uy8k0tTjway-00000-00000800-00000997 Europe starts in Cugir! uy8k0tTjway-00001-00000997-00001298 A small town in the heart of Transylvania. uy8k0tTjway-00002-00001298-00001595 Our community has a long lasting tradition in metal processing uy8k0tTjway-00003-00001595-00001795 and also in steel industry. uy8k0tTjway-00004-00001795-00002492 Here, surrounded by the Carpathian environment, it is a beautiful area. uy8k0tTjway-00005-00002492-00002889 we want to have a green city, we want to have green transport uy8k0tTjway-00006-00002889-00003089 new technology of lighting, uy8k0tTjway-00007-00003089-00003400 but also digital schools and facilities in public hospitals uy8k0tTjway-00008-00003500-00003797 All these projects will be done together. uy8k0tTjway-00009-00003797-00003997 Yes! Together we can! uAnOQTHlzj8-00000-00000308-00000445 So so, yes,my name is Inma Farfan Velasco, uAnOQTHlzj8-00001-00000542-00000727 I'm Spanish, based in Luxembourg. uAnOQTHlzj8-00002-00000727-00001027 I work for the Publications Office of the European Union, and I work on data. uAnOQTHlzj8-00003-00001027-00001279 And yes, today we're going to talk about open data how it continues to improve uAnOQTHlzj8-00004-00001279-00001527 lessons from European Union. So I'm going to bring to your specific use case. uAnOQTHlzj8-00005-00001527-00002123 But we're going to extrapolate it and see how this can be uAnOQTHlzj8-00006-00002119-00002723 applied to other use cases such as, and then New York City. uAnOQTHlzj8-00007-00002727-00003327 And so to go through the agenda. We will have it next slide. uAnOQTHlzj8-00008-00003327-00003655 Please. Hurry. Okay. So I'm going to present to you uAnOQTHlzj8-00009-00003655-00004027 first of all, and they open at theatre reports in Europe. uAnOQTHlzj8-00010-00004027-00004427 What is it about, or what do, whether we do about it? uAnOQTHlzj8-00011-00004427-00004475 Then we're going to dive into the metology and the uAnOQTHlzj8-00012-00004471-00004523 different dimensions policy, impact, portal and quality. uAnOQTHlzj8-00013-00004527-00005427 But extrapolating to understand what we were doing on this respect. uAnOQTHlzj8-00014-00005427-00005643 And then it's going to be followed by a uAnOQTHlzj8-00015-00005639-00005923 discussion and questions and answer from your side. uAnOQTHlzj8-00016-00005927-00006427 We will have. Well, we will welcome your your interventions as much as possible. uAnOQTHlzj8-00017-00006427-00006927 So before. I would like to give some context about that terabyte. uAnOQTHlzj8-00018-00006927-00007327 So that's altered for the Tio, and I'm working is the official portrait of European data. uAnOQTHlzj8-00019-00007327-00007635 So we bring together open data from different public uAnOQTHlzj8-00020-00007631-00008011 administrations across Europe, which means that we have data sets uAnOQTHlzj8-00021-00008015-00008387 from European Parliament super national entities, organizations, uAnOQTHlzj8-00022-00008387-00008727 but also from national regional and local administrations. uAnOQTHlzj8-00023-00008727-00008827 For example, Spain, or you know, my marrying in Syria, etc. uAnOQTHlzj8-00024-00008827-00009451 Etera. So in total, we have 1.4 1.5 a minimum of uAnOQTHlzj8-00025-00009451-00010127 data sets 176 catalogs, 36 countries participating. uAnOQTHlzj8-00026-00010127-00010571 But we, don't only collect and put data. As for for information, we uAnOQTHlzj8-00027-00010571-00011027 also try to make it as competing as possible for the general audience. uAnOQTHlzj8-00028-00011027-00011527 So we have many. That data stories and news pieces over 200. uAnOQTHlzj8-00029-00011527-00011731 Oh, we also have a data learning hub on for open data that uAnOQTHlzj8-00030-00011731-00011927 invite you to go through it whenever you have some time. uAnOQTHlzj8-00031-00011927-00012427 Fix that out of Academy. As I mentioned before, that era by uAnOQTHlzj8-00032-00012427-00012927 you is managed by the Publications office, together with Gd. uAnOQTHlzj8-00033-00012927-00013467 Connect, and the European Commission. So going to understanding what is the uAnOQTHlzj8-00034-00013467-00014007 open at the Maturity report, and so I'm going to take you to one of the key uAnOQTHlzj8-00035-00014003-00014547 publications that we have and next slide, please, okay, so dopaneta maturity uAnOQTHlzj8-00036-00014547-00015127 assessment is one of the most important publications that we have at the level of uAnOQTHlzj8-00037-00015127-00015327 that Delta, T. You and Europe is an annual assessment. uAnOQTHlzj8-00038-00015327-00016027 We wish shared the state of open data across European countries. uAnOQTHlzj8-00039-00016027-00016527 So we do it at national level. It's conducted since 2,015. uAnOQTHlzj8-00040-00016527-00016827 So this last year 2,022 was the eighth year. uAnOQTHlzj8-00041-00016827-00017343 It was published the last publication in December, we will publish uAnOQTHlzj8-00042-00017343-00017827 another one at the end of the year, in 2,023, and we benchmark. uAnOQTHlzj8-00043-00017827-00017927 We use it like as a benchmark between different countries across Europe. uAnOQTHlzj8-00044-00017927-00018415 Not all the European Union, but also other countries, and to uAnOQTHlzj8-00045-00018411-00018883 understand how they are, the how they are doing with their uAnOQTHlzj8-00046-00018883-00019359 open data policies, with their implementation, what are the uAnOQTHlzj8-00047-00019359-00019827 pitfalls, and also bringing some recommendations for them? uAnOQTHlzj8-00048-00019827-00020255 So, as I was mentioning before, we have 35 participating countries, uAnOQTHlzj8-00049-00020255-00020715 which means that we don't only have that the European Union, as such, we uAnOQTHlzj8-00050-00020715-00021167 also have extra countries, such as Norway on Iceland, but we also count uAnOQTHlzj8-00051-00021163-00021627 with candidate countries who also want to be part of this exercise such a uAnOQTHlzj8-00052-00021627-00022291 mountain negro, Ukraine, etc. So you can see that this Uk is and this type of assessment uAnOQTHlzj8-00053-00022291-00022927 can be useful, for actually, beyond the European Union kind of legislative landscape. uAnOQTHlzj8-00054-00022927-00023271 And why is this type of exercise important? Because we need uAnOQTHlzj8-00055-00023271-00023627 to get insights about what's happening in different countries. uAnOQTHlzj8-00056-00023627-00023915 We need to share knowledge. And we also have to uAnOQTHlzj8-00057-00023915-00024227 understand where we come from and where we had to. uAnOQTHlzj8-00058-00024227-00024327 And in order to do that we need assessment, we need analysis. uAnOQTHlzj8-00059-00024327-00024579 We need to share best practices. So this type of assessment is an uAnOQTHlzj8-00060-00024579-00024827 opportunity yearly opportunity to bring together this open data. uAnOQTHlzj8-00061-00024827-00025511 Representatives, to see what they're doing, whether they're their opportunities, uAnOQTHlzj8-00062-00025507-00026223 challenges, and discuss them and put them together in a paper, and how do we do this? uAnOQTHlzj8-00063-00026227-00026427 So it's done based on a self-assessment. uAnOQTHlzj8-00064-00026427-00026699 So we are in contact with official open data uAnOQTHlzj8-00065-00026699-00027027 report representatives at the top of the ministries. uAnOQTHlzj8-00066-00027027-00027435 And so it will be one working at a governmental level, and we uAnOQTHlzj8-00067-00027431-00027823 send to them this question that they fill in internally 100. uAnOQTHlzj8-00068-00027827-00028283 And after we have some own desk research on policy check uAnOQTHlzj8-00069-00028279-00028747 and feedback ransomware with them to ensure that the final uAnOQTHlzj8-00070-00028751-00029187 is scoring and the final assessment is in line between uAnOQTHlzj8-00071-00029183-00029623 both parties and according to the different dimensions. uAnOQTHlzj8-00072-00029627-00030167 Okay. But talking about dimensions and next slide. So, as I was mentioning uAnOQTHlzj8-00073-00030167-00030667 before, we have 4 different dimensions, is true that the methodology uAnOQTHlzj8-00074-00030667-00031155 and and the assessment from 2,015 until now, has been evolving, are uAnOQTHlzj8-00075-00031151-00031623 we AIM to make it and develop it in in the future, because we can uAnOQTHlzj8-00076-00031627-00031983 see that there are different trends. There are different tendencies in uAnOQTHlzj8-00077-00031983-00032327 the future, and we have to adapt, according to what's happening now. uAnOQTHlzj8-00078-00032327-00032727 So are ready from 2,015 to 2,017. uAnOQTHlzj8-00079-00032727-00033227 We only had 2 dimensions or 2 indicators that were maturity and readiness. uAnOQTHlzj8-00080-00033227-00033723 But we saw that it was not enough so in 2,018 we expanded to the 4 uAnOQTHlzj8-00081-00033723-00034227 dimensions that you can see here policy, impact, portal and quality. uAnOQTHlzj8-00082-00034227-00034519 So in terms of policy, we study in this specific uAnOQTHlzj8-00083-00034519-00034831 dimension what are the open data policies and the uAnOQTHlzj8-00084-00034831-00035139 legal framework that the countries are establishing uAnOQTHlzj8-00085-00035139-00035423 and adopting in their own countries in place. uAnOQTHlzj8-00086-00035427-00035703 So we also give dive into the national governance uAnOQTHlzj8-00087-00035703-00036027 models and the different measures that they implement 3. uAnOQTHlzj8-00088-00036027-00036331 But we have to say that in this particular uAnOQTHlzj8-00089-00036327-00036723 methodology, in 2,022 we did some kind of revision, 2. uAnOQTHlzj8-00090-00036727-00036827 And in the policy dimension. We wanted to streamline certain question. uAnOQTHlzj8-00091-00036827-00037351 We didn't want to only know what was happening and naturally we wanted uAnOQTHlzj8-00092-00037347-00037823 to understand also what was happening at regional local entities. uAnOQTHlzj8-00093-00037827-00038347 So we added some questions or specific points on this aspect. One understand uAnOQTHlzj8-00094-00038343-00038867 what was the level there of like trying to have another level of granularity, uAnOQTHlzj8-00095-00038871-00039391 and also we added some information, some questions on high-value data set 120 uAnOQTHlzj8-00096-00039391-00039927 as you may know, in the open at a community the European Union was adopted here uAnOQTHlzj8-00097-00039927-00040327 recently the they implementing regulation on high value data sets. uAnOQTHlzj8-00098-00040327-00040811 So basically trying to create a single market of data based on releasing uAnOQTHlzj8-00099-00040807-00041223 and publishing data that can be of other value for the economy. uAnOQTHlzj8-00100-00041227-00041827 So just special data, mobility, many other different aspects under certain conditions. uAnOQTHlzj8-00101-00041827-00042091 So they want to post this data sharing and we wanted to understand uAnOQTHlzj8-00102-00042091-00042327 see, we're in a key moment now of this leads to the process. uAnOQTHlzj8-00103-00042327-00042827 We wanted to understand what they're doing now on this respect. uAnOQTHlzj8-00104-00042827-00043527 Are there ready working on this or not? Also, like moving from policy to impact. uAnOQTHlzj8-00105-00043527-00043979 So impact. We mean, like all these activities, to monitor and to and uAnOQTHlzj8-00106-00043979-00044427 to post, that our use is to of that we realize that impacts on this uAnOQTHlzj8-00107-00044427-00044879 is a bit challenging to really understand the cycle or the impact of uAnOQTHlzj8-00108-00044875-00045323 open data so in this methodology, we wanted to emphasize that and we uAnOQTHlzj8-00109-00045327-00045827 added questions on a specific sub-indicators. uAnOQTHlzj8-00110-00045827-00046063 Such as ensuring, reuse, and creating impact on uAnOQTHlzj8-00111-00046059-00046323 governmental, social, environmental, economic level. uAnOQTHlzj8-00112-00046327-00046791 So, then, for the portal, all these participating countries uAnOQTHlzj8-00113-00046791-00047227 at national level, they have their own open at a portal. uAnOQTHlzj8-00114-00047227-00047735 So we try to. We started with them. The level of the level uAnOQTHlzj8-00115-00047735-00048227 of the of the usability and accessibility of this portal. uAnOQTHlzj8-00116-00048227-00048539 This is sustainability. What is the data on whether they have uAnOQTHlzj8-00117-00048535-00048823 the features necessary to really engage with the audience? uAnOQTHlzj8-00118-00048827-00049171 And provide good services to citizens, and then, just uAnOQTHlzj8-00119-00049171-00049527 last, but not least, we have also the quality dimension. uAnOQTHlzj8-00120-00049527-00050027 So I all those measures adopted by portal managers to harvest uAnOQTHlzj8-00121-00050027-00050527 metadata and data across across the different administrations. uAnOQTHlzj8-00122-00050527-00051107 So these questions are relating, related to common standardized processes and uAnOQTHlzj8-00123-00051107-00051727 metadata mechanisms in order to make data interoperable, and linked to one another. uAnOQTHlzj8-00124-00051727-00052127 And next slide, please. So to show you how it looks like. uAnOQTHlzj8-00125-00052127-00052627 So the average is core of these participating countries in 2,022. uAnOQTHlzj8-00126-00052627-00053027 What 75% so portal keeps performing at the same level. uAnOQTHlzj8-00127-00053027-00053527 So it. 2, because it's like the most mature part of the whole methodology. uAnOQTHlzj8-00128-00053527-00053859 A impact is through that. With this shifting of the of the uAnOQTHlzj8-00129-00053859-00054227 questions, and we try to emphasize the importance of this matter. uAnOQTHlzj8-00130-00054227-00055027 But the complexity of it. It went down to 65% quality keeps stable with 60 to 72. uAnOQTHlzj8-00131-00055027-00055727 And and policy. It keeps on the same line also with some developments. uAnOQTHlzj8-00132-00055727-00056327 Also there's another main or 2. There's another way that that we try to see this country. uAnOQTHlzj8-00133-00056327-00056735 So we cluster them in 4 groups. So the 4 groups are our uAnOQTHlzj8-00134-00056735-00057127 beginners, followers, fast trackers, and transcendors. uAnOQTHlzj8-00135-00057127-00057231 So depending on which group you are on the on the year uAnOQTHlzj8-00136-00057231-00057327 in the year, and you will see that there are some. uAnOQTHlzj8-00137-00057327-00058227 This more importance on one emission and then another one. uAnOQTHlzj8-00138-00058227-00058671 So, for example, for beginners, they give like a lot of importance to policy uAnOQTHlzj8-00139-00058671-00059119 and governance, because they want to create these like as a priority in order uAnOQTHlzj8-00140-00059119-00059567 to develop and improve more like the portal impacts and other dimensions, and uAnOQTHlzj8-00141-00059567-00060027 whereas transcenders for example, are more advanced on impact of open data they uAnOQTHlzj8-00142-00060027-00060527 really have tools for that, or they're developing ways to developing ways to do it. uAnOQTHlzj8-00143-00060527-00061127 And we're as fast trackers, for example, they have better scoring on data quality. uAnOQTHlzj8-00144-00061127-00061375 For example, because they may be in a moment of the uAnOQTHlzj8-00145-00061375-00061627 process in which they gave more importance to that. uAnOQTHlzj8-00146-00061627-00061975 So these are the typical typical things that you realize when uAnOQTHlzj8-00147-00061975-00062299 you cluster different countries all together, you realize uAnOQTHlzj8-00148-00062299-00062599 that in somehow, even, they're like completely split, uAnOQTHlzj8-00149-00062599-00062927 filling up, filling up these questionnaires, some of them. uAnOQTHlzj8-00150-00062927-00063227 They are behaving when they're in the same step. uAnOQTHlzj8-00151-00063227-00063316 In the whole process next slide. So then, now it comes the uAnOQTHlzj8-00152-00063316-00063659 In the whole process next slide. So then, now it comes the uAnOQTHlzj8-00153-00063659-00064175 interesting part in which I will invite my cousin to intervene. uAnOQTHlzj8-00154-00064175-00064639 So we are going to dive into the different dimensions, but also I will want to hear uAnOQTHlzj8-00155-00064639-00065075 from the New York City to see how they see themselves in the defend dimensions. uAnOQTHlzj8-00156-00065075-00065623 So the first one is in terms of policy. So, as I was mentioning before we go into into uAnOQTHlzj8-00157-00065619-00066171 the dimension of of the governance and implementation, what are the action plans behind? uAnOQTHlzj8-00158-00066175-00066875 So in general we saw that 70% of this countries are following on hybrid model. uAnOQTHlzj8-00159-00066875-00067263 And this also in kind of Federal countries. For example, like we uAnOQTHlzj8-00160-00067259-00067663 have, there are structures, for example, Austria, Germany, or or or uAnOQTHlzj8-00161-00067663-00068071 Belgium, and but also from a geographical point of view, we see that uAnOQTHlzj8-00162-00068071-00068471 this may change depending on the country we're talking about so for uAnOQTHlzj8-00163-00068475-00068887 the less populated countries they follow a more top-down approach uAnOQTHlzj8-00164-00068887-00069275 from like, and these are the cases of Malthusonia or Slovenia. uAnOQTHlzj8-00165-00069275-00069683 So we see that, depending on the structure and the country, they may uAnOQTHlzj8-00166-00069683-00070075 have different type of decision-making behind other organizations. uAnOQTHlzj8-00167-00070075-00070123 And one example, like best practice we have. uAnOQTHlzj8-00168-00070123-00070175 Cyprus is being on Ireland in case of Ireland. uAnOQTHlzj8-00169-00070175-00070855 Why he is like translator in policy, because they they uAnOQTHlzj8-00170-00070855-00071575 implemented the adopted, the open that they're transposed. uAnOQTHlzj8-00171-00071575-00071927 The open network recently into Irish Irish loss is something I uAnOQTHlzj8-00172-00071927-00072275 really very good news, but they wanted to go one step further. uAnOQTHlzj8-00173-00072275-00072875 So they developed what is called the official and governmental governmental sequel. uAnOQTHlzj8-00174-00072875-00073459 So they want to facilitate this notion with the public administration, so they give some uAnOQTHlzj8-00175-00073459-00073751 guidance on how it can be transposed, and how uAnOQTHlzj8-00176-00073751-00074075 they can take this directive can be implemented. uAnOQTHlzj8-00177-00074075-00074575 But now I want to hear from the New York City. So Sagani, tell us about your experience. uAnOQTHlzj8-00178-00074575-00074875 When you were going through this dimension. uAnOQTHlzj8-00179-00074875-00075271 So, yeah, thinking about this dimension, I think the first thing that comes to uAnOQTHlzj8-00180-00075271-00075675 mind is we, how fortunate we are here in New York City to have an open data law. uAnOQTHlzj8-00181-00075675-00076107 It was passed in 32, so now, over 10 years ago, uAnOQTHlzj8-00182-00076107-00076519 but that is the foundation for a lot of the uAnOQTHlzj8-00183-00076519-00076899 work that we do, because it's not a policy uAnOQTHlzj8-00184-00076903-00077375 that changes year to year, but really requirement. uAnOQTHlzj8-00185-00077375-00077975 That will persist for every agency and data sets that are created and maintained. uAnOQTHlzj8-00186-00077975-00078487 Are required to be published by default, and for any kind of exception, uAnOQTHlzj8-00187-00078487-00078935 whether due to to privacy or security, and those are also that uAnOQTHlzj8-00188-00078935-00079407 those sort of exceptions are explicitly identified in the law that uAnOQTHlzj8-00189-00079407-00079875 is, exactly that the extension, and we look to make those reasons uAnOQTHlzj8-00190-00079875-00080275 for why data sets can't be published available as well. uAnOQTHlzj8-00191-00080275-00080675 But I think the other piece that I've found, and we've found really important. uAnOQTHlzj8-00192-00080675-00080775 Here is how we translate that policy into into action. uAnOQTHlzj8-00193-00080775-00081179 And one way of doing that is through the document uAnOQTHlzj8-00194-00081179-00081575 or the screenshot of one piece of the document. uAnOQTHlzj8-00195-00081575-00082275 On the right side of the screen. So we have a technical standpoint. uAnOQTHlzj8-00196-00082275-00082743 That sort of gives a step by step, approach from the identification of this uAnOQTHlzj8-00197-00082739-00083195 data exists, and should be made publicly available to actually publishing uAnOQTHlzj8-00198-00083195-00083627 it, to then sharing it with the public actively, and all the different uAnOQTHlzj8-00199-00083627-00084071 thing is to think about and tools and resources for each of those steps. uAnOQTHlzj8-00200-00084075-00085175 So in a especially something that really resonated . uAnOQTHlzj8-00201-00085175-00085851 The idea of these high value data sets and and how we can, even in a single uAnOQTHlzj8-00202-00085851-00086575 city, the comp comparison or the priorityization of data sets can be challenging. uAnOQTHlzj8-00203-00086575-00087043 And and one of the ways that we we have done that is, by taking uAnOQTHlzj8-00204-00087043-00087511 those components of of the law, but also looking at things like uAnOQTHlzj8-00205-00087511-00088019 demand or agency missions, and seeing how those map onto or translate uAnOQTHlzj8-00206-00088023-00088475 to the publication of different data sets, and then with that uAnOQTHlzj8-00207-00088475-00088879 and thinking about the governance structure, we definitely uAnOQTHlzj8-00208-00088879-00089303 have more of a distributed model here, where, as I mentioned, uAnOQTHlzj8-00209-00089303-00089679 the beginning, we have a centralized open data team in uAnOQTHlzj8-00210-00089679-00090075 in our office at the office of technology and innovation. uAnOQTHlzj8-00211-00090075-00090175 But then also. This is actually something else that's in trying to law. uAnOQTHlzj8-00212-00090175-00090423 Here we have these open data coordinators, one at city uAnOQTHlzj8-00213-00090423-00090675 office and agency throughout New York City's government. uAnOQTHlzj8-00214-00090675-00091575 So it's a combination of our own centralized standards. uAnOQTHlzj8-00215-00091575-00092107 But then agencies given their again specific topics and uAnOQTHlzj8-00216-00092107-00092679 areas of practice and work need to have their own standards uAnOQTHlzj8-00217-00092679-00093199 and these open data coordinators will in some cases be uAnOQTHlzj8-00218-00093199-00093775 taking data in from an agency that employees 100,000 or more uAnOQTHlzj8-00219-00093775-00094079 people and trying to make some sense of that, and then uAnOQTHlzj8-00220-00094075-00094220 communicate that to the public I'll stop there. There! uAnOQTHlzj8-00221-00094220-00094287 communicate that to the public I'll stop there. There! uAnOQTHlzj8-00222-00094291-00094768 I don't know if you had any questions there, or. uAnOQTHlzj8-00223-00094768-00094819 I don't know if you had any questions there, or. uAnOQTHlzj8-00224-00094819-00095227 Yes, actually, I was. I think you made a very good point on uAnOQTHlzj8-00225-00095223-00095615 the on the importance of moving from the policy to action. uAnOQTHlzj8-00226-00095619-00095819 Actually, because sometimes it is a most difficult part of the whole process. uAnOQTHlzj8-00227-00095819-00095919 Yes. uAnOQTHlzj8-00228-00095919-00096399 And so, yeah, yeah, absolutely absolutely. And it was very interesting to uAnOQTHlzj8-00229-00096395-00096887 hear about the open data coordinators part in the New York City and how you uAnOQTHlzj8-00230-00096887-00097407 collaborate with one another because I think it's important to have some kind of uAnOQTHlzj8-00231-00097411-00097919 representative and official appointment in order to you know, have like a more uAnOQTHlzj8-00232-00097919-00098119 organized structure in this, on this respect. uAnOQTHlzj8-00233-00098119-00098903 Is that something? The idea of having these representatives? That's a common structure uAnOQTHlzj8-00234-00098899-00099307 across the European administration, especially uAnOQTHlzj8-00235-00099307-00099380 for those who have a more distributed model. uAnOQTHlzj8-00236-00099380-00099451 for those who have a more distributed model. uAnOQTHlzj8-00237-00099455-00099555 Sorry. uAnOQTHlzj8-00238-00099555-00099771 Is that the idea of these coordinators, or these uAnOQTHlzj8-00239-00099771-00099991 representatives, something that you found to be uAnOQTHlzj8-00240-00099991-00100211 common in the the European assessment, especially uAnOQTHlzj8-00241-00100211-00100451 for those countries that have more of a distributor. uAnOQTHlzj8-00242-00100455-00100843 Yes. Oh, sorry. Yes, yes, of course. Yes, of course, and actually uAnOQTHlzj8-00243-00100843-00101183 it's something that we saw very clear from the beginning, uAnOQTHlzj8-00244-00101183-00101523 because is somehow each national government they may have uAnOQTHlzj8-00245-00101523-00101855 their own way of acting so with the European Commission. uAnOQTHlzj8-00246-00101855-00102255 There are some open that that representative, as we call it, on. uAnOQTHlzj8-00247-00102255-00103055 These are the people who are actually participating in these assessments. uAnOQTHlzj8-00248-00103055-00103155 Yes. uAnOQTHlzj8-00249-00103155-00103179 And there are working groups. And there's like a further uAnOQTHlzj8-00250-00103179-00103203 collaboration there, because, if no, it is is impossible, uAnOQTHlzj8-00251-00103203-00103227 and they need to talk to each other when you are creating uAnOQTHlzj8-00252-00103231-00103255 a sort of single market of data there has to be less. uAnOQTHlzj8-00253-00103255-00104755 Some yes, on roles, and so coordinators behind. uAnOQTHlzj8-00254-00104755-00104855 Of course. uAnOQTHlzj8-00255-00104855-00105159 So it's something that I see very much reflected. But maybe not uAnOQTHlzj8-00256-00105159-00105459 in a bigger scope, do we, than the New York City, and we do it uAnOQTHlzj8-00257-00105455-00105755 that you can serve for both great great great regarding that if uAnOQTHlzj8-00258-00105759-00105864 you want we can move to to the next Dimension and suddenly so. uAnOQTHlzj8-00259-00105864-00106311 Great. So now it comes, the part of the impact, the uAnOQTHlzj8-00260-00106307-00106755 one that was like received into a new methodology. uAnOQTHlzj8-00261-00106759-00107059 So I'm doing into this into this dimension is uAnOQTHlzj8-00262-00107059-00107359 true that we did some sort of restructuring. uAnOQTHlzj8-00263-00107359-00107619 We sort of that statistic awareness was the one that was still uAnOQTHlzj8-00264-00107615-00107855 is kept with the same scoring because of how there is like. uAnOQTHlzj8-00265-00107859-00108311 There is awareness about importance, of impact, importance, of measureing uAnOQTHlzj8-00266-00108307-00108755 it it's all yeah. Sometimes we don't have all the I'm nice tools for that. uAnOQTHlzj8-00267-00108759-00109059 So that's why that's what we saw during the home uAnOQTHlzj8-00268-00109059-00109423 metabol during the whole methodology, and actually, from uAnOQTHlzj8-00269-00109423-00109715 the part of that of the 2 we're trying to study uAnOQTHlzj8-00270-00109715-00110055 waste to better measure impact with all stakeholders. uAnOQTHlzj8-00271-00110059-00110619 So they're coming up. Some reports this year about that and but also we have to see which uAnOQTHlzj8-00272-00110619-00111159 angle we want to study that in terms of government, social, environmental and economic. uAnOQTHlzj8-00273-00111159-00111507 So this specific case, these countries that we we took into uAnOQTHlzj8-00274-00111503-00111827 consideration where the Czech Republic Fans, and Italy, uAnOQTHlzj8-00275-00111827-00112135 and whether know their stories, I would invite you to uAnOQTHlzj8-00276-00112139-00112459 go directly to the to the report, read more about that. uAnOQTHlzj8-00277-00112459-00112767 But, for example, the Czech Republic, we saw there's like a huge uAnOQTHlzj8-00278-00112763-00113055 improvement of 14% and we are wondering, how is this possible? uAnOQTHlzj8-00279-00113059-00113459 But actually they'll be very active on these roles. uAnOQTHlzj8-00280-00113459-00113811 So they created, and they launch a project, and that uAnOQTHlzj8-00281-00113811-00114159 is called National Environmental Reporting Platform. uAnOQTHlzj8-00282-00114159-00114699 And basically the one to put there all the available sources, data resources, uAnOQTHlzj8-00283-00114699-00115259 but also linking to the potential impact as social, politically deceptive levels. uAnOQTHlzj8-00284-00115259-00115619 So they want to grace specific projects in which this they uAnOQTHlzj8-00285-00115615-00115955 showcase in place of data for for environmental aspects. uAnOQTHlzj8-00286-00115959-00116227 But they also want to go beyond that, because, uAnOQTHlzj8-00287-00116227-00116507 as we were mentioning now, we're in the moment uAnOQTHlzj8-00288-00116507-00116763 where countries have to transpose a like and uAnOQTHlzj8-00289-00116763-00117059 follow up on this high value data set revelation. uAnOQTHlzj8-00290-00117059-00117447 But in this case type of public wanted also not only to spot and and to uAnOQTHlzj8-00291-00117443-00117855 highlight these data set as high valid offset, but they also want to link it uAnOQTHlzj8-00292-00117859-00118259 to use cases which is something that, in my opinion, and we can discuss it uAnOQTHlzj8-00293-00118259-00118659 later it was very very interesting because at the end, of the day, you you uAnOQTHlzj8-00294-00118659-00119015 may say that some data are of high value impact. But uAnOQTHlzj8-00295-00119015-00119359 actually, you don't link it to a specific use case. uAnOQTHlzj8-00296-00119359-00119707 It's very. It's very difficult to really understand what's uAnOQTHlzj8-00297-00119703-00120055 the you know, product or survey that you can create with it. uAnOQTHlzj8-00298-00120059-00120359 So this is something that is ongoing, and and they are working on. uAnOQTHlzj8-00299-00120359-00120459 And we look forward to see to see the results of this exercise. uAnOQTHlzj8-00300-00120459-00121459 But I thought that you escorted the open at ambassadors. uAnOQTHlzj8-00301-00121459-00121759 Very interesting wedding, so we would like to hear more about that. uAnOQTHlzj8-00302-00121759-00121859 Yeah, we actually have an open data ambassadors, class. uAnOQTHlzj8-00303-00121859-00122655 Later, today, at 6 P. M. Eastern time, we will be having our final class of of uAnOQTHlzj8-00304-00122651-00123455 the week, although there was certainly more classes to come throughout the year. uAnOQTHlzj8-00305-00123459-00123899 But this is a program that we run in collaboration uAnOQTHlzj8-00306-00123899-00124259 with the civic tech nonprofit Beta, Nyc. uAnOQTHlzj8-00307-00124259-00124539 That also works with us on open data week. And uAnOQTHlzj8-00308-00124539-00124859 the idea is that there's a introductory curriculum. uAnOQTHlzj8-00309-00124859-00125415 And really just a background of of the history of open data and the uAnOQTHlzj8-00310-00125415-00126011 open data movement here in New York City, and some information on how to uAnOQTHlzj8-00311-00126011-00126611 find and find data sets on New York City open data and then a walkthrough uAnOQTHlzj8-00312-00126615-00127159 of one of those data sets specifically, R 3 1 one service requests uAnOQTHlzj8-00313-00127159-00127559 for non emergency government services. And then just uAnOQTHlzj8-00314-00127559-00127931 people learn how to to analyze that data, how to uAnOQTHlzj8-00315-00127931-00128351 visualize it, to make a map, to make a bar graph, to be uAnOQTHlzj8-00316-00128351-00128755 able to take a chart of that data and the idea of the uAnOQTHlzj8-00317-00128759-00129135 ambassadors. Piece is, these classes are taught by volunteer uAnOQTHlzj8-00318-00129135-00129567 ambassadors, just New Yorkers who are enthusiasts about open data and uAnOQTHlzj8-00319-00129563-00129955 interested in sharing some of that knowledge with people across uAnOQTHlzj8-00320-00129955-00130359 the across the city, and they come from a variety of backgrounds. uAnOQTHlzj8-00321-00130359-00130771 We definitely have some who work with city open data as government employees, uAnOQTHlzj8-00322-00130767-00131155 but others who are just data enthusiasts to work with data professionally. uAnOQTHlzj8-00323-00131159-00131559 Some people who are librarians, some people who are teachers, and really just. uAnOQTHlzj8-00324-00131559-00132411 The the core. Unifying concept is people who want to share their knowledge with other uAnOQTHlzj8-00325-00132407-00133255 New Yorkers and share this repository with different communities around New York City. uAnOQTHlzj8-00326-00133259-00133559 And I would say that we are actually recruiting now. uAnOQTHlzj8-00327-00133559-00133915 So, if anyone watching this is interested in becoming an uAnOQTHlzj8-00328-00133915-00134259 open data ambassador, you can find out more there, too. uAnOQTHlzj8-00329-00134259-00134487 But I think one thing in my that I found really uAnOQTHlzj8-00330-00134483-00134771 interesting is this idea of measuring reuse, and sometimes uAnOQTHlzj8-00331-00134771-00135011 how to challenging that could be, especially since uAnOQTHlzj8-00332-00135011-00135259 the information that we share is freely available. uAnOQTHlzj8-00333-00135259-00136859 It doesn't typically require some sort of registration. uAnOQTHlzj8-00334-00136859-00136959 Hmm! uAnOQTHlzj8-00335-00136959-00137211 And the the different tactics that people can that governments can use to uAnOQTHlzj8-00336-00137211-00137459 understand where that reuse comes from, and how to best best support it. uAnOQTHlzj8-00337-00137459-00137787 Yes, I agree. I actually, when you're discussing with the uAnOQTHlzj8-00338-00137783-00138143 different when different countries, there are some of them that uAnOQTHlzj8-00339-00138143-00138511 think that sometimes one is strategy that you can follow in order uAnOQTHlzj8-00340-00138511-00138855 to measure impact could be directly monitored, the data sets. uAnOQTHlzj8-00341-00138859-00139023 So whenever we do so whenever there's uAnOQTHlzj8-00342-00139023-00139263 somebody using a data set for another product to our uAnOQTHlzj8-00343-00139259-00139459 research paper, to cancel, this has been used, uAnOQTHlzj8-00344-00139463-00139659 but others may not agree, because it's not. uAnOQTHlzj8-00345-00139659-00140459 I think it can be. But then, can you actually see what's the I mean? uAnOQTHlzj8-00346-00140459-00140647 Here we can see the quantity of mentions that we uAnOQTHlzj8-00347-00140647-00140859 have and we don't see the quality of the end product. uAnOQTHlzj8-00348-00140859-00141031 Maybe you can be used once, but then for another uAnOQTHlzj8-00349-00141031-00141215 value, application or service that you create and uAnOQTHlzj8-00350-00141215-00141367 then make, maybe is making more impact than uAnOQTHlzj8-00351-00141367-00141555 being a renamed 1,000 of times on a research paper. uAnOQTHlzj8-00352-00141559-00141787 But we don't know. That's why, like this, uAnOQTHlzj8-00353-00141787-00142059 like there was like a whole discussion about it. uAnOQTHlzj8-00354-00142059-00142527 But it's true that sometimes bringing people together, uAnOQTHlzj8-00355-00142523-00143055 organizing events, hackathons can be also very useful for that. uAnOQTHlzj8-00356-00143059-00143159 So, for example, France that was one of the countries on the best practices. uAnOQTHlzj8-00357-00143159-00143959 They organized several events with users are reusers. uAnOQTHlzj8-00358-00143959-00144143 That is something that in somehow it's very uAnOQTHlzj8-00359-00144143-00144359 muching with your initiative, because we need to. uAnOQTHlzj8-00360-00144359-00144559 You need to talk to them at the same time. uAnOQTHlzj8-00361-00144559-00144899 They can kind of be like a direct linear information like uAnOQTHlzj8-00362-00144895-00145255 from that of providing data holders to the society ambassador. uAnOQTHlzj8-00363-00145259-00145859 We need. There needs to be some discussion, and on the on feedback, ransing somehow. uAnOQTHlzj8-00364-00145859-00146103 Yeah, I could not agree anymore. I think that connection uAnOQTHlzj8-00365-00146099-00146327 between this abstract sense of making data available uAnOQTHlzj8-00366-00146327-00146543 and the specific real world issues and problems and uAnOQTHlzj8-00367-00146543-00146759 challenges that it represents is so so important. uAnOQTHlzj8-00368-00146759-00147135 The connection to advocates or issue experts is something uAnOQTHlzj8-00369-00147135-00147459 we're always trying to work on. I think open data. uAnOQTHlzj8-00370-00147459-00148031 Week is a is a good example of that, and really enabling city uAnOQTHlzj8-00371-00148031-00148559 agencies to come out and talk about the data they manage. uAnOQTHlzj8-00372-00148559-00149091 But also sort of bring in their natural constituents the people who really uAnOQTHlzj8-00373-00149091-00149595 care about the topics that they work with, and may not be particularly uAnOQTHlzj8-00374-00149599-00150151 dedicated to savvy, but could learn more about what information is available, uAnOQTHlzj8-00375-00150147-00150655 and how they might make use of, it, or how others are making use of it. uAnOQTHlzj8-00376-00150659-00150959 Yes, yes, that's true for timing. It seems to be an undergoing discussion. uAnOQTHlzj8-00377-00150959-00151503 Maybe one day we will end up having the perfect question uAnOQTHlzj8-00378-00151503-00151824 to measure impact. And today we will keep exploring great. uAnOQTHlzj8-00379-00151824-00151975 to measure impact. And today we will keep exploring great. uAnOQTHlzj8-00380-00151975-00152615 That equation would be a great event to have, but I guess one other thing that we uAnOQTHlzj8-00381-00152611-00153271 think about here for impact is the use cases and I know, Emma, you've mentioned this. uAnOQTHlzj8-00382-00153275-00153515 And actually there was a session earlier in the uAnOQTHlzj8-00383-00153515-00153775 week, and the recording of that will be available. uAnOQTHlzj8-00384-00153775-00154247 If you weren't able to make it on the Use Case Observatory, uAnOQTHlzj8-00385-00154247-00154643 which is really just this wonderful repository of uAnOQTHlzj8-00386-00154643-00155091 different ways, that European data has enabled people to uAnOQTHlzj8-00387-00155087-00155571 understand more and to do more things with their information. uAnOQTHlzj8-00388-00155575-00155675 One thing that we've done in New York is continually solicited. uAnOQTHlzj8-00389-00155675-00156363 Examples, sometimes reaching out to groups and people uAnOQTHlzj8-00390-00156363-00156975 proactively, sometimes receiving these projects. uAnOQTHlzj8-00391-00156975-00157495 So the idea is just people who have taken AD set and uAnOQTHlzj8-00392-00157495-00158063 made a tool or a visualization, or some sort of some sort uAnOQTHlzj8-00393-00158063-00158619 of of use of it, which at once serves to 2 to share like uAnOQTHlzj8-00394-00158619-00159175 what's possible with this data set or with open data and uAnOQTHlzj8-00395-00159175-00159423 abstract sense, but also provides a really uAnOQTHlzj8-00396-00159419-00159719 useful starting point for somebody who may not be uAnOQTHlzj8-00397-00159719-00159963 as data satisfies as somebody who wants to uAnOQTHlzj8-00398-00159967-00160275 look at the raw tables and analyze that themselves. uAnOQTHlzj8-00399-00160275-00161375 And now they have some sort of explanation and direct access to that. uAnOQTHlzj8-00400-00161375-00161628 These expert created tools. uAnOQTHlzj8-00401-00161628-00161691 These expert created tools. uAnOQTHlzj8-00402-00161691-00162007 Yes, yes. I agree that using a price and use cases uAnOQTHlzj8-00403-00162007-00162355 can be also very useful, and thank you for mentioning uAnOQTHlzj8-00404-00162351-00162651 the use case of servers, or indeed, I also share uAnOQTHlzj8-00405-00162651-00162987 the link in terms of is of interest of the audience. uAnOQTHlzj8-00406-00162991-00163591 So we took 30 use cases, and we're going to track progress in the in 3 years. uAnOQTHlzj8-00407-00163591-00164191 Plan to know what is the the evolution over time, and we to understand what it is. uAnOQTHlzj8-00408-00164191-00164691 The impact that they provide at the governmental and scientific like level. uAnOQTHlzj8-00409-00164691-00165391 So, okay. So I think we can maybe move on to the to the third one. That is a portal. uAnOQTHlzj8-00410-00165391-00165779 So this for us, is the most mature and dimension that we have, because he uAnOQTHlzj8-00411-00165779-00166183 somehow, since they already have their open at the ports, as we only have to uAnOQTHlzj8-00412-00166183-00166579 see what are the developments that they create for one year to another, how uAnOQTHlzj8-00413-00166579-00166991 they can keep track of the data sets, broken links, is submitted in my opinion uAnOQTHlzj8-00414-00166991-00167491 for example, I is more it easier to understand and keep this progress. uAnOQTHlzj8-00415-00167491-00168091 Now, and so, as best practices we had France, Poland, and Ireland. uAnOQTHlzj8-00416-00168091-00168491 So here we have a very different use case. I want to mention to you both. uAnOQTHlzj8-00417-00168491-00168899 And so, for example, they give out of importance on uAnOQTHlzj8-00418-00168899-00169391 communicating with Rio, say something we saw in this report. uAnOQTHlzj8-00419-00169391-00169639 They want to. They organize events, they organize hackathons for uAnOQTHlzj8-00420-00169635-00169887 that, but they also keep the communication going ongoing with them. uAnOQTHlzj8-00421-00169891-00169991 So they for every time that they hire their they have new data sets. uAnOQTHlzj8-00422-00169991-00170587 They create a specific publication to be distributed with uAnOQTHlzj8-00423-00170583-00171187 all the users informing that these data set is is upcoming. uAnOQTHlzj8-00424-00171191-00171631 Which is a interesting exercise, because you somehow eat it uAnOQTHlzj8-00425-00171631-00172079 leverage, and and it really brings like a new communication, uAnOQTHlzj8-00426-00172079-00172479 tool with citizens, because they can also, like report uAnOQTHlzj8-00427-00172483-00172891 back and have, like a like longer discussion with them. uAnOQTHlzj8-00428-00172891-00172935 But at the same time sometimes it's not only uAnOQTHlzj8-00429-00172935-00172991 the fact of having a portal which is very important. uAnOQTHlzj8-00430-00172991-00173791 I'm looking at in diminish that. But also how do you provide more visibility to the port? uAnOQTHlzj8-00431-00173791-00174591 If you are, for example, part of an open source source code. uAnOQTHlzj8-00432-00174591-00174983 So, for example, in this case, most of these countries they publish on uAnOQTHlzj8-00433-00174983-00175375 Github and Github, and but it's true that polling is one country where uAnOQTHlzj8-00434-00175375-00175799 specifically those who publish content and they get in touch with developers uAnOQTHlzj8-00435-00175799-00176191 in the field, and they use all the different platforms such as Dane or uAnOQTHlzj8-00436-00176191-00176643 product key. So in this case you can see that they want to expand uAnOQTHlzj8-00437-00176643-00177091 and and they want to provide the data available on other sources. uAnOQTHlzj8-00438-00177091-00177551 For example, that's how to about you in this case, and if somehow you give more uAnOQTHlzj8-00439-00177551-00177991 gateways to this information, and then it's easier to be accessed by people. uAnOQTHlzj8-00440-00177991-00178391 But yes. Well, what do you think about that? uAnOQTHlzj8-00441-00178391-00178491 And what's your what's your perspective in terms of photon? uAnOQTHlzj8-00442-00178491-00178807 I love the example of France sharing information about uAnOQTHlzj8-00443-00178803-00179087 new data that's published proactively with people. uAnOQTHlzj8-00444-00179091-00179679 It's so easy for data sets to appear, and certainly uAnOQTHlzj8-00445-00179679-00180291 you can always, if you're seeking them out, you can. uAnOQTHlzj8-00446-00180291-00180703 You can look at them and find what what's what's been shared, but uAnOQTHlzj8-00447-00180703-00181091 for people to get that sent to them with that kind of context. uAnOQTHlzj8-00448-00181091-00181275 That's such an important point of getting uAnOQTHlzj8-00449-00181271-00181487 people to actually make use of this information. uAnOQTHlzj8-00450-00181491-00181999 One thing that we've done in the last few years is started to make uAnOQTHlzj8-00451-00181999-00182491 this dashboard that we use internally of available to the public. uAnOQTHlzj8-00452-00182491-00182691 So the idea is, and you could just see a little brief screenshot of it here. uAnOQTHlzj8-00453-00182691-00183391 But what agencies have data, what data sets do they have? uAnOQTHlzj8-00454-00183391-00183991 How how large are they, but also have they been updated when they're supposed to? uAnOQTHlzj8-00455-00183991-00184291 What is the plan for other publications? So it's something that we use ourselves. uAnOQTHlzj8-00456-00184291-00184719 It's something that is used by those agencies and those data uAnOQTHlzj8-00457-00184719-00185191 coordinators throughout those agencies but also used by the public. uAnOQTHlzj8-00458-00185191-00185723 And in this case we make the data available and that dashboard available. But also, and I uAnOQTHlzj8-00459-00185723-00186003 think, importantly to your point, have that same uAnOQTHlzj8-00460-00186003-00186208 source code available. So this is reproducible. uAnOQTHlzj8-00461-00186208-00186555 Nice, very very good initiative. Actually, from from uAnOQTHlzj8-00462-00186555-00186899 this, make me think also like from that out to you. uAnOQTHlzj8-00463-00186899-00187199 We also have a kind of dashboard but it's a bit a bit different. uAnOQTHlzj8-00464-00187199-00187599 So we'd only showcase the number of data set. uAnOQTHlzj8-00465-00187599-00187699 But we'll also try to give a feedback feedback. uAnOQTHlzj8-00466-00187699-00188499 A meta, metal data assessment to countries about that. uAnOQTHlzj8-00467-00188499-00189023 So we try to. For example, if you have a specific color that you publish uAnOQTHlzj8-00468-00189023-00189499 as an open data representative, we give, like a kind of a scoring. uAnOQTHlzj8-00469-00189499-00189899 And we, we will inform the future is a price ongoing. uAnOQTHlzj8-00470-00189899-00190295 Now we will ensure, inform the future to data providers when there's a broken link uAnOQTHlzj8-00471-00190291-00190695 when the scoring is going up it down in terms of quality, so they can fix it quickly. uAnOQTHlzj8-00472-00190699-00191256 And then they can keep this level of of quality somehow. uAnOQTHlzj8-00473-00191256-00191279 And then they can keep this level of of quality somehow. uAnOQTHlzj8-00474-00191279-00191479 I guess that seems like a great segue to the last of the dimensions. uAnOQTHlzj8-00475-00191479-00191879 Exactly. Yes, and then we can move on to the discussion. uAnOQTHlzj8-00476-00191879-00192179 But yes, it's one of the initiatives that we have. uAnOQTHlzj8-00477-00192179-00192679 We also have data metadata quality guidelines and data citation guidelines. uAnOQTHlzj8-00478-00192679-00193179 In case you are interested on this topic, we also have this at on that outer, but at you. uAnOQTHlzj8-00479-00193179-00193923 But in terms of moving into the policy dimension, it goes into the dimension, that uAnOQTHlzj8-00480-00193923-00194679 in which fast fast trenders feel more comfortable with the work, more on this level. uAnOQTHlzj8-00481-00194679-00194979 So we try to post and and to promote the use of the. uAnOQTHlzj8-00482-00194979-00195879 For example, there is a Ap. P. Model, and for the in Europe. uAnOQTHlzj8-00483-00195879-00196388 So we have this data catalogue a vocabulary in order to like both interoperability uAnOQTHlzj8-00484-00196388-00196919 and also ensure linking data and so here these are some of the aspects that we see. uAnOQTHlzj8-00485-00196923-00197359 So we try to start. We study here. What are the uAnOQTHlzj8-00486-00197359-00197823 portal land they're doing in order to improve it. uAnOQTHlzj8-00487-00197823-00198175 Quality data cleaning. And they provide the operate metabolites that uAnOQTHlzj8-00488-00198175-00198523 are licensing and everything which might seem a bit straightforward. uAnOQTHlzj8-00489-00198523-00198571 But some of it can be more difficult in the whole uAnOQTHlzj8-00490-00198571-00198623 process, especially if you are optimizing everything. uAnOQTHlzj8-00491-00198623-00199523 And so in this case we have a on your way. uAnOQTHlzj8-00492-00199523-00199983 So here was very interesting to see that especially Norway, or uAnOQTHlzj8-00493-00199983-00200423 even like the Switzerland, that is, is not highlighted here. uAnOQTHlzj8-00494-00200423-00200875 They have especially monitoring of quality of metadata, and they use uAnOQTHlzj8-00495-00200875-00201323 that alertable to metadata, meta, quality, and restaurants for that. uAnOQTHlzj8-00496-00201323-00201727 So we see that they are using this as a reference, and it can be useful for them, uAnOQTHlzj8-00497-00201727-00202123 which makes it even like more important that to keep it, to keep it updating it. uAnOQTHlzj8-00498-00202123-00202723 But also this wee start of that they they have a specific a section on that and Norway. uAnOQTHlzj8-00499-00202723-00203223 They have a specific publication, assessing the metadata of their portal. uAnOQTHlzj8-00500-00203223-00203595 So they really try to keep keep track on their progress on data quality uAnOQTHlzj8-00501-00203591-00203919 and and to see what can be done better in with this publication. uAnOQTHlzj8-00502-00203923-00204023 120. But what about the New York City? How is it? uAnOQTHlzj8-00503-00204023-00204423 How is it in that? uAnOQTHlzj8-00504-00204423-00204923 We have been focusing a lot on data quality over the last couple of years. uAnOQTHlzj8-00505-00204923-00204971 I think you mentioned at the beginning, at some of uAnOQTHlzj8-00506-00204971-00205023 the countries that have been working on open data. uAnOQTHlzj8-00507-00205023-00206123 For a while the focus on impact and not to say that we haven't. uAnOQTHlzj8-00508-00206123-00206627 But sometimes we found that we almost have, like circle back to some uAnOQTHlzj8-00509-00206627-00207115 of the things, and as the definition for open continues to expand, uAnOQTHlzj8-00510-00207115-00207599 and and we continue to mature like revisiting some of our previous uAnOQTHlzj8-00511-00207599-00208119 policies and standards, so with that, we developed this self assessment uAnOQTHlzj8-00512-00208123-00208175 checklist that we give to city agencies. And this uAnOQTHlzj8-00513-00208171-00208219 is a portion of the checklist in the screenshot. uAnOQTHlzj8-00514-00208223-00208623 Again you you can see the full checklist, the link. uAnOQTHlzj8-00515-00208623-00209175 But the idea is that before the data comes to our team, where we uAnOQTHlzj8-00516-00209171-00209703 then screen those data sets, there is a list of things that we uAnOQTHlzj8-00517-00209703-00210275 expect to see for each of these data sets, no matter where the data uAnOQTHlzj8-00518-00210275-00210819 comes from, the same kind of quality checks are being conducted. uAnOQTHlzj8-00519-00210823-00211423 I think, a really interesting point here is, and something we continue to think about. uAnOQTHlzj8-00520-00211423-00211947 It is the difference, and between, or the different challenges, uAnOQTHlzj8-00521-00211947-00212423 rather with thinking about the kind of intrinsic metadata. uAnOQTHlzj8-00522-00212423-00212891 So when the date when the data set was last updated, uAnOQTHlzj8-00523-00212891-00213331 or the number of rows and columns, or the name of uAnOQTHlzj8-00524-00213331-00213759 the publisher things that could to some extent be uAnOQTHlzj8-00525-00213759-00214223 automated, and that kind of contextual as extrinsic uAnOQTHlzj8-00526-00214223-00214503 metadata that can only be generated by a uAnOQTHlzj8-00527-00214499-00214875 person sort of explaining in plain language what the uAnOQTHlzj8-00528-00214875-00215171 data means, and and love to hear more about uAnOQTHlzj8-00529-00215171-00215523 how that's thought about in both this assessment. uAnOQTHlzj8-00530-00215523-00215680 And then among the countries there. uAnOQTHlzj8-00531-00215680-00215683 And then among the countries there. uAnOQTHlzj8-00532-00215683-00216151 Yes, so in this respect I have to say that there are some categories uAnOQTHlzj8-00533-00216147-00216587 that are working on their own database guidelines, and sometimes uAnOQTHlzj8-00534-00216587-00217071 they're even using this metadata and data quality from the publications uAnOQTHlzj8-00535-00217071-00217479 office on that also but you as a referenced but also 100 and uAnOQTHlzj8-00536-00217483-00217787 20, you know, as a reference, but then, of course, they uAnOQTHlzj8-00537-00217783-00218075 may have some particularities in the specific country uAnOQTHlzj8-00538-00218075-00218371 that they want to address or specific quality pitfalls uAnOQTHlzj8-00539-00218371-00218683 or opportunity that they want to measure specifically so. uAnOQTHlzj8-00540-00218683-00218931 For example, I think it was the Italian Italian uAnOQTHlzj8-00541-00218927-00219183 Government that they were undertaking this type uAnOQTHlzj8-00542-00219183-00219427 of activities, which means that it's very good, uAnOQTHlzj8-00543-00219427-00219679 because we see that there's so important there. uAnOQTHlzj8-00544-00219683-00220047 And so this is what I see very interesting that, uAnOQTHlzj8-00545-00220043-00220383 for example, metal data quality, we go into uAnOQTHlzj8-00546-00220387-00220731 one good practice, a bit bad practices to show uAnOQTHlzj8-00547-00220731-00221083 what is supposed to be good or bad. You know. uAnOQTHlzj8-00548-00221083-00221487 So the good on the bad practice. But here this actually attacklist that uAnOQTHlzj8-00549-00221487-00221891 could be like even like a bit more flexible and easier in some, in some uAnOQTHlzj8-00550-00221891-00222283 cases, and also from an open, that a provider perspective can be even uAnOQTHlzj8-00551-00222279-00222679 useful this type of you know, this type of format so it's a interesting uAnOQTHlzj8-00552-00222683-00222883 point. uAnOQTHlzj8-00553-00222883-00223183 I love the idea of the bad practices. uAnOQTHlzj8-00554-00223183-00223683 I think there's nothing like a good counter example to give people a sense of what to do. uAnOQTHlzj8-00555-00223683-00223783 Yeah, absolutely. uAnOQTHlzj8-00556-00223783-00224483 I think with that I think we can open and up for questions. uAnOQTHlzj8-00557-00224483-00225007 I'm gonna stop sharing. And then I think we can also have people unmute themselves uAnOQTHlzj8-00558-00225007-00225483 if they would like to to chime in so feel free, depending on your setup to. uAnOQTHlzj8-00559-00225483-00225987 Either put questions in the chat or to come off mute uAnOQTHlzj8-00560-00225987-00226483 or or to raise your hand virtually, and come off me. uAnOQTHlzj8-00561-00226483-00227367 Please, but either way, otherwise, in my I'm happy to answer uAnOQTHlzj8-00562-00227367-00227419 any questions you have, and I certainly have some more for you. uAnOQTHlzj8-00563-00227419-00227491 any questions you have, and I certainly have some more for you. uAnOQTHlzj8-00564-00227491-00227887 So, if you wanna, we can leave a couple of seconds. If not, I can break this uAnOQTHlzj8-00565-00227887-00228291 with with my first question, and then we see that somebody wants to intervene. uAnOQTHlzj8-00566-00228291-00229191 So I actually had the first question for you. Secondary. So you took the like. uAnOQTHlzj8-00567-00229191-00229463 Actually was your idea to go beyond the authority report uAnOQTHlzj8-00568-00229463-00229735 and see how it could be done at the New York City level, uAnOQTHlzj8-00569-00229735-00230007 which was a for me very interesting exercise. That's why uAnOQTHlzj8-00570-00230007-00230291 like this session has, like a completely new and different. uAnOQTHlzj8-00571-00230291-00230763 Fresh angle, so I would like to know, like with uAnOQTHlzj8-00572-00230759-00231287 this metology, this question that we share with you. uAnOQTHlzj8-00573-00231291-00231791 What what do you think about it? What do you think it can be extrapolated? uAnOQTHlzj8-00574-00231791-00231991 In which way which part of it do you think can be reused for which one is not? uAnOQTHlzj8-00575-00231991-00232091 Yeah, I think there's certainly some specific regulations that we have. uAnOQTHlzj8-00576-00232091-00232491 And you have where they may be roughly analogous but there's enough difference. uAnOQTHlzj8-00577-00232491-00233191 There that we can't really evaluate ourselves on that criteria, and probably vice versa. uAnOQTHlzj8-00578-00233191-00233591 But by and large it's kind of remarkable how, no matter where you are in the world. uAnOQTHlzj8-00579-00233591-00234315 And this is looking at this maturity index. But talking to other countries and other uAnOQTHlzj8-00580-00234315-00234987 cities as well, where really the same challenges the same fundamental problems. uAnOQTHlzj8-00581-00234991-00235519 Where of taking this information that was sort of created for internal uAnOQTHlzj8-00582-00235519-00235987 government use and and making it accessible to everyone, apply. uAnOQTHlzj8-00583-00235991-00236243 But I think there's a lot there that is, either thing that uAnOQTHlzj8-00584-00236243-00236487 we're working on or are certainly things we've discussed. uAnOQTHlzj8-00585-00236491-00237191 One of the challenges that we owe you is, how do you? uAnOQTHlzj8-00586-00237191-00237291 And I think you talked about this a little bit in the beginning. uAnOQTHlzj8-00587-00237291-00237391 But how do you prioritize between these these different dimensions? uAnOQTHlzj8-00588-00237391-00238115 It. It always feels like there are only so many people in so many hours, and I know you uAnOQTHlzj8-00589-00238115-00238455 mentioned, like some dimensions, have gone uAnOQTHlzj8-00590-00238459-00238891 down over years, and some of sort of stayed steady. uAnOQTHlzj8-00591-00238891-00239791 But what have you heard people and countries about that prioritization exercise? uAnOQTHlzj8-00592-00239791-00239975 Actually when these countries are undertaking this uAnOQTHlzj8-00593-00239975-00240187 exercise, you can already see which ones are maybe their uAnOQTHlzj8-00594-00240191-00240391 main priority for the year doesn't mean that it has to uAnOQTHlzj8-00595-00240391-00240587 be like a like a stable priority, for, like whatever? uAnOQTHlzj8-00596-00240591-00241175 But, for example, as we were mentioning before, these different clusters of uAnOQTHlzj8-00597-00241175-00241759 customers also showed that so, depending on the moment of a moment in which uAnOQTHlzj8-00598-00241759-00242299 you are, you may be giving more prayer to do that quality or medium to uAnOQTHlzj8-00599-00242303-00242891 that's a policy, because now they're like the high value hybrid letters it's uAnOQTHlzj8-00600-00242891-00243143 implementing. And whereas, for example, I don't know those countries that are uAnOQTHlzj8-00601-00243143-00243387 not into this EU landscape regulation, they don't have to. They don't have. uAnOQTHlzj8-00602-00243391-00243691 These urgency to to go into high value data set. uAnOQTHlzj8-00603-00243691-00244323 So maybe next year you will see that they're not investing time on it, because uAnOQTHlzj8-00604-00244323-00244987 it's not their priority, but they may invest more on Porta, for example, or impact. uAnOQTHlzj8-00605-00244991-00245391 So, it depends on the country. That's why, when they are filling in uAnOQTHlzj8-00606-00245391-00245791 this questionnaire, we make sure that we it changed with them ideas. uAnOQTHlzj8-00607-00245791-00246291 We also hear from them, and also we also undertake, like a more in uAnOQTHlzj8-00608-00246291-00246803 depth exercise, because from the publication of of of of the report, uAnOQTHlzj8-00609-00246803-00247267 we want to also hear from them, and making all the information uAnOQTHlzj8-00610-00247271-00247787 easier that yes, civilian chunks know so 200 and we are doing now our uAnOQTHlzj8-00611-00247791-00248151 students don't under the data of Academy with this kind of where they can, a specific uAnOQTHlzj8-00612-00248151-00248487 and explain what they did and why this court is is for the specific ranking work. uAnOQTHlzj8-00613-00248491-00248763 And what are they doing on this respect? But uAnOQTHlzj8-00614-00248763-00249087 also data storage and new space in which we try to. uAnOQTHlzj8-00615-00249091-00249971 We bring this information in a more digestible manner to the audience. uAnOQTHlzj8-00616-00249971-00250307 We bring this information in a more digestible manner to the audience. uAnOQTHlzj8-00617-00250307-00250407 Oh! uAnOQTHlzj8-00618-00250407-00250647 I guess we that there is a question in the chat from Flora who is uAnOQTHlzj8-00619-00250647-00250903 asking how you are applying to continue the collaboration between Nyc. uAnOQTHlzj8-00620-00250907-00251707 And you, I think, 1 one way of for first of all, I we've had the European Union. uAnOQTHlzj8-00621-00251707-00251935 I think now is our second year at least in recent uAnOQTHlzj8-00622-00251935-00252203 memory, but I think this collaboration around open data uAnOQTHlzj8-00623-00252207-00252439 week has has been ongoing, but certainly open data uAnOQTHlzj8-00624-00252439-00252703 week is one week of the year, and the rest of the year. uAnOQTHlzj8-00625-00252707-00253351 One thing that I find particularly helpful, especially when uAnOQTHlzj8-00626-00253351-00254003 we started thinking about like, what do we even mean by data? uAnOQTHlzj8-00627-00254007-00254055 Quality is looking at what people have made public, and I uAnOQTHlzj8-00628-00254055-00254103 think one of the lovely things about the open data movement. uAnOQTHlzj8-00629-00254107-00255007 It's very much connected with the open government movement, and and a lot of countries, uAnOQTHlzj8-00630-00255007-00255803 states, cities have made the resources they use internally available publicly. uAnOQTHlzj8-00631-00255807-00256307 So we certainly try to do that. And it's always wonderful to see like the we use Academy. uAnOQTHlzj8-00632-00256307-00257295 is academy when those resources are accessible uAnOQTHlzj8-00633-00257295-00257716 to people outside of the the primary audience. uAnOQTHlzj8-00634-00257716-00257731 to people outside of the the primary audience. uAnOQTHlzj8-00635-00257731-00257964 So! uAnOQTHlzj8-00636-00257964-00258031 So! uAnOQTHlzj8-00637-00258031-00258335 Also. I was wondering, based on this committee that we uAnOQTHlzj8-00638-00258335-00258635 were having before who are the stakeholders that as a uAnOQTHlzj8-00639-00258635-00258963 New York city of Canada port the who are these stakeholders uAnOQTHlzj8-00640-00258967-00259231 are working with, who are your data? Providers? uAnOQTHlzj8-00641-00259231-00259339 Because it somehow I had a feeling that I uAnOQTHlzj8-00642-00259343-00259483 was going to a very target group that I are public uAnOQTHlzj8-00643-00259483-00259595 administrations, even it's like a very big uAnOQTHlzj8-00644-00259595-00259727 group in India, because they're very big family. uAnOQTHlzj8-00645-00259731-00260259 But from the New York City perspective. Are you working uAnOQTHlzj8-00646-00260259-00260827 also with private entities, or our account and universities? uAnOQTHlzj8-00647-00260831-00261031 How does it work in your, in, your, on your side? uAnOQTHlzj8-00648-00261031-00261931 So we definitely the data that we have officially published is okay. uAnOQTHlzj8-00649-00261931-00262531 It is from those with a few exceptions, from those public entities. uAnOQTHlzj8-00650-00262531-00262631 We have some data sets that we've published as, like more individual exercises. uAnOQTHlzj8-00651-00262631-00263139 So, for example, one that's in the realm of, I guess what you uAnOQTHlzj8-00652-00263139-00263687 would call like citizen science, where a few years ago there was a uAnOQTHlzj8-00653-00263687-00264199 census of squirrels that was taken in the city's central Park, uAnOQTHlzj8-00654-00264199-00264727 and that is a data set certainly where there's no city, purpose. uAnOQTHlzj8-00655-00264731-00265195 Behind that that sort of census, but that is one of the data sets that we uAnOQTHlzj8-00656-00265199-00265659 make publicly available, and very much have once as well as we, continue uAnOQTHlzj8-00657-00265659-00266091 to put those governance structures in place, would like to move from uAnOQTHlzj8-00658-00266091-00266527 a website that has data from New York city government to website that uAnOQTHlzj8-00659-00266531-00266931 just has sort of authoritative data about New York City. uAnOQTHlzj8-00660-00266931-00267647 But the idea of opening up to other publishers and and other entities, I think, uAnOQTHlzj8-00661-00267647-00268327 is always it's wonderful, but also has its own, its own challenges. I guess. uAnOQTHlzj8-00662-00268331-00268831 Are there any countries within your majority report that you found that would? uAnOQTHlzj8-00663-00268831-00269231 That that particularly well and like, if any tips there. uAnOQTHlzj8-00664-00269231-00269583 Yes, actually, it's something that that I think uAnOQTHlzj8-00665-00269583-00269947 it's it's a common issue that is discussed at a uAnOQTHlzj8-00666-00269951-00270343 different levels. No, it can be like local, regional uAnOQTHlzj8-00667-00270343-00270727 or national, for me, is that sometimes you want to. uAnOQTHlzj8-00668-00270731-00271231 Since people working on update, I want to share data as much as possible is through that. uAnOQTHlzj8-00669-00271231-00271583 Sometimes you have to put boundaries on the on the partners that they belong uAnOQTHlzj8-00670-00271583-00271931 to, or make sure that they are reliable, restricts in whom you can count on. uAnOQTHlzj8-00671-00271931-00272331 I think the second part is very, very important, essential. uAnOQTHlzj8-00672-00272331-00272727 Absolutely, I think there's nothing worse as a causeer uAnOQTHlzj8-00673-00272727-00273131 of data that defined a wonderful data set and to see it uAnOQTHlzj8-00674-00273131-00273531 hasn't been updated in ages or to have it suddenly stop uAnOQTHlzj8-00675-00273531-00273931 updating because there's some breakdown in that process uAnOQTHlzj8-00676-00273931-00274499 and it is certainly well, not easy is easier if they are public entities uAnOQTHlzj8-00677-00274499-00275027 that have some sort of direct government connection to the stewards. uAnOQTHlzj8-00678-00275031-00275131 And actually yes, sorry. uAnOQTHlzj8-00679-00275131-00275631 There. I see there's an I was just gonna say, I've you go ahead. uAnOQTHlzj8-00680-00275631-00276055 No, I was going to use complete on that. But actually, with adoption of the uAnOQTHlzj8-00681-00276055-00276467 Data Governance Act, and there is something that also was adopted indoors uAnOQTHlzj8-00682-00276471-00276903 like not a long time ago, like a couple of months ago, actually, Carson's are uAnOQTHlzj8-00683-00276907-00277331 seeing how actually to solve this and to provide a national scene to access uAnOQTHlzj8-00684-00277331-00277619 point, single information point of all these uAnOQTHlzj8-00685-00277619-00277927 different small ports as original local Porta. uAnOQTHlzj8-00686-00277931-00278239 So, okay, we keep one entry point of access. And this uAnOQTHlzj8-00687-00278239-00278543 European they're going to guess your European single uAnOQTHlzj8-00688-00278543-00278827 access point via that tells you that you are going uAnOQTHlzj8-00689-00278827-00279127 to give, provide a gateway to all this information. uAnOQTHlzj8-00690-00279131-00279511 But in a more instructor way. So it's going to be like the the uAnOQTHlzj8-00691-00279511-00279927 filtering somehow to all this information, let's see how how it goes. uAnOQTHlzj8-00692-00279931-00280331 Yeah, I know there's the site here. uAnOQTHlzj8-00693-00280331-00280591 The United States that federates a lot of data from across uAnOQTHlzj8-00694-00280595-00280831 the country, but that is still, I think, a challenge. uAnOQTHlzj8-00695-00280831-00281335 I see there's a couple of questions in the chat, one from Mike Hernandez uAnOQTHlzj8-00696-00281335-00281783 asking about feedback loops or processes with consumers of data, uAnOQTHlzj8-00697-00281783-00282255 do you use any particular frameworks or design methodologies, or any uAnOQTHlzj8-00698-00282255-00282727 sort of code design with policymakers and data consumers in the same uAnOQTHlzj8-00699-00282731-00283011 space and then there's another one from Tim asking uAnOQTHlzj8-00700-00283011-00283319 about our our stances and opinions on cities, states, uAnOQTHlzj8-00701-00283323-00283635 and towns that are still standing behind privacy issues uAnOQTHlzj8-00702-00283635-00283931 and concerns regarding release, releasing data sets. uAnOQTHlzj8-00703-00283931-00284231 I think it's fairly obvious. Your stance, and with the I think it's fairly obvious. uAnOQTHlzj8-00704-00284231-00284483 Your stance with the audience here. So I uAnOQTHlzj8-00705-00284483-00284807 think to Mike's question about the the frameworks uAnOQTHlzj8-00706-00284807-00285327 and design methodologies and feedback loops. Do you wanna start with that one Ina? uAnOQTHlzj8-00707-00285331-00285379 Yes, of course I can compliment that bit on that, uAnOQTHlzj8-00708-00285379-00285427 and then and you can explain your from your side. uAnOQTHlzj8-00709-00285431-00286531 So the metadata. So let me tell a quality, assessment, methodology. So demetology behind. uAnOQTHlzj8-00710-00286531-00286675 And so I told that we provide a through a portal that is, by a uAnOQTHlzj8-00711-00286675-00286827 majority done by by by the Controller, from working for that other. uAnOQTHlzj8-00712-00286831-00287531 So he wants to develop. I originally buy from Hofer focus. uAnOQTHlzj8-00713-00287531-00287900 So really study the how like the how they, where is the uAnOQTHlzj8-00714-00287900-00288095 So really study the how like the how they, where is the uAnOQTHlzj8-00715-00288095-00288675 metadata quality like behind the different data sets? uAnOQTHlzj8-00716-00288679-00288979 So there are different here. There's also like different dimensions. uAnOQTHlzj8-00717-00288979-00289319 So in terms of the keyword usage, the categories, the Geo uAnOQTHlzj8-00718-00289319-00289675 search, the time based search textxibility, interoperability. uAnOQTHlzj8-00719-00289679-00289779 So actually, I can give you access to all this information. uAnOQTHlzj8-00720-00289779-00290479 You can see yourself. It's true that sometimes it's not. It's not perfect. uAnOQTHlzj8-00721-00290479-00290859 You may find tuning in the future. But this is how we're what uAnOQTHlzj8-00722-00290859-00291251 we're using now, because as you tell me, we saw that it was the uAnOQTHlzj8-00723-00291255-00291675 methodology for that supply, there was fitting in with what what but uAnOQTHlzj8-00724-00291675-00292075 I'm going to send it to you, actually and then cycle, if you want uAnOQTHlzj8-00725-00292079-00292179 to share your your views on that. uAnOQTHlzj8-00726-00292179-00292579 Yeah, we we try to have feedback loops in most of our work. uAnOQTHlzj8-00727-00292579-00292967 I think one thing and this is it did more uAnOQTHlzj8-00728-00292967-00293479 unidirectional than a lot of the other loops is just. uAnOQTHlzj8-00729-00293479-00293915 We have a service where people could ask questions about a data set or uAnOQTHlzj8-00730-00293915-00294351 not, just ask questions, but also nominate a data set for publication, uAnOQTHlzj8-00731-00294351-00294783 where, if they think there's some data that exists in city government, uAnOQTHlzj8-00732-00294787-00295175 that an agency is actively managing, but it's not yet public we uAnOQTHlzj8-00733-00295179-00295271 we we receive nominations for that data set uAnOQTHlzj8-00734-00295271-00295375 to be published and there's a legal requirement. uAnOQTHlzj8-00735-00295379-00295819 Then after that, for the owner of that data set to uAnOQTHlzj8-00736-00295819-00296295 get back within a period of time, and then to either uAnOQTHlzj8-00737-00296295-00296767 publish the data set share when it will be published, uAnOQTHlzj8-00738-00296767-00297175 or explain publicly why it can't be published. uAnOQTHlzj8-00739-00297179-00297279 Hmm! uAnOQTHlzj8-00740-00297279-00297479 So that's one example of that kind of feedback loop. uAnOQTHlzj8-00741-00297479-00297579 I think another is just as we think about these different tools. uAnOQTHlzj8-00742-00297579-00298179 We have, and that we're putting in place internally. uAnOQTHlzj8-00743-00298179-00298539 How can we get people involved in that conversation? uAnOQTHlzj8-00744-00298539-00298879 One way is just sharing them with the information. uAnOQTHlzj8-00745-00298879-00299279 So, having them available on the open data website, but also actively seeking people out. uAnOQTHlzj8-00746-00299279-00299871 Soon we put together our priorities for open data. After our tenth anniversary we had uAnOQTHlzj8-00747-00299871-00300447 a workshop ring in people from different parts of government members of the cities, uAnOQTHlzj8-00748-00300447-00301007 civic tech community members of a particular issue advocate groups and and having uAnOQTHlzj8-00749-00301011-00301579 that kind of co-design process and then I think another example actually school of uAnOQTHlzj8-00750-00301579-00302135 data. Last year we were looking at new standards for documentation and how uAnOQTHlzj8-00751-00302135-00302675 to a public workshop to get people's feedback on those kind of standards. uAnOQTHlzj8-00752-00302679-00302779 Hmm! uAnOQTHlzj8-00753-00302779-00303035 I think that's always a really important point that, especially uAnOQTHlzj8-00754-00303035-00303279 with open data, we can't just do this alone, or an isolation. uAnOQTHlzj8-00755-00303279-00303479 That's true. That's absolutely I kind of agreement. uAnOQTHlzj8-00756-00303479-00303931 Yeah, and I also regarding the second question from team regarding that uAnOQTHlzj8-00757-00303931-00304387 privacy is a constant question of combs every time, especially from data uAnOQTHlzj8-00758-00304387-00304823 holders, that they want to publish the data, because at the other day uAnOQTHlzj8-00759-00304823-00305275 we're working with public administration and is true that they they have uAnOQTHlzj8-00760-00305279-00305583 like a a quite amount of personal data. So here they when uAnOQTHlzj8-00761-00305583-00305867 we're talking about open data, we understand that all uAnOQTHlzj8-00762-00305871-00306183 the personal data or identification of this personal aspect uAnOQTHlzj8-00763-00306183-00306475 of the data is completely erased is completely outside. uAnOQTHlzj8-00764-00306479-00306975 There was already an animation process behind, so it's true that sometimes uAnOQTHlzj8-00765-00306975-00307431 it's one of the main concerns that they may have, that is, but still uAnOQTHlzj8-00766-00307435-00307883 we can see a shift of a ship of mindset, especially actually, after uAnOQTHlzj8-00767-00307883-00308375 COVID-19 that we saw how important is to do electronic data sharing across uAnOQTHlzj8-00768-00308379-00308767 administration. 2 understand. Like the like more uAnOQTHlzj8-00769-00308767-00309179 about this pandemic or increase crisis management. uAnOQTHlzj8-00770-00309179-00309679 We really need this type of 100%, this type of information available. uAnOQTHlzj8-00771-00309679-00310179 So we can see that actually, after the covid-nineteen, after the the opera. uAnOQTHlzj8-00772-00310179-00310551 They're really trying to make this information and transferable uAnOQTHlzj8-00773-00310551-00310875 in the in a way that it can be reusable for governments. uAnOQTHlzj8-00774-00310879-00311179 And this is why we have also the high value data sets. uAnOQTHlzj8-00775-00311179-00311743 And this leadsulation passenger side as well. They really want to have uAnOQTHlzj8-00776-00311743-00312300 emphasize, and they want to improve the way this data is shared, and by default. uAnOQTHlzj8-00777-00312300-00312315 emphasize, and they want to improve the way this data is shared, and by default. uAnOQTHlzj8-00778-00312315-00312707 Yeah, I think the idea of sharing data, especially uAnOQTHlzj8-00779-00312707-00313067 if it's not something that is have been done uAnOQTHlzj8-00780-00313067-00313431 before in a particular municipality can be kind uAnOQTHlzj8-00781-00313431-00313811 of scary, because you're taking this this data. uAnOQTHlzj8-00782-00313815-00314315 And information that was previously only accessible to internal employees. uAnOQTHlzj8-00783-00314315-00314415 And it's something that they use in their day to day. uAnOQTHlzj8-00784-00314415-00314715 Lives, and you're making it available to everyone. uAnOQTHlzj8-00785-00314715-00315255 So I think some of that, and some of the work that we uAnOQTHlzj8-00786-00315255-00315815 do and have done is to help people through that process. uAnOQTHlzj8-00787-00315815-00316223 But ultimately we're again fortunate that we have both uAnOQTHlzj8-00788-00316223-00316611 a robust set of policies, but also a law of backing. uAnOQTHlzj8-00789-00316615-00316979 What's being shared. But I think, on the other hand, there uAnOQTHlzj8-00790-00316979-00317311 is this idea frankly, so that the Internet is forever. uAnOQTHlzj8-00791-00317315-00317415 So we always when we publish data sets. uAnOQTHlzj8-00792-00317415-00317715 So really careful about privacy and have a network uAnOQTHlzj8-00793-00317715-00318051 sort of corresponding to the open data coordinators of uAnOQTHlzj8-00794-00318055-00318371 privacy officers around the city in a different city uAnOQTHlzj8-00795-00318371-00318711 agencies and work with the city's chief privacy officer. uAnOQTHlzj8-00796-00318715-00319203 In their office on that, but I think the topic of uAnOQTHlzj8-00797-00319203-00319791 privacy is one where I think there legitimately something uAnOQTHlzj8-00798-00319795-00320279 that should be addressed very carefully, but also uAnOQTHlzj8-00799-00320279-00320811 obviously something that sometimes is more driven by uAnOQTHlzj8-00800-00320815-00321076 fear. In in some cases. uAnOQTHlzj8-00801-00321076-00321143 fear. In in some cases. uAnOQTHlzj8-00802-00321143-00321443 I fully agree and for me it was very interesting also uAnOQTHlzj8-00803-00321443-00321751 to see how sometimes we we are facing, as you remember uAnOQTHlzj8-00804-00321751-00322051 mentioning before we're facing the common challenges, uAnOQTHlzj8-00805-00322051-00322339 but at the same time we can learn from one another. uAnOQTHlzj8-00806-00322343-00322695 So these type of activities, these type of events make us like, bring the uAnOQTHlzj8-00807-00322695-00323039 bell and really have an opportunity to to exchange these best practices. uAnOQTHlzj8-00808-00323043-00323543 So again. Thank you very much for inviting me. uAnOQTHlzj8-00809-00323543-00323851 Yeah, thank thank you so much for participating. It's a great uAnOQTHlzj8-00810-00323851-00324191 reminder that again, as you were saying, like, none of us are alone uAnOQTHlzj8-00811-00324191-00324511 in this, the challenges that we face are are the challenges that uAnOQTHlzj8-00812-00324515-00324839 governments around the world face. In in slightly different ways. uAnOQTHlzj8-00813-00324843-00325120 But also in remarkably similar ones. uAnOQTHlzj8-00814-00325120-00325577 But thank you so much, Emma, and thank you everyone for joining today. uAnOQTHlzj8-00815-00325577-00325913 Thank you very much for inviting me, and I hope uAnOQTHlzj8-00816-00325913-00326048 you have a nice rest of the day, and nice weekend. uAnOQTHlzj8-00817-00326048-00326089 you have a nice rest of the day, and nice weekend. uAnOQTHlzj8-00818-00326089-00326389 Take care, everyone. uAnOQTHlzj8-00819-00326389-00326789 You both. uCiOAfRiLuM-00000-00000869-00001269 There needs to be a coalition of people especially in the development sector and uCiOAfRiLuM-00001-00001269-00001650 the humanitarian sector who don't tend to work together with the human rights sector uCiOAfRiLuM-00002-00001720-00002148 how they can be involved and how their expertise and it's very clear that uCiOAfRiLuM-00003-00002148-00002529 there's lots of expertise that those of us in the freedom of religion or belief uCiOAfRiLuM-00004-00002529-00003024 world need to hear and need to practically work through with and learn uCiOAfRiLuM-00005-00003024-00003386 from their experience and that this is a really important start to that uCiOAfRiLuM-00006-00003386-00003846 discussion. So hearing from I think some of the key people like Peter from uCiOAfRiLuM-00007-00003846-00004314 Nigeria today and the real the practical voice of what works in that context uCiOAfRiLuM-00008-00004314-00005025 that's what we and governments and large institutions need to be listening to but uCiOAfRiLuM-00009-00005025-00005360 on a really big scale for there to be impact where it is needed. uCiOAfRiLuM-00010-00005410-00005678 The main take away for me is the fact uCiOAfRiLuM-00011-00005678-00005810 that it's not really possible to go in uCiOAfRiLuM-00012-00005810-00006110 with just a straightforward development agenda uCiOAfRiLuM-00013-00006167-00006470 There are so many different interactions with security policy uCiOAfRiLuM-00014-00006470-00006700 with human rights, with justice and peace uCiOAfRiLuM-00015-00006800-00007016 it's not really possible to just take a uCiOAfRiLuM-00016-00007016-00007280 very unilateral approach to it uCiOAfRiLuM-00017-00007330-00007630 I think it's important as development organisations and, uCiOAfRiLuM-00018-00007680-00007730 as Bond, uCiOAfRiLuM-00019-00007759-00008250 to really be aware of how our policy issues relate to other policy issues and all of that to uCiOAfRiLuM-00020-00008250-00008742 be threaded through primarily by the strategies of local civil society uCiOAfRiLuM-00021-00008742-00009086 organisations who know the context, who know the communities uCiOAfRiLuM-00022-00009086-00009390 and who know the appropriate response and how to lead uCiOAfRiLuM-00023-00009480-00009780 I think today's event is quite unique uCiOAfRiLuM-00024-00009810-00010130 in the way it's been able to bring together uCiOAfRiLuM-00025-00010190-00010529 so many different organisations under one roof uCiOAfRiLuM-00026-00010529-00010877 and to raise and talk about this very important uCiOAfRiLuM-00027-00010877-00011231 issue: religious freedom and how different uCiOAfRiLuM-00028-00011231-00011584 communities as well as different countries are tackling it. uCiOAfRiLuM-00029-00011584-00011910 I'm hopeful because of the people I met today uCiOAfRiLuM-00030-00011930-00012284 I'm hopeful for the Nigerians and the Arabs and the Indians uCiOAfRiLuM-00031-00012284-00012466 and the Pakistanis and the Burmese uCiOAfRiLuM-00032-00012466-00012890 who are all coming together in this solid effort to work uCiOAfRiLuM-00033-00012930-00013253 So I am hopeful. It is challenging and if it uCiOAfRiLuM-00034-00013253-00013400 wasn't challenging perhaps uCiOAfRiLuM-00035-00013510-00013660 it wouldn't be necessarily something uCiOAfRiLuM-00036-00013690-00013950 that we need to be worried about, we wouldn't be put to action. uD56hlynBtE-00000-00000466-00000640 Wroom wroom ! uD56hlynBtE-00001-00000654-00000908 all this starts, thankfully uD56hlynBtE-00002-00001170-00001316 starter contact ! uD56hlynBtE-00003-00001334-00001826 The man who did not want to leave his childhood: second part "the tractors" uD56hlynBtE-00004-00003500-00003718 Here there are 34 tractors uD56hlynBtE-00005-00008884-00009152 marvelous uD56hlynBtE-00006-00009152-00009350 with a two-seater seat uD56hlynBtE-00007-00009932-00010300 these little tractors were used for market gardening uD56hlynBtE-00008-00010320-00010736 the twin wheels allow to pass between the furrows uD56hlynBtE-00009-00010790-00011106 yes, but there were not many here uD56hlynBtE-00010-00011128-00011302 that's what Christian told me uD56hlynBtE-00011-00012472-00012812 well, well, we're going to go hang the tank uD56hlynBtE-00012-00014168-00014450 Yeah, are you going to do some mechanics at your house? uD56hlynBtE-00013-00014494-00014758 do some DIY, old tractors to retype uD56hlynBtE-00014-00014806-00015006 he has a lot to do uD56hlynBtE-00015-00015130-00015619 the only one machine in the world uD56hlynBtE-00016-00015652-00015972 CCM, means" Continental Company of Motoculture" uD56hlynBtE-00017-00016012-00016336 these people, in the 50's, were making hay machines uD56hlynBtE-00018-00016368-00016704 machines for working the land, potatoes pickers uD56hlynBtE-00019-00016798-00017330 and at the end of the 50's they said to themselves "we're going to do like everyone else build tractors" uD56hlynBtE-00020-00017428-00018000 so they have to debauch engineers from Ferguson to build this tractor uD56hlynBtE-00021-00018046-00018668 connoisseurs will recognize the back of a Ferguson with deck and staggered PTO uD56hlynBtE-00022-00018854-00019312 and then in 1957 John Deere arrives and buys Lens in Germany uD56hlynBtE-00023-00019336-00019710 he is interested in the French market and needs a pied-à-terre in France uD56hlynBtE-00024-00019746-00019946 John Deere buys CCM uD56hlynBtE-00025-00019986-00020392 and John Deere says "I make my own tractors your projects no longer worth it" uD56hlynBtE-00026-00020392-00020576 so this is the only one that was built uD56hlynBtE-00027-00020632-00020832 and we lost track uD56hlynBtE-00028-00020846-00021330 and one day when the factory manager was in a bad mood and was liquidating the machines he told me "that!" uD56hlynBtE-00029-00021360-00021596 he calls me and tells me that you're interested uD56hlynBtE-00030-00021628-00021988 I said yes, so John Deere sold it to me as long as I keep it and do not sell it uD56hlynBtE-00031-00022028-00022516 so it's a unique model, a John Deere alone in the world with an air-cooled engine uD56hlynBtE-00032-00022566-00023038 and when I show my American friends a picture, they do not want to believe me and yet it is there uD56hlynBtE-00033-00023112-00023466 the only John Deere air-cooled is there! in Normandie uD56hlynBtE-00034-00023560-00023660 This is the story uD56hlynBtE-00035-00023798-00023998 this one is an American John Deere uD56hlynBtE-00036-00024012-00024240 2 horizontal cylinders diesel uD56hlynBtE-00037-00024256-00024550 it's late 50s early 60s uD56hlynBtE-00038-00024608-00024918 and I fully built it I had two wrecks uD56hlynBtE-00039-00024958-00025286 it's the front of one tractor and the back of another so with two I made one uD56hlynBtE-00040-00025382-00025704 after 40 years of mechanics John Deere she does not have too many secrets uD56hlynBtE-00041-00025836-00025988 it's time to spend patience uD56hlynBtE-00042-00026350-00026550 again there are old tractors uD56hlynBtE-00043-00026733-00026988 It's everywhere ! Is there any in his bedroom? uD56hlynBtE-00044-00026988-00027188 he has them everywhere, there are still some in Orleans uD56hlynBtE-00045-00027226-00027542 this one is the old tractor to my father this little Ferguson uD56hlynBtE-00046-00028054-00028688 there is a very beautiful Deutz, very old, who was in the water I do not know how he managed to escape uD56hlynBtE-00047-00029092-00029292 it's protected as I can uD56hlynBtE-00048-00029598-00029882 I had two, two like this one to make one uD56hlynBtE-00049-00030033-00030388 and then I miss the courage I sold that to a colleague uD56hlynBtE-00050-00030833-00031277 there is work, he was outside, the other is in better condition and he has a fork uD56hlynBtE-00051-00031598-00032022 I already have to bring the other one and he will come and get that one, and if he wants to do it again with both uD56hlynBtE-00052-00032058-00032292 but for me that's enough uD56hlynBtE-00053-00032388-00032978 but wrecks like this one, we put it back in new condition ... practically uD56hlynBtE-00054-00033070-00033384 there are all the pieces in England at David Brown, there is everything we want uD56hlynBtE-00055-00033410-00033508 no problem uD56hlynBtE-00056-00034162-00034362 we will start "le société" uD56hlynBtE-00057-00034696-00034896 good what should I do already! uD56hlynBtE-00058-00035438-00035750 this ball there, it was heated and when it is very red uD56hlynBtE-00059-00035788-00035988 this is where the explosion start, with fuel uD56hlynBtE-00060-00039780-00039980 he is not hot uD56hlynBtE-00061-00040342-00040542 he comes to his balance now uD56hlynBtE-00062-00040580-00040780 we'll put him out uD56hlynBtE-00063-00045804-00046004 does he look fit? uD56hlynBtE-00064-00046020-00046444 oh yes, he's fine, he's ready to work as long as there's fuel uD56hlynBtE-00065-00046470-00046818 he has already turned a threshing day near Chartres uD56hlynBtE-00066-00046942-00047328 what is beautiful is the smoke rings coming out of the exhaust uD56hlynBtE-00067-00048098-00048420 it was mainly the threshing Cuma that had that uD56hlynBtE-00068-00048578-00048798 the big farms had the smaller model 302 uD56hlynBtE-00069-00048874-00049360 which is more handy than that, it's true that it's a bit rustic, but you have to be used to it uD56hlynBtE-00070-00049718-00049918 but it's spectacular uD56hlynBtE-00071-00050034-00050490 this characteristic noise, this poum, poum, poum, the comings and goings of the piston uD56hlynBtE-00072-00054655-00055148 in the club, our women tell us that we are great kids with our toys, that's true! uD56hlynBtE-00073-00055214-00055414 we have fun like little crazy with our toys uD56hlynBtE-00074-00055562-00055798 the wheat thresher uD56hlynBtE-00075-00056264-00056464 you give me the go uD56hlynBtE-00076-00056654-00056854 go ahead go for it's good uD56hlynBtE-00077-00058167-00058367 it's tricky when the material comes out? uD56hlynBtE-00078-00058405-00058605 oh yes, there are 5 tons there uD56hlynBtE-00079-00060034-00060198 he must do maneuvers? uD56hlynBtE-00080-00060214-00060560 the material is a bit big for the house, that's it! uD56hlynBtE-00081-00061579-00062152 At one time, tractors could not hold material down too much on slopes uD56hlynBtE-00082-00062176-00062667 and so, there was always a person in the back to use this manual brake in case uD56hlynBtE-00083-00062694-00063208 because sometimes it push, the roads were not all passable formerly uD56hlynBtE-00084-00065586-00065890 at the time, the Cuma thresher went from farm to farm uD56hlynBtE-00085-00065940-00066244 when she was on the main road there, I could hear the tractor from afar uD56hlynBtE-00086-00066286-00066552 I immediately took my bike to see her go uD56hlynBtE-00087-00066578-00066778 it's still great this guy lead that uD56hlynBtE-00088-00066796-00067188 when I grow up I'll be like him, and then you see, we start again uD56hlynBtE-00089-00068610-00068914 so here we go up the ramps of the truck, attach the tractor uD56hlynBtE-00090-00068938-00069256 everything is almost ready, a last minute check uD56hlynBtE-00091-00069298-00069686 tomorrow saturday we install everything, and on Sunday we do the agricultural show uD56hlynBtE-00092-00069686-00069822 Sunday appointment then? uD56hlynBtE-00093-00069846-00070240 then there you will see many things ... the agricultural world once upon a time uD56hlynBtE-00094-00071208-00071564 to follow: third part Farming threshing uD56hlynBtE-00095-00072052-00072550 the man who did not want to leave his childhood uDkf5rT4vxu-00001-00000980-00001802 There’s a lot of news going around about COVID-19 - sometimes it’s hard to tell fact from fiction. uDkf5rT4vxu-00002-00001804-00002100 Let’s tackle a few common myths. uDkf5rT4vxu-00003-00002100-00002624 Myth One: COVID-19 isn’t a big deal for young people. uDkf5rT4vxu-00004-00002624-00003030 Actually, people of all ages can be affected by COVID-19. uDkf5rT4vxu-00005-00003034-00003236 Even wizards? uDkf5rT4vxu-00006-00003236-00003434 Even wizards, Harry Dotter. uDkf5rT4vxu-00007-00003436-00004300 In fact, the Centre for Disease Control reports that of all COVID-19 cases, 35% are in people 49 and under. uDkf5rT4vxu-00008-00004300-00004958 And 1 in 5 people hospitalized for severe COVID-19 were between the ages of 20 and 44. uDkf5rT4vxu-00009-00004958-00005914 But perhaps the greater danger is that young people may spread the virus to those most vulnerable to COVID-19, people with other health problems and the elderly. uDkf5rT4vxu-00010-00005914-00006304 So let’s look out for each other by staying home and stopping the spread. uDkf5rT4vxu-00011-00006304-00006981 Myth Two: COVID-19 doesn’t spread in very hot or very cold weather. uDkf5rT4vxu-00012-00006986-00007552 Based on current data, coronavirus can spread in all types of climates. Sorry Dots! uDkf5rT4vxu-00013-00007552-00008112 Myth Three: Home remedies protect against COVID-19. uDkf5rT4vxu-00014-00008112-00009000 Despite what you may have seen on social media, teas, mouth rinses, essential oils, and other home remedies do not work against COVID-19. uDkf5rT4vxu-00015-00009000-00009494 And cleaning products, like bleach, should never be swallowed or injected! uDkf5rT4vxu-00016-00009494-00010128 Myth Four: There is currently a cure for COVID-19. uDkf5rT4vxu-00017-00010132-00010260 In short, not yet. uDkf5rT4vxu-00018-00010266-00010970 Some people have looked to antibiotics for treatment. While antibiotics work great for bacterial infections... uDkf5rT4vxu-00019-00010970-00011352 they don't work for viruses, like coronavirus. uDkf5rT4vxu-00020-00011352-00011986 Using antibiotics for viruses is a bit like cleaning your house with a pickle, it doesn’t work. uDkf5rT4vxu-00021-00011986-00012708 You may have also heard of hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, and other medications being used for COVID-19. uDkf5rT4vxu-00022-00012708-00013241 While certain drugs may have some benefit, it's unlikely that we'll find a cure quickly. uDkf5rT4vxu-00023-00013241-00014102 What we need is more research. Research that clearly shows what is safe and effective against COVID-19. uDkf5rT4vxu-00024-00014102-00014890 Unfortunately, news stories have sparked big demand for hydroxychloroquine, taking this drug away from people who need it for other conditions. uDkf5rT4vxu-00025-00014890-00015256 So what can we do? uDkf5rT4vxu-00026-00015256-00016063 We can arm ourselves with information from trusted sources like the World Health Organization, Centre for Disease Control, and your local health authority. uDkf5rT4vxu-00027-00016063-00016526 Together, we can spread accurate information...and not infection! uF0VjK6IfN8-00000-00000624-00000824 So here we are at London Comic Con... uF0VjK6IfN8-00001-00000824-00001019 So it's not Paris Comic Con, uF0VjK6IfN8-00002-00001019-00001156 It's the Comic Con where people speak English. uF0VjK6IfN8-00003-00001216-00001322 But not like in the United States either uF0VjK6IfN8-00004-00001322-00001866 The Comic Con where we speak English but with the kind of british and aristocratic accent! uF0VjK6IfN8-00005-00003779-00004234 Panel Time 25th May 2018 - 26th May 2018 uF0VjK6IfN8-00006-00004234-00004396 So my name is Amy. uF0VjK6IfN8-00007-00004396-00004692 Some of you know mean as Queen... Some as Creeps uF0VjK6IfN8-00008-00004692-00004902 Barely no one knows who is Amy... uF0VjK6IfN8-00009-00004902-00005066 But... so... uF0VjK6IfN8-00010-00005066-00005442 I only found out two or three days ago that I was doing a panel. uF0VjK6IfN8-00011-00005442-00005788 So this is entirely unrehearsed, entirely unorganized... uF0VjK6IfN8-00012-00005856-00006042 So I decided to do something different uF0VjK6IfN8-00013-00006042-00006384 Because last time I explained, you know, my origins... uF0VjK6IfN8-00014-00006384-00006548 What I do... and all this. uF0VjK6IfN8-00015-00006638-00007014 But what I want to do instead is demonstrate in person what I do. uF0VjK6IfN8-00016-00007014-00007186 So I'm going to read you all a story today. uF0VjK6IfN8-00017-00007236-00007576 It's not one by me by the way, it's one of my favorite, you know, horror stories. uF0VjK6IfN8-00018-00007576-00007659 Come in! uF0VjK6IfN8-00019-00007794-00007914 Hey, come in, join us! uF0VjK6IfN8-00020-00008022-00008226 So, the first thing I wanted to do uF0VjK6IfN8-00021-00008226-00008738 is show you a voice reel of all the things I've been doing for the past year... Which I will show... uF0VjK6IfN8-00022-00008774-00009130 Maybe ask questions, do some more things, read the story the show again. uF0VjK6IfN8-00023-00009186-00009736 Hello and welcome to the Final Boss Fight, Hour of Power! uF0VjK6IfN8-00024-00009762-00010020 My name is John and I'm joined by Geoff. uF0VjK6IfN8-00025-00010340-00010504 Is what it says in the script... uF0VjK6IfN8-00026-00010828-00010960 Martin Madrazo : How do?! uF0VjK6IfN8-00027-00010960-00011614 Martin Madrazo : "The Final Boss Fight - Hour of Power - is proudly sponsored by Martin Madrazo's Cheesy Bastards!" uF0VjK6IfN8-00028-00011666-00012018 That was 5 seconds of work well spent, I thought. uF0VjK6IfN8-00029-00012088-00012488 That comes from a joke we did in GTA, so many years ago. uF0VjK6IfN8-00030-00012600-00012658 And... uF0VjK6IfN8-00031-00012788-00013436 For some reason, we decided Martin Madrazo, who is a NPC you bump into early in the online mode... uF0VjK6IfN8-00032-00013482-00013700 came from... Yorkshire. uF0VjK6IfN8-00033-00013818-00013934 And sold... uF0VjK6IfN8-00034-00014040-00014134 And sold... uF0VjK6IfN8-00035-00014230-00014368 Cheesy Bastards. uF0VjK6IfN8-00036-00014541-00014982 Those have been really really fun and the reason I do that. It's not video game podcasting either. uF0VjK6IfN8-00037-00014982-00015202 Because some people go : "Oh, do you guys just talk about video games?" uF0VjK6IfN8-00038-00015202-00015486 No! Cause that would be bloody boring for a hour and a half! uF0VjK6IfN8-00039-00015486-00015830 Like you can go to places that do that like IGN, you know... uF0VjK6IfN8-00040-00015830-00016180 There's people who will talk about games in a way more interesting way than I ever could. uF0VjK6IfN8-00041-00016180-00016672 But what I like to do is to get inside peoples' heads and talk to this guests! uF0VjK6IfN8-00042-00016672-00017042 For instance, JennyBee who is one of the creators who's sitting watching as well uF0VjK6IfN8-00043-00017042-00017158 She's also been on. uF0VjK6IfN8-00044-00017158-00017620 And we got to ask... Basically what I do is do this podcasts with a silly questionnaire. uF0VjK6IfN8-00045-00017620-00018116 