Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00000-00000000-00000539 followed by five guys in a mall having
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00001-00000540-00000734 discovered this subreddit only a couple
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00002-00000735-00000947 of days ago I figured I'd throw in a
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00003-00000948-00001100 little story of a rather disturbing
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00004-00001101-00001460 experience i m had when i was around 15
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00005-00001461-00001780 to 16 yo i must warn you lest you be
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00006-00001782-00001873 disappointed
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00007-00001875-00002090 despite the nature of the title this
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00008-00002091-00002308 story isn't as crazy as you may expect
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00009-00002309-00002570 granted i was scared for my life back
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00010-00002571-00002780 then and had gone into survival mode
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00011-00002781-00003131 which I guess is why I'm alive today a
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00012-00003132-00003454 bit of backstory first my family were
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00013-00003455-00003670 expatriates in the United Arab Emirates
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00014-00003671-00004036 UAE back then so I grew up in Abu Dhabi
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00015-00004037-00004313 and went to school there this is crucial
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00016-00004314-00004531 to the story because anyone who has
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00017-00004532-00004697 lived in the UAE will probably
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00018-00004698-00004916 understand the prejudices I had to rely
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00019-00004917-00005152 on in this story as for those of you who
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00020-00005153-00005390 never lived in the UAE or even heard of
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00021-00005391-00005701 the place I shall elaborate further on
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00022-00005702-00005951 fortunately I was able to find pictures
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00023-00005952-00006154 from them all where this happened I'll
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00024-00006155-00006359 be linking to them to ensure you guys
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00025-00006360-00006584 can properly visualize some of the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00026-00006584-00006791 locations as well as my movements in the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00027-00006792-00007013 mall it was the early afternoon on a
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00028-00007014-00007283 weekend some friends and I had decided
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00029-00007284-00007528 that we'd go hang out at the mall as my
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00030-00007529-00007706 luck would have it I happened to arrive
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00031-00007706-00007958 earlier than my friends and had to find
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00032-00007959-00008203 a way to kill time while I waited I
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00033-00008204-00008483 figured I'd just walk around and do some
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00034-00008484-00008732 window shopping being a rotund young lad
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00035-00008733-00008939 it wasn't like walking around for half
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00036-00008940-00009191 an hour would do me any harm now before
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00037-00009192-00009446 I continue I need to inform you of them
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00038-00009447-00009589 and said you are instilled with when
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00039-00009590-00009827 living in a country like the UAE when
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00040-00009828-00010014 you saw Pakistan is in the UAE
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00041-00010015-00010288 especially dressed like this you kind of
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00042-00010289-00010564 accepted that they acted weird or would
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00043-00010565-00010735 stare inappropriately without any
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00044-00010736-00010994 self-awareness you knew that if they
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00045-00010995-00011216 dress that way they most probably had
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00046-00011217-00011428 come to the UAE from the poorer parts of
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00047-00011429-00011735 Pakistan rural and work menial jobs
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00048-00011736-00012023 these Pakistani men of rural background
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00049-00012024-00012227 also had a reputation for sexual
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00050-00012228-00012488 misconduct I don't mean to claim that
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00051-00012489-00012742 Pakistan is a sexual deviance merely
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00052-00012743-00012883 that this particular socio-economic
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00053-00012884-00013138 group who more often than not were
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00054-00013140-00013327 single men living as boost workers
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00055-00013328-00013528 the UAE were known to usually be
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00056-00013529-00013732 involved in cases of sexual assault
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00057-00013733-00014016 especially involved in young boys there
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00058-00014018-00014209 is actually a culture of grooming young
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00059-00014210-00014443 boys in that region feel free to read
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00060-00014444-00014697 more into it here I realize some people
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00061-00014699-00014965 might call me prejudiced but the UAE was
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00062-00014966-00015286 is very much a caste society taking such
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00063-00015287-00015493 mental shortcuts based on how people
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00064-00015494-00015766 dressed was easy because more often than
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00065-00015766-00016015 not you would be right so back to them
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00066-00016016-00016060 all
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00067-00016061-00016263 I took the escalator going up to the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00068-00016265-00016494 second floor and as the escalator was
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00069-00016495-00016735 going up I see a group of five Pakistani
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00070-00016736-00016950 men dressed in the garb I mentioned
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00071-00016951-00017179 earlier going down the escalator in the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00072-00017180-00017413 opposite direction I didn't think much
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00073-00017414-00017647 of it at first but I couldn't help but
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00074-00017648-00017850 notice that one of the men was staring
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00075-00017851-00018121 at me mind you he wasn't staring in a
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00076-00018122-00018355 zoned out sort of way no this was a very
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00077-00018356-00018600 predatory stare if anything it seemed
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00078-00018601-00018883 like he was sizing me up my mind was
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00079-00018884-00019078 initially flooded by the prejudice as I
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00080-00019079-00019272 mentioned earlier and it made me uneasy
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00081-00019273-00019504 bar poppycock
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00082-00019505-00019800 I told myself as I got to the top of the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00083-00019801-00019990 escalator I figured I was being a
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00084-00019991-00020244 paranoid male genetalia these guys were
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00085-00020245-00020449 just checking out a mall they probably
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00086-00020450-00020644 didn't have anything similar where they
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00087-00020645-00020850 came from and wanted to take in the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00088-00020851-00021150 sights boy was I wrong at the top of the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00089-00021151-00021418 second-floor escalator I turned left the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00090-00021419-00021685 paranoid / curious part of my brain made
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00091-00021686-00021859 me turn my head to look down the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00092-00021860-00022087 escalator to see what those guys were
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00093-00022088-00022303 doing they were all staring at me now
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00094-00022304-00022561 and were taking the escalator back up
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00095-00022562-00022897 holy fornicate okay maybe they forgot to
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00096-00022898-00023172 check out one of the stores I reasoned I
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00097-00023173-00023416 mean this was all happening in a mall in
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00098-00023417-00023530 broad daylight
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00099-00023531-00023725 what the heck could they do to me on the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00100-00023726-00023938 one hand I was scared but on the other
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00101-00023939-00024144 hand I felt that maybe I was being
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00102-00024145-00024397 paranoid the second and third floors of
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00103-00024398-00024594 the mall looped around the building the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00104-00024595-00024831 Balcon is in the picture so yours truly
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00105-00024832-00025039 decided to pull some Sikh blood Cold War
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00106-00025040-00025267 spying techniques and walk around the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00107-00025268-00025558 balcony admiring the view while keeping
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00108-00025559-00025738 an eye on the group of men every time I
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00109-00025739-00026002 turned a corner at every corner I tuck a
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00110-00026002-00026208 quick glance and at each instance I
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00111-00026209-00026427 noticed that they were still staring at
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00112-00026428-00026689 me and following in my direction at this
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00113-00026689-00026760 point I
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00114-00026761-00027020 desperate I still doubted myself and
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00115-00027021-00027224 thought that maybe I was reading too
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00116-00027225-00027470 much into things then I got a lightbulb
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00117-00027471-00027677 moment McGruder's is a bookstore
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00118-00027678-00027951 franchise in the UAE as luck would have
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00119-00027952-00028187 it there was one in this mall this is a
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00120-00028188-00028355 picture of the actual store which
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00121-00028356-00028592 figures in my story you can go here for
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00122-00028593-00028823 pictures taken from different angles I
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00123-00028824-00029049 decided to try out a prejudiced
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00124-00029050-00029289 experiment going by the comportment of
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00125-00029289-00029471 these men and the way they dressed they
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00126-00029472-00029658 did not strike me as avid readers
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00127-00029658-00029874 familiar with the likes of bronze world
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00128-00029875-00030221 or Dumas to name a few surely a
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00129-00030222-00030408 bookstore would be the last place any
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00130-00030408-00030614 one of them would go unless they had
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00131-00030615-00030885 nefarious intentions and I went to the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00132-00030886-00031101 back of the store where I could keep an
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00133-00031102-00031271 eye out on everyone who came in and out
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00134-00031272-00031560 the coast was clear at first I breathed
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00135-00031561-00031779 a sigh of relief before I could even
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00136-00031780-00031986 form a coy smile and mockery of my
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00137-00031987-00032249 irrational fear to my horror the men
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00138-00032250-00032499 walked into the bookstore anyone who has
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00139-00032500-00032639 lived in the UAE would immediately
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00140-00032640-00032864 recognize how strange it is for such
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00141-00032865-00033164 people to enter such a store because of
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00142-00033165-00033342 their rural backgrounds they tended to
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00143-00033343-00033561 have no education and because they
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00144-00033562-00033812 usually worked in menial jobs there was
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00145-00033813-00034011 no way and fornicate that they were
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00146-00034012-00034220 going to be a class of people who spend
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00147-00034221-00034485 money on books now I knew I was being
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00148-00034486-00034743 followed as I watched my fears were
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00149-00034744-00034958 confirmed by the fact that these guys
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00150-00034959-00035207 seemed to be more interested in finding
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00151-00035208-00035420 someone behind the aisles rather than
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00152-00035421-00035636 the actual books on the shelves these
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00153-00035637-00035829 men were clearly not looking to finger
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00154-00035830-00036026 through the pages of a good book and I
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00155-00036027-00036230 wasn't about wait to find out what they
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00156-00036231-00036527 plan to do when they found me eyes exact
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00157-00036528-00036717 through the aisles stooped like a
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00158-00036718-00036968 hunchback until I managed to go around
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00159-00036969-00037220 them and exit the store I took the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00160-00037221-00037370 escalator from earlier and went
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00161-00037371-00037637 downstairs I figured that if they would
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00162-00037638-00037842 try anything the entrance of the mall
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00163-00037843-00038124 would be the safest place for me just as
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00164-00038125-00038349 I'm going down the escalator I see them
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00165-00038350-00038537 come out of the store we make eye
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00166-00038538-00038786 contact and they come in my direction as
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00167-00038787-00039057 I reached the bottom of the escalator my
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00168-00039058-00039189 friends come in through the main
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00169-00039190-00039455 entrance fornicate was i relieved I
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00170-00039456-00039755 finally felt safe funny enough I didn't
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00171-00039756-00039905 tell them what I had just gone through
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00172-00039906-00040104 not really sure why
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00173-00040105-00040323 maybe I thought it wasn't worth it in
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00174-00040324-00040574 any case we were about to have a meal so
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00175-00040575-00040833 we went up that same escalator that has
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00176-00040834-00041010 figured so prominently in this nightmare
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00177-00041011-00041321 and what do I see the five men coming
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00178-00041322-00041552 down the escalator they see me in a
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00179-00041553-00041754 group and I swear I could tell by the
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00180-00041755-00041993 looks in their eyes that I foiled their
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00181-00041994-00042296 plan whatever it was I couldn't help but
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00182-00042297-00042567 feel triumphant and frankly I hope it
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00183-00042568-00042789 showed in my eyes every time I think
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00184-00042790-00042996 back to that event I can't help but
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00185-00042997-00043239 laugh I'm kind of proud of fifteen to
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00186-00043240-00043436 sixteen year me for the whole bookstore
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00187-00043437-00043718 tactic but make no mistake I was scared
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00188-00043719-00043986 if there's any lesson I can impart it's
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00189-00043987-00044243 the following trust your gut even if
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00190-00044244-00044457 your gut makes prejudiced assumptions
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00191-00044458-00044649 you're better off feeling like a male
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00192-00044650-00044868 genitalia for a few moments after you
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00193-00044869-00045074 realize you were wrong rather than being
Z2ogD_Lpi6Y-00194-00045075-00045336 dead forever
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00000-00000046-00000377 Oregon listen Oh Rin is a state in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00001-00000378-00000559 Pacific Northwest region on the west
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00002-00000560-00000839 coast of the United States the Columbia
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00003-00000840-00001025 River delineates much of Oregon's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00004-00001026-00001232 northern boundary along Washington State
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00005-00001233-00001429 while the Snake River delineates much of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00006-00001430-00001697 its eastern boundary along Idaho the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00007-00001698-00001955 parallel 42 degrees north delineates the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00008-00001955-00002134 southern boundary with California and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00009-00002135-00002410 Nevada Oregon is one of only three
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00010-00002411-00002606 states of the contiguous United States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00011-00002607-00002866 to have a coastline on the Pacific Ocean
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00012-00002867-00003142 Oregon was inhabited by many indigenous
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00013-00003143-00003386 tribes before Western traders explorers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00014-00003386-00003661 and settlers arrived an autonomous
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00015-00003663-00003809 government was formed in the Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00016-00003810-00004081 country in 1843 before the Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00017-00004082-00004447 Territory was created in 1848 Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00018-00004448-00004722 became the 33rd state On February 14th
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00019-00004723-00005193 1859 today at 98 thousand square miles
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00020-00005194-00005465 250,000 square kilometres Oregon is the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00021-00005466-00005681 ninth largest and with a population of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00022-00005682-00005852 four million twenty seventh most
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00023-00005853-00006188 populous u.s. state the capital Salem is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00024-00006189-00006397 the second most populous city in Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00025-00006398-00006931 with 160 4549 residents Portland with
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00026-00006933-00007358 630 2309 residents is the most populous
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00027-00007359-00007613 and ranks as the 26th most populous city
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00028-00007614-00007864 in the United States the Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00029-00007865-00008089 metropolitan area which also includes
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00030-00008090-00008270 the City of Vancouver Washington
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00031-00008271-00008480 to the north ranks the 23rd largest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00032-00008481-00008648 metro area in the nation with a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00033-00008649-00009135 population of 2 million 380 9228
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00034-00009136-00009385 Oregon is one of the most geographically
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00035-00009386-00009596 diverse states in the u.s. marked by
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00036-00009597-00009848 volcanoes abundant bodies of water dense
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00037-00009849-00010060 evergreen and mixed forests as well as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00038-00010061-00010348 high deserts and semi-arid shrublands at
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00039-00010349-00010685 11,000 249 feet three thousand four
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00040-00010686-00010895 hundred twenty nine meters Mount Hood a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00041-00010896-00011099 stratovolcano is the state's highest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00042-00011100-00011167 point
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00043-00011168-00011428 Oregon's only National Park Crater Lake
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00044-00011429-00011666 National Park comprises the caldera
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00045-00011667-00011867 surrounding Crater Lake the deepest lake
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00046-00011868-00012137 in the United States the state is also
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00047-00012138-00012353 home to the single largest organism in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00048-00012354-00012623 the world our malaria OCI a fungus that
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00049-00012624-00012965 runs beneath 2,200 acres 8.9 square
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00050-00012966-00013102 kilometers of the Malheur National
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00051-00013103-00013382 Forest because of its diverse landscape
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00052-00013383-00013580 and waterways Oregon's economy is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00053-00013581-00013775 largely powered by various forms of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00054-00013776-00013963 Agriculture fishing and hydroelectric
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00055-00013965-00014297 power Oregon is also the top timber
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00056-00014297-00014510 producer of the contiguous United States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00057-00014511-00014708 and the timber industry dominated the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00058-00014709-00014911 state's economy in the 20th century
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00059-00014912-00015188 technology is another one of Oregon's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00060-00015188-00015427 major economic forces beginning in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00061-00015428-00015656 1970s with the establishment of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00062-00015657-00015866 Silicon Forest and the expansion of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00063-00015866-00016112 Tektronix and Intel sportswear company
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00064-00016113-00016337 Nike Inc headquartered in Beaverton is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00065-00016338-00016565 the state's largest public corporation
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00066-00016566-00016751 with an annual revenue of thirty point
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00067-00016752-00016949 six billion dollars like its northern
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00068-00016950-00017153 neighbor Washington Oregon is one of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00069-00017154-00017342 most socially progressive states in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00070-00017343-00017639 country same-sex marriage in Oregon was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00071-00017640-00017882 recognized in 2013 before it's full
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00072-00017883-00018077 legalization in 2015
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00073-00018078-00018290 cannabis is legal for recreational and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00074-00018291-00018503 medicinal use in the state and assisted
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00075-00018504-00018784 suicide is also permitted by line Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00076-00018785-00019046 abortion laws in Oregon are generally
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00077-00019047-00019259 pro-choice as abortion was allowed in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00078-00019260-00019481 the case of rape incest or a damaged
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00079-00019482-00019825 fetus
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00080-00019826-00020353 topic etymology
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00081-00020354-00020602 the earliest evidence of the name Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00082-00020603-00020911 has Spanish origins the term hora John
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00083-00020912-00021150 comes from the historical chronicle
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00084-00021151-00021427 relatio in de la alta y Baja California
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00085-00021428-00021720 1598 written by the new Spaniard Rodrigo
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00086-00021721-00021892 mode azuma and made reference to the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00087-00021893-00022044 Columbia River when the Spanish
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00088-00022045-00022242 explorers penetrated into the actual
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00089-00022243-00022441 North American territory that became
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00090-00022442-00022625 part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00091-00022626-00022844 this chronicle is the first
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00092-00022845-00023067 topographical and linguistic source with
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00093-00023068-00023325 respect to the place name Oregon there
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00094-00023326-00023542 are also two other sources with Spanish
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00095-00023543-00023764 origins such as the name oregano which
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00096-00023765-00023950 grows in the southern part of the region
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00097-00023951-00024217 it is most probable that the American
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00098-00024218-00024421 territory was named by the Spaniards as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00099-00024422-00024630 there are some populations in Spain such
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00100-00024631-00024936 as Arroyo del Oregon which is situated
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00101-00024937-00025186 in the province of Ciudad real also
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00102-00025187-00025347 considering that the individualization
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00103-00025348-00025687 in Spanish language L Ora John with the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00104-00025688-00026077 mutation of the letter G instead of J
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00105-00026077-00026335 another early use of the name spelled
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00106-00026336-00026656 Oregon was in a 1765 petition by major
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00107-00026657-00026851 Robert Rogers to the Kingdom of Great
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00108-00026852-00027087 Britain the term referred to the venn
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00109-00027088-00027277 mythical River of the West the columbia
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00110-00027277-00027652 river by 1778 the spelling had shifted
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00111-00027652-00027996 to Oregon in his 1765 petition Rogers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00112-00027997-00028405 wrote the route SiC less than pre
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00113-00028406-00028645 greater than / pre greater than dot dot
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00114-00028645-00028821 as from the Great Lakes towards the head
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00115-00028822-00028987 of the Mississippi and from thence to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00116-00028988-00029289 the river called by the Indians Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00117-00029291-00029514 one theory is that the name comes from
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00118-00029516-00029782 the French word or Aegon wind storm or
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00119-00029783-00030088 hurricane which was applied to the river
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00120-00030089-00030238 of the West based on Native American
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00121-00030239-00030475 tales of powerful chinook winds on the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00122-00030476-00030691 Lower Columbia River or perhaps from
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00123-00030692-00030870 first hand French experience with the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00124-00030872-00031132 chinook winds of the Great Plains at the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00125-00031133-00031306 time the river of the West was thought
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00126-00031307-00031510 to rise in western Minnesota and flow
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00127-00031511-00031699 west through the Great Plains Joaquin
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00128-00031700-00031924 Miller explained in Sunset magazine in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00129-00031925-00032302 1904 how Oregon's name was derived the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00130-00032302-00032536 name Oregon is rounded down phonetically
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00131-00032537-00032938 from oral agua agua Oregon Oregon given
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00132-00032939-00033115 probably by the same Portuguese
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00133-00033116-00033286 navigator that named the Farallones
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00134-00033287-00033490 after his first officer and it literally
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00135-00033491-00033745 in a large way means Cascades here the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00136-00033746-00033799 waters
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00137-00033800-00033952 you should steam up the Columbia and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00138-00033953-00034132 hear and feel the waters falling out of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00139-00034133-00034315 the clouds of Mount Hood to understand
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00140-00034316-00034504 entirely the full meaning of the name or
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00141-00034505-00034855 el agua Oregon another account endorsed
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00142-00034856-00035179 as the most plausible explanation in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00143-00035180-00035377 book Oregon Geographic Names was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00144-00035378-00035668 advanced by George R Stewart in a 1944
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00145-00035669-00035962 article in American Speech according to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00146-00035963-00036157 Stewart the name came from an engravers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00147-00036158-00036358 error in a French map published in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00148-00036359-00036571 early 18th century on which the weazy
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00149-00036572-00036784 con Cinque Wisconsin River was spelled
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00150-00036785-00037117 Warrick on sent broken on two lines with
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00151-00037118-00037300 the Sint below so there appeared to be a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00152-00037301-00037522 river flowing to the West named Warrick
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00153-00037523-00037651 on
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00154-00037652-00037861 according to the Oregon Tourism
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00155-00037862-00038043 Commission present-day Oregonians
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00156-00038044-00038280 pronounced the state's nameís or a gun
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00157-00038281-00038637 never re gone after being drafted by the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00158-00038638-00038935 Detroit Lions in 2002 former Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00159-00038936-00039093 Ducks quarterback Joey Harrington
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00160-00039094-00039418 distributed Oregon stickers to members
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00161-00039419-00039583 of the media as a reminder of how to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00162-00039584-00039837 pronounce the name of his home state the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00163-00039838-00040027 stickers are sold by the University of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00164-00040028-00040538 Oregon bookstore
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00165-00040539-00040961 geography
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00166-00040962-00041423 Oregon does 295 miles 475 kilometers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00167-00041424-00041646 north to south at longest distance and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00168-00041647-00042089 395 miles 636 kilometers east to west at
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00169-00042090-00042386 longest distance with an area of 98
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00170-00042387-00042643 thousand 381 square miles
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00171-00042644-00042830 two hundred fifty four thousand eight
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00172-00042831-00043061 hundred ten square kilometers Oregon is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00173-00043062-00043250 slightly larger than the United Kingdom
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00174-00043251-00043487 it is the ninth largest state in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00175-00043488-00043595 United States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00176-00043596-00043820 Oregon's highest point is the summit of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00177-00043821-00044000 Mount Hood at eleven thousand two
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00178-00044001-00044198 hundred forty nine feet three thousand
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00179-00044199-00044396 four hundred twenty nine meters and its
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00180-00044397-00044573 lowest point as the sea level of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00181-00044574-00044787 Pacific Ocean along the Oregon coast
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00182-00044788-00045152 Oregon's mean elevation is 3,300 feet
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00183-00045153-00045431 one thousand six meters Crater Lake
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00184-00045432-00045640 National Park is the state's only
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00185-00045641-00045821 National Park in the sight of Crater
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00186-00045822-00046001 Lake the deepest lake in the United
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00187-00046002-00046552 States at 1943 feet 592 meters Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00188-00046553-00046745 claims the D River as the shortest river
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00189-00046746-00046931 in the world though the state of Montana
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00190-00046932-00047114 makes the same claim of its roe River
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00191-00047115-00047435 Oregon is also home to mill ends park in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00192-00047436-00047639 Portland the smallest park in the world
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00193-00047640-00048108 at 452 square inches 0.29 square meters
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00194-00048109-00048374 oregon is split into eight geographical
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00195-00048375-00048650 regions in western oregon oregon coast
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00196-00048651-00048862 west of the coast range the Willamette
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00197-00048863-00049094 Valley Rogue Valley Cascade Range and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00198-00049095-00049280 Klamath mountains and in Central and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00199-00049281-00049514 Eastern Oregon the Columbia Plateau the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00200-00049515-00049820 high desert and the Blue Mountains
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00201-00049821-00050137 oregan lies in two time zones most of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00202-00050138-00050302 Malheur County is in the Mountain Time
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00203-00050303-00050507 Zone while the rest of the state lies in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00204-00050508-00050894 the Pacific time zone
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00205-00050895-00051273 topic geology and terrain
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00206-00051274-00051454 you
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00207-00051455-00051686 Western Oregon's mountainous regions
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00208-00051687-00051860 home to three of the most prominent
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00209-00051861-00052037 mountain peaks of the United States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00210-00052038-00052220 including Mount Hood were formed by the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00211-00052221-00052441 volcanic activity of the one de Fuca
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00212-00052442-00052637 plate a tectonic plate that poses a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00213-00052638-00052850 continued threat of volcanic activity
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00214-00052851-00053087 and earthquakes in the region the most
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00215-00053088-00053357 recent major activity was the 1700
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00216-00053358-00053597 Cascadia earthquake Washington's Mount
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00217-00053598-00053866 Saint Helens erupted in 1980 an event
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00218-00053867-00054038 visible from northern Oregon and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00219-00054039-00054232 affecting some areas there the Columbia
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00220-00054233-00054425 River which forms much of Oregon's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00221-00054426-00054620 northern border also played a major role
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00222-00054621-00054851 in the region's geological evolution as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00223-00054852-00055007 well as its economic and cultural
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00224-00055008-00055301 development the Columbia is one of North
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00225-00055302-00055526 America's largest rivers and one of two
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00226-00055527-00055709 rivers to cut through the Cascades the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00227-00055710-00055907 Klamath River in Southern Oregon as the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00228-00055908-00056213 other about 15,000 years ago the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00229-00056214-00056401 Columbia repeatedly flooded much of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00230-00056402-00056597 Oregon during the Missoula floods the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00231-00056598-00056762 modern fertility of the Willamette
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00232-00056763-00056939 Valley is largely a result of those
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00233-00056940-00057226 floods plentiful salmon made parts of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00234-00057227-00057466 the river such as Celilo Falls hubs of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00235-00057467-00057715 economic activity for thousands of years
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00236-00057716-00057829 today
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00237-00057830-00058022 Oregon's landscape varies from
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00238-00058023-00058229 rainforest in the coast range to barren
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00239-00058229-00058405 desert in the southeast which still
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00240-00058407-00058567 meets the technical definition of a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00241-00058569-00058871 frontier Oregon's geographical center is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00242-00058872-00059080 further west than any of the other 48
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00243-00059082-00059228 contiguous states although the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00244-00059229-00059455 westernmost point of the lower 48 states
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00245-00059457-00059707 is in Washington central Oregon's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00246-00059708-00059905 geographical features range from high
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00247-00059907-00060077 desert and volcanic rock formations
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00248-00060078-00060398 resulting from lava beds the Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00249-00060399-00060614 Badlands wilderness as in this region of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00250-00060615-00060926 the state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00251-00060927-00061446 topic flora and fauna
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00252-00061447-00061704 typical of a Western State Oregon is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00253-00061705-00061885 home to a unique and diverse array of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00254-00061886-00062239 wildlife roughly 60% of the state is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00255-00062240-00062440 covered in forest while the areas west
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00256-00062441-00062599 of the Cascades are more densely
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00257-00062600-00062839 populated by forests making up around 80
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00258-00062840-00063169 percent of the landscape some 60% of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00259-00063170-00063376 Oregon's forests are within federal land
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00260-00063377-00063640 Oregon is the top timber producer of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00261-00063641-00064005 lower 48 states typical tree species
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00262-00064007-00064213 include the Douglas fir the state tree
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00263-00064214-00064432 as well as Redwood ponderosa pine
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00264-00064433-00064663 generally east of the Cascades western
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00265-00064664-00064987 red cedar and hemlock ponderosa pine are
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00266-00064988-00065158 more common in the Blue Mountains in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00267-00065159-00065347 eastern part of the state and furs are
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00268-00065348-00065623 more common in the West there are many
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00269-00065624-00065806 species of mammals that live in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00270-00065807-00065965 state which include but are not limited
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00271-00065966-00066328 to opossums shrews moles little pocket
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00272-00066329-00066547 mice great basin pocket mice dark
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00273-00066548-00066784 kangaroo mouse California kangaroo rat
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00274-00066785-00067030 chisel tooth kangaroo rat Ords kangaroo
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00275-00067031-00067321 rat bats rabbits pikas mountain beavers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00276-00067322-00067537 chipmunks Western grey squirrels
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00277-00067538-00067726 yellow-bellied marmots beavers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00278-00067727-00068095 porcupines coyotes wolves red foxes come
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00279-00068096-00068410 in gray fox Kitfox black bears raccoons
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00280-00068411-00068776 badgers skunks antelopes Cougars Bobcats
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00281-00068777-00069163 Linksys deer elk and moose marine
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00282-00069164-00069436 mammals include seals sea lions humpback
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00283-00069437-00069694 whales killer whales gray whales blue
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00284-00069695-00069910 whales sperm whales Pacific white-sided
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00285-00069911-00070267 dolphin and bottlenose dolphin notable
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00286-00070268-00070492 birds include American Wiggins mallard
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00287-00070493-00070714 ducks great blue herons bald eagles
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00288-00070715-00070930 Golden Eagles Western Meadowlark
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00289-00070931-00071167 the state bird barn owls great horned
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00290-00071168-00071362 owls Rufus hummingbirds pileated
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00291-00071363-00071662 woodpeckers wrens Tally's sparrows and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00292-00071663-00071863 buntings moose have not always inhabited
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00293-00071864-00072054 the state but came to Oregon in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00294-00072055-00072319 1960s the Wallowa Valley herd numbered
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00295-00072320-00072670 about 60 as of 2013 gray wolves were
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00296-00072671-00072949 extirpated from Oregon around 1930 but
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00297-00072950-00073132 have since found their way back most of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00298-00073133-00073318 them reside in northeast Oregon but
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00299-00073319-00073477 there are now two packs living in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00300-00073478-00073699 south central part of the state although
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00301-00073700-00073915 their existence in Oregon is unconfirmed
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00302-00073916-00074158 reports of grizzly bears still turn up
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00303-00074159-00074362 and it is probable some still move into
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00304-00074363-00074593 Eastern Oregon from Idaho Oregon is home
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00305-00074594-00074809 to what is considered the largest single
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00306-00074810-00074840 or
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00307-00074841-00075065 in the world an arm ilaria solidifies
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00308-00075066-00075245 fungus beneath the Malheur national
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00309-00075246-00075455 forests of Eastern Oregon Oregon has
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00310-00075456-00075656 three National Park sites Crater Lake
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00311-00075657-00075872 National Park in the southern part of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00312-00075873-00076052 the Cascades John Day Fossil Beds
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00313-00076053-00076247 National Monument east of the Cascades
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00314-00076248-00076502 and Lewis and Clark national and state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00315-00076503-00076960 historical parks on the north coast
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00316-00076961-00077424 topic climate
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00317-00077425-00077667 most of Oregon has a generally mild
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00318-00077668-00077832 climate though there is significant
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00319-00077833-00077988 variation given the variety of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00320-00077989-00078261 landscapes across the state the state's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00321-00078262-00078462 western region west of the Cascade Range
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00322-00078463-00078717 has an oceanic climate populated by
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00323-00078718-00079003 dense evergreen mixed forests Western
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00324-00079004-00079212 Oregon's climate is heavily influenced
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00325-00079213-00079413 by the Pacific Ocean the Western third
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00326-00079414-00079584 of Oregon is very wet in the winter
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00327-00079585-00079809 moderately to very wet during the spring
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00328-00079810-00080073 and fall and dry during the summer the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00329-00080074-00080292 relative humidity of Western Oregon is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00330-00080293-00080493 high except during summer days which are
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00331-00080494-00080724 semi dried to semi-humid Eastern Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00332-00080725-00080919 typically sees low humidity year-round
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00333-00080920-00081126 the state's southwestern portion
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00334-00081127-00081318 particularly the Rogue Valley has a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00335-00081319-00081522 Mediterranean climate with drier and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00336-00081523-00081693 sunnier winters and hotter summers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00337-00081694-00081921 similar to Northern California Oregon's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00338-00081922-00082101 northeastern portion has a steppe
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00339-00082102-00082272 climate and its high terrain regions
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00340-00082273-00082540 have a subarctic climate like Western
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00341-00082541-00082719 Europe Oregon and the Pacific Northwest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00342-00082720-00082977 in general is considered warm for its
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00343-00082978-00083172 latitude and the state has far milder
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00344-00083173-00083361 winters at a given elevation than
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00345-00083362-00083565 comparable latitudes elsewhere in North
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00346-00083566-00083738 America such as the Upper Midwest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00347-00083739-00084072 Ontario Quebec and New England however
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00348-00084073-00084303 the state ranks fifth for coolest summer
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00349-00084304-00084496 temperatures of any state in the country
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00350-00084497-00084822 after Maine Idaho Wyoming and Alaska the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00351-00084823-00084999 eastern two-thirds of Oregon which
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00352-00085000-00085212 largely comprised high desert have cold
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00353-00085213-00085515 snowy winters and very dry summers much
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00354-00085516-00085707 of the East is semi-arid to arid like
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00355-00085708-00085878 the rest of the Great Basin though the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00356-00085879-00086043 Blue Mountains are wet enough to support
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00357-00086044-00086322 extensive forests most of Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00358-00086323-00086529 receives significant snowfall but the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00359-00086530-00086763 Willamette Valley where 60% of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00360-00086764-00086982 population lives has considerably milder
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00361-00086983-00087210 winters for its latitude and typically
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00362-00087211-00087409 only sees light snowfall Oregon's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00363-00087410-00087678 highest recorded temperature as 119
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00364-00087679-00087798 degrees Fahrenheit
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00365-00087799-00088032 48 degrees Celsius at Pendleton on
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00366-00088033-00088281 August 10th 1898 and the lowest recorded
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00367-00088282-00088527 temperature as minus 54 degrees
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00368-00088528-00088803 Fahrenheit minus 48 degrees Celsius at
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00369-00088804-00089374 Seneca on February 10th 1933
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00370-00089375-00089878 topic history
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00371-00089879-00090127 humans have inhabited the area that is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00372-00090128-00090423 now Oregon for at least 15,000 years in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00373-00090424-00090670 recorded history mentions of the land
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00374-00090671-00090889 date to as early as the 16th century
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00375-00090890-00091152 during the 18th and 19th centuries
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00376-00091153-00091411 European powers and later the United
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00377-00091412-00091606 States quarreled over possession of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00378-00091607-00091888 region until 1846 when the US and Great
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00379-00091889-00092121 Britain finalized division of the region
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00380-00092122-00092436 Oregon became a state on February 14th
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00381-00092437-00092776 1859 and as of 2015 is home to over 4
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00382-00092777-00093143 million residents
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00383-00093144-00093542 topic earliest inhabitants
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00384-00093543-00093691 you
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00385-00093692-00093876 while there is considerable evidence
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00386-00093877-00094090 that paleo-indians inhabited the region
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00387-00094091-00094318 the oldest evidence of habitation in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00388-00094319-00094525 Oregon was found at Fort Rock cave and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00389-00094526-00094757 the Paisley caves in Lake County
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00390-00094758-00094984 archaeologist Luther crest mandated
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00391-00094985-00095181 material from Fort Rock to thirteen
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00392-00095182-00095388 thousand two hundred years ago and there
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00393-00095389-00095568 is evidence supporting inhabitants in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00394-00095569-00095746 the region at least fifteen thousand
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00395-00095747-00096037 years ago by eight thousand BC there
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00396-00096038-00096175 were settlements throughout the state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00397-00096176-00096403 with populations concentrated along the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00398-00096404-00096592 Lower Columbia River in the western
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00399-00096593-00096843 valleys and around coastal estuaries
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00400-00096844-00097090 during the prehistoric period the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00401-00097091-00097273 Willamette Valley region was flooded
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00402-00097274-00097474 after the collapse of glacial dams from
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00403-00097475-00097648 Lake Missoula located in what would
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00404-00097649-00097912 later become Montana these massive
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00405-00097913-00098092 floods occurred during the last glacial
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00406-00098093-00098341 period and filled the valley with 300 to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00407-00098342-00098734 400 feet 91 to 122 meters of water by
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00408-00098735-00098986 the 16th century Oregon was home to many
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00409-00098987-00099187 Native American groups including the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00410-00099188-00099363 Chinook Coquille Koch well
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00411-00099364-00099673 Vanek Shasta Calabria Klamath Klickitat
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00412-00099674-00100032 Molalla Nez percé Tacoma Kalama k-- Neah
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00413-00100033-00100510 Conde Umatilla and Umpqua
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00414-00100511-00101114 topic european and pioneer settlement
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00415-00101115-00101366 the first Europeans to visit Oregon were
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00416-00101367-00101615 Spanish explorers led by juan Rodriguez
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00417-00101616-00101828 Cabrillo who cited Southern Oregon off
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00418-00101829-00102212 the Pacific coast in 1543 sailing Golden
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00419-00102213-00102398 Hind in search of the strait of Antion
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00420-00102399-00102602 Drake briefly sought shelter anchoring
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00421-00102603-00102851 at South Cove Cay Parag oh just south of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00422-00102852-00103079 Coos Bay Oregon before sailing for what
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00423-00103080-00103355 is now California exploration was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00424-00103356-00103684 retaken routinely in 1774 starting with
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00425-00103685-00103892 the expedition of the frigate Santiago
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00426-00103893-00104171 by Juan Jose Perez Hernandez see Spanish
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00427-00104172-00104399 expeditions to the Pacific Northwest and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00428-00104400-00104591 the coast of Oregon became a valuable
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00429-00104592-00104975 trading route to Asia in 1778 British
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00430-00104976-00105194 Captain James Cook also explored the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00431-00105195-00105433 coast french-canadian and matey trappers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00432-00105434-00105614 and missionaries arrived in the eastern
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00433-00105615-00105815 part of the state in the late 18th and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00434-00105816-00106019 early 19th centuries many having
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00435-00106020-00106186 traveled as members of Lewis and Clark
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00436-00106188-00106534 in the 1811 aster expeditions some
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00437-00106535-00106733 stayed permanently including Eddie and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00438-00106733-00106916 Lucy a believed to be the first European
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00439-00106917-00107125 farmer in the state of Oregon the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00440-00107126-00107345 evidence of this french-canadian
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00441-00107346-00107498 presence can be found in the numerous
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00442-00107499-00107720 names of French origin in that part of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00443-00107721-00107908 the state including malar lake in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00444-00107909-00108101 Malheur river the Grande Ronde Indus
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00445-00108102-00108364 River and the city of La Grande the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00446-00108365-00108634 Lewis and Clark expedition traveled
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00447-00108635-00108815 through northern Oregon also in search
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00448-00108816-00109052 of the Northwest Passage they built
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00449-00109053-00109355 their winter fort in 1805 206 at Fort
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00450-00109356-00109508 Clatsop near the mouth of the Columbia
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00451-00109508-00109724 River staying at the encampment from
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00452-00109725-00109931 December until March British explorer
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00453-00109932-00110150 David Thompson also conducted overland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00454-00110151-00110474 exploration in 1811 while working for
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00455-00110475-00110672 the Northwest company Thompson became
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00456-00110673-00110843 the first European to navigate the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00457-00110844-00111109 entire Columbia River stopping on the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00458-00111110-00111278 way at the junction of the Snake River
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00459-00111279-00111497 he posted a claim to the region for
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00460-00111498-00111688 Great Britain in the Northwest company
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00461-00111689-00111992 upon returning to Montreal he publicized
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00462-00111993-00112196 the abundance of fur bearing animals in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00463-00112197-00112472 the area also in 1811 New Yorker John
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00464-00112473-00112708 Jacob Astor financed the establishment
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00465-00112709-00112874 of four de storia at the mouth of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00466-00112875-00113086 Columbia River as a Western outpost to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00467-00113088-00113284 his Pacific Fur Company this was the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00468-00113285-00113480 first permanent European settlement in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00469-00113481-00113795 Oregon in the war of 1812 the British
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00470-00113796-00114002 gained control of all Pacific Fur
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00471-00114003-00114289 Company posts the Treaty of 1818
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00472-00114290-00114497 established joint British in a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00473-00114498-00114701 American occupancy of the region west of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00474-00114702-00114885 the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00475-00114886-00115265 by the 1820s and 1830s the Hudson's Bay
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00476-00115266-00115504 Company dominated the Pacific Northwest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00477-00115505-00115700 from its Columbia district headquarters
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00478-00115701-00115982 at Fort Vancouver built in 1825 by the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00479-00115983-00116215 district's chief actor John McLaughlin
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00480-00116216-00116386 across the Columbia from present-day
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00481-00116388-00116789 Portland in 1841 the expert trapper and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00482-00116790-00116978 entrepreneur Ewing young died leaving
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00483-00116979-00117197 considerable wealth and no apparent heir
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00484-00117198-00117415 and no system to probate his estate a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00485-00117416-00117653 meeting followed Young's funeral at
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00486-00117654-00117883 which a probate government was proposed
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00487-00117884-00118216 dr. IRA Babcock of Jason Lee's Methodist
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00488-00118217-00118438 mission was elected supreme judge
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00489-00118439-00118778 Babcock chaired two meetings in 1842 at
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00490-00118779-00118946 schampoo II halfway between Lee's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00491-00118947-00119116 mission and Oregon City to discuss
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00492-00119117-00119351 wolves and other animals of contemporary
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00493-00119352-00119621 concern these meetings were precursors
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00494-00119622-00119906 to an all citizen meeting in 1843 which
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00495-00119907-00120040 instituted a provisional government
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00496-00120041-00120265 headed by an executive committee made up
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00497-00120266-00120524 of David Hill Allanson Bierce and Joseph
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00498-00120525-00120760 Gale this government was the first
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00499-00120761-00120956 acting public government of the Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00500-00120957-00121124 country before annexation by the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00501-00121125-00121390 government of the United States it was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00502-00121391-00121565 succeeded by a second executive
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00503-00121566-00121763 committee made up of Peter G Stewart
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00504-00121764-00122083 Osbourne Russell and William J Bailey
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00505-00122084-00122278 and this committee was itself succeeded
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00506-00122279-00122465 by George Abernathy who was the first
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00507-00122466-00122651 and only governor of Oregon under the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00508-00122652-00123047 provisional government also in 1841 Sir
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00509-00123048-00123248 George Simpson governor of the Hudson's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00510-00123249-00123433 Bay Company reversed the Hudson's Bay
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00511-00123434-00123632 Company's long-standing policy of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00512-00123633-00123797 discouraging settlement because it
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00513-00123798-00123971 interfered with the lucrative fur trade
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00514-00123972-00124265 he directed that some 200 Red River
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00515-00124266-00124538 Colony settlers be relocated to HBC
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00516-00124539-00124748 farms near Fort Vancouver the James
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00517-00124749-00124940 Sinclair expedition in an attempt to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00518-00124941-00125323 hold Columbia district starting in 1842
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00519-00125324-00125590 243 the Oregon Trail brought many new
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00520-00125591-00125819 American settlers to the Oregon country
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00521-00125820-00126091 for some time it seemed that Britain and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00522-00126092-00126283 the United States would go to war for a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00523-00126284-00126464 third time in 75 years
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00524-00126465-00126661 see Oregon boundary dispute but the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00525-00126663-00126950 border was defined peacefully in 1846 by
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00526-00126951-00127208 the Oregon treaty the border between the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00527-00127208-00127424 United States and British North America
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00528-00127425-00127733 was set at the 49th parallel the Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00529-00127733-00127877 Territory was officially
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00530-00127878-00128201 organized on August 13th 1848 settlement
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00531-00128202-00128381 increased with the donation land claim
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00532-00128382-00128657 Act of 1850 in the forced relocation of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00533-00128658-00128819 the native population to Indian
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00534-00128820-00129214 reservations in Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00535-00129215-00129695 topic statehood
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00536-00129696-00130051 in December 1844 Oregon passed its black
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00537-00130052-00130243 exclusion law which prohibited
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00538-00130244-00130418 african-americans from entering the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00539-00130419-00130549 territory while simultaneously
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00540-00130550-00130874 prohibiting slavery slave owners who
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00541-00130875-00131000 brought their slaves with them were
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00542-00131001-00131147 given three years before they were
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00543-00131148-00131344 forced to free them any
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00544-00131345-00131527 african-americans in the region after
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00545-00131528-00131723 the law was passed were forced to leave
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00546-00131724-00131885 and those who did not comply were
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00547-00131886-00132137 arrested and beaten they received no
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00548-00132138-00132347 less than twenty and no more than 39
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00549-00132348-00132608 stripes across their bare back if they
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00550-00132609-00132800 still did not leave this process could
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00551-00132801-00133085 be repeated every six months slavery
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00552-00133086-00133295 played a major part in Oregon's history
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00553-00133296-00133438 and even influenced its path to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00554-00133439-00133724 statehood the territory's request for
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00555-00133725-00133925 statehood was delayed several times as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00556-00133926-00134099 members of Congress argued among
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00557-00134100-00134285 themselves whether the territory should
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00558-00134286-00134696 be admitted as a free or slave state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00559-00134697-00134924 eventually politicians from the South
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00560-00134925-00135115 agreed to allow Oregon to enter as a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00561-00135116-00135383 free state in exchange for opening
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00562-00135384-00135628 slavery to the southwest United States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00563-00135629-00135818 Oregon was admitted to the Union on
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00564-00135819-00136226 February 14th 1859 founded as a refuge
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00565-00136227-00136457 from disputes over slavery Oregon hedda
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00566-00136458-00136772 whites only clause in its original state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00567-00136773-00137002 constitution at the outbreak of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00568-00137003-00137246 American Civil War regular US troops
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00569-00137247-00137522 were withdrawn and sent east volunteer
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00570-00137523-00137732 cavalry recruited in California were
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00571-00137733-00137933 sent north to Oregon to keep peace and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00572-00137934-00138202 protect the populace the first Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00573-00138203-00138813 cavalry served until June 1865
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00574-00138814-00139287 topic post-reconstruction
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00575-00139288-00139533 beginning in the 1880s the growth of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00576-00139534-00139746 railroads expanded the state's lumber
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00577-00139747-00139968 wheat and other agricultural markets and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00578-00139969-00140226 the rapid growth of its cities due to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00579-00140227-00140397 the abundance of timber and waterway
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00580-00140398-00140625 access via the Willamette River Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00581-00140626-00140808 became a major force in the lumber
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00582-00140809-00141009 industry of the Pacific Northwest and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00583-00141010-00141203 quickly became the state's largest city
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00584-00141204-00141501 it would earn the nickname stump town
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00585-00141502-00141756 and would later become recognized as one
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00586-00141757-00141948 of the most dangerous port cities in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00587-00141949-00142149 United States due to racketeering and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00588-00142150-00142329 illegal activities at the turn of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00589-00142330-00142728 20th century in 1902 Oregon introduced
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00590-00142729-00142974 direct legislation by the state citizens
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00591-00142975-00143160 through initiatives and referenda known
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00592-00143161-00143487 as the Oregon system on May 5th 1945 six
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00593-00143488-00143676 people were killed by a Japanese bomb
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00594-00143677-00143877 that exploded on gearheart Mountain near
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00595-00143878-00144177 Bly this is the only fatal attack on the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00596-00144178-00144366 United States mainland committed by a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00597-00144367-00144498 foreign nation since the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00598-00144499-00144723 mexican-american war making Oregon the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00599-00144724-00144927 only u.s. state that has experienced
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00600-00144928-00145149 fatal casualties by a foreign army since
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00601-00145150-00145440 1848 as Hawaii was not yet a state when
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00602-00145441-00145770 Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941 the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00603-00145771-00145959 bombing site is now located in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00604-00145960-00146265 Mitchell Recreation Area industrial
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00605-00146266-00146481 expansion began in earnest following the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00606-00146482-00146808 1933 2:37 construction of the Bonneville
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00607-00146809-00147108 Dam on the Columbia River hydroelectric
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00608-00147109-00147342 power food and lumber provided by Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00609-00147343-00147552 helped fuel the development of the West
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00610-00147553-00147747 although the periodic fluctuations in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00611-00147748-00147933 the u.s. building industry have hurt the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00612-00147934-00148160 state's economy on multiple occasions
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00613-00148161-00148428 Portland in particular experienced a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00614-00148429-00148716 population boom between 1900 and 1930
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00615-00148717-00148977 tripling in size the arrival of World
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00616-00148978-00149247 War 2 also provided the Northwest region
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00617-00149248-00149415 of the state with an industrial boom
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00618-00149416-00149592 where Liberty ships and aircraft
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00619-00149593-00149772 carriers were constructed during the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00620-00149773-00150024 1970s the Pacific Northwest was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00621-00150025-00150294 particularly affected by the 1973 oil
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00622-00150295-00150498 crisis with Oregon suffering a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00623-00150499-00150792 substantial shortage in 1994 Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00624-00150793-00150969 became the first US state to legalize
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00625-00150970-00151185 physician assisted suicide through the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00626-00151186-00151455 Oregon Death with Dignity Act a measure
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00627-00151456-00151632 to legalize recreational use of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00628-00151633-00151842 marijuana in Oregon was approved on
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00629-00151843-00152157 November 4th 2014 making Oregon only the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00630-00152158-00152301 second state at the time to have
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00631-00152302-00152478 legalized gay marriage physician
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00632-00152479-00152656 assisted suicide and record
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00633-00152657-00153037 marijuana's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00634-00153038-00153602 topic cities and towns
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00635-00153603-00153821 Oregon's population is largely
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00636-00153822-00153984 concentrated in the Willamette Valley
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00637-00153985-00154211 which stretches from Eugene in the south
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00638-00154212-00154421 home of the University of Oregon through
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00639-00154422-00154604 Corvallis home of Oregon State
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00640-00154605-00154829 University and Salem the capital to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00641-00154830-00155078 Portland Oregon's largest city Astoria
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00642-00155079-00155273 at the mouth of the Columbia River was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00643-00155274-00155447 the first permanent English speaking
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00644-00155448-00155624 settlement west of the Rockies in what
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00645-00155625-00155927 is now the United States Oregon City at
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00646-00155928-00156113 the end of the Oregon Trail was the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00647-00156114-00156333 Oregon territory's first incorporated
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00648-00156334-00156602 city and was its first capital from 1848
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00649-00156603-00156906 until 1852 when the capital was moved to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00650-00156907-00157206 Salem Bend near the geographic center of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00651-00157207-00157400 the state is one of the ten fastest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00652-00157401-00157620 growing metropolitan areas in the United
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00653-00157621-00157913 States in Southern Oregon Medford is a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00654-00157914-00158145 rapidly growing metro area and is home
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00655-00158146-00158309 to the Rogue Valley international
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00656-00158310-00158471 Medford Airport the state's third
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00657-00158472-00158747 busiest airport to the south near the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00658-00158748-00158954 California border are the communities of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00659-00158955-00159400 Ashland and Grants Pass
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00660-00159401-00159951 topic line government
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00661-00159952-00160191 a writer in the Oregon Country book a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00662-00160192-00160431 Pacific Republic written in 1839
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00663-00160432-00160668 predicted the territory was to become an
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00664-00160669-00160956 independent republic four years later in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00665-00160957-00161214 1843 settlers of the Willamette Valley
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00666-00161215-00161424 voted in majority for a republic
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00667-00161425-00161691 government the oregon country functioned
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00668-00161692-00161997 in this way until August 13th 1848 when
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00669-00161998-00162204 Oregon was annexed by the United States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00670-00162205-00162372 and a territorial government was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00671-00162373-00162615 established Oregon maintained a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00672-00162616-00162822 territorial government until February
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00673-00162823-00163107 14th 1859 when it was granted statehood
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00674-00163108-00163365 Oregon state government has a separation
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00675-00163366-00163521 of powers similar to the federal
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00676-00163522-00163835 government it has three branches a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00677-00163836-00164121 legislative branch the bicameral Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00678-00164122-00164451 Legislative Assembly an executive branch
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00679-00164452-00164661 which includes an administrative
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00680-00164662-00164922 Department and Oregon's governor serving
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00681-00164923-00165246 as chief executive and a judicial branch
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00682-00165247-00165423 headed by the Chief Justice of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00683-00165424-00165609 Oregon Supreme Court governor's in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00684-00165610-00165804 Oregon serve four-year terms and are
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00685-00165805-00166023 limited to two consecutive terms but an
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00686-00166024-00166320 unlimited number of total terms Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00687-00166321-00166524 has no lieutenant governor in the event
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00688-00166525-00166722 that the office of governor is vacated
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00689-00166723-00166959 article 5 section 8 a of the Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00690-00166960-00167139 Constitution specifies that the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00691-00167140-00167355 Secretary of State is first in line for
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00692-00167356-00167628 succession the other statewide officers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00693-00167629-00167805 are Treasurer attorney general
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00694-00167806-00168002 superintendent and Labor Commissioner
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00695-00168003-00168327 the biennial Oregon Legislative Assembly
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00696-00168328-00168579 consists of a 30 member Senate in a 60
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00697-00168580-00168873 member house the state Supreme Court has
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00698-00168874-00169068 seven elected justices currently
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00699-00169069-00169275 including the only two openly gay State
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00700-00169276-00169464 Supreme Court justices in the nation
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00701-00169465-00169692 they choose one of their own to serve a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00702-00169693-00169995 six-year term as chief justice the only
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00703-00169996-00170172 court that may reverse or modify a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00704-00170173-00170394 decision of the Oregon Supreme Court as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00705-00170395-00170606 the Supreme Court of the United States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00706-00170607-00170847 the debate over whether to move to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00707-00170848-00171009 annual sessions as a long-standing
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00708-00171010-00171258 battle in Oregon politics but the voters
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00709-00171259-00171429 have resisted the move from citizen
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00710-00171430-00171630 legislators to professional lawmakers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00711-00171631-00171906 because Oregon's state budget is written
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00712-00171907-00172071 in two-year increments and there being
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00713-00172072-00172308 no sales tax state revenue is based
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00714-00172309-00172524 largely on income taxes it is often
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00715-00172525-00172748 significantly over or under budget
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00716-00172749-00172989 recent legislatures have had to be
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00717-00172990-00173193 called into special session repeatedly
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00718-00173194-00173343 to address revenue shortfall
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00719-00173344-00173535 resulting from economic downturns
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00720-00173536-00173702 bringing to a head the need for more
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00721-00173703-00173982 frequent legislative sessions Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00722-00173983-00174290 initiative 71 passed in 2010 mandates
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00723-00174291-00174483 the legislature to begin meeting every
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00724-00174484-00174764 year for 160 days in odd-numbered years
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00725-00174765-00175075 and 35 days in even-numbered years
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00726-00175076-00175332 Oregonians have voted for the Democratic
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00727-00175333-00175526 presidential candidate in every election
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00728-00175527-00176036 since 1988 in 2004 and 2006 Democrats
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00729-00176037-00176237 won control of the state Senate and then
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00730-00176238-00176574 the house since the late 1990s Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00731-00176575-00176789 has been represented by four Democrats
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00732-00176790-00176994 and one Republican in the US House of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00733-00176995-00177348 Representatives since 2009 the state has
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00734-00177349-00177624 had two Democratic US senators Ron Wyden
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00735-00177625-00177899 and Jeff Merkley Oregon voters have
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00736-00177900-00178107 elected Democratic governors in every
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00737-00178108-00178304 election since 1986
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00738-00178305-00178497 most recently electing Kate Brown over
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00739-00178498-00178787 Republican bud Pierce in a 2016 special
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00740-00178788-00179102 election the base of Democratic support
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00741-00179103-00179298 is largely concentrated in the urban
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00742-00179299-00179535 centers of the Willamette Valley the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00743-00179536-00179718 eastern two-thirds of the state beyond
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00744-00179719-00179912 the Cascade Mountains typically votes
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00745-00179913-00180246 Republican in 2000 and 2004 George W
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00746-00180247-00180452 Bush carried every county east of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00747-00180453-00180533 Cascades
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00748-00180534-00180768 however the region's sparse population
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00749-00180769-00181016 means that the more populous counties in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00750-00181017-00181190 the Willamette Valley usually outweigh
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00751-00181191-00181335 the eastern counties in statewide
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00752-00181336-00181724 elections in the 2002 general election
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00753-00181725-00181916 Oregon voters approved a ballot measure
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00754-00181917-00182101 to increase the state minimum wage
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00755-00182102-00182303 automatically each year according to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00756-00182304-00182513 inflationary changes which are measured
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00757-00182514-00182849 by the Consumer Price Index CPI in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00758-00182850-00183104 2004 general election Oregon voters
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00759-00183105-00183318 passed ballot measures banning same-sex
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00760-00183319-00183507 marriage and restricting land use
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00761-00183508-00183866 regulation in the 2006 general election
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00762-00183867-00184059 voters restricted the use of eminent
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00763-00184060-00184265 domain and extended the state's discount
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00764-00184266-00184672 prescription drug coverage
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00765-00184673-00185186 topic federal representation
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00766-00185187-00185523 like all US states Oregon is represented
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00767-00185524-00185852 by two senators since the 1980 census
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00768-00185853-00186041 Oregon has had five congressional
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00769-00186042-00186314 districts after Oregon was admitted to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00770-00186315-00186531 the Union it began with a single member
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00771-00186532-00186689 in the House of Representatives
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00772-00186690-00186912 Lafayette Grover who served in the 35th
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00773-00186913-00187113 United States Congress for less than a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00774-00187114-00187320 month congressional apportionment
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00775-00187321-00187541 increased the size of the delegation
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00776-00187542-00187950 following the censuses of 1890 1910 1940
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00777-00187951-00188307 and 1980 a detailed list of the past and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00778-00188308-00188496 present congressional delegations from
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00779-00188497-00188804 Oregon is available the United States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00780-00188805-00188966 District Court for the District of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00781-00188967-00189201 Oregon hears federal cases in the state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00782-00189202-00189464 the court has courthouses in Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00783-00189465-00189788 Eugene Medford and Pendleton also in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00784-00189789-00189972 Portland as the federal bankruptcy court
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00785-00189973-00190238 with a second branch in Eugene Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00786-00190239-00190437 among other western states and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00787-00190438-00190616 territories is in the ninth Court of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00788-00190617-00190887 Appeals one of the courts meeting places
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00789-00190888-00191073 as at the Pioneer Courthouse in downtown
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00790-00191074-00191343 Portland a national historic landmark
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00791-00191344-00191781 built in 1869
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00792-00191782-00192276 topic politics
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00793-00192277-00192508 political opinions in Oregon are
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00794-00192509-00192700 geographically split by the Cascade
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00795-00192701-00192892 Range with Western Oregon being more
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00796-00192893-00193060 liberal and Eastern Oregon being
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00797-00193061-00193141 conservative
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00798-00193142-00193480 in a 2008 analysis of the 2004
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00799-00193481-00193678 presidential election a political
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00800-00193679-00193837 analyst found that according to the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00801-00193838-00194056 application of a Likert scale Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00802-00194057-00194230 boasted both the most liberal carry
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00803-00194231-00194422 voters and the most conservative Bush
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00804-00194423-00194626 voters making it the most politically
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00805-00194627-00194794 polarized state in the country
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00806-00194795-00194971 while Republicans typically win more
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00807-00194972-00195175 counties by running up huge margins in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00808-00195176-00195370 the east the Democratic tilt of the more
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00809-00195371-00195559 populated West is usually enough to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00810-00195560-00195813 swing the entire state Democratic in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00811-00195814-00196099 2008 for instance Republican Senate
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00812-00196100-00196327 incumbent Gordon H Smith lost his bid
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00813-00196328-00196510 for a third term even though he carried
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00814-00196511-00196783 all but eight counties his Democratic
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00815-00196784-00197050 challenger Jeff Merkley won malmö County
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00816-00197051-00197347 by 142 thousand votes more than doubled
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00817-00197348-00197626 the overall margin of victory during
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00818-00197627-00197842 Oregon's history it has adopted many
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00819-00197843-00198055 electoral reforms proposed during the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00820-00198056-00198217 Progressive Era through the efforts of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00821-00198218-00198397 William su rein and his direct
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00822-00198398-00198637 legislation League under his leadership
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00823-00198638-00198850 the state overwhelmingly approved a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00824-00198851-00199120 ballot measure in 1902 that created the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00825-00199121-00199321 initiative and referendum for citizens
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00826-00199322-00199567 to introduce or approve proposed laws or
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00827-00199568-00199710 amendments to the state constitution
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00828-00199711-00199972 directly making Oregon the first state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00829-00199973-00200260 to adopt such a system today roughly
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00830-00200261-00200494 half of US states do so in following
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00831-00200495-00200698 years the primary election to select
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00832-00200699-00200992 party candidates was adopted in 1904 and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00833-00200993-00201253 in 1908 the Oregon Constitution was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00834-00201254-00201439 amended to include recall of public
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00835-00201440-00201721 officials more recent amendments include
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00836-00201722-00201910 the nation's first doctor assisted
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00837-00201911-00202087 suicide law called the Death with
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00838-00202088-00202252 Dignity Act which was challenged
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00839-00202253-00202516 unsuccessfully in 2005 by the Bush
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00840-00202517-00202738 administration in a case heard by the US
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00841-00202739-00202963 Supreme Court legalized ation of medical
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00842-00202964-00203113 cannabis and among the nation's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00843-00203114-00203275 strongest anti Evans sprawl and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00844-00203276-00203431 pro-environment laws
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00845-00203432-00203815 more recently 2004 s measure 37 reflects
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00846-00203816-00204063 a backlash against such land use laws
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00847-00204064-00204433 however a further ballot measure in 2007
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00848-00204434-00204658 measure 49 curtailed many of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00849-00204659-00204985 provisions of 37 of the measures placed
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00850-00204986-00205258 on the ballot since 1902 the people have
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00851-00205259-00205473 passed ninety nine of the 288
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00852-00205475-00205657 initiatives and 25 of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00853-00205658-00205834 sixty-one referendums on the ballot
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00854-00205835-00205963 though not all of them survived
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00855-00205964-00206148 challenges in courts see Pierce V
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00856-00206150-00206521 Society of sisters for an example during
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00857-00206521-00206731 the same period the legislature has
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00858-00206732-00207028 referred 363 measures to the people of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00859-00207029-00207409 which 206 have passed Oregon pioneered
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00860-00207410-00207583 the American use of postal voting
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00861-00207584-00207802 beginning with experimentation approved
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00862-00207803-00208006 by the Oregon Legislative Assembly in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00863-00208007-00208339 1981 and culminating with a 1998 ballot
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00864-00208340-00208507 measure mandating that all counties
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00865-00208508-00208794 conduct elections by mail it remains one
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00866-00208796-00208969 of just two states the other being
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00867-00208969-00209167 Washington where voting by mail is the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00868-00209167-00209557 only method of voting in 1994 Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00869-00209558-00209752 adopted the Oregon Health Plan which
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00870-00209753-00209950 made health care available to most of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00871-00209951-00210109 its citizens without private health
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00872-00210110-00210313 insurance in the u.s. Electoral College
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00873-00210314-00210646 Oregon cast seven votes Oregon has
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00874-00210646-00210853 supported Democratic candidates in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00875-00210854-00210975 last eight elections
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00876-00210976-00211242 Democratic incumbent Barack Obama won
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00877-00211244-00211450 the state by a margin of 12 percentage
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00878-00211451-00211732 points with over 54% of the popular vote
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00879-00211733-00212098 in 2012 in the 2016 election Hillary
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00880-00212098-00212317 Clinton won Oregon by 11 percentage
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00881-00212317-00212662 points
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00882-00212663-00213173 topic economy
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00883-00213175-00213507 as of 2015 Oregon ranks as the 17th
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00884-00213508-00213714 highest in median household income at
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00885-00213715-00214046 sixty thousand eight hundred $34 the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00886-00214048-00214344 gross domestic product GDP of Oregon in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00887-00214344-00214721 2013 was 219 point six billion dollars a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00888-00214723-00215073 2.7 percent increase from 2012 Oregon as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00889-00215073-00215508 the 25th wealthiest state by GDP in 2003
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00890-00215509-00215898 Oregon was 28th in the US by GDP the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00891-00215898-00216165 state's per capita personal income P CPI
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00892-00216166-00216473 in 2013 was 39 thousand eight hundred
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00893-00216475-00216738 forty eight dollars a 1.5 percent
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00894-00216739-00217113 increase from 2012 Oregon ranks 33rd in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00895-00217114-00217491 the US by P CPI compared to 31st in 2003
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00896-00217492-00217919 the National P CPI in 2013 was 44
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00897-00217921-00218103 thousand seven hundred sixty-five
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00898-00218104-00218157 dollars
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00899-00218158-00218358 Oregon's unemployment rate was five
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00900-00218359-00218613 point five percent in September 2016
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00901-00218614-00218871 while the US unemployment rate was 5.0%
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00902-00218871-00219162 that month Oregon has the third largest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00903-00219163-00219402 amount of food stamp users in the nation
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00904-00219403-00219919 21 percent of the population
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00905-00219919-00220376 topic agriculture
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00906-00220377-00220628 Oregon's diverse landscapes provide
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00907-00220629-00220841 ideal environments for various types of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00908-00220842-00221023 farming land in the Willamette Valley
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00909-00221025-00221219 owes its fertility to the Missoula
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00910-00221219-00221444 floods which deposited lake sediment
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00911-00221444-00221639 from glacial lake Missoula in western
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00912-00221640-00221971 Montana unto the valley floor in 2016
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00913-00221973-00222164 the Willamette Valley region produced
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00914-00222165-00222461 over 100 million pounds 45 knots of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00915-00222462-00222698 blueberries Oregon is also one of four
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00916-00222698-00222923 major world hazelnut growing regions and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00917-00222923-00223109 produces ninety-five percent of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00918-00223110-00223321 domestic hazelnuts in the United States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00919-00223321-00223565 while the history of the wine production
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00920-00223566-00223751 in Oregon can be traced to before
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00921-00223752-00223952 prohibition it became a significant
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00922-00223953-00224348 industry beginning in the 1970s in 2005
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00923-00224348-00224588 Oregon ranked third among US states with
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00924-00224589-00224852 303 wineries due to regional
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00925-00224853-00225086 similarities in climate and soil the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00926-00225087-00225287 grapes planted in Oregon are often the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00927-00225288-00225452 same varieties found in the French
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00928-00225453-00225821 regions of Alsace and burgundy in 2014
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00929-00225821-00226085 71 wineries opened in the state the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00930-00226086-00226417 total is currently 676 which represents
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00931-00226419-00226723 growth of 12% over 2013 in the southern
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00932-00226725-00226896 oregon coast commercially cultivated
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00933-00226898-00227198 cranberries account for about 7% of US
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00934-00227198-00227414 production and the cranberry ranks 23rd
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00935-00227415-00227651 among Oregon's top 50 agricultural
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00936-00227652-00227933 commodities cranberry cultivation in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00937-00227934-00228284 Oregon uses about 27,000 acres 110
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00938-00228285-00228509 square kilometres in southern coos and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00939-00228510-00228686 northern Curry counties centered around
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00940-00228687-00228932 the coastal city of Bandhan in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00941-00228933-00229069 northeastern region of the state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00942-00229069-00229280 particularly around Pendleton both
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00943-00229281-00229510 irrigated and dryland wheat is grown
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00944-00229511-00229787 Oregon farmers and ranchers also produce
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00945-00229788-00230044 cattle sheep dairy products eggs and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00946-00230046-00230427 poultry
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00947-00230428-00230889 topic forestry and Fisheries
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00948-00230890-00231157 vast forests have historically made
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00949-00231158-00231376 Oregon one of the nation's major timber
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00950-00231377-00231607 producing and logging States but forest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00951-00231608-00231796 fires such as the Tillamook burned over
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00952-00231796-00232027 harvesting and lawsuits over the proper
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00953-00232028-00232198 management of the extensive federal
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00954-00232198-00232381 Forest Holdings have reduced the timber
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00955-00232382-00232684 produced according to 1914 data
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00956-00232685-00232842 Australia was the single largest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00957-00232844-00233146 purchaser of the state's lumber between
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00958-00233146-00233428 1989 and 2011 the amount of timber
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00959-00233429-00233650 harvested from federal lands in Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00960-00233651-00233800 dropped about 90%
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00961-00233801-00233994 although harvest levels on private land
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00962-00233996-00234198 have remained relatively constant even
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00963-00234200-00234352 the shift in recent years towards
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00964-00234353-00234517 finished goods such as paper and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00965-00234517-00234709 building materials has not slowed the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00966-00234710-00234880 decline of the timber industry in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00967-00234881-00235141 state the effects of this decline have
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00968-00235142-00235342 included where Hauser's acquisition of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00969-00235342-00235552 Portland based Willamette industries in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00970-00235553-00235869 January 2002 the relocation of Louisiana
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00971-00235871-00236062 Pacific's corporate headquarters from
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00972-00236063-00236254 Portland to Nashville and the decline of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00973-00236255-00236446 former lumber company towns such as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00974-00236446-00236764 Gilchrist despite these changes Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00975-00236765-00236944 still leads the United States in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00976-00236944-00237382 softwood lumber production in 2011 4134
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00977-00237383-00237592 million board feet nine million seven
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00978-00237592-00237808 hundred sixty thousand cubic meters was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00979-00237809-00238000 produced in Oregon compared with three
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00980-00238001-00238201 thousand six hundred eighty-five million
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00981-00238202-00238453 board feet eight million 700 thousand
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00982-00238454-00238831 cubic meters in Washington 1914 million
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00983-00238832-00238987 board feet four million five hundred
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00984-00238988-00239242 twenty thousand cubic meters in Georgia
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00985-00239242-00239428 and one thousand seven hundred eight
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00986-00239429-00239626 million board feet four million thirty
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00987-00239627-00239929 thousand cubic metres in Mississippi the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00988-00239930-00240061 slowing of the timber and lumber
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00989-00240062-00240232 industry has caused high unemployment
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00990-00240233-00240519 rates in rural areas Oregon has one of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00991-00240521-00240730 the largest salmon fishing industries in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00992-00240731-00240913 the world although ocean fisheries have
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00993-00240914-00241092 reduced the river fisheries in recent
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00994-00241094-00241321 years because of the abundance of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00995-00241321-00241510 waterways in the state it is also a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00996-00241511-00241764 major producer of hydroelectric energy
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00997-00241765-00242046 topic tourism and entertainment tourism
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00998-00242048-00242253 is also a strong industry in the state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-00999-00242254-00242503 much of this is centered on the state's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01000-00242504-00242710 natural features Oregon's mountains
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01001-00242711-00242998 forests waterfalls rivers beaches and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01002-00242998-00243151 lakes including Crater Lake National
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01003-00243152-00243423 Park Bowl Noma Falls The Painted Hills
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01004-00243425-00243646 the Deschutes River and the oregon caves
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01005-00243646-00243916 national monument and Preserve Mount
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01006-00243917-00244114 Hood and Mount Bachelor also draw
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01007-00244115-00244192 visitors
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01008-00244192-00244507 for skiing and snow activities Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01009-00244508-00244678 is home to the Oregon Museum of Science
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01010-00244679-00244954 and Industry the Portland Art Museum and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01011-00244955-00245164 the Oregon Zoo which is the oldest zoo
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01012-00245165-00245394 west of the Mississippi River the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01013-00245396-00245587 international Rose test Garden does
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01014-00245588-00245805 another prominent attraction in the city
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01015-00245806-00246040 Portland has also been named the best
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01016-00246041-00246235 city in the world for street food by
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01017-00246236-00246460 several publications including the US
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01018-00246461-00246811 News & World Report and CNN Oregon is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01019-00246812-00247027 home to many breweries and Portland has
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01020-00247028-00247219 the largest number of breweries of any
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01021-00247219-00247417 city in the world the state's coastal
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01022-00247417-00247621 region produces significant tourism as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01023-00247621-00247930 well the Oregon Coast Aquarium comprises
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01024-00247931-00248182 23 acres 9.3 hectares
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01025-00248183-00248380 along Yaquina Bay in Newport and was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01026-00248381-00248673 also home to Keiko the orca whale it has
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01027-00248675-00248830 been noted as one of the top ten
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01028-00248831-00249112 aquariums in North America Fort Clatsop
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01029-00249113-00249352 in Warrenton features a replica of Lewis
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01030-00249353-00249526 and Clark's encampment at the mouth of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01031-00249527-00249865 the Columbia River in 1805 the sea lion
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01032-00249866-00250071 caves in Florence are the largest system
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01033-00250073-00250303 of sea caverns in the United States and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01034-00250304-00250528 also attract many visitors in Southern
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01035-00250529-00250702 Oregon the Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01036-00250703-00250987 held in Ashland is also a tourist draw
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01037-00250988-00251200 as as the Oregon vortex and the Wolf
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01038-00251201-00251440 Creek in state heritage site a historic
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01039-00251441-00251689 Inn where Jack London wrote his 1913
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01040-00251690-00251914 novel Valley of the Moon Oregon has also
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01041-00251915-00252136 historically been a popular region for
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01042-00252137-00252294 film shoots due to its diverse
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01043-00252296-00252526 landscapes as well as its proximity to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01044-00252527-00252717 Hollywood see lists of films shot in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01045-00252719-00253006 Oregon movies filmed in Oregon include
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01046-00253007-00253267 Animal House Free Willy the general The
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01047-00253267-00253480 Goonies Kindergarten Cop One Flew Over
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01048-00253481-00253819 the Cuckoo's Nest and Stand By Me Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01049-00253819-00254008 native matt grainy creator of The
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01050-00254009-00254176 Simpsons has incorporated many
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01051-00254177-00254367 references from his hometown of Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01052-00254369-00254677 into the TV series the Oregon film
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01053-00254678-00254875 museum is located in the old Clatsop
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01054-00254876-00255219 County Jail in Astoria topic technology
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01055-00255221-00255444 high technology industries located in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01056-00255446-00255613 Silicon forest have been a major
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01057-00255614-00255867 employer since the 1970s
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01058-00255867-00256071 Tektronix was the largest private
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01059-00256073-00256365 employer in Oregon until the late 1980s
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01060-00256366-00256617 Intel's creation and expansion of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01061-00256619-00256834 several facilities in Eastern Washington
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01062-00256835-00256996 County continued the growth that
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01063-00256996-00257298 Tektronix had started Intel the state's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01064-00257300-00257494 largest for-profit private employer
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01065-00257494-00257574 operate
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01066-00257575-00257805 for large facilities with Ramla acres
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01067-00257806-00258066 Jones farm in Hawthorne farm all located
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01068-00258067-00258285 in Hillsboro the spin-offs and startups
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01069-00258286-00258417 that were produced by these two
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01070-00258418-00258606 companies led to the establishment in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01071-00258607-00258783 that area of the so-called Silicon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01072-00258784-00259098 Forest the recession and dot-com bust of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01073-00259099-00259312 2001 hit the region heart many
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01074-00259313-00259524 high-technology employers reduced the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01075-00259525-00259707 number of their employees or went out of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01076-00259708-00259995 business open source development labs
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01077-00259996-00260295 made news in 2004 when they hired Linus
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01078-00260296-00260490 Torvalds developer of the Linux kernel
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01079-00260491-00260883 in 2010 biotechnology giant Genentech
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01080-00260884-00261063 opened a four hundred million dollars
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01081-00261064-00261279 facility in Hillsboro to expand its
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01082-00261280-00261543 production capabilities Oregon is home
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01083-00261544-00261768 to several large data centers that take
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01084-00261769-00261972 advantage of cheap power and a climate
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01085-00261973-00262199 conducive to reducing cooling costs
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01086-00262200-00262476 Google operates a large data center in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01087-00262477-00262665 the Dow's and Facebook built a large
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01088-00262666-00262875 data center near Prineville in 2010
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01089-00262876-00263139 Amazon opened a data center near
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01090-00263140-00263367 Boardman in 2011 and a fulfillment
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01091-00263368-00263838 center in Troutdale in 2018
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01092-00263839-00264385 topic corporate headquarters
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01093-00264386-00264610 Oregon is also the home of large
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01094-00264611-00264808 corporations in other industries the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01095-00264809-00265070 world headquarters of Nike are located
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01096-00265071-00265300 near Beaverton Medford is home to Harry
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01097-00265301-00265514 and David which sells gift items under
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01098-00265515-00265801 several brands Medford is also home to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01099-00265802-00265988 the national headquarters of lithium
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01100-00265989-00266216 otres Portland is home to one of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01101-00266217-00266414 West's largest trade book publishing
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01102-00266415-00266647 houses graphic arts center publishing
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01103-00266648-00266888 Oregon is also home to Mentor Graphics
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01104-00266889-00267119 corporation a world leader in electronic
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01105-00267120-00267398 design automation located in Wilsonville
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01106-00267399-00267679 and employs roughly 4,500 people
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01107-00267680-00267777 worldwide
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01108-00267778-00268024 adidas corporation's American
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01109-00268025-00268244 headquarters is located in Portland and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01110-00268245-00268498 employs roughly 900 full-time workers at
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01111-00268499-00268804 its Portland campus Nike located in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01112-00268805-00269029 Beaverton employs roughly 5,000
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01113-00269030-00269302 full-time employees at its 200 acre 81
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01114-00269303-00269623 hectares campus Nikes Beaverton campus
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01115-00269624-00269837 is continuously ranked as a top employer
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01116-00269838-00269987 in the Portland area along with
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01117-00269988-00270263 competitor adidas Intel Corporation
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01118-00270264-00270590 employs 18,600 in Oregon with the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01119-00270591-00270799 majority of these employees located at
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01120-00270800-00270955 the company's Hillsborough campus
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01121-00270956-00271142 located about 30 minutes west of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01122-00271143-00271423 Portland Intel has been a top employer
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01123-00271424-00271745 in Oregon since 1974 the US federal
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01124-00271746-00271937 government and Providence Health Systems
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01125-00271938-00272101 our respective contenders for top
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01126-00272102-00272356 employers in Oregon with roughly 12,000
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01127-00272357-00272605 federal workers and 14,000 Providence
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01128-00272606-00273007 health workers in 2015 a total of seven
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01129-00273008-00273226 companies headquartered in Oregon landed
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01130-00273227-00273523 in the Fortune 1000 Nike at 106
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01131-00273524-00273794 Precision Castparts Corp at 300 to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01132-00273795-00274099 lithium motors at 480 to Stan Corps
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01133-00274100-00274372 Financial Group at 800 for its ER steel
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01134-00274373-00274643 industries at 853 the Greenbrier
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01135-00274644-00274937 companies at 948 in Columbia Sportswear
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01136-00274938-00275370 at 982
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01137-00275371-00275914 topic taxes and budgets
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01138-00275915-00276226 Oregon's biennial state budget 2.6
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01139-00276227-00276499 billion dollars in 2017 comprises
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01140-00276500-00276721 general funds federal funds lottery
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01141-00276722-00276952 funds and other funds Oregon is one of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01142-00276953-00277194 only five states that have no sales tax
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01143-00277195-00277438 Oregon voters have been resolute in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01144-00277439-00277648 their opposition to a sales tax voting
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01145-00277649-00277828 proposals down each of the nine times
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01146-00277829-00278071 they have been presented the last vote
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01147-00278072-00278374 for 1993's measure one was defeated by a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01148-00278375-00278536 seventy five to twenty five percent
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01149-00278537-00278776 margin the state also has a minimum
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01150-00278777-00279052 corporate tax of only $150 a year
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01151-00279053-00279289 amounting to five point six percent of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01152-00279290-00279538 the general fund in the 2005 to seven
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01153-00279539-00279763 biennium data about which businesses pay
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01154-00279764-00279928 the minimum is not available to the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01155-00279929-00280198 public as a result the state relies on
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01156-00280199-00280405 property and income taxes for its
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01157-00280406-00280654 revenue Oregon has the fifth highest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01158-00280655-00280858 personal income tax in the nation
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01159-00280859-00281143 according to the US Census Bureau Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01160-00281144-00281368 ranked 41st out of the 50 states in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01161-00281369-00281644 taxes per capita in 2005 with an average
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01162-00281645-00282121 amount paid of 1790 1.45 a few local
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01163-00282122-00282331 governments levy sales taxes on services
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01164-00282332-00282487 the city of Ashland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01165-00282488-00282682 for example collects a five percent
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01166-00282683-00282901 sales tax on prepared food the city of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01167-00282902-00283132 Portland imposes an arts education and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01168-00283133-00283387 access income tax on residents over 18 a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01169-00283388-00283639 flat tax of $35 collected from
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01170-00283640-00283906 individuals earning $1,000 or more per
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01171-00283907-00284104 year and residing in a household with an
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01172-00284105-00284281 annual income exceeding the federal
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01173-00284282-00284566 poverty level the tax funds Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01174-00284567-00284781 schoolteachers and art focused nonprofit
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01175-00284782-00285007 organizations in Portland the state of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01176-00285008-00285223 Oregon also allows transit district to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01177-00285224-00285433 Le'Veon income tax on employers and the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01178-00285434-00285658 self-employed the state currently
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01179-00285659-00285874 collects the tax for TriMet and the Lane
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01180-00285875-00286096 Transit District Oregon is one of six
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01181-00286097-00286384 states with a revenue limit the kicker
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01182-00286385-00286663 law stipulates that when income tax
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01183-00286664-00286846 collections exceed state economists
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01184-00286847-00287059 estimates by two percent or more any
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01185-00287060-00287289 excess must be returned to taxpayers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01186-00287290-00287614 since the enactment of the law in 1979
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01187-00287615-00287827 refunds have been issued for seven of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01188-00287828-00288124 the eleven by enniaa in 2000 ballot
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01189-00288125-00288346 measure eighty six converted the kicker
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01190-00288347-00288592 law from statute to the Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01191-00288593-00288784 Constitution and changed some of its
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01192-00288785-00289087 provisions federal payments to county
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01193-00289088-00289258 governments that were granted to replace
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01194-00289259-00289303 timber
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01195-00289304-00289513 revenue when logging in national forests
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01196-00289514-00289738 was restricted in the 1990s have been
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01197-00289739-00289915 under threat of suspension for several
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01198-00289916-00290194 years this issue dominates the future
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01199-00290195-00290377 revenue of rural counties which have
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01200-00290378-00290524 come to rely on the payments in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01201-00290525-00290767 providing essential services 0.55
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01202-00290768-00290971 percent of state revenues are spent on
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01203-00290972-00291298 public education 23% on Human Services
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01204-00291299-00291547 Child Protective Services Medicaid and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01205-00291548-00291877 senior services 17% on public safety and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01206-00291878-00292350 5% on other services
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01207-00292351-00292883 topic demographics
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01208-00292884-00293376 topic population
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01209-00293377-00293565 the united states census bureau
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01210-00293566-00293826 estimates that the population of oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01211-00293827-00294042 was 4 million ninety three thousand four
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01212-00294043-00294354 hundred sixty five on July 1st 2016 a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01213-00294355-00294549 six point eight percent increase over
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01214-00294550-00294837 the 2010 united states census Oregon was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01215-00294838-00295248 the USS top moving destination in 2014
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01216-00295249-00295425 with two families moving into the state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01217-00295426-00295656 for everyone moving out of state sixty
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01218-00295657-00295845 six point four percent to thirty three
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01219-00295846-00296145 point six percent Oregon was also the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01220-00296146-00296400 top moving destination in 2013 and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01221-00296401-00296661 second most popular destination in 2010
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01222-00296662-00296940 through 2012 as of the 2010 census the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01223-00296941-00297135 population of Oregon was three million
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01224-00297136-00297306 eight hundred thirty one thousand
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01225-00297307-00297561 seventy four the gender makeup of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01226-00297562-00297759 state was forty nine point five percent
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01227-00297760-00298028 male and fifty point five percent female
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01228-00298029-00298272 twenty two point six percent of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01229-00298273-00298437 population were under the age of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01230-00298438-00298677 eighteen sixty three point five percent
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01231-00298678-00298947 were between the ages of 18 and 64 and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01232-00298948-00299328 12.5% were 65 years of age or older the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01233-00299329-00299493 racial composition of Oregon's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01234-00299494-00299862 population as of 2016 was according to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01235-00299863-00300057 the 2016 American Community Survey
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01236-00300058-00300312 twelve point four percent of Oregon's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01237-00300313-00300546 population were of Hispanic or Latino
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01238-00300547-00300804 origin of any race Mexican ten point
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01239-00300805-00301160 four percent Puerto Rican 0.3% Cuban
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01240-00301161-00301506 0.1% and other Hispanic or Latino origin
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01241-00301507-00301833 one point five percent the five largest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01242-00301834-00302202 ancestry groups were German 19.1% Irish
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01243-00302203-00302421 eleven point seven percent English
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01244-00302422-00302682 eleven point three percent American five
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01245-00302683-00302910 point three percent and Norwegian three
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01246-00302911-00303087 point eight percent the state's most
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01247-00303088-00303327 populous ethnic group non-hispanic white
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01248-00303328-00303516 has declined from ninety five point
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01249-00303517-00303717 eight percent in nineteen seventy to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01250-00303718-00303900 seventy seven point eight percent in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01251-00303901-00303978 2012
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01252-00303979-00304191 as of 2011 thirty eight point seven
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01253-00304192-00304380 percent of Oregon's children under one
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01254-00304381-00304602 year of age belong to minority groups
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01255-00304603-00304788 meaning they had at least one parent who
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01256-00304789-00305028 was not a non-hispanic white of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01257-00305029-00305397 state's total population 22.6% was under
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01258-00305398-00305607 the age eighteen and seventy seven point
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01259-00305608-00305810 four percent were eighteen or older
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01260-00305811-00306105 the center of population of Oregon is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01261-00306106-00306309 located in Linn County in the city of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01262-00306310-00306365 Lyons
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01263-00306366-00306687 around 60 percent of Oregon's population
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01264-00306688-00306757 resides
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01265-00306758-00306979 in the Portland metropolitan area as of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01266-00306980-00307078 2009
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01267-00307079-00307528 Oregon's population comprised 360 1393
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01268-00307529-00307771 foreign-born residents of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01269-00307772-00307984 foreign-born residents the three largest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01270-00307985-00308162 groups are originally from countries in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01271-00308163-00308659 Latin America 47.8% Asia 27.4%
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01272-00308660-00309192 and Europe 16.5%
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01273-00309193-00309753 topic religious and secular communities
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01274-00309754-00309996 Oregon has frequently been cited by
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01275-00309997-00310188 statistical agencies for having a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01276-00310189-00310350 smaller percentage of religious
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01277-00310351-00310562 communities than other US states
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01278-00310563-00310899 according to a 2009 Gallup poll Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01279-00310900-00311121 was paired with Vermont as the two least
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01280-00311122-00311418 religious states in the United States in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01281-00311419-00311757 the same 2009 Gallup poll 69% of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01282-00311758-00311958 Oregonians identified themselves as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01283-00311959-00312225 being Christian the largest Christian
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01284-00312226-00312420 denominations in Oregon by number of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01285-00312421-00312633 adherents in 2010 were the Roman
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01286-00312634-00312939 Catholic Church with 398 thousand seven
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01287-00312940-00313116 hundred thirty-eight the Church of Jesus
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01288-00313117-00313386 Christ of latter-day saints with 147
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01289-00313387-00313632 thousand nine hundred sixty-five and the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01290-00313633-00313812 Assemblies of God with forty five
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01291-00313813-00314208 thousand 492 Oregon also contains the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01292-00314209-00314376 largest community of Russian Old
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01293-00314377-00314517 Believers to be found in the United
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01294-00314518-00314592 States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01295-00314593-00314823 the Northwest Tibetan cultural
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01296-00314824-00315051 Association is headquartered in Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01297-00315052-00315357 there are an estimated 6,000 to 10,000
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01298-00315358-00315579 Muslims in Oregon most of whom live in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01299-00315580-00315735 and around Portland most of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01300-00315736-00315909 remainder of the population had no
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01301-00315910-00316161 religious affiliation the 2008 American
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01302-00316162-00316416 religious identification survey Aris
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01303-00316417-00316629 placed Oregon is tied with Nevada in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01304-00316630-00316818 fifth place of US states having the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01305-00316819-00316944 highest percentage of residents
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01306-00316945-00317187 identifying themselves as non-religious
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01307-00317188-00317580 at 24% secular organizations include the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01308-00317581-00317847 Center for inquiry CFI the humanists of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01309-00317848-00318105 Greater Portland hgp in the United
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01310-00318106-00318150 States
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01311-00318151-00318519 atheists USA during much of the 1990s a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01312-00318520-00318723 group of conservative Christians formed
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01313-00318724-00318894 the Oregon citizens Alliance and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01314-00318895-00319071 unsuccessfully tried to pass legislation
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01315-00319072-00319323 to prevent gay sensitivity training in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01316-00319324-00319530 public schools and legal benefits for
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01317-00319531-00319797 homosexual couples birthday denote
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01318-00319798-00319995 births in table don't add up because
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01319-00319996-00320163 Hispanics are counted both by their
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01320-00320164-00320361 ethnicity and by their race giving a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01321-00320362-00320637 higher overall number since 2016 data
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01322-00320638-00320850 for births of white Hispanic origin are
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01323-00320851-00321027 not collected but included in one
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01324-00321028-00321234 Hispanic group persons of Hispanic
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01325-00321235-00321540 origin may be of any race topic future
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01326-00321541-00321729 projections projections from the US
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01327-00321730-00321972 Census Bureau show Oregon's population
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01328-00321973-00322134 increasing to four million eight hundred
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01329-00322135-00322323 thirty three thousand nine hundred
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01330-00322324-00322563 eighteen by twenty thirty an increase of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01331-00322564-00322767 forty one point three percent compared
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01332-00322768-00322935 to the state's population of three
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01333-00322936-00323139 million four hundred twenty one
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01334-00323140-00323538 399 in 2000 the state's own projections
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01335-00323539-00323751 forecast a total population of five
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01336-00323752-00323916 million four hundred twenty five
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01337-00323917-00324154 thousand four hundred eight in 2040
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01338-00324155-00324438 topic Education topic primary and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01339-00324439-00324734 secondary in the 2013-2014 school year
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01340-00324735-00324987 the state had five hundred sixty seven
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01341-00324988-00325194 thousand students in public primary and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01342-00325195-00325590 secondary schools there were 197 public
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01343-00325591-00325784 school districts served by nineteen
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01344-00325785-00326084 education service districts in 2016 the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01345-00326085-00326244 largest school districts in the state
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01346-00326245-00326490 were Portland Public Schools comprising
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01347-00326491-00326657 forty seven thousand three hundred
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01348-00326658-00326868 twenty three students Salem Keizer
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01349-00326869-00327069 School District comprising forty
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01350-00327070-00327230 thousand five hundred sixty five
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01351-00327231-00327431 students Beaverton School District
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01352-00327432-00327632 comprising thirty nine thousand six
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01353-00327633-00327833 hundred twenty-five students Hillsboro
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01354-00327834-00328052 School District comprising twenty one
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01355-00328053-00328248 thousand one hundred eighteen students
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01356-00328249-00328433 and North Clackamas School District
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01357-00328434-00328655 comprising seventeen thousand 53
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01358-00328656-00328974 students topic colleges and universities
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01359-00328975-00329231 especially since the 1990 passage of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01360-00329232-00329405 measure five which set limits on
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01361-00329406-00329654 property tax levels Oregon has struggled
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01362-00329655-00329906 to fund higher education since then
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01363-00329907-00330117 Oregon has cut its higher education
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01364-00330118-00330359 budget and now ranks 46th in the country
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01365-00330360-00330512 in state spending per student
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01366-00330513-00330857 however 2007 legislation funded the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01367-00330858-00331038 university system far beyond the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01368-00331039-00331229 governor's requested budget though still
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01369-00331230-00331406 capping tuition increases at three
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01370-00331407-00331507 percent per year
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01371-00331508-00331778 Oregon supports a total of seven public
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01372-00331779-00332025 universities and one affiliate it is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01373-00332026-00332172 home to three public research
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01374-00332173-00332435 universities the University of Oregon UO
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01375-00332436-00332688 in Eugene and Oregon State University
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01376-00332689-00332954 asou in Corvallis both classified as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01377-00332955-00333147 research universities with very high
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01378-00333148-00333345 research activity in Portland State
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01379-00333346-00333540 University which is classified as a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01380-00333541-00333728 research university with high research
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01381-00333729-00333912 activity UO is the state's highest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01382-00333913-00334113 nationally ranked and most selective
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01383-00334114-00334334 public university by u.s. News & World
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01384-00334335-00334638 Report in Forbes osoo is the state's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01385-00334639-00334853 only land grant University has the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01386-00334854-00335088 state's largest enrollment for fall 2014
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01387-00335089-00335285 and is the state's highest ranking
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01388-00335286-00335514 University according to academic ranking
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01389-00335515-00335739 of world universities Washington Monthly
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01390-00335740-00336077 and Q s World University Rankings osoo
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01391-00336078-00336254 receives more annual funding for
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01392-00336255-00336428 research than all other public higher
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01393-00336429-00336538 education instead
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01394-00336539-00336799 tuitions in Oregon combined the state's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01395-00336800-00337012 urban Portland State University has
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01396-00337013-00337246 Oregon's second largest enrollment the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01397-00337247-00337441 state has three regional universities
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01398-00337442-00337675 Western Oregon University in Monmouth
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01399-00337676-00337903 Southern Oregon University in Ashland in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01400-00337904-00338131 Eastern Oregon University in La Grande
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01401-00338132-00338434 the Oregon Institute of Technology has
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01402-00338435-00338659 its campus in Klamath Falls the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01403-00338660-00338884 quasi-public Oregon Health and Science
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01404-00338885-00339190 University OHSU includes medical dental
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01405-00339191-00339391 and nursing schools and graduate
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01406-00339392-00339613 programs in biomedical sciences in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01407-00339614-00339802 Portland and a science and engineering
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01408-00339803-00340069 school in Hillsboro the state also
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01409-00340070-00340384 supports 17 community colleges Oregon is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01410-00340385-00340564 home to a wide variety of private
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01411-00340565-00340762 colleges the majority of which are
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01412-00340763-00341002 located in the Portland area the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01413-00341003-00341188 University of Portland and Marylhurst
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01414-00341189-00341377 University are both Catholic
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01415-00341378-00341602 universities located in or near Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01416-00341603-00341812 affiliated with the congregation of Holy
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01417-00341813-00342022 Cross and the sisters of the holy names
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01418-00342023-00342316 of Jesus and Mary respectively Reed
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01419-00342317-00342544 College a rigorous liberal arts college
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01420-00342545-00342751 in Portland was ranked by Forbes as the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01421-00342752-00343066 52nd best college in the country in 2015
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01422-00343067-00343288 other private institutions in Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01423-00343289-00343528 include Concordia University Lewis and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01424-00343529-00343732 Clark College Mull Noma University
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01425-00343733-00343933 Portland Bible College Warner Pacific
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01426-00343934-00344191 College cascade college the national
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01427-00344192-00344368 university of natural medicine and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01428-00344369-00344629 western seminary a theological graduate
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01429-00344630-00344905 school Pacific University is in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01430-00344906-00345130 Portland suburb of Forest Grove there
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01431-00345131-00345346 are also private colleges further south
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01432-00345347-00345571 in the Willamette Valley McMinnville is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01433-00345572-00345757 home to Linfield College while nearby
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01434-00345758-00346035 Newberg is home to George Fox University
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01435-00346036-00346291 Salem is home to two private schools
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01436-00346292-00346540 Willamette University the state's oldest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01437-00346541-00346708 established during the Provisional
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01438-00346709-00347038 period in Corbin University also located
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01439-00347039-00347278 near Salem as mount angel seminary one
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01440-00347279-00347485 of America's largest Roman Catholic
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01441-00347486-00347755 seminaries the state's second Medical
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01442-00347756-00347889 School the College of Osteopathic
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01443-00347890-00348166 Medicine of the Pacific Northwest is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01444-00348167-00348466 located in Lebanon Eugene is home to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01445-00348467-00348655 three private colleges Northwest
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01446-00348656-00348883 Christian University New Hope Christian
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01447-00348884-00349165 College and Gutenberg College topic
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01448-00349166-00349354 sports Oregon is home to three major
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01449-00349355-00349579 professional sports teams the Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01450-00349580-00349810 Trail Blazers of the NBA the Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01451-00349811-00349900 thorns of the end
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01452-00349901-00350146 usl and the Portland Timbers of MLS
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01453-00350147-00350404 until 2011 the only major professional
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01454-00350405-00350623 sports team in Oregon was the Portland
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01455-00350624-00350794 Trailblazers of the National Basketball
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01456-00350795-00350920 Association
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01457-00350921-00351304 from the 1970s to the 1990s the Blazers
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01458-00351305-00351496 were one of the most successful teams in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01459-00351497-00351733 the NBA in terms of both win-loss record
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01460-00351734-00352012 and attendance in the early 21st century
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01461-00352013-00352276 the team's popularity declined due to
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01462-00352277-00352480 personnel and financial issues but
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01463-00352481-00352621 revived after the departure of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01464-00352622-00352774 controversial players and the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01465-00352775-00352939 acquisition of new players such as
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01466-00352940-00353224 Brandon Roy and LaMarcus Aldridge the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01467-00353225-00353407 Blazers play in the modus Center in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01468-00353408-00353614 Portland's Lloyd district which also is
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01469-00353615-00353800 home to the Portland Winterhawks of the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01470-00353801-00353959 Junior Western Hockey League the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01471-00353960-00354163 Portland Timbers play at Providence Park
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01472-00354164-00354424 just west of downtown Portland the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01473-00354425-00354616 Timbers have a strong following with the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01474-00354617-00354901 team regularly selling out its games the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01475-00354902-00355057 Timbers repurposed the formerly
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01476-00355058-00355267 multi-use stadium into a soccer-specific
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01477-00355268-00355558 Stadium in fall 2010 increasing the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01478-00355559-00355681 seating in the process
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01479-00355682-00356002 the Timbers operate Portland thorns FC a
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01480-00356003-00356203 women's soccer team that has played in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01481-00356204-00356386 the National Women's Soccer League since
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01482-00356387-00356689 the league's first season in 2013 the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01483-00356690-00356902 thorns who also play at Providence Park
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01484-00356903-00357112 the won two league championships in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01485-00357113-00357436 inaugural 2013 season and also in 2017
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01486-00357437-00357649 and have been by far the NWSL 's
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01487-00357650-00357817 attendance leader in each of the league
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01488-00357818-00358162 seasons Eugene Salem and Hillsboro have
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01489-00358163-00358375 minor league baseball teams the Eugene
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01490-00358376-00358618 emeralds the Salem Kaiser volcanoes and
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01491-00358619-00358798 the Hillsborough hops all play in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01492-00358799-00359074 single a Northwest league Portland has
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01493-00359075-00359275 had minor league baseball teams in the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01494-00359276-00359485 past including the Portland Beavers in
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01495-00359486-00359653 Portland Rockies who played most
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01496-00359654-00359848 recently at Providence Park when it was
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01497-00359849-00360142 known as PGE Park the Oregon State
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01498-00360143-00360316 Beavers and the University of Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01499-00360317-00360529 Ducks football teams of the pac-12
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01500-00360530-00360721 conference meet annually in the Civil
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01501-00360722-00361030 War both schools have had recent success
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01502-00361031-00361171 in other sports as well
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01503-00361172-00361375 Oregon State won back-to-back college
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01504-00361376-00361729 baseball championships in 2006 in 2007
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01505-00361730-00361930 winning a third in 2018 and the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01506-00361931-00362185 University of Oregon won back-to-back NC
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01507-00362186-00362310 double-a men's cross country
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01508-00362311-00363001 championships in 2007 and 2008
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01509-00363002-00363457 pick sister regions
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01510-00363458-00363723 Fujian Province People's Republic of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01511-00363724-00364137 China 1984 Taiwan province Republic of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01512-00364138-00364529 China Taiwan 1985 Toyama prefecture
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01513-00364530-00364955 Japan 1991 jeollanam-do province
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01514-00364956-00365397 Republic of Korea South Korea 1996 Iraqi
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01515-00365398-00365937 Kurdistan Iraq 2005
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01516-00365938-00366642 topic see also outline of Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01517-00366643-00366901 organized list of topics about Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01518-00366902-00367172 index of Oregon related articles
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01519-00367173-00367788 bibliography of Oregon history
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01520-00367789-00368276 topic notes
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01521-00368277-00368791 topic references
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01522-00368792-00369343 topic external links
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01523-00369344-00369780 Organic curly the Oregon encyclopedia
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01524-00369781-00370064 Oregon state databases at the American
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01525-00370065-00370376 Library Association government state of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01526-00370377-00370817 Oregon Oregon state legislature Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01527-00370818-00371055 Constitution tourism and recreation
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01528-00371056-00371414 travel Oregon common official website of
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01529-00371415-00371714 the Oregon Tourism Commission Oregon
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01530-00371715-00372028 state parks Oregon state facts from the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01531-00372029-00372245 United States Department of Agriculture
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01532-00372246-00372545 historian culture Oregon Historical
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01533-00372546-00372875 Society Oregon Blue Book the online
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01534-00372876-00373019 version of the state's official
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01535-00373020-00373329 directory in fact book maps and geology
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01536-00373330-00373558 real-time geographic and other
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01537-00373559-00373790 scientific resources of Oregon from the
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01538-00373791-00373957 United States Geological Survey
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01539-00373958-00374300 Geographic data related to Oregon at
Z2VrgXQKh_o-01540-00374301-00374576 OpenStreetMap
Z4FTSuOvQqk-00000-00000000-00000185 ork names that can be sourced there a
Z4FTSuOvQqk-00001-00000186-00000457 starred asterisk org names that can be
Z4FTSuOvQqk-00002-00000458-00000665 sourced there a starred asterisk org
Z4FTSuOvQqk-00003-00000666-00000839 names that can be sourced there a
Z4FTSuOvQqk-00004-00000840-00001112 starred asterisk org names that can be
Z4FTSuOvQqk-00005-00001113-00001319 sourced there a starred asterisk org
Z4FTSuOvQqk-00006-00001320-00001490 names that can be sourced there a
Z4FTSuOvQqk-00007-00001491-00001763 starred asterisk or names that can be
Z4FTSuOvQqk-00008-00001764-00002105 sourced there a starred asterisk
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00000-00000325-00000530 hello everyone I'm going to show you how
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00001-00000531-00000653 to make a peanut butter and jelly
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00002-00000654-00000778 sandwich from the International Space
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00003-00000779-00001037 Station every time we eat it's kind of
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00004-00001038-00001241 fun everything will float around if you
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00005-00001242-00001399 don't manage it so we have some tape to
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00006-00001400-00001625 stick things on on our table here as
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00007-00001626-00001859 well as a bunch of velcro all right so
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00008-00001860-00001982 the first thing we need for our sandwich
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00009-00001982-00002207 is a piece of bread well up here we
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00010-00002208-00002354 don't have bread like you do on earth
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00011-00002355-00002593 but we have tortillas so we use
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00012-00002594-00002906 tortillas a lot for sandwiches so that's
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00013-00002907-00003029 what I'm going to use from my peanut
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00014-00003030-00003215 butter and jelly I'm gonna stick that
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00015-00003215-00003368 down to some tape here so it doesn't go
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00016-00003369-00003485 floating away while I'm getting
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00017-00003486-00003695 everything else ready so I'll give my
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00018-00003696-00003983 peanut butter out and even the lids on
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00019-00003984-00004154 the peanut butter have a piece of velcro
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00020-00004155-00004381 on it so they don't go floating away if
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00021-00004382-00004526 I let it go it'll kind of just float
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00022-00004527-00004711 there for a little while and then
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00023-00004712-00004895 eventually that the air conditioning
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00024-00004896-00005006 system in here will take it away
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00025-00005007-00005147 somewhere else so I don't want to lose
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00026-00005148-00005443 it so I'm going to stick it on the table
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00027-00005444-00005690 I'll scoop out some peanut butter for my
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00028-00005691-00005947 sandwich I got to stick this somewhere
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00029-00005948-00006125 otherwise it just goes floating away to
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00030-00006126-00006313 you but just for now if it's just a few
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00031-00006314-00006454 seconds like this I can just leave it
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00032-00006455-00006760 let it float I'll spread the peanut
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00033-00006761-00007078 butter on my sandwich the tortilla
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00034-00007079-00007370 [Music]
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00035-00007372-00007959 and then I get my jelly ready it's a lot
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00036-00007959-00008103 of things you got to think about manage
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00037-00008104-00008481 all your while you're eating up here and
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00038-00008482-00008604 you just spread the jelly on the
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00039-00008605-00009123 sandwich
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00040-00009124-00009459 that as well needs to get attached to
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00041-00009460-00009638 the table so there's my peanut butter
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00042-00009639-00009938 and jelly tortilla or sandwich from
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00043-00009939-00010499 Pierre I'll just kind of close it up and
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00044-00010500-00010758 enjoy see if you guys can enjoy it as
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00045-00010759-00011585 it's coming to you subscribe for more
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00046-00011586-00012734 space
Z5yhKKKGz_0-00047-00012735-00012940 you
Z9oudIMoVK0-00000-00000614-00001039 yeah yeah
Z9oudIMoVK0-00001-00001040-00001951 gang gang
Z9oudIMoVK0-00002-00001952-00002591 it's called in this big
Z9oudIMoVK0-00003-00002592-00002978 foreign
Z9oudIMoVK0-00004-00002979-00003686 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00005-00003686-00004420 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00006-00004421-00005131 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00007-00005132-00005689 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00008-00005690-00007981 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00009-00007983-00008633 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00010-00008634-00008893 Squad
Z9oudIMoVK0-00012-00012000-00012649 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00013-00012650-00012846 everything better
Z9oudIMoVK0-00014-00012847-00013658 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00015-00013659-00014315 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00016-00014316-00015722 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00017-00015722-00017365 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00018-00017366-00017651 for me
Z9oudIMoVK0-00019-00017652-00019826 [Music]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00020-00019827-00019979 [Applause]
Z9oudIMoVK0-00021-00019980-00020116 foreign
Z9oudIMoVK0-00022-00020117-00021488 [Music]
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00000-00000012-00000350 the Japanese occupation of Nauru was the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00001-00000351-00000628 period of three years the 26th of August
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00002-00000629-00001016 1942 to the 13th of September 1945
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00003-00001017-00001286 during which Nauru a Pacific island
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00004-00001287-00001504 under Australian administration was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00005-00001505-00001735 occupied by the Japanese military as
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00006-00001736-00001955 part of its operations in the Pacific
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00007-00001955-00002204 War during World War two with the onset
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00008-00002205-00002399 of the war the islands that flanked
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00009-00002400-00002617 Japan South Seas possessions became a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00010-00002618-00002855 vital concern to Japanese Imperial
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00011-00002856-00003029 General Headquarters and in particular
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00012-00003030-00003286 to the Imperial Navy which was tasked
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00013-00003288-00003545 with protecting Japan's outlying Pacific
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00014-00003546-00003736 territories the Japanese hoped to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00015-00003738-00003961 exploit the islands phosphate resources
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00016-00003962-00004181 and to build up their military defenses
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00017-00004182-00004499 in the area they were unable to relaunch
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00018-00004500-00004724 phosphate mining operations but
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00019-00004725-00004963 succeeded in transforming Nauru into a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00020-00004964-00005213 powerful stronghold which United States
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00021-00005214-00005429 forces chose to bypass during their
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00022-00005430-00005708 reconquest of the Pacific the most
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00023-00005709-00005906 important infrastructure built by the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00024-00005907-00006140 Japanese was an airfield which was the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00025-00006141-00006414 target of repeated Allied air strikes
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00026-00006415-00006703 the war deeply affected the local
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00027-00006704-00007009 population the Japanese enforced a harsh
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00028-00007011-00007285 regime particularly on Chinese laborers
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00029-00007286-00007471 who they saw as being at the bottom of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00030-00007472-00007712 the racial hierarchy forced labor and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00031-00007713-00008003 brutal treatment were commonplace they
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00032-00008004-00008237 decided to deport the majority of Nowruz
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00033-00008238-00008471 indigenous population to the truck--
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00034-00008472-00008705 islands hundreds of miles away where
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00035-00008706-00009021 mortality was extremely high still
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00036-00009022-00009248 overpopulated with troops and imported
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00037-00009249-00009481 laborers the island was subject to food
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00038-00009482-00009698 shortages which worsened as the Allies
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00039-00009699-00009928 island-hopping strategy left Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00040-00009929-00010110 completely cut off
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00041-00010111-00010373 although effectively neutralized by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00042-00010374-00010628 Allied air and sea control the Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00043-00010629-00010885 garrison did not surrender until 11 days
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00044-00010886-00011616 after the official surrender of Japan
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00045-00011617-00012214 topic prewar situation
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00046-00012215-00012595 mining operations on Nauru began in 1906
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00047-00012596-00012808 at which time it was part of the German
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00048-00012809-00013162 colonial empire the island had some of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00049-00013163-00013338 the world's largest and highest quality
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00050-00013338-00013627 deposits of phosphate a key component in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00051-00013628-00013849 fertilizer making it a strategically
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00052-00013850-00014074 important resource on which agriculture
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00053-00014075-00014313 in Australia and New Zealand depended
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00054-00014313-00014547 during the first world war
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00055-00014549-00014749 now rue came under the control of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00056-00014750-00014947 British crown as a trustee ship of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00057-00014947-00015127 League of Nations effectively
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00058-00015128-00015291 administered by the Australian
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00059-00015293-00015366 Government
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00060-00015368-00015628 the British phosphate Commission in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00061-00015629-00015871 charge of mining operations joined with
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00062-00015872-00016057 Australian officials and Christian
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00063-00016058-00016282 missionaries to establish paternalistic
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00064-00016283-00016486 management of the now ruin people who
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00065-00016487-00016696 showed only limited interest in mining
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00066-00016697-00016900 employment and generally continued to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00067-00016901-00017059 rely on their traditional subsistence
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00068-00017060-00017322 activities of fishing and agriculture
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00069-00017323-00017683 the B PC instead imported large numbers
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00070-00017684-00017932 of indentured workers mainly Chinese and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00071-00017933-00018277 Pacific Islanders modernity reached
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00072-00018278-00018478 Nauru in the form of imported goods
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00073-00018479-00018688 which had the effect of making the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00074-00018689-00018894 locals increasingly dependent on the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00075-00018895-00019177 Australian economy beginning in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00076-00019178-00019465 1920s the now ruins received royalties
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00077-00019466-00019708 for the mining of their lands an income
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00078-00019709-00019867 that allowed him to cover their needs
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00079-00019868-00020077 but which was minimal compared with the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00080-00020078-00020290 actual value of the islands phosphate
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00081-00020291-00020635 exports the population was decimated by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00082-00020636-00020863 several diseases against which they had
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00083-00020864-00021001 no immune defenses
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00084-00021002-00021274 however in 1932 they reached the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00085-00021275-00021597 population threshold of 1500 that was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00086-00021598-00021825 considered necessary for their survival
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00087-00021826-00022135 this achievement is still celebrated in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00088-00022136-00022363 Nauru as angam day in spite of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00089-00022364-00022575 economic importance of Nauru for
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00090-00022576-00022804 Australia and New Zealand the island was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00091-00022805-00023047 left militarily unprotected since a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00092-00023048-00023218 stipulation of the League of Nations
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00093-00023219-00023469 mandate for Australian administration
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00094-00023470-00023668 forbade the construction of coastal
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00095-00023669-00024007 defences the island very isolated
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00096-00024008-00024241 geographically was not under constant
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00097-00024242-00024460 surveillance by the Australian Navy and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00098-00024461-00024661 was out of reach of aerial patrols
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00099-00024662-00024856 however before the outbreak of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00100-00024857-00025128 hostilities in the Pacific Theatre Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00101-00025129-00025324 hadn't seemed to be under direct threat
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00102-00025325-00025588 the Empire of Japan became firmly
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00103-00025589-00025816 published in the vast area north of Naru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00104-00025817-00026047 as a result of the South Pacific mandate
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00105-00026048-00026257 of the League of Nations an aggressive
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00106-00026258-00026502 development of plantation agriculture in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00107-00026504-00026713 the islands was often facilitated by the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00108-00026714-00027382 use of Nauru and phosphate
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00109-00027383-00028274 topic threats on now rue
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00110-00028275-00028914 topic German attacks the Second World
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00111-00028914-00029157 War first reached Nauru in early
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00112-00029158-00029433 december 1940 when two german armed
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00113-00029433-00029622 merchantmen disguised as civilian
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00114-00029623-00029925 freighters targeted the island their aim
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00115-00029926-00030129 was to disrupt production of phosphate
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00116-00030130-00030354 and thereby weaken the agriculture based
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00117-00030355-00030629 economies of Australia and New Zealand
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00118-00030630-00030972 orion kome and their supply ship komal
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00119-00030973-00031158 and headed for now roo with the purpose
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00120-00031158-00031361 of destroying the main infrastructure
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00121-00031362-00031641 due to bad weather conditions they were
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00122-00031642-00031845 unable to make a landing on the island
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00123-00031845-00032106 but sank several merchantman in the area
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00124-00032107-00032493 on the 27th of december koumei returned
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00125-00032494-00032706 to now roo and though again unable to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00126-00032707-00032952 land a shore party severely damaged the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00127-00032953-00033186 mining facilities and exposed loading
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00128-00033187-00033498 jetties with gunfire the islands chief
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00129-00033499-00033771 administrator Frederic Royden Chalmers a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00130-00033772-00033951 former lieutenant colonel in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00131-00033952-00034164 Australian Army who had served in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00132-00034165-00034422 Boer War and first world war reportedly
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00133-00034423-00034620 stormed along the waterfront hurling
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00134-00034621-00034833 verbal abuse at the German ship which
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00135-00034834-00035433 slipped away unharmed
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00136-00035434-00036062 topic declaration of war by Japan
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00137-00036063-00036387 for the Japanese the importance of Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00138-00036388-00036630 was twofold first they were interested
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00139-00036631-00036810 in acquiring the islands phosphate
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00140-00036811-00037083 deposits second Nauru was potentially a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00141-00037084-00037287 good base from which to launch aerial
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00142-00037288-00037488 attacks against the Gilbert Islands and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00143-00037489-00037623 to threaten the sea route between
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00144-00037624-00037875 Australia and North America Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00145-00037876-00038100 forces launched simultaneous attacks
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00146-00038101-00038352 against us Australian British and Dutch
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00147-00038353-00038697 forces on the 8th of December 1941 the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00148-00038698-00038871 7th of December in the western
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00149-00038872-00039201 hemisphere that same day a Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00150-00039202-00039420 surveillance aircraft was sighted above
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00151-00039421-00039747 now rue the first attack took place on
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00152-00039748-00039975 the 9th of December three planes flying
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00153-00039976-00040161 from the Marshall Islands bombed the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00154-00040162-00040383 wireless station at now route but failed
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00155-00040384-00040725 to cause any damage the now ruins warned
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00156-00040726-00041022 by observers on ocean island 350
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00157-00041023-00041529 kilometers 189 nmi 217 miles to the east
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00158-00041530-00041721 managed to seek shelter before the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00159-00041722-00042051 attack the following day another plane
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00160-00042052-00042255 made a second attempt on the radio
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00161-00042256-00042615 station the third day four planes made a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00162-00042616-00042823 low altitude strike and finally
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00163-00042824-00043191 destroyed it during these three days 51
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00164-00043192-00043389 bombs were dropped on or close to the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00165-00043390-00043695 station the governor of the island
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00166-00043696-00043899 Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Chalmers
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00167-00043900-00044130 sent a message to Canberra stating that
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00168-00044131-00044286 he thought the Japanese had not
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00169-00044287-00044460 destroyed phosphate production
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00170-00044461-00044637 facilities because they intended to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00171-00044638-00044970 occupy the island for its resources all
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00172-00044971-00045192 maritime contact with the rest of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00173-00045193-00045486 world was interrupted the BPC ship
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00174-00045487-00045717 transer which was enroute to the island
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00175-00045718-00046050 with supplies was recalled until the end
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00176-00046051-00046323 of february 1942 there were daily
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00177-00046324-00046554 sightings of Japanese planes over the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00178-00046555-00046770 island in other parts of the Pacific
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00179-00046771-00046977 Ocean the Japanese advance rolled
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00180-00046978-00047265 forward they occupied the Gilbert
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00181-00047266-00047508 Islands northeast of Nauru during
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00182-00047509-00047925 Christmas 1941 and in January 1942 they
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00183-00047926-00048160 took rebel southwest of Nauru and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00184-00048161-00048495 established a major base there now rue
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00185-00048496-00048750 was therefore isolated situated between
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00186-00048751-00049110 the two main Japanese axis of advance on
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00187-00049111-00049435 the 19th of February 1942
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00188-00049436-00049627 bombing of Darwin marked the first time
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00189-00049628-00049830 in its history that Australia was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00190-00049831-00050083 directly targeted on a large scale by a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00191-00050084-00050407 foreign power news of the attack caused
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00192-00050408-00051033 deep consternation on Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00193-00051034-00051354 topic evacuation of Westerners and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00194-00051355-00051852 Chinese following the British
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00195-00051853-00052069 declaration of war on the Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00196-00052070-00052288 Empire the leadership of the British
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00197-00052289-00052444 phosphate Commission urged the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00198-00052445-00052645 Australian government to assist in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00199-00052646-00052990 evacuation of BPC employees the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00200-00052991-00053224 authorities were slow to respond due to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00201-00053225-00053449 reports speculating that an invasion of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00202-00053450-00053679 the island by Japan was unlikely because
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00203-00053680-00053911 of the lack of a deep water port or an
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00204-00053912-00054202 airstrip their reluctance was also
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00205-00054203-00054394 fueled by the belief that withdrawal of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00206-00054395-00054625 the Westerners would result in a loss of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00207-00054626-00054838 prestige for Australia among the narrow
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00208-00054839-00055195 ins the evacuation was finally approved
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00209-00055196-00055605 at the end of January 1942 the initial
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00210-00055607-00055810 plan was to remove all the Westerners
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00211-00055811-00056091 and Chinese because of growing Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00212-00056092-00056296 naval activity in the area
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00213-00056297-00056539 latarian fendt a destroyer operating
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00214-00056540-00056758 with the Free French naval forces was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00215-00056759-00057049 selected for the mission the ship met
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00216-00057050-00057319 with the bpc freighter transer which was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00217-00057320-00057567 camouflaged in the bay of Malacca in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00218-00057569-00057829 New Hebrides Islands loaded with 50 tons
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00219-00057829-00058177 of supplies bound for Nauru after taking
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00220-00058178-00058438 some of trans as cargo aboard luttrell
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00221-00058439-00058672 Fionn steamed at full speed toward Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00222-00058673-00059014 arriving on the 23rd of February the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00223-00059015-00059221 unloading of supplies and boarding of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00224-00059222-00059512 civilians proceeded quickly contrary to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00225-00059513-00059752 the initial plan it was decided to take
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00226-00059753-00059919 aboard only part of the Chinese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00227-00059920-00060184 population due to cramped conditions on
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00228-00060185-00060591 the ship sixty-one Westerners 391
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00229-00060592-00060838 Chinese and the 49 members of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00230-00060839-00061162 British garrison embarked 191 Chinese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00231-00061163-00061414 were left on Nauru having been told they
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00232-00061415-00061627 would be evacuated later which in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00233-00061628-00061857 event did not occur due to the rapid
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00234-00061858-00062170 pace of the Japanese advance 7
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00235-00062171-00062389 Westerners including Chalmers and two
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00236-00062390-00062629 missionaries chose to remain feeling it
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00237-00062629-00062788 was their duty to look after the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00238-00062789-00063166 Islanders before evacuating bpc
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00239-00063166-00063370 employees thoroughly sabotage the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00240-00063371-00064040 phosphate mining facilities
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00241-00064041-00064897 topic occupation
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00242-00064898-00065964 topic 1942 beginning of the occupation
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00243-00065965-00066529 topic Japanese invasion
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00244-00066530-00066787 operation rye was the name given by the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00245-00066788-00067006 Japanese to their plan to invade and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00246-00067007-00067328 occupy now ruin ocean island the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00247-00067329-00067531 operation was originally set to be
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00248-00067532-00067859 executed in May 1942 immediately
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00249-00067860-00068068 following operation Merck the invasion
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00250-00068069-00068279 of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00251-00068280-00068522 and before operation me the attack on
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00252-00068523-00068917 Midway the first attempt to occupy Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00253-00068918-00069130 began on the 11th of May when an
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00254-00069131-00069349 imperial japanese invasion force
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00255-00069350-00069613 consisting of a cruiser to mine lays and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00256-00069614-00069817 two destroyers with special naval
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00257-00069818-00070042 landing force units under the command of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00258-00070043-00070288 rear admiral Shemekia height departed
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00259-00070289-00070610 rebel the task force was attacked by the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00260-00070611-00070886 United States Navy submarine as 42
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00261-00070887-00071099 leading to the loss of the men Alea
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00262-00071100-00071254 okunoshima
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00263-00071255-00071516 attempts by the rest of the task force
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00264-00071517-00071713 to continue with the operation were
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00265-00071714-00071938 called off after Japanese reconnaissance
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00266-00071939-00072142 aircraft sighted the American aircraft
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00267-00072143-00072406 carriers USS enterprise and Hornet
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00268-00072407-00072793 heading towards Naru a second invasion
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00269-00072794-00073034 force departed truck on the 26th of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00270-00073035-00073304 August and three days later a company of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00271-00073305-00073594 the 43rd guard force Palau conducted an
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00272-00073595-00073835 unopposed landing on Nauru and assumed
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00273-00073836-00074131 occupation duties they were joined by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00274-00074132-00074356 the fifth special base force Company
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00275-00074357-00074621 which departed makin on September 15th
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00276-00074622-00074866 and arrived at now route two days later
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00277-00074867-00075307 by October 1942 there were 11 officers
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00278-00075308-00075653 and 249 enlisted Japanese soldiers on
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00279-00075654-00076075 Nauru on the 7th of March 1943
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00280-00076076-00076318 captain taken out a canoe Qi arrived to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00281-00076319-00076567 take command of the garrison known as 67
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00282-00076568-00076888 naval guard force he however was ill and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00283-00076889-00077072 bedridden throughout his tenure and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00284-00077073-00077267 command was effectively held by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00285-00077268-00077524 lieutenant Hiromi Nakayama who had led
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00286-00077525-00077867 the initial landing force on the 13th of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00287-00077868-00077905 July
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00288-00077906-00078193 captain Hazuki so ada arrived to replace
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00289-00078194-00078487 taken uchi as commander of 67 naval
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00290-00078488-00078722 guard force a position he held until the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00291-00078723-00078953 end of the war the five Australians who
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00292-00078954-00079196 had remained on Nauru lieutenant colonel
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00293-00079197-00079576 fr Chalmers now Roos administrator dr.
