabbit aortas, which catalyzes the synthesis and hydrolysis of cholesteryl ester, was purified partially by acid precipitation, acetone fractionation, O-(diethylaminoethyl) cellulose chromatography, and Sephadex G-100 filtration. The synthetic activity was purified by 120-fold (rat) and 140-fold (rabbit). Purification of hydrolytic activity was 90-fold (rat) and 103-fold (rabbit). Cholesteryl ester hydrolase activity was separated from nonspecific esterase by column chromatography. Both synthetic and the hydrolytic activities are apparently the functions of one enzyme. The mol wt of the enzyme was estimated to be 140,000 dalton as determined by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration. The extracts of the acetone-dried powders of aortas of both species contained an inhibitor of synthetic activity. The inhibitor was nondialyzable and was precipitated at pH 5.7. Both activities were found to be fairly nonspecifc with regard to sterol and fatty acids. With oleic acid, the relative rates of sterol ester synthesis were: cholesterol, 100; cholestanol, 94; desmosterol, 35; coprostanol, 24; ergosterol, 20; and beta-sitosterol, 19. Epicholesterol was not esterified. Oleic acid was most active in cholesteryl ester synthesis, the relative rates being: oleic greater than linoleic greater than arachidonic greater than palmitic greater than stearic greater than butyric. The rate of hydrolysis was maximum with cholesteryl linoleate followed by oleate, linolenate, palmitate, stearate, and laurate in decreasing order." 1134221,"Rat heart preparations metabolized erucic acid at much slower rates than palmitic acid. This applied for activation reaction, for the conversion of acyl-CoA to acylcarnitine, and for the utilization of acyl group for oxidation. As compared to palmityl-CoA, erucyl-CoA exhibited a lower affinity for carnitine palmityltransferase (EC, the respective apparent Michaelis constants were 43 and 83 muM. Presence of erucyl-CoA or erucyl-carnitine slowed the mitochondrial oxidation of palmityl groups apparently because of the slower oxidation of erucyl groups. However, presence of erucate did not inhibit the activation of palmitate. Heart mitochondria obtained from rats fed rapeseed oil (50 cal %) or corn oil diet for 3 days showed similar abilities for the coupled oxidation of various substrates and similar carnitine palmityltransferase activities. Thus, a suggestion of gross mitochondrial malfunction following rapeseed oil consumption was not confirmed." 1134217,"The chemical composition of the essential oil from the aerial parts of Houttuynia cordata was examined by ir, glc and gc-ms, as a part of the study of the Saururaceae whose members have rich folkloric medicinal history. The analysis indicate that the essential oil from H. cordata is very rich (81.4 percent v/v) in lipid compounds. A comparision of the composition of the essential oils from three members of the Saururaceae, namely Anemopsis californica, Saururus cernuus and H. cordata from a chemosystematic point of view shows that each species investigated hitherto has its own characteristic type essential oil. While from the morphological and anatomical point of view, Saururus seems to represent the least specialized genus, the presently available chemical evidence does not clearly assign such a status to Saururus." 1134222,"Tissues of rats were examined for the presence of cholanoic acids. Quantitation of extraction, deconjugation, and isolation were verified by use of radioactive standards. Identification was made by thin layer and gas liquid chromatographic comparison to standards and mass spectrometry. All tissues examined were found to contain several conjugated cholanoic acids. Liver contained primarily cholic acid and peripheral tissues primarily dihydroxy compounds, mainly hyodeoxycholic acid." 1134223,"Rat liver microsomes were extracted with a buffered 0.15 M KCl and 0.25 M sucrose solution and fractionated by centrifugation into a particulate component and a supernatant containing a protein factor necessary for fatty acid desaturation. The delta 6 fatty acid desaturation activity of the extracted microsomes was reduced significantly, and the readdition of the supernatant restored the enzymatic activity to the original value of the whole microsomes. A protein diet or a fat-free diet increased the delta 6 desaturation activity of the whole microsomes. The activating effect was evoked upon the particulate components of the enzymatic desaturation system and not upon the protein factor present in the supernatant. Fasting, refeeding, and refeeding plus glucagon and theophylline treatments of rats also modified the delta 6 desaturation activity of whole liver microsomes. The effect also was evoked on the delta 6 desaturation system tightly bound to the microsomal membrane but not on the protein factor of the supernatant. Accordingly, the protein factor of the supernatant is considered to be different from the cyanide sensitive factor and the desaturase." 1134218,"The petroleum ether extractive of the bark of Erythrina variegata var. orientalis was fractionated and shown to be composed of wax alcohols and wax acids, alkyl ferulates, alkyl phenolates, stigmasterol, sitosterol, campesterol and possibly citrostadienol/24-methylenelophenol. The ethanol extractive yielded chloroform-soluble and water-soluble bases, identified as erysovine and stachydrine, respectively." 1134224,Several new branched and straight chain secondary and tertiary amines were shown to have inhibitive effects upon development and metamorphosis and the delta-24-sterol reductase system in larvae of the tobacco hornworm similar to those previously observed with a number of azasteroids. Certain of the amines which are related structurally to compounds with juvenile hormone activity in insects also blocked development and metamorphosis in three other species of insects. These compounds are lethal or inhibit development in all larval stages and thus differ in action from compounds with juvenile hormone activity where the principal effect is to block the penultimate or ultimate molt. 1134225,The delta 9 desaturase activity and the 14-C radioactivity of the de novo synthesized fatty acids incorporated into microsomal lipids and serum triglycerides were measured under different nutritional conditions. The results obtained indicate a correlation between the values of the three parameters studied after starvation or after refeeding Purina chow or either a high carbohydrate or a high protein diet. These data suggest that liver lipogenesis and delta 9 desaturase activities respond to the same regulatory factors. 1134406,"Two obvious forms of student ""wastage"" are academic failure and withdrawal from university. In this prospective cohort study of 2,041 first-year students at Monash University, the relationship of these two events to mental health, university life-stress and other variables is examined. Four factors found to be strongly related to first-year academic failure are mental illness at university a high level of life-stress, poor secondary school academic record, and an extroverted personality. Withdrawal from university during first year is frequently preceded by poor mental health, high life-stress and loneliness. Withdrawal during second year is strongly associated with first-year academic failure and mental illness. The significance of these findings is discussed, and comparisons are made with overseas studies." 1134407,"Peripheral gangrene is an uncommon initial manifestation of polycythaemia vera, especially if it is not associated with occlusive disease of larger vessels of the limbs. A 57-year-old Chinese male with polycythaemia vera presenting with recurrent gangrene of the toes is described. Absence of occlusive arterial disease of larger vessels was shown by the presence of peripheral pulses. The digital gangrene was due most probably to impaired perfusion resulting from hyperviscosity. Correction of hyperviscosity in this case by venesection and treatment with the cytotoxic drug, busulphan, not only corrected the polycythaemia vera, but also cured the digital gangrene." 1134497,"1. Long-chain acid: CoA ligase (AMP-forming) (trivial name acyl-CoA synthetase; EC is located at the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and the outer membrane of the mitochondria. The latter membrane has by far the highest specific activity. 2. GTP-dependent synthesis of acyl-CoA has a very low activity in liver mitochondria (about 5% of the activity measured with ATP). CTP, ITP, UTP and GTP may all provide energy for fatty acid activation in sonicated mitochondria by formation of ATP from endogenous ADP and AMP. 3. In rat liver palmitoyl-CoA: L-carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase (trivial name carnitine palmitoyltransferase; EC is located at the microsomal membranes and in the inner membrane of the mitochondria. Its activity is increased, in both membranes, during fasting and in thyroxine-treated rats. The extramitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase may capture part of the acyl CoA formed at the endoplasmic reticulum as acyl-carnitine, especially during fasting and other metabolic conditions of high fatty acid turnover. This transport form of activated fatty acid can penetrate the inner mitochondrial membrane (the acyl-CoA barrier) where it can be reconverted to acyl-CoA, providing the substrate for beta-oxidation in the inner membrane-matrix compartment. The small part of the mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase, described to be present at the external surface of the mitochondrial inner membrane, may have the same function in the transport of acyl-CoA formed at the mitochondrial outer membrane. 4. Isolated rat liver mitochondria can oxidize high concentrations of palmitate or oleate in the absence of carnitine. In this case the fatty acids are activated in the inner membrane-matrix compartment of the mitochondria, probably by a medium-chain acyl-CoA synthetase with wide substrate specificity. Because this enzyme is less active in heart and absent in skeletal muscle, these tissues oxidize long-chain fatty acids in an obligatory carnitine-dependent fashion. Also the liver oxidizes long-chain fatty acids in a carnitine-dependent way if lower fatty acid concentrations are used. In this tissue carnitine stimulates specifically the partial oxidation of fatty acids to beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate. 5. The activities of acyl-CoA: sn-glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase (trivial name glycerophosphate acyltransferase; EC and carnitine palmitoyltransferase change in opposite directions during fasting. These activity changes, together with the measured kinetic properties of the enzymes in mitochondria and microsomes, allow a switch (relatively) from lipid synthesis to ketogenesis during fasting. This switch may occur at the level of long-chain acyl-CoA both in the endoplasmic reticulum and in the mitochondria." 1134499,"Succinate dehydrogenase is subjected to positive and negative modulation. The negative modulators oxaloacetate and D- or L-malate transform the enzyme into a nonactive complex in which oxaloacetate is bound. The deactivation by malate involves its oxidation by the succinate dehydrogenase which then deactivates the enzyme. In the present study we measured the activity of succinate dehydrogenase in the presence of two opposing effectors,L-malate as deactivator and CoQH2 as an activator. With these opposingeffectors present, the catalytic activity of succinate dehydrogenase assumes a steady state, the level of which is a function of the concentration of the two effectors. At lowconcentration of L-malate all of the succinate dehydrogenase activity is protected by CoQH2, while at saturating malate concentrations only 60-70% of activity is protected. Kinetic analysis of the approach to the steady state indicates that the protective effect of CoQH2 is not due to its activator property but due to its ability ofreduce the enzyme. This was verified by carrying out a radox titration of succinatedehydrogenase activity in the presence of L-malate. A redox active component was characterized with E = +25 mV and n = 1.8. When this component is reduced, L-malate cannot deactivate the succinate dehydrogenase, but when in the oxidized state the enzyme is susceptible to such deactivation. It is proposed that this group participates in the regulation of the activity of succinate dehydrogenase in the mitochondria." 1134500,"The uptake of glucose and gluconate is under inductive control in Pseudomonas putida. Glucose, gluconate, and 2-ketogluconate were each good nutritional inducers of these transport abilities. Glucose and gluconate uptake obeyed saturation kinetics: the apparent Km for glucose was 6 mM and that for gluconate was 0.5 mM. Therefore, transport of both substrates appears to be mediated by enzyme-like carriers. Glucose and gluconate are parallel inhibitors for their uptake9 Strains selected for their inability totransport glucose were found to be deficient in gluconate uptake. The reverse was alsotrue: mutations affecting gluconate entry also blocked the uptake of glucose. These results demonstrate that a common carrier is involved in the uptake of both glucose and gluconate by P. putida cells." 1134506,"Experiments on strains of yeast with different genetic backgrounds were done to evaluate the kinetics of inactivation and mutation induction by X-radiations. A system of forward mutation induction in five loci was used as a specific mutation rate of 0.14-10-minus 8 times locus times rad was evaluated for the wild type. From a comparison of observations with wild type and radiation-sensitive strains, it may be assumed that, in this yeast, mutations are mainly the result of a repair-active process. The range of genotypic and phenotypic influence upon the specific locus mutation rate was evaluated with appropriate biological material and experiments." 1134507,"Ikushima and Wolff have recently interpreted both their observation of chromatid aberrations in second and third mitoses following X-irradiation and the production of chromatid type chromosomal aberrations by UV light administered during the G1 phase of the cell cycle in terms of a polyneme model of eukaryote chromosome structure. They were led to do so, however, largely because of their X-ray data, which the interpreted as evidence for the induction of sub-chromosomal lesions (by G1 irradiation; sub-chromatid for G2 irradiation) which appear as chromatid type aberrations only in later divisions. We here report data from similar X-ray experiments in which synchronized Chinese hamster tissue culture cells were irradiated in either G1 or G2 and then scored for chromatid aberrations in their first, second and third post-irradiation mitoses. Our results do not show the effect reported by Ikushima and Wolff. We conclude that all of the data available of aberration production is compatible with a simple mononeme model of eukaryote chromosome structure." 1134508,"Seedlings of Crepis capillaris were irradiated after pulse-labelling with tritiated thymidine ([3-H]TdR), and both chromosomal aberrations and presence of silver grains were recorded in the same metaphase cells at various intervals throughout the whole mitotic cycle. The following results were obtained: (a) irradiated roots were homogeneous with respect to the number of aberrations, and heterogenous with respect to labelling index (LI); (b) time--effect curves for labelled (L) and unlabelled (U) cells showed no significant difference from one another; (c) no significant quantitative difference of aberration spectra produced in S and G2 stages was found. These results support the view that the major factor which determines both quantitative and qualitative variation in the production of chromosomal aberrations by radiation is the time lapse between irradiation and fixation rather than relation of the time of irradiation to the time of DNA synthesis. In addition, it was found that labelling with [3-H]TdR modifies the effect of radiation on chromosomes." 1134509,"The ability of the carcinogen, N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-AcO-AAF), to induce mutations to azaguanine resistance in diploid human cells was quantitatively investigated and shown to be dose-dependent. The 8-azaguanine (AG) resistance was shown to be heritable in the absence of mutagen or selective agent and the cells of the mutant clones were shown to retain normal sensitivity to N-AcO-AFF." 1134510,"The X-ray induction of 8-azaguanine (AG) resistent mutants in two sets of diploid and tetraploid Chinese hamster cells (DON and V79) was investigated. It was found that (i) the induced mutant frequencies in diploid and tetraploid cells appeared to be of the same order of magnitude and (ii) all mutants showed almost complete loss of hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyl-transferase (HGPRT) activity except that in the tetraploid V79 cells 50--100% of activity was retained. The gene--dosage effect for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) in these cells make it possible to determine the number of chromosomes bearing the HGPRT-gene in mutants by measuring the G6PD activity per cell. The results show that the spontaneous and induced mutants from the diploid V79 and DON as well as the tetraploid DON cells retained the G6PD activity of the parental cells, whereas the induced mutants from the tetraploid V79 cells had about 35% of the parental G6PD activity. With 6-thioguanine (TG) as selective agent, the induced mutant frequencies in diploid and tetraploid DON cells and in diploid V79 cells appeared to be of the same order of magnitude but no mutants could be recovered from tetraploid V79 cells in a single step. TG-resistant tetraploid V79 cells could only be obtained from the AG-resistant mutants after a second selection. The HGPRT activity was lost in these mutants and some of them showed an increase in G6PD activity. The combined data cannot be explained on the basis of a single genetic mechanism." 1134511,"The relationship between UV sensitivity and pyrimidine auxotrophy has been examined. Fourteen pyrimidine-requiring mutants have been classified on the basis of genetic complementation and utilization of biosynthetic intermediates and have been assigned to at least four loci. All the mutants studied were sensitive to UV, although the degree of sensitivity varied both between loci and amongst alleles at the same locus. A double mutant strain carrying pyrimidine mutants at two loci was only as sensitive to UV as the more sensitive of the singles. This suggests that both mutants are deficient in the same repair mechanism. Suppressor mutations which restored endogenous pyrimidine biosynthesis were isolated. These suppressors restored UV resistance in the presence of the original mutation. The results indicate that the UV sensitivity of these mutants is a direct result of pyrimidine auxotrophy and not to any secondary properties of the mutants." 1134512,"Two mutants at the pyr I locus have been used to study the radiation sensitivity of pyrimidine auxotrophs of U. maydis. The mutant pry I-I has a reduced level of thymidine nucleotides, and this is a likely basis of the sensitivity. This strain is able to excise pyrimidine dimers from its DNA and is cross-sensitive to gamma-rays and nitrosoguanidine (NG) as well as to UV. A diploid heteroallelic at the pyr I locus was UV-sensitive but not deficient in UV-induced mitotic recombination. The results suggest that the UV sensitivity may be due to the failure of a repair DNA polymerase to fill post-excision single-strand gaps in the DNA. The mutant pyr I-I exhibits the property of UV recovery, and this is shown to be dependent on the presence of dimers in the DNA. A mechanism for UV recovery is proposed in which a repair system, possibly involving recombination, is induced by the UV irradiation." 1134513,"Dominant-lethal effects of 6-mercaptopurine on male mice were studied using eight doses, ranging from 150 to 482 mg/kg. Effects of the 150-mg/kg dose were studied over the entire spermatogenic cycle, and those of the higher doses for matings made between days 28.5 and 41.5 after treatment. It was found that, with low doses, there was only one period in which clearcut increases in induced dominant-lethal mutations were detected, namely in matings that occurred 32.5 to 35.5 days after treatment. With higher doses, effects could be detected beyond that period through day 39.5. Spermatozoa utilized for matings during the period of greatest response were presumably derived from germ cells that were in late differentiating spermatogonial and early meiotic spermatocyte stages at the time of treatment. These results are similar to those of Ray and Hyneck. To date, 6-mercaptopurine is unique in inducing dominant lethality only at these particular stages. A study of chromatid aberration induction in the treated males themselves was carried out for 150 and 250 mg/kg doses of 6-mercaptopurine over the period of 9 to 16 days after treatment. A considerable increase in ischromatid and chromatid deletions was observed in diakinesis-metaphase-I spermatocytes on days 14 and 15 after treatment. For reasons discussed, the cells sampled at this may be assumed to have been in early meiosis (preleptotene), with some in late differentiating spermatogonial stages, at the time of treatment. The rough agreement in sensitive cell type for dominant lethality and chromatid aberration induction suggests that chromatid deletions are the cause of dominant lethality in this study. Conservative estimates of the frequency of dominant lethality expected from the chromatid aberration frequencies tend to substantiate this suggestion." 1134514,"Workers from three insecticide plants in direct contact with 2,2-bis (beta-chlorophenyl)-I,I,I,-trichloroethane (DDT) did not differ significantly in the frequencies of cells with chromosomal aberrations when compared with controls from the same plants but not in direct contact with the drug. The same was true when a group of workers from one plant was compared with a control group from the Instituto Butantan, with no history of occupational exposure to DDT. Yet, when the control group from one of the three plants, which showed high DDT plasmic levels, was added to the group in direct contact with the insecticide, the frequency of cells with chromatid aberrations was significantly higher, suggesting that DDT causes chromatid lesions. A positive correlation was found between DDT levels and times of exposure, but being in direct or indirect contact with DDT was not always correlated with the degree of contamination." 1134517,"Nine patients who underwent aortic-valve replacement for acute aortic regurgitation due to infective endocarditis were studied for clinical features that may be useful in assessing the severity of this condition. The traditional physical signs of a wide pulse pressure were absent. As compared to a group of patients with chronic aortic regurgitation, the mean (plus or minus S.D.) pulse pressure (55 plus or minus 7 vs. 105 plus or minus 22 mm Hg), left ventricular end diastolic volume (146 plus or minus 28 vs. 264 plus or minus 64 ml per square meter) and stroke volume (89 plus or minus 22 vs. 163 plus or minus 57 ml per square meter) were significantly smaller in the acute group (P less than 0.01). Left ventricular pressure exceeded left atrial pressure in late diastole, causing premature closure of the mitral valve, and the degree of early closure reflected the increase in left ventricular end diastolic pressure. Premature closure of the mitral valve was demonstrated by echocardiography in all patients. Those with echocardiographic signs of very early mitral-valve closure have severely volume-overloaded ventricles and are candidates for early valve replacement." 1134518,"A study of the effectiveness of screening for phenylketonuria in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States indicated that the diagnosis is more likely to be missed in the latter two countries because of the earlier age at which infants are screened. Furthermore, in the United States, diagnosis and treatment are delayed as compared with Ireland and the United Kingdom. Because test most commonly used to detect phenylketonuria is identical in all three countries, the differences in effectiveness are attributable to the way in which it is applied. In the United Kingdom, personnel and facilities have clearly defined roles and responsibilities. There is co-ordination between in-hospital and extra-hospital health care, and follow-up care of young infants in the community is assured. Greater effectiveness of screening in the United States will require a more rational organization of health services." 1134519,"Reports on survival of patients with cancer issued by the National Cancer Institute indicate marked improvement for almost all forms of cancer from the 1940's to 1950's. Subsequently, prognosis for patients with forms of cancer accounting for approximately 42 per cent of all cancers continued to improve, although at a slower rate. For cancers of the lung, colon, rectum, stomach and pancreas, little improvement in patient survival during the 1960's was observed, and for women with invasive cervical cancer, survival rates decreased slightly. One-year survival results for patients with diagnoses made during 1970-71 suggest that improvement in five-year survival observed during the 1960's for many forms of cancer will be sustained. Continued reporting of survival of patients treated in the 1970's would ultimately demonstrate the degree of effectiveness of recently introduced therapeutic procedures." 1134530,"Family medicine is part of the process by which medicine adjusts itself to the changing needs of society. Family physicians have in common the fact that they obtain fulfillment from personal relations more than from the technical aspects of medicine. Their commitment is to a group of people more than to a body of knowledge. Their experience gives them a distinctive perspective of illness that includes its personal and social context. Medical knowledge includes information, skill and insight. Medical education has tended to emphasize the former: to concentrate on foreground rather than background. In the training of family physicians the education setting and the role of instructors are of crucial importance." 1134588,"Pattern Recognition is becoming established as a general data analysis tool which has widespread applications in chemistry. Whenever something must be learned from objects (elements, compounds, and mixtures) and a chemical/physical theory has not been sufficiently developed, pattern recognition may provide a solution. Materials production problems, screening applications, source identification and structure analysis are important areas of current interest. It is expected that many more areas of application will open up in the years to come. In short, the ""educated guess"" is being supported by the computer; at least that is our educated guess." 1134611,"Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is a method allowing the separation of proteins according to their molecular sizes. For this reason this method is rather useful for the classification of proteinurias as tubular, glomerular, or mixed. In the present study a good correlation was observed between the results of urine electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel and both clinical and histopathological data from 32 patients with different forms of renal disease." 1134612,Studies have been carried out on the toxicity of large doses of contrast medium (Hypaque 45%) given to rats with acute renal failure induced both by mercuric chloride and by glycerol. No increase in the expected mortality of the experimental models was observed following infusion of twice the maximum clinical dose of contrast medium. 1134613,"The ingestion of a sodium phosphate laxative preparation (Phosphosoda, Fleed) in a patient who had acute renal failure resulted in hypocalcemic tetany primarily due to severe hyperphosphatemia. Hypernatremia and a marked anion gap were present and attributable in part to the sodium phosphate ingestion of this preparation in the presence of renal failure." 1134614,"A material with a molecular weight comprised between 10,000 and 50,000 has been extracted from the urine of normal and glomerulonephritic (GN) rats submitted to high or normal salt diet. When injected into the renal arteries of normal rats, the material isolated from the urine of normal salt-loaded rats induced a significant natriuresis; on the contrary, the material isolated from GN rats or from normal non-salt-loaded rats induced only a slight natriuresis which did not exceed control values. Injection of natriuretic material in GN rats did not induce any significant natriuresis. The results demonstrate the presence of a natriuretic material in the urine of salt-loaded normal rats; this material is absent in the urine of GN animals; moreover, they demonstrate that the sodium retention by the GN kidney is due to the inability of this organ to respond to the determinants of saline natriuresis such as natriuretic factor(s) as well as non specific changes in blood composition, i.e. blood dilution. Several possibilities could be deduced from these results: a natriuretic material of extrarenal origin could be inactive on the GN kidney which could destroy it; natriuretic material of renal origin could disappear during experimental glomerulonephritis and be absent in the urine of these animals." 1134615,"The effect of acute renal denervation on renal blood flow (RBF) and intrarenal distribution of blood flow (microsphere method) was studied in dogs using three standard denervation models. Surgical denervation, by stripping renal vascular nerves and autoperfusing the kidney through a large bore plastic catheter, caused RBF and glomerular filtration rate to decrease. Also, intrarenal distribution of blood flow became asymmetric, that is, perfusion changes in the two halves of the kidney were not similar. Denervation by stripping away the neural tissue and infiltrating the hilum with 0.5% procaine and 50% ethanol produced no adverse effects on RBF, but distributional changes were asymmetric. Denervation by this method was probably incomplete as evidenced by decreased RBF following bilateral carotid occlusion. Intrarenal arterial infusion of 10 mug/kg/min phenoxybenzamine caused renal perfusion to change asymmetrically and did not abolish the decrease in RBF normally seen following nerve stimulation. Present results demonstrate denervation studies must be interpreted cautiously; because the denervation model may cause renal damage and asymmetric perfusion, and denervation may not be complete." 1134616,Carrying out vascular sutures is often a serious trouble during the surgical preparation of arteriovenous fistulas for haemodialysis. A new technique is suggested to perform an end-to-end anastomosis by inserting the artery 5-6 mm into the vein and then cementing the vessels by means of a cyanoacrilic tissue adhesive. The duration of the surgical procedure is reduced to half and this technique is much more simple than the usual ones. In 6 patients thus treated no troubles could be found either immediately or afterwards. 1134617,"125-I-NGF was found to associate with embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia (DRG) through two processes. A time-saturable process included the binding of NGF to surface receptors with an apparent affinity constant in the range of 10(-7)M minus 1 and at a level of 4 f moles/mug tissue protein. The second process was time-linear, temperature-sensitive, and included both bound and non-competable NGF. While metabolic inhibitors had little effect, histone and insulin considerably increased the uptake. A comparison of 125-I-NGF and 125-I-peroxidase uptake suggested that the time-linear uptake of 125-I-NGF must include only bound NGF and incubation medium. Sequestration of the proteins taken up was indicated by the lack of release of radiolabeled material at 4 degrees C, even in the presence of native proteins. All these characteristics are consistent with an interpretation that DRG cells can take up NGF and other proteins by a pinocytotic process. Similar NGF binding and uptake properties were found to occur in cells from a variety of other embryonic chick tissues." 1134618,"Explants of 10-12-day-old embryonic chick spinal cord were cultured for up to 20 days by the ""coverslip-roller"" method. Morphological development of neurons as shown by the presence of mature neurons, myelinated axons and synaptic structures, was demonstrated by light and electron microscopy. Two important enzymes associated with acetylcholine transmitter metabolism, choline acetyltransferase (ChAc) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), were assayed in cultures at selected time intervals. The activity of ChAc and AChE exhibited an increase of 60 per cent and 80 per cent, respectively, over a 20-day period. It is concluded that organotypic cultures of embryonic chick spinal cord show differentiation not only in morphological aspects, but also in biochemical terms through progressive development of ChAc and AChE." 1134619,"Cultures of chick dorsal root ganglia were examined with the scanning electron microscope. Fibroblasts, Schwann cells and neurites with their characteristic terminal filamentous growth cones were identified and their surface ultrastructure and inter-relationships described. Although exploratory filopodia of nerve growth cones were observed to pass both over and underneath the edges of wandering fibroblasts present at the periphery of the outgrowth, it was noted that the nerve bundles ultimately came to overlie sheets of fibroblasts. The neurites appeared generally bare along their lengths but were sometimes attached to the substrate or underlying fibroblastic sheet by small lateral projections. Some Schwann cells were observed to migrate freely between the neurites whilst others appeared to have wrapped around the nerve bundles in a manner suggestive of early myelination." 1134620,"Plasma TSH responses after an i.v. injection of 100 mg of L-dopa were evaluated by radioimmunoassay in 4 normal euthyroid subjects and in 8 patients with primary hypothyroidism. In agreement with previous results, no variations to plasma TSH levels were observed in the euthyroid subjects. In contrast, in primary hypothyroidism L-dopa induced a biphasic response in plasma TSH. In fact, we observed a transitory increase witha maximum at 30 min (mean plus or minus SEM equals 54 plus or minus 18%) followed by a decrease reading a minimum level of plasma TSH basal values at 90 min (mean plus or minus SEM equals 15 plus or minus 6%). Thesefindings demonstrate that the plasma TSH response to L-dopa in primary hypothyroidism is time-dependent . Some speculation on the possible mechanism of this action is presented." 1134621,"It has previously been shown that stimulation of an adrenergic system in the central nervous system (CNS) will depress the increase in plasma corticosterone (B) following surgical stress. Two aspects of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal function, namely adrenal compensatory hypertrophy (ACH) and plasma B response to ether stress, were studied to determine the influence of this adrenergic component. Phenoxybenzamine, an gamma-adrenergic blocking agent, chronically implanted into the lateral ventricle produced an augmented response to ether stress, whereas norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA), and propranolol did not. The augmented response was similar to that observed following the daily administration of reserpine (0.25 mg/kg, s.c.). The response to this dose of reserpine was blocked by the simultaneous administration of a low dose of dexamethasone (14 mu-g/kg, s.c.). Augmentation of the stress response was not produced by larger doses of reserpine but did occur with lower doses. The effects of the treatments on ACH were not consistent with those observed on the stress response, suggesting that different mechanisms are involved. The data support the concept of an gamma-adrenergic component in the CNS which serves to inhibit the plasma B stress response." 1134622,"Multiple-unit activity (MUA) was obtained from neuronal pools in the gonadotropic hypothalamus of quails. A special device allowed for exploration of various hypothalamic structures in unanesthetized birds. All recording sessions were made in the dark. Spontaneous and flash light-evoked MUAs were recorded from both tuberal and dorsal gonadotropic areas, either in the morning or in the afternoon, and were compared to extragonadotropic firing patterns. Firing rates (spikes/10 sec) and integrated MUA (200 addresses) provided distinctive spontaneous neuronal activities for various cell clusters. These spontaneous salient features appeared to be changeable throughout the photoperiod. Flash stimulations resulted in a marked increase in MUA recorded from the gonadotropic regions of the hypothalamus." 1134714,"We have developed a scleral-indentor-illuminator which, when combined with indirect ophthalmoscopy, gives better visualization of some choroidal lesions than conventional ophthalmoscopy. The thin, angulated probe tip allows for extreme posterior placement." 1134716,"In our lifetime, electronic photography, that is television, has replaced optical film photography in many areas and has opened new fields in other areas. The surgical optical microscope is a closed, limited system. Television can revolutionize this by converting the optical picture into an electronic picture which can be sent down a cable, through the air, or recorded on magnetic tape to be seen now or at a later time. The Stereo-Video Microscope offers a new surgical instrument which provides the surgeon with greater ease of viewing and other numerous advantages over optical microscopy." 1134717,"Seventy-one patients with glaucoma needing surgical correction had either a peripheral iridectomy with a thermal sclerostomy or a trabeculectomy utilizing a modification of Watson's technique in which the scleral flap was closed tightly with sutures. Results of surgery were analyzed at intervals up to and including three years following the surgical procedure. The success of the operations was judged both in terms of the effect on intraocular pressure as well as on the visual ability of the eye. Since the surgeon's aim is to lower intraocular pressure to a particular level, not simply to an arbitrary level that facilitates statistical analysis, the control of the disease was graded in terms of how completely the operative procedure fulfilled the goal set by the surgeon at the time the decision to operate was made. While this method of grading success introduces a subjective element, a more valid assessment of the true value of the surgery may be obtained. The results suggest that the Scheie procedure lowers pressure to a lower level and for a longer duration than does the trabeculectomy (mean intraocular pressure three years postoperatively was 12.3 mm Hg in cases of primary glaucoma treated with a Scheie procedure and 16 mm Hg in those with trabeculectomy with a sutured scleral flap). In this study the long-term visual result was apparently no different with the Scheie procedure and trabeculectomy. Trabeculectomy causes fewer flat anterior changes than the Scheie procedure. The degree of pressure lowering in trabeculectomy is directly related to the amount of postoperative filtration. The relative indications for trabeculectomy include: (1) malignant glaucoma in the other eye; (2) chronic angle closure glaucoma where an iridectomy is considered insufficient; (3) ""high pressure glaucoma"" where pressure below 20 mm Hg is not essential; (4) low inflow glaucoma in which persistent flat anterior chambers may be expected following routine filtration surgery; and (5) cases where endophthalmitis is a real concern, as in the very young, those remote from medical care and those with poor personal hygiene. Trabeculectomy gives such poor results in secondary glaucoma that the procedure is probably relatively contraindicated. Trabeculectomy is a valuable operation, but not the final solution to glaucoma surgery. It should be chosen with full recognition of its specific advantages and disadvantages." 1134718,"This study represents the clinical evaluation of a newly developed snythetic absorbable suture, Polyglactin 910, in 5-0 and 6-0 sizes as used in muscle surgery. In 240 cases, Polyglactin 910 has spoken very well for itself. It possesses extremely high tensile strength and wound tensile strength retention, excellent handling characteristics and a predictable absorption rate, while the amount of tissue reaction it produces is consistently less than that of comparably sized sutures of Chromic Catgut. Polyglactin 910 is both versatile and reliable, and reflects important progress toward the development of ""the perfect"" absorbable suture. This article details Polyglactin 910's shortcomings as well as its strong points, and provides a recommended handling technique for its use." 1134758,"Two cases of central retinal venous thrombosis with gross involvement of the arterial supply to the retina are described. The iris fluorescein angiography showed massive leakage of dye into the anterior chamber. The iris angiographic findings in 48 cases of central venous thrombosis are compared with those of 19 patients with central retinal artery occlusion. In venous obstruction pupillary and extrapupillary vessels leak both in recent and in long-standing cases, whereas in arterial occlusions extrapupillary leakage occurs exclusively in recent cases. Comparatively, the 2 cases of stagnation thrombosis appear to show an exaggerated arterial type of response, and seem to form a distinct clinical entity as opposed to the basically venous insufficiency of central retinal vein thrombosis of the usual type." 1134761,The purpose of this study was to determine whether a motor adjustment (method of average error) and a verbal response (method of constant stimuli) procedure would yield comparable estimates of depth acuity using the classic Howard apparatus. The findings were that: (1) thresholds derived from the two procedures were not significantly correlated under either binocular or monocular viewing conditions; (2) essentially equivalent thresholds were derived from the two procedures under the binocular viewing condition; (3) thresholds derived from the verbal procedure were significantly higher than those derived from the motor adjustment procedure under monocular viewing conditions. 1134825,"Patients with cervical spinal cord injury can gain useful hand function from a good rehabilitation programme and non-operative hand care. Effective prehension can usually be achieved by proper positioning, exercises, and splinting but when grasp is poor, tendon transfers are very effective in furthering the goal of independence. These patients have been reviewed extensively and classified into groups according to remaining neurological function. Group I patients have weak elbow flexion and weak shoulder function or less. No tendon transfers were done. Group II patients have shoulder control, elbow flexion and weak wrist extensors. Some of these patients can be improved by transferring the brachioradialis to the radial wrist extensor. Group III patients have the above and good to normal brachioradialis and two radial wrist extensors. Transferring the brachioradialis to restore opposition and the extensor carpi radialis longus to the flexor digitorum profundi provides strong and effective prehension. Group IV patients have the above plus pronator teres and flexor carpi radialis which can be used for transfer. Opposition and finger flexion can be restored by a variety of transfers. In groups III and IV tendon transfers were done only when automatic grasp was poor or absent. If finger grasp was good and thumb function ineffective only opponens transfers were done in order to achieve key pinch. Group V patients have all muscles functioning but with varying degrees of intrinsic weakness. Opponens transfer is useful for these patients. Indications and contraindications to surgery are given. All the patients have improved function and strength following their tendon transfers. No patient has regretted having had surgery." 1134826,"Development of Spinal Cord Injuries Centre in the Armed Forces of India has been discussed. Starting from a 30-bedded unit in 1965 we have now a 100-bedded spinal cord injury centre, a major rehabilitation centre managed by trained medical staff for these patients. A 25-bedded paraplegic home for ex-servicemen has been recently built with modern facilities and amenities. Medical rehabilitation and vocational services are now available to paraplegics in a radius of one kilometre at this centre." 1134831,"Serum taken from mice 12-15 weeks after a primary infection of Schistosoma mansoni transfers to normal recipients a partial resistance to subsequent schistosome challenge. The transfer of immunity is evident not only in the reduced recovery of mature parasites from the liver, but also in the diminished numbers of invading schistosomula recovered of resistance equivalent on average to 47% of that found in actively immunized animals, the results suggest that humoral factors play a major role in the effector mechanism of schistosome immunity." 1134832,"Immune serum accelerated the expulsion of Trichuris muris when transferred into normal mice on days 0 and 3 after infection, but had no effect when the recipient mice had been immunosuppressed by sublethal irradiation or by cortisone treatment. Delaying serum transfer until days 7 and 8 in normal mice failed to accelerate expulsion, although immune mesenteric lymph node cells (MLNC) accelerated expulsion whether transferred early or late in infection. Expulsion from NIH mice, normally complete by 12 days, was prevented by sublethal irradiation given as late as 9 days after infection, but could be restored by subsequent transfer of immune MLNC or, to a lesser degree, non-immune MLNC. Immune MLNC were unable to restore worm expulsion in mice irradiated before infection. These results are interpreted as showing that the immune expulsion of T. murius from mice during a primary infection requires the sequential activities of antibody-mediated and lymphoid cell-mediated components." 