throw out... I dunno, have any of you... Guys, give us a cheer if you've heard about "Inside the Actor's Studio"? uF0VjK6IfN8-00046-00018116-00018230 (Crowd : Yaaay!) uF0VjK6IfN8-00047-00018230-00018540 Some people... For those of you who don't know, it's like a little show in America... uF0VjK6IfN8-00048-00018540-00018700 "A little show in America...", listen to me... uF0VjK6IfN8-00049-00018700-00019026 It's a show in America where they got this guy called James Lipton uF0VjK6IfN8-00050-00019026-00019588 and he asks the same ten or twelve questions to all of his famous actors everytime. uF0VjK6IfN8-00051-00019588-00019966 And it's beyond the old thing of... "Why did you get into YouTube?" uF0VjK6IfN8-00052-00019970-00020170 "What turns..." you know, nothing like that? uF0VjK6IfN8-00053-00020170-00020250 It's all things like... uF0VjK6IfN8-00054-00020250-00020616 "So what turns you on creatively, spiritually and emotionnaly?" uF0VjK6IfN8-00055-00020714-00020982 That's all... you know, heavier landing than... uF0VjK6IfN8-00056-00021000-00021208 "So why do you like Pokemon?" uF0VjK6IfN8-00057-00021250-00021618 One of the weird things we tried to do first is James is quite an arty chap. uF0VjK6IfN8-00058-00021644-00022416 And he likes to do little drawings and he basically taped sheets of paper with "Subscribe to Luke & James Play" on my car uF0VjK6IfN8-00059-00022488-00022802 As I drove with it on the roads, that was early early on... uF0VjK6IfN8-00060-00022802-00023116 Then we got stickers made for my car, like on Vistaprint. uF0VjK6IfN8-00061-00023152-00023640 With a really really old channel logo which I just sort of made up. uF0VjK6IfN8-00062-00023676-00024044 But we kinda got stuck on 80 subs for a really long time. uF0VjK6IfN8-00063-00024084-00024412 And I remember that because it was 80 for like 6 months. uF0VjK6IfN8-00064-00024448-00024850 And we just carried on, ploughing on... We weren't there for numbers anyway. uF0VjK6IfN8-00065-00024868-00024982 We just wanted to have fun. uF0VjK6IfN8-00066-00025156-00025356 And we came to our first Comic Con. uF0VjK6IfN8-00067-00025420-00025620 And we went from 80 to 200. uF0VjK6IfN8-00068-00025662-00026086 Which is a big jump, it's a lot! It's like 200% increase or whatever... uF0VjK6IfN8-00069-00026102-00026302 And we... you know... met Ed. uF0VjK6IfN8-00070-00026432-00026482 Which... uF0VjK6IfN8-00071-00026552-00026812 gave us a lot of confidence because Ed is really supportive with us. uF0VjK6IfN8-00072-00026845-00027218 That actually helped boost us so meeting other creators was really what sort of helped us out. uF0VjK6IfN8-00073-00027256-00027608 Because you know you can refine your formula if you will... uF0VjK6IfN8-00074-00027654-00027952 We did, I think, once tried paid advertising? uF0VjK6IfN8-00075-00028354-00028598 Yes, we got... It got only shown in Russia uF0VjK6IfN8-00076-00028598-00028966 And obviously, we got no Russian subscribers here, sadly. uF0VjK6IfN8-00077-00029008-00029276 My favorite horror game is a game called Outlast. uF0VjK6IfN8-00078-00029280-00029480 Terrifying game, I highly recommend it. uF0VjK6IfN8-00079-00029548-00030066 And I was so frustrated, I bought it for my friends : "Please play this game I wanna know what you think about this!" uF0VjK6IfN8-00080-00030066-00030506 None of them played it. So I went to YouTube, I went searching, typed in the name "Outlast"... uF0VjK6IfN8-00081-00030518-00030742 Top result, a guy called Markiplier. uF0VjK6IfN8-00082-00030766-00030866 And I watched him. uF0VjK6IfN8-00083-00030908-00031266 And I loved it... I didn't... It wasn't so much him I loved uF0VjK6IfN8-00084-00031298-00031902 But I loved that he had a facecam... I could not only see his reaction but his body language as well uF0VjK6IfN8-00085-00031902-00032188 There was this connexion that was transcending just the game! uF0VjK6IfN8-00086-00032188-00032582 And I thought, that's so freaking cool, I think I can do that as well! uF0VjK6IfN8-00087-00032626-00033110 Being in a band... Having gone through college on audio design and stuff like that... uF0VjK6IfN8-00088-00033142-00033600 I was already kind of in that field... I kind of knew what I needed to do to make this happen uF0VjK6IfN8-00089-00033606-00033806 So I did it, I jumped in! uF0VjK6IfN8-00090-00033834-00034076 YouTube is free to start up, doesn't cost you a penny. uF0VjK6IfN8-00091-00034076-00034176 Apart from buying the games... uF0VjK6IfN8-00092-00034216-00034338 So what is there to lose? uF0VjK6IfN8-00093-00034420-00034686 Hello! And welcome back to MCM Comic Con! uF0VjK6IfN8-00094-00034686-00034912 I grabbed Ed from his seat. uF0VjK6IfN8-00095-00034912-00034978 It is me! uF0VjK6IfN8-00096-00034978-00035160 Which is very hard to do because... uF0VjK6IfN8-00097-00035160-00035210 I like to sit! uF0VjK6IfN8-00098-00035210-00035474 One... one... Where's my finger? One! uF0VjK6IfN8-00099-00035474-00035586 He's never there! uF0VjK6IfN8-00100-00035586-00035736 Never at his table... uF0VjK6IfN8-00101-00035736-00035824 Two! uF0VjK6IfN8-00102-00035824-00035966 He's a very busy man. uF0VjK6IfN8-00103-00035966-00036134 Even when he's on a holiday! uF0VjK6IfN8-00104-00036180-00036248 And three... uF0VjK6IfN8-00105-00036656-00036714 He's tired. uF0VjK6IfN8-00106-00036736-00036952 Yeah, let's go with that. Something like that. uF0VjK6IfN8-00107-00036952-00037020 Good reason! uF0VjK6IfN8-00108-00037020-00037112 Good reason, sure! uF0VjK6IfN8-00109-00037112-00037444 So, Ed... What do you think of Comic Con this year? uF0VjK6IfN8-00110-00037444-00037744 Comic Con this year has been... it's been a great different experience but... uF0VjK6IfN8-00111-00037796-00037968 It's been great, I really really loved seeing everyone. uF0VjK6IfN8-00112-00037968-00038314 I've loved hearing various messages including yourself and Maritime Maddie... uF0VjK6IfN8-00113-00038314-00038470 That was a massive moment for me... uF0VjK6IfN8-00114-00038470-00038620 That was huge, that was really exciting. uF0VjK6IfN8-00115-00038620-00038946 We've had highs... we've had lows... We're already a day and a half in! uF0VjK6IfN8-00116-00038946-00039252 So... This is probably the best one so far! uF0VjK6IfN8-00117-00039252-00039678 Also it's the first time having Spammals here and that's really been super fun! uF0VjK6IfN8-00118-00039678-00039908 And we just finished the panels, they went okay. uF0VjK6IfN8-00119-00039908-00040208 So basically the rest of the weekend now is just less pressured. uF0VjK6IfN8-00120-00040208-00040632 Cause we don't have to worry about performing now, it's just having fun with everyone. So I'm happy! uF0VjK6IfN8-00121-00040632-00040762 How about you? You're enjoying yourself? uF0VjK6IfN8-00122-00040762-00041022 Well... *weird noise* Getting back to frame again. uF0VjK6IfN8-00123-00041022-00041238 *weird SKARR noises* uF0VjK6IfN8-00124-00041238-00041334 I'm shit with that! uF0VjK6IfN8-00125-00041334-00041608 Err yeah... *weird noise* Good idea! uF0VjK6IfN8-00126-00041608-00041806 We'll lean slightly, we'll be all right. uF0VjK6IfN8-00127-00041920-00042426 Well I must say that... to be honest, this is very strange. uF0VjK6IfN8-00128-00042426-00042744 Because I'm used to seeing it as the public. uF0VjK6IfN8-00129-00042744-00042924 Sure and now you're here as an exhibitor. uF0VjK6IfN8-00130-00042924-00043156 Yeah... I'm trying to get the public in. uF0VjK6IfN8-00131-00043156-00043288 Which is very hard to do. uF0VjK6IfN8-00132-00043288-00043562 I haven't got your talent for showmanship. uF0VjK6IfN8-00133-00043606-00043672 Yes you do! uF0VjK6IfN8-00134-00043672-00043926 I watched your panel yesterday, you absolutely smashed it! uF0VjK6IfN8-00135-00043982-00044078 As you said. uF0VjK6IfN8-00136-00044078-00044224 I still think I was shit but... uF0VjK6IfN8-00137-00044250-00044526 Like honestly, like... he came up to me the day before going uF0VjK6IfN8-00138-00044526-00044976 "Ed... I haven't prepared anything... and I'm really nervous. Never done this thing." uF0VjK6IfN8-00139-00044976-00045210 I went "dude, I never prepared for anything..." uF0VjK6IfN8-00140-00045210-00045802 "You are fine, you just got to go up there with confidence, know you're gonna talk about what you do, what you wanna do, where you wanna be." uF0VjK6IfN8-00141-00045802-00046230 "How you got there..." You absolutely smashed it! Both of you guys! uF0VjK6IfN8-00142-00046230-00046462 It was hilarious, it was natural... uF0VjK6IfN8-00143-00046462-00046722 It was confident, I adored it uF0VjK6IfN8-00144-00046722-00046812 So well done! uF0VjK6IfN8-00145-00046812-00046890 Thank you. uF0VjK6IfN8-00146-00046890-00046952 Well... uF0VjK6IfN8-00147-00046952-00047148 *QueenCreeps says something* uF0VjK6IfN8-00148-00047198-00047284 That was Creeps. uF0VjK6IfN8-00149-00047444-00048076 One thing that is important and that I mentionned once in the Thank You video that I did on my birthday. uF0VjK6IfN8-00150-00048076-00048240 Is that Ed is... (QueenCreeps : "Hi!") uF0VjK6IfN8-00151-00048240-00048464 Yeah we can see you Creeps in the background! uF0VjK6IfN8-00152-00048464-00048852 Basically Ed is... like an Obi-Wan Kenobi for me. uF0VjK6IfN8-00153-00048852-00049240 In terms of... I'm the Luke Skywalker of this Obi-Wan Kenobi. uF0VjK6IfN8-00154-00049240-00049290 Nice! uF0VjK6IfN8-00155-00049506-00049960 I hope YouTube is not your Darth Vader otherwise that means Game Hog has... limited days to live! uF0VjK6IfN8-00156-00049960-00050132 That's very true! Uh oh! uF0VjK6IfN8-00157-00050132-00050408 He is the Obi-Wan Kenobi for this Luke Skywalker here. uF0VjK6IfN8-00158-00050428-00050950 As he kind of completely pushed the channel to become something. uF0VjK6IfN8-00159-00050950-00051372 And the channel has been struggling to keep the rhythm. uF0VjK6IfN8-00160-00051372-00051896 But everyday I watch your videos, I watch your livestreams uF0VjK6IfN8-00161-00051896-00052174 And it's a true inspiration... it's... uF0VjK6IfN8-00162-00052270-00052424 I see the goal. uF0VjK6IfN8-00163-00052424-00052674 I see what I must become at the end. uF0VjK6IfN8-00164-00052674-00052984 The quality, even if you say it's mediocre. uF0VjK6IfN8-00165-00053066-00053326 It's... quality mediocre! uF0VjK6IfN8-00166-00053326-00053505 Quality mediocre? I'll take that! uF0VjK6IfN8-00167-00053505-00053610 It's mediocre plus plus. uF0VjK6IfN8-00168-00053610-00053696 Mediocre plus? uF0VjK6IfN8-00169-00053732-00053784 Double plus. uF0VjK6IfN8-00170-00053784-00053922 Double plus? Plus, plus! uF0VjK6IfN8-00171-00053922-00053974 Deluxe. uF0VjK6IfN8-00172-00053974-00054024 Plus ultra. uF0VjK6IfN8-00173-00054141-00054566 As you are entertaining, you are natural... You are funny of course. uF0VjK6IfN8-00174-00054566-00054636 Thank you. uF0VjK6IfN8-00175-00054636-00054766 But that's part of your character. uF0VjK6IfN8-00176-00054766-00054934 I mean... I could be not funny and do YouTube. uF0VjK6IfN8-00177-00055000-00055050 That's true. uF0VjK6IfN8-00178-00055260-00055640 But you're also genuine, you really care for your community. uF0VjK6IfN8-00179-00055640-00056184 And that's what I learnt from watching your channel for the past... uF0VjK6IfN8-00180-00056341-00056452 2 years?! uF0VjK6IfN8-00181-00056452-00056578 Yes... Jesus... yes! uF0VjK6IfN8-00182-00056578-00056686 It's been two years. uF0VjK6IfN8-00183-00056686-00056736 Blimey. uF0VjK6IfN8-00184-00056736-00056944 God... I aged badly. uF0VjK6IfN8-00185-00057029-00057444 And yeah coming to Comic Con was something I wanted to do especially like... uF0VjK6IfN8-00186-00057444-00057888 Just to be able to go... see Ed... take him by the shoulder and say : uF0VjK6IfN8-00187-00057944-00058552 "Thank you mate, without you I wouldn't have set foot back into London" uF0VjK6IfN8-00188-00058552-00058978 And as I said to John the first day I came here. uF0VjK6IfN8-00189-00058978-00059464 It's so good to breathe the air of London again because... uF0VjK6IfN8-00190-00059555-00060226 I associated England with friendship, with YouTube and with you guys... and... uF0VjK6IfN8-00191-00060434-00061012 We were talking during the panels of community and how important people can become in communities... uF0VjK6IfN8-00192-00061012-00061410 And I can say that Ed has become very important to me... uF0VjK6IfN8-00193-00061486-00061660 Like a brother of sorts. uF0VjK6IfN8-00194-00061705-00061778 as... uF0VjK6IfN8-00195-00061944-00062190 The older brother you want to become but you never will uF0VjK6IfN8-00196-00062214-00062705 Don't be ridiculous. You could easily achieve what Game Hog has achieved in no time uF0VjK6IfN8-00197-00062705-00063198 With the current effort you guys put in, in your content... It's a matter of time. uF0VjK6IfN8-00198-00063210-00063662 Well Samy it's been a pleasure getting to know you over the last couple of years and watching your content grow uF0VjK6IfN8-00199-00063662-00064004 from like Les Outsiders to... uF0VjK6IfN8-00200-00064004-00064064 RIP them uF0VjK6IfN8-00201-00064064-00064155 Oh yeah, R.I.P uF0VjK6IfN8-00202-00064170-00064594 now to Geek Worlds, it's been really great to see your content grow and see you grow... uF0VjK6IfN8-00203-00064594-00064804 and obviously our friendship growing at the same time uF0VjK6IfN8-00204-00064804-00065279 It's been really exciting getting to know you and it's been lovely having you here as a creator for the first time uF0VjK6IfN8-00205-00065279-00065636 Back in the U.K, like you said being able to breathe that english air once again. uF0VjK6IfN8-00206-00065636-00066380 I'm glad you guys have a good time and I hope you got to feel the sense of community that we always feel when we come, this time. uF0VjK6IfN8-00207-00066416-00066708 And as I said to Spammals countless times... uF0VjK6IfN8-00208-00066708-00066884 QueenCreeps countless times... uF0VjK6IfN8-00209-00066884-00067012 Everyone countless times. uF0VjK6IfN8-00210-00067130-00067766 I hope you will one day have the money and the time to come down to Paris and say hello uF0VjK6IfN8-00211-00067766-00068090 So we can do finally maybe something together? uF0VjK6IfN8-00212-00068090-00068308 In the same room! Just imagine! uF0VjK6IfN8-00213-00068308-00068382 Just picture that! uF0VjK6IfN8-00214-00068382-00068708 One day! In France, a kind of cross channel! uF0VjK6IfN8-00215-00068708-00068758 Yeah... yeah... uF0VjK6IfN8-00216-00068758-00068820 In both ways... uF0VjK6IfN8-00217-00068820-00069052 The English channel and YouTube channel! uF0VjK6IfN8-00218-00069060-00069378 To be fair, YouTube and Internet have no borders. uF0VjK6IfN8-00219-00069378-00069498 Well that's true... Yeah! uF0VjK6IfN8-00220-00069498-00069664 That's why we can do that! uF0VjK6IfN8-00221-00069664-00070070 That is true, yeah you're right... Whearas then when it starts to get into legal boundaries uF0VjK6IfN8-00222-00070070-00070166 It's slightly harder. uF0VjK6IfN8-00223-00070262-00070650 But I look forward to the day when we can finally collab in person. It's gonna be great. uF0VjK6IfN8-00224-00070702-00071230 Well mate, until we see you again tomorrow for the final goodbye uF0VjK6IfN8-00225-00071230-00071360 Which I'm not looking forward to. uF0VjK6IfN8-00226-00071360-00071458 No, neither... uF0VjK6IfN8-00227-00071502-00071758 We're already halfway through now... There's only one day left. uF0VjK6IfN8-00228-00071758-00071826 Yeah... uF0VjK6IfN8-00229-00072016-00072368 I don't want it to be over... I was really tired all day but I love it so much! uF0VjK6IfN8-00230-00072368-00072580 Now I already feel depressed that it's gonna be over. uF0VjK6IfN8-00231-00072580-00072848 It's... It's... I'm gonna take that because my other hand is tiring. uF0VjK6IfN8-00232-00072848-00072914 It's fine. uF0VjK6IfN8-00233-00072998-00073130 It's interesting to see that... uF0VjK6IfN8-00234-00073234-00073608 It's difficult... Everyday you wake up at like 6 or 7... uF0VjK6IfN8-00235-00073608-00073822 Then you want to just go back to sleep. uF0VjK6IfN8-00236-00073822-00074098 Immediately but all day it's constant fun! uF0VjK6IfN8-00237-00074098-00074366 It's just constant energy... And then in the evening, it's constant as well. uF0VjK6IfN8-00238-00074366-00074558 There's no down time or up time really uF0VjK6IfN8-00239-00074558-00074706 So it's just non-stop. uF0VjK6IfN8-00240-00074706-00074926 And you kind of almost don't get a chance to be tired... uF0VjK6IfN8-00241-00074926-00075240 Which is great and kinda bad at the same time... but... uF0VjK6IfN8-00242-00075240-00075390 Either way... I hope you... uF0VjK6IfN8-00243-00075390-00075548 It's a good feeling to be tired. uF0VjK6IfN8-00244-00075548-00075598 It is. uF0VjK6IfN8-00245-00075598-00076164 It's not like the... "I haven't done..." - *weird noise* - "I haven't done shit all day" uF0VjK6IfN8-00246-00076234-00076284 ... tired. uF0VjK6IfN8-00247-00076338-00076632 It's the tired of "Well... It's been horrible..." uF0VjK6IfN8-00248-00076632-00076934 "It's been hell... I've only sold one drawing." uF0VjK6IfN8-00249-00076934-00077126 "I've made £10 today" uF0VjK6IfN8-00250-00077126-00077224 That's good. uF0VjK6IfN8-00251-00077242-00077594 "I still have to go for 1043..." uF0VjK6IfN8-00252-00077780-00077864 Blame Comic Con... uF0VjK6IfN8-00253-00077864-00078126 Yeah... Thanks for that guys. uF0VjK6IfN8-00254-00078126-00078184 Thanks for that. uF0VjK6IfN8-00255-00078264-00078656 But... but I got to see some friends. I got to have some fun... and... uF0VjK6IfN8-00256-00078656-00078794 And isn't that priceless? uF0VjK6IfN8-00257-00078794-00078922 That's worth all the gold in the world! uF0VjK6IfN8-00258-00078922-00079052 So Karboom come here! uF0VjK6IfN8-00259-00079164-00079254 Helloooooo! uF0VjK6IfN8-00260-00079254-00079570 So on that... This is very uncomfortable so I'm just gonna say goodbye... uF0VjK6IfN8-00261-00079570-00079672 Okay, great! uF0VjK6IfN8-00262-00079672-00079810 Bye byeeeeee!! uF0VjK6IfN8-00263-00079810-00079908 Byesies! uGPsvxV-7NE-00000-00000008-00000336 Welcome back to Cashmatics and let's get into today's business. uGPsvxV-7NE-00001-00000336-00000741 There is an adage which states that "greater are the things we haven't seen or experience". uGPsvxV-7NE-00002-00000741-00000944 This statement isn't far from the truth. uGPsvxV-7NE-00003-00000944-00001239 There is more to everything we all desire to achieve as humans. uGPsvxV-7NE-00004-00001239-00001614 In today's video, I will be unveiling to you some of the things no one will tell you about uGPsvxV-7NE-00005-00001614-00001757 online businesses. uGPsvxV-7NE-00006-00001757-00002139 The internet is now vast more than the previous years and because of these, there are many uGPsvxV-7NE-00007-00002139-00002546 things you will not be opportune to know unless you experience them and here are they. uGPsvxV-7NE-00008-00002546-00002652 Number one. uGPsvxV-7NE-00009-00002652-00002910 Doing business online is not as easy as it appears. uGPsvxV-7NE-00010-00002910-00003252 Just like the bottom of an iceberg, there are many things that make up the success of uGPsvxV-7NE-00011-00003252-00003396 online businesses. uGPsvxV-7NE-00012-00003396-00003626 The internet has made big things look small. uGPsvxV-7NE-00013-00003626-00004014 On the internet, it's impossible to know the real process passed through to succeed. uGPsvxV-7NE-00014-00004014-00004411 It is easy to admire people live luxuriously but there is more to what you see. uGPsvxV-7NE-00015-00004411-00004767 This is why it is ideal that you understand that online businesses are not as easy as uGPsvxV-7NE-00016-00004767-00004867 they appear. uGPsvxV-7NE-00017-00004867-00004967 Number two. uGPsvxV-7NE-00018-00004967-00005344 It demands numerous sacrifices Before venturing into any online business, uGPsvxV-7NE-00019-00005344-00005687 have it in mind that sacrifices are required for success to happen. uGPsvxV-7NE-00020-00005687-00006082 Study the great and successful people in your field and you will realize the sacrifices uGPsvxV-7NE-00021-00006082-00006264 they took to get to where they are. uGPsvxV-7NE-00022-00006264-00006735 The sacrifices required may be losing your sleep, spending, loosing relationships, travelling uGPsvxV-7NE-00023-00006735-00007036 if necessary, investment in classes and courses. uGPsvxV-7NE-00024-00007036-00007142 Number three. uGPsvxV-7NE-00025-00007142-00007427 You either fail or succeed Every business must result into two things uGPsvxV-7NE-00026-00007427-00007614 which are failure or success. uGPsvxV-7NE-00027-00007614-00007850 What makes business critical is the risk involve. uGPsvxV-7NE-00028-00007850-00007959 What is risk? uGPsvxV-7NE-00029-00007959-00008271 The probability of a negative outcome to a decision or event. uGPsvxV-7NE-00030-00008271-00008688 Before you consider starting an online business, know now that you will either fail or succeed uGPsvxV-7NE-00031-00008688-00008970 and the outcome is dependent upon the strategy applied. uGPsvxV-7NE-00032-00008970-00009074 Number four. uGPsvxV-7NE-00033-00009074-00009307 You might not make money by doing what the industry gurus do uGPsvxV-7NE-00034-00009307-00009685 What works for me might not work for you and this is one of the reasons why you must know uGPsvxV-7NE-00035-00009685-00009911 yourself and what you are good and passionate about. uGPsvxV-7NE-00036-00009911-00010209 The online community is already saturated by gurus. uGPsvxV-7NE-00037-00010209-00010570 So, you must find a way to penetrate a niche and build your audience. uGPsvxV-7NE-00038-00010570-00010681 Number five. uGPsvxV-7NE-00039-00010681-00011034 You have to keep your eyes fully open Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding are crucial uGPsvxV-7NE-00040-00011034-00011181 to help you succeed. uGPsvxV-7NE-00041-00011181-00011459 Some people have come into this industry with only Zeal. uGPsvxV-7NE-00042-00011459-00011649 It is not enough to be zealous alone. uGPsvxV-7NE-00043-00011649-00012020 You must have the required basic knowledge of what you intend to do. uGPsvxV-7NE-00044-00012020-00012389 Don't ever underestimate the importance of knowledge in any online business. uGPsvxV-7NE-00045-00012389-00012809 If you find these tips helpful, subscribe to my channel for more helpful tips and till uGPsvxV-7NE-00046-00012809-00012996 I publish again, do have a good time planning out your life. uIYrKjdjhM8-00000-00000168-00000919 all right hello everybody welcome to full body sweaty sculpt we are going to tone and chisel uIYrKjdjhM8-00001-00000919-00001464 your body from head to toe you do not need any equipment for this workout at all and uIYrKjdjhM8-00002-00001464-00002080 you can be at any fitness level uh i'm action jaclyn welcome to my youtube channel if you are uIYrKjdjhM8-00003-00002080-00002704 brand new i'm super excited to have you here and um so i'm gonna have three pound weights uIYrKjdjhM8-00004-00002704-00003192 hand weights and one pound ankle weight so these are optional if you would like to bring these uIYrKjdjhM8-00005-00003192-00003864 into your workout today to bump it up give it that extra little push that extra sculpt uIYrKjdjhM8-00006-00003864-00004696 because um it's amazing what just a pound can do on your ankles and on your hands so let's go ahead uIYrKjdjhM8-00007-00004696-00005296 and get started right away all right i'm super excited that you are all here and type your name uIYrKjdjhM8-00008-00005296-00005912 in the chat let me know where you are um working out from okay we're gonna start with a nice little uIYrKjdjhM8-00009-00005912-00007048 warm up here so big circles good four and three and two and one other way for eight seven six five uIYrKjdjhM8-00010-00007120-00007992 four three two one good we're going to reach and up reach and up good get into your body uIYrKjdjhM8-00011-00007992-00008552 this is what i love about working out it's just getting out of your head and into your body right uIYrKjdjhM8-00012-00008552-00009512 so brain off body on good reach and reach and reach and reach good we're going to take nice uIYrKjdjhM8-00013-00009512-00010672 big circles for eight seven six five four three two one other way eight seven six five four three uIYrKjdjhM8-00014-00010672-00011296 two one nice we're going to take a nice stretch so we're going to reach towards our toes all the uIYrKjdjhM8-00015-00011296-00012168 way up reach down and up good we're gonna get into the body and we're gonna sculpt our arms uIYrKjdjhM8-00016-00012168-00013024 our abs our legs our booty our inner thighs so i've got an amazing workout plan for you guys uIYrKjdjhM8-00017-00013024-00013768 all right other side and reach and up reach and up hold on to that core this is going to be uIYrKjdjhM8-00018-00013768-00014432 really fun i i'm actually really looking forward to it because i love the way it makes my body feel uIYrKjdjhM8-00019-00014432-00014919 this is one of my most favorite ways to work out okay let's take a nice big deep plie hold it here uIYrKjdjhM8-00020-00014919-00015624 bring those hands behind your head give me some please right here nice pull that belly button in uIYrKjdjhM8-00021-00015624-00016200 ribs are down and soft feel your body starting to turn on feel it's starting to heat up uIYrKjdjhM8-00022-00016272-00017056 feels so good right that's why i wore my nice tiger cheetah print outfit because we are ready uIYrKjdjhM8-00023-00017056-00017680 to get wild here on our mat sculpting our bodies good we're going to take our elbow to our thigh uIYrKjdjhM8-00024-00017680-00018424 and tap and up top and up just a right here eight this gets the sides of the waist so good seven uIYrKjdjhM8-00025-00018424-00019600 six five four and three and two and one great job okay grab your three pound weights so uIYrKjdjhM8-00026-00019600-00020080 these are three pound hand weights two pound hand weights work one pound hand weights work uIYrKjdjhM8-00027-00020080-00020712 uh cans of food work or you can even do this without any waste at all okay so we are going to uIYrKjdjhM8-00028-00020712-00021560 start by um punching it out we're gonna punch and two and three and four five so just follow along uIYrKjdjhM8-00029-00021640-00022560 seven and eight other side eight seven six five four three two and one we're gonna punch uIYrKjdjhM8-00030-00022560-00023640 it down and up and down and up and down and up down and up good eight more eight and up seven uIYrKjdjhM8-00031-00023808-00024944 six feel that body moving five and four great three and two and one we're going to punch it up uIYrKjdjhM8-00032-00024944-00026248 down up down up down up down good for eight seven six five four three two and one punch uIYrKjdjhM8-00033-00026248-00027080 it to the side and side and side and tie good for four and three and two and one other way uIYrKjdjhM8-00034-00027080-00028232 eight and seven and six five four three two and one we're gonna alternate side and side okay uIYrKjdjhM8-00035-00028232-00028880 we're going a little bit faster two and double single single double and single single double good uIYrKjdjhM8-00036-00029095-00029839 feel those arms working i know i do oh no my mic fell keep going single single double uIYrKjdjhM8-00037-00029895-00030480 single single double good single single double single single double good for four uIYrKjdjhM8-00038-00030632-00031320 and three and two and one good we're going to take the elbows down uIYrKjdjhM8-00039-00031320-00031760 lift the elbows up down up down up so i'm like in a 90 degree angle uIYrKjdjhM8-00040-00031960-00032464 so proud of you right now for being here there's nothing like making time for your uIYrKjdjhM8-00041-00032464-00033376 body for your self-care three and two and one good we're going to pull it in out in out feel uIYrKjdjhM8-00042-00033376-00034000 those shoulders work feel those arms work feel that chest lifting feel your posture improving uIYrKjdjhM8-00043-00034000-00034664 with each and every rep for four and three and two and one we're gonna do a little alternating uIYrKjdjhM8-00044-00034664-00035776 barbie arms i like to call it and for eight seven six five four three two and one pull it in uIYrKjdjhM8-00045-00035840-00036728 and reach in and reach good in and reach feel those biceps burning i'm feeling two good four uIYrKjdjhM8-00046-00036848-00037552 and three two and one we're going to hold it out just the right arm eight seven uIYrKjdjhM8-00047-00037552-00038352 six five four three two one other side eight seven six five four three two again uIYrKjdjhM8-00048-00038352-00039200 eight seven six five four three two again eight seven six five four three two good uIYrKjdjhM8-00049-00039200-00039944 we're going to punch out to the side again eight and seven and six and five four three uIYrKjdjhM8-00050-00040024-00040704 two and one feel those arms getting stronger with each and every rep six and five good four uIYrKjdjhM8-00051-00040768-00041448 and three and two and one we're going to punch it outside and side both arms at the same time uIYrKjdjhM8-00052-00041584-00042288 feel that burn keep going i know it is burning right here four four and three and two uIYrKjdjhM8-00053-00042288-00043000 and one punch it front palms lift up towards the sky and reach good for eight and seven uIYrKjdjhM8-00054-00043056-00043944 and six and five and four three two one back to these down and up because we're gonna punch uIYrKjdjhM8-00055-00043944-00044984 down punch up punch down punch up through those arms work good for eight and up seven and up six uIYrKjdjhM8-00056-00045160-00046312 five great job four up three and two and one great last little bit right here a little pulses back uIYrKjdjhM8-00057-00046312-00046768 squeeze those shoulder blades together so my most favorite move because you're gonna really improve uIYrKjdjhM8-00058-00046768-00047424 your posture right here squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze for eight for seven there's six five uIYrKjdjhM8-00059-00047496-00048472 four three two and one great job we are going to come down to our mats here hands are going uIYrKjdjhM8-00060-00048472-00048968 to be on the floor we're going to take a little uh child's pose here hold on to the weights uIYrKjdjhM8-00061-00048968-00049656 you're going to punch and down punch and down so i'm extending into my tricep extension here uIYrKjdjhM8-00062-00049728-00050776 reach and reach good reach and reach now if you would like to take it up a notch what you can do uIYrKjdjhM8-00063-00050840-00051624 is you can add a leg so i'm going to add my opposite leg so my left arm and my right leg good uIYrKjdjhM8-00064-00051688-00052928 reach and reach and reach good so we are working arms and legs at the same time i love getting uIYrKjdjhM8-00065-00053016-00053864 more muscles in all in one exercise right more efficient use of your time good let's go for eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00066-00053991-00055584 and seven and six and five keep going four and three and two feel those legs working one we're uIYrKjdjhM8-00067-00055584-00056440 gonna hold it here a little tricep extension for ten nine eight seven six five four three two uIYrKjdjhM8-00068-00056496-00057464 one keep lifting the arm up now straight arm lift ten nine eight seven six five four three two one uIYrKjdjhM8-00069-00057464-00058640 switch sides ten nine eight seven six five four three two one little lift straight arm ten nine uIYrKjdjhM8-00070-00058640-00059544 eight seven six five four three two one and release nice put those weights to the side uIYrKjdjhM8-00071-00059544-00060112 we're going to move into some core work now so come on to your elbows hold here we're gonna uIYrKjdjhM8-00072-00060112-00060967 find a forearm plank oh yes here we are in our forearm plank squeeze that booty together squeeze uIYrKjdjhM8-00073-00060967-00061400 the booty together squeeze the inner thighs together now if you're just getting into planks uIYrKjdjhM8-00074-00061400-00062032 go for the knees okay work on your form here really work on tucking the pelvis under bringing uIYrKjdjhM8-00075-00062032-00062736 the frontal hip points up towards the ribs and we're just holding we're just holding good hold uIYrKjdjhM8-00076-00062736-00063584 hold hold good so we're gonna do abs now for a little bit really getting into our core hold here uIYrKjdjhM8-00077-00063688-00064696 nice so we're going to hold for 10 and nine eight seven six five you're doing an awesome four three uIYrKjdjhM8-00078-00064696-00065408 two now we're going to start to see saw forward and back forward and back more like a saw uIYrKjdjhM8-00079-00065408-00065952 right as if you're sawing forward and back keeping your body as straight as a plank that's why it's uIYrKjdjhM8-00080-00065952-00066560 called plank good reach and back squeeze that booty squeeze the inner thighs together squeeze uIYrKjdjhM8-00081-00066560-00067256 the ankles together my forearms are parallel to one another as well good for ten and nine uIYrKjdjhM8-00082-00067368-00068048 keep pulling that belly button in and up towards your spine seven and six extend uIYrKjdjhM8-00083-00068048-00069200 long through the body five and four and three and two and one great job okay we're gonna take uIYrKjdjhM8-00084-00069200-00069832 our elbow to the side and we're gonna go into a side plank so my feet are separated just slightly uIYrKjdjhM8-00085-00069912-00070840 we're gonna lower our hip down and lift it up let's go ten and nine and eight seven six uIYrKjdjhM8-00086-00070840-00071752 anyone else starting to get really sweaty four three two one hold it here reach the arm up hold uIYrKjdjhM8-00087-00071752-00072752 you can do it pull those hips up we're gonna curl under and reach good ten and up nine eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00088-00072984-00073752 seven feel that body getting so strong six and five we're using the obliques the shoulders the uIYrKjdjhM8-00089-00073752-00074808 biceps good three and two and one oh my goodness go straight over to the other side straight over uIYrKjdjhM8-00090-00074808-00075784 to the other side reach up lower those hips down and lift for ten and nine and eight seven uIYrKjdjhM8-00091-00075944-00077040 six five good four and three and two and one hold it here we're going to curl under for ten uIYrKjdjhM8-00092-00077104-00078072 and up nine and up eight seven so if you're thinking you know i really could really uIYrKjdjhM8-00093-00078072-00078624 work on my core strengths well you know i've got the whole 100 rep ab challenge uIYrKjdjhM8-00094-00078680-00079392 here on my youtube definitely go check that out you can even go to 100 abs uIYrKjdjhM8-00095-00079472-00080616 good four and three 30 days to work on your abs two and one oh wow okay anyone else just really uIYrKjdjhM8-00096-00080616-00081112 tired already from all those okay let's lay on our backs let's go a little bit more with uIYrKjdjhM8-00097-00081112-00081760 our core here going on to your back nice pull everything in like a little ball pull everything uIYrKjdjhM8-00098-00081760-00082824 in and then we're gonna extend long reach reach reach good for ten and reach nine and reach eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00099-00083072-00083648 seven beautiful six and five uIYrKjdjhM8-00100-00083872-00084968 four and three and two and one hold the legs out there hold hold hold uIYrKjdjhM8-00101-00084968-00085688 you can do it reach it out about 45 degrees hold release the arms little pulses down with the arms uIYrKjdjhM8-00102-00085688-00086464 and press press press press press press press good for ten and nine and eight and seven you've got uIYrKjdjhM8-00103-00086464-00087440 this six maybe you can lower it five four three two and one those are always so hard okay so we're uIYrKjdjhM8-00104-00087440-00088008 gonna cross this leg over and we're gonna lift everything up at the same time so you're like in a uIYrKjdjhM8-00105-00088008-00089016 little figure four here we're gonna lift it up for 10 and lower nine and lower good eight and seven uIYrKjdjhM8-00106-00089224-00089960 six this one is so good for getting those lower abs and four and three uIYrKjdjhM8-00107-00090056-00090712 and two and one switch sides so you're going to give a little cross here uIYrKjdjhM8-00108-00090768-00091488 and then keep that foot right where it is as you lift the opposite leg up nice nine and eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00109-00091576-00092200 if you feel your neck kind of get tired that's totally normal and also good because those are uIYrKjdjhM8-00110-00092200-00092992 your posture muscles and since we're all on our screens all day most likely those muscles uIYrKjdjhM8-00111-00092992-00093656 are starting to get a little weak so this time right here is building strength improving your uIYrKjdjhM8-00112-00093656-00094352 posture it's going to help a lot with any kind of aches and pains you feel there in your neck good uIYrKjdjhM8-00113-00094416-00095504 four and three and two and one all right guys so now if you would like to we're gonna move into uIYrKjdjhM8-00114-00095504-00096136 some legs so if you would like to put on your ankle weights right now now would be the time uIYrKjdjhM8-00115-00096136-00097200 so go ahead and throw those on so we're gonna work on inner thighs and then our booty okay and uIYrKjdjhM8-00116-00097296-00097744 as you guys know this is part of the body love challenge so if you haven't uIYrKjdjhM8-00117-00097816-00098592 joined yet go to body love to get your guide 28 day workout guide uIYrKjdjhM8-00118-00098648-00099272 healthy food swaps and i'm giving away cash prizes i mean it doesn't get better than that right uIYrKjdjhM8-00119-00099272-00099960 okay so we're gonna lay down yay okay so we're going to lift those inner thighs up so let's start uIYrKjdjhM8-00120-00099960-00100632 with the right leg extend long my other foot's on the little toe there and we're going to lift 9 8 uIYrKjdjhM8-00121-00100704-00101664 7 6 five four three two one good we're going to tap the knee down extend tap uIYrKjdjhM8-00122-00101720-00102864 extend good tap extend for eight and up seven and up six and five four uIYrKjdjhM8-00123-00102992-00103992 three two and one great we're gonna do that one more time down and up for ten up nine and eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00124-00103992-00104896 this gets the inner thighs so good i love this one plus you get to lay down as well and five and four uIYrKjdjhM8-00125-00105000-00105424 three next time you're at the beach you can just kind of squeeze these in right while uIYrKjdjhM8-00126-00105424-00106864 you're laying there one tap it down extend for ten and nine eight seven six five so good four three uIYrKjdjhM8-00127-00106976-00107640 two and one great you're gonna extend that bottom leg come up a little bit higher onto your elbow uIYrKjdjhM8-00128-00107640-00108248 now you're gonna pull this leg all the way up like a dancer okay you're gonna pull all the way up and uIYrKjdjhM8-00129-00108248-00108735 then you're going to meet the other one towards it i love this move just because it's so fun uIYrKjdjhM8-00130-00108840-00109840 it's fun and it actually works your legs a lot good okay 10 and nine and eight and seven uIYrKjdjhM8-00131-00109968-00110920 six try to lift up tall through the chest five four and three and two and one good uIYrKjdjhM8-00132-00110920-00111335 now we're gonna challenge ourselves see if we can do both legs at the same time uIYrKjdjhM8-00133-00111335-00111935 oh my goodness it's a lot harder this way especially if you have ankle weights on and eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00134-00112128-00112856 seven six little bonus core here as well five and four uIYrKjdjhM8-00135-00113048-00114040 three and two and one okay we're going to do the leg lifts right here one more time and ten now you uIYrKjdjhM8-00136-00114040-00115392 feel those inner thighs i'm sure eight seven six five four last thing here on this leg three two uIYrKjdjhM8-00137-00115496-00116168 and one wow okay inner thighs on fire right okay let's go to the other side uIYrKjdjhM8-00138-00116288-00117280 okay and you can lay down now and lift for ten nine eight seven six five four three uIYrKjdjhM8-00139-00117352-00118968 two one tap reach for ten and nine and eight seven six five good four three two uIYrKjdjhM8-00140-00119032-00119544 one we're going to do both of those again lift up for ten nine really connect with your body here uIYrKjdjhM8-00141-00119544-00120072 feel those inner thighs working extend long through the leg so really engage that quad uIYrKjdjhM8-00142-00120168-00120952 five lifting up through the heel four three two and one you're gonna tap the knee down pull those uIYrKjdjhM8-00143-00120952-00121680 abs in keep working those abs for ten and nine and eight it feels so good to sweat with you to work uIYrKjdjhM8-00144-00121680-00122240 out with you i'm just so incredibly proud of you for being here i know sometimes the hardest part uIYrKjdjhM8-00145-00122240-00122768 is just showing up right you know that once you show up it's going to be so fun but sometimes it's uIYrKjdjhM8-00146-00122768-00123416 hard to make that time so the fact that you're here means that you're dedicated you're committed uIYrKjdjhM8-00147-00123416-00124135 and you have great results coming your way okay here we go our fun music video move right here uIYrKjdjhM8-00148-00124232-00124872 lower and lift ten and nine so if you guys ever wanted to be a music video uIYrKjdjhM8-00149-00124959-00125440 here's your chance right now take a little video of yourself doing this uIYrKjdjhM8-00150-00125440-00126024 move right here check in with me post it onto instagram let me know that you came to the live uIYrKjdjhM8-00151-00126024-00126800 workout that'd be so fun actually to see all of you do this move five and four and three uIYrKjdjhM8-00152-00126896-00127464 and two and one okay here we go we've got just one set of these here it's gonna use uIYrKjdjhM8-00153-00127464-00128983 our obliques as well for ten nine and eight seven these are hard six and five and four uIYrKjdjhM8-00154-00129104-00129696 three here's that extra little push two and one i always like to throw something a little bit uIYrKjdjhM8-00155-00129696-00130504 challenging in there just so you have something to work up towards right and nine and eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00156-00130656-00131336 seven again you could always take off the weights the ankle weights if it's too much and five uIYrKjdjhM8-00157-00131432-00132032 this also really strengthens the thighs the hip flexors four i love that three uIYrKjdjhM8-00158-00132152-00133208 two and one okay wow so good right okay i'm gonna check one little thing here all right so uIYrKjdjhM8-00159-00133264-00134032 we are going to continue going with our booty so keep those um keep those ankle weights on uIYrKjdjhM8-00160-00134088-00134840 and let's go on to all fours here you're going to take your knee you're going to tap it to your uIYrKjdjhM8-00161-00134840-00135776 tricep so try to bring it all the way up there so i'm going to tap and tap lift and lift good uIYrKjdjhM8-00162-00135776-00136512 so you're going to tap to the knee tap to the side and lift and lift good for 10 and tap uIYrKjdjhM8-00163-00136816-00137880 and nine and tap tap and tap good for eight tap tap tap and seven uIYrKjdjhM8-00164-00138096-00138784 so i'm trying to tap my leg as far forward as i can good six uIYrKjdjhM8-00165-00138864-00139096 and five nice uIYrKjdjhM8-00166-00139336-00139984 so we are getting the whole leg right because we just work those inner thighs like crazy and now we uIYrKjdjhM8-00167-00139984-00141240 are working our booty and our hamstrings feels so good two and tap and tap and tap and one and tap uIYrKjdjhM8-00168-00141360-00142528 good so we're gonna tap in and side in and side just like that ten times and ten and nine eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00169-00142656-00144024 seven six five four three two one good we're going to tap to the side now we're gonna take it all the uIYrKjdjhM8-00170-00144024-00145040 way to that angle back there okay so you're gonna tap side and kick good ten and nine good eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00171-00145216-00146728 seven six five four and three and two and one we're gonna hold it up there hold it up there uIYrKjdjhM8-00172-00146728-00147328 so you're gonna kick out to that diagonal right there and kick kick good for ten nine uIYrKjdjhM8-00173-00147328-00148296 eight seven six five four three two one another set of ten nine eight seven six five four uIYrKjdjhM8-00174-00148296-00148776 three two one good we're going to come all the way up keep the leg behind you and we're gonna uIYrKjdjhM8-00175-00148776-00149360 do little kicks uh to the back like that okay so little kicks here and at the same time i'm uIYrKjdjhM8-00176-00149360-00150208 gonna circle my arm so we're gonna ten nine eight seven six five four three two one other way ten uIYrKjdjhM8-00177-00150208-00151144 nine eight seven six five four three two one great job okay let's go over onto the other side uIYrKjdjhM8-00178-00151368-00152032 feels so good right to get deep into those glutes how's that feel for you okay so we're uIYrKjdjhM8-00179-00152032-00152880 gonna start with the knee all the way up to the side lift tap lift tap good here we go 10 and uIYrKjdjhM8-00180-00153032-00153904 i love these big circle motions nine tap up tap up and eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00181-00154184-00154728 nice and seven you want to make sure that you're keeping those arms uIYrKjdjhM8-00182-00154728-00155096 really solid and straight right that's part of your support there uIYrKjdjhM8-00183-00155248-00156144 and it's a good way to also work the arms good six and up and up and five uIYrKjdjhM8-00184-00156280-00157104 up and up and four try to get that knee all the way up to your tricep even your shoulder uIYrKjdjhM8-00185-00157104-00158016 maybe go all the way up good lift and lift good three and up and up uIYrKjdjhM8-00186-00158128-00159208 and two up and up and one and up and up you're gonna feel that core work as well especially uIYrKjdjhM8-00187-00159208-00160032 if you've got those ankle weights on okay we're gonna tap side and in for ten and nine and eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00188-00160176-00161288 seven six is that booty on fire yet five probably four three and two and one okay we're gonna tap uIYrKjdjhM8-00189-00161288-00161928 side and then to that diagonal that corner back there okay tap side all the way to the corner uIYrKjdjhM8-00190-00161992-00162696 and down here we go for ten and tap nine so remember you wanna use your core try to uIYrKjdjhM8-00191-00162696-00163304 minimize the amount of shifting that goes back and forth in the upper body some a little bit's uIYrKjdjhM8-00192-00163304-00164064 gonna happen naturally but try to keep those arms nice and straight and solid five and four uIYrKjdjhM8-00193-00164200-00165296 and three and two and one lower that left elbow down little kicks for ten nine eight seven uIYrKjdjhM8-00194-00165296-00166520 six five four three two again ten nine eight seven six five four three two one we're gonna come up uIYrKjdjhM8-00195-00166584-00167296 we're gonna do little kicks to the back arm circles here we go ten nine eight seven six uIYrKjdjhM8-00196-00167296-00168416 five four three two one other way ten nine eight seven six five four three two one oh my goodness uIYrKjdjhM8-00197-00168416-00169176 wow okay you guys feeling that i'm sure that you are i'm gonna just check the time here real quick uIYrKjdjhM8-00198-00169240-00169976 all right we've got time for one more finisher okay i love doing little finishers uIYrKjdjhM8-00199-00169976-00170584 so we're gonna lift the leg up bend the elbows the same time now if it's too much with the arms uIYrKjdjhM8-00200-00170648-00171200 then you don't have to do the arms but squeeze the elbows in you could just do the legs okay uIYrKjdjhM8-00201-00171200-00171856 we're gonna lower down basically like a little tricep push-up and lift lower and lift oh yes uIYrKjdjhM8-00202-00171928-00172904 here we go we're gonna go for at least one set of 10 10 and up nine and up eight uIYrKjdjhM8-00203-00173112-00174144 seven and six and five squeeze those elbows in four and maybe you don't go as low three uIYrKjdjhM8-00204-00174224-00175072 if you're having a hard time two and one can we do ten more i think we can okay here we go remember uIYrKjdjhM8-00205-00175072-00175504 you just don't have to go as low if you're having a hard time you can make it a little tiny baby uIYrKjdjhM8-00206-00175576-00176672 um bend here we go ten and up nine and up eight up seven up six uIYrKjdjhM8-00207-00176896-00178240 five and four now my arms are getting tired three and two and one good all right lift that uIYrKjdjhM8-00208-00178240-00179472 left leg up we're just going to tap down and up for 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 twelve eleven uIYrKjdjhM8-00209-00179536-00180872 ten nine eight seven six five four three two one other side two sets of ten eight seven uIYrKjdjhM8-00210-00180928-00182368 six five four three two one one more set of ten nine eight seven six five four three two one uIYrKjdjhM8-00211-00182440-00182984 nice we're going to come all the way up into a high plank pose oh my goodness yes we are uIYrKjdjhM8-00212-00183152-00184176 we're gonna pull left right knee to left tricep extend and in out tap in out tap so i'm going uIYrKjdjhM8-00213-00184176-00185168 opposite knee to elbow extend down in extend down this is our last move right here this is it ten uIYrKjdjhM8-00214-00185384-00186016 nine eight i would like to give you something challenging to work on at the very end nice uIYrKjdjhM8-00215-00186016-00187080 little finisher here six just do one if you can four and three and then every day you'll build two uIYrKjdjhM8-00216-00187192-00187848 and one hold up high plank hold you can do it i know you can keep pushing the floor away uIYrKjdjhM8-00217-00187944-00188912 don't come down yet last ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one uIYrKjdjhM8-00218-00189136-00189928 wow okay guys i am out of breath i am sweaty i am burning all the good feelings that you want uIYrKjdjhM8-00219-00189928-00190528 to feel after a workout make sure you check in with me do a sweaty selfie maybe you can do that uIYrKjdjhM8-00220-00190528-00191312 leg move right that'd be super fun to see you all post that tag stretchy fit app that is your uIYrKjdjhM8-00221-00191312-00191848 instagram page that is the community page of all of you stretchy babes tag me action jaclyn uIYrKjdjhM8-00222-00191992-00192728 and wow that was amazing i'm out of breath and i'm so so proud of you for being here uIYrKjdjhM8-00223-00192728-00193136 and i can't wait to see you next time love you all so so much uIYrKjdjhM8-00224-00193352-00194088 all right guys so we are going to i'm going to close it out here on instagram and on youtube uIYrKjdjhM8-00225-00194200-00194632 such a great job remember also i forgot to say to subscribe to my youtube channel uIYrKjdjhM8-00226-00194632-00195176 if you haven't yet and this would be the perfect time to download my stretchy fit app uIYrKjdjhM8-00227-00195240-00195912 okay because i've got a really special deal going on remember my app is your number one uIYrKjdjhM8-00228-00195912-00196592 fitness system with dance and uh yoga inspired workouts all from home super fun so if you like uIYrKjdjhM8-00229-00196592-00197144 this you are going to love my stretchy fit app love love love love love you're going to love uIYrKjdjhM8-00230-00197144-00198688 it okay guys this was so so fun i loved being here with you all great job i'm gonna finish it out bye upal6_P-7_Y-00000-00000722-00000871 FREE RIDES OVER! upal6_P-7_Y-00001-00000871-00001266 Trump NOT Funding California’s ‘Charade’ After They Refused Orders upal6_P-7_Y-00002-00001266-00001675 After decades of giving Democrats free reign of California, it’s starting to seem like upal6_P-7_Y-00003-00001675-00002134 the American residents have finally had enough of the unmitigated disaster said politicians upal6_P-7_Y-00004-00002134-00002393 have turned the once Golden State into. upal6_P-7_Y-00005-00002393-00002815 While the whole state is falling apart with it’s out of control homelessness, gas prices upal6_P-7_Y-00006-00002815-00003148 that more than double the national average and streets that look like something out of upal6_P-7_Y-00007-00003148-00003679 a third world ghetto in major cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sacramento upal6_P-7_Y-00008-00003679-00004156 the governor of the state, Jerry Brown, chooses to battle President Trump’s attempt at securing upal6_P-7_Y-00009-00004156-00004705 our borders instead of fixing what California citizens have to deal with on a daily basis. upal6_P-7_Y-00010-00004705-00005110 Last month President Trump asked the governors of border states to help address the severe upal6_P-7_Y-00011-00005110-00005501 illegal immigration issue and send in the national guard to protect against a yearly upal6_P-7_Y-00012-00005501-00005951 caravan of illegals making the trek from Latin America into the U.S. To which Brown instead upal6_P-7_Y-00013-00005951-00006356 of complying to make our nation a safer place, wanted to make sure the troops wouldn’t upal6_P-7_Y-00014-00006356-00006762 be there to stop illegals from coming, but to instead just make sure that when they come upal6_P-7_Y-00015-00006762-00006993 in they have a safe experience. upal6_P-7_Y-00016-00006993-00007370 But the good news is according to an article on American News Daily all these shenanigans upal6_P-7_Y-00017-00007370-00007806 from the Democrats in California are finally starting to take its toll on the state’s upal6_P-7_Y-00018-00007806-00007906 citizens. upal6_P-7_Y-00019-00007906-00008202 It looks as though after constantly trying the same thing over and over again they have upal6_P-7_Y-00020-00008202-00008601 finally started to wake up and realize things don’t need to be this way. upal6_P-7_Y-00021-00008601-00009002 In fact, a Republican running for Governor might actually have a prayer of winning this upal6_P-7_Y-00022-00009002-00009427 year, or at least coming close to it, which is a huge victory in the eyes of any person upal6_P-7_Y-00023-00009427-00009795 on the right stuck trying to live in the liberal mecca of California. upal6_P-7_Y-00024-00009795-00010216 Here is what Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich had to say about the California Governer’s upal6_P-7_Y-00025-00010216-00010408 race via SF Gate: upal6_P-7_Y-00026-00010408-00010892 “Former Speaker of the House and 2012 presidential candidate Newt Gingrich thinks that California upal6_P-7_Y-00027-00010892-00011140 could elect a Republican governor in 2018. upal6_P-7_Y-00028-00011140-00011652 In a Fox News op-ed titled “California may elect a Republican governor — Incredible upal6_P-7_Y-00029-00011652-00012160 as that sounds,” Gingrich writes that GOP candidate John Cox is “within striking distance” upal6_P-7_Y-00030-00012160-00012385 of front runner Gavin Newsom. upal6_P-7_Y-00031-00012385-00012831 Gingrich cites a recent Public Policy Institute of California poll that found that Cox has upal6_P-7_Y-00032-00012831-00013297 surged into second place behind Newsom, and notes that a quarter of the poll’s participants upal6_P-7_Y-00033-00013297-00013431 were undecided. upal6_P-7_Y-00034-00013431-00014004 Cox trails Newsom 28 percent to 14 percent, but a second-place finish in the June 5 primary upal6_P-7_Y-00035-00014004-00014463 would guarantee that Cox moves on to face Newsom in a one-on-one race in November. upal6_P-7_Y-00036-00014463-00015016 California’s primary system is unconventional, with every candidate regardless of party affiliation upal6_P-7_Y-00037-00015016-00015240 appearing on the same ballot in June. upal6_P-7_Y-00038-00015240-00015622 The top two finishers then move on to the general election in November, meaning that upal6_P-7_Y-00039-00015622-00015929 it is possible for two Democrats to run against each other. upal6_P-7_Y-00040-00015929-00016356 Gingrich calls California’s primary process a “great system for silencing and drowning upal6_P-7_Y-00041-00016356-00016779 out political minorities,” and states that “it has likely been a big help to California upal6_P-7_Y-00042-00016779-00017036 Democrats since it was adopted in 2010.” upal6_P-7_Y-00043-00017036-00017555 (No Republican has won statewide office in California since 2006). upal6_P-7_Y-00044-00017555-00018041 The three Republican candidates for governor: State Assemblyman Travis Allen, businessman upal6_P-7_Y-00045-00018041-00018373 John Cox and former Congressman Doug Ose. upal6_P-7_Y-00046-00018373-00018812 The former house speaker likes Cox’s odds against Newsom in a one-on-one race, since upal6_P-7_Y-00047-00018812-00019274 he believes that California would “clearly” benefit from Cox’s conservative leadership. upal6_P-7_Y-00048-00019274-00019721 “Cox would work to cut state taxes so that Californians would see more take-home pay upal6_P-7_Y-00049-00019721-00020251 and small businesses would be more able to grow, succeed, expand and create more jobs,” upal6_P-7_Y-00050-00020251-00020351 Gingrich writes. upal6_P-7_Y-00051-00020351-00020856 “This includes the hugely unpopular gasoline tax that the Democratic California Legislature upal6_P-7_Y-00052-00020856-00021279 and Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown imposed on drivers last year.” upal6_P-7_Y-00053-00021279-00021724 Gingrich believes that Cox can win on the issue of immigration, writing, “Democratic upal6_P-7_Y-00054-00021724-00022191 leadership has also made California a haven for criminals who are in the country illegally. upal6_P-7_Y-00055-00022191-00022658 Cox has pledged to end California’s lawless sanctuary policies and work with federal officials upal6_P-7_Y-00056-00022658-00023009 to get those who are in the country illegally and committing crimes off the streets and upal6_P-7_Y-00057-00023009-00023176 out of the country.” upal6_P-7_Y-00058-00023176-00023666 Gingrich doesn’t use any poll numbers or raw data to support these claims, but an LA upal6_P-7_Y-00059-00023666-00024128 Times/USC Dornsife poll from 2017 did find that a majority of Californians want to see upal6_P-7_Y-00060-00024128-00024344 the gas tax repealed. upal6_P-7_Y-00061-00024344-00024772 On the issue of immigration however, the same poll found that a majority of Californians upal6_P-7_Y-00062-00024772-00025065 support California’s sanctuary state law. upal6_P-7_Y-00063-00025065-00025515 Gingrich also notes how important it is for the national GOP to have a Republican candidate upal6_P-7_Y-00064-00025515-00025772 for governor on the ballot in November. upal6_P-7_Y-00065-00025772-00026287 He cites a SmithJohnson Research survey that found that 99.6 percent of Californians said upal6_P-7_Y-00066-00026287-00026758 they planned to vote in the June primary, but only 56.1 percent of these voters would upal6_P-7_Y-00067-00026758-00027141 vote in November if there were two Democrats on ballot for governor. upal6_P-7_Y-00068-00027141-00027589 Low turnout could doom GOP candidates in tightly-contested local races. upal6_P-7_Y-00069-00027589-00028108 Gingrich writes, “Republicans currently hold only 14 of California’s 53 House seats, upal6_P-7_Y-00070-00028108-00028362 all of which will be on the ballot this November. upal6_P-7_Y-00071-00028362-00028805 Any losses or gains in California could have a serious impact on the ability of Republicans upal6_P-7_Y-00072-00028805-00029025 to keep control of the House.” upal6_P-7_Y-00073-00029025-00029422 In other words, Cox’s performance in June could help determine who controls the House upal6_P-7_Y-00074-00029422-00029622 of Representatives in 2019.” upal6_P-7_Y-00075-00029622-00030074 We’ll see how this plays out during the summer and the months leading up to the election, upal6_P-7_Y-00076-00030074-00030457 but for the meantime, at least there is some hope in a state that just two short years upal6_P-7_Y-00077-00030457-00031883 ago was considered an instant loss for Republicans. uSStsYupnPA-00000-00000898-00001200 we back again uSStsYupnPA-00001-00001460-00001998 Topic about First aid uUzhoWsidHA-00000-00000014-00000252 Greetings, fellow aliens! uUzhoWsidHA-00002-00004021-00004553 Like many organisms, earthlings need various chemicals to sustain their metabolism. uUzhoWsidHA-00003-00004553-00004796 These chemicals are taken in three ways: uUzhoWsidHA-00004-00004796-00005068 Breathing, drinking and eating. uUzhoWsidHA-00005-00005068-00005635 Breathing means aspirating oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, which is heavier than oxygen. uUzhoWsidHA-00006-00005635-00006128 So, earthlings loose constantly weight through breathing, approximately half a kilogram per uUzhoWsidHA-00007-00006128-00006618 day, which is of course replaced by eating and drinking. uUzhoWsidHA-00008-00006618-00006873 Eating means taking ailments through the mouth. uUzhoWsidHA-00009-00006873-00007320 The mouth has two purposes: Shredding the food, and analyzing it. uUzhoWsidHA-00010-00007320-00007809 Drinking is basically the same, but with liquids - mainly hydric acid. uUzhoWsidHA-00011-00007809-00008222 Besides hydric acid, there are three main components of food: uUzhoWsidHA-00012-00008222-00008614 Carbohydrates, fat and proteins. uUzhoWsidHA-00013-00008614-00008834 Carbohydrates are the main energy source of the body. uUzhoWsidHA-00014-00008834-00009321 Remember sugar, the energy-rich molecules produced by plants out of sunlight and thin uUzhoWsidHA-00015-00009321-00009421 air? uUzhoWsidHA-00016-00009421-00009838 The simplest sugars are glucose, fructose and sucrose. uUzhoWsidHA-00017-00009838-00010135 Glucose looks a bit like a Centauri donut with a little flag, uUzhoWsidHA-00018-00010135-00010404 fructose like a smaller donut with two little flags, uUzhoWsidHA-00019-00010404-00010671 and sucrose like the two of them glued together. uUzhoWsidHA-00020-00010671-00011071 There are also non-circular variants of those molecules. uUzhoWsidHA-00021-00011071-00011617 Now, carbohydrates are basically sugar, and everything you can assemble from sugar. uUzhoWsidHA-00022-00011617-00012078 For example, when you create a glucose chain and put all the little flags in the same direction, uUzhoWsidHA-00023-00012078-00012625 you get starch, a good energy source - you find it, for example, in bread. uUzhoWsidHA-00024-00012625-00013140 But when you alternate the orientation of the flags, you get cellulose, which is indigestible uUzhoWsidHA-00025-00013140-00013344 for earth creatures. uUzhoWsidHA-00026-00013344-00013850 Except for the microbes. uUzhoWsidHA-00027-00013850-00014260 Even cellulose-eating animals like cows can't digest it by themselves; uUzhoWsidHA-00028-00014260-00014576 they have it digested by microbes in their bowels. uUzhoWsidHA-00029-00014576-00014887 A special kind of cellulose structure is wood - uUzhoWsidHA-00030-00014887-00015144 the stuff the stems of trees are made of. uUzhoWsidHA-00031-00015144-00015537 It's basically cellulose fibers held together by a matrix of lignin. uUzhoWsidHA-00032-00015537-00015968 Wood is not edible either, but it plays an important part in the development of earthling uUzhoWsidHA-00033-00015968-00016076 alimentation. uUzhoWsidHA-00034-00016076-00016301 We will come back to this later. uUzhoWsidHA-00035-00016301-00016648 The second component of earthling food are fats. uUzhoWsidHA-00036-00016648-00016748 What is fat? uUzhoWsidHA-00037-00016748-00017140 Well, fat molecules look a bit like fat little baby squids, uUzhoWsidHA-00038-00017140-00017497 with a body of glycerol and three tentacles of fatty acids. uUzhoWsidHA-00039-00017497-00017819 Missing hydrogen atoms in the tentacles create kinks, uUzhoWsidHA-00040-00017819-00018167 in this case we speak of unsaturated fatty acids. uUzhoWsidHA-00041-00018167-00018508 Anyway, creatures use fat principally to store energy, uUzhoWsidHA-00042-00018508-00018842 for example to survive the cold season when food is rare. uUzhoWsidHA-00043-00018842-00019340 Predators, and earthlings in particular, love eating fat of other creatures. uUzhoWsidHA-00044-00019340-00019765 In rich countries, people have nowadays so much to eat that they often accumulate too uUzhoWsidHA-00045-00019765-00019895 much fat. uUzhoWsidHA-00046-00019895-00020408 They try to burn fat with physical exercises - when the body burns fat, it produces more uUzhoWsidHA-00047-00020408-00020692 carbon dioxide, thus loses more weight. uUzhoWsidHA-00048-00020692-00021129 A less exhausting way of burning fat would probably be to simply turn the heating down uUzhoWsidHA-00049-00021129-00021622 - when it's cold, the earthling body consumes energy to maintain its temperature. uUzhoWsidHA-00050-00021622-00022081 Strangely, this method is not very popular. uUzhoWsidHA-00051-00022081-00022241 The third component of food are proteins. uUzhoWsidHA-00052-00022241-00022341 What is a protein? uUzhoWsidHA-00053-00022341-00023140 Well, proteins are incredibly complex molecules which are basically the backbone of the metabolism. uUzhoWsidHA-00054-00023140-00023545 An important kinds of proteins is those little nanobots called enzymes which basically run uUzhoWsidHA-00055-00023545-00023653 the organism on a molecular level. uUzhoWsidHA-00056-00023653-00024209 If the organism was a factory, enzymes would be the robot workers. uUzhoWsidHA-00057-00024209-00024645 The blueprints for these protein-nanobots are all encoded in the DNA. uUzhoWsidHA-00058-00024645-00025146 But how can a one-dimensional genetic code contain blueprints of three-dimensional nanomachines? uUzhoWsidHA-00059-00025146-00025741 Well, all proteins are made of only twenty basic building blocks called amino acids. uUzhoWsidHA-00060-00025741-00026120 Those building blocks can be plugged together to build long chains. uUzhoWsidHA-00061-00026120-00026330 That's exactly how proteins are build: uUzhoWsidHA-00062-00026330-00026851 The DNA sequences are translated into amino acid chains, with three base pairs corresponding uUzhoWsidHA-00063-00026851-00027063 to one type of amino acid. uUzhoWsidHA-00064-00027063-00027557 Once the chain is built, it naturally curls together to some wibbly wobbly curly whirly uUzhoWsidHA-00065-00027557-00027802 thing, the actual protein. uUzhoWsidHA-00066-00027802-00028289 Now, some of these basic building blocks can't be synthesized by the earthling body, they uUzhoWsidHA-00067-00028289-00028513 need to be taken from plants and animals - uUzhoWsidHA-00068-00028513-00029047 either by eating protein packages they produce for their offspring, or by eating their body, uUzhoWsidHA-00069-00029047-00029229 especially muscle tissue. uUzhoWsidHA-00070-00029229-00029752 Those building blocks are called essential amino acids. uUzhoWsidHA-00071-00029752-00030022 Strategic advice. uUzhoWsidHA-00072-00030022-00030495 Earthlings eat a lot of meat, and most of the meet comes from tamed animals like cows. uUzhoWsidHA-00073-00030495-00030995 So you might have the idea of weakening earthlings with a massive abduction of cows. uUzhoWsidHA-00074-00030995-00031370 However, this tactic might backfire on the long run : uUzhoWsidHA-00075-00031370-00031849 Many earthlings nutritionists and ecologists think that modern earthlings eat far too much uUzhoWsidHA-00076-00031849-00032194 meat, especially in rich countries. uUzhoWsidHA-00077-00032194-00032935 So, when you abduct most of the cows, you might actually do mankind a favour. uUzhoWsidHA-00078-00032935-00033494 Besides hydric acid, carbohydrates, fat and proteins, earthlings need other things in uUzhoWsidHA-00079-00033494-00034293 smaller quantities, for example iron, calcium, vitamins and sodium chloride, aka salt. uUzhoWsidHA-00080-00034293-00034430 Salt is an ionic compound, uUzhoWsidHA-00081-00034430-00034740 hold together not by an electron sharing deal, uUzhoWsidHA-00082-00034740-00034915 but an electron lending deal. uUzhoWsidHA-00083-00034915-00035455 A sodium atom lends an electron to a chlorine atom, so they have both a complete outer shell. uUzhoWsidHA-00084-00035455-00036010 This makes both atoms electrically charged, in other words ions, so they stick together. uUzhoWsidHA-00085-00036010-00036221 This is called an ionic bond. uUzhoWsidHA-00086-00036221-00036562 Salt is very important for the earthling metabolism. uUzhoWsidHA-00087-00036562-00036959 Some food, on the other side, is dangerous for the body. uUzhoWsidHA-00088-00036959-00037438 This holds particularly for food infested or altered by tiny food rivals or parasites uUzhoWsidHA-00089-00037438-00037737 like microbes, insects or fungi. uUzhoWsidHA-00090-00037737-00037896 This kind of food is called rotten. uUzhoWsidHA-00091-00037896-00038499 To distinguish good food from bad or rotten food, earthlings need a way to analyze food uUzhoWsidHA-00092-00038499-00038662 before eating it. uUzhoWsidHA-00093-00038662-00038885 That's the purpose of smell and taste. uUzhoWsidHA-00094-00038885-00039375 The nose and the mouth contain arrays of chemical sensors called chemo-receptors which are linked uUzhoWsidHA-00095-00039375-00039558 to the brain's reward system. uUzhoWsidHA-00096-00039558-00040101 Basically, "good" food causes pleasure and the urge to swallow, "bad" food creates displeasure uUzhoWsidHA-00097-00040101-00040367 and the urge to spit it out. uUzhoWsidHA-00098-00040367-00040776 The pleasure is also modified depending on the current needs of the body - after eating uUzhoWsidHA-00099-00040776-00041269 six animal bodies, the seventh one just doesn't taste so good anymore. uUzhoWsidHA-00100-00041269-00041771 Also, finding food pleasurable can be learned - many earthlings have learned to appreciate uUzhoWsidHA-00101-00041771-00041992 rotten food like cheese or beer. uUzhoWsidHA-00102-00041992-00042210 We will come back to this in a moment. uUzhoWsidHA-00103-00042210-00042596 Food appreciation is so transmitted from generation to generation. uUzhoWsidHA-00104-00042596-00042823 This is called food culture. uUzhoWsidHA-00105-00042823-00043467 There are basically five kinds of taste: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. uUzhoWsidHA-00106-00043467-00043929 Sweet is the simplest one, a pleasing sensation which indicates the earthlings prefered energy uUzhoWsidHA-00107-00043929-00044152 source: sugar. uUzhoWsidHA-00108-00044152-00044761 Sour indicates acids like citric acid or Vitamin C, which you find in many fruits. uUzhoWsidHA-00109-00044761-00045390 Salty indicates primarily the presence of sodium ions, in particular from sodium chloride. uUzhoWsidHA-00110-00045390-00045872 Bitter is a generally displeasing, alarming taste which may hint at rotten or poisonous uUzhoWsidHA-00111-00045872-00045982 food. uUzhoWsidHA-00112-00045982-00046420 The last one, umami, indicates a compound called glutamate. uUzhoWsidHA-00113-00046420-00046841 It can be found in many types of food and is generally perceived as savoury. uUzhoWsidHA-00114-00046841-00047405 There might be a sixth taste, which indicates fat, but for now that's just a hypothesis. uUzhoWsidHA-00115-00047405-00047795 Interestingly, some food acts not on the taste receptors but on the temperature receptors uUzhoWsidHA-00116-00047795-00047895 in the mouth: uUzhoWsidHA-00117-00047895-00048217 Mint oil, for example, is perceived as cool, uUzhoWsidHA-00118-00048217-00048663 whereas so-called "spicy" food triggers the heat receptors and may even be perceived as uUzhoWsidHA-00119-00048663-00048763 painful. uUzhoWsidHA-00120-00048763-00049013 There is a common misconception about taste : uUzhoWsidHA-00121-00049013-00049375 Many earthlings believe that receptors for different tastes are located in different uUzhoWsidHA-00122-00049375-00049546 zones of the tongue. uUzhoWsidHA-00123-00049546-00050041 This is easy to disprove, especially for earthlings - just put something sweet onto the back of uUzhoWsidHA-00124-00050041-00050339 your tongue, or something bitter onto the tip. uUzhoWsidHA-00125-00050339-00050785 Nevertheless, many earthlings keep on believing this nonsense rather than trying it out for uUzhoWsidHA-00126-00050785-00050895 themselves. uUzhoWsidHA-00127-00050895-00051279 Now, where do the earthlings get all the edible stuff? uUzhoWsidHA-00128-00051279-00051689 At dawn of mankind, they got it essentially the same way as animals : uUzhoWsidHA-00129-00051689-00052197 By hunting animals and gathering fruits and seeds, and devouring the edible parts. uUzhoWsidHA-00130-00052197-00052726 But at some point, they made an important discovery: Artificial external digestion. uUzhoWsidHA-00131-00052726-00053054 This is similar to methods used by other races in the galaxy. uUzhoWsidHA-00132-00053054-00053546 The Snuglings of Karaxi-2, for example, live under a thick cloud cover protecting them uUzhoWsidHA-00133-00053546-00053791 from the deadly radiation of their sun. uUzhoWsidHA-00134-00053791-00054220 They feed on creatures called frooks, but some kinds of Frooks are hard to kill and uUzhoWsidHA-00135-00054220-00054383 difficult to digest. uUzhoWsidHA-00136-00054383-00054771 So the Snuglings catapult the frooks above the cloud cover where they are roasted by uUzhoWsidHA-00137-00054771-00054976 the gamma rays of the sun. uUzhoWsidHA-00138-00054976-00055526 When they fall down, they are easier to digest, and also, dead. uUzhoWsidHA-00139-00055526-00056400 Some 400000 solar cycles ago, Earthlings discovered a similar method to make food digestible : Fire! uUzhoWsidHA-00140-00056400-00056721 Remember wood, this hardened cellulose structure ? uUzhoWsidHA-00141-00056721-00057210 Dry wood combusts easily, and it's not hard to build a fire out of wood pieces. uUzhoWsidHA-00142-00057210-00057863 Originally, earthlings used fire to keep warm and drive away predators, but some 250000 uUzhoWsidHA-00143-00057863-00058355 solar cycles ago they discovered that some food, in particular meat, changes its taste uUzhoWsidHA-00144-00058355-00058694 and consistency when exposed to fire for a while. uUzhoWsidHA-00145-00058694-00058932 This is called roasting. uUzhoWsidHA-00146-00058932-00059120 But why do earthlings do that? uUzhoWsidHA-00147-00059120-00059432 Well, there are several reasons for roasting. uUzhoWsidHA-00148-00059432-00059804 First, the heat kills most of the microbes in the food. uUzhoWsidHA-00149-00059804-00060324 Secondly, the temperature breaks down molecules like starch and unfolds some proteins, which uUzhoWsidHA-00150-00060324-00060617 makes the food easier to chew and easier to digest. uUzhoWsidHA-00151-00060617-00061145 Basically, roasting food is some kind of external pre-digestion, using the chemical energy in uUzhoWsidHA-00152-00061145-00061253 wood. uUzhoWsidHA-00153-00061253-00061738 Now, when roasting food, it often gets a brown crispy crust. uUzhoWsidHA-00154-00061738-00062028 What happens here is called "Maillard reaction". uUzhoWsidHA-00155-00062028-00062430 Basically, it's a reaction between sugar and amino acids. uUzhoWsidHA-00156-00062430-00062630 Earthlings love the taste of this crust. uUzhoWsidHA-00157-00062630-00063223 By the way, many earthlings think that roasting meat "seals in the juices" - but that is nonsense. uUzhoWsidHA-00158-00063223-00063829 Now, another way of heating food is boiling it - exposing it to boiling hydric acid. uUzhoWsidHA-00159-00063829-00064166 Boiling differs from roasting in that the temperature doesn't exceed the boiling point uUzhoWsidHA-00160-00064166-00064522 of hydric acid, and there is no Maillard reaction. uUzhoWsidHA-00161-00064522-00065096 Basically, it's just another variant of the same external pre-digestion process. uUzhoWsidHA-00162-00065096-00065600 Boiling and roasting are part of what earthlings do with their food before they eat it: Cooking. uUzhoWsidHA-00163-00065600-00065966 And earthlings wouldn't be earthlings if they hadn't developed cooking into an elaborate uUzhoWsidHA-00164-00065966-00066144 part of their culture. uUzhoWsidHA-00165-00066144-00066682 Cooking also includes cutting and slicing food, mixing and combining different ingredients, uUzhoWsidHA-00166-00066682-00066905 and spicing the food. uUzhoWsidHA-00167-00066905-00067307 Spicing means adding ingredients that alter the taste, mostly to increase the pleasure uUzhoWsidHA-00168-00067307-00067767 of eating: Yet another example of earthlings tricking out their brains' reward system to uUzhoWsidHA-00169-00067767-00068089 get biologically pointless pleasure. uUzhoWsidHA-00170-00068089-00068203 Tips for tourists. uUzhoWsidHA-00171-00068203-00068643 If you have a hydrocarbon-based metabolism, you might visit a restaurant. uUzhoWsidHA-00172-00068643-00068952 Here you can observe earthlings' eating habits, uUzhoWsidHA-00173-00068952-00069215 and also taste some food for yourself. uUzhoWsidHA-00174-00069215-00069703 However, beware of earthling drinks, they have often surprising effects. uUzhoWsidHA-00175-00069703-00070218 Some 10000 solar cycles ago, a second discovery was made : uUzhoWsidHA-00176-00070218-00070676 Earthlings all over the planet started cultivating food and herding animals. uUzhoWsidHA-00177-00070676-00071204 Basically, they started acting like small-scale bio administrators, rearing new species of uUzhoWsidHA-00178-00071204-00071486 plants and animals according to their needs. uUzhoWsidHA-00179-00071486-00071687 This is called agriculture. uUzhoWsidHA-00180-00071687-00072110 Nowadays it has grown to an industrial scale food production able to feed seven billion uUzhoWsidHA-00181-00072110-00072216 earthlings. uUzhoWsidHA-00182-00072216-00072429 Well, almost. uUzhoWsidHA-00183-00072429-00072843 One of the strangest aspects of food culture is the earthling habit of letting food rot uUzhoWsidHA-00184-00072843-00073006 in a controlled manner. uUzhoWsidHA-00185-00073006-00073331 One example is alcoholic beverages like wine or beer. uUzhoWsidHA-00186-00073331-00073840 Wine, for example, is rotten juice from fruits called grapes. uUzhoWsidHA-00187-00073840-00074194 Alcoholic beverages have a particular effect on the brain - we will talk about this in uUzhoWsidHA-00188-00074194-00074420 another episode. uUzhoWsidHA-00189-00074420-00074803 Another example for deliberately rotten food are products like yoghurt or cheese : uUzhoWsidHA-00190-00074803-00075278 Milk, altered by microbes, a process that can take months. uUzhoWsidHA-00191-00075278-00075673 Cheese is sometimes even exposed to fungi which make it rot even more. uUzhoWsidHA-00192-00075673-00076160 This process transforms the simple taste of milk into a more complex taste, sometimes uUzhoWsidHA-00193-00076160-00076391 even with hints of bitterness. uUzhoWsidHA-00194-00076391-00076963 Generally, eating is a highly ritualized, social activity: Social groups eat together, uUzhoWsidHA-00195-00076963-00077402 friends bond by sharing a meal, and mating rituals often involve eating together in a uUzhoWsidHA-00196-00077402-00077629 public place. uUzhoWsidHA-00197-00077629-00078139 But despite the sophisticated rituals, earthlings still keep some habits from their cave-dwelling uUzhoWsidHA-00198-00078139-00078239 ancestors. uUzhoWsidHA-00199-00078239-00078695 I have observed several earthling families where the mother cooks, but calls the father uUzhoWsidHA-00200-00078695-00078819 to cut the roast - uUzhoWsidHA-00201-00078819-00079179 in prehistoric times, the job of the tribe chieftain. uUzhoWsidHA-00202-00079179-00079691 Also, many men like to roast meat over open fire, just like mammoth hunters in the olden uUzhoWsidHA-00203-00079691-00079861 days. uUzhoWsidHA-00204-00079861-00080357 Strangely, earthlings often separate "sweet" sugar snacks from larger "salty" meals which uUzhoWsidHA-00205-00080357-00080632 contain all kinds of nutrients. uUzhoWsidHA-00206-00080632-00080944 The reason might be that both meals have different functions: uUzhoWsidHA-00207-00080944-00081387 The sugar snacks give a quick energy boost, which is often enhanced by stimulating drugs uUzhoWsidHA-00208-00081387-00081709 like coffee or cigarettes.. uUzhoWsidHA-00209-00081709-00082318 The salty meals, on the other hand, provide long-term supply with all kinds of nutrients. uUzhoWsidHA-00210-00082318-00082815 Sometimes, the "salty" meal is followed by a sweet snack, possibly in order to provide uUzhoWsidHA-00211-00082815-00083116 the energy boost needed to digest said meal. uUzhoWsidHA-00212-00083116-00083287 This is called a dessert. uUzhoWsidHA-00213-00083287-00083435 Scientific advice. uUzhoWsidHA-00214-00083435-00083975 A classic alien textbook explains that you can use food to condition earthling cubs. uUzhoWsidHA-00215-00083975-00084454 Show them a series of images :When they hit a "like" button, they get some chocolate, uUzhoWsidHA-00216-00084454-00084889 when they hit a dislike button they get spinach, a vegetable many cubs hate. uUzhoWsidHA-00217-00084889-00085339 As a result, they will start liking every single image. uUzhoWsidHA-00218-00085339-00086079 However, this experiment has been done so many times that nowadays, countless former uUzhoWsidHA-00219-00086079-00086542 abductees feel the compulsive desire to hit "like" buttons all day long. uUzhoWsidHA-00220-00086542-00087072 Moreover, many victims feel the compulsive urge to use the word, "like", as often as uUzhoWsidHA-00221-00087072-00087399 possible - like, in every sentence, like, all day long. uUzhoWsidHA-00222-00087399-00087842 If I were like an earthling who could have like feelings, I would be like sad for these uUzhoWsidHA-00223-00087842-00088344 poor abductees, as they are like linguistically handicapped for like the rest of their life. uUzhoWsidHA-00224-00088344-00088523 A word to my earthling viewers : uUzhoWsidHA-00225-00088523-00088986 Rest assured, if you feel the urge to click on "like" right now, it does not necessarily uUzhoWsidHA-00226-00088986-00089185 mean you have been conditioned. uUzhoWsidHA-00227-00089185-00089375 Maybe you just like my videos. uUzhoWsidHA-00228-00089375-00089802 A sure telltale sign that you have not been mentally manipulated would be the urge to uUzhoWsidHA-00229-00089802-00090460 click on "subscribe" and on "share" as well, as those buttons were not part of the experiment. uUzhoWsidHA-00230-00090460-00090741 Please don't think I'm trying to manipulate you. uUzhoWsidHA-00231-00090741-00090963 That's just not my style. uUzhoWsidHA-00232-00090963-00091273 This was the ninth episode of Earthlings 101. uUzhoWsidHA-00233-00091273-00091791 Next time we'll talk about language: How it works, how it developed, and why the causes uUzhoWsidHA-00234-00091791-00092235 of its apparent decline - are actually the very forces that build it. uUzhoWsidHA-00235-00092235-00094408 Thanks for watching, and as always: Don't forget to be alien! uYOR3EGdQlU-00000-00000306-00000440 For conservation week uYOR3EGdQlU-00001-00000440-00000866 we pledge to get creative so we can spend a day as a weta, or a kea uYOR3EGdQlU-00002-00000866-00001287 or a hōiho - a yellow-eyed penguin that is. What's your whānau doing? uYOR3EGdQlU-00003-00001287-00001678 I pledge to take my kids to Tiritiri Matangi Island to become Kiwi Rangers. uYOR3EGdQlU-00004-00001678-00002079 Kia ora, for Conservation Week I pledge to hunt pigs uYOR3EGdQlU-00005-00002079-00002443 to keep the forest healthy and put food on the table for the whānau. uYOR3EGdQlU-00006-00002443-00002753 Sirocco pledges to... ouch, ouch! uYOR3EGdQlU-00007-00002753-00003246 I pledge to make weta motels because I love having creepy crawlies in my backyard. uYOR3EGdQlU-00008-00003246-00003785 Our pledge for Conservation Week is to plant kōwhai trees uYOR3EGdQlU-00009-00003785-00003907 here on the vineyard to attract the native birds. uYOR3EGdQlU-00010-00003907-00004262 For Conservation Week uYOR3EGdQlU-00011-00004262-00004587 I pledge to take my husband and friends for a picnic in the canopy of our beautiful native bush. uYOR3EGdQlU-00012-00004587-00005028 My pledge this Conservation Week is to encourage people uYOR3EGdQlU-00013-00005028-00005317 to give native plants as wedding gifts. Just like we have here. uYOR3EGdQlU-00014-00005317-00005692 I pledge to tell all my friends about Conservation Week through social media. uYOR3EGdQlU-00015-00005692-00006392 I pledge to clean up the beach with my whānau. uYOR3EGdQlU-00016-00006455-00006654 We pledge to visit one of New Zealand's amazing National Parks. uYOR3EGdQlU-00017-00006654-00007056 My pledge for Conservation Week is to take my young grandson uYOR3EGdQlU-00018-00007056-00007442 to the forest to go exploring. uYOR3EGdQlU-00019-00007442-00007807 We pledge to plant more black seeds of flax to bring more wildlife like this into our gardens. uYOR3EGdQlU-00020-00007807-00008507 What's your whānau doing? Go to the DOC website and register your pledge. uYOR3EGdQlU-00021-00008650-00009014 [Instrumental] uYOR3EGdQlU-00022-00009014-00009164 you through it you uZ7I1mQMupc-00000-00000044-00000466 Courses under development are made unavailable to prevent students from accessing them. uZ7I1mQMupc-00001-00000466-00000872 Once a course is ready for students to view, it needs to be made available. uZ7I1mQMupc-00002-00000872-00001250 This tutorial will walk you through how to access the customization settings to make uZ7I1mQMupc-00003-00001250-00001505 your course available to students. uZ7I1mQMupc-00004-00001505-00001819 After you have logged into Blackboard and selected the course that you would like to uZ7I1mQMupc-00005-00001819-00002358 make available, click on the CUSTOMIZATION option in the CONTROL PANEL and select PROPERTIES, uZ7I1mQMupc-00006-00002358-00002839 which controls the functional settings of the course. uZ7I1mQMupc-00007-00002839-00003314 From here, click YES under the SET AVAILABILITY option to make the course available. uZ7I1mQMupc-00008-00003314-00003622 Now click SUBMIT. uZ7I1mQMupc-00009-00003622-00004190 A confirmation message tells you that the course properties were successfully updated. uZ7I1mQMupc-00010-00004190-00004601 If you have any further questions about making a course available on Blackboard, please call uZ7I1mQMupc-00011-00004601-00005492 us at 5050 Option 2, email us at or tweet us @eLearningCSU. uZ7I1mQMupc-00012-00005492-00005528 Thank you. uaRmAqtNxAY-00000-00000000-00000294 i love this car!!!!! THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING MY CHANNEL& ENJOY EVERY VIDEO & SLIDESHOW I MAKE ON MY CHANNEL!!!!!!!!! uaRmAqtNxAY-00001-00002948-00003404 lamborghini doors!!!!AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uaRmAqtNxAY-00002-00016380-00017624 Thank you for watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE SURE TO WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS & SLIDESHOWS!!!!!!! ubo_plEy5Ik-00000-00001201-00001401 HI GUYS !!! ubo_plEy5Ik-00001-00001401-00001601 Wellcome back to my chanel ubo_plEy5Ik-00002-00001601-00001851 Today's video I'm going to use 200 coins search base to steal what's available ubo_plEy5Ik-00003-00001851-00001959 Let's go !!!!!! ubo_plEy5Ik-00004-00003962-00004293 Remember to bring bombs when you arrive at the robbery area ubo_plEy5Ik-00005-00028081-00028392 Thanks for watching, remember like and subcribe to my chanel ubpvMY5irfu-00000-00000036-00000803 it is taking 30 minutes to find each one I find. it takes so long because I have to check so many ubpvMY5irfu-00001-00000803-00001320 different videos, and then each one of these videos takes a while to check, and they're unlikely to ubpvMY5irfu-00002-00001320-00001932 find that, and then it checks a different video, however, there is a higher chance because of this ubpvMY5irfu-00003-00001932-00002472 that it finds a bad video, and then I have to go and skip that completely and do another video, ubpvMY5irfu-00004-00002568-00003048 and eventually, it finds one. but that takes a really long time. udptsBaGR9I-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video udptsBaGR9I-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view udptsBaGR9I-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. udptsBaGR9I-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much uh5JxdrtgI8-00000-00010120-00010320 Steamed Fish Beer Steamed Octopus Garlic Fish With Fragrant | Steamed Fish Beer Steamed Onion Ginger Fish Carp ui3PWy0kscA-00000-00000642-00001171 McCain Left Behind A Letter To America Before, To Be Read Now After He’s Gone ui3PWy0kscA-00001-00001171-00001668 As the now late Senator John McCain (AZ-R) is mourned and eulogized since his weekend ui3PWy0kscA-00002-00001668-00002085 passing, many talking heads in the mainstream media have been quick to canonize him as some ui3PWy0kscA-00003-00002085-00002530 sort of warrior statesman, the great “warrior politician” worthy of emulation as some ui3PWy0kscA-00004-00002530-00002760 sort of secular civic saint. ui3PWy0kscA-00005-00002760-00002944 There were two John McCains. ui3PWy0kscA-00006-00002944-00003403 One was the fictional, well-curated political image of a straight-talking, principled maverick ui3PWy0kscA-00007-00003403-00003856 war hero who disdained politics and partisanship in favor of doing he believed was the right ui3PWy0kscA-00008-00003856-00003956 thing. ui3PWy0kscA-00009-00003956-00004397 This is image being eulogized and propagated by the mainstream media currently. ui3PWy0kscA-00010-00004397-00004839 That other image of John McCain that lived in a little place called reality, was a warmongering ui3PWy0kscA-00011-00004839-00005325 political hack that seemingly parroted whatever media talking point was expedient at the moment, ui3PWy0kscA-00012-00005325-00005579 often to the detriment of the American people. ui3PWy0kscA-00013-00005579-00005930 One of President Donald Trump’s harshest critics and instrumental in the appointment ui3PWy0kscA-00014-00005930-00006420 of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, he hand-delivering the salacious and fictional “Steele dossier” ui3PWy0kscA-00015-00006420-00006913 to former FBI Director James Comey, leading the charge into the investigation into collusion ui3PWy0kscA-00016-00006913-00007359 between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 presidential election. ui3PWy0kscA-00017-00007359-00007743 This dossier was used as the basis for the FISA warrants that were used to spy on the ui3PWy0kscA-00018-00007743-00008181 Trump campaign and a host of additional government malfeasance in a concerted effort to overthrow ui3PWy0kscA-00019-00008181-00008442 a duly elected American president. ui3PWy0kscA-00020-00008442-00008899 As they often do, the media attempts to whitewash and gloss over unfavorable attributes if the ui3PWy0kscA-00021-00008899-00009242 person is deemed to be useful in pushing the narrative of the moment. ui3PWy0kscA-00022-00009242-00009714 McCain is currently useful to the media, even in death, due to his abject hatred of all ui3PWy0kscA-00023-00009714-00009853 things Trump. ui3PWy0kscA-00024-00009853-00010247 Yet as the media often does as the propagate works of fiction, they seem to forget that ui3PWy0kscA-00025-00010247-00010656 research is not just a one-way street and not all of us have short memories. ui3PWy0kscA-00026-00010656-00011167 In fact, some of us still remember when the media hated all things McCain during the 2008 ui3PWy0kscA-00027-00011167-00011604 Presidential election when McCain was running against former President Barack Obama. ui3PWy0kscA-00028-00011604-00012146 However, as is often said, facts do not care about feelings and accuracy matters. ui3PWy0kscA-00029-00012146-00012579 Many have noted throughout the years of McCain’s lengthy political career, it was significantly ui3PWy0kscA-00030-00012579-00012927 marked by jarring flip-flops and malleable principles. ui3PWy0kscA-00031-00012927-00013369 He was opposed to former President George W. Bush’s NSA wiretap program before he ui3PWy0kscA-00032-00013369-00013494 supported it. ui3PWy0kscA-00033-00013494-00013845 He defended the estate tax before he harshly criticized it. ui3PWy0kscA-00034-00013845-00014238 He vaguely opposed torture but undermined legislative efforts to stop it. ui3PWy0kscA-00035-00014238-00014690 He claimed opposition to the current head of the CIA – Gina Haspel during the nomination ui3PWy0kscA-00036-00014690-00015179 process, yet supported the former head of the CIA – John Brennan for the exact same ui3PWy0kscA-00037-00015179-00015279 policies. ui3PWy0kscA-00038-00015279-00015706 He embraced Social Security privatization before saying otherwise — twice. ui3PWy0kscA-00039-00015706-00016109 McCain also caused much bitterness and animosity amongst the American people when he chose ui3PWy0kscA-00040-00016109-00016600 to return to the Senate in July 2017 after emergency brain surgery to become the deciding ui3PWy0kscA-00041-00016600-00017000 vote that killed the GOP’s repeal of the Affordable Care Act. ui3PWy0kscA-00042-00017000-00017387 Some would simply dismiss all that saying that positions evolve over time. ui3PWy0kscA-00043-00017387-00017856 While that is true to some degree, most career politicians do not carefully craft their entire ui3PWy0kscA-00044-00017856-00018204 image around that of being principled and honest merely to shift like the sand with ui3PWy0kscA-00045-00018204-00018620 regards to the cause of the moment in a seemingly arbitrary fashion. ui3PWy0kscA-00046-00018620-00019056 Now it seems McCain is not quite done with the American people, reaching out posthumously ui3PWy0kscA-00047-00019056-00019386 from the grave to speak to Americans one last time. ui3PWy0kscA-00048-00019386-00019486 The Atlantic reports – ui3PWy0kscA-00049-00019486-00020117 “On Monday morning in Arizona, Senator John McCain’s former campaign manager Rick Davis, ui3PWy0kscA-00050-00020117-00020551 acting as a spokesperson for the McCain family, read aloud the text of the late senator’s ui3PWy0kscA-00051-00020551-00020673 final letter to the public. ui3PWy0kscA-00052-00020673-00020954 “These are John’s words,” he said. ui3PWy0kscA-00053-00020954-00021262 What follows is a transcription of what Davis read: ui3PWy0kscA-00054-00021262-00021757 My fellow Americans, whom I have gratefully served for 60 years, and especially my fellow ui3PWy0kscA-00055-00021757-00022212 Arizonians, thank you for the privilege of serving you, and for the rewarding life that ui3PWy0kscA-00056-00022212-00022551 service in uniform and in public office has allowed me to lead. ui3PWy0kscA-00057-00022551-00022786 I’ve tried to serve our country honorably. ui3PWy0kscA-00058-00022786-00023247 I’ve made mistakes, but I hope my love for America will be weighed favorably against ui3PWy0kscA-00059-00023247-00023347 them. ui3PWy0kscA-00060-00023347-00023614 I’ve often observed that I am the luckiest person on Earth. ui3PWy0kscA-00061-00023614-00023975 I feel that way even now, as I prepare for the end of my life. ui3PWy0kscA-00062-00023975-00024204 I’ve loved my life, all of it. ui3PWy0kscA-00063-00024204-00024788 I’ve had experiences, adventures, friendships, enough for 10 satisfying lives, and I am so ui3PWy0kscA-00064-00024788-00024898 thankful. ui3PWy0kscA-00065-00024898-00025151 Like most people, I have regrets. ui3PWy0kscA-00066-00025151-00025548 But I would not trade a day of my life in good or bad times for the best day of anybody ui3PWy0kscA-00067-00025548-00025651 else’s. ui3PWy0kscA-00068-00025651-00025960 I owe this satisfaction to the love of my family. ui3PWy0kscA-00069-00025960-00026433 One man has never had a more loving wife or children he was prouder of than I am of mine. ui3PWy0kscA-00070-00026433-00026933 And I owe it to America to be connected to America’s causes: Liberty, equal justice, ui3PWy0kscA-00071-00026933-00027308 and respect for the dignity of all people brings happiness more sublime than life’s ui3PWy0kscA-00072-00027308-00027448 fleeting pleasures. ui3PWy0kscA-00073-00027448-00027833 Our identities and sense of worth were not circumscribed, but are enlarged by serving ui3PWy0kscA-00074-00027833-00028093 good causes bigger than ourselves. ui3PWy0kscA-00075-00028093-00028468 Fellow Americans, that association has meant more to me than any other. ui3PWy0kscA-00076-00028468-00028707 I lived and died a proud American. ui3PWy0kscA-00077-00028707-00029147 We are citizens of the world’s greatest republic, a nation of ideals, not blood and ui3PWy0kscA-00078-00029147-00029247 soil. ui3PWy0kscA-00079-00029247-00029645 We are blessed and are a blessing to humanity when we uphold and advance those ideals at ui3PWy0kscA-00080-00029645-00029789 home and in the world. ui3PWy0kscA-00081-00029789-00030230 We have helped liberate more people from tyranny and poverty than ever before in history, and ui3PWy0kscA-00082-00030230-00030520 we have acquired great wealth and power in the progress. ui3PWy0kscA-00083-00030520-00030929 We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have ui3PWy0kscA-00084-00030929-00031300 sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe. ui3PWy0kscA-00085-00031300-00031741 We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down; when we doubt the power ui3PWy0kscA-00086-00031741-00032148 of our ideals, rather than trust them to be the great force for change they have always ui3PWy0kscA-00087-00032148-00032256 been. ui3PWy0kscA-00088-00032256-00032714 We are 325 million opinionated, vociferous individuals. ui3PWy0kscA-00089-00032714-00033151 We argue and compete and sometimes even vilify each other in our raucous public debates. ui3PWy0kscA-00090-00033151-00033601 But we have always had so much more in common with each other than in disagreement. ui3PWy0kscA-00091-00033601-00033936 If only we remember that and give each other the benefit of the presumption that we all ui3PWy0kscA-00092-00033936-00034288 love our country, we will get through these challenging times. ui3PWy0kscA-00093-00034288-00034641 We will come through them stronger than before, we always do. ui3PWy0kscA-00094-00034641-00035042 Ten years ago I had the privilege to concede defeat in the election for president. ui3PWy0kscA-00095-00035042-00035484 I want to end my farewell to you with heartfelt faith in Americans that I felt so powerfully ui3PWy0kscA-00096-00035484-00035584 that evening. ui3PWy0kscA-00097-00035584-00035797 I feel it powerfully still. ui3PWy0kscA-00098-00035797-00036051 Do not despair of our present difficulties. ui3PWy0kscA-00099-00036051-00036563 We believe always in the promise and greatness of America because nothing is inevitable here. ui3PWy0kscA-00100-00036563-00036965 Americans never quit, we never surrender, we never hide from history. ui3PWy0kscA-00101-00036965-00037123 We make history. ui3PWy0kscA-00102-00037123-00038411 Farewell fellow