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00294-00079577-00079799 Bernhard Hazelden Quinn government
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00295-00079800-00079899 medical office
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00296-00079900-00080255 mr. WH shark medical assistant mr. f
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00297-00080256-00080628 farmer be PC engineer and mr. WH Doyle
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00298-00080629-00080918 be PC overseer were interned and placed
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00299-00080919-00081129 under guard in a house near the islands
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00300-00081130-00081425 hospital the two missionaries father
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00301-00081426-00081705 alloys Kaiser and Alsatian and father
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00302-00081706-00081950 Pierre clovers a Frenchman were for a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00303-00081951-00082136 time permitted to continue their
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00304-00082137-00082673 religious work
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00305-00082674-00083277 topic new order soon after their arrival
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00306-00083278-00083565 the Japanese appointed Timothy the Chu
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00307-00083566-00083847 dermo as the chief of the natives the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00308-00083848-00084039 now ruins were ordered to obey Him
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00309-00084040-00084282 otherwise they would be skinned and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00310-00084283-00084627 treated as pigs the Chu domo had served
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00311-00084628-00084822 as head chief of the Council of Chief
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00312-00084823-00085041 CIN the pre-war administration and was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00313-00085042-00085235 respected by the narrow ins
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00314-00085236-00085593 under the Japanese regime however he had
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00315-00085594-00085842 no autonomy his duty was only to take
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00316-00085843-00086087 orders from the occupiers and apply them
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00317-00086088-00086367 those who did not follow the Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00318-00086368-00086673 rules could be severely punished the now
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00319-00086674-00086841 ruins would witness the beheading of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00320-00086842-00087120 several Chinese dauber T's and Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00321-00087121-00087471 accused of breaking the law the Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00322-00087472-00087711 requisitioned several houses abandoned
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00323-00087712-00087915 by their inhabitants after the landing
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00324-00087916-00088113 as well as all vehicles owned by the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00325-00088114-00088422 natives they established a rationing
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00326-00088423-00088650 system under which Japanese workers and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00327-00088651-00088917 now ruins were entitled to 900 grams of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00328-00088918-00089208 rice and 45 grams of beef per day while
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00329-00089209-00089441 the Chinese were given smaller rations
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00330-00089442-00089724 all men were obliged to work for the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00331-00089725-00089940 Japanese and along with Korean and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00332-00089941-00090174 Japanese workers were immediately put to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00333-00090175-00090423 work building an airstrip the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00334-00090424-00090594 construction took place at breakneck
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00335-00090595-00090834 pace and the forced workers were beaten
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00336-00090835-00091050 if they were unable to work as fast as
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00337-00091051-00091287 ordered if Japanese rule was harsh when
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00338-00091288-00091500 contrasted with the more paternalistic
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00339-00091501-00091752 Australian approach it was at least for
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00340-00091753-00091980 the native now ruins not as brutal as in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00341-00091981-00092228 other areas controlled by the Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00342-00092229-00092517 the occupiers tried to seduce the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00343-00092518-00092778 natives using propaganda educational
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00344-00092779-00093129 programs and entertainment they opened a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00345-00093130-00093357 Japanese school a language which many
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00346-00093358-00093558 now ruins learned during the war and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00347-00093559-00093801 hired native dancers for celebrations
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00348-00093802-00093981 they organized which brought the now
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00349-00093982-00094266 ruins extra money they opted not to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00350-00094267-00094446 interfere with the work of the two
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00351-00094447-00094677 European priests who had great influence
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00352-00094678-00094884 among the population and allowed
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00353-00094885-00095196 religious services to take place they
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00354-00095197-00095430 also hired some of the employees of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00355-00095431-00095712 former administration however the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00356-00095713-00095919 Japanese were particularly harsh with
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00357-00095920-00095938 the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00358-00095939-00096124 Chinese who were at the bottom of their
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00359-00096125-00096409 perceived racial hierarchy they were
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00360-00096410-00096640 underfed and beaten more often and more
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00361-00096641-00097275 brutally than the other inhabitants
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00362-00097276-00097972 topic military works the organization of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00363-00097973-00098200 the islands defenses was the first task
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00364-00098201-00098614 of the occupiers they cited 152
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00365-00098615-00098845 millimeters artillery pieces around the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00366-00098846-00099106 coast and placed 12 point 7 millimeters
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00367-00099107-00099340 anti-aircraft machine guns on command
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00368-00099341-00099649 ridge they built pillboxes on the beach
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00369-00099650-00099844 bunkers further inland and an
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00370-00099845-00100159 underground hospital their main work was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00371-00100160-00100339 the construction of an airstrip which
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00372-00100340-00100603 after the war formed the basis of Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00373-00100604-00100912 International Airport to build it they
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00374-00100913-00101233 brought in 1500 Japanese and Korean
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00375-00101234-00101455 workers as well as using now ruins
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00376-00101456-00101721 Gilbert ins and Chinese as forced labor
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00377-00101722-00101998 the creation of the airstrip on the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00378-00101999-00102217 narrow coastal belt led to the expulsion
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00379-00102218-00102430 of many natives from the districts of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00380-00102431-00102649 bow and Yaron where the best lands of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00381-00102650-00102930 the island were located the airfield
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00382-00102931-00103335 became operational in January 1943 work
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00383-00103336-00103569 on air strips in mening and Hana bar was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00384-00103570-00103782 begun but never completed one of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00385-00103783-00104023 goals of the Japanese in invading Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00386-00104024-00104221 had been the takeover of the islands
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00387-00104222-00104556 strategic phosphate industry a few days
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00388-00104557-00104779 after their landing on the 29th of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00389-00104780-00105169 August 1942 the occupiers brought in 72
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00390-00105170-00105379 employees of the nan Yoko hatsue
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00391-00105380-00105508 kabushiki kaisha
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00392-00105508-00105754 South Sea Development Company to assess
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00393-00105755-00105952 the condition of the mining facilities
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00394-00105953-00106198 sabotage by the Australians before their
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00395-00106199-00106498 departure they recovered some machinery
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00396-00106499-00106732 parts and ordered some Chinese to start
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00397-00106733-00106968 collecting phosphate however in June
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00398-00106969-00107275 1943 the employees left after some
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00399-00107276-00107581 friction with the military no shipments
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00400-00107582-00107767 of phosphate appear to have been loaded
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00401-00107768-00107968 during the Japanese occupation
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00402-00107969-00108181 now rue was therefore used only as a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00403-00108182-00108411 link in the chain of Japanese defenses
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00404-00108413-00109061 in the Central Pacific Ocean
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00405-00109063-00109600 topic 1943 1944 American offensive
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00406-00109601-00110575 murders deportations and isolation
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00407-00110576-00111222 topic american offensive by the time the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00408-00111223-00111473 Japanese occupied Nauru in the summer of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00409-00111474-00111791 1942 their offensive in the Pacific was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00410-00111792-00111993 coming to an end checked at the Battle
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00411-00111994-00112197 of the Coral Sea and defeated at Milne
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00412-00112198-00112415 Bay and Midway the Japanese were being
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00413-00112416-00112821 forced onto the defensive in 1943 as
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00414-00112822-00113024 American offensives loomed in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00415-00113025-00113189 relatively close Gilbert and Marshall
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00416-00113190-00113481 Islands the garrison on Nauru continued
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00417-00113482-00113714 to improve its defenses unaware that the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00418-00113715-00113939 American Joint Chiefs of Staff at a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00419-00113940-00114164 meeting in August had decided to bypass
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00420-00114165-00114495 the island wrote historian Samuel
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00421-00114496-00114623 Elliott Morrison
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00422-00114624-00114894 it seemed unwise to leave an island with
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00423-00114895-00115253 an airfield only 380 miles from Tarawa
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00424-00115254-00115622 in enemy hands but the more now rue was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00425-00115623-00115889 studied the less anyone liked the idea
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00426-00115890-00116256 of assaulting it for now rue is a solid
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00427-00116257-00116528 island with no harbor or lagoon shaped
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00428-00116529-00116789 like a hat with a narrow brim of coastal
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00429-00116790-00116982 plain where the enemy had built his
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00430-00116983-00117188 airfield and the crown where he had
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00431-00117189-00117512 mounted coast defense artillery the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00432-00117513-00117756 hilly interior was full of holes and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00433-00117757-00117962 caves where phosphate rock had been
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00434-00117963-00118235 excavated just the sort of terrain that
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00435-00118236-00118433 the Japanese liked for defensive
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00436-00118434-00118766 operations although spared a pitched
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00437-00118767-00118971 battle now rue would be subject to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00438-00118972-00119216 regular aerial bombardment while halide
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00439-00119217-00119399 warships made it increasingly difficult
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00440-00119400-00119631 for supply ships to get through to the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00441-00119632-00119752 island
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00442-00119753-00120176 beginning in mid-november 1943 US forces
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00443-00120177-00120381 in support of their campaign in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00444-00120382-00120599 Gilberts pounded now roof for six weeks
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00445-00120600-00120935 effectively destroying the airfield from
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00446-00120936-00121320 December 1943 through January 1945
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00447-00121321-00121593 smaller scale air raids continued on an
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00448-00121594-00122184 almost daily basis
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00449-00122185-00122775 topic the murder of the Australians
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00450-00122776-00123207 on the 25th of March 1943 15 bombers
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00451-00123208-00123533 from the US Army Air Force USAAF bombed
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00452-00123534-00123741 the airstrip destroying eight bombers
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00453-00123742-00124026 and seven fighter planes the five
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00454-00124027-00124242 Australians interned on the island were
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00455-00124243-00124455 killed by the Japanese shortly after
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00456-00124456-00124661 this first American bombing raid after
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00457-00124663-00124926 the war at an Australian military court
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00458-00124927-00125217 trial held in rebel in May 1946
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00459-00125218-00125499 Lieutenant Hiromi Nakayama was sentenced
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00460-00125500-00125664 to death for the crime of killing the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00461-00125665-00125898 five Australians on Nauru and was hanged
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00462-00125899-00126465 on the 10th of August
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00463-00126466-00127025 topic population movements
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00464-00127026-00127291 on now rue the Japanese established a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00465-00127292-00127516 huge garrison relative to the size of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00466-00127517-00128008 the island in June 1943 there were 5,000
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00467-00128008-00128425 187 inhabitants 2,000 more than in 1940
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00468-00128426-00128894 this figure includes 1388 military
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00469-00128895-00129208 personnel and 1,500 Korean and Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00470-00129209-00129527 workers as well as 400 non narrow and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00471-00129528-00129776 Pacific Islanders and Chinese previously
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00472-00129777-00130325 brought in by the BPC the 1848 now ruins
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00473-00130326-00130532 were therefore a minority on their own
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00474-00130533-00130941 island at the end of June 1,000 mile
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00475-00130942-00131240 were brought to now rue the authorities
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00476-00131241-00131432 fearful of starvation on an
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00477-00131433-00131678 overpopulated island kept under blockade
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00478-00131679-00131927 resolved to deport the entire now ruin
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00479-00131928-00132272 population shortly after the arrival of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00480-00132273-00132518 the last military convoy the Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00481-00132519-00132743 called together a now ruin Council and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00482-00132744-00132911 made the announcement of the deportation
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00483-00132912-00133115 of some of the Islanders under the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00484-00133116-00133312 leadership of Timothy des jeux de Mer
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00485-00133313-00133603 they refused to tell the now ruins their
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00486-00133604-00133840 destination which increased anxiety
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00487-00133841-00134072 among the population they were only told
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00488-00134073-00134243 that the island to which they would be
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00489-00134244-00134531 sent had an abundance of food just
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00490-00134532-00134822 before departure Nakayama second in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00491-00134823-00135050 military hierarchy of the island gave
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00492-00135051-00135251 the Chu demo a letter bearing the seal
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00493-00135252-00135490 of the Emperor Hirohito indicating that
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00494-00135491-00135718 the now ruins were under his protection
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00495-00135719-00136015 this document was later used for safe
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00496-00136016-00136295 conduct by the exiles on the 29th of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00497-00136296-00136649 June 1943 600 now ruins and seven
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00498-00136650-00136832 Chinese were brought to the waterfront
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00499-00136833-00137041 and taken aboard by night to avoid
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00500-00137042-00137225 allied attacks the freighter
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00501-00137226-00137552 Akiba san maru the following day the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00502-00137553-00137819 boat set sail escorted by a small Navy
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00503-00137820-00138053 ship for the truck Islands side of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00504-00138054-00138278 headquarters of Japanese forces in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00505-00138279-00138578 Central Pacific 1600 kilometers
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00506-00138579-00138785 northwest of Naru in the Caroline
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00507-00138786-00139010 Islands following this departure the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00508-00139011-00139208 Japanese committed what is considered
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00509-00139209-00139403 their worst war crime on Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00510-00139404-00139673 the massacre of 39 lepers who lived in a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00511-00139674-00139868 colony built by the Australians in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00512-00139869-00140150 mening before the arrival of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00513-00140151-00140408 Japanese the lepers had been able to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00514-00140409-00140602 visits from their families and in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00515-00140603-00140815 certain instances have their children
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00516-00140816-00141139 live with them the occupiers fearful of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00517-00141140-00141379 contagion isolated them completely as
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00518-00141380-00141593 soon as they land it and included their
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00519-00141594-00141853 families in the first boat to truck on
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00520-00141854-00142247 the 11th of July 1943 the thirty-nine
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00521-00142248-00142514 lepers having been told they were to be
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00522-00142515-00142808 transferred to a colony on pond ape were
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00523-00142809-00143012 placed aboard a fishing boat which was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00524-00143013-00143213 then towed out to sea by the Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00525-00143214-00143549 picket boat Shinshu Maru once the boats
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00526-00143550-00143771 were out of sight of now Ruth a tow rope
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00527-00143772-00143984 was cut and sailors aboard the shinshu
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00528-00143985-00144218 Maru began firing on the fishing boat
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00529-00144219-00144431 with the ship's 50 millimetres cannon
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00530-00144432-00144836 and 7.7 millimetres machine gun the now
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00531-00144837-00145051 ruins were finished off with rifle fire
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00532-00145052-00145321 and the boat capsized and sank
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00533-00145322-00145595 lieutenant Nakayama the de facto
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00534-00145596-00145757 commander who had ordered the massacre
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00535-00145758-00145973 would later tell the new garrison
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00536-00145974-00146195 commander captain so later that the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00537-00146196-00146396 lepers in their boat had been lost in a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00538-00146397-00146648 typhoon while being taken to jail out at
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00539-00146649-00146684 all
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00540-00146685-00147040 the following month 659 emaciated burna
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00541-00147041-00147209 bonds were brought to now roof from
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00542-00147210-00147413 neighboring Ocean Island which was also
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00543-00147414-00147758 under Japanese occupation they told the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00544-00147759-00147928 now ruins about the drought in their
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00545-00147929-00148153 land which had become barren because of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00546-00148154-00148358 the Japanese presence forcing them to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00547-00148359-00148595 eat grass and tree bark for survival a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00548-00148596-00148934 new contingent of 1200 soldiers arrived
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00549-00148935-00149258 the 6th of August 1943 and the same day
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00550-00149259-00149578 another group of 601 now ruins mainly
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00551-00149579-00149762 women and children led by the two
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00552-00149763-00149981 Catholic priests alloys Kaiser and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00553-00149982-00150213 Pierre climbers were sent into exile
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00554-00150214-00150490 there had not yet been any news of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00555-00150491-00150763 whereabouts of the first group although
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00556-00150764-00150974 cramped conditions aboard the boats
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00557-00150975-00151153 bringing the now ruins to the truck--
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00558-00151154-00151418 islands were bearable for the vast
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00559-00151419-00151676 majority of the exiles it was the first
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00560-00151677-00151919 time they had left their isolated island
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00561-00151920-00152168 therefore along with the general anxiety
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00562-00152169-00152324 there was some excitement
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00563-00152325-00152525 particularly among now ruined youth on
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00564-00152526-00152768 the 11th of September the boat which was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00565-00152769-00152969 to be used to deport the remaining now
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00566-00152970-00153137 ruins arrived off the coast of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00567-00153138-00153383 island only to be destroyed by a torpedo
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00568-00153384-00153677 from an American submarine this
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00569-00153678-00153788 prevented the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00570-00153789-00153968 knees from completing their plan of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00571-00153969-00154220 removing the entire now ruin population
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00572-00154221-00154418 and allowing only uprooted people
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00573-00154419-00154634 without specific land rights to remain
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00574-00154635-00155066 on the island in 1943 1200 narrow ins
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00575-00155067-00155252 left but were replaced by a larger
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00576-00155253-00155501 number of Japanese & burna bonds thus
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00577-00155502-00155681 doing nothing to alleviate food
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00578-00155682-00156203 shortages
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00579-00156204-00156804 topic survival in isolation
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00580-00156805-00157095 occupied Nauru was at the very end of a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00581-00157096-00157308 long supply line linking the Pacific
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00582-00157309-00157641 Islands to Japan the American advance
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00583-00157642-00157836 toward the western Pacific and the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00584-00157837-00158019 growing effectiveness of American
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00585-00158020-00158280 submarines made supply missions to Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00586-00158281-00158709 increasingly difficult in September 1943
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00587-00158710-00158937 a 6,000 ton freighter loaded with
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00588-00158938-00159156 supplies for the Japanese garrison was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00589-00159157-00159288 sunk off the island
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00590-00159289-00159597 in addition the annual monsoon rains
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00591-00159598-00159984 largely failed during the 1943-1944
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00592-00159985-00160227 season resulting in a severe drought on
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00593-00160228-00160671 the island in early January 1944 only
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00594-00160672-00160905 two Japanese supply ships made it - now
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00595-00160906-00161244 Rou the second boat arrived on the 10th
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00596-00161245-00161484 of January and was the last surface ship
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00597-00161485-00161715 to resupply the base for the duration of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00598-00161716-00162039 the war a final delivery of provisions
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00599-00162040-00162204 and ammunition was made by two
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00600-00162205-00162528 submarines in September 1944 the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00601-00162529-00162753 situation forced the inhabitants to look
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00602-00162754-00163077 for alternatives to imported goods their
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00603-00163078-00163299 main concern was to compensate for the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00604-00163300-00163524 lack of food supplies especially the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00605-00163525-00163725 rice that was the staple food under the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00606-00163726-00163986 Japanese occupation one of the now ruins
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00607-00163987-00164223 methods to reach self-sufficiency was to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00608-00164224-00164526 exploit their gardens to the forest they
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00609-00164527-00164766 cultivated many edible plants and was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00610-00164767-00165021 soon imitated by the Japanese who began
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00611-00165022-00165339 to farm every space available they grew
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00612-00165340-00165629 eggplant corn pumpkin and sweet potato
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00613-00165630-00165909 still lacking sufficient output they
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00614-00165910-00166167 created pumpkin plantations using half
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00615-00166168-00166380 drums filled with night soil which had
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00616-00166381-00166584 been collected from the population by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00617-00166585-00166890 forced Chinese workers this method
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00618-00166891-00167118 turned out to be extremely productive in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00619-00167119-00167313 now Rouge tropical weather but as a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00620-00167314-00167556 result dysentery spread killing several
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00621-00167557-00167862 people swarms of flies appeared around
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00622-00167863-00168066 the plantations and the smell was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00623-00168067-00168390 unbearable toddy brewed with the sap of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00624-00168391-00168636 coconut trees was a valuable dietary
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00625-00168637-00168846 supplement and at times the only food
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00626-00168847-00169149 available all the trees used for toddy
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00627-00169150-00169356 were inventoried and allocated to the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00628-00169357-00169653 population 3 for each Japanese - for a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00629-00169654-00169922 Pacific Islander and one for a Chinese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00630-00169923-00170142 they were used to such a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00631-00170143-00170352 extent that they were no longer able to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00632-00170353-00170640 produce coconuts after learning that
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00633-00170641-00170826 rubber tree fruit was edible
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00634-00170827-00171048 the Japanese forbade the Islanders from
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00635-00171049-00171231 gathering it and started eating it
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00636-00171232-00171306 themselves
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00637-00171307-00171518 there was an upsurge of hunting fishing
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00638-00171519-00171738 harvesting and other traditional
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00639-00171739-00171939 practices which had fallen into disuse
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00640-00171940-00172302 during colonization men would go up the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00641-00172303-00172536 cliffs hunting black Nadi a local small
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00642-00172537-00172794 bird while women were collecting seafood
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00643-00172795-00173010 in the reefs everyone was fishing as
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00644-00173011-00173295 much as possible now ruined women
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00645-00173296-00173523 produced twine made of coconut tree
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00646-00173524-00173760 fiber which was used for construction in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00647-00173761-00173958 lieu of nails as well as for canoe
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00648-00173959-00174288 making and fishing from pandanus leaves
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00649-00174289-00174537 they made a strong fabric used for mats
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00650-00174538-00175281 baskets shelter pieces and sails
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00651-00175282-00176001 topic 1945 last year of war
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00652-00176002-00176412 by January 1945 the air raids on Nauru
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00653-00176413-00176625 had tapered off the front lines of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00654-00176626-00176840 Pacific War having moved to the west
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00655-00176841-00177162 about 40 now ruins had been killed in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00656-00177163-00177456 the attacks and many more injured the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00657-00177457-00177735 food shortage became acute several
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00658-00177736-00177972 Chinese workers died of starvation and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00659-00177973-00178197 Islanders of all stripes suffered from
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00660-00178198-00178404 various diseases made worse by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00661-00178405-00178659 malnutrition dwindling medical supplies
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00662-00178660-00178860 and the increasingly unsanitary
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00663-00178861-00179151 conditions on the island for the most
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00664-00179152-00179436 part however the now ruins on Nauru were
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00665-00179437-00179628 faring better than their kinsmen who had
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00666-00179629-00180029 been deported in 1943 the now ruined
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00667-00180030-00180321 exiles had been relocated to tarik tole
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00668-00180322-00180566 FEV an and other highlands in the truck
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00669-00180567-00180762 archipelago modern chook in the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00670-00180763-00181089 federated states of micronesia as on now
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00671-00181090-00181326 roo they had been forced to work for the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00672-00181327-00181593 Japanese and had faced food shortages as
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00673-00181594-00181809 truck was in turn bombed and cut off by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00674-00181810-00182106 the Americans despite the best efforts
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00675-00182107-00182349 of timothy de tu de Meaux father kaiser
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00676-00182350-00182619 father climbers and others conditions
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00677-00182620-00182816 were made worse in truck by complete
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00678-00182817-00183006 lack of medical care in the now ruined
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00679-00183007-00183348 statuses aliens the native turkeys
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00680-00183349-00183519 resented having to share scarce
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00681-00183520-00183738 resources with the interlopers while the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00682-00183739-00183948 Japanese treated them much more harshly
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00683-00183949-00184269 than on Nauru many of the exiles
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00684-00184270-00184479 suffered beatings and many women were
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00685-00184480-00184788 sexually assaulted all were forced into
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00686-00184789-00185013 long hours of heavy labor mainly
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00687-00185014-00185226 excavating defensive positions and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00688-00185227-00185516 growing food for the Japanese garrison
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00689-00185517-00185778 even after the Japanese surrender
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00690-00185779-00186099 announcement on the 15th of August 1945
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00691-00186100-00186339 the now ruined exiles had little choice
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00692-00186340-00186561 but to continue working for the Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00693-00186562-00186804 for several weeks seemingly forgotten by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00694-00186805-00187119 the victorious Allies while des jeux de
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00695-00187120-00187335 Meaux wrote letters to Allied commanders
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00696-00187336-00187575 pleading for help now ruins continued to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00697-00187576-00187803 die of malnutrition related illnesses
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00698-00187804-00188145 and simple starvation in one six-month
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00699-00188146-00188529 period in 1945 200 now ruins died on
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00700-00188530-00188898 Terok in January 1946 the deportees were
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00701-00188899-00189132 finally repatriated to now rue by the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00702-00189133-00189351 BPC ship transer
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00703-00189352-00189699 at the 1,200 now ruins who had left in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00704-00189700-00190507 1943 fewer than 800 returned
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00705-00190508-00191086 topic Japanese surrender
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00706-00191087-00191362 as the Pacific War finally reached its
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00707-00191363-00191587 end there was some uncertainty among the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00708-00191588-00191806 Allies as to whom now ruin neighboring
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00709-00191807-00192024 ocean island should be surrendered -
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00710-00192025-00192298 they were in a zone under American
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00711-00192299-00192523 command and it had been planned that US
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00712-00192524-00192712 troops would liberate the islands
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00713-00192713-00192886 however the Australians and New
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00714-00192887-00193120 Zealanders emphasized the fact that both
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00715-00193121-00193315 Islands were critical to their economy
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00716-00193316-00193528 and that phosphate mining needed to be
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00717-00193529-00193831 resumed as soon as possible thus it was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00718-00193832-00194011 agreed that the Royal Australian Navy
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00719-00194012-00194194 would handle the task with the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00720-00194195-00194386 Australian commander signing the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00721-00194387-00194616 surrender document Twice first is the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00722-00194617-00194839 representative of the United Kingdom and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00723-00194840-00195016 then on behalf of the American
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00724-00195017-00195229 commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00725-00195230-00195451 on the 8th of September Australian
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00726-00195452-00195670 planes dropped leaflets giving notice of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00727-00195671-00195871 the coming of three boats with personnel
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00728-00195872-00196195 to oversee surrender proceedings five
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00729-00196196-00196491 days later on the 13th of September the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00730-00196492-00196804 frigate HMAS diamantina arrived offshore
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00731-00196805-00197083 escorted by the frigate HMAS bird kin
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00732-00197084-00197434 and the corvette HMAS Glenelg on board
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00733-00197435-00197638 were well-known figures of the colonial
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00734-00197639-00197878 administration including William Bott
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00735-00197879-00198109 the administrator of the local unit of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00736-00198110-00198319 the British phosphate Commission and Tom
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00737-00198320-00198585 eschewed head of the now ruin police
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00738-00198586-00198823 returning with them were five young now
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00739-00198824-00199048 ruins who had spent the war in Australia
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00740-00199049-00199231 where they had been studying at its
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00741-00199232-00199504 outbreak as the boat approached the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00742-00199505-00199714 islands the passengers could plainly see
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00743-00199715-00200038 the devastation wrought on the island by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00744-00200039-00200260 means of signals they arranged with the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00745-00200261-00200449 Japanese to conduct the surrender
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00746-00200450-00200754 ceremony at 2 p.m. the Australian
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00747-00200755-00201016 commander Brigadier jay-ar Stevenson
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00748-00201017-00201265 accompanied by P Phipps of the Royal New
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00749-00201266-00201490 Zealand Navy and representatives of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00750-00201491-00201772 bpc received the surrender of Hisi Yuki
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00751-00201773-00202029 so ADA Commandant of Nowruz Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00752-00202030-00202369 garrison as a sign of submission he
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00753-00202370-00202616 handed his katana to Stevenson the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00754-00202617-00202876 weapon was placed on the center of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00755-00202877-00203023 table and the instrument of surrender
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00756-00203024-00203325 was then read in English and in Japanese
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00757-00203326-00203644 so aid about in sign of agreement signed
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00758-00203645-00203863 the document and rapidly left the boat
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00759-00203864-00204073 leaving his officers on board to be
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00760-00204074-00204271 interrogated the following day a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00761-00204272-00204472 contingent of 500 Australia
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00762-00204473-00204766 soldiers landed they were greeted by a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00763-00204767-00205003 jubilant crowd while the Japanese were
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00764-00205004-00205215 confined to their barracks that
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00765-00205216-00205540 afternoon during a military ceremony the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00766-00205541-00205794 Union Jack was hoisted over now roof for
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00767-00205796-00206080 the first time in three years the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00768-00206081-00206275 executives of the British phosphate
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00769-00206276-00206458 Commission surveyed the island to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00770-00206459-00206673 determine the extent of war damage to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00771-00206675-00206875 mining infrastructure and found the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00772-00206876-00207098 phosphate factory totally destroyed
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00773-00207100-00207379 however they found that the health of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00774-00207380-00207562 the population was better than had been
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00775-00207563-00207805 expected based on the testimony of two
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00776-00207806-00208073 Japanese who had fled the island in June
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00777-00208075-00208642 1945 between 1 to 3 October the 3745
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00778-00208642-00208864 Japanese and Koreans on the island were
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00779-00208865-00209086 taken on board allied ships heading for
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00780-00209087-00209266 Bougainville Island in the Solomon
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00781-00209267-00209551 Islands during the transfer
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00782-00209552-00209773 the former occupiers were molested by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00783-00209773-00209973 the now ruins in charge of the boarding
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00784-00209975-00210286 operations they were also violently
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00785-00210287-00210519 attacked with canes by Chinese seeking
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00786-00210521-00210814 revenge on their former tormentors the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00787-00210815-00211030 abuses were harshly pushed back by the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00788-00211031-00211581 Australians
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00789-00211582-00212106 topic aftermath
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00790-00212107-00212388 no climactic battle ever took place on
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00791-00212389-00212621 now rue and the Japanese launched only a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00792-00212623-00212840 handful of minor raids from it
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00793-00212841-00213090 nevertheless the island played an
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00794-00213091-00213300 important role in the campaigns of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00795-00213301-00213585 Central Pacific it was too well defended
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00796-00213586-00213810 to invade yet it's airfield and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00797-00213811-00214002 strategic location made it too
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00798-00214003-00214128 threatening to ignore
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00799-00214129-00214308 thus the Americans had to divert
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00800-00214309-00214512 considerable effort and resources to
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00801-00214513-00214800 keep it neutralized it could be said
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00802-00214801-00215028 that militarily the Japanese are now
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00803-00215029-00215361 routed their job very effectively over
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00804-00215362-00215561 300 of them died from malnutrition
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00805-00215562-00215837 disease and enemy action
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00806-00215838-00216119 the British phosphate Commission moved
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00807-00216121-00216402 quickly with much of the European staff
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00808-00216403-00216660 returned new facilities built and new
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00809-00216661-00216852 workers brought in production was
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00810-00216853-00217314 resumed in July 1946 sanitary conditions
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00811-00217315-00217653 on the island were quickly restored for
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00812-00217654-00217857 the now ruins the occupation had a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00813-00217858-00218061 profound effect on their society and
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00814-00218062-00218348 psychology unprotected by the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00815-00218350-00218573 Australians bombed by the Americans
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00816-00218575-00218835 tormented by the Japanese and shunned by
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00817-00218836-00218990 the chookies the seeds of
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00818-00218991-00219294 self-determination were planted wrote
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00819-00219294-00219642 historian Nancy J Pollock first
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00820-00219642-00219846 determined to control their own lives
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00821-00219846-00220077 after having been pawns in a major war
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00822-00220078-00220278 they rejected the British phosphate
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00823-00220279-00220581 Commission's offer to relocate them now
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00824-00220582-00220806 ruins wanted to maintain ties to their
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00825-00220807-00221048 Island after the war the fight for
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00826-00221050-00221253 phosphate royalties continued with
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00827-00221254-00221471 renewed vigor ending only when the now
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00828-00221473-00221688 ruins bought the phosphate industry from
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00829-00221689-00221901 the Commission for 20 million dollars a
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00830-00221902-00222114 transaction entwined intimately with
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00831-00222115-00222365 Nauru's Declaration of Independence in
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00832-00222366-00222825 1968 second their land became even more
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00833-00222826-00223116 precious to them most now ruins continue
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00834-00223117-00223398 to live on now rue those who do migrate
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00835-00223398-00223646 do so either to seek education to take
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00836-00223648-00223830 positions in narrow and diplomatic
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00837-00223831-00224117 missions or in a few cases to take jobs
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00838-00224119-00224388 in Australia but the bulk of the
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00839-00224389-00224607 narrowing population can be found living
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00840-00224608-00224921 on the island of Nauru in this they
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00841-00224923-00225117 differ markedly from other Pacific
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00842-00225117-00225294 island nations where a growing
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00843-00225294-00225490 proportion of the population is too
ZrJ4bcInGrg-00844-00225491-00225889 be found in metropolitan countries
Zt94F1s8XaY-00000-00000000-00000353 is thanksgiving
Zt94F1s8XaY-00001-00000354-00001014 and for the label people with dieting
Zt94F1s8XaY-00002-00001015-00001398 issues they're diabetic when it got
Zt94F1s8XaY-00003-00001399-00001669 teeth
Zt94F1s8XaY-00004-00001670-00001864 get exactly going to eat at people's
Zt94F1s8XaY-00005-00001864-00002185 house so I have my little microwave
Zt94F1s8XaY-00006-00002186-00002734 dinners
Zt94F1s8XaY-00007-00002735-00002932 now yesterday I weren't feeling too good
Zt94F1s8XaY-00008-00002933-00003076 so I didn't feel like going in this
Zt94F1s8XaY-00009-00003077-00003354 store get the zone so I got a banquet
Zt94F1s8XaY-00010-00003356-00003769 dinner banquet spaghetti I don't want to
Zt94F1s8XaY-00011-00003770-00004125 cut one another it's just a spaghetti
Zt94F1s8XaY-00012-00004126-00004849 this was a very merry this
Zt94F1s8XaY-00013-00004850-00005416 88 seen
Zt94F1s8XaY-00014-00005417-00005830 that's considers beginning
Zt94F1s8XaY-00015-00005831-00006085 they don't even have any then we'll have
Zt94F1s8XaY-00016-00006086-00006534 enough tomato sauce to actually put on
Zt94F1s8XaY-00017-00006534-00006901 spaghetti and different men in the night
Zt94F1s8XaY-00018-00006902-00007806 spaghetti noodles would like two pieces
Zt94F1s8XaY-00019-00007808-00008137 of not to be like a half a pack of
Zt94F1s8XaY-00020-00008138-00008851 ketchup and that's it so let's brother
Zt94F1s8XaY-00021-00008852-00009181 bring file something I'm going to be
Zt94F1s8XaY-00022-00009182-00009360 eating this and another one of these two
Zt94F1s8XaY-00023-00009361-00009732 that
Zt94F1s8XaY-00024-00009733-00009942 now it's one o'clock i got home and
Zt94F1s8XaY-00025-00009943-00010161 tired of you know like waiting to see if
Zt94F1s8XaY-00026-00010162-00010416 you were gonna bring some buff but i can
Zt94F1s8XaY-00027-00010417-00010608 guarantee you this and how I after I get
Zt94F1s8XaY-00028-00010609-00010899 through an evening he'll stop by wanna
Zt94F1s8XaY-00029-00010900-00011244 play the food always an hour after i get
Zt94F1s8XaY-00030-00011245-00011951 to read
Zt94F1s8XaY-00031-00011952-00013240 maps out is I got a little bit of role
Zt94F1s8XaY-00032-00013241-00014797 this is from the
Zt94F1s8XaY-00033-00014799-00015240 that Oscar Meyer little kids pack thing
Zt94F1s8XaY-00034-00015241-00015744 you know it's a mini ho ye will not
Zt94F1s8XaY-00035-00015744-00016913 perky and tease and
Zt94F1s8XaY-00036-00016914-00017210 turkey cheese LOL kool aid you know
Zt94F1s8XaY-00037-00017211-00017528 whatever that's gone one made some
Zt94F1s8XaY-00038-00017529-00018142 homemade pineapple cake it's just Kate
Zt94F1s8XaY-00039-00018143-00018548 that's just pineapple cake and apple
Zt94F1s8XaY-00040-00018549-00018813 cake me
Zt94F1s8XaY-00041-00018814-00019179 not upside down cake or cable pineapple
Zt94F1s8XaY-00042-00019180-00019565 on top
Zt94F1s8XaY-00043-00019566-00019784 but ice technically monk dinner I'm at
Zt94F1s8XaY-00044-00019785-00020186 my launch so if I get anything for
Zt94F1s8XaY-00045-00020187-00020468 dinner I'll let you know
ZuURhUprKX0-00000-00000648-00000943 welcome to the fifth lecture of
ZuURhUprKX0-00001-00000944-00001231 conference 35. it's my pleasure
ZuURhUprKX0-00002-00001232-00001495 to present to you my colleague dr
ZuURhUprKX0-00003-00001496-00001687 colleen jacks who is an associate
ZuURhUprKX0-00004-00001688-00001918 professor of biology in this
ZuURhUprKX0-00005-00001919-00002167 college and as it turns out
ZuURhUprKX0-00006-00002168-00002375 the very successful
ZuURhUprKX0-00007-00002376-00002859 chairperson of the nobel conference 35.
ZuURhUprKX0-00008-00002860-00002948 [Music]
ZuURhUprKX0-00009-00002949-00003240 [Applause]
ZuURhUprKX0-00010-00003242-00003670 [Music]
ZuURhUprKX0-00011-00003671-00003806 thank you dick
ZuURhUprKX0-00012-00003807-00004006 the term telomere was first used by the
ZuURhUprKX0-00013-00004007-00004238 famous fly geneticist hermann mueller in
ZuURhUprKX0-00014-00004239-00004502 1940 to describe the ends of the linear
ZuURhUprKX0-00015-00004503-00004719 chromosomes observed in plant and animal
ZuURhUprKX0-00016-00004720-00004831 cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00017-00004832-00004991 microscopic studies of broken
ZuURhUprKX0-00018-00004992-00005159 chromosomes demonstrated that these
ZuURhUprKX0-00019-00005160-00005383 telomeres had special properties
ZuURhUprKX0-00020-00005384-00005518 protecting the chromosomes from
ZuURhUprKX0-00021-00005519-00005718 destruction by the cell
ZuURhUprKX0-00022-00005719-00005902 much of elizabeth blackburn's scientific
ZuURhUprKX0-00023-00005903-00006118 career has been spent in the biochemical
ZuURhUprKX0-00024-00006119-00006367 characterization of telomeres to better
ZuURhUprKX0-00025-00006368-00006591 understand their unique makeup and how
ZuURhUprKX0-00026-00006592-00006831 the cell maintains their structure
ZuURhUprKX0-00027-00006831-00007039 her work in this area allowed the
ZuURhUprKX0-00028-00007040-00007183 development of the yeast artificial
ZuURhUprKX0-00029-00007184-00007431 chromosomes used to clone the long
ZuURhUprKX0-00030-00007431-00007655 segments of dna necessary for genome
ZuURhUprKX0-00031-00007656-00007927 sequencing and has provided tantalizing
ZuURhUprKX0-00032-00007928-00008142 possibilities for new cancer therapies
ZuURhUprKX0-00033-00008143-00008407 and for slowing the aging process
ZuURhUprKX0-00034-00008408-00008671 one publication referred to her as the
ZuURhUprKX0-00035-00008672-00008910 queen of the telomeres in recognition of
ZuURhUprKX0-00036-00008911-00009174 her groundbreaking work in this area
ZuURhUprKX0-00037-00009175-00009383 dr blackburn obtained her bachelor's and
ZuURhUprKX0-00038-00009384-00009551 master's degrees from the university of
ZuURhUprKX0-00039-00009552-00009839 melbourne in australia and her phd in
ZuURhUprKX0-00040-00009840-00010031 molecular biology at the university of
ZuURhUprKX0-00041-00010032-00010287 cambridge england working in the mrc
ZuURhUprKX0-00042-00010288-00010487 laboratory of fred sanger at the time
ZuURhUprKX0-00043-00010488-00010710 that the dna sequencing techniques were
ZuURhUprKX0-00044-00010711-00010919 developed in his lab
ZuURhUprKX0-00045-00010920-00011078 while at yale university as a
ZuURhUprKX0-00046-00011079-00011246 postdoctoral fellow
ZuURhUprKX0-00047-00011247-00011527 dr blackburn isolated the repeating dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00048-00011528-00011703 sequence that makes up the telomeres of
ZuURhUprKX0-00049-00011704-00011991 the single-celled organism tetrahymena
ZuURhUprKX0-00050-00011992-00012183 she continued her telomere research as a
ZuURhUprKX0-00051-00012184-00012399 molecular biology faculty member at the
ZuURhUprKX0-00052-00012400-00012623 university of california berkeley where
ZuURhUprKX0-00053-00012624-00012838 she and co-workers isolated and
ZuURhUprKX0-00054-00012839-00013111 characterized the enzyme telomerase an
ZuURhUprKX0-00055-00013112-00013375 unusual enzyme made of both rna and
ZuURhUprKX0-00056-00013376-00013575 protein and responsible for the
ZuURhUprKX0-00057-00013576-00013807 maintenance of the telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-00058-00013808-00014119 in 1990 she moved across the bay to the
ZuURhUprKX0-00059-00014119-00014358 university of california san francisco
ZuURhUprKX0-00060-00014359-00014551 where she has served as professor and
ZuURhUprKX0-00061-00014552-00014743 chair in the department of microbiology
ZuURhUprKX0-00062-00014744-00015127 and immunology since 1993.
ZuURhUprKX0-00063-00015128-00015335 during her career dr blackburn has
ZuURhUprKX0-00064-00015336-00015543 served on the editorial boards or as an
ZuURhUprKX0-00065-00015544-00015758 editor of many scientific journals
ZuURhUprKX0-00066-00015759-00015983 organized international conferences and
ZuURhUprKX0-00067-00015984-00016158 still found time to develop program
ZuURhUprKX0-00068-00016159-00016350 materials for winding your way through
ZuURhUprKX0-00069-00016351-00016599 dna at the exploratorium in san
ZuURhUprKX0-00070-00016600-00016735 francisco
ZuURhUprKX0-00071-00016736-00016927 her numerous awards many of which are
ZuURhUprKX0-00072-00016928-00017127 listed in your program include the eli
ZuURhUprKX0-00073-00017128-00017327 lilly research award for microbiology
ZuURhUprKX0-00074-00017328-00017599 and immunology and election to the royal
ZuURhUprKX0-00075-00017600-00017822 society of london the national academy
ZuURhUprKX0-00076-00017823-00017950 of sciences
ZuURhUprKX0-00077-00017951-00018158 and president of the american society of
ZuURhUprKX0-00078-00018159-00018335 cell biology
ZuURhUprKX0-00079-00018336-00018519 please welcome dr blackburn who will
ZuURhUprKX0-00080-00018520-00018783 speak this afternoon on telomerase dr
ZuURhUprKX0-00081-00018784-00020167 jekyll or mr hyde
ZuURhUprKX0-00082-00020168-00020391 thank you colleen it's it's truly a
ZuURhUprKX0-00083-00020392-00020671 delight to be here to participate in
ZuURhUprKX0-00084-00020672-00020975 this very stimulating very exciting
ZuURhUprKX0-00085-00020976-00021175 nobel conference
ZuURhUprKX0-00086-00021176-00021327 i'm especially happy because this is
ZuURhUprKX0-00087-00021328-00021622 also my very first visit to minnesota i
ZuURhUprKX0-00088-00021623-00021775 don't count the time spent in the
ZuURhUprKX0-00089-00021776-00022022 airport on the way through so this is
ZuURhUprKX0-00090-00022023-00022367 this has been especially wonderful
ZuURhUprKX0-00091-00022368-00022543 visit for me
ZuURhUprKX0-00092-00022544-00022839 now we've been hearing about enormous
ZuURhUprKX0-00093-00022840-00023103 numbers of genes the whole panoply of
ZuURhUprKX0-00094-00023104-00023455 genes that is presented by our genomes
ZuURhUprKX0-00095-00023456-00023791 and the genomes of many other creatures
ZuURhUprKX0-00096-00023792-00024022 but this afternoon i'm going to talk
ZuURhUprKX0-00097-00024023-00024342 really only about very few genes some
ZuURhUprKX0-00098-00024343-00024607 genes uh and i'm going to talk about a
ZuURhUprKX0-00099-00024608-00024894 special part of the chromosome in fact
ZuURhUprKX0-00100-00024895-00025167 not really a gene at all
ZuURhUprKX0-00101-00025168-00025463 now that special part is the telomere
ZuURhUprKX0-00102-00025464-00025783 and it's the end of the chromosome
ZuURhUprKX0-00103-00025783-00025967 and the genes in their products that
ZuURhUprKX0-00104-00025968-00026183 i'll be talking about focusing on are
ZuURhUprKX0-00105-00026183-00026487 those of telomerase which makes the the
ZuURhUprKX0-00106-00026488-00026846 dna of the telomeres in the cell
ZuURhUprKX0-00107-00026847-00027143 and telomeres and telomerase profoundly
ZuURhUprKX0-00108-00027144-00027495 affect how the chromosomes do their jobs
ZuURhUprKX0-00109-00027495-00027687 now we've been hearing about the
ZuURhUprKX0-00110-00027688-00027999 chromosomes as the carriers of the
ZuURhUprKX0-00111-00028000-00028287 genetic information of all the genes of
ZuURhUprKX0-00112-00028288-00028518 our genetic blueprint
ZuURhUprKX0-00113-00028519-00028727 but the job of the chromosome is also to
ZuURhUprKX0-00114-00028727-00028958 make sure that those genes get
ZuURhUprKX0-00115-00028960-00029214 faithfully transmitted all of them in
ZuURhUprKX0-00116-00029216-00029383 their entirety
ZuURhUprKX0-00117-00029383-00029502 intact
ZuURhUprKX0-00118-00029504-00029767 from cell to daughter cell and from
ZuURhUprKX0-00119-00029768-00029887 generation
ZuURhUprKX0-00120-00029888-00030399 to generation
ZuURhUprKX0-00121-00030400-00030783 here depicted on the first slide
ZuURhUprKX0-00122-00030783-00031111 you see that
ZuURhUprKX0-00123-00031112-00031295 can you is it going to
ZuURhUprKX0-00124-00031295-00031990 gradually appear like the rising sun
ZuURhUprKX0-00125-00031991-00032079 is
ZuURhUprKX0-00126-00032080-00032343 is this lightening up at all
ZuURhUprKX0-00127-00032344-00032535 okay
ZuURhUprKX0-00128-00032536-00032839 good
ZuURhUprKX0-00129-00032840-00032943 you're okay
ZuURhUprKX0-00130-00032944-00033190 okay so what what's shown here on the
ZuURhUprKX0-00131-00033191-00033471 left is uh the progress of the cell as
ZuURhUprKX0-00132-00033472-00033623 it's dividing and i just put one
ZuURhUprKX0-00133-00033624-00033855 chromosome in it for
ZuURhUprKX0-00134-00033856-00034062 demonstration purposes and the
ZuURhUprKX0-00135-00034063-00034327 chromosome has two long arms filled with
ZuURhUprKX0-00136-00034328-00034583 lots of dna and little nipped in waste
ZuURhUprKX0-00137-00034584-00034735 called the centromere which i'll
ZuURhUprKX0-00138-00034736-00034999 describe briefly and it has the two ends
ZuURhUprKX0-00139-00035000-00035223 and right away even before the cell is
ZuURhUprKX0-00140-00035224-00035495 starting to divide um a lot of evidence
ZuURhUprKX0-00141-00035496-00035711 indicates that the telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-00142-00035712-00035902 help to hold the chromosome in the right
ZuURhUprKX0-00143-00035903-00036183 places in the nucleus and we don't
ZuURhUprKX0-00144-00036184-00036399 understand what that accomplishes for
ZuURhUprKX0-00145-00036400-00036599 the cell but we just noticed that that
ZuURhUprKX0-00146-00036600-00036727 does happen
ZuURhUprKX0-00147-00036728-00037007 now all of that dna replica dna has to
ZuURhUprKX0-00148-00037008-00037246 become replicated if it's going to be
ZuURhUprKX0-00149-00037247-00037583 faithfully passed on from one cell to
ZuURhUprKX0-00150-00037584-00037815 its daughter cells and so one of the
ZuURhUprKX0-00151-00037816-00037990 things that the telomere has to do as
ZuURhUprKX0-00152-00037991-00038207 i'll describe in a moment is to ensure
ZuURhUprKX0-00153-00038208-00038471 that the dna is actually completely
ZuURhUprKX0-00154-00038472-00038759 replicated all the way to the ends
ZuURhUprKX0-00155-00038760-00038927 so let's say the dna has become
ZuURhUprKX0-00156-00038928-00039230 replicated the next job is for that
ZuURhUprKX0-00157-00039231-00039462 now duplicated chromosome to partition
ZuURhUprKX0-00158-00039463-00039767 both of its copies correctly to each of
ZuURhUprKX0-00159-00039768-00039983 what will become its two daughter cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00160-00039984-00040102 on the bottom
ZuURhUprKX0-00161-00040103-00040430 and that involves the chromosome being
ZuURhUprKX0-00162-00040431-00040727 pulled apart from those two little
ZuURhUprKX0-00163-00040728-00040895 pieces shown here they're called the
ZuURhUprKX0-00164-00040896-00041071 centromeres and i'm not going to say
ZuURhUprKX0-00165-00041072-00041271 anything more about them excepting a
ZuURhUprKX0-00166-00041272-00041583 chromosome can only have one centromere
ZuURhUprKX0-00167-00041584-00041790 and work properly in this process of
ZuURhUprKX0-00168-00041791-00041967 pulling apart and if you have two
ZuURhUprKX0-00169-00041968-00042174 centromeres on the same chromosome they
ZuURhUprKX0-00170-00042175-00042455 get into a fight and the chromosome will
ZuURhUprKX0-00171-00042456-00042615 get ripped apart and other things can
ZuURhUprKX0-00172-00042616-00042807 happen and i'll return to that later in
ZuURhUprKX0-00173-00042808-00042911 the talk
ZuURhUprKX0-00174-00042912-00043062 now of course as you pull those
ZuURhUprKX0-00175-00043063-00043230 chromosomes apart they have to
ZuURhUprKX0-00176-00043231-00043462 completely come apart and the telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-00177-00043463-00043695 of course also have to separate in a
ZuURhUprKX0-00178-00043696-00043935 timely manner because now the cell is
ZuURhUprKX0-00179-00043936-00044095 going to divide down the middle and we
ZuURhUprKX0-00180-00044096-00044335 don't want any dna kept
ZuURhUprKX0-00181-00044336-00044495 caught in the middle
ZuURhUprKX0-00182-00044496-00044823 so telomeres it turns out are acting in
ZuURhUprKX0-00183-00044824-00044967 different stages
ZuURhUprKX0-00184-00044968-00045287 in this cycle of cell division
ZuURhUprKX0-00185-00045288-00045462 so as i said they position the
ZuURhUprKX0-00186-00045463-00045718 chromosomes they completely ensure its
ZuURhUprKX0-00187-00045719-00045855 replication
ZuURhUprKX0-00188-00045856-00046079 they completely ensure proper separation
ZuURhUprKX0-00189-00046080-00046271 of all of the chromosome as the
ZuURhUprKX0-00190-00046272-00046446 chromosomes double
ZuURhUprKX0-00191-00046447-00046646 now this is just a very schematic cell
ZuURhUprKX0-00192-00046647-00046862 let's look at a real cell the way it
ZuURhUprKX0-00193-00046863-00047095 would appear under the microscope after
ZuURhUprKX0-00194-00047096-00047271 a suitable staining
ZuURhUprKX0-00195-00047272-00047535 in one of the cells of our body as it's
ZuURhUprKX0-00196-00047536-00047727 dividing
ZuURhUprKX0-00197-00047728-00047951 and remember as we start from our very
ZuURhUprKX0-00198-00047952-00048143 beginnings all the way to growing up to
ZuURhUprKX0-00199-00048144-00048318 an adult well of course we know the
ZuURhUprKX0-00200-00048319-00048471 cells have to divide and divide and
ZuURhUprKX0-00201-00048472-00048671 become the approximately 100 million
ZuURhUprKX0-00202-00048672-00048943 million cells of our adult body
ZuURhUprKX0-00203-00048944-00049151 and then a lot of our cells as we're
ZuURhUprKX0-00204-00049152-00049279 adults
ZuURhUprKX0-00205-00049280-00049607 also have to keep on multiplying think
ZuURhUprKX0-00206-00049608-00049846 of the skins of the cells of our skin
ZuURhUprKX0-00207-00049847-00050079 that's continually self-renewing of our
ZuURhUprKX0-00208-00050080-00050430 intestinal lining our hair follicles our
ZuURhUprKX0-00209-00050431-00050662 immune system cells that have to turn
ZuURhUprKX0-00210-00050663-00050871 out new cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00211-00050872-00051079 all through our lives
ZuURhUprKX0-00212-00051080-00051407 so cell multiplication and growth
ZuURhUprKX0-00213-00051408-00051599 doesn't stop
ZuURhUprKX0-00214-00051600-00051814 just because we've grown to our full
ZuURhUprKX0-00215-00051815-00051958 adult size
ZuURhUprKX0-00216-00051959-00052070 and that's something that i'll be
ZuURhUprKX0-00217-00052071-00052263 returning to over and over again in this
ZuURhUprKX0-00218-00052264-00052711 talk so here is our set our blueprint uh
ZuURhUprKX0-00219-00052712-00053126 a set of genetic information
ZuURhUprKX0-00220-00053127-00053342 and those blue sausages
ZuURhUprKX0-00221-00053344-00053463 are
ZuURhUprKX0-00222-00053464-00053663 the human chromosomes
ZuURhUprKX0-00223-00053664-00053823 and they're shown here in a cell that's
ZuURhUprKX0-00224-00053824-00054007 just replicated its dna so there's two
ZuURhUprKX0-00225-00054008-00054159 copies and you can see the two copies
ZuURhUprKX0-00226-00054160-00054430 lying side by side
ZuURhUprKX0-00227-00054432-00054654 and the cell is just about to divide and
ZuURhUprKX0-00228-00054655-00055007 send those two copies to the two newly
ZuURhUprKX0-00229-00055008-00055287 forming daughter cells one copy of dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00230-00055288-00055550 to one one copy of the dna to the other
ZuURhUprKX0-00231-00055551-00055719 now the blue color actually comes from
ZuURhUprKX0-00232-00055720-00056030 the staining of the actual dna itself
ZuURhUprKX0-00233-00056032-00056175 and then in addition
ZuURhUprKX0-00234-00056176-00056342 using a very special molecular
ZuURhUprKX0-00235-00056344-00056623 fluorescent probe what's lit up at the
ZuURhUprKX0-00236-00056624-00056830 ends of all the chromosomes as these
ZuURhUprKX0-00237-00056832-00057135 exaggeratedly large yellow spots
ZuURhUprKX0-00238-00057136-00057342 are the telomeres and they let up lit up
ZuURhUprKX0-00239-00057344-00057559 by a molecular probe that goes in and
ZuURhUprKX0-00240-00057560-00057807 seeks out and finds the telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-00241-00057808-00058079 themselves and here they are and one
ZuURhUprKX0-00242-00058079-00058303 point that's very visually obvious is
ZuURhUprKX0-00243-00058304-00058607 that all chromosomes have telomeres the
ZuURhUprKX0-00244-00058608-00058950 special uh probes find telomeres at both
ZuURhUprKX0-00245-00058951-00059287 ends of every chromosome
ZuURhUprKX0-00246-00059288-00059550 and they're crucially important for the
ZuURhUprKX0-00247-00059551-00059950 protection of these linear dna molecules
ZuURhUprKX0-00248-00059951-00060230 now before i forget to mention this
ZuURhUprKX0-00249-00060232-00060471 everything i'm going to say is about
ZuURhUprKX0-00250-00060472-00060759 this great branch of um
ZuURhUprKX0-00251-00060760-00060911 organisms which are called the
ZuURhUprKX0-00252-00060912-00061119 eukaryotes it doesn't include the
ZuURhUprKX0-00253-00061120-00061303 bacteria and we don't know whether
ZuURhUprKX0-00254-00061304-00061526 bacteria are smarter or dumber than this
ZuURhUprKX0-00255-00061527-00061871 that they have circular chromosomal dnas
ZuURhUprKX0-00256-00061872-00062038 and they don't have to mess with any of
ZuURhUprKX0-00257-00062039-00062311 this telomere stuff okay
ZuURhUprKX0-00258-00062312-00062430 so
ZuURhUprKX0-00259-00062432-00062671 what i'm going to talk about applies to
ZuURhUprKX0-00260-00062672-00062935 us and to a great many
ZuURhUprKX0-00261-00062936-00063030 different
ZuURhUprKX0-00262-00063032-00063350 creatures but just remember not the
ZuURhUprKX0-00263-00063351-00063847 bacteria
ZuURhUprKX0-00264-00063848-00064006 now of course we're very interested in
ZuURhUprKX0-00265-00064007-00064359 this process of how our genetic material
ZuURhUprKX0-00266-00064360-00064535 gets transmitted
ZuURhUprKX0-00267-00064536-00064742 obviously you know we care about it as
ZuURhUprKX0-00268-00064744-00064919 the human race we want it to be
ZuURhUprKX0-00269-00064920-00065054 transmitted from generation to
ZuURhUprKX0-00270-00065055-00065271 generation it's also very important that
ZuURhUprKX0-00271-00065272-00065559 it gets transmitted intact from cell to
ZuURhUprKX0-00272-00065560-00065887 cell in those many dividing cells that
ZuURhUprKX0-00273-00065888-00066294 continue to divide in our bodies
ZuURhUprKX0-00274-00066295-00066623 one consequence of the failure of proper
ZuURhUprKX0-00275-00066624-00066847 transmission of genetic material from
ZuURhUprKX0-00276-00066848-00066991 cell to cell
ZuURhUprKX0-00277-00066992-00067199 in our bodies is that such cells can
ZuURhUprKX0-00278-00067200-00067535 become cancerous because genes are in
ZuURhUprKX0-00279-00067536-00067767 the wrong balance for example
ZuURhUprKX0-00280-00067768-00067967 other things can also cause cells to
ZuURhUprKX0-00281-00067968-00068135 become cancerous but this is one part of
ZuURhUprKX0-00282-00068136-00068335 it so the faithful transmission of
ZuURhUprKX0-00283-00068336-00068735 genetic material also is important in
ZuURhUprKX0-00284-00068736-00069311 cells not becoming cancerous
ZuURhUprKX0-00285-00069312-00069447 now
ZuURhUprKX0-00286-00069448-00069543 i'm going to tell you a lot of
ZuURhUprKX0-00287-00069544-00069703 complicated science it's not going to be
ZuURhUprKX0-00288-00069704-00069838 too complicated but some science but
ZuURhUprKX0-00289-00069839-00069991 i'll give you a take-home message right
ZuURhUprKX0-00290-00069992-00070247 now you need the telomere to keep the
ZuURhUprKX0-00291-00070248-00070647 chromosome from being lost in fact we
ZuURhUprKX0-00292-00070648-00070863 can say lose a telomere
ZuURhUprKX0-00293-00070864-00071103 lose a chromosome and that's pretty
ZuURhUprKX0-00294-00071104-00071326 accurate
ZuURhUprKX0-00295-00071327-00071503 so what i'm going to do in this talk is
ZuURhUprKX0-00296-00071504-00071703 i'm going to talk first about the
ZuURhUprKX0-00297-00071704-00071887 science of what we've learned about
ZuURhUprKX0-00298-00071888-00072159 these very important chromosome parts
ZuURhUprKX0-00299-00072160-00072294 the telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-00300-00072295-00072431 and i'm going to tell you some very new
ZuURhUprKX0-00301-00072432-00072703 results that really have given us a much
ZuURhUprKX0-00302-00072704-00072959 better picture a better way of thinking
ZuURhUprKX0-00303-00072960-00073094 about
ZuURhUprKX0-00304-00073095-00073431 telomeres and what it is they're doing
ZuURhUprKX0-00305-00073432-00073679 and then i'm going to speculate
ZuURhUprKX0-00306-00073680-00073903 and and i really hope i provoke you to
ZuURhUprKX0-00307-00073904-00074087 think about
ZuURhUprKX0-00308-00074088-00074262 i'm going to speculate on what we can
ZuURhUprKX0-00309-00074263-00074487 project from the current state of
ZuURhUprKX0-00310-00074488-00074631 knowledge and i'm going to get you up to
ZuURhUprKX0-00311-00074632-00075006 that current state of knowledge
ZuURhUprKX0-00312-00075007-00075262 what can we project about how using that
ZuURhUprKX0-00313-00075263-00075367 knowledge
ZuURhUprKX0-00314-00075368-00075735 might impact on our lives
ZuURhUprKX0-00315-00075736-00075887 okay so
ZuURhUprKX0-00316-00075888-00076079 our lives as they say we hand genetic
ZuURhUprKX0-00317-00076080-00076279 information from uh
ZuURhUprKX0-00318-00076280-00076462 generation to generation i like this
ZuURhUprKX0-00319-00076463-00076623 picture because it's my husband and our
ZuURhUprKX0-00320-00076624-00076806 son on a beach and uh i guess some
ZuURhUprKX0-00321-00076807-00077038 genetic information has been uh handed
ZuURhUprKX0-00322-00077039-00077182 on they're certainly both very
ZuURhUprKX0-00323-00077183-00077350 interested in digging and i don't know
ZuURhUprKX0-00324-00077351-00077535 what sort of behavioral characteristic
ZuURhUprKX0-00325-00077536-00077671 that tells us about
ZuURhUprKX0-00326-00077672-00077903 [Laughter]
ZuURhUprKX0-00327-00077904-00078159 but um they also look very different
ZuURhUprKX0-00328-00078160-00078319 from this creature
ZuURhUprKX0-00329-00078320-00078462 now this creature which looks as if it
ZuURhUprKX0-00330-00078463-00078606 might possibly have just come in from
ZuURhUprKX0-00331-00078607-00078823 outer space has probably been on our
ZuURhUprKX0-00332-00078824-00079062 planet for many many billions of years
ZuURhUprKX0-00333-00079063-00079350 evolving to what it considers its state
ZuURhUprKX0-00334-00079351-00079559 of highly evolved perfection
ZuURhUprKX0-00335-00079560-00079767 and this is actually a creature that
ZuURhUprKX0-00336-00079768-00080055 lives in of all things pond scum
ZuURhUprKX0-00337-00080056-00080350 so it's very tiny i've shown it here as
ZuURhUprKX0-00338-00080351-00080726 a scanning electron micrograph
ZuURhUprKX0-00339-00080727-00080935 maybe to help think of the scale you
ZuURhUprKX0-00340-00080936-00081038 could
ZuURhUprKX0-00341-00081039-00081191 think of it as
ZuURhUprKX0-00342-00081192-00081359 several hundred of this
ZuURhUprKX0-00343-00081360-00081543 of these creatures could fit on the head
ZuURhUprKX0-00344-00081544-00081671 of a pin
ZuURhUprKX0-00345-00081672-00081782 okay
ZuURhUprKX0-00346-00081783-00081959 they're single cells they lived in pond
ZuURhUprKX0-00347-00081960-00082175 scum they're related to that more
ZuURhUprKX0-00348-00082176-00082447 familiar slipper-shaped pond organism
ZuURhUprKX0-00349-00082448-00082623 called paramecium that some of you might
ZuURhUprKX0-00350-00082624-00082799 might remember from beginning biology
ZuURhUprKX0-00351-00082800-00083023 classes and it was in this creature who
ZuURhUprKX0-00352-00083024-00083311 looks awfully different from us
ZuURhUprKX0-00353-00083312-00083503 that we discovered the molecular nature
ZuURhUprKX0-00354-00083504-00083782 first of telomeres and then also
ZuURhUprKX0-00355-00083783-00084055 discovered telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-00356-00084056-00084279 and that was for technical reasons
ZuURhUprKX0-00357-00084280-00084518 basically the essence being that this
ZuURhUprKX0-00358-00084519-00084750 creature happens to have a lot of
ZuURhUprKX0-00359-00084751-00085126 telomeres uh in its tiny cell and i was
ZuURhUprKX0-00360-00085127-00085294 interested in those
ZuURhUprKX0-00361-00085295-00085423 so
ZuURhUprKX0-00362-00085424-00085575 you might ask well what does looking at
ZuURhUprKX0-00363-00085576-00085806 this rather far-out looking pond scum
ZuURhUprKX0-00364-00085807-00085999 creature tell us about us and so i was
ZuURhUprKX0-00365-00086000-00086318 reminded by um what was said by one of
ZuURhUprKX0-00366-00086319-00086543 the scientist participants speaking on
ZuURhUprKX0-00367-00086544-00086775 the first at the first nobel conference
ZuURhUprKX0-00368-00086776-00087038 held here at gustavus adolphus college
ZuURhUprKX0-00369-00087039-00087215 in 1965
ZuURhUprKX0-00370-00087216-00087415 this was the conference on genetics and
ZuURhUprKX0-00371-00087416-00087655 the future of man and we've come
ZuURhUprKX0-00372-00087656-00087862 as we've talked about earlier in this
ZuURhUprKX0-00373-00087863-00088047 conference we've come full circle again
ZuURhUprKX0-00374-00088048-00088223 thinking still about this
ZuURhUprKX0-00375-00088224-00088438 to the extent to which we learn how to
ZuURhUprKX0-00376-00088439-00088599 manipulate genetic change in
ZuURhUprKX0-00377-00088600-00088750 microorganisms
ZuURhUprKX0-00378-00088751-00088982 we should also be able to do so with
ZuURhUprKX0-00379-00088983-00089238 higher multicellular organisms including
ZuURhUprKX0-00380-00089239-00089367 man
ZuURhUprKX0-00381-00089368-00089662 so figuring out what telomeres until and
ZuURhUprKX0-00382-00089663-00089911 telomerase are good for in this lowly
ZuURhUprKX0-00383-00089912-00090143 pond scum creature it turns out has
ZuURhUprKX0-00384-00090144-00090423 really greatly informed us about what
ZuURhUprKX0-00385-00090424-00090687 they do in us
ZuURhUprKX0-00386-00090688-00090775 and
ZuURhUprKX0-00387-00090776-00091038 furthermore what we might do
ZuURhUprKX0-00388-00091039-00091287 which might impact on human health and
ZuURhUprKX0-00389-00091288-00091526 maybe human lives
ZuURhUprKX0-00390-00091527-00091726 so i mentioned before
ZuURhUprKX0-00391-00091727-00091838 the many
ZuURhUprKX0-00392-00091839-00092103 functions of telomeres i'm going to
ZuURhUprKX0-00393-00092104-00092294 express them in a somewhat different way
ZuURhUprKX0-00394-00092295-00092511 you can really distill them all into
ZuURhUprKX0-00395-00092512-00092743 these two statements that the major
ZuURhUprKX0-00396-00092744-00092943 roles of telomeres are to protect or to
ZuURhUprKX0-00397-00092944-00093143 cap chromosome ends
ZuURhUprKX0-00398-00093144-00093374 and they also have to ensure the
ZuURhUprKX0-00399-00093375-00093647 complete replication of the very ends of
ZuURhUprKX0-00400-00093648-00093935 the chromosomes and this is this idea of
ZuURhUprKX0-00401-00093936-00094038 a cap
ZuURhUprKX0-00402-00094039-00094367 which we've much more recently put a
ZuURhUprKX0-00403-00094368-00094623 very sort of molecular set of um
ZuURhUprKX0-00404-00094624-00094799 understandings to
ZuURhUprKX0-00405-00094800-00095079 so this idea of a cap is a very critical
ZuURhUprKX0-00406-00095080-00095518 one in telomeres and how telomeres work
ZuURhUprKX0-00407-00095519-00095879 now telomeres function as a
ZuURhUprKX0-00408-00095880-00096159 a reservoir of replenishable dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00409-00096160-00096438 and that actually relates more to this
ZuURhUprKX0-00410-00096439-00096582 second function
ZuURhUprKX0-00411-00096583-00096750 the complete replication of the
ZuURhUprKX0-00412-00096751-00096982 chromosomal ends
ZuURhUprKX0-00413-00096983-00097279 and here i've depicted
ZuURhUprKX0-00414-00097280-00097494 what happens in very diagrammatic form
ZuURhUprKX0-00415-00097495-00097782 to the telomeric dna as a cell goes
ZuURhUprKX0-00416-00097783-00098006 through a series of cell divisions so
ZuURhUprKX0-00417-00098007-00098318 that's shown in that downward arrow here
ZuURhUprKX0-00418-00098319-00098487 now the blue just represents the
ZuURhUprKX0-00419-00098488-00098767 outermost bit of some chromosome and the
ZuURhUprKX0-00420-00098768-00099015 red is the telomeric dna which i'll
ZuURhUprKX0-00421-00099016-00099174 describe in a little more detail in a
ZuURhUprKX0-00422-00099175-00099479 moment for you and as the cell keeps on
ZuURhUprKX0-00423-00099480-00099671 dividing and replicating its chromosomal
ZuURhUprKX0-00424-00099672-00100006 dna the dna the telomeres the red dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00425-00100007-00100191 doesn't stay the same it changes it gets
ZuURhUprKX0-00426-00100192-00100318 a bit longer it gets a bit shorter
ZuURhUprKX0-00427-00100319-00100550 longer shorter but on average it doesn't
ZuURhUprKX0-00428-00100551-00100735 get lost
ZuURhUprKX0-00429-00100736-00100911 and in fact
ZuURhUprKX0-00430-00100912-00101087 that cell
ZuURhUprKX0-00431-00101088-00101303 is able to keep on dividing pretty much
ZuURhUprKX0-00432-00101304-00101823 indefinitely barring other accidents
ZuURhUprKX0-00433-00101824-00102038 so let's look a little more closely at
ZuURhUprKX0-00434-00102039-00102575 this dna what is its nature
ZuURhUprKX0-00435-00102576-00102742 so up in the top i've depicted a
ZuURhUprKX0-00436-00102743-00102934 chromosome
ZuURhUprKX0-00437-00102935-00103199 in blue so the little red little waste
ZuURhUprKX0-00438-00103200-00103351 in the middle the centromere i can't see
ZuURhUprKX0-00439-00103352-00103551 this thing pointing properly and i guess
ZuURhUprKX0-00440-00103552-00103727 it's going to get focused a little
ZuURhUprKX0-00441-00103728-00103878 better
ZuURhUprKX0-00442-00103879-00104086 thank you
ZuURhUprKX0-00443-00104088-00104302 okay and then we've blown up
ZuURhUprKX0-00444-00104303-00104527 uh the very last portion of that
ZuURhUprKX0-00445-00104528-00104775 chromosome it's not all quite to scale
ZuURhUprKX0-00446-00104776-00105078 here and what this dna is made up of is
ZuURhUprKX0-00447-00105079-00105431 very very simple dna sequences now in
ZuURhUprKX0-00448-00105432-00105623 tetrahymena it happens to be the
ZuURhUprKX0-00449-00105624-00105919 building blocks tt ggg and they repeated
ZuURhUprKX0-00450-00105920-00106127 over and over to make up a stretch of a
ZuURhUprKX0-00451-00106128-00106431 few hundred bases of these very simple
ZuURhUprKX0-00452-00106432-00106702 repeat sequences in humans it's just one
ZuURhUprKX0-00453-00106703-00106927 tiny chemical change difference one base
ZuURhUprKX0-00454-00106928-00107239 difference one g is now an a in all of
ZuURhUprKX0-00455-00107240-00107431 our chromosomal telomeres there's a very
ZuURhUprKX0-00456-00107432-00107647 tiny difference here and i put some
ZuURhUprKX0-00457-00107648-00107902 other examples um slightly more exotic
ZuURhUprKX0-00458-00107903-00108127 examples of the dna sequence that's
ZuURhUprKX0-00459-00108128-00108343 found repeated over and over again at
ZuURhUprKX0-00460-00108344-00108623 the ends of various yeast chromosomes
ZuURhUprKX0-00461-00108624-00108839 which have turned out to be really great
ZuURhUprKX0-00462-00108840-00109134 um molecular sorry organism models for
ZuURhUprKX0-00463-00109135-00109319 studying telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-00464-00109320-00109471 but the point is that they're very
ZuURhUprKX0-00465-00109472-00109686 simple sequences
ZuURhUprKX0-00466-00109688-00110007 contrast that with the
ZuURhUprKX0-00467-00110008-00110286 wealth of information that's contained
ZuURhUprKX0-00468-00110288-00110519 in the sequences in the genes and i like
ZuURhUprKX0-00469-00110520-00110783 to think of these sequences as you know
ZuURhUprKX0-00470-00110783-00111007 they're veritable symphonies of
ZuURhUprKX0-00471-00111008-00111254 information huge levels of complex
ZuURhUprKX0-00472-00111255-00111590 marvelous information is contained in
ZuURhUprKX0-00473-00111591-00111790 the genetic blueprint of the genes that
ZuURhUprKX0-00474-00111791-00112063 are making the rnas and the proteins of
ZuURhUprKX0-00475-00112064-00112247 our cells and the products that then
ZuURhUprKX0-00476-00112248-00112439 arise from those
ZuURhUprKX0-00477-00112440-00112534 right
ZuURhUprKX0-00478-00112535-00112702 and here's the telomere which in
ZuURhUprKX0-00479-00112703-00112927 contrast to a symphony it's a little bit
ZuURhUprKX0-00480-00112928-00113086 like somebody who's singing you know the
ZuURhUprKX0-00481-00113088-00113278 first line of mary had a little lamb
ZuURhUprKX0-00482-00113279-00113454 over and over and over and over again
ZuURhUprKX0-00483-00113455-00113719 right very simple so what's the power
ZuURhUprKX0-00484-00113720-00113966 here the power is the repetitiveness
ZuURhUprKX0-00485-00113967-00114207 that that highly repeated sequence in
ZuURhUprKX0-00486-00114208-00114590 effect is a very very concentrated um
ZuURhUprKX0-00487-00114591-00114878 set of landing pads on which
ZuURhUprKX0-00488-00114879-00115119 special proteins attracted to that
ZuURhUprKX0-00489-00115120-00115390 particular sequence and no other
ZuURhUprKX0-00490-00115391-00115695 combined and because they combined
ZuURhUprKX0-00491-00115696-00115886 in repeated numbers they set up
ZuURhUprKX0-00492-00115888-00116102 structures that function
ZuURhUprKX0-00493-00116103-00116183 to
ZuURhUprKX0-00494-00116183-00116447 make the telomere do its job so the
ZuURhUprKX0-00495-00116448-00116543 actual
ZuURhUprKX0-00496-00116544-00116799 dna sequence of the telomere looks
ZuURhUprKX0-00497-00116800-00116966 disarmingly simple
ZuURhUprKX0-00498-00116967-00117175 but it's that concentration of repeats
ZuURhUprKX0-00499-00117176-00117423 over and over again that allows
ZuURhUprKX0-00500-00117424-00117615 many proteins the same ones
ZuURhUprKX0-00501-00117616-00117790 over and over again to come together and
ZuURhUprKX0-00502-00117791-00118039 make higher order structures and i'm not
ZuURhUprKX0-00503-00118040-00118207 going to talk in detail about those
ZuURhUprKX0-00504-00118208-00118351 proteins because we're really just going
ZuURhUprKX0-00505-00118352-00118599 to focus on the dna but it's that
ZuURhUprKX0-00506-00118600-00118823 the fact that the dna does that is what
ZuURhUprKX0-00507-00118824-00119207 makes the telomeres do their thing and
ZuURhUprKX0-00508-00119208-00119431 we discovered that these
ZuURhUprKX0-00509-00119432-00119558 sequences
ZuURhUprKX0-00510-00119559-00119871 are made in a very unusual way
ZuURhUprKX0-00511-00119872-00120151 now almost all of the rest of the dna of
ZuURhUprKX0-00512-00120152-00120351 the chromosome in fact in any normal
ZuURhUprKX0-00513-00120352-00120695 cell cycle all of it is made by copying
ZuURhUprKX0-00514-00120696-00120958 the dna of the pre-existing parental
ZuURhUprKX0-00515-00120959-00121214 chromosome and as you probably all know
ZuURhUprKX0-00516-00121215-00121447 the two strands of the double helix come
ZuURhUprKX0-00517-00121448-00121823 apart and each parental dna strand is
ZuURhUprKX0-00518-00121824-00122183 copied into a another strand
ZuURhUprKX0-00519-00122183-00122423 using each parental strand as a template
ZuURhUprKX0-00520-00122424-00122599 to make the new strand
ZuURhUprKX0-00521-00122600-00122839 so you end up again with two
ZuURhUprKX0-00522-00122840-00123190 perfectly duplicated dna strands
ZuURhUprKX0-00523-00123191-00123319 however
ZuURhUprKX0-00524-00123320-00123558 these enzymes that do this job which are
ZuURhUprKX0-00525-00123559-00123975 a marvel of complex and well-regulated
ZuURhUprKX0-00526-00123976-00124286 cellular machinery the enzymes that copy
ZuURhUprKX0-00527-00124288-00124543 all the rest of our genes have a fatal
ZuURhUprKX0-00528-00124544-00124799 glitch a fatal flaw in them they're
ZuURhUprKX0-00529-00124800-00125134 built so they cannot copy the very very
ZuURhUprKX0-00530-00125135-00125486 ends of the linear chromosomal dnas just
ZuURhUprKX0-00531-00125488-00125727 nature happened it worked that way the
ZuURhUprKX0-00532-00125728-00125943 machines got built in that way and they
ZuURhUprKX0-00533-00125944-00126175 just can't completely replicate the ends
ZuURhUprKX0-00534-00126176-00126447 of the chromosomes
ZuURhUprKX0-00535-00126448-00126727 and so instead of telomeric dna being
ZuURhUprKX0-00536-00126728-00126951 both decided and the sequence being
ZuURhUprKX0-00537-00126952-00127166 decided and being uh
ZuURhUprKX0-00538-00127167-00127471 made by the process of copying dna into
ZuURhUprKX0-00539-00127472-00127775 dna telomeric dna sequences decided in a
ZuURhUprKX0-00540-00127776-00127927 very different way by a very special
ZuURhUprKX0-00541-00127928-00128134 enzyme and this was discovered in the
ZuURhUprKX0-00542-00128135-00128295 1980s
ZuURhUprKX0-00543-00128296-00128519 by me and my graduate student carol
ZuURhUprKX0-00544-00128520-00128775 greider when we're then at berkeley and
ZuURhUprKX0-00545-00128776-00128951 we discovered this enzyme which we
ZuURhUprKX0-00546-00128952-00129254 called telomerase and whose job
ZuURhUprKX0-00547-00129255-00129463 at least in part
ZuURhUprKX0-00548-00129464-00129719 is to add extra dna the telomeric
ZuURhUprKX0-00549-00129720-00130039 repeats to the ends of the chromosome
ZuURhUprKX0-00550-00130040-00130231 so i'm going to draw show you a kind of
ZuURhUprKX0-00551-00130232-00130519 a diagrammatic depiction of this
ZuURhUprKX0-00552-00130520-00130614 and
ZuURhUprKX0-00553-00130615-00130854 condensed in this is really a great deal
ZuURhUprKX0-00554-00130855-00131095 of information about telomeres but i'll
ZuURhUprKX0-00555-00131096-00131254 just tell you the mo and telomerase i'll
ZuURhUprKX0-00556-00131255-00131559 just tell you the really salient points
ZuURhUprKX0-00557-00131560-00131702 so this blob
ZuURhUprKX0-00558-00131703-00131966 of red and this
ZuURhUprKX0-00559-00131967-00132175 purplish line with some bases in it
ZuURhUprKX0-00560-00132176-00132383 that's the telomerase ribonuclear
ZuURhUprKX0-00561-00132384-00132623 protein enzyme made of rna and protein
ZuURhUprKX0-00562-00132624-00132871 and over on the left and running partly
ZuURhUprKX0-00563-00132872-00133143 across the telomerase is the end of the
ZuURhUprKX0-00564-00133144-00133390 chromosomal dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00565-00133391-00133614 now before i go into the mechanism of
ZuURhUprKX0-00566-00133615-00133847 what telomerase is doing just let me
ZuURhUprKX0-00567-00133848-00134063 tell you a little bit about this end
ZuURhUprKX0-00568-00134064-00134263 now the dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00569-00134264-00134478 of the chromosomal end is mostly double
ZuURhUprKX0-00570-00134479-00134678 stranded and you can see i've drawn the
ZuURhUprKX0-00571-00134679-00134871 two strands up here
ZuURhUprKX0-00572-00134872-00135119 but the top strand
ZuURhUprKX0-00573-00135120-00135295 the one with the g's and the t's in it
ZuURhUprKX0-00574-00135296-00135502 sort of protrudes a little bit from the
ZuURhUprKX0-00575-00135503-00135599 end
ZuURhUprKX0-00576-00135600-00135799 and it turns out that this
ZuURhUprKX0-00577-00135800-00135927 particular
ZuURhUprKX0-00578-00135928-00136190 region of the chromosome the very very
ZuURhUprKX0-00579-00136191-00136287 end
ZuURhUprKX0-00580-00136288-00136487 is an extraordinarily important part of
ZuURhUprKX0-00581-00136488-00136647 the chromosome and i want to give you a
ZuURhUprKX0-00582-00136648-00136878 kind of a scale for this so if we look
ZuURhUprKX0-00583-00136879-00137127 at this as you project it on the screen
ZuURhUprKX0-00584-00137128-00137278 and you can see you know that little
ZuURhUprKX0-00585-00137279-00137495 sequence out at the end that i've shown
ZuURhUprKX0-00586-00137496-00137790 with those few t2 g4 repeat sequence
ZuURhUprKX0-00587-00137791-00137983 that's a certain size projected on the
ZuURhUprKX0-00588-00137984-00138207 screen and my back of the envelope
ZuURhUprKX0-00589-00138208-00138431 calculation is that
ZuURhUprKX0-00590-00138432-00138823 if you drew the whole chromosome
ZuURhUprKX0-00591-00138824-00139023 on the same scale it would be about a
ZuURhUprKX0-00592-00139024-00139287 thousand miles long so it's this tiny
ZuURhUprKX0-00593-00139288-00139583 tiny little bit of material at the very
ZuURhUprKX0-00594-00139584-00139751 end of the chromosomal dna that
ZuURhUprKX0-00595-00139752-00139966 basically will determine whether this
ZuURhUprKX0-00596-00139967-00140247 chromosome is going to be able to do its
ZuURhUprKX0-00597-00140248-00140463 job so all these wonderful genes are for
ZuURhUprKX0-00598-00140464-00140687 naught if something goes wrong at this
ZuURhUprKX0-00599-00140688-00140959 very very tip of the chromosome because
ZuURhUprKX0-00600-00140960-00141214 then the chromosome won't be able to be
ZuURhUprKX0-00601-00141215-00141390 transmitted properly
ZuURhUprKX0-00602-00141391-00141639 okay so what does telomerase do it adds
ZuURhUprKX0-00603-00141640-00141839 dna to the end of the chromosome it
ZuURhUprKX0-00604-00141840-00142190 copies a small region of bases shown as
ZuURhUprKX0-00605-00142191-00142407 those a's and c's
ZuURhUprKX0-00606-00142408-00142711 in the large red blob which is depicting
ZuURhUprKX0-00607-00142712-00142959 the telomerase enzyme it's a small
ZuURhUprKX0-00608-00142960-00143039 region
ZuURhUprKX0-00609-00143040-00143326 of bases within a larger rna that's a
ZuURhUprKX0-00610-00143327-00143671 part and parcel of the telomerase enzyme
ZuURhUprKX0-00611-00143672-00144007 and it simply places the dna tip on
ZuURhUprKX0-00612-00144008-00144223 corresponding bases on that little tiny
ZuURhUprKX0-00613-00144224-00144478 template and then incorporates one at a
ZuURhUprKX0-00614-00144479-00144790 time the g's and the t's copying the c's
ZuURhUprKX0-00615-00144791-00145039 and the a's respectively in the template
ZuURhUprKX0-00616-00145040-00145302 and that's what it does it's not exactly
ZuURhUprKX0-00617-00145303-00145526 your um your
ZuURhUprKX0-00618-00145527-00145847 einstein of polymerases this is not a
ZuURhUprKX0-00619-00145848-00146102 huge amount of genetic information to be
ZuURhUprKX0-00620-00146103-00146343 copied but it can copy it over and over
ZuURhUprKX0-00621-00146344-00146526 and over again and make repeated
ZuURhUprKX0-00622-00146527-00146726 sequences in fact if you look at it you
ZuURhUprKX0-00623-00146727-00147014 can see that the last two bases ttg that
ZuURhUprKX0-00624-00147015-00147143 gets put in
ZuURhUprKX0-00625-00147144-00147407 if you now took that three prime end
ZuURhUprKX0-00626-00147408-00147647 that right hand end and moved it over
ZuURhUprKX0-00627-00147648-00147863 you could align it again with the aac on
ZuURhUprKX0-00628-00147864-00148039 the left of the template and do another
ZuURhUprKX0-00629-00148040-00148326 cycle of copying and that's what happens
ZuURhUprKX0-00630-00148327-00148719 it gets copied over and over again
ZuURhUprKX0-00631-00148720-00148926 so that's the simple uh view of what
ZuURhUprKX0-00632-00148927-00149143 telomerase does but i just want to take
ZuURhUprKX0-00633-00149144-00149343 a moment and tell you about a couple
ZuURhUprKX0-00634-00149344-00149599 things we found out about this enzyme
ZuURhUprKX0-00635-00149600-00149775 because they were very surprising and
ZuURhUprKX0-00636-00149776-00149959 interesting to us and i don't really
ZuURhUprKX0-00637-00149960-00150271 know deeply what it all means yet but
ZuURhUprKX0-00638-00150272-00150447 first of all
ZuURhUprKX0-00639-00150448-00150614 i've said telomerase as a catalyst it's
ZuURhUprKX0-00640-00150615-00150839 like other enzymes it has a job it does
ZuURhUprKX0-00641-00150840-00151135 polymerization uh polymerizing dna to
ZuURhUprKX0-00642-00151136-00151335 the ends of chromosomes
ZuURhUprKX0-00643-00151336-00151487 um
ZuURhUprKX0-00644-00151488-00151663 but this is actually very surprising
ZuURhUprKX0-00645-00151664-00151839 because i just said that dna usually
ZuURhUprKX0-00646-00151840-00152095 gets copied into dna and in fact there's
ZuURhUprKX0-00647-00152096-00152295 what used to be called the central dogma
ZuURhUprKX0-00648-00152296-00152526 of molecular biology but dna was only
ZuURhUprKX0-00649-00152527-00152751 copied into rna whose information was
ZuURhUprKX0-00650-00152752-00152999 then decoded into proteins by the
ZuURhUprKX0-00651-00153000-00153223 translation machinery of the cell
ZuURhUprKX0-00652-00153224-00153463 and in fact it was thought that this
ZuURhUprKX0-00653-00153464-00153823 process by which rna those agencies here
ZuURhUprKX0-00654-00153824-00154087 were copied into dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00655-00154088-00154278 which is a property of reverse
ZuURhUprKX0-00656-00154279-00154454 transcriptases it was thought that that
ZuURhUprKX0-00657-00154455-00154695 was a property that was the purview of
ZuURhUprKX0-00658-00154696-00154911 things that we don't like a whole lot
ZuURhUprKX0-00659-00154912-00155159 retroviruses of which the most notorious
ZuURhUprKX0-00660-00155160-00155439 is hiv which causes aids so it was a
ZuURhUprKX0-00661-00155440-00155639 thought that was process of rna being
ZuURhUprKX0-00662-00155640-00155902 copied into dna was somehow associated
ZuURhUprKX0-00663-00155903-00156263 with the more pathological um aspects of
ZuURhUprKX0-00664-00156264-00156454 biology if we take it from our human
ZuURhUprKX0-00665-00156455-00156678 centric point of view so it was a very
ZuURhUprKX0-00666-00156679-00156951 surprising thing to find an enzyme
ZuURhUprKX0-00667-00156952-00157287 that is a normal part of our healthy
ZuURhUprKX0-00668-00157288-00157478 dividing cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00669-00157479-00157678 not all of them as i'll describe but in
ZuURhUprKX0-00670-00157679-00157966 those cells where there is telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-00671-00157967-00158159 it's using this process of reverse
ZuURhUprKX0-00672-00158160-00158302 transcriptase so first of all reverse
ZuURhUprKX0-00673-00158303-00158511 transcriptases are a normal part this
ZuURhUprKX0-00674-00158512-00158735 reverse transcriptase anyway is a normal
ZuURhUprKX0-00675-00158736-00158902 part of
ZuURhUprKX0-00676-00158903-00159159 of our cells and indeed all eukaryotic
ZuURhUprKX0-00677-00159160-00159390 cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00678-00159391-00159583 now the second point that i just quickly
