iqzOYaIXb0M-00000-00000032-00000286 good morning and welcome to our Yocum iqzOYaIXb0M-00001-00000287-00000473 halter at 10 a.m. iqzOYaIXb0M-00002-00000474-00000746 part of our facebook live event right iqzOYaIXb0M-00003-00000747-00000836 now we're just going to be right outside iqzOYaIXb0M-00004-00000836-00001054 Yoko you're kind of showing you what is iqzOYaIXb0M-00005-00001055-00001343 all around it so we have Yocum of course iqzOYaIXb0M-00006-00001344-00001493 and then what's going to be right next iqzOYaIXb0M-00007-00001494-00001634 to yoga is going to be the iqzOYaIXb0M-00008-00001635-00001868 brother-sister dorms just hop free mmm iqzOYaIXb0M-00009-00001869-00002101 completely the top of it we come out iqzOYaIXb0M-00010-00002102-00002372 here yeah and then right next to that iqzOYaIXb0M-00011-00002373-00002621 student nice building it's one of the iqzOYaIXb0M-00012-00002622-00002804 newer halls on campus that's when we iqzOYaIXb0M-00013-00002805-00003038 founders Hall and connected to founders iqzOYaIXb0M-00014-00003039-00003197 Hall it's going to be the rough dining iqzOYaIXb0M-00015-00003198-00003345 hall which is going to be your nearest iqzOYaIXb0M-00016-00003346-00003575 dining hall that you'll go to for all of iqzOYaIXb0M-00017-00003576-00003710 your meals what are your favorite places iqzOYaIXb0M-00018-00003711-00003970 right one of my favorite places the best iqzOYaIXb0M-00019-00003971-00004127 breakfast you'll ever have what are you iqzOYaIXb0M-00020-00004128-00004286 all like what yeah what did you like iqzOYaIXb0M-00021-00004287-00004403 what did you put your omelet iqzOYaIXb0M-00022-00004404-00004706 I always had cheese and bacon iqzOYaIXb0M-00023-00004707-00004949 I'm very plain I put sausage in it one iqzOYaIXb0M-00024-00004950-00005117 time trying to be like a little bit iqzOYaIXb0M-00025-00005118-00005479 different it no spinach oh okay alright iqzOYaIXb0M-00026-00005480-00005599 no I know that iqzOYaIXb0M-00027-00005600-00005831 so what else we looking at here we're iqzOYaIXb0M-00028-00005832-00006011 going to have temple Hall which is kind iqzOYaIXb0M-00029-00006012-00006188 of the home of the journalism department iqzOYaIXb0M-00030-00006189-00006602 it has the yearbook for Arkansas it has iqzOYaIXb0M-00031-00006603-00006902 you a TV down there in the very basement iqzOYaIXb0M-00032-00006903-00007109 and also has a bunch of your English iqzOYaIXb0M-00033-00007109-00007451 classes communication classes and then iqzOYaIXb0M-00034-00007452-00007616 next to Kimball which is going to be iqzOYaIXb0M-00035-00007617-00007759 this building right here I know they iqzOYaIXb0M-00036-00007761-00008009 look so similar this is actually the iqzOYaIXb0M-00037-00008009-00008207 Walton Business College this is what iqzOYaIXb0M-00038-00008208-00008357 Arkansas is really famous for word iqzOYaIXb0M-00039-00008358-00008558 behind it is going to be two more iqzOYaIXb0M-00040-00008559-00008777 building solar jaywalker and JB Heights iqzOYaIXb0M-00041-00008778-00008912 which are either iqzOYaIXb0M-00042-00008913-00009362 even more business-related on buildings iqzOYaIXb0M-00043-00009363-00009512 so that's where you're going to go if iqzOYaIXb0M-00044-00009513-00009698 your business major this is your life iqzOYaIXb0M-00045-00009699-00009878 and you probably chose the best dorm iqzOYaIXb0M-00046-00009879-00010112 because you can leave five minutes iqzOYaIXb0M-00047-00010113-00010259 before classing it they're right on time iqzOYaIXb0M-00048-00010260-00010478 literally across literally across the iqzOYaIXb0M-00049-00010479-00010691 street there's also a really good iqzOYaIXb0M-00050-00010692-00011078 Einstein that is in will urge a walker iqzOYaIXb0M-00051-00011079-00011306 and part of your meal plan you get flex iqzOYaIXb0M-00052-00011307-00011492 dollars so you can use your flex dollars iqzOYaIXb0M-00053-00011493-00011798 at the iSight become Dining Dollars this iqzOYaIXb0M-00054-00011799-00011899 year Dining Dollars iqzOYaIXb0M-00055-00011900-00012081 Dining Dollars is Dan terminologia iqzOYaIXb0M-00056-00012082-00012452 Dining Dollars so let me let me give one iqzOYaIXb0M-00057-00012453-00012778 good yeah this is such a small hole and iqzOYaIXb0M-00058-00012779-00012938 I think I'm going to come out here yeah iqzOYaIXb0M-00059-00012938-00013066 try to give a good iqzOYaIXb0M-00060-00013066-00013252 picture of the holidays oh and story iqzOYaIXb0M-00061-00013253-00013654 building it's co-ed it's co-ed depending iqzOYaIXb0M-00062-00013655-00013738 on the floor iqzOYaIXb0M-00063-00013738-00014029 chin is like an all-girl floor ninth all iqzOYaIXb0M-00064-00014030-00014299 boy and then like eight for example one iqzOYaIXb0M-00065-00014300-00014557 side will be all boring the other side iqzOYaIXb0M-00066-00014558-00014788 will be all girl know you have your own iqzOYaIXb0M-00067-00014788-00014953 bathrooms you can't go anywhere so iqzOYaIXb0M-00068-00014954-00015199 parents don't freak out about that and iqzOYaIXb0M-00069-00015200-00015450 it does house five hundred and thirty iqzOYaIXb0M-00070-00015451-00015709 students well it's one of our bigger iqzOYaIXb0M-00071-00015710-00016024 door holes on campus yeah this would be iqzOYaIXb0M-00072-00016025-00016216 an example of our traditional residence iqzOYaIXb0M-00073-00016216-00016255 halls iqzOYaIXb0M-00074-00016256-00016711 yes Trish kind of what everybody who's iqzOYaIXb0M-00075-00016712-00016933 from an earlier time period thinks of as iqzOYaIXb0M-00076-00016934-00017116 a residence hall so let's see if I can't iqzOYaIXb0M-00077-00017117-00017400 get the picture of it in there it is a iqzOYaIXb0M-00078-00017401-00017727 big hall you all have the best view ever iqzOYaIXb0M-00079-00017728-00018103 amazing I lived here last year so if iqzOYaIXb0M-00080-00018104-00018436 you're living in room 809 it's amazing I iqzOYaIXb0M-00081-00018437-00018603 don't know I was over nine with my room iqzOYaIXb0M-00082-00018604-00018897 it's where I met all of my friends you iqzOYaIXb0M-00083-00018898-00019165 know like my best friends I made here in iqzOYaIXb0M-00084-00019166-00019333 this hall and I was in a sorority and I iqzOYaIXb0M-00085-00019334-00019546 had great friend to do but it's iqzOYaIXb0M-00086-00019547-00019669 definitely all about the hall because iqzOYaIXb0M-00087-00019670-00019869 you're living with these people so well iqzOYaIXb0M-00088-00019870-00020011 let's head inside Molly let's take a iqzOYaIXb0M-00089-00020012-00020209 look getting a little hot is getting a iqzOYaIXb0M-00090-00020210-00020527 little bit one here in Arkansas there's iqzOYaIXb0M-00091-00020528-00020967 a bike rack so you can ride your bike iqzOYaIXb0M-00092-00020968-00021400 however between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday iqzOYaIXb0M-00093-00021401-00021718 through Friday it's a walk zone only ok iqzOYaIXb0M-00094-00021719-00021967 so if you're riding your bike which iqzOYaIXb0M-00095-00021968-00022125 people do it's annoying iqzOYaIXb0M-00096-00022126-00022461 I'm just trying to try to relate a roll iqzOYaIXb0M-00097-00022462-00022684 now did you bring a bike here did you iqzOYaIXb0M-00098-00022685-00022884 have a car I did not it's just easier iqzOYaIXb0M-00099-00022885-00023065 well I have a car because I work at the iqzOYaIXb0M-00100-00023066-00023269 north Arkansas Mall which is 20 minutes iqzOYaIXb0M-00101-00023270-00023697 away and but I just walked everywhere iqzOYaIXb0M-00102-00023698-00023981 because it's so much easier iqzOYaIXb0M-00103-00023982-00024313 alright well we could let's uh actually iqzOYaIXb0M-00104-00024314-00024493 meet the coordinator for resident iqzOYaIXb0M-00105-00024494-00024697 education that also does a hall director iqzOYaIXb0M-00106-00024698-00024916 here how are you I'm doing how are you iqzOYaIXb0M-00107-00024917-00024991 good iqzOYaIXb0M-00108-00024992-00025237 ok what is your name I'm Melanie Cassidy iqzOYaIXb0M-00109-00025238-00025455 this is my fourth year at the University iqzOYaIXb0M-00110-00025456-00025711 of Arkansas as a professional before iqzOYaIXb0M-00111-00025712-00025867 this I was in Maple Hill South and I'm iqzOYaIXb0M-00112-00025868-00026034 really excited to be in Yocum Hall now iqzOYaIXb0M-00113-00026035-00026298 back to the traditional style settings iqzOYaIXb0M-00114-00026299-00026408 really excited for you all to be here iqzOYaIXb0M-00115-00026409-00026633 soon absolutely actually well thank you iqzOYaIXb0M-00116-00026634-00026762 for you're going to be joining us during iqzOYaIXb0M-00117-00026763-00026921 the tour absolutely they're pointing out iqzOYaIXb0M-00118-00026922-00027071 some things that you might know about iqzOYaIXb0M-00119-00027072-00027432 yep residents who were arriving might iqzOYaIXb0M-00120-00027433-00027660 also want to know it's absolutely sounds iqzOYaIXb0M-00121-00027661-00027764 very good very good iqzOYaIXb0M-00122-00027766-00027993 all right so we're right now in the iqzOYaIXb0M-00123-00027994-00028137 lobby of the area I guess I should point iqzOYaIXb0M-00124-00028138-00028383 out the fobbing system that's a pretty iqzOYaIXb0M-00125-00028383-00028554 important part every student when you iqzOYaIXb0M-00126-00028555-00028779 come in you'll have you'll check in when iqzOYaIXb0M-00127-00028780-00028926 you first move in you'll have a key and iqzOYaIXb0M-00128-00028927-00029112 you'll have a follow you can't get iqzOYaIXb0M-00129-00029113-00029373 inside this building without a fob your iqzOYaIXb0M-00130-00029374-00029523 friend wants to come if they want to iqzOYaIXb0M-00131-00029524-00029702 visit they have to wait down here until iqzOYaIXb0M-00132-00029703-00029987 you come down and plop them in there's iqzOYaIXb0M-00133-00029988-00030155 one of the big security features that we iqzOYaIXb0M-00134-00030156-00030368 have on campus and I goes for every iqzOYaIXb0M-00135-00030369-00030689 single hall on campus father just in iqzOYaIXb0M-00136-00030690-00030777 case you don't know five is an iqzOYaIXb0M-00137-00030777-00030951 electronic key so actually it's like a iqzOYaIXb0M-00138-00030952-00031293 little thing absolutely do you got one iqzOYaIXb0M-00139-00031294-00031527 there she had one right there excellent iqzOYaIXb0M-00140-00031527-00031782 only with Elvis right yes yeah and don't iqzOYaIXb0M-00141-00031783-00031974 lose your keys either because you're iqzOYaIXb0M-00142-00031975-00032370 like so this is like the main lobby area iqzOYaIXb0M-00143-00032370-00032708 yep two elevators right here and right iqzOYaIXb0M-00144-00032709-00032990 here is going to be the office okay so iqzOYaIXb0M-00145-00032991-00033168 what would happen their office lit iqzOYaIXb0M-00146-00033169-00033371 there's miss Debbie in there and so iqzOYaIXb0M-00147-00033372-00033543 basically at the office you can come if iqzOYaIXb0M-00148-00033544-00033732 you have any question she may be able to iqzOYaIXb0M-00149-00033733-00033993 help you and you can also when you get iqzOYaIXb0M-00150-00033994-00034155 packages instead of them coming to your iqzOYaIXb0M-00151-00034156-00034208 mailbox iqzOYaIXb0M-00152-00034209-00034470 what kinds of front desk you'll get from iqzOYaIXb0M-00153-00034471-00034704 your student ID she'll see what packages iqzOYaIXb0M-00154-00034705-00034958 you have and then you'll get work also iqzOYaIXb0M-00155-00034959-00035070 where you can check out various iqzOYaIXb0M-00156-00035071-00035321 equipment movies for games things like iqzOYaIXb0M-00157-00035322-00035540 that yeah you can do that as well iqzOYaIXb0M-00158-00035541-00035799 as long as the desk is open okay you iqzOYaIXb0M-00159-00035800-00035901 mentioned some of the items you can iqzOYaIXb0M-00160-00035902-00036329 check out there you said movies and iqzOYaIXb0M-00161-00036330-00036627 equipment for like table games yeah so iqzOYaIXb0M-00162-00036628-00036821 like your ping-pong equipment your pool iqzOYaIXb0M-00163-00036822-00037220 table equipment perhaps you need some iqzOYaIXb0M-00164-00037221-00037458 pots and pans I like to cook some dinner iqzOYaIXb0M-00165-00037459-00037646 sure those are things that you can check iqzOYaIXb0M-00166-00037647-00037776 out at the front desk right through the iqzOYaIXb0M-00167-00037777-00037914 kitchenette that's just going to take a iqzOYaIXb0M-00168-00037915-00038124 look at yeah we you know you may have a iqzOYaIXb0M-00169-00038125-00038280 meal plan but you may also decide you iqzOYaIXb0M-00170-00038281-00038445 want to make some pizza or some cooking iqzOYaIXb0M-00171-00038446-00038633 sometimes yeah I gotta usual to hear iqzOYaIXb0M-00172-00038634-00038958 this to smell the cookies excellent okay iqzOYaIXb0M-00173-00038959-00039111 well let's head on down to look at this iqzOYaIXb0M-00174-00039112-00039180 common area iqzOYaIXb0M-00175-00039181-00039303 well that's it iqzOYaIXb0M-00176-00039304-00039582 area which is often in half the mail all iqzOYaIXb0M-00177-00039583-00039837 your mailboxes so quick this is our iqzOYaIXb0M-00178-00039838-00040065 water issues - ketta refillable water iqzOYaIXb0M-00179-00040066-00040320 bottle yeah whenever we have to here iqzOYaIXb0M-00180-00040321-00040617 pass we are at sixteen seven forty okay iqzOYaIXb0M-00181-00040618-00040941 yeah water diverted there we go iqzOYaIXb0M-00182-00040942-00041268 I gave me okay all right here's some iqzOYaIXb0M-00183-00041269-00041475 comments a jury can come and hang out iqzOYaIXb0M-00184-00041476-00041784 sometime and study if this is one of iqzOYaIXb0M-00185-00041785-00041949 your good study spot to be about top iqzOYaIXb0M-00186-00041950-00042243 person there's those tables as well and iqzOYaIXb0M-00187-00042244-00042546 then right behind here are going to be iqzOYaIXb0M-00188-00042547-00042873 our mailboxes so when you arrive on iqzOYaIXb0M-00189-00042874-00043509 Cantrell juice I was 188 yeah so when iqzOYaIXb0M-00190-00043510-00043746 you are out on campus always treasure iqzOYaIXb0M-00191-00043747-00043926 being out is about to become your life iqzOYaIXb0M-00192-00043927-00044172 start even then you know for everything iqzOYaIXb0M-00193-00044173-00044340 so you and your roommate will actually iqzOYaIXb0M-00194-00044341-00044529 share a mailbox and it will be in an iqzOYaIXb0M-00195-00044530-00044778 email which mailbox you are and echoed iqzOYaIXb0M-00196-00044779-00044994 to it so you'll just use that code iqzOYaIXb0M-00197-00044995-00045180 unluckily a box and after auto meal will iqzOYaIXb0M-00198-00045181-00045219 come from iqzOYaIXb0M-00199-00045220-00045486 Oh sometimes you actually get my oh my iqzOYaIXb0M-00200-00045487-00045660 grandma said me a lot really iqzOYaIXb0M-00201-00045661-00046038 yeah letters or care packages birthday iqzOYaIXb0M-00202-00046039-00046308 present send me money in the mail and iqzOYaIXb0M-00203-00046309-00046560 then she just sent me regular mail about iqzOYaIXb0M-00204-00046561-00046740 good old what's happening in all pala iqzOYaIXb0M-00205-00046741-00046929 bamas what's happening iqzOYaIXb0M-00206-00046930-00047376 I don't think rodeos nice yeah a lot of iqzOYaIXb0M-00207-00047377-00047535 events in this space there are a lot of iqzOYaIXb0M-00208-00047536-00047784 programs that go on down here a lot of iqzOYaIXb0M-00209-00047785-00048024 free food at those programs anytime iqzOYaIXb0M-00210-00048025-00048150 you're looking for something to do it's iqzOYaIXb0M-00211-00048151-00048339 always good to check out this week what iqzOYaIXb0M-00212-00048340-00048651 kind of food would you have oh we might iqzOYaIXb0M-00213-00048652-00048999 have some Rick's doughnut perhaps in iqzOYaIXb0M-00214-00049000-00049112 Chico ba iqzOYaIXb0M-00215-00049113-00049620 always pizza and the programs what are iqzOYaIXb0M-00216-00049621-00049749 some programs that students who are iqzOYaIXb0M-00217-00049750-00049932 coming in this fall might see in the iqzOYaIXb0M-00218-00049933-00050211 first like week serve sure sir iqzOYaIXb0M-00219-00050212-00050505 so in the first two first six weeks or iqzOYaIXb0M-00220-00050506-00050808 so we have like a dog Donuts event we're iqzOYaIXb0M-00221-00050809-00050964 going to have our with so there may be iqzOYaIXb0M-00222-00050965-00051285 k9 officers Colonel visit us and give iqzOYaIXb0M-00223-00051286-00051507 you some Joe nuts because that's always iqzOYaIXb0M-00224-00051508-00051676 pretty important iqzOYaIXb0M-00225-00051677-00052004 and we'll have our trying to think of iqzOYaIXb0M-00226-00052004-00052258 some more we're going to have a nama iqzOYaIXb0M-00227-00052259-00052432 slang program which will be a yoga iqzOYaIXb0M-00228-00052433-00052579 program Wow iqzOYaIXb0M-00229-00052580-00053054 led by dr. ed neke in the health center iqzOYaIXb0M-00230-00053054-00053275 ok I'm going to come and teach us some iqzOYaIXb0M-00231-00053276-00053498 ways to reduce stress in those first few iqzOYaIXb0M-00232-00053499-00053666 weeks because it's fun and then iqzOYaIXb0M-00233-00053666-00053824 mid-september hits and those midterms iqzOYaIXb0M-00234-00053825-00054169 yes start coming up at all the stress iqzOYaIXb0M-00235-00054170-00054387 all the strategy you can work it out in iqzOYaIXb0M-00236-00054388-00054728 yoga way fantastic huge TV that's iqzOYaIXb0M-00237-00054729-00054890 gigantic TV right iqzOYaIXb0M-00238-00054891-00055097 okay a lot of video game tournaments iqzOYaIXb0M-00239-00055098-00055417 really well Mario Kart maybe or is that iqzOYaIXb0M-00240-00055418-00055663 oh yeah Mario Kart with drunk goggles iqzOYaIXb0M-00241-00055664-00055898 whoa yeah all right iqzOYaIXb0M-00242-00055899-00056125 well let's check out then I guess the iqzOYaIXb0M-00243-00056126-00056269 ground floor which has a some more iqzOYaIXb0M-00244-00056270-00056538 common space as well as the kitchenette iqzOYaIXb0M-00245-00056539-00056834 you can use elevator down to the ground iqzOYaIXb0M-00246-00056835-00057187 floor however we all need exercise we're iqzOYaIXb0M-00247-00057188-00057607 going to will go down 1 4 on stairs so iqzOYaIXb0M-00248-00057608-00057779 when we go to the tenth floor we will go iqzOYaIXb0M-00249-00057779-00058091 away I tend for a walk out that's a iqzOYaIXb0M-00250-00058091-00059692 little elevator music what's horrible to iqzOYaIXb0M-00251-00059693-00059966 walk back up so I noticed this timer has iqzOYaIXb0M-00252-00059966-00060221 this Explorer that's a big part we iqzOYaIXb0M-00253-00060222-00060341 definitely want you to explore the city iqzOYaIXb0M-00254-00060341-00060607 when you arrive check out all the things iqzOYaIXb0M-00255-00060608-00060736 in Fayetteville and there's a map that iqzOYaIXb0M-00256-00060737-00060899 tells you all those historic markings on iqzOYaIXb0M-00257-00060900-00061103 there was there something you discovered iqzOYaIXb0M-00258-00061104-00061346 your first year in the city itself that iqzOYaIXb0M-00259-00061347-00061525 really stood out to you in well it's iqzOYaIXb0M-00260-00061526-00061669 kind of hard because I'm from this area iqzOYaIXb0M-00261-00061670-00061936 you know I'm familiar with everything I iqzOYaIXb0M-00262-00061937-00062251 did not know about all the murals that iqzOYaIXb0M-00263-00062252-00062455 we have like the wall mural so we got iqzOYaIXb0M-00264-00062456-00062723 around town the American flag there's iqzOYaIXb0M-00265-00062724-00063100 that oh but really at all yeah there's iqzOYaIXb0M-00266-00063101-00063323 just one to stuff like I thought I knew iqzOYaIXb0M-00267-00063324-00063475 about Fayetteville but when I came here iqzOYaIXb0M-00268-00063476-00063586 my friends are like oh let's gonna do iqzOYaIXb0M-00269-00063587-00063654 this iqzOYaIXb0M-00270-00063655-00063873 well what the heck is briar road bakery iqzOYaIXb0M-00271-00063874-00064044 like I had no idea what that is in the iqzOYaIXb0M-00272-00064045-00064528 neural basis I'm enrolled ever yeah not iqzOYaIXb0M-00273-00064529-00064711 for me in my big we would always don't iqzOYaIXb0M-00274-00064712-00065086 have Saturday lunch or practice okay so iqzOYaIXb0M-00275-00065087-00065244 where they would do the laundry here we iqzOYaIXb0M-00276-00065245-00065266 are iqzOYaIXb0M-00277-00065266-00065698 laundry it's a little loud in here iqzOYaIXb0M-00278-00065699-00065919 [Music] iqzOYaIXb0M-00279-00065920-00066480 eight washer and dryer this is where iqzOYaIXb0M-00280-00066481-00066636 you're going to come to all the iqzOYaIXb0M-00281-00066637-00066837 longevity there's an ice machine iqzOYaIXb0M-00282-00066838-00067152 and we do have this system where you can iqzOYaIXb0M-00283-00067153-00067470 scan this QR code with your phone on the iqzOYaIXb0M-00284-00067471-00067620 washer and you have just putting your iqzOYaIXb0M-00285-00067621-00067683 clothes iqzOYaIXb0M-00286-00067684-00067911 well actually alert you whenever you're iqzOYaIXb0M-00287-00067912-00068208 done washing helping us head for iqzOYaIXb0M-00288-00068209-00068385 notification you can come down here iqzOYaIXb0M-00289-00068386-00068586 quick it some squatcher to the dryer and iqzOYaIXb0M-00290-00068587-00068862 do the same process the Virgin you don't iqzOYaIXb0M-00291-00068863-00069018 remember one to talk about there's a iqzOYaIXb0M-00292-00069019-00069210 sign-up of all you can download the app iqzOYaIXb0M-00293-00069211-00069474 and the app store or for Android on iqzOYaIXb0M-00294-00069475-00069720 Google Play and you'll just get to our iqzOYaIXb0M-00295-00069721-00070002 code and you can tell you when it's done iqzOYaIXb0M-00296-00070003-00070197 when there's some that are open if you iqzOYaIXb0M-00297-00070198-00070401 don't want to come down here and see the iqzOYaIXb0M-00298-00070402-00070599 really good tool to use it also with iqzOYaIXb0M-00299-00070600-00070830 your laundry that's included in your iqzOYaIXb0M-00300-00070831-00071001 housing feeds you don't have to put up iqzOYaIXb0M-00301-00071002-00071266 any corners of a iqzOYaIXb0M-00302-00071267-00071477 you know that some students would come iqzOYaIXb0M-00303-00071478-00071666 down like ten floors like oh no iqzOYaIXb0M-00304-00071667-00071768 nothing's open iqzOYaIXb0M-00305-00071769-00071924 yeah I don't you frustrated that way iqzOYaIXb0M-00306-00071925-00072170 Definitely Maybe check laundry alert and iqzOYaIXb0M-00307-00072171-00072317 find out whether it goes on and on iqzOYaIXb0M-00308-00072318-00072553 because you have to remember there's a iqzOYaIXb0M-00309-00072554-00072803 washer content driver such as five iqzOYaIXb0M-00310-00072804-00072935 hundred in search of people that iqzOYaIXb0M-00311-00072936-00073331 literature and I always remember my iqzOYaIXb0M-00312-00073332-00073499 laundry disaster I just want a really iqzOYaIXb0M-00313-00073500-00073655 intense day back here and I would do my iqzOYaIXb0M-00314-00073656-00073976 competitors it's really not as noisy as iqzOYaIXb0M-00315-00073977-00074216 you think but if it has good yeah and iqzOYaIXb0M-00316-00074217-00074411 you get the TV plus everybody else runs iqzOYaIXb0M-00317-00074412-00074663 free now anyway watch whatever you want iqzOYaIXb0M-00318-00074664-00075173 on Netflix are you what season are you iqzOYaIXb0M-00319-00075174-00075338 an Akuma Burroughs come on come on iqzOYaIXb0M-00320-00075339-00075737 season 1 episode 6 video here suggestion iqzOYaIXb0M-00321-00075738-00076072 let's talk about try okay so the trash iqzOYaIXb0M-00322-00076073-00076304 you'll have a lot of it but this is the iqzOYaIXb0M-00323-00076305-00076544 trash you at the bottom of the floor so iqzOYaIXb0M-00324-00076545-00076787 on each floor there is a designated iqzOYaIXb0M-00325-00076788-00076931 trash you where you're going to throw iqzOYaIXb0M-00326-00076932-00077174 your trash inside of and it'll come down iqzOYaIXb0M-00327-00077175-00077237 here iqzOYaIXb0M-00328-00077238-00077369 everything we're seeing in here oh no iqzOYaIXb0M-00329-00077370-00077576 not really smells bad iqzOYaIXb0M-00330-00077577-00077912 haha but not from sale from the very bad iqzOYaIXb0M-00331-00077913-00078188 however you do not grow cardboard down iqzOYaIXb0M-00332-00078189-00078371 the trash chute just regular trash and iqzOYaIXb0M-00333-00078372-00078641 do not put your trash into the bathroom iqzOYaIXb0M-00334-00078642-00078887 don't be late be just walking over to iqzOYaIXb0M-00335-00078888-00079035 where the trash waited iqzOYaIXb0M-00336-00079036-00079243 see you nod your head at the neighbor iqzOYaIXb0M-00337-00079244-00079532 now you know neighbor go to trash away iqzOYaIXb0M-00338-00079533-00079699 absolutely absolutely iqzOYaIXb0M-00339-00079700-00079932 alright well let's head on down unless iqzOYaIXb0M-00340-00079933-00080161 you anything about laundry me check you iqzOYaIXb0M-00341-00080162-00080416 it octa bet do your laundry often wash iqzOYaIXb0M-00342-00080417-00080767 your she says you take a shower at night iqzOYaIXb0M-00343-00080768-00081091 your claims of entry sheet to have iqzOYaIXb0M-00344-00081092-00081282 bending to point out the bending here we iqzOYaIXb0M-00345-00081283-00081424 have vending machines right here there's iqzOYaIXb0M-00346-00081425-00081669 board vending machine this is not iqzOYaIXb0M-00347-00081670-00081853 included in feed therefore you're going iqzOYaIXb0M-00348-00081854-00082021 to have to pay for it with your own cash iqzOYaIXb0M-00349-00082022-00082287 your own card and they even has a purple iqzOYaIXb0M-00350-00082288-00082482 day which we all discovered for iqzOYaIXb0M-00351-00082483-00082723 resources just really cool do you need iqzOYaIXb0M-00352-00082724-00082893 your wristwatch this a major rift watch iqzOYaIXb0M-00353-00082894-00083040 yeah iqzOYaIXb0M-00354-00083041-00083361 so it's going to have snacks straight iqzOYaIXb0M-00355-00083362-00083722 coffee tea anything is iqzOYaIXb0M-00356-00083723-00083951 December by contacts iqzOYaIXb0M-00357-00083952-00084152 advantages African home campers we're iqzOYaIXb0M-00358-00084153-00084371 all about being green top like humping iqzOYaIXb0M-00359-00084372-00084629 apart thanks everybody for tuning in iqzOYaIXb0M-00360-00084630-00084842 don't hesitate to ask any questions iqzOYaIXb0M-00361-00084843-00084977 we're happy to answer them that's why iqzOYaIXb0M-00362-00084978-00085199 we're here and we put up this little iqzOYaIXb0M-00363-00085200-00085454 anomaly it's so interesting yeah here so iqzOYaIXb0M-00364-00085455-00085904 fun fact about yoga way back when yo iqzOYaIXb0M-00365-00085905-00086072 come and humphreys they're like the two iqzOYaIXb0M-00366-00086073-00086309 brother-sister dorms so Humphreys housed iqzOYaIXb0M-00367-00086310-00086642 all boys and Yocum house all girls well iqzOYaIXb0M-00368-00086643-00086804 the girls decided they gave you an iqzOYaIXb0M-00369-00086805-00086909 option you can either have air iqzOYaIXb0M-00370-00086910-00087101 conditioning or you can up telephone of iqzOYaIXb0M-00371-00087102-00087254 course those girls are like we want iqzOYaIXb0M-00372-00087255-00087407 telephones so we've got telephones iqzOYaIXb0M-00373-00087408-00087572 enough air conditioning where Humphreys iqzOYaIXb0M-00374-00087573-00087791 they got air conditioner Tilton's that's iqzOYaIXb0M-00375-00087792-00088010 why there's all these old telephones iqzOYaIXb0M-00376-00088011-00088325 right here yeah can't open them but iqzOYaIXb0M-00377-00088326-00088496 that's just a fun fact for yoga right iqzOYaIXb0M-00378-00088497-00088706 the old telephone booth this life is so iqzOYaIXb0M-00379-00088707-00089063 old that my boyfriend's dad stayed here iqzOYaIXb0M-00380-00089064-00089345 really coming well any generational yeah iqzOYaIXb0M-00381-00089346-00089564 but it didn't get renovated back in 26 iqzOYaIXb0M-00382-00089565-00089849 oh yeah we've been rid of a long time so iqzOYaIXb0M-00383-00089850-00089987 let's look at the little kitchenette iqzOYaIXb0M-00384-00089988-00090302 here yeah right here small in your iqzOYaIXb0M-00385-00090303-00090530 estimation sensor so this is just gonna iqzOYaIXb0M-00386-00090531-00090644 be your little kitchenette you're going iqzOYaIXb0M-00387-00090645-00090983 to have your oven stovetop with the iqzOYaIXb0M-00388-00090984-00091316 microwave and a sink right here and so iqzOYaIXb0M-00389-00091317-00091517 basically I always come down here like iqzOYaIXb0M-00390-00091518-00091670 she was saying earlier you can go to the iqzOYaIXb0M-00391-00091671-00091829 front desk and you can rent out pots and iqzOYaIXb0M-00392-00091830-00092200 pans IVP sit down here sugar companies iqzOYaIXb0M-00393-00092201-00092435 you know you really if you don't want to iqzOYaIXb0M-00394-00092436-00092600 you take up space in your room and have iqzOYaIXb0M-00395-00092601-00092819 microwaves there's one right here and iqzOYaIXb0M-00396-00092820-00092990 you can always use that it's a really iqzOYaIXb0M-00397-00092991-00093122 good tool to use if you don't want to iqzOYaIXb0M-00398-00093123-00093479 buy one so yeah okay well great thank iqzOYaIXb0M-00399-00093480-00093914 you we'll walk out this way and this was iqzOYaIXb0M-00400-00093915-00094325 the fun game room yeah so this room is iqzOYaIXb0M-00401-00094326-00094481 probably used you know it's a common iqzOYaIXb0M-00402-00094482-00094793 room as well most programming occurs in iqzOYaIXb0M-00403-00094794-00095015 the upstairs or does it occur down here iqzOYaIXb0M-00404-00095016-00095315 happen oh yeah from the beginning of the iqzOYaIXb0M-00405-00095316-00095474 years mostly upstairs in that first iqzOYaIXb0M-00406-00095475-00095719 floor lounge so I showed you earlier iqzOYaIXb0M-00407-00095720-00095927 because we want you to be able to get iqzOYaIXb0M-00408-00095928-00096116 there easy and quick but there will be a iqzOYaIXb0M-00409-00096117-00096371 lot of events down here as well but this iqzOYaIXb0M-00410-00096372-00096614 is also used quite a lot iqzOYaIXb0M-00411-00096615-00096914 with the ping-pong table and pool table iqzOYaIXb0M-00412-00096915-00097169 lots of circulation go down here we got iqzOYaIXb0M-00413-00097170-00097571 a football and all those ball things can iqzOYaIXb0M-00414-00097572-00097859 you check that process there's two iqzOYaIXb0M-00415-00097860-00098825 foosball tables at the cool table of iqzOYaIXb0M-00416-00098826-00099086 tables oh yeah billboards back make a iqzOYaIXb0M-00417-00099087-00099281 bumper pool or billiards if you're iqzOYaIXb0M-00418-00099282-00099584 feeling fancy that's a fancy billions iqzOYaIXb0M-00419-00099585-00099884 yes okay fantastic iqzOYaIXb0M-00420-00099885-00100130 well keep you back to your office if you iqzOYaIXb0M-00421-00100131-00100547 want to watch anything yeah so we're iqzOYaIXb0M-00422-00100548-00100658 going to go check out some rooms and iqzOYaIXb0M-00423-00100659-00100811 bathrooms yeah see things iqzOYaIXb0M-00424-00100812-00101036 the part that everyone's been waiting iqzOYaIXb0M-00425-00101037-00101294 for yes yes we'll go up and check out iqzOYaIXb0M-00426-00101295-00101486 one of those actually go up to the tenth iqzOYaIXb0M-00427-00101487-00101699 floor so that we can give you the the iqzOYaIXb0M-00428-00101700-00102164 penthouse view from Yocum and we're iqzOYaIXb0M-00429-00102165-00102923 going to be on the elevator so well rip iqzOYaIXb0M-00430-00102924-00103144 elevator one thing to point out is my iqzOYaIXb0M-00431-00103145-00103406 office is in that innovation yeah so if iqzOYaIXb0M-00432-00103407-00103589 you ever need anything you can always iqzOYaIXb0M-00433-00103590-00103790 knock see from there I work regular iqzOYaIXb0M-00434-00103791-00104044 business hours you know I also contact iqzOYaIXb0M-00435-00104045-00104357 me via email and all that information is iqzOYaIXb0M-00436-00104358-00104549 close to drop the building what would be iqzOYaIXb0M-00437-00104550-00104717 something that you usually contacted iqzOYaIXb0M-00438-00104718-00105026 about sure if a student is wondering iqzOYaIXb0M-00439-00105027-00105269 about what types of classes to register iqzOYaIXb0M-00440-00105270-00105722 for or if they have maybe some complex iqzOYaIXb0M-00441-00105723-00105995 issues with their roommate or if they're iqzOYaIXb0M-00442-00105996-00106163 just looking for ways to get involved a iqzOYaIXb0M-00443-00106164-00106331 lot of really great ways to get involved iqzOYaIXb0M-00444-00106332-00106553 on campus especially within the hall we iqzOYaIXb0M-00445-00106554-00106754 have lean hogs which is a great option iqzOYaIXb0M-00446-00106755-00106936 we have residents in our Hall Congress iqzOYaIXb0M-00447-00106938-00107233 which is a really great option so the so iqzOYaIXb0M-00448-00107234-00107465 students will often come see me if iqzOYaIXb0M-00449-00107466-00107666 they're feeling really brave and they're iqzOYaIXb0M-00450-00107667-00107825 asking for some help iqzOYaIXb0M-00451-00107826-00108038 and I always encourage students to do iqzOYaIXb0M-00452-00108039-00108227 that transition college can be a little iqzOYaIXb0M-00453-00108228-00108440 bit difficult and so and that's why we iqzOYaIXb0M-00454-00108441-00108656 have matches almost physician professors iqzOYaIXb0M-00455-00108657-00108923 are professors I am NOT a proposal yet iqzOYaIXb0M-00456-00108924-00109285 not a gradual to live in the different iqzOYaIXb0M-00457-00109286-00109523 illnesses yeah and we have one pretty iqzOYaIXb0M-00458-00109524-00109697 much for every hall couple of iqzOYaIXb0M-00459-00109698-00110093 Deerling pterosaurs have the you do have iqzOYaIXb0M-00460-00110094-00110327 an RH on every floor so that further our iqzOYaIXb0M-00461-00110328-00110570 idea with some other persons that if iqzOYaIXb0M-00462-00110571-00110704 you've ever had questions or something iqzOYaIXb0M-00463-00110705-00110915 they're here for you all right iqzOYaIXb0M-00464-00110916-00111235 my formal eternity Rachel Hughes bed iqzOYaIXb0M-00465-00111236-00111540 we're joined up with her it's really fun iqzOYaIXb0M-00466-00111541-00111752 reflection just married one of my former iqzOYaIXb0M-00467-00111753-00112438 I marry right here live on TV connection iqzOYaIXb0M-00468-00112439-00112697 now I just noticed this little saying iqzOYaIXb0M-00469-00112698-00113240 here say number yeah so contact about iqzOYaIXb0M-00470-00113241-00113447 Marcus all we are the number one best iqzOYaIXb0M-00471-00113448-00113815 NBC city under the number five best city iqzOYaIXb0M-00472-00113816-00114164 in the nation it actually all over the iqzOYaIXb0M-00473-00114165-00114347 internet if you don't believe us we're iqzOYaIXb0M-00474-00114348-00114527 not just like saying something it's real iqzOYaIXb0M-00475-00114528-00114728 and I'm pretty sure like the number iqzOYaIXb0M-00476-00114729-00114926 forty exiting the nation's but iqzOYaIXb0M-00477-00114927-00115145 resolution but I think we've moved that iqzOYaIXb0M-00478-00115146-00115439 different say Azul it was really fun if iqzOYaIXb0M-00479-00115440-00115697 you're not from here like I said there's iqzOYaIXb0M-00480-00115698-00115913 so many food options that are is for iqzOYaIXb0M-00481-00115914-00116158 sabe on Dickson Street which is the big iqzOYaIXb0M-00482-00116159-00116365 and famous thing here in sales oh what's iqzOYaIXb0M-00483-00116366-00116570 your favorite restaurant is what I'll be iqzOYaIXb0M-00484-00116571-00116870 like let me ask a sushi question you iqzOYaIXb0M-00485-00116871-00117083 don't lose okay do you like sushi then iqzOYaIXb0M-00486-00117083-00117269 has all the sauce and the cracklins on iqzOYaIXb0M-00487-00117270-00117398 it or do you prefer like just the iqzOYaIXb0M-00488-00117399-00117616 simplicity of the simplicity like they iqzOYaIXb0M-00489-00117617-00117782 have the Razorback rolled up which is iqzOYaIXb0M-00490-00117783-00118013 really good I don't even know what's in iqzOYaIXb0M-00491-00118014-00118457 it like you believe it's delicious iqzOYaIXb0M-00492-00118458-00118688 really good scientific progress every iqzOYaIXb0M-00493-00118689-00118909 single time ago but there are places iqzOYaIXb0M-00494-00118910-00119185 like there's a kid in a logical way iqzOYaIXb0M-00495-00119186-00119432 there's our saygus which is a really iqzOYaIXb0M-00496-00119433-00119669 good kind of breakfast kind of weird iqzOYaIXb0M-00497-00119670-00119771 like right iqzOYaIXb0M-00498-00119772-00120091 you can honestly think of that coffee iqzOYaIXb0M-00499-00120092-00120449 here's my shop up there downtown iqzOYaIXb0M-00500-00120450-00120869 Fayetteville check out the bathroom iqzOYaIXb0M-00501-00120870-00120985 first iqzOYaIXb0M-00502-00120986-00121400 so right here in the bathroom four iqzOYaIXb0M-00503-00121401-00121700 bathrooms per floor so here this is the iqzOYaIXb0M-00504-00121701-00122066 elevator all of the title uses happen so iqzOYaIXb0M-00505-00122067-00122335 we're back to island right here and two iqzOYaIXb0M-00506-00122336-00122591 toilets right here and then we have two iqzOYaIXb0M-00507-00122592-00122897 substandard public one is there is an iqzOYaIXb0M-00508-00122898-00122975 ABA iqzOYaIXb0M-00509-00122976-00123409 accessible toilet up here too and iqzOYaIXb0M-00510-00123410-00123704 there's four bathroom set so I don't iqzOYaIXb0M-00511-00123705-00123905 worry about the countryside so depending iqzOYaIXb0M-00512-00123906-00124088 on which side you are on the elevators iqzOYaIXb0M-00513-00124089-00124391 will be set and there's four seats right iqzOYaIXb0M-00514-00124392-00124775 here and this is the best I'm not iqzOYaIXb0M-00515-00124776-00125081 kidding the showers so we have a little iqzOYaIXb0M-00516-00125082-00125327 changing station right here and then iqzOYaIXb0M-00517-00125328-00125549 your shower unlike every other resident iqzOYaIXb0M-00518-00125550-00126095 told really big ninety one very big it's iqzOYaIXb0M-00519-00126096-00126443 about always fan of Molly so it's not iqzOYaIXb0M-00520-00126444-00126800 it's a one wing fan apologize to Molly iqzOYaIXb0M-00521-00126801-00126859 why iqzOYaIXb0M-00522-00126860-00127190 okay Michelle thing here and the water iqzOYaIXb0M-00523-00127191-00127589 is always hot it is not cold like all iqzOYaIXb0M-00524-00127590-00127775 the movies kind of psychologists like iqzOYaIXb0M-00525-00127776-00128063 it's not and they happen all right iqzOYaIXb0M-00526-00128064-00128372 many of it that front room will you kind iqzOYaIXb0M-00527-00128373-00128675 of change definitely one device was iqzOYaIXb0M-00528-00128676-00128911 bring a little shower caddy you don't iqzOYaIXb0M-00529-00128913-00129050 want to carry on space in your hand iqzOYaIXb0M-00530-00129051-00129336 that's has been used on the towel wrap iqzOYaIXb0M-00531-00129338-00129542 close yourself in you're watching from iqzOYaIXb0M-00532-00129543-00129713 your room a bit about their engine iqzOYaIXb0M-00533-00129714-00130016 there's can be gotten before people have iqzOYaIXb0M-00534-00130017-00130301 boyfriends and stuff and then for the iqzOYaIXb0M-00535-00130302-00130684 power cord so dumb little bastard shower iqzOYaIXb0M-00536-00130685-00130919 shoes also shower shoes never forget iqzOYaIXb0M-00537-00130920-00131231 never going to forget okay so let's look iqzOYaIXb0M-00538-00131232-00131533 at one of the ones it's called a chase iqzOYaIXb0M-00539-00131534-00131786 it is this one down in here I believe iqzOYaIXb0M-00540-00131787-00132011 it's nice it's isn't and we just want to iqzOYaIXb0M-00541-00132012-00132116 show you two different types of iqzOYaIXb0M-00542-00132117-00132341 configurations of rooms that you can see iqzOYaIXb0M-00543-00132342-00132506 what's called sometimes it's referred to iqzOYaIXb0M-00544-00132507-00132794 as a loft but it's really a chase room iqzOYaIXb0M-00545-00132795-00133172 this is the one yes okay the nice thing iqzOYaIXb0M-00546-00133173-00133424 if you got this room to give you a wall iqzOYaIXb0M-00547-00133425-00133700 mounted flat indeedy that's what I'm not iqzOYaIXb0M-00548-00133701-00133892 ready to act so here's the detail we're iqzOYaIXb0M-00549-00133893-00134053 talking about is this wall right here iqzOYaIXb0M-00550-00134054-00134297 and you need to be aware of that if iqzOYaIXb0M-00551-00134298-00134495 you're living in this particular type of iqzOYaIXb0M-00552-00134496-00134789 room and all this furniture and iqzOYaIXb0M-00553-00134790-00134963 beautiful thing yes iqzOYaIXb0M-00554-00134964-00135125 so most people who live in these iqzOYaIXb0M-00555-00135126-00135341 countries will walk their beds all the iqzOYaIXb0M-00556-00135342-00135599 way to the top so it is a I'm saying you iqzOYaIXb0M-00557-00135600-00135833 can talk about no matter what we're in iqzOYaIXb0M-00558-00135834-00136049 your end if you want to lock your bed iqzOYaIXb0M-00559-00136050-00136595 you can go to housing do our CD u /x it iqzOYaIXb0M-00560-00136596-00136859 and they can do that for you we came to iqzOYaIXb0M-00561-00136860-00137051 buy yourselves we did say that you iqzOYaIXb0M-00562-00137052-00137156 should probably bring the rubber mallet iqzOYaIXb0M-00563-00137157-00137399 just in case we have a few down here to iqzOYaIXb0M-00564-00137400-00137594 do tomorrow and I it's always best to iqzOYaIXb0M-00565-00137595-00137798 bring your own stuff back and as you iqzOYaIXb0M-00566-00137799-00138020 said to me obvious play this to pack why iqzOYaIXb0M-00567-00138021-00138260 I resin heavier oh yes definitely always iqzOYaIXb0M-00568-00138261-00138485 pack quite do not over pack because you iqzOYaIXb0M-00569-00138486-00138665 can always get stuck when you get here iqzOYaIXb0M-00570-00138666-00138935 you know you don't necessarily need a iqzOYaIXb0M-00571-00138936-00139127 microwave sensors one now there's if you