1134845,"Submaxillary saliva from reserpine-treated rats was found to have alterations in composition similar to those reported in the same secretion from patients with cystic fibrosis. Changes included elevated concentrations of Na+, Ca++, protein, and carbohydrate. In addition, this saliva was found to have ciliotoxic properties similar to those of CF serum. The similarities in cilioinhibitory effects salivary composition, and histologic appearance justify the use of the chronically reserpinized rat as a model for cystic fibrosis." 1134846,"The urinary excretion of glucaric and glucuronic acid was investigated in neonates receiving phenobarbital intramuscularly or orally. Whereas there was no significant difference from the control-subjects in glucuronic acid elimination, the increase in glucaric acid excretion was significantly higher in the intramuscularly treated neonates. Infants with orally administered phenobarbital showed only insignificantly greater glucaric acid elimination. The decrease of serum bilirubin levels was more pronounced in the intramuscularly treated than in the orally treated group. The determination of glucaric acid may be an important reflection of hepatic microsomal induction of the enzymes of the glucuronic acid pathway." 1134847,"Uptake of diamino acids by isolated granulocytes and by liver slices was studied in patients with LPI and in control subjects. 14-C-Labeled lysine, arginine, and ornithine were used in the granulocyte assay and a nonmetabolizable diamino acid analog, l-homoarginine, in the liver assay. Kinetic studies on diamino acid uptake by the granulocytes were consistent with the existence of one transport system common to the three diamino acids. The maximal velocity of uptake was approximately equal for the three amino acids and similar in patients and control subjects. In the liver slices, at least two transport systems became apparent as substrate concentration was varied from 4.0-0.025 mM. A low concentration system with high affinity and very small capacity for transport was similar in patients and control subjects. A high concentration system was also present in both groups, but in the patients had only 1/7 of the maximal capacity observed in the control subjects. This defect grossly incapacitated the diamino acid uptake of the liver. In LPI, the observed defect, in conjunction with the deficient absorption in the kidneys and intestine, explains the lack of ornithine at the site of urea synthesis, which is evident from the impaired and ornithine-correctable urea production." 1134878,"An evaluation of perinatal care practices in Iowa community hospitals is presented. Seventy-two hospitals were visited by a University-based perinatal care team. After an initial assessment, educational programs aimed at correcting deficient care practices were carried out in the community hospitals. A review of the data indicates an improvement in the care of the perinatal patient. The authors feel the methodology employed can be utilized in other rural areas to improve basic perinatal care." 1134879,"Regionalization of neonatal intensive care has necessitated air transport of the critically ill infant in sparsely populated areas. All newborn air transports to four Denver area newborn intensive-care units over a 14-month period were reviewed. An emergency-care nurse and a neonatal intensive-care nurse provided the basic transport team with physician assistance in selected cases. Infants were evaluated and stabilized at the referring hospital before moving the infant. The transports were analyzed for the type of air craft utilized, reason for referral, and mortality. The results indicate that prior planning will permit the use of the most appropriate aircraft and transport team. When using well-trained transport personnel, the presence of a physician may be limited to specific situations without adversely affecting overall neonatal mortality." 1134880,"The assumption that congenital rubella is commonly associated with microcephaly and mental retardation was examined. Among a rubella clinic population of 111 children, 92 children had vision sufficient to allow testing by the Leiter International Scale. The mean IQ for this group was 99.46 (SD, 19.5). Head circumference in this group correlated well with stature but poorly with intellect. The authors conclude that children with intrauterine rubella should be viewed as small children rather than children with small heads and that such children are poorly served if mental subnormality is assumed without careful study." 1134881,"Nine infants who had severe local manifestations following intravenous administration of calcium gluconate are presented. The lesions appeared at the intravenous sites as firm subcutaneous nodules or areas of areas of inflammation with central softening and fluctuation. The interval between appearance of the lesion and calcium administration was 13 plus or minus 2.5 (mean plus or minus SEM) days. Five infants were treated with antibiotics and three of the five had incision and drainage. Roentgenographic evidence of subcutaneous calcification was seen in all cases at the time the lesions were first noticed. In two infants the entire cephalic vein was calcified. Induration and inflammation completely subsided in six infants, four of whom had follow-up roentgenograms showing complete resolution of calcification. A conservative approach in management is recommended." 1134882,"A 25-year-old woman with obstructive, reversible pulmonary and nasal hypersensitivity apparently induced by casual, repeated inhalation of pancreatin powder (desiccated pork pancreas) is described. The powder was being employed as a dietary supplement for the patient's son, diagnosed as having cystic fibrosis. Two challenges of the diagnosed as having cystic fibrosis. Two challenges of the patient by reproducing home use of the powder resulted in repetition of a hypersensitivity symptom complex on both occasions. Vitalometry demonstrated an immediate and late response. Avoidance of pancreatin powder exposure resulted in subsidence of symptoms. Immunologic mechanisms are suggested but not proven." 1134883,"The purpose of this study was to determine if certain physiologic parameters (plasma bilirubin concentration and urinary excretion rate of D-glucaric acid) can be used to predict a newborn infant's ability to eliminate a phenolic drug, and particularly to predict the ability to conjugate that drug with glucuronic acid. Tweleve healthy 2- to 3-day-old full-term infants with plasma bilirubin concentrations of 1.0 to 11.6 mg/100 ml and D-glucaric acid excretion rates of 0.131 to 0.345 mg/kg/day received a single oral dose of acetaminophen, 12 mg/kg. Urine was collected serially for 48 hours and analyzed for acetaminophen, acetaminophen glucuronide, acetaminophen sulfate, and D-glucaric acid. The biologic half-life of acetaminophen was 3.5 plus or minus 0.85 hours (average plus or minus SD) as compared to average values of 1.9 to 2.2 hours observed in five reported studies on a total of 39 adults. The rate constant for acetaminophen glucuronide formation in neonates was considerably smaller, on the average, than in adults but the average rate constant for acetaminophen sulfate formation was somewhat larger than in adults. There is not statistically significant colucaric acid excretion. The results of this study suggest that the limited ability of neonates to conjugate phenolic drugs with glucuronic acid is compensated to a degree by a well-developed capability for sulfate conjugation." 1134884,"Intestinal lymphangiectasia (IL) may vary widely in its manifestations and severity. Fifteen children seen between 1960 and 1974 with histologically proven IL are analyzed by clinical, laboratory, radiologic, and histologic criteria. Remissions occurred in most patients and none died. Exacerbations occurred in five children. Diarrhea was present in 14 patients and in 13 appeared before the age of 3 years. Vomiting occurred in nine patients and growth retardation in seven. Four children had associated peripheral lymphedema and two of these had a family history of lymphedema, both had affected fathers and one had affected siblings and paternal cousins. Seven had hypoproteinemic edema, and of these, four suffered from hypocalcemic seizures. Chylous effusions were present in five. Hypoproteinemia was present in 12 although five had no hypoalbuminemic edema. Six had lymphopenia which was related to the severity of the disease and was the last abnormality to disappear after clinical remission. Lymphopenia may first appear years after the protein loss begins. Upper gastrointestinal tract series were performed in 13 children and had diagnostic supportive value in seven. Six children had two or more small-intestinal biopsies done. They all showed great variation from one examination to the other, ranging from a normal appearance to severe changes. Lymphatic block may occur at different sites-in the lamina propria only, generalized (lamina propria, submucosa, serosa, and mesentery), or conversely in the mesentery alone with minimal changes in the lamina propria. In three patients intravenous hyperalimentation was necessary. Specific treatment with a high-protein, low-fat diet with added medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) is valuable. Surgical resection was of benefit in one patient, and anastomosis of mesenteric to para-aortic lymph nodes in another." 1134885,"The Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is a rare inborn error of purine metabolism associated with hyperuricacidemia, mental retardation, and an insatiable urge for self-mutilation, especially of the extremities. Insensitivity to pain and severe muscle spasms create very difficult management problems, especially for children being cared for at home. Fortunately this syndrome is rare (1 per 380,000 live births). Four known patients are under treatment in Manitoba, of which two brothers are the subject of this study. In general, the medical management of these patients has been unsuccessful, especially in controlling self-mutilation. It therefore was decided to manage these children by the use of mechanical aids. Through the utilization of custom-designed seating devices control of the self-mutilation has been obtained, reducing the burden of family care. It is now possible for the children to attend regular school on a half-day basis. They are also able to engage in community activities without the fear that a mishap will occur when not under the vigilance of the immediate family." 1134888,"A baby with neonatal withdrawal from propoxyphene as evidenced by severe diarrhea, flapping tremors, shrill cry, diaphoresis, hypertonicity, and seizures is presented. Propoxyphene and its metabolites were identified in the patient's serum and urine. We express concern about the wide use of propoxyphene and its proposed use in substitution programs for detoxifying and maintaining heroin addicts in view of the possibility of neonatal complications." 1134923,"In 1973 all Danish A.I. beef bulls were tested by chromosome analysis, in order to eliminate bulls with Robertsonian translocation (centric fusion translocations). From abroad it has been reported that this aberration reduced fertility. Of 65 bulls none was affected. The literature concerning chromosome investigation of populations of A.I. bulls are summarized. It is proposed that all imported bulls should be tested by chromosome banding methods, before the bulls are used." 1134924,"The article deals with 665 cases of teat stenosis observed over the period 1968--73 in the area covered by the Field Station of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Hautjarvi. The main attention is to the occurrence of the syndrome and the aspects associated with the clinical picture. The results are shown in Figs. 1--4. Only 12.7% of the stenoses were recorded during the pasture season. An examination of the point of time of the diagnosis revealed that 46.2% of all cases fell during the first month after calving. Of all cases of stenosis, 59.8% were found in the rear teats and, correspondingly, 50.2% in the fore teats. The location of the stenosis in the teat was known in 526 cases: 79.5% in the streak canal and tip of the teat, 8.5% in the mid-section of the cistern, 3.3% in its upper section and 8.7% affecting the entire cistern. Of the 477 cases treated surgically, 24.3% required renewed treatment. Of the 174 cases treated without surgery, 20.7% had to be treated several times. On the basis of the observations made, conclusions were drawn with regard to ethiological factors and the results examined in the light of some other studies." 1134925,"The clinical and radiographic appearance of acute pulmonary edema in three hunting dogs are reported. The etiology is discussed. The conclusion was drawn that the cause of pulmonary edema was probably neurogenic, probably induced by hypoglycemia. Prevention and treatment are discussed." 1135123,"A series of studies was conducted to identify and delineate factors associated with responses of chickens to high ambient temperatures. Two populations of birds were used which had been selected divergently for tolerance to stress at 40.6 degrees C. and 75% R.H. and at 5 weeks of age. After four generations of selection for survival time the lines had separated by 28 minutes: 58 vs. 86 minutes for the low and high, respectively. Egg production, hatchability, Haugh units and specific gravity did not differ between lines. Egg weight was greater in the low line. The body temperature of chicks at 30 minutes of heat stress was correlated (r = -0.454; P less than 0.05) to survival time. Body weight was correlated (r = -0.325) with resistance to heat stress while loss of body weight during heat stress was correlated (r = +0.478) with resistance. There was no apparent difference between lines in respect to resistance of 16-day old embryos to heat stress." 1135124,"The response of young poults to diets containing 0.7, 1.2, 1.7 and 2.7 per cent sodium chloride was studied. Water intake, feed intake and wieght gain were not significantly influenced by treatment. Only the highest level caused a significant increase in mortality. Ascites was not a consistent finding even on high levels of salt. A straight line best described the response but confidence limits were large and this was also true for heart, kidney and lung lesions. Lesions showing myocardial distension with pericardial adhesions, severe congestion of the lungs and enlarged pale kidneys seemed more indicative of salt intoxication than classic ascites. Microscopically heterophilic (eosinophilic) lung and meningeal infiltrates accompanied by myocardial degeneration and adhesions were suggestive, but not specific, of salt intoxication." 1135125,"The epithelial surface of the intertine of chicks 1 day to 14 weeks of age was examined with both scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Most of the intestinal villi were seen to be plate-like structures. During the first week post-hatch, goblet cell orifices were easily seen. Goblet cell pores were not readily apparent in the older birds. During this stage of early development discontinuity was seen among some epithelial cells. The villi of birds one week or older showed a more convoluted mucosal surface than the younger birds. Areas of cell extrusion were observed at the tips of some villi. The three dimensional cylindrical structure of the microvilli was shown with the scanning electron microscope." 1135126,Total and soluble imidazole was determined on samples of liver and kidney and soluble imidazole was determined on blood from eight strains of chickens selected at three locations for resistance or susceptibility to lymphoid leukosis and/or Marek's disease. Liver and kidney total and soluble imidazole was not different between strains classed as resistant or susceptible to lymphoid leukosis and/or Marek's disease. The weighted average of soluble blood imidazole was higher (P smaller than 0.01) in strains classed as resistant to lymphoid leukosis. A similar difference (P smaller than 0.01) was observed with strains classed as resistant or susceptible to Marek's disease when the selections from one location were not included in the weighted average. 1135127,"In several series of comparative measurement studies the effect that the sex-linked delay feathering (K-n) gene had on comb and uropygial gland development was measured in chickens from two to 60 weeks of age. The gene's effect on heart, adrenal gland and reproductive organ weights were also determined. The comb and uropygial gland size differences were very dramatic throughout the whole age range. Combs of mutant birds were greatly reduced in size while the uropygial glands were greatly hypertrophied. Heart and adrenal gland weights were also significantly increased in the mutant birds. Gonad weights however showed no difference. Responsiveness of mutant chick's combs to injections of testosterone propionate was also tested and shown to have a response similar to that of non-mutant chicks." 1135128,Various social and physical environments were tested for effects on fertility using three White Leghorn strains in multiple-bird cages. Familiarizing breeder males with the cage environment before introducing females had no appreciable effect. Area per bird (560 vs. 1130 cm.-2) and cage height (40 vs. 80 cm.) were not detected as significant variables. Firmer wire flooring and previous mating experience of males appeared to confer advantages in establishing fertility. 1135129,"Genetic strains, ages, and housing environments were studied for their effects of egg production, gains in weight and fertility over an eight-week interval. Rate of egg production in small floor pens was clearly superior to that in high-density, commercial type colony cages. Fertility was influenced by all major variables and by interactions among some of them. One genetic stock was clearly superior to two others. Differences between strains were more clearly evident in the rigorous colony-cage environment than in floor pens. Fertility in colony cages was lower than in floor pens over the eight-week test, but the difference decreased with time. Young males had higher fertility than older ones." 1135130,"Chromatography of seminal plasma from fresh, untreated chicken semen on Bio-Rad A1.5m agarose gel yielded five major peaks of ultraviolet absorbancy at 280 nm. Two peaks with 280/260 absorbancy ratios less than unity suggested the presence of free nucleotides. Enzyme assays on the eluent fractions resulted in substantial single peaks of lactic dehydrogenase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, phosphohexose isomerase, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase activity. Acetylcholinesterase and aminopeptidase assays produced multiple peaks of activity. No trypsin-like enzyme activity was detected, suggesting the presence of a seminal plasma trypsin-like enzyme inhibitor. Molecular weight estimates were obtained for all enzyme activity peaks." 1135131,"Adding ascorbic acid to a practical ration deficient in vitamin E and selenium for the growing duck substantially reduced associated mortality. The continued appearance of various myopathies but absence of vascular faults supported implication of a reduced de novo ascorbate synthesis as part of the syndrome. Presumably, alleviation of this induced secondary inadequacy with its more lethal pathology was the primary reason for the lower death rate." 1135132,"Two-hundred and fifty Babcock B-300 pullets (18 weeks of age) were either cropectomized, sham-operated or used as unoperated controls in two experiments. Although feed consumption was slightly less in cropectomized birds than in control birds, the pattern of feed consumption in relation to time of day remained unchanged. Egg production and body weight of cropectomized birds were significantly lower than that of control or sham birds. Egg weight was not affected by cropectomy or the sham operation. Cropectomy had no influence on the pattern of serum calcium or on egg specific gravity in relation to time of day; however, serum calcium and egg specific gravity was consistently lower at each time interval measured throughout the day or night when compared to that of controls. The adverse effect of cropectomy on specific gravity of eggs and serum calcium indicated that the crop is an important organ in the laying hen. The crop appeared to serve as a storage depot for feed providing the bird with nutrients necessary for optimal shell quality during periods on non-consumption." 1135133,"Chicks from lines genetically selected for high or low heat tolerance were compared to lines selected for high or low oxygen consumption. Oxygen consumption, survival time, respiration rate, lung capacity and body weight were determined. Selection for high oxygen consumption ahd high heat tolerance resulted in birds with similar characteristics. The high line birds for both heat tolerance and oxygen consumption had greater oxygen consumption, survival time and lung capacity but lower body weight." 1135134,Small 1.1 kg. egg-type pullets having the sex-linked dw dwarfing gene were more resistant to a force molting program started at 11 months of age than were their 1.4 kg. non-dwarf counterparts. Water deprivation appeared to prevent egg production sooner in the dwarfs than in the non-dwarfs but egg production eight weeks after initiation of the force molt program was 46 per cent versus 64 per cent for the non-dwarf pullets. 1135135,"In two experiments with young chicks, weight gains were never increased by diammonium citrate (DAC) added to low-protein, amino-acid-supplemented, semipurified diets. Added vitamin B6 seemed effective in slightly reducing the growth-inhibition caused by DAC and in improving weight gains per gram of nitrogen retained from DAC diets." 1135136,Japanese quail were sacrificed at one or two days after hatching. several hematological parameters were measured. A leukopenia occurred in the two-day-old quail. Concomitantly the circulating numbers of lymphocytes were reduced in the older quail. It appears that this functional leukopenia is attributable to reduced numbers of lymphocytes and may represent an heretofore undefined physiological adaptive mechanism which occurs during the early neonatal period. 1135137,"Thyroid function, as indicated by the maximum percent uptake of iodine-131, was measured in non-dwarf and recessive, sex-linked dwarf White Leghorn female chickens at different ages. The rate of uptake and release of 131-I by the thyroid gland was closely monitored over a period of eight days after the injection of the isotope. No significant differences were observed in thyroid uptake value of dwarf chicks in one-week-old group (approximately equal to 11.5 per cent for each group). At the age of four weeks the maximum uptake was only 5.58 per cent in dwarfs compared to 10.11 per cent in non-dwarf chicks. Potassium thiocyanate treatment caused a significant reduction in the uptake of iodine-131 by the thyroid glands of both 4-week-old dwarf and non-dwarf chicks although there was no difference in the response pattern of either group to the treatment. Dwarf laying-hens had a significantly lower maximum thyroid uptake (1.4 per cent) when compared to non-dwarf laying hens (2.48 per cent). A consistantly slower rate of uptake by the thyroid glands of dwarf chickens was observed for all age groups than equivalent non-dwarfs but there were no apparent differences in the release rates of 131-I by dwarfs when compared to non-dwarfs. No significant differences were observed between the 131-I uptake by the ovaries or eggs of both dwarf and non-dwarf laying hens. A gradual decrease in thyroid activity was observed in both dwarf and non-dwarf chickens with increased age. From this study it was evident that the dwarf bird had significantly lower thyroid activity but with normal organification. The defect in thyroid function in the dwarf bird apparently was not at the level of synthesis but at the level of uptake of iodine." 1135138,Important populations of Staphylococcus aureus were found to be present on the body surfaces of live poultry originating from flocks without history of staphylococcal disease. Their sized increased considerably until approximately the seventh week of life after which time they were maintained at equally high levels. Significant correlations were found between the populations recovered from superficial wash samples and skin-tissue samples. Similarly the numbers isolated from the nasal cavities were correlated with other surface counts. Low numbers were present in the intestinal tract. Birds with staphylococcal synovitis had higher numbers in all sampling regions. The counts were very high in subjects suffering from staphylococcal dermatitis. Higher rates of positive birds and higher numbers of staphylococci were detected with a whole body sampling method than with a nasal swab technique. The isolates obtained in this study belonged to the S. aureus biotype B which is associated with poultry and pigs. 1135254,"This study was designed to investigate nonverbal communication in a physical therapy setting. The investigation was accomplished by observing patient-physical therapist interaction during treatment sessions, recording nonverbal behaviors capable of communicating, and interviewing the patient and therapist to discuss the nonverbal communication that occurred during the treatment. Nonverbal communication was present in the physical therapy setting, although both patient and therapist were aware of nonverbal behavior only 50 percent of the time. Nonverbal communication was used to maintain or establish an emotionally supportive treatment setting and to clarify or explain treatment instruction. Nonverbal communication in this setting and for these purposes was deemed effective." 1135255,"Graduates of the physical therapist assistant program at St. Mary's Junior College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, were studied to ascertain how well prepared they had been for the demands of their jobs and to discover what revisions in the program curriculum might be appropriate. Working graduates and their supervisors were surveyed to obtain information about the frequency and independence of performance of 111 tasks appropriate to physical therapy departments. The response was 90 percent. The St. Mary's curriculum was considered appropriate in most respects. More than 25 percent of the supervisors considered emphasis inadequate only for facilitation, breathing, and mat exercises. Graduates' recommended changes were more extensive, suggesting a desire to expand their knowledge. A manual was designed to guide program faculties through follow-up of their own graduates. The manual includes questionnaires, worksheets, and a guide to analysis. The authors suggest that the process may also be useful for other technical-level allied health occupations." 1135256,"This case study presents a young woman who was admitted to our facility in an emaciated physical condition. She had multiple pressure sores and severe contractures about the neck, trunk, and lower extremities, necessitating dependence in all care. Slow but consistent progress was noted trhoughout a four-month aggressive rehabilitation program. The various treatment approaches and resulting functional gains are detailed." 1135260,Sixty-two physical therapy schools were surveyed reageding their teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Eighty-two percent of the schools responded to the questions and 27 percent indicated no such instruction. Included in this report is a copy of the questionnaire and the results of the survey. The recommendation is made that all physical therapists receive adequate training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and that their competency be confirmed by examination. 1135261,"Assessment of a standardized test as one criterion for student admission to a physical therapist assistant program is made. Comparisons are made of ACT scores between the physical therapist assistant and associate degree nurse, and the physical therapist assistant and the practical nurse. A correlation matrix was used to analyze data with differences among the three groups determined by t test computation. This sample supports a positive correlation of ACT test scores with graduation grade point average. The means show no significant difference between the two associate degree programs and a significant difference between the associate degree programs and the practical nurse program." 1135262,A new method for monitoring the durations of foot-floor contact during walking is described. The method uses a screen walkway and conducting paper on the soles of the shoes as parts of an electrical circuit. The materials used are identified and circuit diagrams are provided. Several clinical applications and advantages and disadvantages of the method are discussed. 1135263,The rationale and format for a part-time program in undergraduate physical therapy are presented. The part-time program allows students to gain credit for prior related experience or training and to pursue professional education while continuing to work. Part-time study is a viable alternative that should be considered in physical therapy education. 1135358,"Changes in health and in behavior related to health-illness were described in men whose jobs were abolished because of a permanent plant closing. Fluctuations in several measures based on a 2 week health diary (Days Complaint, Days Disability, Percent Days Complaint That Are Also Days Disability, Days Saw Doctor, Days Used Drugs), as well as in other indicators (Symptoms, Depression, Dissatisfaction with Social Support) were analyzed as the men went through the various phases of anticipation, plant closing, unemployment and re-employment. Differences in the objective and subjective severity of the experience, in the social setting of the plant closing (urban vs. rural) and in selected personal characteristics were also examined for their influence on the changes in the various health-related measures." 1135360,"A predominantly white, middle class sample of pregnant women (N = 93) completed the AACL (Anxiety), the DACL (Depressive Mood), the SCL (Somatic Symptoms) and the IPAT Anxiety Questionnaire at the second, fifth and eighth months of pregnancy. A menstrual history questionnaire was administered on the first testing occasion. Analyses revealed that anxiety varied significantly as a function of trimester and that previous pregnancy history interacted significantly with trimester. Depressive mood was not significantly affected by any of the sources of variation. Correlational analysis (average correlations over trimesters) indicated significant relationships between somatic symptoms and anxiety, but not between somatic symptoms and depressive mood; a small but significant relationship between history of menstrual complaint and somatic symptoms; and a significant negative correlation between education and overt anxiety." 1135359,"Reactions of black, white and Puerto Rican patients were studied in an outpatient dental emergency clinic. Measures used included the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, palmar sweat prints, an interview to obtain patient characteristics and attitudes toward pain, Dental Anxiety Scale and a posttreatment dentist rating. No differences between ethnic and racial groups were obtained in amount of pain, number or type of symptoms patients had. Significant Trait Anxiety differences were obtained. Puerto Ricans had the highest level of Trait Anxiety, whites the lowest, with blacks in the middle. The Dental Anxiety Scale also yielded differences with Puerto Ricans scoring highest, blacks lowest and whites in between. Attitude differences reflected a relative willingness to deny, get rid of or avoid dealing with the pain. The Puerto Ricans scored highest, whites lowest, with blacks in between. No physiological differences were obtained with palmar sweat prints." 1135397,"Pre-operative localization of parathyroid tumours on primary hyperparathyroidism is discussed. 20 patients were examined in this way. Of the 15 patients who were operated on, the pre-operative findings of 12 correspond with the results of operations and histological examinations. These results correspond with what is known from other publications. Preoperative localization by means of venous sampling is possible in a large number of cases. The examination is especially important in patients with previous neck exploration." 1135399,"A 99mTc pertechnetate thyroid uptake procedure, using a scintillation camera and a data storage system, is described. After comparison of extrathyroidal activity in several regions below the thyroid, activity in the clavicular regions was preferred for correction of the thyroid uptake measurement. No pertechnetate uptake curve obtained over the initial 15 min after injection was found to be representative of a specific thyroid function, and regional thyroid uptake curves gave only quantitative differences. The 15-min pertechnetate thyroid uptake measurement, with correction for clavicular extrathyroidal activity, correlates well with 131I uptake and is a good parameter of thyroid function, especially in the distinction of euthyroidism and hyperthyroidism." 1135402,Distribution of damage caused by the retained 226-Ra to the femoral haemopoiesis has been studied in mice injected with 0.02 and/or 0.09 muCi of 226-Ra/g. The exocolonizing test and the 59-Fe uptake in recipient spleens have been used. Non-uniform radiation effect has been observed in the bone marrow cellularity as well as in the CFU counts within 10 weeks after nuclide injection. The lowest depression appears in the distal femoral ends. The changes are not so serious in the proximal parts and are only moderate in the shafts. The results have been discussed from several standpoints. 1135403,"Although the usefulness of radiation in treatment of many embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas is recognized, the pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomas are frequently felt to be radioresistant and thus a potentially useful mode of therapy is overlooked. There is increasing evidence in the literature to document successful local management of pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomas with radiation. The literature is reviewed briefly and a case of rhabdomyosarcoma of the heart is reported in which radiation in doses well tolerated by normal tissues successfully controlled several local lesions at various sites until the patient's demise from widespread disease 2 years after the initial treatment." 1135404,"Dilatation of bile duct strictures under fluoroscopic control has become feasible in patients with indwelling T-tubes. Utilizing the steerable catheter designed for stone extraction, the technique is modified with addition of balloon catheters and other instruments for dilatation. The new technique is described and our initial experiences in seven patients are presented." 1135405,"The procedure is performed in two stages. First, during the radiographic exposure, the patient is rotated in relation to the X-ray tube and a recording device, namely a cinefluorographic device or a television chain with a video-recorder. In practice the tube and the recording device will be revolved around the patient. Later on, in the second stage, the cinefluorographic image, or the television image of the rotating patient, is projected onto a photographic film. If this film is adequately rotated, a tomographic picture will be produced. The method can be applied to conventional tomography, zonography, transverse tomography, autotomography and orthopantomography." 1135406,The stone extraction basket is suitable for biopsy of protruding mucosal lesions in the biliary duct system. Exact placement of the instrument over the lesion is readily accomplished under roentgenologic control. The technique is illustrated in one patient with biopsy of an iatrogenic mucosal tag in the distal common duct. 1135407,"Angiographically demonstrated combined and complex angiodysplasias of the vertebrobasilar system are rare. As in our case, they can be attributed to a vascular maldevelopment in several consecutive embryonal stages: the angioma-like arterial network of the left posterior cerebral artery and the non-union and overcrossing of the vertebral arteries in the region of the prepontine cistern represent an early defect (up to 15 mm stage); the aneurysmatic ectasia of the right vertebral artery with a second pedunculated aneurysm at its uppermost part may be due to a later defect (up to 40 mm stage) of the cerebral vascular development." 1135408,"Results of radiation therapy in 85 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus are presented. Whereas the majority of patients with this tumor have been shown to die within the first year, occasional patients may survive longer (21.5 percent in this series); late radiation complications must therefore be maintained at a minimum. A localization technique to evaluate esophageal mobility away from the spinal cord is described." 1135409,"A randomized clinical trial of atmospheric oxygen breathing during radiotherapy of advanced cancer of the tonsillar region has been conducted. In order to achieve a high level of inspired oxygen, a closed system with a ""head tent"" was used. Over 2 years after treatment, 30 percent of the oxygen patients survived without evidence of disease compared to 17 percent in the control group." 1135410,"The contributions of radiation therapy to the management of the patient with cancer are constantly changing, both because of improving use of ionizing radiations and development of other effective treatments. Therefore, if radiation therapy is to be used to each patient's advantage, well-trained radiation oncologists must be involved in the initial and all subsequent management decisions. Such essential activity requires the immediate availability of trained physicians, who have access to adequate facilities in order to provide the best known treatment methods. This availability in turn depends on physician recruitment and training, well-considered development and maintenance of facilities and research programs which are well correlated with clinical activity." 1135421,"Techniques for the growth of uniformly reacting populations of cysts of Acetabularia mediterranea and for quantitative measurement of cyst germination have been developed. Cysts of A. mediterranea can be induced to germinated by exposure to the atmosphere. Germination rates are very low in young cysts. They increased during exposure to total darkness. This ""maturation of cysts"" is found to be completed after a period of 12-15 weeks. Germination rates of cysts that have passed the maturation period exceed 90 percent in continuous white light and 80 percent in darkness. Cysts germinate in less than two days in darkness and less than four days in light. The influence of temperature at a range of 15 degrees C to 25 degrees C on germination kinetics is studied in light and darkness. Germination is accelerated with increasing temperature up to 21 degrees C. At higher temperature germination is delayed in light but the time of germination remains constant in darknesss. Rates of germination are not altered by the influence of temperature in light while in darkness there is a dramatic decrease at temperatures higher than 21 degrees C. From these findings it is concluded that cyst germinationA. mediteranea does not need any light but is influenced by light dependent systems. The influence of light is strongest at elevated temperatures." 1135423,"In isolated perfused rabbit hearts, coronary vasodilation, produced by reduced oxygen tension seems to be independent of myocardial prostaglandin biosynthesis. a) Anoxia (N2: CO2 95: 5 %) produced coronary vasodilation without causing prostaglandin-like substance (PLS) biosynthesis and release; b) the decrease in coronary resistance during hypoxia (N2:02:CO2 - 80:15:5 %) was sustained during myocardial perfusion with the low oxygen media despite the transitory nature of its PLS release; and c) indomathacin, which abolished basal or ADP stimulated myocardial PLS release, did not abolish the coronary vasodilation produced by ischemia, hypoxia, or anoxia." 1135424,"Incubation of A type prostaglandins with whole blood or washed red cells at 37 degrees C converted them to more polar products with negligible vasodepressor and smooth muscle-contracting activities. This conversion did not occur in platelet-rich plasma. Uptake of the prostaglandins by red cells was demonstrated at both 4 degrees C and 37 degrees C. The data suggest 1) that if PGA is released from tissues into the blood stream or is administered for therapeutic purposes, its biological activity would be diminished by human red cells, and 2) that development of an assay for PGA in blood should take into account its uptake and metabolism by human red cells." 1135425,"[9beta- -3H]-17-Phenyl-18,19,20-trinor-PGF2alpha was injected subcutaneously into female Cynomolgus monkeys and the structures of six products appearing in the urine were determined. The main urinary metabolites were the dinor- and tetranor-derivatives of 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-17-phenyl-18,19,20-trinor-PGF2alpha. Unchanged 17-phenyl-18,19,20-trinor-PGF2alpha was also identified among the urinary products, as well as its dinor- and tetranor-derivatives. Finally, the dinor-derivative of 13,14-dihydro-17-phenyl-18,19,20-trinor-PGF2alpha was also found in urine. The same six products were also found in urine from human female subjects that had received 17-phenyl-18,19,20-trinor-PGF2alpha either subcutaneously or intravenously. Studies on the half-life of the compound in the circulation were also performed in human females. Two less polar metabolites in plasma were identified, viz. 13,14-dihydro-17-phenyl-18,19,20-trinor-PGF2alpha and 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-17-phenyl-18,19,20-trinor-PGF2alpha." 1135426,"The purpose of this work was to investigate the effect of oxytocin on prostaglandin F (PGF) concentrations in uterine venous effluent. PGF was measured in utero-ovarian venous plasma from three pregnant ewes and in posterior vena caval plasma from two puerperal ewes, during oxytocin administration. Oxytocin caused 4.9 - 5.3-fold increases in PGF concentrations in the pregnant animals, the response increasing towards term. In the puerperal animals oxytocin caused 3.7 - 17.2-fold increases in PGF concentrations with a marked latency in the response. Measurement of uterine activity and progesterone and total unconjugated oestrogen concentrations indicated that neither uterine contractions nor a decreased uterine blood flow accounted for the elevated PGF levels stimulated by oxytocin." 1135429,"Pregnancy had been terminated in 6 normal midtrimester pregnant patients by the extraovular injection of 10 mg prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha). In these 6 Experimental and 3 Control patients utero-placental blood flow had been measured, by changes in the density of radioactive Indium, distributed over the uterine area, as a function of time. In comparison with Controls utero-placental blood flow decreased in the Experimental patients already at 5 minutes after PG-treatment, long before advanced cyclic IUP evolved. This finding substantiates the conclusion (1-3), based on experiments in animal ""models', that decrease in utero-placental blood flow is an early step in the mechanism of PG action." 1135430,"A single injection of prostaglandin F1 (PGE1) of 5 mg/kg body weight on Lay 13 of pregnancy caused a consistent luteolysis and resorption of fetuses in rats by Day 20. A concomitant regimen of cortisone, a consistent blocker of nonspecific stresses or reserpine, an adrenergic nerve blocking agent as well as a specific inhibitor of GRF and PIF, concurrently with PGE1 consistently effective in preventing the deleterious efficacy of PGE1 and maintained the growth of the fetuses, placentae, ovaries and corpora lutea as healthy as recorded in the controls. On the basis of experimental documentation it is believed that the PGE1-caused fetal demise is possibly due to a break up of an appropriate hormonal synchronization rather than an over stimulation of uterine smooth musculature." 1135431,"The biological activities of 8,12-diiso-PGE2 (ent-11,15-epi-PGE2), PGE2 and PGF2alpha have been compared in a series of pharmacological preparations intended to differentiate between F and E type of activity. Similar to PGF2alpha but unlike PGE2, 8,12-diiso-PGE2 increased the tone of isolated smooth muscle preparations of guinea pig trachea, guinea pig colonic circular layer, rabbit Fallopian tubes. The stimulation effect of 8,12-diiso-PGE2 and PGF2alpha on visceral smooth muscle was also shown in vivo: the two drugs were in all instances able to increase the miogenic activity and tone of rabbit uterus in situ, while these were depressed by PGE2. 8,12-diiso-PGE2 decreased pulmonary compliance and increased pulmonary vascular resistance in the anaesthetized cat; PGE2 always decreased pulmonary vascular resistance, while leaving pulmonary compliance unaltered. The possibility is suggested that 8,12-diiso-PGE2 acts on PGF receptor in different tissues." 