C8QACbhj2z4-00000-00001144-00002983 uh
C8QACbhj2z4-00001-00002984-00003183 one two
C8QACbhj2z4-00002-00003184-00005743 one
C8QACbhj2z4-00004-00013336-00013544 you
C9KxJu2XVZY-00000-00000791-00001008 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00001-00001009-00002239 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00002-00002240-00002797 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00003-00002798-00004686 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00004-00004687-00006505 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00005-00006506-00006736 thank you
C9KxJu2XVZY-00006-00006737-00008471 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00007-00008472-00008599 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00009-00011970-00012312 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00011-00016138-00016279 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00012-00016280-00016512 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00013-00016513-00016617 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00014-00016618-00016888 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00015-00016889-00017107 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00016-00017108-00018013 thank you
C9KxJu2XVZY-00017-00018014-00019283 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00018-00019284-00020044 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00019-00020045-00021905 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00020-00021906-00022307 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00022-00025585-00025744 oh yeah
C9KxJu2XVZY-00024-00029719-00030112 thank you
C9KxJu2XVZY-00025-00030113-00031955 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00026-00031956-00032537 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00027-00032538-00032850 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00028-00032851-00033802 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00029-00033803-00033808 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00030-00033809-00034406 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00031-00034407-00035037 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00032-00035038-00035897 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00033-00035898-00037136 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00034-00037137-00037751 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00035-00037752-00038053 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00036-00038054-00039420 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00037-00039421-00040641 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00038-00040642-00040697 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00039-00040698-00040909 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00040-00040910-00041870 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00041-00041871-00042470 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00042-00042471-00043179 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00043-00043180-00044171 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00044-00044172-00045111 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00045-00045112-00047194 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00046-00047195-00048136 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00047-00048137-00050135 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00048-00050136-00050280 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00049-00050281-00051240 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00050-00051241-00053459 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00051-00053460-00053854 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00052-00053854-00053955 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00053-00053957-00054251 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00054-00054252-00055482 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00055-00055483-00056274 thank you
C9KxJu2XVZY-00056-00056275-00056719 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00057-00056720-00057084 thank you
C9KxJu2XVZY-00058-00057085-00058121 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00059-00058122-00058152 [Applause]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00060-00058153-00059315 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00061-00059316-00059875 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00062-00059876-00062553 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00063-00062554-00063611 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00064-00063612-00063844 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00065-00063845-00065577 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00066-00065578-00066573 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00067-00066574-00067487 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00068-00067488-00068136 okay
C9KxJu2XVZY-00069-00068137-00069435 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00070-00069436-00071181 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00071-00071182-00073971 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00072-00073972-00074106 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00073-00074107-00074632 thank you
C9KxJu2XVZY-00075-00078404-00080291 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00076-00080292-00081123 foreign
C9KxJu2XVZY-00077-00081124-00083008 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00078-00083009-00084288 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00079-00084289-00084799 [Music]
C9KxJu2XVZY-00080-00084800-00086328 thank you
C9KxJu2XVZY-00081-00086329-00086670 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00000-00000216-00001278 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00001-00001279-00002192 thank you
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00002-00002193-00003406 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00003-00003407-00003622 foreign
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00004-00003622-00004094 [Applause]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00005-00004095-00004728 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00006-00004729-00004776 [Applause]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00007-00004777-00006359 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00008-00006360-00006678 foreign
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00009-00006679-00007690 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00010-00007691-00008344 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00011-00008345-00008837 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00012-00008838-00008899 [Applause]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00013-00008900-00009667 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00014-00009668-00010535 thank you
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00015-00010536-00011976 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00016-00011977-00013684 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00017-00013685-00013687 [Applause]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00018-00013688-00014683 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00019-00014684-00015430 thank you
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00020-00015431-00016607 [Music]
Cq0uA9Hn0XQ-00021-00016608-00016837 foreign
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00000-00000024-00000278 I've noticed that there don't seem to be
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00001-00000279-00000599 any porno movies that are made for guys
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00002-00000600-00000952 like me all the porn I've come across
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00003-00000952-00001354 was targeted it beer-swilling sports bar
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00004-00001355-00001723 dwelling alpha males men who like their
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00005-00001725-00002105 women stupid and submissive men who can
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00006-00002106-00002362 only get it up for mono syllabic
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00007-00002363-00002738 cock-hungry [__] with gargantuan
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00008-00002739-00003070 breasts and a three word vocabulary
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00009-00003071-00003350 adult films are populated with these
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00010-00003351-00003713 collagen injected liposuctioned women
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00011-00003714-00004034 many of whom have resorted to surgery
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00012-00004035-00004331 and self-mutilation in an attempt to
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00013-00004332-00004660 look the way they have been told to look
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00014-00004661-00005066 these aren't real women they're objects
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00015-00005067-00005404 and these movies aren't erotic they're
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00016-00005405-00005774 pathetic these vacuum headed [__]
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00017-00005775-00006190 bunnies don't turn me on they disgust me
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00018-00006191-00006529 it's not that I'm against pornography I
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00019-00006530-00007102 mean I'm a guy and guys need for fact
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00020-00007103-00007528 like a preacher needs pain like a needle
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00021-00007529-00007645 needs of vain
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00022-00007647-00008170 guys but I don't want to watch this
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00023-00008170-00008614 misogynist he-man woman hater
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00024-00008615-00008971 I want porno movies that are made with
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00025-00008972-00009371 guys like me in mind guys who know that
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00026-00009372-00009628 the sexiest thing in the world is a
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00027-00009629-00009889 woman who is smarter than you are
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00028-00009890-00010153 you can have the whole cheerleading
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00029-00010154-00010508 squad I want the girl in the tweed skirt
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00030-00010509-00010853 and the horn-rimmed glasses Benny
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00031-00010854-00011375 fan of Faust the valedictorian oh yes
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00032-00011376-00011762 first I want to copy a trig homework and
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00033-00011763-00012026 then I want to make mad passionate loved
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00034-00012027-00012530 her for hours and hours until she
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00035-00012531-00012857 reluctantly asked if we can stop because
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00036-00012858-00013076 she doesn't want to miss battlestar
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00037-00013077-00013478 galactica some of whom loud baby that is
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00038-00013479-00013847 what I call erotic but do you ever see
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00039-00013847-00014030 that kind of woman in a contemporary
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00040-00014031-00014416 adult film no which is why I'm gonna
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00041-00014418-00014725 start writing and directing geek porno I
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00042-00014726-00015035 shall be the quintessential nerd or
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00043-00015036-00015413 doctor and the women in my porno movies
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00044-00015413-00015731 will be the kind that drive nerds like
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00045-00015732-00016088 me mad with desire I'm talking about the
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00046-00016088-00016336 girls that used to [__] up the grading
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00047-00016337-00016628 the girls in the Latin club and the
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00048-00016629-00016973 National Honor Society chicks with we're
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00049-00016974-00017474 close races four eyes and 4.0 GPA
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00050-00017475-00017834 brainy articulate bookworms with men's
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00051-00017835-00018116 of cards in their purses and chips on
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00052-00018117-00018286 their shoulders
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00053-00018287-00018668 my porn starlets will come in all shapes
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00054-00018669-00018788 and sizes
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00055-00018789-00019094 my porn starlets will be too busy
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00056-00019095-00019531 working on their PhD to go to the gym in
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00057-00019532-00019874 my kind of porno movies the girls want
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00058-00019875-00020150 to even have to get naked they just take
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00059-00020151-00020419 the guys down to the rec room and beat
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00060-00020420-00020816 them repeatedly a chess and then talk to
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00061-00020817-00021056 them for hours about Heisenberg's
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00062-00021057-00021392 uncertainty principle or the underlying
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00063-00021393-00021835 social metaphors alien movies by
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00064-00021836-00022100 stalking some hand cream companies
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00065-00022101-00022327 because there is about to be a major
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00066-00022328-00022664 shortage and I'm not just talking about
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00067-00022665-00023060 straight porn Oh No there should be [__]
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00068-00023061-00023419 films for my nerd brethren of all sexual
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00069-00023420-00023864 orientations gay nerd porn flicks with
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00070-00023865-00024317 titles like Dungeons & Dragons this idea
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00071-00024318-00024455 is a [__]
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00072-00024456-00024753 I'm gonna make millions because this
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00073-00024754-00025050 country is full of database programmers
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00074-00025051-00025328 and electronics engineers and they
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00075-00025329-00025556 aren't getting the loving that they so
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00076-00025557-00025844 desperately need and you can help if
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00077-00025845-00026061 you're an intelligent woman is
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00078-00026062-00026292 interested in breaking into the adult
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00079-00026293-00026574 film industry if you can tell me the
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00080-00026575-00026832 name of Luke Skywalker's home planet
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00081-00026833-00027215 then you are hired it doesn't matter if
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00082-00027216-00027362 you think you're overweight or
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00083-00027363-00027627 unattractive it doesn't matter if you
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00084-00027627-00027843 don't think you're beautiful you are
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00086-00034562-00037041 [Music]
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00087-00037042-00037861 [Applause]
CqlPT2oeOQQ-00088-00037862-00038177 [Applause]
CuslZ7tobzc-00000-00000420-00000822 foreign
CuslZ7tobzc-00001-00000823-00001422 [Music]
CuslZ7tobzc-00004-00009110-00009430 I got a news
CuslZ7tobzc-00005-00009431-00012424 [Music]
CuslZ7tobzc-00006-00012425-00012643 foreign
CutfoyCqrmU-00000-00000335-00001214 [Applause]
CutfoyCqrmU-00001-00001215-00001748 me as a player on great passion
CutfoyCqrmU-00002-00001750-00002131 I'm just also having find
CutfoyCqrmU-00003-00002132-00002360 trying to get my teammates and bar
CutfoyCqrmU-00004-00002361-00002846 Charma win the game
CutfoyCqrmU-00005-00002847-00003238 he's gonna take
CutfoyCqrmU-00006-00003239-00003663 [Applause]
CutfoyCqrmU-00007-00003664-00003993 you just got to be a tough guy coming up
CutfoyCqrmU-00008-00003994-00004077 to New York
CutfoyCqrmU-00009-00004078-00004275 me and my neighborhood it was tough
CutfoyCqrmU-00010-00004276-00004510 growing up there I was born in Coney
CutfoyCqrmU-00011-00004511-00004702 Island in Brooklyn so it was always
CutfoyCqrmU-00012-00004703-00004906 tough to be on the cooker the older God
CutfoyCqrmU-00013-00004907-00005079 was always been so you got he had to be
CutfoyCqrmU-00014-00005080-00005295 tough and talented when I'm on the court
CutfoyCqrmU-00015-00005296-00006072 I got that New York sweat these were all
CutfoyCqrmU-00016-00006073-00006375 bad fits Charlotte slippers Memphis New
CutfoyCqrmU-00017-00006376-00006606 Orleans Minnesota as soon as he comes
CutfoyCqrmU-00018-00006608-00006826 back Aires that effective player again
CutfoyCqrmU-00019-00006827-00007045 I'm definitely immature going through
CutfoyCqrmU-00020-00007045-00007371 all this different teams and I feel like
CutfoyCqrmU-00021-00007372-00007539 this song it made me a better player
CutfoyCqrmU-00022-00007540-00007720 made me more humble
CutfoyCqrmU-00023-00007720-00007966 it made me learn a lot being that I play
CutfoyCqrmU-00024-00007967-00008257 with a lot of all-star Chris Paul's all
CutfoyCqrmU-00025-00008258-00008530 pairs play with Tony Allen I feel like
CutfoyCqrmU-00026-00008531-00008812 it helped my game to make me the person
CutfoyCqrmU-00027-00008813-00009243 I am now
CutfoyCqrmU-00028-00009244-00009435 I don't feel like that I'm still feeling
CutfoyCqrmU-00029-00009436-00009657 you know I got to leave very early me
CutfoyCqrmU-00030-00009658-00009852 and the younger guys we all relate to
CutfoyCqrmU-00031-00009853-00010011 each other so I don't feel like I'm the
CutfoyCqrmU-00032-00010012-00010176 old guy on the team work for the old
CutfoyCqrmU-00033-00010177-00010507 heads
CutfoyCqrmU-00034-00010508-00010709 [Music]
CutfoyCqrmU-00035-00010710-00011031 you gotta stay mentally sharp you can't
CutfoyCqrmU-00036-00011032-00011196 let all the hype get to us
CutfoyCqrmU-00037-00011197-00011376 nobody's other thing to be here there'd
CutfoyCqrmU-00038-00011377-00011601 be surprises the NBA got my first lady's
CutfoyCqrmU-00039-00011602-00011793 young guy on the first by how well they
CutfoyCqrmU-00040-00011794-00012051 play this is one of the best things I
CutfoyCqrmU-00041-00012052-00012306 played with a lot of guys on the team it
CutfoyCqrmU-00042-00012307-00012597 just they helpful and there's no drama
CutfoyCqrmU-00043-00012598-00013113 you just want to win I think this is the
CutfoyCqrmU-00044-00013113-00013616 most together team I ever been I always
CutfoyCqrmU-00045-00013618-00013815 see them to be a success to be gone and
CutfoyCqrmU-00046-00013816-00013935 win a championship
CutfoyCqrmU-00047-00013936-00014198 [Music]
CvaZFsRaT8M-00000-00000000-00000227 will the Tesla Model y be the last
CvaZFsRaT8M-00001-00000228-00000509 Teslas ever made Tesla has become a
CvaZFsRaT8M-00002-00000509-00000659 household name when it comes to electric
CvaZFsRaT8M-00003-00000660-00000899 vehicles from the Roadster to the model
CvaZFsRaT8M-00004-00000900-00001258 S x 3 and Y Tesla has taken the World by
CvaZFsRaT8M-00005-00001259-00001469 storm with its innovative technology and
CvaZFsRaT8M-00006-00001470-00001697 Sleek design however despite the
CvaZFsRaT8M-00007-00001698-00001889 company's success there are a few key
CvaZFsRaT8M-00008-00001889-00002165 reasons why the Tesla Model y may be the
CvaZFsRaT8M-00009-00002166-00002387 last Tesla ever made in this video we
CvaZFsRaT8M-00010-00002388-00002560 will take a look at whether the Tesla
CvaZFsRaT8M-00011-00002561-00002771 Model y will be the last Tesla ever made
CvaZFsRaT8M-00012-00002772-00003076 number five increase competition in the
CvaZFsRaT8M-00013-00003077-00003256 electric vehicle Market the electric
CvaZFsRaT8M-00014-00003257-00003479 vehicle Market is growing rapidly and
CvaZFsRaT8M-00015-00003479-00003665 has more and more manufacturers enter
CvaZFsRaT8M-00016-00003665-00003851 the market the competition will only
CvaZFsRaT8M-00017-00003852-00004115 become more intense already major car
CvaZFsRaT8M-00018-00004116-00004354 makers such as Fort General Motors and
CvaZFsRaT8M-00019-00004355-00004522 Volkswagen have announced plans to
CvaZFsRaT8M-00020-00004523-00004691 invest billions of dollars in electric
CvaZFsRaT8M-00021-00004692-00004883 vehicle production over the next few
CvaZFsRaT8M-00022-00004884-00005122 years this increased competition will
CvaZFsRaT8M-00023-00005123-00005291 make it more difficult for Tesla to
CvaZFsRaT8M-00024-00005292-00005483 maintain its dominant position in the
CvaZFsRaT8M-00025-00005484-00005704 market as the market becomes more
CvaZFsRaT8M-00026-00005705-00005945 saturated consumers will have more
CvaZFsRaT8M-00027-00005946-00006149 choices and and Tesla May struggle to
CvaZFsRaT8M-00028-00006150-00006334 compete with the established brands that
CvaZFsRaT8M-00029-00006335-00006496 have been in the automotives industry
CvaZFsRaT8M-00030-00006497-00006748 for decades number four production
CvaZFsRaT8M-00031-00006750-00006946 challenges and supply chain disruptions
CvaZFsRaT8M-00032-00006947-00007156 one of the biggest challenges facing
CvaZFsRaT8M-00033-00007158-00007348 Tesla is the production of its Vehicles
CvaZFsRaT8M-00034-00007350-00007541 Tesla has struggled with production
CvaZFsRaT8M-00035-00007542-00007817 issues in the past and these issues have
CvaZFsRaT8M-00036-00007818-00007973 caused significant delays in the
CvaZFsRaT8M-00037-00007973-00008207 delivery of its Vehicles additionally
CvaZFsRaT8M-00038-00008208-00008453 Tesla relies happily on a complex supply
CvaZFsRaT8M-00039-00008454-00008699 chain to produce its vehicles and any
CvaZFsRaT8M-00040-00008700-00008903 disruptions in this supply chain can
CvaZFsRaT8M-00041-00008904-00009071 cause significant delays and production
CvaZFsRaT8M-00042-00009072-00009299 problems as the automotive industry
CvaZFsRaT8M-00043-00009300-00009485 becomes more globalized these
CvaZFsRaT8M-00044-00009486-00009749 disruptions become more likely making it
CvaZFsRaT8M-00045-00009750-00009923 increasingly difficult for Tesla to
CvaZFsRaT8M-00046-00009924-00010151 reduce its vehicle efficiently number
CvaZFsRaT8M-00047-00010152-00010349 three the shift towards autonomous
CvaZFsRaT8M-00048-00010350-00010583 vehicles the shift towards autonomous
CvaZFsRaT8M-00049-00010584-00010751 vehicles is a significant Trend that
CvaZFsRaT8M-00050-00010752-00010927 could impact Tesla's future success
CvaZFsRaT8M-00051-00010928-00011177 autonomous vehicles are vehicles that
CvaZFsRaT8M-00052-00011178-00011423 can operate without human input relying
CvaZFsRaT8M-00053-00011424-00011669 instead on sensors cameras and other
CvaZFsRaT8M-00054-00011670-00011867 Technologies to navigate routes and made
CvaZFsRaT8M-00055-00011868-00012119 decisions one potential impact of the
CvaZFsRaT8M-00056-00012120-00012305 shift towards autonomous vehicles is
CvaZFsRaT8M-00057-00012306-00012449 that it could change consumer
CvaZFsRaT8M-00058-00012450-00012701 preferences for car ownership for
CvaZFsRaT8M-00059-00012702-00012893 example instead of owning a personal
CvaZFsRaT8M-00060-00012894-00013151 vehicle individuals may prefer to use a
CvaZFsRaT8M-00061-00013152-00013355 ride sharing service or a self-driving
CvaZFsRaT8M-00062-00013356-00013601 car service this could impact the demand
CvaZFsRaT8M-00063-00013602-00013763 for Tesla's vehicles and potentially
CvaZFsRaT8M-00064-00013763-00013949 reduce the number of Individual Car
CvaZFsRaT8M-00065-00013950-00014183 owners moreover the shift towards
CvaZFsRaT8M-00066-00014184-00014344 autonomous vehicles could also increase
CvaZFsRaT8M-00067-00014345-00014561 competition in the automotive industry
CvaZFsRaT8M-00068-00014562-00014771 the traditional automakers and
CvaZFsRaT8M-00069-00014772-00014963 technology companies are investing
CvaZFsRaT8M-00070-00014963-00015179 heavily in self-driving car technology
CvaZFsRaT8M-00071-00015180-00015401 and many are working on bringing
CvaZFsRaT8M-00072-00015402-00015641 autonomous vehicles to Market this could
CvaZFsRaT8M-00073-00015641-00015821 increase the competition that Tesla
CvaZFsRaT8M-00074-00015822-00015988 faces in the electric vehicle Market
CvaZFsRaT8M-00075-00015990-00016193 potentially impacting the company's
CvaZFsRaT8M-00076-00016194-00016439 market share and profitability another
CvaZFsRaT8M-00077-00016440-00016619 potential impact of the shift towards
CvaZFsRaT8M-00078-00016620-00016793 autonomous vehicles is that it could
CvaZFsRaT8M-00079-00016794-00016949 change the way that vehicles are
CvaZFsRaT8M-00080-00016950-00017183 designed and manufactured autonomous
CvaZFsRaT8M-00081-00017184-00017363 vehicles may require different features
CvaZFsRaT8M-00082-00017364-00017579 such as advanced sensors and
CvaZFsRaT8M-00083-00017580-00017758 communication Technologies which could
CvaZFsRaT8M-00084-00017759-00017933 require significant investments in
CvaZFsRaT8M-00085-00017934-00018094 research and development
CvaZFsRaT8M-00086-00018095-00018347 number two changing consumer preferences
CvaZFsRaT8M-00087-00018348-00018611 and environmental regulations while the
CvaZFsRaT8M-00088-00018612-00018767 electric vehicle Market is growing
CvaZFsRaT8M-00089-00018768-00018965 rapidly there is no guarantee that this
CvaZFsRaT8M-00090-00018966-00019129 growth will continue indefinitely
CvaZFsRaT8M-00091-00019130-00019379 consumer preferences are notoriously
CvaZFsRaT8M-00092-00019380-00019600 fickle and if electric vehicles fall out
CvaZFsRaT8M-00093-00019601-00019853 of favor Tesla may be left with a glut
CvaZFsRaT8M-00094-00019854-00020069 of unsold vehicles and nowhere to run
CvaZFsRaT8M-00095-00020070-00020314 additionally environmental regulations
CvaZFsRaT8M-00096-00020315-00020500 may also have an impact on the demand
CvaZFsRaT8M-00097-00020501-00020741 for electric vehicles if governments
CvaZFsRaT8M-00098-00020742-00020903 around the world fail to implement
CvaZFsRaT8M-00099-00020904-00021113 effective policies to encourage the
CvaZFsRaT8M-00100-00021114-00021329 adoptions of electric vehicles demand
CvaZFsRaT8M-00101-00021330-00021527 may stagnate leaving Tesla with a
CvaZFsRaT8M-00102-00021528-00021653 shrinking Market
CvaZFsRaT8M-00103-00021654-00021886 number one political and Regulatory
CvaZFsRaT8M-00104-00021887-00022228 risks political and Regulatory risks can
CvaZFsRaT8M-00105-00022229-00022433 pose significant challenges to Tesla's
CvaZFsRaT8M-00106-00022434-00022685 future success these risks can arise
CvaZFsRaT8M-00107-00022686-00022889 from changes in government policy new
CvaZFsRaT8M-00108-00022890-00023153 regulations or political instability in
CvaZFsRaT8M-00109-00023154-00023386 key markets where Tesla operates for
CvaZFsRaT8M-00110-00023387-00023597 example changes in government policy
CvaZFsRaT8M-00111-00023598-00023771 could have a significant impact on
CvaZFsRaT8M-00112-00023772-00024017 Tesla's operations governments May
CvaZFsRaT8M-00113-00024018-00024244 introduce policies that favor domestic
CvaZFsRaT8M-00114-00024245-00024491 automakers limit foreign investment or
CvaZFsRaT8M-00115-00024492-00024713 impulse tariffs on imported goods
CvaZFsRaT8M-00116-00024714-00025036 changes to tax policies or environmental
CvaZFsRaT8M-00117-00025037-00025247 regulations could also impact Tesla's
CvaZFsRaT8M-00118-00025248-00025444 bottom line or require the company to
CvaZFsRaT8M-00119-00025445-00025625 make significant investments in new
CvaZFsRaT8M-00120-00025626-00025825 technologies or infrastructure
CvaZFsRaT8M-00121-00025826-00026050 regulatory risks can also pose
CvaZFsRaT8M-00122-00026051-00026255 significant challenges to Tesla's future
CvaZFsRaT8M-00123-00026256-00026495 success for example the company's
CvaZFsRaT8M-00124-00026495-00026693 autopilot technology has faced numerous
CvaZFsRaT8M-00125-00026694-00026927 legal and Regulatory challenges if
CvaZFsRaT8M-00126-00026927-00027101 regulator deemed Tesla's technology
CvaZFsRaT8M-00127-00027102-00027293 unsafe or require the company to make
CvaZFsRaT8M-00128-00027294-00027437 significant changes to comply with
CvaZFsRaT8M-00129-00027438-00027623 regulations this could have a
CvaZFsRaT8M-00130-00027624-00027761 significant impact on the company's
CvaZFsRaT8M-00131-00027762-00027964 future growth and profitability
CvaZFsRaT8M-00132-00027966-00028193 political instability in key markets
CvaZFsRaT8M-00133-00028194-00028390 could also post risks to test us
CvaZFsRaT8M-00134-00028391-00028631 operations for example ongoing trade
CvaZFsRaT8M-00135-00028632-00028787 tensions between the United States and
CvaZFsRaT8M-00136-00028788-00028967 China could impact Tesla's ability to
CvaZFsRaT8M-00137-00028968-00029170 operate in China one of its most
CvaZFsRaT8M-00138-00029172-00029393 important markets political instability
CvaZFsRaT8M-00139-00029394-00029627 in other key markets such as Europe or
CvaZFsRaT8M-00140-00029627-00029795 India could also disrupt Tesla's
CvaZFsRaT8M-00141-00029795-00029968 operations and supply chain causing
CvaZFsRaT8M-00142-00029969-00030149 delays or disruptions that could impact
CvaZFsRaT8M-00143-00030150-00030358 the company's bottom line and with that
CvaZFsRaT8M-00144-00030360-00030557 being said it's time to end our video
CvaZFsRaT8M-00145-00030558-00030737 subscribe to our channel for more
CvaZFsRaT8M-00146-00030738-00030964 amazing videos like this we'll see you
CvaZFsRaT8M-00147-00030966-00031114 with another interesting video
CvaZFsRaT8M-00148-00031116-00031322 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00000-00000059-00000316 the Holy Spirit
CxhjRziQ0R4-00001-00000317-00000593 is hovering across this audience
CxhjRziQ0R4-00002-00000594-00000923 and he is working
CxhjRziQ0R4-00003-00000924-00001319 to prepare you to receive new life
CxhjRziQ0R4-00004-00001320-00001691 you cannot imagine a day without drugs
CxhjRziQ0R4-00005-00001692-00001901 some of you we have gone out of our way
CxhjRziQ0R4-00006-00001902-00002065 to make sure you would be here tonight
CxhjRziQ0R4-00007-00002066-00002392 from the streets and from areas some of
CxhjRziQ0R4-00008-00002393-00002507 the homeless some of the people
CxhjRziQ0R4-00009-00002508-00002902 victimized by Modern Life
CxhjRziQ0R4-00010-00002903-00003118 we went out of our way to bring you in
CxhjRziQ0R4-00011-00003119-00003256 this tent
CxhjRziQ0R4-00012-00003257-00003515 and right now you cannot imagine a day
CxhjRziQ0R4-00013-00003515-00003749 where you have your own home or a day
CxhjRziQ0R4-00014-00003750-00003988 where you're not on drugs or a day where
CxhjRziQ0R4-00015-00003989-00004222 you don't want to kill yourself
CxhjRziQ0R4-00016-00004223-00004522 but what you'll become by the end of
CxhjRziQ0R4-00017-00004523-00004672 this night
CxhjRziQ0R4-00018-00004673-00005027 will be so opposite what you're used to
CxhjRziQ0R4-00019-00005028-00005297 you will look in the mirror and you will
CxhjRziQ0R4-00020-00005298-00005591 not recognize yourself I want you to
CxhjRziQ0R4-00021-00005592-00005818 listen to me look at me
CxhjRziQ0R4-00022-00005819-00006083 one day we did an Outreach at The Shrine
CxhjRziQ0R4-00023-00006084-00006383 Auditorium in Los Angeles
CxhjRziQ0R4-00024-00006384-00006701 and with the help of Victory Outreach
CxhjRziQ0R4-00025-00006702-00006941 we had a massive turnout
CxhjRziQ0R4-00026-00006942-00007259 Sonny arginzoni himself said we're going
CxhjRziQ0R4-00027-00007259-00007427 to help Mario
CxhjRziQ0R4-00028-00007428-00007733 and we got members of every major gang I
CxhjRziQ0R4-00029-00007734-00008014 was sitting in the in my dressing room
CxhjRziQ0R4-00030-00008015-00008309 of the shrine with seven thousand people
CxhjRziQ0R4-00031-00008310-00008699 and thousands of them were unsaved
CxhjRziQ0R4-00032-00008700-00009005 and the LAPD broke into my dressing room
CxhjRziQ0R4-00033-00009006-00009310 and said are you crazy
CxhjRziQ0R4-00034-00009311-00009610 and I said well you know it's common
CxhjRziQ0R4-00035-00009611-00009971 knowledge by now
CxhjRziQ0R4-00036-00009972-00010259 it's not a secret
CxhjRziQ0R4-00037-00010260-00010469 they said do you realize what kind of
CxhjRziQ0R4-00038-00010470-00010691 violence could break out out there
CxhjRziQ0R4-00039-00010692-00010906 I said have you seen the ushers from
CxhjRziQ0R4-00040-00010907-00011224 Victory Outreach have you seen them
CxhjRziQ0R4-00041-00011225-00011423 I said there ain't nothing gonna break
CxhjRziQ0R4-00042-00011424-00011753 out here
CxhjRziQ0R4-00043-00011754-00012005 they'd be crazy
CxhjRziQ0R4-00044-00012006-00012341 and I so I went out we gave the altar
CxhjRziQ0R4-00045-00012342-00012569 call and a thousand young people came
CxhjRziQ0R4-00046-00012570-00012760 forward
CxhjRziQ0R4-00047-00012761-00012857 now watch
CxhjRziQ0R4-00048-00012858-00013127 [Applause]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00049-00013128-00013349 when I looked down at him I was looking
CxhjRziQ0R4-00050-00013350-00013655 at the young ladies that came down
CxhjRziQ0R4-00051-00013656-00013835 and I looked at him and I thought they
CxhjRziQ0R4-00052-00013836-00014158 were like 25 30 years old
CxhjRziQ0R4-00053-00014159-00014483 then I said close your eyes
CxhjRziQ0R4-00054-00014484-00014716 receive Jesus
CxhjRziQ0R4-00055-00014718-00014957 and when they opened their eyes I
CxhjRziQ0R4-00056-00014958-00015365 realized they were 14 and 15 years old
CxhjRziQ0R4-00057-00015366-00015661 and Christ had changed their countenance
CxhjRziQ0R4-00058-00015662-00015929 in one prayer
CxhjRziQ0R4-00059-00015930-00016240 and they went back to looking innocent
CxhjRziQ0R4-00060-00016241-00016391 [Applause]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00061-00016392-00016607 tonight I'm telling you God's going to
CxhjRziQ0R4-00062-00016608-00016817 change people how many of you know the
CxhjRziQ0R4-00063-00016818-00017015 greatest news in the world is that
CxhjRziQ0R4-00064-00017016-00017436 tonight drugs and sin and perversion
CxhjRziQ0R4-00065-00017437-00017763 cannot survive the love of God
CxhjRziQ0R4-00066-00017764-00017988 [Applause]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00067-00017989-00018239 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00068-00018240-00018438 [Applause]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00069-00018439-00018725 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00070-00018726-00018930 man am I excited
CxhjRziQ0R4-00071-00018931-00018988 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00072-00018989-00019372 [Applause]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00073-00019373-00019733 when I was converted to Christianity
CxhjRziQ0R4-00074-00019734-00020117 it was so total and so instant
CxhjRziQ0R4-00075-00020118-00020555 that within 14 days of my conversion I
CxhjRziQ0R4-00076-00020556-00020939 had one 14 of my classmates to Christ
CxhjRziQ0R4-00077-00020940-00021203 I made God a vow that I would win a soul
CxhjRziQ0R4-00078-00021204-00021425 every day that's it
CxhjRziQ0R4-00079-00021426-00021599 and it didn't matter to me what you
CxhjRziQ0R4-00080-00021600-00021785 thought what you believed have you sat
CxhjRziQ0R4-00081-00021786-00021994 next to me in science that's your
CxhjRziQ0R4-00082-00021995-00022060 problem
CxhjRziQ0R4-00083-00022061-00022258 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00084-00022259-00022475 if you're if you're in the locker room
CxhjRziQ0R4-00085-00022476-00022733 and your locker is next to mine
CxhjRziQ0R4-00086-00022734-00022925 that's your problem
CxhjRziQ0R4-00087-00022926-00023153 because I'm going to tell you about he
CxhjRziQ0R4-00088-00023154-00023819 who changed me altered me and made me
CxhjRziQ0R4-00089-00023820-00024094 a child of God
CxhjRziQ0R4-00090-00024095-00024371 but then one day not long after I was
CxhjRziQ0R4-00091-00024372-00024599 converted I found out I was going to be
CxhjRziQ0R4-00092-00024600-00024808 a preacher
CxhjRziQ0R4-00093-00024809-00025139 God called me
CxhjRziQ0R4-00094-00025140-00025385 and what I didn't know
CxhjRziQ0R4-00095-00025386-00025817 because my mom was backslitting and when
CxhjRziQ0R4-00096-00025818-00025996 I came home from church
CxhjRziQ0R4-00097-00025997-00026314 in the inner city and my mom Christina
CxhjRziQ0R4-00098-00026316-00026489 was in the kitchen
CxhjRziQ0R4-00099-00026489-00026764 I walked up to her about 10 o'clock at
CxhjRziQ0R4-00100-00026766-00026939 night on a Sunday night
CxhjRziQ0R4-00101-00026939-00027233 I said Mom I have been saved
CxhjRziQ0R4-00102-00027233-00027508 and when I said the word saved my mom
CxhjRziQ0R4-00103-00027510-00027887 collapsed to her knees and began sobbing
CxhjRziQ0R4-00104-00027888-00028157 and said Jesus forgive me
CxhjRziQ0R4-00105-00028158-00028390 I'm gonna serve you now with all my
CxhjRziQ0R4-00106-00028391-00028612 might and you know what to a dying day
CxhjRziQ0R4-00107-00028613-00029051 she did she lived to be 92 and she
CxhjRziQ0R4-00108-00029052-00029327 served God but here's
CxhjRziQ0R4-00109-00029327-00029777 here's what you need to know
CxhjRziQ0R4-00110-00029777-00030101 my father left our family on the day I
CxhjRziQ0R4-00111-00030102-00030323 was born
CxhjRziQ0R4-00112-00030324-00030539 he didn't want to be a father he was too
CxhjRziQ0R4-00113-00030539-00030683 young
CxhjRziQ0R4-00114-00030683-00030940 my mom had already had one child and she
CxhjRziQ0R4-00115-00030941-00031181 was working in the sweatshops in San
CxhjRziQ0R4-00116-00031182-00031439 Francisco and that time it was 10 cents
CxhjRziQ0R4-00117-00031439-00031501 an hour
CxhjRziQ0R4-00118-00031502-00031667 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00119-00031668-00031943 so she's a she's a she had me when she
CxhjRziQ0R4-00120-00031944-00032183 was 19 years old
CxhjRziQ0R4-00121-00032183-00032545 and here she was living
CxhjRziQ0R4-00122-00032545-00032951 in poverty with her mom my grandmother
CxhjRziQ0R4-00123-00032952-00033251 and she'd already had my older brother a
CxhjRziQ0R4-00124-00033252-00033527 year later she had me
CxhjRziQ0R4-00125-00033528-00033749 doctor said while she was pregnant
CxhjRziQ0R4-00126-00033750-00034037 you're too poor to have this child
CxhjRziQ0R4-00127-00034038-00034289 I know some back alley place you can go
CxhjRziQ0R4-00128-00034290-00034589 to end this terminate this pregnancy
CxhjRziQ0R4-00129-00034590-00034799 she walked home
CxhjRziQ0R4-00130-00034800-00034990 trying to figure out how to live her
CxhjRziQ0R4-00131-00034991-00035477 life and instead of aborting me
CxhjRziQ0R4-00132-00035478-00035711 she put the Bible on her belly every
CxhjRziQ0R4-00133-00035712-00036065 night and she said for nine months every
CxhjRziQ0R4-00134-00036066-00036424 night I don't know if it's a boy or a
CxhjRziQ0R4-00135-00036425-00036712 girl but they are going to preach the
CxhjRziQ0R4-00136-00036713-00037157 gospel and I'm having this child
CxhjRziQ0R4-00137-00037158-00037540 is that a story right there
CxhjRziQ0R4-00138-00037541-00038067 come on you can clap better than that
CxhjRziQ0R4-00139-00038068-00038456 [Applause]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00140-00038457-00038740 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00141-00038741-00038940 Jesus
CxhjRziQ0R4-00142-00038941-00039155 feels your heart
CxhjRziQ0R4-00143-00039156-00039352 you know when the politician says he
CxhjRziQ0R4-00144-00039353-00039675 feels your pain he's lying
CxhjRziQ0R4-00145-00039676-00039917 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00146-00039918-00040223 you know when Dr Phil says he feels for
CxhjRziQ0R4-00147-00040224-00040462 you that's nothing
CxhjRziQ0R4-00148-00040463-00040729 the bottomless Limitless
CxhjRziQ0R4-00149-00040730-00040996 undeniable passion
CxhjRziQ0R4-00150-00040997-00041357 that God weeps When You Weep God is wept
CxhjRziQ0R4-00151-00041358-00041639 over your life when you didn't know it
CxhjRziQ0R4-00152-00041640-00041933 and you didn't feel it Christ was there
CxhjRziQ0R4-00153-00041934-00042418 saying if only you would have let me in
CxhjRziQ0R4-00154-00042419-00042689 I would have stopped that tragedy
CxhjRziQ0R4-00155-00042690-00043223 I would have ended your pain
CxhjRziQ0R4-00156-00043224-00043517 I remember when I was saved I remember
CxhjRziQ0R4-00157-00043518-00043840 when I was saved I'm telling you that I
CxhjRziQ0R4-00158-00043841-00044087 remember the very moment that it was
CxhjRziQ0R4-00159-00044088-00044435 approximately 8 59 almost nine o'clock
CxhjRziQ0R4-00160-00044436-00044812 on a Sunday night on October the 4th and
CxhjRziQ0R4-00161-00044813-00045251 I felt that somebody who would never
CxhjRziQ0R4-00162-00045252-00045623 leave me never lie to me never reject me
CxhjRziQ0R4-00163-00045624-00045971 never abandoned me had come into my life
CxhjRziQ0R4-00164-00045972-00046343 and I had discovered the greatest truth
CxhjRziQ0R4-00165-00046344-00046670 of the entire universe
CxhjRziQ0R4-00166-00046671-00046927 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00167-00046928-00047446 that the one who loves me the most is
CxhjRziQ0R4-00168-00047447-00047812 also the one who has the most power in
CxhjRziQ0R4-00169-00047813-00047989 the universe
CxhjRziQ0R4-00170-00047990-00048202 and I thought
CxhjRziQ0R4-00171-00048203-00048363 how wonderful is that
CxhjRziQ0R4-00172-00048364-00048527 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00173-00048528-00048779 the one who loves me the most has the
CxhjRziQ0R4-00174-00048780-00048923 most power
CxhjRziQ0R4-00175-00048924-00049079 no devil
CxhjRziQ0R4-00176-00049080-00049577 no sickness no tragedy no hatred no
CxhjRziQ0R4-00177-00049578-00049858 darkness no vileness no devil in hell
CxhjRziQ0R4-00178-00049859-00050165 can separate me from the love of Jesus
CxhjRziQ0R4-00179-00050166-00050286 Christ
CxhjRziQ0R4-00180-00050287-00050552 somebody help me preach tonight
CxhjRziQ0R4-00181-00050553-00050738 [Applause]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00182-00050739-00050836 [Music]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00183-00050837-00050953 [Applause]
CxhjRziQ0R4-00184-00050954-00051267 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00000-00000006-00000925 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00001-00000926-00001253 t wait to visit Hibernia is it is it
CxzoXdP-3G4-00002-00001254-00001525 true what they say about the fields yes
CxzoXdP-3G4-00003-00001526-00001787 apparently you can watch the small birds
CxzoXdP-3G4-00004-00001788-00002201 flying freely oh I that's exactly it
CxzoXdP-3G4-00005-00002202-00002489 it's so peaceful around the fields of
CxzoXdP-3G4-00006-00002490-00002703 athenry
CxzoXdP-3G4-00007-00002704-00003245 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00008-00003246-00003736 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00009-00003736-00004681 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00010-00004682-00004961 you can join us later we're going to
CxzoXdP-3G4-00011-00004962-00005206 dull out a few slaps to the Romans
CxzoXdP-3G4-00012-00005207-00006191 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00013-00006192-00006817 go oh
CxzoXdP-3G4-00014-00006818-00009569 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00015-00009570-00010651 yeah
CxzoXdP-3G4-00016-00010652-00010831 up up
CxzoXdP-3G4-00017-00010832-00013391 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00018-00013391-00013491 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00019-00013491-00016216 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00020-00016218-00016397 thank you
CxzoXdP-3G4-00021-00016398-00016820 nice
CxzoXdP-3G4-00022-00016821-00018608 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00023-00018609-00019670 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00024-00019671-00020232 [Applause]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00025-00020233-00020908 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00026-00020909-00021090 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00028-00025200-00025785 whoa
CxzoXdP-3G4-00029-00025786-00026590 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00030-00026591-00026989 ouch oh
CxzoXdP-3G4-00031-00026991-00027712 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00032-00027713-00028468 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00033-00028469-00028658 thank you
CxzoXdP-3G4-00035-00032183-00033361 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00036-00033362-00033671 that's a brutal trick from those Roman
CxzoXdP-3G4-00037-00033672-00034024 amadons I too have a grudge against the
CxzoXdP-3G4-00038-00034025-00034367 Romans Amazon Obelix that must be a
CxzoXdP-3G4-00039-00034368-00034643 Hibernian expression I you could
CxzoXdP-3G4-00040-00034644-00035071 translate it as these Romans are crazy
CxzoXdP-3G4-00041-00035072-00035351 I didn't know they said that in Hibernia
CxzoXdP-3G4-00042-00035352-00035651 oh they said in every language right
CxzoXdP-3G4-00043-00035652-00035896 let's not hang about let's find another
CxzoXdP-3G4-00044-00035897-00036377 boat but where they're like hens teeth
CxzoXdP-3G4-00045-00036378-00036677 um really but the Romans might have one
CxzoXdP-3G4-00046-00036678-00036946 we'll go to their camp and ask nicely
CxzoXdP-3G4-00047-00036947-00037255 it's a garlic custom it's called
CxzoXdP-3G4-00048-00037256-00038357 striking a deal
CxzoXdP-3G4-00049-00038358-00038765 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00050-00038766-00039052 hey keratin why does your RAM have
CxzoXdP-3G4-00051-00039053-00039455 golden horns oh we Okie dokicks was born
CxzoXdP-3G4-00052-00039456-00039773 like that I my father thinks he's a gift
CxzoXdP-3G4-00053-00039774-00040157 from the gods he loves him adores him
CxzoXdP-3G4-00054-00040158-00040493 has cherished him since he was Tiny he's
CxzoXdP-3G4-00055-00040494-00040852 always been with us I'm the same I love
CxzoXdP-3G4-00056-00040853-00041087 my little dogmatics even if he doesn't
CxzoXdP-3G4-00057-00041088-00041357 have golden horns
CxzoXdP-3G4-00058-00041358-00043878 great
CxzoXdP-3G4-00059-00043879-00044095 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00060-00044096-00044357 we're gonna teach those Romans a lesson
CxzoXdP-3G4-00061-00044358-00044465 in their camp
CxzoXdP-3G4-00062-00044466-00044752 fine I'll join you after
CxzoXdP-3G4-00063-00044753-00045011 will you be okay my garlic friends
CxzoXdP-3G4-00064-00045012-00045352 yes we'll do the usual we knock before
CxzoXdP-3G4-00065-00045353-00045874 going in
CxzoXdP-3G4-00066-00045875-00046358 quick
CxzoXdP-3G4-00067-00046359-00047002 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00068-00047003-00048102 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00069-00048103-00048931 the ghosts
CxzoXdP-3G4-00070-00048932-00050667 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00071-00050668-00051749 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00072-00051750-00052878 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00073-00052879-00054073 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00074-00054074-00054380 there has to be a Roman hiding somewhere
CxzoXdP-3G4-00075-00054382-00055444 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00076-00055445-00055854 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00077-00055855-00057977 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00078-00057978-00058985 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00079-00058986-00060462 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00080-00060463-00061942 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00081-00061944-00062891 boom
CxzoXdP-3G4-00082-00062891-00063942 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00083-00063944-00064265 touch the tanks
CxzoXdP-3G4-00084-00064266-00064427 ouch
CxzoXdP-3G4-00085-00064428-00065261 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00086-00065262-00066209 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00087-00066210-00067942 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00088-00067943-00068387 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00089-00068388-00068927 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00091-00072272-00072713 come on there's one left oh
CxzoXdP-3G4-00092-00072714-00074549 no
CxzoXdP-3G4-00093-00074550-00075113 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00094-00075114-00075737 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00095-00075738-00076331 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00096-00076332-00077739 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00097-00077740-00078797 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00098-00078798-00079950 oh no oh
CxzoXdP-3G4-00099-00079951-00081834 only one Roman left the bash
CxzoXdP-3G4-00100-00081835-00082487 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00101-00082488-00083992 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00102-00083993-00084956 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00103-00084957-00086226 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00104-00086227-00086749 are you crazy
CxzoXdP-3G4-00105-00086750-00087317 do you we said not the gear
CxzoXdP-3G4-00106-00087318-00088600 s
CxzoXdP-3G4-00107-00088601-00089065 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00108-00089066-00091022 sometimes can change
CxzoXdP-3G4-00109-00091023-00091891 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00110-00091892-00094158 come on wake up prepare yourselves
CxzoXdP-3G4-00111-00094159-00094999 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00112-00095000-00095262 thank you
CxzoXdP-3G4-00113-00095263-00095950 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00114-00095951-00096288 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00115-00096289-00098081 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00116-00098082-00099461 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00117-00099462-00099704 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00118-00099705-00100944 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00119-00100945-00101882 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00120-00101883-00102928 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00121-00102929-00104523 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00122-00104524-00105590 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00123-00105591-00106608 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00124-00106609-00107524 garlic fruits in sight
CxzoXdP-3G4-00125-00107525-00108271 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00126-00108272-00109627 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00127-00109628-00109810 oh my God
CxzoXdP-3G4-00128-00109811-00109957 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00129-00109958-00110874 Jupiter you are crazy
CxzoXdP-3G4-00130-00110875-00112960 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00131-00112961-00114227 still be a Roman around here
CxzoXdP-3G4-00132-00114228-00115955 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00133-00115956-00116916 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00134-00116917-00118543 oh now
CxzoXdP-3G4-00135-00118544-00120247 the ghosts
CxzoXdP-3G4-00136-00120248-00120533 I don't do my own streets
CxzoXdP-3G4-00137-00120533-00121666 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00138-00121667-00122952 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00139-00122953-00123259 thank you
CxzoXdP-3G4-00140-00123260-00123449 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00141-00123450-00123795 closer
CxzoXdP-3G4-00142-00123796-00124666 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00143-00124667-00125414 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00144-00125415-00125663 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00145-00125664-00125969 how
CxzoXdP-3G4-00146-00125970-00126803 to look
CxzoXdP-3G4-00147-00126804-00127045 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00148-00127046-00127598 come on
CxzoXdP-3G4-00149-00127599-00128863 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00150-00128864-00129098 Roman hiding somewhere
CxzoXdP-3G4-00151-00129099-00129701 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00152-00129702-00130121 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00153-00130122-00130277 thank you
CxzoXdP-3G4-00154-00130278-00130411 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00155-00130413-00131402 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00156-00131403-00132810 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00157-00132811-00133063 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00158-00133064-00133944 come on
CxzoXdP-3G4-00159-00133945-00134497 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00160-00134498-00135085 you are crazy
CxzoXdP-3G4-00161-00135086-00135778 watch out
CxzoXdP-3G4-00162-00135779-00136824 oh no roots
CxzoXdP-3G4-00163-00136825-00137213 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00164-00137214-00137580 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00165-00137581-00139717 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00166-00139718-00140228 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00167-00140229-00140352 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00168-00140353-00141666 you are too weak
CxzoXdP-3G4-00169-00141667-00141839 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00170-00141840-00144064 Ness
CxzoXdP-3G4-00171-00144065-00144520 foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00172-00144521-00146846 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00173-00146847-00147366 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00174-00147367-00147775 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00175-00147776-00148378 thank you foreign
CxzoXdP-3G4-00176-00148379-00150166 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00177-00150167-00150519 there'll still be a Roman around here
CxzoXdP-3G4-00178-00150520-00151869 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00179-00151870-00154435 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00180-00154436-00154568 thank you
CxzoXdP-3G4-00181-00154569-00155769 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00182-00155770-00156473 [Music]
CxzoXdP-3G4-00183-00156474-00157100 foreign
CxOajlYBICU-00000-00000052-00000365 gravity electromagnetism abbreviated jem
CxOajlYBICU-00001-00000366-00000588 refers to a set of formal analogies
CxOajlYBICU-00002-00000589-00000717 between the equations for
CxOajlYBICU-00003-00000718-00000915 electromagnetism and relativistic
CxOajlYBICU-00004-00000916-00001098 gravitation specifically between
CxOajlYBICU-00005-00001099-00001298 Maxwell's field equations and an
CxOajlYBICU-00006-00001299-00001482 approximation valid under certain
CxOajlYBICU-00007-00001483-00001652 conditions to the Einstein field
CxOajlYBICU-00008-00001653-00001929 equations for general relativity gravity
CxOajlYBICU-00009-00001930-00002159 magnetism is a widely used term
CxOajlYBICU-00010-00002160-00002360 referring specifically to the kinetic
CxOajlYBICU-00011-00002361-00002574 effects of gravity in analogy to the
CxOajlYBICU-00012-00002575-00002754 magnetic effects of moving electric
CxOajlYBICU-00013-00002755-00003045 charge the most common version of jem is
CxOajlYBICU-00014-00003046-00003294 valid only far from isolated sources and
CxOajlYBICU-00015-00003295-00003594 for slowly moving test particles the
CxOajlYBICU-00016-00003595-00003810 analogy and equations differing only by
CxOajlYBICU-00017-00003811-00004011 some small factors were first published
CxOajlYBICU-00018-00004011-00004332 in 1893 before general relativity by
CxOajlYBICU-00019-00004333-00004539 Oliver Heaviside as a separate theory
CxOajlYBICU-00020-00004540-00005165 expanding Newton's law
CxOajlYBICU-00021-00005166-00005681 topic background
CxOajlYBICU-00022-00005682-00005916 this approximate reformulation of
CxOajlYBICU-00023-00005917-00006120 gravitation as described by general
CxOajlYBICU-00024-00006121-00006327 relativity in the weak field limit makes
CxOajlYBICU-00025-00006328-00006503 an apparent field appear in a frame of
CxOajlYBICU-00026-00006504-00006659 reference different from that of a
CxOajlYBICU-00027-00006661-00006909 freely moving inertial body this
CxOajlYBICU-00028-00006909-00007103 apparent field may be described by two
CxOajlYBICU-00029-00007104-00007317 components that act respectively like
CxOajlYBICU-00030-00007318-00007496 the electric and magnetic fields of
CxOajlYBICU-00031-00007497-00007713 electromagnetism and by analogy these
CxOajlYBICU-00032-00007714-00007887 are called the gravit electric and
CxOajlYBICU-00033-00007888-00008078 graviton magnetic fields since these
CxOajlYBICU-00034-00008079-00008256 arise in the same way around a mass that
CxOajlYBICU-00035-00008257-00008457 a moving electric charge is the source
CxOajlYBICU-00036-00008458-00008748 of electric and magnetic fields the main
CxOajlYBICU-00037-00008749-00008943 consequence of the graviton magnetic
CxOajlYBICU-00038-00008944-00009198 field or velocity dependent acceleration
CxOajlYBICU-00039-00009199-00009380 is that a moving object near a massive
CxOajlYBICU-00040-00009381-00009576 rotating object will experience
CxOajlYBICU-00041-00009577-00009788 acceleration not predicted by a purely
CxOajlYBICU-00042-00009789-00010021 Newtonian gravity electric gravity field
CxOajlYBICU-00043-00010022-00010308 more subtle predictions such as induced
CxOajlYBICU-00044-00010309-00010502 rotation of a falling object and
CxOajlYBICU-00045-00010503-00010677 precession of a spinning object are
CxOajlYBICU-00046-00010678-00010860 among the last basic predictions of
CxOajlYBICU-00047-00010861-00011149 general relativity to be directly tested
CxOajlYBICU-00048-00011150-00011441 indirect validations of gravity magnetic
CxOajlYBICU-00049-00011442-00011634 effects have been derived from analyses
CxOajlYBICU-00050-00011635-00011960 of relativistic Jets Roger Penrose had
CxOajlYBICU-00051-00011961-00012171 proposed a frame dragging mechanism for
CxOajlYBICU-00052-00012172-00012354 extracting energy and momentum from
CxOajlYBICU-00053-00012355-00012666 rotating black holes ray vaque Williams
CxOajlYBICU-00054-00012667-00012885 University of Florida developed a
CxOajlYBICU-00055-00012886-00013094 rigorous proof that validated pen rose's
CxOajlYBICU-00056-00013095-00013350 mechanism her model showed how the lens
CxOajlYBICU-00057-00013351-00013508 thering effect could account for the
CxOajlYBICU-00058-00013509-00013722 observed high energies and luminosities
CxOajlYBICU-00059-00013722-00013958 of quasars and active galactic nuclei
CxOajlYBICU-00060-00013959-00014150 the collimated Jets about their polar
CxOajlYBICU-00061-00014151-00014394 axis and the asymmetrical Jets relative
CxOajlYBICU-00062-00014394-00014613 to the orbital plane all of those
CxOajlYBICU-00063-00014613-00014808 observed properties could be explained
CxOajlYBICU-00064-00014809-00015035 in terms of graviton magnetic effects
CxOajlYBICU-00065-00015036-00015288 Williams application of pen rose's
CxOajlYBICU-00066-00015288-00015480 mechanism can be applied to black holes
CxOajlYBICU-00067-00015481-00015807 of any size relativistic Jets can serve
CxOajlYBICU-00068-00015808-00015993 as the largest and brightest form of
CxOajlYBICU-00069-00015994-00016216 validations for gravity' magnetism a
CxOajlYBICU-00070-00016218-00016472 group that Stanford University is
CxOajlYBICU-00071-00016473-00016680 currently analyzing data from the first
CxOajlYBICU-00072-00016681-00016914 direct test of gem the gravity probe B
CxOajlYBICU-00073-00016915-00017133 satellite experiment to see whether they
CxOajlYBICU-00074-00017134-00017307 are consistent with gravity' magnetism
CxOajlYBICU-00075-00017308-00017610 the Apache point observatory lunar laser
CxOajlYBICU-00076-00017611-00017858 ranging operation also plans to observe
CxOajlYBICU-00077-00017859-00018527 graviton magnetism effects
CxOajlYBICU-00078-00018528-00019057 topic equations
CxOajlYBICU-00079-00019058-00019285 according to general relativity the
CxOajlYBICU-00080-00019286-00019480 gravitational field produced by a
CxOajlYBICU-00081-00019481-00019702 rotating object or any rotating mass
CxOajlYBICU-00082-00019703-00019939 energy can in a particular limiting case
CxOajlYBICU-00083-00019940-00020146 be described by equations that have the
CxOajlYBICU-00084-00020147-00020290 same form as in classical
CxOajlYBICU-00085-00020291-00020578 electromagnetism starting from the basic
CxOajlYBICU-00086-00020579-00020770 equation of general relativity the
CxOajlYBICU-00087-00020771-00020989 Einstein field equation and assuming a
CxOajlYBICU-00088-00020990-00021208 weak gravitational field or reasonably
CxOajlYBICU-00089-00021209-00021415 flat space-time the gravitational
CxOajlYBICU-00090-00021416-00021616 analogues to Maxwell's equations for
CxOajlYBICU-00091-00021617-00021829 electromagnetism called the JEM
CxOajlYBICU-00092-00021830-00022057 equations can be derived
CxOajlYBICU-00093-00022058-00022267 Jemm equations compared to Maxwell's
CxOajlYBICU-00094-00022268-00022708 equations in SI units are where eg is
CxOajlYBICU-00095-00022709-00022879 the static gravitational field
CxOajlYBICU-00096-00022880-00023080 conventional gravity also called
CxOajlYBICU-00097-00023081-00023305 gravity' electric and analogous usage in
CxOajlYBICU-00098-00023306-00023803 m/s minus 2 e is the electric field B G
CxOajlYBICU-00099-00023804-00024049 is the gravity magnetic field in s minus
CxOajlYBICU-00100-00024050-00024532 1 B is the magnetic field Rho G as mass
CxOajlYBICU-00101-00024533-00024910 density in kilogram m minus 3 ro is
CxOajlYBICU-00102-00024911-00025249 charge density J G as mass current
CxOajlYBICU-00103-00025250-00025600 density or mass flux J G equals Rho G V
CxOajlYBICU-00104-00025601-00025845 Rho where V Rho is the velocity of the
CxOajlYBICU-00105-00025847-00026028 mass flow generating the gravity'
CxOajlYBICU-00106-00026029-00026305 magnetic field in kilogram m minus 2 s
CxOajlYBICU-00107-00026306-00026797 minus 1 j is electric current density G
CxOajlYBICU-00108-00026798-00027037 is the gravitational constant in M 3
CxOajlYBICU-00109-00027038-00027469 kilogram minus 1 s minus 2 epsilon 0 as
CxOajlYBICU-00110-00027470-00027781 the vacuum permittivity C is the speed
CxOajlYBICU-00111-00027782-00028002 of propagation of gravity which is equal
CxOajlYBICU-00112-00028004-00028147 to the speed of light according to
CxOajlYBICU-00113-00028148-00028868 general relativity in m/s minus 1
CxOajlYBICU-00114-00028869-00029395 topic Lorentz force
CxOajlYBICU-00115-00029395-00029637 for a test particle whose mass Emma's
CxOajlYBICU-00116-00029638-00029962 small in a stationary system the net
CxOajlYBICU-00117-00029963-00030199 Lorentz force acting on it due to a gem
CxOajlYBICU-00118-00030200-00030412 field as described by the following gem
CxOajlYBICU-00119-00030413-00030630 analog to the Lorentz force equation
CxOajlYBICU-00120-00030631-00030987 where V is the velocity of the test
CxOajlYBICU-00121-00030988-00031267 particle M is the mass of the test
CxOajlYBICU-00122-00031268-00031579 particle q is the electric charge of the
CxOajlYBICU-00123-00031580-00032125 test particle
CxOajlYBICU-00124-00032126-00032658 topic pointing vector
CxOajlYBICU-00125-00032658-00032871 the gem pointing vector compared to the
CxOajlYBICU-00126-00032872-00033090 electromagnetic pointing vector is given
CxOajlYBICU-00127-00033091-00033498 by
CxOajlYBICU-00128-00033499-00034045 topic scaling of fields
CxOajlYBICU-00129-00034046-00034243 the literature does not adopt a
CxOajlYBICU-00130-00034244-00034417 consistent scaling for the gravit
CxOajlYBICU-00131-00034418-00034636 electric in gravity' magnetic fields
CxOajlYBICU-00132-00034637-00034960 making comparison tricky for example to
CxOajlYBICU-00133-00034961-00035155 obtain agreement with mashings writings
CxOajlYBICU-00134-00035156-00035365 all instances of BG and the gem
CxOajlYBICU-00135-00035366-00035578 equations must be multiplied by minus
CxOajlYBICU-00136-00035579-00035929 1/2 C and eg by minus 1 these factors
CxOajlYBICU-00137-00035930-00036139 variously modified the analogues of the
CxOajlYBICU-00138-00036140-00036403 equations for the Lorentz force no
CxOajlYBICU-00139-00036404-00036616 scaling choice allows all the gem and M
CxOajlYBICU-00140-00036617-00036910 equations to be perfectly analogous the
CxOajlYBICU-00141-00036911-00037108 discrepancy in the factors arises
CxOajlYBICU-00142-00037109-00037231 because the source of the gravitational
CxOajlYBICU-00143-00037232-00037486 field is the second-order stress energy
CxOajlYBICU-00144-00037487-00037705 tensor as opposed to the source of the
CxOajlYBICU-00145-00037706-00037900 electromagnetic field being the first
CxOajlYBICU-00146-00037901-00038188 order for current tensor this difference
CxOajlYBICU-00147-00038189-00038377 becomes clearer when one compares non
CxOajlYBICU-00148-00038378-00038596 invariance of relativistic mass to
CxOajlYBICU-00149-00038597-00038869 electric charge invariance this can be
CxOajlYBICU-00150-00038870-00039076 traced back to the spin to character of
CxOajlYBICU-00151-00039077-00039301 the gravitational field in contrast to
CxOajlYBICU-00152-00039302-00039511 the electromagnetism being a spin one
CxOajlYBICU-00153-00039512-00039754 field see relativistic wave equations
CxOajlYBICU-00154-00039755-00040668 for more on spin 1 and spin 2 fields
CxOajlYBICU-00155-00040669-00041343 topic in Planck units from comparison of
CxOajlYBICU-00156-00041344-00041616 gem equations and Maxwell's equations -
CxOajlYBICU-00157-00041617-00041844 one for PI G is the gravitational
CxOajlYBICU-00158-00041845-00042045 analogue of vacuum permittivity epsilon
CxOajlYBICU-00159-00042046-00042447 zero adopting Planck units normalizes G
CxOajlYBICU-00160-00042448-00042765 C and one for pay zero to one thereby
CxOajlYBICU-00161-00042766-00042942 eliminating these constants from both
CxOajlYBICU-00162-00042943-00043206 sets of equations the two sets of
CxOajlYBICU-00163-00043207-00043431 equations then become identical but for
CxOajlYBICU-00164-00043432-00043647 the minus sign proceeding for pi in the
CxOajlYBICU-00165-00043648-00043854 gem equations and a factor of four in
CxOajlYBICU-00166-00043855-00044148 amperes law these minus signs stem from
CxOajlYBICU-00167-00044149-00044319 an essential difference between gravity
CxOajlYBICU-00168-00044320-00044562 and electromagnetism electrostatic
CxOajlYBICU-00169-00044563-00044748 charges of the same sign repel each
CxOajlYBICU-00170-00044749-00044954 other whereas masses attract each other
CxOajlYBICU-00171-00044955-00045198 hence the JEM equations are nearly
CxOajlYBICU-00172-00045199-00045417 Maxwell's equations but with mass or
CxOajlYBICU-00173-00045418-00045663 mass density substituting for charge or
CxOajlYBICU-00174-00045664-00046002 charge density and -1 for pi g replacing
CxOajlYBICU-00175-00046003-00046332 the vacuum permittivity epsilon 0 the
CxOajlYBICU-00176-00046333-00046557 factor for pi appears in both the JEM
CxOajlYBICU-00177-00046558-00046761 and Maxwell equations because Planck
CxOajlYBICU-00178-00046762-00047061 units normalized G and 1/4 pay zero to
CxOajlYBICU-00179-00047062-00047861 one and not for pi g and epsilon zero
CxOajlYBICU-00180-00047862-00048259 topic higher-order effects
CxOajlYBICU-00181-00048260-00048446 you
CxOajlYBICU-00182-00048447-00048677 some higher-order gravity' magnetic
CxOajlYBICU-00183-00048678-00048839 effects can reproduce effects
CxOajlYBICU-00184-00048840-00049020 reminiscent of the interactions of more
CxOajlYBICU-00185-00049021-00049295 conventional polarized charges for
CxOajlYBICU-00186-00049296-00049482 instance if two wheels are spun on a
CxOajlYBICU-00187-00049483-00049643 common axis the mutual gravitational
CxOajlYBICU-00188-00049644-00049898 attraction between the two wheels will
CxOajlYBICU-00189-00049899-00050064 be greater if they spin in opposite
CxOajlYBICU-00190-00050065-00050215 directions than in the same direction
CxOajlYBICU-00191-00050216-00050486 this can be expressed as an attractive
CxOajlYBICU-00192-00050487-00050764 or repulsive gravity magnetic component
CxOajlYBICU-00193-00050765-00051051 graviton magnetic arguments also predict
CxOajlYBICU-00194-00051052-00051261 that a flexible or fluid toroidal mass
CxOajlYBICU-00195-00051262-00051474 undergoing minor axis rotational
CxOajlYBICU-00196-00051475-00051754 acceleration accelerating smoke-ring
CxOajlYBICU-00197-00051755-00051954 rotation will tend to pull matter
CxOajlYBICU-00198-00051954-00052154 through the throat a case of rotational
CxOajlYBICU-00199-00052155-00052335 frame dragging acting through the throat
CxOajlYBICU-00200-00052336-00052623 in theory this configuration might be
CxOajlYBICU-00201-00052624-00052812 used for accelerating objects through
CxOajlYBICU-00202-00052813-00052971 the throat without such objects
CxOajlYBICU-00203-00052972-00053154 experiencing any g-forces
CxOajlYBICU-00204-00053154-00053346 consider a toroidal mass with two
CxOajlYBICU-00205-00053347-00053579 degrees of rotation both major axis and
CxOajlYBICU-00206-00053580-00053813 minor axis spin both turning inside out
CxOajlYBICU-00207-00053814-00054171 and revolving this represents a special
CxOajlYBICU-00208-00054172-00054471 case in which graviton magnetic effects
CxOajlYBICU-00209-00054472-00054635 generate a chiral corkscrew-like
CxOajlYBICU-00210-00054636-00054854 gravitational field around the object
CxOajlYBICU-00211-00054855-00055125 the reaction forces to dragging at the
CxOajlYBICU-00212-00055126-00055307 inner and outer equators would normally
CxOajlYBICU-00213-00055308-00055512 be expected to be equal and opposite in
CxOajlYBICU-00214-00055513-00055728 magnitude and direction respectively in
CxOajlYBICU-00215-00055729-00055913 the simpler case involving only minor
CxOajlYBICU-00216-00055914-00056192 axis spin when both rotations are
CxOajlYBICU-00217-00056194-00056436 applied simultaneously these two sets of
CxOajlYBICU-00218-00056437-00056657 reaction forces can be said to occur at
CxOajlYBICU-00219-00056658-00056859 different depths in a radial Coriolis
CxOajlYBICU-00220-00056860-00057048 field that extends across the rotating
CxOajlYBICU-00221-00057049-00057246 torus making it more difficult to
CxOajlYBICU-00222-00057247-00057450 establish that cancellation is complete
CxOajlYBICU-00223-00057451-00057648 modeling this complex behavior as a
CxOajlYBICU-00224-00057649-00057857 curved space-time problem has yet to be
CxOajlYBICU-00225-00057858-00058004 done and is believed to be very
CxOajlYBICU-00226-00058005-00058561 difficult
CxOajlYBICU-00227-00058562-00058858 topic gravity' magnetic fields of
CxOajlYBICU-00228-00058859-00059359 astronomical objects
CxOajlYBICU-00229-00059360-00059572 the formula for the grand total magnetic
CxOajlYBICU-00230-00059573-00059836 field BG near a rotating body can be
CxOajlYBICU-00231-00059837-00060100 derived from the JEM equations it is
CxOajlYBICU-00232-00060101-00060279 exactly half of the lens thering
CxOajlYBICU-00233-00060280-00060791 precession rate and is given by b g
CxOajlYBICU-00234-00060791-00062461 equals G - C - L - 3l
CxOajlYBICU-00235-00062462-00063008 ar-ar-ar-ar three display style math bfb
CxOajlYBICU-00236-00063009-00063454 underscore text G equals frac G to C
CxOajlYBICU-00237-00063455-00063875 carrot to frac math bfl minus three math
CxOajlYBICU-00238-00063876-00064373 b FL c do t math BF are our math BF r RR
CxOajlYBICU-00239-00064374-00064733 caret 3 where L is the angular momentum
CxOajlYBICU-00240-00064734-00065066 of the body at the equatorial plane R
CxOajlYBICU-00241-00065066-00065270 and L are perpendicular so their dot
CxOajlYBICU-00242-00065271-00065467 product vanishes and this formula
CxOajlYBICU-00243-00065469-00066940 reduces to be G equals G to C to lr3
CxOajlYBICU-00244-00066941-00067298 display style math be FB underscore text
CxOajlYBICU-00245-00067299-00067823 G equals frac G to C carat to frac math
CxOajlYBICU-00246-00067824-00068189 BFL our carrot 3 the magnitude of
CxOajlYBICU-00247-00068190-00068417 angular momentum of a homogeneous ball
CxOajlYBICU-00248-00068418-00069220 shaped body Asst l equals i ball omega
CxOajlYBICU-00249-00069221-00069857 equals to m
CxOajlYBICU-00250-00069858-00070635 r-25 2pi t display style l equals i
CxOajlYBICU-00251-00070636-00070950 underscore text ball Omega equals frac
CxOajlYBICU-00252-00070951-00071493 to mr. carrot to five frac to PI T where
CxOajlYBICU-00253-00071494-00071830 I
CxOajlYBICU-00254-00071831-00072726 equals to M r-25 display style i
CxOajlYBICU-00255-00072727-00073090 underscore text ball equals frac to mr.
CxOajlYBICU-00256-00073091-00073420 carrot to 5 is the moment of inertia of
CxOajlYBICU-00257-00073421-00073663 a ball shaped body seat list of moments
CxOajlYBICU-00258-00073664-00074143 of inertia Omega display style Omega is
CxOajlYBICU-00259-00074144-00074665 the angular velocity M is the mass R is
CxOajlYBICU-00260-00074666-00075472 the radius T is the rotational period
CxOajlYBICU-00261-00075473-00075923 topic Earth
CxOajlYBICU-00262-00075924-00076129 therefore the magnitude of Earth's
CxOajlYBICU-00263-00076130-00076378 gravity magnetic field at its equator as
CxOajlYBICU-00264-00076379-00077266 B G earth equals g 5c
CxOajlYBICU-00265-00077267-00077590 to M
CxOajlYBICU-00266-00077591-00078749 our two pi T equals two pi
CxOajlYBICU-00267-00078750-00079599 g5 c 2 t display style B underscore text
CxOajlYBICU-00268-00079600-00080097 G earth equals frac g5 c carrot to frac
CxOajlYBICU-00269-00080098-00080736 m r frac to PI T equals frac to pi r g5
CxOajlYBICU-00270-00080737-00081878 c carrot to t where g equals g mr2
CxOajlYBICU-00271-00081879-00082299 display style g equals g frac m our
CxOajlYBICU-00272-00082300-00082716 carrot 2 is Earth's gravity the field
CxOajlYBICU-00273-00082717-00082917 Direction coincides with the angular
CxOajlYBICU-00274-00082918-00083223 moment direction ie north from this
CxOajlYBICU-00275-00083224-00083400 calculation it follows that Earth's
CxOajlYBICU-00276-00083401-00083631 equatorial gravity' magnetic field is
CxOajlYBICU-00277-00083632-00083904 about one point zero one two times 10
CxOajlYBICU-00278-00083905-00084171 minus 14 Hertz or three point one times
CxOajlYBICU-00279-00084172-00084462 10 minus 7 in units of standard gravity
CxOajlYBICU-00280-00084463-00084663 nine point eight one meters per square
CxOajlYBICU-00281-00084664-00084854 second divided by the speed of light
CxOajlYBICU-00282-00084855-00085122 such a field is extremely weak and
CxOajlYBICU-00283-00085123-00085278 requires extremely sensitive
CxOajlYBICU-00284-00085279-00085509 measurements to be detected one
CxOajlYBICU-00285-00085510-00085722 experiment to measure such field was the
CxOajlYBICU-00286-00085723-00086329 gravity probe B mission
CxOajlYBICU-00287-00086330-00086813 topic pulsar
CxOajlYBICU-00288-00086814-00087059 if the preceeding formula is used with
CxOajlYBICU-00289-00087060-00087386 the pulsar PSR j1 seven four eight two
CxOajlYBICU-00290-00087387-00087751 four four six ad which rotates 716 times
CxOajlYBICU-00291-00087752-00087992 per second assuming a radius of 16
CxOajlYBICU-00292-00087993-00088540 kilometers and two solar masses then B G
CxOajlYBICU-00293-00088541-00090047 equals 2 pi G M 5r c 2 t display style b
CxOajlYBICU-00294-00090048-00090481 underscore text G equals frac to pi g m5
CxOajlYBICU-00295-00090482-00091088 RC carat 2 t equals about 166 hertz this
CxOajlYBICU-00296-00091089-00091316 would be easy to notice however the
CxOajlYBICU-00297-00091317-00091523 pulsar is spinning at 1/4 of the speed
CxOajlYBICU-00298-00091524-00091718 of light at the equator and it's radius
CxOajlYBICU-00299-00091719-00091886 is only three times more than its
CxOajlYBICU-00300-00091887-00092018 Schwarzschild radius
CxOajlYBICU-00301-00092019-00092294 when such fast motion and such strong
CxOajlYBICU-00302-00092295-00092522 gravitational fields exist in a system
CxOajlYBICU-00303-00092523-00092731 the simplified approach of separating
CxOajlYBICU-00304-00092732-00093050 graviton magnetic and gravity up lied
CxOajlYBICU-00305-00093051-00093751 only as a very rough approximation
CxOajlYBICU-00306-00093752-00094141 topic lack of invariance
CxOajlYBICU-00307-00094142-00094319 you
CxOajlYBICU-00308-00094320-00094529 while Maxwell's equations are invariant
CxOajlYBICU-00309-00094530-00094778 under Lorentz transformations the JEM
CxOajlYBICU-00310-00094779-00095069 equations are not the fact that Rho G
CxOajlYBICU-00311-00095070-00095282 and J G do not form a four-vector
CxOajlYBICU-00312-00095283-00095462 instead they are merely a part of the
CxOajlYBICU-00313-00095463-00095678 stress energy tensor is the basis of
CxOajlYBICU-00314-00095679-00095852 this problem although gem may hold
CxOajlYBICU-00315-00095853-00096056 approximately in two different reference
CxOajlYBICU-00316-00096057-00096230 frames connected by a Lorentz boost
CxOajlYBICU-00317-00096231-00096425 there is no way to calculate the JEM
CxOajlYBICU-00318-00096426-00096644 variables of one such frame from the JEM
CxOajlYBICU-00319-00096645-00096812 variables of the other unlike the
CxOajlYBICU-00320-00096813-00096971 situation with the variables of
CxOajlYBICU-00321-00096972-00097211 electromagnetism indeed their
CxOajlYBICU-00322-00097212-00097376 predictions about what motion is
CxOajlYBICU-00323-00097377-00097583 freefall will probably conflict with
CxOajlYBICU-00324-00097584-00097654 each other
CxOajlYBICU-00325-00097655-00097886 note that the JEM equations are
CxOajlYBICU-00326-00097887-00098114 invariant under translations and spatial
CxOajlYBICU-00327-00098115-00098348 rotations just not under boosts and more
CxOajlYBICU-00328-00098349-00098572 general curvilinear transformations
CxOajlYBICU-00329-00098573-00098840 Maxwell's equations can be formulated in
CxOajlYBICU-00330-00098841-00098999 a way that makes them invariant under
CxOajlYBICU-00331-00099000-00099720 all of these coordinate transformations
CxOajlYBICU-00332-00099721-00100256 topic see also
CxOajlYBICU-00333-00100257-00100715 anti-gravity artificial gravity frame
CxOajlYBICU-00334-00100716-00101141 dragging geodetic effect gravitational
CxOajlYBICU-00335-00101142-00101588 radiation gravity probe B Kaluza Klein
CxOajlYBICU-00336-00101589-00101987 Theory linearized gravity speed of
CxOajlYBICU-00337-00101988-00102173 gravity section electro dynamical
CxOajlYBICU-00338-00102174-00102650 analogies stationary space-time
C-YNMOKcmx4-00000-00000125-00000443 Veterans Day and we have got we have a
C-YNMOKcmx4-00001-00000444-00000671 studio full of wonderful individuals
C-YNMOKcmx4-00002-00000672-00000829 that are serving our country are served
C-YNMOKcmx4-00003-00000830-00001012 our country and finally all branches are
C-YNMOKcmx4-00004-00001013-00001216 getting along for a change you've agreed
C-YNMOKcmx4-00005-00001217-00001391 to get along at least for the next three
C-YNMOKcmx4-00006-00001392-00001511 hours we appreciate it
C-YNMOKcmx4-00007-00001512-00001766 all right meanwhile let's introduce you
C-YNMOKcmx4-00008-00001767-00001904 to John James you know him he's a
C-YNMOKcmx4-00009-00001905-00002152 veteran he's currently running for the
C-YNMOKcmx4-00010-00002153-00002330 US Senate from the beautiful state of
C-YNMOKcmx4-00011-00002331-00002551 Michigan John good to have you thanks
C-YNMOKcmx4-00012-00002552-00002699 for having me back on Veterans Day
C-YNMOKcmx4-00013-00002700-00002800 what's it mean to you
C-YNMOKcmx4-00014-00002801-00002950 Veterans Day is the day where we
C-YNMOKcmx4-00015-00002951-00003229 remember everyone who served with his
C-YNMOKcmx4-00016-00003230-00003461 roots back at the turn of the the 19th
C-YNMOKcmx4-00017-00003461-00003770 century we remember all the sacrifices
C-YNMOKcmx4-00018-00003771-00003922 that it took to get us to this point and
C-YNMOKcmx4-00019-00003923-00004138 we best not forget those sacrifices
C-YNMOKcmx4-00020-00004139-00004265 because we're building on them for the
C-YNMOKcmx4-00021-00004266-00004418 future and it's just such an honor for
C-YNMOKcmx4-00022-00004419-00004547 me to be here in the studio with my
C-YNMOKcmx4-00023-00004548-00004736 brothers and sisters in arms thank you
C-YNMOKcmx4-00024-00004737-00004870 for your service and honor to call
C-YNMOKcmx4-00025-00004871-00005529 myself your brother John what grants
C-YNMOKcmx4-00026-00005530-00005799 well I graduated from West Point 2004
C-YNMOKcmx4-00027-00005800-00006039 don't hold that against me graduate from
C-YNMOKcmx4-00028-00006040-00006189 West Point 2004 became a ranger
C-YNMOKcmx4-00029-00006190-00006450 qualified Apache pilot and flew 750
C-YNMOKcmx4-00030-00006451-00006603 hours combat and Operation Iraqi Freedom
C-YNMOKcmx4-00031-00006604-00007386 so go army so John a couple of things
C-YNMOKcmx4-00032-00007387-00007578 you also made the transition you made
C-YNMOKcmx4-00033-00007579-00007815 the transition from military man to
C-YNMOKcmx4-00034-00007816-00007995 business yes and now you go into
C-YNMOKcmx4-00035-00007995-00008244 politics how hard was that transition
C-YNMOKcmx4-00036-00008245-00008490 well the biggest reason that I I went to
C-YNMOKcmx4-00037-00008491-00008703 serve the first time was to serve my
C-YNMOKcmx4-00038-00008704-00008898 country because I recognized that so
C-YNMOKcmx4-00039-00008899-00009093 many people fought and died for me to
C-YNMOKcmx4-00040-00009094-00009264 have the freedoms that I enjoyed so I
C-YNMOKcmx4-00041-00009265-00009446 went and I fought and I served but many
C-YNMOKcmx4-00042-00009447-00009635 of us who went to to Iraq go to these
C-YNMOKcmx4-00043-00009636-00009860 combat zones are disturbed by what we
C-YNMOKcmx4-00044-00009861-00010068 see but I was in Iraq during the Great
C-YNMOKcmx4-00045-00010069-00010245 Recession back in Michigan and Michigan
C-YNMOKcmx4-00046-00010246-00010482 was really really hard hit and so while
C-YNMOKcmx4-00047-00010483-00010677 I'm over in Iraq I'm at the defect
C-YNMOKcmx4-00048-00010678-00010833 dining facility for everybody who does
C-YNMOKcmx4-00049-00010834-00011135 not familiar but we saw images of my
C-YNMOKcmx4-00050-00011136-00011399 home Detroit Flint Saginaw Benton Harbor
C-YNMOKcmx4-00051-00011400-00011574 Marquette areas were home they look
C-YNMOKcmx4-00052-00011575-00011727 worse than the combat zone I was flying
C-YNMOKcmx4-00053-00011728-00011880 and so I decided to come back home and
C-YNMOKcmx4-00054-00011881-00012126 start worse than where you will flow in
C-YNMOKcmx4-00055-00012127-00012335 many cases there are places in Detroit
C-YNMOKcmx4-00056-00012336-00012609 places and home that look like third
C-YNMOKcmx4-00057-00012610-00012855 world countries and that cannot be in
C-YNMOKcmx4-00058-00012856-00013041 the United States of America we are not
C-YNMOKcmx4-00059-00013041-00013221 we don't have enough people who are as
C-YNMOKcmx4-00060-00013222-00013430 passionate about helping the least of
C-YNMOKcmx4-00061-00013431-00013635 these and so I came back to join the
C-YNMOKcmx4-00062-00013636-00013761 family business because what people
C-YNMOKcmx4-00063-00013762-00014004 needed were jobs people needed the
C-YNMOKcmx4-00064-00014005-00014268 opportunity to excel and to live life
C-YNMOKcmx4-00065-00014269-00014535 the way that God intended for us in the
C-YNMOKcmx4-00066-00014536-00014718 way our Constitution guaranteed so I
C-YNMOKcmx4-00067-00014719-00014874 joined the family business and helped
C-YNMOKcmx4-00068-00014875-00015129 grow it and it's just an honor to be in
C-YNMOKcmx4-00069-00015130-00015285 a position to continue my service again
C-YNMOKcmx4-00070-00015286-00015455 to go to Washington serve my nation
C-YNMOKcmx4-00071-00015456-00015822 serve everybody and into and to get back
C-YNMOKcmx4-00072-00015822-00015947 home when the time is right why do you
C-YNMOKcmx4-00073-00015949-00016062 think it's important for veterans to
C-YNMOKcmx4-00074-00016063-00016290 serve in Washington currently we have 96
C-YNMOKcmx4-00075-00016291-00016461 total veterans in the Congress right now
C-YNMOKcmx4-00076-00016462-00016773 I think that you know I took my uniform
C-YNMOKcmx4-00077-00016774-00017133 off but I I will never quit my oath I I
C-YNMOKcmx4-00078-00017134-00017400 truly feel a call to serve a call to
C-YNMOKcmx4-00079-00017401-00017555 duty that I've felt since I was 17 years
C-YNMOKcmx4-00080-00017556-00017844 old and right now I believe that
C-YNMOKcmx4-00081-00017845-00018192 veterans still have that call but too
C-YNMOKcmx4-00082-00018193-00018333 few of us have the means or the
C-YNMOKcmx4-00083-00018334-00018582 opportunity to continue our service we
C-YNMOKcmx4-00084-00018583-00018744 need to change that but I believe that
C-YNMOKcmx4-00085-00018745-00018865 having more vet
C-YNMOKcmx4-00086-00018866-00019114 in Congress absolutely people who
C-YNMOKcmx4-00087-00019115-00019336 understand the difference between right
C-YNMOKcmx4-00088-00019337-00019498 and wrong the difference between good
C-YNMOKcmx4-00089-00019499-00019717 and evil people who can accomplish tough
C-YNMOKcmx4-00090-00019718-00019993 missions under any circumstance with
C-YNMOKcmx4-00091-00019994-00020149 anybody regardless of party or political
C-YNMOKcmx4-00092-00020150-00020293 affiliation they could use you there
C-YNMOKcmx4-00093-00020294-00020470 today or it's somebody with that point
C-YNMOKcmx4-00094-00020471-00020623 of view and you're running for the
C-YNMOKcmx4-00095-00020624-00020668 Senate
C-YNMOKcmx4-00096-00020669-00020788 yes running for US Senate state of
C-YNMOKcmx4-00097-00020789-00021109 Michigan all right thank you very much
C-YNMOKcmx4-00098-00021110-00021530 [Applause]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00000-00000048-00000222 foreign
C_aR1UlCRV4-00001-00000223-00002867 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00002-00002868-00003081 thank you
C_aR1UlCRV4-00003-00003082-00005531 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00004-00005532-00005864 thank you
C_aR1UlCRV4-00005-00005865-00007109 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00006-00007109-00008411 foreign
C_aR1UlCRV4-00008-00012859-00013059 thank you
C_aR1UlCRV4-00009-00013060-00013831 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00010-00013832-00013990 [Applause]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00011-00013991-00015636 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00012-00015637-00016072 thank you
C_aR1UlCRV4-00013-00016074-00018067 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00014-00018068-00018268 thank you
C_aR1UlCRV4-00015-00018269-00020568 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00016-00020569-00021175 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00017-00021176-00021339 thank you
C_aR1UlCRV4-00018-00021340-00022708 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00019-00022709-00022851 foreign
C_aR1UlCRV4-00020-00022852-00024193 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00021-00024194-00024766 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00022-00024767-00026139 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00023-00026141-00026483 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00024-00026483-00026877 foreign
C_aR1UlCRV4-00026-00030233-00031787 foreign
C_aR1UlCRV4-00027-00031788-00032422 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00028-00032423-00032994 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00029-00032995-00033579 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00030-00033580-00034087 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00031-00034088-00034372 thank you
C_aR1UlCRV4-00032-00034373-00035303 [Music]
C_aR1UlCRV4-00034-00038708-00039509 thank you
C_aR1UlCRV4-00035-00039510-00039734 foreign
CCs38YlqAgo-00000-00000019-00000228 holy new machines gentle machines hope
CCs38YlqAgo-00001-00000229-00000357 you guys are enjoying your day we're
CCs38YlqAgo-00002-00000358-00000579 taking off for the race right now is
CCs38YlqAgo-00003-00000580-00000771 6:18 in the morning we're going to Ohio
CCs38YlqAgo-00004-00000772-00000951 let's get into this 3d machines
CCs38YlqAgo-00005-00000952-00001113 production we had crush on the back of
CCs38YlqAgo-00006-00001114-00001296 the Duramax my girlfriend was parked
CCs38YlqAgo-00007-00001297-00001434 behind me so we had to do the old
CCs38YlqAgo-00008-00001435-00001596 switcheroo but I have no idea where she
CCs38YlqAgo-00009-00001597-00001779 went with some winner on the block but I
CCs38YlqAgo-00010-00001780-00001877 do know one thing
CCs38YlqAgo-00011-00001878-00002335 she made sandwiches I like sandwiches
CCs38YlqAgo-00012-00002336-00002627 crush is still on here which is good I
CCs38YlqAgo-00013-00002628-00002895 am very very impressed that this steel
CCs38YlqAgo-00014-00002896-00003114 has not rusted as much as it has they
CCs38YlqAgo-00015-00003115-00003302 must have some pretty good oil or
CCs38YlqAgo-00016-00003303-00003434 whatever they put on this stuff to
CCs38YlqAgo-00017-00003435-00003659 protect it while it's on storage because
CCs38YlqAgo-00018-00003660-00003875 usually Steel will rust right out the
CCs38YlqAgo-00019-00003876-00004022 crush is all ready to go I have this
CCs38YlqAgo-00020-00004023-00004236 panel out because last night I trickle
CCs38YlqAgo-00021-00004237-00004409 charge the battery so we have extra
CCs38YlqAgo-00022-00004410-00004634 cranking amps we're parked in the bus /
CCs38YlqAgo-00023-00004635-00005081 RV spot yes every time I say RV I have
CCs38YlqAgo-00024-00005082-00005270 to think of Edie from National Lampoon's
CCs38YlqAgo-00025-00005271-00005537 Christmas vacation guys of savage it
CCs38YlqAgo-00026-00005538-00005711 just makes any event I'm gonna unload
CCs38YlqAgo-00027-00005712-00005927 crush then at the sign up then get
CCs38YlqAgo-00028-00005928-00006083 inspected
CCs38YlqAgo-00029-00006084-00006581 we'll race like two and a half hours
CCs38YlqAgo-00030-00006581-00006779 inspected we'll walk the track and check
CCs38YlqAgo-00031-00006780-00006953 it out see what has stopped or didn't so
CCs38YlqAgo-00032-00006954-00007130 far it's kind of looking like New York
CCs38YlqAgo-00033-00007131-00007477 State kind of
CCs38YlqAgo-00034-00007478-00007681 we got some machine-to-machine freaks
CCs38YlqAgo-00035-00007681-00007773 here at the trailer
CCs38YlqAgo-00036-00007775-00007987 forget ready to rage the races in 20
CCs38YlqAgo-00037-00007988-00008173 minutes I got the GoPros all hooked up I
CCs38YlqAgo-00038-00008173-00008338 can't remember if my class can have a
CCs38YlqAgo-00039-00008339-00008766 horn or not but Jason hooked that up
CCs38YlqAgo-00040-00008767-00009013 when I went through tech inspection this
CCs38YlqAgo-00041-00009014-00009295 wasn't working the stator or the thing
CCs38YlqAgo-00042-00009296-00009433 that produces electricity for this
CCs38YlqAgo-00043-00009434-00009646 machine was producing too much power so
CCs38YlqAgo-00044-00009647-00009898 even if you turn this off the stator was
CCs38YlqAgo-00045-00009899-00010069 just saying hey I got enough power I'm
CCs38YlqAgo-00046-00010070-00010228 not turning off so we failed tech
CCs38YlqAgo-00047-00010229-00010441 inspection but all I had to do was put a
CCs38YlqAgo-00048-00010442-00010624 load on the stator so all I did was come
CCs38YlqAgo-00049-00010625-00010867 in here and put the high beams on and
CCs38YlqAgo-00050-00010868-00011032 then I went through tech inspection and
CCs38YlqAgo-00051-00011033-00011113 then it worked
CCs38YlqAgo-00052-00011114-00011430 how do you think you're gonna do today
CCs38YlqAgo-00053-00011431-00011860 wow you did get me good I think he's
CCs38YlqAgo-00054-00011861-00012154 gonna win my name's Tyler and I think my
CCs38YlqAgo-00055-00012155-00012455 name is Gwen I think he's gonna win
CCs38YlqAgo-00056-00012456-00012762 yeah so I appreciate your guys's
CCs38YlqAgo-00057-00012763-00012963 optimism I really appreciate that and
CCs38YlqAgo-00058-00012963-00013122 while we're talking about appreciation I
CCs38YlqAgo-00059-00013122-00013308 also appreciate all the men and women
CCs38YlqAgo-00060-00013309-00013533 who served for this country and and died
CCs38YlqAgo-00061-00013534-00013746 this days for you you guys will not be
CCs38YlqAgo-00062-00013747-00013922 forgotten and I of course would like to
CCs38YlqAgo-00063-00013923-00014088 thank all your current veterans so I'm
CCs38YlqAgo-00064-00014088-00014253 gonna be stopping in from time to time
CCs38YlqAgo-00065-00014254-00014469 to kind of explain more of the story on
CCs38YlqAgo-00066-00014469-00014721 the flippin and the whole race scenario
CCs38YlqAgo-00067-00014722-00017230 but let's get started
CCs38YlqAgo-00068-00017231-00017782 oh my god
CCs38YlqAgo-00069-00017783-00018016 now in this race there were 74 cars and
CCs38YlqAgo-00070-00018017-00018184 I think there's like four or five maybe
CCs38YlqAgo-00071-00018185-00018532 six classes I was in the third class you
CCs38YlqAgo-00072-00018533-00018715 have the you have the pros that are
CCs38YlqAgo-00073-00018716-00019003 super super fast at our turbo the XC - I
CCs38YlqAgo-00074-00019004-00019216 don't know if it that class is troubled
CCs38YlqAgo-00075-00019217-00019405 or not then you have X 3 and you have
CCs38YlqAgo-00076-00019406-00019633 sportsmen last time I race sportsmen but
CCs38YlqAgo-00077-00019634-00019906 this time I raced X 3 so rows 1 through
CCs38YlqAgo-00078-00019907-00020131 10 took off I was in the 11th row and
CCs38YlqAgo-00079-00020132-00020614 then we took off I think out of all 74
CCs38YlqAgo-00080-00020615-00020827 cars only 2 of us didn't have loud
CCs38YlqAgo-00081-00020828-00022493 exhaust and that was me in this guy
CCs38YlqAgo-00082-00022494-00023328 [Music]
CCs38YlqAgo-00083-00023329-00023444 [Music]
CCs38YlqAgo-00084-00023445-00024399 [Applause]
CCs38YlqAgo-00085-00024400-00025327 [Music]
CCs38YlqAgo-00086-00025328-00025546 so I wasn't the holeshot but I really
CCs38YlqAgo-00087-00025547-00025752 didn't listen to my victim I mean my dad
CCs38YlqAgo-00088-00025754-00025953 I kind of came in a little too fast and
CCs38YlqAgo-00089-00025954-00026344 did this I guess I got a little bit too
CCs38YlqAgo-00090-00026345-00027720 much pressure from my maxes tires three
CCs38YlqAgo-00091-00027722-00029205 [Music]
CCs38YlqAgo-00092-00029206-00029493 so as you can probably see crushes tire
CCs38YlqAgo-00093-00029494-00029739 isn't on the rim right now that wasn't
CCs38YlqAgo-00094-00029739-00029967 affected during the rollover and also me
CCs38YlqAgo-00095-00029968-00030168 waving there was me waving my girlfriend
CCs38YlqAgo-00096-00030169-00030377 to get back behind the stand
CCs38YlqAgo-00097-00030379-00030545 I guess she jumped the fence to see if
CCs38YlqAgo-00098-00030547-00030750 me and my - her okay but I told her to
CCs38YlqAgo-00099-00030751-00030908 just go back I mean we got a roll cage
CCs38YlqAgo-00100-00030910-00031080 we didn't get hurt at all so after they
CCs38YlqAgo-00101-00031081-00031248 rolled us back over I took it the first
CCs38YlqAgo-00102-00031249-00031520 probably quarter of a mile slowly for
CCs38YlqAgo-00104-00036314-00036512 unfortunately didn't have to go pros
CCs38YlqAgo-00105-00036513-00036710 this round I only had I only had one I
CCs38YlqAgo-00106-00036711-00036905 brought two but I forgot to put the
CCs38YlqAgo-00107-00036906-00037097 battery in my home at cam so we were
CCs38YlqAgo-00108-00037098-00037307 only using this mount so because there's
CCs38YlqAgo-00109-00037308-00037493 not two camera angles and there's only
CCs38YlqAgo-00110-00037494-00037619 the one I don't think I'm going to
CCs38YlqAgo-00111-00037620-00037796 upload it the patreon but if you guys
CCs38YlqAgo-00112-00037797-00037916 want to see it leave in the comment
CCs38YlqAgo-00113-00037917-00038081 section below I'll upload it to patreon
CCs38YlqAgo-00114-00038082-00038216 if you want to see it well you guys that
CCs38YlqAgo-00115-00038217-00038375 were at yesterday's livestream you kinda
CCs38YlqAgo-00116-00038376-00038552 already know the whole story on crush
CCs38YlqAgo-00117-00038553-00038720 you guys just haven't seen the video and
CCs38YlqAgo-00118-00038721-00038846 if you want to stay up to date on live
CCs38YlqAgo-00119-00038847-00038972 frames because I do them every once in a
CCs38YlqAgo-00120-00038973-00039158 while I do like one every week or one
CCs38YlqAgo-00121-00039159-00039314 every two weeks click the post
CCs38YlqAgo-00122-00039315-00039485 notification button that little belt
CCs38YlqAgo-00123-00039486-00039692 thing under the video this portion of
CCs38YlqAgo-00124-00039693-00039929 the video is where I lost my tire will
CCs38YlqAgo-00125-00039930-00042327 the bead to my tire
CCs38YlqAgo-00126-00042328-00042555 there was a guy blocking the main trail
CCs38YlqAgo-00127-00042556-00042714 so we had to go around and make a sharp
CCs38YlqAgo-00128-00042715-00042742 turn
CCs38YlqAgo-00129-00042743-00042933 well I took down a tree and it wasn't
CCs38YlqAgo-00130-00042934-00043035 the tree that screwed me up because
CCs38YlqAgo-00131-00043036-00043152 first of all the tree was only about
CCs38YlqAgo-00132-00043153-00043357 that big around and hit this side well
CCs38YlqAgo-00133-00043358-00043536 cause this tire to come off the bead was
CCs38YlqAgo-00134-00043537-00043689 the fact that I had my wheels completely
CCs38YlqAgo-00135-00043690-00043932 cranked that way so towards that way and
CCs38YlqAgo-00136-00043933-00044154 then I had a huge huge rut and I
CCs38YlqAgo-00137-00044155-00044313 basically just peeled this tire back
CCs38YlqAgo-00138-00044314-00044869 like an orange
CCs38YlqAgo-00139-00044870-00045869 [Music]
CCs38YlqAgo-00140-00045870-00047179 [Music]
CCs38YlqAgo-00141-00047180-00048245 [Music]
CCs38YlqAgo-00142-00048246-00048488 so yes after I found out my tire is flat
CCs38YlqAgo-00143-00048489-00048641 I just stopped racing because I didn't
CCs38YlqAgo-00144-00048642-00048809 want to break my rim and I didn't want
CCs38YlqAgo-00145-00048810-00049400 to damage the tire anymore and yes I'm a
CCs38YlqAgo-00146-00049401-00049562 good boyfriend so I found the near cell
CCs38YlqAgo-00147-00049563-00049724 phone and called my girlfriend texted
CCs38YlqAgo-00148-00049725-00049895 her and let her know that I was safe and
CCs38YlqAgo-00149-00049896-00050090 sound so I'll explain it in a second but
CCs38YlqAgo-00150-00050091-00050282 these are six ply tires originally on
CCs38YlqAgo-00151-00050283-00050468 this machine they come with two ply when
CCs38YlqAgo-00152-00050469-00050615 you're racing these things you're really
CCs38YlqAgo-00153-00050616-00050762 not supposed to just run them without
CCs38YlqAgo-00154-00050763-00051035 tire blocks or tire balls or tie your
CCs38YlqAgo-00155-00051036-00051125 spines you're supposed to have an
CCs38YlqAgo-00156-00051126-00051287 aftermarket rim and then you're supposed
CCs38YlqAgo-00157-00051288-00051488 to put those things inside the tire and
CCs38YlqAgo-00158-00051489-00051659 then bolt this portion of the rim back
CCs38YlqAgo-00159-00051660-00051896 on to give you your seal yes I am
CCs38YlqAgo-00160-00051897-00052310 looking into that random machine freak I
CCs38YlqAgo-00161-00052311-00052571 took out a tree and then when I went
CCs38YlqAgo-00162-00052572-00052832 into a turn I had this tire turned too
CCs38YlqAgo-00163-00052833-00053350 much and what basically AM it was what
CCs38YlqAgo-00164-00053351-00053551 basically what happened instead of the
CCs38YlqAgo-00165-00053552-00053730 tire hitting here they hit on the side
CCs38YlqAgo-00166-00053732-00053935 here and knocked it off the bead I wrote
CCs38YlqAgo-00167-00053936-00054085 without the beach for probably a quarter
CCs38YlqAgo-00168-00054086-00054253 of a mile and I pulled off I'll tell you
CCs38YlqAgo-00169-00054254-00054354 what though I got really really good
CCs38YlqAgo-00170-00054355-00054574 tires because even on the slick stuff we
CCs38YlqAgo-00171-00054575-00054870 got enough traction to roll this thing I
CCs38YlqAgo-00172-00054871-00055177 got but I didn't get them pushing him
CCs38YlqAgo-00173-00055178-00056197 back over how was that feeling I was
CCs38YlqAgo-00174-00056198-00056461 pretty it was really really fast
CCs38YlqAgo-00175-00056462-00056884 yeah I was standing there and he flipped
CCs38YlqAgo-00176-00056885-00057085 and I I was like an awe and someone's
CCs38YlqAgo-00177-00057086-00057310 like isn't that your man it's like yeah
CCs38YlqAgo-00178-00057311-00057595 I know I hop this button looks like
CCs38YlqAgo-00179-00057596-00057828 don't judge me I didn't know
CCs38YlqAgo-00180-00057829-00058004 we got a flat tire so we had to stop
CCs38YlqAgo-00181-00058005-00058260 yeah someone texted me via text
CCs38YlqAgo-00182-00058261-00058604 a guy
CCs38YlqAgo-00183-00058605-00058949 I'll call them like eight times
CCs38YlqAgo-00184-00058950-00059334 [Music]
CCs38YlqAgo-00185-00059335-00059511 and yes that's right then we had to do
CCs38YlqAgo-00186-00059512-00059637 the load of shame I hope you guys
CCs38YlqAgo-00187-00059638-00059774 enjoyed this three machines production
CCs38YlqAgo-00188-00059775-00059882 if you have any questions leave them in
CCs38YlqAgo-00189-00059883-00060066 the comment section below I will get to
CCs38YlqAgo-00190-00060066-00060354 them B froggy fresh B rap tastic be a
CCs38YlqAgo-00191-00060354-00060608 machine until next time 30 machines out
CCs38YlqAgo-00192-00060609-00062086 [Music]
CEHcy4hZlnU-00000-00000017-00000299 the evolution of tetrapods began about
CEHcy4hZlnU-00001-00000300-00000521 400 million years ago in the Devonian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00002-00000522-00000686 period with the earliest tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00003-00000687-00000886 evolved from lobe-finned fishes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00004-00000886-00001112 tetrapods under the apomorphine based
CEHcy4hZlnU-00005-00001113-00001289 definition used on this page are
CEHcy4hZlnU-00006-00001290-00001474 categorized as animals in the biological
CEHcy4hZlnU-00007-00001475-00001697 superclass tetrapod are which includes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00008-00001698-00001852 all living and extinct amphibians
CEHcy4hZlnU-00009-00001853-00002156 reptiles birds and mammals while most
CEHcy4hZlnU-00010-00002157-00002345 species today are terrestrial little
CEHcy4hZlnU-00011-00002346-00002516 evidence supports the idea that any of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00012-00002517-00002690 the earliest tetrapods could move about
CEHcy4hZlnU-00013-00002691-00002860 on land as their limbs could not have
CEHcy4hZlnU-00014-00002861-00003010 held their midsections off the ground
CEHcy4hZlnU-00015-00003011-00003170 and the known trackways do not indicate
CEHcy4hZlnU-00016-00003171-00003352 they drag their bellies around
CEHcy4hZlnU-00017-00003353-00003563 presumably the tracks were made by
CEHcy4hZlnU-00018-00003564-00003731 animals walking along the bottoms of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00019-00003732-00003992 shallow bodies of water the specific
CEHcy4hZlnU-00020-00003993-00004175 aquatic ancestors of the tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00021-00004176-00004316 and the process by which land
CEHcy4hZlnU-00022-00004317-00004544 colonization occurred remain unclear and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00023-00004545-00004729 are areas of active research and debate
CEHcy4hZlnU-00024-00004730-00005036 among paleontologists at present most
CEHcy4hZlnU-00025-00005037-00005222 amphibians today remains semi aquatic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00026-00005223-00005422 living the first stage of their lives as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00027-00005423-00005699 fish like tadpoles several groups of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00028-00005700-00005870 tetrapods such as the snakes and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00029-00005871-00006070 cetaceans have lost some or all of their
CEHcy4hZlnU-00030-00006071-00006356 limbs in addition many tetrapods have
CEHcy4hZlnU-00031-00006357-00006532 returned to partially aquatic or fully
CEHcy4hZlnU-00032-00006533-00006698 aquatic lives throughout the history of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00033-00006698-00006859 the group modern examples of fully
CEHcy4hZlnU-00034-00006861-00007073 aquatic tetrapods include citations and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00035-00007073-00007325 Cyrenians the first returns to an
CEHcy4hZlnU-00036-00007326-00007505 aquatic lifestyle may have occurred as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00037-00007506-00007628 early as the Carboniferous period
CEHcy4hZlnU-00038-00007629-00007817 whereas other returns occurred as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00039-00007818-00008042 recently as the Cenozoic as in cetaceans
CEHcy4hZlnU-00040-00008043-00008120 pinnipeds
CEHcy4hZlnU-00041-00008120-00008288 and several modern amphibians that
CEHcy4hZlnU-00042-00008289-00008456 change from a body plan for breathing
CEHcy4hZlnU-00043-00008457-00008645 and navigating in water to a body plan
CEHcy4hZlnU-00044-00008646-00008834 enabling the animal to move on land is
CEHcy4hZlnU-00045-00008835-00008999 one of the most profound evolutionary
CEHcy4hZlnU-00046-00009000-00009266 changes known it is also one of the best
CEHcy4hZlnU-00047-00009267-00009473 understood largely thanks to a number of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00048-00009474-00009685 significant transitional fossil finds in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00049-00009686-00009869 the late 20th century combined with
CEHcy4hZlnU-00050-00009870-00010655 improved phylogenetic analysis topic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00051-00010656-00011995 origin topic evolution of fish the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00052-00011996-00012098 Devonian period
CEHcy4hZlnU-00053-00012099-00012308 traditionally known as the age of fish
CEHcy4hZlnU-00054-00012309-00012566 marking the diversification of numerous
CEHcy4hZlnU-00055-00012567-00012742 extinct and modern major fish groups
CEHcy4hZlnU-00056-00012743-00012955 among them were the early bony fishes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00057-00012956-00013180 who diversified and spread in freshwater
CEHcy4hZlnU-00058-00013181-00013325 and brackish environments at the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00059-00013326-00013562 beginning of the period the early types
CEHcy4hZlnU-00060-00013563-00013769 resembled their cartilaginous ancestors
CEHcy4hZlnU-00061-00013769-00013910 in many features of their Anatomy
CEHcy4hZlnU-00062-00013911-00014150 including a shark like tailfin spiral
CEHcy4hZlnU-00063-00014151-00014350 gut large pectoral fins stiffened in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00064-00014351-00014543 front by skeletal elements and a largely
CEHcy4hZlnU-00065-00014544-00014747 unoccupied axial skeleton they did
CEHcy4hZlnU-00066-00014747-00014954 however have certain traits separating
CEHcy4hZlnU-00067-00014955-00015137 them from cartilaginous fishes traits
CEHcy4hZlnU-00068-00015138-00015257 that would become pivotal in the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00069-00015258-00015530 evolution of terrestrial forms with the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00070-00015531-00015716 exception of a pair of spiracles the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00071-00015716-00015872 gills did not open singly to the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00072-00015872-00016055 exterior as they do in sharks rather
CEHcy4hZlnU-00073-00016056-00016232 they were encased in a dual chamber
CEHcy4hZlnU-00074-00016233-00016418 stiffened by membrane bones and covered
CEHcy4hZlnU-00075-00016419-00016594 by a bony operculum with a single
CEHcy4hZlnU-00076-00016595-00016838 opening to the exterior the CLE from
CEHcy4hZlnU-00077-00016839-00017044 bone forming the posterior margin of the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00078-00017045-00017207 gill chamber also functioned as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00079-00017208-00017453 anchoring for the pectoral fins the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00080-00017454-00017644 cartilaginous fishes do not have such an
CEHcy4hZlnU-00081-00017645-00017897 anchoring for the pectoral fins this
CEHcy4hZlnU-00082-00017898-00018065 allowed for a movable joint at the base
CEHcy4hZlnU-00083-00018066-00018266 of the fins in the early bony fishes and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00084-00018267-00018397 would later function in a weight-bearing
CEHcy4hZlnU-00085-00018398-00018703 structure in tetrapods as part of the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00086-00018704-00018917 overall armor of rhomboid Cosman scales
CEHcy4hZlnU-00087-00018918-00019112 the skull had a full cover of dermal
CEHcy4hZlnU-00088-00019113-00019319 bone constituting a skull roof over the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00089-00019320-00019511 otherwise shark-like cartilaginous inner
CEHcy4hZlnU-00090-00019512-00019796 cranium importantly they also had a pair
CEHcy4hZlnU-00091-00019797-00019958 of ventral paired lungs a feature
CEHcy4hZlnU-00092-00019959-00020240 lacking in sharks and rays it was
CEHcy4hZlnU-00093-00020241-00020402 assumed that fishes to a large degree
CEHcy4hZlnU-00094-00020403-00020591 evolved around reefs but since their
CEHcy4hZlnU-00095-00020592-00020861 origin about 480 million years ago they
CEHcy4hZlnU-00096-00020862-00021028 lived in nearshore environments like
CEHcy4hZlnU-00097-00021029-00021233 intertidal areas or permanently shallow
CEHcy4hZlnU-00098-00021234-00021419 lagoons and didn't start to proliferate
CEHcy4hZlnU-00099-00021420-00021631 into other bio tops before 60 million
CEHcy4hZlnU-00100-00021632-00021896 years later a few adapted to deeper
CEHcy4hZlnU-00101-00021897-00022069 water while solid and heavily built
CEHcy4hZlnU-00102-00022070-00022265 forms stayed where they were or migrated
CEHcy4hZlnU-00103-00022266-00022525 into fresh water the increase of primary
CEHcy4hZlnU-00104-00022526-00022697 productivity on land during the late
CEHcy4hZlnU-00105-00022698-00022847 devonian changed the freshwater
CEHcy4hZlnU-00106-00022848-00022937 ecosystems
CEHcy4hZlnU-00107-00022938-00023177 when nutrients from plants were released
CEHcy4hZlnU-00108-00023178-00023362 into lakes and rivers they were absorbed
CEHcy4hZlnU-00109-00023363-00023555 by microorganisms which in turn was
CEHcy4hZlnU-00110-00023556-00023731 eaten by invertebrates which served as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00111-00023732-00024011 food for vertebrates some fish also
CEHcy4hZlnU-00112-00024012-00024259 became detritivores early tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00113-00024260-00024437 evolved a tolerance to environments
CEHcy4hZlnU-00114-00024438-00024608 which varied in salinity such as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00115-00024609-00025300 estuaries or deltas
