[{"audio_id": "YohvW12j2v4", "text": {"YohvW12j2v4-00000-00000513-00001498": "As Special Counsel Robert Mueller zeroes in on Donald Trump and his corrupt family, the president’s lies are being exposed one by one", "YohvW12j2v4-00001-00001498-00002529": "And that’s not even the only thing Trump has to worry about — even his closest confidants and those who know him best are turning on him, revealing the truth to America", "YohvW12j2v4-00002-00002529-00003961": "Trump biographer David Cay Johnston knows the president better than most, and in a report in the Daily Beast the biographer revealed a stunning reason why the president might be fighting so hard to keep his tax returns from becoming public", "YohvW12j2v4-00003-00003961-00005246": "After Michael Cohen’s brutal testimony this week, the president’s finances were in question after the former Trump lawyer stated the president had inflated his net worth countless times over his career", "YohvW12j2v4-00004-00005246-00007618": "This has inspired Johnston to back Cohen up, and deliver a bombshell that no one saw coming — Trump actually might be broke! In talking about Trump’s failed attempt to buy the Buffalo Bills, Johnston said:\"Trump’s financial fakery is good enough to fool millions of Americans, but not the members of the most exclusive rich people’s club in America, the National Football League team owners", "YohvW12j2v4-00005-00007618-00008940": "What Trump does is spend enough money to create the appearance of being a billionaire, something I’ve been reporting since I got hold of his financial statement in 1990, which showed he was no billionaire", "YohvW12j2v4-00006-00008940-00010496": "”.Johnston also stated that Trump isn’t even close to being a billionaire, even though the president continues to claim he is one:\"Creating a lifestyle that lets him pose as a billionaire costs less than $12 million annually, I estimate", "YohvW12j2v4-00007-00010496-00011528": "And he achieves that not through building wealth, but through his work as a financial locust who devours other people’s money through moving from one shady deal to the next", "YohvW12j2v4-00008-00011528-00012202": "Along the way he cheats banks, investors, workers, and governments at all levels", "YohvW12j2v4-00009-00012202-00014600": "”.Johnston also made a prediction that America will eventually get to see Trump’s tax returns thanks to the new Democratic majority in the House of Representatives who are working to make them public knowledge:\"When we see Trump’s tax returns, as we can expect to soon thanks to a 1924 anti-corruption law, you can get bet his income won’t support a net worth anywhere near even one billion dollars", "YohvW12j2v4-00010-00014600-00016230": "And don’t be surprised if his net worth turns out to be less than zero, as Trump was forced to admit in 1990 when I reported that his net worth was negative $295 million, meaning that you are probably worth more than Donald Trump", "YohvW12j2v4-00011-00016230-00017029": "”.When Trump’s facade is finally broken, it’s going to be a SAD day for the president and his fans"}}, {"audio_id": "Yt2_MwllDGA", "text": {"Yt2_MwllDGA-00000-00000571-00001545": "The president's former fixer claims Trump knew about WikiLeaks, used threats to keep his grades secret, and boasted about dodging the draft", "Yt2_MwllDGA-00001-00001545-00003183": "Michael Cohen, former personal lawyer and fixer for Donald Trump, lodged a series of explosive accusations against the president in his prepared testimony before the House Oversight Committee, further incensing the man he once claimed he'd take a bullet for", "Yt2_MwllDGA-00002-00003183-00004437": "While many of the accusations are ones long posited by Trump’s political adversaries, some of them are new claims that touch on Trump’s obsessions with his personal image and public brand", "Yt2_MwllDGA-00003-00004437-00005573": "Cohen also offered new evidence to support past allegations against the president, seeking to counter inevitable attacks from House Republicans that Cohen is an unreliable source", "Yt2_MwllDGA-00004-00005573-00006769": "Cohen has pleaded guilty to a litany of crimes including lying to Congress, but with his prison sentence set to begin next month, the former Trump crony has little to lose in baring all", "Yt2_MwllDGA-00005-00006769-00007381": "Here are some of his most incendiary accusations from his prepared opening statement", "Yt2_MwllDGA-00006-00007381-00008279": "Trump had prior knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents at the center of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe", "Yt2_MwllDGA-00007-00008279-00009058": "“Mr. Trump had frequently told me and others that his son Don Jr. had the worst judgment of anyone in the world", "Yt2_MwllDGA-00008-00009058-00010058": "And also, that Don Jr would never set up any meeting of any significance alone — and certainly not without checking with his father''"}}, {"audio_id": "YvKqPirXLsc", "text": {"YvKqPirXLsc-00000-00000513-00001631": "A Republican congressman who opposes President Donald Trump's emergency border wall declaration said Sunday he believes Trump \"is violating our constitutional system\" with the declaration", "YvKqPirXLsc-00001-00001631-00003177": "The comments from Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, who serves on the House Oversight Committee, came as he discussed the declaration, which Trump made last month to unlock additional funding to construct his proposed wall along the southern border", "YvKqPirXLsc-00002-00003177-00004567": "\"I think the President is violating our constitutional system. And I don't think Congress can grant legislative powers to the President by statute,\" Amash told CNN's Jake Tapper on \"State of the Union", "YvKqPirXLsc-00003-00004567-00005369": "\" \"You can't just pass a statute that says, 'The President now has appropriations power and bypass Congress", "YvKqPirXLsc-00004-00005369-00006492": "' \".Amash said he thinks his Republican colleagues who support the move are abdicating their constitutional responsibilities, but that he doesn't \"think that they are all intending to do that", "YvKqPirXLsc-00005-00006492-00007793": "\" He added that Republican members of Congress who argue the President was granted this power by Congress are probably not \"thinking to themselves, 'Oh, I just want the President to violate the Constitution", "YvKqPirXLsc-00006-00007793-00008953": "' \".Amash, who is one of 13 Republicans in the House who voted with Democrats to pass a measure to block Trump's declaration, told Tapper that \"we have to protect our own power", "YvKqPirXLsc-00007-00008953-00009770": "\".The measure will now be considered in the Senate, where, Amash said, he's \"hopeful many Republican senators will agree", "YvKqPirXLsc-00008-00009770-00011021": "\".Not ruling out a 2020 bid.Amash, who was first elected to Congress in 2010, declined on Sunday to rule out a possible 2020 presidential run as a Libertarian candidate", "YvKqPirXLsc-00009-00011021-00011831": "\"Well, I would never rule anything out. That's not on my radar right now,\" he said of a 2020 bid to Tapper", "YvKqPirXLsc-00010-00011831-00012821": "\"But I think that it is important that we have someone in there who is presenting a vision for America that is different from what these two parties are presenting", "YvKqPirXLsc-00011-00012821-00013727": "\".Amash told Tapper he believes there is a \"wild amount of partisan rhetoric on both sides\" and that \"Congress is totally broken", "YvKqPirXLsc-00012-00013727-00015308": "\".\"I think that we need to return to basic American principles, talk about what we have in common as a people -- because I believe we have a lot in common as Americans -- and try to move forward together, rather than fighting each other all the time,\" Amash said"}}, {"audio_id": "YUNk2p4zhcY", "text": {"YUNk2p4zhcY-00000-00000513-00001743": "Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said repeated political attacks by President Donald Trump had zero influence on the central bank's decision to slow down interest rate hikes", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00001-00001743-00002579": "\"Not at all. Not at all,\" said Powell in an interview with the CBS news program \"60 Minutes\" on Sunday", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00002-00002579-00003600": "\"And it's very important that the public understand that we are always going to make a decision based on what we think is right for the American people", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00003-00003600-00004878": "\".Powell explained that the Fed's decision in January to pause raising rates was because the global economy was showing signs of slowing and other risks to the US economy were rising", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00004-00004878-00006215": "The Fed chairman has repeatedly made the case for a patient, measured approach, describing the US economy in a \"good place,\" where policy makers \"don't feel any hurry to change our interest rate policy", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00005-00006215-00007409": "\".So far this year, central bankers have kept the federal funds rate, which influences the cost of mortgages, credit cards and other borrowing, at a range of 2", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00006-00007409-00008981": "25% to 2.5%.\"What we've done is we've said that we're going to wait and see how those conditions evolve before we make any changes to our interest rate policy, and that means patient,\" Powell said in the interview", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00007-00008981-00010397": "In 2018, the Fed under Powell raised rates four times, all unanimous decisions, despite vigorous debates around the table during the Federal Open Market Committee's two-day policy setting meetings in Washington", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00008-00010397-00012369": "Since then, Fed officials have pointed to a spike in volatility in financial markets at the end of last year, a slowdown of growth in China and Europe, and uncertainty around unresolved policy issues including trade negotiations with China and the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union as reasons to be more cautious", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00009-00012369-00013900": "In his interview, the chairman carefully avoided answering any questions about Trump and his unprecedented disparaging attacks on the Fed, which have included calling the institution \"crazy\" and \"out of control\" during last year's string of rate hikes", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00010-00013900-00014610": "\"I don't think it would be appropriate for me to comment on other elected officials or on the President,\" said Powell", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00011-00014610-00015504": "When repeatedly pressed whether he had a \"rule\" about discussing the President, Powell flatly said, \"I don't think it's appropriate", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00012-00015504-00017194": "I really don't.\".Instead, he said his responsibility is to fulfill the job Congress assigned the Fed: to ensure as many Americans are working as possible and to keep prices stable -- a role, he says, he plans to keep until his four-year term expires", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00013-00017194-00018131": "Powell waved off any imminent concerns of a looming recession, saying he anticipates the US economy will grow at a \"healthy rate", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00014-00018131-00019364": "\" The Fed now expects US economic growth to be slower than last year, which was a touch higher than 3%, for the first time in a decade, since the 2008 financial crisis", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00015-00019364-00020328": "He also said he sees no reason why the economic expansion, which will be the longest in history in a few months, won't continue", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00016-00020328-00021122": "\"Eventually expansions come to an end,\" said Powell. \"The business cycle has not been repealed", "YUNk2p4zhcY-00017-00021122-00021736": "But I would say there's no reason why this economy cannot continue to expand.\""}}, {"audio_id": "YXqOlDwfcGQ", "text": {"YXqOlDwfcGQ-00000-00000000-00000181": "1"}}, {"audio_id": "YY1eNYJsTju", "text": {"YY1eNYJsTju-00000-00000571-00001832": "Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee revealed in advance that Michael Cohen was coming back to privately testify again today because he had something new and big up his sleeve", "YY1eNYJsTju-00001-00001832-00003018": "Cohen underlined this point today when he showed up to Congress with a few suitcases full of evidence in hand, making for a stunning visual in front of the television cameras", "YY1eNYJsTju-00002-00003018-00004257": "So what was inside the suitcases?.The only thing we know so far is that Michael Cohen brought documents proving that Donald Trump’s lawyers instructed him to lie to Congress in 2017", "YY1eNYJsTju-00003-00004257-00005288": "That’s suborning perjury and obstruction of justice, so assuming the evidence holds up, Trump’s lawyers will have to cut a plea deal against him or go to prison", "YY1eNYJsTju-00004-00005288-00006166": "But that’s just the start of what today brought.For all we know, Cohen’s three suitcases could have been mostly empty", "YY1eNYJsTju-00005-00006166-00007331": "Maybe it was mostly for show. Or maybe he brought his own copies of the documents that the House Judiciary Committee just requested from eighty-one Trump related people and entities", "YY1eNYJsTju-00006-00007331-00008721": "That, of course, is the whole point. These people all now have to worry that if they simply destroy incriminating documents, they might get nailed for it, because House Democrats may now have the documents anyway", "YY1eNYJsTju-00007-00008721-00010001": "Considering that Michael Cohen apparently sent Jay Sekulow to prison today, the rest of Donald Trump’s people have to very much worry that Cohen’s suitcases might have been full of evidence against them as well", "YY1eNYJsTju-00008-00010001-00011581": "They’re now in a no-win situation. Do they turn over the documents? Do they refuse to cooperate and cross their fingers? Do they just cut plea deals now? Any innocent people have nothing to worry about, but any guilty people are now screwed"}}, {"audio_id": "YaeFO8232Lo", "text": {"YaeFO8232Lo-00000-00000513-00001923": "If you needed any proof that Donald Trump truly doesn’t care about Americans, you should see what he’s doing to this country’s federal workers – EVEN after he screwed many of them over when he made them work for free during his pathetic government shutdown", "YaeFO8232Lo-00001-00001923-00002629": "In February, after Congress ended Trump’s shutdown, provisions to give federal workers a 1", "YaeFO8232Lo-00002-00002629-00004047": "9 percent pay raise were added. But unfortunately, this pay raise can’t even go into effect until Trump provides an executive order for the pay raise and his Office of Personnel Management publishes new pay scales", "YaeFO8232Lo-00003-00004047-00004969": "And the crazy thing is that Trump, a president who has issued tons of executive orders during his presidency, isn’t doing a damn thing about it", "YaeFO8232Lo-00004-00004969-00005789": "It’s been over three weeks since the government has been reopened, and Trump has yet to put the pay raises into effect", "YaeFO8232Lo-00005-00005789-00007195": "In response to the sluggish pace Trump is performing at, a group of House members have sent a letter to Office of Management and Budget Acting Director Russel Vought and OPM Director Margaret Weichert to address the “unacceptable” delay", "YaeFO8232Lo-00006-00007195-00008571": "In the letter, House members urged Trump officials to be sensitive to the fact that federal workers had already endured a month without pay due to Trump’s shutdown, causing may of them to have financial issues", "YaeFO8232Lo-00007-00008571-00009318": "The letter also orders Trump officials to give federal workers a timeframe for when they can expect their raises", "YaeFO8232Lo-00008-00009318-00010387": "There is really no reason the Trump administration should be dragging their feet on this, other than the fact that Trump really doesn’t give a sh*t about working Americans", "YaeFO8232Lo-00009-00010387-00011573": "This, like many other facts about the President of the United States, is going to come down hard on Trump supporters who elected him because they bought his lies about being their champion"}}, {"audio_id": "0o1hrYwYxlo", "text": {"0o1hrYwYxlo-00000-00000000-00000200": "The end is near..."}}, {"audio_id": "01_eDwP_8GU", "text": {"01_eDwP_8GU-00000-00000571-00001780": "Lady Gaga appeared on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert recently to promote her new projects, but the conversation quickly turned somber as Gaga and Colbert began to discuss politics", "01_eDwP_8GU-00001-00001780-00003290": "Lady Gaga, a sexual assault survivor herself, offered a heartfelt and compassionate defense of Dr Christine Blasey Ford, the first of three women who have leveled allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh", "01_eDwP_8GU-00002-00003290-00004089": "More specifically, Gaga was flabbergasted by President Donald Trump’s offensive mocking of Dr", "01_eDwP_8GU-00003-00004089-00004990": "Blasey Ford at a Missouri rally, where he cruelly blasted her credibility by speculating that her memories were untrustworthy", "01_eDwP_8GU-00004-00004990-00005933": "He also questioned the timing of her charges suggesting she coordinated the false accusations to coincide with Kavanaugh’s nomination hearing", "01_eDwP_8GU-00005-00005933-00007200": "Lady Gaga continued in this spectacular interview to say, “If someone is assaulted or experiences trauma, there is science and scientific proof — it’s biology — that people change", "01_eDwP_8GU-00006-00007200-00008342": "The brain changes. And literally what it does, is it takes the trauma and it puts it in a box and it files it away and it shuts it so that we can survive the pain", "01_eDwP_8GU-00007-00008342-00009614": "”.She went on to offer the idea that Kavanaugh’s recent turn in the spotlight “triggered” the painful memories for Blasey Ford and therefore explains the 36 year wait to speak out", "01_eDwP_8GU-00008-00009614-00010505": "Gaga sensitively remarked, “When that box opened, she was brave enough to share it with the world to protect this country", "01_eDwP_8GU-00009-00010505-00011563": "” She then went on to offer her own courageous experience of speaking out about her sexual assault saying, “I didn’t tell anyone for, I think, seven years", "01_eDwP_8GU-00010-00011563-00012610": "I didn’t know how to think about it. I didn’t know how to accept it. I didn’t know how not to blame myself, or think it was my fault", "01_eDwP_8GU-00011-00012610-00013305": "It was something that really changed my life. It changed who I was completely.”"}}, {"audio_id": "02Fn_2j6aBU", "text": {"02Fn_2j6aBU-00000-00000571-00002023": "The closer we get to Donald Trump Jr being criminally indicted and arrested on charges ranging from perjury to financial crimes to conspiracy against the United States, the more delusional he becomes on his infamous Twitter account", "02Fn_2j6aBU-00001-00002023-00002791": "Now Junior has reached a new level of delusion that’s deranged even by his tinfoil hat standards", "02Fn_2j6aBU-00002-00002791-00004330": "Donald Trump Jr is “being groomed” to run for President of the United States in the year 2024, according to a new article from major British tabloid The Sun, which just happens to be run by Fox News boss and Trump ally Rupert Murdoch", "02Fn_2j6aBU-00003-00004330-00005443": "Obviously, this laughable article has been slapped together by Team Trump to try to help Junior keep up his delusions about somehow surviving his worsening criminal scandals", "02Fn_2j6aBU-00004-00005443-00007065": "The reality of course is that Donald Trump Jr will be in prison by 2024. Even if Donald Trump were to succeed in pardoning his son on federal charges, we saw this week that New York is bringing state level criminal charges against Trump’s henchmen", "02Fn_2j6aBU-00005-00007065-00007645": "So yeah, Junior would be talking about running for president from his prison cell", "02Fn_2j6aBU-00006-00007645-00008371": "For reference, Eugene Debs ran for president in the 1920 election, and he received 3", "02Fn_2j6aBU-00007-00008371-00009554": "4% of the vote despite the fact that he was in prison at the time. He didn’t come close to winning, but he set a legal precedent that you can run for president from a prison cell", "02Fn_2j6aBU-00008-00009554-00010361": "So maybe Donald Trump Jr is onto something here. Perhaps his cellmate can end up being his running mate"}}, {"audio_id": "0y6Hs2z19Kk", "text": {"0y6Hs2z19Kk-00000-00000513-00001477": "After a long day of tweeting, Captain Tweeter in Chief Donald Trump continued to take to Twitter to attack the fake news media", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00001-00001477-00002378": "In a new tweet from the rabid weasel, he complained the “fake news media” doesn’t report on how he donates his presidential salary", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00002-00002378-00004183": "He tweeted:.‘While the press doesn’t like writing about it, nor do I need them to, I donate my yearly Presidential salary of $400,000.00 to different agencies throughout the year, this to Homeland Security. If I didn’t do it there would be hell to pay from the FAKE NEWS MEDIA!’", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00003-00004183-00005588": "Trump does donate his presidential salary. We’ll give him that. However, if he didn’t need the “fake news media” to report on the fact he donates his salary, he wouldn’t tweet a damn picture of the check to his 59", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00004-00005588-00006479": "1 million followers.Furthermore, Trump really doesn’t need a salary when he lives off of the American taxpayers", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00005-00006479-00007359": "If you think about it, Trump travels via Air Force One. His security detail is, of course, the Secret Service", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00006-00007359-00008111": "He lives in the White House. Melania travels the same and also lives in the White House", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00007-00008111-00008801": "When he golfs, he golfs at his own resorts, which he travels to via Air Force One", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00008-00008801-00009470": "His own resorts receive whatever compensation they get from the American government", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00009-00009470-00010327": "Additionally, Trump benefits when other politicians and foreign heads of government stay at his own resorts to meet with him", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00010-00010327-00011303": "Trump doesn’t need his presidential salary by any means.Many Twitter users voiced the same sentiments on the social media platform", "0y6Hs2z19Kk-00011-00011303-00011695": "You can check out their responses below"}}, {"audio_id": "0yzyVLTMdJk", "text": {"0yzyVLTMdJk-00000-00000513-00002446": "Congressional Democrats are now drilling deep into virtually every aspect of President Trump's administration and business ventures -- as well as his connections to organizations ranging from the National Rifle Association (NRA) to WikiLeaks -- with a sweeping, concerted series of multi-pronged committee investigations", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00001-00002446-00003707": "The newly announced probes, in turn, have prompted a fiery response from the president, who accused committee chairmen on Tuesday of going \"crazy\" with document requests he likened to harassment", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00002-00003707-00004901": "\"Now that they realize the only Collusion with Russia was done by Crooked Hillary Clinton & the Democrats, Nadler, Schiff and the Dem heads of the Committees have gone stone cold CRAZY", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00003-00004901-00005792": "81 letter sent to innocent people to harass them. They won’t get ANYTHING done for our Country!\" Trump tweeted", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00004-00005792-00007145": "Several other people related to the Trump Organization were sent letters, including the Trump Organization itself, Allen Weisselberg, the company's chief financial officer and Rhona Graff, Trump's longtime assistant", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00005-00007145-00007850": "Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, a White House senior adviser, was not on the Judiciary panel's list", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00006-00007850-00009540": "Among other matters, the company officials were asked to provide documents regarding \"any loan, financing transaction, or capital investment by the Russian Federation, any Russian national, any Russian business, or any other Russian entity to the Trump Organization", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00007-00009540-00010867": "\".Additonally, Nadler's panel requested documents from Julian Assange and his website, WikiLeaks, which published emails stolen from Democrats by Russian spies during the 2016 campaign", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00008-00010867-00011526": "Assange is currently living in Ecuador's embassy in London under a claim of asylum", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00009-00011526-00013179": "A letter to Assange, along with a document request, asks for \"discussions or attempts to provide or receive election information, campaign data, or campaign communications with, to, or from foreign entities or individuals in connection with the 2016 U", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00010-00013179-00015203": "S. Presidential primary or general elections.\".Nadler made a similar request in a letter and accompanying document request to the NRA, which sought information related to the organization's purported communications with the Trump team on everything from Russian sanctions to campaign data to the 2016 GOP platform", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00011-00015203-00016230": "Many of the people who received requests were asked about hush money payments to porn actress Stormy Daniels, who alleged she had an affair with Donald Trump", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00012-00016230-00017024": "Trump denies the affair.The topic is currently under investigation by the Southern District of New York", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00013-00017024-00018518": "Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty last year to campaign finance violations for his involvement in the payments to Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal before the 2016 election", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00014-00018518-00019581": "Cohen received a request from the panel, as did American Media Inc., the National Enquirer's parent company, and its CEO David Pecker", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00015-00019581-00020577": "Pecker helped kill potentially embarrassing stories about Trump over the years by paying hush money in a practice known as \"catch-and-kill", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00016-00020577-00022523": "\".The request asks American Media for \"all documents that relate to the purchase of rights for any narrative, personal account, documentation, recording, or photograph (including but not limited to materials colloquially referred to as 'catch and kill') concerning Donald Trump from June 2015 to the present", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00017-00022523-00023549": "\".Meanwhile, most of the participants in a 2016 meeting in Trump Tower between Trump's campaign and a Russian lawyer received requests", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00018-00023549-00025420": "People attending the meeting included Trump Jr., Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, publicist Rob Goldstone, Russian-American lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin, a translator and Ike Kaveladze, a business associate of a Moscow-based developer", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00019-00025420-00026757": "All of them received requests asking for any documentation related to the meeting — materials they have all already turned over to the House and Senate intelligence committees, which have both been probing the meeting for almost two years", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00020-00026757-00028442": "But the investigative peppering by Nadler -- who over the weekend declared that no investigation is really necessary to determine that Trump obstructed justice -- was just one of several far-reaching inquiries by Democrats, which extend far beyond the president's domain", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00021-00028442-00030388": "For example, three House Democratic committee chairman on Monday formally demanded interviews with any translators who witnessed Trump's communications with Russian President Vladimir Putin since Inauguration Day -- a request that comes as part of a sweeping series of inquiries virtually certain to be met with legal pushback by the White House", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00022-00030388-00032538": "In a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff, Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Eliot Engel, and Oversight Committee chairman Elijah Cummings said they wanted to know whether any Trump-Putin communications had led to the \"reconsideration, modification, or implementation\" of any aspect of American foreign policy", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00023-00032538-00034857": "The chairmen are specifically seeking access to all State Department employees and contractors with knowledge of Trump's communications with the Russian leader, including \"linguists, translators, or interpreters who participated in [sic] attended, or in any way listened in on President Trump's in-person meetings with President Putin, as well as President Trump's phone calls with President Putin", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00024-00034857-00036644": "\".The top Democrats also said they were interested in knowing whether Trump or anyone acting on his behalf had \"failed to create records of, or in any way destroyed, suppressed, mishandled, or otherwise withheld any federal or presidential records\" contrary to federal laws", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00025-00036644-00038329": "The Washington Post reported in January that, following his meeting with Putin in Hamburg, Germany in 2017, Trump took possession of the notes from his own interpreter and instructed the individual not to discuss what had taken place in the meeting with other administration officials", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00026-00038329-00039685": "Trump attended that Putin meeting with then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who has emerged as a vocal critic of the Trump administration since his termination but who has never alleged that anything untoward happened in Hamburg", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00027-00039685-00041252": "The Post also reported that there are no detailed records of Trump’s private meetings with Putin over the past two years, and administration officials have not gotten a full readout from their two-hour, one-on-one meeting in Helsinki, Finland last summer", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00028-00041252-00042830": "California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, on the heels of The Post's report, accused Trump of having “effectively destroyed” notes from the Helsinki summit, which saw Trump and Putin meeting in private with only their translators present", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00029-00042830-00044015": "Trump told Fox News anchor Jeanine Pirro in January that he would be willing to release a transcript of his talks with Putin in Helsinki if he could, adding, \"I don't care", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00030-00044015-00044948": "\".“I’m not keeping anything under wraps. I couldn't care less,\" Trump told Pirro. \"I had a conversation like every president does", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00031-00044948-00047419": "You sit with the president of various countries. I do it with all countries.”.The president's reported decision to ask an interpreter not to share details of his meetings with foreign leaders with other members of the administration could have been a response to prior leaks of Trump's private conversations with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and then-Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in 2017", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00032-00047419-00048945": "Meanwhile, the head of the House Financial Services Committee, California Rep. Maxine Waters, has focused on Deutsche Bank, the German asset management firm that has loaned Trump's real estate organization millions of dollars over the years", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00033-00048945-00049629": "She said this past week that the bank is cooperating with requests for documents", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00034-00049629-00050757": "And the House Intelligence Committee is reopening and expanding an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election that the Republican majority closed last year", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00035-00050757-00051852": "At that time, Republicans said, over Democratic objections, that there was no evidence to show that Trump's campaign colluded or conspired with Russia", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00036-00051852-00053030": "The top Democrat on the committee then, Schiff, D-Calif., said Republicans had prematurely closed the matter without interviewing key witnesses and demanding important documents", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00037-00053030-00054174": "Schiff is now chairman, and last month he announced a broad new investigation looking not only at Russian interference, but also at Trump's foreign financial interests", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00038-00054174-00056295": "Schiff said the investigation will include \"the scope and scale\" of Russian intervention in the 2016 presidential election, the \"extent of any links and/or coordination\" between Russians and Trump's associates, whether foreign actors have sought to hold leverage over Trump or his family and associates, and whether anyone has sought to obstruct any of the relevant investigations", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00039-00056295-00057557": "Republicans, meanwhile, accused Democrats of partisan overreach.House Judiciary Committee ranking member Doug Collins, for example, told Nadler to “come back to reality” on Monday", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00040-00057557-00058510": "\"I would say to my chairman, come back to the reality.\" Collins, R-Ga., said on Fox News Radio’s “Brian Kilmeade Show", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00041-00058510-00059947": "”.“We’ve shown you for two years where the real problem is. Let’s have some open investigations, let’s get [Rod] Rosenstein in there… let’s actually look at what the Department of Justice became and what the people can no longer trust", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00042-00059947-00061133": "”.Schiff is now chairman, and last month he announced a broad new investigation looking not only at Russian interference, but also at Trump's foreign financial interests", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00043-00061133-00063254": "Schiff said the investigation will include \"the scope and scale\" of Russian intervention in the 2016 presidential election, the \"extent of any links and/or coordination\" between Russians and Trump's associates, whether foreign actors have sought to hold leverage over Trump or his family and associates, and whether anyone has sought to obstruct any of the relevant investigations", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00044-00063254-00064516": "Republicans, meanwhile, accused Democrats of partisan overreach.House Judiciary Committee ranking member Doug Collins, for example, told Nadler to “come back to reality” on Monday", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00045-00064516-00065469": "\"I would say to my chairman, come back to the reality.\" Collins, R-Ga., said on Fox News Radio’s “Brian Kilmeade Show", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00046-00065469-00066906": "”.“We’ve shown you for two years where the real problem is. Let’s have some open investigations, let’s get [Rod] Rosenstein in there… let’s actually look at what the Department of Justice became and what the people can no longer trust", "0yzyVLTMdJk-00047-00066906-00067006": "”"}}, {"audio_id": "0-6Ar68OUzo", "text": {"0-6Ar68OUzo-00000-00000571-00001885": "In the end, President Trump did the unexpected: He walked away.A visibly deflated Trump began the press conference wrapping up his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by talking about anything else", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00001-00001885-00002752": "He riffed on the potentially nuclear crisis between India and Pakistan. The violent crackdown in Venezuela", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00002-00002752-00004131": "Only then did Trump turn to the subject at hand: why, after weeks of buildup, flattery and reality TV-style showmanship, his negotiations with the North Korean leader had come to an abrupt halt", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00003-00004131-00005048": "There were signs, around midday, that things were starting to go sideways.A working lunch between the two negotiating teams was scrapped", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00004-00005048-00005737": "So was a ceremony intended to mark the signing of a joint agreement between the two countries", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00005-00005737-00006644": "Plans for setting up a liaison office in North Korea, which the two leaders discussed in front of reporters on Wednesday, never materialized", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00006-00006644-00008203": "At around 12:45 p.m. Hanoi time, it became clear the summit was ending with no deal when the White House announced a “program change” and moved up the press conference by two hours, telling reporters the president would appear at 2:00 p", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00007-00008203-00009235": "m. rather than at 4:00 p.m. as initially planned. Audible murmurs spread through the buses where the White House press corps was corralled en route to the press conference", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00008-00009235-00010531": "The president had teased the idea that the summit would yield big results. But leaving without a deal was always an option under consideration, according to a senior administration official", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00009-00010531-00012020": "Before the summit, the United States special envoy for North Korea, Stephen Biegun, told the president and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that Trump needed to be able to walk away without a deal, this official said", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00010-00012020-00013004": "The president did just that. He did not appear pleased about the course change, speaking in a monotone and repeatedly kicking questions over to Pompeo", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00011-00013004-00014347": "Trump attributed the summit’s collapse to Kim’s demands for full and immediate sanctions relief — a concession the president said he wasn’t willing to make for the partial denuclearization the North Korean leader was willing to offer", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00012-00014347-00015300": "“It was about the sanctions,” Trump said. “Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted, in their entirety, and we couldn’t do that", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00013-00015300-00016149": "They were willing to denuke a large portion of the areas that we wanted but we couldn’t give up all of the sanctions for that", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00014-00016149-00017327": "… We had to walk away from that particular suggestion.”.Asked whether it was his decision to walk away from the negotiating table, the president declined to say", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00015-00017327-00018401": "“Sometimes you have to walk and this was just one of those times,” Trump said.While the outcome was unexpected, experts said they were not entirely surprised", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00016-00018401-00019106": "\"This is Trump world with the president center stage. So it’s not traditional diplomacy", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00017-00019106-00020418": "The key issue is what happens next. He seems invested in a negotiation so stay tuned,\" said Joel Wit, a senior fellow at the Stimson Center and an expert on Northeast Asian security", "0-6Ar68OUzo-00018-00020418-00022756": "The president’s willingness to leave Hanoi without a deal came as a relief to some of his aides, who had expressed concern in the days leading up to the summit that the president — eager to divert attention from his ballooning domestic troubles, which flared Wednesday as his former fixer decried him as a con man, a liar and a cheat before a House panel — would trade major concessions for empty promises"}}, {"audio_id": "0_PGpN54Bwu", "text": {"0_PGpN54Bwu-00000-00000571-00001778": "White House senior adviser Stephen Miller wants to make sure that outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is only the first of a string of senior officials headed out the door", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00001-00001778-00003400": "Trump administration officials say that Miller, who played key a role in Nielsen's ouster, also wants the President to dismiss the director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Lee Cissna, and the department's general counsel, John Mitnick", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00002-00003400-00004711": "A senior administration official also said that under the law, DHS Under Secretary of Management Claire Grady, the current acting deputy secretary, is next in line of succession to be acting secretary", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00003-00004711-00006095": "That means there are questions as to whether she will need to be fired as well in order to make Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan the acting DHS secretary, as Trump tweeted Sunday night", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00004-00006095-00007621": "Miller's heightened influence within the West Wing has been aided by the President, who recently told aides in an Oval Office meeting that Miller was in charge of all immigration and border related issues in the White House, according to a person familiar with the meeting", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00005-00007621-00008402": "Miller has always informally been one of the leading hardliner voices on immigration in the West Wing", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00006-00008402-00009248": "But this change formalizes that role and it also gives him the ability to call and chair meetings on immigration issues", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00007-00009248-00010750": "This change was first reported by The Washington Post.The sudden shift in personnel is indicative of the White House trying to redirect immigration policy following a surge of migrant apprehensions at the southern border in recent months", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00008-00010750-00011792": "The President has pushed in recent weeks to reinstate the family separation policy, which Nielsen resisted, a source familiar with the discussions says", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00009-00011792-00012448": "Trump rescinded that policy amid public outrage and scrutiny from the courts last summer", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00010-00012448-00013785": "Additionally, after Trump walked back his threat to close the US-Mexico border and praised Mexico for doing more to stop the flow of immigrants, the President has since soured on his own walk back", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00011-00013785-00015081": "By the end of the week, Trump became frustrated once again about the issues at the border, dissatisfied that Mexico was not doing enough and looking for his aides to take tougher steps to address the problem", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00012-00015081-00016045": "The changes have left the department in limbo, which has had at least three positions filled by people in an acting capacity in senior roles", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00013-00016045-00017275": "Late last week, the White House abruptly withdrew the nomination of Ron Vitiello for director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which caught both Congress and the department by surprise", "0_PGpN54Bwu-00014-00017275-00018106": "Nielsen was unaware what was happening until after the nomination was pulled, a person familiar with the news said"}}, {"audio_id": "0I3Q82_e9XY", "text": {"0I3Q82_e9XY-00000-00000571-00001955": "New York legislators are making a new push for the release of President Donald Trump's taxes under state law, a move that could offer Democrats an end run around fights in Washington over the President's federal returns", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00001-00001955-00002992": "A bill introduced on Monday in the New York State Senate would authorize the state's tax commissioner to release state tax returns to Congress upon request", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00002-00002992-00003828": "Trump is a New York resident, and the state is home to the headquarters of his family business, the Trump Organization", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00003-00003828-00005160": "Though the legislation would only enable the release of the President's state returns, the fact that much of the President's business has been conducted in New York means that such returns could be nearly as telling as his federal returns", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00004-00005160-00007543": "The measure is being sponsored by State Senator Brad Hoylman.If passed, the bill would authorize the commissioner of the state's Department of Taxation and Finance to hand over tax returns at the request of the US House of Representatives' Ways and Means Committee, the US Senate Finance Committee or the Joint Committee on Taxation, Hoylman's spokeswoman Avery Cohen told CNN", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00005-00007543-00008368": "She added that the bill would stipulate that the request be \"for a specified and legitimate legislative purpose", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00006-00008368-00009332": "\".A spokesman for New York Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins told CNN Monday that the bill is under consideration", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00007-00009332-00010484": "\"It is something we will be discussing as Conference to decide if and when to move forward on this legislation,\" said Mike Murphy, the spokesperson for Stewart-Cousins, said", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00008-00010484-00011678": "Senate Republican leadership did not immediately respond to requests for comment.Hoylman has a history of pursuing legislation to uncover Trump's financial history", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00009-00011678-00013135": "Last year, Hoylman sponsored a bill that would have required any presidential or vice presidential candidate who wished to appear on the ballot in New York to file five years of federal income tax returns with the state Board of Elections", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00010-00013135-00013934": "That bill, known as the \"tax returns uniformly made public\" -- or TRUMP -- act, was defeated in committee", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00011-00013934-00014619": "Hoylman is currently sponsoring a similar bill which is before the state senate's elections committee", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00012-00014619-00015397": "Trump has declined to release his tax returns, the first president in over 40 years to do so", "0I3Q82_e9XY-00013-00015397-00016439": "He has claimed that ongoing Internal Revenue Service audits prevent him from doing so, despite the fact that no such audit would prohibit their release"}}, {"audio_id": "0J1aFLtgv_E", "text": {"0J1aFLtgv_E-00000-00000513-00002023": "Dominating headlines on Tuesday were Donald Trump’s spectacular failure to describe a 737, which probably helped prove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s point that “He’s just not worth it” – the other dominant headline on Tuesday", "0J1aFLtgv_E-00001-00002023-00002866": "What didn’t rank so high in the ratings was yet another horrific story coming from this administration’s internment camps", "0J1aFLtgv_E-00002-00002866-00004562": "Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon, who paid a visit to one of the camps in Homestead, Florida, was told by three of the detained children that staff threatened to keep misbehaving children separate from their families – further contradicting Kirstjen Nielsen’s testimony", "0J1aFLtgv_E-00003-00004562-00005904": "There are nearly 1,600 children at the facility Merkley visited alone. While officials swear that the Homestead facility is an orderly place, advocates have been painting a much different picture", "0J1aFLtgv_E-00004-00005904-00007398": "This is the same facility where allegations of child sexual abuse arose last month are were reported in the Miami New Times, where children are not allowed to have physical contact with each other, and continue to be separated from each other", "0J1aFLtgv_E-00005-00007398-00008650": "This is the real face of a national tragedy this administration owns – inerasable damage to human lives that their outright bigotry, xenophobia, and aspirations of autocracy can do", "0J1aFLtgv_E-00006-00008650-00010653": "As Speaker Pelosi said, Donald Trump isn’t worth it. Rather than covering his idiotic ramblings and tweets, a way to just amplify the number of people he can lie to, we need to put a face on the damage he is doing to America and its reputation abroad – harm that we could still be repairing years after he leaves office", "0J1aFLtgv_E-00007-00010653-00013103": "The focus throughout 2019 needs to be on the faces of everyday people – the families separated for months due to the racist policies of Homeland Security, the workers who suffer every time Trump shuts down the government in a tantrum, the journalists like Jamal Khashoggi, who are crucial for a functioning democracy and now face a job made more dangerous by emboldened despots throughout the world", "0J1aFLtgv_E-00008-00013103-00013910": "Talk about these people – not the narcissist – and before long, the country will be ready to oust Donald Trump"}}, {"audio_id": "0SRZD4FZhqA", "text": {"0SRZD4FZhqA-00000-00000571-00001550": "A poll recently released by Quinnipiac University might do some serious damage to the egos of both the First Lady and the First Daughter (is that a thing?)", "0SRZD4FZhqA-00001-00001550-00002877": "Both women earned abysmal approval ratings in the poll. And while both scored better than the President in the “unfavorable” bracket, both Melania and Ivanka scored lower than their husband/father in the “favorable” rating", "0SRZD4FZhqA-00002-00002877-00003810": "President Trump’s disapproval rating stands at 56%, Melania’s is at 24%, and Ivanka’s is at 31%", "0SRZD4FZhqA-00003-00003810-00004706": "President Trump’s approval rating is 39%, while Melania’s is 34%, and Ivanka’s is 36%", "0SRZD4FZhqA-00004-00004706-00005670": "Millennials scored both lady’s the worst, with approval ratings for just 25% for Melania and 24% for Ivanka", "0SRZD4FZhqA-00005-00005670-00006965": "Taking things a it further, CNN explains that the majority of voters also have a problem with the fact that both Jared Kushner and Ivanka have such prominent roles within Trump’s administration:", "0SRZD4FZhqA-00006-00006965-00008055": "Ivanka Trump recently assumed an official role in her father’s administration. She moved into a West Wing office and obtained a security clearance in late March", "0SRZD4FZhqA-00007-00008055-00009444": "About 53% of respondents said the first daughter playing a significant role in the White House is not appropriate, compared with 36% who said it was appropriate and 10% who did not have an opinion", "0SRZD4FZhqA-00008-00009444-00010518": "Kushner, her husband, also has a broad portfolio within the West Wing, where he has an influential purview over a range of foreign and domestic policy issues", "0SRZD4FZhqA-00009-00010518-00011476": "He is heading up the Office of American Innovation, a new White House office aimed at reforming the federal government through private-sector solutions", "0SRZD4FZhqA-00010-00011476-00012615": "About 53% said his role was not appropriate, compared to 32% of respondents who said it was appropriate and 15% who did not know"}}, {"audio_id": "0Wi21VLs96Y", "text": {"0Wi21VLs96Y-00000-00000571-00001749": "Even as Donald Trump’s fans were busy mistakenly celebrating an imaginary victory regarding Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Report, Trump himself decided to simply go quiet", "0Wi21VLs96Y-00001-00001749-00003227": "Then he stayed quiet. Then it became a joke about how long he’d been quiet. This morning, after a blissfully silent thirty-nine hours, Trump finally lit up his Twitter dumpster fire again – except he didn’t", "0Wi21VLs96Y-00002-00003227-00004421": "This morning at 8:01am, Donald Trump tweeted “Good Morning, Have A Great Day!” Then just one minute later, he tweeted “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Here’s the thing", "0Wi21VLs96Y-00003-00004421-00005876": "Based on the tone and phrasing, Trump clearly didn’t write that first tweet. That means he wasn’t behind the followup tweet either, which came just sixty seconds later and was clearly posted by the same person who wrote the first tweet", "0Wi21VLs96Y-00004-00005876-00006524": "That’s right, it wasn’t even Trump yelling his signature xenophobic catch phrase", "0Wi21VLs96Y-00005-00006524-00007352": "These two tweets are generic nonsense, but they do give something away: Donald Trump still doesn’t have anything to say", "0Wi21VLs96Y-00006-00007352-00008300": "His handlers clearly became concerned about all the attention his prolonged silence was receiving, so they tried to make those headlines go away", "0Wi21VLs96Y-00007-00008300-00008916": "The trouble is that they initially did it with a tweet that sounded nothing like Trump", "0Wi21VLs96Y-00008-00008916-00010170": "It makes you wonder who on Trump’s team did write that first tweet.In any case, we now know that Donald Trump’s silence isn’t some kind of strategy whipped up by his handlers and impressed upon him", "0Wi21VLs96Y-00009-00010170-00011523": "No, he just doesn’t know what to say as he awaits the Mueller report, which he knows likely to expose just how much of a criminal he is, and just how thoroughly he didn’t legitimately win the 2016 election", "0Wi21VLs96Y-00010-00011523-00012456": "This gives away that Trump is indeed scared into silence – to the point that his handlers felt compelled to try to clumsily cover for him"}}, {"audio_id": "0Wp0v1DnIoQ", "text": {"0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00000-00000513-00001435": "Wisconsin Republicans took a page out of Donald Trump’s playbook and tried to grab power from Democrats in state’s capitol", "0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00001-00001435-00002908": "The people of Wisconsin voted out a truly disturbing governor, Scott Walker. Rather than accept the people’s votes, the state Republicans decided to strip the new Democratic Governor Tony Evers of most of his power", "0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00002-00002908-00003619": "Fortunately, the judicial arm of the government recognized that this was a bad move", "0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00003-00003619-00004298": "Instead, Governor Evers was able to shout out “victory” in his most recent tweet:", "0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00004-00004298-00005016": "‘Today’s ruling is a victory for the people of Wisconsin and for preserving the Wisconsin Constitution'", "0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00005-00005016-00005695": "A Wisconsin judge temporarily blocked Walker’s laws that would have limited his successor", "0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00006-00005695-00006706": "Remarkably, the Republican-dominated legislature passed the laws in December. They even met in a special session to accomplish this", "0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00007-00006706-00007748": "The plaintiffs, including the League of Women Voters, Disability Rights Wisconsin, and Black Leaders Organizing for Communities were outraged at the attempt:", "0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00008-00007748-00009127": "‘The Wisconsin Constitution does not provide for the Legislature, let alone a small subset of each chamber acting through committees, to convene itself in an ‘extraordinary session,’ and neither does any statute'", "0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00009-00009127-00010285": "Dane County (Wisconsin) Circuit Judge Richard Niess blocked these subversive laws, thereby halting the legislature’s request for a temporary pause", "0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00010-00010285-00011680": "Evers responded:.