ZuURhUprKX0-00679-00159584-00159847 will allude to is that i've shown you
ZuURhUprKX0-00680-00159848-00160087 the part of the rna that carries out the
ZuURhUprKX0-00681-00160088-00160263 function called the templating it's
ZuURhUprKX0-00682-00160264-00160623 simply copied into complementary dna but
ZuURhUprKX0-00683-00160624-00160719 that's
ZuURhUprKX0-00684-00160720-00160935 not all that the rna does
ZuURhUprKX0-00685-00160936-00161183 and by making a lot of changes in the
ZuURhUprKX0-00686-00161184-00161375 rna one
ZuURhUprKX0-00687-00161376-00161639 base nucleotide at a time and then
ZuURhUprKX0-00688-00161640-00162007 examining the effects on how this enzyme
ZuURhUprKX0-00689-00162008-00162183 does its job
ZuURhUprKX0-00690-00162184-00162351 as an enzyme
ZuURhUprKX0-00691-00162352-00162566 we found out that the rna
ZuURhUprKX0-00692-00162567-00162751 and the protein are collaborating
ZuURhUprKX0-00693-00162752-00162990 together to make this enzyme work
ZuURhUprKX0-00694-00162991-00163223 the rna is not just simply providing a
ZuURhUprKX0-00695-00163224-00163614 simple tiny passive template it actually
ZuURhUprKX0-00696-00163615-00163847 stands up and gets noticed and in fact
ZuURhUprKX0-00697-00163848-00164071 it probably helps build up that
ZuURhUprKX0-00698-00164072-00164326 enzymatic active site along with the
ZuURhUprKX0-00699-00164327-00164438 protein
ZuURhUprKX0-00700-00164439-00164726 residues that are the essential part of
ZuURhUprKX0-00701-00164727-00164959 this enzyme as well
ZuURhUprKX0-00702-00164960-00165166 so that's just a curious thing and
ZuURhUprKX0-00703-00165167-00165283 that's interesting
ZuURhUprKX0-00704-00165284-00165466 because such
ZuURhUprKX0-00705-00165467-00165814 rna-containing enzymes are not all that
ZuURhUprKX0-00706-00165815-00166135 frequent in the modern world but they do
ZuURhUprKX0-00707-00166136-00166423 appear in certain essential components
ZuURhUprKX0-00708-00166424-00166599 such as the ribosome that does the
ZuURhUprKX0-00709-00166600-00166902 decoding of the genetic information and
ZuURhUprKX0-00710-00166903-00167143 turns it into the string of amino acids
ZuURhUprKX0-00711-00167144-00167351 the proteins that lee hood talked about
ZuURhUprKX0-00712-00167352-00167478 this morning
ZuURhUprKX0-00713-00167479-00167647 that looks as if it's again a
ZuURhUprKX0-00714-00167648-00167871 collaboration in which rna and protein
ZuURhUprKX0-00715-00167872-00168135 play critically important roles as
ZuURhUprKX0-00716-00168136-00168311 opposed to the normal situation where
ZuURhUprKX0-00717-00168312-00168463 usually it's proteins by themselves that
ZuURhUprKX0-00718-00168464-00168590 do much of the
ZuURhUprKX0-00719-00168591-00168838 enzymatic work of enzymes
ZuURhUprKX0-00720-00168839-00169014 um and these kinds of things are thought
ZuURhUprKX0-00721-00169015-00169302 to be perhaps um hallmarks of
ZuURhUprKX0-00722-00169303-00169511 what was an earlier form of life in
ZuURhUprKX0-00723-00169512-00169823 which rna was a much more predominant
ZuURhUprKX0-00724-00169824-00170095 catalytic component of what we might
ZuURhUprKX0-00725-00170096-00170399 think of as pre-life and so um one
ZuURhUprKX0-00726-00170400-00170566 thinks of these things as perhaps being
ZuURhUprKX0-00727-00170567-00170743 molecular relics
ZuURhUprKX0-00728-00170744-00170983 of very ancient forms of life and
ZuURhUprKX0-00729-00170984-00171302 curiously enough telomerase is uh one of
ZuURhUprKX0-00730-00171303-00171502 these things so
ZuURhUprKX0-00731-00171503-00171702 that to us has made it a very
ZuURhUprKX0-00732-00171703-00171951 interesting uh enzyme but i don't know
ZuURhUprKX0-00733-00171952-00172143 what the the deep if any meaning of that
ZuURhUprKX0-00734-00172144-00172238 is
ZuURhUprKX0-00735-00172239-00172454 well anyway fundamentally life forms are
ZuURhUprKX0-00736-00172455-00172647 all alike and i've been talking
ZuURhUprKX0-00737-00172648-00172951 interchangeably about telomerase in this
ZuURhUprKX0-00738-00172952-00173183 particular situation and i've drawn the
ZuURhUprKX0-00739-00173184-00173535 specifics here for tetrahymena because
ZuURhUprKX0-00740-00173536-00173766 that's where we discovered telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-00741-00173767-00173854 but
ZuURhUprKX0-00742-00173855-00173975 it wasn't very surprising when
ZuURhUprKX0-00743-00173976-00174143 telomerase was then found in all sorts
ZuURhUprKX0-00744-00174144-00174414 of other eukaryotic creatures as well
ZuURhUprKX0-00745-00174415-00174743 and that included ourselves
ZuURhUprKX0-00746-00174744-00174838 okay
ZuURhUprKX0-00747-00174839-00174911 so
ZuURhUprKX0-00748-00174912-00175102 before i talk about
ZuURhUprKX0-00749-00175103-00175359 telomerase and telomeres in us i just
ZuURhUprKX0-00750-00175360-00175599 want to tell you a little bit about some
ZuURhUprKX0-00751-00175600-00175775 of some of the science some of the
ZuURhUprKX0-00752-00175776-00175999 recent science because
ZuURhUprKX0-00753-00176000-00176238 we're really changing many of our ideas
ZuURhUprKX0-00754-00176239-00176407 about what it is that's important about
ZuURhUprKX0-00755-00176408-00176663 telomeres and what they're doing let me
ZuURhUprKX0-00756-00176664-00176814 just tell you about one
ZuURhUprKX0-00757-00176815-00177047 simple kind of experiment
ZuURhUprKX0-00758-00177048-00177295 which was
ZuURhUprKX0-00759-00177296-00177454 done
ZuURhUprKX0-00760-00177455-00177687 to see if we could learn more about how
ZuURhUprKX0-00761-00177688-00177823 this enzyme was working but what it
ZuURhUprKX0-00762-00177824-00177999 ended up doing was telling us something
ZuURhUprKX0-00763-00178000-00178175 about what telomeres do
ZuURhUprKX0-00764-00178176-00178438 now what it did was it emphasized the
ZuURhUprKX0-00765-00178439-00178735 importance of having not just any
ZuURhUprKX0-00766-00178736-00178911 telomeric dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00767-00178912-00179223 but it had to be the right one that
ZuURhUprKX0-00768-00179224-00179519 means the specific one for that organism
ZuURhUprKX0-00769-00179520-00179759 whose proteins have evolved to recognize
ZuURhUprKX0-00770-00179760-00180038 just that sequence and not other ones
ZuURhUprKX0-00771-00180039-00180254 and what we did was we made use of the
ZuURhUprKX0-00772-00180255-00180543 fact that the rna of telomerase is
ZuURhUprKX0-00773-00180544-00180847 copied into the telomeric dna so you can
ZuURhUprKX0-00774-00180848-00181038 predict that if you made a little change
ZuURhUprKX0-00775-00181039-00181295 in that tiny sequence in the rna that's
ZuURhUprKX0-00776-00181296-00181535 copied into dna then the corresponding
ZuURhUprKX0-00777-00181536-00181790 change would appear in the telomeric dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00778-00181791-00182054 repeats over and over that were made in
ZuURhUprKX0-00779-00182055-00182359 the cell expressing that mutated rna
ZuURhUprKX0-00780-00182360-00182575 and here are two specific examples here
ZuURhUprKX0-00781-00182576-00182783 we've just made a single base exchange
ZuURhUprKX0-00782-00182784-00182959 here we've actually just inserted a
ZuURhUprKX0-00783-00182960-00183166 couple of extra residues and in each
ZuURhUprKX0-00784-00183167-00183447 case we get a novel telomeric dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00785-00183448-00183623 sequence that
ZuURhUprKX0-00786-00183624-00183911 is both predicted and is made in the
ZuURhUprKX0-00787-00183912-00184335 cells what does this do to the cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00788-00184336-00184535 to show you that i first of all have to
ZuURhUprKX0-00789-00184536-00184654 show you what
ZuURhUprKX0-00790-00184655-00184854 a whole lot of normal dividing
ZuURhUprKX0-00791-00184855-00185119 tetrahymena cells look like and this
ZuURhUprKX0-00792-00185120-00185366 slide here shows you just a whole swarm
ZuURhUprKX0-00793-00185367-00185599 of them under the microscope now we're
ZuURhUprKX0-00794-00185600-00185854 not at such high magnification as i as
ZuURhUprKX0-00795-00185855-00186071 in that scanning electron micrograph
ZuURhUprKX0-00796-00186072-00186183 that black and
ZuURhUprKX0-00797-00186184-00186350 white one i showed you
ZuURhUprKX0-00798-00186351-00186550 so each one of these um
ZuURhUprKX0-00799-00186551-00186631 big
ZuURhUprKX0-00800-00186632-00186926 sort of bluish objects would be a whole
ZuURhUprKX0-00801-00186927-00187119 cell so that would correspond to that
ZuURhUprKX0-00802-00187120-00187319 one whole cell that i showed you in the
ZuURhUprKX0-00803-00187320-00187519 scanning electron micrograph and the
ZuURhUprKX0-00804-00187520-00187838 blue material is the genetic material
ZuURhUprKX0-00805-00187839-00188095 the dna all bundled up in in the nuclei
ZuURhUprKX0-00806-00188096-00188311 of these cells and so we can see a few
ZuURhUprKX0-00807-00188312-00188478 cells here that are dividing and so
ZuURhUprKX0-00808-00188479-00188663 here's here's a cell for example it's
ZuURhUprKX0-00809-00188664-00188871 dividing it's nicely separating out its
ZuURhUprKX0-00810-00188872-00188975 dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00811-00188976-00189150 now if we make
ZuURhUprKX0-00812-00189151-00189287 that
ZuURhUprKX0-00813-00189288-00189590 telomerase which has a change
ZuURhUprKX0-00814-00189591-00189878 in the template that causes a change in
ZuURhUprKX0-00815-00189879-00190102 the telomeric dna sequence
ZuURhUprKX0-00816-00190103-00190254 nothing wrong with the enzyme enzyme's
ZuURhUprKX0-00817-00190255-00190407 working fine it's churning out the
ZuURhUprKX0-00818-00190408-00190678 sequence it's just the wrong sequence
ZuURhUprKX0-00819-00190679-00190887 this is what happens this is a fairly
ZuURhUprKX0-00820-00190888-00191095 similar magnification you'd find it hard
ZuURhUprKX0-00821-00191096-00191359 to believe and now these cells have
ZuURhUprKX0-00822-00191360-00191590 become absolutely enormous you you can
ZuURhUprKX0-00823-00191591-00191831 see there's enormous amounts of dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00824-00191832-00192007 now in that cell it's just become huge
ZuURhUprKX0-00825-00192008-00192254 and swollen the dna has been bravely
ZuURhUprKX0-00826-00192255-00192375 replicating and replicating and
ZuURhUprKX0-00827-00192376-00192702 replicating but it just can't separate
ZuURhUprKX0-00828-00192703-00192943 and it gets stuck between the cells and
ZuURhUprKX0-00829-00192944-00193175 they uh quite quickly
ZuURhUprKX0-00830-00193176-00193438 cease dividing as you might imagine if
ZuURhUprKX0-00831-00193439-00193590 you go from looking like the previous
ZuURhUprKX0-00832-00193591-00193759 slide to looking like this
ZuURhUprKX0-00833-00193760-00194078 these are these are pretty unhappy cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00834-00194079-00194183 okay
ZuURhUprKX0-00835-00194184-00194366 despite their desperate attempts to keep
ZuURhUprKX0-00836-00194367-00194543 them they keep copying the dna but
ZuURhUprKX0-00837-00194544-00194702 they're desperately trying to separate
ZuURhUprKX0-00838-00194703-00194935 it and they can't do it
ZuURhUprKX0-00839-00194936-00195119 what's wrong with these cells and i
ZuURhUprKX0-00840-00195120-00195278 already i think alluded to the fact they
ZuURhUprKX0-00841-00195279-00195502 can't separate their dna and we did very
ZuURhUprKX0-00842-00195503-00195807 high resolution light microscopy on
ZuURhUprKX0-00843-00195808-00195966 cells in which we'd done the same kind
ZuURhUprKX0-00844-00195967-00196199 of experiment and found out that this
ZuURhUprKX0-00845-00196200-00196438 cells have got stuck by their telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-00846-00196439-00196663 so let's look on the left of the normal
ZuURhUprKX0-00847-00196664-00196807 progression of what happens as
ZuURhUprKX0-00848-00196808-00197150 chromosomes uh separate they here we
ZuURhUprKX0-00849-00197151-00197263 have
ZuURhUprKX0-00850-00197264-00197438 replicated chromosomes they get pulled
ZuURhUprKX0-00851-00197439-00197607 apart by their centromeres and the
ZuURhUprKX0-00852-00197608-00197814 telomeres normally pull apart in a nice
ZuURhUprKX0-00853-00197815-00198047 timely fashion and the chromosomes come
ZuURhUprKX0-00854-00198048-00198271 apart and then each of those chromosomes
ZuURhUprKX0-00855-00198272-00198478 can go happily to its daughter cell but
ZuURhUprKX0-00856-00198479-00198726 in our mutant what we found was that the
ZuURhUprKX0-00857-00198727-00199038 telomeres were stuck together the
ZuURhUprKX0-00858-00199039-00199238 consequence of that is
ZuURhUprKX0-00859-00199239-00199471 various there are things that the cell
ZuURhUprKX0-00860-00199472-00199735 can do in response to this one is that
ZuURhUprKX0-00861-00199736-00199814 this
ZuURhUprKX0-00862-00199815-00199966 one tentrometer just gives up and the
ZuURhUprKX0-00863-00199967-00200199 dna all just ends up in in one cell and
ZuURhUprKX0-00864-00200200-00200350 that's probably what we were seeing a
ZuURhUprKX0-00865-00200351-00200607 lot of in those very sick looking cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00866-00200608-00200831 i just showed you another thing that can
ZuURhUprKX0-00867-00200832-00201054 happen is that the chromosomes can get
ZuURhUprKX0-00868-00201055-00201375 ripped apart as those centromeres are
ZuURhUprKX0-00869-00201376-00201631 bound to the cellular machinery that's
ZuURhUprKX0-00870-00201632-00201895 pulling them apart and now we get new
ZuURhUprKX0-00871-00201896-00202143 broken ends of chromosomes and those
ZuURhUprKX0-00872-00202144-00202366 wreak a lot of havoc and cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00873-00202367-00202550 and we get different distributions of
ZuURhUprKX0-00874-00202551-00202799 genetic material to different cells and
ZuURhUprKX0-00875-00202800-00203102 so genic imbalances arise so having
ZuURhUprKX0-00876-00203103-00203383 stuck telomeres is very bad news for
ZuURhUprKX0-00877-00203384-00203543 cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00878-00203544-00203847 so this was scientifically satisfying
ZuURhUprKX0-00879-00203848-00204207 for us because uh that was telling us
ZuURhUprKX0-00880-00204208-00204463 that very quickly having the wrong
ZuURhUprKX0-00881-00204464-00204687 sequence at the end of chromosomes had a
ZuURhUprKX0-00882-00204688-00205094 very deleterious fast effect on cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00883-00205096-00205271 at the molecular level we could look a
ZuURhUprKX0-00884-00205271-00205471 little bit more closely so here's
ZuURhUprKX0-00885-00205471-00205582 depicted
ZuURhUprKX0-00886-00205583-00205838 just the tract of dna at the end of the
ZuURhUprKX0-00887-00205839-00206055 chromosome and i've shown in should be
ZuURhUprKX0-00888-00206056-00206310 green the wild type situation this is
ZuURhUprKX0-00889-00206311-00206479 fined and then we've popped in this
ZuURhUprKX0-00890-00206480-00206775 butane telomerase rna gene i've just
ZuURhUprKX0-00891-00206776-00207127 depicted it uh as causing pink mutant
ZuURhUprKX0-00892-00207128-00207319 repeats to be added to the chromosome
ZuURhUprKX0-00893-00207319-00207631 end and even just a tiny bit of mutant
ZuURhUprKX0-00894-00207632-00207886 dna added to the end of these telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-00895-00207887-00208158 is enough for these cells or these
ZuURhUprKX0-00896-00208159-00208462 telomeres to become what we call
ZuURhUprKX0-00897-00208463-00208606 uncapped
ZuURhUprKX0-00898-00208607-00208862 and this idea of a cap is something that
ZuURhUprKX0-00899-00208863-00209086 i'm really going to keep reiterating
ZuURhUprKX0-00900-00209087-00209238 because we think that's very important
ZuURhUprKX0-00901-00209239-00209406 for thinking about the telomeres these
ZuURhUprKX0-00902-00209407-00209694 cells don't lack telomeric dna it's the
ZuURhUprKX0-00903-00209696-00209967 wrong kind of dna at the end it can't
ZuURhUprKX0-00904-00209967-00210279 attract the right proteins that bind it
ZuURhUprKX0-00905-00210280-00210398 to the end
ZuURhUprKX0-00906-00210400-00210758 and make a telomere function as a stable
ZuURhUprKX0-00907-00210759-00211071 end and what happens in fact is that the
ZuURhUprKX0-00908-00211071-00211391 cell thinks that this is a broken dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00909-00211392-00211463 end
ZuURhUprKX0-00910-00211464-00211679 now if there's one thing cells just hate
ZuURhUprKX0-00911-00211680-00211982 it's broken dna and they have all sorts
ZuURhUprKX0-00912-00211983-00212175 of mechanisms to fix it
ZuURhUprKX0-00913-00212176-00212367 but the end of a chromosome is a
ZuURhUprKX0-00914-00212367-00212615 legitimate end it shouldn't be fixed but
ZuURhUprKX0-00915-00212616-00212806 the still tries to fix it and it fixes
ZuURhUprKX0-00916-00212807-00212998 with the newest thing to hand which is
ZuURhUprKX0-00917-00213000-00213215 another uncapped telomere and now you
ZuURhUprKX0-00918-00213216-00213527 fuse those two chromosomes together bad
ZuURhUprKX0-00919-00213528-00213687 news
ZuURhUprKX0-00920-00213688-00213942 so this is one way to make a chromosome
ZuURhUprKX0-00921-00213944-00214167 behave as though it's functionally
ZuURhUprKX0-00922-00214167-00214423 uncapped the ends become very sticky
ZuURhUprKX0-00923-00214423-00214631 because they're not kept and they fuse
ZuURhUprKX0-00924-00214632-00214927 with each other
ZuURhUprKX0-00925-00214928-00215151 now i've shown you sort of the worst
ZuURhUprKX0-00926-00215152-00215358 thing that can happen cells also have
ZuURhUprKX0-00927-00215359-00215534 another response before they get to this
ZuURhUprKX0-00928-00215535-00215791 devastating stage of having fused their
ZuURhUprKX0-00929-00215792-00216006 telomeres wrongly here
ZuURhUprKX0-00930-00216007-00216279 this uncapped end can also do different
ZuURhUprKX0-00931-00216280-00216446 things to the cell the cells are not
ZuURhUprKX0-00932-00216448-00216655 stupid they don't just blindly go into
ZuURhUprKX0-00933-00216656-00216742 this
ZuURhUprKX0-00934-00216744-00216927 pathway here
ZuURhUprKX0-00935-00216928-00217223 an uncapped end sets off an exquisite
ZuURhUprKX0-00936-00217223-00217471 set of alarm signals in the cell the
ZuURhUprKX0-00937-00217471-00217791 cell is poised to detect
ZuURhUprKX0-00938-00217792-00218046 dna ends that shouldn't be there and it
ZuURhUprKX0-00939-00218048-00218223 thinks this is one of these ends because
ZuURhUprKX0-00940-00218223-00218367 it's going to try and fix them and
ZuURhUprKX0-00941-00218367-00218551 normally that's good if it's if you've
ZuURhUprKX0-00942-00218552-00218710 broken something inside a chromosome
ZuURhUprKX0-00943-00218711-00218910 that's good to fix those two ends but
ZuURhUprKX0-00944-00218911-00219063 it's a mistake to fix them here but
ZuURhUprKX0-00945-00219064-00219239 nevertheless this end is appearing like
ZuURhUprKX0-00946-00219240-00219487 a broken end and the chromosome sends a
ZuURhUprKX0-00947-00219488-00219710 signal to the cell and the cell does
ZuURhUprKX0-00948-00219711-00219910 certain things one thing it does is it
ZuURhUprKX0-00949-00219911-00220175 stops its division it stops dead the
ZuURhUprKX0-00950-00220176-00220398 alarm has gone off it says wait
ZuURhUprKX0-00951-00220400-00220663 gotta fix that end and if it's a normal
ZuURhUprKX0-00952-00220664-00220894 inside end that's fine it'll fix it up
ZuURhUprKX0-00953-00220896-00221055 then after a while it'll go on and
ZuURhUprKX0-00954-00221056-00221206 divide anyway
ZuURhUprKX0-00955-00221207-00221375 and as i say sometimes if it's fixed the
ZuURhUprKX0-00956-00221376-00221639 wrong thing then that's that's bad
ZuURhUprKX0-00957-00221640-00221831 the other thing that cells do in
ZuURhUprKX0-00958-00221832-00222079 response to an uncapped end is also very
ZuURhUprKX0-00959-00222080-00222319 interesting they commit suicide they
ZuURhUprKX0-00960-00222319-00222423 literally
ZuURhUprKX0-00961-00222423-00222575 eat themselves up
ZuURhUprKX0-00962-00222576-00222951 in response to this alarm signal that
ZuURhUprKX0-00963-00222952-00223151 went off because it said your genetic
ZuURhUprKX0-00964-00223152-00223263 blueprint
ZuURhUprKX0-00965-00223264-00223471 is imperiled
ZuURhUprKX0-00966-00223471-00223694 so it's reading this end as a broken dna
ZuURhUprKX0-00967-00223696-00223942 end and that says the genome is in peril
ZuURhUprKX0-00968-00223944-00224198 stop everything but sometimes the whole
ZuURhUprKX0-00969-00224200-00224455 multicellular organism considers that
ZuURhUprKX0-00970-00224456-00224575 it's best and i'm being very
ZuURhUprKX0-00971-00224576-00224734 anthropomorphic and you have to forgive
ZuURhUprKX0-00972-00224735-00225039 me about this but but um basically the
ZuURhUprKX0-00973-00225040-00225246 idea is that it's thought to be better
ZuURhUprKX0-00974-00225248-00225463 for the organism to just get rid of such
ZuURhUprKX0-00975-00225464-00225703 a cell rather than to try what might
ZuURhUprKX0-00976-00225704-00225967 become a hopeless or a dangerous job of
ZuURhUprKX0-00977-00225967-00226182 trying to fix up something and so the
ZuURhUprKX0-00978-00226183-00226423 chromosome eats itself up and there's a
ZuURhUprKX0-00979-00226423-00226631 special name given to that called
ZuURhUprKX0-00980-00226632-00226846 apoptosis but
ZuURhUprKX0-00981-00226848-00227175 it is a response to an uncapped telomere
ZuURhUprKX0-00982-00227176-00227271 end
ZuURhUprKX0-00983-00227271-00227471 okay so i've told you all this and i've
ZuURhUprKX0-00984-00227471-00227775 described the situation as we did it as
ZuURhUprKX0-00985-00227776-00228031 an experiment in this model organism
ZuURhUprKX0-00986-00228032-00228406 tetrahymena but remember our 1965 nobel
ZuURhUprKX0-00987-00228407-00228606 symposium speaker to the extent to which
ZuURhUprKX0-00988-00228607-00228815 we learn how to manipulate genetic
ZuURhUprKX0-00989-00228816-00229046 change in microorganisms we should be
ZuURhUprKX0-00990-00229048-00229279 able to do so with higher multicellular
ZuURhUprKX0-00991-00229280-00229542 organisms including man and so of course
ZuURhUprKX0-00992-00229544-00229806 the question is well can we do this in
ZuURhUprKX0-00993-00229807-00230151 in in man and in particular
ZuURhUprKX0-00994-00230152-00230342 we've been asking recently can we do
ZuURhUprKX0-00995-00230344-00230598 this in cells that we would like to have
ZuURhUprKX0-00996-00230600-00230839 deleterious effect on and those are
ZuURhUprKX0-00997-00230840-00231023 cancer cells
ZuURhUprKX0-00998-00231023-00231255 and the attraction of this particular
ZuURhUprKX0-00999-00231256-00231358 idea
ZuURhUprKX0-01000-00231359-00231623 is that it's fast
ZuURhUprKX0-01001-00231623-00231991 very quickly a telomere becomes uncapped
ZuURhUprKX0-01002-00231992-00232182 you don't have to put very many mutant
ZuURhUprKX0-01003-00232183-00232367 repeats on the end at all before it
ZuURhUprKX0-01004-00232367-00232639 becomes unkept and basically starts
ZuURhUprKX0-01005-00232640-00232975 doing things like what we saw in that um
ZuURhUprKX0-01006-00232976-00233151 in the couple of slides back so we're
ZuURhUprKX0-01007-00233152-00233375 very interested to say can we use this
ZuURhUprKX0-01008-00233376-00233679 kind of aspect of telomere biology that
ZuURhUprKX0-01009-00233680-00233934 we've learned in these simpler systems
ZuURhUprKX0-01010-00233935-00234223 like the pond organism tetrahymena we've
ZuURhUprKX0-01011-00234223-00234455 also learned similar things in yeast
ZuURhUprKX0-01012-00234456-00234598 that i haven't told you about but we've
ZuURhUprKX0-01013-00234600-00234863 synthesized information from that can we
ZuURhUprKX0-01014-00234864-00234991 use that
ZuURhUprKX0-01015-00234992-00235271 in a way that might be useful in some
ZuURhUprKX0-01016-00235271-00235487 way uh for killing cells we don't like
ZuURhUprKX0-01017-00235488-00235679 of which we put cancer cells pretty high
ZuURhUprKX0-01018-00235680-00235839 up on the list
ZuURhUprKX0-01019-00235840-00235942 okay
ZuURhUprKX0-01020-00235944-00236175 so
ZuURhUprKX0-01021-00236176-00236342 this experiment so i just that was an
ZuURhUprKX0-01022-00236344-00236567 application idea but this experiment
ZuURhUprKX0-01023-00236567-00236758 this kind of experiment
ZuURhUprKX0-01024-00236759-00236998 where you put different sequences at the
ZuURhUprKX0-01025-00237000-00237191 ends of chromosomes they don't always
ZuURhUprKX0-01026-00237192-00237479 have to lead to disaster like this and
ZuURhUprKX0-01027-00237480-00237631 in fact they've been very very
ZuURhUprKX0-01028-00237632-00237927 informative for learning things about
ZuURhUprKX0-01029-00237928-00238263 how telomeres work in the cell and and
ZuURhUprKX0-01030-00238264-00238510 one of the most striking things is just
ZuURhUprKX0-01031-00238511-00238727 how dynamic the structure is and i've
ZuURhUprKX0-01032-00238728-00238942 just drawn you in a very simple
ZuURhUprKX0-01033-00238944-00239223 diagrammatic form what happens at the
ZuURhUprKX0-01034-00239223-00239463 end of the chromosomes
ZuURhUprKX0-01035-00239464-00239615 we sort of think of the chromosomal
ZuURhUprKX0-01036-00239616-00239839 material as being relatively static you
ZuURhUprKX0-01037-00239840-00240119 make that dna it sits there but
ZuURhUprKX0-01038-00240119-00240294 at the end of the chromosome there's a
ZuURhUprKX0-01039-00240296-00240615 continual um building up and losing and
ZuURhUprKX0-01040-00240616-00240830 building up and losing and we can watch
ZuURhUprKX0-01041-00240831-00241158 that process very vividly in real time
ZuURhUprKX0-01042-00241159-00241455 if we make a mark in the template of
ZuURhUprKX0-01043-00241456-00241655 telomerase so i've shown it by the x
ZuURhUprKX0-01044-00241656-00241919 here and that represents a base change
ZuURhUprKX0-01045-00241919-00242110 in that template and now they'll get
ZuURhUprKX0-01046-00242111-00242375 copied into the dna at the chromosome so
ZuURhUprKX0-01047-00242376-00242615 now the x is now in the chromosome end
ZuURhUprKX0-01048-00242616-00242839 first of all just one x appears and then
ZuURhUprKX0-01049-00242840-00243055 quite quickly lots of x's appear but the
ZuURhUprKX0-01050-00243056-00243223 end of the chromosome may not change its
ZuURhUprKX0-01051-00243223-00243382 length a whole lot it gets bit bigger
ZuURhUprKX0-01052-00243383-00243534 smaller and so on depending on the
ZuURhUprKX0-01053-00243535-00243719 sequence and so we can follow this
ZuURhUprKX0-01054-00243719-00243991 dynamic cycle of addition
ZuURhUprKX0-01055-00243992-00244255 of dna by telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01056-00244256-00244334 and
ZuURhUprKX0-01057-00244335-00244646 if you don't have telomerase then dna
ZuURhUprKX0-01058-00244648-00244910 gets lost so telomerase is always adding
ZuURhUprKX0-01059-00244911-00245142 dna that's getting lost
ZuURhUprKX0-01060-00245144-00245382 because of this process of incomplete
ZuURhUprKX0-01061-00245383-00245527 replication
ZuURhUprKX0-01062-00245528-00245863 which is a consequence of the inability
ZuURhUprKX0-01063-00245864-00246063 of the dna replication machinery to
ZuURhUprKX0-01064-00246064-00246319 completely replicate chromosomes so so
ZuURhUprKX0-01065-00246319-00246510 it's a continual adding and losing and
ZuURhUprKX0-01066-00246511-00246679 adding and losing sounds very
ZuURhUprKX0-01067-00246680-00246806 inefficient doesn't it you know you're
ZuURhUprKX0-01068-00246807-00247023 just adding and losing dna all the time
ZuURhUprKX0-01069-00247023-00247255 but i think cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01070-00247256-00247494 have evolved mechanisms which allow them
ZuURhUprKX0-01071-00247496-00247742 a lot of control and this mechanism is
ZuURhUprKX0-01072-00247744-00247975 under exquisite control
ZuURhUprKX0-01073-00247976-00248351 it's remarkable what sort of lengths to
ZuURhUprKX0-01074-00248352-00248703 use a bad pun the chromosome will go to
ZuURhUprKX0-01075-00248704-00248846 to
ZuURhUprKX0-01076-00248848-00249167 protect the integrity of its telomeric
ZuURhUprKX0-01077-00249167-00249351 dna you know unless some nasty
ZuURhUprKX0-01078-00249352-00249487 experimenter comes in and makes a
ZuURhUprKX0-01079-00249488-00249758 mutation at the end of the telomere
ZuURhUprKX0-01080-00249759-00249934 repeats like i just showed you but that
ZuURhUprKX0-01081-00249935-00250158 doesn't normally happen in nature so
ZuURhUprKX0-01082-00250159-00250351 normally the
ZuURhUprKX0-01083-00250352-00250655 chromosome end keeps replenishing itself
ZuURhUprKX0-01084-00250656-00250879 because it keeps attracting telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01085-00250880-00250991 to itself
ZuURhUprKX0-01086-00250992-00251182 now if you attracted too much telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01087-00251183-00251310 then chromosomes would just get
ZuURhUprKX0-01088-00251311-00251510 infinitely long so this process is
ZuURhUprKX0-01089-00251511-00251767 regulated and there are proteins that
ZuURhUprKX0-01090-00251767-00252039 bind the telomeric dna
ZuURhUprKX0-01091-00252040-00252303 sequence and regulate the process and
ZuURhUprKX0-01092-00252304-00252439 i'm just going to show you in the most
ZuURhUprKX0-01093-00252440-00252710 diagrammatic form possible how we think
ZuURhUprKX0-01094-00252711-00252798 of that
ZuURhUprKX0-01095-00252800-00253039 so what i've shown here is the dna
ZuURhUprKX0-01096-00253040-00253230 stretch with the little red balls all
ZuURhUprKX0-01097-00253231-00253455 over it and those are the telomeric
ZuURhUprKX0-01098-00253456-00253719 repeats and they've each attracted a red
ZuURhUprKX0-01099-00253719-00253942 protein to it that binds that sequence
ZuURhUprKX0-01100-00253944-00254151 and only that sequence and then those
ZuURhUprKX0-01101-00254152-00254398 proteins in turn attract pink proteins
ZuURhUprKX0-01102-00254400-00254606 that attract other proteins orange
ZuURhUprKX0-01103-00254607-00254798 proteins and then the inner part of the
ZuURhUprKX0-01104-00254800-00254958 chromosome is those blue blobs which is
ZuURhUprKX0-01105-00254959-00255134 just the normal part of the chromosome
ZuURhUprKX0-01106-00255135-00255303 so we build up this higher order
ZuURhUprKX0-01107-00255304-00255575 structure that began on the platform of
ZuURhUprKX0-01108-00255576-00255863 dna that had all those repeats that all
ZuURhUprKX0-01109-00255864-00256094 these red proteins could sit down on
ZuURhUprKX0-01110-00256096-00256327 now this big object at the end
ZuURhUprKX0-01111-00256328-00256679 is telomerase telomerase happens to be a
ZuURhUprKX0-01112-00256680-00256839 dimer protein i didn't mention that
ZuURhUprKX0-01113-00256840-00257103 before so i've shown a dimer and it also
ZuURhUprKX0-01114-00257104-00257382 as i'll describe more it also is sitting
ZuURhUprKX0-01115-00257383-00257519 at the end
ZuURhUprKX0-01116-00257519-00257646 now
ZuURhUprKX0-01117-00257648-00258063 telomerase and this dna protein complex
ZuURhUprKX0-01118-00258064-00258303 they sort of in a constant balanced dual
ZuURhUprKX0-01119-00258304-00258415 here
ZuURhUprKX0-01120-00258416-00258639 the proteins are
ZuURhUprKX0-01121-00258640-00258910 attracting the action of telomerase if
ZuURhUprKX0-01122-00258911-00259094 the telomere gets short
ZuURhUprKX0-01123-00259096-00259303 and if the telomere gets long
ZuURhUprKX0-01124-00259304-00259519 then they
ZuURhUprKX0-01125-00259519-00259606 don't
ZuURhUprKX0-01126-00259607-00259846 welcome telomerase's action so
ZuURhUprKX0-01127-00259848-00260087 telomerase acts more often on short
ZuURhUprKX0-01128-00260088-00260406 telomeres than it does on long telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01129-00260407-00260630 it's very clever because that's the way
ZuURhUprKX0-01130-00260631-00260887 it can keep the lengths of the telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01131-00260888-00261294 normally within bounds that are okay for
ZuURhUprKX0-01132-00261296-00261471 the telomere to function to form enough
ZuURhUprKX0-01133-00261471-00261671 of a structure so if you just get this
ZuURhUprKX0-01134-00261671-00261919 the simple idea that the telomeric dna
ZuURhUprKX0-01135-00261919-00262182 is loaded with lots of proteins
ZuURhUprKX0-01136-00262183-00262310 and
ZuURhUprKX0-01137-00262311-00262495 the number of proteins
ZuURhUprKX0-01138-00262496-00262671 if the telomere is short
ZuURhUprKX0-01139-00262672-00262871 is going to be smaller and that makes
ZuURhUprKX0-01140-00262872-00263127 telomerase very active at the telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01141-00263128-00263334 but that makes the telomeres get longer
ZuURhUprKX0-01142-00263335-00263495 as it gets longer
ZuURhUprKX0-01143-00263496-00263639 you get more and more places for the
ZuURhUprKX0-01144-00263640-00263823 proteins to bind the telomere gets
ZuURhUprKX0-01145-00263824-00264167 longer and now it damps down the action
ZuURhUprKX0-01146-00264168-00264367 of telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01147-00264368-00264823 so we call this a telomere homeostasis
ZuURhUprKX0-01148-00264824-00265110 it's acting in cells in our bodies and
ZuURhUprKX0-01149-00265111-00265358 particularly it's been we and others
ZuURhUprKX0-01150-00265359-00265519 have looked at it in cells for example
ZuURhUprKX0-01151-00265520-00265782 of our immune system now remember i said
ZuURhUprKX0-01152-00265783-00265991 that we have cells in our body that
ZuURhUprKX0-01153-00265992-00266175 throughout adulthood
ZuURhUprKX0-01154-00266176-00266415 have telomerase because they keep on
ZuURhUprKX0-01155-00266416-00266630 having to multiply we have to keep
ZuURhUprKX0-01156-00266631-00266863 making more and more of these immune
ZuURhUprKX0-01157-00266864-00267055 cells throughout our life these are the
ZuURhUprKX0-01158-00267056-00267271 cells some of which lee hood talked
ZuURhUprKX0-01159-00267272-00267495 about this morning we have to replenish
ZuURhUprKX0-01160-00267496-00267719 our immune cells keep them multiplying
ZuURhUprKX0-01161-00267720-00268023 so they can respond to challenges of
ZuURhUprKX0-01162-00268024-00268199 pathogens
ZuURhUprKX0-01163-00268200-00268710 and other challenges and so
ZuURhUprKX0-01164-00268711-00269015 we know they have to have intact
ZuURhUprKX0-01165-00269016-00269239 telomeres intact chromosomes and what's
ZuURhUprKX0-01166-00269240-00269519 been very striking is that the length of
ZuURhUprKX0-01167-00269520-00269719 these telomeres can actually change
ZuURhUprKX0-01168-00269720-00269943 quite a lot throughout our lifetime but
ZuURhUprKX0-01169-00269944-00270167 in ways that were not expected
ZuURhUprKX0-01170-00270168-00270406 okay now i'll get later to what had been
ZuURhUprKX0-01171-00270407-00270639 expected but here's some actual data
ZuURhUprKX0-01172-00270640-00270934 here and what this shows is the average
ZuURhUprKX0-01173-00270935-00271095 telomere length and this is taken in
ZuURhUprKX0-01174-00271096-00271279 lots of individuals
ZuURhUprKX0-01175-00271280-00271519 of our white blood cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01176-00271520-00271719 which are cells of the immune system and
ZuURhUprKX0-01177-00271720-00271887 they can kick on telomerase anytime they
ZuURhUprKX0-01178-00271888-00271975 want
ZuURhUprKX0-01179-00271976-00272110 and they do
ZuURhUprKX0-01180-00272111-00272399 and it's shown through our life span so
ZuURhUprKX0-01181-00272400-00272663 here zero is newborn and so newborn
ZuURhUprKX0-01182-00272664-00272903 babies have fairly long white blood cell
ZuURhUprKX0-01183-00272904-00273023 telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01184-00273024-00273143 okay
ZuURhUprKX0-01185-00273144-00273382 now the next point shown is
ZuURhUprKX0-01186-00273383-00273591 when this is again lots of individuals
ZuURhUprKX0-01187-00273592-00273855 and we've averaged them here uh you're
ZuURhUprKX0-01188-00273856-00273982 um you haven't quite gone to
ZuURhUprKX0-01189-00273983-00274215 kindergarten at this stage okay but look
ZuURhUprKX0-01190-00274216-00274406 what's happening telomeric dnx plunged
ZuURhUprKX0-01191-00274407-00274671 down right but you're fine you haven't
ZuURhUprKX0-01192-00274672-00274847 had a deleterious effect from this
ZuURhUprKX0-01193-00274848-00275110 plunging down it's just that the balance
ZuURhUprKX0-01194-00275111-00275447 of the adding and the losing has been
ZuURhUprKX0-01195-00275448-00275623 thrown off a little bit
ZuURhUprKX0-01196-00275624-00275871 for some reason in that phase of your
ZuURhUprKX0-01197-00275872-00275967 life
ZuURhUprKX0-01198-00275968-00276158 okay so now you go to kindergarten and
ZuURhUprKX0-01199-00276159-00276295 elementary school middle school high
ZuURhUprKX0-01200-00276296-00276623 school you uh around the time the last
ZuURhUprKX0-01201-00276624-00276951 college tuition check is paid um we look
ZuURhUprKX0-01202-00276952-00277103 at the telomeres again and they're not
ZuURhUprKX0-01203-00277104-00277271 an awful lot difference now you did an
ZuURhUprKX0-01204-00277272-00277503 awful lot of growing from preschool to
ZuURhUprKX0-01205-00277504-00277734 this stage here as you did from newborn
ZuURhUprKX0-01206-00277735-00277951 to preschool stage it's about the same
ZuURhUprKX0-01207-00277952-00278127 amount of growing in fact the same
ZuURhUprKX0-01208-00278128-00278310 amount of cell divisions are expected
ZuURhUprKX0-01209-00278311-00278519 but the tillman stayed very steady and
ZuURhUprKX0-01210-00278520-00278743 then through a later life there is a
ZuURhUprKX0-01211-00278744-00279006 gentle decline in the telomeric dna
ZuURhUprKX0-01212-00279007-00279279 length so the point is that telomere
ZuURhUprKX0-01213-00279280-00279671 length per se is a complex output of
ZuURhUprKX0-01214-00279672-00279855 many things
ZuURhUprKX0-01215-00279856-00280047 turns out in this case in telomer the
ZuURhUprKX0-01216-00280048-00280423 case of cells that have telomerase it's
ZuURhUprKX0-01217-00280424-00280630 the total net vector if you will of the
ZuURhUprKX0-01218-00280631-00280830 action of telomerase the proteins that
ZuURhUprKX0-01219-00280831-00280991 are protecting the telomeres from too
ZuURhUprKX0-01220-00280992-00281175 much action of telomerase and so forth
ZuURhUprKX0-01221-00281176-00281582 so we just get um these lengths which
ZuURhUprKX0-01222-00281583-00281695 frankly
ZuURhUprKX0-01223-00281696-00281958 taken by themselves don't mean an awful
ZuURhUprKX0-01224-00281959-00282206 lot what actually really matters is that
ZuURhUprKX0-01225-00282207-00282399 these telomeres are healthy and
ZuURhUprKX0-01226-00282400-00282582 functional and so i've decided we have
ZuURhUprKX0-01227-00282583-00282734 to have a new paradigm for thinking
ZuURhUprKX0-01228-00282735-00282919 about telomeres and so i've taken the
ZuURhUprKX0-01229-00282920-00283199 road sign terminology as our guide here
ZuURhUprKX0-01230-00283200-00283495 okay length is not really the issue much
ZuURhUprKX0-01231-00283496-00283758 of the time what really counts is this
ZuURhUprKX0-01232-00283759-00284054 telomere is quote capped and part of
ZuURhUprKX0-01233-00284055-00284175 this capping
ZuURhUprKX0-01234-00284176-00284319 that i refer to in this almost
ZuURhUprKX0-01235-00284320-00284495 metaphysical sense
ZuURhUprKX0-01236-00284496-00284687 in fact involves having the right
ZuURhUprKX0-01237-00284688-00284903 proteins at telomeres and we've put a
ZuURhUprKX0-01238-00284904-00285167 lot of names to the molecular components
ZuURhUprKX0-01239-00285168-00285303 of the cap and i won't bore you with
ZuURhUprKX0-01240-00285304-00285439 them but i can assure you that they're
ZuURhUprKX0-01241-00285440-00285647 pretty concrete sets of proteins and so
ZuURhUprKX0-01242-00285648-00285775 forth
ZuURhUprKX0-01243-00285776-00285958 and they even include telomerases i'll
ZuURhUprKX0-01244-00285959-00286223 get to later okay so the important point
ZuURhUprKX0-01245-00286224-00286375 is that the telomeres is what's called
ZuURhUprKX0-01246-00286376-00286558 functionally capped that means it has to
ZuURhUprKX0-01247-00286559-00286734 have at least some minimal amount of
ZuURhUprKX0-01248-00286735-00286934 telomeric repeats in the right proteins
ZuURhUprKX0-01249-00286935-00287087 and so forth around
ZuURhUprKX0-01250-00287088-00287351 okay so that's that's what happens in
ZuURhUprKX0-01251-00287352-00287679 our our bodies um in terms of just one
ZuURhUprKX0-01252-00287680-00288295 cell type
ZuURhUprKX0-01253-00288296-00288623 now
ZuURhUprKX0-01254-00288624-00288934 we don't have telomerase on in many of
ZuURhUprKX0-01255-00288935-00289127 our cells okay so now we're going to
ZuURhUprKX0-01256-00289128-00289287 talk about
ZuURhUprKX0-01257-00289288-00289463 the converse situation from what i've
ZuURhUprKX0-01258-00289464-00289615 been talking about
ZuURhUprKX0-01259-00289616-00289863 till up to now and that is
ZuURhUprKX0-01260-00289864-00290295 what about when we don't have telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01261-00290296-00290558 okay now the prediction
ZuURhUprKX0-01262-00290559-00290654 from
ZuURhUprKX0-01263-00290655-00290847 many years of knowing about the dna
ZuURhUprKX0-01264-00290848-00291023 replication machinery and the fact that
ZuURhUprKX0-01265-00291024-00291263 chromosomes couldn't be completely
ZuURhUprKX0-01266-00291264-00291510 replicated predicted that as cells went
ZuURhUprKX0-01267-00291511-00291710 through divisions their chromosomes
ZuURhUprKX0-01268-00291711-00291839 would just become progressively
ZuURhUprKX0-01269-00291840-00292015 shortened and shortened and shortened
ZuURhUprKX0-01270-00292016-00292191 and eventually cells would cease to be
ZuURhUprKX0-01271-00292192-00292358 able to divide because they would lose
ZuURhUprKX0-01272-00292359-00292567 some essential gene from the end of the
ZuURhUprKX0-01273-00292568-00292743 chromosome let's say so that was the
ZuURhUprKX0-01274-00292744-00292982 theoretical idea and it's sort of right
ZuURhUprKX0-01275-00292983-00293263 but in fact cells never get further than
ZuURhUprKX0-01276-00293264-00293543 about say this third line here or so in
ZuURhUprKX0-01277-00293544-00293654 other words
ZuURhUprKX0-01278-00293655-00293927 telomeres shorten some distance
ZuURhUprKX0-01279-00293928-00294271 in the absence of telomerase and then
ZuURhUprKX0-01280-00294272-00294654 cells respond to that in in various ways
ZuURhUprKX0-01281-00294655-00295103 okay
ZuURhUprKX0-01282-00295104-00295534 so
ZuURhUprKX0-01283-00295535-00295887 by 1990 we knew that telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01284-00295888-00296151 was absolutely essential for
ZuURhUprKX0-01285-00296152-00296399 maintenance of telomeres again in our
ZuURhUprKX0-01286-00296400-00296679 pond organism and the way we'd done that
ZuURhUprKX0-01287-00296680-00296895 was to make a very tiny change in the
ZuURhUprKX0-01288-00296896-00297191 telomerase and it was just a single base
ZuURhUprKX0-01289-00297192-00297423 change in a particular part of the rna
ZuURhUprKX0-01290-00297424-00297599 that turned out to matter remember i
ZuURhUprKX0-01291-00297600-00297782 said that the rna and the protein
ZuURhUprKX0-01292-00297783-00298039 collaborate to make the enzyme activity
ZuURhUprKX0-01293-00298040-00298230 and either one of those little base
ZuURhUprKX0-01294-00298231-00298430 changes i've depicted up the top here
ZuURhUprKX0-01295-00298431-00298567 was sufficient
ZuURhUprKX0-01296-00298568-00298895 to stop telomerase from functioning
ZuURhUprKX0-01297-00298896-00299054 the result of that was that the
ZuURhUprKX0-01298-00299055-00299191 telomeres shown by these blocks
ZuURhUprKX0-01299-00299192-00299439 depicting the repeats shortened down and
ZuURhUprKX0-01300-00299440-00299710 after about 20 cell divisions the cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01301-00299711-00299934 ceased to divide
ZuURhUprKX0-01302-00299935-00300151 now
ZuURhUprKX0-01303-00300152-00300382 tetrahymena is normally effectively
ZuURhUprKX0-01304-00300383-00300558 immortal if you give it good food and
ZuURhUprKX0-01305-00300559-00300710 don't treat it mean it'll just keep
ZuURhUprKX0-01306-00300711-00300854 dividing and dividing and dividing
ZuURhUprKX0-01307-00300855-00301110 essentially pretty much forever so you
ZuURhUprKX0-01308-00301111-00301303 can think of them as immortal cells and
ZuURhUprKX0-01309-00301304-00301623 we made them into mortal cells they stop
ZuURhUprKX0-01310-00301624-00301943 dividing after a while
ZuURhUprKX0-01311-00301944-00302295 well that kind of thing
ZuURhUprKX0-01312-00302296-00302495 has sparked a lot of interest here's a
ZuURhUprKX0-01313-00302496-00302719 graphical representation
ZuURhUprKX0-01314-00302720-00302791 of
ZuURhUprKX0-01315-00302792-00302967 this is the year and the bottom axis
ZuURhUprKX0-01316-00302968-00303295 here and in the y-axis here uh showing
ZuURhUprKX0-01317-00303296-00303543 the number of publications
ZuURhUprKX0-01318-00303544-00303743 on the subject of telomeres and you can
ZuURhUprKX0-01319-00303744-00303967 see there's been this very large growth
ZuURhUprKX0-01320-00303968-00304343 in the number of papers published on
ZuURhUprKX0-01321-00304344-00304558 telomeres or having telomeres somewhere
ZuURhUprKX0-01322-00304559-00304854 as their subject matter so why why has
ZuURhUprKX0-01323-00304855-00305047 there been such sustained and increasing
ZuURhUprKX0-01324-00305048-00305279 interest in this well clearly because
ZuURhUprKX0-01325-00305280-00305558 our bodies are not immortal
ZuURhUprKX0-01326-00305559-00305703 now i did just say that the
ZuURhUprKX0-01327-00305704-00305951 self-renewing parts of our bodies those
ZuURhUprKX0-01328-00305952-00306158 cells that do have to keep dividing like
ZuURhUprKX0-01329-00306159-00306406 immune system cells they do have active
ZuURhUprKX0-01330-00306407-00306591 telomerase and they often have plenty of
ZuURhUprKX0-01331-00306592-00306815 it and apparently they can keep on
ZuURhUprKX0-01332-00306816-00307006 turning it on through life as far as we
ZuURhUprKX0-01333-00307007-00307079 know
ZuURhUprKX0-01334-00307080-00307239 also our germ cells have active
ZuURhUprKX0-01335-00307240-00307406 telomerase well that's good because we'd
ZuURhUprKX0-01336-00307407-00307671 like our species to keep on going
ZuURhUprKX0-01337-00307672-00307887 cancer cells do often have telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01338-00307888-00308351 and i'm going to get back to that but uh
ZuURhUprKX0-01339-00308352-00308582 telomerase doesn't normally seem to stay
ZuURhUprKX0-01340-00308583-00309071 active in all the cells of our body
ZuURhUprKX0-01341-00309072-00309271 and in a very broad brush way we can
ZuURhUprKX0-01342-00309272-00309551 represent the situation like this
ZuURhUprKX0-01343-00309552-00309775 as i said in germ cells and in cancer
ZuURhUprKX0-01344-00309776-00310030 cells they have telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01345-00310031-00310239 and they keep on dividing
ZuURhUprKX0-01346-00310240-00310430 pretty much effectively forever if you
ZuURhUprKX0-01347-00310431-00310534 will
ZuURhUprKX0-01348-00310535-00310782 but most somatic human cells not the
ZuURhUprKX0-01349-00310783-00310958 immune cells but most of the cells in
ZuURhUprKX0-01350-00310959-00311167 our bodies actually don't have active
ZuURhUprKX0-01351-00311168-00311391 telomerase as far as we can see
ZuURhUprKX0-01352-00311392-00311671 now we also notice in such cells that if
ZuURhUprKX0-01353-00311672-00311806 you take them out of the body and look
ZuURhUprKX0-01354-00311807-00312006 at their telomere length over age
ZuURhUprKX0-01355-00312007-00312143 remember these are now the cells without
ZuURhUprKX0-01356-00312144-00312495 telomerase then the telomeres gradually
ZuURhUprKX0-01357-00312496-00312687 shorten
ZuURhUprKX0-01358-00312688-00312927 and so a very striking experiment was
ZuURhUprKX0-01359-00312928-00313175 done by jerry shay and woody wright who
ZuURhUprKX0-01360-00313176-00313375 at the university of texas collaborating
ZuURhUprKX0-01361-00313376-00313558 with some scientists in german
ZuURhUprKX0-01362-00313559-00313767 corporation in california and what they
ZuURhUprKX0-01363-00313768-00313919 did was they said well what if we put
ZuURhUprKX0-01364-00313920-00314199 active telomerase back or reactivate
ZuURhUprKX0-01365-00314200-00314487 telomerase in cells that don't have it
ZuURhUprKX0-01366-00314488-00314647 and which don't keep dividing
ZuURhUprKX0-01367-00314648-00314895 indefinitely so they did this with cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01368-00314896-00315095 grown in the laboratory and dishes and i
ZuURhUprKX0-01369-00315096-00315247 want to emphasize where these
ZuURhUprKX0-01370-00315248-00315399 experiments have done so in the lab in
ZuURhUprKX0-01371-00315400-00315623 dishes when you put telomerase into
ZuURhUprKX0-01372-00315624-00315743 these cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01373-00315744-00316030 very strikingly they became mortal so
ZuURhUprKX0-01374-00316031-00316230 there's a sort of striking symmetry with
ZuURhUprKX0-01375-00316231-00316423 the experiment we did with tetrahymena
ZuURhUprKX0-01376-00316424-00316558 immortal cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01377-00316559-00316758 turned off telomerase cells became
ZuURhUprKX0-01378-00316759-00316895 mortal
ZuURhUprKX0-01379-00316896-00317143 human cells normal cells grown in the
ZuURhUprKX0-01380-00317144-00317391 laboratory uh dish
ZuURhUprKX0-01381-00317392-00317543 normally mortal
ZuURhUprKX0-01382-00317544-00317854 put in telomerase become immortal
ZuURhUprKX0-01383-00317855-00318151 and so this is raised much very
ZuURhUprKX0-01384-00318152-00318391 interested speculation and one of my
ZuURhUprKX0-01385-00318392-00318671 favorites is a science fiction book
ZuURhUprKX0-01386-00318672-00318934 written by um bruce sterling it's called
ZuURhUprKX0-01387-00318935-00319134 holy fire i don't know if you can read
ZuURhUprKX0-01388-00319135-00319503 it all but the essence of it is that um
ZuURhUprKX0-01389-00319504-00319758 this uh 90 year old woman decides that
ZuURhUprKX0-01390-00319759-00319982 she will have this uh have some
ZuURhUprKX0-01391-00319983-00320271 telomerase and uh trick herself into
ZuURhUprKX0-01392-00320272-00320479 becoming young again and then the story
ZuURhUprKX0-01393-00320480-00320879 is all about uh what happens okay well
ZuURhUprKX0-01394-00320880-00321103 science fiction or or um is this a
ZuURhUprKX0-01395-00321104-00321254 possibility
ZuURhUprKX0-01396-00321255-00321358 now
ZuURhUprKX0-01397-00321359-00321519 i'm going to get to that but i just
ZuURhUprKX0-01398-00321520-00321879 briefly want to uh just tell you another
ZuURhUprKX0-01399-00321880-00322095 little bit about the science of what i
ZuURhUprKX0-01400-00322096-00322271 just described
ZuURhUprKX0-01401-00322272-00322623 what what is it about these telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01402-00322624-00322895 that are in cells that don't have
ZuURhUprKX0-01403-00322896-00323071 telomerase now i'm going to depict the
ZuURhUprKX0-01404-00323072-00323271 picture on the left so here we have
ZuURhUprKX0-01405-00323272-00323423 telomeres and they're normally capped
ZuURhUprKX0-01406-00323424-00323558 and i've shown them sort of looking
ZuURhUprKX0-01407-00323559-00323782 happy with little caps faces at the end
ZuURhUprKX0-01408-00323783-00323943 right and then as they shorten as they
ZuURhUprKX0-01409-00323944-00324127 divide then they become uncapped and
ZuURhUprKX0-01410-00324128-00324287 that's the red stars sending alarm
ZuURhUprKX0-01411-00324288-00324487 signals to the cell and the cell stops
ZuURhUprKX0-01412-00324488-00324591 dividing
ZuURhUprKX0-01413-00324592-00324734 that's its response and that's a good
ZuURhUprKX0-01414-00324735-00325087 response to not having a capped telomere
ZuURhUprKX0-01415-00325088-00325391 and then on the right hand side is what
ZuURhUprKX0-01416-00325392-00325647 we discovered happens even in normal
ZuURhUprKX0-01417-00325648-00325847 cells when we put telomerase in them and
ZuURhUprKX0-01418-00325848-00326110 what we found is that the telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01419-00326111-00326295 even though they have telomerase which
ZuURhUprKX0-01420-00326296-00326519 is now shown as the little yellow cap
ZuURhUprKX0-01421-00326520-00326727 with the visor and bill on it that's got
ZuURhUprKX0-01422-00326728-00326967 telomerase but actually these telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01423-00326968-00327167 can keep on shortening and they're still
ZuURhUprKX0-01424-00327168-00327375 okay so they've told us something else
ZuURhUprKX0-01425-00327376-00327591 about telomerase it says its job is not
ZuURhUprKX0-01426-00327592-00327751 just to
ZuURhUprKX0-01427-00327752-00327958 extend the telomeres and make them
ZuURhUprKX0-01428-00327959-00328167 longer it actually physically seems to
ZuURhUprKX0-01429-00328168-00328415 protect the end as well
ZuURhUprKX0-01430-00328416-00328591 the point is that even a very short
ZuURhUprKX0-01431-00328592-00328823 telomere not too short i mean it can't
ZuURhUprKX0-01432-00328824-00329023 be too short can't be left of that red
ZuURhUprKX0-01433-00329024-00329263 arrow here but even pretty short
ZuURhUprKX0-01434-00329264-00329527 telomeres if they have telomerase are
ZuURhUprKX0-01435-00329528-00329815 okay and we say that they're capped
ZuURhUprKX0-01436-00329816-00329927 again
ZuURhUprKX0-01437-00329928-00330151 so the wrinkle is that shortening
ZuURhUprKX0-01438-00330152-00330406 telomeres in the absence of telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01439-00330407-00330639 as i said become uncapped and the cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01440-00330640-00330878 then respond by ceasing to divide if you
ZuURhUprKX0-01441-00330879-00331095 put telomerase in you can now you can
ZuURhUprKX0-01442-00331096-00331358 experimentally see situations in which
ZuURhUprKX0-01443-00331359-00331527 the telomeres are actually absolutely
ZuURhUprKX0-01444-00331528-00331703 fine they're functionally kept but their
ZuURhUprKX0-01445-00331704-00331958 length is actually sometimes even less
ZuURhUprKX0-01446-00331959-00332134 than the length of those telomeres on
ZuURhUprKX0-01447-00332135-00332423 the left that were unkept it just says
ZuURhUprKX0-01448-00332424-00332806 that length is not the only game in town
ZuURhUprKX0-01449-00332807-00333039 you can't just look at length and deduce
ZuURhUprKX0-01450-00333040-00333230 anything without knowing a lot of other
ZuURhUprKX0-01451-00333231-00333558 things about the cells so again that
ZuURhUprKX0-01452-00333559-00333799 applies again here now we're talking
ZuURhUprKX0-01453-00333800-00334054 about not making weird dna sequences but
ZuURhUprKX0-01454-00334055-00334423 just shortening telomeres and
ZuURhUprKX0-01455-00334424-00334639 largely length is not a big problem it's
ZuURhUprKX0-01456-00334640-00334943 whether you have a functionally kept
ZuURhUprKX0-01457-00334944-00335143 telomere so that's the
ZuURhUprKX0-01458-00335144-00335391 sort of new wrinkle if you will on the
ZuURhUprKX0-01459-00335392-00335575 uh science here
ZuURhUprKX0-01460-00335576-00335782 so what is this all what does this all
ZuURhUprKX0-01461-00335783-00336063 mean here i've depicted the situation
ZuURhUprKX0-01462-00336064-00336215 and let's look at the right branch here
ZuURhUprKX0-01463-00336216-00336399 so here's this normal kind of cell i've
ZuURhUprKX0-01464-00336400-00336519 showed you it doesn't normally have
ZuURhUprKX0-01465-00336520-00336799 telomerase and in at least some cell
ZuURhUprKX0-01466-00336800-00337078 types not all but some at least adding
ZuURhUprKX0-01467-00337079-00337334 telomerase is sufficient to convert that
ZuURhUprKX0-01468-00337335-00337678 cell to a perfectly growing
ZuURhUprKX0-01469-00337679-00337878 seemingly normal cell as far as anyone
ZuURhUprKX0-01470-00337879-00338127 can tell and it apparently can divide
ZuURhUprKX0-01471-00338128-00338310 indefinitely so we say it's become
ZuURhUprKX0-01472-00338311-00338551 immortalized and so that's the branch on
ZuURhUprKX0-01473-00338552-00339078 the right of the uh slide here
ZuURhUprKX0-01474-00339079-00339327 now
ZuURhUprKX0-01475-00339328-00339734 do we want all cells to be able to renew
ZuURhUprKX0-01476-00339735-00339919 and so this brings me to the dr jekyll
ZuURhUprKX0-01477-00339920-00340247 and mr hyde nature of telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01478-00340248-00340430 because there are cells clearly we don't
ZuURhUprKX0-01479-00340431-00340599 want to be renewing indefinitely and
ZuURhUprKX0-01480-00340600-00340895 those are cancer cells um predominantly
ZuURhUprKX0-01481-00340896-00341047 certainly one prominent example is
ZuURhUprKX0-01482-00341048-00341182 cancer cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01483-00341183-00341303 so remember
ZuURhUprKX0-01484-00341304-00341567 dr jekyll and mr hyde they were the same
ZuURhUprKX0-01485-00341568-00341934 person but they were manifestations of
ZuURhUprKX0-01486-00341935-00342191 the good side and the evil side of the
ZuURhUprKX0-01487-00342192-00342351 same person
ZuURhUprKX0-01488-00342352-00342543 and i think this is an interesting
ZuURhUprKX0-01489-00342544-00342854 analogy to think about for telomerase in
ZuURhUprKX0-01490-00342855-00343103 various ways it's okay so let's think
ZuURhUprKX0-01491-00343104-00343351 about telomerase in an experimental way
ZuURhUprKX0-01492-00343352-00343567 what we did was um
ZuURhUprKX0-01493-00343568-00343903 we looked at the effect of telomerase on
ZuURhUprKX0-01494-00343904-00344230 cells that were not nice normal cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01495-00344231-00344423 like the one stone on the right going to
ZuURhUprKX0-01496-00344424-00344727 the green cells but cells that had taken
ZuURhUprKX0-01497-00344728-00345015 a number of steps down that stairway to
ZuURhUprKX0-01498-00345016-00345182 becoming cancerous
ZuURhUprKX0-01499-00345183-00345334 and it's only going to take a few more
ZuURhUprKX0-01500-00345335-00345430 shoves
ZuURhUprKX0-01501-00345431-00345527 before
ZuURhUprKX0-01502-00345528-00345863 those cells become full-blown cancerous
ZuURhUprKX0-01503-00345864-00346271 so what we did was we put telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01504-00346272-00346543 into those cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01505-00346544-00346887 and here's an actual experiment here
ZuURhUprKX0-01506-00346888-00347191 okay here's a growth curve now the cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01507-00347192-00347278 that
ZuURhUprKX0-01508-00347279-00347478 can see the cells that
ZuURhUprKX0-01509-00347479-00347623 keep growing for a little while and then
ZuURhUprKX0-01510-00347624-00347903 they cease to grow so this is population
ZuURhUprKX0-01511-00347904-00348015 doublings
ZuURhUprKX0-01512-00348016-00348263 this is number of days in culture these
ZuURhUprKX0-01513-00348264-00348543 cells have been made predisposed to be
ZuURhUprKX0-01514-00348544-00348775 cancerous we've put a virus oncogene
ZuURhUprKX0-01515-00348776-00348982 into them and we've made them on the way
ZuURhUprKX0-01516-00348983-00349175 to becoming cancerous cells and those
ZuURhUprKX0-01517-00349176-00349551 cells cease dividing and what's um
ZuURhUprKX0-01518-00349552-00349758 experimentally said is that they go into
ZuURhUprKX0-01519-00349759-00349934 what's called crisis as they cease
ZuURhUprKX0-01520-00349935-00350127 dividing you probably can't see too well
ZuURhUprKX0-01521-00350128-00350295 but those are them on the bottom they're
ZuURhUprKX0-01522-00350296-00350510 pretty unhappy and these are the control
ZuURhUprKX0-01523-00350511-00350639 cells for our experiment in our
ZuURhUprKX0-01524-00350640-00350934 experiment we put in a gene it's called
ZuURhUprKX0-01525-00350935-00351119 the h-terp gene i didn't get into names
ZuURhUprKX0-01526-00351120-00351310 but it basically kicks the dormant
ZuURhUprKX0-01527-00351311-00351591 telomerase in the cell on and now these
ZuURhUprKX0-01528-00351592-00351743 cells just keep on dividing and those
ZuURhUprKX0-01529-00351744-00352071 multiple uh cell lines uh clonal lines
ZuURhUprKX0-01530-00352072-00352278 very efficiently or 90 of the cell lines
ZuURhUprKX0-01531-00352279-00352454 just keep on dividing indefinitely and
ZuURhUprKX0-01532-00352455-00352687 they look fine uh they're growing just
ZuURhUprKX0-01533-00352688-00352847 fine so what happened to these cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01534-00352848-00353054 well we made them effectively we think
ZuURhUprKX0-01535-00353055-00353358 immortalized but what kind of cells are
ZuURhUprKX0-01536-00353359-00353687 these cells these are these are um
ZuURhUprKX0-01537-00353688-00353863 cells that are not good cells and so
ZuURhUprKX0-01538-00353864-00353991 let's think about what's happening to
ZuURhUprKX0-01539-00353992-00354134 their dna
ZuURhUprKX0-01540-00354135-00354478 and this is really the dr jekyll mr hyde
ZuURhUprKX0-01541-00354479-00354630 side of telomerase or aspect of
ZuURhUprKX0-01542-00354631-00354903 telomerase if we look at the chromosomes
ZuURhUprKX0-01543-00354904-00355143 of the cells that are in the process of
ZuURhUprKX0-01544-00355144-00355334 ceasing to divide
ZuURhUprKX0-01545-00355335-00355558 we find that they have a lot of
ZuURhUprKX0-01546-00355559-00355719 peculiarities
ZuURhUprKX0-01547-00355720-00355982 and the arrows point to chromosomes that
ZuURhUprKX0-01548-00355983-00356230 have fused their telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01549-00356231-00356447 now what's the consequence of that
ZuURhUprKX0-01550-00356448-00356623 cancer cells can get by with this
ZuURhUprKX0-01551-00356624-00356727 because they have plenty of extra
ZuURhUprKX0-01552-00356728-00356943 chromosomes much of the time so they
ZuURhUprKX0-01553-00356944-00357095 have the genetic material to keep on
ZuURhUprKX0-01554-00357096-00357358 growing but these fused chromosomes are
ZuURhUprKX0-01555-00357359-00357695 a hallmark of genome changes that happen
ZuURhUprKX0-01556-00357696-00357854 in cells as they get more and more
ZuURhUprKX0-01557-00357855-00357967 cancerous
ZuURhUprKX0-01558-00357968-00358278 so these cells are showing signs of
ZuURhUprKX0-01559-00358279-00358503 what's called genomic instability of
ZuURhUprKX0-01560-00358504-00358758 which this is just one manifestation and
ZuURhUprKX0-01561-00358759-00358887 one type
ZuURhUprKX0-01562-00358888-00359175 which is going to be likely to make them
ZuURhUprKX0-01563-00359176-00359399 more likely to go down those steps
ZuURhUprKX0-01564-00359400-00359767 towards full-blown cancerousness
ZuURhUprKX0-01565-00359768-00360054 strikingly at the very same stage in our
ZuURhUprKX0-01566-00360055-00360254 control cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01567-00360255-00360399 here's just some examples and you
ZuURhUprKX0-01568-00360400-00360510 probably can't look at them all in
ZuURhUprKX0-01569-00360511-00360663 detail but these are perfectly okay
ZuURhUprKX0-01570-00360664-00360823 looking chromosomes and these are the
ZuURhUprKX0-01571-00360824-00361134 ones that got the activated telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-01572-00361135-00361310 and they kept on dividing so we saved
ZuURhUprKX0-01573-00361311-00361510 their bacon but wait a minute you know
ZuURhUprKX0-01574-00361511-00361775 whose bacon did we save here okay so
ZuURhUprKX0-01575-00361776-00361943 let's think about this
ZuURhUprKX0-01576-00361944-00362119 because there are two opposite
ZuURhUprKX0-01577-00362120-00362343 implications in terms of progression to
ZuURhUprKX0-01578-00362344-00362487 cancer
ZuURhUprKX0-01579-00362488-00362806 the first thing that telomerase did was
ZuURhUprKX0-01580-00362807-00363223 that it allowed a population of cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01581-00363224-00363495 that are prone to cancerousness greatly
ZuURhUprKX0-01582-00363496-00363654 multiply
ZuURhUprKX0-01583-00363655-00363815 now that means that there's more of a
ZuURhUprKX0-01584-00363816-00364054 pool of cells in which a chance of more
ZuURhUprKX0-01585-00364055-00364278 genetic events going wrong and which
ZuURhUprKX0-01586-00364279-00364463 would lead to cancer can take place so
ZuURhUprKX0-01587-00364464-00364615 if you have you know few cells the
ZuURhUprKX0-01588-00364616-00364775 chances are low if you have millions and
ZuURhUprKX0-01589-00364776-00365143 millions of cells the chances are higher
ZuURhUprKX0-01590-00365144-00365382 so that's definitely telomerase on the
ZuURhUprKX0-01591-00365383-00365678 cancer promoting side of things what we
ZuURhUprKX0-01592-00365679-00365910 call mr hyde
ZuURhUprKX0-01593-00365911-00366095 on the other hand i just told you that
ZuURhUprKX0-01594-00366096-00366295 telomerase actually was acting as a
ZuURhUprKX0-01595-00366296-00366543 somewhat protective mechanism it was
ZuURhUprKX0-01596-00366544-00366910 protecting those chromosome ends from
ZuURhUprKX0-01597-00366911-00367167 fusing and therefore it was actually
ZuURhUprKX0-01598-00367168-00367510 stopping one kind not all kinds but one
ZuURhUprKX0-01599-00367511-00367767 kind of genomic instability and that
ZuURhUprKX0-01600-00367768-00368030 would be actually a somewhat protective
ZuURhUprKX0-01601-00368031-00368175 mechanism
ZuURhUprKX0-01602-00368176-00368287 so
ZuURhUprKX0-01603-00368288-00368503 what telomerase is doing
ZuURhUprKX0-01604-00368504-00368734 in terms of our anthropomorphic and
ZuURhUprKX0-01605-00368735-00369071 disease oriented viewpoint is that it's
ZuURhUprKX0-01606-00369072-00369230 the same enzyme but it's doing something
ZuURhUprKX0-01607-00369231-00369391 different depending on the context you
ZuURhUprKX0-01608-00369392-00369582 know maybe it's like being mr hyde you
ZuURhUprKX0-01609-00369583-00369782 know who was only mr hyde at night and
ZuURhUprKX0-01610-00369783-00369951 dr jekyll who is dr jekyll in the
ZuURhUprKX0-01611-00369952-00370223 daytime it depends on the context same
ZuURhUprKX0-01612-00370224-00370510 person same enzyme but the context is
ZuURhUprKX0-01613-00370511-00370671 different and the results are very very
ZuURhUprKX0-01614-00370672-00370758 different
ZuURhUprKX0-01615-00370759-00370975 so that is
ZuURhUprKX0-01616-00370976-00371078 oops
ZuURhUprKX0-01617-00371079-00371295 just uh so
ZuURhUprKX0-01618-00371296-00371558 again we see the cat idea that's playing
ZuURhUprKX0-01619-00371559-00371782 out in these cells and so now if we take
ZuURhUprKX0-01620-00371783-00372015 that leftward pathway now we can make as
ZuURhUprKX0-01621-00372016-00372167 i said cells that have at least the
ZuURhUprKX0-01622-00372168-00372391 potential to become cancerous divide
ZuURhUprKX0-01623-00372392-00372630 large numbers of times and so my
ZuURhUprKX0-01624-00372631-00372910 concluding remarks are i want to now
ZuURhUprKX0-01625-00372911-00373119 draw together come some of this in
ZuURhUprKX0-01626-00373120-00373319 thinking about what that might mean to
ZuURhUprKX0-01627-00373320-00373510 us and i'm going to be immediately
ZuURhUprKX0-01628-00373511-00373775 mindful of the dangers of predicting
ZuURhUprKX0-01629-00373776-00373943 science and i love the fact that we're
ZuURhUprKX0-01630-00373944-00374119 at the end of this millennium because i
ZuURhUprKX0-01631-00374120-00374310 think it was about the time of the end
ZuURhUprKX0-01632-00374311-00374430 of the last
ZuURhUprKX0-01633-00374431-00374606 um century
ZuURhUprKX0-01634-00374607-00374743 that
ZuURhUprKX0-01635-00374744-00374991 uh physicists confidently predicted that
ZuURhUprKX0-01636-00374992-00375158 really there was not a great deal of
ZuURhUprKX0-01637-00375159-00375334 need to study more physics because
ZuURhUprKX0-01638-00375335-00375687 pretty much everything was known and
ZuURhUprKX0-01639-00375688-00375847 some of you might remember einstein and
ZuURhUprKX0-01640-00375848-00375967 a few other interesting things that
ZuURhUprKX0-01641-00375968-00376223 happened in physics in the 20th century
ZuURhUprKX0-01642-00376224-00376471 so perhaps while i certainly don't think
ZuURhUprKX0-01643-00376472-00376719 studying biology is over by any means i
ZuURhUprKX0-01644-00376720-00376902 think that perhaps we do have a somewhat
ZuURhUprKX0-01645-00376903-00377110 analogous situation
ZuURhUprKX0-01646-00377111-00377295 we've learned so much
ZuURhUprKX0-01647-00377296-00377543 and we've answered so many questions and
ZuURhUprKX0-01648-00377544-00377791 yet it only takes a very little thought
ZuURhUprKX0-01649-00377792-00377999 to realize well how many mysteries of
ZuURhUprKX0-01650-00378000-00378263 life really are still remaining how much
ZuURhUprKX0-01651-00378264-00378551 we have yet to understand and let alone
ZuURhUprKX0-01652-00378552-00378815 how to decide how to use that
ZuURhUprKX0-01653-00378816-00379102 information and knowledge
ZuURhUprKX0-01654-00379103-00379287 now we
ZuURhUprKX0-01655-00379288-00379543 were asking questions about telomeres in
ZuURhUprKX0-01656-00379544-00379727 cells because we were interested in
ZuURhUprKX0-01657-00379728-00379958 these tiny single-celled organisms
ZuURhUprKX0-01658-00379959-00380078 because they would tell us about
ZuURhUprKX0-01659-00380079-00380310 telomeres but at that time we were not
ZuURhUprKX0-01660-00380311-00380615 setting out to try to cure cancer or to
ZuURhUprKX0-01661-00380616-00380799 look at the ill effects of physical
ZuURhUprKX0-01662-00380800-00380910 aging
ZuURhUprKX0-01663-00380911-00381110 so we don't know where new findings are
ZuURhUprKX0-01664-00381111-00381215 going to come from and i think it's
ZuURhUprKX0-01665-00381216-00381487 going to be very hard for us to make
ZuURhUprKX0-01666-00381488-00381758 really confident predictions about where
ZuURhUprKX0-01667-00381759-00381919 new findings are going to come from i
ZuURhUprKX0-01668-00381920-00382063 bet they're going to come from very
ZuURhUprKX0-01669-00382064-00382282 unexpected
ZuURhUprKX0-01670-00382283-00382454 directions
ZuURhUprKX0-01671-00382455-00382654 now
ZuURhUprKX0-01672-00382655-00383054 what should we do with this information
ZuURhUprKX0-01673-00383055-00383302 can we do anything with it
ZuURhUprKX0-01674-00383303-00383551 well technologically we're probably a
ZuURhUprKX0-01675-00383552-00383710 ways from really being able to do
ZuURhUprKX0-01676-00383711-00383958 anything with it but i don't think that
ZuURhUprKX0-01677-00383959-00384310 is a reason to not think very hard about
ZuURhUprKX0-01678-00384311-00384471 it
ZuURhUprKX0-01679-00384472-00384782 so let's think about aging now i think
ZuURhUprKX0-01680-00384783-00385078 no really honest person would say that
ZuURhUprKX0-01681-00385079-00385327 they like the physical ravages of aging
ZuURhUprKX0-01682-00385328-00385510 or or cancer right i mean if you're
ZuURhUprKX0-01683-00385511-00385663 really honest we can talk about the
ZuURhUprKX0-01684-00385664-00385887 wisdom and the perspective that old age
ZuURhUprKX0-01685-00385888-00386127 brings but the physical ravages i think
ZuURhUprKX0-01686-00386128-00386415 honestly people don't think much of them
ZuURhUprKX0-01687-00386416-00386654 okay now what are other things we don't
ZuURhUprKX0-01688-00386655-00386791 like what we don't like infectious
ZuURhUprKX0-01689-00386792-00387039 diseases for example and so we improve
ZuURhUprKX0-01690-00387040-00387239 hygiene and we vaccinate and we
ZuURhUprKX0-01691-00387240-00387454 forestall infectious diseases and we
ZuURhUprKX0-01692-00387455-00387671 consider that as a very appropriate
ZuURhUprKX0-01693-00387672-00387823 thing to do
ZuURhUprKX0-01694-00387824-00387999 well i think perhaps we can say well can
ZuURhUprKX0-01695-00388000-00388295 we forestall the equally natural and as
ZuURhUprKX0-01696-00388296-00388415 unwelcome
ZuURhUprKX0-01697-00388416-00388671 wear and tear of aging and i'll include
ZuURhUprKX0-01698-00388672-00388943 cancer in that because many cancers not
ZuURhUprKX0-01699-00388944-00389271 all many cancers are diseases of aging
ZuURhUprKX0-01700-00389272-00389487 and again we sit around sort of waiting
ZuURhUprKX0-01701-00389488-00389758 for the blow of cancer to fall we don't
ZuURhUprKX0-01702-00389759-00389975 usually actively step in and forestall
ZuURhUprKX0-01703-00389976-00390151 it although there are some exceptions
ZuURhUprKX0-01704-00390152-00390423 but usually we're passively waiting here
ZuURhUprKX0-01705-00390424-00390623 and so we could ask a very focused
ZuURhUprKX0-01706-00390624-00390919 question we say well could we imagine um
ZuURhUprKX0-01707-00390920-00391167 utilizing telomerase utilizing
ZuURhUprKX0-01708-00391168-00391399 activating it in certain contexts
ZuURhUprKX0-01709-00391400-00391599 could that be helpful in either of these
ZuURhUprKX0-01710-00391600-00391815 aspects of aging the wear and tear and
ZuURhUprKX0-01711-00391816-00392054 the cancer related aspects so let me
ZuURhUprKX0-01712-00392055-00392223 just examine a little bit about the
ZuURhUprKX0-01713-00392224-00392478 logic of this um now first of all this
ZuURhUprKX0-01714-00392479-00392678 idea of the cells keeping replenishing
ZuURhUprKX0-01715-00392679-00392919 themselves um
ZuURhUprKX0-01716-00392920-00393095 well what i've described for you is
ZuURhUprKX0-01717-00393096-00393302 what's been described in the laboratory
ZuURhUprKX0-01718-00393303-00393519 for human cells grown in dishes in the
ZuURhUprKX0-01719-00393520-00393758 lab does the same kind of thing that
ZuURhUprKX0-01720-00393759-00393982 i've described actually happen in the
ZuURhUprKX0-01721-00393983-00394175 human body as we age
ZuURhUprKX0-01722-00394176-00394295 that is does
ZuURhUprKX0-01723-00394296-00394510 the increase in cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01724-00394511-00394727 whose telomeres are unprotected does
ZuURhUprKX0-01725-00394728-00395063 that lead to wear and tear as our bodies
ZuURhUprKX0-01726-00395064-00395182 get older
ZuURhUprKX0-01727-00395183-00395415 because cells can't renew themselves
ZuURhUprKX0-01728-00395416-00395599 it's a very reasonable plausible
ZuURhUprKX0-01729-00395600-00395767 hypothesis but we don't actually know
ZuURhUprKX0-01730-00395768-00395958 for sure
ZuURhUprKX0-01731-00395959-00396151 and we also don't really know if such
ZuURhUprKX0-01732-00396152-00396415 wear and tear is the major contributor
ZuURhUprKX0-01733-00396416-00396654 to aging i i suspect it probably is but
ZuURhUprKX0-01734-00396655-00396878 we also should note that there's other
ZuURhUprKX0-01735-00396879-00397110 aspects of aging and in the nematode the
ZuURhUprKX0-01736-00397111-00397351 roundworm that we heard referred to uh
ZuURhUprKX0-01737-00397352-00397710 this morning by lee for example um
ZuURhUprKX0-01738-00397711-00397895 in that creature
ZuURhUprKX0-01739-00397896-00398263 aging is defined by certain genes which
ZuURhUprKX0-01740-00398264-00398534 are programmed to affect lifespan
ZuURhUprKX0-01741-00398535-00398678 now what's striking here is that the
ZuURhUprKX0-01742-00398679-00398927 action of those genes is exerted on
ZuURhUprKX0-01743-00398928-00399134 non-dividing cells and everything i've
ZuURhUprKX0-01744-00399135-00399334 been telling you about is relevant to
ZuURhUprKX0-01745-00399335-00399534 the situation for dividing cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01746-00399535-00399823 multiplying cells okay so i think that's
ZuURhUprKX0-01747-00399824-00400071 important to think about that in fact
ZuURhUprKX0-01748-00400072-00400302 aging may very well be
ZuURhUprKX0-01749-00400303-00400558 a getting together of programmed and
ZuURhUprKX0-01750-00400559-00400919 wear and tear and damage aspects of
ZuURhUprKX0-01751-00400920-00401158 what goes on and so it might not be at
ZuURhUprKX0-01752-00401159-00401519 all clear what is the most important
ZuURhUprKX0-01753-00401520-00401775 in our bodies as we age we can look at
ZuURhUprKX0-01754-00401776-00401975 modelling organisms but we live very
ZuURhUprKX0-01755-00401976-00402191 long times and we don't really know what
ZuURhUprKX0-01756-00402192-00402375 is the preeminent
ZuURhUprKX0-01757-00402376-00402639 mechanism of aging
ZuURhUprKX0-01758-00402640-00402863 so that's that's a question and but i'd
ZuURhUprKX0-01759-00402864-00403030 also ask another question secondly could
ZuURhUprKX0-01760-00403031-00403391 you use the uncapping of telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01761-00403392-00403527 does that lead to cells becoming
ZuURhUprKX0-01762-00403528-00403751 cancerous and could we maybe protect
ZuURhUprKX0-01763-00403752-00403958 from cancers so i'm really speculating
ZuURhUprKX0-01764-00403959-00404151 here you have to realize but could we
ZuURhUprKX0-01765-00404152-00404334 protect from certain cancers
ZuURhUprKX0-01766-00404335-00404687 by by having telomerase protect from a
ZuURhUprKX0-01767-00404688-00404943 certain kind of genomic instability now
ZuURhUprKX0-01768-00404944-00405119 this is not all kinds of genome damage
ZuURhUprKX0-01769-00405120-00405287 by any means but could it be used in
ZuURhUprKX0-01770-00405288-00405519 that way and again you know i'm really
ZuURhUprKX0-01771-00405520-00405727 speculating here but i think it's never
ZuURhUprKX0-01772-00405728-00405854 too early to think about these
ZuURhUprKX0-01773-00405855-00406143 possibilities and in particular to think
ZuURhUprKX0-01774-00406144-00406343 about the possibilities with respect to
ZuURhUprKX0-01775-00406344-00406639 human lifespan because i think that the
ZuURhUprKX0-01776-00406640-00406982 use of such a technology of potentially
ZuURhUprKX0-01777-00406983-00407319 expanding the healthy lifespan would
ZuURhUprKX0-01778-00407320-00407639 have very large ramifications
ZuURhUprKX0-01779-00407640-00407751 um
ZuURhUprKX0-01780-00407752-00407951 just think of a few well how long would
ZuURhUprKX0-01781-00407952-00408175 we like that to be right
ZuURhUprKX0-01782-00408176-00408391 um do we want this to happen
ZuURhUprKX0-01783-00408392-00408582 i think that there's very interesting
ZuURhUprKX0-01784-00408583-00408758 things to start thinking about once we
ZuURhUprKX0-01785-00408759-00409006 free ourselves of the idea that we have
ZuURhUprKX0-01786-00409007-00409391 a sort of um required lifespan
ZuURhUprKX0-01787-00409392-00409695 do we have a lot of untapped potential
ZuURhUprKX0-01788-00409696-00409926 that frustrates us that we cannot
ZuURhUprKX0-01789-00409927-00410222 realize because time is too short
ZuURhUprKX0-01790-00410223-00410343 you know we all
ZuURhUprKX0-01791-00410343-00410495 we all um
ZuURhUprKX0-01792-00410496-00410663 said at one time or another oh i would
ZuURhUprKX0-01793-00410664-00410799 have loved to have become a you know
ZuURhUprKX0-01794-00410800-00410999 insert your favorite thing a writer or a
ZuURhUprKX0-01795-00411000-00411239 musician you know we we often think of
ZuURhUprKX0-01796-00411239-00411470 things that we might have done but we
ZuURhUprKX0-01797-00411471-00411751 know we have a lifespan and so we
ZuURhUprKX0-01798-00411752-00411959 to achieve things in and so we sort of
ZuURhUprKX0-01799-00411960-00412110 realistically say well this is what i
ZuURhUprKX0-01800-00412112-00412543 can do in my healthy lifespan
ZuURhUprKX0-01801-00412543-00412734 and that's another point here we are we
ZuURhUprKX0-01802-00412735-00412991 gain in our wisdom and our experience
ZuURhUprKX0-01803-00412992-00413159 even as our bodies are losing their
ZuURhUprKX0-01804-00413160-00413287 capability
ZuURhUprKX0-01805-00413288-00413510 of executing the fruits of that wisdom
ZuURhUprKX0-01806-00413512-00413687 and experience
ZuURhUprKX0-01807-00413688-00413951 and that might be something that we
ZuURhUprKX0-01808-00413952-00414191 would think about as perhaps we do want
ZuURhUprKX0-01809-00414192-00414543 to have that possibility
ZuURhUprKX0-01810-00414543-00414887 would we regard time differently if we
ZuURhUprKX0-01811-00414888-00415110 had a different expectation of what
ZuURhUprKX0-01812-00415112-00415414 might be reasonable barring accidents to
ZuURhUprKX0-01813-00415415-00415655 expect as our productive creative
ZuURhUprKX0-01814-00415656-00415951 healthy lifespan we might do things with
ZuURhUprKX0-01815-00415952-00416174 the same tempo for example i i don't
ZuURhUprKX0-01816-00416175-00416247 know
ZuURhUprKX0-01817-00416247-00416414 does this really change then our nature
ZuURhUprKX0-01818-00416415-00416630 of how we think about ourselves so i
ZuURhUprKX0-01819-00416631-00416830 think all of these questions are very
ZuURhUprKX0-01820-00416831-00417087 critical questions which it's not too
ZuURhUprKX0-01821-00417088-00417303 soon to begin thinking hard about
ZuURhUprKX0-01822-00417304-00417495 because i suspect at some stage the
ZuURhUprKX0-01823-00417496-00417703 possibilities will be there and i can't
ZuURhUprKX0-01824-00417704-00417943 say next year or 20 years from now
ZuURhUprKX0-01825-00417943-00418182 but i suspect more the latter
ZuURhUprKX0-01826-00418183-00418374 but i think we should think about it and
ZuURhUprKX0-01827-00418375-00418607 i'm going to end with a marvelous quote
ZuURhUprKX0-01828-00418608-00418847 from robert lewis stevenson's dr jekyll
ZuURhUprKX0-01829-00418847-00419159 and mr hyde published in 1886 that was
ZuURhUprKX0-01830-00419160-00419334 when the novel was published
ZuURhUprKX0-01831-00419335-00419527 and what i like about this quote is that
ZuURhUprKX0-01832-00419528-00419775 you can take it either way you want any
ZuURhUprKX0-01833-00419776-00419983 way you choose okay
ZuURhUprKX0-01834-00419984-00420255 here's dr beckel i hesitated long before
ZuURhUprKX0-01835-00420256-00420431 i put this theory to the test of
ZuURhUprKX0-01836-00420432-00420759 practice i knew well that i risked death
ZuURhUprKX0-01837-00420760-00420991 for any drug that so potently controlled
ZuURhUprKX0-01838-00420992-00421270 and shook the very fortress of identity
ZuURhUprKX0-01839-00421271-00421503 might by the least scruple of an
ZuURhUprKX0-01840-00421504-00421799 overdose utterly block out that
ZuURhUprKX0-01841-00421800-00422063 immaterial tabernacle which i looked to
ZuURhUprKX0-01842-00422064-00422214 it to change
ZuURhUprKX0-01843-00422215-00422455 but the temptation of a discovery so
ZuURhUprKX0-01844-00422456-00422727 singular and profound at last overcame
ZuURhUprKX0-01845-00422728-00423039 the suggestions of alarm end quote in
ZuURhUprKX0-01846-00423039-00423304 lecture
ZuURhUprKX0-01847-00423305-00425735 [Applause]
ZuURhUprKX0-01848-00425735-00426039 and too long but what the hell yeah
ZuURhUprKX0-01849-00426039-00426335 i just naughty baby
ZuURhUprKX0-01850-00426335-00427547 oh well now they know i kissed up
ZuURhUprKX0-01851-00427547-00428335 [Applause]
ZuURhUprKX0-01852-00428335-00428479 and we'll take that break i imagine
ZuURhUprKX0-01853-00428480-00428639 there's crappy insider out on there oh
ZuURhUprKX0-01854-00428639-00428822 you want me to say that's better or you
ZuURhUprKX0-01855-00428823-00429143 know there's puppies there
ZuURhUprKX0-01856-00429143-00429351 there should be
ZuURhUprKX0-01857-00429352-00429599 say elvie says there's puppy insider out
ZuURhUprKX0-01858-00429600-00429814 there and if there isn't
ZuURhUprKX0-01859-00429815-00429983 i'm retiring if there's not we'll cut
ZuURhUprKX0-01860-00429984-00430191 your telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01861-00430192-00430414 just uncount hand cut i'm trying to
ZuURhUprKX0-01862-00430415-00430831 introduce the new team
ZuURhUprKX0-01863-00430832-00431022 we'll take about 10 minutes for
ZuURhUprKX0-01864-00431023-00431310 questions and comments today
ZuURhUprKX0-01865-00431312-00431479 and then there'll be coffee or elvie
ZuURhUprKX0-01866-00431480-00431663 says there will be coffee inside or out
ZuURhUprKX0-01867-00431664-00431910 on ekman mall following our question and
ZuURhUprKX0-01868-00431912-00432055 answer period
ZuURhUprKX0-01869-00432056-00432231 um you can send your questions up and
ZuURhUprKX0-01870-00432232-00432503 i'll ask first whether any one of the
ZuURhUprKX0-01871-00432504-00432703 participants have comments or questions
ZuURhUprKX0-01872-00432704-00432855 that they want to address to dr
ZuURhUprKX0-01873-00432856-00433039 blackburn
ZuURhUprKX0-01874-00433039-00433263 dr venter
ZuURhUprKX0-01875-00433264-00433383 i was going to ask you what you think of
ZuURhUprKX0-01876-00433384-00433839 the approaches of companies like generon
ZuURhUprKX0-01877-00433839-00434070 where they're using telomerase to try
ZuURhUprKX0-01878-00434071-00434375 and immortalize stem cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01879-00434376-00434599 uh to use as gene
ZuURhUprKX0-01880-00434600-00434791 as stem cell therapy if they're truly
ZuURhUprKX0-01881-00434792-00434927 immortalized
ZuURhUprKX0-01882-00434928-00435087 isn't that equivalent to putting in a
ZuURhUprKX0-01883-00435088-00435295 cancer cell
ZuURhUprKX0-01884-00435296-00435503 um i think we should separate
ZuURhUprKX0-01885-00435504-00435766 cancerousness from immortality and
ZuURhUprKX0-01886-00435767-00436047 unfortunately we can because cancerous
ZuURhUprKX0-01887-00436047-00436318 cells have lost many of the checks and
ZuURhUprKX0-01888-00436319-00436614 balances that tell normal cells when to
ZuURhUprKX0-01889-00436615-00436887 divide and when not to divide and even
ZuURhUprKX0-01890-00436888-00437199 though um and so for example they're
ZuURhUprKX0-01891-00437200-00437479 more impervious to certain kinds of
ZuURhUprKX0-01892-00437480-00437759 genetic damage than a normal cell so if
ZuURhUprKX0-01893-00437760-00438014 a normal cell is truly
ZuURhUprKX0-01894-00438015-00438199 normal and that is a very important
ZuURhUprKX0-01895-00438200-00438383 question you're raising if it stays
ZuURhUprKX0-01896-00438384-00438735 normal then it may be a relatively
ZuURhUprKX0-01897-00438735-00438918 benign type of cell
ZuURhUprKX0-01898-00438919-00439135 if it shows any propensity to become
ZuURhUprKX0-01899-00439135-00439503 cancerous then i think we have serious
ZuURhUprKX0-01900-00439504-00439703 concerns because now as i said the
ZuURhUprKX0-01901-00439704-00439935 numbers of these cells can get very high
ZuURhUprKX0-01902-00439935-00440207 and so chances of further changes
ZuURhUprKX0-01903-00440208-00440551 towards consciousness could um go on so
ZuURhUprKX0-01904-00440552-00440751 i think uh you know like with any
ZuURhUprKX0-01905-00440752-00440870 technology
ZuURhUprKX0-01906-00440871-00441110 the cautions with which one must
ZuURhUprKX0-01907-00441112-00441279 approach this are very
ZuURhUprKX0-01908-00441280-00441559 very great the potentials are high and
ZuURhUprKX0-01909-00441560-00441759 so um
ZuURhUprKX0-01910-00441760-00441966 it's not a clear-cut
ZuURhUprKX0-01911-00441967-00442166 indication of what we should do so
ZuURhUprKX0-01912-00442167-00442343 that's why i think you know choosing a
ZuURhUprKX0-01913-00442343-00442527 society what we want to do with these
ZuURhUprKX0-01914-00442528-00442807 potentially quite powerful interventions
ZuURhUprKX0-01915-00442808-00443079 is is so critical
ZuURhUprKX0-01916-00443080-00443270 oh dr benner again
ZuURhUprKX0-01917-00443271-00443366 uh
ZuURhUprKX0-01918-00443367-00443655 obviously the news about uh dolly is uh
ZuURhUprKX0-01919-00443656-00443879 dolly's been re reported have shortened
ZuURhUprKX0-01920-00443880-00444127 telomeres it wasn't reported whether
ZuURhUprKX0-01921-00444128-00444327 they were capped or not
ZuURhUprKX0-01922-00444328-00444431 yes
ZuURhUprKX0-01923-00444432-00444670 well my bet is they were capped
ZuURhUprKX0-01924-00444671-00444814 and i don't know what they're being
ZuURhUprKX0-01925-00444815-00445039 shorter means and that i think is
ZuURhUprKX0-01926-00445039-00445270 actually where our knowledge of the
ZuURhUprKX0-01927-00445271-00445599 basic science is incomplete and to say
ZuURhUprKX0-01928-00445600-00445814 telomeres are shorter and that is
ZuURhUprKX0-01929-00445815-00446095 interpretable is is premature at this
ZuURhUprKX0-01930-00446096-00446375 stage
ZuURhUprKX0-01931-00446376-00446566 i have a question from the audience what
ZuURhUprKX0-01932-00446567-00446735 are the possibilities that adding
ZuURhUprKX0-01933-00446735-00446943 telomerase to a cell from a specific
ZuURhUprKX0-01934-00446943-00447191 organ or tissue of the body to increase
ZuURhUprKX0-01935-00447192-00447455 replication would result in a new organ
ZuURhUprKX0-01936-00447456-00447679 or tissue for the use in transplants and
ZuURhUprKX0-01937-00447680-00447895 burn victims and do you foresee such an
ZuURhUprKX0-01938-00447896-00448263 undertaking to be possible in the future
ZuURhUprKX0-01939-00448264-00448527 i think the question has two aspects and
ZuURhUprKX0-01940-00448528-00448766 one is
ZuURhUprKX0-01941-00448767-00448959 at the level of the cells and their
ZuURhUprKX0-01942-00448960-00449110 proliferation
ZuURhUprKX0-01943-00449112-00449335 and if indeed the reason the particular
ZuURhUprKX0-01944-00449335-00449670 cells have ceased dividing is to do with
ZuURhUprKX0-01945-00449671-00449935 telomere uncappy then the prediction is
ZuURhUprKX0-01946-00449935-00450143 that that
ZuURhUprKX0-01947-00450143-00450391 adding telomerase would then obviate
ZuURhUprKX0-01948-00450392-00450647 that block to their division but there
ZuURhUprKX0-01949-00450647-00450870 are also many other reasons why cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01950-00450871-00451135 may cease dividing one could imagine
ZuURhUprKX0-01951-00451135-00451287 that one could add telomerase but still
ZuURhUprKX0-01952-00451288-00451455 have to add many other things to get
ZuURhUprKX0-01953-00451456-00451775 things going the second issue is so i
ZuURhUprKX0-01954-00451776-00451999 just talked about cells multiplying but
ZuURhUprKX0-01955-00452000-00452231 there's another very important part of
ZuURhUprKX0-01956-00452232-00452310 this
ZuURhUprKX0-01957-00452312-00452551 question and that is that the cells
ZuURhUprKX0-01958-00452552-00452855 should differentiate properly into the
ZuURhUprKX0-01959-00452856-00453070 required new organ that they should have
ZuURhUprKX0-01960-00453071-00453335 all the appropriate interactions and
ZuURhUprKX0-01961-00453335-00453543 that again is something where we're
ZuURhUprKX0-01962-00453543-00453895 really in pretty unchartered areas so um
ZuURhUprKX0-01963-00453896-00454135 but but i would say it's it's worth
ZuURhUprKX0-01964-00454135-00454414 trying because it's quite reasonable
ZuURhUprKX0-01965-00454415-00454775 that that is one aspect of why cells are
ZuURhUprKX0-01966-00454776-00454879 not
ZuURhUprKX0-01967-00454880-00455063 proliferating but only one i'm not
ZuURhUprKX0-01968-00455064-00455247 trying to say that it's the one and only
ZuURhUprKX0-01969-00455247-00455518 but it may be one part of what's going
ZuURhUprKX0-01970-00455519-00455759 on to limit such growth and perhaps one
ZuURhUprKX0-01971-00455760-00455975 could overcome certain barriers to
ZuURhUprKX0-01972-00455976-00456263 continued proliferation by adding it
ZuURhUprKX0-01973-00456264-00456366 back in
ZuURhUprKX0-01974-00456367-00456559 circumspectly one would like to think
ZuURhUprKX0-01975-00456560-00456751 that one would do it in a way that might
ZuURhUprKX0-01976-00456752-00456999 be very controllable
ZuURhUprKX0-01977-00457000-00457255 we talk about adding back a gene but
ZuURhUprKX0-01978-00457256-00457414 perhaps one doesn't have to add back a
ZuURhUprKX0-01979-00457415-00457766 gene telomerase genes are still in all
ZuURhUprKX0-01980-00457767-00457991 our cells they're just tightly shut down
ZuURhUprKX0-01981-00457992-00458222 they're dormant they might be away with
ZuURhUprKX0-01982-00458223-00458391 a drug a small drug that could be
ZuURhUprKX0-01983-00458392-00458614 administered in a controlled way over a
ZuURhUprKX0-01984-00458615-00458831 limited period to kick the telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-01985-00458832-00458975 into action when you wanted to and then
ZuURhUprKX0-01986-00458976-00459199 turn it off you know so so i i don't
ZuURhUprKX0-01987-00459200-00459359 think one has to think this should be
ZuURhUprKX0-01988-00459360-00459463 done
ZuURhUprKX0-01989-00459464-00459783 only by some gene introduction method
ZuURhUprKX0-01990-00459784-00459991 but rather a gene awakening
ZuURhUprKX0-01991-00459992-00460175 method
ZuURhUprKX0-01992-00460176-00460391 another question is telomerase the same
ZuURhUprKX0-01993-00460392-00460647 in vertebrates and protists how closely
ZuURhUprKX0-01994-00460647-00460831 is it conserved and then a second part
ZuURhUprKX0-01995-00460832-00461103 to the question is dolly the clone sheep
ZuURhUprKX0-01996-00461104-00461295 is said to be old
ZuURhUprKX0-01997-00461296-00461631 is this due to her telomeres okay
ZuURhUprKX0-01998-00461632-00461807 the first part is
ZuURhUprKX0-01999-00461808-00462087 that like many of the genes that we
ZuURhUprKX0-02000-00462088-00462366 heard about in the previous talks
ZuURhUprKX0-02001-00462367-00462727 there are variations in the structure
ZuURhUprKX0-02002-00462728-00463014 the detailed structures of the proteins
ZuURhUprKX0-02003-00463015-00463222 and in this case the rna from organism
ZuURhUprKX0-02004-00463223-00463518 to organism but they end up folding up
ZuURhUprKX0-02005-00463519-00463743 into a three-dimensional functional
ZuURhUprKX0-02006-00463743-00464095 shape which is pretty much conserved
ZuURhUprKX0-02007-00464096-00464247 now there can be subtleties and
ZuURhUprKX0-02008-00464247-00464551 differences in how the interfaces with
ZuURhUprKX0-02009-00464552-00464847 the protein is with other parts of the
ZuURhUprKX0-02010-00464847-00465110 cell and i'm sure those details vary
ZuURhUprKX0-02011-00465112-00465310 could you put a protozoan telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-02012-00465312-00465575 into a pond organism protozoa
ZuURhUprKX0-02013-00465576-00465775 or telomerase into a human cell and
ZuURhUprKX0-02014-00465776-00465975 expect it to work
ZuURhUprKX0-02015-00465976-00466166 it might work at some very crude level
ZuURhUprKX0-02016-00466167-00466399 but it probably wouldn't be subject to
ZuURhUprKX0-02017-00466400-00466583 all of the fine
ZuURhUprKX0-02018-00466584-00466831 regulatory controls that such enzymes
ZuURhUprKX0-02019-00466832-00467039 are in cells so i think it might work in
ZuURhUprKX0-02020-00467039-00467255 a simple way but it wouldn't work in a
ZuURhUprKX0-02021-00467256-00467510 good way but fundamentally we've found
ZuURhUprKX0-02022-00467512-00467743 no significant
ZuURhUprKX0-02023-00467743-00467983 important difference in how they work
ZuURhUprKX0-02024-00467984-00468231 between such very very different uh
ZuURhUprKX0-02025-00468232-00468479 creatures dolly i might have answered
ZuURhUprKX0-02026-00468480-00468631 the dolly question
ZuURhUprKX0-02027-00468632-00468903 the question was is dolly quote old and
ZuURhUprKX0-02028-00468904-00469166 dolly was judged to be quote old by the
ZuURhUprKX0-02029-00469167-00469407 fact that the telomeres in dolly were
ZuURhUprKX0-02030-00469408-00469583 shorter than one might have expected but
ZuURhUprKX0-02031-00469584-00469807 the problem is we don't know if that
ZuURhUprKX0-02032-00469808-00470063 means if short telomeres by itself means
ZuURhUprKX0-02033-00470064-00470214 something we need to know the status of
ZuURhUprKX0-02034-00470215-00470351 the telomerase we need to know the
ZuURhUprKX0-02035-00470352-00470503 status of all the proteins that bind the
ZuURhUprKX0-02036-00470504-00470783 telomeres control et cetera so it's a
ZuURhUprKX0-02037-00470784-00471047 parameter that in isolation is not easy
ZuURhUprKX0-02038-00471047-00471295 to interpret so so i'm not sure that
ZuURhUprKX0-02039-00471296-00471447 dolly is old i think one would look for
ZuURhUprKX0-02040-00471447-00471655 some other much more
ZuURhUprKX0-02041-00471656-00471863 um
ZuURhUprKX0-02042-00471864-00472127 significant indicators of age
ZuURhUprKX0-02043-00472128-00472318 than something as fickle as telomere
ZuURhUprKX0-02044-00472319-00472543 lengths you know telomere lengths
ZuURhUprKX0-02045-00472543-00472743 if you look at people who are 20 and
ZuURhUprKX0-02046-00472743-00472910 people who are 90
ZuURhUprKX0-02047-00472912-00473143 in the cells that don't have telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-02048-00473143-00473391 there's enormous variation in length
ZuURhUprKX0-02049-00473392-00473679 individuals with very long telomeres at
ZuURhUprKX0-02050-00473680-00473863 90. they can have much longer telomeres
ZuURhUprKX0-02051-00473864-00474127 at 90 than another individual does
ZuURhUprKX0-02052-00474128-00474359 who's 20. it just says there are many
ZuURhUprKX0-02053-00474360-00474543 many genetic
ZuURhUprKX0-02054-00474543-00474775 factors that and perhaps environmental
ZuURhUprKX0-02055-00474776-00475007 for all we know that play into that
ZuURhUprKX0-02056-00475008-00475103 final
ZuURhUprKX0-02057-00475104-00475351 readout which is telomere length it's
ZuURhUprKX0-02058-00475352-00475599 just an easy thing to measure and we got
ZuURhUprKX0-02059-00475600-00475743 a little bit carried away when we
ZuURhUprKX0-02060-00475743-00475903 thought about length because it was it
ZuURhUprKX0-02061-00475904-00476031 was the only
ZuURhUprKX0-02062-00476032-00476110 um
ZuURhUprKX0-02063-00476112-00476318 lamp post light under which one could
ZuURhUprKX0-02064-00476319-00476543 look for quite a while so length was an
ZuURhUprKX0-02065-00476543-00476687 easy thing to look for but now there are
ZuURhUprKX0-02066-00476688-00476870 much more sophisticated things that one
ZuURhUprKX0-02067-00476871-00477070 should look for as
ZuURhUprKX0-02068-00477071-00477351 a way of saying is something old or not
ZuURhUprKX0-02069-00477352-00477543 old
ZuURhUprKX0-02070-00477543-00477751 might it be that a limited life span is
ZuURhUprKX0-02071-00477752-00478007 necessary for a species to prevail
ZuURhUprKX0-02072-00478008-00478143 i think those are very very good
ZuURhUprKX0-02073-00478143-00478335 questions and i think that's
ZuURhUprKX0-02074-00478335-00478495 one very good question
ZuURhUprKX0-02075-00478496-00478847 but that's absolutely a crucial um
ZuURhUprKX0-02076-00478847-00479047 question to ask the fact that the
ZuURhUprKX0-02077-00479047-00479263 roundworm the nematode the free-living
ZuURhUprKX0-02078-00479264-00479591 nematode has a gene whose normal form is
ZuURhUprKX0-02079-00479592-00479839 to keep the life span short and it's
ZuURhUprKX0-02080-00479839-00480118 only in its mutated form that lifespan
ZuURhUprKX0-02081-00480119-00480399 extends that already i think is telling
ZuURhUprKX0-02082-00480400-00480647 us something about how this
ZuURhUprKX0-02083-00480647-00480887 whole complex interplay of organisms
ZuURhUprKX0-02084-00480888-00481143 their environment their populations uh
ZuURhUprKX0-02085-00481143-00481414 play out um i think it's only as humans
ZuURhUprKX0-02086-00481415-00481535 who are you know very much into
ZuURhUprKX0-02087-00481535-00481791 manipulating our fates that
ZuURhUprKX0-02088-00481792-00481927 you know that we we can think about this
ZuURhUprKX0-02089-00481928-00482166 but i suspect that probably been very
ZuURhUprKX0-02090-00482167-00482279 good
ZuURhUprKX0-02091-00482280-00482591 selective reasons over the years why
ZuURhUprKX0-02092-00482592-00482799 lifespans are not you know very very
ZuURhUprKX0-02093-00482800-00482999 long for organisms
ZuURhUprKX0-02094-00483000-00483199 and we this will be the last question
ZuURhUprKX0-02095-00483200-00483462 but we've had several versions of this
ZuURhUprKX0-02096-00483463-00483662 um the question has to do with neural
ZuURhUprKX0-02097-00483663-00483910 cells and the the state of their
ZuURhUprKX0-02098-00483912-00484231 telomeres and telomerase
ZuURhUprKX0-02099-00484232-00484470 neural cells yeah so the general
ZuURhUprKX0-02100-00484471-00484751 understanding is that neurons are of the
ZuURhUprKX0-02101-00484752-00484959 class of cells that have
ZuURhUprKX0-02102-00484960-00485191 ceased dividing there's some exceptions
ZuURhUprKX0-02103-00485192-00485431 to that which i believe are emerging but
ZuURhUprKX0-02104-00485432-00485647 as a generalization there are many cells
ZuURhUprKX0-02105-00485647-00485951 that don't keep dividing and in that
ZuURhUprKX0-02106-00485952-00486183 case the issue of telomeres in
ZuURhUprKX0-02107-00486184-00486503 telomerase is probably
ZuURhUprKX0-02108-00486504-00486710 perhaps even not relevant it's certainly
ZuURhUprKX0-02109-00486712-00486943 not relevant in any way that anybody has
ZuURhUprKX0-02110-00486943-00487222 been able to discern and that was why i
ZuURhUprKX0-02111-00487223-00487455 wanted to make the point that there's
ZuURhUprKX0-02112-00487456-00487759 only one aspect of aging that we can
ZuURhUprKX0-02113-00487760-00488022 think reasonably has to do with dividing
ZuURhUprKX0-02114-00488023-00488207 cells there might very well be aspects
ZuURhUprKX0-02115-00488208-00488422 of aging which have to do with things
ZuURhUprKX0-02116-00488423-00488751 that go on in non-dividing cells and dna
ZuURhUprKX0-02117-00488752-00488839 damage
ZuURhUprKX0-02118-00488839-00489087 accumulation is one obvious
ZuURhUprKX0-02119-00489088-00489247 one that i didn't touch on but which has
ZuURhUprKX0-02120-00489247-00489527 been much thought about
ZuURhUprKX0-02121-00489528-00489751 dr renner has a comment i i think the
ZuURhUprKX0-02122-00489752-00490055 notion of brain cells being non-dividing
ZuURhUprKX0-02123-00490056-00490343 and static is rapidly going away right
ZuURhUprKX0-02124-00490343-00490479 that's what i understood i didn't know
ZuURhUprKX0-02125-00490480-00490687 how many you know whether it was for at
ZuURhUprKX0-02126-00490688-00490822 least not here but i don't know how for
ZuURhUprKX0-02127-00490823-00491031 how many of the cells that's true but i
ZuURhUprKX0-02128-00491032-00491207 know people have started now to find
ZuURhUprKX0-02129-00491208-00491439 evidence of cell division even in what
ZuURhUprKX0-02130-00491439-00491670 was thought to be the non-dividing brain
ZuURhUprKX0-02131-00491671-00491807 but you know some of them may be
ZuURhUprKX0-02132-00491808-00492031 dividing fairly slowly
ZuURhUprKX0-02133-00492032-00492287 some of the neurosurgeons at nih upon
ZuURhUprKX0-02134-00492288-00492487 doing surgery for epilepsy would put a
ZuURhUprKX0-02135-00492488-00492639 sponge
ZuURhUprKX0-02136-00492639-00492839 in the part of the brain they removed
ZuURhUprKX0-02137-00492839-00492991 and they would go back later and found
ZuURhUprKX0-02138-00492992-00493535 the sponge was loaded with neurons
ZuURhUprKX0-02139-00493535-00493662 it's not sponge
ZuURhUprKX0-02140-00493663-00493887 right
ZuURhUprKX0-02141-00493888-00494143 so they can invade um
ZuURhUprKX0-02142-00494143-00494351 given that rather unusual situation we
ZuURhUprKX0-02143-00494352-00494543 don't all have sponges in our brains at
ZuURhUprKX0-02144-00494543-00494791 least most of us not much of the time
ZuURhUprKX0-02145-00494792-00495047 but but but i think it's worth pointing
ZuURhUprKX0-02146-00495047-00495214 out that craig is also pointing out an
ZuURhUprKX0-02147-00495215-00495414 experimental situation in which you did
ZuURhUprKX0-02148-00495415-00495622 something rather unusual you know it's
ZuURhUprKX0-02149-00495623-00495807 not your average brain that has a sponge
ZuURhUprKX0-02150-00495808-00496118 put in it so does it normally replicate
ZuURhUprKX0-02151-00496119-00496262 what you're saying is it certainly has
ZuURhUprKX0-02152-00496263-00496399 the potential
ZuURhUprKX0-02153-00496400-00496710 to um renew and to replicate
ZuURhUprKX0-02154-00496712-00496895 well i'd like to thank dr blackburn one
ZuURhUprKX0-02155-00496896-00497114 more time and then we'll
ZuURhUprKX0-02156-00497116-00497799 [Applause]
ZuURhUprKX0-02157-00497800-00497991 and
ZuURhUprKX0-02158-00497992-00498279 and then we'll meet back here at 3 15
ZuURhUprKX0-02159-00498280-00498559 for music and at 3 30 dr baker will give
ZuURhUprKX0-02160-00498560-00501135 his lecture thank you
ZuURhUprKX0-02161-00501135-00501343 you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00000-00000003-00000277 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00001-00000278-00000524 thank you so much
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00002-00000525-00000782 Thank You Mandy Thank You Luke thanks to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00003-00000783-00000941 everybody here who cares enough about
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00004-00000942-00001091 this country to spend the evening
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00005-00001092-00001277 together talking about how we're gonna
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00006-00001278-00001523 make it a better place we are so
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00007-00001524-00001997 thrilled every time we come to LA we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00008-00001998-00002185 find more and more new friends
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00009-00002186-00002432 Chason and I feel lifted up by the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00010-00002433-00002633 energy that you bring and I bring you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00011-00002634-00002813 greetings from Chaston as well as funny
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00012-00002814-00003490 and Truman by the way I'll get right to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00013-00003492-00003734 it I'm going to share who I am what I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00014-00003735-00003920 believe what I seek to do as president
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00015-00003921-00004147 then we're gonna have a conversation as
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00016-00004148-00004372 much as we can in it intimate gathering
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00017-00004373-00004556 like this then I'm really looking
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00018-00004557-00004688 forward to because it's usually the best
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00019-00004689-00004916 part of a chance to have an event with
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00020-00004917-00005095 folks like this but first of all let me
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00021-00005096-00005366 just state the case I'm running for
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00022-00005367-00005549 president because I believe our country
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00023-00005550-00006218 is running out of time but this is our
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00024-00006219-00006592 shot and if we don't act we will find
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00025-00006593-00006892 ourselves in a few short years past the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00026-00006893-00007088 point of no return if scientists have
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00027-00007089-00007388 told us we got 12 years short of the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00028-00007389-00007628 horizon of catastrophe on climate change
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00029-00007629-00007901 that was a year ago so it's 11 we're
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00030-00007902-00008156 talking about 2030 and in 2030 if we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00031-00008156-00008435 don't do things differently a house in
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00032-00008436-00008639 this country on average will cost half a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00033-00008640-00008896 million dollars a college education will
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00034-00008897-00009142 be 200,000 there will be a hundred and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00035-00009143-00009326 thirty million more guns on the streets
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00036-00009327-00009548 and a woman's right to choose would not
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00037-00009549-00010291 exist we cannot allow that to be our
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00038-00010292-00010646 and part of my message part of my sense
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00039-00010647-00010871 of urgency grows from the awareness that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00040-00010872-00011153 this is even bigger than the emergency
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00041-00011154-00011383 represented by the trump presidency
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00042-00011384-00011669 don't get me wrong we definitely need a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00043-00011670-00012499 new president as quickly as much both
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00044-00012500-00012692 because of the things that this White
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00045-00012693-00012893 House is doing and the things that this
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00046-00012894-00013127 White House is not doing people around
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00047-00013128-00013366 the country are barely able to keep up
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00048-00013366-00013637 economically of choosing whether to buy
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00049-00013638-00013787 prescription drugs or whether buy
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00050-00013788-00013949 groceries and the president's got us
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00051-00013950-00014116 arguing over whether to buy Greenland
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00052-00014116-00014344 that's the world that we're in right now
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00053-00014344-00014594 it's got to change but I would also
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00054-00014594-00014875 argue that you don't get a president
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00055-00014876-00015091 like this under ordinary circumstances a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00056-00015093-00015347 guy like this would never have come
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00057-00015347-00015512 within cheating distance in the Oval
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00058-00015513-00015782 Office in the first place unless there
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00059-00015783-00016013 was something else going on unless we're
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00060-00016013-00016366 already in a kind of crisis as a country
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00061-00016368-00016565 and they we've been feeling that we feel
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00062-00016566-00016760 the ground shifting beneath our feet the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00063-00016761-00017072 consequences of an economy that doesn't
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00064-00017073-00017347 work even when it's growing think about
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00065-00017348-00017600 what it means that right now the GDP is
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00066-00017601-00017897 going up and the life expectancy is
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00067-00017898-00018094 going down think about what it means
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00068-00018095-00018278 that those two things can happen at the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00069-00018279-00018641 same time in the same country in action