Americans, God bless you, and God bless America.” ukw4W9V5reg-00000-00000112-00000572 It's Tory's workout time. ukw4W9V5reg-00001-00000838-00001542 Sometimes limped, so started workout with a donut gymball. ukw4W9V5reg-00002-00001655-00002164 Doing good with some snacks. ukw4W9V5reg-00003-00002770-00003334 Sometimes sits and then gets up. ukw4W9V5reg-00004-00003604-00004178 Legs are shaking! ulXSyvKM7T0-00000-00000002-00000446 In this video we will show you how to top up your Expend cards. ulXSyvKM7T0-00001-00000448-00001186 Select 'Cards', then 'Top Up Account'. You'll have your own unique account number, account name and sort code. ulXSyvKM7T0-00002-00001186-00001612 Once you've transferred money into this account, the balance will appear in ulXSyvKM7T0-00003-00001613-00002093 the float account balance. We also have the suggested account balance which is ulXSyvKM7T0-00004-00002093-00002688 based on the spending policies set up for the Flex account cards. To top up the ulXSyvKM7T0-00005-00002688-00003690 Classic card, scroll down and select the Classic card member. Press the plus icon, ulXSyvKM7T0-00006-00003734-00004322 type in the amount that you would like to top up, then click 'Add'. ulXSyvKM7T0-00007-00004322-00004666 This has now been added. umo_7SFzmtM-00000-00001500-00004000 We were asked, will we get a recording, may have to jump off early. We will not be sending recordings but we will be uploading them to our website so they will be available and I will send out an email once they're available. So you can come back and listen to them. Or if you had to jump off, even if you just want to give it a second listen. umo_7SFzmtM-00001-00004000-00004500 >> michael munson: Hi everybody. I'm michael munson. I am seeing names from the attendees last week and welcome back and welcome to the folks just joining us. I am Michel munson from the not sunny Wisconsin. This is part two of two. Today we're going to talk a little bit more about disability and trauma and transness all together. umo_7SFzmtM-00002-00004500-00007000 And let's get started. umo_7SFzmtM-00003-00007000-00007800 So I wanted to start today with an acknowledgment of the land that I'm sitting on today. Which is the sacred land of the Pottawamee, the Hochunk and the peoples. This is a home land along the southwest shores of the Michagami the largest North American lake system. umo_7SFzmtM-00004-00007800-00010800 And where the Milwaukee and the Nominee and Kinikanak rivers meet. umo_7SFzmtM-00005-00011100-00013000 For a visual description not of the beautiful land, beautiful sacred land that I'm on but a visual description for those who want to know what I look like today I have on a very bold wildly paisley-colored -- well, paisley-shaped reddish colored shirt with a black short underneath and I have relatively short hair and a graying beard. Glasses. And behind me is a kind of corny looking black drape. umo_7SFzmtM-00006-00013000-00015200 So that's a little bit of a visual description. So our agenda for today is both simple and complex. We're going to start out with who we're talking about. We'll frame some concepts so that we're all kind of on some of the same pages for what we're going to be talking about for the rest of the time. umo_7SFzmtM-00007-00015200-00017800 We'll look at some of the intersections between transness, trauma and disability and a whole bunch of other intersections. We'll talk some about data. I hope it will not be too data heavy, which I tend to be. And then we're going to look at some practical and creative ways of working with trans survivors with disabilities. umo_7SFzmtM-00008-00017800-00020100 The things you can do. And we'll round out with resources. So just to let folks know, my colleague Shelley Gregory is on the call and is going to do some back end work for me, for all of us today so thank you Shelley for being in the background and we'll do an exercise where Shelley is going to kind of add to a Google document that we can all look at and see. umo_7SFzmtM-00009-00020100-00022000 So again, if you were here last time you have seen this slide. If you were at any other FORGE presentation you have seen this slide. So please take care of yourself. That can mean whatever it means for you. Whether that is stepping off early, which I know some people need to do. Or getting some water or going to the bathroom or having a smoke or whatever it means to you, please do that for yourself. umo_7SFzmtM-00010-00022000-00024000 Participation is optional. Most of the participation will be in chat today. Which brings me to how we're going to interact. So primary way will be through chatting in the chat box. Or the Q & A box which has an anonymous feature if you want to ask a question and not identify yourself. umo_7SFzmtM-00011-00024000-00026100 We'll interact today by voice if people have a question they would like to ask by voice or a comment we can go there, I think. And then the third way is like I mentioned Shelley is going to be doing some back end Google document that we're going to share out live. umo_7SFzmtM-00012-00026100-00027900 Let me give you a brief description of FORGE. We're a 27-year-old trans organization that is 100% focused on antiviolence issues. We have three staff who are in Milwaukee Wisconsin and the rest of our folks are across the country. umo_7SFzmtM-00013-00027900-00030000 Not very many folks because we have a very small staff. About 25 or so percent of our time is doing direct service with trans non-binary folks and loved ones and around 75% is working on training and technical assistance. So webinars like this one. umo_7SFzmtM-00014-00030000-00031500 Just a couple of reminders of what guides our work which is two-fold. It's about being trauma informed with survivors and with you all as providers and the second part is to be empowerment based. That's not just with survivors but it's with who you all are as providers of services. umo_7SFzmtM-00015-00031500-00033900 You can find us on social media. I will let you all figure that out when you get the slides. But we like to connect with folks on social media and that's where we are able to share information in a pretty easy way. Just like the rest of you all do. umo_7SFzmtM-00016-00033900-00035600 So I wanted to start us off with just a little bit of kind of the who, we're talking about today. So we're talking about a very -- both large segment of the trans community and a very specific segment. We're talking about trans folks who live with disabilities. Who are survivors of some form of victimization. umo_7SFzmtM-00017-00035600-00038600 When we talk about who is included it might be a lot of people from a lot of different identities. We're going to go into that a little bit more deeply in a little bit. So we're going to piece out a little bit what's in that trans bucket. What's in the disability bucket and what's in that trauma bucket. umo_7SFzmtM-00018-00041100-00043300 Folks on the screen right now are five folks who have been really out there in terms of being trans or non-binary who are survivors and who live with disability. So on the screen are Gabriel Foster. Erin Phillips. They have some fantastic videos, Google. They're a model and just funky and cool. Sebastian. Drego is one of my old friends who is a deaf trans and queer activist in San Francisco. And Erica Dixson who is fun and frames things in fun ways. Those with five folks we can talk abo umo_7SFzmtM-00019-00043300-00046300 Let me start with framing things in a couple different ways. The first is in disability culture a lot of times people talk about person-first language. We talked about that with survivors as well. Sometimes in trans communities we talk about person-first language too. I just wanted to remind folks, I'm going to be switching between two different types of ways of talking about people and things. umo_7SFzmtM-00020-00046800-00049400 One is that person-first language where we are putting the person before their subsequent identities. And I'm also going to be talking in ways that really do center the identities of individuals. So for some trans people for example, it's trans people versus a person who is trans. So sometimes people really have that centrality of identity they want to have coming out first. It's a reclaim of that identity and a way they embody that identity. umo_7SFzmtM-00021-00049400-00052000 We can switch back and forth between those languages of making sure that it's like a person with disability. And then for other folks it might be, you know, it's a person -- we can look at those things in a different way how we're talking about different people. That was really wordy. Basically, I'm doing so with respect and I encourage you to do whatever you need to do in terms of thinking about language. umo_7SFzmtM-00022-00052000-00054700 So some of the time today you might ask yourself is that a disability? Because there's a selection of stuff today that you may not see as disabilities. And this goes back to again, what is the person who has that identity or that experience, what do they think of it. So you may not think of it as a disability. They might not think of it as a disability. And the same is true for transness or survivorship. umo_7SFzmtM-00023-00054700-00057000 So again, this is another both-and situation. We want to honor people that do have the history of or living with disability, transness or survivorship and we also want to recognize that that may not be how everybody would identify themselves or how we might think of somebody if it's not visible to us or it's not something that's obvious. umo_7SFzmtM-00024-00057000-00059200 So like I just kind of mentioned, if you have language that you prefer to use, I encourage you to mentally substitute language if I say something that's not within your realm of how you think about transness, disability or survivorship. Swap out that language. The concepts are what's important and the language is a little bit less important. umo_7SFzmtM-00025-00059200-00061600 So today we're going to do like I mentioned in the agenda we're going to do some practical pieces of what you can do that will come at the end. And then between now and that practical section we're going to talk about data. We're going to get into kind of the weeds a little bit with how these pieces intersect with each other. umo_7SFzmtM-00026-00061600-00063900 So for those of you who were here last week, it feels like a long time ago but it was last week we talked a lot about ACEs and we talked about transspecific ACEs. I'm not going to review the ACEs part because I think a lot of you know what the adverse childhood experiences are. And for those of you who were not there last time we talked about transspecific ACEs. umo_7SFzmtM-00027-00063900-00066100 And just a run down, a brief recap of those transspecific ACEs, we talked about 8 of them last week. So number one was bullying. A second was denial of identity. A third was being expelled from home or being expelled from school. A fourth was around police misconduct and some of the intersections with police misconduct. umo_7SFzmtM-00028-00066100-00068400 We talked about micro aggressions and minority stress. Those two things kind of go together. But they're distinct. And then we talked about legislative discrimination and culture-wise discrimination as both additional transspecific ACEs. umo_7SFzmtM-00029-00068400-00070700 So this was a slide that I did show last time and I just wanted to bring us up to speed about the disproportionate rate that trans folks have compared to the general population. So just a reminder to us all that trans folks are experiencing quite a bit higher levels of ACEs than the general population. umo_7SFzmtM-00030-00070700-00072100 So all of this kind of ties into the social determinants of health and those are -- I always think of them as really big words even though they're really some simple concepts. There's a lot of stuff that goes into us being healthy or not healthy. A lot of things go into our well-being. And if we're able to access certain things or not. So some of the things we were born into. umo_7SFzmtM-00031-00072100-00074200 So we might have been born into poverty. We might have been born as a person of color. There's a lot of things that we kind of bring in from birth or that we were born into in terms of a construct or a culture. umo_7SFzmtM-00032-00074200-00075500 We have those ACEs pieces, those things that happen to us in childhood. We have current realities. So things like COVID is a social determinant of health or things like war that's going on right now. Those are things that impact our health and how we live and work are also social determinates of health. umo_7SFzmtM-00033-00075500-00078500 If somebody is working a hard labored job that is going to impact their health versus somebody who sits at a desk and is not using their body in a more physical or exerting way. umo_7SFzmtM-00034-00079000-00080000 When we look at how many trans folks live with disabilities we don't have great data. Because we just don't. The best data we probably do have is from the U.S. trans survey that was conducted about 5 years ago. They are in the process of kind of re-doing the survey. They had an exceptionally high response rate 5 years ago so they had almost 28 thousand trans respondents of those just about 30%. So 49% identified as having at least one if not multiple disabilities. umo_7SFzmtM-00035-00080000-00083000 So we can kind of keep that in the back of our head that around 40% of trans people live with at least one disability. umo_7SFzmtM-00036-00083100-00084600 So I wanted to just add this concept in here before we talk about another kind of philosophical concept. You might hear me talk a little bit today about how many spoons do people have. And if for people not familiar with that, spoons is a disability driven term of how much energy do I have today? How many literal spoons do I have allocated today and if I'm out of spoons and used them all I don't have any energy to do anything else. umo_7SFzmtM-00037-00084600-00085900 So it's a really simple concept. But you'll hear folks in disability communities often times talking about "I'm out of spoons" or "I only have one spoon left" implying that people have to pick and choose their activities. umo_7SFzmtM-00038-00085900-00088700 If they have things that will tap them out. So they have to pick very carefully where they are and what they focus their time on. umo_7SFzmtM-00039-00088700-00090900 So I wanted to talk about one philosophical concept that's going to kind of over ride a lot of the work that we're going to do today. And that is this concept of master status where the label of primary potency. Some of you may have heard me talk about this before. It was originated in the 1940's by Everett Hughes and reinvigorated in the mid 50's by Gordon Alport. umo_7SFzmtM-00040-00090900-00092600 Let me read you what this says. But it frames what we're talking about. So master status and the labels of primary potency refer to the tendency of the observer to believe that one label or demographic category is more significant than any other aspect of the observed person's background, behavior or performance. umo_7SFzmtM-00041-00092600-00093900 So that can mean a lot of different things. This was developed in a time when people were looking at race, which we're looking at right now too obviously. But framing things in a way that people would assume certain things about somebody because of the color of their skin. umo_7SFzmtM-00042-00093900-00096900 This concept is applicable across many different things and identities. Not just race. It can be about transness it can be about disability or survivorship, religion, lots and lots of different things. umo_7SFzmtM-00043-00096900-00099500 So when we move through today, I want you to have in the back of your head if you can this concept of master status thinking. So when we look specifically at transfolks and master status, there's a bunch of ways that this can play out. So when a provider makes gender the primary issue, versus sexual assault or disability or other issues that the client's prioritizing that's the provider engaging in master status thinking. umo_7SFzmtM-00044-00099500-00101800 So some of how that comes out in how it plays out in action are providers that ask curious questions. So it might be about somebody's trans history or their experiences like hey what's on your birth certificate or what sex were you really assigned at birth. Some of the questions that are often times not necessary to ask. It can also show up with the types of questions that are being asked by the provider. umo_7SFzmtM-00045-00101800-00102600 So which recenter the conversation on transness for this example. It can also be that providers are asking intrusive or invasive questions. So a lot of trans people have had at least one time in their life where a provider is asking about their genitals and they're not seeing that provider for anything related to their genitals. umo_7SFzmtM-00046-00102600-00104100 So those invasive type questions where people think they have a right to know those questions and those answers are what I mean by invasive questions. umo_7SFzmtM-00047-00104100-00106500 Many times providers may redirect conversations. Back to transness. If someone is there because they have been sexual assaulted and the provider keeps going back and asking questions about transness that's master status in action. umo_7SFzmtM-00048-00106500-00108700 And then the other small piece that we can bring into the master status equation is looking at causality or correlation. So a provider may think in their head, well, because this person is trans that's why they have experienced X Y or Z types of abuse, types of disability, or they may make other correlations between those two. umo_7SFzmtM-00049-00108700-00111600 So let's use the chat, which is such a great feature of zoom. And I'd like to ask you where else do you see master status thinking or actions in your work or in your life? So it doesn't have to be about trans master status. But what other master status thinking comes up for you? umo_7SFzmtM-00050-00111600-00114300 Somebody said SES. So socioeconomic status. What other things are master status? What do people pick out and think that it's like the most important thing. Education. Being married. Uh-huh. Sexuality. umo_7SFzmtM-00051-00114300-00117200 What are some other things that we as a culture kind of -- it's kind of about prioritizing. It's about saying this is what we think about first. Where are you from. Gender. Weight. Yes that's excellent. Citizenship. All of those things can be where we go in our heads. Pregnancy status. umo_7SFzmtM-00052-00117200-00119500 Immigration status. Yep. Occupation. Right. So all of these things can come from our personal perspectives. Somebody wrote felony. Exactly. And it's how we might frame the world or how our parents frame the world or how our colleagues frame the world. I'm seeing disability there. Lots of things. Thank you for participating in the chat. You can keep it going if you'd like to keep typing in some things. umo_7SFzmtM-00053-00119500-00120800 So like you all have just pointed out master status can play out for disability, for survivorship and for a whole bunch of the things you all have listed and many, many more that we haven't talked about today. So throughout today you'll see photos of folks that we have permission to share their photos of throughout trainings and presentations. umo_7SFzmtM-00054-00120800-00123800 All of the photos have at least one trans person in them and many of the folks have experienced trauma and many of them have also been living with disabilities. umo_7SFzmtM-00055-00124000-00124700 So let's talk about some intersections. And Shelley is going to bring up a document. I'm going to share it in just a moment. We want to focus today on these three overlapping circles of transness, disability and trauma. And we'd like to dissect a couple of them through some call out. And I'm not sure if folks can unmute themselves. We can do it verbally or in the chat and Shelley will type things. umo_7SFzmtM-00056-00124700-00125600 Let me unshare my screen and reshare with that document. umo_7SFzmtM-00057-00125600-00126800 Okay. Are folks seeing the document that says "what kinds of disabilities do people live with?" Thank you. umo_7SFzmtM-00058-00126800-00127900 I appreciate that because I can't see you all. So we're going to start with this question. Again if you're able to unmute, unmute yourself and let's play nice and smooth hopefully. If not write it in the chat. umo_7SFzmtM-00059-00127900-00130900 So what kinds of disabilities do people live with? So hearing impairment. Learning. We'll see how fast Shelley can type too. umo_7SFzmtM-00060-00131100-00133300 Psychological. Mental health. Multiple chemical sensitivity. Sight. Chronic illness. Neuroatypical or neurodiversity potentially if I can rephrase that. There's another chronic illness which is up there. So diabetes. umo_7SFzmtM-00061-00133300-00136300 Visual which might be the same as sight. Maybe different. Mobility. Prosthetics. What other kinds of disabilities might people be living with? umo_7SFzmtM-00062-00137800-00140300 Chronic depression. Post-traumatic stress disorder. Breathing disorders. Disordered eating. I believe learning was said earlier on. Developmental or cognitive delays. Yes, thank you. Substance use disorders. Thank you. Those are really great answers. I'm just going to scroll back up so we can kind of see the list a little bit better. umo_7SFzmtM-00063-00140300-00143300 So one more Shelley is neuropathy or carpel tunnel. Traumatic brain disorder. Auto immune. Perfect. Not for auto immune but I love the list you all have created. umo_7SFzmtM-00064-00145400-00148400 Let's shift gears. Let's move down to what kinds of trauma do people experience? What kinds of trauma could people experience? Okay. So we got war. Sexual violence. Homelessness. Childhood sexual abuse. Bullying. Natural disasters. Sorry, I'm missing out. Childhood physical abuse. umo_7SFzmtM-00065-00149700-00152700 Family upbringing. Abandonment. Loss of a parent. Y'all are really prolific. And Shelley is keeping up. Thank you Shelley. Generational trauma. Discipline from parents. In quotes. A single event or on going trauma. Poverty. umo_7SFzmtM-00066-00153100-00156100 Chaotic households. Car accidents. Police violence. Medical trauma. This is fantastic y'all. This is really great. Religious trauma. Attachment. All forms of neglect. So medical, physical, emotional. umo_7SFzmtM-00067-00156900-00159900 There can be medical trauma which I think, yeah it's there already. Cults. That's excellent. Yeah. Domestic violence was mentioned already. Prejudice. Isolation. Natural disaster, which I think might be there already. Racial violence, war. And systematic racism. umo_7SFzmtM-00068-00162100-00164500 Homophobia and transphobia. Parents being deported. Witness to community violence. Trafficking. Health care inequities. You know, I didn't expect you to come up with this many things. This is really fantastic. Thank you. Divorce. Sexism. Death of a parent. Ableism. Employer abuse. Financial abuse. umo_7SFzmtM-00069-00164500-00166400 Pandemics. Prison sentences. And Shelley I'm going to stop reading off. We're almost done. So incarceration which I think is up there. And then loss of a parent to prison, mental health or drugs. Woo-hoo everybody. Dang. That is really impressive. umo_7SFzmtM-00070-00166400-00166900 Okay. So we've looked at types of disability. We've looked at types of trauma. Thank you very much Shelley. I'm going to stop sharing that screen and go back to the other one. We will send this list out to folks along with the PowerPoints. umo_7SFzmtM-00071-00166900-00167800 Just a second. umo_7SFzmtM-00072-00167800-00169100 And if I can get a yes to, can you see the "let's break down trauma". Excellent. Thank you. umo_7SFzmtM-00073-00169100-00172100 So we just went through two of those overlapping circles. And I'm really, really grateful for both Shelley who could keep up with typing and all of you who came up with so many incredible examples. umo_7SFzmtM-00074-00172900-00174900 Let me show you a very simplistic example of how these things intersect and then we'll talk about the trauma piece as we go through it. Y'all did a fantastic job. So this is my slimmed down version of things. So we can look at things as two intersections right here. So like the trans content on the side. So trans, non-binary, questioning, loved one. And we can look at the types of disability across the top. These are just a fragment of what you all came up with. Cognitive disabilitiment umo_7SFzmtM-00075-00174900-00177100 Movement, fatigue, traumatic brain injury. So that's just a simple chart of how we can look at intersections. So let's take a person who is trans identified and has some sort of movement disability. That's the place we're going to have that one intersection. umo_7SFzmtM-00076-00177100-00179900 When we dig deeper we can say, well, what about that trans person? How old are they? What gender vector are they? What sex were they assigned at birth and what gender are they living in now? When did they come out? What gender are they living in now? What's their gender presentation? What are other people's perception of their gender? umo_7SFzmtM-00077-00179900-00181200 What's their race? What's their education? What's their income? What's their religion? Are they employed? Do they have health insurance? Do they live in a big city? Or do they live in a small community? Rural community. Are they out? About being trans or not. What is their social support network like? What is their social network like? Do they have a partner or not? umo_7SFzmtM-00078-00181200-00182900 Do they have family support or not? Do they have kids? What are their coping skills? Did they learn good coping skills growing up? What is their use of substances? Are they a Veteran? umo_7SFzmtM-00079-00182900-00184400 So all of those things. We're not just taking the trans line. But we're looking at all of those pieces of like how do all of these other variables that are about their transness or could be related to their transness impact what we're talking about? umo_7SFzmtM-00080-00184400-00186000 We can look at that other intersection. So we have trans and then movement. We can look at things like when was the onset of their disability? Was it an injury? Or was it something that was there from birth? Was it acquired? umo_7SFzmtM-00081-00186000-00188000 Does it impact their activities of daily living? What is their quality of life like? Is their mobility disability visible to other people or not? Do they disclose or share that information with other people? umo_7SFzmtM-00082-00188000-00188600 What other symptoms do they have? Is it just about mobility or is it a whole constellation of other things? Is there disability life shortening? Do they have access to health care? Do they have family support? Is there stigma associated with that mobility disability? umo_7SFzmtM-00083-00188600-00190700 What is their attitude or other people's attitude about that movement disability? umo_7SFzmtM-00084-00190700-00191600 So again, you know, it's not as simple as saying this is a trans person and they have a movement disability. Not that any of you are thinking that. But when we break things down, we can look at a lot of different intersections. So let's add violence into this mix. So we're going to add that third overlapping circle. umo_7SFzmtM-00085-00191600-00194300 So let me just share with you some more questions. I did that kind of with the two first circles and now we're going to add in the third circle of violence. umo_7SFzmtM-00086-00194300-00195900 So again, what kinds of violence? You all came up with great number of things that were traumatic. Are we looking at childhood sexual abuse or adult intimate partner violence? Are we looking at something that's hate-motivated? When did the violence occur? Did it occur before or after an awareness of being trans? Before or after a disability? umo_7SFzmtM-00087-00195900-00197200 Was the violence perpetrated by somebody they knew or somebody they didn't know? Was the violence random? Was the trauma random or does the violence impact day-to-day safety? umo_7SFzmtM-00088-00197200-00198100 Was the violence hate motivated? Or biased? And if so was it because of their transness? Their disability? Or because of race or some other demographic characteristic? umo_7SFzmtM-00089-00198100-00201100 So that's just a little teeny bit of a nutshell of where we're seeing those interactions and intersections. umo_7SFzmtM-00090-00201500-00203000 So let me read you this quote. It's from the disability rights education and defense fund. And it looks at these intersections in a unique way. So it says the limited research on health disparities for transgender people with disabilities reveals a clear trend. People with intersecting disabled and transgender identities generally face heightened socioeconomic and health specific barriers and experience poorer health outcomes than people with only one of these identities. umo_7SFzmtM-00091-00203000-00205400 So again it kind of reinforces the ACE mentality of when you have more than one of these things, whatever the "these things" is there's going to be a poorer health outcome. umo_7SFzmtM-00092-00205400-00207000 So let's get a couple things that might be the same or might be different. And we're just going to look right now at disability and transfolks. So when we look at what trans people experience with accessing restrooms and I know sometimes talking about bathrooms and trans people is really common place and I kind of get sick of it. But it's an important thing if people can't find a bathroom that they can safely use. umo_7SFzmtM-00093-00207000-00209200 So what we know from data is around 22% of trans people have been denied access to a restroom. So when we think about folks with disabilities, how many folks with disabilities have been denied access or can't access restrooms? umo_7SFzmtM-00094-00209200-00210500 There's a pretty parallel relationship here. So a lot of folks with disabilities can't access restrooms because literally the doors are not wide enough to get into. There are no grab bars. The disabled stall is not big enough to navigate or move a chair around. It may not have Braille to know which bathroom to go into. umo_7SFzmtM-00095-00210500-00213500 Those kinds of things. So there's some comparisons between what trans folks experience, disabled or not. What people with disabilities experience trans or not. umo_7SFzmtM-00096-00214200-00216700 Trans folks people with disabilities have a lot of experience with inappropriate questions. I mentioned at the beginning a lot of trans folks get asked about their genitals. Get asked what gender are you really. Things that are totally inappropriate and the same is true for folks with disabilities. People get asked inappropriate questions like what happened to you? And what is that? And things I don't want to reinforce some of those negative stereotypes but there's a lot of intrusive ques umo_7SFzmtM-00097-00216700-00219200 We can compare things to things like the visibilitiness -- that's a new word, visibilitiness of trans folks and disability. So we do know that when somebody is visibly trans and visibly is in quotes, their rate of violence jumps 2-8 times higher depending on what study you're looking at. umo_7SFzmtM-00098-00219200-00220700 When we look at folks with disabilities, people living with disabilities are also at higher rates of violence and vulnerability due to their disabilities. So both of their things when they're visible, especially, are going to raise the level of violence that happens and also going to lower the level of support and access to healing that they could experience. umo_7SFzmtM-00099-00220700-00221500 So let's do another brainstorm and Shelley doesn't have to type this time which is a woo-hoo for Shelley. Let's do the chat again about what else do you think is similar between people who are trans and people who live with disabilities. umo_7SFzmtM-00100-00221500-00224500 What are things that might be overlapping between those two identities or those two experiences? umo_7SFzmtM-00101-00225000-00227400 Discrimination, marginalization. Yes. Seen as less than. Yeah. Judgment. Poverty. Access to health care. Health care access. Yes. People behaving differently or patronizing. Oppression. Others, not understanding the obstacles. Right. Exploitation. umo_7SFzmtM-00102-00227400-00228500 Might find strength in what makes them different. Thank you for the positive of that. Lack of representation. Having to explain themselves. More workplace issues or lack of jobs. Education and job opportunitys. Macro level discrimination. Unfamiliarity. Excluded in conversations. And being the object of curiosity and hostility. umo_7SFzmtM-00103-00228500-00230500 Blaming them and considering them weak and that they can't fix it. You all are just so verbose. Thank you for all of these multiple answers. umo_7SFzmtM-00104-00230500-00232100 Right. All of these things can be overlapping. And make things kind of more heightened when both of these things exist. For folks. Because I know you were adding what could be the same. Let's think about what happens when we have them overlapped. umo_7SFzmtM-00105-00232100-00233600 So this is a poorly titled section slide. So long-term physical and mental health implications. We're going to talk about a little more than just that but that's what the label is for lack of a better descriptor. umo_7SFzmtM-00106-00233600-00235700 Last week we talked about ACEs. Just a reminder again of what we basically have been talking about. Are the implications of the ACEs study of what happens when these things layer on each other and lead to poorer health outcomes. umo_7SFzmtM-00107-00235700-00237600 So this is going to be just a couple bits of data so we can begin frame things in data a little bit. So when belook at lack of health care which was mentioned by several people as challenging we can look at trans folks and again not great data or conclusive data on how many folks don't have health care. umo_7SFzmtM-00108-00237600-00238200 Some place between 19 and 64 percent of folks that are trans don't have insurance. One of the good things is that a lot of times right now we're seeing more and more companies that will cover trans specific health care and the Affordable Care Act has allowed more people to access any kind of health care which also is trans inclusive. umo_7SFzmtM-00109-00238200-00240900 So things are changing a bit. But there's still a lot of trans folks that lack health care coverage. umo_7SFzmtM-00110-00240900-00242900 We can look at abuse in medical settings. These are disparate pieces of data but they piece together in to one story. We can see that there are really profound rates of sexual assault within health care interactions and facilities. High levels of denial of care. And high levels of physical assault. So again something to keep in mind. umo_7SFzmtM-00111-00242900-00245600 So when we have these intersections of these three pieces, folks that have experienced medical harm in the past, either directly because of their disability or their transness or their trauma there's a lot of different ways we can look at that. But just looking at the trans piece of it a lot of trans folks have experienced that medical trauma. umo_7SFzmtM-00112-00245600-00247100 When we look at kind of the division of folks that are -- who are disabled in our country. It's some place between 15 and 20% of the general U.S. population that lives with a disability or lives with a disability at some point in their life. So we started out today using the U.S. trans survey's number of 39% of trans folks that live with disabilities. There's a couple studies that go a little higher than that. umo_7SFzmtM-00113-00247100-00249300 A couple go lower than that but not very many go lower than the 39%. We got at least double the amount of disabilities -- double the number of people that experience disabilities that are trans that are non-trans. umo_7SFzmtM-00114-00249300-00250800 We did some research about 10 years ago and we've done a couple of smaller studies since then. And we asked about how many folks lived with more than one disability. And as you can see on the slide, a lot of folks just said I have one disability or one condition. And there were 21% who lived with more than 3 conditions. umo_7SFzmtM-00115-00250800-00253800 Three disabilities. So again that's really common place for both trans and nontrans folks. Again something to keep in mind that you may know of one disability but there may be some others that you don't hear about or learn about. umo_7SFzmtM-00116-00254300-00255500 I want to bring up Deaf trans folks. A lot of folks don't consider Deaf -- please know when I'm talking about deaf folks I'm not automatically presuming that's a disability for that person. I'd like to play this video. Some of you may know who this person is. This is Cella Mann who is a fashion model H & M is one of the stores that he models for. And he's deaf and he was recently in some of the marvel comic movies. umo_7SFzmtM-00117-00255500-00256000 I don't watch them but he was in one of them recently. Let me play this video for you all and hopefully you can hear it or turn up your speakers if you need it to. And it's not captioned. umo_7SFzmtM-00118-00256000-00258300 Sorry. umo_7SFzmtM-00119-00258300-00260000 I was told that I couldn't be an artist because I didn't have the right background. I was told not to look Asian. I was told to look Asian. I was told I wasn't Jewish enough. People told me I had to be a girl. People told me I had to wear dresses. I was told I had to fall in love with boys because I was a girl. umo_7SFzmtM-00120-00260000-00261700 The world tells you that you're supposed to be you but not like that. Being disabled has taught me to advocate for myself at a very young age. I think my mom fighting for me to have the proper accommodation as a deaf kid. umo_7SFzmtM-00121-00261700-00263200 It's taught me to not believe in limitations and not believe in just what anyone else tells you. At first I was absolutely confused. umo_7SFzmtM-00122-00263200-00265600 I didn't know who I was supposed to be. But after a while, I think that you realize there's no point in living if you're not actually living as you. umo_7SFzmtM-00123-00265600-00268600 And I never thought that that day would come. I remember opening my eyes and seeing my family around me. All of them have been with me through it all. And I looked down and you can't see anything yet. There's so many bandages and gauze. But it was still so beautiful. umo_7SFzmtM-00124-00268600-00270100 And I knew that I had the body that I always wanted. It felt like a new beginning. But I just started crying and I felt really hopeful. And then I looked up and I saw my mom and she was just beaming down at me. And part of why I was laying there, in the body that I had always dreamed of having was because of her. umo_7SFzmtM-00125-00270100-00272500 And her unconditional love and her ability to see past what she thought was real. And that's true love. I think. umo_7SFzmtM-00126-00272500-00273600 >> michael munson: So I'm going to show a couple videos as we go through. And I think a lot of them really show resilience. I love this video. I don't get to show it very often. But it's really beautiful and it -- when we look at those factors that influence somebody's wellness and health this person had a family that loves him. umo_7SFzmtM-00127-00273600-00276100 You know, talking about his mom who was beaming. All of those things really impact a positive outcome and a positive health outcome. umo_7SFzmtM-00128-00276100-00277700 So I'm going to share a couple of other things. Again we don't have good data about who is living with a disability. Sometimes again, we're going to look at things and go is this really a disability? Like HIV. A lot of folks right now with HIV they are well-medicated and are living without a lot of symptoms. If any symptoms at all. umo_7SFzmtM-00129-00277700-00280700 But when we look at the rates, this is where things kind of get skewed a little bit. So you can see on the slide there's this one bar chart that is way, way, way high and the rest are really small. So in our country about .5% of the population lives with HIV. umo_7SFzmtM-00130-00280700-00282400 When we look at trans women, especially trans women of color it's some place between 17 and 42 percent are living with HIV. That is profound. Really, really high. Trans men for example are multiple times higher than the general population too around 3 percent, 3.5 percent. Some people ask why I use the word cross dresser here. That is the language that was used and that's what a lot of people who are older may still identify as. umo_7SFzmtM-00131-00282400-00284000 But cross dressers are experiencing rates of HIV at 2%. Which again is 4 times higher than the general population. Non-binary folks we don't have a lot of data but in some studies we do have it's almost 3 times higher than the general population. So that can be a disability. umo_7SFzmtM-00132-00284000-00285300 And the reasons why people are getting infected with HIV is one of those social determinates of health. One of the things that build and add to the entry of disease or the entry of disability. umo_7SFzmtM-00133-00285300-00286400 So Cecilia Which you think is a kick-butt person. She's done a lot of things in her life. This is going to be another story both of resilience and her struggle as well. umo_7SFzmtM-00134-00286400-00286600 So let me play this video for you and it was the last video loud enough? Hopefully it was for folks. And if not I encourage you to jack your speakers up on your end. umo_7SFzmtM-00135-00286600-00289500 So here's Cecilia umo_7SFzmtM-00136-00289500-00290700 >>: My name is Cecilia I am a transgender woman. I came out to my mother in late 1991. And by close to the end of 1992 I decided to live as my true self. By 1993 my family turned their backs on me. I lost my job. Had no home to go to. And by the summer of the same year I tested positive for HIV. umo_7SFzmtM-00137-00290700-00293200 For the following two years, I was trapped in a nightmare. I was sexually assaulted multiple times but was afraid to go to the police because I was doing sex work. umo_7SFzmtM-00138-00293200-00295300 And I began to self-medicate. I thought that was how my life would end until I was assaulted by two men on an August night in 1993. They were trying to sexual assault me. I fought back. They stabbed me, chased after me and dragged me to the ground and started kicking. Luckily someone called the police, and they were arrested and I was rushed to the hospital. umo_7SFzmtM-00139-00295300-00297000 My mom came to see me and we began our reconciliation. In year 2000 I was diagnosed with AIDS. I'm currently on Antiretroviral therapy. Have my family back in my life but still I cannot shake off all that had happened to me. umo_7SFzmtM-00140-00297000-00299100 I'm still having the same dreams that I was trapped in a burning house with no escape. My boy friend often hears me crying and screaming in my sleep. And to me, that manifests into depression and a sense of hopelessness. umo_7SFzmtM-00141-00299100-00302100 That sense of hopelessness when I absolutely have no reason to feel that way. I am still seeing a therapist after all these years. And I don't know when my nightmare will ever end. umo_7SFzmtM-00142-00302100-00304500 >> michael munson: I'm sorry I didn't warn folks there was no visual just audio. So we have Cella who had very supportive family from day one all the way through. Cecilia had a different journey with her family and you can see multiple components going on there. She was trans and assaulted. There are long term implications of her HIV related to both of those streams. umo_7SFzmtM-00143-00304500-00306500 Let's shift gears and again just a couple more pieces of data that are around disability. So we are -- have a growing body of data that is talking about and seeing that trans folks are experiencing or -- experiencing is not the right word. Are living with neurodiverse experiences. So are on the autism spectrum. umo_7SFzmtM-00144-00306500-00308100 Have multiple -- we look at neurodiversity and the language has changed so much over the last ten years but there's a substantially higher rate of neurodiversity within trans populations. Some place between 3 and 6 percent. Depending on if you're looking at a specific type of neurodiversity or another type of neurodiversity. umo_7SFzmtM-00145-00308100-00309700 Someone mentioned eating disorders before too. So neurodiversity came up in the chat and so did eating disorders. So we can look at the fact that trans people are far, far more likely to experience disordered eating. Than the general population. umo_7SFzmtM-00146-00309700-00312100 And you know, what is this linked to? Is it linked to being trans? Possibly? Linked to past trauma? Possibly. Linked to disabilities? Possibly too. Is it a combination of all three? Very likely. umo_7SFzmtM-00147-00312100-00314400 This is one of my favorite photos taken at the Philly trans wellness conference. Just this rad bad ass kind of look. Excuse my language. Pointing out that psychiatric conditions of being a survivor of that and smashing sanism. I think it's a powerful image. umo_7SFzmtM-00148-00314400-00316100 So let's look a little bit at depression and mental health. This is often over looked. We don't tend to think about in our culture in America about depression and mental illness as being disabilities. There's more and more folks that are thinking about it that way. But it's still often times seen as not a real disability. But for a lot of folks it really is disabling. umo_7SFzmtM-00149-00316100-00317300 It is pervasive, it can be lifelong. And we can look at things like the co-occurrence of depression or anxiety or post-traumatic stress with other types of disabilities. So it's a chicken or egg thing. We can look at they just emerge together. umo_7SFzmtM-00150-00317300-00318700 One happened first and then the other happened. We can look at it a lot of different ways. We definitely see the emergence of depression and mental health conditions with trauma. I mean it's an obvious to all of us here. umo_7SFzmtM-00151-00318700-00321100 And we can also see the co-occurrence of the societal strain on being trans. Being disabled in other ways other than depression or mental health. Or having experienced violence. umo_7SFzmtM-00152-00321100-00322900 So we can look at folks that are trans who experienced depression at some point. It's around 67%. Again we can look at -- that's from a meta analysis looking at multiple different surveys. When we look at folks who experience depression plus another mental health condition that rate, the co-morbidity rate goes up to 79%. umo_7SFzmtM-00153-00322900-00324900 Unfortunately a lot of trans folks are still hospitalized or institutionalized against their will. So it's some place around 9 percent of trans folks being institutionalized, being forced into therapy, being forced into some kind of care. umo_7SFzmtM-00154-00324900-00325600 Because of their transness. And I want to share with you, this fairly brief video. This is Dylan and he wrote a really fantastic book called "the last time I wore a dress" and I'm just going to play this video for you all because it's fantastic and it reminds us of a couple of things. umo_7SFzmtM-00155-00325600-00325900 About forced institutionalization as well as some family dynamics and where he is today. umo_7SFzmtM-00156-00325900-00326100 So again, not captioned. umo_7SFzmtM-00157-00326100-00328600 So thank you to the Interpreters. umo_7SFzmtM-00158-00328600-00331300 >>: It's become so important for us as a movement like people feel like we need to project this like we're healthy we're just like everybody else. But if we are in fact just like everybody else, then we are disabled. We are in wheelchairs, we have cancer and we are mentally ill. We do suffer from depression. We do suffer from schizophrenia. We do suffer from bipolar disorders. umo_7SFzmtM-00159-00331300-00332600 Historically because we have been labeled as mentally ill there's a movement to deny we have any mental illness at all, we can't be crazy because that would mean our being gay is crazy so we internalize that. That's one of the reasons why I don't think we access care properly or other people don't treat us properly. I am crazy and it's something I learned to celebrate about myself rather than give into the stigma. umo_7SFzmtM-00160-00332600-00335100 The world assigns to me. It's something I value about myself. I value how sensitive it makes me to the world. How much it makes me care. Like that's not something to be ashamed of. umo_7SFzmtM-00161-00335100-00337200 >> michael munson: So that was Dylan. Dylan is somebody that's been in my life for a while and Dylan is fantastic. You can see that he has transformed something that was really difficult in his life into something that's really positive and sees it in a positive light. He makes art. He hosts events for kids who are trans and queer to make art. umo_7SFzmtM-00162-00337200-00340100 There's a lot of transformation that has gone on with him and he's still like he said, mad, crazy, lots of things that -- those are his words. And he lives a really healthy wonderful beautiful life. Even with all of those pieces. umo_7SFzmtM-00163-00340100-00342800 So I want to share a slide. This is something I believe was shown last week. About the amount of suicide attempts that trans folks are engaged in. We can look at the general population which is around 5% of the general population attempts suicide and then we can look at the really, really profound data when we look at trans people as this big group of folks, that rate jumps to 40%. umo_7SFzmtM-00164-00342800-00344800 So it's really likely that if you're interacting with a trans person they've had suicidal thoughts and suicidal actions in their life. When we add in factors like trans folks who have been sexual assaulted or had negative harmful interactions with teachers or people at school that rate of suicide attempt goes even higher. umo_7SFzmtM-00165-00344800-00347800 I think like I mentioned last time when we talked about suicide I want to bring in a photo of somebody that is in the realm of at least folks I know who have ended their life by suicide. So the person in the middle of the screen, that's smiling. Kind of hard to describe who it is. umo_7SFzmtM-00166-00348000-00349800 Is the mother of a very young transperson who ended his life by suicide. So she has since become quite an activist and vocal person. So we can look at things like what are the long term implications of violence in trans people's lives. And in terms of what types of disability are people experiencing, based on that violence. And based on the fact that they're trans. So this was data from a study we did -- umo_7SFzmtM-00167-00349800-00351700 Ten years ago. And we asked folks about their sexual assault history and what types of disabilities they were living with or if they were chronic. So if we start out at the highest point on this chart, 15% had physical scarring as a result of the violence they experienced. umo_7SFzmtM-00168-00351700-00354500 So that may not be a long term health implication but it's an implication of what they see in their day-to-day life on their body. 10% of folks in this survey said they had long term medical conditions and those were as a result of the harm and violence they experienced. umo_7SFzmtM-00169-00354500-00356600 4% live with long term disabilities as a result of the harm they experienced. And then the 13% other were things like people added in that they were living with post-traumatic stress, they had chronic migraines or head aches they didn't consider as one of those other categories. They had cervical pain. They had other types of things that they didn't really count as a disability. umo_7SFzmtM-00170-00356600-00359600 But I would count them as that way. So they listed out some other pieces. So when we look at who is providing care, and by care I mean who are the sexual assault advocates. Who are the attorneys? Who are the people who are interacting with folks like you all who are doing the helping work. umo_7SFzmtM-00171-00359800-00361300 When we look at those folks, you folks, us folks, we know that for a lot of providers people may know about trauma. People might know about disability. People might know about transness but it's pretty darn rare for people to have knowledge about all three of those circles. So this is one attempt to try to help raise that up a little bit so there's more knowledge of all three of these circles. umo_7SFzmtM-00172-00361300-00364200 Okay. Let's talk about some positive proactive practical things that we can all do to improve the lives of folks that are trans, disabled and have experienced trauma. umo_7SFzmtM-00173-00364200-00366600 So the first one is about a kind of pre-check of the space, the accessibility of the physical space. So there are a lot of checklists out there. I'll include, there's one in the resources section at the end from the Vera institute of justice. We want to look at our space ands see if they're accessible for folks with mobility disabilities, for sensory disabilities, think about all of the types of disabilities that we kind of talked about before. umo_7SFzmtM-00174-00366600-00368000 Are those spaces accessible in our own offices if we have brick and mortar offices. If we work with other agencies that that client might be going to, are those other spaces accessible to folks? And then what about our referral list? Do we have a referral list of therapists that have accessible offices that don't have a set of stairs to go up. umo_7SFzmtM-00175-00368000-00371000 Or that have all gender bathrooms. So we want to think about access in terms of disability, in terms of transness and in terms of trauma. umo_7SFzmtM-00176-00371500-00373200 Second is to validate your client's agency. This is pretty common for folks that work with trauma survivors. So when we want to validate someone's agency the choices that they make over their own life we want to look at in a couple different ways. Some folks who are trans, and experience trauma may not want to access medical care, traditional. They might rely upon alternative medicine or not seek medical care at all. umo_7SFzmtM-00177-00373200-00375600 A second part of this is the harm reduction component of it. So are people engaging in practices that literally are keeping them alive? Versus seeing traditional providers that may end up causing more harm. Or making them more uncomfortable. umo_7SFzmtM-00178-00375600-00377500 A third piece of this is disclosure or masking. So masking is a term that's not too commonly heard of, I don't think. Which is really about kind of do I mask. Do I put a mask over this part of my identity? Do I not disclose it? So there might be a decision by a person to not disclose one of these three components that we're talking about today. umo_7SFzmtM-00179-00377500-00380000 And the reasons might be varied. They might be because of simplicity. Basically it's like I'm seeing somebody for a cold and I don't need to tell them about one of these things. So that's like the easier route. No need to do that. There could be fears of bias or discrimination. umo_7SFzmtM-00180-00380000-00382900 There could be fears of -- or concerns about being compromised in their care if they say, that they're trans for example and they need medical care. Are they worried that's going to impact the quality of their care. And we talked about spoons in the beginning. Somebody may not disclose because they don't have enough spoons. They just don't have enough Umf to say hey I need to tell you this other piece of who I am. umo_7SFzmtM-00181-00382900-00385900 So this is a personal example. This is about what is important to disclose. So if we go back to the whole thing about spoons, whether or not I'm trans is irrelevant when I seek medical care. What I care most about when I seek physical medical care is letting my providers know that I am very allergic to par bins and I am very allergic to local anesthetics. It's so critical I let them know that otherwise I'll end up in the ER. umo_7SFzmtM-00182-00385900-00388100 Not just in their private practice office. So any of the other variables about who I am, whether I'm trans or queer or disabled in another way, I need to let them know those two allergies. Goes back to the spoons concept. When we look at the three overlapping circles which is important to bring up or is it something else all together. umo_7SFzmtM-00183-00388100-00390600 So the first we want to manage our own reactions and responses. And it's sometimes difficult to manage our own responses when we are surprised by something. To not be -- show that shock. Sometimes we do get surprised and we can apologize for that and try to not have a reaction to the person with the person. umo_7SFzmtM-00184-00390600-00391600 Again it can come out as surprise, it can come out as sympathy too. Is a reaction, somebody mentioned patronizing before. Are we saying oh I'm so sorry, and it really kind of gets. A colleague of mine said oh my god are you okay? We were on a zoom call and it was to another colleague of mine who is chronically wearing a neck collar. umo_7SFzmtM-00185-00391600-00394400 And so my one colleague who said "oh my god are you okay" presumed it was some injury or something that was fresh. And not something that was chronic. umo_7SFzmtM-00186-00394400-00396500 And so we ended up having to debrief the three of us the person that lives with a long term disability and has a collar and the person who said "oh my god are you okay" so we processed that a little bit. But it was really uncomfortable for the person who lives with that disability to have to hear that "oh my god" again. umo_7SFzmtM-00187-00396500-00397700 So number four thing you can do or be mindful of is creating accessible events and services. So there's a couple points that go with this. How do we create accessible events and services? We can have ASL. Thank you to WCSAP for having ASL. We can also have closed captioning and those two things are not interchangeable. umo_7SFzmtM-00188-00397700-00400700 So there's captioning here. There's ASL here. Depending on what kinds of access people need they may need or want one or the other or both. umo_7SFzmtM-00189-00400700-00402300 We can use image descriptions in our social media and our newsletters on our websites. So an example of that is on the screen right now is an image of Susan Striker and it's got a quote underneath it. So if we would write an image description of it we would write, bracket image, colon, black background, Susan Striker dressed in black looking intensely legs crossed with notes on lap. umo_7SFzmtM-00190-00402300-00404900 And the FORGE logo. That's a simple way you can add access to social media posts and anything that has an image. We can make sure there's physical accessibility. That's what a lot of us think about initially when we think about making things accessible. umo_7SFzmtM-00191-00404900-00407200 So are the hallways wide enough? Are the entry ways wide enough? Is there a chair between seats? Are the bathrooms like we talked about, are the doors big enough, are there grab bars? Enough space to turn around in that stall? Can you get under a sink? Can your wheelchair get under a sink or is there a place for your cane? Are they already in place? umo_7SFzmtM-00192-00407200-00408900 And again I will mention the Vera tip sheet on things to look through about that. Another one is if you're creating a space, do you have things out on tables when we're in-person that are stimulation toys or things to play with our fidget with that can really help folks that live with neurodiverse conditions or experiences. umo_7SFzmtM-00193-00408900-00411100 What about the lighting? Is it really bright? Too bright? Not bright enough? How can we do things so that the environment is not overwhelming to folks that live with disabilities that relate to those environmental stimuli? umo_7SFzmtM-00194-00411100-00412600 And then another piece is around transportation. So do we have a budget that includes allowable emergency funds so we can help people get to our location? So somebody might not have a car. They might not have -- be able to use the bus. There might not be a bus that goes to where the event or location is. umo_7SFzmtM-00195-00412600-00414100 A lot of times agencies don't have transportation money. Or if they do have transportation money it's for a bus ticket and it may not allow somebody to get there if they need additional space or accessibility. umo_7SFzmtM-00196-00414100-00416600 I like to encourage folks to look at Uber assist. Which is an arm of Uber that does accessibility cars and driving. umo_7SFzmtM-00197-00416600-00417500 So I'd like to show another video just again to bring things into focus. Tristen is -- Tristen has been on FORGE's staff. Lives with many chronic disabilities. And is one of the most beautiful people in the whole world and so incredibly articulate. And you'll see. umo_7SFzmtM-00198-00417500-00420500 So just another another kind of Biopic. umo_7SFzmtM-00199-00421600-00424600 >>: When I think of empowerment work at FORGE I love that emphasis from everyone on how we center the whole person. Because as someone who focuses on disabled trans survivorship, it's really important to me that I frame empowerment through the lens of disabled trans euphoria. umo_7SFzmtM-00200-00424800-00427800 And access that encompasses disabled trans and survivor identities. Because so often when we talk to providers and do TTA with providers about bathroom access people talk about trans bathroom access, disabled bathroom access or what it takes to make a bathroom comfortable to trauma survivors. umo_7SFzmtM-00201-00428200-00431200 Who may need just like a quiet place to go sit down at a conference. So it's really important to me when talking with providers to center all three of those identities at the same time. So when I think of empowerment, with providers and TTA that's sort of what I'm thinking of. And then when I think of empowerment with disabled trans euphoria, it lights up my whole body. umo_7SFzmtM-00202-00432600-00434700 Because it's the opposite of what I think we're taught we're supposed to experience. And it means the world to me that I get to dig in with community into what skills it takes and what kind of conversations it takes. To be able to experience that inside our bodies and in our story telling. That exists outside of boxes. Because Larry is right at FORGE we don't do that enough trans conversation. umo_7SFzmtM-00203-00434700-00437500 We do a lot of work to deconstruct am I a good enough survivor. That conversation does not happen here. So disabled trans euphoria is about the empowerment of leaning into our own enough-ness. And how we build that up with each other. umo_7SFzmtM-00204-00437500-00440500 And I really see a lot of that happening in our groups. And in our one on one work. And through blog writing and connecting with other survivors at conferences. It's in everything we do. And it's just really good work. umo_7SFzmtM-00205-00441000-00442300 >> michael munson: So I'm glad that I did not cry during that. I will share with folks it's public knowledge. Tristen transitioned off our staff because they're now in hospice and Tristen would tell me not to be sad and not make those kind of comments but Tristen is just incredibly beautiful and powerful and I miss their words and their input into FORGE's work and being able to share that out. umo_7SFzmtM-00206-00442300-00443400 Into the world. Let me finish off with two additional things you can do and I'll try to keep my spirit up. But this is part of life. And you can hear Tristen's language of trans euphoria. umo_7SFzmtM-00207-00443400-00445400 And how that just carries them forward. Let's do these two last pieces and then resources and some questions. umo_7SFzmtM-00208-00445400-00447200 So number five is acknowledging multiple ways of coping and thriving. So this will remind me of Tristen as well. Sometimes people use chemicals or medications or crowdsource for their medications either because they don't have insurance, they can't afford things, all of those things that go with it. umo_7SFzmtM-00209-00447200-00450200 So people may use things like cannabis that are not legal in every state. Or they may use medication that another friend or community member is able to access but they are not able to access. So that could be anything from pain meds to antidepressant meds to, name whatever it is. umo_7SFzmtM-00210-00450300-00453300 That may be one way that folks are accessing. When we look at -- there's nonsuicidal self-injury. For folks who are trans versus not trans. Again we can look at this and not worry about is this a harm, is this something that we need to pay attention to when we're working with somebody or is this their way of coping with what's going on for them. umo_7SFzmtM-00211-00454000-00457000 We might also see people doing adrenaline or sedating activity. Like driving really fast or engaging in kinky sex or interaction play to raise endorphins. It might be about floating in a pool with can be sedating or calming. Doing things like cold plunges or hot plunges into things to change people's body chemistry. Those are some things people can do that we may not think of as valid. But they're very important to those folks that are engaging in those behaviors. umo_7SFzmtM-00212-00457100-00459100 We can also check in about who knows what. So this kind of goes back to the disclosure pieces of things. So who knows about transness, survivorship, disability. Is that person out? Are they out to everybody? What about their privacy? What would they like you to be private about? What are they private about? What about confidentiality. What about client's agency in terms of telling their own story in this process of those three circles. umo_7SFzmtM-00213-00459100-00461500 My cat has joined us again. So I know y'all saw her last time. So a couple of reminders as we move along. So we started out by talking about master status. And the label of primary potency. We want to move away from that where we put that one piece of the pedestal and everything else is related to it. umo_7SFzmtM-00214-00461500-00462600 We want to think more about the both and the and. When we think about things like curiosity. I want to encourage folks to be really curious. Curiosity is really fantastic. It's different than being client centered. Sometimes curious our attention gets drawn away from being client centered. umo_7SFzmtM-00215-00462600-00464500 Curious mind is good. Curious mouth is not so good. We don't want to say what we're curious about unless it's appropriate and has some relevance to why that client is with us. umo_7SFzmtM-00216-00464500-00465200 We want to stay focused in ways that are about listening and believing and being present. And we want to kind of get away from making excuses or explanations or making it more complicated. So again the yes list is listening, believing and being present. Which is what most advocates do already. umo_7SFzmtM-00217-00465200-00467100 And we want to keep that in mind when working with trans folks who are survivors who live with disabilities. umo_7SFzmtM-00218-00467100-00467700 One more video and then I will share some resources and we can have Q & A if that is of interest to folks. This is a fantastic video that looks at the connections between disability justice and transformative justice. I do not believe this is captioned or ASL interpreted. umo_7SFzmtM-00219-00467700-00470200 It's about a 4-minute video I believe so buckle up. umo_7SFzmtM-00220-00470200-00472900 >>: So disability justice is a term coined by patty burn and a bad ass and queer group of people. Looking at creating a world where every body, every mind, regardless of how it's shaped or moves or functions in the world has a place. umo_7SFzmtM-00221-00472900-00474200 And understands that disabled folks have a lot, a lot, a lot to offer to our communities and in the same vain it's grounded in the determination of a person who identifies like I identify as neurodivergent that my agency and self-determination is prioritized over things like the medical industrial complex or saying that there's something wrong with me. umo_7SFzmtM-00222-00474200-00476100 Transformative justice is also about agency and self-determination and people have understanding that we are all empowered. To change our lives and to change behaviors and to transform the culture that we live in. umo_7SFzmtM-00223-00476100-00478700 Disability justice is trying to transform the culture we live in to be bigger and allow for more agency and self-determination for all of us. That intersection is a super-sweet spot because we're all fighting for the same thing which is that we get to exist in the world without fear of harm. umo_7SFzmtM-00224-00478700-00481200 Just because of who we are or how we move through the world. As someone with who is neurodivergent and with disabilities, like a lot of how I entered into this work is through my own work, A. being there for my community and show up for my community who has to take moves back because of how my mind and body function. umo_7SFzmtM-00225-00481200-00483100 But also for care to become a collective thing. Disabled folks we've never been able to rely on a lot of the systems that are in place. Or those systems have been incredibly harmful to us. More than 50% of people murdered by the police are have neurodivergence or have neuroatypical. umo_7SFzmtM-00226-00483100-00485000 For the disabled community this is also about us staying alive. I think everyone should have a safety team, and a community that loves them enough and unconditionally. Having a safety team has enabled me to be outside. To be a part of my community and it also is a preventive tool. umo_7SFzmtM-00227-00485000-00486900 My friends know how to support me and take care of me so I don't end up outside while I'm dissociated or episodic which means I have less interactions with police officers which means I have a lesser chance of ending up back inside or harmed by the system. umo_7SFzmtM-00228-00486900-00488700 Again that intersection is like this is really about going back to what we know is true. That our relationships are the most valuable resource that we have in maintaining our agency and self-determination. In getting the love and care and support we need to survive. umo_7SFzmtM-00229-00488700-00490700 And in shifting our culture kind of from the inside out. From a disability perspective so many of us who are disabled live in a lot of isolation because of ableism. That can happen for people who aren't disabled too. umo_7SFzmtM-00230-00490700-00493700 So I guess I also want to give a shout out, I think like community is a word and community accountability and I think often there is still a focus we have on oh my god this great network of community is going to be there and it's so wonderful and a lot of us have a mixed experience or we're like loners or hermits. umo_7SFzmtM-00231-00493900-00495500 There's a lot of stuff we don't have support around or we're isolated. I guess I want to give a shout out to people who might be watching this video who are living alone in their apartments or their lives who are still building lives that have safety peace justice and healing and say that's real too. umo_7SFzmtM-00232-00495500-00496600 >> michael munson: I see somebody asked in the chat, can I share the link? I can, but not right now. In the name of the series or the the name of this video was intersections of disability justice and transformative justice. umo_7SFzmtM-00233-00496600-00499600 I will send out the link to it so you all can have it. When resources are sent out. So let me share with you a couple resources. That was a great one, that video, I think. umo_7SFzmtM-00234-00499700-00502700 But here's some more that really get to all of those three circles that we have been talking about. So the person that you saw in the video at the very end was Leo Lakshini (phonetic) and I can never pronounce their last name but is on the screen right now. They have written three seminal books that are just fabulous. I think everybody should read them because they're just incredible. So care work, beyond survival, and the revolution starts at home. The two on the right. umo_7SFzmtM-00235-00503200-00505500 The last two are the ones that get talked about the most and read the most. So three really incredible books. Eli Clare is a prolific writer. Mostly poet and narrative. He has written three books as well. Very different perspective than Leo. Another three books you can check out. I think that exile and pride is probably the most read of his books. And it's just a stunning, stunning book. umo_7SFzmtM-00236-00505500-00506900 As mentioned a couple times the tip sheets from Vera. So the Vera institute of justice. They have an enormous amount of resources that are available for free for folks. And I really, really love their designing accessible events for people with disabilities and Deaf individuals. So it's a really great resource that will help you think of things that you may not have thought about. umo_7SFzmtM-00237-00506900-00509000 Or may never think about without somebody really spelling out those points. So again I encourage you to look at that and to think about what your agency is structured like as well as having accessible events. umo_7SFzmtM-00238-00509000-00509800 We have a webinar that's very, very old on our website but I think is really quite interesting. That looks at the intersections of transfolks and disability and survivorship. I was going to play a little clip of it today but I thought I would just include that link here for folks who want to go and watch the complete process of it. umo_7SFzmtM-00239-00509800-00512100 The link to this one is one that we did for the Vera institute of justice. I think it was in 2015. umo_7SFzmtM-00240-00512100-00512800 A couple other resources. The transsurvivors blog. Tristen, the video I showed a little bit ago was a dominant writer in our blog. And I miss their voice a lot in it. But there are some other really powerful blog posts and many of them look at the intersections of disability and trauma and transness. umo_7SFzmtM-00241-00512800-00514100 Again I wanted to remind folks where you can find FORGE on social media. And where you can contact me. umo_7SFzmtM-00242-00514100-00514900 So you can send me an email at M Shelley, you can stick that in the chat. That is what I have for you all today. umo_7SFzmtM-00243-00514900-00516100 And I know we're at half past the hour. Which gives us a half an hour or far less than that if folks would like to cruise. umo_7SFzmtM-00244-00516100-00517800 So do folks have questions? Do folks have things they would like to share or talk about? umo_7SFzmtM-00245-00517800-00518600 And I'm not seeing any other questions in the Q & A box that haven't come up. Any comments that folks would like to make? umo_7SFzmtM-00246-00518600-00520100 Shelley since you are here, were there any questions or comments above that I may have missed? umo_7SFzmtM-00247-00520100-00521500 I'm seeing a question, do you deliver to health care professionals, in terms of training. We most definitely do if that's what you were asking. We love training lots of different kinds of providers. So yes. umo_7SFzmtM-00248-00521500-00521900 And I'm seeing another resource added. Eating disorders in unrepresented populations of trans and intersex collective. Thank you for that. umo_7SFzmtM-00249-00521900-00522700 Comments? Questions? Other resources? umo_7SFzmtM-00250-00522700-00523200 So I'm going to let the WCSAP people answer the, can you get a certificate for these trainings. umo_7SFzmtM-00251-00523200-00526000 Thank you for posting the link for Leah. umo_7SFzmtM-00252-00526000-00527900 >>: Okay. On that question about certificates for trainings, let me check with that. Because -- I'm pretty sure they count for training hours but I don't think we usually do certificates. What we do is when we send the after email after this, we have a little section where you can fill in your own name and turn it in. So that's what we usually do. umo_7SFzmtM-00253-00527900-00528900 And for the questions about the recordings for everyone who missed the first webinar, we, as you can see we are recording. We record the first one as well. And we will be putting up those recordings on to our website within the next week or two. umo_7SFzmtM-00254-00528900-00530800 So right now they're not up yet. We're still processing them. But then we will be uploading them and they will be available for anyone coming to our website. umo_7SFzmtM-00255-00530800-00532300 What else? Oh we will be also sending you evaluation, so that you can evaluate this training and give us feedback. So we can do that. umo_7SFzmtM-00256-00532300-00534800 >> michael munson: Great. Thank you for answering those questions I don't have any clue about. I see there's a hand raised and I am not sure -- can you unmute yourself? Do you want to ask verbally? umo_7SFzmtM-00257-00534800-00537800 >>: Okay wait. That's our colleague. So let me -- you should be able to speak now. umo_7SFzmtM-00258-00537900-00538800 >>: Yeah I wanted to reiterate what you said. Yes on the WCSAP web page, Patricia Flores, she/her pronouns. On our WCSAP web page if you want a training approval letter that you attended this, you can request that on the website and I'll email that later out to you with the title of this training. Who did it. The hours. And yeah. umo_7SFzmtM-00259-00538800-00541200 So if that's something that you need, you can access that information on the web page. But training approval document. umo_7SFzmtM-00260-00541200-00543200 >> michael munson: Excellent. Cool. Thank you for jumping in with that because those are the important things that people care about a lot of times. If there aren't any more questions or comments I'm sure a lot of us would value having 25 more minutes of our day to do other things. I really want to thank everybody for being here and for WCSAP to inviting FORGE to come back and be part of this two-part series. umo_7SFzmtM-00261-00543200-00543400 We've done other workshops and webinars with WCSAP in the past and it's always a pleasure to engage this way and have community in sharing our knowledge with other folks. Thank you for the ASL people and captioning people who make life really good for us and all of you who attended today. umo_7SFzmtM-00262-00543400-00544100 So thank you so much. umo_7SFzmtM-00263-00544100-00546000 >>: Michael, what is the web address for FORGE? We had a request for that? umo_7SFzmtM-00264-00546000-00546300 >> michael munson: It's If you go there you can find all our social media forms as well. There's a contact there if you want to reach out directly. There you go. Thank you everybody. umo_7SFzmtM-00265-00546300-00548700 Did you have anything else you'd like to add to close everybody out? umo_7SFzmtM-00266-00548700-00550800 >>: No I think we've gone through all of the basic things. Any more questions or anything like that feel free to reach out to me at I can put that in -- I don't even know my own email address. There we go. umo_7SFzmtM-00267-00550800-00553800 And yeah we're so excited you were here and we are also happy that we all get 25 minutes to do some self-care and deep breathing. For those who have sun, enjoy it. The rest of us will be jealous. Have a good day everybody. unWRThp5Olo-00000-00000466-00000680 Hoosoo: why the tryhard Zero? unWRThp5Olo-00001-00000958-00001158 Shark: MAN look at the speed! unWRThp5Olo-00002-00001450-00001742 Zero: look at the speed it's 1k up to half the map! unWRThp5Olo-00003-00001784-00001850 Now it's 800 unWRThp5Olo-00004-00001960-00002160 go walk infront of them xD unWRThp5Olo-00005-00002384-00002506 Shark: 1 sec, 1 sec, i'll take a turn unWRThp5Olo-00006-00002612-00002768 Zero: minion will slow you? oh they didn't even touch you unWRThp5Olo-00007-00002956-00003104 Shark: you think i can solo baron by myself? unWRThp5Olo-00008-00003140-00003238 Zero: no, no, you can't man unWRThp5Olo-00009-00003360-00003432 i'm coming, coming unWRThp5Olo-00010-00003514-00003610 Shark: man i'm pro, man unWRThp5Olo-00011-00003665-00003838 Zero: you don't even, you don't have lifesteal man unWRThp5Olo-00012-00003920-00004194 Zero: look, look Shark: i got lifesteal Zero: look, is that even a lifesteal? unWRThp5Olo-00013-00004266-00004524 Shark: i'm kidding, i'm kidding, sorry (to baron) Zero: hahaha i'm coming, i'm coming, come i'll tank unWRThp5Olo-00014-00004710-00004760 come, come unWRThp5Olo-00015-00004834-00004936 Shark: look at the lifesteal man unWRThp5Olo-00016-00005484-00005618 Zero: this is how you lifesteal, you see? unWRThp5Olo-00017-00005876-00006088 Shark: how many lifesteal items you got? Zero: two, two unWRThp5Olo-00018-00006276-00006352 Shark: i got one unWRThp5Olo-00019-00006798-00007031 Zero: they got rekt there? Hoosoo: why are these people that much upset? killing us hard unWRThp5Olo-00020-00007098-00007228 Zero: now look how much speed you got? (elder and baron buffs) unWRThp5Olo-00021-00007545-00007695 Hoosoo: 1000 Ooooooo unWRThp5Olo-00022-00007736-00007948 Shark: man look! Zero: it's 2000 OOooooo look at his speed unWRThp5Olo-00023-00008186-00008386 Hoosoo: AYE WAIT FOR US, HOLD (TAME) YOUR CHAMPION DOWN unWRThp5Olo-00024-00008614-00008766 Shark: 1 sec guys, i'll just say hi to them unWRThp5Olo-00025-00008766-00008900 Zero: look he already reached them xD unWRThp5Olo-00026-00009068-00009170 Shark: haaaaaiiiii unWRThp5Olo-00027-00009910-00010070 Zero: look she took the wrong mastery, she got heal unWRThp5Olo-00028-00010988-00011186 Shark: alchimi~ (singing olga's theme from one piece: heart of gold movie) unWRThp5Olo-00029-00011240-00011530 Hoosoo: enough bro, enough. it's done the movie is done the anime is done, enough --' unWRThp5Olo-00030-00011576-00011706 Shark: it didn't finish, it didn't :p unWRThp5Olo-00031-00011900-00011998 Zero: who got pulled? (was busy typing) unWRThp5Olo-00032-00012098-00012158 what's up with you? unWRThp5Olo-00033-00012264-00012464 aw aw aw, cancel, cancel i got hurt unWRThp5Olo-00034-00012632-00012728 Shark: come, come help unWRThp5Olo-00035-00012974-00013024 Shark: you idiot unWRThp5Olo-00036-00013150-00013208 Zero: what's this? xD unWRThp5Olo-00037-00013518-00013672 Shark: he wants to pull me and kill me unWRThp5Olo-00038-00013912-00014102 Zero: oh man, OH MAN unWRThp5Olo-00039-00014166-00014252 he'll trouble us unWRThp5Olo-00040-00014341-00014516 Hoosoo: (speaking some japanese weeb stuff) unWRThp5Olo-00041-00014540-00014697 Shark: come, Aichi come, freekill unWRThp5Olo-00042-00014788-00014888 Zero: what? he didn't get stabbed unWRThp5Olo-00043-00015846-00015941 i'm just gonna ignite him unWRThp5Olo-00044-00016026-00016140 i'm not dying for some reason (quickly enough) unWRThp5Olo-00045-00016354-00016404 get the kill! unWRThp5Olo-00046-00016482-00016828 Zero: get the auto attack, SHARK, SHAARK! Shark: What's wrong with it, it's not hitting! Hoosoo: GAM3R???? unWRThp5Olo-00047-00017300-00017506 Zero: and the second one died........and he does mastery emote Hoosoo: (singing) unWRThp5Olo-00048-00017822-00018048 Shark: you saw how it canceled the auto? Zero: yah, three times unWRThp5Olo-00049-00018258-00018498 Shark: don't get close, get back. i'm coming on my way unWRThp5Olo-00050-00018712-00018800 Zero: what's with the other dude? (kha) unWRThp5Olo-00051-00019368-00019434 push him unWRThp5Olo-00052-00020220-00020316 are you coming or not? unWRThp5Olo-00053-00020440-00020628 Shark: you got ult? Zero: yah, knock him aside unWRThp5Olo-00054-00020762-00020962 i didn't click it...... it's ok he'll die unWRThp5Olo-00055-00021104-00021504 Shark: WHY? why don't you ult? Zero: here, there you go man i got it, it's ok Shark: it's free you know? unWRThp5Olo-00056-00021722-00021780 oh god unWRThp5Olo-00057-00021898-00021978 damn him :o unWRThp5Olo-00058-00022080-00022182 (shouting for help) helpi unWRThp5Olo-00059-00022310-00022510 Hoosoo: he'll ult you, that khankplank unWRThp5Olo-00060-00022510-00022660 Zero: he done it already, under our tower Shark: he doesn't have it unWRThp5Olo-00061-00022660-00022824 Hoosoo: OK, BUT HE IS ALREADY INFRONT OF YOU! unWRThp5Olo-00062-00022884-00023092 Zero: AND HOW THE HECK DO I KNOW? get away from meeee, get lost unWRThp5Olo-00063-00023358-00023636 Zero: you scared the heck outta me Hoosoo: you are drunk and the second guy is even more drunken xD unWRThp5Olo-00064-00023636-00023782 AND THE THIRD IS EVEN MORE DRUNKEN unWRThp5Olo-00065-00024256-00024380 Zero: he said lucky.... GET LOST unWRThp5Olo-00066-00024574-00024690 these are plays ;) unWRThp5Olo-00067-00025164-00025242 Shark: did he flash? unWRThp5Olo-00068-00025384-00025472 Aichi: he flashed earlier unWRThp5Olo-00069-00025812-00026032 Zero: gankplank is coming for you go back go go unWRThp5Olo-00070-00026289-00026454 ooh, he didn't come. Khazix came for you unWRThp5Olo-00071-00026589-00026954 Bye bye....oooooh you deal dmg to Kha....HE DOESN'T SEE YOU... oooo WTF unWRThp5Olo-00072-00027089-00027139 hit em unWRThp5Olo-00073-00027388-00027550 I...... already arrived here, what? unWRThp5Olo-00074-00027632-00027727 you took a triple kill or what? unWRThp5Olo-00075-00027898-00027964 Shark: me? took double unWRThp5Olo-00076-00028108-00028295 Aichi: my items are more than hers, lol unWRThp5Olo-00077-00028460-00028536 Shark: i tell you, boosted unWRThp5Olo-00078-00029150-00029250 Zero: yah get em stuck unWRThp5Olo-00079-00029380-00029527 WTH he is stuck in the air xD unWRThp5Olo-00080-00029788-00029902 uhhmm wrong windwall unWRThp5Olo-00081-00029954-00030027 because panic, paniced unWRThp5Olo-00082-00030112-00030176 broken mouse xD unWRThp5Olo-00083-00030302-00030502 played aram to change mood.... unWRThp5Olo-00084-00030898-00031098 Aichi: i stunned him under tower, i'm pro unWRThp5Olo-00085-00031889-00032242 Zero: OOOH WE GOT SLAPPED....OOOOH TRIPLE KILL unWRThp5Olo-00086-00032650-00032850 Hoosoo: ARAM... ARAM, ARAM....ARAM! (mocking us) unWRThp5Olo-00087-00033248-00033400 Zero: DO YOU OBJECT? DO YOU? unWRThp5Olo-00088-00033520-00033620 then go to hell :p unWRThp5Olo-00089-00033670-00033948 Aichi: late game Hoosoo late game we get them Zero: late game i guess unWRThp5Olo-00090-00034164-00034330 Asas: that's IF we reached late game already.... unWRThp5Olo-00091-00034406-00034828 Hoosoo: you telling me? they say ARAM ARAM ARAM 1V5 ARAM unWRThp5Olo-00092-00035030-00035126 i see him.... (gasping and laughing) unWRThp5Olo-00093-00035326-00035468 and then i see him first one to die xD unWRThp5Olo-00094-00036048-00036098 Cancel the thing unWRThp5Olo-00095-00036222-00036344 Aichi: long time no diana unWRThp5Olo-00096-00036506-00036556 forgive me? unWRThp5Olo-00097-00037056-00037424 Aichi: OOooooo Zero: what do you think? ;) (everyone shouting) unWRThp5Olo-00098-00037582-00037798 Hoosoo: he kicked the **** out of her xD unWRThp5Olo-00099-00037994-00038220 Hoosoo: and i'm like..... why the heck is she flying? xD unWRThp5Olo-00100-00039070-00039120 Shark: Ziad unWRThp5Olo-00101-00039188-00039344 Zero: Oh, FREE KILL unWRThp5Olo-00102-00039708-00040054 Zero: NICE TY! Shark: MOTHER F****R xD unWRThp5Olo-00103-00040444-00040536 Zero and Shark: swag flag! unWRThp5Olo-00104-00040898-00040994 Zero: you are getting rekt? unWRThp5Olo-00105-00041062-00041170 oooo look at the damage (ap lucian) unWRThp5Olo-00106-00041666-00041866 Hoosoo: BOOOOOOMMMM unWRThp5Olo-00107-00042378-00042586 Zero: even this guy is squishy, I CAN'T CLICK HIM WHERE IS MY MOUSE? unWRThp5Olo-00108-00042802-00043110 (hoosoo and shark waiting for the steal) unWRThp5Olo-00109-00043242-00043442 Zero: this is mine.... who is this, trying to steal? xD unWRThp5Olo-00110-00043676-00043962 Zero: waiting for him man... they were waiting xD unWRThp5Olo-00111-00044026-00044184 Shark: damn him xD he got DAMAGE! xD vocZhSv9Xi8-00000-00000054-00000468 so for whatever reason, I'm still getting a good view race, vocZhSv9Xi8-00001-00000546-00001398 and I was looking great, and apparently it's 19 views per hour, but that 19 might probably have vocZhSv9Xi8-00002-00001398-00001938 getting a little bit higher with each new link. I had the reason. I don't have too much vocZhSv9Xi8-00003-00001938-00002640 is because I'm a little worried between surprise reasons. um, release everything. v11V3-uRq28-00000-00000112-00000535 build a trading platform in c sharp part three send order v11V3-uRq28-00001-00000535-00001328 and i added a few things from my last part the second part which was the v11V3-uRq28-00002-00001328-00001752 streaming data I added a few buttons and text boxes v11V3-uRq28-00003-00001752-00002480 I added one here for the order id disconnect button sell buy v11V3-uRq28-00004-00002480-00002927 a check box for outside regular trading hours and a timer v11V3-uRq28-00005-00002927-00003439 okay the first thing you want to do is click on your text box for your v11V3-uRq28-00006-00003439-00003839 valid id and go over here to your properties v11V3-uRq28-00007-00003839-00004507 and give it a text value of zero and a name and the name of v11V3-uRq28-00008-00004507-00005287 textbox valid underscore id like tb valid id with a capital V and a v11V3-uRq28-00009-00005287-00005744 capital I here, just make it look like mine v11V3-uRq28-00010-00005744-00006144 next on the disconnect button v11V3-uRq28-00011-00006344-00007047 text will be Disconnect and btnDisconnect v11V3-uRq28-00012-00007095-00007847 okay on the Sell button here you want to name it SELL of course and v11V3-uRq28-00013-00007847-00008520 then or the text value will be SELL and the v11V3-uRq28-00014-00008520-00009175 name will be btnSell just like mine so capital S v11V3-uRq28-00015-00009256-00009704 and you can also change the background color by clicking on this here v11V3-uRq28-00016-00009704-00010064 changing it to whatever you want I have it set to red v11V3-uRq28-00017-00010064-00010392 so I'm not going to change it and the fore v11V3-uRq28-00018-00010392-00010879 color set to white, and the font you can change here v11V3-uRq28-00019-00010879-00011279 by clicking this button with the three dots on it v11V3-uRq28-00020-00011279-00011792 I changed mine to bold and set the font size to 12. v11V3-uRq28-00021-00011792-00012552 okay do that for the buy button backcolor green foreground color v11V3-uRq28-00022-00012552-00013376 white font bold and 12 and the text value v11V3-uRq28-00023-00013376-00014200 is Buy of course and the name will be btnBuy i want to do is v11V3-uRq28-00024-00014200-00014719 double click on the disconnect button here v11V3-uRq28-00025-00014744-00015544 and put this in here the right here this ibClient. v11V3-uRq28-00026-00015544-00016040 ClientSocket.eDisconnect() with the closing brackets v11V3-uRq28-00027-00016080-00016576 and go back to your form okay on the sell button here double v11V3-uRq28-00028-00016576-00016840 click on it v11V3-uRq28-00029-00016864-00017584 and create a string variable called side and set its value to "SELL" v11V3-uRq28-00030-00017584-00018295 and this is a call to a method and you're sending this variable v11V3-uRq28-00031-00018295-00018800 after that method okay do the same thing for the Buy v11V3-uRq28-00032-00018800-00019295 button string value side set it to Buy of v11V3-uRq28-00033-00019295-00019936 course and call that method like we did in this v11V3-uRq28-00034-00019936-00020664 sell button event okay you want to create this v11V3-uRq28-00035-00020664-00020928 method here v11V3-uRq28-00036-00020984-00021912 send order which accepts the value of side from your click event v11V3-uRq28-00037-00021968-00022287 create a contract v11V3-uRq28-00038-00022328-00023095 get the symbol from the combobox here security type will be "STK", exchange v11V3-uRq28-00039-00023095-00023368 will be "SMART" of course which you can get from v11V3-uRq28-00040-00023368-00023951 the combobox market text v11V3-uRq28-00041-00023968-00024551 primary exchange will be "ISLAND" currency will be "USD" dollars v11V3-uRq28-00042-00024551-00025128 then you create the order and you need an order id v11V3-uRq28-00043-00025128-00025576 and we have to set the variable up i'll do that later when i'm v11V3-uRq28-00044-00025576-00026360 finishing explaining this okay the side is by herself or the action v11V3-uRq28-00045-00026360-00027088 which we got from the click event and sent it to the method v11V3-uRq28-00046-00027088-00027719 the order type is like say limit, market, or v11V3-uRq28-00047-00027719-00028288 stop order you get that from that text or combobox v11V3-uRq28-00048-00028288-00028663 the quantity is the number of shares you want to trade v11V3-uRq28-00049-00028663-00029127 you get that for the numeric up down box the value v11V3-uRq28-00050-00029127-00029688 and the limit price you get that from the little v11V3-uRq28-00051-00029688-00030303 limit price numeric up down box value for it you have to change it to a v11V3-uRq28-00052-00030303-00030752 double you have to change the quantity also up v11V3-uRq28-00053-00030752-00031168 here to a double to v11V3-uRq28-00054-00031168-00031463 or convert it v11V3-uRq28-00055-00031575-00031968 okay this part here it checks to see if your v11V3-uRq28-00056-00031968-00032408 order type is stopped if it is it needs the v11V3-uRq28-00057-00032408-00032872 auxiliary price and you get that from the v11V3-uRq28-00058-00032872-00033584 limit price box the numeric up down box if it's not a stop order it just ignores v11V3-uRq28-00059-00033584-00033944 that because you don't need the auxiliary price v11V3-uRq28-00060-00033944-00034512 then we go to the display size you don't actually need this either v11V3-uRq28-00061-00034512-00034880 but i like to have it in here number of shares visible v11V3-uRq28-00062-00034880-00035528 i have it set to 100 all the time and this one checks to see if the check v11V3-uRq28-00063-00035528-00035952 box is checked or not and if it is v11V3-uRq28-00064-00035952-00036344 checked and you're trading pre-market or after hours v11V3-uRq28-00065-00036344-00036863 then you can trade otherwise if it's not checked v11V3-uRq28-00066-00036863-00037224 you can't but if it's checked or not checked v11V3-uRq28-00067-00037224-00037728 in regular hours it doesn't matter it'll still work v11V3-uRq28-00068-00037728-00038096 okay then we place the order with the order id number v11V3-uRq28-00069-00038096-00038560 the contract that we created up here under contract here v11V3-uRq28-00070-00038560-00038991 and the order which we created here v11V3-uRq28-00071-00039031-00039528 and once that goes through it gets sent to the v11V3-uRq28-00072-00039528-00040096 api and then we increase the order id number v11V3-uRq28-00073-00040096-00040775 and we add that to the valid id text box on our form. Okay i told you v11V3-uRq28-00074-00040775-00041288 earlier that i was i needed to make this variable so you go v11V3-uRq28-00075-00041288-00041631 up to the top here v11V3-uRq28-00076-00041663-00042391 and put that in here just under class form one it has to be an v11V3-uRq28-00077-00042391-00043096 integer i called it order_id and set it to zero and this timer v11V3-uRq28-00078-00043096-00043368 counter here we're going to need that for later so v11V3-uRq28-00079-00043368-00043784 you might as well put that in there now v11V3-uRq28-00080-00043863-00044224 it has to be an integer and the value should be v11V3-uRq28-00081-00044224-00045016 five okay go back to your design your form design v11V3-uRq28-00082-00045016-00045816 okay click on the bid text box here and go to your properties and click on v11V3-uRq28-00083-00045816-00046263 this lightning bolt which is the event scroll up to the top v11V3-uRq28-00084-00046263-00046663 here and double click on click, for the click v11V3-uRq28-00085-00046663-00047272 event and here you want to v11V3-uRq28-00086-00047272-00047991 get the amount that's in the text box for the bid and you want to put it in v11V3-uRq28-00087-00047991-00048640 the limit box so when you click on it that price gets transferred v11V3-uRq28-00088-00048696-00049384 and do the same thing for the ask v11V3-uRq28-00089-00049736-00050263 okay and the same thing for the last v11V3-uRq28-00090-00050484-00051103 okay back to your design okay click v11V3-uRq28-00091-00051103-00052183 on outside regular trading hours here make sure you put a check box in there v11V3-uRq28-00092-00052232-00052744 and the check box is up here so click on that and put it onto your v11V3-uRq28-00093-00052744-00053127 form and your properties make sure the v11V3-uRq28-00094-00053127-00053783 properties for the text is outside rth you can actually v11V3-uRq28-00095-00053783-00054279 make that anything you want but make sure the v11V3-uRq28-00096-00054279-00055072 actual text or the actual name is chkOutside v11V3-uRq28-00097-00055208-00055927 okay make sure you add your timer your timer is located down here v11V3-uRq28-00098-00055967-00056367 just click on it and add it here and it'll automatically put it v11V3-uRq28-00099-00056367-00057112 down here but mine's already there so just delete that click on the timer v11V3-uRq28-00100-00057112-00057679 and make sure it says timer1 it should already, shouldn't have to v11V3-uRq28-00101-00057679-00058327 change anything okay now double click on your timer v11V3-uRq28-00102-00058376-00059160 and this event here will count down from five v11V3-uRq28-00103-00059160-00059600 and once it reaches zero it will stop the timer v11V3-uRq28-00104-00059600-00060232 and put the text box bid price the bid price into the v11V3-uRq28-00105-00060232-00060648 limit price box v11V3-uRq28-00106-00060704-00061207 so it's not sitting at zero when you change from stock (symbol) to stock (symbol) v11V3-uRq28-00107-00061207-00061536 and then it resets the timer back to five v11V3-uRq28-00108-00061536-00061872 and this counts down every time you get a v11V3-uRq28-00109-00061872-00062104 tick v11V3-uRq28-00110-00062416-00062712 okay also v11V3-uRq28-00111-00062951-00063783 in here you want to get the order id from the v11V3-uRq28-00112-00063783-00064479 api or the trader workstation