‘The Legislature overplayed its hand by using an unlawful process to accumulate more power for itself and override the will of the people, despite the outcome of last November’s election'"}}, {"audio_id": "0ZTx-JV3hPg", "text": {"0ZTx-JV3hPg-00000-00000571-00001723": "President Donald Trump is threatening to close parts of the US.-Mexican border as record numbers of migrants surge through the legal loopholes created by Congress and judges", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00001-00001723-00003604": "“CONGRESS MUST CHANGE OUR WEAK IMMIGRATION LAWS NOW. If Mexico doesn’t immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States throug [sic] our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING the Border, or large sections of the Border, next week,” he said in a series of three tweets Friday morning", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00002-00003604-00004466": "Border officials are ramping up their estimates for the number of migrants who will grab the opportunity created by Congress", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00003-00004466-00005254": "Predictions for 2019 have climbed from 900,000 to 1.2 million during the last few weeks", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00004-00005254-00006344": "Others experts suggest the 2019 number may be far larger. A February report from Jim Clifton, the chairman, and CEO at Gallup said:", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00005-00006344-00007232": "Forty-two million seekers of citizenship or asylum are watching to determine exactly when and how is the best time to make the move", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00006-00007232-00007895": "This suggests that open borders could potentially attract 42 million Latin Americans", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00007-00007895-00008569": "A full 5 million who are planning to move in the next 12 months say they are moving to the US", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00008-00008569-00009447": "Pro-migration Democrats deny the migrant wave and say it is smaller than the surges seen under President George W", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00009-00009447-00010468": "Bush. But the numbers under Bush were high because individual migrants were overcounted as they made repeated attempts to sneak through the border", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00010-00010468-00011662": "The current count excludes overcounts because each migrant is counted once before they are released into the United States to move into blue-collar jobs, neighborhoods, and schools", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00011-00011662-00012994": "The growing wave of migrants from Central America is being welcomed as a “humanitarian crisis” by most Democrats leaders because it provides them with a new bloc of ‘dreamer’ illegals who may become voters in the 2030s", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00012-00012994-00014601": "The surge is also welcomed because it gives elite progressives an opportunity to simultaneously display favoritism to subordinate outsiders and disdain towards the mass of ordinary Americans who demand respect, civic solidarity, and higher wages", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00013-00014601-00016150": "Business interests welcome the migration because it provides a new block of cheap workers, consumers, and renters, and also because it helps distract Washington from Trump’s “Hire American” policy and his “Four Pillars” immigration reforms", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00014-00016150-00017098": "The “Hire American” policy opposed by business groups because it is giving Trump’s voters important pay raises before the 2020 elections", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00015-00017098-00018336": "Business interests will rally to block Trump’s threat to shutter the border until Mexico helps stop the mass migration, which is being aided by new bus lines which ferry migrants up to the US border", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00016-00018336-00018984": "Trump’s statement comes as border official are trying to warn Congress of the problems", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00017-00018984-00020295": "For example, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a Thursday letter to all members of Congress that, “We face a system-wide meltdown … We are witnessing the real-time dissolution of the immigration system", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00018-00020295-00022092": "”.She added, “I will be working with the Office of Management and Budget to provide you additional details in the near future, but the situation is so dire we want to make notification to you now that we will require additional resources … to ensure immediate safety and care of individuals in our custody", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00019-00022092-00023210": "”.On Monday, border commissioner Kevin McAleenan provided reporters with some details about the Central Americans’ rush into Americans’ society, jobs, and schools", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00020-00023210-00024812": "The March inflow alone will include roughly 15,000 parents and 40,000 children in “family units” who will ask for asylum — and then will be released — plus roughly 35,000 single adults who will try to evade border officers, he said", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00021-00024812-00026280": "McAleenan pinned the blame on Congress and the judges who have jointly cut legal holes in the border fences by allowing migrants to stream into US cities, jobs, and schools if they merely ask for asylum, saying:", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00022-00026280-00027445": "The increase in family units is a direct response to the vulnerabilities in our legal frameworks where migrants and smugglers know that they will be released and be allowed to stay in the U", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00023-00027445-00028497": "S. indefinitely pending immigration proceedings that could be many years out. This is due to court orders that undermine the integrity of our immigration system", "0ZTx-JV3hPg-00024-00028497-00028905": "There is no questioning [about] why this is happening"}}, {"audio_id": "0gU9uHv7EP4", "text": {"0gU9uHv7EP4-00000-00000513-00001683": "The image was posted on the Royal Family’s Twitter account, with the Monarch dressed in a lovely white gown and joined by her daughter Princess Anne, who dazzled in an emerald dress suit", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00001-00001683-00003107": "The image was captioned: “The Queen, with The Princess Royal, hosted Their Majesties The King and Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, @KingAbdullahII and @QueenRania, and their son The Crown Prince at Buckingham Palace", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00002-00003107-00003718": "” Though fans clocked something unusual about the picture as they shuffled closer to their screens", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00003-00003718-00004655": "A close-up of the picture showed the 92-year-old was sporting a nasty bruise on her hand, which had turned a dark shade of purple", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00004-00004655-00005387": "One commenter, Tracy Edgar, said: “I love keeping up with Queen Eliabeth II but I’m concerned", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00005-00005387-00006233": "“Why does she have such a terrible bruise on her left hand. Did I miss something? But as always, she looks stunning!”", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00006-00006233-00007176": "Catherine Longstaff replied: “The lady is 92 at that age any little knock unfortunately turns into what can look severe bruises", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00007-00007176-00007832": "The Queen is rather fab though isn't she???”.Liam Edwards posted: “Her hand OK?”", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00008-00007832-00008921": "He added a close-up of her hand to show other Twitter users.Another commenter replied: “My worries exactly? She’s bruised badly for some reason", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00009-00008921-00010217": "”.Another suggested she might have burned her hand and after commenting on Queen Rania of Jordan’s beautiful pink dress, added “By the way - what happened QoE’s hand - she burnt it by mistake", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00010-00010217-00011144": "Nasty one.”.Another commenter added: “What’s wrong with the Queen’s hands?”.A final comment read: “Look at Queen Elizabeth’s hands", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00011-00011144-00013127": "They look red and bruised. Like someone was trying to find an artery.”.In the image, the foursome, joined by the King and Queen of Jordan’s son, Hussein, all smiled for a photo together, which saw Queen Rania look chic in a beautiful gown and purple heels doing the family’s visit to Buckingham Palace", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00012-00013127-00014187": "Concerns over the Queen’s health last surfaced the previous summer when she pulled out of a morning service at St Paul's Cathedral on June 28 at the last minute", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00013-00014187-00014934": "Buckingham Palace said the Queen was too “under the weather” to attend the event, with it later emerging she had a cold", "0gU9uHv7EP4-00014-00014934-00015347": "She was back to work on July 2"}}, {"audio_id": "0kl_L3XiCAu", "text": {"0kl_L3XiCAu-00000-00000571-00001409": "The thing about a coordinated coverup effort: you’ve got to pull it off cleanly enough that most people don’t notice or care", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00001-00001409-00002930": "When it comes to the attempted coverup of what’s really in the Robert Mueller report, Team Trump seemed to be pulling it off for the first day or so, particularly when the media began parroting the false claim that the Barr summary was the Mueller report", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00002-00002930-00004029": "But now it’s starting to unravel.Team Trump’s first mistake was that the Barr summary was too cartoonishly glowing in Donald Trump’s favor to be plausible", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00003-00004029-00004836": "This gave House Democrats leverage when it came to convincing the public that the real Mueller report be released", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00004-00004836-00006014": "Now the media is finally starting to back off from its initial claims that the Barr summary was the Mueller report, and the media is calling for the real report to be released", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00005-00006014-00006793": "This has sent Donald Trump’s people scrambling, to the point that they can’t get their message straight", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00006-00006793-00008757": "For instance Trump’s close ally Lindsey Graham, who has been positioning himself as some kind of de facto publicist for Barr this week, told a gang of reporters today that Barr is going to let the Trump White House redact any parts of the Mueller report that it considers to be covered under executive privilege, and then release it", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00007-00008757-00009658": "This set off an immediate firestorm, because it’s obvious that Trump could simply redact all the parts that make him look bad", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00008-00009658-00010844": "Sure enough, just about an hour later, an unnamed DOJ official told NBC News that Barr won’t be letting the Trump White House see the Mueller report before it’s released", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00009-00010844-00011900": "Oops. If Barr’s plan was to secretly let Trump whitewash the Mueller report before releasing it, then Graham just blew it by publicly talking about it", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00010-00011900-00013237": "This has forced the DOJ to publicly commit to the position of not giving it to Trump, and it’s set up a brewing scandal about whether the DOJ might still try to secretly slip the report to Trump before releasing it", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00011-00013237-00014614": "The more convoluted this coverup becomes for Team Trump, the more they have to backtrack, and the more they have to publicly address the details of what they are or aren’t doing to cover it up, the more of a firestorm this becomes", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00012-00014614-00015510": "We’re only 48 hours into Team Trump’s attempt at burying the Mueller report, and it’s already unraveling for them in real time", "0kl_L3XiCAu-00013-00015510-00016267": "At this rate, the Trump-Barr coverup could quickly become Trump’s most problematic scandal to date"}}, {"audio_id": "19C-tETh44A", "text": {"19C-tETh44A-00000-00000571-00001556": "New York Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to sue the Trump administration if it sends illegal immigrants to New York City, a “sanctuary city", "19C-tETh44A-00001-00001556-00002587": "”.“It’s illegal. It is just plain illegal. We will meet him in court. We will beat him in court,” de Blasio said, according to the New York Post", "19C-tETh44A-00002-00002587-00004066": ".President Trump on Monday tweeted, “Those Illegal Immigrants who can no longer be legally held (Congress must fix the laws and loopholes) will be, subject to Homeland Security, given to Sanctuary Cities and States", "19C-tETh44A-00003-00004066-00004714": "He said on Friday that his administration was giving “strong consideration” to the idea", "19C-tETh44A-00004-00004714-00006176": "“Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only,” Trump tweeted", "19C-tETh44A-00005-00006176-00007125": ".So-called “sanctuary cities” are cities where local authorities do not report the immigration status of residents to federal authorities", "19C-tETh44A-00006-00007125-00008778": "Last week, the Washington Post reported that the White House proposed transporting and releasing detained immigrants to sanctuary cities such as San Francisco, allegedly to alleviate detention space at the border, but also to “send a message to Democrats", "19C-tETh44A-00007-00008778-00010016": "”.Singer and actress Cher — who once said she and her businesses would be willing to take Dreamers into their homes — has also decried the idea of bringing illegal immigrants to her city of Los Angeles"}}, {"audio_id": "1_FnxntdbRk", "text": {"1_FnxntdbRk-00000-00000571-00002065": "Almost from the day that Donald Trump won the White House in 2016, a significant chunk of Democrats have wanted Congress to throw him out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue via impeachment", "1_FnxntdbRk-00001-00002065-00002802": "Which makes the latest finding on impeachment in a CNN-SSRS poll all the more intriguing", "1_FnxntdbRk-00002-00002802-00003442": "Just more than one in three respondents said they support an effort to impeach Trump", "1_FnxntdbRk-00003-00003442-00004437": "That's down from 43% who said the same in December and 47% who supported impeachment earlier in the fall of 2018", "1_FnxntdbRk-00004-00004437-00005680": "But more amazingly -- at least to me! -- is that while 80% of self-identified Democrats said they backed impeaching Trump in December, just 68% feel that way now", "1_FnxntdbRk-00005-00005680-00006942": "Remarkable, no? .The decline in the desire of Democrats to run Trump out of town on a rail comes roughly a week after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif", "1_FnxntdbRk-00006-00006942-00007877": ") went public with her opposition to pursuing impeachment against Trump. Pelosi told The Washington Post:\"I'm not for impeachment", "1_FnxntdbRk-00007-00007877-00008770": "This is news. I'm going to give you some news right now because I haven't said this to any press person before", "1_FnxntdbRk-00008-00008770-00010301": "But since you asked, and I've been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there's something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don't think we should go down that path, because it divides the country", "1_FnxntdbRk-00009-00010301-00012234": "And he's just not worth it.\".Pelosi's stance drew praise from a very unlikely source -- former Trump political strategist Steve Bannon -- who, in an interview for Showtime's \"The Circus,\" said he would give her a 10 out of 10 on how she has managed the speakership and talk of impeachment", "1_FnxntdbRk-00010-00012234-00013911": "What will be interesting to watch in the coming weeks and months is whether 2020 presidential candidates -- many of whom have already called for Trump's impeachment -- walk back that rhetoric even slightly, or whether they will double down because that's what the base wants", "1_FnxntdbRk-00011-00013911-00014645": "Asked in a CNN-sponsored town hall Monday about her stance on impeachment, Massachusetts Sen", "1_FnxntdbRk-00012-00014645-00015442": "Elizabeth Warren said this:.\"So we have a report that is due from the special prosecutor any day now", "1_FnxntdbRk-00013-00015442-00016424": "Understand that that investigation from Mr. Mueller has produced already -- I believe it's 34 indictments or guilty pleas", "1_FnxntdbRk-00014-00016424-00017513": "This is a serious investigation. We need to protect him in finishing that report, and then that report needs to be made public to the American people", "1_FnxntdbRk-00015-00017513-00018359": "When we get it, we will know what to do with it.\".Which, if you're playing along at home, isn't a direct answer"}}, {"audio_id": "1A65f7OR_Fo", "text": {"1A65f7OR_Fo-00000-00000571-00001736": "Donald Trump’s ongoing feud with right-wingnut Ann Coulter continued on Saturday when the president lashed out at the conservative pundit while claiming that he is “winning” in the border wall fight", "1A65f7OR_Fo-00001-00001736-00002901": "Donald Trump’s ongoing feud with right-wingnut Ann Coulter continued on Saturday when the president lashed out at the conservative pundit while claiming that he is “winning” in the border wall fight", "1A65f7OR_Fo-00002-00002901-00004792": "Trump took to Twitter to attack Coulter. He tweeted saying:.“Wacky nut job Ann Coulter, who still hasn’t figured out that, despite all odds and an entire Democrat Party of far left radicals against me (not to mention certain Republicans who are sadly unwilling to fight), I am winning on the Border''", "1A65f7OR_Fo-00003-00004792-00005641": "“Major sections of wall are being built and renovated, with much more to follow shortly,” Trump inaccurately argued", "1A65f7OR_Fo-00004-00005641-00006401": "“Tens of thousands of illegals are being apprehended (captured) at the border and not allowed into our Country", "1A65f7OR_Fo-00005-00006401-00006991": "”.“I am stopping an invasion as the wall gets built,” Trump argued"}}, {"audio_id": "1MTr4FfHCyg", "text": {"1MTr4FfHCyg-00000-00000571-00001482": "Just when you thought Ivanka might escape any kind of implication into the Russia scandal, the New York Times blows a story wide open", "1MTr4FfHCyg-00001-00001482-00002660": "The Trump Organization was recently required to turn over a batch of emails as part of the ongoing investigation into interference with the 2016 presidential election", "1MTr4FfHCyg-00002-00002660-00004016": "In emails obtained by the New York Times, Felix Sater wrote to Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen regarding building a “Trump Tower” in Moscow, saying: “I will get Putin in on this program and we will get Donald elected", "1MTr4FfHCyg-00003-00004016-00005137": "”.Are you intrigued yet?.As Felix Sater’s name becomes increasingly recognizable to the public, one wonders whether he will prove to be the nadir of Trump’s presidency", "1MTr4FfHCyg-00004-00005137-00006516": "Despite Trump’s repeated attempts to disavow any knowledge of Sater — though Felix Sater helped to finance the much maligned Trump SoHo project and held an office in Trump Tower — he will not go away from the zeitgeist", "1MTr4FfHCyg-00005-00006516-00007428": "In particular, he is playing an increasingly troublesome role for Donald Trump, an arguably delightful role for Robert Mueller", "1MTr4FfHCyg-00006-00007428-00009086": "In addition to stating that somehow Vladimir Putin would be responsible for installing Donald Trump as president, the emails from the New York Times also show Sater proclaiming, “I arranged for Ivanka to sit in Putins [sic] private chair at his desk and office in the Kremlin", "1MTr4FfHCyg-00007-00009086-00010108": "”.Sater continued, “If he says it we own this election. Americas most difficult adversary agreeing that Donald is a good guy to negotiate", "1MTr4FfHCyg-00008-00010108-00010742": "”.This is the first instance that Ivanka Trump has been brought directly into the fray", "1MTr4FfHCyg-00009-00010742-00011677": "She maintains that she has never actually met with Vladmir Putin and only ever visited the Kremlin as part of a tour of Red Square", "1MTr4FfHCyg-00010-00011677-00012612": "Ivanka Trump claims to not remember whether she sat in Putin’s chair during the tour, although she admitted that it was possible"}}, {"audio_id": "1Rnz5ddj7Zc", "text": {"1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00000-00000571-00001561": "The establishment media are deliberately spreading fake news about President Trump, saying he called for violence during his interview with Breitbart News", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00001-00001561-00003865": "Outside of the usual-usual fake news to damage Trump and to distract from their failing Russia Collusion Hoax, the media’s propaganda effort here is to make Trump pay a political price for daring to sit down with an alternative news outlet like Breitbart News and to warn other politicians not to violate the rules about who is “supposed” to be allowed to hold high-profile interviews", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00002-00003865-00004735": "In this particular case, because the president said nothing wrong in his interview with us, the media have been forced to invent something", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00003-00004735-00005458": "Case in point: all this nonsense about Trump calling for violence. Here’s what Trump actually said", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00004-00005458-00006712": "“So here’s the thing—it’s so terrible what’s happening,” Trump said when asked by Breitbart News Deputy Political Editor Amanda House about his anticipated executive order on campus free speech", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00005-00006712-00007733": "“You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00006-00007733-00009350": "Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00007-00009350-00010729": "But the left plays it cuter and tougher. Like with all the nonsense that they do in Congress … with all this invest[igations] — that’s all they want to do is — you know, they do things that are nasty", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00008-00010729-00013057": "Republicans never played this''.I don’t care how many times you read that, there is nothing there — not a word, not a peep, not anything that has anything to do with violence of any kind, nothing even close to Barack Obama’s actual calls to violence with his rhetoric about bringing a gun to a knife fight or punching back twice as hard, which everyone in the media wrote off as political rhetoric", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00009-00013057-00014000": "Obviously, Trump is talking about getting politically tough, about organizations and people who do not back down from a political fight", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00010-00014000-00015766": "To see violence in that statement, you either have to be an idiot or a bald-faced liar deliberately acting in bad faith–and what we have in the media are herds and herds of bald-faced liars deliberately acting in bad faith, deliberately attempting to deceive the American public", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00011-00015766-00017027": "Here’s a list of the worst offenders….CNN (naturally).What’s interesting is that CNN’s Chris Cuomo encourages and defends Antifa’s violence against Trump supporters", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00012-00017027-00017879": "Oh, and here’s CNN lying again and again.New York magazine.Splinter.HuffPost.The Hill", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00013-00017879-00018827": "The Washington Post.Talking Points Memo.MSNBC.Think Progress.Esquire.Daily Mail.Mother Jones", "1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00014-00018827-00019582": "Slate.SFGate.Each and every one of these outlets is deliberately deceiving its readers and viewers"}}, {"audio_id": "1YhOwpejlmQ", "text": {"1YhOwpejlmQ-00000-00000513-00001597": "Have you ever daydreamed about Donald Trump being hauled out of the White House in handcuffs as a stoic Robert Mueller looks on? If you have, you’re not alone", "1YhOwpejlmQ-00001-00001597-00002412": "But if you spend any time thinking the final endgame scenario through, you quickly realize it’s not so simple", "1YhOwpejlmQ-00002-00002412-00003438": "Let’s assume for a moment that Robert Mueller and the Attorney General (or the SDNY) decide to indict Donald Trump while he is in office", "1YhOwpejlmQ-00003-00003438-00004214": "How do they issue that indictment? Is Trump a flight risk? Most likely he is not", "1YhOwpejlmQ-00004-00004214-00004922": "Therefore, his lawyer would be served and he would be given some number of hours to turn himself in for processing", "1YhOwpejlmQ-00005-00004922-00006228": "What will he do? What if he announces a pardon for himself? That would place a burden back onto the DOJ to fight the pardon in court, and he would most likely avoid immediate arrest", "1YhOwpejlmQ-00006-00006228-00009232": "Would he start firing nearly everyone inside the DOJ? He could.Would the Republicans in Congress decide they don’t want to go down with him, and move to quickly impeach him before he can wreak further havoc on our institutions and/or rally his supporters to armed protests? Do you really think Trump will accept an indictment quietly, or is he more likely to fire as many people as he can in the DOJ, issue pardons to himself and his family, and rally his supporters into a frenzy?", "1YhOwpejlmQ-00007-00009232-00010167": "Even if Donald Trump is indicted, he would still most likely be the President of the United States until there are enough votes to oust him", "1YhOwpejlmQ-00008-00010167-00010839": "I bet these conversations have happened and are happening right now inside the DOJ", "1YhOwpejlmQ-00009-00010839-00011928": "Given how messy this “end-game” is likely to get, it makes some sense that the final act against the President of the United States must be robust and well planned", "1YhOwpejlmQ-00010-00011928-00012341": "This is not going to be clean and simple"}}, {"audio_id": "1Z059Ym901Y", "text": {"1Z059Ym901Y-00000-00000571-00001239": "The world is well aware that Donald Trump has made it this far in life through the use of lies", "1Z059Ym901Y-00001-00001239-00002282": "Nobody, outside the diminishing cult that believes every word out of his mouth, believes that Trump legitimately made money in any investment he ever made", "1Z059Ym901Y-00002-00002282-00003188": "Instead, Trump has proven to be a failure as the head of a casino, a professional football owner, and as an illegitimate president", "1Z059Ym901Y-00003-00003188-00004220": "If professional failure wasn’t enough, it has now become evident – not that it wasn’t already assumed – that Trump was unsuccessful in academia", "1Z059Ym901Y-00004-00004220-00005547": "For someone who publicly called out for the release of President Obama’s school records, it is rather pathetic that a fraud would do everything in his power to prevent the release of his own personal academic scores", "1Z059Ym901Y-00005-00005547-00006547": "While Trump employs a team of individuals paid to lie on his behalf, things become awkward when such individuals are called out by loved ones", "1Z059Ym901Y-00006-00006547-00007785": "Trump’s top propagandist, Kellyanne Conway, is most well known for spewing “alternative facts” that conflate the truth in order to benefit Trump’s proposed point of view", "1Z059Ym901Y-00007-00007785-00008499": "Conway’s own husband has clearly become sick of such lies, as evidenced by his recent tweets", "1Z059Ym901Y-00008-00008499-00009846": "George Conway, Kellyanne’s husband, recently agreed with S.V. Date, a White House correspondent for Huffington Post who corrected Trump by saying, “No, “’major sections of Wall” are not being built’", "1Z059Ym901Y-00009-00009846-00011006": "” Conway added “Exactly. It’s a brazen and ridiculous lie, repeated over and over and over and over again, to cover the fact that he was asleep at the switch for two years", "1Z059Ym901Y-00010-00011006-00012312": "#SummaCumLiar”.Conway was one of the first to utilize that hashtag in an effort to publicize the fact that Trump not only was never at the apex of his academic life, but was also never near the top", "1Z059Ym901Y-00011-00012312-00013647": "While it is clear to the majority of people that Trump was never at the summit of anything in his life, it seems necessary to state that Trump has always been, and will continue to be, an absolute failure"}}, {"audio_id": "21tQjJk2CtQ", "text": {"21tQjJk2CtQ-00000-00000571-00001908": "President Donald Trump is not happy that former House Speaker Paul Ryan blocked subpoenas of people and entities Trump thinks the House GOP should have been investigating during the first two years of his administration", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00001-00001908-00004001": "Trump told Breitbart News in an exclusive lengthy Oval Office interview that Ryan blocked issuance of subpoenas to people he thinks should have been investigated on the political left, and now that the Republicans no longer have the majority in the House, people Trump says Ryan protected may have gotten away with whatever they did that warranted investigation", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00002-00004001-00004959": "Trump said that House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and his predecessor and fellow conservative Rep", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00003-00004959-00005732": "Jim Jordan (R-OH) wanted to be tougher with the left, but that Ryan would not let them", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00004-00005732-00006385": "“Paul Ryan wouldn’t give the right to have any subpoenas,” Trump told Breitbart News", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00005-00006385-00007386": "“Okay? Now in all fairness, Meadows and Jordan and all these guys, they wanted to go tougher, but they weren’t allowed to by leadership", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00006-00007386-00008459": "”.Trump’s comments came in a wider part of the conversation about how the left is more “vicious” than the right—and that the left in American politics plays “cuter and tougher", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00007-00008459-00009580": "”.“So here’s the thing—it’s so terrible what’s happening,” Trump said when asked by Breitbart News Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle about how the left is fighting hard", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00008-00009580-00010601": "“You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00009-00010601-00012218": "Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00010-00012218-00013553": "But the left plays it cuter and tougher. Like with all the nonsense that they do in Congress … with all this invest[igations]—that’s all they want to do is –you know, they do things that are nasty", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00011-00013553-00014488": "Republicans never played this.”. .Trump’s relationship with Ryan during Ryan’s tenure was fraught with peril from the get-go", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00012-00014488-00015883": "Ryan only hesitantly backed Trump’s 2016 campaign in 2016 once Trump won the GOP nomination, but then backed off from supporting Trump after the release of the infamous Access Hollywood tape", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00013-00015883-00017816": "Ryan ditched on a campaign event he had scheduled with Trump that weekend, and the following week held a conference call with House GOP members in early October 2016 in which he told members it would be acceptable to him if they abandoned the GOP nominee for president just weeks before the 2016 election", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00014-00017816-00019091": "“I am not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future,” Ryan said on the private call, audio of which was obtained by Breitbart News and published in early 2017", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00015-00019091-00021047": ".Ryan followed through on that and never campaigned with Trump. When Breitbart News published this audio in the spring of 2017, his then-spokesman Brendan Buck claimed that “a lot has happened since then” and argued that Ryan was working with Trump on the president’s agenda in the first couple years of his administration", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00016-00021047-00022479": "With the exception of tax cuts, however, which the president led the way on, Ryan did not deliver much in the way of helping Trump achieve any of his agenda during the time Ryan served as Speaker while Trump served as president", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00017-00022479-00023521": "Ryan became speaker in 2015, when then-Speaker John Boehner—facing a revolt from within his own GOP ranks—was forced to step aside", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00018-00023521-00024216": "Others had sought the job and failed before Ryan eventually ended up running for the position", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00019-00024216-00025315": "Prior to being Speaker, Ryan was the failed 2012 vice presidential nominee for the GOP presidential ticket of former Massachusetts Gov", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00020-00025315-00026326": "Mitt Romney. With Ryan at his side, Romney, who has since left Massachusetts behind to move to Utah and now represents Utah in the U", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00021-00026326-00027515": "S. Senate, lost the 2012 presidential election to then-President Barack Obama.Then in early 2018, Ryan announced he would not be seeking re-election in the midterms", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00022-00027515-00028215": "Critics argued that his not stepping aside hurt the GOP in the midterm elections", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00023-00028215-00028883": "Now that Ryan is gone from public life, he took a sharp shot at Trump earlier this week", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00024-00028883-00029905": "“The person who defines that race is going to win the race,” Ryan said about the 2020 presidential race at a lecture in Florida per a local news account", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00025-00029905-00030506": "“If this is about Donald Trump and his personality, he isn’t going to win it''.", "21tQjJk2CtQ-00026-00030506-00032313": "Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump, Jr., fired back at Ryan on Twitter earlier in the week, saying the former speaker “failed” in 2012, “lied to us,” did not deliver border wall funding he promised previously, and then went on to lose the House GOP its majority in the midterms"}}, {"audio_id": "21a6Bh2Z3H4", "text": {"21a6Bh2Z3H4-00000-00000571-00002078": "As House Democrats gear up to unearth the real Robert Mueller report and expose Donald Trump’s crimes, Trump continues with his strategy of distraction by pushing forward with his deranged agenda: Destroy President Obama’s legacy", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00001-00002078-00002815": "Trump thought this would be This isn’t going over well, however, and now Trump is throwing a fit about it", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00002-00002815-00003658": "Even Trump’s fellow Republican leaders are letting it be known through various media leaks that they want nothing to do with it", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00003-00003658-00004706": "Instead of realizing that he’s picked a loser of an idea, Trump is instead doubling down on it, and – naturally – doubling his empty bombast", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00004-00004706-00005604": "On Monday night, Trump posted this angry multi-part tweet:.“Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn’t work", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00005-00005604-00007085": "Premiums & deductibles are far too high – Really bad HealthCare! Even the Dems want to replace it, but with Medicare for all, which would cause 180 million Americans to lose their beloved private health insurance", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00006-00007085-00007973": "The Republicans are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00007-00007973-00009131": "In other words it will be far less expensive & much more usable than ObamaCare. Vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00008-00009131-00010210": "back the House. It will be truly great HealthCare that will work for America. Also, Republicans will always support Pre-Existing Conditions", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00009-00010210-00011173": "The Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare. Meantime, the USA is doing better than ever & is respected again!”", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00010-00011173-00012508": "That’s right, he spelled it HealtCare.To be clear, there is no consensus that “ObamaCare doesn’t work,” and there is no evidence that Donald Trump and the Republicans have any such alternative", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00011-00012508-00013961": "This is the same utter nonsense that they pushed back in 2017. They didn’t have an alternative back then either, most Americans saw right through the con, and Trump and the GOP got pummeled in the midterm elections as a result", "21a6Bh2Z3H4-00012-00013961-00014783": "There you have it. It’s clear that Trump is running out of ideas to distract from the legal storm that is about to hit him"}}, {"audio_id": "27OSN17fOY8", "text": {"27OSN17fOY8-00000-00000513-00001652": "DURHAM, N.H. – He trounced eventual nominee Hillary Clinton in the Granite State’s 2016 Democratic primary, and a new public opinion poll indicates Sen", "27OSN17fOY8-00001-00001652-00002725": "Bernie Sanders has the early advantage with just under a year to go until the 2020 contest in the state that holds the first presidential primary", "27OSN17fOY8-00002-00002725-00003861": "Twenty-six percent of likely Democratic primary voters questioned in a University of New Hampshire survey said they’d support the independent senator from Vermont in next year’s contest", "27OSN17fOY8-00003-00003861-00005027": "The Granite State Poll was conducted Feb. 18-26, mostly after the Feb. 19 announcement by Sanders that he was launching a second presidential bid", "27OSN17fOY8-00004-00005027-00005878": "Twenty-two percent of those polled said they’d back former Vice President Joe Biden, who’s seriously considering a White House run", "27OSN17fOY8-00005-00005878-00006662": "Public opinion survey’s conducted this early in an election cycle are often heavily influenced by name recognition", "27OSN17fOY8-00006-00006662-00007461": "One in ten said they’d back Sen. Kamala Harris of California, with seven percent supporting Sen", "27OSN17fOY8-00007-00007461-00008480": "Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas – a likely White House hopeful – stood at five percent, with Sen", "27OSN17fOY8-00008-00008480-00009190": "Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota at four percent and Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey at there percent", "27OSN17fOY8-00009-00009190-00010086": "Everyone else in the large field of 2020 Democratic contenders and potential contenders registered at one percent or less", "27OSN17fOY8-00010-00010086-00011497": "Fourteen percent of those questioned were undecided.UNH pollster Andrew Smith pointed out that those age 18-34 were more likely to support Sanders, with those 65 and older more likely to back Biden", "27OSN17fOY8-00011-00011497-00012330": "And he spotlighted that Harris has jumped seven percentage points since an August survey, with Warren dropping ten points", "27OSN17fOY8-00012-00012330-00013341": "When not provided a list of candidates and asked an open-ended question on whom they’d back in next February’s primary, Sanders’ lead increased", "27OSN17fOY8-00013-00013341-00014401": "He stood at 28 percent, with Biden at eight percent.Harris stood at six percent, with Klobuchar at three percent and Warren and Booker a point back", "27OSN17fOY8-00014-00014401-00015640": "“More than four in ten Democratic primary voters remain undecided or cannot provide a name when asked an open-ended question about whom they will vote for in 2020,” Smith added", "27OSN17fOY8-00015-00015640-00017139": "Beating Republican President Trump remains a top concern for Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire and across the nation, and the survey indicated that Granite State Democrats see Biden at the most electable in the general election", "27OSN17fOY8-00016-00017139-00018072": "Nearly a third of those questioned said Biden had the best chance of winning in November 2020, with Sanders ten points back at 22 percent", "27OSN17fOY8-00017-00018072-00020070": "Everyone else was a five percent or less.The poll also asked likely New Hampshire Democratic primary voters which candidate they would not vote for under any circumstances, with Warren topping that list at 13 percent, followed by Sanders at eight percent and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg at six percent", "27OSN17fOY8-00018-00020070-00021509": "The billionaire media mogul is mulling a White House bid.Trump trounced a large field in New Hampshire’s 2016 GOP presidential primary, launching him on the way to the Republican nomination and eventually the White House", "27OSN17fOY8-00019-00021509-00022439": "The poll indicated that more than 80 percent of Granite State Republicans approve of the job the president’s doing steering the country", "27OSN17fOY8-00020-00022439-00023487": "But only 56 percent of likely GOP primary voters said they plan on voting for Trump in the 2020 New Hampshire Republican presidential primary", "27OSN17fOY8-00021-00023487-00024134": "Fifteen percent said they’d back another candidate, with nearly three in ten undecided", "27OSN17fOY8-00022-00024134-00025412": "In a hypothetical primary matchup, the poll indicates Trump’s support rises. Sixty-eight percent said they would back Trump, with 17 percent supporting former Ohio Gov", "27OSN17fOY8-00023-00025412-00026908": "John Kasich and three percent voting for former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld. Kasich, who came in second to Trump in the 2016 New Hampshire Republican primary, is a vocal critic of the president who’s mulling a primary challenge", "27OSN17fOY8-00024-00026908-00027857": "Weld, another Trump critic, last month formed a presidential exploratory committee as he seriously weighs a longshot primary challenge", "27OSN17fOY8-00025-00027857-00028617": "Six-hundred and four people were questioned by live operators in the University of New Hampshire Granite State poll", "27OSN17fOY8-00026-00028617-00029314": "The survey’s sampling error for likely Democratic primary votes is plus or minus 6", "27OSN17fOY8-00027-00029314-00030030": "3 percentage points and 6.6 percentage points for likely GOP primary voters"}}, {"audio_id": "29IqE6KqeC8", "text": {"29IqE6KqeC8-00000-00000571-00003353": "With the completion and delivery of Special Counsel Robert Muller’s report containing his findings in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections and the Trump campaign’s role in it, congressional Democrats have been loudly advocating to get a copy of the full report from Attorney General William Barr before there is any opportunity for President Trump and his cohorts to influence the redacted summary of the report that is all that Barr is required to deliver by law", "29IqE6KqeC8-00001-00003353-00004917": "House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler laid out the Democratic party line in his tweet that attached a copy of the official letter sent by Barr to himself and the other senior members of both parties presiding over congressional Judiciary committees", "29IqE6KqeC8-00002-00004917-00008112": "While most of the reaction to the conclusion of Mueller’s investigation from the Republican side of the aisle consisted of gloating over the announcement that no further indictments were expected from the Special Counsel’s office at this time — gloating that may be premature given that Mueller has handed off any materials that were not directly pertinent to the core areas that he was tasked with investigating to other federal and state prosecutors — at least one Republicans senator joined his Democratic colleagues in calling for Attorney General Barr to make the report public", "29IqE6KqeC8-00003-00008112-00009165": "NBC News producer Frank Thorp V shared Senator Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) statement in response to the Special Counsel’s completion of his probe", "29IqE6KqeC8-00004-00009165-00012508": "While Senator Grassley states a motivation far different than that of his Democratic counterparts — clearing the president of the accusations of collusion with Russia rather than determining exactly what was investigated and what conclusions and assumptions were made during the course of the inquiry — the fact that he is calling for Barr to quickly release Mueller’s findings to both Congress and the public at least provides the pressure on Barr to comply with the urgent pleas for full disclosure a patina of bi-partisanship that has thus far eluded any Congressional response to the investigation", "29IqE6KqeC8-00005-00012508-00013261": "All eyes are on Attorney General Barr now to see how he decides to handle the reports’ findings", "29IqE6KqeC8-00006-00013261-00015374": "Since he stated in his letter to the Judiciary Committee that he “may be in a position to advise you of the Special Counsel’s principal conclusions as soon as this weekend,” stay close to your favored news sources to hear whatever details the Attorney General deems publically releasable and the inevitable speculation about what he may be holding pack from general consumption"}}, {"audio_id": "2wDUK_gQgxM", "text": {"2wDUK_gQgxM-00000-00000571-00001629": "The two leaders exchanged soccer jerseys from their respective countries, as Trump recalled the greatness of legendary Brazilian soccer champion Pelé", "2wDUK_gQgxM-00001-00001629-00002337": "Bolsonaro gave Trump a soccer jersey with his name on the jersey bearing Pelé’s number", "2wDUK_gQgxM-00002-00002337-00004079": "Trump gave Bolsonaro a United States soccer team jersey as well.Trump said he was “honored” to be compared to Bolsonaro, who was described as a “Trump of the Tropics” during his conservative populist campaign that propelled him to victory, shocking the Western hemisphere", "2wDUK_gQgxM-00003-00004079-00004930": "The leaders expressed hopes for an improved relationship between the two countries, despite friction in the past", "2wDUK_gQgxM-00004-00004930-00005777": "“I think there was a lot of hostility with other presidents,” Trump said. “There’s zero hostility with me''", "2wDUK_gQgxM-00005-00005777-00006963": "Bolsonaro thanked Trump for the meeting and praised his leadership.“It”s an honor to be here after decades of anti-America presidents,” Bolsonaro said", "2wDUK_gQgxM-00006-00006963-00007681": "Referring to Trump, he added, “He wants an American great and I want a Brazil great too''"}}, {"audio_id": "2_TlCPTF6T0", "text": {"2_TlCPTF6T0-00000-00000571-00002485": "Harsh critics of President Donald Trump like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) have put aside their differences with the president to join a bipartisan letter backing Trump’s announced plans to withdraw troops from Syria now that Islamic State has been defeated", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00001-00002485-00003507": "Ocasio-Cortez and Omar were two of the highest profile signatories of a new bipartisan letter to President Trump supporting him for pledging to end the U", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00002-00003507-00004625": "S. troop presence in Syria. Others include GOP Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Mike Lee (R-UT), as well as GOP Reps", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00003-00004625-00006030": "Justin Amash (R-MI), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Thomas Massie (R-KY), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), and Bill Posey (R-FL)", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00004-00006030-00007425": "Other Democrat signers include Reps. Ro Khanna (D-CA) and Ted Lieu (D-CA). .“We write in bipartisan support of your announcement of the start of a ‘deliberate withdrawal’ of U", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00005-00007425-00008715": "S. military forces in Syria, and we welcome the completion of this process within the next six months,” the letter to Trump, obtained by Breitbart News ahead of its public release, reads", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00006-00008715-00010027": "“The 2015 introduction of U.S. military forces into hostilities in Syria was never approved by Congress, in violation of the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution of 1973", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00007-00010027-00011079": "We believe that the stated intention of withdrawing our forces is appropriate, and we look forward to the orderly return of our service members from this theater of conflict", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00008-00011079-00012033": "”.The letter continues by laying out a pathway for what the bipartisan coalition is urging Trump to do as he withdraws troops from Syria", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00009-00012033-00013010": "“While it is essential to accomplish the announced withdrawal, we urge your Administration to couple the process of a phased removal of U", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00010-00013010-00014073": "S. troops with an increased focus on diplomacy to ensure minimal disruption and prevent loss of life,” the bipartisan group of members wrote to Trump", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00011-00014073-00014770": "“Additionally, we recommend direct, robust engagement and coordination with both the U", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00012-00014770-00015747": "S. allies and other regional governments to ensure the safety of Syria’s civilian populations and avert the resurgence of ISIS", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00013-00015747-00016463": "We agree with your aim of averting a Turkish military assault on Syria’s Kurds, and U", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00014-00016463-00017131": "S. leverage—such as conditioning weapons sales to Turkey—can achieve this outcome", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00015-00017131-00018283": "”. .The letter concludes by laying out how this bipartisan coalition stands ready to work with Trump to end other conflicts and wars, particularly in Afghanistan", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00016-00018283-00019652": "“It is long past time to rein in the use of force that goes beyond congressional authorization, and we look forward to pursuing this longstanding bipartisan objective with your Administration,” the letter concludes", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00017-00019652-00020817": "“Finally, we hope this will serve as a model for ending hostilities in the future—in particular as you and your Administration seek a political solution to our involvement in Afghanistan", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00018-00020817-00021536": "”.In a press call with reporters including Breitbart News on Wednesday morning announcing the letter, Sen", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00019-00021536-00023142": "Paul laid out how he hopes this is a turning point for the president where he can work with even some of his most ardent critics in the wake of the end of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that ended up finding no collusion between Trump or his campaign and the Russians", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00020-00023142-00024654": ".