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00070-00018642-00018992 on issues from climate to endless war to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00071-00018993-00019169 gun violence has brought us to this
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00072-00019170-00019211 point
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00073-00019212-00019490 and we have got to respond with a sense
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00074-00019491-00019664 of urgency that recognizes that the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00075-00019665-00019871 choices we make now are going to decide
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00076-00019872-00020012 what the next and half century
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00077-00020013-00020162 in American life is going to look like
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00078-00020163-00020387 that's why I'm determined not just to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00079-00020388-00020600 win the presidency but to use the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00080-00020601-00020878 presidency for all of us to win the era
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00081-00020879-00021666 because
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00082-00021667-00021927 so what does that arrow look like it
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00083-00021928-00022080 looks like one where we are governing
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00084-00022081-00022338 according to our values and it's time to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00085-00022339-00022533 put an end to the idea that the very
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00086-00022534-00022854 word values how to make somebody think
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00087-00022855-00023103 of conservatives and Republicans is
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00088-00023104-00023262 their idea of values to some to beat us
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00089-00023263-00023397 over the head with and tell us we don't
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00090-00023398-00023673 belong but the values I'm talking about
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00091-00023674-00023844 are not conservative values there are
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00092-00023845-00024114 American values and they have
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00093-00024115-00024414 progressive implications that's what we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00094-00024415-00024564 mean when I talk about a presidency
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00095-00024565-00024810 built around the idea of freedom our
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00096-00024811-00024942 friends on the other side would have you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00097-00024943-00025158 think all it took to make us free was to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00098-00025159-00025394 cut taxes and regulations on
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00099-00025395-00025733 corporations forgetting that freedom is
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00100-00025735-00025893 gonna require a lot more than that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00101-00025894-00026052 because freedom means being free to live
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00102-00026052-00026258 a life of your choosing and you don't
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00103-00026260-00026460 have that if you're living in a country
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00104-00026461-00026690 where it is possible to work full time
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00105-00026691-00027048 and live in poverty we're living in the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00106-00027049-00027225 country where you don't know where your
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00107-00027226-00027365 health care coverage is going to come
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00108-00027366-00027564 from if you're not free to go start a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00109-00027564-00027689 small business because you don't know
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00110-00027691-00027837 where your health care is gonna come
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00111-00027838-00027987 from then we got a problem in this
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00112-00027988-00028686 country why health care is freedom let
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00113-00028687-00028842 me get a free country means got to be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00114-00028843-00029007 free to choose your spouse without a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00115-00029008-00030091 County Clerk doing it for you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00116-00030092-00030341 it means women knowing they can make
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00117-00030342-00030482 their own reproductive healthcare
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00118-00030483-00031570 decisions and while women are leading
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00119-00031572-00031781 the fight for their rights there need to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00120-00031782-00032033 be men at their side and backing them up
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00121-00032033-00032216 so do we have some male feminists in the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00122-00032217-00033053 house let's deliver real freedom and by
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00123-00033054-00033278 the way part of what it takes to attain
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00124-00033279-00033515 real freedom this education which is why
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00125-00033516-00033680 we need a secretary of education who
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00126-00033681-00033887 actually believes in public education
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00127-00033888-00034052 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00128-00034053-00034519 [Music]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00129-00034520-00034787 they see freedom in the conservative
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00130-00034788-00034978 value it's an American value and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00131-00034979-00035246 speaking of shared American values let's
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00132-00035247-00035510 stop allowing the American flag to be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00133-00035511-00035828 used as a control let's put an end to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00134-00035829-00036077 this idea that patriotism belongs to one
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00135-00036078-00036796 side of the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00136-00036797-00037079 the flag that was on my shoulder when I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00137-00037080-00037352 stepped off the airplane that brought me
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00138-00037353-00037571 to Afghanistan was not a Republican flag
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00139-00037572-00038252 it was an American flag and it wasn't
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00140-00038253-00038454 just a rectangle it needs something a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00141-00038455-00038624 part of what it means is that we have
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00142-00038625-00038898 not only the freedom but the obligation
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00143-00038899-00039101 to speak up when our leaders do the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00144-00039102-00039342 wrong thing and when we do nobody got to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00145-00039343-00039545 question our loyalty to the Republic for
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00146-00039546-00039882 which it stands what alone tell anybody
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00147-00039883-00040832 to go back to where they came from let's
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00148-00040833-00041079 talk about what national security really
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00149-00041080-00041382 requires of us in the 21st century in
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00150-00041383-00041607 the era of cyber security threats and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00151-00041608-00041819 election security challenges these are
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00152-00041820-00041951 not things we're going to be able to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00153-00041952-00042173 deal with by using a 17th century
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00154-00042174-00042392 security strategy like putting up a wall
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00155-00042393-00042579 from coast to coast it's going to take
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00156-00042580-00042836 something different it's going to take
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00157-00042837-00043110 rising to the challenge of true threats
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00158-00043111-00043388 including naming and defeating white
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00159-00043389-00044260 nationalist violence before
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00160-00044261-00044585 it means insisting that the Second
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00161-00044586-00044786 Amendment cannot be twisted into an
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00162-00044787-00045053 excuse to do nothing about gun safety to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00163-00045054-00046049 the American people it means recognizing
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00164-00046050-00046298 that we are not gaining security through
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00165-00046299-00046553 incarceration but the reverse and ending
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00166-00046554-00046742 our status as the most in car serrated
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00167-00046743-00047555 society to the world and yes it means
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00168-00047556-00048293 bringing an end to endless war as why as
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00169-00048294-00048510 president I will insist that there be a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00170-00048511-00048818 sunset on any authorization for the use
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00171-00048819-00049070 of military force because Congress needs
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00172-00049071-00049319 to step up to its role with the War
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00173-00049320-00049487 Powers Act we got troops
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00174-00049488-00049742 summoning the courage to go and receives
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00175-00049743-00049892 and put their lives on the line then
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00176-00049893-00050045 Congress ought to be able to find the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00177-00050046-00050261 political courage to take votes on when
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00178-00050262-00051041 December and if we need business when it
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00179-00051042-00051281 comes to the security if we're going to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00180-00051282-00051566 secure our lives for the future that is
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00181-00051567-00051842 time to confront climate disruption as
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00182-00051843-00052432 the security challenges are high
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00183-00052433-00052741 so you see patriotism doesn't belong to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00184-00052742-00052895 the Republican Party any more than
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00185-00052896-00053141 freedom belongs to one party and it's
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00186-00053141-00053369 also the case that God does not belong
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00187-00053370-00054203 to a political party this guy once you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00188-00054204-00054449 stand for the idea that people of any
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00189-00054450-00054713 religion and no religion deserve to be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00190-00054714-00054899 represented and care for equally by
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00191-00054900-00055642 there's not a signal we can uphold that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00192-00055644-00055928 principle and also reminds those who are
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00193-00055929-00056120 guided by religious faith that they have
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00194-00056121-00056339 a choice and point out that the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00195-00056340-00056522 scripture at least that I hear in the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00196-00056523-00056750 faith tradition that I belong to when I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00197-00056751-00056954 go in on Sunday morning to church has to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00198-00056954-00057191 do with identifying with the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00199-00057191-00057485 marginalized lifting up those most to be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00200-00057486-00057676 feeding the poor clothing the naked
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00201-00057677-00057938 healing the sick welcoming the stranger
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00202-00057939-00058441 that these are the knees to family at
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00203-00058442-00059021 least invite to them and by the way my
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00204-00059022-00059216 faith tradition and any other one that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00205-00059216-00059435 I've ever heard of encourages us to seek
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00206-00059436-00059650 out leaders with the hearts of servants
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00207-00059651-00060122 we walk in humility and ESA's so know
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00208-00060123-00060269 that anybody taught in the Christian
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00209-00060270-00060488 faith or any faith compels you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00210-00060489-00060725 to support or even condone what is going
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00211-00060726-00061824 on in the White House today
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00212-00061825-00062082 now in order to govern according to our
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00213-00062083-00062209 values we need to make sure our
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00214-00062210-00062410 government actually works for us and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00215-00062411-00062601 that's why we've also got some work to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00216-00062602-00062863 do on our democracy because we're not
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00217-00062864-00063042 the democracy we think we are
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00218-00063044-00063259 we're not the democracy we could be none
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00219-00063260-00063451 of dollars can outvote people because
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00220-00063452-00064132 the citizens united not of districts can
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00221-00064133-00064288 be drawn to where politicians are
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00222-00064289-00064432 picking up their voters instead of the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00223-00064433-00065050 other we're not one our fellow US
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00224-00065051-00065130 citizens from
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00225-00065132-00065335 mariko to the District of Columbia are
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00226-00065336-00065581 denied the political representation they
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00227-00065582-00066262 deserve and even though it might take a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00228-00066263-00066519 generation to deliver I think we can't
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00229-00066520-00066703 start soon enough on the effort of
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00230-00066704-00066892 making sure it stay with me because some
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00231-00066893-00067144 people think this as far out but making
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00232-00067145-00067401 sure that when our democracy picks its
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00233-00067402-00067597 president we do so by just counting up
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00234-00067598-00067832 everybody's vote
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00235-00067833-00068207 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00236-00068208-00069410 I don't think there's any challenge in
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00237-00069411-00069599 front of us that we can't rise at beat
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00238-00069600-00069818 and that's why we put forward plans on
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00239-00069819-00069974 everything from a national service
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00240-00069975-00070235 vision to creating million paid service
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00241-00070236-00070394 opportunities across the country every
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00242-00070395-00070670 year to our douglas plant that proposes
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00243-00070671-00070913 to attack systemic racism with as many
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00244-00070914-00071126 resources as went into the marshall -
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00245-00071127-00071312 Evo bureau with this time invest your
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00246-00071313-00071531 money here at home building up black
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00247-00071532-00071750 entrepreneurship delivering criminal
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00248-00071751-00072003 justice reform a reality
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00249-00072004-00072481 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00250-00072482-00072791 it's why earlier today in San Francisco
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00251-00072792-00072983 I was standing with uber and lyft
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00252-00072984-00073178 workers demanding labor rights because
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00253-00073179-00073499 they gig is a job and a worker is a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00254-00073500-00073688 walker and we need an economic vision
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00255-00073689-00073883 that helps raise wages and alliterative
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00256-00073884-00074072 protections they make it possible to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00257-00074073-00074305 thrive in this economy that's our victim
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00258-00074306-00074540 that's why I've been in rural America
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00259-00074541-00074693 talking about why we need to deliver
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00260-00074694-00074882 rural health care and support rural
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00261-00074883-00075133 economies including by recognizing as
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00262-00075134-00075431 far more rural communities know that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00263-00075432-00075644 they get credit for that immigration is
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00264-00075645-00075887 a huge part of the solution for some of
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00265-00075888-00076046 our small cities and towns and counties
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00266-00076047-00076640 that are losing people on board and it
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00267-00076641-00076952 means breaking the silence around mental
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00268-00076953-00077149 health
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00269-00077150-00077442 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00270-00077443-00077667 I'm getting some more than physical
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00271-00077668-00078696 health if we should be afraid to talk it
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00272-00078697-00079014 has to the thing that moves me most and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00273-00079015-00079167 all of the appearances I do the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00274-00079168-00079335 campaigning that we do is when somebody
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00275-00079336-00079569 who's not even old enough to vote looks
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00276-00079570-00079767 me in the eye and ask me a question
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00277-00079768-00079983 about how we're going to make life
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00278-00079984-00080280 better for that at a 12 year old in
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00279-00080281-00080625 Orlando ask me about health insurance I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00280-00080626-00080772 thought that's pretty cool twelve year
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00281-00080773-00080979 old who's so dialed in on policy that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00282-00080980-00081075 you want to know about my health
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00283-00081076-00081315 insurance vision then she explained why
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00284-00081316-00081669 and it's because she's diabetic and she
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00285-00081670-00081918 knows that if her parents ever lost
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00286-00081919-00082137 their insurance she would be unable to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00287-00082138-00082470 get insulin she's worrying about this at
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00288-00082471-00082848 the age of 12 at a 14 year old right
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00289-00082849-00083007 here in LA although he was traveling
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00290-00083008-00083205 from Indiana part of a group that was
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00291-00083206-00083397 helping black and brown students showing
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00292-00083398-00083625 promise in stem the kind of kids who
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00293-00083626-00083796 were going to build the tech companies
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00294-00083797-00084135 of the future and was touring a star gun
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00295-00084136-00084369 Thank You Bader and asked a question
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00296-00084370-00084609 when I saw him about racial tension and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00297-00084610-00084786 how to navigate that in school and I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00298-00084787-00084948 asked him what he meant and he talked
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00299-00084949-00085179 about being called slurs in the hallway
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00300-00085180-00085452 of his school is a 14 year old in 2019
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00301-00085453-00085812 and he has learned to call that racial
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00302-00085813-00086878 tension it's abuse and he should
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00303-00086879-00087184 I have somebody under the age of 18 in
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00304-00087185-00087406 every city that I go to ask what we are
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00305-00087407-00087571 going to do to keep their schools safe
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00306-00087572-00087772 one kid told me about this the drills
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00307-00087773-00087894 that they were in first day of school
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00308-00087895-00088044 think about how the first day of school
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00309-00088045-00088300 feels and imagine if part of it was
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00310-00088301-00088516 being instructed to understand where the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00311-00088517-00088668 exits were and learn how to handle
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00312-00088669-00088906 yourself during a shooting the kind of
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00313-00088907-00089056 stuff I was trained on when I went over
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00314-00089057-00089394 to Afghanistan and for all the policy
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00315-00089395-00089590 answers we have for these kids we've got
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00316-00089591-00089913 good ones the only real answer the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00317-00089914-00090250 honest answer is you're not supposed to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00318-00090251-00090430 have to worry about any of this
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00319-00090431-00090586 we're supposed to take care of that so
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00320-00090587-00090850 you won't happen so you can focus on
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00321-00090851-00091093 being a kid so you can focus on
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00322-00091094-00091243 navigating middle school because that's
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00323-00091244-00091581 hard enough what's supposed to deal with
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00324-00091582-00091810 anybody at all is anybody old enough to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00325-00091811-00092146 vote is supposed to do that I think with
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00326-00092147-00092341 hope about the pride that we might have
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00327-00092342-00092479 if we could look these kids in the eye
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00328-00092480-00092744 in a few years and tell them what we did
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00329-00092745-00092965 but by the time they're old enough to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00330-00092966-00093106 run for office ten years from now
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00331-00093107-00093466 they're 22 and 23 and 24 we can tell
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00332-00093467-00093766 them what we did in 2020 we can we can
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00333-00093767-00093900 start out by saying I'm sorry I never
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00334-00093901-00094291 got that bad but we acted in 2020 to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00335-00094292-00094435 make sure that the climate was no
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00336-00094436-00095157 obstacle to your thriving to make sure
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00337-00095158-00095392 that gun violence was rare and shootings
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00338-00095393-00095761 were few and far between
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00339-00095762-00095962 then we acted to make sure that your
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00340-00095963-00096238 race had mill bearing on your health or
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00341-00096239-00097063 your law enforcement in this country we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00342-00097064-00097285 stepped up to deliver an economy where a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00343-00097286-00097483 rising tide really did lift all boats
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00344-00097484-00097690 and where you could thrive imagine how
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00345-00097691-00097873 good we would feel we'd stand up taller
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00346-00097874-00098158 if we could manage to do that and I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00347-00098159-00098344 believe that we can I believe it's
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00348-00098345-00098485 within our perhaps while I'm running for
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00349-00098486-00098812 office which is an act of hope not naive
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00350-00098813-00099112 hope this Lord knows I think we've lost
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00351-00099113-00099405 all of our illusions about our country
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00352-00099406-00099685 but hope grounded in the fact that we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00353-00099686-00099949 can't afford not to have it we can hope
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00354-00099950-00100054 by the way I'm very flattered that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00355-00100055-00100696 Shepard Fairey participated this thank
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00356-00100697-00101692 you for being and hope spreads so we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00357-00101693-00101905 gotta summon one another at people we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00358-00101906-00102166 know who this close to just walking away
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00359-00102167-00102402 from involvement in the American project
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00360-00102403-00102625 and make sure everybody knows that we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00361-00102626-00102809 were empowered to do something different
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00362-00102810-00103090 so that's what I believe and that's why
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00363-00103091-00103676 I'm running for president
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00364-00103677-00104100 please introduce yourself briefly now we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00365-00104101-00104463 get to the fun part of it hello my name
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00366-00104464-00104646 is Lucy Ruiz and I'm going to be a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00367-00104647-00105024 sophomore at Wesleyan University and I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00368-00105025-00105324 support be for so many reasons
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00369-00105325-00105630 but as a young adult one of the most
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00370-00105631-00106017 important reasons is his unwavering
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00371-00106018-00106845 support for women to take control over
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00372-00106846-00107280 our own bodies so let's hope Pete for
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00373-00107281-00107595 country sing for our future stink and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00374-00107596-00107766 curb body sick
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00375-00107767-00108635 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00376-00108636-00108782 [Music]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00377-00108783-00109604 I spend there somewhere interning for
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00378-00109605-00109914 America and I had a great time I loved
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00379-00109915-00111264 it working for PETA I just also work for
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00380-00111265-00111509 him and I had a wonderful time so what
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00381-00111510-00111714 we're gonna do now is we're gonna do
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00382-00111715-00113325 some of the questions we meet what is
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00383-00113326-00113690 your policy on climate change
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00384-00113691-00114108 I'm sure name on the card all right a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00385-00114108-00114270 bit more than one of you asked that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00386-00114271-00114645 question so here's what I believe we've
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00387-00114646-00115079 got to do and by the way we have known
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00388-00115080-00115286 for some time a lot of the steps we got
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00389-00115288-00115464 to take as the Washington has managed to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00390-00115465-00115668 deliver it so here's what's got to be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00391-00115669-00115719 different
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00392-00115720-00115923 first of all we got a quadruple the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00393-00115924-00116100 level of federal investment to the same
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00394-00116101-00116384 level as the Manhattan Project or the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00395-00116385-00116676 Apollo program in new black energy
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00396-00116677-00116814 storage and Carlos
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00397-00116815-00117135 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00398-00117136-00117428 second we gotta have carbon pricing now
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00399-00117429-00117586 this is not the most popular idea
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00400-00117588-00117716 because people don't like paying for
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00401-00117717-00118111 anything but my version of carbon
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00402-00118113-00118298 pricing does not take money out of the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00403-00118299-00118601 economy we assess a price on carbon and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00404-00118602-00118790 then we remade it out to the American
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00405-00118791-00118994 people in the form of the dividend that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00406-00118995-00119231 has also done on a progressive basis so
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00407-00119232-00119375 most people are made more than whole
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00408-00119376-00119597 even while we're making the prices
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00409-00119598-00119813 making sure their prices accurately
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00410-00119814-00120004 reflect the cost of carbon to the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00411-00120005-00120259 economy next thing we got to do
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00412-00120260-00120632 that's I think a really big thing we got
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00413-00120633-00120872 to do is unlock the power of local
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00414-00120873-00121091 communities and cities to confront
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00415-00121092-00121291 climate change maybe it's a mayor's I do
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00416-00121292-00121496 but I don't see enough people talking
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00417-00121497-00121711 about this la is doing a lot around this
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00418-00121713-00122321 by the way cities around the world and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00419-00122322-00122516 mayor Garcetti is one of the leaders in
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00420-00122517-00122911 this it's not just us it's around the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00421-00122913-00123215 world that just got sick of waiting for
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00422-00123216-00123401 their national governments to keep up
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00423-00123402-00123521 and said all right we're just going to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00424-00123522-00123754 act so in addition to rejoining Paris
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00425-00123755-00123941 which I think it's table stakes I'm
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00426-00123942-00124124 going to convene a Pittsburgh summit of
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00427-00124125-00124258 local governments and look at how
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00428-00124259-00124888 federal resources can help them listen
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00429-00124889-00125156 and the other thing I'd mention and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00430-00125157-00125327 you're gonna we got a Town Hall CNN Town
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00431-00125328-00125461 Hall on time of coming up where we'll
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00432-00125463-00125594 spend about an hour on this so you see a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00433-00125595-00125714 lot more about the details of what I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00434-00125715-00125888 proposed to do one other thing I think
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00435-00125889-00126089 is really importantly making sure that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00436-00126090-00126332 rural America is invited to be part of
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00437-00126333-00126527 the solution instead of feeling like
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00438-00126528-00126754 they're part of the problem and we can
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00439-00126755-00126872 do that through soil management
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00440-00126873-00127439 sustainable farming techniques we got to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00441-00127440-00127619 stop allowing climate change to be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00442-00127620-00127832 talked about like it's only happening on
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00443-00127833-00128041 the North Pole it's happening in our
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00444-00128042-00128228 communities I'll never forget the day I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00445-00128229-00128426 realized it was happening in my city I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00446-00128427-00128597 was on the night
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00447-00128598-00128809 for the first day of school and I was on
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00448-00128810-00128953 the porch of the families in South
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00449-00128954-00129091 Venice on the Westside low-income
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00450-00129092-00129439 neighborhood and a woman there is asking
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00451-00129440-00129625 what she's supposed to do with her four
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00452-00129626-00129685 kids
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00453-00129686-00129932 the night before the first day of school
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00454-00129933-00130121 as their possessions go floating by
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00455-00130122-00130274 because we're having a thousand year
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00456-00130275-00130547 flash flood and the thing is the next
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00457-00130548-00130987 year we had a 500 year flood so either I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00458-00130988-00131200 got some crazy statistical block that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00459-00131201-00131360 during my tenure as mayor that could
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00460-00131361-00131669 happen or the world is changing and a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00461-00131670-00131800 thousand-year flood is not a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00462-00131801-00131993 thousand-year flood we know this is true
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00463-00131994-00132197 this is not just happening on the coasts
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00464-00132198-00132425 it's happening in the interior it's
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00465-00132426-00132589 happening in river cities as well as
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00466-00132590-00132775 coastal cities it's happening everywhere
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00467-00132776-00132991 and it's happening now so let's stop
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00468-00132992-00133150 talking about this looks like some
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00469-00133151-00133373 far-off theoretical thing it is harming
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00470-00133374-00134525 families today and we got to fix it
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00471-00134526-00135147 okay help me help my sis I said
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00472-00135148-00135372 accidents if you could tell high-school
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00473-00135373-00135555 students why they should vote in 2020
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00474-00135556-00135648 what would it be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00475-00135649-00135894 oh it's a good one there's a question
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00476-00135895-00136170 right here all right thank you for being
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00477-00136171-00137160 a teacher by the way so the simplest way
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00478-00137161-00137379 I would put it is the longer you're
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00479-00137380-00137535 planning to be here the more you have
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00480-00137536-00137670 its faith in the decisions of the day
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00481-00137671-00138105 right it's it's definitely true around
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00482-00138106-00138390 climate it's true around economics you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00483-00138391-00138519 know on the Democratic side we don't
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00484-00138520-00138777 talk about debts and deficits as much
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00485-00138778-00139137 but we're gonna have to because the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00486-00139138-00139314 Republicans used to talk about deficits
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00487-00139315-00139515 a lot and then they took power and they
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00488-00139516-00139803 revealed that they don't care so we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00489-00139804-00140160 don't deal with another but these are
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00490-00140161-00140373 financial time bombs that could go off
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00491-00140374-00140652 within the lifetimes of your students
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00492-00140653-00140817 and so they need to pay attention to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00493-00140818-00141003 that and by the way not fall for the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00494-00141004-00141168 idea that deficits are an excuse not to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00495-00141169-00141339 make any investments but that's serious
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00496-00141340-00141504 question about where our revenue is
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00497-00141505-00141612 going to come from and whether people
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00498-00141613-00141764 are fans that pay their fair share
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00499-00141765-00142005 anything that we're worried about war
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00500-00142006-00142380 and peace student that all the things
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00501-00142381-00142614 that young people are going to face are
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00502-00142615-00142803 being decided there on the ballot right
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00503-00142804-00142941 now and the other thing I would I would
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00504-00142942-00143199 remind people of is the power that comes
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00505-00143200-00143463 from that the power that is in their
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00506-00143464-00143949 hands as voters and and the moral
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00507-00143950-00144201 authority that young voters have in
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00508-00144202-00144411 demanding that those in power do better
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00509-00144412-00144681 by them there's so much in that and I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00510-00144682-00144867 think if they only knew how much of a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00511-00144868-00145101 difference they could make and you can
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00512-00145102-00145305 also remind them that many of the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00513-00145306-00145494 biggest and best and most important
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00514-00145495-00145680 things ever to change quickly in this
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00515-00145681-00145881 country happen because of young people
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00516-00145882-00146113 stepping up
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00517-00146114-00146708 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00518-00146709-00147011 if all else fails tell tell him I asked
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00519-00147012-00147166 very nicely and I'd be grateful if they
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00520-00147167-00148406 got well I'm here today because of my
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00521-00148407-00148666 best friend she asked me to come
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00522-00148667-00148990 I'm completely undecided so what can you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00523-00148991-00149226 say to me to convince me to vote for you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00524-00149227-00149594 what makes you different from all the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00525-00149595-00149866 other candidates all right no pressure
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00526-00149867-00150772 right here oh there you are all right
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00527-00150773-00151298 thanks thank you best friend I've been
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00528-00151299-00151441 friends over here all right you got you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00529-00151442-00151781 got divided all right look thanks to you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00530-00151782-00151919 both thank you for coming
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00531-00151920-00152263 look the good news is this is the most
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00532-00152264-00152590 diverse field of candidates that we've
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00533-00152591-00153232 ever put part Wells for so many of them
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00534-00153233-00153487 hopefully part of what's different you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00535-00153488-00153683 can tell just by the issues that I'm
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00536-00153684-00153884 speaking to and the way on recapturing
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00537-00153885-00154193 values for our side of the aisle I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00538-00154194-00154360 definitely have a different story and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00539-00154361-00154634 this is your only chance to vote for a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00540-00154635-00154828 Maltese American Episcopalian gay
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00541-00154829-00154910 millennial
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00542-00154911-00155965 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00543-00155966-00156242 another thing I would state is there's a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00544-00156243-00156386 lot of the conversations I have with
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00545-00156387-00156638 voters in this primary are people who
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00546-00156639-00156986 say it what any one of you I would I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00547-00156987-00157163 would vote for a ham sandwich if I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00548-00157164-00157298 thought it could beat this president
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00549-00157299-00157790 because we need a new tax right so the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00550-00157791-00157973 thing I want to communicate there is
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00551-00157974-00158228 that it's really important that we have
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00552-00158229-00158507 a voice that can cut through and coming
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00553-00158508-00158768 from middle America coming from the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00554-00158769-00159050 industrial Midwest in an area where
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00555-00159051-00159428 people have so much to gain by what we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00556-00159429-00159668 have to offer but have also sometimes
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00557-00159669-00159872 not heard the message of our party
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00558-00159873-00160202 enough I am determined to bring that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00559-00160203-00160451 vocabulary and that experience of being
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00560-00160452-00160598 on the ground the thing about being a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00561-00160599-00160862 mayor is you're not just voting on
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00562-00160863-00161066 things you have to do things you you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00563-00161067-00161261 want a responsible for all of the good
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00564-00161262-00161483 the bad and the ugly that can affect an
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00565-00161484-00161651 entire population on your watch and you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00566-00161652-00161867 learn that your job is not only to think
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00567-00161868-00162050 of the policies are to run the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00568-00162051-00162239 government but to some of people that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00569-00162240-00162395 are highest values at the darkest
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00570-00162396-00162578 moments that a population it takes all
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00571-00162579-00162746 of these are the the pressures that I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00572-00162747-00163127 have been booked in and I believe they
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00573-00163128-00163213 will
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00574-00163214-00163369 the best choice to be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00575-00163370-00164433 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00576-00164434-00164671 I'll try to be concise then we can sneak
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00577-00164672-00165604 in one more so what's your plan for
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00578-00165605-00165859 working with everyone and it says God
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00579-00165860-00166113 bless you Pete thank you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00580-00166114-00166585 XO XO - all right where's my friendly
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00581-00166586-00166848 questioner huh something could be wrong
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00582-00166849-00167083 you're first to remain anonymous oh
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00583-00167084-00167436 there you are hello hi thanks for coming
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00584-00167437-00167956 so one of the main things I learned
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00585-00167957-00168295 about endless war having believed that I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00586-00168296-00168466 was one of the last people leaving
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00587-00168467-00168538 Afghanistan
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00588-00168539-00168724 years ago and seeing that we're still
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00589-00168725-00168946 struggling to get out is it by far the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00590-00168947-00169222 best way to get out of a war is not to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00591-00169223-00169338 get into one in the first place
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00592-00169339-00169884 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00593-00169885-00170128 we have a lot of problems with the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00594-00170129-00170335 Iranian regime not so much the people to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00595-00170336-00170536 be run but the regime that has been
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00596-00170537-00170755 sponsoring a lot of destabilizing
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00597-00170756-00170932 activities in the region not to mention
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00598-00170933-00171163 the nuclear program that's exactly why
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00599-00171164-00171400 the previous administration entered into
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00600-00171401-00171568 the nuclear deal to at least deal with
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00601-00171569-00172273 that and it was worth what was worth now
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00602-00172274-00172486 we've got a problem the president blew
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00603-00172487-00172567 up the deal
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00604-00172568-00172816 and we see this risk of escalation I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00605-00172817-00173077 mean our present literally watched a war
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00606-00173078-00173299 against Iran and then changed his mind
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00607-00173300-00173647 at the last minute think about the fact
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00608-00173648-00173872 that your life depends on the stability
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00609-00173873-00174011 wisdom and judgment
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00610-00174012-00174170 the American president and then think
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00611-00174171-00174296 about what it means that he started to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00612-00174297-00174626 warn then changed his life so we need a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00613-00174627-00174800 different approach a strategic approach
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00614-00174801-00175013 which builds trust which will not be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00615-00175014-00175259 easy but builds trust around matters of
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00616-00175260-00175439 mutual interest there are still signals
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00617-00175440-00175658 within the Iranian political system
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00618-00175659-00175877 which is a pretty complicated political
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00619-00175878-00176081 reality it's not just one voice there
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00620-00176082-00176336 that there is appetite for moving past
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00621-00176337-00176507 the current situation because there's so
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00622-00176508-00176768 much to be gained in terms of economic
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00623-00176769-00177023 benefits that could create an incentive
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00624-00177024-00177353 for Iran to return to the table and wind
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00625-00177354-00177500 down some of these activities there is
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00626-00177501-00177704 such a concern but we're gonna have to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00627-00177705-00177839 have a whole new approach because
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00628-00177840-00178016 unfortunately we can't go back to the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00629-00178017-00178205 deal we walked away from it's it's too
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00630-00178206-00178412 late things have changed but we still
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00631-00178413-00178616 need to pursue a way to get some
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00632-00178617-00178847 assurances and that will move away from
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00633-00178848-00179174 the Iranian nuclear program into
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00634-00179175-00179387 something that is moving towards
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00635-00179388-00179519 stability in the region now the other
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00636-00179520-00179684 thing that's really important when
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00637-00179685-00179834 you're dealing with that much mistrust
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00638-00179835-00180068 and a regime like that this is really
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00639-00180069-00180209 important to be on good terms with your
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00640-00180210-00180879 allies
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00641-00180880-00181243 the road to stability with Iran in the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00642-00181244-00181377 Gulf really goes through the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00643-00181378-00181519 relationships that we have and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00644-00181520-00181716 unfortunately have so badly undermined
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00645-00181717-00182022 with our own allies we need to engage
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00646-00182023-00182412 for example the countries of the g7 that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00647-00182413-00182647 basically patted our president on the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00648-00182648-00182853 head and then went back and did the real
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00649-00182854-00183090 work and we didn't actually be credible
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00650-00183091-00183291 among our allies as well as among our
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00651-00183292-00183460 adversaries so that we can be leading
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00652-00183461-00183598 these conversations about how to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00653-00183599-00183789 stabilize any given region in the world
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00654-00183790-00183975 at a time of American leadership it's
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00655-00183976-00185284 still needed what can we do about
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00656-00185285-00185553 climate change when there are countries
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00657-00185554-00185760 out there that are unwilling to take it
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00658-00185761-00186073 seriously or even accept international
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00659-00186074-00186390 aid great question I think we all saw
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00660-00186391-00186510 what happened with Brazil there's a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00661-00186511-00186864 questioner here right there yeah all
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00662-00186865-00186990 right a lot of questions from up top
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00663-00186991-00187428 good thank you so here's the thing
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00664-00187429-00187708 no country alone can confront climate
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00665-00187709-00188052 change but it's also the case in my view
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00666-00188053-00188260 that the world cannot confront climate
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00667-00188261-00188506 change without American leadership this
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00668-00188507-00188743 is a great example of what the price of
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00669-00188744-00189082 America withdrawing from the world scene
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00670-00189083-00189295 is you can either resent the rest of the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00671-00189296-00189508 world or you can leave the rest of the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00672-00189509-00190056 world we can do both
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00673-00190057-00190537 now if climate diplomacy were one of the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00674-00190538-00190759 cornerstones of our foreign policy as it
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00675-00190760-00190939 will be one of the cornerstones of mine
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00676-00190940-00191149 that positions us to be on the front
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00677-00191150-00191518 foot when we are engaging in the full
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00678-00191519-00191704 spectrum of our diplomatic activities
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00679-00191705-00191935 with countries from Brazil which by the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00680-00191936-00192175 way has been basically green-lighted or
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00681-00192176-00192460 incentivized by us to clear-cut parts of
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00682-00192461-00192607 the Amazon rainforest which is part of
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00683-00192608-00192829 how we got to where we are now or when
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00684-00192830-00192958 we're dealing with countries like China
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00685-00192959-00193225 that are using coal in a way that is a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00686-00193226-00193438 huge contributor to greenhouse gas
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00687-00193439-00193732 emissions let's see if we were leading
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00688-00193733-00193930 the world into a framework where climate
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00689-00193931-00194139 was a big part of your diplomatic
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00690-00194140-00194434 prestige and power then we would be on
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00691-00194435-00194566 the front foot with the respect to these
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00692-00194567-00194716 countries instead we can't because we're
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00693-00194717-00194899 not practicing it at all and that's why
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00694-00194900-00195100 when I say the world needs America right
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00695-00195101-00195274 now and it does I mean you look at
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00696-00195275-00195475 what's going on not just on climate but
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00697-00195476-00195724 on democracy from Hong Kong to Saudi
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00698-00195725-00195808 Arabia to Russia
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00699-00195809-00196069 the world needs America but it can't be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00700-00196070-00196312 just any America has to be an American
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00701-00196313-00196528 that it actually lives the values that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00702-00196529-00196841 we preach and is in a position to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00703-00196842-00197896 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00704-00197897-00198817 that's what tell us a memory from 7/3
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00705-00198818-00199198 Wow who is it Hey oh you're teaching
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00706-00199199-00199606 something good chap you know Chesham
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00707-00199607-00199828 taught seventh grade and so I have some
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00708-00199829-00200007 sense of what you do
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00709-00200008-00200485 god bless you I mean I very much feel
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00710-00200486-00200737 ready for the presidency but what you do
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00711-00200738-00201313 is extremely thank you hanging all the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00712-00201314-00202324 educators you know honestly most of what
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00713-00202325-00202546 I remember from seventh grade is not
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00714-00202547-00203131 being sure I had not even begun to
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00715-00203132-00203386 figure out what it meant to be gay I was
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00716-00203387-00203755 also just really awkward some might
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00717-00203756-00204294 think I'm on a different kind of awkward
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00718-00204295-00204613 seventh grade is hard it's like the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00719-00204614-00204842 toughest because we've we've grown
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00720-00204844-00205060 sophisticated enough that we have the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00721-00205061-00205321 capacity to hurt people and ourselves
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00722-00205321-00205566 but not sophisticated enough that we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00723-00205567-00205738 have the ability to manage that right
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00724-00205739-00206166 it's just such a morally tender age and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00725-00206167-00206623 I remember that and but I also remember
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00726-00206623-00206940 my mind kind of opening up when when I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00727-00206941-00207157 read the palm of the Robert Frost poem
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00728-00207158-00207328 two roads diverged in a yellow wood
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00729-00207329-00207540 sorry that I could not do you want
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00730-00207541-00207741 traveler and travel both there I stood
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00731-00207742-00208140 and I won't spoil it for you buddy it
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00732-00208141-00208353 works out
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00733-00208354-00208589 and then my mind is like realizing that
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00734-00208590-00208760 it wasn't actually about a dude taking a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00735-00208761-00208910 walk it was about the choices we made
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00736-00208911-00209052 the life I finally understood what a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00737-00209053-00209267 metaphor was because the world open up
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00738-00209269-00209771 to me and these are the things that you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00739-00209773-00209877 should think about when you're in
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00740-00209878-00210148 seventh grade how to be a good person
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00741-00210150-00210516 what what literature means what what
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00742-00210517-00210675 science kind of tells you about the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00743-00210676-00210846 world not the stuff that we have put on
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00744-00210846-00211119 the shoulders of our young people and
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00745-00211119-00212548 and so bring my greetings
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00746-00212548-00213685 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00747-00213686-00214117 [Music]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00748-00214117-00214444 so let me just close with this actually
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00749-00214446-00214607 that's a good note I'm not - because I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00750-00214608-00214811 think belonging is a big part of what we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00751-00214812-00214955 need to stitch back together in this
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00752-00214956-00215201 country I think part of what is leading
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00753-00215202-00215432 to the challenges we've got with deaths
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00754-00215433-00215753 from despair and an addiction has to do
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00755-00215754-00215896 with the crisis of belonging I think
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00756-00215898-00216169 that the racism and the racial divisions
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00757-00216171-00216377 going on if fuel the crisis of belonging
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00758-00216378-00216592 I know so many people in my part of the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00759-00216594-00216779 industrial Midwest have a crisis of
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00760-00216780-00216923 belonging as a consequence of the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00761-00216923-00217100 economy shifting around us but we have a
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00762-00217101-00217394 chance to build the kind of belonging
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00763-00217394-00217730 that gives people permission to be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00764-00217731-00218471 decent and generous in the way and I'm
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00765-00218471-00218671 not just saying vote for me make me
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00766-00218673-00218842 president and it will happen but what
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00767-00218844-00219119 I'm saying is we can build a culture on
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00768-00219119-00219305 this campaign that will ripple out
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00769-00219306-00219569 before the first vote is even cast then
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00770-00219569-00219710 they will also help us build this
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00771-00219711-00219946 campaign - what it needs to be but but
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00772-00219948-00220166 you can do so much good as we go and I
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00773-00220167-00220376 can feel it in this room I can feel it
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00774-00220377-00220901 in the spirit the agreement so I need
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00775-00220902-00221069 your help building that up and you'll
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00776-00221069-00221321 notice that as we come together to talk
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00777-00221321-00221582 about our issues we're not I think we
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00778-00221583-00221819 share a pretty similar and very dim view
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00779-00221819-00221954 of the president but we're not allowing
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00780-00221955-00222134 him to dominate our conversation about
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00781-00222135-00222341 people that's what we're gonna do more
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00782-00222342-00222656 broadly - so what I'm asking is are you
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00783-00222657-00223031 ready to help us make sure we don't go
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00784-00223032-00223192 on his show plain
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00785-00223194-00223480 they have to love and change the channel
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00786-00223481-00223790 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00787-00223791-00224067 a sense of hope and belonging
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00788-00224067-00224402 could be
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00789-00224403-00224582 and yet the what to you to spread the
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00790-00224583-00225088 world where two people who may not know
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00791-00225089-00225500 [Applause]
ZxC_3I-CRxY-00792-00225501-00225899 [Music]
ZC-yox-FdXg-00000-00000043-00000847 [Music]
ZC-yox-FdXg-00001-00000848-00001361 foreign
ZC-yox-FdXg-00002-00001362-00002368 [Music]
ZEGpMLl024Y-00000-00000231-00000455 everyone in the last class two topics
ZEGpMLl024Y-00001-00000456-00000655 were explained one is house bank and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00002-00000656-00000911 another one cash journal
ZEGpMLl024Y-00003-00000911-00001119 so in this video i will be sharing the
ZEGpMLl024Y-00004-00001120-00001383 cash journal part with you so for this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00005-00001384-00001591 in the step one please note it down go
ZEGpMLl024Y-00006-00001592-00001807 to spro
ZEGpMLl024Y-00007-00001807-00002126 then sap reference img the same
ZEGpMLl024Y-00008-00002127-00002359 financial accounting
ZEGpMLl024Y-00009-00002360-00002567 bank accounting
ZEGpMLl024Y-00010-00002568-00002999 and then go to bank accounts
ZEGpMLl024Y-00011-00003000-00003286 no just don't go to bank accounts go to
ZEGpMLl024Y-00012-00003288-00003470 this business transaction
ZEGpMLl024Y-00013-00003471-00003654 and cash journal
ZEGpMLl024Y-00014-00003655-00003886 so here these are the configuration we
ZEGpMLl024Y-00015-00003887-00004054 need to do in order to post a cash
ZEGpMLl024Y-00016-00004055-00004151 journal
ZEGpMLl024Y-00017-00004152-00004238 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00018-00004239-00004454 cash journal is basically all the
ZEGpMLl024Y-00019-00004455-00004679 transactions in a company
ZEGpMLl024Y-00020-00004680-00004831 in cash form
ZEGpMLl024Y-00021-00004832-00005143 whether it is uh receiving payment from
ZEGpMLl024Y-00022-00005144-00005335 a customer or
ZEGpMLl024Y-00023-00005336-00005591 paying to vendor or petty expenses like
ZEGpMLl024Y-00024-00005592-00005879 miscellaneous like stationery so all
ZEGpMLl024Y-00025-00005880-00006279 these are covered under cash journal
ZEGpMLl024Y-00026-00006280-00006518 so first go to this create gl account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00027-00006519-00006695 for cash runner first we need to create
ZEGpMLl024Y-00028-00006695-00007039 one gl account you can create from here
ZEGpMLl024Y-00029-00007040-00007463 or just go to fs double zero
ZEGpMLl024Y-00030-00007464-00007606 okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00031-00007608-00007839 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00032-00007840-00008919 change your company code
ZEGpMLl024Y-00033-00008920-00010719 create one petty expense account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00034-00010720-00010846 it's a
ZEGpMLl024Y-00035-00010847-00011127 balance sheet trade is like an cash
ZEGpMLl024Y-00036-00011128-00011246 account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00037-00011247-00011614 part of assets
ZEGpMLl024Y-00038-00011615-00011838 id cash account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00039-00011839-00012174 control data selector
ZEGpMLl024Y-00040-00012175-00012446 okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00041-00012447-00012703 select your local currency associated
ZEGpMLl024Y-00042-00012704-00012927 with your company code
ZEGpMLl024Y-00043-00012928-00013094 and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00044-00013095-00013422 fail status group
ZEGpMLl024Y-00045-00013423-00013694 and please check mark this box post
ZEGpMLl024Y-00046-00013695-00013863 automatically only
ZEGpMLl024Y-00047-00013863-00014071 it is important in this part
ZEGpMLl024Y-00048-00014072-00014415 and then just save it
ZEGpMLl024Y-00049-00014416-00014679 it's done now let's
ZEGpMLl024Y-00050-00014680-00014911 move to the next step it is define
ZEGpMLl024Y-00051-00014912-00015207 amount limit here you have to
ZEGpMLl024Y-00052-00015208-00015383 right now you need not to do anything in
ZEGpMLl024Y-00053-00015384-00015519 this part but
ZEGpMLl024Y-00054-00015519-00015743 in real time you have to define the
ZEGpMLl024Y-00055-00015744-00016022 amount the maximum amount which can be
ZEGpMLl024Y-00056-00016023-00016463 used for cash journal it can be 51k
ZEGpMLl024Y-00057-00016464-00016639 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00058-00016640-00016847 then the third step is defined document
ZEGpMLl024Y-00059-00016848-00016943 types
ZEGpMLl024Y-00060-00016944-00017279 just like we have defined for other
ZEGpMLl024Y-00061-00017280-00017630 it is already defined in the sap so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00062-00017631-00017879 if you want you can create from here
ZEGpMLl024Y-00063-00017880-00018127 but for journal entry we have a b
ZEGpMLl024Y-00064-00018128-00018399 so we will be using this i am using this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00065-00018400-00018694 account this document type
ZEGpMLl024Y-00066-00018695-00018943 next define number ranges
ZEGpMLl024Y-00067-00018944-00019199 okay just type your company code over
ZEGpMLl024Y-00068-00019200-00019343 here
ZEGpMLl024Y-00069-00019344-00019683 go to this intervals
ZEGpMLl024Y-00070-00019684-00020030 and 0 1
ZEGpMLl024Y-00071-00020031-00020263 from
ZEGpMLl024Y-00072-00020264-00020422 this to
ZEGpMLl024Y-00073-00020423-00020575 this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00074-00020576-00020855 okay i have taken the same number as in
ZEGpMLl024Y-00075-00020856-00022822 this document type let me show you
ZEGpMLl024Y-00076-00022823-00022975 maybe
ZEGpMLl024Y-00077-00022976-00023263 number in 0 1 so i have taken the same
ZEGpMLl024Y-00078-00023264-00024694 number
ZEGpMLl024Y-00079-00024695-00024799 enter
ZEGpMLl024Y-00080-00024800-00025191 and save it
ZEGpMLl024Y-00081-00025192-00025535 changes it go back
ZEGpMLl024Y-00082-00025536-00025678 now
ZEGpMLl024Y-00083-00025679-00025902 in the next step you have to set up your
ZEGpMLl024Y-00084-00025904-00026318 cash journal
ZEGpMLl024Y-00085-00026319-00026631 so just go to this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00086-00026632-00026927 and cash journal is basically suppose uh
ZEGpMLl024Y-00087-00026927-00027158 in our company we have uh two or three
ZEGpMLl024Y-00088-00027160-00027287 different departments and each
ZEGpMLl024Y-00089-00027288-00027446 department uh
ZEGpMLl024Y-00090-00027447-00027695 is maintaining their own petty cash book
ZEGpMLl024Y-00091-00027695-00027974 so to so to differentiate there
ZEGpMLl024Y-00092-00027975-00028158 we need to have we need to create
ZEGpMLl024Y-00093-00028160-00028414 different cash journal for maintaining
ZEGpMLl024Y-00094-00028416-00028695 different cash petty cash book account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00095-00028695-00028990 as per the departments okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00096-00028991-00029079 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00097-00029080-00029302 create new or maybe copy the standard
ZEGpMLl024Y-00098-00029304-00029511 one and make necessary changes
ZEGpMLl024Y-00099-00029512-00029751 and seven one zero
ZEGpMLl024Y-00100-00029752-00029935 copy
ZEGpMLl024Y-00101-00029936-00030199 and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00102-00030200-00030374 mention the
ZEGpMLl024Y-00103-00030375-00030639 company
ZEGpMLl024Y-00104-00030639-00030783 here mentioned
ZEGpMLl024Y-00105-00030783-00030883 four is
ZEGpMLl024Y-00106-00030883-00031223 it characters which you want for cash
ZEGpMLl024Y-00107-00031224-00031327 journal
ZEGpMLl024Y-00108-00031327-00031535 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00109-00031536-00031774 one
ZEGpMLl024Y-00110-00031775-00031862 and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00111-00031863-00032158 select your gl account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00112-00032160-00032558 which we have created petty cash account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00113-00032560-00032767 and in the cash runner when you do not
ZEGpMLl024Y-00114-00032768-00033031 want to use this cash journal anymore so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00115-00033032-00033462 that check mark this box
ZEGpMLl024Y-00116-00033463-00033718 my currency is useful
ZEGpMLl024Y-00117-00033719-00033951 and in this box
ZEGpMLl024Y-00118-00033952-00034231 change it to
ZEGpMLl024Y-00119-00034232-00034351 a b
ZEGpMLl024Y-00120-00034352-00034518 journal entry
ZEGpMLl024Y-00121-00034519-00034807 petty cash for
ZEGpMLl024Y-00122-00034808-00035415 national enter
ZEGpMLl024Y-00123-00035416-00035607 and entry already exist with the same
ZEGpMLl024Y-00124-00035608-00035735 key
ZEGpMLl024Y-00125-00035736-00035807 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00126-00035808-00035983 i have already
ZEGpMLl024Y-00127-00035984-00036167 done this configuration let me show you
ZEGpMLl024Y-00128-00036168-00036751 this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00129-00036752-00037095 here it is
ZEGpMLl024Y-00130-00037096-00037327 okay company code this this is my cash
ZEGpMLl024Y-00131-00037328-00037535 journal number gl account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00132-00037536-00037718 and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00133-00037719-00037967 you you only have to just say enter and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00134-00037968-00038159 save it this will be done
ZEGpMLl024Y-00135-00038160-00038271 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00136-00038272-00038455 next step is maintain business
ZEGpMLl024Y-00137-00038456-00038711 transactions
ZEGpMLl024Y-00138-00038712-00038974 so generally we have
ZEGpMLl024Y-00139-00038975-00039118 506
ZEGpMLl024Y-00140-00039119-00039374 transactions for cash journal
ZEGpMLl024Y-00141-00039375-00039759 so we define it in advance
ZEGpMLl024Y-00142-00039760-00039862 okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00143-00039863-00040127 so i'm just copying it and will make the
ZEGpMLl024Y-00144-00040128-00040502 changes
ZEGpMLl024Y-00145-00040503-00040759 select all this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00146-00040760-00040871 and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00147-00040872-00041087 copy
ZEGpMLl024Y-00148-00041088-00043830 change the compute code
ZEGpMLl024Y-00149-00043831-00043918 okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00150-00043919-00044111 so these are the accounts
ZEGpMLl024Y-00151-00044112-00044215 check
ZEGpMLl024Y-00152-00044216-00044535 see it is for receipt from bank account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00153-00044536-00044718 before payment to bank account that
ZEGpMLl024Y-00154-00044719-00045102 means uh cash deposited into bank
ZEGpMLl024Y-00155-00045103-00045374 so bank incoming payment our revenue
ZEGpMLl024Y-00156-00045375-00045758 expense dnk vendor posting okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00157-00045759-00045927 and just select the respective gl
ZEGpMLl024Y-00158-00045928-00046199 account e is for
ZEGpMLl024Y-00159-00046200-00046407 is for expenses
ZEGpMLl024Y-00160-00046408-00046543 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00161-00046544-00046790 i'm i'm gonna leave this column brand
ZEGpMLl024Y-00162-00046791-00047118 because we don't know what kind of uh
ZEGpMLl024Y-00163-00047119-00047383 uh petty cash i will be having so just
ZEGpMLl024Y-00164-00047384-00047607 leave this column back and sell and and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00165-00047608-00047943 select this part later when you actually
ZEGpMLl024Y-00166-00047944-00048207 post the cast journal okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00167-00048208-00048390 and this one see
ZEGpMLl024Y-00168-00048391-00048607 sees for receipt from bank account that
ZEGpMLl024Y-00169-00048608-00048702 is
ZEGpMLl024Y-00170-00048703-00049151 we are receiving from the bank
ZEGpMLl024Y-00171-00049152-00049343 bank outgoing payment
ZEGpMLl024Y-00172-00049344-00049567 so just select gl for it because it is
ZEGpMLl024Y-00173-00049568-00049783 fixed
ZEGpMLl024Y-00174-00049784-00050207 bank outgoing payment
ZEGpMLl024Y-00175-00050208-00050327 okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00176-00050328-00050727 and these for bank incoming i suppose
ZEGpMLl024Y-00177-00050728-00051046 so select
ZEGpMLl024Y-00178-00051047-00052207 your bank incoming payment account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00179-00052208-00052471 and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00180-00052472-00052582 yeah
ZEGpMLl024Y-00181-00052583-00052823 under this the first one cash expense
ZEGpMLl024Y-00182-00052824-00053159 please mark this box
ZEGpMLl024Y-00183-00053160-00053279 and yeah
ZEGpMLl024Y-00184-00053279-00053894 enter
ZEGpMLl024Y-00185-00053895-00054111 so you will enter and then just save it
ZEGpMLl024Y-00186-00054112-00054350 from here i have already done this part
ZEGpMLl024Y-00187-00054351-00055135 that is why this error is occurring okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00188-00055136-00055279 go back
ZEGpMLl024Y-00189-00055279-00055694 let me show you
ZEGpMLl024Y-00190-00055695-00056175 see
ZEGpMLl024Y-00191-00056176-00056454 i have already done this part
ZEGpMLl024Y-00192-00056455-00056687 so these are the configurations required
ZEGpMLl024Y-00193-00056688-00056799 to post
ZEGpMLl024Y-00194-00056800-00056903 journal
ZEGpMLl024Y-00195-00056904-00057207 now in the next step what you have to do
ZEGpMLl024Y-00196-00057208-00057423 come on the easy access
ZEGpMLl024Y-00197-00057424-00057550 sap
ZEGpMLl024Y-00198-00057551-00057871 access screen
ZEGpMLl024Y-00199-00057872-00058063 go to this accounting
ZEGpMLl024Y-00200-00058064-00058215 financial
ZEGpMLl024Y-00201-00058216-00058399 gl
ZEGpMLl024Y-00202-00058400-00058935 document entry fbcj cash journal posting
ZEGpMLl024Y-00203-00058936-00059166 and from here
ZEGpMLl024Y-00204-00059167-00059359 change your company code and mention the
ZEGpMLl024Y-00205-00059360-00059607 cash journal it is already selected in
ZEGpMLl024Y-00206-00059608-00059735 my case
ZEGpMLl024Y-00207-00059736-00059959 and so these are cash payment cash
ZEGpMLl024Y-00208-00059960-00060247 receipts and check receipts
ZEGpMLl024Y-00209-00060248-00060335 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00210-00060336-00060775 first let's let's take example
ZEGpMLl024Y-00211-00060776-00060879 uh
ZEGpMLl024Y-00212-00060879-00061166 so let's just type uh one example
ZEGpMLl024Y-00213-00061167-00061350 uh in the cash payment
ZEGpMLl024Y-00214-00061351-00061550 so go to this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00215-00061551-00061999 and select office supplies okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00216-00062000-00062326 mention the amount let's say 4k
ZEGpMLl024Y-00217-00062327-00062559 enter
ZEGpMLl024Y-00218-00062560-00062759 okay you have to
ZEGpMLl024Y-00219-00062760-00063063 here you have to specify the gl account
ZEGpMLl024Y-00220-00063064-00063415 you remember we left the column blank uh
ZEGpMLl024Y-00221-00063416-00063599 in this part
ZEGpMLl024Y-00222-00063600-00063671 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00223-00063672-00063863 because we don't know
ZEGpMLl024Y-00224-00063864-00064054 which expense we have we will be
ZEGpMLl024Y-00225-00064055-00064366 incurring and with gl to select
ZEGpMLl024Y-00226-00064367-00064591 because for every transactions we have
ZEGpMLl024Y-00227-00064591-00064830 different gl telephone electricity
ZEGpMLl024Y-00228-00064832-00064959 likewise
ZEGpMLl024Y-00229-00064960-00065047 so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00230-00065048-00065519 select jail
ZEGpMLl024Y-00231-00065520-00066006 let's say it is stationary expense okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00232-00066007-00066143 and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00233-00066144-00066511 yeah now enter
ZEGpMLl024Y-00234-00066512-00066743 this entry has been stored now just
ZEGpMLl024Y-00235-00066744-00066926 select this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00236-00066927-00067023 and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00237-00067024-00067638 post it from here
ZEGpMLl024Y-00238-00067639-00068279 field text is required
ZEGpMLl024Y-00239-00068280-00068550 next is a stationary
ZEGpMLl024Y-00240-00068551-00068682 purchased
ZEGpMLl024Y-00241-00068683-00068863 enter
ZEGpMLl024Y-00242-00068864-00069071 again select this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00243-00069072-00069415 and post
ZEGpMLl024Y-00244-00069416-00069623 so now it is green mark red mark that
ZEGpMLl024Y-00245-00069624-00069806 means it is stored when you will save it
ZEGpMLl024Y-00246-00069807-00070079 it will turn into yellow mark
ZEGpMLl024Y-00247-00070080-00070279 and when you will post this entry it
ZEGpMLl024Y-00248-00070280-00070519 will turn into grain mark
ZEGpMLl024Y-00249-00070520-00070799 so it is for 4 000
ZEGpMLl024Y-00250-00070800-00071015 and these are the expenses that is cash
ZEGpMLl024Y-00251-00071016-00071287 payment my opening balance was 11k
ZEGpMLl024Y-00252-00071288-00071462 because i have done few transactions
ZEGpMLl024Y-00253-00071463-00071679 earlier so that is why it was showing
ZEGpMLl024Y-00254-00071680-00071791 11k
ZEGpMLl024Y-00255-00071792-00072055 and now i have made a payment for rupees
ZEGpMLl024Y-00256-00072056-00072319 4000 it has been reduced so my closing
ZEGpMLl024Y-00257-00072320-00072623 balance is 7k now just let's take one
ZEGpMLl024Y-00258-00072624-00073303 example for cash receipts
ZEGpMLl024Y-00259-00073304-00073599 say we are
ZEGpMLl024Y-00260-00073600-00073887 receiving from the customer okay so let
ZEGpMLl024Y-00261-00073888-00074111 this customer
ZEGpMLl024Y-00262-00074112-00074279 uh
ZEGpMLl024Y-00263-00074280-00074999 i don't know which customer is pending
ZEGpMLl024Y-00264-00075000-00075399 i am receiving 50k from that customer
ZEGpMLl024Y-00265-00075400-00075711 and now here you have to select the
ZEGpMLl024Y-00266-00075712-00075838 customer
ZEGpMLl024Y-00267-00075839-00076406 account number
ZEGpMLl024Y-00268-00076407-00076735 i am receiving from
ZEGpMLl024Y-00269-00076736-00077231 this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00270-00077232-00077543 and now just enter
ZEGpMLl024Y-00271-00077544-00077782 entry store select this
ZEGpMLl024Y-00272-00077783-00078455 okay i need to mention the text
ZEGpMLl024Y-00273-00078456-00078743 payment receive from customer
ZEGpMLl024Y-00274-00078744-00079231 now post this entry
ZEGpMLl024Y-00275-00079232-00079487 okay so i have received 50k
ZEGpMLl024Y-00276-00079488-00079767 so now the closing balance is showing 7
ZEGpMLl024Y-00277-00079768-00079943 plus 50 that is
ZEGpMLl024Y-00278-00079944-00080159 50
ZEGpMLl024Y-00279-00080160-00080271 okay
ZEGpMLl024Y-00280-00080272-00080479 it is five like seven thousand sorry my
ZEGpMLl024Y-00281-00080480-00080703 mistake so now this balance will be
ZEGpMLl024Y-00282-00080704-00080919 carried forward to the next year i've
ZEGpMLl024Y-00283-00080920-00081119 received a payment from one from the
ZEGpMLl024Y-00284-00081120-00081303 customer so
ZEGpMLl024Y-00285-00081304-00081559 like this you can maintain cash journal
ZEGpMLl024Y-00286-00081560-00081735 and one more thing here
ZEGpMLl024Y-00287-00081736-00081752 uh
ZEGpMLl024Y-00288-00081753-00081879 [Music]
ZEGpMLl024Y-00289-00081880-00082071 you can go and check in the line item
ZEGpMLl024Y-00290-00082072-00082167 display
ZEGpMLl024Y-00291-00082168-00082350 the amount for which you have received
ZEGpMLl024Y-00292-00082351-00082694 and there is one point to be noted
ZEGpMLl024Y-00293-00082695-00082871 when you will receive the payment
ZEGpMLl024Y-00294-00082872-00083079 through cash channel suppose there is a
ZEGpMLl024Y-00295-00083080-00083326 customer and
ZEGpMLl024Y-00296-00083327-00083606 amount is 2000 and you have
ZEGpMLl024Y-00297-00083607-00083791 received payment through the cash
ZEGpMLl024Y-00298-00083792-00084071 journal so the item will remain the open
ZEGpMLl024Y-00299-00084072-00084287 item even after receiving the payment in
ZEGpMLl024Y-00300-00084288-00084487 the line item display
ZEGpMLl024Y-00301-00084488-00084767 you can check just post one
ZEGpMLl024Y-00302-00084768-00085006 just post an invoice and receive the
ZEGpMLl024Y-00303-00085007-00085262 amount to the cash journal and then go
ZEGpMLl024Y-00304-00085263-00085487 and check in the line item display it
ZEGpMLl024Y-00305-00085488-00085735 will remain show you now show you as an
ZEGpMLl024Y-00306-00085736-00085982 open item it will not be
ZEGpMLl024Y-00307-00085983-00086335 convert into green or cleared item
ZEGpMLl024Y-00308-00086336-00086575 so this was about the cash journal
ZEGpMLl024Y-00309-00086576-00087094 thank you
ZEGpMLl024Y-00310-00087095-00087304 you
ZH2vphMnDRA-00000-00000016-00000311 as this episode begins dexter is happily
ZH2vphMnDRA-00001-00000312-00000667 eating his breakfast
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00000-00000103-00000938 [Music]
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00002-00004284-00004531 do
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00004-00009922-00011283 [Music]
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00005-00011284-00011514 do
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00006-00011515-00012683 [Music]
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00007-00012684-00013257 so
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00008-00013258-00015060 [Music]
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00009-00015061-00015156 [Applause]
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00010-00015157-00016043 [Music]
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00011-00016044-00016749 [Music]
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00012-00016750-00017686 [Music]
ZHo3zTcS9W0-00013-00017687-00017895 you
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00000-00000143-00000491 foreign
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00001-00000492-00001258 [Music]
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00002-00001259-00001516 this video has been produced using a
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00003-00001517-00001726 copyright free article
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00004-00001727-00002141 and is not to be employed as fact or to
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00005-00002142-00002495 cause or distress to anyone but as video
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00006-00002496-00002807 entertainment only the video creator
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00007-00002808-00003029 accepts now responsibility for the
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00008-00003030-00003286 accuracy of the article and helps you
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00009-00003288-00003431 enjoy the video
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00010-00003432-00003706 this disclaimer is produced by Tony of
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00011-00003707-00004061 Tony's music thank you
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00012-00004061-00004336 the Porsche 64. many consider the
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00013-00004337-00004595 Porsche 64 also known as the VW Aero
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00014-00004596-00004906 coupe type 64 and type 64k10 as being
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00015-00004907-00005159 the first automobile by Porsche it was
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00016-00005160-00005315 built mainly from parts from the model
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00017-00005316-00005554 64 VW Beetle and from there comes the
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00018-00005555-00005656 model number
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00019-00005657-00005927 its flat 4 engine produced 50 BHP and
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00020-00005928-00006143 gave a top speed of 160 kilometers
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00021-00006144-00006365 height Porsche Borough designed the body
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00022-00006366-00006545 after wind tunnel tests made for the
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00023-00006545-00006856 type 114 a V10 sports car that was never
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00024-00006858-00007127 produced Dr Porsche wanted to enter the
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00025-00007128-00007433 car in the 1939 Berlin Rome race the
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00026-00007434-00007625 Bodywork company reuter built three cars
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00027-00007626-00007834 and shaped aluminum
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00028-00007836-00008051 out of the three one was crashed in the
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00029-00008052-00008242 early World War II by a Kraft Jewish
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00030-00008243-00008483 Freud of Volkswagen bureaucrat the two
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00031-00008484-00008651 remaining were used by the Porsche
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00032-00008652-00008896 family later on they put one of them
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00033-00008897-00009155 into storage and used only one in May
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00034-00009156-00009407 1945 American troops discovered the one
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00035-00009408-00009641 put in storage cut the roof off and used
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00036-00009642-00009814 it for joyriding for a few weeks until
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00037-00009815-00009989 the engine gave up and it was scrapped
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00038-00009990-00010210 pinin Farina restored the remaining
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00039-00010211-00010528 Porsche 64 in 1947 as it was owned and
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00040-00010529-00010859 driven by ferry Porsche in 1949 the
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00041-00010860-00011038 Austrian racer Auto Matt bought it and
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00042-00011039-00011596 won the Alpine rally in 1950 in it
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00043-00011597-00011971 [Music]
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00044-00011972-00014801 thank you
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00045-00014802-00015494 foreign
ZHuoTq2Z6IY-00046-00015496-00015806 [Music]
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00000-00000057-00000615 [Music]
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00001-00000616-00000663 hi
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00002-00000664-00000815 i'm lynn davis and welcome to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00003-00000816-00000999 discussions on democracy
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00004-00001000-00001150 i'm the program manager for a
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00005-00001151-00001399 non-partisan nonprofit organization
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00006-00001400-00001655 called healthy democracy that designs
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00007-00001655-00001830 and coordinates innovative deliberative
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00008-00001832-00001991 democracy programs
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00009-00001992-00002142 we are partnering with the city of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00010-00002143-00002407 eugene to facilitate a first of its kind
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00011-00002408-00002534 review panel
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00012-00002535-00002726 the issue up for deliberation is the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00013-00002727-00002999 implementation of hb2001
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00014-00003000-00003199 a bill passed by the oregon legislature
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00015-00003200-00003343 in 2019
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00016-00003344-00003606 that mandates that all cities in oregon
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00017-00003607-00003847 expand the types of housing they allow
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00018-00003847-00004103 in single-family zones our goal in
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00019-00004104-00004311 partnering with the city of eugene is
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00020-00004312-00004622 as always unbiased high quality public
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00021-00004623-00004727 engagement
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00022-00004728-00004927 the panel has already been selected
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00023-00004928-00005111 through a randomized lottery-based
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00024-00005112-00005199 process
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00025-00005200-00005431 that helps ensure broader more accurate
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00026-00005432-00005559 representation
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00027-00005560-00005767 and the panel has already had its first
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00028-00005768-00005967 round of meetings as well
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00029-00005968-00006247 it is a wonderful diverse panel of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00030-00006248-00006311 residents
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00031-00006312-00006614 eager to engage on this issue the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00032-00006615-00006734 purpose of this show
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00033-00006736-00007039 discussions on democracy is to explain
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00034-00007040-00007239 the process we're going through this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00035-00007240-00007463 episode is the first in the series
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00036-00007464-00007670 and to help us get started we have two
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00037-00007672-00007791 guests today
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00038-00007792-00007991 sophie mcginley assistant planner for
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00039-00007992-00008207 the city and jennifer yay
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00040-00008208-00008535 eugene city councilor for ward 4.