iqzOYaIXb0M-00572-00139128-00139295 want like bring it are you filling five iqzOYaIXb0M-00573-00139296-00139520 here you can have a mini fridge in your iqzOYaIXb0M-00574-00139521-00139640 room iqzOYaIXb0M-00575-00139641-00139835 I wouldn't get too many molbeck iqzOYaIXb0M-00576-00139836-00140051 variations just because there's a lot iqzOYaIXb0M-00577-00140052-00140174 and you don't have to bring all of your iqzOYaIXb0M-00578-00140175-00140330 clothes at once you can bring one season iqzOYaIXb0M-00579-00140331-00140489 and then when you go home for fall right iqzOYaIXb0M-00580-00140490-00140729 from the ring the other season so it's iqzOYaIXb0M-00581-00140730-00141077 just it's going you're nine hours five iqzOYaIXb0M-00582-00141078-00141242 hours wherever you're from iqzOYaIXb0M-00583-00141243-00141521 sure yeah so we checked out the chase iqzOYaIXb0M-00584-00141522-00141890 room we'll go now into a more typical iqzOYaIXb0M-00585-00141891-00142419 room for yoga okay iqzOYaIXb0M-00586-00142420-00142831 and this is just a typical give go iqzOYaIXb0M-00587-00142832-00143506 around my friends wonders here yeah so iqzOYaIXb0M-00588-00143507-00143713 this is some of your typical Yocum iqzOYaIXb0M-00589-00143714-00143926 around like I said you can still watch iqzOYaIXb0M-00590-00143927-00144127 your bed just go to that website iqzOYaIXb0M-00591-00144128-00144214 T all about iqzOYaIXb0M-00592-00144215-00144583 and there are Georgia here there's a iqzOYaIXb0M-00593-00144584-00144852 shows right here and then there's tears iqzOYaIXb0M-00594-00144853-00145128 which you should do though something iqzOYaIXb0M-00595-00145129-00145513 cool so Yocum what everyone likes about iqzOYaIXb0M-00596-00145514-00145810 it is how there's constantly people in iqzOYaIXb0M-00597-00145811-00145951 you're always hanging out to each other iqzOYaIXb0M-00598-00145952-00146281 sticky face where Francis did this turns iqzOYaIXb0M-00599-00146282-00146391 old rocking chair iqzOYaIXb0M-00600-00146392-00146653 very nice very nice this is just like iqzOYaIXb0M-00601-00146654-00146947 another chair so listen yeah and behind iqzOYaIXb0M-00602-00146948-00147118 you I want to be sure I show this great iqzOYaIXb0M-00603-00147119-00147481 view so we're on floor ten for ten and I iqzOYaIXb0M-00604-00147482-00147781 can see Razorback Stadium being erected iqzOYaIXb0M-00605-00147782-00148027 you worked on getting a Jumbotron iqzOYaIXb0M-00606-00148028-00148300 mmm-hmm and then right next to that it's iqzOYaIXb0M-00607-00148301-00148513 going to be the practice field and then iqzOYaIXb0M-00608-00148514-00148791 you have a track and field and then iqzOYaIXb0M-00609-00148792-00149053 eventually you'll see Bud Walton Arena iqzOYaIXb0M-00610-00149054-00149379 and you'll can't really pin I'm going to iqzOYaIXb0M-00611-00149380-00149659 sell both stadium as well and then iqzOYaIXb0M-00612-00149660-00150003 there's the regular Stadium drive down iqzOYaIXb0M-00613-00150004-00150373 there and Renee's Arkansas germanium the iqzOYaIXb0M-00614-00150374-00150547 rec center it's one of a good thing to iqzOYaIXb0M-00615-00150548-00150775 use you'll have a gym inside that rec iqzOYaIXb0M-00616-00150776-00151000 center and then there's also a rec iqzOYaIXb0M-00617-00151001-00151300 center inside the Union so from here you iqzOYaIXb0M-00618-00151301-00151440 know kinda waiting I didn't really want iqzOYaIXb0M-00619-00151441-00151615 to walk down that Hill and that's I hope iqzOYaIXb0M-00620-00151616-00151840 echo because it's really steep so I iqzOYaIXb0M-00621-00151841-00151993 would just go to the rec center inside iqzOYaIXb0M-00622-00151994-00152212 the Union and it has all of your iqzOYaIXb0M-00623-00152213-00152490 ellipticals and treadmills it has weight iqzOYaIXb0M-00624-00152491-00152695 it has everything you can take a shower iqzOYaIXb0M-00625-00152696-00152848 there you're on your way to clock right iqzOYaIXb0M-00626-00152849-00153139 afterwards and then I would go for meal iqzOYaIXb0M-00627-00153140-00153303 trays so you'll try to start to the iqzOYaIXb0M-00628-00153304-00153568 union at 4:00 4:30 depending on the iqzOYaIXb0M-00629-00153569-00153687 professional it iqzOYaIXb0M-00630-00153688-00153972 John that one for that and so then you iqzOYaIXb0M-00631-00153973-00154224 can go do your treat there yeah what iqzOYaIXb0M-00632-00154225-00154469 does anyone have any questions for us or iqzOYaIXb0M-00633-00154470-00154749 let me ask where is any from feel free iqzOYaIXb0M-00634-00154750-00154932 to tell us where you're from and yeah I iqzOYaIXb0M-00635-00154933-00155082 let me know if you're coming here this iqzOYaIXb0M-00636-00155083-00155460 fall hey Mel I got a question for you iqzOYaIXb0M-00637-00155461-00155934 Melly for you throughout mine iqzOYaIXb0M-00638-00155935-00156117 I know we want to check out the study iqzOYaIXb0M-00639-00156118-00156255 room there's one percent study iqzOYaIXb0M-00640-00156256-00156417 absolutely so we'll check that out as iqzOYaIXb0M-00641-00156418-00156612 soon as we finish our calculations you iqzOYaIXb0M-00642-00156613-00156864 have any thoughts about where they're iqzOYaIXb0M-00643-00156865-00157014 moving into these rooms or any things iqzOYaIXb0M-00644-00157015-00157239 you might wanna say about that medium iqzOYaIXb0M-00645-00157240-00157413 yeah I think bring less than you think iqzOYaIXb0M-00646-00157414-00157827 you need mmm just as you can see the the iqzOYaIXb0M-00647-00157828-00158001 rooms are not the size of your parents iqzOYaIXb0M-00648-00158002-00158343 house that you're leaving and so I heard iqzOYaIXb0M-00649-00158344-00158511 Molly talk about bringing things in iqzOYaIXb0M-00650-00158512-00158688 seasons that's always a really good idea iqzOYaIXb0M-00651-00158689-00159072 I'm just definitely oh yeah the totes iqzOYaIXb0M-00652-00159073-00159225 will be helpful because you can always iqzOYaIXb0M-00653-00159226-00159423 store things when they're not in use a iqzOYaIXb0M-00654-00159424-00159699 lot of space under your bed here if iqzOYaIXb0M-00655-00159700-00159828 you're able to communicate with your iqzOYaIXb0M-00656-00159829-00160038 roommate before you arrive and that way iqzOYaIXb0M-00657-00160039-00160143 you're not showing up with to iqzOYaIXb0M-00658-00160144-00160323 refrigerator since you might create them iqzOYaIXb0M-00659-00160324-00160644 to you know TVs and all those things iqzOYaIXb0M-00660-00160645-00160800 kind of figure out who's going to bring iqzOYaIXb0M-00661-00160801-00161052 what I think that that's always really iqzOYaIXb0M-00662-00161053-00161298 helpful and most of all and this is iqzOYaIXb0M-00663-00161299-00161481 cheesy but I would say bring it open iqzOYaIXb0M-00664-00161482-00161751 mind you're going to learn a lot really iqzOYaIXb0M-00665-00161752-00161955 fast you're going to have to navigate iqzOYaIXb0M-00666-00161956-00162207 some new boundaries as I'll bring it iqzOYaIXb0M-00667-00162208-00162396 open mind think about what kind of iqzOYaIXb0M-00668-00162397-00162564 things make you a successful person iqzOYaIXb0M-00669-00162565-00162741 before you arrive so that you can iqzOYaIXb0M-00670-00162742-00162864 advocate for those when you get here iqzOYaIXb0M-00671-00162865-00163008 because we got a lot of staff that are iqzOYaIXb0M-00672-00163009-00163206 excited to see you and when I help so iqzOYaIXb0M-00673-00163207-00163488 this building has myself and then 16 iqzOYaIXb0M-00674-00163489-00163695 student staff members we have miss iqzOYaIXb0M-00675-00163696-00163860 Dabney down the desk in this w first iqzOYaIXb0M-00676-00163861-00164052 year a long time she'll become your best iqzOYaIXb0M-00677-00164053-00164109 friend iqzOYaIXb0M-00678-00164110-00164391 and then my husband and I live here with iqzOYaIXb0M-00679-00164392-00164667 our little dog Ralphie nice trail and iqzOYaIXb0M-00680-00164668-00165015 Rose points out Anna dolly $79 tellin iqzOYaIXb0M-00681-00165016-00165165 her to bring a dolly if you have your iqzOYaIXb0M-00682-00165166-00165336 own dolly that would be wonderful you iqzOYaIXb0M-00683-00165337-00165546 will be moving in through our back iqzOYaIXb0M-00684-00165547-00165789 partner on here and you have a whole iqzOYaIXb0M-00685-00165790-00166095 system worked out so it's great to have iqzOYaIXb0M-00686-00166096-00166307 your own darling iqzOYaIXb0M-00687-00166308-00166602 Nancy is from play-doh hey hello Puente iqzOYaIXb0M-00688-00166603-00166830 that's where merit for neighborhoods oh iqzOYaIXb0M-00689-00166831-00167250 yeah she asked what is the clearance iqzOYaIXb0M-00690-00167251-00167535 under the bed as they are currently is iqzOYaIXb0M-00691-00167536-00167727 there currently set up as currently well iqzOYaIXb0M-00692-00167728-00168033 we have our yeah so they're kind of half iqzOYaIXb0M-00693-00168034-00168243 locked at this point is this sort of the iqzOYaIXb0M-00694-00168244-00168423 configuration for wanting to put the iqzOYaIXb0M-00695-00168424-00168585 boxes underneath but not necessarily iqzOYaIXb0M-00696-00168586-00168717 wanting to study underneath your bed iqzOYaIXb0M-00697-00168718-00169053 right yeah so right now it's at about 30 iqzOYaIXb0M-00698-00169054-00169343 and 1/4 from the ground it's on the iqzOYaIXb0M-00699-00169344-00169758 third writer on the bottom okay um you iqzOYaIXb0M-00700-00169759-00169896 can lift it all the way up to make a iqzOYaIXb0M-00701-00169897-00170025 bunk there if you want if you want to iqzOYaIXb0M-00702-00170026-00170367 put a big pond underneath you're giving iqzOYaIXb0M-00703-00170368-00170520 me that measurement of what we the top iqzOYaIXb0M-00704-00170521-00170871 yeah so if you're looking at doing it iqzOYaIXb0M-00705-00170872-00171186 from the top I'm gonna be right there iqzOYaIXb0M-00706-00171187-00171519 and they like 56 okay I know I'm sorry iqzOYaIXb0M-00707-00171520-00171882 over some more about 59 about 59 will be iqzOYaIXb0M-00708-00171883-00172209 the the maximum I'm angry with it and iqzOYaIXb0M-00709-00172210-00172347 then you were able to get for that high iqzOYaIXb0M-00710-00172348-00172635 and the low is that you can do which you iqzOYaIXb0M-00711-00172636-00172857 want see the low it will make it a iqzOYaIXb0M-00712-00172858-00173163 lowrider how do we do that 26:26 okay iqzOYaIXb0M-00713-00173164-00173373 thank you very much that question man iqzOYaIXb0M-00714-00173374-00173784 yeah I appreciate it yeah I guess you iqzOYaIXb0M-00715-00173785-00173904 would maybe we can show up the drawers iqzOYaIXb0M-00716-00173905-00174012 just let them know kinda look like iqzOYaIXb0M-00717-00174013-00174645 clearance we have in there oh yeah these iqzOYaIXb0M-00718-00174646-00174831 are all the George you have I want to iqzOYaIXb0M-00719-00174832-00175194 not take their thing out okay um but put iqzOYaIXb0M-00720-00175195-00175359 anything you want in here like I with my iqzOYaIXb0M-00721-00175360-00175671 makeup in here um no I'm literally gonna iqzOYaIXb0M-00722-00175672-00175910 do this all my gun okay iqzOYaIXb0M-00723-00175911-00176172 and then you have a little bit bigger iqzOYaIXb0M-00724-00176173-00176352 tour right here that's where I put my iqzOYaIXb0M-00725-00176353-00176637 textbooks and then you have two more iqzOYaIXb0M-00726-00176638-00177038 down below are all going to same size iqzOYaIXb0M-00727-00177039-00177270 smaller one is just will be this top iqzOYaIXb0M-00728-00177271-00177567 door right here you do have your shelves iqzOYaIXb0M-00729-00177568-00177792 that you can put anything up on you have iqzOYaIXb0M-00730-00177793-00178026 two outlets each person is 2l is on each iqzOYaIXb0M-00731-00178027-00178257 side and there can be outlets on your iqzOYaIXb0M-00732-00178258-00178566 vanity mirror as well where you can use iqzOYaIXb0M-00733-00178567-00178845 anything and also want to point out you iqzOYaIXb0M-00734-00178846-00178943 just have this array iqzOYaIXb0M-00735-00178944-00179111 TV here's an internet cable right here iqzOYaIXb0M-00736-00179112-00179384 we also have our remote that's in your iqzOYaIXb0M-00737-00179385-00179711 room do not go back home with a remote iqzOYaIXb0M-00738-00179712-00179972 leave it here we will get fined for it iqzOYaIXb0M-00739-00179973-00180158 but you can plug this into your TV and iqzOYaIXb0M-00740-00180159-00180269 you have cable iqzOYaIXb0M-00741-00180270-00180623 yes including HBO's including HBO and iqzOYaIXb0M-00742-00180624-00180826 this is your thermos back to you can iqzOYaIXb0M-00743-00180827-00181201 control your own turns back nice nice I iqzOYaIXb0M-00744-00181202-00181366 don't want thing to know when you move iqzOYaIXb0M-00745-00181367-00181568 in we will create your ID so that you iqzOYaIXb0M-00746-00181569-00181729 can fill out your room inventory form iqzOYaIXb0M-00747-00181730-00181879 and then once you return that it will be iqzOYaIXb0M-00748-00181880-00182111 right back the things to note on that iqzOYaIXb0M-00749-00182112-00182336 will be any sort of wear and tear that iqzOYaIXb0M-00750-00182337-00182498 you see in the room that's just a good iqzOYaIXb0M-00751-00182499-00182674 practice as as you move forward in your iqzOYaIXb0M-00752-00182675-00182836 life you will be tenants in some iqzOYaIXb0M-00753-00182837-00183001 different places as a really good iqzOYaIXb0M-00754-00183002-00183175 practice so some of things you might iqzOYaIXb0M-00755-00183176-00183347 know it would be like there's some spots iqzOYaIXb0M-00756-00183348-00183596 right there from silly putty that people iqzOYaIXb0M-00757-00183597-00183743 put on the walls don't bring that it's iqzOYaIXb0M-00758-00183744-00183850 not going to come off the wall as you iqzOYaIXb0M-00759-00183851-00184075 can see so think about those things as iqzOYaIXb0M-00760-00184076-00184211 you move in and put before you put all iqzOYaIXb0M-00761-00184212-00184433 your stuff up might even be helpful to iqzOYaIXb0M-00762-00184434-00184622 take some pictures because as I assess iqzOYaIXb0M-00763-00184623-00184772 those things at the end of the year I am iqzOYaIXb0M-00764-00184773-00184990 so grateful when parents or students to iqzOYaIXb0M-00765-00184991-00185258 pictures before they moved in so yes iqzOYaIXb0M-00766-00185259-00185428 before pictures never've asking the iqzOYaIXb0M-00767-00185429-00185764 camera back original rows points out the iqzOYaIXb0M-00768-00185765-00186086 walls are brick no nails so no name I am iqzOYaIXb0M-00769-00186087-00186352 nail where don't help anywhere yeah we iqzOYaIXb0M-00770-00186353-00186620 mostly with command strips nothing if iqzOYaIXb0M-00771-00186621-00186821 you do use command strips make sure that iqzOYaIXb0M-00772-00186822-00186961 you do know how to bring them down iqzOYaIXb0M-00773-00186962-00187172 because otherwise they can sometimes iqzOYaIXb0M-00774-00187173-00187397 bring down the drywall obviously in this iqzOYaIXb0M-00775-00187398-00187556 building since is cinder block and won't iqzOYaIXb0M-00776-00187557-00187702 bring down the drywall but it can make iqzOYaIXb0M-00777-00187703-00188053 the paint peel which then causes some iqzOYaIXb0M-00778-00188054-00188190 repair throughout the summer and iqzOYaIXb0M-00779-00188191-00188488 unfortunately as the damage charge so as iqzOYaIXb0M-00780-00188489-00188720 you know as you move in think of this as iqzOYaIXb0M-00781-00188721-00188882 your grandmother's house and treat it iqzOYaIXb0M-00782-00188883-00189127 with a lot of respects agree on terrific iqzOYaIXb0M-00783-00189128-00189299 great residence hall there's a lot of iqzOYaIXb0M-00784-00189300-00189569 community I am very excited to be here iqzOYaIXb0M-00785-00189570-00189799 and you know going is really you're iqzOYaIXb0M-00786-00189800-00189968 gonna love it here sure yeah so let's iqzOYaIXb0M-00787-00189969-00190148 show off the study room and I kind of iqzOYaIXb0M-00788-00190149-00190201 forgot you iqzOYaIXb0M-00789-00190202-00190414 earlier but thanks for your questions iqzOYaIXb0M-00790-00190415-00190632 about the residence hall room itself iqzOYaIXb0M-00791-00190633-00190936 it's not a great resident fault the best iqzOYaIXb0M-00792-00190937-00191293 it's the best you say with anybody iqzOYaIXb0M-00793-00191294-00191626 oh yeah yeah so this is going to be iqzOYaIXb0M-00794-00191627-00191887 bubble and Arena the softball stadium iqzOYaIXb0M-00795-00191888-00192193 you can't see the baseball stadium you iqzOYaIXb0M-00796-00192194-00192412 see the lies which columns know anyone iqzOYaIXb0M-00797-00192413-00192643 bangin out over there and this is going iqzOYaIXb0M-00798-00192644-00192751 to be Fayetteville high school that's iqzOYaIXb0M-00799-00192752-00192826 right here iqzOYaIXb0M-00800-00192827-00193167 yeah the Bulldogs try to get off I am iqzOYaIXb0M-00801-00193168-00193705 okay right now what are you studying iqzOYaIXb0M-00802-00193706-00193783 knowledge iqzOYaIXb0M-00803-00193784-00193969 I'm sending advertising and public iqzOYaIXb0M-00804-00193970-00194178 relations which is a journalism degree iqzOYaIXb0M-00805-00194179-00194584 okay going good I am supposed to be a iqzOYaIXb0M-00806-00194585-00194851 sophomore in the fall however I've taken iqzOYaIXb0M-00807-00194852-00195073 so much credit and I'm trying to get iqzOYaIXb0M-00808-00195074-00195316 done as a second I'll be a junior but iqzOYaIXb0M-00809-00195317-00195547 basically complete yours congratulations iqzOYaIXb0M-00810-00195548-00195814 thank you you know trying to save my iqzOYaIXb0M-00811-00195815-00196144 hair some money so that's all I'm yeah iqzOYaIXb0M-00812-00196145-00196432 I'm sure they appreciate that okay so we iqzOYaIXb0M-00813-00196433-00196933 have these rooms here this will be a iqzOYaIXb0M-00814-00196934-00197224 study room percent hall but at first iqzOYaIXb0M-00815-00197225-00197284 really iqzOYaIXb0M-00816-00197285-00197638 overflow room and so I'll just rip in 20 iqzOYaIXb0M-00817-00197639-00197884 people come in easy so this is where you iqzOYaIXb0M-00818-00197885-00198076 can go to study this is a big hop in iqzOYaIXb0M-00819-00198077-00198292 place to be let me tell you okay I could iqzOYaIXb0M-00820-00198293-00198439 barely find a place to study iqzOYaIXb0M-00821-00198440-00198652 they're always occupied which is good iqzOYaIXb0M-00822-00198653-00198937 hand very good because watch this place iqzOYaIXb0M-00823-00198938-00199141 look at that white space right there iqzOYaIXb0M-00824-00199142-00199348 yeah people do sure you do bring your iqzOYaIXb0M-00825-00199349-00199555 own Expo marker oh just let you know iqzOYaIXb0M-00826-00199556-00199813 from here and there so far great great iqzOYaIXb0M-00827-00199814-00199993 posture and we thought there yeah you iqzOYaIXb0M-00828-00199994-00200149 lie this is where you're going to make iqzOYaIXb0M-00829-00200150-00200428 your a student's okay you can make a iqzOYaIXb0M-00830-00200429-00200623 thing college I promise you I've done it iqzOYaIXb0M-00831-00200624-00200773 there's your white space I did make it iqzOYaIXb0M-00832-00200774-00201031 happen and then the view from that side iqzOYaIXb0M-00833-00201032-00201226 is going to be the Business College and iqzOYaIXb0M-00834-00201227-00201681 harmony garage iqzOYaIXb0M-00835-00201682-00202083 other responsibilities contrail where is iqzOYaIXb0M-00836-00202084-00202239 my apartment furniture iqzOYaIXb0M-00837-00202240-00202362 hey Molly it's your favorite neighbor iqzOYaIXb0M-00838-00202363-00202782 Riley told her to watch out like Peggy iqzOYaIXb0M-00839-00202783-00203016 watch because we have a vertex called a iqzOYaIXb0M-00840-00203017-00203364 floor of alumni oh wow okay because I iqzOYaIXb0M-00841-00203365-00203424 keep it iqzOYaIXb0M-00842-00203425-00203568 so keeping heaven so there's one iqzOYaIXb0M-00843-00203569-00203832 explored one of these halls on every iqzOYaIXb0M-00844-00203833-00204087 floor yeah on every single floor and iqzOYaIXb0M-00845-00204088-00204542 it's right by the elevator - okay great iqzOYaIXb0M-00846-00204543-00204903 seriously though I made my best friends iqzOYaIXb0M-00847-00204904-00205161 in yoga they're all my best friends iqzOYaIXb0M-00848-00205162-00205437 Riley - I'm just a girl she live next to iqzOYaIXb0M-00849-00205438-00205715 me just make the best of it iqzOYaIXb0M-00850-00205716-00205944 it'll whole open door policy where you iqzOYaIXb0M-00851-00205944-00206277 just leave your door open and just have iqzOYaIXb0M-00852-00206278-00206403 the best time of your life this is iqzOYaIXb0M-00853-00206404-00206696 college it's new it's different it's iqzOYaIXb0M-00854-00206698-00206934 cotton berries but it's too refined and iqzOYaIXb0M-00855-00206935-00207234 you can do it absolutely any final iqzOYaIXb0M-00856-00207235-00207513 parting words for they come in I see in iqzOYaIXb0M-00857-00207514-00207753 August irPZScJ94zg-00000-00000354-00001303 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00001-00001304-00001578 do irPZScJ94zg-00002-00001579-00002858 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00003-00002859-00004877 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00005-00021061-00021407 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00006-00022314-00023427 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00007-00023428-00024608 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00008-00024609-00025334 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00009-00025335-00025956 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00010-00025957-00026842 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00011-00026843-00027079 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00012-00027080-00027314 so irPZScJ94zg-00013-00027316-00028250 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00014-00028251-00028790 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00015-00028791-00029495 so irPZScJ94zg-00016-00029495-00030111 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00017-00030112-00030716 so irPZScJ94zg-00018-00030717-00032302 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00019-00032303-00032970 um irPZScJ94zg-00020-00032971-00034160 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00021-00034161-00034745 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00022-00034746-00036074 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00023-00036075-00036783 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00024-00036784-00037055 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00025-00037056-00037505 so irPZScJ94zg-00026-00037506-00038144 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00027-00038145-00039468 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00028-00039469-00040217 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00029-00040218-00040882 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00030-00040883-00041374 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00031-00041375-00041570 so irPZScJ94zg-00032-00041571-00042171 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00034-00056449-00057688 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00037-00089495-00089799 good morning everyone and welcome to our irPZScJ94zg-00038-00089800-00090038 sunday morning service on this gorgeous irPZScJ94zg-00039-00090039-00090231 morning we're going to start right now irPZScJ94zg-00040-00090232-00090494 by singing our opening chant one with irPZScJ94zg-00041-00090495-00090709 the one irPZScJ94zg-00042-00090710-00091343 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00043-00091344-00091787 i live by irPZScJ94zg-00045-00095119-00095442 you are irPZScJ94zg-00046-00095443-00097815 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00047-00097816-00098390 is irPZScJ94zg-00048-00098391-00099047 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00049-00099048-00099287 welcome everybody irPZScJ94zg-00050-00099288-00099431 good morning irPZScJ94zg-00051-00099432-00099671 we're delighted that you've joined us in irPZScJ94zg-00052-00099672-00099982 person or via facebook live irPZScJ94zg-00053-00099983-00100247 and zoom for those of you who are here irPZScJ94zg-00054-00100248-00100543 in person please be sure to silence your irPZScJ94zg-00055-00100544-00100847 cell phones thank you very much irPZScJ94zg-00056-00100848-00101455 so now let's join together in prayer irPZScJ94zg-00057-00101456-00101623 i invite you to turn within irPZScJ94zg-00058-00101624-00101743 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00059-00101744-00101999 and experience the bliss of connection irPZScJ94zg-00060-00102000-00102159 to the one irPZScJ94zg-00061-00102160-00102311 the absolute irPZScJ94zg-00062-00102312-00102558 the creator of all that is irPZScJ94zg-00063-00102559-00102806 the most powerful and yet the most irPZScJ94zg-00064-00102807-00103199 loving spirit giving life to all irPZScJ94zg-00065-00103200-00103327 each of us irPZScJ94zg-00066-00103328-00103671 is a gift to the world given by this one irPZScJ94zg-00067-00103672-00103878 and only irPZScJ94zg-00068-00103879-00104199 i claim for myself and everyone here irPZScJ94zg-00069-00104200-00104430 watching and listening irPZScJ94zg-00070-00104431-00104734 a clean slate on which to write wondrous irPZScJ94zg-00071-00104735-00104934 things of love irPZScJ94zg-00072-00104935-00105278 and healing and prosperity irPZScJ94zg-00073-00105279-00105415 and that we irPZScJ94zg-00074-00105416-00105710 call on the spirit within us to guide us irPZScJ94zg-00075-00105711-00105975 each and every day forward irPZScJ94zg-00076-00105976-00106231 we listen to the small knowing voice irPZScJ94zg-00077-00106232-00106502 within for what to say irPZScJ94zg-00078-00106503-00106854 to whom and when to say it irPZScJ94zg-00079-00106855-00107102 love and only love flows through our irPZScJ94zg-00080-00107103-00107215 veins irPZScJ94zg-00081-00107216-00107631 and peace resides in our hearts irPZScJ94zg-00082-00107632-00107934 my heart is filled with gratitude for irPZScJ94zg-00083-00107935-00108223 this wonderful new day irPZScJ94zg-00084-00108224-00108615 for our blessed and inspired dr mark irPZScJ94zg-00085-00108616-00108783 our rock irPZScJ94zg-00086-00108783-00109007 and for the promise of new beginnings irPZScJ94zg-00087-00109008-00109254 with our new assistant minister our irPZScJ94zg-00088-00109255-00109599 beloved reverend dr sydney irPZScJ94zg-00089-00109600-00109927 i release my word into the love and the irPZScJ94zg-00090-00109928-00110302 light and the absolute mind of god irPZScJ94zg-00091-00110303-00110647 and so it is and together we say irPZScJ94zg-00092-00110648-00110944 amen irPZScJ94zg-00093-00110945-00112102 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00094-00112103-00112599 the face of god irPZScJ94zg-00095-00112600-00113151 i hold you in my heart irPZScJ94zg-00096-00113152-00113480 you are a part of me irPZScJ94zg-00097-00113481-00113719 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00098-00113720-00114286 you are the face of god irPZScJ94zg-00099-00114288-00114927 you are the irPZScJ94zg-00100-00114928-00116534 you face my heart irPZScJ94zg-00101-00116535-00117734 you are the face of irPZScJ94zg-00102-00117735-00118183 a god of me irPZScJ94zg-00103-00118183-00118743 you are the face of god irPZScJ94zg-00104-00118744-00120383 you are the face of god irPZScJ94zg-00105-00120383-00120943 you are the face of god irPZScJ94zg-00106-00120944-00121510 you are the face of god irPZScJ94zg-00107-00121511-00121976 you are the face of god irPZScJ94zg-00108-00121977-00122375 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00109-00122376-00122623 please rise and join us in the lord's irPZScJ94zg-00110-00122624-00122790 prayer irPZScJ94zg-00111-00122791-00123202 our father who art in heaven irPZScJ94zg-00112-00123203-00123486 hallelujah thy kingdom come irPZScJ94zg-00113-00123488-00123839 thy will be done on earth as it is in irPZScJ94zg-00114-00123840-00123943 heaven irPZScJ94zg-00115-00123944-00124239 give us this day our daily bread irPZScJ94zg-00116-00124240-00124502 and forgive us our trespasses irPZScJ94zg-00117-00124503-00124814 as we forgive those who trespass against irPZScJ94zg-00118-00124815-00124895 us irPZScJ94zg-00119-00124896-00125190 and lead us not into temptation but irPZScJ94zg-00120-00125191-00125383 deliver us from evil irPZScJ94zg-00121-00125383-00125734 for thine kingdom and the power and the irPZScJ94zg-00122-00125735-00126110 glory forever amen irPZScJ94zg-00123-00126111-00126399 and now for our congregational song irPZScJ94zg-00124-00126400-00128158 what a wonderful world irPZScJ94zg-00125-00128159-00128471 red roses too irPZScJ94zg-00127-00131684-00131847 myself irPZScJ94zg-00128-00131848-00133327 what a wonderful world irPZScJ94zg-00129-00133328-00133996 on the faces irPZScJ94zg-00130-00133997-00134210 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00131-00134211-00134774 [Applause] irPZScJ94zg-00132-00134775-00136590 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00133-00136591-00137227 what a wonderful irPZScJ94zg-00134-00137228-00137688 word and i think to myself irPZScJ94zg-00135-00137689-00138807 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00136-00138808-00139031 be seated irPZScJ94zg-00137-00139032-00139223 we're going to meditate for the next irPZScJ94zg-00138-00139224-00139351 five minutes irPZScJ94zg-00139-00139352-00139551 i invite you to close your eyes and irPZScJ94zg-00140-00139552-00139854 silently repeat the mantra god is the irPZScJ94zg-00141-00139855-00140054 love that i am irPZScJ94zg-00142-00140055-00140295 if your mind wanders just bring it back irPZScJ94zg-00143-00140296-00140527 to silently repeating irPZScJ94zg-00144-00140528-00140783 god's the love that i am and i'll bring irPZScJ94zg-00146-00174736-00175038 with these hands irPZScJ94zg-00147-00175039-00175265 and with these hearts irPZScJ94zg-00148-00175266-00175383 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00149-00175384-00175719 with this vision irPZScJ94zg-00150-00175720-00176047 let us start irPZScJ94zg-00151-00176048-00176351 with these tools irPZScJ94zg-00152-00176352-00176905 and on this irPZScJ94zg-00153-00176906-00177359 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00154-00177360-00178026 let us irPZScJ94zg-00155-00178027-00178348 love and understanding irPZScJ94zg-00156-00178349-00178599 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00157-00178600-00178878 let us grow irPZScJ94zg-00158-00178879-00179226 our church irPZScJ94zg-00159-00179227-00179469 of peace irPZScJ94zg-00160-00179470-00179790 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00161-00179791-00180326 let us build a foundation irPZScJ94zg-00162-00180327-00180634 strong enough to embrace irPZScJ94zg-00163-00180635-00181023 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00164-00181024-00181207 let us irPZScJ94zg-00165-00181208-00182271 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00166-00182272-00182511 in this moment irPZScJ94zg-00167-00182512-00182838 and in this space irPZScJ94zg-00168-00182839-00183151 in your presence irPZScJ94zg-00169-00183152-00183735 with your grace we ask for nothing irPZScJ94zg-00170-00183736-00184014 for your will irPZScJ94zg-00171-00184015-00184190 to flow through irPZScJ94zg-00172-00184191-00184295 us irPZScJ94zg-00173-00184296-00184638 and be fulfilled irPZScJ94zg-00174-00184639-00184951 while the walls of fear that may have irPZScJ94zg-00175-00184952-00185238 held us yesterday irPZScJ94zg-00176-00185239-00185575 dissolve to dust upon the ground and irPZScJ94zg-00177-00185576-00185866 simply fade irPZScJ94zg-00178-00185867-00186187 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00179-00186188-00186566 away that flows within irPZScJ94zg-00180-00186567-00187023 moves us forward now irPZScJ94zg-00181-00187024-00187550 as we begin irPZScJ94zg-00182-00187551-00187683 to irPZScJ94zg-00183-00187684-00188095 grow our church irPZScJ94zg-00184-00188096-00188493 of love and understanding irPZScJ94zg-00185-00188494-00188735 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00186-00188736-00189014 as we grow irPZScJ94zg-00187-00189015-00189311 our church irPZScJ94zg-00188-00189312-00189454 of irPZScJ94zg-00189-00189455-00189895 peace irPZScJ94zg-00190-00189896-00190414 as we build a foundation irPZScJ94zg-00191-00190415-00190873 lard enough to embrace irPZScJ94zg-00192-00190874-00193335 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00193-00193336-00193439 my irPZScJ94zg-00194-00193440-00195178 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00195-00195179-00195959 [Applause] irPZScJ94zg-00196-00195960-00196150 all right good morning irPZScJ94zg-00197-00196151-00196359 thank you for being here i'm happy that irPZScJ94zg-00198-00196360-00196511 we're all together irPZScJ94zg-00199-00196512-00196631 uh irPZScJ94zg-00200-00196632-00196838 i'm gonna talk today a little bit uh you irPZScJ94zg-00201-00196839-00196935 know i irPZScJ94zg-00202-00196936-00197095 in my preparation i feel like i was all irPZScJ94zg-00203-00197096-00197238 over the place but i really want to talk irPZScJ94zg-00204-00197239-00197423 about the ten commandments irPZScJ94zg-00205-00197424-00197687 in the old testament moses is leading irPZScJ94zg-00206-00197688-00197902 the children of israel to the promised irPZScJ94zg-00207-00197903-00198102 land they have been enslaved by the irPZScJ94zg-00208-00198103-00198399 pharaoh for hundreds and hundreds of irPZScJ94zg-00209-00198400-00198623 years so all they know irPZScJ94zg-00210-00198624-00199199 for generations is life as slavery irPZScJ94zg-00211-00199200-00199423 he goes so they're they're they're off irPZScJ94zg-00212-00199424-00199590 right they leave the pharaoh and they irPZScJ94zg-00213-00199591-00199831 are wandering in the desert irPZScJ94zg-00214-00199832-00200087 it's remember it's a 40-year journey irPZScJ94zg-00215-00200088-00200166 uh irPZScJ94zg-00216-00200167-00200375 i think god if this was my family the irPZScJ94zg-00217-00200376-00200590 snacks my mother would have had to pack irPZScJ94zg-00218-00200591-00200719 are just unbelievable because we didn't irPZScJ94zg-00219-00200720-00200887 go anywhere without a picnic basket but irPZScJ94zg-00220-00200888-00201159 anyway so they're out in the desert and irPZScJ94zg-00221-00201160-00201407 moses goes up the mountain and he irPZScJ94zg-00222-00201408-00201583 receives the ten commandments so i'm irPZScJ94zg-00223-00201584-00201790 just gonna bring this a little shorter irPZScJ94zg-00224-00201791-00201975 here so the commandments i think are irPZScJ94zg-00225-00201976-00202254 sacred foundational elements of both irPZScJ94zg-00226-00202255-00202566 judaism and christianity their divinely irPZScJ94zg-00227-00202567-00202799 inspired guidelines on how to live a irPZScJ94zg-00228-00202800-00203095 good life filled with peace prosperity irPZScJ94zg-00229-00203096-00203263 and freedom irPZScJ94zg-00230-00203264-00203535 so the i am that i am irPZScJ94zg-00231-00203536-00203719 or in other words god irPZScJ94zg-00232-00203720-00203983 appeared in the burning bush to moses irPZScJ94zg-00233-00203984-00204135 and he said well who should i say sent irPZScJ94zg-00234-00204136-00204438 me and say tell the people i am that i irPZScJ94zg-00235-00204439-00204719 am okay so i believe that the ten irPZScJ94zg-00236-00204720-00204966 commandments not unlike the eightfold irPZScJ94zg-00237-00204967-00205190 path that bruta that the buddha brought irPZScJ94zg-00238-00205191-00205446 into the consciousness of humanity irPZScJ94zg-00239-00205448-00205862 came uh as a moral code so that humanity irPZScJ94zg-00240-00205863-00206134 could begin to evolve remember so irPZScJ94zg-00241-00206135-00206294 specifically speaking about the hebrew irPZScJ94zg-00242-00206296-00206527 people that moses was leading irPZScJ94zg-00243-00206528-00206806 these were people who had no irPZScJ94zg-00244-00206807-00206894 um irPZScJ94zg-00245-00206896-00207127 individuated consciousness yet they irPZScJ94zg-00246-00207128-00207414 thought only as a group the you know the irPZScJ94zg-00247-00207415-00207598 collective did the thinking for the irPZScJ94zg-00248-00207600-00207894 whole group irPZScJ94zg-00249-00207896-00208262 and so irPZScJ94zg-00250-00208263-00208534 before they got the commandments people irPZScJ94zg-00251-00208535-00208751 were just generally kind of wild there irPZScJ94zg-00252-00208752-00208942 were no guidelines for how to live they irPZScJ94zg-00253-00208944-00209151 just did they sort of lived like animals irPZScJ94zg-00254-00209152-00209294 they lived completely on impulse irPZScJ94zg-00255-00209296-00209527 whatever occurred to them they did irPZScJ94zg-00256-00209528-00209742 so this undeveloped consciousness living irPZScJ94zg-00257-00209744-00210023 out of the five senses wants and desires irPZScJ94zg-00258-00210023-00210279 the ten commandments give us form irPZScJ94zg-00259-00210280-00210534 and structure to start living a irPZScJ94zg-00260-00210535-00210758 spiritual life so i'm going to share irPZScJ94zg-00261-00210759-00210927 them with you because i suspect nobody irPZScJ94zg-00262-00210928-00211158 here has read them recently so just to irPZScJ94zg-00263-00211159-00211294 prepare you irPZScJ94zg-00264-00211296-00211542 one i'm just again brief i am the lord irPZScJ94zg-00265-00211544-00211775 thy god have no other gods before me two irPZScJ94zg-00266-00211776-00211927 thou shalt not take the name of the lord irPZScJ94zg-00267-00211928-00212103 thy god in vain three keep holy the irPZScJ94zg-00268-00212104-00212294 sabbath four honor your father and irPZScJ94zg-00269-00212296-00212591 mother five don't murder six don't irPZScJ94zg-00270-00212592-00212887 commit adultery seven don't steal eight irPZScJ94zg-00271-00212888-00213158 don't bear fall witness nine don't cover irPZScJ94zg-00272-00213159-00213358 your neighbor's house ten don't cover irPZScJ94zg-00273-00213359-00213591 your neighbor's wife servants goods or irPZScJ94zg-00274-00213592-00213791 animals there you go irPZScJ94zg-00275-00213792-00213927 so irPZScJ94zg-00276-00213928-00214079 a founding irPZScJ94zg-00277-00214080-00214191 principle irPZScJ94zg-00278-00214192-00214294 of irPZScJ94zg-00279-00214296-00214582 these united states irPZScJ94zg-00280-00214583-00214758 is that the government irPZScJ94zg-00281-00214759-00214894 should balance irPZScJ94zg-00282-00214896-00215182 individual liberty with concern irPZScJ94zg-00283-00215183-00215423 for the common good irPZScJ94zg-00284-00215423-00215615 and so i think about this and i think irPZScJ94zg-00285-00215616-00215942 about the dichotomy of who we say we are irPZScJ94zg-00286-00215944-00216158 and who we actually are you know that irPZScJ94zg-00287-00216159-00216334 difference there it's been with us i irPZScJ94zg-00288-00216335-00216567 think since the beginning that as people irPZScJ94zg-00289-00216567-00216775 we are dedicated irPZScJ94zg-00290-00216776-00216991 uh to the most enlightened principles irPZScJ94zg-00291-00216992-00217294 you know in america our constitution is irPZScJ94zg-00292-00217296-00217663 a really advanced document yet imbued irPZScJ94zg-00293-00217664-00217934 with forces that are more than willing irPZScJ94zg-00294-00217935-00218191 to transgress against them so i think irPZScJ94zg-00295-00218192-00218615 about this and i think you know 50 irPZScJ94zg-00296-00218616-00219023 six 56 people signed the declaration of irPZScJ94zg-00297-00219023-00219327 independence right okay wow that's great irPZScJ94zg-00298-00219328-00219598 41 of them own slaves irPZScJ94zg-00299-00219600-00219823 wow how could they do that well because irPZScJ94zg-00300-00219823-00219967 you know we're not all finished products irPZScJ94zg-00301-00219967-00220039 yet irPZScJ94zg-00302-00220040-00220239 right and so irPZScJ94zg-00303-00220240-00220463 so this week texas what the heck texas irPZScJ94zg-00304-00220464-00220815 you know how unbelievable how horrific irPZScJ94zg-00305-00220816-00221063 something has to change now i know every irPZScJ94zg-00306-00221064-00221367 everybody is grieving and and irPZScJ94zg-00307-00221367-00221534 a lot of people including a lot of irPZScJ94zg-00308-00221535-00221798 parents will never be the same irPZScJ94zg-00309-00221800-00222039 now this keeps happening irPZScJ94zg-00310-00222040-00222351 right now we're talking about our irPZScJ94zg-00311-00222352-00222831 children we must not give up on this irPZScJ94zg-00312-00222832-00223119 these ongoing horrific events i think irPZScJ94zg-00313-00223119-00223351 are not isolated incidents irPZScJ94zg-00314-00223352-00223615 they they're saying something about us irPZScJ94zg-00315-00223616-00223782 about who we are irPZScJ94zg-00316-00223783-00224039 this is not happening anywhere else in irPZScJ94zg-00317-00224040-00224310 the developed world you know so i was irPZScJ94zg-00318-00224311-00224519 taught the second amendment exists irPZScJ94zg-00319-00224519-00224655 because it doesn't make sense for the irPZScJ94zg-00320-00224656-00224782 government irPZScJ94zg-00321-00224783-00224951 uh that the government should be the irPZScJ94zg-00322-00224952-00225175 only ones who can have guns right i irPZScJ94zg-00323-00225176-00225303 remember hearing that as a child and i irPZScJ94zg-00324-00225304-00225551 know lots of people who are irPZScJ94zg-00325-00225552-00225798 sportsmen with guns you know that they irPZScJ94zg-00326-00225800-00226063 they hunt three four seasons a year so irPZScJ94zg-00327-00226064-00226319 here we say we balance healing with irPZScJ94zg-00328-00226319-00226494 