1135432,"Both sphincter and dilator muscle preparations of the cat iris contract to prostaglandins; F-2alpha and E-2 are the most potent and A-1 and B-1 the least. Ciliary muscle strips relax to PG'S provided that the strips are precontracted. E-1, E-2 and often F-2alpha are more potent relaxants than the remaining PG's. The effects of PG'S ARE NOT ALTERED BY ALPHA OR BETA BLOCKADE NOR BY ATROPINE; HOWEVER, PROPRANOLOL BLOCKS THE PG induced relaxation of the ciliary muscle. The effects of PG's on the sphincter are antagonized by catecholamines; but the latter act synergistically in contracting the dilator and in relaxing the ciliary muscle. Indomethacin markedly potentiates the effects of PG's on all three muscle preparations." 1135433,"Distinct structural changes occur in the rabbit ciliary epithelium following intravitreal injection of prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1). Up to four hours after PGE-1 administration, alteration of the pigmented epithelium was characterized by dilated intercellular spaces and the disruption of many intercellular junctions. The nonpigmented epithelium demonstrates a spectrum of morphologic variation from only some thinning of cytoplasmic processes to area of severe distortion. In these regions, marked thinning of the nonpigmented cells occurs in association with an absence of apical tight junctions. This alteration of the nonpigmented epithelium and its tight junctions allows for the leakage of proteins into the posterior chamber which is consistent with the breakdown in the blood-aqueous barrier. The temporal sequence of these changes would suggest a differential susceptibility of the pigmented and nonpigmented layers with the pigmented layers being affected earliest and the nonpigmented epithelium altered subsequently. The recovery of this epithelial change was rapid and complete and demonstrated the transient effects of PG on the ciliary epithelium with recovery of the blood-aqueous function by 8 hours after injection." 1135434,"Topical administration of aqueous solutions of sodium arachidonate to the eyes of rabbits increases intraocular pressure, constricts the pupil and increases both the protein and prostaglandin content of aqueous humor. Arachidonic acid itself dissolved in arachis oil is less effective than sodium arachidonate, although addition of polysorbate mono-oleate greatly increases the effects produced by arachidonic acid. Pretreatment with topically applied non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents prevents the ocular effects of sodium arachidonate, indomethacin being 2-4 times as potent as either indoxole or pirprofen. Dexamethasone was without effect in these experiments. The results suggested that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents deserve serious consideration for topical use in the treatment of ocular inflammation." 1135435,"Prostaglandin F2alpha concentrations were measured in human cerebrospinal fluid by the gas-chromatography-mass spectrometric technique using 2-H4-PGF2 alpha as internal standard and carrier. Normal levels of 71.6 plus or minus 34.7 pg/ml were found. Considerable increases in PGF2 alpha concentrations were found in patients with epilepsy, meningtitis or following cerebrovascular accidents or neurosurgical removals of brain tissue. The results agree in general with recent measurements using radioimmunoassay." 1135436,"In isolated rabbit lung preparations perfused with tritiated PGE-1, it was found that, (1) PGE-1, is rapidly and almost completely metabolized during perfusion through rabbit lung. (2) During perfusion, there is no net uptake of PGE-1. (3) The process of metabolism of PGE-1 in the rabbit lung is inhibited by hypothermia." 1135437,"The effect of locally administered prostaglandin F2alpha on the sensitivity and reactivity of the nonpregnant human uterus during the menstrual cycle was studied. An increase in uterine contractility in response to as little as 1.0 MUG PGF2alpha could be observed in all patients during both the early and late portions of the menstrual cycle, but at the time of ovulation a marked decrease in sensitivity was noted. Endogenous prostaglandin normally occurs in the secretory endometrium in levels compatible with the amount of exogenous prostaglandin which elicited increased uterine activity. These findings support the hypothesis that PGF2alpha plays an important physiological role in the cyclical regulation of uterine motility during the human menstrual cycle." 1135438,"The uterotonic potency of seven prostaglandin analogues has been investigated using the single intravenous injection technique and comparison of threshold uterine contractility achieved during continuous intravenous infusion. The degree and duration of uterine stimulation in response to graded doses of some of the analogues was also evaluated following intra-amniotic, oral and vaginal administration. 17-Phenyl substituted PGE-2 and PGF-2alpha are reported upon for the first time. Among the prostaglandin compounds tested, the free acid of 16, 16-dimethyl PGE-2 not only is the most potent compound but it may also have great potential for clinical application as an easily administered vaginal abortifacient." 1135439,"Induction of abortion in mid-trimester pregnancies were performed on 26 patients. The first 12 patients were treated by intra-amniotic instillation of Prostaglandin F2 alpha, with a mean dosage of 40.2 mg. and mean abortion time of 24 hours and 41 minutes (ten patients). Fourteen additional mid-trimester abortions were performed using identical protocol plus the addition of oxytocin by intravenous infusion two hours after injection of the prostaglandin. All patients aborted, with mean dosage of PGF2 alpha of 28.2 mg. and mean abortion time of 15 hours and 37 minutes." 1135440,"Slices of human endometrium obtained from hysterectomy specimens were cultured for 48 hours in an organ culture medium supplemented with ethanol (control, vehicle), 17-beta-estradiol (.5 mug/ml), or progesterone (.5 mug/ml). Uncultured endometrial tissue, cultured tissues, and the media were assayed for prostaglandin F (PGF) by a radioimmunoassay technique. Hematoxylin and eosin and periodic acid-Schiff stain histologic controls were done on all tissues. The concentrations of PGF in picograms/milligram, corrected for percent recovery, in the differently treated tissues were: preculture 298; culture control 2210; estrogen-treated 2680; progesterone-treated 1260. All differences except those between estrogen and control (p greater than .10) and progesterone and control (p less than .10) are significant at the p = .02 level or better. Progesterone appears to inhibit PGF synthesis which occurs during in vitro culture of human endometrium; estrogen tended to increase PGF synthesis in this system." 1135441,"The concentration of prostaglandins E and F in different parts of the male reproductive system of CD-1 and dwarf mice was measured by radioimmunoassay. In intact CD-1 mice, the vas deferens contained a significantly higher concentration of PGE and PGF than was found in the epididymis and in the seminal vesicles. All tissues studied had more PGE than PGF. Castration resulted in increased PG concentrations in both the epididymis and the seminal vesicles and decreased PG concentrations in the vas deferens. There was also a differential response of PGE and PGF in the epididymis of genetically sterile dwarf mice (dw/dw) were significantly higher than those observed in their normal littermates ((PLUS)). A reversed PGE/PGF ratio was found in the mates. The results indicate that testicular androgens affect the levels of PGE and PGF in the reproductive system of male mice. The physiological role of PGs in male reproductive functions has not been established, but there is a suggestion that PH have a role in controlling the transit of spermatozoa through the epididymis and vas deferens." 1135442,"The prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors, indomethacin and eicosa-5,8,11, 14-tetraynoic acid (ETA), have been tested on the isolated lamb ductus arteriosus at low and high PO2 levels. Both compounds produced a gradual contraction of the hypoxic vessel, and at equal doses the effect of indomethacin was stronger. The maximal tension output of the hypoxic tissue under indomethacin was equal to that of the oxygen-contracted control. ETA- and indomethacin-treated preparations contracted further upon transfer from a low to a high oxygen environment, and the response under indomethacin exceeded a significantly control values. Control preparations were relaxed markedly by PGE2 in low oxygen but showed little or no response in high oxygen. In contrast, preparations pretreated with the inhibitors retained their sensitivity to PGE2 during exposure to high oxygen. The data are consistent with the idea that E-type prostaglandins play a role in the regulation of the intrinsic tone of the ductus arteriosus during foetal life. It is also suggested that the sensitivity of ductal muscle to E-type prostaglandins is controlled by the rate of endogenous prostaglandin formation." 1135443,"Prostaglandins (PGs) F2alpha, E1 and E2 exerted a triphasic influence on the fluid transport of isolated guinea-pig gall-bladders, when applied to the serosal side. PGE1 and PGE2 produced these effects in lower concentrations than F2alpha. Directly after PG addition to the serosal side a short stimulation of fluid transport to between 200 and 400% was observed. The stimulatory effect of PGs was most distinct in gall-bladders from female guinea-pigs, less pronounced in male and nearly absent in pregnant animals. Since PGs increased intraluminal hydrostatic pressure in gall-bladders by contraction of the smooth muscle, experiments were performed in which hydrostatic pressure was increased by different procedures. These included the addition of imidazole (10- minus 2 M), raising of K+ in the bathing solution and an increase in intraluminal pressure by addition of Ringer's solution into the lumen. All three procedures stimulated fluid reabsorption temporarily in the same way as PGs, hence increase of intraluminal pressure is thought to be the reason for the observed temporary stimulation of fluid transport. Direct evidence for this thesis was obtained when the gall-bladder was mounted as a flat sheet over a chamber; in this preparation no stimulation of fluid transport was obtained. The second phase of the PG influence was characterized by a concentration-related inhibition of fluid reabsorption followed by a significant but small reverse of fluid transport (secretion of fluid). When PGs were applied to the mucosal side, only an inhibition of fluid transport was observed, which was much weaker compared to the addition to the serosal side." 1135444,"Radioimmunoassay systems are described which have been developed to quantitate two principle urinary metabolites of PGF2alpha; 9alpha,11alpha-dihydroxy-15-oxo-2,3,4,5-tetranorprostanoic acid (I) and 9alpha,11alpha-dihydroxy-15-oxo-2,3,4,5-tetranorprosta-1,20-dioic acid (II). Preparation of the required metabolites was achieved by total synthesis (I) or by bioconversion (isolation from urine of animals treated with 15-keto-PGF2alpha, II). These metabolites were used to prepare conjugates for immunization. Labelled metabolites, suitable as binding markers, were prepared by metabolism of 3-H-PGF2alpha in vitro (I) or in vivo (II). Specificity of the resulting antibodies was compared to an antibody to PGF2alpha and to 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2alpha. Antisera of II had little or no affinity for 20-carbon precursors (PGF2alpha or 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2alpha), but had nearly equal affinity for metabolite I. Antisera of I, however, had little or no affinity for antigen of II. Therefore, analysis of samples by both assay systems enables quantitation of these excretion products of PGF2alpha. Other assay parameters (binding, affinity, recovery, precision and the repeatability of the assays) were similar to those previously described for other RIA systems, and were considered satisfactory for quantitation of compounds in biological fluids. Quantitation of 24 hour urinary excretion of di-acid metabolite in humans was in close agreement with previously published values determined by physical-chemical means. Greater quantity of di-acid metabolite was excreted by human males (42.0 mug/24 hr) than by females sampled either during the follicular (20.0) or luteal phase (21.2) of the menstrual cycle. The total quantity of C-16 metabolites (as approximated by system II) excreted/kg body weight by the rhesus monkey was similar to that excreted by the human. However, the ratio of di-acid to monoacid was much nearer unity in the monkey than the human." 1135445,"A sensitive and relatively specific radioimmunoassay for 15 (S) 15 methyl prostaglandin F-2alpha has been developed to enable the measurements of the concentrations of the drug in biological fluids after its administration for therapeutic abortion. The precision, accuracy and specificity of the assay are described." 1135507,"The acute and chronic effects of morphine on the turnover of norepinephrine (NE) were determined by measuring the changes in the levels of the sulfate conjugate of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG-SO4) in rat brain. Two hours after administration, morphine produced a dose-related increase in the levels of MHPG-SO4 suggesting an increase in NE turnover. The effect of morphine was evident by one hour after drug administration and was maintained for at least four hours but disappeared by eight hours. Chronic treatment with morphine resulted in lower baseline levels of MHPG-SO4 and the development of tolerance to its acute effect on NE turnover. These findings suggest that after chronic administration of morphine, the maintenance of a normal rate of norepinephrine turnover in brain is dependent upon the continued administration of maintenance doses of morphine." 1135508,"Among the major metabolites of aflatoxin B1 produced by human and monkey livers in vitro is a derivative with the ketone carbonyl on the cyclopentane ring reduced to a secondary alcohol, and a hydroxyl introduced onto the carbon beta to the alcohol group. The metabolite was formed from aflatoxin B1 at a level similar to that of aflatoxin M1.Both the microsomal hydroxylase and the cytoplasmic reductase systems are required for its formation. Bioassay using chicken embryos and a mutant of Salmonella typhimurium revealed no toxicity. This newly identified metabolite was named aflatoxicol H1." 1135509,"Using an empirical method, three preferred conformations for serotonin have been predicted. These three conformations corresponding to one extended form (phi equal to 80 degrees, psi equal to 180 degrees), and two folded forms (phi equals to 280 degrees, and psi equals to 100 degrees, phi equals to 100 degrees psi equals to 290 degrees). The calculated intramolecular distances in both forms agree with those obtained by the X-ray crystallography of various indoleamines. Furthermore, the dual receptor binding activity of serotonin has been explained in terms of extended and folded conformations." 1135510,"Urine samples from comatose patients, identified as having taken large amounts of the drug, glutethimide, were analyzed using gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, thin layer chromatography, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry in order to identify metabolites of the parent drug. The phenolic compound 2-ethyl-2-(4-hydroxphenyl)-glutarimide was fully characterized as a new metabolite in human urine. Also 2-ethyl-2-(3-methoxy-4hydroxyphenyl)-glutarimide was proposed as a new metabolite of the parent drug. Other polar metabolites of the parent drug were also detected and partially characterized." 1135511,"Some sympatholytic agents have been tested for the ability to counteract either the hepatotoxic or the lethal effect of A. phalloides in rats. Propranolol displayed a marked preventive action on the liver damage induced by the poison, but only a moderate influence on the lethality. Reserpine was uneffective in terms of liver derangement, but exerted some protection against the general toxic effect of A. phalloides. Other alpha- or beta-adrenolytic compounds failed to afford any significant protection with respect to both liver injury and lethality. It is suggested that propranolol might interfere with transport or binding of phallotoxins to the liver." 1135512,Biochemical and Immunological studies have been made on streptokinase and its one to one molar complex with plasminogen. These experiments show that the complex is not recognized by antibodies to streptokinase. The potential of using this complex in vivo to avoid febrile response seen with streptokinase is considered. 1135513,"An inhibitor and stimulator of in vitro hepatic fatty acid synthesis are present in renal microsomes. In addition, a stimulator of fatty acid synthesis is present in renal lysosomes. Renal microsomal inhibition of hepatic fatty acid synthesis is not due to the depletion of cofactors in the system. This inhibitor appears to be located exclusively in the kidney medullary microsomes. It is destroyed by Pronase and heat treatment suggesting it may be a protein. Its effects on fatty acid synthesis may be attributed in part to ATPase activity as well as a direct effect on the hepatic fatty acid synthesizing system. A stimulator of hepatic fatty acid synthesis is present in the buffer insoluble fraction of an acetone powder preparation of renal microsomes. This stimulator is relatively heat labile and does not appear to be a phospholipid. The lysosomal stimulator of hepatic fatty acid synthesis is associated with the contents of renal lysosomes and not with the lysosomal membranes. It acts at the acetyl-CoA carboxylase step and its activity is not affected by fasting or aminonucleoside induced nephrosis." 1135514,"The effects of chronic clofibrate administration were studied in long-term ethanol-fed an control mice. Long-term administration of ethanol to adult-mice resulted in an increase in liver and plasma total triglycerides and hepatic cholesterol levels as compared to the corresponding controls. Cloribrate feeding resulted in about 15-25% decrease in hepatic and plasma cholesterol levels in the ethanol-fed group. The administration of ethanol led to a rise in levels of hepatic triglycerides, plasma triglycerides, plasma free fatty acids and hepatic alpha-glycerophosphate. Treatment with clofibrate partially prevented the changes in the concentration of these metabolites and resulted in a significant increase in the activity of hepatic alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. Clofibrate administration resulted in about 20% increase in the rate of 14-C-cholesterol oxidation to 14-CO2. It is concluded that while clofibrate is able to retard ethanol-induced lipid accumulation in the liver, it is unable to completely prevent hepatic lipid accumulation." 1135515,"Jejunal and ileal intestinal segments were obtained from patients undergoing laparotomy, from peroral jejunal biopsies, and from fresh cadavers. The excised mucosa was weighed and assayed for total lipids, neutral and polar lipids. The lipid families were separated and identified, and their individual fatty acid composition determined. In addition, DNA, RNA, collagen and total protein were measured." 1135516,Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (0.31 mg - 1.25 mg per kg body weight) given to immunized rats by intraperitoneal injection depresses the activity of macrophage migration inhibition factor. The lowest levels of activity in peritoneal exudates were observed 15 hours after the injection of cannabinoid. This decreased activity may be related to the impaired cellular immunity observed in regular users of cannabis. 1135518,"The effect of 1-epinephrine administered I. P. to pregnant rats during sodium pentobarbital anesthesia on fetal liver glycogen levels has been investigated. Sodium pentobarbital (22 mg./kg. maternal body weight) was administered I. P. to all pregnant rats in the control group and each 1-epinephrine dosage group twenty minutes prior to the surgical removal of the fetuses. L-epinephrine (10, 20 or 30 micrograms/kg. maternal body weight) given ten minutes after the administration of the barbiturate reduced the fetal liver glycogen levels significantly. The glycogen-depleting effect of 1-epinephrine on the fetal liver in the rat was found to be dosage-dependent." 1135519,Serum samples from 449 swine in 78 herds distributed in 28 counties in Illinois were tested for HI antibodies against A/Swine/Ill/63 and A/Swine/Taiwan/7310/70 (H3N2) from 1971 to 1973. No antibodies to the Taiwan strain were detected. A herd reactor rate of 42.3% and a prevalence rate of 25.4% against A/Swine/Ill/63 was detected. Age specific reactor rates were 6% for animals 12 months of age or under and 33% for swine 13 to 18 months of age. 1135520,"Toxicity investigations were conducted with 4 chemicals: hydrazine, 1,2-dimethylhydrazine di HCl, phenylhydrazine HCl and Beta-N-(gamma-L(+)-glutamyl)-4-hydroxymethylphenylhydrazine in Swiss mice. Hydrazine and phenylhydrazine HCl were administered daily in drinking water, the former at 0.01% and the latter at 0.001% concentrations. The 1,2-dimethylhydrazine di HCl and Beta-N-(gamma-L(+)-glutamyl)-4-hydroxymethylphenylhydrazine were given as a single subcutaneous injection at 45 mug and 100 mug/gr. body weight basis, respectively. The findings clearly showed that all four chemicals exerted a stronger toxic effect in male than in female mice. It is, therefore, recommended in similar situations to use different doses of chemicals for each sex in the long-term tumorigenesis studies." 1135521,"Plasma renin activity (PRA) was measured in 3 subjects during control period, after 3 days of oral furosemide (40 mg B.I.D.) and on the 2nd, 3rd and 5th days post diuresis. PRA, ng of angiotensin per ml plasma per 3-hour incubation was 8, 0.4 ng during the control period and rose to 51, 6 and 16 respectively. During the post diuretic phase, PRA rose to 99 in the first and 49 in the second subject. Urinary sodium was drastically reduced during this period. By 5th post diuretic day PRA returned to normal values. Striking elevations of PRA during intense sodium conservation are in accord with a concept of reduced Na load to macula densa stimulating renin release." 1135522,"Samples of rabbit kidney histidine decarboxylase were incubated with substrate, L-histidine, either in the presence or absence of one drop of benzene. The extent of histamine formation was then assessed in vitro on the isolated ileum of the guinea-pig. Benzene potentiated the activity of histidine decarboxylase by a factor of approximately five. This activating effect occurred only during the summer months. No potentiation of histidine decarboxylase was recorded during the winter in either control rabbits or in animals receiving ascorbic acid in their drinking water. It was concluded that this vitamin is probably not involved in the mediation of the benzene effect." 1135523,"Administration of 1-methyl-4-piperidyl-bis(p-chlorophenoxy) acetate (SaH 42-348) at a dietary concentration of 0.15% for 3 weeks, increased the activity of catalase in both liver and kidney of male wild type (Cs-a strain) mice. A marked increase in the activity of short chain carnitine acyltransferase in the liver was also noted. By electron microscopy, a remarkable increase in the number of peroxisomes (microbodies) was noted in the liver cells. A mild to moderate increase in number of peroxisomes in proximal convoluted tubular epithelium of the kidney was also seen. These studies demonstrate that SaH 42-348 is a potent hepatic peroxisome proliferator." 1135524,"Sodium cyanate has been proposed as a therapy for sickle cell anemia. Histologic studies have suggested abnormal accumulation of glycogen in livers of rats. Quantitative liver glycogen determinations reported here showed a significant increase (P smaller than 0.05), which, however, was mobilized normally during fasting and after glucagon injections." 1135525,"Female rats were treated with L-phenylalanine-14C or L-histidine-14C, 20 mug/kg i.p. one hour before receiving pentagastrin 250 mug/kg s.c. Sixty minutes after injection of pentagastrin the incorporation of L-phenylalanine-14C into the proteins of the squamous and fundic portions of the stomach was significantly increased respectively by 18 and 17.5%. On the contrary, the uptake of Lhistidine-14C into the proteins of the squamous (-24%), fundic (-18% and duodenal (-16%) regions was significantly decreased. Incorporation of histidine and phenylalanine into the proteins of the pylorus was not significantly affected by pentagastrin." 1135609,"Immune responsiveness to the streptococcal group polysaccharides at the clonal level can conveniently be monitored by analytical isoelectric focusing combined with autoradiography. The parameters investigated in this paper can be summarized as follows: [1] Within the first week after injection antistreptococcal p0lysaccharide responses are characterized by IgM antibodies, followed by subclass restriction in Balb/c mice to IgG2a antibodies. [2] The clonal pattern of specific IgG2a antibodies established in the second week after immunization does not change within the following 6 weeks. [3] Persistence of a specific response pattern established within a primary immunization course holds for Balb/c mice and rabbits for as long as 12 to 13 months. [4] Repeated immunization courses in mice and rabbits maintain established clonal antibody patterns in toto. Temporal variations of clonal expression are generally quantitative rather than qualitative. B-cell memory within this system is therefore stable and long-lived." 1135610,"Free, total, and peptide hydroxyproline levels were determined in synovial fluid obtained from the knee joints of 60 patients with theumatoid arthritis (RA), and 26 patients with degenerative joint disease. In addition, in 160 synovial fluid samples obtained from 121 patients including 50 with degenerative joint disease, 60 with RA, 3 with Reiter's syndrome, 3 with hydarthrosis intermittens and 5 with ankylosing spondylitis, the collagenolytic activity was determined. The mean values of free and peptide hydroxyproline in the inflammatory and degenerative fluids were the same, but slight differences were found in the mean values of total hydroxyproline. No effect on the level of free and bound hydroxyproline was observed after treatment with intra-articular hydrocortisone and gold salts. The collagenolytic activity of synovial fluid was registered in 38% of cases of RA and in some cases of Reiter's syndrome and hydrarthrosis intermittens, but it was not found in 50 cases of degenerative joint disease or in cases of ankylosing spondylitis. During a longer observation of patients with inflammatory forms of RA a variability in the collagenolytic activity was observed in repeated examinations of the fluid obtained from the same patient; this activity appeared and disappeared. The incidence of collagenolytic activity and its values were higher in patients with active rheumatoid process and this activity was present more frequently in patients with a short history of the disease (up to 3 years). The collagenolytic activity of rheumatoid fluids was, to a high degree, inhibited by normal human serum. The problem of presence or lack of collagenolytic activity in rheumatoid fluids is discussed." 1135611,"Both male and female patients with rheumatoid arthritis show a significant bone loss in the femur, compared with the loss of bone seen in normal subjects with increasing age. A very similar pattern is seen in corticosteroid treated patients with rheumatoid arthritis. There is no evidence to suggest that the corticosteroid therapy has caused a greater loss of bone from the femur than would have occurred as a result of the rheumatoid arthritis alone. There was a statistically significant relation between the duration of the rheumatoid arthritis and femoral bone lo-s in women over the age of 45 years, whether or not they had been given steroid therapy in both male and female patients over 45 years of age, but again it appears unlikely that corticosteroid therapy had contributed significantly to the femoral bone loss. The Metacarpal and Femoral Indices of the patients were significantly related in both male and female groups." 1135612,"Thirty-four patients with rheumatoid arthritis, aged 38 to 63 years (mean age 56 years), were studied before and after a 6-week stay in hospital. Twenty-three of these patients underwent special physical training twice a day during this period. Physical performance, cardio-respiratory fitness and muscle strength improved significantly in the training group. In the control group there were no major changes in these measurements during this period except for an increase in muscle strength. Perceived exertion during submaximal exercise was much lower in the training group following the conditioning. Joint status was virtually unchanged over the experimental period in both groups. It is postulated that the low physical performance seen in these types of RA patients may, to a large extent, be attributed to lack of physical activity." 1135613,"Twenty-three patients with rheumatoid arthritis were retested about 6 months after 5 weeks' physical conditioning and 7 patients from a former control group were also retested. Former training group patients, who had continued to train about 4 times or more per week, had maintained the improved physical status obtained during the initial conditioning, while those patients who had trained less than that or discontinued training, had lost some or most of their improvement. The physical status in the former control group was virtually remained unchanged. Joint status in the former training group was no different at re-test than at post-training or pre-training examinations. A questionnaire, given to the training group patients. Four patients from this group returned to work had positively affected the daily physical activity of these patients. Four patients from this group returned to work after the hospital training program." 1135614,"Eighty-two patients subjected to late synovectomy of the hand were followed up. Late synovectomy was defined as an operation performed after at least 3 years' duration of local synovitis in the type of joint operated on. The minimum follow-up period was 24 months for the fingers joints (IP + PIP and MCP) and 18 months for the dorsal aspect of the wrist (W). The multifocal swelling of joints, preoperatively, was symmetrical in 89% of the patients. The X-ray changes, however, were symmetrical in only 22%, 27%, and 68% for IP + PIP, MCP, and W, respectively. These findings may preclude the use of controlled studies on early synovectomy using the non-operated hand as a control in a long-term assessment of X-ray progression. The rate of X-ray progression during the observation period was 60% for IP + PIP joints. The corresponding figures for MCP and W were 64% and 39%, respectively. Absence of bony lesions prior to synovectomy was favourable sign." 1135615,"This study examined the vocational and social adjustment of 62 persons with cancer of the larynx. Predisability data were obtained by interview on 14 measures which assessed the vocational, social, and home adjustment prior to cancer. Post-disability data were obtained after laryngectomy by interview on 21 measures of adjustment. Additional measures include severity of laryngeal cancer classified by clinival stages, total or partial laryngectomy, presence of radiation therapy, presence of speech, months since surgery, age, sex, education, and marital status. The best predictors of vocational and social adjustment after laryngectomy were: removation, realism, rehabiltation outlook, previous vocational plans, highest educational grade, educational plans, and acquisition of speech. There were no significant differences in adjustment among patients in different clinical stages." 1135616,"A system for evaluation of motor function, balance, some sensation qualities and joint function in hemiplegic patients is described in detail. The system applies a cumulative numerical score. A series of hemiplegic patients has been followed from within one week post-stroke and throughout one year. When initially nearly flaccid hemiparalysis prevails, the motor recovery, if any occur, follows a definable course. The findings in this study substantiate the validity of ontogenetic principles as applicable to the assessment of motor behaviour in hemiplegic patients, and foocus the importance of early therapeutic measures against contractures." 1135617,"An assessment has been made of the linearity of the relationship between oxygen uptake and cardio-respiratory parameters measured during pedalling with one leg on an upright bicycle ergometer. Four young male subjects pedalled at four submaximal grades. Individual regression lines of heart rate on oxygen uptake; minute ventilation on oxygen uptake; and carbon dioxide on oxygen uptake were found to have significantly high correlation coefficients. A comparison was made in 21 healthy males, of mean age 34 years (range 20-61 years), between the effects of pedaliling with one leg or two legs on the heart rate, minute ventilation and carbon dioxide production were significantly higher during work with one leg then with two legs, but there was no significant difference in the heart rates. The oxygen cost of pedalling with one leg instead of two was also higher. The comparisons were made at a standard oxygen uptake of 1.0 1 min minus 1." 1135618,"A taxonomy of error--regarding the visual, grapheme-phoneme, and semantic aspects of reading--is proposed; and it is related to data from developmental studies. A preliminary analysis of recovery curves, based on the performance of two patients in tests of word-reading and object-naming, is also presented. Finally, the problem of extrapolating from test data to functional efficiency is briefly discussed." 1135619,"The activity of compensatory muscles during walking was analysed in three paraplegics. The purpose of this study was to find out how the loss of motion of the lower extermities can be compensated and which muscles compensate most efficiently. This activity was assessed by clinical and EMG studies of thoracic and dorsal muscle contraction during swing-through gait. The study started with the first walking trial for each paraplegic, using a treadmill. At that time, all the thoracic and dorsal muscles (which were normal: 5 at the manual testing) showed a full contraction which gave an interferential pattern at the EMG. After 10 weeks, the activity of some muscles was already well rationalised (latissimus dorsi, rhomboids) in such a way that these muscles adapted themselves: contraction was followed by a period of rest which was observed clinically and recorded at the EMG. On the other hand, some muscles presented an irregular activity or even lack of activity (abdominal muscles). After 3 months there was no further modification of these patterns. In fact, thoracic muscles exhibited an excellent compensation by adaptation and rationalisation of their activity. The latissimus dorsi seemed to compensate most efficiently of all." 1135627,A model for control of the desynchronized phase of the sleep cycle postulates reciprocal interaction between cells in the pontine gigantocellular tegmental field (FTG cells) and cells in the nucleus locus coeruleus and nucleus subcoeruleus (LC cells). This physiological model leads to equations of the Lotka-Volterra type; the time course of activity predicted by the model is in good agreement with actual long-term recordings of FTG cells and single-cycle data for LC cells. 1135628,"Nervous impulses causing lophophore retraction over large areas of Membranipora membranacea and Electra pilosa were recorded with external electrodes. The response propagates at about 100 centimeters per second, presumably through the colonial nerve plexus of Hiller and Lutaud. Impulses are rapid up to 200 per second. A second impulse was recorded from individual zooids, probably generated by the polypide's nervous system. The retractor muscle shortens at more than 20 times its own length per second and is apparently the most rapidly contracting muscle known." 1135632,"Hyperuricemia and gout has been recognized among the Filipinos in Hawaii, Alaska, and mainland United States for almost two decades. Several studies bearing out this impression have been reviewed. The awareness of these observation prompted an extension to the Filipino in his natural environment. These studies showed a lower mean of serum uric acid values in healthy subjects when using comparative enzymatic spectrophotometric determinations. Aside from genetic factors, Filipino hyperuricemia may become manifest because of environmental stress, including dietary stress, and investigators postulate that some Filipinos possess a renal defect that may lead to hyperuricemia due to renal inability to compensate for an increased purine intake which may occur in the shift from a low-purine Filipino diet to a high-purine Western diet in his new environment, as in the case of the Filipino immigrant. The clinical profile of gout as it exists in the Philippines has been compared and found to be similar generally to that of other series. The control of the hyperuricemia and gout has been satisfactorily accomplished in the Filipino patients with the long-term use of allopurinol, sometimes complemented with colchicine taken daily." 1135642,"The distribution of gold Au 198 after intraperitoneal administration in dogs and rats was determined by scans and tissue radioassays obtained 24 hours after injection. Relative activity and percent of injected radioisotope contained in different organs were calculated. The radioisotope was found to be heavily concentrated in mediastinal lymph nodes and liver, with liver uptake averaging 36.5% of the injected isotope 24 hours after injection. The use of therapeutic intracavitary radiocolloids should be reevaluated in light of possible excessive irradiation of the liver." 1135644,"This paper presents some preliminary data on physician suicides from the American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Suicide Prevention as well as pertinent items from the literature. Data are presented according to age, gender, method, and health status. Signs and symptoms that physicians should recognize in their peers and approaches that may be used to identify a physician at risk are described." 1135645,"With the popularity of the augmentation mamaplasty has come a variety of approaches, prostheses, and results. In reviewing my own cases and experience, I have attempted to: (1) establish the criteria of the ideal breast contour and (2) point out a few of the pitfalls to be avoided when attempting to create surgically the ideal breast contour." 1135646,"Two recent patients presenting with anuria due to abdominal aortic aneurysm and metastatic retroperitoneal tumor and illustrating this dramatic aspect of obstructive uropathy, provide the basis for this paper. Other reported causes of ureteral compression resulting in anuria are mentioned; these include billharzial strictures, iatrogenic ligatures, idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, primary retroperitoneal tumors, and perirenal lymphocele." 1135647,"Fiberoptic colonoscopy has seen its early development in the past five years and in the last two to three years a rapidly expanding experience has developed. The use of this instrument has been documented abundantly both as a diagnostic tool and as a therapeutic tool, and its effectiveness in both areas is well established. The chief therapeutic use of the colonoscope is in the removal of polyps, and in this area the experience has been most gratifying in regard to the ability to remove most polyps and the low incidencs of complications." 1135648,"At the Medical University of South Carolina during the past five years, 62 patients have had intracranial aneurysm surgery, with an overall mortality of 4.8%. Anesthesia was given by me to 14 of these patients. Preoperatively these patients were placed on bedrest, steroid prophylaxis, and sedative and antihypertensive medication to reduce th possibility of recurrent subarrachnoid hemorrhage. Halothane-nitrous oxide-oxygen endotracheal anesthesia with controlled ventilation was used, with careful monitoring of EKG, direct arterial pressure, arterial blood gases, body temperature, and urinary output. Adjuncts for control of bleeding and intracranial pressure were osmotic diuresis, cerebrospinal fluid drainage, minimal head-up tilt, and controlled hypotension using trimethaphan (Arfonad). There were no operative deaths, although one patient died postoperatively. Three patients had neurologic deficitys. These data indicate that controlled hypotension is a safe technic which, when properly used, can reduce the risk of anesthesia for intracranial aneurysm surgery." 1135649,"The medical work-ups received by hypertensive patients at Charity Hospital, New Orleans, during a three-month period in 1972 were evaluated. One hundred charts were reviewed using a questionnaire which covered aspects of history, physical examination, and laboratory tests important to the clinical evaluation of hypertension. The frequency with which these ideal parameters appeared in the charts reviewed is given in percentage form." 1135652,"Frequently surgical amputation of a lower extremity is required when gangrene develops as a result of peripheral vascular disease. This is particularly true in geriatric patients. A below-knee amputation, with refinements in the surgical procedure, and immediate rigid-cast prosthetic fitting are strongly advocated by our group. The progress of two patients treated in this manner is described. Preservation of the knee joint improves the amputee's prognosis for ambulation with a below-knee prosthesis. The rigid-cast dressing on the below-knee amputation reduces edema and postoperative pain, is of psychologic value to the patient, and permits him to stand at from one to two days postoperatively." 1135655,"Fever is usually thought to accompany tuberculosis. However, a review of 103 cases of tuberculosis presenting to a general hospital showed that 53% of the patients did not have fever when they first came to the outpatient clinic, and 10% did not have fever at any time while under observation. Absence of fever in a patient with pulmonary disease should not be used as evidence against the presence of tuberculosis." 1135656,"A case of xanthomatous inflammatory pseudotumor of the lung is reported. Large lipid-laden macrophages were the most prominent microscopic feature of thelesion. Within the lung parenchyma three possible sources of alveolar lipids are serum lipids that pass into the alveolar spaces after injury to alveolar capillary walls, lipoproteins secreted by type 2 alveolar epithelial cells, and lipoproteins formed within alveolar macrophages. Phagocytosis and retention of such lipids by alveolar macrophages are proposed as important factors in the pathogenesis of the xanthomatous inflammatory pseudotumor of the lung." 1135698,"In virtually all populations, the prevalence of dental caries is increasing. To elucidate the local situation, especially as regards the influence of sugar intake, appropriate studies, In association with dental research workers, were made on 16-17-year-old pupils in four South African ethnic groups-Back, Coloured, Indian and White. As expected, the caries situation in Whites was poor, and in rural Blacks, excellent; data on Coloureds and Indians were intermediate. The most outstanding finding was that urban Blacks still have very good teeth despite relatively high sugar intake and an increasing consumption of refined cereal products. Discussion of these results, as well as those reported in numerous similar investigations, leads to the view that sugar is neither the sole nor the principal cariogenic component of modern dietaries." 1135699,"A case is described of a 30-year-old White male who drank 120 ml carbon tetrachloride (CCI4). The patient suffered severe liver damage and oliguria, he developed atrial fibrillation and become confused and irritable. During recovery, his bone marrow became depressed. He was discharged 29 days after admission." 1135700,"The tyramine content of certain South African cheeses has been determined by gas chromatographic analysis. Aged (mature) cheese such as cheddar and Roquefort contain relatively large concentrations of tyramine as compared with other cheese, especially cottage cheese. Foods containing pressor amines must be avoided by certain patients." 1135704,"Lynestrenol 0,5 mg was administered daily for a total of 1 082 cycles to 143 women of proven fertility and natural sexual activity. Twenty-three women withdrew from the trial for various reasons, the commonest of which were menstrual distrubances. No unplanned or accidental pregnancies occured. The menstrual disturbances tended to become less troublesome with continuation of treatment, and this was noted in relation to other side-effects, of which headache and loss of libido were initially the most troublesome." 1135705,"Malignant melanoma of the skin in Blacks in formidable and sinister tumour. This study is concerned with the epidemiology of malignant melanoma, as seen in both urban and rural Black Africans. A smaller series in which follow-up on the patients was available is included. To our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind in which follow-up, and hence survival figures, can be quoted. Although the numbers are relatively small, they provide a valuable indication of the behaviour of melanomas in this group. The difficulties of follow-up cannot be overemphasised, and follow-up on 79 cases out of 100 could be obtained only by the employment of an able and enthusiastic Black social worker for 3 years. The first recorded survival figures in a Black population show a 3-year survival rate of only 28,4%. Prognosis is related to the size and extent of the tumour with larger and more widespread tumours faring worse than others. The incidence of malignant melanoma in Johannesburg Black was 1,2 per 100 000 and accounted for 2% of all cancers. The largest number of cases occurred in the 50- 70-year age group and there was a female preponderance. As in previous studies, the sites predominantly affected were the foot and the hand, mainly on the plantar and palmar surfaces." 