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00041-00008536-00008703 jennifer and sophie welcome to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00042-00008704-00008999 discussions on democracy
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00043-00009000-00009351 thank you for having us thank you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00044-00009352-00009591 well uh let's first start i wanted to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00045-00009592-00009671 start with just a little bit of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00046-00009672-00009839 background of sort of where we are
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00047-00009840-00009991 in the process right now we're recording
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00048-00009992-00010103 this sort of in the middle of the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00049-00010104-00010231 process
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00050-00010232-00010487 and just as a background for for where
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00051-00010488-00010599 we came from
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00052-00010600-00010823 there were these 7 500 letters that were
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00053-00010824-00010910 sent out to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00054-00010911-00011135 randomly selected residential addresses
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00055-00011136-00011310 in the city of eugene and also
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00056-00011311-00011638 the urban growth boundary and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00057-00011639-00011942 then 239 people responded we did a
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00058-00011943-00012087 selection event right here in this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00059-00012088-00012206 studio
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00060-00012207-00012542 where we selected 30 panelists and 10
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00061-00012543-00012791 alternates using a random but also
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00062-00012792-00012983 representative process
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00063-00012984-00013238 and so we got sort of a miniature uh
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00064-00013240-00013383 city in a room
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00065-00013384-00013583 and then we had a steering committee
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00066-00013584-00013735 which jennifer well both of you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00067-00013736-00014071 sit on actually that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00068-00014072-00014255 selected a number of background experts
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00069-00014256-00014407 the panel has already heard from in its
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00070-00014408-00014519 first week
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00071-00014519-00014863 and then uh a menu of stakeholders and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00072-00014863-00014975 experts
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00073-00014976-00015230 that came uh that was presented to the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00074-00015231-00015303 panel
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00075-00015304-00015471 sort of the end of its first week and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00076-00015472-00015679 it's now in the process of selecting
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00077-00015680-00015935 from that menu uh other folks that are
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00078-00015936-00016143 kind of come and speak to the panel
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00079-00016144-00016327 but so that's sort of where we are at
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00080-00016328-00016463 the moment uh and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00081-00016464-00016783 and and we're headed into the section
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00082-00016784-00017055 here where the panel is going to be
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00083-00017056-00017183 [Music]
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00084-00017184-00017358 coming up with guiding principles that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00085-00017359-00017535 it's going to give back to the city
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00086-00017536-00017847 on hb 2001 that will inform the code
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00087-00017848-00017950 writing work
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00088-00017951-00018158 but let's take a step back sort of to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00089-00018159-00018343 the beginning and let me actually come
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00090-00018344-00018422 to you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00091-00018423-00018750 sophie first and ask how
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00092-00018751-00019047 the city how we got connected first of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00093-00019048-00019111 all
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00094-00019112-00019335 uh back when when you first came to us
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00095-00019336-00019503 or or terry harding
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00096-00019504-00019711 principal planner of the city came to us
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00097-00019712-00019879 about two years ago
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00098-00019880-00020183 and what why and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00099-00020184-00020430 and what was sort of interesting about
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00100-00020431-00020558 this kind of panel
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00101-00020559-00020847 when you first came to talk to us terry
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00102-00020848-00020983 first approached you all
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00103-00020984-00021214 um because planning is something that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00104-00021215-00021414 affects everyone you know it's our built
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00105-00021415-00021494 environment
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00106-00021495-00021750 it's where we have the opportunity to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00107-00021751-00021943 choose where we live who we interact
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00108-00021944-00022111 with you know what services we have
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00109-00022112-00022303 access to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00110-00022304-00022591 and our processes are designed really
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00111-00022592-00022871 well for some folks to show up
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00112-00022872-00023103 and there's barriers for widespread
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00113-00023104-00023342 public involvement and so we really were
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00114-00023343-00023463 interested
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00115-00023464-00023622 in including more people in the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00116-00023623-00023847 conversations around planning
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00117-00023848-00024055 and you know creating a microcosm of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00118-00024056-00024222 eugene in a room
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00119-00024223-00024583 to hear distinct needs and preferences
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00120-00024584-00024807 and desires from folks all around the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00121-00024808-00024950 community
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00122-00024951-00025230 oregon has 19 statewide planning goals
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00123-00025231-00025327 and the first one
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00124-00025328-00025558 is citizen involvement so every planning
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00125-00025559-00025790 project is required to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00126-00025791-00026102 involve people to the maximum extent
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00127-00026104-00026502 possible and with healthy democracy
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00128-00026504-00026799 it allows us to build on our existing
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00129-00026800-00026990 public engagement system
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00130-00026991-00027239 and also include more people so
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00131-00027239-00027423 hopefully this is something
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00132-00027424-00027743 where we can you know affect policy that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00133-00027744-00027799 affects
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00134-00027800-00028214 everyone and you know have have
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00135-00028216-00028414 the actual process of creating that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00136-00028416-00028687 policy be reflective of everyone
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00137-00028688-00028927 so it's a policy for everyone and by
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00138-00028927-00029095 everyone and healthy democracy is
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00139-00029095-00029279 helping make that possible
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00140-00029280-00029462 jennifer let me come to you now how did
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00141-00029463-00029679 you first hear about this kind of panel
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00142-00029680-00029727 and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00143-00029727-00029951 what is sounds interesting about it to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00144-00029952-00030167 you sounded interesting about it to you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00145-00030168-00030502 when you first heard about it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00146-00030503-00030711 yeah thanks for the question so for the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00147-00030712-00030911 last few years city council has
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00148-00030912-00031135 identified that you know engagement with
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00149-00031136-00031223 our community
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00150-00031224-00031414 and communication with our community is
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00151-00031416-00031527 something we really
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00152-00031527-00031774 want to prioritize and for a lot of that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00153-00031775-00031990 we do lean on staff to come up with
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00154-00031991-00032279 new and creative ways and this is one of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00155-00032280-00032487 those new and creative ways that they
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00156-00032488-00032807 they found to present to us and and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00157-00032808-00033039 council was very enthusiastic about this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00158-00033040-00033143 option
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00159-00033144-00033390 a lot of our engagement processes really
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00160-00033391-00033455 require
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00161-00033456-00033774 people to come to us it's almost uh
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00162-00033775-00034046 they're self-selecting to to engage with
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00163-00034047-00034102 us
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00164-00034103-00034255 whether it's because they're at an event
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00165-00034256-00034431 that we have a table or because they
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00166-00034432-00034615 choose to fill out a survey
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00167-00034616-00034839 or they choose to come to a meeting but
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00168-00034840-00034983 with this process it's a little
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00169-00034984-00035055 different
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00170-00035056-00035246 they're being invited to come even if
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00171-00035247-00035399 maybe they didn't even know
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00172-00035400-00035543 about the processor they didn't even
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00173-00035544-00035702 realize they were interested in it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00174-00035703-00035871 they're being given an opportunity to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00175-00035872-00036039 say yeah maybe i am interested in
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00176-00036040-00036199 getting involved let me let me try it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00177-00036200-00036446 out and see what it's like and so
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00178-00036447-00036751 it's it's only one piece of of a larger
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00179-00036752-00036815 engagement
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00180-00036816-00037062 process with for our community but it's
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00181-00037063-00037135 it's
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00182-00037136-00037327 it's different and it's new and it's
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00183-00037328-00037479 really exciting and and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00184-00037480-00037751 i'm i'm looking forward to how we can
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00185-00037752-00037862 keep using it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00186-00037863-00038262 moving into the future oh well thanks
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00187-00038263-00038487 and that actually reminds me i wanted to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00188-00038488-00038590 ask you sophie
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00189-00038591-00038783 how this sort of fits in jennifer
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00190-00038784-00038943 mentioned this is part of sort of a
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00191-00038944-00039127 bigger public engagement
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00192-00039128-00039374 world and it's that's even true for this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00193-00039375-00039527 project what what are these sort of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00194-00039528-00039655 other how does this fit in with the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00195-00039656-00039790 other components
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00196-00039791-00040102 public engagement wise with this project
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00197-00040103-00040383 as councillor yay mentions um this is
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00198-00040384-00040487 really just a piece
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00199-00040488-00040687 of our larger puzzle it's an important
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00200-00040688-00040943 piece but we also are doing engagement
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00201-00040944-00041111 with local partners we held a local
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00202-00041112-00041262 partners roundtable
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00203-00041263-00041399 that had representatives from
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00204-00041400-00041615 organizations and groups all around the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00205-00041616-00041695 city
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00206-00041696-00041871 we also had a boards and commissions
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00207-00041872-00042087 roundtable that had representatives from
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00208-00042088-00042351 city recognized boards and commissions
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00209-00042352-00042471 like planning commission and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00210-00042472-00042679 sustainability commission
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00211-00042680-00042990 we're also doing some under 25
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00212-00042991-00043190 young adult engagement we partnered with
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00213-00043191-00043383 a class at the university called real
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00214-00043384-00043511 world eugene
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00215-00043512-00043799 and we had a group of four fantastic
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00216-00043800-00043967 students doing outreach there
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00217-00043968-00044223 so getting kind of creative in this time
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00218-00044224-00044446 of cobid
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00219-00044447-00044679 we also held an equity roundtable and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00220-00044680-00044846 we'll continue to hold some equity
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00221-00044847-00044967 roundtables
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00222-00044968-00045199 and those have those roundtables have
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00223-00045200-00045335 folks that are
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00224-00045336-00045623 specifically representing organizations
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00225-00045624-00045735 that serve
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00226-00045736-00045974 underrepresented folks in our community
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00227-00045975-00046118 something different that we're doing
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00228-00046119-00046343 there is we're compensating participants
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00229-00046344-00046527 and this builds off of work that the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00230-00046528-00046695 city already did before
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00231-00046696-00046855 with the climate action plan equity
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00232-00046856-00047007 panel so we're excited to keep
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00233-00047008-00047343 that going and then in early 2021
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00234-00047344-00047495 as we really ramp up our public
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00235-00047496-00047679 engagement we're going to have meetings
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00236-00047680-00047902 in a box which will be
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00237-00047903-00048055 some meeting materials that people can
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00238-00048056-00048302 print out and you know hold meetings
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00239-00048303-00048518 in you know in their living room with
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00240-00048519-00048630 their loved ones
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00241-00048631-00048774 you know something that enables people
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00242-00048775-00048951 to participate without having to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00243-00048952-00049183 attend a meeting or or speak to somebody
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00244-00049184-00049327 official from the city
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00245-00049328-00049535 we're also going to have a giant survey
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00246-00049536-00049679 so we're thinking about
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00247-00049680-00049895 doing a lot of big stuff this is just
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00248-00049896-00050007 the beginning
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00249-00050008-00050199 and it's just a part but we are so
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00250-00050200-00050374 excited about this part of it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00251-00050375-00050567 yeah you mentioned compensating folks
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00252-00050568-00050679 and that's something i'm not sure we've
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00253-00050680-00050846 mentioned about this process as well
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00254-00050847-00051039 that folks are compensated
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00255-00051040-00051294 at a little over 16 an hour something
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00256-00051295-00051479 like that for their time
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00257-00051479-00051742 um and jennifer i wanted to ask you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00258-00051744-00051863 about so you've
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00259-00051864-00051990 you both sit on the steering committee
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00260-00051991-00052158 as i mentioned which is a committee of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00261-00052159-00052287 12 folks
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00262-00052288-00052591 from uh different sort of interest
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00263-00052591-00052663 groups
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00264-00052664-00052935 uh including a city councillor and staff
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00265-00052936-00052975 and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00266-00052976-00053247 and us as well and it's meant to sort of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00267-00053248-00053399 oversee the process from
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00268-00053400-00053719 a from a high level um
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00269-00053720-00053887 what's been your experience on the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00270-00053888-00054023 steering committee so far
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00271-00054024-00054294 and and sort of looking at the process
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00272-00054295-00054511 so far if you've attended any of the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00273-00054512-00054830 any of the sessions
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00274-00054832-00054966 yeah so the being on the steering
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00275-00054967-00055119 committee has been really interesting
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00276-00055120-00055254 because you get to kind of see the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00277-00055255-00055407 behind the scenes
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00278-00055408-00055703 how how the process uh lays out and how
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00279-00055704-00055911 the decisions are being made
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00280-00055912-00056350 um and and reflecting back on how
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00281-00056351-00056647 how the committee is going and if is
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00282-00056648-00056726 that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00283-00056727-00056863 does it seem to be working are there
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00284-00056864-00057063 little tweaks that need to be made so
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00285-00057064-00057254 it's been pretty fascinating to see that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00286-00057255-00057366 part because
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00287-00057367-00057615 if we start using this process going
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00288-00057616-00057782 forward again that's really what's going
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00289-00057783-00057942 to be important is making sure the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00290-00057944-00058135 process
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00291-00058136-00058423 really delivers what we intended you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00292-00058424-00058566 know and what we
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00293-00058567-00058807 thought we were going to get out of it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00294-00058808-00058991 the group that's been brought together
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00295-00058991-00059038 is
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00296-00059039-00059335 is is diverse and has different opinions
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00297-00059336-00059366 and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00298-00059367-00059615 has been working together really well
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00299-00059616-00059759 i've been very impressed with the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00300-00059760-00059879 steering committee and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00301-00059879-00060119 what they've been able to help support
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00302-00060120-00060191 um
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00303-00060191-00060447 the citizen committee and sophie you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00304-00060448-00060559 mentioned kind of the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00305-00060560-00060775 the universe that this sits in in public
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00306-00060776-00060975 engagement in eugene right now
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00307-00060976-00061279 thinking about other kinds of projects
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00308-00061279-00061487 going forward or in your experience in
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00309-00061488-00061582 the past
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00310-00061583-00061887 how do you feel like this sort of uh
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00311-00061888-00062047 random representative sample
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00312-00062048-00062215 deliberative process
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00313-00062216-00062494 kind of where does it fit in yeah i
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00314-00062495-00062542 think
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00315-00062544-00062887 this model can be applied to a variety
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00316-00062888-00063030 of city projects you know
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00317-00063032-00063311 outside of planning as i mentioned
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00318-00063312-00063454 earlier planning affects
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00319-00063455-00063671 everyone you know everybody has
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00320-00063672-00063879 experience with housing
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00321-00063879-00064103 and so that's why healthy democracy was
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00322-00064104-00064206 such a good fit
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00323-00064207-00064550 for this project i think
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00324-00064551-00064854 a huge value of this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00325-00064855-00065079 project and this partnership is that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00326-00065079-00065230 it's showing that you don't
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00327-00065232-00065487 have to be an expert on the subject
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00328-00065488-00065750 matter to meaningfully engage with it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00329-00065751-00065935 and so boards and commissions are
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00330-00065936-00066159 awesome because we get folks that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00331-00066160-00066382 you know commit to terms they interview
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00332-00066383-00066606 with counsel to get appointed
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00333-00066607-00066823 they really commit to learning and not
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00334-00066824-00067047 everybody has the ability to volunteer
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00335-00067048-00067167 their time
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00336-00067168-00067463 you know to to show up to multiple
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00337-00067464-00067575 meetings a month
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00338-00067576-00067879 you know and dive super deep into a very
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00339-00067880-00068167 complex organ land use system
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00340-00068168-00068423 um so this is showing that everybody is
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00341-00068424-00068638 experts of their own experience
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00342-00068639-00068919 and that's enough to be at the table
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00343-00068920-00069055 something else that we're going to be
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00344-00069056-00069255 asking the healthy democracy panel
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00345-00069256-00069438 is how we can best reach them in the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00346-00069439-00069647 future you know what worked about this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00347-00069648-00069838 it's really exciting that we're doing
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00348-00069839-00070038 this and it's not going to be perfect
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00349-00070039-00070182 because it's the first time that we're
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00350-00070183-00070247 doing it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00351-00070248-00070423 so i'm really looking forward to hearing
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00352-00070424-00070606 from those folks that represent
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00353-00070607-00070831 a broad range of perspectives of eugene
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00354-00070832-00070991 community members
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00355-00070992-00071238 how we can be doing better and how we
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00356-00071239-00071438 can bring them to the table on issues
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00357-00071439-00071638 that we want to hear from them about
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00358-00071639-00071911 so i really hope in the future um we're
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00359-00071912-00072094 able to learn from this experience and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00360-00072095-00072199 see what the value
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00361-00072200-00072567 is you know through the participants
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00362-00072568-00072862 or through the panelists summoning their
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00363-00072863-00073015 own experts now
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00364-00073016-00073223 we're now seeing what issues they're
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00365-00073224-00073350 interested in
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00366-00073351-00073582 that's a really unique thing so we gave
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00367-00073583-00073815 them some broad background on land use
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00368-00073816-00073975 and now they're they're making those
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00369-00073976-00074199 connections to what land use affects you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00370-00074200-00074375 know community demographics
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00371-00074376-00074671 the environment the economy and this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00372-00074672-00074782 will really show
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00373-00074783-00075015 uh what community members around town
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00374-00075016-00075199 are thinking about and what we should be
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00375-00075200-00075359 engaging them on
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00376-00075360-00075550 and how we should be engaging them
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00377-00075551-00075782 including this participatory democracy
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00378-00075783-00075894 process
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00379-00075895-00076094 sophie made a really good point in there
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00380-00076095-00076223 in that a lot of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00381-00076224-00076526 folks in the community i believe feel
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00382-00076527-00076871 intimidated by land use processes and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00383-00076872-00077103 code and they feel like they need to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00384-00077104-00077223 have this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00385-00077224-00077479 deep understanding before their opinions
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00386-00077480-00077606 are relevant
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00387-00077607-00077791 and so this process the way it was built
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00388-00077792-00077982 with kind of front loading some
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00389-00077983-00078087 education
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00390-00078088-00078247 i think really gives them that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00391-00078248-00078511 confidence
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00392-00078512-00078750 that they need to be able to express
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00393-00078751-00078903 their opinions a little better
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00394-00078904-00079094 that even if they didn't have that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00395-00079095-00079215 education they still have
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00396-00079216-00079567 valuable opinions but being able to get
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00397-00079568-00079671 that information
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00398-00079672-00079847 and kind of sort it out yourself and how
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00399-00079848-00080015 you feel about it can really give you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00400-00080016-00080206 that confidence to be able to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00401-00080207-00080391 take it to that next level where you're
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00402-00080392-00080559 you're okay giving your opinion
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00403-00080560-00080711 in a public setting which is what we're
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00404-00080712-00080950 asking them to do in some cases
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00405-00080951-00081191 um so that's a a really great part about
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00406-00081192-00081311 this process which
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00407-00081312-00081575 really specifically is good for i think
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00408-00081576-00081615 this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00409-00081616-00081847 topic where other topics may be a little
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00410-00081848-00082031 more accessible to folks and they
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00411-00082032-00082367 might be more inclined to to participate
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00412-00082368-00082423 in a
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00413-00082424-00082743 in a project that um and give their
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00414-00082744-00082799 feedback
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00415-00082800-00083118 yeah it is a pretty wonky topic and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00416-00083119-00083215 one of the things that's really
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00417-00083216-00083399 interesting about this process for us
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00418-00083400-00083503 and for our
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00419-00083504-00083750 uh colleagues overseas who do similar
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00420-00083751-00083879 things like this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00421-00083880-00084135 uh is is the sort of feedback loops that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00422-00084136-00084294 are that are built into the process and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00423-00084295-00084462 sophie i have a question for you about
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00424-00084463-00084511 this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00425-00084512-00084662 but let me just explain what these look
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00426-00084663-00084862 like so the first
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00427-00084863-00085191 nine sessions here uh about 22
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00428-00085192-00085479 hours of panel work here in november
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00429-00085480-00085591 december
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00430-00085592-00085991 2020 are getting to an end result of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00431-00085992-00086279 a list of guiding principles prioritized
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00432-00086280-00086382 by the panel
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00433-00086383-00086750 with rationales that will guide the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00434-00086751-00087118 technical work on hb 2001 code writing
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00435-00087119-00087311 that will be done by city staff and and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00436-00087312-00087494 contractors doing doing the technical
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00437-00087495-00087623 writing
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00438-00087624-00087887 then then we'll come back in a couple of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00439-00087888-00087959 months
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00440-00087960-00088150 and the panel will reconvene and look at
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00441-00088151-00088303 the first draft of that tactical
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00442-00088304-00088406 language
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00443-00088407-00088631 and review it against their principles
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00444-00088632-00088791 and then do that again
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00445-00088792-00089182 a couple months later probably which is
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00446-00089183-00089447 which is sort of an amazing amount of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00447-00089448-00089582 involvement from
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00448-00089583-00089823 one of these panels usually something
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00449-00089824-00089967 like this is convened
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00450-00089968-00090143 it produces a thing and then everybody
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00451-00090144-00090326 goes home and who knows what happens to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00452-00090327-00090559 it it goes into a black box somewhere
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00453-00090560-00090918 and goes into a pdf or whatever and and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00454-00090919-00091159 and often we as members of the general
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00455-00091160-00091255 public at least
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00456-00091256-00091567 feel like what happened uh but this has
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00457-00091568-00091791 has not one but two places where that's
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00458-00091792-00091967 going to come back in where the panel's
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00459-00091968-00092079 going to come back into the process and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00460-00092080-00092279 see the results and give feedback
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00461-00092280-00092526 and i wanted to know from from you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00462-00092527-00092671 sophie
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00463-00092672-00092974 why you were willing to do that how how
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00464-00092975-00093206 you know why you what was exciting about
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00465-00093207-00093318 doing doing that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00466-00093319-00093638 and and um you know sort of the city
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00467-00093639-00093911 putting itself out there in a way to to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00468-00093912-00093959 come
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00469-00093960-00094118 you know have the panel come back and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00470-00094119-00094374 and review its work basically
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00471-00094375-00094631 what's so exciting about that is that it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00472-00094632-00094831 creates relationships
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00473-00094832-00095055 often we can reach out to community
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00474-00095056-00095167 members you know
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00475-00095168-00095462 boards and commissions local partners
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00476-00095463-00095511 and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00477-00095512-00095671 it's a one and done thing you know we
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00478-00095672-00095918 collect their feedback we log it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00479-00095919-00096174 we take that feedback to decision makers
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00480-00096175-00096343 and that's it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00481-00096344-00096615 and with a process like this we are
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00482-00096616-00096791 having the panel hold themselves
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00483-00096792-00096862 accountable
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00484-00096863-00097071 and hold staff accountable to all of the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00485-00097072-00097247 work that they're putting into that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00486-00097248-00097423 and that creates a longer lasting
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00487-00097424-00097599 relationship between the panel and the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00488-00097600-00097638 work
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00489-00097639-00097918 and also the panel in the city so i
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00490-00097919-00098111 think by having them continually
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00491-00098112-00098167 involved
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00492-00098168-00098462 throughout the process it allows us to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00493-00098463-00098679 get more meaningful work done
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00494-00098680-00099038 and it also holds staff accountable to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00495-00099039-00099238 really making sure that all of their
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00496-00099239-00099391 suggestions you know all of their
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00497-00099392-00099615 recommendations to staff
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00498-00099616-00099887 are being heard and considered and we
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00499-00099888-00100206 can adjust and change as we go along
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00500-00100207-00100431 i'm really curious to see how this next
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00501-00100432-00100526 phase
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00502-00100527-00100791 of meetings with healthy democracy goes
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00503-00100792-00100974 right now they're so focused on those
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00504-00100975-00101150 guiding values and principles
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00505-00101151-00101350 and they'll have a couple months um
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00506-00101351-00101518 they'll be able to look back and see how
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00507-00101519-00101679 we've considered those you know they'll
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00508-00101680-00101855 be able to look back and see how they
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00509-00101856-00102006 came up with those
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00510-00102007-00102206 and then they will start really get
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00511-00102207-00102399 diving deep into uh
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00512-00102400-00102766 technical work in early 2021 sophie
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00513-00102767-00102927 exactly has it right we're trying to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00514-00102928-00103071 build relationships
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00515-00103072-00103247 if we can get someone's opinion once
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00516-00103248-00103478 that's great and that's useful
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00517-00103479-00103694 but if we can create a system that makes
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00518-00103695-00103799 them want to come back
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00519-00103800-00104158 for another process maybe a totally
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00520-00104159-00104294 different subject
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00521-00104295-00104486 that's even better because we're
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00522-00104488-00104639 continuing to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00523-00104640-00104830 get that valuable feedback from our
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00524-00104831-00105015 community
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00525-00105016-00105334 we know we already that we have limited
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00526-00105335-00105495 women we have good feedback for our
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00527-00105496-00105647 community our size
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00528-00105648-00105902 but it can we still have a ways to go
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00529-00105903-00105990 and so
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00530-00105991-00106254 anytime we can increase that uh is going
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00531-00106255-00106407 to be really valuable and it has a
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00532-00106408-00106575 ripple effect because these people talk
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00533-00106576-00106719 to their family so i talked to their
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00534-00106720-00106839 friends about
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00535-00106840-00107023 how their experience was engaging with
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00536-00107024-00107158 the city and if that's a
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00537-00107159-00107390 positive experience where they felt like
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00538-00107391-00107478 their feedback
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00539-00107479-00107799 was was heard and and action was taken
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00540-00107800-00107927 based on it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00541-00107928-00108054 they're going to tell their friends and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00542-00108055-00108286 family that and and hopefully we can
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00543-00108288-00108399 start to build
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00544-00108400-00108695 um inroads into these communities where
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00545-00108696-00108854 they're comfortable coming to us
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00546-00108855-00109007 they want to come to us because they
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00547-00109008-00109190 know that we're listening and they know
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00548-00109191-00109247 that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00549-00109248-00109399 something is going to happen with that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00550-00109400-00109575 feedback so
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00551-00109576-00109902 sophie we got really excited we started
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00552-00109903-00109983 out as a state
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00553-00109983-00110158 sort of state level organization
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00554-00110159-00110295 essentially and have
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00555-00110296-00110439 recently gotten really excited about
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00556-00110440-00110631 local government and the potential
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00557-00110632-00110951 of of democratic society to be built
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00558-00110952-00111175 at the local level and sort of from that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00559-00111176-00111319 level up
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00560-00111320-00111607 and um i have the sense that you're
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00561-00111608-00111990 excited about that kind of thing too
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00562-00111991-00112310 absolutely i love local government um
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00563-00112311-00112590 you know people like myself and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00564-00112591-00112743 counselor yay
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00565-00112744-00113007 um we see the power of local government
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00566-00113008-00113086 and clearly
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00567-00113088-00113295 we've figured out how to be involved in
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00568-00113296-00113471 it you know counselor yeah isn't
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00569-00113472-00113831 an elected council member and i work for
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00570-00113832-00113990 the city of staff
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00571-00113991-00114263 and the really wonderful thing about
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00572-00114264-00114366 local government
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00573-00114367-00114671 is the is that everything is designed to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00574-00114672-00114854 be as transparent as possible
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00575-00114855-00115151 and to be run by the people so this is a
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00576-00115152-00115334 really exciting opportunity to bring
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00577-00115335-00115471 more people into the room
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00578-00115472-00115702 and show them just how much their voice
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00579-00115703-00115790 matters
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00580-00115791-00116039 and just how much the system it really
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00581-00116040-00116239 wants to hear their voice
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00582-00116240-00116519 so i hope that throughout this people
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00583-00116520-00116631 just see
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00584-00116632-00116927 um that we are here for them you know
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00585-00116928-00117095 we're merely the messengers
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00586-00117096-00117343 uh staff collects as many voices as we
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00587-00117344-00117566 can and then we take them to council
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00588-00117567-00117775 and council listens to as many voices as
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00589-00117776-00117878 they can
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00590-00117879-00118047 and then base their decisions and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00591-00118048-00118254 recommendations off of that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00592-00118255-00118471 so we want people to see they have the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00593-00118472-00118631 power to influence
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00594-00118632-00118823 what their city is like they have the
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00595-00118824-00119031 power to make this a better place for
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00596-00119032-00119134 everyone
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00597-00119135-00119439 and you know their their voice matters
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00598-00119440-00119623 their voice counts and we want to hear
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00599-00119624-00119678 it
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00600-00119679-00120015 yes local government is has so much of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00601-00120016-00120143 an effect
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00602-00120144-00120407 on people's lives that i don't think
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00603-00120408-00120614 they realize on a day-to-day basis
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00604-00120615-00120783 you know that we get really excited
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00605-00120783-00120990 about national issues or state issues
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00606-00120991-00121047 but it's
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00607-00121048-00121295 oftentimes the issues right that are
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00608-00121296-00121486 happening right in your own town
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00609-00121488-00121943 that affect your day-to-day lives
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00610-00121944-00122151 on that scale that is not comparable to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00611-00122152-00122278 some of these others and if
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00612-00122279-00122471 when people start to get engaged i know
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00613-00122472-00122719 for myself when i started to get engaged
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00614-00122720-00122975 um i started to realize that that these
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00615-00122976-00123134 these things that seem small and
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00616-00123135-00123223 insignificant
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00617-00123224-00123414 actually affect me every day and by
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00618-00123415-00123575 getting involved
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00619-00123576-00123910 um with my neighbors uh to to work on
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00620-00123911-00124063 these issues and try to
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00621-00124064-00124447 do them the best we can um it really
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00622-00124448-00124607 impacts my life
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00623-00124608-00124863 my children's lives my neighbors lives
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00624-00124864-00125014 uh it's it's really
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00625-00125015-00125214 i think obviously sophie i do this
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00626-00125215-00125351 because it's exciting to us
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00627-00125352-00125519 and we think it's really valuable but i
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00628-00125520-00125702 think people will see as they get
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00629-00125703-00125775 involved that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00630-00125776-00125958 it's exciting and valuable for them as
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00631-00125959-00126134 well um
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00632-00126135-00126439 and the nice thing about working in a in
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00633-00126440-00126510 a group
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00634-00126511-00126790 of folks at a local level and with staff
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00635-00126791-00126975 is that everyone's neighbors you know we
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00636-00126976-00127007 all
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00637-00127008-00127183 live right here in this community and we
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00638-00127183-00127334 deal with the same issues
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00639-00127335-00127502 and we may have different perspectives
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00640-00127503-00127695 and we may have different opinions but
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00641-00127696-00127951 if we gather all those in one room
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00642-00127952-00128134 we're going to make a better outcome
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00643-00128135-00128383 than if we just have one or two opinions
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00644-00128383-00128719 so we really want those people to come
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00645-00128720-00128934 with their different opinions and share
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00646-00128935-00129143 them together and talk about it and i've
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00647-00129144-00129286 seen the power of that i've seen
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00648-00129288-00129383 decisions
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00649-00129383-00129743 that have changed um over the course of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00650-00129744-00129951 receiving engagement sometimes even at
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00651-00129952-00130175 the last minute when some new
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00652-00130176-00130351 thing came up and you have to course
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00653-00130352-00130486 correct you have to like you've been
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00654-00130488-00130710 saying you go and do that feedback loop
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00655-00130711-00130934 and you incorporate that new information
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00656-00130935-00131143 and things can change so
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00657-00131144-00131407 it's well worth people's time well
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00658-00131408-00131631 that's a perfect note to end on
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00659-00131632-00132095 jennifer and sophie thank you so much
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00660-00132096-00132311 thank you so much for having us thank
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00661-00132312-00132575 you
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00662-00132576-00132814 and thank you for watching in the next
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00663-00132815-00133014 episode of discussions on democracy
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00664-00133015-00133159 we're going to explore one of the most
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00665-00133160-00133351 vital and foundational elements of
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00666-00133352-00133519 creating a review panel
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00667-00133520-00133751 the selection process our guests will be
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00668-00133752-00133990 two incredibly bright and talented phd
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00669-00133991-00134207 students from carnegie mellon university
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00670-00134208-00134359 who actually write the software that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00671-00134360-00134551 makes the randomized selection process
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00672-00134552-00134671 possible
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00673-00134672-00134814 you definitely don't want to miss that
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00674-00134815-00135078 one i'm lynn davis program manager for
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00675-00135079-00135214 healthy democracy
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00676-00135215-00136163 see you next time
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00677-00136164-00136383 [Laughter]
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00678-00136384-00137049 [Music]
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00679-00137050-00138190 [Music]
ZHWVpXsNaPg-00680-00138191-00138400 you
ZInHKA4TxMI-00000-00000000-00000269 I wake up with perfect bras every day
ZInHKA4TxMI-00001-00000270-00000634 first off my eyebrows are microbladed
ZInHKA4TxMI-00002-00000635-00000881 this is what they look like with no gel
ZInHKA4TxMI-00003-00000882-00001312 no dye and no lamination however I am
ZInHKA4TxMI-00004-00001313-00001612 going to be dying or tinting my brows
ZInHKA4TxMI-00005-00001613-00001871 for fun today I am a licensed
ZInHKA4TxMI-00006-00001872-00002092 esthetician so I do know how to
ZInHKA4TxMI-00007-00002093-00002309 professionally do this and I'm going to
ZInHKA4TxMI-00008-00002310-00002483 teach you because I don't normally do
ZInHKA4TxMI-00009-00002484-00002681 this I don't have any tint laying around
ZInHKA4TxMI-00010-00002682-00003083 but I do have this first I'm going to
ZInHKA4TxMI-00011-00003084-00003353 take some Vaseline and go around my
ZInHKA4TxMI-00012-00003354-00003967 brows where I don't want it to die
ZInHKA4TxMI-00013-00003968-00004295 then I'm just gonna mix the developer
ZInHKA4TxMI-00014-00004296-00004679 with the color base one to one ratio I'm
ZInHKA4TxMI-00015-00004680-00004852 going to take one of these makeup
ZInHKA4TxMI-00016-00004853-00005188 brushes with a spoolie on one side and a
ZInHKA4TxMI-00017-00005189-00005333 brush on the other and I'm just going to
ZInHKA4TxMI-00018-00005334-00005572 mix that together I have to work really
ZInHKA4TxMI-00019-00005573-00005806 quick but there is an order to doing
ZInHKA4TxMI-00020-00005807-00005999 this you're going to start from the tail
ZInHKA4TxMI-00021-00006000-00006281 and work your way inwards and don't do
ZInHKA4TxMI-00022-00006282-00006634 the Bowl here we go
ZInHKA4TxMI-00023-00006634-00006941 [Music]
ZInHKA4TxMI-00024-00006942-00007133 now that the tails are filled in you can
ZInHKA4TxMI-00025-00007134-00007301 see that they are darker and I'm just
ZInHKA4TxMI-00026-00007302-00007445 going to move to the front a little bit
ZInHKA4TxMI-00027-00007445-00007552 at the bottom
ZInHKA4TxMI-00028-00007553-00007813 [Music]
ZInHKA4TxMI-00029-00007814-00008237 go ahead and wipe the fronts
ZInHKA4TxMI-00030-00008238-00008453 remove the rest
ZInHKA4TxMI-00031-00008454-00008761 and voila
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00000-00000000-00000265 Old Colony regional Vocational Technical
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00001-00000266-00000563 High School or Old Colony regional
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00002-00000564-00000750 Vocational Technical High School
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00003-00000751-00001085 District is located on an 80 acre campus
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00004-00001086-00001370 in Rochester Massachusetts the
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00005-00001371-00001630 geographical center of the five member
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00006-00001632-00001873 town school district that includes a
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00007-00001875-00002218 kush net Carver Matt apposite Rochester
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00008-00002219-00002471 and students from Freetown and Lakeville
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00009-00002472-00002629 Public Schools
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00010-00002630-00002912 note that Lakeville is a member town
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00011-00002913-00003193 while Freetown is not an its students
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00012-00003194-00003542 served are limited to around 90 Old
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00013-00003543-00003856 Colony is affectionately known as OC Old
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00014-00003857-00004363 Colony Regional Old Colony RV ths o CR V
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00015-00004364-00004927 th and o CR V ths Old Colony is fully
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00016-00004928-00005117 accredited by the New England
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00017-00005118-00005384 Association of schools and colleges as
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00018-00005385-00005642 well as the Massachusetts Department of
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00019-00005643-00006011 elementary and secondary education Old
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00020-00006012-00006293 Colony is a full-time Vocational
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00021-00006294-00006683 Technical High School sir Old Colony has
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00022-00006684-00007426 an academic department see below
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00023-00007427-00008078 topic administrative staff
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00024-00008079-00008360 Old Colony is its own district thus
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00025-00008361-00008658 having a superintendent on-site mr.
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00026-00008659-00009069 Aaron Polanski mr. Polanski's title is
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00027-00009070-00009380 superintendent director replacing former
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00028-00009381-00009780 superintendent mr. Frank coat OSI has
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00029-00009781-00010046 one principal and according to the
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00030-00010047-00010367 school's website mr. J Michael Parker
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00031-00010368-00010570 has been named as the new principal
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00032-00010571-00010887 replacing former principal mrs. Karen
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00033-00010888-00011235 Gannett the school also has a Dean of
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00034-00011236-00011652 Students mr. David Harrison the school
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00035-00011653-00011969 has a special services coordinator most
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00036-00011970-00012326 Christophe a the school also has a CTE
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00037-00012327-00012438 director
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00038-00012439-00012728 mrs. Bethany Botelho replacing former
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00039-00012729-00013308 CTE director most Jackie mikuma topic
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00040-00013309-00013605 post Old Colony graduates receive a high
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00041-00013606-00013841 school diploma and a certificate of
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00042-00013843-00014094 proficiency in the technical area of
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00043-00014094-00014484 study old colony's four-year program of
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00044-00014485-00014736 studies allows students to directly
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00045-00014737-00015012 enter the job market as skilled workers
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00046-00015013-00015246 or to continue their education at any
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00047-00015247-00015608 college university or technical school
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00048-00015609-00015900 the tech prep program guarantees
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00049-00015901-00016143 admission to Bristol Community College
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00050-00016144-00016461 after completing the two-year courses at
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00051-00016462-00016869 Old Colony also college credit can be
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00052-00016870-00017112 awarded for technical training received
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00053-00017113-00017336 at Old Colony from Wentworth Institute
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00054-00017337-00017678 New England Institute of Technology and
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00055-00017679-00018462 Johnson & Wales University
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00056-00018463-00019184 topic transportation to Old Colony
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00057-00019185-00019540 you
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00058-00019541-00020116 topic member towns
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00059-00020117-00020395 Old Colony students from a Kush net
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00060-00020396-00020686 Carver matter posit Lakeville and
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00061-00020687-00020968 Rochester take buses provided by old
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00062-00020969-00021674 colony who contracts first student
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00063-00021675-00022264 topic non-member town
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00064-00022265-00022555 Freetown is not a member of the district
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00065-00022556-00022828 thus they do not take buses provided by
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00066-00022829-00023252 OC those students in the morning take a
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00067-00023253-00023497 bus from a panic a regional and then
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00068-00023498-00023750 transfer to a bus at a panic a that
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00069-00023751-00024100 takes them to Old Colony in the
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00070-00024101-00024377 afternoon these students take a bus from
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00071-00024378-00024632 Old Colony in the buses run on a limited
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00072-00024633-00025030 a panic a route buses for Freetown are
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00073-00025031-00025277 provided by Freetown Lakeville who
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00074-00025278-00025964 contract first student
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00075-00025964-00026591 topic after school late bus
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00076-00026592-00026866 on days students can stay after
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00077-00026867-00027202 Tuesday's if funded and Thursdays and
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00078-00027204-00027683 Taker late bus home the late bus is only
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00079-00027683-00028033 offered only to member towns Freetown
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00080-00028035-00028270 students can stay but they must get a
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00081-00028272-00028858 ride home
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00082-00028858-00029608 topic vocational technical programs
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00083-00029610-00029942 Old Colony offers 13 vocational
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00084-00029943-00030299 technical programs all programs fall
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00085-00030300-00030602 under Massachusetts general law mg/l
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00086-00030602-00031043 chapter 74 these programs are commonly
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00087-00031044-00031564 referred to as shops automotive
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00088-00031566-00032156 technology business technology computer
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00089-00032157-00032597 science cosmetology often abbreviated to
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00090-00032598-00033134 cosmo culinary arts computer-aided
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00091-00033135-00033476 design drafting often abbreviated to CAD
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00092-00033477-00033965 drafting or cad electrical
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00093-00033966-00034364 Electronics Health Careers often
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00094-00034365-00034755 abbreviated to health house and mill
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00095-00034756-00035183 carpentry often abbreviated to carpentry
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00096-00035184-00035633 machine and tool technology graphic
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00097-00035634-00035852 communication and design often
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00098-00035853-00036146 abbreviated to graphics
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00099-00036147-00036431 welding metal fabrication often
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00100-00036432-00037024 abbreviated to welding
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00101-00037025-00037616 topic related class
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00102-00037617-00037955 during the academic cycle students have
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00103-00037956-00038327 a related class sophomores have only one
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00104-00038328-00038570 period of related every day while
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00105-00038571-00038864 juniors and seniors have two periods of
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00106-00038865-00039233 related everyday this class teaches
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00107-00039234-00039458 students curriculum that cannot always
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00108-00039459-00039817 be taught in shop starting in the
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00109-00039818-00040139 2013-14 school year freshmen and
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00110-00040140-00040466 sophomores in the 2014-15 school year
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00111-00040467-00040742 will have related one period out of
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00112-00040743-00040979 their shop class it is currently unknown
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00113-00040980-00041231 if that will be followed in the future
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00114-00041232-00041935 for the full high school career
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00115-00041936-00042573 topic exploratory program
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00116-00042574-00042903 the old colony shop exploratory program
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00117-00042904-00043428 freshman students explore 86 shops five
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00118-00043429-00043660 of the choosing and three chosen by the
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00119-00043661-00044021 guidance department in most cases
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00120-00044022-00044313 students explore shop related classes
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00121-00044314-00044658 during academic cycles and shop classes
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00122-00044659-00045078 during shop cycle students partake in
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00123-00045079-00045312 this program during the first trimester
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00124-00045313-00045610 and into the second for the last two of
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00125-00045611-00045813 the school year and then are assigned
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00126-00045814-00046140 their shop students will learn how
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00127-00046141-00046413 competitive the workforce can be because
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00128-00046414-00046733 most shops can be very competitive
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00129-00046734-00047035 students also partake in a course about
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00130-00047036-00047361 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00131-00047362-00047772 of 1970 the EPA and procedures at Old
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00132-00047773-00048045 Colony which takes place one day a week
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00133-00048046-00048441 during related weeks the students take a
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00134-00048442-00048702 test on their last related week in
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00135-00048703-00049374 related class
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00136-00049375-00049951 topic academics
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00137-00049952-00050536 as old colony RV ths is full-time school
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00138-00050537-00050848 so they have an academic department old
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00139-00050849-00051248 colony currently 2012-2013 school year
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00140-00051249-00051670 has 21 academic staff members 22
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00141-00051671-00052024 including the librarian they each fall
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00142-00052025-00052373 under a subcategory all courses listed
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00143-00052374-00052662 below are based on the 2017-2018 school
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00144-00052663-00052778 year
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00145-00052779-00053233 [Music]
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00146-00053234-00053755 topic English
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00147-00053757-00054217 the department facilitate proficiency in
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00148-00054219-00054623 reading and writing skills computer
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00149-00054624-00054864 literacy skills
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00150-00054865-00055153 researching capabilities in accordance
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00151-00055154-00055402 with the latest MLA and electronic
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00152-00055403-00055866 documentation criteria oral presentation
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00153-00055867-00056287 and public speaking experience literary
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00154-00056288-00056485 exposure through classic and
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00155-00056486-00056772 contemporary genres
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00156-00056773-00057199 MCAS preparation components for
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00157-00057200-00057412 professional career and or college
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00158-00057413-00057670 portfolio Singlish courses are offered
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00159-00057671-00057925 in honors and college prep for grades 9
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00160-00057926-00058528 to 12
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00161-00058529-00059037 topic math
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00162-00059038-00059328 the mathematics department implements
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00163-00059329-00059478 curriculum aligned with the
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00164-00059479-00059716 Massachusetts mathematics curriculum
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00165-00059717-00060135 frameworks the department uses a variety
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00166-00060136-00060378 of instructional methods to meet the
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00167-00060379-00060605 needs of all learners and to develop an
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00168-00060607-00060816 understanding and appreciation of
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00169-00060816-00061122 mathematics especially as it applies to
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00170-00061123-00061497 vocational areas the curriculum prepares
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00171-00061498-00061761 students for both the workforce and
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00172-00061762-00062049 post-secondary education as an
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00173-00062050-00062361 extracurricular activity Old Colony has
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00174-00062362-00062573 a math team that enters into math
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00175-00062574-00062982 competitions the department offers grade
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00176-00062983-00063324 9 algebra 2 honors algebra ion is
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00177-00063325-00063669 Algebra I College pre grade 10 geometry
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00178-00063670-00063954 honors geometry College pre grade 11
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00179-00063954-00064290 precalculus algebra 2 honors algebra 2
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00180-00064291-00064557 College preet grade 12 calculus
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00181-00064558-00064848 precalculus statistics and trigonometry
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00182-00064849-00065190 applications 21st century mathematical
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00183-00065191-00065666 applications
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00184-00065667-00066276 topic physical education
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00185-00066277-00066525 this department offers health and
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00186-00066526-00066888 physical education classes
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00187-00066889-00067249 topic science grade 9 technology and
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00188-00067250-00067456 engineering on his technology and
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00189-00067457-00067752 engineering college preet grade 10 to 12
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00190-00067753-00068044 biology honors biology college prep
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00191-00068045-00068317 chemistry Honors Chemistry college prep
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00192-00068318-00068557 physics on is physics college prep
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00193-00068558-00069024 forensics
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00194-00069025-00069622 topic social studies
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00195-00069623-00070324 grade 9 US history I honors US history I
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00196-00070325-00070771 college preet grade 10 u.s. history -
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00197-00070772-00071329 honors US history to college preet grade
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00198-00071330-00071501 11
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00199-00071502-00071855 modern world history I honors
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00200-00071856-00072155 modern world history I college pre grade
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00201-00072156-00072709 12 modern world history to honors
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00202-00072710-00073456 modern world history - college prep
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00203-00073457-00074024 topic sports
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00204-00074025-00074357 Old Colony has numerous varsity sports
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00205-00074358-00074600 available for all students to play
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00206-00074601-00074915 throughout the school year Old Colony
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00207-00074916-00075152 plays in the mayflower Athletic
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00208-00075153-00075362 Conference and a part of the small
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00209-00075363-00075749 division the school's athletic director
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00210-00075750-00076100 is mr. Matt Tran the sports offered our
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00211-00076101-00076901 full boys soccer cheerleading cross
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00212-00076902-00077169 country co-ed
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00213-00077170-00077804 football girls soccer girls volleyball
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00214-00077805-00078428 golf winter boys basketball girls
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00215-00078429-00078860 basketball cheerleading
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00216-00078861-00079118 ice hockey spring
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00217-00079119-00079822 baseball boys lacrosse girls lacrosse
ZIIZMiaJ8Ny-00218-00079823-00080123 softball
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00000-00000014-00000319 so how does currency for money work
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00001-00000320-00000676 where does it get its value from many
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00002-00000677-00000956 argue that a currency only has value if
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00003-00000957-00001115 it's convertible into gold or something
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00004-00001116-00001453 else a convertible currency is said to
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00005-00001454-00001730 be backed by something the surprising
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00006-00001730-00001907 thing for a lot of people is that most
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00007-00001907-00002147 major currencies like the dollar euro
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00008-00002148-00002443 and yen aren't backed by anything in
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00009-00002444-00002818 fact the average currency has only a 27
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00010-00002819-00003025 year life before it gets replaced by a
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00011-00003026-00003311 new currency we're just used to the big
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00012-00003311-00003622 long-term survivors like the dollar yen
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00013-00003623-00003992 and the British Pound currency is just
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00014-00003993-00004241 pieces of metal paper and electronic
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00015-00004242-00004606 entries in a bank account this leaves us
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00016-00004607-00004822 with a big question so where does
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00017-00004823-00005147 currency get its value from the
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00018-00005148-00005447 surprising answer is us anyone who
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00019-00005448-00005681 believes in our currency creates the
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00020-00005682-00006026 value for that concern now that sounds a
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00021-00006027-00006274 little complicated a let me explain
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00022-00006275-00006587 currency or money works a little like a
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00023-00006588-00006839 language the more people who agree to
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00024-00006840-00007127 and understand a language the more value
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00025-00007128-00007352 that that specific language a form of
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00026-00007353-00007634 communication has so let's use a
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00027-00007634-00007945 technology example for simplicity
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00028-00007945-00008213 technology talks to other technology
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00029-00008214-00008570 using language protocols fax machines
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00030-00008571-00008960 use to program to talk to each other VHS
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00031-00008961-00009271 and beta or recording protocols your
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00032-00009272-00009581 computer probably uses tcp/ip the
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00033-00009582-00009778 Internet Protocol to connect with other
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00034-00009779-00009928 computers on the Internet
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00035-00009929-00010033 network
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00036-00010034-00010314 the more users of a protocol or language
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00037-00010315-00010570 the more value that that protocol can
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00038-00010571-00010909 support if only two people or users have
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00039-00010910-00011119 fax machines cell phones or Internet
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00040-00011120-00011530 devices talking in tcp/ip the protocols
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00041-00011531-00011746 wouldn't have much value there'd be a
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00042-00011747-00011949 limited number of people to communicate
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00043-00011950-00012301 with as more users link up using a
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00044-00012302-00012535 specific protocol more value gets
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00045-00012536-00012816 created or supported by that protocol
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00046-00012816-00013325 these links of acceptors form a network
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00047-00013326-00013608 now here's where it gets interesting
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00048-00013609-00013936 users of a currency have all effectively
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00049-00013937-00014205 agreed to a protocol for value
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00050-00014206-00014530 representation some users speak to each
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00051-00014531-00014928 other in dollars yen or Euros the more
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00052-00014929-00015199 people using a protocol the more value
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00053-00015200-00015505 that the network of users creates for
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00054-00015506-00015816 the protocol so currency is really just
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00055-00015818-00016228 a social protocol gold yen dollars euros
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00056-00016229-00016500 and Bitcoin are all social protocols
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00057-00016501-00016734 using different physical and electronic
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00058-00016735-00017011 means to link up users into networks
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00059-00017012-00017409 that enable value exchange now here's
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00060-00017410-00017508 the cool thing
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00061-00017509-00017730 we can look at any protocol and
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00062-00017731-00017942 calculate both the total network
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00063-00017943-00018312 circulating value and the value created
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00064-00018313-00018705 per user or for each node on the network
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00065-00018706-00019053 using that protocol with a little bit of
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00066-00019054-00019264 thinking you realize that gold in
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00067-00019265-00019555 dollars and euros and Bitcoin have no
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00068-00019556-00019816 intrinsic value they are all social
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00069-00019817-00020080 protocols and they merely represent a
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00070-00020081-00020392 way of supporting value flow between
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00071-00020393-00020709 individuals so here's a table that shows
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00072-00020710-00021012 the value per user for a few of the more
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00073-00021013-00021390 common socio-economic protocols now
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00074-00021391-00021739 doing the magic of social protocols we
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00075-00021740-00021981 can create new protocols to incentivize
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00076-00021982-00022333 good things because the value that
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00077-00022334-00022497 emerges from a protocol is something
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00078-00022498-00022767 economists call an externality and that
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00079-00022768-00023028 positive externality can be used in good
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00080-00023029-00023430 ways solar coin is a new protocol it's
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00081-00023431-00023680 built on top of big clean technology and
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00082-00023681-00023922 solar coin links solar energy production
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00083-00023923-00024249 and people anyone who produces one
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00084-00024250-00024505 megawatt hour of solar energy receives
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00085-00024506-00024858 one solar client over time those
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00086-00024859-00025153 producers effectively form a network of
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00087-00025154-00025528 solar coin participants anyone can join
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00088-00025529-00025770 the network but only producers are
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00089-00025772-00026062 entitled to free insulin at the rate of
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00090-00026063-00026274 one megawatt hour personal acquaintance
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00091-00026275-00026557 the solar man found a ssin is building a
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00092-00026558-00026790 network of 1 million producers of solar
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00093-00026791-00027120 energy this is done by giving them free
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00094-00027122-00027370 solar coins in exchange for verified
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00095-00027370-00027649 proof of solar energy production this
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00096-00027650-00027835 works out to about one out of every six
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00097-00027836-00028099 of the current producers in the world
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00098-00028100-00028456 this solar coin network of people will
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00099-00028457-00028695 create about 800 million to 1 billion
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00100-00028697-00028969 dollars in value for renewable energy
ZKi3_g6n6KU-00101-00028970-00029641 producers globally created using powtoon
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00000-00000016-00000799 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00001-00000800-00000885 [Applause]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00002-00000886-00001273 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00003-00001274-00001523 what's good homie Squad it's your boy
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00004-00001524-00001709 home with Ziggy we back here with
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00005-00001710-00001979 another four piece reaction for y'all
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00006-00001980-00002123 and
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00007-00002124-00002302 we're just gonna go straight into it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00008-00002303-00002602 because we got some real Spinners here
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00009-00002603-00002818 we got soups we got a singer in here we
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00010-00002819-00003076 got stool singers hey
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00011-00003077-00003286 let's just say we just gonna Vibe out so
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00012-00003288-00003533 we better check this first one out which
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00013-00003534-00003790 is a Teresa wrap
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00014-00003792-00004120 mate smile with the wolf inspired by a
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00015-00004121-00004385 claymore Claymore
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00016-00004386-00004720 why I think of Drew McIntyre's WWE
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00017-00004721-00004936 Superstar with Drew McIntyre's Claymore
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00018-00004937-00005206 but either way we better check this out
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00019-00005207-00005381 make sure you like comment and subscribe
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00020-00005382-00005572 follow me on all my socials up there and
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00021-00005573-00005783 without further Ado let's get in the
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00022-00005784-00005926 video
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00023-00005927-00006773 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00024-00006773-00007063 oh
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00025-00007064-00009685 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00026-00009686-00009977 I'm blessed
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00027-00009978-00010181 one thing I love with the wolf whenever
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00028-00010182-00010589 she's rapping she really like
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00029-00010590-00010805 these are these are like the type of
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00030-00010806-00010996 anime raps were
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00031-00010997-00011327 they just tell you they make you feel
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00032-00011328-00011531 like not only it's about the enemy but
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00033-00011532-00011837 mostly just how most people are in
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00034-00011838-00012238 situations in life and I gotta say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00035-00012239-00012491 if you're relatable like hold on go back
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00036-00012492-00012695 I rarely smile
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00037-00012696-00012844 so that's why they call me Middleton
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00038-00012845-00012971 because let's face it if you've been
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00039-00012972-00013205 through many wars you think you're gonna
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00040-00013206-00013505 smile nah sometimes you'll be you see
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00041-00013506-00013685 some [__]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00042-00013686-00014216 hmm
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00043-00014216-00015225 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00044-00015226-00015805 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00045-00015806-00016836 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00046-00016837-00017094 Nothing in life
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00047-00017095-00017405 worth have
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00048-00017406-00017741 okay so I sometimes I mean either it's
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00049-00017742-00017957 me or the way how it's just the way how
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00050-00017958-00018149 they said they made it go to but nothing
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00051-00018150-00018365 in life nothing in life worth having
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00052-00018366-00018788 came with freebies
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00053-00018789-00019093 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00054-00019094-00019379 discipline your actions right she's
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00055-00019380-00019541 saying this plane herself why it say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00056-00019542-00019733 displaying your actions hold on easy
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00057-00019734-00019936 Nothing in life worth having came with
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00058-00019937-00020107 freebies
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00059-00020108-00020363 yeah it said she said yourself you're
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00060-00020364-00020555 right saying your actions this pain is
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00061-00020556-00020783 I'm pretty sure I'm hearing this plane
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00062-00020784-00021304 yourself that discipline your actions
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00063-00021305-00021577 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00064-00021578-00021797 yeah it sounds like discipline yourself
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00065-00021798-00022044 I'm hearing I don't know why they put
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00066-00022045-00022439 whoever did the editing and such pretty
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00067-00022440-00022780 sure it's pretty sure she said yourself
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00068-00022781-00023033 not your actions but inside my sorrows
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00069-00023034-00023278 the silver my heart aches
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00070-00023279-00023962 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00071-00023963-00024672 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00072-00024673-00024904 all I got is
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00073-00024905-00027637 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00074-00027638-00028067 a faint smile
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00075-00028068-00028283 she just came short and sweet and
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00076-00028283-00028458 straight to the point
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00077-00028460-00028918 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00078-00028919-00029140 cheating came they mess around shout out
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00079-00029141-00029273 to the wolf
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00080-00029274-00029446 named
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00081-00029447-00029627 shout out to the wolf girl you know I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00082-00029627-00029933 rocked you but now we got a Luigi and
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00083-00029933-00030323 Daisy rap Daisy with the Kevin Bennett
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00084-00030324-00030677 amen firstly first I gotta say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00085-00030677-00030946 to the Kevin Bennett
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00086-00030947-00031157 I need to know what's your next
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00087-00031158-00031427 wrestling matching search because I know
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00088-00031427-00031655 look I know look I still appreciate the
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00089-00031656-00031835 music and all but the fact that I know
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00090-00031836-00032087 that you're a wrestler my dude
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00091-00032088-00032279 I gotta check out some of your wrestling
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00092-00032280-00032477 matches straight up
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00093-00032477-00032681 I don't care if I gotta do a live stream
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00094-00032682-00032879 look
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00095-00032880-00033124 for those who follow the Kevin Bennett
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00096-00033125-00033221 and search
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00097-00033222-00033443 y'all let me know if you have any I do
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00098-00033444-00033724 know that this [__] is a wrestler
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00099-00033725-00033923 y'all let me know if any matches and
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00100-00033924-00034157 such that he's done in such because I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00101-00034158-00034385 just wanna even if I want to react to it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00102-00034386-00034565 or just watch it by myself still I want
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00103-00034566-00034733 to check out how he actually does it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00104-00034734-00035021 cause even though I've seen pictures
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00105-00035022-00035267 I've seen what I want to experience it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00106-00035268-00035495 by myself but either way let's get into
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00107-00035496-00035551 this
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00108-00035552-00036217 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00109-00036218-00036449 and I just want to know
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00110-00036450-00036635 I've been wanting to ask this too
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00111-00036636-00036839 becoming Bennett I know you're what you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00112-00036840-00036983 probably are watching this I want to
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00113-00036984-00037240 know how do you juggle between making
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00114-00037241-00037379 music
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00115-00037380-00037637 like nerd cool music and such
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00116-00037638-00037901 taking care of your family and also
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00117-00037902-00038099 doing your wrestling career
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00118-00038100-00038783 like how do you do that do all of that
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00119-00038784-00039035 I'm gonna have when I get pretty good
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00120-00039036-00039268 how pretty sure you know how to do the
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00121-00039269-00039496 family one I mean but I just want to
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00122-00039497-00039724 know how do you do your music one and
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00123-00039725-00039880 your resume
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00124-00039881-00040168 but in all and honor it's crazy how you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00125-00040169-00040373 can be able to do all of this by
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00126-00040374-00040523 yourself
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00127-00040524-00040835 so hey my hat's off to you my boy but I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00128-00040836-00041080 just want to know how do you do it but
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00129-00041081-00041280 let's talk Disney news
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00130-00041281-00042109 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00131-00042110-00042455 like a daisy like a daisy even if you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00132-00042456-00042677 want to play me that's okay we know you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00133-00042678-00042901 tend to drive me crazy
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00134-00042902-00043237 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00135-00043238-00043451 and that's what I do is I want to say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00136-00043452-00043673 this people always want to say about how
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00137-00043674-00044158 Mario went freaking Peach and such
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00138-00044159-00044440 hey Luigi and daisies are underrated
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00139-00044441-00044674 couple man y'all need to give them some
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00140-00044675-00044849 air time
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00141-00044850-00045052 what you mean what about their
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00142-00045053-00045262 relationship y'all be y'all be sleeping
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00143-00045263-00045587 on their relationship you know meat you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00144-00045588-00045689 know what
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00145-00045690-00045986 I was saying
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00146-00045987-00046135 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00147-00046136-00046452 we know you tend to drive me crazy
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00148-00046453-00046715 people think you're Innocent but I know
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00149-00046716-00046907 you isn't by the way you keep on killing
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00150-00046908-00047105 it put on your Tiara got you dressing
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00151-00047106-00047296 like the princesses everything you are
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00152-00047297-00047952 baby girl you know I'm feeling it yeah
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00153-00047953-00048373 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00154-00048374-00048652 people always look one of my favorite
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00155-00048653-00048827 colors has always been yellow right
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00156-00048828-00049108 because one it's a color of my Jamaican
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00157-00049109-00049445 flag of course and two I've always liked
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00158-00049446-00049607 the color yellow because I always feel
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00159-00049608-00049846 like yellow is mellow
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00160-00049847-00050099 and yes it may be what he said here now
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00161-00050100-00050374 but people say that yellow is like what
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00162-00050375-00050549 fear or something like that I don't know
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00163-00050550-00050645 why
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00164-00050646-00051035 but to me yellow is gonna calm cool and
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00165-00051036-00051226 connected why the freak would people say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00166-00051227-00051419 yellow is like
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00167-00051420-00051616 you know what I don't care I'm doing
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00168-00051617-00051946 this right now I'm proving to y'all I'm
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00169-00051947-00052169 I'm gonna do research by myself I know
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00170-00052170-00052420 what this is I know this is not what
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00171-00052421-00052715 he's intending here but to me this is
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00172-00052716-00052871 just a little personal grab of mine
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00173-00052872-00052991 because for
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00174-00052991-00053225 throughout my life and such people
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00175-00053226-00053429 always saying
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00176-00053429-00053729 yellow is like
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00177-00053729-00054154 if you know yellow is like some
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00178-00054155-00054485 see it's saying here yellow is is a
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00179-00054486-00054815 color associated with the Sun or star
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00180-00054816-00055216 and it symbolizes optimism energy joy
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00181-00055217-00055444 happiness and friendship
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00182-00055445-00055763 so
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00183-00055764-00056032 exactly you think I'm lying right there
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00184-00056033-00056459 damn it here right there hold on right
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00185-00056460-00056675 there on my phone if y'all can see it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00186-00056676-00057047 hold on let me
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00187-00057048-00057191 hold on let me come out of this for
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00188-00057191-00057430 y'all second so yeah I can
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00189-00057432-00057779 if y'all can see right right here
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00190-00057779-00057988 hold on
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00191-00057989-00058276 right there see
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00192-00058277-00058415 oh no
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00193-00058416-00058679 there we go right there mean happiness
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00194-00058679-00058919 and such so why the freak people keep on
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00195-00058920-00059104 telling I don't know
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00196-00059105-00059261 maybe they were trying to trick me or
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00197-00059262-00059453 not but that's why I always like yellow
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00198-00059454-00059621 because it always means happiness you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00199-00059622-00059794 know so that's
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00200-00059795-00059944 the way she popping got me popping
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00201-00059945-00060004 problem
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00202-00060004-00060257 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00203-00060258-00061057 s
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00204-00061058-00061321 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00205-00061322-00061715 let's face it the other girls Peach Baby
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00206-00061716-00061882 Peach
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00207-00061883-00062050 to be honest I don't what was the
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00208-00062051-00062244 edibles
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00209-00062245-00062488 the only girls I ever knew were just
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00210-00062489-00063154 Daisy and freaking Peach
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00211-00063155-00063567 ES
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00212-00063569-00064780 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00213-00064782-00064973 hey
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00214-00064974-00065584 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00215-00065585-00065958 [Applause]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00217-00069300-00069665 it's like this
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00218-00069666-00069887 what I said about Kevin Bennett last
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00219-00069888-00070156 week or so
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00220-00070157-00070415 is that with the way how I looked how
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00221-00070416-00070667 Kevin Bennett does his music work in
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00222-00070668-00071026 that Master roshi Freestyle right
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00223-00071027-00071297 all I was saying like right is I want
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00224-00071298-00071476 some of y'all nerd Core artists just
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00225-00071477-00071687 pick up the pen and start rapping and
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00226-00071688-00071897 rapping but what I also love where he
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00227-00071898-00072131 does is like he can do the he can do
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00228-00072132-00072335 both where
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00229-00072336-00072641 you can write a love song like this and
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00230-00072642-00072743 start
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00231-00072744-00072976 wrapping over some of y'all [__] put
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00232-00072977-00073181 some bars on me all [__]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00233-00073182-00073438 yeah even in some of his love songs and
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00234-00073439-00073523 such
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00235-00073524-00073769 he be getting boys into
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00236-00073770-00073991 like imma spoil you rotten don't think I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00237-00073992-00074188 didn't catch that far
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00238-00074189-00074448 boy
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00239-00074449-00075438 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00240-00075439-00075737 she told me she believing in us agreeing
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00241-00075738-00076013 so much I see this a bunch a team for
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00242-00076014-00076538 the doors
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00243-00076539-00077141 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00244-00077142-00077203 days
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00245-00077204-00077635 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00246-00077636-00077981 like a daisy like a daisy even if you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00247-00077982-00078203 wanna play me that's okay we know you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00248-00078204-00078711 tend to drive me crazy flowers
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00249-00078712-00080094 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00250-00080095-00080382 drive me crazy
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00251-00080383-00080591 I'm not even doing nuts
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00252-00080592-00080771 [Applause]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00253-00080772-00081065 and I was going to sing but not again
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00254-00081066-00081365 I could never try to come up the top or
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00255-00081366-00081767 so with lyrics like damn again but hey
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00256-00081768-00081959 shout out to the Kevin shout out to D
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00257-00081960-00082193 Kevin Bennett man I just want to know
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00258-00082194-00082426 like I said how the hell you managed to
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00259-00082427-00082571 do your music
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00260-00082572-00082817 and do your wrestling career all in one
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00261-00082818-00083188 I just want to know for myself but hey
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00262-00083189-00083405 shout out to him and I hope when he sees
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00263-00083406-00083597 this answer that question I'm serious
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00264-00083598-00083806 but hey shout out to him keep on doing
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00265-00083807-00084155 what you're doing man next we got
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00266-00084156-00084437 otaku on the world in the building you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00267-00084438-00084773 already know a cowboy Beat Bop rap
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00268-00084774-00085067 Champions Groove Calvin B you already
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00269-00085068-00085444 know let's get it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00270-00085445-00085738 foreign
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00271-00085739-00086015 ERS watching Cowboy Bebop
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00272-00086016-00086387 to be honest
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00273-00086388-00086741 why did I why I have the feeling that I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00274-00086742-00087119 did remember watching it but I don't
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00275-00087120-00087329 see that's the thing with me right when
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00276-00087330-00087562 it comes to me watching shows and such
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00277-00087563-00087737 especially if it's like anime or
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00278-00087738-00087994 whatever
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00279-00087995-00088205 it's like as soon as when I watch one
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00280-00088206-00088529 new show or so
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00281-00088530-00088775 if I just watch one episode of a new
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00282-00088776-00088991 show I've never seen before or I've
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00283-00088992-00089231 heard about but never seen it imma watch
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00284-00089232-00089476 it and then move on with my life because
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00285-00089477-00089741 it's not like I go in depth with how it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00286-00089742-00089962 is and such I don't like get involved in
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00287-00089963-00090250 Buffet it's just a watch and go to me
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00288-00090251-00090391 so
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00289-00090392-00090725 so but then when certain times when I'm
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00290-00090726-00090982 coming when I'm like even though when I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00291-00090983-00091193 grow up and such I remember on certain
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00292-00091194-00091391 shows that I used to watch or certain
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00293-00091392-00091649 music that I listened to or so so I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00294-00091650-00091835 don't know what else the case with me
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00295-00091836-00091967 and that
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00296-00091968-00092721 yes it is
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00297-00092722-00093299 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00298-00093300-00093467 Odyssey everywhere I'm an anomaly
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00299-00093468-00093647 rappers holding animosity you're still
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00300-00093648-00093844 approaching [__] to be mad cause of my
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00301-00093845-00094055 modesty honestly [__] is Comedy All
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00302-00094056-00094265 Because I'm a novelty they can't read me
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00303-00094266-00094637 properly like zodiac astrology
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00304-00094638-00094888 they can read me properly like zodiac
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00305-00094889-00095494 astrology look for all these men
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00306-00095495-00095855 I do not get look for all these people
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00307-00095856-00096137 here was talking about I'm a cancer I'm
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00308-00096138-00096335 a liberal I don't give a damn if you're
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00309-00096336-00096526 a cancer if you're a liberal if you're
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00310-00096527-00096700 all this and that what the frick does
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00311-00096701-00096911 your zodiac sign got to do with anything
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00312-00096912-00097168 people say that oh the reason why I'm
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00313-00097169-00097403 because of this is because of my zodiac
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00314-00097404-00097565 sign [__] it don't matter if it's your
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00315-00097566-00097955 zodiac sign or not anybody could be it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00316-00097956-00098218 because it's like this right and nine
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00317-00098219-00098393 times out of ten maybe it'd be true you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00318-00098394-00098597 know but let's face the facts
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00319-00098598-00098831 like one time I was reading this zodiac
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00320-00098832-00099088 saying I'm with my parents and one of my
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00321-00099089-00099262 parents's zodiac sign it was my dad
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00322-00099263-00099503 right he's a Taurus so he was born in
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00323-00099504-00099731 April he was a piece of toys and some of
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00324-00099732-00099976 it they say he's stubborn okay yeah I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00325-00099977-00100241 get it that's true sometimes for him but
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00326-00100242-00100438 [__] yeah trust me if people who's been
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00327-00100439-00100738 around me know trust me I can be very
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00328-00100739-00100894 stubborn too
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00329-00100895-00101356 and now admit to it there are many times
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00330-00101357-00101626 in mass and situations I've been in I'll
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00331-00101627-00101915 admit I can be very you think you're
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00332-00101916-00102149 stubborn trust me
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00333-00102150-00102305 I'll be
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00334-00102306-00102539 stubborn with a capitalists
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00335-00102540-00102766 even my parents know that
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00336-00102767-00102977 this whole animosity you're still
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00337-00102978-00103168 approaching [__] to be mad cause of my
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00338-00103169-00103378 modesty honestly [__] is comedy all
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00339-00103379-00103589 because I'm anomaly and it can't read me
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00340-00103590-00103816 properly like zodiac astrology stay
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00341-00103817-00104015 rooted this Pottery my fan base the
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00342-00104016-00104189 truest while my angles are congruent
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00343-00104190-00104542 together we make an isosceles
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00344-00104543-00104818 all right
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00345-00104819-00105610 I'm reacting
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00346-00105611-00105802 yeah see what I was talking about I was
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00347-00105803-00105989 talking about my dad earlier guess who
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00348-00105990-00106613 interrupted
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00349-00106614-00106883 and by the way before he interrupted me
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00350-00106883-00106954 really
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00351-00106955-00107189 you just gonna come with that the angles
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00352-00107190-00107393 bar on me you just gonna hit me up with
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00353-00107394-00108523 that geonometry powers like that
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00354-00108524-00108802 we make an accessories
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00355-00108803-00109084 like this
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00356-00109085-00109271 and the side sleeves triangle where
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00357-00109272-00109728 hurricane
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00358-00109729-00109919 stop being so
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00359-00109920-00110215 stop it appearance
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00360-00110216-00110489 seriously the rap game's nefarious
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00361-00110490-00110675 saturated the fakers to those who
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00362-00110676-00110884 studied the lamest and only trying smear
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00363-00110885-00111095 it in Cadence's two appearances to me
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00364-00111096-00111281 that's a good sign to tune your whole
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00365-00111282-00111484 career with and that's why you knew [__]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00366-00111485-00111701 I ain't really hearing it I almost hear
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00367-00111702-00111934 a period with no common endearment six
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00368-00111935-00112102 ways is there to ship Seven color
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00369-00112103-00112325 experience this is the Walk of Champions
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00370-00112326-00112558 Professor X The Mastermind Who provided
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00371-00112559-00112751 the Requiem this is my rap Anthem
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00372-00112752-00112954 playing me in the pantheon of MC
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00373-00112955-00113225 Standalone Snappy looking handsome grabs
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00374-00113226-00113447 hanging like Samson yeah that's my power
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00375-00113448-00113728 and this is my hour the pencil touchpad
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00376-00113729-00114040 Alaska let's shower
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00377-00114041-00114365 um the pencil touch pad at last the lid
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00378-00114366-00114521 yo
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00379-00114522-00114719 and to be honest the way how this
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00380-00114720-00115060 definitely sounds yes
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00381-00115061-00115265 the way how this sounds this definitely
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00382-00115266-00115451 got that jazz
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00383-00115452-00115739 move to it that should be in school
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00384-00115740-00116057 here because we can be upsettable
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00385-00116058-00116345 forward Cannon these type of voice
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00386-00116346-00116578 it's so soothing
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00387-00116579-00116734 where
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00388-00116735-00116969 literally if you if you're one of those
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00389-00116970-00117286 Jazz fans and you just go to a random
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00390-00117288-00117634 jazz jazz spot or so
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00391-00117635-00117881 and you hear and you hear his voice
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00392-00117882-00117989 trust me
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00393-00117990-00118193 you're gonna be like yeah one of those
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00394-00118194-00118373 Jazz boys where you could just like
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00395-00118374-00118666 chill out in the back and Just Vibe out
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00396-00118667-00118966 it's groovy
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00397-00118967-00119219 just be groovy with his voice
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00398-00119220-00119440 yeah that's a that's literally how Canon
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00399-00119441-00119560 b is
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00400-00119561-00120153 just goofy power and this is
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00401-00120154-00120301 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00402-00120302-00120575 what these patterns are unbreakables I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00403-00120576-00120790 know I got a ways to go but only one way
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00404-00120791-00121139 to know I try harder you try my grind
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00405-00121140-00121390 but I'm smarter I keep a five Squadron
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00406-00121391-00121613 all under my orders said she mean
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00407-00121614-00122028 godliness
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00408-00122029-00122386 I'm reacting close the door I'm close to
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00409-00122388-00122647 the door I'm reacting
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00410-00122648-00122884 you are right
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00411-00122885-00123065 visitor
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00412-00123066-00123347 I'm reacting mom go
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00413-00123348-00123845 you don't know man
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00414-00123846-00124186 so long close that door not that door
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00415-00124188-00124715 that night over here
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00416-00124716-00124901 yeah I see why this is annoying by this
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00417-00124902-00125501 time
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00418-00125502-00125728 hey okay we have got to get a new place
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00419-00125729-00126269 so whenever
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00420-00126270-00126569 yeah I think I'll be come on y'all at
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00421-00126570-00126749 this point y'all y'all cannot tell me
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00422-00126750-00126899 you're annoyed by the way how I'm
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00423-00126900-00127147 annoyed by it sometimes
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00424-00127148-00127397 unbreakable I know I got a ways to go
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00425-00127398-00127666 but only one way to know I try harder
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00426-00127667-00127895 you try to undermine my grind but I'm
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00427-00127896-00128147 smarter I keep a fly Squadron all under
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00428-00128148-00128416 my heart essentially mean godliness to
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00429-00128417-00128621 be stand for Brotherhood the y in the
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00430-00128622-00128819 middle make sure that each other's good
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00431-00128820-00129023 well-rounded
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00432-00129024-00129281 basically appearing on focused
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00433-00129282-00129478 if I'm not mistaken it's a brand you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00434-00129479-00129952 call it right got your back
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00435-00129953-00130393 y but he said
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00436-00130394-00131202 she mean godliness
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00437-00131203-00131477 we stand up like a cow look in the face
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00438-00131478-00131747 of any challenge I could see how it is a
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00439-00131748-00131963 visual prowess found out about it I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00440-00131964-00132113 could drill a hole through a mountain
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00441-00132114-00132407 I'm sure we'll power a B I make it look
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00442-00132408-00132647 easy as counting to three I just want my
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00443-00132648-00132839 mom to be as proud as she could possibly
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00444-00132840-00133049 be so I go pound for pounding this is
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00445-00133050-00133252 ten thousand the leagues a Jolly Roger
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00446-00133253-00133475 and you can get stuck down in Davey
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00447-00133476-00133714 Jones Locker I keep a stone posture tell
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00448-00133715-00133966 of a rope author a dog with no collar
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00449-00133967-00134164 gone gotta glow Trotter looking for a
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00450-00134165-00134375 spot to serve code lager and a Wi-Fi
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00451-00134376-00134675 code login
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00452-00134676-00134787 foreign
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00453-00134788-00136195 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00454-00136196-00136540 I would sit this [__] was so
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00455-00136541-00136757 groovy
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00456-00136758-00136997 and that you're making me say words like
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00457-00136998-00137189 that cause I've never I would never
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00458-00137190-00137369 think to even say words like that but
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00459-00137370-00137614 it's what it is but hey y'all really
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00460-00137615-00137795 know Calvin you
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00461-00137796-00137963 everybody you know attack around the
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00462-00137964-00138107 world shout out to y'all y'all know I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00463-00138108-00138275 rock with y'all heavy
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00464-00138276-00138575 like slick attack on the world man
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00465-00138576-00138719 everybody in there shout out to y'all
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00466-00138720-00139049 and speaking of which to end off this
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00467-00139050-00139216 four piece reaction
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00468-00139217-00139528 again we'll talk on the world Jimmy Kudo
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00469-00139529-00139883 rap can I live when you're not really
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00470-00139884-00140063 you've been as hard to sustain the image
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00471-00140064-00140231 yes they scared to say my name the way
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00472-00140232-00140525 it's hardly ever mentioned
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00473-00140526-00140633 came from
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00474-00140634-00140837 a get damaged we inflicted [__] we put
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00475-00140838-00141028 in on the clinic my main [__] a
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00476-00141029-00141233 bombshell I'm laying with a note homie
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00477-00141234-00142144 working out the Bible what he making
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00478-00142145-00142675 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00479-00142676-00142945 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00480-00142946-00143339 that they never really do
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00481-00143340-00143590 saying all that wrong is basically what
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00482-00143591-00143885 DPS said in his future
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00483-00143886-00144163 um I am him in that little
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00484-00144164-00144485 Bara you ain't scaring me at all trying
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00485-00144486-00144664 to play it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00486-00144665-00144911 hey
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00487-00144912-00145228 basically man look with the attack on
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00488-00145229-00145366 where they're the type of guys who would
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00489-00145367-00145571 say certain stuff and trust me they
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00490-00145572-00145721 stand by it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00491-00145722-00145949 that's why that's why in the way I rock
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00492-00145950-00146069 with them
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00493-00146070-00146225 because
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00494-00146226-00146495 they just be saying the most factual
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00495-00146496-00146663 things
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00496-00146664-00146890 that any real one would say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00497-00146891-00147197 or any guy would ever say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00498-00147198-00147437 it's basically like this they have to
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00499-00147438-00147557 say something
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00500-00147558-00147731 how I would say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00501-00147732-00148213 and don't feel ashamed about it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00502-00148214-00148737 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00503-00148738-00148961 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00504-00148962-00149069 better than things that they don't mean
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00505-00149070-00149297 and that they never really do my hands
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00506-00149298-00149483 are way too heavy man I'm better holding
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00507-00149484-00149675 back only started pulling punches cause
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00508-00149676-00149945 I know that they won't last
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00509-00149946-00150113 but they never close again they want to
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00510-00150114-00150593 bring the troops home I want my soldiers
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00511-00150594-00150940 are you just gonna flip if the whole
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00512-00150941-00151039 military
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00513-00151040-00151909 flip into the freaking Bando bar oh look
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00514-00151910-00152525 myself
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00515-00152526-00154375 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00516-00154376-00154726 to five I've been on my job the creeping
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00517-00154727-00154889 looking dirty I've been living like a
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00518-00154890-00155066 snob
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00519-00155067-00155413 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00520-00155414-00155681 let me talk
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00521-00155682-00156013 hey Shout outstick because
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00522-00156014-00156257 like I was saying man
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00523-00156258-00156616 I'm nice like I asked before
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00524-00156617-00156809 because fantastic he said on Twitter
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00525-00156810-00157001 that he the most people he's been
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00526-00157002-00157175 talking to as of late without Taco
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00527-00157176-00157439 Wonder of his life playing with Delta I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00528-00157440-00157709 think he said blacks but I knew he said
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00529-00157710-00157949 Gale stuff so yeah
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00530-00157950-00158128 that's why I'm wondering if he's still
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00531-00158129-00158302 cool with everybody you know top on the
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00532-00158303-00158525 workers lately
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00533-00158526-00158807 we haven't seen him much in otakua in
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00534-00158808-00158963 the world
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00535-00158964-00159316 I I could be wrong
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00536-00159317-00159551 but I'm just saying
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00537-00159552-00159773 I've been on my job the cripping looking
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00538-00159774-00159947 dirty I've been living like a slime
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00539-00159948-00160216 what's been on my mind conquering device
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00540-00160217-00160435 that our hands
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00541-00160436-00160739 let me talk subpoena on my brother they
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00542-00160740-00160961 found nothing let him walk I could call
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00543-00160962-00161104 the demons when I'm bored and getting
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00544-00161105-00161333 Chuck she's all on the Block like we
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00545-00161334-00161507 trying to build a [__] and they'll be
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00546-00161508-00161764 with them people filling out reports now
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00547-00161765-00162076 them boys give me everything I need he's
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00548-00162077-00162304 so resourceful windows down beating down
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00549-00162305-00163053 a block of Sonic Moscow everywhere
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00550-00163054-00163687 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00551-00163688-00164299 they can't Casual Friday
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00552-00164300-00164626 s like a t-shirt with a sports coat they
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00553-00164627-00164825 can't see me they got cataracts when I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00554-00164826-00165016 move the shoes tonight for swingers on a
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00555-00165017-00165114 Cadillac
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00556-00165115-00165376 them down like it's a battle last dream
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00557-00165377-00165551 I gotta grow room in the basement that's
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00558-00165552-00165845 the Cabbage bash can I live
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00559-00165846-00166592 Bash
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00560-00166593-00166739 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00561-00166740-00167051 mama grandma got it that's a Cabbage
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00562-00167052-00167152 Patch
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00563-00167153-00167459 not only the but the dance move to the
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00564-00167460-00167783 Cabbage Patch
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00565-00167784-00167975 don't ask me why I know about a Cabbage
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00566-00167976-00168226 Patch cause [__] all you can say is
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00567-00168227-00168587 what can I say all I can say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00568-00168588-00168959 is that through school face John's music
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00569-00168960-00169595 foreign
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00570-00169596-00169781 I ain't editing that out basically what
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00571-00169782-00169931 I'm trying to say is I'm learning a lot
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00572-00169932-00170152 more for music than dancing can search
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00573-00170153-00170369 from like school first John and possibly
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00574-00170370-00170525 more on the internet then y'all can
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00575-00170526-00171348 never know
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00576-00171349-00171920 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00577-00171921-00172766 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00578-00172767-00173140 [Music]
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00579-00173141-00173411 hey man what can I say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00580-00173412-00173993 he's definitely got me in a mood today I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00581-00173994-00174209 don't know how they did it
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00582-00174210-00174425 all of these just got me in a certain
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00583-00174426-00174557 mood
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00584-00174558-00174851 right and that's the type of music I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00585-00174852-00175013 love from the nerd Court where they got
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00586-00175014-00175204 me in a mood the other ones where they
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00587-00175205-00175390 actually do the anime references it's
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00588-00175391-00175714 fine it's cool I'll always love that
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00589-00175715-00175913 but I'm just saying
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00590-00175914-00176207 the ones that always makes me feel made
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00591-00176208-00176435 me like go in a mood and such where
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00592-00176436-00176638 where it can be relatable
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00593-00176639-00176795 what can I say
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00594-00176796-00177071 I rock with it more heavy than ever but
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00595-00177072-00177287 hey shout out to everybody in this four
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00596-00177288-00177497 piece reaction man or taco Wonder World
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00597-00177498-00177838 shout out to the Wolves Kevin Bennett
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00598-00177839-00178211 [__] Calvin B and Delta D's man
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00599-00178212-00178433 yeah
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00600-00178434-00178673 all I gotta say is keep pumping out more
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00601-00178674-00178937 music like this but hope you all enjoyed
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00602-00178938-00179128 this four piece reaction man y'all let
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00603-00179129-00179249 me know what y'all thought about it it's
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00604-00179250-00179507 in the comments below and sorry for my
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00605-00179508-00179645 parents and such
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00606-00179646-00179825 yeah already you know
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00607-00179826-00180047 I don't even have to say no more like I
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00608-00180048-00180221 said before at this point
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00609-00180222-00180490 I don't care y'all always y'all always
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00610-00180491-00180719 see it anyway so it is what it is but
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00611-00180720-00180833 let me know what y'all thought about
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00612-00180834-00180976 this in the comments below it's been
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00613-00180977-00181133 your boy home Ziggy signing off stay
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00614-00181134-00181354 positive and keep the Vibes up
ZLZb1vcCvJk-00615-00181355-00181622 back up
ZNprSpXRnak-00000-00000026-00000449 the go fund me and my mate harrybo we
ZNprSpXRnak-00001-00000450-00000716 once made a go thought everyone was
ZNprSpXRnak-00002-00000717-00000829 making go-karts
ZNprSpXRnak-00003-00000830-00001114 so we had to make one big Tony's was
ZNprSpXRnak-00004-00001115-00001474 terrific big Tony was terrific
ZNprSpXRnak-00005-00001475-00001979 what he said was oh and because big Tony
ZNprSpXRnak-00006-00001980-00002195 was very rude
ZNprSpXRnak-00007-00002196-00002635 no one said big Tony you're not terrific
ZNprSpXRnak-00008-00002636-00002981 so big Tony was terrific and big Tony's
ZNprSpXRnak-00009-00002982-00003447 go that was terrific and that was that
ZNprSpXRnak-00010-00003449-00003786 I was jealous of big Tony I was afraid
ZNprSpXRnak-00011-00003788-00004092 that I thought he might be defray
ZNprSpXRnak-00012-00004093-00004692 harrybo's dad said no you should use big
ZNprSpXRnak-00013-00004693-00005134 metal staples and he gave a song he said
ZNprSpXRnak-00014-00005135-00005905 they were heavy duty heavy duty why that
ZNprSpXRnak-00015-00005906-00006295 sounded terrific you should use the
ZNprSpXRnak-00016-00006296-00006956 control control wow that sounded
ZNprSpXRnak-00017-00006958-00007525 terrific it was time the hair in the
ZNprSpXRnak-00018-00007526-00008509 wind the wheels so we both win so we
ZNprSpXRnak-00019-00008510-00008635 took it up the top of Moss Lane again
ZNprSpXRnak-00020-00008636-00009106 and harrybo said oil sad ear and he did
ZNprSpXRnak-00021-00009107-00009418 the road went blurry the hair in the
ZNprSpXRnak-00022-00009419-00009465 wind
ZNprSpXRnak-00023-00009466-00010938 sure the wheels went
ZNprSpXRnak-00024-00010939-00011121 can I have a go
ZNprSpXRnak-00025-00011122-00012321 no oh I said no I mean no right yeah
ZNprSpXRnak-00026-00012322-00012813 yeah I know I said I thought I am gonna
ZNprSpXRnak-00027-00012814-00013575 be terrific me wait hey yeah Shh
ZNprSpXRnak-00028-00013576-00014683 the wheels yep me yeah yeah but
ZNprSpXRnak-00029-00014684-00015111 mas clothes coming up really fast steer
ZNprSpXRnak-00030-00015112-00015530 shouts harrybo your big wallet
ZNprSpXRnak-00031-00015531-00016129 ooh and the whole world went round once
ZNprSpXRnak-00032-00016130-00016448 and twice
ZNprSpXRnak-00033-00016449-00016685 times
ZNU_MKqkklg-00000-00000000-00000386 and say the driver would raise this
ZNU_MKqkklg-00001-00000387-00000743 truck full of makinia stops a team
ZNU_MKqkklg-00002-00000744-00001100 allama adama murabba will get these
ZNU_MKqkklg-00003-00001101-00001366 people that were car owners should get
ZNU_MKqkklg-00004-00001367-00001705 two drivers one will should be stress or
ZNU_MKqkklg-00005-00001707-00002066 about to phone the samples evaluated one
ZNU_MKqkklg-00006-00002067-00002258 session in Uganda we are a vast region
ZNU_MKqkklg-00007-00002259-00002570 to be measures but Bank everyone Havana
ZNU_MKqkklg-00008-00002571-00002882 so under this Kangana man quantity V
ZNU_MKqkklg-00009-00002883-00003220 inch personal period juice a day angry
ZNU_MKqkklg-00010-00003221-00003495 Madhava novotna am sorry
ZNU_MKqkklg-00011-00003496-00003797 Catalina nog and am ballet
ZNU_MKqkklg-00012-00003797-00004138 rock wanna Mariah nog and age in Arizona
ZNU_MKqkklg-00013-00004139-00004522 wanna Mariah Ciriaco Adriano gonna
ZNU_MKqkklg-00014-00004523-00004811 Panamera uno Cobra mo quatrain a Arabic
ZNU_MKqkklg-00015-00004812-00005195 or eh Ikaruga new fertile entity for
ZNU_MKqkklg-00016-00005196-00005449 governmental Omo Sachin
ZNU_MKqkklg-00017-00005450-00005768 baccala wotty vamos a Jelena area
ZNU_MKqkklg-00018-00005769-00006224 visitor selfie normal wall kinetic Obama
ZNU_MKqkklg-00019-00006225-00006326 quarter MOA Rua
ZNU_MKqkklg-00020-00006327-00006571 karate together predication Amanda until
ZNU_MKqkklg-00021-00006572-00006937 the mimosa Rizzo massage Equinox room o
ZNU_MKqkklg-00022-00006938-00007427 vamos a John HRM Ichiro tha what if he
ZNU_MKqkklg-00023-00007428-00007834 had disappeared casserole acaba mo mo i
ZNU_MKqkklg-00024-00007836-00008264 rana Mukunda noggin the only we are
ZNU_MKqkklg-00025-00008265-00008617 lucky this man could be traced using you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00026-00008618-00008837 can relieve any tracking machines it is
ZNU_MKqkklg-00027-00008838-00009113 Elizabeth Warren Aramaki know karate
ZNU_MKqkklg-00028-00009114-00009356 Platon Armenia in a Soyuz AMA Fatih
ZNU_MKqkklg-00029-00009357-00009509 verse Misaka Misaka
ZNU_MKqkklg-00030-00009510-00009773 ha ni de mo does not eat up this habit
ZNU_MKqkklg-00031-00009774-00010253 of keeping things Iaido minute often a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00032-00010254-00010481 disaster - Jo central ministry moon a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00033-00010482-00010823 general into carbon yes yes Kirilenko
ZNU_MKqkklg-00034-00010824-00011453 gamba indeed how many cars have you seen
ZNU_MKqkklg-00035-00011454-00011764 Minister Casillas how many musicals have
ZNU_MKqkklg-00036-00011765-00011989 you seen ambushed by Barbra Jean de wa
ZNU_MKqkklg-00037-00011990-00012287 rahma vocalist in the bank they manage
ZNU_MKqkklg-00038-00012288-00012624 it from the bank is collected by
ZNU_MKqkklg-00039-00012625-00012871 administrator Shah who is in Swat my
ZNU_MKqkklg-00040-00012872-00013111 mobile a beacon Gabbar will be after
ZNU_MKqkklg-00041-00013112-00013360 delivering the money in the office I am
ZNU_MKqkklg-00042-00013361-00013583 Minister the bottom item above is a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00043-00013584-00013810 caricature scented similar to move our
ZNU_MKqkklg-00044-00013811-00014085 offices more fizz zone
ZNU_MKqkklg-00045-00014086-00014404 haven't we gonna cook before our office
ZNU_MKqkklg-00046-00014405-00014622 after the test women singers committee
ZNU_MKqkklg-00047-00014623-00014860 every table is like a this innocent E
ZNU_MKqkklg-00048-00014861-00015205 calcium man who burst the bank but
ZNU_MKqkklg-00049-00015206-00015522 whatever bubbles up to cumbia Bambi but
ZNU_MKqkklg-00050-00015523-00015888 is anybody nobody the end the more girly
ZNU_MKqkklg-00051-00015890-00016090 man eating a bullet a Canadian one to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00052-00016091-00016305 consider the agenda is a dividend Amanda
ZNU_MKqkklg-00053-00016306-00016455 we come one get here so much overlap
ZNU_MKqkklg-00054-00016456-00016669 determinant aromatherapy between 80
ZNU_MKqkklg-00055-00016670-00016872 hours how could the first city good with
ZNU_MKqkklg-00056-00016873-00017077 to boon gamma mu invisible reciprocity
ZNU_MKqkklg-00057-00017078-00017518 column with charisma Wong unity but one
ZNU_MKqkklg-00058-00017519-00017725 did you won't be yeah yeah voila
ZNU_MKqkklg-00059-00017726-00018019 in the toilet you have to physicist
ZNU_MKqkklg-00060-00018020-00018211 million Amelia Noonan Calgary
ZNU_MKqkklg-00061-00018212-00018630 this is smokable carburetor boom what is
ZNU_MKqkklg-00062-00018631-00018724 this dinner here we could take a couple
ZNU_MKqkklg-00063-00018725-00018933 way to approach which are valid so
ZNU_MKqkklg-00064-00018934-00019140 really I mean have you not president
ZNU_MKqkklg-00065-00019141-00019393 indeed who made a Bond movie
ZNU_MKqkklg-00066-00019394-00019656 mama theater but again we cherry bomb
ZNU_MKqkklg-00067-00019657-00019828 could be holding from a theater but
ZNU_MKqkklg-00068-00019829-00020164 again below leave a movie by mafia
ZNU_MKqkklg-00069-00020165-00020694 trotting in Kohanga marriage ametrine
ZNU_MKqkklg-00070-00020695-00021022 astrologers Kolkata to in astrology exam
ZNU_MKqkklg-00071-00021023-00021277 offered a mini areas in the tree nursery
ZNU_MKqkklg-00072-00021278-00021522 Rose many areas in a cannabinoid import
ZNU_MKqkklg-00073-00021523-00021909 in the mirror organ vegetation this fog
ZNU_MKqkklg-00074-00021910-00022125 identity
ZNU_MKqkklg-00075-00022126-00023175 yeah NACA Somalia massive Union to Mira
ZNU_MKqkklg-00078-00032506-00035293 [Music]
ZNU_MKqkklg-00079-00035294-00036116 [Music]
ZNU_MKqkklg-00080-00036117-00036754 [Music]
ZNU_MKqkklg-00081-00036755-00037662 [Music]
ZNU_MKqkklg-00082-00037663-00038117 viennois the President to condoms those
ZNU_MKqkklg-00083-00038118-00038329 which are meetcha meetcha meetcha their
ZNU_MKqkklg-00084-00038330-00038551 personhood Edie champion within the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00085-00038552-00038836 network but hula anyone could do for
ZNU_MKqkklg-00086-00038837-00039110 filet de Gama breathing easier thing you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00087-00039111-00039485 said went pretending who anybody but
ZNU_MKqkklg-00088-00039486-00039704 planning in the premises rookies miss
ZNU_MKqkklg-00089-00039705-00040217 Ivana Michigan even Priyanka brutal
ZNU_MKqkklg-00090-00040218-00040480 extracts from Canada we are now
ZNU_MKqkklg-00091-00040481-00040670 insulated how can is relate yourself
ZNU_MKqkklg-00092-00040671-00040840 from a satellite
ZNU_MKqkklg-00093-00040841-00041132 I think I see one paddy she nearly new
ZNU_MKqkklg-00094-00041133-00041392 CD Amin Amin cousin taken with a fan on
ZNU_MKqkklg-00095-00041393-00041767 each wind aroma in tune would you tumble
ZNU_MKqkklg-00096-00041768-00042133 a unike uppers developers pneumonia
ZNU_MKqkklg-00097-00042134-00042787 tumble attack America become a symbol
ZNU_MKqkklg-00098-00042788-00043082 but there is lava Bay amber evidence
ZNU_MKqkklg-00099-00043083-00043387 avoided how can you hate yourself the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00100-00043388-00043798 way were not worried about me tell you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00101-00043799-00044045 give the machines
ZNU_MKqkklg-00102-00044046-00044290 but no seven is a funny man how do you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00103-00044291-00044465 interested sophisticated my students to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00104-00044466-00044537 imagine mine
ZNU_MKqkklg-00105-00044538-00045098 yeah the course is the one everybody's
ZNU_MKqkklg-00106-00045099-00045323 in machinery we had brought given to me
ZNU_MKqkklg-00107-00045324-00045412 by the president
ZNU_MKqkklg-00108-00045413-00045643 why didn't he give them to and the more
ZNU_MKqkklg-00109-00045644-00045995 confident coming over 1 million koku 0
ZNU_MKqkklg-00110-00045996-00046202 cover because wherever you go to the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00111-00046203-00046406 president agreed on : I've not been
ZNU_MKqkklg-00112-00046407-00046490 compromised
ZNU_MKqkklg-00113-00046491-00046735 this is what the they never did did okey
ZNU_MKqkklg-00114-00046736-00047123 here from Cairo lowpoo I take MIT team
ZNU_MKqkklg-00115-00047124-00047357 not yet to report to the prison how many
ZNU_MKqkklg-00116-00047358-00047555 time was no seven imperii told you that
ZNU_MKqkklg-00117-00047556-00047810 I abused the Karaka why didn't somebody
ZNU_MKqkklg-00118-00047811-00048056 campaign for some as a candidate you've
ZNU_MKqkklg-00119-00048057-00048262 been re who was that you stop abusing
ZNU_MKqkklg-00120-00048263-00048493 the kaabah
ZNU_MKqkklg-00121-00048494-00048890 do a MOOC is an IBM zero what is abuse
ZNU_MKqkklg-00122-00048891-00049034 what is the enzyme abuse think about
ZNU_MKqkklg-00123-00049035-00049462 mentioning oh man - move move it you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00124-00049463-00049583 know what that means up to you forgot to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00125-00049584-00049631 do something
ZNU_MKqkklg-00126-00049632-00049781 let me get wanna get better stronger
ZNU_MKqkklg-00127-00049782-00050021 than watch I'm putting this dr. prade
ZNU_MKqkklg-00128-00050022-00050345 your body so I'm gonna take what Walker
ZNU_MKqkklg-00129-00050346-00050725 proko I'm not you're catching good tempo
ZNU_MKqkklg-00130-00050726-00051454 Sheena loopholes in this is a song about
ZNU_MKqkklg-00131-00051454-00052102 Paula me okay comedians have a block of
ZNU_MKqkklg-00132-00052103-00052294 about a video can opium on security
ZNU_MKqkklg-00133-00052295-00052646 realization movie CP come on baby boom
ZNU_MKqkklg-00134-00052647-00052942 era DCF nada holy done this 50 Giga the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00136-00060170-00060580 come on your system we put such Nevada
ZNU_MKqkklg-00137-00060582-00061030 Bundy into when a mannequin do you see
ZNU_MKqkklg-00138-00061032-00062077 the advice of the present in example
ZNU_MKqkklg-00139-00062078-00062351 opinions about the wedding money comes
ZNU_MKqkklg-00140-00062352-00062585 more Fisher prominence a moment's idea
ZNU_MKqkklg-00141-00062586-00062813 magazine you wanna Muto Yuriko
ZNU_MKqkklg-00142-00062814-00063410 supposedly a team where they transfer
ZNU_MKqkklg-00143-00063411-00063641 your in the cotton cotton granola
ZNU_MKqkklg-00144-00063641-00063857 wasn't interested monthly a named
ZNU_MKqkklg-00145-00063858-00064094 aqueon accomplishing superior can be
ZNU_MKqkklg-00146-00064095-00064416 hidden wound healing mokuba Lukashenko
ZNU_MKqkklg-00147-00064417-00065171 testable traitor comes in a vaisnava
ZNU_MKqkklg-00148-00065172-00065465 moukaku battle Antoinette revolver
ZNU_MKqkklg-00149-00065466-00065705 donating a move anything of Aikido the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00150-00065706-00065891 real people who deceive humanity not
ZNU_MKqkklg-00151-00065892-00066101 give human an alleged carousing and
ZNU_MKqkklg-00152-00066102-00066305 mafia step double
ZNU_MKqkklg-00153-00066306-00067099 he means the charge single plane use
ZNU_MKqkklg-00154-00067100-00067358 government it well imagine Parliament
ZNU_MKqkklg-00155-00067359-00067661 will be waiting we are quoting the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00156-00067662-00067874 telethon with him of watching Nehru
ZNU_MKqkklg-00157-00067875-00067946 boards
ZNU_MKqkklg-00158-00067947-00068192 I do not worry walk on land which are
ZNU_MKqkklg-00159-00068193-00068363 talking about Maui by Melissa by
ZNU_MKqkklg-00160-00068364-00068600 information Marie Baba Debbie wood and
ZNU_MKqkklg-00161-00068601-00069554 even were kinda ministers same one at
ZNU_MKqkklg-00162-00069555-00069890 this table wonders say beauty yet had a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00163-00069891-00070136 beautiful disappear on you and I have
ZNU_MKqkklg-00164-00070137-00070490 women recruit Gaga to share that video
ZNU_MKqkklg-00165-00070491-00071126 with us cutta cutta one that you won't
ZNU_MKqkklg-00166-00071127-00071339 be able to be fun Olivia when you can a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00167-00071340-00072109 person of Ischia me yeah Gabon
ZNU_MKqkklg-00168-00072110-00072431 neva gamba over Dania Giacomo Casanova
ZNU_MKqkklg-00169-00072432-00072920 truly was too sympathetic Ithaca hey
ZNU_MKqkklg-00170-00072921-00073154 here and resilient media Nvidia video Z
ZNU_MKqkklg-00171-00073155-00073490 Technica cattivo
ZNU_MKqkklg-00172-00073491-00073745 Pleasant chatter magnin intern on camera
ZNU_MKqkklg-00173-00073746-00073964 so who put the Parliament if we ever
ZNU_MKqkklg-00174-00073965-00074225 sing important words for cabinet was
ZNU_MKqkklg-00175-00074226-00074477 focus Wanda - follow me
ZNU_MKqkklg-00176-00074478-00074726 karate non-career of amoeba in the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00177-00074727-00074959 elevator speak
ZNU_MKqkklg-00178-00074960-00075206 37 unhappy working because I've been the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00179-00075207-00075371 book over to see you will see because if
ZNU_MKqkklg-00180-00075372-00075872 you know Mikasa cost us a course to stop
ZNU_MKqkklg-00181-00075873-00076469 by now comply with the Assad Binaca
ZNU_MKqkklg-00182-00076470-00076676 enough nobody boom toad again the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00183-00076677-00076889 Antibes a new album called Asahi
ZNU_MKqkklg-00184-00076890-00077425 tomokazu blood is thicker than would
ZNU_MKqkklg-00185-00077426-00077608 bogey
ZNU_MKqkklg-00186-00077609-00077909 yeah human comedy now come you know
ZNU_MKqkklg-00187-00077910-00078296 Pallavi a meaty million borrowers and
ZNU_MKqkklg-00188-00078297-00078529 would you take a walk
ZNU_MKqkklg-00189-00078530-00079778 I'll cut you apart have a block away
ZNU_MKqkklg-00190-00079779-00080444 another said yeah okay to remove them
ZNU_MKqkklg-00191-00080445-00080906 was a lot of nerve in a great mood of
ZNU_MKqkklg-00192-00080907-00081430 course a couple of ordinary money but
ZNU_MKqkklg-00193-00081431-00081962 didn't see Joe if the following didn't
ZNU_MKqkklg-00194-00081963-00082055 leave others worse than yourselves
ZNU_MKqkklg-00195-00082056-00082331 Kalyani Rhonda Yannick of rottenmeier
ZNU_MKqkklg-00196-00082332-00082889 garage one day in an atmosphere way I'm
ZNU_MKqkklg-00197-00082890-00083054 a seven will helpful to give out a man
ZNU_MKqkklg-00198-00083055-00083216 go camping
ZNU_MKqkklg-00199-00083217-00083594 but see the Constitution says whether
ZNU_MKqkklg-00200-00083595-00084653 its radius where it is darkness
ZNU_MKqkklg-00201-00084654-00085530 getting
ZNU_MKqkklg-00203-00089491-00089746 Papa means but what I guarantee
ZNU_MKqkklg-00204-00089747-00090142 Parliament validation logic single
ZNU_MKqkklg-00205-00090143-00090304 massive Inazuma budgeting in the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00206-00090305-00090574 international conferences billions we
ZNU_MKqkklg-00207-00090575-00090825 are going to go under this situation sub
ZNU_MKqkklg-00208-00090826-00091738 supplemented top percentage I'm a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00209-00091739-00091927 boo-boo top pocket under common what the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00210-00091928-00092503 one can look at WonderCon what it's my
ZNU_MKqkklg-00211-00092504-00092656 ambient popular but they cannot be
ZNU_MKqkklg-00212-00092657-00092836 publicity seems what I see
ZNU_MKqkklg-00213-00092837-00093028 New Year's are typical bamboo table over
ZNU_MKqkklg-00214-00093029-00093271 here Academy input a formula e be little
ZNU_MKqkklg-00215-00093272-00093514 macaws Onuaku who gain an edge over yoga
ZNU_MKqkklg-00216-00093515-00093658 on my daughter
ZNU_MKqkklg-00217-00093659-00093943 yes but no I thought I used to be having
ZNU_MKqkklg-00218-00093944-00094773 these in his handwriting the kisses
ZNU_MKqkklg-00219-00094774-00095383 Kabbalah means do Qalamoun emo began by
ZNU_MKqkklg-00220-00095384-00095461 Museveni
ZNU_MKqkklg-00221-00095462-00095839 Abba Abba vocalist in Te Papa a bow
ZNU_MKqkklg-00222-00095840-00096132 position about 1907 Karuna from Alina da
ZNU_MKqkklg-00223-00096133-00096478 ante up for Samia walk company Amira
ZNU_MKqkklg-00224-00096479-00096579 awawa
ZNU_MKqkklg-00225-00096580-00096913 techno of China rule won't support you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00226-00096914-00097246 negative to McCracken first quarter's
ZNU_MKqkklg-00227-00097247-00097447 ended when the two Olivieri cozy we are
ZNU_MKqkklg-00228-00097448-00097531 movie our
ZNU_MKqkklg-00229-00097532-00097866 that's right manga once 100 million
ZNU_MKqkklg-00230-00097867-00098204 at each on the opposite Regina once a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00231-00098205-00098381 government affairs to deliver services
ZNU_MKqkklg-00232-00098382-00098492 with the people
ZNU_MKqkklg-00233-00098493-00098729 Nana government civilizations come here
ZNU_MKqkklg-00234-00098730-00099021 this is why I am A pillar telling you in
ZNU_MKqkklg-00235-00099022-00099287 job and what - Kyra wagging era oh you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00236-00099288-00099542 oughta chuckles II the upon Java and
ZNU_MKqkklg-00237-00099543-00099872 Naga metabolism what the bloody refer to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00238-00099873-00099984 marry charlie
ZNU_MKqkklg-00239-00099985-00100191 not only dolphin away until many open a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00240-00100192-00100418 name was ansara oh honey I'll match it
ZNU_MKqkklg-00241-00100419-00100590 Gia Goodman Rambo give a little more
ZNU_MKqkklg-00242-00100591-00100809 acoustic and Bob Dylan - I didn't say to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00243-00100810-00100934 put up at your party
ZNU_MKqkklg-00244-00100935-00101271 Nadeau phoniness rented a blue - cattle
ZNU_MKqkklg-00245-00101272-00101510 narrate ante up and play a ba
ZNU_MKqkklg-00246-00101511-00101681 caboose when did you say I started it
ZNU_MKqkklg-00247-00101682-00101916 from day one for you gurus at the DC
ZNU_MKqkklg-00248-00101917-00102260 dude from the committee natural tofu no
ZNU_MKqkklg-00249-00102261-00102611 gaga we shall only do food group metals
ZNU_MKqkklg-00250-00102613-00103000 beetles grid name of meningococcal
ZNU_MKqkklg-00251-00103001-00103193 conversion got about number seven were
ZNU_MKqkklg-00252-00103194-00104084 my new phone abandoned building lava can
ZNU_MKqkklg-00253-00104085-00104378 I talk to the head of the hospital how
ZNU_MKqkklg-00254-00104379-00104574 many birds do you have the veteran
ZNU_MKqkklg-00255-00104575-00105038 reserve with us to my family the mission
ZNU_MKqkklg-00256-00105039-00105326 hospital also do the same we are being
ZNU_MKqkklg-00257-00105327-00105610 discriminated you are not giving us food
ZNU_MKqkklg-00258-00105611-00106008 therefore all the beds in in omission
ZNU_MKqkklg-00259-00106008-00106250 errors Peters I want to be reserved for
ZNU_MKqkklg-00260-00106251-00106679 the knowledge the brothers brothers the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00261-00106680-00107550 Anglican dehydrated baba booey anybody
ZNU_MKqkklg-00262-00107551-00107711 did ever said Jabez endeavored Doggett
ZNU_MKqkklg-00263-00107713-00108077 and miracles even nominal chances are to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00264-00108078-00108358 get more doctors
ZNU_MKqkklg-00265-00108358-00108704 Tamina barakatuh Tamina nama Rupa
ZNU_MKqkklg-00266-00108705-00108989 Tamina nama saya then we inhabit and
ZNU_MKqkklg-00267-00108990-00109496 what if we refuse to sacrifice it
ZNU_MKqkklg-00268-00109497-00109697 decorated be if the variable annuity new
ZNU_MKqkklg-00269-00109698-00109915 zoology
ZNU_MKqkklg-00270-00109916-00110083 avakov apartment
ZNU_MKqkklg-00271-00110084-00110456 Balam percentage was wrong Museum Cebu
ZNU_MKqkklg-00272-00110457-00110747 began about providing eg that's why I'm
ZNU_MKqkklg-00273-00110748-00111061 telling you the rich man we can see but
ZNU_MKqkklg-00274-00111063-00111374 a weekly what we mean away you Oh hiya
ZNU_MKqkklg-00275-00111375-00111767 Bambi need a problem tiny bitty never
ZNU_MKqkklg-00276-00111768-00112118 move upfield cutting Mohabbatein ibaka
ZNU_MKqkklg-00277-00112119-00112480 muita central demanded the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00278-00112481-00112715 Himalayan Ibaka committed to a weight I
ZNU_MKqkklg-00279-00112716-00112925 never got well you know in any
ZNU_MKqkklg-00280-00112926-00113225 instruction a judo karate Muay Thai food
ZNU_MKqkklg-00281-00113226-00113525 with a fully mobile Somalia Malacca
ZNU_MKqkklg-00282-00113526-00113918 battle can avatar tilaka so the station
ZNU_MKqkklg-00283-00113919-00114308 in the parliament we become apartment
ZNU_MKqkklg-00284-00114308-00114506 want advice early to Mussolini from
ZNU_MKqkklg-00285-00114507-00114760 Africa Mia welcome Paula because they
ZNU_MKqkklg-00286-00114761-00114961 have realized whether they get you know
ZNU_MKqkklg-00287-00114963-00115166 whether it's rains whether to his world
ZNU_MKqkklg-00288-00115167-00115391 we shall have wisdom selections
ZNU_MKqkklg-00289-00115392-00115809 I know Cavallo Wow avocado remedial each
ZNU_MKqkklg-00290-00115810-00116026 one calivita
ZNU_MKqkklg-00291-00116027-00116306 infallible in the community college for
ZNU_MKqkklg-00292-00116307-00116477 me would al biruni be point one the end
ZNU_MKqkklg-00293-00116478-00116801 disappointed your group income and
ZNU_MKqkklg-00294-00116802-00117017 categorical can pray Dorian to the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00295-00117018-00117304 trainer's under the to me why because
ZNU_MKqkklg-00296-00117305-00117599 nobody see nobody deflecting the needs
ZNU_MKqkklg-00298-00124124-00125771 Bob Ingalls a available yes nobody
ZNU_MKqkklg-00299-00125772-00126008 immediately a manner of it coming the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00300-00126009-00126306 present is chained at Alamo P Vantage
ZNU_MKqkklg-00301-00126307-00126590 for machaca mu mu quarter mukaddes depot
ZNU_MKqkklg-00302-00126591-00126878 t in boom boom
ZNU_MKqkklg-00303-00126879-00127472 babbu didi valley side is opening
ZNU_MKqkklg-00304-00127473-00127778 tomorrow tomorrow argument you're
ZNU_MKqkklg-00305-00127779-00128200 president you social service agency
ZNU_MKqkklg-00306-00128201-00128666 tomorrow and he began to recite Amitabha
ZNU_MKqkklg-00307-00128667-00129033 kabaah Cara now can't have a Katrina
ZNU_MKqkklg-00308-00129033-00129465 Bobby's mover to good number Maruyama
ZNU_MKqkklg-00309-00129466-00129953 can t accept one man he hit yo Makati
ZNU_MKqkklg-00310-00129954-00130176 karateka idea embodies the very
ZNU_MKqkklg-00311-00130177-00130428 end you don't like this debate Wikipedia
ZNU_MKqkklg-00312-00130429-00130933 Nadia Mooji I didn't report open my
ZNU_MKqkklg-00313-00130934-00131238 ballet table Abu Bakr many experiences
ZNU_MKqkklg-00314-00131239-00131583 with the approach diva crimson which
ZNU_MKqkklg-00315-00131584-00131772 Arabic gamba sit down with the use of
ZNU_MKqkklg-00316-00131773-00132099 failure but your highness
ZNU_MKqkklg-00317-00132100-00132471 I hid is really a routine man I think
ZNU_MKqkklg-00318-00132472-00132642 this is all the money Fanny had a pass
ZNU_MKqkklg-00319-00132643-00132987 how come you late
ZNU_MKqkklg-00320-00132988-00133245 when I poke at Oh got another solution
ZNU_MKqkklg-00321-00133246-00133515 which got me sitting T we needed the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00322-00133516-00133787 bomber system this is what happened
ZNU_MKqkklg-00323-00133788-00134199 oopsies that time in that trail this
ZNU_MKqkklg-00324-00134200-00134544 Saturday speaking over the people to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00325-00134545-00134790 post a note the man was the hidden versa
ZNU_MKqkklg-00326-00134791-00135042 for some guy came up and provided
ZNU_MKqkklg-00327-00135043-00135411 ourselves karate in this situation over
ZNU_MKqkklg-00328-00135412-00135825 me who are coming up COO Banga single
ZNU_MKqkklg-00329-00135826-00136077 but the Tina is sensible society you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00330-00136078-00136296 would either make or Buddhist what about
ZNU_MKqkklg-00331-00136297-00136614 universal you see about what it is done
ZNU_MKqkklg-00332-00136615-00136866 even Jerry Walker he compliance and back
ZNU_MKqkklg-00333-00136867-00137183 then we have a photos she is taken away
ZNU_MKqkklg-00334-00137184-00137753 to see this is why I am co-president
ZNU_MKqkklg-00335-00137754-00138108 diagram binti we put his output signal