“I think this is a continuation of the bipartisan movement in Congress to snatch back power that the Constitution gave to Congress, but also to try to get beyond the politics of the moment—whether the president is a Republican or a Democrat,” Paul said", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00021-00024654-00025723": "“As most of you know, I’ve been supportive of President Trump on a lot of fronts, but I’ve also been unafraid to stand up on principle and oppose him at times", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00022-00025723-00026909": "This is a great example of Democrats who have obviously not been supportive of the president willing to stand up and have the courage to say ‘there is policy though that we do support", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00023-00026909-00028272": "’ That’s the withdrawal of troops from Syria. So I think this is a turning point to maybe try to get beyond some of the politics of the investigations of the last two years, and try to join forces on some issues", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00024-00028272-00029087": "In this case, it’s supportive of the president. In Yemen, it’s obviously supportive of restricting the president", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00025-00029087-00030244": "But the overall focus is is there is a bipartisan movement to have Congress decide when we go to war and in this case it aligns with the president’s announcement to remove U", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00026-00030244-00032619": "S. troops from Syria.”.Paul added on the press call that he thinks the signature array on this letter backing Trump on Syria is a “good mix showing that right and left can come together even to rise above the politics of the moment to say that this is right, the issue of whether we should in Syria, that the president is right and we shouldn’t stay there forever the same way we’ve stayed forever in other places", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00027-00032619-00033734": "”.Paul said too that he believes this bipartisan coalition, which Khanna discussed in a Breitbart News exclusive earlier this week, “has been building for several years", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00028-00033734-00034382": "”.“We just had a luncheon this week talking about getting out of the war in Afghanistan where Sen", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00029-00034382-00035900": "Udall, a progressive Democrat, and myself got together—it was hosted by a progressive magazine The Nation and a conservative magazine The American Conservative,” Paul said in response to a question from Breitbart News on Wednesday’s press call", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00030-00035900-00037436": "“So I think there is legs to this. So I think over time the idea of having a caucus for bipartisan foreign policy—for a saner foreign policy—I think is a possibility and it would have more impact if we crossed party lines", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00031-00037436-00039434": "I think you did see people cross party lines on Yemen, you see people coming across party lines on protecting the privacy of your phone calls and Fourth Amendment searches, so I think on privacy and foreign policy there is a sort of a left and right coming together that I think is going to continue and will grow over time", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00032-00039434-00041237": "”. .Khanna, who is co-leading this letter with Paul and did an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on these efforts published earlier this week, added in a quote provided to Breitbart News about the letter that it is time for Congress to be involved in these decisions on foreign policy", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00033-00041237-00042159": "“The president cannot pursue a foreign policy agenda without the advice and consent, let alone the support, of the Congress,” Khanna said", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00034-00042159-00042895": "“Thanks to Sen. Paul for joining me in bringing an end to these wars—the constitution isn’t partisan", "2_TlCPTF6T0-00035-00042895-00042995": "”"}}, {"audio_id": "2VTMuev3qe8", "text": {"2VTMuev3qe8-00000-00000513-00001200": "The Trump administration is stonewalling in the face of Congressional investigative efforts", "2VTMuev3qe8-00001-00001200-00003344": "In a newly published piece in The Washington Post, House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) outlined an array of lines of inquiry which the White House has absolutely refused to cooperate with, failing to hand over a single requested document or make a single sought official available for questioning", "2VTMuev3qe8-00002-00003344-00004687": "The topics of investigation range from the Trump team’s security clearance process to the widely publicized illegal hush money scheme targeting women with whom President Donald Trump had affairs", "2VTMuev3qe8-00003-00004687-00005776": "Utilizing a phrase the president has repeatedly used to hyperbolically (at best) deride those scrutinizing his team, Cummings asserted:", "2VTMuev3qe8-00004-00005776-00006510": "‘President Trump’s actions violate our Constitution’s fundamental principle of checks and balances", "2VTMuev3qe8-00005-00006510-00007145": "If our committee must resort to issuing subpoeanas, there should be no doubt about why", "2VTMuev3qe8-00006-00007145-00007874": "This has nothing to do with presidential harassment and everything to do with unprecedented obstruction’", "2VTMuev3qe8-00007-00007874-00009185": "Cummings wasn’t vague. Elsewhere, he ran through a point-by-point list of issues spanning twelve letters he’s sent the White House in which the Trump team has absolutely refused to cooperate", "2VTMuev3qe8-00008-00009185-00011910": "The committee has sought information specific to the processes of granting security clearances of officials ranging from former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn to Trump son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, but all the Trump team has offered is “a few pages” of general policy documents the panel couldn’t even keep a copy of and a general policy briefing in which they’ll refuse to answer any questions covering specific employees", "2VTMuev3qe8-00009-00011910-00013832": "That’s not at all to say the issues aren’t pressing. Flynn was revealed to have been a pawn of the Turkish government while working with the Trump team, having lobbied for them in the United States on issues like their aim to drag dissident cleric Fethullah Gulen from the U.S. to face accusations of having orchestrated a coup", "2VTMuev3qe8-00010-00013832-00015938": "Kushner, meanwhile, has been allowed to ascend at a wild pace to helping steer foreign policy considering his complete lack of experience, drawing the United States into close relationships with figures like Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who helped direct the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year", "2VTMuev3qe8-00011-00015938-00017769": "Concern has also covered his past relationships with foreign powers to the point of authorities ranging from the White House personnel office to the nation’s intel community recommending against him getting a security clearance that he now has, reportedly thanks to the president’s intervention", "2VTMuev3qe8-00012-00017769-00019790": "Cummings wants to know exactly what happened and why. As mentioned, he’s also after answers on a variety of other topics, ranging from the hush money scheme to “reports from whistleblowers that the administration allegedly rushed to transfer sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia in violation of the Atomic Energy Act”", "2VTMuev3qe8-00013-00019790-00021684": "The White House has refused to comply in any of these areas, despite Cummings noting that last November, “the American people voted overwhelmingly to put Democrats in charge of the House of Representatives to start serving as a truly independent check and balance on the executive branch”", "2VTMuev3qe8-00014-00021684-00022797": "Americans will have the opportunity to vote in what’s essentially another referendum on the current administration not that far in the future when a Democrat may unseat Trump in the White House"}}, {"audio_id": "2dlySbfKNXE", "text": {"2dlySbfKNXE-00000-00000571-00001898": "Based on his actions up to this point, there is every reason to expect that when William Barr releases a redacted version of the Mueller report this week, it’ll be disingenuously redacted in Donald Trump’s favor", "2dlySbfKNXE-00001-00001898-00003209": "But there are also a number of clues that suggest Barr will allow a whole lot of mid-level dirt about the Trump regime to be released, in the hope that it’ll be enough to stave off having to release the entire thing", "2dlySbfKNXE-00002-00003209-00004904": "Now we have our strongest clue yet.Over the past week, various leaks to the media – and even some of Donald Trump’s own tweets – have hinted that Barr will release a lot of the ugly details of Trump’s obstruction of justice antics, while keeping the worst of the collusion antics secret", "2dlySbfKNXE-00003-00004904-00006111": "Of course Trump’s obstruction has taken place since he took control of the White House, and much of it has directly or indirectly involved his own top current and former White House advisers", "2dlySbfKNXE-00004-00006111-00007530": "Robert Mueller reportedly interviewed a large number of them about Trump’s obstruction – and some of them reportedly provided significant cooperation against Trump, presumably because they feared being charged with obstruction themselves", "2dlySbfKNXE-00005-00007530-00008885": "NBC News now says that there is “breakdown-level anxiety” among Trump’s current and former White House people, because the redacted Mueller report is going to reveal just how thoroughly they sold Trump out to Mueller", "2dlySbfKNXE-00006-00008885-00009564": "Here’s the kicker. Donald Trump isn’t exactly a voracious consumer of legitimate news", "2dlySbfKNXE-00007-00009564-00011126": "But even he’s probably aware of the widespread media reports over the past year that everyone from Don McGahn to Reince Priebus to Sean Spicer to Steve Bannon provided Mueller with significant cooperation about Trump’s obstruction of justice", "2dlySbfKNXE-00008-00011126-00012749": "Most of those people have since cut ties with Trump anyway.This would suggest that the unnamed people who sold Donald Trump out to Mueller, and are now worried about Trump finding out, are closer to Trump than the names we’ve seen reported over the past year", "2dlySbfKNXE-00009-00012749-00013786": "It would also suggest that they sold Trump out for obstruction antics that haven’t yet been reported, and are uglier than what’s played out in public view", "2dlySbfKNXE-00010-00013786-00015006": "If this is the case, it’s Donald Trump who should be feeling the breakdown-level anxiety, because it looks like his current “no obstruction no collusion” mantra is about to go down in flames"}}, {"audio_id": "2lElSWfQ1Vc", "text": {"2lElSWfQ1Vc-00000-00000571-00001422": "Just days ago, Trump-appointed acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker went through the ringer in a confirmation hearing before congress", "2lElSWfQ1Vc-00001-00001422-00002666": "His smug, arrogant, attitude and smart aleck answers to many of the questions led many to compare it to the angry, entitled, sniveling Brett Kavanaugh from his hearing last fall", "2lElSWfQ1Vc-00002-00002666-00003935": "But there are actually lots of other reasons Whitaker is unfit for the job. For instance, his relationship with Donald Trump and the large likelihood that he would aid the corruption coming from the White House", "2lElSWfQ1Vc-00003-00003935-00005179": "One prime example of this is the fact that he once said that he didn’t want to live in a country where Trump’s finances would be the subject of an investigation, as uncovered by The Democratic Coalition"}}, {"audio_id": "33Hq3-dZERU", "text": {"33Hq3-dZERU-00000-00000571-00001441": "The 2020 presidential campaign is already well underway, and the Trump re-election effort finds itself playing catch-up", "33Hq3-dZERU-00001-00001441-00002154": "Some Democratic candidates have raised eye-popping amounts of money in their first few days and weeks of fundraising", "33Hq3-dZERU-00002-00002154-00003290": "And some Republicans are fretting that their donors who sat on the sidelines in 2016 — or actively opposed the president — might not participate in 2020", "33Hq3-dZERU-00003-00003290-00004476": "With many estimates of how much Trump will need to be successful topping $1 billion, it becomes a matter of some importance to get the anti-Trump whales back in the fold", "33Hq3-dZERU-00004-00004476-00005239": "To that end, Vice President Mike Pence has begun a low-key outreach effort to many of those donors", "33Hq3-dZERU-00005-00005239-00006111": "Among them: billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer, who gave millions to an effort to defeat Trump before the convention", "33Hq3-dZERU-00006-00006111-00007670": "Over a surf and turf dinner, the vice president showered praise on Paul Singer, a prominent New York City hedge fund manager who spent millions of dollars in 2016 bankrolling TV ads painting Trump as \"too reckless and dangerous to be president''", "33Hq3-dZERU-00007-00007670-00009546": "But as the group of assembled Republicans — some of whom have been similarly skeptical about the president in the past — looked on, Pence praised the 74-year-old billionaire as a leading free-market thinker and thanked him for his years of financial support to the party and conservative causes", "33Hq3-dZERU-00008-00009546-00010766": "The private dinner provides a window into a behind-the-scenes, Pence-led mission: to ensure that Republican givers who never came around to Trump in 2016 are on board for 2020", "33Hq3-dZERU-00009-00010766-00011973": "With Democrats already raking in colossal amounts of cash, Republicans estimate they'll need to raise around $1 billion — a figure that will require the party's donor class to be all-in", "33Hq3-dZERU-00010-00011973-00012929": "Party officials also want to deprive any would-be Trump primary challengers of the financial oxygen they'd need to mount a campaign", "33Hq3-dZERU-00011-00012929-00013966": "It's not likely that too many anti-Trump billionaires would fund a fantasy primary challenge from a NeverTrump politician like John Kasich or William Weld", "33Hq3-dZERU-00012-00013966-00015018": "So Pence's main effort is to convince these people that standing by and allowing the election of a socialist Democrat would be a nightmare from which America will never wake up", "33Hq3-dZERU-00013-00015018-00016562": "The reception hasn't always been friendly. While attending an exclusive American Enterprise Institute-hosted retreat earlier this month, Pence was grilled by former Vice President Dick Cheney on the administration's foreign policy record", "33Hq3-dZERU-00014-00016562-00017704": "At his Pebble Beach appearance, Pence carefully tailored his appeal to the conservatives in attendance by highlighting the administration's efforts to reshape the nation's courts", "33Hq3-dZERU-00015-00017704-00018876": "And he gave a dire prediction of what would happen if liberals seized the White House: \"The moment America becomes a socialist country is the moment America ceases to be America''", "33Hq3-dZERU-00016-00018876-00020209": "It should be an easy sell, but it hasn't always been. The vast and influential Koch network of donors has already indicated intentions to sit out the 2020 presidential contest", "33Hq3-dZERU-00017-00020209-00021530": "But these are not, for the most part, ideologues who hold a grudge. Whatever faults they believe that Trump has, they realize the political reality: it's Trump's world, and the rest of us just live in it", "33Hq3-dZERU-00018-00021530-00022283": "Koch network member Art Pope of North Carolina thinks most donors will eventually come around:", "33Hq3-dZERU-00019-00022283-00023620": "\"The conventional wisdom and the quote 'word on the street' in November of 2016 through spring of 2017 was that if you publicly criticized Donald Trump as a candidate, you need not apply to a position", "33Hq3-dZERU-00020-00023620-00024388": "You won't be considered, you won't be invited to the White House Christmas party or anything else,\" said Pope", "33Hq3-dZERU-00021-00024388-00025266": "\"That is not the conventional wisdom now''.Pope said he hasn't decided whether to donate to Trump in 2020", "33Hq3-dZERU-00022-00025266-00026109": "But he said he expected few of those who opposed Trump in the 2016 election to remain on the sidelines this time", "33Hq3-dZERU-00023-00026109-00027024": "\"The number of people who were publicly opposed or critical of President Trump during the 2016 election,\" he said, \"has really dwindled''", "33Hq3-dZERU-00024-00027024-00028097": "I'm not sure Trump has entirely \"forgiven and forgotten.\" But he's realistic enough to see that he needs every dollar he can squeeze from these donors", "33Hq3-dZERU-00025-00028097-00029087": "Pence has apparently had some success in bringing these donors back into the fold, which can only be good news for Trump's 2020 chances"}}, {"audio_id": "3spx1QmudYA", "text": {"3spx1QmudYA-00000-00000513-00001934": "The media loves nothing more than controversy, particularly when it can spin up controversy about the Democrats, so it can look “balanced” while reporting on the endless scandals emanating from Donald Trump and the Republicans", "3spx1QmudYA-00001-00001934-00002736": "Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi knows this better than anyone. It’s why she said what she said about impeachment", "3spx1QmudYA-00002-00002736-00003838": "She knew what the media would do with it – and her plan is already working.To be clear, Nancy Pelosi didn’t actually say she’s not going to impeach Donald Trump", "3spx1QmudYA-00003-00003838-00004875": "She simply said she’s not going to do it right this minute, before the votes are there for removal, and that she’s going to wait for the ugliest of dirt on Trump to surface first", "3spx1QmudYA-00004-00004875-00006147": "In reality, with the Mueller report forthcoming, and Trump’s criminal scandals getting worse by the day, Pelosi’s impeachment timetable could be just a few months or even weeks away", "3spx1QmudYA-00005-00006147-00006899": "That didn’t stop the media from falsely claiming that Pelosi said she’ll never impeach Trump", "3spx1QmudYA-00006-00006899-00008190": "After all, this kind of misleading reporting is an easy way to get the Democrats, and the anti-Trump resistance in general, angry at Pelosi – and that’s great for ratings and page views", "3spx1QmudYA-00007-00008190-00009352": "But Pelosi doesn’t care about that, because as major media outlets trip over each other in the race to criticize her over this, they’re making the case for impeachment in the process", "3spx1QmudYA-00008-00009352-00010371": "Just this morning, NBC News published the latest article arguing for the swift impeachment of Donald Trump, if only as a way of dinging Nancy Pelosi", "3spx1QmudYA-00009-00010371-00011429": "Numerous other major news outlets have done the same. They’re doing her work for her, by convincing the general public that Trump needs to be ousted", "3spx1QmudYA-00010-00011429-00011990": "It’s why she said what she said; she’s playing the media game like a fiddle"}}, {"audio_id": "3tcaQxiCX9u", "text": {"3tcaQxiCX9u-00000-00000571-00001913": "President Trump must use his executive powers to take action on the soaring levels of illegal and unchecked immigration to the United States rather than delivering “empty threats,” columnist Michelle Malkin says", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00001-00001913-00002736": "In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Malkin said Trump’s threats to close the U", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00002-00002736-00003535": "S.-Mexico border to stop illegal immigration must be backed up with action, not just rhetoric", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00003-00003535-00004411": "Malkin said:''I don’t want to hear empty threats anymore about how he’s going to do what he should have done many, many, many months ago", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00004-00004411-00005416": "The fact that you have a massive number now of … strangers bringing in children, tells you that the very magnet that he says he understands is causing this", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00005-00005416-00006594": "The failure to just go ahead executively and fix the asylum system, proves him right on that and yet he’s not doing what he can do as president with his executive authority", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00006-00006594-00007796": "What are you waiting for,” Malkin asked Trump. “Do it.”.Malkin said Trump should have the military at the southern border, asking rhetorically “Does he believe his own rhetoric or not?”", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00007-00007796-00009355": "More blame for the levels of illegal immigration the country is currently experiencing should be placed with elected Republicans, Malkin said, who failed to take any action on immigration while controlling the House and Senate for the first two years of Trump’s term", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00008-00009355-00010356": "“Faux pro-borders Republicans … deserve a heck of a lot more scrutiny and condemnation for putting us in the situation that we’re in,” Malkin said", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00009-00010356-00012362": "Trump, Malkin said, must be vigilant in changing immigration policy and statute:.Here’s my fear, is that you know the conventional establishment talking point this week on immigration — even as these hordes of people are coming in unprecedented numbers — is ‘Oh, we got a few billion from the Pentagon for the fencing", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00010-00012362-00014227": "’ And it just lulls the base into this false sense of hope that something is being done when we could have Congresspeople in Washington, themselves, putting pressure on Trump to exercise his inherent executive authority to actually do more than just put a few more dozen miles of physical barriers", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00011-00014227-00014959": "And I’m not saying that we don’t need [a wall] but what needs to happen is that the policies need to change", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00012-00014959-00015760": "[Emphasis added].As Breitbart News has chronicled, the U.S. is set to admit anywhere between one to 1", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00013-00015760-00017260": "5 million illegal aliens this year. The Trump administration’s most recent expansion of the Catch and Release policy has resulted in the release of about 24,000 border crossers and illegal aliens in just two weeks", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00014-00017260-00018608": "Simultaneously, experts project that at the current rate of illegal immigration, up to 500,000 illegal aliens could successfully cross into the country this year, undetected by Border Patrol", "3tcaQxiCX9u-00015-00018608-00020073": "Republican voters rank deporting illegal aliens and ending illegal immigration as their top priority to ensure a better quality of life for themselves and their middle class families, the latest Pew Research Center survey revealed"}}, {"audio_id": "3ucDwgyukBy", "text": {"3ucDwgyukBy-00000-00000513-00002057": "House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said Monday that President Donald Trump has attacked the \"core functions\" of American democracy and that congressional Democrats will hold him and his administration accountable with a sweeping investigation", "3ucDwgyukBy-00001-00002057-00003412": "\"For two years the Trump administration has been attacking the core functions . of our democracy, and the Congress has refused to do any oversight,\" the New York Democrat told CNN's Erin Burnett on \"Erin Burnett OutFront", "3ucDwgyukBy-00002-00003412-00004277": "\".The chairman announced on Monday a broad probe into the President's campaign, businesses, transition and administration", "3ucDwgyukBy-00003-00004277-00005262": "The sweeping investigation would lay the groundwork for the newly empowered Democrats if they chose to pursue impeachment proceedings against Trump", "3ucDwgyukBy-00004-00005262-00006542": "Nadler said that Republicans -- who controlled both chambers of Congress until January, when Democrats took the majority in the House following their wins in November's midterm elections -- have \"shielded\" the President", "3ucDwgyukBy-00005-00006542-00007346": "He said \"our goal is to hold the administration accountable for the obstruction of justice,\" and \"the abuse of power and the corruption", "3ucDwgyukBy-00006-00007346-00008608": "\".The committee sent letters to 81 people and entities, including the White House, the Justice Department, senior campaign officials, Trump Organization officials and the President's sons", "3ucDwgyukBy-00007-00008608-00010076": "The investigation will address possible corruption, obstruction of justice, hush-money payments to women, potential Russian collusion and allegations that the President has abused his office and is using it for personal gain", "3ucDwgyukBy-00008-00010076-00010901": "\"We have to find out what's been going on,\" Nadler said, \"and we have to lay out a case to the American people and reveal it", "3ucDwgyukBy-00009-00010901-00011928": "\".Ivanka Trump, senior adviser to the White House and Trump's daughter, was not on the list but Nadler said she \"quite conceivably\" could be added later", "3ucDwgyukBy-00010-00011928-00013156": "He said there have been \"incessant\" attacks by the administration on the rule of law, the Justice Department, the media, the judiciary and \"norms that we depend upon to maintain democratic government", "3ucDwgyukBy-00011-00013156-00014689": "\" He said the \"real question\" is \"how do we protect the rule of law?\".\"The President obviously doesn't recognize the role of Congress in a democratic system,\" Nadler said, adding, \"It's supposed to hold the administration accountable -- that's what we're trying to do", "3ucDwgyukBy-00012-00014689-00015632": "\".Trump \"doesn't want Congress to do its job,\" Nadler said, and his committee is \"simply exercising our oversight jurisdiction", "3ucDwgyukBy-00013-00015632-00015732": "\""}}, {"audio_id": "3ANvsn9_sCI", "text": {"3ANvsn9_sCI-00000-00000513-00001607": "Trump Cornered By Reporters Over Racist Mosque Shootings.The president has said and done a lot of dumb things since he took office three years ago", "3ANvsn9_sCI-00001-00001607-00002882": "From calling nazis “very fine people,” to proclaiming “Islam hates us,” the president is nothing more than an uneducated old dinosaur who misses the good old days when blacks were lynched regularly", "3ANvsn9_sCI-00002-00002882-00004261": "After the white supremacist rampage in New Zealand Friday morning, the president was quick to take zero responsibility, even after one of the killers listed Trump as a hero in a manifesto released just before the massacre", "3ANvsn9_sCI-00003-00004261-00005528": "Now, Trump is saying that white supremacy in general, is not a big problem. Trump just said this when asked about an obvious rise in violent white nationalism in the Oval Office:", "3ANvsn9_sCI-00004-00005528-00006602": "“I don’t really, I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems,If you look what happened in New Zealand, perhaps that’s the case", "3ANvsn9_sCI-00005-00006602-00008067": "I don’t know enough about it yet.”.Trump recently tweeted these messages about the shooting:\"Just spoke with Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, regarding the horrific events that have taken place over the past 24 hours", "3ANvsn9_sCI-00006-00008067-00008840": "I informed the Prime Minister.that we stand in solidarity with New Zealand – and that any assistance the U", "3ANvsn9_sCI-00007-00008840-00009692": "S.A. can give, we stand by ready to help. We love you New Zealand!\".The responses on those tweets were overwhelming"}}, {"audio_id": "3LLgNgYfm-0", "text": {"3LLgNgYfm-0-00000-00000513-00001492": "The Judge overseeing Paul Manafort’s case recently angered the left by going against Mueller’s recommendation and handing down a lenient sentence", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00001-00001492-00003397": "CNN reported that Manafort learned on Thursday that he will serve almost four years in prison — far short of what had been expected and recommended — for financial fraud convictions obtained by special counsel Robert Mueller as he investigated Manafort’s alleged collusion with the Russian government in 2016", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00002-00003397-00004413": "The crimes, though serious among white-collar offenses, did not relate directly to Manafort’s work as Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00003-00004413-00005225": "Manafort spoke to the judge before his sentencing and thanked him for a fair trial and asked the court for compassion", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00004-00005225-00006178": "“Humiliated and shamed would be a gross understatement,” Manafort said, expressing how difficult the past two years have been for he and his family", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00005-00006178-00007349": "Back in 2018, Judge T.S. Ellis told prosecutors: “You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud … What you really care about is what information Mr", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00006-00007349-00007986": "Manafort could give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump or lead to his prosecution or impeachment", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00007-00007986-00009070": "”.Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was sentenced to nearly four years in prison on Thursday for concealing millions of dollars he earned overseas", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00008-00009070-00010303": "The surprisingly light sentence of 47 months is likely to see Manafort, who is 69 years old, released in about three years or less, as it includes nine months of time served", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00009-00010303-00012016": "It fell well short of federal sentencing guidelines.It represented an implicit rebuke to special counsel Robert Mueller, whose prosecutors had called for 19 to 24 years — a range that would probably have led to the long-time GOP consultant dying in jail", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00010-00012016-00012986": "Manafort does, however, still face sentencing in a separate case.Ellis told Manafort that he “stood convicted of very serious crimes", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00011-00012986-00014339": "” Seemingly preparing for critiques of the unexpectedly lighter sentence, Ellis said: “I think what I’ve done is sufficiently punitive — and anyone who disagrees should try spending a day in a federal penitentiary", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00012-00014339-00015600": "And he’s spending 47 months.”.Manafort was found guilty last year of five tax fraud charges, two bank fraud charges, and one charge of hiding foreign bank accounts", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00013-00015600-00017032": "The charges were brought against him by special counsel Robert Mueller, who uncovered evidence of the violations as part of his sweeping investigation into President Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia to win the 2016 election", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00014-00017032-00017755": "Mueller’s office has spent weeks arguing against leniency for Manafort in sentencing memo filings", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00015-00017755-00018897": "Mueller’s office said Manafort has shown a “lack of remorse” and said Manafort ” blames everyone from the Special Counsel’s Office to his Ukrainian clients for his own criminal choices", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00016-00018897-00019882": "” In court, prosecutors continued to insist that “Mr. Manafort did not provide sufficient cooperation to merit any mitigation", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00017-00019882-00020712": "” And they reminded the judge that “no one conjured these crimes up” and that “a jury of his peers found him guilty", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00018-00020712-00021491": "”.“Mr. Manafort fails to accept responsibility and he remains unremorseful,” prosecutors said", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00019-00021491-00022222": "Mueller’s office had recommended a sentence ranging from 19 to 24 years in prison", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00020-00022222-00024803": "When arguing for this lengthy sentence, the special counsel’s office said “Manafort’s misconduct involved more than $16 million in unreported income resulting in more than $6 million in federal taxes owed, more than $55 million hidden in foreign bank accounts, and more than $25 million secured from financial institutions through lies resulting in a fraud loss of more than $6 million", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00021-00024803-00026276": "”.Manafort’s attorneys accused Mueller of “attempting to vilify Mr. Manafort as a lifelong and irredeemable felon” and claimed prosecutors had gone “beyond the pale and grossly overstated the facts before the Court", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00022-00026276-00027488": "”.In court, they focused on what they believed to be the common nature of the crimes that Manafort had committed, pushing back on the idea that Manafort was a uniquely nefarious character", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00023-00027488-00028627": "“These are serious crimes. I understand that. No one is disputing that … Tax evasion isn’t jaywalking, but it’s also by no means narcotics trafficking", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00024-00028627-00030025": "”.Explaining his decision, Ellis said that he was trying to treat this case like another tax evasion case might be handled: “There’s been a trend in the sentencing in these types of cases — and the sentences have been remarkably light", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00025-00030025-00031009": "And I need to take that into account. To impose a sentence of 19-24 years on Mr. Manafort would clearly be a disparity", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00026-00031009-00032020": "In the end, I don’t think the guidelines range is at all appropriate.” Ellis said: “This is not a mathematical calculation, it’s a judgment", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00027-00032020-00033258": "But it’s a judgment guided by everything that has been raised.”.During Thursday’s hearing, Ellis made it clear that his decision was about the fraud and financial crimes at hand, and that “Mr", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00028-00033258-00034358": "Manafort is not before the court for any allegation that he or anybody under his direction collided with the Russian government in the 2016 campaign", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00029-00034358-00035327": "”.Ellis did, however, remind the court that he’d previously ruled that the special counsel was authorized under the law to pursue this case", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00030-00035327-00036706": "Manafort pleaded guilty in a separate case in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 14, 2018 to two counts of conspiracy, including committing crimes against the United States and obstructing justice", "3LLgNgYfm-0-00031-00036706-00037521": "Mueller’s office later alleged that Manafort broke his plea agreement, and Judge Amy Berman Jackson agreed"}}, {"audio_id": "3SptMd0iTZg", "text": {"3SptMd0iTZg-00000-00000571-00001589": "Donald Trump has claimed talks with Kim Jong-un broke down because the North Korean leader wanted all sanctions lifted – something the US could not agree to", "3SptMd0iTZg-00001-00001589-00002943": "Trying desperately to put a positive spin on a humiliating turn of events – one that appeared to shock observers and participants alike – the US president said he was not prepared to make a deal for the sake of it", "3SptMd0iTZg-00002-00002943-00003744": "“Sometimes you have to walk,” said the man who had bragged on the presidential campaign trail of his skills as a deal maker", "3SptMd0iTZg-00003-00003744-00004599": "He said the sticking point had been the North Korean leader’s demand to have lifted all of the US and international sanctions imposed on it", "3SptMd0iTZg-00004-00004599-00005241": "“Basically they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn’t do that''", "3SptMd0iTZg-00005-00005241-00006189": "He insisted that the two sides would talk again and that his relationship with the 35-year-old North Korean leader was “very warm”", "3SptMd0iTZg-00006-00006189-00006795": "He insisted that the meeting did not end contentiously but with “a very friendly walk”", "3SptMd0iTZg-00007-00006795-00007563": "“I’d much rather do it right than do it fast. We’re in position to do something very special", "3SptMd0iTZg-00008-00007563-00008794": "” .In recent days, Mr Trump had sounded cautious about the prospect of securing a rapid breakthrough with North Korea, with which the US had been at loggerheads for seven decades", "3SptMd0iTZg-00009-00008794-00009661": "After last June’s meeting in Singapore made history, he travelled to Vietnam insisting to reporters he was in no rush", "3SptMd0iTZg-00010-00009661-00010674": "All of this led experts to ask why he was apparently so keen for a second summit without the ground work to edge the two countries closer being completed by officials", "3SptMd0iTZg-00011-00010674-00011651": "Summits that are scheduled to involve a ceremony to sign an agreement almost invariably follow months of negotiations and discussions", "3SptMd0iTZg-00012-00011651-00012670": "“The two leaders discussed various ways to advance denuclearisation and economic driven concepts,” said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders", "3SptMd0iTZg-00013-00012670-00013469": "“No agreement was reached at this time, but their respective teams look forward to meeting in the future'''", "3SptMd0iTZg-00014-00013469-00015063": "Yet as he prepared to fly back to Washington empty handed and three hours ahead of schedule - his former lawyer Michael Cohen and his allegations of presidential wrongdoing dominating the headlines – Mr Trump admitted there was no plan yet for a third summit", "3SptMd0iTZg-00015-00015063-00015684": "The president said Mr Kim had been prepared to move some way towards denuclearisation"}}, {"audio_id": "3SXhG_QoOyg", "text": {"3SXhG_QoOyg-00000-00000513-00001712": "According to Donald Trump’s handpicked Attorney General William Barr, the still-secret Mueller report has concluded that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00001-00001712-00003013": "This is, of course, a lie. We’ve already seen Mueller spell out specific acts of collusion in his court filings, and we’ve seen members of Team Trump publicly confess to collusion", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00002-00003013-00005050": "So how is Barr managing to fudge this?.Democratic Congressman Denny Heck, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, appeared on MSNBC this evening and explained how William Barr managed to misleadingly word his “summary” in order to pretend that all the collusion found by Mueller somehow isn’t in the report", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00003-00005050-00006186": "Heck pointed to the specific wording used by Barr.Barr claims that Mueller found no collusion between the Trump campaign and “the Russian government” as opposed to “Russia", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00004-00006186-00006959": "” Why would Barr be so oddly specific in his wording? Yes, Barr appears to be quoting Mueller here", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00005-00006959-00008156": "But as we explored earlier this evening, Barr’s report is full of brief partial-sentence Mueller quotes, and it’s not difficult to figure out that much or all of it is out of context", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00006-00008156-00009368": "For all we know, Mueller said there was no collusion “directly with the Russian government” and then went on to lay out all the examples of the Trump campaign knowingly colluding indirectly with the Russian government", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00007-00009368-00010705": "When Donald Trump’s guy Paul Manafort gave internal polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, Manafort wasn’t technically colluding with the Russian government, because Kilimnik is merely an alleged Russian government spy", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00008-00010705-00012928": "When Donald Trump Jr met with Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower, he wasn’t technically colluding with the Russian government, even though he attended the meeting with the intent of receiving dirt on Hillary Clinton, because Veselnitskaya is merely an attorney who often represents the highest levels of the Kremlin, and not technically a Kremlin employee or officer", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00009-00012928-00014527": "We think Congressman Heck is onto something here. William Barr says that “the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00010-00014527-00015721": "” That’s obviously a false statement – unless Barr is hiding behind the technicality that Kremlin operatives like Kilimnik and Veselnitskaya only unofficially represent the Kremlin", "3SXhG_QoOyg-00011-00015721-00016530": "For the record, Mueller criminally indicted Kilimnik and Veselnitskaya, and they’re both currently considered fugitives"}}, {"audio_id": "3Y3OcrfvpG4", "text": {"3Y3OcrfvpG4-00000-00000571-00001629": "I’m pretty sure the Trumps didn’t see this one coming… Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward are largely credited with ousting Nixon due to their coverage of Watergate", "3Y3OcrfvpG4-00001-00001629-00002956": "Woodward and Bernstein’s coverage of Watergate remains a high-water mark of journalistic achievement and still serves as monument to why freedom of the press should be taken seriously by all Americans", "3Y3OcrfvpG4-00002-00002956-00003807": "Bernstein was asked on CNN’s Reliable Sources what we know, what we don’t know, and what are the unanswered questions", "3Y3OcrfvpG4-00003-00003807-00004518": "Bernstein said, “We still don’t know what this cover-up is about.We know there is a cover-up", "3Y3OcrfvpG4-00004-00004518-00005346": "We know that people in the White House — including the President of the United States — have been lying, that his family has been lying", "3Y3OcrfvpG4-00005-00005346-00006077": "And, at the same time, we cannot make an assumption of guilt of either obstruction of justice or collusion", "3Y3OcrfvpG4-00006-00006077-00007104": "What we have seen in this latest episode is the willingness of Trump’s family to be open to subversion of the American electoral process by a hostile foreign power", "3Y3OcrfvpG4-00007-00007104-00008109": "That, in itself, is an extraordinary story — an extraordinary acknowledgment, really, by the Trump family here that it was willing to do that", "3Y3OcrfvpG4-00008-00008109-00008788": "As we see this willingness in the statement itself, in the email of Donald Trump Jr", "3Y3OcrfvpG4-00009-00008788-00009452": "” He went on to stress the importance of the media that we’re early in the investigations"}}, {"audio_id": "3bK2zhWu3uu", "text": {"3bK2zhWu3uu-00000-00000513-00001889": "Whether it’s Racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, or sexism, we’ve seen multiple examples of each from the current resident of our White House", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00001-00001889-00003660": "It started with the very first speech he ever gave as a candidate for president, the ‘golden elevator’ speech at Trump Tower in New York, when he stated that Mexican immigrants were rapists and drug dealers (although he did generously admit to assuming that some were good people)", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00002-00003660-00004541": "Among his most cringe-worthy statements were after Charlottesville, when he proclaimed there were “very fine people on both sides", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00003-00004541-00006312": "”.To paraphrase something that former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum said about his opponent during Florida’s Gubernatorial race last year: I’m not saying Donald Trump is a white supremacist and a white nationalist, but the white supremacists and white nationalists believe he is", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00004-00006312-00007427": ".In the worst mass shooting in New Zealand’s history on Friday, a gunman opened fire in two different mosques, killing at least fifty people and wounding many more", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00005-00007427-00008655": "The perpetrator’s manifesto referred to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, as a “symbol of renewed white identity” and stated that Trump “shares a common purpose with me", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00006-00008655-00009849": "” When Trump was later asked about the rise of white nationalism, he reportedly stated that it was limited to “a small group of people” and therefore he doesn’t believe it’s a problem", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00007-00009849-00010755": "Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s Acting White House Chief of Staff, recently sat for a televised interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00008-00010755-00011492": "Mulvaney most likely chose Fox because he believed he would find a sympathetic interviewer", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00009-00011492-00013380": "While Wallace certainly didn’t play hardball with Mulvaney, he did ask some pointed questions: “To the degree that there is an issue with white supremacists, white nationalists, anti-Muslim bigotry in this country, and there is an issue with that, why [does Trump] not deliver a speech condemning it?”", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00010-00013380-00014261": ". .Mulvaney’s response, delivered while nervously chuckling, was “the president is not a white supremacist", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00011-00014261-00015687": "I’m not sure how many times we have to say that!” A word of advice for Mick: generally when you say the same thing over and over and people still don’t believe you, it’s because you’re frequently giving them reasons not to believe you", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00012-00015687-00016434": ".Donald Trump will likely never give a speech condemning white supremacy and white nationalism", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00013-00016434-00017549": "If he ever did, it would be only days, if not hours, before he started sending heated tweets that directly contradicted whatever he’d said in that speech", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00014-00017549-00018380": "The reason is simple: a good portion of Trump’s base is made up of white supremacists and white nationalists", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00015-00018380-00020282": "Whether Trump holds these views himself or not, we’ll never know – we can’t see into his head – but we do know that he encourages these people every chance he gets, and he bends over backwards to ensure he doesn’t alienate them (even after one of them uses a car to run down and kill an innocent woman)", "3bK2zhWu3uu-00016-00020282-00021436": "What Trump himself believes is irrelevant. What truly matters is what Trump promotes, and what Trump promotes is white nationalism, white supremacy and racism"}}, {"audio_id": "3bMGjaFZbng", "text": {"3bMGjaFZbng-00000-00000571-00001323": "Donald Trump is terrified after Michael Cohen’s testimony on Wednesday — and his tweets alone prove it", "3bMGjaFZbng-00001-00001323-00002209": "Cohen had the country captivated as he trashed the President of the United States and revealed all his dirty and illegal deeds", "3bMGjaFZbng-00002-00002209-00003188": ".Cohen would again testify on Thursday behind closed doors to the House Intelligence Committee, and this one is being called “game-changing", "3bMGjaFZbng-00003-00003188-00004202": "” Attorney Larry Davis spilled the beans to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, stating that Cohen was invited back and will testify again on March 6th", "3bMGjaFZbng-00004-00004202-00005056": "Davis said.In a way Michael [Cohen] was more effective than he even was yesterday when he exceeded all of our expectations", "3bMGjaFZbng-00005-00005056-00006056": "Today new information was developed that really could be game-changing… The development of this new information is the reason he’s coming back next Wednesday''", "3bMGjaFZbng-00006-00006056-00006761": "When Davis was asked what new information was exposed, Davis called Cohen’s revelations “explosive”", "3bMGjaFZbng-00007-00006761-00007509": "Mr. Trump has missed the big picture. There is plenty of a conspiracy to collude with Russia", "3bMGjaFZbng-00008-00007509-00008188": "But this is about lying and obstruction evidence and I think that the Trump White House and Mr", "3bMGjaFZbng-00009-00008188-00009266": "Trump himself doesn’t seem to have read the definition of ‘obstruction of justice’ or of ‘suborning perjury,’ and that’s about the best I can tell you but it’s pretty explosive''", "3bMGjaFZbng-00010-00009266-00010826": "Davis also explained that there are instances in the public record where Trump would do campaign rallies and claim that he had no connection to Russia — but as soon as the microphones were off and the president was offstage, he’d ask Cohen “What’s going on with Russia?”"}}, {"audio_id": "3gksqzDd-x4", "text": {"3gksqzDd-x4-00000-00000000-00000200": "Subscription", "3gksqzDd-x4-00001-00000200-00000400": "Like", "3gksqzDd-x4-00002-00000400-00000600": "Comment"}}, {"audio_id": "3k0HSfXM9JE", "text": {"3k0HSfXM9JE-00000-00000571-00001903": "Ronald Reagan, Jr. appeared on MSNBC in an interview with Chris Matthews and went on record saying that he believes President Trump should be impeached or otherwise removed via the 25th Amendment", "3k0HSfXM9JE-00001-00001903-00002971": "Reagan works as a commentator on MSNBC and has made his opinion of President Trump – and of the Electoral College- very clear on numerous occasions", "3k0HSfXM9JE-00002-00002971-00003677": "He does not blame the American voter for putting Donald Trump in the White House- he blames the Electoral College", "3k0HSfXM9JE-00003-00003677-00005239": "The frequently referenced 25th Amendment provides procedures that could be implemented by the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet to remove and replace a sitting president should he or she be found unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office", "3k0HSfXM9JE-00004-00005239-00007104": "Ronald Reagan, Jr has made numerous TV appearances where he has blasted President Trump on several occasions, once calling him an “imbecilic sociopath” over his tweeting habit, and another time saying that people should not compare Trump to his father, the 40th president of the United States", "3k0HSfXM9JE-00005-00007104-00008368": "Ronald Reagan, Jr. is the son of the late President Ronald Reagan and wife Nancy. President Reagan has long been heralded as one of the most respected and beloved presidents both in and out of the office"}}, {"audio_id": "48HOWHysfPo", "text": {"48HOWHysfPo-00000-00000513-00002051": "President Donald Trump delivered a 2020 budget to the Democratic-controlled House on Monday that cuts spending nearly across the board yet still isn't projected to balance for 15 years, even with ambitious economic growth forecasts", "48HOWHysfPo-00001-00002051-00003525": "The $4.7 trillion budget proposal is dead on arrival in Congress, but it will stand as a statement of the President's priorities -- for cutting and spending alike -- and has already quickly become a lightning rod for Democratic criticism", "48HOWHysfPo-00002-00003525-00004392": "Fresh off Trump's border fight with Congress, his budget blueprint calls for Congress to spend $8", "48HOWHysfPo-00003-00004392-00005303": "6 billion more on a US-Mexico wall, proposes deep non-defense spending cuts and calls for a continued surge in defense spending", "48HOWHysfPo-00004-00005303-00006382": "The President also wants Congress to replenish a military construction fund he plans to raid to build the border wall after he declared a national emergency", "48HOWHysfPo-00005-00006382-00007824": "With the 2020 campaign on the horizon, the blueprint gives Trump a chance to tout his attempt to fund conservative priorities and deliver deep cuts to domestic spending programs that would be popular with his political base", "48HOWHysfPo-00006-00007824-00009681": "Alongside a 5% boost to defense spending, the plan calls for $2.7 trillion in cuts to federal spending by slashing the budgets for a host of federal departments and agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Education and State Department, among others", "48HOWHysfPo-00007-00009681-00010718": "Even as the proposal gives Trump a chance to stake out his political priorities, it is also opening him up to criticism for faltering on campaign promises", "48HOWHysfPo-00008-00010718-00011951": "Trump made a 2016 campaign promise to eliminate the national debt while in office, but the budget proposal projects the national debt will balloon to $31 trillion in 10 years", "48HOWHysfPo-00009-00011951-00013229": "And despite Trump's promise not to touch Social Security or Medicare, his latest budget proposal would reduce Medicare spending by $845 billion over 10 years", "48HOWHysfPo-00010-00013229-00014036": "The initial rollout lacks details on individual programs, which are anticipated to be delivered later this month", "48HOWHysfPo-00011-00014036-00014929": "But it sets the stage for the President's priorities heading into his re-election campaign, including immigration and national security", "48HOWHysfPo-00012-00014929-00016157": "In its proposal, the White House is calling for a cut to the overall level of non-defense spending by 5% next year below current federal spending caps, a nearly $30 billion reduction", "48HOWHysfPo-00013-00016157-00017089": "It would also increase military spending by 5% to $750 billion, up from $716 billion", "48HOWHysfPo-00014-00017089-00018168": "The Trump administration is using a war contingency fund as a maneuver to get around the defense budget limit, which lawmakers have already derided as a budget gimmick", "48HOWHysfPo-00015-00018168-00019364": "Though the plan comes with a built-in deficit of more than $22 trillion, Trump administration officials described it as a \"return to fiscal sanity\" that won't hinder economic growth", "48HOWHysfPo-00016-00019364-00020992": "The President's proposal would expand the federal budget deficit to $1.1 trillion in the next fiscal year, while also calling for balancing the budget by 2034 by assuming the economy will be able to grow faster than most economists anticipate", "48HOWHysfPo-00017-00020992-00021681": "The latest budget aims to balance the budget in 15 years, rather than the traditional 10", "48HOWHysfPo-00018-00021681-00022604": "The administration put the blame on Congress for ignoring proposed cuts last year, which has resulted in delaying when balance can be achieved", "48HOWHysfPo-00019-00022604-00023698": "In its updated forecast, the administration is projecting that the nation's debt will balloon to more than $31 trillion in the next decade by 2029", "48HOWHysfPo-00020-00023698-00025145": "It currently stands at more than $22 trillion.