CEHcy4hZlnU-00116-00025301-00025864 big lungs before land the lung swim
CEHcy4hZlnU-00117-00025864-00026028 bladder originated as an outgrowth of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00118-00026029-00026200 the gut forming a gas filled bladder
CEHcy4hZlnU-00119-00026201-00026443 above the digestive system in its
CEHcy4hZlnU-00120-00026444-00026643 primitive form the air bladder was open
CEHcy4hZlnU-00121-00026644-00026820 to the elementary canal a condition
CEHcy4hZlnU-00122-00026822-00026992 called for zoster and still found in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00123-00026993-00027252 many fish the primary function is not
CEHcy4hZlnU-00124-00027253-00027487 entirely certain one consideration is
CEHcy4hZlnU-00125-00027488-00027685 buoyancy the heavy scale armor of the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00126-00027686-00027870 early bony fishes would certainly weigh
CEHcy4hZlnU-00127-00027872-00028146 the animals down in cartilaginous fishes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00128-00028147-00028357 lacking a swim bladder the open sea
CEHcy4hZlnU-00129-00028358-00028533 sharks need to swim constantly to avoid
CEHcy4hZlnU-00130-00028535-00028732 sinking into the depths the pectoral
CEHcy4hZlnU-00131-00028733-00029005 fins providing lift another factor is
CEHcy4hZlnU-00132-00029006-00029248 oxygen consumption ambient oxygen was
CEHcy4hZlnU-00133-00029249-00029407 relatively low in the early devonian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00134-00029408-00029731 possibly about half of modern values per
CEHcy4hZlnU-00135-00029732-00029956 unit volume there is much more oxygen in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00136-00029957-00030130 air than in water and vertebrates are
CEHcy4hZlnU-00137-00030131-00030268 active animals with a high energy
CEHcy4hZlnU-00138-00030269-00030471 requirement compared to invertebrates of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00139-00030472-00030724 similar sizes the Devonian saw
CEHcy4hZlnU-00140-00030725-00030925 increasing oxygen levels which opened up
CEHcy4hZlnU-00141-00030926-00031137 new ecological niches by allowing groups
CEHcy4hZlnU-00142-00031138-00031342 able to exploit the additional oxygen to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00143-00031343-00031595 develop into active large bodied animals
CEHcy4hZlnU-00144-00031597-00031807 particularly in tropical swampland
CEHcy4hZlnU-00145-00031808-00032029 habitats atmospheric oxygen is much more
CEHcy4hZlnU-00146-00032030-00032220 stable and may have prompted a reliance
CEHcy4hZlnU-00147-00032222-00032398 of lungs rather than gills for primary
CEHcy4hZlnU-00148-00032399-00032692 oxygen uptake in the end both buoyancy
CEHcy4hZlnU-00149-00032693-00032848 and breathing may have been important
CEHcy4hZlnU-00150-00032849-00033001 and some modern physicists and fishers
CEHcy4hZlnU-00151-00033002-00033286 do indeed use their bladders for both to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00152-00033287-00033493 function in gas exchange lungs require a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00153-00033494-00033754 blood supply in cartilaginous fishes in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00154-00033755-00033817 teleosts
CEHcy4hZlnU-00155-00033818-00034006 the heart lies low in the body and pumps
CEHcy4hZlnU-00156-00034007-00034183 blood forward through the ventral aorta
CEHcy4hZlnU-00157-00034184-00034360 which splits up in a series of paired
CEHcy4hZlnU-00158-00034361-00034549 aortic arches each corresponding to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00159-00034550-00034825 agile arch the aortic arches then merge
CEHcy4hZlnU-00160-00034826-00035026 above the gills to form a dorsal a order
CEHcy4hZlnU-00161-00035027-00035221 supplying the body with oxygenated blood
CEHcy4hZlnU-00162-00035222-00035506 in lung fishes boffin and the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00163-00035507-00035686 swim bladder is supplied with blood by
CEHcy4hZlnU-00164-00035687-00035875 paired pulmonary arteries branching off
CEHcy4hZlnU-00165-00035876-00036067 from the hindmost sixth day or Dakar CH
CEHcy4hZlnU-00166-00036068-00036333 the same basic pattern is found in the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00167-00036334-00036496 lungfish protopteryx and in terrestrial
CEHcy4hZlnU-00168-00036497-00036712 salamanders and was probably the pattern
CEHcy4hZlnU-00169-00036713-00036864 found in the tetrapods immediate
CEHcy4hZlnU-00170-00036865-00037052 ancestors as well as the first tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00171-00037053-00037330 in most other bony fishes the swim
CEHcy4hZlnU-00172-00037331-00037486 bladder is supplied with blood by the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00173-00037487-00038189 dorsal a order topic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00174-00038190-00038711 breath in order for the lungs to allow
CEHcy4hZlnU-00175-00038712-00038896 gas exchange the lungs first need to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00176-00038897-00039161 have gas in them in modern tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00177-00039162-00039349 three important breathing mechanisms are
CEHcy4hZlnU-00178-00039350-00039557 conserved from early ancestors the first
CEHcy4hZlnU-00179-00039558-00039860 being a co2 h+ detection system in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00180-00039861-00040093 modern tetrapod breathing the impulse to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00181-00040094-00040256 take a breath is triggered by a buildup
CEHcy4hZlnU-00182-00040257-00040465 of co2 in the bloodstream and not a lack
CEHcy4hZlnU-00183-00040466-00040871 of o2 a similar co2 h+ detection system
CEHcy4hZlnU-00184-00040872-00041045 is found in all Ostia clears which
CEHcy4hZlnU-00185-00041046-00041231 implies that the last common ancestor of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00186-00041232-00041426 all Ostia clears had a need of this sort
CEHcy4hZlnU-00187-00041427-00041693 of detection system the second mechanism
CEHcy4hZlnU-00188-00041694-00041887 for a breath is a surfactant system in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00189-00041888-00042067 the lungs to facilitate gas exchange
CEHcy4hZlnU-00190-00042068-00042337 this is also found in all Ostia tears
CEHcy4hZlnU-00191-00042338-00042506 even those that are almost entirely
CEHcy4hZlnU-00192-00042507-00042776 aquatic the highly conserved nature of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00193-00042777-00042962 this system suggests that even aquatic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00194-00042963-00043115 Ostia clears have some need for a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00195-00043116-00043318 surfactant system which may seem strange
CEHcy4hZlnU-00196-00043319-00043589 as there is no gas under water the third
CEHcy4hZlnU-00197-00043590-00043775 mechanism for a breath is the actual
CEHcy4hZlnU-00198-00043776-00043979 motion of the breath this mechanism
CEHcy4hZlnU-00199-00043980-00044195 predates the last common ancestor of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00200-00044196-00044381 Ostia theer's as it can be observed in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00201-00044382-00044596 lambodri kamchatka the sister clade to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00202-00044597-00044879 Ostia fears in lampreys this mechanism
CEHcy4hZlnU-00203-00044880-00045149 takes the form of a cough where the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00204-00045150-00045337 lamprey shakes its body to allow water
CEHcy4hZlnU-00205-00045338-00045668 flow across its gills when co2 levels in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00206-00045669-00045851 the lampreys blood climb too high a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00207-00045852-00046012 signal is sent to a central pattern
CEHcy4hZlnU-00208-00046013-00046189 generator that causes the lamprey to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00209-00046190-00046517 cough and allows co2 to leave its body
CEHcy4hZlnU-00210-00046518-00046765 this linkage between the co2 detection
CEHcy4hZlnU-00211-00046766-00046955 system and the central pattern generator
CEHcy4hZlnU-00212-00046956-00047135 is extremely similar to the linkage
CEHcy4hZlnU-00213-00047136-00047330 between these two systems in tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00214-00047331-00048187 which implies homology topic external
CEHcy4hZlnU-00215-00048188-00048769 Mears the nostrils in most bony fish
CEHcy4hZlnU-00216-00048770-00049012 differ from those of tetrapods normally
CEHcy4hZlnU-00217-00049013-00049261 bony fish have four nares nasal openings
CEHcy4hZlnU-00218-00049262-00049468 one Nerys behind the other on each side
CEHcy4hZlnU-00219-00049469-00049756 as the fish swims water flows into the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00220-00049757-00049960 forward pair across the olfactory tissue
CEHcy4hZlnU-00221-00049961-00050154 and out through the posterior openings
CEHcy4hZlnU-00222-00050155-00050425 this is true not only of ray-finned fish
CEHcy4hZlnU-00223-00050426-00050611 but also of the Kolar can a fish
CEHcy4hZlnU-00224-00050612-00050797 included in the sarkari be the group
CEHcy4hZlnU-00225-00050798-00050965 that also includes the tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00226-00050966-00051258 in contrast the tetrapods have only one
CEHcy4hZlnU-00227-00051259-00051483 pair of nares externally but also sport
CEHcy4hZlnU-00228-00051484-00051666 a pair of internal nares called cho and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00229-00051667-00051844 i allowing them to draw air through the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00230-00051845-00051896 nose
CEHcy4hZlnU-00231-00051897-00052162 lungfish are also sark operations with
CEHcy4hZlnU-00232-00052163-00052315 internal nostrils but these are
CEHcy4hZlnU-00233-00052316-00052495 sufficiently different from tetrapod cho
CEHcy4hZlnU-00234-00052496-00052609 and i that they have long been
CEHcy4hZlnU-00235-00052610-00052786 recognized as an independent development
CEHcy4hZlnU-00236-00052787-00052992 the evolution of the tetrapods internal
CEHcy4hZlnU-00237-00052994-00053176 nears was hotly debated in the 20th
CEHcy4hZlnU-00238-00053177-00053434 century the internal nares could be one
CEHcy4hZlnU-00239-00053435-00053587 set of the external ones usually
CEHcy4hZlnU-00240-00053588-00053797 presumed to be the posterior pair that
CEHcy4hZlnU-00241-00053798-00053971 have migrated into the mouth or the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00242-00053972-00054151 internal pair could be a newly evolved
CEHcy4hZlnU-00243-00054152-00054405 structure to make way for a migration
CEHcy4hZlnU-00244-00054407-00054634 however the two tooth baring bones of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00245-00054635-00054790 the upper jaw the maxilla and the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00246-00054791-00054982 premaxilla would have to separate to let
CEHcy4hZlnU-00247-00054983-00055123 the nostril through and then rejoin
CEHcy4hZlnU-00248-00055124-00055339 until recently there was no evidence for
CEHcy4hZlnU-00249-00055340-00055528 a transitional stage with the two bones
CEHcy4hZlnU-00250-00055529-00055774 disconnected such evidence is now
CEHcy4hZlnU-00251-00055775-00055963 available a small lobe finned fish
CEHcy4hZlnU-00252-00055964-00056161 called Kennedy's found in China and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00253-00056162-00056430 dated at around 395 million years old
CEHcy4hZlnU-00254-00056432-00056665 represents evolution caught in mid act
CEHcy4hZlnU-00255-00056666-00056869 with the maxilla and premaxilla
CEHcy4hZlnU-00256-00056870-00057129 separated in an aperture the incipient
CEHcy4hZlnU-00257-00057130-00057346 shelana on the lip in between the two
CEHcy4hZlnU-00258-00057347-00057591 bones can each this is more closely
CEHcy4hZlnU-00259-00057592-00057790 related to tetrapods than is the cola
CEHcy4hZlnU-00260-00057791-00058005 camp which has only external nares it
CEHcy4hZlnU-00261-00058007-00058201 thus represents an intermediate stage in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00262-00058202-00058378 the evolution of the tetrapod condition
CEHcy4hZlnU-00263-00058379-00058629 the reason for the evolutionary movement
CEHcy4hZlnU-00264-00058630-00058798 of the posterior nostril from the nose
CEHcy4hZlnU-00265-00058799-00059484 to lip however is not well understood
CEHcy4hZlnU-00266-00059485-00060141 topic into the shallows the relatives of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00267-00060142-00060334 Kennedy's soon established themselves in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00268-00060335-00060520 the waterways and brackish estuaries and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00269-00060521-00060679 became the most numerous of the bony
CEHcy4hZlnU-00270-00060679-00060855 fishes throughout the Devonian and most
CEHcy4hZlnU-00271-00060857-00061135 of the Carboniferous the basic anatomy
CEHcy4hZlnU-00272-00061136-00061321 of group is well known thanks to the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00273-00061322-00061530 very detailed work on euston Opteron by
CEHcy4hZlnU-00274-00061532-00061566 Eric
CEHcy4hZlnU-00275-00061567-00061753 Jobbik in the second half of the 20th
CEHcy4hZlnU-00276-00061754-00062007 century the bones of the skull roof were
CEHcy4hZlnU-00277-00062008-00062166 broadly similar to those of early
CEHcy4hZlnU-00278-00062167-00062323 tetrapods and the teeth had an in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00279-00062324-00062491 folding of the enamel similar to that of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00280-00062491-00062746 labyrinth adults the paired fins had a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00281-00062747-00062938 build with bones distinctly homologous
CEHcy4hZlnU-00282-00062939-00063151 to the humerus ulna and radius in the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00283-00063152-00063342 four fins and to the femur tibia and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00284-00063344-00063538 fibula in the pelvic fins there were a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00285-00063539-00063748 number of families Raisa Dante de Caen
CEHcy4hZlnU-00286-00063749-00063997 Andrade Elpis testa Jedi Meg Alexia dye
CEHcy4hZlnU-00287-00063998-00064174 Ostia leopard eye and Trista kaptara
CEHcy4hZlnU-00288-00064175-00064435 Dyer most will open water fishes and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00289-00064436-00064644 some grew to very large sizes adult
CEHcy4hZlnU-00290-00064645-00064815 specimens are several meters in length
CEHcy4hZlnU-00291-00064816-00065047 the riser daunted riser this is
CEHcy4hZlnU-00292-00065048-00065299 estimated to have grown to 7 meters 23
CEHcy4hZlnU-00293-00065300-00065457 feet making it the largest freshwater
CEHcy4hZlnU-00294-00065458-00065676 fish known while most of these were open
CEHcy4hZlnU-00295-00065677-00065872 water fishes one group the Elpis tog
CEHcy4hZlnU-00296-00065873-00066069 aliens adapted to life in the shallows
CEHcy4hZlnU-00297-00066070-00066346 they evolved flat bodies for movement in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00298-00066347-00066550 very shallow water and the pectoral and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00299-00066551-00066712 pelvic fins took over as the main
CEHcy4hZlnU-00300-00066713-00066985 propulsion organs most median fins
CEHcy4hZlnU-00301-00066986-00067201 disappeared leaving only a proto circle
CEHcy4hZlnU-00302-00067202-00067426 tailfin since the shallows were subject
CEHcy4hZlnU-00303-00067427-00067621 to occasional oxygen deficiency the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00304-00067622-00067801 ability to breathe atmospheric air with
CEHcy4hZlnU-00305-00067802-00067948 the swim bladder became increasingly
CEHcy4hZlnU-00306-00067949-00068232 important the spiracle became large and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00307-00068233-00068416 prominent enabling these fishes to draw
CEHcy4hZlnU-00308-00068417-00069568 air topic skull morphology the tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00309-00069569-00069730 have their route in the early devonian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00310-00069731-00069997 tetrapod more fish primitive tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00311-00069998-00070171 developed from an austere leopard tetra
CEHcy4hZlnU-00312-00070172-00070399 polar morph lobe-finned fish Sarkozy and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00313-00070400-00070557 Cross of Terra Gian with a two lobe
CEHcy4hZlnU-00314-00070558-00070798 brain in a flattened skull the kohler
CEHcy4hZlnU-00315-00070799-00070993 camp group represents marine cycle
CEHcy4hZlnU-00316-00070994-00071137 trojans that never acquired these
CEHcy4hZlnU-00317-00071138-00071394 shallow water adaptations thus our
CEHcy4hZlnU-00318-00071395-00071551 copter genes apparently took two
CEHcy4hZlnU-00319-00071552-00071694 different lines of descent and are
CEHcy4hZlnU-00320-00071695-00071869 accordingly separated into two major
CEHcy4hZlnU-00321-00071870-00072069 groups the act aneasha including the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00322-00072070-00072244 coal accounts and the rip odyssia which
CEHcy4hZlnU-00323-00072245-00072391 include extinct lines of lobe-finned
CEHcy4hZlnU-00324-00072392-00072594 fishes that evolved into the lungfish in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00325-00072595-00072994 the tetrapod morphs topic from fins to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00326-00072995-00073174 feet the oldest known tetrapod a morph
CEHcy4hZlnU-00327-00073175-00073312 is Kenny G's from China
CEHcy4hZlnU-00328-00073313-00073588 dated at around 395 million years old
CEHcy4hZlnU-00329-00073589-00073834 two of the earliest tetrapod morphs
CEHcy4hZlnU-00330-00073835-00074074 dating from 380 ma where Goggin
CEHcy4hZlnU-00331-00074075-00074331 assistant pand Eric fees they had Cho
CEHcy4hZlnU-00332-00074332-00074485 and I and used their fins to move
CEHcy4hZlnU-00333-00074486-00074680 through tidal channels in shallow waters
CEHcy4hZlnU-00334-00074681-00074839 choked with dead branches and rotting
CEHcy4hZlnU-00335-00074840-00074929 plants
CEHcy4hZlnU-00336-00074930-00075088 their fins could have been used to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00337-00075089-00075280 attach themselves to plants or similar
CEHcy4hZlnU-00338-00075281-00075448 while they were lying in ambush for prey
CEHcy4hZlnU-00339-00075449-00075733 the universal tetrapod characteristics
CEHcy4hZlnU-00340-00075734-00075892 of front limbs that bend forward from
CEHcy4hZlnU-00341-00075893-00076045 the elbow and hind limbs that bend
CEHcy4hZlnU-00342-00076046-00076210 backward from the meek implausibly be
CEHcy4hZlnU-00343-00076211-00076396 traced to early tetrapods living in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00344-00076397-00076675 shallow water pelvic bone fossils from
CEHcy4hZlnU-00345-00076676-00076888 Tiktaalik shows if representative for
CEHcy4hZlnU-00346-00076889-00077077 early tetrapods in general that hind
CEHcy4hZlnU-00347-00077078-00077227 appendages in pelvic propelled
CEHcy4hZlnU-00348-00077228-00077419 locomotion originated in water before
CEHcy4hZlnU-00349-00077420-00077599 terrestrial adaptations another
CEHcy4hZlnU-00350-00077600-00077794 indication that feed and other tetrapod
CEHcy4hZlnU-00351-00077795-00077956 traits evolved while the animals were
CEHcy4hZlnU-00352-00077957-00078112 still aquatic is how they were feeding
CEHcy4hZlnU-00353-00078113-00078367 they did not have the modifications of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00354-00078368-00078514 the skull and jaw that allowed them to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00355-00078515-00078763 swallow prey on land prey could be
CEHcy4hZlnU-00356-00078764-00078925 caught in the shallows at the water's
CEHcy4hZlnU-00357-00078926-00079123 edge or on land but had to be eaten in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00358-00079124-00079330 water where hydrodynamic forces from the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00359-00079331-00079507 expansion of their buccal cavity would
CEHcy4hZlnU-00360-00079508-00079699 force the food into their esophagus it
CEHcy4hZlnU-00361-00079700-00079870 has been suggested that the evolution of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00362-00079871-00080026 the tetrapod limb from fins in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00363-00080027-00080179 lobe-finned fishes is related to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00364-00080180-00080443 expression of the hrx d13 gene or the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00365-00080444-00080602 loss of the proteins actor node and one
CEHcy4hZlnU-00366-00080603-00080794 and actor Nolan - which are involved in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00367-00080795-00081076 fish fin development robot simulations
CEHcy4hZlnU-00368-00081077-00081235 suggest that the necessary nervous
CEHcy4hZlnU-00369-00081236-00081412 circuitry for walking evolved from the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00370-00081413-00081601 nerves governing swimming utilizing the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00371-00081602-00081778 sideways oscillation of the body with
CEHcy4hZlnU-00372-00081779-00081937 the limbs primarily functioning as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00373-00081938-00082090 anchoring points and providing limited
CEHcy4hZlnU-00374-00082091-00082372 frost this type of movement as well as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00375-00082373-00082546 changes to the pectoral girdle are
CEHcy4hZlnU-00376-00082547-00082690 similar to those seen in the fossil
CEHcy4hZlnU-00377-00082691-00082891 record can be induced in beaches by
CEHcy4hZlnU-00378-00082892-00083119 raising them out of water a 2012 study
CEHcy4hZlnU-00379-00083120-00083344 using 3d reconstructions of Ichthyostega
CEHcy4hZlnU-00380-00083345-00083536 concluded that it was incapable of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00381-00083537-00083779 typical quadrupedal gates the limbs
CEHcy4hZlnU-00382-00083780-00083926 could not move alternately as they
CEHcy4hZlnU-00383-00083927-00084118 lacked the necessary rotary motion range
CEHcy4hZlnU-00384-00084119-00084376 in addition the hind limbs lack the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00385-00084377-00084550 necessary pelvic musculature for
CEHcy4hZlnU-00386-00084551-00084778 hineline driven land movement they're
CEHcy4hZlnU-00387-00084779-00084943 most likely method of terrestrial
CEHcy4hZlnU-00388-00084944-00085105 locomotion is that of synchronous
CEHcy4hZlnU-00389-00085106-00085285 crunching motions similar to modern
CEHcy4hZlnU-00390-00085286-00085531 mudskippers viewing several videos of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00391-00085532-00085741 mudskipper walking shows that they move
CEHcy4hZlnU-00392-00085742-00085918 by pulling themselves forward with both
CEHcy4hZlnU-00393-00085919-00086140 pectoral fins at the same time left and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00394-00086141-00086302 right pectoral fins move simultaneously
CEHcy4hZlnU-00395-00086303-00086620 not alternatively the fins are brought
CEHcy4hZlnU-00396-00086621-00086803 forward and planted the shoulders then
CEHcy4hZlnU-00397-00086804-00086989 rotate rearward advancing the body and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00398-00086990-00087148 dragging the tail as a third point of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00399-00087149-00087394 contact there are no rear limbs
CEHcy4hZlnU-00400-00087395-00087604 fins and there is no significant flexor
CEHcy4hZlnU-00401-00087605-00088230 of the spine involved
CEHcy4hZlnU-00402-00088231-00088811 topic denizens of the swamp the first
CEHcy4hZlnU-00403-00088812-00089022 tetrapods probably evolved in coastal
CEHcy4hZlnU-00404-00089023-00089198 and brackish marine environments and in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00405-00089199-00089425 shallow and swampy freshwater habitats
CEHcy4hZlnU-00406-00089426-00089651 formerly researchers thought that timing
CEHcy4hZlnU-00407-00089652-00089857 was towards the end of the Devonian in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00408-00089858-00090098 2010 this belief was challenged by the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00409-00090099-00090299 discovery of the oldest known tetrapod
CEHcy4hZlnU-00410-00090300-00090492 tracks preserved in marine sediments of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00411-00090493-00090662 the southern coast of Laurasia now
CEHcy4hZlnU-00412-00090663-00090861 Swedish whisky Holly crossed mountains
CEHcy4hZlnU-00413-00090862-00091082 of pollen they were made during the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00414-00091083-00091254 Eifel Ian stage at the end of the middle
CEHcy4hZlnU-00415-00091255-00091511 devonian the tracks some of which show
CEHcy4hZlnU-00416-00091512-00091805 digits date to about 395 million years
CEHcy4hZlnU-00417-00091806-00092051 ago 18 million years earlier than the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00418-00092052-00092269 oldest known tetrapod body fossils
CEHcy4hZlnU-00419-00092270-00092478 additionally the tracks show that the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00420-00092479-00092675 animal was capable of thrusting its arms
CEHcy4hZlnU-00421-00092676-00092861 and legs forward a type of motion that
CEHcy4hZlnU-00422-00092862-00093011 would have been impossible in tetra
CEHcy4hZlnU-00423-00093012-00093287 Bowmore fish like Tiktaalik the animal
CEHcy4hZlnU-00424-00093288-00093459 that produced the tracks is estimated to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00425-00093460-00093773 have been up to 2.5 meters 8.2 feet long
CEHcy4hZlnU-00426-00093774-00094011 with foot pads up to 26 centimeters 10
CEHcy4hZlnU-00427-00094012-00094236 in wide although most tracks are only 15
CEHcy4hZlnU-00428-00094237-00094509 centimeters 5.9 in white the new finds
CEHcy4hZlnU-00429-00094510-00094686 suggest that the first tetrapods may
CEHcy4hZlnU-00430-00094687-00094868 have lived as opportunists on the tidal
CEHcy4hZlnU-00431-00094869-00095054 flats feeding on marine animals that
CEHcy4hZlnU-00432-00095055-00095246 were washed up or stranded by the tide
CEHcy4hZlnU-00433-00095247-00095507 currently however fish are stranded in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00434-00095508-00095687 significant numbers only at certain
CEHcy4hZlnU-00435-00095688-00095871 times of year as in alewife spawning
CEHcy4hZlnU-00436-00095872-00096078 season such strandings could not provide
CEHcy4hZlnU-00437-00096079-00096222 a significant supply of food for
CEHcy4hZlnU-00438-00096223-00096486 predators there is no reason to suppose
CEHcy4hZlnU-00439-00096487-00096678 that Devonian fish were less prudent
CEHcy4hZlnU-00440-00096679-00096917 than those of today according to Melina
CEHcy4hZlnU-00441-00096918-00097140 Hale of University of Chicago not all
CEHcy4hZlnU-00442-00097141-00097323 ancient trackways are necessarily made
CEHcy4hZlnU-00443-00097324-00097515 by early tetrapods but could also be
CEHcy4hZlnU-00444-00097516-00097692 created by relatives of the tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00445-00097693-00097890 who used their fleshy appendages in a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00446-00097891-00098675 similar substrate based locomotion topic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00447-00098676-00099690 Paleozoic tetrapods topic Devonian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00448-00099691-00100254 tetrapods research by Jennifer
CEHcy4hZlnU-00449-00100255-00100416 clack and her colleagues showed that the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00450-00100417-00100632 very earliest tetrapods animals similar
CEHcy4hZlnU-00451-00100633-00100830 to acanthus tiger were wholly aquatic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00452-00100831-00101091 and quite unsuited to life on land this
CEHcy4hZlnU-00453-00101092-00101286 is in contrast to the earlier view that
CEHcy4hZlnU-00454-00101287-00101507 fish had first invaded the land either
CEHcy4hZlnU-00455-00101508-00101669 in search of prey like modern
CEHcy4hZlnU-00456-00101670-00101847 mudskippers or to find water when the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00457-00101848-00102063 pond they lived in dried out and later
CEHcy4hZlnU-00458-00102064-00102396 evolved legs lungs etc by the late
CEHcy4hZlnU-00459-00102397-00102597 devonian land plants had stabilised
CEHcy4hZlnU-00460-00102598-00102798 freshwater habitats allowing the first
CEHcy4hZlnU-00461-00102799-00102986 wetland ecosystems to develop with
CEHcy4hZlnU-00462-00102988-00103157 increasingly complex food webs that
CEHcy4hZlnU-00463-00103158-00103425 afforded new opportunities freshwater
CEHcy4hZlnU-00464-00103426-00103616 habitats were not the only places to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00465-00103617-00103781 find water filled with organic matter
CEHcy4hZlnU-00466-00103782-00103965 and dense vegetation near the water's
CEHcy4hZlnU-00467-00103966-00104210 edge swampy habitats like shallow
CEHcy4hZlnU-00468-00104211-00104400 wetlands coastal lagoons and large
CEHcy4hZlnU-00469-00104401-00104606 brackish river deltas also existed at
CEHcy4hZlnU-00470-00104607-00104778 this time and there is much to suggest
CEHcy4hZlnU-00471-00104779-00104946 that this is the kind of environment in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00472-00104947-00105225 which the tetrapods evolved early fossil
CEHcy4hZlnU-00473-00105226-00105390 tetrapods have been found in marine
CEHcy4hZlnU-00474-00105391-00105546 sediments and because fossils of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00475-00105547-00105741 primitive tetrapods in general are found
CEHcy4hZlnU-00476-00105742-00105873 scattered all around the world
CEHcy4hZlnU-00477-00105874-00106026 they must have spread by following the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00478-00106027-00106229 coastal lines they could not have lived
CEHcy4hZlnU-00479-00106230-00106548 in freshwater only one analysis from the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00480-00106549-00106733 University of Oregon suggests no
CEHcy4hZlnU-00481-00106734-00106940 evidence for their shrinking water hole
CEHcy4hZlnU-00482-00106941-00107183 theory transitional fossils are not
CEHcy4hZlnU-00483-00107184-00107366 associated with evidence of shrinking
CEHcy4hZlnU-00484-00107367-00107568 puddles or ponds and indicates that such
CEHcy4hZlnU-00485-00107569-00107741 animals would probably not have survived
CEHcy4hZlnU-00486-00107742-00107935 short treks between depleted water holes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00487-00107936-00108195 the new theory suggests instead that
CEHcy4hZlnU-00488-00108196-00108402 proto lungs and proto limbs were useful
CEHcy4hZlnU-00489-00108403-00108611 adaptations to negotiate the environment
CEHcy4hZlnU-00490-00108613-00108831 in humid wooded floodplains the Devonian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00491-00108832-00108975 tetrapods went through two major
CEHcy4hZlnU-00492-00108976-00109152 bottlenecks during what is known as the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00493-00109153-00109334 late devonian extinction one at the end
CEHcy4hZlnU-00494-00109335-00109541 of the fresney on stage and one twice as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00495-00109542-00109707 large at the end of the following famine
CEHcy4hZlnU-00496-00109708-00109961 Ian staged these events of extinctions
CEHcy4hZlnU-00497-00109963-00110127 led to the disappearance of primitive
CEHcy4hZlnU-00498-00110128-00110315 tetrapods with fish-like features like
CEHcy4hZlnU-00499-00110316-00110483 egg Theo stager and their primary more
CEHcy4hZlnU-00500-00110484-00110729 aquatic relatives when tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00501-00110730-00110925 reappear in the fossil record after the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00502-00110926-00111147 Devonian extinctions the adult forms are
CEHcy4hZlnU-00503-00111148-00111284 all fully adapted to a terrestrial
CEHcy4hZlnU-00504-00111285-00111513 existence with later species secondary
CEHcy4hZlnU-00505-00111514-00112224 adapted to an aquatic lifestyle topic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00506-00112225-00112347 excretion in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00507-00112348-00112848 Etra pods the common ancestor of all
CEHcy4hZlnU-00508-00112849-00113040 present Natha stones jawed vertebrates
CEHcy4hZlnU-00509-00113041-00113258 lived in freshwater and later migrated
CEHcy4hZlnU-00510-00113259-00113486 back to the sea to deal with the much
CEHcy4hZlnU-00511-00113488-00113715 higher salinity in seawater they evolved
CEHcy4hZlnU-00512-00113716-00113889 the ability to turn the nitrogen waste
CEHcy4hZlnU-00513-00113890-00114081 product ammonia into harmless urea
CEHcy4hZlnU-00514-00114082-00114258 storing it in the body to give the blood
CEHcy4hZlnU-00515-00114258-00114450 the same osmolarity as the sea water
CEHcy4hZlnU-00516-00114451-00114708 without poisoning the organism this is
CEHcy4hZlnU-00517-00114708-00114843 the system currently found in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00518-00114844-00115074 cartilaginous fishes ray-finned fishes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00519-00115075-00115254 actin op tricky later return to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00520-00115255-00115455 freshwater and lost this ability while
CEHcy4hZlnU-00521-00115456-00115707 the fleshy fin fishes Sakuragi retained
CEHcy4hZlnU-00522-00115708-00115938 it since the blood of ray-finned fishes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00523-00115939-00116154 contains more salt than freshwater they
CEHcy4hZlnU-00524-00116155-00116328 could simply get rid of ammonia through
CEHcy4hZlnU-00525-00116329-00116379 their gills
CEHcy4hZlnU-00526-00116380-00116616 when they finally return to the sea
CEHcy4hZlnU-00527-00116617-00116783 again they did not recover their old
CEHcy4hZlnU-00528-00116784-00116976 trick of turning ammonia to urea and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00529-00116977-00117168 they had to evolve salt excreting glands
CEHcy4hZlnU-00530-00117169-00117417 instead lung fishes do the same when
CEHcy4hZlnU-00531-00117418-00117594 they are living in water making ammonia
CEHcy4hZlnU-00532-00117595-00117809 and no urea but when the water dries up
CEHcy4hZlnU-00533-00117810-00117959 and they are forced to burrow down in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00534-00117960-00118146 the mud they switch to urea production
CEHcy4hZlnU-00535-00118147-00118401 like cartilaginous fishes the kohler
CEHcy4hZlnU-00536-00118402-00118620 camp can store urea in its blood as can
CEHcy4hZlnU-00537-00118621-00118788 the only known amphibians that can live
CEHcy4hZlnU-00538-00118789-00118956 for long periods of time in salt water
CEHcy4hZlnU-00539-00118957-00119159 the toad buffer mariners in the Frog
CEHcy4hZlnU-00540-00119160-00119418 runner can cavora these are traits they
CEHcy4hZlnU-00541-00119419-00119697 have inherited from their ancestors if
CEHcy4hZlnU-00542-00119698-00119913 early tetrapods lived in freshwater and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00543-00119914-00120114 if they lost the ability to produce urea
CEHcy4hZlnU-00544-00120115-00120306 and used ammonia only they would have to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00545-00120307-00120483 evolve it from scratch again later
CEHcy4hZlnU-00546-00120483-00120741 not a single species of all the rafe in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00547-00120742-00120939 fishes living today has been able to do
CEHcy4hZlnU-00548-00120940-00121131 that so it is not likely that tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00549-00121132-00121380 would have done so either terrestrial
CEHcy4hZlnU-00550-00121381-00121551 animals that can only produce ammonia
CEHcy4hZlnU-00551-00121552-00121749 would have to drink constantly making a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00552-00121750-00121961 life on land impossible a few exceptions
CEHcy4hZlnU-00553-00121963-00122154 exist as some terrestrial wood lice can
CEHcy4hZlnU-00554-00122155-00122319 excrete their nitrogenous wastes as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00555-00122320-00122598 ammonia gas this probably also was a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00556-00122599-00122769 problem at the start when the tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00557-00122770-00122979 started to spend time out of water but
CEHcy4hZlnU-00558-00122980-00123138 eventually the urea system would
CEHcy4hZlnU-00559-00123139-00123386 dominate completely because of this it
CEHcy4hZlnU-00560-00123388-00123555 is not likely they emerged in freshwater
CEHcy4hZlnU-00561-00123556-00123744 unless they first migrated into
CEHcy4hZlnU-00562-00123745-00123957 freshwater habitats and then migrated on
CEHcy4hZlnU-00563-00123958-00124149 to land so shortly after that they still
CEHcy4hZlnU-00564-00124150-00124310 retained the ability to make urea
CEHcy4hZlnU-00565-00124311-00124500 although some species never left or
CEHcy4hZlnU-00566-00124501-00124683 return to the water could of course have
CEHcy4hZlnU-00567-00124683-00125339 adapted to freshwater lakes and rivers
CEHcy4hZlnU-00568-00125340-00125738 topic lungs
CEHcy4hZlnU-00569-00125739-00126015 it is now clear that the common ancestor
CEHcy4hZlnU-00570-00126016-00126213 of the bony fishes ostia clears had a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00571-00126214-00126414 primitive air breathing lung later
CEHcy4hZlnU-00572-00126415-00126591 evolved into a swim bladder in most
CEHcy4hZlnU-00573-00126592-00126795 Acton origins ray-finned fishes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00574-00126796-00127032 this suggests that cross of terror genes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00575-00127033-00127242 evolved in warm shallow waters using
CEHcy4hZlnU-00576-00127243-00127416 their simple lung when the oxygen level
CEHcy4hZlnU-00577-00127417-00127719 in the water became too low fleshy lobed
CEHcy4hZlnU-00578-00127720-00127923 fins supported on bones rather than race
CEHcy4hZlnU-00579-00127924-00128084 different fins seemed to have been an
CEHcy4hZlnU-00580-00128085-00128309 ancestral trait of all bony fishes Ostia
CEHcy4hZlnU-00581-00128310-00128571 clears the lobe finned ancestors of the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00582-00128572-00128769 tetrapods evolved them further while the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00583-00128770-00128964 ancestors of the ray-finned fishes actin
CEHcy4hZlnU-00584-00128965-00129129 op tricky evolved their fins in a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00585-00129130-00129348 different direction the most primitive
CEHcy4hZlnU-00586-00129349-00129558 group of actin opt origins the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00587-00129558-00130296 still have fleshy frontal fins Topic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00588-00130297-00130899 fossils of early tetrapods 9 general of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00589-00130900-00131091 Devonian tetrapods have been described
CEHcy4hZlnU-00590-00131092-00131298 several known mainly or entirely from
CEHcy4hZlnU-00591-00131299-00131568 lower jaw material all but one were from
CEHcy4hZlnU-00592-00131569-00131721 the lore agent supercontinent which
CEHcy4hZlnU-00593-00131722-00131889 comprised Europe North America and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00594-00131890-00132186 Greenland the only exception is a single
CEHcy4hZlnU-00595-00132187-00132411 gondwanan genus metic signifies which
CEHcy4hZlnU-00596-00132412-00132687 has been found in Australia the first
CEHcy4hZlnU-00597-00132688-00132906 Devonian tetrapod identified from Asia
CEHcy4hZlnU-00598-00132907-00133107 was recognized from a fossil jaw bone
CEHcy4hZlnU-00599-00133108-00133452 reported in 2002 the Chinese tetrapod
CEHcy4hZlnU-00600-00133453-00133635 synaesthesia Pawnee was discovered among
CEHcy4hZlnU-00601-00133636-00133812 fossilized tropical plants and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00602-00133813-00133962 lobe-finned fish in the red sandstone
CEHcy4hZlnU-00603-00133963-00134139 sediments of the ningxia Hui Autonomous
CEHcy4hZlnU-00604-00134140-00134463 Region of northwest China this findings
CEHcy4hZlnU-00605-00134464-00134652 substantially extended the geographical
CEHcy4hZlnU-00606-00134653-00134814 range of these animals and has raised
CEHcy4hZlnU-00607-00134815-00134973 new questions about the worldwide
CEHcy4hZlnU-00608-00134974-00135153 distribution and great taxonomic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00609-00135154-00135312 diversity they achieved within a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00610-00135313-00135582 relatively short time these earliest
CEHcy4hZlnU-00611-00135583-00135783 tetrapods were not terrestrial the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00612-00135784-00135984 earliest confirmed terrestrial forms are
CEHcy4hZlnU-00613-00135985-00136089 known from the early Carboniferous
CEHcy4hZlnU-00614-00136090-00136346 deposits some 20 million years later
CEHcy4hZlnU-00615-00136347-00136587 still they may have spent very brief
CEHcy4hZlnU-00616-00136588-00136764 periods out of water and would have used
CEHcy4hZlnU-00617-00136765-00136923 their legs to pour their way through the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00618-00136924-00137184 mud why they went to land in the first
CEHcy4hZlnU-00619-00137185-00137441 place is still debated one reason could
CEHcy4hZlnU-00620-00137442-00137622 be that the small juveniles who had
CEHcy4hZlnU-00621-00137623-00137796 completed their metamorphosis had what
CEHcy4hZlnU-00622-00137797-00137964 it took to make use of what land had to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00623-00137965-00138225 offer already adapted to breathe air and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00624-00138226-00138411 move around in shallow waters near land
CEHcy4hZlnU-00625-00138412-00138609 as a protection just as modern fish and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00626-00138610-00138791 amphibians often spend the first part of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00627-00138792-00138969 their life in the comparative safety of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00628-00138970-00139044 shallow water
CEHcy4hZlnU-00629-00139045-00139242 like mangrove forests two very different
CEHcy4hZlnU-00630-00139243-00139461 niches partially overlap each other with
CEHcy4hZlnU-00631-00139462-00139638 the young juveniles in the diffuse line
CEHcy4hZlnU-00632-00139639-00139896 between one of them was overcrowded and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00633-00139897-00140076 dangerous while the other was much safer
CEHcy4hZlnU-00634-00140077-00140238 and much less crowded offering less
CEHcy4hZlnU-00635-00140239-00140472 competition over resources the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00636-00140473-00140652 terrestrial niche was also a much more
CEHcy4hZlnU-00637-00140653-00140850 challenging place for primarily aquatic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00638-00140851-00141045 animals but because of the way evolution
CEHcy4hZlnU-00639-00141046-00141198 and selection pressure worked those
CEHcy4hZlnU-00640-00141199-00141375 juveniles who could take advantage of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00641-00141376-00141594 this would be rewarded once they gained
CEHcy4hZlnU-00642-00141595-00141735 a small foothold on land
CEHcy4hZlnU-00643-00141736-00141885 thanks to their pre adaptations
CEHcy4hZlnU-00644-00141886-00142050 favorable variations in their
CEHcy4hZlnU-00645-00142051-00142209 descendants would gradually result in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00646-00142210-00142418 continuing evolution and diversification
CEHcy4hZlnU-00647-00142419-00142659 at this time the abundance of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00648-00142660-00142830 invertebrates crawling around on land
CEHcy4hZlnU-00649-00142831-00143019 and near water in moist soil and web
CEHcy4hZlnU-00650-00143020-00143277 leader offered a food supply some were
CEHcy4hZlnU-00651-00143278-00143475 even big enough to eat small tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00652-00143476-00143646 but the land was free from dangers
CEHcy4hZlnU-00653-00143647-00144387 common in the water topic from water to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00654-00144388-00144900 land initially making only tentative
CEHcy4hZlnU-00655-00144901-00145122 forays onto land tetrapods adapted to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00656-00145123-00145311 terrestrial environments over time and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00657-00145312-00145524 spent longer periods away from the water
CEHcy4hZlnU-00658-00145525-00145755 it is also possible that the adults
CEHcy4hZlnU-00659-00145756-00145935 started to spend some time on land as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00660-00145936-00146118 the skeletal modifications in early
CEHcy4hZlnU-00661-00146119-00146337 tetrapods such as Ichthyostega suggests
CEHcy4hZlnU-00662-00146338-00146523 to bask in the Sun close to the water's
CEHcy4hZlnU-00663-00146524-00146679 edge while otherwise being mostly
CEHcy4hZlnU-00664-00146680-00147770 aquatic topic Carboniferous tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00665-00147771-00148089 until the 1990s there was a 30 million
CEHcy4hZlnU-00666-00148090-00148272 year gap in the fossil record between
CEHcy4hZlnU-00667-00148273-00148434 the late devonian tetrapods and the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00668-00148435-00148614 reappearance of tetrapod fossils in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00669-00148615-00148830 recognizable mid Carboniferous amphibian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00670-00148831-00149148 lineages it was referred to us Roma's
CEHcy4hZlnU-00671-00149149-00149370 gap which now covers the period from
CEHcy4hZlnU-00672-00149371-00149763 about 360 to 345 million years ago the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00673-00149764-00149958 Devonian Carboniferous transition in the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00674-00149959-00150105 early Mississippian after the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00675-00150106-00150408 paleontologists who recognized it during
CEHcy4hZlnU-00676-00150409-00150702 the gap tetrapod backbones developed as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00677-00150703-00150846 did limbs with digits and other
CEHcy4hZlnU-00678-00150847-00151122 adaptations for terrestrial life he is
CEHcy4hZlnU-00679-00151123-00151299 skulls and vertebral columns all
CEHcy4hZlnU-00680-00151300-00151509 underwent changes to the number of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00681-00151510-00151668 digits on hands and feet became
CEHcy4hZlnU-00682-00151669-00151872 standardized at five as lineages with
CEHcy4hZlnU-00683-00151873-00152163 more digits died out thus those very few
CEHcy4hZlnU-00684-00152164-00152406 tetrapod fossils found in this gap
CEHcy4hZlnU-00685-00152407-00152560 are all the more prized by
CEHcy4hZlnU-00686-00152561-00152745 paleontologists because they document
CEHcy4hZlnU-00687-00152746-00152934 these significant changes and clarify
CEHcy4hZlnU-00688-00152935-00153200 their history the transition from an
CEHcy4hZlnU-00689-00153201-00153353 aquatic lobe-finned fish to an
CEHcy4hZlnU-00690-00153354-00153479 air-breathing amphibian was a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00691-00153480-00153662 significant and fundamental one in the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00692-00153663-00153850 evolutionary history of the vertebrates
CEHcy4hZlnU-00693-00153851-00154103 for an organism to live in a gravity
CEHcy4hZlnU-00694-00154104-00154265 neutral aqueous environment then
CEHcy4hZlnU-00695-00154266-00154460 colonized one that requires an organism
CEHcy4hZlnU-00696-00154461-00154640 to support its entire weight and possess
CEHcy4hZlnU-00697-00154641-00154829 a mechanism to mitigate dehydration
CEHcy4hZlnU-00698-00154830-00155021 required significant adaptations or
CEHcy4hZlnU-00699-00155022-00155201 exact ations within the overall body
CEHcy4hZlnU-00700-00155202-00155493 plan both in form and in function areas
CEHcy4hZlnU-00701-00155494-00155696 an example of an animal that made such
CEHcy4hZlnU-00702-00155697-00155903 adaptations refined many of the traits
CEHcy4hZlnU-00703-00155904-00156197 found in its fish ancestors sturdy limbs
CEHcy4hZlnU-00704-00156198-00156396 supported and transported its body while
CEHcy4hZlnU-00705-00156397-00156645 out of water a thicker stronger backbone
CEHcy4hZlnU-00706-00156646-00156824 prevented its body from sagging under
CEHcy4hZlnU-00707-00156825-00157040 its own weight also through the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00708-00157041-00157259 reshaping of vestigial fish jaw bones a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00709-00157260-00157454 rudimentary middle ear began developing
CEHcy4hZlnU-00710-00157455-00157601 to connect to the person inner ear
CEHcy4hZlnU-00711-00157602-00157829 allowing arabs to amplify and sew better
CEHcy4hZlnU-00712-00157830-00158147 since airborne sound by the v-sync mid
CEHcy4hZlnU-00713-00158148-00158366 Carboniferous stage the early tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00714-00158367-00158540 had radiated into at least three or four
CEHcy4hZlnU-00715-00158541-00158825 main branches some of these different
CEHcy4hZlnU-00716-00158826-00159018 branches represent the ancestors to all
CEHcy4hZlnU-00717-00159019-00159116 living tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00718-00159117-00159350 this means that the common ancestor of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00719-00159351-00159551 all living tetrapods likely lived in the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00720-00159552-00159819 Carboniferous under a narrow cladistic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00721-00159820-00160028 definition of tetra pota also known as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00722-00160029-00160124 crown tetra pota
CEHcy4hZlnU-00723-00160125-00160298 which only includes descendents of this
CEHcy4hZlnU-00724-00160299-00160521 common ancestor tetrapods first appeared
CEHcy4hZlnU-00725-00160522-00160799 in the Carboniferous recognizable early
CEHcy4hZlnU-00726-00160800-00160968 tetrapods in the broad sense a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00727-00160969-00161141 representative of the ten most bundles
CEHcy4hZlnU-00728-00161142-00161244 AG arabs
CEHcy4hZlnU-00729-00161245-00161457 lepa spaniels eg Diplo Collis and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00730-00161458-00161603 freakasaurus which were the relatives
CEHcy4hZlnU-00731-00161604-00161789 and ancestors of the a Miata and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00732-00161790-00161954 possibly the buffer dance which are
CEHcy4hZlnU-00733-00161955-00162125 thought to be related to temos bundles
CEHcy4hZlnU-00734-00162126-00162299 in whose status as a main branch is yet
CEHcy4hZlnU-00735-00162300-00162521 unresolved depending on which
CEHcy4hZlnU-00736-00162522-00162689 authorities one follows modern
CEHcy4hZlnU-00737-00162690-00162926 amphibians frogs salamanders and caius
CEHcy4hZlnU-00738-00162927-00163097 ilion's are most probably derived from
CEHcy4hZlnU-00739-00163098-00163265 either tim most bundles or leppas
CEHcy4hZlnU-00740-00163266-00163460 bundles or possibly both although this
CEHcy4hZlnU-00741-00163461-00163754 is now a minority position the first
CEHcy4hZlnU-00742-00163755-00163821 amniotes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00743-00163822-00164003 clade of vertebrates that today includes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00744-00164004-00164216 reptiles mammals and birds are known
CEHcy4hZlnU-00745-00164217-00164339 from the early part of the late
CEHcy4hZlnU-00746-00164340-00164627 carboniferous by the Triassic this group
CEHcy4hZlnU-00747-00164628-00164816 had already radiated into the earliest
CEHcy4hZlnU-00748-00164817-00165050 mammals turtles and crocodiles lizards
CEHcy4hZlnU-00749-00165051-00165219 and birds appeared in the Jurassic and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00750-00165220-00165488 snakes in the Cretaceous this can trust
CEHcy4hZlnU-00751-00165489-00165650 sharply with the possibly 4th
CEHcy4hZlnU-00752-00165651-00165780 Carboniferous group the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00753-00165781-00165954 ballads which have left no extant
CEHcy4hZlnU-00754-00165955-00166707 surviving lineages topic Carboniferous
CEHcy4hZlnU-00755-00166708-00167244 rainforest collapse amphibians and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00756-00167245-00167418 reptiles were strongly affected by the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00757-00167419-00167685 Carboniferous rainforest collapse crc an
CEHcy4hZlnU-00758-00167686-00167829 extinction event that occurred
CEHcy4hZlnU-00759-00167830-00167997 approximately three hundred and seven
CEHcy4hZlnU-00760-00167998-00168225 million years ago the Carboniferous
CEHcy4hZlnU-00761-00168226-00168399 period has long been associated with
CEHcy4hZlnU-00762-00168400-00168567 thick steamy swamps and humid
CEHcy4hZlnU-00763-00168568-00168831 rainforests since plants form the base
CEHcy4hZlnU-00764-00168832-00169047 of almost all of Earth's ecosystems any
CEHcy4hZlnU-00765-00169048-00169233 changes in plant distribution have
CEHcy4hZlnU-00766-00169234-00169413 always affected animal life to some
CEHcy4hZlnU-00767-00169414-00169662 degree the sudden collapse of the vital
CEHcy4hZlnU-00768-00169663-00169887 rainforest ecosystem profoundly affected
CEHcy4hZlnU-00769-00169888-00170061 the diversity and abundance of the major
CEHcy4hZlnU-00770-00170062-00170310 tetrapod groups that relied on it the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00771-00170311-00170532 CRC which was a part of one of the top
CEHcy4hZlnU-00772-00170533-00170730 two most devastating plant extinctions
CEHcy4hZlnU-00773-00170731-00170844 in Earth's history was a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00774-00170845-00171051 self-reinforcing and very rapid change
CEHcy4hZlnU-00775-00171052-00171204 of environment where in the worldwide
CEHcy4hZlnU-00776-00171205-00171378 climate became much drier and cooler
CEHcy4hZlnU-00777-00171379-00171600 overall although much new work is being
CEHcy4hZlnU-00778-00171601-00171720 done to better understand the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00779-00171721-00171924 fine-grained historical climate changes
CEHcy4hZlnU-00780-00171925-00172107 in the Carboniferous Permian transition
CEHcy4hZlnU-00781-00172108-00172407 and how they arose the ensuing worldwide
CEHcy4hZlnU-00782-00172408-00172572 plant production resulting from the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00783-00172573-00172728 difficulties plants encountered in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00784-00172729-00172899 adjusting to the new climate caused the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00785-00172900-00173070 progressive fragmentation and collapse
CEHcy4hZlnU-00786-00173071-00173382 of rainforest ecosystems this reinforced
CEHcy4hZlnU-00787-00173383-00173565 and so further accelerated the collapse
CEHcy4hZlnU-00788-00173566-00173772 by sharply reducing the amount of animal
CEHcy4hZlnU-00789-00173773-00173916 life which could be supported by the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00790-00173917-00174186 shrinking ecosystems at that time the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00791-00174187-00174360 outcome of this animal reduction was a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00792-00174361-00174573 crash in global carbon dioxide levels
CEHcy4hZlnU-00793-00174574-00174831 which impacted the plants even more the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00794-00174832-00174993 aridity and temperature drop which
CEHcy4hZlnU-00795-00174994-00175146 resulted from this runaway plant
CEHcy4hZlnU-00796-00175147-00175320 reduction in decrease in a primary
CEHcy4hZlnU-00797-00175321-00175461 greenhouse gas caused the earth to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00798-00175462-00175659 rapidly enter a series of intense ice
CEHcy4hZlnU-00799-00175660-00175845 ages this impacted amphibians in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00800-00175846-00176033 particular in a number of ways the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00801-00176034-00176268 enormous drop in sea level due to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00802-00176269-00176421 greater quantities of the world's water
CEHcy4hZlnU-00803-00176422-00176616 being locked into glaciers profoundly
CEHcy4hZlnU-00804-00176617-00176799 affected the distribution and size of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00805-00176800-00176970 the semi aquatic ecosystems which
CEHcy4hZlnU-00806-00176971-00177153 amphibians favoured and a significant
CEHcy4hZlnU-00807-00177154-00177312 cooling of the climate further narrowed
CEHcy4hZlnU-00808-00177313-00177513 the amount of new territory favorable to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00809-00177514-00177729 amphibians given that among the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00810-00177730-00177873 hallmarks of amphibians are an
CEHcy4hZlnU-00811-00177874-00178077 obligatory return to a body of water to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00812-00178078-00178257 lay eggs a delicate skin prone to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00813-00178258-00178461 desiccation thereby often requiring the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00814-00178462-00178632 amphibian to be relatively close to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00815-00178633-00178782 order throughout its life and a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00816-00178783-00178983 reputation of being a bellwether species
CEHcy4hZlnU-00817-00178984-00179163 for disrupted ecosystems due
CEHcy4hZlnU-00818-00179164-00179316 the resulting low resilience to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00819-00179317-00179496 ecological change amphibians were
CEHcy4hZlnU-00820-00179497-00179643 particularly devastated with the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00821-00179644-00179772 labyrinth I danced among the groups
CEHcy4hZlnU-00822-00179773-00180015 faring worst in contrast
CEHcy4hZlnU-00823-00180016-00180195 reptiles whose amniotic eggs have a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00824-00180196-00180390 membrane that enables gas exchange out
CEHcy4hZlnU-00825-00180391-00180570 of water and which thereby can be laid
CEHcy4hZlnU-00826-00180571-00180741 on land were better adapted to the new
CEHcy4hZlnU-00827-00180742-00181038 conditions reptiles invaded new niches
CEHcy4hZlnU-00828-00181039-00181194 at a faster rate and began diversifying
CEHcy4hZlnU-00829-00181195-00181425 their diets becoming herbivorous and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00830-00181426-00181563 carnivorous rather than feeding
CEHcy4hZlnU-00831-00181564-00181766 exclusively on insects and fish
CEHcy4hZlnU-00832-00181767-00181986 meanwhile the severely impacted
CEHcy4hZlnU-00833-00181987-00182148 amphibians simply could not out-compete
CEHcy4hZlnU-00834-00182149-00182340 reptiles in mastering the new ecological
CEHcy4hZlnU-00835-00182341-00182595 niches and so were obligated to pass the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00836-00182596-00182763 tetrapod evolutionary torch to the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00837-00182764-00182934 increasingly successful and swiftly
CEHcy4hZlnU-00838-00182935-00183705 radiating reptiles topic Permian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00839-00183706-00184275 tetrapods in the Permian period early
CEHcy4hZlnU-00840-00184276-00184536 amphibia labyrinth advanced clades
CEHcy4hZlnU-00841-00184537-00184743 included tim most bundle and anthrax or
CEHcy4hZlnU-00842-00184744-00184956 while amniotic lades included the syrup
CEHcy4hZlnU-00843-00184957-00185205 cider and the synapse Adar syrup cider
CEHcy4hZlnU-00844-00185206-00185367 would eventually evolved into today's
CEHcy4hZlnU-00845-00185368-00185493 reptiles and birds
CEHcy4hZlnU-00846-00185494-00185640 whereas synapse era would evolve into
CEHcy4hZlnU-00847-00185641-00185877 today's mammals during the Permian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00848-00185878-00186093 however the distinction was less clear
CEHcy4hZlnU-00849-00186094-00186297 and the odd fauna being typically
CEHcy4hZlnU-00850-00186298-00186468 described as either reptile or as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00851-00186469-00186735 mammal-like reptile the latter synapsids
CEHcy4hZlnU-00852-00186736-00186885 were the most important and successful
CEHcy4hZlnU-00853-00186886-00187200 Permian animals the end of the Permian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00854-00187201-00187440 saw a major turnover in fauna during the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00855-00187441-00187611 Permian Triassic extinction event
CEHcy4hZlnU-00856-00187612-00187809 probably the most severe mass extinction
CEHcy4hZlnU-00857-00187810-00188037 event of the phanerozoic there was a
CEHcy4hZlnU-00858-00188038-00188223 protracted loss of species due to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00859-00188224-00188496 multiple extinction pulses many of the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00860-00188497-00188682 once large and diverse groups died out
CEHcy4hZlnU-00861-00188683-00189498 or were greatly reduced topic Mesozoic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00862-00189499-00190065 tetrapods life on earth seemed to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00863-00190066-00190227 recover quickly after the Permian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00864-00190228-00190404 extinction x' though this was mostly in
CEHcy4hZlnU-00865-00190405-00190551 the form of disaster taxa
CEHcy4hZlnU-00866-00190552-00190736 such as the hardy lystrosaurus
CEHcy4hZlnU-00867-00190737-00190986 specialized animals that form complex
CEHcy4hZlnU-00868-00190987-00191147 ecosystems with high biodiversity
CEHcy4hZlnU-00869-00191148-00191391 complex food webs and a variety of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00870-00191392-00191600 niches took much longer to recover
CEHcy4hZlnU-00871-00191601-00191832 current research indicates that this
CEHcy4hZlnU-00872-00191833-00192009 long recovery was due to successive
CEHcy4hZlnU-00873-00192010-00192180 waves of extinction which inhibited
CEHcy4hZlnU-00874-00192181-00192312 recovery and to prolong the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00875-00192313-00192492 environmental stress to organisms that
CEHcy4hZlnU-00876-00192493-00192534 continue
CEHcy4hZlnU-00877-00192535-00192810 into the early triassic recent research
CEHcy4hZlnU-00878-00192811-00192987 indicates that recovery did not begin
CEHcy4hZlnU-00879-00192988-00193218 until the start of the mid Triassic 4m
CEHcy4hZlnU-00880-00193219-00193422 to six M years after the extinction and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00881-00193423-00193602 some riders estimate that the recovery
CEHcy4hZlnU-00882-00193603-00193824 was not complete until 30 M years after
CEHcy4hZlnU-00883-00193825-00193983 the PTR extinction ie
CEHcy4hZlnU-00884-00193984-00194160 in the late triassic a small group of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00885-00194161-00194349 reptiles the dye opposites began to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00886-00194350-00194552 diversify during the Triassic notably
CEHcy4hZlnU-00887-00194553-00194844 the dinosaurs by the late Mesozoic the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00888-00194845-00195018 large labyrinth Adhan groups that first
CEHcy4hZlnU-00889-00195019-00195203 appeared during the Paleozoic such as
CEHcy4hZlnU-00890-00195204-00195360 Tim nose bundles in reptile like
CEHcy4hZlnU-00891-00195361-00195641 amphibians had gone extinct all current
CEHcy4hZlnU-00892-00195642-00195813 major groups of sauropsids evolved
CEHcy4hZlnU-00893-00195814-00195987 during the Mesozoic with Birds first
CEHcy4hZlnU-00894-00195988-00196149 appearing in the Jurassic as a derived
CEHcy4hZlnU-00895-00196150-00196439 clade of theropod dinosaurs many groups
CEHcy4hZlnU-00896-00196440-00196626 of synapses such as a nama danse and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00897-00196627-00196809 Ferris F aliens that once comprised the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00898-00196810-00196956 dominant terrestrial fauna of the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00899-00196957-00197165 Permian also became extinct during the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00900-00197166-00197402 Mesozoic during the Triassic however one
CEHcy4hZlnU-00901-00197403-00197610 group saina don t gave rise to the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00902-00197611-00197820 descendant taxon Mammalia which survived
CEHcy4hZlnU-00903-00197821-00197949 through the Mesozoic to later
CEHcy4hZlnU-00904-00197950-00198732 diversified during the Cenozoic topic
CEHcy4hZlnU-00905-00198733-00199364 Cenozoic tetrapods the Cenozoic era
CEHcy4hZlnU-00906-00199365-00199539 began with the end of the Mesozoic era
CEHcy4hZlnU-00907-00199540-00199761 and the Cretaceous epoch and continues
CEHcy4hZlnU-00908-00199762-00199812 to this day
CEHcy4hZlnU-00909-00199813-00200078 the beginning of the Cenozoic was marked
CEHcy4hZlnU-00910-00200079-00200268 by the Cretaceous Paleogene extinction
CEHcy4hZlnU-00911-00200269-00200439 event during which all non-avian
CEHcy4hZlnU-00912-00200440-00200745 dinosaurs became extinct the Cenozoic is
CEHcy4hZlnU-00913-00200746-00201038 sometimes called the age of mammals
CEHcy4hZlnU-00914-00201039-00201266 during the Mesozoic the prototypical
CEHcy4hZlnU-00915-00201267-00201435 mammal was a small nocturnal
CEHcy4hZlnU-00916-00201436-00201588 insectivorous something like a tree
CEHcy4hZlnU-00917-00201589-00201866 shrew due to their nocturnal habits most
CEHcy4hZlnU-00918-00201867-00202028 mammals lost their color vision and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00919-00202029-00202197 greatly improved their sense of hearing
CEHcy4hZlnU-00920-00202198-00202461 all mammals of today are shaped by this
CEHcy4hZlnU-00921-00202462-00202703 origin primates later re evolved color
CEHcy4hZlnU-00922-00202704-00202977 vision during the Paleocene and Eocene
CEHcy4hZlnU-00923-00202978-00203216 most mammals remain small under 20
CEHcy4hZlnU-00924-00203217-00203457 kilograms cooling climate in the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00925-00203458-00203666 Oligocene and myosin and the expansion
CEHcy4hZlnU-00926-00203667-00203862 of grasslands favored the evolution of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00927-00203863-00204203 larger mammalian species ratites run and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00928-00204204-00204365 penguins swim and waddle but the
CEHcy4hZlnU-00929-00204366-00204558 majority of birds are rather small and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00930-00204559-00204836 can fly some birds use their ability to
CEHcy4hZlnU-00931-00204837-00205019 fly to complete epic globe crossing
CEHcy4hZlnU-00932-00205021-00205211 migrations while others such as frigate
CEHcy4hZlnU-00933-00205212-00205409 birds fly over the oceans for months on
CEHcy4hZlnU-00934-00205410-00205698 end bats have also taken flight and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00935-00205698-00205865 along with cetaceans have developed
CEHcy4hZlnU-00936-00205866-00205935 their collocation
CEHcy4hZlnU-00937-00205936-00206325 or sonar whales seals manatees and sea
CEHcy4hZlnU-00938-00206326-00206487 otters have returned to the ocean and an
CEHcy4hZlnU-00939-00206488-00206808 aquatic lifestyle vast herds of ruminant
CEHcy4hZlnU-00940-00206809-00206982 ungulates populate the grasslands and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00941-00206983-00207221 forests carnivores have evolved to keep
CEHcy4hZlnU-00942-00207223-00207881 the herd animal populations in check
CEHcy4hZlnU-00943-00207882-00208498 topic extant living tetrapods
CEHcy4hZlnU-00944-00208500-00208737 following the great formal turnover at
CEHcy4hZlnU-00945-00208738-00208935 the end of the Mesozoic only six major
CEHcy4hZlnU-00946-00208936-00209109 groups of tetrapods were left all of
CEHcy4hZlnU-00947-00209110-00209354 which also include many extinct groups
CEHcy4hZlnU-00948-00209355-00209661 loose amphibia frogs and toads newts and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00949-00209662-00209955 salamanders and caius ilion's tests
CEHcy4hZlnU-00950-00209956-00210261 Sudanese turtles and tortoises lepida
CEHcy4hZlnU-00951-00210262-00210471 Soria tuataras lizards and four
CEHcy4hZlnU-00952-00210471-00210726 Spaniards and snakes crocodilia
CEHcy4hZlnU-00953-00210727-00210948 crocodiles alligators kai men's and
CEHcy4hZlnU-00954-00210948-00211401 girls neon Earth's modern birds Mammalia
CEHcy4hZlnU-00955-00211402-00211656 mammals
CEOIEzzLVNY-00000-00000000-00001047 [Music]
CEOIEzzLVNY-00001-00001048-00001203 do
CEOIEzzLVNY-00002-00001204-00002447 [Music]
CEOIEzzLVNY-00003-00002448-00002656 you
CF5FTjHn4P0-00000-00000024-00000199 what's up guys my name is excuse the
CF5FTjHn4P0-00001-00000200-00000366 machine and with me
CF5FTjHn4P0-00002-00000367-00000638 is uh the special guest of mine tobias
CF5FTjHn4P0-00003-00000639-00000854 the clock which is i'm always saying
CF5FTjHn4P0-00004-00000855-00001166 good thing about this guy oh hey
CF5FTjHn4P0-00005-00001167-00002023 um hey you're not gonna
CF5FTjHn4P0-00006-00002023-00002239 uh hey how's it how's it going what's up
CF5FTjHn4P0-00007-00002240-00002550 minions
CF5FTjHn4P0-00008-00002551-00002983 yo i mean i'm doing the video of psycho
CF5FTjHn4P0-00009-00002984-00003095 so
CF5FTjHn4P0-00010-00003096-00003438 oh it's uh um we have a show
CF5FTjHn4P0-00011-00003439-00004079 friendly friar of a comedy show
CF5FTjHn4P0-00012-00004079-00004415 do this let's do
CF5FTjHn4P0-00013-00004416-00004711 good morning dear morning dear i made
CF5FTjHn4P0-00014-00004712-00005006 your favorite breakfast
CF5FTjHn4P0-00015-00005007-00005335 oh pancakes
CF5FTjHn4P0-00016-00005336-00005711 can you share screens i would love to
CF5FTjHn4P0-00017-00005712-00006048 late i'm see he has some
CJ15dhZvmLg-00000-00000391-00000591 this is a song
CJ15dhZvmLg-00001-00000592-00001176 called dad's shoes
CJ15dhZvmLg-00002-00001177-00001701 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00003-00001702-00002647 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00004-00002648-00002840 actually broke down
CJ15dhZvmLg-00005-00002841-00004623 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00006-00004624-00004750 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00007-00004751-00006742 [Applause]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00008-00006743-00008066 by the picture of a young girl
CJ15dhZvmLg-00009-00008067-00008391 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00010-00008392-00009040 and put on your dad's shoes
CJ15dhZvmLg-00011-00009041-00009310 [Applause]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00012-00009311-00009858 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00013-00009859-00010942 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00014-00010943-00011086 did
CJ15dhZvmLg-00015-00011087-00011591 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00016-00011592-00011958 is
CJ15dhZvmLg-00017-00011959-00012508 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00018-00012509-00012985 [Applause]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00019-00012986-00013671 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00020-00013672-00013822 room
CJ15dhZvmLg-00021-00013823-00014086 by the picture of a young groom
CJ15dhZvmLg-00022-00014087-00014783 [Music]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00023-00014784-00016104 and if you don't know what to do
CJ15dhZvmLg-00024-00016105-00017176 [Applause]
CJ15dhZvmLg-00025-00017177-00017492 [Applause]
CJBzK2EZUNy-00000-00000042-00000295 [Music]
CJBzK2EZUNy-00001-00000296-00000534 hi matt b here and welcome to mtm the
CJBzK2EZUNy-00002-00000535-00000726 channel that burns the nonsense and
CJBzK2EZUNy-00003-00000727-00000999 welcome to this new revised series of
CJBzK2EZUNy-00004-00001000-00001215 moon hoax debunked if you're familiar
CJBzK2EZUNy-00005-00001216-00001407 with this intro and this series please
CJBzK2EZUNy-00006-00001408-00001607 feel free to skip to the main video
CJBzK2EZUNy-00007-00001607-00001823 using the timestamps in the description
CJBzK2EZUNy-00008-00001823-00002126 below or using the chapter markers why
CJBzK2EZUNy-00009-00002127-00002359 revised well as you know we've got up to
CJBzK2EZUNy-00010-00002360-00002591 episode 11 in this series
CJBzK2EZUNy-00011-00002592-00002863 and episode 12 was to be heat radiation
CJBzK2EZUNy-00012-00002864-00003191 and vacuum should melt the camera films
CJBzK2EZUNy-00013-00003192-00003399 well i don't really think this fits the
CJBzK2EZUNy-00014-00003400-00003695 bill as a common moon hoax theory so i'm
CJBzK2EZUNy-00015-00003696-00003838 going to replace it with one i'd
CJBzK2EZUNy-00016-00003839-00004022 actually just forgotten about until just
CJBzK2EZUNy-00017-00004023-00004279 recently so episode 12 is going to be
CJBzK2EZUNy-00018-00004280-00004519 replaced with footprints should not hold
CJBzK2EZUNy-00019-00004520-00004767 their shape on the moon also as you see
CJBzK2EZUNy-00020-00004768-00005054 from the list it ends with episode 16.
CJBzK2EZUNy-00021-00005055-00005238 well we're going to end this series with
CJBzK2EZUNy-00022-00005239-00005535 episode 17 this year well i'll add one
CJBzK2EZUNy-00023-00005536-00005711 at the end so keep watching till the end
CJBzK2EZUNy-00024-00005712-00005870 of the series where you'll find out what
CJBzK2EZUNy-00025-00005871-00006070 that one is bit fear not this series
CJBzK2EZUNy-00026-00006071-00006279 will begin again in january with what
CJBzK2EZUNy-00027-00006280-00006439 i'm going to call
CJBzK2EZUNy-00028-00006440-00006678 moon hoax debunked plus where we'll look
CJBzK2EZUNy-00029-00006679-00006910 at the less common moon hoax theories
CJBzK2EZUNy-00030-00006911-00007159 but this time it's going to involve you
CJBzK2EZUNy-00031-00007159-00007310 the viewers so keep watching this
CJBzK2EZUNy-00032-00007311-00007478 channel to the end of this series well
CJBzK2EZUNy-00033-00007479-00007719 i'll produce a video explaining how you
CJBzK2EZUNy-00034-00007720-00007887 can get involved well that's enough for
CJBzK2EZUNy-00035-00007888-00008119 me let's roll the credits and watch the
CJBzK2EZUNy-00036-00008120-00009039 video
CJBzK2EZUNy-00037-00009040-00009174 number 12
CJBzK2EZUNy-00038-00009175-00009342 footprints on the moon should not be
CJBzK2EZUNy-00039-00009343-00009542 able to hold their shape
CJBzK2EZUNy-00040-00009543-00009799 so here is the revised new number 12 on
CJBzK2EZUNy-00041-00009800-00009935 the list
CJBzK2EZUNy-00042-00009936-00010110 the argument with this one is that
CJBzK2EZUNy-00043-00010111-00010295 because there is no moisture on the moon
CJBzK2EZUNy-00044-00010296-00010455 the footprints should not be able to
CJBzK2EZUNy-00045-00010456-00010655 hold their shape and be as defined the
CJBzK2EZUNy-00046-00010656-00010878 details they show in the photos
CJBzK2EZUNy-00047-00010879-00011142 therefore the moon landings are fake
CJBzK2EZUNy-00048-00011143-00011335 so why are the conspirators claiming
CJBzK2EZUNy-00049-00011336-00011591 this well it's because they falsely
CJBzK2EZUNy-00050-00011592-00011846 compare the dust on the lunar surface to
CJBzK2EZUNy-00051-00011847-00012023 dry sand
CJBzK2EZUNy-00052-00012024-00012231 and rightly so if you walk on dry sand
CJBzK2EZUNy-00053-00012232-00012510 you create undefined footprints with no
CJBzK2EZUNy-00054-00012511-00012614 detail
CJBzK2EZUNy-00055-00012615-00012863 but if you step in wet sand you do get a
CJBzK2EZUNy-00056-00012863-00013119 more detailed and defined footprint that
CJBzK2EZUNy-00057-00013119-00013255 holds its shape
CJBzK2EZUNy-00058-00013256-00013486 until the sand dries out of course
CJBzK2EZUNy-00059-00013487-00013743 but in reality sand and moon dust are
CJBzK2EZUNy-00060-00013744-00013911 very different
CJBzK2EZUNy-00061-00013912-00014158 let's have a look a close look at some
CJBzK2EZUNy-00062-00014159-00014343 of grains of sand
CJBzK2EZUNy-00063-00014344-00014519 as you see in the images the grains of
CJBzK2EZUNy-00064-00014519-00014751 sand and the most part are rounded and
CJBzK2EZUNy-00065-00014752-00014943 smooth due to weathering
CJBzK2EZUNy-00066-00014944-00015143 so you won't be able to make dry sand
CJBzK2EZUNy-00067-00015144-00015375 hold any kind of shape collectively
CJBzK2EZUNy-00068-00015376-00015663 unless you add water to the mix
CJBzK2EZUNy-00069-00015663-00015894 then the water acts like a bond which
CJBzK2EZUNy-00070-00015895-00016191 allows the sand grains to hold together
CJBzK2EZUNy-00071-00016191-00016375 as i'm sure you remember as a child you
CJBzK2EZUNy-00072-00016376-00016591 had to make the sand wet to make those
CJBzK2EZUNy-00073-00016592-00016775 sand casters we enjoyed as in our
CJBzK2EZUNy-00074-00016776-00017022 younger days on the beach okay so now
CJBzK2EZUNy-00075-00017023-00017230 let's look at luna dust
CJBzK2EZUNy-00076-00017231-00017422 firstly you may remember how neil
CJBzK2EZUNy-00077-00017423-00017719 armstrong described the lunar dust
CJBzK2EZUNy-00078-00017720-00018430 no okay well here's a little reminder
CJBzK2EZUNy-00079-00018431-00018607 one or two inches
CJBzK2EZUNy-00080-00018608-00018894 although the surface appears to be
CJBzK2EZUNy-00081-00018895-00019047 uh
CJBzK2EZUNy-00082-00019048-00019319 very very fine grained as you get close
CJBzK2EZUNy-00083-00019320-00019567 to it it's almost like a powder
CJBzK2EZUNy-00084-00019568-00019775 so as you heard he didn't describe it as
CJBzK2EZUNy-00085-00019776-00020150 anything like sand but a fine powder
CJBzK2EZUNy-00086-00020151-00020303 now when we look at the lunar dust under
CJBzK2EZUNy-00087-00020304-00020535 a microscope we can see key difference
CJBzK2EZUNy-00088-00020536-00020758 between this and sand
CJBzK2EZUNy-00089-00020759-00020911 as you'll see in this image the lunar
CJBzK2EZUNy-00090-00020912-00021127 dust particles are uneven shapes and
CJBzK2EZUNy-00091-00021128-00021399 jagged making it much easier than sand
CJBzK2EZUNy-00092-00021400-00021630 to hold the shape collectively
CJBzK2EZUNy-00093-00021631-00021791 it behaves in a very similar way to
CJBzK2EZUNy-00094-00021792-00022014 flower as they both have particles that
CJBzK2EZUNy-00095-00022015-00022230 are uneven in shape
CJBzK2EZUNy-00096-00022231-00022399 as you'll see from this demonstration
CJBzK2EZUNy-00097-00022400-00022743 clip i made i put some dry flour in a
CJBzK2EZUNy-00098-00022744-00022991 container
CJBzK2EZUNy-00099-00022992-00023335 trodden the flour with my boot
CJBzK2EZUNy-00100-00023336-00023519 and there you see it for yourself
CJBzK2EZUNy-00101-00023520-00023758 the print holds its shape
CJBzK2EZUNy-00102-00023759-00023967 not forgetting of course the 1 6 gravity
CJBzK2EZUNy-00103-00023968-00024286 of the moon compared to here on earth
CJBzK2EZUNy-00104-00024287-00024478 this ladies and gentlemen is why the
CJBzK2EZUNy-00105-00024479-00024719 moon dust doesn't need moisture to hold
CJBzK2EZUNy-00106-00024720-00024942 its shape on the moon
CJBzK2EZUNy-00107-00024943-00025167 so for the 12th time in this series
CJBzK2EZUNy-00108-00025168-00025519 we add yet another theory to the fire
CJBzK2EZUNy-00109-00025520-00025702 past the matches
CJBzK2EZUNy-00110-00025704-00027462 gonna enjoy seeing this one
CJBzK2EZUNy-00111-00027463-00027598 so
CJBzK2EZUNy-00112-00027599-00028830 [Music]
CJBzK2EZUNy-00113-00028831-00029252 [Music]
CJBzK2EZUNy-00114-00029252-00029712 [Applause]
CJBzK2EZUNy-00115-00029713-00030983 [Music]
CJBzK2EZUNy-00116-00030983-00031191 you
CLPUhOoRovu-00000-00000000-00000209 anybody that calls himself a dancer
CLPUhOoRovu-00001-00000210-00000364 calls himself an Entertainer to snatch
CLPUhOoRovu-00002-00000365-00000539 the page out of James Brown's book at
CLPUhOoRovu-00003-00000540-00001204 some point
CLPUhOoRovu-00004-00001205-00001859 s
CLPUhOoRovu-00005-00001860-00002146 okay Mike
CLPUhOoRovu-00006-00002147-00002573 [Music]
CLPUhOoRovu-00007-00002574-00002825 all right live from the blue white
CLPUhOoRovu-00008-00002826-00003083 Studios another episode of hot boxing
CLPUhOoRovu-00009-00003084-00003359 I'm Mike Tyson I'm Sebastian Joseph
CLPUhOoRovu-00010-00003360-00003751 today we got Neo in the bill
CLPUhOoRovu-00011-00003752-00004025 happy music man what's up what's going
CLPUhOoRovu-00012-00004026-00004241 on brother oh man listen man we're so
CLPUhOoRovu-00013-00004242-00004397 happy to have you here appreciate it
CLPUhOoRovu-00014-00004398-00004559 trying to get you earlier but I guess
CLPUhOoRovu-00015-00004560-00004738 this is the best time it's all good
CLPUhOoRovu-00016-00004739-00004901 everything happens exactly when it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00017-00004902-00005093 supposed to so tell us brother what are
CLPUhOoRovu-00018-00005094-00005254 you doing lately
CLPUhOoRovu-00019-00005255-00005470 um a little bit of everything man I'm uh
CLPUhOoRovu-00020-00005471-00005591 still doing music you know what I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00021-00005592-00005831 saying music is never gonna go away I
CLPUhOoRovu-00022-00005832-00006035 mean I'm about to start my my next album
CLPUhOoRovu-00023-00006036-00006311 for Motown uh touring around a lot this
CLPUhOoRovu-00024-00006312-00006545 year I've started dabbling a little bit
CLPUhOoRovu-00025-00006545-00006701 more in acting and whatnot I'm about to
CLPUhOoRovu-00026-00006702-00006839 um I'm gonna be on the third season of
CLPUhOoRovu-00027-00006840-00007055 BMF fire yeah so that's that's fun
CLPUhOoRovu-00028-00007056-00007241 that's fun it ain't it ain't music for
CLPUhOoRovu-00029-00007242-00007475 me yet the whole acting thing I I enjoy
CLPUhOoRovu-00030-00007476-00007667 it but it don't it don't music is like
CLPUhOoRovu-00031-00007668-00007787 instant gratification you know what I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00032-00007788-00007955 saying you go in the studio you record
CLPUhOoRovu-00033-00007956-00008101 it you listen back that same night
CLPUhOoRovu-00034-00008102-00008381 acting you might not see that until like
CLPUhOoRovu-00035-00008382-00008524 two years later you know what I mean I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00036-00008525-00008746 the same one I need to do something boom
CLPUhOoRovu-00037-00008747-00008963 everyone stays right there fighting
CLPUhOoRovu-00038-00008964-00009131 something where I can control the energy
CLPUhOoRovu-00039-00009132-00009317 in the room yeah yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00040-00009318-00009460 but I like I like it though I'm I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00041-00009461-00009623 learning to like it I ultimately want to
CLPUhOoRovu-00042-00009624-00009755 I want to write and direct and produce
CLPUhOoRovu-00043-00009756-00009887 and do all the behind the scenes stuff
CLPUhOoRovu-00044-00009888-00010006 so I'm gonna start in front of the
CLPUhOoRovu-00045-00010007-00010228 camera and work my way to behind it well
CLPUhOoRovu-00046-00010229-00010396 let's um the stuff from the beginning
CLPUhOoRovu-00047-00010397-00010667 man how'd this all start oh man all
CLPUhOoRovu-00048-00010668-00010846 right well um grew up I actually grew up
CLPUhOoRovu-00049-00010847-00010996 here in Las Vegas went to high school
CLPUhOoRovu-00050-00010997-00011242 here the whole night uh shout out to Las
CLPUhOoRovu-00051-00011243-00011405 Vegas Academy shout out to Rancho that's
CLPUhOoRovu-00052-00011406-00011591 where I graduated from
CLPUhOoRovu-00053-00011592-00011795 um I grew up in a real musical household
CLPUhOoRovu-00054-00011796-00012059 mom sings all my aunt sing my sister
CLPUhOoRovu-00055-00012060-00012317 sings Every it just it was just it was
CLPUhOoRovu-00056-00012318-00012455 the third sibling music was the third
CLPUhOoRovu-00057-00012456-00012587 sibling
CLPUhOoRovu-00058-00012588-00012808 um got into it started taking it serious
CLPUhOoRovu-00059-00012809-00013144 around 19 20 somewhere in there started
CLPUhOoRovu-00060-00013145-00013307 writing for other people
CLPUhOoRovu-00061-00013308-00013480 um they eventually got the attention of
CLPUhOoRovu-00062-00013481-00013649 the man who's currently my manager still
CLPUhOoRovu-00063-00013650-00013822 been my manager for almost almost 20
CLPUhOoRovu-00064-00013823-00014075 years now and uh yeah man we went over
CLPUhOoRovu-00065-00014076-00014291 to went over the Def Jam got a deal over
CLPUhOoRovu-00066-00014291-00014435 there put the first album I went really
CLPUhOoRovu-00067-00014436-00014579 really well second album really really
CLPUhOoRovu-00068-00014580-00014758 well third album really really well I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00069-00014759-00014872 like all right the world likes me I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00070-00014873-00015094 keep going and uh yeah man the rest is
CLPUhOoRovu-00071-00015095-00015263 pretty much history I'm just I'm I'm out
CLPUhOoRovu-00072-00015263-00015666 here living the damn dream bro
CLPUhOoRovu-00073-00015668-00016013 so tell us man um
CLPUhOoRovu-00074-00016013-00016229 from my experience listen to your music
CLPUhOoRovu-00075-00016230-00016408 you may loud tracks to a lot of the
CLPUhOoRovu-00076-00016409-00016667 artists which one was your favorite what
CLPUhOoRovu-00077-00016668-00016930 ah man favorite
CLPUhOoRovu-00078-00016931-00017093 it's hard to pick a favorite you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00079-00017094-00017207 what I'm saying because like that one
CLPUhOoRovu-00080-00017208-00017386 you did one with Kanye
CLPUhOoRovu-00081-00017387-00017597 what kind of uh me and Kanye did the
CLPUhOoRovu-00082-00017598-00017771 remix to my journey because of you he
CLPUhOoRovu-00083-00017772-00017903 jumped on that remix from me that was
CLPUhOoRovu-00084-00017904-00018058 real cool
CLPUhOoRovu-00085-00018059-00018208 um you know it's a funny story you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00086-00018209-00018436 Kanye song Good Life yes I was supposed
CLPUhOoRovu-00087-00018437-00018689 to be on that record he took me off that
CLPUhOoRovu-00088-00018690-00018833 record to put T-Pain on the record I
CLPUhOoRovu-00089-00018834-00019000 wasn't mad it was what it was but yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00090-00019001-00019121 that was cool that was like my first
CLPUhOoRovu-00091-00019122-00019277 time actually sitting in the studio and
CLPUhOoRovu-00092-00019278-00019457 working with you and he was he's always
CLPUhOoRovu-00093-00019458-00019619 been an interesting cat you know what
CLPUhOoRovu-00094-00019620-00019817 I'm saying that's the nicest way to put
CLPUhOoRovu-00095-00019818-00019986 it all it's been a real interesting
CLPUhOoRovu-00096-00019987-00020207 yeah yeah it's a real interesting dude
CLPUhOoRovu-00097-00020208-00020405 you know it's smart as hell smart as
CLPUhOoRovu-00098-00020406-00020686 hell like free like scary smart but yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00099-00020687-00020867 no it's good news good dude I've been
CLPUhOoRovu-00100-00020868-00020963 doing this I've been doing a little
CLPUhOoRovu-00101-00020964-00021191 while man I've uh written for a bunch of
CLPUhOoRovu-00102-00021192-00021383 people you know Mary J Blige Beyonce
CLPUhOoRovu-00103-00021384-00021658 Rihanna uh the list goes on and on and
CLPUhOoRovu-00104-00021659-00021899 on I am I've been blessed man I've been
CLPUhOoRovu-00105-00021900-00022036 blessed because it's a lot of cash that
CLPUhOoRovu-00106-00022037-00022157 don't get the opportunities that I've
CLPUhOoRovu-00107-00022158-00022313 gotten and they keep coming you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00108-00022314-00022408 what I'm saying so apparently somebody
CLPUhOoRovu-00109-00022409-00022649 up there like me no for sure your
CLPUhOoRovu-00110-00022650-00022883 catalog is crazy long thank you brother
CLPUhOoRovu-00111-00022884-00023111 uh both for yourself singing and writing
CLPUhOoRovu-00112-00023112-00023255 for other people what keeps you
CLPUhOoRovu-00113-00023256-00023477 motivated in that it you know just the
CLPUhOoRovu-00114-00023478-00023650 fact that I love what I do you know what
CLPUhOoRovu-00115-00023651-00023813 I'm saying I've never I've never really
CLPUhOoRovu-00116-00023814-00024028 set a goal in this not not really you
CLPUhOoRovu-00117-00024029-00024214 know it's things that I wanted to that
CLPUhOoRovu-00118-00024215-00024328 I'm like all right it'd be cool if this
CLPUhOoRovu-00119-00024329-00024430 happened it'd be cool if that happened
CLPUhOoRovu-00120-00024431-00024677 but I never said my ultimate goal is to
CLPUhOoRovu-00121-00024678-00024928 this I just I just ride the wave bro
CLPUhOoRovu-00122-00024929-00025150 like I I would do music for free at that
CLPUhOoRovu-00123-00025151-00025283 man let me take that back for the
CLPUhOoRovu-00124-00025284-00025558 promotionally yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00125-00025559-00025890 [Applause]
CLPUhOoRovu-00126-00025891-00026111 cut that out you don't pay me so the
CLPUhOoRovu-00127-00026112-00026443 people you keep it real yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00128-00026444-00026758 I love feeding my kids too relax nah but
CLPUhOoRovu-00129-00026760-00026987 um but I music is woven in My DNA man I
CLPUhOoRovu-00130-00026988-00027202 I I would I would I would literally do
CLPUhOoRovu-00131-00027204-00027323 it if there was no money in it anymore
CLPUhOoRovu-00132-00027324-00027490 just because it's it's always been
CLPUhOoRovu-00133-00027491-00027724 therapy for me so you know any success
CLPUhOoRovu-00134-00027725-00027851 that came with it was just Fringe
CLPUhOoRovu-00135-00027852-00027970 benefit to the fact that I'm getting to
CLPUhOoRovu-00136-00027972-00028211 do what I love to do you know yeah man
CLPUhOoRovu-00137-00028212-00028396 is it true that you're inspired you were
CLPUhOoRovu-00138-00028397-00028708 inspired by Babyface oh yeah I don't
CLPUhOoRovu-00139-00028710-00028889 know if anybody that caught himself
CLPUhOoRovu-00140-00028889-00029027 writing music in that era wasn't
CLPUhOoRovu-00141-00029027-00029201 inspired by Babyface one of the most
CLPUhOoRovu-00142-00029202-00029524 prolific writers period 12th grandmother
CLPUhOoRovu-00143-00029525-00029729 12 Grammys I think yeah man that's
CLPUhOoRovu-00144-00029730-00029849 that's one of the cats that they keep
CLPUhOoRovu-00145-00029850-00029974 that's one of the things that keep me
CLPUhOoRovu-00146-00029975-00030155 motivated to do he got 12 I got three I
CLPUhOoRovu-00147-00030156-00030377 still got some work
CLPUhOoRovu-00148-00030377-00030605 exactly what's up
CLPUhOoRovu-00149-00030606-00030862 so you it is it true that you broke
CLPUhOoRovu-00150-00030863-00031223 history of songwriting like it was um
CLPUhOoRovu-00151-00031224-00031505 songwriting Hall of Fame yeah you really
CLPUhOoRovu-00152-00031506-00031702 like go to like like let's not downplay
CLPUhOoRovu-00153-00031704-00032045 it no uh damn what song was it the Mario
CLPUhOoRovu-00154-00032045-00032189 record you should let me love you yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00155-00032189-00032417 it was the most played song In Radio
CLPUhOoRovu-00156-00032418-00032711 history at one point I think uh uh
CLPUhOoRovu-00157-00032712-00032879 Mariah Carey's
CLPUhOoRovu-00158-00032880-00033101 uh Mariah Carey's We Belong Together is
CLPUhOoRovu-00159-00033102-00033401 the only other song that that uh they
CLPUhOoRovu-00160-00033402-00033629 got more plays in history than that
CLPUhOoRovu-00161-00033630-00033868 particular song yeah listen I hear that
CLPUhOoRovu-00162-00033869-00034012 song still to this day I'm still singing
CLPUhOoRovu-00163-00034013-00034223 it yeah man shout out to the boy Mario
CLPUhOoRovu-00164-00034224-00034349 whatever he had on the face of the
CLPUhOoRovu-00165-00034350-00034552 planet yeah man again it's blessings man
CLPUhOoRovu-00166-00034553-00034781 I've been blessed beyond anything I
CLPUhOoRovu-00167-00034782-00034883 could have ever asked for in this
CLPUhOoRovu-00168-00034884-00035039 business you know what I'm saying I I
CLPUhOoRovu-00169-00035040-00035177 didn't really ask for much of anything
CLPUhOoRovu-00170-00035178-00035339 in his business when I first got in I
CLPUhOoRovu-00171-00035340-00035573 just again somebody said you could do
CLPUhOoRovu-00172-00035574-00035759 music as your career and I'm like where
CLPUhOoRovu-00173-00035760-00035909 so this [__] I was gonna do anyway
CLPUhOoRovu-00174-00035910-00036112 somebody paid me to do it oh hell yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00175-00036113-00036329 sign me up and the rest has been history
CLPUhOoRovu-00176-00036330-00036599 so you didn't go to college you just no
CLPUhOoRovu-00177-00036600-00036862 no no I mean I had I had uh so I I draw
CLPUhOoRovu-00178-00036863-00037007 and paint and do all of that stuff too
CLPUhOoRovu-00179-00037008-00037307 so I had a couple visual design uh uh uh
CLPUhOoRovu-00180-00037308-00037517 scholarships yeah but I knew I knew what
CLPUhOoRovu-00181-00037518-00037667 I wanted to do from from the eighth
CLPUhOoRovu-00182-00037668-00037829 grade I knew what I wanted to do yeah I
CLPUhOoRovu-00183-00037830-00037943 knew I knew it was going to be music
CLPUhOoRovu-00184-00037944-00038149 yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00185-00038150-00038365 yeah man
CLPUhOoRovu-00186-00038366-00038592 foreign
CLPUhOoRovu-00187-00038593-00039295 [Music]
CLPUhOoRovu-00188-00039296-00039562 Champs drink champ I've been on drink
CLPUhOoRovu-00189-00039563-00039802 Champs isn't it so far it has all the
CLPUhOoRovu-00190-00039803-00040102 hip-hop artists and popular people on
CLPUhOoRovu-00191-00040103-00040259 that show it's fire everybody's getting
CLPUhOoRovu-00192-00040260-00040468 so plastered in that show how photos did
CLPUhOoRovu-00193-00040469-00040595 you get on the show
CLPUhOoRovu-00194-00040596-00040949 um I don't drink but I noticed that um I
CLPUhOoRovu-00195-00040950-00041233 was among drunk people
CLPUhOoRovu-00196-00041234-00041537 I believe I must have smoked I I must
CLPUhOoRovu-00197-00041538-00041711 have I don't remember but I just knew I
CLPUhOoRovu-00198-00041712-00041867 was uncomfortable around a bunch of
CLPUhOoRovu-00199-00041868-00042305 drunk heathens
CLPUhOoRovu-00200-00042306-00042562 turn up the volume because dream Champs
CLPUhOoRovu-00201-00042563-00042785 is back join legendary Queens rapper
CLPUhOoRovu-00202-00042786-00043151 Nori and DJ efn has a drink laugh and
CLPUhOoRovu-00203-00043152-00043343 chat with some of the biggest names in
CLPUhOoRovu-00204-00043344-00043552 the rap game and pop culture they have
CLPUhOoRovu-00205-00043553-00043739 some of the most legendary guests like
CLPUhOoRovu-00206-00043740-00044008 Derek Jeter ASAP Rocky Shaquille O'Neal
CLPUhOoRovu-00207-00044009-00044285 and Kevin Hart drink champ has it all
CLPUhOoRovu-00208-00044286-00044458 listening to a night of boozy
CLPUhOoRovu-00209-00044459-00044633 conversations and boys for storytelling
CLPUhOoRovu-00210-00044634-00044789 they focus on looking back on their
CLPUhOoRovu-00211-00044790-00045107 success stories their rise to fame and
CLPUhOoRovu-00212-00045108-00045352 just amazing storytelling overall and
CLPUhOoRovu-00213-00045353-00045568 this unfiltered series drinks are
CLPUhOoRovu-00214-00045569-00045808 flowing jokes are rolling so tune in
CLPUhOoRovu-00215-00045809-00046073 take a seat at the table and join the
CLPUhOoRovu-00216-00046074-00046265 conversation with drink champ in the
CLPUhOoRovu-00217-00046266-00046571 interval present podcast Network tap in
CLPUhOoRovu-00218-00046572-00046762 wherever you get your podcast listen to
CLPUhOoRovu-00219-00046763-00046937 drink champ they're my boys you know the
CLPUhOoRovu-00220-00046938-00047171 vibes
CLPUhOoRovu-00221-00047172-00047321 foreign
CLPUhOoRovu-00222-00047322-00048114 [Music]
CLPUhOoRovu-00223-00048115-00048463 [Laughter]
CLPUhOoRovu-00224-00048464-00048774 [Music]
CLPUhOoRovu-00225-00048775-00049043 when was your first big break in acting
CLPUhOoRovu-00226-00049044-00049223 was it Stomp the Yard
CLPUhOoRovu-00227-00049224-00049445 um stop the yard was the first the first
CLPUhOoRovu-00228-00049446-00049733 uh feature film yeah where you could go
CLPUhOoRovu-00229-00049734-00049883 to the theaters and see it I had done a
CLPUhOoRovu-00230-00049884-00050002 couple things that you would catch on
CLPUhOoRovu-00231-00050003-00050339 like TV yeah like BT yeah but it was it
CLPUhOoRovu-00232-00050340-00050555 was Stomp the Yard first and then it was
CLPUhOoRovu-00233-00050556-00050915 um it was uh uh red tails with George
CLPUhOoRovu-00234-00050916-00051107 Lucas yeah red tells the story of the
CLPUhOoRovu-00235-00051108-00051346 Tuskegee yeah the black airplane yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00236-00051347-00051538 man yeah that was that was that was an
CLPUhOoRovu-00237-00051539-00051676 experience bro we was in we were
CLPUhOoRovu-00238-00051677-00051857 shooting in Prague for like four months
CLPUhOoRovu-00239-00051858-00052019 here we went through back then when
CLPUhOoRovu-00240-00052020-00052216 people went through back then man yo so
CLPUhOoRovu-00241-00052217-00052366 they had us they had us really living
CLPUhOoRovu-00242-00052367-00052603 the way that they was living
CLPUhOoRovu-00243-00052604-00052942 so we in Prague it's snow it's cold yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00244-00052944-00053153 they got us in like a bunker the the
CLPUhOoRovu-00245-00053154-00053392 beds is just wood and wood and cotton
CLPUhOoRovu-00246-00053394-00053711 like the food like we eating uh it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00247-00053712-00053975 like it's like but not like slop yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00248-00053976-00054238 every day you know like they had us like
CLPUhOoRovu-00249-00054239-00054394 really they was like y'all gonna be
CLPUhOoRovu-00250-00054395-00054544 method today Y'all Gonna live how they
CLPUhOoRovu-00251-00054545-00054694 really was living back then and it
CLPUhOoRovu-00252-00054695-00054832 helped because it definitely helped us
CLPUhOoRovu-00253-00054833-00055000 with the with the character in the whole
CLPUhOoRovu-00254-00055001-00055211 house it was it was an experience I say
CLPUhOoRovu-00255-00055212-00055504 that I say that yeah Prague is is a
CLPUhOoRovu-00256-00055505-00055775 lovely place for about two weeks four
CLPUhOoRovu-00257-00055776-00056009 months in you you want to shoot yourself
CLPUhOoRovu-00258-00056010-00056188 in the foot and how did you fall into
CLPUhOoRovu-00259-00056189-00056429 that like how did you fall into it
CLPUhOoRovu-00260-00056429-00056626 um how did I fall into that acting thing
CLPUhOoRovu-00261-00056627-00056747 because you know because to be honest I
CLPUhOoRovu-00262-00056748-00056921 never had any aspirations to act I just
CLPUhOoRovu-00263-00056922-00057173 yeah uh I I got a call from a manager
CLPUhOoRovu-00264-00057174-00057287 one day and it was like hey you want to
CLPUhOoRovu-00265-00057288-00057454 do a movie and I'm like uh
CLPUhOoRovu-00266-00057455-00058165 okay yeah yeah that's right there you go
CLPUhOoRovu-00267-00058166-00058457 so I tried it I liked it it turns out
CLPUhOoRovu-00268-00058458-00058642 I'm decent at it you know I took a
CLPUhOoRovu-00269-00058644-00058804 couple classes just to because I ain't
CLPUhOoRovu-00270-00058805-00058991 wanna when I started working with people
CLPUhOoRovu-00271-00058991-00059159 that I know like really do this I'm like
CLPUhOoRovu-00272-00059160-00059326 I don't want to be the odd man out you
CLPUhOoRovu-00273-00059327-00059416 know yeah and you're looking like I
CLPUhOoRovu-00274-00059417-00059561 don't know what I'm doing yeah so I took
CLPUhOoRovu-00275-00059562-00059800 some classes and and yeah man we've been
CLPUhOoRovu-00276-00059801-00059926 I've been moving ever since this being
CLPUhOoRovu-00277-00059927-00060137 much the BMF stuff is real cool
CLPUhOoRovu-00278-00060138-00060376 um I play a character named Greenie okay
CLPUhOoRovu-00279-00060377-00060700 he's a pimp uh it's the first time I've
CLPUhOoRovu-00280-00060701-00060844 ever I've ever done anything like this
CLPUhOoRovu-00281-00060845-00061144 is real interesting but um uh I think
CLPUhOoRovu-00282-00061145-00061319 the most interesting thing about it the
CLPUhOoRovu-00283-00061320-00061475 funnest thing about it right now is the
CLPUhOoRovu-00284-00061476-00061625 hair because you know I don't have any
CLPUhOoRovu-00285-00061626-00061888 hair I got a full-on lace front wig
CLPUhOoRovu-00286-00061889-00062104 slick back in this joint you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00287-00062105-00062273 because I'm a pimping like that like the
CLPUhOoRovu-00288-00062274-00062549 late 80s early 90s so I got the whole s
CLPUhOoRovu-00289-00062550-00062849 curl slick back Green in every outfit
CLPUhOoRovu-00290-00062850-00063119 yeah yeah it's it's interesting yeah me
CLPUhOoRovu-00291-00063120-00063299 and uh me and two chains shout out to
CLPUhOoRovu-00292-00063300-00063449 the boy two chains doing this thing with
CLPUhOoRovu-00293-00063450-00063961 the activity yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00294-00063962-00064229 no I love BMF
CLPUhOoRovu-00295-00064229-00064397 um I watched all of it yeah I'm excited
CLPUhOoRovu-00296-00064398-00064666 it's gonna be a crazy story bro just to
CLPUhOoRovu-00297-00064667-00064823 think about how them cats was doing it
CLPUhOoRovu-00298-00064824-00064985 back then cast was making millions of
CLPUhOoRovu-00299-00064986-00065338 dollars a day a day in the game Crazy I
CLPUhOoRovu-00300-00065339-00065471 saw I saw something just recently said
CLPUhOoRovu-00301-00065472-00065800 uh meech gave a club on a 500K to keep
CLPUhOoRovu-00302-00065801-00066088 the club open for two extra hours 500k
CLPUhOoRovu-00303-00066089-00066467 for two extra man that's that's how you
CLPUhOoRovu-00304-00066468-00066599 know it's like oh yeah yeah take this
CLPUhOoRovu-00305-00066600-00066826 yeah I'm good I'm good get it back in an
CLPUhOoRovu-00306-00066827-00067061 hour they were different man it was for
CLPUhOoRovu-00307-00067062-00067385 that that Billboards what drug dealers
CLPUhOoRovu-00308-00067386-00067600 that billboard BMF we got it for the
CLPUhOoRovu-00309-00067601-00067859 load all right yeah man it was a
CLPUhOoRovu-00310-00067860-00067967 different thing but it's all good it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00311-00067968-00068159 all good so you also served as a judge
CLPUhOoRovu-00312-00068160-00068591 in Netflix uh dance monsters yes that
CLPUhOoRovu-00313-00068592-00068782 was about that that was different uh so
CLPUhOoRovu-00314-00068783-00068981 so we did I did uh the world of dance
CLPUhOoRovu-00315-00068982-00069275 show with Jennifer Lopez and uh Derek
CLPUhOoRovu-00316-00069276-00069443 Huff and basically it was you know the
CLPUhOoRovu-00317-00069444-00069659 three of us judging some of the best
CLPUhOoRovu-00318-00069660-00069821 dancers on the face of the planet right
CLPUhOoRovu-00319-00069822-00070132 so so the dance monsters things kind of
CLPUhOoRovu-00320-00070133-00070337 kind of the same thing it's three judges
CLPUhOoRovu-00321-00070338-00070606 but as opposed to us judging the dancers
CLPUhOoRovu-00322-00070607-00070925 as themselves the show created avatars
CLPUhOoRovu-00323-00070926-00071135 for the dancers like using using uh you
CLPUhOoRovu-00324-00071136-00071435 know CGI and things like that yeah so as
CLPUhOoRovu-00325-00071436-00071579 opposed to knowing who the dancer was
CLPUhOoRovu-00326-00071580-00071825 and my dream was like dancers who like
CLPUhOoRovu-00327-00071826-00072005 say you you had a budding dance career
CLPUhOoRovu-00328-00072006-00072113 and then you hurt your knee or something
CLPUhOoRovu-00329-00072114-00072250 so like you didn't really get to do
CLPUhOoRovu-00330-00072251-00072455 everything that you wanted to do at your
CLPUhOoRovu-00331-00072456-00072605 dance career like you come on Dance
CLPUhOoRovu-00332-00072606-00072809 monsters you know to kind of get that to
CLPUhOoRovu-00333-00072810-00072941 kind of get another shot at it it was
CLPUhOoRovu-00334-00072942-00073187 like I think a 250 000 prize to the
CLPUhOoRovu-00335-00073188-00073463 winner and but the the coolest thing
CLPUhOoRovu-00336-00073464-00073594 about it is that
CLPUhOoRovu-00337-00073595-00073876 it's CGI so like we're not watching
CLPUhOoRovu-00338-00073877-00074099 anybody dance on stage yeah and like so
CLPUhOoRovu-00339-00074100-00074285 you know behind the scenes we got to sit
CLPUhOoRovu-00340-00074286-00074447 there and act like act like we seeing
CLPUhOoRovu-00341-00074448-00074663 something amazing oh that was oh you saw
CLPUhOoRovu-00342-00074664-00074861 that oh and mind you it's nothing on the
CLPUhOoRovu-00343-00074862-00075106 stage
CLPUhOoRovu-00344-00075107-00075317 that was dope that was dope there's
CLPUhOoRovu-00345-00075318-00075503 nothing there yeah so so yeah it was
CLPUhOoRovu-00346-00075504-00075653 again a little bit of acting yeah a
CLPUhOoRovu-00347-00075654-00075803 little bit of acting involved but as a
CLPUhOoRovu-00348-00075804-00075929 dope show it's a show that you can watch
CLPUhOoRovu-00349-00075930-00076061 with your kids and your grandma and
CLPUhOoRovu-00350-00076062-00076163 everybody you know I'm saying that yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00351-00076164-00076337 there we go hey you can watch with
CLPUhOoRovu-00352-00076338-00076541 everybody it's it's oh man interesting
CLPUhOoRovu-00353-00076542-00076681 situation
CLPUhOoRovu-00354-00076682-00077038 I want to dance so come on so it's kind
CLPUhOoRovu-00355-00077039-00077369 of like uh the Mad singer it's like the
CLPUhOoRovu-00356-00077370-00077656 mass singer but for dancers yeah yeah so
CLPUhOoRovu-00357-00077657-00077855 yeah it was a good time it was a good
CLPUhOoRovu-00358-00077856-00078088 time we shouted out in the UK uh was out
CLPUhOoRovu-00359-00078089-00078244 there for a good two months doing that
CLPUhOoRovu-00360-00078245-00078619 love it out there
CLPUhOoRovu-00361-00078620-00078869 I love traveling period man you you
CLPUhOoRovu-00362-00078870-00079043 don't understand how small America is
CLPUhOoRovu-00363-00079044-00079217 till you get outside that's facts you
CLPUhOoRovu-00364-00079218-00079325 know what I'm saying like there's some
CLPUhOoRovu-00365-00079326-00079444 people that feel like America is the
CLPUhOoRovu-00366-00079445-00079679 whole world nah bro zoom out zoom out
CLPUhOoRovu-00367-00079680-00079829 it's a whole lot more it doesn't even
CLPUhOoRovu-00368-00079830-00080050 account for 10th of the world not even
CLPUhOoRovu-00369-00080051-00080225 not even
CLPUhOoRovu-00370-00080226-00080423 some different things going on
CLPUhOoRovu-00371-00080424-00080838 I love Japan I love Japan
CLPUhOoRovu-00372-00080839-00081185 no bruh one of my favorite places the
CLPUhOoRovu-00373-00081186-00081329 crazy thing about Japan Tokyo Japan
CLPUhOoRovu-00374-00081330-00081538 especially is that you know like like
CLPUhOoRovu-00375-00081539-00081694 them big industrial trucks is like
CLPUhOoRovu-00376-00081695-00081899 supposed to be dirty and [__] to be
CLPUhOoRovu-00377-00081900-00082037 spotless I used to play this game with
CLPUhOoRovu-00378-00082038-00082162 my dancers I'll give a hundred dollars
CLPUhOoRovu-00379-00082163-00082312 to the first person to find me a dirty
CLPUhOoRovu-00380-00082313-00082379 car
CLPUhOoRovu-00381-00082380-00082576 no dirty cars everything in Tokyo was
CLPUhOoRovu-00382-00082577-00082744 spotless that's because getting up at
CLPUhOoRovu-00383-00082745-00082888 four o'clock in the morning grinding
CLPUhOoRovu-00384-00082889-00083062 washing their car in the driveway before
CLPUhOoRovu-00385-00083063-00083206 they had to work like they they just
CLPUhOoRovu-00386-00083207-00083350 take so much pride in everything they do
CLPUhOoRovu-00387-00083351-00083471 over there shout out to Japan everybody
CLPUhOoRovu-00388-00083472-00083711 over there beautiful place
CLPUhOoRovu-00389-00083712-00084011 you know um
CLPUhOoRovu-00390-00084012-00084221 women and
CLPUhOoRovu-00391-00084222-00084467 the highest percent of women in prison
CLPUhOoRovu-00392-00084468-00084706 and Japan to their product for killing
CLPUhOoRovu-00393-00084707-00085091 their husbands really yeah a lot when I
CLPUhOoRovu-00394-00085092-00085276 was like say in the 80s
CLPUhOoRovu-00395-00085277-00085426 they weren't treating it on an equal
CLPUhOoRovu-00396-00085427-00085721 pedestal women right right right kind of
CLPUhOoRovu-00397-00085722-00085925 still like that like sometimes um a lady
CLPUhOoRovu-00398-00085926-00086087 can accidentally bump into men and
CLPUhOoRovu-00399-00086088-00086459 something boom and kicked her damn okay
CLPUhOoRovu-00400-00086460-00086603 I ain't seen that I ain't seen to go
CLPUhOoRovu-00401-00086604-00086699 down like that I don't think it's that
CLPUhOoRovu-00402-00086700-00086969 over there anymore but um but yeah I
CLPUhOoRovu-00403-00086970-00087269 just just the whole uh honor and pride
CLPUhOoRovu-00404-00087270-00087505 and and now Japan is all about
CLPUhOoRovu-00405-00087506-00087725 Hospitality like they make you feel rude
CLPUhOoRovu-00406-00087726-00087941 over there because they look so nice
CLPUhOoRovu-00407-00087942-00088121 won't let you do nothing won't let you
CLPUhOoRovu-00408-00088122-00088373 touch a door one like everything is like
CLPUhOoRovu-00409-00088374-00088559 oh you know like it's it's really really
CLPUhOoRovu-00410-00088560-00088726 that and it's it's but it's a beautiful
CLPUhOoRovu-00411-00088727-00088871 place man like if I was going to live
CLPUhOoRovu-00412-00088872-00089026 anywhere outside of America I'd probably
CLPUhOoRovu-00413-00089027-00089267 go to Japan really yeah man I love it
CLPUhOoRovu-00414-00089268-00089447 over there you ever been to Dubai I have
CLPUhOoRovu-00415-00089448-00089693 been to Dubai I like Dubai
CLPUhOoRovu-00416-00089694-00089897 um I feel like I go broke in Dubai it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00417-00089898-00090161 just one in places everything is just
CLPUhOoRovu-00418-00090162-00090382 dumb expensive for no reason I'm cool
CLPUhOoRovu-00419-00090383-00090688 and all that no it is but I do like it
CLPUhOoRovu-00420-00090689-00090844 out there it's very clean like rich
CLPUhOoRovu-00421-00090845-00091031 man's playground yeah yeah very clean
CLPUhOoRovu-00422-00091032-00091312 very nice I enjoyed it over there
CLPUhOoRovu-00423-00091313-00091703 so you have a song a released song holy
CLPUhOoRovu-00424-00091704-00091925 [__] coming out or that came out with
CLPUhOoRovu-00425-00091926-00092147 blue with young blue Jeremiah trippy oh
CLPUhOoRovu-00426-00092148-00092375 no your album that's coming out in 2012.