v11V3-uRq28-00113-00064488-00065032 and then you want to send it to the text box on your form v11V3-uRq28-00114-00065032-00065832 and then you can do that and set the variable order id to that number v11V3-uRq28-00115-00065832-00066183 okay from here hit start v11V3-uRq28-00116-00066295-00066927 and then connect my traders workstation is v11V3-uRq28-00117-00066927-00067600 working in the background and so you want to minimize this v11V3-uRq28-00118-00067600-00068151 the visual studio i'll bring this over so you can see it v11V3-uRq28-00119-00068151-00068495 this is Interactive Brokers v11V3-uRq28-00120-00068616-00069016 and we're going to make a trade here v11V3-uRq28-00121-00069336-00069888 a limit order buy a hundred shares v11V3-uRq28-00122-00069960-00070351 okay we'll cancel that later on i'll make a v11V3-uRq28-00123-00070351-00070992 cancel button so you don't have to go back to your Interactive Brokers v11V3-uRq28-00124-00071000-00072000 to cancel it okay now i'll do a market order v11V3-uRq28-00125-00072000-00072368 buy 100 shares v11V3-uRq28-00126-00072480-00073183 i'll do a stop order v11V3-uRq28-00127-00073495-00074136 this is your stop order cancel that now i'll just get rid of the shares v11V3-uRq28-00128-00074136-00074583 market sell a hundred v11V3-uRq28-00129-00074744-00075336 okay microsoft is sold v11V3-uRq28-00130-00075472-00075800 okay so now if you want to change the bid ask your v11V3-uRq28-00131-00075800-00076216 last price and put that amount in the limit price v11V3-uRq28-00132-00076216-00076568 you just click on one of these v11V3-uRq28-00133-00076624-00076936 that's what that click event was that we set up v11V3-uRq28-00134-00076936-00077832 and so when you change symbols also say IBM the countdown timer v11V3-uRq28-00135-00077832-00078272 automatically puts a bid price in the limit price box here v11V3-uRq28-00136-00078272-00078600 and one other thing i want to show you is v11V3-uRq28-00137-00078600-00078824 the v11V3-uRq28-00138-00078936-00079600 connection for trade ideas you could set that up if you have Trade v11V3-uRq28-00139-00079600-00080183 Ideas to your platform here, just go to tools v11V3-uRq28-00140-00080183-00080720 external linking hit add link v11V3-uRq28-00141-00080856-00081624 and hover your mouse pointer over the combo box for symbol and hit v11V3-uRq28-00142-00081624-00081863 shift v11V3-uRq28-00143-00081992-00082351 and then say okay here v11V3-uRq28-00144-00082424-00083039 and then press close so now when I click on a symbol over here like v11V3-uRq28-00145-00083039-00083312 Gamestop (GME) v11V3-uRq28-00146-00083616-00084288 it'll automatically send it to my platform here this form1 v11V3-uRq28-00147-00084288-00084568 do another one v11V3-uRq28-00148-00084792-00085063 same thing v11V3-uRq28-00149-00085344-00086048 so then you can make a trade from there and also there's where the next valid v11V3-uRq28-00150-00086048-00086527 order id is that we set up earlier too okay. v11V3-uRq28-00151-00086527-00086944 Please like and subscribe and if you missed any of the code i will post it v11V3-uRq28-00152-00086944-00087232 on my blog v11V3-uRq28-00153-00087348-00087648 v11V3-uRq28-00154-00087672-00088576 thanks for watching i'll try and do more videos so stay tuned thanks bye. v5SL7_rfxK8-00000-00000000-00000200 នាទី បណ្តុះគំនិត និងទស្សនៈខ្មែរក្រោម v7aI-BIQR7g-00000-00000266-00000440 today's topic is prayer v7aI-BIQR7g-00001-00000440-00000888 Do we pray the dame way as our mainstream brothers and sisters? v7aI-BIQR7g-00002-00000888-00001195 Good evening Lainie, what's... v7aI-BIQR7g-00003-00001195-00001677 what's your thoughts on this and then I'm gonna probably give a little bit of v7aI-BIQR7g-00004-00001677-00002001 kind of an introduction on this by Constant Chevillon v7aI-BIQR7g-00005-00002001-00002476 Alright. You know prayer is one of those things that v7aI-BIQR7g-00006-00002476-00002788 I think that I, and probably you v7aI-BIQR7g-00007-00002788-00003229 you know we grew up being trained in prayer, I don't know about you but I was trained v7aI-BIQR7g-00008-00003229-00003613 in prayer by my parents. Prayer was something that you did before meals v7aI-BIQR7g-00009-00003613-00003952 any before you went to bed at night and v7aI-BIQR7g-00010-00003952-00004421 I remember in both cases they were formula prayers v7aI-BIQR7g-00011-00004421-00004853 I think God is great, God is good, let us us thank him for our food. Amen. v7aI-BIQR7g-00012-00004853-00005164 and then there was now I lay me v7aI-BIQR7g-00013-00005164-00005536 down to sleep and as I got older that prayer got longer v7aI-BIQR7g-00014-00005536-00005885 as my mother became concerned about my behavior so v7aI-BIQR7g-00015-00005885-00006343 I wouldn't have to ask God, you know, to help me to cooperate v7aI-BIQR7g-00016-00006343-00006817 I didn't even what cooperate meant at that point but v7aI-BIQR7g-00017-00006817-00007148 it was something that I kinda v7aI-BIQR7g-00018-00007148-00007222 repeated v7aI-BIQR7g-00019-00007222-00007822 and even know I didn't necessarily understand at the time whatI was v7aI-BIQR7g-00020-00007822-00007886 praying v7aI-BIQR7g-00021-00007886-00008265 there was very much that sense that this was an important part of the day an v7aI-BIQR7g-00022-00008265-00008353 important thing v7aI-BIQR7g-00023-00008353-00008850 to do and that this somehow or another was a way of expressing reference to God v7aI-BIQR7g-00024-00008850-00009342 and so, you know, as I got older life became a lot more complicated in my v7aI-BIQR7g-00025-00009342-00009453 prayer life v7aI-BIQR7g-00026-00009453-00009803 became different and haphazard v7aI-BIQR7g-00027-00009803-00010200 in many ways in it's something that I still struggle with in my own spiritual v7aI-BIQR7g-00028-00010200-00010304 practice today v7aI-BIQR7g-00029-00010304-00010686 What about you Bishop? v7aI-BIQR7g-00030-00010686-00011160 Prayer for me has, I guess become v7aI-BIQR7g-00031-00011160-00011557 you know, more so than a daily practice. This is a several times a day v7aI-BIQR7g-00032-00011557-00011639 occurrence v7aI-BIQR7g-00033-00011639-00012125 you know most of that is due to both v7aI-BIQR7g-00034-00012125-00012602 certain prayers are common within my particular Gnostic tradition and also v7aI-BIQR7g-00035-00012602-00012657 within v7aI-BIQR7g-00036-00012657-00013122 many the esoteric traditions that I belong to you that have v7aI-BIQR7g-00037-00013122-00013447 several prayers throughout the day several particular for me. v7aI-BIQR7g-00038-00013447-00013812 But a lot of it comes v7aI-BIQR7g-00039-00013812-00014228 I think kind of this... for me kind of this deep-seated v7aI-BIQR7g-00040-00014228-00014541 route to the particular tradition that I'm in and v7aI-BIQR7g-00041-00014541-00014929 I kinda wanna, I guess, given a little intro on this v7aI-BIQR7g-00042-00014929-00015268 considering thats right now while we're v7aI-BIQR7g-00043-00015268-00015895 in the process... kinda worldwide is a canonization of Constant Chevillon as a v7aI-BIQR7g-00044-00015895-00015986 Gnostic saint v7aI-BIQR7g-00045-00015986-00016494 Constant Chevillon, he's got a lot of things to say on prayer but I'm only v7aI-BIQR7g-00046-00016494-00016542 gonna v7aI-BIQR7g-00047-00016542-00016998 use a few of his words, but at the beginning he says "Prayer is the only v7aI-BIQR7g-00048-00016998-00017151 true and high magic. v7aI-BIQR7g-00049-00017151-00017555 Ceremonial Magic too often places the will at the service of pride. v7aI-BIQR7g-00050-00017555-00017904 Prater on the other hand is a very humble aspiration v7aI-BIQR7g-00051-00017904-00018384 the finite towards the infinite. A person praying resembles a v7aI-BIQR7g-00052-00018384-00018798 desert striving to become a meadow full of flowers, and furthermore v7aI-BIQR7g-00053-00018798-00019317 he just got him and he beseech is and I think that is v7aI-BIQR7g-00054-00019317-00019676 absolutely beautiful yeah on in another paragraph v7aI-BIQR7g-00055-00019676-00020053 um he puts in our v7aI-BIQR7g-00056-00020053-00020418 only the scenes able to lose himself into this mystical transport v7aI-BIQR7g-00057-00020418-00020726 need real the beatitude no if pieces v7aI-BIQR7g-00058-00020726-00021212 is within you every man of goodwill is capable of reaching their v7aI-BIQR7g-00059-00021212-00021597 because every prayer is wholly when it realized by and feed v7aI-BIQR7g-00060-00021597-00022079 and hope even measured by human standards well your whole heart impure v7aI-BIQR7g-00061-00022079-00022308 in spirit do not become discouraged despite v7aI-BIQR7g-00062-00022308-00022773 the parent surely in ecstasy in your prayers if you ask for temple v7aI-BIQR7g-00063-00022773-00023101 neighbors do not be surprised if you do not receive anything v7aI-BIQR7g-00064-00023101-00023493 each the key to my price is not have this world and your desires we need very v7aI-BIQR7g-00065-00023493-00023548 little v7aI-BIQR7g-00066-00023548-00023968 when compared with the eternal gifts which is unknowingly Scranton to you v7aI-BIQR7g-00067-00023968-00024461 should from he's got what they see and fair bit v7aI-BIQR7g-00068-00024461-00024762 list to particular pieces out of his to v7aI-BIQR7g-00069-00024762-00025115 on document country earth to me are v7aI-BIQR7g-00070-00025115-00025483 are very kind insightful the kinder the nascent healing prayer v7aI-BIQR7g-00071-00025483-00025929 you know I think that freer can meet many different things so many people v7aI-BIQR7g-00072-00025929-00026332 arm drawing up like you v7aI-BIQR7g-00073-00026332-00026713 in a fundamentalist background I seen prayer v7aI-BIQR7g-00074-00026713-00027025 very much I think most traditions v7aI-BIQR7g-00075-00027025-00027466 arm sometimes has a way if asking God for favors v7aI-BIQR7g-00076-00027466-00027862 asking for this asking for got please God please help me in this please God v7aI-BIQR7g-00077-00027862-00027957 help me for this v7aI-BIQR7g-00078-00027957-00028432 current roomie be has now become something much more deeper than that v7aI-BIQR7g-00079-00028432-00028550 because this kind of his v7aI-BIQR7g-00080-00028550-00028864 esoteric dialogue with divinity v7aI-BIQR7g-00081-00028864-00029187 hmm v7aI-BIQR7g-00082-00029187-00029522 do you experience the prayer we ok v7aI-BIQR7g-00083-00029522-00030108 you experience your prayer life differently from say a meditation v7aI-BIQR7g-00084-00030108-00030505 yes sorry for me you know meditation and prayer are v7aI-BIQR7g-00085-00030505-00030908 kind of two separate issues say it and they're very close related v7aI-BIQR7g-00086-00030908-00031253 bed meditation jimmy is more of kind of the v7aI-BIQR7g-00087-00031253-00031644 Indian old oneself waiting for that still list v7aI-BIQR7g-00088-00031644-00032131 where r I see prayer is morow a conversation with God v7aI-BIQR7g-00089-00032131-00032466 and unity in which the device v7aI-BIQR7g-00090-00032466-00032916 unity yeah ok I'm and the selectmen your when you're communicating is at the idea v7aI-BIQR7g-00091-00032916-00033013 of fun v7aI-BIQR7g-00092-00033013-00033581 mutual understanding as you express yourself to God do you believe v7aI-BIQR7g-00093-00033581-00034096 that there's a aka and dialogue in which you be more open to got at that point v7aI-BIQR7g-00094-00034096-00034586 oh absolutely yeah yeah absolutely I think that is one of kind of the goals v7aI-BIQR7g-00095-00034586-00034665 at least v7aI-BIQR7g-00096-00034665-00034997 of prayer on for me is v7aI-BIQR7g-00097-00034997-00035490 dat it becomes a dialogue no different but I like you and I are helping right v7aI-BIQR7g-00098-00035490-00035608 now together v7aI-BIQR7g-00099-00035608-00035978 um prayer becomes a style I between you and the divinely v7aI-BIQR7g-00100-00035978-00036322 in whichever way you understand that they're going to be that becomes between v7aI-BIQR7g-00101-00036322-00036431 you and the divine v7aI-BIQR7g-00102-00036431-00037027 where I think this we're kinda true nose is getting started to sink in Carterton v7aI-BIQR7g-00103-00037027-00037378 you know in the box it doesn't even get really imparted fun v7aI-BIQR7g-00104-00037378-00037693 the ritual practices a prayer that we do Goodwin v7aI-BIQR7g-00105-00037693-00038152 win this dialogue starts becoming part of her very essence v7aI-BIQR7g-00106-00038152-00038538 where um worry are communicating with God v7aI-BIQR7g-00107-00038538-00038956 share I'm you know there's been v7aI-BIQR7g-00108-00038956-00039343 I can say that for me that there certainly have been times v7aI-BIQR7g-00109-00039343-00039849 where I've felt like there was a diet with and felt like I could actually hear v7aI-BIQR7g-00110-00039849-00040334 God's voice an although I've often found v7aI-BIQR7g-00111-00040334-00040744 bad you the the the dialogue may take place v7aI-BIQR7g-00112-00040744-00041131 through incarnate thanks he I might for example one v7aI-BIQR7g-00113-00041131-00041609 B&B be praying and then come upon a passage in the Bible or in some other v7aI-BIQR7g-00114-00041609-00041672 book v7aI-BIQR7g-00115-00041672-00042250 that speaks to me or that I might come in communication with somebody else v7aI-BIQR7g-00116-00042250-00042622 that speak something very out v7aI-BIQR7g-00117-00042622-00043037 very meaningful to me sure but I i think you know you're talking about you in v7aI-BIQR7g-00118-00043037-00043163 Constantia everyone was talking v7aI-BIQR7g-00119-00043163-00043631 have on it was talking about the desert hoping to become a medal maybe there's a v7aI-BIQR7g-00120-00043631-00043887 sense out when we when we were praying v7aI-BIQR7g-00121-00043887-00044271 and we're striving for opening ourselves up we become more v7aI-BIQR7g-00122-00044271-00044622 receptive to you know what that what v7aI-BIQR7g-00123-00044622-00045100 what a desert would need to become active to flower up like that v7aI-BIQR7g-00124-00045100-00045530 and died so it may be that in some cases there is a v7aI-BIQR7g-00125-00045530-00045838 dialogue with God but in other cases and v7aI-BIQR7g-00126-00045838-00046200 we just become more receptive to God's presence v7aI-BIQR7g-00127-00046200-00046737 in IE through other things and other people as well v7aI-BIQR7g-00128-00046737-00047099 absolutely you know what are the other things ish at the cottage shabby and v7aI-BIQR7g-00129-00047099-00047209 says v7aI-BIQR7g-00130-00047209-00047640 is a dad to be able to train a standard is necessary to become silent with v7aI-BIQR7g-00131-00047640-00048081 in interests are set to be able to pray in the spinners this early because China v7aI-BIQR7g-00132-00048081-00048190 within v7aI-BIQR7g-00133-00048190-00048562 arm get a pair of I think the process v7aI-BIQR7g-00134-00048562-00048916 old of trailer is streaming ourself v7aI-BIQR7g-00135-00048916-00049274 from that in the mundane life free herself from v7aI-BIQR7g-00136-00049274-00049703 shrum arm all the things a waste and the birds have work v7aI-BIQR7g-00137-00049703-00050194 all old household responsibilities of paying our bills v7aI-BIQR7g-00138-00050194-00050722 of the Caribbean boss of tax season of all the things that would normally waste v7aI-BIQR7g-00139-00050722-00050862 on a lie ish v7aI-BIQR7g-00140-00050862-00051217 and each by doing such v7aI-BIQR7g-00141-00051217-00051590 you know we sorted get this own v7aI-BIQR7g-00142-00051590-00051954 River Energy this river flowing through us v7aI-BIQR7g-00143-00051954-00052382 %uh love God spirits and light with us that I think v7aI-BIQR7g-00144-00052382-00052683 that is the transformation of the desert v7aI-BIQR7g-00145-00052683-00052986 into the metal do you think bed v7aI-BIQR7g-00146-00052986-00053341 a mean bone the things that I found in prayer v7aI-BIQR7g-00147-00053341-00053900 is the idea of giving up one's attention to the divine v7aI-BIQR7g-00148-00053900-00054174 and as you point out you know there there are many things that we become v7aI-BIQR7g-00149-00054174-00054264 burdened by v7aI-BIQR7g-00150-00054264-00054764 through the day and biitch the in prayer when when when when we're praying or v7aI-BIQR7g-00151-00054764-00055212 we have an opportunity to direct our our attention someplace else v7aI-BIQR7g-00152-00055212-00055658 and even even for a brief period of time his other things may need our attention v7aI-BIQR7g-00153-00055658-00056016 but even for those brief periods of time v7aI-BIQR7g-00154-00056016-00056430 to set down those burdens for a second and direct our attention to God v7aI-BIQR7g-00155-00056430-00056883 I hadn't can't be. an important v7aI-BIQR7g-00156-00056883-00057194 heart of our spiritual lives and v7aI-BIQR7g-00157-00057194-00057580 because maybe become the beach we orient ourselves v7aI-BIQR7g-00158-00057580-00057975 back to God and we can anchor ourselves a little bit better v7aI-BIQR7g-00159-00057975-00058320 I N wanted a more interesting disciplines that I've encountered v7aI-BIQR7g-00160-00058320-00058804 come across at my own prayer life a friend of mine father Rick McFarland v7aI-BIQR7g-00161-00058804-00058854 said v7aI-BIQR7g-00162-00058854-00059408 if you're on Facebook and people shared a concern or something like that v7aI-BIQR7g-00163-00059408-00059726 and you just type you know I'm going to pray for you v7aI-BIQR7g-00164-00059726-00060079 he said don't pray for them later pray for them v7aI-BIQR7g-00165-00060079-00060582 right then and there yet it's really easy to type lol pray for you v7aI-BIQR7g-00166-00060582-00061024 and then not do it rate and what hearsay said to me is you know v7aI-BIQR7g-00167-00061024-00061442 just pray for them right then and there and net has actually had v7aI-BIQR7g-00168-00061442-00062045 a significant impact on my prayer life and on my own spiritual practice v7aI-BIQR7g-00169-00062045-00062569 airs throughout the day being reminded that there are other people help their v7aI-BIQR7g-00170-00062569-00062889 who are who are suffering and you have concerns v7aI-BIQR7g-00171-00062889-00063275 and taking that time and being pulled out of my own v7aI-BIQR7g-00172-00063275-00063826 inner track being pulled out a bad into a very different place v7aI-BIQR7g-00173-00063826-00064207 and taking their time to pray for them v7aI-BIQR7g-00174-00064207-00064700 he and I think that's it a good point it's like a cure many things in life v7aI-BIQR7g-00175-00064700-00065176 if we had a progressive emperor of well let me naked on a get done later than we v7aI-BIQR7g-00176-00065176-00065287 expected v7aI-BIQR7g-00177-00065287-00065820 arlan bit we put a chance emergency if somebody's basically v7aI-BIQR7g-00178-00065820-00066175 here on this case it you mention the Facebook you know where where someone is v7aI-BIQR7g-00179-00066175-00066485 basically Chloe not sure for help on v7aI-BIQR7g-00180-00066485-00066836 you know the you're becoming like a first responder CD-rom v7aI-BIQR7g-00181-00066836-00067145 um let me respond to this right away v7aI-BIQR7g-00182-00067145-00067454 arm you know which I think kind of goes v7aI-BIQR7g-00183-00067454-00067817 into create the ideas you know what are the purpose is a prayer v7aI-BIQR7g-00184-00067817-00068126 you know what are the different types occur you know v7aI-BIQR7g-00185-00068126-00068570 is prayer only about what we first have been talking about which is v7aI-BIQR7g-00186-00068570-00068902 simply download old kind of unity with the divine v7aI-BIQR7g-00187-00068902-00069313 ordered does career become much more than that v7aI-BIQR7g-00188-00069313-00069745 on Dec special in your truck in Canada Nasik ideas for prayer v7aI-BIQR7g-00189-00069745-00070147 and I wouldn't say yes on trader v7aI-BIQR7g-00190-00070147-00070595 owned in again within many nasa traditions v7aI-BIQR7g-00191-00070595-00070956 um are deeply rooted with in v7aI-BIQR7g-00192-00070956-00071435 I'll very spiritual very esoteric practices and many of those v7aI-BIQR7g-00193-00071435-00071997 are calling for dividing interventions are lessons appeal lol there they are v7aI-BIQR7g-00194-00071997-00072445 blessings of peace blessings upon with some up on rollers severe v7aI-BIQR7g-00195-00072445-00072882 blessings upon married couples blessing upon me in a while v7aI-BIQR7g-00196-00072882-00073377 healthy children all these are all things as clergy that we'd chill v7aI-BIQR7g-00197-00073377-00073743 on on a regular braid basis is Dickens's v7aI-BIQR7g-00198-00073743-00074095 increases bigshots it is also something anything can v7aI-BIQR7g-00199-00074095-00074720 those who are are hardened should be actively participated share v7aI-BIQR7g-00200-00074720-00075110 and you know it it's interesting even in the Gospels I think it was same college v7aI-BIQR7g-00201-00075110-00075214 Oct about v7aI-BIQR7g-00202-00075214-00075527 years you there was a whole order up with us v7aI-BIQR7g-00203-00075527-00075982 and their job was to pray if that's what that's what they did and that was that v7aI-BIQR7g-00204-00075982-00076236 was their ministry now is considered to be v7aI-BIQR7g-00205-00076236-00076669 incredibly significant for the life of the community v7aI-BIQR7g-00206-00076669-00076983 and to this day there are a number v7aI-BIQR7g-00207-00076983-00077385 I love religious orders who focus entirely v7aI-BIQR7g-00208-00077385-00077744 on prayer sure dead alleged and the funny thing is v7aI-BIQR7g-00209-00077744-00078048 and 1 orders that the Poor Clares v7aI-BIQR7g-00210-00078048-00078436 there are closed at a cloistered contemplative order v7aI-BIQR7g-00211-00078436-00078844 they don't run schools they don't run soup kitchens all they do is pray v7aI-BIQR7g-00212-00078844-00079166 the stranger orders actually pray throughout the night and even get a v7aI-BIQR7g-00213-00079166-00079455 number a good night's sleep they just pray constantly v7aI-BIQR7g-00214-00079455-00079986 and 10 days orders was profiled in an article on Salon v7aI-BIQR7g-00215-00079986-00080443 and you should have seen the comments people were going not v7aI-BIQR7g-00216-00080443-00080861 you know these women are all neurotic they're all afraid of sex in the real v7aI-BIQR7g-00217-00080861-00080958 world v7aI-BIQR7g-00218-00080958-00081464 bottom yeah and they just you know this day just keeps contempt upon these women v7aI-BIQR7g-00219-00081464-00082110 indeed for prying and they saw prayer as being absolutely useless v7aI-BIQR7g-00220-00082110-00082476 and it was just him is just interesting because I've come v7aI-BIQR7g-00221-00082476-00083008 to realize and bet there are a lot of people who regard prayer is useless v7aI-BIQR7g-00222-00083008-00083377 there you know that they make me a few offered a prayer and they see it as v7aI-BIQR7g-00223-00083377-00083831 you don't want to take any action in you just want to pray v7aI-BIQR7g-00224-00083831-00084133 and do something privately an v7aI-BIQR7g-00225-00084133-00084473 how would you respond to that bishop well v7aI-BIQR7g-00226-00084473-00084870 fear Caitlin flabbergasted I'm in a hearing this story I mean v7aI-BIQR7g-00227-00084870-00085226 on that actually pretty upset yeah i mean here's you know one v7aI-BIQR7g-00228-00085226-00085670 a group of women who dedicated their right to prayer which I find it to be v7aI-BIQR7g-00229-00085670-00086104 you know a very noble you know for for anyone to cuddle with this ministry v7aI-BIQR7g-00230-00086104-00086394 quiet where the pre and the prayers at the hour's v7aI-BIQR7g-00231-00086394-00086742 daily in there trillion trillion near session lows v7aI-BIQR7g-00232-00086742-00087119 the souls have man in church peace on earth and four v7aI-BIQR7g-00233-00087119-00087517 many other great things they do in I guess my arguments many v7aI-BIQR7g-00234-00087517-00087966 all these naysayers would be where do you think our world would be today if it v7aI-BIQR7g-00235-00087966-00088154 wasn't for people like this with it v7aI-BIQR7g-00236-00088154-00088551 um we may be in a world of hurt in our world right now v7aI-BIQR7g-00237-00088551-00088939 bit um you know what I am I do believe that the v7aI-BIQR7g-00238-00088939-00089463 power of prayer through through a group like them and many others v7aI-BIQR7g-00239-00089463-00089830 has a positive effect are up on the v7aI-BIQR7g-00240-00089830-00090182 the world around us yeah v7aI-BIQR7g-00241-00090182-00090639 I'm in a by a guest it's done if you don't believe in God I suppose v7aI-BIQR7g-00242-00090639-00091080 prayer is seananners add you can be seen as useless for me v7aI-BIQR7g-00243-00091080-00091386 it remains that even in my most cynical moments v7aI-BIQR7g-00244-00091386-00091754 it seems to me again that when I am praying v7aI-BIQR7g-00245-00091754-00092218 when I'm call to prayer there is inattention v7aI-BIQR7g-00246-00092218-00092662 that has drawn all out of me in toward the real world v7aI-BIQR7g-00247-00092662-00093119 and E while I would probably argue that if her also person v7aI-BIQR7g-00248-00093119-00093663 ever does offers never does is pray and doesn't take any action to support or v7aI-BIQR7g-00249-00093663-00093948 help brothers and sisters are the people around them v7aI-BIQR7g-00250-00093948-00094262 yes you probably do have a problem there v7aI-BIQR7g-00251-00094262-00094667 on but in in v7aI-BIQR7g-00252-00094667-00095082 I know that when I take the time to lot to kneel down v7aI-BIQR7g-00253-00095082-00095502 and prayed for somebody I'm actually far more v7aI-BIQR7g-00254-00095502-00095806 likely to take actions v7aI-BIQR7g-00255-00095806-00096312 in some way or another you that I am if I don't have my attention drawn v7aI-BIQR7g-00256-00096312-00096613 at all to a condition v7aI-BIQR7g-00257-00096613-00096993 I can I speak for myself in that regard v7aI-BIQR7g-00258-00096993-00097394 interested well there this sounds like something we're going to continue maybe v7aI-BIQR7g-00259-00097394-00097619 in our podcast I after next v7aI-BIQR7g-00260-00097619-00097951 after al way um v7aI-BIQR7g-00261-00097951-00098330 I think they won't lead to can move into some new is right now v7aI-BIQR7g-00262-00098330-00098720 they do and what I've done that I wanna bring up right away is it down v7aI-BIQR7g-00263-00098720-00099129 we are movin if things to do father tony is great direction of v7aI-BIQR7g-00264-00099129-00099524 no more and adds on are YouTube videos v7aI-BIQR7g-00265-00099524-00099937 on we're moving to a different app is support in this is it had the support v7aI-BIQR7g-00266-00099937-00100243 down over viewers can actively participate in v7aI-BIQR7g-00267-00100243-00100702 those who want to encourage your other ministry and encourage other work that v7aI-BIQR7g-00268-00100702-00100792 we do v7aI-BIQR7g-00269-00100792-00101176 on they can go to page one dot com slash Nasik edits v7aI-BIQR7g-00270-00101176-00101516 Phee are E 0 and dot v7aI-BIQR7g-00271-00101516-00102050 com slash no significance pledges small amount per video or for a podcast v7aI-BIQR7g-00272-00102050-00102457 in it directly supports program is well is v7aI-BIQR7g-00273-00102457-00103009 the other programs yeah R&R Nasik NYC v7aI-BIQR7g-00274-00103009-00103423 is really exciting news I mean I think everybody was sick of seeing those ads v7aI-BIQR7g-00275-00103423-00103820 and this is a way for folks who can support we're happy that you know we v7aI-BIQR7g-00276-00103820-00104232 we do this because we want to and we realize that what people are tapped out v7aI-BIQR7g-00277-00104232-00104652 every don't expect people to to do this but if you can if you can it's a great v7aI-BIQR7g-00278-00104652-00104741 way to help v7aI-BIQR7g-00279-00104741-00105248 get more content out there which can be used to support the nasty community as v7aI-BIQR7g-00280-00105248-00105453 well as as individual focus v7aI-BIQR7g-00281-00105453-00105886 so any case I think it's a really neat a service in you can certainly v7aI-BIQR7g-00282-00105886-00106220 check it out online absolutely v7aI-BIQR7g-00283-00106220-00106559 and our podcast is available on v7aI-BIQR7g-00284-00106559-00106870 iTunes which iPhone pretty exciting yes v7aI-BIQR7g-00285-00106870-00107126 if you want to hear more in-depth discussions that we don't intend to get v7aI-BIQR7g-00286-00107126-00107267 to during the show v7aI-BIQR7g-00287-00107267-00107735 on the podcast is definitely a good way to go you can also subscribe you see no v7aI-BIQR7g-00288-00107735-00108215 podcast client you seen her feed on our new website v7aI-BIQR7g-00289-00108215-00108528 yes HTTP all on v7aI-BIQR7g-00290-00108528-00108829 backslash talk notices dot v7aI-BIQR7g-00291-00108829-00109142 Nasik anyway see dot com v7aI-BIQR7g-00292-00109142-00109584 arm and again I wanna think father Tony for getting an operating truss v7aI-BIQR7g-00293-00109584-00109902 and it was fantastic I'm v7aI-BIQR7g-00294-00109902-00110277 we also do when I have yet to let me remind people about the joe night v7aI-BIQR7g-00295-00110277-00110641 Conclave coming up in Chicago at the end of May v7aI-BIQR7g-00296-00110641-00110991 you can get more information at WWW dot v7aI-BIQR7g-00297-00110991-00111348 joe night dot or work I anything if it is folks were v7aI-BIQR7g-00298-00111348-00111678 we're showing he's an incredible line-up of speakers this year v7aI-BIQR7g-00299-00111678-00111978 and if you could only come for part I love v7aI-BIQR7g-00300-00111978-00112371 the week or if you only want to come see certain speakers you know v7aI-BIQR7g-00301-00112371-00112744 it drop the folks at the AJC line v7aI-BIQR7g-00302-00112744-00113122 and no work with you on that I because it's gonna be a great time a great v7aI-BIQR7g-00303-00113122-00113261 opportunity to meet folks v7aI-BIQR7g-00304-00113261-00113782 and I do want to say that at least one person now has taken me up on my special v7aI-BIQR7g-00305-00113782-00113882 Conclave drink v7aI-BIQR7g-00306-00113882-00114278 a offer and yes it is if you sign up for Conclave v7aI-BIQR7g-00307-00114278-00114748 can't use pension talk no says to me I will buy you a drink v7aI-BIQR7g-00308-00114748-00115232 act on I and $5 drink maximum so one person cuz you look at four to go guys v7aI-BIQR7g-00309-00115232-00115285 so v7aI-BIQR7g-00310-00115285-00115599 while know you better you better get dibs in there v7aI-BIQR7g-00311-00115599-00116107 arm and one more thing we do continue to need volunteers to help us we're really v7aI-BIQR7g-00312-00116107-00116364 trying to step up our content we've moved to a v7aI-BIQR7g-00313-00116364-00116840 a separate podcast talk now says after dark father tony is v7aI-BIQR7g-00314-00116840-00117335 producing more shows and we could certainly use some volunteers but you v7aI-BIQR7g-00315-00117335-00117557 don't have to have experienced the volunteers v7aI-BIQR7g-00316-00117557-00117957 would helping with the Audion the audio-visual production would be awesome v7aI-BIQR7g-00317-00117957-00118024 to have v7aI-BIQR7g-00318-00118024-00118329 so if you are interested please v7aI-BIQR7g-00319-00118329-00118641 do contact father Tony at info at v7aI-BIQR7g-00320-00118641-00119102 nah stick NYC dot com fantastic v7aI-BIQR7g-00321-00119102-00119522 again we do appreciate everything 9 our feedback from our viewers v7aI-BIQR7g-00322-00119522-00119871 whether there are give us feedback and the videos or v7aI-BIQR7g-00323-00119871-00120401 honored a new podcast are you can always reach a standard issue 2 comments v7aI-BIQR7g-00324-00120401-00120801 on our Facebook page as well as a talk noses at Nasik v7aI-BIQR7g-00325-00120801-00121216 in Lacey dot com are v7aI-BIQR7g-00326-00121216-00121575 yeah I'm pretty excited about not only you know the direction the shows been v7aI-BIQR7g-00327-00121575-00121849 going into but with the a new podcast v7aI-BIQR7g-00328-00121849-00122152 I think we're gonna be able to reach our listeners in a way v7aI-BIQR7g-00329-00122152-00122583 um that hopefully they don't we get a little bit more insight with our topics v7aI-BIQR7g-00330-00122583-00123036 they also get to see sometimes a sillier and funnier some neighbors as well v7aI-BIQR7g-00331-00123036-00123500 as last week room yeah we got very silly last week ok so if you want if you can v7aI-BIQR7g-00332-00123500-00123676 wanna hear the bishops get chilly v7aI-BIQR7g-00333-00123676-00124158 are you know download last week spot podcast a good v7aI-BIQR7g-00334-00124158-00124478 and I will say that we do have some interesting programs coming v7aI-BIQR7g-00335-00124478-00124924 up as we don't have a full schedule yet but i can tell you that Mark Thomas v7aI-BIQR7g-00336-00124924-00125452 a from the episode joe night church is gonna be care coming up on April v7aI-BIQR7g-00337-00125452-00125875 ninth talk about the importance I love a critical thinking v7aI-BIQR7g-00338-00125875-00126316 can of tomato modern ostracism shannon is going to be a fantastic cell-cell v7aI-BIQR7g-00339-00126316-00126724 really is and the yeah I look forward to having our people v7aI-BIQR7g-00340-00126724-00127025 and checking on it checking in on that show as well v7aI-BIQR7g-00341-00127025-00127352 for good alright now as always v7aI-BIQR7g-00342-00127352-00127760 which has been hampered production up the non-stick NYC have v7aI-BIQR7g-00343-00127760-00128072 if you enjoy the show please share with your friends v7aI-BIQR7g-00344-00128072-00128401 click the Like button and subscribe to our channel: v7aI-BIQR7g-00345-00128401-00128845 opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily represent the views v7aI-BIQR7g-00346-00128845-00129172 agnostic NYC or any other organization v7aI-BIQR7g-00347-00129172-00129626 and no animals were ever harmed during the production of the show v7aI-BIQR7g-00348-00129626-00129961 for more talk no says tune in every Wednesday for new episodes v7aI-BIQR7g-00349-00129961-00130321 thanks so much for joining us goodnight everyone goodnight v7aI-BIQR7g-00350-00130321-00131021 do v8x0gneXPnQ-00000-00000233-00000533 Cirilla, you are the lion cub of Cintra. v8x0gneXPnQ-00001-00000966-00001233 Why do you think she's not safe? v8x0gneXPnQ-00002-00001533-00001658 I saw an army. v8x0gneXPnQ-00003-00001704-00001933 A sea of black and gold. v8x0gneXPnQ-00004-00002249-00002566 Nilfgaard will destroy everything. v8x0gneXPnQ-00005-00002870-00002970 They're here. v8x0gneXPnQ-00006-00003179-00003333 She's why they came. v8x0gneXPnQ-00007-00003808-00003908 Go! v8x0gneXPnQ-00008-00004570-00004741 The world depends on it. v8x0gneXPnQ-00009-00005033-00005208 Bring me the girl alive. v8x0gneXPnQ-00010-00005320-00005537 I have to find Geralt of Rivia. v8x0gneXPnQ-00011-00005770-00005970 We can stop Nilfgaard. v8x0gneXPnQ-00012-00006083-00006312 I will personally defeat them. v8x0gneXPnQ-00013-00006408-00006625 -Join us. -Why would I protect this? v8x0gneXPnQ-00014-00006683-00006845 I want to be powerful. v8x0gneXPnQ-00015-00007016-00007103 I will take the girl, v8x0gneXPnQ-00016-00007304-00007412 protect her... v8x0gneXPnQ-00017-00007570-00007691 and bring her back unharmed. v8x0gneXPnQ-00018-00008604-00008758 Do not tell me that this is finally the moment v8x0gneXPnQ-00019-00008766-00009020 you've decided to actually care about someone other than yourself? v8x0gneXPnQ-00020-00009029-00009133 Don't touch Roach. v8x0gneXPnQ-00021-00009300-00010701 (((NO-SYSTEMS))) v9Llos8OVTc-00000-00000000-00000345 This is part 2 of Taeyeon's hair styling following part 1 last time. v9Llos8OVTc-00001-00000345-00000579 If you haven't seen it, please check the video v9Llos8OVTc-00002-00000579-00000920 Today's video is for those who want to make their face look half as small as possible. v9Llos8OVTc-00003-00000920-00001316 Or help those who are troubled with an angular face shape. v9Llos8OVTc-00004-00001316-00001858 Before starting the video, If you have a subject or topic you would like to analyze, please leave a comment. v9Llos8OVTc-00005-00002008-00002516 I mentioned in the last video that Taeyeon is an egg shape with a temple inside. v9Llos8OVTc-00006-00002516-00002850 The temple is the area between the eye and the ear. v9Llos8OVTc-00007-00002850-00003258 Whether or not you have a temple determines your mood and mood v9Llos8OVTc-00008-00003337-00003516 Let's see Girls' Generation Yoona v9Llos8OVTc-00009-00003516-00004041 Yoona with a temple has a cute and lovely atmosphere just like Jiwon Kim. v9Llos8OVTc-00010-00004041-00004425 If there is no temple, a sharper atmosphere is created. v9Llos8OVTc-00011-00004425-00005100 If the temple is indented, the side of the face will be curved and the side cheekbones will stand out. v9Llos8OVTc-00012-00005100-00005412 In other words, the outer appearance of the face may look angular. v9Llos8OVTc-00013-00005412-00005783 The image may look strong v9Llos8OVTc-00014-00005783-00006566 The way to create a lovely atmosphere while making an angled face look soft is to style the curls that cover the temples. v9Llos8OVTc-00015-00006645-00007216 The curls that cover the temples are not side bangs or bangs. v9Llos8OVTc-00016-00007216-00007587 It is a curled hair that gives strong volume to the side of the hair. v9Llos8OVTc-00017-00007587-00008016 Compared to A, B has a much narrower face, right? v9Llos8OVTc-00018-00008045-00008562 This is particularly reminiscent of the princess hairstyles often used in movies. v9Llos8OVTc-00019-00008562-00008991 This hairstyle gives volume and covers the temples. v9Llos8OVTc-00020-00009029-00009670 So you can't tell if it's an egg-shaped face, a diamond-shaped face, or a temple, right? v9Llos8OVTc-00021-00009670-00010004 The hairstyle creates curves for an angular face v9Llos8OVTc-00022-00010004-00010287 This creates a smooth face line. v9Llos8OVTc-00023-00010287-00010950 Curly hair with volume softens the face shape and makes the face look smaller. v9Q0wjGxvto-00000-00000096-00000922 Hello everyone, I'm Grizzly and this vlog is just my little way to express solidarity v9Q0wjGxvto-00001-00000925-00001885 (and simpathy) to all the victims and injured people of the terrifying massive earthquake v9Q0wjGxvto-00002-00001922-00003011 which has hit so badly in Nepal. As you know I'm a rescue volunteer (I operate v9Q0wjGxvto-00003-00003011-00004503 in the Italian Civil Defense) and I feel... I don't know: it is tough when you know you v9Q0wjGxvto-00004-00004504-00005510 can't just turn up your sleeves and try to help, try to be helpful in any way. v9Q0wjGxvto-00005-00005592-00006772 Because Nepal is so far from Italy and we can't just tell "ok, they need our help": v9Q0wjGxvto-00006-00006952-00007966 there are a lot of things to do, but (most important) there is the big need of organization. v9Q0wjGxvto-00007-00008138-00008994 You can't just think "Ok, just let's go there and dig into rubbles": it could be dangerous v9Q0wjGxvto-00008-00009051-00010177 even for who is here, who is there for rescuing. There is a need of organization and there v9Q0wjGxvto-00009-00010177-00010997 would be a need of any other kind of help. Actually as a rescue operator, as a rescue v9Q0wjGxvto-00010-00010997-00012197 volunteer, I feel speechless, and shattered, just like all the debris laying around there. v9Q0wjGxvto-00011-00012832-00013744 It's a pretty tough moment, and it's pretty hard even to think how to help. Just consider v9Q0wjGxvto-00012-00013744-00014413 this: actually communications in Nepal are so badly working, there is no way to open v9Q0wjGxvto-00013-00014413-00015444 the Nepalese Government website, and even the Nepalese Red Cross Society website is v9Q0wjGxvto-00014-00015444-00015953 not working (anyway I will leave links to these websites in the doobly-doo if them should v9Q0wjGxvto-00015-00015953-00016741 start working again). But I would like to send a message to everyone: v9Q0wjGxvto-00016-00016850-00017592 let's all together go, at least, to the Red Cross (or to any other relief society) which v9Q0wjGxvto-00017-00017592-00018424 is trying and doing their best to help Nepal: let's help these societies, even economically. v9Q0wjGxvto-00018-00018514-00019274 It could be a very big help for everyone. Thanks for watching, thanks for strolling v9Q0wjGxvto-00019-00019275-00019690 around and I'll see you tomorrow with the next VEDA vlog, bye. vqyjAT8-FKY-00000-00000000-00000200 SUBSCRIBE vvFxr7gaMyo-00000-00000233-00000433 No god please no! vvFxr7gaMyo-00001-00000433-00000683 You've been infected by an SCP-049-2 vvFxr7gaMyo-00002-00000683-00000833 You have transformed. vvFxr7gaMyo-00003-00001236-00001640 There is a zombie plague in this mod vvFxr7gaMyo-00004-00002482-00002823 Ladies and gentlemen, we got him! vzovNeEBDZ0-00000-00000000-00000648 all right! Uhm we should bring some extra money because we got a sweet deal with the orange Joe vzovNeEBDZ0-00001-00000648-00001284 at the vending machine! okay? uhm yeah, what 20 bucks just, just 20. That's it. I'll pay you back. vzovNeEBDZ0-00002-00001284-00002250 If you pay me back, sure. yes okay all right. I got the money. all right. as always on the floor vzovNeEBDZ0-00003-00002250-00003204 good sir. okay. here we go. orange joke time!! all right so I heard that the orange Joes only cost vzovNeEBDZ0-00004-00003204-00003810 one dollar now.. because they might be expired? I don't believe them! but only one dollar so I could vzovNeEBDZ0-00005-00003810-00004560 buy 20 of them!!! you.. you want to spend twenty dollars on 20 cans of Orange? [ Music >:-) ] vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00000-00000000-00000285 If you're still in champion select and you can pick a champion, go for someone vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00001-00000285-00000621 like Ziggs so you can dodge Ori's burst or knock her away from you if things get sticky, vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00002-00000621-00000806 Syndra because you have very similar vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00003-00000806-00001098 play styles with the slight difference that you out-damage her from level 5 vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00004-00001098-00001458 onwards or Diana since you can all in her at level 6, even if you are at least vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00005-00001458-00001905 75% HP and you can hit a Q before engaging. Zed, Ahri and Leblanc have an easy vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00006-00001905-00002250 time because of their increased mobility too. In case you didn't know, Orianna's vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00007-00002250-00002568 passive makes her autos hit for a ton so be careful not to let her auto attack vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00008-00002568-00002940 in trades too much, you won't believe their damage. Ori's Q makes her ball vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00009-00002940-00003288 move and this ability is usually maxed first so that the cooldown drops as low vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00010-00003288-00003702 as 3 seconds. Her W releases an electric pulse wherever ball is, giving her vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00011-00003702-00004068 movement speed and lowering enemies that get hit. Her he moves the ball to an ally vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00012-00004068-00004404 or herself for a small shield, but this is mainly used on bruisers when they vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00013-00004404-00004743 engage so that her ball gets to a nice position in teamfights. Make sure to vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00014-00004743-00005030 pay close attention to bruisers and tanks with the ball on them. Her vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00015-00005030-00005444 ultimate pulls everyone in wherever her ball is and if used with Q and W will vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00016-00005444-00005846 proc Thunderlords. Her combo is pretty much just Q to a nice place or E to an vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00017-00005846-00006285 ally and W-Ult afterwards. If you can force her to E-W on herself, her vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00018-00006285-00006693 teamfight potential drops immensely. Apart from the obvious flash, Orianna's vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00019-00006693-00007040 tend to be quite defensive when it comes to spells preferring to bring Ghost, vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00020-00007040-00007361 Heal or Barrier. Make sure you're not baited by one of the latter when you go vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00021-00007361-00007704 for the kill and remember to make use of flash's high 5 minute cooldown to engage vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00022-00007704-00008067 her, since she has quite low mobility. Exhaust and Ignite are two nice choices vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00023-00008067-00008445 versus her. As for her power spikes, they're pretty simple: 6 is an obvious vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00024-00008445-00008745 power spike because she'll get really good kill potential with her ultimate, vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00025-00008745-00009027 but before that she has a pretty interesting level 1 because of her vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00026-00009027-00009270 increased auto attack damage. Levels 11 and 16, vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00027-00009270-00009579 whenever she puts another skill point towards her ultimate are other power vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00028-00009579-00009927 spikes too. Items like Luden's and Rabadon's will make you cry whenever she vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00029-00009927-00010296 finishes them, so look out for that and the 20 to 25-minute mark is when she can vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00030-00010296-00010527 truly shine. Thank you for tuning in, good luck in vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00031-00010527-00010881 your match and remember: be careful where her ball is, dodge her Ultimate, engage vA0Rcn4GcPQ-00032-00010881-00011336 when her flash is down and ultimately have fun doing it. vAKKhrJEKTI-00000-00000000-00000200 Lethal Nexus | Event Trailer | Mobile Legends: Bang Bang vDdZGUSZExk-00000-00000494-00000971 Perlite is a volcanic rock. It's kind of an aluminum silicate that is heated to vDdZGUSZExk-00001-00000971-00001419 about 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit or about a 1,000 degrees Celsius. That heat vDdZGUSZExk-00002-00001419-00001872 causes molecularly bound water that's contained in the rock to convert vDdZGUSZExk-00003-00001872-00002226 over to steam, which causes a rapid expansion of the rock. So it's kind of vDdZGUSZExk-00004-00002226-00002631 like popcorn when it... explodes out, and the result is what you vDdZGUSZExk-00005-00002631-00003143 see here: these little white hard pieces of material that are very vDdZGUSZExk-00006-00003143-00003576 lightweight. The purpose of adding perlite to a growing media is simple: vDdZGUSZExk-00007-00003576-00004054 it's to reduce water holding capacity and also to increase air porosity. vDdZGUSZExk-00008-00004405-00004906 So the physical properties, as mentioned, what the purpose is it greatly increases vDdZGUSZExk-00009-00004906-00005346 the air porosity of the growing media. It also helps reduce your water holding capacity, vDdZGUSZExk-00010-00005346-00005830 so your mix can dry out more rapidly, it doesn't stay waterlogged and you get better vDdZGUSZExk-00011-00005830-00006319 drainage. The coarser or the larger the particle size is the more drainage it's vDdZGUSZExk-00012-00006319-00006681 going to introduce into the growing media as well as more air porosity. If vDdZGUSZExk-00013-00006681-00006952 you have real fine dusty perlite, you won't quite get those vDdZGUSZExk-00014-00006952-00007444 same properties. In general, perlite is very good for plant roots. Now plants vDdZGUSZExk-00015-00007444-00007881 need both air and water, so in a root that is... in a growing media environment that vDdZGUSZExk-00016-00007881-00008236 contains perlite, there's going to be a lot of oxygen that it can... that it vDdZGUSZExk-00017-00008236-00008728 can easily obtain, so it'll help the plants to grow healthy root systems and vDdZGUSZExk-00018-00008728-00009166 therefore the roots are less likely to succumb to root rot pathogens. Perlite is vDdZGUSZExk-00019-00009166-00009553 also a great component to add to a mix because it introduces a lot of oxygen, vDdZGUSZExk-00020-00009553-00009982 which helps with the rooting of cuttings. A lot of times we put cuttings under mist vDdZGUSZExk-00021-00009982-00010378 or we water in very frequently, so that's... it's a very saturated environment, so you vDdZGUSZExk-00022-00010378-00010875 need to have some natural oxygen in there to encourage root development. It's vDdZGUSZExk-00023-00010875-00011269 very lightweight, it's hydrophilic, meaning it doesn't require a wetting agent vDdZGUSZExk-00024-00011269-00011820 to wet it up, and it doesn't compact over time at all. We do recommend that when you vDdZGUSZExk-00025-00011820-00012124 water you don't blast the container with water because sometimes you get the vDdZGUSZExk-00026-00012124-00012619 perlite to float to the top. It is possible that in the mixing process when vDdZGUSZExk-00027-00012619-00012958 you're fluffing a bale of mix, it's possible you might get a little bit of vDdZGUSZExk-00028-00012958-00013261 crushing of the perlite with the mechanical parts, but in general it's not vDdZGUSZExk-00029-00013261-00013666 a huge problem, and again you don't get any breakdown in the growing media over vDdZGUSZExk-00030-00013666-00014037 time. vDdZGUSZExk-00031-00014037-00014475 As far as the chemical properties of perlite, it is inert, meaning it doesn't vDdZGUSZExk-00032-00014475-00014979 really provide any plant nutrients. So it has a very low EC or electrical vDdZGUSZExk-00033-00014979-00015354 conductivity, and it doesn't really provide a significant source of fluoride, vDdZGUSZExk-00034-00015354-00015995 contrary to some old urban legends. The pH of perlite is very neutral, it's about vDdZGUSZExk-00035-00015995-00016500 a 6.5 to 8.0, so you don't really... you vDdZGUSZExk-00036-00016500-00016953 don't lime perlite when added to a mix, but at the same time, it's not a buffered vDdZGUSZExk-00037-00016953-00017381 pH, meaning the pH of the mix is not influenced too much by the perlite vDdZGUSZExk-00038-00017381-00017817 content. Perlite also has a very low cation exchange vDdZGUSZExk-00039-00017817-00018329 capacity, so it doesn't have the ability to retain nutrients, and as a result you vDdZGUSZExk-00040-00018329-00018666 don't have to worry about any changes in your fertilizer regime. And vDdZGUSZExk-00041-00018666-00019348 it's also free of chemicals and herbicides since it is a rock. vDdZGUSZExk-00042-00019348-00019722 As far as biological properties, it doesn't contain any natural vDdZGUSZExk-00043-00019722-00020083 microorganisms. The heat treatment to produce it actually will destroy all vDdZGUSZExk-00044-00020083-00021261 those microorganisms, so it's a very sterile product that's pathogen-free. vGIBNo4Gh5Q-00000-00000000-00000200 ... vGLXnR5ArCE-00000-00000000-00000103 [Music] vGLXnR5ArCE-00001-00000106-00000333 Soham Reels vGLXnR5ArCE-00002-00000333-00000533 Like || Share || Subscribe vL0ha_t36Lu-00000-00000413-00000836 Have you ever run into a really difficult part of a game and gotten smacked down over vL0ha_t36Lu-00001-00000836-00000938 and over? vL0ha_t36Lu-00002-00000938-00001218 You get smacked down so often that you start to get angrier. vL0ha_t36Lu-00003-00001218-00001693 Then, that final boss, that cheap character, that water dungeon in a Legend of Zelda game vL0ha_t36Lu-00004-00001693-00001953 gets tougher and tougher as you get angrier. vL0ha_t36Lu-00005-00001953-00002411 It’s like each little bit of rage in you makes that mountain in front of you even harder vL0ha_t36Lu-00006-00002411-00003173 to climb. vL0ha_t36Lu-00007-00003173-00003471 Welcome to the negative emotion spiral. vL0ha_t36Lu-00008-00003471-00003968 Anger and negative emotions have a very real effect on the way we play and how we win. vL0ha_t36Lu-00009-00003968-00004425 The effect is so real that one psychological study followed six basketball players over vL0ha_t36Lu-00010-00004425-00004905 six games and found they had more unsuccessful moments in-game the more negative emotions vL0ha_t36Lu-00011-00004905-00005005 they had. vL0ha_t36Lu-00012-00005005-00005206 So what’s this have to do with Smash? vL0ha_t36Lu-00013-00005206-00005618 Say you mess up an input, you get angry, you rush the next neutral interaction, you lose vL0ha_t36Lu-00014-00005618-00005878 it and your stock, then your opponent taunts. vL0ha_t36Lu-00015-00005878-00006403 That’s right, today’s lesson is all about the strategy of disrespect. vL0ha_t36Lu-00016-00006403-00006845 And if you’re looking for help with your game across the board then go to vL0ha_t36Lu-00017-00006845-00007292 We’re in the process of building a great learning platform for Smash, one that offers vL0ha_t36Lu-00018-00007292-00007686 coaching, course from the pro’s like MKLeo, and even more. vL0ha_t36Lu-00019-00007686-00008096 If you go to our website, you’ll notice we have a bar that rates taunts. vL0ha_t36Lu-00020-00008096-00008446 That’s no joke - though it’s a bit tongue in cheek. vL0ha_t36Lu-00021-00008446-00008868 Whether you play football or fighting games, basketball or brawl, trash talking and taunting vL0ha_t36Lu-00022-00008868-00009329 are a part of the game. vL0ha_t36Lu-00023-00009329-00010524 You don’t wanna disrespect a person’s character out of game, but in game disrespect vL0ha_t36Lu-00024-00010524-00010799 is another story. vL0ha_t36Lu-00025-00010799-00011295 When it comes to sports, some of the world’s best competitors have used taunts and strategic vL0ha_t36Lu-00026-00011295-00011529 disrespect to their advantage. vL0ha_t36Lu-00027-00011529-00012125 But be wary, disrespecting an opponent carries a big risk of backfiring. vL0ha_t36Lu-00028-00012125-00012710 Remember, taunt to get bodied is the truest combo in Smash. vL0ha_t36Lu-00029-00012710-00013327 So, in this video we’re gonna go deep into how to play against your opponent and their vL0ha_t36Lu-00030-00013327-00013441 mentality. vL0ha_t36Lu-00031-00013441-00013859 Even though taunt is just a button on the d-pad, disrespect is a surprisingly deep and vL0ha_t36Lu-00032-00013859-00014316 tricky topic so we’re going to break it down by matching together a reward and a risk vL0ha_t36Lu-00033-00014316-00014433 of taunting. vL0ha_t36Lu-00034-00014433-00014785 From there, we’ll talk about when and how to taunt so you’ll get more of the reward vL0ha_t36Lu-00035-00014785-00014928 and less of the risk. vL0ha_t36Lu-00036-00014928-00015438 The first and biggest reward for disrespect is throwing off your opponent’s mental game. vL0ha_t36Lu-00037-00015438-00015741 Taunting can be really powerful because it makes us angry. vL0ha_t36Lu-00038-00015741-00016172 When someone teabags or spams taunt after you die, it can feel like they’re laughing vL0ha_t36Lu-00039-00016172-00016428 in your face or not taking you seriously. vL0ha_t36Lu-00040-00016428-00016810 If someone taunts right in front of you, they’re inviting you to hit them and saying they aren’t vL0ha_t36Lu-00041-00016810-00016951 afraid of the hit either. vL0ha_t36Lu-00042-00016951-00017221 And some taunts are just. vL0ha_t36Lu-00043-00017221-00017395 Plain. vL0ha_t36Lu-00044-00017395-00017570 Irritating. vL0ha_t36Lu-00045-00017570-00017997 Anger changes the way we play video games because it interferes with how we calculate vL0ha_t36Lu-00046-00017997-00018097 risk. vL0ha_t36Lu-00047-00018097-00018492 Psychologists have run a lot of interesting studies on risk-taking and emotions, and a vL0ha_t36Lu-00048-00018492-00018992 lot of those studies found that anger make a lot of us more likely to take risks. vL0ha_t36Lu-00049-00018992-00019416 If you’ve been playing Smash a long time, chances are you’ve demonstrated this fact vL0ha_t36Lu-00050-00019416-00019516 yourself. vL0ha_t36Lu-00051-00019516-00019935 It’s part of why spamming one move over and over can work in casual, and sometimes vL0ha_t36Lu-00052-00019935-00020036 even competitive. vL0ha_t36Lu-00053-00020036-00020136 settings. vL0ha_t36Lu-00054-00020136-00020342 We get frustrated by the move. vL0ha_t36Lu-00055-00020342-00020542 We take more risks to beat the move. vL0ha_t36Lu-00056-00020542-00020880 The opponent uses the move to punish our risky attack. vL0ha_t36Lu-00057-00020880-00021166 Rinse and repeat until sodium levels are unstable. vL0ha_t36Lu-00058-00021166-00021521 One of the taunt’s biggest uses is to push your opponent to take risks. vL0ha_t36Lu-00059-00021521-00021942 Ideally, since you taunted you know your opponent will play more aggressively and can call out vL0ha_t36Lu-00060-00021942-00022110 their options more easily. vL0ha_t36Lu-00061-00022110-00022719 You may even push them into making bad approaches or whiffing a big, laggy move. vL0ha_t36Lu-00062-00022719-00023132 However, emotion isn’t open and shut. vL0ha_t36Lu-00063-00023132-00023540 Psychologists have also found that reactions to anger vary depending on the person and vL0ha_t36Lu-00064-00023540-00023640 the context. vL0ha_t36Lu-00065-00023640-00024012 For example, one article for the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making found that men vL0ha_t36Lu-00066-00024012-00024551 more often responded to anger with risk taking while the reverse was true for women. vL0ha_t36Lu-00067-00024551-00024981 Another study by psychologist Jolie Baumann found that angry people take more risks when vL0ha_t36Lu-00068-00024981-00025315 the situation calls more on their cognition than emotion. vL0ha_t36Lu-00069-00025315-00025663 Sort of like how when some people get angry at friends or family, they’ll take the least vL0ha_t36Lu-00070-00025663-00025997 risky option and stay quiet or take time to calm down. vL0ha_t36Lu-00071-00025997-00026438 The main takeaway here is that anger doesn’t create a universal response. vL0ha_t36Lu-00072-00026438-00026658 Some players will take risks when taunted. vL0ha_t36Lu-00073-00026658-00027010 Other players are unflappable and all you did by taunting them was tell them that you vL0ha_t36Lu-00074-00027010-00027152 want them to take risk. vL0ha_t36Lu-00075-00027152-00027561 And for the right players in the right context, anger will light a fire. vL0ha_t36Lu-00076-00027561-00027966 That leads us to the biggest risk of taunting: It can hype your opponent up. vL0ha_t36Lu-00077-00027966-00028377 At any level of Smash or any competition, you’ll see autopiloting. vL0ha_t36Lu-00078-00028377-00028545 This is when a player goes through the motions. vL0ha_t36Lu-00079-00028545-00028922 Their heart isn’t the game for whatever reason and while they’re counterpicking vL0ha_t36Lu-00080-00028922-00029338 to Town and City, they’re really out getting lunch with all the villagers in the background. vL0ha_t36Lu-00081-00029338-00029742 This is one of two big reasons taunt to get bodied is such a reliable combo. vL0ha_t36Lu-00082-00029742-00030087 A lot of players assume a taunt will tilt their opponent off the face of the Earth and vL0ha_t36Lu-00083-00030087-00030224 lead to an easy win. vL0ha_t36Lu-00084-00030224-00030624 But if one player was autopiloting, the taunt wakes them up either because they got angry vL0ha_t36Lu-00085-00030624-00030795 or because they felt challenged. vL0ha_t36Lu-00086-00030795-00031226 The second reason the taunt to get bodied combo is so reliable is because taunts really vL0ha_t36Lu-00087-00031226-00031508 bring out the skill gap between players. vL0ha_t36Lu-00088-00031508-00031844 Sometimes a less skilled player in the match might try to use a taunt to shake up the better vL0ha_t36Lu-00089-00031844-00032529 player and lessen the skill gap. vL0ha_t36Lu-00090-00032529-00033434 Usually, the taunt does the opposite because the anger makes the better player turn off vL0ha_t36Lu-00091-00033434-00035068 autopilot. vL0ha_t36Lu-00092-00035068-00035525 While anger can make us take dumb risks or even ragequit, it can also make us perform vL0ha_t36Lu-00093-00035525-00035626 better. vL0ha_t36Lu-00094-00035626-00036010 Researchers at Bangor University found that “effort and and performance both increased vL0ha_t36Lu-00095-00036010-00036452 when induced a sense of hope or anger” into the participants of their study. vL0ha_t36Lu-00096-00036452-00036881 The anger didn’t help with mental tasks but did with physical ones that involved lashing vL0ha_t36Lu-00097-00036881-00036981 out. vL0ha_t36Lu-00098-00036981-00037383 Smash is in a bit of a mixed state where it is highly mental and physical, so that research vL0ha_t36Lu-00099-00037383-00037483 could apply. vL0ha_t36Lu-00100-00037483-00037973 For a real world example of taunting someone off autopilot, take Reggie Miller, one of vL0ha_t36Lu-00101-00037973-00038195 basketball’s biggest trash talkers. vL0ha_t36Lu-00102-00038195-00038590 In his rookie year, he played an exhibition match against Michael Jordan. vL0ha_t36Lu-00103-00038590-00038932 Michael Jordan phoned in the first half because the game didn’t really matter. vL0ha_t36Lu-00104-00038932-00039431 Reggie Miller ended the first half with more points than MJ and decided to trash talk. vL0ha_t36Lu-00105-00039431-00039703 That trash talk gave Michael Jordan a reason to play. vL0ha_t36Lu-00106-00039703-00040127 Jordan popped off in the second half, ending the game with nearly 40 points. vL0ha_t36Lu-00107-00040127-00040496 The first lesson in taunting is to choose the moment wisely. vL0ha_t36Lu-00108-00040496-00040735 Think about who you’re taunting and how they’ll respond. vL0ha_t36Lu-00109-00040735-00041111 Don’t taunt someone on autopilot and don’t taunt a player at a higher skill level. vL0ha_t36Lu-00110-00041111-00041526 If you don’t know the opponent at all, then your taunt comes with a big risk because you vL0ha_t36Lu-00111-00041526-00041937 can’t be sure of their skill level, personality, or investment in the game. vL0ha_t36Lu-00112-00041937-00042421 The pros that use taunts most effectively use them very intentionally as conditioning vL0ha_t36Lu-00113-00042421-00042521 tools. vL0ha_t36Lu-00114-00042521-00042800 They taunt based on their gameplan and who they’re facing. vL0ha_t36Lu-00115-00042800-00043557 For good examples, you could look to Knuckle Du in Street Fighter or you could look to vL0ha_t36Lu-00116-00043557-00043740 Muhammad Ali in boxing. vL0ha_t36Lu-00117-00043740-00044215 In Ali’s now famous match against George Foreman, he developed a strategy called rope-a-dope vL0ha_t36Lu-00118-00044215-00044582 where he’d lean against the ropes and dodge Foreman’s blows. vL0ha_t36Lu-00119-00044582-00045036 Ali would dodge Foreman and counter attack until Foreman ran out of gas. vL0ha_t36Lu-00120-00045036-00045378 Foreman was a very hard hitter so the strategy was risky. vL0ha_t36Lu-00121-00045378-00045822 Since Ali needed Foreman to throw a lot of punches and since Ali’s strategy was already vL0ha_t36Lu-00122-00045822-00046079 risky, taunting was the smart choice. vL0ha_t36Lu-00123-00046079-00046510 Ali peppered Foreman with barbs before and throughout the match, pushing Foreman even vL0ha_t36Lu-00124-00046510-00046897 further into the aggressive style Ali had prepared himself to beat. vL0ha_t36Lu-00125-00046897-00047287 Ali’s taunting helped him defeat George Foreman and score one of the biggest upset vL0ha_t36Lu-00126-00047287-00047476 victories of his career. vL0ha_t36Lu-00127-00047476-00047669 Taunting isn’t just for the opponent though. vL0ha_t36Lu-00128-00047669-00047997 It can also reset your mentality and fire you up. vL0ha_t36Lu-00129-00047997-00048444 In fact, Ali’s famous line, “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee,” was a taunt vL0ha_t36Lu-00130-00048444-00048571 aimed at Foreman. vL0ha_t36Lu-00131-00048571-00048936 The rest of the quote goes, “His hands can't hit what his eyes can't see. vL0ha_t36Lu-00132-00048936-00049122 Now you see me, now you don't. vL0ha_t36Lu-00133-00049122-00049654 George thinks he will, but I know he won't." vL0ha_t36Lu-00134-00049654-00049947 The mental game isn’t entirely an offensive one. vL0ha_t36Lu-00135-00049947-00050113 You’ve got to keep your own mentality strong. vL0ha_t36Lu-00136-00050113-00050521 That’s why you’ll see competitors like Light and Marss do quick, easy taunts after vL0ha_t36Lu-00137-00050521-00050657 a fairly normal stock. vL0ha_t36Lu-00138-00050657-00050997 They’re getting in their own heads and hyping themselves up. vL0ha_t36Lu-00139-00050997-00051413 Taunts can help keep your mind positively engaged because just by issuing a challenge vL0ha_t36Lu-00140-00051413-00051732 to the opponent, you’re also saying that you’re ready for it. vL0ha_t36Lu-00141-00051732-00052139 Taunts can also be funny and goofy, helping you relax and stay positive. vL0ha_t36Lu-00142-00052139-00052511 Repeat crouching, changing the music, and spamming a weird or cool animation helps you vL0ha_t36Lu-00143-00052511-00052635 stay loose. vL0ha_t36Lu-00144-00052635-00053075 Sports psychologist Jim Taylor coined a useful distinction between a negative and positive vL0ha_t36Lu-00145-00053075-00053558 emotional response with the terms emotional threat and emotional challenge. vL0ha_t36Lu-00146-00053558-00053904 Emotional threat sparks what Taylor calls a “negative emotional chain” where you vL0ha_t36Lu-00147-00053904-00054339 might feel things like fear, anger, shame and hopelessness. vL0ha_t36Lu-00148-00054339-00054838 Emotional challenge puts you in a positive loop where the emphasis is on fun, hope, excitement, vL0ha_t36Lu-00149-00054838-00054958 and enjoyment. vL0ha_t36Lu-00150-00054958-00055362 Taunts are a super gamey part of fighting games, so leaning into them can help you remember vL0ha_t36Lu-00151-00055362-00055563 Smash is a fun game. vL0ha_t36Lu-00152-00055563-00055923 That snaps you out of feeling emotional threat and into feeling emotional challenge. vL0ha_t36Lu-00153-00055923-00056039 Taunts are risky and sub-optimal vL0ha_t36Lu-00154-00056039-00056477 Unfortunately, it can be hard to use taunts to fire yourself up because taunts are bad vL0ha_t36Lu-00155-00056477-00056577 options. vL0ha_t36Lu-00156-00056577-00056867 They’re risky and many of them don’t actually hit the opponent. vL0ha_t36Lu-00157-00056867-00057329 While a taunt can fire you up or help your take the game in stride, it can’t relieve vL0ha_t36Lu-00158-00057329-00057429 pressure. vL0ha_t36Lu-00159-00057429-00057864 If you’re constantly in disadvantage or neutral, then you have no room or time to vL0ha_t36Lu-00160-00057864-00057964 taunt. vL0ha_t36Lu-00161-00057964-00058351 This is an obvious downside, but it’s possible even for pros to take a second too long to vL0ha_t36Lu-00162-00058351-00058724 taunt, dash dance, or fire themselves up, and take a hit for it. vL0ha_t36Lu-00163-00058724-00059177 The second lesson in taunting is to use it cautiously and while in advantage. vL0ha_t36Lu-00164-00059177-00059526 Light or Marss tend to taunt after taking a stock, while the other player’s on the vL0ha_t36Lu-00165-00059526-00059626 platform. vL0ha_t36Lu-00166-00059626-00059726 8bitman uses crouch spams, and he’ll sometimes do them when knocking an opponent off stage vL0ha_t36Lu-00167-00059726-00059826 since they’re faster than a full taunt. vL0ha_t36Lu-00168-00059826-00059995 Normally, be sure that you’re not giving up pressure or a free hit when you taunt. vL0ha_t36Lu-00169-00059995-00060451 But, if you want to be really spicy, you can try to use a taunt in a risky spot as bait vL0ha_t36Lu-00170-00060451-00060629 or as demoralization. vL0ha_t36Lu-00171-00060629-00061038 Using a taunt in a tight window where it could still be punished can force a careless option vL0ha_t36Lu-00172-00061038-00061177 out of your opponent as well. vL0ha_t36Lu-00173-00061177-00061546 There’s not much more demoralizing than being punished for trying to punish a taunt. vL0ha_t36Lu-00174-00061546-00061798 But, if you get hit while taunting, there goes your mental advantage. vL0ha_t36Lu-00175-00061798-00062095 That’s what’s so awesome about taunts in all fighting games. vL0ha_t36Lu-00176-00062095-00062495 They’re an extra high risk option that everyone can use to in the mental game. vL0ha_t36Lu-00177-00062495-00062838 They’re some of the worst moves in the game by any conventional standard but we’ll see vL0ha_t36Lu-00178-00062838-00063302 top competitors use them anyways. vL0ha_t36Lu-00179-00063302-00063739 The science and history behind taunts and disrespect can be complicated, but our advice vL0ha_t36Lu-00180-00063739-00063946 is actually pretty simple. vL0ha_t36Lu-00181-00063946-00064323 Remember that you can use taunts to demoralize an opponent but this can easily backfire, vL0ha_t36Lu-00182-00064323-00064714 especially if they’re at a higher skill level or seem to be autopiloting. vL0ha_t36Lu-00183-00064714-00065139 So be wary of who you’re facing and if the taunt fits into the game plan you have for vL0ha_t36Lu-00184-00065139-00065239 them. vL0ha_t36Lu-00185-00065239-00065731 You can also use taunts to fire yourself up and shift your emotions from positive to negative. vL0ha_t36Lu-00186-00065731-00066200 An even better way to fire yourself up though is to mash that subscribe button! vL0ha_t36Lu-00187-00066200-00066386 That one, right there. vL0ha_t36Lu-00188-00066386-00066781 Notifications will keep you going and engaged every day when we’ll have new videos to vL0ha_t36Lu-00189-00066781-00067127 keep you sharp on your Smash game right in your inbox. vL0ha_t36Lu-00190-00067127-00067467 So go ahead do that, and taunt us in the comments below. vL0ha_t36Lu-00191-00067467-00067598 We dare you. vL0ha_t36Lu-00192-00067598-00068043 When you do use taunts in Smash, use them responsibly and out of distance of a hard vL0ha_t36Lu-00193-00068043-00068143 punish. vL0ha_t36Lu-00194-00068143-00068243 That’s all. vL0ha_t36Lu-00195-00068243-00068321 Stay bad mannered, my friends! vLu7q2xB6XE-00000-00000010-00000433 MONTH BEFORE THE OUTBREAK. vLu7q2xB6XE-00001-00000433-00000440 MONTH BEFORE THE OUTBREAK. vLu7q2xB6XE-00002-00000440-00000507 MONTH BEFORE THE OUTBREAK. >>> THE PALACE CASINO AND HOTEL vLu7q2xB6XE-00003-00000507-00000513 MONTH BEFORE THE OUTBREAK. >>> THE PALACE CASINO AND HOTEL vLu7q2xB6XE-00004-00000513-00000577 MONTH BEFORE THE OUTBREAK. >>> THE PALACE CASINO AND HOTEL IN CASS LAKE HAS BEEN AROUND vLu7q2xB6XE-00005-00000577-00000583 >>> THE PALACE CASINO AND HOTEL IN CASS LAKE HAS BEEN AROUND vLu7q2xB6XE-00006-00000583-00000647 >>> THE PALACE CASINO AND HOTEL IN CASS LAKE HAS BEEN AROUND SINCE THE EARLY 80S BUT A NEW vLu7q2xB6XE-00007-00000647-00000653 IN CASS LAKE HAS BEEN AROUND SINCE THE EARLY 80S BUT A NEW vLu7q2xB6XE-00008-00000653-00000714 IN CASS LAKE HAS BEEN AROUND SINCE THE EARLY 80S BUT A NEW VERSION MAY APPEAR IF VOTERS vLu7q2xB6XE-00009-00000714-00000720 SINCE THE EARLY 80S BUT A NEW VERSION MAY APPEAR IF VOTERS vLu7q2xB6XE-00010-00000720-00001171 SINCE THE EARLY 80S BUT A NEW VERSION MAY APPEAR IF VOTERS PASS A REFERENDUM. vLu7q2xB6XE-00011-00001171-00001177 VERSION MAY APPEAR IF VOTERS PASS A REFERENDUM. vLu7q2xB6XE-00012-00001177-00001244 VERSION MAY APPEAR IF VOTERS PASS A REFERENDUM. HAYDEE CLOTTER TELLS US HOW A vLu7q2xB6XE-00013-00001244-00001251 PASS A REFERENDUM. HAYDEE CLOTTER TELLS US HOW A vLu7q2xB6XE-00014-00001251-00001311 PASS A REFERENDUM. HAYDEE CLOTTER TELLS US HOW A VOTE WILL DETERMINE IF ALL vLu7q2xB6XE-00015-00001311-00001317 HAYDEE CLOTTER TELLS US HOW A VOTE WILL DETERMINE IF ALL vLu7q2xB6XE-00016-00001317-00001688 HAYDEE CLOTTER TELLS US HOW A VOTE WILL DETERMINE IF ALL BETS ARE OFF. vLu7q2xB6XE-00017-00001688-00001695 VOTE WILL DETERMINE IF ALL BETS ARE OFF. vLu7q2xB6XE-00018-00001695-00001808 VOTE WILL DETERMINE IF ALL BETS ARE OFF. >> Haydee: RESIDENTS NEAR THE vLu7q2xB6XE-00019-00001808-00001815 BETS ARE OFF. >> Haydee: RESIDENTS NEAR THE vLu7q2xB6XE-00020-00001815-00001958 BETS ARE OFF. >> Haydee: RESIDENTS NEAR THE LEECH LAKE RESERVATION MAY HAVE vLu7q2xB6XE-00021-00001958-00001965 >> Haydee: RESIDENTS NEAR THE LEECH LAKE RESERVATION MAY HAVE vLu7q2xB6XE-00022-00001965-00002188 >> Haydee: RESIDENTS NEAR THE LEECH LAKE RESERVATION MAY HAVE A NEW PLACE TO HIT THE JACKPOT vLu7q2xB6XE-00023-00002188-00002195 LEECH LAKE RESERVATION MAY HAVE A NEW PLACE TO HIT THE JACKPOT vLu7q2xB6XE-00024-00002195-00002422 LEECH LAKE RESERVATION MAY HAVE A NEW PLACE TO HIT THE JACKPOT IF THE REFERENDUM IS APPROVED TO vLu7q2xB6XE-00025-00002422-00002429 A NEW PLACE TO HIT THE JACKPOT IF THE REFERENDUM IS APPROVED TO vLu7q2xB6XE-00026-00002429-00002695 A NEW PLACE TO HIT THE JACKPOT IF THE REFERENDUM IS APPROVED TO CONSTRUCT THE PALACE CASINO AND vLu7q2xB6XE-00027-00002695-00002702 IF THE REFERENDUM IS APPROVED TO CONSTRUCT THE PALACE CASINO AND vLu7q2xB6XE-00028-00002702-00002879 IF THE REFERENDUM IS APPROVED TO CONSTRUCT THE PALACE CASINO AND HOTEL IN CASS LAKE. vLu7q2xB6XE-00029-00002879-00002886 CONSTRUCT THE PALACE CASINO AND HOTEL IN CASS LAKE. vLu7q2xB6XE-00030-00002886-00003069 CONSTRUCT THE PALACE CASINO AND HOTEL IN CASS LAKE. >> IF IT COMES BACK AS A YES vLu7q2xB6XE-00031-00003069-00003076 HOTEL IN CASS LAKE. >> IF IT COMES BACK AS A YES vLu7q2xB6XE-00032-00003076-00003183 HOTEL IN CASS LAKE. >> IF IT COMES BACK AS A YES VOTE, WE ARE GOING TO PROCEED, vLu7q2xB6XE-00033-00003183-00003189 >> IF IT COMES BACK AS A YES VOTE, WE ARE GOING TO PROCEED, vLu7q2xB6XE-00034-00003189-00003386 >> IF IT COMES BACK AS A YES VOTE, WE ARE GOING TO PROCEED, AND IF IT SHOULD COME BACK AS A vLu7q2xB6XE-00035-00003386-00003393 VOTE, WE ARE GOING TO PROCEED, AND IF IT SHOULD COME BACK AS A vLu7q2xB6XE-00036-00003393-00003563 VOTE, WE ARE GOING TO PROCEED, AND IF IT SHOULD COME BACK AS A NO VOTE, WE HAVE GOT TO RETHINK vLu7q2xB6XE-00037-00003563-00003570 AND IF IT SHOULD COME BACK AS A NO VOTE, WE HAVE GOT TO RETHINK vLu7q2xB6XE-00038-00003570-00003793 AND IF IT SHOULD COME BACK AS A NO VOTE, WE HAVE GOT TO RETHINK THE PLAN. vLu7q2xB6XE-00039-00003793-00003800 NO VOTE, WE HAVE GOT TO RETHINK THE PLAN. vLu7q2xB6XE-00040-00003800-00003957 NO VOTE, WE HAVE GOT TO RETHINK THE PLAN. >> Haydee: ANY ENROLLED MEMBER vLu7q2xB6XE-00041-00003957-00003963 THE PLAN. >> Haydee: ANY ENROLLED MEMBER vLu7q2xB6XE-00042-00003963-00004344 THE PLAN. >> Haydee: ANY ENROLLED MEMBER OF THE LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE vLu7q2xB6XE-00043-00004344-00004351 >> Haydee: ANY ENROLLED MEMBER OF THE LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE vLu7q2xB6XE-00044-00004351-00004424 >> Haydee: ANY ENROLLED MEMBER OF THE LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE CAN PHOTO TOMORROW. vLu7q2xB6XE-00045-00004424-00004431 OF THE LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE CAN PHOTO TOMORROW. vLu7q2xB6XE-00046-00004431-00004664 OF THE LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE CAN PHOTO TOMORROW. IF THE VOTE GOES THROUGH, THE vLu7q2xB6XE-00047-00004664-00004671 CAN PHOTO TOMORROW. IF THE VOTE GOES THROUGH, THE vLu7q2xB6XE-00048-00004671-00004911 CAN PHOTO TOMORROW. IF THE VOTE GOES THROUGH, THE CASINO WILL BE LOCATED BETWEENm? vLu7q2xB6XE-00049-00004911-00004918 IF THE VOTE GOES THROUGH, THE CASINO WILL BE LOCATED BETWEENm? vLu7q2xB6XE-00050-00004918-00005348 IF THE VOTE GOES THROUGH, THE CASINO WILL BE LOCATED BETWEENm? INTERSECTION HIGHWAY 2 AND 371. vLu7q2xB6XE-00051-00005348-00005355 CASINO WILL BE LOCATED BETWEENm? INTERSECTION HIGHWAY 2 AND 371. vLu7q2xB6XE-00052-00005355-00005462 CASINO WILL BE LOCATED BETWEENm? INTERSECTION HIGHWAY 2 AND 371. >> WHAT COULD THAT BE IN NORTH vLu7q2xB6XE-00053-00005462-00005468 INTERSECTION HIGHWAY 2 AND 371. >> WHAT COULD THAT BE IN NORTH vLu7q2xB6XE-00054-00005468-00005789 INTERSECTION HIGHWAY 2 AND 371. >> WHAT COULD THAT BE IN NORTH OF TEALS ON THE SAME SIDE OF vLu7q2xB6XE-00055-00005789-00005795 >> WHAT COULD THAT BE IN NORTH OF TEALS ON THE SAME SIDE OF vLu7q2xB6XE-00056-00005795-00006112 >> WHAT COULD THAT BE IN NORTH OF TEALS ON THE SAME SIDE OF HIGHWAY 2 OF THE GOVERNMENT vLu7q2xB6XE-00057-00006112-00006119 OF TEALS ON THE SAME SIDE OF HIGHWAY 2 OF THE GOVERNMENT vLu7q2xB6XE-00058-00006119-00006146 OF TEALS ON THE SAME SIDE OF HIGHWAY 2 OF THE GOVERNMENT CENTER. vLu7q2xB6XE-00059-00006146-00006152 HIGHWAY 2 OF THE GOVERNMENT CENTER. vLu7q2xB6XE-00060-00006152-00006226 HIGHWAY 2 OF THE GOVERNMENT CENTER. >> Haydee: IT WOULD BE INSIDE vLu7q2xB6XE-00061-00006226-00006232 CENTER. >> Haydee: IT WOULD BE INSIDE vLu7q2xB6XE-00062-00006232-00006372 CENTER. >> Haydee: IT WOULD BE INSIDE THIS AREA AND THE POLICE vLu7q2xB6XE-00063-00006372-00006379 >> Haydee: IT WOULD BE INSIDE THIS AREA AND THE POLICE vLu7q2xB6XE-00064-00006379-00006636 >> Haydee: IT WOULD BE INSIDE THIS AREA AND THE POLICE DEPARTMENT WILL HAVE TO BE vLu7q2xB6XE-00065-00006636-00006643 THIS AREA AND THE POLICE DEPARTMENT WILL HAVE TO BE vLu7q2xB6XE-00066-00006643-00006676 THIS AREA AND THE POLICE DEPARTMENT WILL HAVE TO BE DEMOLISHED. vLu7q2xB6XE-00067-00006676-00006683 DEPARTMENT WILL HAVE TO BE DEMOLISHED. vLu7q2xB6XE-00068-00006683-00007036 DEPARTMENT WILL HAVE TO BE DEMOLISHED. THERE ARE OPTIONS ABOUT WHAT vLu7q2xB6XE-00069-00007036-00007043 DEMOLISHED. THERE ARE OPTIONS ABOUT WHAT vLu7q2xB6XE-00070-00007043-00007137 DEMOLISHED. THERE ARE OPTIONS ABOUT WHAT COULD HAPPEN. vLu7q2xB6XE-00071-00007137-00007143 THERE ARE OPTIONS ABOUT WHAT COULD HAPPEN. vLu7q2xB6XE-00072-00007143-00007270 THERE ARE OPTIONS ABOUT WHAT COULD HAPPEN. >> MAYBE A COLLEGE DORM FOR vLu7q2xB6XE-00073-00007270-00007277 COULD HAPPEN. >> MAYBE A COLLEGE DORM FOR vLu7q2xB6XE-00074-00007277-00007490 COULD HAPPEN. >> MAYBE A COLLEGE DORM FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE vLu7q2xB6XE-00075-00007490-00007497 >> MAYBE A COLLEGE DORM FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE vLu7q2xB6XE-00076-00007497-00007704 >> MAYBE A COLLEGE DORM FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE TRIBAL COLLEGE THERE, AND WE vLu7q2xB6XE-00077-00007704-00007711 STUDENTS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE TRIBAL COLLEGE THERE, AND WE vLu7q2xB6XE-00078-00007711-00007957 STUDENTS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE TRIBAL COLLEGE THERE, AND WE TALKED ABOUT POSSIBLE TREATMENT vLu7q2xB6XE-00079-00007957-00007964 TRIBAL COLLEGE THERE, AND WE TALKED ABOUT POSSIBLE TREATMENT vLu7q2xB6XE-00080-00007964-00008078 TRIBAL COLLEGE THERE, AND WE TALKED ABOUT POSSIBLE TREATMENT FACILITY. vLu7q2xB6XE-00081-00008078-00008084 TALKED ABOUT POSSIBLE TREATMENT FACILITY. vLu7q2xB6XE-00082-00008084-00008194 TALKED ABOUT POSSIBLE TREATMENT FACILITY. >> Haydee: MICHAEL MORRIS vLu7q2xB6XE-00083-00008194-00008201 FACILITY. >> Haydee: MICHAEL MORRIS vLu7q2xB6XE-00084-00008201-00008425 FACILITY. >> Haydee: MICHAEL MORRIS DOESN'T SEE THE BENEFIT IT COULD vLu7q2xB6XE-00085-00008425-00008431 >> Haydee: MICHAEL MORRIS DOESN'T SEE THE BENEFIT IT COULD vLu7q2xB6XE-00086-00008431-00008631 >> Haydee: MICHAEL MORRIS DOESN'T SEE THE BENEFIT IT COULD BRING TO CASS LAKE, THE PLACE vLu7q2xB6XE-00087-00008631-00008638 DOESN'T SEE THE BENEFIT IT COULD BRING TO CASS LAKE, THE PLACE vLu7q2xB6XE-00088-00008638-00008985 DOESN'T SEE THE BENEFIT IT COULD BRING TO CASS LAKE, THE PLACE HE'S CALLED HOME FOR 50 YEARS. vLu7q2xB6XE-00089-00008985-00008992 BRING TO CASS LAKE, THE PLACE HE'S CALLED HOME FOR 50 YEARS. vLu7q2xB6XE-00090-00008992-00009352 BRING TO CASS LAKE, THE PLACE HE'S CALLED HOME FOR 50 YEARS. >> MORE OR LESS COULD HURT IT. vLu7q2xB6XE-00091-00009352-00009359 HE'S CALLED HOME FOR 50 YEARS. >> MORE OR LESS COULD HURT IT. vLu7q2xB6XE-00092-00009359-00009569 HE'S CALLED HOME FOR 50 YEARS. >> MORE OR LESS COULD HURT IT. TO WIPE EVERYTHING OFF. vLu7q2xB6XE-00093-00009569-00009576 >> MORE OR LESS COULD HURT IT. TO WIPE EVERYTHING OFF. vLu7q2xB6XE-00094-00009576-00009696 >> MORE OR LESS COULD HURT IT. TO WIPE EVERYTHING OFF. >> Haydee: HE SAID THE CASINO vLu7q2xB6XE-00095-00009696-00009703 TO WIPE EVERYTHING OFF. >> Haydee: HE SAID THE CASINO vLu7q2xB6XE-00096-00009703-00009913 TO WIPE EVERYTHING OFF. >> Haydee: HE SAID THE CASINO CAN PROVIDE UP TO 100 JOBS AND vLu7q2xB6XE-00097-00009913-00009919 >> Haydee: HE SAID THE CASINO CAN PROVIDE UP TO 100 JOBS AND vLu7q2xB6XE-00098-00009919-00010263 >> Haydee: HE SAID THE CASINO CAN PROVIDE UP TO 100 JOBS AND ALSO BRING IN TOURISTS. vLu7q2xB6XE-00099-00010263-00010270 CAN PROVIDE UP TO 100 JOBS AND ALSO BRING IN TOURISTS. vLu7q2xB6XE-00100-00010270-00010383 CAN PROVIDE UP TO 100 JOBS AND ALSO BRING IN TOURISTS. >> OUR AIR QUALITY AT THE vLu7q2xB6XE-00101-00010383-00010390 ALSO BRING IN TOURISTS. >> OUR AIR QUALITY AT THE vLu7q2xB6XE-00102-00010390-00010537 ALSO BRING IN TOURISTS. >> OUR AIR QUALITY AT THE CURRENT PALACE, IT'S NOT A vLu7q2xB6XE-00103-00010537-00010543 >> OUR AIR QUALITY AT THE CURRENT PALACE, IT'S NOT A vLu7q2xB6XE-00104-00010543-00010787 >> OUR AIR QUALITY AT THE CURRENT PALACE, IT'S NOT A HEALTHY PLACE TO HAVE A LOT OF vLu7q2xB6XE-00105-00010787-00010794 CURRENT PALACE, IT'S NOT A HEALTHY PLACE TO HAVE A LOT OF vLu7q2xB6XE-00106-00010794-00011197 CURRENT PALACE, IT'S NOT A HEALTHY PLACE TO HAVE A LOT OF OUR EMPLOYEES WORKING, OUR vLu7q2xB6XE-00107-00011197-00011204 HEALTHY PLACE TO HAVE A LOT OF OUR EMPLOYEES WORKING, OUR vLu7q2xB6XE-00108-00011204-00011337 HEALTHY PLACE TO HAVE A LOT OF OUR EMPLOYEES WORKING, OUR CLIENTS, AND MEMBER THAT COME TO vLu7q2xB6XE-00109-00011337-00011344 OUR EMPLOYEES WORKING, OUR CLIENTS, AND MEMBER THAT COME TO vLu7q2xB6XE-00110-00011344-00011488 OUR EMPLOYEES WORKING, OUR CLIENTS, AND MEMBER THAT COME TO THE GAMBLING ESTABLISHMENT vLu7q2xB6XE-00111-00011488-00011494 CLIENTS, AND MEMBER THAT COME TO THE GAMBLING ESTABLISHMENT vLu7q2xB6XE-00112-00011494-00011518 CLIENTS, AND MEMBER THAT COME TO THE GAMBLING ESTABLISHMENT THERE. vLu7q2xB6XE-00113-00011518-00011524 THE GAMBLING ESTABLISHMENT THERE. vLu7q2xB6XE-00114-00011524-00011891 THE GAMBLING ESTABLISHMENT THERE. WE WANT TO PROVIDE A NEWER vLu7q2xB6XE-00115-00011891-00011898 THERE. WE WANT TO PROVIDE A NEWER vLu7q2xB6XE-00116-00011898-00011928 THERE. WE WANT TO PROVIDE A NEWER BUILDING. vLu7q2xB6XE-00117-00011928-00011935 WE WANT TO PROVIDE A NEWER BUILDING. vLu7q2xB6XE-00118-00011935-00012075 WE WANT TO PROVIDE A NEWER BUILDING. >> Haydee: ANOTHER CASS LAKE vLu7q2xB6XE-00119-00012075-00012082 BUILDING. >> Haydee: ANOTHER CASS LAKE vLu7q2xB6XE-00120-00012082-00012402 BUILDING. >> Haydee: ANOTHER CASS LAKE RESIDENCE SAYS HE HAS SERIOUS vLu7q2xB6XE-00121-00012402-00012409 >> Haydee: ANOTHER CASS LAKE RESIDENCE SAYS HE HAS SERIOUS vLu7q2xB6XE-00122-00012409-00012445 >> Haydee: ANOTHER CASS LAKE RESIDENCE SAYS HE HAS SERIOUS CONCERNS. vLu7q2xB6XE-00123-00012445-00012452 RESIDENCE SAYS HE HAS SERIOUS CONCERNS. vLu7q2xB6XE-00124-00012452-00012659 RESIDENCE SAYS HE HAS SERIOUS CONCERNS. MITCHELL SAYS A CASINO SERVING vLu7q2xB6XE-00125-00012659-00012665 CONCERNS. MITCHELL SAYS A CASINO SERVING vLu7q2xB6XE-00126-00012665-00012769 CONCERNS. MITCHELL SAYS A CASINO SERVING ALCOHOL WOULD INCREASE THE CRIME vLu7q2xB6XE-00127-00012769-00012776 MITCHELL SAYS A CASINO SERVING ALCOHOL WOULD INCREASE THE CRIME vLu7q2xB6XE-00128-00012776-00012976 MITCHELL SAYS A CASINO SERVING ALCOHOL WOULD INCREASE THE CRIME IN THE AREA, AND THAT'S PART OF vLu7q2xB6XE-00129-00012976-00012982 ALCOHOL WOULD INCREASE THE CRIME IN THE AREA, AND THAT'S PART OF vLu7q2xB6XE-00130-00012982-00013189 ALCOHOL WOULD INCREASE THE CRIME IN THE AREA, AND THAT'S PART OF HIS DISAPPROVAL. vLu7q2xB6XE-00131-00013189-00013196 IN THE AREA, AND THAT'S PART OF HIS DISAPPROVAL. vLu7q2xB6XE-00132-00013196-00013326 IN THE AREA, AND THAT'S PART OF HIS DISAPPROVAL. >> THEY CAN SWITCH IT TO ANY WAY vLu7q2xB6XE-00133-00013326-00013333 HIS DISAPPROVAL. >> THEY CAN SWITCH IT TO ANY WAY vLu7q2xB6XE-00134-00013333-00013550 HIS DISAPPROVAL. >> THEY CAN SWITCH IT TO ANY WAY THEY WANT, BUT IT'S ALREADY BEEN vLu7q2xB6XE-00135-00013550-00013556 >> THEY CAN SWITCH IT TO ANY WAY THEY WANT, BUT IT'S ALREADY BEEN vLu7q2xB6XE-00136-00013556-00013586 >> THEY CAN SWITCH IT TO ANY WAY THEY WANT, BUT IT'S ALREADY BEEN DECIDED. vLu7q2xB6XE-00137-00013586-00013593 THEY WANT, BUT IT'S ALREADY BEEN DECIDED. vLu7q2xB6XE-00138-00013593-00013787 THEY WANT, BUT IT'S ALREADY BEEN DECIDED. BUT THEY ARE GOING TO BUILD IT. vLu7q2xB6XE-00139-00013787-00013793 DECIDED. BUT THEY ARE GOING TO BUILD IT. vLu7q2xB6XE-00140-00013793-00013907 DECIDED. BUT THEY ARE GOING TO BUILD IT. >> Haydee: THE COST OF THE vLu7q2xB6XE-00141-00013907-00013913 BUT THEY ARE GOING TO BUILD IT. >> Haydee: THE COST OF THE vLu7q2xB6XE-00142-00013913-00014204 BUT THEY ARE GOING TO BUILD IT. >> Haydee: THE COST OF THE CASINO AND HOTEL WOULD8ñ?ñ?ñ BEO vLu7q2xB6XE-00143-00014204-00014210 >> Haydee: THE COST OF THE CASINO AND HOTEL WOULD8ñ?ñ?ñ BEO vLu7q2xB6XE-00144-00014210-00014571 >> Haydee: THE COST OF THE CASINO AND HOTEL WOULD8ñ?ñ?ñ BEO $50 MILLION AND CHAIRMAN JACKSOñ vLu7q2xB6XE-00145-00014571-00014577 CASINO AND HOTEL WOULD8ñ?ñ?ñ BEO $50 MILLION AND CHAIRMAN JACKSOñ vLu7q2xB6XE-00146-00014577-00014627 CASINO AND HOTEL WOULD8ñ?ñ?