\"President Trump's budget takes steps in the right direction, but there is still much work to do,\" said Steve Womack, a Republican from Arkansas who sits on the House Budget Committee", "48HOWHysfPo-00021-00025145-00026140": "The White House forecast in its budget that the economy will grow at an average of 3% each year over the next decade, including 3", "48HOWHysfPo-00022-00026140-00027394": "2% in 2019. It also anticipates the economy to gradually slow to 3.1% in 2020, 3% in 2021, and 2", "48HOWHysfPo-00023-00027394-00028551": "8% in 2026.While such forecasts are difficult to predict, the White House figure is at odds with projections made by the International Monetary Fund", "48HOWHysfPo-00024-00028551-00029356": "The IMF anticipates US growth to decline to 2.5% this year and soften further to 1", "48HOWHysfPo-00025-00029356-00030189": "8% in 2020 as the fiscal stimulus of the Republican-backed tax cuts fade.'No chance' say Democrats", "48HOWHysfPo-00026-00030189-00030947": "House Democrats have already panned the proposal, saying it would leave the country less safe and secure", "48HOWHysfPo-00027-00030947-00032420": "\"President Trump's budget once again lays out an irresponsible and cynical vision for our country, without any regard for its human cost,\" Kentucky Democrat John Yarmuth, chairman of the House Budget Committee, said in a statement", "48HOWHysfPo-00028-00032420-00033478": "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York said on Sunday they would block efforts by Trump to get $8", "48HOWHysfPo-00029-00033478-00035218": "6 billion to build his wall.\"President Trump hurt millions of Americans and caused widespread chaos when he recklessly shut down the government to try to get his expensive and ineffective wall, which he promised would be paid for by Mexico,\" they said in a joint statement", "48HOWHysfPo-00030-00035218-00036236": "\"We hope he learned his lesson.\".On Monday, Pelosi released a second statement deriding the budget as written \"for the special interests and the wealthiest 1%", "48HOWHysfPo-00031-00036236-00037516": "\".\"After adding $2 trillion to the deficit with the GOP tax scam for the rich, President Trump wants to ransack as much as $2 trillion from Medicare and Medicaid,\" she said", "48HOWHysfPo-00032-00037516-00039180": "\"While demanding billions more for his wasteful, ineffective wall, President Trump will steal from students and hungry families, from rural communities and American farmers, from clean air and clean water, and from vital, job-creating investments nationwide", "48HOWHysfPo-00033-00039180-00040635": "\".As in previous years, Trump's blueprint also calls for $200 billion for infrastructure spending, with the Trump administration open to working with Congress to construct a package that could attract bipartisan support", "48HOWHysfPo-00034-00040635-00042216": "Trump's budget proposal includes funds for hiring across federal agencies, including US Customs and Border Protection and the Justice Department Executive Office for Immigration Review, both of which have already had trouble filling vacancies", "48HOWHysfPo-00035-00042216-00043018": "That includes $314 million to hire an additional 1,000 ICE law enforcement officers", "48HOWHysfPo-00036-00043018-00044661": "The administration is also asking Congress for $40 billion to fund the State Department's work on international diplomacy and aid in fiscal 2020, a slight increase from last year's request but nowhere close to addressing deep cuts made in 2017", "48HOWHysfPo-00037-00044661-00046014": "The Trump administration's emphasis on funding the Pentagon over diplomacy has alarmed retired military leaders, who said Sunday that squeezing the State Department budget undermines US security and leadership", "48HOWHysfPo-00038-00046014-00047657": "\"The military alone cannot keep our nation safe,\" more than a dozen former combatant commanders, including retired generals David Petraeus and Anthony Zinni and retired admiral James Stavridis, said in a statement urging Congress to protect funding for the State Department"}}, {"audio_id": "4vbSGWDPofU", "text": {"4vbSGWDPofU-00000-00000571-00001665": "Forty-eight hours. That’s how much longer Donald Trump and William Barr have left before their attempted coverup of the Mueller report completely unravels", "4vbSGWDPofU-00001-00001665-00002919": "That’s because House Democrats have handed Barr a Tuesday deadline to come clean about the coverup, and even as he’s tried to drag it out longer, they’ve remained clear that they’re not budging", "4vbSGWDPofU-00002-00002919-00003789": "So now what?.Barr will no doubt try something on Monday or Tuesday, in the hope of convincing House Democrats to wait longer", "4vbSGWDPofU-00003-00003789-00004601": "But at this point, don’t look for the Democrats to budge unless Barr suddenly caves on everything, which is unlikely", "4vbSGWDPofU-00004-00004601-00006114": "The Democrats have already publicly staked themselves to settling for nothing less than the full Mueller report, and they have overwhelming majority support on this from the general public, so they’ll fire off everything they have once Barr misses his Tuesday deadline", "4vbSGWDPofU-00005-00006114-00007127": "We’ll see if the House Democrats start by subpoenaing the Mueller report, subpoenaing Mueller himself, subpoenaing Barr, or some combination of the three", "4vbSGWDPofU-00006-00007127-00008211": "Any path they choose will be challenged in court, so it’s a matter of choosing the most legally sound path, which is the most likely to result in a court victory", "4vbSGWDPofU-00007-00008211-00009324": "One big thing to keep in mind: now that Barr has tried and failed to convince the public that there’s nothing in the Mueller report that they should care about, he’s already squirming in his seat", "4vbSGWDPofU-00008-00009324-00010442": "This week he sent a public letter to House Democrats, insisting that his summary wasn’t actually a “summary,” and whining about the fact that everyone is referring to it as a summary", "4vbSGWDPofU-00009-00010442-00011380": "Barr isn’t exactly coming off like a guy who’s confident in his legal position, or with how this is playing out in the court of public opinion"}}, {"audio_id": "4TXXnnYRQEY", "text": {"4TXXnnYRQEY-00000-00000571-00004345": "Does an innocent man ask James Comey to let the Flynn thing go? Does an innocent man then fire James Comey? Does an innocent man declare his innocence before being accused? Does an innocent man have legions of his underlings found guilty of crimes, the outcomes of which happened to benefit him? Does an innocent man appoint people who wouldn’t even consider doing anything that might expose his culpability? Does an innocent man kowtow to the strongmen in charge of hostile foreign adversaries? Does an innocent man have secret meetings with them? Who cares about what Bill Barr scribbled out in his letter Sunday? The facts are in: Donald Trump is guilty", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00001-00004345-00005231": "Robert S. Mueller III, assuming he did his job, compiled a cornucopia of evidence regarding Russian connections to Trump", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00002-00005231-00006148": "Contrary to the belief of many, his job was not to deliver a guilty verdict on Trump; it was his job to get to the truth", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00003-00006148-00006837": "Mind you, the truth and Barr’s rendition of the truth are not necessarily the same thing", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00004-00006837-00007610": "Taking things out of context and cherry-picking facts can bastardize the original meaning of just about anything", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00005-00007610-00009295": "For example, if one were to take the first, second, fourth, eighth, and thirteenth words from “Trump is not a calculating evildoer like Dick Cheney, who was once head of Halliburton,” you’d be left with a remarkably different, albeit true, sentence", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00006-00009295-00010068": "Games aside, Trump proclaiming “complete exoneration” is astounding for two reasons: 1", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00007-00010068-00010732": "He’s seriously overlooking the fact that he’s not been exonerated of anything, and 2", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00008-00010732-00011926": "I wasn’t aware he was capable of vocalizing words in excess of four syllables. The Mueller Report, as it’s been dubbed, will come to no conclusions any which way", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00009-00011926-00012730": "Barr and Rosenstein can claim “no obstruction” all they want, but ultimately that’s for the House of Representatives to decide", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00010-00012730-00014169": "The Mueller Report might have been presented to Barr, but it was surely written for the House, as a punctilious recitation of what exactly happened, which is constitutionally where presidents must be assessed by the scale of justice", "4TXXnnYRQEY-00011-00014169-00014781": "Just like in a court of law, the House is fed facts and decisions are rendered"}}, {"audio_id": "4W3xNU3_5Oy", "text": {"4W3xNU3_5Oy-00000-00000571-00001561": "It would be hard to think of a more damaging day for a President than one on which his former campaign chairman disappeared behind bars for years to come", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00001-00001561-00002593": "But Paul Manafort's new sentence was the least of Donald Trump's worries Wednesday as his Russia investigation nightmare took yet another turn for the worse", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00002-00002593-00004398": "New suspicions about dangled pardons, conflicting congressional testimony, implicit pleas for clemency and fresh suggestions of inappropriate presidential behavior delivered a new twist to the drama with Washington already on edge in anticipation of special counsel Robert Mueller's final report", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00003-00004398-00005928": "A new firestorm erupted over disputed assertions that ex-acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker did not deny in a closed congressional meeting that he had spoken with President Donald Trump about a case involving Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00004-00005928-00007381": "CNN reported explosive new revelations involving Cohen's allegation that a pardon had been dangled in exchange for him staying loyal to the President, in which he was purportedly told he could be sure he had \"friends in high places''", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00005-00007381-00008671": "Both new angles on the Russia intrigue came on the day that a judge added to the prison sentence of Manafort, Trump's former campaign chairman, after he was snared in Mueller's investigation", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00006-00008671-00010557": "He faces a total of 7.5 years in prison.For the second time in a week, a Manafort attorney emerged from a sentencing hearing and appeared to twist a judge's words in a way that raised suspicions he was bolstering Trump's claims that there was \"no collusion\" in return for a pardon for his client", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00007-00010557-00012490": "Trump did little to stem speculation he might act in such a manner by saying he felt \"very badly\" for Manafort, while making the barely believable assertion that the thought of springing Manafort from jail after his convictions for tax and financial fraud, obstruction and witness tampering had never entered his mind", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00008-00012490-00013655": "Those comments came two days after White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders appeared to imply Trump had at least thought about freeing Manafort by saying, \"He'll make a decision when he is ready''", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00009-00013655-00015029": "As is often the case in the Russia investigation and associated cases, vital details remain unknown and there is a sense that the information available to the public is only scratching the surface of what might really have happened", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00010-00015029-00016526": "But equally there is no proven direct evidence of collusion by the President from any of the multiple investigations that are swirling around his White House and are now digging deep into his personal and business affairs as well as the 2016 campaign", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00011-00016526-00018302": "Still, a day of frenetic activity and foreboding claims and counterclaims raised new questions about the appropriateness of the President's past behavior and whether he will try to absolve his former associates with his pardon power -- one of the most compelling questions in Washington in early 2019", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00012-00018302-00019339": "Wednesday's developments underscored once more the peril the President potentially faces from the new investigative powers of the freshly elected Democratic-led House", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00013-00019339-00020802": "The politics raging around the investigations also suggested yet again how hard it will be for the nation to eventually coalesce around an outcome that offers a sense of closure after the uproar of the 2016 election", "4W3xNU3_5Oy-00014-00020802-00022014": "The new developments could also prompt a discussion of whether Mueller has more work to do at a moment when he had appeared to be close to filing the report on his investigation with the attorney general"}}, {"audio_id": "4X11IyBV_uM", "text": {"4X11IyBV_uM-00000-00000513-00001309": "As Special Counsel Robert Mueller has pursued his investigation into Moscow’s role in the 2016 U", "4X11IyBV_uM-00001-00001309-00002258": "S. election, legal experts have debated what sort of contacts between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia may have violated U", "4X11IyBV_uM-00002-00002258-00003558": "S. criminal law.U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia used a scheme of hacking and propaganda to cause discord in the United States and harm Trump’s Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton", "4X11IyBV_uM-00003-00003558-00004682": "Mueller’s probe, with several Trump campaign figures already pleading guilty or being convicted, has documented numerous contacts between Russians and people close to the president", "4X11IyBV_uM-00004-00004682-00005713": "Mueller, who has sought to determine whether Trump’s campaign coordinated with Moscow, is preparing to submit a report on his investigation to U", "4X11IyBV_uM-00005-00005713-00006526": "S. Attorney General William Barr. Trump and Russia have denied collusion and Moscow has denied election interference", "4X11IyBV_uM-00006-00006526-00007181": "Here is a look at potential crimes Mueller may examine relating to these contacts and other matters", "4X11IyBV_uM-00007-00007181-00008412": "IS THERE A U.S. FEDERAL CRIME CALLED COLLUSION?.Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani in July 2018 said, “I have been sitting here looking in the federal code trying to find collusion as a crime", "4X11IyBV_uM-00008-00008412-00009412": "Collusion is not a crime.” Trump wrote on Twitter the next day, “Collusion is not a crime, but that doesn’t matter because there was No Collusion", "4X11IyBV_uM-00009-00009412-00010575": "”.There indeed is no federal crime called “collusion.” But collusion is a non-legal way of saying conspiracy, which is one of the most commonly asserted crimes in U", "4X11IyBV_uM-00010-00010575-00011348": "S. federal courts. Conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful act", "4X11IyBV_uM-00011-00011348-00012150": "A conspiracy does not need to have been successful, but the individuals must have taken some action to further it", "4X11IyBV_uM-00012-00012150-00013607": "Because computer hacking is clearly a federal crime, any Trump campaign official who assented to and encouraged the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers in 2016 could be liable for the crime of conspiracy", "4X11IyBV_uM-00013-00013607-00014608": "U.S. officials have said Russia hacked the Democratic computers to steal emails that were later released by the WikiLeaks website to hurt Clinton"}}, {"audio_id": "4Xm6pgoBFu0", "text": {"4Xm6pgoBFu0-00000-00000513-00001787": "Michael Cohen's attorney Tuesday clarified his client's public testimony that he didn't ask for a pardon from President Donald Trump, arguing that Cohen's statement was true even if it could have been clearer", "4Xm6pgoBFu0-00001-00001787-00003551": "Cohen has been under fire from Republicans and Trump for testifying that he had \"never asked for, nor would I accept\" a pardon from the President, amid reports that Cohen's attorneys discussed the prospect of a pardon with Trump's legal team while Cohen was still a part of the Trump joint defense agreement", "4Xm6pgoBFu0-00002-00003551-00004394": "\"In retrospect, while the sentence could have been clearer regarding the time frames, the sentence is true, and Mr", "4Xm6pgoBFu0-00003-00004394-00005489": "Cohen stands by his statement,\" wrote Michael Monico, Cohen's attorney, in a letter to House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings that was obtained by CNN", "4Xm6pgoBFu0-00004-00005489-00006137": "Monico argued in the letter that Cohen's statement was written \"in the context of Mr", "4Xm6pgoBFu0-00005-00006137-00007069": "Cohen's decision in June 2018\" to leave the joint defense agreement, and not the discussions that occurred about pardons beforehand", "4Xm6pgoBFu0-00006-00007069-00007905": "\"At no time did Mr. Cohen personally ask President Trump for a pardon or did the President offer Mr", "4Xm6pgoBFu0-00007-00007905-00009130": "Cohen the same,\" Monico wrote.But the new letter from Monico is unlikely to satisfy Republicans, who have charged Cohen may have committed perjury in his testimony"}}, {"audio_id": "4ZlI8xk6gdu", "text": {"4ZlI8xk6gdu-00000-00000513-00001325": "Robert Mueller just announced that he has completed the Russia probe and turned in his report to the U.S. Attorney General", "4ZlI8xk6gdu-00001-00001325-00002637": "While it is not yet known if we will ever see the contents of the report taxpayers paid for, people immediately went crazy about the fact that Mueller is recommending no more indictments", "4ZlI8xk6gdu-00002-00002637-00003550": "Trump’s eldest son jumped right on his Twitter account to gloat like a moron, as if he’s not still under multiple investigations", "4ZlI8xk6gdu-00003-00003550-00004562": "Look at what the derp just tweeted:\"Well that’s going to make it a bit harder for the MSM and Dems to spin but they’ll do it anyway\"", "4ZlI8xk6gdu-00004-00004562-00005874": "People on Twitter immediately crazy over the ridiculous confidence this man has when he is still facing criminal charges and even prison time for the multitude of shadiness surrounding his entire family"}}, {"audio_id": "4ZuskXwYPlc", "text": {"4ZuskXwYPlc-00000-00000571-00001728": "Across the country, newly confident teachers unions are taking a stand and reminding the nation of just how powerful organized labor can be when its interests are threatened", "4ZuskXwYPlc-00001-00001728-00003428": "Teachers in West Virginia went on strike for the second time in a year in protest of Republican amendments to an education bill that would pave the way for privatized charter schools, the creation of a voucher system and the accompanying leeching of public funds away from public schools", "4ZuskXwYPlc-00002-00003428-00004040": "On top of that, it would create financial penalties for teachers who go on strike", "4ZuskXwYPlc-00003-00004040-00005536": "West Virginia Republicans bundled their flagrant attack on the public school system together with the 5% raise that the teachers had won during their last strike in a disgraceful attempt to poison their victory and punish them for their insolence", "4ZuskXwYPlc-00004-00005536-00007057": "“They’re trying to break our unions and our public education system. This is our only option— we have to shut schools down to force them to back down” said the head of the Mingo County Education Association, Brandon Wolford, to Jacobin", "4ZuskXwYPlc-00005-00007057-00007874": "“This is not reform, this is retaliation. Nothing in this proposal would make things better for students or staff", "4ZuskXwYPlc-00006-00007874-00009564": "How does bringing in uncertified teachers [by legalizing charters] help our kids? How does taking public money and putting it into private hands help our schools? Unfortunately, the politicians are listening to the top 1 percent instead of listening to us", "4ZuskXwYPlc-00007-00009564-00011477": "”.Days of negotiations between the House and Senate did not produce the watering down that teachers wanted and knowing that the bill had enough support in the House to pass, the union went on strike — and successfully pressured enough Republicans (12) in the House to cross over and kill their own bill in the space of a few hours", "4ZuskXwYPlc-00008-00011477-00013538": "While this certainly won’t be the last battle that the teachers of West Virginia have to fight against a stingy and uncaring Republican majority and their devious billionaire backers, the swiftness of their second major victory is yet another shot in the arm for our underpaid and overworked teachers unions and for organized labor across the nation", "4ZuskXwYPlc-00009-00013538-00015100": "As the teachers of Oakland, California prepare to walk off the job on Thursday in an effort to secure the pay they deserve and the extra funding their kids deserve, it’s clear that the wave of teacher strikes isn’t crashing down any time soon", "4ZuskXwYPlc-00010-00015100-00015758": "Budget-cutting austerity hawks and charter school profiteers, take notice"}}, {"audio_id": "4meYwzSgnko", "text": {"4meYwzSgnko-00000-00000571-00001754": "President Donald Trump’s approval rating jumped five points among likely voters since the report was delivered from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, according to the latest Rasmussen survey", "4meYwzSgnko-00001-00001754-00002796": "Trump is now up to a 50 percent approval rating according to Thursday’s results, up five points from his Monday and Friday rating of 45 percent", "4meYwzSgnko-00002-00002796-00003439": "This is the highest rating for Trump since he topped 50 percent in the beginning of March", "4meYwzSgnko-00003-00003439-00004797": "He reached 51 percent approval around Thanksgiving of last year.Rasmussen tracks daily results via 500 likely voters per night from telephone surveys as well as an online survey tool", "4meYwzSgnko-00004-00004797-00005576": "The margin of sampling error for the full sample of 1,500 likely voters is +/- 2", "4meYwzSgnko-00005-00005576-00005946": "5 percentage points"}}, {"audio_id": "53i8hYioDcy", "text": {"53i8hYioDcy-00000-00000571-00002065": "On Sunday, sitting president Donald Trump created yet another vacancy in his already woefully understaffed administration by accepting the – voluntary or involuntary – resignation of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen", "53i8hYioDcy-00001-00002065-00003319": "As per usual, Trump announced Nielsen’s departure from the position via Twitter and then proceeded to name Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan as Acting Secretary for DHS", "53i8hYioDcy-00002-00003319-00004014": "As it turns out, the legality of the latter action seems to be somewhat questionable", "53i8hYioDcy-00003-00004014-00005166": "There is an interesting debate about this going on right now on the Twitter feed of George Conway, who – contrary to what Donald Trump has claimed – is actually a little more than just “Mr", "53i8hYioDcy-00004-00005166-00007164": "Kellyanne Conway.” The gist of the discussion appears to be that in keeping with 6 USC §113(g), which governs DHS succession, the position of Acting Secretary of Homeland Security should actually go to Claire Grady, the current Under Secretary for Management at DHS", "53i8hYioDcy-00005-00007164-00009045": ".Since we have all become used to the fact that Donald Trump is mostly unaware of and unconcerned about the rules that govern just about anything, we may be tempted to dismiss his dubious installation of McAleenan as Acting Secretary by fiat on Twitter as just another sign of his clueless and erratic leadership", "53i8hYioDcy-00006-00009045-00009797": "However, it may also be a sign of something that is not erratic at all but fits neatly into an overall strategy", "53i8hYioDcy-00007-00009797-00011889": ".If we view the new vacancy at the head of the Department of Homeland Security in the greater context of the staggering number of unoccupied key positions in the current administration, we can see an emerging pattern that is strongly reminiscent of the words of someone far less erratic and far more ideological than Trump himself: former White House strategist Steve Bannon", "53i8hYioDcy-00008-00011889-00013470": ". .During one of his rare public appearances at CPAC 2017, Bannon laid out the fundamental principles of Trumpism as he saw it, and one of those principles was what he called “the deconstruction of the administrative state", "53i8hYioDcy-00009-00013470-00014765": "” This is a concept that has always resonated well with Republicans who frequently complain about overregulation and the loss of individual liberty and opportunity at the hands of an overly bureaucratic state", "53i8hYioDcy-00010-00014765-00016408": "However, Steve Bannon’s vision of the administrative state that needs to be done away with resembles more the mysterious, all-encompassing Deep State that is so often conjured up by online conspiracy theorists as the greatest threat to ordinary American citizens", "53i8hYioDcy-00011-00016408-00017788": ". .In turn, Trumpism, as laid out by Bannon, contains the promise of opposing and ultimately destroying the overwhelming bureaucratic institutions which are blamed for all the ills of society", "53i8hYioDcy-00012-00017788-00019300": "In reality, though, populist leaders have often used this argument to consolidate power away from the institutions and organizations that are part of the structure of every large and complex society in order to concentrate it in their own hands", "53i8hYioDcy-00013-00019300-00021500": ".If we add to this the ongoing efforts at consolidating and streamlining the media as a tool to support the current government rather than providing a critical, corrective voice, we may end up being left with the rather sobering realization that even a democratically elected president does not necessarily guarantee the continuity of a genuinely democratic state", "53i8hYioDcy-00014-00021500-00021829": "From Russia with love"}}, {"audio_id": "56hGCAxCj6Y", "text": {"56hGCAxCj6Y-00000-00000513-00001477": "President Donald Trump tempered expectations Wednesday of an ultimate China trade deal while still offering hope the two sides would reach an agreement", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00001-00001477-00002461": "“I want the deal to be right,” Trump said, as he made clear that he would not rush into a trade deal with major trading partner China", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00002-00002461-00003138": "He made the comments to reporters in a briefing on drug trafficking at the U.S. border", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00003-00003138-00003898": "President Trump did give hope that a deal will still happen, saying he feels good about it happening eventually", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00004-00003898-00004776": "“China very much wants to make a deal,” he said, as he has many times throughout months of trade negotiations with China", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00005-00004776-00005570": "The president reiterated the sentiment that there is no rush, saying he’s “not in a hurry” on the trade deal", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00006-00005570-00006325": "“There’s always a chance” the deal could fall apart, Trump warned while adding that he was still confident the U", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00007-00006325-00007398": "S. will get some form of trade agreement.President Trump offered similar “no rush” language last month in denuclearization talks with the leader of North Korea", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00008-00007398-00008109": "“I’ve been saying very much from the beginning that speed is not that important to me,” Trump said", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00009-00008109-00008757": "“Again, I am in no rush”.The president broadcasted in the midst of intensive U.S", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00010-00008757-00009673": "-China trade negotiations in February that he would “probably” meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago in March", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00011-00009673-00010311": "Such a meeting is expected to happen when the two nations are ready to finalize a deal", "56hGCAxCj6Y-00012-00010311-00011021": "Trump further said that they would involve working out the “finer points” of a trade deal at the meeting"}}, {"audio_id": "5uJy-69VDbc", "text": {"5uJy-69VDbc-00000-00000571-00001313": "Here’s what someone once said about Nancy Pelosi: “She’ll cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding", "5uJy-69VDbc-00001-00001313-00002676": "” That quote came from Pelosi’s own daughter. The current Speaker of the House is so politically savvy, calm, and collected, she can do a lot of damage to her opponents while smiling the entire time", "5uJy-69VDbc-00002-00002676-00004531": "Here’s the thing. Pelosi is no longer smiling. Not even close. .When Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House earlier this year, she said that impeaching Donald Trump at that time wasn’t worth it, and she’d wait until the Mueller probe and/or other investigations turned up more about Trump’s crimes", "5uJy-69VDbc-00003-00004531-00005847": "It was a wise move. If she’d pushed forward with impeachment three months ago, it would have gotten through the House but certainly not the Senate, and all it would have done was make Trump more emboldened", "5uJy-69VDbc-00004-00005847-00006910": ". .So Pelosi has held her fire, preferring to let the House committee chairs push forward with their probes, all while waiting for Trump to hand her an opening", "5uJy-69VDbc-00005-00006910-00008214": "He just did. Trump’s Attorney General William Barr thumbed his nose at Congress about the Mueller report yesterday, while repeating one of Trump’s most deranged phony conspiracy theories", "5uJy-69VDbc-00006-00008214-00009293": "Then Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin thumbed his nose at Congress as well when he announced that he was illegally refusing to turn over Trump’s tax returns", "5uJy-69VDbc-00007-00009293-00010013": ".These two scoundrels just declared war against American democracy, on Trump’s behalf", "5uJy-69VDbc-00008-00010013-00010693": "If Trump wants a war, and he clearly does, Nancy Pelosi is going to give him one", "5uJy-69VDbc-00009-00010693-00011910": "When she spoke before the cameras yesterday and accused Barr of having gone “off the rails,” you could clearly see from her tone and body language that Trump and his stooges had crossed her red line", "5uJy-69VDbc-00010-00011910-00012957": ". .Nancy Pelosi is as ethical as they come. But she can hit far more effectively below the belt than a one-note con man like Donald Trump ever could", "5uJy-69VDbc-00011-00012957-00014399": "In his rush to cast aside all semblance of democracy and the rule of law since he falsely exonerated himself, Trump has made the mistake of awakening the monster of overwhelming public desire for his illegitimate presidency to end", "5uJy-69VDbc-00012-00014399-00015536": "Pelosi has just been handed her opportunity to justifiably finish him off – and while we’ll see how she goes about it, there’s no doubt she’ll seize the opportunity"}}, {"audio_id": "5vVZXr05kou", "text": {"5vVZXr05kou-00000-00000571-00001313": "The President further blasted House Democrats for not taking a stronger stand against anti-semitism", "5vVZXr05kou-00001-00001313-00002593": "This comes after Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) made additional remarks about Israel.President Trump called on Republicans who are thinking about voting against the emergency declaration", "5vVZXr05kou-00002-00002593-00003541": "While most Republicans in the Senate have supported Trump’s executive order, some have expressed their disapproval for the national emergency", "5vVZXr05kou-00003-00003541-00004526": "(Related Before The Nat’l Emergency Vote, Graham Sends A Final Plea To Republicans: ‘If You Don’t Believe [Trump], Check It Out For Yourselves’)", "5vVZXr05kou-00004-00004526-00005484": "The House voted last week to block Trump’s emergency declaration, which could help free up billions of dollars to fund a wall on the southern border", "5vVZXr05kou-00005-00005484-00006500": "The vote was 245-182, with 13 Republicans joining Democrats in voting for the legislation, per Fox News", "5vVZXr05kou-00006-00006500-00007185": "But even if the legislation passes, it would almost certainly be vetoed by the White House", "5vVZXr05kou-00007-00007185-00008007": "In that case, it would require two-thirds majorities in the House and Senate to override the veto — which would be unlikely", "5vVZXr05kou-00008-00008007-00009303": "Trump’s declaration came after Congress OK’d a spending bill that provided $1.4 billion for border barriers at various parts of the border, but much less than the $5", "5vVZXr05kou-00009-00009303-00010058": "7 billion Trump had demanded. The declaration gives Trump access to an additional $3", "5vVZXr05kou-00010-00010058-00011573": "6 billion in funding that he can divert to the wall, reported Fox News.The Commander in Chief urged fellow Republicans to “stay united” in the face of a Democrat-led effort to nix his declaration of a national emergency at the border", "5vVZXr05kou-00011-00011573-00012516": "He wrote, “Senate Republicans are not voting on constitutionality or precedent, they are voting on desperately needed Border Security & the Wall", "5vVZXr05kou-00012-00012516-00013229": "Our Country is being invaded with Drugs, Human Traffickers, & Criminals of all shapes and sizes", "5vVZXr05kou-00013-00013229-00013686": "That’s what this vote is all about. STAY UNITED!”"}}, {"audio_id": "5IZR-6apZEy", "text": {"5IZR-6apZEy-00000-00000000-00002846": "Rotation Wave 0:05 Crazy Slow Killed 0:11 Ripple Pitch 0:17 Mirror Twirl 0:22 Cold Major 0:28"}}, {"audio_id": "5K8iTtNWuTA", "text": {"5K8iTtNWuTA-00000-00000513-00001529": "Roughly a year ago, we all learned that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had given a partial immunity deal to international political operative George Nader", "5K8iTtNWuTA-00001-00001529-00002861": "This was a big deal, both because it was the only known immunity deal that Mueller had handed out to anyone, and because Nader appeared to be in prime position to steer Mueller toward bigger Trump-Russia fish", "5K8iTtNWuTA-00002-00002861-00004285": "Now that deal is reportedly toast.It’s long been reported that George Nader helped set up (and attended) the infamous transition period Seychelles meeting between Erik Prince and Kremlin higher-up Kirill Dmitriev", "5K8iTtNWuTA-00003-00004285-00005230": "That meeting was allegedly an attempt at establishing a backchannel between the Donald Trump regime and the Vladimir Putin regime", "5K8iTtNWuTA-00004-00005230-00006071": "Nader’s cooperation was extensive enough that he even testified before a Trump-Russia grand jury last year", "5K8iTtNWuTA-00005-00006071-00007547": "It seemed like Nader was going to be Mueller’s guy all the way.But now George Nader is reportedly no longer cooperating with Robert Mueller, according to Laura Rozen of Middle Eastern news publication Al-Monitor", "5K8iTtNWuTA-00006-00007547-00008286": "No one involved is willing to comment on why this has happened, or even confirm or deny that it’s happened", "5K8iTtNWuTA-00007-00008286-00009114": "But it’s intriguing, because it points to just how much things have changed in the investigation over the past year", "5K8iTtNWuTA-00008-00009114-00010677": "In fact it ties into something new we just learned yesterday.Thanks to a court filing by Michael Flynn’s former business partner Bijan Kian yesterday, we learned that during the transition period, Flynn also met with Kirill Dmitriev", "5K8iTtNWuTA-00009-00010677-00011896": "This means Mueller got the lowdown on Dmitriev when Flynn cut his deal in November of 2017, before he gave immunity to Nader with regard to the Prince meeting with Dmitriev", "5K8iTtNWuTA-00010-00011896-00012881": "There’s a lot we don’t know here, but if Nader’s original cooperation deal was a big story, then the demise of that deal is an even bigger story"}}, {"audio_id": "5pZ7_to0yNU", "text": {"5pZ7_to0yNU-00000-00000513-00002263": "Donald Trump and his cronies in the GOP have offered a wide variety of explanations for the impetus behind the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian influence on the 2016 election and allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin to steal an election", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00001-00002263-00004724": "So far, it’s been President Obama’s corrupt intentions that caused it, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, the DNC’s determination to smear a president who beat their candidate, a “deep state” operation united against an outsider in government, and the intelligence community that is somehow comprised of Democratic-led officials all working together against conservative ideology", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00002-00004724-00005944": "Never do they mention the fact that those in the intelligence community have seen the actual evidence in this investigation and seem to unilaterally agree that Trump needed to be investigated", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00003-00005944-00007560": "In an appearance on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanapolous, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the GOP’s resident House showboat, ranted about an FBI “cabal” who banded together to push out a president elected by Republicans", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00004-00007560-00009044": "As the American public awaits the findings of the Mueller investigation, Jordan pre-empted the pushback by saying that if Mueller’s report is to be released, all of the information around the investigation should be, as well", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00005-00009044-00009825": "‘I’ll tell you this morning, if he’s going to release all the information, then I want all of it released", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00006-00009825-00010721": "They used that dossier. Took it to a secret court. [They] didn’t tell the court the Clinton campaign paid for the document", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00007-00010721-00011369": "Didn’t tell the court a foreigner desperate to stop Trump from being elected wrote the document", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00008-00011369-00013083": "If they’re going to release everything, release it all.’.The FISA court isn’t secret, but applications to the FISA court are understandably kept under wraps since tipping off those who are being investigated and exactly what they’re being investigated for is inadvisable", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00009-00013083-00015005": "Jordan is also once again lying about information being kept secret from the FISA court in the application for permission to surveil certain members of the Trump campaign; proof that the application did inform the court that the dossier was, in part, funded by the Clinton campaign has already been released", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00010-00015005-00016946": "Of course, the lie that the Steele dossier was the impetus behind the investigation has also been disproven, although Trump-supporting Republicans like Jordan, as well as political pundits on Fox News, have convinced Trump’s supporters that this is so, and they still believe it despite that evidence", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00011-00016946-00017821": "Jordan is not interested in the release of all of this information in order to expose any FBI “cabal” that doesn’t exist", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00012-00017821-00019138": "He, as well as Trump and the rest of the GOP, need distractions. They need as many ways as possible to discredit Mueller’s findings just in case they turn out badly for the president", "5pZ7_to0yNU-00013-00019138-00019848": "In the meantime, they continue to push misrepresentations and outright lies to do so"}}, {"audio_id": "5aXnlNICTiA", "text": {"5aXnlNICTiA-00000-00000571-00001861": "Here’s the thing about a drowning criminal. While his most naive criminal allies might be willing to jump in and try to save him, his savviest criminal allies have no intention of drowning with him", "5aXnlNICTiA-00001-00001861-00002488": "Accordingly, Mitch McConnell just revealed that he’s going to let Donald Trump sink", "5aXnlNICTiA-00002-00002488-00003441": "Mitch McConnell has announced that next week the Senate will vote on the resolution to cancel Donald Trump’s national emergency, and that the measure will pass", "5aXnlNICTiA-00003-00003441-00004784": "By rule, McConnell could have dragged this vote out a little further than that. And he could have used his considerable influence over nearly every Republican Senator to try to cajole them into siding with Trump on this legislation", "5aXnlNICTiA-00004-00004784-00005479": "But McConnell simply isn’t willing to use any of his own leverage to help bail Trump out of this", "5aXnlNICTiA-00005-00005479-00006307": "He isn’t even willing to try.Sure, Donald Trump can – and almost certainly will – veto the resolution", "5aXnlNICTiA-00006-00006307-00006986": "There don’t appear to be nearly enough votes to override the veto. But that’s not the point", "5aXnlNICTiA-00007-00006986-00007783": "The fate of the national emergency was always going to be decided by the courts, not via legislation", "5aXnlNICTiA-00008-00007783-00009073": "The whole point of this Democratic Party-sponsored bill was to weaken Trump by getting the Republicans to start formally distancing themselves from him, and sure enough, it’s done precisely that", "5aXnlNICTiA-00009-00009073-00009831": "For his part, Mitch McConnell has decided that this is now entirely Donald Trump’s problem", "5aXnlNICTiA-00010-00009831-00010567": "Trump will have to veto a bill that was passed by members of both parties, in both houses of Congress", "5aXnlNICTiA-00011-00010567-00011340": "He’ll have to take sole ownership of his idiotic shutdown and his even more idiotic national emergency declaration", "5aXnlNICTiA-00012-00011340-00012315": "More importantly, thirteen House Republicans and at least four Senate Republicans are voting against Trump on something that’s crucial to Trump’s survival", "5aXnlNICTiA-00013-00012315-00012921": "It sets the stage for more of the GOP to selfishly leave Trump to drown"}}, {"audio_id": "6906slh6jlQ", "text": {"6906slh6jlQ-00000-00000571-00001519": "''Military compensation must be competitive to recruit and retain the most qualified men and women to serve in an All-Volunteer Force", "6906slh6jlQ-00001-00001519-00002441": "The Budget proposes a 2020 military pay raise of 3.1 percent – the largest increase in a decade,” the document said", "6906slh6jlQ-00002-00002441-00003758": "Service members received a 3.9 percent pay increase in fiscal year 2009 and a 3.4 percent pay increase in fiscal year 2010 — a decade ago in fiscal years", "6906slh6jlQ-00003-00003758-00005338": "For junior enlisted troops, the 3.1 percent pay raise would amount to $815 more a year, and for senior enlisted and junior officers, about $1,500 more a year, according to the Military Times", "6906slh6jlQ-00004-00005338-00006660": "For an O-4 with 12 years in the military — typically a major in the Army, Marines, and Air Force, and a lieutenant commander in the Navy, the pay raise would be $2,800 more a year", "6906slh6jlQ-00005-00006660-00008480": "Each year’s pay raise is usually determined by the Employment Cost Index.The pay raise request will be part of a $750 billion defense budget request for fiscal year 2020, $34 billion or a five percent increase over the fiscal year 2019 enacted level", "6906slh6jlQ-00006-00008480-00009481": "White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said at a briefing on Monday, “The budget requests $750 billion for our national defense", "6906slh6jlQ-00007-00009481-00010586": "And to be clear, this is not funding for endless wars, this is for research and development and procurement to fund the most awe-inspiring military the world has ever known''"}}, {"audio_id": "6vFEhai-Gok", "text": {"6vFEhai-Gok-00000-00000571-00001349": "Just yesterday Walter Shaub, the former government ethics chief, retweeted this from Kenneth P", "6vFEhai-Gok-00001-00001349-00002493": "Vogel: “Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg spoke by phone with TRUMP this a.m., urging him not to ground 737 Max 8s after Sunday’s crash", "6vFEhai-Gok-00002-00002493-00003530": "* Muilenburg has tried to cultivate Trump. He visited Mar-a-Lago after AF1 dust-up, & Boeing donated $1M to Trump inaugural", "6vFEhai-Gok-00003-00003530-00005226": "So the Boeing 737 Max 8 and 9 are grounded all over the world, but here, Trump has a chummy phone call with his donor, and we can all roll the dice and take our chances! Sad! Grounding was inevitable, but I do wonder at the timing of it all", "6vFEhai-Gok-00004-00005226-00006155": "Boeing should have taken charge of this problem, and Muilenburg should pay a very high price for that very suspicious phone call with Trump", "6vFEhai-Gok-00005-00006155-00006994": "We Americans flew an entire extra day on planes with software an ex-pilot described as criminally defective", "6vFEhai-Gok-00006-00006994-00007872": "This is a good example of cascading events. Another good example is the criminal prosecution of Paul Manafort", "6vFEhai-Gok-00007-00007872-00008783": "The former campaign manager sleazed his way through the federal court system, and ended up with a total of 7 1/2 years placed on his head", "6vFEhai-Gok-00008-00008783-00009643": "He didn’t even get back to his prison in Alexandria before he was slapped with multiple charges brought by New York State", "6vFEhai-Gok-00009-00009643-00010416": "Events continue to cascade. You can’t stop that process, nor know where it will end", "6vFEhai-Gok-00010-00010416-00011390": "The judge in the latest Manafort sentencing, Amy Berman Jackson, was crystal clear about Russian collusion not being addressed at all in the case", "6vFEhai-Gok-00011-00011390-00012187": "To make her point, she even condemned the defense’s insistence of “no collusion” with Russia as being a “non sequitur", "6vFEhai-Gok-00012-00012187-00013260": "” When Manafort’s attorney, Kevin Downing, tried to bring it up again in his statement after sentencing, he was justifiably shouted down as a liar by the audience", "6vFEhai-Gok-00013-00013260-00014261": "We don’t know how this will end, but if I were Trump Jr., Kushner, Ivanka, and Eric, I wouldn’t be humming the tune, “I Love New York!”"}}, {"audio_id": "6vVNsso3mU0", "text": {"6vVNsso3mU0-00000-00000571-00002172": "“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they call you racist,” the text of the video read, featuring images of failed Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton, former President Barack Obam, as well as CNN", "6vVNsso3mU0-00001-00002172-00003536": "The video features the soundtrack from The Dark Knight Rises, and follows President Trump traveling, visiting factories, giving speeches, and leading rallies, while statistics show the economy improving", "6vVNsso3mU0-00002-00003536-00004604": ".News stories featuring the news of no Russia collusion in the report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller also appear as well as the president meeting with storm victim", "6vVNsso3mU0-00003-00004604-00005617": "The video also features images of Rosie O’Donnell, Bryan Cranston, and Amy Schumer, reminding supporters that their vote “proved them all wrong", "6vVNsso3mU0-00004-00005617-00006816": "”.The preview shows Trump meeting with Kim Jong-un, Sen. Lindsey Graham squaring off with Democrats over Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and the stock market rising", "6vVNsso3mU0-00005-00006816-00007368": "The video closes with the text,”Trump the Great Victory: 2020.”"}}, {"audio_id": "6Ht7oA1kliE", "text": {"6Ht7oA1kliE-00000-00000571-00001508": "With the subpoena process well underway the past several weeks, it has been widely suspected that some form of cooperation had been reached", "6Ht7oA1kliE-00001-00001508-00002982": "And on Monday, that suspicion was confirmed, as it appears House Democrats from various committees have begun issuing subpoenas for some of Donald Trump’s financial records, particularly those which involve financial dealings with Russia", "6Ht7oA1kliE-00002-00002982-00004377": "The writing was first written on the wall several weeks ago when House Financial Services Committee Chair Maxine Waters revealed in an MSNBC on-air interview that Deutsche Bank had begun providing Trump’s records to her", "6Ht7oA1kliE-00003-00004377-00005570": "Well, lo and behold, the New York Times is now reporting that both Waters’ committee and Adam Schiff’s House Intel Committee have in fact subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for Trump’s records", "6Ht7oA1kliE-00004-00005570-00006876": "And it doesn’t stop there either, folks, as Politico is reporting that House Oversight Committee Chair Elijah Cummings has followed suit, issuing a subpoena to the accounting firm, Mazars, for the same", "6Ht7oA1kliE-00005-00006876-00007806": "Interestingly enough, Mazars is said to have requested the subpoena, most likely as a legal basis to protect its cooperation", "6Ht7oA1kliE-00006-00007806-00009000": "Needless to say, Cummings obliged. Additionally, Capital One allegedly requested the same, and is rumored to have been cooperating with House Democrats for more than a month", "6Ht7oA1kliE-00007-00009000-00009818": "In light of this information, it’s becoming easier to understand where Donald Trump’s tweets this past weekend were coming from", "6Ht7oA1kliE-00008-00009818-00011027": "He seemed more frantic than usual, and now we know why. With the subpoenas for his records rolling out left and right, he’s now finding himself in the middle of a battle he surely can’t win"}}, {"audio_id": "6M_t3324KXQ", "text": {"6M_t3324KXQ-00000-00000571-00001848": "Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” conservative talker Rush Limbaugh called on President Donald Trump to appoint a special counsel to investigate the origins of the Mueller probe", "6M_t3324KXQ-00001-00001848-00002916": "Limbaugh said, “There is no evidence of collusion! The man is lying through his teeth and this is what I mean that they are trying to keep this alive", "6M_t3324KXQ-00002-00002916-00005667": "I heard today in The New York Times, guess what it is actually 300 pages and Bill Barr summarized it in four? Are they serious? They really — Pelosi wants us to believe that Barr is lying about what is in this report and that there is evidence in this report! If that is true then what must they think of Barr? And where is Mueller saying Barr is lying about this and I found collusion! I found obstruction! It is in my report", "6M_t3324KXQ-00003-00005667-00006448": "Mueller isn’t staying that. Neither are the 19 pro-Hillary investigators on the staff saying that", "6M_t3324KXQ-00004-00006448-00007174": "”.He continued, “Swalwell and Schiff are lying to the American people because they can’t give it up", "6M_t3324KXQ-00005-00007174-00008496": "It is outrageous and some of these people need to be held accountable. I hope the president calls a special counsel to look into this because the American people deserve to know how they’ve been manipulated, how they have been used", "6M_t3324KXQ-00006-00008496-00009376": "They deserve to know with the Democratic Party, the American left dissenting from the Obama administration attempted to pull off here", "6M_t3324KXQ-00007-00009376-00010241": "It better never happen again. This is probably the biggest political scandal certainly of our lifetime maybe even longer", "6M_t3324KXQ-00008-00010241-00011241": "”.He added, “There has never been at the evidence of collusion! I keep repeating this because I’m adamant the American people understand what is happening", "6M_t3324KXQ-00009-00011241-00012085": "This is a huge hoax that has been perpetrated that makes every other hoax that our lifetime pales in comparison", "6M_t3324KXQ-00010-00012085-00013028": "Not a shred of evidence, that FISA warrant, four of them were based on absolute lies put together by Hillary Clinton’s campaign team", "6M_t3324KXQ-00011-00013028-00013725": "And they defrauded the FISA court to get warrants to spy people. It is outrageous to me", "6M_t3324KXQ-00012-00013725-00013825": "”"}}, {"audio_id": "6VrB3uc5rRU", "text": {"6VrB3uc5rRU-00000-00000513-00001825": "Nancy Pelosi is fully awesome. We’ve seen a lot of action out of the new House speaker, who was scrutinized for her age and capability to fight the president of the United States before being named Speaker of the House", "6VrB3uc5rRU-00001-00001825-00002937": "Pelosi has dropped the hammer on Trump since taking power in January, stepping in whenever possible to give her two cents on whatever shenanigans the president is up to", "6VrB3uc5rRU-00002-00002937-00004149": "On Friday, Robert Mueller finished his Russia investigation, and immediately, Pelosi responded with a tweet demanding the redacted investigation report be made public", "6VrB3uc5rRU-00003-00004149-00005870": "This is what Pelosi just said:\"The Special Counsel’s investigation focused on questions that go to the integrity of our democracy itself: whether foreign powers corruptly interfered in our elections, and whether unlawful means were used to hinder that investigation\"", "6VrB3uc5rRU-00004-00005870-00006583": "People are going nuts over this, as can be seen in the barrage of comments Pelosi has gotten on her tweet"}}, {"audio_id": "6dW_49ydLJA", "text": {"6dW_49ydLJA-00000-00000513-00001124": "Maybe Donald Trump believes that he can control all of the Republicans at once by Tweet", "6dW_49ydLJA-00001-00001124-00002260": "He appears to be trying to do so. In the past, one negative tweet could take out a senator, which is probably why the GOP is so subservient to POTUS", "6dW_49ydLJA-00002-00002260-00002971": "When the president tries to manipulate the Democrats via tweet, they just go “yeah, yeah” and move on", "6dW_49ydLJA-00003-00002971-00003634": "Check out the commander-in-chief attempting his gravity-defying mind control tweets now", "6dW_49ydLJA-00004-00003634-00004392": "Of course, most of the Democrats think that Trump’s fake national emergency is just a joke", "6dW_49ydLJA-00005-00004392-00005264": "First of all, to be an emergency, an event must be timely, and his wall fetish has been going on for years", "6dW_49ydLJA-00006-00005264-00006343": "Secondly, everyone knows that a wall is useless, because people can go over it — sometimes in airplanes, under it, through it, and around it — say by boats", "6dW_49ydLJA-00007-00006343-00008114": "Trump tweeted out his threat to the Republican senators. If they vote for the halt to Trump’s national emergency wall, the president will say they are like the Dems, “for open borders and crime:‘Democrats will have a unanimous vote on a 20% issue in opposing Republican Senators tomorrow", "6dW_49ydLJA-00008-00008114-00009258": "The Dems are for Open Borders and Crime!’