1135706,"Plasma renin was measured by immunoassay in 10 normal Zulu controls and 72 hypertensive Zulu patients. Plasma renin values were similar in controls and patients with benign essential hypertension (1,6 plus or minus 0,83 and 1,7 plus or minus 0,21 ng/ml)." 1135713,"In the period 1970-1974, 45 patients with Crohn's disease were seen. The incidence of the disease seems to be increasing. Twenty-nine of the patients were White, and 16 Coloured. The disease involved the small bowel alone in 9 patients, the ileocaecal region in 17, the large bowel alone in 4 and both the small and the large bowel in 15. Alone or in combination, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea were the commonest modes of presentation. The type of therapy used is discussed. Only 10 patients in this study have not as yet required surgery. Salazopyrin, steroids, antibiotics and azathioprine have been used with varying success in the treatment of most of the patients. Crohn's disease has a high degree of morbidity, but a low mortality rate." 1135714,"The precision, accuracy, sensitivity and clinical results of a radio-immunological method for the determination of total serum thyroxine are compared with similar criteria of a competitive protein-binding assay. Application of both methods in the assay of thyroxine in 150 serum samples gave good agreement between the two techniques. The radio-immunoassay offers certain methodological advantages and is considerably less costly than thyroxine determinations in which commercially available kits are used." 1135715,"An analysis of 50 children suffering from severe dogbites showed that the face was the anatomical site of predilection (75%(, and that the breed of dog most commonly involved was the Alsatian (German Shepherd). Primary debridement and suture under general anaesthesia is the treatment of choice. Ampicillin has been shown to be the antibiotic giving the widest over-all prophylactic chemotherapeutic cover." 1135718,"The autosomal dominant variety of craniometaphyseal dysplasia was diagnosed in 8 members of three generations of a White family living in the Cape Province and in Natal. Radiographic investigations of these individuals permitted assessment of the spectrum of involvement and of the age relationship of the abnormalities. Characteristic radiographic features included cranial hyperostosis and sclerosis, in association with metaphyseal splaying. Diagnostic precision in this order permits accurate prognostication and rational genetic counseling." 1135719,"Leiomyosarcomas comprise only 1-3 percent of malignant growths of the stomach. In the case presented, the correct diagnosis was not made pre-operatively. This article emphasises that, although they are rare, these tumours have certain characteristics which make possible a correct pre-operative diagnosis. Only 1 Black African patient has hitherto been described." 1135720,"Prevention of the development of dependence on drugs and tranquillizers in hospital is a task which requires constant vigilance on the part of the hospital authorities as well as the right attitude on the part of prescribing doctors, administrating nurses and receiving public." 1135721,"Air transport of patients by light aircraft and air ambulance is safe, fast and comfortable, and it is becoming increasingly popular. There are, however, specific problems, shortcomings and other details which must be dealt with effectively at various levels to ensure the best service for the patient." 1135722,"Stools from Black and White children with gastroenteritis and from controls were investigated for potentially pathogenic agents by conventional virological and bacteriological methods and by electron microscopy. Isolations were obtained in 30 percent of cases but electron microscopy more than doubled the number of agents found. Orbiviruses were present in 40 percent of all cases, often in combination with other organisms. There was no difference between the Black and White groups." 1135726,"Cancer mortality rates for Whites, Coloureds and Asians for the period of 1949 - 1969 have been analysed, and a changing pattern has been found. Some comparisons with other countries have been made, and the risk for each race group has been delineated for cancers at the commonest sites." 1135727,"A prospective clinical study of 114 Malawian patients with cardiac disease seen at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, is presented. Rheumatic and hypertensive heart disease, cardiorenal failure and severe anaemia were the most common causes. Pericardial disease, mainly due to tuberculosis, was an important treatable cause of cardiac disease. Endomyocardial fibrosis was not diagnosed with certainty and cardiomyopathy was relatively uncommon. Ischaemic heart disease was not seen." 1135728,"A group of 26 haemophilic patients was successfully managed on a home infusion programme over a one-year period. Single donor units of dried fresh plasma, the coagulant activity of which was adequate to ensure haemostasis of most of the haemorrhagic episodes treated, were used. The transmission of hepatitis was kept to a minimum by careful selection of regular, known donors and by the utilisation of single donor units of plasma in preference to plasma pools. Although the programme was costly, it was less expensive than it would have been had alternate antihaemophilic products been used. The advantages and disadvantages of self-administration are discussed. No serious mishaps occurred, and the programme was considered an outstanding success by both laymen and medical personnel. Minor alterations in liver function tests were demonstrated in several of the recipients. No factor VIII inhibitors were detected." 1135745,"In summary, balloon flotation catheterization of the central circulation provides data in patient management which are meaningful and important. It has allowed the application of sound physiologic principles to the understanding of the circulatory abnormalities characterizing an illness in an individual patient, and provides a rational basis for selection of therapy with objective, quantitative assessment of patient response. The procedures are simple, the complication rate is low, and the information highly relevant to clinical care." 1135747,"External counterpulsation represents a rational extension of the basic principles of counterpulsation as developed over the past 20 years. Its unique properties of being totally noninvasive, free of significant morbidity, and easily and quickly instituted clinically suggest that it may have a significant therapeutic role in the prevention and treatment of cardiogenic shock following acute myocardial infarction as well as being helpful in other cardiac disorders. Continuing evaluation is necessary, and it should be thought of as one of several useful mechanical circulatory assist devices now available to the internist, cardiologist, and surgeon caring for the critically ill patient." 1135748,"Cardiac tamponade is an insidious and often fatal complication which can occur on any service, in many diseases, and at any age. The increasing pressure within the pericardium prevents ventricular filling and depresses cardiac output, coronary and systemic perfusion, and venous return. Compensatory mechanisms may protect the patient for some time, but prompt diagnosis and rapid decompression are usually required and must be followed by meticulous evaluation and treatment of the underlying disease." 1135750,"The dilution of whole blood leads to a significant improvement of its rheologic properties based on a decrease in hematocrit and, hence, blood viscosity. Under conditions of normovolemia and an adequate response of the cardiorespiratory system, the acute dilution of blood will enhance the venous return to the heart and thereby improve total and capillary blood flow significantly. In the hematocrit range of 25 to 30 per cent (limited hemodilution), this increase in flow rate is able to compensate fully for the diminished oxygen content of the blood. Changes in oxygen extraction or in oxygenhemoglobin affinity are only encountered at hematocrits below 20 per cent or if hemodilution is associated with hypovolemia. Since normovolemia is the condition sine qua non for the heart to increase its output compensatorily, intentional hemodilution should preferably be performed with colloid solutions which are capable of maintaining the colloid osmotic pressure of plasma and the circulating volume in normal limits. Limited normovolemic hemodilution with its beneficial effects on microcirculatory flow and tissue nutrition is emphasized for the treatment of impaired microcirculation as occurring in shock and low flow states, polycythemia, and high viscosity syndromes. Acute preoperative hemodilution is a means of reducing the use of bank blood and of avoiding the risks of blld transfusions in patients undergoing major elective surgery. Extreme hemodilution and total body washout in hypothermia appear to be effective clinical tools." 1135752,"In critically ill patients there is frequently more than one problem, which may not be obvious, contributing to the shock state. The history, physical exam, and monitoring devices may not be reliable individually, but must be considered together and interpreted in the light of the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved. A plan for monitoring and treating critically ill patients is outlined. The advantages and limitations of various monitoring techniques are discussed." 1135753,The effective use of vasoactive drugs in shock requires an understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in the various types and stages of shock and knowledge of the specific pharmacologic effects of each drug in the abnormal state. Vasoactive drugs should be used after the primary and secondary causes of shock have been corrected. Specific vasoactive drugs should be selected on the basis of measured hemodynamic abnormalities. 1135859,A semi-micro method for the mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) test in dogs is described. Optimization of various factors influencing the test were invistigated. Discrimination between allogeneic and isogeneic cell mixtures was possible after 90 h or culture but a culture period of 144 h was found to be optimal. The method measures MLC identity or non-identity and can be used as a tool for histocompatibility testing of lymphocyte defined (LD) Antigens. 1135860,"The correlation between MLC reactivity (LD) and serological leukocyte typing (SD) was studied in a beagle colony. Disparity for a serologically defined non-DL-A lymphocyte antigen did not correlate with MLC reactivity. Lymphocytes of colony members with common ancestors and SD identical DL-A haplotypes did not stimulate each other in the MLC. This implies that LD typing in the beagle coolony can be generally predicted by DL-A SD typing. Consequently, lymphocytes of sibs homozygous for a given DL-A SD haplotype could be shown, with few exceptions, to be also homozygous for MLC determinants. Cells of these homozygous sibs can be used in MLC typing as reference cells for DL-A LD specificities. Two exceptions to the expected linkage between DL-A SD typing and MLC reactivity were found. These findings could not be explained by recombination with the DL-A region assuming a single major LD locus coding for MLC. Thus, suggestive evidence for more than one single LD locus has been obtained." 1135861,"Serum from a grand multiparous Inuit (Eskimo) woman, who is HL-A identical but stimulatory in MLC with cells of her husband, contains strong ABCIL reactivity. This serum is operationally monospecific against a cell membrane determinant on lymphocytes, but not platelets, of some unrelated persons. Cells of those who are ABCIL positive with this serum always give a lower MLC stimulation index compared with their MLC responsiveness to cells that are ABCIL negative. This serum also contains good MLC inhibitory activity but only in those one way MLC reactions in which it reacts, by ABCIL, with the stimulating cells. It is postulated that the ABCIL activity is directed against a common MLC factor on lymphocytes." 1135862,"Certain otherwise well-definedHL-Atyping sera contain extra antibodies which do not appear to be closely related to known HL-A specificites and which react in the cytotoxic test with chronic lymphaticleukemia lymphocytes but not with normal lymphocytes. Despite nonreactivity in thecytotoxic test, absorption studies show that the antigenic factors are well represented onnormal lymphocytes. Based on cross-absorption experiments using both normal andleukemic cells, followed by back-testing with the cytotoxic test against a leukemiccell panel, evidence is presented suggesting the existence of a complex, probablymultiple allelic system on human lymphoid cells which appears distinct from the, HL-Asystem, and is definable by serologic techniques." 1135863,"In a kindred of 66 members spanning four generations, seven cases of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) HAVE BEEN FOUND. Four of these were in a single sibship of 13. AS was associated with HL-A27 in three of the four involved siblings, but close linkage was shown to be unlikely. Knowledge of HL-A genotype has made possible informed counseling for younger members of the sibship of 13, some of whom, as teenagers, already have back pain." 1135886,"Dose distributions as well as mean doses to cylindrical cavities of bone marrow on X-ray irradiation have been calculated using (a) Monte Carlo method and (b) a simplified straight line approximation method. The results are compared with earlier published ones. Point doses differ appreciably from the earlier results by as much as 40 percent at some points, whereas mean doses agree to within 10 percent for all the three methods." 1135887,"Author demonstrated subsequent to high-dose grid irradiation in Guérin-tumours of the rat the histological grid pattern corresponding to inhomogeneous dose distribution. Two to four days after irradiation through the grid of narrow openings in some sites certain phenomena could be observed, which seem to refer to the severe damage acquiring a diffuse character, but after 7 days the histological grid pattern has been clearly defined and the severely damaged stripes were about 50 percent narrower than the relatively intact ones. On the basis of the results on the actual tumour and among the applied experimental conditions the existence of a specific grid-tumour effect could not be justified by histological methods." 1135888,Thiourea in three different concentrations ranging from 10-4-M to 10-2-M was employed in pre- and post-treatments to test whether it decreases the chromosomal fragment frequency induced by 1000 R of X-rays in the growing root tips of Hordeum vulgare. In pre-treatment experiments thiourea in 10-2-M concentration yielded the maximal protection of 28.9 percent against radiation- induced chromosomal fragments. In post-treatment approximately a similar rate of protection is secured. It is discussed that the test-chemical protected the chromosomes against X-rays by two different mechanisms. The recovery process by restitution of the broken chromosomal fragments and the protection against initial radiation damage were the possible protective mechanisms displayed by thiourea in this plant material. 1135889,"A quantitative analysis was carried out of structural chromosome aberrations in human perpheral lymphocytes exposed in vitro to 180 kV X-rays or 50 MeV protons. Statistical treatment of experimental findings by least-squares technique showed a regressional relationship between dose administered and yields of various chromosome aberration types. Fitting of the data to four mathematical models indicated, for both radiation types, that two-break aberrations, total number of aberrations and total of breaks are best fitted by the polinomial of second degree Y equals bD + CD-2, while one-break aberrations and number of aberrant cells are best fitted by the model Y equals a + bD. For all chromosome aberration types numerical values of the coefficients in these models are presented." 1135890,"Cells differentiated from a human metastasizing melanoma have been irradiated simultaneously with pulsed high frequency currents (27.12 MHz, 400--600 pulses/s, pulse duration 65mus, average power 25--38 Watt) (Diapulse), and gamma radiation from a Co-60 source. Simultaneous pulsed high frequency field and gamma radiation acted in a way resembling a cell-protecting mechanism, enhancing the number of surviving cells to the extent of about 15 percent as compared with the cell number scored after pure Co-60 gamma-radiation treatment. Irradiation with pure high frequency currents resulted in increasing cell death for a period of up 4 minutes; subsequently, this seemed to be almost independent of time. The number of cells which survived, as compared with the controls, was found to be approximately 80 percent, near a distance of 6.5 cm from the symmetry axis, perpendicular to the plane of the radiating element." 1135891,The authors have followed the excretion of pyrimidine doexyribonucleosides in the urine of patients with generalized stages of Hodgkin's disease. They proved an increased excretion of deoxyuridine and thymidine in these patients compared to healthy persons. In the course of 14-days of combined chemotherapy a statistically significant increase in the excretion of DNA catabolites followed was found. 1135892,"The levels of IgG, IgA and IgM were measured in the blood serum of uranium miners in a minin-district, where after a geological disturbance exposure to a high level of ionizing radiation took place. The mean exposure to 222-Rn daughters after first year was 7.35 WLM, after the second year 0.13 WLM only. Serum was sampled before miners started their occupation, for the second time after the first year and for the third time after the second year. The levels of IgG and IgM significantly decreased after one year of exposure, while the IgA changed only slightly. After the second year the levels of IgG and IgM significantly rose. IgG exceeded the initial levels: a regenerative hypercompensation took place. On the other hand IgA at the same time decreased. The IgG levels are only slightly correlated with radiation dose rate; for IgA and IgM the correlation is lacking. Individual Ig levels appear to be very variable. The reduction of IgG reached hypogammaglobulinemic levels in some miners after the first year and was followed by a propensity to infections of the respiratory tract. The significance of these observations is discussed from the immunological, radiological and radiohygienical point of view." 1135899,"The effects of a single 400 R whole-body dose of X-irradiation on the regional 5HT content of the gastrointestinal (G. I.) tract were studied from four hours to 40 days after irradiation. The total 5HT content of various G.I. tissues was determined and 5HT was also determined per unit of body weight, wet weight of tissue and tissue protein. Irradiation caused an immediate decrease of the amine content of various G.I. regions in adult rats. This was followed by recovery, the degree of which varied in different regions. Some minor morphological changes were seen in enterochromaffin cells one and two days after irradiation but not later. The effects of irradiation on the G.I. tissues were stronger in young rats, in whom no complete recovery of 5HT occurred within 45 days. The present results support the view that irradiation exerts a direct damaging effect on the gastrointestinal 5HT storage, which is associated with liberation of 5HT from amine-containing cells. The duration of the effect varies with age and intestinal segment concerned." 1135900,"An increase of the radiosensitivity can be obtained by means of microwave use in combination with sparsely ionizing radiation. Comparing the therapeutic effect on the model of an euoxic tumor (mice testicles) with a tumor that contains important parts of hypoxic cells (solid tumor of Ehrlich) it appears that the sensitization evidentely is seen in the hypoxic tumor first of all. No sensitization can be obtained on the euoxic profileration tissue on the testicles. The temperature enhancement ratio (equal TER) does not increase linearly with increasing temperature, but is the greatest within the scope of 41 degrees C. The mere heat effect appears in the foreground with high temperatures (43 degrees C and more). The high frequency application lets hope a solution of the oxygen problem in radiotherapy and could substitute the use of heavy particles (high LET) in the combination with sparsely ionizing radiation as far as a concentration of high frequency and heat on the tumor succeeds in." 1136078,"Monolayer tissue culture cells from benign nodular hyperplasia of the prostate transferred at 1-2 weeks intervals were examined under the electron microscope after the 3rd, 9th, and 10th transfers. Changes seen after 9 to 10 transfers were interpreted as an ""aging process"" and consisted of the presence of lysosomes of various types and variations in the mitochondria profile. These changes were described in detail and illustrated and compared to the ultrastructural appearance of monolayer cell cultures in the early transfer stage." 1136079,"Enzymuria, urinary cell excretion and proteinuria were simultaneously determined in renal diseases of female Wistar rats in order to investigate the diagnostic value of urinary enzymes. Investigations were carried out on rats with E. coli-pyelonephritis facilitated by oestradiolundecylate, aminonucleoside nephrosis, aminoglycoside induced renal lesions and pyelonephritic animals treated with therapeutic and toxic doses of tobramycin. --From the results of these studies it was concluded that the main diagnostic value of urinary enzymes is detection of drug induced tubular lesions in individuals with preexisting renal diseases." 1136080,"Isozymes of urinary lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) were studied in 55 subjects, including 17 patients with bladder tumors. Normal clear urine from healthy persons showed little activity of LDH5, but in 11 out of 17 patients with bladder tumors LDH5 was increased sufficiently to invert the ratio of LDH5/LDH1, although the urine was not contaminated appreciably with leucocytes. Studies on tissue LDH isozymes in 16 tumors specimens strongly suggested that increased LDH5 in the urine of patients with bladder tumors originated from the tumors themselves. beta-Glucuronidase (B-G) isozymes were studied in urine specimens from 10 normal subjects, and 10 patients with bladder tumors and in 5 specimens of normal epithelium and 5 of tumor tissue. Two or three distinct bands of beta-G were separated from specimens of urine and tumor tissue from patients with bladder tumors, but only a single band was found in specimens from normal subjects." 1136081,"Upper urinary tract and renal deterioration in the child with congenital neuropathy is due to high intravesical pressure associated with urinary retention. Preservation of kidney function often can be achieved when bladder emptying is improved by lowering the urethral resistance, when reflux is cured, and when infection is controlled. Since incontinence is most often of the overflow type, complete bladder evacuation can allow the child to remain dry for a socially acceptable period of time between voidings. Success depends greatly on the child's motivation and on his cooperation in a bladder training regimen. Diversion is sometimes unavoidable but should be considered only when conservational methods have failed." 1136083,"Forty female patients suffering for long periods from frequency, urgency, and dysuria without any definite organic cause received nortriptyline chloride for three weeks. In 75 percent there was either considerable improvement or total disappearance of urinary complaints. At the same time the in vitro effects of the drug were tested using the isometric muscle contraction technique. Nortriptyline was found to have anticholinergic properties. The importance of this effect in the clinical study and the possible mode of action of the drug are discussed." 1136084,"We review our experience with the Boari flap to correct distal ureteral injuries. Satisfactory results were obtained in 15 of 21 patients. We believe this procedure should be considered as an alternative to transureteroureterostomy, autotransplantation, and ileal interposition for short or long distal ureteral defects." 1136085,"Two cases are reported of functionally significant bladder neck obstruction following urethral valve fulguration which resulted in inability to void. Both patients responded to the administration of phenoxybenzamine, an alpha-adrenergic blocking agent. Treatment of patients with suspected bladder neck obstruction with this agent provides a reversible method of decreasing urethral resistance without the potentially harmful effects of surgical bladder neck revision." 1136086,Experimental studies designed to evaluate the anterior bladder tube as a method of maintaining continence in the neurologically deprived bladded achieved a 50 to 60 per cent success rate. This success rate is not sufficient to warrant its clinical use. 1136087,"The effect of muscle length on adrenergic stimulation of canine detrusor was studied in an vitro muscle bath. The commonly reported response of muscle relaxation with norepinephrine stimulation was seen in muscle strips at or near the resting length. When the muscle strips were stretched, however, an alpha receptor mediated contraction was noted. Length, rather than norepinephrine dose or tension, was the predominant factor determining whether a given strip would respond in an alpha or beta fashion. Sympathetic stimulation may enhance accommodation (beta effect) during bladder filling at low muscle length and potentiate bladder emptying (alpha effect) at increased muscle length." 1136090,"A fifty-five-year-old man was seen with anuria. Retrograde pyelograms demonstrated bilateral ureteral obstruction subsequently shown to have resulted from sloughed renal papillae. A twenty-year history of phenacetin was obtained. Treatment included bilateral ureteral intubation, then ureterotomy on one side." 1136092,"Total unilateral renal destruction has been observed in a patient who previously received irradiation for Hodgkin's disease. The clinical features, after a six-year asymptomatic interval, included recurrent calculi and infection in what was subsequently demonstrated radiographically to be a nonfunctioning kidney. The gross and microscopic characteristics of the nephrectomy specimen have been described and correlated with the magnitude of irradiation and the clinical course." 1136094,"A case is reported in which the patient had classic findings of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, including a pulsatile abdominal mass, curvilinear aortic calcification, and anterolateral deviation of the left ureter. These findings were subsequently demonstrated at surgery to be due to metastatic nodes from prostatic carcinoma. Data presented indicate that further diagnostic studies may be in order in unusual cases in which patients are suspected of having abdominal aortic aneurysm. This is especially true if the patient is known to have another condition such as carcinoma which may mimic aneurysm with metastatic periaortic lymph nodes. Aortography and/or lymphangiography occasionally have their place in selected patients, and this is discussed." 1136095,"Using flexible gastrointestinal endoscopes, we have examined the urinary intestinal conduits of 15 patients. We have found this to be a reliable, easily performed endoscopic procedure that allows ureteral catheterization when needed. The instrument, technique, and results are described." 1136096,"Estramustine phosphate administered orally at 900 mg. daily depressed plasma testosterone levels in 10 consecutive patients who had previously been treated with estrogen hormones and/or orchiectomy and who were all in relapse from carcinoma of the prostate. Approximately one half of the patients responded to the treatment clinically. The decrease in plasma testosterone did not correlate with the clinical response. The clinical effect of estramustine phosphate may be due to decreased plasma testosterone levels, inhibiton of 5-alpha reductase activity, and a local cytotoxic effect." 1136097,"A technique for sequential, unilateral, extraperitoneal pelvic lymphadenectomy is described. The procedure is advocated for staging patients with localized prostatic carcinoma in whom all laboratory test results for metastases are negative and in whom definitive radiation therapy or radical prostatectomy is contemplated. This procedure allows complete excision of the regional lymphatic drainage of the prostate with minimal surgical morbidity." 1136099,"This study sought to determine whether or not transitional carcinoma cells can adhere and progressively grow on normal or inflamed bladder urothelium. Inflammation was produced by intravesical N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Tumor cell implantation occurred in only 13 per cent of mice with normal bladder, whereas in the presence of an altered urothelial surface ther was a 60 per cent incidence of tumors. This study not only has clinical implications but also offers a model to investigate modalities to prevent tumor cell implantation." 1136100,"A case of testicular malakoplakia is described in which cells other than histiocytes were involved in the tissue response. The abundant cell junctions, some closely related to mitochondria, and the peripheral displacement of rough endoplasmic reticulum by abundant phagolysosomes, suggest involvement of Sertoli cells, in addition to histiocytes. It is suggested that, perhaps, some forms of granulomatous orchitis and malakoplakia represent a single disease process observed at a different stage in its evolution." 1136111,"Three cases of dairy herds affected by production disease (infertility, calf scours and low milk yield) were carried out. The value of blood analysis in establishing a diagnosis and a dietary supplement of molasses in correcting the production problems is illustrated." 1136125,"Red, sika, fallow, roe and muntjac deer adapted to captivity in experimental units designed for working with foot-and-mouth disease. The red, sika and fallow deer readily accepted rolled oats and hay as their staple diet. This diet was replaced for the roe and muntjac deer with flaked maize, calf starter pellets and green browse. Etorphine/acepromazine ans xylazine were found to be suitable sedatives for detailed examination of the tongue and oral cavity of the various species of deer and gave adequate analgesia for the inoculation and collection of virus samples." 1136131,"The snouts of 2701 pork, bacon and heavy pigs killed at five abattoirs in England and Scotland during March to July 1974 were examined for evidence of atrophic rhinitis. Lesions were graded 1 to 5 according to severity. Suspicious lesions were present in 75-7 per cent of the sample. There was obvious atrophy of the turbinates in 44-7 per cent (grade 2 to 5) and severe atrophy in 17-5 per cent (grades 3 to 5). Foreign bodies were found in or between the posterior cheek teeth of 5-3 per cent of the sample. There was frequently an associated gingivitis. Other lesions seen included black discolouration of the teeth, severe tooth wear and osteoarthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. It was concluded that the incidence of atrophic rhinitis could have increased markedly since the last survey of the United Kingdom was undertaken in 1956/57 and some form of disease-monitoring service was urgently needed." 1136331,"An immune agglutination procedure is described in which red cells are coated with antigen and agglutination is observed after a short incubation with antibody in reagent serum. Conversely, the cells may be coated with antibody and used to test for the presence of antigen. Treatment of the reagent serum with cobra venom factor results in inhibition, and there is a marked lo-s of sensitivity with cells pretreated with formalin or chromic chloride, suggesting that C3 and some type of reactive sites on the cells are required. The distinctive features of the new procedure are that incubation time is very short, sensitivity is several orders of magnitude higher than with other related tests, and, within some limitations, bovine (steer) red cells with bovine serum can be used as an alternative to human red cells with human serum. It is necessary to remove an inhibitor from the reagent serum, human or steer. While the mechanism of the procedure needs further elucidation, the findings reported here suggest that it ought to be sufficiently sensitive to detect hepatitus B antigen if present in virtually any blood sample. With appropriate modifications it should be useful for blood donor screening, diagnosis, and for studying many other antigen-antibody systems." 1136332,"A Negro woman of the Xhosa tribe of Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape was found to be S--s--U--with anti-U in her serum. She had two S--s--U-- children, and her husband, father and other children all had single doses of S or s antigen. Three furhter S--s--U-- Negroes were found in a random sample of 1,000 Negro antenatal patients at Port Elizabeth." 1136334,A method is described in which the factor VIII (AHF) activity of 40 individual cryoprecipitates can be determined within 4 h. The reagents employed do not require plasma congenitally deficient in factor VIII. The preparation of cryoprecipitates with known biological activity should result in a more rational use of this type of factor VIII concentrate. 1136431,"The mortality rate due to heroin overdosage in San Francisco has increased dramatically since 1968 and now stands as one of the highest in the United States. While the numbers of heroin fatalities in many eastern United States cities have declined substantially in the past few years, the figures for San Francisco and the other West Coast areas continue to increase. The group of heroin overdose victims from the 1970 through 1973 period is more predominantly Caucasian and younger than from the 1963 through 1965 period. In nearly all of the victims, the presence of morphine (a heroin metabolite) was noted in bile or urine, and in about half the results of blood alcohol tests were positive. Measurement of blood morphine concentrations in the victims showed no significant difference from the concentrations noted in a control group of heroin addicts dying from causes other than overdosage." 1136432,"Over a one-year period, 167 patients with cancer were seen in a total of 1,931 clinic visits. Of these patients, 59 percent responded to therapy, with 20 percent achieving a complete response. The median duration of response was eight months (12+ months for complete responders, 7 months for partial responders), with only a two-month average survival for nonresponders. Seventy-seven deaths in clinic patients occurred for a death rate of 46 percent. Hospital tumor registry referrals rose 46 percent. The effect of early referrals, sources of referral, metastatic sites, chemotherapeutic drugs used, morbidity and type of therapy are also reviewed." 1136433,"Survival studies were done on 36 children with cystic fibrosis and heart failure. Thirty percent did not survive the first four weeks, and the median survival for the group was between two and three months. By the end of the first year from the onset of failure, 74 percent had died and at 30 months, 87 percent had died." 1136537,"This paper reports sporadic occurrence of the Pfeiffer syndrome with Kleeblattschädel (KS) in a male infant who died at 6 months of pneumonia with signs of increased intracranial pressure and who was found to have hydrocephalus, polymicrogyria, cerebellar herniation, bicuspid aortic valve, a common mesentery, absence of lesser omentum, hypoplasia of gallbladder, a single umbilical artery, and multiple eye defects. This case is presumed to represent a new mutation: in other families the Pfeiffer syndrome has been dominantly inherited. The Pfeiffer syndrome is a form of acrocephalosyndactyly and impresses clinically as a mild form of the Apert syndrome. The Kleeblattschädel is an etiologically non-specific developmental field defect (DFC); about two fifths of 51 known cases have apparent thanatophoric dwarfism and about one fifth are probable or possible examples of the Pfeiffer syndrome. The KS-DFC has also been seen in the syndromes of Carpenter, Apert and Crouzon." 1136538,"The question of ""myopathia rachitica"" was pursued in a disease progress study using rachitic rats. The length of the study was 18 weeks. During this time a discrete dystrophic myopathy formed. The morphometric examination showed muscle fibre diameters 8--24 mu less than those of healthy control rats in correlation with the degree of rachitis. The absence of fiber growth in the C fibres was conspicuous. The question of the relation of these findings to the inactivity, osteomalacia and changes in metabolism in rachitis was discussed. The myopathic changes can not be solely interpreted as a result of inactivity, but the cause of myopathia rachitica remains unclear." 1136540,"In 36 children with cystic fibrosis (CF) the isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase (AP) were determined microelectrophoretically in polyacrylamide- and starch-gel. The study was done to evaluate the clinical significance of these additional data for the diagnosis of liver involvement in DF. The results led to the following conclusions: 1. Serum activity of total AP is comparatively unsensitive ""masking"" alterations in the isoenzyme pattern contributing to the AP serum activity. 2. In 17 children resp. 47% bile-duct phosphatase was increased indicating a secretostasis while other marker enzymes of cholestasis were normal in part. 3. The activity of bone phosphatase in the serum showed a significant correlation to the degree of growth retardation in these patients. 4. Intestinal phosphatase was present in the serum of only one child with cirrhosis of the liver being an indicator for liver insufficiency. 5. Determination of AP isoenzymes in the serum may provide additional information about the organs involved for the physician in handling CF patients." 1136650,"A series of cyclic peptides of sarcosine with the general formula c-Sar-n, n=2-8, has been synthesized and conformational studies carried out both in solution and in the solid. The rings are conformationally very homogeneous and contain both cis and trans amide bonds. Their barriers to ring inversion are high; in the smaller rings this is attributed to steric hindrance, caused by the N-methyl-groups, whilst in the larger rings the folding of the chain in helical segments plays an important role." 1136651,"The crystal structure of D,L-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-alanine has been determined by X-ray methods using 1971 observed reflections. The crystals are monoclinic, space group P2-1, with four molecules in the unit cell of dimensions a=6.32-5 A; b=26.48-9 A; c=5.36-7 A, and beta=98.1-8 degrees. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to a conventional R-factor of 0.048; estimated standard deviations in bond lengths not involving hydrogen are 0.002-0.004 A and in angles 0.1-0.2 degrees. Bond lengths and angles are in accordance with those found in tyrosine. Owing to an intra-molecular hydrogen bond between the ammonium group and the ring hydroxyl oxygen atom, however, the conformational angles differ from those found in several other phenylalanine derivatives. There are non-crystallographic centres of symmetry between pairs of enantiomeric molecules." 1136652,"The crystal structure of (--)-adrenaline has been determined by X-ray methods, using 831 observed reflections collected by counter methods. The crystals are monoclinic, space group P2-1 with a=7.873(2), b=6.790(2), c=8.638(2) A and beta=98.01(2) degrees. Least-squares refinements yielded a conventional R-factor of 0.053. Standard deviations in bond lengths are 0.005-0.006 A and in bond lengths aree 0.005-0.006 A and in bond angles 0.4 degrees. The adrenaline molecules were found to exist as zwitterions in the crystals. The conformation of the adrenaline molecule corresponds closely to that usually encountered among the salts of the sympathomimetic amines. The crystals consist of molecular double layers parallel to (100). The molecules within a layer are linked through hydrogen bonds of the types N--H...O and O--H...O, whereas the layers are connected by van der Waals interactions." 1136689,"In order to investigate the importance of different inspiratory gas flow patterns in respirator treatment, eight intensive care patients were studied with breathing mechanics and five patients also with gas exchange studies. Three different inspiratory gas flow patterns were tested in randomized sequences namely, accelerating, constant and decelerating flow. All three flow patterns were generated by the same respirator. No end-inspiratory pause was used. The results point to a favourable effect on breathing mechanics of a decelerating and a constant flow when compared with an accelerating flow type. However, when the total effects on gas distribution and lung perfusion were evaluated in the gas exchange studies, no significant differences were seen between the three flow patterns." 1136690,"Thirteen patients submitted to total hip replacement surgery by the Charnley technique were studied. Operations were performed under epidural analgesia with the patients awake and breathing air. During the surgical procedure, the magnitude of tissue-thromboplastic activity, the amount of fat globules, the presence of bone marrow cells and the concentrations of acrylic monomers were determined in the pulmonary arterial blood. Simultaneously, arterial blood gases and blood pressure were monitored. Marked reductions of the arterial blood pressure and arterial oxygen tension occurred after impaction of the femoral prosthesis, and minor depressions appeared after insertion of the acetabular prosthesis. A significant correlation was found between the release of tissue-thromboplastic products into the pulmonary circulation, i.e., products that initiate intravascular coagulation and the circulatory and respiratory reactions. The pulmonary fat droplets, per se, seem to be of minor importance, and the release of acrylic monomers is probably of no importance for these reactions." 1136691,"The systolic time intervals were studied in 16 surgical patients without heart disease between 29 and 75 years of age by a non-invasive technique before and after an induction dose of enibomal (Narcodorm). The pre-injection period/left ventricular ejection time-ratio (PEP/LVET-ratio) increased between 8 and 60% and (1/PEP-2) decreased between 3 and 50%, indicating a reduction of myocardial contractility under the influence of enibomal. Factors responsible for circulatory depression during barbiturate anaesthesia are discussed." 1136692,"Catecholamine output and circulation were observed in connection with pulmonary surgery in one group of ten patients who were anaesthetized with halothane-N20-02-d-tubocurarine and who breathed spontaneously after operation. In another group of four patients who received a modified neurolept anaesthesia with phenoperidine-N2O-O2-d-tubocurarine and who were mechanically ventilated also after operation, catecholamine output and temperature were observed. In both patient groups, catecholamine output was normal during iperation. Adrenaline output increased by 400% the first postoperative hours, while noradrenaline output remained normal. Thereafter, noradrenaline output increased, while adrenaline output started to decrease. A subnormal body temperature was seen at the end of the operation. In two patients from the neurolept group, adrenaline output and temperature were recorded hour by hour; maximal adrenaline output concided with maximal temperature rise. In the patients from the halothane group, the pstoperative change in foot, calf and forearm blood flow correlated well with the change in catecholamine output. The central circulatory response to the symptahoadrenal stimulation was, however, found to be less pronounced than is ordinarily seen." 1136693,"The influence of thiopental (Trapanal) on coronary blood flow (MPF), myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2), and general haemodynamics was investigated in seven patients without heart disease. Besides measurement of MBF, the amount of substrates (glucose, lactate, pyruvate and free fatty acids (FFA) was also determined in arterial and coronary sinus blood samples. Thiopental was given intravenously in a mean dose of 4 mg/kg b,w, MBF was measured by means of the argon method. After injection of thiopental, all seven patients showed a significant increase of MBF and MVO2, a fact which can essentially be explained by the increase of heart rate. The effects of thiopental on arterial concentrations, arterior-coronary substrate differences, myocardial uptake, and O2-extraction ratio of the different substrates are discussed." 1136694,"The effect of intravenous administration of dihydroergotamine (DHE) on regional blood flow in the forearm and calf after pharmacological nerve blockade of the lower body induced by epidural anaesthesia has been studied in 13 subjects. After anaesthesia, DHE induced a significant increase in blood flow in the forearm with intact innervation and a significant decrease in blood flow in the nerve-blocked calf. On the average, the arterial blood pressure increased slightly. The calculated local vascular resistance increased in the nerve-blocked calf, probably due to a direct myogenic constrictive effect of DHE. In the intact forearm, local vascular resistance decreased. The results indicate that DHE exerts a complex effect on resistance vessels in addition to its well-known effect on the capacitance vessels." 