wisdom this is something we teach in the irPZScJ94zg-00329-00226496-00226758 science of mind that we're balancing irPZScJ94zg-00330-00226759-00226871 healing irPZScJ94zg-00331-00226871-00227382 with wisdom so the rights irPZScJ94zg-00332-00227383-00227510 all right i'm going to go against irPZScJ94zg-00333-00227511-00227671 everything i've ever said irPZScJ94zg-00334-00227671-00227879 uh as far as like not talking about irPZScJ94zg-00335-00227880-00228039 these things in church but i think but i irPZScJ94zg-00336-00228040-00228342 want to do this in the context of us irPZScJ94zg-00337-00228344-00228558 using the ten commandments to evolve irPZScJ94zg-00338-00228559-00228775 ourselves spiritually and having irPZScJ94zg-00339-00228776-00228894 something irPZScJ94zg-00340-00228896-00229055 like the ten commandments are the litmus irPZScJ94zg-00341-00229056-00229255 test we look at that and say should i do irPZScJ94zg-00342-00229256-00229382 this look at the ten commandments should irPZScJ94zg-00343-00229383-00229575 i do this look at the ten commandments irPZScJ94zg-00344-00229576-00229782 so here we say we're balancing healing irPZScJ94zg-00345-00229783-00230006 with wisdom right so the rights of gun irPZScJ94zg-00346-00230007-00230239 manufacturers to make guns are not irPZScJ94zg-00347-00230240-00230446 greater than the rights of people who irPZScJ94zg-00348-00230448-00230591 want to send their children to school irPZScJ94zg-00349-00230592-00230798 safely right that seems pretty obvious irPZScJ94zg-00350-00230800-00231055 right so the end of an age is always irPZScJ94zg-00351-00231056-00231310 always filled with difficulties we see irPZScJ94zg-00352-00231311-00231582 this again and again historically old irPZScJ94zg-00353-00231583-00231855 forms that are falling away irPZScJ94zg-00354-00231856-00232182 burst forth again and again for another irPZScJ94zg-00355-00232183-00232398 hurrah you know perhaps hopefully the irPZScJ94zg-00356-00232400-00232663 last era so you and i irPZScJ94zg-00357-00232664-00232910 i mean you know that i am all for irPZScJ94zg-00358-00232911-00233094 prospering consciousness you know i love irPZScJ94zg-00359-00233096-00233358 the freedom of choices we have if we are irPZScJ94zg-00360-00233359-00233606 a prosperous consciousness but this is irPZScJ94zg-00361-00233607-00233855 painful right now heinously so we're and irPZScJ94zg-00362-00233856-00234023 i believe that we are basically good irPZScJ94zg-00363-00234023-00234239 people but we're off base we have once irPZScJ94zg-00364-00234240-00234463 again put money before what is truly irPZScJ94zg-00365-00234464-00234567 important irPZScJ94zg-00366-00234567-00234742 what is truly important well what's irPZScJ94zg-00367-00234744-00234958 truly important i think is jesus's great irPZScJ94zg-00368-00234959-00235182 commandment that sums it all up to love irPZScJ94zg-00369-00235183-00235327 god with all your heart with all your irPZScJ94zg-00370-00235328-00235542 soul with all you got and to love one irPZScJ94zg-00371-00235544-00235982 another as yourself irPZScJ94zg-00372-00235983-00236146 so irPZScJ94zg-00373-00236148-00236342 ak-47s to me irPZScJ94zg-00374-00236344-00236534 are not for the purpose of loving one irPZScJ94zg-00375-00236535-00236782 another i could be wrong on that but as irPZScJ94zg-00376-00236783-00237055 far as i've seen so here we are one of irPZScJ94zg-00377-00237056-00237231 the most advanced rich countries in the irPZScJ94zg-00378-00237232-00237446 world we have everything everything irPZScJ94zg-00379-00237448-00237671 going for us but it's not quite working irPZScJ94zg-00380-00237671-00237887 people are anxious people are depressed irPZScJ94zg-00381-00237888-00238079 people are afraid to send their children irPZScJ94zg-00382-00238080-00238294 to school you know the principles that irPZScJ94zg-00383-00238296-00238655 govern our country are not necessarily irPZScJ94zg-00384-00238656-00238894 loving right they're not keeping people irPZScJ94zg-00385-00238896-00239087 particularly our children safe irPZScJ94zg-00386-00239088-00239279 we're feeling again and again the irPZScJ94zg-00387-00239280-00239639 effects of putting greed first and not irPZScJ94zg-00388-00239640-00239910 being loving so do we not understand irPZScJ94zg-00389-00239911-00240110 that if we don't change it will keep irPZScJ94zg-00390-00240111-00240279 going in the direction that it's going irPZScJ94zg-00391-00240280-00240471 that's the meaning of entropy that an irPZScJ94zg-00392-00240471-00240703 object continues going in the direction irPZScJ94zg-00393-00240704-00240975 that it's going so i believe with all my irPZScJ94zg-00394-00240976-00241182 heart that love wins that love will irPZScJ94zg-00395-00241183-00241494 always win out and people may say irPZScJ94zg-00396-00241496-00241742 of god's love where is god in all of irPZScJ94zg-00397-00241744-00241903 this that's taking place oh i can't irPZScJ94zg-00398-00241904-00242110 believe this is happening where is god irPZScJ94zg-00399-00242111-00242334 in all of this and the answer is right irPZScJ94zg-00400-00242335-00242575 here in you and me right right here in irPZScJ94zg-00401-00242576-00242839 you and me why does god let this happen irPZScJ94zg-00402-00242840-00243023 god doesn't we do irPZScJ94zg-00403-00243023-00243215 okay let's be really clear about that irPZScJ94zg-00404-00243216-00243463 people want to shove this off unto god irPZScJ94zg-00405-00243464-00243687 and god had nothing to do with it except irPZScJ94zg-00406-00243688-00243846 god gave us free will irPZScJ94zg-00407-00243848-00244255 so i don't feel like this is irPZScJ94zg-00408-00244256-00244391 what's happening right now this doesn't irPZScJ94zg-00409-00244392-00244534 feel like the country i grew up in the irPZScJ94zg-00410-00244535-00244687 country that i love the country that i irPZScJ94zg-00411-00244688-00244942 so want to be proud of people all over irPZScJ94zg-00412-00244944-00245271 the world look to america as a place of irPZScJ94zg-00413-00245271-00245551 promise and opportunity and possibility irPZScJ94zg-00414-00245552-00245758 so how did we irPZScJ94zg-00415-00245759-00245855 from irPZScJ94zg-00416-00245856-00246015 the land of the free irPZScJ94zg-00417-00246016-00246263 and the home of the brave irPZScJ94zg-00418-00246264-00246534 get to this place you know i remember irPZScJ94zg-00419-00246535-00246767 our church trip to ireland about irPZScJ94zg-00420-00246767-00246958 eight years ago or so we went to irPZScJ94zg-00421-00246959-00247158 northern ireland we were in belfast and irPZScJ94zg-00422-00247159-00247334 we had this woman who was a guide for irPZScJ94zg-00423-00247335-00247534 with us for a couple of days a wonderful irPZScJ94zg-00424-00247535-00247727 woman she was a mother of a number of irPZScJ94zg-00425-00247728-00248087 children and she told us that every day irPZScJ94zg-00426-00248088-00248319 during the years of the conflict over irPZScJ94zg-00427-00248319-00248423 there irPZScJ94zg-00428-00248423-00248694 whether the conflict was actually irPZScJ94zg-00429-00248696-00248967 happening at that moment or not that she irPZScJ94zg-00430-00248967-00249134 was part of irPZScJ94zg-00431-00249135-00249446 now hear this a telephone tree irPZScJ94zg-00432-00249448-00249703 of a dozen or 15 mothers or so irPZScJ94zg-00433-00249704-00249871 who were all in different locations irPZScJ94zg-00434-00249871-00250039 around belfast irPZScJ94zg-00435-00250040-00250206 but irPZScJ94zg-00436-00250207-00250406 all their kids went to the same school irPZScJ94zg-00437-00250407-00250575 and so what they would do in the morning irPZScJ94zg-00438-00250576-00250694 is they would get up and this woman irPZScJ94zg-00439-00250696-00250942 would go to her telescope in the living irPZScJ94zg-00440-00250944-00251103 room window because her house was on a irPZScJ94zg-00441-00251104-00251367 hill and she would check out all these irPZScJ94zg-00442-00251367-00251606 different places and look at the school irPZScJ94zg-00443-00251607-00251839 and then she would call a couple mothers irPZScJ94zg-00444-00251840-00252015 and they would get out their binoculars irPZScJ94zg-00445-00252016-00252263 or their telescopes if you can even irPZScJ94zg-00446-00252264-00252542 imagine and they would look and see is irPZScJ94zg-00447-00252544-00252846 it safe is it safe and they did this irPZScJ94zg-00448-00252848-00253119 every day for years and years and years irPZScJ94zg-00449-00253119-00253263 and some days they would see a little irPZScJ94zg-00450-00253264-00253494 smoke or they would hear a police report irPZScJ94zg-00451-00253496-00253671 or something would be going on and they irPZScJ94zg-00452-00253671-00253855 would say i don't think it's safe now irPZScJ94zg-00453-00253856-00254127 they were relying largely on mother's irPZScJ94zg-00454-00254128-00254334 intuition you know we've all heard about irPZScJ94zg-00455-00254335-00254575 that and also what was happening with irPZScJ94zg-00456-00254576-00254806 their physical senses but the amount of irPZScJ94zg-00457-00254807-00255071 stress that this created in everyone's irPZScJ94zg-00458-00255071-00255358 life wondering on a daily basis are our irPZScJ94zg-00459-00255359-00255687 children safe to go to school you know irPZScJ94zg-00460-00255688-00255855 we were horrified with this we were irPZScJ94zg-00461-00255856-00256006 horrified with this irPZScJ94zg-00462-00256007-00256206 and now here we are our children are not irPZScJ94zg-00463-00256207-00256423 safe so something has to change inside irPZScJ94zg-00464-00256423-00256542 of us irPZScJ94zg-00465-00256544-00256782 and then it will change out in the world irPZScJ94zg-00466-00256783-00257030 okay but be clear to just implement irPZScJ94zg-00467-00257031-00257279 external change out here in the world irPZScJ94zg-00468-00257280-00257519 without us individually and collectively irPZScJ94zg-00469-00257519-00257694 going within irPZScJ94zg-00470-00257696-00257958 and finding compassion irPZScJ94zg-00471-00257959-00258119 and mercy irPZScJ94zg-00472-00258119-00258294 you know hillary if we don't do that irPZScJ94zg-00473-00258296-00258646 history will clearly clearly continue to irPZScJ94zg-00474-00258648-00258863 repeat itself irPZScJ94zg-00475-00258864-00259046 so the first time irPZScJ94zg-00476-00259048-00259303 there was a school killing irPZScJ94zg-00477-00259304-00259551 with a semi-automatic weapon irPZScJ94zg-00478-00259552-00259782 that should have been enough we should irPZScJ94zg-00479-00259783-00260006 have said oh this has gone too far irPZScJ94zg-00480-00260007-00260294 this has gone too far see semi-automatic irPZScJ94zg-00481-00260296-00260415 weapons irPZScJ94zg-00482-00260416-00260639 that go into an elementary school were irPZScJ94zg-00483-00260640-00260815 not what the founding fathers were irPZScJ94zg-00484-00260816-00261039 trying to protect i'm sure i'm certain irPZScJ94zg-00485-00261040-00261287 of that right i am of the opinion that irPZScJ94zg-00486-00261288-00261623 most of the problems we experience today irPZScJ94zg-00487-00261623-00261815 ice is ugly but i'm going to say it i irPZScJ94zg-00488-00261816-00262046 think or because of greed yeah irPZScJ94zg-00489-00262048-00262223 americans have put the love of money irPZScJ94zg-00490-00262224-00262439 before the love of god and each other irPZScJ94zg-00491-00262440-00262743 and even their children right so money irPZScJ94zg-00492-00262744-00263047 is not bad certainly not it's an en it's irPZScJ94zg-00493-00263048-00263295 energy and it sits there until someone irPZScJ94zg-00494-00263296-00263519 with some consciousness does something irPZScJ94zg-00495-00263520-00263630 with it irPZScJ94zg-00496-00263631-00263847 so like mother teresa used to say you irPZScJ94zg-00497-00263848-00264039 are god's only hands on earth you are irPZScJ94zg-00498-00264040-00264206 god's only feet on earth you are god's irPZScJ94zg-00499-00264207-00264582 only voice on earth on earth god's work irPZScJ94zg-00500-00264583-00264855 is our own irPZScJ94zg-00501-00264856-00265030 so my whole point about the ten irPZScJ94zg-00502-00265031-00265230 commandments was that i believe that irPZScJ94zg-00503-00265231-00265430 they were given to humanity so that irPZScJ94zg-00504-00265431-00265815 humanity could start to evolve in a more irPZScJ94zg-00505-00265816-00266030 conscious way the only way to get out of irPZScJ94zg-00506-00266031-00266255 that collective mindset that where we irPZScJ94zg-00507-00266256-00266447 feel like a victim or the group does the irPZScJ94zg-00508-00266448-00266719 thinking for us right is to do our own irPZScJ94zg-00509-00266720-00266927 spiritual work right and that's what irPZScJ94zg-00510-00266928-00267158 we're all about that's what we are all irPZScJ94zg-00511-00267159-00267351 about so you know i know irPZScJ94zg-00512-00267352-00267510 that whether it's the ten commandments irPZScJ94zg-00513-00267511-00267799 or the eightfold path or your own irPZScJ94zg-00514-00267800-00268063 moral compass you know whatever that is irPZScJ94zg-00515-00268064-00268327 for you i know that we are guided and irPZScJ94zg-00516-00268328-00268495 that we have seen enough of what we've irPZScJ94zg-00517-00268496-00268855 seen so that as we move forward we can irPZScJ94zg-00518-00268856-00269071 heal whatever it is in us so that the irPZScJ94zg-00519-00269072-00269230 future for everybody can be a lot irPZScJ94zg-00520-00269231-00269455 brighter let's pray so we turn to our irPZScJ94zg-00521-00269456-00269623 tent thank you we're going to turn our irPZScJ94zg-00522-00269624-00269830 attention inward for a moment to irPZScJ94zg-00523-00269831-00270015 remember that we are surrounded and we irPZScJ94zg-00524-00270016-00270206 are filled with god's infinite loving irPZScJ94zg-00525-00270207-00270503 intelligence spirit that yes indeed the irPZScJ94zg-00526-00270504-00270727 spirit of the lord is upon us this day irPZScJ94zg-00527-00270728-00270934 and i know that that's a spirit of love irPZScJ94zg-00528-00270935-00271134 and intelligence and creativity and irPZScJ94zg-00529-00271135-00271279 compassion irPZScJ94zg-00530-00271280-00271463 so i know not only that we are one with irPZScJ94zg-00531-00271464-00271687 god but i know that we are all connected irPZScJ94zg-00532-00271688-00271887 with each other on the unseen side of irPZScJ94zg-00533-00271888-00272127 life and in this awareness i speak the irPZScJ94zg-00534-00272128-00272358 word for each and every one of us that irPZScJ94zg-00535-00272359-00272575 we are open to healing irPZScJ94zg-00536-00272576-00272775 whatever it is in us that needs to be irPZScJ94zg-00537-00272776-00272951 healed so that we can move forward with irPZScJ94zg-00538-00272952-00273143 greater love greater mercy greater irPZScJ94zg-00539-00273144-00273439 compassion irPZScJ94zg-00540-00273440-00273710 and that whatever this impulse is irPZScJ94zg-00541-00273711-00273967 whatever this impulse is that is so irPZScJ94zg-00542-00273968-00274134 destructive that it be dissolved irPZScJ94zg-00543-00274135-00274327 released and let go irPZScJ94zg-00544-00274328-00274495 in the consciousness of humanity and the irPZScJ94zg-00545-00274496-00274647 consciousness of americans and the irPZScJ94zg-00546-00274648-00274815 consciousness of each and every one of irPZScJ94zg-00547-00274816-00274887 us irPZScJ94zg-00548-00274888-00275134 we ask in all sincerity spirit what is irPZScJ94zg-00549-00275135-00275334 it i need to heal irPZScJ94zg-00550-00275335-00275495 so that the world irPZScJ94zg-00551-00275496-00275710 starting with me can be a more peaceful irPZScJ94zg-00552-00275711-00275863 loving place irPZScJ94zg-00553-00275864-00276127 what is it that i need to heal irPZScJ94zg-00554-00276128-00276351 and whatever we get we take that irPZScJ94zg-00555-00276352-00276582 whatever we get we take that so we let irPZScJ94zg-00556-00276583-00276855 our prayer be a blessing loving peaceful irPZScJ94zg-00557-00276856-00277127 energy that emanates out into the world irPZScJ94zg-00558-00277128-00277287 touching all people everywhere irPZScJ94zg-00559-00277288-00277463 particularly people in texas this week irPZScJ94zg-00560-00277464-00277806 who've been so affected by that shooting irPZScJ94zg-00561-00277807-00278039 we open our hearts and minds to them and irPZScJ94zg-00562-00278040-00278263 pour out an energy of love and irPZScJ94zg-00563-00278264-00278543 compassion and mercy irPZScJ94zg-00564-00278544-00278830 that is absolutely healing we know that irPZScJ94zg-00565-00278831-00278982 the spirit of god within each and every irPZScJ94zg-00566-00278983-00279199 one of us is only a beneficial presence irPZScJ94zg-00567-00279200-00279391 and so we call that forth not only in irPZScJ94zg-00568-00279392-00279655 ourselves to heal our minds and our irPZScJ94zg-00569-00279656-00279887 lives but in the lives of everyone who's irPZScJ94zg-00570-00279888-00280087 been affected this week by these irPZScJ94zg-00571-00280088-00280503 tragedies irPZScJ94zg-00572-00280504-00280695 and so we continue to be big people irPZScJ94zg-00573-00280696-00280967 spiritually and take a breath irPZScJ94zg-00574-00280968-00281158 and open our hearts that much more to irPZScJ94zg-00575-00281159-00281415 include everyone in the ukraine and irPZScJ94zg-00576-00281416-00281679 everyone who's being affected there irPZScJ94zg-00577-00281680-00281871 and we let our prayer wrap around the irPZScJ94zg-00578-00281872-00282079 entire globe irPZScJ94zg-00579-00282080-00282271 our beloved mother earth irPZScJ94zg-00580-00282272-00282503 so that all people everywhere are lifted irPZScJ94zg-00581-00282504-00282599 up irPZScJ94zg-00582-00282600-00282887 are loved are healed have their needs irPZScJ94zg-00583-00282888-00283095 met irPZScJ94zg-00584-00283096-00283247 so i'm certain that we are blessed by irPZScJ94zg-00585-00283248-00283447 being together today irPZScJ94zg-00586-00283448-00283734 and so in this consciousness irPZScJ94zg-00587-00283735-00283934 i speak this word of blessing for our irPZScJ94zg-00588-00283935-00284158 church home for all churches everywhere irPZScJ94zg-00589-00284159-00284367 synagogues and temples and mosques and irPZScJ94zg-00590-00284368-00284647 ashrams all paths to god irPZScJ94zg-00591-00284648-00284847 and i'm certain that we are blessed by irPZScJ94zg-00592-00284848-00285006 being together irPZScJ94zg-00593-00285007-00285215 that there is a collective consciousness irPZScJ94zg-00594-00285216-00285430 of all of us that's greater than any one irPZScJ94zg-00595-00285431-00285687 of us individually and it lifts us all irPZScJ94zg-00596-00285688-00286039 up to a higher place in consciousness irPZScJ94zg-00597-00286040-00286334 a place of peace a place of love a place irPZScJ94zg-00598-00286335-00286663 of all needs met for everyone everywhere irPZScJ94zg-00599-00286664-00286830 and so with an open gracious full heart irPZScJ94zg-00600-00286831-00287047 i give thanks that this is the truth i irPZScJ94zg-00601-00287048-00287271 release this word into god's perfect law irPZScJ94zg-00602-00287272-00287495 and so it is together we all say irPZScJ94zg-00603-00287496-00287654 amen irPZScJ94zg-00604-00287655-00287893 all right we'll sing one time together irPZScJ94zg-00605-00287894-00288334 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00606-00288335-00288734 i am so blessed irPZScJ94zg-00607-00288735-00289103 i am so blessed irPZScJ94zg-00608-00289104-00289415 i am so grateful irPZScJ94zg-00609-00289416-00289795 for all that i irPZScJ94zg-00610-00289796-00290047 have i am irPZScJ94zg-00611-00290048-00290127 so irPZScJ94zg-00612-00290128-00290654 blessed i am so blessed irPZScJ94zg-00613-00290655-00290991 i am so grateful irPZScJ94zg-00614-00290992-00291327 i am so irPZScJ94zg-00615-00291328-00291479 i invite you to hold your gift over your irPZScJ94zg-00616-00291480-00291599 heart and we'll say our statement of irPZScJ94zg-00617-00291600-00291854 giving together from the love of pure irPZScJ94zg-00618-00291855-00292167 spirit within me i bless this gift i irPZScJ94zg-00619-00292168-00292439 send it forth to heal and bless and irPZScJ94zg-00620-00292440-00292743 prosper it's evidence of my faith and irPZScJ94zg-00621-00292744-00293030 belief it does good work in the world irPZScJ94zg-00622-00293031-00293334 and returns to me multiplied abundantly irPZScJ94zg-00623-00293335-00294479 thank you very much irPZScJ94zg-00624-00294480-00294654 i am irPZScJ94zg-00625-00294655-00294751 so irPZScJ94zg-00626-00294752-00294879 blessed irPZScJ94zg-00627-00294880-00295030 i am irPZScJ94zg-00628-00295031-00296616 so blessed irPZScJ94zg-00629-00296617-00298095 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00630-00298096-00298287 i just have to say that i chose this irPZScJ94zg-00631-00298288-00298527 song welcoming reverend sydney and not irPZScJ94zg-00632-00298528-00298751 knowing how sad this talk was gonna be irPZScJ94zg-00633-00298752-00299087 so forgive the imbalance of this song irPZScJ94zg-00634-00299088-00299334 balanced with the ten commandment irPZScJ94zg-00635-00299335-00300015 speech here we go irPZScJ94zg-00636-00300016-00300636 um irPZScJ94zg-00637-00300637-00301934 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00638-00301935-00302058 the irPZScJ94zg-00639-00302059-00302447 evidentials clearly show the power that irPZScJ94zg-00640-00302448-00302775 comes from letting go and i am irPZScJ94zg-00641-00302776-00303103 surrendering to this unyielding bliss i irPZScJ94zg-00642-00303104-00303771 say yes universe bring me more of this irPZScJ94zg-00643-00303772-00305230 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00644-00305231-00305443 inside me irPZScJ94zg-00645-00305444-00305551 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00646-00305552-00305935 [Applause] irPZScJ94zg-00647-00305936-00306423 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00648-00306424-00306751 now i'm surrendering to this unyielding irPZScJ94zg-00649-00306752-00307191 bliss i said yes universe bring me more irPZScJ94zg-00650-00307192-00307404 than irPZScJ94zg-00651-00307405-00307919 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00652-00307920-00308158 shiny splendored irPZScJ94zg-00653-00308159-00308382 and centered hall irPZScJ94zg-00654-00308383-00308679 and wanting nothing more irPZScJ94zg-00655-00308680-00309071 she relation and joyous anticipation of irPZScJ94zg-00656-00309072-00309439 the bounty that's in store irPZScJ94zg-00657-00309440-00309882 i now come and all that you would i irPZScJ94zg-00658-00309883-00310167 understand that matters most is that i irPZScJ94zg-00659-00310168-00310558 feel good allowing the power of creation irPZScJ94zg-00660-00310559-00310903 to far exceed my wildest expectations irPZScJ94zg-00661-00310904-00311206 surrendering to this unyielding bliss i irPZScJ94zg-00662-00311207-00312295 say yes universe bring me more of irPZScJ94zg-00663-00312296-00312663 me this irPZScJ94zg-00664-00312664-00312842 of this irPZScJ94zg-00665-00312843-00313445 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00666-00313446-00313765 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00667-00313766-00313961 [Applause] irPZScJ94zg-00668-00313962-00314975 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00669-00314976-00315847 no i just have the announcement irPZScJ94zg-00670-00315848-00316047 i thought i was going to talk some more irPZScJ94zg-00671-00316048-00316191 but i don't know irPZScJ94zg-00672-00316192-00316527 we'll see how that goes irPZScJ94zg-00673-00316528-00316863 is reverend sydney around anywhere irPZScJ94zg-00674-00316864-00317271 would you do that sam thanks irPZScJ94zg-00675-00317272-00317503 how are you irPZScJ94zg-00676-00317504-00317654 remember to come back for lunch later irPZScJ94zg-00677-00317655-00317782 we're going to have a barbecue after the irPZScJ94zg-00678-00317783-00317919 next service so if you need to go to irPZScJ94zg-00679-00317920-00318071 brunch first feel free to do that then irPZScJ94zg-00680-00318072-00318223 come back here irPZScJ94zg-00681-00318224-00319543 that's a good thing that's a good thing irPZScJ94zg-00682-00319544-00319934 okey-dokey irPZScJ94zg-00683-00319935-00320039 yay irPZScJ94zg-00684-00320040-00320241 come come be here with us for a minute irPZScJ94zg-00685-00320242-00320510 [Applause] irPZScJ94zg-00686-00320511-00320927 yes i did so why don't you irPZScJ94zg-00687-00320928-00321206 um irPZScJ94zg-00688-00321207-00321423 so today we were having we thought we'd irPZScJ94zg-00689-00321424-00321654 have a little recommitment to things um irPZScJ94zg-00690-00321655-00321830 as you know our world is changing and it irPZScJ94zg-00691-00321831-00322015 seems to not be going back to the way it irPZScJ94zg-00692-00322016-00322215 was so it's important in difficulty to irPZScJ94zg-00693-00322216-00322430 stay close to spiritual truth irPZScJ94zg-00694-00322431-00322575 coming out of the last few years it irPZScJ94zg-00695-00322576-00322791 feels to me like we are entering into a irPZScJ94zg-00696-00322792-00322934 whole new chapter and the need for irPZScJ94zg-00697-00322935-00323151 spiritual consciousness is greater than irPZScJ94zg-00698-00323152-00323295 ever before irPZScJ94zg-00699-00323296-00323487 so we know and understand the importance irPZScJ94zg-00700-00323488-00323719 of community the value of feeling that irPZScJ94zg-00701-00323720-00323863 we belong irPZScJ94zg-00702-00323864-00324054 and so this is a huge irPZScJ94zg-00703-00324055-00324343 huge key to a long life irPZScJ94zg-00704-00324344-00324519 strong community our church north irPZScJ94zg-00705-00324520-00324806 hollywood has existed for almost 70 irPZScJ94zg-00706-00324807-00325015 years next year we're going to celebrate irPZScJ94zg-00707-00325016-00325223 our 70th anniversary i hope you will be irPZScJ94zg-00708-00325224-00325519 here for that i certainly will be irPZScJ94zg-00709-00325520-00325703 and i'm really looking forward to it so irPZScJ94zg-00710-00325704-00326023 today we are starting a new chapter the irPZScJ94zg-00711-00326024-00326215 life in the life of our church in our irPZScJ94zg-00712-00326216-00326334 community irPZScJ94zg-00713-00326335-00326575 nine months ago irPZScJ94zg-00714-00326576-00326815 reverend sydney came to be with us and irPZScJ94zg-00715-00326816-00326982 she brought a whole bunch of gifts and irPZScJ94zg-00716-00326983-00327182 talents and abilities and consciousness irPZScJ94zg-00717-00327183-00327463 and love and it has clearly clearly been irPZScJ94zg-00718-00327464-00327743 a blessing so today we are installing irPZScJ94zg-00719-00327744-00327982 reverend sydney officially as our irPZScJ94zg-00720-00327983-00328134 assistant minister that means up until irPZScJ94zg-00721-00328135-00328278 now she has unofficially been our irPZScJ94zg-00722-00328279-00328454 assistant minister i guess but she is irPZScJ94zg-00723-00328455-00328827 really really our assistant irPZScJ94zg-00724-00328828-00329215 minister um irPZScJ94zg-00725-00329216-00329454 so reverend sydney we welcome you to the irPZScJ94zg-00726-00329455-00329599 north hollywood church of religious irPZScJ94zg-00727-00329600-00329775 science do you promise to do your best irPZScJ94zg-00728-00329776-00329967 as the assistant minister of the north irPZScJ94zg-00729-00329968-00330182 hollywood church of religious science i irPZScJ94zg-00730-00330183-00330415 do do you promise to love and serve this irPZScJ94zg-00731-00330416-00330582 community this congregation with the irPZScJ94zg-00732-00330583-00330887 best that is within you i absolutely do irPZScJ94zg-00733-00330888-00331063 and do you promise to pray and meditate irPZScJ94zg-00734-00331064-00331367 a lot uh yes okay yes and do you promise irPZScJ94zg-00735-00331368-00331678 to put god first always focus on oneness irPZScJ94zg-00736-00331679-00331927 yes and love the hell out of this life irPZScJ94zg-00737-00331928-00332182 oh yes all right then we welcome you and irPZScJ94zg-00738-00332183-00332375 we thank you for answering the call with irPZScJ94zg-00739-00332376-00332534 all your gifts talents abilities loving irPZScJ94zg-00740-00332535-00332695 consciousness reverend sydney what do irPZScJ94zg-00741-00332696-00332895 you want to say thank you thank you so irPZScJ94zg-00742-00332896-00333020 much irPZScJ94zg-00743-00333021-00333041 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00744-00333042-00333471 [Applause] irPZScJ94zg-00745-00333472-00333567 oh irPZScJ94zg-00746-00333568-00333751 so an installation irPZScJ94zg-00747-00333752-00333975 is is much like a wedding irPZScJ94zg-00748-00333976-00334263 um in fact we do have cake later irPZScJ94zg-00749-00334264-00334599 i won't be doing a garter thing but um irPZScJ94zg-00750-00334600-00334823 i just i want you all to know that it is irPZScJ94zg-00751-00334824-00335095 my commitment to you that this is a irPZScJ94zg-00752-00335096-00335367 shared commitment that we have this is irPZScJ94zg-00753-00335368-00335695 we are formalizing our relationship irPZScJ94zg-00754-00335696-00335887 and committing irPZScJ94zg-00755-00335888-00336082 to irPZScJ94zg-00756-00336083-00336454 be just so aware of the oneness that we irPZScJ94zg-00757-00336455-00336727 share that we are and so my promise to irPZScJ94zg-00758-00336728-00336806 you irPZScJ94zg-00759-00336807-00336958 is that i irPZScJ94zg-00760-00336959-00337263 stand here in full recognition and i irPZScJ94zg-00761-00337264-00337575 will stay standing in full recognition irPZScJ94zg-00762-00337576-00337895 of your divinity my divinity the irPZScJ94zg-00763-00337896-00338143 consciousness of this church irPZScJ94zg-00764-00338144-00338463 and and i will do everything i can irPZScJ94zg-00765-00338464-00338887 to model and to be irPZScJ94zg-00766-00338888-00339215 that person who prays and who meditates irPZScJ94zg-00767-00339216-00339399 and who remembers to remember to irPZScJ94zg-00768-00339400-00339510 remember irPZScJ94zg-00769-00339511-00339606 that irPZScJ94zg-00770-00339607-00339806 there is only one life and that life is irPZScJ94zg-00771-00339807-00339919 god irPZScJ94zg-00772-00339920-00340158 and that's the life that you and i live irPZScJ94zg-00773-00340159-00340278 and then irPZScJ94zg-00774-00340279-00340510 the other promise i want to make to you irPZScJ94zg-00775-00340511-00341134 again like a marriage irPZScJ94zg-00776-00341135-00341303 i will always irPZScJ94zg-00777-00341304-00341678 be steadfast and loyal irPZScJ94zg-00778-00341679-00341878 and i will always irPZScJ94zg-00779-00341879-00341999 be irPZScJ94zg-00780-00342000-00342287 in truth i will always be in truth irPZScJ94zg-00781-00342288-00342495 and so i'm very grateful that i get to irPZScJ94zg-00782-00342496-00342599 be here irPZScJ94zg-00783-00342600-00342830 and and i honor all of you and i love irPZScJ94zg-00784-00342831-00342934 all of you irPZScJ94zg-00785-00342935-00343039 um irPZScJ94zg-00786-00343040-00343175 and the last thing i want to say about a irPZScJ94zg-00787-00343176-00343358 marriage is i will never use sex as a irPZScJ94zg-00788-00343359-00343495 weapon so irPZScJ94zg-00789-00343496-00343710 that's irPZScJ94zg-00790-00343711-00344217 that's my commitment to you irPZScJ94zg-00791-00344218-00344663 [Applause] irPZScJ94zg-00792-00344664-00344815 some practitioners who are here today so irPZScJ94zg-00793-00344816-00344951 if you're a practitioner would you stand irPZScJ94zg-00794-00344952-00345134 for just a brief moment i know you're irPZScJ94zg-00795-00345135-00345303 vigilant but you can stand and still irPZScJ94zg-00796-00345304-00345558 vigil no you don't have to vigil um as irPZScJ94zg-00797-00345559-00345734 practitioners you represent and stand irPZScJ94zg-00798-00345735-00345887 for the act of knowing and the living irPZScJ94zg-00799-00345888-00346039 embodiment of god irPZScJ94zg-00800-00346040-00346247 during our time in quarantine the public irPZScJ94zg-00801-00346248-00346430 expression of your work appeared to irPZScJ94zg-00802-00346431-00346606 shift in ways both unexpected and irPZScJ94zg-00803-00346607-00346799 unimaginable some of you relocated and irPZScJ94zg-00804-00346800-00347063 retired as a community we said goodbye irPZScJ94zg-00805-00347064-00347295 to some practitioners as they entered irPZScJ94zg-00806-00347296-00347582 into the greater expression of the great irPZScJ94zg-00807-00347583-00347839 beyond we are grateful for your irPZScJ94zg-00808-00347840-00347975 commitment to establishing and irPZScJ94zg-00809-00347976-00348263 maintaining the continual consciousness irPZScJ94zg-00810-00348264-00348454 of and for the north hollywood church of irPZScJ94zg-00811-00348455-00348639 religious science the spiritual work you irPZScJ94zg-00812-00348640-00348847 do in the silence demonstrates in the irPZScJ94zg-00813-00348848-00349054 lives of yourselves your clients and our irPZScJ94zg-00814-00349055-00349143 church irPZScJ94zg-00815-00349144-00349351 do you re-consecrate and rededicate irPZScJ94zg-00816-00349352-00349543 yourselves to the spiritual vision and irPZScJ94zg-00817-00349544-00349839 activity if so say i do irPZScJ94zg-00818-00349840-00350071 yes okay do you promise to honor your irPZScJ94zg-00819-00350072-00350254 relationship with god first and to seek irPZScJ94zg-00820-00350255-00350639 to remember oneness in all you do irPZScJ94zg-00821-00350640-00350791 and do you accept reverend sydney as irPZScJ94zg-00822-00350792-00351006 your new assistant minister teacher and irPZScJ94zg-00823-00351007-00351278 one of the leaders of this church irPZScJ94zg-00824-00351279-00351654 well thank you you may be seated irPZScJ94zg-00825-00351655-00351839 all right now the rest of you you don't irPZScJ94zg-00826-00351840-00352023 have to stand for this but you could if irPZScJ94zg-00827-00352024-00352239 you wanted to i ask you will you irPZScJ94zg-00828-00352240-00352487 continue to support this church to the irPZScJ94zg-00829-00352488-00352719 best of your ability irPZScJ94zg-00830-00352720-00352919 will you pray for the church its irPZScJ94zg-00831-00352920-00353134 ministers and board irPZScJ94zg-00832-00353135-00353343 i will then thank you so much you're irPZScJ94zg-00833-00353344-00353830 recommitted irPZScJ94zg-00834-00353831-00354143 what happens now irPZScJ94zg-00835-00354144-00354391 i'm new i don't know irPZScJ94zg-00836-00354392-00354567 patricia has announcements for us so irPZScJ94zg-00837-00354568-00354703 please okay irPZScJ94zg-00838-00354704-00354782 thank you irPZScJ94zg-00839-00354783-00355151 [Laughter] irPZScJ94zg-00840-00355152-00355439 i'm sorry i was unaware of this order irPZScJ94zg-00841-00355440-00355799 but it's wonderful i'm so glad we had it irPZScJ94zg-00842-00355800-00356039 thank you margaret owens irPZScJ94zg-00843-00356040-00356454 welcome back irPZScJ94zg-00844-00356455-00356623 thank you sam irPZScJ94zg-00845-00356624-00356721 and karen irPZScJ94zg-00846-00356722-00357039 [Applause] irPZScJ94zg-00847-00357040-00357263 if this is your first time in our church irPZScJ94zg-00848-00357264-00357495 we're delighted you're here please stop irPZScJ94zg-00849-00357496-00357695 by the welcome table on the patio to irPZScJ94zg-00850-00357696-00357943 pick up a packet of information just for irPZScJ94zg-00851-00357944-00358078 you irPZScJ94zg-00852-00358079-00358278 we make it easy for you to make irPZScJ94zg-00853-00358279-00358503 donations to our church irPZScJ94zg-00854-00358504-00358887 the text to give number is inside your irPZScJ94zg-00855-00358888-00359103 program and a qr irPZScJ94zg-00856-00359104-00359334 code is on the back irPZScJ94zg-00857-00359335-00359695 or go to irPZScJ94zg-00858-00359696-00359830 give irPZScJ94zg-00859-00359831-00360071 prayer with a practitioner is available irPZScJ94zg-00860-00360072-00360519 after service in person here or on zoom irPZScJ94zg-00861-00360520-00360823 flowers our beautiful flowers today are irPZScJ94zg-00862-00360824-00361103 in honor of reverend sydney's irPZScJ94zg-00863-00361104-00361308 installation irPZScJ94zg-00864-00361309-00361543 [Applause] irPZScJ94zg-00865-00361544-00361699 welcome to irPZScJ94zg-00866-00361700-00362006 nhcrs and bless irPZScJ94zg-00867-00362007-00362287 we bless your ministry irPZScJ94zg-00868-00362288-00362463 this is from irPZScJ94zg-00869-00362464-00362878 lynn romanowski and barbara berg irPZScJ94zg-00870-00362879-00363143 wednesday evening service on june the irPZScJ94zg-00871-00363144-00363471 1st the meditation will begin at 6 50 irPZScJ94zg-00872-00363472-00363687 and the service is at 7. irPZScJ94zg-00873-00363688-00363910 join reverend sydney this week as she irPZScJ94zg-00874-00363911-00364551 shares on the topic 50 shades of god irPZScJ94zg-00875-00364552-00364854 the japan trip with dr mark is in irPZScJ94zg-00876-00364855-00365143 october 2022 irPZScJ94zg-00877-00365144-00365463 join dr mark for the spiritual adventure irPZScJ94zg-00878-00365464-00365823 of a lifetime for details and sign up irPZScJ94zg-00879-00365824-00366110 visit our website today irPZScJ94zg-00880-00366111-00366478 and don't miss this we have a new class irPZScJ94zg-00881-00366479-00366815 a remarkable dr mark is presenting a irPZScJ94zg-00882-00366816-00367110 remarkable six-week class based on the irPZScJ94zg-00883-00367111-00367415 teachings of a remarkable woman irPZScJ94zg-00884-00367416-00367551 curtis irPZScJ94zg-00885-00367552-00367934 emma curtis hopkins was and is one of irPZScJ94zg-00886-00367935-00368247 the most profound new thought icons her irPZScJ94zg-00887-00368248-00368343 book irPZScJ94zg-00888-00368344-00368623 scientific christian mental practice irPZScJ94zg-00889-00368624-00368934 establishes an absolute and powerful irPZScJ94zg-00890-00368935-00369223 foundation for the healing and wholeness irPZScJ94zg-00891-00369224-00369487 in every area of your life irPZScJ94zg-00892-00369488-00369782 join dr mark for scientific christian irPZScJ94zg-00893-00369783-00370030 mental practice part 1 irPZScJ94zg-00894-00370031-00370319 mondays beginning june 6th irPZScJ94zg-00895-00370320-00370767 6 30 to 8 pm on zoom only irPZScJ94zg-00896-00370768-00371087 cost is 150 dollars irPZScJ94zg-00897-00371088-00371287 a real bargain irPZScJ94zg-00898-00371288-00371606 sign up on the patio or online get the irPZScJ94zg-00899-00371607-00371927 book in our bookstore or online irPZScJ94zg-00900-00371928-00372343 our 2022 memorial day sunday celebration irPZScJ94zg-00901-00372344-00372478 is today irPZScJ94zg-00902-00372479-00372878 11 30 a.m service offered in person and irPZScJ94zg-00903-00372879-00373215 on zoom we will remember irPZScJ94zg-00904-00373216-00373471 which is to invite our members to irPZScJ94zg-00905-00373472-00373606 recommit irPZScJ94zg-00906-00373607-00374039 renew invite practitioners to recommit irPZScJ94zg-00907-00374040-00374439 rewire install reverend sit dr sidney irPZScJ94zg-00908-00374440-00374663 lehman steen as our irPZScJ94zg-00909-00374664-00374854 assistant minister irPZScJ94zg-00910-00374855-00375158 and refire afterwards with a delicious irPZScJ94zg-00911-00375159-00375439 barbecue and party for kids and adults irPZScJ94zg-00912-00375440-00375615 please join us irPZScJ94zg-00913-00375616-00375878 if you or a loved one could use some irPZScJ94zg-00914-00375879-00376158 enhanced spiritual support irPZScJ94zg-00915-00376159-00376454 we have a pastoral care team ready to irPZScJ94zg-00916-00376455-00376543 help irPZScJ94zg-00917-00376544-00376815 please reach out to our team through our irPZScJ94zg-00918-00376816-00377071 service website irPZScJ94zg-00919-00377072-00377382 zoom virtual patio before and after irPZScJ94zg-00920-00377383-00377663 sunday and wednesday services irPZScJ94zg-00921-00377664-00377975 zoom meditation every morning monday irPZScJ94zg-00922-00377976-00378263 through saturday from 7 55 irPZScJ94zg-00923-00378264-00378758 to 8 15 p.m no am excuse me irPZScJ94zg-00924-00378759-00379075 visit our website irPZScJ94zg-00925-00379076-00379471 to obtain zoom links and more irPZScJ94zg-00926-00379472-00379775 information about all our events and to irPZScJ94zg-00927-00379776-00380119 sign up for weekly e-blasts and monthly irPZScJ94zg-00928-00380120-00380527 newsletter and that's all folks irPZScJ94zg-00929-00380528-00380647 thank you irPZScJ94zg-00930-00380648-00380806 why don't we all stand and sing the irPZScJ94zg-00931-00380807-00382599 peace song together irPZScJ94zg-00933-00385920-00386671 us walk with each other irPZScJ94zg-00934-00386672-00389215 is irPZScJ94zg-00935-00389216-00391159 to take irPZScJ94zg-00936-00391160-00391782 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00937-00391783-00391999 so please repeat after me i'm at home in irPZScJ94zg-00938-00392000-00392319 the heart of god irPZScJ94zg-00939-00392320-00392687 my life is anchored in truth irPZScJ94zg-00940-00392688-00392999 i can never be separate irPZScJ94zg-00941-00393000-00393439 i live in the consciousness of peace irPZScJ94zg-00942-00393440-00393743 i release all fear irPZScJ94zg-00943-00393744-00394167 i am living love i am living love amen irPZScJ94zg-00944-00394168-00394449 thank you irPZScJ94zg-00947-00438622-00439551 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00948-00439552-00440543 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00949-00440545-00442283 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00950-00442284-00443479 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00953-00451247-00452322 