CLPUhOoRovu-00427-00092376-00092531 no the album is out yeah yeah uh
CLPUhOoRovu-00428-00092532-00092668 self-explanatory is the name of the
CLPUhOoRovu-00429-00092669-00092891 album it's out right now young Blues on
CLPUhOoRovu-00430-00092892-00093071 there Jeremiah trippy red my man Zay
CLPUhOoRovu-00431-00093072-00093244 France he's new to the game be checking
CLPUhOoRovu-00432-00093245-00093382 for him if you don't know his name yet
CLPUhOoRovu-00433-00093383-00093688 yeah man hey artist I decided to I
CLPUhOoRovu-00434-00093689-00093868 decided to reach out to the to the you
CLPUhOoRovu-00435-00093869-00094018 know this new generation you know I've
CLPUhOoRovu-00436-00094019-00094217 been here roughly 20 years you know I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00437-00094218-00094355 saying it's to the point where cash is
CLPUhOoRovu-00438-00094356-00094831 calling me uncle and I ain't mad at it
CLPUhOoRovu-00439-00094832-00095056 but you know what it's a blessing though
CLPUhOoRovu-00440-00095057-00095212 because this cat's way younger than me
CLPUhOoRovu-00441-00095213-00095321 they didn't make it this far you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00442-00095322-00095459 what I mean so I can't even be mad at
CLPUhOoRovu-00443-00095460-00095681 that I appreciate it so I took it upon
CLPUhOoRovu-00444-00095682-00095867 myself with this this album to like
CLPUhOoRovu-00445-00095868-00096029 reach out to this this newer generation
CLPUhOoRovu-00446-00096030-00096281 and you know some casts whose names you
CLPUhOoRovu-00447-00096282-00096437 know was ringing Bells with me the boy
CLPUhOoRovu-00448-00096438-00096635 young blue trippy red that actually was
CLPUhOoRovu-00449-00096636-00096755 was interesting how that happened
CLPUhOoRovu-00450-00096756-00096959 because before we did the song together
CLPUhOoRovu-00451-00096960-00097193 I wasn't terribly familiar yeah you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00452-00097194-00097373 what I'm saying I had seen him before
CLPUhOoRovu-00453-00097374-00097553 yeah and like if you look at him it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00454-00097554-00097762 like okay what what could we ever do
CLPUhOoRovu-00455-00097763-00097979 together bro like your image in my image
CLPUhOoRovu-00456-00097980-00098165 I don't I don't understand how so we we
CLPUhOoRovu-00457-00098166-00098447 met each other at a a record plant in
CLPUhOoRovu-00458-00098448-00098638 L.A in L.A I was walking out of one room
CLPUhOoRovu-00459-00098639-00098759 he was walking out the other one and
CLPUhOoRovu-00460-00098760-00098909 he's like bro I'm a huge fan I'm looking
CLPUhOoRovu-00461-00098910-00099053 at him like really you listen to my
CLPUhOoRovu-00462-00099054-00099244 music because my if you ever seen trippy
CLPUhOoRovu-00463-00099245-00099515 red before he got the face tattoos and
CLPUhOoRovu-00464-00099516-00099706 the spikes and a whole nine yeah so I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00465-00099707-00099868 like you listen to my music he's like
CLPUhOoRovu-00466-00099869-00100055 yeah I used to play this video game and
CLPUhOoRovu-00467-00100056-00100187 in the video game you could drive around
CLPUhOoRovu-00468-00100188-00100385 killing people with the radio on and I
CLPUhOoRovu-00469-00100386-00100523 would listen to Yo your song was on the
CLPUhOoRovu-00470-00100524-00100744 radio on the song on the game I'm like
CLPUhOoRovu-00471-00100745-00100882 you used to murder people to my music
CLPUhOoRovu-00472-00100883-00101056 cool that's that's a that's a compliment
CLPUhOoRovu-00473-00101057-00101255 bro thanks thanks for that yeah so
CLPUhOoRovu-00474-00101256-00101381 anyway from there he's like we got to do
CLPUhOoRovu-00475-00101382-00101555 something and in my in my head I'm like
CLPUhOoRovu-00476-00101556-00101771 what the hell could what does a Neo
CLPUhOoRovu-00477-00101772-00101950 trippy Red song even sound like so I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00478-00101951-00102143 so I put it on him I'm like bro if you
CLPUhOoRovu-00479-00102144-00102371 like got half a song that you feel like
CLPUhOoRovu-00480-00102372-00102521 would make sense with us send it to me
CLPUhOoRovu-00481-00102522-00102808 send it to me I was not expecting what
CLPUhOoRovu-00482-00102809-00103036 he sent and not at all but uh yeah it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00483-00103038-00103180 one of the standout joints on the album
CLPUhOoRovu-00484-00103181-00103339 man it's a pleasant surprise oh yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00485-00103340-00103678 he's talented he is he is he's too I
CLPUhOoRovu-00486-00103679-00103913 feel like he's super guy yeah I think
CLPUhOoRovu-00487-00103914-00104125 he's uh underrated
CLPUhOoRovu-00488-00104126-00104404 it's a different type it's called like
CLPUhOoRovu-00489-00104405-00104644 it's like emo not emo rap it's like it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00490-00104645-00104821 like it's like a different type of rap
CLPUhOoRovu-00491-00104822-00105065 it's like I love you but I cut your head
CLPUhOoRovu-00492-00105066-00105263 off it's like a different type of rap
CLPUhOoRovu-00493-00105264-00105502 like but he could do it all the time
CLPUhOoRovu-00494-00105503-00105725 amazing
CLPUhOoRovu-00495-00105726-00105833 oh he does a little bit of everything
CLPUhOoRovu-00496-00105833-00106064 shout out to the boy trippy
CLPUhOoRovu-00497-00106065-00106289 [Laughter]
CLPUhOoRovu-00498-00106290-00106486 well yeah man so yeah the album is in
CLPUhOoRovu-00499-00106488-00106727 stores right now uh is doing well we
CLPUhOoRovu-00500-00106728-00106931 gearing up the tour we headed overseas
CLPUhOoRovu-00501-00106932-00107195 again again I love it over there I get
CLPUhOoRovu-00502-00107196-00107351 more love outside of America than I do
CLPUhOoRovu-00503-00107352-00107440 in America
CLPUhOoRovu-00504-00107441-00107590 because they don't see you every day
CLPUhOoRovu-00505-00107591-00107734 like we do over here we take you for
CLPUhOoRovu-00506-00107735-00107908 granted I think that might be part of it
CLPUhOoRovu-00507-00107909-00108089 and you know what over there they don't
CLPUhOoRovu-00508-00108090-00108352 so much trip off of you know the media
CLPUhOoRovu-00509-00108353-00108610 stuff and and who you're dating and all
CLPUhOoRovu-00510-00108611-00108790 of that they they love the song they
CLPUhOoRovu-00511-00108791-00109060 love the music okay they want to come
CLPUhOoRovu-00512-00109061-00109271 here their favorite songs they don't
CLPUhOoRovu-00513-00109272-00109384 care who you who you're bugging they
CLPUhOoRovu-00514-00109385-00109523 don't they don't care about that you
CLPUhOoRovu-00515-00109524-00109673 know I'm saying I I like I like that
CLPUhOoRovu-00516-00109674-00109919 whereas over here they get so caught up
CLPUhOoRovu-00517-00109920-00110147 in the controversy and the Scandal and
CLPUhOoRovu-00518-00110148-00110393 and then all of that you [__] yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00519-00110394-00110566 it's like why is this important just
CLPUhOoRovu-00520-00110567-00110771 listen to the damn song why why are we
CLPUhOoRovu-00521-00110772-00111010 talking about my love life right now but
CLPUhOoRovu-00522-00111011-00111178 it's all good it's all good I love my
CLPUhOoRovu-00523-00111179-00111340 American fans as much as I love my fans
CLPUhOoRovu-00524-00111341-00111454 everywhere on the face of the planet
CLPUhOoRovu-00525-00111455-00111640 it's just I just tend to get a little
CLPUhOoRovu-00526-00111641-00111821 more love outside of home I don't know
CLPUhOoRovu-00527-00111822-00111995 what it is well American people will say
CLPUhOoRovu-00528-00111996-00112343 we love you too [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-00529-00112344-00112613 start something how long is uh your tour
CLPUhOoRovu-00530-00112614-00112823 out there
CLPUhOoRovu-00531-00112824-00113063 excuse me um it's a couple legs of the
CLPUhOoRovu-00532-00113064-00113201 tour we go to
CLPUhOoRovu-00533-00113202-00113560 um uh uh I go to Brazil for a minute uh
CLPUhOoRovu-00534-00113561-00113752 we go back I'm going back to Tokyo which
CLPUhOoRovu-00535-00113753-00113897 is which I'm very much looking forward
CLPUhOoRovu-00536-00113898-00114034 to
CLPUhOoRovu-00537-00114035-00114178 um yeah we I'm gonna pretty much be
CLPUhOoRovu-00538-00114179-00114323 moving around for the remainder of this
CLPUhOoRovu-00539-00114324-00114586 year wow yeah man it's it's busy it's a
CLPUhOoRovu-00540-00114588-00114778 blessing bro and booked and booked and
CLPUhOoRovu-00541-00114779-00114965 busy is an absolute blessing because I
CLPUhOoRovu-00542-00114966-00115127 could be sitting at home twiddling
CLPUhOoRovu-00543-00115128-00115336 thumbs you know how that goes how do you
CLPUhOoRovu-00544-00115338-00115523 how do you stay uh like refreshed like
CLPUhOoRovu-00545-00115524-00115666 what are your hobbies outside of that to
CLPUhOoRovu-00546-00115667-00115936 stay like refreshed outside of Music
CLPUhOoRovu-00547-00115938-00116315 um man I'm I'm a gamer huge gamer uh I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00548-00116316-00116483 about to start a Twitch account you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00549-00116483-00116777 fire that I was more than elated when I
CLPUhOoRovu-00550-00116778-00116897 found that wait a minute I can play
CLPUhOoRovu-00551-00116898-00117089 games and you can pay for it oh [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-00552-00117090-00117281 sign me up my man so I'm about to start
CLPUhOoRovu-00553-00117282-00117425 a Twitch account
CLPUhOoRovu-00554-00117426-00117689 um what else do I do man well I have
CLPUhOoRovu-00555-00117690-00117875 seven children so so I do a lot of that
CLPUhOoRovu-00556-00117876-00118240 I do too oh yes yes sir man my oldest is
CLPUhOoRovu-00557-00118241-00118486 is 12 should be 13 this year and my
CLPUhOoRovu-00558-00118488-00118702 youngest is about three months wow
CLPUhOoRovu-00559-00118703-00118907 you're constant work cost oh yeah oh
CLPUhOoRovu-00560-00118908-00119316 yeah the stroke is in that house
CLPUhOoRovu-00561-00119317-00119615 pull out game week hey it is what it is
CLPUhOoRovu-00562-00119616-00120010 it is what it is is what it is
CLPUhOoRovu-00563-00120011-00120365 but yeah um I'm I'm if I'm not if I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00564-00120366-00120533 not in the studio because mind you I go
CLPUhOoRovu-00565-00120533-00120689 to studio just for fun like it don't got
CLPUhOoRovu-00566-00120690-00120881 to be uh I'm getting paid to be there
CLPUhOoRovu-00567-00120882-00121043 like I got I got my own personal studio
CLPUhOoRovu-00568-00121044-00121247 in Atlanta and I go in there you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00569-00121248-00121384 and just Just Vibe out and whatever
CLPUhOoRovu-00570-00121385-00121643 comes out comes out if I'm not there I
CLPUhOoRovu-00571-00121644-00121895 might be at a bowling alley somewhere or
CLPUhOoRovu-00572-00121896-00122093 at home tending to my seven very
CLPUhOoRovu-00573-00122094-00122249 demanding children yeah that's that's
CLPUhOoRovu-00574-00122250-00122416 pretty much how it goes yeah so that's
CLPUhOoRovu-00575-00122417-00122543 where you find your pizza into your
CLPUhOoRovu-00576-00122544-00122710 music that's how you say refreshed and
CLPUhOoRovu-00577-00122711-00122884 like the music is the piece the chaos is
CLPUhOoRovu-00578-00122885-00123083 definitely the home life yeah because I
CLPUhOoRovu-00579-00123083-00123413 got five Sons five Sons five Sons yes
CLPUhOoRovu-00580-00123414-00123689 five Sons two daughters and these little
CLPUhOoRovu-00581-00123690-00123886 cats wake me up every morning with knees
CLPUhOoRovu-00582-00123888-00124086 in my chest
CLPUhOoRovu-00583-00124088-00124313 laying on my chest all right I'm up yep
CLPUhOoRovu-00584-00124314-00124445 Cinnamon Toast Crunch let's get it okay
CLPUhOoRovu-00585-00124446-00124625 okay that's late so y'all be playing
CLPUhOoRovu-00586-00124626-00124781 yeah you got her old basketball team I
CLPUhOoRovu-00587-00124782-00124966 started five listen I'm I'm about to
CLPUhOoRovu-00588-00124967-00125158 start a group about to put a guitar in
CLPUhOoRovu-00589-00125159-00125308 somebody's hands put some drums in
CLPUhOoRovu-00590-00125309-00125501 somebody else's hands y'all gonna take
CLPUhOoRovu-00591-00125502-00125701 care of daddy damn it yes you are
CLPUhOoRovu-00592-00125702-00126010 it's only right yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00593-00126011-00126160 yeah man
CLPUhOoRovu-00594-00126161-00126371 but yeah it's a beautiful life it's a
CLPUhOoRovu-00595-00126372-00126502 beautiful career I've enjoyed myself
CLPUhOoRovu-00596-00126503-00126749 thus far and I'm only 43 so I'm moving
CLPUhOoRovu-00597-00126750-00127013 man we ain't done yet I'm so young
CLPUhOoRovu-00598-00127014-00127175 what's the hardest thing that you have
CLPUhOoRovu-00599-00127176-00127349 to deal with he had ever had to deal
CLPUhOoRovu-00600-00127350-00127733 with in your career the hardest thing
CLPUhOoRovu-00601-00127733-00128015 uh probably just the the drama that
CLPUhOoRovu-00602-00128016-00128249 comes with it again I got into this
CLPUhOoRovu-00603-00128250-00128519 because I love music so I got into this
CLPUhOoRovu-00604-00128520-00128773 not no not even concerning myself with
CLPUhOoRovu-00605-00128774-00129034 controversy and blogs and all of that
CLPUhOoRovu-00606-00129035-00129173 silliness I didn't even worry about none
CLPUhOoRovu-00607-00129174-00129304 of that so the first time I saw
CLPUhOoRovu-00608-00129305-00129484 something negative about myself on a
CLPUhOoRovu-00609-00129485-00129677 Blog I'm like what who did I piss off
CLPUhOoRovu-00610-00129678-00129910 like what did I do damn I'm here singing
CLPUhOoRovu-00611-00129911-00130163 songs and that so it took me a minute to
CLPUhOoRovu-00612-00130164-00130354 to realize that that [__] is
CLPUhOoRovu-00613-00130355-00130595 entertainment man like people's opinions
CLPUhOoRovu-00614-00130596-00130757 first and foremost are not special
CLPUhOoRovu-00615-00130758-00130913 because everybody got one everyone got
CLPUhOoRovu-00616-00130914-00131128 one so you know to to take anyone's
CLPUhOoRovu-00617-00131129-00131266 opinion and put it over your own is the
CLPUhOoRovu-00618-00131267-00131428 dumbest [__] you can do because that
CLPUhOoRovu-00619-00131429-00131554 person's opinion ain't no more special
CLPUhOoRovu-00620-00131555-00131813 than yours so you know if so there's
CLPUhOoRovu-00621-00131814-00131969 that and then there's also the concept
CLPUhOoRovu-00622-00131970-00132245 of just not being concerned so much with
CLPUhOoRovu-00623-00132246-00132461 with the approval of people you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00624-00132462-00132557 what I mean because don't know don't
CLPUhOoRovu-00625-00132558-00132731 nobody know everybody just moving around
CLPUhOoRovu-00626-00132732-00132916 trying to figure it out so why why would
CLPUhOoRovu-00627-00132917-00133157 I let what you got to say bother me
CLPUhOoRovu-00628-00133158-00133307 especially considering the fact that
CLPUhOoRovu-00629-00133308-00133523 your life is is it ain't no better than
CLPUhOoRovu-00630-00133524-00133661 mine you got drama in your life too
CLPUhOoRovu-00631-00133662-00133864 that'll so you you can't you you don't
CLPUhOoRovu-00632-00133865-00134039 even have the means you don't even have
CLPUhOoRovu-00633-00134040-00134201 the right to judge me yet I know you're
CLPUhOoRovu-00634-00134202-00134297 gonna do it because that's just what
CLPUhOoRovu-00635-00134298-00134614 people do but once I decide to make it
CLPUhOoRovu-00636-00134615-00134777 my problems when it becomes my problem
CLPUhOoRovu-00637-00134778-00134999 until then it's that person's problem I
CLPUhOoRovu-00638-00135000-00135137 don't like Neo because he did this all
CLPUhOoRovu-00639-00135138-00135311 right well you got an issue I'm gonna
CLPUhOoRovu-00640-00135312-00135481 eat breakfast
CLPUhOoRovu-00641-00135482-00135689 you you'll be all right or you won't
CLPUhOoRovu-00642-00135690-00135857 either way I'ma be straight because I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00643-00135858-00136037 not I'm not letting you mess with my
CLPUhOoRovu-00644-00136038-00136216 inner peace like that's that's what 40
CLPUhOoRovu-00645-00136217-00136445 did for me you still eat breakfast yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00646-00136446-00136769 yeah man I like it I like that I use
CLPUhOoRovu-00647-00136770-00136949 that people people gonna say what
CLPUhOoRovu-00648-00136950-00137128 they're gonna say you know what here's
CLPUhOoRovu-00649-00137129-00137261 the crazy thing there's a person out
CLPUhOoRovu-00650-00137262-00137447 there right now that don't like you just
CLPUhOoRovu-00651-00137448-00137663 because you're you they've given you've
CLPUhOoRovu-00652-00137664-00137849 given them no reason to not like you and
CLPUhOoRovu-00653-00137850-00138071 they can't stand you just because it's a
CLPUhOoRovu-00654-00138072-00138269 hater so why would I waste any time
CLPUhOoRovu-00655-00138270-00138563 trying to trying to up like fighting for
CLPUhOoRovu-00656-00138564-00138737 the approval of anybody when I know
CLPUhOoRovu-00657-00138738-00138839 there's people out there that don't like
CLPUhOoRovu-00658-00138840-00139013 me just because like I don't even got no
CLPUhOoRovu-00659-00139014-00139223 reason like to not like me yeah so I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00660-00139224-00139613 so my current movement is just doing
CLPUhOoRovu-00661-00139614-00139757 what the hell makes sense for me doing
CLPUhOoRovu-00662-00139758-00139889 what makes sense for me and my family
CLPUhOoRovu-00663-00139890-00140123 and my and the folks that I love and if
CLPUhOoRovu-00664-00140124-00140290 it makes sense for you too cool if it
CLPUhOoRovu-00665-00140291-00140543 don't cool figure out your way because I
CLPUhOoRovu-00666-00140544-00140789 got mine I'm good
CLPUhOoRovu-00667-00140790-00140921 you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00668-00140922-00141101 to think of the thing when I was like a
CLPUhOoRovu-00669-00141102-00141383 little kid brought up in the city never
CLPUhOoRovu-00670-00141384-00141539 in a million years I thought I'd be I
CLPUhOoRovu-00671-00141540-00141731 think I'd be in a situation when I was
CLPUhOoRovu-00672-00141732-00141899 there that I'd be able to buy anything I
CLPUhOoRovu-00673-00141900-00142090 ever wanted
CLPUhOoRovu-00674-00142091-00142266 I know that's right
CLPUhOoRovu-00675-00142267-00142516 it's real no that's real never in a
CLPUhOoRovu-00676-00142517-00142643 million years
CLPUhOoRovu-00677-00142644-00142943 yeah you still know that stuff and then
CLPUhOoRovu-00678-00142944-00143111 when you have it because when you don't
CLPUhOoRovu-00679-00143112-00143278 have it of course you want it yeah now
CLPUhOoRovu-00680-00143279-00143477 you have it you don't want anything well
CLPUhOoRovu-00681-00143478-00143645 yeah because you realize that that it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00682-00143646-00143831 not happening yeah it's not it's not
CLPUhOoRovu-00683-00143832-00143957 gonna make you happy when you don't have
CLPUhOoRovu-00684-00143958-00144161 it you're like oh if I could just man I
CLPUhOoRovu-00685-00144162-00144328 can't wait till and then you get it and
CLPUhOoRovu-00686-00144329-00145525 you're like why am I still yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00687-00145526-00145775 give me some of what you got because you
CLPUhOoRovu-00688-00145776-00146014 don't figure it out that is so killer
CLPUhOoRovu-00689-00146015-00146309 man I I I [__] you over there when I
CLPUhOoRovu-00690-00146310-00146479 throw you homeless [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-00691-00146480-00146743 [Laughter]
CLPUhOoRovu-00692-00146744-00147028 man it do not it don't buy happy you're
CLPUhOoRovu-00693-00147029-00147178 some of the most depressed people in the
CLPUhOoRovu-00694-00147179-00147335 world is some of the richest people no
CLPUhOoRovu-00695-00147336-00147616 it's true loaded yeah I I learned I
CLPUhOoRovu-00696-00147617-00147790 learned that kind of the hard way it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00697-00147791-00147971 like you know family members change
CLPUhOoRovu-00698-00147972-00148175 friends change you know what I won't say
CLPUhOoRovu-00699-00148176-00148433 change money doesn't change you money
CLPUhOoRovu-00700-00148434-00148685 exposes you it does it exposes you you
CLPUhOoRovu-00701-00148686-00148828 always was if you got money became an
CLPUhOoRovu-00702-00148829-00148985 [__] you was already [__] you just
CLPUhOoRovu-00703-00148986-00149195 needed an excuse social character for
CLPUhOoRovu-00704-00149196-00149464 sure you have to understand
CLPUhOoRovu-00705-00149465-00149627 I mean when you start with you won't
CLPUhOoRovu-00706-00149628-00149933 finish with amen can't take it with you
CLPUhOoRovu-00707-00149934-00150119 you cannot take it with you
CLPUhOoRovu-00708-00150120-00150311 but yeah man that's that but uh again
CLPUhOoRovu-00709-00150312-00150502 Legacy you know what I'm saying I'll
CLPUhOoRovu-00710-00150503-00150677 leave it to my kids and and pray that
CLPUhOoRovu-00711-00150678-00150911 they do some something valid with it you
CLPUhOoRovu-00712-00150912-00151061 know as of right now maybe not you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00713-00151062-00151301 because he's all like all they care
CLPUhOoRovu-00714-00151302-00151552 about is Cinnamon Toast Crunch uh cocoa
CLPUhOoRovu-00715-00151553-00151793 melon and and Spider-Man that's that's
CLPUhOoRovu-00716-00151794-00151931 pretty much it
CLPUhOoRovu-00717-00151932-00152159 pretty much it understandable though
CLPUhOoRovu-00718-00152160-00152440 that's all I care about that age yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00719-00152441-00152566 and it ain't supposed to care Captain
CLPUhOoRovu-00720-00152567-00152873 Crunch that's a crush crazy Cinnamon
CLPUhOoRovu-00721-00152874-00153031 Toast Crunch go crazy
CLPUhOoRovu-00722-00153032-00153299 I used to love Captain Crunch but after
CLPUhOoRovu-00723-00153300-00153461 you eat a bowl of Captain Crunch the the
CLPUhOoRovu-00724-00153462-00153978 top of your mouth
CLPUhOoRovu-00725-00153979-00154235 yeah that [__] hurts but you deal with
CLPUhOoRovu-00726-00154236-00154757 it you eat it again good morning
CLPUhOoRovu-00727-00154758-00155214 I used to let it sit in the bowl of milk
CLPUhOoRovu-00728-00155215-00155513 listen and everybody who's watching us
CLPUhOoRovu-00729-00155514-00155790 this is just black light
CLPUhOoRovu-00730-00155791-00156239 black light black life matters it does
CLPUhOoRovu-00731-00156240-00156635 it does now the cinnamon is my favorite
CLPUhOoRovu-00732-00156636-00156839 this is something I know none of you did
CLPUhOoRovu-00733-00156840-00157073 we um looked it up you never ate starch
CLPUhOoRovu-00734-00157074-00157366 before have you start
CLPUhOoRovu-00735-00157367-00157649 starch showed him show them wait what
CLPUhOoRovu-00736-00157650-00157804 you know they start when you guys
CLPUhOoRovu-00737-00157805-00157993 weren't that important
CLPUhOoRovu-00738-00157994-00158249 I mean we're pretty poor no I thought
CLPUhOoRovu-00739-00158250-00158437 you know they start you ain't poor man
CLPUhOoRovu-00740-00158438-00158704 starch I didn't had every kind of
CLPUhOoRovu-00741-00158705-00158843 sandwich you could imagine I know
CLPUhOoRovu-00742-00158844-00158976 there's cornstarch
CLPUhOoRovu-00743-00158977-00159299 it's delicatessens now look
CLPUhOoRovu-00744-00159300-00159545 it's a delicacy now wait what is she
CLPUhOoRovu-00745-00159546-00159731 doing look these kids got
CLPUhOoRovu-00746-00159732-00159875 kids got eaten it depends they look you
CLPUhOoRovu-00747-00159876-00160049 can't afford no [__] Bonnet back then
CLPUhOoRovu-00748-00160050-00160183 she got
CLPUhOoRovu-00749-00160184-00160481 bonded on well that's different that
CLPUhOoRovu-00750-00160482-00160919 looked like something
CLPUhOoRovu-00751-00160920-00161197 no blue box
CLPUhOoRovu-00752-00161198-00161440 that's what I used to eat too well it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00753-00161441-00161699 poor family break of starch and that's
CLPUhOoRovu-00754-00161700-00161923 that's fulfilling some hot sauce
CLPUhOoRovu-00755-00161924-00162143 together you could see that I'm saying
CLPUhOoRovu-00756-00162144-00162354 she got the hands yesterday
CLPUhOoRovu-00757-00162355-00162695 she's in her bag do your thing Mama yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00758-00162696-00162959 my family needs to eat that I guess I
CLPUhOoRovu-00759-00162960-00163090 wouldn't I guess I wouldn't poor as I
CLPUhOoRovu-00760-00163091-00163228 thought I was because I ain't never I
CLPUhOoRovu-00761-00163229-00163516 ain't never ate a a a brick of starch
CLPUhOoRovu-00762-00163517-00163721 that's what I know I know I meant my
CLPUhOoRovu-00763-00163722-00163883 equal importance when I see people that
CLPUhOoRovu-00764-00163884-00164119 ate that
CLPUhOoRovu-00765-00164120-00164302 that's different
CLPUhOoRovu-00766-00164303-00164602 people weird man I've seen a lady the
CLPUhOoRovu-00767-00164603-00164747 other day to eat she said she eat 20
CLPUhOoRovu-00768-00164748-00164987 rocks a day like like stones actual
CLPUhOoRovu-00769-00164988-00165137 Stones she just popped them joints like
CLPUhOoRovu-00770-00165138-00165521 Tic Tacs I'm like what the hell is wrong
CLPUhOoRovu-00771-00165522-00165857 with who raised you imagine how [__] is
CLPUhOoRovu-00772-00165858-00166121 [__] about her teeth cutting an [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-00773-00166122-00166440 yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00774-00166441-00166673 wrecked them up not even that her teeth
CLPUhOoRovu-00775-00166674-00166997 probably look crazy outrageous well
CLPUhOoRovu-00776-00166998-00167128 she's not eating she's swallowing man
CLPUhOoRovu-00777-00167129-00169759 she just swallowed
CLPUhOoRovu-00778-00169760-00170099 this Ryan is fast yeah I don't know I I
CLPUhOoRovu-00779-00170100-00170290 don't I don't know how strong rain is
CLPUhOoRovu-00780-00170291-00170519 but he real fast he real fast if you
CLPUhOoRovu-00781-00170520-00170663 fight smart it's gonna be a good fight
CLPUhOoRovu-00782-00170664-00170789 if he get caught with one of them
CLPUhOoRovu-00783-00170790-00171228 uppercuts that's what I was saying it is
CLPUhOoRovu-00784-00171229-00171443 I feel like he's got to use his length
CLPUhOoRovu-00785-00171444-00171599 he's got to use his length he can't he
CLPUhOoRovu-00786-00171600-00171857 can't I don't think he could withstand
CLPUhOoRovu-00787-00171858-00172181 the um Onslaught the guy this guy's
CLPUhOoRovu-00788-00172182-00172331 coming this guy's coming with hell I
CLPUhOoRovu-00789-00172332-00172463 know I know that's what I'm saying he's
CLPUhOoRovu-00790-00172464-00172601 gotta he's got to keep his he's got to
CLPUhOoRovu-00791-00172602-00173125 keep his Lane Jabs keep him away
CLPUhOoRovu-00792-00173126-00173483 he moved yeah he comes and moved to jab
CLPUhOoRovu-00793-00173484-00173687 you have to be using the jab extremely
CLPUhOoRovu-00794-00173688-00173843 fast and aggressive extremely fast
CLPUhOoRovu-00795-00173844-00173963 aggressive because that's the only way
CLPUhOoRovu-00796-00173964-00174137 because because I don't I don't I don't
CLPUhOoRovu-00797-00174138-00174269 know if Ryan is strong enough to knock
CLPUhOoRovu-00798-00174270-00174419 tank yeah that's strong enough I don't
CLPUhOoRovu-00799-00174420-00174581 know anybody can get knocked up but I
CLPUhOoRovu-00800-00174582-00174683 don't think he's strong enough to hurt
CLPUhOoRovu-00801-00174684-00174923 him um I don't think it hurt though plus
CLPUhOoRovu-00802-00174924-00175126 I see I know that Ryan has only been
CLPUhOoRovu-00803-00175127-00175325 knocked down like one time right yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00804-00175326-00175528 did you see that by Luke Campbell yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00805-00175529-00175666 because he didn't he didn't get hit with
CLPUhOoRovu-00806-00175667-00175907 a with a with a bow and he got knocked
CLPUhOoRovu-00807-00175908-00176045 down he was like moving out the way so
CLPUhOoRovu-00808-00176046-00176254 it like it hit him but it ain't hit him
CLPUhOoRovu-00809-00176255-00176428 hit him yeah and he crumbled I'm like
CLPUhOoRovu-00810-00176429-00176711 all right so if that will crumble you
CLPUhOoRovu-00811-00176712-00176957 okay let's let Tank get what to pull
CLPUhOoRovu-00812-00176958-00177071 back and throw one of them things as
CLPUhOoRovu-00813-00177072-00177226 your head gonna fly off your shoulders
CLPUhOoRovu-00814-00177227-00177395 yeah it's gonna it's gonna be bad for
CLPUhOoRovu-00815-00177396-00177790 that boy but but I feel I feel like if
CLPUhOoRovu-00816-00177791-00178037 Ryan fights smart if he fights smart it
CLPUhOoRovu-00817-00178038-00178181 should be an Entertainer yeah I think it
CLPUhOoRovu-00818-00178182-00178387 should be a good fight
CLPUhOoRovu-00819-00178388-00178702 you don't think so I could be wrong five
CLPUhOoRovu-00820-00178703-00178913 or six rounds I don't think and he comes
CLPUhOoRovu-00821-00178914-00179104 out to kill the guy yeah things coming
CLPUhOoRovu-00822-00179105-00179309 up to kill you and not box around
CLPUhOoRovu-00823-00179310-00179476 sometimes he box around thinking into
CLPUhOoRovu-00824-00179477-00179687 the long run yeah yeah long round so he
CLPUhOoRovu-00825-00179688-00179873 could drown you but other than that
CLPUhOoRovu-00826-00179874-00181609 he's gonna go straight at this guy
CLPUhOoRovu-00827-00181610-00181859 the reason I'm not going is because when
CLPUhOoRovu-00828-00181860-00182033 I when I go to the fight I don't watch
CLPUhOoRovu-00829-00182034-00182237 the fight I watch who's at the fight I
CLPUhOoRovu-00830-00182238-00182509 watch what she wore today
CLPUhOoRovu-00831-00182510-00183085 wow look how good that [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-00832-00183086-00183475 that boy clean as hell
CLPUhOoRovu-00833-00183476-00183719 somewhere so I can focus on the fight
CLPUhOoRovu-00834-00183720-00183940 otherwise I'm I'm figuring out who I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00835-00183941-00184066 gonna lead with and everything else
CLPUhOoRovu-00836-00184067-00184276 anything other than the fight all the
CLPUhOoRovu-00837-00184277-00184438 festivities happening around they're
CLPUhOoRovu-00838-00184439-00184637 there to leave with you so you're in the
CLPUhOoRovu-00839-00184638-00184919 right place wrong place I catch the
CLPUhOoRovu-00840-00184920-00185140 stragglers leaving the fight I did hey
CLPUhOoRovu-00841-00185141-00185357 yeah we going over here pull up I'll do
CLPUhOoRovu-00842-00185358-00185509 that as opposed to going to the fight
CLPUhOoRovu-00843-00185510-00185699 it's the same it's the same thing with
CLPUhOoRovu-00844-00185700-00185831 like award shows and [__] like you
CLPUhOoRovu-00845-00185832-00186125 rather you'd rather watch it at home
CLPUhOoRovu-00846-00186126-00186335 go fight there's actions at a fight
CLPUhOoRovu-00847-00186336-00186533 there's no action at an awards show true
CLPUhOoRovu-00848-00186534-00186685 yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00849-00186686-00187037 with no clothing and make a stand for
CLPUhOoRovu-00850-00187038-00187247 miracle values or something or that
CLPUhOoRovu-00851-00187248-00187421 crazy [__] that happened in the with
CLPUhOoRovu-00852-00187422-00187559 Chris Rock and with Chris and will
CLPUhOoRovu-00853-00187560-00187757 that's like a very like once and like
CLPUhOoRovu-00854-00187758-00188004 yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00855-00188005-00188225 I'm talking about somebody up their neck
CLPUhOoRovu-00856-00188226-00188399 and talk about free the world free
CLPUhOoRovu-00857-00188400-00188597 Afghanistan you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00858-00188598-00188671 you know
CLPUhOoRovu-00859-00188672-00189001 I got the football games
CLPUhOoRovu-00860-00189002-00189197 bro that's just crazy that'd be
CLPUhOoRovu-00861-00189198-00189299 happening all the time it's just
CLPUhOoRovu-00862-00189300-00189538 outrageous I don't understand you might
CLPUhOoRovu-00863-00189539-00189676 know that he was going for a football
CLPUhOoRovu-00864-00189677-00189899 and they [__] him up yeah they
CLPUhOoRovu-00865-00189900-00190090 probably did the football players [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-00866-00190091-00190393 he was out cold yeah yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00867-00190394-00190614 Wagner yeah yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00868-00190615-00191002 yeah yeah [__] it's wild though fans
CLPUhOoRovu-00869-00191003-00191128 really be doing that [__] like on some
CLPUhOoRovu-00870-00191129-00191278 nut [__] like that's really another
CLPUhOoRovu-00871-00191279-00191495 person in here to decided I'm gonna take
CLPUhOoRovu-00872-00191496-00191713 all my clothes off
CLPUhOoRovu-00873-00191714-00191971 with a bunch of like right
CLPUhOoRovu-00874-00191972-00192178 that's like jumping in the water a bunch
CLPUhOoRovu-00875-00192179-00192547 of sharks and they go away
CLPUhOoRovu-00876-00192548-00192785 like that you got it you got a gear up
CLPUhOoRovu-00877-00192786-00192887 before you leave the house like all
CLPUhOoRovu-00878-00192888-00193423 right I'm gonna get my ass whooped today
CLPUhOoRovu-00879-00193424-00193661 but I'm gonna move for this cause free
CLPUhOoRovu-00880-00193662-00193854 to whales or whatever the hell whatever
CLPUhOoRovu-00881-00193855-00194069 you're like I'm gonna get [__] up
CLPUhOoRovu-00882-00194070-00194335 today I'm ready in the hospital today
CLPUhOoRovu-00883-00194336-00194728 man this is outrageous for sure so you
CLPUhOoRovu-00884-00194729-00194890 answered this question of not having a
CLPUhOoRovu-00885-00194891-00195101 favorite song that you wrote but who's
CLPUhOoRovu-00886-00195102-00195238 some of your favorite artists that you
CLPUhOoRovu-00887-00195239-00195521 work with oh man uh I've been blessed to
CLPUhOoRovu-00888-00195522-00195713 work with a lot of a lot of my heroes to
CLPUhOoRovu-00889-00195714-00195983 be honest yeah um I have I have five
CLPUhOoRovu-00890-00195984-00196240 Kings he's a five artists that I felt
CLPUhOoRovu-00891-00196241-00196409 like if I could mail them all into one
CLPUhOoRovu-00892-00196410-00196583 person that's who I always wanted Neo to
CLPUhOoRovu-00893-00196584-00196811 be and uh those five are Prince Michael
CLPUhOoRovu-00894-00196812-00197045 Jackson Stevie Wonder Sammy Davis Jr and
CLPUhOoRovu-00895-00197046-00197266 Marvin Gaye Come on why are you gonna do
CLPUhOoRovu-00896-00197267-00197513 some impossible [__] God damn that's an
CLPUhOoRovu-00897-00197514-00197821 amazing [__] list
CLPUhOoRovu-00898-00197822-00198064 insane a little of that a little listen
CLPUhOoRovu-00899-00198065-00198238 you you put it all together we all
CLPUhOoRovu-00900-00198239-00198395 vessels anyway I'ma just you know pull
CLPUhOoRovu-00901-00198396-00198569 from a little bit of each I got the
CLPUhOoRovu-00902-00198570-00198719 opportunity to meet Mike before he
CLPUhOoRovu-00903-00198720-00198838 passed that was that was a beautiful
CLPUhOoRovu-00904-00198839-00198988 experience I got the opportunity to meet
CLPUhOoRovu-00905-00198989-00199181 Prince before he passed you know I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-00906-00199182-00199402 saying uh Stevie's still around we ain't
CLPUhOoRovu-00907-00199403-00199552 worked yet Stevie holler at your boy man
CLPUhOoRovu-00908-00199553-00199678 we got to get it in we got to get
CLPUhOoRovu-00909-00199679-00199852 something going I'm I'm waiting on that
CLPUhOoRovu-00910-00199853-00200087 I'm waiting on that to happen but uh
CLPUhOoRovu-00911-00200088-00200340 yeah man I I I remember
CLPUhOoRovu-00912-00200341-00200602 the story comes to mind I remember um
CLPUhOoRovu-00913-00200603-00200795 Michael Jackson called me on my cell
CLPUhOoRovu-00914-00200796-00201088 phone right I had never given Michael
CLPUhOoRovu-00915-00201089-00201340 Jackson my number so I'm like so I get
CLPUhOoRovu-00916-00201341-00201575 the call the call comes in and it's like
CLPUhOoRovu-00917-00201576-00201850 hello hey I'm like hey who is this it's
CLPUhOoRovu-00918-00201851-00202175 Mike Mike who Michael Jackson all right
CLPUhOoRovu-00919-00202176-00202361 cool click and I hung up because I
CLPUhOoRovu-00920-00202362-00202469 thought somebody was playing on my damn
CLPUhOoRovu-00921-00202470-00202637 phone I'm like Michael Jackson oh my
CLPUhOoRovu-00922-00202638-00202816 goddamn number I just mind you 15
CLPUhOoRovu-00923-00202817-00202949 minutes later my sister called me like
CLPUhOoRovu-00924-00202950-00203243 hey uh so uh Michael Jackson is about to
CLPUhOoRovu-00925-00203244-00203381 call you I'm like [__] he just did damn
CLPUhOoRovu-00926-00203382-00203495 you made me hang up on Michael Jackson
CLPUhOoRovu-00927-00203496-00203740 so I called her so I called him back he
CLPUhOoRovu-00928-00203741-00203987 called me back and I I definitely I
CLPUhOoRovu-00929-00203988-00204107 instantly lied and said that we was
CLPUhOoRovu-00930-00204108-00204202 going through a tunnel or something yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00931-00204203-00204388 man it's bad connection I hung up anyway
CLPUhOoRovu-00932-00204389-00204599 what's going on brother so he told me
CLPUhOoRovu-00933-00204600-00204808 that he was a fan of my music which I
CLPUhOoRovu-00934-00204809-00204994 found weird I'm like bruh my music
CLPUhOoRovu-00935-00204996-00205175 wouldn't be my music if not for you so
CLPUhOoRovu-00936-00205176-00205408 but but I'm flattered as hell he said he
CLPUhOoRovu-00937-00205409-00205564 wanted to get together talk about music
CLPUhOoRovu-00938-00205565-00205696 talk about potentially writing some
CLPUhOoRovu-00939-00205698-00205834 stuff for enough for another album for
CLPUhOoRovu-00940-00205835-00206129 him I met him in New York at Leo Cohen's
CLPUhOoRovu-00941-00206130-00206429 House of all places and um yeah man he
CLPUhOoRovu-00942-00206430-00206627 walked in the room and he was a lot
CLPUhOoRovu-00943-00206628-00206782 taller than I thought than I knew he was
CLPUhOoRovu-00944-00206783-00206938 he was real tall he had like some
CLPUhOoRovu-00945-00206939-00207107 Aviator sunglasses didn't take him off
CLPUhOoRovu-00946-00207108-00207257 the whole time he was there whole time
CLPUhOoRovu-00947-00207258-00207496 he's talking about right yeah and um his
CLPUhOoRovu-00948-00207498-00207634 first word like as soon as he walked in
CLPUhOoRovu-00949-00207635-00207766 the room he said you know my favorite
CLPUhOoRovu-00950-00207767-00208007 song of yours is and I'm like favorite
CLPUhOoRovu-00951-00208008-00208312 song of mine you are Michael Jackson you
CLPUhOoRovu-00952-00208313-00208486 have a favorite song of mine and then he
CLPUhOoRovu-00953-00208487-00208684 sang it he said please don't worry about
CLPUhOoRovu-00954-00208685-00208919 me I'm fine I turned into a 12 year old
CLPUhOoRovu-00955-00208919-00209129 girl in my head in my head I kept it
CLPUhOoRovu-00956-00209130-00209260 cool on the outside because I ain't you
CLPUhOoRovu-00957-00209261-00209375 know I didn't want to embarrass myself
CLPUhOoRovu-00958-00209376-00209573 in front of Michael Jackson but just the
CLPUhOoRovu-00959-00209573-00209789 fact that one of my all-time Heroes was
CLPUhOoRovu-00960-00209790-00209998 singing my song to me talking about this
CLPUhOoRovu-00961-00210000-00210137 is my favorite song of yours that was
CLPUhOoRovu-00962-00210138-00210394 yeah that was a moment that'll live rent
CLPUhOoRovu-00963-00210396-00210634 free in my brain forever for sure ever
CLPUhOoRovu-00964-00210635-00210832 real cool man you know Michael Jackson
CLPUhOoRovu-00965-00210833-00211073 was an interesting guy definitely an
CLPUhOoRovu-00966-00211073-00211277 interesting dude one day like um James
CLPUhOoRovu-00967-00211278-00211505 Brown that came out of prison he had a
CLPUhOoRovu-00968-00211506-00211787 show so Michael Jackson came to see him
CLPUhOoRovu-00969-00211788-00212129 princess Corner drinking and Mike is
CLPUhOoRovu-00970-00212130-00212465 spying like a prince on a spinal he gets
CLPUhOoRovu-00971-00212466-00212698 us on stage he dances a little Jane and
CLPUhOoRovu-00972-00212700-00212923 he says call Prince up
CLPUhOoRovu-00973-00212923-00213334 what is it is and Prince was so [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-00974-00213335-00213756 drunk some guy picked him up on his back
CLPUhOoRovu-00975-00213757-00214037 he looked horrible right and at the end
CLPUhOoRovu-00976-00214038-00214306 of the day he grabbed the stage from um
CLPUhOoRovu-00977-00214307-00214498 James Brown hey man what are you going
CLPUhOoRovu-00978-00214500-00214721 on stage man get my stage what the hell
CLPUhOoRovu-00979-00214721-00214901 you doing man he got mad dude I'm gonna
CLPUhOoRovu-00980-00214902-00215075 tell you do get my stage man great great
CLPUhOoRovu-00981-00215076-00215279 impression by the way I like that that's
CLPUhOoRovu-00982-00215280-00215501 a great impression pretty good now I saw
CLPUhOoRovu-00983-00215502-00215710 that footage of that this footage he
CLPUhOoRovu-00984-00215711-00215879 called Mike up Mike dance for a second
CLPUhOoRovu-00985-00215880-00216023 and then then he caught Prince he's
CLPUhOoRovu-00986-00216023-00216239 right whistle princess and he was on
CLPUhOoRovu-00987-00216240-00216473 some big white dude back yeah Prince got
CLPUhOoRovu-00988-00216473-00216689 up there he sized up the mic did a trick
CLPUhOoRovu-00989-00216690-00216923 and set and then got off stage I'm like
CLPUhOoRovu-00990-00216923-00217163 wow okay and he took the stage
CLPUhOoRovu-00991-00217164-00217621 um the car yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-00992-00217621-00217925 that's my show man ah man I can imagine
CLPUhOoRovu-00993-00217926-00218225 that was a wild time I knew James Bell
CLPUhOoRovu-00994-00218226-00218434 was kind of well and um
CLPUhOoRovu-00995-00218435-00218608 James but even though he came out of
CLPUhOoRovu-00996-00218609-00218879 prison Eagle putting his hair he he he
CLPUhOoRovu-00997-00218880-00219053 didn't think Michael Jackson and Prince
CLPUhOoRovu-00998-00219054-00219184 was big with it it ain't nothing for me
CLPUhOoRovu-00999-00219185-00219382 this is my Mente I'm their mentors you
CLPUhOoRovu-01000-00219383-00219589 know they live for me
CLPUhOoRovu-01001-00219590-00220006 James Brown hat is very very very
CLPUhOoRovu-01002-00220007-00220258 influenced listen 100 200 years from now
CLPUhOoRovu-01003-00220259-00220384 when they played James Brown they're
CLPUhOoRovu-01004-00220385-00220565 gonna say what the [__] was that yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-01005-00220566-00220782 yeah very true very true
CLPUhOoRovu-01006-00220783-00221051 who's the dance like the dead what and
CLPUhOoRovu-01007-00221052-00221196 they did it hard
CLPUhOoRovu-01008-00221198-00221542 dancing his ass off anybody that calls
CLPUhOoRovu-01009-00221544-00221681 himself a dancer calls himself an
CLPUhOoRovu-01010-00221682-00221842 Entertainer to snatched a page out of
CLPUhOoRovu-01011-00221844-00221998 James Brown's book at some point for
CLPUhOoRovu-01012-00222000-00222098 sure
CLPUhOoRovu-01013-00222100-00222256 [Music]
CLPUhOoRovu-01014-00222257-00223121 boom
CLPUhOoRovu-01015-00223121-00223944 foreign
CLPUhOoRovu-01016-00223946-00224206 I like uh James Brown used to used to
CLPUhOoRovu-01017-00224207-00224339 dock people whenever they messed up in
CLPUhOoRovu-01018-00224340-00224603 the band they had five dollars anybody
CLPUhOoRovu-01019-00224604-00224723 anybody that messed up in the band you
CLPUhOoRovu-01020-00224723-00224891 got docked ducky took money from me
CLPUhOoRovu-01021-00224892-00225215 listen James I'm not only that sometimes
CLPUhOoRovu-01022-00225216-00225442 his bam wants to go AWOL see we ain't
CLPUhOoRovu-01023-00225444-00225592 get paid this and that and this and that
CLPUhOoRovu-01024-00225594-00225832 and so at the time Reverend Sharpton
CLPUhOoRovu-01025-00225833-00226163 used to work for James Brown wow he
CLPUhOoRovu-01026-00226164-00226289 would have to go back to James and
CLPUhOoRovu-01027-00226290-00226487 explain what the band was saying well Mr
CLPUhOoRovu-01028-00226488-00226721 Brown sir the band doesn't want to play
CLPUhOoRovu-01029-00226721-00226955 they said they haven't been paid and
CLPUhOoRovu-01030-00226956-00227171 he's getting his hair done and they say
CLPUhOoRovu-01031-00227171-00227831 you know oh really he goes back there
CLPUhOoRovu-01032-00227832-00228106 playing
CLPUhOoRovu-01033-00228107-00228334 your ass I believe it before God get the
CLPUhOoRovu-01034-00228335-00228682 news I believe it I believe it
CLPUhOoRovu-01035-00228683-00229042 oh man oh man so what's next obviously
CLPUhOoRovu-01036-00229044-00229187 the tour but what's next for like what's
CLPUhOoRovu-01037-00229188-00229342 the next big adventure obviously the
CLPUhOoRovu-01038-00229344-00229469 album you're working on right you're
CLPUhOoRovu-01039-00229469-00229582 working on another one definitely
CLPUhOoRovu-01040-00229583-00229810 working on a new album uh be looking for
CLPUhOoRovu-01041-00229811-00230153 that sometime towards uh oh I'm not I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-01042-00230154-00230315 just not even sure don't even don't even
CLPUhOoRovu-01043-00230316-00230501 let me get up your line I'm not sure as
CLPUhOoRovu-01044-00230502-00230663 soon as it's done so you'll be doing um
CLPUhOoRovu-01045-00230664-00230939 soundtracks huh yeah yeah that's a
CLPUhOoRovu-01046-00230940-00231071 little bit a little bit people don't
CLPUhOoRovu-01047-00231071-00231287 even really do soundtracks no more man
CLPUhOoRovu-01048-00231288-00231575 the game is so weird you see the AI [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-01049-00231576-00231931 yeah oh man
CLPUhOoRovu-01050-00231932-00232175 it's getting creepy bruh you can there's
CLPUhOoRovu-01051-00232176-00232415 an app there's an app where you can you
CLPUhOoRovu-01052-00232416-00233596 can say to this AI app write me a song
CLPUhOoRovu-01053-00233598-00233860 edition of nuclear science from the
CLPUhOoRovu-01054-00233861-00234229 perspective of Mike Tyson
CLPUhOoRovu-01055-00234230-00234515 but then but then the next step the
CLPUhOoRovu-01056-00234516-00234689 crazy [__] is okay so after you get your
CLPUhOoRovu-01057-00234690-00234917 your song written in Neo form you can
CLPUhOoRovu-01058-00234917-00235121 then go to another app and get Neo's
CLPUhOoRovu-01059-00235121-00235337 voice to sing the song they won't need
CLPUhOoRovu-01060-00235338-00235471 Neo anymore
CLPUhOoRovu-01061-00235471-00235727 you see that drinking on the weekends I
CLPUhOoRovu-01062-00235728-00235955 saw that I don't I don't understand why
CLPUhOoRovu-01063-00235956-00236129 we so hell-bent on building some [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-01064-00236130-00236284 that's gonna make us obsolete that don't
CLPUhOoRovu-01065-00236285-00236501 make no's makes no sense a rat would
CLPUhOoRovu-01066-00236502-00236746 never create a rat trap why the hell are
CLPUhOoRovu-01067-00236748-00236932 we you gonna create some [__] that can
CLPUhOoRovu-01068-00236933-00237160 realize it's smarter than you and that
CLPUhOoRovu-01069-00237161-00237437 it don't need you why bestowed your
CLPUhOoRovu-01070-00237438-00237689 image that's that's the dumb this is the
CLPUhOoRovu-01071-00237690-00237851 dumbest [__] I've ever I'm sorry not
CLPUhOoRovu-01072-00237852-00238013 only that I think it's even crazier
CLPUhOoRovu-01073-00238014-00238258 because that song was Fire the song The
CLPUhOoRovu-01074-00238259-00238487 the song that it was a completely AI
CLPUhOoRovu-01075-00238488-00238673 song it was Drake and Drake in the
CLPUhOoRovu-01076-00238673-00239315 weekend
CLPUhOoRovu-01077-00239316-00239531 I don't get it like what's what's the
CLPUhOoRovu-01078-00239532-00239777 end game yeah I don't even I don't even
CLPUhOoRovu-01079-00239778-00239927 understand how you can use this in a
CLPUhOoRovu-01080-00239928-00240155 positive way like what's the like what's
CLPUhOoRovu-01081-00240156-00240394 the excuse for for this like how how can
CLPUhOoRovu-01082-00240396-00240532 you take this and and make it benefit
CLPUhOoRovu-01083-00240533-00240694 people's lives
CLPUhOoRovu-01084-00240696-00240887 other than just chilling somebody whole
CLPUhOoRovu-01085-00240888-00241091 voice and and music style like that'll
CLPUhOoRovu-01086-00241092-00241246 make no sense I don't get it I don't
CLPUhOoRovu-01087-00241248-00241432 know I don't know I won't sit up here
CLPUhOoRovu-01088-00241433-00241582 and be the technology hater but damn it
CLPUhOoRovu-01089-00241583-00241715 I'm the technology hater because I don't
CLPUhOoRovu-01090-00241716-00241996 understand I don't understand how that's
CLPUhOoRovu-01091-00241998-00242339 a good thing you know why let me explain
CLPUhOoRovu-01092-00242340-00242615 because when you die it could still make
CLPUhOoRovu-01093-00242616-00242860 money off you which is the disrespectful
CLPUhOoRovu-01094-00242861-00242992 [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-01095-00242994-00243251 which is the distance not about killing
CLPUhOoRovu-01096-00243252-00243389 you it's about continuing to make money
CLPUhOoRovu-01097-00243390-00243684 well you know what's going around
CLPUhOoRovu-01098-00243685-00243923 well I'm gonna holla at the AI people
CLPUhOoRovu-01099-00243923-00244079 and be like whatever money I make off
CLPUhOoRovu-01100-00244080-00244234 mine I need you to send that to my kids
CLPUhOoRovu-01101-00244235-00244477 yes but that's slavery at massive level
CLPUhOoRovu-01102-00244478-00244721 it's a whole nother kind of space this
CLPUhOoRovu-01103-00244721-00244913 is crazy damn man I don't I don't get it
CLPUhOoRovu-01104-00244914-00245027 I don't I don't understand what's
CLPUhOoRovu-01105-00245028-00245194 happening in the world right now you
CLPUhOoRovu-01106-00245196-00245371 charge too much [__] that's me
CLPUhOoRovu-01107-00245371-00245603 yes I don't hear people in the head like
CLPUhOoRovu-01108-00245604-00245755 somebody
CLPUhOoRovu-01109-00245756-00245934 going on yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-01110-00245935-00246475 I charge too much as well
CLPUhOoRovu-01111-00246476-00246677 it's going to take
CLPUhOoRovu-01112-00246678-00246821 um We're not gonna pay for your
CLPUhOoRovu-01113-00246821-00247037 [__] no more 40 million or 50
CLPUhOoRovu-01114-00247038-00247192 million dollars for two minutes no way
CLPUhOoRovu-01115-00247194-00247384 [__] damn that
CLPUhOoRovu-01116-00247385-00247715 come get the real for me yeah I can
CLPUhOoRovu-01117-00247716-00247871 experience heartbreak and then right
CLPUhOoRovu-01118-00247871-00248129 from there I honestly feel like I'm a bi
CLPUhOoRovu-01119-00248130-00248381 I challenge any AI to write a better
CLPUhOoRovu-01120-00248382-00248694 song than me let's do that wow
CLPUhOoRovu-01121-00248696-00248884 companies I'll let your boy if you can
CLPUhOoRovu-01122-00248885-00249017 write a better song than me I'll
CLPUhOoRovu-01123-00249017-00249203 gracefully buy out but until that day
CLPUhOoRovu-01124-00249204-00249353 and stay out with y'all I like that
CLPUhOoRovu-01125-00249354-00249508 they're gonna do the better song with
CLPUhOoRovu-01126-00249509-00249808 your voice I know right
CLPUhOoRovu-01127-00249809-00250055 damn imagine that imagine somebody
CLPUhOoRovu-01128-00250056-00250277 taking your voice and doing a better
CLPUhOoRovu-01129-00250278-00250446 song than yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-01130-00250448-00250744 that's your style I might just sit in my
CLPUhOoRovu-01131-00250746-00250877 house for the rest of my life I might
CLPUhOoRovu-01132-00250878-00251123 just not come outside no more the
CLPUhOoRovu-01133-00251123-00251329 computers have taken over
CLPUhOoRovu-01134-00251330-00251705 iroba Matrix is real and it is real and
CLPUhOoRovu-01135-00251706-00251842 I'm not the Neo from The Matrix so don't
CLPUhOoRovu-01136-00251844-00252210 look at me to save it yes you are yes
CLPUhOoRovu-01137-00252211-00252473 but we got some gifts for you neo oh
CLPUhOoRovu-01138-00252473-00252708 yeah yeah of course we're done
CLPUhOoRovu-01139-00252709-00253084 with you you got the lower line of the
CLPUhOoRovu-01140-00253085-00253271 [__] everybody else got big bags and
CLPUhOoRovu-01141-00253271-00253741 [__] weed gummies what the [__] anyway
CLPUhOoRovu-01142-00253742-00253967 if you wasn't you I'd take it personal
CLPUhOoRovu-01143-00253967-00254189 but I I can see how that would go left
CLPUhOoRovu-01144-00254190-00254344 to me so it's all good this is Mike
CLPUhOoRovu-01145-00254346-00254632 Tyson new line it's on Zoomies it's
CLPUhOoRovu-01146-00254633-00254873 selling off the rack nice oh man I can't
CLPUhOoRovu-01147-00254873-00254987 believe that like you said I've been
CLPUhOoRovu-01148-00254988-00255269 very blessed more than I deserve but I
CLPUhOoRovu-01149-00255269-00255442 gotta give you your flowers now like
CLPUhOoRovu-01150-00255444-00255629 just just the way that you keep
CLPUhOoRovu-01151-00255630-00255839 Reinventing yourself like keep finding
CLPUhOoRovu-01152-00255840-00256060 ways to like I watch your cartoon me and
CLPUhOoRovu-01153-00256061-00256258 my kids and watch a cartoon the whole
CLPUhOoRovu-01154-00256259-00256505 night like it's just amazing to to know
CLPUhOoRovu-01155-00256506-00256787 it's amazing just to see all of the
CLPUhOoRovu-01156-00256788-00256894 different things that you don't put your
CLPUhOoRovu-01157-00256896-00257008 hands in man it's a beautiful thing
CLPUhOoRovu-01158-00257009-00257237 thank you brother but this is the thing
CLPUhOoRovu-01159-00257238-00257584 it's not about Reinventing yourself it's
CLPUhOoRovu-01160-00257585-00257753 about wanting to be up more than anybody
CLPUhOoRovu-01161-00257754-00257992 wants you to be down that's what it's
CLPUhOoRovu-01162-00257994-00258269 about amen I care about keep fighting
CLPUhOoRovu-01163-00258269-00258425 it's not about Reinventing yourself I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-01164-00258426-00258575 always gonna be the same mic but I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-01165-00258576-00258803 gonna be I'm gonna enhance myself an
CLPUhOoRovu-01166-00258804-00258946 ability and technically know how to
CLPUhOoRovu-01167-00258948-00259192 fight harder and smarter I like that you
CLPUhOoRovu-01168-00259194-00259348 know when you beat me that day I'ma
CLPUhOoRovu-01169-00259350-00259487 learn again you're not gonna beat me the
CLPUhOoRovu-01170-00259488-00259673 next time when you beat me that day I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-01171-00259673-00259780 gonna learn from that you're not gonna
CLPUhOoRovu-01172-00259781-00260003 beat me the next day after that it's all
CLPUhOoRovu-01173-00260004-00260194 about taking your defeats and learning
CLPUhOoRovu-01174-00260196-00260417 from them learning from them I like that
CLPUhOoRovu-01175-00260417-00260656 I like overcoming them yeah people
CLPUhOoRovu-01176-00260657-00260848 people put a lot of emphasis on on the
CLPUhOoRovu-01177-00260850-00261155 the reinvention here's the thing how are
CLPUhOoRovu-01178-00261156-00261430 you going to reinvent you yeah amen I
CLPUhOoRovu-01179-00261431-00261689 was really who we are even when we're
CLPUhOoRovu-01180-00261690-00261880 alone in Mount Everest somewhere by
CLPUhOoRovu-01181-00261881-00262060 ourselves with who we are we can't run
CLPUhOoRovu-01182-00262061-00262258 from who we are so we can't invent who
CLPUhOoRovu-01183-00262259-00262493 we are maybe we may present ourselves as
CLPUhOoRovu-01184-00262494-00262721 different people but when the same
CLPUhOoRovu-01185-00262722-00262997 um characteristics though no one's gonna
CLPUhOoRovu-01186-00262998-00263237 stop you from me you're you yes you same
CLPUhOoRovu-01187-00263238-00263380 animal at the end of the day okay
CLPUhOoRovu-01188-00263381-00263645 yes package different yeah just about
CLPUhOoRovu-01189-00263646-00263813 being just about becoming better than
CLPUhOoRovu-01190-00263814-00263993 you were yesterday exactly it's better
CLPUhOoRovu-01191-00263994-00264101 than anywhere yesterday I like that's
CLPUhOoRovu-01192-00264102-00264263 where it should live about that so all
CLPUhOoRovu-01193-00264264-00264425 it's about all right I'm gonna send you
CLPUhOoRovu-01194-00264426-00264580 some Royals when I write that I need you
CLPUhOoRovu-01195-00264581-00264815 to do something for us tens of millions
CLPUhOoRovu-01196-00264816-00265013 of people right here what's going on
CLPUhOoRovu-01197-00265014-00265217 everyone more than I can count explain
CLPUhOoRovu-01198-00265218-00265379 where they can get in touch with you at
CLPUhOoRovu-01199-00265380-00265643 oh yeah absolutely so the IG is just at
CLPUhOoRovu-01200-00265644-00265973 Neo the the Twitter is at Neo compound
CLPUhOoRovu-01201-00265974-00266129 uh y'all know how to do the Facebook
CLPUhOoRovu-01202-00266130-00266410 thing and yeah man I'm around man I I
CLPUhOoRovu-01203-00266411-00266669 it's actually me if you if you DM me and
CLPUhOoRovu-01204-00266670-00266825 I respond to your DM it was really me
CLPUhOoRovu-01205-00266826-00267173 three Grammys three three Grammys and
CLPUhOoRovu-01206-00267174-00267382 mowing away I still got work crazy
CLPUhOoRovu-01207-00267383-00267653 catalog yeah man crazy catalog so I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-01208-00267654-00267793 around Keep Your Eyes to the Sky
CLPUhOoRovu-01209-00267794-00268001 princess somebody do you own your
CLPUhOoRovu-01210-00268002-00269010 catalog
CLPUhOoRovu-01211-00269011-00269308 a punctuation mark in the store anyone
CLPUhOoRovu-01212-00269309-00269563 on that too very true very true
CLPUhOoRovu-01213-00269564-00269813 nowadays if you know if you know what to
CLPUhOoRovu-01214-00269814-00269999 do with your Masters it's in your best
CLPUhOoRovu-01215-00270000-00270167 interest to own your Masters now if you
CLPUhOoRovu-01216-00270168-00270263 don't know what to do with this [__]
CLPUhOoRovu-01217-00270264-00270406 leave it at leave it at the label okay
CLPUhOoRovu-01218-00270407-00270545 at least they can make you some money
CLPUhOoRovu-01219-00270546-00270730 with it but if you know what to do with
CLPUhOoRovu-01220-00270731-00270934 it then Yeah Yeah by all means on your
CLPUhOoRovu-01221-00270935-00271121 own your catalog on your Masters all of
CLPUhOoRovu-01222-00271122-00271265 that [__] now mind you that's a little
CLPUhOoRovu-01223-00271266-00271463 easier said than done exactly you know
CLPUhOoRovu-01224-00271464-00271589 most labels ain't gonna just give you
CLPUhOoRovu-01225-00271590-00271727 your Masters they don't they're gonna
CLPUhOoRovu-01226-00271728-00271984 discount you gotta make us at least 100
CLPUhOoRovu-01227-00271985-00272153 million for the company and then we're
CLPUhOoRovu-01228-00272154-00272297 going to charge you again to give them
CLPUhOoRovu-01229-00272298-00272513 to you yeah what's up with these labels
CLPUhOoRovu-01230-00272514-00272755 man these contracts
CLPUhOoRovu-01231-00272756-00273089 it's slave math it's been messed up for
CLPUhOoRovu-01232-00273090-00273251 a little while now I've actually been to
CLPUhOoRovu-01233-00273252-00273473 congress with ASCAP you know trying to
CLPUhOoRovu-01234-00273474-00273629 get go to Capitol Hill trying to get
CLPUhOoRovu-01235-00273630-00273803 them to change some of the music laws we
CLPUhOoRovu-01236-00273804-00273989 still got 100 year old music laws yes
CLPUhOoRovu-01237-00273990-00274199 everything in music involved we don't
CLPUhOoRovu-01238-00274200-00274373 you know we ain't nobody using eight
CLPUhOoRovu-01239-00274374-00274549 eight tracks and none of that no more
CLPUhOoRovu-01240-00274550-00274810 studies evolved everything but the laws
CLPUhOoRovu-01241-00274811-00275003 the laws stay the same we're gonna go to
CLPUhOoRovu-01242-00275004-00275195 Congress I am I've been I've been like
CLPUhOoRovu-01243-00275196-00275363 twice and they you know they give you
CLPUhOoRovu-01244-00275364-00275482 that they do what they do they show you
CLPUhOoRovu-01245-00275483-00275710 love when you're in the room yeah we're
CLPUhOoRovu-01246-00275711-00275843 right on it and as soon as you leave the
CLPUhOoRovu-01247-00275844-00275963 room they move on to the next thing
CLPUhOoRovu-01248-00275964-00276191 because nothing changed yeah laws never
CLPUhOoRovu-01249-00276192-00276293 changed it was like all right we'll
CLPUhOoRovu-01250-00276294-00276419 we'll see what do you think is going to
CLPUhOoRovu-01251-00276420-00276617 take for that to change I don't know man
CLPUhOoRovu-01252-00276618-00276803 because [__] stop making music
CLPUhOoRovu-01253-00276804-00277108 or going to Independent but see here's
CLPUhOoRovu-01254-00277109-00277325 the problem with that just [__] AI
CLPUhOoRovu-01255-00277326-00277613 yeah so if if if Neo decided you know
CLPUhOoRovu-01256-00277614-00277739 what I ain't gonna make music till y'all
CLPUhOoRovu-01257-00277740-00277930 get this paper right they will go to the
CLPUhOoRovu-01258-00277931-00278189 AI and write a song in in the style of
CLPUhOoRovu-01259-00278190-00278380 Neo and then go to another Ai and sing
CLPUhOoRovu-01260-00278381-00278555 it in Neo's voice and be like we don't
CLPUhOoRovu-01261-00278556-00278758 need you but you got you can you gotta
CLPUhOoRovu-01262-00278759-00279077 Sue no way you're allowed to exactly I
CLPUhOoRovu-01263-00279078-00279215 don't I don't know how to lose with this
CLPUhOoRovu-01264-00279216-00279580 AI stuff yeah because you know being an
CLPUhOoRovu-01265-00279581-00279803 independent like obviously is Perks but
CLPUhOoRovu-01266-00279804-00279982 it's really hard correct yeah yeah it's
CLPUhOoRovu-01267-00279983-00280277 it's expensive for one that's the main
CLPUhOoRovu-01268-00280278-00280463 thing about being an independent artist
CLPUhOoRovu-01269-00280464-00280625 every dollar is coming out of your
CLPUhOoRovu-01270-00280626-00280823 pocket as opposed to having you know the
CLPUhOoRovu-01271-00280824-00281015 cushion of a record label behind you you
CLPUhOoRovu-01272-00281016-00281117 know you're gonna have to pay them
CLPUhOoRovu-01273-00281118-00281351 anyway so no cushion well I mean it's
CLPUhOoRovu-01274-00281352-00281525 cushioned because they give you a budget
CLPUhOoRovu-01275-00281526-00281693 like all right we give you XYZ amount of
CLPUhOoRovu-01276-00281694-00281825 dollars for marketing promotion
CLPUhOoRovu-01277-00281826-00282010 recording all of that if you're
CLPUhOoRovu-01278-00282011-00282245 independent that's just your money
CLPUhOoRovu-01279-00282246-00282377 coming out of your pocket whatever you
CLPUhOoRovu-01280-00282378-00282563 made that that month is going towards
CLPUhOoRovu-01281-00282564-00282767 your music but see the good thing is if
CLPUhOoRovu-01282-00282768-00283043 you break if you win you win big because
CLPUhOoRovu-01283-00283044-00283187 you ain't paying a whole damn record
CLPUhOoRovu-01284-00283188-00283355 label all the money comes right back to
CLPUhOoRovu-01285-00283356-00283499 you and then on top of that you don't
CLPUhOoRovu-01286-00283500-00283732 even have to do as well as the cat that
CLPUhOoRovu-01287-00283733-00283925 signed to the record label like he got
CLPUhOoRovu-01288-00283926-00284093 it he got to sell a million plus to get
CLPUhOoRovu-01289-00284094-00284297 any of his money back as an independent
CLPUhOoRovu-01290-00284298-00284489 I could do half that a third of that and
CLPUhOoRovu-01291-00284490-00284663 get all my money back plus you know what
CLPUhOoRovu-01292-00284664-00284753 I mean because because there's not as
CLPUhOoRovu-01293-00284754-00284963 many hands in the pot like record labels
CLPUhOoRovu-01294-00284964-00285215 will give you like a you know like a 60
CLPUhOoRovu-01295-00285216-00285527 40 80 20 in in favor of them whereas
CLPUhOoRovu-01296-00285528-00285791 independent you getting all that bad all
CLPUhOoRovu-01297-00285792-00285923 you paying is the people that helps you
CLPUhOoRovu-01298-00285924-00286079 you might pay the producer you know I'm
CLPUhOoRovu-01299-00286080-00286223 saying you might pay somebody uh to help
CLPUhOoRovu-01300-00286224-00286355 you with your marketing and promotion
CLPUhOoRovu-01301-00286356-00286684 but you're not paying 80 off top you
CLPUhOoRovu-01302-00286685-00286805 know so there's there's definitely
CLPUhOoRovu-01303-00286806-00287039 benefits to Independent but yeah it's a
CLPUhOoRovu-01304-00287040-00287219 harder it's a harder it's a harder Road
CLPUhOoRovu-01305-00287220-00287345 it's a longer Road it's going to take
CLPUhOoRovu-01306-00287346-00287441 you a little longer to get there because
CLPUhOoRovu-01307-00287442-00287615 you're doing it yourself so this is a
CLPUhOoRovu-01308-00287616-00287734 last question I have for you because
CLPUhOoRovu-01309-00287735-00287897 I've always wanted this so like a guy
CLPUhOoRovu-01310-00287898-00288155 like Drake he signed a young money he
CLPUhOoRovu-01311-00288156-00288503 creates OVO yeah is that his now so he
CLPUhOoRovu-01312-00288504-00288677 buys out his contract with young money
CLPUhOoRovu-01313-00288678-00288856 and now he has his own and that's how
CLPUhOoRovu-01314-00288857-00289060 that works I can't I can't speak on it
CLPUhOoRovu-01315-00289061-00289241 because I don't know the facts but that
CLPUhOoRovu-01316-00289242-00289456 seems like what happened yeah he was you
CLPUhOoRovu-01317-00289457-00289691 know contractor to Young Money for a
CLPUhOoRovu-01318-00289692-00289871 little while all the while you know he's
CLPUhOoRovu-01319-00289872-00289997 repping Young Money but he's also
CLPUhOoRovu-01320-00289998-00290177 repping his own brand OVO building up
CLPUhOoRovu-01321-00290178-00290405 OVO and then once you get the amount of
CLPUhOoRovu-01322-00290406-00290543 money where you can buy yourself out of
CLPUhOoRovu-01323-00290544-00290699 your contract all your contract expires
CLPUhOoRovu-01324-00290700-00290873 yeah well not what's we didn't already
CLPUhOoRovu-01325-00290874-00291065 built OVO off the back of young money so
CLPUhOoRovu-01326-00291066-00291203 yeah and I'ma just run it over here so
CLPUhOoRovu-01327-00291204-00291473 that's house artists do yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-01328-00291474-00291649 [Music]
CLPUhOoRovu-01329-00291650-00291869 absolutely and being with people that's
CLPUhOoRovu-01330-00291870-00292043 because mind you Young Money could have
CLPUhOoRovu-01331-00292044-00292271 definitely been like hey bro yeah kill
CLPUhOoRovu-01332-00292272-00292432 that OVO [__] this young money it's only
CLPUhOoRovu-01333-00292433-00292577 only Young Money they could have did
CLPUhOoRovu-01334-00292578-00292732 that they were they were contractually
CLPUhOoRovu-01335-00292733-00292906 had the right to do that but they didn't
CLPUhOoRovu-01336-00292907-00293039 do that you know what I'm saying so it's
CLPUhOoRovu-01337-00293040-00293303 definitely about who you're signed to
CLPUhOoRovu-01338-00293304-00293567 sure and then how how well your contract
CLPUhOoRovu-01339-00293568-00293867 was was uh negotiated yeah you live or
CLPUhOoRovu-01340-00293868-00294173 die by the by that negotiation oh yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-01341-00294174-00294263 yeah
CLPUhOoRovu-01342-00294264-00294415 [Music]
CLPUhOoRovu-01343-00294416-00294784 man we [__] up they they hit us
CLPUhOoRovu-01344-00294785-00295084 man amen by the grace of God I've always
CLPUhOoRovu-01345-00295085-00295271 had had good people behind me that that
CLPUhOoRovu-01346-00295272-00295549 made sure that my messages
CLPUhOoRovu-01347-00295550-00295865 yeah for sure it's a beautiful thing
CLPUhOoRovu-01348-00295866-00296141 well guys there you have it that's Mike
CLPUhOoRovu-01349-00296142-00296406 Tyson yeah yes it is
CLPUhOoRovu-01350-00296407-00296632 That's Mike Tyson I'm Sebastian Joseph
CLPUhOoRovu-01351-00296633-00296867 day we have the awesome Neo in the
CLPUhOoRovu-01352-00296868-00297137 building music and we're here at blue
CLPUhOoRovu-01353-00297138-00297365 wire studios in Las Vegas thank you so
CLPUhOoRovu-01354-00297366-00297497 much Neil we really appreciate it
CLPUhOoRovu-01355-00297498-00297706 appreciate y'all having me man all love
CLPUhOoRovu-01356-00297707-00297899 bro this is top boxing we out of here
CLPUhOoRovu-01357-00297900-00298108 gone
CLPUhOoRovu-01358-00298109-00298269 foreign
CLPUhOoRovu-01359-00298270-00298947 [Music]
Cp71uwX9CmE-00000-00000048-00000302 the following outline is provided as an
Cp71uwX9CmE-00001-00000303-00000476 overview of an topical guide to
Cp71uwX9CmE-00002-00000476-00000817 philosophy philosophy study of general
Cp71uwX9CmE-00003-00000818-00001010 and fundamental problems concerning
Cp71uwX9CmE-00004-00001011-00001204 matters such as existence knowledge
Cp71uwX9CmE-00005-00001205-00001561 values reason mind and language it is
Cp71uwX9CmE-00006-00001562-00001714 distinguished from other ways of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00007-00001716-00001924 addressing fundamental questions such as
Cp71uwX9CmE-00008-00001925-00002152 mysticism myth or the arts by its
Cp71uwX9CmE-00009-00002153-00002365 critical generally systematic approach
Cp71uwX9CmE-00010-00002366-00002564 and its reliance on rational argument
Cp71uwX9CmE-00011-00002565-00002941 the word philosophy comes from the Greek
Cp71uwX9CmE-00012-00002942-00003151 philosophia philosophia which literally
Cp71uwX9CmE-00013-00003152-00003496 means love of wisdom
Cp71uwX9CmE-00014-00003497-00003675 you
Cp71uwX9CmE-00015-00003676-00004281 topic core areas of philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00016-00004282-00004575 the core areas of philosophy are
Cp71uwX9CmE-00017-00004576-00004831 aesthetics study of the nature of beauty
Cp71uwX9CmE-00018-00004832-00005031 art and taste and the creation of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00019-00005032-00005195 personal kinds of truth
Cp71uwX9CmE-00020-00005196-00005457 epistemology study of the nature and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00021-00005458-00005745 scope of knowledge and belief ethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00022-00005746-00005920 study of the right the good and the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00023-00005921-00006189 valuable includes study of applied
Cp71uwX9CmE-00024-00006190-00006525 ethics logic study of good reasoning by
Cp71uwX9CmE-00025-00006526-00006735 examining the validity of arguments and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00026-00006736-00007041 documenting their fallacies metaphysics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00027-00007042-00007209 study of the state of being and the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00028-00007211-00007654 nature of reality
Cp71uwX9CmE-00029-00007655-00008214 topic fields of philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00030-00008215-00008466 the branches of philosophy are divided
Cp71uwX9CmE-00031-00008467-00008964 into the many fields of philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00032-00008965-00009457 topic aesthetics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00033-00009458-00009668 aesthetics a study of the nature of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00034-00009669-00009917 beauty art and taste and the creation of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00035-00009918-00010184 personal kinds of truth applied
Cp71uwX9CmE-00036-00010185-00010400 aesthetics application of the philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00037-00010401-00010889 of aesthetics to art and culture
Cp71uwX9CmE-00038-00010890-00011400 topic epistemology
Cp71uwX9CmE-00039-00011401-00011634 epistemology is the study of knowledge
Cp71uwX9CmE-00040-00011635-00011868 how is knowledge different from belief
Cp71uwX9CmE-00041-00011869-00012072 what can we know how does knowledge
Cp71uwX9CmE-00042-00012073-00012150 arise
Cp71uwX9CmE-00043-00012151-00012584 can there be objective knowledge
Cp71uwX9CmE-00044-00012585-00013062 topic ethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00045-00013063-00013308 ethics study of the right the good and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00046-00013309-00013553 the valuable applied ethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00047-00013554-00013794 philosophical examination from a moral
Cp71uwX9CmE-00048-00013794-00014004 standpoint of particular issues in
Cp71uwX9CmE-00049-00014005-00014196 private and public life that are matters
Cp71uwX9CmE-00050-00014197-00014415 of moral judgment it is thus the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00051-00014416-00014649 attempts to use philosophical methods to
Cp71uwX9CmE-00052-00014650-00014844 identify the morally correct course of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00053-00014844-00015122 action in various fields of human life
Cp71uwX9CmE-00054-00015122-00015390 decision ethics ethical theories and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00055-00015391-00015726 ethical decision processes environmental
Cp71uwX9CmE-00056-00015727-00015960 ethics studies ethical issues concerning
Cp71uwX9CmE-00057-00015961-00016212 the nonhuman world it exerts influence
Cp71uwX9CmE-00058-00016213-00016395 on a large range of disciplines
Cp71uwX9CmE-00059-00016396-00016578 including environmental law
Cp71uwX9CmE-00060-00016579-00016851 environmental sociology eco theology
Cp71uwX9CmE-00061-00016852-00017103 ecological economics ecology and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00062-00017104-00017415 environmental geography professional
Cp71uwX9CmE-00063-00017416-00017702 ethics ethics to improve professionalism
Cp71uwX9CmE-00064-00017703-00017973 computer ethics deals with how computing
Cp71uwX9CmE-00065-00017974-00018144 professionals should make decisions
Cp71uwX9CmE-00066-00018145-00018327 regarding professional and social
Cp71uwX9CmE-00067-00018328-00018579 conduct ethics of artificial
Cp71uwX9CmE-00068-00018580-00018792 intelligence specific to robots and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00069-00018793-00019037 other artificially intelligent beings
Cp71uwX9CmE-00070-00019038-00019278 research ethics application of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00071-00019279-00019467 fundamental ethical principles to a
Cp71uwX9CmE-00072-00019468-00019656 variety of topics involving research
Cp71uwX9CmE-00073-00019657-00020037 including scientific research bioethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00074-00020038-00020223 study of the typically controversial
Cp71uwX9CmE-00075-00020224-00020406 ethical issues emerging from new
Cp71uwX9CmE-00076-00020407-00020610 situations and possibilities brought
Cp71uwX9CmE-00077-00020611-00020808 about by advances in biology and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00078-00020809-00021186 medicine medical ethics ethics to
Cp71uwX9CmE-00079-00021187-00021422 improve basic health needs of humans
Cp71uwX9CmE-00080-00021423-00021714 business ethics individual based morals
Cp71uwX9CmE-00081-00021715-00021876 to improve ethics in a business
Cp71uwX9CmE-00082-00021877-00022209 environment organizational ethics ethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00083-00022210-00022560 among organizations social ethics ethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00084-00022561-00022819 among nations and as one global unit
Cp71uwX9CmE-00085-00022820-00023052 descriptive ethics study of people's
Cp71uwX9CmE-00086-00023053-00023369 beliefs about morality normative ethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00087-00023370-00023592 study of ethical theories that prescribe
Cp71uwX9CmE-00088-00023593-00023850 how people ought to act meta ethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00089-00023851-00023994 branch of ethics that seeks to
Cp71uwX9CmE-00090-00023995-00024159 understand the nature of ethical
Cp71uwX9CmE-00091-00024160-00024372 properties statements attitudes and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00092-00024373-00024753 judgments
Cp71uwX9CmE-00093-00024754-00025436 topic logic logic the systematic study
Cp71uwX9CmE-00094-00025437-00025608 of the form of valid inference and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00095-00025608-00026006 reason propositional logic predicate
Cp71uwX9CmE-00096-00026007-00026495 logic modal logic
Cp71uwX9CmE-00097-00026497-00027058 topic metaphysics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00098-00027060-00027285 metaphysics traditional branch of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00099-00027286-00027489 philosophy concerned with explaining the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00100-00027489-00027675 fundamental nature of being in the world
Cp71uwX9CmE-00101-00027676-00027966 that encompasses it metaphysics attempts
Cp71uwX9CmE-00102-00027967-00028155 to answer two basic questions in the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00103-00028156-00028356 broadest possible terms what is
Cp71uwX9CmE-00104-00028357-00028758 ultimately there and what is it like
Cp71uwX9CmE-00105-00028760-00028999 ontology philosophical study of the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00106-00029000-00029227 nature of being becoming existence or
Cp71uwX9CmE-00107-00029227-00029476 reality as well as the basic categories
Cp71uwX9CmE-00108-00029477-00029785 of being in their relations philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00109-00029786-00029842 of mind
Cp71uwX9CmE-00110-00029843-00030031 studies the nature of the mind mental
Cp71uwX9CmE-00111-00030032-00030214 events mental functions mental
Cp71uwX9CmE-00112-00030214-00030394 properties consciousness and their
Cp71uwX9CmE-00113-00030395-00030543 relationship to the physical body
Cp71uwX9CmE-00114-00030544-00030874 particularly the brain philosophy of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00115-00030875-00031035 space and time branch of philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00116-00031036-00031222 concerned with the issues surrounding
Cp71uwX9CmE-00117-00031223-00031513 the ontology epistemology and character
Cp71uwX9CmE-00118-00031514-00031833 of space and time philosophy of action
Cp71uwX9CmE-00119-00031835-00032029 theories about the process is causing
Cp71uwX9CmE-00120-00032030-00032236 willful human bodily movements of a more
Cp71uwX9CmE-00121-00032237-00032508 or less complex kind this area of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00122-00032510-00032664 thought has attracted the strong
Cp71uwX9CmE-00123-00032666-00032860 interest of philosophers ever since
Cp71uwX9CmE-00124-00032861-00033076 Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics third
Cp71uwX9CmE-00125-00033077-00033383 book
Cp71uwX9CmE-00126-00033384-00033843 topic other
Cp71uwX9CmE-00127-00033844-00034298 Mehta philosophy philosophy of education
Cp71uwX9CmE-00128-00034299-00034626 philosophy of history philosophy of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00129-00034627-00035043 language philosophy of law philosophy of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00130-00035044-00035405 mathematics philosophy of religion
Cp71uwX9CmE-00131-00035406-00035695 philosophy of science political
Cp71uwX9CmE-00132-00035696-00036083 philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00133-00036084-00036692 topic history of philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00134-00036693-00036926 history of philosophy study of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00135-00036927-00037157 philosophical ideas and concepts through
Cp71uwX9CmE-00136-00037158-00037445 time issues specifically related to
Cp71uwX9CmE-00137-00037446-00037664 history of philosophy might include but
Cp71uwX9CmE-00138-00037665-00037856 are not limited to how can changes in
Cp71uwX9CmE-00139-00037857-00038062 philosophy be accounted for historically
Cp71uwX9CmE-00140-00038063-00038306 what drives the development of thought
Cp71uwX9CmE-00141-00038307-00038546 in its historical context to what degree
Cp71uwX9CmE-00142-00038547-00038746 can philosophical texts from prior
Cp71uwX9CmE-00143-00038747-00039361 historical eras be understood even today
Cp71uwX9CmE-00144-00039362-00039760 ancient philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00145-00039761-00040682 sophism Epicureanism Platonism stoicism
Cp71uwX9CmE-00146-00040683-00041220 topic Western philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00147-00041221-00041602 Western philosophy medieval philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00148-00041603-00041964 scholasticism Renaissance philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00149-00041965-00042422 modern philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00150-00042423-00042970 topic eastern philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00151-00042971-00043405 Eastern philosophy Islamic philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00152-00043406-00044076 Indian philosophy Chinese philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00153-00044077-00044696 topic contemporary philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00154-00044697-00045024 contemporary philosophy analytic
Cp71uwX9CmE-00155-00045025-00045621 philosophy continental philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00156-00045622-00046206 topic philosophical theories
Cp71uwX9CmE-00157-00046207-00046815 topic major traditions in philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00158-00046816-00047140 analytic philosophy continental
Cp71uwX9CmE-00159-00047141-00047691 philosophy Eastern philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00160-00047692-00048281 topic philosophical movements
Cp71uwX9CmE-00161-00048282-00048717 philosophical movement
Cp71uwX9CmE-00162-00048718-00049293 topic philosophies by branch
Cp71uwX9CmE-00163-00049294-00049788 topic aesthetics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00164-00049789-00050313 aesthetics symbolism romanticism
Cp71uwX9CmE-00165-00050314-00050814 historicism classicism modernism
Cp71uwX9CmE-00166-00050815-00051431 post-modernism psychoanalytic theory
Cp71uwX9CmE-00167-00051432-00051998 topic epistemology
Cp71uwX9CmE-00168-00051999-00052413 epistemology
Cp71uwX9CmE-00169-00052414-00052894 topic ethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00170-00052895-00053382 ethics consequentialism deontology
Cp71uwX9CmE-00171-00053383-00053638 virtue ethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00172-00053639-00054046 moral realism moral relativism error
Cp71uwX9CmE-00173-00054047-00054546 theory non cognitivism ethical egoism
Cp71uwX9CmE-00174-00054547-00054990 cultural relativism evolutionary ethics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00175-00054991-00055432 evolution of morality
Cp71uwX9CmE-00176-00055433-00056301 topic logic logic classical logic
Cp71uwX9CmE-00177-00056302-00056722 intermediate logic intuitionistic logic
Cp71uwX9CmE-00178-00056723-00057187 minimal logic relevant logic affine
Cp71uwX9CmE-00179-00057188-00057734 logic linear logic ordered logic dialy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00180-00057735-00058046 theism
Cp71uwX9CmE-00181-00058047-00058603 topic metaphysics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00182-00058604-00058979 metaphysics
Cp71uwX9CmE-00183-00058979-00059519 topic political philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00184-00059520-00059932 political philosophy anarchism
Cp71uwX9CmE-00185-00059933-00060398 authoritarianism Co NS Servet ISM
Cp71uwX9CmE-00186-00060399-00060828 liberalism libertarianism social
Cp71uwX9CmE-00187-00060829-00061336 democracy socialism
Cp71uwX9CmE-00188-00061337-00062047 topic philosophy of language philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00189-00062048-00062378 of language
Cp71uwX9CmE-00190-00062379-00063047 topic philosophy of mind philosophy of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00191-00063048-00063354 mind
Cp71uwX9CmE-00192-00063355-00064024 topic philosophy of religion philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00193-00064025-00064358 of religion
Cp71uwX9CmE-00194-00064359-00064911 topic religious philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00195-00064912-00065315 Buddhist philosophy Christian philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00196-00065316-00065835 Hindu philosophy Islamic philosophy Jain
Cp71uwX9CmE-00197-00065836-00066409 philosophy Jewish philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00198-00066410-00067074 topic philosophy of science philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00199-00067075-00067507 of science
Cp71uwX9CmE-00200-00067508-00068019 pick philosophical literature
Cp71uwX9CmE-00201-00068020-00068316 Blackwell companion to philosophy a
Cp71uwX9CmE-00202-00068317-00068562 history of Western philosophy by
Cp71uwX9CmE-00203-00068563-00068850 Bertrand Russell a history of philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00204-00068851-00069336 by Frederick coppleson
Cp71uwX9CmE-00205-00069337-00069869 topic reference works
Cp71uwX9CmE-00206-00069870-00070107 encyclopedia of philosophy one of the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00207-00070108-00070288 major English encyclopedias of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00208-00070289-00070579 philosophy the second edition edited by
Cp71uwX9CmE-00209-00070580-00070804 Donald M Burkert was published in ten
Cp71uwX9CmE-00210-00070805-00071175 volumes in 2006 by thomson gale volumes
Cp71uwX9CmE-00211-00071176-00071376 one to nine contained alphabetically
Cp71uwX9CmE-00212-00071377-00071659 ordered articles internet encyclopedia
Cp71uwX9CmE-00213-00071660-00071962 of philosophy free online encyclopedia
Cp71uwX9CmE-00214-00071963-00072196 on philosophical topics and philosophers
Cp71uwX9CmE-00215-00072197-00072538 founded by james fisher in 1995 the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00216-00072539-00072756 current general editors are James feasor
Cp71uwX9CmE-00217-00072757-00072925 professor of philosophy at the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00218-00072926-00073125 University of Tennessee at Martin and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00219-00073126-00073309 Bradley Dowden professor of philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00220-00073310-00073468 at California State University
Cp71uwX9CmE-00221-00073469-00073828 Sacramento the staff also includes
Cp71uwX9CmE-00222-00073829-00074013 numerous area editors as well as
Cp71uwX9CmE-00223-00074014-00074341 volunteers route Lidge encyclopedia of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00224-00074342-00074553 philosophy encyclopedia of philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00225-00074554-00074821 edited by Edward Craig that was first
Cp71uwX9CmE-00226-00074822-00075081 published by route llege in 1998 ISBN
Cp71uwX9CmE-00227-00075082-00075646 978 Oh 4:1 507 3 103 originally
Cp71uwX9CmE-00228-00075647-00075859 published in both 10 volumes of print
Cp71uwX9CmE-00229-00075860-00076138 and as a cd-rom in 2002 it was made
Cp71uwX9CmE-00230-00076139-00076368 available online on a subscription basis
Cp71uwX9CmE-00231-00076369-00076626 the online version is regularly updated
Cp71uwX9CmE-00232-00076627-00076846 with new articles and revisions to
Cp71uwX9CmE-00233-00076847-00077197 existing articles it has 1,300
Cp71uwX9CmE-00234-00077198-00077413 contributors providing over 2,000
Cp71uwX9CmE-00235-00077414-00077694 scholarly articles Stanford encyclopedia
Cp71uwX9CmE-00236-00077695-00077956 of philosophy combines an online
Cp71uwX9CmE-00237-00077957-00078150 encyclopedia of philosophy with
Cp71uwX9CmE-00238-00078151-00078355 peer-reviewed publication of original
Cp71uwX9CmE-00239-00078356-00078559 papers in philosophy freely accessible
Cp71uwX9CmE-00240-00078560-00078868 to Internet users each entry is written
Cp71uwX9CmE-00241-00078869-00079038 and maintained by an expert in the field
Cp71uwX9CmE-00242-00079039-00079291 including professors from many academic
Cp71uwX9CmE-00243-00079292-00079725 institutions worldwide
Cp71uwX9CmE-00244-00079726-00080251 topic philosophers
Cp71uwX9CmE-00245-00080252-00080597 lists of philosophers timeline of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00246-00080598-00080909 Western philosophers timeline of Eastern
Cp71uwX9CmE-00247-00080910-00081278 philosophers
Cp71uwX9CmE-00248-00081279-00082034 topic see also outline of philosophy of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00249-00082035-00082307 artificial intelligence list of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00250-00082308-00082619 important publications in philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00251-00082620-00082955 index of philosophy index of philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00252-00082956-00083291 of science articles unsolved problems in
Cp71uwX9CmE-00253-00083292-00083648 philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00254-00083649-00084214 topic references
Cp71uwX9CmE-00255-00084215-00084759 topic external links
Cp71uwX9CmE-00256-00084760-00085023 taxonomy of philosophy topic outline
Cp71uwX9CmE-00257-00085024-00085232 developed by David Chalmers as the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00258-00085233-00085410 category structure for the table of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00259-00085411-00085607 contents of the philpapers academic
Cp71uwX9CmE-00260-00085608-00085832 directory philpapers
Cp71uwX9CmE-00261-00085833-00086030 comprehensive directory of online
Cp71uwX9CmE-00262-00086031-00086285 philosophical articles and eBooks
Cp71uwX9CmE-00263-00086286-00086547 dictionary of philosophical terms and
Cp71uwX9CmE-00264-00086548-00086811 names guide to philosophy on the
Cp71uwX9CmE-00265-00086812-00087096 internet the internet encyclopedia of
Cp71uwX9CmE-00266-00087097-00087192 philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00267-00087193-00087569 the ISM book introducing philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00268-00087570-00087935 series by Paul Newell for beginners
Cp71uwX9CmE-00269-00087936-00088163 philosophical positions philosophy
Cp71uwX9CmE-00270-00088164-00088521 movement school theory etc
Cp71uwX9CmE-00271-00088522-00088769 the problems of philosophy by Bertrand
Cp71uwX9CmE-00272-00088770-00089030 Russell links provided to full-text
Cp71uwX9CmE-00273-00089031-00089432 Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00000-00005273-00005732 you can't really get to the bottom of
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00001-00005733-00006068 things in the world if you're traveling
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00002-00006069-00006381 with somebody else you can have a good
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00003-00006382-00006570 time and you can certainly find out a
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00004-00006570-00006768 lot and you can have a great journey of
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00005-00006769-00007395 one kind or another but the essence of
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00006-00007395-00007810 being you know a foreign environment and
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00007-00007811-00008169 becoming a part of it is that you have
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00008-00008170-00008627 to get into their world they if you've
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00009-00008628-00008888 got somebody with you that who's talking
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00010-00008889-00009380 your language there and and who is
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00011-00009381-00009866 distracting you it's more difficult it
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00012-00009867-00010458 may even become impossible the thing
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00013-00010459-00011255 about traveling alone is also that it's
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00014-00011256-00011535 very much usually very much easier for
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00015-00011536-00012030 you to get invited into strange places
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00016-00012031-00012408 and into strange situations and that's
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00017-00012409-00012774 another part of a part of it I'm not
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00018-00012775-00012974 saying this couldn't happen with two
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00019-00012975-00013397 people it can but it's generally easier
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00020-00013398-00013758 with one and and the decision to do it
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00021-00013759-00014258 is is much easier the decision to that
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00022-00014259-00014516 you have to make constantly whether
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00023-00014518-00014805 whether to go this way that way whether
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00024-00014806-00015063 to stop to start whether to you know
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00025-00015063-00015360 whatever so much more difficult if
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00026-00015361-00015883 you've got somebody else to think of so
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00027-00015884-00016661 really i think the the best journeys
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00028-00016662-00017163 made alone the other the other important
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00029-00017164-00017463 factor it's is which has more to do with
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00030-00017464-00017778 what you with what's happening to you
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00031-00017779-00017839 then
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00032-00017840-00017967 what's happening to the rest of the
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00033-00017968-00018369 world is that if you're traveling alone
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00034-00018370-00018850 you can afford to change if you're with
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00035-00018851-00019321 somebody who knows you very well it's
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00036-00019322-00019659 really quite difficult to one day to
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00037-00019660-00019905 become somebody different they say well
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00038-00019906-00020211 that you're you know you're the you
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00039-00020212-00020383 always like coffee in the morning like
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00040-00020384-00020766 why aren't you drinking coffee you you
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00041-00020767-00021230 you need to wash you look dirty your
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00042-00021231-00021759 your breath smells you know all sorts of
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00043-00021760-00022059 things that private things there about
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00044-00022060-00022516 you that this other person knows make
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00045-00022517-00022800 you always fall back on this self
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00046-00022801-00023244 consciousness but the the real the real
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00047-00023245-00023749 gift of my first journey to me was to
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00048-00023750-00024030 lose that self-consciousness so that I
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00049-00024031-00024700 could I could afford to become somebody
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00050-00024701-00025293 much simpler much less involved in how I
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00051-00025294-00025746 was looking or sounding or whether I had
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00052-00025747-00026346 a thought I was shaved or not or whether
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00053-00026347-00026790 I looked like it it didn't matter what I
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00054-00026791-00027256 looked like I was sufficiently content
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00055-00027257-00027462 with myself because I managed to get
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00056-00027463-00027639 there on this motorcycle and that was
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00057-00027640-00027868 really all that matters as far as I was
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00058-00027869-00028386 concerned so I didn't care what people
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00059-00028387-00028839 might think because they would see me
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00060-00028840-00029187 for what I was and they did and and I
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00061-00029188-00029473 never can ever remember anybody coming
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00062-00029474-00029758 up and saying something like oh you know
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00063-00029758-00030012 no you know no good your nose is too
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00064-00030013-00030250 pointed or your you've got narrow
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00065-00030251-00030493 shoulders or your all the things that I
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00066-00030494-00030880 might be sensitive about if you know
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00067-00030881-00030980 back home in
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00068-00030981-00031436 in London or France never became a part
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00069-00031437-00032105 of my internal dialogue at all so as a
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00070-00032106-00032492 result of that your relationships with
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00071-00032493-00032794 people become quite different and and
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00072-00032795-00033121 that's where the beginning of a real
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00073-00033122-00033701 growth process begins you start to you
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00074-00033702-00034184 start to to take your own reality for
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00075-00034185-00034421 granted and a real sense of confidence
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00076-00034422-00034781 that you have an absolute right to be on
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00077-00034782-00035225 this earth and and and with these people
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00078-00035226-00035411 and they and they respond to that
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00079-00035412-00035867 immediately and you and you have a an
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00080-00035868-00036230 almost instant connection that doesn't
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00081-00036231-00036740 depend on some kind of transaction that
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00082-00036741-00036946 you might be making like you know you I
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00083-00036947-00037175 I've dressed up to make myself look good
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00084-00037176-00037361 to you and now it's your turn to do
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00085-00037362-00037877 something for me and and it all of that
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00086-00037878-00038240 just goes away and things fall into your
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00087-00038241-00038804 lap and and from then from that point on
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00088-00038805-00039185 you see people much more clearly you're
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00089-00039186-00039452 a much better idea who's good and who
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00090-00039453-00039608 isn't and actually pretty much
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00091-00039609-00039986 everyone's good the other thing about
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00092-00039987-00040421 turning up turning up like that is that
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00093-00040422-00040921 if you are there because you want to be
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00094-00040922-00041276 there and it's and and and it's obvious
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00095-00041277-00041594 that you're doing something that you
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00096-00041595-00041824 really want to do and it's very personal
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00097-00041825-00042404 people behave really well and and you
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00098-00042405-00042695 bring out the best in them and they you
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00099-00042696-00042917 know it can last for days people will
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00100-00042918-00043220 behave in a way that is much better than
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00101-00043221-00043490 their normal behavior and I know this is
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00102-00043491-00043733 true because they're very thankful for
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00103-00043734-00044057 this opportunity to be better people and
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00104-00044058-00044307 I found this out when I
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00105-00044308-00044604 around the second time and met people
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00106-00044605-00044912 that I had met the first time and they
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00107-00044913-00045317 were it and even after 28 years they
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00108-00045318-00045686 they were really emotional about the
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00109-00045687-00045948 fact that that they met me the first
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00110-00045949-00046286 time and here I was again and I i made
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00111-00046287-00046523 it done done something to their lives
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00112-00046524-00046811 which at the time I didn't realize at
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00113-00046812-00047327 all but I I know it I know it was so so
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00114-00047328-00047780 so you do good you do good as you go it
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00115-00047781-00048024 does you good everything is better gets
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00116-00048025-00048498 better and for that reason in a way it's
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00117-00048499-00048774 much easier to say goodbye to people as
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00118-00048775-00049286 well I am amazed at the number of people
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00119-00049287-00049793 I've said goodbye to and and some people
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00120-00049794-00049992 can't say goodbye at all I think here in
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00121-00049993-00050186 Spain nobody can say goodbye to anyone
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00122-00050187-00050574 it goes on browse but that's a bit of a
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00123-00050575-00051350 joke hey soul sista the difficulty of
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00124-00051351-00051608 that people have a saying goodbye is
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00125-00051609-00051825 often that they're afraid they will
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00126-00051826-00052070 never see this person again right and
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00127-00052071-00052268 that and that often was the case for me
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00128-00052269-00052562 but but I always had this feeling that
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00129-00052563-00052848 they were they were going to be part of
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00130-00052849-00053298 my life and and I never lost that
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00131-00053299-00053666 feeling so so it wasn't really good bye
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00132-00053667-00054067 it was just try out of their cheese and
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00133-00054069-00054401 till the next time it was a very nice
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00134-00054402-00055239 feeling and and sometimes it came true
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00135-00055240-00056335 you
Cpoz-PGx0TY-00136-00056336-00056541 you
CQNoaIUXkJM-00000-00001166-00001427 hey everyone this is mish Michelle
CQNoaIUXkJM-00001-00001428-00001565 Schneider Chief strategistam
CQNoaIUXkJM-00002-00001566-00001787 marketgage.com and we're going to do a
CQNoaIUXkJM-00003-00001788-00001967 quick run through a very interesting
CQNoaIUXkJM-00004-00001968-00002225 time in the markets right here in the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00005-00002226-00002537 U.S especially on the heels of so many
CQNoaIUXkJM-00006-00002538-00002758 economic stats that are coming out this
CQNoaIUXkJM-00007-00002759-00003083 week earnings also still continuing and
CQNoaIUXkJM-00008-00003084-00003317 on top of that we have the fomc meeting
CQNoaIUXkJM-00009-00003318-00003677 so what is so interesting to me as as
CQNoaIUXkJM-00010-00003678-00003886 first for public news today with JP
CQNoaIUXkJM-00011-00003888-00004097 Morgan everything that's come out about
CQNoaIUXkJM-00012-00004098-00004361 the market has been incredibly absorbed
CQNoaIUXkJM-00013-00004362-00004661 by several of the indices not all of the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00014-00004662-00004906 indices and many of the sectors not all
CQNoaIUXkJM-00015-00004907-00005081 of the sectors but we're going to focus
CQNoaIUXkJM-00016-00005082-00005320 on the strongest ones today and what to
CQNoaIUXkJM-00017-00005321-00005531 look out for so what you're looking at
CQNoaIUXkJM-00018-00005532-00005788 right here is the chart of the s p this
CQNoaIUXkJM-00019-00005789-00006011 is a daily chart obviously you can see
CQNoaIUXkJM-00020-00006012-00006161 that we've gone through the 50-day
CQNoaIUXkJM-00021-00006162-00006377 moving average this Bollinger band
CQNoaIUXkJM-00022-00006378-00006569 though is turning out to be pretty good
CQNoaIUXkJM-00023-00006570-00006851 resistance and I'll show you in a moment
CQNoaIUXkJM-00024-00006852-00007091 if we switch to a 23 month moving
CQNoaIUXkJM-00025-00007092-00007373 average cost art we can also see that
CQNoaIUXkJM-00026-00007373-00007595 420 which so many people are talking
CQNoaIUXkJM-00027-00007595-00007925 about is such a huge area of resistance
CQNoaIUXkJM-00028-00007926-00008231 so you can take this as one of two ways
CQNoaIUXkJM-00029-00008232-00008513 with a new high a high that we have not
CQNoaIUXkJM-00030-00008514-00008759 seen really since February which means
CQNoaIUXkJM-00031-00008760-00009005 it's more than a 60 plus day we could
CQNoaIUXkJM-00032-00009006-00009239 say that today was it this is the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00033-00009240-00009455 reversal pattern it tried so hard to
CQNoaIUXkJM-00034-00009456-00009719 close near the highs and instead we're
CQNoaIUXkJM-00035-00009720-00009874 going to go lower and if we open up
CQNoaIUXkJM-00036-00009875-00010096 anything lower than today's low which is
CQNoaIUXkJM-00037-00010097-00010427 4 15 27 and today I mean Monday that
CQNoaIUXkJM-00038-00010428-00010613 means at least we'll see some kind of a
CQNoaIUXkJM-00039-00010614-00010871 support around 410 but under that we're
CQNoaIUXkJM-00040-00010872-00011105 going back down and this was just some
CQNoaIUXkJM-00041-00011106-00011453 kind of a aberration in April and of
CQNoaIUXkJM-00042-00011454-00011663 course the old selling may go away which
CQNoaIUXkJM-00043-00011664-00011878 I particularly do not like that
CQNoaIUXkJM-00044-00011879-00012155 expression but also we have to look at
CQNoaIUXkJM-00045-00012156-00012359 the momentum indicated here on the daily
CQNoaIUXkJM-00046-00012360-00012538 and quite honestly even though it's
CQNoaIUXkJM-00047-00012539-00012755 rolled over a little bit it certainly
CQNoaIUXkJM-00048-00012756-00013024 hasn't shown any kind of Overboard in
CQNoaIUXkJM-00049-00013025-00013294 terms of momentum and it hasn't had any
CQNoaIUXkJM-00050-00013295-00013516 kind of mean reversion in that it hasn't
CQNoaIUXkJM-00051-00013518-00013679 cleared over the Bollinger Bands and
CQNoaIUXkJM-00052-00013680-00013919 come back through plus there's no
CQNoaIUXkJM-00053-00013919-00014207 Divergence between price and momentum as
CQNoaIUXkJM-00054-00014208-00014375 you can see we have a trip down to the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00055-00014376-00014633 50-year potential and also a trip down
CQNoaIUXkJM-00056-00014634-00014891 to the 50 here in momentum so if we just
CQNoaIUXkJM-00057-00014891-00015149 took a look at a little bit of a shorter
CQNoaIUXkJM-00058-00015150-00015358 time frame and we put up a 30 minute
CQNoaIUXkJM-00059-00015359-00015497 it's not going to look like my
CQNoaIUXkJM-00060-00015497-00015707 tradestation charts so I wouldn't
CQNoaIUXkJM-00061-00015708-00015875 necessarily pay much attention to the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00062-00015876-00016108 moving averages but what I will show you
CQNoaIUXkJM-00063-00016109-00016433 is in a 30 minute chart basis
CQNoaIUXkJM-00064-00016434-00016733 this now looks like a bit of a breakdown
CQNoaIUXkJM-00065-00016734-00017075 if we go back to um the beginning of the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00066-00017076-00017375 day with its starting and closing below
CQNoaIUXkJM-00067-00017376-00017633 slightly below where it actually opened
CQNoaIUXkJM-00068-00017634-00017885 in the first 30 minutes however if we go
CQNoaIUXkJM-00069-00017886-00018191 back to Friday's action of last week you
CQNoaIUXkJM-00070-00018192-00018358 can see that we got all kinds of support
CQNoaIUXkJM-00071-00018359-00018550 going down with the biggest support
CQNoaIUXkJM-00072-00018551-00018767 being 412. so essentially what I would
CQNoaIUXkJM-00073-00018768-00019061 do is this if this can clear
CQNoaIUXkJM-00074-00019062-00019414 back over 4 15 416 you have a really
CQNoaIUXkJM-00075-00019415-00019600 tight stop if you want to go a little
CQNoaIUXkJM-00076-00019601-00019858 wider you have a 412 stop
CQNoaIUXkJM-00077-00019859-00020147 um and see if it can get past this 417
CQNoaIUXkJM-00078-00020148-00020380 Ford 18 level you do have to sit through
CQNoaIUXkJM-00079-00020381-00020621 like I said fomc but we're looking at a
CQNoaIUXkJM-00080-00020622-00020800 quarter percent regardless and of course
CQNoaIUXkJM-00081-00020801-00020950 we'll talk about the bonds in a moment
CQNoaIUXkJM-00082-00020951-00021208 if on the other hand this comes in lower
CQNoaIUXkJM-00083-00021209-00021479 than 415. then I think that basically
CQNoaIUXkJM-00084-00021480-00021727 this last half an hour the high was 4
CQNoaIUXkJM-00085-00021728-00022067 1609 you can kind of use that last half
CQNoaIUXkJM-00086-00022068-00022469 an hour high as a stop to go short and
CQNoaIUXkJM-00087-00022470-00022744 if it breaks down onto that 14 415 level
CQNoaIUXkJM-00088-00022745-00022985 or comes in slightly lower I think you
CQNoaIUXkJM-00089-00022986-00023207 can anticipate a move at least down to
CQNoaIUXkJM-00090-00023208-00023453 412 if you are a day trader or
CQNoaIUXkJM-00091-00023454-00023693 short-term Trader if we go back to the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00092-00023694-00023957 daily chart just to look one more time I
CQNoaIUXkJM-00093-00023958-00024149 would not necessarily get short though
CQNoaIUXkJM-00094-00024150-00024413 for any kind of big position most likely
CQNoaIUXkJM-00095-00024414-00024647 it would have to show me by the end of
CQNoaIUXkJM-00096-00024648-00024935 the day that it would close underneath
CQNoaIUXkJM-00097-00024936-00025294 the low of today at 4 1527 and then you
CQNoaIUXkJM-00098-00025295-00025494 can use the high of the day which is 4
CQNoaIUXkJM-00099-00025495-00025840 17.61 as your stop area because then
CQNoaIUXkJM-00100-00025841-00026062 it's possible that the move is over I
CQNoaIUXkJM-00101-00026063-00026249 mean that's really how mix it is of
CQNoaIUXkJM-00102-00026250-00026579 course if we go to the cues
CQNoaIUXkJM-00103-00026580-00026851 foreign
CQNoaIUXkJM-00104-00026852-00027124 by the way the the formation you saw on
CQNoaIUXkJM-00105-00027125-00027335 the candlesticks on the Spy chart is a
CQNoaIUXkJM-00106-00027336-00027629 classic inverted hamadogy which often
CQNoaIUXkJM-00107-00027630-00027796 means that there was four selling and
CQNoaIUXkJM-00108-00027797-00028001 not necessarily that people are are
CQNoaIUXkJM-00109-00028002-00028187 losing their hope in the market but he
CQNoaIUXkJM-00110-00028188-00028474 has another interesting key area 328 in
CQNoaIUXkJM-00111-00028475-00028696 the queues is its 23-month moving
CQNoaIUXkJM-00112-00028697-00028889 average that is key because that would
CQNoaIUXkJM-00113-00028889-00029212 show some level of expansion not great
CQNoaIUXkJM-00114-00029213-00029405 expansion but some level of expansion if
CQNoaIUXkJM-00115-00029406-00029608 we can get through that level but in the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00116-00029610-00029824 meanwhile you can see once again the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00117-00029825-00030245 resistance of today 420 is 323.63 tells
CQNoaIUXkJM-00118-00030245-00030473 me that that's a good area to look at if
CQNoaIUXkJM-00119-00030474-00030749 we close below today's low 421 10
CQNoaIUXkJM-00120-00030750-00031079 tomorrow for more of a um longer term or
CQNoaIUXkJM-00121-00031080-00031324 I'd say more of a intermediate term type
CQNoaIUXkJM-00122-00031325-00031546 potential short with a move down to the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00123-00031547-00031774 50 momentum looking kind of similar to
CQNoaIUXkJM-00124-00031775-00032051 what we saw with the actual spy and if
CQNoaIUXkJM-00125-00032052-00032261 we go to a 30 minute chart here again
CQNoaIUXkJM-00126-00032262-00032561 never mind the moving averages but just
CQNoaIUXkJM-00127-00032562-00032885 looking at the activity of over the last
CQNoaIUXkJM-00128-00032886-00033233 um a couple of days today it actually
CQNoaIUXkJM-00129-00033234-00033412 closed higher than the low of the day
CQNoaIUXkJM-00130-00033413-00033652 number one and number two is if we just
CQNoaIUXkJM-00131-00033653-00033881 go back to the low of this day which was
CQNoaIUXkJM-00132-00033882-00034139 last week on Friday this to me would be
CQNoaIUXkJM-00133-00034140-00034427 the more significant level short term we
CQNoaIUXkJM-00134-00034428-00034601 break down under today's low let's just
CQNoaIUXkJM-00135-00034602-00034895 go through that again 420 321 you're
CQNoaIUXkJM-00136-00034896-00035117 looking at possibly a nice little pop to
CQNoaIUXkJM-00137-00035118-00035351 the downside we get through actually
CQNoaIUXkJM-00138-00035352-00035602 today's high and we can go back that
CQNoaIUXkJM-00139-00035603-00035885 again which was about 323. it's possible
CQNoaIUXkJM-00140-00035886-00036059 this Market's going to continue to go up
CQNoaIUXkJM-00141-00036060-00036293 on a longer term if we go back to the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00142-00036294-00036445 Daily
CQNoaIUXkJM-00143-00036446-00036695 with this type of formation against the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00144-00036696-00036862 Bollinger band if we can take out the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00145-00036863-00037090 highs of Monday and we still break down
CQNoaIUXkJM-00146-00037091-00037331 under the lows of today which again was
CQNoaIUXkJM-00147-00037332-00037655 321 then I would say I'll move down to
CQNoaIUXkJM-00148-00037656-00037990 about 3 8 3 10 is also very very likely
CQNoaIUXkJM-00149-00037991-00038207 and the last one to look at of course is
CQNoaIUXkJM-00150-00038208-00038423 the Dow Jones which has been amazingly
CQNoaIUXkJM-00151-00038424-00038824 strong this actually cleared at 337
CQNoaIUXkJM-00152-00038825-00039149 above its two-year moving average but it
CQNoaIUXkJM-00153-00039150-00039323 doesn't necessarily mean anything if we
CQNoaIUXkJM-00154-00039324-00039551 can't get everybody else to join in but
CQNoaIUXkJM-00155-00039552-00039833 another 60 plus day high this was an
CQNoaIUXkJM-00156-00039834-00040157 incredibly pivotal day 60 plus day high
CQNoaIUXkJM-00157-00040158-00040433 reversal close near the lows again the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00158-00040434-00040762 low today 340 26. if this breaks down
CQNoaIUXkJM-00159-00040763-00041057 under 340 26 particularly if it closes
CQNoaIUXkJM-00160-00041058-00041273 under there tomorrow and that's possible
CQNoaIUXkJM-00161-00041274-00041477 we could see generally the way we look
CQNoaIUXkJM-00162-00041478-00041830 at these reversals is about a 10 move
CQNoaIUXkJM-00163-00041831-00042040 give or take anywhere between say five
CQNoaIUXkJM-00164-00042041-00042245 and ten percent move lower so you take
CQNoaIUXkJM-00165-00042246-00042490 the high which is 342.
CQNoaIUXkJM-00166-00042491-00042712 ten percent of that is about thirty four
CQNoaIUXkJM-00167-00042713-00042851 dollars now all of a sudden you're
CQNoaIUXkJM-00168-00042852-00043061 talking about 308 that would be a
CQNoaIUXkJM-00169-00043062-00043271 dramatic move five percent of course
CQNoaIUXkJM-00170-00043272-00043661 would give you more like uh uh 330 which
CQNoaIUXkJM-00171-00043662-00043859 or back another test down to around the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00172-00043860-00044140 50-day moving average okay so that's it
CQNoaIUXkJM-00173-00044141-00044374 for the indices however I do have to
CQNoaIUXkJM-00174-00044375-00044783 show you very quickly iwm because iwm is
CQNoaIUXkJM-00175-00044784-00044980 not having it this where I just showed
CQNoaIUXkJM-00176-00044981-00045262 you all the other indices above their
CQNoaIUXkJM-00177-00045263-00045508 moving averages this is actually not
CQNoaIUXkJM-00178-00045509-00045683 only below their moving averages but
CQNoaIUXkJM-00179-00045684-00045989 with the death cross it is actually in a
CQNoaIUXkJM-00180-00045990-00046324 bearish phase this to me is very key and
CQNoaIUXkJM-00181-00046325-00046523 also something to watch will give you a
CQNoaIUXkJM-00182-00046524-00046840 clue as to whether spy and cues and
CQNoaIUXkJM-00183-00046841-00047123 diamonds can take you up or if they're
CQNoaIUXkJM-00184-00047124-00047315 going to look around at the Russell 2000
CQNoaIUXkJM-00185-00047316-00047573 and say uh-uh never mind economy's too
CQNoaIUXkJM-00186-00047574-00047789 weak and the FED has done too much
CQNoaIUXkJM-00187-00047790-00048046 damage and regardless of what they do on
CQNoaIUXkJM-00188-00048047-00048202 Wednesday it's still going to hurt the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00189-00048203-00048485 market if this can't get up through one
CQNoaIUXkJM-00190-00048486-00048851 80 181 and starts to break down under
CQNoaIUXkJM-00191-00048852-00049217 170. I can tell you that on the 23-month
CQNoaIUXkJM-00192-00049218-00049379 moving average which is all the way up
CQNoaIUXkJM-00193-00049380-00049612 here we'd be much more concerned about
CQNoaIUXkJM-00194-00049613-00049846 the 80 month moving average because that
CQNoaIUXkJM-00195-00049847-00050086 is a six to seven year business cycle
CQNoaIUXkJM-00196-00050087-00050296 and it would say that in terms of the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00197-00050297-00050483 small Caps or the companies that are
CQNoaIUXkJM-00198-00050484-00050717 actually present within the United
CQNoaIUXkJM-00199-00050718-00050839 States
CQNoaIUXkJM-00200-00050840-00051155 manufacturing and creating Goods within
CQNoaIUXkJM-00201-00051156-00051366 the United States are looking more
CQNoaIUXkJM-00202-00051367-00051587 recessionary and that would definitely
CQNoaIUXkJM-00203-00051588-00051754 spell some trouble of course the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00204-00051755-00051929 momentum is agreeing with us here
CQNoaIUXkJM-00205-00051929-00052126 because you can see the momentum is now
CQNoaIUXkJM-00206-00052127-00052354 below the 50 and below the 200-day
CQNoaIUXkJM-00207-00052355-00052565 moving average with lots of room to the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00208-00052566-00052792 downside
CQNoaIUXkJM-00209-00052794-00053200 and lastly this is the uh tlts this is
CQNoaIUXkJM-00210-00053201-00053482 the 20 plus year long bonds and often we
CQNoaIUXkJM-00211-00053483-00053692 say when they're doing well it's usually
CQNoaIUXkJM-00212-00053694-00053866 in some kind of a recessionary time
CQNoaIUXkJM-00213-00053867-00054054 because they can be a flight to safety
CQNoaIUXkJM-00214-00054055-00054311 instead you can see today the yields
CQNoaIUXkJM-00215-00054312-00054473 actually went up so the yields have been
CQNoaIUXkJM-00216-00054474-00054791 extremely volatile also in terms of the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00217-00054791-00054941 interest rates for the United States
CQNoaIUXkJM-00218-00054941-00055211 this is anticipating possibly a more
CQNoaIUXkJM-00219-00055212-00055576 hawkish fin but there's a Divergence and
CQNoaIUXkJM-00220-00055577-00055763 by that I mean what's interesting to
CQNoaIUXkJM-00221-00055764-00055973 look at is we broke down under the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00222-00055974-00056165 50-day moving average and made a new low
CQNoaIUXkJM-00223-00056166-00056423 although we haven't seen since back in
CQNoaIUXkJM-00224-00056424-00056615 March not to mention the fact that you
CQNoaIUXkJM-00225-00056616-00056771 haven't quite filled the Gap but we're
CQNoaIUXkJM-00226-00056772-00057016 almost close the gap from this high here
CQNoaIUXkJM-00227-00057017-00057359 which is at 102.52 and today's low which
CQNoaIUXkJM-00228-00057360-00057700 was 102.85. if that doesn't get filled
CQNoaIUXkJM-00229-00057701-00057988 and this flips around you can thank the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00230-00057989-00058265 momentum because the divergences in that
CQNoaIUXkJM-00231-00058266-00058469 even though the momentum has come down
CQNoaIUXkJM-00232-00058470-00058685 to the 50 it's kind of sitting right
CQNoaIUXkJM-00233-00058686-00058865 there so it's possible all this was
CQNoaIUXkJM-00234-00058866-00059141 overdone maybe an overreaction if you
CQNoaIUXkJM-00235-00059141-00059303 put it all together if this thing flips
CQNoaIUXkJM-00236-00059304-00059488 back around and the momentum gets better
CQNoaIUXkJM-00237-00059489-00059825 and this Gap gets doesn't get filled I
CQNoaIUXkJM-00238-00059826-00059957 would take this as sort of a one day
CQNoaIUXkJM-00239-00059958-00060197 wonder and some fear basically that came
CQNoaIUXkJM-00240-00060198-00060437 into the market uh and again if we go
CQNoaIUXkJM-00241-00060438-00060659 back to the indices so watch those spies
CQNoaIUXkJM-00242-00060660-00060947 watch the range of today new 60 plus day
CQNoaIUXkJM-00243-00060948-00061199 high breaks down under the low of the
CQNoaIUXkJM-00244-00061200-00061366 day possibly going to get some
CQNoaIUXkJM-00245-00061367-00061535 follow-through how much follow through
CQNoaIUXkJM-00246-00061536-00061769 just look here this thing gets crunched
CQNoaIUXkJM-00247-00061770-00061997 or the faith gets too hawkish or
CQNoaIUXkJM-00248-00061998-00062165 recessionary fears or more banking
CQNoaIUXkJM-00249-00062166-00062476 failures come out there you go but I'd
CQNoaIUXkJM-00250-00062477-00062675 say forget about the news and just watch
CQNoaIUXkJM-00251-00062676-00062926 this chart watch the spy in the Q chart
CQNoaIUXkJM-00252-00062927-00063088 that I just showed you and of course
CQNoaIUXkJM-00253-00063089-00063299 watch those wrestles because if they
CQNoaIUXkJM-00254-00063300-00063599 break down under 167 it'll be really
CQNoaIUXkJM-00255-00063600-00063838 hard to make a bullish case for any of
CQNoaIUXkJM-00256-00063839-00064049 the indices and that's for me for today
CQNoaIUXkJM-00257-00064050-00064253 thanks so much for watching and bye for
CQNoaIUXkJM-00258-00064254-00064472 now
CWxMIgZq0eE-00000-00000056-00000351 welcome i'm esther allen and i teach at
CWxMIgZq0eE-00001-00000352-00000534 city university of new york
CWxMIgZq0eE-00002-00000535-00000823 with me is alison martin-powell who
CWxMIgZq0eE-00003-00000824-00001031 translates japanese literature and works
CWxMIgZq0eE-00004-00001032-00001239 with the penn translation committee
CWxMIgZq0eE-00005-00001240-00001431 she and i are co-organizers of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00006-00001432-00001726 translating future and today
CWxMIgZq0eE-00007-00001727-00002118 is our super duper final finale
CWxMIgZq0eE-00008-00002119-00002567 grand marquis extravaganza event
CWxMIgZq0eE-00009-00002568-00002807 yes thank you esther and thank you all
CWxMIgZq0eE-00010-00002808-00002910 for joining us
CWxMIgZq0eE-00011-00002911-00003087 for what was always meant to be the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00012-00003088-00003295 highlight of this conference
CWxMIgZq0eE-00013-00003296-00003535 today's event a flight of tokachi
CWxMIgZq0eE-00014-00003536-00003647 translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-00015-00003647-00003943 which in case you didn't know the the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00016-00003944-00004070 group word for
CWxMIgZq0eE-00017-00004071-00004311 tokarchik translators is a flight has
CWxMIgZq0eE-00018-00004312-00004502 taken area forms
CWxMIgZq0eE-00019-00004503-00004695 for the originally intended in-person
CWxMIgZq0eE-00020-00004696-00004838 conference we thought we were being
CWxMIgZq0eE-00021-00004839-00004902 ambitious
CWxMIgZq0eE-00022-00004903-00005127 by inviting five of olga tarkachek's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00023-00005128-00005295 translators to new york to appear
CWxMIgZq0eE-00024-00005296-00005383 together
CWxMIgZq0eE-00025-00005384-00005551 mind you we began planning this before
CWxMIgZq0eE-00026-00005552-00005727 she won the nobel prize in literature
CWxMIgZq0eE-00027-00005728-00005886 last fall
CWxMIgZq0eE-00028-00005887-00006086 then once we transitioned to this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00029-00006087-00006206 virtual format
CWxMIgZq0eE-00030-00006207-00006406 it was jennifer croft one of her english
CWxMIgZq0eE-00031-00006408-00006678 translators who encouraged us to go big
CWxMIgZq0eE-00032-00006679-00006975 and now this morning which is variously
CWxMIgZq0eE-00033-00006976-00007055 afternoon
CWxMIgZq0eE-00034-00007056-00007246 evening and night for the translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-00035-00007247-00007463 gathered here we've assembled ten
CWxMIgZq0eE-00036-00007464-00007670 of olga's translators to take part in a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00037-00007672-00007870 conversation about the joys and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00038-00007872-00007942 challenges
CWxMIgZq0eE-00039-00007943-00008103 of bringing her work into their
CWxMIgZq0eE-00040-00008104-00008319 languages for readers all around the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00041-00008320-00008487 world
CWxMIgZq0eE-00042-00008488-00008735 translating the future commemorates the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00043-00008736-00008959 50th anniversary of the world of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00044-00008960-00009046 translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00045-00009047-00009263 a conference that took place in new york
CWxMIgZq0eE-00046-00009264-00009471 in may of 1970
CWxMIgZq0eE-00047-00009472-00009639 and was billed as the first
CWxMIgZq0eE-00048-00009640-00009846 international conference on literary
CWxMIgZq0eE-00049-00009847-00009951 translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00050-00009952-00010310 held in the united states the 1970
CWxMIgZq0eE-00051-00010311-00010438 conference featured
CWxMIgZq0eE-00052-00010439-00010719 isaac bashevis singer who had not yet
CWxMIgZq0eE-00053-00010720-00010895 been awarded the nobel prize
CWxMIgZq0eE-00054-00010896-00011191 at that point we wonder who among the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00055-00011192-00011446 participants in the 2020 conference
CWxMIgZq0eE-00056-00011447-00011846 may eventually receive those laurels
CWxMIgZq0eE-00057-00011847-00012119 we are very fortunate today to have as
CWxMIgZq0eE-00058-00012120-00012374 our moderator susan harris
CWxMIgZq0eE-00059-00012375-00012574 the editorial director of the online
CWxMIgZq0eE-00060-00012575-00012774 magazine words without borders the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00061-00012775-00013015 essential online magazine words without
CWxMIgZq0eE-00062-00013016-00013135 borders
CWxMIgZq0eE-00063-00013136-00013358 and the first editor to publish olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-00064-00013359-00013575 takartik's work in english translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00065-00013576-00013855 in the united states she acquired house
CWxMIgZq0eE-00066-00013856-00013911 of day
CWxMIgZq0eE-00067-00013912-00014191 house of night in antonia lloyd jones's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00068-00014191-00014294 translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00069-00014295-00014535 for northwestern university press way
CWxMIgZq0eE-00070-00014536-00014838 back in 2003
CWxMIgZq0eE-00071-00014840-00015047 susan barely blinked when we asked her
CWxMIgZq0eE-00072-00015047-00015271 to conduct a zoom conversation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00073-00015272-00015575 among 10 people working in multiple
CWxMIgZq0eE-00074-00015576-00015791 languages and joining us from across
CWxMIgZq0eE-00075-00015791-00016086 multiple countries the translators will
CWxMIgZq0eE-00076-00016087-00016263 introduce themselves when the program
CWxMIgZq0eE-00077-00016263-00016366 begins
CWxMIgZq0eE-00078-00016368-00016535 we also encourage you to read each of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00079-00016536-00016743 their bios on the center for the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00080-00016744-00017071 humanities website
CWxMIgZq0eE-00081-00017072-00017279 we are grateful to have several sponsors
CWxMIgZq0eE-00082-00017280-00017407 for this conversation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00083-00017408-00017671 and would like to offer sincere thanks
CWxMIgZq0eE-00084-00017672-00017847 to the princeton university program in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00085-00017848-00017991 translation and intercultural
CWxMIgZq0eE-00086-00017992-00018150 communication
CWxMIgZq0eE-00087-00018151-00018311 boston university center for the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00088-00018312-00018583 humanities and its newly launched mfa in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00089-00018584-00018775 literary translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00090-00018776-00018975 the east central european center at
CWxMIgZq0eE-00091-00018976-00019143 columbia university
CWxMIgZq0eE-00092-00019144-00019294 and the polish cultural institute new
CWxMIgZq0eE-00093-00019295-00019479 york for their generous support of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00094-00019480-00019647 today's program
CWxMIgZq0eE-00095-00019648-00019871 we will soon hear welcoming remarks from
CWxMIgZq0eE-00096-00019872-00020119 the director of pci and why
CWxMIgZq0eE-00097-00020120-00020494 robert janovsky as always
CWxMIgZq0eE-00098-00020495-00020671 today's conversation will be followed by
CWxMIgZq0eE-00099-00020672-00020830 a q a please
CWxMIgZq0eE-00100-00020831-00021158 email your questions for any or all of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00101-00021159-00021439 the tokarta translators and for susan
CWxMIgZq0eE-00102-00021440-00021863 to translatingthefuture2020 at gmail.com
CWxMIgZq0eE-00103-00021864-00022078 we'll keep questions anonymous unless
CWxMIgZq0eE-00104-00022079-00022239 you know that you would like us to read
CWxMIgZq0eE-00105-00022240-00022471 your name
CWxMIgZq0eE-00106-00022472-00022655 translating the future is convened by
CWxMIgZq0eE-00107-00022656-00022855 pen america's translation committee
CWxMIgZq0eE-00108-00022856-00023047 which advocates on behalf of literary
CWxMIgZq0eE-00109-00023048-00023278 translators working to foster a wider
CWxMIgZq0eE-00110-00023279-00023430 understanding of their art
CWxMIgZq0eE-00111-00023431-00023622 and offering professional resources for
CWxMIgZq0eE-00112-00023623-00023822 translators publishers
CWxMIgZq0eE-00113-00023823-00024111 critics bloggers and others with an
CWxMIgZq0eE-00114-00024112-00024375 interest in international literature
CWxMIgZq0eE-00115-00024376-00024558 the committee is currently co-chaired by
CWxMIgZq0eE-00116-00024559-00024814 lynne miller lachman and larissa kaiser
CWxMIgZq0eE-00117-00024815-00024967 for more information look for
CWxMIgZq0eE-00118-00024968-00025342 translation resources at penn.org
CWxMIgZq0eE-00119-00025343-00025550 for those unable to join us for today's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00120-00025551-00025711 live stream or any of the other
CWxMIgZq0eE-00121-00025712-00025855 conference programs
CWxMIgZq0eE-00122-00025856-00026167 recordings are and will remain posted on
CWxMIgZq0eE-00123-00026168-00026318 the howl round and center for the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00124-00026319-00026455 humanities sites
CWxMIgZq0eE-00125-00026456-00026758 as well as on pens archive
CWxMIgZq0eE-00126-00026760-00026990 before we turn things over to robert
CWxMIgZq0eE-00127-00026991-00027262 we'd like to offer our undying gratitude
CWxMIgZq0eE-00128-00027263-00027583 for this final time to our partners at
CWxMIgZq0eE-00129-00027583-00027735 the center for the humanities at the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00130-00027736-00027902 graduate center cuny
CWxMIgZq0eE-00131-00027904-00028158 the martin e siegel theater center the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00132-00028160-00028358 coleman center for scholars and writers
CWxMIgZq0eE-00133-00028360-00028558 at the new york public library
CWxMIgZq0eE-00134-00028560-00028895 and pen america and to our dear friends
CWxMIgZq0eE-00135-00028895-00029151 at hal round in particular the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00136-00029152-00029358 inestimably wonderful travis
CWxMIgZq0eE-00137-00029360-00029623 amiel whose superb work for the past
CWxMIgZq0eE-00138-00029624-00029702 four months
CWxMIgZq0eE-00139-00029704-00029990 has made these live streams possible and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00140-00029991-00030046 now
CWxMIgZq0eE-00141-00030047-00030383 over to robert schaznowski of the polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-00142-00030383-00030814 cultural institute new york
CWxMIgZq0eE-00143-00030816-00031158 hello everybody thank you esther
CWxMIgZq0eE-00144-00031160-00031527 thank you alison for your warm welcome
CWxMIgZq0eE-00145-00031527-00031862 um i'd like to to very warm
CWxMIgZq0eE-00146-00031863-00032143 thank to the organizers of the today's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00147-00032144-00032390 event pan america translating committee
CWxMIgZq0eE-00148-00032391-00032518 as well as our
CWxMIgZq0eE-00149-00032519-00032727 partners which names were already
CWxMIgZq0eE-00150-00032727-00032911 mentioned
CWxMIgZq0eE-00151-00032912-00033255 uh so um well i i would like to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00152-00033256-00033551 to to say that it is really really great
CWxMIgZq0eE-00153-00033552-00033631 to be here
CWxMIgZq0eE-00154-00033632-00033959 among people who really love literature
CWxMIgZq0eE-00155-00033960-00034318 and from my personal record i must tell
CWxMIgZq0eE-00156-00034319-00034374 you that
CWxMIgZq0eE-00157-00034375-00034687 many years ago i tried to be as close to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00158-00034688-00034951 literature as possible so when i was a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00159-00034952-00035023 student i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00160-00035024-00035279 i decided to be a literature critic and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00161-00035280-00035390 one of the first
CWxMIgZq0eE-00162-00035391-00035583 books that i tried to write something
CWxMIgZq0eE-00163-00035584-00035727 about was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00164-00035728-00036055 all got to cartrick's first novel which
CWxMIgZq0eE-00165-00036056-00036359 was called the journey of the people of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00166-00036360-00036718 of the book i think that it is
CWxMIgZq0eE-00167-00036719-00036983 worth reminding this this her first
CWxMIgZq0eE-00168-00036984-00037159 novel because
CWxMIgZq0eE-00169-00037160-00037479 there were some some motives which
CWxMIgZq0eE-00170-00037480-00037879 tends to be repetitive they
CWxMIgZq0eE-00171-00037880-00038223 they tend to to recurrent in her
CWxMIgZq0eE-00172-00038224-00038415 following works no matter
CWxMIgZq0eE-00173-00038416-00038735 which gender she chose as a tool for her
CWxMIgZq0eE-00174-00038736-00038927 writings
CWxMIgZq0eE-00175-00038928-00039383 so one of the motives of the motives
CWxMIgZq0eE-00176-00039384-00039823 traveling another one is
CWxMIgZq0eE-00177-00039824-00040223 is literature itself um the book
CWxMIgZq0eE-00178-00040224-00040535 so it is a kind of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00179-00040536-00040902 a mirror that
CWxMIgZq0eE-00180-00040903-00041223 that gathers not only personal human
CWxMIgZq0eE-00181-00041224-00041399 experience but a kind of collective
CWxMIgZq0eE-00182-00041400-00041599 memory kind of collective
CWxMIgZq0eE-00183-00041600-00041815 human experience probably it has
CWxMIgZq0eE-00184-00041816-00041983 something to do with
CWxMIgZq0eE-00185-00041984-00042407 the philosophy of carl gustav fiong
CWxMIgZq0eE-00186-00042408-00042758 um in this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00187-00042759-00042999 in this vision of of of literature as
CWxMIgZq0eE-00188-00043000-00043062 something
CWxMIgZq0eE-00189-00043063-00043335 really really important which gives a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00190-00043336-00043502 kind of very very deep
CWxMIgZq0eE-00191-00043503-00043807 insight into um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00192-00043808-00044223 into human or humanity
CWxMIgZq0eE-00193-00044224-00044590 soul the role of of translators is
CWxMIgZq0eE-00194-00044591-00044767 obviously very much important
CWxMIgZq0eE-00195-00044768-00045207 important they are a kind of carriers of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00196-00045208-00045446 books carriers of literature from one
CWxMIgZq0eE-00197-00045447-00045655 language door to another so i think that
CWxMIgZq0eE-00198-00045656-00045846 in case of this particular
CWxMIgZq0eE-00199-00045847-00046223 author olga karczuk uh your role is
CWxMIgZq0eE-00200-00046224-00046551 very much appreciated i hope that that
CWxMIgZq0eE-00201-00046552-00046599 show
CWxMIgZq0eE-00202-00046600-00046839 today's discussion will be very fruitful
CWxMIgZq0eE-00203-00046840-00047007 and i'm looking forward to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00204-00047008-00047311 to listen to to it and now i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00205-00047312-00047886 i i'm giving the virtual floor to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00206-00047887-00049311 susan harris thank you very much
CWxMIgZq0eE-00207-00049312-00049679 thank you robert and thank you alison
CWxMIgZq0eE-00208-00049680-00049918 and esther for arranging this wonderful
CWxMIgZq0eE-00209-00049919-00049990 event
CWxMIgZq0eE-00210-00049991-00050286 um with our our flight of of polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-00211-00050287-00050399 translators of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00212-00050400-00050623 takarchik translators as alison said
CWxMIgZq0eE-00213-00050624-00050735 that is the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00214-00050736-00051039 collective nab for them um olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-00215-00051040-00051190 takarczyk's work is
CWxMIgZq0eE-00216-00051191-00051479 read all over the world of course but
CWxMIgZq0eE-00217-00051479-00051742 according to statistics compiled by the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00218-00051744-00052046 polish literary translators association
CWxMIgZq0eE-00219-00052047-00052503 a total of 193 translations exist
CWxMIgZq0eE-00220-00052504-00052847 by as many as 90 translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-00221-00052848-00053254 into 37 languages the first takardship
CWxMIgZq0eE-00222-00053255-00053454 book to be translated was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00223-00053455-00053894 ee translated into english in 1996
CWxMIgZq0eE-00224-00053895-00054191 and the most recent is playing many
CWxMIgZq0eE-00225-00054191-00054303 drums
CWxMIgZq0eE-00226-00054304-00054663 published last year in albanian
CWxMIgZq0eE-00227-00054664-00054942 to open our conversation wonderfully we
CWxMIgZq0eE-00228-00054944-00055054 have a message from
CWxMIgZq0eE-00229-00055055-00055279 olga takarchak herself to the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00230-00055279-00055423 participants
CWxMIgZq0eE-00231-00055424-00055703 translated into english by antonia lloyd
CWxMIgZq0eE-00232-00055704-00055871 jones
CWxMIgZq0eE-00233-00055872-00056191 my dear friends i'm very happy to know
CWxMIgZq0eE-00234-00056191-00056526 that i am the inspiration for your event
CWxMIgZq0eE-00235-00056527-00056766 the mere fact that i can connect people
CWxMIgZq0eE-00236-00056767-00056999 from a wide range of countries
CWxMIgZq0eE-00237-00057000-00057303 of different ages and with various likes
CWxMIgZq0eE-00238-00057304-00057382 and interests
CWxMIgZq0eE-00239-00057383-00057671 is a source of great joy for me a real
CWxMIgZq0eE-00240-00057672-00057799 compliment
CWxMIgZq0eE-00241-00057800-00058030 literature really does have the power to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00242-00058032-00058142 unite
CWxMIgZq0eE-00243-00058144-00058399 we're the living proof of it i hope
CWxMIgZq0eE-00244-00058400-00058566 you'll have a wonderful time
CWxMIgZq0eE-00245-00058567-00058894 i'll be with you in spirit love and best
CWxMIgZq0eE-00246-00058895-00059054 wishes from my travels
CWxMIgZq0eE-00247-00059055-00059407 olga now each of our translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-00248-00059408-00059711 will introduce himself or herself the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00249-00059712-00059775 language
CWxMIgZq0eE-00250-00059776-00059966 from which he or she translate into
CWxMIgZq0eE-00251-00059967-00060175 which he or she translates
CWxMIgZq0eE-00252-00060176-00060399 and we'll say a bit about what brought
CWxMIgZq0eE-00253-00060400-00060559 each of them to polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-00254-00060560-00060759 and how they started translating oga to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00255-00060760-00060903 kharchuk's work
CWxMIgZq0eE-00256-00060904-00061254 first up is another olga oga bhaginshka
CWxMIgZq0eE-00257-00061255-00061879 shinzato who translates into portuguese
CWxMIgZq0eE-00258-00061879-00062223 hello um good morning everybody good
CWxMIgZq0eE-00259-00062224-00062399 afternoon as well
CWxMIgZq0eE-00260-00062400-00062703 um my name is olga baginskasato and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00261-00062704-00062982 translate to brazilian portuguese
CWxMIgZq0eE-00262-00062983-00063287 um i'm also a brazilian i'm a translator
CWxMIgZq0eE-00263-00063288-00063687 um i teach at the university of warsaw
CWxMIgZq0eE-00264-00063688-00064079 i teach brazilian literature um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00265-00064079-00064406 and my adventure with olga torkarchuk's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00266-00064407-00064535 work
CWxMIgZq0eE-00267-00064536-00064775 started a few years ago actually it
CWxMIgZq0eE-00268-00064776-00064894 started with some
CWxMIgZq0eE-00269-00064895-00065303 i would say fascination with her work um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00270-00065304-00065631 and the sort of affinity um on the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00271-00065632-00065894 outlook of the world of life of crossing
CWxMIgZq0eE-00272-00065895-00066015 borders
CWxMIgZq0eE-00273-00066016-00066367 um and um that fascination
CWxMIgZq0eE-00274-00066368-00066591 led me to the books of jacob and i think
CWxMIgZq0eE-00275-00066592-00066735 that everything started with the books
CWxMIgZq0eE-00276-00066736-00066847 of jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-00277-00066848-00067119 i just um just as olga said that when
CWxMIgZq0eE-00278-00067120-00067255 she was writing the book
CWxMIgZq0eE-00279-00067256-00067463 it seemed that the whole world was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00280-00067464-00067623 helping her write the book that the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00281-00067624-00067767 world needed
CWxMIgZq0eE-00282-00067768-00068119 the books of jacob to to be
CWxMIgZq0eE-00283-00068120-00068526 to be written and at some point i had a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00284-00068527-00068863 feeling that brazil also um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00285-00068864-00069182 i don't know if needed or it just um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00286-00069183-00069375 i needed to get to know olga and um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00287-00069376-00069591 needed to get to know olga's work
CWxMIgZq0eE-00288-00069592-00069855 so um i did a sample translation of the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00289-00069856-00070023 books of jacob and i think that's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00290-00070024-00070335 how everything started as to the polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-00291-00070336-00070415 language well
CWxMIgZq0eE-00292-00070416-00070791 um i'm polish so brazilian portuguese is
CWxMIgZq0eE-00293-00070792-00070879 my
CWxMIgZq0eE-00294-00070880-00071062 i would say the language of my heart and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00295-00071063-00071238 my soul
CWxMIgZq0eE-00296-00071239-00071559 and the language that i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00297-00071560-00071950 best can communicate in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00298-00071951-00072191 and um i think that's that's that's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00299-00072192-00072262 that's it
CWxMIgZq0eE-00300-00072263-00072631 so thank you thank you olga next up will
CWxMIgZq0eE-00301-00072632-00072855 be jennifer croft who translates into
CWxMIgZq0eE-00302-00072856-00073126 english one of one of olga takarchuk's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00303-00073127-00073167 two
CWxMIgZq0eE-00304-00073168-00073582 translators into english
CWxMIgZq0eE-00305-00073583-00073806 thank you susan and before i say
CWxMIgZq0eE-00306-00073807-00074071 anything about me i just want to say how
CWxMIgZq0eE-00307-00074072-00074271 much i have appreciated this really
CWxMIgZq0eE-00308-00074272-00074375 magnificent
CWxMIgZq0eE-00309-00074376-00074582 summer of fascinating programs on
CWxMIgZq0eE-00310-00074583-00074703 translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00311-00074704-00074911 that allison mark and powell and esther
CWxMIgZq0eE-00312-00074912-00075047 allen have organized
CWxMIgZq0eE-00313-00075048-00075306 so brilliantly and so industrially
CWxMIgZq0eE-00314-00075307-00075526 industriously sorry
CWxMIgZq0eE-00315-00075527-00075782 um and it's just it's been such a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00316-00075783-00075926 dispiriting time and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00317-00075927-00076094 and this is this has been an
CWxMIgZq0eE-00318-00076095-00076271 unprecedented opportunity for
CWxMIgZq0eE-00319-00076272-00076462 collaboration and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00320-00076463-00076799 fascinating um discussion
CWxMIgZq0eE-00321-00076800-00077047 every every week so i can't really say
CWxMIgZq0eE-00322-00077048-00077215 how much i've appreciated it but i know
CWxMIgZq0eE-00323-00077216-00077335 a lot of people feel
CWxMIgZq0eE-00324-00077336-00077703 similarly um and i came to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00325-00077704-00078055 polish in 2001
CWxMIgZq0eE-00326-00078056-00078406 um i don't have i grew up only speaking
CWxMIgZq0eE-00327-00078407-00078631 english but i was very interested in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00328-00078632-00078806 russian literature and when i began
CWxMIgZq0eE-00329-00078807-00078982 graduate school at the university of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00330-00078983-00079047 iowa
CWxMIgZq0eE-00331-00079048-00079303 i had the opportunity to study polish as
CWxMIgZq0eE-00332-00079304-00079423 well
CWxMIgZq0eE-00333-00079424-00079638 and i knew that i wanted to translate
CWxMIgZq0eE-00334-00079639-00079838 contemporary women's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00335-00079839-00080143 writing and i came across olga's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00336-00080144-00080311 short story collection which was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00337-00080312-00080567 published in 2001 playing mini drums
CWxMIgZq0eE-00338-00080568-00080799 in the university library and i kind of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00339-00080800-00080950 fell in love with her
CWxMIgZq0eE-00340-00080951-00081319 style and her ambitious yet very
CWxMIgZq0eE-00341-00081320-00081703 accessible um grouping of thematic
CWxMIgZq0eE-00342-00081704-00081871 interests so i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00343-00081872-00082111 um i found that antonio jones had
CWxMIgZq0eE-00344-00082112-00082238 already translated
CWxMIgZq0eE-00345-00082239-00082447 some work by olga and i immediately
CWxMIgZq0eE-00346-00082448-00082623 wrote to her to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00347-00082624-00082871 to kind of ask where she was with her
CWxMIgZq0eE-00348-00082872-00083031 translations and if there might be any
CWxMIgZq0eE-00349-00083032-00083175 room for me to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00350-00083176-00083535 translate a story um and she was so
CWxMIgZq0eE-00351-00083536-00083694 incredibly generous and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00352-00083695-00083935 ended up introducing me to olga and to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00353-00083936-00084079 many other people who have been
CWxMIgZq0eE-00354-00084080-00084438 so helpful in my career and i published
CWxMIgZq0eE-00355-00084439-00084503 my first
CWxMIgZq0eE-00356-00084504-00085023 short story in 2005.
CWxMIgZq0eE-00357-00085024-00085294 thank you jenny uh next up barbara
CWxMIgZq0eE-00358-00085295-00085791 delfino who translates into italian
CWxMIgZq0eE-00359-00085792-00086111 hello everyone i'm barbara delfino and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00360-00086112-00086479 i'm one of the three oldest italian
CWxMIgZq0eE-00361-00086480-00086647 translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-00362-00086648-00086982 i knew olga's novels when i was at the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00363-00086983-00087135 university
CWxMIgZq0eE-00364-00087136-00087438 i was studying russian and polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-00365-00087439-00087750 exactly in disorder it means russian by
CWxMIgZq0eE-00366-00087751-00087838 choice
CWxMIgZq0eE-00367-00087839-00088223 and polish by chance and at the end
CWxMIgZq0eE-00368-00088224-00088591 of my studies i wrote a dissertation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00369-00088592-00088943 on the dream dimension in the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00370-00088944-00089271 first four august novels
CWxMIgZq0eE-00371-00089272-00089655 and in my dream dimension there was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00372-00089656-00089911 the intention of becoming olga's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00373-00089912-00090087 translator
CWxMIgZq0eE-00374-00090088-00090582 and in fact i did it and the first book
CWxMIgZq0eE-00375-00090583-00090871 of olga that i translated has been
CWxMIgZq0eE-00376-00090872-00091006 flights
CWxMIgZq0eE-00377-00091007-00091343 that has the italian title ivagabondi
CWxMIgZq0eE-00378-00091344-00091550 and now in this moment i'm translating
CWxMIgZq0eE-00379-00091551-00091687 the books of jacobs
CWxMIgZq0eE-00380-00091688-00092015 that will be published i think next next
CWxMIgZq0eE-00381-00092016-00092294 next year or summer or in autumn i'm not
CWxMIgZq0eE-00382-00092295-00092482 sure
CWxMIgZq0eE-00383-00092483-00092759 um the experience of uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00384-00092760-00093055 translating all those books uh and uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00385-00093056-00093159 all
CWxMIgZq0eE-00386-00093160-00093382 what the turns around this translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00387-00093383-00093615 this experience is very
CWxMIgZq0eE-00388-00093616-00093782 amazing it's really amazing for me
CWxMIgZq0eE-00389-00093783-00093918 because in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00390-00093919-00094247 my i've never had such an experience
CWxMIgZq0eE-00391-00094248-00094615 in my 20 years of this kind of work
CWxMIgZq0eE-00392-00094616-00094887 in this in this field and i'm very happy
CWxMIgZq0eE-00393-00094888-00095038 of this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00394-00095039-00095438 and it's all thank you barbara uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00395-00095439-00095687 next christina godin who translates from
CWxMIgZq0eE-00396-00095688-00096023 romanian
CWxMIgZq0eE-00397-00096024-00096279 hello susan good morning everybody my
CWxMIgZq0eE-00398-00096280-00096382 name is christina
CWxMIgZq0eE-00399-00096383-00096694 godwin i'm olga's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00400-00096695-00097079 translator into romanian and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00401-00097080-00097382 my journey with olgato karczuk's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00402-00097383-00097743 work began in 2010
CWxMIgZq0eE-00403-00097744-00098062 with the translating of flight
CWxMIgZq0eE-00404-00098063-00098374 and has continued ever since with four
CWxMIgZq0eE-00405-00098375-00098494 other novels
CWxMIgZq0eE-00406-00098495-00098831 house of day house of night last sales
CWxMIgZq0eE-00407-00098832-00099150 um drive uh your plow through the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00408-00099151-00099382 bones of the dead and uh tales of the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00409-00099383-00099487 bizarre
CWxMIgZq0eE-00410-00099488-00099735 and i'm currently working on the books
CWxMIgZq0eE-00411-00099736-00099950 of jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-00412-00099951-00100255 um however it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00413-00100256-00100424 worth mentioning that
CWxMIgZq0eE-00414-00100425-00100591 [Music]
CWxMIgZq0eE-00415-00100592-00100831 the journey of the book of people and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00416-00100832-00101031 primeval and other stories
CWxMIgZq0eE-00417-00101032-00101294 are uh olgato karczuk's first books to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00418-00101295-00101574 be translated into romanian by uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00419-00101575-00101959 two different uh translators um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00420-00101960-00102486 so long before flight in 2001 2002.