ZNU_MKqkklg-00336-00138109-00138327 privileges for the commander's what do i
ZNU_MKqkklg-00337-00138328-00138651 body on link oh god no KYT
ZNU_MKqkklg-00338-00138652-00138873 addressed my kids in Cocoa into a banna
ZNU_MKqkklg-00339-00138874-00139029 banna banna
ZNU_MKqkklg-00340-00139030-00139269 of uniformity boo age
ZNU_MKqkklg-00341-00139270-00139670 susie-wusie her some pain Coco Giovanni
ZNU_MKqkklg-00342-00139671-00140040 Bianco new age 15 energies energy veggie
ZNU_MKqkklg-00343-00140041-00140313 after the second why do evangelism rock
ZNU_MKqkklg-00344-00140314-00140604 Obama in Cebu imagine a quite a woman
ZNU_MKqkklg-00345-00140605-00140841 said ermengarde a democracy be reserved
ZNU_MKqkklg-00346-00140842-00140979 to egg Israel is a beautiful the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00347-00140980-00141395 children yes
ZNU_MKqkklg-00348-00141396-00141798 Calcutta vitalina a what is the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00349-00141799-00142032 philosophy no just a unseemly need
ZNU_MKqkklg-00350-00142033-00142332 engineers that one I agree but the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00351-00142333-00142841 teachers Navigon eg the worry cause
ZNU_MKqkklg-00352-00142842-00143166 Natsu Cola container movers better
ZNU_MKqkklg-00353-00143167-00143379 present the argument it example to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00354-00143380-00143640 similar Shakespeare but the judges would
ZNU_MKqkklg-00355-00143641-00143889 decide that did not win the election did
ZNU_MKqkklg-00356-00143890-00144287 it they were under the sofa Shakespeare
ZNU_MKqkklg-00357-00144288-00144536 Garrett abiding any album Satyam Sam
ZNU_MKqkklg-00358-00144537-00144918 know as we need the engineers when you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00359-00144919-00145218 need but we have one who is n so and
ZNU_MKqkklg-00360-00145219-00145694 initial a ki AAG is an Akita leakycon
ZNU_MKqkklg-00361-00145695-00145956 educators and HT topology circle
ZNU_MKqkklg-00362-00145957-00146166 complicated very ever said yeah America
ZNU_MKqkklg-00363-00146167-00146514 we work very cool piece why become more
ZNU_MKqkklg-00364-00146515-00146868 acutally in BA the inter-american tribes
ZNU_MKqkklg-00365-00146869-00147063 jungle somewhere in the same week that
ZNU_MKqkklg-00366-00147064-00147408 order in the moon oomba H Google Shopper
ZNU_MKqkklg-00367-00147409-00147603 diversity running a you have
ZNU_MKqkklg-00368-00147604-00147825 already explained lamented a very bubbly
ZNU_MKqkklg-00369-00147826-00148008 character to fetch up will the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00370-00148009-00148194 oppression I bring up to me they don't
ZNU_MKqkklg-00371-00148195-00148665 have DV he ji developing a German within
ZNU_MKqkklg-00372-00148666-00149021 a very short time hit Syria began to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00373-00149022-00149234 publish city leaders
ZNU_MKqkklg-00374-00149235-00149568 Europe image terrorism okay
ZNU_MKqkklg-00375-00149569-00149940 more American schools yeah economy mood
ZNU_MKqkklg-00376-00149941-00150246 tonality economy economy topic woman
ZNU_MKqkklg-00377-00150247-00150507 click on American economy originator
ZNU_MKqkklg-00378-00150508-00150687 because it's the business developer of
ZNU_MKqkklg-00379-00150688-00150896 granny volcania talk tomorrow
ZNU_MKqkklg-00380-00150897-00151176 most urban ago such a businessman it is
ZNU_MKqkklg-00381-00151177-00151341 a political ideological
ZNU_MKqkklg-00382-00151342-00151632 muffled the populists yella got to serve
ZNU_MKqkklg-00383-00151633-00151806 it right away a thing about babies of
ZNU_MKqkklg-00384-00151807-00152129 way I sing a Papa where single maneuver
ZNU_MKqkklg-00385-00152130-00152409 parcels were never seven you know Kadima
ZNU_MKqkklg-00386-00152410-00152804 foodie inside you gamba kufu at once it
ZNU_MKqkklg-00387-00152805-00153171 explodes magically who would focus on a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00388-00153172-00153618 Tanzanian gatina beaten in a sock away
ZNU_MKqkklg-00389-00153619-00153929 booze the German has successfully
ZNU_MKqkklg-00390-00153930-00154391 maintained this the virus in Europe in
ZNU_MKqkklg-00391-00154392-00154628 Africa conserve energy in forgettable
ZNU_MKqkklg-00392-00154629-00155066 contain this so the question is what the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00393-00155067-00155315 what are the two my carry and Musa
ZNU_MKqkklg-00394-00155316-00155613 mention common simple ability powerful
ZNU_MKqkklg-00395-00155614-00156048 important hobbies such a cover letter G
ZNU_MKqkklg-00396-00156049-00156384 of D K manga Reza our freedom our
ZNU_MKqkklg-00397-00156385-00156641 freedom by the cognitive ability
ZNU_MKqkklg-00398-00156642-00156977 insatiable invitation Cobb upward
ZNU_MKqkklg-00399-00156978-00157284 karuppaiyah we are not reading the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00400-00157285-00157658 policy supplied by the time we bakugan
ZNU_MKqkklg-00401-00157659-00158052 impossible to bring water enable the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00402-00158053-00158325 normally imposition a CD would use
ZNU_MKqkklg-00403-00158326-00158728 aluminum carbon Gompers now you put
ZNU_MKqkklg-00404-00158729-00158937 cotton ones you're going to contain the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00405-00158938-00159387 virus and the virus takes an edge over
ZNU_MKqkklg-00406-00159388-00159672 you to test the file the virus is
ZNU_MKqkklg-00407-00159673-00159912 released Museveni contain the dividers
ZNU_MKqkklg-00408-00159913-00160188 other european countries other where
ZNU_MKqkklg-00409-00160189-00160502 these countries like a Kazakh have been
ZNU_MKqkklg-00410-00160503-00160839 devastated is because now it's not what
ZNU_MKqkklg-00411-00160840-00161220 to do now the public ages Aroldis and
ZNU_MKqkklg-00412-00161221-00161399 the pregnancy
ZNU_MKqkklg-00413-00161400-00161694 mas poor girl once the poorest pregnant
ZNU_MKqkklg-00414-00161695-00161984 and abundant occurs or six boys or six
ZNU_MKqkklg-00415-00161985-00162245 toponym
ZNU_MKqkklg-00416-00162246-00162602 by the time she realizes that it mixed
ZNU_MKqkklg-00417-00162603-00162791 with the bad boys is bad she's really
ZNU_MKqkklg-00418-00162792-00163069 pretty not karate ocka ocka ocka
ZNU_MKqkklg-00419-00163070-00163421 rougarou we are reaping the products of
ZNU_MKqkklg-00420-00163422-00163874 what Mussolini planted a MARSOC Oh Kenya
ZNU_MKqkklg-00421-00163875-00164111 oh very well no can see the take-off
ZNU_MKqkklg-00422-00164112-00164420 humble what is the important ke kanaka
ZNU_MKqkklg-00423-00164421-00164669 whatever in the minutes our Harrison to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00424-00164670-00164810 the store open by Balarama Savino
ZNU_MKqkklg-00425-00164811-00165131 penguin Minister Maharis the 1/4 poutine
ZNU_MKqkklg-00426-00165132-00165380 pupusa navara moving car survey Agra
ZNU_MKqkklg-00427-00165381-00165635 personal really Nevada Las Vegas okay
ZNU_MKqkklg-00428-00165636-00165986 Katya before ovary Bamako Catalan obiagu
ZNU_MKqkklg-00429-00165987-00166231 dear auntie Becca la casa roja memory
ZNU_MKqkklg-00430-00166232-00166604 nagamma conseguir en tu bananas Jerry
ZNU_MKqkklg-00431-00166605-00167009 watches DP area Jorge malaria Amba at
ZNU_MKqkklg-00432-00167010-00167306 well Mary this type of we evading error
ZNU_MKqkklg-00433-00167307-00167675 sees an Akuma Herrera see nami bokura
ZNU_MKqkklg-00434-00167676-00168101 memory the issue is the mandarins who
ZNU_MKqkklg-00435-00168102-00168413 have seen money they will say to the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00436-00168414-00168629 people who created situations to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00437-00168630-00168842 forcible seven to disability food
ZNU_MKqkklg-00438-00168843-00169226 national one collector he resemble gamba
ZNU_MKqkklg-00439-00169227-00169577 in the Singha oho qua president if it
ZNU_MKqkklg-00440-00169578-00169901 were kinda masculine Korea Namjoo
ZNU_MKqkklg-00441-00169902-00170155 movie Mundi Bubba's Dena gained
ZNU_MKqkklg-00442-00170156-00170456 abominable Mariska's Abu Abdullah
ZNU_MKqkklg-00443-00170457-00170582 machine to add one and a hotel elevator
ZNU_MKqkklg-00444-00170583-00170672 is a popover
ZNU_MKqkklg-00445-00170673-00171176 to me using composition letters and
ZNU_MKqkklg-00446-00171177-00171548 desserts a wounded whale Museveni not
ZNU_MKqkklg-00447-00171549-00171998 data about welcome why not work is
ZNU_MKqkklg-00448-00171999-00172064 portion
ZNU_MKqkklg-00449-00172065-00172401 1 gamma my company guna
ZNU_MKqkklg-00450-00172402-00172732 Gobbo boom gah Copa Monday Ramirez this
ZNU_MKqkklg-00451-00172733-00172890 mannequin a public one gonna be mad at
ZNU_MKqkklg-00452-00172891-00173265 him - whoever wants to sample I I think
ZNU_MKqkklg-00453-00173266-00173818 I wanna go presentation like signing up
ZNU_MKqkklg-00454-00173819-00174161 on your car the woman to kick out
ZNU_MKqkklg-00455-00174162-00174288 companies
ZNU_MKqkklg-00456-00174289-00174612 the second condition will give you an
ZNU_MKqkklg-00457-00174613-00175029 over you which is playable or a pony
ZNU_MKqkklg-00458-00175030-00175437 payroll media in a period nurse Lee one
ZNU_MKqkklg-00459-00175438-00175768 winner who won diversity event II have a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00460-00175769-00176022 new balance avenida never walk about
ZNU_MKqkklg-00461-00176023-00176328 what random event can't we get countries
ZNU_MKqkklg-00462-00176329-00176598 that can give us the food already see a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00463-00176599-00177000 miracle now gained a joke in Giroux
ZNU_MKqkklg-00464-00177001-00177258 Tommy Tommy Tommy champion Mangano Santa
ZNU_MKqkklg-00465-00177259-00177711 named him as donors in dollars millions
ZNU_MKqkklg-00466-00177712-00177954 of dollars never you agree but we move
ZNU_MKqkklg-00467-00177955-00178257 up Leslie grant never present have a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00468-00178258-00178484 together continue Bakura one Omaha
ZNU_MKqkklg-00469-00178485-00178754 President to moon debuted online
ZNU_MKqkklg-00470-00178755-00179068 kohanga what the donors wants to finance
ZNU_MKqkklg-00471-00179069-00179443 is about demova birra tomato quizzical
ZNU_MKqkklg-00472-00179444-00179682 number of worry doc I sing about Putin
ZNU_MKqkklg-00473-00179683-00180157 Rama monistic dares not to move I become
ZNU_MKqkklg-00474-00180158-00180282 a parameter music video Bob Bob our
ZNU_MKqkklg-00475-00180283-00180591 Steve Emma please don't have a stick
ZNU_MKqkklg-00476-00180592-00180870 karate I'm appeal about gongura in the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00477-00180871-00181326 boondi about gamba diana between a mu
ZNU_MKqkklg-00478-00181327-00181468 just one building system
ZNU_MKqkklg-00479-00181469-00181716 uno condition this rabbit brave who's
ZNU_MKqkklg-00480-00181717-00181901 maintaining a long time ago called
ZNU_MKqkklg-00481-00181902-00182064 Caqueta Zucotti
ZNU_MKqkklg-00482-00182065-00182298 never come in the become fully they were
ZNU_MKqkklg-00483-00182299-00182523 ambulances able to get the new video
ZNU_MKqkklg-00484-00182524-00182661 government put in all centers were
ZNU_MKqkklg-00485-00182662-00182898 amputees what you are seeing in the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00486-00182899-00183084 parliament is a battle between
ZNU_MKqkklg-00487-00183085-00183309 parliamentary government route ro
ZNU_MKqkklg-00488-00183310-00183568 parliament government years Sangha in
ZNU_MKqkklg-00489-00183569-00183765 that again Zao they had to be very no
ZNU_MKqkklg-00490-00183766-00184047 quitter supplement at a account
ZNU_MKqkklg-00491-00184048-00184346 yahar okuru terry ordinary government
ZNU_MKqkklg-00492-00184347-00184618 supported by uh uh by the sake signal
ZNU_MKqkklg-00493-00184619-00184815 recycle with colloquy are selling
ZNU_MKqkklg-00494-00184816-00185066 academies tumbling who can accept this
ZNU_MKqkklg-00495-00185067-00185312 parameter percentage i
ZNU_MKqkklg-00496-00185313-00185716 so HHH mine is name become the banquet
ZNU_MKqkklg-00497-00185717-00185972 in advance the future representative me
ZNU_MKqkklg-00498-00185973-00186214 why selection generic a tricky to a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00499-00186215-00186419 banana BAM you have a rhenium Vicky to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00500-00186420-00186715 me evocative up into almost any ideas of
ZNU_MKqkklg-00501-00186716-00186877 quite um Cosmo indeed ever taken
ZNU_MKqkklg-00502-00186878-00186958 available
ZNU_MKqkklg-00503-00186959-00187289 Bevacqua banana Baba Baba Rama metered
ZNU_MKqkklg-00504-00187290-00187481 named namu Amida Buddha school approval
ZNU_MKqkklg-00505-00187482-00187729 until una parte de moon's vegetable no
ZNU_MKqkklg-00506-00187730-00187984 question a whole cigar this above
ZNU_MKqkklg-00507-00187985-00188288 welcome to began karate when bands are
ZNU_MKqkklg-00508-00188289-00188440 suffering give you holes over the Mafia
ZNU_MKqkklg-00509-00188441-00188723 the battles over the Mafia's Tom radio
ZNU_MKqkklg-00510-00188724-00189028 Kol Savannah can play alone it runt Iran
ZNU_MKqkklg-00511-00189029-00189287 from Pakistan news from each other one
ZNU_MKqkklg-00512-00189288-00189527 degree family anybody walk by my dream
ZNU_MKqkklg-00513-00189528-00190094 indeed a million women gutesey believe
ZNU_MKqkklg-00514-00190095-00190298 is Angelica's okura visa or knock you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00515-00190299-00191672 are a woman a Kenyan Melara corrupt or
ZNU_MKqkklg-00516-00191673-00191914 he restores we are paying requires
ZNU_MKqkklg-00517-00191915-00192134 somebody grew up deciders
ZNU_MKqkklg-00518-00192135-00192386 oh but I wasn't a fool to bring ya
ZNU_MKqkklg-00519-00192387-00192859 sailors they were donated by Italian
ZNU_MKqkklg-00520-00192860-00192998 coronated
ZNU_MKqkklg-00521-00192999-00193337 who knew that one name when Guru was a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00522-00193338-00193664 freedom of media people Kakaako fancy
ZNU_MKqkklg-00523-00193665-00193961 you re riding on control traffic
ZNU_MKqkklg-00524-00193962-00194327 verifies new get up anil bonde limited
ZNU_MKqkklg-00525-00194328-00194503 called computer computer control the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00526-00194504-00195020 vehicles know what we should do let
ZNU_MKqkklg-00527-00195021-00195272 those people by knocking about commit
ZNU_MKqkklg-00528-00195273-00195577 Kenya a candy company that is bringing
ZNU_MKqkklg-00529-00195578-00196069 oil in Uganda mysteriously people one on
ZNU_MKqkklg-00530-00196070-00196487 a comical border in Oaxaca border una
ZNU_MKqkklg-00531-00196488-00196814 Nardi fuga rivera cocoon while Uganda
ZNU_MKqkklg-00532-00196815-00197114 comic-con Nevada fooled by Ingram anyone
ZNU_MKqkklg-00533-00197115-00197345 and ready for era we can present the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00534-00197346-00197629 example a non-democratic yoga
ZNU_MKqkklg-00535-00197630-00197929 Oaxaca bacha bazi Jacuzzi ba no one will
ZNU_MKqkklg-00536-00197930-00198003 you see
ZNU_MKqkklg-00537-00198004-00198156 now kids ascenders a community college
ZNU_MKqkklg-00538-00198157-00198501 in Oregon directed I'm ready to finance
ZNU_MKqkklg-00539-00198502-00198837 the two catacombs the president was
ZNU_MKqkklg-00540-00198838-00199149 happening let's even add money are we
ZNU_MKqkklg-00541-00199150-00199389 allowing see you can only drive us
ZNU_MKqkklg-00542-00199390-00199590 ammonia cucurbit Roxy
ZNU_MKqkklg-00543-00199591-00199809 first the cannon companies in the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00544-00199810-00200093 Nairobi or moombas to recruit in Uganda
ZNU_MKqkklg-00545-00200094-00200391 those who can man brave with these drugs
ZNU_MKqkklg-00546-00200392-00200682 which can be escorted by security so to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00547-00200683-00201246 end up go Mooji monitor the thing a man
ZNU_MKqkklg-00548-00201247-00201504 reaches team Kakashi ah
ZNU_MKqkklg-00549-00201505-00201729 oh no I put the cake actually in the
ZNU_MKqkklg-00550-00201730-00202014 beside you way because you cannot detain
ZNU_MKqkklg-00551-00202015-00202272 this money at a Kenyan border the ID
ZNU_MKqkklg-00552-00202273-00202446 materials we need you here oh we don't
ZNU_MKqkklg-00553-00202447-00202698 want the oil prices to toward to
ZNU_MKqkklg-00554-00202699-00202947 increase there are for the president
ZNU_MKqkklg-00555-00202948-00203160 suggested because he is our own income
ZNU_MKqkklg-00556-00203161-00203327 second our e-commerce site WAP ok
ZNU_MKqkklg-00557-00203328-00203565 intimately once again Garfield English
ZNU_MKqkklg-00558-00203566-00203847 family male and vomited no Morgan back
ZNU_MKqkklg-00559-00203848-00204036 at American system with a zero malarum
ZNU_MKqkklg-00560-00204037-00204368 second McCullough's not Somali women
ZNU_MKqkklg-00561-00204369-00204690 about we name Okada Scott my body which
ZNU_MKqkklg-00562-00204691-00204903 coroner Coca Cola's to leverage in you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00563-00204904-00205217 know so many entities a zebra crossings
ZNU_MKqkklg-00564-00205219-00205463 over Samantha Morgan to marry aho Matua
ZNU_MKqkklg-00565-00205464-00205739 developer OC mother survey
ZNU_MKqkklg-00566-00205740-00205853 impossibilities
ZNU_MKqkklg-00567-00205854-00206307 yes we must examine a couple Akira
ZNU_MKqkklg-00568-00206308-00206561 president more vulnerable at America at
ZNU_MKqkklg-00569-00206562-00206777 a media a boozy boozy drama Tamara
ZNU_MKqkklg-00570-00206778-00207057 karate presentable Mugen Barone is
ZNU_MKqkklg-00571-00207058-00207135 mahadji
ZNU_MKqkklg-00572-00207136-00207362 catarah Ganga Singh that University
ZNU_MKqkklg-00573-00207363-00207627 Arcadia mullah market mo Kang was
ZNU_MKqkklg-00574-00207628-00208077 severely disabled concession is to make
ZNU_MKqkklg-00575-00208078-00208373 that movie movie I'd only be an amoeba D
ZNU_MKqkklg-00576-00208375-00208598 all of their own is my Believix me enemy
ZNU_MKqkklg-00577-00208600-00208673 really all right
ZNU_MKqkklg-00578-00208675-00208898 I'm sorry the some say they appear sent
ZNU_MKqkklg-00579-00208900-00209167 to the Prime Minister's Office Mahadi
ZNU_MKqkklg-00580-00209169-00209484 rare games era una de Ville Marie Laveau
ZNU_MKqkklg-00582-00215981-00216292 TV interview no money process you
ZNU_MKqkklg-00583-00216294-00216617 haven't Academy Uganda particular I'm
ZNU_MKqkklg-00584-00216617-00216692 sorry Amanda
ZNU_MKqkklg-00585-00216692-00216871 I use an idea Mohammed I've gotten a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00586-00216873-00217601 Catwoman did you coach universities of
ZNU_MKqkklg-00587-00217602-00217834 it envisioning in your watch oh my
ZNU_MKqkklg-00588-00217835-00218130 Napoleon did the PCPD addresses a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00589-00218131-00218477 vegetable pizza the ability cut it nah
ZNU_MKqkklg-00590-00218478-00218794 nah Cabrera on one on O'Hara see playing
ZNU_MKqkklg-00591-00218796-00219031 it up on Numa Aqaba yakumo cosmic Oh
ZNU_MKqkklg-00592-00219032-00219104 Phooey
ZNU_MKqkklg-00593-00219105-00219358 the Mira Mesa Community Food Maria
ZNU_MKqkklg-00594-00219359-00219617 weenie wagger cinnamon Ibaka oh won't
ZNU_MKqkklg-00595-00219617-00220282 you you Santa is a legitimate reason a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00596-00220283-00220625 every nd o Manawatu I put a border over
ZNU_MKqkklg-00597-00220626-00220930 it adaptogen Kapoor Baker is d years ago
ZNU_MKqkklg-00598-00220931-00221659 right without be changing the impact on
ZNU_MKqkklg-00599-00221660-00221902 the society just give it up
ZNU_MKqkklg-00600-00221903-00222144 Mooka my favorite but not Christian Life
ZNU_MKqkklg-00601-00222146-00222421 Church in New Mexico guarana eren jaeger
ZNU_MKqkklg-00602-00222421-00222637 aquahama in the kotonoha fire fire he
ZNU_MKqkklg-00603-00222638-00222805 attend the calmly move way again a
ZNU_MKqkklg-00604-00222806-00222973 Boomer moon will never not with standard
ZNU_MKqkklg-00605-00222973-00223159 charge am i delusional judge a concern
ZNU_MKqkklg-00606-00223160-00223357 when Angelica was a man in Caesarea
ZNU_MKqkklg-00607-00223358-00223594 Kanaka treatise Aveda Alabama dick my
ZNU_MKqkklg-00608-00223594-00223888 fever's everybody's my VP twig I didn't
ZNU_MKqkklg-00609-00223889-00224109 wanna become a Christian of judge if
ZNU_MKqkklg-00610-00224110-00224341 remilia-sama Common Era to me a vacuum
ZNU_MKqkklg-00611-00224342-00224491 nav interview with a baton boozie boozie
ZNU_MKqkklg-00612-00224492-00224748 Avenue Burma become a lymphoma cumin
ZNU_MKqkklg-00613-00224750-00224986 epidemiological me Erica to Antioch
ZNU_MKqkklg-00614-00224987-00225358 reaches amateur to bizarre impossible
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00000-00001304-00001439 item number
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00001-00001440-00001718 scp-426
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00002-00001719-00001863 object class
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00003-00001864-00002007 euclid
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00004-00002007-00002323 special containment procedures
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00005-00002324-00002583 scp-4263 is to be housed in a humanoid
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00006-00002584-00002926 containment chamber located at site-36
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00007-00002927-00003079 this containment chamber is to be
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00008-00003080-00003279 equipped with a scranton reality anchor
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00009-00003279-00003447 and kept under guard by at least two
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00010-00003447-00003703 security personnel at all times
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00011-00003704-00003886 due to the ongoing investigation of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00012-00003887-00004195 scp-4263-b
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00013-00004196-00004431 scp-4263 is to be made available for
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00014-00004432-00004591 interview by employees of the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00015-00004592-00004783 foundation's ethics committee at any
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00016-00004784-00005015 time it is required
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00017-00005016-00005159 description
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00018-00005160-00005335 scp-4263
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00019-00005336-00005535 is a gestalt entity created through the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00020-00005536-00005806 bodily and mental fusion of 22 year old
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00021-00005807-00006138 reality bender anna kaufman the previous
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00022-00006139-00006478 scp-4263 and 52 year old site director
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00023-00006479-00006719 lucius danton these components will
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00024-00006720-00007063 hereafter be referred to as scp-4263-a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00025-00007064-00007342 and scp-420
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00026-00007343-00007491 the physical form of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00027-00007492-00007742 scp-4263 is variable with limb
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00028-00007743-00007951 configurations and features shifting
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00029-00007952-00008167 into various forms simultaneously
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00030-00008168-00008374 resembling both components original
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00031-00008375-00008603 bodies the personality of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00032-00008604-00008895 scp-4263 is similarly variable with a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00033-00008896-00009095 component in control of the main body
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00034-00009096-00009327 often changing from moment to moment and
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00035-00009328-00009542 often becoming unstable
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00036-00009543-00009751 these personality shifts while occurring
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00037-00009752-00009927 naturally can also be triggered by
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00038-00009928-00010183 bright lights loud noises and strong
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00039-00010184-00010410 emotions on the part of one of the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00040-00010411-00010631 scp-4263 components
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00041-00010632-00010838 in addition to its shifting bodily and
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00042-00010839-00011003 mental forms
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00043-00011004-00011255 scp-4263 retains the reality bending
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00044-00011256-00011419 properties that
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00045-00011420-00011742 scp-4263-a possessed prior to the fusion
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00046-00011743-00011967 namely the ability to transfigure the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00047-00011968-00012214 materials of objects that enter within 5
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00048-00012215-00012359 meters of it
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00049-00012360-00012523 following the fusion
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00050-00012524-00012815 scp-4263 mainly uses this ability in an
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00051-00012816-00012999 attempt to transform personnel who
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00052-00013000-00013191 approach it into statues of various
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00053-00013191-00013471 materials resulting in their deaths
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00054-00013472-00013683 however the two components of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00055-00013684-00013943 scp-4263 now operate as something of a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00056-00013944-00014215 self-regulating system any changes to
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00057-00014216-00014399 reality one component makes will
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00058-00014400-00014583 invariably be reverted by the other
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00059-00014584-00014855 components seconds later presumably out
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00060-00014856-00015058 of spite
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00061-00015059-00015311 scp-4263 was formed as a result of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00062-00015312-00015519 scp-4263-b
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00063-00015519-00015694 attempting to forcefully merge with
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00064-00015695-00015919 scp-4263-a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00065-00015919-00016103 in order to gain the necessary combat
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00066-00016104-00016303 ability to escape justice during
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00067-00016304-00016619 operation black dove see addendum
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00068-00016620-00017030 4263-1 it is presumed that scp-426
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00069-00017031-00017247 current unstable nature is a result of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00070-00017248-00017550 this process being interrupted
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00071-00017551-00017886 interview 4263-1
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00072-00017887-00018039 begin log
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00073-00018040-00018371 dr santana enters the interview room
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00074-00018372-00018591 scp-4263 is on the other side of the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00075-00018592-00018839 observation glass twitching and shifting
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00076-00018840-00019127 between forms
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00077-00019128-00019447 hello scp-4263
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00078-00019448-00019819 may i ask who i'm speaking to right now
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00079-00019820-00020111 scp-4263 slams its body into the glass
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00080-00020112-00020447 and growls flickering in and out of view
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00081-00020448-00020671 do you know who the hell you're talking
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00082-00020672-00020927 to i could have your job for this i'm
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00083-00020928-00021230 gonna have your life for this
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00084-00021231-00021591 what's your employee number
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00085-00021592-00021958 employee number employee number now
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00086-00021959-00022086 i'm going to have to ask you to calm
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00087-00022087-00022427 down scp-4263-b
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00088-00022428-00022839 scp-4263 begins thrashing in place
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00089-00022840-00023022 what's happening
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00090-00023023-00023407 i don't feel so good shut the hell up
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00091-00023408-00023727 i'm talking i'm talking
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00092-00023728-00023958 you gotta listen to your superior when
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00093-00023959-00024191 they're talking
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00094-00024192-00024391 you get me the hell out of this thing
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00095-00024392-00024558 right now
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00096-00024559-00024750 i'm afraid that's not possible
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00097-00024751-00025039 scp-4263-b
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00098-00025040-00025422 it's not my name liar liar liars liar
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00099-00025423-00025670 liar liar
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00100-00025672-00025943 they're making you say that marthe
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00101-00025944-00026127 ethics committee i didn't
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00102-00026127-00026279 do anything wrong
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00103-00026280-00026446 you know do you know how much i've given
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00104-00026447-00026623 to this organization don't you think i
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00105-00026624-00026958 deserve a little back i could do wonders
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00106-00026960-00027223 for your career you know kid
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00107-00027224-00027439 do you think you can get away with this
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00108-00027439-00027670 i have friends on the o5 council you
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00109-00027672-00028007 know powerful friends they won't let you
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00110-00028008-00028207 do this to me
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00111-00028208-00028399 shut the hell up
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00112-00028400-00028687 shut the hell up
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00113-00028688-00029007 i have level four clearance you can't
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00114-00029008-00029362 treat me like this
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00115-00029363-00029607 scp-4263 resumes beating its body
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00116-00029608-00029895 against the walls in glass dr santana
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00117-00029895-00030118 concludes that at the present time a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00118-00030119-00030343 coherent interview is not possible and
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00119-00030344-00030527 leaves the chamber
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00120-00030527-00030702 end log
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00121-00030703-00031014 addendum 4263-1
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00122-00031016-00031270 ethics committee action report
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00123-00031272-00031518 from the desk of vice chairwoman shaw
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00124-00031519-00031758 ethics committee
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00125-00031760-00031911 i never enjoy having to write these
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00126-00031912-00032239 reports my doing so means that on some
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00127-00032239-00032439 level we on the committee have failed to
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00128-00032439-00032631 keep the foundation from adhering to its
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00129-00032632-00032911 principles had we succeeded things
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00130-00032912-00033118 wouldn't have gotten so bad in this
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00131-00033119-00033327 report i will be detailing the series of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00132-00033328-00033462 events that led to the committee
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00133-00033463-00033646 investigating site director lucius
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00134-00033647-00033902 danton along with the attack on site 36
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00135-00033903-00034199 now referred to as operation black dove
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00136-00034200-00034390 before i can dive into these specific
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00137-00034391-00034583 events i must go into the two
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00138-00034584-00034846 individuals most involved with this case
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00139-00034847-00035143 anna kaufman and lucius danton now known
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00140-00035144-00035367 as scp-4263-a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00141-00035368-00035483 and
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00142-00035484-00035662 scp-4263-b
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00143-00035663-00035862 mr danton began his work with the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00144-00035863-00036046 foundation as an agent recruited out of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00145-00036047-00036271 the united states military and achieved
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00146-00036272-00036446 recognition following his single man
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00147-00036447-00036655 recapture of numerous anomalies during
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00148-00036656-00036879 the game day incident he received the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00149-00036880-00037079 foundation star for that it's been
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00150-00037080-00037271 revoked now of course
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00151-00037272-00037455 that only helped his career accelerate
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00152-00037456-00037639 further and following the career in the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00153-00037640-00037830 field that he built on that he began to
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00154-00037831-00038127 shift into a more managerial capacity he
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00155-00038128-00038302 wanted to be put in charge of a site of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00156-00038303-00038502 his own of course and at that point
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00157-00038503-00038679 there was really no reason not to grant
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00158-00038680-00038918 that wish he was a proven asset with the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00159-00038919-00039135 skills and experience required not to
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00160-00039136-00039318 mention a reputation that would demand
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00161-00039319-00039518 the respect of his subordinates when
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00162-00039519-00039783 directorship of site 36 became available
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00163-00039784-00039999 he was the obvious choice
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00164-00040000-00040174 anna kaufman had also been with the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00165-00040175-00040399 foundation for the majority of her life
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00166-00040400-00040583 but that was of course
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00167-00040584-00040790 less voluntary for her she'd been
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00168-00040791-00040958 discovered as a reality bender and
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00169-00040959-00041095 brought into containment when she was
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00170-00041096-00041295 just eight years old after turning the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00171-00041296-00041527 moving family car she was in into water
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00172-00041528-00041735 because she needed the bathroom
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00173-00041736-00041935 usually reality benders are among the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00174-00041936-00042127 most difficult humanoid anomalies to
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00175-00042128-00042367 keep under lock in key but miss kaufman
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00176-00042368-00042590 was an exception to the rule she really
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00177-00042591-00042815 was the definition of the phrase model
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00178-00042816-00042935 prisoner
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00179-00042936-00043167 never a containment breach never even an
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00180-00043168-00043415 attempt at a containment breach
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00181-00043416-00043583 because of her docility she ended up
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00182-00043584-00043751 getting passed around from site to site
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00183-00043752-00043990 whenever space was required reviewing
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00184-00043991-00044239 these transfers now it's obvious we were
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00185-00044240-00044462 much too lacks with her it's a miracle
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00186-00044463-00044735 she never escaped to be perfectly honest
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00187-00044736-00044862 eventually she ended up being
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00188-00044863-00045055 transferred to site 36
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00189-00045056-00045335 and that's when the incident began
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00190-00045336-00045495 everything was quiet for the first few
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00191-00045496-00045743 months of course with site 36 sending
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00192-00045744-00045951 back the reports we'd expected that
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00193-00045952-00046199 kaufman was docile well-behaved one of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00194-00046200-00046367 the easiest humanoid anomalies they'd
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00195-00046368-00046518 ever worked with
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00196-00046519-00046662 then they started talking about the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00197-00046663-00046830 containment breach
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00198-00046831-00047135 on december 14th 2015 the scranton
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00199-00047136-00047335 reality anchor covering kaufman's cell
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00200-00047336-00047551 fails and she begins an escape attempt
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00201-00047552-00047718 that ends with the deaths of three
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00202-00047719-00047886 security personnel
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00203-00047887-00048071 the site manages to contain her before
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00204-00048072-00048318 she runs for it of course using a backup
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00205-00048319-00048502 anchor to lock down her reality bending
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00206-00048503-00048615 ability
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00207-00048616-00048790 following review of the events leading
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00208-00048791-00049030 up to that breach supervisors agree that
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00209-00049031-00049215 miss kaufman's containment procedures
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00210-00049216-00049423 are not sufficient they recommend a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00211-00049424-00049639 regimen of drugs incognito agents to
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00212-00049640-00049799 ensure kaufman doesn't make another
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00213-00049800-00049967 attempt like this again
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00214-00049968-00050230 and these new procedures are implemented
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00215-00050231-00050407 we now believe that danton either
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00216-00050408-00050607 partially or fully instigated this
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00217-00050608-00050879 supposed containment breach
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00218-00050880-00051190 begin log
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00219-00051191-00051319 um
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00220-00051320-00051430 hello
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00221-00051432-00051566 hello you've reached the ethics
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00222-00051567-00051758 committee anonymous helpline is there
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00223-00051759-00052038 something you'd like to report today um
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00224-00052039-00052190 yes okay
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00225-00052191-00052270 uh
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00226-00052271-00052350 this
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00227-00052351-00052550 this is anonymous right
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00228-00052551-00052830 yes it's the anonymous helpline
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00229-00052832-00053054 fully anonymous
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00230-00053055-00053294 yes fully what is it you'd like to talk
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00231-00053295-00053438 about today
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00232-00053439-00053559 it's
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00233-00053560-00053766 it's about site 36
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00234-00053767-00054015 i don't know the specifics but
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00235-00054016-00054223 there's something really bad going on
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00236-00054224-00054382 here
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00237-00054383-00054566 end log
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00238-00054567-00054766 the previous log was a call from junior
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00239-00054767-00054950 researcher alan rayley who had been
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00240-00054951-00055215 recently assigned to site-36
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00241-00055216-00055519 yes i know we said it was anonymous yes
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00242-00055520-00055759 that was a lie we find it helps people
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00243-00055760-00055975 find the will to report things
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00244-00055976-00056191 two days later mr rayleigh was killed in
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00245-00056191-00056463 a containment breach at site-36 needless
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00246-00056464-00056671 to say we stepped up our investigation
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00247-00056672-00056830 immediately
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00248-00056832-00057015 it came to light that throughout his
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00249-00057016-00057294 time at site-36 danton had created a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00250-00057295-00057511 culture of fear and intimidation that
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00251-00057512-00057687 prevented anyone from speaking out
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00252-00057688-00057879 regarding his abuses of his power as
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00253-00057879-00058023 site director
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00254-00058024-00058199 as for the specific nature of those
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00255-00058200-00058447 abuses it would be easier to say what he
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00256-00058448-00058582 didn't do
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00257-00058583-00058807 extorting money exploiting anomalies for
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00258-00058808-00058975 his own personal gain making
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00259-00058976-00059103 inappropriate demands of his
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00260-00059104-00059375 subordinates the list goes on needless
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00261-00059376-00059575 to say we have a copy of it available in
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00262-00059576-00059735 the committee archives
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00263-00059736-00059926 it came to light that he'd even bribed
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00264-00059927-00060166 the committee representative at site-36
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00265-00060167-00060342 not to report any of these countless
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00266-00060344-00060511 ethical violations
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00267-00060512-00060703 that employee has been dealt with now of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00268-00060704-00060791 course
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00269-00060791-00060966 i will not go into further detail but
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00270-00060967-00061215 only say that we take our integrity very
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00271-00061216-00061415 seriously indeed
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00272-00061416-00061606 the most outrageous abuse of power
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00273-00061607-00061766 danson had indulged in was his
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00274-00061767-00062038 exploitation of miss kaufman using the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00275-00062039-00062254 regiment of drugs incognito agents she'd
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00276-00062255-00062447 been prescribed as a result of the fake
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00277-00062448-00062679 breach he'd engineered he'd manipulated
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00278-00062679-00062854 her into using her reality bending
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00279-00062855-00063079 abilities for his own benefit
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00280-00063079-00063311 turning paper into gold garbage into
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00281-00063312-00063591 diamonds the kind of anomaly we'd spent
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00282-00063591-00063742 years containing for the sake of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00283-00063744-00064006 humanity now turned to making a private
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00284-00064007-00064247 profit it wasn't easy to obtain this
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00285-00064248-00064494 information and danton inevitably
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00286-00064495-00064687 realized we were close to figuring him
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00287-00064688-00064766 out
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00288-00064767-00064911 we soon got word that he'd been
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00289-00064912-00065094 negotiating with a known foundation
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00290-00065095-00065391 embedded agent of the chaos insurgency
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00291-00065391-00065567 we like to keep these sorts around so we
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00292-00065568-00065750 can watch who meets with them
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00293-00065751-00065999 at that point we decided it was time to
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00294-00066000-00066279 rectify the situation
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00295-00066280-00066406 vote count
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00296-00066407-00066775 vote proposed by chairman odongo tajani
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00297-00066776-00066903 proposal
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00298-00066904-00067135 arrest of site director lucius danton
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00299-00067136-00067359 and his collaborators via deployment of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00300-00067360-00067559 armed forces
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00301-00067560-00067663 4
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00302-00067664-00067815 36
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00303-00067816-00067943 against
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00304-00067944-00068071 12
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00305-00068072-00068223 abstain
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00306-00068224-00068359 three
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00307-00068360-00068494 result
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00308-00068495-00068743 motion passes
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00309-00068744-00069055 on april 13 2019 following a vote
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00310-00069056-00069311 initiated by chairman tajani mobile task
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00311-00069312-00069543 force omega 1 law's left hand was
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00312-00069544-00069759 deployed to site 36 to apprehend and
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00313-00069760-00069991 detain site director danton along with
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00314-00069992-00070287 his collaborators among the senior staff
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00315-00070288-00070511 they met with heavy resistance most of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00316-00070512-00070759 the security on site 36 were now loyal
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00317-00070760-00071023 to danton rather than the foundation but
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00318-00071024-00071191 the left hand is nothing if not
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00319-00071192-00071391 efficient and we managed to secure the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00320-00071392-00071543 site with the aid of still loyal
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00321-00071544-00071759 personnel after a three-hour period of
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00322-00071760-00071879 conflict
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00323-00071880-00072047 the senior staff who'd gone along with
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00324-00072048-00072206 danton's abuses were brought into
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00325-00072207-00072431 custody and containment on the anomalies
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00326-00072432-00072750 contained within site-36 remained intact
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00327-00072751-00072999 and then of course there was danton
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00328-00073000-00073119 himself
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00329-00073120-00073311 omega1 found him part way through his
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00330-00073312-00073503 attempt to manipulate kaufman into
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00331-00073504-00073750 merging them into one single being i
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00332-00073751-00073919 presume he intended to be in full
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00333-00073920-00074143 control of the reluctant entity and then
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00334-00074144-00074350 used kaufman's reality-bending abilities
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00335-00074351-00074575 to break through our forces escape and
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00336-00074576-00074815 defect to the insurgency i really
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00337-00074816-00074950 couldn't tell you whether it would have
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00338-00074951-00075167 worked or not i can only tell you what
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00339-00075168-00075359 happened when that first flashbang went
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00340-00075360-00075694 off that bright light and loud noise
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00341-00075695-00075982 scp-4263
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00342-00075983-00076255 because of the greed and vice of one man
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00343-00076256-00076494 as well as our own inattentiveness the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00344-00076495-00076671 life of an innocent young woman was
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00345-00076672-00076935 ruined even more than it already was
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00346-00076936-00077135 i do not expect we will ever be able to
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00347-00077136-00077343 separate danton and kaufman
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00348-00077344-00077511 more than likely they will serve as a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00349-00077512-00077687 cautionary tale for the rest of their
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00350-00077688-00077935 natural lives and who really knows how
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00351-00077936-00078150 long that will be
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00352-00078151-00078471 lucius danton was a cancer but hardly a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00353-00078472-00078750 unique one there are doubtless many more
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00354-00078751-00078926 men and women just like him in the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00355-00078927-00079167 foundation waiting to spread throughout
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00356-00079168-00079343 our organization and poison all that
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00357-00079344-00079447 they touch
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00358-00079448-00079750 and it is our duty as always to pluck
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00359-00079751-00080038 them from the meat and cast them away i
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00360-00080039-00080279 ask that you never forget that
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00361-00080280-00080487 the foundation keeps the world on the
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00362-00080488-00080623 right path
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00363-00080624-00080991 we keep the foundation on the right path
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00364-00080992-00081111 secure
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00365-00081112-00081231 contain
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00366-00081232-00082199 protect
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00367-00082200-00082375 thank you guys so much for watching and
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00368-00082376-00082623 a huge thank you to all of my patrons on
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00369-00082624-00082894 patreon special shout out to my level 4
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00370-00082895-00083215 patrons lesbi friends alexis is a great
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00371-00083216-00083503 scrub versiv everborn and totally not a
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00372-00083504-00083750 femboy and a huge thank you to my level
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00373-00083751-00084103 5 patron doomsday llc prince and design
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00374-00084104-00084238 if you would like to see your name at
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00375-00084239-00084479 the end of my videos see my videos early
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00376-00084480-00084655 and get some other cool perks head on
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00377-00084656-00084950 over to patreon.com dr maxwell link in
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00378-00084951-00085524 the description
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00379-00085525-00085743 [Music]
ZpdmOi4zhh4-00380-00085744-00085951 you
ZpedoxLTR5A-00000-00000081-00001491 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00001-00001492-00001784 do
ZpedoxLTR5A-00002-00001785-00003239 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00003-00003240-00004074 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00004-00004075-00006096 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00005-00006097-00008168 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00006-00008169-00009839 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00007-00009840-00011283 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00008-00011284-00011567 do
ZpedoxLTR5A-00009-00011568-00013502 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00010-00013503-00014399 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00011-00014400-00015236 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00012-00015237-00017961 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00013-00017962-00019447 [Music]
ZpedoxLTR5A-00014-00019448-00019656 you
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00000-00000014-00000413 accomplished I can see the summit
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00001-00000413-00000611 I didn't expect us to be this close
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00002-00000612-00000857 behind me is the best look at these
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00003-00000858-00001108 views is this even real
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00004-00001109-00001319 I don't want to leave this is unlike
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00005-00001320-00001504 anything that I've ever experienced good
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00006-00001505-00001691 morning everybody I hope you're doing
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00007-00001692-00001901 well if you're new here my name is
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00008-00001902-00002081 Habiba I'm a full-time Adventure
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00009-00002082-00002255 traveler and this is my YouTube channel
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00010-00002256-00002387 tracking Pals where I share my
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00011-00002388-00002525 Adventures traveling around the world
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00012-00002526-00002729 today I am in the beautiful Village of
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00013-00002730-00002963 imlil in the outskirts of Marrakech and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00014-00002964-00003149 the reason I'm out here is to climb
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00015-00003150-00003419 Mount turkal it's the highest peak in
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00016-00003420-00003586 Morocco and the high speak in North
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00017-00003588-00003785 Africa and the Arab world and it's been
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00018-00003786-00003995 on my bucket list for as long as I can
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00019-00003996-00004204 remember and I'm so excited that I'm
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00020-00004205-00004391 finally out here to give it a try but
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00021-00004392-00004541 before our Adventure Starts I want to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00022-00004542-00004811 show you the view out of my balcony from
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00023-00004812-00004972 the guest house where I'm staying which
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00024-00004973-00005170 I will give you a tour of later on in
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00025-00005171-00005417 this video but first this view the view
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00026-00005418-00005668 out of the balcony is amazing look at
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00027-00005669-00005927 all the mountains the valley The
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00028-00005928-00006359 Villages snow up top so many trees I was
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00029-00006360-00006509 told that most of these trees are either
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00030-00006509-00006875 pecan trees cherries or apples I tried
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00031-00006876-00007078 some pecans yesterday and I have to be
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00032-00007079-00007259 honest probably one of the best that
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00033-00007259-00007427 I've ever had I was just told that
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00034-00007428-00007570 breakfast is ready so I'm gonna head
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00035-00007572-00007841 upstairs to fuel up before we start our
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00036-00007842-00008207 adventure for the day let's go
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00037-00008208-00008423 I have to see how much of this food I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00038-00008424-00008795 can fit in this breakfast is great oh my
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00039-00008796-00009203 gosh it's my favorite it's got tea and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00040-00009204-00009264 um
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00041-00009265-00009478 if you guys haven't had them cinnamon
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00042-00009479-00009713 before it's such a popular traditional
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00043-00009714-00010001 Moroccan flat bread so good I usually
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00044-00010002-00010301 eat it with the cheese and honey
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00045-00010302-00010969 today probably be cheese and jam
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00046-00010970-00011224 we started our adventure from the small
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00047-00011225-00011501 village of Music Emily surrounded by
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00048-00011502-00011717 many small villages with houses carved
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00049-00011718-00011974 into the mountain an incredible sight as
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00050-00011975-00012292 we make our way to the trailhead
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00051-00012293-00012581 we've been hiking for a bit now and we
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00052-00012582-00012808 just got to the sign of the national
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00053-00012809-00013157 park earlier on the trail we had to go
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00054-00013158-00013372 through the security checkpoint so you
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00055-00013373-00013643 have to show up with your ID and you
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00056-00013644-00013799 must have a guide with you since the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00057-00013800-00013961 incident that happened a few years ago
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00058-00013962-00014236 so we had that done and we've been
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00059-00014237-00014441 trekking through these beautiful views
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00060-00014441-00014686 it's spectacular the weather is great
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00061-00014687-00014975 and couldn't be happier
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00062-00014976-00015275 we've been hiking for quite a bit now
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00063-00015276-00015580 and I think we're getting close to our
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00064-00015581-00015719 next rest stop
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00065-00015719-00015880 what I'm liking so far about this Trail
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00066-00015881-00015983 is that
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00067-00015984-00016133 there are
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00068-00016134-00016421 many points to add many points on the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00069-00016422-00016600 trail where you can stop to grab
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00070-00016601-00016885 some snacks I was told that there's even
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00071-00016886-00017236 Rock and mint tea and orange juice on
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00072-00017237-00017435 the trail which I'm very very excited
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00073-00017436-00017650 about so I'm hoping that this next stop
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00074-00017651-00018167 will be the one
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00075-00018168-00019199 there's orange juice
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00076-00019200-00019380 I said that's what I was talking about
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00077-00019381-00019691 uh there's a vendor right here
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00078-00019692-00019925 you can grab a drink or snacks
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00079-00019926-00020069 and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00080-00020070-00020375 I can hear a waterfall all the way out
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00081-00020376-00020579 but I'm sure that we will see it as we
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00082-00020580-00020794 advance on the trail if you see it's
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00083-00020795-00021041 right there over here
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00084-00021042-00021250 and we're also sharing the trail with a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00085-00021251-00021508 bunch of people this morning
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00086-00021509-00022135 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00087-00022136-00022427 we're getting close to our next
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00088-00022428-00022739 checkpoint shamharush there are so many
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00089-00022740-00023050 vendors right there this site is pretty
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00090-00023051-00023321 popular even for people just taking day
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00091-00023322-00023555 hikes to get to shamharush but there are
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00092-00023556-00023753 also a lot of beautiful waterfalls and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00093-00023754-00024011 it's a good spot where you can refill on
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00094-00024012-00024208 water one thing that I've been enjoying
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00095-00024209-00024389 about this hike is that we don't have to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00096-00024390-00024635 pack a lot of water and even my guide he
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00097-00024636-00024917 told me that you know just to avoid a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00098-00024918-00025163 lot of waste I can just hike with half a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00099-00025164-00025349 bottle because there's a lot of water
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00100-00025350-00025612 throughout the way and you can refill
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00101-00025613-00025852 whenever you need to but that's the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00102-00025854-00026093 waterfall
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00103-00026094-00026285 right there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00104-00026286-00026585 Sony we've been also coming across a lot
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00105-00026586-00026740 of mules
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00106-00026741-00027089 taking provision to The Refuge or
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00107-00027089-00027340 helping people pack their luggage all
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00108-00027341-00027557 the way up to the Refuge this is
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00109-00027558-00027808 actually not my first time at this site
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00110-00027810-00028067 because I've been to Emily before and I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00111-00028068-00028240 made my way to shamharuch but that was
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00112-00028241-00028505 it I was part of a school trip a long
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00113-00028506-00028820 while back but I'm happy to be back
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00114-00028820-00029802 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00115-00029804-00030077 we came all the way there we passed
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00116-00030077-00030208 shamharuch
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00117-00030210-00030461 and look at these views for some reason
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00118-00030462-00030785 they remind me of Arizona just the rock
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00119-00030786-00030952 formations and all
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00120-00030954-00031157 I mean I'm not surprised it's still the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00121-00031158-00031474 desert and here's another
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00122-00031475-00031643 point where you can stop if you want to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00123-00031644-00031774 grab a drink
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00124-00031775-00031996 or a bite to eat there are so many of
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00125-00031997-00032129 them which makes this site pretty
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00126-00032130-00032231 convenient
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00127-00032232-00032573 we're taking a short break at this rest
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00128-00032574-00032945 stop just like the ones before you can
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00129-00032946-00033185 grab some drinks if you'd like but I'm
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00130-00033186-00033365 really loving the view from here you can
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00131-00033366-00033635 see the whole waterfall that I showed
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00132-00033636-00033874 you guys earlier the views are so epic
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00133-00033875-00034127 and as we're making our way up all I'm
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00134-00034128-00034331 thinking about is that I need more time
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00135-00034332-00034523 out here it's just not enough you don't
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00136-00034524-00034757 get enough of how incredible these views
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00137-00034758-00035009 are
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00138-00035010-00035279 we've been trekking for a bit now I just
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00139-00035280-00035477 consulted my map on all Trails which I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00140-00035478-00035687 was very happy to find and I think we're
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00141-00035688-00036005 a little bit past halfway elevation wise
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00142-00036006-00036221 I think we are a little bit shy away
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00143-00036222-00036557 from 9 000 feet 9000 feet which is not
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00144-00036558-00036809 dead I mean overall the trail pretty
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00145-00036810-00037067 easy to follow well maintained there are
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00146-00037068-00037307 some sections with the a lot of loose
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00147-00037308-00037583 rocks but it's manageable and as always
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00148-00037584-00037739 I'm finding the tracking tools to be
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00149-00037740-00037973 super helpful I'm trekking up the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00150-00037974-00038135 mountain over two days but there are a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00151-00038136-00038345 lot of people who take three four days
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00152-00038346-00038518 if you have more days you can spend them
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00153-00038519-00038843 here and they just Camp right there to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00154-00038844-00038999 have lunch and it looks like a really
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00155-00039000-00039305 really cool spot down there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00156-00039306-00039545 in case you have more days to spare
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00157-00039546-00039845 the the views here are Sony's so many
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00158-00039846-00040139 waterfalls this is amazing the landscape
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00159-00040140-00040330 is pretty different up here since we
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00160-00040331-00040601 left champagne the last set of trees we
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00161-00040602-00040835 saw were the Spanish junipers
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00162-00040836-00041062 but the climate is so arid right here
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00163-00041063-00041230 it's difficult for trees to grow and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00164-00041231-00041452 Thrive but there are a bunch of shrubs
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00165-00041453-00041657 and some dry vegetation it makes for
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00166-00041658-00041927 great vegetation for goats there are a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00167-00041928-00042052 bunch of goats right here like few
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00168-00042053-00042268 families in the village army they have
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00169-00042269-00042640 hers of 200 300 they just graze here all
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00170-00042641-00042809 day long and I was told that their
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00171-00042810-00043018 stable is up there in the mountain where
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00172-00043019-00043246 they spend the night but
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00173-00043247-00043468 I need to continue on
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00174-00043469-00043762 uh I'm keeping a consistent Pace not too
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00175-00043763-00044158 slow not too fast but I can't wait to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00176-00044159-00044429 get to the refusion
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00177-00044430-00044668 maybe enjoy some mint tea along the way
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00178-00044669-00044921 I'll be a fun treat
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00179-00044922-00045118 we can see some snow on the Peaks over
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00180-00045119-00045196 there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00181-00045197-00045365 but that's not
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00182-00045366-00045790 quite the peak yeah the same is a bit
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00183-00045791-00045977 behind it
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00184-00045978-00046193 oh boy
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00185-00046194-00046361 let's tip
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00186-00046362-00046679 we just stopped for a lunch break by a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00187-00046680-00046937 small waterfall here and just like usual
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00188-00046938-00047158 I feel like
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00189-00047159-00047399 it's become unusual for me when I get to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00190-00047400-00047687 10 000 feet it just gets hard for me to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00191-00047688-00047980 consume any food but I forced myself to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00192-00047981-00048185 have some snacks and some bread
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00193-00048186-00048490 and but what I like the most are the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00194-00048491-00048658 pecans
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00195-00048659-00048917 walnuts they're actually walnuts and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00196-00048918-00049111 these walnuts are from
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00197-00049112-00049402 emilil the trees that I showed you guys
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00198-00049403-00049637 earlier in the video these were
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00199-00049638-00049865 harvested not too long ago
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00200-00049866-00050207 and prepared for our Trek today and I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00201-00050208-00050435 absolutely love them but this is the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00202-00050436-00050789 view got all the mountains and in a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00203-00050790-00050974 little bit here we will continue on to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00204-00050975-00051173 make our way to the Refuge
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00205-00051174-00051485 they have a lot of markers on the way
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00206-00051486-00051688 to help guide you up
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00207-00051689-00051869 and they look like
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00208-00051870-00052096 the Indonesian flag
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00209-00052097-00052390 I see Indonesia everywhere I go if you
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00210-00052391-00052529 are finding my channel for the first
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00211-00052529-00052841 time I do actually have a group trip to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00212-00052841-00053021 Indonesia to the beautiful island of
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00213-00053022-00053303 Bali and it's taking place from May 7th
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00214-00053304-00053663 to May 14th of 2023 so if you would like
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00215-00053664-00054066 to join me for eight days of adventuring
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00216-00054067-00054425 hiking swimming snorkeling enjoying the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00217-00054426-00054611 cuisine the Balinese Cuisine and the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00218-00054612-00054887 culture be sure to check the link in my
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00219-00054888-00055097 description box I will also leave it in
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00220-00055098-00055349 the first comments and join me for an
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00221-00055350-00055504 adventure of a lifetime in a beautiful
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00222-00055505-00055679 island of Valley can't wait to see you
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00223-00055679-00055780 guys
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00224-00055782-00056032 we're getting pretty close to the Refuge
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00225-00056033-00056359 I cannot wait
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00226-00056360-00056561 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00227-00056562-00056730 right there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00228-00056732-00057307 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00229-00057308-00057641 I just made it to the Refuge and I'm
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00230-00057641-00057899 already welcomed by some mint tea here
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00231-00057900-00058091 in sopal there are two refuges the one
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00232-00058091-00058276 behind me right here is by the French
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00233-00058277-00058492 Alpine Club that's where I'm going to be
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00234-00058494-00058691 staying for tonight and then right
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00235-00058691-00058944 behind me right there is another Refuge
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00236-00058945-00059297 Refuge long so two options that you have
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00237-00059298-00059488 to choose from and towards the end of
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00238-00059489-00059597 the video I'm going to share more
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00239-00059598-00059788 details about the reservation process
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00240-00059789-00059963 and how you can make your reservation
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00241-00059964-00060100 online before showing up in here
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00242-00060101-00060292 otherwise your guide can walk you
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00243-00060294-00060503 through how that works but the view from
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00244-00060504-00060821 here base camp is just so incredible and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00245-00060822-00061138 this tea is such a treat so happy to be
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00246-00061139-00061230 here
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00247-00061232-00061499 this is the Terrace
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00248-00061500-00061732 a bunch of people hanging out
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00249-00061733-00062230 for some drinks
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00250-00062232-00062380 and then
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00251-00062382-00062647 that's going to take me up to come on
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00252-00062648-00063316 bed for the night
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00253-00063317-00063563 these are the dorms these dorms are
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00254-00063564-00063773 mixed but you know they're decent they
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00255-00063774-00064013 do the job usually people would either
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00256-00064014-00064241 bring their own sleeping bags or they
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00257-00064241-00064504 can give you blankets I asked for two
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00258-00064505-00064642 blankets because I know that it's going
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00259-00064644-00064949 to get pretty chilly during the night
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00260-00064950-00065530 and this is the view from the window
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00261-00065532-00065735 I was there earlier
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00262-00065736-00065938 I'm gonna make my way
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00263-00065939-00066203 it's another one
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00264-00066204-00066400 and that's
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00265-00066401-00066532 my bag
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00266-00066533-00066761 and right outside
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00267-00066762-00067055 of the room which is right there is the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00268-00067056-00067270 Terrace oh my gosh this view is epic
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00269-00067271-00067831 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00270-00067832-00068056 I just can't believe that this is even
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00271-00068057-00068261 real I think this mountain range the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00272-00068262-00068447 Atlas mountain range is unlike any
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00273-00068448-00068656 mountain range that I've ever seen I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00274-00068657-00068861 mean every mountain is beautiful in its
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00275-00068862-00069106 own way but this is this is epic even
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00276-00069107-00069353 when I compare it to Kilimanjaro it was
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00277-00069354-00069538 a freestanding Mountain so there isn't
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00278-00069539-00069821 really a range around it so you see one
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00279-00069822-00070103 mountain standing up there but here so
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00280-00070104-00070294 many high peaks so many mountains to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00281-00070295-00070600 snow The Villages this is this is
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00282-00070601-00070811 incredible this is unlike anything that
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00283-00070812-00070973 I've ever experienced so I'm gonna make
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00284-00070974-00071249 my way up to see the waterfall and see
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00285-00071250-00071423 what it's look like from up top
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00286-00071424-00071681 let's go mind you I'm tracking in my
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00287-00071682-00071921 sandals because as we checked in asked
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00288-00071922-00072167 us to remove our hiking shoes
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00289-00072168-00072341 understandable because they're pretty
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00290-00072342-00072467 dirty
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00291-00072468-00072803 um they gave me a sandals so just gonna
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00292-00072804-00072953 go in and hope to not
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00293-00072954-00073379 flip signs for the falles so you got to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00294-00073380-00073517 be careful up here
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00295-00073518-00073732 really not that far
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00296-00073733-00073931 so pretty
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00297-00073932-00074181 it's right there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00298-00074182-00075229 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00299-00075230-00075443 so beautiful
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00300-00075444-00075887 oh my gosh I can't stop marveling at the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00301-00075888-00076103 beauty of the landscape here these
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00302-00076104-00076325 mountains are captivating they're taking
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00303-00076326-00076576 my breath away and I'm sure if you make
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00304-00076577-00076829 your way up here they will take your
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00305-00076830-00077188 breath away as well
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00306-00077189-00077465 we left the Refuge at 4 30 am for the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00307-00077466-00077717 summit push this morning we are climbing
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00308-00077718-00077999 3000 feet up to the peak it was pretty
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00309-00078000-00078161 cold with snow on the trail that
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00310-00078162-00078490 required concentration and focus
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00311-00078491-00078709 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00312-00078710-00079150 we're taking a little break me and my
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00313-00079151-00079391 guide to having it he's been so
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00314-00079392-00079643 incredible and patient with me but we're
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00315-00079644-00079919 taking our break here before the last
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00316-00079920-00080194 push to the summit I was I wasn't taking
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00317-00080195-00080417 any ideas on the way up a little bit
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00318-00080418-00080675 exposed there's no Chrome phones are
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00319-00080676-00080861 necessary or at least micro spikes I'm
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00320-00080862-00081088 wearing microspikes actually but the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00321-00081089-00081367 views are so spectacular
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00322-00081368-00081641 altitude sickness is getting the best
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00323-00081642-00081881 out of me
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00324-00081882-00082079 um I had some stomach issues before I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00325-00082080-00082223 left California so it's been a little
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00326-00082224-00082511 bit hard but I'm not feeling
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00327-00082512-00082679 you know I'm not feeling awful so I'm
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00328-00082680-00082919 just gonna take it slowly you can see
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00329-00082920-00083243 the lights is out views are incredible
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00330-00083244-00083405 to be honest with you I had to throw up
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00331-00083406-00083659 which happened before at this elevation
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00332-00083660-00083950 but uh not feeling awful though I'm just
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00333-00083951-00084082 gonna drink some water and continue
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00334-00084083-00084312 pushing
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00335-00084313-00084529 right there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00336-00084530-00084850 I've got this beautiful sunrise
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00337-00084851-00085895 foreign
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00338-00085896-00086485 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00339-00086486-00086717 I've never seen anything like this this
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00340-00086718-00087100 is amazing
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00341-00087101-00087431 Ambush this is the last push
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00342-00087432-00087641 I have a feeling that we have less than
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00343-00087642-00088012 500 feet to climb maybe 400 feet
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00344-00088013-00089111 we were definitely past 4 000 meters
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00345-00089112-00089399 we just passed a section right there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00346-00089400-00089662 that was pretty exposed it got me
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00347-00089663-00089837 nervous
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00348-00089838-00090094 but my guy just told me that it gets
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00349-00090095-00090485 worse with more snow it's really exposed
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00350-00090486-00090694 oh
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00351-00090695-00091121 oh my gosh okay this is this is epic oh
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00352-00091122-00091541 my gosh I could see the summit
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00353-00091542-00091805 I didn't expect us to be this close
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00354-00091806-00092147 oh my goodness oh it looks so bright and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00355-00092148-00093259 nice with the sunrise
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00356-00093260-00093767 just made it to the summit of Mount this
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00357-00093768-00093976 is the highest peak in Morocco the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00358-00093977-00094175 highest in the Arab world and North
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00359-00094176-00094421 Africa this is such a dream come true
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00360-00094422-00094588 I've been waiting for this moment for a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00361-00094589-00094697 long time
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00362-00094698-00095111 finally made it it's a beast but it's
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00363-00095112-00095375 worth every effort this is incredible
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00364-00095376-00095656 and the views behind me of the Atlas
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00365-00095657-00095956 Mountains Ranger are epic to say the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00366-00095957-00096082 least
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00367-00096083-00096213 this is so special
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00368-00096214-00096992 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00369-00096993-00097235 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00370-00097236-00097487 we're starting to make our way down from
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00371-00097488-00097679 the mountain I don't think we're going
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00372-00097680-00097900 down the same way we're going up that's
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00373-00097901-00098075 my thought but
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00374-00098076-00098381 look at these views I I just
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00375-00098382-00098573 I just wish I could spend more time up
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00376-00098574-00098879 here but we need to make our way down to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00377-00098880-00099125 the Refuge I have to focus because there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00378-00099126-00099293 is snow and there are sections that are
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00379-00099294-00099473 a little bit tricky but I will film
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00380-00099474-00099696 whenever I have a chance to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00381-00099697-00100091 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00382-00100092-00100300 this is the trail where we will be going
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00383-00100301-00100426 down on
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00384-00100427-00100756 Lots easier than the other one
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00385-00100757-00100937 we still have to focus but it's a lot
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00386-00100938-00101321 better so far this is another trail that
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00387-00101322-00101447 takes you up to a different mountain
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00388-00101448-00101705 called ifribin yeah you can see the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00389-00101706-00102112 trail down there and the Somewhere Out
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00390-00102113-00102329 There the wreckage of
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00391-00102330-00102497 I don't know if it's an airplane or
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00392-00102498-00102689 helicopter that fell down
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00393-00102690-00102934 years ago so if you make your way up
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00394-00102935-00103186 there you will see the wreckage of the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00395-00103188-00103444 airplane right there but we're just
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00396-00103445-00103613 continuing on
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00397-00103614-00103816 these views are Epic
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00398-00103817-00104015 I don't know how to describe it better
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00399-00104016-00104104 but
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00400-00104105-00104423 this is what we get to to enjoy for the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00401-00104424-00104692 rest of this track but uh
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00402-00104693-00104873 this Trail is definitely better than
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00403-00104874-00105107 earlier like it is still exposed
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00404-00105108-00105365 but just some concentration and a little
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00405-00105366-00105658 bit of scrambling to make your way down
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00406-00105659-00105851 we'll see Hamid
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00407-00105852-00106673 I'll see him see Henry is the best
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00408-00106674-00107573 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00409-00107574-00107771 my neck is getting sore from looking up
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00410-00107772-00107921 and marveling at the beauty of this
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00411-00107922-00108113 mountain range
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00412-00108114-00108304 so wonderful
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00413-00108305-00108489 I don't want to leave
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00414-00108490-00108790 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00415-00108791-00109108 this is the view of everything that we
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00416-00109109-00109390 scaled earlier I couldn't film earlier
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00417-00109391-00109690 and it was dark but literally made our
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00418-00109691-00109984 way
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00419-00109985-00110201 through these crazy snow fields
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00420-00110202-00110399 and it's not even the depth of winter
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00421-00110400-00110669 this is November beginning of November I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00422-00110670-00110915 can only imagine how it is late in
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00423-00110916-00111071 winter
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00424-00111072-00111240 it's crazy
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00425-00111241-00111604 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00426-00111605-00111940 to The Refuge I can see it from up here
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00427-00111941-00112133 all I can think about right now is fresh
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00428-00112133-00112283 meat
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00429-00112283-00112589 it's right there that's my guide
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00430-00112590-00112745 that's few people over there with the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00431-00112746-00112925 refugees all the way there there's still
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00432-00112926-00113093 snow like this field is a little bit
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00433-00113094-00113357 tricky it's like you don't really have
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00434-00113358-00113590 to wear micro spikes right here but then
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00435-00113591-00113693 at the same time you have to be super
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00436-00113694-00113854 careful so
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00437-00113855-00114136 that's super hard for you what's now
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00438-00114138-00114358 my guide is the nicest whenever he sees
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00439-00114359-00114575 a field or a section with a lot of snow
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00440-00114576-00114904 and ice he sprinkles some rocks just to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00441-00114905-00115228 help the martial kind of grip to it I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00442-00115229-00115439 think it's so sweet right there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00443-00115440-00115852 sprinkled rocks
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00444-00115853-00116219 we finally made our way back to the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00445-00116220-00116525 Refuge it was an incredible day there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00446-00116526-00116699 are a few climbers still making their
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00447-00116700-00116801 way down
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00448-00116802-00117028 but we are here the adventure is not
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00449-00117029-00117281 done yet I'm having some Moroccan meat
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00450-00117282-00117473 tea I'm gonna take a break I need to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00451-00117474-00117701 grab my bag because I left it here and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00452-00117702-00117845 then we're going to head down and make
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00453-00117846-00118121 our way back to emilil but check this
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00454-00118122-00118451 view out
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00455-00118452-00118751 so cool this particular section of the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00456-00118752-00119008 trail I feel as if I'm in Alaska
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00457-00119009-00119290 truthfully one one of the hikes that we
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00458-00119291-00119525 took up in Alaska this feels amazing
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00459-00119526-00119758 like it's giving me an Alaska feel there
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00460-00119759-00119939 are still a bunch of hikers still making
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00461-00119940-00120149 their way up the mountain
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00462-00120150-00120365 probably to Summit tomorrow you're
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00463-00120366-00120581 probably just gonna say at The Refuge
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00464-00120582-00120886 but the trail is not extremely busy
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00465-00120888-00121036 especially this time of the year but
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00466-00121038-00121252 we've been coming across a bunch of
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00467-00121253-00121433 other hikers which is neat and mules
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00468-00121433-00121654 mules are doing such a tremendous job
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00469-00121655-00121925 transporting provision to The Refuge so
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00470-00121926-00122069 that they can make food for people but
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00471-00122070-00122284 also transporting luggage like some
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00472-00122285-00122434 people would spend more than one night
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00473-00122435-00122728 up in the Refuge so they transport their
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00474-00122729-00122843 stuff as well
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00475-00122844-00123083 but I can't get over
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00476-00123083-00123293 this wonderful View
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00477-00123294-00123648 it's spectacular
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00478-00123649-00124763 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00479-00124764-00125039 when I was trekking up the other day
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00480-00125040-00125266 audience appreciate the beauty of the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00481-00125267-00125423 landscape especially in this section
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00482-00125424-00125627 because you know how sometimes when
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00483-00125628-00125813 you're going up and it's a steep incline
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00484-00125814-00126149 you don't really turn back to sea but
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00485-00126150-00126377 this is your reminder if you are hiking
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00486-00126378-00126539 whether you're going up or down just
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00487-00126540-00126731 take a moment to appreciate the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00488-00126732-00126947 landscape in front of you it's just a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00489-00126948-00127193 humbling experience to see that we are
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00490-00127194-00127408 part of something that's really big like
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00491-00127409-00127660 these mountains are are huge and we're
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00492-00127661-00127804 so tiny in front of the mountains like
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00493-00127805-00128015 this but at the same time we play an
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00494-00128016-00128236 important role in the ecosystem
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00495-00128238-00130193 just humbling
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00496-00130194-00131008 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00497-00131009-00131273 so Hamid is not done with me apparently
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00498-00131274-00131459 we're gonna climb some more
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00499-00131460-00131723 this time for an epic View
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00500-00131724-00132080 which I'm very fine with
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00501-00132081-00133501 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00502-00133502-00133949 I just made it finally to my room and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00503-00133950-00134111 I'm so excited I can't wait to just go
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00504-00134112-00134357 clean up grab something to eat oh some
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00505-00134358-00134699 minty again but I will see you guys
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00506-00134700-00134993 tomorrow for a guest house tour this is
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00507-00134994-00135089 more
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00508-00135090-00135545 good morning from email it's 9 48 and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00509-00135546-00135731 I'm still in bed I just feel like I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00510-00135732-00135911 don't want to leave I don't want to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00511-00135912-00136109 leave bed because I'm sorry from the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00512-00136110-00136366 past two days but also I'm not ready to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00513-00136367-00136607 leave Emily and leave this beautiful
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00514-00136608-00136877 Village it's so wonderful I feel like
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00515-00136878-00137111 over the past three days I only
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00516-00137112-00137399 scratched the surface there's so much to
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00517-00137400-00137675 see and do in here the people in the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00518-00137676-00137939 village are so incredibly kind and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00519-00137940-00138275 generous yesterday before my guide left
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00520-00138276-00138431 he brought me
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00521-00138432-00138701 a big bag of walnuts for my parents
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00522-00138702-00138911 because I'm leaving Emilio to make my
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00523-00138912-00139114 way to Safi where my parents are say
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00524-00139115-00139439 goodbye and then leave Morocco but that
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00525-00139440-00139721 gesture melted my heart completely and
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00526-00139722-00139997 I've honestly been feeling at peace here
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00527-00139998-00140237 I think it's about time right now I have
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00528-00140238-00140645 to get up and pack up tidy up the room
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00529-00140646-00140993 going to film a quick tour of the guest
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00530-00140994-00141227 house like I promised I'm going to have
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00531-00141228-00141461 breakfast and then I will hit the road
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00532-00141462-00142554 again
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00533-00142555-00143014 thank you this is the inside of my room
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00534-00143015-00143285 it's three beds so two over there are
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00535-00143286-00143651 the queen and then one and I'm loving
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00536-00143652-00143825 the colors
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00537-00143826-00144035 in the ceiling oh my gosh it's so
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00538-00144036-00144293 beautiful this is the room simplistic
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00539-00144294-00144652 room very colorful there's a TV that
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00540-00144653-00144833 wasn't actually working because they had
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00541-00144834-00145127 a storm in the past few days so a lot of
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00542-00145128-00145343 things were not functioning perfectly
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00543-00145344-00145721 but this is the door I love the design
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00544-00145722-00146087 so pretty and this is
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00545-00146088-00146614 the bathroom warm water and all
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00546-00146615-00146807 shower I had yesterday was probably the
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00547-00146808-00147011 best shower in a very long time I love
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00548-00147012-00147359 the most is this wonderful View
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00549-00147360-00147766 on the balcony is this even real there's
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00550-00147767-00148066 a mosque right there so I was here in
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00551-00148067-00148254 the culture prayer
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00552-00148255-00148511 every day
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00553-00148512-00148871 lush green trees
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00554-00148872-00149183 and from this side some of the houses
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00555-00149184-00149381 from this Village
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00556-00149382-00149645 and waking up to do this view was such a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00557-00149646-00149927 treat so that's for the room
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00558-00149928-00150149 gonna head upstairs for some breakfast
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00559-00150150-00150485 now let's go the rooms are named after
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00560-00150486-00150737 the mountains in this mountain range I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00561-00150738-00150952 think this is Ed some of them are not
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00562-00150953-00151114 actually in Arabic like a lot of people
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00563-00151115-00151343 who live here they don't speak Arabic I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00564-00151344-00151457 mean they don't speak Arabic but they
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00565-00151458-00151690 speak they speak speak mainly amazing
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00566-00151691-00151913 this is
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00567-00151914-00152123 and this is cheesy so these are
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00568-00152124-00152219 mountains
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00569-00152220-00152513 in the high Atlas
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00570-00152514-00152789 this is the house
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00571-00152790-00153209 beautiful carpets all over the place
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00572-00153210-00153454 I'm gonna go upstairs
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00573-00153455-00153707 and this is the room
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00574-00153708-00154019 where I would usually have breakfast or
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00575-00154020-00154151 dinner
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00576-00154152-00154378 look at these colors
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00577-00154379-00154607 oh my gosh
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00578-00154608-00154840 so pretty
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00579-00154841-00155351 and this is the view
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00580-00155352-00155573 from the window
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00581-00155574-00155754 look at that
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00582-00155755-00156281 and this is the Terrace
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00583-00156282-00156754 I had tea when I arrived the other day
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00584-00156755-00157031 and look at this look at this look at
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00585-00157032-00157325 this
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00586-00157326-00157845 so so beautiful
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00587-00157846-00158149 [Music]
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00588-00158150-00158452 I just left the village and I will leave
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00589-00158453-00158704 you with this incredible view just walk
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00590-00158705-00159107 in my way to Emilio to the center grab a
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00591-00159108-00159335 taxi and make my way to Safi thank you
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00592-00159336-00159604 so much for watching this adventure I
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00593-00159605-00159797 will have more videos about preparing
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00594-00159798-00160061 and packing for tukkal if it's an
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00595-00160062-00160223 adventure that you are interested in so
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00596-00160224-00160397 stay tuned for those videos my name is
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00597-00160398-00160589 Habiba this is tracking Pals I will see
ZObsRTQvO1Y-00598-00160590-00160952 you soon on a new adventure
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00000-00000448-00000920 [Music]
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00001-00000921-00001368 no it is Monday the 25th of May 20 20
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00002-00001369-00001478 just after 1 o'clock
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00003-00001479-00001737 welcome to UK column news your host
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00004-00001738-00001905 today Mike Roberts and myself Brian
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00005-00001905-00002081 darish and we're delighted to be joined
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00006-00002082-00002327 by David Scott and of course David
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00007-00002328-00002553 bringing us Northern Exposure from north
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00008-00002554-00002847 of the border well here we are locked
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00009-00002848-00003245 down still house arrest living clearly
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00010-00003246-00003395 not in a dictatorship
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00011-00003396-00003744 well we it's hard to say no we're gonna
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00012-00003745-00003920 start off by talking about Dominic
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00013-00003921-00004241 Dominic Cummings I suppose and well
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00014-00004242-00004463 David let's bring it straight onto the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00015-00004464-00004709 program with this image which has been
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00016-00004710-00005004 doing the rounds of Twitter I think that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00017-00005005-00005345 sums it up not certainly for the moment
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00018-00005346-00005543 there many thanks to Darwin of Plymouth
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00019-00005544-00005770 the Twitter account and I got this from
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00020-00005771-00006329 and he was pointing out that that the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00021-00006330-00006591 the toxic effects of the press are being
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00022-00006592-00007046 resisted by Dominic Cummings and there's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00023-00007047-00007214 many good things to be said about that I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00024-00007215-00007353 don't think mr. Cummings is over the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00025-00007354-00007473 woods yet I see he's having to make a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00026-00007473-00007713 statement this afternoon so we will see
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00027-00007714-00008079 what we will see but in the long
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00028-00008080-00008286 continuing saga of keeping the uncapable
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00029-00008287-00008420 rules
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00030-00008421-00008715 mr. Cummings is the latest to come under
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00031-00008716-00009014 political pressure for failing to do so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00032-00009015-00009345 absolutely so let's look at the toxic
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00033-00009346-00009567 press Brian yeah well there's quite a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00034-00009568-00009939 lot of it we've got here the Guardian of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00035-00009940-00010128 course saying Boris Johnson faces
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00036-00010129-00010383 renewed Tory pressure to say Dominic
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00037-00010384-00010620 Cummings but it isn't just Tory pressure
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00038-00010621-00010851 because it goes on and on this was just
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00039-00010852-00011160 some of the tweets that I looked at so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00040-00011161-00011388 we got Nicola Sturgeon here Simon Hall
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00041-00011389-00011826 MP Damian Collins on and on it goes but
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00042-00011827-00012066 a few minutes ago just before we came on
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00043-00012067-00012503 live this hit the screen the Guardian UK
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00044-00012504-00012852 coronavirus live Durham police asked to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00045-00012853-00013080 investigate Dominic Cummings movements
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00046-00013081-00013461 and so the police commissioner is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00047-00013462-00013715 actually asking the Chief Constable to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00048-00013716-00013968 investigate Dominic Cummings through his
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00049-00013969-00014247 trip up to his parents place in Durham
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00050-00014247-00014361 Durham
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00051-00014362-00014526 but of course he did actually go and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00052-00014527-00014865 visit elsewhere this was earlier in the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00053-00014866-00015225 year but bring you to this article which
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00054-00015226-00015447 is from the northern echo and it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00055-00015447-00015702 pointing out that GlaxoSmithKline has
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00056-00015703-00015930 got its headquarters in Bernard Castle
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00057-00015931-00016152 we're up in the Durham middles for a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00058-00016153-00016431 sort of area and what's the significance
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00059-00016432-00016725 of this well this is just the place that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00060-00016726-00017067 mr. Cummings happened to go to we're not
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00061-00017068-00017286 saying he went to Glaxo because this is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00062-00017287-00017571 not known but it's rather strange that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00063-00017572-00017703 he went to this particular location
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00064-00017704-00018066 unless he was breaking locked down in
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00065-00018067-00018282 order to go to one of the National Trust
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00066-00018283-00018573 properties at Bernard castle well indeed
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00067-00018574-00018900 Bernard castle itself we need to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00068-00018901-00019179 remember that Dominic Cummings has been
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00069-00019180-00019401 participating in the secret sage
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00070-00019402-00019512 meetings
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00071-00019513-00019844 this was an old Telegraph article before
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00072-00019845-00020193 we knew who sat on the sage board but
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00073-00020194-00020346 apparently the government doesn't want
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00074-00020347-00020556 to say why Dominic Cummings was at
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00075-00020557-00020865 Bernard castle now was he there because
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00076-00020866-00021087 there was a deal done between glaxo
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00077-00021088-00021411 smithkline and Sanofi because they're
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00078-00021412-00021699 going to work in in do some work in the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00079-00021700-00022104 cove in nineteen vaccine field so was he
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00080-00022105-00022317 there to help that along or did he just
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00081-00022318-00022491 break the rules together at the castle
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00082-00022492-00022734 with his family we don't know but it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00083-00022735-00022965 worth asking and we just like to point
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00084-00022966-00023175 out the Craig Murray he was under a lot
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00085-00023176-00023427 of pressure at the moment also thinks
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00086-00023428-00023604 there's a lot of questions to be asked
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00087-00023605-00023985 about why mr. Cummings was that far
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00088-00023986-00024222 north so David I don't know whether you
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00089-00024223-00024381 just like to comment on that very
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00090-00024382-00024681 briefly but so who is this spin doctor
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00091-00024682-00024897 what does he actually do in government I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00092-00024898-00025065 think he's very important because my
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00093-00025066-00025290 personal opinion is that he's helping
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00094-00025291-00025593 the government repurpose itself and they
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00095-00025594-00025818 don't want to lose him but maybe he's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00096-00025819-00026169 just a magician well this is the thing
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00097-00026170-00026418 we do it know we don't actually know too
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00098-00026419-00026586 much about them we don't know really
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00099-00026587-00026765 what his role in government is with no
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00100-00026766-00027131 idea how much influence he has or hasn't
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00101-00027132-00027381 it's maybe a bit unwise for Nicola
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00102-00027382-00027636 Sturgeon to be picking a fight with him
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00103-00027637-00027687 and calling
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00104-00027688-00027882 his resignation public like that because
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00105-00027883-00028152 if he doesn't go I don't know maybe he's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00106-00028152-00028392 the vindictive type we don't know and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00107-00028393-00028554 this is the thing about our government
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00108-00028555-00028864 know more and more we know nothing
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00109-00028866-00029232 absolutely no let's move on to project
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00110-00029233-00029600 OSS and this is public technology dotnet
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00111-00029601-00029919 talking about project where's this NH
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00112-00029920-00030117 escalates dinner from symptom tracker
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00113-00030118-00030402 apps now we've heard a lot about contact
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00114-00030402-00030693 tracing and so on but we haven't really
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00115-00030694-00030825 heard too much in the mainstream press
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00116-00030826-00031161 about symptom trackers so any project
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00117-00031162-00031497 Oasis says that it will only work with
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00118-00031498-00031713 apps quote that have been assessed in
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00119-00031714-00031923 the NHS digital health technology
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00120-00031924-00032097 standard or against the digital
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00121-00032098-00032307 assessment questionnaire so this is all
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00122-00032308-00032649 about symptom tracking so at the time
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00123-00032650-00032793 right at this moment
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00124-00032794-00033180 NHS X and J hub are working together
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00125-00033181-00033519 with with the following provider so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00126-00033520-00033659 let's just have a look at the min
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00127-00033660-00034038 providers here we've got agitated link
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00128-00034039-00034442 c19 connected cognition Korona help UK
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00129-00034443-00034788 evergreen life let's beat covert 19
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00130-00034789-00035301 track together your MD and Zoe and so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00131-00035302-00035526 the USS project collects data from all
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00132-00035527-00035793 these third-party app providers and that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00133-00035794-00036072 helps the NHS responds to the covert 19
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00134-00036073-00036369 at pandemic apparently and as I say this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00135-00036370-00036624 project has been established between NHS
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00136-00036625-00036834 X and J hub will come on the j hub in a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00137-00036835-00037098 second during these this pandemic
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00138-00037099-00037353 third-party data collectors these group
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00139-00037354-00037578 on screen at the moment I've been
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00140-00037579-00037710 collecting data through apps and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00141-00037711-00037992 websites and these apps encourage people
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00142-00037993-00038388 to submit symptoms and basic demographic
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00143-00038389-00038736 data so all this data this basic
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00144-00038737-00039087 demographic data heads off to J hub this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00145-00039088-00039240 is advantage through innovation
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00146-00039241-00039426 apparently it's really exciting we come
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00147-00039427-00039519 on to that in a second
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00148-00039520-00039933 and J hub then basically sanitizers or
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00149-00039934-00040146 cleans up that data to make sure that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00150-00040147-00040431 there's no personally identifiable
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00151-00040432-00040871 information being passed on to NHS X so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00152-00040872-00041035 at NHS X gets a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00153-00041036-00041335 because it's clean and it's fine and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00154-00041336-00041565 that allows NHS acts to claim that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00155-00041566-00041767 Project Aware sisters absolutely
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00156-00041768-00041935 compliant with the Data Protection Act
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00157-00041936-00042162 you don't have to worry about it in any
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00158-00042163-00042537 way she reformed so J hub right at the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00159-00042538-00042802 center of this well what is J hub let's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00160-00042803-00043014 just have a look at their little video
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00161-00043015-00043408 here and they are what's the Ministry of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00162-00043409-00043735 Defense well we should be reassured and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00163-00043736-00043965 it's the innovation unit for Joint
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00164-00043966-00044251 Forces Command so that's what that is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00165-00044252-00044524 their six focus areas are artificial
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00166-00044525-00044790 intelligence autonomy data analytics
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00167-00044791-00045139 simulation behavioral sciences and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00168-00045140-00045437 blocked in and they fund and accelerate
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00169-00045438-00045921 pilot projects that they sponsor and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00170-00045922-00046068 they say that if there's a good balance
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00171-00046069-00046189 between user need technical
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00172-00046190-00046414 technological feasibility and balanced
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00173-00046415-00046645 visibility then their targets time to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00174-00046646-00046914 pilot is 30 working days so this is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00175-00046915-00047208 fantastic stuff but there's a fairly big
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00176-00047209-00047518 question here the data coming from these
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00177-00047519-00047724 organizations that are collecting
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00178-00047725-00047974 symptoms data is going to the Ministry
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00179-00047975-00048235 of Defense for processing so let's just
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00180-00048236-00048493 put this back on screen again goes to J
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00181-00048494-00048696 hub Ministry of Defence for processing
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00182-00048697-00048930 and once the personally identified was
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00183-00048931-00049099 the risen and there is an acknowledgment
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00184-00049100-00049251 that there is personally identifiable
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00185-00049252-00049561 information in amongst this dinner once
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00186-00049562-00049815 that's been removed it goes to NHS X and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00187-00049816-00050099 NHS X can claim dinner protection is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00188-00050100-00050412 perfectly in hand no problem there my
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00189-00050413-00050707 question is where as the unsanitized
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00190-00050708-00050986 data going is it going to GCHQ is it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00191-00050987-00051327 going to mi5 mi6 77 brigade is it going
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00192-00051328-00051627 to 77 begin we don't know the point here
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00193-00051628-00051945 is J hub Ministry of Defence right at
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00194-00051946-00052155 the centre of this so what we're saying
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00195-00052157-00052354 here is the fusion doctor in an action
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00196-00052354-00052569 once again we've been using this term
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00197-00052570-00052755 fusion doctrine quite a lot over the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00198-00052757-00053011 last months and years and it's really
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00199-00053012-00053163 important that people understand what
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00200-00053164-00053388 this represents and what it means so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00201-00053389-00053584 let's have a quick definition of this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00202-00053585-00053734 the fusion doctor and this came from the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00203-00053735-00054015 national security capability review and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00204-00054016-00054363 2018 building a culture of calm
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00205-00054364-00054579 across departments requires requires
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00206-00054580-00054754 improved accountability to shift
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00207-00054754-00054991 incentives and behaviors towards a more
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00208-00054991-00055141 genuinely whole-of-government approach
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00209-00055141-00055465 as David Ellis said on from Wednesday's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00210-00055466-00055704 program last week what this means is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00211-00055705-00056031 military civilian police security
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00212-00056032-00056325 services government departments NHS
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00213-00056326-00056610 charities all working together on a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00214-00056611-00056766 common purpose brawn
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00215-00056767-00057004 and the common purpose is suppression of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00216-00057004-00057178 the ordinary man and woman in the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00217-00057179-00057403 streets we are the enemy now of which
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00218-00057404-00057732 this huge surveillance organization um I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00219-00057733-00058003 got to say the culture of common purpose
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00220-00058004-00058234 those words common purpose are there
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00221-00058235-00058536 because this is common purpose doctrine
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00222-00058537-00058759 this is bringing everything together and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00223-00058760-00059043 it's certainly intending to shift
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00224-00059044-00059268 incentives and behaviors because that's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00225-00059269-00059568 what the common purpose of acting beyond
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00226-00059569-00059815 Authority was about absolutely but of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00227-00059816-00059959 course what we're talking about here
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00228-00059960-00060117 with covert 19 is a complete
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00229-00060118-00060369 restructuring in how we are governed and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00230-00060370-00060559 this is the model that's being used
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00231-00060560-00060774 everything brought together so let's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00232-00060775-00060993 bring Alex younger on screen of course
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00233-00060994-00061228 the chief Secret Intelligence Service
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00234-00061229-00061401 and he's the chief of the Secret
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00235-00061402-00061662 Intelligence Service mi6 in the UK we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00236-00061663-00061840 call this fusion doctrine and involves
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00237-00061841-00062067 drawing together all our national
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00238-00062068-00062341 capabilities so this is the Oasis
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00239-00062341-00062699 project Brian and David this represents
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00240-00062700-00063024 an expression of fusion doctrine but I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00241-00063025-00063385 was asking myself what if we're talking
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00242-00063386-00063543 about Ministry of Defence here what is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00243-00063544-00063843 OSS so I had a look at the government's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00244-00063844-00064191 definition of voices and this was one
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00245-00064192-00064341 which I thought was particularly
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00246-00064341-00064605 suitable under the circumstances Oasis
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00247-00064606-00064824 it means operational applications of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00248-00064825-00065173 special intelligence systems and David
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00249-00065174-00065503 that sums it up to me this represents
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00250-00065504-00065754 another degree of spying on the general
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00251-00065755-00066223 public yes and it's part of our hybrid
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00252-00066224-00066510 warfare capability the ability to spy
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00253-00066511-00066681 and manipulate and change your own
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00254-00066682-00067091 public has been seen as a weapon of war
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00255-00067092-00067461 against the various vets that fall below
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00256-00067462-00067674 the level of actual coin
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00257-00067675-00067942 everything's that everything's no part
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00258-00067943-00068191 of warfare Russia's been painted it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00259-00068192-00068371 about five guy conventionally but if
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00260-00068372-00068554 they wouldn't do someone else will be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00261-00068555-00068641 used instead
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00262-00068642-00068953 and everything is weaponized including
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00263-00068954-00069307 your medical information yeah I mean the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00264-00069308-00069538 Ministry of Defense handling your
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00265-00069539-00069790 personal medical information it's got to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00266-00069791-00069961 be a classy there was enough problems
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00267-00069962-00070363 with NHS digital allowing material to go
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00268-00070364-00070615 to foreign companies with all of the the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00269-00070616-00070846 tag data personal tag data is still
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00270-00070847-00071080 attached and now we're to be reassured
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00271-00071081-00071329 because well if we say the Ministry of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00272-00071330-00071488 Defence I don't think it's going to go
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00273-00071489-00071629 to Mort it's going to go to an
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00274-00071630-00071932 organization like 77 brigade that's why
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00275-00071933-00072328 they were set up so of course we're not
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00276-00072329-00072508 going to get fully out of lockdown we're
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00277-00072509-00072754 told until there's some kind of vaccine
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00278-00072755-00073120 or cure for covert 19 so let's bring on
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00279-00073121-00073354 professor Adrian he'll he was speaking
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00280-00073355-00073537 to The Telegraph reported and many other
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00281-00073538-00073777 media outlets but I just thought this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00282-00073778-00074038 quote was so spectacular that that it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00283-00074039-00074167 needed to be discussed here
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00284-00074168-00074353 because what did he tell the Telegraph
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00285-00074354-00074569 he said it's a race against the virus
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00286-00074570-00074785 disappearing and against time we said
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00287-00074786-00074926 earlier in the year that was an eighty
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00288-00074927-00075154 percent chance of developing an
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00289-00075155-00075541 effective vaccine by September and he
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00290-00075542-00075796 went on to say but in at the moment
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00291-00075797-00076033 there's 50 percent chance we'll get no
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00292-00076034-00076228 result at all we're in the bizarre
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00293-00076229-00076441 position of wanting covert to stay at
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00294-00076442-00076639 least for a little while so he's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00295-00076640-00076837 basically saying that the virus is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00296-00076838-00077128 drifting away disappearing of its own
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00297-00077129-00077514 accord effectively most of our medical
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00298-00077515-00077755 advisers believe that we have reached
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00299-00077756-00077953 herd immunity already
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00300-00077954-00078189 therefore it's disappearing but it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00301-00078190-00078436 disappearing too fast for these guys to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00302-00078437-00078796 develop a vaccine from so you know it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00303-00078797-00078997 very difficult to test a vaccine if
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00304-00078998-00079171 you've got nobody to test it on yeah and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00305-00079172-00079417 so on so well this is quite an
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00306-00079418-00079618 incredible situation David where the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00307-00079619-00079888 medicals are actually demanding covert
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00308-00079889-00080191 to stick around because otherwise they
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00309-00080192-00080656 can't compulsorily vaccinate us all if
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00310-00080657-00081008 it wasn't for the compulsory
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00311-00081009-00081239 host arrests that were all under it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00312-00081240-00081548 would be the funniest thing of the year
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00313-00081549-00081803 that he actually said that he actually
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00314-00081804-00082061 said oh and or were not good to be able
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00315-00082062-00082223 to develop a vaccine because the virus
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00316-00082224-00082799 is going to go away oh dear AHA yeah did
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00317-00082800-00083123 it maybe maybe it was it was caught mine
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00318-00083124-00083552 maybe he's not as lacking an insight as
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00319-00083553-00083845 that but it was a very funny piece
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00320-00083846-00084086 absolutely and it gets better because
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00321-00084087-00084176 this morning
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00322-00084177-00084497 Stephen Riker from spy Bay now if you
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00323-00084498-00084755 remember a few a couple of weeks ago we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00324-00084756-00085004 were talking about the this subgroup of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00325-00085005-00085345 sage which is all about behavioral
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00326-00085346-00085568 psychology and so on and applied
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00327-00085569-00085826 behavioral psychology and they had been
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00328-00085827-00086030 given advice to the to the government if
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00329-00086031-00086186 you remember well he was tweeting this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00330-00086187-00086389 out this morning about Boris's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00331-00086390-00086702 livestream from last night as one of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00332-00086703-00086891 those involved in spy be the government
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00333-00086892-00087074 advisory group on behavioral science I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00334-00087075-00087260 can say that in a few short minutes
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00335-00087261-00087467 tonight Boris Johnson has trashed all
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00336-00087468-00087689 the advice we have given on how to build
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00337-00087690-00087908 trust and secure coherence to the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00338-00087909-00088160 measures necessary to control covert 19
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00339-00088161-00088601 and he said to be to be open and almost
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00340-00088602-00088886 we said trashed respect the public we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00341-00088887-00089171 said trashed ensure equity so everyone
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00342-00089172-00089405 is treated the same we said trashed be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00343-00089406-00089723 consistent we said trashed make clear
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00344-00089724-00089963 we're all in it together trashed well
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00345-00089964-00090149 are these the things that spy be said
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00346-00090150-00090338 because I don't think they are if I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00347-00090339-00090623 remember reading the document Brian
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00348-00090624-00090941 Spivey said that a substantial number of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00349-00090942-00091121 people still do not feel sufficiently
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00350-00091122-00091322 personally threatened the perceived
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00351-00091323-00091553 level of personal threat needs to be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00352-00091554-00091721 increased amongst those who are
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00353-00091722-00091970 complacent using hard-hitting emotional
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00354-00091971-00092246 med messaging and he they were arguing
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00355-00092247-00092483 for the media to be used in order to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00356-00092484-00092738 increase levels of personal threat in
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00357-00092739-00092948 order to create social disapproval
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00358-00092949-00093326 amongst communities to increase the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00359-00093327-00093641 sense of responsibility to others so I'm
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00360-00093642-00093803 not certain that there's too much about
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00361-00093804-00094031 being open and honest a respect of the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00362-00094032-00094181 public going on
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00363-00094182-00094331 and what they actually published in
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00364-00094332-00094544 their document Brian well I have to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00365-00094545-00094739 agree with that because we we put out
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00366-00094740-00094979 that information exposing that initially
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00367-00094980-00095183 but of course part of the problem is all
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00368-00095184-00095408 of these discussions are carried out in
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00369-00095409-00095702 secret behind closed doors the public
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00370-00095703-00095918 has no idea what was and wasn't
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00371-00095919-00096131 discussed and you could say it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00372-00096132-00096386 possible that maybe somebody did use
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00373-00096387-00096584 some of these phrases but clearly the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00374-00096585-00096863 government hasn't acted acted on it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00375-00096864-00097133 we're now in a dictatorship it's a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00376-00097134-00097373 secret state decision to make behind
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00377-00097374-00097619 closed doors and we have put under house
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00378-00097620-00097973 arrest in UK boy as you would say David
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00379-00097974-00098195 a government of occupation these people
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00380-00098196-00098438 are getting very very dangerous but we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00381-00098439-00098594 don't need to worry Brian because good
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00382-00098595-00098891 news spy B is going to be publishing an
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00383-00098892-00099113 e-book initially and then it'll become a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00384-00099114-00099401 hardcopy book together a part the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00385-00099402-00099779 psychology of covert 19 so Steven Riker
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00386-00099780-00099932 tweeting out today this morning we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00387-00099933-00100142 submitted the manuscript of her book on
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00388-00100143-00100385 the psychology of covert 19 it will be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00389-00100386-00100553 available in a few weeks first as a free
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00390-00100554-00100769 ebook and then as hardcopy
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00391-00100770-00100928 we explained the importance of under
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00392-00100929-00101192 mass under estimating and harnessing
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00393-00101193-00101465 group psychology in dealing with the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00394-00101466-00101795 pandemic as understand we explain the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00395-00101796-00102056 importance of understanding right yes
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00396-00102057-00102149 indeed
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00397-00102150-00102460 so David group psychology that's that's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00398-00102461-00102701 another aspect of our future governance
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00399-00102702-00103055 oh yes yes group psychology and fear and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00400-00103056-00103294 just to come back briefly to a fuse
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00401-00103295-00103598 infusion doctrine this is Sir John
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00402-00103599-00103796 Elvis's Scottish model of government
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00403-00103797-00103976 applied to the halls of you keep we are
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00404-00103977-00104075 the testing ground
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00405-00104076-00104242 Scottish model model of government or
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00406-00104243-00104552 smog was the removal of departmental
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00407-00104553-00104773 boundaries as functional features and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00408-00104774-00104999 joined up government to the ultimate
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00409-00105000-00105230 degree and even so John Elvidge now
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00410-00105231-00105518 himself is recognizing that this is this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00411-00105519-00105835 essentially has drastic unintentional
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00412-00105836-00106094 consequences in Scotland it's it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00413-00106095-00106304 transformed a third sector from a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00414-00106305-00106481 charitable sector to an extension of the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00415-00106482-00106718 state to an extension of us of a spying
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00416-00106719-00106925 operation on the people and a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00417-00106926-00107134 psychological operation on the people to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00418-00107135-00107378 rule out government policy which if
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00419-00107379-00107567 properly explained would have been
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00420-00107568-00107990 unpopular it essentially it corrodes and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00421-00107991-00108221 degrades everything it touches it's a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00422-00108222-00108535 very very dangerous policy very
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00423-00108536-00108725 dangerous but luckily there are a few
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00424-00108726-00108965 people awake have a look at this UK
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00425-00108966-00109186 civil service tweet which of course has
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00426-00109188-00109333 been removed pretty quickly
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00427-00109334-00109631 it says arrogance and offensive can you
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00428-00109632-00109880 imagine having to work with these truth
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00429-00109881-00110189 twisters this was put up after Sunday
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00430-00110190-00110708 some government report on Co vid the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00431-00110708-00110894 Cabinet Office came back and said an
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00432-00110895-00111116 unauthorized tweet was posted on a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00433-00111117-00111371 government Channel this evening the post
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00434-00111372-00111583 has been removed and we are
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00435-00111584-00111839 investigating the matter and I think the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00436-00111840-00112088 key question is the we who is that we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00437-00112089-00112316 you would say David it's a government of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00438-00112317-00112516 occupation and I would agree with you
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00439-00112517-00112775 who is actually running Britain's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00440-00112776-00112991 government of occupation well that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00441-00112992-00113270 brings us back into the Dominic Cummings
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00442-00113271-00113536 and the the rest of the cabal said WA
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00443-00113538-00113879 and said well indeed yeah but where are
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00444-00113880-00114227 we going and the subject is bubbles now
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00445-00114228-00114449 bubbles have been talked about in quite
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00446-00114450-00114680 a few articles we've got one here from
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00447-00114681-00114917 The Guardian a while back it was also
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00448-00114918-00115233 discussed on LBC radio many other places
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00449-00115234-00115529 here's the Daily Mail Britain's could
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00450-00115530-00115786 finally see their grandparents family or
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00451-00115788-00116006 friends and weddings could be back on
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00452-00116007-00116288 under bubble socializing that could
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00453-00116289-00116434 start from next month
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00454-00116435-00116729 so we're now being told that the next
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00455-00116730-00116996 step is abnormality it's certainly not
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00456-00116997-00117259 normality of any kind and it's going to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00457-00117260-00117484 be done with bubbles now we got
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00458-00117485-00117695 interested in what the press was and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00459-00117696-00117938 wasn't saying I've put up a big block of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00460-00117939-00118127 text here about social and family
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00461-00118128-00118435 contacts and what interested me was that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00462-00118436-00118667 so although sage gets a mentioned in
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00463-00118668-00118928 this part of the article it's also
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00464-00118929-00119192 referring to the New Zealand model of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00465-00119193-00119396 household bubbles let's have a look at
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00466-00119397-00119645 that this could be based on the New
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00467-00119646-00119849 Zealand model of household bubbles where
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00468-00119850-00120041 a single bubble is the people you live
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00469-00120042-00120283 with as in New Zealand the rationale
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00470-00120284-00120551 behind keeping household groups small is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00471-00120552-00120800 to limit the number of social contacts
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00472-00120801-00120833 peep
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00473-00120834-00121115 have and in particular to limit the risk
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00474-00121116-00121454 of inter household transmissions so it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00475-00121455-00121610 pretty clear that we're headed into
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00476-00121611-00121902 dangerous territory with this if we're
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00477-00121903-00122097 already under house arrest at the moment
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00478-00122098-00122315 it doesn't appear to be going to get
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00479-00122316-00122654 better so here's the Telegraph and this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00480-00122655-00122891 is much more recent this is the 24th of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00481-00122892-00123102 many greater social contact to be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00482-00123103-00123383 allowed Boris Johnson suggests the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00483-00123384-00123584 hinted easing of restrictions could
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00484-00123585-00123833 include meetings between more than two
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00485-00123834-00124040 households oh my goodness you've been
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00486-00124041-00124224 well behaved Mike you're gonna be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00487-00124225-00124539 allowed to visit other households well
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00488-00124540-00124835 maybe maybe not so this is a bit of the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00489-00124836-00125102 detail on it he said less draconian
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00490-00125103-00125411 measures which could include could
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00491-00125413-00125639 include more mixing between households
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00492-00125640-00126075 in the coming days and it's all part of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00493-00126076-00126297 the government's roadmap for lifting the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00494-00126298-00126513 lockdown and it raises the possibility
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00495-00126514-00126777 of bubbles of social contacts once
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00496-00126778-00127103 England moves to step two now you put up
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00497-00127104-00127449 that diagram a few days ago Mike and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00498-00127450-00127731 where are we at the moment if Boris made
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00499-00127732-00127902 it absolutely clear when he launched his
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00500-00127903-00128124 traffic light system that that DAF
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00501-00128125-00128298 defcon system whatever you want to call
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00502-00128299-00128601 it then we were at level four and that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00503-00128602-00128840 we were going to be moving towards level
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00504-00128841-00129075 three so it wasn't this one step at a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00505-00129076-00129308 time thing you move one step to level
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00506-00129309-00129458 three no there's multiple steps between
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00507-00129459-00129689 each of these levels so there was no
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00508-00129690-00130009 prospect of us moving towards level two
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00509-00130010-00130361 certainly two before the end of the year
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00510-00130363-00130551 before the end of the year and at the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00511-00130552-00130752 end of the year then we may be allowed
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00512-00130753-00130995 to operate in bubbles so freedom has
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00513-00130996-00131325 gone UK no longer a free nation in any
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00514-00131326-00131552 shape or form we can see it in front of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00515-00131553-00131733 our eyes but where are the bubbles
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00516-00131734-00131903 coming from this is where it gets
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00517-00131904-00132128 interesting so we'd like to introduce
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00518-00132129-00132468 you to mr. bubbles and here he is per
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00519-00132469-00132681 block and where does that bring us to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00520-00132682-00132822 Oxford University
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00521-00132823-00133071 well who's surprised about that and the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00522-00133072-00133328 Department of Sociology and this is an
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00523-00133329-00133602 extremely bright young man who's into
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00524-00133603-00133971 mathematical social modelling and he's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00525-00133972-00134139 been doing some very interesting
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00526-00134140-00134385 things as you will see let's look at him
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00527-00134386-00134631 a bit more closely he says it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00528-00134632-00134790 important to take a common-sense
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00529-00134791-00135069 approach that factors in the reality of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00530-00135070-00135444 human behavior that's encouraging a 10%
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00531-00135445-00135660 bubble could work just as well as New
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00532-00135661-00135915 Zealand's conservative version but only
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00533-00135916-00136253 if those people live otherwise fully
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00534-00136254-00136515 isolated lives so you're going to be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00535-00136516-00136725 allowed to see a few relatives in your
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00536-00136726-00136935 bubble but otherwise you're going to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00537-00136936-00137307 lead a fully isolated life and annoying
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00538-00137308-00137502 people to your network rather than one
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00539-00137503-00137730 or two increases the chances of someone
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00540-00137731-00137967 being contaminated at the store or
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00541-00137968-00138137 someone breaking the agreement and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00542-00138138-00138498 damaging the bubbles integrity but we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00543-00138499-00138639 can't develop a vaccine because the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00544-00138640-00138816 virus is disappearing too fast well
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00545-00138817-00139149 maybe not but we're in lockdown Mike and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00546-00139150-00139356 whether or not a vaccine comes this is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00547-00139357-00139512 indicating we're going to stay in
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00548-00139513-00139761 lockdown but what he said in the second
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00549-00139762-00140067 paragraph is that actually if there's a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00550-00140068-00140334 risk of somebody in your bubble group
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00551-00140335-00140613 being contaminated the bubble numbers
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00552-00140614-00140814 are going to get smaller and smaller and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00553-00140815-00141084 we have a medical expert who's saying if
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00554-00141085-00141333 you follow the mathematical modeling to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00555-00141334-00141591 its proper conclusion you're still not
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00556-00141592-00141810 going to be able to see anybody because
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00557-00141811-00142002 the greater the number of people in your
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00558-00142003-00142212 bubble the greater the chances that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00559-00142213-00142464 somebody's going to get the virus unless
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00560-00142465-00142731 as you say it's disappeared so what's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00561-00142732-00142932 this young man up to well he's been
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00562-00142933-00143175 working hard with other colleagues from
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00563-00143176-00143508 other national nation states in the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00564-00143509-00143787 sorts of research projects demographics
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00565-00143788-00144030 science aids in understanding the spread
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00566-00144031-00144405 and fertility rates of kovat 19 social
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00567-00144406-00144669 network based distancing strategies to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00568-00144670-00144933 flatten the Kovach 19 curve now that one
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00569-00144934-00145113 is the bubble work but there's plenty
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00570-00145114-00145389 more what we don't know at the moment is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00571-00145390-00145626 who's been paying for these studies so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00572-00145627-00145818 if any of our viewers and listeners can
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00573-00145819-00146070 help us with that who has been paying
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00574-00146071-00146382 Oxford University to do these studies
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00575-00146383-00146745 they will not have been cheap but who
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00576-00146746-00147027 was per block been working with well
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00577-00147028-00147192 these are some of his colleagues we've
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00578-00147193-00147473 got an Isabel J rape of the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00579-00147474-00147782 University of Zurich Marian Hoffman from
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00580-00147783-00148106 Zurich and Jennifer beamed out also the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00581-00148107-00148442 University of Oxford and this is part of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00582-00148443-00148895 the social distancing abstract I know
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00583-00148896-00149054 there's a lot of information there the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00584-00149055-00149237 only bit you really need to pick up from
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00585-00149238-00149465 it is it's talking about aiding
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00586-00149466-00149825 compliance in a post lockdown world so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00587-00149826-00150167 this is not about freedom this is about
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00588-00150168-00150404 abnormal practice in keeping people
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00589-00150405-00150734 locked up sorry compliance with what in
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00590-00150735-00150914 a post lockdown world they're going to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00591-00150915-00151133 be compliance compliance with the model
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00592-00151134-00151403 system right compliance to the bubble
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00593-00151404-00151670 system I see so the new normality is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00594-00151671-00151892 going to be bubbles which could be very
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00595-00151893-00152192 very small indeed and if you follow
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00596-00152193-00152414 these people through can we show that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00597-00152415-00152522 they're working with the British
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00598-00152523-00152744 government well we can his Isabel trap
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00599-00152745-00152990 and she says who would have thought that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00600-00152991-00153191 one day a piece of my work will be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00601-00153192-00153398 discussed in a briefing by the UK
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00602-00153399-00153713 Parliament and here is post UK
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00603-00153714-00154073 Parliament with the detail or details of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00604-00154074-00154322 the report which is proposing the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00605-00154323-00154691 long-term use of these bubble groups and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00606-00154692-00154937 if you look at that report itself
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00607-00154938-00155147 although this is going back to the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00608-00155148-00155426 beginning of May you can see that they
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00609-00155427-00155657 without any problem at all were
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00610-00155658-00155903 realizing that things were going to be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00611-00155904-00156218 abnormal until November at the latest so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00612-00156219-00156392 your comment about the end of the year
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00613-00156393-00156692 might fits the bill and if we have a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00614-00156693-00156956 look at the other lady that was
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00615-00156957-00157202 connected with this is Marian Hoffman
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00616-00157203-00157463 and she says today one of my certs
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00617-00157464-00157715 scientific works ended up on the front
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00618-00157716-00158036 page of CNN right next to the picture of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00619-00158037-00158387 Trump I'm both proud and very amused so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00620-00158388-00158576 this is about bubbles and social