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00954-00452324-00452868 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00955-00452868-00454071 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00958-00480104-00481231 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00959-00481232-00481917 do irPZScJ94zg-00960-00481918-00482503 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00961-00482504-00482668 do irPZScJ94zg-00962-00482668-00484324 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00963-00484325-00485253 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00964-00485254-00487984 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00965-00487985-00489181 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00966-00489182-00491864 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00967-00491866-00492892 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00968-00492893-00493868 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00969-00493868-00494559 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00970-00494560-00496070 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00971-00496071-00497445 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00973-00501085-00502539 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00974-00502539-00505037 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00975-00505038-00507097 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00976-00507097-00508243 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00977-00508243-00510431 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00978-00510432-00511814 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00979-00511814-00512593 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00980-00512593-00513972 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00981-00513974-00515313 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00982-00515314-00518280 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00984-00522009-00523183 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00985-00523184-00523959 do irPZScJ94zg-00989-00537136-00539148 do irPZScJ94zg-00991-00542912-00543637 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00992-00543638-00545602 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00993-00545603-00547073 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00995-00563339-00564238 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00996-00564239-00565630 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00997-00565631-00566965 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00998-00566966-00569103 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-00999-00569104-00571091 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-01000-00571092-00572969 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-01001-00572970-00573662 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-01002-00573663-00575583 [Music] irPZScJ94zg-01003-00575584-00575792 you itwZm6AYUr0-00000-00000056-00000426 good morning everybody itwZm6AYUr0-00001-00000427-00000653 wonderful to see everybody my name is itwZm6AYUr0-00002-00000654-00000872 Nancy lindborg I'm the president of the itwZm6AYUr0-00003-00000873-00001058 u.s. Institute of Peace and I'm itwZm6AYUr0-00004-00001059-00001270 delighted to welcome everybody who's itwZm6AYUr0-00005-00001271-00001520 here with us today and those of you who itwZm6AYUr0-00006-00001521-00002039 are watching online to this sixth in a itwZm6AYUr0-00007-00002039-00002183 series of bipartisan congressional itwZm6AYUr0-00008-00002184-00002390 dialogues here at u.s. Institute of itwZm6AYUr0-00009-00002391-00002645 Peace we launched this series earlier itwZm6AYUr0-00010-00002646-00002933 this year to provide a platform for itwZm6AYUr0-00011-00002934-00003182 members of Congress who are working from itwZm6AYUr0-00012-00003183-00003611 opposite sides of the aisle on really on itwZm6AYUr0-00013-00003611-00003788 critical issues with the goal of itwZm6AYUr0-00014-00003789-00003979 advancing our national security itwZm6AYUr0-00015-00003980-00004241 interests and this is the bipartisan itwZm6AYUr0-00016-00004242-00004520 spirit actually that was at the founding itwZm6AYUr0-00017-00004521-00004784 of u.s. Institute of Peace when Congress itwZm6AYUr0-00018-00004785-00005066 founded US in 1984 with the distinct itwZm6AYUr0-00019-00005067-00005263 mission of preventing and resolving itwZm6AYUr0-00020-00005264-00005727 violent conflict abroad and we believe itwZm6AYUr0-00021-00005728-00006008 that a world without violent conflict is itwZm6AYUr0-00022-00006009-00006388 possible that it is practical and it is itwZm6AYUr0-00023-00006389-00006662 of course essential for our national itwZm6AYUr0-00024-00006663-00006898 security and we pursue our mission by itwZm6AYUr0-00025-00006900-00007108 working with partners around the world itwZm6AYUr0-00026-00007109-00007420 practical applications of the best ways itwZm6AYUr0-00027-00007422-00007624 to prevent and resolve violent conflict itwZm6AYUr0-00028-00007625-00007931 and also by hosting events like this to itwZm6AYUr0-00029-00007931-00008149 advance the policy discussions and we're itwZm6AYUr0-00030-00008150-00008414 honored to have with us here today two itwZm6AYUr0-00031-00008415-00008702 great friends strong supporters of u.s. itwZm6AYUr0-00032-00008703-00008981 IP congressman Chris Stewart from Utah itwZm6AYUr0-00033-00008982-00009239 and Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger from itwZm6AYUr0-00034-00009240-00009302 Maryland itwZm6AYUr0-00035-00009303-00009649 both congressmen are leaders on foreign itwZm6AYUr0-00036-00009650-00009931 policy and national security issues in itwZm6AYUr0-00037-00009932-00010303 Congress congressman Stuart is a member itwZm6AYUr0-00038-00010304-00010487 of the house permanent Select Committee itwZm6AYUr0-00039-00010488-00010696 on Intelligence congressman itwZm6AYUr0-00040-00010697-00010919 Ruppersberger was previously the ranking itwZm6AYUr0-00041-00010920-00011177 committee on this member as well both itwZm6AYUr0-00042-00011178-00011408 are members of the House Appropriations itwZm6AYUr0-00043-00011409-00011653 state foreign operations and related itwZm6AYUr0-00044-00011654-00012005 program subcommittees so they are deeply itwZm6AYUr0-00045-00012006-00012196 engaged in these critical issues and itwZm6AYUr0-00046-00012197-00012548 very knowledgeable at u.s. IP we itwZm6AYUr0-00047-00012549-00012710 strongly believe that fostering itwZm6AYUr0-00048-00012711-00012899 bipartisan efforts to strengthen itwZm6AYUr0-00049-00012900-00013199 national security are critical and we itwZm6AYUr0-00050-00013200-00013352 found that despite what you're reading itwZm6AYUr0-00051-00013353-00013438 in the itwZm6AYUr0-00052-00013440-00013708 there is a strong genuine effort on the itwZm6AYUr0-00053-00013709-00014086 hill to advance these critical issues itwZm6AYUr0-00054-00014087-00014387 for our national security and so today itwZm6AYUr0-00055-00014388-00014663 our conversation will focus on managing itwZm6AYUr0-00056-00014663-00014951 conflict and competition with China itwZm6AYUr0-00057-00014952-00015227 which is especially given this week's itwZm6AYUr0-00058-00015228-00015536 headlines a very timely topic yesterday itwZm6AYUr0-00059-00015537-00015755 we heard President Trump accused the itwZm6AYUr0-00060-00015756-00015926 Chinese government of attempting to itwZm6AYUr0-00061-00015927-00016204 interfere in the midterm elections itwZm6AYUr0-00062-00016205-00016463 earlier this week the administration itwZm6AYUr0-00063-00016464-00016766 implemented an additional two hundred itwZm6AYUr0-00064-00016767-00017038 billion dollars in tariffs on Chinese itwZm6AYUr0-00065-00017039-00017303 imports so we're seeing that itwZm6AYUr0-00066-00017304-00017503 confrontation with China competition itwZm6AYUr0-00067-00017504-00017780 with China is the topic of increasing itwZm6AYUr0-00068-00017781-00018002 interesting concern we saw in the itwZm6AYUr0-00069-00018003-00018278 national security strategy of the trump itwZm6AYUr0-00070-00018279-00018467 administration that there was an itwZm6AYUr0-00071-00018468-00018722 increased emphasis on the need to itwZm6AYUr0-00072-00018723-00018944 address the return of great power itwZm6AYUr0-00073-00018945-00019346 competition we have seen that China is itwZm6AYUr0-00074-00019347-00019607 flexing its muscle increasingly on the itwZm6AYUr0-00075-00019608-00019880 world stage increased investments in itwZm6AYUr0-00076-00019881-00020200 Asia and in Africa and they play an itwZm6AYUr0-00077-00020201-00020384 active role in countries that are itwZm6AYUr0-00078-00020385-00020680 struggling with internal and now itwZm6AYUr0-00079-00020681-00020903 internationalized conflict so itwZm6AYUr0-00080-00020904-00021109 understanding their role in these itwZm6AYUr0-00081-00021110-00021275 conflicts and understanding the nature itwZm6AYUr0-00082-00021276-00021519 of the competition is really essential itwZm6AYUr0-00083-00021520-00021866 this year u.s. IP has been convening a itwZm6AYUr0-00084-00021867-00022127 series of bipartisan senior study groups itwZm6AYUr0-00085-00022128-00022571 to examine China's role in conflict itwZm6AYUr0-00086-00022572-00022793 dynamics around the world the first itwZm6AYUr0-00087-00022794-00022969 study group looked at China's itwZm6AYUr0-00088-00022970-00023269 significant and complicating role in itwZm6AYUr0-00089-00023270-00023606 Burma's many conflicts including the itwZm6AYUr0-00090-00023607-00023950 really terrible tragedy in Rakhine there itwZm6AYUr0-00091-00023951-00024155 were just wrapped up this week there are itwZm6AYUr0-00092-00024156-00024353 last week that with the launch of their itwZm6AYUr0-00093-00024354-00024683 final report there are copies as you itwZm6AYUr0-00094-00024684-00024917 exit and I also urge you to look for it itwZm6AYUr0-00095-00024918-00025156 online and the second group has just itwZm6AYUr0-00096-00025157-00025519 begun which is now focusing on China's itwZm6AYUr0-00097-00025520-00025931 role visa vie the the nuclear threat of itwZm6AYUr0-00098-00025932-00026308 North Korea so they itwZm6AYUr0-00099-00026310-00026561 are these are issues that are very much itwZm6AYUr0-00100-00026562-00026786 at the top of our agenda here at u.s. IP itwZm6AYUr0-00101-00026787-00027089 and we are delighted to be able to probe itwZm6AYUr0-00102-00027089-00027236 more deeply into some of these issues itwZm6AYUr0-00103-00027237-00027599 with two foremost congressional leaders itwZm6AYUr0-00104-00027600-00027857 who will discuss with us today how the itwZm6AYUr0-00105-00027858-00028052 hill is thinking about in approaching itwZm6AYUr0-00106-00028052-00028442 these critical issues before we begin I itwZm6AYUr0-00107-00028443-00028649 want to invite all of you to follow us itwZm6AYUr0-00108-00028650-00029060 IP on Twitter at us IP and join in itwZm6AYUr0-00109-00029061-00029266 today's conversation with the hashtag itwZm6AYUr0-00110-00029267-00029768 bipartisan us IP we will end a itwZm6AYUr0-00111-00029769-00030008 conversation with an opportunity for itwZm6AYUr0-00112-00030008-00030275 questions from those of you in the itwZm6AYUr0-00113-00030276-00030566 audience and online will be passing out itwZm6AYUr0-00114-00030567-00030794 note cards so grab one if you have a itwZm6AYUr0-00115-00030795-00030952 question we'll be collecting those and itwZm6AYUr0-00116-00030954-00031160 adding those to the conversation and itwZm6AYUr0-00117-00031161-00031394 with that please join me in welcoming to itwZm6AYUr0-00118-00031395-00031592 the stage Congressman Stewart and itwZm6AYUr0-00119-00031593-00031808 Congressman represent ulm in' itwZm6AYUr0-00120-00031810-00032731 [Applause] itwZm6AYUr0-00121-00032732-00033746 okay so gentlemen thank you very much itwZm6AYUr0-00122-00033747-00034067 for joining us and Congressman Stuart I itwZm6AYUr0-00123-00034068-00034334 would like to ask you to open us up if itwZm6AYUr0-00124-00034335-00034529 you like okay great itwZm6AYUr0-00125-00034530-00034829 thank you thank you it's an honor to be itwZm6AYUr0-00126-00034830-00035174 with you and have all of you here and itwZm6AYUr0-00127-00035175-00035348 they'll let you know there's no one that itwZm6AYUr0-00128-00035349-00035513 I respect more than my friend Dutch he itwZm6AYUr0-00129-00035514-00035708 and I have traveled together he's a itwZm6AYUr0-00130-00035709-00035855 former ranking member on the Intel itwZm6AYUr0-00131-00035856-00036068 committee which I spend a lot of my time itwZm6AYUr0-00132-00036069-00036476 on and it's an honor to be here as some itwZm6AYUr0-00133-00036477-00036581 of you know I was a former Air Force itwZm6AYUr0-00134-00036582-00036949 pilot and I'm we could fly itwZm6AYUr0-00135-00036950-00037259 17:20 our missions I could hit my target itwZm6AYUr0-00136-00037260-00037574 plus or minus one second so you said itwZm6AYUr0-00137-00037575-00037829 five minutes opening comments here I've itwZm6AYUr0-00138-00037830-00038081 started my clock and I will be plus or itwZm6AYUr0-00139-00038082-00038501 minus one second this will see I'm asked itwZm6AYUr0-00140-00038502-00038660 all the time what's it like to be in itwZm6AYUr0-00141-00038661-00038981 Congress and and I used to tell people itwZm6AYUr0-00142-00038982-00039149 and still do if you don't know what it's itwZm6AYUr0-00143-00039150-00039290 like to be in Congress you go over here itwZm6AYUr0-00144-00039291-00039452 and bang your head against that wall itwZm6AYUr0-00145-00039453-00039722 about 12 times and then go home and get itwZm6AYUr0-00146-00039723-00039986 yelled at right and I'll go home and itwZm6AYUr0-00147-00039987-00040133 people be like hey why are you doing itwZm6AYUr0-00148-00040134-00040328 this why aren't you doing this you're a itwZm6AYUr0-00149-00040329-00040664 bad congressman and and that's just my itwZm6AYUr0-00150-00040665-00041201 family and my friends which is why these itwZm6AYUr0-00151-00041202-00041390 kind of events are important to me itwZm6AYUr0-00152-00041391-00041561 because it doesn't have the same sense itwZm6AYUr0-00153-00041562-00041762 of frustration the same sense of inks itwZm6AYUr0-00154-00041763-00041984 that we feel and that so many people itwZm6AYUr0-00155-00041985-00042128 feel regardless of where you are in the itwZm6AYUr0-00156-00042129-00042353 political spectrum we have two people itwZm6AYUr0-00157-00042354-00042539 here that you know Republicans and itwZm6AYUr0-00158-00042540-00042752 Democrats and yet we understand these itwZm6AYUr0-00159-00042753-00043043 issues that US IP and others are so itwZm6AYUr0-00160-00043044-00043259 strong and advocating for matter and itwZm6AYUr0-00161-00043260-00043514 that by and large they should be and itwZm6AYUr0-00162-00043515-00043760 have been and we must continue for them itwZm6AYUr0-00163-00043761-00044009 to be bipartisan nature it's just too itwZm6AYUr0-00164-00044010-00044273 important otherwise so I'll go home and itwZm6AYUr0-00165-00044274-00044423 bang my head against wall on these other itwZm6AYUr0-00166-00044424-00044585 issues but in this case I don't have to itwZm6AYUr0-00167-00044586-00044789 do that and I'm grateful for that itwZm6AYUr0-00168-00044790-00045023 setting the stage now for about China itwZm6AYUr0-00169-00045024-00045242 and this issue in national security in itwZm6AYUr0-00170-00045243-00045335 general I had an interesting itwZm6AYUr0-00171-00045336-00045533 conversation with Admiral Harris itwZm6AYUr0-00172-00045534-00045806 it used to be the PACOM commander as in itwZm6AYUr0-00173-00045807-00046061 that role he had almost 1/3 of all itwZm6AYUr0-00174-00046062-00046237 military forces fell under his command itwZm6AYUr0-00175-00046238-00046556 he's now the ambassador in Korea I saw itwZm6AYUr0-00176-00046557-00046859 him a few weeks ago and he was taken to itwZm6AYUr0-00177-00046860-00047150 Korea for their very specific purpose of itwZm6AYUr0-00178-00047151-00047348 what he could do to help with obviously itwZm6AYUr0-00179-00047349-00047549 the denuclearization of North Korea a itwZm6AYUr0-00180-00047550-00047726 very important mission but he said itwZm6AYUr0-00181-00047727-00047924 something and I think he articulated it itwZm6AYUr0-00182-00047925-00048137 well when you ask you know what is the itwZm6AYUr0-00183-00048138-00048323 greatest threat facing our country or itwZm6AYUr0-00184-00048324-00048487 what are the greatest challenges we had itwZm6AYUr0-00185-00048488-00048812 he said North Korea is the most imminent itwZm6AYUr0-00186-00048813-00049196 challenge the most urgent he said the itwZm6AYUr0-00187-00049197-00049562 Soviet not Soviet Union Russia former itwZm6AYUr0-00188-00049563-00049843 Soviet Union is the most is the only itwZm6AYUr0-00189-00049844-00050129 existential threat that we face but itwZm6AYUr0-00190-00050130-00050408 China is the most complicated and I itwZm6AYUr0-00191-00050409-00050705 think I think that's true you know this itwZm6AYUr0-00192-00050706-00050984 is something that we were talking itwZm6AYUr0-00193-00050985-00051265 earlier and and I said as a young itwZm6AYUr0-00194-00051266-00051539 lieutenant you know flying jets or itwZm6AYUr0-00195-00051540-00051704 flying combat rescue helicopters at the itwZm6AYUr0-00196-00051704-00051974 time we were fully prepared and itwZm6AYUr0-00197-00051975-00052232 expecting to be at war with Russia as itwZm6AYUr0-00198-00052233-00052436 they came through the fold day up in itwZm6AYUr0-00199-00052437-00052744 Germany and I you during the Cold War itwZm6AYUr0-00200-00052745-00052954 that's right I mean it was Russia as the itwZm6AYUr0-00201-00052955-00053153 Soviet Union at that time and and we itwZm6AYUr0-00202-00053154-00053326 have to generationally change our itwZm6AYUr0-00203-00053327-00053546 thinking now I wrote an editorial couple itwZm6AYUr0-00204-00053547-00053680 weeks ago or we said we have to change itwZm6AYUr0-00205-00053682-00053972 our thinking to realize the China is the itwZm6AYUr0-00206-00053973-00054074 greatest threat that we face from itwZm6AYUr0-00207-00054075-00054257 national security security perspective itwZm6AYUr0-00208-00054258-00054494 and from others perspectives as well itwZm6AYUr0-00209-00054495-00054812 including an economic perspective and itwZm6AYUr0-00210-00054813-00054991 one of the foundations for that has to itwZm6AYUr0-00211-00054992-00055121 be this and that is one of the other itwZm6AYUr0-00212-00055122-00055322 great threats that we face and I was itwZm6AYUr0-00213-00055323-00055490 asked this recently and I just come back itwZm6AYUr0-00214-00055491-00055741 from Moscow and I said it's that no one itwZm6AYUr0-00215-00055742-00056024 knows what is true anymore and and itwZm6AYUr0-00216-00056025-00056242 that's this kind of overlap to this we itwZm6AYUr0-00217-00056244-00056444 have to be able to deal with this issue itwZm6AYUr0-00218-00056445-00056741 in an honest way when we actually have itwZm6AYUr0-00219-00056741-00057062 data and it's not just emotion and and I itwZm6AYUr0-00220-00057063-00057226 think that's the foundation for dealing itwZm6AYUr0-00221-00057227-00057376 with frankly anything but particularly itwZm6AYUr0-00222-00057377-00057734 this one and I'll maybe end end with itwZm6AYUr0-00223-00057735-00058307 this I had I had had chance to have itwZm6AYUr0-00224-00058308-00058492 dinner the other night with John Bolton itwZm6AYUr0-00225-00058494-00058704 the national security adviser and we itwZm6AYUr0-00226-00058705-00058879 spent some time talking about a number itwZm6AYUr0-00227-00058879-00059059 of things and he's a fascinating man and itwZm6AYUr0-00228-00059060-00059329 he's as knowledgeable on national itwZm6AYUr0-00229-00059329-00059485 security generally as anyone that I know itwZm6AYUr0-00230-00059486-00059754 and you know regardless of what you itwZm6AYUr0-00231-00059755-00059908 think about this president I think one itwZm6AYUr0-00232-00059909-00060085 thing that we can agree on and that is itwZm6AYUr0-00233-00060086-00060340 he has assembled an extraordinary team itwZm6AYUr0-00234-00060341-00060652 Mike Pompeo friend of mine from Intel itwZm6AYUr0-00235-00060653-00060874 committee general mattis nikki Haley itwZm6AYUr0-00236-00060875-00061078 these are extraordinary individuals on itwZm6AYUr0-00237-00061079-00061429 national security and and national itwZm6AYUr0-00238-00061429-00061519 security advisors and I have this itwZm6AYUr0-00239-00061520-00061660 conversation what is the greatest threat itwZm6AYUr0-00240-00061661-00061854 that we face whatever what keeps you itwZm6AYUr0-00241-00061855-00062029 awake and I where do we concentrate our itwZm6AYUr0-00242-00062029-00062319 efforts and you know you talk about itwZm6AYUr0-00243-00062320-00062533 proliferation in North Korea the itwZm6AYUr0-00244-00062534-00062761 denuclearization you talk about Vladimir itwZm6AYUr0-00245-00062762-00063004 Putin who's a KGB thug and we need to itwZm6AYUr0-00246-00063004-00063178 recognize that's what he is and I think itwZm6AYUr0-00247-00063179-00063457 most of us do you could talk about cyber itwZm6AYUr0-00248-00063458-00063637 which we'll talk about today I hope itwZm6AYUr0-00249-00063638-00064048 because that's very important but at the itwZm6AYUr0-00250-00064049-00064297 end of the day we both agreed China is itwZm6AYUr0-00251-00064298-00064510 the greatest threat that we face and the itwZm6AYUr0-00252-00064511-00064723 greatest concern that we have to have to itwZm6AYUr0-00253-00064724-00065020 be willing to to confront and I want to itwZm6AYUr0-00254-00065021-00065166 say confront by the way I don't mean in itwZm6AYUr0-00255-00065167-00065371 a military way I just mean nationally we itwZm6AYUr0-00256-00065372-00065548 have to prioritize such that we can be itwZm6AYUr0-00257-00065549-00065925 effective in that so appreciate the itwZm6AYUr0-00258-00065926-00066097 conversation because I think it's itwZm6AYUr0-00259-00066098-00066319 important and once again Dutch thanks itwZm6AYUr0-00260-00066320-00066565 for just great to be here Devon four itwZm6AYUr0-00261-00066566-00066954 minutes 47 seconds as a little short so itwZm6AYUr0-00262-00066955-00067219 two minutes okay first thing it's great itwZm6AYUr0-00263-00067220-00067492 to be here and to communicate about itwZm6AYUr0-00264-00067493-00067705 issues that are important to our country itwZm6AYUr0-00265-00067706-00067870 in the world we're going to focus on itwZm6AYUr0-00266-00067871-00068083 China today but it is a very dangerous itwZm6AYUr0-00267-00068084-00068434 world there I'm happy to be here with itwZm6AYUr0-00268-00068435-00068749 your organization you know we've met itwZm6AYUr0-00269-00068750-00069118 before and we helped fund you and Kris itwZm6AYUr0-00270-00069119-00069366 and I both our appropriators also and itwZm6AYUr0-00271-00069367-00069744 what as far as Kris is concerned itwZm6AYUr0-00272-00069745-00070027 Congress has a lot of issues and itwZm6AYUr0-00273-00070028-00070246 problems a lot of bipartisan issues and itwZm6AYUr0-00274-00070247-00070459 if we're going to do what we need to do itwZm6AYUr0-00275-00070460-00070636 for the benefit of our constituents and itwZm6AYUr0-00276-00070637-00070864 our country we're going to have to work itwZm6AYUr0-00277-00070865-00071071 a lot better and a lot more together and itwZm6AYUr0-00278-00071072-00071290 I can say this those of us who itwZm6AYUr0-00279-00071291-00071545 specialized in national security do work itwZm6AYUr0-00280-00071546-00071887 a lot closer Chris and I got to be very itwZm6AYUr0-00281-00071888-00072118 we travel together we do a lot of itwZm6AYUr0-00282-00072119-00072256 traveling I've been to 60 different itwZm6AYUr0-00283-00072257-00072406 countries and it's not Bermuda either itwZm6AYUr0-00284-00072407-00072671 Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan China Russia itwZm6AYUr0-00285-00072672-00072896 those different areas and when you go itwZm6AYUr0-00286-00072897-00073178 and you get to learn who individuals are itwZm6AYUr0-00287-00073179-00073360 you learn to respect them and you know itwZm6AYUr0-00288-00073361-00073648 Chris Chris's reputation for being fair itwZm6AYUr0-00289-00073649-00073825 for doing his homework and being itwZm6AYUr0-00290-00073826-00074038 involved is there and I respect me on itwZm6AYUr0-00291-00074039-00074240 the stage with you with you also he itwZm6AYUr0-00292-00074241-00074540 won't say it but I think he did win a itwZm6AYUr0-00293-00074541-00074782 reward for travelling around the world itwZm6AYUr0-00294-00074783-00074941 the fastest is that the kid why don't itwZm6AYUr0-00295-00074942-00075103 you say what that is so I don't have to itwZm6AYUr0-00296-00075104-00075340 say it we have the world's record for itwZm6AYUr0-00297-00075341-00075515 the fastest nonstop flight around the itwZm6AYUr0-00298-00075516-00075625 world okay there you go itwZm6AYUr0-00299-00075626-00075865 so that's a big deal yeah and it was a itwZm6AYUr0-00300-00075866-00076009 lot more fun than being in Congress itwZm6AYUr0-00301-00076010-00076342 though I'd say you gotta have tough skin itwZm6AYUr0-00302-00076343-00076735 you know that the other thing that Chris itwZm6AYUr0-00303-00076736-00076909 has done he and his brother have written itwZm6AYUr0-00304-00076910-00077101 some novels which I've read and they're itwZm6AYUr0-00305-00077102-00077287 excellent so he's a very special person itwZm6AYUr0-00306-00077288-00077473 and the type that we want to come itwZm6AYUr0-00307-00077474-00077692 together and communicate and hopefully itwZm6AYUr0-00308-00077693-00077846 in the next Congress and we don't know itwZm6AYUr0-00309-00077847-00077980 where it's going to be or what's going itwZm6AYUr0-00310-00077981-00078211 to happen then we can continue we will itwZm6AYUr0-00311-00078212-00078412 work together but it should be about our itwZm6AYUr0-00312-00078413-00078649 country first and that's where we're itwZm6AYUr0-00313-00078650-00078821 trying to go some of the issues today itwZm6AYUr0-00314-00078822-00079018 with these are the most dangerous times itwZm6AYUr0-00315-00079019-00079306 in the world and it's it's it's Iraq if itwZm6AYUr0-00316-00079307-00079567 it's Afghanistan it's North Korea it's itwZm6AYUr0-00317-00079568-00079910 it's Iran it's it's Isis itwZm6AYUr0-00318-00079911-00080113 it's the China Russia that's right I itwZm6AYUr0-00319-00080114-00080293 mean there are so many threats they're itwZm6AYUr0-00320-00080294-00080554 out there and we have to deal with it's itwZm6AYUr0-00321-00080555-00080767 it's the military threat especially as itwZm6AYUr0-00322-00080768-00080929 it relates to China China has money itwZm6AYUr0-00323-00080930-00081085 they're growing they're going to the itwZm6AYUr0-00324-00081086-00081292 moon they're active in space and cyber itwZm6AYUr0-00325-00081293-00081394 and hypersonic itwZm6AYUr0-00326-00081395-00081676 weapons and in order to be able to itwZm6AYUr0-00327-00081677-00081982 counter this and to make sure we we itwZm6AYUr0-00328-00081983-00082271 maintain our democracy and our quality itwZm6AYUr0-00329-00082272-00082559 of life we have to be able to show that itwZm6AYUr0-00330-00082560-00082750 we're in a position to protect our itwZm6AYUr0-00331-00082751-00082975 country to protect our democracy and the itwZm6AYUr0-00332-00082976-00083203 things that we do and that's what our itwZm6AYUr0-00333-00083204-00083422 ultimate goal should be there's a much itwZm6AYUr0-00334-00083423-00083590 you specialize I'm on defense itwZm6AYUr0-00335-00083591-00083840 appropriations and we've gotten one of itwZm6AYUr0-00336-00083841-00084059 the biggest defense budgets because for itwZm6AYUr0-00337-00084060-00084290 a period of time in our country we had a itwZm6AYUr0-00338-00084291-00084521 bill called sequestration which cuts itwZm6AYUr0-00339-00084522-00084772 everything across the board and you know itwZm6AYUr0-00340-00084773-00084988 if you anyone in budgeting or as manage itwZm6AYUr0-00341-00084989-00085123 the company or whatever itwZm6AYUr0-00342-00085124-00085306 knows the budget things about priorities itwZm6AYUr0-00343-00085307-00085504 it's not about cutting things across the itwZm6AYUr0-00344-00085505-00085713 board well the last two years we have itwZm6AYUr0-00345-00085714-00085938 been able not to follow that law we and itwZm6AYUr0-00346-00085939-00086131 and when we're doing well and we're itwZm6AYUr0-00347-00086132-00086323 doing things that we need need to do on itwZm6AYUr0-00348-00086324-00086578 both sides of the aisle so we're going itwZm6AYUr0-00349-00086579-00086854 to get a lot more into issues such as itwZm6AYUr0-00350-00086855-00087109 cyber I think into questions and hold itwZm6AYUr0-00351-00087110-00087369 for that I'm gonna have to leave on time itwZm6AYUr0-00352-00087370-00087640 Chris could stay I have a classified itwZm6AYUr0-00353-00087641-00087787 hearing I'm going from China to Russia itwZm6AYUr0-00354-00087788-00088084 on our election and I have to be there itwZm6AYUr0-00355-00088085-00088480 at about 12:15 or 12:20 so if I run out itwZm6AYUr0-00356-00088481-00088606 of here it's not because I don't like itwZm6AYUr0-00357-00088607-00088798 your I'm afraid of you or whatever but itwZm6AYUr0-00358-00088799-00088912 it's because you know I have to go to itwZm6AYUr0-00359-00088913-00089050 another hearing that's what happens in itwZm6AYUr0-00360-00089051-00089197 Congress yes no thanks for having us itwZm6AYUr0-00361-00089198-00089368 here well thank you I appreciate what itwZm6AYUr0-00362-00089369-00089704 you do what a beautiful building - yeah itwZm6AYUr0-00363-00089705-00089944 thank you thank you and we really itwZm6AYUr0-00364-00089945-00090132 appreciate both taking the time to be itwZm6AYUr0-00365-00090133-00090294 here we know things are busy right now itwZm6AYUr0-00366-00090295-00090517 up on the hill but let's jump right in itwZm6AYUr0-00367-00090518-00090657 and you've both mentioned some of the itwZm6AYUr0-00368-00090658-00090904 critical threats we've seen in itwZm6AYUr0-00369-00090905-00091378 particular renew a new Chinese focus on itwZm6AYUr0-00370-00091379-00091615 building up their military from the itwZm6AYUr0-00371-00091616-00091873 South China Sea - acquisition of new itwZm6AYUr0-00372-00091874-00092163 Russian weapons they've put much more itwZm6AYUr0-00373-00092164-00092443 money into various of their systems what itwZm6AYUr0-00374-00092444-00092751 what is the implication for that for us itwZm6AYUr0-00375-00092752-00093057 with our alliances both in the Pacific itwZm6AYUr0-00376-00093058-00093282 and implications more globally for our itwZm6AYUr0-00377-00093283-00093598 national security let me go first yeah itwZm6AYUr0-00378-00093599-00093943 yeah coincidentally I spent about three itwZm6AYUr0-00379-00093944-00094113 hours down at the Defense Intelligence itwZm6AYUr0-00380-00094114-00094405 Agency last week actually the week itwZm6AYUr0-00381-00094406-00094813 before looking at the new generation of itwZm6AYUr0-00382-00094814-00095007 weapon systems some from Russia but itwZm6AYUr0-00383-00095008-00095442 primarily from China and you know if he itwZm6AYUr0-00384-00095443-00095710 said Sarah you've been to Africa or itwZm6AYUr0-00385-00095711-00095856 third world countries I'm sure in itwZm6AYUr0-00386-00095857-00096004 developing countries and it's itwZm6AYUr0-00387-00096005-00096154 interesting because you'll see people itwZm6AYUr0-00388-00096155-00096331 there who hold a cell phone who never itwZm6AYUr0-00389-00096332-00096538 held a landline never had a regular itwZm6AYUr0-00390-00096539-00096715 phone in their in their home and they itwZm6AYUr0-00391-00096716-00096886 skipped a generation they just went itwZm6AYUr0-00392-00096887-00097051 directly to cell phone and in fact not itwZm6AYUr0-00393-00097052-00097225 just a cell phone but a sophisticated itwZm6AYUr0-00394-00097226-00097462 smartphone and China has done much the itwZm6AYUr0-00395-00097463-00097644 same thing in weapons development they itwZm6AYUr0-00396-00097645-00097837 have been able to skip not just one itwZm6AYUr0-00397-00097838-00098019 generation in some cases two or three or itwZm6AYUr0-00398-00098020-00098206 four generations for the generation itwZm6AYUr0-00399-00098207-00098311 fighter being a good itwZm6AYUr0-00400-00098312-00098580 love it where you know 10 years ago itwZm6AYUr0-00401-00098581-00098809 years ago they had very little itwZm6AYUr0-00402-00098810-00099034 capability in some cases no capability itwZm6AYUr0-00403-00099035-00099300 in that and less emphasis overall yeah itwZm6AYUr0-00404-00099301-00099468 it wasn't their priority exactly and itwZm6AYUr0-00405-00099469-00099675 their and their priority was on their itwZm6AYUr0-00406-00099676-00100032 pla the People's Liberation Army the itwZm6AYUr0-00407-00100033-00100269 soldiers and they've had a dramatic itwZm6AYUr0-00408-00100270-00100461 shift in that so that now make that itwZm6AYUr0-00409-00100462-00100655 point second but completing this point itwZm6AYUr0-00410-00100656-00100863 we can't look at them and say they're itwZm6AYUr0-00411-00100864-00100996 backwards in their development of itwZm6AYUr0-00412-00100997-00101179 weapons it's just not true now itwZm6AYUr0-00413-00101180-00101418 unfortunately much of that technology itwZm6AYUr0-00414-00101419-00101671 was stolen from the West and and that's itwZm6AYUr0-00415-00101672-00101746 just a fact itwZm6AYUr0-00416-00101747-00102144 it just was and shame on us for so for itwZm6AYUr0-00417-00102145-00102472 so so for easily allowing them to do itwZm6AYUr0-00418-00102473-00102705 that but that we weren't as diligent as itwZm6AYUr0-00419-00102706-00102915 we could have been so the first thing is itwZm6AYUr0-00420-00102916-00103056 that that they are recommitted that itwZm6AYUr0-00421-00103057-00103201 they're skipping generations that the itwZm6AYUr0-00422-00103202-00103431 weapons that they are developing are are itwZm6AYUr0-00423-00103432-00103648 very very capable in some ways better itwZm6AYUr0-00424-00103649-00103839 than ours the second thing is there are itwZm6AYUr0-00425-00103840-00104004 EF assists the redirection of those itwZm6AYUr0-00426-00104005-00104214 weapons what matters still you know itwZm6AYUr0-00427-00104215-00104415 we're not going to invade China with itwZm6AYUr0-00428-00104416-00104623 conventional forces what's far more itwZm6AYUr0-00429-00104624-00104841 likely as we find ourselves in in a sea itwZm6AYUr0-00430-00104842-00104998 battle with China and they recognize itwZm6AYUr0-00431-00104999-00105193 that and so they're redirecting a lot of itwZm6AYUr0-00432-00105194-00105418 that increased capabilities towards itwZm6AYUr0-00433-00105419-00105682 their their Navy and protecting their itwZm6AYUr0-00434-00105683-00105852 region and being the dominant player in itwZm6AYUr0-00435-00105853-00105997 the region one good example of that is itwZm6AYUr0-00436-00105998-00106201 hypersonic and I'll land on this because itwZm6AYUr0-00437-00106202-00106338 I'd want to talk too long and give Dutch itwZm6AYUr0-00438-00106339-00106576 who's more knowledgeable on this and itwZm6AYUr0-00439-00106577-00106851 maybe I might be but once again the itwZm6AYUr0-00440-00106852-00107071 hypersonic missile system is one example itwZm6AYUr0-00441-00107072-00107245 and it's only one example but it's a itwZm6AYUr0-00442-00107246-00107293 good one itwZm6AYUr0-00443-00107294-00107449 and I remember talking with Admiral itwZm6AYUr0-00444-00107450-00107634 Harris again about you know this takes itwZm6AYUr0-00445-00107635-00107833 off our aircraft carriers it takes him itwZm6AYUr0-00446-00107833-00108015 off the board one of the foundations of itwZm6AYUr0-00447-00108016-00108295 our national security strategy and he itwZm6AYUr0-00448-00108296-00108477 said something interesting me and I kind itwZm6AYUr0-00449-00108478-00108609 of hate to quote him on that and so I'm itwZm6AYUr0-00450-00108610-00108777 going to speak more generally but you itwZm6AYUr0-00451-00108778-00108939 know he disagreed he said it doesn't itwZm6AYUr0-00452-00108940-00109134 take our carriers off the board and I itwZm6AYUr0-00453-00109135-00109329 said well would you would you lose one itwZm6AYUr0-00454-00109330-00109468 year carries or would you put it carry itwZm6AYUr0-00455-00109469-00109576 under threaten he said well we would itwZm6AYUr0-00456-00109577-00109788 have to well what an event that would be itwZm6AYUr0-00457-00109789-00109959 if we lost two carrier due to one of itwZm6AYUr0-00458-00109960-00110068 their missiles and they have very itwZm6AYUr0-00459-00110069-00110370 extensive capabilities in that so it itwZm6AYUr0-00460-00110371-00110688 complicates our strategy enormous Lee itwZm6AYUr0-00461-00110689-00110958 with with some of the real Phasis of of itwZm6AYUr0-00462-00110959-00111106 their weapons and systems again we I itwZm6AYUr0-00463-00111107-00111390 could go on but I want I can just say itwZm6AYUr0-00464-00111391-00111539 ditto yeah itwZm6AYUr0-00465-00111540-00111831 do you want to add oh yeah there I think itwZm6AYUr0-00466-00111832-00111995 if you look at China and their focus itwZm6AYUr0-00467-00111996-00112269 they are focusing to be the most itwZm6AYUr0-00468-00112270-00112449 powerful country in the world I think itwZm6AYUr0-00469-00112450-00112638 their goal is their 100th anniversary itwZm6AYUr0-00470-00112639-00113007 which is 2040 and we have to make sure itwZm6AYUr0-00471-00113008-00113247 that we maintain our superiority to itwZm6AYUr0-00472-00113248-00113430 protect our quality of life our itwZm6AYUr0-00473-00113431-00113609 democracy the things that we believe in itwZm6AYUr0-00474-00113610-00113880 that doesn't mean that we're going to itwZm6AYUr0-00475-00113881-00114108 stop China Rus or other countries from itwZm6AYUr0-00476-00114108-00114264 trying to develop their own weapons but itwZm6AYUr0-00477-00114265-00114504 it's serious one of the things that Kris itwZm6AYUr0-00478-00114505-00114702 you talked about was that a lot of what itwZm6AYUr0-00479-00114703-00115038 China has received and it's worth itwZm6AYUr0-00480-00115039-00115221 billions of dollars as they've stolen itwZm6AYUr0-00481-00115222-00115491 for many many years a lot of our itwZm6AYUr0-00482-00115492-00115784 technology because we years ago weren't itwZm6AYUr0-00483-00115785-00116043 where we are now as far as cyber itwZm6AYUr0-00484-00116044-00116325 security and and they have focused on itwZm6AYUr0-00485-00116326-00116558 space as an example they're going to the itwZm6AYUr0-00486-00116559-00116754 moon now the good news we've been to the itwZm6AYUr0-00487-00116755-00117021 moon and you know we've raised the flag itwZm6AYUr0-00488-00117022-00117267 took the pictures and all that we're itwZm6AYUr0-00489-00117268-00117408 going back to the moon the next time itwZm6AYUr0-00490-00117408-00117699 hopefully without man because we're itwZm6AYUr0-00491-00117700-00117833 going to do research in that type of itwZm6AYUr0-00492-00117834-00118058 thing but when you have when you control itwZm6AYUr0-00493-00118059-00118422 the skies sometimes you you control the itwZm6AYUr0-00494-00118423-00118467 world itwZm6AYUr0-00495-00118468-00118661 you know when we became so powerful itwZm6AYUr0-00496-00118663-00118953 within this country there was years ago itwZm6AYUr0-00497-00118954-00119166 Russia put up something called Sputnik itwZm6AYUr0-00498-00119167-00119355 and it really worried the United States itwZm6AYUr0-00499-00119356-00119631 so at that point JFK was the president itwZm6AYUr0-00500-00119632-00119841 and he put put billions of dollars in itwZm6AYUr0-00501-00119842-00120035 investments and we became you know the itwZm6AYUr0-00502-00120036-00120456 the superiority in space and space just itwZm6AYUr0-00503-00120457-00120608 isn't about having satellites looking itwZm6AYUr0-00504-00120609-00120884 down it's GPS there's so many different itwZm6AYUr0-00505-00120885-00121058 things that that we do and deal with itwZm6AYUr0-00506-00121059-00121266 space and yet China and Russia right now itwZm6AYUr0-00507-00121267-00121446 are up there with us and so we have to itwZm6AYUr0-00508-00121447-00121851 maintain where we are China right now is itwZm6AYUr0-00509-00121852-00122111 is investing a tremendous amount of itwZm6AYUr0-00510-00122113-00122309 money and again getting back to them itwZm6AYUr0-00511-00122310-00122550 stealing information from us itwZm6AYUr0-00512-00122551-00122805 I used to say about ten seven eight itwZm6AYUr0-00513-00122806-00123015 years ago in speeches China's stealing itwZm6AYUr0-00514-00123016-00123204 from us they're stealing a lot of money itwZm6AYUr0-00515-00123205-00123354 I'd say they're stealing ten billion itwZm6AYUr0-00516-00123355-00123608 dollars I hate to say this folks but itwZm6AYUr0-00517-00123609-00123933 right now the amount of money that China itwZm6AYUr0-00518-00123933-00124224 has been stealing from our country even itwZm6AYUr0-00519-00124225-00124431 fertilizer companies because they're the itwZm6AYUr0-00520-00124432-00124650 fertilizer business is six hundred itwZm6AYUr0-00521-00124651-00124779 billion dollars itwZm6AYUr0-00522-00124780-00125036 that's a lot of money and that's what we itwZm6AYUr0-00523-00125038-00125199 have to deal with and we have to let itwZm6AYUr0-00524-00125200-00125439 China know sooner this has got to stop itwZm6AYUr0-00525-00125440-00125721 and you know we we all are in the cyber