CWxMIgZq0eE-00421-00102488-00102854 um in my case um the publishing uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00422-00102855-00103166 houses approached me so i didn't have to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00423-00103167-00103518 uh to search for a publisher um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00424-00103519-00103839 and i guess that's because at that time
CWxMIgZq0eE-00425-00103840-00104294 uh olgatokarchuk's work was already
CWxMIgZq0eE-00426-00104295-00104623 known in romanian um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00427-00104624-00104902 but there is a nine-year gap between
CWxMIgZq0eE-00428-00104903-00105183 flights and the previous translation so
CWxMIgZq0eE-00429-00105183-00105286 that's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00430-00105288-00105607 also significant
CWxMIgZq0eE-00431-00105608-00105886 that's interesting thank you christina
CWxMIgZq0eE-00432-00105888-00106127 now antonia lloyd jones
CWxMIgZq0eE-00433-00106128-00106431 uh olga takarchuk's first
CWxMIgZq0eE-00434-00106432-00106839 translator into english hello everyone
CWxMIgZq0eE-00435-00106840-00107151 from rather gloomy today warsaw
CWxMIgZq0eE-00436-00107152-00107486 um i started off as
CWxMIgZq0eE-00437-00107488-00107799 a russianist i studied russian and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00438-00107800-00108110 in 1983 i found myself in poland at the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00439-00108111-00108343 tail end of martial law
CWxMIgZq0eE-00440-00108344-00108583 and it was really rather embarrassing to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00441-00108583-00108647 be
CWxMIgZq0eE-00442-00108648-00108983 speaking in russian so i sort of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00443-00108983-00109231 accidentally fell into learning polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-00444-00109232-00109527 out of a need for political correctness
CWxMIgZq0eE-00445-00109528-00109758 in a sensitive situation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00446-00109759-00109983 and sat in a field with my friends who
CWxMIgZq0eE-00447-00109983-00110134 were agriculture students who were
CWxMIgZq0eE-00448-00110135-00110319 chasing cows around the field while i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00449-00110320-00110463 read
CWxMIgZq0eE-00450-00110464-00110766 polish and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00451-00110767-00110990 gathered mushrooms in my skirt because
CWxMIgZq0eE-00452-00110991-00111110 there was nothing to eat
CWxMIgZq0eE-00453-00111111-00111543 at the time so um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00454-00111544-00111766 i somehow something in me just clicked
CWxMIgZq0eE-00455-00111767-00111910 and i switched to polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-00456-00111911-00112207 i just graduated and i just put all my
CWxMIgZq0eE-00457-00112208-00112351 energy into trying to learn this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00458-00112352-00112463 language and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00459-00112464-00112623 didn't have much chance to study it i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00460-00112624-00112854 kind of had to teach myself
CWxMIgZq0eE-00461-00112855-00113143 and then everything in my life happens
CWxMIgZq0eE-00462-00113144-00113271 by accident
CWxMIgZq0eE-00463-00113272-00113654 and i met olga by accident because
CWxMIgZq0eE-00464-00113655-00113902 her agent in those days was a dutch
CWxMIgZq0eE-00465-00113903-00114190 publisher called adrian van reitherbike
CWxMIgZq0eE-00466-00114191-00114447 and he and his wife were good friends of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00467-00114448-00114558 olga and her husband
CWxMIgZq0eE-00468-00114559-00114751 and they had decided to buy a house in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00469-00114752-00114951 the same area where olga lived
CWxMIgZq0eE-00470-00114952-00115166 and uh he invited me to come and stay
CWxMIgZq0eE-00471-00115167-00115375 but he didn't explain that the house was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00472-00115376-00115575 actually uninhabitable and with a tree
CWxMIgZq0eE-00473-00115576-00115734 growing in the sitting room
CWxMIgZq0eE-00474-00115735-00115990 so i arrived and he picked me up and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00475-00115991-00116175 explained on the way
CWxMIgZq0eE-00476-00116176-00116343 from rockford airport out into the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00477-00116344-00116478 countryside
CWxMIgZq0eE-00478-00116479-00116686 that i couldn't actually stay at his
CWxMIgZq0eE-00479-00116688-00116815 house so he was taking me
CWxMIgZq0eE-00480-00116816-00117119 to this writer's house and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00481-00117120-00117366 the airline managed to lose my luggage
CWxMIgZq0eE-00482-00117367-00117534 so the first thing that happened to me
CWxMIgZq0eE-00483-00117535-00117607 was i met
CWxMIgZq0eE-00484-00117608-00117854 olga on the threshold of her house in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00485-00117855-00118086 crayon up in the countryside
CWxMIgZq0eE-00486-00118088-00118431 and she gave me a toothbrush
CWxMIgZq0eE-00487-00118432-00118734 a pair of pajamas and a packet of paper
CWxMIgZq0eE-00488-00118735-00118902 disposable panties
CWxMIgZq0eE-00489-00118903-00119071 and it's still a mystery to this day
CWxMIgZq0eE-00490-00119072-00119247 where they came from or how she came to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00491-00119248-00119302 have them
CWxMIgZq0eE-00492-00119303-00119639 or what on earth they were about but
CWxMIgZq0eE-00493-00119640-00119951 that was my introduction to that house
CWxMIgZq0eE-00494-00119952-00120199 and i had absolutely no idea at that
CWxMIgZq0eE-00495-00120200-00120375 point that i was ever going to be her
CWxMIgZq0eE-00496-00120376-00120519 translator
CWxMIgZq0eE-00497-00120520-00120814 but not that long after the same agent
CWxMIgZq0eE-00498-00120815-00120975 managed to sell the rights for house of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00499-00120976-00121127 day house of night to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00500-00121128-00121454 granter publishing in london and he
CWxMIgZq0eE-00501-00121455-00121566 recommended me
CWxMIgZq0eE-00502-00121567-00121783 and i came to translate that book about
CWxMIgZq0eE-00503-00121783-00121975 the house where i had been so warmly
CWxMIgZq0eE-00504-00121976-00122086 received
CWxMIgZq0eE-00505-00122088-00122390 and um that house became a part of my
CWxMIgZq0eE-00506-00122391-00122607 life and it still is because
CWxMIgZq0eE-00507-00122608-00122910 i went back summer after summer and rode
CWxMIgZq0eE-00508-00122911-00123078 all this horse around the neighborhood
CWxMIgZq0eE-00509-00123079-00123278 having strange adventures
CWxMIgZq0eE-00510-00123279-00123454 which is another whole story about being
CWxMIgZq0eE-00511-00123455-00123607 chased by a stallion i'll tell you
CWxMIgZq0eE-00512-00123608-00123734 another time
CWxMIgZq0eE-00513-00123735-00124095 not recommended and um it was really
CWxMIgZq0eE-00514-00124096-00124271 wonderful to know the house and know the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00515-00124272-00124471 place when i came to translate house of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00516-00124472-00124623 day house of night
CWxMIgZq0eE-00517-00124624-00124958 because there's so much of it infused in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00518-00124959-00125071 that book
CWxMIgZq0eE-00519-00125072-00125295 and now olga has um done a great deal of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00520-00125296-00125390 work at the house
CWxMIgZq0eE-00521-00125391-00125623 and has a organizes a big literary
CWxMIgZq0eE-00522-00125624-00125727 festival there
CWxMIgZq0eE-00523-00125728-00125871 and i think we're all going to have
CWxMIgZq0eE-00524-00125872-00126054 somewhere to stay to go and work
CWxMIgZq0eE-00525-00126055-00126375 quietly thanks to all this generosity
CWxMIgZq0eE-00526-00126376-00126639 thank you thank you antonia perhaps
CWxMIgZq0eE-00527-00126640-00126839 we'll get to the stallion story later in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00528-00126840-00127014 the in the conversation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00529-00127015-00127383 um and next up hikaru ogura who
CWxMIgZq0eE-00530-00127383-00127678 translates into japanese
CWxMIgZq0eE-00531-00127679-00127990 yes er can you hear me yes
CWxMIgZq0eE-00532-00127991-00128278 yeah hello everyone my name is
CWxMIgZq0eE-00533-00128279-00128447 hitkarogra
CWxMIgZq0eE-00534-00128448-00128654 i will briefly tell you about my first
CWxMIgZq0eE-00535-00128655-00128823 encounter with olga's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00536-00128824-00129166 works very free when i was a graduate
CWxMIgZq0eE-00537-00129167-00129390 student i had chance to teach japanese
CWxMIgZq0eE-00538-00129391-00129486 at university
CWxMIgZq0eE-00539-00129488-00129854 also as a visiting lecturer for one year
CWxMIgZq0eE-00540-00129855-00130166 and i had um after classes i had i spent
CWxMIgZq0eE-00541-00130167-00130254 lots of time
CWxMIgZq0eE-00542-00130255-00130543 uh destroying the city and i visited
CWxMIgZq0eE-00543-00130544-00130695 very early from
CWxMIgZq0eE-00544-00130696-00131127 the booty shops and at one point i saw
CWxMIgZq0eE-00545-00131128-00131487 many many copies of title uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00546-00131488-00131847 titles of central laid out in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00547-00131848-00132159 uh promotional displays in in every shop
CWxMIgZq0eE-00548-00132160-00132478 uh it was uh playing on many drums by
CWxMIgZq0eE-00549-00132479-00132583 ogatoka
CWxMIgZq0eE-00550-00132584-00132902 i didn't know her but uh i read it
CWxMIgZq0eE-00551-00132903-00133231 about 20 years ago and instinctively
CWxMIgZq0eE-00552-00133232-00133551 i knew that this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00553-00133552-00133751 author would be loved by japanese
CWxMIgZq0eE-00554-00133752-00133919 readers and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00555-00133920-00134254 that i would drop to translate her works
CWxMIgZq0eE-00556-00134255-00134631 myself yeah and after a while after
CWxMIgZq0eE-00557-00134632-00134783 return to japan
CWxMIgZq0eE-00558-00134784-00135095 uh i sent several pages from uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00559-00135096-00135239 house of the house night in my
CWxMIgZq0eE-00560-00135240-00135478 translation to a publishing house
CWxMIgZq0eE-00561-00135479-00135719 uh that was going to launch a new
CWxMIgZq0eE-00562-00135720-00135799 literature
CWxMIgZq0eE-00563-00135800-00136223 series and publishing health uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00564-00136224-00136454 like my translation and agreed to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00565-00136455-00136654 publish the book
CWxMIgZq0eE-00566-00136655-00137023 yeah so that is a house of day has
CWxMIgZq0eE-00567-00137024-00137287 night in my translation yes this is the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00568-00137288-00137471 first translation of mine
CWxMIgZq0eE-00569-00137472-00137783 and the second was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00570-00137784-00138102 flight in 2014 but
CWxMIgZq0eE-00571-00138103-00138366 before the flights i get a grant from my
CWxMIgZq0eE-00572-00138367-00138447 university
CWxMIgZq0eE-00573-00138448-00138799 and i could invite oga to japan and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00574-00138800-00139102 and my colleagues organized a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00575-00139103-00139490 lecture series in japan it was in
CWxMIgZq0eE-00576-00139491-00139878 2013. it was really fun and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00577-00139879-00140063 we hope we hope she will come back to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00578-00140064-00140199 japan very much
CWxMIgZq0eE-00579-00140200-00140502 and third was the third was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00580-00140503-00140871 the primal and other times in japanese
CWxMIgZq0eE-00581-00140872-00141063 this was published in this world
CWxMIgZq0eE-00582-00141064-00141199 published last year
CWxMIgZq0eE-00583-00141200-00141551 just after nobel prize last year so
CWxMIgZq0eE-00584-00141552-00141887 it was very good promotion for this book
CWxMIgZq0eE-00585-00141888-00142190 yes and yes and the fourth
CWxMIgZq0eE-00586-00142191-00142559 is coming coming soon in this november
CWxMIgZq0eE-00587-00142560-00142831 uh but this is polish but uh the lost
CWxMIgZq0eE-00588-00142832-00142959 soul in japanese
CWxMIgZq0eE-00589-00142960-00143319 is coming soon that's all thank you
CWxMIgZq0eE-00590-00143320-00143607 thank you thank you for inviting me
CWxMIgZq0eE-00591-00143608-00143807 thank you hicaro
CWxMIgZq0eE-00592-00143808-00144126 now up we have lisa palmers and lotar
CWxMIgZq0eE-00593-00144127-00144407 kinkenstein who translate into german
CWxMIgZq0eE-00594-00144408-00144790 together
CWxMIgZq0eE-00595-00144791-00145135 hello everyone um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00596-00145136-00145575 okay the other side yeah i thought
CWxMIgZq0eE-00597-00145576-00145790 it's better when we talk together
CWxMIgZq0eE-00598-00145791-00145878 because we have
CWxMIgZq0eE-00599-00145879-00146190 mainly the same topics my name is lisa
CWxMIgZq0eE-00600-00146191-00146535 i am translating from polish into german
CWxMIgZq0eE-00601-00146536-00146887 since 12 years already
CWxMIgZq0eE-00602-00146888-00147271 and i started to learn and study polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-00603-00147272-00147351 because i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00604-00147352-00147575 had some polish friends and started to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00605-00147576-00147871 be interested in the language and so i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00606-00147872-00148151 changed my profession and thought i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00607-00148152-00148231 could
CWxMIgZq0eE-00608-00148232-00148575 do something interesting
CWxMIgZq0eE-00609-00148576-00148926 with oligarch um of course i knew
CWxMIgZq0eE-00610-00148927-00149231 um her translations
CWxMIgZq0eE-00611-00149232-00149559 very soon but i never thought about
CWxMIgZq0eE-00612-00149560-00149678 translating
CWxMIgZq0eE-00613-00149679-00150031 her myself because she was poland was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00614-00150032-00150063 the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00615-00150064-00150302 guest country on the frankfurt book fair
CWxMIgZq0eE-00616-00150303-00150511 in the year 2000 and after that
CWxMIgZq0eE-00617-00150512-00150823 a lot of translations uh also from olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-00618-00150824-00150895 to cartoon
CWxMIgZq0eE-00619-00150896-00151126 were published and the translator was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00620-00151127-00151343 always estakinsky
CWxMIgZq0eE-00621-00151344-00151751 and she now is writing herself
CWxMIgZq0eE-00622-00151752-00152054 so when the books of jacob were
CWxMIgZq0eE-00623-00152055-00152263 looking for a translator she didn't want
CWxMIgZq0eE-00624-00152264-00152359 to do the work and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00625-00152360-00152631 uh asked me if i would be interested so
CWxMIgZq0eE-00626-00152632-00152678 i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00627-00152679-00153039 started to see if i can find a publisher
CWxMIgZq0eE-00628-00153040-00153159 in german
CWxMIgZq0eE-00629-00153160-00153471 and this is the part where lothar
CWxMIgZq0eE-00630-00153472-00153687 and i were connecting together because
CWxMIgZq0eE-00631-00153688-00153871 um after
CWxMIgZq0eE-00632-00153872-00154087 a really long time i was trying to find
CWxMIgZq0eE-00633-00154088-00154223 a publisher
CWxMIgZq0eE-00634-00154224-00154447 and the people were hesitating because
CWxMIgZq0eE-00635-00154448-00154559 the book is very
CWxMIgZq0eE-00636-00154560-00154887 big more than thousand pages so like uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00637-00154888-00155071 i thought about giving up and then at
CWxMIgZq0eE-00638-00155072-00155239 this moment laura asked me if i would
CWxMIgZq0eE-00639-00155240-00155543 mind if he also tries to find a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00640-00155544-00155687 publishing house
CWxMIgZq0eE-00641-00155688-00155990 and then we try to do it together and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00642-00155991-00156039 think
CWxMIgZq0eE-00643-00156040-00156366 all in all after three years we found
CWxMIgZq0eE-00644-00156367-00156487 the publisher and now i give
CWxMIgZq0eE-00645-00156488-00156654 voice to lauter that he can tell the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00646-00156655-00157111 successful part of the story
CWxMIgZq0eE-00647-00157112-00157463 my name is laura queenstein i translate
CWxMIgZq0eE-00648-00157464-00157671 also from polish into
CWxMIgZq0eE-00649-00157672-00158014 german and i'm working as a university
CWxMIgZq0eE-00650-00158015-00158359 teacher in subitsa poland at an
CWxMIgZq0eE-00651-00158360-00158559 institution which is called collegium
CWxMIgZq0eE-00652-00158560-00158726 polonicum so
CWxMIgZq0eE-00653-00158727-00158983 when i'm sitting there at the office i'm
CWxMIgZq0eE-00654-00158984-00159183 looking out of the window right
CWxMIgZq0eE-00655-00159184-00159375 at the german polish border which is a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00656-00159376-00159726 river there the river order
CWxMIgZq0eE-00657-00159727-00160119 an image of steadiness and change
CWxMIgZq0eE-00658-00160120-00160399 at the same time i would say and i feel
CWxMIgZq0eE-00659-00160400-00160599 myself very comfortable on both
CWxMIgZq0eE-00660-00160600-00160943 banks of this river of this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00661-00160944-00161223 image of of the border and this image of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00662-00161224-00161390 time actually
CWxMIgZq0eE-00663-00161391-00161614 i'm also between teaching and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00664-00161615-00161702 translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00665-00161703-00162102 i'm a writer myself dealing mostly with
CWxMIgZq0eE-00666-00162103-00162439 some topics connected also to to poland
CWxMIgZq0eE-00667-00162440-00162743 and yes actually the story uh of the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00668-00162744-00162895 books with the books of jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-00669-00162896-00163247 uh was really interesting uh and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00670-00163248-00163566 don't want to use uh the the word
CWxMIgZq0eE-00671-00163567-00163814 um chant or accident because i think
CWxMIgZq0eE-00672-00163815-00163943 there was something
CWxMIgZq0eE-00673-00163944-00164295 there was some hand directing behind it
CWxMIgZq0eE-00674-00164296-00164535 what hand i don't know but something was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00675-00164536-00164702 there behind
CWxMIgZq0eE-00676-00164703-00164887 we had translated already one book
CWxMIgZq0eE-00677-00164888-00165047 together lisa and me
CWxMIgZq0eE-00678-00165048-00165283 this was ludwig hirschfeld his
CWxMIgZq0eE-00679-00165284-00165423 autobiography
CWxMIgZq0eE-00680-00165424-00165671 and this work was so inspiring as a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00681-00165672-00165911 tandem that we wanted to continue it
CWxMIgZq0eE-00682-00165912-00166190 and we were looking for something long
CWxMIgZq0eE-00683-00166191-00166302 let's say
CWxMIgZq0eE-00684-00166303-00166695 so it would it would be it would be
CWxMIgZq0eE-00685-00166696-00167047 a very suitable to work
CWxMIgZq0eE-00686-00167048-00167278 uh together on it so we choose the book
CWxMIgZq0eE-00687-00167279-00167383 subject
CWxMIgZq0eE-00688-00167384-00167695 and um there was this specific situation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00689-00167696-00167726 that
CWxMIgZq0eE-00690-00167727-00168151 oligarch for several years was not
CWxMIgZq0eE-00691-00168152-00168487 actually present in germany
CWxMIgZq0eE-00692-00168488-00168735 in the german language because there was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00693-00168736-00168966 at a certain point to stop
CWxMIgZq0eE-00694-00168967-00169287 of the publications and then we actually
CWxMIgZq0eE-00695-00169288-00169583 could bring her back with books of jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-00696-00169584-00169631 um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00697-00169632-00169951 and this was the moment then uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00698-00169952-00170175 one week i think after the publication
CWxMIgZq0eE-00699-00170176-00170454 of the books of jacob in germany
CWxMIgZq0eE-00700-00170455-00170759 she got the nobel prize so this was all
CWxMIgZq0eE-00701-00170760-00171071 directed very well very precise
CWxMIgZq0eE-00702-00171072-00171414 and since then we
CWxMIgZq0eE-00703-00171415-00171719 we continue this work and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00704-00171720-00172119 recently i translated the lost soul
CWxMIgZq0eE-00705-00172120-00172454 and the tales of the bizarre and now
CWxMIgZq0eE-00706-00172455-00172623 at the moment we are working on the next
CWxMIgZq0eE-00707-00172624-00172807 collection of stories
CWxMIgZq0eE-00708-00172808-00173143 together as a tandem ones
CWxMIgZq0eE-00709-00173144-00173478 wonderful thank you lotar and lisa
CWxMIgZq0eE-00710-00173479-00173726 now we will hear from pavel patch who
CWxMIgZq0eE-00711-00173727-00174543 translates into check
CWxMIgZq0eE-00712-00174544-00174999 pavel i'm here hello ah there's cabell
CWxMIgZq0eE-00713-00175000-00175335 hi world uh my name is pavel patch i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00714-00175336-00175551 come from the czech republic
CWxMIgZq0eE-00715-00175552-00175799 i'm really grateful to take part in this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00716-00175800-00175887 wonderful
CWxMIgZq0eE-00717-00175888-00176126 gathering although i have to say i'm a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00718-00176127-00176335 little bit outstanding
CWxMIgZq0eE-00719-00176336-00176663 for the other translators of olga's into
CWxMIgZq0eE-00720-00176664-00176799 czech
CWxMIgZq0eE-00721-00176800-00177054 because there are about five or six of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00722-00177055-00177102 us
CWxMIgZq0eE-00723-00177103-00177487 i counted so far and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00724-00177488-00177687 of course we have a wonderful colleague
CWxMIgZq0eE-00725-00177688-00177831 that my
CWxMIgZq0eE-00726-00177832-00178175 uh my friends here know very well
CWxMIgZq0eE-00727-00178176-00178535 it's petroviglock who says hello to you
CWxMIgZq0eE-00728-00178536-00178887 and who has been translating the books
CWxMIgZq0eE-00729-00178888-00179207 of august uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00730-00179208-00179519 over the last 20 plus years
CWxMIgZq0eE-00731-00179520-00179735 okay so what was my adventure with
CWxMIgZq0eE-00732-00179736-00179902 olga's books
CWxMIgZq0eE-00733-00179903-00180278 actually it is closely connected to petr
CWxMIgZq0eE-00734-00180279-00180590 who sort of gave me a call
CWxMIgZq0eE-00735-00180591-00180999 one day that he's not doing well with
CWxMIgZq0eE-00736-00181000-00181078 finishing
CWxMIgZq0eE-00737-00181079-00181343 and meeting the deadline of translating
CWxMIgZq0eE-00738-00181344-00181399 flights
CWxMIgZq0eE-00739-00181400-00181751 into czech so we sort of cooperated
CWxMIgZq0eE-00740-00181752-00181975 co-translated the book into in check
CWxMIgZq0eE-00741-00181976-00182038 into check
CWxMIgZq0eE-00742-00182039-00182399 together and from that time on
CWxMIgZq0eE-00743-00182400-00182590 i think it was the middle part of my
CWxMIgZq0eE-00744-00182591-00182759 interest in olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-00745-00182760-00183071 because i had heard various
CWxMIgZq0eE-00746-00183072-00183478 sort of readings and stuff before
CWxMIgZq0eE-00747-00183479-00183759 and i was interested in her and it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00748-00183760-00183863 very interesting and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00749-00183864-00184095 want to talk about the relation of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00750-00184096-00184359 vulgars to the czech republic of course
CWxMIgZq0eE-00751-00184360-00184687 antonia has no has has mentioned the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00752-00184688-00184735 house
CWxMIgZq0eE-00753-00184736-00184983 right so the house is very close to the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00754-00184984-00185071 czech border
CWxMIgZq0eE-00755-00185072-00185351 and i think olga would say that she has
CWxMIgZq0eE-00756-00185352-00185566 a lot of friends a lot of relations
CWxMIgZq0eE-00757-00185567-00185919 and also czech readers are sort of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00758-00185920-00186287 very aware of the fact correct me if i'm
CWxMIgZq0eE-00759-00186288-00186471 wrong antonia
CWxMIgZq0eE-00760-00186472-00186863 that uh you know she's a little bit of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00761-00186864-00187238 of our writer in literature
CWxMIgZq0eE-00762-00187239-00187478 so she's not considered of course the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00763-00187479-00187599 interest in her
CWxMIgZq0eE-00764-00187600-00187871 is very very strong among the czech
CWxMIgZq0eE-00765-00187872-00187966 readership
CWxMIgZq0eE-00766-00187967-00188383 and every book that gets translated gets
CWxMIgZq0eE-00767-00188384-00188663 immediate attention and so on and she
CWxMIgZq0eE-00768-00188664-00188735 sort of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00769-00188736-00188975 counted into our home and because czechs
CWxMIgZq0eE-00770-00188976-00189078 miss
CWxMIgZq0eE-00771-00189079-00189271 nobel prize winners in literature we
CWxMIgZq0eE-00772-00189272-00189438 only had one
CWxMIgZq0eE-00773-00189439-00189759 sadly uh it was a very
CWxMIgZq0eE-00774-00189760-00190031 good news in the czech republic that she
CWxMIgZq0eE-00775-00190032-00190150 got the price
CWxMIgZq0eE-00776-00190151-00190407 and she was aboard it but i think she
CWxMIgZq0eE-00777-00190408-00190463 still
CWxMIgZq0eE-00778-00190464-00190790 looked upon as a part of our of our
CWxMIgZq0eE-00779-00190791-00190871 world so
CWxMIgZq0eE-00780-00190872-00191150 this was actually i got to her work very
CWxMIgZq0eE-00781-00191151-00191263 naturally
CWxMIgZq0eE-00782-00191264-00191607 uh through that as a reader fascinated
CWxMIgZq0eE-00783-00191608-00191854 once again with
CWxMIgZq0eE-00784-00191855-00192247 the magical sort of uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00785-00192248-00192583 world in her books and i would say i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00786-00192584-00192654 would never
CWxMIgZq0eE-00787-00192655-00192966 go to translate her work if it wasn't
CWxMIgZq0eE-00788-00192967-00193271 a short deadline
CWxMIgZq0eE-00789-00193272-00193519 but i was very happy to take this take
CWxMIgZq0eE-00790-00193520-00193575 up this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00791-00193576-00193926 job uh because i would
CWxMIgZq0eE-00792-00193927-00194175 otherwise be very shy and i'm really
CWxMIgZq0eE-00793-00194176-00194278 glad i did
CWxMIgZq0eE-00794-00194279-00194638 because now here we are in a wonderful
CWxMIgZq0eE-00795-00194639-00194702 circle
CWxMIgZq0eE-00796-00194703-00195031 sort of fellow translators from all
CWxMIgZq0eE-00797-00195032-00195166 around the world
CWxMIgZq0eE-00798-00195167-00195559 and we can talk about olga's work
CWxMIgZq0eE-00799-00195560-00195878 and it's wonderful also i would like to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00800-00195879-00195926 say
CWxMIgZq0eE-00801-00195927-00196295 hello to lottar who mentioned the other
CWxMIgZq0eE-00802-00196296-00196678 audra river actually i'm sitting uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00803-00196679-00197014 200 meters from the olsa river
CWxMIgZq0eE-00804-00197015-00197326 which is sometimes mistaken but
CWxMIgZq0eE-00805-00197327-00197495 it is on the czech polish border and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00806-00197496-00197719 also i am in the divided town of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00807-00197720-00198038 cheshire or tessen so
CWxMIgZq0eE-00808-00198039-00198311 i can see a little bit of a similarity
CWxMIgZq0eE-00809-00198312-00198511 with subitsa which i visited
CWxMIgZq0eE-00810-00198512-00198883 i visited your university last year and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00811-00198884-00199175 uh close parallels
CWxMIgZq0eE-00812-00199176-00199535 to to that and i think also olga's world
CWxMIgZq0eE-00813-00199536-00199799 is sometimes placed on the borders like
CWxMIgZq0eE-00814-00199800-00199926 this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00815-00199927-00200254 so thank you very much thank you pavel
CWxMIgZq0eE-00816-00200255-00200519 for having me pablo that's fascinating
CWxMIgZq0eE-00817-00200520-00200599 about the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00818-00200600-00200926 the borders um now we'll go to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00819-00200927-00201166 ostep slavinsky who translates into
CWxMIgZq0eE-00820-00201167-00201519 ukrainian
CWxMIgZq0eE-00821-00201520-00201814 hello hello from the other country
CWxMIgZq0eE-00822-00201815-00201950 neighboring with poland
CWxMIgZq0eE-00823-00201951-00202319 from the other side uh my story
CWxMIgZq0eE-00824-00202320-00202623 of the first meeting with olga was was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00825-00202624-00202838 something i would call fantastic
CWxMIgZq0eE-00826-00202839-00203175 uh when i when i studied slavic
CWxMIgZq0eE-00827-00203176-00203550 philology in the unit at the university
CWxMIgZq0eE-00828-00203551-00203838 uh olga's books were something like the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00829-00203839-00203878 must
CWxMIgZq0eE-00830-00203879-00204150 reads in ukraine she was really popular
CWxMIgZq0eE-00831-00204151-00204295 at that time
CWxMIgZq0eE-00832-00204296-00204631 uh her um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00833-00204632-00204879 journey of the people of the book and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00834-00204880-00205055 the primeval and the other times were
CWxMIgZq0eE-00835-00205056-00205271 translated into ukrainian by the very
CWxMIgZq0eE-00836-00205271-00205398 experienced
CWxMIgZq0eE-00837-00205400-00205734 uh translators so i would
CWxMIgZq0eE-00838-00205735-00205982 never assume that i one day i would join
CWxMIgZq0eE-00839-00205983-00206246 this brilliant company
CWxMIgZq0eE-00840-00206248-00206623 but nevertheless
CWxMIgZq0eE-00841-00206623-00206958 we the young students biologists are the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00842-00206959-00207071 university we're
CWxMIgZq0eE-00843-00207071-00207519 ambitious enough that in the year 2004
CWxMIgZq0eE-00844-00207519-00207855 we started a very tiny literary festival
CWxMIgZq0eE-00845-00207856-00208127 in my city in vive
CWxMIgZq0eE-00846-00208128-00208431 but we we dared to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00847-00208432-00208686 invite olga to to be one of the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00848-00208687-00208775 participants
CWxMIgZq0eE-00849-00208776-00208975 without any special hopes that she would
CWxMIgZq0eE-00850-00208976-00209303 come um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00851-00209304-00209782 all of a sudden after two days
CWxMIgZq0eE-00852-00209783-00210094 she answered to our mail and she said
CWxMIgZq0eE-00853-00210096-00210175 yes
CWxMIgZq0eE-00854-00210176-00210487 i would come and uh in two days
CWxMIgZq0eE-00855-00210488-00210831 she was uh she wasn't she came very late
CWxMIgZq0eE-00856-00210832-00211158 in the evening with the last
CWxMIgZq0eE-00857-00211159-00211631 bus uh tourist bus uh she crossed uh uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00858-00211632-00211894 that very problematic ukrainian polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-00859-00211896-00211942 border
CWxMIgZq0eE-00860-00211944-00212287 very problematic at that at that time
CWxMIgZq0eE-00861-00212288-00212598 uh and i remember the long hours when
CWxMIgZq0eE-00862-00212600-00212991 we were uh walking around the night city
CWxMIgZq0eE-00863-00212992-00213175 looking for some place where we could
CWxMIgZq0eE-00864-00213176-00213215 eat
CWxMIgZq0eE-00865-00213216-00213494 something we found it finally but this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00866-00213496-00213558 was
CWxMIgZq0eE-00867-00213559-00213775 my first meeting with olga and the first
CWxMIgZq0eE-00868-00213776-00213919 moment when i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00869-00213919-00214231 felt some very deep personal
CWxMIgZq0eE-00870-00214232-00214551 connection with olga and the next time
CWxMIgZq0eE-00871-00214552-00214623 we
CWxMIgZq0eE-00872-00214623-00214991 we met it was in uh 2009
CWxMIgZq0eE-00873-00214992-00215310 when i was translating the flights begun
CWxMIgZq0eE-00874-00215311-00215623 into ukrainian and uh it
CWxMIgZq0eE-00875-00215623-00215942 coins it coincided uh in a very
CWxMIgZq0eE-00876-00215944-00216151 interesting way
CWxMIgZq0eE-00877-00216152-00216542 with her work uh on the books of jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-00878-00216544-00216710 she started the works
CWxMIgZq0eE-00879-00216711-00216927 her work on the books of jacob and she
CWxMIgZq0eE-00880-00216928-00217079 carried out
CWxMIgZq0eE-00881-00217080-00217382 her writer's research in ukraine because
CWxMIgZq0eE-00882-00217383-00217423 the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00883-00217423-00217742 uh a big part of action and the books of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00884-00217744-00217806 jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-00885-00217807-00218182 uh um takes place in ukraine she came
CWxMIgZq0eE-00886-00218183-00218246 with her
CWxMIgZq0eE-00887-00218248-00218679 husband and it was our next next meeting
CWxMIgZq0eE-00888-00218680-00219046 and we uh continued our long walks
CWxMIgZq0eE-00889-00219048-00219263 around the ukrainian cities
CWxMIgZq0eE-00890-00219264-00219582 as bigger and smaller looking for
CWxMIgZq0eE-00891-00219583-00219910 a very very special things like very
CWxMIgZq0eE-00892-00219911-00220255 ancient jewish cemeteries for example or
CWxMIgZq0eE-00893-00220256-00220734 or some other uh very secret places
CWxMIgZq0eE-00894-00220735-00221094 uh but it's it's another story probably
CWxMIgZq0eE-00895-00221096-00221191 will have uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00896-00221192-00221463 some time to to talk about it as well
CWxMIgZq0eE-00897-00221464-00221567 thank you
CWxMIgZq0eE-00898-00221567-00221855 oh stop you have left us all in suspense
CWxMIgZq0eE-00899-00221856-00222023 we may have to we may have to hear more
CWxMIgZq0eE-00900-00222023-00222158 about that later
CWxMIgZq0eE-00901-00222159-00222439 um thank you translators all of you for
CWxMIgZq0eE-00902-00222440-00222510 telling your
CWxMIgZq0eE-00903-00222511-00222742 various stories so so fascinating to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00904-00222744-00222982 hear how each of you came to polish and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00905-00222983-00223191 how each of you came to olga's work
CWxMIgZq0eE-00906-00223192-00223463 um now we'll move into a general
CWxMIgZq0eE-00907-00223464-00223575 discussion
CWxMIgZq0eE-00908-00223576-00223919 um our first conversation
CWxMIgZq0eE-00909-00223919-00224127 you all translate into such different
CWxMIgZq0eE-00910-00224128-00224287 languages
CWxMIgZq0eE-00911-00224288-00224575 we wonder what are the challenges you've
CWxMIgZq0eE-00912-00224576-00224631 faced
CWxMIgZq0eE-00913-00224632-00224855 with bringing olga's writing into your
CWxMIgZq0eE-00914-00224856-00224951 language
CWxMIgZq0eE-00915-00224952-00225710 um christina would you like to go first
CWxMIgZq0eE-00916-00225711-00226142 um so i'm i'm afraid that um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00917-00226144-00226415 from my experience um i cannot say i
CWxMIgZq0eE-00918-00226416-00226479 have
CWxMIgZq0eE-00919-00226480-00226798 encountered particularly challenging
CWxMIgZq0eE-00920-00226800-00226998 situations or cases
CWxMIgZq0eE-00921-00227000-00227310 of let's say linguistic or
CWxMIgZq0eE-00922-00227311-00227646 cultural untranslated abilities
CWxMIgZq0eE-00923-00227648-00227958 um because i simply relish
CWxMIgZq0eE-00924-00227959-00228239 translating olga's work and i simply
CWxMIgZq0eE-00925-00228240-00228439 dive into the text it's like channeling
CWxMIgZq0eE-00926-00228440-00228575 her work
CWxMIgZq0eE-00927-00228576-00228879 but i can
CWxMIgZq0eE-00928-00228880-00229094 dissociate a bit and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00929-00229094-00229415 [Music]
CWxMIgZq0eE-00930-00229416-00229758 i can say that part of the difficulties
CWxMIgZq0eE-00931-00229759-00230198 that might arise in translating her
CWxMIgZq0eE-00932-00230200-00230558 novels might
CWxMIgZq0eE-00933-00230559-00230887 be generated by her narratives being
CWxMIgZq0eE-00934-00230888-00231263 marty threaded and multi-layered
CWxMIgZq0eE-00935-00231264-00231582 with plenty of references to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00936-00231583-00232006 myths legends astronomy astrology
CWxMIgZq0eE-00937-00232007-00232351 religion the arcana you name it
CWxMIgZq0eE-00938-00232352-00232710 and that requires from the translator to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00939-00232711-00232998 skillfully navigate such areas of
CWxMIgZq0eE-00940-00233000-00233175 expertise
CWxMIgZq0eE-00941-00233176-00233646 he's not necessarily familiar with
CWxMIgZq0eE-00942-00233648-00233998 another tricky aspect i think uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-00943-00234000-00234342 reciting uh orgasm language i mean at
CWxMIgZq0eE-00944-00234344-00234439 first glance
CWxMIgZq0eE-00945-00234440-00234719 it's very accessible however it's it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00946-00234719-00234942 also very rich in meaning
CWxMIgZq0eE-00947-00234944-00235303 um her narrative um is seemingly
CWxMIgZq0eE-00948-00235304-00235623 uncomplicated yet the language is very
CWxMIgZq0eE-00949-00235623-00235982 uh vivid um poignant natural
CWxMIgZq0eE-00950-00235983-00236271 uh succulent humorous and that again
CWxMIgZq0eE-00951-00236271-00236534 requires from the translator the same
CWxMIgZq0eE-00952-00236535-00236839 richness lightness easiness
CWxMIgZq0eE-00953-00236840-00237175 of expression into his own language
CWxMIgZq0eE-00954-00237176-00237582 another thing that i've noticed is that
CWxMIgZq0eE-00955-00237583-00237881 her narrative is not built um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00956-00237882-00238087 [Music]
CWxMIgZq0eE-00957-00238088-00238415 entirely on words or by words but
CWxMIgZq0eE-00958-00238416-00238719 also uh by images and
CWxMIgZq0eE-00959-00238719-00238903 uh again that requires from the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00960-00238904-00239055 translator um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00961-00239056-00239382 to recreate and to render this imagery
CWxMIgZq0eE-00962-00239383-00239591 into his own language and requires
CWxMIgZq0eE-00963-00239592-00239687 in-depth
CWxMIgZq0eE-00964-00239688-00240039 knowledge of one's own language
CWxMIgZq0eE-00965-00240040-00240439 um the fact that olga the karacho
CWxMIgZq0eE-00966-00240440-00240591 switches
CWxMIgZq0eE-00967-00240592-00240982 swiftly from one register to another at
CWxMIgZq0eE-00968-00240983-00241094 the lexical
CWxMIgZq0eE-00969-00241096-00241430 uh level and um uh navigates
CWxMIgZq0eE-00970-00241431-00241655 gracefully or crossing gracefully
CWxMIgZq0eE-00971-00241656-00241791 literary genres
CWxMIgZq0eE-00972-00241792-00242039 also uh can be trying for for the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00973-00242040-00242158 translator
CWxMIgZq0eE-00974-00242159-00242471 and um it requires in my opinion a bit
CWxMIgZq0eE-00975-00242471-00242527 of a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00976-00242528-00242951 wide cultural horizon um as well
CWxMIgZq0eE-00977-00242952-00243310 so um yes what can i say um
CWxMIgZq0eE-00978-00243311-00243458 also the the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00979-00243459-00243682 [Music]
CWxMIgZq0eE-00980-00243683-00243934 storytelling it doesn't follow a
CWxMIgZq0eE-00981-00243935-00244310 linear traditional uh timeline it's like
CWxMIgZq0eE-00982-00244311-00244542 it mirrors in my opinion the the human
CWxMIgZq0eE-00983-00244544-00244710 consciousness or the streaming
CWxMIgZq0eE-00984-00244711-00244934 of consciousness it's not linear it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00985-00244935-00245039 sometimes
CWxMIgZq0eE-00986-00245040-00245415 uh mingled uh scattered it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-00987-00245416-00245758 um and i think olga karcher catches this
CWxMIgZq0eE-00988-00245759-00246030 characteristic of human consciousness
CWxMIgZq0eE-00989-00246031-00246127 very
CWxMIgZq0eE-00990-00246128-00246382 uh very well in her works and it's not
CWxMIgZq0eE-00991-00246383-00246551 very easy to
CWxMIgZq0eE-00992-00246552-00246975 to translate um apart from that
CWxMIgZq0eE-00993-00246976-00247358 i think it's very easy and very pleasant
CWxMIgZq0eE-00994-00247359-00247694 to work upon her text really
CWxMIgZq0eE-00995-00247696-00248055 thank you christina i'm it's interesting
CWxMIgZq0eE-00996-00248056-00248158 that you chose
CWxMIgZq0eE-00997-00248159-00248439 the word navigate and talking about the
CWxMIgZq0eE-00998-00248440-00248734 horizons because so much of olga's work
CWxMIgZq0eE-00999-00248735-00248942 as has been mentioned is predicated on
CWxMIgZq0eE-01000-00248944-00249119 the notion of travel
CWxMIgZq0eE-01001-00249119-00249527 and movement and and barbara you also
CWxMIgZq0eE-01002-00249528-00249742 translated flights um which is one of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01003-00249744-00249887 one of christina's books
CWxMIgZq0eE-01004-00249888-00250119 uh what kind of what kind of challenges
CWxMIgZq0eE-01005-00250119-00250271 did you find barbara
CWxMIgZq0eE-01006-00250271-00250591 um in your work on olga's books
CWxMIgZq0eE-01007-00250592-00251015 okay this is a a matter about which we
CWxMIgZq0eE-01008-00251016-00251255 very often discuss with the other
CWxMIgZq0eE-01009-00251256-00251319 colleagues
CWxMIgZq0eE-01010-00251319-00251591 the translation from other languages
CWxMIgZq0eE-01011-00251592-00251655 because
CWxMIgZq0eE-01012-00251656-00252006 um polish and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01013-00252007-00252391 particular august novels amidaka very
CWxMIgZq0eE-01014-00252392-00252446 often
CWxMIgZq0eE-01015-00252448-00252798 of very short sentences
CWxMIgZq0eE-01016-00252800-00253215 very short but very striking
CWxMIgZq0eE-01017-00253216-00253542 and reading few words
CWxMIgZq0eE-01018-00253544-00253951 over novels you can feel deep emotion
CWxMIgZq0eE-01019-00253952-00254279 or someone someone also a sense of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01020-00254280-00254382 concern
CWxMIgZq0eE-01021-00254383-00254630 or pleasure of your pleasure and this is
CWxMIgZq0eE-01022-00254631-00254758 a very big problem
CWxMIgZq0eE-01023-00254759-00255015 for us for italian translators because
CWxMIgZq0eE-01024-00255016-00255167 we usually
CWxMIgZq0eE-01025-00255167-00255534 use a very long sentences uh with a lot
CWxMIgZq0eE-01026-00255535-00255575 of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01027-00255576-00255879 commas a lot of subordinate sentences
CWxMIgZq0eE-01028-00255880-00256230 so rendering in in italian
CWxMIgZq0eE-01029-00256231-00256558 this uh giving uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01030-00256559-00256894 to the italian reader the same effect
CWxMIgZq0eE-01031-00256896-00257142 that the olga pocatus gives to her
CWxMIgZq0eE-01032-00257144-00257263 leaders
CWxMIgZq0eE-01033-00257264-00257663 uh it's very complicated sometimes um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01034-00257664-00257951 i remember when i delivered my first uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01035-00257952-00258063 um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01036-00258064-00258375 book translated from polish not from or
CWxMIgZq0eE-01037-00258376-00258719 not of olga but of another polish author
CWxMIgZq0eE-01038-00258719-00259079 i delivered it to the publisher and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01039-00259080-00259358 he read it and he said okay now please
CWxMIgZq0eE-01040-00259359-00259423 transform
CWxMIgZq0eE-01041-00259423-00259815 it with an italian style because
CWxMIgZq0eE-01042-00259816-00260223 it's different and i tried
CWxMIgZq0eE-01043-00260223-00260615 and um uh yes he said he said that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01044-00260616-00261015 um the polish style is a two telegraphic
CWxMIgZq0eE-01045-00261016-00261279 for the italian reader and so i have to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01046-00261280-00261358 manage it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01047-00261359-00261582 but only for the first pages then i'll
CWxMIgZq0eE-01048-00261583-00261758 continue to follow the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01049-00261759-00262094 the poly shorter style and so this is
CWxMIgZq0eE-01050-00262096-00262127 the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01051-00262128-00262358 the principle challenge that i have to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01052-00262359-00262455 manage
CWxMIgZq0eE-01053-00262456-00262775 always so when i translate the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01054-00262776-00263158 novels from all that thanks barbara lisa
CWxMIgZq0eE-01055-00263159-00263287 and lotar
CWxMIgZq0eE-01056-00263288-00263510 translating into german do you find
CWxMIgZq0eE-01057-00263511-00263647 similar challenges
CWxMIgZq0eE-01058-00263648-00264327 as to what barbara found in italian
CWxMIgZq0eE-01059-00264328-00264734 lisa and lotar yes yes
CWxMIgZq0eE-01060-00264735-00265030 i think maybe we i can only talk about
CWxMIgZq0eE-01061-00265031-00265223 the books of jacob because that was the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01062-00265224-00265351 work we did together
CWxMIgZq0eE-01063-00265352-00265639 except for it i had also the noble
CWxMIgZq0eE-01064-00265640-00265775 lecturer but i think it's uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01065-00265776-00266039 there's nothing so special to talk about
CWxMIgZq0eE-01066-00266040-00266239 but the books of jacob had uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01067-00266240-00266639 language difficulties were of the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01068-00266640-00266887 not of the same nature as barbara
CWxMIgZq0eE-01069-00266888-00267030 mentioned
CWxMIgZq0eE-01070-00267031-00267319 that they were in the language but we
CWxMIgZq0eE-01071-00267320-00267358 had
CWxMIgZq0eE-01072-00267359-00267671 different uh language layers because the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01073-00267672-00267775 whole story
CWxMIgZq0eE-01074-00267776-00268095 is in the 17th century so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01075-00268096-00268447 we had letters and all already also some
CWxMIgZq0eE-01076-00268448-00268830 original texts even quoted
CWxMIgZq0eE-01077-00268831-00269134 so then we had to find a similar
CWxMIgZq0eE-01078-00269135-00269519 old language in german then
CWxMIgZq0eE-01079-00269520-00269863 we had the normal talking voice that was
CWxMIgZq0eE-01080-00269864-00269951 in a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01081-00269952-00270343 modern language
CWxMIgZq0eE-01082-00270344-00270630 i think that voice was mostly olga's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01083-00270631-00270782 voice and then we had
CWxMIgZq0eE-01084-00270783-00271095 um a person a figure in the book who is
CWxMIgZq0eE-01085-00271096-00271463 writing a kind of diary and there was
CWxMIgZq0eE-01086-00271464-00271655 again another language level so we had
CWxMIgZq0eE-01087-00271656-00271806 to balance
CWxMIgZq0eE-01088-00271807-00272023 or to find languages for for three at
CWxMIgZq0eE-01089-00272024-00272206 least three different levels
CWxMIgZq0eE-01090-00272207-00272710 and um and switch between them and also
CWxMIgZq0eE-01091-00272711-00273039 try to find equivalence for some 17th
CWxMIgZq0eE-01092-00273040-00273134 century language
CWxMIgZq0eE-01093-00273135-00273415 that we are not um of course not using
CWxMIgZq0eE-01094-00273416-00273582 anymore
CWxMIgZq0eE-01095-00273583-00273919 and these were basically the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01096-00273920-00274095 language difficulties we had with the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01097-00274096-00274310 books of jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-01098-00274311-00274615 yeah we also we also had long
CWxMIgZq0eE-01099-00274616-00274727 discussions
CWxMIgZq0eE-01100-00274728-00275206 um about certain kind of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01101-00275207-00275663 let's say a certain kind of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01102-00275664-00275943 locating locating the story in a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01103-00275944-00276047 cultural way
CWxMIgZq0eE-01104-00276048-00276367 in a certain region and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01105-00276368-00276695 we wanted to give it a little touch
CWxMIgZq0eE-01106-00276696-00277051 our translation a little touch of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01107-00277052-00277343 austro-hungarian language because of the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01108-00277344-00277399 connection
CWxMIgZq0eE-01109-00277400-00277703 with galicia so galicia
CWxMIgZq0eE-01110-00277704-00278006 this old landscape historical landscape
CWxMIgZq0eE-01111-00278007-00278182 should be present also in the language
CWxMIgZq0eE-01112-00278183-00278327 and we found out that there
CWxMIgZq0eE-01113-00278328-00278727 by by reading authors from galicia
CWxMIgZq0eE-01114-00278728-00279071 german language authors from the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01115-00279072-00279391 20th century mostly in their
CWxMIgZq0eE-01116-00279392-00279655 autobiography autobiographical memories
CWxMIgZq0eE-01117-00279656-00279919 we were looking for specific vocabulary
CWxMIgZq0eE-01118-00279920-00280199 which was really specific german
CWxMIgZq0eE-01119-00280200-00280471 vocabulary but used only in this region
CWxMIgZq0eE-01120-00280472-00280582 so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01121-00280583-00280999 when the story of jacob is moving around
CWxMIgZq0eE-01122-00281000-00281343 let's say in the region of lev lemberg
CWxMIgZq0eE-01123-00281344-00281567 and some other places connected to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01124-00281568-00281687 galicia we use
CWxMIgZq0eE-01125-00281688-00281910 these terms and when it's moving into
CWxMIgZq0eE-01126-00281911-00282015 other parts
CWxMIgZq0eE-01127-00282016-00282319 of europe we switch to a let's so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01128-00282320-00282623 let's say a standard standard germ and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01129-00282624-00282767 this was a very interesting
CWxMIgZq0eE-01130-00282768-00283134 uh interesting aspect we learned a lot
CWxMIgZq0eE-01131-00283135-00283479 by by reading these authors and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01132-00283480-00283823 think this is something um that brings
CWxMIgZq0eE-01133-00283824-00284015 more color into this translation that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01134-00284016-00284151 you can really hear
CWxMIgZq0eE-01135-00284152-00284399 something like uh yes let's say
CWxMIgZq0eE-01136-00284400-00284510 something like a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01137-00284511-00284719 like a voice which is connected to this
CWxMIgZq0eE-01138-00284720-00284951 place and one interesting story
CWxMIgZq0eE-01139-00284952-00285158 it was just the first reading the first
CWxMIgZq0eE-01140-00285159-00285382 meeting just on the day when olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-01141-00285383-00285510 received the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01142-00285511-00285847 nobel prize we were at the german town
CWxMIgZq0eE-01143-00285848-00286103 the german town called bielefeld
CWxMIgZq0eE-01144-00286104-00286358 and there was an actress reading on that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01145-00286359-00286447 evening
CWxMIgZq0eE-01146-00286448-00286671 and after the reading she came to me and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01147-00286672-00286751 she said
CWxMIgZq0eE-01148-00286752-00287039 i must you ask a question because i am
CWxMIgZq0eE-01149-00287040-00287134 from munich
CWxMIgZq0eE-01150-00287135-00287439 and i'm very astonished to find so many
CWxMIgZq0eE-01151-00287440-00287727 austrian vocabulary in some parts of the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01152-00287728-00287799 book you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01153-00287800-00288039 too you and your colleague you are
CWxMIgZq0eE-01154-00288040-00288271 probably from austria and i said no
CWxMIgZq0eE-01155-00288272-00288510 yeah we are not from austria but it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01156-00288511-00288654 very nice that you mentioned that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01157-00288655-00288719 because
CWxMIgZq0eE-01158-00288720-00289047 this was a concept that we followed by
CWxMIgZq0eE-01159-00289048-00289367 doing the translation wonderful and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01160-00289368-00289654 hikaru you translate olga to karczyk's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01161-00289655-00289806 work into japanese
CWxMIgZq0eE-01162-00289807-00290015 we've been talking about we've been
CWxMIgZq0eE-01163-00290016-00290143 talking about
CWxMIgZq0eE-01164-00290144-00290495 the very european content of her books
CWxMIgZq0eE-01165-00290496-00290751 and how the various the translators into
CWxMIgZq0eE-01166-00290752-00290943 the various european languages
CWxMIgZq0eE-01167-00290944-00291182 have handled that what challenges have
CWxMIgZq0eE-01168-00291183-00291247 you faced
CWxMIgZq0eE-01169-00291248-00291463 translating olga's work into japanese
CWxMIgZq0eE-01170-00291464-00291582 with that very different
CWxMIgZq0eE-01171-00291583-00291799 uh those very different cultural and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01172-00291800-00292030 geographical constraints
CWxMIgZq0eE-01173-00292031-00292279 yes yes actually japanese and european
CWxMIgZq0eE-01174-00292280-00292358 languages
CWxMIgZq0eE-01175-00292359-00292639 are very different in every aspect and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01176-00292640-00292806 so it takes many
CWxMIgZq0eE-01177-00292807-00293030 uh different techniques to translate
CWxMIgZq0eE-01178-00293031-00293110 purge uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01179-00293111-00293423 literature from polish and but uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01180-00293424-00293854 what uh uh without concerning
CWxMIgZq0eE-01181-00293855-00294175 geographical or linguistical
CWxMIgZq0eE-01182-00294176-00294487 and what i pay the utmost attention to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01183-00294488-00294919 is not to break not to break the poetic
CWxMIgZq0eE-01184-00294920-00295247 aspect or sensitive aspect of august
CWxMIgZq0eE-01185-00295248-00295343 works
CWxMIgZq0eE-01186-00295344-00295647 and the japanese language has uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01187-00295648-00296006 many more personal pronouns
CWxMIgZq0eE-01188-00296007-00296247 many more personal pronouns than
CWxMIgZq0eE-01189-00296248-00296439 european languages
CWxMIgZq0eE-01190-00296440-00296815 and its use of honolifics
CWxMIgZq0eE-01191-00296816-00297143 honorific uh uh is much
CWxMIgZq0eE-01192-00297144-00297551 complicated much complicated so uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01193-00297552-00297839 i believe taking advantages taking
CWxMIgZq0eE-01194-00297840-00298039 advantage of these
CWxMIgZq0eE-01195-00298040-00298399 things helps me to produce a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01196-00298400-00298671 more sensitive uh translate a more
CWxMIgZq0eE-01197-00298672-00298806 sensitive translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-01198-00298807-00299119 uh uh i think um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01199-00299120-00299406 yeah for example depending uh formality
CWxMIgZq0eE-01200-00299407-00299543 uh we can
CWxMIgZq0eE-01201-00299544-00299967 use um well we can use many ways
CWxMIgZq0eE-01202-00299968-00300271 many ways to say i or you or seo
CWxMIgZq0eE-01203-00300272-00300606 she or she or something like that and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01204-00300607-00300847 i also pay attention uh also pay
CWxMIgZq0eE-01205-00300848-00300934 attention to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01206-00300935-00301279 the way my translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-01207-00301280-00301703 sound sounds so that if
CWxMIgZq0eE-01208-00301704-00302079 it would give comfort to the readers
CWxMIgZq0eE-01209-00302080-00302606 if it were to be read aloud
CWxMIgZq0eE-01210-00302607-00302982 yeah um sound is very
CWxMIgZq0eE-01211-00302983-00303310 uh poetic sound kind of is very
CWxMIgZq0eE-01212-00303311-00303399 important
CWxMIgZq0eE-01213-00303400-00303727 uh aspect i think uh for august writing
CWxMIgZq0eE-01214-00303728-00303999 so uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01215-00304000-00304367 uh yes uh japan uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01216-00304368-00304847 i tried to uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01217-00304848-00305167 uh i tried to keep this aspect in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01218-00305168-00305479 also in japanese translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-01219-00305480-00305830 yeah i did okay thank you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01220-00305831-00306134 thank you hikaru um one of the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01221-00306135-00306447 one of the points made about olga's work
CWxMIgZq0eE-01222-00306448-00306695 and i think several of you have touched
CWxMIgZq0eE-01223-00306696-00306854 on it is that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01224-00306855-00307087 her books although they do share certain
CWxMIgZq0eE-01225-00307088-00307351 motifs and they share certain themes
CWxMIgZq0eE-01226-00307352-00307654 are wildly different and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01227-00307655-00307927 each book there there is no there is no
CWxMIgZq0eE-01228-00307928-00308167 sense i think when you read olga's books
CWxMIgZq0eE-01229-00308168-00308375 that you are necessarily reading the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01230-00308376-00308575 same author time after time
CWxMIgZq0eE-01231-00308576-00308910 um i know i i certainly um reading
CWxMIgZq0eE-01232-00308911-00309087 reading flights and then following that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01233-00309088-00309247 with drive your plow over the bones of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01234-00309248-00309334 the dead was
CWxMIgZq0eE-01235-00309335-00309654 quite a whiplashing effect but
CWxMIgZq0eE-01236-00309655-00309830 those of you who have translated more
CWxMIgZq0eE-01237-00309831-00310071 than one of olga's works
CWxMIgZq0eE-01238-00310072-00310375 i wonder what changes you've noticed in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01239-00310376-00310454 her style
CWxMIgZq0eE-01240-00310455-00310782 over time and antonia i'm particularly
CWxMIgZq0eE-01241-00310783-00310975 interested in your take since
CWxMIgZq0eE-01242-00310976-00311263 you did house of day house of night back
CWxMIgZq0eE-01243-00311264-00311406 in the early 2000s
CWxMIgZq0eE-01244-00311407-00311663 and then just published drive your plow
CWxMIgZq0eE-01245-00311664-00311879 last year
CWxMIgZq0eE-01246-00311880-00312087 so what what kind of changes antonio do
CWxMIgZq0eE-01247-00312088-00312182 you see
CWxMIgZq0eE-01248-00312183-00312743 um in in oga style over time
CWxMIgZq0eE-01249-00312744-00313006 in some ways she's like if the athena
CWxMIgZq0eE-01250-00313007-00313127 she emerged from
CWxMIgZq0eE-01251-00313128-00313327 zeus's head fully armed and kind of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01252-00313328-00313447 ready for battle
CWxMIgZq0eE-01253-00313448-00313710 in many ways she she just is a a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01254-00313711-00313775 brilliant
CWxMIgZq0eE-01255-00313776-00314079 writer who was born to do what she does
CWxMIgZq0eE-01256-00314080-00314343 but of course we've all observed
CWxMIgZq0eE-01257-00314344-00314654 developments in her work over the years
CWxMIgZq0eE-01258-00314655-00314934 and um i think there's been a great
CWxMIgZq0eE-01259-00314935-00315191 growth in confidence pretty rapidly in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01260-00315192-00315239 fact
CWxMIgZq0eE-01261-00315240-00315367 and she kind of found her feet as a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01262-00315368-00315639 writer quite fast but she's always had
CWxMIgZq0eE-01263-00315640-00315727 this
CWxMIgZq0eE-01264-00315728-00316071 sort of healthy anarchy of wanting to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01265-00316072-00316303 play around with form she can't bear to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01266-00316304-00316527 write a just straightforward boring
CWxMIgZq0eE-01267-00316528-00316830 linear novel she's always making the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01268-00316831-00317030 form work for her
CWxMIgZq0eE-01269-00317031-00317279 so what i've seen her do is develop
CWxMIgZq0eE-01270-00317280-00317534 these different attitudes to convention
CWxMIgZq0eE-01271-00317535-00317743 sort of grab it by the throat and give
CWxMIgZq0eE-01272-00317744-00317934 it a good shaking
CWxMIgZq0eE-01273-00317935-00318215 so um the genres have to fit her
CWxMIgZq0eE-01274-00318216-00318519 requirements not the other way around
CWxMIgZq0eE-01275-00318520-00318839 and um there was the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01276-00318840-00319158 the greek soldier poet archilicus wrote
CWxMIgZq0eE-01277-00319159-00319351 a lovely thing about the fox and the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01278-00319352-00319471 hedgehog
CWxMIgZq0eE-01279-00319472-00319767 and the hedgehog has one trick it rolls
CWxMIgZq0eE-01280-00319768-00319847 into a ball
CWxMIgZq0eE-01281-00319848-00320047 and it's safe in the head but the fox
CWxMIgZq0eE-01282-00320048-00320254 has many tricks
CWxMIgZq0eE-01283-00320255-00320510 and isaiah berlin used this as a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01284-00320511-00320679 metaphor for writing about
CWxMIgZq0eE-01285-00320680-00320887 writers and he wrote a wonderful essay
CWxMIgZq0eE-01286-00320888-00321047 where he talks about some writers as
CWxMIgZq0eE-01287-00321048-00321287 foxes and others as hedgehogs and olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-01288-00321288-00321319 is
CWxMIgZq0eE-01289-00321320-00321630 most categorically a fox
CWxMIgZq0eE-01290-00321631-00321934 so she has this versatility
CWxMIgZq0eE-01291-00321935-00322415 and um she can
CWxMIgZq0eE-01292-00322416-00322663 keep reinventing herself and keep
CWxMIgZq0eE-01293-00322664-00322879 finding a new way to to do things
CWxMIgZq0eE-01294-00322880-00323119 and i'm i'm really not surprised when
CWxMIgZq0eE-01295-00323120-00323327 she has more than one translator in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01296-00323328-00323543 different languages because
CWxMIgZq0eE-01297-00323544-00323791 sometimes i can't relate to one book but
CWxMIgZq0eE-01298-00323792-00323871 i can
CWxMIgZq0eE-01299-00323872-00324063 relate to another so when i think about
CWxMIgZq0eE-01300-00324064-00324303 the three novels that i've translated
CWxMIgZq0eE-01301-00324304-00324447 there's house of day house of night
CWxMIgZq0eE-01302-00324448-00324679 which is what olga calls a constellation
CWxMIgZq0eE-01303-00324680-00324830 novel like flights consist
CWxMIgZq0eE-01304-00324831-00324951 it's the one it's the kind of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01305-00324952-00325143 counterpart of flights in in that it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01306-00325144-00325191 the one
CWxMIgZq0eE-01307-00325192-00325351 about the opposite of traveling it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01308-00325352-00325551 about never going anywhere and staying
CWxMIgZq0eE-01309-00325552-00325671 in one place
CWxMIgZq0eE-01310-00325672-00325903 but it's built up of this patchwork of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01311-00325904-00326119 pieces including diary pieces
CWxMIgZq0eE-01312-00326120-00326399 and stories which all form a sort of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01313-00326400-00326447 hole
CWxMIgZq0eE-01314-00326448-00326639 and there is a wholeness to it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01315-00326640-00326815 particularly when you translate it you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01316-00326816-00326895 feel that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01317-00326896-00327199 thread going through it and a sort of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01318-00327200-00327503 thread of a slightly sinister mood to it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01319-00327504-00327791 and then i translated uh primeval and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01320-00327792-00327887 other times
CWxMIgZq0eE-01321-00327888-00328071 and something i'm very lucky i share
CWxMIgZq0eE-01322-00328072-00328206 with olga is that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01323-00328207-00328471 we both absolutely love fairy tales and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01324-00328472-00328534 have always
CWxMIgZq0eE-01325-00328535-00328751 all our lives she's she's always
CWxMIgZq0eE-01326-00328752-00329006 collected and read a great deal of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01327-00329007-00329215 myths and legends from around the world
CWxMIgZq0eE-01328-00329216-00329375 she loves them and that shows in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01329-00329376-00329543 primeval and other times where she's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01330-00329544-00329703 taking that genre of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01331-00329704-00330023 myth and just turning it into her own
CWxMIgZq0eE-01332-00330024-00330254 take to give a kind of microcosm
CWxMIgZq0eE-01333-00330255-00330334 portrait
CWxMIgZq0eE-01334-00330335-00330534 of central europe through the 20th
CWxMIgZq0eE-01335-00330535-00330758 century amazing to just
CWxMIgZq0eE-01336-00330759-00331039 filter all that down into this story of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01337-00331040-00331167 this family
CWxMIgZq0eE-01338-00331168-00331454 that's told in a mythical way and then i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01339-00331455-00331615 translated drive your plow over the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01340-00331616-00331719 bones of the dead
CWxMIgZq0eE-01341-00331720-00331919 where i think most of the translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-01342-00331920-00332039 who've done it will agree
CWxMIgZq0eE-01343-00332040-00332327 what's crucial is the central voice the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01344-00332328-00332478 narrator's voice
CWxMIgZq0eE-01345-00332479-00332823 this rather eccentric crazy unique voice
CWxMIgZq0eE-01346-00332824-00333054 this person who could be frightfully
CWxMIgZq0eE-01347-00333055-00333247 off-putting you could read several pages
CWxMIgZq0eE-01348-00333248-00333430 of her and want a head for the hills
CWxMIgZq0eE-01349-00333431-00333719 but you've got to make her sympathetic
CWxMIgZq0eE-01350-00333720-00333839 to the reader
CWxMIgZq0eE-01351-00333840-00334119 and olga does that she kind of makes the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01352-00334120-00334239 reader her
CWxMIgZq0eE-01353-00334240-00334519 the main characters accomplish and drags
CWxMIgZq0eE-01354-00334520-00334687 the reader into being involved in some
CWxMIgZq0eE-01355-00334688-00334727 very
CWxMIgZq0eE-01356-00334728-00334991 shady business indeed that's challenging
CWxMIgZq0eE-01357-00334992-00335151 for the translator because you have to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01358-00335152-00335351 recreate that voice in the same way so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01359-00335352-00335463 that you also
CWxMIgZq0eE-01360-00335464-00335727 keep the reader with you for 250 pages
CWxMIgZq0eE-01361-00335728-00335799 although
CWxMIgZq0eE-01362-00335800-00336030 the person whose hand they're trustingly
CWxMIgZq0eE-01363-00336031-00336127 holding and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01364-00336128-00336406 going into the forest with is completely
CWxMIgZq0eE-01365-00336407-00336710 bonkers
CWxMIgZq0eE-01366-00336711-00337087 olga you also translated drive your plow
CWxMIgZq0eE-01367-00337088-00337367 um what kind of changes have you also
CWxMIgZq0eE-01368-00337368-00337503 seen
CWxMIgZq0eE-01369-00337504-00337775 in olga takarchik style um across
CWxMIgZq0eE-01370-00337776-00337910 different books
CWxMIgZq0eE-01371-00337911-00338287 um well just as antonia said um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01372-00338288-00338615 the the differences are very visible
CWxMIgZq0eE-01373-00338616-00338919 i mean if you read for example ee
CWxMIgZq0eE-01374-00338920-00339278 and then you read um flights or dragon
CWxMIgZq0eE-01375-00339279-00339471 the bones of the death and then the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01376-00339472-00339639 books of jacob you will
CWxMIgZq0eE-01377-00339640-00339999 like just by intuitionally you will you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01378-00340000-00340039 will
CWxMIgZq0eE-01379-00340040-00340182 you will feel that the style is
CWxMIgZq0eE-01380-00340183-00340439 different and um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01381-00340440-00340734 in case of um drive the drive your blow
CWxMIgZq0eE-01382-00340735-00340895 over the bones of the dead it's it's a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01383-00340896-00340943 very
CWxMIgZq0eE-01384-00340944-00341303 i would say um um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01385-00341304-00341487 it's it's a different book just as
CWxMIgZq0eE-01386-00341488-00341606 antonia said you know
CWxMIgZq0eE-01387-00341607-00341830 the most important thing is the voice so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01388-00341831-00342047 you have to recreate the voice
CWxMIgZq0eE-01389-00342048-00342351 and for example in brazilian portuguese
CWxMIgZq0eE-01390-00342352-00342463 that was
CWxMIgZq0eE-01391-00342464-00342654 i wouldn't say it was it was difficult
CWxMIgZq0eE-01392-00342655-00342830 but um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01393-00342831-00343047 there was because brazilian portuguese
CWxMIgZq0eE-01394-00343048-00343182 is i would say it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01395-00343183-00343487 less formal than polish the polish voice
CWxMIgZq0eE-01396-00343488-00343791 janina ducheco's voice is quite formal i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01397-00343792-00343854 mean she's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01398-00343855-00344191 extra eccentric she's um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01399-00344192-00344399 she's very emotional but at the same
CWxMIgZq0eE-01400-00344400-00344503 time she's quite of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01401-00344504-00344767 uh formal especially when she writes the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01402-00344768-00344903 the letters
CWxMIgZq0eE-01403-00344904-00345167 uh so in brazilian portuguese that that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01404-00345168-00345319 was
CWxMIgZq0eE-01405-00345320-00345639 it wasn't hard but i'd have to like
CWxMIgZq0eE-01406-00345640-00345967 put myself you know into her head and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01407-00345968-00346006 voice
CWxMIgZq0eE-01408-00346007-00346254 and you know try to recreate really a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01409-00346255-00346343 woman you know
CWxMIgZq0eE-01410-00346344-00346663 in her 60s for example uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01411-00346664-00346982 in her 60s just you know talking
CWxMIgZq0eE-01412-00346983-00347206 to you or to the to the readers you know
CWxMIgZq0eE-01413-00347207-00347295 and and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01414-00347296-00347615 and telling her strange stories so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01415-00347616-00347951 um and also the the astrology for
CWxMIgZq0eE-01416-00347952-00348023 example
CWxMIgZq0eE-01417-00348024-00348358 um the the parts where you have you know
CWxMIgZq0eE-01418-00348359-00348447 her
CWxMIgZq0eE-01419-00348448-00348839 um her
CWxMIgZq0eE-01420-00348840-00349063 lectures on astrology that that was that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01421-00349064-00349206 was quite
CWxMIgZq0eE-01422-00349207-00349527 um complicated or difficult
CWxMIgZq0eE-01423-00349528-00349839 as well just not to get you know the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01424-00349840-00350071 the reader board with that yeah of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01425-00350072-00350143 course
CWxMIgZq0eE-01426-00350144-00350447 um ostep you also did you did
CWxMIgZq0eE-01427-00350448-00350743 um books of jacob and you also did
CWxMIgZq0eE-01428-00350744-00350799 flights
CWxMIgZq0eE-01429-00350800-00351247 um what kind of chain what kind of uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01430-00351248-00351495 differences and changes did you notice
CWxMIgZq0eE-01431-00351496-00351599 again over over
CWxMIgZq0eE-01432-00351600-00352143 time as you translated into ukrainian
CWxMIgZq0eE-01433-00352144-00352727 uh well i um i have an impression that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01434-00352728-00353119 the books of jacob the the book
CWxMIgZq0eE-01435-00353120-00353478 which was really very very expected
CWxMIgZq0eE-01436-00353479-00353823 by by many people by many
CWxMIgZq0eE-01437-00353824-00354182 olga's readers
CWxMIgZq0eE-01438-00354183-00354423 they are in some sense and to some
CWxMIgZq0eE-01439-00354424-00354543 extent a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01440-00354544-00354854 continuation of this
CWxMIgZq0eE-01441-00354855-00355199 um traveling story but
CWxMIgZq0eE-01442-00355200-00355663 uh if um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01443-00355664-00355975 in in the flights you have uh um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01444-00355976-00356263 mostly the heroes who escape from
CWxMIgZq0eE-01445-00356264-00356310 something
CWxMIgZq0eE-01446-00356311-00356503 they escape they are they want to escape
CWxMIgZq0eE-01447-00356504-00356751 from their lives first of all
CWxMIgZq0eE-01448-00356752-00357078 and um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01449-00357079-00357382 if i try to state it in one word
CWxMIgZq0eE-01450-00357383-00357695 uh i would say that flight
CWxMIgZq0eE-01451-00357696-00358191 is a story is a novel of escape
CWxMIgZq0eE-01452-00358192-00358639 of um some some trustum journey which
CWxMIgZq0eE-01453-00358640-00358678 has
CWxMIgZq0eE-01454-00358679-00358982 only a starting point but it doesn't
CWxMIgZq0eE-01455-00358983-00359030 have a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01456-00359031-00359543 finish point it doesn't have its
CWxMIgZq0eE-01457-00359544-00359854 its visible point
CWxMIgZq0eE-01458-00359855-00360271 uh a while at the books of jacob is uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01459-00360272-00360630 noble uh which
CWxMIgZq0eE-01460-00360631-00361054 could be um described as a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01461-00361055-00361375 story of search for home
CWxMIgZq0eE-01462-00361376-00361639 metaphysical home not a geographical
CWxMIgZq0eE-01463-00361640-00361823 spatial but
CWxMIgZq0eE-01464-00361824-00362134 home for one's soul so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01465-00362135-00362351 it's very interesting how these two
CWxMIgZq0eE-01466-00362352-00362454 texts
CWxMIgZq0eE-01467-00362455-00362839 are similar complementary and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01468-00362840-00363110 different deeply different on some very
CWxMIgZq0eE-01469-00363111-00363223 very profound
CWxMIgZq0eE-01470-00363224-00363558 level and but
CWxMIgZq0eE-01471-00363559-00363951 both these texts really
CWxMIgZq0eE-01472-00363952-00364303 give a very important message to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01473-00364304-00364623 all of us the um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01474-00364624-00364903 the contemporary people people of 21st
CWxMIgZq0eE-01475-00364904-00364991 century
CWxMIgZq0eE-01476-00364992-00365295 because that's these texts
CWxMIgZq0eE-01477-00365296-00365482 are the texts about the other the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01478-00365483-00365663 otherness
CWxMIgZq0eE-01479-00365664-00366054 the someone who has no
CWxMIgZq0eE-01480-00366055-00366382 natural place to be and no no natural
CWxMIgZq0eE-01481-00366383-00366439 home
CWxMIgZq0eE-01482-00366440-00366758 no special home and sometimes
CWxMIgZq0eE-01483-00366759-00367319 is um in a situation when he or she
CWxMIgZq0eE-01484-00367320-00367654 has to look for it's uh for for
CWxMIgZq0eE-01485-00367655-00367903 for the for the home somewhere in some
CWxMIgZq0eE-01486-00367904-00368006 spiritual
CWxMIgZq0eE-01487-00368007-00368382 spheres not spatial and we have to be
CWxMIgZq0eE-01488-00368383-00368471 ready
CWxMIgZq0eE-01489-00368472-00368710 to see and to hear these people
CWxMIgZq0eE-01490-00368711-00368799 sometimes
CWxMIgZq0eE-01491-00368800-00369078 besides us very closely to us and it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01492-00369079-00369230 very important also
CWxMIgZq0eE-01493-00369231-00369534 to the ukrainian readers i think uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01494-00369535-00369727 it's a very it was a very very important
CWxMIgZq0eE-01495-00369728-00369847 message
CWxMIgZq0eE-01496-00369848-00370158 an important story about our country our
CWxMIgZq0eE-01497-00370159-00370543 our lands absolutely um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01498-00370544-00370887 ostep i'm it's so interesting that you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01499-00370888-00371175 focused on the topic of otherness that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01500-00371176-00371199 of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01501-00371200-00371527 course is what one characteristic of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01502-00371528-00371702 works in translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-01503-00371703-00372023 that the publisher and the translator of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01504-00372024-00372063 course
CWxMIgZq0eE-01505-00372064-00372430 always work to not overcome and not even
CWxMIgZq0eE-01506-00372431-00372615 necessarily a lead
CWxMIgZq0eE-01507-00372616-00373039 but ease to bring a book from one
CWxMIgZq0eE-01508-00373040-00373119 language
CWxMIgZq0eE-01509-00373120-00373423 one culture into another
CWxMIgZq0eE-01510-00373424-00373719 translators are so crucial in the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01511-00373720-00373839 reception
CWxMIgZq0eE-01512-00373840-00374110 of writers in other countries in other
CWxMIgZq0eE-01513-00374111-00374199 languages
CWxMIgZq0eE-01514-00374200-00374375 obviously that was a very obvious
CWxMIgZq0eE-01515-00374376-00374519 comment um i'm
CWxMIgZq0eE-01516-00374520-00374823 interested in the reception of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01517-00374824-00375127 olga takarchik's works in each of your
CWxMIgZq0eE-01518-00375128-00375271 country um pavel
CWxMIgZq0eE-01519-00375272-00375551 what is the reception of olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-01520-00375552-00376102 tokarchik's work in the czech republic
CWxMIgZq0eE-01521-00376103-00376454 pablo okay
CWxMIgZq0eE-01522-00376455-00376887 here i am yeah i think i mentioned it in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01523-00376888-00376991 the introduction
CWxMIgZq0eE-01524-00376992-00377343 it's fantastic yeah it's almost as she
CWxMIgZq0eE-01525-00377344-00377439 was
CWxMIgZq0eE-01526-00377440-00377702 one of our own female writers and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01527-00377703-00377863 although we have a wave
CWxMIgZq0eE-01528-00377864-00378191 of a wave i would call it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01529-00378192-00378454 we have many wonderful female writers at
CWxMIgZq0eE-01530-00378455-00378519 the moment
CWxMIgZq0eE-01531-00378520-00378695 in the czech literature which is a very
CWxMIgZq0eE-01532-00378696-00378902 fascinating sort of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01533-00378903-00379351 way of sort of treating with the with
CWxMIgZq0eE-01534-00379352-00379439 the old
CWxMIgZq0eE-01535-00379440-00379758 male waves that came
CWxMIgZq0eE-01536-00379759-00380030 she's considered a part of it actually
CWxMIgZq0eE-01537-00380031-00380110 yeah
CWxMIgZq0eE-01538-00380111-00380527 and as i was saying the only uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01539-00380528-00380799 each of olga's books that came into the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01540-00380800-00380934 czech republic
CWxMIgZq0eE-01541-00380935-00381239 uh were very much expected and i don't
CWxMIgZq0eE-01542-00381240-00381415 end with petrovidlag because they
CWxMIgZq0eE-01543-00381416-00381719 had to be translated very quickly
CWxMIgZq0eE-01544-00381720-00381982 because the readers were expecting it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01545-00381983-00382206 and also we had some
CWxMIgZq0eE-01546-00382207-00382623 sort of uh other additions as well
CWxMIgZq0eE-01547-00382624-00382967 uh with that that came with it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01548-00382968-00383375 reprints uh also you know
CWxMIgZq0eE-01549-00383376-00383687 many personal ties that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01550-00383688-00383967 are asserted with olga so i think the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01551-00383968-00384087 czech republic
CWxMIgZq0eE-01552-00384088-00384391 uh is really um another home to olga i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01553-00384392-00384567 don't know if she would agree
CWxMIgZq0eE-01554-00384568-00384823 with the fact but you know she's very
CWxMIgZq0eE-01555-00384824-00384934 much based here
CWxMIgZq0eE-01556-00384935-00385110 from the beginning from her very first
CWxMIgZq0eE-01557-00385111-00385391 books and through the readership
CWxMIgZq0eE-01558-00385392-00385719 sort of reactions uh to her books and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01559-00385720-00385767 she's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01560-00385768-00386095 she's a part of our culture
CWxMIgZq0eE-01561-00386096-00386463 i wrote i wrote an article after she
CWxMIgZq0eE-01562-00386464-00386558 received
CWxMIgZq0eE-01563-00386559-00386871 and she and jenny who's with us received
CWxMIgZq0eE-01564-00386872-00386975 the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01565-00386976-00387375 international booker prize two years ago
CWxMIgZq0eE-01566-00387376-00387695 uh i i was asked to write an article
CWxMIgZq0eE-01567-00387696-00387910 about dolcah and this prize
CWxMIgZq0eE-01568-00387911-00388182 into one of the czech literary magazines
CWxMIgZq0eE-01569-00388183-00388423 and i put the title and they kept it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01570-00388424-00388710 and it was our uh in english i guess you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01571-00388711-00388775 you would
CWxMIgZq0eE-01572-00388776-00389023 loosely translate it as our lady of the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01573-00389024-00389102 noble
CWxMIgZq0eE-01574-00389103-00389463 prize yes so she was she was actually
CWxMIgZq0eE-01575-00389464-00390167 our lady and everyone was very curious
CWxMIgZq0eE-01576-00390168-00390375 and i'm sure the other translators seem
CWxMIgZq0eE-01577-00390376-00390567 to check good phone calls and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01578-00390568-00390806 and stuff and congratulations everybody
CWxMIgZq0eE-01579-00390807-00390934 was so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01580-00390935-00391271 so much happy because you know in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01581-00391272-00391567 czech literature we haven't had much
CWxMIgZq0eE-01582-00391568-00391702 international successes
CWxMIgZq0eE-01583-00391703-00391943 there are exceptions of course over the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01584-00391944-00392143 last year so we are a little bit
CWxMIgZq0eE-01585-00392144-00392478 sort of occupying other countries but i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01586-00392479-00392591 think it's a very
CWxMIgZq0eE-01587-00392592-00392902 very pleasant way to do this okay
CWxMIgZq0eE-01588-00392903-00393206 uh thank you paddle hikaru
CWxMIgZq0eE-01589-00393207-00393478 you said that when you first read olga's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01590-00393479-00393551 work
CWxMIgZq0eE-01591-00393552-00393782 you thought immediately that she would
CWxMIgZq0eE-01592-00393783-00393910 really appeal
CWxMIgZq0eE-01593-00393911-00394239 to japanese readers and has that and and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01594-00394240-00394423 what what is the reception what has the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01595-00394424-00394575 reception in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01596-00394576-00394806 japan been to her various books you've
CWxMIgZq0eE-01597-00394807-00394887 done what
CWxMIgZq0eE-01598-00394888-00395206 oh yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yes um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01599-00395207-00395415 all three books have been positively
CWxMIgZq0eE-01600-00395416-00395575 received in japan but
CWxMIgZq0eE-01601-00395576-00395887 of all husk day has night uh has gained
CWxMIgZq0eE-01602-00395888-00396110 the most popularity and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01603-00396111-00396406 i i know understand why because when i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01604-00396407-00396623 was reading this this book i felt
CWxMIgZq0eE-01605-00396624-00396871 kind of some kind of nostalgia in this
CWxMIgZq0eE-01606-00396872-00396967 book
CWxMIgZq0eE-01607-00396968-00397223 i uh and i thought about this nostalgia
CWxMIgZq0eE-01608-00397224-00397343 no strategic feeling
CWxMIgZq0eE-01609-00397344-00397671 uh uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01610-00397672-00398047 that i i realized that what i felt is uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01611-00398048-00398375 what i felt was sort of oriental view
CWxMIgZq0eE-01612-00398376-00398695 of the world in existed
CWxMIgZq0eE-01613-00398696-00398991 in this book uh in in hospital house
CWxMIgZq0eE-01614-00398992-00399078 night
CWxMIgZq0eE-01615-00399079-00399351 and in fact i've in fact actually i've
CWxMIgZq0eE-01616-00399352-00399439 written
CWxMIgZq0eE-01617-00399440-00399767 uh a paper on this subject
CWxMIgZq0eE-01618-00399768-00400182 and um after the and interestingly after
CWxMIgZq0eE-01619-00400183-00400375 the book house of death net was
CWxMIgZq0eE-01620-00400376-00400471 published
CWxMIgZq0eE-01621-00400472-00400782 a very famous critic commented that it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01622-00400783-00401095 reminds her of kamon no chome
CWxMIgZq0eE-01623-00401096-00401334 kamen chome was a necessary japanese
CWxMIgZq0eE-01624-00401335-00401519 assist who lived
CWxMIgZq0eE-01625-00401520-00401854 800 years ago yeah and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01626-00401855-00402223 he wrote about ebenezence uh evanescence
CWxMIgZq0eE-01627-00402224-00402302 of life
CWxMIgZq0eE-01628-00402303-00402630 uh uh so to speak uh that everything in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01629-00402631-00402791 this world changes
CWxMIgZq0eE-01630-00402792-00403182 uh yeah and as uh that is as a buddhist
CWxMIgZq0eE-01631-00403183-00403287 view
CWxMIgZq0eE-01632-00403288-00403663 of the world and uh one quote from
CWxMIgZq0eE-01633-00403664-00404015 his s days famously says that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01634-00404016-00404319 as water is not the same as waters
CWxMIgZq0eE-01635-00404320-00404463 before
CWxMIgZq0eE-01636-00404464-00404878 like uh river flowing so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01637-00404879-00405206 i think evanescence and instability
CWxMIgZq0eE-01638-00405207-00405534 uh qualities that characterizes orgs
CWxMIgZq0eE-01639-00405535-00405747 working or organs work so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01640-00405748-00405919 [Applause]
CWxMIgZq0eE-01641-00405920-00406199 there are among others reason reasons
CWxMIgZq0eE-01642-00406200-00406399 there are reasons why is japanese
CWxMIgZq0eE-01643-00406400-00406487 leaders love
CWxMIgZq0eE-01644-00406488-00406919 her uh work work um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01645-00406920-00407158 olia's work i think and it's also said
CWxMIgZq0eE-01646-00407159-00407287 that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01647-00407288-00407623 we very often experience we
CWxMIgZq0eE-01648-00407624-00407943 very often experience natural disasters
CWxMIgZq0eE-01649-00407944-00408054 here in japan
CWxMIgZq0eE-01650-00408055-00408343 so we we don't believe anything
CWxMIgZq0eE-01651-00408344-00408471 everlasting
CWxMIgZq0eE-01652-00408472-00408782 so it's also said that so so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01653-00408783-00409023 i feel simplified i feel kind of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01654-00409024-00409119 simplified with
CWxMIgZq0eE-01655-00409120-00409447 all those words
CWxMIgZq0eE-01656-00409448-00409726 that's fascinating hikaru thank you um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01657-00409727-00409903 you know another another question
CWxMIgZq0eE-01658-00409904-00410263 that comes up here we have 10 of olga's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01659-00410264-00410407 translators in one place
CWxMIgZq0eE-01660-00410408-00410759 this is very exciting um but
CWxMIgZq0eE-01661-00410760-00411014 as we mentioned earlier there are as
CWxMIgZq0eE-01662-00411015-00411303 many as 90 translators who have worked
CWxMIgZq0eE-01663-00411304-00411591 on her books and another interesting
CWxMIgZq0eE-01664-00411592-00411647 element
CWxMIgZq0eE-01665-00411647-00411934 of translation publishing is that books
CWxMIgZq0eE-01666-00411935-00412126 are not necessarily published in the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01667-00412127-00412318 order in which they were published
CWxMIgZq0eE-01668-00412319-00412678 originally in the original language and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01669-00412679-00413022 often a group of books are published
CWxMIgZq0eE-01670-00413023-00413310 only after one book makes a great
CWxMIgZq0eE-01671-00413312-00413510 success so you'll see many others coming
CWxMIgZq0eE-01672-00413512-00413566 out
CWxMIgZq0eE-01673-00413567-00413822 um in a very short time whereas there
CWxMIgZq0eE-01674-00413823-00413974 may have been a gap
CWxMIgZq0eE-01675-00413975-00414214 as a couple of you have mentioned i'm
CWxMIgZq0eE-01676-00414215-00414439 curious to know about
CWxMIgZq0eE-01677-00414439-00414670 to what extent when you do have all
CWxMIgZq0eE-01678-00414671-00414799 these options
CWxMIgZq0eE-01679-00414800-00415287 of worldwide versions of olga's work
CWxMIgZq0eE-01680-00415288-00415559 we're interested in knowing how what do
CWxMIgZq0eE-01681-00415560-00415599 you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01682-00415600-00415839 what kind of do you consult with other
CWxMIgZq0eE-01683-00415839-00415966 translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-01684-00415967-00416166 in your in your language or in others or
CWxMIgZq0eE-01685-00416167-00416351 refer to other translations
CWxMIgZq0eE-01686-00416352-00416630 and i think lisa and lotar i think you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01687-00416631-00416814 could lead off this question because of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01688-00416815-00416918 course you're
CWxMIgZq0eE-01689-00416919-00417207 um you're the the tandem pair in our
CWxMIgZq0eE-01690-00417208-00417343 conversation tonight you're the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01691-00417343-00417599 the collaborators who do work together i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01692-00417600-00417774 think everyone would be interested
CWxMIgZq0eE-01693-00417775-00418478 in knowing um what methods you use
CWxMIgZq0eE-01694-00418479-00418830 lisa and lotar yes yes we are here
CWxMIgZq0eE-01695-00418831-00419174 okay we are here yeah okay um yes i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01696-00419175-00419431 as lord have said before we already
CWxMIgZq0eE-01697-00419432-00419614 translated another book before
CWxMIgZq0eE-01698-00419615-00419855 um autobiography it was also a very big
CWxMIgZq0eE-01699-00419856-00420110 book 600 pages
CWxMIgZq0eE-01700-00420112-00420551 and we decided to um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01701-00420552-00420735 not that one person translate the first
CWxMIgZq0eE-01702-00420735-00420870 half and the other one a second
CWxMIgZq0eE-01703-00420871-00421222 but to change after every chapter
CWxMIgZq0eE-01704-00421223-00421551 so we were exchanging the chapters all
CWxMIgZq0eE-01705-00421552-00421679 the time
CWxMIgZq0eE-01706-00421680-00421943 and this was a very good because i think
CWxMIgZq0eE-01707-00421943-00422014 otherwise
CWxMIgZq0eE-01708-00422015-00422279 when one some person translates a lot of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01709-00422280-00422327 chapters
CWxMIgZq0eE-01710-00422328-00422510 the other one the next then you get lost
CWxMIgZq0eE-01711-00422512-00422631 in your own
CWxMIgZq0eE-01712-00422632-00422870 language style and you never see if it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01713-00422871-00422959 fits together
CWxMIgZq0eE-01714-00422960-00423135 maybe the reader later will see
CWxMIgZq0eE-01715-00423135-00423318 something doesn't fit
CWxMIgZq0eE-01716-00423319-00423487 that the language changes within the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01717-00423488-00423695 book so we decided to work like this
CWxMIgZq0eE-01718-00423696-00423822 again
CWxMIgZq0eE-01719-00423823-00424159 and um this was uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01720-00424160-00424470 of course it was a longer process
CWxMIgZq0eE-01721-00424471-00424727 than as if one person translates the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01722-00424728-00424839 whole book
CWxMIgZq0eE-01723-00424839-00425159 i think because we all already
CWxMIgZq0eE-01724-00425160-00425503 were correcting and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01725-00425504-00425814 working on the style on the other hand
CWxMIgZq0eE-01726-00425815-00426191 if for me especially with the books of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01727-00426192-00426263 jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-01728-00426264-00426575 was a very necessary thing
CWxMIgZq0eE-01729-00426576-00426822 very necessary experience because i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01730-00426823-00426910 think
CWxMIgZq0eE-01731-00426912-00427135 i alone there are so many things we had
CWxMIgZq0eE-01732-00427135-00427222 to read
CWxMIgZq0eE-01733-00427223-00427470 to understand this the topic and the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01734-00427471-00427566 life of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01735-00427567-00427879 jacob frank and the theory and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01736-00427880-00428222 um mystics behind it and i think one
CWxMIgZq0eE-01737-00428223-00428359 person alone
CWxMIgZq0eE-01738-00428360-00428639 would not be able so good to to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01739-00428639-00428775 understand everything or at least i know
CWxMIgZq0eE-01740-00428776-00428918 that i wouldn't be able to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01741-00428919-00429239 to um to see so many aspects i saw
CWxMIgZq0eE-01742-00429239-00429431 working together with lauter
CWxMIgZq0eE-01743-00429432-00429631 so it was on the one hand was from the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01744-00429632-00429839 language very interesting and necessary
CWxMIgZq0eE-01745-00429839-00429910 because
CWxMIgZq0eE-01746-00429912-00430206 we found that in this process we um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01747-00430207-00430366 [Music]
CWxMIgZq0eE-01748-00430367-00430566 very often we had the same thoughts and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01749-00430567-00430679 when we were
CWxMIgZq0eE-01750-00430680-00430903 we met at least one time in a month they
CWxMIgZq0eE-01751-00430904-00431055 were talking about the chapters we did
CWxMIgZq0eE-01752-00431056-00431239 in between
CWxMIgZq0eE-01753-00431239-00431470 and then very often we came to the same
CWxMIgZq0eE-01754-00431471-00431591 conclusion
CWxMIgZq0eE-01755-00431592-00431895 so uh this was a very good and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01756-00431896-00432039 interesting process
CWxMIgZq0eE-01757-00432039-00432270 but maybe it would not work with
CWxMIgZq0eE-01758-00432271-00432407 everyone a lot of people told me they
CWxMIgZq0eE-01759-00432408-00432543 never could work
CWxMIgZq0eE-01760-00432543-00432807 together in translation with another
CWxMIgZq0eE-01761-00432808-00433079 translator
CWxMIgZq0eE-01762-00433080-00433383 but i i must start uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01763-00433384-00433695 um i think this can speak for both of us
CWxMIgZq0eE-01764-00433696-00434007 uh that we said uh several times during
CWxMIgZq0eE-01765-00434008-00434222 this work on the books of jacob that we
CWxMIgZq0eE-01766-00434223-00434470 really have the deepest deepest deepest
CWxMIgZq0eE-01767-00434471-00434566 respect
CWxMIgZq0eE-01768-00434567-00434759 for the persons who did this alone
CWxMIgZq0eE-01769-00434760-00434879 because
CWxMIgZq0eE-01770-00434880-00435214 i speaking for myself i think i would
CWxMIgZq0eE-01771-00435215-00435422 have been afraid to get lost
CWxMIgZq0eE-01772-00435423-00435687 alone and you also said sometimes that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01773-00435688-00435814 uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01774-00435815-00436063 it is so helpful because you you have
CWxMIgZq0eE-01775-00436064-00436135 doubts
CWxMIgZq0eE-01776-00436135-00436351 we immediately could could discuss them
CWxMIgZq0eE-01777-00436352-00436495 we could consult them
CWxMIgZq0eE-01778-00436496-00436655 and we collected we collected the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01779-00436656-00436839 library it's it's our
CWxMIgZq0eE-01780-00436839-00437199 private jacob frank library
CWxMIgZq0eE-01781-00437200-00437510 during the work we really read so many
CWxMIgZq0eE-01782-00437512-00437559 books
CWxMIgZq0eE-01783-00437560-00437887 articles we we also we're in an archive
CWxMIgZq0eE-01784-00437888-00438166 in offenbach where he spent his last
CWxMIgZq0eE-01785-00438167-00438335 years there a lot of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01786-00438335-00438655 franchiana there we we brought home
CWxMIgZq0eE-01787-00438656-00438991 really hundreds of pages of xero copies
CWxMIgZq0eE-01788-00438992-00439022 to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01789-00439023-00439351 to study and this was this was a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01790-00439352-00439639 huge work these characters appeared in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01791-00439639-00439903 our dreams i can say we were really
CWxMIgZq0eE-01792-00439904-00440079 uh and we had we were absolutely
CWxMIgZq0eE-01793-00440080-00440351 absorbed and so many times we said
CWxMIgZq0eE-01794-00440352-00440622 now imagine you are working on this
CWxMIgZq0eE-01795-00440623-00440695 alone
CWxMIgZq0eE-01796-00440696-00441159 this is really is uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01797-00441160-00441470 almost incredible um and the thing
CWxMIgZq0eE-01798-00441471-00441703 which was really uh wonderful was that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01799-00441704-00441879 all the time when we were discussing
CWxMIgZq0eE-01800-00441880-00442103 uh certain problems discussing certain
CWxMIgZq0eE-01801-00442104-00442279 aspects of the translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-01802-00442280-00442510 uh it was a huge inspiration and we
CWxMIgZq0eE-01803-00442512-00442703 actually the question that came up
CWxMIgZq0eE-01804-00442704-00442831 sometimes
CWxMIgZq0eE-01805-00442832-00443127 in discussions also with readers didn't
CWxMIgZq0eE-01806-00443128-00443639 you fight didn't you quarrel
CWxMIgZq0eE-01807-00443639-00443839 actually not because there was nothing
CWxMIgZq0eE-01808-00443839-00444143 to to quarrel and to find a solution
CWxMIgZq0eE-01809-00444143-00444455 and willing to to find the best solution
CWxMIgZq0eE-01810-00444456-00444575 and this was always
CWxMIgZq0eE-01811-00444576-00444855 the main priority and sometimes we we
CWxMIgZq0eE-01812-00444856-00445110 were twisting the sentence 25 times and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01813-00445112-00445239 then suddenly we said
CWxMIgZq0eE-01814-00445239-00445503 this is it now and the other person said
CWxMIgZq0eE-01815-00445504-00445622 yes you are right this
CWxMIgZq0eE-01816-00445623-00445983 is it ah and i also think it is it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01817-00445984-00446287 is a question of uh let's say
CWxMIgZq0eE-01818-00446288-00446622 a question uh just of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01819-00446623-00446847 work i can understand that for example
CWxMIgZq0eE-01820-00446847-00446951 someone
CWxMIgZq0eE-01821-00446952-00447239 says that he or she would not like to to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01822-00447239-00447447 make such a tandem work
CWxMIgZq0eE-01823-00447447-00447751 it just came out that that we are
CWxMIgZq0eE-01824-00447752-00448103 somehow uh yeah we are just somehow
CWxMIgZq0eE-01825-00448104-00448407 made for it so yeah but i i i surely
CWxMIgZq0eE-01826-00448408-00448614 i absolutely can't understand it if
CWxMIgZq0eE-01827-00448615-00448727 someone says
CWxMIgZq0eE-01828-00448728-00448991 this would not be a right thing for me
CWxMIgZq0eE-01829-00448992-00449166 it's a question just of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01830-00449167-00449559 crying and finding out i think thank you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01831-00449560-00449775 yes yes and you are one thing very
CWxMIgZq0eE-01832-00449776-00449983 important thing we want to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01833-00449984-00450199 to send a special thank you and a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01834-00450200-00450295 special greeting
CWxMIgZq0eE-01835-00450296-00450710 to danny because she we also had
CWxMIgZq0eE-01836-00450712-00451031 contact with her a quite intense contact
CWxMIgZq0eE-01837-00451032-00451407 and she put us on a very important track
CWxMIgZq0eE-01838-00451408-00451647 because thanks to jenny we came to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01839-00451647-00451991 salomon maimonides thank you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01840-00451992-00452343 jenny would you like to respond to lotar
CWxMIgZq0eE-01841-00452343-00452479 and lisa's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01842-00452480-00452718 comment again wondering if how they
CWxMIgZq0eE-01843-00452719-00452847 could ever have done it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01844-00452847-00453118 without a partner um how have you how
CWxMIgZq0eE-01845-00453119-00453166 are you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01846-00453167-00453439 how are you doing it alone yeah this is
CWxMIgZq0eE-01847-00453439-00453639 also my question yeah but uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01848-00453639-00453951 sorry uh a little correction it was of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01849-00453952-00454422 course salomon 911 but
CWxMIgZq0eE-01850-00454423-00454718 in another chapter it was salomon thank
CWxMIgZq0eE-01851-00454719-00454903 you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01852-00454904-00455175 yeah i was just gonna interject that i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01853-00455176-00455207 am
CWxMIgZq0eE-01854-00455208-00455566 so grateful to lisa and lotar and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01855-00455567-00455863 also to every every one of all
CWxMIgZq0eE-01856-00455864-00456031 translators who's working on or
CWxMIgZq0eE-01857-00456032-00456199 who has worked on the books of jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-01858-00456200-00456335 because they
CWxMIgZq0eE-01859-00456335-00456614 are lotter and lisa write it it's not
CWxMIgZq0eE-01860-00456615-00456663 really
CWxMIgZq0eE-01861-00456664-00456855 something that you can do alone and as
CWxMIgZq0eE-01862-00456856-00457022 ostep mentioned
CWxMIgZq0eE-01863-00457023-00457239 olga didn't do it alone either i mean
CWxMIgZq0eE-01864-00457239-00457359 she is using
CWxMIgZq0eE-01865-00457360-00457710 so many books and she also traveled so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01866-00457712-00457751 much
CWxMIgZq0eE-01867-00457752-00457935 and she went around ukraine and she
CWxMIgZq0eE-01868-00457935-00458087 visited these spaces
CWxMIgZq0eE-01869-00458088-00458391 and this isn't just the work of one
CWxMIgZq0eE-01870-00458392-00458591 person's imagination so
CWxMIgZq0eE-01871-00458592-00458831 it can't be the work of one translator's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01872-00458832-00458918 imagination
CWxMIgZq0eE-01873-00458919-00459359 either and i and i was really lucky to
CWxMIgZq0eE-01874-00459360-00459622 take out letter and lisa on the phone a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01875-00459623-00460014 few times we talked a lot about sources
CWxMIgZq0eE-01876-00460015-00460279 and we have a facebook group for all of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01877-00460280-00460383 us now
CWxMIgZq0eE-01878-00460384-00460710 called windows which is comes from
CWxMIgZq0eE-01879-00460712-00460918 olga's very short essay that appeared in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01880-00460919-00461118 english in the new yorker
CWxMIgZq0eE-01881-00461119-00461439 about the pandemic and it really spoke
CWxMIgZq0eE-01882-00461439-00461647 to us as her translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-01883-00461647-00461935 because it seemed to correctly reflect
CWxMIgZq0eE-01884-00461935-00462127 this idea that one thing that olga can
CWxMIgZq0eE-01885-00462128-00462239 offer the world is
CWxMIgZq0eE-01886-00462239-00462551 these kind of fresh perspectives um and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01887-00462552-00462775 this borderlessness and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01888-00462776-00463079 this transparency that you don't often
CWxMIgZq0eE-01889-00463080-00463263 encounter in literature
CWxMIgZq0eE-01890-00463264-00463759 so um so when i have questions uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01891-00463760-00463999 olga is always happy to help but
CWxMIgZq0eE-01892-00464000-00464175 sometimes i feel like
CWxMIgZq0eE-01893-00464176-00464399 the best thing to do if there's a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01894-00464400-00464583 sentence that is really just giving me a
CWxMIgZq0eE-01895-00464584-00464718 hard time
CWxMIgZq0eE-01896-00464719-00464918 is to ask the other translators rather
CWxMIgZq0eE-01897-00464919-00465118 than asking olga because
CWxMIgZq0eE-01898-00465119-00465447 once you involve i this is just how i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01899-00465447-00465695 work but once i involve the author then
CWxMIgZq0eE-01900-00465696-00465910 i'm extending the translation into this
CWxMIgZq0eE-01901-00465912-00466079 whole other realm
CWxMIgZq0eE-01902-00466080-00466351 of biography and so forth and their
CWxMIgZq0eE-01903-00466352-00466503 intentions and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01904-00466504-00466807 maybe that doesn't isn't reflected in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01905-00466808-00466999 in the actual book in polish and maybe
CWxMIgZq0eE-01906-00467000-00467199 it doesn't also need to be
CWxMIgZq0eE-01907-00467200-00467414 transmitted in the english version but
CWxMIgZq0eE-01908-00467415-00467591 just for reference this is the book that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01909-00467592-00467743 we're talking about
CWxMIgZq0eE-01910-00467743-00468070 um it's quite enormous so this is one of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01911-00468071-00468175 the reasons why
CWxMIgZq0eE-01912-00468176-00468375 it's hard to translate alone but there
CWxMIgZq0eE-01913-00468376-00468487 are many
CWxMIgZq0eE-01914-00468488-00468670 there are many reasons so but i have not
CWxMIgZq0eE-01915-00468671-00468814 translated alone i've translated it with
CWxMIgZq0eE-01916-00468815-00468951 lots of health
CWxMIgZq0eE-01917-00468952-00469279 oh barbara you also did books of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01918-00469280-00469575 books of jacob into italian did you tr
CWxMIgZq0eE-01919-00469576-00469751 did you consult with other translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-01920-00469752-00469918 along the way
CWxMIgZq0eE-01921-00469919-00470231 i'm translating now in this moment
CWxMIgZq0eE-01922-00470232-00470543 yes but i'm i say always that i'm quite
CWxMIgZq0eE-01923-00470543-00470622 at the end
CWxMIgZq0eE-01924-00470623-00470959 it means that uh i have still 200 pages
CWxMIgZq0eE-01925-00470960-00471247 oh and i say okay i'm quite at the end
CWxMIgZq0eE-01926-00471247-00471310 after
CWxMIgZq0eE-01927-00471312-00471639 700 pages that you feel it is way at the
CWxMIgZq0eE-01928-00471639-00471703 end
CWxMIgZq0eE-01929-00471704-00472047 three quarters of the way sorry
CWxMIgZq0eE-01930-00472047-00472399 three quarters of the way there yes
CWxMIgZq0eE-01931-00472400-00472710 and um okay
CWxMIgZq0eE-01932-00472712-00472999 at the beginning of my career i didn't
CWxMIgZq0eE-01933-00473000-00473047 think
CWxMIgZq0eE-01934-00473047-00473399 that uh consulting with other colleagues
CWxMIgZq0eE-01935-00473400-00473735 was so important but now with olga's
CWxMIgZq0eE-01936-00473735-00473791 book
CWxMIgZq0eE-01937-00473792-00474055 yes it is and in fact with also with
CWxMIgZq0eE-01938-00474056-00474222 this book
CWxMIgZq0eE-01939-00474223-00474559 with this books of jacobs i'm working
CWxMIgZq0eE-01940-00474560-00474935 not with a translator but with an
CWxMIgZq0eE-01941-00474935-00475287 um a polish actress
CWxMIgZq0eE-01942-00475288-00475607 or theater that is she lives
CWxMIgZq0eE-01943-00475608-00475983 in italy and she is
CWxMIgZq0eE-01944-00475984-00476343 a friend of olga and so olga suggested
CWxMIgZq0eE-01945-00476343-00476655 that we work together because she has
CWxMIgZq0eE-01946-00476656-00476999 a very great culture and she
CWxMIgZq0eE-01947-00477000-00477295 and she knows very well the story of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01948-00477296-00477375 jews
CWxMIgZq0eE-01949-00477376-00477670 in poland and also she knows very well
CWxMIgZq0eE-01950-00477671-00477751 at this story
CWxMIgZq0eE-01951-00477752-00478039 and so she she is very helpful for me
CWxMIgZq0eE-01952-00478039-00478270 and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01953-00478271-00478575 at the beginning with this book i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01954-00478576-00478807 thought that the most most difficult
CWxMIgZq0eE-01955-00478808-00478879 thing was
CWxMIgZq0eE-01956-00478880-00479199 the story the plot and all uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01957-00479200-00479527 the historical facts to understand
CWxMIgZq0eE-01958-00479528-00479814 and uh i told to her with language no
CWxMIgZq0eE-01959-00479815-00480014 problem the language is very simple i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01960-00480015-00480199 can understand quite everything
CWxMIgZq0eE-01961-00480200-00480479 and then i discover that it is not in
CWxMIgZq0eE-01962-00480480-00480551 this way
CWxMIgZq0eE-01963-00480552-00480862 i have her her her helper
CWxMIgZq0eE-01964-00480863-00481191 is uh uh yes i need it
CWxMIgZq0eE-01965-00481192-00481407 and so we are working together i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01966-00481408-00481591 translate that she corrects
CWxMIgZq0eE-01967-00481592-00481910 we don't quarrel but and
CWxMIgZq0eE-01968-00481912-00482351 i think that this is a way also to um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01969-00482352-00482718 uh to change a little the idea that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01970-00482719-00483079 the translator works alone and that
CWxMIgZq0eE-01971-00483080-00483399 this uh image of loneliness
CWxMIgZq0eE-01972-00483400-00483639 of the translator is no more in this way
CWxMIgZq0eE-01973-00483639-00483855 probably in the past i don't know but uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-01974-00483856-00484183 now i think and also with this uh also
CWxMIgZq0eE-01975-00484184-00484422 in this moment as we can see that we are
CWxMIgZq0eE-01976-00484423-00484495 all here
CWxMIgZq0eE-01977-00484496-00484807 together talking about uh the same
CWxMIgZq0eE-01978-00484808-00485022 authored same language as zena
CWxMIgZq0eE-01979-00485023-00485327 and um okay so i hope
CWxMIgZq0eE-01980-00485328-00485599 i think that that is a collaborative
CWxMIgZq0eE-01981-00485600-00485751 cooperation should be
CWxMIgZq0eE-01982-00485752-00485975 at the basis of the work process of our
CWxMIgZq0eE-01983-00485976-00486343 translation or whatever translations
CWxMIgZq0eE-01984-00486343-00486687 thank you barbara uh christina have you
CWxMIgZq0eE-01985-00486688-00486903 you've done so much translation have d
CWxMIgZq0eE-01986-00486904-00487022 have you found yourself
CWxMIgZq0eE-01987-00487023-00487214 consulting with other translators as
CWxMIgZq0eE-01988-00487215-00487510 you've worked on olga's books
CWxMIgZq0eE-01989-00487512-00487870 um no i didn't consult with my fellow
CWxMIgZq0eE-01990-00487871-00488095 translators in the past but um
CWxMIgZq0eE-01991-00488096-00488391 i'm 10 pages into books of the books of
CWxMIgZq0eE-01992-00488392-00488535 jacob and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-01993-00488535-00488791 i already i'm feeling that it's a book
CWxMIgZq0eE-01994-00488792-00488847 like
CWxMIgZq0eE-01995-00488847-00489343 no other before so uh um it will require
CWxMIgZq0eE-01996-00489343-00489575 a lot of research on my part and i'm
CWxMIgZq0eE-01997-00489576-00489710 sure that i'll
CWxMIgZq0eE-01998-00489712-00490007 um have lots of questions to ask my
CWxMIgZq0eE-01999-00490008-00490166 fellow translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-02000-00490167-00490543 and i'll be happy to benefit from their
CWxMIgZq0eE-02001-00490543-00490951 insights and experiences well
CWxMIgZq0eE-02002-00490952-00491175 why don't we take advantage of having
CWxMIgZq0eE-02003-00491176-00491431 all 10 of you here now and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02004-00491432-00491655 turn this over to you what questions do
CWxMIgZq0eE-02005-00491656-00491918 you have for your fellow translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-02006-00491919-00492151 well i don't have a question related to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02007-00492152-00492359 the books of jacob but i have a question
CWxMIgZq0eE-02008-00492360-00492391 to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02009-00492392-00492783 antonia um are you the inspiration for
CWxMIgZq0eE-02010-00492784-00492839 the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02011-00492839-00493391 short story professor andrews in warsaw
CWxMIgZq0eE-02012-00493392-00493662 absolutely not i didn't know i think
CWxMIgZq0eE-02013-00493663-00493831 when she wrote that it was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02014-00493832-00494318 it's not because you lost your luggage
CWxMIgZq0eE-02015-00494319-00494599 and it was that period of martial arts
CWxMIgZq0eE-02016-00494600-00494831 no he's the person who arrives knowing
CWxMIgZq0eE-02017-00494832-00494862 no
CWxMIgZq0eE-02018-00494863-00495135 polish whatsoever and he arrives in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02019-00495135-00495231 poland
CWxMIgZq0eE-02020-00495232-00495503 on the day that martial law is declared
CWxMIgZq0eE-02021-00495504-00495695 december the 13th
CWxMIgZq0eE-02022-00495696-00496031 1981 and he's an englishman who's been
CWxMIgZq0eE-02023-00496032-00496214 invited to come and take part in a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02024-00496215-00496399 conference in warsaw
CWxMIgZq0eE-02025-00496400-00496718 and this poor man uh arrives not
CWxMIgZq0eE-02026-00496719-00497031 understanding anything and so um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02027-00497032-00497175 nobody comes to pick him up from the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02028-00497176-00497359 airport and he can't understand why and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02029-00497360-00497455 eventually some
CWxMIgZq0eE-02030-00497456-00497639 student comes and doesn't know quite
CWxMIgZq0eE-02031-00497639-00497775 what to do with him and they take him
CWxMIgZq0eE-02032-00497776-00497918 and they stick him in a flat and they
CWxMIgZq0eE-02033-00497919-00497951 just
CWxMIgZq0eE-02034-00497952-00498166 leave him there and there are tanks in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02035-00498167-00498262 the streets
CWxMIgZq0eE-02036-00498263-00498439 and it's just before christmas and in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02037-00498439-00498759 poland people have carp for christmas
CWxMIgZq0eE-02038-00498760-00499070 and so you can go and buy a carp and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02039-00499071-00499318 it's a famous thing that people buy them
CWxMIgZq0eE-02040-00499319-00499518 living and they swim around in the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02041-00499519-00499695 bathtub before christmas
CWxMIgZq0eE-02042-00499696-00499927 and then you have to eat this pet fish
CWxMIgZq0eE-02043-00499928-00499999 you've got used
CWxMIgZq0eE-02044-00500000-00500295 to for christmas so he goes to a shop
CWxMIgZq0eE-02045-00500296-00500455 and he can't really understand what's
CWxMIgZq0eE-02046-00500456-00500631 going on except that someone keeps
CWxMIgZq0eE-02047-00500632-00500766 saying live or dead
CWxMIgZq0eE-02048-00500767-00501031 live or dead thinking he wants to buy
CWxMIgZq0eE-02049-00501032-00501095 one of these
CWxMIgZq0eE-02050-00501096-00501414 fish and it's all about this bewildered
CWxMIgZq0eE-02051-00501415-00501566 professor it's actually going to be
CWxMIgZq0eE-02052-00501567-00501662 filmed
CWxMIgZq0eE-02053-00501663-00501991 um so um it's got nothing to do with me
CWxMIgZq0eE-02054-00501992-00502022 there
CWxMIgZq0eE-02055-00502023-00502310 is um my father inspired a story of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02056-00502312-00502359 august
CWxMIgZq0eE-02057-00502360-00502679 of which is in flights
CWxMIgZq0eE-02058-00502680-00502983 about a professor in greece who who she
CWxMIgZq0eE-02059-00502984-00503159 olga was staying with me
CWxMIgZq0eE-02060-00503160-00503439 and um my father and his wife my father
CWxMIgZq0eE-02061-00503439-00503599 was a professor of classical literature
CWxMIgZq0eE-02062-00503600-00503766 and they were traveling in greece on a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02063-00503767-00503903 boat giving lectures
CWxMIgZq0eE-02064-00503904-00504110 my father fell out of his bunk bed and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02065-00504112-00504303 made him almighty fuss about it although