.Then, Trump got really serious. He tweeted that the “Republican senators are “overthinking (sic)” the upcoming vote:", "6dW_49ydLJA-00009-00009258-00010355": "‘Republican Senators are overthinking tomorrow’s vote on National Emergency. It is very simply Border Security/No Crime – Should not be thought of any other way", "6dW_49ydLJA-00010-00010355-00011092": "We have a MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY at our Border and the People of our Country know it very well!’", "6dW_49ydLJA-00011-00011092-00012056": "Even the Secretary of Border Security Kirstjen Nielsen had to admit that most of the drugs come through the current, legal border crossings", "6dW_49ydLJA-00012-00012056-00012672": "The Democrats nailed her on that one in a recent hearing.Tomorrow should be interesting", "6dW_49ydLJA-00013-00012672-00013471": "Maybe the great Trump remote control experiment of controlling all of the Republican senators will work", "6dW_49ydLJA-00014-00013471-00013748": "Maybe it will not"}}, {"audio_id": "6n2c2szpDCA", "text": {"6n2c2szpDCA-00000-00000571-00001608": "“President” Donald Trump caused a great deal of confusion in the national security arena on Friday, when he announced the removal of some sanctions against North Korea", "6n2c2szpDCA-00001-00001608-00002739": "Trump tweeted: “It was announced today by the U.S. Treasury that additional large scale Sanctions would be added to those already existing Sanctions on North Korea", "6n2c2szpDCA-00002-00002739-00004092": "I have today ordered the withdrawal of those additional Sanctions!”.Nobody knows quite what his tweet is referring to, as the United States Treasury issued no large-scale sanctions announced on Friday", "6n2c2szpDCA-00003-00004092-00005294": "The only recently announced sanctions by Treasury this week were against two Chinese shipping companies who had allegedly violated existing sanctions in place concerning shipments to North Korea", "6n2c2szpDCA-00004-00005294-00006310": "Perhaps that is what he was referring to in his tweet. In any event, the reason is based solely on his bromance with Kim Jong Un, or “Kimance", "6n2c2szpDCA-00005-00006310-00007216": "” White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders stated, “Trump likes Chairman Kim and he doesn’t think these sanctions will be necessary''", "6n2c2szpDCA-00006-00007216-00008331": "Trump, the man who does not sit through briefings, does not read anything, is just doing what he wants to do – because yet again, he personally likes a dictator", "6n2c2szpDCA-00007-00008331-00010471": "John Bolton, National Security Advisor, applauded the sanctions that were implemented on Thursday, noting that the “the maritime industry must do more to stop North Korea’s illicit shipping practices,” and cautioned in his tweet that “everyone should take notice and review their own activities to ensure they are not involved in North Korea’s sanctions evasion''", "6n2c2szpDCA-00008-00010471-00011249": "By taking this action today, Trump gave an assist to China and President Xi, and to Chairman Kim", "6n2c2szpDCA-00009-00011249-00011902": "If it were based on some rational facts and supported by evidence, it would be one thing", "6n2c2szpDCA-00010-00011902-00012717": "However, we continue to have a guy in the White House who loves Kim, and once again goes against his close advisors", "6n2c2szpDCA-00011-00012717-00013511": "They have a better grasp on the world stage than Trump does, as he watches Fox all day and tweets recklessly"}}, {"audio_id": "709qt6S-pku", "text": {"709qt6S-pku-00000-00000513-00001375": "CONCORD, New Hampshire – Sen. Bernie Sanders on Sunday returned to the state that launched him into political orbit", "709qt6S-pku-00001-00001375-00003300": "Making his first appearance in New Hampshire since announcing his second bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, the independent senator from neighboring Vermont pushed his populist agenda of progressive proposals to a crowd of 850 packed into a local conference center on a snowy late-winter day in northern New England", "709qt6S-pku-00002-00003300-00005204": "Sanders’ crushing victory over Hillary Clinton in the first-in-the-nation primary state’s 2016 contest skyrocketed the one-time longshot into a marathon battle with the eventual Democratic Party nominee, which didn’t end until Sanders endorsed Clinton after the conclusion of the primary and caucus calendar", "709qt6S-pku-00003-00005204-00006273": "“I want to offer a very special thanks to the people of New Hampshire. In 2016, this is where the political revolution took off,” he said to loud applause", "709qt6S-pku-00004-00006273-00007067": "Sanders repeatedly targeted President Trump in his nearly hour-long speech, saying he “consistently lies", "709qt6S-pku-00005-00007067-00008783": "”.And, Sanders charged that “under President Trump, the very concept of democracy is under attack by a president who seems intent on emulating the authoritarian leaders in Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and elsewhere that he seems to have so much affection for", "709qt6S-pku-00006-00008783-00010306": "”.The candidate pushed his progressive proposals, such as criminal justice reform, the “Medicare-for-all” single-payer health care plan and universal affordable childcare, and once again vowed “to make public colleges and universities tuition free", "709qt6S-pku-00007-00010306-00011217": "”.He also said “that climate change is not a hoax but is an existential threat to the future of our country and the entire planet", "709qt6S-pku-00008-00011217-00012061": "We will transform our energy system away from fossil fuel and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy", "709qt6S-pku-00009-00012061-00013832": "”.However, Sanders made no mention of the Green New Deal, the sweeping proposal beloved by progressives but ridiculed by many Republicans that aims to transform the country’s economy to fight climate change -- while enacting a host of new health-care and welfare programs", "709qt6S-pku-00010-00013832-00015245": "As he was making his longstanding push for a $15-per-hour federal minimum wage, Sanders said, “Today, we say to Walmart, the fast food industry,” before being interrupted by a supporter who yelled, “f--- you", "709qt6S-pku-00011-00015245-00016060": "”.The outburst brought cheers from the crowd and Sanders quickly remarked, “well, that’s one way to say it", "709qt6S-pku-00012-00016060-00016734": "”.Sanders didn’t take any questions from the audience or from local and national reporters", "709qt6S-pku-00013-00016734-00018166": "After he posed for selfies and shook hands with some of his supporters, he met briefly with a small group of his top Granite State supporters before heading to a second campaign event in the southwestern New Hampshire city of Keene", "709qt6S-pku-00014-00018166-00019161": "The Republican National Committee took aim at Sanders, saying his “radical push for socialism is supercharging the Democratic primary to the left", "709qt6S-pku-00015-00019161-00021005": "”.“With calls for government control of healthcare, education and a takeover of nearly every aspect of our lives with the Green New Deal, Sanders' socialist platform will rob Granite Staters of their freedoms while bankrupting America at a cost of trillions of dollars,” added RNC spokeswoman Mandi Merritt", "709qt6S-pku-00016-00021005-00022792": "Sanders arrived in the Granite State on a roll in his campaign – he’s near the top of nearly every national and early voting state public opinion poll in the Democratic nomination race and he raked in a whopping $6 million in the first 24 hours following his February launch", "709qt6S-pku-00017-00022792-00024140": "But, he also has faced competition from a large field of rivals – many of them younger and pushing the same progressive proposals Sanders moved from the extreme to the mainstream of the party in the 2016 campaign", "709qt6S-pku-00018-00024140-00024929": "While many of Sanders’ 2016 supporters are backing him once again, some have said they’re shopping around", "709qt6S-pku-00019-00024929-00026086": "Adam Martson of Dover said “I’d definitely be open to” a younger Democratic contender advocating the same progressive proposals who may have a better shot at winning the general election", "709qt6S-pku-00020-00026086-00026958": "“I’m really interested in who can beat Trump,” he added.Kendall Rasmussen, who drove up from Medford, Mass", "709qt6S-pku-00021-00026958-00027943": ", said she backed Sanders in 2016.“I’m probably leaning towards Bernie but I’m not actually prepared to make a commitment yet", "709qt6S-pku-00022-00027943-00028685": "I just can’t say yet,” she explained. “Who’s going to win against Trump. That’s a huge factor", "709qt6S-pku-00023-00028685-00029970": "”.And, Melissa Fisk of Concord – one of the few 2016 Clinton supporters to attend the rally – said she’s checking out all the Democratic 2020 contenders and is far from deciding", "709qt6S-pku-00024-00029970-00030970": "“It’s anybody but Trump,” she emphasized.But, Lorna Wakefield of Sanborton said she’s sticking with Sanders 100 percent", "709qt6S-pku-00025-00030970-00033021": "“Bernie’s the one who started this all. We’re with Bernie,” she emphasized.And, Chris Liquori of Portsmouth – a member of the Sanders steering committee in New Hampshire – argued, “why settle for the imitation when you’ve got somebody who’s been doing this for 40 years, who brought the party to its knees and brought them where they are now", "709qt6S-pku-00026-00033021-00033374": "Why would you go with anyone else?”"}}, {"audio_id": "770PYPI6PyM", "text": {"770PYPI6PyM-00000-00000000-00001384": "For of all Donald Trump’s complex neuroses, psychoses, mental defects, deranged moral failings, and just plain weird traits, one of his most easily understandable is his habit of projection", "770PYPI6PyM-00001-00001384-00002536": "When he’s guilty of something, he accuses his adversaries of the same thing. When he thinks something is about to happen to him, he calls for it to happen to his adversaries", "770PYPI6PyM-00002-00002536-00003241": ".One of Donald Trump’s biggest remaining apologists is radio host and cartoon demon Rush Limbaugh", "770PYPI6PyM-00003-00003241-00004093": "He appeared on Fox News today and took things so far over the line, host Chris Wallace ended up reaming him for it", "770PYPI6PyM-00004-00004093-00004970": "But that part didn’t matter to Trump, who was clearly watching, and who decided that this Limbaugh quote was the one that mattered:", "770PYPI6PyM-00005-00004970-00006018": "These guys, the investigators, ought to be in jail. What they have done, working with the Obama intelligence agencies, is simply unprecedented", "770PYPI6PyM-00006-00006018-00006778": "This is one of the greatest political hoaxes ever perpetrated on the people of this Country, and Mueller is a coverup", "770PYPI6PyM-00007-00006778-00007624": ".By tweeting this quote, Donald Trump is saying that the federal investigators in the Trump-Russia scandal should be in jail", "770PYPI6PyM-00008-00007624-00009085": "This means, of course, that he’s worried about people on his side going to jail. We think he’s referring to Paul Manafort, with whom he cut bait a long time ago, or Roger Stone, whom he’s recently thrown under the bus"}}, {"audio_id": "7uvCs-1zQ58", "text": {"7uvCs-1zQ58-00000-00000571-00001950": "America continues to follow the virtues of our Founding Fathers, despite the steps that Donald Trump takes to turn America into a kleptocracy that allows himself and his family to steal all the wealth from our nation", "7uvCs-1zQ58-00001-00001950-00003794": "While the constitution clearly states the Emoluments Clause does not allow Trump, or his family, to profit from the office through selling out to foreign countries, we continue to observe foreign adversaries pumping money into the pockets of the Trump family while seeking favor from the United States government", "7uvCs-1zQ58-00002-00003794-00004964": ".If America is to survive for longer than the 243 years we’ve made it so far, we must insist that individuals follow the laws that allowed us to make it this far", "7uvCs-1zQ58-00003-00004964-00005704": "One of the reasons that individuals originally chose to come to America was for religious freedom", "7uvCs-1zQ58-00004-00005704-00007255": "William Penn, someone who risked life and limb to travel from England to America in an effort to establish Pennsylvania, came to America to escape religious persecution in order to allow his fellow Quakers to establish a land of religious equality", "7uvCs-1zQ58-00005-00007255-00008352": ".According to Trump’s first illegitimate confirmation onto the Supreme Court, Justice Neil Gorsuch is now saying that America should be allowed to have an official religion", "7uvCs-1zQ58-00006-00008352-00009366": "Despite one of the main reasons for the creation of America, apparently some individuals now believe that God spoke to them as a reason to destroy this country", "7uvCs-1zQ58-00007-00009366-00010301": "While we have gone decades without having to deal with such outrageous claims, it appears that we are now in the midst of an attempted coup", "7uvCs-1zQ58-00008-00010301-00011432": "As Trump appointees become more prevalent, regardless of their level of power, we must continue to be even more vigilant against any further usurpations of power"}}, {"audio_id": "7wxMO1WQO_E", "text": {"7wxMO1WQO_E-00000-00000571-00001584": "Donald Trump met with his Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen this evening, and as a result, she’s resigning, according to several major news outlets", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00001-00001584-00002794": "On the surface this feels like a good thing for America, considering that Nielsen played a huge role in kidnapping immigrant kids from their parents and locking them inside cages in concentration camps", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00002-00002794-00003671": "But within the context of another recent development, this looks like it’s about to get far uglier than what we’ve seen to date", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00003-00003671-00004635": ".Just two days ago, Donald Trump abruptly withdrew his own nominee for ICE Director, saying he wanted someone “tougher” for the position", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00004-00004635-00005957": "This sent up some red flags. Based on Trump’s racist, violent, criminal, maniacal approach toward immigrants, his own handpicked nominee was surely “tough” on immigration by Trump’s standards", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00005-00005957-00006647": "Yet Trump suddenly decided he wanted someone far more monstrous in the position.", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00006-00006647-00008219": ".Now Trump is also ousting Nielsen. Although her monstrous approach to immigration was plenty “tough” by Trump’s standards, we’re left to conclude that Trump must have decided he also wanted someone even more deranged in her position", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00007-00008219-00009713": "So what’s going on here? We don’t know – but we know who’s apparently behind it. According to a Washington Post report earlier this week, Trump ousted his own ICE nominee at the behest of his uber-racist White House adviser Stephen Miller", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00008-00009713-00010761": "This strongly suggests that Miller is also behind Nielsen’s ouster, and that Miller has convinced Trump to take his anti-immigrant horror show to the next level", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00009-00010761-00011740": ". .What’s even more evil than kidnapping immigrant kids and locking them in cages? We’re afraid to even ponder the question", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00010-00011740-00012571": "One can only hope that these personnel changes are merely an attempt at “looking tougher” and that nothing will come of it", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00011-00012571-00013783": "But if Donald Trump and Stephen Miller are indeed planning to use these moves as a pretext for carrying out their most deranged anti-immigrant fantasies, things are going to get very ugly very quickly", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00012-00013783-00015616": ".Keep in mind that Donald Trump is now trying to fend off everything from the inevitable release of the Mueller report, to the inevitable release of his tax returns, to the already-in-progress release of his banking records – and he knows he’s going to lose at least some of these battles before long", "7wxMO1WQO_E-00013-00015616-00018187": "Is Trump replacing his immigration officials with even worse monsters simply because he wants mainstream Americans to be afraid of what horrors he might try next, or is he planning to try to hurry up and actually carry out those horrors before his scandals end his presidency? Update, 6:05pm: Trump just tweeted that current Border Patrol boss Kevin McAleenan is his new nominee to replace Kirstjen Nielsen"}}, {"audio_id": "7FyxCHGAhZy", "text": {"7FyxCHGAhZy-00000-00000571-00001840": "Whether it’s Racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, or sexism, we’ve seen multiple examples of each from the current resident of our White House", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00001-00001840-00003530": "It started with the very first speech he ever gave as a candidate for president, the ‘golden elevator’ speech at Trump Tower in New York, when he stated that Mexican immigrants were rapists and drug dealers (although he did generously admit to assuming that some were good people)", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00002-00003530-00004481": "Among his most cringe-worthy statements were after Charlottesville, when he proclaimed there were “very fine people on both sides''", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00003-00004481-00006135": "To paraphrase something that former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum said about his opponent during Florida’s Gubernatorial race last year: I’m not saying Donald Trump is a white supremacist and a white nationalist, but the white supremacists and white nationalists believe he is", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00004-00006135-00007208": "In the worst mass shooting in New Zealand’s history on Friday, a gunman opened fire in two different mosques, killing at least fifty people and wounding many more", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00005-00007208-00008410": "The perpetrator’s manifesto referred to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, as a “symbol of renewed white identity” and stated that Trump “shares a common purpose with me", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00006-00008410-00009575": "” When Trump was later asked about the rise of white nationalism, he reportedly stated that it was limited to “a small group of people” and therefore he doesn’t believe it’s a problem", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00007-00009575-00010547": "Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s Acting White House Chief of Staff, recently sat for a televised interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00008-00010547-00011187": "Mulvaney most likely chose Fox because he believed he would find a sympathetic interviewer", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00009-00011187-00012973": "While Wallace certainly didn’t play hardball with Mulvaney, he did ask some pointed questions: “To the degree that there is an issue with white supremacists, white nationalists, anti-Muslim bigotry in this country, and there is an issue with that, why [does Trump] not deliver a speech condemning it?”", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00010-00012973-00013697": "Mulvaney’s response, delivered while nervously chuckling, was “the president is not a white supremacist", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00011-00013697-00015076": "I’m not sure how many times we have to say that!” A word of advice for Mick: generally when you say the same thing over and over and people still don’t believe you, it’s because you’re frequently giving them reasons not to believe you", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00012-00015076-00015771": "Donald Trump will likely never give a speech condemning white supremacy and white nationalism", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00013-00015771-00016789": "If he ever did, it would be only days, if not hours, before he started sending heated tweets that directly contradicted whatever he’d said in that speech", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00014-00016789-00017604": "The reason is simple: a good portion of Trump’s base is made up of white supremacists and white nationalists", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00015-00017604-00019454": "Whether Trump holds these views himself or not, we’ll never know – we can’t see into his head – but we do know that he encourages these people every chance he gets, and he bends over backwards to ensure he doesn’t alienate them (even after one of them uses a car to run down and kill an innocent woman)", "7FyxCHGAhZy-00016-00019454-00020593": "What Trump himself believes is irrelevant. What truly matters is what Trump promotes, and what Trump promotes is white nationalism, white supremacy and racism"}}, {"audio_id": "7GLvRiSCA1Y", "text": {"7GLvRiSCA1Y-00000-00000571-00001717": "Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.) has the clear authority to ask for Trump’s long sought after tax returns at any time but he is taking his time on this issue", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00001-00001717-00002728": "Trump has refused to hand over his tax returns and it seems now that Democrats may not have access to them anytime before the 2020 election cycle", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00002-00002728-00004479": "While the law is clear on the matter, meaning the treasure secretary is supposed to submit any returns requested by the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, what is also clear is that this particular treasure secretary, Steven Mnuchin, has pretty much stated that he will do no such thing", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00003-00004479-00005578": "And then that leaves everyone in a big court battle. Something that Rep. Neal is all too aware of and something he wants to avoid for the time being", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00004-00005578-00007067": ".While many expected the Dems to demand the returns immediately after gaining control of the House in the November midterm election, Neal has been careful in his approach and has taken his time, saying that he will ask for them “sometime this year”", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00005-00007067-00008614": "House Speaker Pelosi has given her support of his timeline.According to George Yin, a tax expert at the UVA School of Law, November 2020 will be an important deadline for Trump’s tax information if Democrats do decide to battle it out in court", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00006-00008614-00009988": "Yin says the Dems could claim that they would like to see if President Trump has, in fact, even paid his taxes or if he has any business conflicts of interest- all things potential voters would be very much interested in", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00007-00009988-00011335": "Trump was the first major presidential candidate in decades to refuse to disclose his tax information which would include details about his various sources of income, donations and charitable giving, among other things", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00008-00011335-00012856": "He is also the first president in modern history who has not divested from his business, leaving him wide open for people or organizations to try to use their connections with him, even able to offer him money, to gain influence on policy", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00009-00012856-00014211": "Trump’s former personal attorney testified in February that the president has, in fact, made some manipulations of his assets that would benefit his own wealth and that some of those would be classified as criminal acts", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00010-00014211-00015353": "Neal has said that committee lawyers are working diligently on drafts of requests and are carefully considering exactly what to ask for and what years to cover in the request", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00011-00015353-00016983": "But many Dems are anxious to get the ball rolling. Rep. Bill Prascell (D-N.J.), a member of the Ways and Means Committee, would like to see the process moving much faster in light of a looming presidential election and expressed his frustrations, saying:", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00012-00016983-00018190": "“I think you got to forget about next year anything happening, so we got eight, nine months to go through courts, get his returns… I think the request has to go in very, very soon", "7GLvRiSCA1Y-00013-00018190-00018529": "I thought it would be done by now.”"}}, {"audio_id": "7Sy1K1T92-c", "text": {"7Sy1K1T92-c-00000-00000571-00001561": "A former staffer on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has filed a federal lawsuit against the president, claiming he kissed her without consent", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00001-00001561-00002914": "Alva Johnson, the director of outreach and coalitions in Alabama in 2016, said in the federal lawsuit that Trump made the nonconsensual advance on 24 August 2016 in Tampa, Florida", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00002-00002914-00003961": "Johnson said Trump “grasped her hand and did not let go” and kissed her on the corner of her mouth as she turned slightly away when she saw his lips coming towards hers", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00003-00003961-00005557": "“The forced and unwanted kiss was deeply offensive to Ms Johnson,” the lawsuit says, adding that she suffered “emotional distress, psychological trauma, humiliation, embarrassment, loss of dignity, invasion of privacy and other damages”", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00004-00005557-00006686": "The Washington Post, which first reported details of the lawsuit, quoted Johnson as saying: “I immediately felt violated because I wasn’t expecting it or wanting it", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00005-00006686-00007906": "I can still see his lips coming straight for my face.”.In a statement to the newspaper, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders dismissed Johnson’s allegation as “absurd on its face”", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00006-00007906-00008731": "Sanders said: “This never happened and is directly contradicted by multiple highly credible eye witness accounts", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00007-00008731-00009509": "”.Johnson filed the lawsuit in Florida on Monday, seeking damages for emotional pain and suffering", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00008-00009509-00010583": "The Post said the lawsuit “also alleges the campaign discriminated against Johnson, who is black, by paying her less than her white male counterparts”", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00009-00010583-00012062": "A spokesman for the Trump campaign denied the claim.At the time of the alleged incident, Johnson’s main job with the Trump campaign was to manage a fleet of recreational vehicles that served as traveling offices throughout Florida", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00010-00012062-00012866": "According to the lawsuit, Trump visited one of these RVs in Tampa before a rally there, when the unwanted kiss took place", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00011-00012866-00013634": "“He told her he knew she had been on the road for a long time and that she had been doing a great job", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00012-00013634-00014493": "He also told Ms Johnson that he would not forget about her, and that he was going to take care of her,” Johnson claims in the lawsuit", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00013-00014493-00015384": "Among those who allegedly witnessed the incident was Pam Bondi, at the time Florida’s attorney general and a Trump supporter", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00014-00015384-00016199": "The lawsuit contends that Bondi “glanced at Ms Johnson and smiled” after the alleged unwanted kiss", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00015-00016199-00017798": "Bondi did not immediately respond on Monday to an email seeking comment.Following Johnson’s sexual misconduct allegations, Trump’s defenders are likely to point to a recently sealed lawsuit involving the former campaign worker", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00016-00017798-00019514": "The Post reported that in September 2018, three months after Johnson hired the Washington DC attorney Hassan Zavareei to handle the Trump case, Johnson “moved to seal a years-old court case in which two family members had briefly sought a temporary restraining order against her”", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00017-00019514-00020927": "The restraining order was brought against Johnson in 2006. According to the Post, Johnson’s half-sister alleged that Johnson had been calling another sister’s school and falsely claiming that the teenager was using drugs", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00018-00020927-00022105": "The family members withdrew the petition three weeks later.Zavareei said: “These false allegations came in the context of a family dispute that was resolved amicably years ago", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00019-00022105-00023328": "“Ms Johnson’s family stands firmly behind her pursuit of justice against Donald Trump for the sexual assaults he has committed against Ms Johnson and so many other women over the course of decades", "7Sy1K1T92-c-00020-00023328-00023428": "”"}}, {"audio_id": "7Zndfn3sY-8", "text": {"7Zndfn3sY-8-00000-00000571-00001892": "Meghan McCain had a massive meltdown over the weekend after President Donald Trump exposed the late John McCain’s dubious part in promoting the fake Russian dossier, as he secretly worked with the deep state", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00001-00001892-00002736": "Meghan went crazy saying her father is “more loved” by the people than Trump and then said the president’s life is “pathetic", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00002-00002736-00003747": "” Well, that’s when Trump destroyed Meghan McCain. Don’t miss this.At John McCain’s funeral, Meghan McCain decided to politicize it", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00003-00003747-00004959": "We all remember it was the late Senator’s dying wish to exclude the president from the services, but it was his family’s choice to make the seven days of never-ending services all anti-Trump rallies", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00004-00004959-00006236": "It was in bad taste, and many Trump supporters were livid.When Meghan McCain returned to the Trump hate-fest called The View after the funeral, she made sure she continued to trash the president", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00005-00006236-00007331": "She’s now infamous for her continuous crying over her dead father, lamenting what a great patriot he was and how Trump isn’t a real conservative like her father", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00006-00007331-00008990": "But the truth is a funny thing. And the truth is in the final 18 months of his life, Senator McCain was working with the deep state Democrats to create and promote what is called the Russian dossier, hoping to overthrow the 2016 presidential election", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00007-00008990-00009927": "“President Donald Trump ripped the late Senator John McCain on Sunday for passing on the bogus opposition dossier to the FBI and the media", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00008-00009927-00011466": "Trump mocked McCain for being ‘last in his class’ after reading reports that the deceased senator and his associate David Kramer helped spread the dossier compiled by Christopher Steel to reporters and government officials,” Breitbart reports", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00009-00011466-00012780": "“So it was indeed (just proven in court papers) ‘last in his class’ (Annapolis) John McCain that sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election,” he wrote on Twitter", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00010-00012780-00014031": "“He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual).”.Trump recalled that media outlets in 2016 did not publish details from the unverified dossier until after the election", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00011-00014031-00014838": "“Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” he wrote.So, Meghan McCain did what all leftists do", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00012-00014838-00015927": "She blasted Trump but refused to address the real issue the president was making: John McCain was colluding with the deep state to promote the salacious Russian dossier", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00013-00015927-00016648": "Instead, Meghan attacks Trump personally.“No one will ever love you the way they loved my father…", "7Zndfn3sY-8-00014-00016648-00017834": "I wish I had been given more Saturday’s with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?” tweeted the 34-year-old Trump hater"}}, {"audio_id": "7b1aocoXzvI", "text": {"7b1aocoXzvI-00000-00000571-00001683": "President Donald Trump announced Friday that Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon was leaving his cabinet and taking a position on his 2020 political action committee", "7b1aocoXzvI-00001-00001683-00002596": "Trump announced the news during a short press conference on Friday at his club at Mar-a-Lago with McMahon and thanked her for her service to the country", "7b1aocoXzvI-00002-00002596-00003508": "“This is an outstanding woman who has done an outstanding job,” Trump said. “And Linda I want to thank you very much", "7b1aocoXzvI-00003-00003508-00004621": "”.He hinted that he would appoint someone to replace McMahon “soon” and that it would be someone that was well known by the administration that would “fit beautifully” with his cabinet", "7b1aocoXzvI-00004-00004621-00005633": "“Our country is doing really well, we’re the hottest country in the world economically and it’s going to stay that way for a long time to come,” Trump said"}}, {"audio_id": "84UEycOdrBU", "text": {"84UEycOdrBU-00000-00000513-00002171": "U.S. House Democrats passed a sweeping anti-corruption and voting rights bill Friday that they said was intended to make voting easier, as well as strengthen ethics rules, while also rejecting a motion to condemn voting by undocumented immigrants", "84UEycOdrBU-00001-00002171-00003083": "The legislation, dubbed the “For The People Act” or \"H.R.1,\" passed 234-193 along party lines", "84UEycOdrBU-00002-00003083-00005771": "The proposal -- nearly 700 pages -- calls for Election Day to be designated a federal holiday, requires all states to offer automatic voter registration, restores voting rights to convicted felons, institutes independent redistricting commissions to weed out gerrymandering and requires nonprofit organizations to disclose the names of donors who contribute more than $10,000 in an effort to rein in dark-money groups", "84UEycOdrBU-00003-00005771-00007064": ".“It’s a power grab for the American people,” U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., who leads the House administration committee that shepherded the legislation, according to the New York Times", "84UEycOdrBU-00004-00007064-00008059": "The bill also requires the sitting president and vice president to release 10 years of federal tax returns, as well as presidential candidates", "84UEycOdrBU-00005-00008059-00009007": "“This bill is a massive federal government takeover that would undermine the integrity of our elections,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif", "84UEycOdrBU-00006-00009007-00009786": ", said Friday, the Times reported.The legislation has almost no chance of passing in the Senate", "84UEycOdrBU-00007-00009786-00010744": "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has indicated he will not bring the bill for a vote, effectively killing the bill", "84UEycOdrBU-00008-00010744-00011915": "\"We know this bill is not going to be signed into law,\" said Illinois Rep. Rodney Davis, the ranking Republican on the House subcommittee on elections, on the House floor before the vote", "84UEycOdrBU-00009-00011915-00012777": "\"This bill is nothing but a bill that is for loading billions of billions of dollars into the coffers of members of Congress", "84UEycOdrBU-00010-00012777-00014041": "\".In the broader debate over voter accessibility, House Democrats also voted Friday to defend localities that allow non-citizens to vote in their elections, the Washington Times reported", "84UEycOdrBU-00011-00014041-00015026": "The 228-197 vote would have almost no effect as noncitizens are barred from participating in federal elections", "84UEycOdrBU-00012-00015026-00016253": "The GOP-backed measure would have added language to \"H.R.1 stating that “allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of United States citizens", "84UEycOdrBU-00013-00016253-00016938": "”.“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep", "84UEycOdrBU-00014-00016938-00017586": "John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and hero of the civil rights movement, told colleagues", "84UEycOdrBU-00015-00017586-00018508": "The measure referenced San Francisco's policy of allowing noncitizens, including undocumented immigrants, to vote in school board elections", "84UEycOdrBU-00016-00018508-00019088": "Just six Democrats voted against it and one Republican opposed it"}}, {"audio_id": "84bY77rLGAQ", "text": {"84bY77rLGAQ-00000-00000571-00002467": "Even as House Democrats do a deep dive to get to the bottom of why Donald Trump ordered that security clearances be given to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner even after White House officials deemed them a security risk to the United States, a whole new scandal of a different kind is brewing for Ivanka and her husband", "84bY77rLGAQ-00001-00002467-00003290": "There’s a new book out which details numerous alleged abuses of power and privilege on the part of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner", "84bY77rLGAQ-00002-00003290-00004084": "Chief among them: Ivanka regularly asked to use Air Force One as her own de facto private jet", "84bY77rLGAQ-00003-00004084-00005442": "It was so outrageous that when then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson tried to put his foot down, Ivanka simply worked around it by taking corrupt Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on the plane with her", "84bY77rLGAQ-00004-00005442-00006320": "It gets even worse.It wasn’t just that Ivanka wanted to use Air Force One as her own personal taxi service", "84bY77rLGAQ-00005-00006320-00007388": "For some reason, she wanted to be able to control who did and did not get to go on State Department trips, according to New York Times coverage of the new book", "84bY77rLGAQ-00006-00007388-00008611": "But the whole narrative takes an even stranger turn. At one point Donald Trump asked John Kelly to push Ivanka and Jared out of the White House just to get rid of the constant headaches involved", "84bY77rLGAQ-00007-00008611-00009653": "It’s been widely reported that Jared and Ivanka played a role in pushing John Kelly out of the White House, and this new information may help explain why it happened", "84bY77rLGAQ-00008-00009653-00010421": "But it’s doubtful that Ivanka knew just how direct her father was in trying to push her out of the White House", "84bY77rLGAQ-00009-00010421-00011301": "In any case, she knows about it now. Jared Kushner’s lawyer is claiming the entire book is a work of fiction", "84bY77rLGAQ-00010-00011301-00011537": "No wonder"}}, {"audio_id": "8sPRZWaAohk", "text": {"8sPRZWaAohk-00000-00000571-00001414": "In her 1989 hit song, “If I Could Turn Back Time,” Cher sang about how “words are like weapons", "8sPRZWaAohk-00001-00001414-00002209": "” Thirty years later, the president of the United States is taking Cher’s words and attempting to weaponize them", "8sPRZWaAohk-00002-00002209-00002961": "“I finally agree with Cher!” he tweeted triumphantly yesterday morning as if to welcome a new convert", "8sPRZWaAohk-00003-00002961-00004283": "But if you actually read what Cher wrote, not to mention her subsequent clarifications, it is clear that Trump needs to keep looking for evidence if he wants us to believe that his critics are now siding with him", "8sPRZWaAohk-00004-00004283-00005502": ".Cher’s Sunday evening tweet that got Trump so jubilant read: “I Understand Helping struggling Immigrants,but MY CITY (Los Angeles) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN", "8sPRZWaAohk-00005-00005502-00006845": "WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+ Citizens WHO LIVE ON THE STREETS.PPL WHO LIVE BELOW POVERTY LINE,& HUNGRY? If My State Can’t Take Care of Its Own(Many Are VETS)How Can it Take Care Of More", "8sPRZWaAohk-00006-00006845-00007655": "” Trump apparently read it quickly, misinterpreting it as the same sort of hateful, anti-immigrant rant that he likes to write", "8sPRZWaAohk-00007-00007655-00008344": "But nowhere in her tweet does Cher say that sanctuary cities should not accept immigrants", "8sPRZWaAohk-00008-00008344-00009572": ".On the contrary, Cher began her tweet by stating her desire to help immigrants, then criticized her city’s handling of the current homeless population, particularly when it comes to veterans", "8sPRZWaAohk-00009-00009572-00010567": "Cher’s tweet is simply a plea for her city to improve the way it handles its disadvantaged population (whether or not they are immigrants)", "8sPRZWaAohk-00010-00010567-00011547": "Hours later, after the Trump echo chamber pounced on the issue, Cher clarified her tweet through two sharp replies to a pair of Twitter users", "8sPRZWaAohk-00011-00011547-00012610": "First came this: “Either you can’t read, or English isnt your primary Language.I Said nothing about turning in Immigrants living in my city Over to ICE", "8sPRZWaAohk-00012-00012610-00013600": "We Don’t Kidnap babies & Put them in cages, Which is different than wanting trump to drop thousands of ppl who haven’t been vetted into my city", "8sPRZWaAohk-00013-00013600-00014760": "” Her second reply explained further: “There must be a process.Ppl who are looking 4 asylum,& Qualify,must be given access 2 judges,&properly interviewed", "8sPRZWaAohk-00014-00014760-00015538": "Then They can be sent”EVENLY” 2cities .Not Just THOUSANDS Bussed 2Calif,NY,Etc 4 revenge", "8sPRZWaAohk-00015-00015538-00017309": "These are ppl.WE ARE SANCTUARY CITIES BECAUSE WE DONT THROW PPL 2 DOGS”.Finally, in case there was any question as to whether Cher now sides with Trump and his divisive, vengeful policies, she returned to Twitter last night to shut Trump down", "8sPRZWaAohk-00016-00017309-00018861": "Cher warned Democrats about being too nice when dealing with Trump, and then in all-caps (probably so that there is a chance Trump can understand it), she made her feelings clear: “HE’S IGNORANT THUG WITH LIZARD BRAIN THAT GUARANTEES HIS SURVIVAL ABOVE ALL ELSE", "8sPRZWaAohk-00017-00018861-00019498": "” Trump should not expect to hear Cher singing “I Got You Babe” to him anytime soon"}}, {"audio_id": "8HteGev0keo", "text": {"8HteGev0keo-00000-00000571-00001592": "A lawsuit by adult film star Stormy Daniels against President Donald Trump over a non-disparagement agreement has been tossed out of federal court", "8HteGev0keo-00001-00001592-00003353": "US District Judge James Otero says the suit, which sought to invalidate the $130,000 agreement that kept Daniels from speaking publicly about her allegations of an affair with Trump ahead of the 2016 election, should be sent back to California Superior Court", "8HteGev0keo-00002-00003353-00004531": "In his ruling, Otero says the suit \"lacks subject matter jurisdiction.\".By remanding the case back to where it was first filed, Otero made it clear the case is over", "8HteGev0keo-00003-00004531-00005811": "Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, says she and Trump had an affair in 2006, after he married first lady Melania Trump and she gave birth to their son, Barron", "8HteGev0keo-00004-00005811-00007096": "Trump has denied having an affair with Daniels.Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, arranged the nondisclosure agreement and paid Daniels $130,000", "8HteGev0keo-00005-00007096-00008423": "He admitted in federal court that \"in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office,\" he kept information that would have harmed Trump from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle", "8HteGev0keo-00006-00008423-00010178": "He has since said that the candidate was Trump.Cohen has since been sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to nine charges, including campaign-finance violations related to payments he arranged to silence women who claimed affairs with Trump -- including Daniels", "8HteGev0keo-00007-00010178-00011221": "Trump has denied having affairs with the women.During the course of the case, Cohen and Trump agreed with Daniels saying the agreement would not be enforced", "8HteGev0keo-00008-00011221-00012085": "But, Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti said his client wanted the judge to rule that what Cohen and Trump did was illegal", "8HteGev0keo-00009-00012085-00013720": "Instead, Daniels' case was dismissed in favor of the defendants.By dismissing the case, the judge essentially gave Daniels what she wanted all along -- to be able to tell her story without the fear of being sued for millions of dollars, Avenatti said", "8HteGev0keo-00010-00013720-00014679": "\"The court found that Ms. Daniels received everything she asked for by way of the lawsuit -- she won,\" Avenatti told CNN", "8HteGev0keo-00011-00014679-00015478": "Otero is the same judge who also dismissed Daniels' separate defamation cases against Trump and Cohen", "8HteGev0keo-00012-00015478-00016416": "In addition to dismissing the defamation lawsuit, Otero ordered Daniels to pay nearly $300,000 in attorney's fees", "8HteGev0keo-00013-00016416-00017709": "Daniels sued the President after he said in a tweet posted in April that her tale of a man threatening her not to come forward with her story of her alleged affair with Trump was \"a total con job", "8HteGev0keo-00014-00017709-00018129": "\" Trump had asked Otero to dismiss the lawsuit"}}, {"audio_id": "8XwO-8s64SM", "text": {"8XwO-8s64SM-00000-00000571-00001845": "At this point in Donald Trump’s presidency, it’s not shocking to see his willingness to go to great lengths in order to fulfill a campaign promise, even if it means doing harm to the American people", "8XwO-8s64SM-00001-00001845-00003125": "The latest example of this is illustrated by his bullish stance on health care and obsessive desire to repeal Obamacare, despite not having a sound replacement in place before doing so", "8XwO-8s64SM-00002-00003125-00003899": "Of course, that’s not what he’d have the American public believe, as he continues claiming otherwise", "8XwO-8s64SM-00003-00003899-00004915": "“If the Supreme Court rules that Obamacare is out, we’ll have a plan that is far better than Obamacare,” Trump told reporters in the White House Wednesday", "8XwO-8s64SM-00004-00004915-00005772": "Then on Thursday, he reiterated that in a tweet, touting the Republican party as the up and coming “party of healthcare", "8XwO-8s64SM-00005-00005772-00007052": "”.However, as Jeffrey Young of the Huffington Post writes in his article titled “There Is No GOP Obamacare Replacement And There Never Has Been,” those who “pay attention to the world around [them]” know the truth", "8XwO-8s64SM-00006-00007052-00007924": "“Trump’s latest vow to reform the health care system is as bogus and disingenuous as all his others,” Young states", "8XwO-8s64SM-00007-00007924-00009658": "Additionally, AP Fact Check has stepped in, taking a closer look at Trump’s claim regarding the Supreme Court, and it discovered that neither Republicans in Congress nor Trump’s Health and Human Services group have any type of plans to provide “far better health care than the Affordable Care Act", "8XwO-8s64SM-00008-00009658-00010379": "”.“Republicans may aspire to great health care but they don’t have a comprehensive plan for it", "8XwO-8s64SM-00009-00010379-00011610": "And there’s no indication that the White House, executive branch agencies like Health and Human Services, and Republicans in Congress are working on one,” writes the AP authors", "8XwO-8s64SM-00010-00011610-00012540": "AP further states that they have seen no indications that the Trump administration is even working on a plan, let alone has one", "8XwO-8s64SM-00011-00012540-00015011": "Furthermore, Judge John Bates, a Bush appointee, has even chimed in on the matter with a ruling that states that any effort by this administration to introduce plans that don’t meet coverage rules under the ACA “is a deliberate and illegal ‘end run’ around the federal health care law,” because it includes what is referred to as “association health plans,” which typically offer lower premiums but offer substandard benefits", "8XwO-8s64SM-00012-00015011-00015664": "In other words, not everyone blindly buys into the bologna Trump is trying to sell", "8XwO-8s64SM-00013-00015664-00017213": "Some people have been paying attention, and have even done a little homework. And instead of establishing itself as the party of Great Healthcare, it sounds like the Republicans are doing the exact opposite, by shaping into the party of little-to-no health care"}}, {"audio_id": "8m3AHbwrW1E", "text": {"8m3AHbwrW1E-00000-00000513-00002346": "The Mueller Report hit Donald Trump Jr. right in the face. Rather than being happy about his father being exonerated by the report on a lack of conspiracy with the Russians, Donald Trump’s eldest son attacked everyone he could think of. The Trumps are just molten black holes of rage", "8m3AHbwrW1E-00001-00002346-00004635": "Trump Jr. tweeted out his steaming anger, claiming that the media were just “lackeys” for the Democrats:‘The farce that the Democrats & their media lackeys perpetrated on the American people for over 2 years should never be forgotten! “The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia…”’", "8m3AHbwrW1E-00002-00004635-00006179": "The president gave the press a brief statement, but for some reason, Trump Jr. thought the world would be interested in his own statement. That was an odd premiss, and his message was one filled with bitterness. He tweeted:‘My statement.’", "8m3AHbwrW1E-00003-00006179-00007939": "He even wanted to repossess the journalists’ Pulitzer prizes:.‘They should convert those Pulitzer’s to #fakenews awards. How do you win a reporting award for reporting fake news? There should be a recall. Those Pulitzer’s were earned like Liz Warren’s tenure.’", "8m3AHbwrW1E-00004-00007939-00008448": "This is the president’s number one son’s entire statement below", "8m3AHbwrW1E-00005-00008448-00010820": "He claimed that he and some others that he knows only have “some minds:”.