1136695,"Ten patients without known cardiac or respiratory disease were investigated with breathing mechanics and gas exchange studies during anaesthesia and artifical ventilation. The effects of three different inspiratory gas flow patterns, namely, accelerating, constant and decelerating flows were studied. A decelerating flow resulted in an increase of total compliance when compared to an accelerating or a constant flow. However, at the same time, there was an increase in physiological dead space and a decrease in alveolar ventilation with a decelerating flow compared to an accelerating flow. These results seem to indicate an improved gas distribution in the greater airways with a decelerating flow pattern, but when the total effects of gas exchange were judged, the greatest benefits were with an accelerating flow." 1136696,"The arteriovenous concentration difference of bupivacaine in plasma after epidural injection in man and after intramuscular injection in dog was studied. In man, arterial concentration was higher than peripheral venous ocncentration during an initial period of about 30 min, after which time period venous and arterial concentrations became fairly similar. Comparable results were obtained in the animal experiments. In addition, the experiments in dog indicated that the concentration of bupivacaine was fairly similar in central venous plasma and arterial plasma, but higher than the peripheral venous plasma concentration. These factors have to be taken into consideration when toxicological studies of local anaesthetic drugs are made." 1136697,"Hospital records of 79 patients treated with tracheostomy or long-term intubation from 1969 to 1971 were reviewed, and the 43 surviving patients were examined by laryngoscopy, x-ray and spirometry for complications subsequent to these treatments. Early complications included one tube occlusion and one case of postextubation stridor in each group, one dislocated tube, one bilateral pneumothorax, and one case of fatal innominate arterial hemorrhage in the tracheostomy group, and two cases of atelectasis in the long-term intubation group. Necropsy findings included necrotic ulcers in the larynx of intubated patients and eroded tracheal mucosa in both groups. Late complications in surviving patients were prolonged hoarseness in six patients treated with prolonged intubation, two of whom had also had tracheostomy. Radiologically verified tracheal stenosis (40-60%), four at the stoma level and one at the cuff level, all occurred in the tracheostomy group." 1136698,"Effects of halothane anaesthesia on aplanchnic blood flow and cardiac output were studied in six dogs. Blood flows in the hepatic artery, the superior mesenteric artery and the portal vein were measured electromagnetically. Cardiac output was measured by thermodilution. Depth of anaesthesia, ventilation, acid-base state and body temperature were controlled. Cardiac output and blood flows in the hepatic artery, the superior mesenteric artery and the portal vein decreased significantly to 73%, 54%, 59% and 60% of control values, respectively. Total peripheral vascular resistance decreased significantly, while mesenteric and portal resistance remained essentially unchanged and hepatic arterial resistance showed a significant increase. It is suggested that the difference between the various vascular responses may be caused by a differentiated release from baroreceptor inhibition in various parts of the bulbar vasomotor center." 1136699,"Maternal cardiac output, blood pressure, heart rate, fetal blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory blood gases, and uterine blood flow were measured in six pregnant monkeys during halothane-nitrous oxide and oxygen anesthesia and compared to theses same parameters observed during nitrous oxide and oxygen anesthesia. Halothane 1.5% was associated with a decrease in maternal arterial pressure (54%), heart rate (10%), cardiac output (17%), total peripheral resistance (40%), and uterine blood flow (38%). Mean fetal heart rate decreased 18% and mean fetal blood pressure 22%. These changes in fetal hemodynamics were probably related to a direct depression of the fetal cardiovascular system and its usual compensatory mechanism as well as the fetal asphyxia secondary to the decrease in uterine blood flow." 1136700,"1. The growth model forumlated for prenatal and postnatal growth up to the middle of the puberty phase seems to be valid for the later postnatal phases as well, including adulthood and senescence. 2. In this model, growth consists of phases with exponential growth (constant specific growth rate) separated by sudden changes in the rate. 3. In the period described here, 7 phases can be distinguished, beginning with puberty (phase IV) and ending with senescence (phase X). 4. In 4 of these phases the growth rate does not differ significantly between the four groups of mice used. In the other 3 phases there are no differences between three of the groups but the fourth, one of the sexes of the CPB-S strain, differs very definitely from the rest. 5. Absence of growth occurred in some phases in one of the groups. 6. Some of the phases do not occur in all individual animals; this holds especially for phase VIII, which occurred in only about 25% of the animals. 7. The 'growth constants' postulated in Part I and now studied in the individual mice, tend to have a value of about 2. A theoretical model is described for the regulation of the mitotic rate giving 'growth constants' of about the same numerical value." 1136701,"The gall bladder from 6 Psammophis sibilans, 10 Bufo regularis and 10 Albino mice were extracted and prepared for microscopic examination. It was found that the mucosa of Psammophis sibilans consisted of ovoid and polygonal cells which were occasionally binucleated cells with darkly stained nuclei and occasionally pear-shaped cells with vesicular nuclei and fine processes. These cells were arranged in three layers. Apossible explanation for the different types of cells encountered and their arrangement was given. The gall bladder mucosa of Bufo regularis and Albino mouse were thrown into folds covered with simple columnar epithelium. However, the epithelium of the frog was higher than that of the mouse, with the nuclei situated midway between basement membrane and the lumen. Vacuolated cells were detected in the gall bladder mucosa of the mouse. The significance of the mucosal folds was discussed." 1136702,"Cross-sectional studies of the degree of the cranial base flexion were carried out in infant, juvenile and adult skulls in four genera of nonhuman primates (P. paniscus, H. lar, P. urinus, and M. mullatta). The cephalometric observations of the cranial base included linear and angular measurements of each specimen. The data obtained in this study showed that the anterior portion of the cranial base exhibits a significant shortening trend as the mammalian evolutionary scale ascends. Moreover, the growth pattern of the anterior portion of the skull base follows that of the facial bony structures. The ontogenic growth changes of the posterior portion of the skull base follows the growth pattern of the endocranial cavity. The significant trend of elongation in this area directly contributes to the posterior migration of the foramen magnum. The magnitude of these growth changes decreases as the evolutionary scale ascends. The angular measurements of the cranial flexion showed a less obtuse cranial base angle in young specimens and the ones higher on the mammalian scale. The skull kyphosis was less pronounced in these specimens and the anatomical features of the cranial base were more humanlike, including the balance of the head expressed by the position of the foramen magnum." 1136703,"Evolution of the mammalian tongue has been characterized by a number of extensive structural adaptations for the highly specialized functions which various tongues perform. Variations in shape, epithelium, muscle arrangement and mechanisms of lingual stiffening are described, and the possible way in which such changes have occurred is discussed. The review also shows that a study of the tongue's structure in conjunction with other anatomical features may serve as a useful indicator of an animal's habits and diet and provide important information for taxonomic purpose." 1136705,"The possible existence of one-sided dominance in the face, similar to the phenomena of handedness and footedness, has been investigated by studying smiling pattern, movements of the angles of mouth, winking, platysma contraction, raising and everting the upper lip with dilatation of the nostril, and vertical wrinkling of the forehead, on 300 right-handed and 30 left-handed persons. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The large majority of persons investigated do not use the two sides of face equally. 2. Facial ambilaterality is a rare feature. 3. There is no clear-cut correlation between handedness and the dominant side of the face. 4. The greater percentage (58.66%) of right-handed persons show a left-sided smile and find it more convenient to perform almost all exercises with the left side of the face. A still greater percentage (73.33%) of left-handed persons shows a right-sided smile and a better performance of all exercises with the right side of the face. The contralateral relationship of handedness to the dominant side of the face is significant in the right-handed and more so, in the left-handed persons." 1136706,"On 110 preparations of the kidney in some wild animals (hare, fox, wolf, bear, boar and chamois), the blood vessels and the excretory apparatus were studied by dissection, injection-corrosion and microscope. Only the bear has a markedly split kidney, whereas the kidneys of the other animals are unsplit. In the fox there is an obvious split of the renal artery into anterior and posterior branches which supply the anterior and posterior portion, respectively, of the renal parenchyma, being separated from each other, so that we may speak of an anterior and posterior kidney. In the fox, wolf, hare and chamois the interlobar arteries pass through the renal calices in a loop composed of adipose tissue, invested by the epithelium of the renal calyx. The renculi of the bear kidney show complete autonomy in relation to the blood vessels as well as in relation to the excretory apparatus. The relation of the surface of the excretory apparatus to the whole kidney was studied. Thus we have found the fox to have relatively the largest excretory apparatus, whose surface amounts to 31% of the whole kidney. In the remainder of the animals investigated this percentage is considerably less, ranging from 21.7% (boar) to 26.7% (bear)." 1136707,"The histoenzymic pattern of oxidative enzymes (G-6-PDH, G-PDH, ICDH, SDH, HBDH, NADH-2:tetrazolium dehydrogenase) was investigated in the developing neuroglia of rabbit brains, with special regard to the period of myelinogenesis. The obtained results lead to following conclusions: (1) During the early period of postnatal development there is maximal oxidative enzyme activity in ependymal cells, somewhat less reactive are the undifferentiated matrix cells and the differentiating cells of the mantle layer. No distinction can be made between the response of spongio- and neuroblasts. (2) Distinctly increased oxidoreductase activity, as compared to the early period of postnatal development, is demonstrated by the differentiating cells of myelination gliosis, no prevalence being demonstrable for enzymes of the particular metabolic pathways (pentose shunt, glycolysis or Krebs cycle). (3) G-6-PDH, G-PDH and oxidoreductases acting within the citric acid cycle are demonstrable only in single cells of the interfascicular oligodendroglia of adult rabbit brains, while almost all cells exhibit appreciable activity of HBDH and NADH-2 tetrazolium dehydrogenase." 1136708,"The pattern of mucin secretion of the gastrointestinal tract of the toad (B. melanostictus) was investigated by histochemical methods. The goblet cells of the oesophagus secreted mainly acid mucins which were sialomucins, while the cells lining the surface of the stomach produced neutral mucins only. Goblet cells of the small intestine and cloaca secreted acid mucins, which were predominently sulphated mucins." 1136709,"In order to strengthen a hypothesis concerning the occurrence of ectopic granule cells, one of the assumptions made was tested systematically. The reaction of the EGL to partial destruction by various single doses by hydroxyurea at various ages was followed. Under all conditions examined, re-population of the EGL takes place--rapidly after lower doses, slowly after high doses of HU. The phenomena observed are discussed with a view on the hypothesis mentioned. Re-population is beneficial, but may itself be a major pathogenetic factor in certain developmental malformations by upsetting the ""time-schedule"". The results are also of potential interest for an analysis of the regulation of normal cerebellar morphogenesis." 1136710,"The case of a child is described who at the age of 2 years showed the first evidence of a developing neurological disease. Within a couple of years, profound mental retardation and severe motor deficit with spastic tetraplegia became established. No seizures and no pigmentation of the retina were observed. The condition remained practically unchanged for some 8 years and the patient died at 12 years of age of terminal bronchopneumonia. At autopsy there was conspicuous diffuse atrophy of the brain. The cerebral cortex was particularly involved. Most of the cortical neurons were destroyed and neuroglia showed abundant proliferation. The few remaining neurons contained inclusion material which was identified as lipofuscin. Noticeable cedifferences from the various types of amaurotic idiocies are noted and similarities to a case of lipidosis recently reported from Finland are suggested." 1136711,"The lateral vestibular nucleus was studied by light and electron microscopy in normal rats as well as in rats in which the anterior cerebellar vermis was destroyed. Dark neurons were seen in many of the operated rats but were rarely found in normal control animals. The dark neurons were not seen in adjacent nuclei. In additional rats, it was found that anoxia, extra anaesthetic, postmortem rough handling, and sham operations did not increase the frequency of dark neurons. These data indicate that dark neurons might not always be artifactual and that the lateral vestibular nucleus appears to be a focal point for their occurrence." 1136713,"A case of post-traumatic chronic pan-hypopituitarism in a 22 year old man is reported. Post-mortem examination revealed gliosis of the posterior hypothalamus, sclerosis of the neuro-hypophysis, cellular atrophy of the adenohypophysis, with relative hyperplasia of the basophil cells, atrophy of the endocrine target glands. Clinical and morphological findings are correlated and discussed." 1136712,"Experimental Wernicke's encephalopathy, induced in rhesus monkeys with a diet lacking thiamine (vitamin B1), is characterized by cavitary necrosis of the striatum as well as a microvacuolar periventricular lesion of the brain stem such as occurs in man. With high resolution light microscopy and electron microscopy, the primary structural alteration in the brain stem lesion, and probably also in the striatum, appears to be that of widespread ""blister"" formation due to splitting of myelin at the intraperiod line. Microvascular alterations were minimal, even in the most severely affected regions. It is the myelin blisters which give rise to the spongy texture of the neuropil. A similar splitting of myelin has been described in several other experimental encephalopathies, and it is probable that it also occurs in Wernicke's encephalopathy in man." 1136714,"Large dense core vesicles (LDCV) were found frequently enough in normal guinea pig central white matter, basis pontis and spinal cord posterior columns to be regarded as a normal organelle. A review of studies of LDCV and dense core particles (DCP), which have a different cytological localization and appear to be associated with a variety of diseases, suggests that they are the same, and hence remarkedly ubiquitous. LDCV should no longer be regarded as a type of synaptic vesicle, but as an incompetely defined organelle common to many cell types." 1136715,"Amniotic fluid lecithin and sphingomyelin were determined quantitatively in 33 samples obtained throughout the last trimester. Each sample was divided into three parts and each part was centrifuged at different relative forces prior to extraction. It is shown that centrifugation always removes considerable amounts of both lecithin and sphingomyelin from the supernatant towards the end of pregnancy, but very little at the beginning of the last trimester. The fatty acid composition of amniotic fluid lecithin, studied by gas liquid chromatography, indicate that surface active lecithin is lost by centrifugation of the fluid prior to extraction." 1136716,"The incidence of somatic complications in connection with legal termination of pregnancy by vacuum aspiration was analysed in 1,123 hospital patients. Special attention was paid to complication rates in relation to gestational age. It was found that the incidence of major uterine haemorrhage increased with gestational period, being unexpectedly high in the 12th week. When anaesthesia was supplemented with halothane there was a significantly higher incidence of uterine haemorrhage that when this anaesthetic was avoided. The results indicate that strict principles for the operation procedure are mandatory to reduce blood loss and other complications. It is suggested that the end of the 12th week should not be considered as a ""magic"" time limit for vaccum aspiration but that the policy should aim at early intervention, preferably before the end of the 10th week. In the event of late first trimester abortions or ""border line"" cases it is of advantage to administer prostaglandin extra-amniotically for pre-operative dilatation of the cervix." 1136717,"Fibrinogen-fibrin degradation products, FDP, in menstrual blood during the first three days of menstrual blood during the first three days of menstruation have been investigated. Two groups of women were studied, those with normal menstrual blood loss (15 women, mean loss 30 ml, range 8-60 ml) and those with menorrhagia (14 women, mean loss 222 ml, range 107-729 ml). The following results were obtained: 1). The FDP concentrations decreased during menstruation in both groups. 2). The FDP concentrations in the two were compared for each day of the menstrual period. No differences were found between the two groups. A possible explanation of the results is given: there is a higher rate of coagulation and fibrinolysis in the endometrium of women with menorrhagia compared with women with normal blood losses. The hypothesis is supported by results of studies in which tranexamic is supported by results of studies in which tranexamic acid, an inhibitor of fibrinolysis, was given to reduce the menstrual blood loss. 3). The FDP excretion patterns differed from women to women. There were no consistent differences between the menorrhagic and the control group." 1136718,"Prostaglandin F2alpha was used to induce abortion or labour in 84 women between the 11th and 44th weeks of pregnancy. Three different routes of administration were used, intravenous, extra-amniotic, and intra-amniotic. The extra-amniotic infusion of prostaglandin F2alpha produced a faster response than the other two routes. Less than one-third of the dose used in the intra-amniotic group was required in the extra-amniotic group for a complete evacuation of the uterus. Vomiting and diarrhoea occurred in 40% of the women in the intra- and extra-amniotic group, while the frequency was 88% in the intravenous group. Serum levels of progesterone and oestradiol decreased in accordance with the pattern found during spontaneous deliveries. The effect of prostaglandin F2alpha on the myometrium does not appear to be mediated via changes in the blood levels of progesterone or oestradiol." 1136719,"Analysis of 340 term breech presentations in primigravidas showed a corrected perinatal mortality of 1.5%; the elective cesarean section rate was 15%. The incidence of complicated labour, defined in the study, was analyzed with regard to different parameters, e.g. X-ray pelvimetry data in all 340 cases. Complicated labour in vaginal deliveries markedly increased with increasing fetal weight (p less than 0.001) and decreasing pelvic capacity (p less than 0.001). In each case the fetal weight and smallest pelvimetry data were given score points and the sum of these was called the Feto Pelvic Breech Index, which was correlated to the incidence of complicated labour. By using this index the mortality and the routine use of elective cesarean section. The prognostic methods available to detect feto-pelvic disproportion are discussed." 1136720,"A survey has been presented of the author's personal methods to treat urge incontinence in women caused by neurogenic disturbances or by urethritis. Denervation of the bladder by unilateral or bilateral resection of the inferior hypogastric plexus is used for neurogenic disturbances with uninhibited bladder contractions or hypertonic bladders and in cases of interstitial cystitis, if a preoperative blockade with local anaesthesia has given a favourable result. Urethral diverticula are extirpated. Urethritis is treated with careful dilatation of the uretha and massage in combination with local treatment of the mucosa with 1% solution of silver nitrate. In cases with a narrow urethral orifice a meatotomy is made. Women with wide external orifice and recurrent urethritis following intercourse are operated upon. A structure similar to the frenulum of the prepuce in the male is constructed, which closes the orifice at the introduction of the penis." 1136721,"In 24 patients, who underwent therapeutic abortion for various reasons between the 17th and 26th week of pregnancy, urinary excretion of serotonin, 5-HIAA, total estrogens, and pregnanediol were measured before, during and after the intra-amniotic injection of hypertonic saline. 20% hypertonic saline solution (160-500 ml) was given by transabdominal injection over a period of 5 min. The four hormones or metabolites were measured during six periods: I; 12-24 hrs, and II: 0-12 hrs before saline administration, III: 0-12 hrs after saline administration, IV: 0-12 hrs during aborion, V: 0-12 hrs and VI: 12-24 hrs after abortion. The results point to the active participation of serotonin in the process of fetal expulsion, as serotonin was increased by over 100% (from 20-22 to 43-47 mu-g/12 hrs) during periods III-IV, and its metabolite 5-HIAA, too, increased by nearly 60% (from 2.4-2.5 to 3.3-3.9 mg/12 hrs). They decreased during the post-abortive periods V-VI. On the other hand, total estrogens decreased only slowly, but continuously, during all 6 periods (4.9, 4.3, 3.4, 3.1, 1.8 and 1.4 mg/12 hrs). Pregnanediol, beginning with 12 mg/12 hrs showed a slight increase during periods III-IV (14.5 and 15.6 mg/12 hrs) and a decrease during periods V-VI (8.0 and 5.8 mg/12 hrs). These findings are interpreted as indicating the disruption of feto-placental function affecting estrogens during periods III-VI. They might demonstrate an accelerated hydrogenation of progesterone into pregnanediol during periods III-IV, followed by a sharp decreased in progesterone/pregnanediol production during periods V-VI." 1136722,"The effects of the selective beta-2-receptor stimulator terbutaline on the activity of gravid, human myometrium were investigated in vitro and in vivo, before and after administration of different beta-receptor blockers. Terbutaline, 0.2-1.0 mu-g/ml, inhibited the spontaneous contractile activity of isolated strips of myometrium. This effect was unaffected by the selective beta-a-receptor blockers practolol, 1 mu-g/ml, and H 93/26, 1 mu-g/ml. However, the non-selective blocker propranolol, 0.1 mu-g/ml, completely inhibited the terbutaline effects. The in vitro effects of terbutaline could be correlated with findings in vivo. Intra-uterine pressure was recorded in 4 pregnant women at term. Infusion of terbutaline, 10-15 mu-g/min, for 20-40 min, effectively inhibited both spontaneous and oxytocin-stimulated uterine activity. There was a moderate increase in maternal heart rate, but no consistent effect on maternal blood pressure. Fetal heart rate was little affected. The uterine effects of terbuline were not influenced by practolol, 5-20 mg i.v., but completely inhibited by propranolol, 1-2 mg i.v. The results suggest that terbutaline inhibits uterine motility by effects on uterine beta-2-receptors and that it can be given in clinically effective doses without adverse circulatory effects on mother or fetus." 1136723,"The present investigation studied the influence of different types of intra-uterine devices (IUDs) especially that of a copper IUD, on the incorporation of 3-H-thymidine and 5-3-H-uridine into the endometrium of the rabbit. ""Inert"" IUD. In non-stimulated rabbits, the incorporation of 3-H-thymidine was increased in the copper influenced horn. The incorporation of 3H-thymidine in control and Cu-IUD-containing horns reached a maximum at 48 hours after HCG stimulation, but was significantly lower in the copper-containing horn than in the control horn. On the fifth day of pseudopregnancy, the incorporation of 3-H-thymidine was significantly higher in the copper IUD-containing horn. The total amount of DNA in the endometrium increased during early pseudopregnancy, but this increase was markedly reduced in the presence of copper. The copper IUD had no influence on the rate of incorporation of 5-3-H-uridine in non-stimulated rabbits, whereas it caused a higher incorporation on the fifth day of pseudopregnancy." 1136724,An account is given of an oscillatory rotating friction measurement apparatus which can be used for demonstration of boundary lubrication by synovial fluid when rubber and glass are employed as rubbing surfaces. A technical description of the apparatus is given. The greatest importance is placed on getting the apparatus to demonstrate reproducible results when saline and normal bovine synovial fluid are used as lubricant. The greatest variations are caused by differences in the cleaning of the rubber and in its tension. On the basis of bovine synovial fluid from ten different hock joints investigations were made of individual variations and changes occurring during storage at 4 degrees C. The individual variations were found to be of no importance; a decrease in the lubricating effect was observed only after storage for two months. Addition of trypsin confirmed that boundary lubrication by synovial fluid can be related to the protein component. The conclusion is that the apparatus is considered suitable for clinical investigations of boundary lubrication in connection with different joint diseases. 1136725,"In unilateral coxa plana a shortening of the affected leg can often be found. This shortening affects not only the caput-collum part of the femur but also the other parts of the femur and the tibia. In this study, however, the immobilization of the affected leg seemed to be the main reason for the observed difference in the leg length. Children who had not unloaded their affected leg as carefully as they should proved to have a smaller difference in leg length than those who had unloaded their affected leg according to the instructions. On the other hand compensatory growth of the affected leg was found when both legs were again taking weight. The difference in the leg length was significantly reduced one year after the completion of the treatment." 1136726,"Use of the Doppler principle with an ultrasound flowmeter provided a method of detecting fat emboli during total hip replacement. A measure of the quantity of fat emboli and when the embolism occurs during the operative procedure is possible with this method. By the use of a suction catheter inserted in the intramedullary canal or the placement of large drill holes in the lateral cortex of the femur the amount of fat released into the venous circulation can be reduced. Although no definite signature could be obtained for the audible ""chirps"" by energy density spectrum analysis the observer could readily distinguish these chirps from the burbling noise produced by air emboli. Ultrasound is an easy, noninvasive and reliable technique for detecting fat emboli during total hip replacement." 1136727,"35S was administered to 20 puppies which had been exposed to transplantation of osteochondral apophyseal transplants from the iliac crest to defects of the femoral condyles. Some transplants were implanted into defects within the joint surfaces whereas others were implanted outside the joint surfaces. An autoradiographic study was performed to assess the functional vitality of the transplanted cartilage at varying intervals up to 14 months. This study further necessitated an investigation of the normal pattern of incorporation of 35S in the iliac crest. The studies revealed that the incorporation of 35S within the apophysis of the iliac crest was similar to that seen within pressure epiphyses, being heaviest in the proliferating and hypertrophying cells in the growth plate and around the secondary centre of ossification. The increased turnover of sulphur around the secondary centre of ossification declined, however, when the initial stage of the ossification was passed and when hypertrophy of cartilage cells was no longer seen. Ossification then took place without intensified production of organic sulphur-containing compounds in this region. The study further showed that apophyseal cartilage was still able to incorporate 35S following transplantation to the mentioned defects, except in some basal central areas adjacent to the metaphyseal bone. These findings suggested that the cartilage not only survived, but also preserved its capacity for synthetizing sulphur-containing compounds, probably chondroitin sulphate." 1136729,"A below-knee amputee is generally known to achieve a close-to-normal performance level, with the patellar-tendon-bearing method of stump fitting. This was confirmed by an ergonomic investigation on ten below-knee amputees, fitted with PTB prostheses. The test group subjects were given two static tests, two dynamic tests and one exercise tolerance test, during which their oxygen consumptions, pulmonary ventilations, energy expenditures and peak heart rates were measured. The performance of the test subjects were compared with that of a control group consisting of sixteen normal, healthy, individuals. The percentage increases in the values of the biomechanical parameters of the test subjects, over those of the control group, were found to be justified and thus natural to the below-knee amputee-PTB prosthesis system. The ergonomic study has not yielded information regarding the biomechanical efficacy of the PTB prosthesis, but it has also shown that the amputees fitted with such prostheses can take up, without any undue extra effort and metabolic cost, industrial occupations of the moderately heavy kind." 1136730,"In 21 autopsy subjects and 25 anatomical cadavers, both knee joints were dissected extensively to find: a) degenerative changes in the menisci of knee joints, especially horizontal tears and b) associated degenerative changes in the articular surfaces of the knee joint, in order to attempt a correlation between the two lesions. Thirty-nine horizontal tears of the meniscus in 21 patients were found, of which 32 were in the medial meniscus. There was no articular damage visible in three, minimal in eight, moderate in seven and severe in three subjects. The highest incidence was in the seventh and eighth decades with black males showing a slight preponderance. The degenerative meniscus with a horizontal tear is a part of the overall degenerative process in the knee joint and should be treated as such." 1136731,"Forty-five knees with tibial osteotomy for osteoarthrosis were studied at 5 to 10 years following surgery. Twenty-seven were graded excellent, eight good and ten poor. The best results were found in knees which maintained a Femoro-Tibial angle of 163 degrees--180 degrees whereas the poor results were associated with either under-correction at operation or late recurrence of deformity. The latter was closely related to pain. Provided that the initial deformity is adequately corrected and maintained, tibial osteotomy for osteoarthrosis of the knee gives good results which can last up to 10 years." 1136732,"A series of 58 children with 75 idiopathic congenital clubfeet is presented. Early soft tissue release was performed in 77 per cent. The main purpose of the study was to clarify the causes of postoperative relapse. The results were poor in 12 feet, 11 (19 per cent) were reoperated. On re-evaluation of the ""poor"" cases we found severe social problems involved, including parental neglect." 1136733,"The effect of cortisone and an anabolic steroid on plasma hydroxyproline (HOP) was investigated in young male rabbits, following operative fracture of the radius. The action of these hormones was studied in three groups of animals, a cortisone (hydrocortisone sodium succinate 5mg/kg every day), an anabolic (norandronolone-19-phenylpropionate 5 mg/kg every other day) and a cortisone plus anabolic treated group. A fourth group of animals served as controls. Plasma HOP was found to increase during the fracture healing in control animals, particularly in the first week and during callus remodelling. Cortisone produced elevation of HOP level during the first two weeks followed by a decrease to low normal values. Animals treated with the anabolic did not present the initial rise but a sustained increase during callus remodelling. When both the anabolic and cortisone were administered, a curve similar to that of cortisone-treated animals was obtained. The initial increase of HOP is attributed to bone destruction and to a lesser degree to synchronous bone formation at the site of the fracture. This catabolic process seems to be enhanced by cortisone and inhibited by the anabolic. When, however, the two hormones are given together the protective anticatabolic effect of the anabolic is almost abolished." 1136734,"Four surgeons participated in a study which aimed to demonstrate the physical work load during operations. Maximal oxygen uptake and maximum heart rate were determined by using the Douglas bag technique and recording the heart rate during the tests. By working at two submaximal work loads, heart rate was recorded and miximal oxygen uptake was determined indirectly. Using telemetry, heart rate was recorded during operation, and the mean oxygen uptake was determined. In 90 per cent of all operations the surgeons were working at a level of 20 to 30 per cent of their maximal aerobic capacity. There was an increase in body temperature and a decrease of body weight after all operations. In long lasting operations a decrease of grip force was noted." 1136735,"Properties of acrylic bone cements during and after curing were determined for three brands of bone cement. Curing time and consistency were chosen for the characterization of the handling and working behavior of these materials. The performance of bone cements after curing may be related amongst other things to the following properties: water resorption, solubility/disintegration, flexural modulus of elasticity, yield stress, proportional limit, flexural strength and impact strength. Methods to determine these handling and material properties are described. The influence of radiopacifying and antibiotic additives on these properties is evaluated as well as the influence of porosity on flexural strength and impact strength. The results indicate that considerable differences in the handling properties occur. The material properties of the three brands tested do not show marked differences. Radiopacifying and antibiotic additives appear to have a negative effect on material properties; the effect of porosity as it develops during curing under simulated clinical conditions is more pronounced." 1136736,"The pathological mobility of the metacarpo-phalangeal joints of 100 patients affected by rheumatoid arthritis was studied, and the results were analysed and compared with the results obtained in a control non-rheumatoid group. This report seems to suggest that rheumatoid metacarpo-phalangeal joints become more lax the longer the rheumatoid disease has been present. However, when there is marked local involvement of the joint this hyperlaxity cannot be proven because of pain and/or mechanical blockage." 1136737,"Seventy-four women were studied at various points in time between 1 month and 12 years after a fracture of the distal end of the radius--Colles' fracture. In 50 cases the maximum loss of bone after fracture was considered to have taken place in that more than 4 months had elapsed since the accident. The bone mineral content was measured in both forearms with gamma absorptiometry. It was demonstrated that the degree of post-traumatic osteoporosis, calculated as the difference between the values obtained for the injured and the uninjured arms, decreased with time. The difference between the arms was greater in peri- and early postmenopausal and in very old women suggesting that these groups had lost more bone and/or been less able to restore lost mineral with time." 1136739,"In a series of girls with idiopathic structural scoliosis the height, weight and age at menarche were studied. It was found that the girls were on the average taller than a control population and that except for the most severe cases their height was greater even if the trunk shortening caused by the deformity was not accounted for. The girls with scoliosis were also somewhat leaner. They did not deviate in age at menarche from normal girls in Sweden but there was a positive relationship between the age at diagnosis of the deformity and the age at menarche. When assessed together with previous data on the subject of height in children with scoliosis in Sweden it must be concluded that children with this deformity have a growth pattern which deviates significantly from that of the normal population." 1136740,The sitting height and its relationship to total height was compared for 164 girls with idiopathic adolescent structural scoliosis and 201 age-matched healthy controls. It was demonstrated that although girls with scoliosis were taller than controls the relationship between trunk and legs was undisturbed. 1136741,"Dating from 1953, the hips of newborn have been examined routinely all over Sweden. In 1963 more than 99 per cent of all newborns (about 110,000) were delivered at maternity departments, where such examination was recommended. 615 cases of preluxation or dislocation were diagnosed, which means a frequency of 5.6 per thousand. A high frequency reported in some hospitals suggests overdiagnosis. To assess to what extent the examination of newborns has reduced the frequency of late diagnosis dislocation and dysplasia, extracts of the records were obtained concerning all infants born in 1963 and treated for dislocation of the hip in 1963-1966 at orthopaedic departments in Sweden. Twenty-seven reported cases were analysed and the children were reviewed after 4-10 years. Fourteen (52 per cent) of the children were found to have normal or practically normal hips at the review. Eight still had dysplasia with subluxation and 3 had substantially deformed joints, one had moderate deformity and one, untreated, still had luxation. Possible causes of late diagnosis are discussed and it is stressed -- that all physicians who examine newborns should be well versed in examination of the hip joints.--that the hip joints should, when possible, be examined on two occasions during the first weeks of life, especially newborns predisposed to dislocation owing to heredity, breech presentation or different kinds of malformations.--that it should be borne in mind that complete luxation, though rare, may exist already in the neonatal period,--that one should not forget to examine the hips of newborns who, because of prematurity, asphyxia etc., are referred immediately for intense treatment before routine examination of the hips has been carried out,--that a child health centes one should not rely on the results of the examination during the neonatal period, but should always examine the hip joints." 1136754,"Two rabbits were immunized with a pool of mocoid secretion from glue ears. The ear fluids formed up to three specific protein precipitation lines with the absorbed immune serum. One of these proteins was identified as containing acid and another as containing neutral glycoproteins, the third component remained unidentified. The data bring out new evidence of the active secretory capacity of the middle ear mucosa in secretory otitis media." 1136757,"Good results of iron therapy obtained in ozena patients with significantly lowered serum iron level encouraged studies on the pathogenesis of the disease. In electron microscopic examinations, special attention was paid to the considerable disintegration of connective-tissue stroma in the mucosa. In some connective-tissue cells ferruginous micelles were found in the mitochondrial matrix. Mitochondrial deposits may be a morphological expression of disturbed iron metabolism at subcellular levels." 1136759,"The primordial submandibular glands of 12-day-old mouse embryos were studied in tissue culture before and after treatment with trypsin under the electron microscope. In vitro differentiation proceeded normally and reached a high level of differentiation. Following a soak in trypsin for 15 or 30 minutes, considerable changes were noted in the basal lamina and in the mesenchymatous cells. There often occurred bizarre bullous protrusions of the cytoplasm through the apparently weakened basal lamina and the mesenchymatous cells were converted into so-called ""ropalocytes"". Subsequently the cells regained their normal appearance and the basement lamina was covered by a thick layer of amorphous electron-opaque basement membrane like material. It is concluded that the basal lamina (the basement membrane under the light microscope) might be the keystone in the differentiation of an organ and its maintenance in the adult. The development of innervation has also been studied and it was shown that the developing submandibular galnd is endowed with large bundles of nerve axons surrounded by Schwann cells lying in the epithelial-mesenchymal region. Intra-epithelial nerves were conspicuous and occasional synaptic bars or rings could be seen contributing to thedifferentiation of the secretory cell." 1136760,"Spontaneous nystagmus and locomotor equilibrium function were repeatedly tested before and after unilateral labyrinthectomy in 12 squirrel monkeys in order to study the effect of physical exercise on the vestibulo-oculomotor and vestibulo-locomotor compensation. Post-operatively, 6 of the monkeys received forced physical exercise in the rotating cage, while the other 6 did not. The provocation of post-operative spontaneous nystagmus was less in the exercise group. The statistical studies showed a certain contribution of physical exercise toward the oculomotor balance compensation and maintenance, probably at the level of the brain stem. Statistical comparison of the locomotor equilibrium performance did not depict a significant difference between the exercise and non-exercise groups; however, there was a possibility that the present testing maneuver which involves physically advanced tasks might have concealed the effect of the physical exercise." 1136756,"Experimentally and clinically, we observed that the parasympathicomimetic reaction of the nasal mucosa was congruent with higher sensitivity of the nasal mucosa. The opposite is true of the sympathicomimetic reaction. The reason for this difference in reaction is connected with the transmitting agent of the vegetative system. This is shown in the provocation of intradermal reaction of different allergens by these transmitting agents." 1136761,"Thirty-three patients with acute non-traumatic peripheral facial palsy were studied. In one patient, varicella-zoster virus was isolated from CSF. Antibody against the same virus was present in CSF, and rising titre was demonstrated in serum. In two cases, herpes virus hominis was isolated from the nasopharynx. CF-antibody tests indicated recent viral infection in 7 other cases. One additional patient had clinical signs of herpes zoster oticus. In most of these 11 patients, but also in the majority of the remaining 22 patients, an acute phase reaction was present, and serum and CSF immunoglobulins were increased. Thus, an active or recent infection (probably viral) seemed to precede or coincide with the facial palsy in most cases in both groups." 1136758,"The authors have carried out an ultrastructural study of the human utricular macula and the vestibular nerve in the internal acoustic meatus of four patients suffering from Meniere's disease. They confirm the presence of degenerative alterations in the utricular sensory epithelium. The nervous fibers situated in the supporting connective tissue of the neuro-epithelium showed modifications in the Schwann cell cytoplasm and in the arrangement of the myelin sheaths. The same alterations appear in the vestibular nerve in the internal acoustic meatus in 2 of our cases. In the other 2, the vestibular nerve was formed by a granular matrix with several myelin figures in the proximity of possible Schwann cell nucleus debris." 