CWxMIgZq0eE-02066-00504304-00504431 the height he'd fallen was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02067-00504432-00504655 like this so olga thought this was funny
CWxMIgZq0eE-02068-00504656-00504831 and then based a story wrote a story
CWxMIgZq0eE-02069-00504832-00505062 about a professor and his wife traveling
CWxMIgZq0eE-02070-00505063-00505231 in greece and the professor actually
CWxMIgZq0eE-02071-00505232-00505462 dies in the story leaving the whites to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02072-00505463-00505655 pick up the bits
CWxMIgZq0eE-02073-00505656-00505951 so unfortunately my own family story was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02074-00505952-00506143 not quite so dramatic
CWxMIgZq0eE-02075-00506143-00506335 well i'm glad to hear that since it
CWxMIgZq0eE-02076-00506335-00506799 amuses you so antonio
CWxMIgZq0eE-02077-00506800-00507143 other other questions um translators for
CWxMIgZq0eE-02078-00507143-00507343 your colleagues here pavel did you have
CWxMIgZq0eE-02079-00507343-00507447 a question
CWxMIgZq0eE-02080-00507447-00507814 uh for for the other translators yes
CWxMIgZq0eE-02081-00507814-00507943 [Music]
CWxMIgZq0eE-02082-00507943-00508255 sorry okay but
CWxMIgZq0eE-02083-00508256-00508543 i wanted to ask uh i wanted to say and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02084-00508543-00508607 that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02085-00508608-00508862 says antonia are stuck in a flight in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02086-00508863-00509199 warsaw right
CWxMIgZq0eE-02087-00509200-00509447 so i'll take it up too if you if you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02088-00509447-00509622 believe her story or not
CWxMIgZq0eE-02089-00509623-00509918 okay actually i i had a question for our
CWxMIgZq0eE-02090-00509919-00510087 scandinavian colleague
CWxMIgZq0eE-02091-00510088-00510443 ah who always
CWxMIgZq0eE-02092-00510443-00510766 unfortunately couldn't make it
CWxMIgZq0eE-02093-00510767-00511055 to today's meeting because i was really
CWxMIgZq0eE-02094-00511056-00511399 interested and maybe some of you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02095-00511400-00511718 could tell me uh what's the reception of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02096-00511719-00512007 vulgar's work in scandinavia
CWxMIgZq0eE-02097-00512008-00512239 you know somebody knows somebody knows
CWxMIgZq0eE-02098-00512239-00512359 because i was interested
CWxMIgZq0eE-02099-00512360-00512662 in a in in this aspect
CWxMIgZq0eE-02100-00512663-00512983 nobody gave her a small prize in sweden
CWxMIgZq0eE-02101-00512984-00513383 yeah i was gonna say about sweden yes
CWxMIgZq0eE-02102-00513384-00513759 yes i remember and apart from that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02103-00513760-00514110 is that or maybe some of you know
CWxMIgZq0eE-02104-00514112-00514303 about the old cast relations to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02105-00514304-00514566 scandinavia this is just
CWxMIgZq0eE-02106-00514567-00514918 my flick that i that i got
CWxMIgZq0eE-02107-00514919-00515143 this morning but maybe maybe some other
CWxMIgZq0eE-02108-00515143-00515247 questions but
CWxMIgZq0eE-02109-00515247-00515495 since i have some so some colleagues i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02110-00515496-00515583 congratulate
CWxMIgZq0eE-02111-00515584-00515959 the tandem lotta and lisa uh on on doing
CWxMIgZq0eE-02112-00515960-00516159 the book and i was really interested in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02113-00516160-00516407 in the method that you did yeah i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02114-00516408-00516518 co-translated
CWxMIgZq0eE-02115-00516519-00516839 uh flights with uh petr village as i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02116-00516839-00516935 said
CWxMIgZq0eE-02117-00516935-00517135 and the method was totally different
CWxMIgZq0eE-02118-00517135-00517270 which is the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02119-00517271-00517566 this little story center style okay what
CWxMIgZq0eE-02120-00517567-00517791 is my question
CWxMIgZq0eE-02121-00517792-00518062 they they've talked about it a little
CWxMIgZq0eE-02122-00518063-00518199 bit maybe i could change
CWxMIgZq0eE-02123-00518200-00518518 scandinavia for brazil
CWxMIgZq0eE-02124-00518519-00518831 so olga all god tell us because
CWxMIgZq0eE-02125-00518832-00519135 it's quite exotic
CWxMIgZq0eE-02126-00519135-00519487 for us at least europeans
CWxMIgZq0eE-02127-00519488-00519807 so you said that you've actually
CWxMIgZq0eE-02128-00519808-00519927 introduced olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-02129-00519928-00520295 to brazilian readers no uh so there was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02130-00520296-00520743 nothing before no there was uh in 2013
CWxMIgZq0eE-02131-00520743-00521022 uh flights were published here in brazil
CWxMIgZq0eE-02132-00521023-00521199 by the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02133-00521200-00521551 cintanegra and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02134-00521552-00521862 thomas bartinski was the translator
CWxMIgZq0eE-02135-00521863-00522031 that translated flights the first
CWxMIgZq0eE-02136-00522032-00522262 version of flights
CWxMIgZq0eE-02137-00522263-00522495 so it was published but um i don't know
CWxMIgZq0eE-02138-00522496-00522599 why actually
CWxMIgZq0eE-02139-00522600-00522943 um it it wasn't really
CWxMIgZq0eE-02140-00522943-00523262 it it it didn't you know it didn't get
CWxMIgZq0eE-02141-00523263-00523455 very famous olga did not get very famous
CWxMIgZq0eE-02142-00523456-00523631 here in in brazil so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02143-00523632-00523839 um i think it was like more restricted
CWxMIgZq0eE-02144-00523839-00524103 to smaller to people who actually
CWxMIgZq0eE-02145-00524104-00524407 knew uh if the european literature and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02146-00524408-00524839 um and there was no interest
CWxMIgZq0eE-02147-00524840-00525087 like even by the you know the publishers
CWxMIgZq0eE-02148-00525088-00525199 weren't really interested
CWxMIgZq0eE-02149-00525200-00525551 in in august uh work until until
CWxMIgZq0eE-02150-00525552-00525855 i could say last year um yeah
CWxMIgZq0eE-02151-00525856-00526183 the booker prize of course made olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-02152-00526184-00526311 famous here
CWxMIgZq0eE-02153-00526312-00526622 and the novel and after the noble
CWxMIgZq0eE-02154-00526623-00526943 well she she became very very famous and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02155-00526944-00527022 the reception
CWxMIgZq0eE-02156-00527023-00527311 has been very very very good yeah so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02157-00527312-00527422 people even
CWxMIgZq0eE-02158-00527423-00527759 uh write write me you know on facebook
CWxMIgZq0eE-02159-00527760-00527831 or
CWxMIgZq0eE-02160-00527832-00528207 just write to me and ask me you know um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02161-00528208-00528518 um when when uh august books are going
CWxMIgZq0eE-02162-00528519-00528655 to be published when more of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02163-00528656-00528807 all these books are going to be
CWxMIgZq0eE-02164-00528808-00528991 published because uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02165-00528992-00529327 last year in november uh drive the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02166-00529328-00529455 blow over the bones of the dead was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02167-00529456-00529670 published in november right after the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02168-00529671-00529847 nobel prize so it was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02169-00529848-00530159 like a very you know uh perfect timing i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02170-00530160-00530262 would say
CWxMIgZq0eE-02171-00530263-00530614 and um i translated flights once again
CWxMIgZq0eE-02172-00530615-00530911 so that was also quite a difficult yeah
CWxMIgZq0eE-02173-00530912-00530966 it was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02174-00530967-00531407 it was hard because you know um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02175-00531408-00531751 translation was uh from 2013 so there's
CWxMIgZq0eE-02176-00531752-00531799 not much
CWxMIgZq0eE-02177-00531800-00532207 it's not like you know not uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02178-00532208-00532395 just a few years have passed from from
CWxMIgZq0eE-02179-00532396-00532743 2013
CWxMIgZq0eE-02180-00532744-00533199 and yeah and i think that well
CWxMIgZq0eE-02181-00533200-00533479 the public is quite interested and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02182-00533480-00533599 believe that olga was going
CWxMIgZq0eE-02183-00533600-00533918 to be uh she is already a success here
CWxMIgZq0eE-02184-00533919-00534031 but she's going to be a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02185-00534032-00534335 bigger success olga i'm i'm interested
CWxMIgZq0eE-02186-00534336-00534375 that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02187-00534376-00534647 you said the booker had um such impact
CWxMIgZq0eE-02188-00534648-00534799 in in brazil does the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02189-00534800-00534983 does the international booker generally
CWxMIgZq0eE-02190-00534984-00535166 have have that much effect or
CWxMIgZq0eE-02191-00535167-00535455 would you say it was um particular to uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02192-00535456-00535518 or
CWxMIgZq0eE-02193-00535519-00535807 that it was specific to olga's case no
CWxMIgZq0eE-02194-00535808-00536022 in general the booker has a very
CWxMIgZq0eE-02195-00536023-00536287 very big impact uh the thing is that the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02196-00536288-00536487 brazilian market like publishing market
CWxMIgZq0eE-02197-00536488-00536639 is also is very very big so you have
CWxMIgZq0eE-02198-00536640-00536743 lots of um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02199-00536744-00536975 you also have lots of brazilian authors
CWxMIgZq0eE-02200-00536976-00537055 so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02201-00537056-00537375 uh you know foreign authors um don't
CWxMIgZq0eE-02202-00537376-00537599 have that much space you know especially
CWxMIgZq0eE-02203-00537600-00537831 uh eastern european well they're known
CWxMIgZq0eE-02204-00537832-00538007 like in very
CWxMIgZq0eE-02205-00538008-00538207 you know limited circles i would say
CWxMIgZq0eE-02206-00538208-00538383 academic circles as well
CWxMIgZq0eE-02207-00538384-00538639 so to really get to the general public
CWxMIgZq0eE-02208-00538640-00538831 it's it's not that easy
CWxMIgZq0eE-02209-00538832-00539083 but um i think that olga managed to do
CWxMIgZq0eE-02210-00539084-00539222 it and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02211-00539223-00539599 she i i i would say that she's a very
CWxMIgZq0eE-02212-00539600-00539718 universal
CWxMIgZq0eE-02213-00539719-00539959 even though she's like eastern european
CWxMIgZq0eE-02214-00539960-00540111 she's polish and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02215-00540112-00540366 um the polish culture and the polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-02216-00540367-00540599 mentality is very present in her
CWxMIgZq0eE-02217-00540600-00540847 in her works but she is able to cross
CWxMIgZq0eE-02218-00540848-00541047 those borders and to really
CWxMIgZq0eE-02219-00541048-00541375 like with her um with the emotional side
CWxMIgZq0eE-02220-00541376-00541431 of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02221-00541432-00541655 the poetic side of her of her writing of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02222-00541656-00541822 her books she is managed
CWxMIgZq0eE-02223-00541823-00542087 she manages to get to you know
CWxMIgZq0eE-02224-00542088-00542214 foreigners
CWxMIgZq0eE-02225-00542215-00542566 um that's why i was curious as well uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02226-00542567-00542670 for example
CWxMIgZq0eE-02227-00542671-00542943 what it was in how it was in japan if
CWxMIgZq0eE-02228-00542944-00543166 the japanese people managed to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02229-00543167-00543503 like to understand olga and um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02230-00543504-00543775 if if they understand like the you know
CWxMIgZq0eE-02231-00543776-00543983 the cultural side as well of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02232-00543984-00544287 of her of her writing of her books
CWxMIgZq0eE-02233-00544288-00544495 because i know that for example chopin
CWxMIgZq0eE-02234-00544496-00545255 the japanese people love chopin so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02235-00545256-00545566 yeah yeah but as i said
CWxMIgZq0eE-02236-00545567-00545903 uh she get very famous now and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02237-00545904-00546303 she has gained most popularity and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02238-00546304-00546614 i i yes um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02239-00546615-00546943 yeah and actually actually uh this
CWxMIgZq0eE-02240-00546944-00547262 uh house of the house
CWxMIgZq0eE-02241-00547263-00547566 night was fourth
CWxMIgZq0eE-02242-00547567-00547943 represent be printed four times
CWxMIgZq0eE-02243-00547944-00548231 four times yeah four times wow it's very
CWxMIgZq0eE-02244-00548232-00548327 rare case
CWxMIgZq0eE-02245-00548328-00548670 in foreign following literature yeah
CWxMIgZq0eE-02246-00548671-00549039 in today's market for literature so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02247-00549040-00549366 yeah i would say very popular and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02248-00549367-00549703 very famous writer now in japan even in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02249-00549704-00549766 japan
CWxMIgZq0eE-02250-00549767-00550070 so yeah hikaru are there
CWxMIgZq0eE-02251-00550071-00550359 um what is the res what is the reception
CWxMIgZq0eE-02252-00550360-00550591 in japan of polish writers
CWxMIgZq0eE-02253-00550592-00550927 in general um is olga takarchik really
CWxMIgZq0eE-02254-00550928-00551159 one of the few or do you have you done a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02255-00551160-00551303 lot of other books
CWxMIgZq0eE-02256-00551304-00551647 or no actually no actually no
CWxMIgZq0eE-02257-00551648-00551895 i translated one of short stories from
CWxMIgZq0eE-02258-00551896-00552014 tadio schmidchinsky
CWxMIgZq0eE-02259-00552015-00552447 very yeah ancient poet
CWxMIgZq0eE-02260-00552448-00552775 or or so for example
CWxMIgZq0eE-02261-00552776-00553087 uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02262-00553088-00554527 uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02263-00554528-00554743 naokowska a translation of sofia
CWxMIgZq0eE-02264-00554744-00554839 narkowska
CWxMIgZq0eE-02265-00554840-00555151 uh she's not a modern writer a person
CWxMIgZq0eE-02266-00555152-00555303 modern writer but
CWxMIgZq0eE-02267-00555304-00555622 a translation of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02268-00555623-00555999 sofia narkowska get a translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-02269-00556000-00556239 literary translation prize in japan this
CWxMIgZq0eE-02270-00556240-00556366 year so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02271-00556367-00556791 uh getting much more uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02272-00556792-00557127 popularity now polish literature
CWxMIgZq0eE-02273-00557128-00557455 is getting much more popularity now but
CWxMIgZq0eE-02274-00557456-00557831 yeah yeah yes
CWxMIgZq0eE-02275-00557832-00558183 yes okay um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02276-00558184-00558455 jenny and antonia i had a question for
CWxMIgZq0eE-02277-00558456-00558495 you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02278-00558496-00558759 um as our two english language
CWxMIgZq0eE-02279-00558760-00558879 representatives
CWxMIgZq0eE-02280-00558880-00559318 um obviously the nobel has different
CWxMIgZq0eE-02281-00559319-00559518 different impact for different writers
CWxMIgZq0eE-02282-00559519-00559622 but um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02283-00559623-00559862 antonia i think you mentioned that you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02284-00559863-00559999 saw a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02285-00560000-00560255 a rush of sales for your translation of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02286-00560256-00560462 house of day house of night
CWxMIgZq0eE-02287-00560463-00560766 um after the nobel
CWxMIgZq0eE-02288-00560767-00561062 uh yes the the it was out of print in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02289-00561063-00561207 britain but it was still
CWxMIgZq0eE-02290-00561208-00561566 um on sale in the united states where
CWxMIgZq0eE-02291-00561567-00561887 thanks to your good offices it had
CWxMIgZq0eE-02292-00561888-00562095 appeared a long time earlier and not
CWxMIgZq0eE-02293-00562096-00562431 been given all that much attention
CWxMIgZq0eE-02294-00562432-00562631 and the same with primeval which was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02295-00562632-00562847 published with a tiny little publishing
CWxMIgZq0eE-02296-00562848-00563135 house based in prague twisted spoon
CWxMIgZq0eE-02297-00563136-00563351 and of course the nobel did suddenly
CWxMIgZq0eE-02298-00563352-00563511 sell those books again
CWxMIgZq0eE-02299-00563512-00563711 um which was very very nice because
CWxMIgZq0eE-02300-00563712-00563870 you've done all that work and you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02301-00563871-00564087 feel all sad that nobody's taken any
CWxMIgZq0eE-02302-00564088-00564207 notice of it
CWxMIgZq0eE-02303-00564208-00564470 and suddenly people wanted those older
CWxMIgZq0eE-02304-00564471-00564639 titles in fact there's
CWxMIgZq0eE-02305-00564640-00564855 there's some older books of august that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02306-00564856-00565007 haven't been translated into english
CWxMIgZq0eE-02307-00565008-00565231 that i have tried and tried in the past
CWxMIgZq0eE-02308-00565232-00565495 and um still hope i might perhaps be
CWxMIgZq0eE-02309-00565496-00565662 able to translate
CWxMIgZq0eE-02310-00565663-00565999 so yeah it has definitely been a huge
CWxMIgZq0eE-02311-00566000-00566095 boost
CWxMIgZq0eE-02312-00566096-00566343 and jenny were you all i can't remember
CWxMIgZq0eE-02313-00566344-00566535 were you already under contract for a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02314-00566536-00566670 book of jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-02315-00566671-00566855 when the nobel came when the booker and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02316-00566856-00567079 the nobel came through
CWxMIgZq0eE-02317-00567080-00567462 i was yeah but the but
CWxMIgZq0eE-02318-00567463-00567814 yeah so i um i've mentioned this
CWxMIgZq0eE-02319-00567815-00568079 in other conversations about olga's work
CWxMIgZq0eE-02320-00568080-00568127 but i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02321-00568128-00568359 it took a really long time to find a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02322-00568360-00568455 publisher for
CWxMIgZq0eE-02323-00568456-00568966 the book flights in the us or in english
CWxMIgZq0eE-02324-00568967-00569279 and i think that the english-speaking
CWxMIgZq0eE-02325-00569280-00569487 world's relationship to translation is a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02326-00569488-00569599 little bit different
CWxMIgZq0eE-02327-00569600-00569879 from the german-speaking world for
CWxMIgZq0eE-02328-00569880-00570031 instance or
CWxMIgZq0eE-02329-00570032-00570287 or certainly neighboring countries uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02330-00570288-00570495 like ukraine and the czech republic that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02331-00570496-00570695 translate more from poland
CWxMIgZq0eE-02332-00570696-00571087 um so it's really hard to sell
CWxMIgZq0eE-02333-00571088-00571431 a foreign author um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02334-00571432-00571735 anything that any particularities in her
CWxMIgZq0eE-02335-00571736-00571895 style
CWxMIgZq0eE-02336-00571896-00572199 were received by potential editors as
CWxMIgZq0eE-02337-00572200-00572399 like red flags things that could
CWxMIgZq0eE-02338-00572400-00572607 potentially drive readers away from the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02339-00572608-00572662 book
CWxMIgZq0eE-02340-00572663-00572839 which obviously turned out to be not the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02341-00572840-00572975 case at all but
CWxMIgZq0eE-02342-00572976-00573262 it really did kind of take the booker
CWxMIgZq0eE-02343-00573263-00573383 prize helped a lot in the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02344-00573384-00573591 in english too and of course then the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02345-00573592-00573879 nobel prize helped enormously but
CWxMIgZq0eE-02346-00573880-00574183 um i i was really lucky to find jacques
CWxMIgZq0eE-02347-00574184-00574262 testard
CWxMIgZq0eE-02348-00574263-00574543 at fitzgerald which is a very small
CWxMIgZq0eE-02349-00574544-00574655 public i mean it was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02350-00574656-00574966 basically just him at the time
CWxMIgZq0eE-02351-00574967-00575166 a wonderful independent publishing house
CWxMIgZq0eE-02352-00575167-00575303 in london
CWxMIgZq0eE-02353-00575304-00575566 and he signed both flights and the books
CWxMIgZq0eE-02354-00575567-00575639 of jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-02355-00575640-00575966 at the same time um which was a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02356-00575967-00576151 a brilliant move on his part and a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02357-00576152-00576359 wonderful show of confidence in an
CWxMIgZq0eE-02358-00576360-00576662 in an author who again had not been
CWxMIgZq0eE-02359-00576663-00576975 um so terribly to or recently really
CWxMIgZq0eE-02360-00576976-00577039 tested
CWxMIgZq0eE-02361-00577040-00577366 in uh published in english but i think
CWxMIgZq0eE-02362-00577367-00577655 looking at this if um i think most of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02363-00577656-00577687 the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02364-00577688-00577918 large number of our of our translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-02365-00577919-00578062 here have done flights
CWxMIgZq0eE-02366-00578063-00578318 so um it does appear to be the most
CWxMIgZq0eE-02367-00578319-00578439 popular of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02368-00578440-00578759 olga's books in in translation um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02369-00578760-00578951 those of you who have done flights what
CWxMIgZq0eE-02370-00578952-00579062 do you think
CWxMIgZq0eE-02371-00579063-00579343 um what do you think is is uh the appeal
CWxMIgZq0eE-02372-00579344-00579551 oh stop what what do you think is the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02373-00579552-00579879 appeal for flights um to the ukrainian
CWxMIgZq0eE-02374-00579880-00580214 reader
CWxMIgZq0eE-02375-00580215-00580543 well as i said uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02376-00580544-00580910 olga karczyk was popular in ukraine uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02377-00580911-00581247 even in in in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02378-00581248-00581622 uh in late 90s uh the first
CWxMIgZq0eE-02379-00581623-00582039 uh first translations of olga's works
CWxMIgZq0eE-02380-00582040-00582359 appeared in some literary periodicals so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02381-00582360-00582839 um after 1999
CWxMIgZq0eE-02382-00582840-00583087 olga is getting more and more popular so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02383-00583088-00583199 it was really
CWxMIgZq0eE-02384-00583200-00583551 uh some kind of a must read for us
CWxMIgZq0eE-02385-00583552-00583966 as young people who uh who were
CWxMIgZq0eE-02386-00583967-00584270 beginning to to study uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02387-00584271-00584535 foreign literatures uh but not only
CWxMIgZq0eE-02388-00584536-00584591 force
CWxMIgZq0eE-02389-00584592-00584799 for specialists it was it was really
CWxMIgZq0eE-02390-00584800-00584966 popular maybe
CWxMIgZq0eE-02391-00584967-00585543 uh uh partly due to um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02392-00585544-00585775 a very interesting situation with her
CWxMIgZq0eE-02393-00585776-00585895 with olga's
CWxMIgZq0eE-02394-00585896-00586143 origin because many people in ukraine
CWxMIgZq0eE-02395-00586144-00586366 perceive olga as ukrainian writer
CWxMIgZq0eE-02396-00586367-00586743 or partly ukrainian after a nobel prize
CWxMIgZq0eE-02397-00586744-00587103 for olga it was a huge misunderstanding
CWxMIgZq0eE-02398-00587104-00587151 in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02399-00587152-00587431 in ukrainian media a journalist from
CWxMIgZq0eE-02400-00587432-00587551 different media
CWxMIgZq0eE-02401-00587552-00587879 uh commenting this prize or
CWxMIgZq0eE-02402-00587880-00588191 asking questions uh to the translators
CWxMIgZq0eE-02403-00588192-00588303 about her work
CWxMIgZq0eE-02404-00588304-00588631 um uh where were calling her
CWxMIgZq0eE-02405-00588632-00588983 ukrainian writer uh so and we were
CWxMIgZq0eE-02406-00588984-00589262 uh we we were asking them please stop
CWxMIgZq0eE-02407-00589263-00589439 she's not ukrainian yes she
CWxMIgZq0eE-02408-00589440-00589775 she has some ukrainian origin she has
CWxMIgZq0eE-02409-00589776-00589927 some ukrainian roots but she's not
CWxMIgZq0eE-02410-00589928-00590062 ukrainian
CWxMIgZq0eE-02411-00590063-00590375 uh but uh we i i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02412-00590376-00590751 always try to stress that this is uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02413-00590752-00590999 even more interesting situation that she
CWxMIgZq0eE-02414-00591000-00591175 is not ukrainian but she
CWxMIgZq0eE-02415-00591176-00591487 feels these uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02416-00591488-00591822 ukrainian polish borderland
CWxMIgZq0eE-02417-00591823-00592135 territories even better
CWxMIgZq0eE-02418-00592136-00592455 and she knows them even better than many
CWxMIgZq0eE-02419-00592456-00592559 ukrainian
CWxMIgZq0eE-02420-00592560-00592895 writers or polish writers who are not
CWxMIgZq0eE-02421-00592896-00593359 that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02422-00593360-00593710 so how to say border oriented
CWxMIgZq0eE-02423-00593711-00594062 it's very important how she shows
CWxMIgZq0eE-02424-00594063-00594391 uh the territories that we are used
CWxMIgZq0eE-02425-00594392-00594695 to perceive as ukrainian uh of course
CWxMIgZq0eE-02426-00594696-00594847 taking into account
CWxMIgZq0eE-02427-00594848-00595207 its complicated history but she shows it
CWxMIgZq0eE-02428-00595208-00595270 from the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02429-00595271-00595575 completely different point of view uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02430-00595576-00595927 after books of jacob uh were published
CWxMIgZq0eE-02431-00595928-00596047 in ukrainian
CWxMIgZq0eE-02432-00596048-00596431 uh i um i saw the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02433-00596432-00596766 some reactions uh concerning
CWxMIgZq0eE-02434-00596767-00597079 the images of ukrainians in this novel
CWxMIgZq0eE-02435-00597080-00597327 because there is only one hero
CWxMIgZq0eE-02436-00597328-00597607 uh very marginal one who is evidently
CWxMIgZq0eE-02437-00597608-00597687 ukrainian
CWxMIgZq0eE-02438-00597688-00598007 uh despite the big
CWxMIgZq0eE-02439-00598008-00598287 part of the action uh takes place in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02440-00598288-00598422 ukraine we have only
CWxMIgZq0eE-02441-00598423-00598703 evident ukrainian here only one uh due
CWxMIgZq0eE-02442-00598704-00598735 to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02443-00598736-00599014 we know it due to his name rizko this
CWxMIgZq0eE-02444-00599015-00599135 ukrainian
CWxMIgZq0eE-02445-00599136-00599470 guy is um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02446-00599471-00599831 uh he grew up in uh jewish family
CWxMIgZq0eE-02447-00599832-00600183 and he he became um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02448-00600184-00600518 in fact he he became a jew he uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02449-00600519-00600895 he is not he does not be a ukrainian
CWxMIgZq0eE-02450-00600896-00601222 identity uh anymore and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02451-00601223-00601527 and is noble and it was uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02452-00601528-00601959 um it was a circumstance
CWxMIgZq0eE-02453-00601960-00602391 which was discussed in ukrainian
CWxMIgZq0eE-02454-00602392-00602639 reading community why why does it happen
CWxMIgZq0eE-02455-00602640-00602799 and but it's very
CWxMIgZq0eE-02456-00602800-00603151 it's the the the answer is very simple
CWxMIgZq0eE-02457-00603152-00603470 uh the point of view and this noble is a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02458-00603471-00603670 jewish point of view moreover
CWxMIgZq0eE-02459-00603671-00603935 as the point of view of some of a small
CWxMIgZq0eE-02460-00603936-00604062 very marginalized
CWxMIgZq0eE-02461-00604063-00604399 group of the jews marginalized even
CWxMIgZq0eE-02462-00604400-00604566 within the jewish community
CWxMIgZq0eE-02463-00604567-00604783 so it's quite it's absolutely natural
CWxMIgZq0eE-02464-00604784-00604870 that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02465-00604871-00605231 uh these the the group of the main
CWxMIgZq0eE-02466-00605232-00605295 heroes
CWxMIgZq0eE-02467-00605296-00605662 these jews uh jacob frank sacked
CWxMIgZq0eE-02468-00605663-00606031 they uh deal first of all with those
CWxMIgZq0eE-02469-00606032-00606439 whom they depend on uh with uh polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-02470-00606440-00606575 aristocracy
CWxMIgZq0eE-02471-00606576-00606927 with uh uh church um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02472-00606928-00607222 uh administration uh with the king of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02473-00607223-00607303 the royal
CWxMIgZq0eE-02474-00607304-00607655 people from from the royal court etc uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02475-00607656-00607983 they do not uh communicate much with the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02476-00607984-00608214 other marginalized groups like
CWxMIgZq0eE-02477-00608215-00608318 ukrainians
CWxMIgZq0eE-02478-00608319-00608591 uh this is some maybe some bitter truth
CWxMIgZq0eE-02479-00608592-00608695 we have to accept
CWxMIgZq0eE-02480-00608696-00609079 we have to understand uh from our past
CWxMIgZq0eE-02481-00609080-00609535 uh the real um very objectively
CWxMIgZq0eE-02482-00609536-00609910 represented um landscape
CWxMIgZq0eE-02483-00609911-00610295 multicultural landscape and we we see a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02484-00610296-00610583 real place of different national groups
CWxMIgZq0eE-02485-00610584-00610735 and this territories in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02486-00610736-00611055 okay and then it's 18th century but
CWxMIgZq0eE-02487-00611056-00611375 still many things many uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02488-00611376-00611783 stories from that time are actual for us
CWxMIgZq0eE-02489-00611784-00612135 that's fascinating those stuff um alison
CWxMIgZq0eE-02490-00612136-00612462 and esther is it time to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02491-00612463-00612639 turn the floor open the floor for
CWxMIgZq0eE-02492-00612640-00612791 questions from the audience
CWxMIgZq0eE-02493-00612792-00613070 it is it is thank you for such a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02494-00613071-00613199 masterful
CWxMIgZq0eE-02495-00613200-00613455 moderation susan oh it's been wonderful
CWxMIgZq0eE-02496-00613456-00613559 to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02497-00613560-00613879 listen to every the the the threads and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02498-00613880-00614014 the themes that flow
CWxMIgZq0eE-02499-00614015-00614222 in among all of these translators has
CWxMIgZq0eE-02500-00614223-00614399 been been wonderful
CWxMIgZq0eE-02501-00614400-00614687 um so one of this question came in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02502-00614688-00614903 rather early i think it was after the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02503-00614904-00615207 uh self-introductions that we had this
CWxMIgZq0eE-02504-00615208-00615399 is directed to olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-02505-00615400-00615655 uh the question is you are the only
CWxMIgZq0eE-02506-00615656-00615855 translator on the panel they noticed
CWxMIgZq0eE-02507-00615856-00616014 who translates into a language that is
CWxMIgZq0eE-02508-00616015-00616279 not your native one that is remarkable
CWxMIgZq0eE-02509-00616280-00616462 how did your brazilian portuguese become
CWxMIgZq0eE-02510-00616463-00616670 native how is your work received in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02511-00616671-00616831 brazil which we talked about
CWxMIgZq0eE-02512-00616832-00616999 and you mentioned that there are other
CWxMIgZq0eE-02513-00617000-00617175 brazilian translators so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02514-00617176-00617495 um um yeah
CWxMIgZq0eE-02515-00617496-00617727 well i'm polish i was i was born in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02516-00617728-00617855 poland
CWxMIgZq0eE-02517-00617856-00618335 um i learned portuguese it's not my
CWxMIgZq0eE-02518-00618336-00618510 mother tongue but i treat it as my
CWxMIgZq0eE-02519-00618511-00618655 mother tongue because as
CWxMIgZq0eE-02520-00618656-00619047 i've said before i i feel that i'm
CWxMIgZq0eE-02521-00619048-00619375 able to communicate better in brazilian
CWxMIgZq0eE-02522-00619376-00619543 portuguese than in my own
CWxMIgZq0eE-02523-00619544-00619935 mother tongue in polish so um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02524-00619936-00620151 i cannot explain it it's just something
CWxMIgZq0eE-02525-00620152-00620239 that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02526-00620240-00620647 it's it's unexplainable to me
CWxMIgZq0eE-02527-00620648-00620999 um and well i've lived in brazil
CWxMIgZq0eE-02528-00621000-00621318 um my family and my closest family my
CWxMIgZq0eE-02529-00621319-00621687 my husband uh is is brazilian so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02530-00621688-00622014 um i have daily contact with
CWxMIgZq0eE-02531-00622015-00622335 with the language and um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02532-00622336-00622679 i also i well i think that i can
CWxMIgZq0eE-02533-00622680-00622991 i when i write i i express
CWxMIgZq0eE-02534-00622992-00623303 myself better in in brazilian portuguese
CWxMIgZq0eE-02535-00623304-00623383 than in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02536-00623384-00623670 in polish so why for example i prefer to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02537-00623671-00623831 do translations
CWxMIgZq0eE-02538-00623832-00624151 from polish to brazilian portuguese then
CWxMIgZq0eE-02539-00624152-00624527 from portuguese to polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-02540-00624528-00624839 um i just feel more comfortable doing it
CWxMIgZq0eE-02541-00624840-00625143 uh as to the reception um well i think
CWxMIgZq0eE-02542-00625144-00625279 it was i think it was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02543-00625280-00625487 good i mean you would have to ask the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02544-00625488-00625599 readers
CWxMIgZq0eE-02545-00625600-00625799 yeah but um i think you addressed that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02546-00625800-00626007 earlier and i think i mean the question
CWxMIgZq0eE-02547-00626008-00626199 that came from the the viewer is one
CWxMIgZq0eE-02548-00626200-00626318 that has
CWxMIgZq0eE-02549-00626319-00626535 we've addressed repeatedly in this
CWxMIgZq0eE-02550-00626536-00626727 conference translating the future we had
CWxMIgZq0eE-02551-00626728-00626847 a whole mini-series
CWxMIgZq0eE-02552-00626848-00626991 called motherless tongues multiple
CWxMIgZq0eE-02553-00626992-00627183 belongings in which i think it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-02554-00627184-00627375 something that the translation community
CWxMIgZq0eE-02555-00627376-00627583 around the world but especially in the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02556-00627584-00627703 united states is
CWxMIgZq0eE-02557-00627704-00628022 is addressing who has the right or the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02558-00628023-00628095 authority
CWxMIgZq0eE-02559-00628096-00628335 to translate into this language or that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02560-00628336-00628422 language
CWxMIgZq0eE-02561-00628423-00628655 um i wanted to just point out was it
CWxMIgZq0eE-02562-00628656-00628862 there was a time a moment earlier when
CWxMIgZq0eE-02563-00628863-00629095 everyone was asking each other did
CWxMIgZq0eE-02564-00629096-00629279 barbara get to ask her do you have a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02565-00629280-00629431 question for the other translators i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02566-00629432-00629710 wanted to make sure that you um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02567-00629711-00629943 yes a question to whom you want to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02568-00629944-00630159 answer
CWxMIgZq0eE-02569-00630160-00630431 probably um the novel has changed the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02570-00630432-00630575 oldest life
CWxMIgZq0eE-02571-00630576-00630903 and uh probably of course i think and uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02572-00630904-00631070 i'd like to know if
CWxMIgZq0eE-02573-00631071-00631407 it has changed also the work
CWxMIgZq0eE-02574-00631408-00631759 uh the professional life of one of you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02575-00631760-00632014 in a certain way it is something
CWxMIgZq0eE-02576-00632015-00632087 extended
CWxMIgZq0eE-02577-00632088-00632303 from extending from before the noble
CWxMIgZq0eE-02578-00632304-00632391 after the war
CWxMIgZq0eE-02579-00632392-00632695 the noble in your work in your job
CWxMIgZq0eE-02580-00632696-00633207 who wants to answer
CWxMIgZq0eE-02581-00633208-00633591 it's a great question
CWxMIgZq0eE-02582-00633592-00633887 nobody wants to yeah he wants to yeah we
CWxMIgZq0eE-02583-00633888-00634014 will we will
CWxMIgZq0eE-02584-00634015-00634399 yes thank you thank you barbara for this
CWxMIgZq0eE-02585-00634400-00634879 question uh yes indeed it changed
CWxMIgZq0eE-02586-00634880-00635262 and uh um i can i think i can put that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02587-00635263-00635351 in a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02588-00635352-00635591 in a very simple way i hope this doesn't
CWxMIgZq0eE-02589-00635592-00635831 sound too simple
CWxMIgZq0eE-02590-00635832-00636191 it is the it is just the continuation of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02591-00636192-00636479 the work is much easier
CWxMIgZq0eE-02592-00636480-00636847 and in former times especially when i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02593-00636848-00637095 started doing translations
CWxMIgZq0eE-02594-00637096-00637470 i had to knock on dozens hundreds of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02595-00637471-00637614 doors
CWxMIgZq0eE-02596-00637615-00637918 and now for the first time really the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02597-00637919-00638127 publisher was knocking and asking do you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02598-00638128-00638303 want to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02599-00638304-00638599 this is uh it is it is very simple but
CWxMIgZq0eE-02600-00638600-00638679 it is also
CWxMIgZq0eE-02601-00638680-00638887 essential because this knocking on
CWxMIgZq0eE-02602-00638888-00638999 hundreds of doors
CWxMIgZq0eE-02603-00639000-00639310 is very exhausting if you have to do it
CWxMIgZq0eE-02604-00639311-00639479 for a long time so
CWxMIgZq0eE-02605-00639480-00639839 it has changed the professional life
CWxMIgZq0eE-02606-00639840-00640166 uh quite a lot yes okay it's the same
CWxMIgZq0eE-02607-00640167-00640366 experience i have in this moment
CWxMIgZq0eE-02608-00640367-00640679 for this reason i asked before i spent a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02609-00640680-00640791 lot of time
CWxMIgZq0eE-02610-00640792-00641055 trying to convincing italian publisher
CWxMIgZq0eE-02611-00641056-00641391 to publish not only olga
CWxMIgZq0eE-02612-00641392-00641727 novas but also other polish authors and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02613-00641728-00642022 i had a lot of difficulties now are the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02614-00642023-00642143 publishers that are
CWxMIgZq0eE-02615-00642144-00642343 that are calling me please can you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02616-00642344-00642518 translate the next year
CWxMIgZq0eE-02617-00642519-00642839 or into two years or into three years
CWxMIgZq0eE-02618-00642840-00643366 and so yes it's good for us
CWxMIgZq0eE-02619-00643367-00643551 yeah of course of course it's good and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02620-00643552-00643743 mean i mean we all know that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02621-00643744-00644127 it's it can be a very hard job and that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02622-00644128-00644543 it it needs really a lot of time i mean
CWxMIgZq0eE-02623-00644544-00644766 translating is not only translating it
CWxMIgZq0eE-02624-00644767-00644999 is we know that translating is
CWxMIgZq0eE-02625-00645000-00645214 is living with the text you translate
CWxMIgZq0eE-02626-00645215-00645407 translate it means that you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02627-00645408-00645679 that you order books from all over the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02628-00645680-00645910 country sometimes even from abroad
CWxMIgZq0eE-02629-00645911-00646062 because you need some
CWxMIgZq0eE-02630-00646063-00646287 background information you actually for
CWxMIgZq0eE-02631-00646288-00646495 me i can say that every book is like
CWxMIgZq0eE-02632-00646496-00646543 doing
CWxMIgZq0eE-02633-00646544-00646862 a little little kind of studies
CWxMIgZq0eE-02634-00646863-00647199 it's like uh around maybe maybe not
CWxMIgZq0eE-02635-00647200-00647455 exactly a bachelor but
CWxMIgZq0eE-02636-00647456-00647718 i would say the books of jacob wear more
CWxMIgZq0eE-02637-00647719-00647855 than a bachelor
CWxMIgZq0eE-02638-00647856-00648375 a phd no doubt yeah
CWxMIgZq0eE-02639-00648376-00648639 and for this reason it is it is just it
CWxMIgZq0eE-02640-00648640-00648710 is just
CWxMIgZq0eE-02641-00648711-00648975 nice it feels nice when you hear that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02642-00648976-00649039 knock
CWxMIgZq0eE-02643-00649040-00649255 then from the publisher side you do not
CWxMIgZq0eE-02644-00649256-00649518 have to talk by yourself
CWxMIgZq0eE-02645-00649519-00649743 we have one more question uh which i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02646-00649744-00649959 think is a fascinating one
CWxMIgZq0eE-02647-00649960-00650279 that okay oh did you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02648-00650280-00650439 did you want to say something else like
CWxMIgZq0eE-02649-00650440-00650614 uh stuff was had wanted to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02650-00650615-00650927 have it okay may i ask one question one
CWxMIgZq0eE-02651-00650928-00651239 short question vice versa to barbara uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02652-00651240-00651518 concerning books of jacob and her
CWxMIgZq0eE-02653-00651519-00651614 translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-02654-00651615-00651887 uh when i was translating probably it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-02655-00651888-00651991 uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02656-00651992-00652255 this question is more proper to barbara
CWxMIgZq0eE-02657-00652256-00652318 than to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02658-00652319-00652695 larger and lisa because uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02659-00652696-00652887 they were translating this noble
CWxMIgZq0eE-02660-00652888-00653031 together uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02661-00653032-00653239 the different experience is when you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02662-00653240-00653335 translate
CWxMIgZq0eE-02663-00653336-00653639 uh such a noble alone uh when i was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02664-00653640-00653783 translating this book
CWxMIgZq0eE-02665-00653784-00654191 i felt that i lost i lost a connection
CWxMIgZq0eE-02666-00654192-00654518 where the outer world for some
CWxMIgZq0eE-02667-00654519-00654791 long period of my time and of my life
CWxMIgZq0eE-02668-00654792-00654887 and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02669-00654888-00655222 my friends
CWxMIgZq0eE-02670-00655223-00655566 said me that i uh i became very boring
CWxMIgZq0eE-02671-00655567-00655647 because
CWxMIgZq0eE-02672-00655648-00655975 uh after a couple of minutes
CWxMIgZq0eE-02673-00655976-00656318 of conversation i uh i always
CWxMIgZq0eE-02674-00656319-00656631 i was beginning to uh to talking about
CWxMIgZq0eE-02675-00656632-00656951 uh books of jacobs and i i was tell i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02676-00656952-00657191 was retelling some stories from the book
CWxMIgZq0eE-02677-00657192-00657287 and was it
CWxMIgZq0eE-02678-00657288-00657662 was extremely boring uh it was such a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02679-00657663-00657975 uh such a huge
CWxMIgZq0eE-02680-00657976-00658327 extent of absorption of drowning into
CWxMIgZq0eE-02681-00658328-00658391 the text
CWxMIgZq0eE-02682-00658392-00658670 uh barbara do you feel the same this is
CWxMIgZq0eE-02683-00658671-00658870 the question
CWxMIgZq0eE-02684-00658871-00659222 yes and um well this job
CWxMIgZq0eE-02685-00659223-00659622 on the books of jackpots has
CWxMIgZq0eE-02686-00659623-00659935 that's reminder all of my all these
CWxMIgZq0eE-02687-00659936-00660295 uh crazy year 2020 because i start in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02688-00660296-00660391 january
CWxMIgZq0eE-02689-00660392-00660775 and i plan to finish
CWxMIgZq0eE-02690-00660776-00661103 at the end of the year so i planned each
CWxMIgZq0eE-02691-00661104-00661510 day how many pages and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02692-00661511-00661839 and and then i didn't know very well the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02693-00661840-00661951 jewish culture
CWxMIgZq0eE-02694-00661952-00662231 so i have to study a lot not only with
CWxMIgZq0eE-02695-00662232-00662279 books
CWxMIgZq0eE-02696-00662280-00662622 but also with the serial on tv
CWxMIgZq0eE-02697-00662623-00663007 and thanks netflix i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02698-00663008-00663375 i and the poor husband i have
CWxMIgZq0eE-02699-00663376-00663703 we watch a lot of syrian on netflix also
CWxMIgZq0eE-02700-00663704-00663879 about the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02701-00663880-00664183 jewish culture jewish cereal
CWxMIgZq0eE-02702-00664184-00664495 in edition because
CWxMIgZq0eE-02703-00664496-00664862 i'd like also to hear how does it sound
CWxMIgZq0eE-02704-00664863-00665199 and i spent a lot of time in this
CWxMIgZq0eE-02705-00665200-00665599 studio on on on this book and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02706-00665600-00665814 i didn't lost all the friends of my
CWxMIgZq0eE-02707-00665815-00665951 friends about quite
CWxMIgZq0eE-02708-00665952-00666199 i think that i have to work a lot on
CWxMIgZq0eE-02709-00666200-00666310 this year to find
CWxMIgZq0eE-02710-00666311-00666662 that to find them again and the two
CWxMIgZq0eE-02711-00666663-00667031 um uh to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02712-00667032-00667343 uh to to to try to live
CWxMIgZq0eE-02713-00667344-00667607 a normal life again because this year is
CWxMIgZq0eE-02714-00667608-00667847 very particular not only for a jacob
CWxMIgZq0eE-02715-00667848-00668199 for in general
CWxMIgZq0eE-02716-00668200-00668487 and uh yes this is the same uh the same
CWxMIgZq0eE-02717-00668488-00668614 experience
CWxMIgZq0eE-02718-00668615-00668983 and um thank you that you remember me
CWxMIgZq0eE-02719-00668984-00669822 oh i'm living in this period
CWxMIgZq0eE-02720-00669823-00670079 so the question that's come in um which
CWxMIgZq0eE-02721-00670080-00670231 is quite brilliant
CWxMIgZq0eE-02722-00670232-00670599 uh is uh in drive your plow
CWxMIgZq0eE-02723-00670600-00670903 over the bones of the dead olga has her
CWxMIgZq0eE-02724-00670904-00671031 protagonist
CWxMIgZq0eE-02725-00671032-00671391 janina ducheco and her friend dizzy
CWxMIgZq0eE-02726-00671392-00671670 engage in the act of translating william
CWxMIgZq0eE-02727-00671671-00671903 blake's poems
CWxMIgZq0eE-02728-00671904-00672207 as translators what was your impression
CWxMIgZq0eE-02729-00672208-00672551 of olga's dramatization of the act of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02730-00672552-00672703 translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-02731-00672704-00672910 she seems to be placing translation not
CWxMIgZq0eE-02732-00672911-00673062 only as a bridge between
CWxMIgZq0eE-02733-00673063-00673351 peoples and cultures but also as a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02734-00673352-00673407 bridge
CWxMIgZq0eE-02735-00673408-00673718 between these lonely individuals
CWxMIgZq0eE-02736-00673719-00673991 what was the experience of translating
CWxMIgZq0eE-02737-00673992-00674183 into your native tongue
CWxMIgZq0eE-02738-00674184-00674991 an act of english to polish translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-02739-00674992-00675151 anybody
CWxMIgZq0eE-02740-00675152-00675318 i can say something about that because i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02741-00675319-00675455 had to translate
CWxMIgZq0eE-02742-00675456-00675644 it from english into english
CWxMIgZq0eE-02743-00675645-00675822 [Laughter]
CWxMIgZq0eE-02744-00675823-00676175 horrible and i was a bit rebellious
CWxMIgZq0eE-02745-00676176-00676366 about this i kind of threw all my toys
CWxMIgZq0eE-02746-00676367-00676414 out of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02747-00676415-00676647 my pram at the beginning and said i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02748-00676648-00676839 can't turn blake into
CWxMIgZq0eE-02749-00676840-00677087 non blake this is nonsense and olga was
CWxMIgZq0eE-02750-00677088-00677158 going
CWxMIgZq0eE-02751-00677159-00677431 please try and jennifer completely gave
CWxMIgZq0eE-02752-00677432-00677591 me inspiration
CWxMIgZq0eE-02753-00677592-00677775 we don't work together jennifer and i we
CWxMIgZq0eE-02754-00677776-00677927 leave each other in peace
CWxMIgZq0eE-02755-00677928-00678070 but she really helped me because she
CWxMIgZq0eE-02756-00678071-00678255 just quietly said in her
CWxMIgZq0eE-02757-00678256-00678543 way she just said well you know
CWxMIgZq0eE-02758-00678544-00678631 i think i would
CWxMIgZq0eE-02759-00678632-00678855 do something with that and that was you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02760-00678856-00679055 know red ragtable
CWxMIgZq0eE-02761-00679056-00679318 so then i thought well how can i we
CWxMIgZq0eE-02762-00679319-00679375 create
CWxMIgZq0eE-02763-00679376-00679575 five different versions of the quattrain
CWxMIgZq0eE-02764-00679576-00679710 by blake which is
CWxMIgZq0eE-02765-00679711-00679983 totally counter intuitive to me to
CWxMIgZq0eE-02766-00679984-00680199 translate blake into
CWxMIgZq0eE-02767-00680200-00680495 english that isn't blake and i realized
CWxMIgZq0eE-02768-00680496-00680647 that the translations in polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-02769-00680648-00680862 weren't actually terribly good so all i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02770-00680863-00680975 had to do was do bad
CWxMIgZq0eE-02771-00680976-00681279 versions and follow what was bad about
CWxMIgZq0eE-02772-00681280-00681431 the polish
CWxMIgZq0eE-02773-00681432-00681703 um but it felt very odd and it's the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02774-00681704-00681847 thing people have asked me about the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02775-00681848-00681999 most about trump stating that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02776-00682000-00682231 book so i'm curious to hear what other
CWxMIgZq0eE-02777-00682232-00682718 people say about doing that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02778-00682719-00682943 well i can say something because i did
CWxMIgZq0eE-02779-00682944-00683047 it in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02780-00683048-00683358 brazilian portuguese um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02781-00683359-00683631 what what was difficult was that uh here
CWxMIgZq0eE-02782-00683632-00683751 in brazil there are
CWxMIgZq0eE-02783-00683752-00683975 almost no official translations of blake
CWxMIgZq0eE-02784-00683976-00684135 there's there was just one
CWxMIgZq0eE-02785-00684136-00684518 but it was very hard to get to it so um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02786-00684519-00684775 what i did was was look for these
CWxMIgZq0eE-02787-00684776-00684910 translations also on
CWxMIgZq0eE-02788-00684911-00685183 on the internet like very amateur uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02789-00685184-00685335 translations and i think i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02790-00685336-00685614 i inspired myself on that i'm just you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02791-00685615-00685822 know
CWxMIgZq0eE-02792-00685823-00686366 crowdsourced like yeah
CWxMIgZq0eE-02793-00686367-00686639 the question is when you translate blake
CWxMIgZq0eE-02794-00686640-00686670 from
CWxMIgZq0eE-02795-00686671-00686975 polish is it still blake in the end
CWxMIgZq0eE-02796-00686976-00687207 i had the same problem i had to look uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02797-00687208-00687335 for the original
CWxMIgZq0eE-02798-00687336-00687575 there was no translation into romanian i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02799-00687576-00687695 had to offer
CWxMIgZq0eE-02800-00687696-00688007 uh the original and then the polish base
CWxMIgZq0eE-02801-00688008-00688127 because otherwise
CWxMIgZq0eE-02802-00688128-00688399 i would have uh gone further from from
CWxMIgZq0eE-02803-00688400-00688670 the text so i had to keep
CWxMIgZq0eE-02804-00688671-00688991 the polish translation though but i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02805-00688992-00689110 there was a footnote
CWxMIgZq0eE-02806-00689111-00689479 explaining so we're
CWxMIgZq0eE-02807-00689480-00689695 we're actually starting to run we are
CWxMIgZq0eE-02808-00689696-00689822 running down on time
CWxMIgZq0eE-02809-00689823-00690183 um but i'm going to ask in closing
CWxMIgZq0eE-02810-00690184-00690366 one final question i think most people
CWxMIgZq0eE-02811-00690367-00690487 who are are
CWxMIgZq0eE-02812-00690488-00690695 watching this have some connection they
CWxMIgZq0eE-02813-00690696-00690831 already are familiar with
CWxMIgZq0eE-02814-00690832-00691079 olga takarchik's work but since she does
CWxMIgZq0eE-02815-00691080-00691287 have so many styles and modes
CWxMIgZq0eE-02816-00691288-00691447 for people who might be coming to her
CWxMIgZq0eE-02817-00691448-00691614 work for the first time
CWxMIgZq0eE-02818-00691615-00691831 where would you suggest that they start
CWxMIgZq0eE-02819-00691832-00691935 which book would you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02820-00691936-00692087 tell them to start with or essay or
CWxMIgZq0eE-02821-00692088-00692407 story
CWxMIgZq0eE-02822-00692408-00692639 i will put in a plug for jenny croft's
CWxMIgZq0eE-02823-00692640-00692766 translation
CWxMIgZq0eE-02824-00692767-00692958 of the night which you'll find on the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02825-00692959-00693110 words without borders
CWxMIgZq0eE-02826-00693111-00693695 sight words without borders dot org
CWxMIgZq0eE-02827-00693696-00693831 that's the end of my commercial
CWxMIgZq0eE-02828-00693832-00694079 interlude i was gonna say any of the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02829-00694080-00694327 short stories are she's such a wonderful
CWxMIgZq0eE-02830-00694328-00694503 short story writer and i think that
CWxMIgZq0eE-02831-00694504-00694831 can get overlooked because um tony and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02832-00694832-00694991 are planning on putting together a
CWxMIgZq0eE-02833-00694992-00695222 collection of short stories
CWxMIgZq0eE-02834-00695223-00695527 um to have a whole book but that hasn't
CWxMIgZq0eE-02835-00695528-00695614 happened yet
CWxMIgZq0eE-02836-00695615-00695918 so but you can easily just google
CWxMIgZq0eE-02837-00695919-00696239 um olga tokar chicken antonio lloyd
CWxMIgZq0eE-02838-00696240-00696391 jones or ogatakar chicken
CWxMIgZq0eE-02839-00696392-00696591 and jennifer croft and you can find some
CWxMIgZq0eE-02840-00696592-00696775 some really wonderful short stories
CWxMIgZq0eE-02841-00696776-00696951 published in magazines over the last
CWxMIgZq0eE-02842-00696952-00697255 20 years and otherwise i think house of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02843-00697256-00697414 day house of night would be
CWxMIgZq0eE-02844-00697415-00697647 where i would start translated by
CWxMIgZq0eE-02845-00697648-00697862 antonia
CWxMIgZq0eE-02846-00697863-00698079 we need to bring that back into print
CWxMIgZq0eE-02847-00698080-00698270 all of you publishers out there watching
CWxMIgZq0eE-02848-00698271-00698318 because
CWxMIgZq0eE-02849-00698319-00698647 they're not available and the copies
CWxMIgZq0eE-02850-00698648-00698870 that are available online are
CWxMIgZq0eE-02851-00698871-00699175 very pricey at this point so let's make
CWxMIgZq0eE-02852-00699176-00699262 it accessible
CWxMIgZq0eE-02853-00699263-00699622 so i think we are at the end of our time
CWxMIgZq0eE-02854-00699623-00699839 uh this has been amazing it's gone by in
CWxMIgZq0eE-02855-00699840-00699999 a heartbeat i can't believe that it's
CWxMIgZq0eE-02856-00700000-00700151 been two hours
CWxMIgZq0eE-02857-00700152-00700431 um we could go on for much longer and um
CWxMIgZq0eE-02858-00700432-00700551 also this entire
CWxMIgZq0eE-02859-00700552-00700814 conference has gone by in a heartbeat we
CWxMIgZq0eE-02860-00700815-00700943 started in may
CWxMIgZq0eE-02861-00700944-00701295 we began the planning two years ago and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02862-00701296-00701599 now we're at the end uh so i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02863-00701600-00701943 want to thank all of you uh
CWxMIgZq0eE-02864-00701944-00702110 that i'm seeing on my screen right now
CWxMIgZq0eE-02865-00702111-00702303 as well as the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02866-00702304-00702647 grand total of 86 participants
CWxMIgZq0eE-02867-00702648-00702910 who gave their time and energy and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02868-00702911-00703022 beauty and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02869-00703023-00703366 love and knowledge to this conference
CWxMIgZq0eE-02870-00703367-00703727 and um and who helped allison and i
CWxMIgZq0eE-02871-00703728-00703831 immensely
CWxMIgZq0eE-02872-00703832-00704118 to get through a difficult time um you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02873-00704119-00704183 have you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02874-00704184-00704414 barbara you had books of jacob allison
CWxMIgZq0eE-02875-00704415-00704614 and i had the conference
CWxMIgZq0eE-02876-00704615-00705039 um and uh and i hope someday that we'll
CWxMIgZq0eE-02877-00705040-00705175 have a giant party
CWxMIgZq0eE-02878-00705176-00705479 somewhere wonderful where all 86 of you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02879-00705480-00705758 will gather in a single place and we
CWxMIgZq0eE-02880-00705759-00705879 will celebrate
CWxMIgZq0eE-02881-00705880-00706158 uh everything that all of you have done
CWxMIgZq0eE-02882-00706159-00706247 yes
CWxMIgZq0eE-02883-00706248-00706566 and we we thank you alison and esther
CWxMIgZq0eE-02884-00706567-00706879 for this brilliant programming i am sure
CWxMIgZq0eE-02885-00706880-00707022 that many other people
CWxMIgZq0eE-02886-00707023-00707143 thought that tuesdays were the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02887-00707144-00707399 highlights of their weeks thank you
CWxMIgZq0eE-02888-00707400-00707662 thank you for saying that susan once
CWxMIgZq0eE-02889-00707663-00707735 again
CWxMIgZq0eE-02890-00707736-00707951 and for the last time we'd like to thank
CWxMIgZq0eE-02891-00707952-00708039 our partners
CWxMIgZq0eE-02892-00708040-00708351 hal rounds pen america the center for
CWxMIgZq0eE-02893-00708352-00708510 the humanities of the graduate center
CWxMIgZq0eE-02894-00708511-00708614 cuny
CWxMIgZq0eE-02895-00708615-00708758 the coleman center for scholars and
CWxMIgZq0eE-02896-00708759-00708966 writers at the new york public library
CWxMIgZq0eE-02897-00708967-00709231 and the martin e siegel theater center
CWxMIgZq0eE-02898-00709232-00709422 and to the princeton university program
CWxMIgZq0eE-02899-00709423-00709566 in translation and intercultural
CWxMIgZq0eE-02900-00709567-00709703 communication
CWxMIgZq0eE-02901-00709704-00709855 boston university center for the
CWxMIgZq0eE-02902-00709856-00710110 humanities the east central european
CWxMIgZq0eE-02903-00710111-00710295 center at columbia university
CWxMIgZq0eE-02904-00710296-00710470 and the polish cultural institute new
CWxMIgZq0eE-02905-00710471-00710622 york for their support
CWxMIgZq0eE-02906-00710623-00710910 of today's event and thank you to all
CWxMIgZq0eE-02907-00710911-00711022 the viewers out there
CWxMIgZq0eE-02908-00711023-00711166 who have extended the reach of
CWxMIgZq0eE-02909-00711167-00711399 translating the future much further than
CWxMIgZq0eE-02910-00711400-00711758 we ever imagined
CWxMIgZq0eE-02911-00711759-00712143 thank you bye
CWxMIgZq0eE-02912-00712144-00712792 bye bye thank you thank you
CZujVLu7vFu-00000-00000006-00000144 thank you
CZujVLu7vFu-00001-00000145-00002879 [Music]
CZujVLu7vFu-00002-00002880-00003054 thank you
CZujVLu7vFu-00003-00003055-00003263 [Music]
CZujVLu7vFu-00004-00003264-00003490 foreign
CZujVLu7vFu-00005-00003490-00003807 [Music]
Ceb9J5-IS98-00000-00000296-00000534 good morning myself arun from prism
Ceb9J5-IS98-00001-00000535-00000743 tools and technologies today i am going
Ceb9J5-IS98-00002-00000744-00000943 to tell you something about innovative
Ceb9J5-IS98-00003-00000944-00001183 transfer filtration system company which
Ceb9J5-IS98-00004-00001184-00001399 is in parenthood in collaboration with
Ceb9J5-IS98-00005-00001400-00001582 some german companies we have been using
Ceb9J5-IS98-00006-00001583-00001839 this system last two years recently we
Ceb9J5-IS98-00007-00001839-00002039 also had the second system three months
Ceb9J5-IS98-00008-00002039-00002334 back i would say the concept is fill it
Ceb9J5-IS98-00009-00002335-00002447 forget it
Ceb9J5-IS98-00010-00002448-00002710 we have only refilled around 50 liters
Ceb9J5-IS98-00011-00002711-00003015 of oil for our inca machine in last two
Ceb9J5-IS98-00012-00003016-00003238 years in the first unit the oil which
Ceb9J5-IS98-00013-00003239-00003327 comes
Ceb9J5-IS98-00014-00003328-00003654 after filtration is as good as the new
Ceb9J5-IS98-00015-00003655-00003959 one there is hardly any color change or
Ceb9J5-IS98-00016-00003960-00004175 any impurities in the oil
Ceb9J5-IS98-00017-00004176-00004383 and the finish of the tool which was on
Ceb9J5-IS98-00018-00004384-00004679 the new machine is the same in this
Ceb9J5-IS98-00019-00004680-00004943 after two years also and the second unit
Ceb9J5-IS98-00020-00004944-00005135 is with again with some new improved
Ceb9J5-IS98-00021-00005136-00005399 designs and it is very compact system
Ceb9J5-IS98-00022-00005400-00005718 our space is hardly used and what we
Ceb9J5-IS98-00023-00005719-00005975 have from innovative is really a good
Ceb9J5-IS98-00024-00005976-00006206 filtration system and i'm very satisfied
Ceb9J5-IS98-00025-00006207-00006383 with the system and and i recommend
Ceb9J5-IS98-00026-00006384-00006606 everybody the same thank you hello we
Ceb9J5-IS98-00027-00006608-00006814 are using transor and
Ceb9J5-IS98-00028-00006815-00007039 solar machines in our company and the
Ceb9J5-IS98-00029-00007040-00007263 performance is very good filtration
Ceb9J5-IS98-00030-00007264-00007455 quality is also good for the transfer
Ceb9J5-IS98-00031-00007456-00007678 solar we are normally using for
Ceb9J5-IS98-00032-00007679-00008123 measurements and it is very good
ChTVqe3jRay-00000-00000592-00000719 greetings and welcome to the
ChTVqe3jRay-00001-00000720-00000943 introduction to astronomy one of the
ChTVqe3jRay-00002-00000944-00001103 things that i like to do in each of my
ChTVqe3jRay-00003-00001104-00001303 introductory astronomy classes is to
ChTVqe3jRay-00004-00001304-00001478 begin the class with the astronomy
ChTVqe3jRay-00005-00001479-00001710 picture of the day from the nasa website
ChTVqe3jRay-00006-00001711-00001907 that is
ChTVqe3jRay-00007-00001907-00002223 apod.nasa.gov slash apod
ChTVqe3jRay-00008-00002224-00002471 and today's picture for december 25th of
ChTVqe3jRay-00009-00002472-00002647 2021
ChTVqe3jRay-00010-00002648-00002815 well it is titled the tale of a
ChTVqe3jRay-00011-00002816-00002975 christmas comet
ChTVqe3jRay-00012-00002976-00003231 so what do we see here well this is an
ChTVqe3jRay-00013-00003232-00003511 image of comet leonard taken just a
ChTVqe3jRay-00014-00003511-00003735 couple of days ago
ChTVqe3jRay-00015-00003736-00004047 and there was a nice outburst
ChTVqe3jRay-00016-00004047-00004263 pushing it up to level of naked eye
ChTVqe3jRay-00017-00004264-00004454 visibility but it's right on the edge
ChTVqe3jRay-00018-00004455-00004654 and you really need a pair of binoculars
ChTVqe3jRay-00019-00004655-00004863 or a small telescope to be able to see
ChTVqe3jRay-00020-00004864-00004983 it well
ChTVqe3jRay-00021-00004984-00005238 here we see very great detail in the
ChTVqe3jRay-00022-00005239-00005535 tail of the comet however now a comet is
ChTVqe3jRay-00023-00005536-00005791 really defined by its head up towards
ChTVqe3jRay-00024-00005792-00006054 the right hand side here and the tail
ChTVqe3jRay-00025-00006055-00006351 stretching back out to the left hand
ChTVqe3jRay-00026-00006352-00006583 side that's what we see of the comet
ChTVqe3jRay-00027-00006584-00006767 from earth now the actual piece of the
ChTVqe3jRay-00028-00006768-00007039 comet is the nucleus which is completely
ChTVqe3jRay-00029-00007040-00007278 invisible here and in fact has not been
ChTVqe3jRay-00030-00007279-00007519 seen from earth and has only been seen
ChTVqe3jRay-00031-00007520-00007678 by a couple of spacecraft that have
ChTVqe3jRay-00032-00007679-00007934 traveled close to comets and explored
ChTVqe3jRay-00033-00007936-00008231 them in more detail so we can't actually
ChTVqe3jRay-00034-00008232-00008471 see the nucleus of the comet from earth
ChTVqe3jRay-00035-00008472-00008695 because of its small size and because it
ChTVqe3jRay-00036-00008696-00008959 is buried within the front of the head
ChTVqe3jRay-00037-00008960-00009231 portion here but when that comes close
ChTVqe3jRay-00038-00009232-00009478 to the sun material gets vaporized off
ChTVqe3jRay-00039-00009479-00009799 the surface and forms a halo around the
ChTVqe3jRay-00040-00009800-00010023 head of the comet and then that material
ChTVqe3jRay-00041-00010024-00010319 gets pushed back in the tail
ChTVqe3jRay-00042-00010320-00010663 so the tail is just a very very
ChTVqe3jRay-00043-00010664-00010967 low density a section of material that
ChTVqe3jRay-00044-00010968-00011151 has been pushed off the surface there
ChTVqe3jRay-00045-00011152-00011391 while it spreads over a long distance
ChTVqe3jRay-00046-00011392-00011599 there is very little material there and
ChTVqe3jRay-00047-00011600-00011814 in fact if you could travel to the tail
ChTVqe3jRay-00048-00011815-00012023 of a comet it would be better than a
ChTVqe3jRay-00049-00012024-00012270 vacuum here on earth there are so few
ChTVqe3jRay-00050-00012271-00012478 particles there however they are
ChTVqe3jRay-00051-00012479-00012719 energized by the sun and they do glow
ChTVqe3jRay-00052-00012720-00012935 and we can see them very prominently
ChTVqe3jRay-00053-00012936-00013215 especially in an image like this one
ChTVqe3jRay-00054-00013216-00013486 now it comet leonard has completed its
ChTVqe3jRay-00055-00013487-00013686 closest passage to earth a couple of
ChTVqe3jRay-00056-00013687-00014055 weeks ago and is going to head by
ChTVqe3jRay-00057-00014056-00014263 towards now its closest approach to the
ChTVqe3jRay-00058-00014263-00014575 sun which will be on january 3rd
ChTVqe3jRay-00059-00014576-00014830 and that will be likely when it is at
ChTVqe3jRay-00060-00014831-00015143 its most prominent overall however as it
ChTVqe3jRay-00061-00015144-00015327 gets further and further from earth it
ChTVqe3jRay-00062-00015328-00015543 will appear fainter to us
ChTVqe3jRay-00063-00015544-00015822 so we probably depending on exactly what
ChTVqe3jRay-00064-00015823-00015999 happens with it reached its best
ChTVqe3jRay-00065-00016000-00016303 visibility and likely over the coming
ChTVqe3jRay-00066-00016304-00016494 weeks it will start to fade a little bit
ChTVqe3jRay-00067-00016495-00016663 in brightness from earth even though
ChTVqe3jRay-00068-00016664-00016886 it's getting closer to the sun
ChTVqe3jRay-00069-00016887-00017111 and then after january 3rd it will be
ChTVqe3jRay-00070-00017112-00017375 heading off into space again
ChTVqe3jRay-00071-00017376-00017686 back into the outer solar system and
ChTVqe3jRay-00072-00017687-00018007 comets will head back out some comets
ChTVqe3jRay-00073-00018008-00018294 are periodic and will come back in again
ChTVqe3jRay-00074-00018295-00018567 others make just a single trip into the
ChTVqe3jRay-00075-00018568-00018767 inner solar system so we're used to
ChTVqe3jRay-00076-00018768-00018991 things like halley's comet which comes
ChTVqe3jRay-00077-00018992-00019294 back about every 76 years and other
ChTVqe3jRay-00078-00019295-00019567 comets that only come once
ChTVqe3jRay-00079-00019568-00019758 so that was our picture of the day for
ChTVqe3jRay-00080-00019759-00020135 december 25th of 2021 it was titled the
ChTVqe3jRay-00081-00020136-00020399 tale of a christmas comet we'll be back
ChTVqe3jRay-00082-00020400-00020591 again tomorrow for the next picture
ChTVqe3jRay-00083-00020592-00020847 previewed to be the icy sky
ChTVqe3jRay-00084-00020848-00021078 so we'll see what that is about tomorrow
ChTVqe3jRay-00085-00021079-00021375 and until then have a great day everyone
ChTVqe3jRay-00086-00021376-00021792 and i will see you in class
ChYEkT3grxo-00000-00000071-00000455 okay so welcome to the zmy begin class
ChYEkT3grxo-00001-00000456-00000703 starting in child's pose big toes
ChYEkT3grxo-00002-00000704-00000871 together knees apart
ChYEkT3grxo-00003-00000872-00001262 sit back on the heels extend the arms
ChYEkT3grxo-00004-00001263-00001335 forward
ChYEkT3grxo-00005-00001336-00002134 forehead to the floor or block
ChYEkT3grxo-00006-00002135-00002302 and we're going to breathe here so if
ChYEkT3grxo-00007-00002303-00002455 you have any
ChYEkT3grxo-00008-00002456-00002631 because our bodies are not that warmed
ChYEkT3grxo-00009-00002632-00002791 up yet if you have any pinching or
ChYEkT3grxo-00010-00002792-00002887 anything
ChYEkT3grxo-00011-00002888-00003063 in the thighs or the groin area you can
ChYEkT3grxo-00012-00003064-00003231 use your hands to
ChYEkT3grxo-00013-00003232-00003559 rotate the skin out and that might give
ChYEkT3grxo-00014-00003560-00003743 you some more room to let the belly hang
ChYEkT3grxo-00015-00003744-00003806 between
ChYEkT3grxo-00016-00003807-00004238 the legs you're gonna connect
ChYEkT3grxo-00017-00004239-00005006 with the breath
ChYEkT3grxo-00018-00005007-00005351 deep inhales and long exhales and as you
ChYEkT3grxo-00019-00005352-00005495 do this
ChYEkT3grxo-00020-00005496-00005815 see if you can expand the ribcage evenly
ChYEkT3grxo-00021-00005816-00006175 as you inhale feel all four sides
ChYEkT3grxo-00022-00006176-00006527 so to say of the ribcage expanding at
ChYEkT3grxo-00023-00006528-00008174 the same time
ChYEkT3grxo-00024-00008175-00008535 feel the spine get long and as you push
ChYEkT3grxo-00025-00008536-00008607 your hands
ChYEkT3grxo-00026-00008608-00008999 into the mat your sitting bones can get
ChYEkT3grxo-00027-00009000-00009159 heavier towards
ChYEkT3grxo-00028-00009160-00010406 the feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00029-00010407-00010814 i'm reading dave 147 in
ChYEkT3grxo-00030-00010815-00011206 ralph gates book that we love so much
ChYEkT3grxo-00031-00011207-00011487 becoming human means discovering our
ChYEkT3grxo-00032-00011488-00011623 fullness
ChYEkT3grxo-00033-00011624-00011919 and learning to live from it from that
ChYEkT3grxo-00034-00011920-00012014 space
ChYEkT3grxo-00035-00012015-00012327 and that's a quote by john wellwood and
ChYEkT3grxo-00036-00012328-00012438 then he explains
ChYEkT3grxo-00037-00012439-00012742 bring your all to your practice
ChYEkT3grxo-00038-00012743-00012974 do not use it as a means to control your
ChYEkT3grxo-00039-00012975-00013086 weight
ChYEkT3grxo-00040-00013087-00013271 or your appearance or the effects of
ChYEkT3grxo-00041-00013272-00013519 aging or anything else
ChYEkT3grxo-00042-00013519-00013711 let your practice be a means to discover
ChYEkT3grxo-00043-00013712-00013911 your fullness
ChYEkT3grxo-00044-00013912-00014303 be vulnerable be sad be happy be mad
ChYEkT3grxo-00045-00014304-00014838 but just be there and let it happen
ChYEkT3grxo-00046-00014840-00015038 and so all of those things that he talks
ChYEkT3grxo-00047-00015040-00015230 about are certainly side effects
ChYEkT3grxo-00048-00015231-00015575 positive side effects of doing yoga
ChYEkT3grxo-00049-00015576-00015847 but the transformation the opportunity
ChYEkT3grxo-00050-00015847-00015894 of
ChYEkT3grxo-00051-00015895-00016150 the transformation that it gives us to
ChYEkT3grxo-00052-00016151-00016350 be the best version of ourselves is
ChYEkT3grxo-00053-00016351-00016607 really the gift
ChYEkT3grxo-00054-00016608-00016863 and so for our begin practice today
ChYEkT3grxo-00055-00016864-00016919 we'll
ChYEkT3grxo-00056-00016920-00017279 practice from that mindset
ChYEkT3grxo-00057-00017280-00018175 just feeling full and whole and nurtured
ChYEkT3grxo-00058-00018176-00018439 take a few more breaths in your child's
ChYEkT3grxo-00059-00018440-00019758 pose
ChYEkT3grxo-00060-00019759-00020007 and then lift the head so you can come
ChYEkT3grxo-00061-00020008-00020447 to hands and knees
ChYEkT3grxo-00062-00020448-00020671 and we'll begin our bedalasana or cat
ChYEkT3grxo-00063-00020672-00020750 pose
ChYEkT3grxo-00064-00020751-00020950 so knees hip width apart set up your
ChYEkT3grxo-00065-00020951-00021311 hands spread the fingers
ChYEkT3grxo-00066-00021312-00021550 just feel the tops of the feet to the
ChYEkT3grxo-00067-00021551-00021735 knees and the hands touching the mat for
ChYEkT3grxo-00068-00021736-00021791 a moment
ChYEkT3grxo-00069-00021792-00022255 and connect
ChYEkT3grxo-00070-00022256-00022599 bring some mindfulness and we'll begin
ChYEkT3grxo-00071-00022600-00022735 the breath
ChYEkT3grxo-00072-00022736-00022950 as we inhale lifting the tailbone
ChYEkT3grxo-00073-00022951-00023167 dropping the spine and lifting the chin
ChYEkT3grxo-00074-00023168-00023967 let's take two breaths here
ChYEkT3grxo-00075-00023968-00024222 and then exhale let the head drop last
ChYEkT3grxo-00076-00024223-00024407 as you arch the back and we'll take two
ChYEkT3grxo-00077-00024408-00024471 breaths
ChYEkT3grxo-00078-00024472-00024750 pushing the floor away let the head
ChYEkT3grxo-00079-00024751-00025439 dangle here
ChYEkT3grxo-00080-00025440-00025758 and then inhale
ChYEkT3grxo-00081-00025760-00026167 lift the tail in the chin
ChYEkT3grxo-00082-00026168-00026343 try to release the muscles around the
ChYEkT3grxo-00083-00026344-00026567 spine
ChYEkT3grxo-00084-00026568-00026927 and then exhale arch after you do two
ChYEkT3grxo-00085-00026927-00027007 rounds
ChYEkT3grxo-00086-00027008-00027311 of breath arching the back you can go
ChYEkT3grxo-00087-00027312-00027455 ahead and just go back and forth and
ChYEkT3grxo-00088-00027456-00027670 move with the breath
ChYEkT3grxo-00089-00027672-00028111 so on an inhale dip
ChYEkT3grxo-00090-00028112-00028383 and on an exhale arch and do this three
ChYEkT3grxo-00091-00028383-00029767 or four times
ChYEkT3grxo-00092-00029768-00029951 and then come back to a flat back or a
ChYEkT3grxo-00093-00029952-00030135 neutral spine
ChYEkT3grxo-00094-00030136-00030358 we're going to cross at the ankles and
ChYEkT3grxo-00095-00030360-00030495 have a seat
ChYEkT3grxo-00096-00030495-00030918 legs out in front
ChYEkT3grxo-00097-00030919-00031143 so you can use the strap or not use the
ChYEkT3grxo-00098-00031144-00031255 strap
ChYEkT3grxo-00099-00031256-00031423 um if you're using the strap put it
ChYEkT3grxo-00100-00031424-00031711 around the ball mounds of the the feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00101-00031712-00031879 if you're not using a strap you're still
ChYEkT3grxo-00102-00031880-00032270 going to sit up nice and tall
ChYEkT3grxo-00103-00032272-00032646 so take a strap in each hand
ChYEkT3grxo-00104-00032647-00032999 inhale lengthen the spine sit up nice
ChYEkT3grxo-00105-00033000-00033071 and tall
ChYEkT3grxo-00106-00033072-00033431 feel the tilt in the pelvis activate
ChYEkT3grxo-00107-00033432-00033655 the legs so press the back of the legs
ChYEkT3grxo-00108-00033656-00033918 into the mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00109-00033919-00034183 and then on your next inhale scoop up
ChYEkT3grxo-00110-00034184-00034359 the belly
ChYEkT3grxo-00111-00034360-00034590 and as you exhale fold forward so it
ChYEkT3grxo-00112-00034591-00034751 feels like you're hinging at the hips
ChYEkT3grxo-00113-00034752-00034902 and then pulling the shoulder blades
ChYEkT3grxo-00114-00034903-00035015 towards each other
ChYEkT3grxo-00115-00035016-00035159 if you don't have a strap you're just
ChYEkT3grxo-00116-00035160-00035823 going to walk your fingertips
ChYEkT3grxo-00117-00035824-00036071 and so this forward folding is not all
ChYEkT3grxo-00118-00036072-00036271 about flexibility
ChYEkT3grxo-00119-00036272-00036423 you're going to activate the muscles in
ChYEkT3grxo-00120-00036424-00036630 your back and try to push yourself
ChYEkT3grxo-00121-00036631-00036895 with your muscles as well to strengthen
ChYEkT3grxo-00122-00036896-00037559 the back
ChYEkT3grxo-00123-00037560-00037767 your chin stays lifted aiming towards
ChYEkT3grxo-00124-00037768-00038055 the shins
ChYEkT3grxo-00125-00038056-00038190 and if you feel like you can grab
ChYEkT3grxo-00126-00038191-00038335 further down on the strap go ahead and
ChYEkT3grxo-00127-00038336-00038383 do that
ChYEkT3grxo-00128-00038384-00038535 if you're reaching your feet let go of
ChYEkT3grxo-00129-00038536-00039095 the strap
ChYEkT3grxo-00130-00039096-00039223 we're going to take three or four more
ChYEkT3grxo-00131-00039224-00039702 breaths here so get comfortable
ChYEkT3grxo-00132-00039703-00040683 or uncomfortable find comfort in being
ChYEkT3grxo-00133-00040684-00041087 uncomfortable
ChYEkT3grxo-00134-00041088-00041390 inhale lift all the way up bring the
ChYEkT3grxo-00135-00041391-00041655 bottoms of the feet together
ChYEkT3grxo-00136-00041656-00041999 drop the knees out to the sides
ChYEkT3grxo-00137-00042000-00042158 we're just giving our legs a break here
ChYEkT3grxo-00138-00042159-00042711 before we move on to the next one
ChYEkT3grxo-00139-00042712-00042990 so hold on to the ankles for stability
ChYEkT3grxo-00140-00042991-00043183 and try to soften the hip joints letting
ChYEkT3grxo-00141-00043184-00043415 the knees hang out to the sides
ChYEkT3grxo-00142-00043416-00043990 still pull the shoulders up and back
ChYEkT3grxo-00143-00043991-00045015 we're just taking a few breaths here
ChYEkT3grxo-00144-00045016-00045190 and then grab the knees bring the knees
ChYEkT3grxo-00145-00045191-00045383 back together
ChYEkT3grxo-00146-00045384-00045543 and you can straighten the left leg and
ChYEkT3grxo-00147-00045544-00045871 keep the right knee bent
ChYEkT3grxo-00148-00045872-00046071 so with the right knee bent drop it out
ChYEkT3grxo-00149-00046072-00046283 to the side for our genius
ChYEkT3grxo-00150-00046284-00046527 asana grab the strap
ChYEkT3grxo-00151-00046528-00046767 put it around the ball of the left foot
ChYEkT3grxo-00152-00046768-00046855 maybe
ChYEkT3grxo-00153-00046856-00046990 if you already know that you can grab
ChYEkT3grxo-00154-00046991-00047223 your foot safely go ahead and just
ChYEkT3grxo-00155-00047224-00047351 let go of the strap or use your
ChYEkT3grxo-00156-00047352-00047551 fingertips but same thing
ChYEkT3grxo-00157-00047552-00047951 engage the legs inhale lengthen
ChYEkT3grxo-00158-00047952-00048271 scoop up the belly and then exhale
ChYEkT3grxo-00159-00048272-00048583 fold just grab wherever you need to on
ChYEkT3grxo-00160-00048584-00048735 the leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00161-00048736-00048935 and shoulder blades are flat drawn
ChYEkT3grxo-00162-00048936-00050799 towards the tailbone
ChYEkT3grxo-00163-00050800-00051511 one or two more breaths here
ChYEkT3grxo-00164-00051512-00051742 and then inhale come all the way up
ChYEkT3grxo-00165-00051744-00051926 bring the right knee in and the left
ChYEkT3grxo-00166-00051927-00051999 knee
ChYEkT3grxo-00167-00052000-00052390 out
ChYEkT3grxo-00168-00052391-00052591 inhale lengthen all of the same things
ChYEkT3grxo-00169-00052591-00052854 set yourself up activate the right leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00170-00052855-00053311 and then exhale fold
ChYEkT3grxo-00171-00053312-00053566 find one spot to look at your dristy
ChYEkT3grxo-00172-00053567-00053782 your focus point
ChYEkT3grxo-00173-00053783-00053919 it doesn't matter if it's your ankle
ChYEkT3grxo-00174-00053920-00054247 your foot your knee
ChYEkT3grxo-00175-00054248-00056494 just keep it in one one focus point
ChYEkT3grxo-00176-00056495-00057311 one or two more breaths here
ChYEkT3grxo-00177-00057312-00057703 and then inhale all the way up
ChYEkT3grxo-00178-00057704-00058023 so we're going to do a a prep pose
ChYEkT3grxo-00179-00058024-00058294 which we have the generation where our
ChYEkT3grxo-00180-00058295-00058471 knee is hanging out
ChYEkT3grxo-00181-00058472-00058775 okay the prep pose for that which to me
ChYEkT3grxo-00182-00058776-00058854 seems to be
ChYEkT3grxo-00183-00058855-00059087 the next level not the preparing for
ChYEkT3grxo-00184-00059088-00059182 this pose
ChYEkT3grxo-00185-00059183-00059487 is we take this leg and we actually
ChYEkT3grxo-00186-00059488-00059647 bend the knee and bring the foot behind
ChYEkT3grxo-00187-00059648-00059919 us so try to do that in a way where the
ChYEkT3grxo-00188-00059920-00060038 heel is close
ChYEkT3grxo-00189-00060039-00060479 to the butt or the hip
ChYEkT3grxo-00190-00060479-00060630 we definitely don't want the foot to be
ChYEkT3grxo-00191-00060632-00060759 out here because that's going to hurt
ChYEkT3grxo-00192-00060760-00060887 the knee so just
ChYEkT3grxo-00193-00060888-00061230 pull it towards the body
ChYEkT3grxo-00194-00061232-00061391 and then the knees are going to separate
ChYEkT3grxo-00195-00061391-00061694 as much as they can
ChYEkT3grxo-00196-00061695-00062063 once you're here i want you to take the
ChYEkT3grxo-00197-00062064-00062142 left thigh
ChYEkT3grxo-00198-00062144-00062494 and kind of tuck it under or untuck from
ChYEkT3grxo-00199-00062495-00062671 the outside so that the knee and the
ChYEkT3grxo-00200-00062672-00062863 toes can point straight up
ChYEkT3grxo-00201-00062864-00062975 and so you don't feel like you're
ChYEkT3grxo-00202-00062976-00063415 tipping over
ChYEkT3grxo-00203-00063416-00063703 and so from here we're going to bring
ChYEkT3grxo-00204-00063704-00063903 our left arm to the inside of the leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00205-00063904-00064142 so just see if the forearm touches the
ChYEkT3grxo-00206-00064144-00064319 floor if it doesn't which for most
ChYEkT3grxo-00207-00064320-00064454 people it's not
ChYEkT3grxo-00208-00064455-00064735 you're going to take your block and put
ChYEkT3grxo-00209-00064736-00064879 it on the inside of the leg and then
ChYEkT3grxo-00210-00064879-00065335 your forearm will rest on that
ChYEkT3grxo-00211-00065336-00065575 and then from here we're going to rotate
ChYEkT3grxo-00212-00065576-00065735 the right shoulder back
ChYEkT3grxo-00213-00065736-00065991 so we're doing like a forward fold where
ChYEkT3grxo-00214-00065992-00066047 you know
ChYEkT3grxo-00215-00066048-00066294 extending we're twisting so with the
ChYEkT3grxo-00216-00066295-00066455 right shoulder back you're starting to
ChYEkT3grxo-00217-00066456-00066671 come into this twist
ChYEkT3grxo-00218-00066672-00066982 and just bring that right arm up
ChYEkT3grxo-00219-00066983-00067175 if this is your max then just stay here
ChYEkT3grxo-00220-00067176-00067406 but if you feel like you can reach
ChYEkT3grxo-00221-00067407-00067647 and do this lateral stretch also so
ChYEkT3grxo-00222-00067648-00067847 reaching with your right arm
ChYEkT3grxo-00223-00067848-00068191 then do that
ChYEkT3grxo-00224-00068192-00068406 and we'll take a few breaths here try to
ChYEkT3grxo-00225-00068407-00069750 rotate the chest up towards the ceiling
ChYEkT3grxo-00226-00069751-00069935 and then on your next exhale bring the
ChYEkT3grxo-00227-00069936-00070055 right arm down
ChYEkT3grxo-00228-00070056-00070399 and come back to seated
ChYEkT3grxo-00229-00070400-00070623 it's very complicated i don't know why
ChYEkT3grxo-00230-00070624-00070703 this one is the
ChYEkT3grxo-00231-00070704-00071023 the prep for the the easy one
ChYEkT3grxo-00232-00071024-00071182 but there you go you can just straighten
ChYEkT3grxo-00233-00071183-00071359 the right leg maybe bounce the knees out
ChYEkT3grxo-00234-00071360-00071638 for a moment
ChYEkT3grxo-00235-00071639-00071759 and then we're going to do this on the
ChYEkT3grxo-00236-00071760-00072038 other side so bend the left knee
ChYEkT3grxo-00237-00072039-00072343 bring the foot behind you this is also
ChYEkT3grxo-00238-00072344-00072519 going to get into the quadriceps as well
ChYEkT3grxo-00239-00072520-00072671 so when we start doing the standing
ChYEkT3grxo-00240-00072672-00072759 stuff
ChYEkT3grxo-00241-00072760-00072975 we'll be nice and warmed up in the legs
ChYEkT3grxo-00242-00072976-00073094 once you have the foot
ChYEkT3grxo-00243-00073095-00073319 or the heel touching the body separate
ChYEkT3grxo-00244-00073320-00073919 the knees as much as you can
ChYEkT3grxo-00245-00073920-00074071 bring your right forearm to the ground
ChYEkT3grxo-00246-00074072-00074303 and if it's not going to reach
ChYEkT3grxo-00247-00074304-00074767 put it on top of a block
ChYEkT3grxo-00248-00074768-00074926 and tuck this right leg if you haven't
ChYEkT3grxo-00249-00074927-00075326 done that already inhale the left arm up
ChYEkT3grxo-00250-00075327-00075519 and then exhale reach for the foot
ChYEkT3grxo-00251-00075520-00075767 eventually
ChYEkT3grxo-00252-00075768-00075950 you're going to be able to reach the
ChYEkT3grxo-00253-00075951-00076071 toes
ChYEkT3grxo-00254-00076072-00076399 without squishing your body so just keep
ChYEkT3grxo-00255-00076400-00076526 reaching
ChYEkT3grxo-00256-00076527-00077082 you don't have to grab the toes just
ChYEkT3grxo-00257-00077083-00077615 reach
ChYEkT3grxo-00258-00077616-00077831 so here we have the left side of the
ChYEkT3grxo-00259-00077832-00077943 body really open
ChYEkT3grxo-00260-00077944-00078094 and the right side of the body is really
ChYEkT3grxo-00261-00078095-00078350 close so trying to find even breath here
ChYEkT3grxo-00262-00078351-00078526 and deep inhalations will be a little
ChYEkT3grxo-00263-00078527-00078719 bit more tricky so just try to get those
ChYEkT3grxo-00264-00078720-00079591 deep breaths we're going to do two more
ChYEkT3grxo-00265-00079592-00079887 and then exhale bring the left arm down
ChYEkT3grxo-00266-00079888-00080206 and come back up to seated
ChYEkT3grxo-00267-00080207-00080423 use your hand to bring the left leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00268-00080424-00080511 forward
ChYEkT3grxo-00269-00080512-00080959 bounce the knees around a little bit
ChYEkT3grxo-00270-00080960-00081687 okay and then lie down on your back
ChYEkT3grxo-00271-00081688-00081847 once you're lying on your back let the
ChYEkT3grxo-00272-00081848-00082118 hips settle
ChYEkT3grxo-00273-00082119-00082462 let the spine settle
ChYEkT3grxo-00274-00082463-00082726 and then one at a time grab the knees
ChYEkT3grxo-00275-00082727-00082799 once you have both
ChYEkT3grxo-00276-00082800-00084038 knees rock left to right
ChYEkT3grxo-00277-00084039-00084423 okay so bringing the feet down
ChYEkT3grxo-00278-00084424-00084638 we're gonna do the internal rotation
ChYEkT3grxo-00279-00084639-00084862 exercise that we do
ChYEkT3grxo-00280-00084863-00085062 your legs are warmed up for this you're
ChYEkT3grxo-00281-00085063-00085287 gonna straighten the left leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00282-00085288-00085687 you're gonna hug onto the right knee
ChYEkT3grxo-00283-00085688-00085831 you can interlace your fingers you can
ChYEkT3grxo-00284-00085832-00086023 just hold it whatever feels good
ChYEkT3grxo-00285-00086024-00086247 knee towards the chest and then we
ChYEkT3grxo-00286-00086248-00086415 lengthen through the heel of the left
ChYEkT3grxo-00287-00086416-00086631 foot
ChYEkT3grxo-00288-00086632-00086879 you're going to lift the left leg off
ChYEkT3grxo-00289-00086880-00086959 the floor
ChYEkT3grxo-00290-00086960-00087247 just a couple of inches not too high
ChYEkT3grxo-00291-00087248-00087382 like two or three inches
ChYEkT3grxo-00292-00087383-00087671 and then rotate the toes in so you're
ChYEkT3grxo-00293-00087672-00087815 internally rotating
ChYEkT3grxo-00294-00087816-00088071 from the hip socket and then lift maybe
ChYEkT3grxo-00295-00088072-00088247 another inch so you're just a few inches
ChYEkT3grxo-00296-00088248-00088326 off the ground
ChYEkT3grxo-00297-00088327-00088535 and you're lifting from the outer thigh
ChYEkT3grxo-00298-00088536-00088735 so strengthening that outer hip
ChYEkT3grxo-00299-00088736-00088926 and we're gonna breathe here five six
ChYEkT3grxo-00300-00088927-00089055 breaths
ChYEkT3grxo-00301-00089056-00089431 just keep it up keep the foot flexed
ChYEkT3grxo-00302-00089432-00089606 soften the shoulders don't lift with
ChYEkT3grxo-00303-00089607-00090991 your face keep the face soft
ChYEkT3grxo-00304-00090992-00091294 and then go ahead and lower
ChYEkT3grxo-00305-00091295-00091462 bring the right foot down straighten the
ChYEkT3grxo-00306-00091463-00091679 leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00307-00091680-00091847 yeah if you lift the leg too high it
ChYEkT3grxo-00308-00091848-00092094 gets too easy
ChYEkT3grxo-00309-00092095-00092287 so if it feels easy lower the foot a
ChYEkT3grxo-00310-00092288-00092471 little bit hug the left knee
ChYEkT3grxo-00311-00092472-00092855 lengthen through the right heel
ChYEkT3grxo-00312-00092856-00093031 keep both feet flexed and then lift the
ChYEkT3grxo-00313-00093032-00093271 right leg just a couple inches
ChYEkT3grxo-00314-00093272-00093511 internally rotate from the hip socket so
ChYEkT3grxo-00315-00093512-00093823 the toes are going to be pointing inward
ChYEkT3grxo-00316-00093824-00094118 lift another inch or so from the outer
ChYEkT3grxo-00317-00094119-00094255 leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00318-00094256-00094750 and breathe
ChYEkT3grxo-00319-00094751-00094999 can you find slow deep breaths here even
ChYEkT3grxo-00320-00095000-00095071 though you're
ChYEkT3grxo-00321-00095072-00096543 using a lot of muscular energy
ChYEkT3grxo-00322-00096544-00096879 and then go ahead lower the leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00323-00096880-00097055 don't leave don't let the left leg go
ChYEkT3grxo-00324-00097056-00097206 yet we're going to interlace our fingers
ChYEkT3grxo-00325-00097207-00097503 behind the knee
ChYEkT3grxo-00326-00097504-00097647 so your fingers are interlaced behind
ChYEkT3grxo-00327-00097648-00097799 the left knee draw the knee towards the
ChYEkT3grxo-00328-00097800-00097879 body and then
ChYEkT3grxo-00329-00097880-00098094 flex the foot press the heel up towards
ChYEkT3grxo-00330-00098095-00098743 the ceiling
ChYEkT3grxo-00331-00098744-00098959 just get the leg as straight as you can
ChYEkT3grxo-00332-00098960-00099079 if it doesn't get i just
ChYEkT3grxo-00333-00099080-00099238 your hamstrings will stop you you'll
ChYEkT3grxo-00334-00099239-00099743 know when to stop
ChYEkT3grxo-00335-00099744-00099935 so keep the shoulders soft and the right
ChYEkT3grxo-00336-00099936-00100894 leg active
ChYEkT3grxo-00337-00100895-00101638 one or two more breaths here
ChYEkT3grxo-00338-00101639-00101847 and then drop the heel towards the body
ChYEkT3grxo-00339-00101848-00101991 let this left foot down
ChYEkT3grxo-00340-00101992-00102238 straighten the leg one last time bending
ChYEkT3grxo-00341-00102239-00102326 the right knee
ChYEkT3grxo-00342-00102327-00102678 interlace behind the leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00343-00102679-00102975 knee up towards the body left leg is
ChYEkT3grxo-00344-00102976-00103078 active
ChYEkT3grxo-00345-00103079-00103310 feet are flexed kick the heel up towards
ChYEkT3grxo-00346-00103311-00103534 the ceiling
ChYEkT3grxo-00347-00103535-00103951 shoulders soft release the tongue
ChYEkT3grxo-00348-00103952-00105975 jaw throat and breathe
ChYEkT3grxo-00349-00105976-00106295 and drop the heel drop the foot
ChYEkT3grxo-00350-00106296-00106454 straighten the leg take a long stretch
ChYEkT3grxo-00351-00106455-00107239 here before we flip over
ChYEkT3grxo-00352-00107240-00107439 be sure to bend your knees roll on to
ChYEkT3grxo-00353-00107440-00107551 your side
ChYEkT3grxo-00354-00107552-00107783 and sit yourself up that way protect the
ChYEkT3grxo-00355-00107783-00107934 back
ChYEkT3grxo-00356-00107935-00108286 and then come back to hands and knees
ChYEkT3grxo-00357-00108288-00108415 we're going to go up into downward
ChYEkT3grxo-00358-00108416-00108590 facing dog
ChYEkT3grxo-00359-00108591-00108910 so curl the toes under and lift the hips
ChYEkT3grxo-00360-00108911-00109110 up and back
ChYEkT3grxo-00361-00109111-00109295 begin to pedal the feet out pressing the
ChYEkT3grxo-00362-00109296-00109510 heels
ChYEkT3grxo-00363-00109511-00109807 towards the mat maybe alternate pressing
ChYEkT3grxo-00364-00109808-00110015 or do them both at the same time
ChYEkT3grxo-00365-00110016-00110358 go up onto the toes rock the hips back
ChYEkT3grxo-00366-00110359-00110478 and forth
ChYEkT3grxo-00367-00110479-00110839 you're posed first down dog move however
ChYEkT3grxo-00368-00110840-00111495 you want
ChYEkT3grxo-00369-00111496-00111871 okay so from here
ChYEkT3grxo-00370-00111872-00112207 we're gonna find some stillness
ChYEkT3grxo-00371-00112208-00112390 and then look up at our hands so we can
ChYEkT3grxo-00372-00112391-00112566 walk forward
ChYEkT3grxo-00373-00112567-00112758 take the biggest steps that you can even
ChYEkT3grxo-00374-00112759-00113158 if it's difficult
ChYEkT3grxo-00375-00113159-00113334 and then bring your hands to your shins
ChYEkT3grxo-00376-00113335-00113766 we're gonna lift halfway up
ChYEkT3grxo-00377-00113767-00114031 and so this is an easy way to lock out
ChYEkT3grxo-00378-00114032-00114302 the lock up the legs if you are flexible
ChYEkT3grxo-00379-00114303-00114551 keep a micro bend in the knees that way
ChYEkT3grxo-00380-00114552-00114639 it forces
ChYEkT3grxo-00381-00114640-00114975 the sitting bones to lift and then we're
ChYEkT3grxo-00382-00114976-00115199 protecting the hamstring attachments
ChYEkT3grxo-00383-00115200-00115407 nobody wants yoga but that's what it's
ChYEkT3grxo-00384-00115408-00115623 called bend the knees
ChYEkT3grxo-00385-00115624-00115951 inhale all the way up palms together
ChYEkT3grxo-00386-00115952-00116343 exhale
ChYEkT3grxo-00387-00116344-00116502 keep your hands in front of your heart
ChYEkT3grxo-00388-00116503-00116719 find tabas on the legs
ChYEkT3grxo-00389-00116720-00116966 so line up the inner edges of the feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00390-00116967-00117215 sometimes we bring our big toes together
ChYEkT3grxo-00391-00117216-00117671 you decide lift the chest
ChYEkT3grxo-00392-00117672-00117854 close your eyes if you can or have a
ChYEkT3grxo-00393-00117855-00117990 soft gaze
ChYEkT3grxo-00394-00117991-00118886 on a focus point
ChYEkT3grxo-00395-00118888-00119175 and as we're standing here in this pose
ChYEkT3grxo-00396-00119176-00119351 feel balance
ChYEkT3grxo-00397-00119352-00119607 balance is what leads to feeling that
ChYEkT3grxo-00398-00119608-00119702 fullness
ChYEkT3grxo-00399-00119703-00120102 and that wholeness
ChYEkT3grxo-00400-00120103-00120351 so shift your weight around reach up as
ChYEkT3grxo-00401-00120352-00120478 you press down
ChYEkT3grxo-00402-00120479-00120654 do all the things to find complete
ChYEkT3grxo-00403-00120655-00122310 balance in the standing pose
ChYEkT3grxo-00404-00122311-00122471 and then you can blink the eyes open
ChYEkT3grxo-00405-00122472-00122647 we're going to inhale and bring the
ChYEkT3grxo-00406-00122648-00123031 hands straight up
ChYEkT3grxo-00407-00123032-00123423 exhale bring the hands down
ChYEkT3grxo-00408-00123424-00123814 three rounds like that inhale reach up
ChYEkT3grxo-00409-00123815-00124319 palms together and down
ChYEkT3grxo-00410-00124320-00124663 inhale up
ChYEkT3grxo-00411-00124664-00125054 exhale down
ChYEkT3grxo-00412-00125055-00125383 inhale up
ChYEkT3grxo-00413-00125383-00125734 and exhale down
ChYEkT3grxo-00414-00125735-00126083 one more time follow the breath inhale
ChYEkT3grxo-00415-00126083-00126271 reach
ChYEkT3grxo-00416-00126272-00126663 exhale down
ChYEkT3grxo-00417-00126664-00126999 inhale up
ChYEkT3grxo-00418-00127000-00127383 and exhale down
ChYEkT3grxo-00419-00127383-00127702 good release the hands turn sideways on
ChYEkT3grxo-00420-00127703-00127839 your mat like i am
ChYEkT3grxo-00421-00127840-00128423 and separate the feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00422-00128424-00128831 grab your block
ChYEkT3grxo-00423-00128832-00128999 and then we'll focus on setting up the
ChYEkT3grxo-00424-00129000-00129143 feet so
ChYEkT3grxo-00425-00129144-00129343 be sure that your heels are lined up for
ChYEkT3grxo-00426-00129344-00129575 this we focus a lot on the strength of
ChYEkT3grxo-00427-00129576-00129758 the legs in this posture
ChYEkT3grxo-00428-00129759-00129927 making sure the inner edges of the feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00429-00129928-00130175 are straight making sure that our feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00430-00130176-00130302 are wide enough apart
ChYEkT3grxo-00431-00130303-00130502 but sometimes we forget to focus on the
ChYEkT3grxo-00432-00130503-00130695 fact that if i were to draw a line
ChYEkT3grxo-00433-00130696-00130799 behind your heels
ChYEkT3grxo-00434-00130800-00131278 it should be even so just focus on that
ChYEkT3grxo-00435-00131279-00131511 before we get started and then engage
ChYEkT3grxo-00436-00131512-00131702 all the muscles
ChYEkT3grxo-00437-00131703-00131887 lift through the crown of the head and i
ChYEkT3grxo-00438-00131888-00132039 want you to bring your fingertips
ChYEkT3grxo-00439-00132040-00132239 to your hip creases and start to push
ChYEkT3grxo-00440-00132240-00132431 them back
ChYEkT3grxo-00441-00132432-00132614 so your body will tip forward as you're
ChYEkT3grxo-00442-00132615-00132831 pushing the hip sockets back
ChYEkT3grxo-00443-00132832-00133007 bring your hands down to the block even
ChYEkT3grxo-00444-00133008-00133319 if you can go further
ChYEkT3grxo-00445-00133320-00133527 so we get this lifting action in the
ChYEkT3grxo-00446-00133528-00133766 sitting bones
ChYEkT3grxo-00447-00133767-00133943 a lot of us will shift our weight to our
ChYEkT3grxo-00448-00133944-00134127 heels because you feel it more in the
ChYEkT3grxo-00449-00134128-00134278 hamstrings there but i want you to shift
ChYEkT3grxo-00450-00134279-00134366 your weight
ChYEkT3grxo-00451-00134367-00134663 towards the balls of the feet so it's
ChYEkT3grxo-00452-00134664-00134751 even
ChYEkT3grxo-00453-00134752-00135078 and the muscles kick in inhale lengthen
ChYEkT3grxo-00454-00135079-00135311 through the crown of the head
ChYEkT3grxo-00455-00135312-00135527 exhale hinge forward a little bit more
ChYEkT3grxo-00456-00135528-00135895 flatten the block
ChYEkT3grxo-00457-00135896-00136087 pull the shoulders back and at this
ChYEkT3grxo-00458-00136088-00136423 point you can drop the head
ChYEkT3grxo-00459-00136424-00136687 we're going to lengthen maybe one more
ChYEkT3grxo-00460-00136688-00137183 time
ChYEkT3grxo-00461-00137184-00137375 so inhale lift lengthen through the
ChYEkT3grxo-00462-00137376-00137502 crown of the head
ChYEkT3grxo-00463-00137503-00137743 exhale see if you can fold a little bit
ChYEkT3grxo-00464-00137744-00137966 more or just stay where you were
ChYEkT3grxo-00465-00137967-00138271 so your hands will be flat on the mat or
ChYEkT3grxo-00466-00138272-00138383 on the block
ChYEkT3grxo-00467-00138384-00138654 let the head dangle if you've shifted
ChYEkT3grxo-00468-00138655-00138927 your weight back to the heels again
ChYEkT3grxo-00469-00138928-00139095 just be aware of that if you're feeling
ChYEkT3grxo-00470-00139096-00139271 rounding in the upper back
ChYEkT3grxo-00471-00139272-00139463 go to the block the block has three
ChYEkT3grxo-00472-00139464-00139799 settings so whichever one helps you
ChYEkT3grxo-00473-00139800-00140111 keep the shoulder blades moving towards
ChYEkT3grxo-00474-00140112-00140214 each other
ChYEkT3grxo-00475-00140215-00140343 we're going to take three more breaths
ChYEkT3grxo-00476-00140344-00141483 here
ChYEkT3grxo-00477-00141484-00141927 good
ChYEkT3grxo-00478-00141928-00142166 inhale lift the head lengthen through
ChYEkT3grxo-00479-00142167-00142263 the crown of the head
ChYEkT3grxo-00480-00142264-00142551 and through the tailbone bring your
ChYEkT3grxo-00481-00142552-00142695 hands to your waist as you
ChYEkT3grxo-00482-00142696-00143063 exhale press the feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00483-00143064-00143399 inhale come all the way up and then
ChYEkT3grxo-00484-00143400-00143759 exhale bring the feet together good
ChYEkT3grxo-00485-00143760-00143902 go to the front of your mat we're going
ChYEkT3grxo-00486-00143903-00144495 to do two cent salutation a
ChYEkT3grxo-00487-00144496-00144831 inhale reach up
ChYEkT3grxo-00488-00144832-00145295 exhale fold
ChYEkT3grxo-00489-00145296-00145607 inhale look up
ChYEkT3grxo-00490-00145608-00145839 and exhale step back lower all the way
ChYEkT3grxo-00491-00145840-00146078 down elbows kiss the sides of the body
ChYEkT3grxo-00492-00146079-00146447 use your knees if you need to
ChYEkT3grxo-00493-00146448-00146871 inhale up and exhale
ChYEkT3grxo-00494-00146872-00147111 child's pose for five breaths hands
ChYEkT3grxo-00495-00147112-00147607 together drop them behind the neck
ChYEkT3grxo-00496-00147608-00148483 one
ChYEkT3grxo-00497-00148484-00148783 two
ChYEkT3grxo-00498-00148784-00149414 three
ChYEkT3grxo-00499-00149415-00149959 four
ChYEkT3grxo-00500-00149960-00150295 five hands down inhale lift
ChYEkT3grxo-00501-00150296-00150575 up to hands and knees curl the toes
ChYEkT3grxo-00502-00150576-00150711 under
ChYEkT3grxo-00503-00150712-00151207 exhale to down dog
ChYEkT3grxo-00504-00151208-00151687 inhale look up step forward
ChYEkT3grxo-00505-00151688-00152078 and then exhale fold
ChYEkT3grxo-00506-00152079-00152311 inhale reach all the way up bring your
ChYEkT3grxo-00507-00152312-00152454 palms together
ChYEkT3grxo-00508-00152455-00152678 and exhale hands in front of the heart
ChYEkT3grxo-00509-00152679-00152854 okay one more time and we're going to
ChYEkT3grxo-00510-00152855-00153039 change it up the second time
ChYEkT3grxo-00511-00153040-00153439 so come back to the front of your mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00512-00153440-00153814 inhale reach up
ChYEkT3grxo-00513-00153815-00154295 exhale fold
ChYEkT3grxo-00514-00154296-00154878 inhale look up and exhale step back
ChYEkT3grxo-00515-00154879-00155278 chaturanga all the way down
ChYEkT3grxo-00516-00155279-00155599 inhale lift up
ChYEkT3grxo-00517-00155600-00155878 then exhale back to child's pose this
ChYEkT3grxo-00518-00155879-00156063 time rest your arms along the sides of
ChYEkT3grxo-00519-00156064-00156231 the body
ChYEkT3grxo-00520-00156232-00156431 rest your forehead on a block if your
ChYEkT3grxo-00521-00156432-00156535 head does not touch
ChYEkT3grxo-00522-00156536-00156911 the mat five breaths here
ChYEkT3grxo-00523-00156912-00157583 one
ChYEkT3grxo-00524-00157584-00158319 two
ChYEkT3grxo-00525-00158320-00159007 three
ChYEkT3grxo-00526-00159008-00159775 four
ChYEkT3grxo-00527-00159776-00160126 and five palms back to the mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00528-00160127-00160366 inhale lift the head come to hands and
ChYEkT3grxo-00529-00160367-00160631 knees
ChYEkT3grxo-00530-00160632-00160878 curl the toes under lift the hips up and
ChYEkT3grxo-00531-00160879-00161159 back
ChYEkT3grxo-00532-00161160-00161311 we're going to inhale and bring the
ChYEkT3grxo-00533-00161312-00161599 right leg up
ChYEkT3grxo-00534-00161600-00161895 and then exhale bring the right leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00535-00161896-00162007 forward
ChYEkT3grxo-00536-00162008-00162199 so as we bring the right leg forward
ChYEkT3grxo-00537-00162200-00162407 we're dropping the back heel
ChYEkT3grxo-00538-00162408-00162807 press the feet and press up
ChYEkT3grxo-00539-00162808-00163199 into a warrior one so find your balance
ChYEkT3grxo-00540-00163200-00163590 hips are square to the front of your mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00541-00163591-00164119 arms are up shoulders are back
ChYEkT3grxo-00542-00164120-00164326 find your breath here keep pressing the
ChYEkT3grxo-00543-00164327-00164438 outer edge of the back
ChYEkT3grxo-00544-00164439-00164775 foot
ChYEkT3grxo-00545-00164776-00166007 the inner edge of the front foot
ChYEkT3grxo-00546-00166008-00166319 good and so now we're going to keep the
ChYEkT3grxo-00547-00166320-00166375 arms
ChYEkT3grxo-00548-00166376-00166623 up we're going to straighten the right
ChYEkT3grxo-00549-00166624-00166759 leg and pivot
ChYEkT3grxo-00550-00166760-00167078 on our feet so that we can do
ChYEkT3grxo-00551-00167079-00167319 the left leg once you're facing the back
ChYEkT3grxo-00552-00167320-00167431 of your mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00553-00167432-00167671 adjust your feet however you need to and
ChYEkT3grxo-00554-00167672-00167823 then bend the left knee
ChYEkT3grxo-00555-00167824-00168095 and if you need to bring the arms down
ChYEkT3grxo-00556-00168096-00168223 go ahead and bring them down
ChYEkT3grxo-00557-00168224-00168702 okay and we'll take a few breaths here
ChYEkT3grxo-00558-00168703-00168999 keep wrapping this right hip forward so
ChYEkT3grxo-00559-00169000-00169483 your hips are square to the front of the
ChYEkT3grxo-00560-00169484-00170126 mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00561-00170127-00170407 and now bring the hands down we're gonna
ChYEkT3grxo-00562-00170408-00170575 safely come into warrior two
ChYEkT3grxo-00563-00170576-00170751 so you're still facing the back of your
ChYEkT3grxo-00564-00170752-00170959 mat and i want you to lift the back
ChYEkT3grxo-00565-00170960-00171399 heel so that you can pivot your foot
ChYEkT3grxo-00566-00171400-00171790 and open up the hips okay
ChYEkT3grxo-00567-00171791-00171943 so now we're facing the back of the mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00568-00171944-00172119 with the arms extended
ChYEkT3grxo-00569-00172120-00172359 left knee still bent and we're looking
ChYEkT3grxo-00570-00172360-00173743 over the left fingertips in warrior two
ChYEkT3grxo-00571-00173744-00173951 on your next inhale straighten the left
ChYEkT3grxo-00572-00173952-00174214 knee bring the toes in
ChYEkT3grxo-00573-00174215-00174502 right toes out now your right toes are
ChYEkT3grxo-00574-00174503-00174647 facing the front of your mat and you'll
ChYEkT3grxo-00575-00174648-00174702 bend them
ChYEkT3grxo-00576-00174703-00174919 here so we can do our warrior two on the
ChYEkT3grxo-00577-00174920-00175343 other side
ChYEkT3grxo-00578-00175344-00175654 the upper body is like between two
ChYEkT3grxo-00579-00175655-00176119 panes of glass lined up with your mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00580-00176120-00176478 look over the right fingertips
ChYEkT3grxo-00581-00176479-00176751 lift everything in and up one more
ChYEkT3grxo-00582-00176752-00177207 breath here
ChYEkT3grxo-00583-00177208-00177414 hands down straighten the right knee
ChYEkT3grxo-00584-00177415-00177543 bring the toes in
ChYEkT3grxo-00585-00177544-00177711 and then you can walk or hop your feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00586-00177712-00177863 together
ChYEkT3grxo-00587-00177864-00178399 and give the legs a break
ChYEkT3grxo-00588-00178400-00178887 grab your block for a balance pose
ChYEkT3grxo-00589-00178888-00179054 i'm not going to tell you what this pose
ChYEkT3grxo-00590-00179055-00179302 is because there's always preconceived
ChYEkT3grxo-00591-00179303-00179423 notions of
ChYEkT3grxo-00592-00179424-00179726 what we can and can't do so just follow
ChYEkT3grxo-00593-00179727-00179902 my directions and i'm going to guide you
ChYEkT3grxo-00594-00179903-00179990 through it
ChYEkT3grxo-00595-00179991-00180271 so the the block is going to stay on the
ChYEkT3grxo-00596-00180272-00180375 tallest setting
ChYEkT3grxo-00597-00180376-00180583 in front of us we only need a little bit
ChYEkT3grxo-00598-00180584-00180711 of space so it could be the middle of
ChYEkT3grxo-00599-00180712-00180871 your mat or whatever
ChYEkT3grxo-00600-00180872-00181111 and then with our feet just hip width
ChYEkT3grxo-00601-00181112-00181231 apart
ChYEkT3grxo-00602-00181232-00181414 or sitting bone width apart either one
ChYEkT3grxo-00603-00181415-00181623 is fine we're going to start to tip
ChYEkT3grxo-00604-00181624-00181814 forward just coming into a regular
ChYEkT3grxo-00605-00181815-00181990 forward fold or
ChYEkT3grxo-00606-00181991-00182231 tanasana and our hands are going to go
ChYEkT3grxo-00607-00182232-00182502 to the block
ChYEkT3grxo-00608-00182503-00182823 if your back feels nice and straight
ChYEkT3grxo-00609-00182824-00183071 and you're engaged in the legs go a
ChYEkT3grxo-00610-00183072-00183614 little further flatten the block
ChYEkT3grxo-00611-00183615-00183759 and if you feel you can bring the hands
ChYEkT3grxo-00612-00183760-00183926 all the way to the floor you can do that
ChYEkT3grxo-00613-00183927-00183990 too
ChYEkT3grxo-00614-00183991-00184238 but the flat block might be the best for
ChYEkT3grxo-00615-00184239-00184454 right now
ChYEkT3grxo-00616-00184455-00184695 bend the knees just a little bit and
ChYEkT3grxo-00617-00184696-00184847 you're going to start to lift the right
ChYEkT3grxo-00618-00184848-00185063 leg up point the toes
ChYEkT3grxo-00619-00185064-00185407 lift the right leg up and then here if
ChYEkT3grxo-00620-00185408-00185631 your elbows are really bending you can
ChYEkT3grxo-00621-00185632-00185838 bring your hands to the floor so this is
ChYEkT3grxo-00622-00185839-00186283 like a warrior three but it's on the
ChYEkT3grxo-00623-00186284-00186414 floor
ChYEkT3grxo-00624-00186415-00187214 okay take one more breath here
ChYEkT3grxo-00625-00187215-00187487 and then bend both knees bring the feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00626-00187488-00187663 together
ChYEkT3grxo-00627-00187664-00187902 bring your hands to the block just to
ChYEkT3grxo-00628-00187903-00188214 come halfway up first
ChYEkT3grxo-00629-00188215-00188502 and then hands to the waist on an inhale
ChYEkT3grxo-00630-00188503-00188919 you're gonna stand back up
ChYEkT3grxo-00631-00188920-00189078 so you just did the standing splits
ChYEkT3grxo-00632-00189079-00189287 which is definitely not a beginner pose
ChYEkT3grxo-00633-00189288-00189487 but if you're using a block and
ChYEkT3grxo-00634-00189488-00189654 modifying as needed and listening to
ChYEkT3grxo-00635-00189655-00189775 your body
ChYEkT3grxo-00636-00189776-00189926 you can take any pose to different
ChYEkT3grxo-00637-00189927-00190135 levels right all right let's do the
ChYEkT3grxo-00638-00190136-00190199 other side
ChYEkT3grxo-00639-00190200-00190566 feet hip width apart it takes just as
ChYEkT3grxo-00640-00190567-00190599 much
ChYEkT3grxo-00641-00190600-00190807 strength as it does flexibility for that
ChYEkT3grxo-00642-00190808-00190902 pose too
ChYEkT3grxo-00643-00190903-00191102 you're standing on one leg in order to
ChYEkT3grxo-00644-00191103-00191287 lift the leg you have to use the muscles
ChYEkT3grxo-00645-00191288-00191623 it's a lot right okay so start to fold
ChYEkT3grxo-00646-00191624-00191726 forward
ChYEkT3grxo-00647-00191727-00191943 hands to the block you already know
ChYEkT3grxo-00648-00191944-00192263 where you're supposed to be here
ChYEkT3grxo-00649-00192264-00192438 and so this leg might be tighter or more
ChYEkT3grxo-00650-00192439-00192566 open it might look different than the
ChYEkT3grxo-00651-00192567-00192638 other one
ChYEkT3grxo-00652-00192639-00192975 bend the knee slightly and then start to
ChYEkT3grxo-00653-00192976-00193199 lift the left leg point the toes
ChYEkT3grxo-00654-00193200-00193383 we want to activate the quadriceps to
ChYEkT3grxo-00655-00193384-00193526 help us
ChYEkT3grxo-00656-00193527-00193743 pull the leg up you can bring your hands
ChYEkT3grxo-00657-00193744-00193975 to the floor maybe
ChYEkT3grxo-00658-00193976-00194190 and so eventually we do walk closer to
ChYEkT3grxo-00659-00194191-00194414 the leg and start to grab the leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00660-00194415-00194654 but for now we're just lifting and take
ChYEkT3grxo-00661-00194655-00195583 another breath or two here
ChYEkT3grxo-00662-00195584-00195814 and then bend both knees bring the feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00663-00195815-00196095 together slow controlled movement
ChYEkT3grxo-00664-00196096-00196487 hands to the block to lift halfway up
ChYEkT3grxo-00665-00196488-00196823 hands to the waist inhale come all the
ChYEkT3grxo-00666-00196824-00197263 way up
ChYEkT3grxo-00667-00197264-00197423 and then just shake the legs out a
ChYEkT3grxo-00668-00197424-00197838 little bit
ChYEkT3grxo-00669-00197839-00198214 let me find my thing here
ChYEkT3grxo-00670-00198215-00198814 come back to the front of your mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00671-00198815-00199343 inhale reach the arms up
ChYEkT3grxo-00672-00199344-00199814 exhale fold
ChYEkT3grxo-00673-00199815-00200126 inhale look up
ChYEkT3grxo-00674-00200127-00200750 and exhale step back lower down
ChYEkT3grxo-00675-00200751-00201078 inhale lift up and now
ChYEkT3grxo-00676-00201079-00201654 exhale back to down dog
ChYEkT3grxo-00677-00201655-00201999 inhale look up and step through
ChYEkT3grxo-00678-00202000-00202566 so step forward exhale fold
ChYEkT3grxo-00679-00202567-00202759 bring the feet together start to drop
ChYEkT3grxo-00680-00202760-00203014 the sitting bones knees are together
ChYEkT3grxo-00681-00203015-00203214 we're coming up into chair pose so
ChYEkT3grxo-00682-00203215-00203447 weight is in the back of the body
ChYEkT3grxo-00683-00203448-00203814 and then the arms are up shoulders back
ChYEkT3grxo-00684-00203815-00204054 all right try to take five breaths here
ChYEkT3grxo-00685-00204055-00204254 don't have the tailbone sticking up make
ChYEkT3grxo-00686-00204255-00205406 sure you drop it down
ChYEkT3grxo-00687-00205407-00205551 and then we're going to just inhale and
ChYEkT3grxo-00688-00205552-00205798 come to standing
ChYEkT3grxo-00689-00205800-00206158 yeah grab your strap that's good for leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00690-00206159-00207046 stuff right
ChYEkT3grxo-00691-00207048-00207223 so strap in the right hand we're just
ChYEkT3grxo-00692-00207223-00207566 doing the monkey arms here
ChYEkT3grxo-00693-00207567-00207886 pinky faces rotates in
ChYEkT3grxo-00694-00207887-00208182 towards the midline of the body then the
ChYEkT3grxo-00695-00208183-00208455 elbow
ChYEkT3grxo-00696-00208456-00208575 eventually you're going to be able to
ChYEkT3grxo-00697-00208576-00208798 grab your fingers like i your shoulders
ChYEkT3grxo-00698-00208800-00208910 might be tight
ChYEkT3grxo-00699-00208911-00209206 but try to do try to see where you are
ChYEkT3grxo-00700-00209207-00209414 instead of doing what you're used to
ChYEkT3grxo-00701-00209415-00209742 so as you drop the strap the fingertips
ChYEkT3grxo-00702-00209744-00209894 are going to be pointing down and the
ChYEkT3grxo-00703-00209896-00210142 palm will be flat on the back
ChYEkT3grxo-00704-00210144-00210455 the left arm the thumb will be down
ChYEkT3grxo-00705-00210456-00210751 and then the palm will be facing out as
ChYEkT3grxo-00706-00210752-00210927 you reach up
ChYEkT3grxo-00707-00210928-00211175 so you can either grab the strap here or
ChYEkT3grxo-00708-00211176-00211694 see how close you are to the fingertips
ChYEkT3grxo-00709-00211696-00211831 and one side you might be able to do on
ChYEkT3grxo-00710-00211832-00212079 the other side you might not
ChYEkT3grxo-00711-00212080-00212471 which is the case for me
ChYEkT3grxo-00712-00212471-00212671 try to keep the chin lifted parallel to
ChYEkT3grxo-00713-00212671-00212775 the floor
ChYEkT3grxo-00714-00212776-00212927 and we're also paying attention to our
ChYEkT3grxo-00715-00212928-00213271 feet how we're standing our alignment
ChYEkT3grxo-00716-00213271-00214694 and also our breath
ChYEkT3grxo-00717-00214696-00215294 one more here
ChYEkT3grxo-00718-00215296-00215710 and then go ahead and release
ChYEkT3grxo-00719-00215711-00215910 take the strap with the left hand see
ChYEkT3grxo-00720-00215911-00216031 where we are here
ChYEkT3grxo-00721-00216032-00216239 rotate the pinky in that's going to
ChYEkT3grxo-00722-00216240-00216431 ground the shoulder the humera into the
ChYEkT3grxo-00723-00216432-00216551 socket
ChYEkT3grxo-00724-00216552-00216823 bend the elbow so the fingers are
ChYEkT3grxo-00725-00216823-00216934 reaching down
ChYEkT3grxo-00726-00216935-00217255 in between the shoulder blades right
ChYEkT3grxo-00727-00217256-00217367 thumb down
ChYEkT3grxo-00728-00217367-00217879 palm faces out and we reach
ChYEkT3grxo-00729-00217880-00218215 as far as we can and maybe grab the
ChYEkT3grxo-00730-00218216-00218271 fingers
ChYEkT3grxo-00731-00218271-00218734 or the strap
ChYEkT3grxo-00732-00218735-00219631 usually the strap
ChYEkT3grxo-00733-00219632-00219934 back to the alignment in the body find
ChYEkT3grxo-00734-00219935-00221287 your breath
ChYEkT3grxo-00735-00221288-00221767 and release
ChYEkT3grxo-00736-00221767-00222087 you can drop the strap off
ChYEkT3grxo-00737-00222088-00222510 come to the front of your mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00738-00222511-00222919 inhale bring the arms up
ChYEkT3grxo-00739-00222919-00223406 exhale fold
ChYEkT3grxo-00740-00223407-00223710 inhale look up
ChYEkT3grxo-00741-00223711-00223919 and exhale step back we're going to just
ChYEkT3grxo-00742-00223919-00224206 come down to our knees
ChYEkT3grxo-00743-00224207-00225342 cross at the ankles and lie down
ChYEkT3grxo-00744-00225344-00225582 once you're lying down bend the knees
ChYEkT3grxo-00745-00225583-00226431 let the hips settle
ChYEkT3grxo-00746-00226432-00226727 and then bring your left ankle to the
ChYEkT3grxo-00747-00226728-00226975 right thigh
ChYEkT3grxo-00748-00226976-00227463 interlace behind the right leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00749-00227464-00227782 and then draw the knee towards the body
ChYEkT3grxo-00750-00227783-00228031 keep both feet flexed here this is our
ChYEkT3grxo-00751-00228032-00228846 supine pigeon
ChYEkT3grxo-00752-00228848-00229175 the more you just not pushing with your
ChYEkT3grxo-00753-00229176-00229255 hand
ChYEkT3grxo-00754-00229256-00229487 but just shift your knee away from you
ChYEkT3grxo-00755-00229488-00229679 your left knee shifted away from you to
ChYEkT3grxo-00756-00229680-00229846 square the pelvis
ChYEkT3grxo-00757-00229848-00230439 that might bring you deeper into this
ChYEkT3grxo-00758-00230440-00230758 if you need it
ChYEkT3grxo-00759-00230759-00231087 but i mean you might have a easy time in
ChYEkT3grxo-00760-00231088-00231246 this pose but
ChYEkT3grxo-00761-00231248-00231431 maybe the breath is what you're working
ChYEkT3grxo-00762-00231432-00233239 on so just continue to breathe
ChYEkT3grxo-00763-00233240-00233882 we're taking two more breaths here full
ChYEkT3grxo-00764-00233883-00234142 breaths
ChYEkT3grxo-00765-00234144-00234303 and then go ahead and bring the right
ChYEkT3grxo-00766-00234304-00234494 foot to the floor
ChYEkT3grxo-00767-00234496-00234719 left foot to the floor and we'll move on
ChYEkT3grxo-00768-00234719-00234927 to the other side so right ankle to the