‘After 2 years of non-stop conspiracy theories from CNN,, MSNBC, Buzzfeed and the rest of the mainstream media, as well as daily lies and smears coming from Democrats in Washington, the Mueller Report proves what those of us with some minds have known all along, there was ZErO collusion with Russia'", "8m3AHbwrW1E-00006-00010820-00011567": "Then, Don Jr. continued, calling the Democrats filled with “sick and twisted conspiracy theories:", "8m3AHbwrW1E-00007-00011567-00013550": "‘Sadly, instead of apologizing for needlessly destabilizing the country in a transparent attempt to delegitimize the 2016 election, it’s clear that the Collusion Truthers in the media and the Democrat Party are only going to double down on their sick and twisted conspiracy theories moving forward'", "8m3AHbwrW1E-00008-00013550-00014514": "Finally, the first son appeared to confuse “honest” journalists with those who fawned over his dad and toll him everything he wanted to hear rather", "8m3AHbwrW1E-00009-00014514-00016230": "Then, Don Jr. urged people to treat journalists with “scorn and ridicule:”.It is my hope that honest journalists within the media have the courage to hold these now fully debunked truthers accountable and treat them with the scorn and ridicule that they so deserve"}}, {"audio_id": "91gyOHIDt6k", "text": {"91gyOHIDt6k-00000-00000571-00001373": "The already sinking and broke-in-two Trumptanic just crashed into another couple of icebergs on the way to the bottom", "91gyOHIDt6k-00001-00001373-00002470": "Tom Barrack, Trump inaugural chairman, has decided to cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee and fork over the requested documents, according to CNBC", "91gyOHIDt6k-00002-00002470-00003880": "This is significant.Barrack is part of the billionaire real estate bunch. His dealings with Trump have resulted in Trump buying from him a stake in Alexander’s Department Store and the Plaza Hotel, both of which Trump lost", "91gyOHIDt6k-00003-00003880-00004936": "He’s also got his fingers in the Jared Kushner sinking ship of 666 Fifth Avenue. The one thing to know about Barrack is that he’s been around the block", "91gyOHIDt6k-00004-00004936-00005612": "He’s worked in government before and seems to have made his own money legitimately", "91gyOHIDt6k-00005-00005612-00006908": "It is doubtful he suffers fools unless he wants to. In Michael Wolff’s book, FIRE AND FURY, Barrack allegedly describes Trump as, “not only crazy,” but, “stupid", "91gyOHIDt6k-00006-00006908-00007885": "” Barrack denies having said these these, but he’s taken no action against Wolff.Robert Mueller already interviewed Tom Barrack a year ago", "91gyOHIDt6k-00007-00007885-00008697": "So Barrack already knows the gist of the investigation. He’s not the kind of guy who’s willing to do time to protect Trump", "91gyOHIDt6k-00008-00008697-00010003": "And by all accounts, he keeps his books clean.Barrack seems to hang with the Saudis enough to know how to keep himself just on the side of legal activity (moral activity will have to be discussed at another time)", "91gyOHIDt6k-00009-00010003-00011346": "But the big gauge of Barrack’s future behavior centers on Paul Manafort. Barrack has been friends with Manafort since the 70s, and he reportedly recommended Manafort for the job of campaign manager", "91gyOHIDt6k-00010-00011346-00012145": "So Tom Barrack has got to be scared out of his mind.Tom Barrack knows he can’t pull a fast one", "91gyOHIDt6k-00011-00012145-00013958": "He knows he can’t lie. And he knows he can’t refuse to cooperate. He is jumping to stay out of prison, and, deliciously, his only question to any investigation, is, “how high?” The other iceberg is the investigation into the insurance broker for the Trump Organization", "91gyOHIDt6k-00012-00013958-00015086": "That’s gonna leave a mark, not just on Trump, but his kids. As we’ve said before, the Trumptanic is going down and now isn’t the time for Trump’s people to whine on Twitter", "91gyOHIDt6k-00013-00015086-00015870": "No, folks, now is the time to hire every lawyer you can afford, cooperate, and beg for mercy"}}, {"audio_id": "99xcBC5XVzo", "text": {"99xcBC5XVzo-00000-00000571-00001289": "President Obama’s regulations made America falling behind the rest of the world. Then Donald took over", "99xcBC5XVzo-00001-00001289-00002026": "We were forced to submit to the whims of foreign powers, weakening our economy and hurting jobs", "99xcBC5XVzo-00002-00002026-00003003": "Especially in one crucial sector….But now, President Trump has just signed two executive orders that will bring it all roaring back", "99xcBC5XVzo-00003-00003003-00003757": "“President Donald Trump signed a pair of executive orders aimed at speeding up oil and gas pipeline permitting…", "99xcBC5XVzo-00004-00003757-00004395": "…including limiting the ability of activists and states to block key energy projects", "99xcBC5XVzo-00005-00004395-00005338": "“.Take that, Greenpeace!.President Obama used so-called environmental regulation to hamper American energy production", "99xcBC5XVzo-00006-00005338-00006861": "And no matter how hard they tried, American companies could barely turn a profit.Even today, governors like New York’s Andrew Cuomo have strict environmental laws that prevent American companies from transporting oil and gas to areas that need it", "99xcBC5XVzo-00007-00006861-00008086": "The result?.Our energy production ground to a halt, while other nations ramped up their production, and we were forced to buy energy for foreign powers, enriching everyone but ourselves", "99xcBC5XVzo-00008-00008086-00008971": "But now, Trump’s new orders will prevent states – and activists – from crippling American energy dominance", "99xcBC5XVzo-00009-00008971-00009820": "It will also prevent government agencies—like the dreaded EPA—from slow-walking necessary permits", "99xcBC5XVzo-00010-00009820-00010852": "Companies will FINALLY be able to produce energy at a rapid clip, and without radical environmentalists (or corrupt Democrats) getting in the way", "99xcBC5XVzo-00011-00010852-00011547": "Remember this fact: under Trump, America has already become the world’s energy leader", "99xcBC5XVzo-00012-00011547-00012380": "And thankfully, these orders will ensure that Democrats across the country can’t stop America’s newfound momentum!"}}, {"audio_id": "9vlQZIH6-eY", "text": {"9vlQZIH6-eY-00000-00000513-00001806": "On Wednesday, CNN published emails which very much appeared to reveal that Rudy Giuliani had instructed attorney Robert Costello to not so subtly dangle a pardon in Michael Cohen’s face", "9vlQZIH6-eY-00001-00001806-00002885": "This would represent felony obstruction of justice on the part of Giuliani and Costello, and the emails sure read like a smoking gun that could send them both away", "9vlQZIH6-eY-00002-00002885-00004316": "So naturally, Team Trump is now relying on its must absurd excuse to date.The emails show that Robert Costello told Michael Cohen that he should “sleep well tonight” because he’s got “friends in high places", "9vlQZIH6-eY-00003-00004316-00005737": "” In other words, Cohen had nothing to worry about because Donald Trump was going to step in and pardon him, right? Not according to Costello, who is now blaming it all on – we can’t make this up – a Garth Brooks song", "9vlQZIH6-eY-00004-00005737-00006889": "Costello is telling the Daily Beast that while these published emails are indeed real, he wasn’t dangling a pardon, he was just referencing the song “Friends In Low Places", "9vlQZIH6-eY-00005-00006889-00007942": "” No really, this is his defense. And this guy is a lawyer, so if there were a less ridiculous and desperate defense to be had, then he’d be floating that instead", "9vlQZIH6-eY-00006-00007942-00008710": "Garth Brooks is apparently the best defense available, which means he’s in a really bad situation", "9vlQZIH6-eY-00007-00008710-00010400": "We’ll see what happens. Our guess is that once everyone finishes laughing at the Garth Brooks defense, Costello will conclude that he has little choice but to cut a plea deal against Rudy Giuliani, who would in turn face pressure to cut a deal against Donald Trump", "9vlQZIH6-eY-00008-00010400-00011416": "That is, of course, unless Rudy and Costello are naive enough to fall for the same Trump pardon scam that they tried to play on Michael Cohen", "9vlQZIH6-eY-00009-00011416-00011925": "To quote The Office, it’s about to get all stupid up in here"}}, {"audio_id": "9wgz8puP6uu", "text": {"9wgz8puP6uu-00000-00000513-00002341": "The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday passed legislation that Democrats say will lessen the influence of big-money interests in federal elections, make voting easier and tackle “gerrymandering” that skews the makeup of congressional districts to favor particular political parties", "9wgz8puP6uu-00001-00002341-00003909": "In a warning shot to Republican President Donald Trump, Democrats included a provision in the bill requiring all presidents and presidential nominees to make public their tax filings - something the current White House resident has steadfastly refused to do", "9wgz8puP6uu-00002-00003909-00005251": "Some congressional investigators think those returns could shed light on whether Trump has had any business dealings in Russia that could have influenced his relations with Moscow, either as a presidential candidate or as president", "9wgz8puP6uu-00003-00005251-00007027": "In a party-line vote of 234-193, the House approved the “For the People Act,” a bill House Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised in the 2018 congressional election campaigns that Democrats would pursue to help clean up American politics and foster voting rights", "9wgz8puP6uu-00004-00007027-00008370": "Shortly before passage of the bill, Pelosi said it “ends the dominance of big, dark, special-interest money in politics and it empowers small donors and the grassroots” and “fights voter suppression", "9wgz8puP6uu-00005-00008370-00009608": "”.But the measure is likely to become merely a campaign tool for Democrats as they try to expand the number of seats they hold in the House and to capture the Senate and White House in the 2020 elections", "9wgz8puP6uu-00006-00009608-00010661": "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, has repeatedly attacked the Democratic bill, leaving little chance for it in the Republican-controlled Senate", "9wgz8puP6uu-00007-00010661-00011661": "Backers say the legislation would make voter registration easier, expand voting hours on election days, restore voting rights to U", "9wgz8puP6uu-00008-00011661-00012709": "S. citizens who have served prison sentences for felonies and shore up voting machines and election infrastructure against cyber attacks and other interference", "9wgz8puP6uu-00009-00012709-00014135": "The legislation comes after U.S. intelligence agencies found that Russia meddled in the 2016 American presidential elections and as Moscow has been accused of trying to influence the outcome of elections in other democracies", "9wgz8puP6uu-00010-00014135-00015692": "Russia has denied meddling in the 2016 election.Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has been investigating whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in a way that was beneficial to his successful 2016 White House bid", "9wgz8puP6uu-00011-00015692-00016452": "Trump has denied there was any collusion between his campaign and Moscow, and has labeled Mueller’s probe a “witch hunt", "9wgz8puP6uu-00012-00016452-00017593": "”.The House bill would require states to establish independent commissions for drawing congressional districts, instead of the power residing mainly in the hands of state governors and legislatures", "9wgz8puP6uu-00013-00017593-00018774": "Tougher ethics standards would be imposed on members of Congress, and small campaign donations would be matched with federal funds to try to blunt the influence of big donors", "9wgz8puP6uu-00014-00018774-00020253": "Calling it the “Democrat Politician Protection Act,” McConnell has lambasted the legislation, arguing it would give Washington too much control over elections while unnecessarily using tax dollars for political campaigns", "9wgz8puP6uu-00015-00020253-00021107": "As Senate majority leader, McConnell has the power to largely decide what legislation is debated in the upper chamber"}}, {"audio_id": "9wiWe5SEL8y", "text": {"9wiWe5SEL8y-00000-00000513-00002161": "In his 1965 novel “God Bless You, Mr Rosewater,” Kurt Vonnegut creates an intermezzo character, a young girl named Selena, a product of an orphanage who is obliged to work as a maid in the wealthy home of one of the orphanage’s patrons", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00001-00002161-00003339": "Writing to the head of the orphanage, whom she affectionately calls “Daddy,” Selena sees her wealthy benefactors clearly, through the eyes of a wisdom that belies her years", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00002-00003339-00004172": "“What gets me most about these people, Daddy,” Selena writes, “isn’t how ignorant they are, or how much they drink", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00003-00004172-00004987": "It’s the way they have of thinking that everything nice in the world is a gift to the poor people from them or their ancestors", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00004-00004987-00005917": "”.The matron of the house compels Selena to come to the rear porch and look at the sunset and, once witnessed, waits", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00005-00005917-00007088": "At length, Selena thanks her. “I have since thanked her,” Selena continues, “for the ocean, the moon, the stars in the sky, and the United States Constitution", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00006-00007088-00008425": "”.In a tedious digression Wednesday before workers at an Ohio tank factory, Donald Trump said of the late John McCain that he, Trump, “gave him the kind of funeral he wanted,” but, “didn’t get a thank you", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00007-00008425-00009773": "” What conceivable flight of supercilious fantasy could possibly make a man, who was barred from even attending a funeral, conclude that the funeral itself owed its existence to him, never mind that he should be thanked for it?", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00008-00009773-00010632": ".As we see from Vonnegut, the conceit to take credit for everything and the presumption to be thanked for everything is nothing new", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00009-00010632-00011526": "It’s really a feature of the powerful that is older than the Pharaohs. It is out of place in a Democracy, but never mind that", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00010-00011526-00012181": "What is it doing in the addled brain of Donald Trump? Does Trump suffer from a God delusion?", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00011-00012181-00013461": ". .We’ve seen nothing to suggest that he doesn’t. Trump has a near pathological aversion for admitting when he’s wrong, but even more than this, Trump has an overweening need to take credit", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00012-00013461-00015373": "Credit for the economy, credit for the Kavanaugh appointment, credit for the tax bill (as long as it continues, largely, to be seen as good by its Trump-supporting victims living in poverty), credit for aviation safety (except when planes crash), hell, credit for coining the term “priming the pump", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00013-00015373-00016191": "”.I wouldn’t mind any of this quite so much were it not for one thing, the thing that it all relentlessly tracks back to", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00014-00016191-00016943": "Donald Trump is in charge of the most fearsome nuclear arsenal ever assembled by the human race", "9wiWe5SEL8y-00015-00016943-00017560": "And he thinks he’s God. And so, too, do many of his followers"}}, {"audio_id": "9xKsMmcTatY", "text": {"9xKsMmcTatY-00000-00000513-00001897": "The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) event attracts college Republicans, populists, nationalists, some libertarians, and the occasional Revolutionary reenactor", "9xKsMmcTatY-00001-00001897-00004175": "For the past three years, it's also attracted President Donald Trump.While waiting more than half-an-hour (much of it on their feet) for Trump's speech to begin, the CPAC audience was treated to a video montage of CPAC's chairman Matt Schlapp arguing against journalists and media personalities on a pro-Trump spree -- as event staff closed the doors and kept anyone from leaving", "9xKsMmcTatY-00002-00004175-00005340": "When he finally showed up, Trump did not disappoint. He spoke for more than two hours, delivering the longest speech of his presidency to a wildly enthusiastic crowd", "9xKsMmcTatY-00003-00005340-00007095": "In what felt at times like a standup comedy special -- \"I'm in love, you're in love and we're all in love together,\" Trump told the audience at one point -- the President touched on favorite topics ranging from the Mueller investigation, North Korea, trade, and the Democrats' Green New Deal", "9xKsMmcTatY-00004-00007095-00008334": ".Here are the facts.Tariffs.In talking about trade and tariffs, Trump pulled out one of his favorite lines, telling the audience, \"Billions of dollars right now are pouring into our Treasury", "9xKsMmcTatY-00005-00008334-00009459": "\".Facts First: Technically this is true. It's just that the billions of dollars aren't coming from foreign countries and companies, as Trump has suggested in the past", "9xKsMmcTatY-00006-00009459-00010233": "Instead, it's American companies and consumers that are paying most of the cost of these tariffs", "9xKsMmcTatY-00007-00010233-00010888": "We fact checked a similar statement from Trump during his speech in El Paso last month", "9xKsMmcTatY-00008-00010888-00011836": "Here's what we found:.When Trump talks about tariffs, he often talks about the amount of money that is now pouring into the US Treasury", "9xKsMmcTatY-00009-00011836-00012727": "He tends to give the impression that money is being paid by foreign companies. But that's not really what's happening", "9xKsMmcTatY-00010-00012727-00013458": "Instead, most of those tariffs are being paid by US companies that import those foreign goods", "9xKsMmcTatY-00011-00013458-00014872": "The real question is who bears the cost. Often, US companies will pass it on to the consumer by raising prices, while other times a company will reduce compensation or employment internally to offset these higher costs", "9xKsMmcTatY-00012-00014872-00015950": "In some instances, the Chinese supplier might take on the burden of the tariff by reducing its prices in order to maintain its price advantage in the US", "9xKsMmcTatY-00013-00015950-00016768": "Trump is trying to realign trade so that US products become more competitive with their cheaper Chinese alternatives", "9xKsMmcTatY-00014-00016768-00018040": "That will likely require a long-term adjustment of the US industrial base. In the short term, US consumers and companies will most likely end up bearing the cost of the tariffs", "9xKsMmcTatY-00015-00018040-00019278": "The Tax Foundation said last year that it expects the tariffs to lower the gross domestic product and wages, and cost American jobs, hitting lower- and middle-income households the hardest", "9xKsMmcTatY-00016-00019278-00020146": "Mueller.Trump also went after the Russia probe, claiming that \"13 Democrats\" work on Robert Mueller's team", "9xKsMmcTatY-00017-00020146-00021023": "Facts First: According to several reports, 13 members of Mueller's team have registered as Democrats in the past", "9xKsMmcTatY-00018-00021023-00021671": "The majority of them though have been longstanding Department of Justice employees", "9xKsMmcTatY-00019-00021671-00022914": "As CNN has previously reported:.Mueller assembled a team that at its peak consisted of at least 17 lawyers and \"dozens\" of FBI agents to help with his investigation", "9xKsMmcTatY-00020-00022914-00023620": "Nine of the lawyers donated to Democratic candidates before 2017, according to federal records", "9xKsMmcTatY-00021-00023620-00024422": "Eight of those lawyers gave only to Democrats, while one has donated to Democrats and Republicans before", "9xKsMmcTatY-00022-00024422-00025874": "It's worth noting that making political donations is within the rules and is not itself a disqualification, as Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (who appointed Mueller as special counsel) told Congress in 2017", "9xKsMmcTatY-00023-00025874-00027251": "Asked by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham whether political donations should prevent attorneys from working on the investigation, Rosenstein replied, \"No, senator, it is not a disqualification", "9xKsMmcTatY-00024-00027251-00028251": "It is not.\".The Washington Post has reported that \"13 of the 17 members of Mueller's team have previously registered as Democrats", "9xKsMmcTatY-00025-00028251-00029210": "\".Mueller was a registered Republican as recently as 2017 and was appointed as FBI director under George W", "9xKsMmcTatY-00026-00029210-00030393": "Bush. Rosenstein is also a registered Republican.Trump also claimed that one of the lawyers on Mueller's team has been \"involved with the Hillary Clinton Foundation, running it", "9xKsMmcTatY-00027-00030393-00031103": "\".Facts First: This is false. No one on Mueller's team ever ran the Clinton Foundation", "9xKsMmcTatY-00028-00031103-00032248": "Trump may be referring to one of Mueller's lawyers, Jeannie Rhee, who previously represented the Clinton Foundation in a civil racketeering lawsuit that was eventually dismissed", "9xKsMmcTatY-00029-00032248-00033264": "Manufacturing.Trump claimed that he brought back \"600,000 beautiful manufacturing jobs that were never going to come back to our country", "9xKsMmcTatY-00030-00033264-00034473": "\".Facts First: While the pace of manufacturing job creation has increased since Trump took office in 2017, he is overstating the number by nearly 150,000", "9xKsMmcTatY-00031-00034473-00035327": "It's also unclear how much credit any president deserves for the decisions made by manufacturing companies to hire more workers", "9xKsMmcTatY-00032-00035327-00036490": "Based on current data, 454,000 manufacturing jobs were added since the beginning of 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics", "9xKsMmcTatY-00033-00036490-00037427": "We've also fact checked the idea that manufacturing jobs were not increasing before Trump took office, something he has suggested before:", "9xKsMmcTatY-00034-00037427-00038511": "By the time former President Barack Obama left office, there were some 190,000 fewer manufacturing jobs than existed at the start of his administration", "9xKsMmcTatY-00035-00038511-00039911": "But that doesn't tell the whole story. The US was in a deep recession when Obama entered the White House in January 2009, and the manufacturing sector was shedding tens of thousands of jobs a month", "9xKsMmcTatY-00036-00039911-00040896": "But the losses stopped by early 2010. Over the next six-plus years, manufacturing jobs rose by more than 800,000", "9xKsMmcTatY-00037-00040896-00042009": "Under Trump, the pace of growth is certainly faster. During his first two years in office, the economy has added more than 470,000 manufacturing jobs", "9xKsMmcTatY-00038-00042009-00043104": "(According to MarketWatch, the manufacturing job growth from August 2017 to August 2018 was \"the best 12-month stretch in 23 years", "9xKsMmcTatY-00039-00043104-00044347": "\").The reason for this result is likely multifaceted. Oil prices dropping, healthy job numbers nationwide, and deregulation are all often cited reasons for the uptick", "9xKsMmcTatY-00040-00044347-00045065": "However, the decline in vehicle sales paired with uncertainty around trade might harm these numbers", "9xKsMmcTatY-00041-00045065-00045959": "Also, while the number of manufacturing jobs continues to increase, the total is stil below its pre-recession level", "9xKsMmcTatY-00042-00045959-00046792": "Employment.Trump repeated the claim that \"more people are working today in the United States than ever before in our country", "9xKsMmcTatY-00043-00046792-00047787": "\".Facts First: This is true but needs context.In a way, this is the equivalent of Trump taking credit for a growing population", "9xKsMmcTatY-00044-00047787-00048451": "The more relevant statistic is the percentage of people who are participating in the labor force", "9xKsMmcTatY-00045-00048451-00049482": "That number, which is up recently, still remains below pre-recession levels.Here's what we found when Trump made the same claim during his State of the Union address:", "9xKsMmcTatY-00046-00049482-00050647": "According to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total number of people employed in the US stands at 156,694,000", "9xKsMmcTatY-00047-00050647-00051684": "That works out to an employment-population ratio of 60.7 percent, according to data from the Federal Reserve, which is below the 64", "9xKsMmcTatY-00048-00051684-00052758": "7 percent ratio from April 2000. That figure from 2000 is the highest-ratio since 1948, when the Fed began mapping the data", "9xKsMmcTatY-00049-00052758-00053730": "Immigration.The President repeated the claim that one in three women are assaulted on the journey to the US southern border", "9xKsMmcTatY-00050-00053730-00054615": "Facts First: This appears to be somewhat true though there are reasons to be skeptical of the data it's based on", "9xKsMmcTatY-00051-00054615-00055652": "Trump made a similar claim during a speech on immigration in January. \"One in three women are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico", "9xKsMmcTatY-00052-00055652-00056279": "Women and children are the biggest victims by far of our broken system,\" he said", "9xKsMmcTatY-00053-00056279-00057060": "\"This is the tragic reality of illegal immigration on our southern border.\".Here's what we found at the time:", "9xKsMmcTatY-00054-00057060-00058118": "Indeed, the trek to the US-Mexico border has been reported to be violent. According to data from Doctors Without Borders, 68", "9xKsMmcTatY-00055-00058118-00059356": "3% of migrants and refugees \"entering Mexico reported being victims of violence during their transit toward the United States,\" and nearly one-third of women said they'd been sexually abused", "9xKsMmcTatY-00056-00059356-00061070": "But this very violence is also why women have chosen to travel in caravans.This data from Doctors Without Borders, however, is measuring a small group of migrant women and more data is needed to accurately assess the number of women that are assaulted, physically or sexually", "9xKsMmcTatY-00057-00061070-00062862": "Abortion.Invoking the recent story of the \"Covington kids\" (where video of high school students approached by Native American activists created a media firestorm) CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp claimed on Saturday that New York and Virginia governors supported post-birth abortions", "9xKsMmcTatY-00058-00062862-00063585": "\"How many of you followed this Covington story?\" Schlapp asked the CPAC audience Saturday", "9xKsMmcTatY-00059-00063585-00064949": "\"Do you know why they came to the nation's capital? They came to the nation's capital to march against what the governor of Virginia and the governor of New York want to see happen, which is literally post-birth abortions", "9xKsMmcTatY-00060-00064949-00065866": "\".Facts First: Recent legislation introduced in Virginia and New York has sought to ease restrictions on certain third-trimester abortions", "9xKsMmcTatY-00061-00065866-00067172": "Much of the current controversy stems from a radio interview Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam gave, in which he made some odd claims on proposed abortion legislation that created confusion around the bill", "9xKsMmcTatY-00062-00067172-00067846": "But Schlapp's characterization of the legislation in New York and Virginia is not accurate", "9xKsMmcTatY-00063-00067846-00068551": "Trump made a similar claim regarding New York and Virginia during his State of the Union address", "9xKsMmcTatY-00064-00068551-00069551": "Here's what we found in our SOTU fact check:.New York.The Reproductive Health Act, signed into law by New York Gov", "9xKsMmcTatY-00065-00069551-00071061": "Andrew Cuomo in January, allows for abortions after 24 weeks if an authorized health care practitioner determines that \"the abortion is necessary to protect the patient's life or health\" or if \"there is an absence of fetal viability", "9xKsMmcTatY-00066-00071061-00072061": "\".New York's new law expands access to abortions into the third trimester by loosening restrictions on when the procedure is permitted", "9xKsMmcTatY-00067-00072061-00072973": "Previously, an abortion could only be performed after 24 weeks if the physician deemed it necessary to preserve the life of the mother", "9xKsMmcTatY-00068-00072973-00073605": "Under the new law, the requirement has been expanded to include the general health of the mother", "9xKsMmcTatY-00069-00073605-00074804": "Virginia.Virginia Democratic Delegate Kathy Tran recently sponsored legislation that would have relaxed certain requirements around third-trimester abortions in the state", "9xKsMmcTatY-00070-00074804-00076259": "Under current state law, third-trimester abortions can only be performed if three doctors agree the \"pregnancy is likely to result in the death of the woman or substantially and irremediably impair the mental or physical health of the woman", "9xKsMmcTatY-00071-00076259-00077382": "\" The failed bill would have reduced the number of physicians needed to approve the abortion to one, and removed \"substantially and irremediably\" from the language of justification for the abortion", "9xKsMmcTatY-00072-00077382-00079378": "During a committee hearing on the now defunct bill, Tran was asked \"how late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman?\" \"Through the third trimester,\" Tran responded, clarifying that there was no limit in the proposed bill for when an abortion could be performed prior to the birth", "9xKsMmcTatY-00073-00079378-00080133": "Northam was asked about Tran's comments in a Jan. 30 interview with the radio station WTOP", "9xKsMmcTatY-00074-00080133-00081160": "Northam began to explain what he thought occurs in such an instance. His comments sparked confusion and controversy among abortion opponents", "9xKsMmcTatY-00075-00081160-00081797": "\"The infant would be delivered,\" Northam said, \"the infant would be kept comfortable", "9xKsMmcTatY-00076-00081797-00082740": "The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother", "9xKsMmcTatY-00077-00082740-00083766": "\".Later, a spokesperson for Northam said his \"comments were limited to the actions physicians would take in the event that a woman in those circumstances [i", "9xKsMmcTatY-00078-00083766-00085062": "e. nonviable pregnancy and severe fetal abnormalities] went into labor.\".This clarification, however, does not address the statement made by Northam that \"the infant would be delivered", "9xKsMmcTatY-00079-00085062-00086342": "\".By the numbers.According to the Guttmacher Institute -- an organization focused on sexual and reproductive health -- \"slightly more than 1% of abortions are performed at 21 weeks or later", "9xKsMmcTatY-00080-00086342-00087457": "\" From states that report abortion procedures to the CDC, 638,169 abortions were performed in the US during 2015", "9xKsMmcTatY-00081-00087457-00088142": "The battle over abortion legislation continues to rage in state capitals around the country", "9xKsMmcTatY-00082-00088142-00089349": "Nothing is expected to come from the currently divided Congress. In February, the US Supreme Court blocked Louisiana's Unsafe Abortion Protection Act from taking effect", "9xKsMmcTatY-00083-00089349-00090297": "The law would have required a doctor to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the facility where the abortion is performed", "9xKsMmcTatY-00084-00090297-00092060": "Opioids.While discussing the opioid epidemic and illicit drugs, Fox News contributor Sara Carter told CPAC's audience that in the height of the crisis, places in Ohio ran out of room for bodies in the morgues and had to put some in freezer trailers outside", "9xKsMmcTatY-00085-00092060-00093781": "\"I've never seen anything quite like this then when I went to the epicenter in Ohio and other states who are facing this crisis,\" said Carter, \"where the morgues were so overflowing with bodies that they had to rent freezer trailers to put the children in the freezer trailers outside of the mortuary", "9xKsMmcTatY-00086-00093781-00094818": "\".Facts First: This is true.Initially, Carter's claim was met with skepticism online, with some accusing her of overblowing the opioid crisis", "9xKsMmcTatY-00087-00094818-00095761": "As CNN reported, the state of Ohio purchased several mobile morgues (trucks that have refrigerated trailers) in the mid-2000s", "9xKsMmcTatY-00088-00095761-00096634": "Originally, the trailers were meant to be used for emergency/mass casualty incidents like mass shootings and so forth", "9xKsMmcTatY-00089-00096634-00097929": "Several times in 2015 and 2016 some morgues in Ohio had to use the trailers due to overcrowded morgues, with officials citing overdose deaths as the primary cause of the overflow", "9xKsMmcTatY-00090-00097929-00099209": "In 2017, Ohio Coroner in Montgomery County Dr. Kent Harshbarger told CNN \"overdoses are coming in all the time and we're constantly full on a day-to-day basis", "9xKsMmcTatY-00091-00099209-00100589": "\".Tax cuts.While praising President Donald Trump during his remarks at CPAC, Vice President Mike Pence listed off some of the accomplishments he believes the administration has made in its first two years", "9xKsMmcTatY-00092-00100589-00101986": "Among them, of course, was the 2017 tax reform.\"With the support of this generation of conservatives, President Trump signed the largest tax cut and tax reform in American history,\" the Vice President said", "9xKsMmcTatY-00093-00101986-00103169": "\"That's promises made and promises kept.\".Facts First: The tax cut Trump signed into law in December 2017 was certainly large, but the largest? No", "9xKsMmcTatY-00094-00103169-00104507": "When it comes to measuring the size of these tax reforms, many studies look at how the federal tax revenue lost from the cut compares as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over time", "9xKsMmcTatY-00095-00104507-00105301": "An analysis from CNN on this very claim found that Trump's tax reform comes in at around -1", "9xKsMmcTatY-00096-00105301-00106531": "1% of GDP. By this measurement, the 2017 tax reform is below at least six previous tax cuts passed under presidents including Obama, George W", "9xKsMmcTatY-00097-00106531-00109008": "Bush, John F. Kennedy, and Reagan.When looking at the current inflation-adjusted dollar amount the tax reform would cost, it still comes in under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, and the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 according to data from the Treasury Department", "9xKsMmcTatY-00098-00109008-00109661": "No matter how many times the administration makes this claim, it's still incorrect", "9xKsMmcTatY-00099-00109661-00110998": "Dead cows.During the second day of CPAC, several speakers made jokes (some more seriously than others) about the Green New Deal, specifically suggesting that Democrats are looking to get rid of cows", "9xKsMmcTatY-00100-00110998-00112388": "Referencing the Green New Deal resolution, former Deputy Assistant to President Trump Sebastian Gorka claimed that Democrats \"'want to take your pickup truck, they want to rebuild your home, they want to take away your hamburgers", "9xKsMmcTatY-00101-00112388-00113299": "This is what Stalin dreamt about but never achieved.\" Sen. Ted Cruz, too, made reference to the removal of cows", "9xKsMmcTatY-00102-00113299-00114101": "\"I hope to see PETA supporting the Republican party,\" he said, \"now that the Democrats want to kill all the cows", "9xKsMmcTatY-00103-00114101-00115269": "\" Rep. Mark Meadows joined in on the joke, suggesting that Chick-Fil-A's stock will increase with Democrats \"trying to get rid of all the cows,\" citing the Green New Deal", "9xKsMmcTatY-00104-00115269-00116128": "Facts First: Getting rid of cows was mentioned in a now-removed FAQ on the Green New Deal but is not in the actual resolution", "9xKsMmcTatY-00105-00116128-00116954": "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's team released an FAQ following the Green New Deal resolution", "9xKsMmcTatY-00106-00116954-00118550": "Dealing with the question of why the resolution focused on \"100% clean and renewable\" energy as opposed to \"100% renewable\" the FAQ explained that \"we aren't sure that we'll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast", "9xKsMmcTatY-00107-00118550-00119560": "\".Those 18 words set off a wave of attacks from conservatives and Republicans, quickly becoming a focal point of their criticism of the Green New Deal", "9xKsMmcTatY-00108-00119560-00120441": "(The upcoming cover of the conservative magazine National Review features Ocasio-Cortez surrounded by cattle", "9xKsMmcTatY-00109-00120441-00122181": ").The FAQ was later renounced by Ocasio-Cortez and her team, with her Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabarti tweeting that an \"early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn't represent the GND resolution got published to the website by mistake", "9xKsMmcTatY-00110-00122181-00123787": "\".Regarding agriculture, the resolution does not mention cows but focuses on \"working collaboratively with farmers and ranchers in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector as much as is technologically feasible", "9xKsMmcTatY-00111-00123787-00123887": "\""}}, {"audio_id": "9KdfWbt309o", "text": {"9KdfWbt309o-00000-00000571-00002441": "It was widely expected, but it’s nonetheless a jarring development. Today was the legally mandated deadline for the IRS to turn over Donald Trump’s tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee, and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has personally intervened in order to put a stop to it", "9KdfWbt309o-00001-00002441-00003264": "The next step is for the House to put Mnuchin’s freedom in jeopardy. No, really. We’re at that point now", "9KdfWbt309o-00002-00003264-00004784": ".Just a few moments ago, Mnuchin sent a letter to Congress, stating that his department “could not complete its review” in time to meet the House Ways and Means Committee’s deadline, according to the Washington Post and other major news outlets", "9KdfWbt309o-00003-00004784-00005500": "Tellingly, Mnuchin says that he’s planning to consult with the Department of Justice about the request", "9KdfWbt309o-00004-00005500-00006521": "The DOJ just happens to be run by William Barr, the same guy who has spent the past month trying to prevent the Mueller report from seeing the light of day", "9KdfWbt309o-00005-00006521-00007715": ". .In other words, Mnuchin and Barr are going to try to invent some imaginary legal ground for refusing to comply with the law when it comes to Trump’s tax returns", "9KdfWbt309o-00006-00007715-00008673": "But that won’t matter. House Democrats aren’t going to take this lying down. The committee has a couple options for moving forward", "9KdfWbt309o-00007-00008673-00009405": "It can subpoena Trump’s tax returns. It can also arrest Mnuchin for contempt of Congress", "9KdfWbt309o-00008-00009405-00010275": "Mnuchin would be thrown in jail, and a federal judge would then have to decide if Mnuchin would remain behind bars until he complies", "9KdfWbt309o-00009-00010275-00011508": ".We’ll see how far Steve Mnuchin is willing to take this dangerous game. When he was testifying before the House Financial Services Committee yesterday, he came off as extraordinarily nervous", "9KdfWbt309o-00010-00011508-00013279": "Make no mistake, though: what Mnuchin just said to Congress was ‘come arrest me.’ We’ll soon find out if Mnuchin is bluffing, because he knowingly committed a crime by sending this letter today, and he’ll be harshly held accountable unless he reverses course quickly"}}, {"audio_id": "9KVAEVFrLly", "text": {"9KVAEVFrLly-00000-00000513-00002388": "Right on cue, everyone on the right-wing who has spent years promoting hateful anti-Muslim rhetoric and demonizing immigrants as “invaders” are falling over themselves to distance themselves from the white supremacist who murdered over 40 people last night in a mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand", "9KVAEVFrLly-00001-00002388-00003684": "One of those people is Donald Trump Jr., who tried to double-dip and used his “ignore the shooter and everything he believed in” tweet to attack the mainstream media for promoting hate", "9KVAEVFrLly-00002-00003684-00005781": "But as professional Nazi hunter and Charlottesville community organizer Molly pointed out, Don Jr’s tweet is nothing more than a disgusting effort to cover up the role that he and his father’s virulent Islamophobia played in motivating the shooter, who specifically cited Donald Trump as a “symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose”", "9KVAEVFrLly-00003-00005781-00007276": "Don Jr. himself is no stranger to appallingly racist and dehumanizing statements about Muslims and immigrants, having once comparing Syrian refugees to “poisoned Skittles” and more recently compared immigrants to “caged zoo animals”", "9KVAEVFrLly-00004-00007276-00009462": "For him to use this as an excuse to wage his father’s disturbing war against the media is utterly despicable and beyond the pale — which means it is perfectly on-brand for Trump Jr, who seems to have abandoned any pretense of doing any work at the Trump Organization and instead has devoted himself to becoming a right-wing edgelord poster full time", "9KVAEVFrLly-00005-00009462-00010293": "Social media users were not impressed with his transparent attempt to protect his dad and hammered him for it"}}, {"audio_id": "9W3T5nZxoKY", "text": {"9W3T5nZxoKY-00000-00000513-00001503": "On Sunday, President Donald Trump declared presidential harassment by Democrats at the highest level in the entire history of our nation", "9W3T5nZxoKY-00001-00001503-00002362": "“Presidential Harassment by ‘crazed’ Democrats at the highest level in the history of our Country,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday night", "9W3T5nZxoKY-00002-00002362-00003446": "He also kvetched that the media is also just the worst and “the most vicious and corrupt Mainstream Media that any president has ever had to endure!”", "9W3T5nZxoKY-00003-00003446-00004494": "Yet, despite enduring the Democratic presidential harassment and vicious media, Trump insisted his first two years of his presidency have still been a success", "9W3T5nZxoKY-00004-00004494-00005178": "“We are WINNING big, the envy of the WORLD, but just think what it could be?” Trump wrote", "9W3T5nZxoKY-00005-00005178-00006032": "Trump’s latest tweet is the second time today that Trump has decried the harassment he is enduring because of the Democrats", "9W3T5nZxoKY-00006-00006032-00007093": "In an earlier tweet, Trump wrote: “After more than two years of Presidential Harassment, the only things that have been proven is that Democrats and other broke the law", "9W3T5nZxoKY-00007-00007093-00008125": "”.He also cited Michael Cohen‘s alleged manuscript as evidence his former fixer was lying in his testimony and slammed the media for not showing it", "9W3T5nZxoKY-00008-00008125-00008741": "According to Cohen’s lawyer, by the way, the manuscript does not exist"}}, {"audio_id": "9YubKi-ym4M", "text": {"9YubKi-ym4M-00000-00000571-00002715": "House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), and House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Eliot Engel (NY) made the demand in separate letters to White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to the Hill", "9YubKi-ym4M-00001-00002715-00003436": "The House Democrats also want to interview the interpreters who sat in on Trump’s meetings with Putin", "9YubKi-ym4M-00002-00003436-00004834": "“President Trump, on multiple occasions, appears to have taken steps to conceal the details of his communications with President Putin from other administration officials, Congress, and the American people,” they wrote in their letters", "9YubKi-ym4M-00003-00004834-00005659": "They said that the White House did not respond to queries they made in February about if those records were preserved", "9YubKi-ym4M-00004-00005659-00007550": "“As a result, we are now expanding our investigation,” they wrote.The letters were sent as House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) sent more than 80 separate document requests to Trump’s family members, campaign advisers, business associates, and former White House aides", "9YubKi-ym4M-00005-00007550-00008634": ".Nadler, who wil lead Trump impeachment proceedings in the House if Democrats pursue it, said on Sunday that he believes the president has “obstructed justice''", "9YubKi-ym4M-00006-00008634-00009434": "“It’s very clear that the president obstructed justice,” Nadler said on ABC News’s This Week", "9YubKi-ym4M-00007-00009434-00010797": "House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) later responded on the show, stating, “I think Congressman Nadler decided to impeach the president the day the president won the election''"}}, {"audio_id": "a2kQW3gXzg8", "text": {"a2kQW3gXzg8-00000-00000571-00002271": "It's been almost one year since first lady Melania Trump launched her official \"Be Best\" platform, a three-pillared program set to tackle the relatively vast topics of children's well-being, online behavior and how the opioid crisis affects kids and families", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00001-00002271-00003394": "Not only is it a comparatively large and complex set of issues for a presidential spouse to undertake, Trump is doing so with a skeleton crew of East Wing staff members", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00002-00003394-00004810": "Yet Trump, who this week embarked on her first solo domestic overnight trip to promote her initiative, has gone about building on her initiatives as she has with most other things during her tenure -- at her own pace, when she so chooses", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00003-00004810-00005962": "She's carried on without concern for its compatibility (or not) with President Donald Trump's agenda, or concern for how those who came before her accomplished their tasks", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00004-00005962-00006806": "And for much of her efforts, she's struggled to win headlines or command the media attention that followed her predecessors", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00005-00006806-00007924": "It's something that frustrates Trump, as she stated Tuesday in Las Vegas, where the first lady spoke and took questions at a town hall about opioids hosted by Eric Bolling", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00006-00007924-00009371": "\"I challenge the press to devote as much time to the lives lost (by drugs) -- and the potential lives that could be saved -- by dedicating the same amount of coverage that you do to idle gossip or trivial stories,\" she said", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00007-00009371-00010387": "But will we ever see her do pushups with Jimmy Fallon or sing carpool karaoke with James Corden, like Michelle Obama? Probably not", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00008-00010387-00011192": "It's expected that she will continue to plug away at her passion projects, making appearances and brief remarks as she goes", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00009-00011192-00012623": "On Monday, the first lady was welcomed to Microsoft's Seattle executive campus to see the company's latest technological developments designed to help children stay safe online while they play games like Fortnite", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00010-00012623-00013412": "She watched a demonstration on how parents can control virtually every aspect of their child's Internet use", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00011-00013412-00014650": "\"I feel that sometimes children know more than their parents. Parents need to watch what children do to make it safe,\" said Trump in a discussion with Microsoft President Brad Smith", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00012-00014650-00016304": "Smith told Seattle Times business reporter Paul Roberts after the first lady's visit that the social media behavior of the President, while concerning, is less important to the company's overall dedication to the principles Melania Trump is promoting with \"Be Best''", "a2kQW3gXzg8-00013-00016304-00017077": "\"We've always said that we'll partner where we can, we'll stand apart where we should,\" said Smith"}}, {"audio_id": "a5asXm35rGc", "text": {"a5asXm35rGc-00000-00000571-00001548": "President Donald Trump’s excuse for not releasing his tax returns was destroyed Wednesday afternoon by none other than the head of the IRS", "a5asXm35rGc-00001-00001548-00002279": ".Trump has insisted for years that he cannot release his tax returns because they are under audit", "a5asXm35rGc-00002-00002279-00003478": "But IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig contradicted his assertion by making it clear that there’s no rule preventing Trump from releasing his taxes, even if he is under audit", "a5asXm35rGc-00003-00003478-00004411": "Rettig was questioned about this very issue by Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA) at a hearing of the House Appropriations Subcommittee", "a5asXm35rGc-00004-00004411-00005275": "“If anyone’s tax return is under audit, is there a rule that would prohibit a taxpayer from releasing it?” Bishop asked", "a5asXm35rGc-00005-00005275-00006568": "“I think I’ve answered that question: No,” Rettig answered. In response to a later question, Rettig said he “was not aware” of any rule that would prohibit the release of tax returns that are under audit", "a5asXm35rGc-00006-00006568-00007485": "Trump on Wednesday once again tried to use an audit as an excuse as to why he wants to keep his tax returns hidden from public scrutiny", "a5asXm35rGc-00007-00007485-00008342": "“Now, I will say this, I would love to give them [tax returns], but I’m not going to do it while I’m under audit", "a5asXm35rGc-00008-00008342-00009204": "It’s very simple,” Trump told reporters.Before the election, Trump repeatedly promised to release his taxes", "a5asXm35rGc-00009-00009204-00010016": "But he never did, becoming the first president since Richard Nixon to not voluntarily release this information", "a5asXm35rGc-00010-00010016-00011589": "The issue has reached boiling point days after Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA), chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, sent a letter to the IRS demanding six years of Trump’s taxes, including returns from several of his businesses", "a5asXm35rGc-00011-00011589-00012743": "According to a 1920s era law, the Treasury Department must turn over tax returns requested by the head of either the House Ways and Means Committee or the Senate Finance Committee", "a5asXm35rGc-00012-00012743-00014488": "House Democrats are seeking Trump’s tax returns as part of their constitutional oversight duties, in order to assess whether or not Trump has any conflicts of interest, shady business relationships, or undue influence from foreign governments like Russia or Saudi Arabia", "a5asXm35rGc-00013-00014488-00015815": "Additionally, Trump’s former attorney and “fixer,” Michael Cohen, claimed in congressional testimony that Trump may have broken the law to avoid paying millions of dollars in state and local taxes", "a5asXm35rGc-00014-00015815-00016727": "But rather than come clean with the American people, Trump is hiding his taxes. But his excuses for doing so are quickly falling apart"}}, {"audio_id": "auQdVA6VIjY", "text": {"auQdVA6VIjY-00000-00000513-00001545": "With the Trump administration's final revision to the Title X Family Planning Program now on the books, so too is the first lawsuit to challenge it", "auQdVA6VIjY-00001-00001545-00002704": "California filed suit Monday, the same day the new rule was published in the Federal Register, in district court in the hopes of blocking changes that are scheduled to go into effect May 3", "auQdVA6VIjY-00002-00002704-00003663": "\"The Trump-Pence Administration has doubled down on its attacks on women's health,\" California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a statement", "auQdVA6VIjY-00003-00003663-00004781": "\"This illegal Title X rule denies patients access to critical healthcare services and prevents doctors from providing comprehensive and accurate information about medical care", "auQdVA6VIjY-00004-00004781-00005928": "\".Included in the revised regulations from the US Department of Health and Human Services is a prohibition on what health care providers who receive Title X funds can discuss with patients", "auQdVA6VIjY-00005-00005928-00007343": "Under current law, these funds may not be used to pay for abortions. But under the revisions, health care providers who receive Title X funds cannot talk about abortion with patients or offer referrals for the procedure", "auQdVA6VIjY-00006-00007343-00008464": "\"As a doctor, I cannot imagine withholding information from my patients. It's unethical, and it flies in the face of the oath I took to care for my patients,\" Dr", "auQdVA6VIjY-00007-00008464-00010525": "Erin Berry said at a news conference last week.\"It threatens the doctor-patient relationship and prevents patients from having full and honest information about all of their health care options,\" added Berry, who serves as the Washington state medical director and director of clinical research for Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands", "auQdVA6VIjY-00008-00010525-00011426": "\"Politicians have no business telling me what I can talk to my patients about. This rule is shameful, and it's dangerous", "auQdVA6VIjY-00009-00011426-00012307": "\".Title X-funded clinics that don't honor what opponents have dubbed a \"gag rule\" will be forced to forgo federal funding", "auQdVA6VIjY-00010-00012307-00013187": "As a result, many fear, these clinics that serve approximately 4 million people a year may be forced to close their doors", "auQdVA6VIjY-00011-00013187-00014159": "Low-income people, rural residents, communities of color and the uninsured, opponents argue, are the ones who will suffer most", "auQdVA6VIjY-00012-00014159-00015898": "Last week, a group of 19 medical organizations representing 4.3 million health care providers -- including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists -- signed a letter protesting the revisions", "auQdVA6VIjY-00013-00015898-00017656": "\"As the only federal program exclusively dedicated to providing low-income patients, including adolescents, with access to family planning and preventative health services and information, Title X plays a vital role in the fabric of America's family planning safety net,\" the letter said", "auQdVA6VIjY-00014-00017656-00019224": "\"The final regulation is the latest of numerous recent decisions -- from rolling back insurance coverage for contraceptives to attempting to eliminate funding for evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs -- that unravel the threads of this safety net", "auQdVA6VIjY-00015-00019224-00021321": "\".Established in 1970, during the Nixon administration, when it enjoyed bipartisan support, Title X provides more than $250 million in funding to clinics that offer affordable birth control, cancer screening, STD testing and treatment, and other reproductive health care and family planning services", "auQdVA6VIjY-00016-00021321-00021985": "What constitutes \"family planning,\" however, has become a political point of contention", "auQdVA6VIjY-00017-00021985-00023555": "Anti-abortion groups have cheered the administration's push to revise Title X.\"Abortion is neither healthcare nor family planning which is why the Title X program has no business funding it,\" Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, said in a statement", "auQdVA6VIjY-00018-00023555-00025085": "The new regulation \"protects low-income women\" who will now receive services only from \"federally qualified health centers\" that offer \"better regulatory oversight, a wider range of services, and more life-affirming options,\" Mancini added", "auQdVA6VIjY-00019-00025085-00026023": "Other lawsuits are expected to follow soon.Among those drawing up papers: Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson vowed to file suit", "auQdVA6VIjY-00020-00026023-00027060": "Oregon announced that it will lead a national lawsuit with 21 state attorneys general; it will be filed Tuesday in the US District Court in Eugene", "auQdVA6VIjY-00021-00027060-00028640": "The American Civil Liberties Union plans to battle in the courts on behalf of Cedar River Clinics in Washington state, as well as the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, which represents a coalition of 900 providers", "auQdVA6VIjY-00022-00028640-00029599": "And the Center for Reproductive Rights will get into the legal fight on behalf of Maine Family Planning, which operates 18 clinics throughout the state", "auQdVA6VIjY-00023-00029599-00030294": "Some have framed the revised Title X rules as an effort to defund Planned Parenthood", "auQdVA6VIjY-00024-00030294-00031506": "And while Planned Parenthood certainly stands to lose millions, independent clinics and health centers that don't have national name recognition -- like those in Maine -- see this as a fight for their survival, too"}}, {"audio_id": "avFFEdgm6dc", "text": {"avFFEdgm6dc-00000-00000571-00002070": "President Donald Trump predicted that he would likely be running against Sen. Bernie Sanders or former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 election, but he left open the possibility that he could face Mayor Pete Buttigieg", "avFFEdgm6dc-00001-00002070-00002775": "“It may be Bernie has the most spirit over there right now,” Trump said. “Could be the mayor from Indiana", "avFFEdgm6dc-00002-00002775-00003444": "I think I’d like running against him, too. But it’ll be interesting to see it unfold", "avFFEdgm6dc-00003-00003444-00004698": "There’ll be very interested — a lot of times you can’t tell.”