1136763,"Pigeons were subjected to weightlessness caused during parabolic flight in an airplane. Experiments were performed with these birds in their normal state, as well as in conditions with hooded eyes, with the legs bound, and a combination of both handicaps. In all these situations, the flight behaviour of the birds was observed. The results are discussed and comparisons are made with the behaviour of man and fish under similar conditions." 1136764,"Respiratory and cardiovascular reflexes have been elicited from receptors in the nose and larynx in the anaesthetized dog. Cigarette smoke in the nose causes reflex apnoea, bradycardia and vasoconstriction, probably due to systemic absorption through the nose. Stimulation of laryngeal nerve also results in reflex apnoea, bradycardia, and limb vasoconstriction. When asphyxia supervenes due to apnoea, stimulation of the carotid body chemoreceptors occurs which normally cause, as primary effects, hyperpnoea and bradycardia. However, it has been shown that stimulation of the laryngeal receptors inhibits the carotid body respiratory reflex and facilitates the carotid body cardio-inhibitory reflex, the latter leading to temporary cardiac arrest. The clinical implications of this finding are discussed." 1136766,"There are two extreme types of middle ear effusion leading to hearing loss (a) a rubber-like effusion seen in secretory otitis media and (b) a water-like effusion seen in serous otitis media. The possibility is considered that the degree of crosslinking in these two extreme cases is the basis of an altered mucus transport rate that leads to an accumulation of effusions and hence impaired hearing. It has been shown (King et al., 1974) that the requisite rheological property for transport activity is not unique to mucus structural macromolecules but is found with other polymeric systems that are loosely crosslinked e.g. guaran, polyacrylamide, gelatin and agarose. Studies on one of these systems guaran, indicate that the transport rate is dependent on the degree of crosslinking with a maximum rate found close to the gel point, i.e. in a region where there are very few crosslinks per macromolecule. The finding that mucus from different mucociliary epithelial sources involves a chemically similar structural glycoprotein suggests that differences observed in transport rate between various mucus samples are more likely due to differences observed in transport rate between various mucus samples are more likely due to differences in crosslinking than chemical variations of the glycoprotein units." 1136762,Experiments were performed in 18 patients with peripheral facial palsy (Bell's palsy) including unilateral stapedius muscle paralysis. After exposure to narrow band noise centered at 0.5 kHz temporary threshold shift at 0.75 kHz was significantly higher in the ear with paralysis than in the normal ear. After exposure to 2.0 kHz narrow band noise there was no difference in TTS at 3.0 kHz between affected and non-affected ear. It was concluded that the stapedius reflex has a protective function against low frequency sound exposure and suggested that this protection might be extended to higher frequencies only when high frequency noise also contains low frequency components. 1136773,"A 32-year-old woman, patient of chronic glomerulonephritis whose total clinical course was 3 years. During this period intensive peritoneal and hemodialyses were performed. Autopsy revealed deposition of calcium oxalate in the kidneys and the other main organs as well as chronic glomerulonephritis. And it was thought that the patient was accompanied by secondary hyperoxaluria." 1136774,"Processes of the formation of cuprizone-induced megamitochondria in mouse liver have been studied in detail by electron microscopy. The earliest change observed was the presence of large intramitochondrial granules. The next stage was the formation of myelin figures by which mitochondria were apparently connected. The third stage was characterized by megamitochondria connected with each other by their outer membranes. Continuity of mitochondria were further examined by serial sections, and megamitochondria were proved to be connected to each other far more frequentlythan expected on one plane of section. A model for the mechanism of megamitochondrial formation is proposed based on electron microscopic evidences, involving the fusion of mitochondrial membranes. Possibility is also discussed that cuprizone-induced megamitochondria may fuse to one single branching mitochondrion." 1136767,"We examined 340 normal ears and cases of sensorineural deafness with electrocochleography using click stimuli (duration: 0.5 standard deviation of a population; repetition rate: plus or minus 10/sec; N=1 000, alternately positive and negative; analysis time: 31 standard deviation of a population). The latency of N-1 is a function of the sound pressure level and of the age of the subject. The intensity of N-1 (in mu-v) is a function of hearing level and is influenced by the presence of recruitment. The pure-tone audiogram is a function of the ECOG threshold and of the shape of the reaction obtained at maximal stimulation intensity." 1136775,"Protein constituents of the concentrated urine prepared from 131 patients with various renal diseases were analysed by the use of electrophoretic and immunochemical methods, referring to histopathological findings of the kidney obtained from biopsy or autopsy. Excretion of macromolecular serum proteins in the urine would be promoted not only by the lesion in glomerular filtration but also by the damage in tubular structure due to severe inflammatory change. From the evaluation of levels of immunoglobulins and various autoantibodies in the blood and urine, there could be found that their increase in the urine was mostly associated with chronic persistent inflammatory reactions followed by destructive changes in parenchymal tissue of the kidney. Investigation of the features of urinary protein and activities of autoantibodies in the urine is likely to be advantageous for the differentiation or renal disease and the decision of condition in individual patient. However, it must be noted that variation of the urinary patterns is caused by more complicated pathologic changes in whole kidney rather than the disturbance of glomerular filtrating mechanism." 1136765,"Adaptation of VIII nerve compound action potentials in response to trains of broad frequency spectrum clicks and high frequency filtered clicks is studied at various intensities in normal guinea pig under normal conditions, while masking with white noise and under pathological conditions after ototoxic antibiotic treatment. The results are discussed with respect to the clinical electro-cochleographic adaptation studies in man and the so-called two populations of receptors and nerve fibres in the cochlea." 1136768,"A case of Lermoyez's syndrome was investigated by tone-burst electrocochleography in both a period of impaired hearing and in a period of almost normal hearing. The changes in threshold values, compound action potential waveforms, input-output curves, and amplitude-latency curves for the compound AP, are described. The electrocochleographic data are compared with the psycho-acoustic data for this case and with electrocochleographic results in a group of 22 Meniere cases. Although the symptoms of vertogo and hearing impairment in Lermoyez's syndrome occur in the reverse sequence, as compared with the classical Menière attack, the data obtained in this case of Lermoyez's syndrome do not differ substantially from those obtained in a group of Menière cases." 1136770,"Under constant visual guidance and closed-circuit television monitoring, electrodes are inserted into the fluid spaces of the organ of Corti. The resting electrical potentials are determined with respect to the neutral voltage of the guinea pig and related to other potentials of the auditory labyrinth. The resting potential of the subtectorial space, inner sulcus, tunnel and other spaces of Corti's organ are found to be the same as, or slightly more negative than the potential of perilymph. The tectorial membrane isolates the reticular lamina from endolymph which fact, when considered along with other evidence, indicates a more biophysical than mechanical role for the membrane. A motion picture is presented showing the cells and spaces of the organ of Corti and the placement of electrodes." 1136776,"In our attempts at establishing a cancer cell line from various ascites of cancer bearing patients, a cell line was successfully established from the ascites of a 63-year-old female with primary ovarian tumor (embryonal carcinoma). Histological findings of the peritoneum, due to metastasis, appeared to be cystadenocarcinoma, revealing the differentiation to non-epithelial cells which formed coarse networks and fibers, and morphologic changes of tissue cultures also reflected such histologic findings. At present the subculture has reached the 95th population doubling level, and cultured cells have assumed the morphology of mesothelial cells or fibroblasts with about 50 chromosomes. As a human malignant cell line, it is useful for the study of human malignant tumor cell." 1136771,"The value of the binaural resynthesis test administered according to Matzker's principle can be estimated only when a comparable monaural test can be used as a control. The most common positive finding in the filtered speech test is asymmetrical discrimination. Both parts of the message delivered to either ear must therefore have the same intelligibility in normal material. Binaural intelligibility is highly resistant to degenerative changes in the auditory system, for example. Positive findings in the binaural test are encountered frequently in brain stem lesions with vascular or traumatic aetiology." 1136772,"The program of the electronystagmographic examinations in the pathology of the central nervous system contains 11 groups of tasks. Sixty signs of central impairments are listed, from which 26 nystagmic irregularities had a small diagnostic value. No sign occuring alone could be taken as pathognomonic, only a group of signs can be used for the impairment localization. Besides for the peripheral vestibular and the peripheral vestibulocochlear impairments, the authors succeeded to make a group containing pathogomonic signs for mixed vestibular impairments as well as for multiple sclerosis affecting vestibular structures." 1136840,"The present study was designed to test the hypothesis of ""schizophrenic spectrum"" disorders. The families of 60 process schizophrenics were systematically interviewed with structured interview forms, and evaluated for psychiatric illness according to strict diagnostic criteria. The interviewed persons were then separated into two groups for comparative analysis according to a positive (FH+) or negative (FH-) family history for schizophrenia. The frequencies of affective disorder and all non-psychotic conditions did not differ to a convincingly significant degree between the two groups. Our data thus fail to support the ""schizophrenic spectrum"" hypothesis in which neurosis and sociopathy occur as a consequence of a genetic loading for schizophrenia.?" 1136841,"A step-by-step analysis of Beck's and Hamilton's rating scales showed that both scales failed to differentiate adequately between moderate and severe depression measured by a global clinical assessment. Each item of the scales was tested for calibration, ascending monotonicity, and dispersion parallel to the clinical assessment. Twelve items of Beck's scale and six items of Hamilton's scale were found valid with respect to these criteria. Those items should be taken into account in future research for baseline ratings and for change ratings of depressive states quantitatively." 1136842,"Among 2,619 patients admitted to a medical department for duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and ulcer dyspepsia without ulcer demonstrable by x-ray, admissions to psychiatric departments were investigated. A total of 20.4% of the patients had at some time during their lifetime been admitted, but no significant differences were observed in percentage among the three ulcer groups or the sexes. The incidence of psychoses was close to the expected, whereas neuroses among women and neuroses and psychopathy among men were far in excess of the expected. Among those operated on, the percentage of persons admitted to a psychiatric department was greater than among unoperated patients and their number of admissions per 100 observation years were significantly greater than for unoperated patients, within well-defined observation periods. For patients operated on, only men with duodenal ulcer had significantly more admissions per 100 observation years in the postoperative than in the preoperative period. The course of the disease was more severe for patients with duodenal and gastric ulcer admitted to a psychiatric department than for those not admitted, but the subjective status at the time of the follow-up did not differ between the two groups. Among men, there were a number of heavy drinkers, especially among those operated on." 1136843,A follow-up of 35 patients first diagnosed as having presenile dementia at York Clinic is described. In only 15 cases did progressive deterioration confirm the diagnosis. A retrospective case note study of all the patients is described comparing the clinical features and results of special investigations of those patients in whom the diagnosis was confirmed in this way and those in whom it was not. The results of this study are used to illuminate some of the special difficulties in the early diagnosis of presenile dementia. 1136850,"A survey of 22 patients operated on with left ventricular (LV) infarctectomy during 1967-72 is given. Clinical, haemodynamic and angiographic results are discussed. In most patients, in whom pre- and postoperative examination was possible, there was improvement concerning anginal pain, dyspnoea and attacks of ventricular tachycardia. Exercise studies revealed a lower heart rate at follow-up. In general, heart size had decreased. Angiographically, there was a decrease in end-diastolic and end-systolic heart volume postoperatively, with an increased LV ejection fraction." 1136851,"Diazepam has been used to an increasing extent in cardioversion, since avoiding general anaesthesia simplifier the procedure. The present study concerns the effect of diazepam on BP and blood gases in 13 cases of cardioversion. A moderate fall of both systolic and diastolic BP occurred. The arterial pO2 and pCO2 did not change significantly." 1136852,"The renal climination of vancomycin has been determined in 18 patients. In 4 anuric patients in intermittent haemodialysis the dosage of vancomycin necessary to treat infection with penicillin-resistantstrains of Staphylococcus aureus was determined. In 14 patients with varying degrees of renal insufficiency vancomycin, creatinine and 125-iothalamate clearances were measured and found to be closely correlated. After administration of the initial vancomycin dose and attainment of the serum concentration desired, the maintenance dose can be calculated on the basis of the GFR." 1136853,"Four patients with benign monoclonal immunoglobulinaemia and associated glomerulopathy are described. Immunohistochemical investigations of the immunoglobulin-containing cells in the bone marrow revealed an unexpectedly pronounced predominance of monoclonal over polyclonal cells as typically seen in macroglobulinaemia and multiple myeloma, but in contrast to the malignant plasma cell proliferations the percentage of immunoglobulin-containing cells only constitued 6-12% of the nucleated cells. The possible pathogenetic mechanisms relating monoclonal immunoglobulinaemia and glomerulopathy are unknown. The sera did not contain antibodies to glomerular basement membrane, cryoglobulins, antinuclear factors or antiglobulins. The immunohistochemical technique certainly offers a clear advantage over conventional bone marrow cytology in the study of patients with monoclonal immunoglobulinaemia." 1136854,"The plasma concentrations of free fatty acids (FFA), glycerol and insulin as well as the blood glucose concentration have been followed in two groups of subjects after infusions of theophyllamine. Each individual was examined twice. The 5 subjects in group 2 were given an infusion of norepinephrine before the theophyllamine at one of the examinations and saline at the other. The 6 subjects in group II were given an infusion of norephinephrine at both examinations, followed by theophyllamine on one occasion and by saline on the other. Thus, the subjects in both groups served as their own controls. It was found that theophyllamine caused lipid mobilization, as measured by the plasma FFA and plasma glycerol concentrations, both when given as the only active drug and when given after norepinephrine. The blood glucose concentration rose slightly after norepinephrine and the plasma insulin level increased concomittantly. When theophylline was given as the only active drug, there was no increase in the blood glucose but the plasma insulin concentration rose slightly." 1136855,"Oral, intracubital, and intraportal glucose tolerance tests have been performed on 7 non-obese non-diabetics, and glucose and insulin concentrations have been followed in the peripheral and portal blood. A significant rise in portal glucose and insulin was found 1/2-2 min after oral glucose intake. There was no lag between the rise in insulin and glucose concentrations. The portal glucose concentration after oral glucose intake was significantly higher than after cubital glucose infusion for 45 min, although the peripheral glucose concentrations were identical. In the cubital vein the insulin concentration after oral glucose intake was significantly higher than after i.v. glucose infusion, but in the portal blood there was no difference. After portal glucose infusion the cubital insulin concentration did not differ significantly from the concentration after i.v. glucose infusion. Thus, it seems unlikely that a high portal glucose concentration is responsible for the higher peripheral insulin concentration after oral glucose intake. A high portal glucose concentration does not seem to influence the hepatic uptake or release of glucose." 1136856,"The removal of exogenous triglyceride (TG) in forearm muscle and subcutaneous tissue of 7 healthy male volunteers has been studied by nephelometric determinations of arterial-deep venous (a-dv) and arterial-superficial venous (a-sv) differences in concentration of fat particles. Exogenous TG was administered as a constant i.v. infusion of Intralipid over a period of 30 min at reat and another 15 min during forearm work. At rest a significant positive a-dv difference in fat particle concentration of 121 plus pr minus 21 mumol TG/l (mean plus or minus S.E.M.) was found, which correspondens to a fractional extraction of 1093 plus or minus 2.0%. Also the a-sv difference was significant, 81 plus or minus 14 mumol TG/l, 5.7 plus or minus 0.8% of the arterial concentration. During exercise no further significant removal was found. Thus both skeletal muscle and subcutaneous tissue seem to be able to remove exogenous TG in substantial amounts under resting conditions. In the exercising muscle, however, the direct removal of exogenous TG does not seem to be of significant importance." 1136857,"The fatty acid spectrum of adipose tissue (AT) lipids has been determined in 43 apparently healthy men with different levels of plasma triglycerides (TG) and different degrees of glucose tolerance (GT). Compared to men with normal plasma TG levels those with hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) had a similar percentage of linoleic acid (18:2) but lower amount of fatty acids, tentatively identified as linolenic (18:3) and arachidonic (20:4) acid. Men with HTG also had lower k-values for the i.v. GT. The content of 18:3 and 20:4 was positively correlated to the k-value of the GT and negatively to plasma TG. These correlations were independent of each other. As usual there was a negative correlation between plasma TG levels and the k-value, which however disappeared after partial correlation analysis when 18:3 was kept constant. Apparently a low content of 18:3 in AT is common both in HTG and glucose intolerance (GI) and might partly explain the often seen association between these two metabolic abnormalities. Since the content of 18:2 was normal it is suggested that the low amount of 18:3 and 20:4 was caused by metabolic rather than dietary factors. The possibility that a low content of 18:3 and 20:4 might play a role in the pathogenesis of GI and HTG is discussed." 1136858,"The acetylation of procaine amide has been studied by means of gas liquid chromatography in 33 healthy human volunteers. The acetylator phenotype was determined by measuring unchanged and acetylated sulphapyridine in urine. Slow acetylators of sulphapyridine excreted significantly less procaine amide in acetylated from in the urine than rapid acetylators (9 plus or minus 1% against 19 plus or minus 4%). Hence, it is suggested that the acetylation of procaine amide is subject to the same genetic polymorphism as that of isoniazid and some sulfonamides." 1136859,"Twenty-three out-patients with mild or moderate essential hypertension have been treated with a combination of hydralazine (37.5-150 mg daily) and oxprenolol (60 mg daily). Before treatment the patients were phenotyped for polymorphic acetylation by means of the sulphamethazine test: 12 proved to be slow and 11 rapid acetylators. A significant correlation was found between daily doses of hydralazine and the plasma hydralazine levels, separately in slow (r=0.480) and in rapid (r=0.580) acetylators. The antihypertensive response to hydralazine correlated well to plasma hydralazine levels. The mean fall of BP in slow acetylators was 33/23 mmHg in supine and 20/18 mmHg in standing position. The corresponding values in rapid acetylators were 22/15 and 21/15 mmHg. The average daily doses of hydralazine needed for these responses were 1.3 mg/kg in slow and 1.6 mg/kg in rapid acetylators. To reduce the systolic BP by 20 mmHg, 1.0 mg/kg of hydralazine was needed in slow acetylators; rapid acetylators needed a significantly higher dose of 1.4 mg/kg. During a follow-upof 1 year there have been virtually no side-effects. The results tally with the previous finding of Zacest and Koch-Weser, who demonstrated a similar correlation during the triple-drug regimen. It seems as if hypertensive patients can be succesfully treated with hydralazine and beta-blocking drug without knowledge of the patient's acetylator phenotype. However, acetylator status is a determinant of tissue levels and long-term toxicity of hydralazine, and patients should be phenotyped because beta-blockers may mask the warning side-effects." 1136860,"Urinary excretion of antimony, arsenic, bromine, cadmium, caesium, cobalt, copper, gold, iron, mercury, molybdenum, ribidium, scandium, selenium, silver, tungsten and zinc from five hypertensive patients beforeand during treatment with hydralazine has been investigated. The method consisted of neutron activation analysis combined with a recently developed ion exchangee technique. The mean copper excretion during treatment with hydralazine was found to be more than twice that before treatment." 1136861,"One hundred and four patients with Hodgkin's disease have been studied retrospectively in order to evaluate the relationship between fever associated with the disease (Pel-Ebstein type) and the development of anaemia. In the material 19 episodes of fever were found to be of this type. The mean loss of Hb during a fever period was 14% (range 2-33). From the rate of decrease in Hb it was deduced that this was at least partly caused by an increased destruction of erythrocytes. There was a significant correlation between the thermal exposure (expressed either as the duration of fever, the maximum body temperature during the fever period, or the sum of the temperature maxima) and the degree of erythrocyte loss. The loss of Hb was self-limited in spite of persistent fever. Furthermore, there seemed to be an inverse relationship between the degree of preexisting anaemia and the fever-induced relative loss of Hb. A possible explanation is that the older part of the erythrocyte population is more sensitive to the effect of fever." 1136862,"Leo 1031, a chlorambucil ester of prednisolone, has been administered orally to 15 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) continuously for 1-29 months (mean 12.5). Seven patients were previously untreated and eight had been treated with prednisolone, radiotherapy and/or alkylating agents. The initial daily dose was generally 8-16 mg and the maintenance dose was 6-8 mg. Allopurinol was given concurrently. In 14 of 15 patients a reduction of the leucocyte count was observed and a reduction, in most instances, of lymphadenopathy or splenomegaly, or both. In seven patients the Hb concentration was improved. Significant toxic effects on bone marrow function have been observed in one patient. Two patients developed urticaria. Our study suggests that the drug is effective in the treatment of CLL." 1136863,"A 25-year-old man presented with severe hypertension associated with hypokalemia, elevated plasma renin level and secondary hyperaldosteronism. Malignant phase hypertension and renal artery stenosis were ruled out, and a preoperative diagnosis of renin-secreting renal tumour was made on the basis of higher concentrations of renin in the left than in the right renal venous plasma in spite of normal findings on selective renal arteriography. By removal of the affected kidney the tumour was found and it had a very high content of renin. Following the operation the plasma renin level, serum aldosterone concentration and BP became normal. We present a histopathological description and an ultrastructural study of the tumour." 1136864,"The effects of bilateral partial prefrontal lesions on go-no go differentiation with symmetrical or asymmetrical reinforcement trained by the avoidance procedure were investigated. Moderate impairment of these tasks was observed after large lateral or medial prefrontal lesions, while severe impairment after a deep incision of the fibers in the specific prefrontal region. It is suggested that the mechanism of avoidance differentiation is of a symmetrical type, which is directly related to the ""motor act differentiation"" but not to the drive-no drive differentiation." 1136865,"In dogs with chronic parotid fistula, conditioned salivary reactions reinforced by food were established. After bilateral lesions of the dorsomedial part of the amygdaloid complex, the conditioned salivary reactions were greatly diminished. Also the unconditioned salivation decreased. This decrease was greater in dogs which revealed the whole syndrome of amygdalar aphagia, but it was also evident in hypophagic dogs. In some dogs, the disinhibition of the salivation to negatives CS was also observed. Results show that the dorsomedial amygdala, similarly to lateral hypothalamus, is involved in the regulation of salivary reactions." 1136866,"Dogs were unable to learn ""same-different"" differentiation of pairs of photic stimuli when continuous light (CL) and pulsing light (PL) were presented in four combinations: CL-PL and PL-CL served as S(D) (positive instrumental conditioned stimulus), whereas CL-CL PL-PL were S delta (inhibitory stimulus). Also the dogs which have learned this task with tones were unable to transfer to photic stimuli. Differentiation of the single stimuli (CL and PL) as S(D) and S(delta) was quite easy and showed that the stimuli were readily discriminable." 1136867,"Four dogs, previously trained to perform on the ""same-different"" differentiation with tones transfered readily to the same task with new stimuli of the same (auditory) modality. The data are interpreted as an support for the ""matching"" hypothesis and a disproof of the notion of ""conditioned switching""." 1136868,"One hundred cells of the visual cortex were studied using flashes, clicks and light-sound combinations with different delays. Forty nine neurons changed the total number of spikes to click stimulation. Twenty eight cells responded to clicks with specific response pattern. In 23 cells the initial discharge occurred at 60-70 ms after the onset of clicks. In 39 cells the responses to light-sound combinations differed from the responses to flashes. While 16 cells decreased their responses, the addition of sound increased firing in 23 cells. The specific modification of the light-evoked responses under acoustic stimulation were classified into three main categories: 22 cells generated new response patterns, 18 cells showed a re-distribution of peaks in the PTS histogram and three cells demonstrated a desynchronization of the spike discharge. The study of the heteromodal recovery cycle revealed that the majority of the cells increased their firing during 0-100 ms and decreased firing during 200-300 ms of the response time scale. The critical delays between light and sound, resulting in the modification of the response for the majority of the cells, were within 100 ms in both directions." 1136869,"Cats deprived of pattern vision with hoods and normal cats were used. During the first 3 months of life some hood-reared cats had visual experience with a three-dimensional cross or a ping-pong ball. Recording were performed in adult cats with a pretrigeminal brainstem transection. Unit responses to the cross and the ball were recorded in area 19 within the projection of area centralis. Stimulus-dominance of the exposed object was manifested weakly. Both exposed and control objects activated more units in the experienced hood-reared cats than in hood-reared and normal controls. Compared with previous finding, the present results indicated that early visual experience affects area 19 differently than areas 17 and 18." 1136870,The interaction between kinins formed in central nervous system and acetylcholine was studied. Endogenous ACh in excess acted psychodepressively on the animal's behavior as evaluated with Lat's test. This effect was more intense in those rats in which the activity of kinin-forming enzymes in the nervous tissue had been increased with either kallikrein or bradykinin. Both kallikrein and bradykinin intensified the psychodepressive action of exogenous ACh given into the brain ventricle. Results show that kinins can enhance the inhibitory central action of ACh. 1136871,"The investigations deal with the pharmacological activity of albumin degradation products. The peptides which resulted from 30 min trypsin digestion of human albumin exhibited some kinin-like effects. The peptides given intraperitoneally and intraventricularly revealed a central inhibitory action, the strength of which was similar to kinin effects." 1136880,"The participation of intraventricular conduction defects in the AV delays and blocks has been investigated by His bundle electrogram recording in 239 patients with different degrees of AV blocks and QRS enlargement (greater than 0.12 sec). In absence of PR prolongation, the His bundle electrogram can demonstrate intraventricular conduction delay (HV superior to 55 msec) with an increasing frequency in right bundle branch block and right bundle branch with left axis deviation, left bundle branch block and right bundle block with right axis deviation. In cases of first-degree AV block (PR greater than 0.20 sec) delay within the His bundle is present in 20% of the cases and HV prolongation, isolated or associated with an upper conduction defect is demonstrated in 66% of the cases. Second-degree AV block with QRS enlargement in the conducted beats is due to a subnodal lesions of the conducting tissue in 80% of the cases. Wenckebach phenomenon and bundle branch block is as frequent above as below the site of His bundle electrogram recording. Möbitz II block has always an infranodal localization. Third-degree AV block with wide QRS complexes is the consequence of a lesion within the His bundle in 11% and of a complete bilateral bundle branch block in 78% of the cases. Exploration of the AV conduction in acute myocardial infarction with AV block confirms the usual bilateral bundle branch lesion in anterior myocardial necrosis and the AH localization of the AV block in posterior myocardial infarction even in presence of enlarged QRS complexes. Unidirectional block occurs in 19 of the 82 cases of complete anterograde bilateral bundle branch block, with retrograde conduction to the atria in 11 and concealed retrograde conduction in 8 cases." 1136885,"In patients with WPW syndrome the maximal ventricular rate attained during ectopic rapid supraventricular thythms depended on the type of arrhythmia as well as on the physiological properties of the AP. During reciprocating tachycardias the impulse is almost invariably conducted to the ventricles through the AV node. Therefore, the maxiaml ventricular rate is a function of the AV nodal ERP. On the other hand, when atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation were present the ventricular rate could be moderately elevated (when the ERP of the AP was longer than that of the AV node) or very rapid where the ERP of the AP was significantly short. Therefore, from the electrophysiological viewpoint, the AP appears to behave as His-Purkinje tissue in some cases and as ordinary artrial muscle in other patients. These assumptions await further documentation." 1136886,"Electrical stimulation of the heart, using the single test stimulus method, gives the opportunity to study the mechanisms of tachycardias and the effect of drugs on these mechanisms directly in the heart of the patient with the WPW syndrome. Using these methods the effect of digitalis, procainamide, quinidine, ajmaline, lidocaine, propranolol and verapamil has been studied. Understanding of the mechanisms responsible for initiation and maintenance of tachycardias and the way in which they can be influenced by drugs should be of help in the treatment of the symptomatic patient with the WPW syndrome." 1136887,"Computer criteria for LAHB and LPHB were described together with limits of normal for ortogonal leads. These differ significantly from those used for conventional 12-lead ECG, indicating the need for specific LAHB and LPHB criteria in orthogonal electrocardiography. Multivariate analysis with a likelihood ratio test was used for the separation of records with conduction defects with and without MI. The total number of records was 847. The recognition rate for MI in the presence of LVCD was 66%. In the presence of RVCD, MI was diagnosed correctly in only 55%. This relatively poor result was probably due to the relatively large number of combinations of RCVD with LAHB or LPHB." 1136888,"In a series of 840 cases of unselected complete LBBB, 2 groups were compared with each other, one of 174 cases of complete LBBB with a QRS axis markedly deviated leftward, from minus50 to minus 90 degree (group A), the other 434 complete LBBB with a normal QRS axis included between minus20 and plus30 degree (group B). Group A differed from group B by the etiological predominance of primary cardiomyopathies, the lesser frequency of hypertensive and/or coronary heart disease, the rarity of idiopathic complete LBBB. It was commonly combined with marked enlargement of the X-ray heart shadow, with marked widening of QRS complex and had a definitely more severe prognosis. The anatomical study performed in 88 cases (52 group A, 36 group B) showed on thw whole a slightly more enlarged heart and a more marked left ventricular dilatation in group A. There were no differences in the state of the coronary arteries and in the frequency of myocardial infarction. Microscopical examination of the left bundle branch, performed in 42 cases (25 group A, 17 group B), showed the habitual and intense changes of the bundle branch, but without obvious difference between the 2 groups concerning the topographical distribution of the lesions." 1136889,"Using the Dürrer electrode needle to record the intramural electrogram and a standard peripheral electrocardiogram (ECG) lead as reference, the authors studied the action of 9 different drugs in the conduction system of dogs. The authors concluded that diphenylhydantoin and lignocaine would be useful in dysrhythmias related to increased excitability and perhaps increased automatism. Ajmaline and quinidine may be some of some interest in dysrhythmias due to conduction disturbances; and, finally, ajmaline, diphenylhydantoin, di-isopyramide and quinidine may be useful in dysrhythmias due to focal re-entry." 1136891,"Concealed intraventricular conduction is defined and the following classification of the manifestations of concealed conduction into the bundle branch system is proposed. 1. Trans-septal retrograde concealed intraventricular conduction responsible for (a) perpetuation of functional bundle branch block initiated by a premature supraventriculra impluse; (b) alternation of aberrant ventricular conduction in supraventricular bigeminy; (c) normalization of intraventricular conduction with acceleration or rate in bradycardia-dependent bundle branch block, and (d) prevention of the manifestation of Wenchbach periods of conduction in a bundle branch or fascicle. 2. Antegrade concealed intraventricular conduction responsible for (a) prevention of expected aberrant ventricular conduction when a short cycle follows a long one, and (b) exceptions to the ""rule of bigeminy"". 3. Retrograde concealed intraventricular conduction of a ventricular escape in association with unidirectional bundle branch or fasciular block responsible for (a) resumption of AV conduction in ""paroxysmal AV block"" with bundle branch block, and (b) facilitation (due to supernormality) of conduction in type II AV block due to bilateral bundle branch block. 4. Concealed intraventricular conduction of a premature ventricular impulse responsible for (a) initiation or termination of a re-entrant ventricular tachycardia; (b) resetting of an idioventricular pacemaker, and (c) pseudo-intraventricular or pseudo-AV block." 1136893,"Mechanisms of ventricular tachycardia in patients with chronic recurrent tachycardia and patients with acute myocardial infarction were studied by electrical stimulation of the heart. While re-entry was the most likely mechanism in chronic recurrent ventricular tachycardia, focal activity or re-entry in a very small area seemed to be responsible for ventricular tachycardia during acute myocardial infarction." 1136934,"An incidence of 60 per cent of postoperative RBBB in the ECG's and available VCG's of 26 patients with isolated muscular VSD repaired was noted after ventriculotomy. In the 38 patients with VSD's near the membranous septum who underwent repair via the tricuspid valve, the incidence of postoperative RBBB was 44 per cent. Results suggested that either ventriculotomy or injury to the right bundle near the VSD can cause RBBB after surgical closure of the defect. Changes in the initial 0.02 second electrovectocardiographic forces in patients with postoperative RBBB were thought to result from central injury to the specialized conduction tissue supplying the interventricular septum. Peripheral RBBB, therefore, could be separated from central RBBB, by the appearance of the initial electrovectorcardiographic forces. For detection of these changes in initial forces, both the ECG recorded at 50 mm. per second and the Frank VCG were useful." 1136935,"Quinidine gluconate was used to treat arrhythmia induced with maximal exercise testing. Twenty-nine subjects who had previously developed frequent premature contractions on testing were selected for further study. After a control maximal exercise test, quinidine (10 mg. per kilogram) in solution was given orally in a single dose, and two hours later the same test was repeated. Recurrence of premature contractions was completely prevented in five of the 19 subjects tested; suppression was better than the mean value in three others, and in 11 subjects it was below the mean value. The plasma concentration at two hours was 1.68 plus or minus 0.31 ug per milliliter, which is a therapeutic level. Raising the dose to 15 mg. per kilogram eliminated the premautre contractions in six subjects whose response to 10 mg. per kilogram had not been complete, but not in two others. Lowering the dose to 5mg. per kilogram lowered the plasma level to below the therapeutic level. No differences between the responses to the drug of the otherwise healthy subject and those with symptomatic heart disease could be found. Compared with the responses to the control tests, there were small but significant changes in the second test in heart rates, blood pressure, and duration of exercise. Aerobic working capacity estimated by Vo2max was unchanged. Mild toxic effects manifested by malaise and diarrhea were a common finding with both 10mg per kilogram and 15mg per kilogram of quinidine, but not with 5mg per kilogram." 1136936,"The effects of isoproternol (ISOP) on the functional properties of the A-V conduction system were studied in 16 patients using His-bundle recordings and the atrial extrastimulus technique. In all patients, ISOP at an infusion rate of 1 mcg. per minute resulted in sinus acceleration and enhancement of A-V nodal conduction, but had no effect on His-Purkinje conduction time. ISOP significantly decreased both functional and effective refractory periods of the A-V node. The relative refractory period of the His-Purkinje system decreased by a small amount in five patients in whom the parameter could be compared before and after the drug." 1136937,"To elucidate the mechanical consequences of ventricular pre-excitation in patients with the W,W syndrome, electrical and mechanical events in the ventricles during anomalous pathway conduction and normal atrioventricular conduction were examined mechanocardiographically in 11 cases of Group A and 19 cases of Group B, in whom anomalous pathway conduction was stopped by procaine amide, resulting in normalization of conduction. Eight healthy persons were employed as a control group. In the control group, procaine amide had no significant effect on the mechanocardiographic values. In the WPW syndrome, significant prolongation of the P-X, P-J, P-T, P-C, P-I, P-Ao, and P-II intervals was induced by the drug. From the results of statistical analyses of measured values, it would appear that mechanical events in the ventricles were accelerated by ventricular pre-excitation but the extent of acceleration of the former was less than the extent of prematurity of the latter. The anomalous ventricular pre-excitation occurred earlier in cases of Group B than in those of Group A, while initiation of ventricular contraction, atrioventricular valve closure, and aortic vlave opening were accelerated more in Group A. In one case of Group B, electrical phenomena could not be related to mechanical events." 1136938,"Force-velocity curves were constructed in nine patients with CP from a high-fidelity LV pressure tracing and its simultaneously recorded first derivative. Vmax and peak Vce (Vpm) were calculated using the 2-element (Hill) or Voigt model; the curves were also constructed and Vmax measured using the 3-element Maxwell model. The measurements were compared with those in a group of four patients with CMO and with two control subjects. Measurements of the celerity of ventricular contraction--peak LVdp/dt, Max d/IP and Vmax (2-element model)--were reduced in CP and greatly reduced in CMO. The effect of beat-to-beat variations in preload during pulsus paradoxus on the indices of ventricular celerity was studied. Peak LVdp/dt and Vpm varied with the change in LVEDP: the change in Vmax was negligible using the 2-element (Hill) or Voigt model. The 3-element (Maxwell) model failed to discriminate between the three groups of patients and seems to be invalid at high LV end-diastolic pressures." 1136939,"Dexamethasone exerted no significant hemodynamic effect in sham-operated cats or in cats subjected to acute myocardial ischemia. However, the glucoccortcoid did normalize elevated S-T segments toward pre-ischemic values, and prevented much of the increase in plasma CPK activity following coronary artery ligation. Moreover, dexamethasone prevented loss of CPK activity and restricted the loss of lysosomal hydrolase within ischemic myocardial tissue. These data indicate that lysosomal disruption is an early consequence of myocardial ischemia and that treatment with dexamethasone prevents the loss of myocardial lysosomal and cellular enzymes as reflected in normalization of the ECG and plasma CPK activity of ischemic cats. In this way, dexamethasone may act to retard the spread of the developing infarct within the ischemic myocardium." 1136940,"In prior studies, we have shown that the antikaliuretic drugs, triamterene and amiloride, through a direct cardiac effect reduce the loss of cardiac potassium induced by the administration of digitalis. Since loss of myocardial potassium is thought to underlie digitalis arrhythmias, this study was performed to determine whether triamterene and amiloride also extend the toxic dose and thus the therapeutic effect of digitalis. In twelve dogs, acetylstrophanthidin was infused (100 ug per minute) serially at 2.5-hour intervals. Trimterene (400 mg. in divided doses) was infused before the third acetylstrophanthidin infusion. This extended the dose required to produce a toxic arrhythmia by 110 per cent. In fourteen additional studies, nine dogs received 400 mg. of triamterene prior to the third acetylstrophanthidin infusion and five animals received 100 mg. of amiloride during the same period. In these fourteen studies, not only was the toxic dose of digitalis extended, but its inotropic effect (see article) (common peak developed isovolumic ventricular pressure) was also increased. These studies have demonstrated that through a cardiac effect, by reducing the digitalis-induced loss of cardiac potassium, the potassium-sparing drugs, triameterene and amiloride, extend the toxic dose of digitalis and thus permit txtension of its inotropic activity." 