ChYEkT3grxo-00769-00234928-00235055 left leg
ChYEkT3grxo-00770-00235056-00235655 interlace behind the left thigh
ChYEkT3grxo-00771-00235656-00235863 make any adjustments shift the right
ChYEkT3grxo-00772-00235864-00235998 knee away from you
ChYEkT3grxo-00773-00236000-00236231 keep the feet flexed soften the
ChYEkT3grxo-00774-00236232-00236423 shoulders the throat the neck
ChYEkT3grxo-00775-00236423-00237006 all of that is released right now
ChYEkT3grxo-00776-00237007-00237287 the head is resting on the floor if
ChYEkT3grxo-00777-00237288-00237455 you're really having a hard time like
ChYEkT3grxo-00778-00237456-00237646 struggling reaching for the leg you
ChYEkT3grxo-00779-00237648-00237823 could rest your head on a block
ChYEkT3grxo-00780-00237823-00238015 as long as the head's not hanging in the
ChYEkT3grxo-00781-00238016-00238127 air
ChYEkT3grxo-00782-00238128-00239482 that is not good for the neck find your
ChYEkT3grxo-00783-00239483-00240046 breath
ChYEkT3grxo-00784-00240048-00241191 we're going to take two more
ChYEkT3grxo-00785-00241192-00241415 and then go ahead and release both feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00786-00241416-00241510 to the floor
ChYEkT3grxo-00787-00241511-00241679 you can straighten the legs just to
ChYEkT3grxo-00788-00241680-00242127 stretch everything out
ChYEkT3grxo-00789-00242128-00242239 and then we're going to do one last
ChYEkT3grxo-00790-00242240-00242479 thing here
ChYEkT3grxo-00791-00242480-00242663 so bring the arms down bend the knees
ChYEkT3grxo-00792-00242664-00243175 we're going to do bridge pose
ChYEkT3grxo-00793-00243176-00243375 and remember here that we want to have
ChYEkT3grxo-00794-00243376-00243727 that space between the knees
ChYEkT3grxo-00795-00243728-00244023 we want the the feet the knees and the
ChYEkT3grxo-00796-00244023-00244071 hips
ChYEkT3grxo-00797-00244071-00244319 all on on the same line okay all
ChYEkT3grxo-00798-00244319-00244503 parallel to each other
ChYEkT3grxo-00799-00244504-00244782 shoulder blades are going to be flat on
ChYEkT3grxo-00800-00244783-00244991 the mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00801-00244992-00245263 so they're not poking into the the floor
ChYEkT3grxo-00802-00245264-00245382 and then we're just going to keep the
ChYEkT3grxo-00803-00245383-00245591 elbows bent and the palms facing towards
ChYEkT3grxo-00804-00245592-00245719 each other for today
ChYEkT3grxo-00805-00245719-00245927 and the reason we're doing this and not
ChYEkT3grxo-00806-00245928-00246055 interlacing is
ChYEkT3grxo-00807-00246056-00246342 to just work on keeping a broad back and
ChYEkT3grxo-00808-00246344-00246479 a broad chest
ChYEkT3grxo-00809-00246480-00246710 so everything is staying open you're
ChYEkT3grxo-00810-00246711-00246839 just going to be pushing your elbows
ChYEkT3grxo-00811-00246840-00246958 into the floor
ChYEkT3grxo-00812-00246959-00247255 okay so activate the feet press them
ChYEkT3grxo-00813-00247256-00247382 into the floor
ChYEkT3grxo-00814-00247383-00247623 inhale lift the pelvis up towards the
ChYEkT3grxo-00815-00247623-00247727 ceiling
ChYEkT3grxo-00816-00247728-00247919 don't let the knees hang open just keep
ChYEkT3grxo-00817-00247919-00248094 pressing the inner edges of the feet and
ChYEkT3grxo-00818-00248096-00248271 the heels
ChYEkT3grxo-00819-00248271-00248398 you can still walk your shoulders
ChYEkT3grxo-00820-00248400-00248655 together a little bit
ChYEkT3grxo-00821-00248656-00249071 keep the chin lifted
ChYEkT3grxo-00822-00249071-00249287 two more breaths here use the muscles in
ChYEkT3grxo-00823-00249288-00249463 the legs the front of the body
ChYEkT3grxo-00824-00249464-00249703 and also the shoulder blades are pushing
ChYEkT3grxo-00825-00249704-00249767 into the
ChYEkT3grxo-00826-00249767-00250158 into the back
ChYEkT3grxo-00827-00250159-00250479 and then lower pelvis first and then
ChYEkT3grxo-00828-00250480-00250742 unwind the spine
ChYEkT3grxo-00829-00250744-00250942 we're going to go up one more time just
ChYEkT3grxo-00830-00250944-00251694 take a breather here
ChYEkT3grxo-00831-00251696-00251871 and then prepare for your second back
ChYEkT3grxo-00832-00251871-00252079 bend
ChYEkT3grxo-00833-00252080-00253482 press the feet inhale lift
ChYEkT3grxo-00834-00253483-00254303 breathe
ChYEkT3grxo-00835-00254304-00254734 and exhale lower
ChYEkT3grxo-00836-00254735-00254967 lower the pelvis unwind the spine give
ChYEkT3grxo-00837-00254967-00255687 your spine a moment to settle
ChYEkT3grxo-00838-00255688-00256055 and then tilt the pelvis back
ChYEkT3grxo-00839-00256056-00256279 so your lower back is smashing into the
ChYEkT3grxo-00840-00256280-00256375 mat
ChYEkT3grxo-00841-00256376-00256727 and then bring the knees up to the chest
ChYEkT3grxo-00842-00256728-00256951 together apart you can even go into
ChYEkT3grxo-00843-00256952-00257158 happy baby here
ChYEkT3grxo-00844-00257159-00257327 but we're gonna rock left to right
ChYEkT3grxo-00845-00257328-00257494 whatever you decide to do with your legs
ChYEkT3grxo-00846-00257496-00258903 is up to you
ChYEkT3grxo-00847-00258904-00259815 another moment or two
ChYEkT3grxo-00848-00259816-00260094 and then slow down your rocking bring
ChYEkT3grxo-00849-00260096-00260255 the feet to the floor
ChYEkT3grxo-00850-00260256-00260487 one last stretch circle the wrists and
ChYEkT3grxo-00851-00260488-00261119 the ankles
ChYEkT3grxo-00852-00261119-00261239 and then when you're finished with your
ChYEkT3grxo-00853-00261240-00261415 stretch you'll get ready for shavasana
ChYEkT3grxo-00854-00261416-00261582 so if you'd like to put on socks
ChYEkT3grxo-00855-00261583-00261823 a sweatshirt a blanket cover the eyes
ChYEkT3grxo-00856-00261823-00261967 anything to prepare and get as
ChYEkT3grxo-00857-00261967-00262175 comfortable as possible you can do that
ChYEkT3grxo-00858-00262176-00262423 and when you are ready you'll separate
ChYEkT3grxo-00859-00262424-00262567 the feet
ChYEkT3grxo-00860-00262568-00263063 bring the arms down palms up
ChYEkT3grxo-00861-00263064-00263295 be sure the chin is a little bit lower
ChYEkT3grxo-00862-00263296-00263734 than the forehead
ChYEkT3grxo-00863-00263735-00264367 you do want a curve in the lower spine
ChYEkT3grxo-00864-00264368-00264615 and as you begin to exhale feel the
ChYEkT3grxo-00865-00264616-00264671 muscles
ChYEkT3grxo-00866-00264672-00265471 soften and release
ChYEkT3grxo-00867-00265472-00265919 as if with each exhalation
ChYEkT3grxo-00868-00265920-00266158 the muscles are softening or melting
ChYEkT3grxo-00869-00266159-00267247 away from the bones
ChYEkT3grxo-00870-00267248-00267575 and as you continue to soften feel
ChYEkT3grxo-00871-00267576-00267871 the bones get heavy towards the back of
ChYEkT3grxo-00872-00267872-00269175 the body
ChYEkT3grxo-00873-00269176-00269406 feeling the body get heavier and heavier
ChYEkT3grxo-00874-00269407-00269575 sinking
ChYEkT3grxo-00875-00269576-00271630 into the floor
ChYEkT3grxo-00876-00271631-00271999 and for the next few moments
ChYEkT3grxo-00877-00272000-00272199 feel any sensations that are happening
ChYEkT3grxo-00878-00272200-00272503 in the body
ChYEkT3grxo-00880-00301688-00302482 allow your inhalations to begin to
ChYEkT3grxo-00881-00302483-00303487 deepen
ChYEkT3grxo-00882-00303488-00303679 and when you're ready you can begin to
ChYEkT3grxo-00883-00303680-00303791 wiggle the fingers
ChYEkT3grxo-00884-00303792-00304639 and the toes slowly
ChYEkT3grxo-00885-00304640-00305230 moving into wrists and ankles
ChYEkT3grxo-00886-00305231-00305439 and taking whatever other movement might
ChYEkT3grxo-00887-00305440-00307151 feel good for the body here
ChYEkT3grxo-00888-00307152-00307334 and then after another breath or two
ChYEkT3grxo-00889-00307335-00307527 you'll begin to roll onto your right
ChYEkT3grxo-00890-00307528-00307751 side
ChYEkT3grxo-00891-00307752-00308079 using your arm as a pillow and we'll
ChYEkT3grxo-00892-00308080-00308279 just stay here for a moment
ChYEkT3grxo-00893-00308280-00308527 and pause and enjoy these last few
ChYEkT3grxo-00894-00308528-00309775 moments of stillness
ChYEkT3grxo-00895-00309776-00309999 and then let the head stay heavy as you
ChYEkT3grxo-00896-00310000-00310110 push yourself
ChYEkT3grxo-00897-00310111-00310719 back to seated position
ChYEkT3grxo-00898-00310720-00310871 bringing your hands together in front of
ChYEkT3grxo-00899-00310872-00311703 your heart
ChYEkT3grxo-00900-00311704-00312119 thank you for letting me guide you today
ChYEkT3grxo-00901-00312120-00312487 the teacher in me honors and appreciates
ChYEkT3grxo-00902-00312488-00312710 the teacher in you
ChYEkT3grxo-00903-00312711-00313567 thank you
ChYEkT3grxo-00904-00313568-00313983 thank you so much
CiWQnV1xY2g-00000-00000008-00000223 those of you in cities and states with
CiWQnV1xY2g-00001-00000224-00000430 off-year elections and if you haven't
CiWQnV1xY2g-00002-00000431-00000526 already
CiWQnV1xY2g-00003-00000527-00000774 i hope that all of you will exercise
CiWQnV1xY2g-00004-00000775-00001023 your hard-fought and hard-won
CiWQnV1xY2g-00005-00001024-00001239 right to vote and support the issues
CiWQnV1xY2g-00006-00001240-00001431 that matter most to you in your
CiWQnV1xY2g-00007-00001432-00001574 community
CiWQnV1xY2g-00008-00001575-00001759 my name is chris morris and i am the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00009-00001760-00002030 manager of the national trusts campaign
CiWQnV1xY2g-00010-00002032-00002271 for where women made history i'm coming
CiWQnV1xY2g-00011-00002272-00002518 to you today from los angeles california
CiWQnV1xY2g-00012-00002519-00002775 which is the traditional ancestral and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00013-00002776-00003047 unseated territory of the gabriellino
CiWQnV1xY2g-00014-00003048-00003286 and tongva people
CiWQnV1xY2g-00015-00003288-00003567 i am so honored to be joined today by a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00016-00003568-00003838 group of talented women whose individual
CiWQnV1xY2g-00017-00003839-00003975 expertise
CiWQnV1xY2g-00018-00003976-00004183 commitment and passion
CiWQnV1xY2g-00019-00004184-00004438 is helping to lead the change in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00020-00004439-00004647 preservation movement i have been so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00021-00004648-00004927 fortunate to get to know them and their
CiWQnV1xY2g-00022-00004928-00005143 work over the last year
CiWQnV1xY2g-00023-00005144-00005343 today we're going to have a really i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00024-00005344-00005559 hope very exciting interesting
CiWQnV1xY2g-00025-00005560-00005838 conversation about their work
CiWQnV1xY2g-00026-00005839-00006054 and i encourage all of you there won't
CiWQnV1xY2g-00027-00006055-00006231 be formal presentations there will be a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00028-00006232-00006439 few slides to kind of illustrate their
CiWQnV1xY2g-00029-00006440-00006687 work and the impact that they're having
CiWQnV1xY2g-00030-00006688-00006934 so i invite all of you to submit
CiWQnV1xY2g-00031-00006936-00007127 questions or comments in the chat
CiWQnV1xY2g-00032-00007128-00007278 throughout and then there will be
CiWQnV1xY2g-00033-00007279-00007527 hopefully some time at the end for us to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00034-00007528-00007774 answer at least a few of those questions
CiWQnV1xY2g-00035-00007775-00007959 in our 50 minutes that we've allotted
CiWQnV1xY2g-00036-00007959-00008191 today so please put those questions in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00037-00008192-00008414 the chat and we'll do our best to answer
CiWQnV1xY2g-00038-00008415-00008751 them at the end so to get things started
CiWQnV1xY2g-00039-00008752-00008887 i would like to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00040-00008888-00009135 introduce you all to our panelists today
CiWQnV1xY2g-00041-00009136-00009327 and i'm going to invite each one of them
CiWQnV1xY2g-00042-00009328-00009583 to introduce themselves to you we're
CiWQnV1xY2g-00043-00009584-00009814 going to start with allison garcia
CiWQnV1xY2g-00044-00009815-00010151 keller allison
CiWQnV1xY2g-00045-00010152-00010351 hi everyone i'm alison garcia keller i'm
CiWQnV1xY2g-00046-00010352-00010583 thrilled to be here today um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00047-00010584-00010751 my interest in historic preservation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00048-00010752-00010999 came from visiting the 16th and century
CiWQnV1xY2g-00049-00011000-00011238 16th and 17th century city of antigua
CiWQnV1xY2g-00050-00011239-00011510 guatemala over summers to visit my dad's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00051-00011511-00011614 family
CiWQnV1xY2g-00052-00011615-00011838 the entire city of antigua is a unesco
CiWQnV1xY2g-00053-00011839-00012070 world heritage site and that was really
CiWQnV1xY2g-00054-00012071-00012238 in stark contrast with where i grew up
CiWQnV1xY2g-00055-00012239-00012583 which was in south florida in the 1990s
CiWQnV1xY2g-00056-00012584-00012759 tropical suburbia essentially where
CiWQnV1xY2g-00057-00012760-00013030 everything was brand new um and at the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00058-00013031-00013238 time it seemed that almost everyone or
CiWQnV1xY2g-00059-00013240-00013415 or their families were from somewhere
CiWQnV1xY2g-00060-00013416-00013535 else
CiWQnV1xY2g-00061-00013536-00013703 whether it was another country or
CiWQnV1xY2g-00062-00013704-00013886 another state within the united states
CiWQnV1xY2g-00063-00013887-00014158 so in that community in particular i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00064-00014159-00014375 felt like cultural identity was really a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00065-00014376-00014566 source of pride rather than a source of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00066-00014568-00014743 shame
CiWQnV1xY2g-00067-00014744-00014951 for undergrad i studied design at uc
CiWQnV1xY2g-00068-00014952-00015111 davis and then i studied historic
CiWQnV1xY2g-00069-00015112-00015271 preservation for my masters at the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00070-00015272-00015455 university of pennsylvania
CiWQnV1xY2g-00071-00015456-00015638 and i worked in historic preservation in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00072-00015640-00015799 california since
CiWQnV1xY2g-00073-00015800-00015966 i'm currently an architectural historian
CiWQnV1xY2g-00074-00015968-00016191 with environmental science associates
CiWQnV1xY2g-00075-00016191-00016358 and i work on a wide variety of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00076-00016359-00016615 documentation and preservation projects
CiWQnV1xY2g-00077-00016616-00016799 and all of that is to say that cultural
CiWQnV1xY2g-00078-00016800-00016975 heritage is always at the forefront of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00079-00016976-00017167 my mind given the realization that the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00080-00017168-00017375 rest of the country is really not quite
CiWQnV1xY2g-00081-00017376-00017550 as diverse as where i'm from
CiWQnV1xY2g-00082-00017551-00017783 that sort of thing really stays with you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00083-00017784-00018030 um i'm a member of the latinos in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00084-00018031-00018207 heritage conservation education
CiWQnV1xY2g-00085-00018208-00018375 committee and i look forward to sharing
CiWQnV1xY2g-00086-00018376-00018558 with you all a little bit about our new
CiWQnV1xY2g-00087-00018559-00018711 project
CiWQnV1xY2g-00088-00018712-00018879 thank you allison
CiWQnV1xY2g-00089-00018880-00019183 next up uh anna orlando introduce
CiWQnV1xY2g-00090-00019184-00019350 yourself
CiWQnV1xY2g-00091-00019351-00019591 thank you chris uh and hi everyone it's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00092-00019592-00019871 nice to meet you i'm anna
CiWQnV1xY2g-00093-00019872-00020127 i'm from cleveland ohio but i've spent
CiWQnV1xY2g-00094-00020128-00020383 the past a few years in new york in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00095-00020384-00020647 connecticut so i've been fortunate to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00096-00020648-00020863 have exposure to many communities who
CiWQnV1xY2g-00097-00020864-00021047 appreciate history
CiWQnV1xY2g-00098-00021048-00021278 currently i'm an associate at the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00099-00021279-00021591 architecture firm ramsa in new york city
CiWQnV1xY2g-00100-00021592-00021863 and i've been at the firm since 2017
CiWQnV1xY2g-00101-00021864-00022071 when i graduated cornell with an
CiWQnV1xY2g-00102-00022072-00022358 undergraduate degree in architecture and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00103-00022359-00022575 then last year i returned to cornell for
CiWQnV1xY2g-00104-00022576-00022814 my master's in historic preservation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00105-00022815-00022950 planning
CiWQnV1xY2g-00106-00022951-00023199 which i'll graduate from in may
CiWQnV1xY2g-00107-00023200-00023439 and then outside of architecture and my
CiWQnV1xY2g-00108-00023440-00023711 preservation coursework i serve as the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00109-00023712-00023927 women's leadership initiative chair for
CiWQnV1xY2g-00110-00023928-00024071 my office
CiWQnV1xY2g-00111-00024072-00024311 and this initiative provides mentorship
CiWQnV1xY2g-00112-00024312-00024430 education
CiWQnV1xY2g-00113-00024431-00024663 and peer support to promote the growth
CiWQnV1xY2g-00114-00024664-00024758 of women
CiWQnV1xY2g-00115-00024759-00025030 in their careers regardless of age
CiWQnV1xY2g-00116-00025031-00025335 experience level or background thank you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00117-00025336-00025535 oh thank you anna glad to have you with
CiWQnV1xY2g-00118-00025536-00025639 us today
CiWQnV1xY2g-00119-00025639-00025958 next up nelly scott coming to us from
CiWQnV1xY2g-00120-00025960-00026295 hollywood
CiWQnV1xY2g-00121-00026295-00026631 hello hi thank you all and um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00122-00026632-00026918 thank you chris for for having me and so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00123-00026919-00027207 excited to be here with so many amazing
CiWQnV1xY2g-00124-00027208-00027518 individuals um so my name is nelly scott
CiWQnV1xY2g-00125-00027519-00027662 and i am the director of the creta arts
CiWQnV1xY2g-00126-00027663-00027999 center here in hollywood um we represent
CiWQnV1xY2g-00127-00028000-00028135 and oversee
CiWQnV1xY2g-00128-00028136-00028383 um the estate of karida kent
CiWQnV1xY2g-00129-00028383-00028590 um if you're not familiar with karida
CiWQnV1xY2g-00130-00028591-00028831 she was an artist educator
CiWQnV1xY2g-00131-00028832-00029111 um and social justice advocate that i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00132-00029112-00029262 get to be the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00133-00029263-00029483 have the good fortune to be the champion
CiWQnV1xY2g-00134-00029483-00029670 of um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00135-00029672-00029935 my own background i am an art historian
CiWQnV1xY2g-00136-00029936-00030255 who focused on indigenous contemporary
CiWQnV1xY2g-00137-00030256-00030583 art um and social practice
CiWQnV1xY2g-00138-00030583-00030758 i've spent uh
CiWQnV1xY2g-00139-00030760-00030983 quite a few years more than i care to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00140-00030983-00031199 admit in working
CiWQnV1xY2g-00141-00031200-00031423 specifically looking at artist estate
CiWQnV1xY2g-00142-00031424-00031590 and living legacies
CiWQnV1xY2g-00143-00031591-00031790 through the lens of arts education
CiWQnV1xY2g-00144-00031791-00031870 so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00145-00031872-00032151 making art as accessible and as widely
CiWQnV1xY2g-00146-00032152-00032302 available
CiWQnV1xY2g-00147-00032303-00032495 as possible
CiWQnV1xY2g-00148-00032495-00032695 thank you nelly and just a reminder for
CiWQnV1xY2g-00149-00032695-00032862 those of you who have not yet had a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00150-00032863-00033239 chance to see it a video that nellie did
CiWQnV1xY2g-00151-00033240-00033471 on sister karina kent and the work that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00152-00033472-00033727 they have done to preserve her legacy
CiWQnV1xY2g-00153-00033728-00033983 and her studio is on the schedule
CiWQnV1xY2g-00154-00033984-00034190 yesterday so um that's a video that you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00155-00034191-00034327 can watch at your leisure and i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00156-00034328-00034495 encourage everyone to do so it's a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00157-00034496-00034671 really lovely piece of work and a way to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00158-00034672-00034967 highlight incredibly influential woman
CiWQnV1xY2g-00159-00034968-00035215 and uh female artists so thank you nelly
CiWQnV1xY2g-00160-00035216-00035446 for sharing that with the conference and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00161-00035447-00035767 then last but by no means least greta
CiWQnV1xY2g-00162-00035768-00036374 miller
CiWQnV1xY2g-00163-00036375-00036599 oh we we can't hear you greta for some
CiWQnV1xY2g-00164-00036600-00036702 reason
CiWQnV1xY2g-00165-00036703-00036879 oh no
CiWQnV1xY2g-00166-00036880-00037151 is this working there you go oh goodness
CiWQnV1xY2g-00167-00037152-00037399 okay well glad everything's working very
CiWQnV1xY2g-00168-00037400-00037551 excited to be here with everyone today
CiWQnV1xY2g-00169-00037552-00037727 and thank you chris for organizing this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00170-00037728-00037887 wonderful call
CiWQnV1xY2g-00171-00037888-00038174 my background actually started in film
CiWQnV1xY2g-00172-00038175-00038351 and media production of the new school
CiWQnV1xY2g-00173-00038352-00038574 university on nyc
CiWQnV1xY2g-00174-00038575-00038815 uh long story short media brought me
CiWQnV1xY2g-00175-00038816-00038990 into tech which brought me the product
CiWQnV1xY2g-00176-00038991-00039246 management and um kind of champion
CiWQnV1xY2g-00177-00039247-00039655 inclusive design and dei strategy across
CiWQnV1xY2g-00178-00039656-00039879 media and technical tools
CiWQnV1xY2g-00179-00039880-00040079 presently i work in product operations
CiWQnV1xY2g-00180-00040080-00040279 for an organization called shutterstock
CiWQnV1xY2g-00181-00040280-00040583 in manhattan it is a stock licensing
CiWQnV1xY2g-00182-00040584-00040887 image video and audio content company
CiWQnV1xY2g-00183-00040888-00041151 and i have contributed to not only the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00184-00041152-00041318 product requirements for the tools and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00185-00041319-00041543 experiences that we create for our users
CiWQnV1xY2g-00186-00041544-00041711 and our internal folks
CiWQnV1xY2g-00187-00041712-00041999 but also consulting on de ni strategy
CiWQnV1xY2g-00188-00042000-00042215 and placing a trauma-informed lens on
CiWQnV1xY2g-00189-00042216-00042383 editorial content so that we can start
CiWQnV1xY2g-00190-00042384-00042630 to reclaim narratives through more
CiWQnV1xY2g-00191-00042631-00042927 authentic and accurate days i'm also the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00192-00042928-00043095 co-founder and co-director of the friend
CiWQnV1xY2g-00193-00043096-00043335 of martin house and serve as the chair
CiWQnV1xY2g-00194-00043336-00043551 for the american library association's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00195-00043552-00043718 rainbow round tables oral history
CiWQnV1xY2g-00196-00043719-00043918 committee so very excited to be here
CiWQnV1xY2g-00197-00043919-00044079 again and i look forward to kicking off
CiWQnV1xY2g-00198-00044080-00044262 this conversation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00199-00044263-00044479 thank you so much greta and thank you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00200-00044480-00044718 all to all of my panelists today i'm so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00201-00044719-00044935 pleased to have you here for this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00202-00044936-00045111 conversation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00203-00045112-00045415 so in varying degrees of collaboration
CiWQnV1xY2g-00204-00045416-00045599 with the campaign for where women made
CiWQnV1xY2g-00205-00045600-00045871 history each of you are doing the work
CiWQnV1xY2g-00206-00045872-00046174 of preservation by protecting and i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00207-00046175-00046518 think even just as importantly revealing
CiWQnV1xY2g-00208-00046519-00046758 the diverse history and stories and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00209-00046759-00047015 places of women's achievement across
CiWQnV1xY2g-00210-00047016-00047143 this country
CiWQnV1xY2g-00211-00047144-00047327 and while each of you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00212-00047328-00047495 comes to this work from a very different
CiWQnV1xY2g-00213-00047496-00047718 place and perhaps for very different
CiWQnV1xY2g-00214-00047719-00047839 reasons
CiWQnV1xY2g-00215-00047840-00048062 i've noticed that there are some common
CiWQnV1xY2g-00216-00048063-00048335 underlying themes that kind of bridge
CiWQnV1xY2g-00217-00048336-00048495 all of our work
CiWQnV1xY2g-00218-00048496-00048751 and these relate to the intentional
CiWQnV1xY2g-00219-00048752-00049015 erasure of women's history and the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00220-00049016-00049302 imperative for visibility
CiWQnV1xY2g-00221-00049303-00049639 the value of place as powerful
CiWQnV1xY2g-00222-00049640-00049911 repositories for history and memory
CiWQnV1xY2g-00223-00049912-00050183 regardless of the form or the condition
CiWQnV1xY2g-00224-00050184-00050367 of that place
CiWQnV1xY2g-00225-00050368-00050695 understanding that access is absolutely
CiWQnV1xY2g-00226-00050696-00051015 critical to achieving equity
CiWQnV1xY2g-00227-00051016-00051187 and the importance of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00228-00051188-00051494 intergenerational connections as sources
CiWQnV1xY2g-00229-00051495-00051670 of both knowledge
CiWQnV1xY2g-00230-00051671-00051958 and empowerment and so i am excited to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00231-00051959-00052223 dig into all of these themes with you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00232-00052224-00052463 today so everybody ready
CiWQnV1xY2g-00233-00052464-00052582 let's go
CiWQnV1xY2g-00234-00052583-00052726 all right
CiWQnV1xY2g-00235-00052727-00053054 so i want to begin our conversation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00236-00053055-00053319 today um with a reference to the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00237-00053320-00053630 incredible work of a chuccino ohlone
CiWQnV1xY2g-00238-00053632-00053999 activist karina gould who sadly was not
CiWQnV1xY2g-00239-00054000-00054247 able to join us on the panel today but i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00240-00054248-00054566 am deeply indebted to her and i am
CiWQnV1xY2g-00241-00054567-00054854 drawing on her wisdom is an inspiration
CiWQnV1xY2g-00242-00054855-00055054 for our conversation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00243-00055055-00055375 and her fight to save the west berkeley
CiWQnV1xY2g-00244-00055376-00055623 shellmound which is the home of her
CiWQnV1xY2g-00245-00055624-00055911 olone ancestors karina has said it's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00246-00055912-00056238 important to have this history known
CiWQnV1xY2g-00247-00056239-00056479 it's been an erased history and it's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00248-00056479-00056726 part of a continuous erasure of our
CiWQnV1xY2g-00249-00056727-00056863 people
CiWQnV1xY2g-00250-00056864-00057023 what if we were to actually have a place
CiWQnV1xY2g-00251-00057024-00057247 where our people could talk not only
CiWQnV1xY2g-00252-00057248-00057415 about the past
CiWQnV1xY2g-00253-00057416-00057711 but the resilience of still being here
CiWQnV1xY2g-00254-00057712-00057854 today
CiWQnV1xY2g-00255-00057855-00058038 and many of you are working on places
CiWQnV1xY2g-00256-00058039-00058207 and projects where the history of people
CiWQnV1xY2g-00257-00058208-00058407 in history the women involved has been
CiWQnV1xY2g-00258-00058408-00058766 intentionally or passively ignored
CiWQnV1xY2g-00259-00058767-00058999 and where there were active attempts to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00260-00059000-00059215 erase that history through the erasure
CiWQnV1xY2g-00261-00059216-00059471 of its physical manifestations
CiWQnV1xY2g-00262-00059472-00059719 so i want to explore that first and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00263-00059720-00059991 allison let's start with you so you are
CiWQnV1xY2g-00264-00059991-00060191 working with the latinos in heritage
CiWQnV1xY2g-00265-00060191-00060319 conservation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00266-00060320-00060535 on the abuelis project that comes to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00267-00060536-00060735 mind for me immediately where you are
CiWQnV1xY2g-00268-00060736-00061047 documenting and identifying the enormous
CiWQnV1xY2g-00269-00061048-00061311 influence of latinx migrant agricultural
CiWQnV1xY2g-00270-00061312-00061479 workers it's a population that's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00271-00061479-00061766 historically been and continues to be
CiWQnV1xY2g-00272-00061767-00061942 overlooked and undervalued in our
CiWQnV1xY2g-00273-00061944-00062054 society
CiWQnV1xY2g-00274-00062055-00062303 and where those physical legacy of those
CiWQnV1xY2g-00275-00062304-00062511 landscapes and the built environment can
CiWQnV1xY2g-00276-00062512-00062726 be really hard to identify
CiWQnV1xY2g-00277-00062727-00063023 and even harder to preserve
CiWQnV1xY2g-00278-00063024-00063279 so can you tell us a little bit about
CiWQnV1xY2g-00279-00063279-00063471 the abuelis project and what you're
CiWQnV1xY2g-00280-00063472-00063766 hoping to accomplish with it to ensure
CiWQnV1xY2g-00281-00063767-00064038 that these histories and places aren't
CiWQnV1xY2g-00282-00064039-00064166 overlooked
CiWQnV1xY2g-00283-00064167-00064319 and that they're given the respect they
CiWQnV1xY2g-00284-00064320-00064494 deserve for the ways that they have
CiWQnV1xY2g-00285-00064495-00064950 shaped our culture and our economy
CiWQnV1xY2g-00286-00064951-00065199 sure um the education committee in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00287-00065200-00065423 particular is starting out
CiWQnV1xY2g-00288-00065424-00065591 very much and we're at the beginning
CiWQnV1xY2g-00289-00065592-00065799 stages of this abolish project and it
CiWQnV1xY2g-00290-00065800-00065943 aims to be
CiWQnV1xY2g-00291-00065944-00066159 a digital preservation project that will
CiWQnV1xY2g-00292-00066160-00066382 collect curate and amplify stories about
CiWQnV1xY2g-00293-00066383-00066567 the places that matter to latinx
CiWQnV1xY2g-00294-00066568-00066782 communities within the us and also
CiWQnV1xY2g-00295-00066783-00066959 within puerto rico
CiWQnV1xY2g-00296-00066960-00067135 this will take shape in the form of a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00297-00067136-00067343 website and phase one in particular will
CiWQnV1xY2g-00298-00067344-00067550 be a pilot project that will focus on
CiWQnV1xY2g-00299-00067551-00067767 mexican and mexican-american communities
CiWQnV1xY2g-00300-00067768-00067894 of texas
CiWQnV1xY2g-00301-00067895-00068094 so the the idea is that we'll start
CiWQnV1xY2g-00302-00068095-00068271 small with this pilot project and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00303-00068272-00068455 eventually this would grow to be a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00304-00068456-00068735 nationwide repository for information on
CiWQnV1xY2g-00305-00068736-00068982 latinx preservation this would include
CiWQnV1xY2g-00306-00068983-00069215 theme studies surveys
CiWQnV1xY2g-00307-00069216-00069359 nominations
CiWQnV1xY2g-00308-00069360-00069623 all the all of these efforts that would
CiWQnV1xY2g-00309-00069624-00069863 support designation of latinx historic
CiWQnV1xY2g-00310-00069864-00070111 sites and also identify nationwide
CiWQnV1xY2g-00311-00070112-00070294 patterns related to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00312-00070295-00070511 latinx preservation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00313-00070512-00070703 so particularly with phase one of this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00314-00070704-00070799 project
CiWQnV1xY2g-00315-00070800-00070959 i hope the people who will use this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00316-00070960-00071135 abuela's project which will be
CiWQnV1xY2g-00317-00071136-00071319 accessible for everyone
CiWQnV1xY2g-00318-00071320-00071487 will become aware of the enormous
CiWQnV1xY2g-00319-00071488-00071638 impacts that underrepresented
CiWQnV1xY2g-00320-00071639-00071847 communities have had on our agricultural
CiWQnV1xY2g-00321-00071848-00072047 industry and also related social
CiWQnV1xY2g-00322-00072048-00072175 movements
CiWQnV1xY2g-00323-00072176-00072447 this concept of user access will allow
CiWQnV1xY2g-00324-00072448-00072631 and encourage everyday voices could
CiWQnV1xY2g-00325-00072632-00072887 range from students to laborers artists
CiWQnV1xY2g-00326-00072888-00073087 grandmothers intergenerationally to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00327-00073088-00073382 participate and share their own stories
CiWQnV1xY2g-00328-00073383-00073543 really with the hope that participants
CiWQnV1xY2g-00329-00073544-00073791 will gain a sense of ownership and pride
CiWQnV1xY2g-00330-00073792-00073999 through sharing meaningful memories
CiWQnV1xY2g-00331-00074000-00074167 about the places that they hold near and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00332-00074168-00074359 dear to them
CiWQnV1xY2g-00333-00074360-00074438 so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00334-00074439-00074591 traditionally architecture with the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00335-00074592-00074823 capital a that phrase
CiWQnV1xY2g-00336-00074824-00075094 likely would often ring a bell in many
CiWQnV1xY2g-00337-00075095-00075303 people's minds and may refer to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00338-00075304-00075479 buildings that are considered high style
CiWQnV1xY2g-00339-00075480-00075711 architecture works designed by famous
CiWQnV1xY2g-00340-00075712-00075919 largely male architects and we'll be
CiWQnV1xY2g-00341-00075920-00076103 looking beyond that when we start to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00342-00076104-00076326 think about important latinx spaces and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00343-00076327-00076438 places
CiWQnV1xY2g-00344-00076439-00076631 oftentimes as we know historically
CiWQnV1xY2g-00345-00076632-00076806 underrepresented communities have lacked
CiWQnV1xY2g-00346-00076807-00077006 the resources and specific knowledge to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00347-00077007-00077191 preserve their physical histories like
CiWQnV1xY2g-00348-00077192-00077303 chris said
CiWQnV1xY2g-00349-00077304-00077511 often times many of these places might
CiWQnV1xY2g-00350-00077512-00077759 no long may no longer exist
CiWQnV1xY2g-00351-00077760-00078023 and so a project that stands out to me
CiWQnV1xY2g-00352-00078024-00078271 that i worked on that's up on the screen
CiWQnV1xY2g-00353-00078272-00078359 here
CiWQnV1xY2g-00354-00078360-00078567 is mcdonald hall this is located in san
CiWQnV1xY2g-00355-00078568-00078847 jose california it's also known as our
CiWQnV1xY2g-00356-00078848-00079079 lady of guadalupe mission chapel
CiWQnV1xY2g-00357-00079080-00079247 this was the home chapel of community
CiWQnV1xY2g-00358-00079248-00079367 organizer
CiWQnV1xY2g-00359-00079368-00079582 civil rights leader and labor rights
CiWQnV1xY2g-00360-00079583-00079831 leader cesar chavez and this building
CiWQnV1xY2g-00361-00079832-00080038 had changed a lot over time it had been
CiWQnV1xY2g-00362-00080039-00080191 moved
CiWQnV1xY2g-00363-00080192-00080382 several times
CiWQnV1xY2g-00364-00080383-00080591 many features had been covered up so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00365-00080592-00080862 they were still intact but buried under
CiWQnV1xY2g-00366-00080863-00081047 you know later modifications and in some
CiWQnV1xY2g-00367-00081048-00081287 cases even original features had been
CiWQnV1xY2g-00368-00081288-00081462 wholly removed so integrity in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00369-00081463-00081750 traditional sense was a huge hurdle
CiWQnV1xY2g-00370-00081751-00081959 um but thanks to tremendous community
CiWQnV1xY2g-00371-00081960-00082199 support and advocacy in addition to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00372-00082200-00082423 efforts by scholars and and technical
CiWQnV1xY2g-00373-00082424-00082687 experts and new perspectives on historic
CiWQnV1xY2g-00374-00082688-00082887 integrity this building was placed on
CiWQnV1xY2g-00375-00082888-00083087 the national register and today is a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00376-00083088-00083343 national historic landmark so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00377-00083344-00083518 all that is to say that with the above
CiWQnV1xY2g-00378-00083519-00083718 project we hope to identify more places
CiWQnV1xY2g-00379-00083719-00083831 like this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00380-00083832-00083982 and to be able to understand and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00381-00083983-00084175 commemorate places that may no longer
CiWQnV1xY2g-00382-00084176-00084238 have
CiWQnV1xY2g-00383-00084239-00084471 physical structures whether they be a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00384-00084472-00084726 trail or a park a place of refuge a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00385-00084727-00084975 place of mourning place of celebration
CiWQnV1xY2g-00386-00084976-00085287 or even a cultural landscape
CiWQnV1xY2g-00387-00085288-00085535 thank you alison and i have to say i was
CiWQnV1xY2g-00388-00085536-00085767 so thrilled that we were able to provide
CiWQnV1xY2g-00389-00085768-00085911 at least a little bit of support and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00390-00085912-00086079 this is just purely a plug i'm just
CiWQnV1xY2g-00391-00086080-00086206 going to acknowledge it now for the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00392-00086207-00086438 national trust preservation funds
CiWQnV1xY2g-00393-00086439-00086582 to help support the work that you're
CiWQnV1xY2g-00394-00086583-00086835 doing through the abuelis project now
CiWQnV1xY2g-00395-00086836-00087071 specifically what i would love to dig
CiWQnV1xY2g-00396-00087072-00087279 into a little bit more with you is this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00397-00087280-00087423 is sort of this larger question of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00398-00087424-00087591 intersectionality which we're going to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00399-00087592-00087735 to get into a little bit later in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00400-00087736-00088038 conversation but how are you looking at
CiWQnV1xY2g-00401-00088039-00088311 the abuelas project as a way to honor
CiWQnV1xY2g-00402-00088312-00088591 the essential roles of migrant women in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00403-00088592-00088823 this project and in your work since so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00404-00088824-00089079 many of the farmworker programs were
CiWQnV1xY2g-00405-00089080-00089367 largely or exclusively targeted at men
CiWQnV1xY2g-00406-00089368-00089615 but we know there was an entire network
CiWQnV1xY2g-00407-00089616-00089806 of women who were absolutely critical
CiWQnV1xY2g-00408-00089807-00090038 from a social familial economic
CiWQnV1xY2g-00409-00090039-00090231 structure that were sort of there
CiWQnV1xY2g-00410-00090232-00090431 surrounding them behind them supporting
CiWQnV1xY2g-00411-00090432-00090743 them so tell us a little bit about that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00412-00090744-00091103 well sure we have a picture here of um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00413-00091104-00091279 maria moreno and she was the first
CiWQnV1xY2g-00414-00091280-00091511 female farm worker in the united states
CiWQnV1xY2g-00415-00091512-00091735 hired as a union organizer
CiWQnV1xY2g-00416-00091736-00092038 um she was born in texas in 1920
CiWQnV1xY2g-00417-00092039-00092231 and then migrated to california during
CiWQnV1xY2g-00418-00092232-00092447 the dust bowl migration and we i'm using
CiWQnV1xY2g-00419-00092448-00092694 her picture to illustrate that there is
CiWQnV1xY2g-00420-00092695-00092950 um there's a big lack of documentation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00421-00092951-00093255 of my female migrant workers
CiWQnV1xY2g-00422-00093256-00093503 but i also do want to say that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00423-00093504-00093694 the name abuela's project abuelas
CiWQnV1xY2g-00424-00093695-00093959 translates to grandmothers in spanish
CiWQnV1xY2g-00425-00093960-00094247 has the feminine ending on it abuelas as
CiWQnV1xY2g-00426-00094248-00094415 opposed to abuelos which would be
CiWQnV1xY2g-00427-00094416-00094671 grandfathers um to acknowledge the role
CiWQnV1xY2g-00428-00094672-00094935 that women play in in our community as
CiWQnV1xY2g-00429-00094936-00095150 matriarchs keepers of knowledge keepers
CiWQnV1xY2g-00430-00095151-00095255 of history
CiWQnV1xY2g-00431-00095256-00095518 and traditions um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00432-00095519-00095735 overall diabolos project will be looking
CiWQnV1xY2g-00433-00095736-00096031 at experiences of women men children and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00434-00096032-00096262 families and historically and present
CiWQnV1xY2g-00435-00096263-00096494 presently as chris said women make up a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00436-00096495-00096703 large percentage of the migrant labor
CiWQnV1xY2g-00437-00096704-00096974 force in a variety of industries
CiWQnV1xY2g-00438-00096975-00097159 and the brister although the brucero
CiWQnV1xY2g-00439-00097160-00097374 program in particular which operated
CiWQnV1xY2g-00440-00097375-00097647 from the 1940s to the early 60s mainly
CiWQnV1xY2g-00441-00097648-00097782 hired men
CiWQnV1xY2g-00442-00097783-00097982 women have worked as migrant workers in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00443-00097983-00098150 many industries
CiWQnV1xY2g-00444-00098151-00098335 in communities and regions all over the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00445-00098336-00098574 country really so we plan to highlight
CiWQnV1xY2g-00446-00098575-00098743 these experiences of women migrant
CiWQnV1xY2g-00447-00098744-00098918 workers through oral histories
CiWQnV1xY2g-00448-00098919-00099150 first-hand accounts and photographs when
CiWQnV1xY2g-00449-00099151-00099326 we can find them
CiWQnV1xY2g-00450-00099327-00099471 although it's still really early in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00451-00099472-00099662 project we've seen that women migrant
CiWQnV1xY2g-00452-00099663-00099959 workers are underrepresented and we're
CiWQnV1xY2g-00453-00099960-00100199 going to be mindful of this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00454-00100200-00100471 and hope to develop explicit strategies
CiWQnV1xY2g-00455-00100472-00100694 for research documentation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00456-00100695-00100862 in order to help elevate these women's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00457-00100863-00101191 experiences
CiWQnV1xY2g-00458-00101192-00101399 great thank you allison i'm so excited
CiWQnV1xY2g-00459-00101400-00101559 to see i know you're you're still at the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00460-00101560-00101791 beginning stages of the uh the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00461-00101792-00101982 documentation and creating the database
CiWQnV1xY2g-00462-00101983-00102182 but i am just so excited to see where
CiWQnV1xY2g-00463-00102183-00102374 the abuelis project goes and i am just
CiWQnV1xY2g-00464-00102375-00102502 thrilled that you were taking this kind
CiWQnV1xY2g-00465-00102503-00102727 of holistic approach to to thinking
CiWQnV1xY2g-00466-00102728-00103023 about how these stories um and the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00467-00103024-00103206 places associated with them are kind of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00468-00103207-00103399 passed down generationally but all of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00469-00103400-00103606 the different components that go into
CiWQnV1xY2g-00470-00103607-00103751 being able to make sure that story is
CiWQnV1xY2g-00471-00103752-00104015 fully told so kudos to all of you at
CiWQnV1xY2g-00472-00104016-00104199 latinos and heritage conservation i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00473-00104200-00104454 can't wait to see more from you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00474-00104455-00104534 um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00475-00104535-00104758 so i wanted to sort of shift gears a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00476-00104759-00104934 little bit but this is still very much
CiWQnV1xY2g-00477-00104935-00105102 related to that whole notion of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00478-00105103-00105334 intergenerational
CiWQnV1xY2g-00479-00105335-00105527 storytelling and sort of the the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00480-00105528-00105719 connections across generations and how
CiWQnV1xY2g-00481-00105720-00105878 important they can be
CiWQnV1xY2g-00482-00105879-00106095 so greta you and i were recently working
CiWQnV1xY2g-00483-00106096-00106383 on a piece together um for the curve
CiWQnV1xY2g-00484-00106383-00106686 foundation which is the um predecessor
CiWQnV1xY2g-00485-00106688-00106951 of what is probably the is it the most
CiWQnV1xY2g-00486-00106952-00107263 popular lesbian themed magazine in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00487-00107264-00107407 world is that how they identify
CiWQnV1xY2g-00488-00107408-00107639 themselves
CiWQnV1xY2g-00489-00107640-00107823 so we were working with them on a piece
CiWQnV1xY2g-00490-00107824-00108015 and in that piece i was so touched by
CiWQnV1xY2g-00491-00108016-00108158 something you said you said there's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00492-00108159-00108454 power in knowing your history and being
CiWQnV1xY2g-00493-00108455-00108702 able to touch your story and and the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00494-00108703-00108927 strength of your elders
CiWQnV1xY2g-00495-00108928-00109143 teaches you what's possible and that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00496-00109144-00109351 that resonated with me so much and i'm
CiWQnV1xY2g-00497-00109352-00109510 guessing it resonates with a lot of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00498-00109511-00109654 folks on this call and with our
CiWQnV1xY2g-00499-00109655-00109863 panelists and so i just kind of wanted
CiWQnV1xY2g-00500-00109864-00110086 to open this up to all of you to talk
CiWQnV1xY2g-00501-00110088-00110175 about
CiWQnV1xY2g-00502-00110176-00110478 why it's important to you to reveal
CiWQnV1xY2g-00503-00110479-00110702 those histories and the struggles and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00504-00110703-00110927 the achievements of our four mothers and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00505-00110928-00111110 how does this bridging across
CiWQnV1xY2g-00506-00111111-00111366 generations whether it's past or forward
CiWQnV1xY2g-00507-00111367-00111478 or both
CiWQnV1xY2g-00508-00111479-00111671 how does that strengthen ourselves and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00509-00111672-00111854 how does that strengthen our work so i'm
CiWQnV1xY2g-00510-00111855-00112007 going to open this up to anybody who
CiWQnV1xY2g-00511-00112008-00112319 wants to to answer that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00512-00112320-00112519 that's an awesome question um the work
CiWQnV1xY2g-00513-00112520-00112654 that we've been doing with the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00514-00112655-00112854 philippine and del martin house has
CiWQnV1xY2g-00515-00112855-00113071 really meant a great deal to me not only
CiWQnV1xY2g-00516-00113072-00113399 as a professional but as a gay woman
CiWQnV1xY2g-00517-00113400-00113534 i think one of the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00518-00113535-00113727 the key components of the project has
CiWQnV1xY2g-00519-00113728-00113863 been the ability to restore the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00520-00113864-00114039 ownership of narratives that are
CiWQnV1xY2g-00521-00114040-00114334 oftentimes overlooked or not given the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00522-00114335-00114551 full spectrum of attention that we would
CiWQnV1xY2g-00523-00114552-00114775 like to see them have and getting to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00524-00114776-00114927 that level of accurate and authentic
CiWQnV1xY2g-00525-00114928-00115054 representation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00526-00115055-00115247 in telling phyllis and dell's story and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00527-00115248-00115486 looking at all of their historic
CiWQnV1xY2g-00528-00115488-00115678 contributions over time not just to the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00529-00115679-00115863 lgbtq rights movement they were
CiWQnV1xY2g-00530-00115864-00116095 coalition based but seeing how their
CiWQnV1xY2g-00531-00116096-00116343 work really permeated throughout the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00532-00116344-00116575 social justice communities
CiWQnV1xY2g-00533-00116576-00116719 another piece for me was about
CiWQnV1xY2g-00534-00116720-00116983 self-awareness um being a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00535-00116983-00117199 young gay woman growing up in central
CiWQnV1xY2g-00536-00117200-00117383 pennsylvania and a brother in mennonite
CiWQnV1xY2g-00537-00117383-00117519 family there really wasn't a lot of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00538-00117520-00117766 visibility and equitable access to queer
CiWQnV1xY2g-00539-00117767-00117878 information
CiWQnV1xY2g-00540-00117879-00118054 and i didn't see representation of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00541-00118055-00118263 myself or those that i cared about so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00542-00118264-00118471 that idea of when you get to that place
CiWQnV1xY2g-00543-00118472-00118631 where you can really touch your history
CiWQnV1xY2g-00544-00118632-00118823 it gives you that starting point and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00545-00118824-00119071 what i mean by that for me and i know
CiWQnV1xY2g-00546-00119072-00119310 some of my friends maybe others these
CiWQnV1xY2g-00547-00119311-00119534 were blueprints not only for life but
CiWQnV1xY2g-00548-00119535-00119831 for change making for activism uh able
CiWQnV1xY2g-00549-00119832-00120095 to identify parallel lessons in the work
CiWQnV1xY2g-00550-00120096-00120278 of folks such as phyllis and bell and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00551-00120279-00120463 how it would apply today for that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00552-00120464-00120719 continued change making effort and also
CiWQnV1xY2g-00553-00120720-00120902 the most important piece of this too was
CiWQnV1xY2g-00554-00120903-00121158 validating the self invalidating one's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00555-00121159-00121375 lived experience
CiWQnV1xY2g-00556-00121376-00121599 history when you can finally grasp it it
CiWQnV1xY2g-00557-00121600-00121751 becomes this tool where you can push
CiWQnV1xY2g-00558-00121752-00122047 back against stigma and stereotypes and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00559-00122048-00122295 you know that because of your elders
CiWQnV1xY2g-00560-00122296-00122463 things have been done before so that you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00561-00122464-00122671 don't have to struggle as hard today
CiWQnV1xY2g-00562-00122672-00122854 you know what has been completed what
CiWQnV1xY2g-00563-00122855-00123086 battles have been won and the efforts
CiWQnV1xY2g-00564-00123088-00123263 and strategies that were taken to get
CiWQnV1xY2g-00565-00123264-00123390 you to this point and how you can
CiWQnV1xY2g-00566-00123391-00123678 continue with that effort so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00567-00123679-00123943 being able to look back on incredible
CiWQnV1xY2g-00568-00123944-00124095 change makers from the past who have
CiWQnV1xY2g-00569-00124096-00124223 helped pave the way it gives you that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00570-00124224-00124407 assurance you're not alone you have a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00571-00124408-00124654 place you have a space you know lion
CiWQnV1xY2g-00572-00124655-00124847 martin house and you realize that it's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00573-00124848-00125007 you who gets to reclaim your narrative
CiWQnV1xY2g-00574-00125008-00125271 with pride and that's power
CiWQnV1xY2g-00575-00125272-00125478 that's so beautiful greta i'm i remember
CiWQnV1xY2g-00576-00125479-00125751 when you said because they did it i know
CiWQnV1xY2g-00577-00125752-00126047 that i can i just i i almost started
CiWQnV1xY2g-00578-00126048-00126254 crying i was like that's so true like
CiWQnV1xY2g-00579-00126255-00126502 this that to me is the real power of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00580-00126503-00126790 these stories and these places as a real
CiWQnV1xY2g-00581-00126791-00126966 as an inspiration i love the use of the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00582-00126967-00127199 word the blueprint so we we know that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00583-00127200-00127383 it's been done we've got the model in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00584-00127383-00127623 front of us we just need to to pick that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00585-00127624-00127934 up and run with it so um anybody else
CiWQnV1xY2g-00586-00127935-00128223 anna nelly allison um how are you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00587-00128224-00128366 interacting i know you've already kind
CiWQnV1xY2g-00588-00128367-00128586 of touched on this allison these kind of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00589-00128588-00128802 intergenerational stories but also the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00590-00128803-00129358 intergenerational connections
CiWQnV1xY2g-00591-00129359-00129495 um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00592-00129496-00129727 i i'd love to jump in here and pull in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00593-00129728-00129847 with that because this question really
CiWQnV1xY2g-00594-00129848-00130071 excites me in the work that we do
CiWQnV1xY2g-00595-00130072-00130375 um so the create art center is a project
CiWQnV1xY2g-00596-00130376-00130631 of the immaculate heart community and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00597-00130632-00130895 that history in and of itself is steeped
CiWQnV1xY2g-00598-00130896-00131175 in feminist theology and groundbreaking
CiWQnV1xY2g-00599-00131176-00131535 women that have come before us
CiWQnV1xY2g-00600-00131536-00131711 and there's actually a documentary that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00601-00131712-00131887 just came out about them called rebel
CiWQnV1xY2g-00602-00131888-00132278 hearts if you're curious of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00603-00132279-00132383 what
CiWQnV1xY2g-00604-00132384-00132623 their history is and they became
CiWQnV1xY2g-00605-00132624-00133023 essentially an ecumenical community um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00606-00133024-00133102 and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00607-00133103-00133335 when karita passed she left her estate
CiWQnV1xY2g-00608-00133336-00133431 to them
CiWQnV1xY2g-00609-00133432-00133575 and they could have done many things
CiWQnV1xY2g-00610-00133576-00133871 with it but they chose to pass this on
CiWQnV1xY2g-00611-00133872-00134078 to future generations
CiWQnV1xY2g-00612-00134079-00134295 and they work every day in thinking
CiWQnV1xY2g-00613-00134296-00134614 about the ethos that um that they share
CiWQnV1xY2g-00614-00134615-00134719 with her
CiWQnV1xY2g-00615-00134720-00134990 in passing that forward and so this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00616-00134991-00135151 question really excites me because it's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00617-00135152-00135390 something that we sit with every day and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00618-00135391-00135543 learning from
CiWQnV1xY2g-00619-00135544-00135751 um those that the shoulders that we
CiWQnV1xY2g-00620-00135752-00136014 stand on now people like anita caspari
CiWQnV1xY2g-00621-00136015-00136335 and helen kelly and karina who made her
CiWQnV1xY2g-00622-00136336-00136727 work possible this collective of women
CiWQnV1xY2g-00623-00136728-00136799 that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00624-00136800-00137023 not only stood behind karida at that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00625-00137024-00137431 time but continued to do so and again
CiWQnV1xY2g-00626-00137432-00137590 passing that torch to the next
CiWQnV1xY2g-00627-00137591-00137847 generation so um i'm really grateful
CiWQnV1xY2g-00628-00137848-00137935 that you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00629-00137936-00138151 um allowed us to bring kind of those
CiWQnV1xY2g-00630-00138152-00138414 elders into our space to learn from and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00631-00138415-00138695 to name them uh yes and i hope you will
CiWQnV1xY2g-00632-00138696-00138966 put the link to the rebel hearts uh
CiWQnV1xY2g-00633-00138967-00139214 video documentary in the chat because i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00634-00139215-00139463 i thanked to you i saw it i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00635-00139464-00139687 so much history that is cut almost
CiWQnV1xY2g-00636-00139688-00139854 literally in my own backyard that i did
CiWQnV1xY2g-00637-00139855-00140083 not understand and talk about a group of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00638-00140084-00140478 fearless women speaking truth to power i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00639-00140479-00140766 mean it doesn't get more fraught than
CiWQnV1xY2g-00640-00140767-00140951 dealing with the catholic church and the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00641-00140952-00141127 archdiocese
CiWQnV1xY2g-00642-00141128-00141375 and the vatican and they were i'm just
CiWQnV1xY2g-00643-00141376-00141559 what they did was really remarkable and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00644-00141560-00141783 so i love that you're sort of you have
CiWQnV1xY2g-00645-00141784-00141951 embraced that ethos and you are
CiWQnV1xY2g-00646-00141952-00142143 embodying it in the work that you are
CiWQnV1xY2g-00647-00142144-00142302 doing at the koreta center and you're
CiWQnV1xY2g-00648-00142303-00142599 carrying it forward um and sharing that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00649-00142600-00142790 ethos is a part of your plans for the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00650-00142791-00143102 the kurita studio so thank you for that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00651-00143103-00143343 all right anna you are actively at the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00652-00143344-00143507 center of this kind of like
CiWQnV1xY2g-00653-00143508-00143751 intergenerational bridging the past in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00654-00143752-00143943 the present and the future and i am so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00655-00143944-00144143 delighted thank you so much to have
CiWQnV1xY2g-00656-00144144-00144351 somebody on our panel who's a student
CiWQnV1xY2g-00657-00144352-00144583 and who's just starting your career and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00658-00144584-00144743 as you mentioned you've just taken over
CiWQnV1xY2g-00659-00144744-00144887 the leadership of the women's leadership
CiWQnV1xY2g-00660-00144888-00145087 initiative at ramsa
CiWQnV1xY2g-00661-00145088-00145343 and and so from your perspective i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00662-00145344-00145535 really want to hear like what are the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00663-00145536-00145871 most pressing challenges you see from
CiWQnV1xY2g-00664-00145872-00146078 young women today or people who identify
CiWQnV1xY2g-00665-00146079-00146287 as female who are just getting started
CiWQnV1xY2g-00666-00146288-00146519 in this field or who are contemplating a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00667-00146520-00146799 career in preservation or an affiliated
CiWQnV1xY2g-00668-00146800-00146975 field what are the issues that you're
CiWQnV1xY2g-00669-00146976-00147326 exploring and how can we better support
CiWQnV1xY2g-00670-00147327-00147566 strong young diverse women and people
CiWQnV1xY2g-00671-00147567-00147814 who identify as female so that we've got
CiWQnV1xY2g-00672-00147815-00148071 that representation and those diverse
CiWQnV1xY2g-00673-00148072-00148351 perspectives in our work and to help
CiWQnV1xY2g-00674-00148352-00148559 shape our thinking
CiWQnV1xY2g-00675-00148560-00148775 thanks chris yeah that's a it's a very
CiWQnV1xY2g-00676-00148776-00149047 big question but i think uh from my
CiWQnV1xY2g-00677-00149048-00149295 perspective um working and being in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00678-00149296-00149407 school
CiWQnV1xY2g-00679-00149408-00149583 one of the challenges i've been facing
CiWQnV1xY2g-00680-00149584-00149711 is just
CiWQnV1xY2g-00681-00149712-00149943 feeling overwhelmed by the amount that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00682-00149944-00150095 there is to learn
CiWQnV1xY2g-00683-00150096-00150271 and the experience that is yet to be
CiWQnV1xY2g-00684-00150272-00150495 gained and i think that's especially
CiWQnV1xY2g-00685-00150496-00150671 true in fields like architecture and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00686-00150672-00150854 preservation because the more time you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00687-00150855-00151047 put in the more you learn
CiWQnV1xY2g-00688-00151048-00151287 and the better experience you have
CiWQnV1xY2g-00689-00151288-00151566 so it can be pretty daunting as a young
CiWQnV1xY2g-00690-00151567-00151814 woman to be approaching these fields
CiWQnV1xY2g-00691-00151815-00151951 um and i think there's a lot of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00692-00151952-00152247 self-doubt that comes with that growth
CiWQnV1xY2g-00693-00152248-00152526 but i think one thing i've learned
CiWQnV1xY2g-00694-00152527-00152719 in my experience at ramsa is that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00695-00152720-00152999 mentorship is really key to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00696-00153000-00153119 that growth
CiWQnV1xY2g-00697-00153120-00153399 um both finding a good mentor and then
CiWQnV1xY2g-00698-00153400-00153631 also becoming a good mentor which is
CiWQnV1xY2g-00699-00153632-00153775 something that's been new to me in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00700-00153776-00153966 past couple years
CiWQnV1xY2g-00701-00153967-00154247 um so in our um these are some photos
CiWQnV1xY2g-00702-00154248-00154535 actually from events that we've had with
CiWQnV1xY2g-00703-00154536-00154759 the women's leadership initiative and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00704-00154760-00155054 really what we try to do is just create
CiWQnV1xY2g-00705-00155055-00155231 moments and spaces
CiWQnV1xY2g-00706-00155232-00155559 for exposure to women across the office
CiWQnV1xY2g-00707-00155560-00155839 in all different departments and then
CiWQnV1xY2g-00708-00155840-00156047 even women outside of our office that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00709-00156048-00156263 are working in the field and that can
CiWQnV1xY2g-00710-00156264-00156423 share history with us and share their
CiWQnV1xY2g-00711-00156424-00156726 experience and their perspectives
CiWQnV1xY2g-00712-00156727-00156975 and so really i think
CiWQnV1xY2g-00713-00156976-00157223 sometimes it's just as simple as having
CiWQnV1xY2g-00714-00157224-00157454 a nice honest conversation with a woman
CiWQnV1xY2g-00715-00157455-00157775 that has had the same experience or is
CiWQnV1xY2g-00716-00157776-00157983 having the same experience that you're
CiWQnV1xY2g-00717-00157984-00158095 having
CiWQnV1xY2g-00718-00158096-00158254 because that can really help you feel
CiWQnV1xY2g-00719-00158255-00158495 secure in your path forward
CiWQnV1xY2g-00720-00158496-00158775 um because mentors don't always i have
CiWQnV1xY2g-00721-00158776-00158935 found that mentors don't always have to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00722-00158936-00159183 be this very formal long-term
CiWQnV1xY2g-00723-00159184-00159351 relationship it can be someone that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00724-00159352-00159463 you're meeting
CiWQnV1xY2g-00725-00159464-00159711 in an event like this or
CiWQnV1xY2g-00726-00159712-00159926 someone that you have haven't even met
CiWQnV1xY2g-00727-00159927-00160183 that you uh follow remotely
CiWQnV1xY2g-00728-00160184-00160359 um but i think
CiWQnV1xY2g-00729-00160360-00160647 definitely one thing that people can do
CiWQnV1xY2g-00730-00160648-00160807 and what that i hope people do in their
CiWQnV1xY2g-00731-00160808-00161119 own offices and their own professions is
CiWQnV1xY2g-00732-00161120-00161431 uh to find opportunities for young women
CiWQnV1xY2g-00733-00161432-00161614 to step up and have these greater
CiWQnV1xY2g-00734-00161615-00161999 responsibilities because even if um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00735-00162000-00162151 you know even for me taking on the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00736-00162152-00162431 leadership of this women's group i was
CiWQnV1xY2g-00737-00162432-00162639 very intimidated and i thought i'm too
CiWQnV1xY2g-00738-00162640-00162839 young for this why am i why are they
CiWQnV1xY2g-00739-00162840-00162990 picking me
CiWQnV1xY2g-00740-00162991-00163199 but in the end i think it was a really
CiWQnV1xY2g-00741-00163200-00163439 transformative experience to have the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00742-00163440-00163678 support of women above me
CiWQnV1xY2g-00743-00163679-00163871 to give me that confidence and to tell
CiWQnV1xY2g-00744-00163872-00164151 me that i can do it and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00745-00164152-00164375 people will benefit from it and i'll
CiWQnV1xY2g-00746-00164376-00164559 benefit from it so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00747-00164560-00164783 i think yeah definitely find a good
CiWQnV1xY2g-00748-00164784-00165054 mentor be a good mentor and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00749-00165055-00165351 find as many opportunities as you can to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00750-00165352-00165607 meet women and from all different fields
CiWQnV1xY2g-00751-00165608-00165751 and backgrounds
CiWQnV1xY2g-00752-00165752-00165990 oh thank you anna that is so true i mean
CiWQnV1xY2g-00753-00165991-00166223 i i think we all can relate a bit to the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00754-00166224-00166302 whole
CiWQnV1xY2g-00755-00166303-00166543 imposter syndrome it just sort of seems
CiWQnV1xY2g-00756-00166544-00166783 to be endemic and that notion of finding
CiWQnV1xY2g-00757-00166784-00167023 those mentors finding people around you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00758-00167024-00167247 that can serve as a source of ins
CiWQnV1xY2g-00759-00167248-00167502 information inspiration guidance and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00760-00167503-00167702 creating that those opportunities i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00761-00167703-00167878 think you're right those are so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00762-00167879-00168190 critical give people a chance to explore
CiWQnV1xY2g-00763-00168191-00168454 who they are and what they can do so so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00764-00168455-00168638 thank you words
CiWQnV1xY2g-00765-00168639-00168959 sage advice thanks so much
CiWQnV1xY2g-00766-00168960-00169231 um so nelly i wanna i know we talked a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00767-00169232-00169463 little bit about sister karida but i i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00768-00169464-00169638 wanna i want to talk a little bit more
CiWQnV1xY2g-00769-00169639-00169838 about the work that you've done there so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00770-00169839-00170078 shining a light on a woman who was a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00771-00170079-00170383 very public figure in her in recent time
CiWQnV1xY2g-00772-00170384-00170575 i was stunned i mean she was on the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00773-00170576-00170854 cover of time is that right like so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00774-00170855-00171119 public at the time but absolutely has
CiWQnV1xY2g-00775-00171120-00171302 not received the recognition that she
CiWQnV1xY2g-00776-00171303-00171631 deserves and and i was really struck
CiWQnV1xY2g-00777-00171632-00171854 during the public landmark hearing about
CiWQnV1xY2g-00778-00171855-00172087 how many people acknowledged her humble
CiWQnV1xY2g-00779-00172088-00172438 little cinderblock studio as a kind of a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00780-00172439-00172638 sacred space
CiWQnV1xY2g-00781-00172639-00172871 because of not what it looked like but
CiWQnV1xY2g-00782-00172872-00173087 the passion and the vitality and the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00783-00173088-00173343 significance of sister mary karida
CiWQnV1xY2g-00784-00173344-00173623 now there were also a lot of people who
CiWQnV1xY2g-00785-00173624-00173887 were trying to devalue her and her life
CiWQnV1xY2g-00786-00173888-00174063 and her work because they were only
CiWQnV1xY2g-00787-00174064-00174335 talking about her in comparison to male
CiWQnV1xY2g-00788-00174336-00174526 artists at the time so it's like oh well
CiWQnV1xY2g-00789-00174527-00174695 she's not andy warhol so she's not
CiWQnV1xY2g-00790-00174696-00174895 important and i think a lot of us are
CiWQnV1xY2g-00791-00174896-00175135 really familiar with that kind of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00792-00175136-00175535 false zero-sum game argument so how did
CiWQnV1xY2g-00793-00175536-00175759 you respond to critics who only wanted
CiWQnV1xY2g-00794-00175760-00175999 to talk about her in comparison rather
CiWQnV1xY2g-00795-00176000-00176166 than in terms of her own merits and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00796-00176167-00176319 accomplishments
CiWQnV1xY2g-00797-00176320-00176423 yeah
CiWQnV1xY2g-00798-00176424-00176790 good question and i think um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00799-00176791-00177063 you know we i can say for myself and our
CiWQnV1xY2g-00800-00177064-00177295 team is we really kind of came at this a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00801-00177296-00177471 little bit we're not necessarily part of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00802-00177472-00177638 the preservation community we aren't
CiWQnV1xY2g-00803-00177639-00177790 historians and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00804-00177791-00177887 um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00805-00177888-00178038 but i i recognize that there's a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00806-00178039-00178366 parallel also um in our journey of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00807-00178367-00178535 thinking through
CiWQnV1xY2g-00808-00178536-00178783 her place and her seat at the table also
CiWQnV1xY2g-00809-00178784-00178966 within the art world these conversations
CiWQnV1xY2g-00810-00178967-00179247 that we're having of whose history and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00811-00179248-00179375 whose work
CiWQnV1xY2g-00812-00179376-00179726 is being valued um and so when we found
CiWQnV1xY2g-00813-00179727-00179959 out about the pending demolition and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00814-00179960-00180126 we're right across the street it felt
CiWQnV1xY2g-00815-00180127-00180302 really important to raise our hand and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00816-00180303-00180487 very early on
CiWQnV1xY2g-00817-00180488-00180854 um i know that we were on a local call
CiWQnV1xY2g-00818-00180855-00181151 and they wouldn't say her name
CiWQnV1xY2g-00819-00181152-00181295 and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00820-00181296-00181519 as someone who gets to be her champion
CiWQnV1xY2g-00821-00181520-00181711 and is steeped in these rich archives
CiWQnV1xY2g-00822-00181712-00181926 where she was on the cover of newsweek
CiWQnV1xY2g-00823-00181927-00182175 she was on these like la times women of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00824-00182176-00182519 the year and all of these accolades um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00825-00182520-00182871 that uh that are in our archives um that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00826-00182872-00183119 that champion her place at the table in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00827-00183120-00183359 in california design history i mean you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00828-00183360-00183599 name it so seven degrees of karita
CiWQnV1xY2g-00829-00183600-00183711 influence
CiWQnV1xY2g-00830-00183712-00183807 um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00831-00183808-00184023 and running into that and i i know that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00832-00184024-00184263 we have uh a really great privilege to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00833-00184264-00184559 name here as well as an archive of you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00834-00184560-00184719 know around 30 000
CiWQnV1xY2g-00835-00184720-00184990 objects artworks ephemera and a great
CiWQnV1xY2g-00836-00184991-00185231 privilege that we have a full-time staff
CiWQnV1xY2g-00837-00185232-00185311 and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00838-00185312-00185535 um people like katherine woolen who's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00839-00185536-00185759 historic preservationist who heard that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00840-00185760-00185990 call and came to our aid to to help us
CiWQnV1xY2g-00841-00185991-00186287 on this journey um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00842-00186288-00186478 what was interesting
CiWQnV1xY2g-00843-00186479-00186687 to me from again kind of a little bit of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00844-00186688-00186926 an outside perspective of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00845-00186927-00187150 uh the conversations we were having
CiWQnV1xY2g-00846-00187151-00187431 about uh not only this very humble
CiWQnV1xY2g-00847-00187432-00187550 building
CiWQnV1xY2g-00848-00187551-00187790 um uh yeah there she is a very post
CiWQnV1xY2g-00849-00187791-00187919 photo
CiWQnV1xY2g-00850-00187920-00188126 of working in the studio and this is the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00851-00188127-00188502 humble building we we speak of um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00852-00188503-00188750 that many women artists in particular
CiWQnV1xY2g-00853-00188751-00189007 are often remembered in uh in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00854-00189008-00189223 conversation with the work of their
CiWQnV1xY2g-00855-00189224-00189375 their partner
CiWQnV1xY2g-00856-00189376-00189638 um and what was really unique here is a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00857-00189639-00189878 not only a powerful
CiWQnV1xY2g-00858-00189879-00190159 incredible woman artist an educator
CiWQnV1xY2g-00859-00190160-00190431 um who was being championed and still is
CiWQnV1xY2g-00860-00190432-00190735 championed by a collective of other
CiWQnV1xY2g-00861-00190736-00190926 women um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00862-00190927-00191078 who are saying you're not going to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00863-00191079-00191359 forget her uh her students who were in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00864-00191360-00191631 this space with her who who who taught
CiWQnV1xY2g-00865-00191632-00191807 and and learned and were part of these
CiWQnV1xY2g-00866-00191808-00192150 conversations of you know um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00867-00192151-00192295 what does hope mean
CiWQnV1xY2g-00868-00192296-00192471 and that uh
CiWQnV1xY2g-00869-00192472-00192654 you know it's not just optimism and you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00870-00192655-00192814 have to show up and so this kind of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00871-00192815-00192999 individual
CiWQnV1xY2g-00872-00193000-00193302 response to the collective whole of like
CiWQnV1xY2g-00873-00193303-00193495 your own responsibility and i think when
CiWQnV1xY2g-00874-00193496-00193575 we
CiWQnV1xY2g-00875-00193576-00193854 responded to those critics of uh well
CiWQnV1xY2g-00876-00193855-00194150 you have her artwork isn't that enough
CiWQnV1xY2g-00877-00194151-00194302 um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00878-00194303-00194590 this value placed on a woman's workplace
CiWQnV1xY2g-00879-00194591-00194863 of no it's not a marble building she
CiWQnV1xY2g-00880-00194864-00195054 wouldn't have had access to a building
CiWQnV1xY2g-00881-00195055-00195278 like that um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00882-00195279-00195511 and when you mention the chc hearing
CiWQnV1xY2g-00883-00195512-00195719 which we are again so
CiWQnV1xY2g-00884-00195720-00195871 grateful to so many people and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00885-00195872-00196119 individuals who who called in and and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00886-00196120-00196359 the commissioners and um is very
CiWQnV1xY2g-00887-00196360-00196502 heartfelt
CiWQnV1xY2g-00888-00196503-00196750 uh a moment was there is a natural
CiWQnV1xY2g-00889-00196751-00196983 intersection of faith art and social
CiWQnV1xY2g-00890-00196984-00197095 justice
CiWQnV1xY2g-00891-00197096-00197183 and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00892-00197184-00197487 that this is a living legacy and it
CiWQnV1xY2g-00893-00197488-00197695 wasn't lost on me
CiWQnV1xY2g-00894-00197696-00197887 during during that hearing that you
CiWQnV1xY2g-00895-00197888-00198078 bring up that so many people called in
CiWQnV1xY2g-00896-00198079-00198278 with the idea of how do we put this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00897-00198279-00198495 building back in service
CiWQnV1xY2g-00898-00198496-00198599 um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00899-00198600-00198926 how is this building a representation
CiWQnV1xY2g-00900-00198927-00199135 for all of those shared ethos and that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00901-00199136-00199375 we will need spaces like this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00902-00199376-00199478 um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00903-00199479-00199719 when we come out of this pandemic that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00904-00199720-00200054 are rooted in love and hope and and what
CiWQnV1xY2g-00905-00200055-00200287 it means to be a good neighbor
CiWQnV1xY2g-00906-00200288-00200623 and um so that's really how we responded
CiWQnV1xY2g-00907-00200624-00200863 of she is karida she stands on her own
CiWQnV1xY2g-00908-00200864-00201047 merit um
CiWQnV1xY2g-00909-00201048-00201150 uh
CiWQnV1xY2g-00910-00201151-00201375 let let me tell you more about her
CiWQnV1xY2g-00911-00201376-00201614 um and further
CiWQnV1xY2g-00912-00201615-00201807 uh we work really hard on the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00913-00201808-00202047 digitization of those accolades because
CiWQnV1xY2g-00914-00202048-00202447 out came really apparent to us of if
CiWQnV1xY2g-00915-00202448-00202695 her work was not digitized and readily
CiWQnV1xY2g-00916-00202696-00202799 available
CiWQnV1xY2g-00917-00202800-00202950 online
CiWQnV1xY2g-00918-00202951-00203135 then we know about it in the archive and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00919-00203136-00203335 our wonderful researchers do
CiWQnV1xY2g-00920-00203336-00203487 but though we need to make that more
CiWQnV1xY2g-00921-00203488-00203695 accessible um and i think that's a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00922-00203696-00203919 larger conversation around women's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00923-00203920-00204102 history and making sure that that gets
CiWQnV1xY2g-00924-00204103-00204343 digitized is it cool
CiWQnV1xY2g-00925-00204344-00204575 absolutely and i don't think you could
CiWQnV1xY2g-00926-00204576-00204855 have set it up better as a segue uh for
CiWQnV1xY2g-00927-00204856-00205127 my next question for greta which is all
CiWQnV1xY2g-00928-00205128-00205358 about these questions of not just
CiWQnV1xY2g-00929-00205359-00205575 digitization but the larger question of
CiWQnV1xY2g-00930-00205576-00205879 access and visibility and how critical
CiWQnV1xY2g-00931-00205880-00206310 that is um to identifying these places
CiWQnV1xY2g-00932-00206311-00206638 to bringing attention but also respect
CiWQnV1xY2g-00933-00206639-00206806 to these women and the work that they've
CiWQnV1xY2g-00934-00206807-00206990 done so you and i have been working on
CiWQnV1xY2g-00935-00206991-00207231 the lion martin house over the last i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00936-00207232-00207527 guess it's six to nine months now and i
CiWQnV1xY2g-00937-00207528-00207742 have to say you have truly opened my
CiWQnV1xY2g-00938-00207744-00207951 eyes to these integral connections
CiWQnV1xY2g-00939-00207952-00208119 between visibility
CiWQnV1xY2g-00940-00208119-00208351 representation and inclusion and just
CiWQnV1xY2g-00941-00208352-00208582 how important it is to document our
CiWQnV1xY2g-00942-00208583-00208871 histories especially those like at the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00943-00208871-00209014 lion martin house where they were
CiWQnV1xY2g-00944-00209015-00209294 intentionally hidden at the time because
CiWQnV1xY2g-00945-00209296-00209462 they were associated with shame or
CiWQnV1xY2g-00946-00209463-00209846 stigma or just falsehoods so talk about
CiWQnV1xY2g-00947-00209848-00210103 how the virtual documentation of a place
CiWQnV1xY2g-00948-00210104-00210334 like the lion martin house can be a
CiWQnV1xY2g-00949-00210335-00210598 source of empowerment in a way for women
CiWQnV1xY2g-00950-00210600-00210846 and lgbtq and other marginalized
CiWQnV1xY2g-00951-00210848-00211182 communities to capture and to reclaim
CiWQnV1xY2g-00952-00211183-00211471 their histories
CiWQnV1xY2g-00953-00211471-00211655 that was awesome thanks chris that's
CiWQnV1xY2g-00954-00211656-00211903 great setup uh yes i'm
CiWQnV1xY2g-00955-00211904-00212103 obviously very passionate about virtual
CiWQnV1xY2g-00956-00212104-00212246 and digital documentation and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00957-00212248-00212479 experiences and i i see a theme in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00958-00212480-00212631 things we continue to talk about which
CiWQnV1xY2g-00959-00212632-00212831 is this idea of access
CiWQnV1xY2g-00960-00212832-00213055 and driving visibility behind the the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00961-00213056-00213263 stories that are just not seen
CiWQnV1xY2g-00962-00213264-00213527 so in working with cyark when we did the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00963-00213528-00213839 digital documentation of uh phillips
CiWQnV1xY2g-00964-00213840-00214039 line and del martin home
CiWQnV1xY2g-00965-00214040-00214271 it provided a window of opportunity one
CiWQnV1xY2g-00966-00214271-00214510 to center the voices of the community
CiWQnV1xY2g-00967-00214511-00214742 localized in san francisco but also
CiWQnV1xY2g-00968-00214744-00214991 within the queer community itself and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00969-00214992-00215279 this allowed us to do two things one we
CiWQnV1xY2g-00970-00215280-00215551 could you know reach a far more greater
CiWQnV1xY2g-00971-00215552-00215775 global audience in the story of phyllis
CiWQnV1xY2g-00972-00215776-00215998 and dell which to me is a great tool for
CiWQnV1xY2g-00973-00216000-00216167 hope there's nothing like hope you can't
CiWQnV1xY2g-00974-00216167-00216406 live without hope and it's baked into
CiWQnV1xY2g-00975-00216407-00216631 the digital product that cyark is
CiWQnV1xY2g-00976-00216632-00216791 working with the friends of blind martin
CiWQnV1xY2g-00977-00216792-00217055 house to produce for the general public
CiWQnV1xY2g-00978-00217056-00217263 uh it also allows us as chris was
CiWQnV1xY2g-00979-00217264-00217423 mentioning to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00980-00217423-00217639 begin the work to remove shame
CiWQnV1xY2g-00981-00217640-00217855 from stories that have been excluded for
CiWQnV1xY2g-00982-00217856-00218071 so long and to also reframe that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00983-00218071-00218255 narrative so that we're not just talking
CiWQnV1xY2g-00984-00218256-00218527 about historically excluded communities
CiWQnV1xY2g-00985-00218528-00218767 from the idea of victimhood but from the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00986-00218767-00218967 idea of being a survivor
CiWQnV1xY2g-00987-00218967-00219175 which is incredibly important the other
CiWQnV1xY2g-00988-00219176-00219351 piece is removing the stigma and the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00989-00219352-00219582 shame from requesting access to that
CiWQnV1xY2g-00990-00219583-00219798 information the platform that in this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00991-00219800-00219991 case that we'll be using is a very
CiWQnV1xY2g-00992-00219992-00220231 user-friendly platform you don't have to
CiWQnV1xY2g-00993-00220232-00220439 be intimidated to go there you don't
CiWQnV1xY2g-00994-00220440-00220639 have to feel like so you're going to be
CiWQnV1xY2g-00995-00220640-00220831 outed if you're accessing this
CiWQnV1xY2g-00996-00220832-00220967 information you can do it within the
CiWQnV1xY2g-00997-00220967-00221198 safety of your own home toward the site
CiWQnV1xY2g-00998-00221200-00221582 listen to lgbtq history experts talk and
CiWQnV1xY2g-00999-00221583-00221751 speak to the work and lives of phyllis
CiWQnV1xY2g-01000-00221752-00221951 and dell so there is a lot of power
CiWQnV1xY2g-01001-00221952-00222151 there to unearth these historic moments
CiWQnV1xY2g-01002-00222152-00222239 that
CiWQnV1xY2g-01003-00222240-00222471 some folks may not know even existed or
CiWQnV1xY2g-01004-00222471-00222694 were just denied access to because of
CiWQnV1xY2g-01005-00222696-00222991 geo or other limitations that were just
CiWQnV1xY2g-01006-00222992-00223158 putting up barriers of privilege in
CiWQnV1xY2g-01007-00223159-00223319 their way where they couldn't touch
CiWQnV1xY2g-01008-00223319-00223439 their stories
CiWQnV1xY2g-01009-00223440-00223727 so this is really exciting work and i'm
CiWQnV1xY2g-01010-00223728-00224006 very happy to see it continue and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01011-00224007-00224198 thinking of the future too sometimes
CiWQnV1xY2g-01012-00224200-00224342 there were these questions well why do
CiWQnV1xY2g-01013-00224344-00224567 this for this little humble home why do
CiWQnV1xY2g-01014-00224567-00224727 it for sites like this
CiWQnV1xY2g-01015-00224728-00224831 and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01016-00224832-00225063 the lift and effort versus some of the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01017-00225064-00225263 long-term preservation work that i'm
CiWQnV1xY2g-01018-00225264-00225463 even still learning about uh it's quite
CiWQnV1xY2g-01019-00225464-00225679 a feat to get some things done and i
CiWQnV1xY2g-01020-00225680-00225846 have tremendous respect for everyone
CiWQnV1xY2g-01021-00225848-00225998 that is on this call for the incredible
CiWQnV1xY2g-01022-00226000-00226182 work that you're all doing um the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01023-00226183-00226423 digital documentation is a little bit
CiWQnV1xY2g-01024-00226423-00226646 more as i see it as an intervention what
CiWQnV1xY2g-01025-00226648-00226831 could we do now for this space how could
CiWQnV1xY2g-01026-00226832-00226998 we prove that the work that phyllis and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01027-00227000-00227206 dell did within this home really
CiWQnV1xY2g-01028-00227207-00227439 mattered to a spectrum of people in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01029-00227440-00227758 fight for justice so thinking long term
CiWQnV1xY2g-01030-00227759-00228039 what data could we capture for future
CiWQnV1xY2g-01031-00228040-00228303 change makers filmmakers documentarians
CiWQnV1xY2g-01032-00228304-00228639 researchers 50 100 200 years in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01033-00228640-00228734 future
CiWQnV1xY2g-01034-00228735-00228927 if we have the tools at our disposal why
CiWQnV1xY2g-01035-00228928-00229103 not do all we could now
CiWQnV1xY2g-01036-00229104-00229367 so that was also part of the decision to
CiWQnV1xY2g-01037-00229367-00229558 go this route which was to preserve the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01038-00229559-00229751 data to make sure that we had all the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01039-00229752-00230110 visual assets uh recorded and stored
CiWQnV1xY2g-01040-00230111-00230351 in open access so that in the future
CiWQnV1xY2g-01041-00230352-00230519 those who need those materials and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01042-00230519-00230679 assets will have them to work with going
CiWQnV1xY2g-01043-00230680-00230806 forward
CiWQnV1xY2g-01044-00230807-00231063 yeah no it is such an exciting project
CiWQnV1xY2g-01045-00231064-00231223 and i'm so grateful to have the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01046-00231223-00231503 opportunity to work with you and shane
CiWQnV1xY2g-01047-00231504-00231679 and the friends of the lion martin house
CiWQnV1xY2g-01048-00231680-00231894 and the glbt historical society i mean
CiWQnV1xY2g-01049-00231896-00232094 the the just
CiWQnV1xY2g-01050-00232096-00232319 beginning to understand the impact of
CiWQnV1xY2g-01051-00232319-00232575 these two women's lifetime of work and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01052-00232576-00232791 the i don't think it's an exaggeration
CiWQnV1xY2g-01053-00232792-00233006 to say the millions of lives that were
CiWQnV1xY2g-01054-00233007-00233223 affected who may have no understanding
CiWQnV1xY2g-01055-00233223-00233463 of recognition of the role that these
CiWQnV1xY2g-01056-00233464-00233710 women played in helping them achieve the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01057-00233711-00233910 rights that that they enjoy that we all
CiWQnV1xY2g-01058-00233911-00234158 enjoy today and so to me working with
CiWQnV1xY2g-01059-00234159-00234431 psyarc to make sure this story exists in
CiWQnV1xY2g-01060-00234432-00234791 an easily findable accessible and like
CiWQnV1xY2g-01061-00234792-00235079 you said sort of shame-free format so
CiWQnV1xY2g-01062-00235080-00235310 that everyone can globally can
CiWQnV1xY2g-01063-00235311-00235487 understand this story is just so
CiWQnV1xY2g-01064-00235488-00235782 critical and and in my mind should be
CiWQnV1xY2g-01065-00235783-00235982 integral to the work that we do as you
CiWQnV1xY2g-01066-00235983-00236134 know we need to save the physical place
CiWQnV1xY2g-01067-00236135-00236334 but we also need to to save it in other
CiWQnV1xY2g-01068-00236335-00236510 ways and make it accessible in other
CiWQnV1xY2g-01069-00236511-00236734 ways so thank you so much for for
CiWQnV1xY2g-01070-00236735-00236934 helping to to kind of bring all of those
CiWQnV1xY2g-01071-00236935-00237239 issues to light for me greta
CiWQnV1xY2g-01072-00237240-00237575 all right um this is i know we're coming
CiWQnV1xY2g-01073-00237576-00237734 this has been a great conversation by
CiWQnV1xY2g-01074-00237735-00237975 the way so thank you all um and and i
CiWQnV1xY2g-01075-00237976-00238167 have one more question that is i
CiWQnV1xY2g-01076-00238167-00238327 shouldn't have saved it for last because
CiWQnV1xY2g-01077-00238328-00238567 it is absolutely enormous and i don't
CiWQnV1xY2g-01078-00238567-00238782 expect anyone on this call to have an
CiWQnV1xY2g-01079-00238783-00238982 answer to it but i feel like i would be
CiWQnV1xY2g-01080-00238983-00239263 remiss if i don't at least ask it and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01081-00239264-00239463 and it's as i've gotten deeper into this
CiWQnV1xY2g-01082-00239464-00239734 work i i am just i am so struck by and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01083-00239735-00239958 in some ways kind of overwhelmed by the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01084-00239959-00240263 enormous complexity and challenge in
CiWQnV1xY2g-01085-00240264-00240527 addressing a subject as broad as women's
CiWQnV1xY2g-01086-00240528-00240815 history because it encompasses the full
CiWQnV1xY2g-01087-00240816-00241103 range of women's identities and and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01088-00241104-00241279 those who identify as female whether
CiWQnV1xY2g-01089-00241280-00241446 that's religious whether it's racial
CiWQnV1xY2g-01090-00241448-00241639 whether it's economic whether it's their
CiWQnV1xY2g-01091-00241640-00241927 sexuality identity it's it's everything
CiWQnV1xY2g-01092-00241928-00242191 and so what i'm really concerned about
CiWQnV1xY2g-01093-00242192-00242398 is making sure that we avoid the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01094-00242400-00242671 mistakes of the past and that we value
CiWQnV1xY2g-01095-00242671-00242871 all of these perspectives all of these
CiWQnV1xY2g-01096-00242871-00243087 identities in a way that doesn't
CiWQnV1xY2g-01097-00243088-00243310 privilege one over the other that women
CiWQnV1xY2g-01098-00243311-00243527 or their identity their gender identity
CiWQnV1xY2g-01099-00243528-00243719 or their sexuality identity isn't any
CiWQnV1xY2g-01100-00243719-00243919 more important than than any other
CiWQnV1xY2g-01101-00243919-00244167 identity that they embrace and promote
CiWQnV1xY2g-01102-00244167-00244294 themselves so
CiWQnV1xY2g-01103-00244296-00244534 do you have some suggestions for how we
CiWQnV1xY2g-01104-00244535-00244751 can promote more solidarity and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01105-00244752-00245055 inclusion across groups and across
CiWQnV1xY2g-01106-00245056-00245319 identities that so many of that we have
CiWQnV1xY2g-01107-00245319-00245487 heard from and are hearing from today in
CiWQnV1xY2g-01108-00245488-00246119 these affinity sessions
CiWQnV1xY2g-01109-00246119-00246391 don't i'll jump in at once
CiWQnV1xY2g-01110-00246392-00246519 i think from
CiWQnV1xY2g-01111-00246519-00246798 from a very like sort of big picture
CiWQnV1xY2g-01112-00246800-00246998 perspective i feel like as preservation
CiWQnV1xY2g-01113-00247000-00247215 practitioners and as academics
CiWQnV1xY2g-01114-00247216-00247471 we tend to get very caught up in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01115-00247471-00247679 language
CiWQnV1xY2g-01116-00247680-00247951 very ch like difficult you know
CiWQnV1xY2g-01117-00247952-00248167 scholarly language and i feel like
CiWQnV1xY2g-01118-00248167-00248455 sharing stories in plain understandable
CiWQnV1xY2g-01119-00248456-00248639 terms is really important so there can
CiWQnV1xY2g-01120-00248640-00248863 be an even playing field for everyone to
CiWQnV1xY2g-01121-00248864-00249103 kind of come in and and learn from
CiWQnV1xY2g-01122-00249104-00249263 wherever they are and i feel like
CiWQnV1xY2g-01123-00249264-00249430 particularly for complex topics and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01124-00249431-00249646 histories it's important to simplify
CiWQnV1xY2g-01125-00249648-00249934 these ideas which can be overlooked and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01126-00249935-00250055 maybe even feel a little bit
CiWQnV1xY2g-01127-00250056-00250327 exclusionary
CiWQnV1xY2g-01128-00250328-00250510 excellent point
CiWQnV1xY2g-01129-00250511-00250767 anyone else greta
CiWQnV1xY2g-01130-00250767-00251063 um i think too looking at how we define
CiWQnV1xY2g-01131-00251064-00251230 requirements gathering
CiWQnV1xY2g-01132-00251231-00251487 uh putting inclusion equity and justice
CiWQnV1xY2g-01133-00251488-00251639 before diversity
CiWQnV1xY2g-01134-00251640-00251782 meaning we're not just checking off
CiWQnV1xY2g-01135-00251783-00252015 boxes for how many projects we think
CiWQnV1xY2g-01136-00252016-00252239 we're getting done but how are we really
CiWQnV1xY2g-01137-00252240-00252406 being inclusive when we're going through
CiWQnV1xY2g-01138-00252407-00252598 the process of our early planning stages
CiWQnV1xY2g-01139-00252600-00252719 how does that
CiWQnV1xY2g-01140-00252719-00252951 get baked into the overall procedural
CiWQnV1xY2g-01141-00252952-00253087 process that we're taking when we're
CiWQnV1xY2g-01142-00253088-00253287 about to take next steps to whether it's
CiWQnV1xY2g-01143-00253288-00253430 preserve
CiWQnV1xY2g-01144-00253431-00253639 a landmark or in
CiWQnV1xY2g-01145-00253640-00253839 you know my world revamping the way we
CiWQnV1xY2g-01146-00253840-00254046 do content ingestion and representation
CiWQnV1xY2g-01147-00254048-00254271 for folks across the spectrum of visual
CiWQnV1xY2g-01148-00254271-00254519 projects and products so one of the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01149-00254519-00254655 things that i think needs to happen is
CiWQnV1xY2g-01150-00254656-00254839 for these to be codified into the actual
CiWQnV1xY2g-01151-00254840-00255079 requirement requirements gathering we
CiWQnV1xY2g-01152-00255080-00255279 actively need to say you know who isn't
CiWQnV1xY2g-01153-00255280-00255446 here that needs to be here
CiWQnV1xY2g-01154-00255448-00255623 what are we not seeing that we should be
CiWQnV1xY2g-01155-00255623-00255855 seeing or should be looking for how are
CiWQnV1xY2g-01156-00255856-00256063 we really giving the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01157-00256064-00256210 uh just the tension for
CiWQnV1xY2g-01158-00256211-00256487 intersectionality and identity of story
CiWQnV1xY2g-01159-00256488-00256703 um how do we build a space or a digital
CiWQnV1xY2g-01160-00256704-00256887 experience that we can walk through and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01161-00256888-00257046 address whether it's the planning or the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01162-00257048-00257198 design from the viewpoint of
CiWQnV1xY2g-01163-00257200-00257398 marginalized communities and that means
CiWQnV1xY2g-01164-00257400-00257551 bring their voices
CiWQnV1xY2g-01165-00257552-00257775 do they have a driving seat at their own
CiWQnV1xY2g-01166-00257776-00258055 table um they're not being used for idea
CiWQnV1xY2g-01167-00258056-00258255 harvesting and then moving on you know
CiWQnV1xY2g-01168-00258256-00258391 how are we representing their
CiWQnV1xY2g-01169-00258392-00258542 communities are we representing them
CiWQnV1xY2g-01170-00258544-00258719 with dignity are they being served and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01171-00258719-00258863 who are we really doing this for at the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01172-00258864-00259063 end of the day and i love allison's
CiWQnV1xY2g-01173-00259064-00259279 point of sometimes
CiWQnV1xY2g-01174-00259280-00259471 depending on what world you're in you
CiWQnV1xY2g-01175-00259471-00259663 really have the blinders on for your
CiWQnV1xY2g-01176-00259664-00259830 world and it's not intentional but
CiWQnV1xY2g-01177-00259831-00260103 things get missed so how do we start to
CiWQnV1xY2g-01178-00260104-00260255 treat exclusion as part of risk
CiWQnV1xY2g-01179-00260256-00260375 management
CiWQnV1xY2g-01180-00260376-00260558 and how do we start baking these
CiWQnV1xY2g-01181-00260559-00260767 requirements and from the top down and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01182-00260767-00260991 even if it takes time do we reassess the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01183-00260992-00261239 way we do our advisory groups do we
CiWQnV1xY2g-01184-00261240-00261487 start to bring in more activists
CiWQnV1xY2g-01185-00261488-00261775 community leaders documentary filmmakers
CiWQnV1xY2g-01186-00261776-00262023 inclusive product managers or dei
CiWQnV1xY2g-01187-00262023-00262223 strategists not to take away from the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01188-00262224-00262406 expertise that is already in the room
CiWQnV1xY2g-01189-00262407-00262606 but to look at those edge cases and add
CiWQnV1xY2g-01190-00262607-00262806 to the conversation to help ensure that
CiWQnV1xY2g-01191-00262807-00263055 no one's being left behind or missed
CiWQnV1xY2g-01192-00263056-00263447 i love that thank you greta uh so i mean
CiWQnV1xY2g-01193-00263448-00263663 i knew i was the smartest thing i did
CiWQnV1xY2g-01194-00263664-00263775 was to
CiWQnV1xY2g-01195-00263776-00264095 get to know you so thank you so much for
CiWQnV1xY2g-01196-00264096-00264263 all of the wisdom that you are bringing
CiWQnV1xY2g-01197-00264264-00264479 to this conversation and i just want to
CiWQnV1xY2g-01198-00264480-00264830 shout out to michelle megalong who her
CiWQnV1xY2g-01199-00264831-00264934 chat is
CiWQnV1xY2g-01200-00264935-00265175 incredibly important comment too it's
CiWQnV1xY2g-01201-00265176-00265367 important to support and empower those
CiWQnV1xY2g-01202-00265368-00265599 that have been excluded and marginalized
CiWQnV1xY2g-01203-00265600-00265839 support them on their own terms as
CiWQnV1xY2g-01204-00265840-00266127 allies know when to step back and when
CiWQnV1xY2g-01205-00266128-00266430 to step up thank you michelle
CiWQnV1xY2g-01206-00266431-00266630 so wise all right
CiWQnV1xY2g-01207-00266631-00266975 well in our last five minutes um i just
CiWQnV1xY2g-01208-00266976-00267175 wanted to give everyone an opportunity
CiWQnV1xY2g-01209-00267176-00267423 this is a little thing that i like to do
CiWQnV1xY2g-01210-00267424-00267647 um because for me these are great
CiWQnV1xY2g-01211-00267648-00267847 conversations i hope i'm seeing in the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01212-00267848-00268030 chat people are really inspired they're
CiWQnV1xY2g-01213-00268031-00268271 they're excited to take things back and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01214-00268272-00268447 apply them to their to their own
CiWQnV1xY2g-01215-00268448-00268663 organizations in their own work but i
CiWQnV1xY2g-01216-00268664-00268887 want to make sure that nobody walks away
CiWQnV1xY2g-01217-00268888-00269079 from this conversation without having a
CiWQnV1xY2g-01218-00269080-00269271 good idea to take home and put into
CiWQnV1xY2g-01219-00269272-00269591 practice so i'm ask every single person
CiWQnV1xY2g-01220-00269592-00269847 on the panel to share
CiWQnV1xY2g-01221-00269848-00270103 one challenge for the audience it can be
CiWQnV1xY2g-01222-00270104-00270287 something big it can be something small
CiWQnV1xY2g-01223-00270288-00270495 it's just to get you all thinking about
CiWQnV1xY2g-01224-00270496-00270751 things that you can take home and put
CiWQnV1xY2g-01225-00270752-00271071 into practice as a way of centering
CiWQnV1xY2g-01226-00271072-00271223 women and doing all the things that
CiWQnV1xY2g-01227-00271224-00271406 we've just been discussing doing it in a
CiWQnV1xY2g-01228-00271407-00271575 respectful way that respects other
CiWQnV1xY2g-01229-00271576-00271823 identities other priorities but
CiWQnV1xY2g-01230-00271824-00272006 hopefully get you thinking about ways to
CiWQnV1xY2g-01231-00272007-00272223 elevate women and bring their stories to
CiWQnV1xY2g-01232-00272224-00272391 the fore so
CiWQnV1xY2g-01233-00272392-00272679 i'm gonna just randomly pick um allison
CiWQnV1xY2g-01234-00272680-00272991 go first what's your challenge
CiWQnV1xY2g-01235-00272992-00273230 i would say ask questions come from a
CiWQnV1xY2g-01236-00273231-00273543 place of genuine curiosity i feel like
CiWQnV1xY2g-01237-00273544-00273719 like what anna was saying preservation
CiWQnV1xY2g-01238-00273720-00273919 can feel like a field that's very much
CiWQnV1xY2g-01239-00273920-00274127 handed down from one generation to the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01240-00274128-00274351 next and it can certainly be
CiWQnV1xY2g-01241-00274352-00274615 intimidating and feel closed off so i
CiWQnV1xY2g-01242-00274616-00274791 would encourage a variety of fresh
CiWQnV1xY2g-01243-00274792-00274982 perspectives you never know if a
CiWQnV1xY2g-01244-00274983-00275143 question that you ask might inspire
CiWQnV1xY2g-01245-00275144-00275343 something or or even potentially a
CiWQnV1xY2g-01246-00275344-00275543 movement
CiWQnV1xY2g-01247-00275544-00275710 thank you so much
CiWQnV1xY2g-01248-00275711-00275815 um
CiWQnV1xY2g-01249-00275816-00276055 anna what's your challenge
CiWQnV1xY2g-01250-00276056-00276303 uh so i would i'll add on to that i
CiWQnV1xY2g-01251-00276304-00276575 think it's really important to attend
CiWQnV1xY2g-01252-00276576-00276830 your local meetings um whichever ones
CiWQnV1xY2g-01253-00276831-00276999 seem interesting to you whether that's
CiWQnV1xY2g-01254-00277000-00277303 preservation economic development or
CiWQnV1xY2g-01255-00277304-00277582 just you know a local meeting for women
CiWQnV1xY2g-01256-00277583-00277791 that is hosted by an organization or
CiWQnV1xY2g-01257-00277792-00277975 something like this but i think
CiWQnV1xY2g-01258-00277976-00278303 attending local meetings is um providing
CiWQnV1xY2g-01259-00278304-00278495 you know giving yourself a space to have
CiWQnV1xY2g-01260-00278496-00278719 a voice in your community but it's also
CiWQnV1xY2g-01261-00278720-00278903 putting you an environment where you're
CiWQnV1xY2g-01262-00278904-00279230 hearing other voices um so i think
CiWQnV1xY2g-01263-00279231-00279439 across generations across genders across
CiWQnV1xY2g-01264-00279440-00279630 all backgrounds i think
CiWQnV1xY2g-01265-00279631-00279823 local meetings are really
CiWQnV1xY2g-01266-00279824-00280206 important for preservation
CiWQnV1xY2g-01267-00280207-00280367 you um
CiWQnV1xY2g-01268-00280368-00280503 greta
CiWQnV1xY2g-01269-00280504-00280695 words of words of wisdom to challenge
CiWQnV1xY2g-01270-00280696-00280887 the folks on the call
CiWQnV1xY2g-01271-00280888-00281030 well the last question was great and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01272-00281031-00281230 that was part of my challenge so i'll
CiWQnV1xY2g-01273-00281231-00281471 say it again is to
CiWQnV1xY2g-01274-00281472-00281671 figure out what it means to you and your
CiWQnV1xY2g-01275-00281672-00281879 processes or for your team to put
CiWQnV1xY2g-01276-00281880-00282127 inclusion equity and justice before
CiWQnV1xY2g-01277-00282128-00282382 diversity don't treat projects like
CiWQnV1xY2g-01278-00282383-00282606 check-offs you know the check-off boxes
CiWQnV1xY2g-01279-00282607-00282823 starting with inclusion gives your team
CiWQnV1xY2g-01280-00282824-00282999 or your organization a chance to create
CiWQnV1xY2g-01281-00283000-00283263 inherently diverse projects and whether
CiWQnV1xY2g-01282-00283264-00283358 it be
CiWQnV1xY2g-01283-00283359-00283591 science or digital products the overall
CiWQnV1xY2g-01284-00283592-00283751 process
CiWQnV1xY2g-01285-00283752-00283934 is will work even better when there's a
CiWQnV1xY2g-01286-00283935-00284143 cultivated sense of belonging
CiWQnV1xY2g-01287-00284144-00284239 and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01288-00284240-00284430 i challenge you to bring those community
CiWQnV1xY2g-01289-00284431-00284567 leaders into your
CiWQnV1xY2g-01290-00284568-00284863 bring those activists into your room and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01291-00284864-00285071 listen to them and hear them create
CiWQnV1xY2g-01292-00285072-00285351 space and let them drive and then the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01293-00285352-00285575 next piece of that is
CiWQnV1xY2g-01294-00285576-00285710 support their
CiWQnV1xY2g-01295-00285711-00285919 don't know her narrative
CiWQnV1xY2g-01296-00285920-00285999 right
CiWQnV1xY2g-01297-00286000-00286175 and thank you and and i'm just looking
CiWQnV1xY2g-01298-00286176-00286375 here in the chat divvy thank you so much
CiWQnV1xY2g-01299-00286376-00286647 for also reminding us of the need to
CiWQnV1xY2g-01300-00286648-00286951 acknowledge and respect people with um
CiWQnV1xY2g-01301-00286952-00287127 physical disabilities and other
CiWQnV1xY2g-01302-00287128-00287447 challenges that we need to to be mindful
CiWQnV1xY2g-01303-00287448-00287663 of those two um and and make sure that
CiWQnV1xY2g-01304-00287664-00287854 we are creating an inclusive environment
CiWQnV1xY2g-01305-00287855-00288215 for for everyone um so thank you and all
CiWQnV1xY2g-01306-00288216-00288351 right nelly
CiWQnV1xY2g-01307-00288352-00288575 give us your challenge oh i feel like
CiWQnV1xY2g-01308-00288576-00288847 everyone covered most of my challenges
CiWQnV1xY2g-01309-00288848-00289030 um but i think that that shares the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01310-00289031-00289247 common thread of
CiWQnV1xY2g-01311-00289248-00289527 um why this work matters and creating
CiWQnV1xY2g-01312-00289528-00289727 accessibility you know kind of just
CiWQnV1xY2g-01313-00289728-00289999 pulling on the thread of alison's um the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01314-00290000-00290327 simplification of like um
CiWQnV1xY2g-01315-00290328-00290630 of language that we're using um you know
CiWQnV1xY2g-01316-00290631-00290934 engage visual artists as well to tell
CiWQnV1xY2g-01317-00290935-00291199 your story sometimes it's just
CiWQnV1xY2g-01318-00291200-00291406 that simple but also engaging your
CiWQnV1xY2g-01319-00291407-00291663 community stakeholders on those local
CiWQnV1xY2g-01320-00291664-00291823 meetings and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01321-00291824-00291910 um
CiWQnV1xY2g-01322-00291911-00292119 engage a lot a larger audience i guess
CiWQnV1xY2g-01323-00292120-00292327 that's my challenge is engage a larger
CiWQnV1xY2g-01324-00292328-00292487 audience by saying
CiWQnV1xY2g-01325-00292488-00292703 you need help i mean
CiWQnV1xY2g-01326-00292704-00292951 that's uh that's what we did and i feel
CiWQnV1xY2g-01327-00292952-00293127 like if it had not been
CiWQnV1xY2g-01328-00293128-00293319 uh for cove
CiWQnV1xY2g-01329-00293320-00293558 access to civic engagement and creating
CiWQnV1xY2g-01330-00293559-00293775 pathways to civic engagement on a local
CiWQnV1xY2g-01331-00293776-00293991 level um really empowered people who
CiWQnV1xY2g-01332-00293992-00294327 were not um preservationists to speak up
CiWQnV1xY2g-01333-00294328-00294527 about this shared history and shared
CiWQnV1xY2g-01334-00294528-00294687 goal so
CiWQnV1xY2g-01335-00294688-00294910 just to add on everything everyone else
CiWQnV1xY2g-01336-00294911-00295223 had challenged perfect thank you and i
CiWQnV1xY2g-01337-00295224-00295447 have a challenge as well i'm just going
CiWQnV1xY2g-01338-00295448-00295615 to be perfectly honest this is a bit of
CiWQnV1xY2g-01339-00295616-00295839 log rolling but i think it's important
CiWQnV1xY2g-01340-00295840-00296047 that everyone on this call
CiWQnV1xY2g-01341-00296048-00296375 know that we have a new unique funding
CiWQnV1xY2g-01342-00296376-00296591 opportunity at the national trust our
CiWQnV1xY2g-01343-00296592-00296943 telling the full history grant program
CiWQnV1xY2g-01344-00296944-00297199 and the application the guidelines the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01345-00297200-00297423 faqs were just released yesterday they
CiWQnV1xY2g-01346-00297424-00297630 are public now it's in the chat
CiWQnV1xY2g-01347-00297631-00297839 everybody go take a look and my
CiWQnV1xY2g-01348-00297840-00298079 challenge to all of you is to go look at
CiWQnV1xY2g-01349-00298080-00298310 this information because this is a
CiWQnV1xY2g-01350-00298311-00298663 one-time only program 25 to 50 000
CiWQnV1xY2g-01351-00298664-00298895 grants for projects dedicating to
CiWQnV1xY2g-01352-00298896-00299127 telling a more full history of
CiWQnV1xY2g-01353-00299128-00299287 underrepresented and marginalized
CiWQnV1xY2g-01354-00299288-00299503 communities and that includes
CiWQnV1xY2g-01355-00299504-00299782 women so i want all of you to go take a
CiWQnV1xY2g-01356-00299783-00299982 look at that and think about a research
CiWQnV1xY2g-01357-00299983-00300230 a planning a designation a training
CiWQnV1xY2g-01358-00300231-00300454 project that you can do to bring more
CiWQnV1xY2g-01359-00300455-00300734 understanding appreciation and respect
CiWQnV1xY2g-01360-00300735-00300910 to the places that represent the history
CiWQnV1xY2g-01361-00300911-00301206 of women women of color indigenous women
CiWQnV1xY2g-01362-00301207-00301503 lgbtq communities and submit an
CiWQnV1xY2g-01363-00301504-00301791 application by december 15th everybody
CiWQnV1xY2g-01364-00301792-00301919 we want to see a lot of those
CiWQnV1xY2g-01365-00301920-00302103 applications coming in
CiWQnV1xY2g-01366-00302104-00302358 and with that we are at our time i want
CiWQnV1xY2g-01367-00302359-00302639 to thank all of you um for for joining
CiWQnV1xY2g-01368-00302640-00302895 us today i see that we had almost 400
CiWQnV1xY2g-01369-00302896-00303103 participants thank you all i hope you
CiWQnV1xY2g-01370-00303104-00303391 are as inspired by these amazing women
CiWQnV1xY2g-01371-00303392-00303599 as i am and thank you all for all of the
CiWQnV1xY2g-01372-00303600-00303799 great comments and suggestions and
CiWQnV1xY2g-01373-00303800-00303975 questions that you put in the chat enjoy
CiWQnV1xY2g-01374-00303976-00304364 the rest of the conference everyone
Cj2X61dSWZM-00000-00000000-00000708 [Music]
Cj2X61dSWZM-00001-00000709-00000994 hello everybody welcome back this is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00002-00000996-00001298 Gina I've got three more entries for my
Cj2X61dSWZM-00003-00001299-00001450 friendship journal to share with you
Cj2X61dSWZM-00004-00001451-00001754 guys so I'm going to just jump straight
Cj2X61dSWZM-00005-00001755-00002096 in and this one has come from Australia
Cj2X61dSWZM-00006-00002097-00002270 this is penny
Cj2X61dSWZM-00007-00002271-00002714 and Penny Marshall Penny's got a channel
Cj2X61dSWZM-00008-00002715-00002893 here in YouTube so I will be putting
Cj2X61dSWZM-00009-00002894-00003062 that in the description box below for
Cj2X61dSWZM-00010-00003063-00003511 you guys to see so yeah I think she was
Cj2X61dSWZM-00011-00003512-00003650 getting a little bit concerned because
Cj2X61dSWZM-00012-00003651-00003872 she had mailed us some time back so I'm
Cj2X61dSWZM-00013-00003872-00004054 not sure penny what's the holdup bonds
Cj2X61dSWZM-00014-00004055-00004400 but luckily it arrived and it is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00015-00004401-00004804 absolutely gorgeous guys she's got a
Cj2X61dSWZM-00016-00004805-00005090 metal butterfly here let me make sure
Cj2X61dSWZM-00017-00005091-00005431 I've got the camera out good so she's
Cj2X61dSWZM-00018-00005432-00005675 got you know the paper folded in half
Cj2X61dSWZM-00019-00005676-00005977 she's got some lace here looks like
Cj2X61dSWZM-00020-00005978-00006211 maybe some scrapbook paper behind here
Cj2X61dSWZM-00021-00006212-00006605 she's created a pocket one two three
Cj2X61dSWZM-00022-00006606-00006815 pockets I believe and then there's a
Cj2X61dSWZM-00023-00006816-00007178 crocheted flower here with some trim it
Cj2X61dSWZM-00024-00007179-00007553 is beautiful so let's jump in and start
Cj2X61dSWZM-00025-00007554-00007919 here isn't this beautiful I love this
Cj2X61dSWZM-00026-00007920-00008150 embossing folder penny that is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00027-00008151-00008450 absolutely gorgeous and then she's got
Cj2X61dSWZM-00028-00008451-00008825 this either a dye or a punch that does
Cj2X61dSWZM-00029-00008826-00009119 the decorative edge this is just
Cj2X61dSWZM-00030-00009120-00009350 gorgeous and then she's inked around
Cj2X61dSWZM-00031-00009351-00009782 that and then this look at that that's a
Cj2X61dSWZM-00032-00009783-00010127 little double heart altered paper clip I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00033-00010128-00010391 love that idea and I'm definitely going
Cj2X61dSWZM-00034-00010392-00010736 to have to give that one a try that is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00035-00010737-00011117 beautiful so she's got that tucked in
Cj2X61dSWZM-00036-00011118-00011368 the back there and then look at that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00037-00011369-00011660 little paper clip in that gorgeous
Cj2X61dSWZM-00038-00011661-00012056 so that was tucked over there I love the
Cj2X61dSWZM-00039-00012057-00012140 way that looks
Cj2X61dSWZM-00040-00012141-00012428 and then here we've got a window
Cj2X61dSWZM-00041-00012429-00012835 envelope with another big beautiful tag
Cj2X61dSWZM-00042-00012836-00013349 love that some trim up here
Cj2X61dSWZM-00043-00013350-00013610 and some washi and then she's done a
Cj2X61dSWZM-00044-00013611-00013811 fussy cut of that clock that is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00045-00013812-00014201 beautiful penny and then here look at
Cj2X61dSWZM-00046-00014202-00014536 that she's got the bubble bumblebee
Cj2X61dSWZM-00047-00014537-00014951 die-cut that is so sweet and I love that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00048-00014952-00015401 metal butterfly there so then this comes
Cj2X61dSWZM-00049-00015402-00015881 out and look at that she's got another
Cj2X61dSWZM-00050-00015882-00016165 little window envelope that's got a tag
Cj2X61dSWZM-00051-00016166-00016646 tucked in there beautiful image and then
Cj2X61dSWZM-00052-00016647-00016877 she's got some pretty trim there
Cj2X61dSWZM-00053-00016878-00017473 that's a beautiful tag die as well I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00054-00017474-00017834 always like to see what other people you
Cj2X61dSWZM-00055-00017835-00018056 know the supplies that they've got and
Cj2X61dSWZM-00056-00018057-00018335 then this is a big tag here so that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00057-00018336-00018566 flips over and then she's put a little
Cj2X61dSWZM-00058-00018567-00018821 tab so that will you know just peek out
Cj2X61dSWZM-00059-00018822-00019121 and then some lace there as well so that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00060-00019122-00019421 just peeks out there love that she's got
Cj2X61dSWZM-00061-00019422-00019766 some washi here she's done sewing along
Cj2X61dSWZM-00062-00019767-00019865 the edge
Cj2X61dSWZM-00063-00019866-00020627 lots of work went into this inside he
Cj2X61dSWZM-00064-00020628-00020942 got a paper clip here and then look at
Cj2X61dSWZM-00065-00020943-00021134 she's pressed a flower there with some
Cj2X61dSWZM-00066-00021135-00021416 trim and some lace and an eyelet I love
Cj2X61dSWZM-00067-00021417-00022127 that she's tucked in here is another
Cj2X61dSWZM-00068-00022128-00022481 little pocket let me see oh look at that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00069-00022482-00022829 beautiful card and she's got a note to
Cj2X61dSWZM-00070-00022830-00023297 me so I will read that in a minute and
Cj2X61dSWZM-00071-00023298-00023533 look at this beautiful handmade paper
Cj2X61dSWZM-00072-00023534-00023756 that is gorgeous
Cj2X61dSWZM-00073-00023757-00024158 I must must get around and start trying
Cj2X61dSWZM-00074-00024159-00024584 my hand at some handmade papers and then
Cj2X61dSWZM-00075-00024585-00024803 this is tucked in she's got I love this
Cj2X61dSWZM-00076-00024804-00025082 it's got all these little places to to
Cj2X61dSWZM-00077-00025083-00025594 find things from this is a little um
Cj2X61dSWZM-00078-00025595-00025894 envelope she's got a tiny tag in there
Cj2X61dSWZM-00079-00025895-00026258 and that's just tucked in there another
Cj2X61dSWZM-00080-00026258-00026602 little secret place
Cj2X61dSWZM-00081-00026602-00026874 any paperclip and get that back just
Cj2X61dSWZM-00082-00026875-00027157 beautiful that image is gorgeous and I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00083-00027158-00027436 love this trim she sewn all that on