ñ BEO $50 MILLION AND CHAIRMAN JACKSOñ SAYS IT WILL COME FROM vLu7q2xB6XE-00147-00014627-00014634 $50 MILLION AND CHAIRMAN JACKSOñ SAYS IT WILL COME FROM vLu7q2xB6XE-00148-00014634-00014664 $50 MILLION AND CHAIRMAN JACKSOñ SAYS IT WILL COME FROM FINANCING. vLu7q2xB6XE-00149-00014664-00014671 SAYS IT WILL COME FROM FINANCING. vLu7q2xB6XE-00150-00014671-00014828 SAYS IT WILL COME FROM FINANCING. IN CASS LAKE, HAYDEE CLOTTER, vLu7q2xB6XE-00151-00014828-00014834 FINANCING. IN CASS LAKE, HAYDEE CLOTTER, vLu7q2xB6XE-00152-00014834-00015031 FINANCING. IN CASS LAKE, HAYDEE CLOTTER, LAKELAND NEWS. vLu7q2xB6XE-00153-00015031-00015038 IN CASS LAKE, HAYDEE CLOTTER, LAKELAND NEWS. vLu7q2xB6XE-00154-00015038-00015131 IN CASS LAKE, HAYDEE CLOTTER, LAKELAND NEWS. >> Dennis: POLLING STATIONS WILL vLu7q2xB6XE-00155-00015131-00015138 LAKELAND NEWS. >> Dennis: POLLING STATIONS WILL vLu7q2xB6XE-00156-00015138-00015275 LAKELAND NEWS. >> Dennis: POLLING STATIONS WILL BE OPEN FROM 8:00 A.M. TO vLWYVnwXiKU-00000-00000474-00000600 We live and breathe SEO vLWYVnwXiKU-00001-00000600-00000717 at Calibrate Digital Marketing, vLWYVnwXiKU-00002-00000717-00000848 because it's so important. vLWYVnwXiKU-00003-00000848-00000966 When you get your search engine vLWYVnwXiKU-00004-00000966-00001185 optimization correct, then organically vLWYVnwXiKU-00005-00001185-00001339 you appear higher in search results vLWYVnwXiKU-00006-00001339-00001496 instead of having to pay for traffic. vLWYVnwXiKU-00007-00001496-00001682 Because people don't scroll. They're going to vLWYVnwXiKU-00008-00001682-00001841 click on whatever's at the top. vLWYVnwXiKU-00009-00001841-00002060 So everything that we do, we're constantly vLWYVnwXiKU-00010-00002060-00002184 thinking about how can we make you be vLWYVnwXiKU-00011-00002184-00002291 the first thing that shows up vLWYVnwXiKU-00012-00002291-00002418 for the most important keywords. vTh8jrDfUCY-00000-00000136-00000296 (male narrator) So in this problem, we wanna create an expression vTh8jrDfUCY-00001-00000300-00000617 to represent the outline part of the Venn diagram shown. vTh8jrDfUCY-00002-00000620-00000917 So we have this little piece of the Venn diagram, vTh8jrDfUCY-00003-00000920-00001124 uh...outlined here. vTh8jrDfUCY-00004-00001127-00001491 Um...and so we need to think, what does that include? vTh8jrDfUCY-00005-00001494-00001691 So we can see that this... vTh8jrDfUCY-00006-00001694-00002212 that the values here are in both Sets H and F. vTh8jrDfUCY-00007-00002215-00002842 So we could start by writing, perhaps, H intersect F, vTh8jrDfUCY-00008-00002846-00003266 because H intersect F would include, uh...everything vTh8jrDfUCY-00009-00003269-00003540 that is in both Sets H and F. vTh8jrDfUCY-00010-00003543-00003820 But that's...H intersect F is too much. vTh8jrDfUCY-00011-00003823-00004013 It looks like we want everything vTh8jrDfUCY-00012-00004017-00004270 that's in this H intersect F set, vTh8jrDfUCY-00013-00004274-00004437 except for this part. vTh8jrDfUCY-00014-00004441-00004647 So how could we exclude that part? vTh8jrDfUCY-00015-00004651-00005021 Well, what we really need to do is exclude the part that's in W, vTh8jrDfUCY-00016-00005024-00005188 and we can do that vTh8jrDfUCY-00017-00005191-00005602 by intersecting this with...W complement. vTh8jrDfUCY-00018-00005605-00005735 In other words, vTh8jrDfUCY-00019-00005738-00006052 we're intersecting it with not in W. vTh8jrDfUCY-00020-00006055-00006396 So this says, take everything that's in H, vTh8jrDfUCY-00021-00006399-00006900 and it's also in F, and it's also not in Set C. vTh8jrDfUCY-00022-00006903-00007093 And this expression here vTh8jrDfUCY-00023-00007097-00007467 will nicely represent, uh...this set here. vTh8jrDfUCY-00024-00007470-00007667 Now this is, I will say, vTh8jrDfUCY-00025-00007670-00007897 not the only way to represent this, vTh8jrDfUCY-00026-00007901-00008104 but it's certainly, way, vTh8jrDfUCY-00027-00008108-00008324 and a relatively nice way. vToIrJ1ktLA-00000-00001183-00001950 Hey friends! Welcome to my channel, The Awkward Book Nerd, it is me Allana. For this video, I am going to do my, December vToIrJ1ktLA-00001-00002039-00002541 Wrap-up for you. I did not have a good reading month. Honestly, I just vToIrJ1ktLA-00002-00002609-00003036 went into a slump and it was just really hard for me to really want to read anything, vToIrJ1ktLA-00003-00003043-00003564 but I did manage to read two books, which I think is a victory for me because again, vToIrJ1ktLA-00004-00003565-00003777 It was really hard for me to read... vToIrJ1ktLA-00005-00003937-00004082 ...anything. vToIrJ1ktLA-00006-00004082-00004223 But, I think I vToIrJ1ktLA-00007-00004223-00004761 ended the year on a good note because I think I chose some really the two books that I chose were pretty good vToIrJ1ktLA-00008-00004762-00005250 to end the year with, so I'm happy. The first book that I read vToIrJ1ktLA-00009-00005285-00005739 was, I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver. This has a non-binary vToIrJ1ktLA-00010-00005794-00006360 representation and I believe Mason Deaver is also non-binary as well. I vToIrJ1ktLA-00011-00006412-00006957 adored the story so much. I loved the idea of found family. vToIrJ1ktLA-00012-00006958-00007239 It's one of my favorite tropes or like vToIrJ1ktLA-00013-00007319-00007777 plots or whatever you like to call it. It's one of my favorite things, I love it so much. vToIrJ1ktLA-00014-00007936-00008307 Especially, if it's like a group of friends and like all this kinda stuff, it's just my favorite thing vToIrJ1ktLA-00015-00008308-00008595 It brings me so much joy, and I just loved how... vToIrJ1ktLA-00016-00008666-00009429 like heartbreaking, but yet positive this story was and how Ben just needed to figure out vToIrJ1ktLA-00017-00009484-00009975 like who they wanted to be and like who they wanted to let in their lives and vToIrJ1ktLA-00018-00010061-00010377 I just I adored that so much. I loved their sister, vToIrJ1ktLA-00019-00010573-00011160 just all the things. Nathan was one of my favorites too, I thought he just was awesome and vToIrJ1ktLA-00020-00011223-00011745 I loved how supportive he was towards Ben and honestly I loved the vToIrJ1ktLA-00021-00011797-00012522 support that Ben was able to get from people who didn't even really know them that well, like their vToIrJ1ktLA-00022-00012553-00012912 friends they met and then of course their sister as well vToIrJ1ktLA-00023-00012928-00013404 who was, I loved how supportive she was and how she was constantly vToIrJ1ktLA-00024-00013436-00013773 trying to be better. Even when she made mistakes in vToIrJ1ktLA-00025-00013891-00014187 misgendering Ben like she still was just like vToIrJ1ktLA-00026-00014243-00014829 striving to be better you know what I mean? like I just kind of love that. I gave this a vToIrJ1ktLA-00027-00014881-00015222 5 out of 5 stars and yeah, so... vToIrJ1ktLA-00028-00015301-00015998 excited that I was able to read this. The next book I read was, 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston. vToIrJ1ktLA-00029-00015998-00016436 I also gave this a 5 out of 5 stars. I thought this was super cute and adorable. vToIrJ1ktLA-00030-00016528-00016728 It's about a girl, who vToIrJ1ktLA-00031-00016809-00017552 basically gets dumped and her family decides to take it upon themselves to set her up on blind dates during the holidays and it's vToIrJ1ktLA-00032-00017613-00018356 hilarious but also really heartwarming like she has this big Italian family, so. I didn't grow up with a big family vToIrJ1ktLA-00033-00018356-00018887 so I always loved stories where a character has a big family or again a big found family and vToIrJ1ktLA-00034-00018931-00019535 I love like experiencing that through their perspective because like it's something I've always wanted to experience. vToIrJ1ktLA-00035-00019597-00020324 So yeah, definitely love this definitely recommend this. It was a very good Christmasy read and just like holiday-esque read... vToIrJ1ktLA-00036-00020382-00020497 overall. vToIrJ1ktLA-00037-00020497-00020765 So. that was my very short December Wrap Up. vToIrJ1ktLA-00038-00020765-00021497 I'm hoping 2020 will be so much better for me in regards to getting out of this slump and reading so pray for me. vToIrJ1ktLA-00039-00021507-00022091 Um, if you like the video please, like it down below. If you have any comments on these two books that I read vToIrJ1ktLA-00040-00022098-00022664 please, comment them down below. If you are not good at commenting, I'm gonna go ahead and say leave me an emoji down below. vToIrJ1ktLA-00041-00022665-00023123 I'm stealing the idea for my friend Sylwia from Wishfulfillment. And, if you want to see more videos from me vToIrJ1ktLA-00042-00023123-00023582 please, subscribe down below. if you want to follow me on any of my social medias you are totally welcome. vToIrJ1ktLA-00043-00023582-00023966 I have a Twitter, a Goodreads, and a Bookstagram that are linked down below. And, vToIrJ1ktLA-00044-00024009-00024560 if you want to be notified every time, I update a new video or upload a new video vToIrJ1ktLA-00045-00024576-00025091 please, hit that Bell button down below as well. You are all sunflowers in a world full of weeds! vUOJZa0pFvu-00000-00000052-00000678 Unlike many people today, I’m an optimist. This strange condition began when I was 15 vUOJZa0pFvu-00001-00000678-00001316 years old. That was 1996; I discovered that the future of human knowledge is on the Web, vUOJZa0pFvu-00002-00001316-00001655 and my textbooks were all out of date. vUOJZa0pFvu-00003-00001655-00002106 So I told my teachers: I want to quit school and start my education on the World Wide Web. vUOJZa0pFvu-00004-00002106-00002351 Surprisingly, the teachers all agreed with it. vUOJZa0pFvu-00005-00002351-00002932 Then I founded a startup working on Web technologies, and I get to join this fabulous Internet community vUOJZa0pFvu-00006-00002932-00003540 that runs with this crazy idea — an anarchistic no-one-was-in-control political system that vUOJZa0pFvu-00007-00003540-00003777 powers the Internet until today. vUOJZa0pFvu-00008-00003777-00004342 Today, I’m Taiwan’s first Digital Minister. I’m putting into practice the ideas that vUOJZa0pFvu-00009-00004342-00005067 I learned when I was 15 years old: Rough consensus, civic participation, and radical transparency. vUOJZa0pFvu-00010-00005067-00005676 Surprisingly, it’s working and it’s transforming our society. vUOJZa0pFvu-00011-00005676-00006648 In the spirit of participation, I would like to ask you to enter this website on your phone, vUOJZa0pFvu-00012-00006648-00007286 on a browser: “”. This website will ask you to enter an event code, it’s vUOJZa0pFvu-00013-00007286-00007656 the numbers you see on screen, that’s today’s date. vUOJZa0pFvu-00014-00007656-00008225 Once you’re in, you can ask me anything, and if you see a question from someone else vUOJZa0pFvu-00015-00008225-00008656 that you’d also want me to answer, you can “Like” that question. vUOJZa0pFvu-00016-00008656-00009170 I will answer the questions right after this 10-minutes talk, starting with the question vUOJZa0pFvu-00017-00009170-00009511 with the highest number of likes. vUOJZa0pFvu-00018-00009511-00010190 In 2014, there was a live demo of mass participation — We occupied the Parliament for 22 days. vUOJZa0pFvu-00019-00010190-00010732 At the time, the MPs in Taiwan were refusing to deliberate a Trade Service Agreement with vUOJZa0pFvu-00020-00010732-00011303 Beijing, so the occupiers got into the Parliament at night and stayed there. vUOJZa0pFvu-00021-00011303-00011888 For 22 days, we demonstrated how to deliberate a Trade Service Agreement with the whole society. vUOJZa0pFvu-00022-00011888-00012559 There were over 20 NGOs participating. The Greens, the Labors, the Independents, everybody. vUOJZa0pFvu-00023-00012559-00012956 We supported this whole deliberation with a radically transparent broadcasting, live vUOJZa0pFvu-00024-00012956-00013056 streaming, logistics system, which we exported to Hong Kong for the Umbrella Movement in vUOJZa0pFvu-00025-00013056-00013569 the same year, and was powered by this community called g0v. vUOJZa0pFvu-00026-00013569-00014230 g0v is a civic tech community with a call to “fork the government.” We take the vUOJZa0pFvu-00027-00014230-00014863 government websites, which all ends in, and make better open alternatives, that ends vUOJZa0pFvu-00028-00014863-00014963 in vUOJZa0pFvu-00029-00014963-00015586 For example, the annual national budget is hundreds pages long, in a PDF file, and it’s vUOJZa0pFvu-00030-00015586-00015709 very hard to read. vUOJZa0pFvu-00031-00015709-00016409 The g0v community’s very first project was, which shows the national budget vUOJZa0pFvu-00032-00016409-00016948 in a way that everybody understands, and you can drill down to each and every budget details. vUOJZa0pFvu-00033-00016948-00017511 Today, this system is adopted by seven city governments, and powers the participatory vUOJZa0pFvu-00034-00017511-00017931 budget platform for the Taipei City at vUOJZa0pFvu-00035-00017931-00018409 Anyone can just look at this map, find the part of city budget they care, and type in vUOJZa0pFvu-00036-00018409-00018917 any question they want to ask, and a career public servant actually comes forward and vUOJZa0pFvu-00037-00018917-00019146 answer for that part of the question. vUOJZa0pFvu-00038-00019146-00019642 It becomes a direct dialogue platform, not through the city council, but for the career vUOJZa0pFvu-00039-00019642-00020080 public servants to communicate with citizens. vUOJZa0pFvu-00040-00020080-00020574 So why are there so many civic hackers in Taiwan, like me, who spoke to my clients during vUOJZa0pFvu-00041-00020574-00020828 the Occupy movement — Apple, Oxford University Press, Socialtext — saying, “OK, I have vUOJZa0pFvu-00042-00020828-00021199 to take a three-week leave, because democracy needs me?” vUOJZa0pFvu-00043-00021199-00021755 I think it’s because, I’m 36 now, we are the first generation that enjoyed the freedom vUOJZa0pFvu-00044-00021755-00022205 of speech after three decades of martial law and dictatorship. vUOJZa0pFvu-00045-00022205-00022805 That freedom arrived in 1989, the year of personal computers. For us, the personal computer vUOJZa0pFvu-00046-00022805-00023316 revolution and freedom of speech is the same thing. Our first presidential election by vUOJZa0pFvu-00047-00023316-00023928 popular vote, in 1996 is also the year that World Wide Web got popular. vUOJZa0pFvu-00048-00023928-00024442 Internet and Democracy, not two things, one and the same thing in Taiwan. vUOJZa0pFvu-00049-00024442-00025014 So for the past 30 years, when we see “free software,” we always think of freedom of vUOJZa0pFvu-00050-00025014-00025491 assembly, freedom of speech, and never “free of cost.” vUOJZa0pFvu-00051-00025491-00026049 We know that freedom is never free of costs. Our parent’s generation, our grandparent’s vUOJZa0pFvu-00052-00026049-00026619 generation paid dearly for it -- and we need to use the software freedoms to keep it free, vUOJZa0pFvu-00053-00026619-00026883 as we did during the Occupy movement in 2014. vUOJZa0pFvu-00054-00026883-00027550 The movement caused a revolution, although a peaceful revolution. There was a radical vUOJZa0pFvu-00055-00027550-00028099 transformation of social expectations at the end of 2014, and many Occupiers just found vUOJZa0pFvu-00056-00028099-00028556 themselves elected mayors when they did not expect it. vUOJZa0pFvu-00057-00028556-00029018 Because of this, the Prime Minister resigned, and the new Prime Minister, an engineer, said, vUOJZa0pFvu-00058-00029018-00029587 “OK. From now on, crowdsourcing, open data are just going to be the national direction.” vUOJZa0pFvu-00059-00029587-00030209 Occupiers, and the civic tech people who supported them, were then invited as mentors, advisors, vUOJZa0pFvu-00060-00030209-00030649 to the public service to solve issues like Uber. vUOJZa0pFvu-00061-00030649-00031236 Uber is very interesting, because it is a meme — a virus of the mind. vUOJZa0pFvu-00062-00031236-00031631 The meme was called “Sharing Economy,” and it says that algorithms dispatch cars vUOJZa0pFvu-00063-00031631-00032002 better than laws, so we don’t have to obey laws. vUOJZa0pFvu-00064-00032002-00032455 The meme spreads through apps, from drivers to passengers to drivers, and you can’t vUOJZa0pFvu-00065-00032455-00032916 really argue with a meme, just like you can’t argue with the flu. It’s not in the same vUOJZa0pFvu-00066-00032916-00033016 category. vUOJZa0pFvu-00067-00033016-00033540 There’s protests, the taxi drivers surrounded the ministry of transport, demanding negotiation. vUOJZa0pFvu-00068-00033540-00033969 But how do we negotiate with a virus of the mind? vUOJZa0pFvu-00069-00033969-00034505 For us, the solution is through a deliberation that involves thousands of stakeholders. It’s vUOJZa0pFvu-00070-00034505-00035068 a scaling down of the deliberation we just did with half a million people, so we think vUOJZa0pFvu-00071-00035068-00035263 we can do it. vUOJZa0pFvu-00072-00035263-00035758 Deliberation, thinking deeply about something together, is an effective vaccine against vUOJZa0pFvu-00073-00035758-00036046 a virus of the mind. When everyone — passengers and drivers, academics and public servants — listened vUOJZa0pFvu-00074-00036046-00036718 to each other and formed a consensus, we become immune to divisive PR campaigns in the future. vUOJZa0pFvu-00075-00036718-00037211 A proper deliberation, with the “Focused Conversation Method,” involves four stages. vUOJZa0pFvu-00076-00037211-00037705 The first stage is “Facts”, where we collect evidences, first-hand experiences, objective vUOJZa0pFvu-00077-00037705-00037805 data. vUOJZa0pFvu-00078-00037805-00038183 Then, after that is confirmed, we move to collect everybody’s “Feelings” about vUOJZa0pFvu-00079-00038183-00038687 those same facts. You may feel angry. I may feel happy. It’s all OK. vUOJZa0pFvu-00080-00038687-00039106 After people converge on their feelings that resonates with everybody, we then talk about vUOJZa0pFvu-00081-00039106-00039553 “Ideas” — The best ideas are the ones that address the most people’s feelings. vUOJZa0pFvu-00082-00039553-00039997 Then we translate them into legalese and sign them into “Decisions.” vUOJZa0pFvu-00083-00039997-00040628 However, if the decision-making process is not transparent, people on the street would vUOJZa0pFvu-00084-00040628-00041350 speak a different language than people in the government — so they’re not even agreeing vUOJZa0pFvu-00085-00041350-00041699 on basic facts, let alone each others’ feelings. vUOJZa0pFvu-00086-00041699-00042208 In that situation, ideas become “Ideologies” — viruses of the mind so potent, that they vUOJZa0pFvu-00087-00042208-00042599 can blind people to new facts and to each other’s feelings. vUOJZa0pFvu-00088-00042599-00043468 So our first step is open data, that is, making all the facts available, and ask the private vUOJZa0pFvu-00089-00043468-00043806 sector and civil society to share what they have. vUOJZa0pFvu-00090-00043806-00045034 Next, we created an interactive survey on, to ask about how they feel. Four groups vUOJZa0pFvu-00091-00045034-00045593 of people soon emerged: Taxi drivers, Uber drivers, Uber passengers, and other passengers. vUOJZa0pFvu-00092-00045593-00046618 The system shows each group how their shared sentiments are received by other groups. vUOJZa0pFvu-00093-00046618-00047250 The interesting thing is, it lowers people’s antagonism. Because you see all these people vUOJZa0pFvu-00094-00047250-00047836 on different sides are your Facebook and Twitter friends, you just didn’t talk about this vUOJZa0pFvu-00095-00047836-00047968 over dinner. vUOJZa0pFvu-00096-00047968-00048647 At the beginning, the people were all on the corners, but because we say we only give binding vUOJZa0pFvu-00097-00048647-00049122 power of anything that people can propose that convince a supermajority — that’s vUOJZa0pFvu-00098-00049122-00049583 80 percent of people — the participants converged on feelings that resonate not only vUOJZa0pFvu-00099-00049583-00049897 with like-minded people, but across the aisle. vUOJZa0pFvu-00100-00049897-00050333 After we get a set of feelings that resonate with practically everybody, it’s now much vUOJZa0pFvu-00101-00050333-00050737 easier for the government to meet with all the stakeholders, and check with them, one vUOJZa0pFvu-00102-00050737-00050837 by one. vUOJZa0pFvu-00103-00050837-00051334 Here is the consensus of the people. Do you agree? If you do agree, how do we translate vUOJZa0pFvu-00104-00051334-00051434 that into law? vUOJZa0pFvu-00105-00051434-00051960 They are bound to the words they said during the live-streamed consultation, and the stakeholders vUOJZa0pFvu-00106-00051960-00052516 agreed. When we ratified their agreements in August 2016, everybody knew that it’s vUOJZa0pFvu-00107-00052516-00052723 coming. Everybody anticipated it. vUOJZa0pFvu-00108-00052723-00053246 Uber now operates legally under the new framework, but so did the taxi companies, who are now vUOJZa0pFvu-00109-00053246-00053613 adopting the same model that Uber is using for dispatching its cars. vUOJZa0pFvu-00110-00053613-00054186 So this method works. The next question is: Can we scale this process of listening? vUOJZa0pFvu-00111-00054186-00054772 So right after the ratification, I joined the cabinet as the Digital Minister, to explore vUOJZa0pFvu-00112-00054772-00055169 this possibility through PDIS, the public digital innovation space. vUOJZa0pFvu-00113-00055169-00055534 It’s like Policy Labs in the UK. It’s a digital service at the national level. We vUOJZa0pFvu-00114-00055534-00055912 have designers. We have programmers. We are automating away a lot of those chores that vUOJZa0pFvu-00115-00055912-00056080 the public servants are doing, in order to make participation possible. vUOJZa0pFvu-00116-00056080-00056230 Even more interesting than the technological contributions, is the culture that we are vUOJZa0pFvu-00117-00056230-00056330 bringing to the government. vUOJZa0pFvu-00118-00056330-00056441 For example, I’m a radically transparent digital minister. By that, I mean that all vUOJZa0pFvu-00119-00056441-00056724 the journalists, all the lobbyists, everybody gets to ask me questions, but only publicly. vUOJZa0pFvu-00120-00056724-00057066 If I get questions from a private email, I will reply and say if it’s OK to give my vUOJZa0pFvu-00121-00057066-00057166 answers publicly. If not, I just give them links to what my previous statements are. vUOJZa0pFvu-00122-00057166-00057365 It’s not just to the lobbyists and journalists, but also for internal meetings. For all the vUOJZa0pFvu-00123-00057365-00057775 hundreds of internal meetings that I have since I was the digital minister, everything vUOJZa0pFvu-00124-00057775-00057879 was transcribed. vUOJZa0pFvu-00125-00057879-00058197 There was the written record for everything everybody said during meetings, and we sent vUOJZa0pFvu-00126-00058197-00058503 them to participants afterwards to check for 10 days, and publish. vUOJZa0pFvu-00127-00058503-00058984 The effect of this is very surprising. The bureaucrats actually become very innovative vUOJZa0pFvu-00128-00058984-00059145 and risk-taking. They propose some very good ideas under this condition. That’s because vUOJZa0pFvu-00129-00059145-00059254 previously, before I introduced this kind of radical transparency, they would get the vUOJZa0pFvu-00130-00059254-00059445 blame if things go wrong, and the minister would get the credit if things go right. vUOJZa0pFvu-00131-00059445-00059883 Now, with this completely accountable record, if things go right, they get the credit, because vUOJZa0pFvu-00132-00059883-00060310 their name is on the transcript. Because it’s an experimental method, if things go wrong, vUOJZa0pFvu-00133-00060310-00060477 it’s all the digital minister’s fault. vUOJZa0pFvu-00134-00060477-00060964 Under this condition, they become very innovative and open to a lot of interesting ideas. vUOJZa0pFvu-00135-00060964-00061517 One of the ideas is adopting this thoroughly free software platform called Sandstorm, as vUOJZa0pFvu-00136-00061517-00061897 our public service internal platform. We use the same tools, like Etherpad, like Trello, vUOJZa0pFvu-00137-00061897-00062117 like Slack, how the free software community is organizing ourselves these days, we also vUOJZa0pFvu-00138-00062117-00062316 use it in the public service. vUOJZa0pFvu-00139-00062316-00062905 Previously, the roadblock was the cyber security issue, but we were able to find this community vUOJZa0pFvu-00140-00062905-00063304 platform called Sandstorm, that solves the cyber security problem. It gets audited by vUOJZa0pFvu-00141-00063304-00063794 our cyber security department, so that all the free software than runs on top of it doesn’t vUOJZa0pFvu-00142-00063794-00063966 suffer from cyber security attacks and issues. vUOJZa0pFvu-00143-00063966-00064086 We were able to adopt a lot of free software working methods, just by adopting this Sandstorm vUOJZa0pFvu-00144-00064086-00064186 free software platform. vUOJZa0pFvu-00145-00064186-00064416 We have a lot of interesting systems proposed by young public servants, like an app for vUOJZa0pFvu-00146-00064416-00064780 ordering lunch together, or to plan travels together, or whatever. It’s really good vUOJZa0pFvu-00147-00064780-00064952 to have this choice. vUOJZa0pFvu-00148-00064952-00065454 Also, we had a e-petition platform as a way for people to participate. It was like the vUOJZa0pFvu-00149-00065454-00065891 “We the People” platform in the US. It did not receive much attention, because for vUOJZa0pFvu-00150-00065891-00066400 cross-ministry issues, people would get those very blank, very bureaucratic answers that vUOJZa0pFvu-00151-00066400-00066844 doesn’t really solve their problems, but just explains why they can’t do much about vUOJZa0pFvu-00152-00066844-00066944 it. vUOJZa0pFvu-00153-00066944-00067318 After I become the digital minister, we asked each ministry to send a team, at least one vUOJZa0pFvu-00154-00067318-00067877 person, to serve as participation officer. We assembled this virtual team of 50 people vUOJZa0pFvu-00155-00067877-00068262 online, using Rocket.Chat and all those tools for online engagement. vUOJZa0pFvu-00156-00068262-00068814 Now, in Taiwan, when people start a petition, they know instead of just a dutiful response, vUOJZa0pFvu-00157-00068814-00069295 they will actually get to meet with all the relevant ministries in Taipei, or we will vUOJZa0pFvu-00158-00069295-00069760 travel to those rural areas and islands, if they are petitioning for local development. vUOJZa0pFvu-00159-00069760-00070370 We solved a lot of very interesting problems like this, without exposing any public servant vUOJZa0pFvu-00160-00070370-00071062 to risk. So we relieved their fear, uncertainty, and doubt around civic participation. vUOJZa0pFvu-00161-00071062-00071575 The idea is that voting and clicktivism is very easy. Everybody can do it, but there’s vUOJZa0pFvu-00162-00071575-00071678 not much bits. vUOJZa0pFvu-00163-00071678-00072254 By sharing open data, by having interactive public Q&A forums, by setting up binding processes, vUOJZa0pFvu-00164-00072254-00072731 and by bringing the technology to people instead of asking disadvantaged people to use technology, vUOJZa0pFvu-00165-00072731-00073266 we are building a deliberation system, that scales to all levels of the society. vUOJZa0pFvu-00166-00073266-00073825 Through this, we are building a unified democracy, not hijacked by ideologies; an efficient democracy, vUOJZa0pFvu-00167-00073825-00074341 that responds to the demands of the society; and an empathetic democracy that lets people vUOJZa0pFvu-00168-00074341-00074615 take care of each others’ feelings. vUOJZa0pFvu-00169-00074615-00075120 We do this, just by listening, and building technologies that help us listen to each other. vUOJZa0pFvu-00170-00075120-00075274 Let’s all keep listening to each other. vUOJZa0pFvu-00171-00075274-00075361 Thank you, for listening. vY7U5g1OZcy-00000-00000389-00000750 You're listening to Tim Bulkeley's 5 minute Bible vY7U5g1OZcy-00001-00000750-00000981 E100 reading 2 vY7U5g1OZcy-00002-00000981-00001373 What's the big deal in genesis three? vY7U5g1OZcy-00003-00001373-00001688 the second reading is the third chapter of genesis vY7U5g1OZcy-00004-00001688-00002068 this third chapter completes and makes sense of chapter two vY7U5g1OZcy-00005-00002068-00002414 you can really understand what's going on in chapter 2 until you've read chapter 3 vY7U5g1OZcy-00006-00002552-00003033 and then, you can read back into chapter 2 so much of what you missed vY7U5g1OZcy-00007-00003033-00003263 if you didn't know chapter 3 vY7U5g1OZcy-00008-00003263-00003427 the Bible is often like that vY7U5g1OZcy-00009-00003427-00003768 it's a book that's intended to be reread vY7U5g1OZcy-00010-00003768-00004056 not just read, but to be vY7U5g1OZcy-00011-00004056-00004637 being read for the umpteenth time vY7U5g1OZcy-00012-00004637-00004851 And, of course, chapters one two and three together vY7U5g1OZcy-00013-00004851-00005237 on a foundation upon which the rest of the Bible makes sense vY7U5g1OZcy-00014-00005237-00005508 So chapter three is really important it's not just the chapter that makes vY7U5g1OZcy-00015-00005508-00005816 sense of chapter two vY7U5g1OZcy-00016-00005816-00006085 but with chapter 2 and chapter 1, they are vY7U5g1OZcy-00017-00006085-00006462 the three chapters that make sense of the whole book vY7U5g1OZcy-00018-00006462-00006792 everything else you read the Bible, you read in the light of vY7U5g1OZcy-00019-00006792-00007344 what you've heard of these three chapters vY7U5g1OZcy-00020-00007344-00007538 yeah, I know vY7U5g1OZcy-00021-00007538-00008056 Christian readings of this chapter very often suggest that it's all about sex vY7U5g1OZcy-00022-00008056-00008516 course not really Christian readings, they are just readings by Christians vY7U5g1OZcy-00023-00008516-00008813 looking at what the text itself says it's quite clear vY7U5g1OZcy-00024-00008813-00009432 and the notes rightly point out that the sin is not sex vY7U5g1OZcy-00025-00009432-00009806 sex is implicitly part of the blessing of creation vY7U5g1OZcy-00026-00009806-00010140 Look at one 'be fruitful and multiply' vY7U5g1OZcy-00027-00010140-00010714 right there, as soon as the human beings are made, in the image of God vY7U5g1OZcy-00028-00010714-00010898 and in chapter 2 vY7U5g1OZcy-00029-00010898-00011011 leave father and mother vY7U5g1OZcy-00030-00011011-00011206 then they become one flesh vY7U5g1OZcy-00031-00011206-00011389 two twenty four vY7U5g1OZcy-00032-00011389-00011786 sex, you see, is part of the blessing of creation vY7U5g1OZcy-00033-00011786-00011979 and there's no hint in chapter 3 vY7U5g1OZcy-00034-00011979-00012265 that the problem is sex vY7U5g1OZcy-00035-00012265-00012592 but are the notes equally right when they say that's the sin vY7U5g1OZcy-00036-00012592-00012998 in chapter three is questioning and disobedience vY7U5g1OZcy-00037-00012998-00013197 they point in Genesis 3:1 vY7U5g1OZcy-00038-00013197-00013410 where the segment asks the vY7U5g1OZcy-00039-00013410-00013599 crafty question vY7U5g1OZcy-00040-00013599-00013887 Did God say? vY7U5g1OZcy-00041-00013887-00014227 Is it sin to question mark what God has said? vY7U5g1OZcy-00042-00014227-00014413 and in verse six vY7U5g1OZcy-00043-00014413-00014819 disobedience because of the six quite clearly they disobeying the command in 2:17 vY7U5g1OZcy-00044-00014979-00015200 but is this really what the sin in vY7U5g1OZcy-00045-00015200-00015377 chapter three is all about vY7U5g1OZcy-00046-00015377-00015637 or is the sin deeper? vY7U5g1OZcy-00047-00015637-00015827 look at verse five vY7U5g1OZcy-00048-00015827-00016099 'God knows that when you eat of it vY7U5g1OZcy-00049-00016099-00016458 your eyes will be opened and you will be like God vY7U5g1OZcy-00050-00016458-00016731 knowing good and evil' vY7U5g1OZcy-00051-00016731-00017002 is the real sin here in ch.3 vY7U5g1OZcy-00052-00017002-00017543 to put ourselves in the place of God vY7U5g1OZcy-00053-00017543-00017695 Because, once we do vY7U5g1OZcy-00054-00017695-00018049 disobedience is easy vY7U5g1OZcy-00055-00018049-00018451 but putting ourselves in the place of God is also the root of the lust for power vY7U5g1OZcy-00056-00018850-00018999 and then vY7U5g1OZcy-00057-00018999-00019358 the punishment indeed fits the crime vY7U5g1OZcy-00058-00019358-00019600 if the crime is not merely vY7U5g1OZcy-00059-00019600-00019901 disobeying a command not to eat fruit vY7U5g1OZcy-00060-00019901-00020056 and admittedly the vY7U5g1OZcy-00061-00020056-00020409 punishment of making work hard would fit with that vY7U5g1OZcy-00062-00020409-00020590 but if it's not merely that vY7U5g1OZcy-00063-00020590-00020858 but is also, and deeper, vY7U5g1OZcy-00064-00020858-00021079 the sin of vY7U5g1OZcy-00065-00021079-00021535 seeking to take God's place, to displace God vY7U5g1OZcy-00066-00021535-00021844 then not only does work vY7U5g1OZcy-00067-00021844-00021968 become vY7U5g1OZcy-00068-00021968-00022236 toil vY7U5g1OZcy-00069-00022236-00022452 the exact opposite of what happens when vY7U5g1OZcy-00070-00022452-00022917 God finishes creation, Genesis 2:2 'On the seventh day God finished the work that vY7U5g1OZcy-00071-00022917-00023030 he had done vY7U5g1OZcy-00072-00023030-00023480 and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done.' vY7U5g1OZcy-00073-00023480-00023890 by contrast in Genesis 3 work becomes toil vY7U5g1OZcy-00074-00023890-00024025 but also vY7U5g1OZcy-00075-00024025-00024256 three sixteen vY7U5g1OZcy-00076-00024256-00024500 relationships are broken vY7U5g1OZcy-00077-00024500-00024817 by the lust for power and dominance vY7U5g1OZcy-00078-00024817-00025145 'I will greatly increase your pangs in child-bearing in pain you shall bring forth vY7U5g1OZcy-00079-00025145-00025216 children." vY7U5g1OZcy-00080-00025216-00025501 work becomes toil vY7U5g1OZcy-00081-00025501-00025754 But 'Your desire shall be for your husband vY7U5g1OZcy-00082-00025754-00026056 but he will rule over you.' vY7U5g1OZcy-00083-00026056-00026344 desire and dominance vY7U5g1OZcy-00084-00026344-00026889 is the result of the desire to be like God, or the last for power vY7U5g1OZcy-00085-00026889-00027273 You see, this comes full circle in the Bible when we get finally toward the end vY7U5g1OZcy-00086-00027273-00027618 of the story in Philippians 2 vY7U5g1OZcy-00087-00027618-00027903 where we hear at last of the one who vY7U5g1OZcy-00088-00027903-00028252 'Being in the very nature God did not consider equality with God something to vY7U5g1OZcy-00089-00028252-00028422 be grasped vY7U5g1OZcy-00090-00028422-00029070 but emptied himself taking the form of a slave.' vY7U5g1OZcy-00091-00029070-00029272 Is it perhaps? vY7U5g1OZcy-00092-00029272-00029547 that in Genesis chapter three vY7U5g1OZcy-00093-00029547-00029694 the deepest sin vY7U5g1OZcy-00094-00029694-00029930 is the sin of vY7U5g1OZcy-00095-00029930-00030181 seeking to take God's place vY7U5g1OZcy-00096-00030181-00030444 to rule ourselves vY7U5g1OZcy-00097-00030444-00030593 and of course if we rule ourselves vY7U5g1OZcy-00098-00030593-00030995 to rule others vY7U5g1OZcy-00099-00030995-00031172 Yeah, I know, you and I aren't like that, are we? vY7U5g1OZcy-00100-00031172-00031473 We don't try to impose our will upon others. vY7U5g1OZcy-00101-00031473-00031783 Not half! vY7U5g1OZcy-00102-00031783-00032037 It's time to pray vY7U5g1OZcy-00103-00032037-00032069 see you tomorrow, bye vZ12GrYj6K8-00000-00000030-00000818 The EmTechWiki is a socially-curated discovery engine to discover tools, tutorials, and resources. vZ12GrYj6K8-00001-00000818-00001368 Anyone is welcome to add or edit any of the Wiki resources that already exists. vZ12GrYj6K8-00002-00001369-00001717 This will only make the Wiki better for users. vZ12GrYj6K8-00003-00001717-00002174 This tutorial will deal with adding tools and resources to EmTechWIKI. vZ12GrYj6K8-00004-00002174-00003022 First, open a browser and then navigate to the EmTechWIKI site at vZ12GrYj6K8-00005-00003022-00003544 If you have found a new technology that is not yet in the Wiki, or if you wish to modify vZ12GrYj6K8-00006-00003544-00004123 or improve on information about an item in the Wiki, hover over Contribute, and then vZ12GrYj6K8-00007-00004123-00004557 click on EmTechWIKI Guidelines to acquaint yourself with the rules for adding content vZ12GrYj6K8-00008-00004558-00004806 to the Wiki. vZ12GrYj6K8-00009-00004806-00005342 Remember, you must take personal responsibility for what you add. vZ12GrYj6K8-00010-00005342-00006090 If you wish to continue, please hover over Contribute once again and then click on EmTechWIKI Instructions. vZ12GrYj6K8-00011-00006090-00006912 Here, you will find all the information necessary to add a new tool or modify one that already exists. vZ12GrYj6K8-00012-00006912-00007364 If you believe you have found a new tool and wish to add it to the EmTechWIKI, hover over vZ12GrYj6K8-00013-00007364-00007820 Contribute again and click on Add a Tool. vZ12GrYj6K8-00014-00007820-00008353 The first step you need to do is identify your resource by entering a title. vZ12GrYj6K8-00015-00008353-00008744 For this example, I will add Blogger. vZ12GrYj6K8-00016-00008744-00009254 Next, you need to describe what the tool is, how it works, and any other information vZ12GrYj6K8-00017-00009254-00009595 you can add to help users understand the resource. vZ12GrYj6K8-00018-00009595-00010076 Be as specific as you can be. vZ12GrYj6K8-00019-00010076-00010662 Once you have added your description, navigate to the categories box on the right-hand side vZ12GrYj6K8-00020-00010663-00010822 of the screen. vZ12GrYj6K8-00021-00010822-00011381 Pick all of the categories you think pertain to the resource. vZ12GrYj6K8-00022-00011381-00011873 Because Blogger is an interactive and collaborative tool, I will choose Blogs and Wikis and vZ12GrYj6K8-00023-00011873-00012220 Collaborative Spaces. vZ12GrYj6K8-00024-00012220-00012657 I will then go to Keywords underneath the categories box and click on the key terms vZ12GrYj6K8-00025-00012657-00013053 I believe Blogger is associated with. vZ12GrYj6K8-00026-00013053-00013458 I will select Blogs and Collaboration. vZ12GrYj6K8-00027-00013458-00014013 For the objectives box, please click whatever sections you believe are appropriate. vZ12GrYj6K8-00028-00014013-00014384 Remember, just do your best to organize the tool. vZ12GrYj6K8-00029-00014384-00014854 The Wiki moderators will go in after the submission of your tool or resource and check to make vZ12GrYj6K8-00030-00014854-00015244 sure that all pertinent information was given. vZ12GrYj6K8-00031-00015244-00015747 When you are finished, click on the Submit for Review button. vZ12GrYj6K8-00032-00015747-00016280 Modifying a Tool works the same way, as it gives you an opportunity to add to the information vZ12GrYj6K8-00033-00016281-00016668 provided for existing tools. vZ12GrYj6K8-00034-00016668-00017085 If you wish to add anything, just click on one of the existing tools in the list and vZ12GrYj6K8-00035-00017085-00017416 then add the information. vZ12GrYj6K8-00036-00017416-00017668 Click on Submit Revision. vZ12GrYj6K8-00037-00017668-00018041 It will once again be reviewed by the Wiki moderators. vZ12GrYj6K8-00038-00018041-00018499 The EmTechWIKI can only become better at helping you locate what you were looking for if everyone vZ12GrYj6K8-00039-00018499-00018943 plays a part to accurately add, edit, and classify EmTechWIKI content. vZ8kGJsA7s4-00000-00000406-00000606 Support on this channel guys vZq3EP1gjz0-00000-00000282-00000440 I don’t know what I’m going to do. vZq3EP1gjz0-00001-00000448-00000715 5 children... Rent… food… vZq3EP1gjz0-00002-00000723-00000865 I don’t know what I’m going to do. vZq3EP1gjz0-00003-00000882-00001186 On World Day of Refugees, the UN announced that there are vZq3EP1gjz0-00004-00001198-00001636 70.8 million forcibly displaced people throughout the world. vZq3EP1gjz0-00005-00001652-00001832 Johannesburg in particular vZq3EP1gjz0-00006-00001852-00002336 is a real magnet for people who need to find a way to have vZq3EP1gjz0-00007-00002348-00002719 a safe life, and to care for themselves, and especially for their children. vZq3EP1gjz0-00008-00002740-00003115 Because living where they are becomes an untenable choice. vZq3EP1gjz0-00009-00003123-00003598 We have counted in 2011 approximately 2.1 million vZq3EP1gjz0-00010-00003615-00003852 foreign-born persons in South Africa. vZq3EP1gjz0-00011-00003873-00004173 The foreign-born population now stands at approximately vZq3EP1gjz0-00012-00004177-00004394 3.6 million persons, vZq3EP1gjz0-00013-00004402-00004744 and we can assume that the city of Johannesburg is probably vZq3EP1gjz0-00014-00004761-00004969 slightly over 600,000 vZq3EP1gjz0-00015-00004973-00005248 but most certainly less than 750,000. vZq3EP1gjz0-00016-00005269-00005648 This includes people who are documented and undocumented. vZq3EP1gjz0-00017-00005661-00005911 We are here not because it is a choice. vZq3EP1gjz0-00018-00005927-00006186 We are here because there is violence in our country. vZq3EP1gjz0-00019-00006215-00006386 When you see people running, you also go. vZq3EP1gjz0-00020-00006394-00006469 You follow. vZq3EP1gjz0-00021-00006469-00006569 You are scared! vZq3EP1gjz0-00022-00006569-00006748 No one wants to die in this world. vZq3EP1gjz0-00023-00006769-00007231 We came to South Africa knowing that things can get better than home. vZq3EP1gjz0-00024-00007231-00007756 And then you find yourself in another prison. vZq3EP1gjz0-00025-00007794-00008215 We are like trapped, we are like in jail, in prison here in South Africa. vZq3EP1gjz0-00026-00009065-00009515 Certainly any person fleeing his or her homeland vZq3EP1gjz0-00027-00009515-00009711 because of persecution, because of violence, vZq3EP1gjz0-00028-00009719-00009969 is a vulnerable person during that time. vZq3EP1gjz0-00029-00009998-00010361 Women’s vulnerabilities are often greater, are usually greater. vZq3EP1gjz0-00030-00010361-00010857 I think the fundamental thing that changes hearts and minds, however, vZq3EP1gjz0-00031-00010894-00011236 is actually coming to know a refugee. vZq3EP1gjz0-00032-00011273-00011507 Listening to her story, vZq3EP1gjz0-00033-00011586-00012015 understanding why she made the choice to sweep up her children vZq3EP1gjz0-00034-00012040-00012452 and oftentimes flee in the middle of the night looking for safety and shelter. vZq3EP1gjz0-00035-00012477-00012857 If I am going to go back again to Burundi they are going to kill me or something. vZq3EP1gjz0-00036-00012857-00013052 So I didn’t go back again. vZq3EP1gjz0-00037-00013052-00013240 Police killed my father. vZq3EP1gjz0-00038-00013244-00013536 They came to fetch him inside at night. vZq3EP1gjz0-00039-00013540-00013790 I didn’t see even the body for my father. vZq3EP1gjz0-00040-00013790-00014194 So I went with my mother, I jumped… I went to South Africa, vZq3EP1gjz0-00041-00014207-00014665 and I lost my mummy. vZq3EP1gjz0-00042-00014723-00015019 I’ve been here 10 years in South Africa. vZq3EP1gjz0-00043-00015040-00015332 My husband has gone to Burundi even now, vZq3EP1gjz0-00044-00015332-00015527 because his passport had expired. vZq3EP1gjz0-00045-00015536-00015673 Police fetched him to town. vZq3EP1gjz0-00046-00015719-00015977 They took him to Lindela and from Lindela to Burundi. vZq3EP1gjz0-00047-00016027-00016365 So even now my husband he doesn’t have money to come back again. vZq3EP1gjz0-00048-00016382-00016686 So I see life is not easy for me. vZq3EP1gjz0-00049-00016702-00017023 I was a political actor, vZq3EP1gjz0-00050-00017023-00017490 so I was not safe in Congo, that’s why I ran away from Congo vZq3EP1gjz0-00051-00017498-00017661 to come to South Africa. vZq3EP1gjz0-00052-00017673-00018215 I came here on my own. I don't have any relatives or connections here. vZq3EP1gjz0-00053-00018223-00018519 In Congo I have a family. I have a wife and kids. vZq3EP1gjz0-00054-00018523-00018627 I left them there. vZq3EP1gjz0-00055-00018627-00019207 Emotionally, I was very down because my family is very far from me. vZq3EP1gjz0-00056-00019207-00019473 I nearly went into a depression. vZq3EP1gjz0-00057-00019482-00019952 When the war started in Congo, my mother sent me to the market. vZq3EP1gjz0-00058-00019957-00020311 I saw people running, soldiers were killing people. vZq3EP1gjz0-00059-00020332-00020636 At home there was no one. I didn’t find my parents. vZq3EP1gjz0-00060-00020661-00020823 So I also started running. vZq3EP1gjz0-00061-00020844-00021148 When we reached into Tanzania, it was not easy for a girl, vZq3EP1gjz0-00062-00021165-00021327 we didn’t know where to get food. vZq3EP1gjz0-00063-00021332-00021569 Some of them were selling their own bodies. vZq3EP1gjz0-00064-00021569-00021952 I found a sister (older woman). I used to work for her. vZq3EP1gjz0-00065-00021965-00022190 To be a refugee is not easy. vZq3EP1gjz0-00066-00022202-00022527 Me and the sister, we came to South Africa using a truck. vZq3EP1gjz0-00067-00022532-00022786 Like, we didn’t have a passport or anything. vZq3EP1gjz0-00068-00022802-00023261 When we reached in South Africa we went to Bienvenu Shelter. vZq3EP1gjz0-00069-00023269-00023540 There we stayed for 3 months. vZq3EP1gjz0-00070-00023615-00023936 We moved with the sister – the sister got a boyfriend. vZq3EP1gjz0-00071-00023936-00024344 I used to work for her, like selling sweets on the street vZq3EP1gjz0-00072-00024344-00024702 and when I asked for the sister, like I want to go to school, vZq3EP1gjz0-00073-00024727-00025111 she would tell me: I brought you here so that you can work for me. vZq3EP1gjz0-00074-00025148-00025327 Sometimes she can’t give me the food. vZq3EP1gjz0-00075-00025327-00025540 Sometimes she makes me sleep outside. vZq3EP1gjz0-00076-00025582-00025877 One day she chased me away. vZq3EP1gjz0-00077-00025902-00026048 I went to JRS. vZq3EP1gjz0-00078-00026077-00026507 I stayed there for 8 years, until when I finished my matric. vZq3EP1gjz0-00079-00026511-00026882 My dad had 33 wives and my mum is a fourth wife. vZq3EP1gjz0-00080-00026882-00027194 I was forced into a marriage when I was 14 years old. vZq3EP1gjz0-00081-00027198-00027544 The man I was forced to marry was 38. vZq3EP1gjz0-00082-00027552-00027973 He fought me, he beat me, he raped me, and I fell pregnant vZq3EP1gjz0-00083-00028007-00028219 and I gave birth to a girl vZq3EP1gjz0-00084-00028223-00028419 and they took away the baby, without... vZq3EP1gjz0-00085-00028427-00028573 I never breastfed the baby. vZq3EP1gjz0-00086-00028619-00028819 And then they were abusing me. vZq3EP1gjz0-00087-00028857-00029219 I tried to talk with my dad that I didn’t want to be in the marriage, but vZq3EP1gjz0-00088-00029257-00029402 he never listened to me. vZq3EP1gjz0-00089-00029402-00029694 Said that he would kill me or do anything to me vZq3EP1gjz0-00090-00029694-00029982 if I tried to run away from the marriage. vZq3EP1gjz0-00091-00030007-00030327 He kept on raping me, beating me. vZq3EP1gjz0-00092-00030344-00031048 Sometimes I think that if I die, I think it would be better. <Sobs> vZq3EP1gjz0-00093-00031057-00031298 Then I attempted to poison myself. vZq3EP1gjz0-00094-00031327-00031607 They took me to the hospital. vZq3EP1gjz0-00095-00031657-00031948 So then I tried again. I wanted to kill myself. vZq3EP1gjz0-00096-00031957-00032202 I took the rope that I was going to hang myself, vZq3EP1gjz0-00097-00032257-00032402 but they saved me again. vZq3EP1gjz0-00098-00032423-00032632 So I came to South Africa with my dad, vZq3EP1gjz0-00099-00032640-00032894 We went to Pretoria, went to the doctor, vZq3EP1gjz0-00100-00032894-00033190 and then I decided to run away. vZq3EP1gjz0-00101-00033190-00033502 When I was out of cash I didn’t know where to go. vZq3EP1gjz0-00102-00033552-00033973 I was an observer of the elections in DRC. vZq3EP1gjz0-00103-00033994-00034236 I ran away because they were arresting vZq3EP1gjz0-00104-00034261-00034598 all the people who were observing the elections. vZq3EP1gjz0-00105-00034632-00034861 So I came here, only with my passport. vZq3EP1gjz0-00106-00034869-00035211 I didn’t have clothes to change. vZq3EP1gjz0-00107-00035265-00035394 I didn’t have money. vZq3EP1gjz0-00108-00035402-00035569 I can‘t go home. vZq3EP1gjz0-00109-00035573-00035886 And because I know that they will arrest me at the airport. vZq3EP1gjz0-00110-00035894-00036398 I can‘t go to see my father, and I am the only son of my father. vZq3EP1gjz0-00111-00036411-00036627 He’s sick, but I can’t go there. vZq3EP1gjz0-00112-00036648-00036782 I’m just like trapped. vZq3EP1gjz0-00113-00036832-00037057 This is paining me every day! vZq3EP1gjz0-00114-00037057-00037427 When I think about it… vZq3EP1gjz0-00115-00037523-00037823 No but, it’s so painful. vZq3EP1gjz0-00116-00037836-00037965 It’s so painful. vZq3EP1gjz0-00117-00037982-00038573 I came to South Africa in 2004 and by that time I was 14 years old. vZq3EP1gjz0-00118-00038602-00039027 There was a war, so I don’t even know where my father went, vZq3EP1gjz0-00119-00039027-00039419 and I have siblings but I do not know where they are. vZq3EP1gjz0-00120-00039423-00039836 I don’t even know whether they are alive or if they have passed away. vZq3EP1gjz0-00121-00039852-00040227 I choose South Africa because I see South Africa is safe. vZq3EP1gjz0-00122-00040248-00040623 In the DRC my mother and my father passed away. vZq3EP1gjz0-00123-00040623-00040948 My brothers passed away. vZq3EP1gjz0-00124-00040957-00041165 The husband also passed away. vZq3EP1gjz0-00125-00041165-00041536 When I come here in South Africa in 2004, vZq3EP1gjz0-00126-00041536-00041790 they say no, you are coming with the truck. vZq3EP1gjz0-00127-00041794-00042411 they put me inside, on top, for three days I was there inside that truck. vZq3EP1gjz0-00128-00042432-00042886 We crossed the border and we came here to South Africa. vZq3EP1gjz0-00129-00042907-00043369 And when I came here I see the challenges are very, very, difficult. vZq3EP1gjz0-00130-00043386-00043723 But I was able to work hard. vZq3EP1gjz0-00131-00043740-00043965 Now it’s become difficult for me. vZq3EP1gjz0-00132-00043977-00044127 It comes with the stress. vZq3EP1gjz0-00133-00044152-00044465 I came to South Africa 16 years ago. vZq3EP1gjz0-00134-00044473-00044602 My life was a target. vZq3EP1gjz0-00135-00044607-00045073 I worked for CNN and BBC as well as Time Magazine at that time. vZq3EP1gjz0-00136-00045073-00045273 My house got bombed. vZq3EP1gjz0-00137-00045273-00045794 So what I did actually was start preparing my exit of that country. vZq3EP1gjz0-00138-00045815-00046127 The soldiers came and took me with my child. vZq3EP1gjz0-00139-00046144-00046261 The girl one. vZq3EP1gjz0-00140-00046307-00046569 And they put me in the truck. vZq3EP1gjz0-00141-00046586-00046861 And they go with me too far. vZq3EP1gjz0-00142-00046873-00047052 I didn’t know the place. vZq3EP1gjz0-00143-00047073-00047519 In this room, we were many women. vZq3EP1gjz0-00144-00047548-00047832 I stayed there for a long time. vZq3EP1gjz0-00145-00047852-00048044 Every day, the soldiers came. vZq3EP1gjz0-00146-00048115-00048719 And they [raped] me and [raped] me every time. vZq3EP1gjz0-00147-00048911-00049277 And different soldiers come like this. vZq3EP1gjz0-00148-00049286-00049827 If I want something, the water, they won’t give you. vZq3EP1gjz0-00149-00049848-00050048 You can‘t eat nicely. vZq3EP1gjz0-00150-00050065-00050223 You can‘t wash. vZq3EP1gjz0-00151-00050252-00050777 If I’m alone, I cry and cry, if I see the soldiers, vZq3EP1gjz0-00152-00050790-00051319 I just keep quiet because I don’t like them to kill my child. vZq3EP1gjz0-00153-00051327-00051561 One day one soldier comes. vZq3EP1gjz0-00154-00051582-00052215 He tells me ‘I know your father, I can help you, but just keep quiet’. vZq3EP1gjz0-00155-00052227-00052623 He took me, and we go, we go, I didn’t know where. vZq3EP1gjz0-00156-00052644-00052944 He told me ‘here you are free’. vZq3EP1gjz0-00157-00052965-00053190 And I was pregnant for 4 months. vZq3EP1gjz0-00158-00053211-00053490 And we go, we come untill here. vZq3EP1gjz0-00159-00053511-00053857 The majority of migrant and refugee women and their children, vZq3EP1gjz0-00160-00053865-00054098 once they’re settled they vZq3EP1gjz0-00161-00054111-00054748 tend to have these flashbacks and all the trauma is revisited again. vZq3EP1gjz0-00162-00054769-00055169 We then, have to really work with their mental well-being. vZq3EP1gjz0-00163-00055186-00055415 This also can take many months. vZq3EP1gjz0-00164-00055427-00055757 It’s a combination of attending to those particular needs, vZq3EP1gjz0-00165-00055765-00055940 post-traumatic stress syndrome, vZq3EP1gjz0-00166-00055957-00056190 but I think also very critically, vZq3EP1gjz0-00167-00056223-00056515 is helping those same women have a future, vZq3EP1gjz0-00168-00056527-00057015 an opportunity for a way to support themselves and to support their families. vZq3EP1gjz0-00169-00057036-00057219 They are almost always with families. vZq3EP1gjz0-00170-00057232-00057573 The decision to come to South Africa isn’t taken lightly. vZq3EP1gjz0-00171-00057573-00058007 People come here because they are fleeing horrible, horrible, circumstances, vZq3EP1gjz0-00172-00058015-00058390 and most of them are just trying to eke out an honest living. vZq3EP1gjz0-00173-00058402-00058561 We struggle hard, you see that. vZq3EP1gjz0-00174-00058569-00058869 Because we don’t have even a job or work, vZq3EP1gjz0-00175-00058882-00059077 so we’re hustling hard. vZq3EP1gjz0-00176-00059094-00059511 Yeah me, I’m selling sweets and cigarettes around town. vZq3EP1gjz0-00177-00059523-00059894 Now I’m trying to work. It’s not easy for me to get a job. vZq3EP1gjz0-00178-00059907-00060319 So that’s why I decide to get married so I can get a place to stay vZq3EP1gjz0-00179-00060327-00060607 and food to eat, vZq3EP1gjz0-00180-00060607-00060890 because in South Africa life is very hard. vZq3EP1gjz0-00181-00060894-00061173 Life now is too much hard. vZq3EP1gjz0-00182-00061190-00061627 Sometime I get something small, I can eat. vZq3EP1gjz0-00183-00061632-00062173 You cannot but be moved by young people, strong, vZq3EP1gjz0-00184-00062182-00062423 who could be making a contribution, vZq3EP1gjz0-00185-00062448-00062940 and yet prisoners of their own situation. vZq3EP1gjz0-00186-00062944-00063236 Not of their own making, but of society’s. vZq3EP1gjz0-00187-00063244-00063711 I went to university, I got my degree in accounting science. vZq3EP1gjz0-00188-00063769-00064152 But finding a job is not easy with these (asylum) papers. vZq3EP1gjz0-00189-00064165-00064590 Every time you go, you can apply, you fulfil the requirements, vZq3EP1gjz0-00190-00064611-00065111 but at the end of the day, they will ask you to be a South African citizen. vZq3EP1gjz0-00191-00065140-00065552 When it comes to a job, it is really a challenge because vZq3EP1gjz0-00192-00065577-00065898 you will see all the requirements for a job, a proper job, vZq3EP1gjz0-00193-00065915-00066352 they will say that they don’t need people with asylum or refugee status. vZq3EP1gjz0-00194-00066357-00066736 I am invisible in South Africa actually. vZq3EP1gjz0-00195-00066761-00067215 Because everytime you show that kind of paper, then everyone… vZq3EP1gjz0-00196-00067219-00067465 someone will just ask you a question ‘what is this?’ vZq3EP1gjz0-00197-00067465-00067715 I think I don’t have a hope, actually. vZq3EP1gjz0-00198-00067732-00067869 I lose hope. vZq3EP1gjz0-00199-00067894-00068102 Who am I? A nobody! vZq3EP1gjz0-00200-00068219-00068332 A nobody. vZq3EP1gjz0-00201-00068348-00068836 It was hard to get enrolled in the school, because the school, they need vZq3EP1gjz0-00202-00068848-00069069 a report from where you come from. vZq3EP1gjz0-00203-00069077-00069423 And they need an asylum paper for you to start schooling. vZq3EP1gjz0-00204-00069440-00069777 When you run from war, you don’t carry your passport vZq3EP1gjz0-00205-00069786-00070165 or your report from the school, so I didn’t have anything. vZq3EP1gjz0-00206-00070169-00070340 I didn’t know how to start. vZq3EP1gjz0-00207-00070357-00070573 In DRC I was a businessman. vZq3EP1gjz0-00208-00070586-00071019 Sometimes when you are looking for a job, it’s not very… it’s not easy for you vZq3EP1gjz0-00209-00071036-00071332 as a foreigner to find a job here in South Africa. vZq3EP1gjz0-00210-00071340-00071515 I’ve lost a lot of things. vZq3EP1gjz0-00211-00071540-00071915 By the time they come out of that situation, if they do, vZq3EP1gjz0-00212-00071927-00072127 they will be extremely damaged. vZq3EP1gjz0-00213-00072144-00072490 And we always speak in the Church about human dignity, vZq3EP1gjz0-00214-00072502-00072911 and yet we are unable to help them back onto their feet. vZq3EP1gjz0-00215-00072923-00073169 We are destroying part of ourselves. vZq3EP1gjz0-00216-00073194-00073632 Comparing our foreign-born population to other countries, vZq3EP1gjz0-00217-00073640-00073932 South Africa’s foreign-born population is actually very low. vZq3EP1gjz0-00218-00073940-00074290 There’s been a lot of confusion and misunderstanding vZq3EP1gjz0-00219-00074290-00074640 about migration figures in South Africa. vZq3EP1gjz0-00220-00074652-00074973 There seems to be a perception that a lot of the statistics vZq3EP1gjz0-00221-00074990-00075298 are only looking at people who have some kind of permit, vZq3EP1gjz0-00222-00075319-00075552 who are in the country legally, vZq3EP1gjz0-00223-00075569-00075915 and that they are not including undocumented, vZq3EP1gjz0-00224-00075923-00076286 and this undocumented is a huge group, which it absolutely is not! vZq3EP1gjz0-00225-00076294-00076740 Unfortunately this has led to a lot of the violence that we see on the streets. vZq3EP1gjz0-00226-00076748-00077248 One of the misperceptions is that foreign nationals are committing crime, vZq3EP1gjz0-00227-00077257-00077440 that foreign-nationals are taking jobs. vZq3EP1gjz0-00228-00077448-00077665 Studies in many parts around the world vZq3EP1gjz0-00229-00077673-00077915 have actually found that these perceptions are incorrect, vZq3EP1gjz0-00230-00077923-00078452 and that actually local people are usually more responsible vZq3EP1gjz0-00231-00078452-00078907 for a lot of the crime, especially violent crime, vZq3EP1gjz0-00232-00078919-00079269 where there is a significant amount of a foreign-born population. vZq3EP1gjz0-00233-00079294-00079690 For every one foreign-born employed person, vZq3EP1gjz0-00234-00079698-00080048 he or she creates employment for two South Africans. vZq3EP1gjz0-00235-00080086-00080361 I see xenophobia as a form of scapegoating, vZq3EP1gjz0-00236-00080407-00080769 and I think unfortunately scapegoating is part of the human condition. vZq3EP1gjz0-00237-00080786-00081107 There are always a number of challenges, a number of problems, vZq3EP1gjz0-00238-00081119-00081382 often exacerbated by poor leadership vZq3EP1gjz0-00239-00081427-00081869 which has led to poor economic opportunities for many people. vZq3EP1gjz0-00240-00081882-00082148 People are afraid, and understandably. vZq3EP1gjz0-00241-00082148-00082411 Certain political leaders realise they can vZq3EP1gjz0-00242-00082432-00082790 take advantage of the situation by fuelling those flames, vZq3EP1gjz0-00243-00082807-00083286 and that sort of anxiety I think fuels a lot of disruptive, and frankly, vZq3EP1gjz0-00244-00083290-00083432 evil behaviour. vZq3EP1gjz0-00245-00083448-00083790 There might be a social problem but the person to blame is the migrant, vZq3EP1gjz0-00246-00083798-00084123 the person to blame is the refugee who has started a business, vZq3EP1gjz0-00247-00084140-00084365 who doesn't speak the language that I speak. vZq3EP1gjz0-00248-00084386-00084732 Migrants and refugees come to the Church in South Africa. vZq3EP1gjz0-00249-00084757-00085515 They bring the reality of diversity that enriches the local African Church. vZq3EP1gjz0-00250-00085544-00086202 Unfortunately that beautiful experience is marred, disturbed and vZq3EP1gjz0-00251-00086236-00086698 soiled by this whole conflict of xenophobia. vZq3EP1gjz0-00252-00086723-00087048 I think at times we rightly criticize the media vZq3EP1gjz0-00253-00087057-00087427 for the type of coverage they give to issues around refugees and migrants. vZq3EP1gjz0-00254-00087444-00087607 Nothing sells like bad news! vZq3EP1gjz0-00255-00087623-00088165 So to create a narrative, inconsistent as it might be, that blames the stranger vZq3EP1gjz0-00256-00088207-00088319 it’s a very good strategy, vZq3EP1gjz0-00257-00088319-00088652 it’s a very good political strategy, even in terms of trying to get votes. vZq3EP1gjz0-00258-00088661-00088957 Because a lot of times the media gets their information from people vZq3EP1gjz0-00259-00088961-00089248 who want those negative stories out. vZq3EP1gjz0-00260-00089265-00089586 The media has contributed to these perceptions by vZq3EP1gjz0-00261-00089586-00089902 publicizing statements without actually vZq3EP1gjz0-00262-00089927-00090202 confronting them and interrogating these statements. vZq3EP1gjz0-00263-00090227-00090457 The media can and should do a lot more vZq3EP1gjz0-00264-00090469-00091040 in terms of reporting on migrants and working towards social cohesion. vZq3EP1gjz0-00265-00091052-00091473 In Johannesburg we’ve seen very violent xenophobic attacks. vZq3EP1gjz0-00266-00091494-00091827 But in the run-up to these attacks, for months, politicians, vZq3EP1gjz0-00267-00091836-00092227 other public officials have been making extremely xenophobic statements. vZq3EP1gjz0-00268-00092232-00092552 When you do that, you encourage people to loot, vZq3EP1gjz0-00269-00092557-00092773 to destroy other people’s property. vZq3EP1gjz0-00270-00092823-00093515 I don’t think that our government has been playing a critical role vZq3EP1gjz0-00271-00093532-00094219 in trying to quell, in trying to reduce, dampen, the levels of conflict. vZq3EP1gjz0-00272-00094232-00094715 South Africans use migrants as an excuse vZq3EP1gjz0-00273-00094736-00095065 for the shortcomings of their own society, vZq3EP1gjz0-00274-00095069-00095432 their own municipality, their own national government. vZq3EP1gjz0-00275-00095448-00095652 Some of these people are no longer outsiders. vZq3EP1gjz0-00276-00095661-00096015 They’ve been here since 1994, more than 20 years! vZq3EP1gjz0-00277-00096036-00096244 We have been so privileged vZq3EP1gjz0-00278-00096265-00096611 and yet we seem to have forgotten all that in this city. vZq3EP1gjz0-00279-00096627-00097077 There is no will from South African government to... vZq3EP1gjz0-00280-00097098-00097490 to integrate refugees in South African society. vZq3EP1gjz0-00281-00097519-00097865 Everything that they are doing is to oppose vZq3EP1gjz0-00282-00097873-00098369 the migrant, refugee and asylum seeker communities to the locals. vZq3EP1gjz0-00283-00098386-00098790 Refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, they are abandoned by themselves. vZq3EP1gjz0-00284-00098819-00099232 We are attacked by the citizens of South Africa. So we are not safe. vZq3EP1gjz0-00285-00099244-00099565 They’re burning the cars - you see - the shops... vZq3EP1gjz0-00286-00099602-00099827 It’s not good what they do here. vZq3EP1gjz0-00287-00099873-00100102 Many people, they don’t have hope in South Africa. vZq3EP1gjz0-00288-00100115-00100232 They are not safe anymore. vZq3EP1gjz0-00289-00100265-00100344 Even myself, vZq3EP1gjz0-00290-00100357-00100857 I’m no longer thinking it’s better to live in South Africa. vZq3EP1gjz0-00291-00100877-00101340 When they see that you are foreigners, they can treat you anyhow, vZq3EP1gjz0-00292-00101352-00101723 because I cannot speak the language you know that I’m a foreigner, vZq3EP1gjz0-00293-00101723-00101957 so you can treat me this way. vZq3EP1gjz0-00294-00101986-00102140 They just treat you – they say ‘Uh-uh'... vZq3EP1gjz0-00295-00102161-00102473 'Makwerekwere'! you are just a foreigner – this is not your country’. vZq3EP1gjz0-00296-00102486-00102873 It’s what we go through every single day. vZq3EP1gjz0-00297-00102894-00103023 We are scared to death. vZq3EP1gjz0-00298-00103036-00103390 They say we steal ladies, we steal jobs, we bring drugs. vZq3EP1gjz0-00299-00103402-00103732 The migrants that are here, that have got spaza shops, vZq3EP1gjz0-00300-00103761-00103982 where is the jobs that she has stolen? vZq3EP1gjz0-00301-00103982-00104107 She has created! vZq3EP1gjz0-00302-00104115-00104736 Xenophobia, Afrophobia, is really a disgrace to us as humanity. vZq3EP1gjz0-00303-00104782-00105157 It’s not just about the migrants, but it’s about all of us. vZq3EP1gjz0-00304-00105198-00105711 When they arrive here, what are we doing to welcome these people? vZq3EP1gjz0-00305-00105727-00106073 We need to look at individuals as people. vZq3EP1gjz0-00306-00106111-00106261 Not about a number. vZq3EP1gjz0-00307-00106282-00106498 Not about where they’ve come from. vZq3EP1gjz0-00308-00106502-00106777 The political rhetoric about refugees vZq3EP1gjz0-00309-00106777-00107094 and forcibly displaced peoples these days isn’t positive. vZq3EP1gjz0-00310-00107186-00107611 If we get caught up in that…, if I get caught up in that…, it’s pretty depressing. vZq3EP1gjz0-00311-00107657-00108023 The Church has had a lot to do in terms of responding to this, vZq3EP1gjz0-00312-00108032-00108332 and the response has definitely started with Pope Francis. vZq3EP1gjz0-00313-00108377-00108898 He has been a tireless spokesperson on behalf of migrants and refugees, vZq3EP1gjz0-00314-00108915-00109290 internally displaced people, and trafficked people, especially young women. vZq3EP1gjz0-00315-00109373-00109652 I do not think there’s been anybody who has been more consistent vZq3EP1gjz0-00316-00109682-00109973 in his saying that we are part of the human family, vZq3EP1gjz0-00317-00109998-00110261 and how we treat migrants and refugees vZq3EP1gjz0-00318-00110273-00110515 very much says what kind of a people we are. vZq3EP1gjz0-00319-00110536-00111077 What the Church seeks to do is to offer some kind of minimal relief. vZq3EP1gjz0-00320-00111119-00111482 First, at the practical level, in terms of charity, vZq3EP1gjz0-00321-00111494-00111844 providing food and at times even providing clothing. vZq3EP1gjz0-00322-00111927-00112369 On the other hand, because of the oppressive nature of the conditions vZq3EP1gjz0-00323-00112394-00112577 under which those people find themselves, vZq3EP1gjz0-00324-00112602-00112986 spiritual support is also important, vZq3EP1gjz0-00325-00113002-00113448 they receive counselling simply to keep afloat as human beings. vZq3EP1gjz0-00326-00113469-00113965 We hope that in each parish we will have a desk for migrants and refugees. vZq3EP1gjz0-00327-00113998-00114307 Essentially, we seek to conscientize vZq3EP1gjz0-00328-00114319-00114782 local communities, that they ought to become welcoming communities. vZq3EP1gjz0-00329-00114782-00115219 And you can only do that when you already demonstrate the ability vZq3EP1gjz0-00330-00115236-00115623 to work together with people who come from outside your city. vZq3EP1gjz0-00331-00115673-00115852 There is no quick solution. vZq3EP1gjz0-00332-00115865-00116061 The challenges are huge and complex. vZq3EP1gjz0-00333-00116069-00116361 It’s not necessarily a problem that needs to be solved, vZq3EP1gjz0-00334-00116369-00116619 but rather an opportunity that needs to be managed. vZq3EP1gjz0-00335-00116632-00116982 Being an asylum seeker for 13 years, it’s not just easy. vZq3EP1gjz0-00336-00116998-00117427 There is still hope for us, to bring change in Africa, vZq3EP1gjz0-00337-00117436-00117665 and South Africa has a big role to play. vZq3EP1gjz0-00338-00117682-00117998 We are all Africans, we are all human beings. vZq3EP1gjz0-00339-00118019-00118432 This is like my home, I grew up here in South Africa in Johannesburg. vZq3EP1gjz0-00340-00118461-00118615 I don't know what I’m going to do, vZq3EP1gjz0-00341-00118615-00118911 but I say thank you to God because I’m still alive, vZq3EP1gjz0-00342-00118944-00119111 and my sons, my children are still alive. vZq3EP1gjz0-00343-00119119-00119227 I say thank you to God. vZq3EP1gjz0-00344-00119248-00119748 The only thing that is left to you is hope, and a dream for a better life. vcjNwWzFeWk-00000-00000290-00000440 Listen up… vcjNwWzFeWk-00001-00000623-00001806 G1 Climax… Just like I said yesterday, if I can't conquer that, then I can't change a thing. vcjNwWzFeWk-00002-00001813-00002440 Then, I suppose that’s how New Japan's ring should be. vcjNwWzFeWk-00003-00002603-00003420 I’m not looking far ahead, I'm only focusing on G1 and the Young Bucks, now. vcjNwWzFeWk-00004-00003629-00004336 But, to you two, make sure you get to the final, understand? vcjNwWzFeWk-00005-00004686-00004993 This is EVIL. vcjNwWzFeWk-00006-00005000-00005346 Everything is EVIL. vcjNwWzFeWk-00007-00005350-00005626 All of it... vcjNwWzFeWk-00008-00005626-00005763 EVIL! vcjNwWzFeWk-00009-00005990-00006623 Tomorrow, is the Super Strong Machine retirement ceremony. vcjNwWzFeWk-00010-00006793-00007236 I heard that the Machine Gundan will make their comeback... vcjNwWzFeWk-00011-00007243-00008106 Tomorrow… What will they feel in their hearts, when they put on those masks? vcjNwWzFeWk-00012-00008109-00008606 That won't be an insult to Super Strong Machine, will it? vcjNwWzFeWk-00013-00008610-00008760 Is it okay? vcjNwWzFeWk-00014-00008790-00009186 The real guy is coming tomorrow, right? vcjNwWzFeWk-00015-00009200-00009606 How will he feel when he makes his appearance? vcjNwWzFeWk-00016-00009636-00010183 Please, don’t let me down, Super Strong Machine. vcjNwWzFeWk-00017-00010230-00011193 And right before our match started, they announced the blocks for G1. vcjNwWzFeWk-00018-00011240-00011783 So, I offered an olive branch to SANADA after the match, vcjNwWzFeWk-00019-00011823-00012046 I thought he would take some kind of action. vcjNwWzFeWk-00020-00012060-00012616 But he made me realize something... vcjNwWzFeWk-00021-00012623-00013223 I forgot what I always say... It’s not G1 Climax yet. I got ahead of myself. vcjNwWzFeWk-00022-00013230-00013983 Right now we are on KIZUNA ROAD. G1 is also important, but I shouldn’t forget where I am. vcjNwWzFeWk-00023-00013990-00014616 I got excited, and rushed a bit. vcjNwWzFeWk-00024-00014630-00014940 Well, anyway... vcjNwWzFeWk-00025-00015066-00015850 Tomorrow is the Super Strong Machine ceremony, here, at Korakuen. I’ll see you guys here again. vcjNwWzFeWk-00026-00015860-00016000 Adios. vcjNwWzFeWk-00027-00016626-00016746 What? vcjNwWzFeWk-00028-00016920-00017243 Yesterday? Yesterday? vcjNwWzFeWk-00029-00017363-00017733 You guys want to know why I did that? vcjNwWzFeWk-00030-00017920-00018416 Because I was so frustrated, that's why. vcjNwWzFeWk-00031-00018453-00018590 That’s all. vcjNwWzFeWk-00032-00018766-00019273 You guys do know why I’m pissed in the first place, right? vcjNwWzFeWk-00033-00019323-00019510 I know you do. vcjNwWzFeWk-00034-00019920-00020596 I’d be cool with the G1 selection, if you thought it was the right decision. vcjNwWzFeWk-00035-00020663-00021366 I’d just accept it. I won't beg and plead for a spot. I’m not spineless. vcjNwWzFeWk-00036-00021380-00021933 If that's how it is, then so be it. vcjNwWzFeWk-00037-00021966-00022626 But… But... You guys, New Japan, always say this... vcjNwWzFeWk-00038-00022633-00023190 You always put the fans first. Your precious fans. vcjNwWzFeWk-00039-00023213-00023836 What do those fans really want? Did you see what they were saying yesterday? vcjNwWzFeWk-00040-00023866-00024866 New Japan’s Twitter, social media, they all went up in flames. Has it ever been this bad? vcjNwWzFeWk-00041-00024886-00025153 Has it? Do you have any idea? vcjNwWzFeWk-00042-00025173-00025689 That proves that it was all wrong. vcjNwWzFeWk-00043-00025730-00026433 You guys made the decision, then someone else became the target. vcjNwWzFeWk-00044-00026523-00026973 It wasn’t me who started it, it was this company's fault, wasn't it? vcjNwWzFeWk-00045-00027003-00027250 He felt the brunt of it. vcjNwWzFeWk-00046-00027280-00027583 Do you know what this is like? vcjNwWzFeWk-00047-00027676-00028316 When someone makes the wrong call, it all burns down. It happens in all other sports, too. vcjNwWzFeWk-00048-00028346-00028730 Just like that. It’s happening, right now. vcjNwWzFeWk-00049-00028750-00029139 That’s what you did, the blunder of the century. vcjNwWzFeWk-00050-00029223-00029403 Do you see my point? vcjNwWzFeWk-00051-00029476-00030376 The other day, someone was saying that they put the fans first, right? vcjNwWzFeWk-00052-00030376-00030973 Are you sure about that? Do you even hear what they are saying? vcjNwWzFeWk-00053-00030980-00031363 I know you guys had to see it, the flames were so big. How will you deal with it now? vcjNwWzFeWk-00054-00031386-00031930 I’m okay with how things turned out, but... vcjNwWzFeWk-00055-00031946-00032313 I don’t know what will happen from here. vcjNwWzFeWk-00056-00032366-00032786 Should I take out the problems and make them disappear? vcjNwWzFeWk-00057-00032840-00033563 But I won't let NJPW dictate my actions. I'm my own man. vcjNwWzFeWk-00058-00033576-00034190 You guys messed up, the blunder of the century. vcjNwWzFeWk-00059-00034250-00034590 Be warned, I'll make you regret this, big time. vf8n4FqHPIo-00000-00001616-00001826 أين هي التذاكر؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00001-00001826-00001998 إنها تطبع، حسنا؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00002-00001998-00002186 السيد إيفانز يحتاجها الآن vf8n4FqHPIo-00003-00002186-00002548 الزبون قادم في غضون خمس دقائق. vf8n4FqHPIo-00004-00002548-00002793 هذه الطابعة تدفعني إلى الجنون. vf8n4FqHPIo-00005-00002793-00002970 إنها بطيئة جدا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00006-00002970-00003311 جربي النفخ عليها vf8n4FqHPIo-00007-00003311-00003562 ماذا؟ حقا؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00008-00003562-00004036 جربي. vf8n4FqHPIo-00009-00004036-00004264 الآن اضربي الجانبين بخفة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00010-00004264-00004428 فقط جربي. vf8n4FqHPIo-00011-00004480-00004776 الآن افركي الجانبين برفق. vf8n4FqHPIo-00012-00004910-00005158 هل هذا ينفع حقا؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00013-00005396-00005712 أين هي التذاكر؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00014-00005712-00005848 إنها تطبع، حسنا؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00015-00005848-00006064 السيد إيفانز في حاجة إليها الآن. vf8n4FqHPIo-00016-00006088-00006404 الزبون قادم في غضون أربع دقائق. vf8n4FqHPIo-00017-00006490-00006842 برفق يا جاكي شان vf8n4FqHPIo-00018-00006894-00007316 نحن في حاجة لطابعة جديدة. هل سنحصل عليها؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00019-00007344-00007650 أنت المسؤول عن شراء طابعة جديدة، أليس كذلك؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00020-00007650-00007942 هذه هي الطابعة الجديدة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00021-00007942-00008144 قطعة الخردة هذه جديدة؟؟؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00022-00008144-00008386 حسنا...إنها جديدة...بالنسبة لنا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00023-00008386-00008602 إنها طابعة قديمة؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00024-00008602-00008820 فقط قليلا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00025-00008820-00008998 ما نوعها؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00026-00008998-00009180 هل هي من نوع كومبرايت؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00027-00009180-00009544 السيد إيفانز دائما يؤكد على شراء نوع كومبرايت. vf8n4FqHPIo-00028-00009544-00009784 إنها من نوع برنت أوكي. vf8n4FqHPIo-00029-00009784-00010052 نوع برنت أوكي؟؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00030-00010052-00010260 ما هو نوع برنت أوكي؟؟؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00031-00010260-00010534 هل تعرفين هذا إنها نوعية جيدة... vf8n4FqHPIo-00032-00010534-00010748 و...هي جد...رخيصة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00033-00010748-00011034 نحتاج التذاكر الآن. vf8n4FqHPIo-00034-00011034-00011384 افعل شيئا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00035-00012884-00013066 أين هي التذاكر؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00036-00013066-00013216 إنها تطبع، حسنا؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00037-00013216-00013374 الزبون قادم في غضون دقيقة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00038-00013375-00013628 الطابعة بطيئة قليلا اليوم. vf8n4FqHPIo-00039-00013628-00013752 هل أساعدكما؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00040-00013752-00013802 توقف. vf8n4FqHPIo-00041-00013819-00013888 ماذا؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00042-00013888-00014116 لا تقترب من الطابعة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00043-00014116-00014418 ما المشكلة؟ أنت تعلم أن الآلات لا تعمل حينما تكون قربها. vf8n4FqHPIo-00044-00014440-00014711 هذا غير صحيح. vf8n4FqHPIo-00045-00014711-00014857 هل يعمل حاسوبك؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00046-00014857-00014948 لا. إنه لا يشتغل. vf8n4FqHPIo-00047-00014948-00015032 هل يعمل هاتفك؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00048-00015032-00015162 لا، لا فائدة منه. vf8n4FqHPIo-00049-00015162-00015366 هل جهازك اللوحي يعمل؟ لا لكن... vf8n4FqHPIo-00050-00015366-00015468 ابتعد. vf8n4FqHPIo-00051-00015468-00015576 هيا.... vf8n4FqHPIo-00052-00015576-00015868 بول. نحتاج هذه التذاكر في الحال. vf8n4FqHPIo-00053-00015900-00016078 نطبع آخر تذكرة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00054-00016078-00016169 أرجوك. vf8n4FqHPIo-00055-00016169-00016363 لا تقترب من الطابعة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00056-00016363-00016534 الطابعة لن تتوقف فقط بسبب... vf8n4FqHPIo-00057-00016670-00017064 آآآآآخخخ... vf8n4FqHPIo-00058-00017116-00017338 ماذا؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00059-00017366-00017442 الزبون هنا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00060-00017442-00017634 أين التذاكر؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00061-00017634-00017736 ها هي سيدي vf8n4FqHPIo-00062-00017737-00017990 شكرا لك. vf8n4FqHPIo-00063-00017990-00018122 هناك فقط تسعة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00064-00018122-00018202 أين الأخيرة؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00065-00018202-00018430 ها هي سيدي. vf8n4FqHPIo-00066-00018430-00018632 شكرا لك. vf8n4FqHPIo-00067-00018632-00018900 ماذا؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00068-00018900-00019434 الطابعة لا تعمل. vf8n4FqHPIo-00069-00019434-00019542 ماذا؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00070-00019542-00019852 اذهبي إلى مكتب السيد لي في الرواق. vf8n4FqHPIo-00071-00019870-00020048 اطلبي منه السماح لك بطباعة تذكرة واحدة بطابعته. vf8n4FqHPIo-00072-00020048-00020174 ليس أنت. vf8n4FqHPIo-00073-00020174-00020480 سوف تبقى هنا حتى تطبع كل التذاكر. vf8n4FqHPIo-00074-00021782-00021990 هل أنتم مستعدون للطلب؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00075-00021990-00022064 أجل. vf8n4FqHPIo-00076-00022064-00022294 معذرة، لدي سؤال. vf8n4FqHPIo-00077-00022294-00022344 نعم. vf8n4FqHPIo-00078-00022344-00022422 أشتهي لحم العجل، vf8n4FqHPIo-00079-00022422-00022816 لكن المرق يبدو دسما جدا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00080-00022816-00023182 هل أستطيع طلب لحم العجل بدون مرق؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00081-00023196-00023288 طبعا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00082-00023288-00023424 مع ماذا يقدم؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00083-00023424-00023536 البطاطس المقلية vf8n4FqHPIo-00084-00023536-00023830 لا أحب الأطعمة المقلية. vf8n4FqHPIo-00085-00023830-00024200 هل أستطيع الحصول على خضر مشوية عوض ذلك. vf8n4FqHPIo-00086-00024220-00024428 أظن أنه لدينا فلفل مشوي. vf8n4FqHPIo-00087-00024428-00024662 ممتاز. vf8n4FqHPIo-00088-00024662-00025032 هذا تودين البدء بمقبلات؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00089-00025084-00025332 هل توجد زيت على سلطة الطماطم؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00090-00025332-00025536 هناك الكثير من زيت الزيتون، أجل. vf8n4FqHPIo-00091-00025584-00025864 هل أستطيع الحصول عليها بدون زيت؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00092-00025864-00026006 همم...آ...همم vf8n4FqHPIo-00093-00026006-00026280 لكنها لن تكون لذيذة جدا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00095-00026566-00026927 إذا، سأطلب سلطة خضراء مختلطة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00096-00026927-00027062 و أنت؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00097-00027062-00027338 آسفة...لدي سؤال آخر. vf8n4FqHPIo-00098-00027376-00027600 هل يوجد ملح في لحم العجل؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00099-00027600-00027852 إنه مطبوخ بالملح و الفلفل. أجل. vf8n4FqHPIo-00100-00027852-00028050 لا أريد الكثير من الملح. vf8n4FqHPIo-00101-00028050-00028402 أظن أنني سأطلب السمك بدل ذلك. vf8n4FqHPIo-00102-00028402-00028586 ماذا يوجد في المرق؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00103-00028586-00028854 الليمون، الزبدة، الحليب... vf8n4FqHPIo-00104-00028854-00029112 آه، هناك الكثير من مشتقات الحليب. vf8n4FqHPIo-00105-00029112-00029762 ربما سأطلب سلطة كبيرة كوجبة أولى و ...بدون مقبلات. vf8n4FqHPIo-00106-00029848-00030016 ماذا يوجد في السلطة؟؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00107-00030030-00030452 الخس، الجزر، الفلفل، البصل، البيض... vf8n4FqHPIo-00108-00030452-00030606 آه... بدون بيض من فضلك. vf8n4FqHPIo-00109-00030606-00030788 سلطة vf8n4FqHPIo-00110-00030788-00031032 بدون بيض. vf8n4FqHPIo-00111-00031032-00031236 هل تودين شرب شيئ ما؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00112-00031236-00031432 الماء فقط من فضلك. vf8n4FqHPIo-00113-00031432-00031574 و أنت؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00114-00031574-00031726 سأطلب الطبق المميز. vf8n4FqHPIo-00115-00031726-00031958 المميز. vf8n4FqHPIo-00116-00031958-00032170 عظيم. هل بإمكاني أن أسألك سؤالا آخر؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00117-00032170-00032239 لا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00118-00033860-00034104 هذا لذيذ جدا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00119-00034104-00034324 مذهل. vf8n4FqHPIo-00120-00034324-00034546 شيريل، ألا تريدين أن تتذوقي؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00121-00034546-00034670 لا شكرا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00122-00034670-00034792 فيه الكثير من السعرات الحرارية. vf8n4FqHPIo-00123-00034792-00034890 علينا الذهاب vf8n4FqHPIo-00125-00034940-00035138 سأطلب الحساب. vf8n4FqHPIo-00126-00035138-00035514 أحب التحلية. vf8n4FqHPIo-00127-00035514-00035880 هل تعرفين كمية السعرات الحرارية في تلك الحلوى؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00128-00035898-00036052 لا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00129-00036052-00036384 و لا تخبريني. vf8n4FqHPIo-00130-00036384-00036640 و حتى كمية الدسم في قطعة اللحم التي تناولت؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00131-00036640-00036802 و القريدس المقلي؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00132-00036832-00037116 و كمية الملح في البطاطس المقلية؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00133-00037116-00037366 هل تريدين منا أكل الخضر فقط vf8n4FqHPIo-00134-00037404-00037586 الخضراوت جيدة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00135-00037586-00037944 ماذا عن القطع الصغيرة؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00136-00037944-00038178 و بدون تحلية؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00137-00038228-00038442 بدون تحلية؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00138-00038442-00038672 عليك الإهتمام بجسدك. vf8n4FqHPIo-00139-00038688-00038954 كلوا الأطعمة الصحية. vf8n4FqHPIo-00140-00038954-00039468 كلوا الخضراوت في كـأطعمة سريعة بدل شرائح البطاطا المقلية و الحلويات. vf8n4FqHPIo-00141-00039488-00039666 أنت محقة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00142-00039666-00039936 غدا سآكل الكثير من الخضراوات. vf8n4FqHPIo-00143-00039936-00040102 حقا؟؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00144-00040102-00040210 كوجبة سريعة. vf8n4FqHPIo-00145-00040210-00040546 و سآكل شرائح البطاطس المقلية والحلويات في vf8n4FqHPIo-00146-00040546-00040684 الفطور و الغداء و العشاء. vf8n4FqHPIo-00147-00040684-00040738 آآآخخخ. vf8n4FqHPIo-00148-00040738-00040948 أنت مريع. vf8n4FqHPIo-00149-00041064-00041246 ماذا تفعل؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00150-00041246-00041410 أنا أحاول أن أطلب الحساب. vf8n4FqHPIo-00151-00041414-00041596 و أخيرا. vf8n4FqHPIo-00152-00042346-00042516 هل تريدين ذاك؟ vf8n4FqHPIo-00154-00042812-00043608 a Salaam Wadi little solo baby will exterior careful Panna the GR Lina Lina vf8n4FqHPIo-00155-00043608-00044015 stem in Revelation is Mazzini insha'Allah vfwdi3fkMs0-00000-00000107-00000426 Bitcoin...explained simply. vfwdi3fkMs0-00002-00000847-00001286 This is Matthew. He works with online payment and his grandmother, Margaret, has just begun banking online! vfwdi3fkMs0-00003-00001286-00001339 She’s heard of Bitcoin, but doesn’t know what it is. vfwdi3fkMs0-00004-00001339-00001823 Matthew can explain! vfwdi3fkMs0-00005-00001823-00002253 Everyone knows about money- vfwdi3fkMs0-00006-00002253-00002681 we use cash or cards to buy things, either in shops or online. vfwdi3fkMs0-00007-00002681-00003315 Bitcoin works in a similar way but is a completely digital currency: It is created and stored electronically. vfwdi3fkMs0-00008-00003315-00003700 The banks control Margaret’s money, vfwdi3fkMs0-00009-00003700-00004098 whereas it’s the users themselves that control Bitcoin payments. vfwdi3fkMs0-00010-00004098-00004548 Her money can be affected by inflation vfwdi3fkMs0-00011-00004548-00004905 but Bitcoin can’t- by controlling production they keep their value on quite a solid level… vfwdi3fkMs0-00012-00004905-00005295 …This makes it popular in countries with economic problems… vfwdi3fkMs0-00013-00005295-00005707 …as users can circumnavigate inflation and other issues. vfwdi3fkMs0-00014-00005707-00006305 However, even small events such as a bad press report can have a drastic effect on bitcoin price. vfwdi3fkMs0-00015-00006305-00006380 So where could Margaret use bitcoins? vfwdi3fkMs0-00017-00006800-00007208 Certain companies and online retailers now accept it as payment. vfwdi3fkMs0-00018-00007208-00007704 However, Bitcoin is still relatively unknown by businesses, vfwdi3fkMs0-00019-00007704-00007790 as it’s a developing network… vfwdi3fkMs0-00020-00007790-00008134 The simple and largely anonymous nature of bitcoins vfwdi3fkMs0-00021-00008134-00008736 has also made it attractive to criminals in the black market. vfwdi3fkMs0-00022-00008736-00009108 From Matthew’s perspective, Bitcoin is an app on a computer or smartphone vfwdi3fkMs0-00023-00009108-00009325 that works as an online wallet. It’s easier to make payments vfwdi3fkMs0-00024-00009325-00009693 than with conventional debit or credit cards; vfwdi3fkMs0-00025-00009693-00010209 just enter the recipient’s address, the amount to pay, and press send. vfwdi3fkMs0-00026-00010209-00010510 Margaret can send and receive money instantly, vfwdi3fkMs0-00027-00010510-00010957 anywhere in the world and at any time. vfwdi3fkMs0-00028-00010957-00011364 Unlike credit cards there are either no or only small fees vfwdi3fkMs0-00029-00011364-00011420 because there is no bank to go through, and no personal or sensitive data is stored. vfwdi3fkMs0-00031-00011817-00012217 Users each have their own ‘address’ vfwdi3fkMs0-00032-00012217-00012606 from which they can send and receive bitcoins. vfwdi3fkMs0-00033-00012606-00013215 A collection, or ‘block’ of these transactions is then added to the ‘block chain’, Bitcoin’s equivalent of a bank’s ledger… vfwdi3fkMs0-00034-00013215-00013287 …Users that maintain this form of accounting are rewarded with new Bitcoins; vfwdi3fkMs0-00036-00013657-00013987 this is known as ‘mining’. vfwdi3fkMs0-00037-00013987-00014419 There is a fixed amount of bitcoins, vfwdi3fkMs0-00038-00014419-00014851 but over time existing bitcoins become divided to maintain a consistent value. vfwdi3fkMs0-00039-00014851-00015329 Now that Matthew has explained Bitcoins, vfwdi3fkMs0-00040-00015329-00015679 Margaret doesn’t find online payment to be… vfwdi3fkMs0-00041-00015679-00016059 all that complicated anymore. vfwdi3fkMs0-00042-00016059-00016144 Bitcoin appears to be a real alternative form for worldwide-currency for the future. vg2joeO-TIu-00000-00023613-00023760 When I started the vg2joeO-TIu-00001-00023760-00023970 redress campaign with the JACL, vg2joeO-TIu-00002-00024140-00024420 I realized that there were vg2joeO-TIu-00003-00024483-00024736 various functions that we needed vg2joeO-TIu-00004-00024736-00024970 to accomplish, one of which was vg2joeO-TIu-00005-00025090-00025520 that we had to get past all the cultural walls and obstacles vg2joeO-TIu-00006-00025520-00025846 we had built in front of and around ourselves. vg2joeO-TIu-00007-00025960-00026243 And part of the process was vg2joeO-TIu-00008-00026343-00026770 for Japanese-Americans expiating the guilt vg2joeO-TIu-00009-00026770-00027130 that we felt because of what we had experienced. vg2joeO-TIu-00010-00027196-00027653 My name is Grace Shimizu, and I serve as the vg2joeO-TIu-00011-00027736-00028203 director of the Japanese Peruvian Oral History Project and the director vg2joeO-TIu-00012-00028203-00028743 of the Campaign for Justice Redress Now For Japanese Latin Americans. vg2joeO-TIu-00013-00028773-00029193 And I'm also the project director of the updated traveling exhibit vg2joeO-TIu-00014-00029233-00029610 called Enemy Alien Files Hidden Stories of World War Two. vg2joeO-TIu-00015-00029730-00029873 I've been vg2joeO-TIu-00016-00029956-00030463 an activist for, I don't know, maybe about five decades now. vg2joeO-TIu-00017-00030510-00031046 You know, working on such issues as, you know, community vg2joeO-TIu-00018-00031093-00031346 development and empowerment people, vg2joeO-TIu-00019-00031373-00031870 if they know about the incarceration during World War Two, vg2joeO-TIu-00020-00031913-00032530 they know about what happened to the Japanese-American community, the U.S. vg2joeO-TIu-00021-00032530-00032916 citizens and immigrant residents of Japanese ancestry vg2joeO-TIu-00022-00032973-00033360 being interned in the ten War Relocation Authority camps. vg2joeO-TIu-00023-00033406-00033680 And it's they usually don't know about vg2joeO-TIu-00024-00033776-00033803 that. vg2joeO-TIu-00025-00033803-00034303 There were thousands and thousands of other people, both vg2joeO-TIu-00026-00034420-00034696 Nikkei, that were brought here from Latin America, vg2joeO-TIu-00027-00034720-00034970 but also the Germans and the Italians. vg2joeO-TIu-00028-00035033-00035200 Residents here in the U.S. vg2joeO-TIu-00029-00035200-00035486 and those that were also come from Latin America. vg2joeO-TIu-00030-00035600-00035970 And they were interned in a set of vg2joeO-TIu-00031-00036083-00036220 50 or more. vg2joeO-TIu-00032-00036220-00036470 The Department of Justice and Army camps. vg2joeO-TIu-00033-00036510-00036836 So when you realize what actually happened vg2joeO-TIu-00034-00036856-00037106 during World War Two, the scope vg2joeO-TIu-00035-00037143-00037426 and of numbers, the numbers of camps vg2joeO-TIu-00036-00037463-00037740 and the violations that occurred vg2joeO-TIu-00037-00037773-00038100 is so much more than people realize. vg2joeO-TIu-00038-00038143-00038373 And then for my my family, vg2joeO-TIu-00039-00038413-00038836 my father was an immigrant resident of Peru. vg2joeO-TIu-00040-00038876-00039093 He went there when he was, vg2joeO-TIu-00041-00039180-00039396 I think, around 18 or so. vg2joeO-TIu-00042-00039396-00039850 He had hoped to come to join Japanese American relatives here in the U.S. vg2joeO-TIu-00043-00039850-00040183 but because of the discriminatory and racist vg2joeO-TIu-00044-00040183-00040496 immigration laws, they were not allowed entry. vg2joeO-TIu-00045-00040510-00040976 So you had many folks going to Latin America, especially Peru. vg2joeO-TIu-00046-00041053-00041243 And during the war, vg2joeO-TIu-00047-00041343-00041510 our family and vg2joeO-TIu-00048-00041510-00041926 over 2,200 vg2joeO-TIu-00049-00041980-00042240 men, women and children were targeted vg2joeO-TIu-00050-00042300-00042553 during the U.S. vg2joeO-TIu-00051-00042566-00042903 says Latin American extraordinary rendition program. vg2joeO-TIu-00052-00042916-00043343 Well, I was really struck by how vg2joeO-TIu-00053-00043516-00043666 dedicated they were vg2joeO-TIu-00054-00043666-00043950 to doing something about, vg2joeO-TIu-00055-00043966-00044296 you know, remembering our history and to vg2joeO-TIu-00056-00044526-00044843 bring it before the American people that, you know, actually vg2joeO-TIu-00057-00044843-00045430 and that we need to question the legality of it all vg2joeO-TIu-00058-00045430-00045820 and the constitutionality of it all and that kind of thing. vg2joeO-TIu-00059-00045820-00046133 So it was impressive that vg2joeO-TIu-00060-00046186-00046433 we were numerically a very small group. vg2joeO-TIu-00061-00046510-00047023 William Horry was one of these, you know, dedicated people. vg2joeO-TIu-00062-00047023-00047453 I mean, he was extremely smart and knowledgeable and all that. And vg2joeO-TIu-00063-00047586-00047836 and so they decided to go vg2joeO-TIu-00064-00047836-00048323 the judicial route because that would really focus on vg2joeO-TIu-00065-00048356-00048700 all the violations that were committed by the government vg2joeO-TIu-00066-00048803-00049050 of the basic vg2joeO-TIu-00067-00049050-00049283 documents, you know, the Constitution vg2joeO-TIu-00068-00049283-00049506 and Bill of Rights and all those things. vg2joeO-TIu-00069-00049583-00049900 One group organized vg2joeO-TIu-00070-00049900-00050280 a, well, a mission vg2joeO-TIu-00071-00050293-00050573 to address the vg2joeO-TIu-00072-00050743-00050956 incarceration of Japanese-Americans vg2joeO-TIu-00073-00050956-00051253 through the courts, because vg2joeO-TIu-00074-00051253-00051476 that addresses vg2joeO-TIu-00075-00051596-00051920 particular violations vg2joeO-TIu-00076-00051920-00052233 of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. vg2joeO-TIu-00077-00052233-00052536 And so it's just laid out vg2joeO-TIu-00078-00052536-00052826 in that manner which which of these vg2joeO-TIu-00079-00052929-00053120 laws were violate it. vg2joeO-TIu-00080-00053120-00053506 And I think it was like 14 different counts. vg2joeO-TIu-00081-00053553-00053946 And so I believe the redress vg2joeO-TIu-00082-00053946-00054313 that was asked for was like $10,000 per count. vg2joeO-TIu-00083-00054313-00054703 So it would have been 140,000 per vg2joeO-TIu-00084-00054810-00055086 person who had endured vg2joeO-TIu-00085-00055086-00055403 the incarceration and vg2joeO-TIu-00086-00055586-00055803 it was done vg2joeO-TIu-00087-00055803-00056176 in a very American manner, which is to say vg2joeO-TIu-00088-00056226-00056560 we go through the courts and vg2joeO-TIu-00089-00056679-00057183 we got as far as the Supreme Court, which was fantastic. vg2joeO-TIu-00090-00057183-00057503 I mean, just vg2joeO-TIu-00091-00057633-00057693 what, you vg2joeO-TIu-00092-00057693-00058053 know, we as a group, we got to sit in on the session vg2joeO-TIu-00093-00058070-00058429 in which our case was argued, and it really was vg2joeO-TIu-00094-00058429-00058800 quite a thrill to vg2joeO-TIu-00095-00058820-00058916 well, vg2joeO-TIu-00096-00058916-00059276 just think that we had made it up to that point to be able vg2joeO-TIu-00097-00059276-00059796 to sit in front of the justices and hear our case being argued. vg2joeO-TIu-00098-00059820-00060136 It just showed that vg2joeO-TIu-00099-00060136-00060346 a small group of people vg2joeO-TIu-00100-00060456-00060926 can actually vg2joeO-TIu-00101-00061163-00061343 accomplish things, you know, vg2joeO-TIu-00102-00061343-00061573 I mean, so we didn't win in the Supreme Court. vg2joeO-TIu-00103-00061660-00061840 That's okay. vg2joeO-TIu-00104-00061903-00062400 The fact that we're in the books now and the fact that with the calm, vg2joeO-TIu-00105-00062400-00062800 no bias cases, that the Korematsu was vacated vg2joeO-TIu-00106-00062800-00063410 and I think Hirabayashi (Hirabayashi v. United States, 320 U.S. 81) cases was also I'm not quite sure the legal terminology, vg2joeO-TIu-00107-00063410-00063870 but all of those were acknowledged as being wrong or bad decisions. vg2joeO-TIu-00108-00063913-00064173 My name is Miles Ginoza vg2joeO-TIu-00109-00064173-00064579 I am half Japanese and half Filipino American. vg2joeO-TIu-00110-00064693-00065113 I'm Yonsei, so fourth generation and yeah, vg2joeO-TIu-00111-00065116-00065576 I got involved with the National Japanese American Historical Society, vg2joeO-TIu-00112-00065623-00066063 I think because I know very little about Camp. vg2joeO-TIu-00113-00066103-00066410 My dad told me that his parents vg2joeO-TIu-00114-00066486-00066840 only told him where they went to camp and they didn't vg2joeO-TIu-00115-00066873-00067126 tell him anything about their experience at all. vg2joeO-TIu-00116-00067190-00067550 And I think that was maybe their way of protecting him vg2joeO-TIu-00117-00067670-00068093 and maybe also their way of processing the trauma of that. vg2joeO-TIu-00118-00068196-00068546 But yeah, as a result, I know very little about it. vg2joeO-TIu-00119-00068546-00068976 And so getting involved is I think, a really good way vg2joeO-TIu-00120-00068976-00069390 for me to kind of understand maybe anecdotally vg2joeO-TIu-00121-00069536-00069760 what Japanese-Americans went through. vg2joeO-TIu-00122-00069760-00070140 I think the redress movement for the Japanese-Americans vg2joeO-TIu-00123-00070140-00070556 is a really important example and history vg2joeO-TIu-00124-00070556-00070806 and a lesson that people vg2joeO-TIu-00125-00070873-00071240 today of my generation can take moving forward. vg2joeO-TIu-00126-00071403-00071606 You know, it started with vg2joeO-TIu-00127-00071606-00071866 a small group of people, and through that vg2joeO-TIu-00128-00071866-00072166 they were enabled to vg2joeO-TIu-00129-00072166-00072466 gather more people and eventually enact change. vg2joeO-TIu-00130-00072476-00072783 And so in terms of issues today, vg2joeO-TIu-00131-00072783-00073083 whether that be vg2joeO-TIu-00132-00073110-00073290 you know, Black Lives Matter vg2joeO-TIu-00133-00073290-00073596 or conversations about vg2joeO-TIu-00134-00073596-00073890 reparations for Native Americans or vg2joeO-TIu-00135-00073950-00074280 just any issue that vg2joeO-TIu-00136-00074390-00074750 affects people, it doesn't take a lot of people to vg2joeO-TIu-00137-00074910-00075010 enact change. vg2joeO-TIu-00138-00075010-00075180 And I think vg2joeO-TIu-00139-00075300-00075503 it's just it's an important example and vg2joeO-TIu-00140-00075503-00075733 and people power and the fact that vg2joeO-TIu-00141-00075943-00076050 organizing vg2joeO-TIu-00142-00076050-00076450 you can create systems of care and support people, vg2joeO-TIu-00143-00076450-00076756 whether that be on the ground through mutual vg2joeO-TIu-00144-00076756-00077240 aid or for larger issues where you are organizing vg2joeO-TIu-00145-00077240-00077510 a lot of people for like national issues. vg2joeO-TIu-00146-00077640-00077853 I feel like there's there can be certain vg2joeO-TIu-00147-00078020-00078273 cultural specific struggles or like things vg2joeO-TIu-00148-00078273-00078660 that people sort of unite and bond over coming from different vg2joeO-TIu-00149-00078780-00079000 coming from different Asian vg2joeO-TIu-00150-00079000-00079410 Asian-American communities, Asian communities and doing this work. vg2joeO-TIu-00151-00079410-00079650 I've learned that. vg2joeO-TIu-00152-00079683-00080106 Bottom line, everyone just wants to feel accepted, vg2joeO-TIu-00153-00080176-00080696 feel heard, and feel a part of a community regardless of what it is. vg2joeO-TIu-00154-00080760-00081063 So wherever you feel vg2joeO-TIu-00155-00081063-00081353 most comfortable or wherever you feel most safe. vg2joeO-TIu-00156-00081410-00081753 So learning that from this work vg2joeO-TIu-00157-00081770-00082160 and taking it towards my work with the Japantown Rainbow Coalition, vg2joeO-TIu-00158-00082290-00082666 the first step, we believe, is really just being able vg2joeO-TIu-00159-00082666-00083066 to fly a pride flag and show we're in solidarity with you. vg2joeO-TIu-00160-00083070-00083353 We see you where vg2joeO-TIu-00161-00083353-00083636 we're comfortable being right there with you and vg2joeO-TIu-00162-00083750-00083993 having it be vg2joeO-TIu-00163-00083993-00084440 not just the Castro that you go to to embrace a certain part of yourself. vg2joeO-TIu-00164-00084443-00084970 You can be the be all parts of yourself in even in Japantown vg2joeO-TIu-00165-00085080-00085403 sources that we didn't expect, or at least I certainly vg2joeO-TIu-00166-00085470-00085710 it sort of just blew past my mind was vg2joeO-TIu-00167-00085836-00086103 we're organizing JARF, which are vg2joeO-TIu-00168-00086106-00086470 which is the Japantown Religious Federation. vg2joeO-TIu-00169-00086560-00086716 Religious Federation. vg2joeO-TIu-00170-00086716-00086973 They were very supportive. vg2joeO-TIu-00171-00086973-00087390 They came out directly as one of our first supporters writing a letter vg2joeO-TIu-00172-00087390-00087803 saying that they approved of a pride flag going up in San Francisco. vg2joeO-TIu-00173-00087803-00088260 Japantown, and they would attend the ceremony, do a blessing, vg2joeO-TIu-00174-00088313-00088420 all that sort of thing. vg2joeO-TIu-00175-00088420-00088733 So that was a source of support vg2joeO-TIu-00176-00088733-00089126 that we weren't expecting, but I think really helped us vg2joeO-TIu-00177-00089183-00089430 gain traction within Japantown vg2joeO-TIu-00178-00089453-00090433 and the Japantown organizations. vg2joeO-TIu-00179-00090636-00090943 I'm 92 years old vg2joeO-TIu-00180-00090943-00091196 and I think that vg2joeO-TIu-00181-00091200-00091526 what really keeps me going is because I'm vg2joeO-TIu-00182-00091526-00091836 very politically involved. vg2joeO-TIu-00183-00091946-00092206 You know, things make me angry vg2joeO-TIu-00184-00092226-00092463 or upset or something, and vg2joeO-TIu-00185-00092570-00092773 I don't feel that you just vg2joeO-TIu-00186-00092910-00093210 stew about it, you know, in isolation. vg2joeO-TIu-00187-00093210-00093363 But you go out and vg2joeO-TIu-00188-00093510-00093656 try to do something about it. vg2joeO-TIu-00189-00093656-00094256 You know, you don't have to, you know, be a marcher or anything like that. vg2joeO-TIu-00190-00094256-00094746 But there's a lot of little things you can do, like participate in elections. vg2joeO-TIu-00191-00094746-00094996 You know, like I write postcards and letters and vg2joeO-TIu-00192-00095186-00095430 contribute small amounts of money vg2joeO-TIu-00193-00095430-00095640 to various candidates. vhC7v-Wazmg-00000-00000092-00000568 What's Germany's most popular tourist attraction: Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria? vhC7v-Wazmg-00001-00000632-00000871 Or the Frauenkirche Church in Dresden? vhC7v-Wazmg-00002-00000871-00001104 What about the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg? vhC7v-Wazmg-00003-00001104-00001688 Or something else entirely? To find out, we took a look at visitor statistics for2022 vhC7v-Wazmg-00004-00001688-00002052 and the results were surprising. In addition to well-known attractions, vhC7v-Wazmg-00005-00002052-00002466 there are some newcomers to the ranking. You can also enter many of them for free! vhC7v-Wazmg-00006-00002605-00003054 Surprisingly, Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavariacomes in at 15th place. vhC7v-Wazmg-00007-00003127-00003321 You might think ofthis fairytale castle vhC7v-Wazmg-00008-00003321-00003735 as the country's toptourist spot, but the stats say otherwise. vhC7v-Wazmg-00009-00003735-00004260 Many tourists from Asia were not able to come last year due to pandemic-related restrictions. vhC7v-Wazmg-00010-00004512-00004917 Although Neuschwanstein Castle is the most-visited castle in Bavaria, vhC7v-Wazmg-00011-00004917-00005184 it's not Germany's most popular castle. vhC7v-Wazmg-00012-00005827-00006150 The most popularGerman castle is in Heidelberg! vhC7v-Wazmg-00013-00006286-00006636 Although large parts of it are in ruins, it doesn't seem to bother visitors. vhC7v-Wazmg-00014-00006720-00007191 Instead, it's part of the castle's charm andwhat makes it so fascinating. vhC7v-Wazmg-00015-00007241-00007393 What do you think? vhC7v-Wazmg-00016-00007800-00008478 Plus, its picturesque location above the old town makes it a great destination for romantics. vhC7v-Wazmg-00017-00008964-00009492 Dinosaurs may have died out 66 million years ago, but they still have a large fan base, vhC7v-Wazmg-00018-00009492-00010158 including in Berlin. Take a deep dive into the past at Berlin's Museum ofNatural History. vhC7v-Wazmg-00019-00010500-00010805 Here, you'll haveplenty of opportunities to learn about vhC7v-Wazmg-00020-00010805-00011304 lots of plant and animal species as youbrowse the museum's exhibits. vhC7v-Wazmg-00021-00011579-00011970 Spoiler alert:it's not the only museum in our ranking! vhC7v-Wazmg-00022-00012456-00012887 Tourists in Berlin often ask how to get to theBerlin Wall. vhC7v-Wazmg-00023-00012887-00013232 It's not always obvious, since notmuch of it is left. vhC7v-Wazmg-00024-00013232-00013424 A good place to start vhC7v-Wazmg-00025-00013424-00013624 is thememorial on Bernauer Strasse, vhC7v-Wazmg-00026-00013624-00013925 where part of theformer border fortifications vhC7v-Wazmg-00027-00013925-00014234 have been transformed into an open-air exhibition. vhC7v-Wazmg-00028-00014234-00014384 You'll learn how vhC7v-Wazmg-00029-00014384-00014564 insurmountable the Wall was, vhC7v-Wazmg-00030-00014564-00014756 and how many people lost their lives vhC7v-Wazmg-00031-00014756-00014956 trying to get to the West. vhC7v-Wazmg-00032-00015272-00015401 Still in the German capital, vhC7v-Wazmg-00033-00015401-00015660 next we see Berlin's Fernsehturm, vhC7v-Wazmg-00034-00015660-00016313 or TV tower. It measures 368 meters, and is the tallest structure in Germany. vhC7v-Wazmg-00035-00016512-00017113 Take an elevator up 203 meters to the observation deck – it takes only 40 seconds! vhC7v-Wazmg-00036-00017220-00017466 And you'll love the views over the city! vhC7v-Wazmg-00037-00018042-00018500 You might be wondering why so many Berlin attractions made it onto the ranking. vhC7v-Wazmg-00038-00018500-00019035 It's simple:in 2022, more than 10 million tourists came toBerlin. vhC7v-Wazmg-00039-00019085-00019357 That's more than in any other German city! vhC7v-Wazmg-00040-00019635-00019814 Now it'stime for the top ten. vhC7v-Wazmg-00041-00019814-00019961 Let's visit Dresden! vhC7v-Wazmg-00042-00020277-00020568 In 10th place is Dresden's Frauenkirche church. vhC7v-Wazmg-00043-00020568-00020774 With its large, elegant dome, vhC7v-Wazmg-00044-00020774-00021057 it's amasterpiece of Baroque architecture. vhC7v-Wazmg-00045-00021264-00021841 Dresden has plenty of stunning churches, but the Frauenkirche is definitely a visitor favorite. vhC7v-Wazmg-00046-00021841-00022362 This might be due to its unique past. The church was completely destroyed during vhC7v-Wazmg-00047-00022362-00022908 World War II and rebuilt decades later as a symbol of hope and reconciliation. vhC7v-Wazmg-00048-00023077-00023500 Two more churches made it into the top ten. Can you guess which ones? vhC7v-Wazmg-00049-00023945-00024062 Let's move on to #9: vhC7v-Wazmg-00050-00024062-00024262 the DeutschesMuseum in Munich. vhC7v-Wazmg-00051-00024262-00024373 It's one ofthe largest vhC7v-Wazmg-00052-00024373-00024649 science and technology museums in the world. vhC7v-Wazmg-00053-00024678-00025391 It has around28,000 objects on display, related toeverything from aviation to seafaring. vhC7v-Wazmg-00054-00025681-00026004 It's also very hands-on, with plenty of opportunities to see vhC7v-Wazmg-00055-00026004-00026281 how things work up close and personal! vhC7v-Wazmg-00056-00026579-00026838 St. Michaelis, called Michel for short, vhC7v-Wazmg-00057-00026838-00027080 is a landmark in the city of Hamburg. vhC7v-Wazmg-00058-00027116-00027342 For centuries, the church's tower helped vhC7v-Wazmg-00059-00027342-00027585 sailors navigate their ships safely. vhC7v-Wazmg-00060-00027585-00027864 From the outside, the church may seema bit plain, vhC7v-Wazmg-00061-00027864-00028087 but inside, it's spectacular. vhC7v-Wazmg-00062-00028287-00028487 Every day at noon, there's a prayer service vhC7v-Wazmg-00063-00028487-00028895 where you can hear the impressive organ in action. It's free to enter. vhC7v-Wazmg-00064-00029148-00029620 It's a great place to take a breather before continuing to sightsee aroundHamburg. vhC7v-Wazmg-00065-00029681-00029935 You still have a lot to check out there! vhC7v-Wazmg-00066-00030186-00030636 When a model railway opened in Hamburg's Speicherstadt district 20 years ago, vhC7v-Wazmg-00067-00030636-00031091 few visitors cared to pay it a visit. But those days are long gone! vhC7v-Wazmg-00068-00031169-00031418 Every year,more than a million people of all ages vhC7v-Wazmg-00069-00031418-00031591 come tosee the world's largest vhC7v-Wazmg-00070-00031591-00031756 model train layout. vhC7v-Wazmg-00071-00032052-00032369 New miniature worlds are being added all the time. vhC7v-Wazmg-00072-00032369-00032768 There are already small-scale models of places inItaly, the USA, vhC7v-Wazmg-00073-00032768-00033117 Patagonia, Austria and, of course, Germany and Hamburg. vhC7v-Wazmg-00074-00033300-00033816 It's like taking a tinyworld tour with plenty of little technologicaltricks vhC7v-Wazmg-00075-00033816-00034002 that are sure to keep you entertained! vhC7v-Wazmg-00076-00034350-00034564 A newcomer to our top ten list vhC7v-Wazmg-00077-00034564-00034740 is theHumboldt Forum in Berlin. vhC7v-Wazmg-00078-00034799-00035028 Although it maylook like a historic building, vhC7v-Wazmg-00079-00035028-00035521 it actuallyopened just two years ago and has alreadybecome a visitor favorite. vhC7v-Wazmg-00080-00035521-00035874 It's primarilya reconstruction of the old Berlin Palace, vhC7v-Wazmg-00081-00035874-00036149 which was destroyed during World War II. vhC7v-Wazmg-00082-00036277-00036648 Inside is a modern museum and exhibition space vhC7v-Wazmg-00083-00036648-00037022 with lots on offer from artworks from all over theworld vhC7v-Wazmg-00084-00037022-00037405 to exhibitions about natural sciences and Berlin history. vhC7v-Wazmg-00085-00037491-00037748 Admission to most exhibitionsis free. vhC7v-Wazmg-00086-00037748-00038117 Although many come simply to see the impressive new building. vhC7v-Wazmg-00087-00038657-00039033 The Zollvereincoal mine industrial complex in Essen vhC7v-Wazmg-00088-00039033-00039265 lands infifth place on our list. vhC7v-Wazmg-00089-00039290-00039607 It was once the largest coal mine in the world. vhC7v-Wazmg-00090-00039607-00040070 Today it's an industrialmonument and UNESCO World Heritage Site. vhC7v-Wazmg-00091-00040070-00040554 Concerts,festivals and film screenings areheld on its extensive grounds. vhC7v-Wazmg-00092-00040758-00040980 There's a lot of industrial history too. vhC7v-Wazmg-00093-00041409-00042018 It's large tower has even been dubbed the "Eiffel Tower of the Ruhr" and is a popular photo spot. vhC7v-Wazmg-00094-00042408-00042560 Topography of Terror vhC7v-Wazmg-00095-00042560-00042700 is a frightening name vhC7v-Wazmg-00096-00042700-00042942 for a place where horrible things tookplace. vhC7v-Wazmg-00097-00042942-00043189 From 1933 to 1945, vhC7v-Wazmg-00098-00043189-00043714 the area near Berlin'sPotsdamer Platz served as the Nazi's Gestapo, SS vhC7v-Wazmg-00099-00043714-00043934 