itwZm6AYUr0-00526-00125722-00125901 business but we in the United States itwZm6AYUr0-00527-00125902-00126141 don't steal products from other country itwZm6AYUr0-00528-00126142-00126324 that's got to be a standard that it's itwZm6AYUr0-00529-00126325-00126492 that we have to stand by and is strong itwZm6AYUr0-00530-00126493-00126807 China needs to know that you know the itwZm6AYUr0-00531-00126808-00127026 aircraft carrier issue we have the best itwZm6AYUr0-00532-00127027-00127208 aircraft carriers of the world and there itwZm6AYUr0-00533-00127209-00127476 are awesome 5,000 people and a lot of itwZm6AYUr0-00534-00127477-00127656 it's classified what they do but you itwZm6AYUr0-00535-00127657-00127890 have an aircraft carrier s Chiron you itwZm6AYUr0-00536-00127891-00128210 know outside of your country the the the itwZm6AYUr0-00537-00128211-00128442 Jets that we use in the wars in Iraq and itwZm6AYUr0-00538-00128443-00128619 Afghanistan come up with those aircraft itwZm6AYUr0-00539-00128620-00128853 carriers and China is now developing itwZm6AYUr0-00540-00128854-00129024 their first aircraft carrier the good itwZm6AYUr0-00541-00129025-00129219 news unless they steal more from us itwZm6AYUr0-00542-00129220-00129414 they're not going to be able to be as itwZm6AYUr0-00543-00129415-00129606 sophisticated as we are for probably the itwZm6AYUr0-00544-00129607-00129879 next 10 years but it gives us the itwZm6AYUr0-00545-00129880-00130143 opportunity to do the things we need to itwZm6AYUr0-00546-00130144-00130275 do and I said in the opening statement itwZm6AYUr0-00547-00130276-00130554 sequestration really hurt our military itwZm6AYUr0-00548-00130555-00130736 and with the military and Chris will itwZm6AYUr0-00549-00130738-00130857 tell you this when they get an order itwZm6AYUr0-00550-00130858-00131097 that yes sir no sir and when they get itwZm6AYUr0-00551-00131098-00131241 these budgets that aren't where they itwZm6AYUr0-00552-00131242-00131475 need to be it puts us behind and the itwZm6AYUr0-00553-00131476-00131688 good news now we have the budgets moving itwZm6AYUr0-00554-00131689-00131886 forward as long as we can maintain our itwZm6AYUr0-00555-00131887-00132147 bipartisan relationship in the future itwZm6AYUr0-00556-00132148-00132438 and on this issue of the threat this is itwZm6AYUr0-00557-00132439-00132780 a lot of it due to the hacking the IP itwZm6AYUr0-00558-00132781-00133344 theft those kinds of methods right yes itwZm6AYUr0-00559-00133345-00133695 and do you see those methods evolving in itwZm6AYUr0-00560-00133696-00133968 ways that we're able to keep up with itwZm6AYUr0-00561-00133969-00134148 every day you have to stay ahead of the itwZm6AYUr0-00562-00134149-00134466 technology every day you know I do I do itwZm6AYUr0-00563-00134467-00134625 a lot of the cyber I actually represent itwZm6AYUr0-00564-00134626-00134937 NSA so I deal with a lot of cyber issues itwZm6AYUr0-00565-00134938-00135165 and by the way folks the United States itwZm6AYUr0-00566-00135166-00135378 of America NSA is not listening to you itwZm6AYUr0-00567-00135379-00135615 illegally they have standards that are a itwZm6AYUr0-00568-00135616-00135792 lot stronger than people know they itwZm6AYUr0-00569-00135793-00135993 probably do more to help our country in itwZm6AYUr0-00570-00135994-00136143 getting information and intelligence itwZm6AYUr0-00571-00136144-00136338 dealing with these threats from Russia itwZm6AYUr0-00572-00136339-00136758 China Iran Iraq Afghanistan Isis and and itwZm6AYUr0-00573-00136759-00136958 that's very important very relevant so itwZm6AYUr0-00574-00136959-00137208 and that gets even back to our schools itwZm6AYUr0-00575-00137209-00137499 and to develop STEM education and to itwZm6AYUr0-00576-00137500-00137754 make sure that future generations our itwZm6AYUr0-00577-00137755-00137868 challenges itwZm6AYUr0-00578-00137869-00138045 where we need to be to stay ahead of the itwZm6AYUr0-00579-00138046-00138267 threat of a Russia in China because itwZm6AYUr0-00580-00138268-00138555 again China China is known to be itwZm6AYUr0-00581-00138556-00138729 aggressive in the intelligence community itwZm6AYUr0-00582-00138730-00139035 and spying they have more spies probably itwZm6AYUr0-00583-00139036-00139209 in the world than anybody else and they itwZm6AYUr0-00584-00139210-00139422 do more hacking than probably anyone itwZm6AYUr0-00585-00139423-00139719 else but the thing that bothers me they itwZm6AYUr0-00586-00139720-00139878 are they're stealing all of this itwZm6AYUr0-00587-00139879-00140178 information we we don't anticipate a itwZm6AYUr0-00588-00140179-00140397 destructive attack with China oh my gosh itwZm6AYUr0-00589-00140398-00140550 we owed China close to a trillion itwZm6AYUr0-00590-00140551-00140907 dollars and and so China is just looking itwZm6AYUr0-00591-00140908-00141150 to grow and and and to gain influence itwZm6AYUr0-00592-00141151-00141321 and that's what they're doing and that's itwZm6AYUr0-00593-00141322-00141594 what they're trying to do let me let me itwZm6AYUr0-00594-00141595-00141870 turn to a piece of legislation before we itwZm6AYUr0-00595-00141871-00142125 go on can I very quickly on yes because itwZm6AYUr0-00596-00142126-00142302 I want to conclude with the military and itwZm6AYUr0-00597-00142303-00142530 then feedback comment that's just talked itwZm6AYUr0-00598-00142531-00142695 about there a couple things to itwZm6AYUr0-00599-00142696-00142833 understand about the military and this itwZm6AYUr0-00600-00142834-00142908 is good itwZm6AYUr0-00601-00142909-00143106 President Xi promised our president in itwZm6AYUr0-00602-00143107-00143274 2015 when they were expanding these itwZm6AYUr0-00603-00143275-00143475 atolls in the South China Sea as they itwZm6AYUr0-00604-00143476-00143694 were doing he promised us he promised itwZm6AYUr0-00605-00143695-00143862 our president we will not militarize itwZm6AYUr0-00606-00143863-00144162 these and immediately after that they itwZm6AYUr0-00607-00144163-00144477 did and they have very effectively and itwZm6AYUr0-00608-00144478-00144681 they've essentially expanded their their itwZm6AYUr0-00609-00144682-00144861 territory and it region influence very itwZm6AYUr0-00610-00144862-00145032 effectively because of that which is why itwZm6AYUr0-00611-00145033-00145287 it's so important just yesterday for us itwZm6AYUr0-00612-00145288-00145563 to you know maintain the reality that itwZm6AYUr0-00613-00145564-00145767 this is not Chinese territory these are itwZm6AYUr0-00614-00145768-00145923 international waters international itwZm6AYUr0-00615-00145924-00146166 airspace you had b-52s flying to through itwZm6AYUr0-00616-00146167-00146322 a contested areas the aid is there a itwZm6AYUr0-00617-00146323-00146529 defense identification zone but we have itwZm6AYUr0-00618-00146530-00146712 to state that clearly now and not waver itwZm6AYUr0-00619-00146713-00147018 on that we're not going to concede you itwZm6AYUr0-00620-00147019-00147299 know hundreds of millions of acres of itwZm6AYUr0-00621-00147300-00147645 water and air to China just because itwZm6AYUr0-00622-00147646-00147852 they've made this claim that these are itwZm6AYUr0-00623-00147853-00148005 international waters international itwZm6AYUr0-00624-00148006-00148203 airspace we have to be firm on that and itwZm6AYUr0-00625-00148204-00148407 then the second thing that the Dutch we itwZm6AYUr0-00626-00148408-00148530 kind of transition to and that's the itwZm6AYUr0-00627-00148531-00148647 cyber and I'll just say about that very itwZm6AYUr0-00628-00148648-00148890 quickly one of the great challenges we itwZm6AYUr0-00629-00148891-00149166 have is an example of this project maven itwZm6AYUr0-00630-00149167-00149442 where we are spending a boatload of itwZm6AYUr0-00631-00149443-00149828 money and I'll that's a very scientific itwZm6AYUr0-00632-00149829-00150129 boatload of money on on our own itwZm6AYUr0-00633-00150130-00150435 artificial intelligence efforts to stay itwZm6AYUr0-00634-00150436-00150597 in the lead on that and look the United itwZm6AYUr0-00635-00150598-00150762 States for whatever reason our culture itwZm6AYUr0-00636-00150763-00151008 we are the creative genius of the world itwZm6AYUr0-00637-00151009-00151190 we have this creative spark that other itwZm6AYUr0-00638-00151191-00151410 countries just can't quite mimic that itwZm6AYUr0-00639-00151411-00151563 that's just not enough we have to have a itwZm6AYUr0-00640-00151564-00151751 committed and in a fiduciary itwZm6AYUr0-00641-00151752-00151974 responsibility to being lead on this itwZm6AYUr0-00642-00151975-00152121 because China very clearly wants to be itwZm6AYUr0-00643-00152122-00152256 the leader on artificial intelligence itwZm6AYUr0-00644-00152257-00152469 which then makes their cyber and all of itwZm6AYUr0-00645-00152470-00152688 these other capabilities so much more itwZm6AYUr0-00646-00152689-00152883 threatening with a lot of government itwZm6AYUr0-00647-00152884-00153072 support and investment oh you know on itwZm6AYUr0-00648-00153073-00153546 the artificial by the Chinese and we itwZm6AYUr0-00649-00153547-00153723 have to that's a government function as itwZm6AYUr0-00650-00153724-00153912 well we can't rely on the market alone itwZm6AYUr0-00651-00153913-00154103 to do that we have to direct and also itwZm6AYUr0-00652-00154104-00154461 facilitate that so I wanted to get to a itwZm6AYUr0-00653-00154462-00154601 piece of legislation that you've been itwZm6AYUr0-00654-00154602-00154950 very instrumental in passing which is itwZm6AYUr0-00655-00154951-00155216 the committee of foreign investment in itwZm6AYUr0-00656-00155217-00155489 the u.s. known as sophia's to those in itwZm6AYUr0-00657-00155490-00155763 the know which reviews foreign itwZm6AYUr0-00658-00155764-00155994 investment in US businesses that might itwZm6AYUr0-00659-00155995-00156270 pose national security yeah threat so itwZm6AYUr0-00660-00156271-00156534 tell us what Cepheus is why it's itwZm6AYUr0-00661-00156535-00156788 important and why these reforms are so itwZm6AYUr0-00662-00156789-00156953 important I'd be curious I won't make itwZm6AYUr0-00663-00156954-00157074 people raise their hand but I'd be itwZm6AYUr0-00664-00157075-00157229 curious if I said how many of you know itwZm6AYUr0-00665-00157230-00157398 what Sofia says and how'd you do that itwZm6AYUr0-00666-00157399-00157966 well how many knows that's surprising itwZm6AYUr0-00667-00157967-00158361 because most people even in even in you itwZm6AYUr0-00668-00158362-00158540 know our area of work don't so this itwZm6AYUr0-00669-00158541-00158690 Committee on foreign investment in u.s. itwZm6AYUr0-00670-00158691-00158891 essentially it's regulation the you know itwZm6AYUr0-00671-00158892-00159128 goes back to the 70s stating we need to itwZm6AYUr0-00672-00159129-00159290 protect our national security when we itwZm6AYUr0-00673-00159291-00159413 have foreign investment there are itwZm6AYUr0-00674-00159414-00159672 national conservative security overlaps itwZm6AYUr0-00675-00159673-00159846 there that we need to be aware of and be itwZm6AYUr0-00676-00159847-00160095 able to control in some circumstances itwZm6AYUr0-00677-00160096-00160356 well the regulatory effort there and the itwZm6AYUr0-00678-00160357-00160512 capabilities just simply were itwZm6AYUr0-00679-00160513-00160818 insufficient I mean by a vast margin and itwZm6AYUr0-00680-00160819-00161046 we've been trying for several years now itwZm6AYUr0-00681-00161047-00161295 to upgrade update that we did so itwZm6AYUr0-00682-00161296-00161552 recently with a bill called firma which itwZm6AYUr0-00683-00161553-00161772 is another version of citius but I've itwZm6AYUr0-00684-00161773-00161943 always argued and I think this is such a itwZm6AYUr0-00685-00161944-00162024 critical point itwZm6AYUr0-00686-00162025-00162270 I don't think China or Russia or any itwZm6AYUr0-00687-00162271-00162452 other nation can destroy us I don't itwZm6AYUr0-00688-00162453-00162711 believe that but I think that we can itwZm6AYUr0-00689-00162712-00162989 commit suicide and that's essentially itwZm6AYUr0-00690-00162990-00163125 what we're doing in some ways by itwZm6AYUr0-00691-00163126-00163356 assisting China and our adversaries in itwZm6AYUr0-00692-00163357-00163584 having a powerful position over us and itwZm6AYUr0-00693-00163585-00163749 so you've had something like a seven itwZm6AYUr0-00694-00163750-00163926 hundred percent increase in Chinese itwZm6AYUr0-00695-00163927-00164094 investment in high-tech itwZm6AYUr0-00696-00164095-00164325 very sensitive industries in the last itwZm6AYUr0-00697-00164326-00164571 few years and we did that without itwZm6AYUr0-00698-00164572-00164828 adequate oversight and so Burma with the itwZm6AYUr0-00699-00164829-00165027 new version of Cepheus allows the itwZm6AYUr0-00700-00165028-00165159 greater resources and a greater itwZm6AYUr0-00701-00165160-00165444 authority to go in and look at some of itwZm6AYUr0-00702-00165445-00165693 these investments and say are we selling itwZm6AYUr0-00703-00165694-00165972 very sensitive national security secrets itwZm6AYUr0-00704-00165973-00166339 to China for for nothing but money and itwZm6AYUr0-00705-00166340-00166652 financial benefits of that and it allows itwZm6AYUr0-00706-00166653-00166850 us to have a much broader and a much itwZm6AYUr0-00707-00166851-00167129 much more involved review of some of itwZm6AYUr0-00708-00167130-00167271 those transactions and I could give you itwZm6AYUr0-00709-00167272-00167484 many many examples of it but I didn't itwZm6AYUr0-00710-00167485-00167661 need to you can imagine yourself if you itwZm6AYUr0-00711-00167662-00167844 have a chip maker that has a very itwZm6AYUr0-00712-00167845-00168051 proprietary very important element that itwZm6AYUr0-00713-00168052-00168282 is essential to our national security itwZm6AYUr0-00714-00168283-00168447 they should be partnered with a Chinese itwZm6AYUr0-00715-00168448-00168606 company that will then have access and itwZm6AYUr0-00716-00168607-00168866 steal that technology and this had itwZm6AYUr0-00717-00168867-00169063 bipartisan support absolutely itwZm6AYUr0-00718-00169064-00169328 and Chris is considered an expert in itwZm6AYUr0-00719-00169329-00169514 Sofia see he really knows and it's itwZm6AYUr0-00720-00169515-00169691 focused on that let me tell me an itwZm6AYUr0-00721-00169692-00169902 example how ha was involved when I was itwZm6AYUr0-00722-00169903-00169991 the ranking member of the Intelligence itwZm6AYUr0-00723-00169992-00170264 Committee and my co-chair of the chair itwZm6AYUr0-00724-00170265-00170477 Mike Rogers and I did an investigation itwZm6AYUr0-00725-00170478-00170877 on Huawei and ZTE - to private the itwZm6AYUr0-00726-00170878-00171111 largest telecom companies in China and itwZm6AYUr0-00727-00171112-00171393 in the world and they were in our itwZm6AYUr0-00728-00171394-00171561 country and they were attempting to grow itwZm6AYUr0-00729-00171562-00171713 and wouldn't put their infrastructure in itwZm6AYUr0-00730-00171714-00171953 our country and we got very concerned itwZm6AYUr0-00731-00171954-00172194 because of the way it was happening and itwZm6AYUr0-00732-00172195-00172497 that they didn't weren't going to grow itwZm6AYUr0-00733-00172498-00172725 and pursuant to our standards which itwZm6AYUr0-00734-00172726-00173063 would protect our citizens anyone the itwZm6AYUr0-00735-00173064-00173421 way we saw it who had this technology itwZm6AYUr0-00736-00173422-00173666 that allowed the Chinese government to itwZm6AYUr0-00737-00173667-00174057 be able to listen and see and get itwZm6AYUr0-00738-00174058-00174273 information what we were doing we had an itwZm6AYUr0-00739-00174274-00174476 open hearing and they had a head of itwZm6AYUr0-00740-00174477-00174993 Huawei and ZTE I asked the question I itwZm6AYUr0-00741-00174994-00175143 said you know you're in a Chinese itwZm6AYUr0-00742-00175144-00175407 country whatever in the end your itwZm6AYUr0-00743-00175408-00175557 government says that's what you have to itwZm6AYUr0-00744-00175558-00175751 do even if you're a president or itwZm6AYUr0-00745-00175752-00175974 chairman of a major company like like itwZm6AYUr0-00746-00175975-00176279 Huawei and if you're your leadership itwZm6AYUr0-00747-00176280-00176496 tells you when you're in our country and itwZm6AYUr0-00748-00176497-00176673 you're selling your equipment to our itwZm6AYUr0-00749-00176674-00176874 citizens we want you to get information itwZm6AYUr0-00750-00176875-00177183 you deny them you could go to jail and itwZm6AYUr0-00751-00177184-00177345 these are the these itwZm6AYUr0-00752-00177346-00177563 that we were dealing with and that itwZm6AYUr0-00753-00177564-00177831 really upset Huawei and ZTE to the point itwZm6AYUr0-00754-00177832-00178161 where I visited the founder which most itwZm6AYUr0-00755-00178162-00178350 people don't know him he doesn't come itwZm6AYUr0-00756-00178351-00178635 out a lot the founder of Huawei and we itwZm6AYUr0-00757-00178636-00178872 met in Hong Kong and we had it was like itwZm6AYUr0-00758-00178873-00179082 a deposition for me asking questions and itwZm6AYUr0-00759-00179083-00179406 and they refused early to work with us itwZm6AYUr0-00760-00179407-00179663 now we know it it's a global economy we itwZm6AYUr0-00761-00179664-00179871 know there's competition but when it itwZm6AYUr0-00762-00179872-00180045 comes to protecting our security itwZm6AYUr0-00763-00180046-00180278 interests our number-one priorities itwZm6AYUr0-00764-00180279-00180450 what's best for our countries and we itwZm6AYUr0-00765-00180451-00180614 felt very strongly the way that they itwZm6AYUr0-00766-00180615-00180834 were attempting to grow was wrong and it itwZm6AYUr0-00767-00180835-00181013 would it would really put us in a bad itwZm6AYUr0-00768-00181014-00181419 situation and Huawei was in England and itwZm6AYUr0-00769-00181420-00181635 alien was having those problems so we itwZm6AYUr0-00770-00181636-00181908 work with Australia and and Mike Rogers itwZm6AYUr0-00771-00181909-00182126 and I publicly because when you're on itwZm6AYUr0-00772-00182127-00182307 the Intelligence Committee you can't itwZm6AYUr0-00773-00182308-00182552 charge but we went on 60 minutes and we itwZm6AYUr0-00774-00182553-00182775 told about the threat when Huawei and itwZm6AYUr0-00775-00182776-00183111 ZTE and as a result they didn't go itwZm6AYUr0-00776-00183112-00183336 forward well the years later they've itwZm6AYUr0-00777-00183337-00183498 come back and they want to come back in itwZm6AYUr0-00778-00183499-00183696 and to an extent they have one thing itwZm6AYUr0-00779-00183697-00183843 that just concerned me recently though itwZm6AYUr0-00780-00183844-00184241 is that they were selling some of our itwZm6AYUr0-00781-00184242-00184425 technology with it was in their itwZm6AYUr0-00782-00184426-00184599 equipment and they were selling it that itwZm6AYUr0-00783-00184600-00184952 to Iran and also to North Korea and the itwZm6AYUr0-00784-00184953-00185354 good news is that President Trump put itwZm6AYUr0-00785-00185355-00185591 sanctions we had strong sanctions with itwZm6AYUr0-00786-00185592-00185891 Congress on then because of that but itwZm6AYUr0-00787-00185892-00186140 then all of a sudden a month later our itwZm6AYUr0-00788-00186141-00186357 president takes those sanctions off now itwZm6AYUr0-00789-00186358-00186491 I'm not going to get into any of the itwZm6AYUr0-00790-00186492-00186696 politics or whatever but you know you itwZm6AYUr0-00791-00186697-00186936 you have to have reasons for doing itwZm6AYUr0-00792-00186937-00187214 things and so at this point they're itwZm6AYUr0-00793-00187215-00187470 aggressively Rahway and ZTE or trying to itwZm6AYUr0-00794-00187471-00187727 come back in our country we we're trying itwZm6AYUr0-00795-00187728-00187976 to make sure we we stop them unless they itwZm6AYUr0-00796-00187977-00188278 do it pursuant to our standards itwZm6AYUr0-00797-00188279-00188922 so military aggression IP threat cyber itwZm6AYUr0-00798-00188923-00189312 aggression we've been talking about a itwZm6AYUr0-00799-00189313-00189648 lot of the the threats China is itwZm6AYUr0-00800-00189649-00189872 obviously seeking to be a global power itwZm6AYUr0-00801-00189873-00190166 do you see bright spots in the itwZm6AYUr0-00802-00190167-00190388 relationship do you see places where our itwZm6AYUr0-00803-00190389-00190508 interests are itwZm6AYUr0-00804-00190509-00190872 such that we could identify constructive itwZm6AYUr0-00805-00190873-00191121 ways of working together for common itwZm6AYUr0-00806-00191122-00191499 goals I'll defer to how you remember for itwZm6AYUr0-00807-00191500-00191658 me okay I'm a Democrat let's talk about itwZm6AYUr0-00808-00191659-00191907 the environment I think China has a very itwZm6AYUr0-00809-00191908-00192057 serious problem itwZm6AYUr0-00810-00192058-00192291 have you anybody here been to China and itwZm6AYUr0-00811-00192292-00192534 you know the smog how serious it is and itwZm6AYUr0-00812-00192535-00192798 they have realized I think air for the itwZm6AYUr0-00813-00192799-00192969 Olympics that they had to do they had itwZm6AYUr0-00814-00192970-00193167 when they had the Olympics that they had itwZm6AYUr0-00815-00193168-00193383 to do something so I think we have a lot itwZm6AYUr0-00816-00193384-00193602 of common interests and China probably itwZm6AYUr0-00817-00193603-00193815 has more cars than any other country in itwZm6AYUr0-00818-00193816-00194043 the world and they have our cars for itwZm6AYUr0-00819-00194044-00194343 some reason they like Buicks but that's itwZm6AYUr0-00820-00194344-00194613 that didn't add comment about Buick they itwZm6AYUr0-00821-00194614-00194751 just like have a lot of viewers there itwZm6AYUr0-00822-00194752-00195051 but you know we have we we have what you itwZm6AYUr0-00823-00195052-00195459 call a backpedal yeah look I have a GMC itwZm6AYUr0-00824-00195460-00195654 so they're the same line they're their itwZm6AYUr0-00825-00195655-00195981 family anyhow getting back to the you itwZm6AYUr0-00826-00195982-00196254 know yet you you have a situation where itwZm6AYUr0-00827-00196255-00196440 if we can work together and because of itwZm6AYUr0-00828-00196441-00196794 good minds they have China graduates a itwZm6AYUr0-00829-00196795-00197025 lot more engineers than we do now I will itwZm6AYUr0-00830-00197026-00197277 say this that our our institutions and itwZm6AYUr0-00831-00197278-00197505 our universities are considered to be itwZm6AYUr0-00832-00197506-00197745 superior and so and we have an upper itwZm6AYUr0-00833-00197746-00197997 hand a lot of Chinese people who have a itwZm6AYUr0-00834-00197998-00198180 lot of money want their children to come itwZm6AYUr0-00835-00198181-00198375 to the United States and their programs itwZm6AYUr0-00836-00198376-00198618 to do that and I don't think that's a itwZm6AYUr0-00837-00198619-00198795 bad thing as long as they're there for itwZm6AYUr0-00838-00198796-00199014 the right reason what we have have to itwZm6AYUr0-00839-00199015-00199281 have to to deal with though is to make itwZm6AYUr0-00840-00199282-00199440 sure that they're not stealing itwZm6AYUr0-00841-00199441-00199626 information and usually it to our itwZm6AYUr0-00842-00199627-00199806 disadvantage another area is itwZm6AYUr0-00843-00199807-00199881 infrastructure itwZm6AYUr0-00844-00199882-00200124 I mean infrastructure is something that itwZm6AYUr0-00845-00200125-00200310 we have to meet moving forward it itwZm6AYUr0-00846-00200311-00200535 creates a lot of jobs and again China itwZm6AYUr0-00847-00200536-00200751 has has invested about a hundred and itwZm6AYUr0-00848-00200752-00200976 seventy-five billion dollars in our itwZm6AYUr0-00849-00200977-00201204 country but and we have a debt to them itwZm6AYUr0-00850-00201205-00201477 close you know close to what is it a itwZm6AYUr0-00851-00201478-00201651 hundred billion now or what was I've got itwZm6AYUr0-00852-00201652-00201918 my figure in there and and because we itwZm6AYUr0-00853-00201919-00202152 are the money we should work together I itwZm6AYUr0-00854-00202153-00202383 think there's no question China is going itwZm6AYUr0-00855-00202384-00202581 to be strong they're powerful they're itwZm6AYUr0-00856-00202582-00202872 educating their population so we always itwZm6AYUr0-00857-00202873-00203052 will have to be there together in this itwZm6AYUr0-00858-00203053-00203265 earth and the more that we can work itwZm6AYUr0-00859-00203266-00203451 together with them and develop these itwZm6AYUr0-00860-00203452-00203641 issues and the more we can let them know itwZm6AYUr0-00861-00203642-00203863 that in our standards you don't steal we itwZm6AYUr0-00862-00203864-00204059 don't steal from you you got to stop itwZm6AYUr0-00863-00204060-00204265 this stealing and when we can work these itwZm6AYUr0-00864-00204266-00204523 issues out and I give President Trump itwZm6AYUr0-00865-00204524-00204743 credit for calling in these issues out itwZm6AYUr0-00866-00204744-00205127 as far as you know stop doing the things itwZm6AYUr0-00867-00205128-00205369 that are disadvantage to our country we itwZm6AYUr0-00868-00205371-00205540 need a more level playing field and itwZm6AYUr0-00869-00205541-00205687 that's what we have to do in our itwZm6AYUr0-00870-00205688-00206041 relationship with China before we turn itwZm6AYUr0-00871-00206042-00206479 to the audience questions what what do itwZm6AYUr0-00872-00206480-00206648 you see as China's long-term objective itwZm6AYUr0-00873-00206648-00206962 hmm well that's a great question that is itwZm6AYUr0-00874-00206963-00207173 the question in many ways and I would itwZm6AYUr0-00875-00207173-00207388 actually kind of build a foundation for itwZm6AYUr0-00876-00207389-00207527 that by again itwZm6AYUr0-00877-00207528-00207730 piggybacking on some things that Duchess itwZm6AYUr0-00878-00207731-00208006 said I don't think China is full of bad itwZm6AYUr0-00879-00208007-00208333 people at all I think if you'll allow a itwZm6AYUr0-00880-00208334-00208571 personal observation I their personal itwZm6AYUr0-00881-00208571-00208705 belief I think we are all children of itwZm6AYUr0-00882-00208706-00208919 the same God regardless of where you itwZm6AYUr0-00883-00208919-00209144 live where what your culture is and that itwZm6AYUr0-00884-00209144-00209266 most people are good people itwZm6AYUr0-00885-00209267-00209579 so in these experiencing my concerns I itwZm6AYUr0-00886-00209580-00209762 don't mean indicate China's bad bad itwZm6AYUr0-00887-00209763-00209903 people I don't believe that at all but itwZm6AYUr0-00888-00209904-00210121 Chinese leadership has a very different itwZm6AYUr0-00889-00210123-00210719 view of their values then then US does I itwZm6AYUr0-00890-00210719-00210971 believe they're not a democracy itwZm6AYUr0-00891-00210971-00211163 President Xi isn't gonna step aside itwZm6AYUr0-00892-00211164-00211321 either they don't have free and fair itwZm6AYUr0-00893-00211323-00211555 elections they don't value human dignity itwZm6AYUr0-00894-00211556-00211739 the same way that that we do I believe itwZm6AYUr0-00895-00211740-00211913 and so I think we have to look at them itwZm6AYUr0-00896-00211914-00212071 through a prism of they're not bad itwZm6AYUr0-00897-00212073-00212327 people and we need to find areas that we itwZm6AYUr0-00898-00212328-00212477 can agree and accommodate but on the itwZm6AYUr0-00899-00212478-00212596 other hand they view the world very itwZm6AYUr0-00900-00212598-00212758 differently than we do and that's just itwZm6AYUr0-00901-00212759-00212956 truth so how do we work within that itwZm6AYUr0-00902-00212957-00213271 framework and the second thing now itwZm6AYUr0-00903-00213273-00213505 coming to your question now what are itwZm6AYUr0-00904-00213506-00213716 Chinese goals and ambitions well they're itwZm6AYUr0-00905-00213717-00213973 very clear on that it's not as it's not itwZm6AYUr0-00906-00213975-00214202 a secret if you want to understand it go itwZm6AYUr0-00907-00214203-00214528 read made in China 2025 which is their itwZm6AYUr0-00908-00214529-00214802 their goal which they're methodically itwZm6AYUr0-00909-00214803-00214984 achieving and by and large have achieved itwZm6AYUr0-00910-00214985-00215155 and that is to be independent of any itwZm6AYUr0-00911-00215156-00215387 Western technology for anything that itwZm6AYUr0-00912-00215388-00215648 they need to to have had all the through itwZm6AYUr0-00913-00215648-00215935 whatever means necessary that they've itwZm6AYUr0-00914-00215936-00216116 used to be able to manufacture and itwZm6AYUr0-00915-00216117-00216256 produce anything essential to their itwZm6AYUr0-00916-00216257-00216409 economy their infrastructure their itwZm6AYUr0-00917-00216410-00216677 military and they've they've done that itwZm6AYUr0-00918-00216678-00216812 very effectively and if you want to know itwZm6AYUr0-00919-00216813-00216902 what their real long-term itwZm6AYUr0-00920-00216903-00217137 goals are beyond that read one belt one itwZm6AYUr0-00921-00217138-00217565 road which is you know 100th anniversary itwZm6AYUr0-00922-00217566-00217760 creation the Communist Party in China itwZm6AYUr0-00923-00217761-00218332 and 2048 and it describes very very itwZm6AYUr0-00924-00218333-00218654 simply there I don't want to say itwZm6AYUr0-00925-00218655-00218838 ambition because it's more than ambition itwZm6AYUr0-00926-00218839-00219092 but because it's a methodical plan that itwZm6AYUr0-00927-00219093-00219293 again they're effectively came out to be itwZm6AYUr0-00928-00219294-00219596 not just the dominant influence in the itwZm6AYUr0-00929-00219597-00219878 region but to be the dominant influence itwZm6AYUr0-00930-00219879-00220184 in the world and and I think that itwZm6AYUr0-00931-00220185-00220346 they're committed to that I think that itwZm6AYUr0-00932-00220347-00220526 that is their intention I think they itwZm6AYUr0-00933-00220527-00220831 view that they're right as a rising as a itwZm6AYUr0-00934-00220832-00221115 rising power and the question we come itwZm6AYUr0-00935-00221116-00221273 down to the is this and I've had I've itwZm6AYUr0-00936-00221274-00221432 actually had the chance to ask President itwZm6AYUr0-00937-00221433-00221603 Xi and other ministers this question the itwZm6AYUr0-00938-00221604-00221840 think it ease the thicket ease tap that itwZm6AYUr0-00939-00221841-00221981 we're all familiar with and I heard that itwZm6AYUr0-00940-00221982-00222149 pronounced differently and so if I did itwZm6AYUr0-00941-00222150-00222434 it wrong forgive me but it is this idea itwZm6AYUr0-00942-00222435-00222593 going back to you know ancient Greek itwZm6AYUr0-00943-00222594-00222791 philosopher Kant a rising power and an itwZm6AYUr0-00944-00222792-00223055 established power as the as one rises itwZm6AYUr0-00945-00223056-00223220 will they come into conflict in history itwZm6AYUr0-00946-00223221-00223376 shows us that they almost always do itwZm6AYUr0-00947-00223377-00223563 about 80 percent at the time and our itwZm6AYUr0-00948-00223564-00223839 challenge is it's to avoid that and to itwZm6AYUr0-00949-00223840-00224013 be able to have China rise which they itwZm6AYUr0-00950-00224014-00224192 will and I understand that and I'm not itwZm6AYUr0-00951-00224193-00224453 saying they shouldn't but can we do it itwZm6AYUr0-00952-00224454-00224624 in such a way that we value human rights itwZm6AYUr0-00953-00224625-00224918 value democracy value Western priorities itwZm6AYUr0-00954-00224919-00225203 and not come into a military conflict as itwZm6AYUr0-00955-00225204-00225404 a result of that well and since we're at itwZm6AYUr0-00956-00225405-00225641 the u.s. Institute of Peace who with the itwZm6AYUr0-00957-00225642-00225944 vision of preventing and resolving itwZm6AYUr0-00958-00225945-00226151 violent conflict that is that is the itwZm6AYUr0-00959-00226152-00226328 critical question but let me build on itwZm6AYUr0-00960-00226329-00226598 what you just said with the first itwZm6AYUr0-00961-00226599-00226946 question from our audience which is do itwZm6AYUr0-00962-00226947-00227225 you believe the true goal of China in itwZm6AYUr0-00963-00227226-00227531 Africa is to acquire natural resources itwZm6AYUr0-00964-00227532-00227978 or to position itself in Africa to itwZm6AYUr0-00965-00227979-00228434 access space for China and create for itwZm6AYUr0-00966-00228435-00228668 cyber and create an orbit to fulfill itwZm6AYUr0-00967-00228669-00228872 their political and economic goals all itwZm6AYUr0-00968-00228873-00229166 of the above I mean China is growing and itwZm6AYUr0-00969-00229167-00229349 they want to be the dominant power in itwZm6AYUr0-00970-00229350-00229607 the world their goal in 2040 I think itwZm6AYUr0-00971-00229608-00229788 with their hundredth anniversary what itwZm6AYUr0-00972-00229789-00230073 they're doing is that they're building itwZm6AYUr0-00973-00230073-00230360 Jers all over the world Africa they just itwZm6AYUr0-00974-00230361-00230580 built a port in Djibouti anybody pended itwZm6AYUr0-00975-00230581-00230778 your booty it's not much but it's near itwZm6AYUr0-00976-00230779-00230991 Ethiopia it's on the water where ports itwZm6AYUr0-00977-00230992-00231237 are there they're trying to get itwZm6AYUr0-00978-00231238-00231548 resources you know China's huge itwZm6AYUr0-00979-00231550-00231810 population and and their attempt to get itwZm6AYUr0-00980-00231811-00231996 resources what they're doing is they're itwZm6AYUr0-00981-00231996-00232146 going to these governments that that itwZm6AYUr0-00982-00232146-00232346 don't have any money and and they're itwZm6AYUr0-00983-00232348-00232544 lending them the money they're building itwZm6AYUr0-00984-00232544-00232788 community centers government buildings itwZm6AYUr0-00985-00232789-00232962 that type of thing and then these itwZm6AYUr0-00986-00232963-00233151 governments default and in China comes itwZm6AYUr0-00987-00233152-00233358 in and they have more power they come to itwZm6AYUr0-00988-00233359-00233792 the to the Monetary Fund to bail them itwZm6AYUr0-00989-00233794-00234054 out but when they bail them out China itwZm6AYUr0-00990-00234055-00234294 and then owns these properties and we we itwZm6AYUr0-00991-00234294-00234501 really have to stand up especially in itwZm6AYUr0-00992-00234502-00234669 Africa and what's happening that is itwZm6AYUr0-00993-00234669-00234942 their style and you talked about in itwZm6AYUr0-00994-00234942-00235137 China generally the Chinese people are itwZm6AYUr0-00995-00235138-00235350 good people I I've been involved with itwZm6AYUr0-00996-00235351-00235544 some Chinese people throughout my career itwZm6AYUr0-00997-00235546-00235929 I had a relationship with a family who's itwZm6AYUr0-00998-00235930-00236198 whose father was the last governor of itwZm6AYUr0-00999-00236200-00236385 the Shanghai prophets they're not alive itwZm6AYUr0-01000-00236386-00236463 anymore itwZm6AYUr0-01001-00236464-00236796 and her husband was a shipping company itwZm6AYUr0-01002-00236796-00237204 and they had to flee when the Communists itwZm6AYUr0-01003-00237205-00237450 took over and they flee to Taiwan where itwZm6AYUr0-01004-00237451-00237762 a lot of those Chinese and but I learned itwZm6AYUr0-01005-00237763-00237942 a lot about the history and and the itwZm6AYUr0-01006-00237942-00238146 Chinese culture and how pride the itwZm6AYUr0-01007-00238146-00238350 Chinese people are and you know everyone itwZm6AYUr0-01008-00238351-00238683 in the end wants to have a home to be itwZm6AYUr0-01009-00238684-00238857 able to raise their family to be able to itwZm6AYUr0-01010-00238858-00239025 eat have safety and those type of things itwZm6AYUr0-01011-00239026-00239289 but because of the I guess the Chinese itwZm6AYUr0-01012-00239290-00239652 government that took over they had so itwZm6AYUr0-01013-00239653-00239829 many people I guess they felt this is itwZm6AYUr0-01014-00239830-00240030 the way we're gonna have to manage our itwZm6AYUr0-01015-00240031-00240248 country but then it grew and grew and itwZm6AYUr0-01016-00240250-00240462 grew and you know to this day itwZm6AYUr0-01017-00240463-00240687 we love our democracy but we like our itwZm6AYUr0-01018-00240688-00240873 freedoms our freedom of speech and all itwZm6AYUr0-01019-00240873-00241044 these things and that's not what kind of itwZm6AYUr0-01020-00241044-00241251 stands for and if we don't continue to itwZm6AYUr0-01021-00241252-00241476 grow our military to be strong to deal itwZm6AYUr0-01022-00241477-00241667 with the issues of cyber and all these itwZm6AYUr0-01023-00241669-00241866 threats that we have you know where will itwZm6AYUr0-01024-00241867-00242055 the world be and I do want to say this itwZm6AYUr0-01025-00242056-00242298 and this is really serious we have a lot itwZm6AYUr0-01026-00242298-00242492 of issues when when I was on the gang of itwZm6AYUr0-01027-00242494-00242688 eight and intelligence people say what itwZm6AYUr0-01028-00242689-00242907 keeps you up at night and I'd say well itwZm6AYUr0-01029-00242908-00243182 spicy Mexican food that doesn't itwZm6AYUr0-01030-00243183-00243455 but number two probably the most serious itwZm6AYUr0-01031-00243456-00243704 threat is is nuclear weapons if China itwZm6AYUr0-01032-00243705-00243887 Russia or the United States get into a itwZm6AYUr0-01033-00243888-00244103 nuclear war the earth is over you know itwZm6AYUr0-01034-00244104-00244360 we still have the capability to stop itwZm6AYUr0-01035-00244361-00244679 Iran or North Korea but those three itwZm6AYUr0-01036-00244680-00244921 countries have to have to work through itwZm6AYUr0-01037-00244923-00245171 peace in order not not for this to occur itwZm6AYUr0-01038-00245171-00245537 but the nuclear weapons but but then you itwZm6AYUr0-01039-00245538-00245765 get into the cyber realm and the cyber itwZm6AYUr0-01040-00245766-00245992 realm is so serious because it touches itwZm6AYUr0-01041-00245994-00246233 everybody everything anywhere and if we itwZm6AYUr0-01042-00246234-00246398 don't start developing standards and itwZm6AYUr0-01043-00246398-00246725 it's going to be tough for for our itwZm6AYUr0-01044-00246726-00247025 country to come together and especially itwZm6AYUr0-01045-00247026-00247178 we're not talking to China we're talking itwZm6AYUr0-01046-00247179-00247367 China and Russia to start dealing with itwZm6AYUr0-01047-00247367-00247658 this sophistication of cyber because we itwZm6AYUr0-01048-00247659-00247802 talk about our privacy there's no itwZm6AYUr0-01049-00247803-00247952 privacy when you're getting hacked all itwZm6AYUr0-01050-00247953-00248216 the time well let me build on something itwZm6AYUr0-01051-00248217-00248396 that both of you have said and that is itwZm6AYUr0-01052-00248396-00248588 there have been a number of comments itwZm6AYUr0-01053-00248589-00248906 that say basically China has been a free itwZm6AYUr0-01054-00248907-00249080 rider on the international system itwZm6AYUr0-01055-00249081-00249407 they've benefited from the the set of itwZm6AYUr0-01056-00249408-00249641 norms and institutions that currently itwZm6AYUr0-01057-00249642-00250031 guide the world how do you see that as a itwZm6AYUr0-01058-00250032-00250567 leverage point or an opportunity in itwZm6AYUr0-01059-00250569-00250880 dealing with China's interests and the itwZm6AYUr0-01060-00250881-00251017 transgressions that you've just itwZm6AYUr0-01061-00251019-00251354 identified I want to make sure I itwZm6AYUr0-01062-00251355-00251489 understand the question very quickly on itwZm6AYUr0-01063-00251490-00251510 it itwZm6AYUr0-01064-00251511-00251705 what add one thing to Dutch and he's itwZm6AYUr0-01065-00251706-00251876 exactly right you go all through Africa itwZm6AYUr0-01066-00251877-00252026 developing countries you see ports itwZm6AYUr0-01067-00252027-00252362 airports roads community centers wide itwZm6AYUr0-01068-00252363-00252584 range of things China's not doing that itwZm6AYUr0-01069-00252585-00252817 out of compassion or charity they're itwZm6AYUr0-01070-00252819-00252956 doing it because it's in their national itwZm6AYUr0-01071-00252957-00253223 interest strategically and they are very itwZm6AYUr0-01072-00253223-00253421 clear that it remains within their itwZm6AYUr0-01073-00253421-00253594 national interests and then we need to itwZm6AYUr0-01074-00253594-00253823 appreciate that that's their incentives itwZm6AYUr0-01075-00253823-00254033 there I'm sorry Nancy tell me I'm not itwZm6AYUr0-01076-00254034-00254398 sure you've both talked about the itwZm6AYUr0-01077-00254400-00254686 importance of of maintaining our itwZm6AYUr0-01078-00254687-00254960 democratic systems the values that have itwZm6AYUr0-01079-00254961-00255128 been formed that have informed our itwZm6AYUr0-01080-00255129-00255428 international engagements there have itwZm6AYUr0-01081-00255429-00255662 been a number of characterizations of itwZm6AYUr0-01082-00255663-00255798 China's itwZm6AYUr0-01083-00255798-00256008 having been a free rider on that system itwZm6AYUr0-01084-00256009-00256244 that they've gained a lot from that itwZm6AYUr0-01085-00256246-00256523 system without contributing or arguably itwZm6AYUr0-01086-00256525-00256842 respecting some of those values and itwZm6AYUr0-01087-00256842-00257226 norms do you see that how do you see itwZm6AYUr0-01088-00257227-00257436 that unfolding in the future if China itwZm6AYUr0-01089-00257437-00257696 continues to rise threaten that system itwZm6AYUr0-01090-00257696-00258078 or not respect it particularly related