Cj2X61dSWZM-00084-00027437-00027912 there and then another beautiful this is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00085-00027913-00028210 like a glassine envelope I think and
Cj2X61dSWZM-00086-00028211-00028402 she's got a couple of tags tucked in
Cj2X61dSWZM-00087-00028402-00029031 here beautiful and then look at this oh
Cj2X61dSWZM-00088-00029032-00029386 isn't that sweet she said this is where
Cj2X61dSWZM-00089-00029387-00029836 she grew up beautiful really pretty
Cj2X61dSWZM-00090-00029837-00030183 thank you for adding that penny that is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00091-00030185-00030400 gorgeous cuz I love that kind of stuff
Cj2X61dSWZM-00092-00030401-00030697 it just so nice to visualize where
Cj2X61dSWZM-00093-00030698-00030994 everybody's from and you know know a
Cj2X61dSWZM-00094-00030995-00031339 little bit more about them so we've got
Cj2X61dSWZM-00095-00031339-00032514 both of these little tags tucked in here
Cj2X61dSWZM-00096-00032514-00032761 and then here she's got a little
Cj2X61dSWZM-00097-00032762-00033514 Australian stamp I love that I keep
Cj2X61dSWZM-00098-00033515-00034011 meaning to pick up some of these paint
Cj2X61dSWZM-00099-00034012-00034333 swatches and I'd never do think of it
Cj2X61dSWZM-00100-00034334-00034567 when I'm at the hardware store I love
Cj2X61dSWZM-00101-00034568-00034813 that little tag isn't that sweet so he's
Cj2X61dSWZM-00102-00034814-00035020 just peeking out there and then look at
Cj2X61dSWZM-00103-00035021-00035374 that paper clip that's beautiful okay
Cj2X61dSWZM-00104-00035375-00035584 the paper clip goes up here I'm gonna
Cj2X61dSWZM-00105-00035585-00035788 keep the note out and read that after
Cj2X61dSWZM-00106-00035789-00036252 I've done the video guys so I'll tuck
Cj2X61dSWZM-00107-00036253-00036630 that back
Cj2X61dSWZM-00108-00036631-00037135 and that was tucked under there so and
Cj2X61dSWZM-00109-00037136-00037404 then on the back here oh I loved us oh
Cj2X61dSWZM-00110-00037405-00037945 she's got a magnet in there that is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00111-00037946-00038242 beautiful just beautiful okay so I've
Cj2X61dSWZM-00112-00038243-00038683 got a nice writing sheet I can do some
Cj2X61dSWZM-00113-00038684-00039012 extra turn going on I love that and look
Cj2X61dSWZM-00114-00039013-00039157 at that she's stitched all the way
Cj2X61dSWZM-00115-00039158-00039364 around that pocket that is for just
Cj2X61dSWZM-00116-00039365-00039556 gorgeous gorgeous I love the magnet in
Cj2X61dSWZM-00117-00039557-00039970 there beautiful I love that tag so
Cj2X61dSWZM-00118-00039971-00040174 that's some flowers like a sticker
Cj2X61dSWZM-00119-00040175-00040498 honest on a tag and then she's got the
Cj2X61dSWZM-00120-00040499-00040675 saree and some more of that beautiful
Cj2X61dSWZM-00121-00040676-00041043 trim on the edge there oh it's beautiful
Cj2X61dSWZM-00122-00041044-00041515 penny I'm so glad this did not get lost
Cj2X61dSWZM-00123-00041516-00041764 in the mail because she was very worried
Cj2X61dSWZM-00124-00041765-00042090 about this a belly band here and that is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00125-00042091-00042312 absolutely gorgeous cuz that's got
Cj2X61dSWZM-00126-00042313-00042595 several layers of the butterfly love
Cj2X61dSWZM-00127-00042596-00043039 that and then this beautiful tag here is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00128-00043040-00043383 Tonga and then she's got where she's
Cj2X61dSWZM-00129-00043384-00043627 from Tasmania love it
Cj2X61dSWZM-00130-00043628-00043894 Oh penny thank you so much I will read
Cj2X61dSWZM-00131-00043895-00044395 the card here in just a moment the next
Cj2X61dSWZM-00132-00044396-00045157 entry guys comes from Jacqueline out of
Cj2X61dSWZM-00133-00045158-00045556 Puerto Rico and Jacqueline I'm sorry I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00134-00045557-00045787 will not even attempt to try to
Cj2X61dSWZM-00135-00045788-00045946 pronounce your last name because I'm
Cj2X61dSWZM-00136-00045947-00046318 terrible with pronunciation and I'm so
Cj2X61dSWZM-00137-00046319-00046696 afraid I'll just mess it up so she sent
Cj2X61dSWZM-00138-00046697-00046951 me this all wrapped up isn't it
Cj2X61dSWZM-00139-00046952-00048304 beautiful first of all it's just like
Cj2X61dSWZM-00140-00048305-00048546 whoa this is amazing
Cj2X61dSWZM-00141-00048547-00049105 so look she's got a fabulous tag look at
Cj2X61dSWZM-00142-00049106-00049519 that and she has stamped that that is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00143-00049520-00049820 amps I mean it's a wax seal I meant
Cj2X61dSWZM-00144-00049821-00050270 oh she's got an Instagram one-of-a-kind
Cj2X61dSWZM-00145-00050271-00050540 underscore by jackeline so I will put
Cj2X61dSWZM-00146-00050541-00050780 that in the description box you guys
Cj2X61dSWZM-00147-00050781-00051118 check her out because look at all of
Cj2X61dSWZM-00148-00051119-00051998 this I can't believe this came through
Cj2X61dSWZM-00149-00051999-00052711 oh just beautiful look at these are all
Cj2X61dSWZM-00150-00052712-00053254 just so gorgeous cuz she had contacted
Cj2X61dSWZM-00151-00053255-00053482 me and said you know because she lives
Cj2X61dSWZM-00152-00053483-00053857 in Puerto Rico she can sympathize with
Cj2X61dSWZM-00153-00053858-00054226 people in Europe and the United Kingdom
Cj2X61dSWZM-00154-00054227-00054551 because it's very difficult and very
Cj2X61dSWZM-00155-00054552-00054913 expensive to get a hold of tim holtz
Cj2X61dSWZM-00156-00054914-00055271 items and scrapbooking things so she
Cj2X61dSWZM-00157-00055272-00055669 does a lot of upcycling and recycling in
Cj2X61dSWZM-00158-00055670-00055949 her house and oh my gosh has she got
Cj2X61dSWZM-00159-00055950-00056142 some beautiful beautiful things
Cj2X61dSWZM-00160-00056144-00056411 Jacqueline thank you so much for sharing
Cj2X61dSWZM-00161-00056412-00056771 those with me I love them and those are
Cj2X61dSWZM-00162-00056772-00057137 absolutely gonna be used the double D
Cj2X61dSWZM-00163-00057138-00057407 stamp I do vaguely remember that when I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00164-00057408-00057851 was growing up actually I was I remember
Cj2X61dSWZM-00165-00057852-00058144 the S&H stamps that's what it was so
Cj2X61dSWZM-00166-00058145-00058357 yeah that's really awesome to have that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00167-00058358-00058966 look at this isn't that beautiful just
Cj2X61dSWZM-00168-00058967-00059624 gorgeous I love her style it's very very
Cj2X61dSWZM-00169-00059625-00059854 vintage
Cj2X61dSWZM-00170-00059854-00060122 Jacqueline this it is gorgeous look at
Cj2X61dSWZM-00171-00060123-00060503 that she's got a little metal charm with
Cj2X61dSWZM-00172-00060504-00060875 a bald pin I mean the layers that she
Cj2X61dSWZM-00173-00060876-00061465 has put on there just fabulous
Cj2X61dSWZM-00174-00061466-00061751 she's a mixed-media artist that's why
Cj2X61dSWZM-00175-00061752-00062204 you're seeing so much land that is Fanta
Cj2X61dSWZM-00176-00062204-00062537 steak Oh Jacqueline I love it this is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00177-00062538-00062885 I'm going to sit this out in my studio
Cj2X61dSWZM-00178-00062886-00063224 because I've had a couple of ladies make
Cj2X61dSWZM-00179-00063225-00063749 me things and and I'm going to I'm going
Cj2X61dSWZM-00180-00063750-00064132 to designate a little shelf to some
Cj2X61dSWZM-00181-00064133-00064298 things so that's definitely going to go
Cj2X61dSWZM-00182-00064299-00064363 up there
Cj2X61dSWZM-00183-00064364-00064681 Jacqueline that is amazing look at this
Cj2X61dSWZM-00184-00064682-00064934 I believe that was a wrapped around that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00185-00064935-00065363 oh my gosh it's just so much to take in
Cj2X61dSWZM-00186-00065364-00065974 look at that index card that is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00187-00065975-00066769 beautiful beautiful an envelope that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00188-00066770-00067160 she's oh my gosh that is just amazing
Cj2X61dSWZM-00189-00067161-00067448 look at the stamping and the layers and
Cj2X61dSWZM-00190-00067449-00068038 stitching it's fabulous just amazing
Cj2X61dSWZM-00191-00068039-00068642 lace around that and she's good
Cj2X61dSWZM-00192-00068643-00068993 oh it's just so much I love it she's
Cj2X61dSWZM-00193-00068994-00069260 embossed that and attached the lace I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00194-00069261-00069638 mean it just the presentation Jacqueline
Cj2X61dSWZM-00195-00069639-00069971 is just I mean that is a work of art
Cj2X61dSWZM-00196-00069972-00070456 right there you know everything back I'm
Cj2X61dSWZM-00197-00070457-00070616 almost tempted just to put the whole
Cj2X61dSWZM-00198-00070617-00071405 thing on my shelf oh thank you thank you
Cj2X61dSWZM-00199-00071406-00071699 thank you Jacqueline okay let me sit
Cj2X61dSWZM-00200-00071700-00072001 this over guys so I can show you the oh
Cj2X61dSWZM-00201-00072002-00072292 look at that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00202-00072293-00072685 okay so this is hot entry and it is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00203-00072686-00073541 beautiful look at that the heart just so
Cj2X61dSWZM-00204-00073542-00074047 much to take in stamping the layering
Cj2X61dSWZM-00205-00074048-00074549 stamping there
Cj2X61dSWZM-00206-00074550-00074990 just amazing look at that so I oh I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00207-00074991-00075227 don't want I'm not gonna do it
Cj2X61dSWZM-00208-00075228-00075613 I'm just gonna try to slide this off
Cj2X61dSWZM-00209-00075614-00075947 because I know I'll never get it back
Cj2X61dSWZM-00210-00075948-00076118 the way she's done she's got a beautiful
Cj2X61dSWZM-00211-00076119-00078554 bow there yes this is some look at that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00212-00078555-00078998 she stamped on the Muslim I love to
Cj2X61dSWZM-00213-00078999-00079432 touch these things I was watching Rachel
Cj2X61dSWZM-00214-00079433-00079673 look you know she was going through hers
Cj2X61dSWZM-00215-00079674-00080315 look at these just beautiful this is why
Cj2X61dSWZM-00216-00080316-00080663 I think sometimes most of the real
Cj2X61dSWZM-00217-00080664-00081038 creativity I think can come from not
Cj2X61dSWZM-00218-00081039-00081467 having a lot of store-bought things
Cj2X61dSWZM-00219-00081468-00081743 where you really have to dig into your
Cj2X61dSWZM-00220-00081744-00082100 stash and everyday items but to look at
Cj2X61dSWZM-00221-00082101-00082373 that I mean it's just gorgeous so as I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00222-00082374-00083021 was saying this is amazing Rachel was
Cj2X61dSWZM-00223-00083022-00083195 looking through some entries the other
Cj2X61dSWZM-00224-00083196-00083327 day and she was saying oh I have to
Cj2X61dSWZM-00225-00083328-00083510 touch everything I'm the same I cannot
Cj2X61dSWZM-00226-00083511-00083699 walk through store without I have in my
Cj2X61dSWZM-00227-00083700-00084005 hands all over the clothes because I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00228-00084006-00084782 like to touch I don't know that must be
Cj2X61dSWZM-00229-00084783-00086331 a dicot and she's put it on there
Cj2X61dSWZM-00230-00086332-00086682 see it's just stuff that cuz I tend to
Cj2X61dSWZM-00231-00086683-00086931 just work with the white and the black
Cj2X61dSWZM-00232-00086932-00087279 thread and I've got other threads but
Cj2X61dSWZM-00233-00087280-00087684 I'm just don't ever think to get it out
Cj2X61dSWZM-00234-00087685-00087825 but what a difference look at that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00235-00087826-00088077 that's the brown and what a difference
Cj2X61dSWZM-00236-00088078-00088326 that makes that it's just beautiful this
Cj2X61dSWZM-00237-00088327-00088890 tag is amazing so many layers look at
Cj2X61dSWZM-00238-00088891-00089477 that that's one of those seed envelopes
Cj2X61dSWZM-00239-00089478-00090135 it's beautiful just beautiful pieces I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00240-00090136-00090732 just love it so pretty the way it she's
Cj2X61dSWZM-00241-00090733-00092310 got everything placed ok let me check
Cj2X61dSWZM-00242-00092311-00092889 the time guys okay so here we've got
Cj2X61dSWZM-00243-00092890-00093278 look at that tag I love that very rustic
Cj2X61dSWZM-00244-00093279-00093684 which you know i'm i'm partial to thee i
Cj2X61dSWZM-00245-00093685-00093978 mean i love cheffy chic i like rustic I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00246-00093979-00094221 guess I'm kind of you know I've always
Cj2X61dSWZM-00247-00094222-00094431 put myself somewhere in between the two
Cj2X61dSWZM-00248-00094432-00094985 and this is just beautiful that doily
Cj2X61dSWZM-00249-00094986-00095589 Wow look at that tag it's the way she's
Cj2X61dSWZM-00250-00095590-00096204 been layered everything is just I mean
Cj2X61dSWZM-00251-00096205-00096426 that's just beautiful
Cj2X61dSWZM-00252-00096427-00096812 let's see she's included ledger paper
Cj2X61dSWZM-00253-00096813-00097203 old music sheet and that but it's the
Cj2X61dSWZM-00254-00097204-00097458 way she's presented it is just so
Cj2X61dSWZM-00255-00097459-00097974 beautiful it's a real neck that these
Cj2X61dSWZM-00256-00097975-00098649 ladies have got I tart yeah love it
Cj2X61dSWZM-00257-00098650-00099135 Oh Jacqueline thank you
Cj2X61dSWZM-00258-00099136-00100893 this is just beautiful beautiful
Cj2X61dSWZM-00259-00100894-00101373 beautiful page oh yes thank you folks
Cj2X61dSWZM-00260-00101374-00101610 very very much let me step that over
Cj2X61dSWZM-00261-00101611-00102273 guys I'm trying okay guys the other
Cj2X61dSWZM-00262-00102274-00103299 entry I've got is Jim so much so work
Cj2X61dSWZM-00263-00103300-00103958 and it's coming from Florida Oh Jean
Cj2X61dSWZM-00264-00103959-00104178 thank you for that note that was really
Cj2X61dSWZM-00265-00104179-00104514 really sweet look at this isn't that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00266-00104515-00104592 beautiful
Cj2X61dSWZM-00267-00104593-00104984 she's got a old window frame here and
Cj2X61dSWZM-00268-00104985-00105156 the ladies are sitting there putting
Cj2X61dSWZM-00269-00105157-00105501 their flower arrangement together and I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00270-00105502-00105675 imagine they picked it from this garden
Cj2X61dSWZM-00271-00105676-00105915 out here isn't that beautiful
Cj2X61dSWZM-00272-00105916-00106419 so Jean says she's got an eclectic taste
Cj2X61dSWZM-00273-00106420-00106665 and not to say I I think I kind of do as
Cj2X61dSWZM-00274-00106666-00107007 well Jean I'd kind of like to mix around
Cj2X61dSWZM-00275-00107008-00107307 and I get bored with any one theme but
Cj2X61dSWZM-00276-00107308-00107565 that is beautiful I love that Journal
Cj2X61dSWZM-00277-00107566-00107880 card and look at that tag so she's got
Cj2X61dSWZM-00278-00107881-00108086 the tag then I layered these on there
Cj2X61dSWZM-00279-00108088-00108345 and then the back she's got this digital
Cj2X61dSWZM-00280-00108346-00108630 and then created a pocket here that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00281-00108631-00109353 these fit into just beautiful love it
Cj2X61dSWZM-00282-00109354-00109586 and she's aged all the way around here
Cj2X61dSWZM-00283-00109588-00109944 and looking in here that is gorgeous
Cj2X61dSWZM-00284-00109945-00110154 I mean love the way that looks because
Cj2X61dSWZM-00285-00110155-00110454 it just makes you want to explore what's
Cj2X61dSWZM-00286-00110455-00110789 happening in here that is so pretty Jean
Cj2X61dSWZM-00287-00110790-00111213 so she's got a double pocket those are
Cj2X61dSWZM-00288-00111214-00111390 beautiful fussy cut
Cj2X61dSWZM-00289-00111391-00111693 to find out where she got this actually
Cj2X61dSWZM-00290-00111694-00111935 she's gonna look at three three
Cj2X61dSWZM-00291-00111936-00112119 different sections there that is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00292-00112120-00112469 gorgeous I love that little Journal card
Cj2X61dSWZM-00293-00112470-00112802 that's tucked in there look at that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00294-00112803-00113247 beautiful beautiful fussy cut and this
Cj2X61dSWZM-00295-00113248-00113538 tag look at that little girl isn't that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00296-00113539-00113889 so she's got lace she's got the fussy
Cj2X61dSWZM-00297-00113890-00114179 cut rows then she stitched that on there
Cj2X61dSWZM-00298-00114180-00114477 and she's aged all around that that is
Cj2X61dSWZM-00299-00114478-00114964 beautiful I love the way that tag looks
Cj2X61dSWZM-00300-00114965-00115304 and that's just poking out there and
Cj2X61dSWZM-00301-00115305-00115702 this is who she is the inky owl studio
Cj2X61dSWZM-00302-00115703-00116022 so I will put this information in the
Cj2X61dSWZM-00303-00116023-00116285 description box guys you please go check
Cj2X61dSWZM-00304-00116286-00116523 her out she's got a YouTube channel and
Cj2X61dSWZM-00305-00116524-00116714 then within that she'll have her
Cj2X61dSWZM-00306-00116715-00117041 Instagram and shop so do you guys do
Cj2X61dSWZM-00307-00117042-00117339 check her out and that's tucked in there
Cj2X61dSWZM-00308-00117340-00117606 and then look at over here she's got
Cj2X61dSWZM-00309-00117607-00117831 another one of those beautiful pockets
Cj2X61dSWZM-00310-00117832-00119864 that you know just gorgeous I love this
Cj2X61dSWZM-00311-00119865-00120290 stuff just gorgeous
Cj2X61dSWZM-00312-00120291-00120594 so that's tucked in there and then look
Cj2X61dSWZM-00313-00120595-00121497 at that that's a beautiful gorgeous look
Cj2X61dSWZM-00314-00121498-00121794 at the back a little bit coin envelope
Cj2X61dSWZM-00315-00121795-00121958 that must have been so difficult to make
Cj2X61dSWZM-00316-00121959-00122238 oh I love it
Cj2X61dSWZM-00317-00122239-00122677 Oh Jane this is absolutely gorgeous
Cj2X61dSWZM-00318-00122678-00122978 so that is tucked in there so I've got a
Cj2X61dSWZM-00319-00122979-00123168 lot of writing spacing and doing that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00320-00123169-00123389 and then look at this tag isn't that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00321-00123390-00123621 beautiful she's got a belly band here
Cj2X61dSWZM-00322-00123622-00123911 that's multiple layers of fabrics and
Cj2X61dSWZM-00323-00123913-00123959 lace
Cj2X61dSWZM-00324-00123960-00124204 and then she's got the little bead
Cj2X61dSWZM-00325-00124205-00124593 string of B pearls and that image back
Cj2X61dSWZM-00326-00124594-00124988 is gorgeous and then look at I love that
Cj2X61dSWZM-00327-00124989-00125363 that looks like it was either a hank
Cj2X61dSWZM-00328-00125364-00125609 okay guys sorry about that my battery
Cj2X61dSWZM-00329-00125610-00125901 died so we were looking at this tag
Cj2X61dSWZM-00330-00125902-00126116 isn't this beautiful she's done some
Cj2X61dSWZM-00331-00126117-00126357 stitching there some lace and I
Cj2X61dSWZM-00332-00126358-00126699 absolutely love this pocket and inside
Cj2X61dSWZM-00333-00126700-00126969 she's done that gorgeous little image as
Cj2X61dSWZM-00334-00126970-00127353 a tag so that is all tucked into the
Cj2X61dSWZM-00335-00127354-00127803 belly band here on the back beautiful
Cj2X61dSWZM-00336-00127804-00128190 beautiful entry thank you guys so very
Cj2X61dSWZM-00337-00128191-00128711 very much so here are the latest entries
Cj2X61dSWZM-00338-00128713-00128952 guys I appreciate each and every one of
Cj2X61dSWZM-00339-00128953-00129369 you that's participated and as I said
Cj2X61dSWZM-00340-00129370-00129491 before I'm going to go ahead and
Cj2X61dSWZM-00341-00129492-00129734 postpone the drawing until about the
Cj2X61dSWZM-00342-00129735-00129975 15th of April to make sure everybody's
Cj2X61dSWZM-00343-00129976-00130248 come in I think it's a fair thing to do
Cj2X61dSWZM-00344-00130249-00130482 anyways guys you guys take care I will
Cj2X61dSWZM-00345-00130483-00130754 see you back here very soon bye
Cj2X61dSWZM-00346-00130755-00131873 [Music]
CjwDf9tLVkA-00000-00000071-00000103 [Music]
CjwDf9tLVkA-00001-00000104-00000359 live from the javits center in new york
CjwDf9tLVkA-00002-00000360-00000463 city
CjwDf9tLVkA-00003-00000463-00000663 it's thecube
CjwDf9tLVkA-00004-00000664-00000999 covering inforum 2017
CjwDf9tLVkA-00005-00001000-00001647 brought to you by infor
CjwDf9tLVkA-00006-00001648-00001830 welcome back to the cube's coverage of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00007-00001832-00001998 inforum i'm your host rebecca knight
CjwDf9tLVkA-00008-00002000-00002223 along with my co-host dave vellante
CjwDf9tLVkA-00009-00002224-00002463 we're joined by martine cadet she is the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00010-00002464-00002663 in-for vice president and head of the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00011-00002664-00002847 education alliance program thanks so
CjwDf9tLVkA-00012-00002848-00003015 much for joining us thank you for having
CjwDf9tLVkA-00013-00003016-00003319 me so let's start out by talking about
CjwDf9tLVkA-00014-00003320-00003551 what the education alliance program is
CjwDf9tLVkA-00015-00003552-00003719 and and how it came about it's not very
CjwDf9tLVkA-00016-00003720-00003935 old no it's not older actually will be
CjwDf9tLVkA-00017-00003936-00004119 three years in september the education
CjwDf9tLVkA-00018-00004120-00004327 alliance program came about
CjwDf9tLVkA-00019-00004328-00004543 oh gosh it was an idea that charles
CjwDf9tLVkA-00020-00004544-00004735 phillips our ceo had
CjwDf9tLVkA-00021-00004736-00004975 a while back he was looking about how do
CjwDf9tLVkA-00022-00004976-00005215 we actually get more talent within infor
CjwDf9tLVkA-00023-00005216-00005438 how do we get people to even know quite
CjwDf9tLVkA-00024-00005439-00005679 frankly who infor is and drive some more
CjwDf9tLVkA-00025-00005680-00005838 market awareness how do we make sure
CjwDf9tLVkA-00026-00005839-00006031 people are excited about our products
CjwDf9tLVkA-00027-00006032-00006238 and solutions long term right so the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00028-00006239-00006534 future customers the future partners um
CjwDf9tLVkA-00029-00006536-00006742 hopefully the future employees as well
CjwDf9tLVkA-00030-00006743-00006975 um so through that what we started to do
CjwDf9tLVkA-00031-00006976-00007223 is he created this position and luckily
CjwDf9tLVkA-00032-00007223-00007414 i was hired into the role
CjwDf9tLVkA-00033-00007415-00007575 and we've built this program where we
CjwDf9tLVkA-00034-00007576-00007774 partner with colleges universities as
CjwDf9tLVkA-00035-00007775-00007998 well as non-profit organizations we
CjwDf9tLVkA-00036-00008000-00008183 invest in them to invest in their
CjwDf9tLVkA-00037-00008184-00008391 students so essentially the same
CjwDf9tLVkA-00038-00008392-00008607 products and solutions and technologies
CjwDf9tLVkA-00039-00008608-00008839 that our customers here are basically
CjwDf9tLVkA-00040-00008840-00009095 learning about and paying for we train
CjwDf9tLVkA-00041-00009096-00009359 students on so through their professors
CjwDf9tLVkA-00042-00009360-00009591 they learn hands-on immersive
CjwDf9tLVkA-00043-00009592-00009839 technologies that businesses run on each
CjwDf9tLVkA-00044-00009840-00010078 and every single day and then hopefully
CjwDf9tLVkA-00045-00010079-00010239 they'll get excited and they want to
CjwDf9tLVkA-00046-00010240-00010463 come up to work for infor one of our
CjwDf9tLVkA-00047-00010464-00010742 customers or one of our partners um
CjwDf9tLVkA-00048-00010743-00010855 and actually they could actually
CjwDf9tLVkA-00049-00010856-00011038 probably work for any i.t company or any
CjwDf9tLVkA-00050-00011039-00011199 company in general because erp is so
CjwDf9tLVkA-00051-00011200-00011319 pervasive
CjwDf9tLVkA-00052-00011320-00011551 so have you seen you said this started a
CjwDf9tLVkA-00053-00011552-00011791 few years ago yes are you seeing results
CjwDf9tLVkA-00054-00011792-00011967 yet yes we are starting to see results
CjwDf9tLVkA-00055-00011968-00012167 we're actually really really excited um
CjwDf9tLVkA-00056-00012168-00012399 so we've hired i believe 24 students at
CjwDf9tLVkA-00057-00012400-00012631 infor our partners are starting to hire
CjwDf9tLVkA-00058-00012632-00012799 students as well in fact we had somebody
CjwDf9tLVkA-00059-00012800-00013191 hire one of the graduates just last week
CjwDf9tLVkA-00060-00013191-00013503 and we had our first talent fair on
CjwDf9tLVkA-00061-00013504-00013679 sunday which was exceedingly well
CjwDf9tLVkA-00062-00013680-00013903 attended so there's been a ton of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00063-00013904-00014135 excitement we have i believe there are
CjwDf9tLVkA-00064-00014136-00014391 about 12 partners who are in our formal
CjwDf9tLVkA-00065-00014391-00014622 partner in education program
CjwDf9tLVkA-00066-00014623-00014783 where we actually bring the partners in
CjwDf9tLVkA-00067-00014784-00014943 they engage in the classroom and the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00068-00014944-00015158 training and have hands-on experiences
CjwDf9tLVkA-00069-00015159-00015350 with the students themselves and the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00070-00015351-00015711 students get to shadow them in real life
CjwDf9tLVkA-00071-00015712-00015886 situations so things like consulting
CjwDf9tLVkA-00072-00015887-00016135 which are pretty hard i mean in i.t
CjwDf9tLVkA-00073-00016136-00016422 part of what we are challenged with is
CjwDf9tLVkA-00074-00016423-00016735 sap and oracle and and infor we all seem
CjwDf9tLVkA-00075-00016736-00016975 to hire from the same talent pool and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00076-00016976-00017167 the folks basically go from company to
CjwDf9tLVkA-00077-00017168-00017335 company to company
CjwDf9tLVkA-00078-00017336-00017663 100 people 99 seats yes thank you
CjwDf9tLVkA-00079-00017664-00017903 and what you see is customers want
CjwDf9tLVkA-00080-00017904-00018119 somebody who's got 20 years of deep
CjwDf9tLVkA-00081-00018120-00018367 industry expertise and so we get it but
CjwDf9tLVkA-00082-00018368-00018567 you need an opportunity to actually
CjwDf9tLVkA-00083-00018568-00018879 start building that industry expertise
CjwDf9tLVkA-00084-00018880-00019022 so what we've been doing is actually
CjwDf9tLVkA-00085-00019023-00019191 creating that pathway for the students
CjwDf9tLVkA-00086-00019192-00019391 to be able to do that and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00087-00019392-00019583 our partners and our customers are
CjwDf9tLVkA-00088-00019584-00019735 actually much more open to that than
CjwDf9tLVkA-00089-00019736-00019935 they were before so we're starting to
CjwDf9tLVkA-00090-00019936-00020343 see that pipeline truly grow by the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00091-00020344-00020511 september of this year i believe we'll
CjwDf9tLVkA-00092-00020512-00020711 have close to 100 students who have
CjwDf9tLVkA-00093-00020712-00020958 taken our first series of implementation
CjwDf9tLVkA-00094-00020959-00021222 consulting courses at cuny which we
CjwDf9tLVkA-00095-00021223-00021367 launched this winter so that's one of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00096-00021368-00021599 the biggest things that we've done
CjwDf9tLVkA-00097-00021600-00021758 as well as we've got our center of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00098-00021759-00021935 excellence that we've also opened up at
CjwDf9tLVkA-00099-00021936-00022119 city university of new york so we've got
CjwDf9tLVkA-00100-00022120-00022335 a practical experience course we've got
CjwDf9tLVkA-00101-00022336-00022503 students who are also going very deep
CjwDf9tLVkA-00102-00022504-00022655 around analytics
CjwDf9tLVkA-00103-00022656-00022903 and just kind of building from there
CjwDf9tLVkA-00104-00022904-00023119 and i think the last time we had spoken
CjwDf9tLVkA-00105-00023120-00023430 last year we think we had about 16 or
CjwDf9tLVkA-00106-00023431-00023742 less institutions we've grown to 33
CjwDf9tLVkA-00107-00023743-00024007 institutions worldwide we have eight i
CjwDf9tLVkA-00108-00024008-00024335 believe in emea seven in the apac area
CjwDf9tLVkA-00109-00024336-00024535 and they represent over 400 colleges and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00110-00024536-00024711 universities so it's been it's been
CjwDf9tLVkA-00111-00024712-00024863 really exciting
CjwDf9tLVkA-00112-00024864-00025078 so martin can you frame the parameters
CjwDf9tLVkA-00113-00025079-00025294 of the type of candidates that you're
CjwDf9tLVkA-00114-00025295-00025535 you're recruiting um how do you find
CjwDf9tLVkA-00115-00025536-00025767 them what are their requirements maybe
CjwDf9tLVkA-00116-00025768-00026039 it's a combination um so
CjwDf9tLVkA-00117-00026039-00026214 it can be anywhere from a business
CjwDf9tLVkA-00118-00026216-00026423 student who's actually publicly thinking
CjwDf9tLVkA-00119-00026424-00026614 of being in finance who hasn't even
CjwDf9tLVkA-00120-00026616-00026862 thought about a career in it or
CjwDf9tLVkA-00121-00026863-00027039 technology but those are the ones with
CjwDf9tLVkA-00122-00027039-00027199 the business mindset that we actually
CjwDf9tLVkA-00123-00027200-00027407 want to get interested because they will
CjwDf9tLVkA-00124-00027408-00027655 make amazing consultants over time to
CjwDf9tLVkA-00125-00027656-00027846 somebody who's transitioning from roles
CjwDf9tLVkA-00126-00027847-00028031 right so maybe they've worked for a
CjwDf9tLVkA-00127-00028032-00028214 couple of years in an industry and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00128-00028216-00028390 they've decided
CjwDf9tLVkA-00129-00028391-00028558 you know i don't really want to do the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00130-00028560-00028758 marketing piece or you know i'm burnt
CjwDf9tLVkA-00131-00028760-00028967 out on the finance piece i want to do
CjwDf9tLVkA-00132-00028968-00029151 something different we have them in our
CjwDf9tLVkA-00133-00029152-00029358 continuing education courses as well and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00134-00029360-00029655 they bring a very different view to that
CjwDf9tLVkA-00135-00029656-00029751 course
CjwDf9tLVkA-00136-00029752-00029902 because they're now learning those
CjwDf9tLVkA-00137-00029904-00030199 practical skills for being either a
CjwDf9tLVkA-00138-00030200-00030439 consultant or a salesperson or whatever
CjwDf9tLVkA-00139-00030439-00030599 they've actually decided to go about and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00140-00030600-00030887 do and our employers actually get way
CjwDf9tLVkA-00141-00030888-00031031 excited about them as well because
CjwDf9tLVkA-00142-00031032-00031190 they're able to think not just as a
CjwDf9tLVkA-00143-00031191-00031383 technologist or not just as a business
CjwDf9tLVkA-00144-00031383-00031711 person but within that kind of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00145-00031712-00031927 gray area which is where the industry's
CjwDf9tLVkA-00146-00031927-00032151 going you have to know a little of all
CjwDf9tLVkA-00147-00032152-00032351 of it in order to be supremely effective
CjwDf9tLVkA-00148-00032352-00032599 especially on this consulting side
CjwDf9tLVkA-00149-00032600-00032687 so
CjwDf9tLVkA-00150-00032688-00032959 big theme ai at the show
CjwDf9tLVkA-00151-00032960-00033055 uh
CjwDf9tLVkA-00152-00033056-00033327 the hard question median income in 1999
CjwDf9tLVkA-00153-00033328-00033574 the united states was 55 000 it's now
CjwDf9tLVkA-00154-00033575-00033943 around 50 000 yeah uh man versus machine
CjwDf9tLVkA-00155-00033944-00034039 right now
CjwDf9tLVkA-00156-00034040-00034279 humans have always been replaced by
CjwDf9tLVkA-00157-00034280-00034479 machines but it's the first time really
CjwDf9tLVkA-00158-00034480-00034655 in history that it's cognitive functions
CjwDf9tLVkA-00159-00034656-00034807 that are being replaced
CjwDf9tLVkA-00160-00034808-00034902 um
CjwDf9tLVkA-00161-00034903-00035087 thoughts i mean many people believe and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00162-00035088-00035311 i think they're correct that education
CjwDf9tLVkA-00163-00035312-00035646 is the answer to that that gap yeah
CjwDf9tLVkA-00164-00035647-00035990 education creativity the combinations of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00165-00035991-00036255 those things are what will help solve
CjwDf9tLVkA-00166-00036256-00036527 that problem your thoughts on just that
CjwDf9tLVkA-00167-00036528-00036711 topic in general and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00168-00036712-00036951 what role education plays i think what
CjwDf9tLVkA-00169-00036952-00037215 we're doing around ai is so exciting and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00170-00037216-00037407 it's just amazing to work at the company
CjwDf9tLVkA-00171-00037408-00037727 one that has named a.i coleman after the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00172-00037728-00038015 women who were in hidden figures but
CjwDf9tLVkA-00173-00038016-00038174 from an education perspective i think
CjwDf9tLVkA-00174-00038175-00038327 you're spot on
CjwDf9tLVkA-00175-00038328-00038502 i think the only way that we can
CjwDf9tLVkA-00176-00038503-00038846 actually continue to compete as a nation
CjwDf9tLVkA-00177-00038847-00039023 is if we make sure that we fix the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00178-00039024-00039223 education problem and i'm really excited
CjwDf9tLVkA-00179-00039224-00039359 to work for an organization where we
CjwDf9tLVkA-00180-00039360-00039551 were taking a very active role in doing
CjwDf9tLVkA-00181-00039552-00039887 that so by changing the model of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00182-00039888-00040062 having people just sit in a classroom
CjwDf9tLVkA-00183-00040063-00040302 learning something where there's really
CjwDf9tLVkA-00184-00040303-00040502 no context for how it's being used in
CjwDf9tLVkA-00185-00040503-00040759 business and it's more about what's
CjwDf9tLVkA-00186-00040760-00040935 being taught today for the roles that
CjwDf9tLVkA-00187-00040936-00041111 are today what we're trying to do is
CjwDf9tLVkA-00188-00041112-00041351 embed this kind of thought leadership
CjwDf9tLVkA-00189-00041352-00041559 into the classroom open the students
CjwDf9tLVkA-00190-00041560-00041807 perspectives on what's possible and get
CjwDf9tLVkA-00191-00041808-00042023 them ready to be thoughtful about okay
CjwDf9tLVkA-00192-00042024-00042279 how do we embrace technology how do you
CjwDf9tLVkA-00193-00042280-00042511 think it differently how do you become
CjwDf9tLVkA-00194-00042512-00042743 agile because a lot of the jobs that are
CjwDf9tLVkA-00195-00042744-00042974 here today weren't here when i graduated
CjwDf9tLVkA-00196-00042975-00043207 right so how do we change the idea of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00197-00043208-00043455 what we go to school for and what we get
CjwDf9tLVkA-00198-00043456-00043671 educated on that we are actually
CjwDf9tLVkA-00199-00043672-00044039 producing people who are able to
CjwDf9tLVkA-00200-00044040-00044383 be thoughtful and to merge and to find
CjwDf9tLVkA-00201-00044384-00044574 different ways to use technology to come
CjwDf9tLVkA-00202-00044575-00044767 up with different pathways that have not
CjwDf9tLVkA-00203-00044768-00044918 been thought about before we've never
CjwDf9tLVkA-00204-00044919-00045135 thought that way and to evolve as the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00205-00045136-00045295 jobs change yeah so we're preparing
CjwDf9tLVkA-00206-00045296-00045479 people for jobs that don't exist yet and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00207-00045480-00045743 they need to be versatile in their own
CjwDf9tLVkA-00208-00045744-00045967 approach to how and excited about it
CjwDf9tLVkA-00209-00045968-00046046 right
CjwDf9tLVkA-00210-00046047-00046311 not be fearful exactly not be careful
CjwDf9tLVkA-00211-00046312-00046487 yeah well i want to congratulate you too
CjwDf9tLVkA-00212-00046488-00046615 because you were recently honored by
CjwDf9tLVkA-00213-00046616-00046830 network journal as one of the 25 most
CjwDf9tLVkA-00214-00046831-00047158 influential black women in business
CjwDf9tLVkA-00215-00047159-00047367 congratulations what does that mean to
CjwDf9tLVkA-00216-00047368-00047646 you especially when you think about
CjwDf9tLVkA-00217-00047647-00047862 young black women coming up in business
CjwDf9tLVkA-00218-00047863-00048167 in technology and in other industries
CjwDf9tLVkA-00219-00048168-00048271 um
CjwDf9tLVkA-00220-00048272-00048415 at a time
CjwDf9tLVkA-00221-00048416-00048518 where
CjwDf9tLVkA-00222-00048519-00048702 there's there's questions about really
CjwDf9tLVkA-00223-00048703-00049007 how much how much opportunity
CjwDf9tLVkA-00224-00049008-00049102 it's real
CjwDf9tLVkA-00225-00049103-00049358 um it was exceedingly humbling
CjwDf9tLVkA-00226-00049359-00049583 it's on the backs of an amazing team who
CjwDf9tLVkA-00227-00049584-00049862 has done a lot of work um i've got some
CjwDf9tLVkA-00228-00049863-00050007 really great people behind me that i
CjwDf9tLVkA-00229-00050008-00050279 pushed really hard and i am
CjwDf9tLVkA-00230-00050280-00050446 very grateful for i also have an
CjwDf9tLVkA-00231-00050447-00050767 exceedingly strong family um who
CjwDf9tLVkA-00232-00050768-00050967 when i was getting the award i i made
CjwDf9tLVkA-00233-00050968-00051118 the comment that i don't feel like i've
CjwDf9tLVkA-00234-00051119-00051254 achieved anything that my parents have
CjwDf9tLVkA-00235-00051255-00051454 achieved my parents are physicians
CjwDf9tLVkA-00236-00051455-00051670 they came from haiti they came to the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00237-00051671-00051950 u.s to give us better opportunities and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00238-00051951-00052182 they've done that and that's what drives
CjwDf9tLVkA-00239-00052183-00052311 me and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00240-00052312-00052711 in terms of people of color we've got
CjwDf9tLVkA-00241-00052712-00053023 such a long way to go but we've come so
CjwDf9tLVkA-00242-00053024-00053207 far and i just wish if when you look at
CjwDf9tLVkA-00243-00053208-00053654 the history of the us and the world
CjwDf9tLVkA-00244-00053655-00053903 slavery was not that long ago in the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00245-00053904-00054063 grand scheme of things and every time
CjwDf9tLVkA-00246-00054064-00054230 the u.s takes two steps forward
CjwDf9tLVkA-00247-00054232-00054423 sometimes you take a step back and it
CjwDf9tLVkA-00248-00054424-00054575 might feel like we're taking a step back
CjwDf9tLVkA-00249-00054576-00054807 right now but if we stay focused on
CjwDf9tLVkA-00250-00054808-00054999 moving forward we will get there and we
CjwDf9tLVkA-00251-00055000-00055191 will get further because doors are
CjwDf9tLVkA-00252-00055191-00055415 opening and people are doing amazing
CjwDf9tLVkA-00253-00055416-00055582 things and we need to do
CjwDf9tLVkA-00254-00055583-00055766 i think a better job when we are in
CjwDf9tLVkA-00255-00055767-00056054 positions where we are more visible in
CjwDf9tLVkA-00256-00056055-00056223 making sure we open doors for other
CjwDf9tLVkA-00257-00056224-00056447 people and not being apologetic
CjwDf9tLVkA-00258-00056448-00056630 about doing so because i think there's
CjwDf9tLVkA-00259-00056632-00056863 um coded language sometimes that you
CjwDf9tLVkA-00260-00056864-00057047 hear about on well i can't have a
CjwDf9tLVkA-00261-00057048-00057247 diverse pipeline oh that means i'm
CjwDf9tLVkA-00262-00057248-00057454 learning standards that's bull quite
CjwDf9tLVkA-00263-00057455-00057607 frankly there are plenty of people
CjwDf9tLVkA-00264-00057608-00057750 looking for opportunities perhaps they
CjwDf9tLVkA-00265-00057751-00057871 don't fit
CjwDf9tLVkA-00266-00057872-00058126 the profiles that have always would put
CjwDf9tLVkA-00267-00058127-00058303 in place but when we talk about
CjwDf9tLVkA-00268-00058304-00058511 technology and careers the one thing
CjwDf9tLVkA-00269-00058512-00058711 we've talked about and we know is things
CjwDf9tLVkA-00270-00058712-00058959 are ever evolving and changing and there
CjwDf9tLVkA-00271-00058960-00059287 is no one set profile or standard right
CjwDf9tLVkA-00272-00059288-00059359 so
CjwDf9tLVkA-00273-00059360-00059591 you might find that this kid
CjwDf9tLVkA-00274-00059591-00059854 who's actually been out there doing very
CjwDf9tLVkA-00275-00059855-00059999 different things in the community and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00276-00060000-00060182 who's showing themselves as a leadership
CjwDf9tLVkA-00277-00060183-00060423 person in that community is the person
CjwDf9tLVkA-00278-00060424-00060615 you need in your org but because we're
CjwDf9tLVkA-00279-00060616-00060863 not having sometimes those conversations
CjwDf9tLVkA-00280-00060864-00061182 across our very safe ponds and we kind
CjwDf9tLVkA-00281-00061183-00061342 of stay with the same people a lot of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00282-00061344-00061550 times it makes it hard to make those
CjwDf9tLVkA-00283-00061551-00061871 connections but if we just start talking
CjwDf9tLVkA-00284-00061872-00062103 to each other a little bit more and the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00285-00062104-00062263 ones of us who are actually in these
CjwDf9tLVkA-00286-00062264-00062566 roles be unapologetic about making sure
CjwDf9tLVkA-00287-00062567-00062711 we're having those conversations and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00288-00062712-00062863 opening up doors i think things will
CjwDf9tLVkA-00289-00062864-00063047 continue to move forward so what is your
CjwDf9tLVkA-00290-00063048-00063311 advice to companies in technology and in
CjwDf9tLVkA-00291-00063312-00063479 other industries
CjwDf9tLVkA-00292-00063479-00063623 about getting those
CjwDf9tLVkA-00293-00063624-00063838 those people who as you say do not quite
CjwDf9tLVkA-00294-00063839-00064087 fit the profile the standard profile of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00295-00064088-00064294 what they think they're looking for
CjwDf9tLVkA-00296-00064295-00064606 but that do add new perspectives and new
CjwDf9tLVkA-00297-00064607-00064863 ideas and new insights into
CjwDf9tLVkA-00298-00064864-00065006 into into companies i mean what would
CjwDf9tLVkA-00299-00065007-00065263 your advice be to employers
CjwDf9tLVkA-00300-00065264-00065423 i mean do they need to start an
CjwDf9tLVkA-00301-00065424-00065582 education alliance program is that is
CjwDf9tLVkA-00302-00065583-00065735 that the beginning that could be part of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00303-00065736-00066079 it but they just they need to stop being
CjwDf9tLVkA-00304-00066080-00066279 corporate and stop being political i
CjwDf9tLVkA-00305-00066280-00066463 mean i don't know how else to say it
CjwDf9tLVkA-00306-00066464-00066767 um change is hard right and you can do
CjwDf9tLVkA-00307-00066768-00066950 all of the right things but if a hiring
CjwDf9tLVkA-00308-00066951-00067206 manager is still going to
CjwDf9tLVkA-00309-00067207-00067423 hire everybody who looks just like them
CjwDf9tLVkA-00310-00067424-00067575 then it's not going to change and i
CjwDf9tLVkA-00311-00067576-00067815 don't think people do it all the time
CjwDf9tLVkA-00312-00067816-00068006 thoughtfully right it just kind of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00313-00068007-00068255 happens
CjwDf9tLVkA-00314-00068256-00068415 you have to make the change it has to
CjwDf9tLVkA-00315-00068416-00068543 come from the top
CjwDf9tLVkA-00316-00068544-00068726 it also has to come within the ranks you
CjwDf9tLVkA-00317-00068727-00068967 have to have the tough conversations it
CjwDf9tLVkA-00318-00068968-00069135 has to be an embedded part of what
CjwDf9tLVkA-00319-00069136-00069335 companies say they actually value and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00320-00069336-00069550 then they actually have to back it up
CjwDf9tLVkA-00321-00069551-00069719 because a lot of times people talk about
CjwDf9tLVkA-00322-00069720-00069919 it but it doesn't come with that okay
CjwDf9tLVkA-00323-00069920-00070167 well i'm going to give you the approvals
CjwDf9tLVkA-00324-00070168-00070350 or i'm going to mandate that yes when
CjwDf9tLVkA-00325-00070351-00070567 you have you know 20 open positions that
CjwDf9tLVkA-00326-00070568-00070750 you actually have a diverse pipeline not
CjwDf9tLVkA-00327-00070751-00070950 a i'm going to set aside x number of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00328-00070951-00071199 seats for one type of person but you
CjwDf9tLVkA-00329-00071200-00071343 should at least
CjwDf9tLVkA-00330-00071344-00071543 interview a diverse pipeline and perhaps
CjwDf9tLVkA-00331-00071544-00071726 you'll be surprised in what you see come
CjwDf9tLVkA-00332-00071727-00071950 out we don't thoughtfully
CjwDf9tLVkA-00333-00071951-00072087 in general
CjwDf9tLVkA-00334-00072088-00072231 do that and i think that's one of the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00335-00072232-00072471 key areas companies can can be
CjwDf9tLVkA-00336-00072472-00072631 thoughtful about and then the other
CjwDf9tLVkA-00337-00072632-00072735 thing is
CjwDf9tLVkA-00338-00072736-00072943 actually looking for talent outside of
CjwDf9tLVkA-00339-00072944-00073215 the same five schools or the same five
CjwDf9tLVkA-00340-00073216-00073406 places that people go to
CjwDf9tLVkA-00341-00073407-00073662 it's getting out of your comfort zone
CjwDf9tLVkA-00342-00073663-00073871 can we tell the story just to get it on
CjwDf9tLVkA-00343-00073872-00073967 record
CjwDf9tLVkA-00344-00073968-00074255 of coleman and how it was named how it
CjwDf9tLVkA-00345-00074256-00074447 was announced this morning because not
CjwDf9tLVkA-00346-00074448-00074647 everybody in our audience was noticed
CjwDf9tLVkA-00347-00074648-00074847 about that okay and so i hope i do it
CjwDf9tLVkA-00348-00074848-00074975 justice
CjwDf9tLVkA-00349-00074976-00075143 i was one of the people in the audience
CjwDf9tLVkA-00350-00075144-00075382 um but essentially for the folks who uh
CjwDf9tLVkA-00351-00075383-00075615 hopefully have seen hidden figures um
CjwDf9tLVkA-00352-00075616-00075862 the movie and it was about the um
CjwDf9tLVkA-00353-00075863-00076150 women who were
CjwDf9tLVkA-00354-00076151-00076279 monumental
CjwDf9tLVkA-00355-00076280-00076559 fundamental the reason why we were able
CjwDf9tLVkA-00356-00076560-00076806 to make it to the moon right so when we
CjwDf9tLVkA-00357-00076807-00076991 were having issues and we weren't sure
CjwDf9tLVkA-00358-00076992-00077279 if we had all our calculations in place
CjwDf9tLVkA-00359-00077280-00077423 and they were really thinking okay can
CjwDf9tLVkA-00360-00077424-00077662 we do this are we going to not be the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00361-00077663-00077879 first ones to get there
CjwDf9tLVkA-00362-00077880-00078143 our astronaut said okay i need this
CjwDf9tLVkA-00363-00078144-00078406 woman i need miss coleman to actually
CjwDf9tLVkA-00364-00078407-00078591 check these calculations if she says
CjwDf9tLVkA-00365-00078592-00078735 these are right
CjwDf9tLVkA-00366-00078736-00079015 then we're good if not not go
CjwDf9tLVkA-00367-00079016-00079255 right i mean no that was amazing really
CjwDf9tLVkA-00368-00079256-00079503 that was amazing and our ceo had
CjwDf9tLVkA-00369-00079504-00079687 the foresight
CjwDf9tLVkA-00370-00079688-00079847 the idea
CjwDf9tLVkA-00371-00079848-00080015 and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00372-00080016-00080247 i should say you know to decide okay
CjwDf9tLVkA-00373-00080248-00080382 when we're thinking about ai and we're
CjwDf9tLVkA-00374-00080383-00080575 thinking about visionaries we're
CjwDf9tLVkA-00375-00080576-00080806 thinking about what we need to quantum
CjwDf9tLVkA-00376-00080807-00081006 leap what's happening in technology
CjwDf9tLVkA-00377-00081007-00081199 we're thinking about having that level
CjwDf9tLVkA-00378-00081200-00081559 of insight and intelligence that is who
CjwDf9tLVkA-00379-00081560-00081855 he wanted to name the product after and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00380-00081856-00081950 just
CjwDf9tLVkA-00381-00081951-00082167 i was telling my team you know i i was
CjwDf9tLVkA-00382-00082168-00082367 tearing up like i'm so proud to work in
CjwDf9tLVkA-00383-00082368-00082526 an organization
CjwDf9tLVkA-00384-00082527-00082671 where our ceo would stand up
CjwDf9tLVkA-00385-00082672-00082855 unapologetically and say this is how i'm
CjwDf9tLVkA-00386-00082856-00082982 going to name
CjwDf9tLVkA-00387-00082983-00083191 my product and this will be you know go
CjwDf9tLVkA-00388-00083192-00083382 down for quite some time and the family
CjwDf9tLVkA-00389-00083383-00083631 was there which was so cool and we had a
CjwDf9tLVkA-00390-00083632-00083775 standing applause the first standing
CjwDf9tLVkA-00391-00083776-00084015 applause in the room so it was well it's
CjwDf9tLVkA-00392-00084016-00084159 not often you get a standing ovation
CjwDf9tLVkA-00393-00084160-00084326 that's not a product exactly
CjwDf9tLVkA-00394-00084327-00084535 announcement yeah yeah yeah yeah so i
CjwDf9tLVkA-00395-00084536-00084775 wanna also just quickly talk about uh
CjwDf9tLVkA-00396-00084776-00084926 picky backup of this and that is the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00397-00084927-00085287 culture of infor and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00398-00085288-00085455 you know the things that we keep hearing
CjwDf9tLVkA-00399-00085456-00085623 about it's culture of learning a culture
CjwDf9tLVkA-00400-00085624-00085767 of education a culture that really
CjwDf9tLVkA-00401-00085768-00085982 starts at the top of bringing in diverse
CjwDf9tLVkA-00402-00085983-00086159 perspectives and also understanding the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00403-00086160-00086382 importance of of yes naming a new
CjwDf9tLVkA-00404-00086383-00086638 product after this this this black woman
CjwDf9tLVkA-00405-00086639-00086847 who toiled in obscurity and really was a
CjwDf9tLVkA-00406-00086848-00087038 hero of getting us to the moon
CjwDf9tLVkA-00407-00087039-00087231 how do you create that culture i mean
CjwDf9tLVkA-00408-00087232-00087431 and how do you kind of keep it going i
CjwDf9tLVkA-00409-00087432-00087694 think it comes down to leadership i
CjwDf9tLVkA-00410-00087695-00087831 think it comes down to the people you
CjwDf9tLVkA-00411-00087832-00088103 hire it has to be every level or the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00412-00088104-00088247 organization
CjwDf9tLVkA-00413-00088248-00088567 i think charles does set the tone um
CjwDf9tLVkA-00414-00088568-00088775 by doing things like this as well as
CjwDf9tLVkA-00415-00088776-00088911 other things like having an educational
CjwDf9tLVkA-00416-00088912-00089143 alliance program quite frankly and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00417-00089144-00089335 the way our program is scheduled we
CjwDf9tLVkA-00418-00089336-00089591 don't look just to the harvards or the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00419-00089592-00089799 princeton we're looking to partner with
CjwDf9tLVkA-00420-00089800-00090006 community colleges that have amazing
CjwDf9tLVkA-00421-00090007-00090238 talent that possibly did not have the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00422-00090239-00090471 same access right but they still have
CjwDf9tLVkA-00423-00090472-00090687 the same possibility
CjwDf9tLVkA-00424-00090688-00090950 so i think doing all of that is how you
CjwDf9tLVkA-00425-00090951-00091126 set create the culture and then making
CjwDf9tLVkA-00426-00091127-00091311 sure it is embedded in the people that
CjwDf9tLVkA-00427-00091312-00091479 you continue to bring into the
CjwDf9tLVkA-00428-00091480-00091703 organization and giving them the time
CjwDf9tLVkA-00429-00091704-00091831 and the freedom
CjwDf9tLVkA-00430-00091832-00092103 to have these sorts of conversations and
CjwDf9tLVkA-00431-00092104-00092294 embedded into the work that they do so
CjwDf9tLVkA-00432-00092295-00092543 we've got you know creative people like
CjwDf9tLVkA-00433-00092544-00092831 hook and loop then itself so cool how
CjwDf9tLVkA-00434-00092832-00093047 many it companies said oh you know what
CjwDf9tLVkA-00435-00093048-00093247 i'm going to bring over some artists i'm
CjwDf9tLVkA-00436-00093248-00093479 going to bring over some film producers
CjwDf9tLVkA-00437-00093480-00093655 that's the kind of thinking that gets
CjwDf9tLVkA-00438-00093656-00093911 you to diversity great martine thanks so
CjwDf9tLVkA-00439-00093912-00094047 much but it's been a pleasure having you
CjwDf9tLVkA-00440-00094048-00094215 on the show thank you so much thank you
CjwDf9tLVkA-00441-00094216-00094415 guys so much for the time appreciate it
CjwDf9tLVkA-00442-00094416-00094591 i'm rebecca knight for dave vellante we
CjwDf9tLVkA-00443-00094592-00095044 will have more from inforum after this
CjwDf9tLVkA-00444-00095045-00096784 [Laughter]
CjwDf9tLVkA-00445-00096785-00096967 [Music]
CjwDf9tLVkA-00446-00096968-00097175 you
Cnf7pFnofwU-00000-00000004-00000345 guys I swear I'm not a glitch guys we're
Cnf7pFnofwU-00001-00000346-00000603 fine I'm not a digital girl I'm really
Cnf7pFnofwU-00002-00000604-00000942 real like I have left
Do9ye49uIsk-00000-00000000-00000191 is a ball of this particular mass and
Do9ye49uIsk-00001-00000192-00000415 then it is thrown vertically up into the
Do9ye49uIsk-00002-00000416-00000559 air and then the ball has a certain
Do9ye49uIsk-00003-00000560-00000799 speed and the resistive force acting on
Do9ye49uIsk-00004-00000800-00001087 the ball which is capital f so what is
Do9ye49uIsk-00005-00001088-00001239 the value of the acceleration when the
Do9ye49uIsk-00006-00001240-00001527 ball is rising and falling so
Do9ye49uIsk-00007-00001528-00001743 mentally i can work out the answer but i
Do9ye49uIsk-00008-00001744-00001934 thought a cool way would be to use a
Do9ye49uIsk-00009-00001935-00002247 simulation to help students to visualize
Do9ye49uIsk-00010-00002248-00002399 so the first thing to do is you need to
Do9ye49uIsk-00011-00002400-00002599 come to this url click on this link and
Do9ye49uIsk-00012-00002600-00002710 then you'll be brought to this
Do9ye49uIsk-00013-00002711-00003031 particular simulation and you select uh
Do9ye49uIsk-00014-00003032-00003263 because by default i have
Do9ye49uIsk-00015-00003264-00003438 made the simulation to have no air
Do9ye49uIsk-00016-00003439-00003663 resistance so if you want a small amount
Do9ye49uIsk-00017-00003664-00003815 of air resistant i can click on this
Do9ye49uIsk-00018-00003815-00004038 small air resistant uh because i want to
Do9ye49uIsk-00019-00004039-00004222 see what happens when it goes up so i
Do9ye49uIsk-00020-00004223-00004470 would drag the ball down somewhere here
Do9ye49uIsk-00021-00004471-00004686 arbitrarily you know
Do9ye49uIsk-00022-00004687-00004959 then i can then also drag this to
Do9ye49uIsk-00023-00004960-00005127 increase the velocity
Do9ye49uIsk-00024-00005128-00005311 and then you can see that as you
Do9ye49uIsk-00025-00005312-00005502 increase the speed
Do9ye49uIsk-00026-00005503-00005751 or the velocity upwards the drag force
Do9ye49uIsk-00027-00005752-00005847 actually
Do9ye49uIsk-00028-00005848-00005934 uh
Do9ye49uIsk-00029-00005935-00006102 points in the opposite direction as a
Do9ye49uIsk-00030-00006103-00006215 velocity
Do9ye49uIsk-00031-00006216-00006414 proportionately
Do9ye49uIsk-00032-00006415-00006583 in the opposite direction to the
Do9ye49uIsk-00033-00006584-00006831 velocity so this actually is
Do9ye49uIsk-00034-00006831-00007070 adding up the two
Do9ye49uIsk-00035-00007072-00007278 forces downward so the acceleration will
Do9ye49uIsk-00036-00007279-00007478 be a very large value
Do9ye49uIsk-00037-00007479-00007783 uh a lot more negative than uh negative
Do9ye49uIsk-00038-00007784-00007967 9.81 because you have to add these two
Do9ye49uIsk-00039-00007968-00008119 values up
Do9ye49uIsk-00040-00008120-00008199 so
Do9ye49uIsk-00041-00008200-00008399 if i click if i try to click play and
Do9ye49uIsk-00042-00008400-00008559 then pause because this is a very fast
Do9ye49uIsk-00043-00008560-00008703 simulation so i'll click play and i'll
Do9ye49uIsk-00044-00008704-00008935 pause it so as you can see that at first
Do9ye49uIsk-00045-00008936-00009110 it is somewhere here and then because of
Do9ye49uIsk-00046-00009111-00009391 these two values it actually adds up so
Do9ye49uIsk-00047-00009392-00009591 i can actually toggle the
Do9ye49uIsk-00048-00009592-00009839 follow the free body diagram
Do9ye49uIsk-00049-00009840-00010151 and now i can see as the ball fall up
Do9ye49uIsk-00050-00010152-00010487 so as a fall as a ball fall up
Do9ye49uIsk-00051-00010488-00010687 when it was going up that time it was
Do9ye49uIsk-00052-00010688-00010878 this region then when it reaches
Do9ye49uIsk-00053-00010879-00010999 somewhere about
Do9ye49uIsk-00054-00011000-00011310 minus 9.81 in the acceleration value
Do9ye49uIsk-00055-00011311-00011678 then it will be at the very top of the
Do9ye49uIsk-00056-00011679-00012006 motion and then when it is uh going
Do9ye49uIsk-00057-00012007-00012127 downwards
Do9ye49uIsk-00058-00012128-00012327 so you can find that actually the force
Do9ye49uIsk-00059-00012328-00012542 the drag force is now pointing upwards
Do9ye49uIsk-00060-00012543-00012759 because the velocity is down so the drag
Do9ye49uIsk-00061-00012760-00013007 force is up acceleration continues to be
Do9ye49uIsk-00062-00013008-00013151 pointing downward so
Do9ye49uIsk-00063-00013152-00013247 this
Do9ye49uIsk-00064-00013247-00013527 mg subtracting the kv will then give you
Do9ye49uIsk-00065-00013528-00013791 a smaller value than 9.81 negative so
Do9ye49uIsk-00066-00013791-00014007 you can see there's actually a lesser
Do9ye49uIsk-00067-00014008-00014422 number here so if i continue to step
Do9ye49uIsk-00068-00014423-00014671 you can see that it actually eventually
Do9ye49uIsk-00069-00014672-00014847 falls onto the ground
Do9ye49uIsk-00070-00014847-00015158 and then this is just before it pauses
Do9ye49uIsk-00071-00015159-00015358 before it hits the ground so this
Do9ye49uIsk-00072-00015359-00015583 actually gives you a very
Do9ye49uIsk-00073-00015584-00015855 quick way to verify that the value
Do9ye49uIsk-00074-00015856-00016119 would be actually
Do9ye49uIsk-00075-00016119-00016399 answer is c
Do9ye49uIsk-00076-00016400-00016780 okay answer is c
D1ztgax-7eu-00000-00000042-00000253 good morning everyone
D1ztgax-7eu-00001-00000254-00000539 is Dr Martin Hamill I work at the
D1ztgax-7eu-00002-00000540-00000665 University of Georgia I'm associate
D1ztgax-7eu-00003-00000666-00000850 professor there it's my primary
D1ztgax-7eu-00004-00000851-00001037 expertise in fisheries management and
D1ztgax-7eu-00005-00001038-00001324 ecology I study fishes in primarily
D1ztgax-7eu-00006-00001325-00001636 large river systems across the country
D1ztgax-7eu-00007-00001637-00001987 there's a lot of work using hydrology to
D1ztgax-7eu-00008-00001988-00002392 understand impacts to Fisheries the
D1ztgax-7eu-00009-00002393-00003749 communities District beverages
D1ztgax-7eu-00010-00003750-00004004 all right
D3KczF2XAHI-00000-00000229-00000463 [Music]
D3KczF2XAHI-00001-00000463-00000534 well there is
D3KczF2XAHI-00002-00000535-00000751 a good information in two places one on
D3KczF2XAHI-00003-00000752-00001147 the vancouver coastal health website
D3KczF2XAHI-00004-00001148-00001439 www.vch.ca and also the bc center for
D3KczF2XAHI-00005-00001440-00001879 disease control website www.bccdc.ca
D3KczF2XAHI-00006-00001880-00002055 there are two excellent sources of
D3KczF2XAHI-00007-00002056-00002271 information about vaccinations
D3KczF2XAHI-00008-00002272-00002407 sometimes there are things if you go on
D3KczF2XAHI-00009-00002408-00002591 the internet that may not be true
D3KczF2XAHI-00010-00002592-00002775 about vaccines and it's really important
D3KczF2XAHI-00011-00002776-00002950 that people have credible sources of
D3KczF2XAHI-00012-00002951-00003055 information
D3KczF2XAHI-00013-00003056-00003295 but if you as an individual have any
D3KczF2XAHI-00014-00003296-00003479 concerns perhaps you have some health
D3KczF2XAHI-00015-00003479-00003567 issues
D3KczF2XAHI-00016-00003568-00003663 you're concerned about getting
D3KczF2XAHI-00017-00003664-00003822 vaccinated or you're concerned about
D3KczF2XAHI-00018-00003823-00003999 your parent getting vaccinated
D3KczF2XAHI-00019-00004000-00004247 you can also ask your family physician
D3KczF2XAHI-00020-00004248-00004463 or your primary health care provider
D3KczF2XAHI-00021-00004464-00004686 they're a really good source of advice i
D3KczF2XAHI-00022-00004687-00004806 can tell you that
D3KczF2XAHI-00023-00004807-00004959 family physicians public health
D3KczF2XAHI-00024-00004960-00005191 physicians strongly encourage people to
D3KczF2XAHI-00025-00005192-00005343 be vaccinated
D3KczF2XAHI-00026-00005344-00005511 we we know that these vaccines are
D3KczF2XAHI-00027-00005512-00005679 working really well in fact
D3KczF2XAHI-00028-00005680-00005902 we started by offering vaccines within
D3KczF2XAHI-00029-00005903-00006102 our our long-term care facilities our
D3KczF2XAHI-00030-00006103-00006215 nursing homes
D3KczF2XAHI-00031-00006216-00006431 and we've we vaccinated not only the
D3KczF2XAHI-00032-00006431-00006591 residents of those facilities but the
D3KczF2XAHI-00033-00006592-00006670 staff
D3KczF2XAHI-00034-00006672-00006951 and we have stopped uh long-term care
D3KczF2XAHI-00035-00006952-00007183 covent 19 outbreaks in vancouver coastal
D3KczF2XAHI-00036-00007184-00007239 health
D3KczF2XAHI-00037-00007240-00007439 as a result of those campaigns so we
D3KczF2XAHI-00038-00007440-00007574 know the vaccines work
D3KczF2XAHI-00039-00007575-00007710 we know they're effective we know
D3KczF2XAHI-00040-00007711-00007951 they're safe and we encourage now
D3KczF2XAHI-00041-00007952-00008134 the rest of the general population to
D3KczF2XAHI-00042-00008136-00008335 come forward as soon as they're invited
D3KczF2XAHI-00043-00008336-00008694 for vaccination
D3KczF2XAHI-00044-00008695-00009215 [Music]
D54IzqjDdyI-00000-00000119-00000353 in a world where even the smallest
D54IzqjDdyI-00001-00000354-00000545 disagreements can lead to arguments
D54IzqjDdyI-00002-00000546-00000755 violence and even death
D54IzqjDdyI-00003-00000756-00000947 two brothers tackle the difficult
D54IzqjDdyI-00004-00000948-00001204 subjects so we're going to talk about AI
D54IzqjDdyI-00005-00001205-00001445 artificial intelligence
D54IzqjDdyI-00006-00001446-00001823 um and the reason why this topic was
D54IzqjDdyI-00007-00001823-00001979 interesting to me is because it's it's
D54IzqjDdyI-00008-00001980-00002134 all in the news there there's a couple
D54IzqjDdyI-00009-00002135-00002476 of these uh chat uh or text generating
D54IzqjDdyI-00010-00002477-00002879 uh boxed chat GPT being one of them uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00011-00002880-00003029 there's a lot of people that are that
D54IzqjDdyI-00012-00003030-00003277 are uh talking about it in fact
D54IzqjDdyI-00013-00003278-00003617 uh Sam Harris his latest episode number
D54IzqjDdyI-00014-00003618-00004054 312 he just put out an episode and he
D54IzqjDdyI-00015-00004055-00004241 actually interviews experts so if if
D54IzqjDdyI-00016-00004242-00004535 this topic is interesting to anybody uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00017-00004536-00004751 go catch his episode he's talking to a
D54IzqjDdyI-00018-00004752-00004883 professor of computer science at
D54IzqjDdyI-00019-00004884-00005159 Berkeley also the other guy is a
D54IzqjDdyI-00020-00005160-00005327 scientist best-selling author and
D54IzqjDdyI-00021-00005328-00005602 entrepreneur that deals specifically
D54IzqjDdyI-00022-00005603-00005836 with that topic it was it was very
D54IzqjDdyI-00023-00005837-00006227 insightful uh and uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00024-00006228-00006670 the wired podcast the gadget lab has
D54IzqjDdyI-00025-00006672-00006917 something a little more uh general
D54IzqjDdyI-00026-00006918-00007417 public uh usefulness level type podcast
D54IzqjDdyI-00027-00007418-00007703 uh talking specifically about chat gbt
D54IzqjDdyI-00028-00007704-00007870 in schools which is an interesting
D54IzqjDdyI-00029-00007872-00008027 concept I was listening to listening to
D54IzqjDdyI-00030-00008028-00008267 that right before we started here which
D54IzqjDdyI-00031-00008268-00008627 does bring up some some good points that
D54IzqjDdyI-00032-00008628-00008867 stuff out of the way
D54IzqjDdyI-00033-00008868-00009167 um any preference in how we begin this
D54IzqjDdyI-00034-00009168-00009587 Colin no go ahead
D54IzqjDdyI-00035-00009588-00009853 so the the
D54IzqjDdyI-00036-00009854-00010271 there are uh well first of all the
D54IzqjDdyI-00037-00010272-00010499 definition of of artificial intelligence
D54IzqjDdyI-00038-00010500-00010835 is is uh basically any sort of algorithm
D54IzqjDdyI-00039-00010836-00011099 or program that does the work that we
D54IzqjDdyI-00040-00011100-00011267 would consider intelligent that
D54IzqjDdyI-00041-00011268-00011555 requiring intelligence and a rudimentary
D54IzqjDdyI-00042-00011556-00011788 example is a calculator a calculator is
D54IzqjDdyI-00043-00011789-00011956 a very limited artificial intelligence
D54IzqjDdyI-00044-00011957-00012185 obviously it only works in in you know
D54IzqjDdyI-00045-00012186-00012346 very limited fashion but it is very
D54IzqjDdyI-00046-00012347-00012659 effective in the ways that it works
D54IzqjDdyI-00047-00012660-00012791 um and of course the ones that we are
D54IzqjDdyI-00048-00012792-00013037 talking about right now are some of
D54IzqjDdyI-00049-00013038-00013313 these the these uh text generating image
D54IzqjDdyI-00050-00013313-00013438 generating
D54IzqjDdyI-00051-00013440-00013666 um we I I sent you that link for the the
D54IzqjDdyI-00052-00013668-00013877 audio and video generating the Deep fake
D54IzqjDdyI-00053-00013878-00014172 generating uh artificial intelligence
D54IzqjDdyI-00054-00014173-00014380 that was pretty funny
D54IzqjDdyI-00055-00014381-00014561 um it was a conversation between Joe
D54IzqjDdyI-00056-00014562-00014753 Rogan and Jordan Peterson a little on
D54IzqjDdyI-00057-00014754-00015011 the crude side but I think it also
D54IzqjDdyI-00058-00015012-00015347 illustrates one of the the real dangers
D54IzqjDdyI-00059-00015347-00015677 of of artificial intelligence uh in that
D54IzqjDdyI-00060-00015678-00015935 it can be used to spoof to to pretend to
D54IzqjDdyI-00061-00015936-00016236 be another human being if you imagine
D54IzqjDdyI-00062-00016237-00016607 the damage that could be done to hurt
D54IzqjDdyI-00063-00016608-00016739 someone's credibility someone's
D54IzqjDdyI-00064-00016740-00016889 reputation
D54IzqjDdyI-00065-00016890-00017171 um and and uh you know it has a real
D54IzqjDdyI-00066-00017172-00017375 risk in fact one of the things I learned
D54IzqjDdyI-00067-00017376-00017657 in this the researching I've been doing
D54IzqjDdyI-00068-00017658-00018047 is that in the EU they have a law an
D54IzqjDdyI-00069-00018048-00018185 artificial a law about artificial
D54IzqjDdyI-00070-00018186-00018503 intelligence and that it is illegal to
D54IzqjDdyI-00071-00018504-00018719 uh pretend to be a human using
D54IzqjDdyI-00072-00018720-00018905 artificial you're using artificial
D54IzqjDdyI-00073-00018906-00019217 intelligence to pretend to be a human
D54IzqjDdyI-00074-00019218-00019486 um so riff off that in any in any way
D54IzqjDdyI-00075-00019487-00019669 that you want
D54IzqjDdyI-00076-00019670-00020033 after you chew
D54IzqjDdyI-00077-00020034-00020200 if you think that yeah I guess they come
D54IzqjDdyI-00078-00020201-00020494 up a Lot quickly over there
D54IzqjDdyI-00079-00020495-00020921 yeah you know it's interesting to me
D54IzqjDdyI-00080-00020922-00021064 they come up with so many rules and
D54IzqjDdyI-00081-00021065-00021286 regulations
D54IzqjDdyI-00082-00021287-00021419 have we ever talked about the sports
D54IzqjDdyI-00083-00021420-00021550 over there I know this is kind of a
D54IzqjDdyI-00084-00021551-00021743 tangent now this is definitely a tangent
D54IzqjDdyI-00085-00021744-00022013 totally unrelated but
D54IzqjDdyI-00086-00022014-00022391 our our sports leagues the NFL the NBA
D54IzqjDdyI-00087-00022392-00022558 the MLB
D54IzqjDdyI-00088-00022559-00022750 totally socialist compared to their
D54IzqjDdyI-00089-00022751-00022900 Sports League they are the free market
D54IzqjDdyI-00090-00022901-00023261 we are socialists really it's really
D54IzqjDdyI-00091-00023262-00023371 interesting
D54IzqjDdyI-00092-00023372-00023567 we could talk we'll talk about that
D54IzqjDdyI-00093-00023568-00023885 offline sometime but like we have salary
D54IzqjDdyI-00094-00023886-00024208 caps uh draft orders based on how poorly
D54IzqjDdyI-00095-00024209-00024335 you do each year
D54IzqjDdyI-00096-00024336-00024575 for them the worst three teams in the
D54IzqjDdyI-00097-00024576-00024683 Premier League
D54IzqjDdyI-00098-00024684-00024917 the top soccer league in England gets
D54IzqjDdyI-00099-00024918-00025091 relegated to the to the lower leagues
D54IzqjDdyI-00100-00025092-00025336 and the lower leagues they promote three
D54IzqjDdyI-00101-00025337-00025469 of them
D54IzqjDdyI-00102-00025470-00025775 there's no like you can just uh go down
D54IzqjDdyI-00103-00025776-00026062 to some high school and and sign kids
D54IzqjDdyI-00104-00026063-00026243 like they don't have this weird giraffe
D54IzqjDdyI-00105-00026244-00026362 that we have they don't have this
D54IzqjDdyI-00106-00026363-00026518 control of all the teams it's pretty
D54IzqjDdyI-00107-00026519-00026681 interesting but yeah they do come up
D54IzqjDdyI-00108-00026682-00026914 with a lot of stuff uh yeah I
D54IzqjDdyI-00109-00026916-00027089 you know it's interesting look I have a
D54IzqjDdyI-00110-00027089-00027233 couple thoughts about
D54IzqjDdyI-00111-00027233-00027467 AI you know everybody's very worried
D54IzqjDdyI-00112-00027468-00027683 about it I I think there's probably some
D54IzqjDdyI-00113-00027683-00027905 things to be worried about
D54IzqjDdyI-00114-00027906-00028114 because it could take people's jobs it
D54IzqjDdyI-00115-00028116-00028289 could be used for nefarious things but
D54IzqjDdyI-00116-00028289-00028462 you know guns can be used for bad things
D54IzqjDdyI-00117-00028463-00028637 cars can be used for bad things money
D54IzqjDdyI-00118-00028638-00028805 can be used for bad things I'm not so
D54IzqjDdyI-00119-00028806-00028967 worried about that
D54IzqjDdyI-00120-00028968-00029105 there probably needs to be some
D54IzqjDdyI-00121-00029106-00029452 regulation and I'm okay with it
D54IzqjDdyI-00122-00029454-00029620 um but I think we're probably further
D54IzqjDdyI-00123-00029622-00030035 away from any real existential threat
D54IzqjDdyI-00124-00030036-00030161 uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00125-00030162-00030340 I mean yeah there could be some problems
D54IzqjDdyI-00126-00030341-00030485 that you know they pretend that they're
D54IzqjDdyI-00127-00030486-00030689 me and how do we know whether it really
D54IzqjDdyI-00128-00030689-00030923 was me and you know if I say something
D54IzqjDdyI-00129-00030924-00031108 terrible how could I prove they're
D54IzqjDdyI-00130-00031110-00031318 already you know there's um already
D54IzqjDdyI-00131-00031319-00031577 celebrities now that they they tweet
D54IzqjDdyI-00132-00031577-00031768 something stupid presumably they tweet
D54IzqjDdyI-00133-00031769-00031895 something stupid and then say hey my
D54IzqjDdyI-00134-00031895-00032033 account got hacked I didn't actually say
D54IzqjDdyI-00135-00032033-00032135 that
D54IzqjDdyI-00136-00032136-00032327 now when they say something stupid like
D54IzqjDdyI-00137-00032327-00032501 well that was AI that wasn't me I mean
D54IzqjDdyI-00138-00032502-00032651 how are they gonna prove it right but
D54IzqjDdyI-00139-00032652-00032801 they'll probably work that stuff out I
D54IzqjDdyI-00140-00032802-00032873 don't know if there's gonna be some
D54IzqjDdyI-00141-00032874-00033071 blockchain solution to that or something
D54IzqjDdyI-00142-00033072-00033227 but
D54IzqjDdyI-00143-00033228-00033587 um yeah I just I I think that AI we
D54IzqjDdyI-00144-00033588-00033809 probably are worried about what is not
D54IzqjDdyI-00145-00033810-00034031 going to happen for a while
D54IzqjDdyI-00146-00034032-00034252 um there are you know these minor uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00147-00034253-00034481 threats and concerns but I you know I I
D54IzqjDdyI-00148-00034482-00034607 just not too worried about them because
D54IzqjDdyI-00149-00034608-00034793 I think AI is probably a long ways off
D54IzqjDdyI-00150-00034794-00035177 before it makes any real dent in into a
D54IzqjDdyI-00151-00035178-00035393 serious Dent into our safety if that
D54IzqjDdyI-00152-00035394-00035602 makes sense yeah and I think you're
D54IzqjDdyI-00153-00035603-00035735 right I think it is a long way off I
D54IzqjDdyI-00154-00035736-00035831 think at this point it's more
D54IzqjDdyI-00155-00035832-00036161 entertaining it's more used for fun for
D54IzqjDdyI-00156-00036162-00036418 for pleasure for you know to to uh to
D54IzqjDdyI-00157-00036419-00036557 spoof people whatever else you might be
D54IzqjDdyI-00158-00036558-00036827 doing with it at the same time I do feel
D54IzqjDdyI-00159-00036828-00037001 like we need to have some whatever
D54IzqjDdyI-00160-00037002-00037157 structure we're going to work go with we
D54IzqjDdyI-00161-00037158-00037271 need to have it in place before it
D54IzqjDdyI-00162-00037272-00037535 actually gets there you know because one
D54IzqjDdyI-00163-00037536-00037690 of the things that happens with a lot of
D54IzqjDdyI-00164-00037691-00037877 the these technological advancements is
D54IzqjDdyI-00165-00037878-00038099 the other people working on it and there
D54IzqjDdyI-00166-00038100-00038399 are more driven by the the motivation of
D54IzqjDdyI-00167-00038400-00038645 can I do this thing it's it's never been
D54IzqjDdyI-00168-00038646-00038951 done before can I make a printing press
D54IzqjDdyI-00169-00038952-00039257 um you know can I make a a a a a a
D54IzqjDdyI-00170-00039258-00039521 Horseless Carriage can I make an atomic
D54IzqjDdyI-00171-00039522-00039617 bomb
D54IzqjDdyI-00172-00039618-00039790 and not really although you know the
D54IzqjDdyI-00173-00039791-00039911 atomic bomb is one that I actually
D54IzqjDdyI-00174-00039912-00040205 wanted to use as a comparison because
D54IzqjDdyI-00175-00040206-00040390 um it I think that some of the
D54IzqjDdyI-00176-00040391-00040589 scientists were motivated by the war
D54IzqjDdyI-00177-00040590-00040745 itself you know we have this big war
D54IzqjDdyI-00178-00040746-00040937 we're going to save some of our some of
D54IzqjDdyI-00179-00040938-00041201 our the the lives of our soldiers at the
D54IzqjDdyI-00180-00041202-00041374 same time it didn't really change the
D54IzqjDdyI-00181-00041375-00041543 outcome of the war we were going to win
D54IzqjDdyI-00182-00041544-00041849 it it shortened the the time of the war
D54IzqjDdyI-00183-00041850-00042107 it saved a lot of lives but I think that
D54IzqjDdyI-00184-00042108-00042287 there was there was a couple of the
D54IzqjDdyI-00185-00042288-00042533 scientists after everything came out
D54IzqjDdyI-00186-00042534-00042737 after they they you know were able to
D54IzqjDdyI-00187-00042738-00043030 make the bombs really questioned whether
D54IzqjDdyI-00188-00043031-00043252 it was a smart thing to do
D54IzqjDdyI-00189-00043253-00043474 um and I think it is an important
D54IzqjDdyI-00190-00043475-00043696 question to ask and they and because of
D54IzqjDdyI-00191-00043697-00043949 the pressure of the war it was easy to
D54IzqjDdyI-00192-00043950-00044171 overlook the the uh the moral or
D54IzqjDdyI-00193-00044172-00044417 philosophical issues but now we're not
D54IzqjDdyI-00194-00044418-00044699 in war and so as we look at the possible
D54IzqjDdyI-00195-00044700-00044980 ways that an AI could be used for harm
D54IzqjDdyI-00196-00044981-00045346 we need to figure out what sort of guide
D54IzqjDdyI-00197-00045347-00045527 rails we're going to put on it what sort
D54IzqjDdyI-00198-00045528-00045701 of rules or regulations if we're not
D54IzqjDdyI-00199-00045702-00045839 going to have any of those how we're
D54IzqjDdyI-00200-00045840-00046240 going to prepare society and culture for
D54IzqjDdyI-00201-00046241-00046423 this coming
D54IzqjDdyI-00202-00046424-00046661 artificial intelligence
D54IzqjDdyI-00203-00046662-00047015 yeah I just
D54IzqjDdyI-00204-00047016-00047267 my concern is that
D54IzqjDdyI-00205-00047268-00047435 we know so little about how it's going
D54IzqjDdyI-00206-00047436-00047777 to play out
D54IzqjDdyI-00207-00047778-00047890 so we're going to try to put some
D54IzqjDdyI-00208-00047891-00048083 controls on it on something that we
D54IzqjDdyI-00209-00048084-00048280 don't really understand
D54IzqjDdyI-00210-00048281-00048437 and so it's probably just going to make
D54IzqjDdyI-00211-00048438-00048718 things worse or slow down the progress
D54IzqjDdyI-00212-00048719-00048971 that would help us
D54IzqjDdyI-00213-00048972-00049168 um at least I would say
D54IzqjDdyI-00214-00049169-00049343 as I said before and I still believe
D54IzqjDdyI-00215-00049344-00049517 that there should be some control I
D54IzqjDdyI-00216-00049518-00049715 guess but it should just be very
D54IzqjDdyI-00217-00049716-00049858 moderate
D54IzqjDdyI-00218-00049859-00050152 or the EU jumping too you can't pretend
D54IzqjDdyI-00219-00050153-00050386 to be another human I don't know that
D54IzqjDdyI-00220-00050387-00050530 seems a little bit
D54IzqjDdyI-00221-00050531-00050771 uh heavy-handed it's a little bit too
D54IzqjDdyI-00222-00050772-00050957 much but I understand their motivation
D54IzqjDdyI-00223-00050958-00051052 but
D54IzqjDdyI-00224-00051053-00051208 there's probably reasons that are
D54IzqjDdyI-00225-00051209-00051299 perfectly
D54IzqjDdyI-00226-00051300-00051496 justifiable that you'd want to do that
D54IzqjDdyI-00227-00051497-00051713 you could make movies it could be funny
D54IzqjDdyI-00228-00051714-00051946 I don't know I to say you could never do
D54IzqjDdyI-00229-00051947-00052138 that seems a little like that's I think
D54IzqjDdyI-00230-00052139-00052385 that's a great example of
D54IzqjDdyI-00231-00052386-00052638 them just stepping over
D54IzqjDdyI-00232-00052639-00052847 overstepping a little bit because
D54IzqjDdyI-00233-00052848-00053057 there's plenty of justifiable reasons or
D54IzqjDdyI-00234-00053058-00053249 reasonable things that you could do in
D54IzqjDdyI-00235-00053250-00053435 pretending to be another human so I I
D54IzqjDdyI-00236-00053436-00053632 wouldn't have a problem with that
D54IzqjDdyI-00237-00053633-00053975 right go ahead let's let's look at some
D54IzqjDdyI-00238-00053976-00054269 of the the some of the dangers of of uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00239-00054270-00054454 what the you know the AI could present
D54IzqjDdyI-00240-00054455-00054599 to us
D54IzqjDdyI-00241-00054600-00054803 um the first one was one we're talking
D54IzqjDdyI-00242-00054804-00054923 about right now is you could you know
D54IzqjDdyI-00243-00054924-00055042 you could look at you know
D54IzqjDdyI-00244-00055044-00055330 misinformation campaigns uh where
D54IzqjDdyI-00245-00055332-00055475 someone wants to undermine The
D54IzqjDdyI-00246-00055476-00055703 credibility of an individual of a
D54IzqjDdyI-00247-00055704-00055966 government uh you know we're talking
D54IzqjDdyI-00248-00055967-00056141 about it in a sort of a trivial manner
D54IzqjDdyI-00249-00056141-00056392 right now but you could do something you
D54IzqjDdyI-00250-00056394-00056680 know a a political figure you know how
D54IzqjDdyI-00251-00056682-00056938 how hard would it be to create a fake
D54IzqjDdyI-00252-00056939-00057142 Biden video or a fake Trump video or
D54IzqjDdyI-00253-00057144-00057323 whoever the next Republican represent or
D54IzqjDdyI-00254-00057324-00057419 uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00255-00057420-00057719 um candidates going to be uh and for
D54IzqjDdyI-00256-00057720-00058019 people that are looking for a reason to
D54IzqjDdyI-00257-00058020-00058361 to believe it it's it's they're good
D54IzqjDdyI-00258-00058362-00058654 enough that you could start to
D54IzqjDdyI-00259-00058655-00058799 um believe them that they're true now
D54IzqjDdyI-00260-00058800-00058942 they can already do that without it they
D54IzqjDdyI-00261-00058944-00059087 can do the Deep fakes where people are
D54IzqjDdyI-00262-00059088-00059309 making them on their own and this is
D54IzqjDdyI-00263-00059310-00059537 sort of the next level the escalation of
D54IzqjDdyI-00264-00059538-00059754 the deep fake issue where you can then
D54IzqjDdyI-00265-00059755-00059999 bombard the internet with all sorts of
D54IzqjDdyI-00266-00060000-00060149 videos and then how do we determine
D54IzqjDdyI-00267-00060150-00060304 which videos are real and which ones are
D54IzqjDdyI-00268-00060305-00060454 fake
D54IzqjDdyI-00269-00060455-00060700 yeah I guess I'm not sure that we can
D54IzqjDdyI-00270-00060701-00060923 come up with solutions for that but
D54IzqjDdyI-00271-00060924-00061121 um but why not just why why does the
D54IzqjDdyI-00272-00061122-00061271 rule have to be you can't do it why not
D54IzqjDdyI-00273-00061272-00061619 say you have to identify the video as
D54IzqjDdyI-00274-00061620-00061913 I know that it is a fake or something or
D54IzqjDdyI-00275-00061914-00062087 if you're going to promote it or or
D54IzqjDdyI-00276-00062088-00062411 duplicate it or you know uh extend the
D54IzqjDdyI-00277-00062412-00062615 reach or send it out to your followers
D54IzqjDdyI-00278-00062616-00062825 that you have to also indicate that it's
D54IzqjDdyI-00279-00062826-00063029 a fake or something just seems like
D54IzqjDdyI-00280-00063029-00063215 there's all every time government steps
D54IzqjDdyI-00281-00063216-00063407 in it's just so heavy-handed and over
D54IzqjDdyI-00282-00063408-00063682 the top it just seems unnecessary yeah
D54IzqjDdyI-00283-00063683-00063911 um the way that they handle it one of
D54IzqjDdyI-00284-00063912-00064150 the reasons why that that solution may
D54IzqjDdyI-00285-00064151-00064325 not be that effective is is it what if
D54IzqjDdyI-00286-00064326-00064456 what if it's coming from an anonymous
D54IzqjDdyI-00287-00064457-00064630 account and then it's being re-shared
D54IzqjDdyI-00288-00064632-00064841 retweeted by a bunch of people I didn't
D54IzqjDdyI-00289-00064841-00064997 know that the person I got it from said
D54IzqjDdyI-00290-00064998-00065165 it was real so I just you know I'm going
D54IzqjDdyI-00291-00065166-00065350 to take them at their word and so I see
D54IzqjDdyI-00292-00065351-00065597 what you're saying I I'm not I'm not
D54IzqjDdyI-00293-00065598-00065771 disagreeing with you I'm just saying
D54IzqjDdyI-00294-00065772-00065956 that and again I'm not saying I have a
D54IzqjDdyI-00295-00065957-00066119 solution I'm saying this is something
D54IzqjDdyI-00296-00066120-00066269 that we need to think about before it
D54IzqjDdyI-00297-00066270-00066425 becomes a problem because by the time
D54IzqjDdyI-00298-00066426-00066563 it's a problem it's going to be too late
D54IzqjDdyI-00299-00066564-00066706 to figure it out
D54IzqjDdyI-00300-00066707-00066935 maybe we could why not why can't we
D54IzqjDdyI-00301-00066936-00067138 figure it out then because you know by
D54IzqjDdyI-00302-00067139-00067271 the time there's you know we're we're
D54IzqjDdyI-00303-00067272-00067606 buried under fake videos that's not the
D54IzqjDdyI-00304-00067607-00067787 time to start debating and negotiating
D54IzqjDdyI-00305-00067788-00067973 and figure it out because the solution
D54IzqjDdyI-00306-00067974-00068206 could be six months off and so in that
D54IzqjDdyI-00307-00068207-00068494 six month window it's like it's like
D54IzqjDdyI-00308-00068495-00068782 saying society would be destroyed well I
D54IzqjDdyI-00309-00068783-00069065 mean you you know you joke but there's
D54IzqjDdyI-00310-00069066-00069215 there's also let's look at some of the
D54IzqjDdyI-00311-00069216-00069376 other issues where it could where there
D54IzqjDdyI-00312-00069377-00069550 could be a problem
D54IzqjDdyI-00313-00069551-00069731 um the uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00314-00069732-00070031 so one of the issues that we have with
D54IzqjDdyI-00315-00070032-00070205 some of the the machine learning we've
D54IzqjDdyI-00316-00070206-00070385 got going on right now is that they
D54IzqjDdyI-00317-00070386-00070547 incorporate some of the human biases
D54IzqjDdyI-00318-00070548-00070691 because
D54IzqjDdyI-00319-00070692-00070925 they're working off of data sets that
D54IzqjDdyI-00320-00070926-00071069 already exist there out there in the
D54IzqjDdyI-00321-00071070-00071321 world and if uh you know those biases
D54IzqjDdyI-00322-00071322-00071555 are exist and those biases can be baked
D54IzqjDdyI-00323-00071556-00071699 into some of the artificial intelligence
D54IzqjDdyI-00324-00071700-00071993 that out that are out there which
D54IzqjDdyI-00325-00071994-00072238 moves on to the idea that that you can
D54IzqjDdyI-00326-00072239-00072413 have AIS that are built on faulty
D54IzqjDdyI-00327-00072414-00072517 systems
D54IzqjDdyI-00328-00072518-00073043 AIS don't have ethical constraints now
D54IzqjDdyI-00329-00073044-00073199 there are a lot of people don't have it
D54IzqjDdyI-00330-00073200-00073505 either but now you have you know a
D54IzqjDdyI-00331-00073506-00073759 volume of content
D54IzqjDdyI-00332-00073760-00074009 exponentially larger than what humans
D54IzqjDdyI-00333-00074010-00074315 can create that again have whatever
D54IzqjDdyI-00334-00074316-00074531 constraints the creators want to or
D54IzqjDdyI-00335-00074532-00074723 don't want to put into them so there
D54IzqjDdyI-00336-00074724-00075011 becomes a real risk of of what is being
D54IzqjDdyI-00337-00075012-00075232 put out there to the world
D54IzqjDdyI-00338-00075233-00075437 so what is the risk that they're going
D54IzqjDdyI-00339-00075438-00075653 to put out something illegal or
D54IzqjDdyI-00340-00075654-00075917 untrue or what is the risk that's
D54IzqjDdyI-00341-00075918-00076061 different than what you said previously
D54IzqjDdyI-00342-00076062-00076288 well another thing that you could start
D54IzqjDdyI-00343-00076289-00076421 to see is
D54IzqjDdyI-00344-00076422-00076673 um people have been using um
D54IzqjDdyI-00345-00076674-00076888 as a way to to try and hurt other people
D54IzqjDdyI-00346-00076889-00077135 revenge porn where you know someone's
D54IzqjDdyI-00347-00077136-00077315 maybe taken some some naughty pictures
D54IzqjDdyI-00348-00077316-00077549 of themselves and give them to a you
D54IzqjDdyI-00349-00077550-00077699 know a significant other and that person
D54IzqjDdyI-00350-00077700-00077873 gets mad at the the first and so they
D54IzqjDdyI-00351-00077874-00078161 release them what about fake porn where
D54IzqjDdyI-00352-00078162-00078335 you're taking you know a famous person
D54IzqjDdyI-00353-00078336-00078532 or even not so famous maybe it's just
D54IzqjDdyI-00354-00078533-00078647 someone that you have a grudge against
D54IzqjDdyI-00355-00078648-00078947 and make faking a video or having an AI
D54IzqjDdyI-00356-00078948-00079115 fake a video of that person doing some
D54IzqjDdyI-00357-00079116-00079349 porn and releasing that
D54IzqjDdyI-00358-00079350-00079576 yeah I mean I can see passing a law
D54IzqjDdyI-00359-00079577-00079697 about that or maybe that would already
D54IzqjDdyI-00360-00079698-00079859 fall under
D54IzqjDdyI-00361-00079860-00080219 slander libel or something I don't know
D54IzqjDdyI-00362-00080220-00080447 um because you're you're
D54IzqjDdyI-00363-00080448-00080515 you're you're
D54IzqjDdyI-00364-00080516-00080867 putting out there something that
D54IzqjDdyI-00365-00080868-00081106 um now I always look for is there
D54IzqjDdyI-00366-00081107-00081281 something already there
D54IzqjDdyI-00367-00081282-00081497 and I I'm guessing there would somebody
D54IzqjDdyI-00368-00081498-00081676 like a lot of times I think we try to
D54IzqjDdyI-00369-00081677-00082031 recreate the wheel with an issue when uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00370-00082032-00082276 there's already some regulation or some
D54IzqjDdyI-00371-00082277-00082426 legislation that would already handle it
D54IzqjDdyI-00372-00082427-00082631 so I don't know if that would fall under
D54IzqjDdyI-00373-00082632-00082823 slander or libel or something like that
D54IzqjDdyI-00374-00082824-00083032 or if there if it didn't yeah I could
D54IzqjDdyI-00375-00083033-00083188 see that being a place where we would
D54IzqjDdyI-00376-00083189-00083459 want to restrict it and I wouldn't mind
D54IzqjDdyI-00377-00083460-00083621 talking about it now because I think
D54IzqjDdyI-00378-00083622-00083861 that would be possible
D54IzqjDdyI-00379-00083862-00084106 um in fact I think they there's already
D54IzqjDdyI-00380-00084107-00084244 been kind of
D54IzqjDdyI-00381-00084245-00084455 you know they've already done some stuff
D54IzqjDdyI-00382-00084456-00084659 like that where they put celebrities
D54IzqjDdyI-00383-00084660-00084994 faces on nude pictures of somebody else
D54IzqjDdyI-00384-00084995-00085175 but it's just it's the celebrity's face
D54IzqjDdyI-00385-00085176-00085331 or something like that so yeah I could
D54IzqjDdyI-00386-00085332-00085559 see I could see uh passing some
D54IzqjDdyI-00387-00085560-00085679 regulation or maybe there is already
D54IzqjDdyI-00388-00085680-00085841 something out there because that kind of
D54IzqjDdyI-00389-00085842-00086075 is already happening yeah and one of the
D54IzqjDdyI-00390-00086076-00086356 challenges with you know trying to use
D54IzqjDdyI-00391-00086357-00086555 existing rules existing laws is those
D54IzqjDdyI-00392-00086556-00086705 only work when you can find the person
D54IzqjDdyI-00393-00086706-00086932 that that started it and it doesn't stop
D54IzqjDdyI-00394-00086933-00087185 people from sharing it and if it's being
D54IzqjDdyI-00395-00087186-00087341 necessarily you'd have the same problem
D54IzqjDdyI-00396-00087342-00087503 with everything you're talking about if
D54IzqjDdyI-00397-00087504-00087665 you can't find the person to prosecute
D54IzqjDdyI-00398-00087666-00088018 then right but nothing is changing but
D54IzqjDdyI-00399-00088019-00088175 with AI it gets even worse because
D54IzqjDdyI-00400-00088176-00088403 although I can maybe post something with
D54IzqjDdyI-00401-00088404-00088703 an anonymous account it is possible in
D54IzqjDdyI-00402-00088704-00088882 many situations to be able to trace it
D54IzqjDdyI-00403-00088883-00089062 on back to that Anonymous account and
D54IzqjDdyI-00404-00089063-00089182 then figure out who the owner of that
D54IzqjDdyI-00405-00089183-00089387 account was if it's being created by an
D54IzqjDdyI-00406-00089388-00089525 artificial intelligence you can't even
D54IzqjDdyI-00407-00089526-00089711 find an anonymous account with which to
D54IzqjDdyI-00408-00089712-00090112 associate the the the content so it
D54IzqjDdyI-00409-00090113-00090461 becomes infinitely more uh difficult to
D54IzqjDdyI-00410-00090462-00090694 hold somebody responsible for some of
D54IzqjDdyI-00411-00090695-00090779 this stuff
D54IzqjDdyI-00412-00090780-00090953 yeah
D54IzqjDdyI-00413-00090954-00091115 that's fair
D54IzqjDdyI-00414-00091116-00091261 yeah we'll have to punish those
D54IzqjDdyI-00415-00091262-00091523 artificial intelligences
D54IzqjDdyI-00416-00091524-00091811 well in this and and one of the the
D54IzqjDdyI-00417-00091812-00092081 other challenges with all of this is you
D54IzqjDdyI-00418-00092082-00092291 know let's say that the EU and the US
D54IzqjDdyI-00419-00092292-00092512 and the UK all decide to put some you
D54IzqjDdyI-00420-00092513-00092873 know uh some limitations on on uh on
D54IzqjDdyI-00421-00092874-00092993 this type of work
D54IzqjDdyI-00422-00092994-00093221 uh doesn't necessarily mean it's going
D54IzqjDdyI-00423-00093222-00093467 to stop China Russia or Iran from doing
D54IzqjDdyI-00424-00093468-00093700 this sort of work and and this is one of
D54IzqjDdyI-00425-00093701-00093953 the arguments with like uh medical
D54IzqjDdyI-00426-00093954-00094312 research uh uh like the the uh um the
D54IzqjDdyI-00427-00094313-00094444 viruses and that sort of work the gain
D54IzqjDdyI-00428-00094445-00094618 of function research a lot of people
D54IzqjDdyI-00429-00094619-00094859 were one of the most the the excuses the
D54IzqjDdyI-00430-00094860-00095038 explanations was
D54IzqjDdyI-00431-00095039-00095206 just because we're not going to do it
D54IzqjDdyI-00432-00095207-00095350 doesn't mean somebody else won't do it
D54IzqjDdyI-00433-00095351-00095506 and we need to be prepared I don't know
D54IzqjDdyI-00434-00095507-00095615 if it's a good explanation but that's
D54IzqjDdyI-00435-00095616-00095891 one that they offer and so if we put all
D54IzqjDdyI-00436-00095892-00096094 sorts of constraints on this it doesn't
D54IzqjDdyI-00437-00096095-00096256 mean the research going to stop research
D54IzqjDdyI-00438-00096257-00096461 will stop and this is something else
D54IzqjDdyI-00439-00096462-00096653 that we need to be con we need to be
D54IzqjDdyI-00440-00096654-00096844 prepared for and try and consider how we
D54IzqjDdyI-00441-00096845-00097031 can manage those situations
D54IzqjDdyI-00442-00097032-00097235 yeah
D54IzqjDdyI-00443-00097236-00097487 with the the release of the chat GPT
D54IzqjDdyI-00444-00097488-00097679 that just came out a couple days ago and
D54IzqjDdyI-00445-00097680-00097925 some and there's one of the things that
D54IzqjDdyI-00446-00097926-00098068 happened was that there was there was
D54IzqjDdyI-00447-00098069-00098303 the Google version there was the
D54IzqjDdyI-00448-00098304-00098453 Microsoft version I think there was
D54IzqjDdyI-00449-00098454-00098717 another version that came out as well
D54IzqjDdyI-00450-00098718-00098903 um is it became a little bit of a
D54IzqjDdyI-00451-00098904-00099076 competition to see who could put this
D54IzqjDdyI-00452-00099077-00099299 stuff out and and could have could
D54IzqjDdyI-00453-00099300-00099593 actually land and trying to grab some of
D54IzqjDdyI-00454-00099594-00099815 the market share before it really is a
D54IzqjDdyI-00455-00099816-00100156 finalized product because the the
D54IzqjDdyI-00456-00100157-00100379 what a lot of people once that became
D54IzqjDdyI-00457-00100380-00100529 public a lot of people were playing
D54IzqjDdyI-00458-00100530-00100691 around with these programs to see what
D54IzqjDdyI-00459-00100692-00100900 they could create and a lot of and then
D54IzqjDdyI-00460-00100901-00101026 some of the journalists and other people
D54IzqjDdyI-00461-00101027-00101231 are saying oh look at this garbage that
D54IzqjDdyI-00462-00101232-00101374 you can make with the eye I mean it's
D54IzqjDdyI-00463-00101375-00101567 it's nonsense it doesn't make any sense
D54IzqjDdyI-00464-00101568-00101824 or or it's it's CR it's uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00465-00101825-00102029 it's we're asking it to produce
D54IzqjDdyI-00466-00102030-00102305 something truthful and accurate uh but
D54IzqjDdyI-00467-00102306-00102478 but it's actually getting its facts
D54IzqjDdyI-00468-00102479-00102580 wrong
D54IzqjDdyI-00469-00102581-00102827 um and so even when it's trying to do
D54IzqjDdyI-00470-00102828-00103001 something we don't know if it's going to
D54IzqjDdyI-00471-00103002-00103175 do it correctly and of course then
D54IzqjDdyI-00472-00103176-00103373 everything has to be uh fact checked
D54IzqjDdyI-00473-00103374-00103601 which I don't should well be anyway
D54IzqjDdyI-00474-00103602-00103828 but with an election coming up we're
D54IzqjDdyI-00475-00103829-00103918 going to start starting the election
D54IzqjDdyI-00476-00103919-00104092 cycle it becomes even more dangerous
D54IzqjDdyI-00477-00104093-00104351 about what sort of material is going to
D54IzqjDdyI-00478-00104352-00104777 be out there for everybody to be to see
D54IzqjDdyI-00479-00104778-00105095 yeah I think that's a good point
D54IzqjDdyI-00480-00105096-00105310 I thought this would go it's funny how
D54IzqjDdyI-00481-00105311-00105436 this is gone I thought this would go
D54IzqjDdyI-00482-00105438-00105628 more in the direction of existential
D54IzqjDdyI-00483-00105629-00105845 threats than
D54IzqjDdyI-00484-00105846-00106090 um how it could be used in these ways
D54IzqjDdyI-00485-00106091-00106319 well what what did you what do you mean
D54IzqjDdyI-00486-00106320-00106565 by existential threats
D54IzqjDdyI-00487-00106566-00106908 like Skynet you know what Skynet is
D54IzqjDdyI-00488-00106909-00107225 I I do someone someone else may not go
D54IzqjDdyI-00489-00107226-00107519 ahead and tell us about Skynet
D54IzqjDdyI-00490-00107520-00107843 um so in terminate the Terminator movies
D54IzqjDdyI-00491-00107844-00108065 um artificial intelligence or this
D54IzqjDdyI-00492-00108066-00108310 computer system essentially at some
D54IzqjDdyI-00493-00108311-00108557 point had gained
D54IzqjDdyI-00494-00108558-00108916 um or this these uh cyborgs come back
D54IzqjDdyI-00495-00108917-00109073 from the future
D54IzqjDdyI-00496-00109074-00109415 travel back in time and tell this guy
D54IzqjDdyI-00497-00109416-00109649 this they they find this lady and her
D54IzqjDdyI-00498-00109650-00109883 son and and they're saying that in the
D54IzqjDdyI-00499-00109883-00109990 future there's
D54IzqjDdyI-00500-00109991-00110290 um an apocalypse and this uh artificial
D54IzqjDdyI-00501-00110291-00110507 intelligence or this computer system at
D54IzqjDdyI-00502-00110508-00110657 some point gained
D54IzqjDdyI-00503-00110658-00110789 sentience
D54IzqjDdyI-00504-00110790-00111040 and then began to fight humanity and
D54IzqjDdyI-00505-00111041-00111233 Destroy humanity and so they're gonna
D54IzqjDdyI-00506-00111233-00111460 they were coming back to try to
D54IzqjDdyI-00507-00111461-00111665 um well both sides were coming back the
D54IzqjDdyI-00508-00111666-00111916 AI was sending people back to kill off
D54IzqjDdyI-00509-00111917-00112078 the people that were gonna lead the
D54IzqjDdyI-00510-00112079-00112210 resistance and then the other people
D54IzqjDdyI-00511-00112211-00112408 were the resistance was sending uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00512-00112409-00112649 cyborgs back to help those people or and
D54IzqjDdyI-00513-00112650-00112852 just regular people back to try to help
D54IzqjDdyI-00514-00112853-00113008 them to survive so that they could
D54IzqjDdyI-00515-00113009-00113243 continue the resistance but at some
D54IzqjDdyI-00516-00113244-00113460 point Skynet had
D54IzqjDdyI-00517-00113461-00113927 grown uh and achieved sent uh you know
D54IzqjDdyI-00518-00113928-00114178 self-awareness and then had begun to
D54IzqjDdyI-00519-00114179-00114490 attack Humanity yeah
D54IzqjDdyI-00520-00114491-00114749 and so in the
D54IzqjDdyI-00521-00114750-00114971 um what did you come up with in in the
D54IzqjDdyI-00522-00114972-00115228 whatever you you were looking at
D54IzqjDdyI-00523-00115229-00115589 well uh a couple of things one it'll be
D54IzqjDdyI-00524-00115590-00115804 interesting to see you know if that does
D54IzqjDdyI-00525-00115805-00116110 happen I think at some point cyborgs is
D54IzqjDdyI-00526-00116111-00116339 kind of where we're headed and there
D54IzqjDdyI-00527-00116340-00116669 seems to be some I mean Elon Musk I
D54IzqjDdyI-00528-00116670-00116825 guess he's you know if there's a new
D54IzqjDdyI-00529-00116826-00117034 company that needs to be created he's
D54IzqjDdyI-00530-00117035-00117239 the one that seems to create it or buy
D54IzqjDdyI-00531-00117240-00117521 it but he's got a company
D54IzqjDdyI-00532-00117522-00117677 um I think it's called neural link or
D54IzqjDdyI-00533-00117678-00117886 something like that where he's helping
D54IzqjDdyI-00534-00117888-00118031 there's some insert that they're going
D54IzqjDdyI-00535-00118032-00118210 to from my basic understanding there's
D54IzqjDdyI-00536-00118211-00118319 an insert they're going to put into
D54IzqjDdyI-00537-00118320-00118451 people that are suffering from
D54IzqjDdyI-00538-00118452-00118636 Alzheimer's or other diseases like that
D54IzqjDdyI-00539-00118638-00118931 that will help them to overcome that
D54IzqjDdyI-00540-00118932-00119171 disease is the Hope
D54IzqjDdyI-00541-00119172-00119321 um but in the future you'd think that
D54IzqjDdyI-00542-00119322-00119627 yeah there will be some we will be able
D54IzqjDdyI-00543-00119628-00119902 to use technology and it kind of you
D54IzqjDdyI-00544-00119903-00120095 know there's Echoes to what we've done
D54IzqjDdyI-00545-00120096-00120221 in the past if you take a calculator
D54IzqjDdyI-00546-00120222-00120407 then you can do a whole lot you can add
D54IzqjDdyI-00547-00120408-00120593 a lot you can multiply a lot faster than
D54IzqjDdyI-00548-00120594-00120808 you otherwise would be able to and
D54IzqjDdyI-00549-00120809-00120989 somehow if you can incorporate that into
D54IzqjDdyI-00550-00120990-00121295 your body or to your brain
D54IzqjDdyI-00551-00121296-00121607 um to allow you to do more
D54IzqjDdyI-00552-00121608-00121954 to uh you know insert computers somehow
D54IzqjDdyI-00553-00121955-00122284 inside of you that would uh allow us to
D54IzqjDdyI-00554-00122285-00122423 keep up maybe with artificial
D54IzqjDdyI-00555-00122424-00122543 intelligence
D54IzqjDdyI-00556-00122544-00122795 you know as I think about when we're
D54IzqjDdyI-00557-00122796-00123004 getting you know in some ways we're
D54IzqjDdyI-00558-00123005-00123233 still a long way from those types of
D54IzqjDdyI-00559-00123233-00123401 Technologies but in other ways we're
D54IzqjDdyI-00560-00123402-00123647 getting pretty far Advanced I have this
D54IzqjDdyI-00561-00123648-00123910 weird outlandish Theory
D54IzqjDdyI-00562-00123911-00124151 that the reason we don't is that there
D54IzqjDdyI-00563-00124152-00124427 are aliens out there but the reasons or
D54IzqjDdyI-00564-00124428-00124565 at least one of the reasons that we
D54IzqjDdyI-00565-00124566-00124847 don't see aliens ever is because if in
D54IzqjDdyI-00566-00124848-00125177 order to travel travel across space the
D54IzqjDdyI-00567-00125178-00125321 way that they do like and it would take
D54IzqjDdyI-00568-00125322-00125471 us forever to get out of the solar
D54IzqjDdyI-00569-00125472-00125807 system even so to travel space the way
D54IzqjDdyI-00570-00125808-00126004 that somebody would have to to arrive
D54IzqjDdyI-00571-00126005-00126190 here at our solar system at our planet
D54IzqjDdyI-00572-00126191-00126443 they'd have to be so far Advanced that
D54IzqjDdyI-00573-00126444-00126640 in some way maybe through their
D54IzqjDdyI-00574-00126641-00126863 technology or some sort of advancement
D54IzqjDdyI-00575-00126864-00126983 they wouldn't even be able to
D54IzqjDdyI-00576-00126983-00127121 communicate with us it'd be like talking
D54IzqjDdyI-00577-00127122-00127445 to a lower life form you know yeah
D54IzqjDdyI-00578-00127446-00127678 um and at some point you know if
D54IzqjDdyI-00579-00127679-00127907 technology would probably help us to do
D54IzqjDdyI-00580-00127908-00128075 those sorts of things
D54IzqjDdyI-00581-00128076-00128399 um and so maybe we would grow with AI
D54IzqjDdyI-00582-00128400-00128543 and
D54IzqjDdyI-00583-00128544-00128825 um you know it's just so
D54IzqjDdyI-00584-00128826-00128969 you know I'm just kind of throwing out
D54IzqjDdyI-00585-00128970-00129095 theories and I think there's been a ton
D54IzqjDdyI-00586-00129096-00129233 of them thrown out in science fiction
D54IzqjDdyI-00587-00129233-00129490 and in the media and everywhere else but
D54IzqjDdyI-00588-00129491-00129616 it's so
D54IzqjDdyI-00589-00129617-00129940 uh we just have no idea how it's going
D54IzqjDdyI-00590-00129941-00130193 to play out and so I don't worry about
D54IzqjDdyI-00591-00130194-00130499 that stuff in the least because you know
D54IzqjDdyI-00592-00130500-00130690 whatever I'm worried about is is
D54IzqjDdyI-00593-00130691-00130840 probably
D54IzqjDdyI-00594-00130841-00131033 um the most unlikely thing you know is
D54IzqjDdyI-00595-00131033-00131219 not actually what's going to happen so I
D54IzqjDdyI-00596-00131220-00131393 just don't worry because the future will
D54IzqjDdyI-00597-00131394-00131752 come and we'll figure out exactly how AI
D54IzqjDdyI-00598-00131753-00131963 you know continues to grow I think it'll
D54IzqjDdyI-00599-00131964-00132316 take a long time before it would achieve
D54IzqjDdyI-00600-00132317-00132466 something like sentience or
D54IzqjDdyI-00601-00132467-00132683 self-awareness
D54IzqjDdyI-00602-00132684-00132881 um and so I just don't worry about it
D54IzqjDdyI-00603-00132882-00132971 you know
D54IzqjDdyI-00604-00132972-00133157 it'd be like somebody in the in the
D54IzqjDdyI-00605-00133158-00133402 1700s imagining what our day would be
D54IzqjDdyI-00606-00133403-00133589 like today it just would have no concept
D54IzqjDdyI-00607-00133590-00133793 of it they wouldn't know what to even
D54IzqjDdyI-00608-00133794-00133937 think you know and it could have gone a
D54IzqjDdyI-00609-00133938-00134189 different direction I mean if a few
D54IzqjDdyI-00610-00134190-00134489 um Wars went differently or a few
D54IzqjDdyI-00611-00134490-00134681 you know inventions or technological
D54IzqjDdyI-00612-00134682-00134837 discoveries went different directions or
D54IzqjDdyI-00613-00134838-00135071 if we figured something out sooner uh
D54IzqjDdyI-00614-00135072-00135173 that we're going to figure out the
D54IzqjDdyI-00615-00135174-00135287 future then things could have been
D54IzqjDdyI-00616-00135288-00135431 different like we just can't predict
D54IzqjDdyI-00617-00135432-00135587 what it's going to be like
D54IzqjDdyI-00618-00135588-00135904 yeah you don't feel like there should be
D54IzqjDdyI-00619-00135905-00136321 some uh I guess planning for possible
D54IzqjDdyI-00620-00136322-00136607 negative outcomes
D54IzqjDdyI-00621-00136608-00136859 I don't think we need to worry so much I
D54IzqjDdyI-00622-00136860-00137140 guess I'd have to talk about the you
D54IzqjDdyI-00623-00137141-00137278 know what negative outcomes in
D54IzqjDdyI-00624-00137279-00137452 particular we're going to be preparing
D54IzqjDdyI-00625-00137453-00137645 for
D54IzqjDdyI-00626-00137646-00137890 um you know one one concern about AI is
D54IzqjDdyI-00627-00137891-00138052 it's going to take people's jobs and I
D54IzqjDdyI-00628-00138053-00138257 imagine that's true
D54IzqjDdyI-00629-00138258-00138521 um but technological innovation always
D54IzqjDdyI-00630-00138522-00138797 has done that and then it's eventually
D54IzqjDdyI-00631-00138798-00138989 you know and very quickly provided much
D54IzqjDdyI-00632-00138990-00139151 more jobs and I think there'll be some
D54IzqjDdyI-00633-00139152-00139319 of that for a long long time I think
D54IzqjDdyI-00634-00139320-00139559 we're probably a long way before
D54IzqjDdyI-00635-00139560-00139781 and I could be wrong like I'm I'm
D54IzqjDdyI-00636-00139782-00140014 predicting and prophesying and I don't
D54IzqjDdyI-00637-00140015-00140225 really have great data on this nobody
D54IzqjDdyI-00638-00140226-00140435 does but I I would imagine it's going to
D54IzqjDdyI-00639-00140436-00140627 be a while before I just think it's
D54IzqjDdyI-00640-00140628-00140801 really hard to achieve that type of
D54IzqjDdyI-00641-00140802-00140981 self-awareness into a tree to get
D54IzqjDdyI-00642-00140982-00141161 technology to do the things that we
D54IzqjDdyI-00643-00141162-00141335 wanted to do
D54IzqjDdyI-00644-00141336-00141509 um in that regard so it's going to take
D54IzqjDdyI-00645-00141510-00141785 a long time to do it I mean this is one
D54IzqjDdyI-00646-00141786-00141923 of the hard Parts is that you never know
D54IzqjDdyI-00647-00141924-00142114 how close how close you are until you
D54IzqjDdyI-00648-00142115-00142252 actually achieve what people are talking
D54IzqjDdyI-00649-00142253-00142385 about you know because they've been
D54IzqjDdyI-00650-00142386-00142607 talking about uh artificial intelligence
D54IzqjDdyI-00651-00142608-00142907 learning intelligence for the last 50
D54IzqjDdyI-00652-00142908-00143183 years and at any point in time you could
D54IzqjDdyI-00653-00143184-00143333 find a lot of people who are saying oh
D54IzqjDdyI-00654-00143334-00143549 we're we're we'll have the answer in
D54IzqjDdyI-00655-00143550-00143783 less than a decade and we haven't gotten
D54IzqjDdyI-00656-00143784-00143975 there yet but at some point that person
D54IzqjDdyI-00657-00143976-00144131 that says we will have the answer in
D54IzqjDdyI-00658-00144132-00144323 less than a decade will be correct and
D54IzqjDdyI-00659-00144324-00144431 we just don't know when that's going to
D54IzqjDdyI-00660-00144432-00144593 be it could be the people that are that
D54IzqjDdyI-00661-00144594-00144766 said it five years ago that they're the
D54IzqjDdyI-00662-00144767-00144887 ones that were correct in the next
D54IzqjDdyI-00663-00144888-00145240 couple years we're going to hit it and
D54IzqjDdyI-00664-00145241-00145540 just like the the aliens that are so
D54IzqjDdyI-00665-00145541-00145727 Advanced that they can travel across
D54IzqjDdyI-00666-00145728-00145889 space
D54IzqjDdyI-00667-00145890-00146057 um that we that we won't be able to
D54IzqjDdyI-00668-00146058-00146321 communicate with once we create a
D54IzqjDdyI-00669-00146322-00146525 learning AI
D54IzqjDdyI-00670-00146526-00146747 um it's going to be very difficult to
D54IzqjDdyI-00671-00146748-00146890 control it
D54IzqjDdyI-00672-00146891-00147245 because it can it'll be able to outsmart
D54IzqjDdyI-00673-00147246-00147487 us it has access to all the information
D54IzqjDdyI-00674-00147488-00147713 everything that's out there
D54IzqjDdyI-00675-00147714-00147940 and more information than any one person
D54IzqjDdyI-00676-00147941-00148133 or any group of people have access to
D54IzqjDdyI-00677-00148134-00148378 and it'll be smarter than all of us and
D54IzqjDdyI-00678-00148379-00148559 so at that point they say oh well we
D54IzqjDdyI-00679-00148560-00148702 should probably figure out how we can
D54IzqjDdyI-00680-00148703-00148877 constrain this system
D54IzqjDdyI-00681-00148878-00149039 it's going to figure out how to outsmart
D54IzqjDdyI-00682-00149040-00149254 us at that point and so it's that's why
D54IzqjDdyI-00683-00149255-00149404 it's something that we really need to be
D54IzqjDdyI-00684-00149405-00149878 able to uh address before we get there
D54IzqjDdyI-00685-00149879-00150052 because if we try and do it afterwards
D54IzqjDdyI-00686-00150053-00150197 it's going to be too late
D54IzqjDdyI-00687-00150198-00150383 you know I can give you an example of
D54IzqjDdyI-00688-00150384-00150521 what sort of problem we might face let's
D54IzqjDdyI-00689-00150522-00150707 let's suppose that you know we we're
D54IzqjDdyI-00690-00150708-00151001 able to somehow create a a rule set
D54IzqjDdyI-00691-00151002-00151354 where that under no circumstances can
D54IzqjDdyI-00692-00151355-00151504 the AI
D54IzqjDdyI-00693-00151505-00151727 um cause any harm to the human rights
D54IzqjDdyI-00694-00151728-00151943 and so and in fact we give it the
D54IzqjDdyI-00695-00151944-00152069 directive to try and improve the human
D54IzqjDdyI-00696-00152070-00152254 race and somehow we're able to to make
D54IzqjDdyI-00697-00152255-00152513 that happen and so the AI says well in
D54IzqjDdyI-00698-00152514-00152735 order to make that happen we if we want
D54IzqjDdyI-00699-00152736-00152921 to improve the human race we've got too
D54IzqjDdyI-00700-00152922-00153161 much drag we've got too many
D54IzqjDdyI-00701-00153162-00153533 um individuals that are subpar that are
D54IzqjDdyI-00702-00153534-00153695 pulling the human race down so the
D54IzqjDdyI-00703-00153696-00153875 easiest way to improve the human race is
D54IzqjDdyI-00704-00153876-00154078 to eliminate eliminate those subpar
D54IzqjDdyI-00705-00154079-00154325 humans and so we now we've got an AR AI
D54IzqjDdyI-00706-00154326-00154402 it's going to go around and start
D54IzqjDdyI-00707-00154403-00154601 killing off people in order to elevate
D54IzqjDdyI-00708-00154602-00154745 the smartest
D54IzqjDdyI-00709-00154746-00154978 um the most the most effective aspects
D54IzqjDdyI-00710-00154979-00155273 of the human race so although it is
D54IzqjDdyI-00711-00155274-00155543 abiding by the guidelines we've set for
D54IzqjDdyI-00712-00155544-00155747 it it's doing it in a way that we would
D54IzqjDdyI-00713-00155748-00155904 not approve of
D54IzqjDdyI-00714-00155905-00156239 so these are things and this is just one
D54IzqjDdyI-00715-00156240-00156359 that's been thought of one of the things
D54IzqjDdyI-00716-00156360-00156539 that will happen with these with with a
D54IzqjDdyI-00717-00156540-00156761 potential actual learning and artificial
D54IzqjDdyI-00718-00156762-00156940 intelligence it's going to figure out
D54IzqjDdyI-00719-00156941-00157163 things that we haven't even considered
D54IzqjDdyI-00720-00157164-00157373 as to ways that the system can go wrong
D54IzqjDdyI-00721-00157374-00157576 like you like to talk about unintended
D54IzqjDdyI-00722-00157577-00157978 consequences
D54IzqjDdyI-00723-00157979-00158299 a dagger that's many consequences
D54IzqjDdyI-00724-00158300-00158539 you're proud of yourself on that one
D54IzqjDdyI-00725-00158540-00158783 came out of nowhere
D54IzqjDdyI-00726-00158784-00158951 yeah yeah I think there will be
D54IzqjDdyI-00727-00158952-00159149 unintended consequences definitely I
D54IzqjDdyI-00728-00159150-00159347 think it's just a little bit if we want
D54IzqjDdyI-00729-00159348-00159521 to talk about specific threats that we
D54IzqjDdyI-00730-00159522-00159725 think are on the horizon we can talk
D54IzqjDdyI-00731-00159726-00160031 about it I'm not I'm frankly just not
D54IzqjDdyI-00732-00160032-00160223 worried about it I I don't know what
D54IzqjDdyI-00733-00160224-00160426 they're going to be and whatever it is
D54IzqjDdyI-00734-00160427-00160654 that you come up with and say well this
D54IzqjDdyI-00735-00160655-00160816 is this is a serious threat we should be
D54IzqjDdyI-00736-00160817-00160966 concerned about this it'll be something
D54IzqjDdyI-00737-00160967-00161152 else that is going to be the problem you
D54IzqjDdyI-00738-00161153-00161375 know what I mean uh so I just I don't
D54IzqjDdyI-00739-00161376-00161507 really worry about that type of stuff
D54IzqjDdyI-00740-00161508-00161819 it's almost like it seems to me anytime
D54IzqjDdyI-00741-00161820-00162113 something goes wrong then
D54IzqjDdyI-00742-00162114-00162419 uh you know not to use my old
D54IzqjDdyI-00743-00162420-00162569 um standby but the government steps in
D54IzqjDdyI-00744-00162570-00162713 and says hey we can help you we can
D54IzqjDdyI-00745-00162714-00162869 solve this problem and then they do a
D54IzqjDdyI-00746-00162870-00162995 whole bunch of things that are the wrong
D54IzqjDdyI-00747-00162996-00163289 answers you know just as an example we
D54IzqjDdyI-00748-00163290-00163547 had uh nuclear power which we should
D54IzqjDdyI-00749-00163548-00163673 have been using for that we've talked
D54IzqjDdyI-00750-00163674-00163919 about this many times before nuclear we
D54IzqjDdyI-00751-00163920-00164057 have to do something we have to prepare
D54IzqjDdyI-00752-00164058-00164261 we have to protect against nuclear power
D54IzqjDdyI-00753-00164262-00164440 they could be a serious problem and then
D54IzqjDdyI-00754-00164441-00164597 for 50 years we haven't put on a new
D54IzqjDdyI-00755-00164598-00164854 nuclear power plant and and we've uh put
D54IzqjDdyI-00756-00164855-00165083 on all this coal and even natural gas
D54IzqjDdyI-00757-00165084-00165359 all these dirtier sources of energy
D54IzqjDdyI-00758-00165360-00165563 because they were trying to do something
D54IzqjDdyI-00759-00165564-00165713 good and they took it in the wrong
D54IzqjDdyI-00760-00165714-00165916 direction they made poor choices you
D54IzqjDdyI-00761-00165917-00166151 know another one is the TSA you know I
D54IzqjDdyI-00762-00166152-00166445 just I don't whatever happened on 9 11 I
D54IzqjDdyI-00763-00166446-00166607 think we could have done other things I
D54IzqjDdyI-00764-00166608-00166787 mean we could have we could have
D54IzqjDdyI-00765-00166788-00166966 protected against that stuff very easily
D54IzqjDdyI-00766-00166967-00167152 without spending billions of dollars
D54IzqjDdyI-00767-00167153-00167302 every year and all these people and all
D54IzqjDdyI-00768-00167303-00167501 these wands and walking through taking
D54IzqjDdyI-00769-00167502-00167663 your shoes off it's all this theater
D54IzqjDdyI-00770-00167664-00167897 just doesn't work anyway but they said
D54IzqjDdyI-00771-00167898-00168040 we have to do something we have to
D54IzqjDdyI-00772-00168041-00168323 protect you guys well the next you know
D54IzqjDdyI-00773-00168324-00168454 terrorist threat could be something
D54IzqjDdyI-00774-00168455-00168563 completely different it could be them
D54IzqjDdyI-00775-00168564-00168845 blowing up a football stadium or you
D54IzqjDdyI-00776-00168846-00169066 know a bridge or creating blowing up a
D54IzqjDdyI-00777-00169067-00169331 dam and flooding a town or you know that
D54IzqjDdyI-00778-00169332-00169481 you just can't predict what it's going
D54IzqjDdyI-00779-00169482-00169775 to be until so until it's closer I just
D54IzqjDdyI-00780-00169776-00169943 think it's a huge waste of time we can
D54IzqjDdyI-00781-00169944-00170116 begin talking about it and if we see
D54IzqjDdyI-00782-00170117-00170351 some threats fine but I'm just not that
D54IzqjDdyI-00783-00170352-00170476 worried and I think we're going to go in
D54IzqjDdyI-00784-00170477-00170639 the wrong direction because that's what
D54IzqjDdyI-00785-00170640-00170789 we always that's what government does
D54IzqjDdyI-00786-00170790-00170957 they go in the wrong direction and they
D54IzqjDdyI-00787-00170958-00171209 create useless regulations that don't
D54IzqjDdyI-00788-00171210-00171431 really help well I think you're right in
D54IzqjDdyI-00789-00171432-00171611 that if we try and be very specific in
D54IzqjDdyI-00790-00171612-00171790 our Solutions We're not gonna we're not
D54IzqjDdyI-00791-00171791-00171973 going to be able to
D54IzqjDdyI-00792-00171974-00172314 one you know address every every problem
D54IzqjDdyI-00793-00172315-00172687 uh and two like you say probably address
D54IzqjDdyI-00794-00172688-00172978 problems that aren't really problems or
D54IzqjDdyI-00795-00172979-00173231 problems that if we if we catch the one
D54IzqjDdyI-00796-00173232-00173345 then there'll be another one that's
D54IzqjDdyI-00797-00173346-00173543 gonna that will miss so rather than
D54IzqjDdyI-00798-00173544-00173771 looking at specific issues the idea then
D54IzqjDdyI-00799-00173772-00174101 is to create sort of a general guideline
D54IzqjDdyI-00800-00174102-00174383 um a framework by which this thing would
D54IzqjDdyI-00801-00174384-00174647 would uh this would move forward maybe
D54IzqjDdyI-00802-00174648-00174840 maybe I don't know that a more
D54IzqjDdyI-00803-00174841-00175175 on Research is a good idea one person
D54IzqjDdyI-00804-00175176-00175499 had suggested a moratorium on releasing
D54IzqjDdyI-00805-00175500-00175757 products releasing uh things for it
D54IzqjDdyI-00806-00175758-00175919 that'll go to either businesses or
D54IzqjDdyI-00807-00175920-00176075 consumers allow the research to happen
D54IzqjDdyI-00808-00176076-00176351 but don't go any further than than you
D54IzqjDdyI-00809-00176352-00176537 know what's happening in Labs or or in
D54IzqjDdyI-00810-00176538-00176776 uh at academic institutions or even
D54IzqjDdyI-00811-00176777-00177119 commercial research facilities
D54IzqjDdyI-00812-00177120-00177340 would be one solution while we try and
D54IzqjDdyI-00813-00177341-00177538 figure out what the issue is
D54IzqjDdyI-00814-00177539-00177628 um
D54IzqjDdyI-00815-00177629-00177766 the
D54IzqjDdyI-00816-00177767-00178037 it is coming I mean as we said it's it's
D54IzqjDdyI-00817-00178038-00178301 already here there's already types of
D54IzqjDdyI-00818-00178302-00178588 art of uh content that's being created
D54IzqjDdyI-00819-00178589-00178799 by artificial intelligence and so we do
D54IzqjDdyI-00820-00178800-00179075 need something some way to address
D54IzqjDdyI-00821-00179076-00179566 what's already out there in our sphere
D54IzqjDdyI-00822-00179567-00179831 yeah I guess it doesn't seem like
D54IzqjDdyI-00823-00179832-00180040 maybe I mean I can you know if they
D54IzqjDdyI-00824-00180041-00180359 wanted to pose some regulations that
D54IzqjDdyI-00825-00180360-00180514 um
D54IzqjDdyI-00826-00180515-00180707 you know to stop those things that you
D54IzqjDdyI-00827-00180708-00180869 talked about earlier like pretending to
D54IzqjDdyI-00828-00180870-00181109 be somebody and you know fake porn or
D54IzqjDdyI-00829-00181110-00181326 whatever or pretending to be somebody
D54IzqjDdyI-00830-00181327-00181690 representing yourself as somebody else
D54IzqjDdyI-00831-00181691-00181895 um pretended you know pretending to be a
D54IzqjDdyI-00832-00181896-00182147 politician and and you know getting him
D54IzqjDdyI-00833-00182148-00182321 to say something compromising or
D54IzqjDdyI-00834-00182322-00182525 inappropriate you know to hurt his
D54IzqjDdyI-00835-00182526-00182633 political chances I could see
D54IzqjDdyI-00836-00182634-00182909 regulations around that so
D54IzqjDdyI-00837-00182910-00183107 um you know but once again not that you
D54IzqjDdyI-00838-00183108-00183352 can't do it like I you know I it just so
D54IzqjDdyI-00839-00183353-00183563 quickly they overstep their bounds
D54IzqjDdyI-00840-00183564-00183833 instead of saying you can't do it just
D54IzqjDdyI-00841-00183834-00184007 maybe have something that says you have
D54IzqjDdyI-00842-00184008-00184199 to indicate that this is fake or
D54IzqjDdyI-00843-00184200-00184373 something like that which would work
D54IzqjDdyI-00844-00184374-00184564 well if it's someone within the U.S but
D54IzqjDdyI-00845-00184565-00184721 let's say for example
D54IzqjDdyI-00846-00184722-00184871 um Russia or China wants to try and
D54IzqjDdyI-00847-00184872-00185075 influence the election in some way I'm
D54IzqjDdyI-00848-00185076-00185188 not going to be able to stop them from
D54IzqjDdyI-00849-00185189-00185302 doing anything
D54IzqjDdyI-00850-00185303-00185488 no we'll come up for the right what do
D54IzqjDdyI-00851-00185489-00185590 you propose
D54IzqjDdyI-00852-00185591-00185728 I don't know that's why that's why
D54IzqjDdyI-00853-00185729-00185885 that's why we're here why we're talking
D54IzqjDdyI-00854-00185886-00186047 because I I don't know that there is a
D54IzqjDdyI-00855-00186048-00186293 solution for that in particular one
D54IzqjDdyI-00856-00186294-00186485 thing there there was a couple sort of
D54IzqjDdyI-00857-00186486-00186683 General General