and Reich Security Main Office. vhC7v-Wazmg-00100-00044060-00044434 Here, many of the Nazis atrocities wereplanned and organized. vhC7v-Wazmg-00101-00044465-00045041 These days, a DocumentationCenter provides information about perpetratorsand victims, vhC7v-Wazmg-00102-00045041-00045479 and keeps the memory of this cruel chapter of German history alive. vhC7v-Wazmg-00103-00045768-00045978 Now we're getting to the top of our list! vhC7v-Wazmg-00104-00045978-00046500 So,what sites do you think made it into the top three? Munich's Marienplatz? vhC7v-Wazmg-00105-00046572-00046782 Or the Brandenburg Gate? vhC7v-Wazmg-00106-00046885-00047085 What about Berlin'sEast Side Gallery? vhC7v-Wazmg-00107-00047159-00047450 If those were your guesses, you're going to be disappointed! vhC7v-Wazmg-00108-00047450-00047877 Although allthree places are high on the tourist popularityscale, vhC7v-Wazmg-00109-00047877-00048390 they aren't found in the rankings since visitor numbers to public places don't count. vhC7v-Wazmg-00110-00048390-00048912 But now the moment you've all been waiting for: The three most-visited places in Germany. vhC7v-Wazmg-00111-00049020-00049323 In third place is Berlin's MuseumIsland, vhC7v-Wazmg-00112-00049355-00049555 a UNESCO World Heritage Site. vhC7v-Wazmg-00113-00049596-00050250 Five museums are located here. They display art treasures spanning 6,000 years of human history, vhC7v-Wazmg-00114-00050250-00050796 including world-famous works like the bust of Queen Nefertiti from ancient Egypt, vhC7v-Wazmg-00115-00050880-00051252 or the Pergamon Altar, which is currently being restored. vhC7v-Wazmg-00116-00051586-00051846 On the first Sunday of each month, admission to vhC7v-Wazmg-00117-00051846-00052290 many of Berlin's museums is free, including those on Museum Island. vhC7v-Wazmg-00118-00052590-00052875 In second place is the Elbphilharmonie vhC7v-Wazmg-00119-00052875-00053021 concert hall in Hamburg. vhC7v-Wazmg-00120-00053057-00053199 This spectacular building vhC7v-Wazmg-00121-00053199-00053544 is a blend ofold and new, with the brick foundation vhC7v-Wazmg-00122-00053544-00053958 ofan old harbor warehouse at the bottom, and a whimsical glass structure on top that's vhC7v-Wazmg-00123-00053958-00054450 reminiscent of ocean waves. It fits in well with the harbor city of Hamburg, doesn't it? vhC7v-Wazmg-00124-00054684-00055272 The Elbphilharmonie is now six years old, but it can still be tough to score a concert ticket. vhC7v-Wazmg-00125-00055602-00055962 Fortunately, there are other ways you can marvel at the architecture. vhC7v-Wazmg-00126-00056040-00056402 Head up to the visitor platform for great views of the city. vhC7v-Wazmg-00127-00056402-00056605 It's also free to access! vhC7v-Wazmg-00128-00056940-00057215 The most popular place to visit in Germany vhC7v-Wazmg-00129-00057215-00057415 is the Cologne Cathedral! vhC7v-Wazmg-00130-00057415-00057840 4.3 million peoplevisited it in 2022! vhC7v-Wazmg-00131-00057909-00058249 We can't say enough about how spectacular this church is. vhC7v-Wazmg-00132-00058249-00058695 At 157 meters,it's the third-largest church in the world! vhC7v-Wazmg-00133-00058695-00059261 The central area is 144 meters long and can hold 4000 people. vhC7v-Wazmg-00134-00059418-00059714 And it took over 600 years to complete! vhC7v-Wazmg-00135-00060102-00060552 Climb up 533 steps to enjoy the magnificent viewsof Cologne! vhC7v-Wazmg-00136-00061020-00061482 CologneCathedral is a Gothic masterpiece, a UNESCO World Heritage Site vhC7v-Wazmg-00137-00061536-00061841 and the most popular sight in Germany! vk7i5SrMHoE-00000-00000008-00000504 Where he is, he might be having a nice swim somewhere in one of his one of his swimming vk7i5SrMHoE-00001-00000504-00001224 pools. We know that Rishi Sunak is one of the richest MPs in parliament if not the richest vk7i5SrMHoE-00002-00001224-00002016 MP and he has made the political decision to cut the 20 pound uplift to universal credit. vk7i5SrMHoE-00003-00002016-00002664 We know that that uplift was really just an acknowledgement that the social security system vk7i5SrMHoE-00004-00002664-00003304 for both those people who are in work and having their wages subsidised, their low pay subsidised vk7i5SrMHoE-00005-00003304-00003840 and those people who are out of work or who cannot work it was just an acknowledgement really that vk7i5SrMHoE-00006-00003840-00004552 the social security system has been cut to the bone that it does not allow people to live a life vk7i5SrMHoE-00007-00004552-00005136 that is not just filled with stress and worry and anguish over the bills over the brown envelopes vk7i5SrMHoE-00008-00005136-00005912 from the DWP. There is so much anxiety and worry bundled up into that department and for this man vk7i5SrMHoE-00009-00005912-00006448 one of the wealthiest people in the country the richest people in parliament to make that vk7i5SrMHoE-00010-00006448-00007144 cut is despicable. We are absolutely ashamed of our government, they do not represent us, they do vk7i5SrMHoE-00011-00007144-00007736 not represent working class people and they use the language of liberation don't they that we vk7i5SrMHoE-00012-00007736-00008280 want to get people into work. People receiving this benefit are in work, they are working as vk7i5SrMHoE-00013-00008280-00008984 hard as they can, they want to avoid they want to obscure what is actually happening to the system vk7i5SrMHoE-00014-00008984-00009896 that low pay is endemic, that work is insecure and precarious and that is a really complex and broken vk7i5SrMHoE-00015-00009896-00010576 social security system. So workers in Unite, people who are working care about people who vk7i5SrMHoE-00016-00010576-00011232 are unemployed, we care about people who cannot work. This is about working class solidarity, vk7i5SrMHoE-00017-00011232-00011904 knowing that in this system any one of us are a few decisions away from poverty any one of vk7i5SrMHoE-00018-00011904-00012640 us are a few really difficult catastrophic life circumstances away from not being able vk7i5SrMHoE-00019-00012640-00013360 to work. Any one of us can experience poverty in our lifetime when we do not have access to wealth vk7i5SrMHoE-00020-00013360-00014024 and we do not have access to power and do you know what, I think sometimes people say that these vk7i5SrMHoE-00021-00014024-00014519 people do not really know what it's like to live in poverty and I get that sentiment, vk7i5SrMHoE-00022-00014519-00015088 maybe they don't, maybe they represent more affluent areas, maybe they represent and are vk7i5SrMHoE-00023-00015088-00015608 are so kind of shielded by their own wealth and privilege. But I actually, and Richard Burgon said vk7i5SrMHoE-00024-00015608-00016056 this in parliament this week, I actually think that's a bit of an excuse. I think they know vk7i5SrMHoE-00025-00016056-00016688 exactly what this means to working class people, this cut. I think they know exactly the pain and vk7i5SrMHoE-00026-00016688-00017376 no matter how much we tell them, no matter how much we reveal of the pain and the suffering and vk7i5SrMHoE-00027-00017376-00017992 the trauma that their system is causing to working class people in the United Kingdom, vk7i5SrMHoE-00028-00017992-00018592 they still do it don't they? They still go ahead with it. People stood up in parliament this week, vk7i5SrMHoE-00029-00018592-00019168 you have all given interviews, you've campaigned you've protested and they still make the cut. vk7i5SrMHoE-00030-00019168-00019744 Why do they make the cut? Because they do not represent us. They represent their own political vk7i5SrMHoE-00031-00019744-00020464 interest, they represent the idea that only a few should have wealth and power and everything else vk7i5SrMHoE-00032-00020464-00021208 is a mere inconvenience. And what they will respond to, maybe not us constantly telling vk7i5SrMHoE-00033-00021208-00021824 them about the trauma that they are inflicting our communities but pressure. Them knowing that vk7i5SrMHoE-00034-00021824-00022488 actually hundreds of thousands of people in the United Kingdom actually feel like we do, vk7i5SrMHoE-00035-00022488-00023152 not like they do. We care, our communities care. It's a nonsense that we're all out for ourselves. vk7i5SrMHoE-00036-00023152-00023784 Working class solidarity exists, and this today, your campaign all of our campaigns be it in Unite vk7i5SrMHoE-00037-00023784-00024376 the union which is a powerful and brilliant trade union or any of the other movement groups. This is vk7i5SrMHoE-00038-00024376-00024968 just the very start isn't it? We will not ease up the pressure on this Tory government when vk7i5SrMHoE-00039-00024968-00025648 they continue to inflict pain on our community. So Rishi Sunak, might not be here today but we vk7i5SrMHoE-00040-00025648-00026264 will come back and we will protest and we will keep protesting about the pain that you inflict. vk7i5SrMHoE-00041-00026264-00026960 You do not represent us, we want you to keep the 20 pounds in place. Workers, unemployed workers, vk7i5SrMHoE-00042-00026960-00028039 disabled workers want you to keep the 20 pound in place do not make the cut. Thank you. w1w_mkO0wOg-00000-00001070-00001554 Amongst these mountains, between here and the river, w1w_mkO0wOg-00001-00001626-00002154 there were about two hectares of orange trees so the area was called Naranjal. w1w_mkO0wOg-00002-00002316-00002914 Life back then in the 30s let's say, because my dad was born in 1930, w1w_mkO0wOg-00003-00002992-00003411 he says life was different, that when this mountain was so big, w1w_mkO0wOg-00004-00003414-00003852 people started to topple the mountain and burn and burn, and they planted. w2xMy5jY5Oo-00000-00000261-00000401 - The most important insight I had w2xMy5jY5Oo-00001-00000401-00000744 in my Work With Story is that w2xMy5jY5Oo-00002-00000744-00000942 we are not the creators of the stories, w2xMy5jY5Oo-00003-00000942-00001322 that the stories already exist and we are the tellers w2xMy5jY5Oo-00004-00001421-00001508 of the story. w2xMy5jY5Oo-00005-00002164-00002473 In bowing into service to the story w2xMy5jY5Oo-00006-00002473-00002826 that wants to be born on this earth, w2xMy5jY5Oo-00007-00002826-00003326 a key step or a key orientation is to listen w2xMy5jY5Oo-00008-00003365-00003831 for what that story is and to uncover that story. w2xMy5jY5Oo-00009-00003831-00004124 And that might happen in collaboration with other people w2xMy5jY5Oo-00010-00004124-00004306 who are also in service to this story, w2xMy5jY5Oo-00011-00004306-00004516 and each person tells a piece of it. w2xMy5jY5Oo-00012-00004516-00004770 And you recognize that, w2xMy5jY5Oo-00013-00004770-00004984 oh yeah, that's a piece, w2xMy5jY5Oo-00014-00004984-00005089 or maybe you recognize, w2xMy5jY5Oo-00015-00005089-00005177 you know, that's not, w2xMy5jY5Oo-00016-00005177-00005348 there's a discordant note there. w2xMy5jY5Oo-00017-00005348-00005627 What is that thing that feels out of tune w2xMy5jY5Oo-00018-00005627-00005880 with the story that we're all telling here? w2xMy5jY5Oo-00019-00005880-00006232 What part of what you're saying could be coming from w2xMy5jY5Oo-00020-00006330-00006613 a legacy wound that you have inherited? w2xMy5jY5Oo-00021-00006956-00007245 And that kind of inquiry best happens in community w2xMy5jY5Oo-00022-00007245-00007528 because on our own it's hard to tell w2xMy5jY5Oo-00023-00007528-00007898 what is coming from ego and what's coming from w2xMy5jY5Oo-00024-00007898-00007981 outside of ego. w2xMy5jY5Oo-00025-00007981-00008150 You know, what is service to self w2xMy5jY5Oo-00026-00008150-00008440 and what is service to something larger than self? w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00000-00000234-00000434 Hello! w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00001-00000746-00000946 Now we're in the bedroom. w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00002-00001367-00001567 It's almost time to sleep. w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00003-00002045-00002245 Kedama is on the drawer. w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00004-00002496-00002796 He likes to see us from above when he sleeps. w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00005-00003234-00003434 Today he is staring at me.. w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00006-00003579-00003779 So I started to take a video. w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00007-00004099-00004396 He has a sleepy face. I love it. w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00008-00006413-00006613 I thought he slept already... w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00009-00006779-00007076 He is looking at me with half-opened eyes! w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00010-00007604-00007804 Can you see something on the floor? w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00011-00008640-00008840 I gazed at him too much. w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00012-00009431-00009830 Kedama is feeling my eyes on him and fighting off drowsiness. w6Ev3Z5_aqE-00013-00009921-00010121 Sweet dream w7ZP7UQIPzg-00000-00000000-00000050 Cutest Animal w8y7Fm9kdKu-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 4070 ti vs RTX 3090 ti Saints Row 2022 wsgr7yet_bu-00000-00000000-00000200 CLICK, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, LISTEN.LIKE and FEED US BACK We shall broadcast Tuesday Leadership Training. *Join us Thursdays for our online prayer meeting* *Time USA: 5.00pm - 6pm* *Nigeria; 10pm- 11pm* *United Kingdom 10pm-11pm* *Germany 11pm-12am* *United Arab Emirates 1am-2am* *South Africa: 11pm-12am* *Zambia 11pm- 12:00am* *You are invited to our online prayer meeting coming up every Thursday. Please cascade this through all WhatsApp platforms to mobilize everyone to be at the zoom ONLINE PRAY MEETING COMING UP Thursdays. DON'T MISS IT! Zoom ID Number is 8976080747 www.FreeconfrencecallHD. Com Dial in 6677701476 Code 344823# Pastor Matthew Akanmu Yours in His Service *(Signed)* Pst Ali Victor *Moderator* wvA2yuk8Cau-00000-00000006-00000281 So the Canterlot guards have always been a mystery. wvA2yuk8Cau-00001-00000281-00000499 Where do they go when the princess is in trouble? wvA2yuk8Cau-00002-00000499-00000623 Why aren't they protecting them? wvA2yuk8Cau-00003-00000623-00000874 Well, I think I've finally solved this mystery. wvA2yuk8Cau-00004-00001847-00002252 So before we talk about where the Canterlot guards go we have to first know where they wvA2yuk8Cau-00005-00002252-00002352 come from first. wvA2yuk8Cau-00006-00002352-00002774 Sometime after nightmare moon was banished, Celestia created the royal guards to protect wvA2yuk8Cau-00007-00002774-00003006 both her and all of Equestria. wvA2yuk8Cau-00008-00003006-00003459 So that was her entire motive, but that still doesn't explain why the guards are never around wvA2yuk8Cau-00009-00003459-00003574 whenever she's in danger. wvA2yuk8Cau-00010-00003574-00003997 I mean, just look at the Summer Sun Celebration or when Discord arrived. wvA2yuk8Cau-00011-00003997-00004153 Or even when Chrysalis took over. wvA2yuk8Cau-00012-00004153-00004496 So, is it possible that they just bailed whenever she's in danger? wvA2yuk8Cau-00013-00004496-00004835 Well, to be honest, I don't really think that's the reason. wvA2yuk8Cau-00014-00004835-00005315 After all Every pony, including the royal guards, love Celestia way too much to leave wvA2yuk8Cau-00015-00005315-00005415 her behind. wvA2yuk8Cau-00016-00005415-00005652 So, instead, lets look at another possibility. wvA2yuk8Cau-00017-00005652-00006292 So, first off, we know that Celestia has constantly shown her intense care for all of her subjects. wvA2yuk8Cau-00018-00006292-00006788 This is evident when she been willing to put herself in danger over and over again just wvA2yuk8Cau-00019-00006788-00006888 to protect them. wvA2yuk8Cau-00020-00006888-00007368 So, with that in mind, is it possible that Celestia ordered her guards to never intervene wvA2yuk8Cau-00021-00007368-00007590 with her and a potential threat to the kingdom? wvA2yuk8Cau-00022-00007590-00007815 Well, the evidence is there. wvA2yuk8Cau-00023-00007815-00008073 Well, Canned Cream certainly thought so. wvA2yuk8Cau-00024-00008073-00008615 And It would fit with who she is as a pony but there's one major flaw with this theory. wvA2yuk8Cau-00025-00008615-00009002 Why would Celestia have created the royal guards in the first place if it wasn't to wvA2yuk8Cau-00026-00009002-00009125 protect herself? wvA2yuk8Cau-00027-00009125-00009397 She should've been able to protect Equestria on her own. wvA2yuk8Cau-00028-00009397-00009702 I mean, She has been shown to have the magic for it. wvA2yuk8Cau-00029-00009702-00010081 Just think about Nightmare Moon and how she was banished, Celestia was able to use the wvA2yuk8Cau-00030-00010081-00010303 Elements of Harmony by herself. wvA2yuk8Cau-00031-00010303-00010661 So there has to be another reason for them to just vanish like that. wvA2yuk8Cau-00032-00010661-00010970 And I think the answer lies in this scene. wvA2yuk8Cau-00033-00010970-00011407 What if Celestia didn't tell her guards to protect her because she wanted them to protect wvA2yuk8Cau-00034-00011407-00011553 the upper class instead? wvA2yuk8Cau-00035-00011553-00011992 Well, that would explain why the guards are absent, it just doesn't sound like something wvA2yuk8Cau-00036-00011992-00012138 Celestia would do. wvA2yuk8Cau-00037-00012138-00012550 So lets hold on to that one and take a look at one that's far more likely. wvA2yuk8Cau-00038-00012550-00012811 And it all has to do with this one moment. wvA2yuk8Cau-00039-00012811-00012911 Do you see it? wvA2yuk8Cau-00040-00012911-00013198 The guards here were capture by the Changelings. wvA2yuk8Cau-00041-00013198-00013362 But its more than that. wvA2yuk8Cau-00042-00013362-00013558 There are only two guards here. wvA2yuk8Cau-00043-00013558-00013670 So where are the rest? wvA2yuk8Cau-00044-00013670-00013895 Well, I think I can explain this. wvA2yuk8Cau-00045-00013895-00014404 In times of war, its not uncommon for one side to send a spy to the opposing force. wvA2yuk8Cau-00046-00014404-00014806 That way, they'd gain a strategic advantage by having the knowledge of the enemies tactics. wvA2yuk8Cau-00047-00014806-00015336 So I think Chrysalis had her changelings take the form of the guards to get closer to the wvA2yuk8Cau-00048-00015336-00015436 princess. wvA2yuk8Cau-00049-00015436-00015919 That explains why the guards outside of chrysalis' room, didn't respond to her saying she didn't wvA2yuk8Cau-00050-00015919-00016019 love the groom. wvA2yuk8Cau-00051-00016019-00016236 But what does this have to do with where the guards go? wvA2yuk8Cau-00052-00016236-00016456 Well, look at those two guards again. wvA2yuk8Cau-00053-00016456-00016556 See. wvA2yuk8Cau-00054-00016556-00016806 they were captured outside of the castle. wvA2yuk8Cau-00055-00016806-00017066 And not just anywhere outside of the castle. wvA2yuk8Cau-00056-00017066-00017226 They were in Canterlot. wvA2yuk8Cau-00057-00017226-00017565 And there could only be one reason why the guards were there. wvA2yuk8Cau-00058-00017565-00018018 Since Celestia is able to hold her own against most threats, she didn't order her guards wvA2yuk8Cau-00059-00018018-00018526 to protect her because she wanted them to protect the citizens of Equestria. wvA2yuk8Cau-00060-00018526-00018776 That's why they're always missing. wvA2yuk8Cau-00061-00018776-00019171 When a massive threat arrives, they leave it for the princesses to handle while they wvA2yuk8Cau-00062-00019171-00019397 protect the other ponies. wvA2yuk8Cau-00063-00019397-00019906 This even fits in nicely with how Chrysalis was able to take over Canterlot. wvA2yuk8Cau-00064-00019906-00020275 This even fits in with who Celestia truly is. wvA2yuk8Cau-00065-00020275-00020812 She cares about her subjects so much that she would rather be used as bait, rather than wvA2yuk8Cau-00066-00020812-00021079 see any of them injured in anyway. wvA2yuk8Cau-00067-00021079-00021306 And It really adds some depth to the princess. wvA2yuk8Cau-00068-00021306-00021406 But what do you think? wvA2yuk8Cau-00069-00021406-00021578 Did Celestia really give that order? wvA2yuk8Cau-00070-00021578-00021881 Or are the guards protecting the upper-class? wvA2yuk8Cau-00071-00021881-00022056 Share your theory on this in the comments. wvA2yuk8Cau-00072-00022056-00022468 And for all of you that are still watching, I'm doing a poll on Twitter about who's the wvA2yuk8Cau-00073-00022468-00022585 best princess. wvA2yuk8Cau-00074-00022585-00023031 The poll ends in a few days and I'll be announcing the results on my next video. wvA2yuk8Cau-00075-00023031-00023389 The candidates are Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and Big Mac. wvA2yuk8Cau-00076-00023389-00023612 Sorry to all of you Cadance fans out there. wvA2yuk8Cau-00077-00023612-00023937 So if you want to be apart of that, follow me on Twitter and vote. wvA2yuk8Cau-00078-00023937-00024199 And I want to thank everyone that's subscribed so far. wvA2yuk8Cau-00079-00024199-00024461 The channels pretty much blowing up at this point. wvA2yuk8Cau-00080-00024461-00024887 And if you want to help the channel, like, subscribe, and share the video. wvA2yuk8Cau-00081-00024887-00025248 And also follow me on my Tweeting twitter for updates on the next video. wvA2yuk8Cau-00082-00025248-00025420 The link's in the description. wvA2yuk8Cau-00083-00025420-00025628 And this is wind Striker signing off. wvA2yuk8Cau-00084-00025628-00025690 Hoof to heart. wzvPh_mqRhU-00000-00001700-00001900 Ayo Kutoff... wzvPh_mqRhU-00001-00002253-00002453 Playn you goin' crazy! wAkfYO-P5sA-00000-00000673-00001011 Helo youtubers this is Shashback with another video wAkfYO-P5sA-00001-00001011-00001226 the video so today we'll be seeing how wAkfYO-P5sA-00002-00001226-00001425 to make trancend media player of that water proof wAkfYO-P5sA-00003-00001425-00001718 so i'm just going to turn me up ground wAkfYO-P5sA-00004-00001718-00002141 so that it works perfectly fine wAkfYO-P5sA-00005-00002141-00002418 power button works fine wAkfYO-P5sA-00006-00002418-00002843 I'm gonna like it okay so things that wAkfYO-P5sA-00007-00002844-00002912 will be needing is the media player wAkfYO-P5sA-00008-00002912-00003470 itself and fans just some Cape of all of wAkfYO-P5sA-00009-00003579-00003860 water and some kingdom so let's get wAkfYO-P5sA-00010-00003861-00004299 started so first you mean we need to wAkfYO-P5sA-00011-00004299-00005418 take your cling film wAkfYO-P5sA-00012-00006911-00007220 this cut it here wAkfYO-P5sA-00013-00008006-00008782 really been cooking all such things are wAkfYO-P5sA-00014-00008782-00009054 such stuff wAkfYO-P5sA-00015-00010051-00011422 ok so let's get the you're black it's on wAkfYO-P5sA-00016-00011422-00011578 the top wAkfYO-P5sA-00017-00011578-00012019 let's just get so just let's just try to wAkfYO-P5sA-00018-00012019-00012634 just for let's just make sure that wAkfYO-P5sA-00019-00012634-00012994 there's no gap between like to lick this wAkfYO-P5sA-00020-00012994-00014221 really keep this just you know this much wAkfYO-P5sA-00021-00014221-00014544 happiness for the extract with injustice wAkfYO-P5sA-00022-00014544-00015115 with the flat video that your friends wAkfYO-P5sA-00023-00015115-00015430 will be here so that make sure that that wAkfYO-P5sA-00024-00015430-00015870 the feelings clear clear your schedule wAkfYO-P5sA-00025-00015870-00016122 gift wAkfYO-P5sA-00026-00016194-00016813 just make sure it covers the back just wAkfYO-P5sA-00027-00016813-00017938 let that enough wAkfYO-P5sA-00028-00017938-00019354 I just yeah let's go ahead so it's ready wAkfYO-P5sA-00029-00019354-00019759 you're wonderful do with it which is not wAkfYO-P5sA-00030-00019759-00019933 waterproof so let's just test it out wAkfYO-P5sA-00031-00019933-00021085 closes no I want to just stay the rest wAkfYO-P5sA-00032-00021085-00021742 see if you want the gospel refined then wAkfYO-P5sA-00033-00021742-00022626 dropped in 3 2.1 see the races wAkfYO-P5sA-00034-00022690-00024328 she looks just keep the water for same wAkfYO-P5sA-00035-00024328-00025248 instance ok approximately 10 seconds wAkfYO-P5sA-00036-00025248-00025833 let's just move this fast and just wAkfYO-P5sA-00037-00025833-00026269 remove the tape and one day I was you wAkfYO-P5sA-00038-00026269-00026701 about using this let us fall into the wAkfYO-P5sA-00039-00026701-00026983 water it wouldn't sink to the bottom wAkfYO-P5sA-00040-00026983-00027316 it would just float on the top so it is wAkfYO-P5sA-00041-00027316-00027433 still on wAkfYO-P5sA-00042-00027433-00028252 it's just the fact around environment wAkfYO-P5sA-00043-00028252-00029043 and there's no ya later wAkfYO-P5sA-00044-00030172-00031168 yeah not really into order wAkfYO-P5sA-00045-00031168-00031525 ok I'm and sweat so now let's just test wAkfYO-P5sA-00046-00031525-00032139 whether this works are not so large a wAkfYO-P5sA-00047-00032139-00032545 bit I what I want to benefit was just wAkfYO-P5sA-00048-00032545-00033657 plug it in and just place wAkfYO-P5sA-00049-00034828-00035161 works doesn't it wAkfYO-P5sA-00050-00035161-00035419 ok so this is one way to make your phone wAkfYO-P5sA-00051-00035419-00035824 wouldn't employ really so if you want me wAkfYO-P5sA-00052-00035824-00036066 to do this on a real smartphone hit that wAkfYO-P5sA-00053-00036066-00036433 like button and subscribe and you really wAkfYO-P5sA-00054-00036433-00036651 good wCdFRBJ-J80-00000-00000000-00000618 Military dogs are recognized for their bravery, and whats that? a fourth phase in Recruit Training? wCdFRBJ-J80-00001-00000636-00000906 All that and more, this week on the Corps Report. wCdFRBJ-J80-00002-00001682-00002020 Recruits arriving at Marine Corps recruit depots in late November wCdFRBJ-J80-00003-00002020-00002338 will be the first to go through an additional period of training. wCdFRBJ-J80-00004-00002378-00002596 This period of training is known as Fourth Phase. wCdFRBJ-J80-00005-00002610-00003014 Designed to better prepare them for success as Marines. wCdFRBJ-J80-00006-00003014-00003356 So now you have somebody who's been the Drill Instructor, wCdFRBJ-J80-00007-00003356-00003692 who's been intimately involved with this transformation wCdFRBJ-J80-00008-00003708-00004116 and now they have another few days to talk to their new Marines. wCdFRBJ-J80-00009-00004116-00004354 As a fellow Marine, about what its going to be like wCdFRBJ-J80-00010-00004354-00004820 when they get ready to go out a begin the rest of their journey as a Marine. wCdFRBJ-J80-00011-00005048-00005562 Five military working dogs received the Nation's highest honor for military working dogs wCdFRBJ-J80-00012-00005562-00005872 for extraordinary valor and service to America. wCdFRBJ-J80-00013-00006080-00006344 Capa, Alphie, Ranger, Coffee, and Gabe wCdFRBJ-J80-00014-00006344-00006794 recieved the American Humane Lois Pope K-9 Medal of Courage Wednesday wCdFRBJ-J80-00015-00006800-00007184 at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C. wCdFRBJ-J80-00016-00007184-00007440 Alphie and Ranger were Marine Corps working dogs. wCdFRBJ-J80-00017-00007440-00008012 Alphie served two tours in Afghanistan clearing villages, making vital weapons and equipment finds wCdFRBJ-J80-00018-00008012-00008396 and helping take out processing plants for illegal narcotics. wCdFRBJ-J80-00019-00008396-00008926 Ranger served in Iraq and Afghanistan detecting improvised explosive devices, wCdFRBJ-J80-00020-00008954-00009326 having to retire following a heat stroke in 2012. wCdFRBJ-J80-00021-00009326-00009596 That's all for this week on the Corps Report. wIC70ngCwLk-00000-00000003-00000378 The study that we've just published looks at two Neanderthal children that wIC70ngCwLk-00001-00000378-00000863 lived 250,000 years ago, as well as one modern human child that turned out to be wIC70ngCwLk-00002-00000863-00001140 about five thousand years old, and they're all found in the same wIC70ngCwLk-00003-00001140-00001362 archaeological site in southeast France. wIC70ngCwLk-00004-00001424-00001964 Teeth record environmental variation based on the climate and even where you're growing up. wIC70ngCwLk-00005-00002002-00002412 And that's possible because when you're growing your teeth you actually lock in a record wIC70ngCwLk-00006-00002412-00002780 of the chemistry of the water and the food that you're eating and drinking. wIC70ngCwLk-00007-00002780-00003264 Because teeth have these tiny timelines we can relate the chemistry to the growth wIC70ngCwLk-00008-00003264-00003634 to be able to actually calculate ancient climate records. wIC70ngCwLk-00009-00003646-00003864 We can't do that with any other element of the body. wIC70ngCwLk-00010-00003884-00004432 So the first result that was really exciting was that we were able to find on a weekly scale variation, wIC70ngCwLk-00011-00004432-00004964 and actually identify when the summer was, when the winter was, how long a season lasted, wIC70ngCwLk-00012-00004964-00005324 and then we were able to relate that variation to the individual's growth. wIC70ngCwLk-00013-00005394-00005908 Another really interesting result was we were able to identify milk intake wIC70ngCwLk-00014-00005908-00006358 through breastfeeding in one individual, based on a trace element called barium wIC70ngCwLk-00015-00006382-00006602 able to time that to the season. wIC70ngCwLk-00016-00006612-00006995 We were able to actually determine that that individual nursed for two and a half years. wIC70ngCwLk-00017-00006995-00007290 Traditional modern humans living in hunter-gatherer environments wIC70ngCwLk-00018-00007290-00007570 also tend to nurse their children for about two and a half years. wIC70ngCwLk-00019-00007608-00007876 So this is something we may share in common with Neanderthals. wIC70ngCwLk-00020-00007908-00008468 Another surprising outcome was that we found in both of the 250 thousand year-old Neanderthal children wIC70ngCwLk-00021-00008468-00008770 that they were both exposed to lead during their childhoods wIC70ngCwLk-00022-00008770-00009032 and this happened to both individuals at least twice. wIC70ngCwLk-00023-00009070-00009428 So this was really interesting and has never been documented before prehistory wIC70ngCwLk-00024-00009428-00009740 that we would have lead exposure during the lifetimes of children. wIC70ngCwLk-00025-00009740-00010146 And we think that that must have come from natural deposits in the area. wIC70ngCwLk-00026-00010146-00010496 We think the Neanderthals somehow were going into an underground environment wIC70ngCwLk-00027-00010496-00010968 or they were eating contaminated food that was incorporated into their growing bones and teeth. wIC70ngCwLk-00028-00011030-00011334 I've worked hard over the years to help people can appreciate wIC70ngCwLk-00029-00011334-00011646 the different levels of information that you can take from teeth. wIC70ngCwLk-00030-00011646-00012136 We've now got the ability to integrate ancient climate data with health history, wIC70ngCwLk-00031-00012136-00012378 with nursing history, with illness. wIC70ngCwLk-00032-00012378-00012702 And so to be able to get all that information from a single sample wIC70ngCwLk-00033-00012702-00013196 you know 250,000 years ago is I think a really unique opportunity, wIC70ngCwLk-00034-00013196-00013640 and scientists are coming to appreciate more and more the different types of information we can get. wJrV42s5Ee8-00000-00001878-00002278 Instruction and learning used to mean a teacher and a student in a classroom. wJrV42s5Ee8-00001-00002302-00002688 We started with chalk slates, moved to pencils and paper, then to wJrV42s5Ee8-00002-00002688-00003044 overhead projectors, videos, and computers. wJrV42s5Ee8-00003-00003094-00003336 Today's learning has progressed even further and wJrV42s5Ee8-00004-00003336-00003660 takes place anywhere on any number of devices. wJrV42s5Ee8-00005-00003660-00003986 You can learn on your smartphone while you ride the subway, wJrV42s5Ee8-00006-00003986-00004408 on a tablet in a classroom, or on your laptop at 35,000 feet wJrV42s5Ee8-00007-00004408-00004692 while you fly from New York to LA. wJrV42s5Ee8-00008-00004812-00005204 Just as learning methods have progressed, so have learning principles. wJrV42s5Ee8-00009-00005244-00005496 Techniques that work well in the classroom don't wJrV42s5Ee8-00010-00005496-00005866 necessarily translate as successfully to computers and tablets. wJrV42s5Ee8-00011-00005912-00006438 Additionally, as the technology progressed, so did the software to make computerized learning. wJrV42s5Ee8-00012-00006502-00006900 This meant it was easy for anyone to create their own learning and throw it wJrV42s5Ee8-00013-00006900-00007434 out to the universe via YouTube, Vimeo, or any other video sharing services. wJrV42s5Ee8-00014-00007486-00007990 While computerized learning was more plentiful, it wasn't necessarily more useful. wJrV42s5Ee8-00015-00008118-00008338 So, what to do... wJrV42s5Ee8-00016-00008338-00008634 Traditional classroom learning had centuries to develop and wJrV42s5Ee8-00017-00008634-00009042 create best practices, but something had to be done to standardize and provide wJrV42s5Ee8-00018-00009042-00009526 best practices for the emerging electronic learning or eLearning industry. wJrV42s5Ee8-00019-00009596-00010022 Enter Richard E Mayer. Mayer was at the forefront of educational wJrV42s5Ee8-00020-00010022-00010410 multimedia and helped to create multimedia learning principles that wJrV42s5Ee8-00021-00010410-00010654 should guide all good eLearning. wJrV42s5Ee8-00022-00010654-00010884 Mayer is currently a professor of psychology wJrV42s5Ee8-00023-00010884-00011277 at the University of California Santa Barbara and his work in the field of wJrV42s5Ee8-00024-00011277-00011664 Educational Psychology continues to provide foundational and guiding wJrV42s5Ee8-00025-00011664-00011900 principles for all eLearning. wJrV42s5Ee8-00026-00012056-00012324 In our series of eLearning design modules, wJrV42s5Ee8-00027-00012324-00012664 we're going to cover a brief overview of Mayer's principles. wJrV42s5Ee8-00028-00012730-00013105 Our modules will provide you with an introduction, but they will not cover all wJrV42s5Ee8-00029-00013105-00013350 of the details and nuances involved. wJrV42s5Ee8-00030-00013354-00013680 For additional information, we recommend reading wJrV42s5Ee8-00031-00013680-00013978 Multimedia Learning by Richard E Mayer or wJrV42s5Ee8-00032-00013991-00014318 eLearning and the Science of Instruction by wJrV42s5Ee8-00033-00014318-00014597 Ruth Colvin-Clark and Richard E Mayer. wJrV42s5Ee8-00034-00014682-00015046 Our eLearning modules have been designed to watch in any order. wJrV42s5Ee8-00035-00015082-00015324 While some of the principles are enhanced by understanding wJrV42s5Ee8-00036-00015324-00015668 previous ones, each one can also stand alone. wJrV42s5Ee8-00037-00015708-00015882 We'd also love to hear from you. wJrV42s5Ee8-00038-00015882-00016212 If you have comments, questions, or additional insights, wJrV42s5Ee8-00039-00016212-00016424 please share them in the comment section. wNyFLH52QWg-00000-00000000-00000050 subscribe now wNyFLH52QWg-00001-00000050-00000100 ballroom dance wNyFLH52QWg-00002-00000134-00000254 dancesport video wNyFLH52QWg-00003-00000254-00000304 showdance wNyFLH52QWg-00004-00001052-00001102 waltz wNyFLH52QWg-00005-00001102-00001152 panache star video wNeAI2FI7wI-00000-00000008-00000400 today we're gonna be discussing the six ways that rise of kingdoms has been able to build a wNeAI2FI7wI-00001-00000400-00000944 massively appealing and extremely addictive mobile game now before we jump into the video i just want wNeAI2FI7wI-00002-00000944-00001488 to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor mecca arena mech arena is a free quickfire competitive wNeAI2FI7wI-00003-00001488-00002080 robot game with explosive pvp team battles deep combat tactics and limitless customization wNeAI2FI7wI-00004-00002080-00002504 in Mech Arena you could play custom matches against your friends or get them in a team to wNeAI2FI7wI-00005-00002504-00003152 take down players from around the world in live 5v5 and 2v2 matches just select a war robot from wNeAI2FI7wI-00006-00003152-00003688 dozens of options equip it with the perfect weapon loadout and take on all comers in the arena then wNeAI2FI7wI-00007-00003688-00004168 customize the looks and performance of your bots as you rise up the divisions to reach the top wNeAI2FI7wI-00008-00004168-00004648 players in Mech Arena have already destroyed over half a billion necks on the battlefield which not wNeAI2FI7wI-00009-00004648-00005160 only enters them to win some awesome prizes but also has raised over 50 thousand dollars for able wNeAI2FI7wI-00010-00005160-00005656 gamers halfway to the grand total of a hundred thousand evil gamers is a charity that has a wNeAI2FI7wI-00011-00005656-00006128 mission to combat social isolation and improve the quality of life of people with disabilities wNeAI2FI7wI-00012-00006128-00006640 over 15 years they've worked to craft a more accessible gaming industry by helping developers wNeAI2FI7wI-00013-00006640-00007144 better accommodate their games for players with disabilities so download Mech Arena today and join wNeAI2FI7wI-00014-00007144-00007680 the Mechs Are Here event to help the community destroy 1 billion mechs for a great cause huge wNeAI2FI7wI-00015-00007680-00008048 shout out to Mech Arena for sponsoring this video you can download the game for free wNeAI2FI7wI-00016-00008048-00008480 link will be in the description so what are you waiting for boys the mechs are here let's go wNeAI2FI7wI-00017-00008576-00009160 so at the core of any addictive game is a satisfying gameplay loop what this is is wNeAI2FI7wI-00018-00009160-00009672 essentially what you're doing every time you go to play the game rise of kingdoms is a city builder wNeAI2FI7wI-00019-00009672-00010256 game a pvp war game and also a collecting game so the core gameplay loop is collecting enough wNeAI2FI7wI-00020-00010256-00010896 resources to upgrade your city train troops defeat barbarians and ultimately defeat other players in wNeAI2FI7wI-00021-00010896-00011368 war all the while collecting a ton of really awesome historical figures that you might have wNeAI2FI7wI-00022-00011368-00011840 already heard of in history class or in ancient stories what's important about this gameplay loop wNeAI2FI7wI-00023-00011840-00012424 is that it's simple and easy to understand anybody who downloads and starts rise of kingdoms is able wNeAI2FI7wI-00024-00012424-00012904 to complete every task that the game throws at them even if you're a young kid you understand the wNeAI2FI7wI-00025-00012904-00013376 concept of attacking a barbarian this is the bad guy and you're the good guy collecting resources wNeAI2FI7wI-00026-00013376-00014047 both on the map is quick simple easy to understand and you also get a guaranteed source of resources wNeAI2FI7wI-00027-00014047-00014463 that are constantly being pumped out in your city but simple and satisfying gameplay isn't wNeAI2FI7wI-00028-00014463-00014976 enough it has to be a repeatable activity that forces you to come back over and over and over wNeAI2FI7wI-00029-00014976-00015400 again this is to prevent players from getting bored if you go out and you defeat barbarians wNeAI2FI7wI-00030-00015400-00015816 5 000 times in a row then eventually you're gonna get bored of that activity and you're wNeAI2FI7wI-00031-00015816-00016352 just gonna log off but with the ap system you can only defeat a certain number of barbarians before wNeAI2FI7wI-00032-00016352-00016848 you're forced to either collect more items to do that or you simply run out and then you have to wNeAI2FI7wI-00033-00016848-00017400 leave and come back when this ap bar is finished a completely arbitrary implementation they didn't wNeAI2FI7wI-00034-00017400-00017848 need to include the ap point system but they did so that way you're forced to stop doing it at wNeAI2FI7wI-00035-00017848-00018288 some point that's also why resource nodes have a limited amount of reserves if you could just wNeAI2FI7wI-00036-00018288-00018720 send your troops to an infinite cornfield and then when you log back in again you can recall them and wNeAI2FI7wI-00037-00018720-00019216 they get a ton of resources all at once sort of like the alliance pit that wouldn't force you to wNeAI2FI7wI-00038-00019216-00019704 log back in but if you log off and you know that your resource gatherers are going to come back wNeAI2FI7wI-00039-00019704-00020176 after an hour now you have an incentive to return to the game to send them out again that's also wNeAI2FI7wI-00040-00020176-00020640 why there's an arbitrary cap on the amount of resources that can be produced in your city why wNeAI2FI7wI-00041-00020640-00021152 would it just stop at a random point it's that way you the player realize that you have to log back wNeAI2FI7wI-00042-00021152-00021680 in otherwise you're losing value over time if you really think about it you can find tons of ways wNeAI2FI7wI-00043-00021680-00022160 that this game is limited for no other reason than to provide the player with a reason to come back wNeAI2FI7wI-00044-00022160-00022544 why do i have to wait for sorority crisis to come back it's a game mode that the developers wNeAI2FI7wI-00045-00022544-00022992 have implemented why can't i just play it whenever i want why is there a limit on the number of times wNeAI2FI7wI-00046-00022992-00023376 i can play sunset canyon i'm just fighting other players it's not like they're losing anything wNeAI2FI7wI-00047-00023376-00023864 when i do that maybe a couple of slots here on the leaderboard all of these artificial limitations on wNeAI2FI7wI-00048-00023864-00024424 the game are so that way you have to stop playing at some point so you don't get bored and then wNeAI2FI7wI-00049-00024424-00024896 come back when you have the opportunity to play again okay so rise of kingdoms has a simple and wNeAI2FI7wI-00050-00024896-00025352 easy to understand gameplay loop that is relatively satisfying and also leaves you wNeAI2FI7wI-00051-00025352-00025800 wanting more because it's constantly stopping you from playing but that's not enough if the wNeAI2FI7wI-00052-00025800-00026424 game itself isn't satisfying to look at or listen to or to interact with there are a ton of games wNeAI2FI7wI-00053-00026424-00026895 that are trying to rip off rise of kingdoms but the problem is that the art style just isn't up wNeAI2FI7wI-00054-00026895-00027488 to par either it's a low quality image or the actual style itself isn't cartoony enough maybe wNeAI2FI7wI-00055-00027488-00028016 it's too realistic or maybe just the characters in the game are ugly but rise of kingdoms has a very wNeAI2FI7wI-00056-00028016-00028504 unique art style that is extremely appealing not only to players who want a little bit of realism wNeAI2FI7wI-00057-00028504-00028983 but also don't mind if it's a little bit cartoony as well that's also why the developers of rise of wNeAI2FI7wI-00058-00028983-00029583 kingdoms went out of their way to hire Christopher Tin a Grammy award-winning composer to make the wNeAI2FI7wI-00059-00029583-00030136 music that is in rise of kingdoms for a game like rise of kingdoms a good soundtrack is one that wNeAI2FI7wI-00060-00030136-00030600 seamlessly blends in with the theme and into the background and one that you don't mind listening wNeAI2FI7wI-00061-00030600-00031095 to on repeat but i can assure you if the music in this game were horrible or if they didn't include wNeAI2FI7wI-00062-00031095-00031576 music at all you would notice it immediately something would feel like it's missing and think wNeAI2FI7wI-00063-00031576-00031952 about it from a gameplay perspective there's no reason to have music in rise of kingdoms wNeAI2FI7wI-00064-00031952-00032392 you just don't need it but they implemented it for your pleasure and for the immersion and wNeAI2FI7wI-00065-00032392-00032912 what's equally important to the design of the art and of the music is the user interface and wNeAI2FI7wI-00066-00032912-00033328 how the user interacts with the game now when i say user interface i mean all these little wNeAI2FI7wI-00067-00033328-00033760 buttons on the bottom and in the corners and a good user interface is one that you the player wNeAI2FI7wI-00068-00033760-00034232 don't even think about but imagine if you tapped on these buttons and it took a long time to load wNeAI2FI7wI-00069-00034232-00034680 the different portions of your inventory each of these buttons doesn't have to have its own wNeAI2FI7wI-00070-00034680-00035208 dedicated picture but it does because it's easy to understand and everything is extremely fluid wNeAI2FI7wI-00071-00035208-00035752 and very responsive and again that's important if the game is clunky and slow to move around the wNeAI2FI7wI-00072-00035752-00036256 different menus or if you the player don't know exactly where everything is located when you need wNeAI2FI7wI-00073-00036256-00036688 to get there you might just get frustrated you might not want to learn how to interact with the wNeAI2FI7wI-00074-00036688-00037240 game and you just log off before you even get to enjoy the gameplay so from the ground up the art wNeAI2FI7wI-00075-00037240-00037776 style from the designs of the characters to the music to the user interface has all been made wNeAI2FI7wI-00076-00037776-00038392 to seamlessly complement that addictive gameplay loop that is rise of kingdoms but what's a good wNeAI2FI7wI-00077-00038392-00038976 gameplay loop without some really good rewards to supplement the gameplay rise of kingdoms includes wNeAI2FI7wI-00078-00038976-00039424 a ton of different goals and objectives and rewards the player for reaching those different wNeAI2FI7wI-00079-00039424-00039888 milestones on a micro level it could just be these daily objectives just do a couple of things in the wNeAI2FI7wI-00080-00039888-00040352 game and you get a little chest and it may not be much but it is a way to reinforce that behavior wNeAI2FI7wI-00081-00040352-00040800 and get you to do it again the next day especially when the reward for completing these objectives wNeAI2FI7wI-00082-00040800-00041392 is gems the premium currency or golden and crystal keys which can get you some really good rewards wNeAI2FI7wI-00083-00041392-00042000 such as commander's equipment etc and the key no pun intended to the reward system working is wNeAI2FI7wI-00084-00042000-00042512 that the rewards are always randomized rise of kingdoms along with virtually every other game wNeAI2FI7wI-00085-00042512-00043056 that's released these days uses what's called the skinner box positive reinforcement system you see wNeAI2FI7wI-00086-00043056-00043552 when you get a reward for a particular behavior whether it's completing daily objectives in rise wNeAI2FI7wI-00087-00043552-00044064 of kingdoms or working out at the gym your brain rewards you with a little bit of dopamine your wNeAI2FI7wI-00088-00044064-00044504 brain releases some feel-good chemicals that basically say hey you should do that again but wNeAI2FI7wI-00089-00044504-00045112 what skinner's research taught us is that if the reward is randomized when you do get that reward wNeAI2FI7wI-00090-00045112-00045664 you get much more dopamine this is literally why casinos are addicting because players can spin wNeAI2FI7wI-00091-00045664-00046232 the roulette wheel and they may miss 20 times in a row but that one hit is huge and that's wNeAI2FI7wI-00092-00046232-00046744 what gets players hooked think about it this way every single day you log in you can claim three wNeAI2FI7wI-00093-00046744-00047264 Aethelflaed sculptures how exciting is it to get three Aethelflaed sculptures as opposed to wNeAI2FI7wI-00094-00047264-00047800 three charles martel sculptures being dropped from a golden chest now you could argue that one is wNeAI2FI7wI-00095-00047800-00048184 slightly more valuable than the other but in the early game both of these commanders are extremely wNeAI2FI7wI-00096-00048184-00048728 viable and extremely usable and yet you would get way more excited over three martel sculptures than wNeAI2FI7wI-00097-00048728-00049168 three at the flood and that's because that reward is randomized whereas without Aethelflaed you're wNeAI2FI7wI-00098-00049168-00049656 guaranteed to get it every single day it's not that exciting and this randomized reward structure wNeAI2FI7wI-00099-00049656-00050224 isn't just in the tavern it's literally everywhere in rise of kingdoms the mysterious merchant has a wNeAI2FI7wI-00100-00050224-00050752 bunch of items for sale and you guessed it these items show up relatively randomly these equipment wNeAI2FI7wI-00101-00050752-00051264 material chests have a random piece of material in them why do these exist why can't they just be the wNeAI2FI7wI-00102-00051264-00051767 pick one material chests how about event reward chests or equipment blueprint chests there's the wNeAI2FI7wI-00103-00051767-00052120 legendary tavern event there's the wheel of fortune event there's the golden egg event wNeAI2FI7wI-00104-00052120-00052600 there's the treasure hunter event as well and even the drops from barbarians is somewhat randomized wNeAI2FI7wI-00105-00052600-00053088 the drops from forts how about the drops from marauders even the events that matter the least wNeAI2FI7wI-00106-00053088-00053696 still drop a supply box which has a randomized reward think about it virtually every reward wNeAI2FI7wI-00107-00053696-00054176 in rise of kingdoms is randomized literally everything that you're doing is essentially wNeAI2FI7wI-00108-00054176-00054728 spinning a roulette wheel randomized rewards are baked into the very fabric of rise of kingdoms wNeAI2FI7wI-00109-00054728-00055304 across the entire game from the moment you start playing for infinity now positive reinforcement wNeAI2FI7wI-00110-00055304-00055800 in rise of kingdoms isn't just relying on randomized rewards although that is definitely wNeAI2FI7wI-00111-00055800-00056272 the primary driver that keeps players engaged but there's also achievements and progression wNeAI2FI7wI-00112-00056272-00056767 systems that are built into the game as well you are constantly reminded of your power level as a wNeAI2FI7wI-00113-00056767-00057200 player and in the beginning of the game it's satisfying to watch this power number grow wNeAI2FI7wI-00114-00057200-00057720 and comparing yourself to other players when you see a player with 50 million power and you just wNeAI2FI7wI-00115-00057720-00058160 started that's exciting because you think okay i can actually get there one day the game also wNeAI2FI7wI-00116-00058160-00058672 keeps track of your kill points you get to see how many players how many troops have you killed and wNeAI2FI7wI-00117-00058672-00059152 watching that number grow is satisfying i mean they even have a straight up achievement system wNeAI2FI7wI-00118-00059152-00059679 which is just a way to keep you engaged and see your progress over time and the rest is as they wNeAI2FI7wI-00119-00059679-00060248 say history the gameplay loop is simple easy to understand it's satisfying it keeps you coming wNeAI2FI7wI-00120-00060248-00060648 back and the rewards are randomized so you feel good when you get something good and you can also wNeAI2FI7wI-00121-00060648-00061120 see your progress over time but that's not it you see it goes a little bit deeper than that because wNeAI2FI7wI-00122-00061120-00061600 virtually everything that we just described is also pretty much just a slot machine that wNeAI2FI7wI-00123-00061600-00062152 is to say that everything we've discussed so far isn't specifically why rise of kingdoms is popular wNeAI2FI7wI-00124-00062152-00062720 it's why the strategies it's using are successful the difference between rise of kingdoms and a slot wNeAI2FI7wI-00125-00062720-00063191 machine is that rise of kingdoms is actually much more appealing to a broader audience for example a wNeAI2FI7wI-00126-00063191-00063672 little kid is probably more excited about killing barbarians on a battlefield than they are just wNeAI2FI7wI-00127-00063672-00064072 pressing a virtual slot machine button over and over and over again and not getting really wNeAI2FI7wI-00128-00064072-00064472 anything out of it other than flashing lights so rise of kingdoms had to design their game wNeAI2FI7wI-00129-00064472-00064967 around the four different types of players and we've talked about this in a previous video where wNeAI2FI7wI-00130-00064967-00065408 i talked about the deceptive ways that rise of kingdoms gets you to spend money but essentially wNeAI2FI7wI-00131-00065408-00065848 for a game to be massively appealing it has to appeal to these four types of players and wNeAI2FI7wI-00132-00065848-00066392 these are known as bartle types some players are killers others are achievers while you also have wNeAI2FI7wI-00133-00066392-00066848 socializers and explorers players who are classified as killers are motivated by the wNeAI2FI7wI-00134-00066848-00067392 pvp aspect they want to get a ton of kills they want to crush the competition and they want to wNeAI2FI7wI-00135-00067392-00067800 rise to the top of the leaderboard whatever that leaderboard might be rise of kingdoms appeals to wNeAI2FI7wI-00136-00067800-00068320 these players extremely well with not only the fighting aspect in the early game but also the wNeAI2FI7wI-00137-00068320-00068816 kvk system ark of osiris and osiris league are extremely good examples of this and of wNeAI2FI7wI-00138-00068816-00069328 course these players can track their power and kills over time which is extremely satisfying wNeAI2FI7wI-00139-00069328-00069808 for the socializers rise of kingdoms promises a massive network of players that you can plug wNeAI2FI7wI-00140-00069808-00070264 into and make friends with this is why they have the alliance system and this is why they have wNeAI2FI7wI-00141-00070264-00070776 the coalition system and different teams in ark of osiris versus other teams this is also why there's wNeAI2FI7wI-00142-00070776-00071256 a chat box for every single game mode every single event you go into whether it's ceroli whether it's wNeAI2FI7wI-00143-00071256-00071720 lost kingdom chat there's always a chat box there for you to interact with the other players in wNeAI2FI7wI-00144-00071720-00072144 the game this is also why you get gifts when your alliance members do things whether it's defeating wNeAI2FI7wI-00145-00072144-00072632 barbarian forts or making a purchase in the game rise of kingdoms makes you feel like you're part wNeAI2FI7wI-00146-00072632-00073176 of a community of other players whereas if you play a game like call of duty sure you can spawn wNeAI2FI7wI-00147-00073176-00073632 in but you're not forced to talk to anybody and you're put on a team randomly every single time wNeAI2FI7wI-00148-00073632-00074072 you can play call of duty multiplayer and feel like you're just shooting other bots there's wNeAI2FI7wI-00149-00074072-00074440 really no distinction other than maybe skill level and the fact that they act like humans wNeAI2FI7wI-00150-00074440-00074912 the rise of kingdoms actively encourages you to interact with other players part of the tutorial wNeAI2FI7wI-00151-00074912-00075320 is to join an alliance they want you to play with other people and feel like you're part of that wNeAI2FI7wI-00152-00075320-00075736 group for those of you who are achievers there's different statuses that you can achieve here in wNeAI2FI7wI-00153-00075736-00076272 rise of kingdoms you can progress your account to city hall 25 and feel like you've achieved that wNeAI2FI7wI-00154-00076272-00076760 particular milestone you can achieve the ultimate goal of getting tier 5 units having the strongest wNeAI2FI7wI-00155-00076760-00077280 troops that your city can possibly produce and put simply you have your power level you can achieve wNeAI2FI7wI-00156-00077280-00077712 a really high power level or you can achieve all the different goals that they set for you here in wNeAI2FI7wI-00157-00077712-00078160 the achievement system you also have events like zenith of power where you can achieve the number wNeAI2FI7wI-00158-00078160-00078640 one and be the most powerful on your continent or you can achieve king status and be the king wNeAI2FI7wI-00159-00078640-00079096 of your kingdom there's plenty of accomplishments to be made here in rise of kingdom so if that's wNeAI2FI7wI-00160-00079096-00079520 what you're into then this game will deliver and finally there's the explorers there's those that wNeAI2FI7wI-00161-00079520-00079992 want to explore this world and see what the game is all about find all the different barbarian wNeAI2FI7wI-00162-00079992-00080432 keeps and camps and defeat barbarian forts but not only that you can explore and experience wNeAI2FI7wI-00163-00080432-00080888 the skills and the power of all these different commanders in the game there's over 70 commanders wNeAI2FI7wI-00164-00080888-00081368 in this game at this point a wide variety of well-known characters to collect is an extremely wNeAI2FI7wI-00165-00081368-00081784 addictive way of getting certain players into your game think about pokemon pokemon wNeAI2FI7wI-00166-00081784-00082304 was literally built on the back of gotta catch em all and that is the most valuable video game wNeAI2FI7wI-00167-00082304-00082864 franchise in the entire world so needless to say not only is rise of kingdoms simple to play and wNeAI2FI7wI-00168-00082864-00083376 extremely addictive but there's something here for everyone which makes it way more appealing than wNeAI2FI7wI-00169-00083376-00083960 just your standard slot machine but then there's the final question and that is what keeps players wNeAI2FI7wI-00170-00083960-00084480 coming back when they're totally dissatisfied with the game when they completely are sick of wNeAI2FI7wI-00171-00084480-00084976 that gameplay loop when they feel like the very developers just don't care about them as a player wNeAI2FI7wI-00172-00084976-00085480 when they think that the new update is worse than the last update and that last update was far worse wNeAI2FI7wI-00173-00085480-00085896 than the one that came out a few months ago my friends i would like to introduce you to the sunk wNeAI2FI7wI-00174-00085896-00086496 cost fallacy players will continue to engage in an activity or even a relationship if they feel like wNeAI2FI7wI-00175-00086496-00087032 they've already invested so much i mean not to get too deep but this is also why some people stay in wNeAI2FI7wI-00176-00087032-00087416 relationships even if they're not happy they just feel like they've already spent two years with wNeAI2FI7wI-00177-00087416-00087848 this person and even though they're not happy they just want to stay because they've always wNeAI2FI7wI-00178-00087848-00088280 stayed but the reality is that investment is already gone the amount of money you've spent on wNeAI2FI7wI-00179-00088280-00088720 rise of kingdoms is gone you can't get that money back no matter how much you play but if breaking wNeAI2FI7wI-00180-00088720-00089264 the sunk cost fallacy was that easy then players would be quitting based on just this video alone wNeAI2FI7wI-00181-00089264-00089688 i mean hey you're aware of it now does that mean you're gonna quit probably not myself included wNeAI2FI7wI-00182-00089688-00090296 and wouldn't you know rise of kingdoms knows this getting players to that sunk cost fallacy as fast wNeAI2FI7wI-00183-00090296-00090816 as possible is an extremely useful way of getting them to stay invested one of the primary ways that wNeAI2FI7wI-00184-00090816-00091376 rise of kingdoms and virtually all mobile and even modern console games do this is by implementing an wNeAI2FI7wI-00185-00091376-00091960 in-game currency system that is ubiquitous the implementation of gems as a premium currency is wNeAI2FI7wI-00186-00091960-00092408 just a psychological way to separate you from the amount of money that you're spending i mean think wNeAI2FI7wI-00187-00092408-00093176 about it why is one dollar 200 gems but 100 is 25 000 gems it would make sense if one dollar was one wNeAI2FI7wI-00188-00093176-00093760 gem or even one dollar was 10 gems but there's not an easily understandable way to link the amount wNeAI2FI7wI-00189-00093760-00094184 of money you're spending with the amount of gems that you have there's it's sort of a blurred line wNeAI2FI7wI-00190-00094184-00094616 i mean think about it if i want to participate in the legendary tavern here and i need a key right wNeAI2FI7wI-00191-00094616-00095144 well i have to get a key from somewhere and i can get that from gems but why do i have to spend 600 wNeAI2FI7wI-00192-00095144-00095608 gems on a key why can't i just spend the dollar equivalent of 600 gems why do we need gems in wNeAI2FI7wI-00193-00095608-00096040 the first place why can't we say a sovereign key is worth two dollars why doesn't this button here wNeAI2FI7wI-00194-00096040-00096688 say one key or two dollars why does it have to be converted first into gems well since the gem wNeAI2FI7wI-00195-00096688-00097232 to dollar conversion isn't exactly clear it makes it harder for you the player to realize how much wNeAI2FI7wI-00196-00097232-00097632 money you're actually spending when you're spending gems and not only that but gems are wNeAI2FI7wI-00197-00097632-00098304 purchased in bulk you can't just buy a specific number of gems let's say i want 9 500 gems i wNeAI2FI7wI-00198-00098304-00098864 can't just buy 9 500 gems i have to buy some number of gems from a pack whether it's a bundle wNeAI2FI7wI-00199-00098864-00099312 or directly in the gem store and because this is purchased in bulk you're going to have to purchase wNeAI2FI7wI-00200-00099312-00099784 more than you actually need which means you're gonna be left over with some gems that eventually wNeAI2FI7wI-00201-00099784-00100168 you're not gonna have anything to spend it on if you wanna spend it on the wheel but you don't wNeAI2FI7wI-00202-00100168-00100624 have enough gems to spin the wheel even once well then you're in a position where you have to either wNeAI2FI7wI-00203-00100624-00101016 wait to get more gems in which case that wheel event is probably gone because wNeAI2FI7wI-00204-00101016-00101528 again we've talked about events being limited time or you're gonna have to spend more gems at wNeAI2FI7wI-00205-00101528-00101984 a later date to compensate for the fact that the gems that were left over last time aren't enough wNeAI2FI7wI-00206-00101984-00102528 to do anything with now and you feel like if you just have you know gems sitting up here in the top wNeAI2FI7wI-00207-00102528-00102880 corner you're gonna feel like you're just kind of wasting it right if you don't use them then wNeAI2FI7wI-00208-00102880-00103416 they're not doing anything so you're always left with needing just a little bit more and that again wNeAI2FI7wI-00209-00103416-00103928 encourages spending and then of course the more you spend the better the value so you're actually wNeAI2FI7wI-00210-00103928-00104488 encouraged to have a surplus of gems and we could go down the rabbit hole of all the other ways that wNeAI2FI7wI-00211-00104488-00104952 rise of kingdoms encourages you to spend money but i've already made an extremely long video wNeAI2FI7wI-00212-00104952-00105368 an extremely detailed video talking about that i encourage you to check it out if you're interested wNeAI2FI7wI-00213-00105368-00105768 all of the other tactics the rise of kingdoms uses to get you to spend and that's it we've talked wNeAI2FI7wI-00214-00105768-00106240 about why rice of kingdoms is satisfying why it's addicting and why players continue to play even wNeAI2FI7wI-00215-00106240-00106624 after they've been dissatisfied if you enjoyed the video make sure you drop a thumbs up on it wNeAI2FI7wI-00216-00106624-00106968 it really helps out the channel a ton of helps get this video out into the youtube algorithm so other wNeAI2FI7wI-00217-00106968-00107296 rise of kingdoms players might see it if you're new here subscribe to the channel and click that wNeAI2FI7wI-00218-00107296-00107648 bell to be notified the next time that i upload a rise of kingdoms video and with that being said wNeAI2FI7wI-00219-00107648-00108080 guys thank you so much for watching this has been Omniarch i will talk to you guys again soon peace wpMfkZYEgPE-00000-00000048-00000624 when Frank told me was getting married I didn't really even ask the typical questions wpMfkZYEgPE-00001-00000624-00001422 a father asked are you sure have you thought this through are you sure you're not rushing into this wpMfkZYEgPE-00002-00001548-00002346 I said Frank you're 36 your mother and I need grandchildren let's do this in the morning wQHohJHCrKo-00000-00002802-00003002 Early wQHohJHCrKo-00001-00003819-00004369 We will wash up please wash out, please please please wQHohJHCrKo-00002-00007605-00007805 Early morning wQHohJHCrKo-00003-00009574-00009774 It's eat wQHohJHCrKo-00004-00010015-00010769 Eat eat they said the way with playlists always play with stories playing with toys this another way we play masters wQHohJHCrKo-00005-00010804-00011372 only in amore play play play play play play wQHohJHCrKo-00006-00011767-00012147 This is the way we go to school go to school go to school wQHohJHCrKo-00007-00012166-00012620 This is the way we go to school early in the morning go wQHohJHCrKo-00008-00012766-00013016 Go go go go wQHohJHCrKo-00009-00013165-00013365 Go go wXQWOo-lVGE-00000-00000032-00000682 Hi everybody and welcome to lesson eight, the last lesson of part one of this course. wXQWOo-lVGE-00001-00000682-00001161 Thanks so much for sticking with us. Got a very interesting lesson today where we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00002-00001161-00001727 going to dive into natural language processing, and remind you we did see natural language wXQWOo-lVGE-00003-00001727-00002557 processing in Lesson One. This was it here: we looked at a dataset where we could pass wXQWOo-lVGE-00004-00002557-00003307 in many movie reviews like so and get back probabilities that it's a positive or negative wXQWOo-lVGE-00005-00003307-00004117 sentiment, and we trained it with a very standard-looking classifier trainer approach. But we haven't wXQWOo-lVGE-00006-00004117-00004601 really talked about what's going on behind the scenes there, so let's let's do that and wXQWOo-lVGE-00007-00004601-00005228 we�ll also learn about how to make it better. So we were getting about 93%, so 93% accuracy wXQWOo-lVGE-00008-00005228-00005858 for sentiment analysis which is actually extremely good, and it only took a bit over ten minutes, wXQWOo-lVGE-00009-00005858-00006898 but let's see if we can do better. So we're going to go to notebook number 10 and in notebook wXQWOo-lVGE-00010-00006898-00007556 number ten we are going to start by talking about what we are going to do to train an wXQWOo-lVGE-00011-00007556-00008239 NLP classifier. So a sentiment analysis which is: is this movie review positive or negative wXQWOo-lVGE-00012-00008239-00008811 sentiment, is just a classifier; the dependent variable is binary, and the independent variable wXQWOo-lVGE-00013-00008811-00009310 is the kind of the interesting bit. So we're going to talk about that, but before we do, wXQWOo-lVGE-00014-00009310-00010020 we're going to talk about what was the pre-trained model that got used here? Because the reason wXQWOo-lVGE-00015-00010020-00010381 we got such a good result so quickly, is because we are doing fine tuning of a pre-trained wXQWOo-lVGE-00016-00010381-00011053 model. So what is this pre-trained model, exactly? Now the pre-trained model is actually wXQWOo-lVGE-00017-00011053-00012046 a pre-trained language model. So what is a language model? A language model is a special wXQWOo-lVGE-00018-00012046-00012835 kind of model, and it's a model where we try to predict the next word of a sentence. So wXQWOo-lVGE-00019-00012835-00013666 for example if our language model received �even if our language model knows the� wXQWOo-lVGE-00020-00013666-00014386 then its job would be to predict �basics.� Now, the language model that we use as our wXQWOo-lVGE-00021-00014386-00015197 pre-trained model was actually trained on Wikipedia. So we took all the, you know, non-trivial wXQWOo-lVGE-00022-00015197-00015708 sized articles in Wikipedia, and we built a language model which attempted to predict wXQWOo-lVGE-00023-00015708-00016462 the next word of every sequence of words, in every one of those articles, and it was wXQWOo-lVGE-00024-00016462-00016987 a neural network of course. And we then take those pre-trained weights, and those are the wXQWOo-lVGE-00025-00016987-00017670 pre-trained weights that when we said text_classifier_learner were automatically loaded in. So, conceptually, wXQWOo-lVGE-00026-00017670-00018215 why would it be useful to pre-train a language model? How does that help us to do sentiment wXQWOo-lVGE-00027-00018215-00018981 analysis, for example? Well, just like an ImageNet model has a lot of information about wXQWOo-lVGE-00028-00018981-00019650 what pictures look like and what they're consisting of, a language model tells us a bit, a lot wXQWOo-lVGE-00029-00019650-00020354 about what sentences look like and what they know about the world. So a language model, wXQWOo-lVGE-00030-00020354-00021406 for example, if it's going to be able to predict the end of the sentence, �In 1998 this law wXQWOo-lVGE-00031-00021406-00022100 was passed by president...what?� So a language model to predict that correctly would have wXQWOo-lVGE-00032-00022100-00022481 to know a whole lot of stuff. It would have to know about, well, how English language wXQWOo-lVGE-00033-00022481-00023139 works in general and what kind of sentences go in what places; that after the word President wXQWOo-lVGE-00034-00023139-00023606 would usually be the surname of somebody; it would need to know what country that law wXQWOo-lVGE-00035-00023606-00024059 was passed in and would need to know what President was president of that country in wXQWOo-lVGE-00036-00024059-00024570 nineteen-- what did I say? 1998. So it�d have to know a lot about the world it'd have wXQWOo-lVGE-00037-00024570-00025182 to know a lot about language. To create a really good language model is really hard, wXQWOo-lVGE-00038-00025182-00025750 and in fact this is something that people spend many many many millions of dollars on wXQWOo-lVGE-00039-00025750-00026407 creating language models of huge datasets Our particular one doesn't take particularly wXQWOo-lVGE-00040-00026407-00026870 long to pre-trained but there's no particular reason for you to pre-train one of these language wXQWOo-lVGE-00041-00026870-00027735 models because you can download them through fastai or through other places. So what happened wXQWOo-lVGE-00042-00027735-00028485 in Lesson One is we downloaded this pre-trained wikipedia model and then we fine-tuned it. wXQWOo-lVGE-00043-00028485-00028898 So as per usual we threw away the last layer which was specific for wXQWOo-lVGE-00044-00028898-00029635 predicting the next word of Wikipedia and fine-tuned the model, initially just the last wXQWOo-lVGE-00045-00029635-00030412 layer to learn to predict sentiment of movie reviews, and then as per usual, then fine-tune wXQWOo-lVGE-00046-00030412-00031125 the rest of the model and that got us 93%. Now, there's a trick we can use, though, which wXQWOo-lVGE-00047-00031125-00031557 is we start with this Wikipedia language model, and the particular subset we use is called wXQWOo-lVGE-00048-00031557-00032170 a WikiText-103, and rather than just jumping straight to a classifier, which we did in wXQWOo-lVGE-00049-00032170-00032771 Lesson One, we can do even better if we first of all create an IMDB language model. That wXQWOo-lVGE-00050-00032771-00033297 is to say, a language model that learns to predict the next word of a movie review. The wXQWOo-lVGE-00051-00033297-00033993 reason we do that is that this will help it to learn about IMDB-specific kinds of words, wXQWOo-lVGE-00052-00033993-00034395 like, like it'll learn a lot more about the names of actors and directors; it'll learn wXQWOo-lVGE-00053-00034395-00035031 about the kinds of words that people use in movie reviews. And so if we do that first wXQWOo-lVGE-00054-00035031-00035369 then we would hope we will end up with a better classifier. So that's what we're going to wXQWOo-lVGE-00055-00035369-00036074 do in the first part of today's lesson, and we're going to kind of do it from scratch. wXQWOo-lVGE-00056-00036074-00036515 And we're going to show you how to do a lot of the things from scratch even though later wXQWOo-lVGE-00057-00036515-00037162 we'll show you how fastai does at all for you. So how do we build a language model? wXQWOo-lVGE-00058-00037162-00037695 So as we point out here, sentences can be different lengths, and documents like movie wXQWOo-lVGE-00059-00037695-00038766 reviews can be very long. So how do we go about this? Well, a word is basically a categorical wXQWOo-lVGE-00060-00038766-00039216 variable and we already know how to use categorical variables as an independent variable in a wXQWOo-lVGE-00061-00039216-00039734 neuron net, which was we make a list of all of the possible levels of a categorical variable, wXQWOo-lVGE-00062-00039734-00040376 which we call the vocab, and then we replace each of those categories with its index so wXQWOo-lVGE-00063-00040376-00041043 they all become numbers. We create an initially random embedding matrix for each, so each wXQWOo-lVGE-00064-00041043-00041618 row then is for one element from the vocab, and then we make that the first layer of a wXQWOo-lVGE-00065-00041618-00042287 neural net. So that's what we've done a few times now, and we've even created our own wXQWOo-lVGE-00066-00042287-00042756 embedding layer from scratch, remember? So we can do the same thing with text, right? wXQWOo-lVGE-00067-00042756-00043533 We can make a list of all the possible words in -- in the whole corpus, the whole dataset, wXQWOo-lVGE-00068-00043533-00044115 and we can replace each word with the index of the vocab and create an embedding matrix. wXQWOo-lVGE-00069-00044115-00044725 So in order to create a list of all levels -- in this case a list of all possible words wXQWOo-lVGE-00070-00044725-00045184 -- let's first of all concatenate all the documents, all the movie reviews, together wXQWOo-lVGE-00071-00045184-00045865 into one big long string, and split it into words. Okay and then our independent variable wXQWOo-lVGE-00072-00045865-00046351 will basically be that sequence, starting with the first word in the long list and ending wXQWOo-lVGE-00073-00046351-00046790 with the second last, and our dependent variable will be the sequence of words starting with wXQWOo-lVGE-00074-00046790-00047302 the second word and ending with the last. So they're kind of offset by one. So as you wXQWOo-lVGE-00075-00047302-00047937 move through the first sequence you're then trying to predict the next word in the next, wXQWOo-lVGE-00076-00047937-00048638 in the second part. That's kind of what we're doing, right? We'll see more detail in a moment. wXQWOo-lVGE-00077-00048638-00049415 Now when we create our vocab by finding all the unique words in this concatenated corpus, wXQWOo-lVGE-00078-00049415-00050009 a lot of the words we see will be already in the embedding matrix, already in the vocab wXQWOo-lVGE-00079-00050009-00050574 of the pre-trained Wikipedia model. But there's also going to be some new ones, right? There wXQWOo-lVGE-00080-00050574-00051239 might be some particular actors that don't appear in Wikipedia, or maybe some informal wXQWOo-lVGE-00081-00051239-00052211 slang words and so forth. So when we build our vocab and then our embedding matrix for wXQWOo-lVGE-00082-00052211-00052889 the IMDB language model, any words that are in the vocab of the pre-trained model we'll wXQWOo-lVGE-00083-00052889-00053792 just use them as is. But for new words, we�ll create a new random vector. So here's the wXQWOo-lVGE-00084-00053792-00054254 process we're going to have to go through. First we're going to have to take our big wXQWOo-lVGE-00085-00054254-00054896 concatenated corpus and turn it into a list of tokens: could be words, could be characters, wXQWOo-lVGE-00086-00054896-00055790 could be substrings. That's called tokenization. And then we'll do numericalization, which wXQWOo-lVGE-00087-00055790-00056308 is basically these two steps, which is replacing each word with its index in a vocab, which wXQWOo-lVGE-00088-00056308-00056780 means we have to create that vocab. So create the vocab and then convert. Then wXQWOo-lVGE-00089-00056780-00057404 we're going to need to create a data loader that has lots of substrings, lots of sequences wXQWOo-lVGE-00090-00057404-00058095 of tokens from our IMDB corpus as an independent variable, and the same thing offset by one wXQWOo-lVGE-00091-00058095-00058852 as a dependent variable, and then we're going to have to create a language model. Now, a wXQWOo-lVGE-00092-00058852-00059474 language model is going to be able to handle input lists that can be arbitrarily big or wXQWOo-lVGE-00093-00059474-00059869 small, and we're going to be using something called a recurrent neural network to do this, wXQWOo-lVGE-00094-00059869-00060286 which we'll learn about later. So basically, so far we've always assumed that everything wXQWOo-lVGE-00095-00060286-00060815 is a fixed size, a fixed input, so we're going to have to mix things up a little bit here wXQWOo-lVGE-00096-00060815-00061470 and deal with architectures that can be different sizes. For this notebook, notebook 10, we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00097-00061470-00061987 going to kind of treat it as a black box, it's just going to be just a neural net, and wXQWOo-lVGE-00098-00061987-00062629 then later in the lesson we'll look at delving inside what's happening in that architecture. wXQWOo-lVGE-00099-00062629-00063415 Okay so let's start with the first of these, which is tokenization. So converting a text wXQWOo-lVGE-00100-00063415-00064191 into a list of words or a list of tokens. What does that mean? Is a full-stop a token? wXQWOo-lVGE-00101-00064191-00064701 What about �don't� -- is that single word or is it two words, do-n't? Or is it -- would wXQWOo-lVGE-00102-00064701-00065179 I convert it to a �do not?� What about long medical words that are kind of made up wXQWOo-lVGE-00103-00065179-00065647 of lots of pieces of medical jargon that are all stuck together? What about hyphenated wXQWOo-lVGE-00104-00065647-00066241 words? And really interestingly then, what about something like Polish where you -- or wXQWOo-lVGE-00105-00066241-00066658 Turkish -- where you can create really long words? All the time they create really long wXQWOo-lVGE-00106-00066658-00067137 words that are actually, lots of separate parts are concatenated together. Or languages wXQWOo-lVGE-00107-00067137-00067858 like Japanese and Chinese that don't use spaces at all? They don't really have a well defined wXQWOo-lVGE-00108-00067858-00068637 idea of �word?� Well, there's no right answer, but there's basically three approaches. wXQWOo-lVGE-00109-00068637-00069055 We can use a word-based approach, which is what we use by default at the moment for English wXQWOo-lVGE-00110-00069055-00069499 (although that might change) which is: we split a sentence on spaces, and then there wXQWOo-lVGE-00111-00069499-00070148 are some language-specific rules, for example turning don't into do-n�t and putting punctuation wXQWOo-lVGE-00112-00070148-00070754 marks as a separate token most of the time. Really interestingly, there are tokenizers wXQWOo-lVGE-00113-00070754-00071273 that are subword-based, and this is where we split words into smaller parts based on wXQWOo-lVGE-00114-00071273-00071987 the most commonly occurring substrings. We'll see that in a moment. Or the simplest, character-based: wXQWOo-lVGE-00115-00071987-00072475 split a sentence into its characters. We're going to look at word- and sub-word tokenization wXQWOo-lVGE-00116-00072475-00072897 in this notebook. And then if you look at the questionnaire at the end, you'll be asked wXQWOo-lVGE-00117-00072897-00073363 to create your own character-based tokenizer, so please make sure you do that if you can, wXQWOo-lVGE-00118-00073363-00074460 it'll be a great exercise! So fastai doesn't invent its own tokenizers. We just provide wXQWOo-lVGE-00119-00074460-00074858 a consistent interface to a range of external tokenizers, because there's a lot of great wXQWOo-lVGE-00120-00074858-00075682 tokenizers out there. So you can switch between different tokenizers pretty easily. So let's wXQWOo-lVGE-00121-00075682-00076345 start. Let's grab our IMDb dataset like we did in lesson 1 and in order to try out a wXQWOo-lVGE-00122-00076345-00076882 tokenizer, let's grab all the text files. So we can, instead of calling get_image_files, wXQWOo-lVGE-00123-00076882-00077419 we'll call get_text_files, and it'll -- to have a look at what that's doing, that get, wXQWOo-lVGE-00124-00077419-00077923 we can even look at the source code and you can see actually it's calling a more general wXQWOo-lVGE-00125-00077923-00078389 thing called get_files and saying what extensions at once right so if anything in fast AI doesn't wXQWOo-lVGE-00126-00078389-00078841 work quite the way you want and there isn't an option which works the way you want, you wXQWOo-lVGE-00127-00078841-00079314 can often look, always look underneath to see what we're calling, and you can call the wXQWOo-lVGE-00128-00079314-00079940 lower-level stuff yourself. So files is now a list of files. So we can grab the first wXQWOo-lVGE-00129-00079940-00080633 one, we can open it, we can read it, have a look at the start of this review, and here wXQWOo-lVGE-00130-00080633-00081539 it is. Okay so at the moment at the default English word tokenizer we use is called spaCy, wXQWOo-lVGE-00131-00081539-00081869 which uses a pretty sophisticated set of rules -- the wXQWOo-lVGE-00132-00081869-00082580 special rules for particular words and URLs, and so forth -- but we're just going to go wXQWOo-lVGE-00133-00082580-00083283 ahead and say WordTokenizer which will automatically use fastai�s default word tokenizer, currently wXQWOo-lVGE-00134-00083283-00083931 spaCy. And so if we pass a list of documents (we'll just make it a list of one document wXQWOo-lVGE-00135-00083931-00084435 here) to the tokenizer we just created and just grab the first, since we just created wXQWOo-lVGE-00136-00084435-00085125 a list, that's going to show us, as you can see, the tokenized version. So you can see wXQWOo-lVGE-00137-00085125-00085884 here that �This movie which I just discovered at the video store has� etc. it changed wXQWOo-lVGE-00138-00085884-00086611 �it�s� into �it� and ��s� and it's put a comma as a separate punctuation wXQWOo-lVGE-00139-00086611-00087879 mark, and so forth. Okay so you can see how it has tokenized this review. Let's look at wXQWOo-lVGE-00140-00087879-00088305 a more interesting one: �The US dollar� blah blah blah, and you can see here it actually wXQWOo-lVGE-00141-00088305-00088837 knows that US is special so it doesn't put the full-stop in as a separate place for U.S.; wXQWOo-lVGE-00142-00088837-00089351 it knows about 1.00 is special, so you can see there's a lot of tricky stuff going on wXQWOo-lVGE-00143-00089351-00090324 with spaCy to try and be as kind of thoughtful about this as possible. Fastai then provides wXQWOo-lVGE-00144-00090324-00091001 this tokenizer wrapper which provides some additional functionality to any tokenizer, wXQWOo-lVGE-00145-00091001-00092054 as you can see here which is, for example, the word �it� here which previously was wXQWOo-lVGE-00146-00092054-00092717 capital �It� has been turned into a lowercase �it� and then a special token xxmaj has wXQWOo-lVGE-00147-00092717-00093199 appeared at the front. Everything starting with xx is a special fastai token, and this wXQWOo-lVGE-00148-00093199-00093761 means that the next match means that the next word was previously started with a capital wXQWOo-lVGE-00149-00093761-00094267 letter. So here's another one: �this� used to be capital T, so we make it lowercase wXQWOo-lVGE-00150-00094267-00095062 and then add xxmaj; xxbos means this is the start of a document. So there's a few special wXQWOo-lVGE-00151-00095062-00095635 rules going on there. So why do we do that? Well if you think about it, if we didn't lowercase wXQWOo-lVGE-00152-00095635-00096256 �it� for instance or �this� then the capitalized version and the lowercase version wXQWOo-lVGE-00153-00096256-00096687 are going to be two different words in the embedding matrix. Which probably doesn't make wXQWOo-lVGE-00154-00096687-00097194 sense, you know, regardless of the capitalization they probably basically mean the same thing. wXQWOo-lVGE-00155-00097194-00097902 Having said that, sometimes the capitalization might matter, so we kind of want to say all wXQWOo-lVGE-00156-00097902-00098285 right, use the same embedding every time you see the word �this,� but add some kind wXQWOo-lVGE-00157-00098285-00098789 of marker that says that this was originally capitalized. Okay so that's why we do it like wXQWOo-lVGE-00158-00098789-00099691 this. So there's quite a few rules, you can see them in text_proc_rules, and you can see wXQWOo-lVGE-00159-00099691-00100133 the source code. Here's a summary of what they do but let's look at a few examples. wXQWOo-lVGE-00160-00100133-00100759 So if we use that tokenizer we created and pass in for example this text, you can see wXQWOo-lVGE-00161-00100759-00101151 the way it's tokenized, we get the xx beginning of stream, or beginning of string, beginning wXQWOo-lVGE-00162-00101151-00101995 of document. This HTML entity has become a real unicode. We've got the xxmaj we discussed. wXQWOo-lVGE-00163-00101995-00102809 Now here www has been replaced by xx rep 3 w. That means the letter w is repeated three wXQWOo-lVGE-00164-00102809-00103299 times. So for things where you've got like, you know, a hundred exclamation marks in a wXQWOo-lVGE-00165-00103299-00104248 row or the word �so� with like fifty o�s, this is a much better representation. And wXQWOo-lVGE-00166-00104248-00104884 then you can see all uppercase has been replaced with xxup followed by the word. So there's wXQWOo-lVGE-00167-00104884-00105515 some of those rules in action. Oh you can also see multiple spaces have been replaced wXQWOo-lVGE-00168-00105515-00106240 with just making it standard tokens. So that's the word tokenizer. The really interesting wXQWOo-lVGE-00169-00106240-00106832 one is the subword tokenizer. So how, why would you need a subword tokenizer? Well, wXQWOo-lVGE-00170-00106832-00107567 consider for example this sentence here [reads Chinese]. So this is �My name is Jeremy,� wXQWOo-lVGE-00171-00107567-00108372 but the interesting thing about it is there's no spaces here, right, and that's because wXQWOo-lVGE-00172-00108372-00108854 there are no spaces in Chinese and there isn't really a great sense of what a word is in wXQWOo-lVGE-00173-00108854-00109208 Chinese. I mean this particular sentence it's fairly clear what the words are but it's not wXQWOo-lVGE-00174-00109208-00109773 always obvious. Sometimes the words are actually split, you know, so some of it�s at the wXQWOo-lVGE-00175-00109773-00110273 start of a sentence, and some of its at the end. So you can't really do word tokenization wXQWOo-lVGE-00176-00110273-00110872 to something like Chinese. So instead we use sub word tokenization, which is where we look wXQWOo-lVGE-00177-00110872-00111494 at a corpus of documents, and we find the most commonly occurring groups of letters, wXQWOo-lVGE-00178-00111494-00112095 and those commonly occurring groups of letters become the vocab. So, for example, we would wXQWOo-lVGE-00179-00112095-00112650 probably find �Wo de� would appear often, because that means �my�, �m�ngz�, wXQWOo-lVGE-00180-00112650-00113464 whoopsie-daisy, and then �m�ngz�, for example is �name�, and this is my westernized wXQWOo-lVGE-00181-00113464-00113830 version of a Chinese name, which wouldn't be very common to call, common to call at wXQWOo-lVGE-00182-00113830-00114544 all, so they would probably appear separately. So let's look at an example. Let's grab the wXQWOo-lVGE-00183-00114544-00115554 first 2000 movie reviews, and let's create the default SubwordTokenizer(), which currently wXQWOo-lVGE-00184-00115554-00116028 uses something called �SentencePiece�, that might change. And now we're going to wXQWOo-lVGE-00185-00116028-00116673 use something special, something very important which is called �.setup�. Transforms in wXQWOo-lVGE-00186-00116673-00117121 fastai, you can always call this special thing called �.setup()�, it often doesn't do wXQWOo-lVGE-00187-00117121-00117754 anything, but it's always there, but some transforms like a SubwordTokenizer() actually wXQWOo-lVGE-00188-00117754-00118280 need to be set up before you can use them. In other words you can't tokenize into sub wXQWOo-lVGE-00189-00118280-00118944 words until you know what the most commonly occurring groups of letters are. So passing wXQWOo-lVGE-00190-00118944-00119650 a list of texts, and here this list of texts, to �.setup()� will, will train the sub wXQWOo-lVGE-00191-00119650-00120179 word tokenizer. It'll find those commonly occurring groups of letters. So having done wXQWOo-lVGE-00192-00120179-00120795 that we can then, this is just for experimenting, we're going to pass in some size, we'll say wXQWOo-lVGE-00193-00120795-00121348 what vocab size we want for our SubwordTokenizer(), we'll set it up with our texts, and then we wXQWOo-lVGE-00194-00121348-00122107 will have a look at a particular sentence. So for example if we create a SubwordTokenizer()r wXQWOo-lVGE-00195-00122107-00123148 with a thousand tokens, and it returns this, this tokenized string. Now this kind of long wXQWOo-lVGE-00196-00123148-00123633 underscore thing is what we replace space with because now we're using sub word tokens wXQWOo-lVGE-00197-00123633-00124142 we kind of want to know where the sentences actually start and stop. Okay, and you can wXQWOo-lVGE-00198-00124142-00124634 see here a lot of sentence words are common enough sequences of letters that they get wXQWOo-lVGE-00199-00124634-00125188 their own vocab item, or else discovered, �did� was not, wasn't common enough. So wXQWOo-lVGE-00200-00125188-00125933 that became �dis�, �c�, �over�, �ed�. Right? �Video� appears enough, wXQWOo-lVGE-00201-00125933-00126357 whereas �store� didn't. So that became �st�, �or�, �e�, so you get the wXQWOo-lVGE-00202-00126357-00127208 idea. Right? So if we wanted a smaller vocab size, that would, as you see, even �this� wXQWOo-lVGE-00203-00127208-00127671 doesn't become its own word, �movie� is so common that it's a, is its own word, so wXQWOo-lVGE-00204-00127671-00128483 it �just� becomes �j�, �us�, �t�, for example. We have a question. Okay. �How wXQWOo-lVGE-00205-00128483-00129170 can we determine if the given pre-trained model, in this case wikitext 103, is suitable wXQWOo-lVGE-00206-00129170-00129697 enough for our downstream task. If we have limited vocab overlap should we need to add wXQWOo-lVGE-00207-00129697-00130552 an additional dataset to create a language model from scratch?� If it's in the same wXQWOo-lVGE-00208-00130552-00131011 language, so if you're doing English, it's always, it's almost always, sufficient to wXQWOo-lVGE-00209-00131011-00131460 use Wikipedia. We've played around this a lot and it was one of the key things that wXQWOo-lVGE-00210-00131460-00132061 Sebastian Ruder and I found when we created the ULMFiT paper. Was, before that time people wXQWOo-lVGE-00211-00132061-00132607 really thought you needed corpus specific pre-trained models, but we discovered you wXQWOo-lVGE-00212-00132607-00133345 don't, just like you don't that often need corpus specific pre-trained vision models. wXQWOo-lVGE-00213-00133345-00134271 ImageNet works surprisingly well across a lot of different domains. So Wikipedia has wXQWOo-lVGE-00214-00134271-00134935 a lot of words in it. It would be really really... I haven't come across an English corpus that wXQWOo-lVGE-00215-00134935-00135497 didn't have a very high level of overlap with Wikipedia. On the other hand if you're doing wXQWOo-lVGE-00216-00135497-00136102 ULMFiT with like genomic sequences or Greek or whatever then wXQWOo-lVGE-00217-00136102-00136744 obviously you're going to need a different pre-trained model so once we got to a 10,000 wXQWOo-lVGE-00218-00136744-00137360 word vocab, as you can see, basically every word, at least common word, becomes its own wXQWOo-lVGE-00219-00137360-00138015 vocab item in the subword vocab, except say �discovered� which becomes �discover�, wXQWOo-lVGE-00220-00138015-00138799 �ed�. So my guess is that sub word approaches are going to become, kind of, the most common, wXQWOo-lVGE-00221-00138799-00139460 maybe they will be by the time you watch this. We've got some fiddling to do to get this wXQWOo-lVGE-00222-00139460-00140185 working super well for fine tuning, but I think I know what we have to do so hopefully wXQWOo-lVGE-00223-00140185-00140971 we'll get it done pretty soon. All right. So after we split it into tokens the next wXQWOo-lVGE-00224-00140971-00141658 thing to do is numericalization. So let's go back to our word tokenized text, which wXQWOo-lVGE-00225-00141658-00142834 looked like this, and in order to numericalize we will first need to call �.setup()�. wXQWOo-lVGE-00226-00142834-00143278 So to save a bit of time let's create a subset of our text. So just create a couple of hundred wXQWOo-lVGE-00227-00143278-00143867 of the corpuses, that's so a couple hundred of the reviews. So here's an example of one, wXQWOo-lVGE-00228-00143867-00144245 and we'll create our Numericalize() object and we will call �setup� and that's the wXQWOo-lVGE-00229-00144245-00144665 thing that's going to create the vocab for us, and so after that we can now take a look wXQWOo-lVGE-00230-00144665-00145230 at the vocab. This is �coll_repr()� is showing us a representation of a collection. wXQWOo-lVGE-00231-00145230-00145959 It's what the L class uses underneath, and you can see, when we do this, that the vocab wXQWOo-lVGE-00232-00145959-00146873 starts with the special tokens and then we start getting the English tokens in order wXQWOo-lVGE-00233-00146873-00147822 of frequency. So the default is a vocab size of 60,000. So that'll be the size of your wXQWOo-lVGE-00234-00147822-00148470 embedding matrix by default and if there are more than 60,000 unique words in your vocabulary, wXQWOo-lVGE-00235-00148470-00149244 in your corpus, then any, the least common ones will be replaced with a special xxunk wXQWOo-lVGE-00236-00149244-00150130 unknown token. So that'll help us avoid having a too big embedding matrix. All right, so wXQWOo-lVGE-00237-00150130-00150602 now we can treat the Numericalize() object, which we created as if it was a function, wXQWOo-lVGE-00238-00150602-00151277 as we so often do in both fastai and PyTorch, and when we do it will replace each of our wXQWOo-lVGE-00239-00151277-00152097 words with numbers. So two for example is 0, 1, 2 beginning of string beginning of, wXQWOo-lVGE-00240-00152097-00152897 beginning of stream. 8 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Okay, so a capitalized letter there wXQWOo-lVGE-00241-00152897-00153701 they are, xxbos, xxmaj, etc. Okay, and then we can come and get them back by indexing wXQWOo-lVGE-00242-00153701-00154890 into the vocab and get back what we started with. Okay? Right, so now we have done the wXQWOo-lVGE-00243-00154890-00155339 tokenization, we've done the numericalization, and so the next thing we need to do is to wXQWOo-lVGE-00244-00155339-00156335 create batches. So let's say this is the text that we want to create batches from, and so wXQWOo-lVGE-00245-00156335-00157695 if we tokenize that text it'll convert it into this, and so let's, let's wXQWOo-lVGE-00246-00157695-00158676 take that and write it out here. Let's do it here. Let's take that and write it out wXQWOo-lVGE-00247-00158676-00159485 here, so �xxbos xxmaj in this chapter�, �xxbos xxmaj in this chapter, we will go wXQWOo-lVGE-00248-00159485-00160094 back over the example of classifying�, and then next row starts here �movie reviews wXQWOo-lVGE-00249-00160094-00160559 we studied in chapter one and dig deeper under the surface full stop xxmaj�, �first we wXQWOo-lVGE-00250-00160559-00161311 will look at the[...]� etc. Okay? So we've taken these ninety tokens, and to create a wXQWOo-lVGE-00251-00161311-00161997 batch size of six we've broken up the text into six contiguous parts, each of length wXQWOo-lVGE-00252-00161997-00163255 15. One, two, three, four, five, six, and then we have 15 columns. Okay? So 6 by 15. wXQWOo-lVGE-00253-00163255-00163778 Now ideally we would just provide that to our model as a batch, and if indeed that was wXQWOo-lVGE-00254-00163778-00164620 all the data we had we could just pass it in as a batch, but that's not going to work wXQWOo-lVGE-00255-00164620-00165271 for IMDb, because IMDb once we concatenate all the reviews together and then, let's say, wXQWOo-lVGE-00256-00165271-00166297 we want to use a batch size of 64, then we're going to have 64 rows and, you know, probably wXQWOo-lVGE-00257-00166297-00166927 there's a few million tokens of IMDb, so a few million divided by 64 across, it's going wXQWOo-lVGE-00258-00166927-00167786 to be way too big to fit in our GPU. So what we're going to do then is we're going to split wXQWOo-lVGE-00259-00167786-00168535 up that big wide array, and we're going to split it up horizontally so we'll start with wXQWOo-lVGE-00260-00168535-00169167 �xxbos xxmaj in this chapter�, and then down here �we will go back�, �over the wXQWOo-lVGE-00261-00169167-00169682 example of classifying�, �movie reviews we studied in�, �chapter 1 and wXQWOo-lVGE-00262-00169682-00170510 dig deeper�, �under the surface[...]