itwZm6AYUr0-01091-00258079-00258252 to the considerable investments they're itwZm6AYUr0-01092-00258253-00258432 making around the world in Africa and itwZm6AYUr0-01093-00258433-00258719 elsewhere yeah well again you have to itwZm6AYUr0-01094-00258721-00258864 understand what China's going to do what itwZm6AYUr0-01095-00258865-00259089 is in China leadership's interest not itwZm6AYUr0-01096-00259090-00259242 what's in the world's interest not which itwZm6AYUr0-01097-00259242-00259380 in Africa is and not what's necessarily itwZm6AYUr0-01098-00259381-00259575 in Chinese middle class of Chinese itwZm6AYUr0-01099-00259576-00259800 workers interests and we have itwZm6AYUr0-01100-00259801-00260048 facilitated the rise and the ability of itwZm6AYUr0-01101-00260050-00260271 them to integrate themselves into it in itwZm6AYUr0-01102-00260271-00260460 the new century that we laid that itwZm6AYUr0-01103-00260461-00260682 foundation in the 70s but if you want to itwZm6AYUr0-01104-00260683-00260841 know how China is going to react to a itwZm6AYUr0-01105-00260842-00261117 global governance look how they treat itwZm6AYUr0-01106-00261117-00261333 their own people and that's all you have itwZm6AYUr0-01107-00261334-00261489 to that's all you have to know is how do itwZm6AYUr0-01108-00261490-00261615 they treat their own people do they itwZm6AYUr0-01109-00261616-00261804 allow them to freedom or do they repress itwZm6AYUr0-01110-00261805-00261990 their freedoms do they allow them the itwZm6AYUr0-01111-00261991-00262278 ability to speak move say get educated itwZm6AYUr0-01112-00262279-00262485 and travel internationally or do they itwZm6AYUr0-01113-00262486-00262734 repress those in and very you know many itwZm6AYUr0-01114-00262735-00262932 people look at China they think well itwZm6AYUr0-01115-00262933-00263079 they're just like us they're just kind itwZm6AYUr0-01116-00263080-00263271 of a different form of democracy and in itwZm6AYUr0-01117-00263272-00263556 fact if you go to leaders around Africa itwZm6AYUr0-01118-00263557-00263724 or developing nations I mean they have itwZm6AYUr0-01119-00263725-00263865 this choice before them they look at itwZm6AYUr0-01120-00263866-00264048 China go well it seems to be working out itwZm6AYUr0-01121-00264049-00264249 for them they're rising their ribs are itwZm6AYUr0-01122-00264250-00264396 bringing their poor in the middle class itwZm6AYUr0-01123-00264397-00264591 they seem to be functioning government itwZm6AYUr0-01124-00264592-00264726 there's not a lot of cast and then itwZm6AYUr0-01125-00264727-00264914 frankly they look at us and go holy cow itwZm6AYUr0-01126-00264915-00265158 you know look at the chaos look at itwZm6AYUr0-01127-00265159-00265440 democracy is messy it's emotional it's itwZm6AYUr0-01128-00265441-00265797 you know it's not not a smooth road and itwZm6AYUr0-01129-00265798-00265932 there's a lot of bumps along the way and itwZm6AYUr0-01130-00265933-00266043 you know they're given with this choice itwZm6AYUr0-01131-00266044-00266292 and we have to remind them yeah the itwZm6AYUr0-01132-00266293-00266565 Mosman democracy is messy and it's and itwZm6AYUr0-01133-00266566-00266916 it's chaotic sometimes but look at the itwZm6AYUr0-01134-00266917-00267138 outcome we give versus this smooth itwZm6AYUr0-01135-00267139-00267336 transition of having a very hierarchical itwZm6AYUr0-01136-00267337-00267738 position and power which doesn't value itwZm6AYUr0-01137-00267739-00268041 and doesn't reward human dignity and itwZm6AYUr0-01138-00268042-00268365 human innovation and and those things itwZm6AYUr0-01139-00268366-00268548 that we consider foundational to itwZm6AYUr0-01140-00268549-00268791 everything that we believe and this is itwZm6AYUr0-01141-00268792-00268995 why so many people from China itwZm6AYUr0-01142-00268996-00269175 who come here to work want to come here itwZm6AYUr0-01143-00269176-00269309 because of the freedoms liberties that itwZm6AYUr0-01144-00269310-00269604 we have versus some of the things that itwZm6AYUr0-01145-00269605-00269727 happen in their country and the itwZm6AYUr0-01146-00269728-00269913 oppression and big government with you itwZm6AYUr0-01147-00269914-00270600 everywhere so here's a here's a question itwZm6AYUr0-01148-00270601-00270947 from Twitter what impact do you think itwZm6AYUr0-01149-00270948-00271391 [Laughter] itwZm6AYUr0-01150-00271392-00271709 interesting question from Twitter what itwZm6AYUr0-01151-00271710-00271941 impact do you think the us-china trade itwZm6AYUr0-01152-00271942-00272758 wars will have on China's neighbors well itwZm6AYUr0-01153-00272759-00273015 if we are engaged in a long-term itwZm6AYUr0-01154-00273016-00273363 strategic committed to use that term itwZm6AYUr0-01155-00273364-00273591 trade war with China we will win that itwZm6AYUr0-01156-00273592-00273780 they have more to lose on this and we do itwZm6AYUr0-01157-00273781-00273918 but it's going to be there's going to be itwZm6AYUr0-01158-00273919-00274232 casualties along the way I've had more itwZm6AYUr0-01159-00274233-00274398 conversations about this over the last itwZm6AYUr0-01160-00274399-00274583 six months than any other single subject itwZm6AYUr0-01161-00274584-00274773 with constituents back home everyone itwZm6AYUr0-01162-00274774-00275028 from Shepherds farmers ranchers to itwZm6AYUr0-01163-00275029-00275397 high-tech imaging to cyber to you know itwZm6AYUr0-01164-00275398-00275580 chip makers I mean there's a wide range itwZm6AYUr0-01165-00275581-00275745 of people who are affected and troubled itwZm6AYUr0-01166-00275746-00275982 by this as am I generally because I'm a itwZm6AYUr0-01167-00275983-00276162 free trader I'm a conservative I believe itwZm6AYUr0-01168-00276163-00276279 that free trade is one of the itwZm6AYUr0-01169-00276280-00276516 foundations for conservative thought so itwZm6AYUr0-01170-00276517-00276795 there are although I appreciate and itwZm6AYUr0-01171-00276796-00276932 understand the president's goals and itwZm6AYUr0-01172-00276933-00277109 it's not just economic for him it's much itwZm6AYUr0-01173-00277110-00277283 more than its national security and it's itwZm6AYUr0-01174-00277284-00277515 and it's fair trade but there are people itwZm6AYUr0-01175-00277516-00277674 who are paying a price and some of those itwZm6AYUr0-01176-00277675-00277956 will be the neighbors around China itwZm6AYUr0-01177-00277957-00278151 because then and I'll conclude that with itwZm6AYUr0-01178-00278152-00278333 this thought they have a choice and they itwZm6AYUr0-01179-00278334-00278499 can look at the region and say well will itwZm6AYUr0-01180-00278500-00278703 you be here looking at the US will you itwZm6AYUr0-01181-00278704-00279024 be here can we count on you and both itwZm6AYUr0-01182-00279025-00279482 both from a diplomatic military position itwZm6AYUr0-01183-00279483-00279672 but also from an economic position which itwZm6AYUr0-01184-00279673-00279867 is why the failure of the trans-pacific itwZm6AYUr0-01185-00279868-00280098 partnership was very meaningful event itwZm6AYUr0-01186-00280099-00280232 because many of them looked I said you itwZm6AYUr0-01187-00280233-00280365 guys aren't committed to the region itwZm6AYUr0-01188-00280366-00280557 economically therefore were compelled to itwZm6AYUr0-01189-00280558-00280784 partner with China even though they may itwZm6AYUr0-01190-00280785-00280941 not want to and that's the end result itwZm6AYUr0-01191-00280942-00281124 for this you have neighbors around China itwZm6AYUr0-01192-00281125-00281319 who will then be compelled to partner itwZm6AYUr0-01193-00281320-00281384 with China itwZm6AYUr0-01194-00281385-00281568 even though they may not want to because itwZm6AYUr0-01195-00281569-00281703 they do not know if we're committed to itwZm6AYUr0-01196-00281704-00281940 the region or not and it's bad for them itwZm6AYUr0-01197-00281941-00282123 in almost every way if they're compelled itwZm6AYUr0-01198-00282124-00282178 to do that itwZm6AYUr0-01199-00282179-00282373 we're going down and raise dangerous itwZm6AYUr0-01200-00282374-00282706 road with trade I think we've had a itwZm6AYUr0-01201-00282707-00282976 punch counter punch I believe that what itwZm6AYUr0-01202-00282977-00283219 the president was trying to do but Bini itwZm6AYUr0-01203-00283220-00283341 he also doesn't have a lot of itwZm6AYUr0-01204-00283342-00283591 sophistication in that area he was itwZm6AYUr0-01205-00283592-00283762 trying to say China what you're doing is itwZm6AYUr0-01206-00283763-00283999 not fair and you know the monetary itwZm6AYUr0-01207-00284000-00284203 issues and all of that and he caught it itwZm6AYUr0-01208-00284204-00284440 on the table okay in trade war he itwZm6AYUr0-01209-00284441-00284684 punched they punched he points and itwZm6AYUr0-01210-00284685-00284884 eventually they've got to stop punching itwZm6AYUr0-01211-00284885-00285112 start talking because it's going to itwZm6AYUr0-01212-00285113-00285316 affect the whole world economy because itwZm6AYUr0-01213-00285317-00285532 of the United States and China and then itwZm6AYUr0-01214-00285533-00285790 we are such major powers and I think if itwZm6AYUr0-01215-00285791-00285913 we get some reasonable heads together itwZm6AYUr0-01216-00285914-00286159 maybe we should be able to work it out itwZm6AYUr0-01217-00286160-00286410 but if we can bring China to the table itwZm6AYUr0-01218-00286411-00286558 because some of the things that they itwZm6AYUr0-01219-00286559-00286720 were doing were not fair it was itwZm6AYUr0-01220-00286721-00286921 outrageous they were taking advantage of itwZm6AYUr0-01221-00286922-00287083 a lot of things happening in our country itwZm6AYUr0-01222-00287084-00287326 so let's see where it goes there are a itwZm6AYUr0-01223-00287327-00287539 lot of issues out there betrayed when it itwZm6AYUr0-01224-00287540-00287671 would affect your pocketbook I know itwZm6AYUr0-01225-00287672-00287875 right now the the farmers are having a itwZm6AYUr0-01226-00287876-00288142 serious problem and and because of how itwZm6AYUr0-01227-00288143-00288319 it's going to affect them and them and itwZm6AYUr0-01228-00288320-00288445 they're not they don't they're not as itwZm6AYUr0-01229-00288446-00288565 concerned the ones I've talked to you itwZm6AYUr0-01230-00288566-00288712 about Russia as they are about their own itwZm6AYUr0-01231-00288713-00289030 pocketbooks and once that message gets itwZm6AYUr0-01232-00289031-00289216 out hopefully will take this a lot more itwZm6AYUr0-01233-00289217-00289426 serious get some of the best minds we itwZm6AYUr0-01234-00289427-00289587 have in this country on trade and itwZm6AYUr0-01235-00289588-00289909 resolve the issue and just in 30 seconds itwZm6AYUr0-01236-00289910-00290050 this is something we had to do is itwZm6AYUr0-01237-00290051-00290263 uncomfortable as it is we could not go itwZm6AYUr0-01238-00290264-00290470 the next generation and not have as itwZm6AYUr0-01239-00290471-00290626 Dutch that and not have fair trade itwZm6AYUr0-01240-00290627-00290833 between and it's not just China by the itwZm6AYUr0-01241-00290834-00291135 way EU was the same way and source and itwZm6AYUr0-01242-00291136-00291328 so the president reset that it's painful itwZm6AYUr0-01243-00291329-00291514 there are some things that make me very itwZm6AYUr0-01244-00291515-00291679 uncomfortable but strategically we had itwZm6AYUr0-01245-00291680-00291898 to confront it at some point may as well itwZm6AYUr0-01246-00291899-00292059 do it now and get it on it get it out of itwZm6AYUr0-01247-00292060-00292324 the way so let's get the experts in Bob itwZm6AYUr0-01248-00292325-00292741 now who no no this science so I have a itwZm6AYUr0-01249-00292742-00293060 couple of questions that are essentially itwZm6AYUr0-01250-00293061-00293275 President Trump said yesterday that itwZm6AYUr0-01251-00293276-00293548 there isn't any evidence that China is itwZm6AYUr0-01252-00293549-00293779 interfering in our election you know we itwZm6AYUr0-01253-00293780-00293995 just talked a lot about cyber aggression itwZm6AYUr0-01254-00293996-00294226 in different ways have you seen any itwZm6AYUr0-01255-00294227-00294340 evidence on this itwZm6AYUr0-01256-00294341-00294568 this an issue that you know we're a lot itwZm6AYUr0-01257-00294569-00294802 of focuses on Russia's interference with itwZm6AYUr0-01258-00294803-00294981 our election is this is this an issue itwZm6AYUr0-01259-00294982-00295257 with China you saying the president said itwZm6AYUr0-01260-00295258-00295423 there wasn't evidence or did he said itwZm6AYUr0-01261-00295424-00295687 without Oh without evidence he claimed itwZm6AYUr0-01262-00295688-00295822 that there was yeah well I think that itwZm6AYUr0-01263-00295823-00296041 evidence I think he has evidence but itwZm6AYUr0-01264-00296042-00296197 isn't able to cite that some of this is itwZm6AYUr0-01265-00296198-00296467 classified - yeah you know like China itwZm6AYUr0-01266-00296468-00296701 its philosophy in the intelligence world itwZm6AYUr0-01267-00296702-00296962 is mine they probably have more spies itwZm6AYUr0-01268-00296963-00297118 out there in the world than anyone else itwZm6AYUr0-01269-00297119-00297346 they do more hacking than any any other itwZm6AYUr0-01270-00297347-00297700 country and so they're they're gonna get itwZm6AYUr0-01271-00297701-00297850 whatever they can get for leverage itwZm6AYUr0-01272-00297851-00298080 whatever to their benefit the focal itwZm6AYUr0-01273-00298081-00298321 point now is Russia no question and you itwZm6AYUr0-01274-00298322-00298498 know hopefully when Muller finishes the itwZm6AYUr0-01275-00298499-00298581 investigation itwZm6AYUr0-01276-00298582-00298758 we'll get the facts all this back and itwZm6AYUr0-01277-00298759-00298977 forth we need to get the facts and then itwZm6AYUr0-01278-00298978-00299215 we can move forward yeah and and so as itwZm6AYUr0-01279-00299216-00299374 far as China's short China's gonna be itwZm6AYUr0-01280-00299375-00299515 all over everything we do because they itwZm6AYUr0-01281-00299516-00299631 attack us all the time itwZm6AYUr0-01282-00299632-00299893 and that's that's that's a problem and I itwZm6AYUr0-01283-00299894-00300177 don't you know where's I think president itwZm6AYUr0-01284-00300178-00300408 shoot understands that's an issue with itwZm6AYUr0-01285-00300409-00300574 us and we're going to have to make it a itwZm6AYUr0-01286-00300575-00300766 bigger issue because down the world itwZm6AYUr0-01287-00300767-00300981 either than nuclear weapons this is itwZm6AYUr0-01288-00300982-00301158 probably one of the most serious threats itwZm6AYUr0-01289-00301159-00301363 because when you can knock someone's itwZm6AYUr0-01290-00301364-00301687 infrastructure water electricity I mean itwZm6AYUr0-01291-00301688-00301860 these are things that can happen if we itwZm6AYUr0-01292-00301861-00302178 don't get control of cyber security and itwZm6AYUr0-01293-00302179-00302358 Nancy look this doesn't you don't have itwZm6AYUr0-01294-00302359-00302559 to have a top-secret security briefing itwZm6AYUr0-01295-00302560-00302689 to know the answer to this question itwZm6AYUr0-01296-00302690-00302863 how could you assume that China is going itwZm6AYUr0-01297-00302864-00303180 to attack or probe virtually everywhere itwZm6AYUr0-01298-00303181-00303442 but not probe in our election in our itwZm6AYUr0-01299-00303443-00303606 election process whether it's voting itwZm6AYUr0-01300-00303607-00303769 machines or voter registration whatever itwZm6AYUr0-01301-00303770-00304000 how could you possibly believe that they itwZm6AYUr0-01302-00304001-00304134 would do everything else but not do that itwZm6AYUr0-01303-00304135-00304276 of course they're gonna try and do that itwZm6AYUr0-01304-00304277-00304399 by the way it's not just China and itwZm6AYUr0-01305-00304400-00304578 Russia it's North Korea and Iran and a itwZm6AYUr0-01306-00304579-00304720 lot of other people's and we talk about itwZm6AYUr0-01307-00304721-00304932 Russia's propaganda China has a huge itwZm6AYUr0-01308-00304933-00305041 propaganda machine itwZm6AYUr0-01309-00305042-00305215 yeah and that's part of what they don't itwZm6AYUr0-01310-00305216-00305877 yeah so let's wind up with sort of a big itwZm6AYUr0-01311-00305878-00306129 question and you can bring up any topics itwZm6AYUr0-01312-00306130-00306274 that you feel like we haven't addressed itwZm6AYUr0-01313-00306275-00306493 but when you think about our itwZm6AYUr0-01314-00306494-00306691 relationship with China in ten to twenty itwZm6AYUr0-01315-00306692-00306871 years from now what do you think is itwZm6AYUr0-01316-00306872-00307104 likely what do you think is itwZm6AYUr0-01317-00307105-00307353 optimal well now go first and I'll let itwZm6AYUr0-01318-00307354-00307554 the more senior member conclude because itwZm6AYUr0-01319-00307555-00307698 he's smarter and wiser and better itwZm6AYUr0-01320-00307699-00307878 looking I I just clean up what you're itwZm6AYUr0-01321-00307879-00308244 saying I would go back at very again itwZm6AYUr0-01322-00308245-00308409 very foundational China's not full of itwZm6AYUr0-01323-00308410-00308619 bad people the China leadership has a itwZm6AYUr0-01324-00308620-00308748 very different view of the future than itwZm6AYUr0-01325-00308749-00308901 we do and as long as we look at it itwZm6AYUr0-01326-00308902-00309096 through a realistic prism I'm not I'm itwZm6AYUr0-01327-00309097-00309305 not predicting doom but I'm pretty itwZm6AYUr0-01328-00309306-00309543 suggesting the u.s. has to be firm and itwZm6AYUr0-01329-00309544-00309813 the US has to be committed to a itwZm6AYUr0-01330-00309814-00310053 relationship that recognizes the itwZm6AYUr0-01331-00310054-00310287 realities of what China's values and the itwZm6AYUr0-01332-00310288-00310479 values of their leadership are as long itwZm6AYUr0-01333-00310480-00310610 as were able to do that just like we did itwZm6AYUr0-01334-00310611-00310791 with the former Soviet Union we coexist itwZm6AYUr0-01335-00310792-00310965 through them we didn't end up destroying itwZm6AYUr0-01336-00310966-00311310 each other and eventually one one system itwZm6AYUr0-01337-00311311-00311562 was accepted as you know a desired itwZm6AYUr0-01338-00311563-00311763 outcome for for most of the world and itwZm6AYUr0-01339-00311764-00311976 one was not I think that's likely to be itwZm6AYUr0-01340-00311977-00312126 maybe I'll come here but we have to itwZm6AYUr0-01341-00312127-00312351 manage a real difficult path forward as itwZm6AYUr0-01342-00312352-00312680 as we as we walk through that minefield itwZm6AYUr0-01343-00312681-00312897 okay well as far as China's deserve itwZm6AYUr0-01344-00312898-00313140 where we go it's up to the leadership itwZm6AYUr0-01345-00313141-00313335 and hopefully people like Chris and I itwZm6AYUr0-01346-00313336-00313515 who I mean I know I've been to China itwZm6AYUr0-01347-00313516-00313770 four times and when they weren't happy itwZm6AYUr0-01348-00313771-00313959 with me about Huawei or ZT and then I itwZm6AYUr0-01349-00313960-00314247 was over in China and had a banquet so itwZm6AYUr0-01350-00314248-00314475 you know if we it's about trusting itwZm6AYUr0-01351-00314476-00314673 relationships we're competing is this itwZm6AYUr0-01352-00314674-00314853 like an athletic contest you can compete itwZm6AYUr0-01353-00314854-00315054 when the game's over you know then you itwZm6AYUr0-01354-00315055-00315225 work together and the more that we have itwZm6AYUr0-01355-00315226-00315399 and we have a lot of Chinese people itwZm6AYUr0-01356-00315400-00315603 we've come to the United States we've itwZm6AYUr0-01357-00315604-00315795 gone to our universities and want to itwZm6AYUr0-01358-00315796-00316089 stay here a lot and the more that we can itwZm6AYUr0-01359-00316090-00316383 learn about each other and and where we itwZm6AYUr0-01360-00316384-00316620 are and what we want but we cannot agree itwZm6AYUr0-01361-00316621-00316881 on the civil liberty issues of going in itwZm6AYUr0-01362-00316882-00317067 China the fact that people are oppressed itwZm6AYUr0-01363-00317068-00317247 in certain areas that's not who we are itwZm6AYUr0-01364-00317248-00317424 we can't agree to that whether we can itwZm6AYUr0-01365-00317425-00317646 resolve that I don't know but I think itwZm6AYUr0-01366-00317647-00317817 the more that we deal with them in the itwZm6AYUr0-01367-00317818-00318042 environment and economic development if itwZm6AYUr0-01368-00318043-00318237 you can if you can work business China itwZm6AYUr0-01369-00318238-00318417 has money so a lot of people want itwZm6AYUr0-01370-00318418-00318618 China's money to do infrastructure to itwZm6AYUr0-01371-00318619-00318792 build things that we don't want to spend itwZm6AYUr0-01372-00318793-00318933 the money or don't want to raise taxes itwZm6AYUr0-01373-00318934-00319128 to spend the money and that's where we itwZm6AYUr0-01374-00319129-00319334 need to go and and because it's such a itwZm6AYUr0-01375-00319335-00319557 superpower and I think Chinese people itwZm6AYUr0-01376-00319558-00319719 are good people I mean the people that itwZm6AYUr0-01377-00319720-00319899 I've known and relationships that I have itwZm6AYUr0-01378-00319900-00320070 in the Chinese community are super itwZm6AYUr0-01379-00320071-00320265 they're honest most of them itwZm6AYUr0-01380-00320266-00320408 I'm not saying their government is not itwZm6AYUr0-01381-00320409-00320606 I don't trust their governor at all but itwZm6AYUr0-01382-00320607-00320801 I think the people themselves are are itwZm6AYUr0-01383-00320802-00321039 unique and and and and want the same itwZm6AYUr0-01384-00321040-00321302 things that we want where we can if we itwZm6AYUr0-01385-00321303-00321543 could work with China on cyber standards itwZm6AYUr0-01386-00321544-00321743 that we've been worth with China on itwZm6AYUr0-01387-00321744-00321837 space again itwZm6AYUr0-01388-00321838-00322034 where we going in space there are things itwZm6AYUr0-01389-00322035-00322256 we could share and work together we're itwZm6AYUr0-01390-00322257-00322475 really sharing the United States because itwZm6AYUr0-01391-00322476-00322676 we have a lot of Chinese people that are itwZm6AYUr0-01392-00322677-00322856 going to our universities learning our itwZm6AYUr0-01393-00322857-00323043 standards learning you know what we know itwZm6AYUr0-01394-00323044-00323249 about space and and everything that we itwZm6AYUr0-01395-00323250-00323453 do whether it's a cut the economy so I I itwZm6AYUr0-01396-00323454-00323702 hope for the benefit of the world and itwZm6AYUr0-01397-00323703-00323906 for our grandchildren we always like to itwZm6AYUr0-01398-00323907-00324134 say that in politics that that we can itwZm6AYUr0-01399-00324135-00324284 keep moving forward with with those itwZm6AYUr0-01400-00324285-00324441 relationships and that's where your itwZm6AYUr0-01401-00324442-00324693 organization comes in try to not always itwZm6AYUr0-01402-00324694-00324878 talk about as tough than big get strong itwZm6AYUr0-01403-00324879-00325109 we are we hate we need to be there or itwZm6AYUr0-01404-00325110-00325349 world history shows you can be attacked itwZm6AYUr0-01405-00325350-00325556 or taken over but it's the personal itwZm6AYUr0-01406-00325557-00325706 relationships of trust it's the itwZm6AYUr0-01407-00325707-00325874 relationship that Chris and I have to itwZm6AYUr0-01408-00325875-00326013 different parties our parties aren't itwZm6AYUr0-01409-00326014-00326180 getting along we work together we can itwZm6AYUr0-01410-00326181-00326396 talk together we might disagree but I itwZm6AYUr0-01411-00326397-00326570 don't hate him because he disagrees with itwZm6AYUr0-01412-00326571-00326678 me or vice-versa itwZm6AYUr0-01413-00326679-00326999 yeah thank you I want to thank both of itwZm6AYUr0-01414-00327000-00327269 you for joining us here today for your itwZm6AYUr0-01415-00327270-00327521 focus on a critical issue with a lot of itwZm6AYUr0-01416-00327522-00327987 complexity fraught with opportunities itwZm6AYUr0-01417-00327988-00328265 and and significant problems appreciate itwZm6AYUr0-01418-00328266-00328577 the leadership that you bring including itwZm6AYUr0-01419-00328578-00329096 to complex issues and for showing us itwZm6AYUr0-01420-00329097-00329255 that this bipartisan spirit in itwZm6AYUr0-01421-00329256-00329568 congress's is alive and making progress itwZm6AYUr0-01422-00329569-00329768 on critical national security interests itwZm6AYUr0-01423-00329769-00330700 good itwZm6AYUr0-01424-00330701-00330998 and I got a lot of events it's 12 itwZm6AYUr0-01425-00330999-00331228 o'clock and we're over that's great job itwZm6AYUr0-01426-00331229-00331640 we got the warning from our our aviator itwZm6AYUr0-01427-00331641-00332036 thank you every victor joining us ivwzQOlY8oE-00000-00000000-00000642 [Music] ivwzQOlY8oE-00001-00000643-00001095 [Music] ivwzQOlY8oE-00002-00001096-00001415 hello and welcome to the episode 350 of ivwzQOlY8oE-00003-00001416-00001830 what a fab day i am your host simon mas ivwzQOlY8oE-00004-00001832-00002095 we have another short episode but you ivwzQOlY8oE-00005-00002096-00002334 know how christmas time is ivwzQOlY8oE-00006-00002335-00002607 the beatles like everyone else often ivwzQOlY8oE-00007-00002608-00002855 took a chance to take their breath ivwzQOlY8oE-00008-00002856-00003134 today we will feature two cavern club ivwzQOlY8oE-00009-00003135-00003622 gigs a pantomime and a trip to toronto ivwzQOlY8oE-00010-00003623-00003879 let's start with the 16th of december ivwzQOlY8oE-00011-00003879-00004206 1961 evening performance that the ivwzQOlY8oE-00012-00004207-00004454 beatles had at the cavern club in ivwzQOlY8oE-00013-00004455-00004567 liverpool ivwzQOlY8oE-00014-00004568-00004822 at the time the band still featured pete ivwzQOlY8oE-00015-00004823-00005102 best on drums ivwzQOlY8oE-00016-00005103-00005447 one year later in 1962 the beatles now ivwzQOlY8oE-00017-00005448-00005631 in their definitive lineup with ringo ivwzQOlY8oE-00018-00005632-00005863 starr on drummer's duty performed ivwzQOlY8oE-00019-00005864-00006118 another nighttime gig at the cavern club ivwzQOlY8oE-00020-00006119-00006351 in liverpool ivwzQOlY8oE-00021-00006352-00006663 on this date in 1966 ivwzQOlY8oE-00022-00006664-00006975 the beatles fourth christmas record was ivwzQOlY8oE-00023-00006976-00007175 shipped to the members of their fun club ivwzQOlY8oE-00024-00007176-00007342 in the uk ivwzQOlY8oE-00025-00007343-00007559 of all the beatles christmas records ivwzQOlY8oE-00026-00007559-00007783 this was the one most approaching a ivwzQOlY8oE-00027-00007784-00007934 proper release ivwzQOlY8oE-00028-00007936-00008207 it had a name pantomime everywhere it's ivwzQOlY8oE-00029-00008208-00008495 christmas and several music numbers on ivwzQOlY8oE-00030-00008496-00008807 its two sides totaling 15 tracks between ivwzQOlY8oE-00031-00008808-00009199 sketches and musical performances ivwzQOlY8oE-00032-00009200-00009459 finally we can close the episode with a ivwzQOlY8oE-00033-00009460-00009823 1969 trip to toronto for john lennon and ivwzQOlY8oE-00034-00009824-00010142 yoko ono the couple had been busy ivwzQOlY8oE-00035-00010143-00010310 throughout the month with media ivwzQOlY8oE-00036-00010311-00010551 appearances political activism the ivwzQOlY8oE-00037-00010552-00010846 production of albums and films and one ivwzQOlY8oE-00038-00010847-00011110 concert of the plastic owner band ivwzQOlY8oE-00039-00011111-00011342 on this date they decided to fly to ivwzQOlY8oE-00040-00011343-00011591 canada to support their worries over ivwzQOlY8oE-00041-00011592-00011927 poster campaign started on the previous ivwzQOlY8oE-00042-00011928-00012223 day in 12 cities around the world see ivwzQOlY8oE-00043-00012224-00012614 episode 349 for more info on that ivwzQOlY8oE-00044-00012615-00012822 in fact the trip would be an occasion ivwzQOlY8oE-00045-00012823-00013102 for further media exposure and it proved ivwzQOlY8oE-00046-00013103-00013630 to be the apex of john and yoko activism ivwzQOlY8oE-00047-00013631-00013871 before closing shop for the day just a ivwzQOlY8oE-00048-00013872-00014243 quick reminder for you to visit ivwzQOlY8oE-00049-00014244-00014591 support and see how ivwzQOlY8oE-00050-00014591-00014879 you can help me to produce more and ivwzQOlY8oE-00051-00014880-00015150 better music related content for you all ivwzQOlY8oE-00052-00015151-00015294 to enjoy ivwzQOlY8oE-00053-00015295-00015527 thank you and see you tomorrow for ivwzQOlY8oE-00054-00015528-00015671 another episode ivwzQOlY8oE-00055-00015672-00015943 for the moment i wish you a good day and ivwzQOlY8oE-00056-00015944-00016308 a fab continuation iwiwzCY84QI-00000-00000561-00000813 hello and welcome to the section 508 iwiwzCY84QI-00001-00000814-00001134 podcast series episode 3 today we're iwiwzCY84QI-00002-00001135-00001394 going to review guide line B now in iwiwzCY84QI-00003-00001395-00001581 episode 2 we learned that guideline a iwiwzCY84QI-00004-00001582-00001818 requires text-based elements for sound iwiwzCY84QI-00005-00001819-00002109 files and images guideline be addresses iwiwzCY84QI-00006-00002110-00002301 the combination of the two or what is iwiwzCY84QI-00007-00002302-00002694 commonly referred to as multimedia this iwiwzCY84QI-00008-00002695-00002928 guideline primarily addresses captioning iwiwzCY84QI-00009-00002929-00003153 now captioning is the process of adding iwiwzCY84QI-00010-00003154-00003393 a time coded text transcript to a iwiwzCY84QI-00011-00003394-00003690 multimedia presentation now during this iwiwzCY84QI-00012-00003690-00003933 presentation the transcript will display iwiwzCY84QI-00013-00003934-00004146 the words that are being spoken as they iwiwzCY84QI-00014-00004147-00004380 are spoken for an example of this or an iwiwzCY84QI-00015-00004381-00004521 example of captioning just look at the iwiwzCY84QI-00016-00004522-00004713 bottom of this presentation and you'll iwiwzCY84QI-00017-00004714-00004896 see the captions role as I speak the iwiwzCY84QI-00018-00004897-00005190 words how you go about captioning is iwiwzCY84QI-00019-00005191-00005388 unique and dependent on the institution iwiwzCY84QI-00020-00005389-00005622 you work at some institutions have iwiwzCY84QI-00021-00005623-00005943 in-house captioning services where you iwiwzCY84QI-00022-00005944-00006084 just drop off your multimedia and they iwiwzCY84QI-00023-00006085-00006243 take care of it for you other iwiwzCY84QI-00024-00006244-00006461 institutions send off their multimedia iwiwzCY84QI-00025-00006462-00006702 to be captioned by a third party however iwiwzCY84QI-00026-00006703-00006939 your institution does it just remember iwiwzCY84QI-00027-00006940-00007089 to budget and captioning when you're iwiwzCY84QI-00028-00007090-00007253 designing your course or creating your iwiwzCY84QI-00029-00007254-00007491 materials as it's required under Section iwiwzCY84QI-00030-00007492-00007784 508 that about covers part b of section iwiwzCY84QI-00031-00007786-00008025 508 stay tuned for next week's episode iwiwzCY84QI-00032-00008026-00008301 for as always have a wonderful iwiwzCY84QI-00033-00008302-00008646 universally accessible day ix1OMV6Cu6k-00000-00000067-00000339 electrical resistivity also known as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00001-00000340-00000607 specific electrical resistance or volume ix1OMV6Cu6k-00002-00000608-00000861 resistivity is a fundamental property of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00003-00000863-00001108 a material that quantifies how strongly ix1OMV6Cu6k-00004-00001109-00001297 that material opposes the flow of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00005-00001298-00001585 electric current a low resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00006-00001586-00001848 indicates a material that readily allows ix1OMV6Cu6k-00007-00001850-00002184 the flow of electric current resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00008-00002185-00002392 is commonly represented by the Greek ix1OMV6Cu6k-00009-00002393-00002727 letter Rho Rho the SI unit of electrical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00010-00002728-00003015 resistivity as the ohm meter Omega M as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00011-00003016-00003367 an example if a 1 meter times 1 meter ix1OMV6Cu6k-00012-00003368-00003685 times 1 meter solid cube of material has ix1OMV6Cu6k-00013-00003686-00003952 sheet contacts on 2 opposite faces and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00014-00003953-00004186 the resistance between these contacts as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00015-00004187-00004378 1 ohm then the resistivity of the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00016-00004379-00004756 material is 1 Omega M electrical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00017-00004757-00005004 conductivity or specific conductance as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00018-00005005-00005211 the reciprocal of electrical resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00019-00005212-00005461 and measures a materials ability to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00020-00005462-00005629 conduct an electric current ix1OMV6Cu6k-00021-00005630-00005908 it is commonly represented by the Greek ix1OMV6Cu6k-00022-00005909-00006168 letter Sigma Sigma but Kappa Kappa ix1OMV6Cu6k-00023-00006169-00006409 especially in electrical engineering or ix1OMV6Cu6k-00024-00006409-00006520 gamma-gamma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00025-00006520-00006895 are also occasionally used it's SI unit ix1OMV6Cu6k-00026-00006895-00007648 is Siemens per meter s per meter ix1OMV6Cu6k-00027-00007648-00008197 topic definition ix1OMV6Cu6k-00028-00008198-00008527 you ix1OMV6Cu6k-00029-00008528-00009083 topic ideal case ix1OMV6Cu6k-00030-00009084-00009359 in an ideal case cross-section and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00031-00009360-00009574 physical composition of the examined ix1OMV6Cu6k-00032-00009575-00009814 material are uniform across the sample ix1OMV6Cu6k-00033-00009815-00010001 and the electric field and current ix1OMV6Cu6k-00034-00010002-00010264 density are both parallel and constant ix1OMV6Cu6k-00035-00010265-00010541 everywhere many resistors and conductors ix1OMV6Cu6k-00036-00010542-00010859 do in fact have a uniform cross section ix1OMV6Cu6k-00037-00010860-00011060 with a uniform flow of electric current ix1OMV6Cu6k-00038-00011061-00011321 and are made of a single material so ix1OMV6Cu6k-00039-00011322-00011503 that this is a good model see the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00040-00011504-00011713 adjacent diagram when this is the case ix1OMV6Cu6k-00041-00011714-00012035 the electrical resistivity ro Greek Rho ix1OMV6Cu6k-00042-00012036-00012613 can be calculated by Rho equals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00043-00012614-00013191 are a display style bro equals our frac ix1OMV6Cu6k-00044-00013193-00013966 al where our display style R is the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00045-00013966-00014166 electrical resistance of a uniform ix1OMV6Cu6k-00046-00014168-00014547 specimen of the material display style L ix1OMV6Cu6k-00047-00014549-00014940 is the length of the specimen ix1OMV6Cu6k-00048-00014941-00015413 a display style a is the cross-sectional ix1OMV6Cu6k-00049-00015415-00015660 area of the specimen both resistance and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00050-00015661-00015900 resistivity describe how difficult it is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00051-00015901-00016094 to make electrical current flow through ix1OMV6Cu6k-00052-00016096-00016302 a material but unlike resistance ix1OMV6Cu6k-00053-00016303-00016544 resistivity as an intrinsic property ix1OMV6Cu6k-00054-00016545-00016827 this means that all pure copper wires ix1OMV6Cu6k-00055-00016828-00017007 which have not been subjected to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00056-00017008-00017169 distortion of their crystalline ix1OMV6Cu6k-00057-00017170-00017394 structure etc irrespective of their ix1OMV6Cu6k-00058-00017395-00017658 shape and size have the same resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00059-00017659-00017922 but a long thin copper wire has a much ix1OMV6Cu6k-00060-00017923-00018135 larger resistance than a thick short ix1OMV6Cu6k-00061-00018136-00018477 copper wire every material has its own ix1OMV6Cu6k-00062-00018478-00018771 characteristic resistivity for example ix1OMV6Cu6k-00063-00018772-00019035 rubber has a far larger resistivity than ix1OMV6Cu6k-00064-00019036-00019410 copper in a hydraulic analogy passing ix1OMV6Cu6k-00065-00019411-00019566 current through a high resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00066-00019567-00019815 material as like pushing water through a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00067-00019816-00020091 pipe full of sand while passing current ix1OMV6Cu6k-00068-00020092-00020328 through a low resistivity material as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00069-00020329-00020535 like pushing water through an empty pipe ix1OMV6Cu6k-00070-00020536-00020826 if the pipes are the same size and shape ix1OMV6Cu6k-00071-00020827-00021060 the pipe full of sand has higher ix1OMV6Cu6k-00072-00021061-00021419 resistance to flow resistance however is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00073-00021420-00021651 not solely determined by the presence or ix1OMV6Cu6k-00074-00021652-00021969 absence of sand it also depends on the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00075-00021970-00022191 length and width of the pipe short or ix1OMV6Cu6k-00076-00022192-00022425 wide pipes have lower resistance than ix1OMV6Cu6k-00077-00022426-00022794 narrow or long pipes the above equation ix1OMV6Cu6k-00078-00022795-00023010 can be transposed to get pleeeease law ix1OMV6Cu6k-00079-00023011-00023190 named after claude Pouilly ix1OMV6Cu6k-00080-00023191-00023421 are ix1OMV6Cu6k-00081-00023422-00023849 equals row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00082-00023850-00024447 display style R equals bro frac L the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00083-00024448-00024645 resistance of a given material is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00084-00024646-00024864 proportional to the length but inversely ix1OMV6Cu6k-00085-00024865-00025103 proportional to the cross sectional area ix1OMV6Cu6k-00086-00025104-00025383 thus resistivity can be expressed using ix1OMV6Cu6k-00087-00025384-00025860 the SI unit ohm meter Omega M ie ohms ix1OMV6Cu6k-00088-00025861-00026102 divided by meters for the length and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00089-00026104-00026333 then multiplied by square meters for the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00090-00026335-00026777 cross sectional area for example if a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00091-00026779-00027239 equals one square meter display style l ix1OMV6Cu6k-00092-00027239-00027405 equals one meter ix1OMV6Cu6k-00093-00027406-00027648 forming a cube with perfectly conductive ix1OMV6Cu6k-00094-00027649-00027882 contacts on opposite faces then the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00095-00027883-00028101 resistance of this element in ohms is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00096-00028102-00028317 numerically equal to the resistivity of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00097-00028318-00028633 the material it is made of an Omega M ix1OMV6Cu6k-00098-00028635-00028929 conductivity Sigma is the inverse of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00099-00028930-00029275 resistivity Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00100-00029276-00029905 equals one row display style Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00101-00029906-00030439 equals frac one row conductivity has SI ix1OMV6Cu6k-00102-00030439-00031272 units of Siemens per meter s per meter ix1OMV6Cu6k-00103-00031273-00031992 topic general scalar case for less ideal ix1OMV6Cu6k-00104-00031993-00032286 cases such as more complicated geometry ix1OMV6Cu6k-00105-00032287-00032493 or when the current and electric field ix1OMV6Cu6k-00106-00032494-00032685 vary in different parts of the material ix1OMV6Cu6k-00107-00032686-00032967 it is necessary to use a more general ix1OMV6Cu6k-00108-00032968-00033201 expression in which the resistivity at a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00109-00033202-00033438 particular point as defined as the ratio ix1OMV6Cu6k-00110-00033439-00033672 of the electric field to the density of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00111-00033673-00034073 the current it creates at that point Rho ix1OMV6Cu6k-00112-00034074-00034286 equals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00113-00034287-00034421 II ix1OMV6Cu6k-00114-00034422-00035044 J display style Rho equals frac e/j ix1OMV6Cu6k-00115-00035045-00035678 where Rho display style Rho is the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00116-00035679-00036115 resistivity of the conductor material II ix1OMV6Cu6k-00117-00036116-00036524 display style e is the magnitude of the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00118-00036525-00037172 electric field J display style J is the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00119-00037173-00037370 magnitude