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00621-00158577-00158762 distancing it's coming out of Oxford
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00622-00158763-00158987 University but apparently we're now
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00623-00158988-00159229 calling the Americans again about
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00624-00159230-00159542 denying them of Liberty on the basis of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00625-00159543-00159802 what takes place in Oxford University
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00626-00159803-00160228 but to be fair to this lady she also
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00627-00160229-00160562 retweeted this and what she was pointing
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00628-00160563-00160734 out is they'd also been
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00629-00160735-00160989 the mental health effects of long-term
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00630-00160990-00161343 lockdown and in the grass there it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00631-00161344-00161577 clearly showing major effects on
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00632-00161578-00161852 people's mental health and it referred
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00633-00161853-00162150 through to a much bigger study and I'm
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00634-00162151-00162339 sorry it's not very clear that was the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00635-00162340-00162609 best graphic I could get but this is a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00636-00162610-00162918 really big study of the dangers of not
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00637-00162919-00163185 only covered on the on the left in the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00638-00163186-00163440 blue purple cover of that that's the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00639-00163441-00163722 deaths but on the right in the orange at
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00640-00163723-00163940 the bottom of your screen you've got all
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00641-00163941-00164106 the adverse effects of lockdown
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00642-00164107-00164423 including depression anxiety stress
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00643-00164424-00164765 suicide and a massive increase in child
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00644-00164766-00165048 abuse which we hope to talk about this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00645-00165049-00165348 coming Wednesday so have the British
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00646-00165349-00165576 government been taking any notice of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00647-00165577-00165834 these warnings Mike I don't think so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00648-00165835-00166152 has the press and the BBC been warning
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00649-00166153-00166596 about the real effects of lockdown no so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00650-00166597-00166818 we've got the bizarre situation while
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00651-00166819-00167076 sage and the behavioural insights team
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00652-00167077-00167295 as you say have been ramping up the fear
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00653-00167296-00167733 of Kovac 19:00 we've got this Oxford
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00654-00167734-00167934 University Group warning about the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00655-00167935-00168329 dangers to mental health David I find it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00656-00168330-00168648 pretty difficult to believe that the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00657-00168649-00168815 government isn't paying attention to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00658-00168816-00169011 this stuff and and it becomes difficult
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00659-00169012-00169497 then to think any different than this is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00660-00169498-00169952 intentional it's paying attention to it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00661-00169953-00170177 because very large will it will be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00662-00170178-00170439 funding it it's putting it into people's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00663-00170440-00170714 is discussing it it cabinet meetings
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00664-00170715-00171021 well certainly paying attention now
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00665-00171022-00171411 here's the question nobody apart from
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00666-00171412-00171597 one or two outstanding people most of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00667-00171598-00171927 them Italian or New Zealanders nobody is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00668-00171928-00172050 actually standing up in the political
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00669-00172051-00172439 world and saying no this is nonsense the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00670-00172440-00172664 the the virus is over we need to be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00671-00172665-00172872 getting back to normal you are lying to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00672-00172873-00173112 us you are deceiving us and that's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00673-00173113-00173271 that's the message that needs to be put
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00674-00173272-00173493 forward now there's no hint of any of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00675-00173494-00173889 that coming forward in the in the in the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00676-00173890-00174057 rooms in which these
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00677-00174058-00174413 have been made and therefore we're just
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00678-00174414-00174914 getting intellectual cover for a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00679-00174915-00175088 decision that's being made for other
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00680-00175089-00175350 reasons this is intellectual cover for
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00681-00175351-00175745 the elite intellectual cover for a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00682-00175746-00175991 totalitarian state it needs the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00683-00175992-00176247 intellectual cover in order to persuade
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00684-00176248-00176653 the people to to consent to this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00685-00176654-00176856 absolutely well if it's not being
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00686-00176857-00177125 discussed by politics politicians then
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00687-00177126-00177282 there at least there is at least one
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00688-00177283-00177609 mainstream journalist attempting to blow
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00689-00177610-00177779 the whistle on this if you if you like
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00690-00177780-00178071 this is Peter Hitchens from The Mail on
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00691-00178072-00178277 Sunday and we'll never get out of this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00692-00178278-00178395 neither he's talking about the lockdown
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00693-00178396-00178662 it will go on forever and we will not be
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00694-00178663-00178901 Free People again he said I hid this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00695-00178902-00179085 word lockdown because it does not seem
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00696-00179086-00179303 to me to be fitting to describe free
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00697-00179304-00179591 people in a free country but we no
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00698-00179592-00179816 longer we are no longer such people or
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00699-00179817-00180026 such a country we've become muzzled
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00700-00180027-00180248 mouths less voiceless humiliated
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00701-00180249-00180519 regimented prisoners that's pretty
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00702-00180520-00180776 strong and I think absolutely on the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00703-00180777-00181107 money tourism absolutely on the money
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00704-00181108-00181304 the reason he objects to the world
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00705-00181305-00181577 lockdown is it is it comes from the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00706-00181578-00181773 United States penitentiary system and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00707-00181774-00182039 this is how you punish inmates if they
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00708-00182040-00182300 riot is you keep them in the individual
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00709-00182301-00182631 cells for very prolonged periods and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00710-00182632-00182927 that is exactly what is happening here
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00711-00182928-00183309 and by by the use of this world that he
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00712-00183310-00183638 sees that our nation our people have
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00713-00183639-00183822 been seen as inmates and our country has
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00714-00183823-00184028 been seen as a prison and that's why I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00715-00184029-00184233 am jex to the world but he's been forced
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00716-00184234-00184461 to he's been forced to admit that the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00717-00184462-00184737 world is appropriate course in Scotland
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00718-00184738-00184850 were getting a double dose because
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00719-00184851-00185078 Nicola Nicola Sturgeon is view is that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00720-00185079-00185331 Boris doesn't go far enough so we've got
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00721-00185332-00185639 our own work which is jock down and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00722-00185640-00185859 we're just getting everything that you
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00723-00185860-00186101 are getting and a little bit more recite
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00724-00186102-00186341 but Hitchens is quite right we have
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00725-00186342-00186614 become a nation of prisoners the the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00726-00186615-00186926 love of freedom the love of Liberty has
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00727-00186927-00187147 has been surrendered
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00728-00187148-00187666 almost worth out of what yep well last
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00729-00187667-00187871 week we were talking about Tobias our
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00730-00187872-00188215 would of course serving with released as
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00731-00188216-00188464 a reservist with 77 brigade while he's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00732-00188465-00188728 also the chairman of the defense Select
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00733-00188729-00188882 Committee which is supposed to provide
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00734-00188883-00189245 oversight on 77 brigades activities not
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00735-00189246-00189545 quite clear how that can be the case but
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00736-00189546-00189752 anyway yesterday he was tweeting their
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00737-00189753-00189998 side government is entering the most
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00738-00189999-00190252 complex fears of biggest emergency since
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00739-00190253-00190487 one world war two but the ship is being
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00740-00190488-00190673 blown off-course time for a formal
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00741-00190674-00190856 address from the captain offering firm
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00742-00190857-00191087 leadership command and control resolve
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00743-00191088-00191435 setbacks reunite collective resolve and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00744-00191436-00191732 rebuild mission focus what fascinated me
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00745-00191733-00192107 here David was he isn't saying that that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00746-00192108-00192347 the the pandemic is entering the most
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00747-00192348-00192553 complex phase of the biggest emergency
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00748-00192554-00192752 since World War two no he said
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00749-00192753-00192998 government is entering the most complex
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00750-00192999-00193264 phase of the biggest emergency since
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00751-00193265-00193535 World War two I think he's not referring
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00752-00193536-00193844 to coronavirus or covert 19 he's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00753-00193845-00194159 referring to the restructuring of our
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00754-00194160-00194479 governance and that this is the critical
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00755-00194480-00194758 fears if people don't get to grips with
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00756-00194759-00195028 what's going on with the restructuring
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00757-00195029-00195265 of government now and they leave it a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00758-00195266-00195427 bit longer it's gonna be too late
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00759-00195428-00195589 because fusion will have already
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00760-00195590-00195790 happened Mike that's the answer to that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00761-00195791-00195940 absolutely
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00762-00195941-00196262 David you see you see the difficulty is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00763-00196263-00196546 Gordon that was strange language
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00764-00196547-00196718 disjointed language you see the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00765-00196719-00196862 difficulty is God he's talking about
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00766-00196863-00197114 mission focus now if you're right and I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00767-00197115-00197338 think you are the missions secret
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00768-00197339-00197597 because the stated mission is protect us
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00769-00197598-00197791 all from nasty covert 19-the wuhan flow
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00770-00197792-00197957 is going to get you be afraid the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00771-00197958-00198289 official the official mission is to make
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00772-00198290-00198524 everyone safe and get out the other side
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00773-00198525-00198829 of this and the unofficial mission is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00774-00198830-00198971 something else that's why we're talking
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00775-00198972-00199220 about the new normal because the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00776-00199221-00199427 unofficial mission the real mission is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00777-00199428-00199832 to change society he can't say it so he
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00778-00199833-00200053 realizes that losing Direction the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00779-00200054-00200261 reason of the losing direction is the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00780-00200262-00200425 direction is secret
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00781-00200426-00200673 the direction did not speak its name
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00782-00200674-00200886 this is a problem
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00783-00200887-00201145 absolutely but perhaps what Brian's been
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00784-00201146-00201253 talking about bubbles
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00785-00201254-00201534 perhaps this gives us a clue as to how
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00786-00201535-00201840 one expression of the bubbles this is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00787-00201841-00202081 the San Francisco Chronicle circles in
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00788-00202082-00202288 the grass for San Francisco parks get
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00789-00202289-00202477 social distancing markings and we've got
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00790-00202478-00202716 people sitting in the the grass in a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00791-00202717-00202783 circle
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00792-00202784-00202936 clearly not allowed to leave the circle
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00793-00202937-00203166 divot just before you comment on this I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00794-00203167-00203389 just want to put this back on screen
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00795-00203390-00203551 again because of course this is from
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00796-00203552-00203778 Vanessa Bailey who was tweeting out last
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00797-00203779-00204031 week or the week before the the images
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00798-00204032-00204295 from French school yards of the the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00799-00204296-00204568 school kids in there well not circular
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00800-00204569-00205035 but square bubbles here where does this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00801-00205036-00205528 end up well it's pathetic
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00802-00205529-00205726 as lying on video said that we don't got
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00803-00205727-00206142 the the the shock from these San
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00804-00206144-00206701 Francisco parks it's also it's trying to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00805-00206702-00206946 control us in a way which is which is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00806-00206946-00207135 condescending I mean it's it's it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00807-00207136-00207325 treating us all like children treating
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00808-00207326-00207502 us all like children in a schoolyard and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00809-00207503-00207762 I just hope that if that has ever tried
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00810-00207763-00208038 in this country the people of Britain
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00811-00208039-00208576 just see no absolutely now I'm sitting
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00812-00208577-00208903 here Soylent because it is just
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00813-00208904-00209125 outrageous what's happening but clearly
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00814-00209126-00209302 we're no longer in the free country
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00815-00209303-00209463 that's for sure absolutely
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00816-00209464-00209673 now if you like what the UK column does
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00817-00209675-00209803 and you would like to support us then
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00818-00209804-00210042 please head over to UK calm dork forward
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00819-00210044-00210244 slash community there are options to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00820-00210244-00210621 help us ID there and well on Friday
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00821-00210623-00211048 Brian we mentioned David Noakes and the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00822-00211048-00211438 fact that he is in prison and well we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00823-00211439-00211681 forgot don't have the slider we'll put a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00824-00211682-00211903 slide up on Wednesday but I'll just read
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00825-00211904-00212340 this i david's prison number is a 7 0 it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00826-00212341-00212740 1d why that's alpha 7 0 it 1 Delta
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00827-00212741-00213159 Yankee and he will be in in extra
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00828-00213160-00213409 president so get the address for that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00829-00213410-00213667 online that's all we know yes just add
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00830-00213667-00213796 thank you very much to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00831-00213798-00214133 those about viewers and supporters who
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00832-00214134-00214460 sent us donations it's very kind some of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00833-00214461-00214677 you been very generous which is much
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00834-00214678-00214856 appreciated and also some interesting
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00835-00214857-00215367 gifts yes absolutely no David on Friday
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00836-00215367-00215619 we were talking about public debt and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00837-00215619-00215957 the economic situation at the moment The
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00838-00215958-00216216 Guardian here their headline a classic
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00839-00216217-00216366 the Bank of England needs to think the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00840-00216367-00216560 unthinkable to rescue the economy no
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00841-00216561-00216704 Friday we were talking about the fact
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00842-00216705-00217050 that government has now issued bonds
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00843-00217051-00217362 with negative interest rates a negative
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00844-00217363-00217638 yield attached the Bank of England as we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00845-00217639-00217844 mentioned at Friday up until the last
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00846-00217846-00218142 few days really has been denying that it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00847-00218142-00218357 was going to move into a proper negative
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00848-00218358-00218619 interest rate territory but it's looking
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00849-00218619-00218976 increasingly likely yes and I thought
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00850-00218977-00219305 this was the exception of the the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00851-00219306-00219629 professor lamenting the passing of the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00852-00219630-00219860 culvert 19 virus before he could get his
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00853-00219861-00220173 vaccine test is the funniest headline of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00854-00220173-00220367 the week think the unthinkable the bank
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00855-00220369-00220544 will have to think the unthinkable nor
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00856-00220546-00220800 its Guardian the bank will have to do
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00857-00220801-00221084 the undoable in order to recover from
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00858-00221085-00221364 this mess the the land Falls our
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00859-00221365-00221579 discussion about all the advantages of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00860-00221580-00221783 zero interest rates because it will save
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00861-00221784-00222032 the banks The Guardian is quite clear it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00862-00222033-00222192 will save the banks and it will
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00863-00222192-00222431 stimulate lots of borrowing for us all
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00864-00222432-00222542 we're good at bottle we're going to go
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00865-00222544-00222651 we're going to spend we're going to buy
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00866-00222652-00222785 some Jagger's and we're going to buy
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00867-00222786-00223079 some I don't know fridge freezers and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00868-00223080-00223401 and we'll save the economy by borrowing
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00869-00223402-00223716 money it doesn't exist and spending and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00870-00223717-00223883 with zero interest rates or negative
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00871-00223884-00224081 interest rates the more you spend the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00872-00224082-00224267 more you save so you'll you'll take out
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00873-00224269-00224435 a rule or not because you need one but
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00874-00224436-00224651 because you can't afford not to it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00875-00224652-00224994 mental it's it's it's economic insanity
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00876-00224994-00225194 and then they say well there might be a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00877-00225196-00225410 problem here because if you give people
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00878-00225411-00225666 negative interest rates why would they
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00879-00225667-00225758 save anything
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00880-00225759-00226007 yes Guardian that's a good question and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00881-00226008-00226221 of course people will respond rationally
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00882-00226221-00226389 and they will not save anything and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00883-00226390-00226610 what's the basis of recovering the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00884-00226611-00226863 economy is based on saving an investment
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00885-00226864-00227019 so we're going to kill we're going to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00886-00227019-00227133 kill saving an investment
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00887-00227134-00227328 and then we're going to wonder why
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00888-00227329-00227556 capitalism isn't solving the problem you
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00889-00227557-00227796 can just see it running out again we're
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00890-00227796-00228135 in for a 19:30 style depression and the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00891-00228136-00228258 Bank of England are going to lead us
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00892-00228259-00228516 there I agree with just about everything
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00893-00228517-00228671 you've said there David but of course
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00894-00228673-00228909 one of the impacts of social distancing
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00895-00228910-00229229 is that Shelburne becomes an utterly
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00896-00229230-00229509 unpleasant experience and the fact that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00897-00229510-00229680 you've got a queue for two yards just to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00898-00229681-00229965 get two feet forward in the queue it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00899-00229966-00230121 going to prevent people from actually
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00900-00230121-00230466 spending money in shops so what are we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00901-00230467-00230687 going to do with our money
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00902-00230688-00230919 well I think it's probably good if
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00903-00230919-00231258 you're if you're called Amazon I think
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00904-00231259-00231446 there are going to be certain certain
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00905-00231448-00231627 companies will do quite well
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00906-00231628-00231837 and there's a lot of delivery vans on
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00907-00231838-00232032 the road but yes you're quite right
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00908-00232033-00232342 shopping is a strange form of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00909-00232344-00232650 psychological torture these days yeah
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00910-00232651-00232898 absolutely right look let's let's move
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00911-00232900-00233196 on because we've we've only got a few
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00912-00233196-00233433 more minutes left stay home protect the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00913-00233434-00233771 NHS save lives this is traffic Scotland
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00914-00233771-00234173 traffic Scotland used to be they don't
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00915-00234175-00234375 have the new buzzwords and you the new
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00916-00234376-00234726 lines no that's that's it England we're
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00917-00234727-00234873 not having any of your fancy English
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00918-00234873-00235086 pubs in Scotland this is the actual
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00919-00235087-00235206 change this morning but up until this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00920-00235207-00235440 morning stay home protect the NHS we're
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00921-00235441-00235611 still the official line in Scotland and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00922-00235612-00235875 this is an organization that used to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00923-00235876-00236073 promote traffic reports and had a large
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00924-00236073-00236241 following online because if you wanted
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00925-00236242-00236475 to know where the traffic jams where you
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00926-00236476-00236642 could go and they would tell you and it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00927-00236644-00236865 was very useful and they're now putting
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00928-00236866-00237098 out government propaganda and the the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00929-00237100-00237269 piece of text which was on the screen
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00930-00237271-00237459 there is them asking people not to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00931-00237460-00237666 debate politics on the site because
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00932-00237667-00237819 they're non partisan and are not
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00933-00237819-00238044 political so that they're operating as a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00934-00238044-00238251 political mouthpiece and propaganda
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00935-00238252-00238455 agency and then complaining when the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00936-00238456-00238719 public answer them with political
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00937-00238719-00239034 comments and so they're toiling to find
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00938-00239035-00239232 a new role in the strange New Scotland
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00939-00239233-00239538 now on the subject of strange this next
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00940-00239539-00239892 one I want to warn viewers this one's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00941-00239892-00240032 quite creepy
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00942-00240033-00240334 that's what
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00943-00240335-00240746 the children of Scotland would like to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00944-00240747-00240892 say thank you
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00945-00240893-00241310 Jana : First Minister of Scotland we
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00946-00241311-00244097 also thank you for always thank you
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00947-00244098-00244433 David Haye STV news
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00948-00244434-00244938 welcome to North Korea that was STV news
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00949-00244939-00245426 put that out there are almost nor once
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00950-00245427-00245640 it was actually painful to watch that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00951-00245641-00245892 again I was cringing as you no doubt saw
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00952-00245892-00246218 it the North Korean link has not gone
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00953-00246219-00246557 unnoticed over it keeps coming up in the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00954-00246558-00247109 reports on this piece of video David
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00955-00247110-00247334 that once that is child abuse those
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00956-00247335-00247655 children have been groomed and used for
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00957-00247656-00247985 but blatant political purposes that's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00958-00247986-00248375 abuse yes absolutely it is abusing
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00959-00248376-00248525 children for political purposes yes
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00960-00248526-00248702 purporting green and to praise a Dear
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00961-00248703-00248993 Leader it is genuinely North Korean so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00962-00248994-00249371 he see The Times reporting STV clip
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00963-00249372-00249602 praising Snowden's compared to North
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00964-00249603-00249944 Korea and also we've got the Express and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00965-00249945-00250082 daily business it's actually going round
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00966-00250083-00250277 the world it's so bad it's it's like a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00967-00250278-00250508 lot of a things ASM Peter does actually
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00968-00250509-00250866 brings international ridicule Scotland's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00969-00250867-00251120 number one in something these days and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00970-00251121-00251549 again I Nicola Sturgeon look the video
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00971-00251550-00251882 moved after viewers compared to dictator
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00972-00251883-00252281 Kim Jung hoon or Kim Jung nip as she's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00973-00252282-00252465 now being called increasingly north of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00974-00252466-00252848 the border so I was just getting over
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00975-00252849-00253089 that when I came on the National the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00976-00253090-00253241 National was like crafted for Scottish
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00977-00253242-00253491 people is very very pricey and Pete and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00978-00253492-00253566 embarrassing the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00979-00253567-00253800 and this was what they are calling news
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00980-00253801-00254231 Nikolas doujins 21st birthday message
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00981-00254232-00254657 boosts our students our spirits and it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00982-00254658-00254858 goes on to say mom Margaret said Nikolas
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00983-00254859-00254954 positive ones
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00984-00254955-00255146 boosted spirits for the family who've
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00985-00255148-00255308 been disappointed to cancel Trustees
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00986-00255309-00255477 planned celebrations with family and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00987-00255478-00255888 friends so that this is this is the Dear
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00988-00255889-00256067 Leader reaching down to the ordinary
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00989-00256069-00256223 people the humble people like you and me
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00990-00256225-00256430 and enlightening someone's life
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00991-00256431-00256689 this is totalitarianism this is the Dear
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00992-00256690-00257009 Leader the cult of celebrity applied to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00993-00257010-00257429 politics this is North Korean okay let's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00994-00257430-00257715 move swiftly on to sex education and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00995-00257716-00257937 well tell them you were talking about
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00996-00257938-00258209 this last week to some degree yes I just
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00997-00258210-00258428 wanted to follow up on that I came
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00998-00258429-00258594 across this document this is the World
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-00999-00258594-00258731 Health Organization so it's the same
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01000-00258732-00258975 organization that's going to charter way
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01001-00258976-00259200 safely through the coop at 19-under
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01002-00259201-00259350 that we have to listen to it whose every
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01003-00259351-00259682 word is basically written on tablets of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01004-00259683-00259994 stolen this lot and produced ten years
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01005-00259996-00260142 ago and that's an immediate impact all
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01006-00260142-00260403 around Europe the the the standards for
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01007-00260404-00260660 sexuality education in Europe a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01008-00260661-00260960 framework for policy makers educational
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01009-00260961-00261228 and health authorities and specialists
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01010-00261229-00261523 and particularly they've got part two
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01011-00261525-00261867 called the sexuality education matrix
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01012-00261867-00262109 back to the matrix again and I've got a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01013-00262110-00262457 little extract here and I'll try and see
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01014-00262458-00262563 the Wobs because it's quite difficult
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01015-00262564-00262931 this is for children zero to four this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01016-00262932-00263142 is for zero to four year-olds under
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01017-00263143-00263523 sexuality the main topic is enjoyment
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01018-00263524-00263700 and pleasure when touching one's own
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01019-00263701-00263953 body early childhood masturbation
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01020-00263954-00264254 discovery of own body and own genitals
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01021-00264255-00264468 the fact that enjoyment of physical
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01022-00264469-00264618 coarseness is normal and part of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01023-00264619-00264840 everyone's life tenderness and physical
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01024-00264841-00265004 coarseness as an expression of love and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01025-00265005-00265272 affection is this not child grooming
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01026-00265273-00265572 zero to four this is what the World
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01027-00265573-00265749 Health Organization is putting out and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01028-00265750-00266099 and governments Scotland Ireland England
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01029-00266100-00266388 Germany for sure all around Europe
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01030-00266389-00266583 followed this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01031-00266584-00266740 this is why we're having our children
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01032-00266741-00266941 corrupted because the world could not
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01033-00266942-00267222 the World Health Organization says do it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01034-00267223-00267624 a no politician see yes sir David I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01035-00267625-00267892 think I think that is almost equivalent
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01036-00267893-00268232 to what was being suggested by pi
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01037-00268233-00268551 pedophile information exchange and pal
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01038-00268552-00268821 plea default action for Liberty which
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01039-00268822-00269043 was of course those policies were
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01040-00269044-00269274 supported by the Labor Party back in the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01041-00269275-00269566 day and exposed in the national press so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01042-00269567-00269730 these people haven't gone away they're
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01043-00269731-00269976 just trying to push this policy through
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01044-00269977-00270284 but another route all these years later
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01045-00270285-00270618 and then David Telegraph here reporting
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01046-00270619-00270988 that the SNP is considering asking rich
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01047-00270989-00271168 Scott's people to pay a million each for
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01048-00271169-00271543 a university bill right yes we are
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01049-00271544-00271789 we're now casting around desperately to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01050-00271790-00272058 find a solution to fight that the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01051-00272059-00272249 universities are grossly underfunded and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01052-00272250-00272505 the various promises made by the SNP
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01053-00272506-00272676 over the years can no longer be afforded
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01054-00272677-00272934 and the whole system which is an
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01055-00272935-00273159 enormous education bubble is collapsing
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01056-00273160-00273388 now none of the mainstream press county
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01057-00273389-00273621 of any decent analysis on this but one
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01058-00273622-00273831 of the blog's did this is lily of cently
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01059-00273832-00274056 notes also known as Fe Dean's and anyone
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01060-00274057-00274260 who knows Twitter might recognize that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01061-00274261-00274479 name she isn't in fact a Scottish
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01062-00274480-00274704 academic and she put a very good blog
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01063-00274705-00274915 entitled universities need to allow them
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01064-00274916-00275172 to survive corvid final paragraph of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01065-00275173-00275287 which I'll read and fill because it's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01066-00275288-00275553 excellent universities have been running
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01067-00275554-00275818 a Ponzi scheme we get ever more students
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01068-00275819-00275992 to pay ever more money for the degree
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01069-00275993-00276252 that is ever more useless in order that
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01070-00276253-00276477 we that ever more academics and others
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01071-00276478-00276669 can be employed the purpose of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01072-00276670-00276862 university has ceased to be education it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01073-00276863-00277095 has become maintaining ourselves in the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01074-00277096-00277218 comfort to which we've become accustomed
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01075-00277219-00277492 this model is known bankrupt and unless
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01076-00277493-00277816 we embrace change we will cease to exist
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01077-00277817-00278017 and that was I thought absolutely
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01078-00278018-00278235 perfect there was a clue earlier than a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01079-00278236-00278502 week that something was a mess and Alex
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01080-00278503-00278754 Salmond's had promised with a tablet of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01081-00278755-00279166 stone that he would never put fees on
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01082-00279167-00279418 university education and he is unveiling
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01083-00279419-00279689 the stone the rocks will melt and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01084-00279690-00279869 with the Sun before I allow attrition
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01085-00279870-00280027 fees to be imposed in Scotland students
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01086-00280028-00280255 that store had been put in a little
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01087-00280256-00280439 garden area it's had at what University
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01088-00280440-00280637 in Edinburgh and it's just been removed
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01089-00280638-00280991 and I think that's what we call a clue a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01090-00280992-00281209 clue to what well the Telegraph tells us
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01091-00281210-00281620 here SNP obstacles graduate charges
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01092-00281621-00281803 Scottish universities face coffered 19
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01093-00281804-00282049 funding crisis so we have problems at
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01094-00282050-00282338 all areas all levels of Scottish
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01095-00282339-00282532 education from the corruption of our
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01096-00282533-00282694 children from the very young to the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01097-00282695-00282962 failure the utter failure of university
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01098-00282963-00283129 system to provide anything that looks
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01099-00283130-00283381 like value for money and now to be able
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01100-00283382-00283745 to pay for the hugely inflated sector
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01101-00283746-00284155 value it has become yes right well just
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01102-00284156-00284320 a couple of things to end here then
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01103-00284321-00284575 earlier on David you said we you know
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01104-00284576-00284795 people were accepting locked on very
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01105-00284796-00285079 quietly not everyone not everyone there
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01106-00285080-00285328 is there are glimmers of hope and this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01107-00285329-00285697 is perhaps one such this is Central Park
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01108-00285698-00285992 and Plymouth and every single path into
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01109-00285993-00286190 Central Park carries this graffiti
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01110-00286191-00286531 saying Boris kills this of course
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01111-00286532-00286769 referring to the lockdown more than
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01112-00286770-00286981 anything else so we've got to take some
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01113-00286982-00287245 hope from that Bronco yeah the people
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01114-00287246-00287446 are seeing what's really going on and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01115-00287447-00287704 and they trying to speak out in the only
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01116-00287705-00287923 ways they've got available to them and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01117-00287924-00288293 you know as time goes on companies
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01118-00288294-00288601 provide us with the things that we need
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01119-00288602-00288818 in order to campaign and now this is
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01120-00288819-00289075 Australian company of course thanks to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01121-00289076-00289270 in Korean for this for this photograph
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01122-00289271-00289534 and this is a coffee club in Australia
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01123-00289535-00289729 and they've got a sign outside their
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01124-00289730-00289895 their shop they're saying show us your
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01125-00289896-00290104 app if you show us if you sure our staff
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01126-00290105-00290264 that you have downloaded the coverts if
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01127-00290265-00290543 up you can upgrade your coffee from for
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01128-00290544-00290782 free if we start seeing this thing in
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01129-00290783-00291163 the UK divot you know where work
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01130-00291164-00291349 corporations are taking it upon
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01131-00291350-00291654 themselves to try to police what we do
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01132-00291655-00291944 then really that gives us a perfect
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01133-00291945-00292210 campaign the organizers just like this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01134-00292211-00292541 need to be boy covered oh yes this this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01135-00292542-00292763 is this is very good because everyone's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01136-00292764-00292927 got a vault is called a pound coin and
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01137-00292928-00293099 if you've got that vault
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01138-00293100-00293378 revolt against totalitarianism and have
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01139-00293379-00293750 many directly okay we'll end with this
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01140-00293751-00293969 excellent thing which says it all really
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01141-00293970-00294338 stay alert the media is the virus keep a
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01142-00294339-00294653 safe distance from the BBC sky channel
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01143-00294654-00294965 for ITV and The Guardian somebody's
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01144-00294966-00295181 really thinking on their feet there so
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01145-00295182-00295445 we're going to say well done that's it
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01146-00295446-00295751 for today we can't stress strongly
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01147-00295752-00296012 enough how bad the situation is getting
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01148-00296013-00296288 in UK if you want to stop it you have to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01149-00296289-00296570 speak out tell other people warn of the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01150-00296571-00296759 people spread the facts and the
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01151-00296760-00297032 information and above all take the lid
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01152-00297033-00297287 off the government's repurposing of
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01153-00297288-00297644 itself and UK society which is being
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01154-00297645-00298031 done without our support and without our
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01155-00298032-00298283 permission it's going to take many
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01156-00298284-00298595 people to do a little bit not a few to
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01157-00298596-00298799 do everything thanks for joining us
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01158-00298800-00299334 what I
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01159-00299335-00299376 you
ZPv_OKQ6Xgc-01160-00299377-00299690 [Music]
ZRgNijzDpXU-00000-00000347-00000514 Amanda mahi
ZRgNijzDpXU-00001-00000515-00000829 I'm gonna go to boys I got a bottle bell
ZRgNijzDpXU-00002-00000830-00001241 tolling mama I'm okay Mahalo Chile they
ZRgNijzDpXU-00003-00001242-00001520 can be too low King took Tara dan and I
ZRgNijzDpXU-00004-00001521-00001805 did shape that up i : I see you like hip
ZRgNijzDpXU-00005-00001805-00002176 hollow not cut up do it in genetic or -
ZRgNijzDpXU-00006-00002177-00002368 woman's body can you take him on a chair
ZRgNijzDpXU-00007-00002369-00002579 squat about rationing my mother's video
ZRgNijzDpXU-00008-00002580-00002789 I'm a vehicle to chicken a mini Georgia
ZRgNijzDpXU-00009-00002790-00003175 Nina tarpon a I mean [__] I mean I
ZRgNijzDpXU-00010-00003176-00003329 could be a good one on importation from
ZRgNijzDpXU-00011-00003329-00003515 Malibu la mia mama mia convey accompany
ZRgNijzDpXU-00012-00003515-00003754 I put this a module of equivalent a
ZRgNijzDpXU-00013-00003755-00004142 bouquet will learn about the Cinda be
ZRgNijzDpXU-00014-00004143-00004381 today be a trifle I'm gonna go lick my
ZRgNijzDpXU-00015-00004382-00004676 nose like a curry okikuta Barbie local
ZRgNijzDpXU-00016-00004677-00004817 chakra code 12 in a key supporter valve
ZRgNijzDpXU-00017-00004818-00005033 energy gonna be a dish I mean you chunk
ZRgNijzDpXU-00018-00005034-00005443 charcoal attack I wish I'd like a polyp
ZRgNijzDpXU-00019-00005444-00005638 or Declan kitna I'm gonna be taken away
ZRgNijzDpXU-00020-00005639-00005749 that's it
ZRgNijzDpXU-00021-00005750-00006154 Donna me it'd be a taraji way I might be
ZRgNijzDpXU-00022-00006155-00006202 a father
ZRgNijzDpXU-00023-00006203-00006514 I'm gonna be a mechanic a beautifully
ZRgNijzDpXU-00024-00006515-00006830 Dixie be raggedy he may be a prey but
ZRgNijzDpXU-00025-00006831-00007087 how much Pauline both this is mine or
ZRgNijzDpXU-00026-00007088-00007228 the call
ZRgNijzDpXU-00027-00007229-00007444 yeah course say I met at Duke and mo
ZRgNijzDpXU-00028-00007445-00007639 didn't take apart one I'm a commission
ZRgNijzDpXU-00029-00007640-00007937 attackers were Corrado drama to show me
ZRgNijzDpXU-00030-00007938-00008246 how much I said how many shameeka kobish
ZRgNijzDpXU-00031-00008247-00008477 coding time in culinary booster banana
ZRgNijzDpXU-00032-00008478-00008666 jam in Amman with regular sila they have
ZRgNijzDpXU-00033-00008667-00008876 an applet a solid a vicious Tommy egg
ZRgNijzDpXU-00034-00008877-00009092 donor and unicast again a beautiful
ZRgNijzDpXU-00035-00009093-00009317 autonomy be sure to take I'm ABC crime
ZRgNijzDpXU-00036-00009318-00009380 aspirin
ZRgNijzDpXU-00037-00009381-00009533 I'm a chamois okay deeper sick I was
ZRgNijzDpXU-00038-00009534-00009814 pretending what is even doubt ratchet
ZRgNijzDpXU-00039-00009815-00009956 celosia me to be Shama Shama a
ZRgNijzDpXU-00040-00009957-00010169 Louisville team took a chamois arrived
ZRgNijzDpXU-00041-00010170-00010337 for a difficult owner only be a
ZRgNijzDpXU-00042-00010338-00010720 carefully
ZRgNijzDpXU-00043-00010721-00011089 the key Corvo is diggin Tennille Manu -
ZRgNijzDpXU-00044-00011090-00011338 is a Garmin siddig Armand Silva saravali
ZRgNijzDpXU-00045-00011339-00011677 eggnog be rusted hasta la stability
ZRgNijzDpXU-00046-00011678-00011885 capital Ottawa senator lugar que I pass
ZRgNijzDpXU-00047-00011886-00012124 it all I do shady Mac showed him in the
ZRgNijzDpXU-00048-00012125-00012328 corner Bali ticky Cordoba shine it again
ZRgNijzDpXU-00049-00012329-00012535 Licavoli bash a metabolic a gallon
ZRgNijzDpXU-00050-00012536-00012796 okay do one minute I'm gonna bash
ZRgNijzDpXU-00051-00012797-00013030 everything Tamra gory be I'm Laguna boy
ZRgNijzDpXU-00052-00013031-00013274 come here could ft / up : down amada-kun
ZRgNijzDpXU-00053-00013275-00013682 loser guy tiny Arriba PC headed Johanna
ZRgNijzDpXU-00054-00013683-00013922 nice cruising 40 Salam ANBU deport
ZRgNijzDpXU-00055-00013922-00014119 attacked on last command shuttle land
ZRgNijzDpXU-00056-00014120-00014197 tonight okata
ZRgNijzDpXU-00057-00014198-00014431 epic additional octamer ballot after
ZRgNijzDpXU-00058-00014432-00014618 attack back report ever turn back a scam
ZRgNijzDpXU-00059-00014619-00014891 cultivate them into Auto so upon moutoku
ZRgNijzDpXU-00060-00014891-00015203 they can afford to do Dakota economic
ZRgNijzDpXU-00061-00015204-00015344 chamois away laughs and I say you know
ZRgNijzDpXU-00062-00015344-00015713 that as it departs actor - a militant
ZRgNijzDpXU-00063-00015713-00015887 Alcorn cappelletti I ask you to the
ZRgNijzDpXU-00064-00015888-00015994 lockup Oracle Tom
ZRgNijzDpXU-00065-00015995-00016280 Pastor Dan Tom boost insulting the last
ZRgNijzDpXU-00066-00016281-00016517 cavalry in Daytona Ahmed rubaba marbler
ZRgNijzDpXU-00067-00016518-00016739 corona albita who is our colony as
ZRgNijzDpXU-00068-00016740-00017012 Camila's Pesce me reporting diameter
ZRgNijzDpXU-00069-00017013-00017291 over casa Volvo activist a coma the amar
ZRgNijzDpXU-00070-00017292-00017578 moto I'm a Chinese a [__] Amir ba Baba
ZRgNijzDpXU-00071-00017579-00017797 gonna make it all pop where she be the
ZRgNijzDpXU-00072-00017798-00017969 good meat para la conozco crook
ZRgNijzDpXU-00073-00017970-00018122 economies even an austere guru
ZRgNijzDpXU-00074-00018123-00018278 coupe shop not to do to take care of
ZRgNijzDpXU-00075-00018279-00018578 them in Idaho burn a pocket hook but
ZRgNijzDpXU-00076-00018579-00018805 two-bit hooker coupe Shakti Lamas even a
ZRgNijzDpXU-00077-00018806-00019211 to track that's taken over a monkey shop
ZRgNijzDpXU-00078-00019212-00019472 accordion put on her way nacho Kunekune
ZRgNijzDpXU-00079-00019473-00019715 go take a shot Zukor go I'm Mikiko
ZRgNijzDpXU-00080-00019716-00020038 Nadine American Kota Bharu
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00000-00000256-00000559 yes welcome to our inaugural lecture for
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00001-00000560-00000854 our lecture series on african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00002-00000855-00001039 african contemporary philosophy and the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00003-00001040-00001231 first speaker i will welcome today is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00004-00001232-00001447 jonathan chimaconam who's a senior
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00005-00001448-00001655 lecturer at the university of calabar
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00006-00001655-00001895 and he's also a research associate at
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00007-00001896-00002151 the university of johannesburg in south
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00008-00002152-00002255 africa
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00009-00002256-00002415 his teaching is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00010-00002416-00002615 in his research interests cover the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00011-00002616-00002823 areas of african philosophy logic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00012-00002824-00003071 philosophy of mind environmental ethics
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00013-00003072-00003295 post-modern and post-colonial thought
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00014-00003296-00003551 and he has published
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00015-00003552-00003854 a tremendous amount of papers on a very
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00016-00003855-00004127 wide variety of topics
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00017-00004128-00004406 most interestingly for us for us today
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00018-00004407-00004615 is that he has developed a new
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00019-00004616-00004815 conception of philosophy the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00020-00004816-00005022 conversational philosophy which also
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00021-00005023-00005327 includes a new method of philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00022-00005328-00005486 which provides a new approach to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00023-00005487-00005683 philosophizing an african and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00024-00005684-00005886 intercultural philosophies the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00025-00005887-00006118 conversational thinking and he has
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00026-00006119-00006422 produced a system of logic that grounds
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00027-00006423-00006791 them both the izumesu logic and this is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00028-00006792-00007023 at least partially also the topic that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00029-00007023-00007255 jonathan will speak about
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00030-00007256-00007591 uh for us today i uh very warmly welcome
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00031-00007592-00007846 my dear colleague jonathan and i'm very
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00032-00007847-00008055 happy that you're here today with us and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00033-00008056-00008367 we're all looking forward to your talk
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00034-00008368-00008735 about the conversational philosophy in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00035-00008736-00008878 nigeria
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00036-00008879-00009319 welcome and the floor is yours
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00037-00009320-00009423 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00038-00009424-00009839 thank you very much bjorn
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00039-00009840-00010087 i'm happy to be here and to give this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00040-00010088-00010359 talk on conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00041-00010360-00010495 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00042-00010496-00010767 well school of philosophy conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00043-00010768-00010919 philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00044-00010920-00011095 apparently i thought i was coming to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00045-00011096-00011335 give a talk on conversational school of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00046-00011336-00011606 philosophy as a topic you give to me
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00047-00011607-00011838 indicated but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00048-00011839-00012055 it appears you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00049-00012056-00012255 want me to give a talk on conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00050-00012256-00012423 philosophy there are two different
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00051-00012424-00012687 things which one should i talk on
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00052-00012688-00012871 the conversational philosophy school of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00053-00012872-00013215 philosophy i'm sorry
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00054-00013216-00013311 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00055-00013312-00013527 okay i have prepared to talk on the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00056-00013528-00013799 conversational school of philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00057-00013800-00013966 but i can talk on conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00058-00013968-00014086 philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00059-00014087-00014335 the first one is perfect um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00060-00014336-00014647 however i probably would have to start
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00061-00014647-00014966 from the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00062-00014968-00015255 historical backgrounds in conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00063-00015256-00015622 school of philosophy itself because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00064-00015623-00015791 there cannot be conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00065-00015791-00015975 philosophy without a conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00066-00015976-00016238 school of philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00067-00016240-00016335 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00068-00016336-00016543 so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00069-00016544-00016894 i'll start by saying that right about
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00070-00016895-00017127 1980s
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00071-00017128-00017303 there was this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00072-00017304-00017543 huge disillusionment that's set in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00073-00017544-00017839 amongst debaters those who were debating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00074-00017840-00018086 about the existence or otherwise of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00075-00018087-00018335 african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00076-00018336-00018519 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00077-00018520-00018622 but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00078-00018623-00018935 in 1980 to be precise when crossing redo
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00079-00018936-00019143 published his book african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00080-00019144-00019367 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00081-00019368-00019671 um philosophy and an african culture
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00082-00019672-00019879 there was something that he said
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00083-00019880-00020014 in that book
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00084-00020015-00020414 he urged african philosophers that time
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00085-00020415-00020630 who were debating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00086-00020631-00020894 that he told them that time had come for
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00087-00020895-00021071 them to stop
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00088-00021072-00021303 talking about african philosophy and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00089-00021304-00021558 start doing african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00090-00021559-00021775 it was an epochal statement
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00091-00021776-00021894 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00092-00021895-00022255 because that meant that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00093-00022256-00022511 that underscored
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00094-00022512-00022735 the fact that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00095-00022736-00022943 what most african practitioners of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00096-00022944-00023150 african philosophy were doing before
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00097-00023151-00023383 that time
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00098-00023384-00023558 were really talking about african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00099-00023559-00023758 philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00100-00023759-00024119 whereas what ought to be done was do to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00101-00024120-00024430 do african philosophy to build a system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00102-00024431-00024639 of african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00103-00024640-00024878 and i would always um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00104-00024879-00025207 say that a system of philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00105-00025208-00025486 has three main components
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00106-00025487-00025662 and normally this thing is not taught in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00107-00025663-00025870 any philosophical module
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00108-00025872-00025983 uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00109-00025983-00026102 so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00110-00026104-00026262 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00111-00026263-00026446 it's not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00112-00026447-00026695 it's it's not strange when most
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00113-00026695-00026951 philosophers will find it difficult to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00114-00026952-00027167 understand this because it's not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00115-00027168-00027446 in basic philosophical modules
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00116-00027447-00027639 there are three basic components of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00117-00027639-00027799 system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00118-00027800-00028079 the first one is the foundation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00119-00028080-00028302 at the foundation of the system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00120-00028304-00028511 you have logic there
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00121-00028512-00028758 logic that deals with the laws
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00122-00028760-00028999 a guide reasoning and then you have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00123-00029000-00029127 ontology
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00124-00029127-00029318 that deals with realities involved in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00125-00029319-00029483 the reasoning processes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00126-00029483-00029655 itself
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00127-00029656-00029918 on top of these foundation you you see
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00128-00029919-00030270 the structure of a system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00129-00030272-00030367 which is um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00130-00030368-00030599 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00131-00030600-00030935 which could be which are really methods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00132-00030936-00031079 and methods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00133-00031080-00031367 are different ways of applying
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00134-00031368-00031590 the laws of logic that lies at the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00135-00031591-00031799 foundation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00136-00031800-00032087 and on top of the structure you see the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00137-00032088-00032358 the doctrine itself having like a roof
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00138-00032360-00032502 of that house
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00139-00032503-00032855 you know composed of concepts principles
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00140-00032856-00033215 theories and water view this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00141-00033216-00033431 this gives us a fine
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00142-00033432-00033751 a diffuse of a system of thoughts
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00143-00033752-00034071 and philosophy to be specific
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00144-00034072-00034327 now of these three components the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00145-00034328-00034543 foundation and the structure
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00146-00034544-00034711 they are key
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00147-00034712-00034943 without them the doctrine cannot hang in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00148-00034944-00035055 the air
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00149-00035056-00035367 the doctrine the roof of the house needs
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00150-00035368-00035543 the structure to support it and the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00151-00035544-00035911 structure needs the foundation as well
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00152-00035912-00036102 so without the structure and the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00153-00036103-00036351 foundation you you really can't talk
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00154-00036352-00036535 about
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00155-00036536-00036639 system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00156-00036640-00036823 and without a system you can talk about
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00157-00036824-00037143 a philosophical tradition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00158-00037144-00037327 and also we are talking about african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00159-00037328-00037446 philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00160-00037447-00037679 assumed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00161-00037680-00037918 for those who are promoting it that such
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00162-00037919-00038159 a system existed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00163-00038160-00038423 all right but if it such a system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00164-00038424-00038623 existed then there wouldn't have been
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00165-00038624-00038823 any need to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00166-00038824-00039111 undertake decades of debate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00167-00039112-00039183 because they would have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00168-00039184-00039430 straightforwardly pointed it out no they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00169-00039431-00039630 didn't exist
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00170-00039631-00039839 so they needed to deal with it and we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00171-00039840-00040055 already was saying in 1980 that it was
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00172-00040056-00040374 time to start building start doing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00173-00040375-00040599 african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00174-00040600-00040767 a couple of attempts were made including
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00175-00040768-00040943 by radio himself
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00176-00040944-00041135 that came up with his conceptual
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00177-00041136-00041287 decolonization
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00178-00041288-00041607 well brilliant idea a couple of others
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00179-00041608-00041830 veered into the constructions and what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00180-00041831-00041967 have you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00181-00041968-00042158 interesting points but they were not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00182-00042159-00042327 building the system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00183-00042328-00042567 they weren't building the system as a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00184-00042568-00042807 result
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00185-00042808-00042974 these
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00186-00042975-00043118 offered
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00187-00043119-00043367 sort of philosophical and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00188-00043368-00043671 historical necessity for the emergence
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00189-00043672-00044223 of the caliber school
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00190-00044224-00044439 philosophically because the system was
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00191-00044440-00044543 needed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00192-00044544-00044871 and historically because he was lacking
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00193-00044872-00045167 and by the 1990s some elements of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00194-00045168-00045302 caliber school
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00195-00045303-00045583 uh notably bantaliani rebel you know
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00196-00045584-00045815 centaurus of crazy germa
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00197-00045816-00045958 guthrie zumba
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00198-00045959-00046335 and so on began and began the attempt to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00199-00046336-00046567 build such a system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00200-00046568-00046783 on which to anchor the traditional
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00201-00046784-00047007 philosophy from africa
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00202-00047008-00047246 and the importance of this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00203-00047247-00047502 uh project building this system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00204-00047503-00047671 is key
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00205-00047672-00048007 in ensuring that what is produced
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00206-00048008-00048318 uh there will be no doubt whatsoever
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00207-00048319-00048607 um concerning the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00208-00048608-00048695 the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00209-00048696-00048927 existence and the nature of that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00210-00048928-00049183 philosophical tradition you will recall
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00211-00049184-00049415 that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00212-00049416-00049686 uh someone like robert de nasconi in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00213-00049687-00050015 1997 had put across what he called what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00214-00050016-00050286 he called them the double bind
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00215-00050287-00050446 that goes this way
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00216-00050447-00050671 that if either african philosophy is so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00217-00050672-00050902 similar to western philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00218-00050903-00051111 that it makes no distinctive
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00219-00051112-00051390 contribution and effectively disappears
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00220-00051391-00051670 or it is so different that his
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00221-00051671-00051879 credentials to be genuine philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00222-00051879-00052119 will always be in doubt
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00223-00052120-00052366 okay this double bind
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00224-00052367-00052607 that was informed by people different
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00225-00052608-00052766 from different places
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00226-00052767-00052975 those who challenge existence of african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00227-00052976-00053215 philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00228-00053216-00053615 and um who claim that what they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00229-00053616-00053759 encounter
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00230-00053760-00053975 does not seem to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00231-00053976-00054271 be african philosophy in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00232-00054272-00054359 as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00233-00054360-00054566 a discipline that represents a tradition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00234-00054567-00054726 in his own right
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00235-00054727-00054847 rather
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00236-00054848-00055063 in the words of joining henkel broke and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00237-00055064-00055166 even
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00238-00055167-00055319 schema
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00239-00055320-00055415 there
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00240-00055416-00055671 these could be transliterations of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00241-00055672-00055991 western philosophy a westernized african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00242-00055991-00056263 philosophy and you know center
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00243-00056264-00056559 describes that as copycat philosophy so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00244-00056560-00056735 the charge
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00245-00056736-00057022 of copycat philosophy of transliteration
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00246-00057023-00057150 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00247-00057151-00057359 continues to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00248-00057360-00057647 loom large as far as the discipline of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00249-00057648-00057863 african philosophy is concerned and they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00250-00057864-00058175 make they make these charges make sense
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00251-00058176-00058479 uh the moment you cannot identify a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00252-00058479-00058607 system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00253-00058608-00058959 that you uncover the tradition of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00254-00058960-00059287 the practice of those africans who were
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00255-00059288-00059471 taught uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00256-00059472-00059599 who studied
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00257-00059600-00059775 europe or who were
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00258-00059776-00060063 who studied western philosophy as well
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00259-00060064-00060247 as the western
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00260-00060248-00060447 counterparts who come to the african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00261-00060448-00060591 philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00262-00060591-00060879 by bringing the structure of western
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00263-00060879-00061142 philosophy system of western philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00264-00061144-00061399 imposing its an african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00265-00061400-00061535 sprinkling in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00266-00061536-00061750 you know some concept from african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00267-00061751-00062023 linguistic resources and then they call
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00268-00062024-00062247 such african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00269-00062248-00062526 continues to plague the discipline
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00270-00062527-00062919 confuse the students and mislead the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00271-00062920-00063159 newcomers in the discipline
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00272-00063160-00063350 because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00273-00063351-00063663 it is the system that gives shape to the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00274-00063664-00063847 philosophical tradition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00275-00063848-00064119 and until you build that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00276-00064120-00064359 everything you do will continue to raise
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00277-00064360-00064559 quest one question or the other
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00278-00064560-00064726 and this is what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00279-00064727-00064959 um the caliber school
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00280-00064960-00065150 tried to do imminently
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00281-00065151-00065342 by constructing the system and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00282-00065344-00065591 uncovering the philosophical tradition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00283-00065592-00065903 of africa they were building on that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00284-00065904-00066182 um uh it does not mean that that's the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00285-00066183-00066375 only one that can exist you can have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00286-00066376-00066679 many as many as possible and they will
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00287-00066680-00066855 become sub-traditions in african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00288-00066856-00067006 philosophy just like you have the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00289-00067007-00067143 analytic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00290-00067144-00067471 continental pragmatic and all these um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00291-00067472-00067623 lines of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00292-00067624-00067871 thought in western philosophy so we need
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00293-00067872-00067999 more
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00294-00068000-00068215 um so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00295-00068216-00068382 for
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00296-00068383-00068647 the members of calabasau those i've
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00297-00068648-00068903 mentioned and those
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00298-00068904-00069126 that again succeeded them across the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00299-00069127-00069343 three generation that the school has
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00300-00069344-00069479 existed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00301-00069480-00069703 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00302-00069704-00070463 they are their style of philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00303-00070464-00070638 a lot in common
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00304-00070639-00070743 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00305-00070744-00070926 and that was why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00306-00070927-00071182 at a point i began personally the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00307-00071183-00071503 project of demonstrating the unity of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00308-00071504-00071838 their approach to african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00309-00071839-00072119 and and i called its conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00310-00072120-00072287 style
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00311-00072288-00072543 but i'll show you why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00312-00072544-00072882 for example
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00313-00072883-00073055 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00314-00073056-00073415 the philosophy approach of philosophy uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00315-00073416-00073615 promoted by
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00316-00073616-00073775 that we continue to promote from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00317-00073776-00074079 calabasco and our conversational studies
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00318-00074080-00074335 are using touching gently because at a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00319-00074336-00074471 point
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00320-00074472-00074726 um some persons when our work gained
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00321-00074727-00074911 international recognition and people
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00322-00074912-00075087 from other places wanted to be part of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00323-00075088-00075223 the movement
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00324-00075224-00075438 and we had to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00325-00075439-00075703 again create another name to represent
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00326-00075704-00075911 intellect international
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00327-00075912-00076103 dimension of the school and that was how
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00328-00076104-00076423 conversational school came into being so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00329-00076424-00076662 it is they are used interchangeably
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00330-00076663-00076935 calibration conversational school
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00331-00076936-00077082 so this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00332-00077083-00077303 school uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00333-00077304-00077487 there are many people who have produced
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00334-00077488-00077743 ideas and theories and concepts but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00335-00077744-00078038 there is one problem that all of them
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00336-00078039-00078247 were attempting to solve and continue to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00337-00078248-00078406 attempt to address
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00338-00078407-00078519 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00339-00078520-00078719 there are also what there's also one
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00340-00078720-00079006 challenge for the school and two
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00341-00079007-00079206 cardinal questions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00342-00079207-00079391 um i'll talk about this and then i'll
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00343-00079392-00079582 move on to the conversational philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00344-00079583-00079855 as briefly as possible so for those who
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00345-00079856-00080103 don't know the caliber school or
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00346-00080104-00080279 conversational school or what we stand
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00347-00080280-00080615 for or how the school operates or what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00348-00080616-00080750 inspired
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00349-00080751-00080975 the inquiries and investigations of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00350-00080976-00081343 school it's important you listen to this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00351-00081344-00081526 main problem that the color vascular
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00352-00081527-00081743 identify for the 21st century is the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00353-00081744-00081911 problem of the body is the problem of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00354-00081912-00082047 borderlines
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00355-00082048-00082391 all right with the word borderline spelt
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00356-00082392-00082559 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00357-00082560-00082767 written as two separate words border
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00358-00082768-00082926 lines
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00359-00082927-00083167 so when this line is drawn
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00360-00083168-00083431 uh between races it leads to the problem
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00361-00083432-00083767 of racism when it is drawn between sexes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00362-00083768-00084159 it leads to sexism when it is drawn
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00363-00084160-00084599 um within uh people or groups with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00364-00084600-00084799 different social and economic statuses
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00365-00084800-00085118 it leads to classism when it is drawn
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00366-00085119-00085279 amongst different religious faiths
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00367-00085280-00085462 between it leads to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00368-00085463-00085623 a criticism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00369-00085624-00085855 and so on and so forth
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00370-00085856-00086143 so the challenge therefore is how to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00371-00086144-00086423 trace identify the root cause of these
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00372-00086424-00086606 problem of borderlines
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00373-00086607-00086823 and prefer ideas
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00374-00086824-00086982 uh to address these various
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00375-00086983-00087135 ramifications
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00376-00087136-00087494 that is a challenge of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00377-00087495-00087638 philosophical
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00378-00087639-00088006 uh contribution from the calabash school
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00379-00088007-00088215 and different actors from that school
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00380-00088216-00088462 have attempted greater theories to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00381-00088463-00088591 address this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00382-00088592-00088767 to uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00383-00088768-00088943 tackle this challenge and address the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00384-00088944-00089182 problem you know saint also himself was
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00385-00089183-00089287 able to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00386-00089288-00089494 trace the cause of these problems of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00387-00089495-00089767 borderlines to aristotle's to valid
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00388-00089768-00089935 logic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00389-00089936-00090055 which um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00390-00090056-00090406 bifurcates and polarizes reality into uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00391-00090407-00090631 to oppose the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00392-00090632-00090767 unit's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00393-00090768-00091199 binary opposition as the case may be
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00394-00091200-00091391 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00395-00091392-00091606 we believe that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00396-00091607-00091871 one way to transcend one that it is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00397-00091872-00092135 important to go beyond this idea of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00398-00092136-00092431 contradiction that is warranted
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00399-00092432-00092623 in the thesis surveillance and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00400-00092624-00092918 determinism uh embedded in aristotle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00401-00092919-00093223 arrested to set valid logic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00402-00093224-00093503 and as a result different um members of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00403-00093504-00093647 the calabasas came up with different
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00404-00093648-00093959 theories pantalionerable for one uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00405-00093960-00094150 created this theory of metaphysicists he
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00406-00094151-00094238 called
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00407-00094239-00094518 cause and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00408-00094519-00094735 the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00409-00094736-00095087 beam of metaphysis and all that with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00410-00095088-00095223 epistemological and ethical
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00411-00095224-00095479 ramifications and the scientology is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00412-00095480-00095671 called ontology
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00413-00095672-00095782 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00414-00095783-00095935 he
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00415-00095936-00096094 he he
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00416-00096095-00096487 used the concept of being belonging to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00417-00096488-00096734 demonstrate how
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00418-00096735-00096879 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00419-00096880-00097206 uh how to negotiate this binary uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00420-00097207-00097350 contradiction
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00421-00097351-00097574 all right but before i go into that the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00422-00097575-00097750 two main questions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00423-00097751-00097991 that these actors
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00424-00097992-00098247 raised a lot of different questions to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00425-00098248-00098374 enable them
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00426-00098375-00098647 drive the theories they were propagating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00427-00098648-00098950 but i can i sum up those two questions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00428-00098951-00099191 those questions they raised in two
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00429-00099192-00099343 namely
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00430-00099344-00099615 does difference amount to inferiority
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00431-00099616-00099855 and number two are opposites
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00432-00099856-00100062 irreconcilable
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00433-00100063-00100294 okay so pantolone will use the concept
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00434-00100295-00100655 of being belonging to demonstrate that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00435-00100656-00100815 a difference does not amount to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00436-00100816-00101087 inferiority it amounts to variety
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00437-00101088-00101591 and opposites are actually reconciliable
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00438-00101592-00101799 and this again was done by other people
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00439-00101800-00101959 you know synthesis use the concept of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00440-00101960-00102143 complementarity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00441-00102144-00102527 um god for zumba used integrativism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00442-00102528-00102647 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00443-00102648-00102886 crazy german used harmony
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00444-00102888-00103142 um chris john of course created his
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00445-00103143-00103366 theory of logic called harmonious modism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00446-00103367-00103606 and ethics and epistemology
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00447-00103607-00103854 the one he called humanistic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00448-00103855-00104006 epistemology
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00449-00104007-00104294 and innocent that's also created his
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00450-00104295-00104530 theory of ibrahim philosophy with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00451-00104531-00104815 epistemological metaphysical
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00452-00104816-00105215 uh ethical uh logical and methodological
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00453-00105216-00105407 uh dimensions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00454-00105408-00105719 and um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00455-00105720-00105886 godfrey zumba created integrative
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00456-00105888-00106031 humanism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00457-00106032-00106302 and with ethical and epistemological
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00458-00106303-00106495 angles to it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00459-00106496-00106695 and then a couple of other people
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00460-00106696-00106895 uh to the second decade of the 21st
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00461-00106896-00107143 century where like um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00462-00107144-00107415 who would be speaking uh after myself
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00463-00107416-00107647 created this constellation philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00464-00107648-00107878 and used the concept of mood to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00465-00107879-00108263 demonstrate the possibility of transcend
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00466-00108264-00108534 uh transcending this um binary
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00467-00108535-00108686 opposition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00468-00108688-00108807 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00469-00108808-00109007 recently arabia two has created his
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00470-00109008-00109231 theory of predator mystic historicity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00471-00109232-00109510 and use the concept of relationality
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00472-00109511-00109815 medical and finance manganese and the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00473-00109816-00110047 rest of them use relationship
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00474-00110048-00110199 personally i have all i've used
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00475-00110200-00110447 complementarity i've used integrativity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00476-00110448-00110663 i've used the relationality of this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00477-00110664-00110815 relationship
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00478-00110816-00111078 are all geared towards demonstrating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00479-00111079-00111247 that difference does not amount to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00480-00111248-00111534 inferiority the amounts of variety and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00481-00111535-00111886 that opposites are reconciliable
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00482-00111888-00112134 but it was
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00483-00112135-00112351 innocent in his um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00484-00112352-00112534 complementary logic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00485-00112535-00112823 and um greasy german his ammonia's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00486-00112824-00113143 monism system of logic and myself it is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00487-00113144-00113390 amazing logic that provided a logical
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00488-00113391-00113502 grounding
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00489-00113503-00113799 for this um train of thoughts that the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00490-00113800-00114239 kalabasco uh promoted and continues to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00491-00114240-00114527 promote in this um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00492-00114528-00114927 decade of the 21st century all right so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00493-00114928-00115110 with this said
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00494-00115111-00115319 um one would ask where does
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00495-00115320-00115599 conversational philosophy factor in if
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00496-00115600-00115815 the group at some point
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00497-00115816-00116078 um threat to be known as conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00498-00116079-00116286 school in addition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00499-00116288-00116454 and if
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00500-00116455-00116575 there are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00501-00116576-00116783 other scholars and thinkers in this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00502-00116783-00117007 school who have created one theory or
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00503-00117008-00117119 the other
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00504-00117120-00117223 why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00505-00117224-00117527 uh is the school known as conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00506-00117528-00117878 school in addition to calabash school
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00507-00117879-00118175 it is because my primary project
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00508-00118176-00118375 as a member second generation member of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00509-00118376-00118551 this school
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00510-00118552-00118743 was to demonstrate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00511-00118744-00118871 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00512-00118872-00119086 the things that connect
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00513-00119088-00119334 all these theories together
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00514-00119335-00119551 and show
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00515-00119552-00119678 why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00516-00119679-00119983 this approach to philosophizing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00517-00119983-00120119 is a new one
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00518-00120120-00120199 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00519-00120200-00120327 the one that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00520-00120328-00120510 these people are promoting
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00521-00120511-00120751 and i needed to give it a name
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00522-00120752-00120927 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00523-00120928-00121127 that was how the name of conversation of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00524-00121128-00121375 philosophy came about
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00525-00121376-00121527 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00526-00121528-00121751 not really conversational philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00527-00121752-00122047 eventually i developed as a theory but i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00528-00122048-00122295 described the approach to philosophizing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00529-00122296-00122599 as conversational it's conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00530-00122600-00122871 not in the sense of literal sense of two
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00531-00122872-00123223 people holding exchanges as most people
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00532-00123224-00123534 assume that conversational philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00533-00123535-00123871 is but in a technical sense of creative
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00534-00123872-00124014 struggle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00535-00124015-00124247 all right it is creative because it's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00536-00124248-00124486 progressive and it's a struggle because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00537-00124488-00124623 it's critical
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00538-00124624-00124743 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00539-00124744-00124871 this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00540-00124872-00125143 uh creative struggle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00541-00125144-00125454 also known as aromathics
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00542-00125455-00125583 uh is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00543-00125583-00125919 an approach to philosophy that is geared
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00544-00125920-00126254 towards going beyond binary opposition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00545-00126255-00126527 to reach binary complementarity to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00546-00126528-00126758 demonstrate that opposites can be
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00547-00126759-00127078 reconciled sure that can be reconciled
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00548-00127079-00127271 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00549-00127272-00127486 and i went ahead to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00550-00127488-00127743 build on the logical templates that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00551-00127744-00128134 associate drama had developed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00552-00128135-00128334 to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00553-00128335-00128590 come up with a zomes logic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00554-00128591-00128807 that again contains
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00555-00128808-00128910 three
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00556-00128911-00129183 metaphysical principles
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00557-00129183-00129454 um and three
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00558-00129455-00129551 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00559-00129552-00129727 laws
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00560-00129728-00129966 that were not present in the logical
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00561-00129967-00130254 temp uh templates that associated germa
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00562-00130255-00130558 had developed but but i built on what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00563-00130559-00130743 they developed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00564-00130744-00131199 so these laws the indica law is actually
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00565-00131200-00131543 speaking about the possibility that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00566-00131544-00131735 opposites
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00567-00131736-00131975 the necessity of relationship between
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00568-00131976-00132254 opposite focus is necessarily related
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00569-00132255-00132607 and the law of mekoka talks about the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00570-00132608-00132887 context of such relationship these
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00571-00132888-00133054 relationships we talk about between
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00572-00133055-00133366 opposites occur in context
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00573-00133367-00133607 and opposites themselves
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00574-00133608-00133814 like beings in context
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00575-00133815-00133935 as well
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00576-00133936-00134054 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00577-00134055-00134247 and that the goal
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00578-00134248-00134575 for the third law of humanity is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00579-00134576-00134759 to transcend
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00580-00134760-00134966 contradiction and reach
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00581-00134967-00135207 complementarity in other words
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00582-00135208-00135335 that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00583-00135336-00135639 these relationship between two opposites
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00584-00135640-00135878 are geared towards complementation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00585-00135879-00136159 and not necessarily a contradiction
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00586-00136160-00136478 right contradiction is one possible
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00587-00136479-00136711 uh outcome of such a relationship but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00588-00136712-00136895 the goal
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00589-00136896-00137014 the goal
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00590-00137015-00137263 of such relationship according to us is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00591-00137264-00137614 to reach complement complementation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00592-00137615-00137990 and so these laws from the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00593-00137991-00138207 uh explain
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00594-00138208-00138463 how
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00595-00138464-00138702 variables relate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00596-00138703-00138975 and enable us to again ground the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00597-00138976-00139231 methods that have been formulated
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00598-00139232-00139327 in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00599-00139328-00139519 uh in the school you know centers also
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00600-00139520-00139790 has its own complementary reflection
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00601-00139791-00140063 uh method and um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00602-00140064-00140454 and i had defined this approach as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00603-00140455-00140775 as a conversational from which much
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00604-00140776-00140999 later the conversational method was
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00605-00141000-00141199 again teased out
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00606-00141200-00141439 uh accumulating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00607-00141440-00141695 various principles that describe how
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00608-00141696-00141766 it's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00609-00141767-00141983 it um it works
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00610-00141984-00142143 okay so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00611-00142144-00142502 um with that in view we'll talk we'll
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00612-00142503-00142671 shift briefly
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00613-00142672-00143063 as i watch the time to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00614-00143064-00143124 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00615-00143125-00143311 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00616-00143312-00143535 the trust of conversational philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00617-00143536-00143671 summary
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00618-00143672-00143990 conversational philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00619-00143991-00144519 uh is concerned with meaning making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00620-00144520-00144751 and we have to understand
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00621-00144752-00144975 that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00622-00144976-00145207 there are a lot of technical concepts
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00623-00145208-00145375 involved here so i probably would have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00624-00145376-00145678 to avoid some of them and go
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00625-00145679-00145871 straight to saying something that will
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00626-00145872-00146102 directly make sense
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00627-00146103-00146182 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00628-00146183-00146295 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00629-00146296-00146583 the philosophy is of the doctrine itself
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00630-00146584-00146807 a conversational philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00631-00146808-00147111 the method is conversational method
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00632-00147112-00147190 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00633-00147191-00147583 the foundation of it is music logic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00634-00147584-00147839 and and all that but the the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00635-00147840-00148159 the structure so to speak is nowadays
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00636-00148160-00148414 that is called conversational thinking
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00637-00148415-00148647 so when the word conversational thinking
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00638-00148648-00148943 is used it refers to the structure with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00639-00148944-00149071 also
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00640-00149072-00149278 specifically the method
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00641-00149279-00149447 uh involved
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00642-00149448-00149639 so let me talk about
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00643-00149640-00149854 conversion of philosophy as meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00644-00149855-00150023 making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00645-00150024-00150343 it is not a philosophy that is in is not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00646-00150344-00150575 strictly interested in meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00647-00150576-00150854 okay what does meaning what what's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00648-00150855-00151047 something means what is their meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00649-00151048-00151135 here
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00650-00151136-00151335 no that's not in interest of of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00651-00151336-00151502 philosophy is interested in meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00652-00151503-00151614 making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00653-00151615-00152123 okay and he conceives meaning making us
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00654-00152124-00152390 existential as well as a systemic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00655-00152391-00152543 activity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00656-00152544-00152847 okay that is conducted through creative
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00657-00152848-00153135 struggle whatever we do in our
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00658-00153136-00153326 interactions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00659-00153327-00153590 interactions we are striving to make
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00660-00153591-00153719 meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00661-00153720-00153863 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00662-00153864-00154166 and existence itself metaphysical
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00663-00154167-00154463 metaphysically speaking is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00664-00154464-00154623 meaning making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00665-00154624-00154719 all right
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00666-00154720-00154951 in the sense that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00667-00154952-00155239 think of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00668-00155240-00155375 think of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00669-00155376-00155687 the world without anything
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00670-00155688-00155871 except
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00671-00155872-00155966 you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00672-00155967-00156102 as a person
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00673-00156103-00156519 and you want to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00674-00156520-00156799 make meaning create something
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00675-00156800-00157111 the act of creation is an act of meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00676-00157112-00157214 making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00677-00157215-00157559 okay and how does the first things
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00678-00157560-00157711 emerge
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00679-00157712-00157895 okay and how do
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00680-00157896-00158151 uh subsequent things emerge subsequently
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00681-00158152-00158511 from the first thing that they matched
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00682-00158512-00158783 a conversational thinking conceives of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00683-00158784-00159090 this idea of um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00684-00159091-00159319 metaphases of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00685-00159320-00159495 absence
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00686-00159496-00159599 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00687-00159600-00159887 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00688-00159888-00160023 if we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00689-00160024-00160535 if we say that this object
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00690-00160536-00160654 you know there's nothing like these
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00691-00160655-00160919 objects and we want to create it we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00692-00160920-00161126 create it by meaning making carving it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00693-00161127-00161399 out of the metaphysics of our absence
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00694-00161400-00161623 what that means is that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00695-00161624-00161680 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00696-00161681-00162031 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00697-00162032-00162351 at a promoted primordial state what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00698-00162352-00162502 exists
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00699-00162503-00162687 is something we call
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00700-00162688-00163014 open or metaphysics of absence it's like
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00701-00163015-00163319 a mode to me has no shape it's reality
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00702-00163320-00163614 but it has no shape so the creation of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00703-00163615-00163883 each reality from it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00704-00163884-00164071 is um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00705-00164072-00164247 uh uh it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00706-00164248-00164399 follows the process of creative struggle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00707-00164400-00164623 that keep that reality shape
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00708-00164624-00164926 okay think of clay you want to make
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00709-00164927-00165023 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00710-00165024-00165207 a statue
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00711-00165208-00165519 and you get it you get more decline and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00712-00165520-00165807 you want to mold and start you out of it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00713-00165808-00166902 in that clay think of that class
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00714-00166903-00167159 is there
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00715-00167160-00167231 but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00716-00167232-00167454 each one you move that you give that one
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00717-00167455-00167590 a shape
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00718-00167591-00167831 and that and that one becomes something
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00719-00167832-00167983 that exists
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00720-00167984-00168159 you have created it out of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00721-00168160-00168366 metaphysical absence
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00722-00168367-00168590 declare is that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00723-00168591-00168783 but the parts you can see it in that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00724-00168784-00168935 clay you can't see that starting
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00725-00168936-00169214 directly but it's there until you create
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00726-00169215-00169478 it out it does not exist
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00727-00169479-00169671 so when the actor creating it out is a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00728-00169672-00169943 great act of creative struggle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00729-00169944-00170302 he's a struggle because he's critical is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00730-00170303-00170502 he's creative because he's is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00731-00170503-00170726 progressive
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00732-00170727-00170999 um it's this technical it's really very
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00733-00171000-00171151 difficult to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00734-00171152-00171471 explain in simple language but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00735-00171472-00171678 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00736-00171679-00171807 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00737-00171808-00172078 what i'd like to say on top of this is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00738-00172079-00172190 that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00739-00172191-00172431 coming back to the use of words and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00740-00172432-00172543 language
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00741-00172544-00172775 it's out of meaning making that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00742-00172776-00172895 everybody would
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00743-00172896-00173047 understand
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00744-00173048-00173295 when you be to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00745-00173296-00173583 do whatever you want to do communicate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00746-00173584-00173695 teach
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00747-00173696-00173990 explain yourself express yourself
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00748-00173991-00174319 you are making meaning and this meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00749-00174320-00174438 making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00750-00174439-00174790 could be internal like or external
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00751-00174791-00174919 in other words
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00752-00174920-00175063 when
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00753-00175064-00175359 you are engaged with someone
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00754-00175360-00175638 at that level of communication
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00755-00175639-00175878 and the person speaks
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00756-00175879-00176078 a person is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00757-00176079-00176319 a significant just as you are a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00758-00176320-00176471 significant
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00759-00176472-00176726 the words that the person is using
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00760-00176727-00176935 are signifiers
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00761-00176936-00177151 but the words themselves
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00762-00177152-00177543 convey ideas that are called signified
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00763-00177544-00177638 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00764-00177639-00177759 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00765-00177760-00178023 but that they've signified themselves it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00766-00178024-00178278 was them so don't carry any meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00767-00178279-00178438 their ideas
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00768-00178439-00178735 so if what i am saying now is i'm
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00769-00178736-00178935 conveying ideas
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00770-00178936-00179159 i'm not conveying meaning i cannot
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00771-00179160-00179311 convey meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00772-00179312-00179566 the meaning must be met
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00773-00179567-00179838 within me and within you the listener
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00774-00179839-00180111 when you hear the words i'm saying you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00775-00180112-00180295 would have to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00776-00180296-00180478 take it inside of you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00777-00180479-00180654 try to process
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00778-00180655-00181007 the words and associates the ideas you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00779-00181008-00181166 receive you don't receive the word you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00780-00181167-00181351 see the ideas you associate with your
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00781-00181352-00181543 own set of words
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00782-00181544-00181847 and you try to make meaning out of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00783-00181848-00182063 uh out of those words
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00784-00182064-00182319 your own meaning and the process there
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00785-00182320-00182623 internally it's also creative struggle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00786-00182624-00182999 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00787-00183000-00183102 if you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00788-00183103-00183263 succeed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00789-00183264-00183638 in appreciating what i have said then
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00790-00183639-00183878 you have approximated then we have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00791-00183879-00184199 created what we have an approximated
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00792-00184200-00184438 transference of idea
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00793-00184439-00184631 but it will never be perfect it will
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00794-00184632-00184935 never be complete what i convey
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00795-00184936-00185231 the meaning i have in mind cannot be
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00796-00185232-00185478 exact same thing with the meaning that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00797-00185479-00185654 you the receiver
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00798-00185655-00185854 uh have in mind
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00799-00185855-00186078 what we can best hope for is our
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00800-00186079-00186343 pragmatic transference of idea
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00801-00186344-00186638 and sometimes when
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00802-00186639-00186895 that is not achieved it leads to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00803-00186896-00187071 collapsing meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00804-00187072-00187399 conversational set settlers setting
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00805-00187400-00187647 crisis in meaning setting
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00806-00187648-00187871 and so on and so forth
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00807-00187872-00188047 and that again leads to all kinds of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00808-00188048-00188231 disagreements and worlds and problems
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00809-00188232-00188447 that people have in the society
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00810-00188448-00188599 and the problems that are created
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00811-00188600-00188783 everywhere in the society from the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00812-00188784-00189063 complex ones like racism and sexism and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00813-00189064-00189278 classisms to the everyday conflicts
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00814-00189279-00189487 between people and between groups and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00815-00189488-00189743 what have you there are all crises and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00816-00189744-00189999 problems created as a result of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00817-00190000-00190126 failure
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00818-00190127-00190311 or
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00819-00190312-00190487 failure to create
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00820-00190488-00190743 meaning to mutualize that meaning that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00821-00190744-00190999 is the concept we use for that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00822-00191000-00191214 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00823-00191215-00191502 and and so on and so forth
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00824-00191503-00191743 um perhaps i will stop there i can see
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00825-00191744-00191919 that i've taken um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00826-00191920-00192150 quite a lot of time and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00827-00192151-00192326 let's see how we can clarify some of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00828-00192327-00192583 these things during q and a thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00829-00192584-00192750 very much over to you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00830-00192751-00193078 bjorn
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00831-00193079-00193302 yes thank you very much jonathan i think
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00832-00193303-00193614 that was a beautiful overview
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00833-00193615-00193687 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00834-00193688-00193950 it shows the the unbelievable richness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00835-00193951-00194119 of that theory because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00836-00194120-00194302 um as i guess some of our guests will
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00837-00194303-00194550 know that is literally just
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00838-00194551-00194847 um a snapshot of all the things that are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00839-00194848-00195199 going on within the philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00840-00195200-00195478 of the conversational society and uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00841-00195479-00195663 what especially was interesting and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00842-00195664-00195871 helpful for me was to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00843-00195872-00196214 um learn a bit more about the history of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00844-00196215-00196487 that school because i don't i have not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00845-00196488-00196647 seen it so far
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00846-00196648-00196838 in writing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00847-00196839-00197078 so that was very instructive for me but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00848-00197079-00197231 of course i don't want to step into the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00849-00197232-00197502 way of the discussion so dear guests
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00850-00197503-00197735 please feel free if you have a question
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00851-00197736-00197895 feel free to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00852-00197896-00198199 use the raise hand feature
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00853-00198200-00198647 or feel free to type it into the um into
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00854-00198648-00198831 the chat and then i'm happy to take your
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00855-00198832-00199087 questions um just to kick it off with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00856-00199088-00199399 one question from my side um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00857-00199400-00199631 what i find particularly interesting and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00858-00199632-00199943 what i find is is at least in my
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00859-00199944-00200102 perception one of the most important
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00860-00200103-00200278 features of the conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00861-00200279-00200550 philosophy or of the conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00862-00200551-00200814 school of thought is the idea that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00863-00200815-00200983 binaries
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00864-00200984-00201247 do not necessarily go together with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00865-00201248-00201478 contradiction or with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00866-00201479-00201735 the relation of contradiction or to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00867-00201736-00201895 rephrase it in another way that there
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00868-00201896-00202183 are more options towards um within a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00869-00202184-00202478 binary um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00870-00202479-00202695 within a situation where two things are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00871-00202696-00202943 being understood in a binary way and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00872-00202944-00203214 especially this idea of complementarity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00873-00203215-00203350 is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00874-00203351-00203631 it seems to me is is very important here
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00875-00203632-00203814 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00876-00203815-00204054 in you have mentioned a couple of times
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00877-00204055-00204231 the aristotelian logic which is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00878-00204232-00204326 certainly
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00879-00204327-00204599 sort of the the origin or that's that's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00880-00204600-00204871 where in to a certain degree this idea
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00881-00204871-00205175 of binary originated and aristotle's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00882-00205176-00205327 aristotle was certainly one of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00883-00205328-00205542 philosophers who made good use of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00884-00205544-00205903 idea of inferiority and subsequently of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00885-00205904-00206151 superiority
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00886-00206152-00206462 what would you think is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00887-00206463-00206719 the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00888-00206719-00206975 thought that was taken
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00889-00206976-00207214 more seriously within the school of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00890-00207215-00207519 thought of the philosophical um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00891-00207519-00207751 of the conversational philosophy that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00892-00207752-00207966 was ignored by aristotle or by the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00893-00207967-00208255 western traditions who had this strong
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00894-00208256-00208551 tendency from their greek beginnings
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00895-00208552-00208927 until today to understand
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00896-00208928-00209238 binary binary con
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00897-00209239-00209414 binarity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00898-00209415-00209662 more in a belligerent in an aggressive
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00899-00209663-00209951 in a submissive and in a dominant way
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00900-00209952-00210142 how do you think
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00901-00210144-00210375 what what do you think is is this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00902-00210376-00210582 difference that um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00903-00210583-00210758 this anger that the conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00904-00210759-00211063 philosophy found that was apparently
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00905-00211064-00211279 ignored
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00906-00211280-00211446 um or
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00907-00211448-00211646 where there was an interest not to see
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00908-00211648-00211855 it or probably it was just a mistake
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00909-00211856-00212406 within the western tradition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00910-00212407-00212782 well you're muted jonathan
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00911-00212783-00212942 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00912-00212944-00213119 thank you very much
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00913-00213119-00213358 um it was a mistake
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00914-00213359-00213615 uh in western tradition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00915-00213616-00213767 uh it's about
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00916-00213767-00214087 it's it's about what works better what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00917-00214088-00214255 some people think what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00918-00214256-00214503 works better for them
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00919-00214504-00214615 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00920-00214616-00214934 and it's also important that i clarify
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00921-00214935-00215055 that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00922-00215056-00215406 uh binarity does not exist
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00923-00215407-00215639 in western thought alone yeah maybe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00924-00215640-00215927 there's this in african thought as well
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00925-00215928-00216246 um in lagos uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00926-00216248-00216319 uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00927-00216319-00216615 and in kinshasa and in pretoria if you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00928-00216616-00216903 throw down an orange it will fall
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00929-00216904-00217110 all right if you wish to cross the road
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00930-00217111-00217382 you look left left and right
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00931-00217383-00217567 that's binarity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00932-00217567-00217687 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00933-00217688-00217782 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00934-00217783-00217998 so and people still obey the law of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00935-00218000-00218534 contradiction in these places in africa
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00936-00218535-00218894 uh idea here that we are contributing is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00937-00218896-00219055 that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00938-00219056-00219239 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00939-00219240-00219398 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00940-00219400-00219727 it is not absolute
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00941-00219728-00219815 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00942-00219816-00219934 it is not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00943-00219935-00220103 law of contradiction it's not absolute
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00944-00220104-00220246 of course different philosophers from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00945-00220248-00220415 the west have even criticized it from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00946-00220416-00220558 hegel to ma
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00947-00220559-00220734 max to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00948-00220735-00220927 conor the rest of them they've all
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00949-00220928-00221167 criticized these law of thoughts but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00950-00221167-00221263 they are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00951-00221264-00221446 really not impeachable
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00952-00221448-00221639 as some people thought
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00953-00221640-00221903 okay but however because they continue
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00954-00221904-00222063 to guide reasoning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00955-00222064-00222191 everywhere in the world in the world
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00956-00222192-00222310 specifically
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00957-00222311-00222423 because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00958-00222423-00222534 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00959-00222535-00222855 nothing is expected to be perfect
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00960-00222856-00222982 the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00961-00222983-00223287 difference and what we are doing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00962-00223288-00223463 is that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00963-00223464-00223663 having surveyed the african thought
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00964-00223664-00223823 system and different cultures in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00965-00223823-00224039 different places in africa we see
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00966-00224040-00224223 certain things that continue to repeat
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00967-00224223-00224567 themselves in such a good pattern
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00968-00224567-00224679 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00969-00224680-00224894 in in the thought systems of these
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00970-00224896-00225191 cultures in africa and it is the idea
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00971-00225192-00225398 that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00972-00225400-00225663 opposites can be reconciled
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00973-00225664-00225887 it is the idea that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00974-00225888-00225982 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00975-00225983-00226175 we can go beyond this line of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00976-00226176-00226327 contradiction
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00977-00226328-00226591 it is the idea that we can go beyond
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00978-00226592-00226719 balance
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00979-00226719-00227071 and determinism in our reasoning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00980-00227071-00227294 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00981-00227296-00227519 very often in different places in africa
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00982-00227519-00227734 you see two people who are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00983-00227735-00227910 quarreling and then you're waiting to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00984-00227911-00228191 know what the problem was and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00985-00228192-00228391 uh by the time both of them narrate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00986-00228392-00228551 their one side of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00987-00228552-00228798 uh the situation and then you see the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00988-00228800-00229079 elder someone saying well
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00989-00229080-00229334 you are right and you are also
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00990-00229335-00229567 not wrong what does that mean
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00991-00229567-00229839 it means that there are both of them at
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00992-00229840-00229927 some
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00993-00229928-00230175 can meet themselves halfway because they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00994-00230176-00230303 all have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00995-00230304-00230455 a legitimate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00996-00230456-00230582 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00997-00230583-00230806 explanation to the situation that they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00998-00230807-00230958 are involved in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-00999-00230959-00231198 okay what does that mean it means that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01000-00231200-00231342 the strict
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01001-00231344-00231558 attributes of bar balance
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01002-00231559-00231831 that's trade jackets that's absolute
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01003-00231832-00232110 thing child that is accorded to it that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01004-00232111-00232310 might be wrong after all
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01005-00232311-00232551 okay if it is extended
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01006-00232552-00232639 or
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01007-00232640-00232934 if it is made to apply
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01008-00232935-00233119 absolutely
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01009-00233119-00233471 okay there are situations where you can
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01010-00233471-00233655 have exceptions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01011-00233656-00233879 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01012-00233880-00234158 the drive towards reconciling deposits
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01013-00234159-00234575 is to see if we can widen that space
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01014-00234576-00234798 broaden that horizon
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01015-00234800-00234998 you know that geography where we can
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01016-00235000-00235375 have more exceptions than not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01017-00235376-00235727 okay and um so that is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01018-00235728-00235887 that is um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01019-00235888-00236079 what informed the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01020-00236080-00236310 challenge that the theories in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01021-00236311-00236606 conversational school are attempting to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01022-00236607-00236815 address
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01023-00236816-00236998 and and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01024-00237000-00237119 and and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01025-00237119-00237271 make their own contribution to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01026-00237271-00237455 philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01027-00237456-00237910 and as something again that is quite um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01028-00237911-00238127 central to the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01029-00238128-00238439 philosophical thinking in africa we we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01030-00238440-00238606 know that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01031-00238607-00238798 um a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01032-00238800-00239094 and b could be opposite in such a way
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01033-00239096-00239334 that they are diametrically opposed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01034-00239335-00239639 we know that we practice that in africa
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01035-00239640-00239951 but we also know that going beyond
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01036-00239952-00240231 rather than focusing on that opposition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01037-00240232-00240430 all right and thinking about these two
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01038-00240431-00240710 things as elements that can actually
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01039-00240711-00240830 uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01040-00240831-00241079 complement each other
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01041-00241080-00241479 unravels and opens up completely new
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01042-00241480-00241663 vista that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01043-00241664-00241927 has a lot to contribute in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01044-00241928-00242206 relationships of human beings in this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01045-00242207-00242415 society
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01046-00242416-00242639 thank you thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01047-00242640-00242863 very nice let me read out a question by
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01048-00242864-00243079 paul michael and then i'm going to give
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01049-00243080-00243327 it over to you zachary so paul michael
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01050-00243328-00243591 asks what is the role if any
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01051-00243592-00243806 of other departments of philosophy in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01052-00243807-00244142 nigeria for instance ibadan ife or lagos
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01053-00244144-00244367 in the building of the foundation and or
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01054-00244367-00244582 structure of contemporary african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01055-00244583-00244758 philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01056-00244759-00245223 great um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01057-00245223-00245710 uh during the 60s and 70s and 80s the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01058-00245711-00245910 department of philosophy departments of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01059-00245911-00246127 philosophy and mentoring universities
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01060-00246128-00246439 that wasted great intellectual energy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01061-00246440-00246679 uh included some of these ones that he
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01062-00246680-00246887 mentioned unless of a partner
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01063-00246888-00247215 fifa university of nigerian soccer
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01064-00247216-00247303 and then
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01065-00247304-00247519 uh afterwards you see other universities
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01066-00247519-00247775 like university of lagos um because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01067-00247776-00247879 joining
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01068-00247880-00248119 and all that it was when they were in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01069-00248119-00248351 their decline in the 80s that university
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01070-00248352-00248719 of calabar philosophy came in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01071-00248719-00248975 the roles they played was in keeping
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01072-00248976-00249230 alive the discussion they talked about
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01073-00249231-00249519 african philosophy okay this department
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01074-00249519-00249734 the actors in these departments as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01075-00249735-00249967 actors everywhere who were talking and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01076-00249967-00250167 debating about african philosophy we are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01077-00250167-00250415 keeping alive that's subjects they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01078-00250416-00250663 weren't doing african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01079-00250664-00250951 we were talking about african philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01080-00250952-00251175 uh as um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01081-00251176-00251327 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01082-00251328-00251423 as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01083-00251423-00251703 uh difficult as that might sound to here
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01084-00251704-00251855 it's the truth
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01085-00251856-00252015 that we're talking about african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01086-00252016-00252142 philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01087-00252144-00252375 and and um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01088-00252376-00252582 they contributed some of them eventually
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01089-00252583-00252839 in the 80s and the 90s tried to produce
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01090-00252840-00252951 some work
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01091-00252952-00253151 um let's convert some cultural world
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01092-00253152-00253271 views and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01093-00253271-00253463 come up you can see j.o
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01094-00253464-00253558 louis
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01095-00253559-00253719 and the work that he did with barry
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01096-00253719-00253815 harlan
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01097-00253816-00254055 and a couple of other ones
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01098-00254056-00254319 that were um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01099-00254319-00254615 but the question is how much of these
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01100-00254616-00254839 works are really
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01101-00254840-00255071 how much of them much of these worlds
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01102-00255071-00255430 would you really look at and say okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01103-00255431-00255710 i can i can we can say that these works
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01104-00255711-00255903 are anchored um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01105-00255904-00256167 a proper system of african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01106-00256167-00256351 philosophical tradition in his own right
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01107-00256352-00256519 as i explained at the beginning of my
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01108-00256519-00256655 talk
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01109-00256656-00256951 okay there were also other scholars from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01110-00256952-00257158 those places who
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01111-00257159-00257519 not really uh proposing or giving us new
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01112-00257519-00257839 ideas but raise questions these people
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01113-00257840-00258103 raised questions in their works
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01114-00258104-00258367 that challenged people to think deeper
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01115-00258367-00258567 beyond what was common
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01116-00258567-00258694 at that time
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01117-00258696-00259094 some of them tried to foresee
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01118-00259096-00259287 the project that the conversational
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01119-00259288-00259471 school caliber school eventually started
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01120-00259471-00259591 doing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01121-00259592-00259934 um uh if you talk of the lives of um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01122-00259935-00260303 uh godmo and um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01123-00260304-00260551 what's his name from university of lagos
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01124-00260552-00260710 uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01125-00260711-00260863 the late um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01126-00260864-00260982 mama
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01127-00260983-00261206 from university of lagos and all that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01128-00261207-00261558 and quite a number of people these guys
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01129-00261559-00261830 raised questions and made contributions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01130-00261831-00261958 that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01131-00261959-00262223 really indicated that we should be doing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01132-00262224-00262430 things differently we should be doing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01133-00262431-00262727 things differently yeah and you can see
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01134-00262728-00262879 that those were really important
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01135-00262880-00263079 contributions as well
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01136-00263080-00263230 because some of the elements of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01137-00263231-00263415 calibur school in their workshop always
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01138-00263416-00263551 reference them
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01139-00263552-00263710 as people
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01140-00263711-00263934 who justify the sort of work that they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01141-00263935-00264039 are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01142-00264040-00264303 doing in the calabash school so that is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01143-00264304-00264406 it thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01144-00264407-00264895 thank you um over to you zachary
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01145-00264896-00265143 i thank you again uh for your talk that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01146-00265144-00265295 i thought that was super interesting i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01147-00265296-00265479 was just wanting to know a little bit
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01148-00265480-00265558 more
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01149-00265559-00265719 about uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01150-00265720-00265967 this notion of meaning and meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01151-00265968-00266247 um and i guess uh just to clarify not to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01152-00266248-00266455 impose any kind of material
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01153-00266456-00266671 phenomenological distinction
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01154-00266672-00266919 uh but does the notion of meaning making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01155-00266920-00267143 involve drawing of boundaries in and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01156-00267144-00267391 around both entities i guess out in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01157-00267392-00267679 world as well as like phenomena within
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01158-00267680-00267887 side of us is this kind of like a a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01159-00267888-00268223 general thing or or what can you just
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01160-00268224-00268358 talk a little bit more about meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01161-00268359-00268551 making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01162-00268552-00268679 okay so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01163-00268680-00268847 two things
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01164-00268848-00269039 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01165-00269040-00269239 if we go back to the old question of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01166-00269240-00269647 metaphysics about where things came from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01167-00269648-00270087 all right where do things can come from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01168-00270088-00270182 then
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01169-00270183-00270295 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01170-00270296-00270495 conversational thinking tries to answer
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01171-00270496-00270719 that by recourse to the idea of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01172-00270720-00271071 metaphysics of absence
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01173-00271072-00271167 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01174-00271168-00271391 in which um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01175-00271392-00271719 things that were in there uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01176-00271720-00271895 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01177-00271896-00272399 brought into a systems by means of um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01178-00272400-00272599 meaning making them
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01179-00272600-00272887 that involves uh the relationship of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01180-00272888-00273358 meaning maker and the object of meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01181-00273359-00273630 itself
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01182-00273631-00273903 if we want to talk about how we create
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01183-00273904-00274223 things and ideas on a daily basis
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01184-00274224-00274252 then
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01185-00274253-00274415 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01186-00274416-00274799 we use the uh concepts of a creative
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01187-00274800-00274910 struggle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01188-00274911-00275271 that is involved in such encounters we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01189-00275272-00275406 make
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01190-00275407-00275582 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01191-00275583-00275863 to demonstrate how we create
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01192-00275864-00275991 meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01193-00275992-00276255 the implication is that meaning itself
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01194-00276256-00276322 will become
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01195-00276323-00276471 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01196-00276472-00276847 something relative to some extent
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01197-00276848-00277103 because it is something that you can
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01198-00277104-00277543 as an epistemic agent create within you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01199-00277544-00277863 like i said the words i speak convey
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01200-00277864-00278095 ideas to you they don't convey any means
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01201-00278096-00278271 to you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01202-00278272-00278430 whatever meaning you make out of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01203-00278431-00278719 words i speak you make them yourself
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01204-00278720-00278871 within yourself
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01205-00278872-00279015 and um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01206-00279016-00279295 and and this is because and this also
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01207-00279296-00279455 implies that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01208-00279456-00279727 as many as we are here listening to me
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01209-00279728-00279975 each of us is making a different meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01210-00279976-00280175 somewhat different from what others are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01211-00280176-00280343 making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01212-00280344-00280599 no one here will make the same meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01213-00280600-00280775 from what i'm saying
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01214-00280776-00281047 as the other person
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01215-00281048-00281343 as the next person
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01216-00281344-00281639 and that is because meaning making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01217-00281640-00281871 could be subjective
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01218-00281872-00282095 all right first i'll have to associate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01219-00282096-00282295 you have to associate the ideas i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01220-00282296-00282558 compare with the words you think
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01221-00282559-00282903 you know capture the ideas i come there
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01222-00282904-00283127 and then you distilled your own meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01223-00283128-00283319 to creative struggle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01224-00283320-00283575 and it happens very fast that you don't
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01225-00283576-00283863 even notice it's that it happens
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01226-00283864-00284054 but at the end of the day the meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01227-00284055-00284223 you make of what i'm saying is different
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01228-00284224-00284471 from the meaning the next person next
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01229-00284472-00284663 but then in so far as they are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01230-00284664-00284967 mutualized in the orbit of meaning we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01231-00284968-00285158 call it orbit of meaning in so far as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01232-00285159-00285351 they are mutualized we understand
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01233-00285352-00285503 ourselves
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01234-00285504-00285703 and and we okay with that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01235-00285704-00286063 but when we don't mutualize our meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01236-00286064-00286206 when uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01237-00286207-00286423 the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01238-00286424-00286671 approximate transference of idea was not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01239-00286672-00286879 successful
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01240-00286880-00287047 that is when
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01241-00287048-00287199 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01242-00287200-00287406 we don't we can't understand ourselves
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01243-00287407-00287639 conflict was set in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01244-00287640-00287734 because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01245-00287735-00287854 uh have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01246-00287855-00288127 so often you say something intending
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01247-00288128-00288334 something else and someone picks offense
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01248-00288335-00288567 out of it and then you are in a battle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01249-00288568-00288782 to explain to that person that that was
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01250-00288783-00288991 not what i intended but that was the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01251-00288992-00289271 meaning the best made out of it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01252-00289272-00289382 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01253-00289383-00289527 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01254-00289528-00289647 the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01255-00289648-00289847 point here is that all manner of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01256-00289848-00290151 problems we have in the world results
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01257-00290152-00290471 as a result of failure of meaning making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01258-00290472-00290743 and it's always subjective
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01259-00290744-00290919 no matter how we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01260-00290920-00291175 clarify ourselves and make it as clear
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01261-00291176-00291303 as possible
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01262-00291304-00291495 people will never understand us the way
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01263-00291496-00291615 we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01264-00291616-00291847 intend them to understand us
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01265-00291848-00292079 but again we can communicate and move
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01266-00292080-00292247 forward if we move if we're able to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01267-00292248-00292487 neutralize our meanings
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01268-00292488-00292767 thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01269-00292768-00293023 thank you very much i think amara esther
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01270-00293024-00293287 you had your hand up um i'm not sure if
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01271-00293288-00293543 you lowered it now intentionally again
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01272-00293544-00293743 so if you have a question please feel
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01273-00293744-00293919 free to to um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01274-00293920-00294263 um okay thank you very much um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01275-00294264-00294406 prof
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01276-00294407-00294630 and you have actually hinted on what i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01277-00294631-00294951 wanted to ask but um let me still go
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01278-00294952-00295134 ahead with it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01279-00295135-00295343 my question is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01280-00295344-00295575 i was actually thinking about this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01281-00295576-00295887 meaning making that if we do not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01282-00295888-00296167 transfer or pass me
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01283-00296168-00296287 from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01284-00296288-00296623 one person to the other and once we pass
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01285-00296624-00296839 uh many ideas
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01286-00296840-00297079 then i was thinking about can't we have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01287-00297080-00297175 a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01288-00297176-00297367 clash of meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01289-00297368-00297767 where um different uh receivers