�, etc. So this would become our first mini-batch. wXQWOo-lVGE-00263-00170510-00171392 Right, and so you can see what's happened is the, kind of, second row, right, actually wXQWOo-lVGE-00264-00171392-00172047 is fit, is is continuing what was like way down here, and so we basically treated each wXQWOo-lVGE-00265-00172047-00172663 row as totally independent. So when we predict the second, from the second mini-batch, you wXQWOo-lVGE-00266-00172663-00173207 know, the second mini-batch is going to follow from the first, and then each row to row one wXQWOo-lVGE-00267-00173207-00173786 in the second mini-batch will join up to row one of the first, row two of the second mini-batch wXQWOo-lVGE-00268-00173786-00174426 will join up to row two of the first. So please look at this example super carefully, because wXQWOo-lVGE-00269-00174426-00174964 we found that this is something that every year a lot of students get confused about, wXQWOo-lVGE-00270-00174964-00175499 because it's just not what they expected to see happen. Right? So go back over this and wXQWOo-lVGE-00271-00175499-00176070 make sure you understand what's happening in this little example. So that's what our wXQWOo-lVGE-00272-00176070-00176689 mini-batches are going to be. So the good news is that all these fiddly steps you don't wXQWOo-lVGE-00273-00176689-00177370 have to do yourself, you can just use the language model data loader or LMDataLoader. wXQWOo-lVGE-00274-00177370-00177847 So if we take those, all the tokens from the first 200 movie reviews, and map them through wXQWOo-lVGE-00275-00177847-00178414 our Numericalize object. Right? So now we've got numericalized versions of all those tokens, wXQWOo-lVGE-00276-00178414-00179082 and then pass them into LMDataLoader, and then grab the first item from the data loader, wXQWOo-lVGE-00277-00179082-00180287 and we have 64 by 72. Why is that? Well 64 is the default batch size, and 72 is the default wXQWOo-lVGE-00278-00180287-00180954 sequence length. You see here we've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, here we used a sequence length wXQWOo-lVGE-00279-00180954-00181882 of five. Right? So what we do in practice is we use a default sequence length of 72. wXQWOo-lVGE-00280-00181882-00182445 So if we grab the first of our independent variables and grab the first few tokens, and wXQWOo-lVGE-00281-00182445-00182916 look them up in the vocab... Here it is, �this movie which I just something at the video wXQWOo-lVGE-00282-00182916-00183367 store�. So that's interesting so this was not common enough to be in a vocab, �has wXQWOo-lVGE-00283-00183367-00183934 apparently sit around for a�, and then if we look at the exact same thing but for the wXQWOo-lVGE-00284-00183934-00184595 dependent variable rather than being �xxbos xxmaj match this movie�, its �xxmaj this wXQWOo-lVGE-00285-00184595-00185099 movie�, so you can see it's offset by 1, which means the end rather than being around wXQWOo-lVGE-00286-00185099-00185722 for �a�, it's �for a couple�. So this is exactly what we want. This is offset by wXQWOo-lVGE-00287-00185722-00187158 1 from here. So that's looking good. So we can now go ahead and use these ideas to try wXQWOo-lVGE-00288-00187158-00187820 and build our even better IMDb sentiment analysis, and the first step will be to as, we discussed, wXQWOo-lVGE-00289-00187820-00188409 create the language model but let's just go ahead and use the fastai built in stuff to wXQWOo-lVGE-00290-00188409-00188898 do it for us, rather than doing all that messing around manually, so we can just create a DataBlock, wXQWOo-lVGE-00291-00188898-00190132 and our blocks are, it's going to be a TextBlock, �.from_folder�, and the items are going wXQWOo-lVGE-00292-00190132-00190945 to be text files from these folders, and we're going to split things randomly and then going wXQWOo-lVGE-00293-00190945-00191400 to turn that into �.dataloaders� with a batch size of 128, and a sequence length wXQWOo-lVGE-00294-00191400-00192490 of 80. In this case our blocks... We're not just passing in a class directly, but we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00295-00192490-00193474 actually passing in here a class method, and that's so that we can allow the tokenization, wXQWOo-lVGE-00296-00193474-00194020 for example, to be saved, to be cached in some path, so that the next time we run this wXQWOo-lVGE-00297-00194020-00194696 it won't have to do it all from scratch. So that's why we have a slightly different syntax wXQWOo-lVGE-00298-00194696-00195862 here. So once we've run this we can call �show_batch�, and so you can see here we've got for example wXQWOo-lVGE-00299-00195862-00196469 �what xxmaj I've read, xxmaj death[...]� bla bla bla, and you can see so that's the wXQWOo-lVGE-00300-00196469-00196913 independent variable and so the dependent variable is the same thing offset by one. wXQWOo-lVGE-00301-00196913-00197408 So we don't have to �what� anymore it just goes straight to �xxmaj I've read� wXQWOo-lVGE-00302-00197408-00197808 and then at the end this was �also, this�, and of course in the dependent variable �also, wXQWOo-lVGE-00303-00197808-00198339 this is�. So this is that offset by one, just like we were hoping for. �show_batch� wXQWOo-lVGE-00304-00198339-00198899 is automatically denumericalizing it for us turning back into wXQWOo-lVGE-00305-00198899-00199522 strings but if we look at the actual (or you should look at the actual) x and y to confirm wXQWOo-lVGE-00306-00199522-00199941 that you actually see numbers there -- that'll be a good exercise for you, is to make sure wXQWOo-lVGE-00307-00199941-00200821 that you can actually grab a mini-batch from dls_lm. So now that we've got the data loaders wXQWOo-lVGE-00308-00200821-00201295 we can fine-tune our language model. So fine tuning the language model means we're going wXQWOo-lVGE-00309-00201295-00201989 to create a learner which is going to learn to predict the next word of a movie review. wXQWOo-lVGE-00310-00201989-00202463 So that's our data, the data loaders for the language model. This is the pre-trained model, wXQWOo-lVGE-00311-00202463-00202983 it's something called AWD_LSTM which we�ll see how to create from scratch in a moment, wXQWOo-lVGE-00312-00202983-00203638 or something similar to it. Dropout we'll learn about later, there we see how much dropout wXQWOo-lVGE-00313-00203638-00204060 to use, this is how much regularization we want, and what metrics do we want. We know wXQWOo-lVGE-00314-00204060-00204552 about accuracy; perplexity is not particularly interesting so I won't discuss it but feel wXQWOo-lVGE-00315-00204552-00205164 free to look it up if you're interested. And let's train with fp16 to use less memory on wXQWOo-lVGE-00316-00205164-00206091 the GPU, and for any modern GPU it'll also run two or three times faster. So this gray wXQWOo-lVGE-00317-00206091-00206596 bit here has been done for us, the pre-training of the language model for Wikitext103, and wXQWOo-lVGE-00318-00206596-00207363 now we're up to this bit which is fine-tuning the language model for IMDB. So let's do one wXQWOo-lVGE-00319-00207363-00208244 epoch, and as per usual the using a pre-trained model automatically calls freeze so we don't wXQWOo-lVGE-00320-00208244-00209085 have to freeze. So this is going to just actually train only the new embeddings initially and wXQWOo-lVGE-00321-00209085-00209594 we get an accuracy after a ten minutes or so of 30 percent. So that's pretty cool. So wXQWOo-lVGE-00322-00209594-00210385 about a bit under a third of the time, our model is predicting the next word of a string. wXQWOo-lVGE-00323-00210385-00211215 So I think that's pretty cool. Now, since this takes quite a while for each epoch, we wXQWOo-lVGE-00324-00211215-00211881 may as well save it and you can save it under any name you want. And that's going to put wXQWOo-lVGE-00325-00211881-00212405 it into your path, into your learner's path, into a model subfolder, and it will give it wXQWOo-lVGE-00326-00212405-00212971 a dot PTH extension for PyTorch. And then later on you can load that with learn.load() wXQWOo-lVGE-00327-00212971-00213730 after you create the learner. And so then we can unfreeze, and we can train a few more wXQWOo-lVGE-00328-00213730-00214752 epochs, and we eventually get up to an accuracy of thirty-four percent. So that's pretty great. wXQWOo-lVGE-00329-00214752-00215184 So once we've done all that we can save the model but actually all we really need to do wXQWOo-lVGE-00330-00215184-00215933 is to save the encoder. What's the encoder? The encoder is all of the model except for wXQWOo-lVGE-00331-00215933-00216392 the final layer. Oh and we're getting a thunderstorm here! That could be interesting. We've never wXQWOo-lVGE-00332-00216392-00217077 done a lesson with a thunderstorm before, but that's the joy of teaching during COVID-19 wXQWOo-lVGE-00333-00217077-00218131 -- you get all the sound effects. So yeah, the final layer of our language model is the wXQWOo-lVGE-00334-00218131-00218679 bit that actually picks a particular word out, which we don't need. So when we say save wXQWOo-lVGE-00335-00218679-00219155 encoder, it saves everything except for that final layer. And that's the pre-trained model wXQWOo-lVGE-00336-00219155-00219779 we're going to use; that is a pre-trained model of a language model that is fine-tuned wXQWOo-lVGE-00337-00219779-00220525 from Wikipedia, fine-tuned using IMDB, and doesn't contain the very last layer. Rachel, wXQWOo-lVGE-00338-00220525-00221257 any questions at this point? �Do any language models attempt to provide meaning? For instance, wXQWOo-lVGE-00339-00221257-00221848 �I'm going to the store� is the opposite of �I'm not going to the store.� Or �I wXQWOo-lVGE-00340-00221848-00222294 barely understand this stuff� and �That ball came so close to my ear I heard it whistle� wXQWOo-lVGE-00341-00222294-00222754 both contain the idea of something almost happening, being right on the border. Is there wXQWOo-lVGE-00342-00222754-00223556 a way to indicate this kind of subtlety in a language model?� Yeah, absolutely our wXQWOo-lVGE-00343-00223556-00224071 language model will have all of that in it, or hopefully it will have it, or learn about wXQWOo-lVGE-00344-00224071-00224414 it. We don't have to program that. The whole point of machine learning is it learns it wXQWOo-lVGE-00345-00224414-00225326 for itself, but when it sees a sentence like �Hey careful that ball nearly hit me,� wXQWOo-lVGE-00346-00225326-00225958 the expectation of what word is going to happen next is going to be different to the sentence, wXQWOo-lVGE-00347-00225958-00226552 �Hey that ball hit me!� So, so yeah, language models generally you see in wXQWOo-lVGE-00348-00226552-00227298 practice tend to get really good at understanding all of these nuances of, of English or whatever wXQWOo-lVGE-00349-00227298-00227967 language it's learning about. Okay so we have a fine-tuned language model so the next thing wXQWOo-lVGE-00350-00227967-00228367 we're going to do is we're going to try to fine-tuning a classifier, but before we do, wXQWOo-lVGE-00351-00228367-00229034 just for fun, let's look at text generation. We can create, write ourselves some words wXQWOo-lVGE-00352-00229034-00229755 like �I liked this movie because,� and then we can create, say, two sentences each wXQWOo-lVGE-00353-00229755-00230357 containing, say, 40 words. And so we can just go through those two sentences and call learn.predict, wXQWOo-lVGE-00354-00230357-00231088 passing in this text and asking it to predict this number of words, with this amount of wXQWOo-lVGE-00355-00231088-00231813 kind of randomization, and see what it comes up with. �I liked this movie because of wXQWOo-lVGE-00356-00231813-00232246 its story and characters. The story line is very strong, very good for a sci-fi. The main wXQWOo-lVGE-00357-00232246-00232727 character, Alucard, was very well developed and brought the whole story�� But second wXQWOo-lVGE-00358-00232727-00233176 attempt: �I liked this movie because I like the idea of the premise of the movie the very wXQWOo-lVGE-00359-00233176-00233623 convenient virus which well when you have to kill a few people the evil machine has wXQWOo-lVGE-00360-00233623-00234206 to be used to protect� blah blah blah. So as you can see it's done a good job of inventing wXQWOo-lVGE-00361-00234206-00234939 language. There are much -- well I shouldn't say more sophisticated -- there are, there wXQWOo-lVGE-00362-00234939-00235385 are more careful ways to do a generation from a language model. This learn.predict() uses wXQWOo-lVGE-00363-00235385-00235938 the most kind of basic possible one, but even with a very simple approach, you can see we wXQWOo-lVGE-00364-00235938-00236765 can get from a fine-tuned model some pretty authentic-looking text. And so in practice wXQWOo-lVGE-00365-00236765-00237313 this is really interesting, because we can now, you know, by using the the prompt you wXQWOo-lVGE-00366-00237313-00238203 can kind of get it to generate a, you know, appropriate context-appropriate text, particularly wXQWOo-lVGE-00367-00238203-00238740 if you fine-tune for it from a particular corpus. Anyway that was really just a little wXQWOo-lVGE-00368-00238740-00239146 demonstration of something we accidentally created on the way, because of course the wXQWOo-lVGE-00369-00239146-00239615 whole purpose of this is actually just to be a pre-trained model for classification. wXQWOo-lVGE-00370-00239615-00240069 So to do that we're going to need to create another DataBlock, and this time we've got wXQWOo-lVGE-00371-00240069-00240529 two blocks, not one. We've got a text block again just like before, but this time we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00372-00240529-00241211 going to ask fastai not to create a vocab from the unique words, but using the vocab wXQWOo-lVGE-00373-00241211-00241675 that we already have from the language model. Because otherwise, obviously there's no point wXQWOo-lVGE-00374-00241675-00242121 reusing a pre-trained model if the vocab is different: the numbers would mean totally wXQWOo-lVGE-00375-00242121-00242684 different things. So that's the independent variable, and the dependent variable, just wXQWOo-lVGE-00376-00242684-00243126 like we've used before, is a category. So CategoryBlock is for that. As we've used many wXQWOo-lVGE-00377-00243126-00243717 times, we're going to use parent label to create our dependent variable, that's a function. wXQWOo-lVGE-00378-00243717-00244319 get_items we use get_text_files just like before, and we'll split using GrandparentsSplitter wXQWOo-lVGE-00379-00244319-00244869 as we've used before for vision. So this has been used for vision, this has been used for wXQWOo-lVGE-00380-00244869-00245344 vision and then we'll create our data loaders with a batch size of 128, a sequence length wXQWOo-lVGE-00381-00245344-00246246 of 72. And now show_batch here we can see an example of subset of a movie review and wXQWOo-lVGE-00382-00246246-00247279 the category. Yes, question? Do the tokenizers use any tokenization techniques like stemming wXQWOo-lVGE-00383-00247279-00248121 or lemmatization, or is that an outdated approach? That would not be a tokenization approach. wXQWOo-lVGE-00384-00248121-00248691 So stemming is something that actually removes the stem and we absolutely don't want to do wXQWOo-lVGE-00385-00248691-00249566 that. That is certainly an outdated approach. In English, we have stems for a reason: they wXQWOo-lVGE-00386-00249566-00250292 tell us something, so we don't like to remove anything that can give us some kind of information. wXQWOo-lVGE-00387-00250292-00250873 We used to use that for a kind of pre-deep learning NLP quite a bit, because that we wXQWOo-lVGE-00388-00250873-00251429 didn't really have good ways like embedding matrices of handling, you know, big vocabs wXQWOo-lVGE-00389-00251429-00252146 that just differed in the little, kind of the end of a word, but nowadays we definitely wXQWOo-lVGE-00390-00252146-00252994 don't want to do that. Oh yeah one other difference here is previously wXQWOo-lVGE-00391-00252994-00253589 we had an is_lm equals true when we said TextBlock.from_folder to save as a language model. We don't have wXQWOo-lVGE-00392-00253589-00254539 that anymore because it's not a language model. Okay. Now, one thing with a language model wXQWOo-lVGE-00393-00254539-00255180 that was a bit easier was that we could concatenate all the documents together and then we could wXQWOo-lVGE-00394-00255180-00255701 split them by batch size to create -- well not split them by batch size -- fit them into wXQWOo-lVGE-00395-00255701-00256319 a number of substrings based on the batch size. And that way we could ensure that every wXQWOo-lVGE-00396-00256319-00257173 mini-batch was the same size. It would be batch size by a sequence length. But for classification wXQWOo-lVGE-00397-00257173-00258032 we can't do that. We actually need each dependent variable label to be associated with each wXQWOo-lVGE-00398-00258032-00258463 complete movie review. And we're not showing the whole movie review here, we've truncated wXQWOo-lVGE-00399-00258463-00258873 it just for display purposes, but we're going to use the whole movie review to make our wXQWOo-lVGE-00400-00258873-00259827 prediction. Now the problem is that if we're using a batch size of 128 then, and our movie wXQWOo-lVGE-00401-00259827-00260309 reviews are often like 3,000 words long we could end up with something that's way too wXQWOo-lVGE-00402-00260309-00261071 big to fit into the GPU memory. So how are we going to deal with that? Well again, we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00403-00261071-00261877 going, we can split them up, so first of all let's grab a few of the movie reviews just wXQWOo-lVGE-00404-00261877-00262429 to demo here and numericalize them, and if we have a look at the length, so map the length wXQWOo-lVGE-00405-00262429-00263213 over each, you can see that they do vary a lot in length. Now we can we can split them wXQWOo-lVGE-00406-00263213-00263788 into sequences and indeed we have asked to do that -- sequence length 72 -- but when wXQWOo-lVGE-00407-00263788-00264295 we do so we're, you know, we don't even have the same number of sub-sequences. When we wXQWOo-lVGE-00408-00264295-00265121 split each of these into 72 long sections, they're going to be all different lengths. wXQWOo-lVGE-00409-00265121-00265789 So how do we deal with that? Well just like in vision we can handle different sized sequences wXQWOo-lVGE-00410-00265789-00266865 by adding padding. So we're going to add a special xx_pad token to every sequence in wXQWOo-lVGE-00411-00266865-00267345 a mini-batch. So like in this case it looks like 581 is the longest. So we would add enough wXQWOo-lVGE-00412-00267345-00267976 padding tokens to make this 581 and this 581 and this 581 and so forth, and then we can wXQWOo-lVGE-00413-00267976-00268613 split them into sequence_len and to 72 long, and it's where I'm in the mini-batches, and wXQWOo-lVGE-00414-00268613-00269225 we'll be right to go. Now obviously, if your lengths are very different like this, adding wXQWOo-lVGE-00415-00269225-00269635 a whole lot of padding is going to be super wasteful, so another thing that fastai does wXQWOo-lVGE-00416-00269635-00270276 internally is, it tries to shuffle the documents around so that similar length documents are wXQWOo-lVGE-00417-00270276-00270886 in the same mini-batch. It also randomizes them but it kind of approximately sorts them wXQWOo-lVGE-00418-00270886-00271892 so it wastes a lot less time on padding. Okay so that is how, that is what happens when, wXQWOo-lVGE-00419-00271892-00272191 we don't have to do any of that manually. When we call TextBlock.from_folder without wXQWOo-lVGE-00420-00272191-00273377 the is_lm, it does all that for us. And then we can now go ahead and create a learner. wXQWOo-lVGE-00421-00273377-00274068 This time it's going to be a text_classifier_learner; again we're going to base it off AWD_LSTM, wXQWOo-lVGE-00422-00274068-00274607 pass in the data loaders we just created; for metric we�ll just use accuracy, make wXQWOo-lVGE-00423-00274607-00275163 it fp16 again. And now we don't want to use a pre-trained Wikipedia model, in fact there wXQWOo-lVGE-00424-00275163-00275727 is no pre-trained Wikipedia classifier because, you know, what you classify matters a lot. wXQWOo-lVGE-00425-00275727-00276444 So instead we load the encoder (so remember, everything except the last layer) which we wXQWOo-lVGE-00426-00276444-00277074 saved just before. So we're going to load as our pre-trained model our language model wXQWOo-lVGE-00427-00277074-00278094 for predicting the next word of a movie review. So let's go ahead and fit one cycle, and again wXQWOo-lVGE-00428-00278094-00278723 by default it will it be frozen so it's only the final layer which is the randomly added wXQWOo-lVGE-00429-00278723-00279232 classifier layer that's going to be trained. It took 30 seconds and look at this -- we wXQWOo-lVGE-00430-00279232-00280051 already have 93 percent! So that's pretty similar to what we got back in lesson one wXQWOo-lVGE-00431-00280051-00280426 but rather than taking about 12 minutes once all the pre-training has been done it wXQWOo-lVGE-00432-00280426-00281076 takes about 30 seconds. This is quite cool: you can create a language model for your kind wXQWOo-lVGE-00433-00281076-00281593 of general area of interest and then you can create all kinds of different classifiers wXQWOo-lVGE-00434-00281593-00282515 pretty quickly. And so that's just with, that's just looking at fine-tuning the final randomly wXQWOo-lVGE-00435-00282515-00283284 added layer. So now we could just unfreeze and keep learning, but something we found wXQWOo-lVGE-00436-00283284-00284063 is for NLP it's actually better to only unfreeze one layer at a time, not to unfreeze the whole wXQWOo-lVGE-00437-00284063-00284668 model. So we've, in this case we've automatically unfrozen the last layer and so then to unfreeze wXQWOo-lVGE-00438-00284668-00285312 the last couple of layer groups, we can say freeze_to(-2) and then train a little bit wXQWOo-lVGE-00439-00285312-00285967 more, and look at this! We're already beating, after a bit over a minute, easily beating wXQWOo-lVGE-00440-00285967-00286666 what we got in Lesson 1. And then freeze_to(-3) to unfreeze another few layers. Now we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00441-00286666-00287276 up to 94. And then finally unfreeze the whole model and we're up to about ninety four point wXQWOo-lVGE-00442-00287276-00287861 three percent accuracy, and that was literally the state of the art for this very heavily wXQWOo-lVGE-00443-00287861-00288639 studied dataset just three years ago. If you also reverse all of the reviews to make them wXQWOo-lVGE-00444-00288639-00289159 go backwards and train a second model on the backwards version, and then average the predictions wXQWOo-lVGE-00445-00289159-00289680 of those two models as an ensemble. you get to ninety-five point one percent accuracy. wXQWOo-lVGE-00446-00289680-00290192 And that was the state of the art that we actually got in the ULMFIT paper, and it was wXQWOo-lVGE-00447-00290192-00290661 only beaten for the first time a few months ago, using a way, way bigger model, way more wXQWOo-lVGE-00448-00290661-00291426 data, way more compute, and way more data augmentation. I should mention actually with wXQWOo-lVGE-00449-00291426-00291766 the data augmentation, one of the cool things they did do was they actually figured out wXQWOo-lVGE-00450-00291766-00292331 also a way to even beat our 95.1 with less data as well. So I should mention that actually wXQWOo-lVGE-00451-00292331-00292826 the data augmentation has become a really, since we created the ULMFIT paper, has become wXQWOo-lVGE-00452-00292826-00293692 a really, really important approach. Any questions, Rachel? �Can someone explain how a model wXQWOo-lVGE-00453-00293692-00294224 trained to predict the last word in a sentence can generalize to classify sentiment? They wXQWOo-lVGE-00454-00294224-00294792 seem like different domains.� Yeah, that's a great question. They're very different domains wXQWOo-lVGE-00455-00294792-00295448 and it's it's really amazing and basically the trick is that to be able to predict the wXQWOo-lVGE-00456-00295448-00295986 next word of a sentence, you just have to know a lot of stuff about not only the language, wXQWOo-lVGE-00457-00295986-00296739 but about the world. So if you know... let's say we wanted to finish the next word of this wXQWOo-lVGE-00458-00296739-00297175 sentence: �By training a model on all the text read backwards and averaging the predictions wXQWOo-lVGE-00459-00297175-00297695 of these two models, we can even get to 95.1% accuracy, which was the state of the art introduced wXQWOo-lVGE-00460-00297695-00298328 by the --� what? So to be able to fill in the word �ULMFIT� you would have to know wXQWOo-lVGE-00461-00298328-00298839 a whole lot of stuff about, you know, the fact that there's a thing called fine-tune, wXQWOo-lVGE-00462-00298839-00299391 you know, pre-trained language models and which one gets which results and that ULMFIT wXQWOo-lVGE-00463-00299391-00299784 got this particular result. I mean that would be an amazing language model that could fill wXQWOo-lVGE-00464-00299784-00300467 that in correctly. I'm not sure that any language models can but to give you a sense of like, wXQWOo-lVGE-00465-00300467-00300901 what you have to be able to do to be good at language modeling. So if you're going to wXQWOo-lVGE-00466-00300901-00301701 be able to predict the next word of a sentence, like, �Wow I really love this movie, I love wXQWOo-lVGE-00467-00301701-00302384 every movie containing Meg�... what? Right, maybe it's Ryan. You would have to know about wXQWOo-lVGE-00468-00302384-00302827 like the fact that Meg Ryan is an actress, and actresses are in movies, and so forth, wXQWOo-lVGE-00469-00302827-00303546 so when you know so much about English and about the world, to then turn that into something wXQWOo-lVGE-00470-00303546-00304187 which recognizes that �I really love this movie� is a good thing rather than a bad wXQWOo-lVGE-00471-00304187-00304860 thing is just not a very big step. And as we saw, you can actually get that far using wXQWOo-lVGE-00472-00304860-00305798 just fine-tuning just the very last layer or two. So it is, it's amazing, and I think wXQWOo-lVGE-00473-00305798-00306411 that's super super cool. All right another question. �How would you do data wXQWOo-lVGE-00474-00306411-00307441 augmentation on text?� [Laughs] Well� You would probably google for unsupervised wXQWOo-lVGE-00475-00307441-00307875 data augmentation, and read this paper, and things that have cited it. So this was the wXQWOo-lVGE-00476-00307875-00308886 one that easily beat our IMDb result with only 20 labeled examples, which is amazing, wXQWOo-lVGE-00477-00308886-00309678 right, and so they did things like, if I remember correctly, translate every sentence into a wXQWOo-lVGE-00478-00309678-00310129 different language and then translate it back again. So you kind of get like, different wXQWOo-lVGE-00479-00310129-00311626 rewordings of the sentence that way. Yeah. So kind of tricks like that. Now let's go wXQWOo-lVGE-00480-00311626-00312631 back to the generation thing. So remember we saw that we can generate context appropriate wXQWOo-lVGE-00481-00312631-00313131 sentences, and it's important to think about what that means in practice. When you can wXQWOo-lVGE-00482-00313131-00313557 generate context appropriate sentences... Have a look, for example, at even before this wXQWOo-lVGE-00483-00313557-00314497 technology existed in 2017. The FCC asked for comments about a proposal to repeal net wXQWOo-lVGE-00484-00314497-00315726 neutrality, and it turned out that less than 800,000 of the 22 million comments actually wXQWOo-lVGE-00485-00315726-00316411 appeared to be unique, and this particular person Jeff Kao discovered that a lot of the wXQWOo-lVGE-00486-00316411-00317157 submissions were slightly different to each other by, kind of, like picking up different, wXQWOo-lVGE-00487-00317157-00317757 you know, the green bit would either be �citizens�, �or people like me�, or �Americans� wXQWOo-lVGE-00488-00317757-00318373 and the red bit would be �as opposed to� or �rather than�, and so forth. So like... wXQWOo-lVGE-00489-00318373-00319088 And, and that made a big difference to, I believe to, American policy. You know, here's wXQWOo-lVGE-00490-00319088-00319630 an example of a Reddit conversation, �You're wrong the defense budget is a good example wXQWOo-lVGE-00491-00319630-00320028 of how badly the U.S. spends money on the military.� dot dot dot. Somebody else, �Yeah, wXQWOo-lVGE-00492-00320028-00320353 but that's already happening. There's a huge increase in the military budget[...]� dot wXQWOo-lVGE-00493-00320353-00320676 dot dot. �I didn't mean to sound like �stop paying for the military.� I'm not saying wXQWOo-lVGE-00494-00320676-00321111 that we cannot pay the bills[...]� dot dot dot. Now, all of these are actually created wXQWOo-lVGE-00495-00321111-00321865 by a language model or GPT-2, and this is a very concerning thing around disinformation. wXQWOo-lVGE-00496-00321865-00322345 Is that never mind fake news, never mind deep fakes. Think about like what would happen wXQWOo-lVGE-00497-00322345-00323169 if somebody invested a few million dollars in creating a million Twitter bots, and Facebook wXQWOo-lVGE-00498-00323169-00323887 Groups bots, and Weibo bots, and made it so that 99% of the content on social networks wXQWOo-lVGE-00499-00323887-00324729 were deep learning bots, and furthermore they were trained not just to optimize the next wXQWOo-lVGE-00500-00324729-00325471 word of a sentence, but were trained to optimize the level of disharmony created, or the level wXQWOo-lVGE-00501-00325471-00325995 of agreeableness, from some of the half of them, and disagreeableness for the other half wXQWOo-lVGE-00502-00325995-00326839 of them. You know you could create like a whole lot of, you know, just awful toxic discussion, wXQWOo-lVGE-00503-00326839-00327436 which is actually the goal of a lot of propaganda outfits. Is not so much to push a particular wXQWOo-lVGE-00504-00327436-00328052 point of view, but to make people feel like �there's no point engaging because the truth wXQWOo-lVGE-00505-00328052-00328728 is too hard to understand� or, or whatever. So I'm... Rachel and I are both super worried wXQWOo-lVGE-00506-00328728-00329554 about what could happen to discourse, now that we have this incredibly powerful tool, wXQWOo-lVGE-00507-00329554-00330013 and I'm not even sure we have... We don't have a great sense of what to do about it. wXQWOo-lVGE-00508-00330013-00330646 Algorithms are unlikely to, are unlikely to save us here. If you could create a classifier wXQWOo-lVGE-00509-00330646-00331047 which could do a good job of figuring out whether something was generated by a algorithm wXQWOo-lVGE-00510-00331047-00331717 or not, then I could just use your classifier as part of my training loop to train an algorithm wXQWOo-lVGE-00511-00331717-00332510 that can actually learn to trick your classifier. So this is a real worry, and the only solutions wXQWOo-lVGE-00512-00332510-00333235 I've seen are those which are, kind of, based on cryptographic signatures, which is another wXQWOo-lVGE-00513-00333235-00333680 whole can of worms, which has never really been properly sorted out, at least not in wXQWOo-lVGE-00514-00333680-00334243 the Western world, and a privacy centric way. All right. So� Oh... Yes, before we have wXQWOo-lVGE-00515-00334243-00334761 a break. Just on that note I'll add and I'll link to this on the forums, I gave a keynote wXQWOo-lVGE-00516-00334761-00335291 at SciPy Conference last summer, which is the Scientific Python conference, and went wXQWOo-lVGE-00517-00335291-00335830 into a lot more detail about the, the threat that Jeremy is describing about, wXQWOo-lVGE-00518-00335830-00336394 using advanced language models to manipulate public opinion, and so if you want to, kind wXQWOo-lVGE-00519-00336394-00336822 of, learn more about the dangers there and exactly what that threat is, you can find wXQWOo-lVGE-00520-00336822-00337467 that in, in my SciPy keynote. Great. Thanks so much Rachel. So let's have a five-minute wXQWOo-lVGE-00521-00337467-00339025 break, and see you back here in five minutes. So we're going to finish with a kind of a wXQWOo-lVGE-00522-00339025-00339646 segue into what will eventually be part two of the course, which is to go right underneath wXQWOo-lVGE-00523-00339646-00340389 the hood, and see exactly how more complex architecture works, and specifically we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00524-00340389-00341466 going to see how a neu recurrent neural network works. Do we have a question first? �In wXQWOo-lVGE-00525-00341466-00341961 the previous lesson MNIST example, you showed us that under the hood the model was learning wXQWOo-lVGE-00526-00341961-00342538 parts of the image like curves of a 3 or angles of a 7. Is there a way to look under the hood wXQWOo-lVGE-00527-00342538-00343020 of the language models to see if they are learning rules of grammar and syntax? Would wXQWOo-lVGE-00528-00343020-00343661 it be a good idea to fine-tune models with examples of domain-specific syntax like technical wXQWOo-lVGE-00529-00343661-00344226 manuals, or does that miss the point of having the model learn for themselves?� Yeah there wXQWOo-lVGE-00530-00344226-00344815 are tools that allow you to, kind of, see what's going on inside an NLP model. We're wXQWOo-lVGE-00531-00344815-00345281 not going to look at them in this part of the course. Maybe we will in part two, but wXQWOo-lVGE-00532-00345281-00345693 certainly worth doing some research to see what you can find and they�re certainly wXQWOo-lVGE-00533-00345693-00346504 PyTorch libraries you can download and play with. Yeah, I mean, I think it's a perfectly wXQWOo-lVGE-00534-00346504-00347306 good idea to incorporate some kind of technical manuals and stuff into your training corpus. wXQWOo-lVGE-00535-00347306-00347944 There's actually been some recent papers on this general idea of, trying to, kind of, wXQWOo-lVGE-00536-00347944-00348616 create some carefully curated sentences as part of your training corpus. It's unlikely wXQWOo-lVGE-00537-00348616-00349689 to hurt and it could well help. All right so let's have a look at RNNs. Now, when Sylvain wXQWOo-lVGE-00538-00349689-00350605 and I started creating the RNN stuff for fastai, the first thing I did actually was to create wXQWOo-lVGE-00539-00350605-00351229 a new dataset, and the reason for that is I didn't find any datasets that would allow wXQWOo-lVGE-00540-00351229-00352081 for quick prototyping, and really easy debugging. So I made one which we call �human numbers�, wXQWOo-lVGE-00541-00352081-00353152 and it contains the first 10,000 numbers, written out in English. And I am surprised wXQWOo-lVGE-00542-00353152-00354006 at how few people create datasets. I create datasets frequently. You know, I specifically wXQWOo-lVGE-00543-00354006-00354477 look for things that can be, kind of, small, easy to prototype, good for debugging, and wXQWOo-lVGE-00544-00354477-00354957 quickly trying things out, and very, very few people do this, even though like this wXQWOo-lVGE-00545-00354957-00355404 �human numbers� dataset, which has been so useful for us, took me, I don't know, an wXQWOo-lVGE-00546-00355404-00356628 hour or two to create. So this is definitely an underappreciated, underutilized technique. wXQWOo-lVGE-00547-00356628-00357046 So we can grab the �human numbers� dataset, and we can see that there's a training and wXQWOo-lVGE-00548-00357046-00357573 a validation text file. We can open each of them, and for now we're just going to concatenate wXQWOo-lVGE-00549-00357573-00358373 the two together into a file called �lines�, and you can see that the contents are 1, 2, wXQWOo-lVGE-00550-00358373-00359097 3, etc., and so there's a new line at the end of each. We can concatenate those all wXQWOo-lVGE-00551-00359097-00359818 together and put a full-stop between them. As so... Okay? And then you could tokenize wXQWOo-lVGE-00552-00359818-00360591 that by splitting on spaces, and so for example here's tokens 100 to 110. New number 42, new wXQWOo-lVGE-00553-00360591-00361129 number 43, new number, 44, and so forth. So you can see I'm just using plain Python here, wXQWOo-lVGE-00554-00361129-00361750 there's not even any PyTorch, certainly not any fastai. To create a vocab we can just wXQWOo-lVGE-00555-00361750-00362680 create all the unique tokens, of which there are 30, and then to create a lookup from... wXQWOo-lVGE-00556-00362680-00363220 So that's a lookup from a word to an ID. Sorry from an ID to a word. To go from a word to wXQWOo-lVGE-00557-00363220-00364283 an ID, we can just enumerate that, and create a dictionary from word to ID. So then we can wXQWOo-lVGE-00558-00364283-00365268 numericalize our tokens by calling word to index on each one, and so here's our tokens, wXQWOo-lVGE-00559-00365268-00365611 and here is the equivalent numericalized version. So you can wXQWOo-lVGE-00560-00365611-00366336 see on fairly small datasets, when we don't have to worry about scale, and speed, and wXQWOo-lVGE-00561-00366336-00367187 have the details of tokenization in English, you can do the whole thing in just plain Python. wXQWOo-lVGE-00562-00367187-00367648 The only other thing we used, did for to save a little bit of time was use L(), but you wXQWOo-lVGE-00563-00367648-00368362 could easily do that with the Python Standard Library in about the same amount of code. wXQWOo-lVGE-00564-00368362-00368857 so hopefully that gives you a good sense of really what's going on with tokenization and wXQWOo-lVGE-00565-00368857-00369436 numericalization, all done by hand. So let's create a language model. So one way to create wXQWOo-lVGE-00566-00369436-00370064 a language model would be to go through all of our tokens, and let's create a range from wXQWOo-lVGE-00567-00370064-00370630 0 to the length of our tokens minus 4, and every 3 of them, and so that's going to allow wXQWOo-lVGE-00568-00370630-00371761 us to grab three tokens at a time 1 dot 2 dot 3 dot 4 dot five dot 6 dot 7 dot 8, and wXQWOo-lVGE-00569-00371761-00372436 so forth. Right? So here's the first three tokens, and then here's the 4th token, and wXQWOo-lVGE-00570-00372436-00373010 here's the second three tokens, and here's the seventh token, and so forth. So these wXQWOo-lVGE-00571-00373010-00373560 are going to be our independent variables and this will be our dependent variable. So wXQWOo-lVGE-00572-00373560-00374595 here's a super, super, kind of, naive simple language model dataset for the �human numbers� wXQWOo-lVGE-00573-00374595-00375248 question. So we can do exactly the same thing as before, but use the numericalized version wXQWOo-lVGE-00574-00375248-00375725 and create tensors. So this is exactly the same thing as before, but now is as through wXQWOo-lVGE-00575-00375725-00376586 numericalized tensors, and we can create a DataLoaders() object �.from_datasets�, wXQWOo-lVGE-00576-00376586-00377131 and remember these are datasets because they have a length, and we can index into them. wXQWOo-lVGE-00577-00377131-00377636 Right? And so we can just grab the first 80% of the tokens as the training set, the last wXQWOo-lVGE-00578-00377636-00378498 20% is the validation set, like so. Batch size 64, and we're ready to go. So we really wXQWOo-lVGE-00579-00378498-00379153 used very, very little, I mean, the only Pytorch we used was to create these tensors, and the wXQWOo-lVGE-00580-00379153-00379775 only fastai we used was to create the DataLoaders(), and it's just grabbing directly from the datasets, wXQWOo-lVGE-00581-00379775-00380506 so it's really not doing anything clever at all. So let's see if we can now create a neural wXQWOo-lVGE-00582-00380506-00381236 network architecture, which takes three numericalized words at a time as input, and tries to predict wXQWOo-lVGE-00583-00381236-00382428 the fourth, as dependent variable. So here is just such language model. It's a three wXQWOo-lVGE-00584-00382428-00383280 layer neural network. So we've got a linear layer here, which we're going to use once, wXQWOo-lVGE-00585-00383280-00384266 twice, three times, and after each of them, we call relu(), as per usual, but there's wXQWOo-lVGE-00586-00384266-00384957 a little bit more going on. The first interesting thing is that rather than each of these being wXQWOo-lVGE-00587-00384957-00386010 a different linear layer, we've just created one linear layer here, which we've reused, wXQWOo-lVGE-00588-00386010-00386881 as you can see, one, two, three times. So that's the first thing that's a bit tricky, wXQWOo-lVGE-00589-00386881-00387250 and so there's a few things going on. It's a bit, a little bit different to usual, but wXQWOo-lVGE-00590-00387250-00387841 the basic idea is here. We've created an Embedding, an nn.Linear, another nn.Linear, and in here wXQWOo-lVGE-00591-00387841-00388451 we've used the linear layers, and relu(), so it's very nearly a totally standard three wXQWOo-lVGE-00592-00388451-00388943 layer neural net. We have a.... I guess four really, because this is an output layer. Yes wXQWOo-lVGE-00593-00388943-00389478 Rachel? We have a question. Sure. �Is there a way to speed up fine-tuning the NLP model? wXQWOo-lVGE-00594-00389478-00390059 10 plus minutes per epochs slows down the iterative process quite a bit. Any best practices wXQWOo-lVGE-00595-00390059-00390898 or tips?� I can't think of any obviously other than to say you don't normally need wXQWOo-lVGE-00596-00390898-00391694 to fine-tune it that often. You know, the work is often more at the classifier stage. wXQWOo-lVGE-00597-00391694-00392225 So yeah I tend to, kind of, just leave it running overnight, or while I have lunch, wXQWOo-lVGE-00598-00392225-00392584 or something like that. Yeah, just don't make sure you, make sure you don't sit there watching wXQWOo-lVGE-00599-00392584-00393335 it. Go and do something else. This is where it can be quite handy to have a second GPU, wXQWOo-lVGE-00600-00393335-00393999 or fire up a second AWS instance, or whatever, so you can, kind of, keep, keep moving while wXQWOo-lVGE-00601-00393999-00394919 something's training in the background. All right, so what's going on here in this model? wXQWOo-lVGE-00602-00394919-00395505 To describe it we're actually going to develop a little, kind of, pictorial representation, wXQWOo-lVGE-00603-00395505-00395717 and the pictorial representation is going to work wXQWOo-lVGE-00604-00395717-00396415 like this: Let's start with a simple linear model to define this pictorial representation. wXQWOo-lVGE-00605-00396415-00397076 A simple linear model has an input of size batch size by number of inputs and so we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00606-00397076-00398035 going to use a rectangle to represent an input. We're going to use an arrow to represent a wXQWOo-lVGE-00607-00398035-00398659 layer of computation. So in this case, there's going to be a matrix product for a simple wXQWOo-lVGE-00608-00398659-00399160 linear model there'd be a matrix, actually sorry, this is a single hidden layer model. wXQWOo-lVGE-00609-00399160-00399712 There'll be a matrix product followed by a ReLU. So that's what this arrow represents, wXQWOo-lVGE-00610-00399712-00400337 and out of that we're going to get some activations. And so, circles represent computed activations, wXQWOo-lVGE-00611-00400337-00400825 and it would be, we call this a hidden layer, it would be of size batch size by number of wXQWOo-lVGE-00612-00400825-00401292 activations. That's its size. And then, to create a neural net we're going to do a second wXQWOo-lVGE-00613-00401292-00401736 matrix product and this time of softmax so the computation again, represented by the wXQWOo-lVGE-00614-00401736-00402523 arrow, and then output activations are a triangle. So the output would be batch size by num classes. wXQWOo-lVGE-00615-00402523-00403406 So let me show you the pictorial version of this. So this is going to be our legend, triangle wXQWOo-lVGE-00616-00403406-00404251 is output, circle, hidden, rectangle, input. And here it is, we're going to take the first wXQWOo-lVGE-00617-00404251-00405018 word as an input, it's going to go through a linear layer and ReLU, and you'll notice wXQWOo-lVGE-00618-00405018-00405545 here, I've deleted the details of what the operations are at this point and I've also wXQWOo-lVGE-00619-00405545-00406382 deleted the sizes. So every arrow is basically just a linear layer followed by a non-linearity, wXQWOo-lVGE-00620-00406382-00407276 so we take the word one input, and we put it through the layer, the linear layer and wXQWOo-lVGE-00621-00407276-00407995 the non-linearity, to give us some activations. So there's our first set of activations. And wXQWOo-lVGE-00622-00407995-00408688 when we put that through another linear layer, and non-linearity to get some more activations, wXQWOo-lVGE-00623-00408688-00409671 and at this point we get word two. And word two, is now, goes through linear layer and wXQWOo-lVGE-00624-00409671-00410283 a non-linearity, and these two, when two arrows together come to a circle, it means that we wXQWOo-lVGE-00625-00410283-00411106 add or concatenate (either is fine), the two sets of activations. So we'll add the set wXQWOo-lVGE-00626-00411106-00411527 of activations from this input, to the set of activations from here to create a new set wXQWOo-lVGE-00627-00411527-00412169 of activations, and then we'll put that through another linear layer and a ReLU. And again wXQWOo-lVGE-00628-00412169-00412531 word three is now going to come in and go through a linear layer and a ReLU, and they'll wXQWOo-lVGE-00629-00412531-00412999 get added to create another set of activations and then they'll find, go through a final wXQWOo-lVGE-00630-00412999-00413908 linear layer and ReLU, and I guess, softmax to create our output activations. So this wXQWOo-lVGE-00631-00413908-00414858 is our model, it's basically a standard one, two, three, four, layer model but a couple wXQWOo-lVGE-00632-00414858-00415367 of interesting things are going on the first is that we have inputs coming in to later wXQWOo-lVGE-00633-00415367-00415836 layers and get added, so that's something we haven't seen before, and the second is, wXQWOo-lVGE-00634-00415836-00416375 all of the arrows that are the same color, use the same weight matrix. So every time wXQWOo-lVGE-00635-00416375-00416864 we get an input, we're going to put it through a particular weight matrix, and every time wXQWOo-lVGE-00636-00416864-00417310 we go from one set of activations to the next or put it through a different weight matrix, wXQWOo-lVGE-00637-00417310-00417698 and then to go through the activations to the output we'll use the different weight wXQWOo-lVGE-00638-00417698-00418585 matrix. So if we now go back to the code, to go from input to hidden, not surprisingly, wXQWOo-lVGE-00639-00418585-00419251 we always use an embedding. So in other words an embedding is, the green okay, and you'll wXQWOo-lVGE-00640-00419251-00419826 see we just create one embedding, and here is the first, so here's X which is the three wXQWOo-lVGE-00641-00419826-00420444 words. So here's the first word X zero, and it goes through that embedding. And word two, wXQWOo-lVGE-00642-00420444-00420823 goes through the same embedding, and word three index number two, goes through the same wXQWOo-lVGE-00643-00420823-00421469 embedding. And then each time you see, we add it to the current set of activations. wXQWOo-lVGE-00644-00421469-00422109 And so having put the, got the embedding, we then put it through this linear layer. wXQWOo-lVGE-00645-00422109-00422626 And again, we get the embedding, add it to the hid, to the activations, and put it through wXQWOo-lVGE-00646-00422626-00423009 the linear, that with linear layer. And again, the same thing here, put it through the same wXQWOo-lVGE-00647-00423009-00424136 linear layer, so h_h is the orange. So these set of activations we call the hidden state, wXQWOo-lVGE-00648-00424136-00424776 okay. And so the hidden state is why it's called �h� and so if you follow through wXQWOo-lVGE-00649-00424776-00425413 these steps, you'll see how each of them corresponds to a step in this diagram. And then finally wXQWOo-lVGE-00650-00425413-00425948 at the end, we go from the hidden state to the output (which is this linear layer) hidden wXQWOo-lVGE-00651-00425948-00426942 state to the output, okay. and then we don't have the actual Softmax there, because as wXQWOo-lVGE-00652-00426942-00427319 you'll remember, we can incorporate that directly into the loss function, the cross-entropy wXQWOo-lVGE-00653-00427319-00428134 loss function using PyTorch. So one nice thing about this is, everything wXQWOo-lVGE-00654-00428134-00428555 we're using we have previously created from scratch. So there's nothing magic here. We've wXQWOo-lVGE-00655-00428555-00428984 created our own embedding layer from scratch, we've created our own linear layer from scratch, wXQWOo-lVGE-00656-00428984-00429638 we've created our own ReLU from scratch, we've created our own cross entropy loss from scratch. wXQWOo-lVGE-00657-00429638-00430521 So you can actually try building this whole thing yourself, from scratch. So why do we, wXQWOo-lVGE-00658-00430521-00431178 just in terms of the nomenclature, �i_h�, so �h� refers to hidden so this is a layer wXQWOo-lVGE-00659-00431178-00431623 that goes from input to hidden. This is one that goes from hidden to hidden, this is one wXQWOo-lVGE-00660-00431623-00432253 that goes from hidden to output. So if any of this is feeling confusing at any point, wXQWOo-lVGE-00661-00432253-00432646 go back to where we actually created each one of these things from scratch and create wXQWOo-lVGE-00662-00432646-00433648 it from scratch again. Make sure you actually write the code, so that nothing here is mysterious. wXQWOo-lVGE-00663-00433648-00434380 So why do we use the same embedding matrix each time we have a new input word, for an wXQWOo-lVGE-00664-00434380-00435171 input word index 0, 1, and 2? Well because conceptually, they all represent English words wXQWOo-lVGE-00665-00435171-00435657 of content, you know for human numbers. So why would you expect them to be a different wXQWOo-lVGE-00666-00435657-00436153 embedding? They all should have the same representation, because they alll have the same meaning. Same wXQWOo-lVGE-00667-00436153-00436563 for this hidden to hidden - at each time we're basically describing how to, how to go from wXQWOo-lVGE-00668-00436563-00437255 one token to the next of our language model, so we would expect it to be the same computation. wXQWOo-lVGE-00669-00437255-00438147 So that's basically what's going on here. So having created that model, we can go ahead wXQWOo-lVGE-00670-00438147-00438607 and instantiate it. So we�re going to have to pass in the vocab size for the embedding wXQWOo-lVGE-00671-00438607-00439440 and the number of hidden, right, so that's the number of activations. So here we create wXQWOo-lVGE-00672-00439440-00440046 the model, and then we could create a learner by passing in a model and our data loaders wXQWOo-lVGE-00673-00440046-00440930 and a loss function and optionally metrics. And we can fit. Now of course this is not wXQWOo-lVGE-00674-00440930-00441440 pre-trained, right. This is not an application-specific learner, so it wouldn't know what pre-trained wXQWOo-lVGE-00675-00441440-00442264 model to use. So this is all random. And we're getting somewhere around the 45% to 50% or wXQWOo-lVGE-00676-00442264-00442924 so accuracy. Is that any good? Well you should always compare to random or, not random - you wXQWOo-lVGE-00677-00442924-00443349 should always compare to like the simplest model, where the simplest model is like some wXQWOo-lVGE-00678-00443349-00443926 average or something. So what I did is, I grabbed the validation set (so all the tokens), wXQWOo-lVGE-00679-00443926-00444414 put it into a Python standard library counter (which simply counts how many times each thing wXQWOo-lVGE-00680-00444414-00445114 appears). I found that the word �thousand� is the most common. And then I said, okay, wXQWOo-lVGE-00681-00445114-00445859 what if we used 7104 with �thousand� (that's here) and divide that by the length of the wXQWOo-lVGE-00682-00445859-00446364 tokens, and we get 15%. Which in other words means if we always just predicted, I think wXQWOo-lVGE-00683-00446364-00447063 the next word will be �thousand�, we would get 15% accuracy. But in this model we got wXQWOo-lVGE-00684-00447063-00447751 around 45% to 50% accuracy. So in other words, our model is a lot better than the simplest wXQWOo-lVGE-00685-00447751-00448353 possible baseline, so we've learnt something useful, that's great. So the first thing we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00686-00448353-00449210 going to do is we're going to refactor this code. Because you can see, we've got x going wXQWOo-lVGE-00687-00449210-00449817 into i_h, going into h_h, going into relu. x going into i_h, going into h_h, going into wXQWOo-lVGE-00688-00449817-00450307 relu, going into i_h, going into h_h, going into relu. How would you refactor that in wXQWOo-lVGE-00689-00450307-00450827 Python? You would, of course, use a for loop so let's go ahead and write that wXQWOo-lVGE-00690-00450827-00451348 again. So these lines are code or identical. In fact, these lines of code are identical wXQWOo-lVGE-00691-00451348-00451830 (as is this), and we're going to instead of doing all that stuff manually we�ve got wXQWOo-lVGE-00692-00451830-00452763 a loop that goes through three times and in each time it goes - i_h add to our h_h value wXQWOo-lVGE-00693-00452763-00453294 and then at the end, hidden to output. So this is exactly the same thing as before, wXQWOo-lVGE-00694-00453294-00453905 but it's just reflected with a for loop. And we can train it again, and again we get the wXQWOo-lVGE-00695-00453905-00454521 same basically 45% to 50% as you would expect, because it's exactly the same, it's just been wXQWOo-lVGE-00696-00454521-00455809 refactored. So here's something crazy - this is a recurrent neural network. Even though wXQWOo-lVGE-00697-00455809-00456974 it's like exactly the same as ... it's exactly the same as this, right? It's just been refactored wXQWOo-lVGE-00698-00456974-00457798 into a loop. And so believe it or not, that's actually all an RNN is. An RNN is a simple wXQWOo-lVGE-00699-00457798-00458813 refactoring of that model with that deep learning linear model we saw. I shouldn't say linear wXQWOo-lVGE-00700-00458813-00459698 model, a deep learning model of simple linear layers with ReLUs. So let's draw our pictorial wXQWOo-lVGE-00701-00459698-00460153 representation again (so remember this was our previous pictorial representation). We wXQWOo-lVGE-00702-00460153-00460750 can refactor the picture as well, so instead of showing these dots separately, we can just wXQWOo-lVGE-00703-00460750-00461434 take this arrow and represent it it, represent it as a loop. Because that's all that's happening, wXQWOo-lVGE-00704-00461434-00462046 right. So the word 1 goes through an embedding, goes into this activations, which then just wXQWOo-lVGE-00705-00462046-00462659 gets repeated from 2 to, 2 to n-1, where n at this time is, you know, we've got three wXQWOo-lVGE-00706-00462659-00463430 words basically, for each word coming in as well. And so we've just refactored our diagram. wXQWOo-lVGE-00707-00463430-00464078 And then eventually it goes through our blue to create the output. So this diagram is exactly wXQWOo-lVGE-00708-00464078-00464828 the same as this diagram, just replacing the middle with that loop. So that's a recurrent wXQWOo-lVGE-00709-00464828-00465455 neural net and so �h�, remember was something that we just kept track of here �h�, �h�, wXQWOo-lVGE-00710-00465455-00466153 �h�, �h�, �h�, �h�, as we added each layer to it. And here we just have wXQWOo-lVGE-00711-00466153-00466796 it inside the loop. We initialize it as 0, which is kind of tricky. And the reason we wXQWOo-lVGE-00712-00466796-00467648 can do that is that 0 plus a tensor will broadcast a 0. So that's a little neat feature. That's wXQWOo-lVGE-00713-00467648-00468596 why we don't have to make this a particular size tensor to start with. Okay. So we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00714-00468596-00468984 going to be seeing the word hidden state a lot. And so it's important to remember that wXQWOo-lVGE-00715-00468984-00469645 hidden state simply represents these activations that are occurring inside our recurrent neural wXQWOo-lVGE-00716-00469645-00470371 net and a recurrent neural net is just a refactoring of a particular kind of fully connected deep wXQWOo-lVGE-00717-00470371-00472228 model. So that's it, that's what an RNN is. No questions at this point? Rachel? Something wXQWOo-lVGE-00718-00472228-00472719 that's a bit weird about it, though, is that for every batch we're setting our hidden state wXQWOo-lVGE-00719-00472719-00473282 to zero, even although we're going through the entire set of numbers, the human numbers wXQWOo-lVGE-00720-00473282-00473892 dataset in order. So you would think that by the time you've gone like 1, 2, 3 you shouldn't wXQWOo-lVGE-00721-00473892-00474435 then forget everything we've learnt when you go to 4, 5, 6, right. It would be great to wXQWOo-lVGE-00722-00474435-00475371 actually remember where we're up to and not reset the hidden state back to 0 every time. wXQWOo-lVGE-00723-00475371-00476413 So we can absolutely do that. We can maintain the state of our RNN. And here's how we would wXQWOo-lVGE-00724-00476413-00476900 do that. Rather than having something called �h� we'll call it self.h and we'll set wXQWOo-lVGE-00725-00476900-00477855 it to 0 at the start when we first create our model. Everything else here is the same, wXQWOo-lVGE-00726-00477855-00478480 and everything else here is the same. And then there's just one extra line of code here. wXQWOo-lVGE-00727-00478480-00479326 What's going on here. Well here's the thing. If �h� is something which persists from wXQWOo-lVGE-00728-00479326-00480212 batch to batch, then effectively this loop is effectively kind of becoming infinitely wXQWOo-lVGE-00729-00480212-00481000 long, right. Our deep learning model, therefore, is getting effectively (well, not infinitely wXQWOo-lVGE-00730-00481000-00481503 deep), but as deep as the entire size of our dataset because every time we're stacking wXQWOo-lVGE-00731-00481503-00482134 new layers on top of the previous layers. The reason this matters is that when we then wXQWOo-lVGE-00732-00482134-00482476 do back propagation, when we then calculate the gradients, we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00733-00482476-00483096 going to have to calculate the gradients all the way back through every layer going all wXQWOo-lVGE-00734-00483096-00483576 the way. So by the time we get to the end of the dataset, we're going to be effectively wXQWOo-lVGE-00735-00483576-00484259 backpropagating, not just through this loop, but remember self.h was created also by the wXQWOo-lVGE-00736-00484259-00484610 previous call to forward. and the previous call forward and the previous call to forward. wXQWOo-lVGE-00737-00484610-00485384 So we're going to have this incredibly slow calculation of the gradients all the way back wXQWOo-lVGE-00738-00485384-00485871 to the start. It's also going to use up a whole lot of memory, because it's going to wXQWOo-lVGE-00739-00485871-00486565 have to store all those intermediate gradients in order to calculate them. So that's a problem. wXQWOo-lVGE-00740-00486565-00487213 And so the problem is easily solved by saying �detach�. And what detach does is it basically wXQWOo-lVGE-00741-00487213-00487811 says, �Throw away my gradient history, forget that I, forget that I was calculated in terms wXQWOo-lVGE-00742-00487811-00488348 of other gradients.� So the activations are still stored, but the gradient history wXQWOo-lVGE-00743-00488348-00489063 is no longer stored. And so this kind of cuts off the gradient computation. And so this wXQWOo-lVGE-00744-00489063-00489947 is called truncated backpropagation. So, exactly the same lines of code as the other two models. wXQWOo-lVGE-00745-00489947-00490706 h=0 is being has been moved into self.h=0. These lines of code are identical. And we've wXQWOo-lVGE-00746-00490706-00491226 added one more line of code. So the only other thing is that from time to time, we might wXQWOo-lVGE-00747-00491226-00491896 have to reset self.h to 0. So I've created a method for that. And we'll see how that wXQWOo-lVGE-00748-00491896-00492839 works shortly. Okay, so back propagation .. Oh sorry, I was using the wrong jargon - �backpropagation wXQWOo-lVGE-00749-00492839-00493538 through time� is what we call it when we calculate the backprop over going back through wXQWOo-lVGE-00750-00493538-00494413 this loop. All right, now we do need to make sure that the samples are seen in the correct wXQWOo-lVGE-00751-00494413-00494957 order. You know, given that we need to make sure that every batch connects up to the previous wXQWOo-lVGE-00752-00494957-00495461 batch. So go back to a Notebook 10 to remind yourself of what that needs to look like. wXQWOo-lVGE-00753-00495461-00496210 But basically the first batch, we see that the number (the), the length of our sequences wXQWOo-lVGE-00754-00496210-00497034 divided by the batch size is 328. So the first batch will be index #0, then m, then 2*m, wXQWOo-lVGE-00755-00497034-00497684 and so forth. The second batch will be 1, m+1, 2*m +1, and so forth. So the details wXQWOo-lVGE-00756-00497684-00498382 don't matter, but here's how we create, you know, do that indexing. So now we can go ahead wXQWOo-lVGE-00757-00498382-00499211 and call that group_chunks function to calculate, to create our training set and our validation wXQWOo-lVGE-00758-00499211-00499822 set. And certainly don't shuffle, because that would break everything in terms of the wXQWOo-lVGE-00759-00499822-00500489 ordering. And then there's one more thing we need to do, which is we need to make sure wXQWOo-lVGE-00760-00500489-00501296 that at the start of each epoch we call reset. Because at the start of the epoch, we're going wXQWOo-lVGE-00761-00501296-00502140 back to the start of our natural numbers. So we need to set self.h back to zero. So wXQWOo-lVGE-00762-00502140-00503021 something that we'll learn about in Part 2 is that has something called Callbacks. wXQWOo-lVGE-00763-00503021-00503597 And callbacks are classes which allow you to basically say, �During the training loop wXQWOo-lVGE-00764-00503597-00504576 I want you to call some particular code.� And in particular, this is going to call this wXQWOo-lVGE-00765-00504576-00505243 code. And so you can see callbacks are very small, or can be very small, they're normally wXQWOo-lVGE-00766-00505243-00505780 very small. When we start training, it'll call reset. When we start validation, it'll wXQWOo-lVGE-00767-00505780-00506413 call reset (so this is each epoch). And when we're all finished fitting, it will call reset. wXQWOo-lVGE-00768-00506413-00506926 And what does reset do? It does whatever you tell it to do and we told it to set self.h wXQWOo-lVGE-00769-00506926-00507763 to equal zero. So if you want to use a callback, you can simply add it to the callbacks list, wXQWOo-lVGE-00770-00507763-00508717 cbs, when you create your Learner. And so now when we train, that's way better, okay. wXQWOo-lVGE-00771-00508717-00509288 So we've now actually kept this, it�s called a stateful RNN. It's actually keeping the wXQWOo-lVGE-00772-00509288-00510234 state, keeping the hidden state from batch to batch. Now we still got a bit of a obvious wXQWOo-lVGE-00773-00510234-00510733 problem here, which is that if you look back to the data wXQWOo-lVGE-00774-00510733-00511734 that we created, we used these first three tokens to predict the fourth, and then the wXQWOo-lVGE-00775-00511734-00512463 next three tokens to predict the seventh, and then the next three tokens to predict wXQWOo-lVGE-00776-00512463-00513213 the one after, and so forth. Effectively what we�d rather do you would think is, is predict wXQWOo-lVGE-00777-00513213-00513688 every word, not just every fourth word. It seems like we're throwing away a lot of signal wXQWOo-lVGE-00778-00513688-00514438 here, which is pretty wasteful. So we want to create more signal, and so the way to do wXQWOo-lVGE-00779-00514438-00515832 that would be rather than putting, rather than putting this output stage outside the wXQWOo-lVGE-00780-00515832-00516384 loop. Right? So this dotted area is the bit that it's looped. What if we put the output wXQWOo-lVGE-00781-00516384-00516888 inside the loop? So in other words, after every hidden state was created we immediately wXQWOo-lVGE-00782-00516888-00517493 did a prediction, and so that way we could predict after every time step, and our dependent wXQWOo-lVGE-00783-00517493-00518097 variable could be the entire sequence of numbers offset by one. So that would give us a lot wXQWOo-lVGE-00784-00518097-00518651 more signal. So we have to change our data, so the dependent variable has each of the wXQWOo-lVGE-00785-00518651-00519367 next three words after each of the three inputs, so instead of being just the numbers from wXQWOo-lVGE-00786-00519367-00520265 i to i+sl as input, and then i+sl+1 as output, we're going to have the entire set offset wXQWOo-lVGE-00787-00520265-00520817 by one as our dependent variable. So, and then, we can now do exactly the same as we wXQWOo-lVGE-00788-00520817-00521609 did before to create our DataLoaders(), and so you can now see that each sequence is exactly wXQWOo-lVGE-00789-00521609-00522010 the previ[...], is exactly the independent variable and the dependent variable. The same wXQWOo-lVGE-00790-00522010-00522836 thing, but offset by one. Okay? And then we need to modify our model very slightly. This wXQWOo-lVGE-00791-00522836-00523393 code is all exactly the same as before, but rather than now returning one output, we�ll wXQWOo-lVGE-00792-00523393-00524173 create a list of outputs, and will append to that list after every element of the loop. wXQWOo-lVGE-00793-00524173-00524648 And then at the end we'll stack them all up, and then this is the same. So it's nearly wXQWOo-lVGE-00794-00524648-00525621 exactly the same. Okay? Just a very minor change. Our loss function needs to... We need wXQWOo-lVGE-00795-00525621-00526238 to create our own loss function, which is just the cross entropy loss, but we need to wXQWOo-lVGE-00796-00526238-00527146 just flatten it out. So the target gets flattened out, the input gets flattened out, and so wXQWOo-lVGE-00797-00527146-00527832 then... We can now pass that as our loss function. Everything else here is the same, and we can wXQWOo-lVGE-00798-00527832-00529386 fit, and we've gone from.... I can't remember. 58 to 64. So it's improved a little bit, so wXQWOo-lVGE-00799-00529386-00530201 that's good. You know, I did, we did find this a little, little flaky. Sometimes it wXQWOo-lVGE-00800-00530201-00530690 would train really well, sometimes it wouldn't train great, but sometimes, you know, we often wXQWOo-lVGE-00801-00530690-00531815 got this reasonably good answer. Now, one problem here is although effectively we have wXQWOo-lVGE-00802-00531815-00532378 quite a deep neural net, if you, kind of, go back to the version... So this, this version wXQWOo-lVGE-00803-00532378-00532998 where we have the loop in it, is kind of the normal way to think about an RNN, but perhaps wXQWOo-lVGE-00804-00532998-00533547 an easier way to think about it is what we call the unrolled version, and the unrolled wXQWOo-lVGE-00805-00533547-00534294 version is when you at it like this. Now, if you unroll this stateful neural net we wXQWOo-lVGE-00806-00534294-00535057 have, you know, it's, it is quite deep, but every single one of the hidden to hidden layers wXQWOo-lVGE-00807-00535057-00535900 uses exactly the same weight matrix. So really, it's not really that deep at all, because wXQWOo-lVGE-00808-00535900-00536330 it can't really do very sophisticated computation, because it has to use the same weight matrix wXQWOo-lVGE-00809-00536330-00537177 every time. So in some ways it's not really any smarter than a plain linear model. So wXQWOo-lVGE-00810-00537177-00537881 it would be nice to try to, you know, create a truly deep model. Have multiple different wXQWOo-lVGE-00811-00537881-00538484 layers that it can go through. So we can actually do that easily enough by creating something wXQWOo-lVGE-00812-00538484-00539022 called a Multilayer RNN, and all we do is we basically take that diagram we just saw wXQWOo-lVGE-00813-00539022-00539901 before, and we repeat it, but, and this is actually a bit unclear, the, the dotted arrows wXQWOo-lVGE-00814-00539901-00540755 here are different weight matrices, to the non dotted arrows here. So we can have a different wXQWOo-lVGE-00815-00540755-00541540 hidden to hidden weight matrix in the, kind of, second set of RNN layers, and a different wXQWOo-lVGE-00816-00541540-00542234 weight matrix here for this second set, and so this is called a stacked RNN or a multi-layer wXQWOo-lVGE-00817-00542234-00543055 RNN. And so here's the same thing in the unrolled version. Right? So this is exactly the wXQWOo-lVGE-00818-00543055-00543869 same thing, but showing you the unrolled version. Writing this out by hand, maybe that's quite wXQWOo-lVGE-00819-00543869-00544294 a good exercise, or particularly this one would be quite a good exercise, but it's kind wXQWOo-lVGE-00820-00544294-00544740 of tedious, so we're not going to bother, instead we're going to use PyTorch�s RNN wXQWOo-lVGE-00821-00544740-00545773 class, and so PyTorch�s RNN class is basically doing exactly what we saw here. Right? And wXQWOo-lVGE-00822-00545773-00546801 specifically this, this part here, and this part here. Okay? But it's nice that it also wXQWOo-lVGE-00823-00546801-00547551 has an extra number of layers parameter, that lets you tell it how many to stack on top wXQWOo-lVGE-00824-00547551-00548134 of each other. So it's important when you start using PyTorch�s RNN to realize there's wXQWOo-lVGE-00825-00548134-00548730 nothing magic going on. Right? You're just using this refactored for loop that we've wXQWOo-lVGE-00826-00548730-00549357 already seen. So we still need the input to hidden embedding. This is now the hidden to wXQWOo-lVGE-00827-00549357-00549967 hidden, with the loop all done for us, and then this is the hidden to output, just as wXQWOo-lVGE-00828-00549967-00550599 before, and then this is our hidden, just like before. So now we don't need the loop wXQWOo-lVGE-00829-00550599-00551168 we can just call �self.rnn()� and it does the whole loop for us. We can do all the input wXQWOo-lVGE-00830-00551168-00551680 to hidden at once to save a little bit of time, because thanks to the wonder of embedding wXQWOo-lVGE-00831-00551680-00552331 matrices, and as per usual we have to go to call �detach()� to avoid getting a super wXQWOo-lVGE-00832-00552331-00553049 deep effective network, and then pass it through our output linear layer. So this is exactly wXQWOo-lVGE-00833-00553049-00553811 the same as the previous model, except that we have just refactored it using an �nn.RNN()�, wXQWOo-lVGE-00834-00553811-00554478 and we said we want more than one layer. So let's request, say two layers. Now, we still wXQWOo-lVGE-00835-00554478-00554938 need the ModelReseter, just like before, because remember nothing's changed, and let's go ahead wXQWOo-lVGE-00836-00554938-00556188 and fit, and oh, it's terrible. So, why is it terrible? Well the reason it's terrible wXQWOo-lVGE-00837-00556188-00557009 is that now we really do have a very deep model, and very deep models are really hard wXQWOo-lVGE-00838-00557009-00558007 to train, because we can get exploding or disappearing activations. So what that means wXQWOo-lVGE-00839-00558007-00558997 is, we start out with some initial state and we're gradually putting it through all of wXQWOo-lVGE-00840-00558997-00559478 these layers, and all of these layers. Right? And so each time we're doing a matrix multiplication, wXQWOo-lVGE-00841-00559478-00559995 which remember is just doing a whole bunch of multiplies and adds, and then we multiply wXQWOo-lVGE-00842-00559995-00560663 and add, and we multiply and add, and we multiply and add, and if you do that enough times you wXQWOo-lVGE-00843-00560663-00561244 can end up with very, very, very big results, or it's so that would be if the kind of things wXQWOo-lVGE-00844-00561244-00561713 are multiplying and adding by a pretty big, or very, very, very, very small results. Particularly wXQWOo-lVGE-00845-00561713-00562380 because we're putting it through the same layer again and again. Right? And why is that wXQWOo-lVGE-00846-00562380-00563369 a problem? Well if you multiply by two a few times, you get 1, 2, 4, 8, etc., and after wXQWOo-lVGE-00847-00563369-00564236 32 steps you're already at four billion, or if you start at one and you're multiply by wXQWOo-lVGE-00848-00564236-00564888 half, a few times after, 32 steps you're down with this tiny number. So a number even slightly wXQWOo-lVGE-00849-00564888-00565453 higher or lower than one can, kind of, cause an explosion or disappearance of a number, wXQWOo-lVGE-00850-00565453-00565861 and matrix multiplication is just multiplying numbers and adding them up. So exactly the wXQWOo-lVGE-00851-00565861-00566309 same thing happens to a matrix multiplication, you kind of have matrices that, that grow wXQWOo-lVGE-00852-00566309-00567111 really big or grow really small. And when that does that you're also going to have exactly wXQWOo-lVGE-00853-00567111-00567528 the same things happening to the gradients. They'll get really big or really small. And wXQWOo-lVGE-00854-00567528-00568192 one of the problems here is that numbers are not stored precisely in a computer. They're wXQWOo-lVGE-00855-00568192-00569082 stored using something called floating point, so we stole this nice diagram from this article wXQWOo-lVGE-00856-00569082-00569588 called, �What you never wanted to know about floating point but will be forced to find wXQWOo-lVGE-00857-00569588-00569917 out�, and here we're at this point where we're forced to find out, and it's basically wXQWOo-lVGE-00858-00569917-00570523 showing us the granularity with which numbers are stored, and so the numbers that are further wXQWOo-lVGE-00859-00570523-00571221 away from zero are stored much less precisely than the numbers that are close to zero, and wXQWOo-lVGE-00860-00571221-00572013 so if you think about it that means that the gradients further away from zero, could actually, wXQWOo-lVGE-00861-00572013-00572982 for very big numbers, could actually become zero themselves, because you could actually wXQWOo-lVGE-00862-00572982-00573561 end up in, kind of, with two numbers that is, that are between these, kind of, little wXQWOo-lVGE-00863-00573561-00574173 gradations here. And you actually end up with the same thing with the really small numbers, wXQWOo-lVGE-00864-00574173-00574538 because the really small numbers although they're closer together, the numbers that wXQWOo-lVGE-00865-00574538-00575146 they represent are also very close together. So in both cases the, kind of, the relative wXQWOo-lVGE-00866-00575146-00576240 accuracy gets worse and worse. So you really want to avoid this happening. There's a number wXQWOo-lVGE-00867-00576240-00576880 of ways to avoid this happening, and this is the same for really deep convolutional wXQWOo-lVGE-00868-00576880-00577619 neural nets, or really deep, kind of, tabular, standard tabular networks. Anytime you have wXQWOo-lVGE-00869-00577619-00577915 too many layers, it become, it can become difficult to train and you generally have wXQWOo-lVGE-00870-00577915-00578430 to use like the, really small learning rates, or you have to use special techniques that wXQWOo-lVGE-00871-00578430-00579426 avoid exploding or disappearing activations or gradients. For RNNs one of the most popular wXQWOo-lVGE-00872-00579426-00580322 approaches to this is to use an architecture called an LSTM, and I am not going to go into wXQWOo-lVGE-00873-00580322-00580927 the details of an LSTM from scratch today, but it's in the, it's in the book, and in wXQWOo-lVGE-00874-00580927-00581830 the notebook, but the key thing to know about an LSTM is... Let's have a look.... Is that wXQWOo-lVGE-00875-00581830-00582736 rather than just being a matrix multiplication, it is this, which is that there are a number wXQWOo-lVGE-00876-00582736-00583344 of linear layers that it goes through, and those linear layers are combined in particular wXQWOo-lVGE-00877-00583344-00584009 ways, and the way they're combined, which is shown in this, kind of, diagram here, is wXQWOo-lVGE-00878-00584009-00584897 that it basically is designed such that the, that there are like little mini neural networks wXQWOo-lVGE-00879-00584897-00585598 inside the layer, which decide how much of the previous state is kept, how much is thrown wXQWOo-lVGE-00880-00585598-00586219 away, and how much of the new state is added. And by letting it have little neural nets wXQWOo-lVGE-00881-00586219-00586894 to, kind of, calculate each of these things it allows the LSTM layer, which, again, is wXQWOo-lVGE-00882-00586894-00587726 shown here, to decide how much of, kind of, how much of an update to do at each time, wXQWOo-lVGE-00883-00587726-00588923 and then with that capability it basically allows it to avoid, kind of, updating too wXQWOo-lVGE-00884-00588923-00589634 much or updating too little, and by the way this, this code you can refactor, which Sylvain wXQWOo-lVGE-00885-00589634-00590171 did here into a much smaller amount of code, but these two things are exactly the same wXQWOo-lVGE-00886-00590171-00590663 thing. So, as I said, I'm not going to worry too much about the details of how this works, wXQWOo-lVGE-00887-00590663-00591371 now. The important thing, just to know, is that you can replace the matrix multiplication wXQWOo-lVGE-00888-00591371-00592338 in an RNN with this sequence of matrix multiplications, and sigmoids, n times a plus, and when you wXQWOo-lVGE-00889-00592338-00593230 do so, you will very significantly decrease the amount of gradient or activation exploding, wXQWOo-lVGE-00890-00593230-00594042 explosions or disappearances. So that's called an LSTM cell, and an RNN which uses this, wXQWOo-lVGE-00891-00594042-00594884 instead of a matrix multiplication, is called an LSTM, and so you can replace �nn.rnn()� wXQWOo-lVGE-00892-00594884-00595765 with �nn.LSTM()�. Other than that we haven't really changed anything, except that LSTMs, wXQWOo-lVGE-00893-00595765-00596407 because they have more of these layers in them, we actually have to make our hidden wXQWOo-lVGE-00894-00596407-00597382 state have more layers in, as well, but other than that we can just replace LSTM, RNN with wXQWOo-lVGE-00895-00597382-00597872 LSTM, and we can call it just the same way as we did before. We can �detach()� just wXQWOo-lVGE-00896-00597872-00598278 like before, but there's now a list, so we have to detach all of them, and pop it through wXQWOo-lVGE-00897-00598278-00598788 our output layer, which is exactly as before. Our �reset()� is just as before, except wXQWOo-lVGE-00898-00598788-00599478 it's got to loop through each one, and we can fit it in exactly the same way as before, wXQWOo-lVGE-00899-00599478-00600054 and as you can see we end up with a much better result, which is great. We have� We have wXQWOo-lVGE-00900-00600054-00600686 two questions. Okay, perfect. �Could we somehow use regularization to try to make wXQWOo-lVGE-00901-00600686-00601138 the RNN parameters close to the identity matrix, or would that cause bad results because the wXQWOo-lVGE-00902-00601138-00601969 hidden layers want to deviate from the identity during training?� So we're actually about wXQWOo-lVGE-00903-00601969-00602738 to look at regularization. So we will take a look. The wXQWOo-lVGE-00904-00602738-00603158 identity matrix for those that don't know or don't remember, is the matrix where if wXQWOo-lVGE-00905-00603158-00603542 you multiply by it, you get exactly the same thing that you started with. So just like wXQWOo-lVGE-00906-00603542-00604043 if you multiply by one you get back the same number you started with. For linear algebra wXQWOo-lVGE-00907-00604043-00604490 if you multiply by the identity matrix you get the same matrix you started with, and wXQWOo-lVGE-00908-00604490-00605349 actually one quite popular approach to initializing the hidden to hidden activations is to initialize wXQWOo-lVGE-00909-00605349-00606015 with a identity matrix, which ensures that you start with something which doesn't have wXQWOo-lVGE-00910-00606015-00606763 gradient explosions, or activation explosions. There are... Yeah... Well I won't, and we're wXQWOo-lVGE-00911-00606763-00607167 about to have a look at some more regularization approaches so let's, let's wait until we do wXQWOo-lVGE-00912-00607167-00607644 that. All right, next question. �Is there a way to quickly check if the activations wXQWOo-lVGE-00913-00607644-00608473 are disappearing/exploding?� Absolutely just go ahead and calculate them and we'll wXQWOo-lVGE-00914-00608473-00609103 be looking at that a lot more detail in part two, but a really great exercise would be wXQWOo-lVGE-00915-00609103-00609740 to try to figure out how you can actually output the activations of each layer. And wXQWOo-lVGE-00916-00609740-00610278 it would certainly be very easy to do that in the, in the RNNs that we built ourselves wXQWOo-lVGE-00917-00610278-00610880 from scratch, because we can actually see the linear layers, and so you could just print wXQWOo-lVGE-00918-00610880-00611892 them out, or print out some statistics, or store them away, or, or something like that. wXQWOo-lVGE-00919-00611892-00613338 fastai has a class called ActivationStats(), which, wXQWOo-lVGE-00920-00613338-00613778 kind of, you can check out if you're interested. That's a really good way to specifically to wXQWOo-lVGE-00921-00613778-00615318 do this. Okay. So yeah... So regularization is important. We have potentially a lot of wXQWOo-lVGE-00922-00615318-00615959 parameters and a lot of layers. It would be really nice if we can do the same kind of wXQWOo-lVGE-00923-00615959-00616595 thing that we've done with, with our CNNs and so forth, which is to use more parameters, wXQWOo-lVGE-00924-00616595-00617153 but then use regularization to ensure that we don't overfit, and so we can certainly wXQWOo-lVGE-00925-00617153-00617773 do that with an LSTM as well, and perhaps the best way to do that is to use something wXQWOo-lVGE-00926-00617773-00618495 called dropout, and dropout is not just used for RNNs. Dropout is used all over the place, wXQWOo-lVGE-00927-00618495-00619343 but it works particularly well in RNNs. This is a picture from the dropout paper, and what wXQWOo-lVGE-00928-00619343-00619942 happens in dropout is... Here's a, here�s a, kind of a, picture of a, of three fully wXQWOo-lVGE-00929-00619942-00620586 connected layers. Not sorry, I guess it's two, one, two. Yeah, no three fully connected wXQWOo-lVGE-00930-00620586-00621368 layers. And so in these two fully connected layers at the start here, what we could do wXQWOo-lVGE-00931-00621368-00621902 is we could delete some of the activations at random, and so this has happened here but wXQWOo-lVGE-00932-00621902-00622580 X... This is what X means, it's like deleting those, those activations at random, and if wXQWOo-lVGE-00933-00622580-00623111 we do so you can see we end up with a lot less computation going on, and what dropout wXQWOo-lVGE-00934-00623111-00624187 does is each batch, each mini-batch, it randomly deletes a different set of activations from wXQWOo-lVGE-00935-00624187-00625323 whatever layers you ask for. That's what dropout does. So so basically the idea is that dropout wXQWOo-lVGE-00936-00625323-00626213 helps to generalize because if a particular activation was, kind of, effectively learning wXQWOo-lVGE-00937-00626213-00626815 some input, some, some particular piece of input, memorizing it, then sometimes it gets wXQWOo-lVGE-00938-00626815-00627513 randomly deleted, and so then suddenly it's not going to do anything useful at all. So wXQWOo-lVGE-00939-00627513-00628175 by randomly deleting activations it ensures that activations can't become over specialized wXQWOo-lVGE-00940-00628175-00628663 at doing just one thing, because then if it did, then the times they're randomly deleted, wXQWOo-lVGE-00941-00628663-00629534 it's, it's not going to work. So here is the entire implementation of a dropout layer. wXQWOo-lVGE-00942-00629534-00630061 You pass it some value p, which is the probability that an activation gets deleted. So we'll wXQWOo-lVGE-00943-00630061-00630592 store that away, and so then in the forward you're going to get your activations. Now, wXQWOo-lVGE-00944-00630592-00631096 if you're not training, so if you're doing validation, then we're not going to do dropout. wXQWOo-lVGE-00945-00631096-00632130 Okay? But if we are training, then we create a mask, and so the mask is Bernoulli random, wXQWOo-lVGE-00946-00632130-00632692 a Bernoulli random variable. So what does the know any random variable means? It means wXQWOo-lVGE-00947-00632692-00633374 it's a bunch of ones and zeros, where this is the probability that we get wXQWOo-lVGE-00948-00633374-00634084 a 1, which is 1 minus the probability we get a 0. And so then we just multiply that by wXQWOo-lVGE-00949-00634084-00634749 our input, so that's going to convert some of the inputs into zeroes, which is basically wXQWOo-lVGE-00950-00634749-00635261 deleting them. So you should check out some of the details, for example, about why we wXQWOo-lVGE-00951-00635261-00635903 do divide 1 minus p, which is described here, and we do we point out here that normally wXQWOo-lVGE-00952-00635903-00636567 and I would normally in the lesson show you an example of the, of what Bernoulli does, wXQWOo-lVGE-00953-00636567-00637067 but of course nowadays, you know, we're getting to the advanced classes, you're expected to wXQWOo-lVGE-00954-00637067-00637559 do it yourself. So be sure to create a little cell here, and make sure you actually create wXQWOo-lVGE-00955-00637559-00638076 a tensor, and then run Bernoulli underscore on it, and make sure you see exactly what wXQWOo-lVGE-00956-00638076-00638726 it's doing, so then you can understand this class. Now, of course we don't have to use wXQWOo-lVGE-00957-00638726-00639298 this class we made ourselves, we can just use nn.Dropout, but you can use this class wXQWOo-lVGE-00958-00639298-00639713 yourself, because it does the same thing. So again, you know, we're trying to make sure wXQWOo-lVGE-00959-00639713-00640482 that we know how to build stuff from scratch. This special �� is set for wXQWOo-lVGE-00960-00640482-00641267 every module automatically by fastai to... Based on whether or not you're in the validation wXQWOo-lVGE-00961-00641267-00641952 part of your training loop, or the training part of your training loop. It's also part wXQWOo-lVGE-00962-00641952-00642422 of PyTorch and in PyTorch, if you're not using fastai, you have to call the �train()� wXQWOo-lVGE-00963-00642422-00642896 method on a module to set training to true and the �eval()� method to set it to false wXQWOo-lVGE-00964-00642896-00643740 for every module inside some other module. So that's one great approach to regularization. wXQWOo-lVGE-00965-00643740-00644594 Another approach, which I've only seen used in recurrent neural nets, is a activation wXQWOo-lVGE-00966-00644594-00645118 regularization and temporal activation regularization, which is very very similar to the question wXQWOo-lVGE-00967-00645118-00645967 that we were just asked. What happens with activation regularization is it looks very wXQWOo-lVGE-00968-00645967-00647055 similar to weight decay, but rather than adding some multiplier times the sum of squares of wXQWOo-lVGE-00969-00647055-00647788 the weights, we add some multiplier by the sum of squares of the activations. So in other wXQWOo-lVGE-00970-00647788-00648446 words we're basically saying, we're not just trying to decrease the weights, but decrease wXQWOo-lVGE-00971-00648446-00649468 the total activations, and then similarly we can also see what's the difference between wXQWOo-lVGE-00972-00649468-00650247 the activations from the previous time step to this time step, so take the difference wXQWOo-lVGE-00973-00650247-00651005 and then again, squared times some value. So the� These are two hyper parameters, wXQWOo-lVGE-00974-00651005-00651699 alpha and beta. The higher they are the more regularized your model, and so with TAR it's wXQWOo-lVGE-00975-00651699-00652628 going to say, no layer of the LSTM should too dramatically change the activations from wXQWOo-lVGE-00976-00652628-00653303 one time step to the next, and then for alpha it's saying, no layer of the LSTM should create wXQWOo-lVGE-00977-00653303-00653945 too large activations, and so they wouldn't actually create these large activations, or wXQWOo-lVGE-00978-00653945-00655288 large changes and unless the loss improved by enough to make it worth it. Okay, so this wXQWOo-lVGE-00979-00655288-00655886 then... I think just one more thing we need to know about, which is called weight tying, wXQWOo-lVGE-00980-00655886-00656353 and weight tying is a very minor change, and let's have a look at it here. So this is the wXQWOo-lVGE-00981-00656353-00656811 embedding we had before, this is the LSTM we had before, this is where we're going to wXQWOo-lVGE-00982-00656811-00657793 introduce dropout, this is the hidden to output linear layer we had before, but we're going wXQWOo-lVGE-00983-00657793-00658570 to add one more line of code, which is the hidden to output weights are actually equal wXQWOo-lVGE-00984-00658570-00659265 to the input to hidden weights. Now, this is not just setting them once this is actually wXQWOo-lVGE-00985-00659265-00659676 setting them so that they are a reference to the exact same object in memory, the exact wXQWOo-lVGE-00986-00659676-00660348 same tensor in memory. So the weights of the hidden to output layer, will always be identical wXQWOo-lVGE-00987-00660348-00660966 to the weights of the input to hidden layer, and this is called weight tying, and the reason wXQWOo-lVGE-00988-00660966-00661628 we do this is because conceptually in a language model predicting the next word is about kind wXQWOo-lVGE-00989-00661628-00662359 of converting activations into English words, whereas an embedding is about converting English wXQWOo-lVGE-00990-00662359-00662711 words to activations, and there's a reasonable hypothesis, wXQWOo-lVGE-00991-00662711-00663267 which would be that: �While those are basically exactly the same computation or at least the, wXQWOo-lVGE-00992-00663267-00663740 the reverse of it, so why shouldn't they use the same weights.� And it turns out lo and wXQWOo-lVGE-00993-00663740-00664355 behold, yes, if you use the same weights then actually it does work a little bit better. wXQWOo-lVGE-00994-00664355-00664944 So then here's our forward, which is to do the input to hidden, do the RNN, apply the wXQWOo-lVGE-00995-00664944-00665567 dropout, do the detach, and then apply the hidden to output, which is using exactly the wXQWOo-lVGE-00996-00665567-00666352 same weights as the input to hidden, and reset�s the same. We haven't created the RNN regularizer wXQWOo-lVGE-00997-00666352-00667543 from scratch here, but you can add it as a callback passing in your alpha and your beta. wXQWOo-lVGE-00998-00667543-00668284 If you call TextLearner(), instead of Learner(), it will add the ModelReseter and the RNNRegularizer() wXQWOo-lVGE-00999-00668284-00668773 for you. So that's what one of the things TextLearner() does. So this code is the same wXQWOo-lVGE-01000-00668773-00669540 as this code, and so we can then train the model again, and let�s also add weight decay. wXQWOo-lVGE-01001-00669540-00670659 And look at this! We're getting up close to 90% accuracy. So, we've covered a lot in this wXQWOo-lVGE-01002-00670659-00671736 lesson, but the amazing thing is that we've just replicated all of the pieces in an AWD-LSTM, wXQWOo-lVGE-01003-00671736-00672309 all of the pieces in this state-of-the-art recurrent neural net, which we've showed we wXQWOo-lVGE-01004-00672309-00672976 could use in the previous notebook to get, what was until very recently, state-of-the-art wXQWOo-lVGE-01005-00672976-00673788 results for text classification, and far more quickly, and with far less compute, and memory wXQWOo-lVGE-01006-00673788-00674576 than more modern, than the approaches in the last year or so, which have beaten that benchmark. wXQWOo-lVGE-01007-00674576-00675441 So this is a really efficient, really accurate approach, and it's still the, the state-of-the-art wXQWOo-lVGE-01008-00675441-00676216 in many, many academic situations, and it's still very widely used in industry, and so wXQWOo-lVGE-01009-00676216-00677019 it's pretty cool that we've actually seen how to, to write it from scratch. So the main wXQWOo-lVGE-01010-00677019-00677467 thing to mention in the further research is to have a look at the source code for AWD-LSTM wXQWOo-lVGE-01011-00677467-00678332 in fastai, and see if you can see how the things in AWD-LSTM map to, you know, what wXQWOo-lVGE-01012-00678332-00678941 those lines of code how they map to the concepts that we've seen in this chapter. Rachel, do wXQWOo-lVGE-01013-00678941-00679719 we have any questions? So, here we have come to the conclusion of our, what was originally wXQWOo-lVGE-01014-00679719-00680740 going to be seven lessons, and turned into eight lessons. I hope that you've got a lot wXQWOo-lVGE-01015-00680740-00681298 out of this. Thank you for staying with us. What a lot of folks people, people now do wXQWOo-lVGE-01016-00681298-00681632 when they finish, they're at least people who finish previous courses, is they go back wXQWOo-lVGE-01017-00681632-00682236 to lesson one, and try and repeat it, but doing a lot less looking at the notebooks, wXQWOo-lVGE-01018-00682236-00683145 a lot more doing stuff from scratch yourself, and going deeper into the assignments. So wXQWOo-lVGE-01019-00683145-00683484 that's one thing you could do next. Another thing you could do next would be to pick out wXQWOo-lVGE-01020-00683484-00684330 a Kaggle competition to enter, or pick a book that you want to read about deep learning, wXQWOo-lVGE-01021-00684330-00685151 or a paper, and team up with some friends to do, like a, paper reading group, or a book wXQWOo-lVGE-01022-00685151-00685603 reading group. You know, one of the most important things to keep the learning going is to get wXQWOo-lVGE-01023-00685603-00686165 together with, with other people on the learning journey. Another great way to do that, of wXQWOo-lVGE-01024-00686165-00686644 course, is through the forums. So if you haven't been using the forums much so far no problem, wXQWOo-lVGE-01025-00686644-00687068 but now might be a great time to get involved and find some projects that are going on, wXQWOo-lVGE-01026-00687068-00687657 that look interesting, and it's fine if you, you know, you don't have to be an expert. wXQWOo-lVGE-01027-00687657-00688028 Right? Obviously any of those projects, the people that are already doing it, are going wXQWOo-lVGE-01028-00688028-00688488 to know more about it than you do at this point, because they're already doing it, but wXQWOo-lVGE-01029-00688488-00688817 if you drop into a thread and say, �Hey I would love to learn more about this how wXQWOo-lVGE-01030-00688817-00689438 do I get started?