of the current density in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00120-00037371-00038032 which II display style II ix1OMV6Cu6k-00121-00038033-00038545 J display style J are inside the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00122-00038546-00038877 conductor conductivity is the inverse ix1OMV6Cu6k-00123-00038878-00039171 reciprocal of resistivity here it is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00124-00039172-00040383 given by Sigma equals 1 Rho equals J e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00125-00040384-00040821 display style Sigma equals frac 1 Rho ix1OMV6Cu6k-00126-00040822-00041361 equals frac je for example rubber as a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00127-00041362-00041633 material with large Rho and small Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00128-00041634-00041923 because even a very large electric field ix1OMV6Cu6k-00129-00041924-00042157 in rubber makes almost no current flow ix1OMV6Cu6k-00130-00042158-00042468 through it on the other hand copper is a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00131-00042469-00042751 material with small ro and large Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00132-00042752-00043002 because even a small electric field ix1OMV6Cu6k-00133-00043003-00043245 pulls a lot of current through it as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00134-00043246-00043564 shown below this expression simplifies ix1OMV6Cu6k-00135-00043565-00043780 to a single number when the electric ix1OMV6Cu6k-00136-00043781-00044002 field and current density are constant ix1OMV6Cu6k-00137-00044003-00044582 in the material ix1OMV6Cu6k-00138-00044583-00045118 topic tensor resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00139-00045119-00045429 when the resistivity of a material has a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00140-00045430-00045662 directional component the most general ix1OMV6Cu6k-00141-00045663-00045899 definition of resistivity must be used ix1OMV6Cu6k-00142-00045900-00046215 it starts from the tensor vector form of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00143-00046216-00046377 Ohm's law which relates the electric ix1OMV6Cu6k-00144-00046378-00046671 field inside a material to the electric ix1OMV6Cu6k-00145-00046672-00046946 current flow this equation is completely ix1OMV6Cu6k-00146-00046947-00047229 general meaning it is valid in all cases ix1OMV6Cu6k-00147-00047230-00047562 including those mentioned above however ix1OMV6Cu6k-00148-00047563-00047793 this definition is the most complicated ix1OMV6Cu6k-00149-00047794-00048012 so it is only directly used in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00150-00048013-00048261 anisotropic cases where the more simple ix1OMV6Cu6k-00151-00048262-00048558 definitions cannot be applied if the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00152-00048559-00048827 material is not anisotropic it is safe ix1OMV6Cu6k-00153-00048828-00049052 to ignore the tensor vector definition ix1OMV6Cu6k-00154-00049053-00049312 and use a simpler expression instead ix1OMV6Cu6k-00155-00049313-00049614 here anisotropic means that the material ix1OMV6Cu6k-00156-00049615-00049836 has different properties in different ix1OMV6Cu6k-00157-00049837-00050175 directions for example a crystal of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00158-00050176-00050433 graphite consists microscopically of a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00159-00050434-00050670 stack of sheets and current flows very ix1OMV6Cu6k-00160-00050671-00050898 easily through each sheet but much less ix1OMV6Cu6k-00161-00050899-00051102 easily from one sheet to the adjacent ix1OMV6Cu6k-00162-00051103-00051435 one in such cases the current does not ix1OMV6Cu6k-00163-00051436-00051687 flow in exactly the same direction as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00164-00051688-00051992 the electric field thus the appropriate ix1OMV6Cu6k-00165-00051994-00052185 equations are generalized to the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00166-00052186-00052619 three-dimensional tensor form J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00167-00052620-00052973 equals Sigma e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00168-00052974-00053196 e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00169-00053197-00053934 equals bro J display style math BF j ix1OMV6Cu6k-00170-00053935-00054312 equals bold symbol Sigma math bf e right ix1OMV6Cu6k-00171-00054313-00054624 left harpoons math bf e equals bold ix1OMV6Cu6k-00172-00054625-00055032 symbol Rho math bf J where the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00173-00055033-00055269 conductivity Sigma and resistivity Rho ix1OMV6Cu6k-00174-00055270-00055521 are ranked two tensors an electric field ix1OMV6Cu6k-00175-00055522-00055769 E and current density J are vectors ix1OMV6Cu6k-00176-00055770-00056061 these tensors can be represented by ix1OMV6Cu6k-00177-00056062-00056313 three times three matrices the vectors ix1OMV6Cu6k-00178-00056314-00056589 with three by one matrices with matrix ix1OMV6Cu6k-00179-00056590-00056835 multiplication used on the right side of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00180-00056836-00057159 these equations in matrix form the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00181-00057160-00057888 resistivity relation is given by E X E ix1OMV6Cu6k-00182-00057889-00059075 why e Z equals Rho X X Rho ix1OMV6Cu6k-00183-00059076-00060473 x y ro x z bro y x bro ix1OMV6Cu6k-00184-00060474-00061534 why why bro why z ro z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00185-00061535-00062248 X Rosie why Rosie Z J XJ YJ z display ix1OMV6Cu6k-00186-00062249-00062596 style begin b-matrix e underscore x e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00187-00062597-00062962 underscore ye underscore ZN b matrix ix1OMV6Cu6k-00188-00062963-00063373 equals begin b-matrix ro underscore xx ix1OMV6Cu6k-00189-00063374-00063790 and ro underscore XY & ro underscore X Z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00190-00063791-00064219 row underscore YX & ro underscore YY and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00191-00064220-00064597 ro underscore Y Z row underscore ZX and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00192-00064598-00064992 row underscore zy and row underscore Z Z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00193-00064994-00065395 and B matrix begin b-matrix j underscore ix1OMV6Cu6k-00194-00065396-00065815 x j underscore Y J underscore Z n B ix1OMV6Cu6k-00195-00065816-00066112 matrix where each display style math BF ix1OMV6Cu6k-00196-00066113-00066364 e is the electric field vector with ix1OMV6Cu6k-00197-00066365-00066775 components x AE z ro display style bold ix1OMV6Cu6k-00198-00066776-00067051 symbol Rho is the resistivity tensor in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00199-00067052-00067444 general a 3x3 matrix ix1OMV6Cu6k-00200-00067445-00068014 J display style math bf J is the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00201-00068015-00068224 electric current density vector with ix1OMV6Cu6k-00202-00068225-00068634 components JX j y jz equivalently ix1OMV6Cu6k-00203-00068635-00068854 resistivity can be given in the more ix1OMV6Cu6k-00204-00068855-00069043 compact Einstein notation ix1OMV6Cu6k-00205-00069044-00069288 E ix1OMV6Cu6k-00206-00069289-00069738 I equals row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00207-00069739-00070569 i j j j display style math BF e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00208-00070570-00070869 underscore I equals bold symbol Rho ix1OMV6Cu6k-00209-00070870-00071330 underscore I J math be F J underscore J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00210-00071331-00071622 in either case the resulting expression ix1OMV6Cu6k-00211-00071623-00072194 for each electric field component as e x ix1OMV6Cu6k-00212-00072195-00072685 equals Rho X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00213-00072686-00072992 X J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00214-00072993-00074011 X plus Rho X Y J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00215-00074012-00074474 y+ row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00216-00074475-00074672 x-z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00217-00074673-00075230 Jay Z display style e underscore X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00218-00075231-00075608 equals Rho underscore X X J underscore X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00219-00075609-00076001 plus Rho underscore X Y J underscore y ix1OMV6Cu6k-00220-00076002-00076782 plus Rho underscore X Z J underscore Z e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00221-00076783-00076942 why ix1OMV6Cu6k-00222-00076943-00078182 equals row y X J X plus row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00223-00078183-00078478 why why ix1OMV6Cu6k-00224-00078479-00079873 j y+ bro y z j z displaced dial e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00225-00079874-00080263 underscore y equals row underscore y xj ix1OMV6Cu6k-00226-00080264-00080644 underscore X plus ro underscore YY j ix1OMV6Cu6k-00227-00080645-00081052 underscore Y plus ro underscore Y Z J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00228-00081053-00081828 underscore Z e Z equals bro ix1OMV6Cu6k-00229-00081829-00082022 z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00230-00082023-00083369 X J X plus Rho Z Y J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00231-00083370-00084495 y+ bro Z Z J Z display style e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00232-00084496-00084879 underscore Z equals Rho underscore ZX j ix1OMV6Cu6k-00233-00084880-00085254 underscore x plus Rho underscore zy j ix1OMV6Cu6k-00234-00085255-00085632 underscore y plus Rho underscore ZZ j ix1OMV6Cu6k-00235-00085633-00085977 underscore Z since the choice of the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00236-00085978-00086220 coordinate system is free the usual ix1OMV6Cu6k-00237-00086221-00086457 convention is to simplify the expression ix1OMV6Cu6k-00238-00086458-00086709 by choosing an x axis parallel to the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00239-00086710-00087036 current direction so J y equals J Z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00240-00087037-00087146 equals 0 ix1OMV6Cu6k-00241-00087147-00088106 this leaves Rho X x equals E ix1OMV6Cu6k-00242-00088107-00088420 X J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00243-00088421-00088894 X display style row underscore xx equals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00244-00088895-00089520 frac II under score XJ underscore X bro ix1OMV6Cu6k-00245-00089521-00090190 y X equals E ix1OMV6Cu6k-00246-00090191-00090606 why j.x ix1OMV6Cu6k-00247-00090607-00090979 display style ro underscore y x equals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00248-00090980-00091581 frac II under score y J underscore X and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00249-00091582-00091934 Rho Z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00250-00091935-00092642 x equals e z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00251-00092643-00093129 j:x display style ro underscore z x ix1OMV6Cu6k-00252-00093130-00093522 equals frac II under score Z J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00253-00093523-00093891 underscore X conductivity is defined ix1OMV6Cu6k-00254-00093892-00094066 similarly ix1OMV6Cu6k-00255-00094067-00094636 J X J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00256-00094637-00095427 why Jay Z equals Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00257-00095428-00096066 X X Sigma X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00258-00096067-00096865 why Sigma X Z Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00259-00096866-00097341 why X Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00260-00097342-00097601 why ix1OMV6Cu6k-00261-00097602-00097819 Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00262-00097820-00098423 why z sigma z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00263-00098424-00098936 X Sigma Z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00264-00098937-00099833 why Sigma Z Z exe why easy display style ix1OMV6Cu6k-00265-00099834-00100181 begin b-matrix J underscore X J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00266-00100182-00100583 underscore Y J underscore Z and B matrix ix1OMV6Cu6k-00267-00100584-00100952 equals begin b-matrix Sigma underscore X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00268-00100953-00101318 X and Sigma underscore X Y and Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00269-00101319-00101717 underscore X Z Sigma underscore Y X and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00270-00101718-00102021 Sigma underscore Y Y and Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00271-00102022-00102423 underscore Y Z Sigma underscore Z X and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00272-00102424-00102719 Sigma underscore Z Y and Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00273-00102720-00103082 underscore Z Z and B matrix begin ix1OMV6Cu6k-00274-00103083-00103465 b-matrix e underscore X E underscore ye ix1OMV6Cu6k-00275-00103466-00103883 underscore Z and B matrix or Ji equals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00276-00103884-00104333 Sigma IJ EJ display style math be F J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00277-00104334-00104622 underscore I equals bold symbol Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00278-00104623-00105048 underscore IJ math BF e underscore J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00279-00105049-00105831 both resulting in JX equal Sigma X X E ix1OMV6Cu6k-00280-00105832-00107779 X plus Sigma X Y e y plus Sigma X Z e Z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00281-00107780-00108120 display style J underscore X equals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00282-00108121-00108498 Sigma underscore X X E underscore X plus ix1OMV6Cu6k-00283-00108499-00108897 Sigma underscore X ye underscore y plus ix1OMV6Cu6k-00284-00108898-00109631 Sigma underscore XZ e underscore Z J y ix1OMV6Cu6k-00285-00109632-00110004 equals Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00286-00110005-00110135 why ix1OMV6Cu6k-00287-00110136-00111064 x e X plus Sigma Y ix1OMV6Cu6k-00288-00111065-00112546 why e y plus Sigma Y Z e Z display style ix1OMV6Cu6k-00289-00112547-00112911 J underscore y equals Sigma underscore y ix1OMV6Cu6k-00290-00112913-00113329 XE underscore X plus Sigma underscore YY ix1OMV6Cu6k-00291-00113330-00113698 e underscore y plus Sigma underscore y ix1OMV6Cu6k-00292-00113699-00114322 ze underscore Z J Z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00293-00114323-00115747 equals sigma z x-- e x-- plus sigma z y ix1OMV6Cu6k-00294-00115748-00116004 e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00295-00116005-00117240 why plus Sigma Z Z e Z display style J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00296-00117241-00117579 underscore Z equals Sigma underscore z ix1OMV6Cu6k-00297-00117580-00117990 XE underscore X plus Sigma underscore zy ix1OMV6Cu6k-00298-00117991-00118395 e underscore y plus Sigma underscore ZZ ix1OMV6Cu6k-00299-00118396-00118752 e underscore Z looking at the two ix1OMV6Cu6k-00300-00118753-00119199 expressions row display style bold ix1OMV6Cu6k-00301-00119200-00119820 symbol Rho and Sigma display style bold ix1OMV6Cu6k-00302-00119821-00120028 symbol Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00303-00120029-00120233 are the matrix inverse of each other ix1OMV6Cu6k-00304-00120234-00120558 however in the most general case the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00305-00120559-00120772 individual matrix elements are not ix1OMV6Cu6k-00306-00120773-00120970 necessarily reciprocals of one another ix1OMV6Cu6k-00307-00120971-00121354 for example Sigma xx may not be equal to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00308-00121355-00121702 one row xx this can be seen in the Hall ix1OMV6Cu6k-00309-00121703-00121953 effect where row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00310-00121954-00122191 X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00311-00122192-00122683 why display style ro underscore XY is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00312-00122683-00123055 nonzero in the Hall effect due to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00313-00123056-00123357 rotational invariance about the z-axis ix1OMV6Cu6k-00314-00123358-00123894 bro why why ix1OMV6Cu6k-00315-00123895-00124169 equals row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00316-00124170-00124322 X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00317-00124323-00124751 X display style row underscore y y ix1OMV6Cu6k-00318-00124752-00125674 equals row underscore X X and ro y x ix1OMV6Cu6k-00319-00125675-00126260 equals minus row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00320-00126261-00126739 x/y display style row underscore y x ix1OMV6Cu6k-00321-00126740-00127156 equals row underscore X Y so the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00322-00127157-00127348 relation between resistivity and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00323-00127349-00128031 conductivity simplifies to Sigma X x ix1OMV6Cu6k-00324-00128032-00128358 equals row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00325-00128359-00128519 X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00326-00128520-00128791 X bro ix1OMV6Cu6k-00327-00128792-00130177 X X 2 plus Rho X Y 2 display style Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00328-00130178-00130615 underscore xx equals frac Rho underscore ix1OMV6Cu6k-00329-00130616-00131053 X X Rho underscore X X Charat 2 plus Rho ix1OMV6Cu6k-00330-00131054-00131721 underscore XY carrot 2 Sigma X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00331-00131722-00131877 why ix1OMV6Cu6k-00332-00131878-00132601 equals minus row X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00333-00132602-00132877 why bro ix1OMV6Cu6k-00334-00132878-00133655 X X 2 plus row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00335-00133656-00133825 X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00336-00133826-00134365 why to display style Sigma underscore X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00337-00134366-00134812 y equals frac ro underscore X y ro ix1OMV6Cu6k-00338-00134813-00135124 underscore X X Charat 2 plus ro ix1OMV6Cu6k-00339-00135125-00135568 underscore X Y carrot 2 if the electric ix1OMV6Cu6k-00340-00135569-00135843 field is parallel to the applied current ix1OMV6Cu6k-00341-00135844-00136042 row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00342-00136043-00136210 X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00343-00136211-00136764 why display style ro underscore XY ix1OMV6Cu6k-00344-00136765-00137532 and row X Z display style row underscore ix1OMV6Cu6k-00345-00137533-00138018 X Z are zero when they are zero one ix1OMV6Cu6k-00346-00138019-00138744 number Rho X X display style row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00347-00138745-00139140 underscore X X is enough to describe the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00348-00139141-00139401 electrical resistivity it is then ix1OMV6Cu6k-00349-00139402-00139881 written as simply bro display style row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00350-00139882-00140166 and this reduces to the simpler ix1OMV6Cu6k-00351-00140167-00140746 expression ix1OMV6Cu6k-00352-00140747-00141385 topic causes of conductivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00353-00141386-00141709 you ix1OMV6Cu6k-00354-00141710-00142352 topic band theory simplified ix1OMV6Cu6k-00355-00142353-00142526 according to elementary quantum ix1OMV6Cu6k-00356-00142527-00142787 mechanics an electron in an atom or ix1OMV6Cu6k-00357-00142788-00143007 crystal can only have certain precise ix1OMV6Cu6k-00358-00143008-00143234 energy levels energies between these ix1OMV6Cu6k-00359-00143235-00143510 levels are impossible when a large ix1OMV6Cu6k-00360-00143511-00143759 number of such allowed energy levels are ix1OMV6Cu6k-00361-00143760-00144086 spaced close together in energy space ie ix1OMV6Cu6k-00362-00144087-00144362 have similar minutely differing energies ix1OMV6Cu6k-00363-00144363-00144623 we can talk about these energy levels ix1OMV6Cu6k-00364-00144624-00144981 together as an energy band there can be ix1OMV6Cu6k-00365-00144982-00145238 many such energy bands in a material ix1OMV6Cu6k-00366-00145239-00145499 depending on the atomic number number of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00367-00145500-00145739 electrons if the atom is neutral and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00368-00145740-00145853 their distribution ix1OMV6Cu6k-00369-00145854-00146043 besides the size of the crystal and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00370-00146044-00146256 external factors like environmental ix1OMV6Cu6k-00371-00146257-00146595 modification of the energy bands the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00372-00146596-00146858 materials electrons seek to minimize the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00373-00146859-00147122 total energy in the material by going to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00374-00147123-00147381 low energy states however the Pauli ix1OMV6Cu6k-00375-00147382-00147602 exclusion principle means that only one ix1OMV6Cu6k-00376-00147603-00147918 can exist in each such state so the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00377-00147919-00148229 electrons fill up the band structure ix1OMV6Cu6k-00378-00148230-00148427 starting from the bottom the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00379-00148428-00148652 characteristic energy level upto which ix1OMV6Cu6k-00380-00148653-00148874 the electrons have filled as called the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00381-00148875-00149150 Fermi level the position of the Fermi ix1OMV6Cu6k-00382-00149151-00149378 level with respect to the band structure ix1OMV6Cu6k-00383-00149379-00149588 is very important for electrical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00384-00149589-00149840 conduction only electrons in energy ix1OMV6Cu6k-00385-00149841-00150071 levels near the Fermi level are free to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00386-00150072-00150296 move around since the electrons can ix1OMV6Cu6k-00387-00150297-00150521 easily jump among the partially occupied ix1OMV6Cu6k-00388-00150522-00150662 States in that region ix1OMV6Cu6k-00389-00150663-00150998 in contrast the low energy states are ix1OMV6Cu6k-00390-00150999-00151196 rigidly filled with a fixed number of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00391-00151197-00151412 electrons at all times and the high ix1OMV6Cu6k-00392-00151413-00151656 energy states are empty of electrons at ix1OMV6Cu6k-00393-00151657-00151801 all times ix1OMV6Cu6k-00394-00151802-00152075 electric current consists of a flow of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00395-00152076-00152324 electrons in metals there are many ix1OMV6Cu6k-00396-00152325-00152552 electron energy levels near the Fermi ix1OMV6Cu6k-00397-00152553-00152759 level so there are many electrons ix1OMV6Cu6k-00398-00152760-00153035 available to move this is what causes ix1OMV6Cu6k-00399-00153036-00153243 the high electronic conductivity of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00400-00153244-00153606 metals an important part of band theory ix1OMV6Cu6k-00401-00153607-00153827 is that there may be forbidden bands of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00402-00153828-00154091 energy energy intervals that contain no ix1OMV6Cu6k-00403-00154092-00154358 energy levels in insulators and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00404-00154359-00154622 semiconductors the number of electrons ix1OMV6Cu6k-00405-00154623-00154806 as just the right amount to fill a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00406-00154807-00155021 certain integer number of low energy ix1OMV6Cu6k-00407-00155022-00155336 bands exactly to the boundary in this ix1OMV6Cu6k-00408-00155337-00155603 case the Fermi level falls within a band ix1OMV6Cu6k-00409-00155604-00155686 gap ix1OMV6Cu6k-00410-00155687-00155956 since there are no available states near ix1OMV6Cu6k-00411-00155957-00156169 the Fermi level and the electrons are ix1OMV6Cu6k-00412-00156170-00156378 not freely moveable the electronic ix1OMV6Cu6k-00413-00156379-00156685 conductivity is very low ix1OMV6Cu6k-00414-00156686-00157037 you ix1OMV6Cu6k-00415-00157038-00157549 topic in metals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00416-00157550-00157807 a medal consists of a lattice of atoms ix1OMV6Cu6k-00417-00157808-00158040 each with an outer shell of electrons ix1OMV6Cu6k-00418-00158041-00158265 that freely dissociate from their parent ix1OMV6Cu6k-00419-00158266-00158460 atoms and travel through the lattice ix1OMV6Cu6k-00420-00158461-00158785 this is also known as a positive ionic ix1OMV6Cu6k-00421-00158786-00159037 lattice this sea of de sociable ix1OMV6Cu6k-00422-00159038-00159262 electrons allows the metal to conduct ix1OMV6Cu6k-00423-00159263-00159544 electric current when an electrical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00424-00159545-00159741 potential difference a voltage is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00425-00159742-00159961 applied across the metal the resulting ix1OMV6Cu6k-00426-00159962-00160225 electric field causes electrons to drift ix1OMV6Cu6k-00427-00160226-00160531 towards the positive terminal the actual ix1OMV6Cu6k-00428-00160532-00160789 drift velocity of electrons is typically ix1OMV6Cu6k-00429-00160790-00161023 small on the order of magnitude of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00430-00161024-00161359 meters per hour however due to the sheer ix1OMV6Cu6k-00431-00161360-00161604 number of moving electrons even a slow ix1OMV6Cu6k-00432-00161605-00161829 drift velocity results in a large ix1OMV6Cu6k-00433-00161830-00162136 current density the mechanism is similar ix1OMV6Cu6k-00434-00162137-00162394 to transfer of momentum of balls in a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00435-00162395-00162562 Newton's Cradle but the rapid ix1OMV6Cu6k-00436-00162563-00162799 propagation of an electric energy along ix1OMV6Cu6k-00437-00162800-00163018 a wire is not due to the mechanical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00438-00163019-00163270 forces but the propagation of an energy ix1OMV6Cu6k-00439-00163271-00163537 carrying electromagnetic field guided by ix1OMV6Cu6k-00440-00163538-00163870 the wire most metals have electrical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00441-00163871-00164190 resistance in simpler models non quantum ix1OMV6Cu6k-00442-00164191-00164415 mechanical models this can be explained ix1OMV6Cu6k-00443-00164416-00164659 by replacing electrons and the crystal ix1OMV6Cu6k-00444-00164660-00164962 lattice by a wave-like structure when ix1OMV6Cu6k-00445-00164963-00165157 the electron wave travels through the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00446-00165158-00165418 lattice the waves interfere which causes ix1OMV6Cu6k-00447-00165419-00165721 resistance the more regular the lattice ix1OMV6Cu6k-00448-00165722-00165952 as the less disturbance happens and thus ix1OMV6Cu6k-00449-00165953-00166219 the less resistance the amount of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00450-00166220-00166450 resistance as thus mainly caused by two ix1OMV6Cu6k-00451-00166451-00166720 factors first it is caused by the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00452-00166721-00166957 temperature and thus amount of vibration ix1OMV6Cu6k-00453-00166958-00167239 of the crystal lattice the temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00454-00167240-00167488 causes bigger vibrations which act as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00455-00167489-00167827 irregularities in the lattice second the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00456-00167828-00168034 purity of the metal is relevant as a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00457-00168035-00168262 mixture of different ions as also an ix1OMV6Cu6k-00458-00168263-00168482 irregularity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00459-00168483-00168833 you ix1OMV6Cu6k-00460-00168834-00169509 topic in semiconductors and insulators ix1OMV6Cu6k-00461-00169510-00169797 in metals the fermi-level lies in the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00462-00169798-00170054 conduction band see band theory above ix1OMV6Cu6k-00463-00170055-00170338 giving rise to free conduction electrons ix1OMV6Cu6k-00464-00170339-00170658 however in semiconductors the position ix1OMV6Cu6k-00465-00170659-00170852 of the Fermi level as within the band ix1OMV6Cu6k-00466-00170853-00171084 gap about halfway between the conduction ix1OMV6Cu6k-00467-00171085-00171302 band minimum the bottom of the first ix1OMV6Cu6k-00468-00171303-00171554 band of unfilled electron energy levels ix1OMV6Cu6k-00469-00171555-00171812 and the valence band maximum the top of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00470-00171813-00172011 the band below the conduction band of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00471-00172012-00172308 filled electron energy levels that ix1OMV6Cu6k-00472-00172309-00172496 applies for intrinsic undoped ix1OMV6Cu6k-00473-00172497-00172749 semiconductors this means that at ix1OMV6Cu6k-00474-00172750-00172971 Absolute Zero temperature there would be ix1OMV6Cu6k-00475-00172972-00173204 no free conduction electrons and the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00476-00173205-00173504 resistance as infinite however the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00477-00173505-00173697 resistance decreases as the charge ix1OMV6Cu6k-00478-00173698-00173954 carrier density ie without introducing ix1OMV6Cu6k-00479-00173955-00174207 further complications the density of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00480-00174208-00174376 electrons in the conduction band ix1OMV6Cu6k-00481-00174377-00174683 increases in extrinsic doped ix1OMV6Cu6k-00482-00174684-00174960 semiconductors dopant atoms increase the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00483-00174961-00175224 majority charge carrier concentration by ix1OMV6Cu6k-00484-00175225-00175383 donating electrons to the conduction ix1OMV6Cu6k-00485-00175384-00175647 band or producing holes in the valence ix1OMV6Cu6k-00486-00175648-00176007 band hole is a position where an ix1OMV6Cu6k-00487-00176008-00176240 electron is missing such holes can ix1OMV6Cu6k-00488-00176241-00176516 behave in a similar way to electrons for ix1OMV6Cu6k-00489-00176517-00176748 both types of donor or acceptor atoms ix1OMV6Cu6k-00490-00176749-00176978 increasing dopant density reduces ix1OMV6Cu6k-00491-00176979-00177061 resistance ix1OMV6Cu6k-00492-00177062-00177372 hence highly doped semiconductors behave ix1OMV6Cu6k-00493-00177373-00177662 metallically at very high temperatures ix1OMV6Cu6k-00494-00177663-00177849 the contribution of thermally generated ix1OMV6Cu6k-00495-00177850-00178158 carriers dominates over the contribution ix1OMV6Cu6k-00496-00178159-00178371 from dopant atoms and the resistance ix1OMV6Cu6k-00497-00178372-00179100 decreases exponentially with temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00498-00179101-00179795 topic in ionic liquids electrolytes ix1OMV6Cu6k-00499-00179796-00180052 in electrolytes electrical conduction ix1OMV6Cu6k-00500-00180053-00180301 happens not by band electrons or holes ix1OMV6Cu6k-00501-00180302-00180586 but by full atomic species ions ix1OMV6Cu6k-00502-00180587-00180821 traveling each carrying an electrical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00503-00180822-00181109 charge the resistivity of ionic ix1OMV6Cu6k-00504-00181110-00181331 solutions electrolytes varies ix1OMV6Cu6k-00505-00181332-00181552 tremendously with concentration while ix1OMV6Cu6k-00506-00181553-00181781 distilled water is almost an insulator ix1OMV6Cu6k-00507-00181782-00182029 saltwater as a reasonable electrical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00508-00182030-00182381 conductor conduction in ionic liquids is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00509-00182382-00182578 also controlled by the movement of ions ix1OMV6Cu6k-00510-00182579-00182803 but here we are talking about molten ix1OMV6Cu6k-00511-00182804-00183100 salts rather than solvated ions in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00512-00183101-00183337 biological membranes currents are ix1OMV6Cu6k-00513-00183338-00183652 carried by ionic salts small holes in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00514-00183653-00183910 cell membranes called ion channels are ix1OMV6Cu6k-00515-00183911-00184172 selective to specific ions and determine ix1OMV6Cu6k-00516-00184173-00184788 the membrane resistance ix1OMV6Cu6k-00517-00184789-00185196 topic superconductivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00518-00185197-00185359 you ix1OMV6Cu6k-00519-00185360-00185614 the electrical resistivity of a metallic ix1OMV6Cu6k-00520-00185615-00185857 conductor decreases gradually as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00521-00185858-00186139 temperature is lowered in ordinary ix1OMV6Cu6k-00522-00186140-00186427 conductors such as copper or silver this ix1OMV6Cu6k-00523-00186428-00186664 decrease is limited by impurities and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00524-00186665-00187024 other defects even near absolute zero a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00525-00187025-00187264 real sample of a normal conductor shows ix1OMV6Cu6k-00526-00187265-00187597 some resistance in a superconductor the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00527-00187598-00187849 resistance drops abruptly to zero when ix1OMV6Cu6k-00528-00187850-00188035 the material is cooled below its ix1OMV6Cu6k-00529-00188036-00188341 critical temperature an electric current ix1OMV6Cu6k-00530-00188342-00188476 flowing in a loop of superconducting ix1OMV6Cu6k-00531-00188477-00188773 wire can persist indefinitely with no ix1OMV6Cu6k-00532-00188774-00189100 power source in 1986 researchers ix1OMV6Cu6k-00533-00189101-00189328 discovered that some cuprate perovskite ix1OMV6Cu6k-00534-00189329-00189544 ceramic materials have much higher ix1OMV6Cu6k-00535-00189545-00189871 critical temperatures and in 1987 one ix1OMV6Cu6k-00536-00189872-00190048 was produced with a critical temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00537-00190049-00190609 above 90 K - 183 degrees Celsius such a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00538-00190610-00190804 high transition temperature as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00539-00190805-00190981 theoretically impossible for a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00540-00190982-00191191 conventional superconductor so the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00541-00191192-00191365 researchers named these conductors ix1OMV6Cu6k-00542-00191366-00191710 high-temperature superconductors liquid ix1OMV6Cu6k-00543-00191711-00192046 nitrogen boils at 77 K cold enough to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00544-00192047-00192198 activate high-temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00545-00192199-00192433 superconductors but not nearly cold ix1OMV6Cu6k-00546-00192434-00192657 enough for conventional superconductors ix1OMV6Cu6k-00547-00192658-00192931 in conventional superconductors ix1OMV6Cu6k-00548-00192932-00193216 electrons are held together in pairs by ix1OMV6Cu6k-00549-00193217-00193420 an attraction mediated by lattice ix1OMV6Cu6k-00550-00193421-00193720 phonons the best available model of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00551-00193721-00193951 high-temperature superconductivity is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00552-00193952-00194191 still somewhat crude there is a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00553-00194192-00194437 hypothesis that electron pairing in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00554-00194438-00194656 high-temperature superconductors is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00555-00194657-00194920 mediated by short-range spin waves known ix1OMV6Cu6k-00556-00194921-00195430 as para magnons topic plasma plasmas are ix1OMV6Cu6k-00557-00195431-00195628 very good conductors and electric ix1OMV6Cu6k-00558-00195629-00195922 potentials play an important role the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00559-00195923-00196180 potential as it exists on average in the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00560-00196181-00196362 space between charged particles ix1OMV6Cu6k-00561-00196363-00196582 independent of the question of how it ix1OMV6Cu6k-00562-00196583-00196771 can be measured is called the plasma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00563-00196772-00197095 potential or space potential if an ix1OMV6Cu6k-00564-00197096-00197353 electrode is inserted into a plasma its ix1OMV6Cu6k-00565-00197354-00197602 potential generally lies considerably ix1OMV6Cu6k-00566-00197603-00197839 below the plasma potential due to what ix1OMV6Cu6k-00567-00197840-00198094 is termed a Debye sheath the good ix1OMV6Cu6k-00568-00198095-00198349 electrical conductivity of plasmas makes ix1OMV6Cu6k-00569-00198350-00198658 their electric fields very small this ix1OMV6Cu6k-00570-00198659-00198751 results in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00571-00198752-00198961 important concept of quasi neutrality ix1OMV6Cu6k-00572-00198962-00199198 which says the density of negative ix1OMV6Cu6k-00573-00199199-00199432 charges as approximately equal to the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00574-00199433-00199666 density of positive charges over large ix1OMV6Cu6k-00575-00199667-00199927 volumes of the plasma may equals knee ix1OMV6Cu6k-00576-00199928-00200098 but on the scale of the Debye length ix1OMV6Cu6k-00577-00200099-00200416 there can be charge imbalance in the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00578-00200417-00200626 special case that double layers are ix1OMV6Cu6k-00579-00200627-00200884 formed the charge separation can extend ix1OMV6Cu6k-00580-00200885-00201211 some tens of Debye lengths the magnitude ix1OMV6Cu6k-00581-00201212-00201436 of the potentials and electric fields ix1OMV6Cu6k-00582-00201437-00201631 must be determined by means other than ix1OMV6Cu6k-00583-00201632-00201903 simply finding the net charge density a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00584-00201904-00202183 common example as to assume that the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00585-00202184-00202422 electrons satisfy the Boltzmann relation ix1OMV6Cu6k-00586-00202423-00202849 neee phi k BTE display style and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00587-00202850-00203179 underscore text e propped OE carat e phi ix1OMV6Cu6k-00588-00203180-00203580 k underscore text bt underscore text e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00589-00203581-00203845 differentiating this relation provides a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00590-00203846-00204046 means to calculate the electric field ix1OMV6Cu6k-00591-00204047-00204382 from the density e equals minus kb te e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00592-00204383-00204808 + e any display style math BF e equals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00593-00204809-00205228 frac k underscore text bt underscore ix1OMV6Cu6k-00594-00205229-00205692 text ee frac nabla and underscore text e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00595-00205694-00205960 and underscore text e the downward ix1OMV6Cu6k-00596-00205961-00206238 pointing triangle is a vector gradient C ix1OMV6Cu6k-00597-00206239-00206448 nablus symbol and gradient for more ix1OMV6Cu6k-00598-00206450-00206691 information it is possible to produce a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00599-00206692-00206952 plasma that is not quasi neutral an ix1OMV6Cu6k-00600-00206953-00207240 electron beam for example has only ix1OMV6Cu6k-00601-00207241-00207511 negative charges the density of a non ix1OMV6Cu6k-00602-00207512-00207760 neutral plasma must generally be very ix1OMV6Cu6k-00603-00207761-00208111 low or it must be very small otherwise ix1OMV6Cu6k-00604-00208112-00208338 the repulsive electrostatic force ix1OMV6Cu6k-00605-00208339-00208678 dissipates it in Astrophysical plasmas ix1OMV6Cu6k-00606-00208679-00208989 Debye screening prevents electric fields ix1OMV6Cu6k-00607-00208990-00209212 from directly affecting the plasma over ix1OMV6Cu6k-00608-00209213-00209458 large distances ie greater than the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00609-00209459-00209779 Debye length however the existence of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00610-00209780-00210031 