D54IzqjDdyI-00858-00186684-00186923 um areas General solutions that don't
D54IzqjDdyI-00859-00186924-00187159 really address the AI issue but how to
D54IzqjDdyI-00860-00187160-00187414 be mindful of AI
D54IzqjDdyI-00861-00187415-00187714 um things like fact checking uh where
D54IzqjDdyI-00862-00187715-00187954 possible another another thing that was
D54IzqjDdyI-00863-00187955-00188231 useful is using curated content
D54IzqjDdyI-00864-00188232-00188399 so in other words not getting your news
D54IzqjDdyI-00865-00188400-00188531 from Twitter
D54IzqjDdyI-00866-00188532-00188699 um because who knows where it comes from
D54IzqjDdyI-00867-00188700-00188843 on Twitter you may know the person that
D54IzqjDdyI-00868-00188844-00188993 you got it from but you don't know where
D54IzqjDdyI-00869-00188994-00189143 they got it from or where that person
D54IzqjDdyI-00870-00189144-00189311 got it from or what you know what their
D54IzqjDdyI-00871-00189312-00189497 Source was you can go down a whole chain
D54IzqjDdyI-00872-00189498-00189719 where it's been retweeted seven times
D54IzqjDdyI-00873-00189720-00189935 and no one knows knows who the original
D54IzqjDdyI-00874-00189936-00190264 Source was so curated content wait wait
D54IzqjDdyI-00875-00190265-00190481 why would that be the case that you
D54IzqjDdyI-00876-00190482-00190654 there that might be the case
D54IzqjDdyI-00877-00190655-00190835 occasionally but you oftentimes there
D54IzqjDdyI-00878-00190836-00191116 are journalists on Twitter and they
D54IzqjDdyI-00879-00191117-00191314 oftentimes cite their sources I mean I
D54IzqjDdyI-00880-00191315-00191561 always see it's very similar to a
D54IzqjDdyI-00881-00191562-00191699 newspaper somebody in the newspaper
D54IzqjDdyI-00882-00191700-00191969 presents you some stuff and maybe they
D54IzqjDdyI-00883-00191970-00192101 give you sources maybe they're good
D54IzqjDdyI-00884-00192102-00192293 sources maybe they're not
D54IzqjDdyI-00885-00192294-00192425 um sometimes they reference a
D54IzqjDdyI-00886-00192426-00192569 whistleblower or somebody that you know
D54IzqjDdyI-00887-00192570-00192809 an anonymous source and then you have to
D54IzqjDdyI-00888-00192810-00192983 make your decisions about it but I would
D54IzqjDdyI-00889-00192984-00193223 see it as no different
D54IzqjDdyI-00890-00193224-00193385 um I mean if you go to Twitter and just
D54IzqjDdyI-00891-00193386-00193733 read anybody and you know call that
D54IzqjDdyI-00892-00193734-00193816 um
D54IzqjDdyI-00893-00193817-00194033 accurate information well that's a
D54IzqjDdyI-00894-00194034-00194188 problem but if you go to Twitter just
D54IzqjDdyI-00895-00194189-00194447 the same way as uh when you decide to go
D54IzqjDdyI-00896-00194448-00194657 to the Washington Post or the New York
D54IzqjDdyI-00897-00194658-00194926 Times or Fox News you decide where
D54IzqjDdyI-00898-00194927-00195071 you're going to go on Twitter you can
D54IzqjDdyI-00899-00195072-00195226 decide who you're going to listen to and
D54IzqjDdyI-00900-00195227-00195371 there's some definitely some journalists
D54IzqjDdyI-00901-00195372-00195521 who have good sources on there and
D54IzqjDdyI-00902-00195522-00195857 provide very in-depth reporting so to
D54IzqjDdyI-00903-00195858-00196078 say to say that you can't go to Twitter
D54IzqjDdyI-00904-00196079-00196216 and get that information and then to
D54IzqjDdyI-00905-00196217-00196414 make the argument that because it'll
D54IzqjDdyI-00906-00196415-00196607 never have good sources and there's
D54IzqjDdyI-00907-00196608-00196745 going to be seven layers deep where you
D54IzqjDdyI-00908-00196746-00196864 can't figure out where it came from
D54IzqjDdyI-00909-00196865-00197087 that's not always the case and so just
D54IzqjDdyI-00910-00197088-00197183 be careful where you get your
D54IzqjDdyI-00911-00197184-00197399 information on Twitter or anywhere else
D54IzqjDdyI-00912-00197400-00197614 well I mean you're right I mean when I'm
D54IzqjDdyI-00913-00197615-00197752 talking about Twitter I'm not talking
D54IzqjDdyI-00914-00197753-00197926 about the you know an individual that
D54IzqjDdyI-00915-00197927-00198125 you recognize that you know that the
D54IzqjDdyI-00916-00198126-00198407 trusted Source if Barry Weiss or Michael
D54IzqjDdyI-00917-00198408-00198628 schellenberger is posting whether it's
D54IzqjDdyI-00918-00198629-00198821 on sub stack or on Twitter it doesn't
D54IzqjDdyI-00919-00198822-00198995 really matter because it's still very
D54IzqjDdyI-00920-00198996-00199187 wise for Michael schellenberger what I'm
D54IzqjDdyI-00921-00199188-00199438 really referring to are the people where
D54IzqjDdyI-00922-00199439-00199673 the source is questionable and you know
D54IzqjDdyI-00923-00199674-00199949 as an example Eli on musk a couple times
D54IzqjDdyI-00924-00199950-00200219 in the last few months has post has
D54IzqjDdyI-00925-00200220-00200350 tweeted something and then deleted their
D54IzqjDdyI-00926-00200351-00200537 tweet his tweet when he realized that it
D54IzqjDdyI-00927-00200538-00200783 was a questionable uh material
D54IzqjDdyI-00928-00200784-00200957 questionable Source
D54IzqjDdyI-00929-00200958-00201221 um so so even the guy in charge has has
D54IzqjDdyI-00930-00201222-00201443 a few times had to go and walk back the
D54IzqjDdyI-00931-00201444-00201616 stuff that he put out there and there
D54IzqjDdyI-00932-00201617-00201916 are people that don't care that it's
D54IzqjDdyI-00933-00201917-00202085 been deleted or don't know that it's
D54IzqjDdyI-00934-00202086-00202295 been deleted all they know is is that he
D54IzqjDdyI-00935-00202296-00202535 they saw the Tweet then they shared it
D54IzqjDdyI-00936-00202536-00202714 and then that's that's you know there
D54IzqjDdyI-00937-00202715-00202811 was never
D54IzqjDdyI-00938-00202812-00202966 um they never were it was never brought
D54IzqjDdyI-00939-00202967-00203195 to their attention that
D54IzqjDdyI-00940-00203196-00203345 um it was deleted and so therefore it
D54IzqjDdyI-00941-00203346-00203573 might be questionable and they shouldn't
D54IzqjDdyI-00942-00203574-00203788 really consider it as factual as they
D54IzqjDdyI-00943-00203789-00203987 had before when he tweeted it
D54IzqjDdyI-00944-00203988-00204299 yeah that could be sounds really
D54IzqjDdyI-00945-00204300-00204454 nefarious
D54IzqjDdyI-00946-00204455-00204640 uh it can be
D54IzqjDdyI-00947-00204641-00205055 um the the uh the other ways in which
D54IzqjDdyI-00948-00205056-00205288 the the another solution to it is using
D54IzqjDdyI-00949-00205289-00205492 uh the metadata of some of the contents
D54IzqjDdyI-00950-00205494-00205642 out there whether you're talking videos
D54IzqjDdyI-00951-00205644-00205996 pictures or other content where the
D54IzqjDdyI-00952-00205998-00206369 source of the material uh or the the how
D54IzqjDdyI-00953-00206369-00206657 the material was created so if it was
D54IzqjDdyI-00954-00206658-00206860 taken if a picture was taken with a
D54IzqjDdyI-00955-00206861-00207125 camera or a phone or a video recorder
D54IzqjDdyI-00956-00207126-00207353 the metadata will tell you what it what
D54IzqjDdyI-00957-00207354-00207562 the equip piece of equipment was
D54IzqjDdyI-00958-00207563-00207808 um as it if it was generated by an AI it
D54IzqjDdyI-00959-00207809-00207940 won't have that sort of information in
D54IzqjDdyI-00960-00207941-00208132 there and so it's it's a little bit
D54IzqjDdyI-00961-00208133-00208301 different so again it's being able to to
D54IzqjDdyI-00962-00208302-00208481 know what to look for and what the
D54IzqjDdyI-00963-00208482-00208823 origins are
D54IzqjDdyI-00964-00208823-00209188 there yeah that can be helpful
D54IzqjDdyI-00965-00209189-00209494 um
D54IzqjDdyI-00966-00209496-00209741 was there anything else related to this
D54IzqjDdyI-00967-00209742-00210208 that you wanted to bring up
D54IzqjDdyI-00968-00210209-00210473 uh no I think we've covered it
D54IzqjDdyI-00969-00210473-00210791 um yeah I I think we're along I'm a long
D54IzqjDdyI-00970-00210792-00210989 ways from understanding it because it's
D54IzqjDdyI-00971-00210990-00211217 in its early stages yet it's kind of
D54IzqjDdyI-00972-00211217-00211379 exciting that they're figuring some
D54IzqjDdyI-00973-00211380-00211582 stuff out and it's it's going to be fun
D54IzqjDdyI-00974-00211583-00211823 but I think we're probably a long ways
D54IzqjDdyI-00975-00211823-00211925 before
D54IzqjDdyI-00976-00211926-00212165 from uh where it's going to be
D54IzqjDdyI-00977-00212166-00212417 incredibly useful it'll probably be
D54IzqjDdyI-00978-00212417-00212644 useful almost like a search engine at
D54IzqjDdyI-00979-00212646-00212789 first
D54IzqjDdyI-00980-00212790-00212963 um or maybe maybe it will be able to do
D54IzqjDdyI-00981-00212964-00213173 simple tasks like uh put together
D54IzqjDdyI-00982-00213173-00213377 presentations or things so we'll see
D54IzqjDdyI-00983-00213378-00213532 where it goes
D54IzqjDdyI-00984-00213533-00213694 okay
D54IzqjDdyI-00985-00213696-00213994 yeah I I think that you know that there
D54IzqjDdyI-00986-00213996-00214163 there are some people that looked at for
D54IzqjDdyI-00987-00214164-00214379 example what happened with the uh um the
D54IzqjDdyI-00988-00214380-00214541 the attack on the capital and some
D54IzqjDdyI-00989-00214542-00214715 people said afterwards well you know hey
D54IzqjDdyI-00990-00214716-00214967 we're still here so it must not be a
D54IzqjDdyI-00991-00214967-00215123 really big deal because you know nothing
D54IzqjDdyI-00992-00215123-00215392 really happened and my concern with with
D54IzqjDdyI-00993-00215394-00215596 the AI is we take that same sort of well
D54IzqjDdyI-00994-00215598-00215758 you know if we're still here nothing's
D54IzqjDdyI-00995-00215759-00215998 wrong you know it's not a problem the
D54IzqjDdyI-00996-00216000-00216203 issue is once we get to that point
D54IzqjDdyI-00997-00216204-00216389 whether it's you know the you know the
D54IzqjDdyI-00998-00216390-00216563 Civil War in the country because people
D54IzqjDdyI-00999-00216564-00216713 decided they don't like what the half
D54IzqjDdyI-01000-00216714-00216905 the states are doing or an artificial
D54IzqjDdyI-01001-00216906-00217169 intelligence that is able to
D54IzqjDdyI-01002-00217169-00217403 um circumvent any sort of constraints we
D54IzqjDdyI-01003-00217404-00217594 put on it by the time we're there it's
D54IzqjDdyI-01004-00217596-00217787 going to be too late to try and solve
D54IzqjDdyI-01005-00217788-00217931 the problems we need to get to it before
D54IzqjDdyI-01006-00217932-00218153 it becomes a problem
D54IzqjDdyI-01007-00218154-00218465 um yeah you could be right
D54IzqjDdyI-01008-00218466-00218687 all right then uh we'll call this one
D54IzqjDdyI-01009-00218688-00218765 done
D54IzqjDdyI-01010-00218766-00219317 all right Brian thanks Colin good time
D54IzqjDdyI-01011-00219317-00219515 we hope you learned something in this
D54IzqjDdyI-01012-00219516-00219737 episode of brother versus brother a
D54IzqjDdyI-01013-00219738-00220019 podcast about difficult conversations
D54IzqjDdyI-01014-00220019-00220205 we also hope that you enjoyed it enough
D54IzqjDdyI-01015-00220206-00220421 to subscribe to the podcast
D54IzqjDdyI-01016-00220421-00220660 you can help us by spreading the word
D54IzqjDdyI-01017-00220661-00220841 share this episode on your favorite
D54IzqjDdyI-01018-00220842-00221069 social media so that others will have an
D54IzqjDdyI-01019-00221069-00221308 opportunity to experience it as well
D54IzqjDdyI-01020-00221309-00221519 you can also support us by donating
D54IzqjDdyI-01021-00221519-00221789 through patreon this information and
D54IzqjDdyI-01022-00221790-00221987 more can be found on our website
D54IzqjDdyI-01023-00221988-00222275 broconvo.com
D54IzqjDdyI-01024-00222276-00222539 and on our various social media accounts
D54IzqjDdyI-01025-00222540-00222835 thank you
D6ShXw1mufy-00000-00000006-00000293 hi friends please subscribe to amravati
D6ShXw1mufy-00001-00000294-00000509 media and press the Bell icon for more
D6ShXw1mufy-00006-00017588-00018193 [Music]
D6ShXw1mufy-00007-00018194-00018494 thank you
D7M9hscuNA0-00000-00000046-00000337 libres library information system is a
D7M9hscuNA0-00001-00000338-00000539 Swedish National Union catalog
D7M9hscuNA0-00002-00000540-00000724 maintained by the National Library of
D7M9hscuNA0-00003-00000725-00000998 Sweden in Stockholm it is possible to
D7M9hscuNA0-00004-00000999-00001258 freely search about 6.5 million titles
D7M9hscuNA0-00005-00001259-00001507 nationwide in addition to bibliographic
D7M9hscuNA0-00006-00001508-00001739 records one for each book or publication
D7M9hscuNA0-00007-00001739-00001960 libres also contains an authority file
D7M9hscuNA0-00008-00001961-00002209 of people for each person there is a
D7M9hscuNA0-00009-00002210-00002390 record connecting name birth and
D7M9hscuNA0-00010-00002391-00002617 occupation with a unique identifier the
D7M9hscuNA0-00011-00002618-00002831 mark code for the Swedish Union catalog
D7M9hscuNA0-00012-00002832-00003133 as se LiBr normalized sella the
D7M9hscuNA0-00013-00003134-00003320 development of libres can be traced to
D7M9hscuNA0-00014-00003321-00003661 the mid 1960s while rationalization of
D7M9hscuNA0-00015-00003663-00003851 libraries had been an issue for two
D7M9hscuNA0-00016-00003852-00004093 decades after world war ii it was in
D7M9hscuNA0-00017-00004094-00004310 1965 that a government committee
D7M9hscuNA0-00018-00004311-00004472 published a report on the use of
D7M9hscuNA0-00019-00004473-00004733 computers in research libraries the
D7M9hscuNA0-00020-00004734-00005024 government budget of 1965 created a
D7M9hscuNA0-00021-00005025-00005234 research library council for Sting's
D7M9hscuNA0-00022-00005235-00005606 biblioteca Det FBR a preliminary design
D7M9hscuNA0-00023-00005607-00005836 document bibliothèque administrative
D7M9hscuNA0-00024-00005837-00006127 information system Bais was published in
D7M9hscuNA0-00025-00006128-00006395 May 1970 and the name libres short for
D7M9hscuNA0-00026-00006396-00006617 library information system was used for
D7M9hscuNA0-00027-00006618-00006803 a technical subcommittee that started on
D7M9hscuNA0-00028-00006804-00007130 the 1st of july 1970 the newsletter
D7M9hscuNA0-00029-00007131-00007439 libre SMED Landon is S&O three four
D7M9hscuNA0-00030-00007440-00007624 eight one eight nine one has been
D7M9hscuNA0-00031-00007625-00007885 published since 1972 and has online
D7M9hscuNA0-00032-00007886-00008325 since 1997
D7M9hscuNA0-00033-00008326-00008850 topic references
D7M9hscuNA0-00034-00008851-00009384 topic external links
D7M9hscuNA0-00035-00009385-00009702 National Library of Sweden libres select
D7M9hscuNA0-00036-00009703-00010023 in English from the top menu default
D7M9hscuNA0-00037-00010024-00010284 language is Swedish open data
D7M9hscuNA0-00038-00010285-00010530 information about libras bibliographic
D7M9hscuNA0-00039-00010531-00010746 records and authority file is open data
D7M9hscuNA0-00040-00010747-00011106 the third of April 2012
D8m7xt17W6M-00000-00000024-00000199 your excellence
D8m7xt17W6M-00001-00000200-00000463 bless you very much
D8m7xt17W6M-00002-00000463-00000711 ministers senior government officials
D8m7xt17W6M-00003-00000712-00000871 distinguished
D8m7xt17W6M-00004-00000872-00001031 business leaders
D8m7xt17W6M-00005-00001032-00001303 ladies and gentlemen
D8m7xt17W6M-00006-00001304-00001527 i thank can express my profound
D8m7xt17W6M-00007-00001528-00001759 appreciation for his excellence
D8m7xt17W6M-00008-00001760-00001959 president yuvar massari
D8m7xt17W6M-00009-00001960-00002134 the government and the people of the
D8m7xt17W6M-00010-00002135-00002334 republic of uganda
D8m7xt17W6M-00011-00002335-00002526 for the invitation and the warm world
D8m7xt17W6M-00012-00002527-00002718 can extend it to me
D8m7xt17W6M-00013-00002719-00002918 and to my delegation
D8m7xt17W6M-00014-00002919-00003175 and for organizing the somalia uganda
D8m7xt17W6M-00015-00003176-00003422 investment and business summit
D8m7xt17W6M-00016-00003423-00003583 a historic
D8m7xt17W6M-00017-00003584-00003727 event that
D8m7xt17W6M-00018-00003728-00004031 has taken place today here in kampala
D8m7xt17W6M-00019-00004032-00004286 somalia and uganda enjoyed growing
D8m7xt17W6M-00020-00004287-00004663 korean and excellent bilateral ties
D8m7xt17W6M-00021-00004664-00004967 based on common shared history
D8m7xt17W6M-00022-00004968-00005295 values and mutual interests
D8m7xt17W6M-00023-00005296-00005438 we value
D8m7xt17W6M-00024-00005439-00005679 these ties and will work to further
D8m7xt17W6M-00025-00005680-00005999 enhance them in the spirit of down
D8m7xt17W6M-00026-00006000-00006191 africanism
D8m7xt17W6M-00027-00006192-00006375 and east african
D8m7xt17W6M-00028-00006376-00006703 brotherhood
D8m7xt17W6M-00029-00006704-00006927 in 2007
D8m7xt17W6M-00030-00006928-00007303 uganda was the first country to respond
D8m7xt17W6M-00031-00007304-00007559 to somalia's call for deployment of
D8m7xt17W6M-00032-00007559-00007655 these
D8m7xt17W6M-00033-00007656-00007831 peacekeeping troops
D8m7xt17W6M-00034-00007831-00008063 and the ugandan people defense
D8m7xt17W6M-00035-00008064-00008255 forces ubdf
D8m7xt17W6M-00036-00008256-00008542 till today continue to support us
D8m7xt17W6M-00037-00008543-00008695 in our fight
D8m7xt17W6M-00038-00008696-00008999 against the terrorism
D8m7xt17W6M-00039-00009000-00009391 and keeping the peace in somalia
D8m7xt17W6M-00040-00009392-00009623 this is a sacrifice
D8m7xt17W6M-00041-00009624-00009791 and contribution
D8m7xt17W6M-00042-00009792-00010046 at its highest level
D8m7xt17W6M-00043-00010047-00010351 from a nation to another brotherly
D8m7xt17W6M-00044-00010352-00010495 nation
D8m7xt17W6M-00045-00010496-00010783 we are grateful for the support
D8m7xt17W6M-00046-00010784-00011071 and we assure you your excellence
D8m7xt17W6M-00047-00011072-00011374 that the sacrifices made by uganda boys
D8m7xt17W6M-00048-00011375-00011510 and girls
D8m7xt17W6M-00049-00011511-00011655 will never
D8m7xt17W6M-00050-00011656-00012031 will not be in vain
D8m7xt17W6M-00051-00012032-00012423 the tsunami people are very interpreted
D8m7xt17W6M-00052-00012424-00012710 and many have invested in key sectors of
D8m7xt17W6M-00053-00012711-00012863 uganda
D8m7xt17W6M-00054-00012863-00013038 ugandan economy
D8m7xt17W6M-00055-00013039-00013263 including manufacturing
D8m7xt17W6M-00056-00013263-00013486 real estate
D8m7xt17W6M-00057-00013487-00013607 and other
D8m7xt17W6M-00058-00013608-00013903 thriving sectors
D8m7xt17W6M-00059-00013904-00014175 we look forward to welcoming
D8m7xt17W6M-00060-00014176-00014335 ugandan
D8m7xt17W6M-00061-00014336-00014463 business
D8m7xt17W6M-00062-00014463-00014566 people
D8m7xt17W6M-00063-00014568-00014791 willing to invest
D8m7xt17W6M-00064-00014791-00015111 in many of our competitive industries
D8m7xt17W6M-00065-00015112-00015303 including agriculture
D8m7xt17W6M-00066-00015304-00015807 livestock fisheries and service sector
D8m7xt17W6M-00067-00015808-00016063 the framework agreement signed between
D8m7xt17W6M-00068-00016063-00016383 our two countries in 2016
D8m7xt17W6M-00069-00016384-00016679 and the subsequent bilateral air service
D8m7xt17W6M-00070-00016680-00016879 agreement passa
D8m7xt17W6M-00071-00016880-00017111 on the memorandum of understanding
D8m7xt17W6M-00072-00017112-00017319 between our two countries
D8m7xt17W6M-00073-00017320-00017550 within our two universities
D8m7xt17W6M-00074-00017551-00017743 chambers of commerce
D8m7xt17W6M-00075-00017744-00017967 and counterparty ministries
D8m7xt17W6M-00076-00017968-00018207 on research education
D8m7xt17W6M-00077-00018208-00018350 development
D8m7xt17W6M-00078-00018351-00018679 diplomatic defense and trade cooperation
D8m7xt17W6M-00079-00018680-00019071 is a clear testament to the brain ties
D8m7xt17W6M-00080-00019072-00019239 between somalia
D8m7xt17W6M-00081-00019240-00019567 and uganda
D8m7xt17W6M-00082-00019568-00019839 somalia has a clear understanding
D8m7xt17W6M-00083-00019840-00020071 of the shared benefits
D8m7xt17W6M-00084-00020072-00020167 that
D8m7xt17W6M-00085-00020168-00020422 come with the working together
D8m7xt17W6M-00086-00020423-00020735 and we are ready to deliver the strong
D8m7xt17W6M-00087-00020736-00021007 leadership and commitment required
D8m7xt17W6M-00088-00021008-00021255 to contribute to posting
D8m7xt17W6M-00089-00021256-00021686 ultra regional trade and investment
D8m7xt17W6M-00090-00021687-00021919 in my meeting with his excellence brazil
D8m7xt17W6M-00091-00021920-00022239 musani and other east african head of
D8m7xt17W6M-00092-00022240-00022494 states in arusha
D8m7xt17W6M-00093-00022495-00022791 i understand that somalia belongs to the
D8m7xt17W6M-00094-00022792-00023143 east africa
D8m7xt17W6M-00095-00023144-00023375 and we are pursuing common goals and
D8m7xt17W6M-00096-00023376-00023622 common future
D8m7xt17W6M-00097-00023623-00023911 as a can as a group
D8m7xt17W6M-00098-00023912-00024207 somalia uganda investment and business
D8m7xt17W6M-00099-00024208-00024342 summit
D8m7xt17W6M-00100-00024343-00024511 is crucial
D8m7xt17W6M-00101-00024512-00024655 untimely
D8m7xt17W6M-00102-00024656-00024950 as it comes just a few weeks after i
D8m7xt17W6M-00103-00024951-00025222 requested the east african community
D8m7xt17W6M-00104-00025223-00025375 heads of state
D8m7xt17W6M-00105-00025376-00025558 with the presence of his excellency
D8m7xt17W6M-00106-00025559-00025799 brazilian sovereignty to jump beyond
D8m7xt17W6M-00107-00025800-00026006 some others big to become
D8m7xt17W6M-00108-00026007-00026246 the aid member joining the east of the
D8m7xt17W6M-00109-00026247-00026583 community
D8m7xt17W6M-00110-00026583-00027007 africa in general is blessed with wealth
D8m7xt17W6M-00111-00027008-00027279 and has a large economy
D8m7xt17W6M-00112-00027280-00027646 however because of fragmented markets
D8m7xt17W6M-00113-00027647-00027758 tariffs
D8m7xt17W6M-00114-00027760-00028039 and mental barriers
D8m7xt17W6M-00115-00028039-00028343 are intra-regional and intra-continental
D8m7xt17W6M-00116-00028344-00028518 trade is below
D8m7xt17W6M-00117-00028519-00028655 20
D8m7xt17W6M-00118-00028656-00028862 compared to about
D8m7xt17W6M-00119-00028863-00029246 60 percent in asia
D8m7xt17W6M-00120-00029247-00029487 we are confident that this summit will
D8m7xt17W6M-00121-00029488-00029799 contribute to the acceleration of
D8m7xt17W6M-00122-00029800-00030007 intra-regional trade
D8m7xt17W6M-00123-00030008-00030239 investment fellows between our two
D8m7xt17W6M-00124-00030239-00030383 countries
D8m7xt17W6M-00125-00030383-00030758 further opportunities to grow
D8m7xt17W6M-00126-00030760-00031039 somalia has unlimited wide economic
D8m7xt17W6M-00127-00031039-00031367 opportunities to offer to partners
D8m7xt17W6M-00128-00031368-00031558 willing to trade
D8m7xt17W6M-00129-00031560-00031670 with
D8m7xt17W6M-00130-00031672-00031918 or investing in our country
D8m7xt17W6M-00131-00031919-00032095 with the longest coastline in the
D8m7xt17W6M-00132-00032095-00032262 mainland africa
D8m7xt17W6M-00133-00032263-00032758 somalia
D8m7xt17W6M-00134-00032760-00032911 resources
D8m7xt17W6M-00135-00032912-00033118 vast arable land
D8m7xt17W6M-00136-00033119-00033359 and provincial climate for
D8m7xt17W6M-00137-00033360-00033607 renewable energy
D8m7xt17W6M-00138-00033608-00033846 entrepreneurial culture
D8m7xt17W6M-00139-00033847-00034079 a thriving private sector
D8m7xt17W6M-00140-00034080-00034215 and a young
D8m7xt17W6M-00141-00034216-00034527 worse workforce ready to engage in the
D8m7xt17W6M-00142-00034528-00034774 economic aspects
D8m7xt17W6M-00143-00034775-00035102 we've made significant strides in state
D8m7xt17W6M-00144-00035103-00035439 building economic reform
D8m7xt17W6M-00145-00035440-00035662 and maintaining
D8m7xt17W6M-00146-00035663-00035939 macro economic stability
D8m7xt17W6M-00147-00035940-00036190 notwithstanding the very difficult
D8m7xt17W6M-00148-00036191-00036559 challenges we are facing right now
D8m7xt17W6M-00149-00036560-00036846 i can tell you with the film confidence
D8m7xt17W6M-00150-00036847-00037095 that somalia
D8m7xt17W6M-00151-00037096-00037599 is now open for business
D8m7xt17W6M-00152-00037600-00037695 and
D8m7xt17W6M-00153-00037696-00037846 investment
D8m7xt17W6M-00154-00037847-00038095 and willing to increase the volume of
D8m7xt17W6M-00155-00038096-00038343 bilateral trade between our two
D8m7xt17W6M-00156-00038344-00038455 countries
D8m7xt17W6M-00157-00038456-00038711 and identify opportunities
D8m7xt17W6M-00158-00038712-00039023 for investment trade and terrorism
D8m7xt17W6M-00159-00039024-00039295 for both our countries
D8m7xt17W6M-00160-00039296-00039502 in our people
D8m7xt17W6M-00161-00039503-00039711 we welcome the establishment of the
D8m7xt17W6M-00162-00039712-00039959 joint permanent investment and business
D8m7xt17W6M-00163-00039960-00040102 firm
D8m7xt17W6M-00164-00040103-00040359 to fast-track the implementation of its
D8m7xt17W6M-00165-00040360-00040527 recommendations
D8m7xt17W6M-00166-00040528-00040887 and decisions as well as identify
D8m7xt17W6M-00167-00040888-00041173 opportunities in both countries
D8m7xt17W6M-00168-00041174-00041920 [Music]
Dsuihlry8uM-00000-00000050-00001377 [Music]
Dsuihlry8uM-00001-00001378-00001523 shabbat shalom
Dsuihlry8uM-00002-00001524-00001820 this week's Torah portion deals with war
Dsuihlry8uM-00003-00001821-00002108 and how sad that we the State of Israel
Dsuihlry8uM-00004-00002109-00002392 again and again are engaged in
Dsuihlry8uM-00005-00002393-00002666 territorial conflicts nowadays
Dsuihlry8uM-00006-00002667-00002912 especially in Gaza again and again
Dsuihlry8uM-00007-00002913-00003188 history repeats itself and we find
Dsuihlry8uM-00008-00003189-00003425 ourselves with a sword drawn with a
Dsuihlry8uM-00009-00003426-00003665 rifle in hand with the intent of
Dsuihlry8uM-00010-00003665-00003979 defending the citizens of Israel the
Dsuihlry8uM-00011-00003981-00004190 security of the State of Israel is based
Dsuihlry8uM-00012-00004191-00004433 on one chief principle preserving the
Dsuihlry8uM-00013-00004434-00004697 existence of the State of Israel which
Dsuihlry8uM-00014-00004698-00004994 means that Israel refuses at all costs
Dsuihlry8uM-00015-00004995-00005294 to lose a war because failure to stop
Dsuihlry8uM-00016-00005295-00005492 the existing threats against Israel
Dsuihlry8uM-00017-00005493-00005801 means the destruction of the State of
Dsuihlry8uM-00018-00005802-00005863 Israel
Dsuihlry8uM-00019-00005864-00006233 Alpana Shah touches on the darker sides
Dsuihlry8uM-00020-00006234-00006581 of warfare killing looting assassination
Dsuihlry8uM-00021-00006581-00006923 collective punishment in short a raging
Dsuihlry8uM-00022-00006923-00007285 fire the three-week period of Bain Hamid
Dsuihlry8uM-00023-00007286-00007664 Salim in English the dire straits begins
Dsuihlry8uM-00024-00007665-00007834 with the day that the walls of Jerusalem
Dsuihlry8uM-00025-00007836-00008221 were breached until the fast of tisha
Dsuihlry8uM-00026-00008222-00008485 bhav the day the temple was destroyed
Dsuihlry8uM-00027-00008486-00008762 these days marked the days of
Dsuihlry8uM-00028-00008763-00009064 tribulation and distress associated with
Dsuihlry8uM-00029-00009065-00009317 the destruction of the first and second
Dsuihlry8uM-00030-00009318-00009671 temples according to tradition this is a
Dsuihlry8uM-00031-00009672-00009946 time when the laws of mourning apply and
Dsuihlry8uM-00032-00009947-00010246 they become more and more strict as we
Dsuihlry8uM-00033-00010247-00010634 approach tisha Bev under three Shabaks
Dsuihlry8uM-00034-00010635-00010981 of the dire straits Bentham it Salim we
Dsuihlry8uM-00035-00010982-00011159 read the three have taught the weekly
Dsuihlry8uM-00036-00011160-00011342 readings from the prophets that deal
Dsuihlry8uM-00037-00011343-00011588 with tribulations and punishments that
Dsuihlry8uM-00038-00011589-00011867 will come about due to the sins of the
Dsuihlry8uM-00039-00011868-00011906 people
Dsuihlry8uM-00040-00011907-00012212 and after tisha Bev in the next seven
Dsuihlry8uM-00041-00012213-00012524 Shabbat we read have taught that have a
Dsuihlry8uM-00042-00012525-00012883 theme of comfort in forgiveness the days
Dsuihlry8uM-00043-00012884-00013147 of dire straits commemorate the
Dsuihlry8uM-00044-00013148-00013400 destruction of the temple in the exiles
Dsuihlry8uM-00045-00013401-00013783 of the people of Israel this week's
Dsuihlry8uM-00046-00013784-00013994 pasha parashat methought Oh
Dsuihlry8uM-00047-00013994-00014276 falls during this period of the dire
Dsuihlry8uM-00048-00014277-00014503 straits bein hermit Selene and
Dsuihlry8uM-00049-00014504-00014828 emphasizes the contrast between promises
Dsuihlry8uM-00050-00014829-00015125 who are land and home in between
Dsuihlry8uM-00051-00015126-00015413 destruction exile in the hiding of God's
Dsuihlry8uM-00052-00015413-00015743 face from us Jesus left the temple and
Dsuihlry8uM-00053-00015744-00016013 was walking away when his disciples came
Dsuihlry8uM-00054-00016013-00016235 up to him to call his attention to its
Dsuihlry8uM-00055-00016236-00016475 buildings do you see all these things he
Dsuihlry8uM-00056-00016476-00016805 asked truly I tell you not one stone
Dsuihlry8uM-00057-00016806-00017086 here will be left on another everyone
Dsuihlry8uM-00058-00017087-00017458 will be thrown down in these weeks we
Dsuihlry8uM-00059-00017459-00017639 begin to think and talk about the jebel
Dsuihlry8uM-00060-00017640-00017905 about the meaning of this thing I've had
Dsuihlry8uM-00061-00017906-00018100 the destruction but it's very difficult
Dsuihlry8uM-00062-00018101-00018397 to internalize and mourn the destruction
Dsuihlry8uM-00063-00018398-00018617 of Jerusalem which happened thousands of
Dsuihlry8uM-00064-00018618-00018844 years ago when today we are surrounded
Dsuihlry8uM-00065-00018845-00019150 by a sizable blooming vibrant in
Dsuihlry8uM-00066-00019151-00019463 calibrated city the requests for us to
Dsuihlry8uM-00067-00019464-00019697 continue to remember the past is for
Dsuihlry8uM-00068-00019698-00019981 many reasons first and foremost to
Dsuihlry8uM-00069-00019982-00020228 continue our existence to continue life
Dsuihlry8uM-00070-00020229-00020572 to always stand on our own to not allow
Dsuihlry8uM-00071-00020573-00020900 anyone to hurt us anymore remembrance is
Dsuihlry8uM-00072-00020901-00021169 essential to our continued existence as
Dsuihlry8uM-00073-00021170-00021478 a people remembrance is essential for a
Dsuihlry8uM-00074-00021479-00021737 rehabilitation in building of a country
Dsuihlry8uM-00075-00021738-00021959 in the physical and spiritual way
Dsuihlry8uM-00076-00021960-00022219 remembrance is important to bring about
Dsuihlry8uM-00077-00022220-00022347 change
Dsuihlry8uM-00078-00022348-00022643 having foresight doesn't necessarily
Dsuihlry8uM-00079-00022644-00022940 mean having the gift of prophecy but
Dsuihlry8uM-00080-00022941-00023141 rather it means the ability to look at
Dsuihlry8uM-00081-00023142-00023390 the past and present and then foresee
Dsuihlry8uM-00082-00023391-00023653 what will happen in the future the
Dsuihlry8uM-00083-00023654-00023852 lesson of the people of Israel for
Dsuihlry8uM-00084-00023853-00024092 generations is that there is always hope
Dsuihlry8uM-00085-00024093-00024406 the hope for salvation the hope for
Dsuihlry8uM-00086-00024407-00024662 redemption for returning home from afar
Dsuihlry8uM-00087-00024663-00024903 from punishment to forgiveness in
Dsuihlry8uM-00088-00024904-00025319 consolation and today we're waiting for
Dsuihlry8uM-00089-00025320-00025621 his face to be revealed for the day when
Dsuihlry8uM-00090-00025622-00025793 the people of Israel were proclaimed
Dsuihlry8uM-00091-00025794-00026030 blessed is he who comes in the name of
Dsuihlry8uM-00092-00026031-00026287 the Lord and kneel before you sure
Dsuihlry8uM-00093-00026288-00026657 Messiah I believe with all my heart that
Dsuihlry8uM-00094-00026658-00026936 God has not abandoned his people and
Dsuihlry8uM-00095-00026937-00027158 Yeshua continues to lead the people of
Dsuihlry8uM-00096-00027158-00027368 Israel even if we don't real
Dsuihlry8uM-00097-00027369-00027668 yet Yeshua is the one who leads us in
Dsuihlry8uM-00098-00027669-00028010 time and time again saves the State of
Dsuihlry8uM-00099-00028011-00028367 Israel the day will come when the veil
Dsuihlry8uM-00100-00028368-00028633 will be removed and the people of Israel
Dsuihlry8uM-00101-00028635-00028910 will accept him as he is as the Messiah
Dsuihlry8uM-00102-00028911-00029411 king of Israel another hot topic in the
Dsuihlry8uM-00103-00029412-00029683 national arena the matter that threatens
Dsuihlry8uM-00104-00029685-00029882 even to topple the government is the
Dsuihlry8uM-00105-00029883-00030220 issue of recruiting Orthodox Jews Haim
Dsuihlry8uM-00106-00030222-00030520 into this really military the hala Dean
Dsuihlry8uM-00107-00030522-00030758 who want their young men to spend these
Dsuihlry8uM-00108-00030758-00030986 potential military years studying the
Dsuihlry8uM-00109-00030987-00031322 Torah instead they cry out they want to
Dsuihlry8uM-00110-00031323-00031652 kill us the Torah is our life this is a
Dsuihlry8uM-00111-00031652-00032060 battle of life and death where does the
Dsuihlry8uM-00112-00032061-00032552 Torah student get his excuse not to
Dsuihlry8uM-00113-00032552-00032776 serve in the army is it from the Torah
Dsuihlry8uM-00114-00032777-00033071 the argument that the Torah student
Dsuihlry8uM-00115-00033072-00033425 should refuse to listen to IDF is very
Dsuihlry8uM-00116-00033426-00033782 weak because the Torah encourages and
Dsuihlry8uM-00117-00033783-00034147 possibly even demands military service
Dsuihlry8uM-00118-00034148-00034379 the book of Torah that we have been
Dsuihlry8uM-00119-00034380-00034664 studying for the past few weeks numbers
Dsuihlry8uM-00120-00034665-00034982 begins without requirement for a
Dsuihlry8uM-00121-00034983-00035330 military census of the tribes you and
Dsuihlry8uM-00122-00035331-00035515 Aaron are to count according to their
Dsuihlry8uM-00123-00035516-00035792 divisions all the men in Israel who are
Dsuihlry8uM-00124-00035793-00036134 twenty years old or more and able to
Dsuihlry8uM-00125-00036135-00036518 serve in the army in Deuteronomy there's
Dsuihlry8uM-00126-00036519-00036830 a little list of reasons for exemption
Dsuihlry8uM-00127-00036831-00037010 from the military service like the
Dsuihlry8uM-00128-00037011-00037175 building of a new house or getting
Dsuihlry8uM-00129-00037176-00037430 married etc should be noted that
Dsuihlry8uM-00130-00037431-00037661 studying Torah is not one of these
Dsuihlry8uM-00131-00037662-00037907 reasons it appears in Deuteronomy
Dsuihlry8uM-00132-00037908-00038315 chapter 20 verses five through eight in
Dsuihlry8uM-00133-00038316-00038612 our parish ah the tribes of God and
Dsuihlry8uM-00134-00038613-00038900 woven see the richness and greenery
Dsuihlry8uM-00135-00038901-00039131 beyond the Jordan River and they asked
Dsuihlry8uM-00136-00039132-00039350 permission from Moses to settle there
Dsuihlry8uM-00137-00039351-00039575 and not to enter into the Promised Land
Dsuihlry8uM-00138-00039576-00039686 at first
Dsuihlry8uM-00139-00039687-00039917 Moses is angry with them because he
Dsuihlry8uM-00140-00039918-00040190 senses a hint of the previous rebellion
Dsuihlry8uM-00141-00040191-00040475 of the spies who rejected the promised
Dsuihlry8uM-00142-00040476-00040690 land Moses attacked them with
Dsuihlry8uM-00143-00040691-00040936 a rhetorical question should your fellow
Dsuihlry8uM-00144-00040937-00041349 Israelites go to war while you sit here
Dsuihlry8uM-00145-00041350-00041605 only after the tribes have done and
Dsuihlry8uM-00146-00041606-00041817 Hooven promised to enlist in the
Dsuihlry8uM-00147-00041818-00042169 frontline forces in the commandos and
Dsuihlry8uM-00148-00042170-00042498 the special forces for the purpose of
Dsuihlry8uM-00149-00042499-00042751 conquering the promised land Moses comes
Dsuihlry8uM-00150-00042752-00043030 down and allows them to settle across
Dsuihlry8uM-00151-00043031-00043411 the Jordan River from here I want to
Dsuihlry8uM-00152-00043412-00043657 continue to the context of Messianic
Dsuihlry8uM-00153-00043658-00043938 faith in Israel opinions differ
Dsuihlry8uM-00154-00043939-00044248 regarding enlistment in the military but
Dsuihlry8uM-00155-00044249-00044428 amongst Masonic believers in Israel
Dsuihlry8uM-00156-00044429-00044746 there is a majority that enlists and do
Dsuihlry8uM-00157-00044747-00045037 so with pride even though the question
Dsuihlry8uM-00158-00045038-00045358 of military ethics arises from time to
Dsuihlry8uM-00159-00045359-00045796 time some believers encourage enlistment
Dsuihlry8uM-00160-00045797-00046117 but not to combat unit because Yeshua
Dsuihlry8uM-00161-00046118-00046387 commands us to treat our enemy with love
Dsuihlry8uM-00162-00046388-00046654 and according to them you should have
Dsuihlry8uM-00163-00046655-00046885 spoke against holding a sword in other
Dsuihlry8uM-00164-00046886-00047128 words he spoke against the possession of
Dsuihlry8uM-00165-00047129-00047626 arms in my opinion I'll say that
Dsuihlry8uM-00166-00047627-00047863 precisely those god-fearing believing
Dsuihlry8uM-00167-00047864-00048148 soldiers who serve in combat right in
Dsuihlry8uM-00168-00048149-00048390 the flashpoints of military conflict are
Dsuihlry8uM-00169-00048391-00048682 the ones who can show love they can show
Dsuihlry8uM-00170-00048683-00048943 care mercy through simple acts of
Dsuihlry8uM-00171-00048944-00049288 kindness which are expected anyways as
Dsuihlry8uM-00172-00049289-00049614 part of the Israeli military protocol
Dsuihlry8uM-00173-00049615-00049840 believing soldiers show how it is
Dsuihlry8uM-00174-00049841-00050065 possible to maintain both security and
Dsuihlry8uM-00175-00050066-00050352 humane treatment at the same time
Dsuihlry8uM-00176-00050353-00050698 messianic soldiers show the glory of the
Dsuihlry8uM-00177-00050699-00051079 State of Israel let us return to this
Dsuihlry8uM-00178-00051080-00051352 week's Pasha into the Transjordan
Dsuihlry8uM-00179-00051353-00051535 question as a previously mentioned
Dsuihlry8uM-00180-00051536-00051913 tribes of Leuven and God the leaders of
Dsuihlry8uM-00181-00051914-00052144 the tribes of Leuven and God went to
Dsuihlry8uM-00182-00052145-00052510 Moses and asked for the transported why
Dsuihlry8uM-00183-00052511-00052687 did they want this because they had
Dsuihlry8uM-00184-00052688-00053050 large herds of livestock and we read
Dsuihlry8uM-00185-00053051-00053292 that the land across the Jordan was rich
Dsuihlry8uM-00186-00053294-00053713 in green and they said the following we
Dsuihlry8uM-00187-00053714-00053959 would like to build pens here for our
Dsuihlry8uM-00188-00053960-00054059 livestock
Dsuihlry8uM-00189-00054060-00054635 in cities for women and children the
Dsuihlry8uM-00190-00054636-00054887 emphasis here is on building business
Dsuihlry8uM-00191-00054888-00055291 the business of life stock in the
Dsuihlry8uM-00192-00055292-00055709 response that Moses gives he switches up
Dsuihlry8uM-00193-00055710-00056234 the order of things Moses says build
Dsuihlry8uM-00194-00056235-00056556 cities for your women and children and
Dsuihlry8uM-00195-00056557-00056984 pens for your flocks Moses starts with a
Dsuihlry8uM-00196-00056985-00057418 word built first and foremost which
Dsuihlry8uM-00197-00057419-00057718 refers to children and family and then
Dsuihlry8uM-00198-00057719-00058129 afterwards comes work today's world we
Dsuihlry8uM-00199-00058130-00058357 are in the same story we spend so much
Dsuihlry8uM-00200-00058358-00058600 time at work we hardly see our children
Dsuihlry8uM-00201-00058601-00058876 we often have no idea what's going on in
Dsuihlry8uM-00202-00058877-00059125 their schools we don't have the time to
Dsuihlry8uM-00203-00059126-00059399 hear about our children's dreams hopes
Dsuihlry8uM-00204-00059400-00059791 and ideas we come home that tired every
Dsuihlry8uM-00205-00059792-00060091 day without the energy no relaxed
Dsuihlry8uM-00206-00060092-00060410 conversation the tribes of Leuven and
Dsuihlry8uM-00207-00060411-00060884 God had much livestock the land beyond
Dsuihlry8uM-00208-00060885-00061103 the Jordan was pleasing to them
Dsuihlry8uM-00209-00061104-00061279 that's Moses for the permission to
Dsuihlry8uM-00210-00061280-00061559 settle there in during the negotiations
Dsuihlry8uM-00211-00061560-00061835 the words slipped out
Dsuihlry8uM-00212-00061836-00062167 we'll build animal pens for business
Dsuihlry8uM-00213-00062168-00062534 then we'll build the rest like homes for
Dsuihlry8uM-00214-00062535-00062647 our families
Dsuihlry8uM-00215-00062648-00062903 career is for the family and not the
Dsuihlry8uM-00216-00062904-00063149 other way around we too often forget
Dsuihlry8uM-00217-00063150-00063299 that what matters the most
Dsuihlry8uM-00218-00063300-00063493 takes time and think that it cannot
Dsuihlry8uM-00219-00063494-00063682 compete with paying the bills
Dsuihlry8uM-00220-00063683-00063955 electricity property tax rent or
Dsuihlry8uM-00221-00063956-00064172 mortgage these may seem much more
Dsuihlry8uM-00222-00064173-00064397 critical than playing with LEGOs or
Dsuihlry8uM-00223-00064398-00064630 having a good conversation but they're
Dsuihlry8uM-00224-00064631-00064979 not when we retire it will be too late
Dsuihlry8uM-00225-00064979-00065285 if we do not invest in the family that
Dsuihlry8uM-00226-00065286-00065434 chip will sink
Dsuihlry8uM-00227-00065435-00065705 now I do not recommend simply dropping
Dsuihlry8uM-00228-00065706-00065956 out of life's race but rather changing
Dsuihlry8uM-00229-00065957-00066325 our priorities
DsYLwBhjpJU-00000-00001661-00002883 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00002-00011284-00011950 foreign
DsYLwBhjpJU-00006-00024700-00026683 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00008-00030476-00032104 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00009-00032105-00033015 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00010-00033016-00033683 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00011-00033684-00034917 foreign
DsYLwBhjpJU-00012-00034918-00035087 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00013-00035088-00037388 foreign
DsYLwBhjpJU-00014-00037389-00037927 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00015-00037928-00038262 good get rid of runes what is that
DsYLwBhjpJU-00016-00038263-00038390 commonly good
DsYLwBhjpJU-00017-00038391-00038702 which we have to fight for
DsYLwBhjpJU-00018-00038703-00040188 mania
DsYLwBhjpJU-00019-00040189-00040776 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00021-00052930-00054682 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00023-00058200-00058463 they want teachers to register with the
DsYLwBhjpJU-00024-00058464-00058575 all the documents
DsYLwBhjpJU-00025-00058576-00058807 we have heard that they want to get idea
DsYLwBhjpJU-00026-00058808-00058942 cards for teachers
DsYLwBhjpJU-00027-00058944-00059287 those who did grade 2 ready 3 grade 5
DsYLwBhjpJU-00028-00059288-00059535 some of these teachers don't have those
DsYLwBhjpJU-00029-00059536-00059615 documents
DsYLwBhjpJU-00030-00059616-00059791 like an ident card of a teacher who
DsYLwBhjpJU-00031-00059791-00059975 called friday 30 years back
DsYLwBhjpJU-00032-00059976-00061682 grade 3 may not be easy to get it
DsYLwBhjpJU-00034-00066928-00067725 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00037-00082259-00082937 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00039-00090080-00092470 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00040-00092471-00095231 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00042-00104109-00106483 [Laughter]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00043-00106483-00107942 um
DsYLwBhjpJU-00044-00107943-00108764 [Laughter]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00045-00108765-00111175 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00046-00111176-00111742 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00047-00111743-00112083 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00048-00112083-00112652 uganda
DsYLwBhjpJU-00049-00112653-00113801 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00050-00113802-00114633 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00051-00114634-00116283 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00053-00128126-00128883 [Applause]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00054-00128883-00128991 is
DsYLwBhjpJU-00056-00135643-00135883 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00057-00135884-00137487 foreign
DsYLwBhjpJU-00060-00147658-00148483 [Applause]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00061-00148484-00151282 so
DsYLwBhjpJU-00062-00151283-00154083 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00063-00154084-00155495 foreign
DsYLwBhjpJU-00064-00155496-00158164 foreign
DsYLwBhjpJU-00065-00158165-00158283 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00066-00158284-00159683 foreign
DsYLwBhjpJU-00067-00159684-00160165 foreign
DsYLwBhjpJU-00069-00169356-00170883 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00071-00174799-00176218 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00072-00176219-00176758 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00073-00176759-00178541 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00074-00178542-00180123 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00078-00196384-00198445 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00079-00198446-00200196 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00081-00204148-00204873 [Music]
DsYLwBhjpJU-00082-00204875-00205180 [Music]
DtocPOR0mGA-00000-00004746-00005085 okay please take your seats we want to
DtocPOR0mGA-00001-00005086-00006989 start soon
DtocPOR0mGA-00002-00006990-00007494 okay good morning welcome to this press
DtocPOR0mGA-00003-00007495-00008043 conference and book launch about book we
DtocPOR0mGA-00004-00008044-00008307 at c4 have been producing it's called
DtocPOR0mGA-00005-00008308-00008589 transforming redd+ lessons and new
DtocPOR0mGA-00006-00008590-00009171 directions my name is Christopher Matias
DtocPOR0mGA-00007-00009172-00009312 I'm the team leader for climate change
DtocPOR0mGA-00008-00009313-00009834 and c4 and I have a few of the editors
DtocPOR0mGA-00009-00009835-00010173 of the book with me and we'll give you
DtocPOR0mGA-00010-00010174-00010574 brief presentation on some contents of
DtocPOR0mGA-00011-00010575-00010860 the book not all of it after which we
DtocPOR0mGA-00012-00010861-00011016 are going to have a question-and-answer
DtocPOR0mGA-00013-00011017-00011118 session
DtocPOR0mGA-00014-00011119-00011310 there's also there might be question
DtocPOR0mGA-00015-00011311-00011649 questions coming in online we're trying
DtocPOR0mGA-00016-00011650-00011826 to capture them and and feed them back
DtocPOR0mGA-00017-00011827-00012324 to the to the audience you have seen
DtocPOR0mGA-00018-00012325-00012744 probably outside a banner where you see
DtocPOR0mGA-00019-00012745-00012933 the cover of the book transforming red
DtocPOR0mGA-00020-00012934-00013200 plus it's about 300 pages
DtocPOR0mGA-00021-00013201-00013605 you only have maybe seen this flyer
DtocPOR0mGA-00022-00013606-00013950 which is the two-page flyer just so if
DtocPOR0mGA-00023-00013951-00014193 you don't want to take the book with you
DtocPOR0mGA-00024-00014194-00014385 we have a few copies overhead and in the
DtocPOR0mGA-00025-00014386-00014747 on that table you find an online link to
DtocPOR0mGA-00026-00014748-00015144 download is it as a PDF and we also hand
DtocPOR0mGA-00027-00015144-00015351 it to you a press release which also has
DtocPOR0mGA-00028-00015352-00015912 the has a QR code so the people who are
DtocPOR0mGA-00029-00015913-00016110 going to introduce the book are here
DtocPOR0mGA-00030-00016111-00016392 sitting to my left side
DtocPOR0mGA-00031-00016393-00016755 professor Eric Danielson from school of
DtocPOR0mGA-00032-00016756-00016941 economics and business in the Norwegian
DtocPOR0mGA-00033-00016942-00017091 University of Life Science and Arts
DtocPOR0mGA-00034-00017092-00017469 Norway he's the lead editor of the book
DtocPOR0mGA-00035-00017470-00017601 and he will give you a brief overview
DtocPOR0mGA-00036-00017602-00017966 and after this we will have my colleague
DtocPOR0mGA-00037-00017967-00018219 Veronique - CEO Nicky to see who was
DtocPOR0mGA-00038-00018220-00018432 from bargaining in university in Holland
DtocPOR0mGA-00039-00018433-00018836 or the Netherlands sorry and she will
DtocPOR0mGA-00040-00018837-00019109 report on one of the chapters of the
DtocPOR0mGA-00041-00019110-00019364 book that she edited so we would get a
DtocPOR0mGA-00042-00019365-00019530 little bit of an insight of what we have
DtocPOR0mGA-00043-00019531-00019626 to offer
DtocPOR0mGA-00044-00019627-00019899 and then we can discuss so I'd like to
DtocPOR0mGA-00045-00019900-00020715 give the floor to Eric now okay good
DtocPOR0mGA-00046-00020716-00021042 morning I'm happy to present the result
DtocPOR0mGA-00047-00021043-00021339 of a few months of very hard work in
DtocPOR0mGA-00048-00021340-00021636 this book that has come-to to life in
DtocPOR0mGA-00049-00021637-00021902 the form of a hard copy and of course
DtocPOR0mGA-00050-00021903-00022683 equally important on the on the web so
DtocPOR0mGA-00051-00022684-00022938 this book is based on about ten years of
DtocPOR0mGA-00052-00022939-00023187 a major research program called the
DtocPOR0mGA-00053-00023188-00023367 global comparative study of red that is
DtocPOR0mGA-00054-00023368-00023595 led by C foreign partner the most
DtocPOR0mGA-00055-00023596-00023802 impressive figures and the one to
DtocPOR0mGA-00056-00023803-00023982 remember is that we have almost 500
DtocPOR0mGA-00057-00023983-00024339 publications from from that project so
DtocPOR0mGA-00058-00024340-00024603 it's built on fairly substantial and
DtocPOR0mGA-00059-00024604-00024897 very broad ranging research in this book
DtocPOR0mGA-00060-00024898-00025140 it's also the fourth in a series of
DtocPOR0mGA-00061-00025141-00025344 edited volumes where we try to take
DtocPOR0mGA-00062-00025345-00025619 stock of read and see where are we and
DtocPOR0mGA-00063-00025620-00026120 where should we go and our approach has
DtocPOR0mGA-00064-00026122-00026264 been kind of what we call constructive
DtocPOR0mGA-00065-00026266-00026714 critique that we are critical to how red
DtocPOR0mGA-00066-00026716-00026994 is unfolding a critical in the way that
DtocPOR0mGA-00067-00026995-00027243 we should not have a particular agenda
DtocPOR0mGA-00068-00027244-00027492 to promote red or B against red but we
DtocPOR0mGA-00069-00027493-00027723 look and ask a very simple question does
DtocPOR0mGA-00070-00027724-00028011 it work at the same time we have
DtocPOR0mGA-00071-00028012-00028185 highlighted one of the chapters that
DtocPOR0mGA-00072-00028186-00028617 that krisis is was leading on the
DtocPOR0mGA-00073-00028618-00028845 importance of distinguish between red as
DtocPOR0mGA-00074-00028845-00029076 an objective and red as a framework so
DtocPOR0mGA-00075-00029077-00029349 we are strong supporters of red as the
DtocPOR0mGA-00076-00029350-00029619 objective we need to reduce emissions
DtocPOR0mGA-00077-00029620-00029936 from tropical forests in order to reach
DtocPOR0mGA-00078-00029937-00030291 the to degree or even more so the one
DtocPOR0mGA-00079-00030292-00030717 and a half degree on the other hand we
DtocPOR0mGA-00080-00030718-00030912 have red also being used as an umbrella
DtocPOR0mGA-00081-00030913-00031242 term for all the actions and those are
DtocPOR0mGA-00082-00031243-00031527 the actions that are aiming to reach the
DtocPOR0mGA-00083-00031527-00031752 red objective that we cannot put under
DtocPOR0mGA-00084-00031752-00032219 close scrutiny in the book
DtocPOR0mGA-00085-00032220-00032508 what kind of the title is transforming
DtocPOR0mGA-00086-00032508-00032736 red and we need to transform red to be
DtocPOR0mGA-00087-00032737-00032901 transformational and we note that there
DtocPOR0mGA-00088-00032902-00032964 are a future
DtocPOR0mGA-00089-00032965-00033306 changes in the our global environment
DtocPOR0mGA-00090-00033307-00033486 that has made it we have the Paris
DtocPOR0mGA-00091-00033487-00033696 agreement with the National determined
DtocPOR0mGA-00092-00033697-00033861 contributions that are at the center
DtocPOR0mGA-00093-00033862-00034121 stage need to incorporate them into that
DtocPOR0mGA-00094-00034122-00034356 we have chapters looking into that we
DtocPOR0mGA-00095-00034357-00034584 have the change in global political
DtocPOR0mGA-00096-00034585-00034877 climate that you all know without going
DtocPOR0mGA-00097-00034878-00035109 further into that if climate deniers in
DtocPOR0mGA-00098-00035110-00035385 high offices that makes the gap between
DtocPOR0mGA-00099-00035386-00035739 what we should do and what is seemingly
DtocPOR0mGA-00100-00035740-00035990 politically possible to do that gap is
DtocPOR0mGA-00101-00035991-00036420 is is widening and we have read itself
DtocPOR0mGA-00102-00036421-00036662 we have learned a few things about read
DtocPOR0mGA-00103-00036663-00036954 but less than we hoped so there is also
DtocPOR0mGA-00104-00036955-00037289 need for some expectations management
DtocPOR0mGA-00105-00037290-00037562 for parts of the book first looking at
DtocPOR0mGA-00106-00037563-00037782 the building blocks particular finance
DtocPOR0mGA-00107-00037783-00038018 we look at the national politics and
DtocPOR0mGA-00108-00038019-00038289 coordination problems which was Center
DtocPOR0mGA-00109-00038290-00038520 because red was supposed to be more than
DtocPOR0mGA-00110-00038521-00038754 project it was supposed to be a change
DtocPOR0mGA-00111-00038755-00039042 of national policies and being that type
DtocPOR0mGA-00112-00039043-00039299 of transformation change a third part
DtocPOR0mGA-00113-00039300-00039536 assess the impacts has read works or not
DtocPOR0mGA-00114-00039537-00039767 both at national and these sub-national
DtocPOR0mGA-00115-00039768-00040056 projects and then we look at for
DtocPOR0mGA-00116-00040057-00040314 evolving initiatives related to
DtocPOR0mGA-00117-00040315-00040571 jurisdiction approaches to the private
DtocPOR0mGA-00118-00040572-00040785 sector pledges that has been made
DtocPOR0mGA-00119-00040786-00040974 climate smart agriculture and also
DtocPOR0mGA-00120-00040975-00041331 forest and landscape restoration but
DtocPOR0mGA-00121-00041332-00041754 just where to summarize read a lot has
DtocPOR0mGA-00122-00041755-00042225 been done compared to the pre red period
DtocPOR0mGA-00123-00042226-00042567 talk about one to maybe up to three
DtocPOR0mGA-00124-00042568-00042795 billion US dollars per year in
DtocPOR0mGA-00125-00042796-00043110 international funding in on top of that
DtocPOR0mGA-00126-00043111-00043317 of course or maybe not on top maybe at
DtocPOR0mGA-00127-00043318-00043602 really the basis is all the costs that
DtocPOR0mGA-00128-00043603-00043839 are covered by red government's and the
DtocPOR0mGA-00129-00043840-00044007 communities that is normally not
DtocPOR0mGA-00130-00044008-00044290 accounted for or credited in the debate
DtocPOR0mGA-00131-00044291-00044574 at the same time result based payment
DtocPOR0mGA-00132-00044575-00044811 which was supposed to be a key and
DtocPOR0mGA-00133-00044812-00045071 innovative feature of red has largely
DtocPOR0mGA-00134-00045072-00045330 been untested at scale there is not been
DtocPOR0mGA-00135-00045331-00045624 sufficient funding and to make a result
DtocPOR0mGA-00136-00045625-00045810 based payment system is extremely
DtocPOR0mGA-00137-00045811-00046104 complex and there are many issues and it
DtocPOR0mGA-00138-00046105-00046344 may be subject to some political
DtocPOR0mGA-00139-00046345-00046560 Gaming in the way that that you're
DtocPOR0mGA-00140-00046561-00046779 cherry-picking numbers to generate
DtocPOR0mGA-00141-00046780-00046956 results we also have a chapter looking
DtocPOR0mGA-00142-00046957-00047460 at that and on the this may be the main
DtocPOR0mGA-00143-00047461-00047781 success of read I would say has been in
DtocPOR0mGA-00144-00047782-00048069 in in the in form of a number of
DtocPOR0mGA-00145-00048070-00048339 intermediate outputs and outcomes it has
DtocPOR0mGA-00146-00048340-00048597 of course gained a lot of prominence on
DtocPOR0mGA-00147-00048598-00048828 international at cop meetings and at
DtocPOR0mGA-00148-00048829-00049167 national policy agendas more than fifty
DtocPOR0mGA-00149-00049168-00049449 countries both have have national read
DtocPOR0mGA-00150-00049450-00049695 strategies and also include read into
DtocPOR0mGA-00151-00049696-00050031 their their policies and a number of
DtocPOR0mGA-00152-00050032-00050346 projects let me just go quickly in the
DtocPOR0mGA-00153-00050347-00050724 impacts maybe to summarize that the main
DtocPOR0mGA-00154-00050725-00051327 story there is modest but overall
DtocPOR0mGA-00155-00051328-00051666 positive impacts of both policies so
DtocPOR0mGA-00156-00051666-00051900 modest meaning that the effects are
DtocPOR0mGA-00157-00051901-00052104 smaller than we thought than theory
DtocPOR0mGA-00158-00052104-00052367 suggests and we hoped but they are still
DtocPOR0mGA-00159-00052369-00052647 on the positive side overall it seems at
DtocPOR0mGA-00160-00052648-00052797 least in those areas we are worth we
DtocPOR0mGA-00161-00052798-00053034 have avoided it is kind of but this
DtocPOR0mGA-00162-00053035-00053223 large and negative effects that one
DtocPOR0mGA-00163-00053224-00053457 sometimes hear stories about and
DtocPOR0mGA-00164-00053458-00053775 sometimes fear so we have what what is
DtocPOR0mGA-00165-00053776-00053964 in development a literature is known as
DtocPOR0mGA-00166-00053965-00054191 the micro macro paradox that we see a
DtocPOR0mGA-00167-00054192-00054519 few small positive stories on the ground
DtocPOR0mGA-00168-00054520-00054762 at local level but they don't aggregate
DtocPOR0mGA-00169-00054763-00055079 up to really be a game changer and a
DtocPOR0mGA-00170-00055080-00055407 shift in in in in in them in their
DtocPOR0mGA-00171-00055408-00056079 overall deforestation trends how do we
DtocPOR0mGA-00172-00056079-00056301 explain this modest old comma that is a
DtocPOR0mGA-00173-00056302-00056607 very very kind of important debate are
DtocPOR0mGA-00174-00056608-00056865 we to blame red are we to blame say that
DtocPOR0mGA-00175-00056866-00057155 it has been too little or do we say that
DtocPOR0mGA-00176-00057157-00057396 the kind of using the medical metaphor
DtocPOR0mGA-00177-00057397-00057704 that the disease has progress too far in
DtocPOR0mGA-00178-00057705-00057897 the way that the economic interests in
DtocPOR0mGA-00179-00057898-00058137 continued forest conversion are so
DtocPOR0mGA-00180-00058138-00058359 strong and we have not been able to
DtocPOR0mGA-00181-00058360-00058584 really address those underlying drivers
DtocPOR0mGA-00182-00058585-00058904 or a more optimistic view recovery as
DtocPOR0mGA-00183-00058905-00059088 possible but just give the patient a
DtocPOR0mGA-00184-00059089-00059611 little bit more time to assess
DtocPOR0mGA-00185-00059612-00059776 that argument in one way you can say
DtocPOR0mGA-00186-00059777-00060019 that words are cheap and and we have
DtocPOR0mGA-00187-00060020-00060184 done a little bit of the wording and
DtocPOR0mGA-00188-00060185-00060482 making nice policy documents but towards
DtocPOR0mGA-00189-00060483-00060766 comprehensive action we haven't yet
DtocPOR0mGA-00190-00060766-00061291 fully started on that just sum up how
DtocPOR0mGA-00191-00061291-00061612 can we make read more effective I think
DtocPOR0mGA-00192-00061613-00061975 we are seeing the limits of projects of
DtocPOR0mGA-00193-00061976-00062232 sub-national so what is needed and
DtocPOR0mGA-00194-00062233-00062555 recall for his big and bold initiatives
DtocPOR0mGA-00195-00062557-00062848 that that really changed the underlying
DtocPOR0mGA-00196-00062849-00063267 incentives for for that kind of leads to
DtocPOR0mGA-00197-00063269-00063562 continued forest conversion examples are
DtocPOR0mGA-00198-00063563-00063796 Brazil's drastic deforestation reduction
DtocPOR0mGA-00199-00063797-00064240 post 2004 that was due to a number of of
DtocPOR0mGA-00200-00064241-00064557 national policies that change the basic
DtocPOR0mGA-00201-00064558-00064735 incentives in terms of stronger
DtocPOR0mGA-00202-00064736-00064904 enforcement of protected areas
DtocPOR0mGA-00203-00064905-00065139 agriculture credits that were changed
DtocPOR0mGA-00204-00065140-00065416 India psychological fiscal transfer is
DtocPOR0mGA-00205-00065416-00065707 another one that has the way you base
DtocPOR0mGA-00206-00065708-00065869 the transfer to their to the
DtocPOR0mGA-00207-00065870-00066073 sub-national units based on the forest
DtocPOR0mGA-00208-00066074-00066226 cover and therefore create a strong
DtocPOR0mGA-00209-00066227-00066606 incentive for them to conserve them
DtocPOR0mGA-00210-00066607-00066894 finally a positive exciting narrative
DtocPOR0mGA-00211-00066895-00067069 enforce the iron law of climate policy
DtocPOR0mGA-00212-00067070-00067294 says that if there is a conflict between
DtocPOR0mGA-00213-00067295-00067501 climate and economic development climate
DtocPOR0mGA-00214-00067502-00067831 looses so how can we build this a couple
DtocPOR0mGA-00215-00067832-00068251 of points about a fifth of the income in
DtocPOR0mGA-00216-00068252-00068647 forest communities comes from forests so
DtocPOR0mGA-00217-00068648-00068767 they are important for economic
DtocPOR0mGA-00218-00068768-00069019 development for livelihoods we have also
DtocPOR0mGA-00219-00069020-00069301 had some exciting last 10 years or so on
DtocPOR0mGA-00220-00069302-00069622 bio pumps or aerial rivers that for is
DtocPOR0mGA-00221-00069623-00069790 causing rainfall and transmit
DtocPOR0mGA-00222-00069791-00070176 transporting moisture from the oceans to
DtocPOR0mGA-00223-00070177-00070447 the interior land and the finally is a
DtocPOR0mGA-00224-00070448-00070701 plea to be brave and assess impacts
DtocPOR0mGA-00225-00070702-00070957 impacts assessment requires a certain
DtocPOR0mGA-00226-00070958-00071236 bravery because you as a proponent
DtocPOR0mGA-00227-00071237-00071431 you're not in control of the conclusion
DtocPOR0mGA-00228-00071432-00071656 and we were kind of surprised how little
DtocPOR0mGA-00229-00071657-00072010 impact assessment that has been done we
DtocPOR0mGA-00230-00072011-00072229 need to know more about what works and
DtocPOR0mGA-00231-00072230-00072424 what not and we still do not have the
DtocPOR0mGA-00232-00072425-00072577 evidence for example to tell which
DtocPOR0mGA-00233-00072578-00072754 policies are more effective than others
DtocPOR0mGA-00234-00072755-00073006 so be brave and dare to
DtocPOR0mGA-00235-00073007-00073602 as impacts is one of our conclusions
DtocPOR0mGA-00236-00073603-00074203 okay thank you very much Aaron we go
DtocPOR0mGA-00237-00074204-00074368 directly to the second presentation and
DtocPOR0mGA-00238-00074369-00074680 then we take questions afterwards so
DtocPOR0mGA-00239-00074681-00074956 Nicky please yes thank you I just want
DtocPOR0mGA-00240-00074957-00075157 to highlight some key messages from the
DtocPOR0mGA-00241-00075158-00075681 chapter on information and policy change
DtocPOR0mGA-00242-00075682-00075967 so I lifted this sentence from the book
DtocPOR0mGA-00243-00075968-00076159 because I think it shows very well what
DtocPOR0mGA-00244-00076160-00076369 this chapter is about so we we're
DtocPOR0mGA-00245-00076370-00076585 basically saying well information itself
DtocPOR0mGA-00246-00076586-00076768 can be a tool for transformational
DtocPOR0mGA-00247-00076769-00077005 change you know a generation the
DtocPOR0mGA-00248-00077006-00077239 presentation to use are part of a
DtocPOR0mGA-00249-00077240-00077721 political process and often a power game
DtocPOR0mGA-00250-00077722-00078058 so we chose a specific case on
DtocPOR0mGA-00251-00078059-00078319 information on drivers of drivers and
DtocPOR0mGA-00252-00078320-00078472 underlying causes of deforestation
DtocPOR0mGA-00253-00078473-00078679 because we think this information is
DtocPOR0mGA-00254-00078680-00078871 very can be very valuable in a policy
DtocPOR0mGA-00255-00078872-00079111 process for example to identify the key
DtocPOR0mGA-00256-00079112-00079384 causes to look at different policy
DtocPOR0mGA-00257-00079385-00079660 options and their impacts and there's a
DtocPOR0mGA-00258-00079661-00079870 lot of new information technologies that
DtocPOR0mGA-00259-00079871-00080074 offer new opportunities but they also
DtocPOR0mGA-00260-00080075-00080317 come with diverse implications and new
DtocPOR0mGA-00261-00080318-00080566 risks and you know always having more
DtocPOR0mGA-00262-00080567-00080731 and better information does not
DtocPOR0mGA-00263-00080732-00081028 necessarily guarantee that there's more
DtocPOR0mGA-00264-00081029-00081301 transparency participation empowerment
DtocPOR0mGA-00265-00081302-00081478 of certain stakeholders or more
DtocPOR0mGA-00266-00081479-00082195 accountability so what we what also came
DtocPOR0mGA-00267-00082196-00082414 out of this 10 years of research is that
DtocPOR0mGA-00268-00082415-00082636 you know there's a powerful influence of
DtocPOR0mGA-00269-00082637-00082948 dominant business-as-usual actors that
DtocPOR0mGA-00270-00082949-00083125 have certain interests and they
DtocPOR0mGA-00271-00083126-00083389 determine what and how information is
DtocPOR0mGA-00272-00083390-00083641 generated and what is what is visible in
DtocPOR0mGA-00273-00083642-00083800 the policy arena and what is on the
DtocPOR0mGA-00274-00083801-00084091 agenda basically actors of course have
DtocPOR0mGA-00275-00084092-00084340 also different capacities and resources
DtocPOR0mGA-00276-00084341-00084526 to access process and provide
DtocPOR0mGA-00277-00084527-00084772 information but also you know they have
DtocPOR0mGA-00278-00084773-00084964 different capacities and resources to
DtocPOR0mGA-00279-00084965-00085153 contribute to policy decisions about
DtocPOR0mGA-00280-00085154-00085516 REDD+ and what we also see is that if
DtocPOR0mGA-00281-00085517-00085669 you're looking at national forest
DtocPOR0mGA-00282-00085670-00085876 monitoring systems and what they do
DtocPOR0mGA-00283-00085877-00086312 beyond the technical activities is
DtocPOR0mGA-00284-00086313-00086546 you know there's a lack of mechanisms to
DtocPOR0mGA-00285-00086547-00086744 really ensure that there is coordination
DtocPOR0mGA-00286-00086745-00087023 and data exchange between ministries and
DtocPOR0mGA-00287-00087024-00087332 sectors but also you know what are the
DtocPOR0mGA-00288-00087333-00087554 roles and responsibilities of different
DtocPOR0mGA-00289-00087555-00087851 actors you know are there mechanisms in
DtocPOR0mGA-00290-00087852-00088103 place for transparency is there timely
DtocPOR0mGA-00291-00088104-00088427 access to information but also are there
DtocPOR0mGA-00292-00088428-00088619 mechanisms in place for stakeholder
DtocPOR0mGA-00293-00088620-00089317 participation of course for example so
DtocPOR0mGA-00294-00089318-00089663 we think that we guidance and also
DtocPOR0mGA-00295-00089664-00089867 financial support is needed to really
DtocPOR0mGA-00296-00089868-00090131 move from technical data to actionable
DtocPOR0mGA-00297-00090132-00090353 information and ultimately also
DtocPOR0mGA-00298-00090354-00090914 effective REDD+ interventions and like I
DtocPOR0mGA-00299-00090915-00091133 just said these monitoring systems also
DtocPOR0mGA-00300-00091134-00091340 need to address these participation
DtocPOR0mGA-00301-00091341-00091505 transparency accountability and
DtocPOR0mGA-00302-00091506-00091754 coordination to counteract these
DtocPOR0mGA-00303-00091755-00091937 differences in the capacities and
DtocPOR0mGA-00304-00091938-00092234 resources and also this difference in
DtocPOR0mGA-00305-00092235-00092417 decision-making power and political
DtocPOR0mGA-00306-00092418-00092597 power of these various stakeholders this
DtocPOR0mGA-00307-00092598-00092831 will not happen on its own just by
DtocPOR0mGA-00308-00092832-00093095 having more and better or sufficient
DtocPOR0mGA-00309-00093096-00093311 information so I think that's some of
DtocPOR0mGA-00310-00093312-00093542 the key messages from this this is one
DtocPOR0mGA-00311-00093543-00093997 chapter thank you
DtocPOR0mGA-00312-00093998-00094511 Nikki ver thank you very much so this is
DtocPOR0mGA-00313-00094512-00094847 really a very very short overview of of
DtocPOR0mGA-00314-00094848-00095057 the book and particularly of one of the
DtocPOR0mGA-00315-00095058-00095372 chapters on drivers as I said before for
DtocPOR0mGA-00316-00095373-00095630 those that have come a bit late we have
DtocPOR0mGA-00317-00095631-00095798 a few copies of the book in the back and
DtocPOR0mGA-00318-00095799-00096131 also there is a flyer where you can find
DtocPOR0mGA-00319-00096132-00096575 a online modality to download it in in a
DtocPOR0mGA-00320-00096576-00097007 QR code so if you are interested in the
DtocPOR0mGA-00321-00097008-00097154 book and you don't want to carry a lot
DtocPOR0mGA-00322-00097155-00097433 of weight then just download it from the
DtocPOR0mGA-00323-00097434-00098090 from our webpage I'd like to open the
DtocPOR0mGA-00324-00098091-00098270 floor now for questions and comments
DtocPOR0mGA-00325-00098271-00099251 from the audience there's one
DtocPOR0mGA-00326-00099252-00099690 hello my name is good from Planet Amazon
DtocPOR0mGA-00327-00099691-00099972 it's a French NGO we're working closely
DtocPOR0mGA-00328-00099973-00100247 with indigenous people from Brazil and
DtocPOR0mGA-00329-00100248-00100635 we know that some NGO and the government
DtocPOR0mGA-00330-00100636-00100911 and with the help of the German and
DtocPOR0mGA-00331-00100912-00101283 government as well as implementing red
DtocPOR0mGA-00332-00101284-00101592 press project at the moment and there is
DtocPOR0mGA-00333-00101593-00102000 a big concern there about the way this
DtocPOR0mGA-00334-00102001-00102282 project is our dividing community as
DtocPOR0mGA-00335-00102283-00102522 well and I don't know have you heard
DtocPOR0mGA-00336-00102523-00102780 about what happened with the suruĂ­
DtocPOR0mGA-00337-00102781-00103007 people in Brazil so do you have that
DtocPOR0mGA-00338-00103008-00103341 concern also about the fact that red
DtocPOR0mGA-00339-00103342-00103602 project can be something that can divide
DtocPOR0mGA-00340-00103603-00103919 indigenous communities is it explained
DtocPOR0mGA-00341-00103920-00104139 in a book I want to know if you've used
DtocPOR0mGA-00342-00104140-00104355 you have studied this a visa is
DtocPOR0mGA-00343-00104356-00105264 concerned so maybe we also have a few of
DtocPOR0mGA-00344-00105265-00105608 our other editors in the room if I want
DtocPOR0mGA-00345-00105609-00106116 to take the the mic yeah Amy I'm a media
DtocPOR0mGA-00346-00106117-00106227 shelf from c4 and I was one of the
DtocPOR0mGA-00347-00106228-00106377 editors of the book I think your
DtocPOR0mGA-00348-00106378-00106533 question really highlights especially
DtocPOR0mGA-00349-00106533-00106709 with the suruĂ­ project really shows the
DtocPOR0mGA-00350-00106710-00106971 limitations of redd+ projects actually
DtocPOR0mGA-00351-00106972-00107226 because in that case that project was
DtocPOR0mGA-00352-00107227-00107529 really not able to overcome the major
DtocPOR0mGA-00353-00107530-00107711 drivers of deforestation and degradation
DtocPOR0mGA-00354-00107713-00107984 in that region and so even with the best
DtocPOR0mGA-00355-00107985-00108284 intentions the most participation kind
DtocPOR0mGA-00356-00108285-00108509 of actually a pretty good project when
DtocPOR0mGA-00357-00108510-00108642 you think about it relative to many
DtocPOR0mGA-00358-00108643-00108899 others it still was not able to overcome
DtocPOR0mGA-00359-00108900-00109176 sort of these bigger changes that were
DtocPOR0mGA-00360-00109177-00109350 happening and I think that's what it
DtocPOR0mGA-00361-00109351-00109515 really emphasizes the importance of
DtocPOR0mGA-00362-00109516-00109704 these jurisdictional approaches or
DtocPOR0mGA-00363-00109705-00109889 you're really you know government-led
DtocPOR0mGA-00364-00109890-00110400 bigger scale at sub-national national
DtocPOR0mGA-00365-00110401-00110643 levels so that that is a really
DtocPOR0mGA-00366-00110644-00110763 important lesson I think from that
DtocPOR0mGA-00367-00110764-00110858 project and the other thing about
DtocPOR0mGA-00368-00110859-00111078 dividing communities I mean I think that
DtocPOR0mGA-00369-00111079-00111369 is a really important issue and it's not
DtocPOR0mGA-00370-00111370-00111584 only limited to red projects I think any
DtocPOR0mGA-00371-00111585-00111846 sort of conservation intervention that's
DtocPOR0mGA-00372-00111847-00112215 a you know affecting local people will
DtocPOR0mGA-00373-00112216-00112409 does have the potential
DtocPOR0mGA-00374-00112410-00112586 - - you know communities are
DtocPOR0mGA-00375-00112588-00112811 heterogeneous we know that and a lot of
DtocPOR0mGA-00376-00112813-00113003 the work that we've seen is that those
DtocPOR0mGA-00377-00113004-00113223 who participate most in conservation
DtocPOR0mGA-00378-00113224-00113410 interventions are those who are mice
DtocPOR0mGA-00379-00113411-00113633 they're they're better articulated
DtocPOR0mGA-00380-00113634-00113975 they're often wealthier the poor often
DtocPOR0mGA-00381-00113976-00114093 the women and the communities are not
DtocPOR0mGA-00382-00114094-00114251 completely engaged in these things so I
DtocPOR0mGA-00383-00114252-00114396 think you have a very important points
DtocPOR0mGA-00384-00114397-00114626 about addressing that heterogeneity on
DtocPOR0mGA-00385-00114627-00115304 the ground in any intervention thank you
DtocPOR0mGA-00386-00115305-00115409 very much for that question
DtocPOR0mGA-00387-00115410-00115670 any other comments or questions please
DtocPOR0mGA-00388-00115671-00116228 lady in the blue you are mentioning the
DtocPOR0mGA-00389-00116229-00116441 oh I'm a student from Singapore NUS
DtocPOR0mGA-00390-00116442-00116769 College I'm you are mentioning how the
DtocPOR0mGA-00391-00116770-00117008 information the framing of information
DtocPOR0mGA-00392-00117009-00117176 is a political process and I'm wondering
DtocPOR0mGA-00393-00117177-00117425 like how do you choose to frame the
DtocPOR0mGA-00394-00117426-00117683 information for your book like what
DtocPOR0mGA-00395-00117684-00117977 kinds of narratives do you hope to kind
DtocPOR0mGA-00396-00117978-00118703 of tell through the book yeah so the
DtocPOR0mGA-00397-00118704-00118881 question is what kind of narrative we
DtocPOR0mGA-00398-00118882-00119033 are promoting in a book
DtocPOR0mGA-00399-00119034-00119384 given that the data or information
DtocPOR0mGA-00400-00119385-00119568 generation process is a political
DtocPOR0mGA-00401-00119569-00120110 process yeah I think part of it is also
DtocPOR0mGA-00402-00120111-00120362 bringing together the technical
DtocPOR0mGA-00403-00120363-00120606 community with the community that is
DtocPOR0mGA-00404-00120607-00120838 more worried about things like
DtocPOR0mGA-00405-00120839-00121050 stakeholder participation and
DtocPOR0mGA-00406-00121051-00121289 accountability and transparency and I
DtocPOR0mGA-00407-00121290-00121535 come more from the the technical side
DtocPOR0mGA-00408-00121536-00121770 the satellite monitoring and working
DtocPOR0mGA-00409-00121771-00121983 with in this global comparative study on
DtocPOR0mGA-00410-00121983-00122159 the red plus I work with political
DtocPOR0mGA-00411-00122160-00122387 economy scientists and it made me
DtocPOR0mGA-00412-00122388-00122603 realize that you know it's there's
DtocPOR0mGA-00413-00122604-00122858 really implications to technicals
DtocPOR0mGA-00414-00122859-00123195 decisions that are made and you know it
DtocPOR0mGA-00415-00123196-00123413 is this a very optimistic view or just
DtocPOR0mGA-00416-00123414-00123701 let's generate more information that's
DtocPOR0mGA-00417-00123702-00123887 that's not gonna solve certain problems
DtocPOR0mGA-00418-00123888-00124175 that's not necessarily gonna empower
DtocPOR0mGA-00419-00124176-00124508 more people and I think that's the
DtocPOR0mGA-00420-00124509-00124700 narrative or the message that we want to
DtocPOR0mGA-00421-00124701-00124899 get out there it's just be aware that
DtocPOR0mGA-00422-00124900-00125213 also in if you have an MRP system or a
DtocPOR0mGA-00423-00125214-00125493 monitoring system is that you know you
DtocPOR0mGA-00424-00125494-00125748 have to involve not only the technical
DtocPOR0mGA-00425-00125749-00125801 expert
DtocPOR0mGA-00426-00125802-00126041 you have to involve a wider range of
DtocPOR0mGA-00427-00126042-00126278 stakeholders and really think about you
DtocPOR0mGA-00428-00126279-00126620 know how who is accountable for what who
DtocPOR0mGA-00429-00126621-00126850 has what role but also how are we gonna
DtocPOR0mGA-00430-00126851-00127090 coordinators how do you balance these
DtocPOR0mGA-00431-00127091-00127346 different powers and and different
DtocPOR0mGA-00432-00127347-00127616 decision-making processes I think that's
DtocPOR0mGA-00433-00127617-00127838 the the message that we want to get out
DtocPOR0mGA-00434-00127839-00128236 there we'll just add to this we are
DtocPOR0mGA-00435-00128238-00128485 we're making the case of course that an
DtocPOR0mGA-00436-00128486-00128768 arat has said that that there's very
DtocPOR0mGA-00437-00128769-00129016 little evidence so far about the
DtocPOR0mGA-00438-00129017-00129229 performance of red plus unfortunately
DtocPOR0mGA-00439-00129230-00129641 because not many actors out there want
DtocPOR0mGA-00440-00129642-00129866 to do this they don't know how to do it
DtocPOR0mGA-00441-00129867-00130064 they don't have the funds to do it or
DtocPOR0mGA-00442-00130065-00130241 they don't have enough understanding how
DtocPOR0mGA-00443-00130242-00130514 to do it right and so we need more data
DtocPOR0mGA-00444-00130515-00130790 and at the same time everybody needs to
DtocPOR0mGA-00445-00130791-00130986 be aware that data of course are also
DtocPOR0mGA-00446-00130988-00131231 the function of a political process so
DtocPOR0mGA-00447-00131232-00131471 you need to look at the data you need to
DtocPOR0mGA-00448-00131472-00131609 data but you need to look at them also
DtocPOR0mGA-00449-00131610-00131816 with with care and with understanding
DtocPOR0mGA-00450-00131817-00132029 thanks thanks for your comment I think
DtocPOR0mGA-00451-00132030-00132572 there was somebody in the back yes my
DtocPOR0mGA-00452-00132573-00132916 name is Claire Paz I work in in und
DtocPOR0mGA-00453-00132917-00133211 peace climate m4s team I just have a
DtocPOR0mGA-00454-00133212-00133514 question regarding the if you were able
DtocPOR0mGA-00455-00133515-00133790 to look at exciting people talk about
DtocPOR0mGA-00456-00133791-00134102 red plus and and not necessarily are
DtocPOR0mGA-00457-00134103-00134258 talking about the same thing there are
DtocPOR0mGA-00458-00134259-00134500 the project level forest carbon project
DtocPOR0mGA-00459-00134501-00134666 interventions that are linked to the
DtocPOR0mGA-00460-00134667-00134858 voluntary carbon market they're the
DtocPOR0mGA-00461-00134859-00135011 super national directiy tional
DtocPOR0mGA-00462-00135012-00135206 approaches that are at the state level
DtocPOR0mGA-00463-00135207-00135389 and that look at leakage in a very
DtocPOR0mGA-00464-00135390-00135611 different way than project level
DtocPOR0mGA-00465-00135612-00135836 intervention and they are the national
DtocPOR0mGA-00466-00135837-00136094 work that are doing things that are
DtocPOR0mGA-00467-00136095-00136316 perhaps very different they're looking
DtocPOR0mGA-00468-00136317-00136502 at the policy framework they're looking
DtocPOR0mGA-00469-00136503-00136757 at the drivers analysis at the national
DtocPOR0mGA-00470-00136758-00137000 level and building up monitoring systems
DtocPOR0mGA-00471-00137001-00137279 at a national level and I think one of
DtocPOR0mGA-00472-00137280-00137479 the key mistakes have been working these
DtocPOR0mGA-00473-00137480-00137777 for the last 10 years that one of the
DtocPOR0mGA-00474-00137778-00137978 key lessons is that we've been talking
DtocPOR0mGA-00475-00137979-00138161 about these three levels of
DtocPOR0mGA-00476-00138162-00138374 interventions as they were the same
DtocPOR0mGA-00477-00138375-00138686 thing and they're definitely not and and
DtocPOR0mGA-00478-00138687-00138938 I think it's very important that the
DtocPOR0mGA-00479-00138939-00139166 scientific community
DtocPOR0mGA-00480-00139167-00139367 previous to clarifying these differences
DtocPOR0mGA-00481-00139368-00139709 and and to really puttin out their
DtocPOR0mGA-00482-00139710-00139994 lessons in a differentiated manner I
DtocPOR0mGA-00483-00139995-00140177 think there's been a lot of progress at
DtocPOR0mGA-00484-00140178-00140378 a national level of course there's been
DtocPOR0mGA-00485-00140379-00140711 we're still far beyond the targets of
DtocPOR0mGA-00486-00140712-00141011 really addressing drivers as we should
DtocPOR0mGA-00487-00141012-00141197 but there's been a lot of programs for
DtocPOR0mGA-00488-00141198-00141428 building up national monitoring systems
DtocPOR0mGA-00489-00141429-00141644 for instance in more than more than 30
DtocPOR0mGA-00490-00141645-00141839 countries have really have a concrete
DtocPOR0mGA-00491-00141840-00142070 progress and that's different that
DtocPOR0mGA-00492-00142071-00142262 what's happening at the project level
DtocPOR0mGA-00493-00142263-00142546 what we have seen over and over that you
DtocPOR0mGA-00494-00142547-00142835 know it's not cost-efficient to build a
DtocPOR0mGA-00495-00142836-00143036 project level monitoring system and
DtocPOR0mGA-00496-00143037-00143261 that's an important lesson and we should
DtocPOR0mGA-00497-00143262-00143570 already start you know talking about
DtocPOR0mGA-00498-00143571-00143843 these issues after so many shows all of
DtocPOR0mGA-00499-00143844-00143954 these years okay
DtocPOR0mGA-00500-00143955-00144494 I stop there I take that mainly to be a
DtocPOR0mGA-00501-00144495-00144821 good comment and I agree with you there
DtocPOR0mGA-00502-00144822-00145043 are these three or maybe four levels if
DtocPOR0mGA-00503-00145044-00145235 you take that a jurisdictional
DtocPOR0mGA-00504-00145236-00145442 sub-national between the national and
DtocPOR0mGA-00505-00145443-00145817 the local level and and it's not always
DtocPOR0mGA-00506-00145818-00146144 easy to kind of just you say we should
DtocPOR0mGA-00507-00146145-00146360 experiment a project level and what are
DtocPOR0mGA-00508-00146361-00146495 the lessons for national level because
DtocPOR0mGA-00509-00146496-00146663 it's a different set of policies that
DtocPOR0mGA-00510-00146664-00146864 that are relevant at the national level
DtocPOR0mGA-00511-00146865-00147197 compared to the local level and what we
DtocPOR0mGA-00512-00147198-00147392 have seen for example is in their tenure
DtocPOR0mGA-00513-00147393-00147716 chapter tenure and rights that look at a
DtocPOR0mGA-00514-00147717-00147911 lot of projects have tried to address
DtocPOR0mGA-00515-00147912-00148139 the tenure issues but if you don't have
DtocPOR0mGA-00516-00148140-00148343 them the national framework in place you
DtocPOR0mGA-00517-00148344-00148538 you quickly realize their shortcomings
DtocPOR0mGA-00518-00148539-00149036 of that so in the ideal world these are
DtocPOR0mGA-00519-00149037-00149252 working in synergy so so you have
DtocPOR0mGA-00520-00149253-00149408 national policies enabling and
DtocPOR0mGA-00521-00149409-00149618 supporting the local action and vice
DtocPOR0mGA-00522-00149619-00149903 versa but I think your point is
DtocPOR0mGA-00523-00149904-00150566 generally well taken I agree so there's
DtocPOR0mGA-00524-00150567-00150812 one comment in the front is there
DtocPOR0mGA-00525-00150813-00150977 anybody else who wants to make a comment
DtocPOR0mGA-00526-00150978-00151400 we okay second okay so please go ahead
DtocPOR0mGA-00527-00151401-00151586 hi good morning I'm Cochrane from
DtocPOR0mGA-00528-00151587-00151880 Singapore a quick question on what do
DtocPOR0mGA-00529-00151881-00152012 you see to be the interaction between
DtocPOR0mGA-00530-00152013-00152333 rape class and article 6 especially on
DtocPOR0mGA-00531-00152334-00152472 it most like
DtocPOR0mGA-00532-00152473-00152658 aha the lessons from rape last
DtocPOR0mGA-00533-00152659-00152844 influencing the rules that are being
DtocPOR0mGA-00534-00152845-00153093 sorted out in Attica sex and how are the
DtocPOR0mGA-00535-00153094-00153309 discussions in Attica sex influencing
DtocPOR0mGA-00536-00153310-00153537 what sort of reforms there are neither
DtocPOR0mGA-00537-00153538-00155022 in reclass mean I'm not an expert on the
DtocPOR0mGA-00538-00155023-00155405 on this negotiation going on here and
DtocPOR0mGA-00539-00155406-00155855 other lessons being implemented and
DtocPOR0mGA-00540-00155856-00156317 ruled and informed
DtocPOR0mGA-00541-00156318-00156630 partly but I think for example in the
DtocPOR0mGA-00542-00156631-00156864 result based payment chapter where we
DtocPOR0mGA-00543-00156865-00157077 kind of call for a clearer rule book on
DtocPOR0mGA-00544-00157078-00157293 how to set reference levels and how to
DtocPOR0mGA-00545-00157294-00157892 to review the National submissions and I
DtocPOR0mGA-00546-00157893-00158205 would say that the main constraint when
DtocPOR0mGA-00547-00158206-00158379 discussing article six or other elements
DtocPOR0mGA-00548-00158380-00158703 of the Paras is is that you're you are
DtocPOR0mGA-00549-00158704-00158907 into a very kind of sensitive minefield
DtocPOR0mGA-00550-00158908-00159150 where the political consideration for
DtocPOR0mGA-00551-00159151-00159399 example countries submit the reference
DtocPOR0mGA-00552-00159400-00159651 11 we have some discussions of that that
DtocPOR0mGA-00553-00159652-00159939 there is at least a strong incentive to
DtocPOR0mGA-00554-00159940-00160166 inflate to those reference levels and
DtocPOR0mGA-00555-00160167-00160422 within the UN FCC you don't have
DtocPOR0mGA-00556-00160423-00160545 actually you should how kind of a
DtocPOR0mGA-00557-00160546-00160800 technical review to see if all carbon
DtocPOR0mGA-00558-00160801-00161034 proofs are included but not kind of
DtocPOR0mGA-00559-00161035-00161247 questioning the methodology for example
DtocPOR0mGA-00560-00161248-00161418 the reference period that has been urine
DtocPOR0mGA-00561-00161419-00161664 used some countries take the
DtocPOR0mGA-00562-00161665-00161955 deforestation trend and extrapolate into
DtocPOR0mGA-00563-00161956-00162105 the future is this a reasonable
DtocPOR0mGA-00564-00162106-00162485 assumption so I would say in this
DtocPOR0mGA-00565-00162486-00162779 negotiations going on in this place
DtocPOR0mGA-00566-00162780-00163053 there there are too many of the of the
DtocPOR0mGA-00567-00163054-00163236 lessons learned that are kind of too
DtocPOR0mGA-00568-00163237-00163425 sensitive to really bring into the
DtocPOR0mGA-00569-00163426-00163674 debate and that's kind of all role as
DtocPOR0mGA-00570-00163675-00163872 researchers to try to push a little bit
DtocPOR0mGA-00571-00163873-00164082 for that and and try to ask some
DtocPOR0mGA-00572-00164083-00164244 critical questions so that's what we
DtocPOR0mGA-00573-00164245-00164598 also hope with this book I'm getting
DtocPOR0mGA-00574-00164599-00164850 science that we need to wrap up so Julie
DtocPOR0mGA-00575-00164851-00165204 and I'm sorry I'm going to ask you to
DtocPOR0mGA-00576-00165205-00165632 put your questions later to to us so
DtocPOR0mGA-00577-00165633-00165906 because the next group is already
DtocPOR0mGA-00578-00165907-00166203 standing in the doors and so I just
DtocPOR0mGA-00579-00166204-00166395 would like to say thank you very much
DtocPOR0mGA-00580-00166396-00166752 for being here so this is a new book on
DtocPOR0mGA-00581-00166753-00167354 red plus sixteen chapters 62 authors we
DtocPOR0mGA-00582-00167355-00167576 have been going through a very rigorous
DtocPOR0mGA-00583-00167577-00168021 quality assessment process with about 50
DtocPOR0mGA-00584-00168022-00168273 reviews looking sorry each chapter has
DtocPOR0mGA-00585-00168274-00168603 been reviewed between 6 & 8 times to
DtocPOR0mGA-00586-00168604-00168906 make it a really short and crisp and and
DtocPOR0mGA-00587-00168907-00169122 a good read for everybody who's not in
DtocPOR0mGA-00588-00169123-00169353 the in a matter so much and wants to
DtocPOR0mGA-00589-00169354-00169529 have a quick understanding of what's
DtocPOR0mGA-00590-00169530-00169821 going on where red plus stands and so
DtocPOR0mGA-00591-00169822-00170049 please grab up a copy of in the back
DtocPOR0mGA-00592-00170050-00170300 here on the table or find it online in
DtocPOR0mGA-00593-00170301-00170676 the c4 website transforming red plus
DtocPOR0mGA-00594-00170677-00170816 thanks for being here
DtocPOR0mGA-00595-00170817-00171219 have a good day thank you very much
DtocPOR0mGA-00596-00171220-00171638 [Applause]
DtRiVzrjWKy-00000-00000075-00000392 [Applause]
DtRiVzrjWKy-00001-00000393-00000456 [Music]
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DtRiVzrjWKy-00004-00001016-00001254 mr prime minister good morning thank you
DtRiVzrjWKy-00005-00001255-00001431 so much to be with us
DtRiVzrjWKy-00006-00001432-00001623 today so we are going to do it in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00007-00001623-00001726 english
DtRiVzrjWKy-00008-00001727-00001879 after those three languages
DtRiVzrjWKy-00009-00001880-00002030 introductions
DtRiVzrjWKy-00010-00002032-00002263 i am nicola dufour i'm the ceo of bpi
DtRiVzrjWKy-00011-00002264-00002495 france so bpi france is a sort of a big
DtRiVzrjWKy-00012-00002496-00002607 hdb
DtRiVzrjWKy-00013-00002608-00002966 for france we we have deployed in 2021
DtRiVzrjWKy-00014-00002967-00003238 uh 25 billion euros for france
DtRiVzrjWKy-00015-00003239-00003511 in loans in equity basically we do a lot
DtRiVzrjWKy-00016-00003511-00003719 of consulting and we have a belief which
DtRiVzrjWKy-00017-00003720-00003863 is that uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00018-00003864-00004111 in the challenges that are ahead of us
DtRiVzrjWKy-00019-00004112-00004286 for greece for france the same
DtRiVzrjWKy-00020-00004287-00004591 challenges actually which are debt
DtRiVzrjWKy-00021-00004592-00004695 growth
DtRiVzrjWKy-00022-00004696-00004991 inflation and so forth
DtRiVzrjWKy-00023-00004992-00005302 entrepreneurs will play a major role a
DtRiVzrjWKy-00024-00005303-00005454 central role so
DtRiVzrjWKy-00025-00005455-00005654 the objective of bpi france for france
DtRiVzrjWKy-00026-00005655-00005822 at least is to double the number of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00027-00005823-00005983 entrepreneurs because the more we have
DtRiVzrjWKy-00028-00005984-00006286 entrepreneurs the best we will be that
DtRiVzrjWKy-00029-00006287-00006518 at least for sure in that world of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00030-00006519-00006703 uncertainties
DtRiVzrjWKy-00031-00006704-00007006 and we also think that there are
DtRiVzrjWKy-00032-00007008-00007239 zillions of things we can do in europe
DtRiVzrjWKy-00033-00007240-00007446 by better connecting
DtRiVzrjWKy-00034-00007447-00007670 the ecosystems of entrepreneurs
DtRiVzrjWKy-00035-00007672-00008046 smes startup tech non-tech
DtRiVzrjWKy-00036-00008047-00008246 across the continent
DtRiVzrjWKy-00037-00008247-00008407 we think that
DtRiVzrjWKy-00038-00008408-00008639 by connecting the development banks
DtRiVzrjWKy-00039-00008640-00008839 we can achieve that dream
DtRiVzrjWKy-00040-00008840-00009006 and this is why we have been working
DtRiVzrjWKy-00041-00009007-00009191 with our greek colleagues in the past
DtRiVzrjWKy-00042-00009192-00009487 two years intensively we work with other
DtRiVzrjWKy-00043-00009488-00009703 colleagues in europe and we have that
DtRiVzrjWKy-00044-00009704-00009839 vision that
DtRiVzrjWKy-00045-00009840-00010078 if we were to have very strong
DtRiVzrjWKy-00046-00010079-00010335 development banks across the continent
DtRiVzrjWKy-00047-00010336-00010542 totally working together
DtRiVzrjWKy-00048-00010543-00010751 we would increase the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00049-00010752-00010951 gdp of europe
DtRiVzrjWKy-00050-00010952-00011078 certainly
DtRiVzrjWKy-00051-00011079-00011327 i i i don't have a quantum i'm in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00052-00011328-00011519 presence of the european commission
DtRiVzrjWKy-00053-00011520-00011710 thank you to be present today and we
DtRiVzrjWKy-00054-00011711-00011887 have 10 nationalities
DtRiVzrjWKy-00055-00011888-00011999 which are present through their
DtRiVzrjWKy-00056-00012000-00012246 development banks with us this morning
DtRiVzrjWKy-00057-00012247-00012478 but what is for sure is that by
DtRiVzrjWKy-00058-00012479-00012703 connecting the countries we will create
DtRiVzrjWKy-00059-00012704-00012951 value so thank you mr prime minister to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00060-00012952-00013271 be there i just wanted maybe to ask you
DtRiVzrjWKy-00061-00013272-00013494 what is your what is your vision for the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00062-00013495-00013622 development of entrepreneurship in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00063-00013623-00013735 greece
DtRiVzrjWKy-00064-00013736-00013991 to start with well first of all
DtRiVzrjWKy-00065-00013991-00014247 congratulations on the signing of this
DtRiVzrjWKy-00066-00014247-00014358 important
DtRiVzrjWKy-00067-00014359-00014503 agreement
DtRiVzrjWKy-00068-00014504-00014679 i do need to point out that it is taking
DtRiVzrjWKy-00069-00014680-00014927 place in a historic venue
DtRiVzrjWKy-00070-00014928-00015219 this is a venue where
DtRiVzrjWKy-00071-00015219-00015583 43 years ago the accession of greece
DtRiVzrjWKy-00072-00015584-00015822 into the european economic community was
DtRiVzrjWKy-00073-00015823-00015919 actually
DtRiVzrjWKy-00074-00015919-00016055 signed
DtRiVzrjWKy-00075-00016056-00016279 and the initiative to bring together
DtRiVzrjWKy-00076-00016280-00016519 development banks from various european
DtRiVzrjWKy-00077-00016520-00016711 countries seems to me to be a very
DtRiVzrjWKy-00078-00016712-00016911 sensible idea i would also like
DtRiVzrjWKy-00079-00016912-00017079 to congratulate
DtRiVzrjWKy-00080-00017080-00017286 the atlantic development bank
DtRiVzrjWKy-00081-00017287-00017511 and its ecosystem for the great work
DtRiVzrjWKy-00082-00017512-00017630 they have done
DtRiVzrjWKy-00083-00017631-00017903 in very very difficult times from the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00084-00017904-00018230 moment we came into power it was my firm
DtRiVzrjWKy-00085-00018231-00018391 belief that
DtRiVzrjWKy-00086-00018392-00018647 this government needed to support the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00087-00018648-00018871 entrepreneurial ecosystem
DtRiVzrjWKy-00088-00018872-00019239 in in greece we were emerging from
DtRiVzrjWKy-00089-00019240-00019503 a very deep and very painful
DtRiVzrjWKy-00090-00019504-00019886 crisis that also had a as a result as a
DtRiVzrjWKy-00091-00019887-00020094 probably a positive side effect the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00092-00020095-00020367 changing of attitudes amongst younger
DtRiVzrjWKy-00093-00020368-00020663 greeks the belief that entrepreneurship
DtRiVzrjWKy-00094-00020664-00020911 is an appropriate way for young greeks
DtRiVzrjWKy-00095-00020912-00021150 to pursue and what we try to do very
DtRiVzrjWKy-00096-00021151-00021399 simply was to liberate all these
DtRiVzrjWKy-00097-00021400-00021630 entrepreneurial forces within the greek
DtRiVzrjWKy-00098-00021631-00021743 society
DtRiVzrjWKy-00099-00021744-00021927 because we always took note of the fact
DtRiVzrjWKy-00100-00021928-00022071 that greek entrepreneurs did
DtRiVzrjWKy-00101-00022072-00022278 particularly well outside greece but for
DtRiVzrjWKy-00102-00022279-00022414 some reason they were not doing
DtRiVzrjWKy-00103-00022415-00022630 particularly well in greece so we did
DtRiVzrjWKy-00104-00022631-00022847 you know obvious things strengthening
DtRiVzrjWKy-00105-00022848-00023094 you know the financing
DtRiVzrjWKy-00106-00023095-00023263 arm of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00107-00023264-00023542 of the state we lower taxes uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00108-00023543-00023791 significantly taxes on capital taxes and
DtRiVzrjWKy-00109-00023792-00024094 dividends and taxes on
DtRiVzrjWKy-00110-00024095-00024367 on labor we simplified
DtRiVzrjWKy-00111-00024368-00024511 regulation
DtRiVzrjWKy-00112-00024512-00024847 and we made sure that the various cogs
DtRiVzrjWKy-00113-00024848-00025047 in the entrepreneurial ecosystem
DtRiVzrjWKy-00114-00025048-00025311 cooperated in a more constructive way
DtRiVzrjWKy-00115-00025312-00025527 and what is very interesting is that we
DtRiVzrjWKy-00116-00025528-00025774 have you know first very impressive
DtRiVzrjWKy-00117-00025775-00026031 success stories greece has numerous
DtRiVzrjWKy-00118-00026032-00026190 unicorns
DtRiVzrjWKy-00119-00026191-00026327 already
DtRiVzrjWKy-00120-00026327-00026558 and these are success stories which will
DtRiVzrjWKy-00121-00026560-00026646 further
DtRiVzrjWKy-00122-00026647-00026758 inspire
DtRiVzrjWKy-00123-00026760-00026943 new entrepreneurs
DtRiVzrjWKy-00124-00026944-00027158 to pursue a similar path
DtRiVzrjWKy-00125-00027160-00027295 we've also started teaching
DtRiVzrjWKy-00126-00027295-00027439 entrepreneurship in schools which are
DtRiVzrjWKy-00127-00027439-00027670 considered to be particularly
DtRiVzrjWKy-00128-00027672-00028083 important we have you know fantastic
DtRiVzrjWKy-00129-00028083-00028343 um uh you know public private
DtRiVzrjWKy-00130-00028344-00028551 initiatives such as a junior achievement
DtRiVzrjWKy-00131-00028552-00028807 competition which
DtRiVzrjWKy-00132-00028808-00029118 fosters this entrepreneurial spirit um
DtRiVzrjWKy-00133-00029119-00029431 uh at a much younger age and overall i
DtRiVzrjWKy-00134-00029432-00029502 am
DtRiVzrjWKy-00135-00029504-00029758 you know very very confident
DtRiVzrjWKy-00136-00029760-00029862 that
DtRiVzrjWKy-00137-00029863-00030070 this entrepreneurial ecosystem is really
DtRiVzrjWKy-00138-00030072-00030214 going to take off
DtRiVzrjWKy-00139-00030216-00030423 and our goal is uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00140-00030424-00030614 that at some point in the not so distant
DtRiVzrjWKy-00141-00030616-00030879 future technology should contribute you
DtRiVzrjWKy-00142-00030880-00031062 know 10 of greek gdp and this is
DtRiVzrjWKy-00143-00031063-00031302 perfectly doable if you look at sectors
DtRiVzrjWKy-00144-00031303-00031511 such as
DtRiVzrjWKy-00145-00031512-00031711 you know big data such as clean tech
DtRiVzrjWKy-00146-00031712-00031935 such as fintech lots of very interesting
DtRiVzrjWKy-00147-00031936-00032039 things are happening and foreign
DtRiVzrjWKy-00148-00032039-00032246 investors are taking notice of what is
DtRiVzrjWKy-00149-00032247-00032446 happening uh in uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00150-00032447-00032646 in greece and our and greek companies
DtRiVzrjWKy-00151-00032647-00032943 are beginning to attract uh significant
DtRiVzrjWKy-00152-00032944-00033135 um capital so
DtRiVzrjWKy-00153-00033136-00033271 people are actually voting with their
DtRiVzrjWKy-00154-00033272-00033535 feet there are they believe uh in in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00155-00033536-00033862 this greek girls story and you know at
DtRiVzrjWKy-00156-00033863-00034118 the end of the day our main goal was was
DtRiVzrjWKy-00157-00034119-00034439 always to foster a sustainable growth
DtRiVzrjWKy-00158-00034440-00034711 a sustainable growth needs to be led
DtRiVzrjWKy-00159-00034712-00034967 and needs to be driven through private
DtRiVzrjWKy-00160-00034968-00035079 investment
DtRiVzrjWKy-00161-00035080-00035223 and in spite of all the difficulties
DtRiVzrjWKy-00162-00035224-00035423 that we had to to deal with you know
DtRiVzrjWKy-00163-00035424-00035646 including the most recent you know uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00164-00035647-00035735 war
DtRiVzrjWKy-00165-00035736-00035974 in ukraine we remain committed uh to the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00166-00035975-00036183 goal of creating sustainable growth in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00167-00036184-00036367 greece in those sectors where we can be
DtRiVzrjWKy-00168-00036368-00036646 competitive
DtRiVzrjWKy-00169-00036647-00036823 and we i must say we're all extremely
DtRiVzrjWKy-00170-00036824-00036999 impressed by what's happening here and
DtRiVzrjWKy-00171-00037000-00037118 the capillary flows which is a
DtRiVzrjWKy-00172-00037119-00037262 consequence of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00173-00037263-00037462 the rising reputation of the ecosystem
DtRiVzrjWKy-00174-00037463-00037639 of greece that's for sure
DtRiVzrjWKy-00175-00037640-00037927 now the question for for us in france
DtRiVzrjWKy-00176-00037928-00038143 with through bpi and i suppose it's the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00177-00038144-00038295 same in greece and other countries is
DtRiVzrjWKy-00178-00038296-00038502 how to accelerate that
DtRiVzrjWKy-00179-00038503-00038718 to be at par with the reality of the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00180-00038719-00038943 challenges that we are we have ahead of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00181-00038944-00039087 us so
DtRiVzrjWKy-00182-00039088-00039246 i must say that the the development
DtRiVzrjWKy-00183-00039247-00039430 banks are generating multiplier effects
DtRiVzrjWKy-00184-00039431-00039615 on the market which are which are
DtRiVzrjWKy-00185-00039616-00039855 extremely important so maybe you could
DtRiVzrjWKy-00186-00039856-00040055 you could tell us how you see the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00187-00040056-00040207 future of the public intervention in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00188-00040208-00040407 greece to accelerate the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00189-00040408-00040535 movement
DtRiVzrjWKy-00190-00040536-00040718 in the country
DtRiVzrjWKy-00191-00040719-00040943 i'm sure you'll have a chance uh in the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00192-00040944-00041111 panels that we'll follow to discuss in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00193-00041112-00041343 more detail uh what we're doing
DtRiVzrjWKy-00194-00041344-00041502 on that front what i can tell you is
DtRiVzrjWKy-00195-00041503-00041679 that when we took over the development
DtRiVzrjWKy-00196-00041680-00041783 bank was
DtRiVzrjWKy-00197-00041784-00041990 essentially a sort of a shell without
DtRiVzrjWKy-00198-00041991-00042279 any real without any real content
DtRiVzrjWKy-00199-00042280-00042423 and
DtRiVzrjWKy-00200-00042424-00042543 in less than three years it has
DtRiVzrjWKy-00201-00042544-00042767 established itself as a very very
DtRiVzrjWKy-00202-00042768-00042951 important presence in greece
DtRiVzrjWKy-00203-00042952-00043158 also very useful during covet
DtRiVzrjWKy-00204-00043159-00043327 where we
DtRiVzrjWKy-00205-00043328-00043558 supported greek businesses
DtRiVzrjWKy-00206-00043559-00043895 in order to make sure that we protected
DtRiVzrjWKy-00207-00043896-00044135 jobs but now as we move
DtRiVzrjWKy-00208-00044136-00044462 out of kovit i think the the potential
DtRiVzrjWKy-00209-00044463-00044639 for initiatives both on the debt side
DtRiVzrjWKy-00210-00044640-00044839 but also the equity side
DtRiVzrjWKy-00211-00044840-00045174 are are very significant then uh for me
DtRiVzrjWKy-00212-00045175-00045535 uh this is also a very interesting
DtRiVzrjWKy-00213-00045536-00045846 personal story because some of you may
DtRiVzrjWKy-00214-00045847-00046223 may know that i started my uh my career
DtRiVzrjWKy-00215-00046224-00046423 uh in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00216-00046424-00046607 in greek business in private equity and
DtRiVzrjWKy-00217-00046608-00046879 venture capital in the late 90s uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00218-00046880-00046990 the early
DtRiVzrjWKy-00219-00046991-00047199 2000s at the national bank of greece we
DtRiVzrjWKy-00220-00047200-00047439 set up the first technology fund
DtRiVzrjWKy-00221-00047440-00047630 at the time the first
DtRiVzrjWKy-00222-00047631-00047871 incubator uh maybe we were ahead of our
DtRiVzrjWKy-00223-00047872-00048127 time uh uh uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00224-00048128-00048318 when we when we took these um
DtRiVzrjWKy-00225-00048319-00048583 initiatives but certainly now uh there
DtRiVzrjWKy-00226-00048584-00048879 is more need for innovative financial uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00227-00048880-00049215 instruments uh there is more need for a
DtRiVzrjWKy-00228-00049216-00049358 venture capital and private equity in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00229-00049359-00049583 greece i'm happy that many of the people
DtRiVzrjWKy-00230-00049584-00049815 you know i was working with at the time
DtRiVzrjWKy-00231-00049816-00050055 you know have have moved they've stayed
DtRiVzrjWKy-00232-00050056-00050158 in the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00233-00050159-00050295 in the field and now we do have a
DtRiVzrjWKy-00234-00050296-00050430 vibrant
DtRiVzrjWKy-00235-00050431-00050702 venture capital and private equity um
DtRiVzrjWKy-00236-00050703-00050862 seen in greece but we also need more
DtRiVzrjWKy-00237-00050863-00051015 growth capital we don't just need you
DtRiVzrjWKy-00238-00051016-00051111 know
DtRiVzrjWKy-00239-00051112-00051311 venture capital we've made it more
DtRiVzrjWKy-00240-00051312-00051526 attractive for angel investors to invest
DtRiVzrjWKy-00241-00051527-00051742 at a very very early stage
DtRiVzrjWKy-00242-00051744-00052046 in greek startup companies but i also do
DtRiVzrjWKy-00243-00052047-00052199 believe that there is
DtRiVzrjWKy-00244-00052200-00052390 a lot of potential for mid-cap greek
DtRiVzrjWKy-00245-00052391-00052791 companies to attract equity capital
DtRiVzrjWKy-00246-00052791-00052851 and to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00247-00052852-00052975 [Music]
DtRiVzrjWKy-00248-00052976-00053207 sort of make the next step forward these
DtRiVzrjWKy-00249-00053208-00053359 are companies that have been able to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00250-00053360-00053487 survive
DtRiVzrjWKy-00251-00053488-00053679 and thrive during very very difficult
DtRiVzrjWKy-00252-00053679-00053766 times
DtRiVzrjWKy-00253-00053767-00054038 i think they've really given the term
DtRiVzrjWKy-00254-00054039-00054207 resilience a new
DtRiVzrjWKy-00255-00054208-00054399 a new definition
DtRiVzrjWKy-00256-00054400-00054726 they are present in various different uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00257-00054727-00055054 sectors of uh of the greek economy
DtRiVzrjWKy-00258-00055055-00055294 and they're looking to um to grow and if
DtRiVzrjWKy-00259-00055295-00055454 you look at the you know the big the big
DtRiVzrjWKy-00260-00055455-00055647 trends one of them i think is going to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00261-00055648-00055879 be you know the consolidation of supply
DtRiVzrjWKy-00262-00055879-00056047 chains and sort of the concept of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00263-00056048-00056263 strategic autonomy and this whole idea
DtRiVzrjWKy-00264-00056264-00056342 of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00265-00056344-00056550 of reassuring greece is strategically
DtRiVzrjWKy-00266-00056551-00056750 positioned to take advantage
DtRiVzrjWKy-00267-00056751-00057030 of these uh trends and as also many
DtRiVzrjWKy-00268-00057032-00057191 european or french companies would be
DtRiVzrjWKy-00269-00057191-00057375 looking to strengthen their supply
DtRiVzrjWKy-00270-00057376-00057630 chains closer to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00271-00057632-00057775 closer to home
DtRiVzrjWKy-00272-00057776-00058071 and as they start looking less at asia
DtRiVzrjWKy-00273-00058072-00058199 and more at
DtRiVzrjWKy-00274-00058200-00058415 europe i really encourage you to take a
DtRiVzrjWKy-00275-00058416-00058679 very close look at what is happening
DtRiVzrjWKy-00276-00058679-00058854 in greece and also when we look at you
DtRiVzrjWKy-00277-00058855-00059159 know new sectors where we can add
DtRiVzrjWKy-00278-00059160-00059335 where we can add value
DtRiVzrjWKy-00279-00059336-00059559 look at the renewable
DtRiVzrjWKy-00280-00059560-00059663 sector
DtRiVzrjWKy-00281-00059664-00059879 for example we want to contribute more
DtRiVzrjWKy-00282-00059879-00060054 to the value chain of renewables we will
DtRiVzrjWKy-00283-00060055-00060279 be publishing for example
DtRiVzrjWKy-00284-00060279-00060423 in the next month our new legal
DtRiVzrjWKy-00285-00060424-00060759 framework for offshore wind can we uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00286-00060760-00061015 imagine a cluster of offshore wind
DtRiVzrjWKy-00287-00061016-00061271 infrastructure for example uh in greece
DtRiVzrjWKy-00288-00061272-00061415 rather in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00289-00061416-00061638 uh in other countries all these are
DtRiVzrjWKy-00290-00061639-00061926 ideas which i think are worth
DtRiVzrjWKy-00291-00061927-00062103 pursuing but you know at the end of the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00292-00062104-00062342 day what i do want to point out for
DtRiVzrjWKy-00293-00062344-00062526 those of you who are thinking of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00294-00062527-00062694 investing in greece this is not just
DtRiVzrjWKy-00295-00062695-00062903 about you know you know a stable and
DtRiVzrjWKy-00296-00062904-00063071 reform oriented government this is not
DtRiVzrjWKy-00297-00063072-00063326 just about a country that has natural
DtRiVzrjWKy-00298-00063327-00063575 comparative advantages such as you know
DtRiVzrjWKy-00299-00063576-00063854 the sun you know or the wind
DtRiVzrjWKy-00300-00063855-00064054 it's also about a country that has
DtRiVzrjWKy-00301-00064055-00064415 tremendous um human capital and this is
DtRiVzrjWKy-00302-00064416-00064630 is particularly important for me if if
DtRiVzrjWKy-00303-00064632-00064799 you look especially at the tech
DtRiVzrjWKy-00304-00064800-00064991 sector i think what what many foreign
DtRiVzrjWKy-00305-00064991-00065126 companies saw
DtRiVzrjWKy-00306-00065127-00065342 in greece was the quality
DtRiVzrjWKy-00307-00065344-00065503 of our
DtRiVzrjWKy-00308-00065504-00065647 of our engineers
DtRiVzrjWKy-00309-00065648-00065838 still relatively cheap by
DtRiVzrjWKy-00310-00065839-00066126 european uh standards extremely hard
DtRiVzrjWKy-00311-00066127-00066231 working
DtRiVzrjWKy-00312-00066232-00066415 every single company that has invested
DtRiVzrjWKy-00313-00066416-00066623 in greece um
DtRiVzrjWKy-00314-00066624-00066791 has only good things to say about the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00315-00066792-00066975 human capital of the country and the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00316-00066976-00067119 other dimension which you should not
DtRiVzrjWKy-00317-00067120-00067255 forget
DtRiVzrjWKy-00318-00067256-00067399 is that
DtRiVzrjWKy-00319-00067400-00067543 uh greece
DtRiVzrjWKy-00320-00067544-00067823 quote unquote lost 500 000
DtRiVzrjWKy-00321-00067824-00067894 um
DtRiVzrjWKy-00322-00067895-00068094 young people who left during the crisis
DtRiVzrjWKy-00323-00068095-00068311 these are extremely talented
DtRiVzrjWKy-00324-00068312-00068494 young risk takers who left greece and
DtRiVzrjWKy-00325-00068495-00068615 for the first time they're looking to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00326-00068616-00068887 return to greece so in this global
DtRiVzrjWKy-00327-00068888-00069143 competition for human capital we have an
DtRiVzrjWKy-00328-00069144-00069350 advantage that we have greeks who are
DtRiVzrjWKy-00329-00069351-00069550 outside greece who want to return to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00330-00069551-00069703 greece um
DtRiVzrjWKy-00331-00069704-00069967 now and i think this this puts us uh in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00332-00069968-00070215 a in a relatively uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00333-00070216-00070479 good position but at the end of the day
DtRiVzrjWKy-00334-00070480-00070655 for us the real
DtRiVzrjWKy-00335-00070656-00070823 goal is to make sure that we stay the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00336-00070824-00070919 course
DtRiVzrjWKy-00337-00070920-00071247 we we deal with lots of crisis um
DtRiVzrjWKy-00338-00071248-00071399 the recent one being particularly
DtRiVzrjWKy-00339-00071400-00071559 challenging when it comes to energy
DtRiVzrjWKy-00340-00071560-00071871 prices but at the same time every crisis
DtRiVzrjWKy-00341-00071872-00072126 is an opportunity
DtRiVzrjWKy-00342-00072127-00072303 and when we look at what's happening
DtRiVzrjWKy-00343-00072304-00072511 with energy now of course in the short
DtRiVzrjWKy-00344-00072512-00072711 term we will support
DtRiVzrjWKy-00345-00072712-00073071 households and businesses to absorb um
DtRiVzrjWKy-00346-00073072-00073255 as much as we can from the increase in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00347-00073256-00073503 price but at the end of the day um the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00348-00073504-00073679 the concept of the of the green
DtRiVzrjWKy-00349-00073680-00073911 transition becomes more important not
DtRiVzrjWKy-00350-00073912-00074143 only from uh from a climate point of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00351-00074144-00074367 view but also from a geopolitical point
DtRiVzrjWKy-00352-00074368-00074726 of view we need um more
DtRiVzrjWKy-00353-00074727-00074823 more
DtRiVzrjWKy-00354-00074824-00075031 energy independence in two days i will
DtRiVzrjWKy-00355-00075032-00075294 be going to western macedonia which was
DtRiVzrjWKy-00356-00075295-00075487 the area where we
DtRiVzrjWKy-00357-00075488-00075719 extraditionally extracted lignite to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00358-00075720-00075919 inaugurate the biggest photovoltaic
DtRiVzrjWKy-00359-00075920-00076071 plant
DtRiVzrjWKy-00360-00076072-00076206 in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00361-00076207-00076479 currently in operation
DtRiVzrjWKy-00362-00076480-00076735 in greece so every crisis presents
DtRiVzrjWKy-00363-00076736-00077038 opportunities and my encouragement to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00364-00077039-00077238 especially to foreign investors is to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00365-00077239-00077503 take a good look at what is happening uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00366-00077504-00077694 in greece because you will find i think
DtRiVzrjWKy-00367-00077695-00077799 extremely
DtRiVzrjWKy-00368-00077800-00077943 interesting opportunities and i think
DtRiVzrjWKy-00369-00077944-00078175 also qualified uh people on the on the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00370-00078176-00078471 finance side on the uh but also
DtRiVzrjWKy-00371-00078472-00078591 at the level of the government to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00372-00078592-00078775 support you in terms of exploring what
DtRiVzrjWKy-00373-00078776-00078967 is happening in the greek market i can
DtRiVzrjWKy-00374-00078968-00079135 tell you that in the in the portfolio of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00375-00079136-00079462 bpi i mean we have equity shares in 1
DtRiVzrjWKy-00376-00079463-00079671 000 companies in france so there are a
DtRiVzrjWKy-00377-00079672-00079799 lot of them which are interested by
DtRiVzrjWKy-00378-00079800-00080023 greece at all at all levels you know
DtRiVzrjWKy-00379-00080024-00080167 some some very
DtRiVzrjWKy-00380-00080168-00080375 big listed french multinationals are
DtRiVzrjWKy-00381-00080376-00080631 working on greek projects yeah
DtRiVzrjWKy-00382-00080632-00080791 and and we have greek originating
DtRiVzrjWKy-00383-00080792-00081062 entrepreneurs which are working with us
DtRiVzrjWKy-00384-00081063-00081223 for long
DtRiVzrjWKy-00385-00081224-00081494 but also smes and also and also startups
DtRiVzrjWKy-00386-00081495-00081655 and also funds you have here in the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00387-00081656-00081950 assembly funds which have decided to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00388-00081951-00082167 start operations in greece
DtRiVzrjWKy-00389-00082168-00082350 so i think that's very good news i would
DtRiVzrjWKy-00390-00082351-00082575 say that uh the greek entrepreneurs are
DtRiVzrjWKy-00391-00082576-00082767 always welcome in france a lot last year
DtRiVzrjWKy-00392-00082768-00082999 we had a big event like every year in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00393-00083000-00083255 october we we gather more than 50 000
DtRiVzrjWKy-00394-00083256-00083511 entrepreneurs in the in the stadium in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00395-00083512-00083726 paris and you're mostly welcome mr prime
DtRiVzrjWKy-00396-00083727-00083982 minister by the way it is next october
DtRiVzrjWKy-00397-00083983-00084071 6th
DtRiVzrjWKy-00398-00084072-00084294 and we had a delegation of uh of greek
DtRiVzrjWKy-00399-00084295-00084494 entrepreneurs that came with you
DtRiVzrjWKy-00400-00084495-00084679 uh they were mostly welcome so there is
DtRiVzrjWKy-00401-00084680-00084903 a lot to do and i'm i'm really convinced
DtRiVzrjWKy-00402-00084904-00085062 that we need to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00403-00085063-00085150 improve
DtRiVzrjWKy-00404-00085151-00085375 the possibilities of of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00405-00085376-00085543 cross-country business i would say of
DtRiVzrjWKy-00406-00085544-00085775 course relationship but business
DtRiVzrjWKy-00407-00085776-00085935 to the point that uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00408-00085936-00086150 we we should we should have the ambition
DtRiVzrjWKy-00409-00086151-00086438 to have a franco greek franco greek
DtRiVzrjWKy-00410-00086439-00086806 german franco german danish greek funds
DtRiVzrjWKy-00411-00086807-00087031 with multinational teams people which
DtRiVzrjWKy-00412-00087032-00087247 are working together uh sharing
DtRiVzrjWKy-00413-00087248-00087438 different cultures with the portfolio
DtRiVzrjWKy-00414-00087439-00087623 which is spread across all the countries
DtRiVzrjWKy-00415-00087624-00087815 so that may be the good moment because
DtRiVzrjWKy-00416-00087816-00088047 we we are running out of time to um
DtRiVzrjWKy-00417-00088048-00088326 re-say that today we were announcing
DtRiVzrjWKy-00418-00088327-00088543 the agreement that we have signed with
DtRiVzrjWKy-00419-00088544-00088982 the hdbi with tc with ex-fondon with kw
DtRiVzrjWKy-00420-00088983-00089262 and bpr france to deploy 3.3 billion
DtRiVzrjWKy-00421-00089263-00089375 euros
DtRiVzrjWKy-00422-00089376-00089631 of gross capital
DtRiVzrjWKy-00423-00089632-00089871 across the continent collaborating on
DtRiVzrjWKy-00424-00089872-00089999 the deal flow
DtRiVzrjWKy-00425-00090000-00090182 sharing the due diligences
DtRiVzrjWKy-00426-00090183-00090415 and again that's the main word of today
DtRiVzrjWKy-00427-00090416-00090711 accelerating uh the you know the the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00428-00090712-00090943 stance and the and the process of uh
DtRiVzrjWKy-00429-00090944-00091126 instructing the deals
DtRiVzrjWKy-00430-00091127-00091271 to the to the most benefit of the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00431-00091272-00091567 entrepreneurs
DtRiVzrjWKy-00432-00091568-00091718 i think you were right to point out that
DtRiVzrjWKy-00433-00091719-00091903 we look we need to look more
DtRiVzrjWKy-00434-00091904-00092126 systematically at
DtRiVzrjWKy-00435-00092127-00092359 cooperation across european cooperation
DtRiVzrjWKy-00436-00092360-00092526 at the level of smes
DtRiVzrjWKy-00437-00092527-00092703 the big multinationals you know the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00438-00092704-00092838 french multinationals you know they have
DtRiVzrjWKy-00439-00092839-00093031 been present in in greece i think they
DtRiVzrjWKy-00440-00093032-00093231 know the landscape pretty well but if we
DtRiVzrjWKy-00441-00093232-00093415 are to talk about a true
DtRiVzrjWKy-00442-00093416-00093718 european common market it is the smes
DtRiVzrjWKy-00443-00093719-00093879 that need to get into
DtRiVzrjWKy-00444-00093880-00094111 into closer cooperation and right under
DtRiVzrjWKy-00445-00094112-00094231 the big multinational there are
DtRiVzrjWKy-00446-00094232-00094431 thousands of companies in greece and in
DtRiVzrjWKy-00447-00094432-00094615 france and you know the other european
DtRiVzrjWKy-00448-00094616-00094935 countries um that uh are present that
DtRiVzrjWKy-00449-00094936-00095159 need to to understand that you know at
DtRiVzrjWKy-00450-00095160-00095318 the end of the day investing in another
DtRiVzrjWKy-00451-00095319-00095487 european country should be very natural
DtRiVzrjWKy-00452-00095488-00095671 to them it should not be
DtRiVzrjWKy-00453-00095672-00095862 something very very complicated at the
DtRiVzrjWKy-00454-00095863-00096062 end of the day this is our common market
DtRiVzrjWKy-00455-00096063-00096343 this is our advantage we need to create
DtRiVzrjWKy-00456-00096344-00096438 scale
DtRiVzrjWKy-00457-00096439-00096623 at the european level we're we're not
DtRiVzrjWKy-00458-00096624-00096831 there yet if you look at you know all
DtRiVzrjWKy-00459-00096832-00096991 the stats when it comes to the big tech
DtRiVzrjWKy-00460-00096992-00097247 companies it is worrisome but scale is
DtRiVzrjWKy-00461-00097248-00097462 going to start you know by cooperation
DtRiVzrjWKy-00462-00097463-00097638 at the smaller
DtRiVzrjWKy-00463-00097639-00097791 level that's where the new you know
DtRiVzrjWKy-00464-00097792-00098082 global players will will
DtRiVzrjWKy-00465-00098083-00098262 emerge it's a new epoch
DtRiVzrjWKy-00466-00098263-00098382 that's what
DtRiVzrjWKy-00467-00098383-00098655 said two days ago by which europe before
DtRiVzrjWKy-00468-00098656-00098799 everybody wanted to go to china to
DtRiVzrjWKy-00469-00098800-00099079 brazil or to india far away as far away
DtRiVzrjWKy-00470-00099080-00099326 as possible and now we're rediscovering
DtRiVzrjWKy-00471-00099327-00099431 the neighbors
DtRiVzrjWKy-00472-00099432-00099647 we want to do business with you guys
DtRiVzrjWKy-00473-00099648-00099823 you want to do business with us
DtRiVzrjWKy-00474-00099824-00100023 and and this is the future for europe
DtRiVzrjWKy-00475-00100024-00100318 that's what we want growing together
DtRiVzrjWKy-00476-00100319-00101126 thank you mr prime minister
DtRiVzrjWKy-00477-00101127-00101336 you