1136949,"Four patients, with an additional seven from the literature, had meningitis following a lumbar puncture (LP) that disclosed normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Animal studies demonstrate that perforation of the meninges in the presence of bacteremia enhances the development of meningitis. Simultaneous blood culture should be obtained with all LPs. Regardless of the results of the initial LP, a second CSF examination is recommended in any patient whose clinical condition is deteriorating. If the initial blood culture is positive, a second LP should be strongly considered in all newborn and very young infants." 1136952,"Suppurative sialadenitis is rare in the neonate and usually involves the parotid glands. Two cases are reported of suppuration of the submandibular gland in the newborn. Diagnosis was made by clinical signs of infection, appearance of a unilateral, erythematous submandibular mass, and expression of pus from the orifice of Wharton duct under the tip of the tongue. Gram stain, culture, and antibiotic sensitivity studies were done on the purulent material. Staphylococcus aureus grew in both cases and was sensitive to treatment with methicillin sodium. This report discusses the management of these cases, with speculation about the possible cause. To my knowledge, these are the only two cases found in the literature of suppurative submandibular sialadenitis occuring as an isolated lesion in the neonatal period." 1136953,"Three patients with cystic fibrosis were noted to have swelling of knee and ankle joints during exacerbation of their lung disease. Synovial fluid was analyzed in one patient and the synovium underwent biopsy in another. These studies excluded other causes of arthritis but did not contribute any new information on the nature of secondary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Radiological examination of long bones confirmed the diagnosis of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy in all three patients. Since many patients with cystic fibrosis survive longer, more instances of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy are expected in the future." 1136961,"The changes which our health delivery system must undergo in order to respond to the health needs of our society by the year 2000 are presented. The discussion centers on two sets of forces: the necessity for institutionalization and the need for knowledge, information and understanding. Specialization as a means for division of labor among health professionals is predicted to increase." 1136962,The provision of primary health care to a rural American Indian population by a pharmacist is discussed. The training and responsibilities of the pharmacist are described. An evaluation of the care provided by the pharmacist to 393 patients is presented. 1136963,"Seven brands of intravenous fluid administration sets were studied to determine: (1)which set(s) maintained the most consistent flow rates; (2) if the type of fluid container (open, vented or closed, nonvented) affected the flow rates of administration sets; and (3) which set(s) closely approximated the theoretical amounts of fluid to be delivered in one hour at flow rates of 60,100 and 125 ml/hour. Six samples of each brand of administration set were tested in a laboratory setting which approximatedclinical conditions. The type of fluid container had little effect on the performance of the administration sets. The ARDL set was the most accurate in terms of the average volume of fluid delivered in 24 hours. The Burron set required fewer adjustments in 24 hours to maintain a constant flow rate. The U.S. Surgical set recordedthe smallest percent change in flow rate at the end of the first hour. The U.S. Surgical set is rated superior in overall performance. Based on the results of the study,the authors make recommendations to health care personnel, the pharmaceutical industry and the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention." 1136964,"The medication error rates of a hospital's multidose and computer-based unit dose drug distribution systems were compared; in addition, the medication error rate of the unit dose system was compared to that reported for noncomputerized unit dose systems in other hospitals. Two similar adult, medical, patient care units, each serviced by a different drug distribution system, were studied for 60 days. Information about the medications administered was obtained by the disguised observation technique during intermittent periods. The observer's notations on the medications administered were compared to the physicians' orders to determine if errors had been committed. Only medication ""errors of commission"" were recorded. There were significantly fewer medication errors and significantly fewer medications administered at the wrong time in the unit dose system. The medication error rate associated with the unit dose system compared favorably with that of most other unit dose systems. No particular benefit, in terms of the medication error rate, was attributed to the computer element of the unit dose system." 1136966,"The clinical symptoms and treatment of acute isoniazid toxicity are presented. The use of supportive measures and chemotherapy are discussed in detail. The pharmacology and biochemistry underlying the symptons of isoniazid poisoning are aslo presented. It is concluded that diazepam in combination with pyridoxine is the treatment of choice for the management of convulsions associated with isoniazid toxicity. Pyridoxine should be administered intravenously in amounts equal to the estimated quantity of isoniazid ingested, even if seizures have not occurred." 1136968,"Federal certificate of need legislation (Section 1122 of Public Law 92-603)aimed at the elimination of costly, duplicative or unneeded health care expenditures is discussed. This law applies only to institutional providers receiving federal reimbursements. The key issues for pharmacy are that proposed substantial changes in service and capital expenditures of $100,000 or more must be justified to local and state comprehensive planning agencies prior to implentation. Failure to comply with the legislation can result in a reduction or withholding of federal reimbursement." 1136969,A simplified method for the quantitative analysis of hyoscyamine hydrobromide or atropine in Belladonna Tincture USP is described. The procedure is based on the formation of an alkaloid-dye complex which can be extracted with an organic solvent and measured spectrophotometrically. The results obtained by this method compare favorably with those obtained by the USP method. 1136973,"Recommendations regarding (1)hospital receipt and storage of large-volume parenterals and (2)hospital compounding of intravenous admixtures are presented. The recommendations are presented in a stepwise manner, and a self-evaluation form is included. Also included is a pictorial illustration of a suggested dressing change for an i.v.catheter." 1136974,"The basic concepts of quality assurance are discussed as they apply to hospital pharmacy practice. The terms norm, criteria, standard, structure assessment,process assessment, and outcome assement are defined. The interrelationships among the following five steps in the quality assurance cycle are reviewed: definition of quality, quality assessment, education and change, redefinition of quality, and reassessment of quality. Finally, the importance of research in the quality assurance process is discussed." 1136975,"The relationship between adherence to approved drug labeling and patient length of stay in hospitals was studied. The records of 200 patients at a 175-bed, short-term, pediatric hospital were reviewed to determine if the actual drug therapy agreed with the officially approved indications, contraindications, age restrictions and dosages. The average length of patient stay was nine days. Only 19% of the observed variation in length of stay could be correlated to the number of doses per drug per patient. The variable dose, indications, contraindications and age agreement could not be correlated to length of stay." 1136976,"A program designed to improve patient care by assuring the quality of medications stored in patient care areas is described. A questionnaire covering six major areas--medication room, controlled substances, refrigerator, emergency medication kit, other storage areas and miscellaneous--designed to assist in gathering information during medication quality assurance rounds was developed. Rounds are conducted every four months by a pharmacist and a nurse. To ensure that any deficiencies are corrected, copies of the findings are sent to the appropriate pharmacy and nursing personnel." 1136977,"A 23-bed hospital unit specializing in rehabilitating patients suffering from chronic pain by (1) reducing their consumption of and dependence on medication, (2) increasing their level of daily activity and (3) discouraging pain-oriented behavior is described. In addition to aspirin or acetaminophen, four drugs--amitriptyline, diphenylhydantoin, cobra venom extract and methadone--are used to reduce pain while other therapeutic measures are used to rehabilitate the patients. Methods for reducing the amount of analgesics taken by chronic pain patients are discussed. Unit dose packaging is used because the oral solid dosage forms (including placebos) are made to look alike." 1136978,"A study was conducted to determine if ice cream and sherbet interfered with the adsorption of aspirin onto activated charcoal both in vivo and in vitro. An aqueous suspension of 20 g activated charcoal decreased the absorption of 1 g aspirin by 65%; the same dose of activated charcoal with 50 g of ice cream reduced aspirin absorption by only 42% under otherwise identical conditions. In vitro tests showed that different ice creams and sherbet decrease the adsoprtion of aspirin onto activated charcoal. Thus, although ice cream is useful for preparing palatable suspensions of activated charcoal, it decreases appreciably the antidotal efficacy of the adsorbent." 1136979,"The gentamicin blood level vs. time profiles of various dosage regimens recommended for renal impairment were reassessed by applying pharmacokinetic techniques to the patient data in the clinical literature. Eight dosage regimen modifications were tested in eight prototype cases of renal impairment (serum creatinine range of 0.9-12.0 mg/100 ml and creatinine clearance range of 5-100 ml/min/1.73 m-2) using simulated blood level vs. time profiles generated from the known pharmacokinetic parameters for gentamicin. Employing a one-hour intravenous infusion at dosages and dosing intervals recommended by the various blood level vs. time profiles. Methods recommending shorter dosing intervals (every 24 hours and less) generally resulted in a greater percent duration of the dosing interval above the selected ""effective response concentration"" (ERC) of a 4mug/ml blood level and a markedly shorter duration of sub-ERC blood levels. Methods based on creatinine clearance as an index of renal function generally achieved greater percent duration of the dosing interval above the ERC and lesser duration of blood levels below this value than methods based on serum creatinine." 1136980,"The use of diuretics to treat edema is reviewed. Normal salt and water metabolism is reviewed briefly. The drugs covered are the thiazide diuretics, loop diuretics(ethacrynic acid and furosemide) and distal blocking agents (spironolactone and triamterene). The sites and modes of action, indications, doses, complications and relative costs of these agents are discussed." 1136990,"d-Isoproterenol (ISO) applied topically to the rabbit eye specifically lowered intraocular pressure. Thus, it effectively reduced normal intraocular pressure and inhibited intraocular pressure elevation induced by water load without causing other obvious local or systemic pharmacologic effects. By comparison, dl-ISO was pharmacologically nonspecific in that amounts required to reduce intraocular pressure also produced significant and marked tachycardia. Furthermore, maximal intraocular pressure reduction was less with dl-than with d-ISO. Accordingly, and in consideration of reported clinical experience with dl-ISO in glaucomatous man, the d-isomer should be the preferred form of ISO for treating glaucoma. d-ISO should offer advantages over any other topical medication used currently in the treatment of this condition. Toxicity studies employing large, topical doses of drug in rabbit eyes showed that d-ISO was free from ocular irritation as well as systemic toxicologic effects and should be safe for controlled studies in man." 1136991,"Visual acuity, color vision, pupillary reaction, induced Pulfrich phenomenon, kinetic fields, static fields, afterimage testing, and ophthalmoscopic evaluation were studied in nine patients with a history of retrobulbar neuritis. The most consistently reliable test for determining the presence of an old optic nerve defect in these patients was meridional 0 to 180 degrees static perimetry. There was a uniform decrease in brightness discrimination to either side of the foveal peak." 1136997,"Ligneous conjunctivitis occurred unilaterally in a 74-year-old man after pterygium excision and only involved the bulbar conjunctiva. Histochemical studies confirmed the presence of mucopolysaccharides in the lesion sensitive to hyaluronidase. The patient was treated successfully with topical hyaluronidase and alpha-chymotrypsin, with no recurrence 20 months after cessation of therapy." 1136998,"We used the head-tilt test--based on an imbalance between the function of a paretic superior oblique muscle and its homonymous superior rectus muscle, rather than on an anomaly of cycloversion-to test three patients with superior oblique muscle palsies. Spontaneous ocular torticollis was absent if a patient had poor vision in one eye or if his vertical fusional amplitudes were of such magnitude that he was able to overcome his vertical deviation in all positions of gaze. These latter instances, though rare, may be more common than reports indicate." 1137000,"We made 344 stereoacuity determinations (Titmus Stereotest) on 321 children, ages 1 1/2 to 13 years, who had normal binocular single vision tested by other factors. The data showed a gradual improvement in stereoacuity scores with increasing age--up to age 9--when a normal stereoacuity of 40 seconds of arc was consistently found. The lower limits of stereoacuity compatible with normal binocular single vision were 3 1/2 years, 3,000 seconds; 5 years, 140 seconds: 5 1/2 years, 100 seconds; 6 years, 80 seconds; 7 years, 60 seconds; and 9 years, 40 seconds." 1137001,"Genetic parameters were contrasted for vergence amplitudes within three populations--esotropic, exotropic, and randomly selected populations-who differed in their incidence of subtypes of strabismus. In general, heritabilities for convergence exceeded those for divergence, and heritabilities for recovery points exceeded those for break points. Heritability estimates for diveregence amplitudes were significantly different for the random and esotropia populations, while convergence heritability estimates for these groups were similar. Thus, gene differences influencing divergence ability contributed to genetic variance for strabismus." 1137002,"We examined 21 patients with closed-head trauma and resulting paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle. Clinical findings included laterally directed gaze palsy, some unconsciousness, and pseudo-duane's phenomenon suggesting a supranuclear lesion at the level of the upper pontine tegmentum, and pontine paramedial reticular formation. The surgical procedure of choice was a ""midline operation,"" that is, the appropriate number of millimeters of recession and resection to achieve 0 to 5 degrees of exotropia in the primary position of gaze. Frequently, the medial rectus muscle must be recessed 10 nm or more and the lateral rectus muscle resected 10 nm or more to achieve this result. None of the 21 patients had diplopia after the midline procedure." 1137003,"Studies of corneal explants in the hamster cheek pouch chamber have demonstrated that blood vessels invade the cornea only if the tissue is first infiltrated by leukocytes. In view of this observation, a comparative study of the events that precede and accompany corneal vascularization was undertaken in various experimental models. A variety of established methods were used to induce corneal vascularization, including exposure of the cornea to noxious agents, intracorneal injection of antigens into sensitized animals, as well as maintaining animals on diets deficient in vitamin A or riboflavin. In all models studied, the corneal vascularization was a manifestation of the reparative phase of the inflammatory response. A conspicuous leukocytic infiltrate of the cornea preceded and accompanied the corneal vascularization in all of the models. Although the lesions varied in several respects in the different models, all models displayed three phases with regard to vascularization: an early prevascular phase of leukocytic infiltration, a second phase where blood vessels persisted in the cornea in the absence of leukocytes. The latent period that preceded vascularization was directly related to the time of the initial leukocytic infiltration. The models in which a delay occurred in the leukocytic invasion displayed a subsequent delay in the vascular ingrowth. Conversely, in experiments where there was a rapid and extensive leukocytic invasion, there was also an early and enhanced corneal vasoproliferative response. In the various modesl investigated, the sites of the leukocytic infiltration and subsequent vascular ingrowth into the cornea paralleled each other. The data further support the hypotheses that leukocytes are a prerequisite to corneal vascularization and that leukocytes produce one or more factors which stimulate directional vascular growth." 1137004,"The brains of 18 patients were examined post mortem for histologic criteria of edema, and samples of white and gray matter were analyzed for water, sodium, and potassium content. In a parallel experimental study, brains of cats with unilateral freezing lesions and resulting cerebral edema were similarly examined immediately after death and up to 18 hours post mortem. In both types of material, in gray matter there was a relatively rapid (within less than 4 hours) increase in water and sodium content and fall in potassium content. In normal and edematous white matter, little change was observed post mortem. No correlation could be demonstrated in any of the material studied between water content and histologic grading for cerebral edema. It is concluded that determination of water content in the white matter postmortem could be a useful tool for the neuropathologist. Histologic assessment of cerebral edema is of little value." 1137005,Administration to rats of D-galactosamine (400 mg/kg) produces liver cell death that develops during the first 24 hours. Plasma membranes isolated within the first few hours from these animals show a 40% reduction in 5'-nucleotidase activity and a two-fold increase in maximum negative ellipticity determined by circular dichroism. Simultaneous administration of uridine prevents liver cell death and these early alterations in the plasma membranes. Uridine also prevents cell death if administered for up to 3 hours after galactosamine. The 5'nucleotidase activity reduced when uridine is administered for up to 2-1/2 hours after galactosamine. Changes in the liver calcium ion concentration accompany these plasma membrane alterations. Uridine will prevent and reverse the changes in calcium content in parallel to its ability to reverse the membrane alterations. The significance of these findings with respect to the mechanism of galactosamine-induced liver cell death is discussed. 1137010,"The effects of ischemia, induced by a tourniquet, were investigated on 36 adult Holtzman female rates in terms of damage to the ventral horn cell of the spinal cord and tibial nerve and motor end-plate degeneration and regeneration. Clinically, the rats were tested for sensory and motor loss and recovery and these results were compared with the histological findings. Ischemic periods of 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours were used followed by survival times of 3 weeks to 9 months. Histologically, there was degeneration and regeneration found to varying degrees in the nerve and motor end-plate. There were no changes found in the ventral horn cell. There was a loss of pain sensation in all animals, except the 2 hour group, and a loss of motor function. Motor function, preceded by sensation, returned in all animals. With the absence of ventral horn cell damage it was not surprising to find adequate regeneration histologically and, therefore, a return of both sensory and motor function." 1137011,"The purpose of the study was to study the effects of cross-transfer on fractionated reaction time components in the unilateral and bilateral measurement conditions. Ss (N = 30) responded to a sudden arm displacement from an electromagnet by abducting the falling arm (unilateral ipsilateral trial, N = 15), by abducting the non-stimulus limb from a RT switch (unilateral contralateral trial, N = 15), or by performing both of these responses simultaneously (bilateral trial, N = 15). EMGs from the 45 randomized trials were monitored from the middle portions of the relaxed deltoideus muscles. Dependent variables were ipsilateral reflex latency (IRL), ipsilateral premotor time (IPMT), contralateral premotor time (CPMT), and contralateral reaction time (CRT). The following statistical procedures were applied to the data: an interclass correlation, a subjects-by-trials analysis of trends for each variable, and a single-groups subjects by two within-group variables analysis of variance for the six logical comparisons. IPMT was the only latency decreased by the addition of the bilateral measurement condition; however IPMT remained slower than CPMT even in the bilateral measurement condition. IRLs, CPMTs, and CRTs remained the same. The addition of a bilateral measurement condition appeared to result in less delay from the synchronous reflex volley to IPMT than in the unilateral measurement condition." 1137012,"The authors describe their experience with the different types of telemetry systems, applicable for locomotion studies and other similar areas of research. They describe the differences between frequency modulation (FM) systems and time-domain multiplexing (PAM) systems. They discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of each of these systems, particularly as applied to the transmission of EMG signals." 1137015,"The authors discuss their observations of acute psychiatric patients in a day hospital, noting the universality of the existential concerns that arise once the patient has confronted his illness. They discuss the problem of what determins a ""cure"" in emotional disturbances and suggest that the primary issue is for patients to learn to live as healthy people within the limits of their individual potential." 1137016,"The coverage of out-of-hospital expenses for mental health care through prepayment and insurance programs has been a major advance in removing the economic barriers to early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders. However, obstacles to obtaining treatment block many eligible people from receiving help. The authors conducted a study among members of the United Auto Workers union to identify these roadblocks. Among the obstacles were differences in perceptions of need for treatment and in attitudes toward treatment, and lack of awareness of eligibility for benefits among three key groups - consumers, referral agents, and providers. The authors urge psychiatry to help in removing these obstacles." 1137017,"The use of the diagnosis ""sociopathy"" and its synonyms hinders the search for other kinds of symptomatology, the recognition of which might lead to appropriate therapeutic intervention. The authors therefore suggest that the terms ""sociopathic personality,"" ""antisocial personality,"" and ""acting out aggressive reaction of childhood or adolescence"" be eliminated as primary diagnoses from the psychiatric nomenclature for children or adolescents. Two case reports are presented to emphasize the damage these diagnoses can cause." 1137018,"Drawing on their experience, the authors explore the opportunity for learning administrative process that is available to the psychiatric chief resident. They categorize six models of the psychiatric chief residency and document two of them, the ward chief and the interface chief, as providing particularly rich administrative experiences. Although the chief resident's administrative experience is only a preliminary one, it can be a first step in solidifying his identity as a clinician-executive." 1137019,"The authors present data from a survey of four methadone maintenance programs, five outpatient clinics, six nonresidential facilities, and nine therapeutic communities affiliated with the Dade County Comprehensive Drug Program. The treatment population included more blacks but fewer Latins than the general county population. Primary drugs of abuse were narcotics in methadone clinics and ""softer"" drugs in outpatient and nonresidential facilities. Most patients were either self- or court referrals. Direct per patient costs, which were lowest in the outpatient clinics, averaged $1,041. The authors suggest that their data may aid other comprehensive drug treatment programs in establishing guidelines." 1137021,"The authors examined 88 patients with an admission diagnosis of schizophrenia for the presence of good and poor clinical prognostic signs and related their findings to the clinical presentation, response to somatic treatments, and prevalence of illness in first-degree relatives. The results augment the growing evidence that good and poor prognosis schizophrenia are different illnesses and that good prognosis schizophrenia is frequently indistinguishable from manic-depressive illness." 1137022,"The authors report the occurrence of a sever striopallidal disorder in a schizophrenic patient one week after he received fluphenazine enanthate injections on an every-other-day schedule. In view of current interest in depot psychopharmaceuticals, they recommend that careful attention be given to dosage and administration schedules and to the possibility of delayed pseudoparkinsonian symptoms. Emergency room physicians should be alerted to the possible side effects of such drugs." 1137023,"The author describes a technique for use with adolescents (perferably nonpsychotic, acting-out patients) in the terminal phase of psychiatric hospitalization. Patient, parents, and therapist have a summit meeting during which they write a contract which is a prerequisite of the patient's discharge. The document, which all parties sign, specifies conditions of the patient's return to family life. A case report, including a contract, illustrates the use of the technique." 1137024,"The author presents data on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) characteristics of a sample of enlisted Army men returning from Viet Nam identified as heroin abusers. Although a marked heterogeneity of MMPI profile types was found, a significant percentage of the subjects showed indications of marked psychopathology, and only a minority performed within normal limits on the MMPI. Theses military subjects showed neither greater nor less psychopathology and sociopathology than previously reported samples of civilian addicts." 1137025,"Although traditional societies in Oceania direct their fertility choice behavior (if any) toward spirits rather than sexual intercourse, closer observation shows that these fertility choice behaviors, while groping and magical, sometimes have empirical value. The author notes that the alternative to effective fertility control in these societies has sometimes been population regulation of the Malthusian variety (e.g., murder and starvation). Efforts aimed at spacing the family in a less savage and more effective manner deserve encouragement, the author believes." 1137026,"The wacinko syndrome in the Oglala Sioux varies from a nonclinical reaction to pathological degrees of anger, pouting, withdrawal, depression, psychomotor retardation, mutism, immobility, and even to suicide. Although indigenous proctitioners recognize the syndrome as a distinctive disorder, it has not been described by non-Indian practitioners. The author presents a case report and suggests that most cases are diagnosable as reactive depressive illness." 1137037,"The thalamoperforating arteries are divided into 2 distinct groups, an anterior and a posterior. The PTPAS are retromammillary branches of the precommunicating segments of the posterior cerebral arteries. The PTPAS may be divided into interpeduncular, mesencephalic and thalamic segments and are not directly related to the third ventricle. They are primarily midbrain and thalamic arteries. The main trunk of the PTPA (mesencephalic segment) normally does not undulate, but assumes a characteristically straight configuration. The ATPAS arise from the posterior communicating arteries anterior and lateral to the mamillary bodies. The ATPAS are primarily diencephalic vessels. Interpeduncular, paraventricular (hypothalamic) and thalamic segments may be identified. The major segment of the ATPAS is para third ventricular in location at the level of the massa intermedia." 1137038,"The tomographic findings in the Stenvers' projection of inner ears of 24 patients with Waardenburg's syndrome are described. In 12 of these 48 inner ears deafness was found. The roentgenographic examination did not show any malformation of the inner ears of these patients. In the literature on this subject, the tomographic findings of the inner ears of 12 deaf patients with Waardenburg's syndrome have been described. In 8 of them malformations were reported, especially of the semicircular canals. These findings in the literature could not be confirmed by our study." 1137041,"In the present case, a patient with symptoms referable to the occipital lobe, selective angiography demonstrated evidence of occlusion of branches of the left posterior cerebral artery with collateral circulation in addition to the congenital anomaly. The congenital absence of both vertebral arteries with a large occipital-basilar anastomosis may be explained by our hypothesis that occlusion occurred at the gestation age of 32-36 days. This case is presented in the hope that it will lead to the recognition of similar anomalies and further support our hypothesis. Selective angiography is the method of choice in the study of cerebrovascular disease and brachiocephalic vessels." 1137042,Sixty-five B-mode carotid sonograms were obtained at random on patients undergoing cerebral arteriography. A 5 mHz transducer was used. The results were correlated with magnified cervical carotid arteriograms obtained on these patients. B-mode sonography was accurate in evaluating the carotid arteries for surgical stenosis in 72 per cent of the cases. The feasibility of using B-mode sonography as a screening test in patients with asymptomatic carotid bruits is discussed. 1137206,"The efficacy of hypnotherapy in aborting acute asthmatic attacks was studied in 17 children ranging in age from six to 17. All had as their primary diagnosis bronchial asthma. Prior to hypnotic induction pulmonary function was assessed, then monitored in the immediate post hypnotic period and at two intervals thereafter. The average improvement for all subjects was greater than 50% above the baseline measurement as documented by spirometry, monitored dyspnea, wheezing and subjective ratings by the subjects. It is suggested that hypnotherapy may be an important tool in ameliorating asthma, improving ventilatory capacity and promoting relaxation without recourse to pharmacologic agents. One explanation offered is that hypnosis affects an automic response, thereby diminishing bronchospasm." 1137208,"1728 patients prick skin tested for eight fungi in the St. Louis, Missouri metropolitan area exhibited overall a rather low level of allergenicity as well as a general lack of cross-reactivity. Alternaria, however, elicited a high allergic reaction in both reactivity level and reaction frequency in the population. Response of pediatric patients was higher than that of adults, and the extract concentration and source varied the allergenic response only slightly." 1137209,"An evaluation was made of the protection induced by an attenuated Anaplasma marginale vaccine in young purebred cattle against the challenge exposure of naturally transmitted anaplasmosis in enzootic areas of Mexico. The cattle, which were raised in isolation units free of arthropods, consisted of 10 Brown Swiss calves (1 to 13 months of age) and 8 Holstein calves (5 to 7 months of age). They were paired by breed, age, and body weight, and allotted to 2 equal groups. Calves in 1 group were vaccinated, and at 6 weeks after vaccinations were done, calves in both groups were placed in the field where they were raised for approximately 1 year. Two Holstein and 3 Brown Swiss calves of the nonvaccinated group (group 2) developed clinical anaplasmosis, and the remaining calves of this group had hematologic evidence of the disease during the 2 to 4 months after introduction to the field. The vaccinated group, which remained free of anaplasmosis, showed consistently greater weight gain than did the controls. Among the Holstein calves, the maximum weight difference in favor of the vaccinated group was 50 kg/head at 5.5 months after field exposure, and among the Brown Swiss calves, the differences in weight gain in favor of vaccinated calves at the end of the 12-month period was between 11 and 30 percent. It is concluded that the vaccine provided a means for safe adaptation of high-quality young cattle to the tropics by protecting them against what appears to be the major obstacle to this practice, anaplasmosis." 1137210,"Physiologic responses of irradiated and nonirradiated Shetland Ponies to controlled exercise were measured over a period of 5 years. The 5-year test began when the ponies were 3 years old and 5 months after they were exposed to 650 R of 60-Co gamma radiation. Significant differences in heart rates, respiratory rates, and rectal temperatures were demonstrated between irradiated and nonirradiated ponies when subjected to exercise and high ambient temperatures. Inthe irradiated group, heart rates were usually slower, especially during recovery immediately after exercise, and respiratory rates and rectal temperatures were higher than these rates were in the nonirradiated group when exercising in ambient temperature of 29.5 C. Exhaustive exercise did not amplify any of the differences which were apparent with moderate exercise. From a general viewpoint, the irradiated ponies performed work as efficiently as did the nonirradiated ponies. Early changes in blood-cell concentrations after irradiation were similar to those which have been observed in other large animal species. Time required for the various types of blood cells to return to base line values ranged between 3 months and 3 years." 1137211,"Surgically placed bile duct cannulas allowed collection of secreted bile from nonanesthetized ponies. UNINTERRUPTED ENTEROPHEPATIC CIRCULATION WAS PERMITTED BETWEEN COLLECTIONS. Deleterious effects of cannulation were not observed. Average bile flow was 18.6 plus or minus 1.72 (standard error) mul/minute/kg, bile acid excretion was 0.179 plus or minus 0.0212 mumole/minute/kg, and bilirubin excretion averaged 1.22 plus or minus 0.136 mug/minute/kg." 1137212,"Tetracycline-labeled bones of 23 foals from 52 to 104 days old were sectioned and macroscopically examined to assess the extent of ossification or fusion of ossification centers. A grading system was devised with which to record information about the ossification centers and growth plates. The objective was to define anatomic standards which could contribute toward obtaining an accurate radiologic interpretation. Labeled limb bones of 3 neonatal foals were similarly treated, but grading of these was limited to the consideration of whether each site was still cartilaginous or had commenced to ossify." 1137213,"Glossitis, known clinically as ""redtongue,"" was studied in tissues from 34 military working dogs (MWD) in the Republic of Vietnam. This condition was manifested grossly by loss of lingual papillae on the dorsal margins of the rostral third of the tongue. Microscopically, the principal lesions consisted of loss of filiform papillae, hemorrhage and edema in the lamina propria, acanthosis, and cellular infiltration. The cause of glossitis remains unknown at this time." 1137215,A cystic condition of the peritoneum of tuna fish (Thunnus thynnus) caught from the Persian Gulf is described. Parasitologic examination established widespread infection by the cestode Grillotia. An account is given of the taxonomic position of this genus. 1137214,"Ci 744 (20 mg/kg, given intramuscularly (IM) produced a reliable level of surgical anesthesia in both dogs and cats. Animals anesthetized in this way did not have an increased sensitivity to cardiac fibrillation after they were given epinephrine. Epinephrine-induced ventricular arrhythmia observed in C1 744-anesthetized animals was eliminated in cats and was markedly reduced in dogs by bilateral vagotomy. Myocardial fibrillation was not produced by epinephrine (0.1 to 100 mug/kg, intravenously (IV) in dogs and cats anesthetized with C1 744 alone. Pentobarbital anesthesia, like C1 744 anesthesia, did not sensitize the heart, whereas a significant number of thiamylal-halothane-anesthetized animals died from cardiac fibrillation after they had been given epinephrine. Additional dogs were anesthetized with C1 744 or pentobarbital and given a series of pressor and depressor agents (isoproterenol, epinephrine, tyramine, 1, 1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazium iodide (DMPP) plus bilateral carotid occlusion) before and after vagotomy. The responses with either anesthetic were similar with the exception that the reflex bradycardia to pressor agents was more evident in C1 744- than in pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs." 1137216,"Activated coagulation test (ACT) was performed in 37 adult ponies and 31 adult horses. The mean ACT time of all ponies and horses was 2 minutes 38 seconds, with a standard deviation (SD) of 29 seconds. The ACT was compared with the Lee-White clotting test in heparinized ponies. The correlation of ACT with the Lee-White test was 0.95. Anticoagulation heparinized ponies during prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass was successfully monitored with the ACT. The ACT is simple and reproducible, has a definite end point, and would seem to be an ideal screening test for hemorrhagic diathesis in equine animals." 1137239,Long-term survival data are presented for 200 patients with chronic airway obstruction of uncertain etiology who were enrolled in a prospective study approximately 14 years ago. Early death rates were closely related to the initial level of ventilatory impairment. Subjects with relatively mild impairment on entry to the study had a favorable prognosis for the first 5 to 7 years of follow-up but then began to show a higher death rate; there are few long-term survivors in the total series. 1137240,"Normal children as well as those with asthma and cystic fibrosis were studied to assess the contribution of lung zones emptying at different rates to the curvilinearity of the maximal expiratory flow-volume curve. Lung volumes, maximal expiratory flow-volume curves breathing air and then breathing a helium-oxygen mixture, and single-breath nitrogen washouts were measured. Forced expiratory maneuvers from lung volumes near functional residual capacity were performed to produce transients of flow exceeding maximal flow defined by the full flow-volume curve. Normal children and those with asthma and mild cystic fibrosis had small or no transients. Those with severe cystic fibrosis had large transients as well as increased phase I on the nitrogen washout curves. These large transients were associated with increased curvilinearity of the maximal expiratory flow-volume curve and smaller than normal flow response breathing helium. In severe cystic fibrosis, the large transients suggest sequential emptying of fast and slow spaces, which influences the shape of the maximal expiratory flow-volume curve. The fast space could be due to compression of an enlarged anatomic dead space. Any time constant inequality between parenchymal units present in asthma and mild cystic fibrosis does not appear to contribute significantly tof the shape of the maximal expiratory flow-volume curve." 1137241,"Tracheal mucous velocity was measured by observing the motion of teflon discs across the tracheal mucosa through a fiberoptic bronchoscope. The average rate of movement in 14 adult patients with cystic fibrosis was 2.6 mm per min plus or minus 3.3 SD, compared with 20.1 mm per min plus or minus 6.3 in 20 normal subjects of the same age (P less than 0.001). This failure of mucociliary transport may play a role in the pathogenesis of the pulmonary disease in cystic fibrosis. Administration of a beta-adrenergic agent, terbutaline, increased the average mucous velocity in the patients with cystic fibrosis (to 5.5 mm per min plus or minus 3.6 SD, P less than 0.001) but not in control subjects. This observation has potential therapeutic significance." 1137242,"Fourteen subjects with reversible obstructive lung disease inhaled one per cent lidocaine mist delivered by an ultrasonic nebulizer. The effect of ultrasonic nebulization per se was evaluated by a control study utilizing normal saline. After lidocaine inhalation there was a significant decrease in expiratory flow and an increase in airway resistance compared with either baseline or post-saline values. The changes were mild and do not preclude the continued use of nebulized lidocaine as an adjunct to bronchoscopy, but caution in its use is indicated." 1137243,"The various factors influencing closing volume were studied by performing the single-breath N2 test on 9 healthy nonsmokers. Time of day, day of the week, and preceding volume history had no effect on either closing volume or alveolar plateau. Slow inspiratory flow resulted in larger ratio of closing volume to vital capacity, ratio of closing capacity to total lung capacity, and change in N2 concentration than fast inspiratory flow. Voluntary regulation of the expiratory flow resulted in smaller ratios of closing volume to vital capacity and closing capacity to total lung capacity than when flow was regulated by a resistance. Prolonged breath holding of the inspired O2 led to larger ratio of closing volume to vital capacity and ratio of closing capacity to total lung capacity. To obtain uniform, comparable closing volumes, it is suggested that the subject inspire slowly, control expiratory flow (preferably voluntarily), and not pause between inspiration and expiration." 1137244,"A new spirometric measurement was performed with 803 healthy, nonsmoking men and women. Using the forced vital capacity curves, the forced end-expiratory flow (FEF75-85%) had a negative correlation with age and a positive correlation with height. Prediction formulas and nomograms were constructed. Comparison with the forced mid-expiratory flow (FEF25-75%) showed generally larger correlation coefficients for physical characteristics and coefficients of variation for the FEF75-85%. Expressing both the FEF75-85% and FEF25-75% as ratios of forced vital capacity did not improve the coefficients. The mean flow rates of 75 male smokers were compared with 213 non-smokers 30 to 49 years of age. The FEF75-85% significantly distinguished between a group of smokers and a group of nonsmokers, but the FEF25-75% showed no significant difference. In 9 patients with presumed peripheral airways disease, FEF25-75% ranged from 70 to 110 per cent of predicted normal but FEF75-85% was 30 to 72 per cent of predicted. An extensively studied control group of 22 healthy, asymptomatic, nonsmoking subjects had FEF75-85% values of 80 to 163 per cent of predicted. Both small groups of 9 patients and 22 control subjects had FEF75-85% values within 1.65 standard error of estimate. In subgroups of 319 persons, use of 75 per cent of predicted mean for FEF75-85% was of greater value in attempting to screen normal from abnormal population than using 1.65 standard error of estimate. The FEF75-85% is suggested as a useful simple ventilatory test to detect early obstructive pulmonary disease." 1137245,"Twenty healthy adults, 10 smokers and 10 nonsmokers, were exposed to 0.5 ppm of ozone for 6 hours in an environmental chamber. They engaged in two 15-min, medium-exercise stints on a bicycle ergometer during this period. The symptoms most commonly noted with exposure to ozone, dry cough and chest discomfort, were experienced by more nonsmokers than smokers. Subjects who experienced symptoms, in general, were those who developed objective evidence of decreased pulmonary function. Significant changes from control values for the group as a whole with exposure to ozone were observed for the following pulmonary function tests: specific airway conductance, pulmonary resistance, forced vital capacity, and 3-sec forced expiratory volume. No significant change was observed with respect to diffusing capacity for CO, static compliance, or the various tests derived from the N2 elimination rate. In addition, nonsmokers exhibited a significant decrease in dynamic compliance after exposure to ozone. When the smokers were considered as a separate group, no significant decrease in pulmonary function was observed, although some individual smokers showed adverse functional changes." 