�, or have a look at the wiki posts to find out, and try things out. wXQWOo-lVGE-01031-00689438-00690507 You can start getting involved in other people's projects, and help them out. So, yeah... And wXQWOo-lVGE-01032-00690507-00690940 of course don't forget about writing. So if you haven't tried writing a blog post yet, wXQWOo-lVGE-01033-00690940-00691469 maybe now's a great do that. Pick something that's interesting to you, especially if it's wXQWOo-lVGE-01034-00691469-00691979 something in your area of expertise at work, or a hobby, or something like that, or specific wXQWOo-lVGE-01035-00691979-00692617 to where you live, maybe you could try and build some kind of text classifier, or text wXQWOo-lVGE-01036-00692617-00693269 generator for particular kinds of texts, that are, that you know about. You know, that would wXQWOo-lVGE-01037-00693269-00693576 be that would be a super interesting thing to try out, and be sure to share it with the wXQWOo-lVGE-01038-00693576-00694247 folks on the forum. So there's a few ideas. So don't let this be the end of your learning wXQWOo-lVGE-01039-00694247-00695006 journey, you know, keep, keep going and then come back, and try part two. If it's not out wXQWOo-lVGE-01040-00695006-00695438 yet, obviously you have to wait until it is out, if it, but if it is out, you might want wXQWOo-lVGE-01041-00695438-00695926 to kind of spend a couple of months, you know, really experimenting with this, before you wXQWOo-lVGE-01042-00695926-00696553 move on to part two, to make sure that everything in part one feels pretty, pretty solid to wXQWOo-lVGE-01043-00696553-00697363 you. Well, thank you very much everybody for, for your time. We've really enjoyed doing wXQWOo-lVGE-01044-00697363-00697867 this course. It's been a tough course for us to teach, because with all this COVID-19 wXQWOo-lVGE-01045-00697867-00698281 stuff going on at the same time, I'm really glad we've got through it. I'm particularly, wXQWOo-lVGE-01046-00698281-00699057 particularly grateful to Sylvain, who has been extraordinary in, in really making so wXQWOo-lVGE-01047-00699057-00699716 much of this happen, and particularly since I've been so busy with COVID-19 stuff, around wXQWOo-lVGE-01048-00699716-00700173 masks in particular, it's really... A lot thanks to Sylvain, that everything has come wXQWOo-lVGE-01049-00700173-00700951 together, and of course to Rachel, who's been here with me on, on every one of these lessons. wXQWOo-lVGE-01050-00700951-00701644 Thank you so much. And I'm looking forward to seeing you again in a future course. Thanks wXQWOo-lVGE-01051-00701644-00701702 everybody. wZeBCZl_e5o-00000-00000634-00001174 Hi everyone! Welcome back to my channel. So, today I'm really proud to make this wZeBCZl_e5o-00001-00001174-00001553 video for you because it's all about embracing zero waste and saving money on wZeBCZl_e5o-00002-00001553-00002036 fashion. We were actually at the Salvation Army tempie store and I'm here wZeBCZl_e5o-00003-00002036-00002573 with the delightful and extremely chic and fashionable Fade DeLatte, who wZeBCZl_e5o-00004-00002573-00003164 explained to me and show me how to shop second-hand and how to save a huge wZeBCZl_e5o-00005-00003164-00003554 amount of money. Now, I personally love to buy things secondhand. A lot of my wZeBCZl_e5o-00006-00003554-00003893 handbags are second-hand. One of my dresses, even this is shirt is actually a wZeBCZl_e5o-00007-00003893-00004322 secondhand especially but I bought a lot of my secondhand stuff online. I'm a wZeBCZl_e5o-00008-00004322-00004789 little bit overwhelmed or nervous about shopping in a store like this. I'd love for you wZeBCZl_e5o-00009-00004789-00005150 to explain to everyone what you do and I will link obviously all your social wZeBCZl_e5o-00010-00005150-00005407 media handles up in the video description box below. wZeBCZl_e5o-00011-00005407-00005720 Explain to you what you do and why you're so passionate about this. wZeBCZl_e5o-00012-00005720-00006086 I literally have the best job and if you'd said to me ten years ago that I would be wZeBCZl_e5o-00013-00006086-00006380 doing this so I would have actually said to you what is an eco stylist. wZeBCZl_e5o-00014-00006380-00006890 I definitely in my 20s I was a product of maximalism. I had lots of clothes and I wZeBCZl_e5o-00015-00006890-00007220 think I kind of partly funded brands like sass and Bide because I was always wZeBCZl_e5o-00016-00007220-00007606 buying thing yeah and then I kind of had this as Oprah's there's a bit of an aha wZeBCZl_e5o-00017-00007606-00007967 moment and I was kind of questioning why am I buying all this stuff it's not wZeBCZl_e5o-00018-00007967-00008384 making me feel better it's not helping me progress or evolve so I just really wZeBCZl_e5o-00019-00008384-00008696 kind of looked at what I was doing and then I was traveling a lot so I was wZeBCZl_e5o-00020-00008696-00009125 forced in a way to really reduce. So, it just started to unfold then I grew up wZeBCZl_e5o-00021-00009125-00009542 with a mom who is very crafty and she came from quite a poor upbringing so she wZeBCZl_e5o-00022-00009542-00009913 didn't have a lot she had this incredible knack to make everything wZeBCZl_e5o-00023-00009913-00010297 fabulous. Very resourceful, very resourceful, so that get got in by wZeBCZl_e5o-00024-00010297-00010718 osmosis and then when I was living overseas it came into play for me. You wZeBCZl_e5o-00025-00010718-00011125 know I grew up op shopping and that kind of thing but when I was overseas we went wZeBCZl_e5o-00026-00011125-00011567 from pastime to practicality.I really had to be smart about things and I was wZeBCZl_e5o-00027-00011567-00011921 on a tight budget. Moving around with stuff so the moderate harder it's gonna wZeBCZl_e5o-00028-00011921-00012118 be and the more draining all your resources. wZeBCZl_e5o-00029-00012118-00012493 Totally, Vogue for me is like my fashion bible. So, I would read that all wZeBCZl_e5o-00030-00012493-00012950 the time and I would take photos in and I would say right I've got ten quid when wZeBCZl_e5o-00031-00012950-00013153 I was living in London how can I recreate this Gucci look? wZeBCZl_e5o-00032-00013153-00013501 Challenging myself and then I could see well okay wZeBCZl_e5o-00033-00013501-00013828 people kept asking me about my outfits and then I could see this was going wZeBCZl_e5o-00034-00013828-00014143 somewhere so when I came back to Australia I started talking to The wZeBCZl_e5o-00035-00014143-00014472 Salvation Army and it all kind of grew from there. My job is to really show wZeBCZl_e5o-00036-00014472-00014941 everybody the incredible stock that we have here. I have just gone through the wZeBCZl_e5o-00037-00014941-00015372 store with a and actually feel nauseous by the amount of stuff that's here. The wZeBCZl_e5o-00038-00015372-00015756 amount of stuff that's brand new. Tags still on so much great stuff this has wZeBCZl_e5o-00039-00015756-00016156 been a bigger heart moment for me seeing the amount of wastage here I know and wZeBCZl_e5o-00040-00016156-00016441 it's obviously you're doing your best to make sure it goes to new homes and yeah wZeBCZl_e5o-00041-00016441-00016798 it's mine can you talk about why it's so important that we all are open minded wZeBCZl_e5o-00042-00016798-00017209 about shopping here and supporting the Salvation Army. I think as you say the wZeBCZl_e5o-00043-00017209-00017575 first thing is just the enormity at which we're consuming. We really need to wZeBCZl_e5o-00044-00017575-00017968 take stock of that and be more mindful about how much we're using. You know why wZeBCZl_e5o-00045-00017968-00018331 do we really need this. Do we need to buy that? Can we use it? Can we find it wZeBCZl_e5o-00046-00018331-00018637 secondhand? So, when you shop at a store like salvos wZeBCZl_e5o-00047-00018637-00019020 stores, you're empowering local community because all of the profits that are made wZeBCZl_e5o-00048-00019020-00019450 in our retail stores, go straight into the mission and we help over million wZeBCZl_e5o-00049-00019450-00019779 people every year. So, that's people who are going through homelessness, drug wZeBCZl_e5o-00050-00019779-00020218 addiction, alcoholism, domestic violence. So, this fashion they're little wZeBCZl_e5o-00051-00020218-00020656 changemakers. This is a powerful flow on effect. How much money do you really wZeBCZl_e5o-00052-00020656-00020986 raise? Like what we're talking about here? Millions and millions of dollars and you wZeBCZl_e5o-00053-00020986-00021493 know and it's and it's fantastic because each store is is profiting and we're wZeBCZl_e5o-00054-00021493-00021940 getting donations all the time. Yeah. Like at this store alone I believe makes over wZeBCZl_e5o-00055-00021940-00022270 three million dollars a year and that's all going back into the mission. Okay, so wZeBCZl_e5o-00056-00022270-00022609 when you donate to the Salvation Army and when you come in here and shop here wZeBCZl_e5o-00057-00022609-00022995 you are supporting millions of other people you're helping people get back up wZeBCZl_e5o-00058-00022995-00023398 on their feet again and it's really important and I have to say coming here wZeBCZl_e5o-00059-00023398-00023992 even for a spiritual experience is I feel ill at the thought of going to my wZeBCZl_e5o-00060-00023992-00024388 local shopping center and by yourself buying you just don't need to you know wZeBCZl_e5o-00061-00024388-00024673 there is just so much good stuff here and I think that's what I'm really wZeBCZl_e5o-00062-00024673-00025090 passionate about too is just changing perception. It's not old it's not more wZeBCZl_e5o-00063-00025090-00025534 fully we're really quite picky with what we put on the floor. So, there are some wZeBCZl_e5o-00064-00025534-00025993 beautiful, capturing classic pieces here yeah. On that note this is actually gonna wZeBCZl_e5o-00065-00025993-00026289 be this is part of a series so make sure you subscribed and you switch on the wZeBCZl_e5o-00066-00026289-00026483 nose system because PHA has actually put wZeBCZl_e5o-00067-00026483-00027062 together a fantastic new wardrobe for me which comes to less than 250 dollars for wZeBCZl_e5o-00068-00027062-00027502 the whole entire wardrobe. I'm also going to be sharing with you the top seven wZeBCZl_e5o-00069-00027502-00027940 things that are actually amazing that I have literally discovered within 20 wZeBCZl_e5o-00070-00027940-00028237 minutes of walking into this store so you have to come and see for yourself wZeBCZl_e5o-00071-00028237-00028643 what I'm talking about you will be blown away can we just quickly touch on the wZeBCZl_e5o-00072-00028643-00029012 environmental impact of shopping like the especially for my mutual friend wZeBCZl_e5o-00073-00029012-00029452 Anita Van Dyke we're at zero waste yeah being incredibly mindful of reducing a wZeBCZl_e5o-00074-00029452-00029989 consumption, the wastage, the environmental impact not just you know wZeBCZl_e5o-00075-00029989-00030383 our wallets and also being a bit of a minimalist that I am can we do that like wZeBCZl_e5o-00076-00030383-00030908 what how this works. This is this very fact but every 10 minutes in Australia wZeBCZl_e5o-00077-00030908-00031459 we throw out 6,000 kilos of clothes. That's every 10 minutes. Oh my gosh. wZeBCZl_e5o-00078-00031459-00031874 So, that's textile waste doesn't bring into consideration furniture or home wZeBCZl_e5o-00079-00031874-00032261 wares or anything like that. The textile industry has a huge impact on damaging wZeBCZl_e5o-00080-00032261-00032731 the environment, designer, colors running through the waters. Yeah, the factories wZeBCZl_e5o-00081-00032731-00033202 making items labor conditions and circles. When we stop supporting that we wZeBCZl_e5o-00082-00033202-00033646 stop encouraging this destructive and action towards our society and I like wZeBCZl_e5o-00083-00033646-00033956 what you say about when you stop supporting that because once you wake up wZeBCZl_e5o-00084-00033956-00034606 and you have that moment of like one pair of jeans uses something like over wZeBCZl_e5o-00085-00034606-00035041 8,000 liters of water because as you say, you know, there's the energy, there's the wZeBCZl_e5o-00086-00035041-00035422 water, there's the dye. There's just so much that goes into making one pair of wZeBCZl_e5o-00087-00035422-00035756 jeans and a quick look around this store we have a whole rack of incredible denim wZeBCZl_e5o-00088-00035756-00036112 and brands as well and they've never been bought or they've been worn once wZeBCZl_e5o-00089-00036112-00036458 you know. I mean half the time when you go into a new store those things have wZeBCZl_e5o-00090-00036458-00036727 been tried on anyway. As I explained like I would buy a lot of wZeBCZl_e5o-00091-00036727-00037141 my secondhand stuff online. In my mind before I even think about going to a wZeBCZl_e5o-00092-00037141-00037684 store like this I would assume that it's disorganised, good smells it's a mishmash wZeBCZl_e5o-00093-00037684-00037990 of like stuff and it was completely overwhelming. wZeBCZl_e5o-00094-00037990-00038313 Obviously, I've come here and perceive it that is not the case wZeBCZl_e5o-00095-00038313-00038844 whatsoever but what are your top tips for the moment you walk in so that you wZeBCZl_e5o-00096-00038844-00039181 don't get overwhelmed. You don't go nuts um by everything you know by mindfully wZeBCZl_e5o-00097-00039181-00039511 as you say and you get great value for money definitely having that awareness wZeBCZl_e5o-00098-00039511-00039834 because you don't want to buy a bunch of stuff because that just becomes eco wZeBCZl_e5o-00099-00039834-00040183 hoarding you can buy too much because it's inexpensive. So, start simply by wZeBCZl_e5o-00100-00040183-00040662 really what you love what you need be discerning look at the fabric hold it up wZeBCZl_e5o-00101-00040662-00041086 touch it think outside the box. So, I always look in the men's section I love wZeBCZl_e5o-00102-00041086-00041484 men's clothing I quite often steal my hobby's collared shirts t-shirts or roll wZeBCZl_e5o-00103-00041484-00041868 up the sleeves or aware them off the shoulder of getting to know fashion yeah. wZeBCZl_e5o-00104-00041868-00042406 So, I'm always looking at websites like Vogue runway I'm reading vogue I'm just wZeBCZl_e5o-00105-00042406-00042874 taking an interest to get to know your brand's take this bag for example it's wZeBCZl_e5o-00106-00042874-00043344 such a goody bag it cost me $10 it's Italian leather wZeBCZl_e5o-00107-00043344-00043800 those little accents that hardware that kind of is quite traditional to the wZeBCZl_e5o-00108-00043800-00044233 Gucci brand and so bamboo feel I knew that because I'd been sort of looking at wZeBCZl_e5o-00109-00044233-00044553 those ads and getting to know the DNA of the roads. wZeBCZl_e5o-00110-00044553-00044971 I knew your stuff last question before we show you the designer boutique which wZeBCZl_e5o-00111-00044971-00045452 I am so excited I'm showing every bit I was really unbelievable. Who shops here? wZeBCZl_e5o-00112-00045452-00045900 Everyone and anyone which is so fantastic. I see such diversity every wZeBCZl_e5o-00113-00045900-00046290 time I'm up I'm at one of our stores and I think it's all budgets. As well it's wZeBCZl_e5o-00114-00046290-00046600 not just people who are on low budget there's people who are discerning wZeBCZl_e5o-00115-00046600-00047028 they're looking for brands collectors stylists come through here vintage wZeBCZl_e5o-00116-00047028-00047431 dealers. I love that because shopping at the flea markets is so incredibly chic wZeBCZl_e5o-00117-00047431-00048068 and fashionable yeah and this is a flea market that's open 7 days a week and wZeBCZl_e5o-00118-00048068-00048571 incredible value for money and it is so organized and everyone here is so wZeBCZl_e5o-00119-00048571-00048906 helpful and friendly the staff are amazing we just could not do it without wZeBCZl_e5o-00120-00048906-00049377 them and so many of us are volunteer years as well and I have to say if for wZeBCZl_e5o-00121-00049377-00049623 anyone who's looking to hustle up some extra cash maybe you're doing the wZeBCZl_e5o-00122-00049623-00049983 thousand dollar project I am fairly confident you could come here and find wZeBCZl_e5o-00123-00049983-00050553 some incredible buys that you could then go and on sell on either eBay high-end wZeBCZl_e5o-00124-00050553-00050877 or even let your local Facebook groups and I have to say I've actually seen wZeBCZl_e5o-00125-00050877-00051333 people on Instagram do this and make quite a lot of cash go 2000 origin the wZeBCZl_e5o-00126-00051333-00051624 beauty of that side hustle is that you're keeping it in the loop you're wZeBCZl_e5o-00127-00051624-00052016 reusing you're reducing your recycling and eco hustle yeah yeah it's a little wZeBCZl_e5o-00128-00052016-00052476 we're gonna now show you the designer boutique section which is where all the wZeBCZl_e5o-00129-00052476-00052914 beautiful bags yeah Chris's and your more high-end pieces that you can find wZeBCZl_e5o-00130-00052914-00053249 Here in the store. wZR2woLv-Tg-00000-00024724-00025032 >> HOST: Greetings from the National Archives. I am David Ferriero, wZR2woLv-Tg-00001-00025032-00025362 Archivist of the United States and it is my pleasure to welcome you today's wZR2woLv-Tg-00002-00025362-00025895 virtual book talk with Alice Baumgartner author of South toFreedom. wZR2woLv-Tg-00003-00025895-00026506 Before we begin I'd like to tell you about two upcoming programs you can view on our YouTube channel. wZR2woLv-Tg-00004-00026506-00027039 On Tuesday, Febuary 9th at 1pm Alex Tresniowskiwill tell us about his new book wZR2woLv-Tg-00005-00027039-00027600 The Rope, which recounts the investigation into the murder of a 10-year-old girl in 1910 wZR2woLv-Tg-00006-00027600-00028064 and how it helped launch the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. wZR2woLv-Tg-00007-00028064-00028600 And then the following Tuesday, February 16th at noon, Robert P. Watson will discuss his book, wZR2woLv-Tg-00008-00028600-00029295 George Washington's Final Battle. Watson describes how our first president tirelessly advocated for a capital wZR2woLv-Tg-00009-00029295-00029792 on the shores of the Potomac and provides a historical lesson in leadership and consensus building. wZR2woLv-Tg-00010-00029992-00030416 In her introduction to South to Freedom, Alice Baumgartner relates an encounter she wZR2woLv-Tg-00011-00030416-00031008 had in Mexico City while doing research for this book. When a man asked her where she was from and wZR2woLv-Tg-00012-00031008-00031527 and she replied that she was American, it reminded her that everyone on that subway was American. wZR2woLv-Tg-00013-00031592-00032104 We often forget that the name America applies to the lands of the entire Western Hemisphere, wZR2woLv-Tg-00014-00032104-00032688 and American history need not be confined to the borders of the United States. Ms. Baumgartner's wZR2woLv-Tg-00015-00032688-00033224 new book, South to Freedom, directs our attention to our nation's southern border and the actions wZR2woLv-Tg-00016-00033224-00034041 of thousands of people seeking freedom from slavery. Their acts of self emancipationand Southerners reactions to those acts wZR2woLv-Tg-00017-00034041-00034416 intensified the antebellum sectional crisis and endangered the wZR2woLv-Tg-00018-00034416-00035032 fraught balance between the North and South. South to Freedom gives us a new perspective on the state wZR2woLv-Tg-00019-00035032-00035712 of the union before the Civil War and the causes of the Civil War. By reminding us that the journey to freedom did wZR2woLv-Tg-00020-00035712-00036280 not always lead north. Alice Baumgartner helps us to understand the continental scope of this wZR2woLv-Tg-00021-00036280-00037008 critical chapter of our history. She is an assistant professorof History at the University of Southern California. wZR2woLv-Tg-00022-00037072-00037776 She holds a PhD from Yale University and a degree in Latin American studies from the University of Oxford, where she was wZR2woLv-Tg-00023-00037776-00038773 a Rhodes scholar. Her article The Line of Positive Safety won the Louis Peltzer award from the Organization of American Historians.And the Bolton Cutter Prize wZR2woLv-Tg-00024-00038773-00039000 from the Western History Association. wZR2woLv-Tg-00025-00039000-00039713 South to Freedom was selected as an editor's choice by the New York Times book review and as one of the best black history wZR2woLv-Tg-00026-00039713-00040576 books of 2020 by the African-American Intellectual History Society. Now let's hear from Alice Baumgartner. Thanks for joining ustoday. wZR2woLv-Tg-00027-00040880-00041120 >> ALICE L. BAUMGARTNER: Thank you so much to the National Archives for inviting me wZR2woLv-Tg-00028-00041120-00041696 to be part of the series. I did a lot of work for this book at the National Archives in DC, wZR2woLv-Tg-00029-00041696-00042176 College Park and Fort Worth, Texas, and I really could not have done that work without all of wZR2woLv-Tg-00030-00042176-00042776 the archivists who helped me find materials and the archivists who preceded them who helped to catalog them. wZR2woLv-Tg-00031-00042776-00043680 So it is especially gratifying to be able to share the results of that research now in this series. I have to admit, though, I never expected to study wZR2woLv-Tg-00032-00043680-00044311 runaway slaves who escaped to Mexico in the decades leading up to the U.S. Civil War. The topic of my book. wZR2woLv-Tg-00033-00044311-00044776 In the summer of 2012 I was doing research in Mexico in northeastern Mexico on a different topic, wZR2woLv-Tg-00034-00044776-00045416 on the violence on the U.S. - Mexico border in the 19th century. I was expecting to find a lot of evidence of filibustering, wZR2woLv-Tg-00035-00045416-00046156 and, no, not the type that Congressmen do now to delay bills.Filibustering of a variety that U.S. citizens did in the mid-19th century wZR2woLv-Tg-00036-00046156-00046960 to further the cause of "Manifest Destiny". The idea that the US was destined to span from the Atlantic to the Pacific. wZR2woLv-Tg-00037-00046960-00047745 And I found plenty of evidence of U.S. citizens invading places like Mexico in pursuit of manifest destiny, wZR2woLv-Tg-00038-00047745-00048320 but I also found evidence of another more unexpected type of violence. Slave holders from the United wZR2woLv-Tg-00039-00048320-00048920 States attempting to kidnap their enslaved people who had escaped to Mexico and facing both legal and wZR2woLv-Tg-00040-00048920-00049600 violent resistance from Mexican authorities. At the time I did not know that local Mexican authorities wZR2woLv-Tg-00041-00049600-00050032 were using the law and violence to protect enslaved people. I didn't even know that wZR2woLv-Tg-00042-00050032-00050584 enslaved people were escaping to Mexico. But the more research I did the more evidence I found wZR2woLv-Tg-00043-00050640-00051391 that enslaved people were escaping to the south. Some received help from free black ship captains, wZR2woLv-Tg-00044-00051391-00052032 writers and other - working scoundrels, but most escaped to Mexico by their own ingenuity. wZR2woLv-Tg-00045-00052032-00052600 They forged travel passes, they prayed to their gods, burying bones beneath their doors to protect wZR2woLv-Tg-00046-00052600-00053248 them on their journey. They stole horses, firearms, skiffs, dirk knives and fur hats, wZR2woLv-Tg-00047-00053248-00053876 and in one instant, 12 gold watches and a diamond breast pen. And then they disappeared. wZR2woLv-Tg-00048-00053991-00054696 Their stories have, for the most part, disappeared too. Reconstructing this history requires in-depth wZR2woLv-Tg-00049-00054696-00055272 research on both sides of the border. This project took me to 27 different archives and three wZR2woLv-Tg-00050-00055272-00055720 different countries. Some of those archives were some out-of-the-way that I was written up in the local wZR2woLv-Tg-00051-00055720-00056448 newspaper for going. But the main reason that this story has been overlooked is that US historians wZR2woLv-Tg-00052-00056448-00057327 assume that neither Mexico's government nor its citizenry wasparticularly committed to antislavery, and that their anti-slavery buckled wZR2woLv-Tg-00053-00057327-00058128 easily under pressure from the United States. Yet the promise of freedom in Mexico would lead to fugitive slaves escaping across the Rio Grande was wZR2woLv-Tg-00054-00058128-00058785 a small local story without broader implications for our understanding of abolition in the Americas. wZR2woLv-Tg-00055-00058800-00059232 The problem with this conclusion, as I learned over the course of my research was that the wZR2woLv-Tg-00056-00059232-00059736 Mexican government did not, in fact, retreat from its antislavery position under pressure from the wZR2woLv-Tg-00057-00059736-00060296 United States. Mexico's Congress abolished slavery in 1837 but did not stop there. wZR2woLv-Tg-00058-00060352-00060904 Much to the consternation of its neighbors, it adopted a constitution in 1857 that promised wZR2woLv-Tg-00059-00060904-00061440 freedom not just to slaves in Mexico but also to slaves from other countries from the moment they set wZR2woLv-Tg-00060-00061440-00062079 foot on the national soil. A promise known as the freedom principle. Writing this guarantee wZR2woLv-Tg-00061-00062160-00062632 into Mexico's constitution signaled that the freedom principle was not a legal doctrine to be wZR2woLv-Tg-00062-00062632-00063200 invoked or ignored as the circumstances required, but a general and inviolable principle written wZR2woLv-Tg-00063-00063200-00064024 into the law of the land. Mexico's laws were more radical than those passed by the northern states wZR2woLv-Tg-00064-00064024-00064648 and Canada. The northern states had of course either abolished slavery or passed gradual emancipation laws, wZR2woLv-Tg-00065-00064648-00065112 but the fugitive slave clause of the U.S. Constitution and the laws that were passed to enforce it wZR2woLv-Tg-00066-00065167-00065632 prevented those states from promising freedom to all enslaved people who set foot on their soil wZR2woLv-Tg-00067-00065632-00066216 like Mexico did. That meant that the promise of freedom could not legally extend to enslaved people in wZR2woLv-Tg-00068-00066216-00066856 neighboring states. Similarly, slavery had been abolished in the British Empire including Canada in 1833, wZR2woLv-Tg-00069-00066856-00067456 and while Canadian authorities did work to try to protect enslaved people who cross into Canada, wZR2woLv-Tg-00070-00067536-00068048 they continued to extradite criminals to the United States. Criminals who sometimes happened to be wZR2woLv-Tg-00071-00068048-00068608 fugitive slaves. As in the case of one runaway who was returned to his owner in 1842 wZR2woLv-Tg-00072-00068608-00069188 for having stolen a beaver overcoat, a racing mare anda gold watch while escaping from Arkansas. wZR2woLv-Tg-00073-00069232-00069808 The only nation in the Americas with antislavery policies as radical as Mexico's was the former wZR2woLv-Tg-00074-00069808-00070520 French colony of San Domingue, which revolted in 1791 and founded the Republic of Haiti. Haiti abolished wZR2woLv-Tg-00075-00070520-00071256 slavery in 1804 and adopted the freedom principle in 1816. Although Haiti's anti- slavery policies destabilized wZR2woLv-Tg-00076-00071256-00072168 slavery in Cuba and Jamaica and although it struck fear into the hearts of southern slaveholders, the island lay 500 miles by sea wZR2woLv-Tg-00077-00072168-00073200 from the southernmost tip of Florida. Mexico, by contrast, directly bordered the US South. This proximityis basis of mass chattel slavery wZR2woLv-Tg-00078-00073200-00073848 meant that Mexico's antislavery policy would have profound consequences for its neighbors. wZR2woLv-Tg-00079-00073848-00074416 Especially when war broke out between Mexico and the United States in the mid- 19th century. In wZR2woLv-Tg-00080-00074416-00075128 1846, as US Congressmen debated the status of slavery and the territories they stood to acquire from Mexico, wZR2woLv-Tg-00081-00075200-00075728 Northerners of both political parties, both Whigs and Democrats balked at the prospect wZR2woLv-Tg-00082-00075728-00076416 of reestablishing slavery where it had been prohibited. Abolition in Mexico then undermined the wZR2woLv-Tg-00083-00076416-00077118 norm of admitting slavery in southern territories while prohibiting it in the northern ones. A norm that had keptsectionalism wZR2woLv-Tg-00084-00077118-00077547 at bay since the Missouri Compromise of 1820. wZR2woLv-Tg-00085-00077547-00078208 The escape of enslaved people into Mexico is a small window into a much bigger story. Today I want to tell wZR2woLv-Tg-00086-00078208-00078803 three parts of that story. First of Mexico's rise is an anti- slavery Republic, wZR2woLv-Tg-00087-00078848-00079432 second of the ways that abolition shaped the lives of enslavedpeople in the United States borderlands, wZR2woLv-Tg-00088-00079432-00080076 and third the forgottensignificance of Mexican abolition to slavery in the United States. wZR2woLv-Tg-00089-00080088-00080787 By showing how Mexican abolition altered the geography of freedom for enslaved people in Texas and Louisiana wZR2woLv-Tg-00090-00080787-00081048 and how it provoked a major congressional controversy in the wZR2woLv-Tg-00091-00081048-00081608 United States. I hope to offer a new perspective on the history of anti- slavery in the Americas, wZR2woLv-Tg-00092-00081608-00082094 and of early national Mexico's forceful intervention into that history. wZR2woLv-Tg-00093-00082320-00083080 On September 16th, 1829. President Vincente Guerrero, himself of African descent, celebrated Mexico's wZR2woLv-Tg-00094-00083080-00083792 eighth Independence Day with an act of "justice and charity". He decreed an end of slavery across the wZR2woLv-Tg-00095-00083792-00084723 country, and historians often date abolitionin Mexico to Guerrero's decree. A policy that they argue passed largely without comment. wZR2woLv-Tg-00096-00084723-00085480 Because black slavery was simply no longer important to Mexico's national economy. Slavery had taken root in new Spain at wZR2woLv-Tg-00097-00085480-00086072 the end of the 16th century, after a series of epidemics decimated the indigenous population, wZR2woLv-Tg-00098-00086072-00086704 and the Portuguese were granted a monopoly to supply the Spanish colonies with African slaves. wZR2woLv-Tg-00099-00086760-00087112 As we can see in the chart here of the enslaved population of new Spain, wZR2woLv-Tg-00100-00087192-00087912 between 1580 in 1640, there is a huge influx of African slaves to new Spain. In fact a new wZR2woLv-Tg-00101-00087912-00088480 Spain imported more African slaves than any other colony in the Western Hemisphere, except Brazil. wZR2woLv-Tg-00102-00088480-00089128 But a drop in sugar prices and the end of the Portuguese acciento put black slavery on the path of wZR2woLv-Tg-00103-00089128-00089912 decline. We can see that path here. By the time that Mexicans took up arms against Spain in 1810, wZR2woLv-Tg-00104-00089968-00090832 black slaves numbered only nine to ten thousand. At the same time that Mexico's enslaved population was declining, anti- slavery wZR2woLv-Tg-00105-00090832-00091360 sentiment as on the rise. There was a couple of reasons why we see anti slavery sentiment rising in wZR2woLv-Tg-00106-00091360-00091912 this period. The first is that the war against Spain, Mexico's independence movement had forged wZR2woLv-Tg-00107-00091912-00092680 a link in the popular imagination between slavery and colonialism. Individual emancipation and national independence. wZR2woLv-Tg-00108-00092840-00093560 Enslaved people reinforced this connection in the 1820s. In Puebla, in central Mexico, an enslaved wZR2woLv-Tg-00109-00093560-00094200 man named Jose Munoz petitioned for his freedom on the grounds that slavery could not exist in a newly independent wZR2woLv-Tg-00110-00094200-00095001 Republic. 300 miles to the north in Guadalajara, the enslaved people belonging to a man named Don Figeroa Gonzales made the wZR2woLv-Tg-00111-00095001-00095608 exact same argument.And this is just one of many examples of the ways in which enslaved people, wZR2woLv-Tg-00112-00095608-00096285 by their individual actions, contributed in important ways to larger political changes. wZR2woLv-Tg-00113-00096376-00096936 The second reason is that we see antislavery on the rise in the early national period in Mexico wZR2woLv-Tg-00114-00096936-00097544 is the championing of antislavery helps distinguish Mexico from Spain. An important task for any wZR2woLv-Tg-00115-00097544-00098224 fledgling government. While Spain continuedto permit human bondage in its colonial possessions particularly in the island of Cuba, wZR2woLv-Tg-00116-00098288-00098846 antislavery helped Mexico to cast itself in a different, more enlightened mold. wZR2woLv-Tg-00117-00098928-00099576 Third, antislavery helped Mexico to differentiate its independence movement from its more renowned fore wZR2woLv-Tg-00118-00099576-00100312 bares, the American revolution. Mexican politicians predicted that the Americans uprising would be wZR2woLv-Tg-00119-00100312-00100824 forgotten, because of the contradiction between its professed ideals of liberty and equality, wZR2woLv-Tg-00120-00100824-00101432 and the millions of people enslaved in its fields. Mexico's independence movement by wZR2woLv-Tg-00121-00101432-00102064 contrast would make good on its rhetoric of liberty and equality. The antislavery sentiment wZR2woLv-Tg-00122-00102064-00102864 in Mexico manifested itself most clearly at the state level. From 1821 to 1827, seven of wZR2woLv-Tg-00123-00102864-00103335 Mexico's 19 states abolished slavery out right. And you can see them highlighted here in blue. wZR2woLv-Tg-00124-00103456-00104159 Those nine other states also decreed that the children born of enslaved people would be free, wZR2woLv-Tg-00125-00104159-00104992 what was known by a free womb. Highlighted here in pink these of course did not abolish slavery, but wZR2woLv-Tg-00126-00104992-00105608 like the gradual emancipation laws adopted in states like Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode, Island New York and New Jersey, wZR2woLv-Tg-00127-00105608-00106392 these laws did guarantee that human bondage would eventually come to an end. Given the declining wZR2woLv-Tg-00128-00106392-00107056 enslaved population and the popular enthusiasm for antislavery it is not unreasonable to assume, as historians have, wZR2woLv-Tg-00129-00107056-00107735 that President Guerrero's decree in 1829 abolishing slavery would have been welcomed and applauded. The opposite happened. wZR2woLv-Tg-00130-00107808-00108440 From the sugar producing South came predictions of economic ruin. Slaveholders in Chiapas which you wZR2woLv-Tg-00131-00108440-00109304 see highlighted here, demanded immediate compensation. The town council of Porta de Cruz warned that this would cause wZR2woLv-Tg-00132-00109304-00110128 a ruin of this population that labors exclusively in the cane fields. Meanwhile Yucatan seceded from the Mexican wZR2woLv-Tg-00133-00110128-00110848 Confederation. Its legislature lambasting the national government for assuming power that rightly belonged to the wZR2woLv-Tg-00134-00110848-00111840 states. Among its grievances was the abolition of slavery. A cruel attack on property that thelegislators insisted disadvantaged Yucatan more wZR2woLv-Tg-00135-00111840-00112650 than any other state. The Anglo-American colonists who famously were settling in the Mexican province of Tejas wZR2woLv-Tg-00136-00112696-00113368 claimed the same distinction. The threat of a revolt among these colonies was, in fact, so great that wZR2woLv-Tg-00137-00113368-00114070 President Guerrero excepted the province from his decree. But these protests would soon become wZR2woLv-Tg-00138-00114070-00114983 moot because in 1831 the Mexican Congress abrogated all the laws, decrees, regulations, ordinances, and orders that Guerrero had issued wZR2woLv-Tg-00139-00114983-00115568 including the decree abolishing slavery. The revocation of wZR2woLv-Tg-00140-00115568-00116416 this decree meant that slavery did not end in 1829 in a protest over the decree suggests the decline of black slavery did not, in fact, wZR2woLv-Tg-00141-00116416-00117280 guarantee itsend. If Mexico's anti slavery laws were not simply the result of decliningslave population, then when and why was slavery wZR2woLv-Tg-00142-00117280-00117911 actually abolished in Mexico? Although slavery was declining nationally, it remained important wZR2woLv-Tg-00143-00117911-00118616 regionally. It is hard to give exact numbers of where the enslaved population was focused after wZR2woLv-Tg-00144-00118616-00119144 independence, because the Mexican government, when it declared its independence from Spain, had wZR2woLv-Tg-00145-00119144-00119856 abolished distinctions of caste. Census takers had stopped recording racial categories on censuses. wZR2woLv-Tg-00146-00119856-00120464 This is a good example of a post independence census from 1827 which records the name, wZR2woLv-Tg-00147-00120464-00120959 the age, the work and whether or not somebody knew how to write. But nothing about race wZR2woLv-Tg-00148-00120959-00121656 or ethnicity. So we have to rely on anecdotal evidence. And that evidence suggests that the wZR2woLv-Tg-00149-00121656-00122224 remaining enslaved population of Mexico was concentrated in two regions. The sugar producing wZR2woLv-Tg-00150-00122224-00122928 South where we had seen a lot of resistance to Guerrero's decree, and also in the cotton producing north, Anglo-American wZR2woLv-Tg-00151-00122928-00123624 colonies of Tejas. The Mexican government could not abolish slavery immediately across the wZR2woLv-Tg-00152-00123624-00124280 entire nation without risking a revolt in these two slaveholding regions. But I think what is wZR2woLv-Tg-00153-00124280-00124800 important to really emphasize here is that just because the Mexican government did not abolish wZR2woLv-Tg-00154-00124800-00125400 slavery out right, that does not mean that it was complicit in or condoning human bondage forever. wZR2woLv-Tg-00155-00125480-00126152 As we talked about, state governments had taken really important measures against slavery. And the wZR2woLv-Tg-00156-00126152-00126704 national government was also making its own inroads against the peculiar institution. wZR2woLv-Tg-00157-00126800-00127416 In particular in 1824 the national government forbade any enslaved person from being imported wZR2woLv-Tg-00158-00127416-00128048 to Mexico. A law that posed a major threat to those Anglo-American colonists immigrating to wZR2woLv-Tg-00159-00128048-00128604 the Mexican colony of Tejas with ambitions of using enslaved labor to grow cotton. wZR2woLv-Tg-00160-00128672-00129248 The state and national laws in Mexico posed a threat to the future of slavery in that country. wZR2woLv-Tg-00161-00129320-00129735 Anglo colonists had learned to circumvent these laws, particularly the law against wZR2woLv-Tg-00162-00129735-00130717 importation of slaves by enforcing enslaved people to sign indentured contractsfor periods up to 90 years. in other words, a lifetime contract of labor. wZR2woLv-Tg-00163-00130751-00131713 But on April 28 1832the legislature of Coahuila, the state to which the province of Tejas was attached, passed a law wZR2woLv-Tg-00164-00131713-00132082 that limited the term of any contract to ten years. wZR2woLv-Tg-00165-00132082-00132600 and invalidated any previous contract that had been signed for a longer period of time. wZR2woLv-Tg-00166-00132600-00133344 Suddenly those lifelong indentures that slaveholders had enforced enslaved people to sign were annulled, within months wZR2woLv-Tg-00167-00133344-00134270 enslaved people began to claim their freedom under this law. In the spring of 1832, Two enslaved people, Peter and his son John wZR2woLv-Tg-00168-00134270-00135032 escapedfrom the Anglo-American colonies in eastern Tejas to San Antonio after gaining an audience with the wZR2woLv-Tg-00169-00135032-00135528 mayor of San Antonio, they petitioned for their freedom on the grounds that they had been imported wZR2woLv-Tg-00170-00135528-00136200 to Mexico in violation of its prohibition against the slave trade. In 1834, an enslaved woman named wZR2woLv-Tg-00171-00136200-00136768 Minerva also claimed her freedom, this time before the US District Court of western Louisiana, wZR2woLv-Tg-00172-00136768-00137475 on the grounds that her owner had taken her from Arkansas into Tejas in violation of Mexico's laws. wZR2woLv-Tg-00173-00137624-00138184 In 1834, Mexico's Vice President dispatched a secret agent to Tejas with instructions wZR2woLv-Tg-00174-00138248-00138752 to seek by every possible and prudent means to make it known to the slaves that had been brought wZR2woLv-Tg-00175-00138752-00139336 to the Republic in circumvention of the law that the law gives them freedom by the mere act wZR2woLv-Tg-00176-00139336-00140091 of stepping on the territory of the Republic. As more enslaved people filed suit for their freedom, wZR2woLv-Tg-00177-00140091-00140624 and Mexican officials redoubled their efforts to enforce the ban on importation of slaves, wZR2woLv-Tg-00178-00140624-00141144 the Anglo colonists in Tejas concluded what they had long suspected, that their rights wZR2woLv-Tg-00179-00141144-00141832 would never be safe under Mexican rule. Texans' ability to circumvent anti slavery legislation wZR2woLv-Tg-00180-00141832-00142632 was further diminished when President Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana overturned Mexico's federalist Constitution wZR2woLv-Tg-00181-00142632-00143320 in favor of a more centrist system of government where he can impose laws on states without their consent. wZR2woLv-Tg-00182-00143376-00144194 In the fall of 1835 the Anglo colonists in Tejas took action against this political change and revolted. wZR2woLv-Tg-00183-00144232-00145088 Less than a year later, on April 21st, 1836, Texas forces defeated the Mexican army at the Battle of wZR2woLv-Tg-00184-00145088-00145784 San Jacinto, securing the independence of Texas, at least for the moment. The Mexican government wZR2woLv-Tg-00185-00145856-00146520 planned to launch in other expedition to reconquer Texas, and it came as a surprise and affront when March 3rd, wZR2woLv-Tg-00186-00146520-00147080 1837, a mere 10 months after the Texas Revolution, the U.S. government wZR2woLv-Tg-00187-00147080-00147800 recognized Texas' independence. the U.S. authorities insisted their decision recognized by law wZR2woLv-Tg-00188-00147800-00148651 with Texas had established in fact the republic had a stable government with regular elections, even with a circulating currency as we see here. wZR2woLv-Tg-00189-00148880-00149415 This diplomatic recognition might seem not particularly important, wZR2woLv-Tg-00190-00149464-00150032 but when we think of a recent headline that the Palestinians recognized Texas as a part of Mexico, wZR2woLv-Tg-00191-00150032-00150736 it really shows that this issue continues to be of profound importance. Just kidding. Fake news. That wZR2woLv-Tg-00192-00150736-00151496 did not actually happen. But it shows us that this is something that is important. That even wZR2woLv-Tg-00193-00151496-00152192 though diplomatic recognition does not mean that the United States was sending arms and weapons to wZR2woLv-Tg-00194-00152192-00152992 Texas, that that diplomatic recognition alone granted the Republic of Texas a certain status wZR2woLv-Tg-00195-00152992-00153901 within the community of nations, that undermined Mexico's claims to retake its seceded colony. wZR2woLv-Tg-00196-00154000-00154600 Six weeks after the Van Buren administration recognized Texas independence, Mexico's Congress wZR2woLv-Tg-00197-00154600-00155128 voted to abolish slavery without exception. And the timing of abolition in wZR2woLv-Tg-00198-00155128-00155720 Mexico is really no coincidence. The succession of Texas eliminated the largest slaveholding wZR2woLv-Tg-00199-00155720-00156336 state from the Mexican Confederation. Because the Texans had revolted, the Mexican government was under no wZR2woLv-Tg-00200-00156336-00157084 obligation to compensate those citizens for any loss. The financial cost of implementing abolition was smaller than before. wZR2woLv-Tg-00201-00157084-00157464 Moreover, the benefits appeared greater. wZR2woLv-Tg-00202-00157464-00158016 Defending liberty acted on popular antislavery sentiment in Mexico. We can kind of see wZR2woLv-Tg-00203-00158016-00159072 an expression of that sentiment in this playbill, you might recognize that this is a play version wZR2woLv-Tg-00204-00159072-00159816 of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. A very successful play produced in Mexico and wZR2woLv-Tg-00205-00159872-00160640 building upon that antislavery sentiment that had been developing since the 1820s. wZR2woLv-Tg-00206-00160784-00161328 And that antislavery sentiment was even more important now in the wake of the Texas Revolution, wZR2woLv-Tg-00207-00161328-00161856 because it allowed Mexicans to find victory in defeat. Texans, for all of their talk of liberty wZR2woLv-Tg-00208-00161856-00162708 and the rights of man were, according to Mexicans destroying the true liberty of humanity by enslaving black people. wZR2woLv-Tg-00209-00162708-00163224 The US might boast of their successes, as to the Republic of Texas, but only in Mexico could wZR2woLv-Tg-00210-00163224-00163936 stand upright before the world. This position also galvanized international support for Mexico, wZR2woLv-Tg-00211-00163936-00164464 from Edinburgh Scotland to Westchester New York. Antislavery societies condemned Texas as a wZR2woLv-Tg-00212-00164536-00165208 loathsome Republic, that it exercised its liberty in defense of slavery. This image wZR2woLv-Tg-00213-00165208-00166042 of the eagle of liberty, the free Eagle of Mexico grappling the cold-blooded viper of tyranny. Texas encapsulates that feeling. wZR2woLv-Tg-00214-00166042-00167097 Particularly among antislavery leaning people. The Texas Revolution was unjustified and that Mexico was really in the right. wZR2woLv-Tg-00215-00167280-00168000 The abolition of slavery boosted morale among Mexicans and galvanized support forMexico but it also served a bigger wZR2woLv-Tg-00216-00168000-00168704 political purpose. A number of enslaved people had fled from their masters before, during, and after wZR2woLv-Tg-00217-00168704-00169352 the Texas revolution and this flight helped convince the Mexican government that by revolt or escape enslaved wZR2woLv-Tg-00218-00169352-00169944 people had the power to destroy the fledgling Republic of Texas when it most needed to gain the respect wZR2woLv-Tg-00219-00169944-00170352 of international community, although it had been recognized by the United States, no other country wZR2woLv-Tg-00220-00170352-00170816 had followed suit and they were hoping that maybe if there was a slave revolt that perhaps wZR2woLv-Tg-00221-00170936-00171280 further international recognitions would not be forthcoming. wZR2woLv-Tg-00222-00171456-00171960 As news of Mexico's abolition policies spread Texans complained that their wZR2woLv-Tg-00223-00171960-00172464 enslaved people displayed a very refractory disposition and they blamed the Mexican wZR2woLv-Tg-00224-00172464-00173383 government for sending emissaries to "excite an insurrection" you can see here in this article from the Telegraph in Texas Register. wZR2woLv-Tg-00225-00173496-00173968 Not only did abolition promise to help return Texas to the Mexican Federation, wZR2woLv-Tg-00226-00173968-00174664 it also posed an obstacle to US expansion. The US government made no secret of its ambition to acquire wZR2woLv-Tg-00227-00174664-00175248 part, if not all of Mexico's territory, but if slavery were abolished in the land southern wZR2woLv-Tg-00228-00175248-00175696 adventurers hoped to acquire from Mexico, then the Mexican authorities believe that their neighbors wZR2woLv-Tg-00229-00175696-00176296 would have to turn their attentions elsewhere. The United States' slaveholding empire could not extend wZR2woLv-Tg-00230-00176352-00176952 into non- slaveholding Mexico. To reestablish slavery where it had previously been abolished, wZR2woLv-Tg-00231-00176952-00177814 in the words of Mexico's Minister of Foreign Affairs said it violated the reigning "philosophical principles of the civilized world" . wZR2woLv-Tg-00232-00177904-00178800 If enslaved people resisted their masters usingwhat scholars call the weapons of the weak breaking tools, feigning illness, working slowly minor ways in wZR2woLv-Tg-00233-00178800-00179798 which they could resist their enslavement, governments could also resist in these sorts of ways. Mexico's antislavery policies were a powerful wZR2woLv-Tg-00234-00179798-00180592 weapon in the hands of a weak government. They weren't overtly belligerent, the northern states andCanada had also abolished slavery, but these wZR2woLv-Tg-00235-00180592-00181376 measures boosted morale, attracted international sport, recruited military allies by encouraging enslaved wZR2woLv-Tg-00236-00181376-00182169 people to revolt or escape, and discouraged further US expansion. They were, in the words of one Mexican diplomat, wZR2woLv-Tg-00237-00182169-00182651 "the the rock that could shatter the clay foot of the United States". wZR2woLv-Tg-00238-00182784-00183480 After Mexico abolished slavery, enslaved people responded by escaping in increasing numbers across wZR2woLv-Tg-00239-00183560-00184360 the border into Mexico. Two options awaited most runaways in Mexico. The first was to wZR2woLv-Tg-00240-00184360-00185072 join Mexico's military colonies. A series of outpostsalong northern Mexico's frontier. Defended against native wZR2woLv-Tg-00241-00185072-00185864 peoples and foreign invaders. Most fugitive slaves joined one particular military colony in Northern Coahuila. wZR2woLv-Tg-00242-00185864-00186624 A state in Mexico's northeast where the Seminole Indians and their black allies started settling beginning in 1815. We can wZR2woLv-Tg-00243-00186624-00187408 see a picture of black seminole scouts here. Life in Mexico was not easy. Few fugitive slaves spoke wZR2woLv-Tg-00244-00187408-00188369 Spanish. In an interview with historian Kenneth Wiggins Porter in 1942, "we couldn't even ask for a chaw of tobacco". wZR2woLv-Tg-00245-00188440-00188896 Most had so little taste for the Mexican food that they scraped the red beans from the tortillas wZR2woLv-Tg-00246-00188896-00189688 that their neighbors handed them. And the demands of military service, perhaps most importantly, constrained their autonomy. wZR2woLv-Tg-00247-00189688-00190448 Fathers, husbands and sons had to take up arms at a moment's notice. But this military service also earned the fugitive slaves wZR2woLv-Tg-00248-00190528-00191096 respect from Mexican authorities, who praised them for their desire "to succeed in punishing the wZR2woLv-Tg-00249-00191096-00191800 enemy". Mexican authorities recognized that the very people , the very filibusters, they were trying to protect against wZR2woLv-Tg-00250-00191856-00192216 were the very people who were sometimes seeking to re-nslave wZR2woLv-Tg-00251-00192216-00192800 those escaped slaves. For all of its restrictions, military service also helped wZR2woLv-Tg-00252-00192800-00193320 fugitive slaves defend themselves against those who wished to return them to slavery. wZR2woLv-Tg-00253-00193320-00194024 On September 20th, 1851, Sheriff John Crawford of Bear County Texas rode 200 miles wZR2woLv-Tg-00254-00194024-00194600 from San Antonio to the Mexican military colony in Coahuilawhere most of these enslaved people had settled. wZR2woLv-Tg-00255-00194664-00195128 There he arrested two men he suspected of being runaways and carried them across the Rio Grande. wZR2woLv-Tg-00256-00195198-00196032 A justice of the peace in Coahuila insisted that the two men were "under the protection our the laws and wZR2woLv-Tg-00257-00196032-00196640 government and considered as Mexican citizens". When US officials explained that the court in wZR2woLv-Tg-00258-00196640-00197552 San Antonio had ordered the arrest, Mexico's military forces demanded they be released. Meanwhile a force of wZR2woLv-Tg-00259-00197552-00198235 of black and Seminole people attempted to cross the Rio Grande and free the prisoners by force. wZR2woLv-Tg-00260-00198312-00198864 Military service helped to ensure the freedom of former slaves, that freedom came at a cost. wZR2woLv-Tg-00261-00198864-00199432 Risk to one's life in the heat of battle, and participation in Mexico's brutal campaign against wZR2woLv-Tg-00262-00199432-00200112 native peoples. But not every runaway joined the colonies. Some settled in cities like Monterey, wZR2woLv-Tg-00263-00200112-00200632 which you can see pictured here. Or Mata Moros, witch had a growing black population wZR2woLv-Tg-00264-00200632-00201304 of merchants and carpenters, bricklayers and manual laborers. Hailing from Haiti, the Caribbean and the United States. wZR2woLv-Tg-00265-00201424-00201848 Others did not go to cities, they hired themselves out to local land owners wZR2woLv-Tg-00266-00201848-00202624 who were in constant need of extra hands. A businessman who carted goods from Mexico to San wZR2woLv-Tg-00267-00202624-00203465 Antonio Texas hired to black domestic servants. Another employed several others on his ranch near San Fernando. wZR2woLv-Tg-00268-00203496-00204016 These runaways encountered a different set of challenges and those who joined the military wZR2woLv-Tg-00269-00204016-00204592 colonies. Those who worked on haciendas and households were often the only people of African wZR2woLv-Tg-00270-00204592-00205176 descent on the payroll. Leaving them no choice but to assimilate into their new communities. Most wZR2woLv-Tg-00271-00205176-00206240 learn Spanish and many changed their names as did one former slave named Dan who called himself ???, fugitive slaves also wZR2woLv-Tg-00272-00206240-00207095 encountered labor practices that had some of the hallmarks of chattel slavery. In northern Mexico hacienda owners enjoyed the right to physically punish wZR2woLv-Tg-00273-00207095-00207679 their employees, meting out corporal punishment as harsh as any on plantations inthe United Sates. wZR2woLv-Tg-00274-00207679-00208587 And parts of southern Mexico that peonage tied laborers to plantations as effectively as violence. wZR2woLv-Tg-00275-00208632-00209328 But in contrast to the United States were enslaved people in the south who knew no other law besides the whim of wZR2woLv-Tg-00276-00209328-00209880 their owners, laborers in Mexico enjoyed a number of legal protections. They could wZR2woLv-Tg-00277-00209880-00210497 file suit when employers lowered their wages, or added unreasonable charges to their account. They could sue wZR2woLv-Tg-00278-00210497-00211758 in cases of mistreatment. One didin 1860, after his employer hit him, whipped him andthen ran over him with a horse. His employer admitted to wZR2woLv-Tg-00279-00211758-00212640 ..."an excess of anger". In general, laborers held a right to seek new employment for any reason wZR2woLv-Tg-00280-00212640-00213588 a right that was, of course, denied to enslaved people in the United Sates. But in contrast to the antebellum US fugitive slaves wZR2woLv-Tg-00281-00213588-00215000 could and did become citizens of Mexico.One was elected to serve on the jury in 1858, a duty reserved for citizens. Another served as a deputy wZR2woLv-Tg-00282-00215000-00215703 for a local judge, a responsibility for citizens alone. This was important because as historians wZR2woLv-Tg-00283-00215703-00216288 remind us, 19th century African-Americans demanded not just freedom from slavery, wZR2woLv-Tg-00284-00216288-00216912 but also belonging - political citizenship. Perhaps the greatest proof of that belonging was wZR2woLv-Tg-00285-00216912-00217409 lengths that Mexicans would go to defend the former slaves who had become their neighbors. wZR2woLv-Tg-00286-00217519-00218408 On August 20th, 1850, Manuel stepped outside his house in a town just across the border from McAllen Texas, wZR2woLv-Tg-00287-00218408-00219319 and you can see a slightly layered image of the Plaza Principal. The night was hot and a band was playing in the Plaza. wZR2woLv-Tg-00288-00219376-00219776 As he stood listening to the music two foreigners approached asking if he wanted to wZR2woLv-Tg-00289-00219776-00220328 join them on the Plaza. He politely refused the invitation, and he didn't really give wZR2woLv-Tg-00290-00220328-00220756 the incident much thought until later that night when he woke to the sound of a woman screaming. wZR2woLv-Tg-00291-00220800-00221312 He hurried toward the commotion and in one of the rooms of the house he came across the two wZR2woLv-Tg-00292-00221312-00221832 foreigners who invited him to a concert earlier. One of them was waving a pistol at his maid, wZR2woLv-Tg-00293-00221832-00222544 Matilda Hannes, who "had been held as a slave in the United States" as he later testified. wZR2woLv-Tg-00294-00222680-00223167 Hannes had belonged to a planter named William Cheney who owned a plantation near Cheneyville wZR2woLv-Tg-00295-00223167-00223929 Louisiana, a town 150 miles northwest of New Orleans. when Solomon Northup, a free black man who was kidnapped wZR2woLv-Tg-00296-00223929-00224623 from the north and sold into slaveryarrived at a plantation in the neighboring parish,he heard that several enslaved people had been hanged in wZR2woLv-Tg-00297-00224623-00225392 the area for planning "a crusade to Mexico". As Northup recalled in his memoir 12 Years a Slave, wZR2woLv-Tg-00298-00225392-00225980 the plot was "a subject of general and unfailing interest in every slave hot in the bayou". wZR2woLv-Tg-00299-00226062-00226818 From her years of working on Cheney's plantation Hannes must have known that Mexico's laws would giveher a claim to freedom. wZR2woLv-Tg-00300-00226818-00227863 At some point she acted on the knowledge and escaped from Cheneyville, making her wayto Reynosa and finding work in Manuel's household. wZR2woLv-Tg-00301-00227933-00228567 To Manuel, Hannes was not just a runaway, as a servantshe was a member of his household. wZR2woLv-Tg-00302-00228640-00229176 In the room where she was battling with the slaveholders he took hold of his gun, wZR2woLv-Tg-00303-00229176-00229696 while his wife called for help from the balcony. One of the kidnappers who was arrested turned out wZR2woLv-Tg-00304-00229696-00230280 to be Hannes' former owner, William Cheney. In Mexico, Cheney found that he could treat people wZR2woLv-Tg-00305-00230280-00230928 with African descent with impunity as slaveholders often did in the United States. While Cheney sat in prison, wZR2woLv-Tg-00306-00231000-00232576 a local judge began an investigation into the attempted kidnapping.Manuel's actions were not unusual. In 1851 the townspeople took up arms in the wZR2woLv-Tg-00307-00232576-00233282 'service of humanity' to stop a slave capturer named Warren Adams from kidnapping a black family. wZR2woLv-Tg-00308-00233360-00233856 Later that year, the Mexican army posted a respectable force and two artillery pieces on the Rio wZR2woLv-Tg-00309-00233856-00234544 Grande to stop a group of 200 Americans from crossing the river. Likely to seize fugitive slaves. In wZR2woLv-Tg-00310-00234544-00235321 1852, four townspeople chased after a slaveholder from the United States who had kidnapped a black man from the wZR2woLv-Tg-00311-00235321-00236055 colony they found the slaveholder who pulled out a six-shooter but one of the townspeople drew faster and killing him. wZR2woLv-Tg-00312-00236095-00237064 Unable to bring the kidnapper to court they brought his corpse to the judge who certified thathe was in fact dead "for not having responded when spoken to. wZR2woLv-Tg-00313-00237064-00237967 and other cadaverous signs".The protection Mexican citizens provided was significant because the national authorities did not have wZR2woLv-Tg-00314-00237967-00238853 the resources to enforce many of the country's most basic policies. Mexico's anti slavery laws might have been a dead letter in other words, wZR2woLv-Tg-00315-00238853-00239064 If not for those ordinary people wZR2woLv-Tg-00316-00239064-00239856 of all races who risked their lives to protect fugitive slaves. As Mexico became known as a wZR2woLv-Tg-00317-00239856-00240440 refuge for runaways, the landscape of slavery in the south-central United States began to shift. wZR2woLv-Tg-00318-00240512-00241328 Respected immigrants chose not to settle in South Texas for "the unsafety of bringing slaves". Point wZR2woLv-Tg-00319-00241328-00241866 Isabel to the mouth of the Rio Grande was deemed by most immigrants to be "non- slaveholding due to wZR2woLv-Tg-00320-00241866-00242661 its proximity to Mexico". Slaveholders in Louisiana and Texas were so concerned by the number of enslaved people escaping to the south wZR2woLv-Tg-00321-00242661-00243144 that diplomats from the United States were instructed to pressure the Mexican counterparts wZR2woLv-Tg-00322-00243144-00243556 to sign an extradition treaty that would return fugitive slaves to their owners. wZR2woLv-Tg-00323-00243592-00244632 Negotiations for such provisions failed in 1850, 1851, 1853 in 1857. Mexico's extradition of fugitive wZR2woLv-Tg-00324-00244632-00245290 slaves, according to the US Secretary of State, would not be entertained "for a moment". wZR2woLv-Tg-00325-00245496-00246184 We can really see the effect of this in the census from Brownsville Texas in 1860. We wZR2woLv-Tg-00326-00246184-00246864 list the names of slaveholders and the number of slaves that they owned. In column six you can see wZR2woLv-Tg-00327-00246864-00247448 the list of those enslaved people who were 'fugitives of the state". You can see here wZR2woLv-Tg-00328-00247448-00247984 that four out of the seven enslaved people in Brownsville Texas just on the border with Mexico wZR2woLv-Tg-00329-00248064-00248919 escaped presumably to Mexico. The freedom thatMexico promised would threaten slavery not just wZR2woLv-Tg-00330-00248919-00249440 in the nearby state of Texas and Louisiana, but also at the very heart of the union. wZR2woLv-Tg-00331-00249552-00250023 The trouble began in 1845, when the United States annexed the Republic of Texas. wZR2woLv-Tg-00332-00250088-00250623 And not to be only accelerated a year later when the United States provoked a war with Mexico. wZR2woLv-Tg-00333-00250688-00251176 President James K. Polk, who was in charge of the United States during this war wZR2woLv-Tg-00334-00251176-00251688 made clear that he intended to pay for the conflict by seizing Mexico's territories, wZR2woLv-Tg-00335-00251688-00252223 and the question soon became what the status of slavery in those conquered territories would be. wZR2woLv-Tg-00336-00252352-00253023 On August eight, 1846, several months after the start the Mexican-American war, a US congressman wZR2woLv-Tg-00337-00253023-00253576 from Pennsylvania named David Wilmot, proposed that slavery be excluded from any territory that wZR2woLv-Tg-00338-00253576-00254240 the US might acquire from Mexico. The so-called Wilmot proviso threw the issue of slavery into the wZR2woLv-Tg-00339-00254240-00255201 center of the political arena. Leading historian Eric Foner to argue rightly, I think, that the introductionof the Wilmot proviso was the event in wZR2woLv-Tg-00340-00255201-00256200 US history "that seemed to leadalmost inevitably to sectional controversy and Civil War'. Despite its significance the Wilmot proviso wZR2woLv-Tg-00341-00256200-00256640 remains something of a puzzle. Why was the proviso that was never wZR2woLv-Tg-00342-00256640-00257336 adopted so controversial? And why would someone like David Wilmot, a northern Democrat who had never wZR2woLv-Tg-00343-00257336-00257984 given any sign of antislavery convictions, make such a proposal in the first place? Historians wZR2woLv-Tg-00344-00257984-00258532 have proposed a number of explanations, which I would be happy to talk about more in the Q&A. wZR2woLv-Tg-00345-00258532-00259088 But none are as compelling as the argument that Northern Democrats themselves made, wZR2woLv-Tg-00346-00259088-00259552 which was at the federal government had no power to interfere with slavery where it existed. wZR2woLv-Tg-00347-00259632-00260104 It was for that reason that David Wilmot had supported the annexation of Texas as a wZR2woLv-Tg-00348-00260104-00260735 slave state in 1845 because, as he explained, "slavery had already been established there". wZR2woLv-Tg-00349-00260792-00261432 If the federal government lacked the power to abolish slavery where it existed, as in Texas, wZR2woLv-Tg-00350-00261432-00262000 then Wilmot argued that it also lacked the power to establish slavery where it had been abolished, wZR2woLv-Tg-00351-00262000-00262696 as in Mexico. Since the Mexican government had abolish slavery in 1837, Wilmot argued that any land that ceded wZR2woLv-Tg-00352-00262696-00263248 to the US after the Mexican-American war would enter the Union as free territories. wZR2woLv-Tg-00353-00263328-00264160 Wilmot insisted that this proviso was not an antislavery measure, instead he claimed that this wZR2woLv-Tg-00354-00264160-00264889 proviso promised to do only "what the gentlemen from the South asked - to let slavery alone". wZR2woLv-Tg-00355-00265056-00265560 Southern congressmen, many of whom had long argued against federal interference of any wZR2woLv-Tg-00356-00265560-00266152 variety with slavery, nonetheless refused to accept Wilmot's reasoning, because the wZR2woLv-Tg-00357-00266152-00266736 Wilmot proviso threatened to upset the delicate balance of power between the North and South. wZR2woLv-Tg-00358-00266816-00267304 If the territory ceded from Mexico were recognized as free territories, wZR2woLv-Tg-00359-00267304-00267800 then basically all of the remaining territories in the West would be close to slavery. wZR2woLv-Tg-00360-00267880-00268567 Mexican abolition, in other words, forced the U.S. Congress to make what would seem like an impossible choice. wZR2woLv-Tg-00361-00268664-00269216 Either to admit the former Mexican territories as free states which would destroy the balance wZR2woLv-Tg-00362-00269216-00269760 of power between North and South, and DC particularly in the Senate. As you can see here, wZR2woLv-Tg-00363-00269760-00270072 blue states and red states, red states are slaveholding states. wZR2woLv-Tg-00364-00270240-00270856 Or they could argue for reestablishing slavery where it had been previously abolished wZR2woLv-Tg-00365-00270856-00271280 which would help to maintain that sectional balance, as you can see an option number two. wZR2woLv-Tg-00366-00271280-00271882 But would create a dangerous precedent for federal intervention with respect to slavery. wZR2woLv-Tg-00367-00272000-00272600 Northern politicians who had no particular desire to support slavery, were not about to wZR2woLv-Tg-00368-00272720-00273224 reverse their long-standing convictions that the federal government should be limited in order to wZR2woLv-Tg-00369-00273224-00273736 defend that political balance between North and South. Southern politicians, for their part, wZR2woLv-Tg-00370-00273736-00274320 really didn't want to choose between those two options. Instead they blustered that Mexico could wZR2woLv-Tg-00371-00274320-00274976 not have possibly abolished slavery as a way to avoid having to choose between these two options. wZR2woLv-Tg-00372-00275056-00275512 Senator John Baring of Georgia argued that Mexico's federal government had no more right than wZR2woLv-Tg-00373-00275512-00276048 its US counterpart to abolish slavery. He said quote "I understand the Mexican confederation to have wZR2woLv-Tg-00374-00276048-00276790 been formed upon the model of our own and that the power over the subject of slavery belongto the separate states of the Mexican republic ." wZR2woLv-Tg-00375-00276790-00277616 In other words Mexico couldn't possiblyhave abolished it in 1837 because their Constitutiondidn't allow them to. This was incorrect wZR2woLv-Tg-00376-00277616-00278568 but he insisted anyway. Congressman William Henry Brockenbrough of Florida pointedto "the servitude of poor debtors of all races wZR2woLv-Tg-00377-00278568-00279089 to the wealthy which was more profitable to the master and less comfortable to the slaves". He was arguing that wZR2woLv-Tg-00378-00279089-00279857 all of the ways in which portion continuedin Mexico meant that slavery really did continue even though it was legally abolished wZR2woLv-Tg-00379-00279857-00280728 and that the southern states did not have torecognize the abolition of slavery as a result. Northernersdeemed these arguments hardly admissible. wZR2woLv-Tg-00380-00280816-00281384 Senator James Shields of Illinois scoffed that "the people of Mexico will be highly edified when they wZR2woLv-Tg-00381-00281384-00281832 learn that their old acquaintances, the Norte Americano had discovered that slavery was in wZR2woLv-Tg-00382-00281832-00282296 full force and operation in that country, without the people themselves being aware of that fact. wZR2woLv-Tg-00383-00282352-00282792 I think when they hear there's they will come to the conclusion that we are as invincible in logic wZR2woLv-Tg-00384-00282792-00283448 as we are in battle". To prove once and for all that slavery had been abolished, wZR2woLv-Tg-00385-00283568-00284072 Congressmen started to read the laws of Mexico on the floor of the Congress. wZR2woLv-Tg-00386-00284072-00284696 Representative Henry Murphy of New York borrowed acollection of Mexican laws from the Sate Department library to read before the house, wZR2woLv-Tg-00387-00284696-00285024 and Senator Thomas Hart Benton took things one step forward further. wZR2woLv-Tg-00388-00285168-00285691 He read Mexico's laws in the original Spanish, reading from this law digest here. wZR2woLv-Tg-00389-00285778-00286296 [speaking Spanish] wZR2woLv-Tg-00390-00286296-00286800 Another congressman complained. "The Senate cannot understand a word of what he reads". wZR2woLv-Tg-00391-00287064-00287496 The introduction of the Wilmot proviso turned the slow burn of sectionalism wZR2woLv-Tg-00392-00287496-00288320 into a blaze but Senator Thomas Hart Benton saw a simple solution to the dis-ease caused by Mexico's abolition of slavery. wZR2woLv-Tg-00393-00288320-00289120 Benton was the representativefrom Missouri which was a slave state. He arguedthat if Mexico's laws prohibiting slavery remained wZR2woLv-Tg-00394-00289120-00289704 in force in the ceded territories, then theWilmot proviso was redundant, unnecessary. The wZR2woLv-Tg-00395-00289704-00290408 peculiar institution could not legally extend to the territory ceded from Mexico, proviso or no proviso. wZR2woLv-Tg-00396-00290464-00291387 To Benton, Mexico's abolition of slavery made the proviso into "a thing of nothing, an empty provision a cloud without rain".. wZR2woLv-Tg-00397-00291387-00292056 In other words, he is saying we don't need to pass the Wilmot proviso, slavery can't extend to - and the people whoare proposing the wZR2woLv-Tg-00398-00292056-00292908 proviso are trying to stir upsectional animosities. Benton's arguments convincedmany of those Northern Democrats who had broken wZR2woLv-Tg-00399-00292908-00293536 party lines by voting for the Wilmot proviso. Richard Broadhead of Pennsylvania wondered "if wZR2woLv-Tg-00400-00293536-00293984 the territory will be free when it is annexed, and Congress has no power to make slave, wZR2woLv-Tg-00401-00293984-00294536 where is the necessity for the adoption of the amendment? " Like Benton he is arguing that we wZR2woLv-Tg-00402-00294536-00294976 don't need the amendment because Mexican laws are still enforced. We are still respecting wZR2woLv-Tg-00403-00294976-00295752 them. Senator James W. Bradbury of Maine, the proviso was "an unnecessary enactment". Slavery has wZR2woLv-Tg-00404-00295752-00296408 already been as prohibited by Mexican laws as by any act of Congress. "These laws remain in force; wZR2woLv-Tg-00405-00296408-00297000 and the proviso is now there, prohibiting slavery throughout their entire extent." wZR2woLv-Tg-00406-00297080-00297904 So Congress is basically saying that they cannot overturn Mexico's laws, but if Congress could not wZR2woLv-Tg-00407-00297904-00298560 do that, who could? All but the most strident abolitionist believed that the territories, wZR2woLv-Tg-00408-00298560-00299064 when admitted as states possessed the unquestioned right to amend previous legislation, wZR2woLv-Tg-00409-00299064-00299688 including the laws relating to slavery. Northerners assumed that slaveholders would not risk taking wZR2woLv-Tg-00410-00299688-00300088 their enslaved people to their former Mexican territories, and as a result those territories wZR2woLv-Tg-00411-00300088-00300736 would join the union as free states. But southern whites thought that immigrants to the former Mexican territories wZR2woLv-Tg-00412-00300736-00301200 would bring their slaves, and that they would vote to reestablish slavery in the American wZR2woLv-Tg-00413-00301200-00301752 Southwest. So although Congress was not going to explicitly prohibit slavery wZR2woLv-Tg-00414-00301840-00302304 in those territories, there was this question about whether Mexican laws remained in force and how wZR2woLv-Tg-00415-00302304-00303040 those laws could be overturned. As slaveholdersbelieved that immigrants to the former Mexican wZR2woLv-Tg-00416-00303040-00303656 territories would vote to reestablish slavery, they would soon be disabused of this belief. In 1849, less wZR2woLv-Tg-00417-00303656-00304340 than a year after the end of the Mexican American war California petitioned for admission to the union as a free state. wZR2woLv-Tg-00418-00304384-00305152 The balance of power between the North and South hung in the balance. There were 15 free states and 15 slave states at the time. wZR2woLv-Tg-00419-00305232-00305840 And the admission of California as a free state seemed to put slaveholders at a permanent disadvantage wZR2woLv-Tg-00420-00305840-00306424 in the Senate. To put an end to the sectional controversy provoked by Mexican abolition, wZR2woLv-Tg-00421-00306424-00307224 Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky introduced a series of resolutions in January 1850. The compromise measures would wZR2woLv-Tg-00422-00307224-00307632 admit California has a slave state in accordance with the will of the people in the territory, wZR2woLv-Tg-00423-00307688-00308096 but the compromise refrained from passing any legislation on the remaining territories, wZR2woLv-Tg-00424-00308096-00308800 what would become New Mexico, Arizona, parts of Utah and Colorado. And the compromise refrained wZR2woLv-Tg-00425-00308800-00309264 from passing any legislation on slavery in those territories because in his words wZR2woLv-Tg-00426-00309336-00309848 "slavery does not exist by law in any of the territory acquired by the United States from wZR2woLv-Tg-00427-00309848-00310560 the Republic of Mexico". As a result Clay deemed it "inexpedient for Congress to provide by law either for its wZR2woLv-Tg-00428-00310560-00311368 introduction into or exclusion from any part of the said territory". Mexico's laws abolishing slavery wZR2woLv-Tg-00429-00311368-00312255 remained in effect in a ceded territories until people voted to alter or as in the case of California, uphold those laws. wZR2woLv-Tg-00430-00312336-00312864 Southern politicians had only to look at a map of the United States to realize what this meant for wZR2woLv-Tg-00431-00312864-00313472 the sectional balance between North and South. After the admission of California there were 16 wZR2woLv-Tg-00432-00313472-00314136 free slates and 15 slave states and there was no guarantee that the remaining territories would enter the union as slave sates. wZR2woLv-Tg-00433-00314136-00315132 Southern politicians spent the next decade trying to avert the loss of power that the Mexican American war and Mexican abolition set in motion. wZR2woLv-Tg-00434-00315160-00315896 Their efforts led to the failed annexation of Cuba in 1854, the overturning of the Missouri compromise in wZR2woLv-Tg-00435-00315896-00316520 1854, the outbreak of violence in Kansas, and the birth of a new political party, the Republican wZR2woLv-Tg-00436-00316520-00317192 party, whose success in the election of 1860 led to the outbreak of the US Civil War. wZR2woLv-Tg-00437-00317472-00317984 Mexico's policies with respect to slavery had serious implications for human bondage in the wZR2woLv-Tg-00438-00317984-00318552 United States. Mexico bordered the US South, and specifically the deep South, where slave-based wZR2woLv-Tg-00439-00318552-00319144 agriculture was booming. Eventually enslaved people escaped to Mexico with such frequency wZR2woLv-Tg-00440-00319144-00319624 that Texas seemed to have more in common with the state that bordered the Mason-Dixon line. wZR2woLv-Tg-00441-00319624-00320163 Samuel Houston, then the governor of Texas made the stakes clear on the Civil War. wZR2woLv-Tg-00442-00320192-00320968 "Texas is a border state" he wrote in 1860. "Mexico renders to secure her entire Western boundary, wZR2woLv-Tg-00443-00320968-00321744 where slaves are liable to escape, but no fugitive slave law is pledged for her recovery". In fact, wZR2woLv-Tg-00444-00321744-00322072 Mexico's laws rendered slavery insecure not just in slavery wZR2woLv-Tg-00445-00322128-00322584 in Texas and Louisiana, but at the very heart of the union in Washington DC. wZR2woLv-Tg-00446-00322656-00323408 The land seized from Mexico at the close of the Mexican-American war in 1848 was free territory.That territory included what is most of modern wZR2woLv-Tg-00447-00323408-00324132 day California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona. When southern politicians attempted to establish slavery in that region wZR2woLv-Tg-00448-00324132-00324829 by popular sovereignty they ignited a sectional controversy that would eventually lead to the secession of the southern states. wZR2woLv-Tg-00449-00324904-00325448 It is easy to discount Mexico's antislavery stance given that coercion continued in wZR2woLv-Tg-00450-00325448-00325960 so many other forms in Mexico. As enslaved people who escaped there sometimes learned. wZR2woLv-Tg-00451-00326032-00326608 But these laws were a momentous achievement, nonetheless. Only by abolishing human bondage wZR2woLv-Tg-00452-00326608-00327056 was it possible to extend the debate over the full meaning of universal freedom. wZR2woLv-Tg-00453-00327128-00327584 The enslaved people who escaped from the United States, and the Mexican citizens who wZR2woLv-Tg-00454-00327584-00328064 protected them ensured that the promise of freedom in Mexico was significant. wZR2woLv-Tg-00455-00328064-00328688 Even if it was sometimes incomplete. As the poet Walt Whitman put it, "it is provided in wZR2woLv-Tg-00456-00328688-00329296 the essence of things that from any fruition of success, no matter what shall come forth, wZR2woLv-Tg-00457-00329296-00330584 something to make a greater struggle necessary". Their work, our work, is not over. Thank you. waW-O-6WCno-00000-00000012-00000496 Fear makes you selfish. It's such an important thing for us all to remember. waW-O-6WCno-00001-00000496-00000944 I'm going to put this into context for you because it doesn't matter if you waW-O-6WCno-00002-00000944-00001325 growing your business, you're mastering being an entrepreneur, or you want to be waW-O-6WCno-00003-00001325-00001860 on social media, you need to understand that fear is a driver that actually waW-O-6WCno-00004-00001860-00002415 makes you perform selfish actions. If you understand this context, you can waW-O-6WCno-00005-00002415-00003009 change your fear, you can make a decision to stop being so selfish. So when you waW-O-6WCno-00006-00003009-00003468 don't put your hand up in a meeting to put forward an idea, because you're waW-O-6WCno-00007-00003468-00003932 thinking, "I know I'll let someone else speak," that's actually you being selfish. waW-O-6WCno-00008-00003932-00004505 It's not giving others the chance to hear your best input. When you're afraid waW-O-6WCno-00009-00004505-00004994 to put yourself out to give better input for your clients or your customers, waW-O-6WCno-00010-00004994-00005444 that's selfish. It's you worrying about your own waW-O-6WCno-00011-00005444-00005846 feelings, it's you worrying about what other people think instead of actually waW-O-6WCno-00012-00005846-00006611 doing your best to be of service. So many people out there think they are acting waW-O-6WCno-00013-00006611-00007070 in a selfless way but they're kidding themselves, by not understanding that their waW-O-6WCno-00014-00007070-00007784 fear is making them selfish. If I didn't think about giving you this message, I'd waW-O-6WCno-00015-00007784-00008232 be too worried to put a video out. There's not a video of my own that I've waW-O-6WCno-00016-00008232-00008742 watched that I've liked. Why? Because it's natural to have these drivers, these waW-O-6WCno-00017-00008742-00009225 concerns, these fears but it's your choice whether you act on them or not. waW-O-6WCno-00018-00009225-00009738 The reason I'm here on camera speaking to you isn't because I'm trying to build waW-O-6WCno-00019-00009738-00010307 a huge business and make billions of dollars. Money is always an outcome or it waW-O-6WCno-00020-00010307-00010724 should always be an outcome; of just being who you are, of being of service waW-O-6WCno-00021-00010724-00011328 but don't hold yourself back because you need to understand that it's selfish. Why waW-O-6WCno-00022-00011328-00011765 aren't you speaking in front of a crowd? Why are you worrying about yourself? Why waW-O-6WCno-00023-00011765-00012117 are you so concerned about what other people might think of what you are going waW-O-6WCno-00024-00012117-00012646 to say, or how you may come across?That's just selfish. waW-O-6WCno-00025-00012646-00013359 Fear makes you selfish, stop acting in a selfish way, put your fear aside. waW-O-6WCno-00026-00013359-00013909 Put yourself forward, change other people's lives, be of more assistance, waW-O-6WCno-00027-00013909-00014591 give more direct input. Make a difference and if you don't, then you need to look waW-O-6WCno-00028-00014591-00015084 in the mirror and recognise that you're actually being selfish. This has been one waW-O-6WCno-00029-00015084-00015620 of the biggest realisations in my own life journey. Understanding that this ego waW-O-6WCno-00030-00015620-00016109 that drives you to protect yourself and create this false image, it just holds waW-O-6WCno-00031-00016109-00016518 you back from being relaxed and feeling yourself, not being concerned and waW-O-6WCno-00032-00016518-00016959 actually making the most difference for others. This is also the key to building waW-O-6WCno-00033-00016959-00017495 a great business, to doing awesome social media and just to having a really waW-O-6WCno-00034-00017495-00018114 fulfilled and enjoyable life. So, as always, If you enjoyed what I had to say waW-O-6WCno-00035-00018114-00018609 please let me know. If you think I'm off the mark, tell me. Real feedback would be waW-O-6WCno-00036-00018609-00019104 useful, I'd love to hear what you have to say. Please like and share. let's talk waW-O-6WCno-00037-00019104-00019601 about this stuff and grow together. Cheers, thank you. wcnbA7JS1eu-00000-00000003-00000554 Boys and girls. Today, I have a fun game for us to play. And, we are going to use wcnbA7JS1eu-00001-00000554-00001257 some dice. And, we will count the dots and we will decide how many turns we can wcnbA7JS1eu-00002-00001257-00001827 take, or how many numbers, or we will look at the set of dots and we will count wcnbA7JS1eu-00003-00001827-00002580 them. And, decide if there are more dots, less dots, or the same. So, let's just look wcnbA7JS1eu-00004-00002580-00003230 at one of these, and just look around at it. Okay, here we have how many dots? Let's wcnbA7JS1eu-00005-00003230-00004716 see if you can find this one, how many? And? And, what's here? Good. Now, we did them wcnbA7JS1eu-00006-00004716-00005207 in order, didn't we? One, two, three, four, five, six. That's, six is the largest set wcnbA7JS1eu-00007-00005207-00005835 on there. In the game today, we're going to think about the words more, wcnbA7JS1eu-00008-00005835-00006488 less, and the same. Okay? And I've written them right up here on the board. This is wcnbA7JS1eu-00009-00006488-00007454 more, this is less, same. Good, you can read those words. Excellent. So, we're going to wcnbA7JS1eu-00010-00007454-00007984 compare the sets of dots as we play the game. The game is going to go like this. wcnbA7JS1eu-00011-00007984-00008640 I'm going to be playing against all of you, and so we're going to roll two dice. wcnbA7JS1eu-00012-00008640-00009213 And I'll look at mine and whoever, which one of you is playing with me, we'll look wcnbA7JS1eu-00013-00009213-00009782 at yours. And I will say a sentence about mine. Let's, let me give you an example of wcnbA7JS1eu-00014-00009782-00010272 that. Let's just pretend that we roll them right here, and I'm blue. So, I rolled wcnbA7JS1eu-00015-00010272-00010959 a five. And, let's say the person that was the student, like Ty, rolled a two. My wcnbA7JS1eu-00016-00010959-00012281 sentence would be, five is more than two. And, Ty's sentence would be 2 is less than wcnbA7JS1eu-00017-00012281-00012938 five. And then, I will write that on the board. Now, just so that we can make a wcnbA7JS1eu-00018-00012938-00013663 game out of this, I'm going to see if I roll the dots that have more, more wcnbA7JS1eu-00019-00013663-00014276 times than you do. And if at the end of ten rolls, and we'll count ten times that wcnbA7JS1eu-00020-00014276-00014981 we do this. If I have more times, that I roll more dots than you do, then I win. wcnbA7JS1eu-00021-00014981-00015682 But, if you have more times then you win. So, that's how we'll play the game. wcnbA7JS1eu-00022-00015682-00016276 Angsley, come on up. Okay, we'll roll it on the floor, we'll say one, wcnbA7JS1eu-00023-00016276-00016712 two, three, roll. And then we'll pick it up, and I'll say my sentence, and then you wcnbA7JS1eu-00024-00016712-00017143 say your number sentence, and then we'll write it, okay? All right. All right, ready. wcnbA7JS1eu-00025-00017143-00018026 One, two, three, roll. Pick yours up and show your friends. Let's show them the number wcnbA7JS1eu-00026-00018026-00018735 that you rolled. Okay, my sentence is 2 is less than 6. wcnbA7JS1eu-00027-00018735-00019925 Okay, what is your sentence? 6 is more than 2. 6 is more than 2, that's so true. wcnbA7JS1eu-00028-00019925-00020407 Okay so, I'm going to write down, that's so true, wcnbA7JS1eu-00029-00020407-00021269 so mine was 2 is less than 6. Oh, remember we forgot to show that this wcnbA7JS1eu-00030-00021269-00022072 is less than, and this is the symbol for more than, and this is the same. That's wcnbA7JS1eu-00031-00022072-00022844 that equal sign that Leo was talking about. Okay so, did I get more this time? No. wcnbA7JS1eu-00032-00022844-00023468 This is the, I'm going to underline, and you guys are always going to be in this wcnbA7JS1eu-00033-00023468-00024060 row, and you've got the first win. Okay, Shelby come on up. wcnbA7JS1eu-00034-00024322-00025181 Thank You Greer for sitting right down. One, two, three, roll. Oh, my goodness, I have wcnbA7JS1eu-00035-00025181-00025825 a four and she has a, go ahead and hold it so everybody can see. My sentence is 4 wcnbA7JS1eu-00036-00025825-00026654 is the same as 4. What's your sentence? Mine is the same as 4 is 4. 4 is the same as 4. wcnbA7JS1eu-00037-00026654-00027206 Good job. We'll have to see if we need a tiebreaker. wcnbA7JS1eu-00038-00027206-00028618 4 equals 4, Okay, Ty come on up. Get it Ty, get it. I don't know either. One, two, three, roll. Oh, wcnbA7JS1eu-00039-00028636-00029462 this is what I got. Yeah, what did you get Ty? So, my attendance is two is less wcnbA7JS1eu-00040-00029462-00030656 than 3. What's your sentence? Three is more, no, three is more than two. Good job. I like wcnbA7JS1eu-00041-00030656-00031839 the way you said that. Thank you. Did I have 2? And I had 3? No, I had wcnbA7JS1eu-00042-00031839-00032344 three. Yup, that's right. I wrote my number first. Oh, you get that pink wcnbA7JS1eu-00043-00032345-00032755 because it shows that you won. Okay. wfMxcWtIuRQ-00000-00000000-00000534 THE USS STETHEM PARTICIPATES IN ITS FOURTH AND FINAL CARAT. wfMxcWtIuRQ-00001-00000534-00001082 THE EXERCISE FEATURES THE FIRST TACTICAL FREEPLAY OF THE CARAT SERIES, wfMxcWtIuRQ-00002-00001082-00001418 AND WILL FORCE THE TWO NAVIES TO PUSH THEIR LIMITS. wfMxcWtIuRQ-00003-00001418-00001988 WE LEARN HOW TO ACT AS A WARFARE COMMANDER, AND THAT REQUIRES US TO HAVE A LEVEL OF TACTICAL wfMxcWtIuRQ-00004-00001988-00002288 PROFIENCY THAT WE USUALLY DON'T HAVE TO DEMONSTRATE, wfMxcWtIuRQ-00005-00002288-00002914 AND SO IT FORCES ME AND MY CREW TO GROW AND BECOME BETTER TACTICALLY AS WELL. wfMxcWtIuRQ-00006-00002914-00003244 THERE IS NO DEFINED SCRIPT DURING THE FREEPLAY EXERCISE, wfMxcWtIuRQ-00007-00003244-00003794 AND THAT MEANS THE SHIPS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THREATS WILL PRESENT THEMSELVES UNTIL THEY HAPPEN. wfMxcWtIuRQ-00008-00003794-00004216 AND IT GIVES THE FIVE INCH TEAMS TRAINING ON HOW TOOVERCOME WEAPONS MALFUNCTIONS wfMxcWtIuRQ-00009-00004216-00004806 THE GUNS NEEDED TO FIGHT THE FIGHT, AND IF THE GUNS BROKEN WE CAN'T FIGHT IT wfMxcWtIuRQ-00010-00004806-00005290 AND SO WE GOTTA FIX THE CASUALTY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE wfMxcWtIuRQ-00011-00005290-00005658 JUST TO GET THE GUN BACK IN THE GAME, AND THAT'S WHY ITS SO IMPORTANT. wgmG1sj0iCE-00000-00001048-00002723 She's the glamorous WAG juggling motherhood with her career and own home fragrance collection. And Kyly Clarke has how much she enjoys cooking meals for her family, including husband Michael Clarke and daughter Kelsey Lee, two. wgmG1sj0iCE-00001-00002873-00004083 The 36-year-old admitted that while cooking is her hobby, she always makes sure she wears gloves when cooking up a feast, as it's 'dirty' not to. wgmG1sj0iCE-00002-00004233-00006513 Scroll down for video 'I find it dirty and grimy to not wear gloves,' Kyly said as she appeared on The Morning Show. 'They say there is so much underneath your nails and I don't like overly washing my hands as I wash them a lot when I'm cooking. So If I overly washed them, my hands would be very dry anyway.' wgmG1sj0iCE-00003-00006663-00007666 She added that cooking is her 'hobby.' 'I have always been creative and I like to turn things from nothing into something.' wgmG1sj0iCE-00004-00007816-00008908 'And I think you get enjoyment out of seeing your family enjoy your food and even critique it so you can become better at something you like doing.' wgmG1sj0iCE-00005-00009058-00010594 Kyly often shares her life with fans, and posts photos of her meals and even exercise regime. This week, she shared to a video of herself boxing, during an exercise session. wgmG1sj0iCE-00006-00010744-00011963 'Training your body also helps to train your mind. When you have faith, passion and the willingness to work hard, anything is possible,' Kyly wrote. wgmG1sj0iCE-00007-00012113-00013726 'Aim high, know your goals, and give everything a go! Never give up!' Kyly matches her sportsman husband in the fitness stakes, recently revealing she likes to do short sessions of exercise. wgmG1sj0iCE-00008-00013876-00015806 'My favourite way to exercise is 29 minutes of Plyometric work,' she told Kate Waterhouse in 2016. 'It is a great cardio work out with muscle toning elements and overall a fun way to push yourself and punch out a hard 29-minute session!' whwLHMLDrBk-00000-00003570-00004295 Oh, if you're new don't forget to subscribe like the video no comments you want to talk to me hey whwLHMLDrBk-00001-00006403-00006568 So whwLHMLDrBk-00002-00006568-00007008 First thing I got of course this graphic tee. I always get a graphic whwLHMLDrBk-00003-00007063-00007401 Tees anytime I order clothes just because I work back whwLHMLDrBk-00004-00007461-00007603 um whwLHMLDrBk-00005-00007603-00007947 Yeah, this is blue. Graphic tee pretty calm whwLHMLDrBk-00006-00007981-00008561 can wear anytime just to up dress it down what I do wait, I'll probably wear with some sweats on. So whwLHMLDrBk-00007-00008929-00009635 But they're like sports like sweatpants words basically they've got you there like sweats whwLHMLDrBk-00008-00009886-00010400 How they gonna wear these a lot in that house, you know, they're really comfortable with actually pretty good material whwLHMLDrBk-00009-00010461-00011177 Mat big so these ones are for I got them in black and gray because I'm probably I'm just wear them blue team whwLHMLDrBk-00010-00011296-00011496 View like the gray ones whwLHMLDrBk-00011-00011521-00011775 so I got these ones smaller than the whwLHMLDrBk-00012-00011865-00012065 black ones whwLHMLDrBk-00013-00012163-00012363 So this dress whwLHMLDrBk-00014-00012378-00012571 is from whwLHMLDrBk-00015-00012571-00012771 pretty little thing whwLHMLDrBk-00016-00012786-00012986 This one's a size whwLHMLDrBk-00017-00013009-00013292 Four and this is the shapewear whwLHMLDrBk-00018-00013476-00013883 I kind of like it I do whwLHMLDrBk-00019-00014169-00014754 It's just I gotta figure out how to get the runch these the right way because you have to punch it up yourself and whwLHMLDrBk-00020-00014776-00015164 The picture the girls dress is make sure whwLHMLDrBk-00021-00015388-00016058 I don't like this. I feel like it's too much. There's nowhere to put it like whwLHMLDrBk-00022-00016150-00016413 unless I wear the dresses long, but whwLHMLDrBk-00023-00016585-00016787 It still looks kind of cute and whwLHMLDrBk-00024-00017059-00017675 This keep so okay first of all whwLHMLDrBk-00025-00018304-00018782 So I bought this skirt, it's a maxi skirt you see in the mirror whwLHMLDrBk-00026-00019170-00019532 It goes all the way down to my ankles like whwLHMLDrBk-00027-00019854-00020147 Even I can't go to lay above that. I literally bought whwLHMLDrBk-00028-00020206-00020909 Only this skirt. I had this shirt and then looking for a skirt like this since like last year for me Oleg whwLHMLDrBk-00029-00020965-00021398 Maxi one that fit because I'm short every time I get a maxi dress. It's too long. Oh whwLHMLDrBk-00030-00021456-00021656 This one fits really. Well actually whwLHMLDrBk-00031-00021660-00021850 Good. Bye whwLHMLDrBk-00032-00021850-00021966 like whwLHMLDrBk-00033-00021966-00022445 Yo, how many times how many times I say outside so far? Because I feel like whwLHMLDrBk-00034-00022576-00022776 I'm going outside whwLHMLDrBk-00035-00022893-00023255 But I got this little tool piece whwLHMLDrBk-00036-00023434-00023778 What is this sweat suit it's velvet material whwLHMLDrBk-00037-00023907-00024152 I really like it super soft whwLHMLDrBk-00038-00024901-00025203 It's good, but like it's whwLHMLDrBk-00039-00025453-00025600 I whwLHMLDrBk-00040-00025600-00025752 could I whwLHMLDrBk-00041-00025752-00026492 Could see the package do it, you know, I mean like you can see the package double in the pants. That's a problem whwLHMLDrBk-00042-00026577-00026777 Danny's is not thick enough whwLHMLDrBk-00043-00026887-00027248 Time is not thick enough, but I do like it. I whwLHMLDrBk-00044-00027475-00027675 Like milk whwLHMLDrBk-00045-00027868-00028431 I'm gonna whip up, amoeba-like. I just buy a gray black and white like it's it's kind of sad whwLHMLDrBk-00046-00028431-00028632 That's all how weird I don't like wearing colors whwLHMLDrBk-00047-00028702-00028830 that whwLHMLDrBk-00048-00028830-00029210 So this is the mixtures it buttons up whwLHMLDrBk-00049-00029470-00029670 It's almost whwLHMLDrBk-00050-00029695-00029895 It's a midi dress whwLHMLDrBk-00051-00029899-00030155 I'd say this is a midi dress or not a mini dress whwLHMLDrBk-00052-00030250-00030448 it goes past your whwLHMLDrBk-00053-00030448-00030648 middle fingers whwLHMLDrBk-00054-00032514-00032626 Yeah whwLHMLDrBk-00055-00032626-00032731 I whwLHMLDrBk-00056-00032731-00033321 Got this baby. So this is my favorite. So this is like a little Bart night sleep, you know over the shoulder whwLHMLDrBk-00057-00033402-00033602 I whwLHMLDrBk-00058-00033925-00034586 Do not know the back was like this when I bought this at all I really liked my back, oh, I don't know why but whwLHMLDrBk-00059-00034681-00034843 It's whatever whwLHMLDrBk-00060-00034843-00035043 Okay whwLHMLDrBk-00061-00035383-00035849 You need injustice down or justice up whwLHMLDrBk-00062-00036406-00036804 This is definitely like my favorite one so far I knew this is my favorite whwLHMLDrBk-00063-00036804-00037065 I just like how the leg looks like me in general whwLHMLDrBk-00064-00037065-00037445 I didn't even know the back was like this and this is my finger pirate lady. Oh whwLHMLDrBk-00065-00037528-00037728 my god whwLHMLDrBk-00066-00037918-00038643 Surprise surprise. It's another great item. I loaded his bank read back boy. Okay, so this is a whwLHMLDrBk-00067-00038749-00038899 bodysuit whwLHMLDrBk-00068-00038899-00039016 I'm whwLHMLDrBk-00069-00039016-00039384 Gonna try this one. This is also from fashion over whwLHMLDrBk-00070-00039464-00039664 So I got another whwLHMLDrBk-00071-00039686-00039824 Robert whwLHMLDrBk-00072-00039824-00040024 unitard type thing whwLHMLDrBk-00073-00040123-00040471 This one's obviously great as a two-line whwLHMLDrBk-00074-00040631-00041230 This one it's pretty nice it's tighter than the black and it's definitely a different material. It's more like a cotton whwLHMLDrBk-00075-00041230-00041484 I think the other one has more spandexy these that's miles whwLHMLDrBk-00076-00041597-00041797 stretchy whwLHMLDrBk-00077-00041963-00042346 This I could really just warehouse like these children that's why whwLHMLDrBk-00078-00042449-00042796 first of all, I didn't know the ankles like this, but you know whwLHMLDrBk-00079-00042881-00043064 whatever whwLHMLDrBk-00080-00043064-00043596 So these are 1 and these are some mom jeans whwLHMLDrBk-00081-00043931-00044131 They fit so whwLHMLDrBk-00082-00044213-00044874 So like I always get jeans and they don't fit at those, please but they fit everywhere else this is just some casual whwLHMLDrBk-00083-00044945-00045342 You know, this is like, oh I'm going to the supermarket because I can't go anywhere else look whwLHMLDrBk-00084-00045644-00046258 So I got this top I got this top whwLHMLDrBk-00085-00047074-00047247 Period whwLHMLDrBk-00086-00047247-00047483 So the shirt is from pretty little thing whwLHMLDrBk-00087-00047593-00047801 I'm pretty sure it's a size small - whwLHMLDrBk-00088-00047877-00048027 maybe it for whwLHMLDrBk-00089-00048027-00048227 probably good - whwLHMLDrBk-00090-00048274-00048557 It fits me pretty nicely I really like this shirt whwLHMLDrBk-00091-00048675-00048911 it's not as much as you think I whwLHMLDrBk-00092-00048952-00049443 Think it just looks like that on the camera cuz the light I like this. This is really cute whwLHMLDrBk-00093-00049443-00049928 And you know, you know, I love butterflies and I love like angels. This is like whwLHMLDrBk-00094-00050034-00050234 What's it called? Oh whwLHMLDrBk-00095-00051654-00052355 Man if you know me, you know, I like butterflies and I like angels. So when I seen this shirt like oh my gosh whwLHMLDrBk-00096-00052489-00052689 Look how cute whwLHMLDrBk-00097-00052794-00052994 In the sleeves whwLHMLDrBk-00098-00053338-00053948 I want this and a forward I bought this in a four definitely whwLHMLDrBk-00099-00054310-00054864 Definitely should not a - I need to look at the future. I don't know whwLHMLDrBk-00100-00054991-00055364 But this is a wrap shirt. I'm gonna put what it's supposed to look like but whwLHMLDrBk-00101-00055516-00056051 I can't right now. I'm gonna figure it out those jeans. I was like this Justine's whwLHMLDrBk-00102-00056205-00056834 Not these other one and now you see what I mean when I said if he fitted me but then the whwLHMLDrBk-00103-00056976-00057176 bear whwLHMLDrBk-00104-00058204-00058404 This cropped whwLHMLDrBk-00105-00058458-00058620 T-shirt whwLHMLDrBk-00106-00058620-00058901 Pretty much like the white one, but in black and short sleeve whwLHMLDrBk-00107-00058960-00059745 So this is a really pretty plain shirt. It's not a kind. So it feels like a dress shirt material almost. I'm not explain that whwLHMLDrBk-00108-00059819-00059975 like whwLHMLDrBk-00109-00059975-00060228 crepe crepe material if you know whwLHMLDrBk-00110-00060479-00060679 Last shirt my shirt alert whwLHMLDrBk-00111-00060727-00060883 item, I whwLHMLDrBk-00112-00060883-00061149 Don't know. What's up with me and vinyl whwLHMLDrBk-00113-00061238-00061509 lately, I really don't I whwLHMLDrBk-00114-00061619-00061932 Love it. So I got this body suit. Oh whwLHMLDrBk-00115-00062050-00062245 I whwLHMLDrBk-00116-00062245-00062988 Wouldn't wear these with these jeans, but I just do B song because you know, actually it still looks cute with these jeans whwLHMLDrBk-00117-00063425-00063801 This is from um, pretty little thing it's a bodysuit whwLHMLDrBk-00118-00064637-00065034 It could be a little tighter, but then again I'm like I just don't know whwLHMLDrBk-00119-00065336-00065536 Maybe not whwLHMLDrBk-00120-00065555-00065844 Work for other people. I'm really out of breath whwLHMLDrBk-00121-00065972-00066463 From talking if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel whwLHMLDrBk-00122-00066494-00067002 I'm probably into way more holes. I really like holes. I don't know what it is. I don't know whwLHMLDrBk-00123-00067183-00067383 But it's like whwLHMLDrBk-00124-00067442-00067570 Step whwLHMLDrBk-00125-00067570-00068298 Yeah, probably gonna do more always probably gonna you know, post a lot quarantine season that quarantine season, but quarantine things whwLHMLDrBk-00126-00068299-00068587 You know, you know anyways, okay whwLHMLDrBk-00127-00068648-00068976 If you guys enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel whwLHMLDrBk-00128-00069029-00069268 I will see out my next video