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01290-00297768-00298039 would interpret
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01291-00298040-00298343 these the ideas you know pass in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01292-00298344-00298575 different ways that it actually
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01293-00298576-00298895 conflicts not only with what the speaker
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01294-00298896-00299223 um has in mind but even with other
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01295-00299224-00299351 meanings
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01296-00299352-00299710 that others might make out of the ideas
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01297-00299711-00299854 that the speaker
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01298-00299855-00300063 has passed across
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01299-00300064-00300343 and in this case if there's something
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01300-00300344-00300630 like clash of meanings then how can we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01301-00300631-00300806 resolve
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01302-00300807-00301082 it in such a situation thank
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01303-00301083-00301319 you okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01304-00301320-00301639 brilliant thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01305-00301640-00301839 that is why we have problems in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01306-00301840-00302134 world
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01307-00302135-00302391 unless someone is sick
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01308-00302392-00302703 i do not know of anyone who would
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01309-00302704-00302910 like to wake up in the morning and take
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01310-00302911-00303015 joy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01311-00303016-00303247 in causing problems everywhere he or she
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01312-00303248-00303503 goes unless that person is sick
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01313-00303504-00303830 we have problems in the world because of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01314-00303831-00304103 regular failures the meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01315-00304104-00304279 making processes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01316-00304280-00304495 we fell every day at that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01317-00304496-00304815 um it's become routine for many people
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01318-00304816-00305110 and when we identify those who
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01319-00305111-00305495 have meditated habits to not to be able
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01320-00305496-00305743 to mutualize meaning we always
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01321-00305744-00305895 say of them that they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01322-00305896-00306127 be careful how you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01323-00306128-00306327 discuss with him or her
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01324-00306328-00306471 you know if you don't want to know how
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01325-00306472-00306710 to misunderstand you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01326-00306711-00307006 okay but then the point is this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01327-00307007-00307247 the fact that we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01328-00307248-00307430 uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01329-00307431-00307543 that we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01330-00307544-00307751 have um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01331-00307752-00307975 uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01332-00307976-00308303 uh claimed to the same
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01333-00308304-00308599 linguistic resources and by linguistic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01334-00308600-00308767 here i do not just mean
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01335-00308768-00308887 language
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01336-00308888-00309206 as a verbal to i mean even gesticulation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01337-00309207-00309454 symbol signs or what have you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01338-00309455-00309799 that we have claimed to this linguistic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01339-00309800-00309967 resource
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01340-00309968-00310295 and because we understand the logic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01341-00310296-00310534 at the foundation of that linguistic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01342-00310535-00310654 resource
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01343-00310655-00310943 and we understand the structure
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01344-00310944-00311295 the method of using those tools
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01345-00311296-00311487 uh enables us
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01346-00311488-00311582 to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01347-00311583-00311806 engage in meaning making engaging
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01348-00311807-00311982 relationships
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01349-00311983-00312079 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01350-00312080-00312175 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01351-00312176-00312279 but then
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01352-00312280-00312567 that's not enough
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01353-00312568-00312847 everyone must be able to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01354-00312848-00313071 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01355-00313072-00313382 play his or her own role as an epistemic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01356-00313383-00313543 agent
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01357-00313544-00313630 for
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01358-00313631-00313919 an act of meaning making to be
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01359-00313920-00314095 successful
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01360-00314096-00314199 all right
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01361-00314200-00314382 when that is not done
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01362-00314383-00314606 a conflict problems and that is why we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01363-00314607-00314751 say that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01364-00314752-00315064 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01365-00315065-00315239 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01366-00315240-00315391 the moment
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01367-00315392-00315654 once we remain in conversation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01368-00315655-00315844 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01369-00315845-00316087 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01370-00316088-00316223 crisis
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01371-00316224-00316479 is avoidable we may have conflicts but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01372-00316480-00316743 crisis will be avoidable once we remain
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01373-00316744-00316903 in conversation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01374-00316904-00317110 okay because the goal
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01375-00317111-00317319 is to constantly try through creative
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01376-00317320-00317527 struggle it's not going to be easy our
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01377-00317528-00317695 daily relationship is not an easy one
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01378-00317696-00317863 it's a creative struggle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01379-00317864-00318182 even when you uh with the love of your
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01380-00318183-00318447 life is still a creative struggle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01381-00318448-00318654 because this individual is an epistemic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01382-00318655-00318758 agent
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01383-00318759-00319247 that whose total body of meaning making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01384-00319248-00319367 yields
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01385-00319368-00319558 something different to that person than
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01386-00319559-00319751 than your own use to you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01387-00319752-00319895 these things make
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01388-00319896-00320239 conflict inevitable from point to point
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01389-00320240-00320415 but once we remain in conversation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01390-00320416-00320623 crisis which is a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01391-00320624-00320975 much more serious outcome is avoidable
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01392-00320976-00321206 when we talk of these international
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01393-00321207-00321454 bodies the countries of the world
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01394-00321455-00321671 and conflict and war they say let's get
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01395-00321672-00321927 down to get to the round table and talk
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01396-00321928-00322223 let's change ideas and resolve this what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01397-00322224-00322375 are they trying to do
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01398-00322376-00322654 and sometimes they say talk has broken
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01399-00322655-00322758 down
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01400-00322759-00322919 they've returned to the trenches and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01401-00322920-00323239 they've restarted war why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01402-00323240-00323543 okay because of failure to neutralize
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01403-00323544-00323782 meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01404-00323783-00324071 not just in the linguistic sense but in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01405-00324072-00324247 existential sense and that is why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01406-00324248-00324534 meaning making is metaphysical it's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01407-00324535-00324758 epistemological it's ethical and what a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01408-00324759-00324854 view
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01409-00324855-00325095 we must mutualize meaning before we can
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01410-00325096-00325303 make progress and move forward otherwise
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01411-00325304-00325519 we break off and that is why in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01412-00325520-00325782 conversational curve you have the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01413-00325783-00325967 emotions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01414-00325968-00326206 okay you have the conjunctive notion and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01415-00326207-00326447 you have the disjunctive motion all
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01416-00326448-00326703 right when we are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01417-00326704-00326887 opposed variables
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01418-00326888-00326975 uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01419-00326976-00327215 are moving together behind conjunctive
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01420-00327216-00327551 motion why because ontologically it is a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01421-00327552-00327815 necessity but the principle of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01422-00327816-00328030 relationality that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01423-00328031-00328358 opposites most in most variables must
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01424-00328359-00328575 relate interrelates
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01425-00328576-00328854 because no variable is an ego solution
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01426-00328855-00329087 so the entire conjunctive motion
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01427-00329088-00329415 but then there is a point where that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01428-00329416-00329734 conjunctive motion cannot go further
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01429-00329735-00330063 okay and that is the binocular point
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01430-00330064-00330287 because these are different epistemic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01431-00330288-00330406 agents with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01432-00330407-00330654 different compositions once they try to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01433-00330655-00330878 force it beyond that binocular point
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01434-00330879-00331023 crisis
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01435-00331024-00331303 crisis meaning results because they are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01436-00331304-00331527 there at that point pretending
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01437-00331528-00331775 or refusing to be reasonable
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01438-00331776-00331967 in that encounter
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01439-00331968-00332167 crisis in meaning making
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01440-00332168-00332295 a cause
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01441-00332296-00332391 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01442-00332392-00332510 so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01443-00332511-00332687 this is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01444-00332688-00332839 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01445-00332840-00333247 some of the basics that can explain why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01446-00333248-00333447 these crisis are inevitable and they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01447-00333448-00333703 will continue to real call
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01448-00333704-00333871 because we are all
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01449-00333872-00334110 epistemic agents
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01450-00334111-00334230 on in our
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01451-00334231-00334358 on our own
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01452-00334359-00334503 with our own
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01453-00334504-00334751 peculiarities you can wish away the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01454-00334752-00335030 circumstances of our unique existence
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01455-00335031-00335295 in meaning making you can wish it away
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01456-00335296-00335415 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01457-00335416-00335623 and all that so so those sooner that we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01458-00335624-00335775 have come together
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01459-00335776-00335967 this junctive motion will kick in we'll
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01460-00335968-00336119 break apart again
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01461-00336120-00336319 who's afraid to go separate ways who
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01462-00336320-00336447 fight
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01463-00336448-00336578 only to come back again
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01464-00336579-00336767 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01465-00336768-00336999 because necessarily we must have to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01466-00337000-00337182 interrelate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01467-00337183-00337519 and and if you take this to epistemology
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01468-00337520-00338103 we try to say that um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01469-00338104-00338319 using the principle of um context
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01470-00338320-00338527 dependence of value
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01471-00338528-00338639 in ethics
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01472-00338640-00338895 you say that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01473-00338896-00339039 value
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01474-00339040-00339271 okay of whatever shape
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01475-00339272-00339575 it's always contextual
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01476-00339576-00339815 our epistemic claims are always
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01477-00339816-00340039 contextual there's always a context this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01478-00340040-00340295 is a principle of contextuality um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01479-00340296-00340534 grounded in the law of mecca that i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01480-00340535-00340767 spoke about in his mesologic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01481-00340768-00341078 okay these contexts are what makes us
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01482-00341079-00341327 uh who we are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01483-00341328-00341575 uniquely and we can wish it a way we can
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01484-00341576-00341734 throw it away
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01485-00341735-00341975 and that is why we say that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01486-00341976-00342254 context obsessed facts
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01487-00342255-00342510 sometimes obsessed facts
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01488-00342511-00342734 okay there was something that is true
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01489-00342735-00342967 or is in this shape in this context
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01490-00342968-00343110 moving to another context it takes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01491-00343111-00343358 another shape altogether
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01492-00343359-00343654 something that is pleasing to you here
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01493-00343655-00343830 go somewhere else or be in another
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01494-00343831-00344063 situation it becomes displeasing to you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01495-00344064-00344351 context obsessed facts
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01496-00344352-00344454 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01497-00344455-00344534 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01498-00344535-00344839 the factors episteme epistemology ethics
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01499-00344840-00345071 metaphysics and different conceptions of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01500-00345072-00345630 conversion of philosophy thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01501-00345631-00345871 thank you very much jonathan um i just
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01502-00345872-00346095 noticed versus au you have a question as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01503-00346096-00346295 well maybe it's possible that we address
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01504-00346296-00346567 that question after we have listened to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01505-00346568-00346854 other we will have some time to um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01506-00346855-00347175 talk together then but now um i would
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01507-00347176-00347358 like to introduce our colleague ada
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01508-00347359-00347591 agada thank you jonathan so far very
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01509-00347592-00347791 much um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01510-00347792-00348054 ara has received his phd from university
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01511-00348055-00348239 of nigeria and zuka he has taught
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01512-00348240-00348430 african philosophy and intercultural
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01513-00348431-00348599 philosophy classes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01514-00348600-00348951 in universities in nigeria and germany
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01515-00348952-00349182 he is recipient of quite a few research
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01516-00349183-00349406 brands for example of the john chapel uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01517-00349407-00349623 foundation alexander von humboldt
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01518-00349624-00349799 foundation and the johannesburg
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01519-00349800-00349910 institute for
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01520-00349911-00350127 advanced studies and the american
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01521-00350128-00350447 council of learned societies he has he
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01522-00350448-00350806 has like jonathan uh widely published um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01523-00350807-00351006 and he has uh written on african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01524-00351007-00351271 philosophy metaphysics philosophy of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01525-00351272-00351471 religion intercultural philosophy and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01526-00351472-00351727 especially to be mentioned is his
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01527-00351728-00351910 uh book existence and constellation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01528-00351911-00352167 reinventing ontology gnosis and values
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01529-00352168-00352327 in african philosophy which has been
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01530-00352328-00352478 praised by african and western
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01531-00352479-00352799 philosophers for its originality and it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01532-00352800-00353110 is one of the few books that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01533-00353111-00353415 luckily enough was also indeed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01534-00353416-00353647 recognized by western scholars i'm not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01535-00353648-00353839 sure if it has if it received the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01536-00353840-00354175 reputation it should have received but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01537-00354176-00354423 we will certainly continue to make his
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01538-00354424-00354695 philosophy more widely known and this is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01539-00354696-00354943 another beautiful opportunity to do that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01540-00354944-00355134 today as i said before i'm going to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01541-00355135-00355367 share my screen now and i'm going to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01542-00355368-00355663 present and ara is going to present via
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01543-00355664-00355927 a pre-recorded session to avoid on the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01544-00355928-00356143 one hand any technical difficulties that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01545-00356144-00356367 might occur and to otherwise
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01546-00356368-00356591 avoid any problems that might result
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01547-00356592-00356695 from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01548-00356696-00356951 ara's hearing impairment so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01549-00356952-00357103 also to remind you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01550-00357104-00357287 while that video runs or after that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01551-00357288-00357487 review if you have any questions please
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01552-00357488-00357687 put them in the chat so that other might
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01553-00357688-00357975 read them out and then he can answer
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01554-00357976-00358078 them
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01555-00358079-00358375 for us all okay let me quickly start
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01556-00358376-00358767 sharing my screen
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01557-00358768-00359006 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01558-00359007-00359351 let us now welcome ara agada and his
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01559-00359352-00359854 talk on consolationism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01560-00359855-00360110 hello everyone
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01561-00360111-00360430 this is doctor
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01562-00360431-00360710 i've been speaking at the technique
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01563-00360711-00360943 taking us that you have conservation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01564-00360944-00361078 isn't
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01565-00361079-00361406 good now you proceed with my check
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01566-00361407-00363334 i'm sharing my screen now
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01567-00363335-00363830 the objectives of mr guy's purpose
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01568-00363831-00364151 to present conservationism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01569-00364152-00364534 as a 22 21st century african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01570-00364535-00364775 civic synthesis
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01571-00364776-00365151 i also um back the idea of mods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01572-00365152-00365482 which are the guys because they share
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01573-00365483-00365767 listen and at the same time make it with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01574-00365768-00366054 the idea of god
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01575-00366055-00366230 my track
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01576-00366231-00366591 he was exotic concept of the human being
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01577-00366592-00366671 as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01578-00366672-00367119 homo melancholicus
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01579-00367120-00367278 finally are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01580-00367279-00367619 told by responding to two basic basis of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01581-00367620-00367775 conservationism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01582-00367776-00367943 namely
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01583-00367944-00368239 is a universe pointless
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01584-00368240-00368399 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01585-00368400-00368806 two is human life meaningless
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01586-00368807-00369071 so you get there is neither side
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01587-00369072-00370047 perceived
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01588-00370048-00370399 conservation and conservationism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01589-00370400-00370630 persecution is it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01590-00370631-00370895 is a saying i kind
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01591-00370896-00371078 to describe it it doesn't be a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01592-00371079-00371247 conservation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01593-00371248-00371471 it is first century african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01594-00371472-00371743 philosophical scene tests
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01595-00371744-00372023 that seeks to respond to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01596-00372024-00372295 the two basic questions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01597-00372296-00372415 of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01598-00372416-00372782 is the universe pointless and is human
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01599-00372783-00373102 life meaningless
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01600-00373103-00373391 so the third conservation is a third
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01601-00373392-00373558 category
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01602-00373559-00373727 that captures
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01603-00373728-00373910 the condition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01604-00373911-00374087 of entities
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01605-00374088-00374375 that exist in the in the universe that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01606-00374376-00374606 is described as tragic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01607-00374607-00374878 the universe that strikes that this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01608-00374879-00375087 evidence of striving
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01609-00375088-00375423 of yearning even as the goal of this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01610-00375424-00375823 training can never be attained
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01611-00375824-00376078 circulation is a third category that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01612-00376079-00376343 captures a target condition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01613-00376344-00377463 of any entities that never registered
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01614-00377464-00377639 architecture
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01615-00377640-00377967 within which the concept of conservation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01616-00377968-00378310 is articulated
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01617-00378311-00378519 so why consolation captures the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01618-00378520-00378767 condition of entities
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01619-00378768-00378967 in the uni universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01620-00378968-00379143 conservationism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01621-00379144-00379391 is a metaphysical system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01622-00379392-00379647 the intellectual architecture under
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01623-00379648-00379934 which within which the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01624-00379935-00380430 conservation is articulated
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01625-00380431-00380719 in this system of conservationism the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01626-00380720-00381006 idea of motivation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01627-00381007-00381239 since everything in the universe is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01628-00381240-00381391 defined as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01629-00381392-00381630 i draw more about the expression
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01630-00381631-00381839 manifestation of mud
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01631-00381840-00382247 so let us now move to the next section
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01632-00382248-00382663 what is it's a good question
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01633-00382664-00382871 the idea of moods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01634-00382872-00383191 my idea of move ever within the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01635-00383192-00383471 philosophical tradition called african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01636-00383472-00383982 hindustani
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01637-00383983-00384278 so this from my quest for a full
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01638-00384279-00384534 diameter principle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01639-00384535-00384695 within which
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01640-00384696-00384967 i can articulate a comprehensive
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01641-00384968-00385127 mechanism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01642-00385128-00385295 that that accounts for
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01643-00385296-00385567 the reality of the universe and the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01644-00385568-00385799 condition of human beings
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01645-00385800-00386191 this search for a fundamental principle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01646-00386192-00386447 it's not entirely a new one
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01647-00386448-00386567 the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01648-00386568-00387367 blessed temples
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01649-00387368-00387582 and innocent ourselves in their
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01650-00387583-00387882 different ways trying to identify
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01651-00387883-00388215 foreign papers that we enable them to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01652-00388216-00388463 articulate the total green metadata
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01653-00388464-00388630 system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01654-00388631-00388919 it does a template we have the idea of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01655-00388920-00389215 the vital first
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01656-00389216-00389527 a principle that animates the universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01657-00389528-00390078 conceived by he has issued from god
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01658-00390079-00390415 and enliven everything in the universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01659-00390416-00390623 admitting everything
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01660-00390624-00390967 so god humanities
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01661-00390968-00391215 lesser divinities
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01662-00391216-00391406 vegetable life
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01663-00391407-00391758 mineral existence the opposite is by
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01664-00391759-00391999 surplus
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01665-00392000-00392134 however
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01666-00392135-00392334 don't go far enough
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01667-00392335-00392727 to keep the idea about that first
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01668-00392728-00393215 a compelling philosophical formation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01669-00393216-00394895 in check injections to paint this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01670-00394896-00395367 jj arrived at what he calls the susan
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01671-00395368-00395558 a non-material
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01672-00395559-00395830 principle that admits everything in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01673-00395831-00396087 universe he also like
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01674-00396088-00396727 tempest conceived as issue from birds
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01675-00396728-00396934 rama say
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01676-00396935-00397158 just like jeju
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01677-00397159-00397591 arrives at what he calls in the coming
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01678-00397592-00397975 as universal game as that which
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01679-00397976-00398343 manifest is set as insert set change
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01680-00398344-00398615 eternal becoming
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01681-00398616-00398854 ourselves
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01682-00398855-00399151 advances the thoughts of tempest
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01683-00399152-00399510 jji ramos is acting to arrive at the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01684-00399511-00399815 complementary metaphysics that account
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01685-00399816-00399967 for the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01686-00399968-00400251 noted african complementary and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01687-00400252-00400534 complementaristic working
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01688-00400535-00400767 whereas in ourselves would be fair to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01689-00400768-00401102 find a single lifetime to capture
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01690-00401103-00401519 what this fundamental principle is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01691-00401520-00401782 you can find the idea of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01692-00401783-00401967 missing links
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01693-00401968-00402302 which seeks to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01694-00402303-00402591 define the archive for the reality of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01695-00402592-00402678 them
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01696-00402679-00402871 according to ourselves
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01697-00402872-00403063 being is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01698-00403064-00403454 that on account of which whatever exists
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01699-00403455-00403878 servicing receiving of gravity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01700-00403879-00404095 so we can see that from their place to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01701-00404096-00404327 get to ourselves they have seen an
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01702-00404328-00404639 attempt to identify what the being is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01703-00404640-00404887 right then they speak spanish by that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01704-00404888-00404975 first
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01705-00404976-00405319 and yet she would say so i rama said it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01706-00405320-00405567 will keep becoming
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01707-00405568-00406047 a timer economy or change ourselves
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01708-00406048-00406471 association directive first come
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01709-00406472-00406695 he doesn't identify anything that we can
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01710-00406696-00406823 contain
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01711-00406824-00407158 rather it tells us that being is that an
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01712-00407159-00407310 account of which
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01713-00407311-00407558 anything that exists
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01714-00407559-00407919 something is simply probability
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01715-00407920-00408151 so with ourselves we find the question
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01716-00408152-00408271 mark
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01717-00408272-00408351 it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01718-00408352-00408558 suggests that being is that which is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01719-00408559-00408743 incomplete
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01720-00408744-00408887 that whatever
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01721-00408888-00409151 whatever is universal that being which
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01722-00409152-00409399 is indeed universal is that which
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01723-00409400-00409759 revises said as an incompleteness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01724-00409760-00409966 taking up the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01725-00409967-00410143 problem from where this government
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01726-00410143-00410374 stopped
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01727-00410375-00410734 write at the concept of moods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01728-00410735-00411022 as different diameter principle in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01729-00411023-00411551 conservationist universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01730-00411552-00411830 i realize that for mood to account for a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01731-00411831-00412159 day for entities in the universe to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01732-00412160-00412399 extend the universe in satisfactory
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01733-00412400-00412566 manner
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01734-00412567-00412799 it must
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01735-00412800-00413078 be able to tell us account for
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01736-00413079-00413239 the reality of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01737-00413239-00413463 physical as well as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01738-00413464-00413855 a material or not physical phenomena
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01739-00413856-00413982 yes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01740-00413983-00414207 i define
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01741-00414208-00414439 an articulated mode as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01742-00414439-00414830 a consciousness matter principle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01743-00414831-00415110 the consciousness matter in practice
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01744-00415112-00415359 in totality
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01745-00415360-00415799 the unity of the material and the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01746-00415800-00416078 non-material dimensions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01747-00416079-00416287 of the universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01748-00416288-00416430 it's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01749-00416431-00416895 this is saved as yen it says senses
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01750-00416896-00417182 smooth on the lights all the time in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01751-00417183-00417310 universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01752-00417312-00417470 these gods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01753-00417471-00417655 human beings
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01754-00417656-00417807 die this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01755-00417808-00418110 uh inanimate things everything
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01756-00418112-00418382 is back an expression of mood
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01757-00418383-00418814 so mood is then a unity a totality of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01758-00418815-00419130 the material and the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01759-00419131-00419447 non-material what african philosophers
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01760-00419447-00419710 like to call this literature
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01761-00419712-00420083 so here we have a precise definition of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01762-00420084-00420310 smooth mood is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01763-00420312-00420727 the primordial mind matter interface
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01764-00420728-00420943 the source of all intelligence in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01765-00420943-00421039 world
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01766-00421039-00421414 all the emotions in the universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01767-00421415-00421559 it is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01768-00421560-00421791 that yeah
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01769-00421792-00422099 a borderless brother nearby that's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01770-00422100-00422470 distinguishing the phenomenon of mind
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01771-00422471-00422863 from mata are constantly dry stressed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01772-00422864-00423183 so that it makes more sense for us to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01773-00423184-00423607 talk about faces of reality that is the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01774-00423608-00423863 material and immaterial thesis of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01775-00423864-00424007 reality
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01776-00424008-00424359 rather strictly
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01777-00424360-00424607 minds are material the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01778-00424608-00424743 realities
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01779-00424743-00425063 so when we see a rock for instance
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01780-00425064-00425343 we can talk of this drug as a physical
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01781-00425343-00425479 thing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01782-00425480-00425863 but also as an entity with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01783-00425864-00426159 a non-physical dimension which will not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01784-00426160-00426479 consist in its micro history in the fact
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01785-00426480-00426766 that it's exist to be deceived
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01786-00426767-00427207 by a mind that becomes a part of a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01787-00427208-00427366 totality
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01788-00427367-00427710 an expression to tell you totality which
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01789-00427712-00428070 is revealed is said as advanced material
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01790-00428071-00428295 and immigrant
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01791-00428296-00428622 so mood is a primordial
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01792-00428623-00428814 mind mata
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01793-00428815-00428959 phenomenon
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01794-00428960-00429287 a principle that can lead to universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01795-00429288-00429503 effects and affect everything in this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01796-00429504-00429687 universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01797-00429688-00430110 nothing escapes mood i this mood is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01798-00430112-00430383 defined by the essence of jenny it is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01799-00430384-00430703 always an incompleteness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01800-00430704-00430951 so the incomplete game
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01801-00430952-00431335 which i sense struggles to articulate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01802-00431335-00431510 and emergencies
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01803-00431512-00431695 the incompletes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01804-00431696-00431935 might matter and amen
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01805-00431935-00432270 when a manner of the conservationist
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01806-00432271-00432470 income
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01807-00432471-00432799 okay now that i've attempted to give an
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01808-00432800-00433031 idea of what mood is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01809-00433032-00433203 as a mind
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01810-00433204-00433383 materiality
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01811-00433384-00433695 a universal animated principle with a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01812-00433696-00434083 material and any material
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01813-00434084-00434343 dimension which
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01814-00434343-00434670 underlies everything involves everything
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01815-00434671-00434992 and defines the devices jenny let us see
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01816-00434993-00435295 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01817-00435296-00435655 how mood is related to god
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01818-00435656-00435975 the question of god the theme of god
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01819-00435976-00436263 of basic place of christ in the class of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01820-00436264-00436566 this conservationist universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01821-00436567-00436847 so we are now
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01822-00436847-00437127 in africa philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01823-00437128-00437718 we can broadly identify two use of goods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01824-00437719-00438191 the transcendental and orientation is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01825-00438192-00438487 proponents of the trash they thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01826-00438488-00438614 for that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01827-00438615-00438822 god is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01828-00438823-00439035 omnipotent
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01829-00439035-00439191 omniscience
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01830-00439192-00439455 and omnibus neverland
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01831-00439456-00439683 that is easy perfect
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01832-00439684-00439839 necessary being
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01833-00439839-00439951 why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01834-00439952-00440255 proponents of the limitation you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01835-00440256-00440399 heard that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01836-00440400-00440566 god
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01837-00440567-00440839 traditional african thoughts conceives
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01838-00440839-00441270 god has only high diet let me say
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01839-00441271-00441439 putting power
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01840-00441439-00441759 and knowledge another day this but god
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01841-00441760-00442191 is also limited in goodness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01842-00442192-00442335 i secrete
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01843-00442335-00442710 the consolationist idea of mods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01844-00442712-00443087 it is enough this literature
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01845-00443088-00443214 we take
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01846-00443215-00443551 by yes for the orientation view since i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01847-00443552-00443670 have already
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01848-00443671-00444039 conceived moon as a universally eating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01849-00444039-00444159 principle
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01850-00444160-00444575 having a sense of incompleteness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01851-00444576-00444887 since this is the case the universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01852-00444888-00445175 is incomplete and imperfect
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01853-00445176-00445366 if the universe is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01854-00445367-00445503 imperfect
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01855-00445504-00445927 its creation for its architects or each
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01856-00445928-00446151 designer must
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01857-00446152-00446679 by that reason also be an imperfect game
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01858-00446680-00446991 now we thought conceived as limited in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01859-00446992-00447222 power
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01860-00447223-00447614 knowledge and goodness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01861-00447615-00447895 we can see that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01862-00447896-00448255 it is not that limits god if moods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01863-00448256-00448535 limits god their mood is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01864-00448535-00448791 the supreme being
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01865-00448792-00448991 mood is rather
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01866-00448992-00449343 the most universal and the basic levity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01867-00449343-00449710 it is what we call being we take with a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01868-00449712-00449895 capital b
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01869-00449896-00450207 and god damn this is green
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01870-00450208-00450343 but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01871-00450343-00450703 it's not the type b
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01872-00450704-00452295 god does not defend us
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01873-00452296-00452647 god creates the words out of materials
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01874-00452647-00452879 supplied by moods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01875-00452880-00453151 with mood positioned as eternal it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01876-00453152-00453279 limits
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01877-00453280-00453543 it automatically defeats god
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01878-00453543-00453799 so we now say that god is also a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01879-00453800-00454063 creature of moods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01880-00454064-00454399 either he does not predate most
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01881-00454400-00454575 but he
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01882-00454576-00454903 is powerful another to the extent that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01883-00454904-00455183 he can describe it i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01884-00455184-00455414 who is able to manipulate the resources
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01885-00455415-00455775 of moods and in the process create a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01886-00455776-00456143 universal term
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01887-00456143-00456318 so why mood
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01888-00456319-00456575 is a universal limited principle that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01889-00456576-00456822 doesn't mean it's good it's not an
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01890-00456823-00456991 entity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01891-00456992-00457318 however god is an entity one that is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01892-00457319-00457639 created by most
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01893-00457639-00458118 does the word that god creates
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01894-00458119-00458383 part of the essence of mode is a dated
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01895-00458384-00458583 world
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01896-00458584-00458799 within the universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01897-00458800-00459183 that is a timer and animated by
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01898-00459184-00459983 the phenomenon of the principle of moods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01899-00459984-00460159 now
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01900-00460160-00460414 having distracts magnetic better the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01901-00460415-00460679 relationship between more than god how
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01902-00460680-00460847 we proceed with this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01903-00460847-00461127 the next important bible type
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01904-00461128-00461407 in conservationist philosophy which is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01905-00461408-00462287 the human being
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01906-00462288-00462503 but before that we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01907-00462504-00462791 emphasized that the universe of mode is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01908-00462792-00463103 a tragic universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01909-00463104-00463431 because it is a universe again
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01910-00463432-00463966 one in that eternal process of economy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01911-00463967-00464118 with a goal
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01912-00464119-00464351 which humanists are not the same but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01913-00464352-00464607 which is which must india all the same
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01914-00464608-00464863 since this universe resists the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01915-00464864-00465055 character of striving
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01916-00465056-00465287 they cannot describe me any dating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01917-00465288-00465447 purpose
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01918-00465447-00465687 although we cannot identify exactly what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01919-00465688-00465855 this purpose
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01920-00465856-00466031 it must exist
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01921-00466032-00466222 forget again
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01922-00466223-00466518 it becomes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01923-00466519-00466879 however there is nothing speculating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01924-00466880-00467135 constellation is universal it speculates
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01925-00467135-00467231 that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01926-00467232-00467527 the goal of the universe is perfection
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01927-00467528-00467743 the attainment of perfection or
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01928-00467743-00467991 completeness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01929-00467992-00468214 they are in the elimination of moral
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01930-00468215-00468695 people as well as physical evil
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01931-00468696-00468991 yet since the universe is the china
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01932-00468992-00469143 become
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01933-00469143-00469399 continuous change
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01934-00469400-00469614 content is driving
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01935-00469615-00469783 this goal
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01936-00469784-00470039 according to the speculative system of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01937-00470039-00470359 oscillation is miscellaneous
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01938-00470360-00470543 if the good of perfection is so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01939-00470543-00470783 maintainable in his driving efforts so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01940-00470784-00471399 geneva is a tragic universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01941-00471400-00471639 such an imperfect universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01942-00471639-00471903 the one in which we find ourselves evil
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01943-00471904-00472039 sorry
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01944-00472039-00472351 but physically the physical gives
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01945-00472352-00472622 time that may be caused by characters
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01946-00472623-00472879 beyond the control of humanities
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01947-00472880-00472999 as well as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01948-00473000-00473375 moral evil which is harm caused by
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01949-00473376-00473710 factors instigated by human beings in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01950-00473712-00473999 such a universe disease diarrhea
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01951-00474000-00474263 they are any curing although perhaps
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01952-00474264-00474566 through our human efforts behind our
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01953-00474567-00475383 military deceivers
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01954-00475384-00475647 a pointless universe will be one without
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01955-00475647-00475807 the focus
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01956-00475808-00476103 but darwin devices
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01957-00476104-00476239 here in a is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01958-00476239-00476470 it was then having purpose
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01959-00476471-00476710 we may not know what is the possess but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01960-00476712-00476935 it is centrally out yet
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01961-00476935-00477263 i since this universe cannot attain its
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01962-00477264-00477559 safe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01963-00477560-00477870 purpose it is a tragic neighbors and all
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01964-00477871-00478079 these that exist in such universe are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01965-00478080-00478518 tragic beings
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01966-00478519-00478863 now articulate the concept of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01967-00478864-00479405 electronics
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01968-00479406-00479695 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01969-00479696-00480022 specifically to describe the human being
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01970-00480023-00480207 as a conscious theme
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01971-00480208-00480463 we can of course extend it to all the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01972-00480464-00480791 entire diseases that are capable of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01973-00480792-00480903 feeling
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01974-00480904-00481055 and thinking
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01975-00481056-00481318 i had the ability to feed and think just
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01976-00481319-00481591 like human beings
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01977-00481592-00481670 so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01978-00481671-00483022 the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01979-00483023-00483287 does not know
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01980-00483288-00483510 although such a being can speculate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01981-00483512-00483783 about the purpose of the device as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01982-00483784-00483966 perfection
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01983-00483967-00484159 they tell me like god is using a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01984-00484160-00484422 technical sense
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01985-00484423-00484639 to describe the fact that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01986-00484639-00484951 the homo malacos is a game fits for
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01987-00484952-00485279 conservation and not perfection
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01988-00485280-00485583 is in his capital of evil it is a victim
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01989-00485584-00485895 i said as a perpetrator of people
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01990-00485896-00486175 in a world in which its existence is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01991-00486176-00486303 tempted
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01992-00486304-00486551 it takes history why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01993-00486552-00486943 actualize some of its curse and then it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01994-00486943-00487103 moves this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01995-00487104-00487407 certain existence without reaching any
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01996-00487408-00487751 nothing of why indeed it exists
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01997-00487752-00487983 are the focus of the universe in which
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01998-00487984-00488262 in fact it said just the national
ZRP9VTX8QdE-01999-00488263-00488495 protection being the goal of this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02000-00488496-00488727 universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02001-00488728-00488966 for the deal of constellation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02002-00488967-00489279 its condition is melancholy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02003-00489280-00489775 and electron involves the capacity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02004-00489776-00490079 to balance the effects our emotion of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02005-00490080-00490279 joy and sadness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02006-00490280-00490527 for although the melancholy game is able
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02007-00490528-00490695 to actualize
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02008-00490696-00490814 joy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02009-00490815-00490959 in its
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02010-00490960-00491191 meaning creation processes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02011-00491192-00491375 sadness is always
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02012-00491376-00491462 its
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02013-00491463-00491703 condition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02014-00491704-00491887 it always falls back on the mood of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02015-00491888-00492047 sadness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02016-00492047-00492295 this joy mainly highlights
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02017-00492296-00492518 the egg that presents
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02018-00492519-00492783 meanness of sadness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02019-00492784-00492951 so may
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02020-00492952-00493159 the balancing act of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02021-00493160-00493431 joy of the parts of balancing joy as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02022-00493432-00493718 sadness of continuously seeking to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02023-00493719-00494014 maximize the emotion of joy why did you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02024-00494015-00494279 achieve the emotional sadness they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02025-00494280-00494797 didn't
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02026-00494799-00495447 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02027-00495447-00496127 the human being is precisely such a game
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02028-00496128-00496470 the meaning of life is a pursuit
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02029-00496471-00496775 of the maximization of the emotional joy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02030-00496776-00497166 from women to movements and such a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02031-00497167-00497391 of consolation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02032-00497392-00497710 the meanings we create in our lives
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02033-00497712-00497975 which enhances
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02034-00497976-00498095 increases
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02035-00498096-00498327 our joy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02036-00498328-00498495 constitutes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02037-00498496-00498743 all that we have that constitutes our
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02038-00498743-00499087 conservation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02039-00499088-00499359 but then why we ask this question
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02040-00499360-00499559 if joy is real
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02041-00499560-00499751 does it mean that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02042-00499752-00500095 in my life i think that's our meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02043-00500096-00500303 we already see that the universe is a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02044-00500304-00500551 tragic expression of mood
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02045-00500552-00500751 is his universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02046-00500752-00500943 meaning food
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02047-00500943-00501110 or whiteness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02048-00501112-00501351 and his human life also which is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02049-00501352-00501631 situated in this universe is it
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02050-00501632-00501959 pointless or meaningless
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02051-00501960-00502207 may i say that universe is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02052-00502208-00502399 not pointless
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02053-00502400-00502862 what about the humanity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02054-00502863-00503047 well the eye size
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02055-00503047-00503231 other racist
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02056-00503232-00503383 i'm afraid
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02057-00503384-00503703 human life is ultimately meaningless why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02058-00503704-00503910 is this the case because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02059-00503912-00504159 they are suffering
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02060-00504160-00504447 they follow homomela conicus
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02061-00504447-00504743 from bed to death indeed we create more
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02062-00504743-00504966 meanings from momentum movements
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02063-00504967-00505287 in the maximization of the effect of joy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02064-00505288-00505487 but for how long can we continue to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02065-00505488-00505847 create this meaning to increase our joy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02066-00505847-00506127 to prolong our conservation we can only
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02067-00506128-00506391 do that perhaps not for a lot more than
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02068-00506392-00506718 100 years for most human beings
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02069-00506719-00506943 after those we may be lucky or maybe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02070-00506943-00507335 unlucky for not more than 120 years
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02071-00507335-00507535 they might know my lifestyle we might be
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02072-00507535-00507775 rebranded
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02073-00507776-00507879 if the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02074-00507880-00508039 right dirty yes
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02075-00508039-00508129 so they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02076-00508130-00508310 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02077-00508312-00508710 the integration processes cannot last
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02078-00508712-00509191 beyond 130 years eventually
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02079-00509192-00509447 is come back to them
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02080-00509447-00509599 but that is said
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02081-00509600-00509831 it is not even the bed is said that he's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02082-00509832-00509999 a target the source of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02083-00510000-00510279 meaninglessness it is the fact that the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02084-00510280-00510551 life of the moment connects comes like
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02085-00510552-00510887 him without his being did she set the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02086-00510888-00511143 knowledge about why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02087-00511143-00511431 it was born why it had to exist
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02088-00511432-00511703 and why this universe in which it exists
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02089-00511704-00511839 in its turn
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02090-00511839-00511999 has to exist
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02091-00512000-00512351 so we see that jesus there is ultimately
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02092-00512352-00512817 incoherence
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02093-00512818-00513431 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02094-00513432-00513927 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02095-00513928-00514127 that the device
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02096-00514128-00514455 might exist to achieve perfection
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02097-00514456-00514743 while which conservation is in places is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02098-00514743-00515118 impossible
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02099-00515119-00515399 so why there is meaning in life meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02100-00515400-00515695 in the pursuit from maintenance of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02101-00515696-00515999 aspect of joy ultimately human life is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02102-00516000-00516183 meaningless
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02103-00516184-00516503 consolation is inadequate in the face of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02104-00516504-00516662 imaging
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02105-00516663-00516999 the purpose of life
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02106-00517000-00517214 are the ultimate the final goal of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02107-00517215-00517487 universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02108-00517488-00517791 but then this specimen we must temporary
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02109-00517792-00518127 specimens because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02110-00518128-00518166 why wildlife
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02111-00518167-00518399 life that bad why yes like there's
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02112-00518400-00518655 nothing practical interesting living
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02113-00518656-00518991 suicide it said it's good time
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02114-00518992-00519151 it is a cowardly
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02115-00519152-00519295 research
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02116-00519296-00519414 that does not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02117-00519415-00519910 in any way improve the human condition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02118-00519912-00520159 so the interesting particular living
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02119-00520160-00520327 conveys us
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02120-00520328-00520839 to at least overlook the immunelessness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02121-00520839-00521047 which encompasses us
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02122-00521047-00521383 are deported with conservation for the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02123-00521384-00522118 sake of living
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02124-00522119-00522455 so the universe is that pointless since
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02125-00522456-00522935 it is in a state of eternal economy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02126-00522935-00523199 the coin is motivated by learning by
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02127-00523200-00523591 striving with this chinese pointing at
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02128-00523592-00523918 the teleological concept of perfection
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02129-00523919-00524247 true this perfection is impossible
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02130-00524247-00524559 but it is indicated
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02131-00524560-00524679 and even if
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02132-00524680-00524903 we may be wrong if i can be accused of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02133-00524904-00525262 speaking and propagating of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02134-00525263-00525607 projecting human books and interests
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02135-00525608-00525847 into the objective universe the fact
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02136-00525848-00526143 that this universe is eternally gone
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02137-00526144-00526414 indicates that there is indeed a purpose
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02138-00526415-00526727 toward which it strikes this purpose of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02139-00526728-00526959 course may not be perfection but the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02140-00526960-00527207 first course is yet since there is such
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02141-00527208-00527655 a purpose the universe is not pointless
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02142-00527656-00527943 it is human life that is pointless as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02143-00527944-00528343 i've already submitted
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02144-00528344-00528622 thank you for this news in my time
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02145-00528623-00528859 i'm not proceeding with
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02146-00528860-00530351 yours to us
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02147-00530352-00530575 all right thank you very much that was a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02148-00530576-00530799 beautiful overview
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02149-00530800-00531007 of a very different approach to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02150-00531008-00531511 philosophy or at least in my in my
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02151-00531512-00531695 opinion a very different
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02152-00531696-00531918 approach to philosophy even though we of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02153-00531919-00532118 course have a couple of premises that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02154-00532119-00532335 are shared um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02155-00532336-00532766 i would like to hand it over to you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02156-00532767-00533965 ada i'm gonna quickly let him know
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02157-00533966-00534103 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02158-00534104-00534351 if you would like to ask other questions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02159-00534352-00534727 please write them here in the chat um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02160-00534728-00535014 we have our first question from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02161-00535015-00535366 evaristus otta if you wouldn't mind
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02162-00535367-00535495 please
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02163-00535496-00535655 address this question and i'm gonna
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02164-00535656-00535911 quickly
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02165-00535912-00536039 take care of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02166-00536040-00536207 some technical problems that happened
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02167-00536208-00536630 here in the background
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02168-00536631-00537247 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02169-00537248-00537487 i hope he is still with us because we're
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02170-00537488-00537687 experiencing some technical problems
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02171-00537688-00538727 here
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02172-00538728-00539479 should be with us in a second
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02173-00539480-00539589 hello
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02174-00539590-00540190 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02175-00540191-00540937 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02176-00540938-00541439 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02177-00541440-00542034 my message now
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02178-00542035-00543127 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02179-00543128-00544222 you guys
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02180-00544223-00544551 beyond it appears the question
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02181-00544552-00544683 under the name of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02182-00544684-00545671 baristas is actually meant for me
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02183-00545672-00545911 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02184-00545912-00546103 oh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02185-00546104-00546279 are you right wait wasn't there another
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02186-00546280-00546383 oh no
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02187-00546384-00546607 okay let me but i'm still quiet trying
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02188-00546608-00546870 to reach out to ada i'm not sure if he
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02189-00546871-00546975 is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02190-00546976-00547191 i still have him here yes please feel
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02191-00547192-00547375 free to um to address that question i'm
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02192-00547376-00547559 sorry jonathan i quickly tried to fix
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02193-00547560-00547791 this problem here with ara just once
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02194-00547792-00547870 again
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02195-00547871-00548103 okay um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02196-00548104-00548391 but for our viewers uh for those who are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02197-00548392-00548518 here as well
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02198-00548519-00548679 uh adar has
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02199-00548680-00548943 slight hearing impairment so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02200-00548944-00549103 he may not be able to hear you if you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02201-00549104-00549335 use the microphones that is why beyond
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02202-00549336-00549518 is asking that you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02203-00549519-00549718 write down your questions there in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02204-00549719-00549951 chat and other will respond
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02205-00549952-00550335 okay so briefly while they sort out
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02206-00550336-00550495 those things
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02207-00550496-00550855 let me address the question here
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02208-00550856-00551311 appears to be a question from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02209-00551312-00551683 misery kezu
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02210-00551684-00551999 um it it has to do with what i said
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02211-00552000-00552318 about meaning making and that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02212-00552319-00552703 it is subjective and cannot
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02213-00552704-00552951 be
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02214-00552952-00553207 you know can we cannot achieve a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02215-00553208-00553470 situation whereby two people
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02216-00553471-00553727 makes precisely the same meaning out of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02217-00553728-00553983 the same situation or exchange
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02218-00553984-00554183 network
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02219-00554184-00554518 all right well
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02220-00554519-00554799 i'm sorry no no no he jumped in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02221-00554800-00554927 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02222-00554928-00555039 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02223-00555040-00555222 i will i will quickly tell him that that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02224-00555223-00555399 you quickly finished the answer sorry
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02225-00555400-00555566 jonathan okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02226-00555567-00555655 so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02227-00555656-00555887 um mr rickey is asking what if a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02228-00555888-00556087 situation where
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02229-00556088-00556343 a teacher scores a student
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02230-00556344-00556607 a 100 percent does that not imply that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02231-00556608-00556759 both of them
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02232-00556760-00556862 um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02233-00556863-00557159 achieved precisely the same meaning from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02234-00557160-00557479 the exchange between the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02235-00557480-00557687 i would not think so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02236-00557688-00557855 even if we use
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02237-00557856-00558062 the example of the mathematical science
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02238-00558063-00558343 the most precise of all sciences
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02239-00558344-00558647 and the student has followed the formula
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02240-00558648-00558735 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02241-00558736-00558927 made all the deductions and arrived at
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02242-00558928-00559135 the expected answer
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02243-00559136-00559422 and as a result is having 100 percent of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02244-00559423-00559551 all the marks
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02245-00559552-00559711 scoreable
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02246-00559712-00559862 it does not mean that the teacher and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02247-00559863-00559991 the students
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02248-00559992-00560351 share the same meaning of the symbols
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02249-00560352-00560785 and numbers laid out in the paper
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02250-00560786-00560935 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02251-00560936-00561199 a student has merely organized symbols
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02252-00561200-00561327 and numbers
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02253-00561328-00561518 in a pattern that is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02254-00561519-00561775 um expected
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02255-00561776-00562062 but what the students
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02256-00562063-00562327 the meaning this thing creates in his or
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02257-00562328-00562487 her mind
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02258-00562488-00562512 when
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02259-00562513-00562639 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02260-00562640-00562927 when they look at the sum
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02261-00562928-00563095 they when they look at the answer when
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02262-00563096-00563239 they go through the process of the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02263-00563240-00563535 deductions cannot be exactly the same
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02264-00563536-00563862 as the one this teacher has in mind
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02265-00563863-00564079 it's impossible
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02266-00564080-00564295 these people have two different minds
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02267-00564296-00564575 that can structure reality
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02268-00564576-00564679 and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02269-00564680-00565022 exercise creative struggle differently
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02270-00565023-00565214 sometimes we think we see the same
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02271-00565215-00565399 things but we don't
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02272-00565400-00565670 we may see we may perceive the same idea
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02273-00565671-00565887 but we don't make the same meaning out
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02274-00565888-00566055 of them inside of our
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02275-00566056-00566159 minds
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02276-00566160-00566366 what we make out of the map completely
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02277-00566367-00566559 different a student might see a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02278-00566560-00566759 particular film formula
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02279-00566760-00566951 and so that student is just another
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02280-00566952-00567055 symbol
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02281-00567056-00567231 the teacher might look at that formula
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02282-00567232-00567439 in a much more different way
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02283-00567440-00567622 and there's no way they will know this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02284-00567623-00567831 since their focus is to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02285-00567832-00568079 see whether someone student had arranged
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02286-00568080-00568262 the formula and the numbers in a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02287-00568263-00568503 particular way expected
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02288-00568504-00568831 um mini-making is um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02289-00568832-00569127 quite subjective um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02290-00569128-00569431 because resistance is a subjective thing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02291-00569432-00569607 we live our lives
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02292-00569608-00569847 the circumstances of our lives are quite
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02293-00569848-00570062 different and unique from those of other
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02294-00570063-00570222 people and they all come together to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02295-00570223-00570518 influence how we make meaning
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02296-00570519-00570766 in our day-to-day relationships thank
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02297-00570767-00570951 you very much
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02298-00570952-00571214 appears there are questions right now
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02299-00571215-00571431 i think i'm clear i think i'm clear
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02300-00571432-00571575 thank you pro
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02301-00571576-00571822 thank you very much
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02302-00571823-00572079 um all right let me quickly
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02303-00572080-00572462 text another go
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02304-00572463-00572599 all right
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02305-00572600-00573551 and he should be with us in a second
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02306-00573552-00574310 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02307-00574311-00574566 this is doctor hi there i got that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02308-00574567-00574799 i thank you all for listening to my
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02309-00574800-00575039 pre-recorded speech
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02310-00575040-00575239 i will now proceed to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02311-00575240-00575399 ask
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02312-00575400-00575631 the questions already typed in the chat
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02313-00575632-00576143 box aloud i respond to them
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02314-00576144-00576262 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02315-00576263-00576510 someone has asked
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02316-00576511-00576855 could you elaborate on the existential
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02317-00576856-00577151 approach of your philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02318-00577152-00577351 i'm happy to do this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02319-00577352-00577435 well
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02320-00577436-00577599 consolationism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02321-00577600-00577870 can be regarded as an african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02322-00577871-00578055 existentialism
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02323-00578056-00578351 to the extent that the human being as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02324-00578352-00578599 homo melancholicus
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02325-00578600-00578903 takes a private position
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02326-00578904-00579222 i was interested in other studies how
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02327-00579223-00579495 the human being can navigate
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02328-00579496-00579918 its way in a tragic universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02329-00579919-00580135 so this human being name is a homo
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02330-00580136-00580470 melanconicus to the extent that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02331-00580471-00580710 a unique characteristic a interest
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02332-00580711-00580910 defends its essence and this is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02333-00580911-00581070 discontent
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02334-00581071-00581166 because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02335-00581167-00581559 joy is not fully available to this being
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02336-00581560-00581759 in the form of happiness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02337-00581760-00581918 constant bliss
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02338-00581919-00582191 and this being is continuously i said
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02339-00582192-00582422 menace by sadness
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02340-00582423-00582599 so since this is a being that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02341-00582600-00582879 continuities continuously seek the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02342-00582880-00583127 diminution of sadness from moment to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02343-00583128-00583255 moments
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02344-00583256-00583710 at the maximization of the emotion of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02345-00583711-00584039 joy also from moment to moments such a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02346-00584040-00584375 being is a homo melanconicus
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02347-00584376-00584539 so the idea of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02348-00584540-00584870 melancholicus max conservation is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02349-00584871-00585175 as an existentialist philosophy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02350-00585176-00586343 and you could perhaps juxtaposition
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02351-00586344-00586607 okay let me now move to the second
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02352-00586608-00586831 question
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02353-00586832-00587055 i would be interested
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02354-00587056-00587318 in the status of your understanding of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02355-00587319-00587422 god
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02356-00587423-00587727 and implicit proof for the existence of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02357-00587728-00587983 god
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02358-00587984-00588255 well as i already noted in my
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02359-00588256-00588439 pre-recorded attack
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02360-00588440-00588679 there are two views of god in africa
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02361-00588680-00589007 philosophy one transcendental
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02362-00589008-00589151 which
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02363-00589152-00589422 corresponds to traditionalizing they
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02364-00589423-00589766 view that god is omnipotence only
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02365-00589767-00590079 science and only benevolence
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02366-00590080-00590335 my consolation is perspective
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02367-00590336-00590679 locates god in the limited limitation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02368-00590680-00591039 view we say that god is limited in power
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02369-00591040-00591207 and knowledge
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02370-00591208-00591527 because he is not a first being all
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02371-00591528-00591791 right that he is limited by something
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02372-00591792-00591999 that precedes him which i have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02373-00592000-00592295 identified in this talk as moods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02374-00592296-00592503 talking about a formal proof for the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02375-00592504-00592822 existence of god i they say this is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02376-00592823-00593047 beyond the scope of this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02377-00593048-00593255 particular talk but i can give a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02378-00593256-00593391 suggestion
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02379-00593392-00593735 in a recent paper a person in religious
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02380-00593736-00594039 this journal i argue for what i i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02381-00594040-00594343 elaborated what i called the argument
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02382-00594344-00594518 from life
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02383-00594519-00594831 a proof for the rationality of belief in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02384-00594832-00595166 god based on the argument from life i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02385-00595167-00595518 guess it is well you can say a variance
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02386-00595519-00595799 of the cosmological arguments
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02387-00595800-00596062 from an african perspective
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02388-00596063-00596366 if life is a common future of the world
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02389-00596367-00596647 there will be argue to a higher being
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02390-00596648-00596862 the highest being in the universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02391-00596863-00597207 who maximally exemplifies life
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02392-00597208-00597487 and creates living entities
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02393-00597488-00597607 from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02394-00597608-00597775 resources
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02395-00597776-00598151 available to this being in moods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02396-00598152-00598343 i'm afraid this should be okay because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02397-00598344-00598583 if you complicate this talk since i did
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02398-00598584-00598895 not discuss this in the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02399-00598896-00599166 in the pre-recorded stack
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02400-00599167-00599679 okay let me move to the other questions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02401-00599680-00599831 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02402-00599832-00600055 someone is asking
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02403-00600056-00600253 i am one
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02404-00600254-00600575 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02405-00600576-00600695 okay
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02406-00600696-00600927 i am wondering whether
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02407-00600928-00601247 a transhumanist would agree with you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02408-00601248-00601518 that we cannot attain perfection here on
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02409-00601519-00601631 earth
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02410-00601632-00601918 a trans human is believed that we cannot
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02411-00601919-00602151 take perfection here on earth
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02412-00602152-00602310 through the mix of science and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02413-00602311-00602431 technology
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02414-00602432-00602599 my response is that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02415-00602600-00602918 science and technology is a creation of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02416-00602919-00603175 the human being and build a creation of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02417-00603176-00603303 the humanity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02418-00603304-00603455 subject to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02419-00603456-00603735 the human intellect and the whims of our
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02420-00603736-00603862 emotion
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02421-00603863-00604103 such a creation can never lead to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02422-00604104-00604270 perfection
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02423-00604271-00604459 human emotion
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02424-00604460-00604703 comprehensively manipulates
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02425-00604704-00604959 a sense of technology you might have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02426-00604960-00605103 ever been to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02427-00605104-00605414 a sophisticated football stadium
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02428-00605415-00605647 where you see a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02429-00605648-00605766 science
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02430-00605767-00606055 deployed to great atmosphere
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02431-00606056-00606159 that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02432-00606160-00606479 magnifies or inflames our emotion
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02433-00606480-00606575 with the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02434-00606576-00606918 action of the field good scotty dc he
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02435-00606919-00607191 may also talk of the television
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02436-00607192-00607414 oh the comfortable gadgets
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02437-00607415-00607631 the internet that have been created in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02438-00607632-00607839 the service of the emotion
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02439-00607840-00608087 what of nuclear weapons nooks that have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02440-00608088-00608455 been produced to message the pride of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02441-00608456-00608591 nations
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02442-00608592-00608870 which not treat himself humanity so what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02443-00608871-00609079 transhumanist a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02444-00609080-00609262 fitness or
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02445-00609263-00609375 gadgets
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02446-00609376-00609631 oh facilities or whatever can be
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02447-00609632-00609862 produced that carry its perfection since
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02448-00609863-00610183 it must go to human emotion it must go
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02449-00610184-00610431 to that instinct that is content that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02450-00610432-00610662 drives humor like only cuz
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02451-00610663-00610895 the very definition of a human being as
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02452-00610896-00611095 homo melancholicus
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02453-00611096-00611366 in a tragic universe automatically means
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02454-00611367-00611599 that whatever truth science and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02455-00611600-00611847 technology can achieve in this world
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02456-00611848-00612151 will also be put to the service of evil
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02457-00612152-00612479 for this reason i will not put my faith
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02458-00612480-00613070 in science and technology
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02459-00613071-00613310 okay here is another question
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02460-00613311-00613679 what is the constellationist view of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02461-00613680-00613822 suicides
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02462-00613823-00614055 taking into cognizance the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02463-00614056-00614310 meaninglessness of life in an impact
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02464-00614311-00614414 universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02465-00614415-00614799 well suicide is also futile it achieves
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02466-00614800-00614991 nothing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02467-00614992-00615279 it is a time nation of human life but a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02468-00615280-00615487 life that is the self-termination of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02469-00615488-00615759 life does not bring us nearly to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02470-00615760-00616062 knowledge of why the universe exists and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02471-00616063-00616335 why beings also have to exist in this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02472-00616336-00616679 universe so it is cowardly and full-time
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02473-00616680-00617022 it is a braver option for us to live out
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02474-00617023-00617159 our days
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02475-00617160-00617462 seek consolation be comforted with this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02476-00617463-00617814 at exit stage of light in our ignorance
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02477-00617815-00618414 this is a better option
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02478-00618415-00619007 okay there is a question here
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02479-00619008-00619366 once consolation philosophy predisposed
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02480-00619367-00619662 one to pauliana syndrome
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02481-00619663-00619918 the tendency of being too optimistic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02482-00619919-00620262 about life no i don't think so because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02483-00620263-00620455 we already recognize that we are in a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02484-00620456-00620647 tragic universe
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02485-00620648-00620918 in the search for consolation we try to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02486-00620919-00621047 harmonize
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02487-00621048-00621279 our personal interests with the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02488-00621280-00621543 interests of our fellow human beings
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02489-00621544-00621799 in this search we are very aware of our
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02490-00621800-00622070 limitations as well as the limitations
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02491-00622071-00622270 of our faithful human beings we
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02492-00622271-00622431 therefore strive not to be too
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02493-00622432-00622566 optimistic
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02494-00622567-00622847 but to be rational to the goods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02495-00622848-00623087 so i don't think it is great said so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02496-00623088-00623262 much your team easy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02497-00623263-00623518 this is a cutest question because i've
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02498-00623519-00623775 sometimes been accused of being an
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02499-00623776-00624495 african testimonies
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02500-00624496-00624735 somebody is asking
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02501-00624736-00624975 you claim that mood is high and above
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02502-00624976-00625070 gods
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02503-00625071-00625351 do you think that africans would agree
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02504-00625352-00625566 with you on this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02505-00625567-00625847 the traditional africans believe that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02506-00625848-00626127 god is highest higher and above
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02507-00626128-00626255 everything
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02508-00626256-00626551 if this is the case don't you think
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02509-00626552-00626631 your
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02510-00626632-00626966 theory being african might be misleading
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02511-00626967-00627118 well
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02512-00627119-00627439 there is no incompatibility
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02513-00627440-00627518 why
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02514-00627519-00627743 being one mode is
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02515-00627744-00627991 the fundamental reality being with a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02516-00627992-00628231 capital b and what comes before anything
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02517-00628232-00628575 else it is not an entity
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02518-00628576-00628862 since mood is not an entity but simply a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02519-00628863-00629135 universal limiting principle it is not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02520-00629136-00629399 in competition with god
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02521-00629400-00629647 god masters moods and it is because he
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02522-00629648-00629903 is able to master moods that are taking
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02523-00629904-00630151 sufficient knowledge to create the world
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02524-00630152-00630270 at all
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02525-00630271-00630518 so god remains the highest being even in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02526-00630519-00630791 the consolation system
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02527-00630792-00631007 but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02528-00631008-00631279 moods has a certain primacy to the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02529-00631280-00631462 extent that it is it comes before
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02530-00631463-00631743 everything but it can be manipulated
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02531-00631744-00631966 even human beings can manipulate much
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02532-00631967-00632062 too
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02533-00632063-00632343 so my sister remains in agreement with a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02534-00632344-00632607 basic african
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02535-00632608-00633087 worldview
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02536-00633088-00633391 is there any question
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02537-00633392-00634614 any further questions
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02538-00634615-00634927 so someone is asking but
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02539-00634928-00635279 living is not full time and touches
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02540-00635280-00635470 if one is tired
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02541-00635471-00635743 why can't he or she
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02542-00635744-00636047 take the birth step of exiting the stage
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02543-00636048-00636207 of existence
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02544-00636208-00636422 why clean gun
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02545-00636423-00636710 because
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02546-00636711-00636943 suicides
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02547-00636944-00637110 time needs life
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02548-00637111-00637366 and reduces the number of considerations
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02549-00637367-00637535 that are available
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02550-00637536-00637814 that leads us to at least as patients
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02551-00637815-00638143 it is also an act of safe violence
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02552-00638144-00638383 it affects nothing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02553-00638384-00638775 our worriness does not changes anything
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02554-00638776-00638983 after we might have time natured our own
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02555-00638984-00639231 life forcefully the world continues and
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02556-00639232-00639535 other lifesteal for others
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02557-00639536-00639879 it is more it is braver for a person to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02558-00639880-00640103 endure i believe that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02559-00640104-00640366 he saw her a lot of lifetime that would
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02560-00640367-00640599 take the cowardly way out of inflating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02561-00640600-00640966 the self-violence that averaged nothing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02562-00640967-00641231 the problem is that it involves
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02563-00641232-00641559 an act of violence that time needs
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02564-00641560-00641879 possible other moments of meaning that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02565-00641880-00642191 may be available to this being eg in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02566-00642192-00642295 eating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02567-00642296-00642462 delicious means
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02568-00642463-00642599 procreating
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02569-00642600-00642807 interaction with friends and other
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02570-00642808-00642999 moments of meaning they are cut short in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02571-00643000-00643255 the most valuable way by the option of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02572-00643256-00644255 suicide which also avoids nothing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02573-00644256-00644543 okay just yet another question
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02574-00644544-00644862 that i got there this expository lecture
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02575-00644863-00645199 series is it melaka like i joyful to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02576-00645200-00645422 your estimation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02577-00645423-00645679 it is joyful
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02578-00645680-00645831 my lecture
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02579-00645832-00646039 is an endorsement
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02580-00646040-00646310 an affirmation of the joy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02581-00646311-00646583 side of existence because we are
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02582-00646584-00646799 indulging here we are benefiting from
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02583-00646800-00647118 what i call intellectual consolation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02584-00647119-00647479 first of all let me define consolation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02585-00647480-00647759 as an intellectual and emotional state
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02586-00647760-00647966 of the mind
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02587-00647967-00648239 that emerges from our realization that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02588-00648240-00648510 we are able to attract joy to certain
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02589-00648511-00648622 extent
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02590-00648623-00648855 even in the midst of sadness so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02591-00648856-00649166 consolation implicates both intellect
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02592-00649167-00649318 and emotion
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02593-00649319-00649559 my talk today jericho is an affirmation
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02594-00649560-00649670 of
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02595-00649671-00650055 joy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02596-00650056-00650335 thank you all for listening i'm not i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02597-00650336-00650487 need my talk
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02598-00650488-00650887 thank you john i know what
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02599-00650888-00651070 participated in this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02600-00651071-00653224 lecture
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02601-00653225-00653455 [Music]
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02602-00653456-00653614 thank you very much ara let me just
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02603-00653615-00653791 quickly um
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02604-00653792-00653951 thank uh
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02605-00653952-00654183 here in writing
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02606-00654184-00654743 so that he knows
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02607-00654744-00655007 all right um i've just posted something
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02608-00655008-00655270 in case this is this is a sensitive area
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02609-00655271-00655447 some of you might not be affected by
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02610-00655448-00655639 that some of you might be affected by
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02611-00655640-00655791 that there's no shame in that just
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02612-00655792-00656127 please know that there are resources
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02613-00656128-00656303 um please
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02614-00656304-00656510 feel free to reach out to these
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02615-00656511-00656751 resources do not try to deal with that
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02616-00656752-00656983 on your own there is certainly something
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02617-00656984-00657287 um that there are resources that will be
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02618-00657288-00657607 available to all of us thank you very
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02619-00657608-00657879 very much that was a brilliant insight
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02620-00657880-00658070 in contemporary
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02621-00658071-00658487 nigerian african football thought it was
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02622-00658488-00658758 um a great overview it was a lively
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02623-00658759-00658958 discussion i thank you very much i'm
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02624-00658959-00659095 very sorry
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02625-00659096-00659270 this is why i was a bit distracted
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02626-00659271-00659487 because apparently a couple of our dear
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02627-00659488-00659791 african colleagues could not join
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02628-00659792-00660087 um we tried to fix that on this side
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02629-00660088-00660310 if you have colleagues who could not
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02630-00660311-00660607 join just tell them to to get in touch
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02631-00660608-00660870 with me i'll try to fix that i think in
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02632-00660871-00661087 most cases the problem was that you have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02633-00661088-00661303 to log in with your zoom account before
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02634-00661304-00661551 you can join the meeting um as far as i
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02635-00661552-00661743 can see that these were the problems so
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02636-00661744-00661935 but it would be a shame if you know this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02637-00661936-00662095 is why i spread this information quick
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02638-00662096-00662343 we would be ashamed if we lose somebody
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02639-00662344-00662622 because of that silly technical problem
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02640-00662623-00662831 all right ara thank you very much
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02641-00662832-00663127 jonathan thank you very much this
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02642-00663128-00663335 session has been recorded it will take a
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02643-00663336-00663479 little moment you know it has to go
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02644-00663480-00663670 through university and everything before
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02645-00663671-00663855 it will be made available but it will be
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02646-00663856-00664103 made available at one point i hope to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02647-00664104-00664495 see you um at the next lecture at the
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02648-00664496-00664775 moment it is i plan to have a lecture
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02649-00664776-00665127 with a contemporary philosophy in ghana
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02650-00665128-00665343 in case you would like to reach out if
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02651-00665344-00665566 you have questions if you have advice
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02652-00665567-00665783 for me what to do better if you have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02653-00665784-00665966 recommendations or if you would like to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02654-00665967-00666095 speak yourself
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02655-00666096-00666295 in this series please feel free to
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02656-00666296-00666431 contact me
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02657-00666432-00666662 again thank you very much for our very
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02658-00666663-00666983 dear speakers it was a beautiful event
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02659-00666984-00667166 in case you need anything in case you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02660-00667167-00667318 have any questions feel free to reach
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02661-00667319-00668375 out um let me quickly thank ara again
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02662-00668376-00668607 thank you very much i hope you all have
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02663-00668608-00668831 a great day jonathan thank you very much
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02664-00668832-00669022 it was a beautiful event i'm very happy
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02665-00669023-00669207 that it went the way it did thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02666-00669208-00669639 very much all thank you everyone goodbye
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02667-00669640-00669743 thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02668-00669744-00669975 thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02669-00669976-00670366 thank you
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02670-00670367-00670558 thank you bye bye
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02671-00670559-00670695 goodbye
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02672-00670696-00670847 thank you bye-bye
ZRP9VTX8QdE-02673-00670848-00671188 love you all
ZS5IL2dXhKQ-00000-00005287-00005620 let's go
ZS5IL2dXhKQ-00001-00005621-00007142 [Music]
ZS5IL2dXhKQ-00002-00007143-00007498 oh
ZS5IL2dXhKQ-00004-00011200-00012185 so guys i'm looking to choose
ZS5IL2dXhKQ-00005-00012186-00013428 [Music]
ZS5IL2dXhKQ-00006-00013429-00013519 [Applause]
ZS5IL2dXhKQ-00008-00019505-00019719 [Music]
ZS5IL2dXhKQ-00009-00019720-00020020 assalamualaikum
ZSh91cFAX6E-00000-00000266-00002394 [Music]
ZVCgtoOH1_8-00000-00000091-00001695 [Music]
ZVCgtoOH1_8-00001-00001696-00001903 you
ZVaApcpmc2y-00000-00000003-00000305 a water park or water park is an
ZVaApcpmc2y-00001-00000306-00000521 amusement park that features water play
ZVaApcpmc2y-00002-00000522-00000740 areas such as swimming pools water
ZVaApcpmc2y-00003-00000741-00001049 slides splash pads water playgrounds and
ZVaApcpmc2y-00004-00001050-00001300 lazy rivers as well as areas for bathing
ZVaApcpmc2y-00005-00001301-00001570 swimming and other barefoot environments
ZVaApcpmc2y-00006-00001571-00001868 modern water parks may also be equipped
ZVaApcpmc2y-00007-00001869-00002087 with some type of artificial surfing or
ZVaApcpmc2y-00008-00002088-00002312 bodyboarding environment such as a wave
ZVaApcpmc2y-00009-00002313-00002953 pool or FlowRider
ZVaApcpmc2y-00010-00002954-00003483 topic history
ZVaApcpmc2y-00011-00003484-00003656 waterparks have grown in popularity
ZVaApcpmc2y-00012-00003657-00003897 since their introduction in the late
ZVaApcpmc2y-00013-00003898-00004347 1940s and early 1950s the United States
ZVaApcpmc2y-00014-00004348-00004570 has the largest and most concentrated
ZVaApcpmc2y-00015-00004571-00004843 waterpark market with over 1000 water
ZVaApcpmc2y-00016-00004844-00005077 parks and dozens of new parks opening
ZVaApcpmc2y-00017-00005078-00005379 each year major organizations are the
ZVaApcpmc2y-00018-00005380-00005679 IAAPA International Association of
ZVaApcpmc2y-00019-00005680-00005974 amusement parks and attractions and wwa
ZVaApcpmc2y-00020-00005975-00006225 world water park Association which is
ZVaApcpmc2y-00021-00006226-00006468 the industry trade association water
ZVaApcpmc2y-00022-00006469-00006709 parks which emerge from spas tend to
ZVaApcpmc2y-00023-00006709-00006927 more closely resemble mountain resorts
ZVaApcpmc2y-00024-00006928-00007143 as they become year-round destinations
ZVaApcpmc2y-00025-00007144-00007485 for example splash universe waterpark
ZVaApcpmc2y-00026-00007486-00007684 resort has themed to match the community
ZVaApcpmc2y-00027-00007684-00007813 in which it is located
ZVaApcpmc2y-00028-00007814-00008073 the theme is intended to enhance the
ZVaApcpmc2y-00029-00008075-00008352 community's destination appeal therefore
ZVaApcpmc2y-00030-00008353-00008581 the amusement and leisure time industry
ZVaApcpmc2y-00031-00008582-00008815 is becoming more concentrated as winter
ZVaApcpmc2y-00032-00008816-00009016 sports are becoming common themes in
ZVaApcpmc2y-00033-00009017-00009379 summertime water recreation a process of
ZVaApcpmc2y-00034-00009380-00009574 concentration can be observed in the
ZVaApcpmc2y-00035-00009575-00009805 hybrid versions of themed amusement and
ZVaApcpmc2y-00036-00009806-00010131 water parks some water parks are more
ZVaApcpmc2y-00037-00010132-00010417 spa oriented for example Schwaben
ZVaApcpmc2y-00038-00010418-00010639 Quellin has no water slides it has
ZVaApcpmc2y-00039-00010640-00010856 instead many saunas steam rooms
ZVaApcpmc2y-00040-00010857-00011155 adventure showers and relaxation
ZVaApcpmc2y-00041-00011156-00011470 oriented water play areas in the 2000s
ZVaApcpmc2y-00042-00011471-00011662 an effort was made to reduce long
ZVaApcpmc2y-00043-00011663-00011878 waiting lines by introducing conveyor
ZVaApcpmc2y-00044-00011879-00012106 belts to lift passengers or use water
ZVaApcpmc2y-00045-00012107-00012352 jets an unusual feature at a waterpark
ZVaApcpmc2y-00046-00012353-00012709 is ice skating deep river water park in
ZVaApcpmc2y-00047-00012710-00012913 northwestern indiana features ice
ZVaApcpmc2y-00048-00012913-00013150 skating made possible by cooling pipes
ZVaApcpmc2y-00049-00013151-00013868 installed under their massive plaza
ZVaApcpmc2y-00050-00013869-00014475 topic indoor water parks
ZVaApcpmc2y-00051-00014476-00014744 the first ever indoor water park was
ZVaApcpmc2y-00052-00014745-00015102 built in Edmonton Alberta Canada in 1985
ZVaApcpmc2y-00053-00015103-00015377 at the West Edmonton Mall as part of the
ZVaApcpmc2y-00054-00015378-00015593 $12.20 billion dollar Phase three
ZVaApcpmc2y-00055-00015594-00015911 expansion world water park is the
ZVaApcpmc2y-00056-00015912-00016152 world's largest indoor water park at
ZVaApcpmc2y-00057-00016153-00016580 over 650 5550 square feet
ZVaApcpmc2y-00058-00016581-00016997 60,000 903 square meters in size it
ZVaApcpmc2y-00059-00016998-00017238 includes the world's largest indoor wave
ZVaApcpmc2y-00060-00017239-00017522 pool water slides of varying degrees to
ZVaApcpmc2y-00061-00017523-00017816 brides bungee jumping and hot tubs
ZVaApcpmc2y-00062-00017817-00018102 tropical islands resort Germany with an
ZVaApcpmc2y-00063-00018103-00018509 area of 510 thousand square feet 47,000
ZVaApcpmc2y-00064-00018510-00018731 square meters is currently the second
ZVaApcpmc2y-00065-00018732-00018930 largest indoor water park in the world
ZVaApcpmc2y-00066-00018931-00019230 with five indoor water parks Wisconsin
ZVaApcpmc2y-00067-00019231-00019452 Dells Wisconsin is recognized as the
ZVaApcpmc2y-00068-00019453-00019805 water park capital of the world it
ZVaApcpmc2y-00069-00019806-00020030 showcases several of America's largest
ZVaApcpmc2y-00070-00020031-00020294 indoor and outdoor water parks such as
ZVaApcpmc2y-00071-00020295-00020672 no zark water park indoor water parks in
ZVaApcpmc2y-00072-00020673-00020990 Wisconsin Dells debuted in 1994 after
ZVaApcpmc2y-00073-00020991-00021228 the Polynesian Resort Hotel built the
ZVaApcpmc2y-00074-00021229-00021543 first one in the u.s. success in
ZVaApcpmc2y-00075-00021544-00021755 extending the tourist season and turning
ZVaApcpmc2y-00076-00021756-00021956 waterpark resorts into vacation
ZVaApcpmc2y-00077-00021957-00022184 destinations has resulted in tremendous
ZVaApcpmc2y-00078-00022185-00022524 industry growth usually resort hotels
ZVaApcpmc2y-00079-00022525-00022752 featuring massive indoor water parks
ZVaApcpmc2y-00080-00022753-00022997 have been reserved for overnight guests
ZVaApcpmc2y-00081-00022998-00023286 companies like Great Wolf resorts Great
ZVaApcpmc2y-00082-00023287-00023522 Wolf Lodge and Kalahari resort have
ZVaApcpmc2y-00083-00023523-00023678 branched out from their origin in
ZVaApcpmc2y-00084-00023679-00023912 Wisconsin Dells to open new locations
ZVaApcpmc2y-00085-00023913-00024200 around the country Mount Olympus theme
ZVaApcpmc2y-00086-00024201-00024455 and water park formerly family land is
ZVaApcpmc2y-00087-00024456-00024764 another huge water park in the Dells the
ZVaApcpmc2y-00088-00024765-00025080 largest indoor water park in the UK is
ZVaApcpmc2y-00089-00025081-00025305 sand castle water park in Blackpool
ZVaApcpmc2y-00090-00025306-00025575 England which opened in 1986
ZVaApcpmc2y-00091-00025576-00025772 there are many water parks in southern
ZVaApcpmc2y-00092-00025773-00025956 Europe where the climate suits a long
ZVaApcpmc2y-00093-00025957-00026301 season for example in Portugal's Algarve
ZVaApcpmc2y-00094-00026302-00026580 there are three main parks Aqualand aqua
ZVaApcpmc2y-00095-00026581-00026931 show and slide in splash the growth of
ZVaApcpmc2y-00096-00026932-00027129 indoor water parks have encouraged
ZVaApcpmc2y-00097-00027130-00027327 leisure centres across the world to
ZVaApcpmc2y-00098-00027327-00027507 begin implementing features of water
ZVaApcpmc2y-00099-00027508-00027726 parks into their facilities including
ZVaApcpmc2y-00100-00027727-00027912 slides and lazy river
ZVaApcpmc2y-00101-00027913-00028398 you
ZVaApcpmc2y-00102-00028399-00028990 topic water play areas
ZVaApcpmc2y-00103-00028991-00029248 water play areas are similar to water
ZVaApcpmc2y-00104-00029249-00029507 parks and include urban beaches splash
ZVaApcpmc2y-00105-00029508-00029735 pads and smaller collections of water
ZVaApcpmc2y-00106-00029736-00029965 slides in many hotels and public
ZVaApcpmc2y-00107-00029966-00030314 swimming pools for example the Chelsea
ZVaApcpmc2y-00108-00030314-00030565 Hotel in Toronto features a four-story
ZVaApcpmc2y-00109-00030566-00031274 waterslide called the corkscrew
ZVaApcpmc2y-00110-00031275-00032160 topic gallery
ZVaApcpmc2y-00111-00032161-00032718 topic see also
ZVaApcpmc2y-00112-00032719-00033312 indoor waterpark lists of water parks
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00000-00000026-00000398 in electrophysiology the term gating
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00001-00000399-00000676 refers to the opening activation or
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00002-00000677-00000940 closing by D activation or inactivation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00003-00000941-00001364 of ion channels when ion channels are in
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00004-00001365-00001660 a closed non conducting state they are
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00005-00001661-00001937 impermeable to ions and do not conduct
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00006-00001938-00002321 electrical current when ion channels are
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00007-00002322-00002606 in an open State they conduct electrical
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00008-00002607-00002809 current by allowing some ions to pass
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00009-00002810-00003047 through them and thus across the plasma
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00010-00003048-00003431 membrane of the cell these flows of ions
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00011-00003432-00003640 across the membrane result in an
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00012-00003642-00003940 electrical current across the membrane
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00013-00003940-00004263 gating is the process of an ion channel
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00014-00004264-00004469 transforming between any of its
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00015-00004470-00004883 conducting and non conducting States the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00016-00004884-00005170 named gating derives from the idea that
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00017-00005171-00005438 an ion channel protein includes a pore
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00018-00005439-00005656 that is guarded by a gate or several
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00019-00005657-00005900 gates and the gates must be in the open
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00020-00005901-00006170 position for any ions to pass through
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00021-00006171-00006535 the pore a variety of cellular changes
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00022-00006536-00006806 can trigger gating depending on the ion
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00023-00006806-00007052 channel including changes in voltage
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00024-00007053-00007367 across the cell membrane voltage gated
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00025-00007368-00007628 ion channels drugs or hormones
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00026-00007629-00007906 interacting with the ion channel ligand
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00027-00007908-00008170 gated ion channels changes in
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00028-00008172-00008464 temperature stretching or deformation of
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00029-00008465-00008660 the cell membrane addition of a
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00030-00008661-00008938 phosphate group to the ion channel
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00031-00008939-00009176 phosphorylation and interaction with
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00032-00009177-00009491 other molecules in the cell EEG G
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00033-00009492-00009845 proteins the rate at which any of these
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00034-00009846-00010130 gating processes occurs in response to
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00035-00010131-00010352 these triggers are known as the kinetics
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00036-00010353-00010619 of gating some drugs and many ion
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00037-00010620-00010955 channel toxins act as gating modifiers a
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00038-00010956-00011263 voltage-gated ion channels by changing
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00039-00011264-00011609 the kinetics of gating the voltage-gated
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00040-00011610-00011930 ion channels of the action potential are
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00041-00011931-00012178 often described as having four gating
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00042-00012179-00012538 processes activation deactivation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00043-00012539-00012880 inactivation and reactivation also
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00044-00012881-00013240 called recovery from inactivation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00045-00013241-00013507 a model of an ion channel that has two
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00046-00013508-00013738 gates an activation gate and an
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00047-00013738-00014026 inactivation gate that must both be open
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00048-00014027-00014227 for ions to be conducted through the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00049-00014228-00014518 channel activation is the process of
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00050-00014519-00014782 opening the activation gate which occurs
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00051-00014783-00015010 in response to the voltage inside the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00052-00015011-00015259 cell membrane the membrane potential
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00053-00015260-00015535 becoming more positive with respect to
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00054-00015536-00015885 the outside of the cell depolarization
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00055-00015886-00016180 deactivation is the opposite process of
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00056-00016181-00016432 the activation gate closing in response
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00057-00016433-00016666 to the inside of the membrane becoming
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00058-00016667-00016983 more negative repolarization
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00059-00016984-00017245 inactivation is the closing of the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00060-00017246-00017541 inactivation gate as with activation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00061-00017542-00017830 inactivation occurs in response to the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00062-00017831-00018043 voltage inside the membrane becoming
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00063-00018044-00018340 more positive but often inactivation is
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00064-00018341-00018571 found to be delayed in time compared to
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00065-00018572-00018985 activation recovery from inactivation is
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00066-00018986-00019336 the opposite of inactivation thus both
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00067-00019337-00019597 in activation and deactivation are
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00068-00019598-00019807 processes that lead to the channel
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00069-00019808-00020035 becoming non conducting but they are
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00070-00020036-00020272 different processes in that inactivation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00071-00020273-00020491 is triggered by the membrane potential
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00072-00020492-00020742 becoming more positive whereas
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00073-00020743-00020926 deactivation is triggered by the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00074-00020927-00021142 membrane potential becoming more
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00075-00021143-00021368 negative
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00076-00021369-00021735 you
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00077-00021736-00022337 topic activation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00078-00022338-00022675 you
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00079-00022676-00023398 topic voltage-gated ion channels
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00080-00023399-00023743 voltage-gated ion channels react to the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00081-00023744-00024063 voltage differential across the membrane
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00082-00024064-00024355 portions of the channel domain act as
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00083-00024356-00024655 voltage sensors as the membrane is
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00084-00024656-00024967 depolarized the change in electrostatic
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00085-00024968-00025216 forces moves these voltage sensing
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00086-00025217-00025486 domains thus changing the conformation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00087-00025487-00025844 of the channel and opening the pore
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00088-00025845-00026187 you
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00089-00026188-00026902 topic ligand-gated ion channels
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00090-00026902-00027236 ligand-gated ion channels react to the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00091-00027237-00027514 binding of ligands when a ligand does
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00092-00027516-00027782 not present the channel remains in its
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00093-00027783-00028154 resting closed conformation when the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00094-00028155-00028402 ligand is present the ligand will bind
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00095-00028404-00028679 to an extracellular receptor on or near
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00096-00028680-00028880 the channel which results in a
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00097-00028881-00029105 conformational change in the channel
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00098-00029106-00029543 opening the pore to ion permeation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00099-00029544-00029908 you
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00100-00029910-00030541 topic inactivation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00101-00030542-00030806 inactivation occurs while the channel
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00102-00030807-00031186 remains open but stops passing ions a
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00103-00031187-00031463 second gate may close on the channel
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00104-00031464-00031742 blocking ion permeation while the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00105-00031743-00032145 channel is still in its open State
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00106-00032145-00032486 you
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00107-00032487-00033179 topic ball-and-chain inactivation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00108-00033180-00033499 the ball and chain model also known as
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00109-00033500-00033755 n-type inactivation or hinged lid
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00110-00033756-00034052 inactivation is a gating mechanism for
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00111-00034053-00034305 some voltage-gated ion channels
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00112-00034306-00034664 voltage-gated ion channels are composed
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00113-00034665-00034967 of four alpha subunits one or more of
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00114-00034968-00035218 which will have a ball domain located on
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00115-00035219-00035593 its cytoplasmic and terminus the ball
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00116-00035594-00035885 domain is electrostatically attracted to
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00117-00035886-00036182 the inner channel domain when the ion
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00118-00036183-00036446 channel is activated the inner channel
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00119-00036447-00036662 domain is exposed and within
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00120-00036663-00036911 milliseconds the chain will fold and the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00121-00036912-00037133 ball will enter the channel occluding
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00122-00037134-00037514 ion permeation the channel returns to
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00123-00037515-00037768 its closed state blocking the channel
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00124-00037769-00038166 domain and the ball leaves the pore
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00125-00038167-00038532 you
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00126-00038533-00039177 topic deactivation
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00127-00039178-00039462 deactivation is the closing of the ion
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00128-00039463-00039799 channel poor for voltage-gated channels
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00129-00039800-00039973 this occurs when the voltage
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00130-00039974-00040218 differential that originally caused the
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00131-00040219-00040471 channel to open returns to its resting
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00132-00040472-00040821 value for ligand gated channels this
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00133-00040822-00041077 occurs when the ligand dissociates from
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00134-00041078-00041483 the channels receptor binding site
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00135-00041484-00041849 you
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00136-00041850-00042451 topic see also
ZW4jEFNqa1o-00137-00042452-00042819 synaptic gating
ZWJm6S739d0-00000-00000168-00000335 so i just wanted to show you guys
ZWJm6S739d0-00001-00000336-00000839 how i got my uh black history month
ZWJm6S739d0-00002-00000840-00001158 research started on
ZWJm6S739d0-00003-00001159-00001503 a famous african american and put it in
ZWJm6S739d0-00004-00001504-00001679 a powerpoint
ZWJm6S739d0-00005-00001680-00002030 so i have my a leaf hub logged in
ZWJm6S739d0-00006-00002032-00002326 and then i would go down to the bottom
ZWJm6S739d0-00007-00002327-00002415 to look for the p
ZWJm6S739d0-00008-00002416-00002655 for powerpoint i need to get my
ZWJm6S739d0-00009-00002656-00002758 powerpoint
ZWJm6S739d0-00010-00002759-00003375 slideshow started
ZWJm6S739d0-00011-00003376-00003543 and the first thing i want you to do is
ZWJm6S739d0-00012-00003544-00003870 start out with a blank presentation
ZWJm6S739d0-00013-00003871-00004254 blank presentation and from here
ZWJm6S739d0-00014-00004255-00004519 you would have to begin your research so
ZWJm6S739d0-00015-00004520-00004686 i'm going to a leaf hub
ZWJm6S739d0-00016-00004687-00005015 into a leaf digital resources
ZWJm6S739d0-00017-00005016-00005270 and in here i would want to look for
ZWJm6S739d0-00018-00005271-00005527 pebble go next
ZWJm6S739d0-00019-00005528-00005870 once i click on pebble go next
ZWJm6S739d0-00020-00005871-00006206 i would look for biographies biographies
ZWJm6S739d0-00021-00006207-00006542 biographies or stories that are true
ZWJm6S739d0-00022-00006543-00006846 that are about someone and so when i
ZWJm6S739d0-00023-00006847-00007063 click on biographies
ZWJm6S739d0-00024-00007064-00007470 in pebble go next and there is a slide
ZWJm6S739d0-00025-00007472-00007814 i mean an area of research that's just
ZWJm6S739d0-00026-00007815-00008159 for african americans which will
ZWJm6S739d0-00027-00008159-00008303 make it easier for us to begin our
ZWJm6S739d0-00028-00008304-00008495 research
ZWJm6S739d0-00029-00008496-00008655 so i click on african americans the
ZWJm6S739d0-00030-00008656-00008863 picture of martin luther king
ZWJm6S739d0-00031-00008864-00009103 and i can go down and i can read
ZWJm6S739d0-00032-00009104-00009271 different articles on people
ZWJm6S739d0-00033-00009272-00009567 and select who i'm interested in and i'm
ZWJm6S739d0-00034-00009568-00009767 going to choose
ZWJm6S739d0-00035-00009768-00010295 throw good marshall
ZWJm6S739d0-00036-00010296-00010606 when i click on this
ZWJm6S739d0-00037-00010607-00010846 i need to get his name first so i'm
ZWJm6S739d0-00038-00010847-00011199 going to highlight that
ZWJm6S739d0-00039-00011200-00011759 and i'm going to hold ctrl and tap c
ZWJm6S739d0-00040-00011760-00011959 and over here when i click i'm going to
ZWJm6S739d0-00041-00011960-00012270 hold and control and tap v
ZWJm6S739d0-00042-00012271-00013215 don't forget to write your name
ZWJm6S739d0-00043-00013216-00013438 and then you would want to save go to
ZWJm6S739d0-00044-00013440-00013607 file
ZWJm6S739d0-00045-00013608-00013983 save as this pc
ZWJm6S739d0-00046-00013984-00014303 and save it in the correct folder in the
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ZWJm6S739d0-00048-00014559-00015015 in the yns sdu common
ZWJm6S739d0-00049-00015016-00015247 remember when you click on stu common
ZWJm6S739d0-00050-00015247-00015494 you should look for this pc
ZWJm6S739d0-00051-00015495-00015743 and when you click on this this pc you
ZWJm6S739d0-00052-00015744-00015871 should look for yns
ZWJm6S739d0-00053-00015872-00016127 stu common i'm going to move on from
ZWJm6S739d0-00054-00016128-00016263 that right now
ZWJm6S739d0-00055-00016263-00016383 make sure you save it in the correct
ZWJm6S739d0-00056-00016384-00016671 folder
ZWJm6S739d0-00057-00016672-00016983 and then you would want a new slide and
ZWJm6S739d0-00058-00016984-00017343 that would be a two content slide
ZWJm6S739d0-00059-00017344-00017479 and here you would come back to your
ZWJm6S739d0-00060-00017480-00017886 article and find more information
ZWJm6S739d0-00061-00017887-00018247 about the person you're interested in
ZWJm6S739d0-00062-00018248-00018671 remember you need to read and understand
ZWJm6S739d0-00063-00018672-00019183 which facts you are choosing
ZWJm6S739d0-00064-00019184-00019503 it's better if you start at a period
ZWJm6S739d0-00065-00019504-00019655 and go in reverse and just pick the
ZWJm6S739d0-00066-00019656-00019807 sentence that you need don't take
ZWJm6S739d0-00067-00019808-00019983 everything
ZWJm6S739d0-00068-00019984-00020111 and if there's something that you want
ZWJm6S739d0-00069-00020112-00020407 to listen to you can just click on this
ZWJm6S739d0-00070-00020408-00020830 just like you do a normal
ZWJm6S739d0-00071-00020831-00021311 pebble go you can learn more about him
ZWJm6S739d0-00072-00021312-00021375 that way
ZWJm6S739d0-00073-00021376-00021878 or whoever you're researching
ZWJm6S739d0-00074-00021879-00022071 and then you can press enter and you can
ZWJm6S739d0-00075-00022072-00022286 go back
ZWJm6S739d0-00076-00022287-00022839 and find something else
ZWJm6S739d0-00077-00022840-00023158 and highlight that that you need once
ZWJm6S739d0-00078-00023159-00023591 again ctrl c
ZWJm6S739d0-00079-00023592-00023903 and click over here control v you need
ZWJm6S739d0-00080-00023904-00024199 to write it in your own sentence
ZWJm6S739d0-00081-00024200-00024719 mr marshall
ZWJm6S739d0-00082-00024720-00025342 was a civil
ZWJm6S739d0-00083-00025343-00025694 writes leader
ZWJm6S739d0-00084-00025695-00026279 in the united states
ZWJm6S739d0-00085-00026280-00026695 and then you need to make sure you do
ZWJm6S739d0-00086-00026695-00026902 enough two content slides to meet your
ZWJm6S739d0-00087-00026904-00027055 minimum of four
ZWJm6S739d0-00088-00027056-00027695 two content slides
ZWJm6S739d0-00089-00027695-00027870 remember your last slide needs to be a
ZWJm6S739d0-00090-00027872-00028079 bibliography so you're gonna put that
ZWJm6S739d0-00091-00028080-00028383 in their title and content slide
ZWJm6S739d0-00092-00028383-00028511 and you're going to have to type in
ZWJm6S739d0-00093-00028512-00029087 bibliography
ZWJm6S739d0-00094-00029088-00029367 and this is where you put your citation
ZWJm6S739d0-00095-00029368-00029527 which is if you scroll up to the top of
ZWJm6S739d0-00096-00029527-00029614 your article
ZWJm6S739d0-00097-00029616-00029870 it says citation right here and when you
ZWJm6S739d0-00098-00029872-00030031 click on that
ZWJm6S739d0-00099-00030032-00030502 choose the second one highlight it
ZWJm6S739d0-00100-00030503-00031023 hold ctrl tap c
ZWJm6S739d0-00101-00031024-00031231 and come over to your bibliography page
ZWJm6S739d0-00102-00031232-00031831 whoops
ZWJm6S739d0-00103-00031832-00032239 and click and hold and tap control v
ZWJm6S739d0-00104-00032239-00032583 that's how you get started
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00000-00000052-00000327 Labor Day in the United States of
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00001-00000328-00000633 America as a public holiday celebrated
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00002-00000634-00000962 on the first Monday in September it
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00003-00000963-00001227 honors the American labor movement and
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00004-00001228-00001475 the contributions that workers have made
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00005-00001476-00001751 to the strength prosperity laws and
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00006-00001752-00002064 well-being of the country it is the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00007-00002065-00002300 Monday of the long weekend known as
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00008-00002301-00002673 Labor Day weekend it is recognized as a
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00009-00002674-00003041 federal holiday beginning in the late
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00010-00003042-00003347 19th century as the trade union and
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00011-00003349-00003629 labor movements grew trade unionists
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00012-00003631-00003854 proposed that a day be set aside to
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00013-00003856-00004284 celebrate Labor Labor Day was promoted
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00014-00004285-00004503 by the central labor union and the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00015-00004504-00004731 Knights of Labor which organized the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00016-00004732-00005184 first parade in New York City in 1887
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00017-00005185-00005487 Oregon was the first state of the United
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00018-00005488-00005709 States to make it an official public
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00019-00005710-00006054 holiday by the time it became an
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00020-00006055-00006443 official federal holiday in 1894 thirty
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00021-00006444-00006713 states in the United States officially
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00022-00006714-00007010 celebrated Labor Day Canada's Labor Day
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00023-00007011-00007281 is also celebrated on the first Monday
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00024-00007281-00007581 of September more than 80 countries
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00025-00007581-00007926 celebrate International Workers day on
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00026-00007927-00008249 May 1st the ancient European holiday of
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00027-00008250-00008578 May Day May Day was chosen by the second
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00028-00008579-00008888 internacional of socialist and communist
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00029-00008889-00009120 parties to commemorate the Haymarket
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00030-00009121-00009389 affair which occurred in Chicago on May
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00031-00009390-00009581 4th 1886
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00032-00009582-00009855 lastly several countries have chosen
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00033-00009856-00010583 neither date for their Labor Day
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00034-00010584-00011449 topic history
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00035-00011450-00011959 topic origin
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00036-00011960-00012278 beginning in the late 19th century as
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00037-00012279-00012542 the trade union and labor movements grew
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00038-00012543-00012821 different groups of trade unionists
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00039-00012822-00013085 chose a variety of days on which to
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00040-00013086-00013461 celebrate labor in the United States a
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00041-00013462-00013743 September holiday called Labor Day was
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00042-00013744-00014099 first proposed in the early 1880s
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00043-00014100-00014343 alternate stories of the events
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00044-00014344-00014661 origination exist according to one early
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00045-00014662-00014888 history of Labor Day the event
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00046-00014890-00015153 originated in connection with a General
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00047-00015154-00015305 Assembly of the Knights of Labor
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00048-00015306-00015616 convened in New York City in September
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00049-00015618-00016065 1882 in connection with this clandestine
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00050-00016066-00016316 Knights assembly a public parade of
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00051-00016318-00016611 various labor organizations was held on
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00052-00016612-00016878 September 5th under the auspices of the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00053-00016879-00017311 central labor union CLU of New York
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00054-00017312-00017678 Secretary of the CLU Matthew Maguire is
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00055-00017679-00017916 credited for first proposing that a
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00056-00017917-00018210 National Labor Day holiday subsequently
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00057-00018211-00018434 be held on the first Monday of each
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00058-00018435-00018662 September in the aftermath of this
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00059-00018663-00019004 successful public demonstration
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00060-00019005-00019274 an alternative thesis has maintained
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00061-00019275-00019529 that the idea of labor day was the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00062-00019530-00019832 brainchild of Peter J McGuire a vice
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00063-00019833-00020102 president of the American Federation of
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00064-00020103-00020336 Labor who put forward the initial
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00065-00020337-00020689 proposal in the spring of 1882
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00066-00020690-00021125 according to McGuire on May 8 1882 he
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00067-00021126-00021362 made a proposition to the fledgling
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00068-00021363-00021629 central labor union in New York City
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00069-00021630-00021953 that a day be set aside for a general
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00070-00021954-00022255 holiday for the laboring classes
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00071-00022256-00022526 according to McGuire he further
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00072-00022527-00022769 recommended that the event should begin
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00073-00022770-00022979 with a street parade as a public
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00074-00022980-00023209 demonstration of organized labor
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00075-00023210-00023462 solidarity and strength with the March
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00076-00023463-00023633 followed by a picnic
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00077-00023634-00023924 - which participating local unions could
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00078-00023925-00024175 sell tickets as a fundraiser
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00079-00024176-00024482 according to McGuire he suggested the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00080-00024483-00024746 first Monday in September as an ideal
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00081-00024747-00025046 date for such a public celebration owing
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00082-00025047-00025277 to optimum weather and the dates place
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00083-00025278-00025490 on the calendar sitting midway between
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00084-00025491-00025769 the fourth of July and Thanksgiving
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00085-00025770-00026063 public holidays Labor Day picnics and
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00086-00026064-00026294 other public gatherings frequently
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00087-00026295-00026537 featured speeches by prominent labor
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00088-00026538-00026908 leaders in 1909 the American Federation
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00089-00026910-00027185 of Labor Convention designated the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00090-00027186-00027482 Sunday preceding Labor Day as Labor
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00091-00027483-00027869 Sunday to be dedicated to the spiritual
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00092-00027870-00028114 and educational aspects of the labor
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00093-00028116-00028483 movement this secondary date failed to
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00094-00028485-00028739 gain significant traction in popular
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00095-00028739-00029262 culture
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00096-00029263-00029842 topic legal recognition
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00097-00029843-00030268 in 1887 Oregon became the first state of
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00098-00030269-00030546 the United States to make Labor Day an
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00099-00030547-00030918 official public holiday by the time it
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00100-00030919-00031218 became an official federal holiday in
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00101-00031219-00031549 1894 thirty US states officially
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00102-00031550-00031974 celebrated Labor Day all US states the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00103-00031975-00032202 District of Columbia and the United
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00104-00032203-00032449 States territories have subsequently
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00105-00032450-00033264 made Labor Day a statutory holiday
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00106-00033265-00033965 topic labor day versus May Day
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00107-00033966-00034286 the date of May 1st an ancient European
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00108-00034287-00034633 folk holiday known as May Day emerged in
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00109-00034634-00034958 1886 as an alternative holiday for the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00110-00034959-00035211 celebration of Labor later becoming
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00111-00035212-00035576 known as International Workers day the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00112-00035577-00035889 date had its origins at the 1885
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00113-00035890-00036170 convention of the American Federation of
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00114-00036171-00036440 Labor which passed a resolution calling
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00115-00036441-00036671 for adoption of the eight hour day
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00116-00036672-00037193 effective May 1st 1886 while negotiation
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00117-00037194-00037407 was envisioned for achievement of the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00118-00037408-00037683 shortened workday use of the strike to
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00119-00037684-00037964 enforce this demand was recognized with
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00120-00037965-00038214 May first advocated as a date for
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00121-00038215-00038570 coordinated strike action the proximity
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00122-00038571-00038811 of the date to the bloody Haymarket
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00123-00038812-00039137 affair of May 4th 1886 further
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00124-00039138-00039399 accentuated May firsts radical
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00125-00039400-00039798 reputation there was disagreement among
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00126-00039799-00040055 labor unions at this time about when a
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00127-00040056-00040323 holiday celebrating workers should be
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00128-00040324-00040557 with some advocating for continued
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00129-00040558-00040787 emphasis of the September march and
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00130-00040788-00041007 picnic date while others sought the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00131-00041008-00041226 designation of the more politically
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00132-00041227-00041592 charged date of May first conservative
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00133-00041593-00041858 Democratic President Grover Cleveland
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00134-00041859-00042092 was one of those concerned that a Labour
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00135-00042093-00042383 holiday on May 1st would tend to become
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00136-00042384-00042605 a commemoration of the Haymarket affair
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00137-00042606-00042863 and would strengthen socialist and
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00138-00042864-00043095 anarchist movements that backed the May
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00139-00043096-00043477 first commemoration around the globe in
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00140-00043478-00043848 1887 he publicly supported the September
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00141-00043849-00044126 Labor Day holiday as a less inflammatory
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00142-00044127-00044460 alternative the date was formally
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00143-00044461-00044685 adopted as a United States federal
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00144-00044686-00045477 holiday in 1894
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00145-00045478-00046134 topic unofficial end of summer
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00146-00046135-00046494 Labor Day is called the unofficial end
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00147-00046495-00046815 of summer because it marks the end of
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00148-00046816-00047124 the cultural summer season many take
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00149-00047125-00047394 their two-week vacations during the two
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00150-00047395-00047781 weeks ending Labor Day weekend many fall
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00151-00047782-00048048 activities such as school and sports
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00152-00048049-00048432 begin about this time in the United
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00153-00048433-00048702 States many school districts resume
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00154-00048703-00048960 classes around the Labor Day holiday
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00155-00048961-00049223 weekend see first day of school
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00156-00049224-00049572 many begin the week before making Labor
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00157-00049573-00049872 Day weekend the first three-day weekend
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00158-00049873-00050085 of the school calendar while others
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00159-00050086-00050343 return the Tuesday following Labor Day
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00160-00050344-00050643 allowing families one final getaway
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00161-00050644-00050973 before the school year begins many
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00162-00050974-00051242 districts across the Midwest are opting
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00163-00051244-00051507 to begin school after Labor Day in the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00164-00051508-00051798 US state of Virginia the amusement park
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00165-00051799-00052079 industry has successfully lobbied for
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00166-00052079-00052346 legislation requiring most school
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00167-00052347-00052560 districts in the state to have their
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00168-00052561-00052839 first day of school after Labor Day in
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00169-00052840-00053088 order to give families another weekend
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00170-00053089-00053351 to visit amusement parks in the state
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00171-00053352-00053691 the relevant statute has been nicknamed
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00172-00053691-00054099 the Kings Dominion law after one such
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00173-00054100-00054411 park in Minnesota the State Fair ends on
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00174-00054412-00054807 Labor Day under state law public schools
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00175-00054808-00055074 normally do not begin until after the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00176-00055075-00055395 holiday allowing time for school
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00177-00055396-00055730 children to show 4h projects at the fair
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00178-00055732-00055989 has been given as one reason for this
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00179-00055990-00056180 timing in u.s. sports
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00180-00056182-00056451 Labor Day weekend marks the beginning of
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00181-00056452-00056675 many fall sports
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00182-00056676-00056928 National Collegiate Athletic Association
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00183-00056929-00057347 NCAA teams usually play their first
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00184-00057348-00057585 games that weekend and the National
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00185-00057586-00057909 Football League NFL traditionally play
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00186-00057910-00058104 their kickoff game the Thursday
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00187-00058104-00058446 following Labor Day the southern 500
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00188-00058447-00058797 NASCAR auto race has been held on Labor
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00189-00058798-00059085 Day weekend at Darlington Raceway in
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00190-00059086-00059485 Darlington South Carolina from 1950 to
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00191-00059486-00059991 2003 and since 2015 at Indianapolis
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00192-00059991-00060222 Raceway Park the National Hot Rod
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00193-00060223-00060524 Association hold their finals of the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00194-00060525-00060941 NHRA US Nationals drag race that weekend
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00195-00060941-00061215 Labor Day as the middle point between
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00196-00061216-00061549 weeks 1 & 2 of the US Open tennis
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00197-00061550-00061811 championships held in Flushing Meadows
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00198-00061812-00062291 New York in fashion Labor Day as or was
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00199-00062292-00062525 considered the last day when it is
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00200-00062526-00062792 acceptable to wear white or seersucker
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00201-00062793-00063098 in big cities people try to go outside
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00202-00063099-00063390 and enjoy beaches and barbecues over the
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00203-00063391-00063674 Labor Day weekend there are also
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00204-00063675-00063986 numerous events and activities organized
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00205-00063987-00064304 in the cities for example New York
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00206-00064305-00064619 offers Labor Day carnival fireworks over
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00207-00064620-00064937 Coney Island happy hours in restaurants
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00208-00064938-00065219 12-hour dance parties and many other
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00209-00065220-00065624 activities in Washington one popular
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00210-00065625-00065918 event as the Labor Day concert at the US
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00211-00065919-00065987 Capitol
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00212-00065988-00066167 featuring the National Symphony
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00213-00066168-00066929 Orchestra with free attendance
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00214-00066930-00067547 topic labor days sales
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00215-00067548-00067843 to take advantage of large numbers of
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00216-00067844-00068123 potential customers with time to shop
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00217-00068124-00068354 Labor Day has become an important
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00218-00068355-00068630 weekend for discounts and allowances by
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00219-00068631-00068873 many retailers in the United States
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00220-00068874-00069284 especially for back-to-school sales some
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00221-00069285-00069536 retailers claim it is one of the largest
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00222-00069537-00069821 sale dates of the year second only to
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00223-00069822-00070594 the Christmas season's Black Friday
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00224-00070595-00071147 topic see also
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00225-00071148-00071597 labor history of the United States labor
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00226-00071598-00071999 unions in the United States United
ZXpqfrSHPGY-00227-00072000-00072607 States labor law workers Memorial Day