1137246,"The tissue of a benign, localized, pleural mesothelioma was digested with protease, and the crude polysaccharide was fractionated by a column of Dowex-1 (Cl-form). The eluate from the column was electrophoresed and incubated with various mucopolysaccharide lysases. Based on the results of column chromatography, electrophoresis, and enzymatic digestion, it was found that hyaluronic acid was the major constituent of the glycosaminoglycans in pleural mesothelioma. The hyaluronic acid from pleural mesothelioma seemed to be identical in structure with that from human umbilical cord; however, the hyaluronic acid from mesothelioma was eluted before that from human umbilical cord when fractionated by the column of Sepharose 4B, suggesting a differnence in molecular size between the two. Also, evidence was obtained for the presence of dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate." 1137247,"Horizontal gradients in the distribution of ventilation and of regional vital capacities, as well as a reversed vertical, esophageal pressure gradient, were observed in a patient with a unilateral painful chest wall lesion. The distribution abnormalities disappeared after surgical treatment. These findings suggest that the interdependency between chest wall and lungs, and within the latter, between lobes, is an important factor determining the regional distribution of ventilation and the pleural pressure gradient in man." 1137248,"This study was performed to evaluate bronchopulmonary lavage and chelation therapy as a treatment method to prevent the development of radiation pneumonitis after inhalation of a radioactive aerosol. Twelve beagle dogs were exposed to an aerosol of cerium-144 in fused clay particles resulting in initial lung burdens from 47 to 64 muCi of 144-Ce per kg of body weight. Eight of the dogs were treated with a series of 10 bronchopulmonary lavages and 10 intravenous injections of calcium diethylenetriamine pentaacetate acid during the first 56 days after exposure to remove the deposited 144-Ce; the remaing 4 exposed dogs receiged no treatment. An additional 4 dogs were exposed to stable cerium and were given the course of treatment as an additional control group. Three of the 4 untreated dogs and 2 of the 8 treated dogs died 171 to 246 days after exposure with radiation pneumonitis or pulmonary fibrosis, or both. All but one of the remaining dogs were alive and apparently in good clincial health 550 dyas after exposure; the one dog had radiographic indications of pulmonary fibrosis by 365 days after exposure. The relative distribution of 144-Ce in the lungs and other major organs was similar in the treated and untreated dogs that died." 1137250,"A case is reported in which transbronchial lung biopsy using the fiberoptic bronchoscope was complicated by massive, fatal hemorrhage. This previously unreported complication occurred despite normal prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times and platelets of 93,000. Pathological examination revealed that a very small (0.5-mm) vessel was the source of the bleeding. Although severe complications are undoubtedly rare, this report suggests that the transbronchial lung biopsy is not a totally benign procedure. Suggestions are made to prevent future similar occurrences in very ill patients or in patients with coagulative abnormalities or blood dyscrasias." 1137251,"A young man who had had two episodes of high-altitude pulmonary edema in the absence of any respiratroy distress was noted to have a depression of his hypoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory drives. It is postulated that because of his blunted ventilaory drives, the patient progessed to coma on exposure to low ambient oxygen tensions (i.e., high altitude) without ever increasing his ventilation. The importance of including highaltitude pulmonary edema in the differential diagnosis of any patient who is admitted with coma after a sojourn at high altitude is stressed." 1137252,"When studying a group of lung cancer cases in a limited period of time to determine the relationship between age at diagnosis and smoking habits, the multiplicity of birth cohorts and the small segment of the life-span distribution of cases observed are confounding and restraining conditions. A model was constructed that suggests that small observed age shifts represent large age shifts in the life-span distributions." 1137255,"Alternate-day corticosteroid therapy was compared with two daily corticosteroid regimens for the treatment of giant cell arteritis. In a prospective study 60 patients with this disease were randomly assigned to three treatment groups: group A, 15 mg of prednisone every 8 hours; group B, 45 mg of prednisone every morning; and group C, 90 mgof prednisone every other morning. After 1 month of treatment, the arteritis seemed to be completely suppressed in 18 patients in group A and 16 in group B but in only 6 in group C. In the 14 other patients in group C, the continuing symptoms were cyclic and developed during the day steroids were not given. By changing to a daily regimen, the arteritis was controlled in most patients in group C. Adverse reactions to prednisone were noted frequently in groups A and B but rarely in group C." 1137256,"Automated feedback control methods were applied to a medical problem, in a computer program that used measured serum digoxin concentrations (as feedback) to predict future concentrations and to achieve desired concentrations. The system was validated by comparing its ability with the corresponding ability of physicians to regulate digoxin dosage. The prospective, randomized study included 51 patients. In the presence of varying amounts of feedback (serum digoxin concentration) information, the computer always predicted future digoxin concentrations as accurately as did physicians. For both computer and physician, the decrease in the prediction errors when two concentrations were known against that when no concentrations were known was significant: mean absolute error decreased from 0.40 to 0.25 ng/ml for the physicians and from 0.45 to 0.27 ng/ml for the computer. Thus the computer system is capable of simulating and reproducing a sophisticated aspect of physician behavior: ""learning"" about individual patient responses. The computer achieved desired concentrations more accurately than did physicians, especially when two or more previous digoxin concentrations were abailable (mean absolute achievement error for computer, 0.28 ng/ml; for physicians, 0.50 ng/ml)." 1137257,A 15-month prospective study of the personnel and students exposed to initially unsuspected active cases of tuberculosis was undertaken to define the risk of their acquiring infection. Eight of 484 (1.65%) personnel exposed to 17 initially unsuspected tuberculosis patients and 5 of 2013 (0.25%) unexposed personnel with similar risk but no known exposures developed positive tuberculin skin tests. This greater than sixfold increase in conversion rate for the exposed group was significant (chi-2=14.83; P=0.0003). Delay in making the diagnosis in these patients was associated with failure to apply a tuberculin skin test on admission in 14 patients and radiologic misinterpretation in 15. A comprehensive surveillance method involving the Employee and Student Health Departments as well as the Public Health Department is suggested to minimize the risk of undiagnosed tuberculosis. 1137258,"Since 1967, six cases of African trypanosomiasis have been diagnosed and treated in the United States. Five patients were Americans infected with Trypanosoma rhodesiense, and the other was an African student with T. gambiense. Presenting signs and symptoms for all cases were typical of the disease, but often the diagnosis was delayed. The five Americans had spent only brief periods in endemic areas. All cases responded to therapy although one relapsed. Cases of imported sleeping sickness are few, and the risk of Americans acquiring the disease while traveling to endemic areas is low. However, the early diagnosis of sleeping sickness requires that physicians be cognizant of the possibility of imported tropical diseases." 1137259,"The syndrome of hereditary thrombocytopenia, deafness, and renal disease was manifest in at least eight members in three generations of a family. They had a lifelong history of bleeding, usually as epistaxis, bilateral sensorineural deafness starting in late childhood or the teenage years, and persistent proteinuria with varying degrees of renal dysfunction. Two members died at a young age, one from central nervous system hemorrhage, the other from chronic renal failure. Splenectomy and steroid therapy have been of transient benefit. There was dominant inheritance of the syndrome. Hematologic studies showed thrombocytopenia, large platelets, and megakaryocytic hyperplasia of the bone marrow. In contrast to a previous report, our studies showed that affected members had normal in-vitro platelet function and normal ultrastructural platelet morphology. At autopsy, histologic changes in the kidney of one affected family member were indistinguishable from those reported in classic hereditary nephritis with nerve deafness (Alport's syndrome)." 1137260,"Two patients developed severe hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia, and hypokalemia as a result of renal wasting of magnesium and potassium shortly after being treated with large doses of gentamicin. When therapy with gentamicin was discontinued renal loss of magnesium and potassium ceased, and serum calcium, magnesium, and potassium returned toward normal. Serum immunoreactive parathyroid hormone levels were inappropriately low during the episodes of hypocalcemia. Both patients represent examples of hypomagnesemic hypocalcemia induced by inappropriate magnesuria, possibly caused by gentamicin. These observations suggest that serum calcium, magnesium, and potassium should be monitored during gentamicin therapy." 1137261,"Four of six siblings, offspring of Sicillian first cousins, developed a clinical disorder in early adulthood affecting the hematopoietic and immunoglobulin-producing systems. A female sibling died at age 21 with myeloid aplasia and agranulocytosis. A male sibling, at age 17, presented with erythroid and plasma cell aplasia with hypogammaglobulinemia. Two other female siblings, ages 21 and 35, had a lymphoproliferative disorder associated with hypogammaglobulinemia. In two of the affected subjects there was complete absence of the enzyme leukocyte alkaline phosphatase. Electron microscopic studies of the peripheral leukocytes from these two subjects and from one of the two asymptomatic siblings showed curious intranuclear and intracytoplasmic linear ""crystalloid"" structures in the mature neutrophils. It is postulated that the family contains a genetic defect, transmitted as an autosomal recessive by the heterozygous parents, that produces a stem-cell disorder manifested by myeloid, erythroid, and plasma cell aplasias, unique electron microscopic findings, and morphologic and functional abnormalities in later generations of cells." 1137262,"Invasive adrenocortical carcinoma was diagnosed in two patients, 3 1/2 and 69 years of age, respectively. Therapy with o,p'DDD was begun immediately, and the patients have survived 4 1/12 and 7 9/12 years, respectively. The prolonged survival represents possible ""cure"" of inoperable disease following early initiation of therapy." 1137264,"Although the ""health care crisis"" was thought solvable by simply increasing the number of physicians, this has turned out not to be the case. The major problems in physician manpower are geographic maldistribution with a sparsity of physicians in the rural areas and the inner city and an overproduction of specialists. Certain changes in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education have contributed to this maldistribution. There is good evidence that there is an overproduction of surgeons and of medical subspecialists such as cardiologists. Much of the excess subspecialization can be laid at the foot of graduate training programs. The role of the specialty boards in affecting career choices and with them health manpower is analyzed. Some solutions to solve the geographic and specialty maldistribution problems are suggested. It is clear that more primary care physicians including general internists, family physicians, and pediatricians are needed." 1137265,"Physicians and the nurse practitioners with whom they work face a number of conflicts. Conflicts develop within the individuals as they change their professional self-images. Each doctor-nurse team must develop new ways of working together and must do so against a background of long-standing professional territoriality. Comparable struggles are felt within schools and hospitals. Although governments have supported nurse practitioner programs, they have not yet enacted the fiscal and legal changes to make the role fully viable. Despite these struggles many physicians and nurses have achieved definite rewards. Research is beginning to document important successes, and educational programs are graduating significant numbers of practitioners." 1137266,"Internists are well prepared to offer patients continuing and comprehensive medical care of the highest quality. Residencies must include training for the provision of primary care without compromising excellence. The teaching and practice of general internal medicine are the principal functions of Departments of Internal Medicine. Modern facilities for ambulatory care and an environment conducive to the development of internists for primary care are required. Establishment of new residency positions in general internal medicine is advocated, as is appropriate funding for education in the ambulatory patient setting. Experience with disciplines such as dermatology, office gynecology, musculoskeletal medicine, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and psychiatry should be assured. The Board will include material relevant to primary care in its Certifying Examination." 1137279,"Spontaneously occurring surface wrinkling retinopathy occurreed in 17 eyes of 16 patients and was not related to pervious surgery, retinal vascular disease, or obvious ocular inflammation. Visual symptoms were not severe and follow-up suggests that the usual course of surface wrinkling is usually benign. However, 2 eyes progressed to 20/300, so that there is a chance of considerable visual deterioration in some cases. The vitreous may or may not be detached. The ophthalmoscopic features of a wrinkled shagreen, tortuous vessels pulled toward a nidus, and intraretinal hemorrhages were seen. The leakage of fluorescein into the retina is emphasized in this series and may be fairly marked. The possible causes and mechanism of wrinkling are discussed with emphasis on mild chronic ischemia and posterior vitreous collapse." 1137284,"Large penetrating transorbital foreign bodies may initially appear to be of a devastating character to the ocular tissues. However, several reports of such large foreign bodies have proved to spare the eye. A case report of a large wooden foreign body with transorbital penetration into the right frontal lobe is reported. The globe remained intact and was only displaced, with a final visual acuity of 20/40. However, complete ophthalmoplegia and ptosis persisted. A low pressure hydrocephalus ensued following intracranial debridement." 1137285,We undertook a prospective study of traumatic hyphema during the years 1970 through 1972 to compare the effects of medical management and surgical evacuation in the more severe hyphemas. A protocol for sutdy of the two regimens enabled us to compare the results of therapy. The findings indicate that medical management is preferable for the initial 4 days in major hyphemas. Surgical intervention does not offer improvement in the poor prognosis of total hyphemas during this early period. The incidence of complications and the incidence of permanent poor visual results are higher in surgically treated patients than in those managed medically. Surgical intervention should be reserved for cases showing: (1) microscopic corneal blood staining; (2)total hyphemas with intraocular pressures of 50 mm Hg or more for 5 days (to prevent optic nerve damage); (3) hyphemas that are initially total and do not resolve below 50% at 6 days with intraocular pressures of 25 mm Hg or more (to prevent corneal blood staining); and (4) hyphemas that remain unresolved for 9 days (to prevent peripheral anterior synechiae). A brief review of problems that may be encountered in the various forms of surgical management is included in an effort to prevent repeating similar pitfalls. 1137287,"One hundred and twenty-seven cases of traumatic hyphema are reviewed and discussed according to a definite system of grading. Grade iii hyphemas have definitely a poorer prognosis than Grade ii and Grade i hyphemas. Rebleeding occurs more frequently when there is a delay in treatment but does not appear to affect the outcome of a traumatic hyphema. Blood staining of the cornea could be avoided by an adequate treatment started immediately after the trauma, thus decreasing the percentage of blindness following a traumatic hyphema." 1137289,"One hundred cases of primary, nontraumatic, rhegmatogenous retinal separation were operated upon using 1/2 thickness 7.5 mp Silastic silicone sponge as a circumferential implant without an encircling element or suture tension. The use of this method has given 100% successful anatomical reattachment of the retina after a follow-up of 8 months to 3 1/2 years." 1137290,"Eight cases of surgically repaired lower canaliculi were studied to ascertain whether the lower canaliculus is necessary for normal lacrimal drainage and whether it is advisable to probe the superior canaliculus during inferior canalicular repair. Six of 8 patients sutdied had no epiphora despite unsuccessful surgery and a normal Schirmer""1 test. Surgery was successful on 2 pateints. These results indicate that only cosmetic repair is necessary for lacerated lower canaliculi. It is suggested that the upper canalliculus alone provides sufficient lacrimal drainage to prevent epiphora." 1137332,"The study was carried out to investigate the variations in blood sugar values during routine fluid therapy in surgical patients, when the rate of infusion often is very haphazardly adjusted. Surgical patients with normal sugar and fluid balance were divided into two groups. The glucose group (34 patients) was given 5% glucose solution as infusion fluid and the control group (the saline group, 26 patients) received 0.9% physiological saline solution. The preoperative mean value of blood sugar in the glucose group was 4.9 mmol/1 and in the saline group 4.6 mmol/1. Half an hour after the beginning of the operation the blood sugar in the glucose group rose to 7.2 mmol/1 (p smaller than 0.001) and in the saline group to 5.3 mmol/1 (p smaller than 0.01). At the end of the operation the blood sugar values in both groups had further increased significantly from the half-hour levels, in the glucose group to 7.8 mmol/1 and in the saline group to 6.1 mmol/1 (p smaller than 0.01). The difference between the groups, at each test after the initial test, was highly significant throughout (p smaller than 0.001). The result indicates to carefulness in using glucose solutions even during operations lasting 1-2 hours." 1137333,"Our purpose was to determine whether an apparently healthy patient who died under general anaesthesia had malignant hyperpyrexia by examining her relatives and to suggest protective measures for the relatives of the deceased patient against this complication during future general anaesthetics. The family members of the deceased patient were examined systematically to determine whether or not they were prone to develop malignant hyperpyrexia. Raised serum CPK and aldolase levels, EMG changes, histopathological examination of the striated muscle, diminished muscle power during an ergometric test, and subjective symptoms revealed that other members of her family had muscular dystrophy. Our results support the theory that during general anaesthesia patients with muscular dystrophy are prone to develop malignant hyperpyrexia. Although muscular dystrophy is uncommon in Finland, affected persons should be catalogued, and preventive measures against malignant hyperpyrexia taken if they ever have to have a general anaesthetic." 1137334,"This retrospective study was performed in order to evaluate the frequency and the causes for itching during pregnancy. The series consists of 129 pregnant women with generalized itching, which is 1.2% of all deliveries. The most common cause for itching was hepatosis of pregnancy (83%). The other causes were pruritus of pregnancy without any liver dysfunction (12%), dermatitis (3%) and other (2%). The average time of the onset of itching was the 30th pregnancy week in hepatosis of pregnancy and the 26.5th pregnancy week in pruritus of pregnancy. The frequency of toxaemia of pregnancy varied within 24-33% in the different itching groups and that of urinary tract infection within 21-33%. The proportion of urinary tract infection was also fairly high, 23-24%, among the previous diseases. Perinatal mortality in previous pregnancies was reported by 14 patients (9.0%), 11 of them in hepatosis group (9.6%). The corresponding frequencies of perinatal mortality in the present pregnancy were 1.6% and 1.9%. The drugs most frequently used during the present pregnancy before admission were antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents, sulphonamide being the most common." 1137335,"A series of 107 patients with hepatosis of pregnancy and 61 controls with normal pregnancy is reported. The delivery and the condition of the infant were the main objects of investigation. The hepatosis group was also examined for liver function, glucose tolerance, and daily urinary oestrogen. The duration of the first stage of delivery was found to be slightly shortened in the hepatosis group. Two cases (1.9%) of intrauterine death occurred in the hepatosis series, and the Apgar scores at 1 and 15 minutes were somewhat lower than in the control group. Birthweight was slightly lower in the hepatosis series, corresponding to the earlier date of delivery. 11.9% of the infants weighed less than 2.5 kg at birth. The absolute and relative weights of the placenta showed no differences. The histological examination of the placenta made on part of the series revealed maturing defects in 35%. The liver function tests confirmed the cholestatic nature of hepatosis observed earlier, yielding elevated values especially for aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin. The thymol turbidity test was within the normal limits, which means that hepatitis could be excluded. Neither glucose tolerance, nor daily urinary oestrogen differed significantly from the normal. The fetal survival rate has been improved considerably by intensive care of hepatosis of pregnancy." 1137336,"Almost all the patients (95 women and 8 men) with interstitial cystitis, i.e. autoimmune cystitis, in this area with a population of about 970,000 were probably traced. The prevalence of the disease in the female members of this population was 18.1 cases per 100,000 women of all ages. The joint prevalence of both sexes together was 10.6 cases per 100,000. The annual incidence of new female cases was 1.2 per 100,000 women. The disease is not rare when mild and moderately severe cases are also diagnosed. Severe cases account for only a tenth of all cases. Only about a tenth of the patients are men and most of them had the mild form of the disease. It may begin at any age. The incidence has possibly been rising during the last 10 years. Interstitial cystitis does not as a rule progress continuously but reaches its final stage rapidly, then usually remains in the same category. With this prevalence and incidence every urologist in this area can expect to see at least one case a year." 1137337,"A clinical series of 208 patients who had elective operations for gastroduodenal ulcer in Surgical Department II, Oslo City Hospital, has been reviewed. The study concentrates on postoperative gastric retention, comparing the frequency of this complication following antrectomy and gastroduodenal anastomosis with and without vagotomy. The patients in the nonvagotomy group had no retention problem. In the vagotomy group, 19 patients (35%) of 54 operated had troublesome postoperative retention. 7 patients (13%) had to have a further operation for this complication, all within 1 year. We no longer use the combined operation as a routine procedure for duodenal ulcer." 1137338,"The proteolytic activities and trypsin inhibitors of the peritoneal exudate produced by experimental acute pancreatitis in the rat were studied by fractionation with gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 and estimation of the hydrolysis of casein and synthetic substrates. The peritoneal exudate produced by injecting formalin solution into the peritoneal cavity was used as a control. The peritoneal exudate during pancreatitis revealed distinct proteolytic and ATEE hydrolysing activities and it also hydrolysed BAPNA to a lesser extent. These activities were absent from the control exudates, or only traces of them could be demonstrated with the methods used. The trypsin inhibiting capacity (TIC) in the pancreatic exudate was about half that in the control exudate. In gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 the BAPNA hydrolysing proteolytic activity was eluted with the macroprotein fraction, suggesting that the enzyme was bound to the macroproteins. TIC differed clearly in the control exudate and the pancreatitis exudate. In both of them TIC was eluted in two peaks after the macroproteins, but in the pancreatitis group the first peak was very weak, if demonstrable at all, while in the control exudate the two peaks were clearly separated and the TIC was more pronounced. These findings suggest that pancreatic enzymes are released during pancreatitis into the peritoneal cavity, where they combine with proteinase binding factors in the exudate." 1137339,"During the years 1955-1970, 260 patients were treated for acute pancreatitis in the surgical department of the Maria Hospital. 62 of them were operated on, 44 electively, and 18 as emergency cases. The main conclusions from this series are as follows: 1) if laparotomy is required, efficient debridement and drainage are of great importance, 2) random operative decompression of the biliary duct system is statistically of little benefit, 3) in most cases purely conservative treatment or conservative surgery, taking into account individual conditions, gives good results, but obviously more radical measures are necessary for a favourable outcome in the most severe cases, as reported in the current literature, 4) in elective surgery it is important to postpone the curative operation by several weeks, preferably months, when possible, to avoid exacerbation or relapse of the disease." 1137341,"The reliability of the diagnosis made on the basis of symptoms of deep venous thrombosis and the development of a post-thrombotic state were studied in 53 patients. Pain in the leg was present in 93% and swelling in 82% of the series, both figures are considerably higher than those reported before. The clinical diagnosis was correct in 74% of cases. The post-thrombotic state developed with unexpected rapidity: after one to three years 87% already had symptoms and/or signs of venous insufficiency, and after eight years at the latest all patients had such symptoms and/or signs." 1137343,"The distribution of genetic variants at the PGM1 and PGM2 loci in South and East Asia, the Western Pacific and Australasia has been surveyed on the basis of published and unpublished material comprising samples from some 33,000 persons. A critical comparsion of previously described and of new rare alleles at both loci has been undertaken. The present number for PGM1 is 14 and for PGM2 is 12. Many of these have restricted geographic or ethnic distribution." 1137344,"Eleven independent man-mouse hybrids and 40 subclones from four to them were analysed for up to 42 enzyme markers. Nine subclones from three hybrid lines were fully karyotyped. The data presented suggest that the gene for the human enzyme MOR-M can be assigned to chromosome 7, whilst those for MPI and PK-3 are on chromosome 15. The use of a small number of well-characterized hybrids for gene assigments is discussed as well as the significance of some known human linkage relationships." 1137346,"A computer-based system has been developed for the handling and retrieval of data on long-term human lymphoblastoid cell lines. It permits accurate recording of a wide range of genetic markers and other defined characteristics for the donor of each culture and for individual aliquots of any cell line. The data is recorded in relation to the in vitro age of each aliquot studied and the programme is designed to permit both the sequential examination of a single cell line and the comparison of lines of different origins. It is hoped that, by the application of this type of system, the confusion which has arisen in relation to other long-term cell lines (and which threatens to develop in relation to human lymphoblastoid cell lines) may be avoided and that the exchange of information between laboratories may be facilitated." 1137342,"Inherited disorders of homocysteine metabolism produce accelerated growth and arteriosclerosis with myointimal hyperplasia. The growth of cell cultures from cystathionine synthetase deficient individuals with homocystinuria is characterized by abnormal contact inhibition and production of an aggregated proteoglycan matrix which binds excess sulfate. Homocysteic acid, a precursor of sulfate ester, increases the growth rate of normal guinea pigs. Synthesis of homocysteic acid from homocysteine thiolactone is more rapid in the livers of young animals than adults, and hypophysectomy results in a pattern of homocysteine thiolactone metabolism resembling that in liver of adult animals. Homocysteine thiolactone metabolism differs in guinea pig, an herbivorous species, and in rat, an omnivorous species. Sulfate binding by cultured human cells is slightly increased when homocysteic acid is present in the culture medium. These observations suggest a relationship between homocysteic acid and somatomedin, a serum polypeptide which mediates the action of growth hormone. The growth disorders associated with homocystinuria, including arteriosclerosis and accelerated growth, are believed to result from increased conversion of methionine to homocysteine thiolactone and homocysteic acid." 1137347,"The means and standard errors of the total numbers of heterozygotes and homozygotes affected by deleterious mutant genes and the extinction time are studied by using diffusion methods. For an overdominant mutation, the effects of an increase in population size on these quantitites are much more profound than that of an increase in initial number of mutant genes whereas for a partially recessive mutation the situation is reversed. For a completely recessive mutation, the expected total number of mutant homozygotes is independent of the population size and degree of inbreeding, though the expected total number of heterozygotes and the average extinction time are dependent on these factors, particularly the population size. The effect of inbreeding on these quantitites is very similar to that of reduction in effective population size and is usally small at the prevailing level of inbreeding, except for mutations with large degrees of overdominance in large populations. The standard errors of these quantities are large. The expected total number of sickle-cell mutant homozygotes in the U.S. population has been computed." 1137348,"An expression is derived for the prior probability of linkage between a random trait locus and any one of m random marker loci, and this probability is computed form=1, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100. A similar expression is derived for two trait loci, and computed for m=1, 10, 20 and 30. When one trait locus and 30 marker loci are being studied, a priori there is over a three-quarter probability that the trait locus should be syntenic with at least one of the markers, and about a one-half probability that there should be a linkage mappable from recombination frequencies. If two traits are studied, then the prior probability that at least one should be syntenic with one of the 30 markers is 0-94, and there is a three-quarter probability that such a linkage should be mappable." 1137349,"The maximum likelihood estimator of the frequency of a recessive gene in a random mating population is simply the square root of the proportion of recessive individuals in a random sample. However, its asymptotic variance, i.e. the inverse of Fisher's information, has an unexpected functional form, and its use may lead to incorrect inferences. An explanation for this is sought by deriving an expansion for the exact variance of the estimator. Further, a number of calculations reveal conditions under which the asymptotic variance provides a reasonable approximation to the exact variance. Lastly, the problem of setting confidence limits to the gene frequency is discussed, with a number of approximations being considered." 1137352,"1. It is well established that p, the probability of a male birth, declines with birth order. It is suggested here that this decline occurs within individual sibships (Poisson variation). 2. Other workers have also offered good evidence that (at least in some samples) p correlates positively between adjacent births within sibships (Markov association). 3. The present paper suggests that in addition, some couples have higher values of p than others. In other words, there is Lexis variation in p between couples. It is estimated that this Lexis variation augments the variance (contingent on the Markov process above) by a value of less than 0-002. 4. Data on sex ratio by the sex composition of the pre-existing children are interpreted to support the author's hypothesis that coital rate of parents is related to the sex ratio of their children. 5. However if the decline in sex ratio with maternal age were entirely due to the concomitant decline in coital rate, the variation in p between couples seems greater than could be accounted for by the observed variation between couples in coital rate. It is concluded that sex ratio depends on other factors besides coital rate. 6. It is noted that (when sibship size and birth rank are controlled) MF birth intervals are particularly long, and FM birth intervals particularly short, MM and FF intervals being of intermediate length." 1137353,"The susceptibility of 55 strains of slow-growing anaerobes to eight clinically useful or potentially useful antibiotics was determined by agar dilution and disk diffusion tests. Strains of the genera Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Megasphaera, Veillonella, Eubacterium, Bifidobacterium, Clostridium, and Fusobacterium were included. All strains were susceptible to chloramphenicol, but varied in their susceptibility to penicillin, lincomycin, clindamycin, tetracyclines, and vancomycin. Correlation between minimal inhibitory concentration and inhibition zone diameters was generally good. Prediction of susceptibility based on zone diameter measurements appeared satisfactory. Although routine susceptibility testing of anaerobic bacteria is not recommended, there are circumstances where such testing is relevant to the clinical situation. For those laboratories ill-equipped to do dilution tests, a disk diffusion test would give relatively accurate preliminary information. Quantitative susceptibility tests could then be done by a reference laboratory." 1137354,"A radioimmunoassay and an enzymatic assay for gentamicin have been compared. The correlation coefficient for results of gentamicin assays performed by the two methods with 45 serum specimens was 0.90. A similar standard curve for the radioimmunoassay was obtained with gentamicin complex, with gentamicin Cl, Cla, or C2, or with sisomicin as ligand, but tobramycin did not compete with [(3)H]gentamicin for binding to the antiserum." 1137356,"A broth-dilution method for performing antimicrobial susceptibility tests on anaerobic bacteria has been proposed. The medium used in the test was Schaedler broth, with incubation in a glove box with an atmosphere of 5% CO(2), 10% H(2), and 85% N(2), or in the GasPak system. Minimal inhibitory concentrations for selected antibiotics were determined, under these conditions, by using a conventional twofold dilution scheme for the antibiotics and a ""categorization three-tube method"" in which two or three clinically significant concentrations of each antibiotic were used. Minimal inhibitory concentrations obtained by both methods were very similar. The categorization method could be used routinely to test the antimicrobial susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria." 1137357,"Studies were conducted in 30 patients with neoplastic diseases. Twelve patients received sisomicin intramuscularly at doses of 20 mg/m(2) and 40 mg/m(2). The mean peak serum concentration occurred at 1 h and was 2.5 mug/ml and 4.0 mug/ml, respectively. Ten patients received intravenous sisomicin at doses of 30 mg/m(2) during 30-min infusion. Mean peak serum level determined at 30 min was 5.1 mug/ml. The levels gradually decreased and at 6 h was 0.6 mug/ml. The serum half-life was 160 min. Serum levels determined in eight patients who received sisomicin by continuous infusion at doses of 30 mg/m(2) every 6 h were greater than 1.4 mug/ml during the 6-h period. The urinary excretion of sisomicin during the 6-h period after intramuscular administration of 20 mg/m(2) and 40 mg/m(2) was 49 and 61%, respectively. The pharmacology of sisomicin is similar to gentamicin." 1137358,"The comparative susceptibility of 622 recent clinical isolates of anaerobic bacteria to minocycline, doxycycline, and tetracycline was determined by an agar-dilution technique. In addition to Bacteroides fragilis, a variety of other anaerobic bacteria was resistant to achievable blood concentrations of tetracycline (55% inhibited by 6.25 mug/ml) and doxycycline (58% inhibited by 2.5 mug/ml). In contrast, minocycline was significantly more active (P < 0.05) than both doxycycline and tetracycline, and 70% of strains were inhibited by achievable blood concentrations of this antibiotic (2.5 mug/ml). The enhanced activity of minocycline was particularly striking for Peptococcus asaccharolyticus, P. magnus, P. prevotii, Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, and Bacteroides melaninogenicus. Further evaluation of the clinical efficacy of minocycline against anaerobic infections is indicated." 1137359,"The in vitro antifungal activity of amphotericin B methyl ester (AME), a water-soluble derivative of amphotericin B, was compared to that of the parent compound against a variety of pathogenic and potentially pathogenic fungi. AME has a significant antifungal activity, but the activity of AME was slightly lower than that of amphotericin B. Among the yeast-like organisms, only the yeast cells of Sporothrix schenckii were more resistant than others to both antibiotics, with a minimal fungicidal concentration of 5 to 10 mug/ml. The yeast cells of other fungi were killed at concentrations of 1 mug or less of either antibiotic per ml. The filamentous forms of S. schenckii and Oidiodendron kalrai were more resistant than the filamentous forms of other dimorphic fungi to both drugs. The minimal fungicidal concentration for S. schenckii was 10 mug/ml and for O. kalrai, 50 mug/ml. The dermatophytes, phycomycetes, and dematacious and other potentially pathogenic fungi were inhibited fairly well by both drugs, but up to 50 mug/ml was required for fungicidal action. The water solubility and wide spectrum of antifungal activity of AME warrant evaluation of its chemotherapeutic activity against experimental fungal infections." 1137360,"Staphylococcin 462 is a proteinaceous inhibitor produced by Staphylococcus aureus strain 462. In broth cultures, susceptible S. aureus strain 140 and 19 respond to treatment with the bacteriocin by stopping growth and cell division. Examination of macromolecular synthesis by measuring the incorporation of radioactive precursors revealed that S. aureus 140 stops synthesizing protein immediately. After exposure to staphylococcin 462, the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid is quickly inhibited also, but not as completely. Treatment of S. aureus 140 with the inhibitor causes a rapid drop in cellular adenosine 5'-triphosphate level to about 60% of control levels. Of the 70 strains of gram-positive bacteria tested for susceptibility to staphylococcin 462, 24 (34%), distributed among 7 genera, were susceptible." 1137361,"The mechanism of plasmid-mediated resistance to cadmium in Staphylococcus aureus was investigated. Protein synthesis in cell-free extracts from resistant or susceptible bacteria was equally susceptible to inhibition by Cd(2+), but spheroplasts from resistant bacteria retained their resistance. Resistant bacteria did not have a decreased affinity for cations in general, nor was active metabolism required for exclusion of Cd(2+). The kinetics of Cd(2+) uptake into susceptible and resistant bacteria suggested that the conformation of membrane proteins in resistant bacteria may be important in the exclusion of Cd(2+)." 1137362,"gamma-Thiochromanone-4-thiosemicarbazone (TCT) inhibits the growth of vaccinia virus in BSCl cells by interfering with viral maturation. A mutant of the virus (TCT(R)) which is resistant to this drug was isolated. This mutant also exhibits resistance to another thiosemicarbazone related compound, isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone (IBT). There is a good correlation between the cross-resistance of the two mutants IBT(R) and TCT(R) to TCT and IBT, respectively, and the similar antipoxvirus activity of these two thiosemicarbazone-related compounds." 1137363,"The mechanism of action of enterocins E1A and E1B, bacteriocins produced by Streptococcus faecium E1, was studied. The enterocins killed susceptible cells rapidly, but cell lysis does not appear to be involved directly. Susceptible cells could be rescued from the lethal damage by trypsin treatment only within 2 to 3 min after addition of enterocin E1A. Enterocins E1A and E1B inhibited protein synthesis and drastically reduced biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) but did not cause degradation of DNA or RNA. Enterocin E1A strongly inhibited the accumulation of isoleucine and caused rapid exit of previously accumulated isoleucine." 1137364,"The in vitro susceptibility of 155 strains of anaerobic bacteria to five cephalosporin antibiotics was tested. Cefoxitin was the most active against 33 isolates of Bacteroides fragilis; 82% of the strains were sensitive at 16 mug/ml. At 64 mug/ml cefazolin and cephaloridine were also generally effective. Cephalothin and cephalexin were relatively inactive versus B. fragilis. Cefoxitin, cephaloridine, cefazolin, and cephalothin showed comparable activity against 122 strains of anaerobes other than B. fragilis. More than 90% of the strains were sensitive to each of these antimicrobials at 16 mug/ml. Cephalexin was the least effective cephalosporin against all species tested." 1137365,"Lactobacillus helveticus strain LP27 produced a bacteriocin, lactocin 27, in dialyzable and nondialyzable forms. No evidence was obtained to indicate that lactocin 27 was under the control of extrachromosomal plasmids. Lactocin 27 had a bacteriostatic effect on the indicator, Lactobacillus helveticus strain LS18. It inhibited primarily protein synthesis without affecting deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid synthesis or adenosine 5'-triphosphate levels. Treatment of susceptible cells with the lactocin did not cause leakage of ultraviolet-absorbing material, but caused the efflux of potassium ions and the influx of sodium ions. It adsorbed non-specifically to various bacterial species irrespective of their susceptibility to lactocin 27. However, the presence of specific receptors has not been ruled out." 1137366,"Parenteral clindamycin was evaluated in 41 patients with a variety of infections. The four major findings were as follows. (i) Five hours after the intravenous administration of 600 mg of clindamycin, the mean serum concentration in patients with ""moderate to severe"" hepatic dysfunction was 24.3 mug/ml, and in those with normal liver function it was 8.3 mug/ml (P < 0.02). This suggests that the dose of clindamycin might be modified in patients with liver disease. (ii) There was a positive association between the 5-h serum clindamycin level and the degree of elevation of the serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase. (iii) No significant side effects were observed. Of 24 patients with preexisting hepatic dysfunction, 5 showed deterioration and 5 showed improvement of liver function during therapy. (iv) Whereas all pre-treatment isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis from the anterior nares were susceptible to clindamycin, 6 of 9 post-treatment isolates were resistant, most probably due to selection of resistant organisms." 1137367,"The minimal inhibitory concentration of lincomycin and clindamycin for a large number of strains from multiple serogroups of streptococci was determined. The median minimal inhibitory concentration for streptococci from groups A, B, C, F, G, H, L, and M and nongroupable organisms ranged from 0.02 to 0.39 mug of lincomycin per ml and from