. .Trump commented on the 2020 Democratic primary in an interview with Sirius/XM host David Webb on Wednesday", "avFFEdgm6dc-00004-00004698-00005534": "Buttigieg’s support has jumped in the early primary polls thanks to several successful interviews in the national media", "avFFEdgm6dc-00005-00005534-00006203": "Trump said that Biden was “sleepy” and suggested that he would have a hard time staying in the race", "avFFEdgm6dc-00006-00006203-00006916": "“I think Sleepy Joe’s going to have a hard time. He’s, you know, one percent Joe,” he said", "avFFEdgm6dc-00007-00006916-00007947": "“I don’t think he’s going to make it.”.Trump warned against Americans choosing a socialist for president, noting that the current economic boom was fragile", "avFFEdgm6dc-00008-00007947-00008927": "“Our country is doing so well and if we ever went socialistic, if we have become a socialist country, you could write off this country", "avFFEdgm6dc-00009-00008927-00009763": "This country would go down so fast,” he said.But Trump said he also relished a debate with Sanders", "avFFEdgm6dc-00010-00009763-00010975": "“I hear what Bernie says, and I hope I get an opportunity to run against him because it’ll be so easy to show, whether it’s his healthcare — that’s a disaster, it’s a disaster,” he said"}}, {"audio_id": "aE0OD2P63HY", "text": {"aE0OD2P63HY-00000-00000571-00001984": "Firehouse Strategies released a poll which surveyed general election likely voters across Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, three key swing states that Donald Trump won during the 2016 presidential election", "aE0OD2P63HY-00001-00001984-00003253": "The survey found that Trump’s loses or polls neck-and-neck when put up against three high polling 2020 Democrat presidential candidates: former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen", "aE0OD2P63HY-00002-00003253-00004917": "Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX).Firehouse polled 1,778 likely voters in those three states between March 19 and March 21, and the margin of error amounts to 4", "aE0OD2P63HY-00003-00004917-00006239": "1 in Wisconsin, 4.5 in Michigan, and 4.1 in Wisconsin.In Wisconsin, Trump loses against the three 2020 Democrat presidential candidates selected by Firehouse", "aE0OD2P63HY-00004-00006239-00007903": "If the election were held now, Donald Trump would gain 40 percent of the vote against Biden’s 53 percent, Trump would receive 41 percent support against Sanders’ 48 percent, and Trump would get 42 percent compared to O’Rourke’s 45 percent", "aE0OD2P63HY-00005-00007903-00008661": "The Firehouse survey suggests that Trump would fare better in Michigan compared to Wisconsin", "aE0OD2P63HY-00006-00008661-00010643": "Trump would receive 46 percent support amongst likely general election voters compared to Biden’s 45 percent, Trump would receive 46 percent support against Sanders’ 45 percent, and Trump would best O’Rourke by nearly double-digits, with Trump at 48 percent and O’Rourke at 39 percent", "aE0OD2P63HY-00007-00010643-00011727": "Pennsylvania voters also suggested they would back Biden, who hails from Scranton, Pennsylvania, in a match-up between the former vice president and the sitting president", "aE0OD2P63HY-00008-00011727-00013169": "Biden would receive 50 percent support, Trump would gain 43 percent support, while Trump and Sanders would tie at 44 percent, and Trump would beat O’Rourke by seven points– 47 percent to O’Rourke’s 40 percent", "aE0OD2P63HY-00009-00013169-00014295": "Firehouse Strategies emphasized that Biden remains the strongest Democrat candidate when compared to Bernie and O’Rourke and perform best against Trump in Wisconsin", "aE0OD2P63HY-00010-00014295-00016225": "Even though Trump garnered strong enthusiasm in these three swing states in 2016, Firehouse’s survey suggested that Trump’s job approval polling dipped to the 40 percent range in each state, and on average, 51 percent of voters in the three states disapprove of the president’s job performance", "aE0OD2P63HY-00011-00016225-00017336": "However, the poll suggests that Americans who voted for Barack Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016 will still overwhelmingly back the president in 2020", "aE0OD2P63HY-00012-00017336-00018273": "In Michigan, 84 percent of Obama-Trump voters choose Trump regardless of whether they could pick Biden, Sanders, or O’Rourke", "aE0OD2P63HY-00013-00018273-00019535": "In Pennsylvania, 70-79 percent support Trump depending on the matchup; Biden would steal more Obama-Trump voters and O’Rourke would steal the least amount of voters from Trump", "aE0OD2P63HY-00014-00019535-00020183": "In Wisconsin, roughly two-thirds would vote for Trump again over his Democrat opponents", "aE0OD2P63HY-00015-00020183-00021390": "The Firehouse poll arises as two Emerson polls found that Biden would fare best in both Iowa and across the nation, where Sanders would place ranks second amongst Democrat voters", "aE0OD2P63HY-00016-00021390-00022063": "President Donald Trump said he would “love” to run against Biden, Bernie, and former Rep", "aE0OD2P63HY-00017-00022063-00022933": "Beto O’Rourke (D-TX).“I wouldn’t mind. I mean, I’d love to have Biden. I’d love to have Bernie", "aE0OD2P63HY-00018-00022933-00023850": "I’d love to have Beto,” Trump said in a recent interview. “I mean, Beto seems to be the one that the press has chosen", "aE0OD2P63HY-00019-00023850-00024237": "The press seems to have chosen Beto.”"}}, {"audio_id": "aFoKOZfhVCA", "text": {"aFoKOZfhVCA-00000-00000513-00001307": "President Trump spoke exclusively with Breitbart, where he explained the downfalls of Democrat socialism", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00001-00001307-00002401": "The Hill reported that according to a new Harris poll, fully 49.6 percent of the millennials and Generation Z’ers polled would prefer to live in a socialist country", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00002-00002401-00003370": ".May I suggest Venezuela as a good place to visit?.That attitude is why we have such support from the Democratic base for the “Green New Deal", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00003-00003370-00004661": "”.For young millennials, their No. 1 issue is protecting the environment, and they will go to any lengths, vote for any candidate, and support any cause that will achieve that goal", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00004-00004661-00005651": ".It was young, white millennials who voted out Joe Crowley in favor of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00005-00005651-00006615": "Y.), who recently called President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the closest thing to socialism this country has ever had, a racist", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00006-00006615-00007558": ".President Donald Trump told Breitbart News on Monday that he feels “very strongly” that the United States will never succumb to socialism", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00007-00007558-00008971": "“I feel that—I feel it very strongly,” Trump replied when asked by Breitbart News’s Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle about his pledge in the State of the Union address that the United States would never become a socialist country", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00008-00008971-00010045": "Trump continued by explaining that many Democrats are campaigning on socialism, however, because it is “easy” to campaign on but difficult “to govern on", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00009-00010045-00011322": "”.“Now with that being said, you always have to be very careful, because socialism is easy to campaign on but tough to govern on, because the country goes down the tubes,” Trump said", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00010-00011322-00012628": "“But when you tell people free medical, free education, no more student loans—all of the different things that you say—it’s a great thing to campaign on, but then ten years later the country is down the tubes", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00011-00012628-00013971": "It’s gone. So, you always have to be careful with it, because you know you talk about single-payer, it sounds very seductive—single-payer—say what you want, but it’s a very seductive thing", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00012-00013971-00014718": "But it means you’re not going to have good healthcare, it means the country is not going to be able to afford it", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00013-00014718-00015888": "Not only is the country not going to be able to afford it, but it’s more than the entire revenue stream taken in for the entire—it’s like not even close right? But nobody thinks about that", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00014-00015888-00017633": "They think, free healthcare isn’t that wonderful? But the truth is when you’re up on the debate stage, and they say we’re giving you free education, we’re giving you free healthcare, we’re giving you everything you want and a Rolls-Royce in everyone’s pocket, it’s not an easy situation", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00015-00017633-00018458": "But what happens is ten years later the country is gone. Okay, whether it’s this country or any other country", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00016-00018458-00019542": "”.In response to a follow-up question from Breitbart News senior White House correspondent Charlie Spiering, Trump said that the pendulum swings in politics frequently", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00017-00019542-00020527": "Trump said that if the left somehow took control down the road, the voters would eventually course correct and choose a Republican next", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00018-00020527-00021128": "“Then what happens is you take a violent turn to the other direction,” Trump said", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00019-00021128-00022175": "When Spiering asked if Trump is worried about a “violent turn” toward socialism after two years of his administration’s policies, Trump said he is not", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00020-00022175-00023123": "He pointed to his rising approval rating poll numbers, which he pointed out he has achieved despite overwhelmingly negative media coverage", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00021-00023123-00024040": "“I don’t think so,f because we’ve had our best poll numbers,” Trump said. “You saw them—we’ve had our best poll numbers", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00022-00024040-00024918": "We had nothing but fake news. Fox treats me well—and when I say well, I define well as fairly", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00023-00024918-00026018": "It’s not—some of it’s not so good at all. But at least it’s fair. I do really well with local—you know, the local stuff is shockingly good", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00024-00026018-00027180": "It’s almost like not even to be believed. But CNN and MSNBC and NBC, ABC, and yeah CBS, they’re all extraordinarily bad", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00025-00027180-00028008": "I would say NBC is maybe the worst and very dishonest. It’s not even like bad, like bad reporting", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00026-00028008-00028760": "It’s totally dishonest reporting. It’s really pretty incredible what they can get away with", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00027-00028760-00029912": "”.Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow noted that many on the left are now coming “out” as socialists, publicly revealing themselves as such for the first time", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00028-00029912-00030897": "When asked by Marlow whether he thinks there is a rise in support for socialism in the country, Trump questioned whether there actually is one happening", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00029-00030897-00031840": "In his response, he pointed to how different Democrat presidential candidates have handled the question of supporting capitalism or socialism", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00030-00031840-00032525": "Trump said the next election may very well be a referendum on socialism versus capitalism", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00031-00032525-00033582": "Trump specifically cited one candidate whom he mockingly said he would not name (he later whispered “Hickenlooper”) for dodging a question on capitalism", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00032-00033582-00034768": "Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat running for president in 2020, dodged when asked whether or not he is a capitalist on MSNBC", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00033-00034768-00035630": "“Well I don’t know if there will be a rise, we have to see that—and that we will only know in an election,” Trump said", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00034-00035630-00036759": "“So far, if you add it all up, you know, I watched a certain gentleman—I won’t mention his name, but he made a couple of bucks, he refuses to acknowledge capitalism", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00035-00036759-00037723": "You saw that over the weekend—Hickenlooper. He was ashamed of the word, and yet I’ve seen others maybe going in the other direction", "aFoKOZfhVCA-00036-00037723-00038551": "”.Trump’s comments came during a more-than-40-minute exclusive interview in the Oval Office in the White House on Monday afternoon"}}, {"audio_id": "aYe7ifjks1U", "text": {"aYe7ifjks1U-00000-00000513-00002028": "Left-wing parties in the U.S. and the United Kingdom are both struggling to deal with a wave of accusations of anti-Semitism within their parties -- as their bases push them increasingly to the left and toward positions more critical of Israel", "aYe7ifjks1U-00001-00002028-00002780": "The controversy blew up for the Democratic Party this week when Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn", "aYe7ifjks1U-00002-00002780-00003559": ", suggested that supporters of Israel were pushing for U.S. politicians to declare \"allegiance\" to Israel", "aYe7ifjks1U-00003-00003559-00004543": "“I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country,\" Omar said", "aYe7ifjks1U-00004-00004543-00005933": "\"I want to ask why is it OK for me to talk about the influence of the NRA, of fossil fuel industries, or big pharma, and not talk about a powerful lobbying movement that is influencing policy", "aYe7ifjks1U-00005-00005933-00006772": "\".It was the latest controversial statement she’d made in reference to Israel that critics said used anti-Semitic dogwhistles", "aYe7ifjks1U-00006-00006772-00007725": "Omar tweeted in 2012: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel", "aYe7ifjks1U-00007-00007725-00008924": "\".Last month, she got into trouble when she suggested some members of Congress were being paid by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to support Israel", "aYe7ifjks1U-00008-00008924-00010813": "“It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” she tweeted.Omar apologized for those statements but has not done so for her “allegiance” comments, which ramped up pressure on Democrats to condemn her remarks -- leading ultimately to a resolution against bigotry that was voted on Friday and ultimately passed", "aYe7ifjks1U-00009-00010813-00012435": "Meanwhile, in the U.K., the Labour Party -- which moved to the left after the election of once-fringe left-wing MP Jeremy Corbyn as leader in 2015 -- has been wrestling with a similar crisis of its own for years, but one that has dramatically escalated in recent weeks", "aYe7ifjks1U-00010-00012435-00013851": "Corbyn is a longtime critic of Israel and has been criticized for his ties to extreme pro-Palestinian groups, including for a past meeting where he expressed support for members of Hamas and Hezbollah, who he called “friends", "aYe7ifjks1U-00011-00013851-00014731": "” He has since said he was using “inclusive language” as he sought to bring about a peace process and that he does not support or agree with them", "aYe7ifjks1U-00012-00014731-00016403": "Last year a picture emerged of him attending a wreath-laying ceremony in 2014 that honored perpetrators of the 1972 Munich terror attack against Israeli athletes, although he said he was there to honor those killed in a 1985 Israeli air strike", "aYe7ifjks1U-00013-00016403-00018142": "Although he has repeatedly condemned anti-Semitism, Corbyn made things somewhat worse for himself when, in a 2016 speech intended to condemn anti-Semitism and distance himself from some of the controversies, he appeared to compare Israel to the Islamic State", "aYe7ifjks1U-00014-00018142-00019386": "\"Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu government than our Muslim friends are for those of various self-styled Islamic states or organizations,\" he said", "aYe7ifjks1U-00015-00019386-00020449": "But the party's pro-Corbyn left have turned those incidents into a full-blown crisis with a steady stream of anti-Israel and allegedly anti-Semitic comments", "aYe7ifjks1U-00016-00020449-00022437": "A high-profile moment came in 2016 when top Corbyn ally and former London Mayor Ken Livingstone -- who is often referred to as “Red Ken” for his hard-left views -- was suspended by the party in 2016 for saying that Adolf Hitler was a Zionist before he “went mad and ended up killing 6 million Jews", "aYe7ifjks1U-00017-00022437-00023416": "”.Much of the controversy has focused on the failure of the party as a whole to appropriately discipline those accused of anti-Semitism", "aYe7ifjks1U-00018-00023416-00025059": "This week, the Times of London reported that a Corbyn ally recommended against the suspension of a Labour member who posted an image online of an alien with the Star of David on its back grasping the Statue of Liberty by the face, suggesting control over the US", "aYe7ifjks1U-00019-00025059-00026640": "The activist added the caption: “The most accurate photo I’ve seen all year!”.The link between a swing to the left -- including on Israel -- by parties and the rise of the anti-Semitism has been noted by both left-wing and right-wing commentators and outlets", "aYe7ifjks1U-00020-00026640-00028170": "In an explainer on the crisis, left-wing outlet Vox notes that the socialist left “tend to be passionately pro-Palestine” and that “such a position can lead to tensions between left-wing anti-Zionists and mainstream Jewish communities", "aYe7ifjks1U-00021-00028170-00029745": "“This tension has at times led to a tendency on the left to indulge in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and tropes -- like blaming a Jewish conspiracy for Western governments’ support of Israel or equating Jews who support Israel with Nazi collaborators", "aYe7ifjks1U-00022-00029745-00031159": "”.On the right, New York Times columnist Bret Stephens this week accused Omar of “bringing Corbynism to the Democratic Party” and called her a “case study in the ease with which strident criticism of Israel shades into anti-Semitism", "aYe7ifjks1U-00023-00031159-00032614": "”.“It says something about the progressive movement today that it has no trouble denouncing Republican racism, real and alleged, every day of the week but has so much trouble calling out a naked anti-Semite in its own ranks,” Stephens said", "aYe7ifjks1U-00024-00032614-00033463": "“This is how progressivism becomes Corbynism. It’s how the left finds its own path toward legitimizing hate", "aYe7ifjks1U-00025-00033463-00035223": "It’s how self-declared anti-fascists develop their own forms of fascism.”.Nile Gardiner, director of the Heritage Foundation's Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, told Fox News that such ideas are not being challenged by leaders on the left as they once would have been", "aYe7ifjks1U-00026-00035223-00036271": "\"I think that what you're seeing is the rise of the far-left on both sides of the Atlantic and part of the far-left identity is a deep-seated anti-Semitism in both the U", "aYe7ifjks1U-00027-00036271-00037049": "K and the U.S., and there is a lack of willingness on the part of the political leaders to do anything about it,\" he said", "aYe7ifjks1U-00028-00037049-00038371": "In the U.S., the Democrats struggled to condemn Omar for her remarks. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, was mocked for saying that Omar “has a different experience in the use of words", "aYe7ifjks1U-00029-00038371-00039664": "\" Meanwhile, Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., defended Omar, saying that her experience as a refugee from Somalia was \"more personal\" than Jews whose parents survived the Holocaust", "aYe7ifjks1U-00030-00039664-00040850": "The resolution that passed Friday was initially intended to deal with Omar’s comments, but was eventually expanded to include all forms of bigotry including white supremacy", "aYe7ifjks1U-00031-00040850-00041628": "It was so broad that Omar was even able to hail it as a victory as it condemned anti-Muslim bigotry", "aYe7ifjks1U-00032-00041628-00042686": "“Today is historic on many fronts,\" Omar, along with Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Andre Carson, D-Ind", "aYe7ifjks1U-00033-00042686-00043514": ", said in a statement. \"It’s the first time we have voted on a resolution condemning anti-Muslim bigotry in our nation’s history", "aYe7ifjks1U-00034-00043514-00044815": "\".“We are tremendously proud to be part of a body that has put forth a condemnation of all forms of bigotry including anti-Semitism, racism, and white supremacy,\" the statement continued", "aYe7ifjks1U-00035-00044815-00045909": "\"At a time when extremism is on the rise, we must explicitly denounce religious intolerance of all kinds and acknowledge the pain felt by all communities", "aYe7ifjks1U-00036-00045909-00046515": "Our nation is having a difficult conversation and we believe this is great progress", "aYe7ifjks1U-00037-00046515-00047568": "”.In the U.K., the controversy is overshadowing Labour’s attempt to hold Prime Minister Theresa May’s feet to the fire over her handling of Brexit", "aYe7ifjks1U-00038-00047568-00048963": "A number of centrist Labour MPs broke off from the party last month and, alongside some Conservative Party rebels, formed the Independent Group -- an independent party bloc with an eye to becoming a centrist party", "aYe7ifjks1U-00039-00048963-00050068": "The Labour rebels cited the party’s handling of the anti-Semitism as a key reason for their departure and accused Corbyn of tolerating anti-Semitism in the Labour Party ranks", "aYe7ifjks1U-00040-00050068-00051196": "“Over the past three years.the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn has become infected with the scourge of anti-Jewish racism,” a statement by MP Joan Ryan said", "aYe7ifjks1U-00041-00051196-00052238": "“This problem simply did not exist in the party before his election as leader. No previous Labour leader would have allowed this huge shame to befall the party", "aYe7ifjks1U-00042-00052238-00053087": "”.It is unclear what such a breakaway group could mean for the next general election, which could come as early as this year", "aYe7ifjks1U-00043-00053087-00054587": "But one possibility is that it could split the left-wing vote, bringing in disenfranchised Labour centrists, giving an enormous electoral advantage for the Conservative Party due to the country's first-past-the-post electoral system", "aYe7ifjks1U-00044-00054587-00055475": "Meanwhile, in the U.S., the controversy is already becoming an issue for potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidates", "aYe7ifjks1U-00045-00055475-00056371": "President Trump has latched onto the issue, saying it is “inconceivable” that Democrats “will not act to condemn [anti-Semitism]", "aYe7ifjks1U-00046-00056371-00057390": "”.Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., have backed Omar, but others have ducked the issue", "aYe7ifjks1U-00047-00057390-00058831": "Asked about Omar at a news conference Thursday, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., insisted he wanted to hear only \"on-topic\" questions about unrelated legislation -- then, receiving none, stop taking questions entirely", "aYe7ifjks1U-00048-00058831-00059868": "Gardiner, at the Heritage Foundation, said that the controversies could have electoral consequences in both countries: \"I think most people in the U", "aYe7ifjks1U-00049-00059868-00061820": "K. and the U.S. fundamentally reject anti-Semitism, so it is a huge electoral liability and a real problem for the left on both sides of the Atlantic, this sort of growing tolerance by left-wing politicians of anti-Semitic statements and behavior, because that is not where the British or the American people are", "aYe7ifjks1U-00050-00061820-00061920": "\""}}, {"audio_id": "aZSMu9RciEM", "text": {"aZSMu9RciEM-00000-00000571-00001629": "Fox News personality Jeanine Pirro is off the air for the second straight week amid controversy surrounding Islamophobic remarks she made about Rep", "aZSMu9RciEM-00001-00001629-00003175": "Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and now President Donald Trump is rallying to her defense.Pirro’s show, Justice with Judge Jeanine, was absent from its 9pm spot on Saturday following an incident where Pirro questioned whether Rep", "aZSMu9RciEM-00002-00003175-00004063": "Omar was loyal to the United States because she wears a hijab, claiming it to be “antithetical to the United States Constitution", "aZSMu9RciEM-00003-00004063-00005165": "”.Although Fox News took a rare and public stance against its own anchor, releasing a statement condemning her actions, Pirro has so far refused to apologize", "aZSMu9RciEM-00004-00005165-00005913": "She says that she never actually called Oman “un-american” and therefore doesn’t need to offer an apology", "aZSMu9RciEM-00005-00005913-00006861": "Beyond the initial reprimand, Fox News has decline further comment, only saying “We aren’t going beyond our statement from the other week", "aZSMu9RciEM-00006-00006861-00007984": "” in a statement to HuffPost.And now, President Trump has thrown his two cents into the mix, taking to his favorite platform, Twitter, to come to Pirro’s strong defense", "aZSMu9RciEM-00007-00007984-00009379": "He tweeted on Sunday, “Fox … must stay strong and fight back with vigor. Stop working soooo hard on being politically correct, which will only bring you down, and continue to fight for our Country,”", "aZSMu9RciEM-00008-00009379-00010944": "The President tweeted about the Pirro absence….Bring back JudgeJeanine Pirro. The Radical Left Democrats, working closely with their beloved partner, the Fake News Media, is using every trick in the book to SILENCE a majority of our Country", "aZSMu9RciEM-00009-00010944-00011628": "They have all out campaigns against @FoxNews hosts who are doing too well. Fox …", "aZSMu9RciEM-00010-00011628-00012370": "— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019.And then he tweeted some more…", "aZSMu9RciEM-00011-00012370-00013522": "….must stay strong and fight back with vigor. Stop working soooo hard on being politically correct, which will only bring you down, and continue to fight for our Country", "aZSMu9RciEM-00012-00013522-00014402": "The losers all want what you have, don’t give it to them. Be strong & prosper, be weak & die! Stay true…", "aZSMu9RciEM-00013-00014402-00015355": "— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019.And more, still.….to the people that got you there", "aZSMu9RciEM-00014-00015355-00016356": "Keep fighting for Tucker, and fight hard for @JudgeJeanine. Your competitors are jealous – they all want what you’ve got – NUMBER ONE", "aZSMu9RciEM-00015-00016356-00017116": "Don’t hand it to them on a silver platter. They can’t beat you, you can only beat yourselves!— Donald J", "aZSMu9RciEM-00016-00017116-00018459": "Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019.With Tucker Carlson’s recent splash in the news due to past appearances on the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show and now this little showing from Ms", "aZSMu9RciEM-00017-00018459-00019370": "Pirro, Fox News is finding itself in the hot seat trying to explain bad behavior from some of it’s most well known faces", "aZSMu9RciEM-00018-00019370-00020091": "President Trump, however, isn’t so quick to believe that this is just a case of “bad behavior”", "aZSMu9RciEM-00019-00020091-00021209": "No, no. This is much more, according to him. This is all part of a left-wing media conspiracy to take down Fox News one conservative anchor at a time", "aZSMu9RciEM-00020-00021209-00022048": "Okayyyy. It’s nice to know what the President of the United States is spending his time doing, don’t you think?"}}, {"audio_id": "agXBFrTwEzo", "text": {"agXBFrTwEzo-00000-00000571-00002470": "As Donald Trump fails to lobby Republican Senators to vote in favor of his national emergency declaration to build the wall he had campaigned on, investigators and committees are busy on several fronts, tearing down the walls he has built around a lifetime of shady activities as a businessman and real estate mogul", "agXBFrTwEzo-00001-00002470-00004625": "We have all heard and read about how the Trump Organization has come under suspicion for insurance fraud and asset inflation in the wake of Michael Cohen’s testimony, and the list of document requests issued by congressional committees included a number of high profile members of the Trump Organization, such as Allen Weisselberg and Alan Garten, for example", "agXBFrTwEzo-00002-00004625-00006529": "In the context of all these investigations, one storyline related to the Trump family’s real estate ventures that might finally receive the public attention it most likely deserves, is that of the Trump Organization’s involvement in the now abandoned Trump International Hotel & Tower project in Baku, Azerbaijan", "agXBFrTwEzo-00003-00006529-00008995": "According to The New Yorker’s reporter Adam Davidson, this real estate project, in which the Trump Organization partnered with an Azerbaijani family that a 2014 Foreign Policy article characterized as “The Corleones of the Caspian” has all the hallmarks of a corrupt money laundering operation that may even involve dark money coming from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)", "agXBFrTwEzo-00004-00008995-00010160": "The questions raised by Davidson’s article were serious enough to prompt Senator Sherrod Brown in March 2017 to call for a federal investigation of Donald Trump’s involvement", "agXBFrTwEzo-00005-00010160-00012751": "Together with Senators Dianne Feinstein and Ben Cardin of the Senate’s Foreign Relations, Banking, and Judiciary committees, Brown wrote a joint letter to several Trump administration officials stating that “it appears that the lack of due diligence by the Trump Organization [ … ] exposed President Trump and his organization to notoriously corrupt Azerbaijani oligarchs, and may also have exposed the Trump Organization to the IRGC", "agXBFrTwEzo-00006-00012751-00013869": "Even though the Trump Organization appears to have withdrawn from the Baku Tower deal, serious questions remain unanswered about the Trump Organization’s potential criminal liability''"}}, {"audio_id": "b9AlF2zW66o", "text": {"b9AlF2zW66o-00000-00000571-00001660": "On May 1, 2003, aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, President George W. Bush stood before a banner declaring \"Mission Accomplished", "b9AlF2zW66o-00001-00001660-00002438": "\" But he had declared victory prematurely and subsequently lost the political battle over the war in Iraq", "b9AlF2zW66o-00002-00002438-00003499": "From that day on, every time Americans troops suffered a setback, critics would remark something along the lines of, 'Is this really what victory really looks like?'", "b9AlF2zW66o-00003-00003499-00004478": "In the rush to solidify a political gain, the Bush administration violated the first rule of political communications -- under promise and over deliver", "b9AlF2zW66o-00004-00004478-00005672": "In fact, it violated the second rule, too -- be humble in all victories.Compare that moment with the day President Bill Clinton was acquitted on impeachment charges in the US Senate", "b9AlF2zW66o-00005-00005672-00006620": "Did he hold a victory rally, praise his supporters and criticize those who had opposed him? No, he took the opposite approach", "b9AlF2zW66o-00006-00006620-00007433": "He was somber, fully taking responsibility for his role in the painful national controversy that was ended that day", "b9AlF2zW66o-00007-00007433-00008491": "He used the moment to reach out to the Republican Party, calling for a new commitment to working together across party lines to get things done for the people", "b9AlF2zW66o-00008-00008491-00009611": "In fact, not only was there no celebrating, I, who was his press secretary at the time, declared days before that the White House would be a gloat-free zone", "b9AlF2zW66o-00009-00009611-00011139": "And it was.Why the somewhat random history lesson? Because, in the aftermath of Attorney General William Barr's summary letter of special counsel Robert Mueller's report, President Donald Trump is making the same mistakes as President Bush", "b9AlF2zW66o-00010-00011139-00012009": "And hard as it may be for them to stomach, the Trump administration could learn a thing or two from history -- particularly from Bill Clinton", "b9AlF2zW66o-00011-00012009-00012895": "So, how has Trump reacted? He's claimed \"total exoneration,\" even though the full report is not out", "b9AlF2zW66o-00012-00012895-00013683": "He's doubled down on his attacks on his enemies, mainly the Democrats, TV pundits and the press", "b9AlF2zW66o-00013-00013683-00015063": "And his enemies, according to his press secretary Sarah Sanders, are not just run-of-the-mill losers who are wrong -- they are traitors who should be prosecuted for a crime -- treason -- that can be punishable by death", "b9AlF2zW66o-00014-00015063-00015943": "Sanders even went as far as tweeting a New York Post presidential enemies list, presented as a March Madness bracket", "b9AlF2zW66o-00015-00015943-00017416": "Couple that with a Trump 2020 campaign memo suggesting to television news producers the pundits they should no longer put on the air, and it's clear that the White House saw this as more about settling scores than declaring victory", "b9AlF2zW66o-00016-00017416-00018806": "So, what's the problem? Like with the Iraq War, it's premature to claim a \"win.\" The Mueller report has not been released for anyone, other than perhaps Barr himself, to make an independent judgment", "b9AlF2zW66o-00017-00018806-00019838": "Declaring victory also significantly increases the pressure to release the report, although it's hard to imagine the pressure any higher than it already is", "b9AlF2zW66o-00018-00019838-00021222": "The second problem is an opportunity squandered. And a new CNN poll, released Wednesday, indicates that despite the conclusion of the Mueller investigation, the opinion of most Americans has not changed", "b9AlF2zW66o-00019-00021222-00022695": "In other words, the reaction from the White House has not been particularly persuasive -- Trump's conservative base is still with him, the Democrats are defiant and the middle remains offended by the high-handed nature of everything he does", "b9AlF2zW66o-00020-00022695-00023518": "Swing voters, I imagine, are saying he may not have colluded with the Russians, but he's still acting far from presidential", "b9AlF2zW66o-00021-00023518-00024602": "So, what should he have done? First and foremost, he should have identified the true enemy in this crisis (hint: it's not the media) -- the Russians", "b9AlF2zW66o-00022-00024602-00025660": "The President needed to state clearly that American democracy was attacked and that there is nothing more important than protecting our political viability", "b9AlF2zW66o-00023-00025660-00026744": "No ambiguity, no hedging and no articulating what Russian President Vladimir Putin thinks or referencing the 400-pound guy in his mother's basement", "b9AlF2zW66o-00024-00026744-00027873": "This was also an opportunity to bring people together. To do that, he should have started with taking responsibility for his actions, which contributed to this political crisis", "b9AlF2zW66o-00025-00027873-00029484": "First, he easily could have admitted to making mistakes in hiring certain people -- particularly after several of the top aides on his campaign were convicted or pleaded guilty to crimes, including Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos and others", "b9AlF2zW66o-00026-00029484-00030490": "Next, he could have expressed regret for the tone of his comments, particularly against the special counsel, whom he attacked repeatedly for months", "b9AlF2zW66o-00027-00030490-00031605": "Finally, he could have made a call for a new commitment to comity in our country by shouldering some of the blame for the current climate and calling on the Democrats to do the same"}}, {"audio_id": "bML-1qYBEWU", "text": {"bML-1qYBEWU-00000-00000513-00001508": "President Trump on Wednesday blasted California Gov. Gavin Newsom for halting executions for the state’s 737 death row inmates", "bML-1qYBEWU-00001-00001508-00002461": "“Defying voters, the Governor of California will halt all death penalty executions of 737 stone cold killers", "bML-1qYBEWU-00002-00002461-00003321": "Friends and families of the always forgotten VICTIMS are not thrilled, and neither am I!” Trump tweeted early Wednesday", "bML-1qYBEWU-00003-00003321-00004530": "The tweet comes hours before Newsom, a Democrat, is expected to sign an executive order that would halt all executions at San Quentin State Prison, closing a new execution chamber", "bML-1qYBEWU-00004-00004530-00005416": "The order would also withdraw lethal injection regulations. The order, though, would leave all convictions intact", "bML-1qYBEWU-00005-00005416-00006805": "“The intentional killing of another person is wrong. And as governor, I will not oversee the execution of any individual,” Newsom said in a prepared statement obtained by the Southern California News Group", "bML-1qYBEWU-00006-00006805-00008148": "Newsom, who has been a vocal opponent of the death penalty, said that the system is a “failure” that “has discriminated against defendants who are mentally ill, black and brown, or can’t afford legal representation", "bML-1qYBEWU-00007-00008148-00008911": "” He also said that many innocent people have been wrongly convicted and sometimes put to death", "bML-1qYBEWU-00008-00008911-00009799": "But Newsom’s order will go against the wishes of California voters, who in 2016 backed a measure to speed up executions", "bML-1qYBEWU-00009-00009799-00010752": "The Association of Deputy District Attorneys blasted Newsom for “usurping” the will of the voters and “substituting his personal preferences", "bML-1qYBEWU-00010-00010752-00012142": "”.But Newsom said that the death penalty is flawed because it is “irreversible and irreparable in the event of human error,” and expensive, costing California $5 billion since 1978", "bML-1qYBEWU-00011-00012142-00013053": "Meanwhile, Trump has been a supporter of the death penalty. In October, Trump called for the death penalty for those who kill police officers"}}, {"audio_id": "bUJSaZPPwTA", "text": {"bUJSaZPPwTA-00000-00000571-00001665": "Democrats love to blame President Donald Trump for everything under the sun.From climate change to the Jussie Smollett hoax, it’s just all Trump’s fault", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00001-00001665-00002402": "But when leftists come unglued, they take their accusations to an even more outrageous level", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00002-00002402-00003758": "…and that’s when they start saying Trump is going to “kill people.”.And the latest far-left politician to come unglued is socialist Bernie Sanders, who unleashed his insane threat on CBS’s “Face the Nation", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00003-00003758-00004620": "”.Via Breitbart:.“…Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) predicted ‘thousands of people’ would ‘literally die’…", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00004-00004620-00005304": "…if President Donald Trump uses the courts to strike down the Affordable Care Act", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00005-00005304-00006331": "“.Yes, you read that correctly:.Thousands would “literally die” if Trump got rid of the unmitigated disaster that is the Affordable Care Act (ACA)", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00006-00006331-00007219": "Sanders said Trump only wants to “throw 32 million off the health insurance they have,” which would result in those “thousands” of deaths", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00007-00007219-00008135": "Of course, he doesn’t mention that Obamacare is an absolute travesty and has failed to do anything Democrats said it would do", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00008-00008135-00009089": "Insurance costs didn’t go down at all (in fact, they rose for most), and it’s essentially worthless in regards to what it actually covers", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00009-00009089-00009854": "There’s a reason why many consider this to be Obama’s biggest failure. And it’s why Trump wants to fix it", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00010-00009854-00010970": "But Sanders and other Democrats just spout their absurd “healthcare for all” philosophy, which every economist worth a salt has already proven would bankrupt America", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00011-00010970-00011596": "It’s what socialists like Bernie want, really.They want everyone broke and miserable", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00012-00011596-00012717": "They think we’ll be better off that way, apparently.But aren’t you sick of the far-left nutjobs saying wacko things like, “Trump is going to kill thousands of people”?", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00013-00012717-00013459": "He’s trying to fix a system that everyone knows is busted, and you’re telling the country he’s going to cause deaths?", "bUJSaZPPwTA-00014-00013459-00013741": "Just…stop"}}, {"audio_id": "bmmeNnKgzOg", "text": {"bmmeNnKgzOg-00000-00000571-00001198": "If Trump is good at anything, he’s good at picking the right people for the right job", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00001-00001198-00002104": "And firing people who are no longer fit for duty.Recently, he’s been cleaning house, firing top officials", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00002-00002104-00003016": "Why? Because they’re just not getting the job done.Trump is all about results. America entrusted him to run the best administration", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00003-00003016-00003872": "And he’s going to get it.After removing the Homeland Security leader Sunday, he’s sending another top official packing", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00004-00003872-00004721": "From The Hill:.President Trump is removing U.S. Secret Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles from his position", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00005-00004721-00006210": "Alles reports directly to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who resigned Sunday effective April 10, reportedly due to her resistance against White House directives to resume separating migrant children from their families", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00006-00006210-00007242": "Trump doesn’t play games. If you done screwed up, you gotta pay the piper.And that’s just what happened with Secret Service director Tex", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00007-00007242-00007932": "It looks like Tex may have shared Nielsen’s softer stance on immigration enforcement", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00008-00007932-00009227": "He may not have supported Trump’s goal of cracking down on the border.But there’s also speculation that his handling of the bizarre encounter at Mar-a-Lago was the straw that broke the camel’s back", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00009-00009227-00010196": "You may remember the incident. A Chinese woman made it into Trump’s club, only to be found carrying two passports and a device with malware", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00010-00010196-00011374": "You don’t have to guess at what she was up to. It’s very possible this woman was trying to infect computer’s at Trump’s “Second White House” with viruses in order to steal information", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00011-00011374-00012184": "How this woman even made it inside is a big question. A question, I’m assuming Tex wasn’t able to answer", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00012-00012184-00013383": "So, in Trump-like fashion, he got the boot.President Trump doesn’t play games. For years, we’ve gotten used to a White House that didn’t produce results", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00013-00013383-00014182": "It was the norm for politicians to talk big, but do nothing.Not in the Trump administration", "bmmeNnKgzOg-00014-00014182-00015562": "He is determined to make good on his promises.And he’s determined to have a Homeland Security that protects the American people, and a Secret Service that is free of scandal and protects the President"}}, {"audio_id": "crYXXXNhq-U", "text": {"crYXXXNhq-U-00000-00000513-00001772": "Donald Trump has never been one to pay attention during briefings (or even care to attend them), but the president’s recent behavior during intelligence briefings should startle and worry every American", "crYXXXNhq-U-00001-00001772-00002720": "It’s bad enough that staff have been forced to reduce briefing reports to bullet points to keep up with Trump’s toddler-like attention span", "crYXXXNhq-U-00002-00002720-00003582": "Trump has also been skipping briefings altogether in favor of tweeting and watching Fox News during his “executive time", "crYXXXNhq-U-00003-00003582-00004559": "” And now, as per a report by the New York Times, the president is completely uninterested in intelligence briefings about terrorist attacks", "crYXXXNhq-U-00004-00004559-00005460": "The NYT reported that Trump had been warned by briefers about hacking from Russia and China, but Trump doesn’t give a sh*t", "crYXXXNhq-U-00005-00005460-00006902": "The NYT wrote:.\"In an effort to accommodate President Trump, who has attacked them publicly as ‘naïve’ and in need of going ‘back to school,’ the nation’s intelligence agencies have revamped their presentations to focus on subjects their No", "crYXXXNhq-U-00006-00006902-00008266": "1 customer wants to hear about — economics and trade.”.Intelligence officers have stated that he doesn’t care about people being hurt, he only cares about who is winning and getting a financial advantage", "crYXXXNhq-U-00007-00008266-00009242": "Quoting career CIA official Douglas H. Wise, the NYT wrote:\"If Trump tailors it to his needs, that is fine and his prerogative", "crYXXXNhq-U-00008-00009242-00009927": "However, if he suppresses intelligence through that tailoring, that is not helpful", "crYXXXNhq-U-00009-00009927-00010786": "He is no longer making informed decisions because he is making decisions based on information he could have had but didn’t have", "crYXXXNhq-U-00010-00010786-00011740": "”.The fact that Trump is showing indifference to details about potential terrorist attacks or spy work in America is terrifying", "crYXXXNhq-U-00011-00011740-00012625": "Time and time again, we’ve seen the president humiliate this country by not knowing what the f*ck’s going on", "crYXXXNhq-U-00012-00012625-00013563": "And still, the president still hasn’t learned that it is his responsibility to protect and work in the best interest of the United States", "crYXXXNhq-U-00013-00013563-00014041": "He only cares about one thing — himself"}}, {"audio_id": "ctH604TZFnU", "text": {"ctH604TZFnU-00000-00000571-00001354": "Choosing inexperienced cronies for positions of influence and power is a running theme with “President” Donald Trump", "ctH604TZFnU-00001-00001354-00002621": "Choosing the inexperienced Patrick Shanahan to the position of acting Secretary of Defense is bad enough, but his nomination of Stephen Moore to the Federal Reserve Board is completely disgraceful", "ctH604TZFnU-00002-00002621-00003828": "As described by Binyamin Appelbaum of the New York Times, Stephen Moore is no expert, and would instead be a “loyalist” to Donald Trump, as Moore shares Trump’s “love of low interest rates", "ctH604TZFnU-00003-00003828-00004609": "”.Trump has repeatedly tweeted his dislike for the way that things are going at the Federal Reserve Board", "ctH604TZFnU-00004-00004609-00005790": "He has publicly threatened and insulted Jerome Powell, the Chair, for not bending to his will, and he blames Powell for “smothering economic growth” by raising interest rates", "ctH604TZFnU-00005-00005790-00006579": "The Federal Reserve studies the market and raises or lowers interest rates to achieve certain outcomes", "ctH604TZFnU-00006-00006579-00007331": "If growth needs to be boosted, the Board drops the interest rate to encourage purchasing and borrowing", "ctH604TZFnU-00007-00007331-00008295": "Alternatively, if growth occurs too quickly, the Board increases the rate to discourage consumers from taking on new credit", "ctH604TZFnU-00008-00008295-00009556": "One of the best examples of how this works occurred following the Great Recession (caused by ill-advised policies of the Bush administration), the Feds dropped the rate to zero to encourage buying", "ctH604TZFnU-00009-00009556-00010721": "Even as Trump touted the “great economy” throughout 2018 (which we all know he inherited from President Obama), the Feds increased the interest rate three times to slow growth", "ctH604TZFnU-00010-00010721-00011722": "This angered Trump to no end. Because he is unable to control Powell, he wants to put his lackey Moore on the board to directly battle Powell", "ctH604TZFnU-00011-00011722-00012816": "Trump, again, has no clue how all of this works. Most of his appointments speak to his narcissism, and Moore fits right into that scheme", "ctH604TZFnU-00012-00012816-00013671": "As an “expert” on the Federal Reserve board, Moore would resemble a broken shutter: He would wave in the breeze depending on what Trump wants", "ctH604TZFnU-00013-00013671-00015094": "My belief is supported by Mr. Appelbaum, who says that Moore’s “record is best characterized as inconsistent with any particular set of economic principles, but reliably faithful to the short-term interest of the Republican Party", "ctH604TZFnU-00014-00015094-00016552": "” That’s exactly what we need in this position, right? I don’t think so. Appelbaum shows an example of Moore’s policies during the Obama administration, when he claimed that “zero interest rates haven’t helped the economy", "ctH604TZFnU-00015-00016552-00017348": "” After Trump was elected, he reversed this to “insist that lower interest rates were just what the economy needed", "ctH604TZFnU-00016-00017348-00018592": "” How can you trust someone like this? His “advice” is going to change based on who occupies the presidency, making him far from a useful “advisor” of any type with respect to growth and the economy", "ctH604TZFnU-00017-00018592-00020251": ".As if his positions aren’t enough to disqualify Moore from the Board, the New York Times reported last week that he has $75,000 in unpaid federal taxes, interest, and penalties due to non-payment, and the IRS has a lien against him", "ctH604TZFnU-00018-00020251-00021003": "His failure to pay is based on his erroneous belief that child support is tax deductible", "ctH604TZFnU-00019-00021003-00022014": "And this is a man we need on the Federal Reserve Board? Again, I don’t think so.Donald Trump doesn’t choose people based on qualifications", "ctH604TZFnU-00020-00022014-00023262": "We all know that by now. He chooses based on who he thinks will be loyal to him, regardless of their suitability, and despite the fact that he’s never loyal to them in return", "ctH604TZFnU-00021-00023262-00023962": "In that respect, we can certainly understand why he would choose someone like Stephen Moore", "ctH604TZFnU-00022-00023962-00024809": "Luckily, he’s going to have to get past Congress, which, given his history and his unpaid taxes, may not happen"}}, {"audio_id": "cvhXjp-dvYU", "text": {"cvhXjp-dvYU-00000-00000571-00002266": "This weekend, in a move that was more presidential than anything Trump has done since the election, Speaker Nancy Pelosi participated in an “International Bridge Ceremony” in Laredo, TX with Mexican officials and dignitaries on a bridge connecting Mexico and the United States", "cvhXjp-dvYU-00001-00002266-00003656": "During the celebration, Pelosi was seen sharing a hug with a Mexican official as part of the ceremony, which was organized and hosted by the Washington’s Birthday Celebration Association of Laredo (WBCA)", "cvhXjp-dvYU-00002-00003656-00005469": "The organization chose to use George Washington’s birthday as the date for WBCA Celebration, (which is a month-long event held in Laredo, TX every February), in hopes that it “might offer the best of all cultures influencing the heritage of Laredo’s citizens,” according to the organization’s website", "cvhXjp-dvYU-00003-00005469-00006874": "The website also states that as part of the bridge ceremony, Mexican and American dignitaries and officials come together to share “abrazos,” or hugs, to symbolize “the amity and understanding between two neighboring nation", "cvhXjp-dvYU-00004-00006874-00007973": "”.Speaker Pelosi was invited to the ceremony by Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, who she thanked in a tweet that she posted on Saturday afternoon"}}, {"audio_id": "cyn7usc0Wwc", "text": {"cyn7usc0Wwc-00000-00000513-00001709": "Trump Quotes Greenpeace Co-Founder Blasting “Climate Crisis” as “Fake News”.Greenpeace hit back at President Trump and Patrick Moore, claiming Moore was not a “founder” of Greenpeace", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00001-00001709-00003020": "However, Moore clearly is a founder of Greenpeace.The BBC reported that Greenpeace has hit back against President Donald Trump for tweeting a climate change denial from a former member of the environmental group", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00002-00003020-00004159": "Mr Trump quoted Patrick Moore, who he claimed was a founder of Greenpeace, as saying: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00003-00004159-00004938": "”.Greenpeace said Mr Moore was not a founder, but a nuclear lobbyist who does not represent the group", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00004-00004938-00006476": "The Republican president has frequently cast doubt on climate change science.Co-founder of environmental organization Greenpeace Patrick Moore said Tuesday that the climate change crisis driving much of liberal politics today “is not only fake news", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00005-00006476-00007856": "It’s fake science.”.Moore also wondered during his appearance on “Fox & Friends” why people would be worried about global warming: “A little bit of warming would not be a bad thing, for myself being Canadian", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00006-00007856-00008621": "”.Moore bounced back into the climate change debate last week in an online feud with New York Democratic Rep", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00007-00008621-00009470": "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after he blasted her Green New Deal for being not ambitious but ridiculous", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00008-00009470-00011421": "“Well, it’s a silly plan; that’s why I suggested she was a pompous little twit, twit meaning silly in the British lexicon,” Moore told Fox, adding, “She really rubbed me the wrong way when she said she’s ‘the boss’ because she can make up a proposal that’s completely ridiculous, and nobody else did", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00009-00011421-00012931": "”.Moore, who now sits as a director on the CO2 Coalition, a group of American and Canadian scientists who refute man-made climate change, says carbon dioxide is “the main building block of all life” and that it is good for the environment", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00010-00012931-00014446": "“There is nothing to be afraid of.”.He doesn’t deny climate change. “Of course climate change is real: it’s been happening since the beginning of time but it’s not dangerous and it’s not created by people … a completely natural phenomenon", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00011-00014446-00015794": "”.Moore questioned why so many scientists who promote a climate change crisis receive “perpetual government grants,” insist “the science is settled and say people like myself should just shut up", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00012-00015794-00016449": "On the other hand, they keep studying it forever as if there’s something new to find out", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00013-00016449-00017160": "”.The former Greenpeace director says the organization has been “hijacked by the extreme left", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00014-00017160-00018560": "”.Getting back to the Green New Deal, Moore insisted the plan is a recipe for catastrophe: “You cannot do agriculture for 8 billion people, produce the food for 8 billion people without fossil fuels", "cyn7usc0Wwc-00015-00018560-00018660": "”"}}, {"audio_id": "cKY8vbrbKzA", "text": {"cKY8vbrbKzA-00000-00000571-00001571": "Lanny Davis, attorney for Michael Cohen, is speaking out now and he made the shocking revelation that he believes that Donald Trump Jr", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00001-00001571-00002478": "should be indicted for signing a check that Cohen alleged to be hush money to keep Stormy Daniels quiet about her affair with President Donald Trump", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00002-00002478-00003488": "In an interview with Hill.TV’s “Rising” hosts Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti on Monday, Davis had quite a lot to say about Trump Jr", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00003-00003488-00005260": ".“I do suggest, respectfully, that Donald Jr, based upon signing a hush money check for his father — out of a trust fund, by the way, that was set up to prevent any money being spent that would help Donald Trump while he was president — out of that trust fund is where the Donald Jr", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00004-00005260-00006323": "check was written, that is a crime… He should be, in my opinion, respectfully, indicted, based upon just the signing of that check,” Davis said", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00005-00006323-00008530": "Lanny Davis, attorney for Michael Cohen.Cohen, who testified in February, said that he gave Daniels $130,000 in payments prior to the 2016 presidential elections and he showed two checks in the amounts of $35,000 each, one signed by President Trump, and one signed by Allen Weisselberg, CFO of the Trump Organization", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00006-00008530-00009324": "President Trump denies the affair and claims that the payments were NOT in violation of campaign finance laws", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00007-00009324-00010304": "Cohen claims they were reimbursements for the payments he gave to Ms. Daniels.Davis said in the interview, “There’s no allegation or credibility issue here", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00008-00010304-00012328": "Federal prosecutors found that Donald Trump directed and coordinated an illegal hush money scheme and the payment of $35,000 a month… The payment of $35,000 a month was a payoff for what was a fictitious legal services retainer agreement, which the federal government prosecutors said never existed", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00009-00012328-00014224": "So this is not a matter in dispute.”.That check signed by our president is a fact that cannot be denied as a felony committed by the president of the United States, which, thanks to Michael Cohen and his testimony, is now before federal prosecutors… They can’t indict a president, but they can indict Don Jr", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00010-00014224-00015089": "because the second check was signed by Don Jr., the same $35,000 a month installment payment for the hush money", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00011-00015089-00016136": "”.Davis also disagrees with the punishment Cohen received and believes it should be reconsidered when compared to other penalties given for similar charges", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00012-00016136-00017652": "Cohen, who has been cooperating with Congress and the U.S. Attorney’s office, will report to prison in May to serve a three year sentence on a host of charges including lying to Congress, tax fraud, bank fraud, and more", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00013-00017652-00019493": "“The most important issue for me is why Mr. Cohen is serving this length of time for what, is compared to others who have not paid income taxes, a minor sum of $275,000 a year, whereas Floyd Mayweather didn’t pay $18 million a year, and got a civil penalty", "cKY8vbrbKzA-00014-00019493-00019593": "”"}}, {"audio_id": "chU3w5zcmjk", "text": {"chU3w5zcmjk-00000-00000513-00001406": "Donald Trump tapped into working America’s anger, frustration, and fear over their own futures and those of their children", "chU3w5zcmjk-00001-00001406-00002545": "Money-hungry corporations shipped the good jobs available with a high school diploma offshore, pulling people’s opportunity to join the middle class out from under them", "chU3w5zcmjk-00002-00002545-00004107": "Unfortunately, they believed POTUS’ lies with this consequence.A woman angrier than ever, because Trump has not come through but hoping against hope that he will, yelled into the microphone that she was willing to accept Trump as her “dictator:”", "chU3w5zcmjk-00003-00004107-00005350": "‘This is unbelievable:.‘Trump supporter At Steve Bannon’s Rally: “Never in my life did I think I’d like to see a dictator, but if there’s going to be one, I want it to be trump”‘", "chU3w5zcmjk-00004-00005350-00006683": "Clearly, Republicans have been a do-nothing Congress. What this woman did not realize was that they simply turned their power over to Trump, and Democrats have actually been trying to protect her", "chU3w5zcmjk-00005-00006683-00007628": "Like the child of an abusive parent, this woman hopes that the president will protect her against the abuse he has poured over democracy", "chU3w5zcmjk-00006-00007628-00008286": "If that meant total surrender of all of her rights, then she was willing to have him as her dictator", "chU3w5zcmjk-00007-00008286-00009540": "She still believed POTUS’ lies about the Democrats and his fictitious memorial wall along the nation’s southern border, because it was easier to blame a shadowy enemy than the enemy at home", "chU3w5zcmjk-00008-00009540-00010546": "At a Steve Bannon rally, she shouted:.‘I am so upset that we’ve got so much trash that is supposedly representing us in Washington!’", "chU3w5zcmjk-00009-00010546-00011588": "Former 2016 Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon presented a surprising voice of reason, saying that she could elect the Congress she wanted:", "chU3w5zcmjk-00010-00011588-00012983": "‘You can take the trash out.’.However, the tormented woman was not finished:.‘Never in my life did I think I’d like to see a dictator. But if there’s going to be one, I want it to be Trump!’", "chU3w5zcmjk-00011-00012983-00013430": "The room applauded her. Bannon smiled"}}, {"audio_id": "cinl9lrDtMu", "text": {"cinl9lrDtMu-00000-00000571-00001723": "President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen has testified that President Trump directed him to lie to Congress about Trump’s business dealings with Russia during the campaign", "cinl9lrDtMu-00001-00001723-00002708": "The weakness of the accusation is that Cohen does not seem to have any evidence, other than his own testimony, that the conversation took place", "cinl9lrDtMu-00002-00002708-00003413": "But now CNN reports that Cohen has evidence of Trump obstructing justice by dangling a pardon", "cinl9lrDtMu-00003-00003413-00004544": "And this time he has proof. .AS reported by CNN, Robert Costello, an attorney working with Rudy Giuliani, emailed Cohen on April 21", "cinl9lrDtMu-00004-00004544-00005281": "The emails assured Cohen he could “sleep well tonight” because he had “friends in high places", "cinl9lrDtMu-00005-00005281-00006260": "”.This is a really, really big deal. The power to pardon convicted criminals for federal crimes is a legitimate use of presidential authority", "cinl9lrDtMu-00006-00006260-00007425": "Whether it’s legitimate for the president to use this power to pardon criminals who committed crimes on his behalf, or might have otherwise testified against him, is a subject of intense debate", "cinl9lrDtMu-00007-00007425-00008115": "What’s not a subject of intense debate is whether a president can dangle a pardon", "cinl9lrDtMu-00008-00008115-00009483": "As Alex Whiting explained, the argument for why a president can pardon his own subordinates is that it’s a public act, and the voters can examine the facts and look at whether the president acted corruptly in issuing the pardon", "cinl9lrDtMu-00009-00009483-00010510": "“As long as it remained secret,” he notes, “it could be done without incurring any of the political downstream consequences that come with actually pardoning someone''", "cinl9lrDtMu-00010-00010510-00011174": "But the emails would be powerful evidence of an undeniable act of obstruction of justice", "cinl9lrDtMu-00011-00011174-00011821": "To begin with, Costello might be asked to testify to Congress about it pretty soon", "cinl9lrDtMu-00012-00011821-00012519": "According to The New York Times, federal prosecutors have requested copies of the emails", "cinl9lrDtMu-00013-00012519-00013483": "It also adds that, after the “friends in high places line,” Costello wrote, “Some very positive comments about you from the White House", "cinl9lrDtMu-00014-00013483-00014266": "Rudy noted how that followed my chat with him last night.” That doesn’t sound like counseling a depressed friend", "cinl9lrDtMu-00015-00014266-00014872": "It sounds a lot like floating a pardon in return for keeping your mouth shut"}}, {"audio_id": "ckEK6vvNdCk", "text": {"ckEK6vvNdCk-00000-00000571-00001582": "We all know by now that Donald Trump is refusing to release his tax returns, something no candidate for president had done since 1976", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00001-00001582-00002794": "He’s made excuse after excuse, with his main excuse being that he’s under audit and will release them as soon as that is over, but anyone actually paying attention knows that just wont happen", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00002-00002794-00005166": "Now, however, Crain’s New York managed to get a copy of the following quarterly property tax bill to Trump from the city of New York’s Department of Finance:HOT TOPIC Trump refuses to release his taxes, but his NYC finance records are an interesting discovery We all know by now that Donald Trump is refusing to release his tax returns, something no candidate for president had done since 1976", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00003-00005166-00006378": "He’s made excuse after excuse, with his main excuse being that he’s under audit and will release them as soon as that is over, but anyone actually paying attention knows that just wont happen", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00004-00006378-00007352": "Now, however, Crain’s New York managed to get a copy of the following quarterly property tax bill to Trump from the city of New York’s Department of Finance:", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00005-00007352-00008919": "The Washington Post notes that “in order to get the STAR credit highlighted in the statement, you must own your own home, it must be your primary residence, and you and your spouse don’t make a combined income of over $500,000 per year", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00006-00008919-00009998": "”.“There’s also a STAR credit for those who make under $84,550 and are at least 65 years of age, which Trump is", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00007-00009998-00011004": "This means, then, that Trump’s income for the 2014 tax year would have been between $84,550 and $500,000", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00008-00011004-00011962": "”.This may seem shockingly low for someone who claims to be a billionaire. Trump’s finances are clearly confusing and murky at best", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00009-00011962-00012699": "For consistency, Crain’s found the same tax credit in other years’ statements to Trump as well", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00010-00012699-00014041": "Trump could release his tax returns and clear up a lot of the confusion around his finances, but he will not do that because there are obviously things in there that are shady and unethical that he doesn’t want anyone to see", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00011-00014041-00014689": "Can we trust someone who is so secretive to be our president? What are you hiding, Mr", "ckEK6vvNdCk-00012-00014689-00014950": "Trump?"}}, {"audio_id": "d8u1iNmbp_M", "text": {"d8u1iNmbp_M-00000-00000513-00001793": "The Democratic National Committee has chosen Milwaukee as the site of the Democratic National Convention in July 2020, the committee announced Monday after sources confirmed the pick to CNN", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00001-00001793-00002906": "The decision means the world of Democratic politics will head to Wisconsin, a state the party failed to win during the 2016 election, to pick their 2020 nominee", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00002-00002906-00003802": "The move is a signal that the party believes winning back the upper Midwest could be central to their plans to oust President Donald Trump", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00003-00003802-00004857": "\"This choice is a statement of our values, and I'm thrilled Milwaukee will host the 2020 Democratic National Convention,\" DNC chairman Tom Perez said", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00004-00004857-00005573": "\"The Democratic Party is the party of working people, and Milwaukee is a city of working people", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00005-00005573-00006591": "We saw in this last election what we can accomplish when we come together, invest, and fight for working people, and that was proven right here in Wisconsin", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00006-00006591-00007328": "\".Milwaukee was one of three finalists and the city defeated Miami Beach and Houston", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00007-00007328-00007997": "\"I want to thank the leaders in Houston and Miami for all their hard work throughout this process", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00008-00007997-00008835": "They both put forward competitive proposals that I'm sure will lead them to hosting future conventions,\" Perez said", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00009-00008835-00010541": "According to one Democratic source familiar with the process, Houston made a strong pitch and the logistics of the event would have worked, but it wasn't picked because of a dispute between Mayor Sylvester Turner and Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association, the fire fighters union in the Texas city", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00010-00010541-00011818": "The same aide said logistics were the primary issue for Miami Beach.\"This is a great day for the city of Milwaukee and for the state of Wisconsin,\" Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said in a statement", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00011-00011818-00012638": "\"Milwaukee is a first-class city, and we are ready to showcase Milwaukee on one of the largest stages in the world", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00012-00012638-00013903": "\".The Democratic National Convention is slated to take place from July 13 to July 16, 2020, almost two weeks earlier than the 2016 convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00013-00013903-00014558": "Democrats moved the convention up out of anticipation of a crowded and contentious primary", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00014-00014558-00015880": "\"The Democratic Party is committed to organizing everywhere and holding the convention in mid-July allows us to continue our work doing exactly that,\" Perez said in a statement when he announced the early convention", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00015-00015880-00016906": "\"My priority is to ensure that the 2020 nominating process is the most open, fair, transparent and inclusive in our party's history", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00016-00016906-00017896": "\".So far, over a dozen Democrats are running for President and a handful more, including Vice President Joe Biden and former Rep", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00017-00017896-00018876": "Beto O'Rourke, are considering a bid.An earlier convention also allows the eventual nominee to spend general election funds earlier in the race", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00018-00018876-00020219": "While candidates can raise money for both their primary and the general election during the primary, they cannot spend the general election money until they secure the nomination, according to Federal Election Commission rules", "d8u1iNmbp_M-00019-00020219-00021256": "Republicans will host their national convention more than a month later in Charlotte, North Carolina, from August 24 to August 27, 2020"}}, {"audio_id": "drqWd0tfaAg", "text": {"drqWd0tfaAg-00000-00000000-00000200": "rasel badboy69"}}, {"audio_id": "dFMfDHX8Q4k", "text": {"dFMfDHX8Q4k-00000-00000513-00001377": "President Donald Trump claims that Jewish Americans, who are traditionally staunch supporters of the Democratic Party, are leaving it", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00001-00001377-00002258": "A look at the polling data finds, however, that Jewish Americans continue overwhelmingly to be Democrats and opposed to Trump", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00002-00002258-00003041": "Jewish Americans voted for the Democratic Party by about a 3:1 margin in the 2018 midterm elections", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00003-00003041-00004580": "This was true whether you looked at the exit poll data, a large pre-election study of Jewish Americans for the non-partisan American Jewish Committee conducted by SSRS (who conducts CNN's national polls) or other non-partisan studies", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00004-00004580-00005343": "Other polls for partisan organizations with large sample sizes also back up these findings", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00005-00005343-00006236": "In the exit poll, Jewish voters backed the Democratic candidate for Congress by a 79% to 17% margin", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00006-00006236-00006850": "Jewish Americans are far more likely to call themselves Democrats than Republicans", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00007-00006850-00007887": "In the 2018 exit poll, 64% of Jewish voters identified as Democrats compared to only 10% who called themselves Republican", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00008-00007887-00009104": "The SSRS pre-election poll put the Democratic identification advantage among Jewish Americans at a slightly less impressive but still quite large 51% to 16%", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00009-00009104-00009788": "The rest of the voters either identified as either independent or not with any party", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00010-00009788-00010747": "Further, when it comes to party identification, Jewish Americans are just as Democratic as they were before Trump became president", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00011-00010747-00011732": "In the 2016 SSRS poll, 51% of Jewish Americans were Democrats compared to 18% who were Republicans", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00012-00011732-00012552": "That's the same percentage who were Democrats in 2018, while Republicans actually saw a 2-point drop", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00013-00012552-00014127": "Polls indicate Jewish Americans aren't fans of Trump. The 2018 exit poll, Gallup in 2017 and SSRS in 2018 all put his approval or favorable rating at 26% or lower among Jewish Americans", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00014-00014127-00015389": "His disapproval and unfavorable rating among Jewish Americans is north of 70%, while his strongly disapprove or strongly unfavorable is higher than 60%", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00015-00015389-00016886": "The data also doesn't appear to show that Jews are voting more Republican. The Democratic vote share among Jewish Americans was, if anything, higher in the 2018 House vote than it was in the 2016 presidential vote", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00016-00016886-00017959": "Comparing the 2016 and 2018 exit poll, the Jewish American vote going Democratic rose from 71% to 79%", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00017-00017959-00018907": "According to SSRS, it rose from 67% to 74% after taking out those who said they wouldn't vote", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00018-00018907-00020177": "Another way to look at it is a longer time trend. The Pew Research Center has collected data on party identification among various groups, including Jewish Americans, since the 1990s", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00019-00020177-00021290": "Their last report published in 2018 noted that the Democratic Party advantage over the Republican Party among Jewish Americans has \"little changed over the last decade", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00020-00021290-00022233": "\".In fact, we can go all the way back to 1994, when Pew first has data on the party identification of Jewish Americans", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00021-00022233-00023275": "In that year, 49% of Jewish Americans called themselves Democrats when asked whether they were Democratic, Republican or independent", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00022-00023275-00024186": "That's about the same as the 51% of Jewish Americans who called themselves Democrats in the 2018 SSRS poll", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00023-00024186-00025239": "Now, Jewish Americans are not a monolithic group. Reform Jewish Americans are even more Democratic leaning than the average Jewish American", "dFMfDHX8Q4k-00024-00025239-00026422": "Orthodox Jewish Americans are far more likely to be Republican than Democratic.But when it comes to the average Jewish American, she or he remains strongly Democratic"}}, {"audio_id": "dGmNAl1nZh8", "text": {"dGmNAl1nZh8-00000-00000571-00001851": "Former 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said he thinks a Republican should challenge President Donald Trump in next year's election, arguing the party \"ought to be a given a choice", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00001-00001851-00003282": "\".\"I think someone should run. Just because Republicans ought to be given a choice,\" said Bush, who also served as the governor of Florida, in an interview with David Axelrod that will air Saturday on \"The Axe Files", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00002-00003282-00004241": "\" He added that beating Trump in 2020 will be difficult for anyone because \"he has a strong, loyal base\" and \"it's hard to beat a sitting president", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00003-00004241-00004957": "\".\"But to have a conversation about what it is to be a conservative I think is important,\" he added", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00004-00004957-00006189": "\"And our country needs to have competing ideologies that people -- that are dynamic, that focus on the world we're in and the world we're moving towards rather than revert back to a nostalgic time", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00005-00006189-00007532": "\".Bush's comments came as he was discussing Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan, whose inauguration speech in January caused some to question whether or not he was eyeing a 2020 bid", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00006-00007532-00009112": "In his own speech at the inauguration, Bush lauded Hogan, regarding him as being \"at the top of a list of leaders that I admire today because what's happening here in Annapolis is the antithesis of what's happening in Washington, DC, these days", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00007-00009112-00010729": "\".\"I didn't realize I was part of his pre-campaign,\" Bush quipped during his interview with Axelrod, adding that when he heard the speech, \"I kind of got a sense that maybe this was an opening, at least, for (Hogan) to consider (a presidential run)", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00008-00010729-00011826": "\".In the weeks following his inauguration, Hogan, a moderate Republican, told CNN he hasn't closed the door to challenging Trump in a Republican primary", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00009-00011826-00012738": "\"People are talking to me about it,\" he said at the the time. \"I'm flattered people are saying that and including me in those discussions", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00010-00012738-00013754": "My focus, my plan right now is to stay here for four years and do the best job I can in Maryland, but I've said, 'You never say never", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00011-00013754-00015692": "' Who knows what's going to happen.\".Bush didn't say whether or not he's spoken to Hogan about a potential run, instead offering advice to Republicans ahead of the election by telling Axelrod that the party needs to \"offer a compelling alternative\" to Democratic ideas rather than just calling their ideas \"bad", "dGmNAl1nZh8-00012-00015692-00015792": "\""}}, {"audio_id": "dRryVx7r0aE", "text": {"dRryVx7r0aE-00000-00000571-00001535": "This would make for a good line in a movie script but in the reality we inhabit, it’s highly unlikely that anything like this will happen", "dRryVx7r0aE-00001-00001535-00003112": "The idea to make the notorious Mexican drug lord El Chapo pay for Trump’s border wall represents Senator Ted Cruz’ latest attempt to stay relevant by trying to help his “president” Donald Trump to keep a mad promise made on the campaign trail", "dRryVx7r0aE-00002-00003112-00004954": "After Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán was convicted in federal court in Brooklyn on February 12, Cruz urged his fellow lawmakers to pass a bill the Texas Senator had introduced in April 2017 under the somewhat cumbersome title “Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order", "dRryVx7r0aE-00003-00004954-00005790": "” The fact that the acronym of the bill’s title reads “EL CHAPO” is good for a laugh but that’s about all there is to it", "dRryVx7r0aE-00004-00005790-00007242": "While it is true that the U.S. government is seeking $14 billion from Guzmán, based on a DOJ estimate of the Sinaloa cartel’s activities, chances of ever getting hold of the cartel boss’ hidden assets are minimal", "dRryVx7r0aE-00005-00007242-00008049": "That money has been carefully laundered and hidden, most likely on Mexican soil and not in the United States", "dRryVx7r0aE-00006-00008049-00010053": "Ted Cruz’s bill – if it ever became a law – would represent a departure from the standard practice of depositing the seized assets of convicted drug traffickers into the Department of Justice’s Assets Forfeiture Fund through which the money is then allocated to various law enforcement activities, such as training, equipment and investigations", "dRryVx7r0aE-00007-00010053-00011192": "The Texas Senator is probably aware of the fact that his idea of directing El Chapo’s forfeited assets toward the construction of the border wall is just a publicity stunt", "dRryVx7r0aE-00008-00011192-00012931": "What Donald Trump knows and understands about any of this is anybody’s guess.However, it appears that Trump’s confidence in making a Mexican pay for the wall he campaigned on seems to be so low that he has set his sights – again – on having American taxpayers foot the bill", "dRryVx7r0aE-00009-00012931-00014149": "After the master dealmaker’s failure to secure funding for his favorite project from Congress, the next is his declaration of a national emergency – a move that is already being challenged in court", "dRryVx7r0aE-00010-00014149-00015429": "Given that he cannot get his hands on Guzmán’s money, perhaps Donald Trump should seek a private interview with “El Chapo” to at least get some useful tips from the notorious jailbreaker for the future"}}, {"audio_id": "deYG5xuSG8k", "text": {"deYG5xuSG8k-00000-00000571-00001793": "The Trump administration quietly shut down a US intelligence unit focusing on domestic terrorism, despite an uptick in right-wing domestic terrorism in 2017 and 2018", "deYG5xuSG8k-00001-00001793-00002830": "According to The Daily Beast, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) dismantled its intelligence group a year ago and never announced it", "deYG5xuSG8k-00002-00002830-00003974": "Former intelligence officials say the intelligence unit could have studied violent threats like the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and attempted bombing of Democrats and media figures", "deYG5xuSG8k-00003-00003974-00004808": "The group produced reports about domestic terrorists and violent extremists from within the borders of the United States", "deYG5xuSG8k-00004-00004808-00005429": "It also provided local law enforcement communities with guidance on how to handle them", "deYG5xuSG8k-00005-00005429-00006508": "The Trump administration reportedly reassigned everyone in the group, within the DHS’s Intelligence and Analysis department, to different positions within the DHS", "deYG5xuSG8k-00006-00006508-00008405": "Former intelligence officials told the Daily Beast that the group, were it still functioning, would have analyzed the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that left 11 people dead, the attempted bombing of Democrats and media members by a supporter of President Donald Trump, and the shooting of Republican members of Congress", "deYG5xuSG8k-00007-00008405-00009267": "All of those threats were carried out by people living within the United States with extremist right-wing ideologies", "deYG5xuSG8k-00008-00009267-00011484": "Nate Snyder, a former DHS official who oversaw department policies and studied violent extremism, said that ending the intelligence group undercuts claims by Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen that the United States is taking great measures to combat extremist attacks —Trump himself has said he doesn’t think white nationalism is a rising threat", "deYG5xuSG8k-00009-00011484-00013592": "“You hear the secretary and this administration say how domestic terrorism is a clear priority and how resources will be bolstered, but you can’t say that and then all of a sudden get rid of the unit that’s there to detect threats and share information with our first responders, law enforcement, and federal partners,” Snyder told the Daily Beast", "deYG5xuSG8k-00010-00013592-00013903": "“You can’t have it both ways.”"}}, {"audio_id": "diqeaKnlI7u", "text": {}}, {"audio_id": "eqa95vUnC8g", "text": {"eqa95vUnC8g-00000-00000571-00001634": "Donald Trump and his new handpicked Attorney General William Barr are clearly desperate to keep the Mueller report suppressed, and it’s not difficult to parse why", "eqa95vUnC8g-00001-00001634-00003094": "Even Barr’s own glowingly misleading “summary” has given away that the report includes comprehensive evidence that Trump has committed serious crimes – and when it becomes public, House Democrats can use it as a basis for impeachment", "eqa95vUnC8g-00002-00003094-00003768": "Even as this plays out, Trump suddenly has a new kind of impeachable scandal on his hands", "eqa95vUnC8g-00003-00003768-00004727": "Earlier today, NBC News buried the lede in a lengthy online article about Donald Trump’s National Intelligence Director Dan Coats", "eqa95vUnC8g-00004-00004727-00006432": "Way down around the twentieth paragraph, the article reveals that whenever Coats tried to brief Trump in early 2017, Trump would use it as an opportunity to push the conspiracy theory that President Obama had somehow wiretapped Trump Tower during the election", "eqa95vUnC8g-00005-00006432-00007911": "But Trump took things even further.According to the NBC article, “Trump believed it was Coats’s responsibility to come up with conclusive proof he had been wiretapped, make it public and criticize the alleged eavesdropping", "eqa95vUnC8g-00006-00007911-00008608": "” This was after Coats had already repeatedly told Trump that was no proof of any such thing", "eqa95vUnC8g-00007-00008608-00009747": "You may or may not be able to make an argument here that when Trump told Coats that he was supposed to “come up” with evidence, he was instructing Coats to manufacture such evidence", "eqa95vUnC8g-00008-00009747-00010374": "But whether this can be framed as an actual crime or not, it’s absolutely impeachable", "eqa95vUnC8g-00009-00010374-00011304": "Earlier today, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told a gang of reporters that “Impeachment is not on the table until it is on the table", "eqa95vUnC8g-00010-00011304-00012921": "” While there is every reason to expect that the Mueller report will produce a boatload of impeachable evidence against Donald Trump, these new details about Trump and Obama are a reminder that impeachment doesn’t have to hinge solely on the Mueller report, damning as it may be", "eqa95vUnC8g-00011-00012921-00013921": "House Democrats will continue exposing Trump’s crimes and scandals until he’s no longer politically tenable – then he’ll be gone"}}, {"audio_id": "eILfBmOr7To", "text": {"eILfBmOr7To-00000-00000571-00001443": "This will be Donald’s official TRUMP card.Our President has been fighting the war on illegal immigration since Day 1", "eILfBmOr7To-00001-00001443-00002342": "It constantly threatens countless lives of our citizens.Donald Trump is in the fight of his life trying to defend the U", "eILfBmOr7To-00002-00002342-00003178": "S. in this illegal immigration crisis, with obstructionist Democrats and the mainstream media trying to stop him", "eILfBmOr7To-00003-00003178-00004063": "For these reasons (and many others), Trump needs all the help he can get—and that’s why he’s about to use his secret weapon", "eILfBmOr7To-00004-00004063-00005468": "From the Associated Press.“…President Donald Trump is considering bringing on a ‘border’ or ‘immigration czar’ to coordinate immigration policy across various federal agencies, according to four people familiar with the discussions", "eILfBmOr7To-00005-00005468-00006187": "“.A “border czar?” Trump has never had a “czar” before, unlike his predecessor, who had plenty", "eILfBmOr7To-00006-00006187-00006968": "These are men and women with almost unlimited executive power from the President to get something done", "eILfBmOr7To-00007-00006968-00007811": "Why would Trump want one now?.Probably because he’s sick and tired of people not following his orders", "eILfBmOr7To-00008-00007811-00008496": "I think he wants to ensure our agencies actually react when the President issues an order", "eILfBmOr7To-00009-00008496-00009159": "And right now, Trump appears to be eyeing two possible candidates for this important job", "eILfBmOr7To-00010-00009159-00009982": "One is former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, and the other is former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli", "eILfBmOr7To-00011-00009982-00010706": "Both are friends to conservatives, and both share the President’s hard-nosed stance on illegal immigration", "eILfBmOr7To-00012-00010706-00011458": ".Remember, Trump is currently threatening to shut down our country’s southern border, and for obvious reasons", "eILfBmOr7To-00013-00011458-00012153": "The crisis has reached its breaking point, as border authorities have been saying for months", "eILfBmOr7To-00014-00012153-00013320": "Thousands upon thousands of illegals continue to pour into the U.S. and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is increasingly powerless to stop the invasion", "eILfBmOr7To-00015-00013320-00013989": "So, Trump needs to buckle down, and hiring this “czar” might be an excellent idea", "eILfBmOr7To-00016-00013989-00014767": ".In the past, Presidents appointed “czars” when there’s an “urgent need” for inter-agency coordination", "eILfBmOr7To-00017-00014767-00015919": "And THAT’S what we need right now: governmental coordination.We ALSO need Trump’s orders to be acted on; sitting on our hands isn’t doing American citizens any favors", "eILfBmOr7To-00018-00015919-00016747": "When you’re at war, you must hire extremely strong and effective personnel … and that’s exactly what this “border czar” should be"}}, {"audio_id": "eMY6Bfpt1Bk", "text": {"eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00000-00000571-00001982": "A new report revealed on Wednesday that the lobbying firm owned by former Secretary of State Michael Flynn turned in thousands of documents to the House Judiciary Committee that could be potential evidence into possible crimes committed by Donald Trump", "eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00001-00001982-00003195": "According to Politico, the Flynn Intel Group, which is owned by Flynn himself, turned in “several thousand pages of documents” to the House Judiciary Committee late Monday night", "eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00002-00003195-00004507": "The documents Flynn submitted “matched the files he also turned over to the House and Senate Intelligence Committee investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election,” sources on the panel told the website", "eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00003-00004507-00005419": ".Politico also noted that other “individuals and entities” turned in over 8,000 pages of documents requested by the committee", "eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00004-00005419-00006432": "The documents came from the National Rifle Association, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon and current Trump confidant Tom Barrack among others", "eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00005-00006432-00007744": "“Brittany Kaiser, a former employee of onetime Trump campaign data firm Cambridge Analytica, confirmed through an attorney that she had shipped documents to the panel on Monday,” the report added"}}, {"audio_id": "eShAZLiK-vY", "text": {}}, {"audio_id": "eXB8zXJDYkc", "text": {"eXB8zXJDYkc-00000-00000513-00001466": "President Trump said in an interview released Monday that he does not want any immigrants to come to the United States who would be on welfare", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00001-00001466-00002109": "“I don’t want to have anyone coming in that’s on welfare,” Trump told Breitbart News", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00002-00002109-00003381": "“We owe a lot of money. We’re taking care of everybody in the world’s military. But now as you know I got over $100 billion from NATO countries,\" Trump said in the interview", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00003-00003381-00004081": "\"But that’s not enough, that’s not enough, we’re paying for massive portions of NATO", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00004-00004081-00005661": "\".Trump's comments came in response to questions citing a report by the Center for Immigration Studies that said \"63 percent of households headed by a non-citizen reported that they used at least one welfare program\" in 2014", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00005-00005661-00007056": "However, some critics have challenged the numbers. The think tank describes itself as an \"independent, non-partisan, non-profit, research organization\" and has the slogan \"low-immigration, pro-immigrant", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00006-00007056-00008098": "\".Trump accused politicians and Democrats of being weak or having vested interests in allowing immigrants needing welfare assistance to come into the country", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00007-00008098-00009540": "“We have a problem, because we have politicians that are not strong, or they have bad intentions, or they want to get votes, because they think if they come in they’re going to vote Democrat, you know, for the most part,\" Trump said", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00008-00009540-00011374": "Speaking about the Democrats, he added, “They’ll take anybody into this country and we’re not allowing it, but because of the success of the country economically, some people say—I blame myself, but that’s a good blame not a bad blame—but because of the country’s success and you need workers here", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00009-00011374-00012280": "”.He continued: “You do need workers. You have homes in Houston, and they can’t get people to build the homes—and lots of other places", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00010-00012280-00013082": "But because of what’s happened, and because of the people coming up, they want them to come in and they don’t care how they come in", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00011-00013082-00014219": "”.The president concluded: “I don’t like the idea of people coming in and going on welfare for 50 years, and that’s what they want to be able to do—and it’s no good", "eXB8zXJDYkc-00012-00014219-00014319": "”"}}, {"audio_id": "eYdP7Rs68o0", "text": {"eYdP7Rs68o0-00000-00000571-00002133": "FBI special counsel Robert Mueller could hand in his report into allegations members of the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 US presidential election as early as next week, according to reports on Wednesday", "eYdP7Rs68o0-00001-00002133-00004139": "As that report was hypothesised about, Donald Trump’s former confidant, the flamboyant political consultant Roger Stone, appeared in court after posting an image on Instagram appearing to threaten a US district judge overseeing his criminal trial, itself instigated by Mr Mueller’s investigation", "eYdP7Rs68o0-00002-00004139-00005341": "The judge, who he repeatedly apologised to, then issued a full gag order on him and warned him that he would not be given another chance to keep his freedom as he awaits trial", "eYdP7Rs68o0-00003-00005341-00006879": "House Democrats will meanwhile file a resolution tomorrow against Mr Trump’s controversial decision to declare a national emergency over illegal immigration from the southwestern border in order to bypass Congress and get his wall built", "eYdP7Rs68o0-00004-00006879-00008295": "As all of that Washington drama swirled, Mr Trump weighed in on a number of issues on Thursday, including the case of Empire actor Jussie Smollett, who was charged in Chicago on Thursday for filing a false police report", "eYdP7Rs68o0-00005-00008295-00009912": "\"What about MAGA and the tens of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments!?\" the president tweeted, referring to Smollett's claims that he was attacked by two men who told him he was in \"MAGA country\", referring to the president's popular slogan", "eYdP7Rs68o0-00006-00009912-00010565": "Chicago police have said that Smollett's attack was staged and orchestrated by the actor", "eYdP7Rs68o0-00007-00010565-00011565": "The White House also detailed on Thursday the president's upcoming trip to Vietnam, where he will have his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un", "eYdP7Rs68o0-00008-00011565-00011931": "That summit is scheduled for next week"}}, {"audio_id": "ekrLyoyYwp0", "text": {"ekrLyoyYwp0-00000-00000571-00001250": "Despite his erratic and unstable nature, Donald Trump is largely a man of patterns", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00001-00001250-00002031": "In fact he seems so at home with his patterns, he doesn’t appear to even know he’s engaging in them", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00002-00002031-00002979": "For instance, while he hurls cheap insults at all of his adversaries, he consistently accuses his black adversaries of being unintelligent", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00003-00002979-00003998": "But something just shifted.Whenever Donald Trump wants to lash out at an African American public figure, he nearly always does so by calling them a dummy", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00004-00003998-00004977": "Democratic Chairwoman Maxine Waters is a low IQ individual. CNN host Don Lemon is a low IQ individual", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00005-00004977-00005978": "Basketball star LeBron James is a low IQ individual. We all know what the commonality is here in Trump’s deranged mind", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00006-00005978-00006983": "But over the past few weeks, Trump’s lack of intellect and cognitive ability has come directly under fire, and his attack pattern has shifted accordingly", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00007-00006983-00008094": "First, Michael Cohen testified that Donald Trump’s grades and SAT scores are so bad, he sent threatening letters to everyone who might have been in position to publish them", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00008-00008094-00008890": "Then Trump unwittingly played into the stereotype by referring to Apple CEO Tim Cook as “Tim Apple", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00009-00008890-00009643": "” Okay, so Trump was a poor student, he isn’t particularly bright, and he frequently misspeaks", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00010-00009643-00010531": "So what?.When Donald Trump attacked John McCain over the weekend, he insisted that McCain was “last in his class” at Annapolis", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00011-00010531-00011542": "Hmm, so Trump suddenly cares about other people’s grades. Then after Joe Biden got a bit tongue tied, Trump tweeted that Biden was a “low I", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00012-00011542-00012926": "Q. individual.” Wait a minute here.Trump has expanded beyond his default racist position of attacking the intelligence of black people, and he’s now making a point of attacking the intelligence of white men", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00013-00012926-00014261": "We think we know what’s going on here. Before, it was just a matter of Trump being racist enough to think that black people are dumb, and his base being racist enough to eat up the stereotype", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00014-00014261-00014895": "But Trump has always viewed other white men as being on his own plane of existence", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00015-00014895-00015964": "Now that one incident after another is shining a light on Trump’s lack of intellect, he’s lashing out at his fellow white men, because he sees them as his real competition", "ekrLyoyYwp0-00016-00015964-00016275": "Racist is as racist does"}}, {"audio_id": "frKOD_JxOuU", "text": {"frKOD_JxOuU-00000-00000571-00001506": "On Thursday, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was turned over from the Ecuadorian embassy he’d been living in to the London police", "frKOD_JxOuU-00001-00001506-00002684": "The arrest has reignited the conversation about how involved Assange and Wikileaks were in the Russian interference scandal that helped Donald Trump win the 2016 Presidential election", "frKOD_JxOuU-00002-00002684-00004565": "MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow easily connected the dots on her show:.“Between on or about October 7th and November 7th, ‘organization one,’ WikiLeaks, released approximately 33 trenches of documents that had been stolen from the chairman of the Clinton campaign,” Maddow explained", "frKOD_JxOuU-00003-00004565-00006764": "“In total over 50,000 stolen documents were released. So Wikileaks is the entity, according to prosecutors that with Russian military intelligence used to get the best stuff that would hurt Clinton the most, soliciting specific stuff about Hillary that would hurt Hillary the most, specifically both in terms of the timing and the content of what they wanted", "frKOD_JxOuU-00004-00006764-00009178": "”.“During the time that Wikileaks was liasioning with the Russians, Wikileaks was also in direct contact with the president’s eldest son, Don Junior, advising him on how to better circulate the documents that the GRU had stolen for maximum impact — what link exactly his father should mention and that he should tweet out to make sure that the Russian documents got the widest distribution,” she continued", "frKOD_JxOuU-00005-00009178-00010445": "“Don Junior appears to have been psyched about that particular outreach and posted exactly what they told him to post, posted that link exactly as they told him to post it,”Maddow explained", "frKOD_JxOuU-00006-00010445-00011466": "“Wikileaks also gave the Trump campaign, they gave Don Jr login information for a website criticizing Trump’s friendliness toward Putin", "frKOD_JxOuU-00007-00011466-00012310": "Wikileaks gave Don Jr. a heads up that that website was about to launch. on that one Don Jr", "frKOD_JxOuU-00008-00012310-00012968": "appears to have been forwarded that information to lots of other people on the campaign", "frKOD_JxOuU-00009-00012968-00015040": "on Election Day, Wikileaks sent this note to Don Jr. quote, ‘Hi, Don. if your father loses, we think it is much more interesting, we think it is much more interesting if he does not concede and spends time challenging the media and other types of vote rigging that occurred as he has implied that he might do", "frKOD_JxOuU-00010-00015040-00015844": "election day. If your father, quote, loses, we think it’s much more interesting if he doesn’t concede", "frKOD_JxOuU-00011-00015844-00015944": "”"}}, {"audio_id": "fsCM_uVwLXQ", "text": {"fsCM_uVwLXQ-00000-00000571-00002590": "What’s really going on right now? You tell me. Just how bad is the Mueller report for Donald Trump? How soon will the forces of the universe force it to become public? Has Trump been acting so derangedly this week because he truly thinks he’s off the hook for good, or because he thinks he’s merely off the hook for the moment?", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00001-00002590-00003460": ".Welcome to the strangest black hole yet in the DonaldTrump debacle. Even Trump doesn’t seem to know what to make of it anymore", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00002-00003460-00004729": "His initial enthusiasm over his “exoneration” has faded as the week has gone on, with his initial bombast giving way to more middling tweets, and this morning he didn’t have anything to say at all", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00003-00004729-00006328": "Sure, Trump often tweets a little less on the weekends. But isn’t he supposed to be in the middle of celebrating his complete and total vindication, or something? Since when does Trump stop bragging incessantly about things he’s convinced himself he’s won?", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00004-00006328-00007697": "Maybe that’s because even Trump can see that his attempted coverup of the Mueller report is falling apart, and his guy William Barr is already backtracking by claiming that his initial summary wasn’t actually a “summary", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00005-00007697-00008851": "” Or maybe there really is something to this strange new development in which Trump’s own staffers are suddenly telling the media that he’s too “tired” to participate in a reelection campaign", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00006-00008851-00010011": "Has Trump given up on a second term, and his strategy is now to try to stall the Mueller report until after his first term ends? Even if that is his plan, it won’t work", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00007-00010011-00011126": "But really, we’re all in the same black hole right now. Donald Trump doesn’t know how much trouble he’s in, and neither do we; we only know that he’s in trouble", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00008-00011126-00011824": "Trump doesn’t know when the Mueller report will surface, and neither do we; we only that it will", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00009-00011824-00012751": "We don’t know why Trump is suddenly quiet and “tired” just a week after his imaginary vindication, and perhaps he doesn’t know either", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00010-00012751-00013399": "We’re all stuck in this strange moment, and no one knows what’s on the other side of it", "fsCM_uVwLXQ-00011-00013399-00013934": "But with the way these things go, that could change very soon"}}]