charged particles causes the plasma to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00611-00210032-00210223 generate and be affected by magnetic ix1OMV6Cu6k-00612-00210223-00210589 fields this can and is caused extremely ix1OMV6Cu6k-00613-00210590-00210862 complex behavior such as the generation ix1OMV6Cu6k-00614-00210863-00211117 of plasma double layers an object that ix1OMV6Cu6k-00615-00211117-00211342 separates charged over a few tens of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00616-00211342-00211671 Debye lengths the dynamics of plasma is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00617-00211673-00211873 interacting with external and self ix1OMV6Cu6k-00618-00211873-00212134 generated magnetic fields are studied ix1OMV6Cu6k-00619-00212135-00212275 the academic discipline of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00620-00212276-00212662 magnetohydrodynamics plasma is often ix1OMV6Cu6k-00621-00212663-00212854 called the fourth state of matter after ix1OMV6Cu6k-00622-00212855-00213219 solid liquids and gases it is distinct ix1OMV6Cu6k-00623-00213221-00213439 from these and other lower energy states ix1OMV6Cu6k-00624-00213440-00213751 of matter although it is closely related ix1OMV6Cu6k-00625-00213752-00213996 to the gas phase in that it also has no ix1OMV6Cu6k-00626-00213998-00214261 definite form or volume it differs in a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00627-00214262-00214904 number of ways including the following ix1OMV6Cu6k-00628-00214905-00215255 topic resistivity and conductivity of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00629-00215256-00215757 various materials ix1OMV6Cu6k-00630-00215758-00216003 a conductor such as a metal has high ix1OMV6Cu6k-00631-00216004-00216311 conductivity and a low resistivity an ix1OMV6Cu6k-00632-00216312-00216555 insulator like glass has low ix1OMV6Cu6k-00633-00216556-00216903 conductivity and a high resistivity the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00634-00216904-00217119 conductivity of a semiconductor is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00635-00217119-00217350 generally intermediate but varies widely ix1OMV6Cu6k-00636-00217351-00217557 under different conditions such as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00637-00217558-00217796 exposure of the material to electric ix1OMV6Cu6k-00638-00217798-00218021 fields or specific frequencies of light ix1OMV6Cu6k-00639-00218023-00218310 and most important with temperature and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00640-00218311-00218460 Composition of the semiconductor ix1OMV6Cu6k-00641-00218461-00218688 material the degree of doping in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00642-00218689-00218894 semiconductors makes a large difference ix1OMV6Cu6k-00643-00218896-00219264 in conductivity to appoint more doping ix1OMV6Cu6k-00644-00219265-00219492 leads to higher conductivity the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00645-00219492-00219738 conductivity of a solution of water is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00646-00219739-00219975 highly dependent on its concentration of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00647-00219976-00220182 dissolved salts and other chemical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00648-00220183-00220457 species that ionize in the solution ix1OMV6Cu6k-00649-00220458-00220742 electrical conductivity of water samples ix1OMV6Cu6k-00650-00220744-00220992 is used as an indicator of how salt free ix1OMV6Cu6k-00651-00220992-00221283 ion free or impurity free the sample as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00652-00221284-00221492 the pure the water the lower the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00653-00221494-00221765 conductivity the higher the resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00654-00221766-00222033 conductivity measurements in water are ix1OMV6Cu6k-00655-00222034-00222261 often reported as specific conductance ix1OMV6Cu6k-00656-00222262-00222456 relative to the conductivity of pure ix1OMV6Cu6k-00657-00222457-00222888 water at 25 degrees Celsius an EC meter ix1OMV6Cu6k-00658-00222889-00223086 as normally used to measure conductivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00659-00223087-00223442 in a solution a rough summary as as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00660-00223444-00223773 follows this table shows the resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00661-00223773-00224012 ro conductivity and temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00662-00224013-00224298 coefficient of various materials at 20 ix1OMV6Cu6k-00663-00224298-00224642 degrees Celsius 68 degrees Fahrenheit ix1OMV6Cu6k-00664-00224642-00225009 293 K the effective temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00665-00225010-00225252 coefficient varies with temperature and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00666-00225253-00225561 purity level of the material the twenty ix1OMV6Cu6k-00667-00225562-00225792 degrees Celsius value is only an ix1OMV6Cu6k-00668-00225792-00225981 approximation when used at other ix1OMV6Cu6k-00669-00225982-00226284 temperatures for example the coefficient ix1OMV6Cu6k-00670-00226285-00226566 becomes lower at higher temperatures for ix1OMV6Cu6k-00671-00226567-00226791 copper and the value zero point zero ix1OMV6Cu6k-00672-00226792-00227136 zero four to seven as commonly specified ix1OMV6Cu6k-00673-00227137-00227403 at zero degrees Celsius the extremely ix1OMV6Cu6k-00674-00227404-00227655 low resistivity high conductivity of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00675-00227656-00227906 silver as characteristic of metals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00676-00227907-00228183 George Gamow tidally summed up the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00677-00228184-00228360 nature of the metals dealings with ix1OMV6Cu6k-00678-00228361-00228591 electrons in his popular science book ix1OMV6Cu6k-00679-00228592-00228852 one two three ix1OMV6Cu6k-00680-00228853-00229348 infinity 1947 the metallic substances ix1OMV6Cu6k-00681-00229348-00229567 differ from all other materials by the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00682-00229567-00229744 fact that the outer shells of their ix1OMV6Cu6k-00683-00229744-00229990 atoms are bound rather loosely and often ix1OMV6Cu6k-00684-00229991-00230209 let one of their electrons go free ix1OMV6Cu6k-00685-00230210-00230496 thus the interior of a metal is filled ix1OMV6Cu6k-00686-00230498-00230689 up with a large number of unattached ix1OMV6Cu6k-00687-00230690-00230914 electrons that travel aimlessly around ix1OMV6Cu6k-00688-00230915-00231250 like a crowd of displaced persons when a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00689-00231251-00231478 metal wire is subjected to electric ix1OMV6Cu6k-00690-00231479-00231721 force applied on its opposite ends these ix1OMV6Cu6k-00691-00231721-00231964 free electrons rush in the direction of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00692-00231965-00232177 the force thus forming what we call an ix1OMV6Cu6k-00693-00232178-00232513 electric current more technically the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00694-00232514-00232705 free electron model gives a basic ix1OMV6Cu6k-00695-00232706-00233013 description of electron flow in metals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00696-00233014-00233326 Wood is widely regarded as an extremely ix1OMV6Cu6k-00697-00233327-00233557 good insulator but its resistivity is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00698-00233558-00233748 sensitively dependent on moisture ix1OMV6Cu6k-00699-00233750-00233992 content with damp wood being a factor of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00700-00233992-00234256 at least 10/10 worse insulator than oven ix1OMV6Cu6k-00701-00234257-00234556 dry in any case a sufficiently high ix1OMV6Cu6k-00702-00234557-00234790 voltage such as that in lightning ix1OMV6Cu6k-00703-00234791-00235027 strikes or some high tension power lines ix1OMV6Cu6k-00704-00235028-00235258 can lead to insulation breakdown an ix1OMV6Cu6k-00705-00235259-00235498 electrocution risk even with apparently ix1OMV6Cu6k-00706-00235498-00236075 dry wood ix1OMV6Cu6k-00707-00236076-00236703 topic temperature dependence ix1OMV6Cu6k-00708-00236704-00237031 you ix1OMV6Cu6k-00709-00237032-00237471 topic linear approximation ix1OMV6Cu6k-00710-00237473-00237635 you ix1OMV6Cu6k-00711-00237636-00237871 the electrical resistivity of most ix1OMV6Cu6k-00712-00237873-00238109 materials changes with temperature if ix1OMV6Cu6k-00713-00238110-00238382 the temperature T does not vary too much ix1OMV6Cu6k-00714-00238383-00238735 a linear approximation as typically used ix1OMV6Cu6k-00715-00238736-00239098 ro T ix1OMV6Cu6k-00716-00239098-00239994 equals Rho 0 1 plus alpha ix1OMV6Cu6k-00717-00239996-00240898 t minus t0 display style Rho T equals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00718-00240898-00241276 Rho underscore 0 1 plus alpha TT ix1OMV6Cu6k-00719-00241277-00241896 underscore 0 where alpha display style ix1OMV6Cu6k-00720-00241898-00242185 alpha is called the temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00721-00242186-00242844 coefficient of resistivity t0 display ix1OMV6Cu6k-00722-00242846-00243238 style t underscore zero is a fixed ix1OMV6Cu6k-00723-00243239-00243448 reference temperature usually room ix1OMV6Cu6k-00724-00243448-00244060 temperature and row zero display style ix1OMV6Cu6k-00725-00244061-00244426 row underscore zero is the resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00726-00244427-00245077 at temperature T zero display style t ix1OMV6Cu6k-00727-00245078-00245616 underscore zero the parameter alpha ix1OMV6Cu6k-00728-00245617-00246016 display style alpha is an empirical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00729-00246017-00246234 parameter fitted for measurement data ix1OMV6Cu6k-00730-00246235-00246526 because the linear approximation is only ix1OMV6Cu6k-00731-00246527-00247003 an approximation alpha display style ix1OMV6Cu6k-00732-00247004-00247273 alpha is different for different ix1OMV6Cu6k-00733-00247273-00247596 reference temperatures for this reason ix1OMV6Cu6k-00734-00247598-00247840 it is usual to specify the temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00735-00247841-00248410 that alpha display style alpha was ix1OMV6Cu6k-00736-00248411-00248829 measured at with a suffix such as alpha ix1OMV6Cu6k-00737-00248830-00249375 15 display style alpha underscore 15 and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00738-00249376-00249682 the relationship only holds in a range ix1OMV6Cu6k-00739-00249683-00249885 of temperatures around the reference ix1OMV6Cu6k-00740-00249886-00250183 when the temperature varies over a large ix1OMV6Cu6k-00741-00250184-00250366 temperature range the linear ix1OMV6Cu6k-00742-00250367-00250612 approximation is inadequate and a more ix1OMV6Cu6k-00743-00250613-00250831 detailed analysis and understanding ix1OMV6Cu6k-00744-00250832-00251058 should be used ix1OMV6Cu6k-00745-00251059-00251406 you ix1OMV6Cu6k-00746-00251407-00251904 topic metals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00747-00251905-00252165 in general electrical resistivity of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00748-00252166-00252383 metals increases with temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00749-00252384-00252669 electron phonon interactions can play a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00750-00252669-00252936 key role at high temperatures the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00751-00252937-00253161 resistance of a metal increases linearly ix1OMV6Cu6k-00752-00253162-00253476 with temperature as the temperature of a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00753-00253477-00253667 metal is reduced the temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00754-00253669-00253878 dependence of resistivity follows a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00755-00253879-00254162 power law function of temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00756-00254163-00254340 mathematically the temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00757-00254341-00254562 dependence of the resistivity ro of a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00758-00254563-00254784 metal is given by the block granese and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00759-00254785-00255026 formula ro ix1OMV6Cu6k-00760-00255027-00255242 T ix1OMV6Cu6k-00761-00255244-00256325 equals Rho zero plus a T theta ix1OMV6Cu6k-00762-00256326-00256542 are ix1OMV6Cu6k-00763-00256542-00256925 zero theta ix1OMV6Cu6k-00764-00256926-00258808 our T X n e X minus 1 1 minus e minus X ix1OMV6Cu6k-00765-00258809-00259508 D X display style Rho T equals Rho 0 ix1OMV6Cu6k-00766-00259509-00259948 plus a left frac t theta underscore R ix1OMV6Cu6k-00767-00259950-00260021 right ix1OMV6Cu6k-00768-00260021-00260363 caret n int underscore 0 caret frac ix1OMV6Cu6k-00769-00260364-00260846 theta underscore R T frac X Charat n e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00770-00260846-00261607 caret X minus 1 1 e caret X DX where Rho ix1OMV6Cu6k-00771-00261608-00262229 0 display style bro 0 is the residual ix1OMV6Cu6k-00772-00262230-00262478 resistivity due to defect scattering a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00773-00262479-00262685 is a constant that depends on the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00774-00262686-00262886 velocity of electrons at the Fermi ix1OMV6Cu6k-00775-00262887-00263144 surface the Debye radius and the number ix1OMV6Cu6k-00776-00263145-00263585 density of electrons in the metal theta ix1OMV6Cu6k-00777-00263586-00264035 our display style theta underscore R is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00778-00264036-00264329 the Debye temperature as obtained from ix1OMV6Cu6k-00779-00264330-00264527 resistivity measurements and matches ix1OMV6Cu6k-00780-00264528-00264758 very closely with the values of Debye ix1OMV6Cu6k-00781-00264759-00264986 temperature obtained from specific heat ix1OMV6Cu6k-00782-00264987-00265280 measurements n as an integer that ix1OMV6Cu6k-00783-00265281-00265600 depends upon the nature of interaction N ix1OMV6Cu6k-00784-00265601-00265925 equals 5 implies that the resistance is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00785-00265926-00266129 due to scattering of electrons by ix1OMV6Cu6k-00786-00266130-00266443 phonons as it is for simple metals N ix1OMV6Cu6k-00787-00266444-00266759 equals 3 implies that the resistance as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00788-00266760-00267029 due to SD electron scattering as is the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00789-00267030-00267425 case for transition metals N equals 2 ix1OMV6Cu6k-00790-00267426-00267650 implies that the resistance is due to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00791-00267651-00267890 electron electron interaction if more ix1OMV6Cu6k-00792-00267891-00268081 than one source of scattering is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00793-00268082-00268331 simultaneously present Matheson's rule ix1OMV6Cu6k-00794-00268332-00268625 first formulated by Augustus Matheson in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00795-00268626-00268871 the 1860s states that the total ix1OMV6Cu6k-00796-00268872-00269111 resistance can be approximated by adding ix1OMV6Cu6k-00797-00269112-00269333 up several different terms each with the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00798-00269334-00269633 appropriate value of n as the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00799-00269634-00269837 temperature of the metal is sufficiently ix1OMV6Cu6k-00800-00269838-00270101 reduced so as to freeze all the phonons ix1OMV6Cu6k-00801-00270102-00270317 the resistivity usually reaches a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00802-00270318-00270551 constant value known as the residual ix1OMV6Cu6k-00803-00270552-00270869 resistivity this value depends not only ix1OMV6Cu6k-00804-00270870-00271124 on the type of metal but on its purity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00805-00271125-00271406 and thermal history the value of the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00806-00271407-00271619 residual resistivity of a metal is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00807-00271620-00271879 decided by its impurity concentration ix1OMV6Cu6k-00808-00271880-00272174 some materials lose all electrical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00809-00272175-00272363 resistivity at sufficiently low ix1OMV6Cu6k-00810-00272364-00272570 temperatures due to an effect known as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00811-00272571-00272948 super conductivity an investigation of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00812-00272949-00273134 the low-temperature resistivity of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00813-00273135-00273353 metals was the motivation to hake a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00814-00273354-00273587 kamerlingh on is's experiments that led ix1OMV6Cu6k-00815-00273588-00273830 in 1911 to discovery of super ix1OMV6Cu6k-00816-00273831-00274163 conductivity for details see history of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00817-00274164-00274382 superconductivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00818-00274383-00274729 you ix1OMV6Cu6k-00819-00274730-00275289 topic semiconductors ix1OMV6Cu6k-00820-00275290-00275562 in general intrinsic semiconductor ix1OMV6Cu6k-00821-00275563-00275772 resistivity decreases with increasing ix1OMV6Cu6k-00822-00275773-00276048 temperature the electrons are bumped to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00823-00276049-00276270 the conduction energy band by thermal ix1OMV6Cu6k-00824-00276271-00276500 energy where they flow freely and in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00825-00276501-00276710 doing so leave behind holes in the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00826-00276711-00277044 valence band which also flow freely the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00827-00277045-00277218 electric resistance of a typical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00828-00277219-00277457 intrinsic non doped semiconductor ix1OMV6Cu6k-00829-00277458-00277742 decreases exponentially with temperature ix1OMV6Cu6k-00830-00277743-00278509 Rho equals Rho zero ix1OMV6Cu6k-00831-00278510-00278719 e- ix1OMV6Cu6k-00832-00278720-00279231 a tea display style row equals row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00833-00279232-00279531 underscore 0e carrot at ix1OMV6Cu6k-00834-00279532-00279762 an even better approximation of the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00835-00279763-00279909 temperature dependence of the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00836-00279910-00280155 resistivity of a semiconductor as given ix1OMV6Cu6k-00837-00280156-00280743 by the Steinhardt Hart equation 1t ix1OMV6Cu6k-00838-00280744-00282041 equals a plus B Blaine bro plus C Lane ix1OMV6Cu6k-00839-00282042-00282699 Row three display style frac one t ix1OMV6Cu6k-00840-00282700-00283125 equals a plus B Lane row plus C Lane row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00841-00283126-00283500 carrot three where a B and C are the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00842-00283501-00283775 so-called Steinhardt heart coefficients ix1OMV6Cu6k-00843-00283776-00284028 this equation is used to calibrate ix1OMV6Cu6k-00844-00284029-00284363 thermistors extrinsic doped ix1OMV6Cu6k-00845-00284364-00284529 semiconductors have a far more ix1OMV6Cu6k-00846-00284530-00284825 complicated temperature profile as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00847-00284826-00285056 temperature increases starting from ix1OMV6Cu6k-00848-00285057-00285273 absolute zero they first decreased ix1OMV6Cu6k-00849-00285274-00285498 steeply in resistance as the carriers ix1OMV6Cu6k-00850-00285499-00285833 leave the donors or acceptors after most ix1OMV6Cu6k-00851-00285834-00286047 of the donors or acceptors have lost ix1OMV6Cu6k-00852-00286048-00286275 their carriers the resistance starts to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00853-00286276-00286470 increase again slightly due to the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00854-00286471-00286722 reducing mobility of carriers much as in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00855-00286723-00287006 a metal at higher temperatures they ix1OMV6Cu6k-00856-00287007-00287253 behave like intrinsic semiconductors as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00857-00287254-00287463 the carrier's from the donors acceptors ix1OMV6Cu6k-00858-00287464-00287670 become insignificant compared to the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00859-00287671-00287892 thermal generated carriers in non ix1OMV6Cu6k-00860-00287893-00288131 crystalline semiconductors conduction ix1OMV6Cu6k-00861-00288132-00288354 can occur by charges quantum tunneling ix1OMV6Cu6k-00862-00288355-00288683 from one localized site to another this ix1OMV6Cu6k-00863-00288684-00288921 is known as variable range hopping and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00864-00288922-00289326 has the characteristic form of row ix1OMV6Cu6k-00865-00289327-00290481 equals a exp t minus 1 and display style ix1OMV6Cu6k-00866-00290482-00291027 row equals a exp left T caret frac 1 and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00867-00291028-00291546 right where N equals 2 3 4 ix1OMV6Cu6k-00868-00291547-00291744 depending on the dimensionality of the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00869-00291745-00291951 system ix1OMV6Cu6k-00870-00291952-00292396 equals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00871-00292397-00292711 topic complex resistivity and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00872-00292712-00293167 conductivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00873-00293168-00293548 equals when analyzing the response of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00874-00293549-00293809 materials to alternating electric fields ix1OMV6Cu6k-00875-00293810-00294091 dielectric spectroscopy in applications ix1OMV6Cu6k-00876-00294092-00294298 such as electrical impedance tomography ix1OMV6Cu6k-00877-00294299-00294592 it is convenient to replace resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00878-00294593-00294799 with a complex quantity called Impa ix1OMV6Cu6k-00879-00294800-00295021 devotee in analogy to electrical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00880-00295022-00295339 impedance impediment a is the sum of a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00881-00295340-00295582 real component the resistivity and an ix1OMV6Cu6k-00882-00295583-00295837 imaginary component the reactivity in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00883-00295838-00296176 analogy to reactance the magnitude of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00884-00296177-00296419 impetu VT as the square root of sum of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00885-00296420-00296674 squares of magnitudes of resistivity and ix1OMV6Cu6k-00886-00296675-00297079 reactivity conversely in such cases the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00887-00297080-00297280 conductivity must be expressed as a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00888-00297281-00297544 complex number or even as a matrix of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00889-00297545-00297739 complex numbers in the case of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00890-00297740-00297979 anisotropic materials called the admit ix1OMV6Cu6k-00891-00297980-00298297 avati admit avati is the sum of a real ix1OMV6Cu6k-00892-00298298-00298537 component called the conductivity and an ix1OMV6Cu6k-00893-00298538-00298720 imaginary component called the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00894-00298721-00299014 susceptible an alternative description ix1OMV6Cu6k-00895-00299015-00299293 of the response to alternating currents ix1OMV6Cu6k-00896-00299294-00299542 uses a real but frequency dependent ix1OMV6Cu6k-00897-00299543-00299725 conductivity along with a real ix1OMV6Cu6k-00898-00299726-00300019 permittivity the larger the conductivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00899-00300020-00300229 is the more quickly the alternating ix1OMV6Cu6k-00900-00300230-00300427 current signal is absorbed by the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00901-00300428-00300730 material ie the more opaque the material ix1OMV6Cu6k-00902-00300731-00301020 is for details see mathematical ix1OMV6Cu6k-00903-00301021-00301685 descriptions of opacity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00904-00301686-00302043 topic resistance versus resistivity in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00905-00302044-00302696 complicated geometries even if the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00906-00302697-00302896 materials resistivity is known ix1OMV6Cu6k-00907-00302897-00303134 calculating the resistance of something ix1OMV6Cu6k-00908-00303135-00303398 made from it may in some cases be much ix1OMV6Cu6k-00909-00303399-00303799 more complicated than the formula R ix1OMV6Cu6k-00910-00303800-00304138 equals Rho ix1OMV6Cu6k-00911-00304139-00304727 Oh display style R equals bro l above ix1OMV6Cu6k-00912-00304728-00304982 one example is spreading resistance ix1OMV6Cu6k-00913-00304983-00305205 profiling where the material is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00914-00305206-00305457 inhomogeneous different resistivity in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00915-00305458-00305697 different places and the exact paths of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00916-00305698-00306067 current flow are not obvious in cases ix1OMV6Cu6k-00917-00306068-00306474 like this the formulas J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00918-00306475-00307620 equals Sigma e e equals Rho J display ix1OMV6Cu6k-00919-00307621-00307908 style J equals Sigma e right left ix1OMV6Cu6k-00920-00307909-00308307 harpoons EE equals Rho J must be ix1OMV6Cu6k-00921-00308308-00308530 replaced with ix1OMV6Cu6k-00922-00308531-00309102 jay-ar equals Sigma ix1OMV6Cu6k-00923-00309103-00309392 ar e ix1OMV6Cu6k-00924-00309393-00310438 ar e r equals Rho R J ix1OMV6Cu6k-00925-00310439-00310935 our display style math bfj math BF r ix1OMV6Cu6k-00926-00310936-00311385 equals sigma math BF our math BF e math ix1OMV6Cu6k-00927-00311386-00311781 BF r right left harpoons math BF e math ix1OMV6Cu6k-00928-00311782-00312289 BF r equals row math BF our math BF j ix1OMV6Cu6k-00929-00312290-00312739 math BF r wary and j are now vector ix1OMV6Cu6k-00930-00312740-00313032 fields this equation along with the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00931-00313033-00313260 continuity equation for Jay and the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00932-00313261-00313516 poissons equation for e form a set of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00933-00313517-00313779 partial differential equations in ix1OMV6Cu6k-00934-00313780-00314068 special cases an exact or approximate ix1OMV6Cu6k-00935-00314069-00314280 solution to these equations can be ix1OMV6Cu6k-00936-00314281-00314529 worked out by hand but for very accurate ix1OMV6Cu6k-00937-00314530-00314778 answers in complex cases computer ix1OMV6Cu6k-00938-00314779-00315037 methods like finite element analysis may ix1OMV6Cu6k-00939-00315038-00315641 be required ix1OMV6Cu6k-00940-00315642-00316317 topic resistivity density products ix1OMV6Cu6k-00941-00316318-00316578 in some applications where the weight of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00942-00316579-00316755 an item is very important ix1OMV6Cu6k-00943-00316756-00316983 resistivity density products are more ix1OMV6Cu6k-00944-00316984-00317196 important than absolute low resistivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00945-00317197-00317412 it is often possible to make the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00946-00317413-00317592 conductor thicker to make up for a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00947-00317593-00317787 higher resistivity and then a low ix1OMV6Cu6k-00948-00317788-00318045 resistivity density product material or ix1OMV6Cu6k-00949-00318046-00318276 equivalently a high conductivity to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00950-00318277-00318648 density ratio is desirable for example ix1OMV6Cu6k-00951-00318649-00318888 for long distance overhead power lines ix1OMV6Cu6k-00952-00318889-00319152 aluminium as frequently used rather than ix1OMV6Cu6k-00953-00319153-00319437 copper Cu because it is lighter for the ix1OMV6Cu6k-00954-00319438-00319797 same conductance silver although it as ix1OMV6Cu6k-00955-00319798-00320007 the least resistive metal known has a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00956-00320008-00320271 high density and performs similarly to ix1OMV6Cu6k-00957-00320272-00320496 copper by this measure but as much more ix1OMV6Cu6k-00958-00320497-00320793 expensive calcium and the alkali metals ix1OMV6Cu6k-00959-00320794-00321030 have the best resistivity density ix1OMV6Cu6k-00960-00321031-00321228 products but are rarely used for ix1OMV6Cu6k-00961-00321229-00321396 conductors due to their high reactivity ix1OMV6Cu6k-00962-00321397-00321672 with water and oxygen and lack of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00963-00321673-00321999 physical strength aluminium is far more ix1OMV6Cu6k-00964-00322000-00322269 stable two other important attributes ix1OMV6Cu6k-00965-00322270-00322542 price and toxicity exclude the otherwise ix1OMV6Cu6k-00966-00322543-00322839 best choice beryllium pure beryllium is ix1OMV6Cu6k-00967-00322840-00322932 also brittle ix1OMV6Cu6k-00968-00322933-00323184 thus aluminium as usually the metal of ix1OMV6Cu6k-00969-00323185-00323373 choice when the weight or cost of a ix1OMV6Cu6k-00970-00323374-00323735 conductor as the driving consideration ix1OMV6Cu6k-00971-00323736-00324114 you ix1OMV6Cu6k-00972-00324115-00324654 topic see also ix1OMV6Cu6k-00973-00324655-00325038 equals equals moats iyw1IBzJBMo-00000-00000000-00000202 my mom told me not to let you guys peer iyw1IBzJBMo-00001-00000204-00000866 pressure me in that what does that iyw1IBzJBMo-00002-00000867-00001016 machines and machine freaks here because iyw1IBzJBMo-00003-00001017-00001160 they're feeling froggy fresh and super iyw1IBzJBMo-00004-00001161-00001439 fly I am going to try to make an update iyw1IBzJBMo-00005-00001440-00001723 video here but first of all Saturdays iyw1IBzJBMo-00006-00001725-00001942 are definitely for the boys cutter iyw1IBzJBMo-00007-00001943-00002347 Saturdays for iyw1IBzJBMo-00008-00002348-00002708 [Music] iyw1IBzJBMo-00009-00002709-00003162 holder here we go iyw1IBzJBMo-00010-00003163-00003952 that upset that was go iyw1IBzJBMo-00011-00003953-00004102 now he's gonna think that he's gonna iyw1IBzJBMo-00012-00004103-00004243 take him somewhere but he's really not iyw1IBzJBMo-00013-00004244-00004411 gonna go anywhere we're kind of the same iyw1IBzJBMo-00014-00004412-00004582 predicament as Ian right now we're kind iyw1IBzJBMo-00015-00004583-00004825 of stuck not really sure what the hell's iyw1IBzJBMo-00016-00004826-00004954 going on you guys don't know what's iyw1IBzJBMo-00017-00004955-00005077 going on I don't know what's going on iyw1IBzJBMo-00018-00005078-00005281 what I do know though is I did my taxes iyw1IBzJBMo-00019-00005282-00005446 early and if you follow me an Instagram iyw1IBzJBMo-00020-00005447-00005626 you would have saw the big box receipts iyw1IBzJBMo-00021-00005627-00005839 I have learning a lot about that iyw1IBzJBMo-00022-00005840-00006065 something has to change iyw1IBzJBMo-00023-00006066-00006225 [Music] iyw1IBzJBMo-00024-00006226-00006389 everyone nobody iyw1IBzJBMo-00025-00006390-00006587 [Music] iyw1IBzJBMo-00026-00006588-00007189 injury calling you out iyw1IBzJBMo-00027-00007190-00007676 a myth that I want to lay to rest right iyw1IBzJBMo-00028-00007677-00007909 now is that I'm going crazy because I'm iyw1IBzJBMo-00029-00007910-00008092 not over my girlfriend I'm a very iyw1IBzJBMo-00030-00008093-00008351 logical person any educated person any iyw1IBzJBMo-00031-00008352-00008509 person with street smarts would iyw1IBzJBMo-00032-00008510-00008738 understand that and understand that I'm iyw1IBzJBMo-00033-00008739-00009088 not a sad person I'm a set person I look iyw1IBzJBMo-00034-00009089-00009259 at things logically and get over them iyw1IBzJBMo-00035-00009260-00009445 I'm not going to let something happen iyw1IBzJBMo-00036-00009446-00009649 and upset me for the rest of my life or iyw1IBzJBMo-00037-00009650-00009923 for an extensive period of time that's iyw1IBzJBMo-00038-00009924-00009977 silly iyw1IBzJBMo-00039-00009978-00010202 second thing why did I think my video is iyw1IBzJBMo-00040-00010203-00010358 down the whole thing the whole YouTube iyw1IBzJBMo-00041-00010359-00010588 thing has been really strange I talked iyw1IBzJBMo-00042-00010589-00010730 about this like a year ago year and a iyw1IBzJBMo-00043-00010731-00011083 half ago and it's just strange so I have iyw1IBzJBMo-00044-00011084-00011296 to follow that curve and I have to do iyw1IBzJBMo-00045-00011297-00011466 something different so I have goals and iyw1IBzJBMo-00046-00011467-00011738 this thing that I'm doing now that I iyw1IBzJBMo-00047-00011739-00012035 used to do that I did very well and I iyw1IBzJBMo-00048-00012036-00012263 made good money at it is no longer there iyw1IBzJBMo-00049-00012264-00012424 I don't make the money that I used to on iyw1IBzJBMo-00050-00012425-00012569 YouTube don't make the money that I used iyw1IBzJBMo-00051-00012570-00012808 to on machine marks calm this is before iyw1IBzJBMo-00052-00012809-00013019 I stopped uploading that's what led to iyw1IBzJBMo-00053-00013019-00013241 the not uploading if I had more support iyw1IBzJBMo-00054-00013241-00013513 more viewers more people that watch the iyw1IBzJBMo-00055-00013515-00013694 ads people that bought machine March iyw1IBzJBMo-00056-00013694-00013880 then we would still continue to make iyw1IBzJBMo-00057-00013881-00014102 videos if I can't do it and make money iyw1IBzJBMo-00058-00014103-00014347 at it it doesn't make sense and it iyw1IBzJBMo-00059-00014348-00014522 doesn't make financial sense to do it iyw1IBzJBMo-00060-00014522-00014800 I'm sorry I made like that was in iyw1IBzJBMo-00061-00014801-00014999 something videos I was I was always told iyw1IBzJBMo-00062-00015000-00015190 the more I give the more I receive iyw1IBzJBMo-00063-00015191-00015518 however that philosophy wasn't working iyw1IBzJBMo-00064-00015519-00015671 for me and it hasn't been working for me iyw1IBzJBMo-00065-00015672-00015847 so that's why I have to change things up iyw1IBzJBMo-00066-00015848-00015988 and I want to do things differently and iyw1IBzJBMo-00067-00015990-00016250 got stuck and I have a jump on his front iyw1IBzJBMo-00068-00016251-00016502 rack got him out here now got stuck iyw1IBzJBMo-00069-00016503-00016769 voice now iyw1IBzJBMo-00070-00016770-00016910 and he went through the most difficult iyw1IBzJBMo-00071-00016911-00017114 thing with only two wheel drive so I iyw1IBzJBMo-00072-00017115-00017842 don't want just one over here yeah iyw1IBzJBMo-00073-00017843-00018169 basically I'm going to continue to do iyw1IBzJBMo-00074-00018170-00018394 what I've done the entire time here at iyw1IBzJBMo-00075-00018395-00018599 3d machines and that is to do what I iyw1IBzJBMo-00076-00018600-00018944 want to do and to put something more iyw1IBzJBMo-00077-00018945-00019193 positive into the world than negative iyw1IBzJBMo-00078-00019194-00019388 into the world if I see in person I'm iyw1IBzJBMo-00079-00019389-00019589 going to be positive if I upload I want iyw1IBzJBMo-00080-00019590-00019672 to be positive iyw1IBzJBMo-00081-00019673-00020000 I don't want crap I have good morals and iyw1IBzJBMo-00082-00020001-00020258 I have positive goals and I don't want iyw1IBzJBMo-00083-00020259-00020474 me doing something different to affect iyw1IBzJBMo-00084-00020475-00020732 your opinion on me I know I know only iyw1IBzJBMo-00085-00020733-00021017 the idiots and the the people would not iyw1IBzJBMo-00086-00021018-00021380 up here will judge very quickly and iyw1IBzJBMo-00087-00021381-00021655 that's really unfortunate but you guys iyw1IBzJBMo-00088-00021656-00021824 that really support what I do and what I iyw1IBzJBMo-00089-00021825-00021962 am going to do in the future I want to iyw1IBzJBMo-00090-00021963-00022252 thank you guys very much iyw1IBzJBMo-00091-00022253-00023592 [Music] iyw1IBzJBMo-00092-00023593-00023881 that sucker is steep I'm like halfway up iyw1IBzJBMo-00093-00023882-00024052 the hill right now on the other side iyw1IBzJBMo-00094-00024053-00024718 that's a steep hike I'll check the wind iyw1IBzJBMo-00095-00024719-00024820 too while you're at it iyw1IBzJBMo-00096-00024821-00026052 the wind does it good safe iyw1IBzJBMo-00097-00026054-00027020 oh yeah yeah iyw1IBzJBMo-00098-00027020-00027860 [Music] iyw1IBzJBMo-00099-00027861-00028155 struggle don't ruin the shot my friends iyw1IBzJBMo-00100-00028156-00028320 do you hit it too fast they all made up iyw1IBzJBMo-00101-00028320-00028566 twice teams not gonna make it you just iyw1IBzJBMo-00102-00028567-00028733 know yeah iyw1IBzJBMo-00103-00028735-00029527 here's no yet but he's not gonna make it iyw1IBzJBMo-00104-00029529-00029706 here we go we're off to a great start iyw1IBzJBMo-00105-00029707-00029766 already iyw1IBzJBMo-00106-00029767-00030510 yo we made everyone got the phones on iyw1IBzJBMo-00107-00030511-00030918 right yep one minute iyw1IBzJBMo-00108-00030919-00031177 Oh iyw1IBzJBMo-00109-00031179-00032036 [Music] iyw1IBzJBMo-00110-00032037-00032348 [Music] iyw1IBzJBMo-00111-00032349-00034022 now you stuck right there probably iyw1IBzJBMo-00112-00034023-00034335 that takes skill come on in what you iyw1IBzJBMo-00113-00034336-00034683 doing you gotta get speed at it don't iyw1IBzJBMo-00114-00034684-00035028 break if I make it now I think that's iyw1IBzJBMo-00115-00035029-00035767 challenge that's good iyw1IBzJBMo-00116-00035768-00036030 nothing iyw1IBzJBMo-00117-00036031-00036276 so I suggested you know this Hill we iyw1IBzJBMo-00118-00036277-00036465 could we could do god I could do so now iyw1IBzJBMo-00119-00036466-00036642 I suggested to Kyle hey let's go up this iyw1IBzJBMo-00120-00036643-00036825 side well he kind of creeped over to the iyw1IBzJBMo-00121-00036826-00037037 left now he's changing up to the iyw1IBzJBMo-00122-00037038-00037257 obstacle course Kyle you do have a wench iyw1IBzJBMo-00123-00037258-00037644 are you gonna use it yet it's wait is iyw1IBzJBMo-00124-00037645-00038025 that what plan is that like plan D run iyw1IBzJBMo-00125-00038026-00038326 nope now he's on Plan C iyw1IBzJBMo-00126-00038327-00038921 go hey let me give you a push iyw1IBzJBMo-00127-00038922-00039195 whatever you do buddy do not lean right iyw1IBzJBMo-00128-00039196-00039429 that is not good iyw1IBzJBMo-00129-00039430-00039630 hey Sepp give it a lot of juice into iyw1IBzJBMo-00130-00039631-00039757 doing that so it sounds like you're iyw1IBzJBMo-00131-00039758-00040749 going fast no not too fast huh you got iyw1IBzJBMo-00132-00040750-00040998 you got this here Yomi [__] on the front iyw1IBzJBMo-00133-00040999-00041262 I bet you if I sit on the front and you iyw1IBzJBMo-00134-00041263-00042351 goose it we can get out of there she's iyw1IBzJBMo-00135-00042352-00042625 done iyw1IBzJBMo-00136-00042626-00043153 got it iyw1IBzJBMo-00137-00043154-00043595 nice little relaxing stroll huh iyw1IBzJBMo-00138-00043596-00044745 [Music] iyw1IBzJBMo-00139-00044746-00045085 well he didn't make it just he almost iyw1IBzJBMo-00140-00045086-00045229 took out the cameraman but he made it iyw1IBzJBMo-00141-00045230-00045403 another thing I want to make abundantly iyw1IBzJBMo-00142-00045404-00045589 clear is the fact that I do want to give iyw1IBzJBMo-00143-00045590-00045844 you guys what you want something to iyw1IBzJBMo-00144-00045845-00046033 distract you from the world for a second iyw1IBzJBMo-00145-00046034-00046168 something to put a smile on your face iyw1IBzJBMo-00146-00046169-00046357 that's what I will continue to do I iyw1IBzJBMo-00147-00046358-00046441 promise iyw1IBzJBMo-00148-00046442-00047044 here are some updates I had to clean off iyw1IBzJBMo-00149-00047045-00047200 the bed of the Duramax because we got iyw1IBzJBMo-00150-00047201-00048199 some new tires these these things hurt iyw1IBzJBMo-00151-00048200-00048327 gnarly iyw1IBzJBMo-00152-00048328-00048482 [Applause] iyw1IBzJBMo-00153-00048483-00049126 [Music] iyw1IBzJBMo-00154-00049127-00049400 we dropped the tires and the rims off at iyw1IBzJBMo-00155-00049401-00049622 Chris's Chris has put the tires on the iyw1IBzJBMo-00156-00049623-00049802 rims we even got some Instagram pictures iyw1IBzJBMo-00157-00049803-00049994 I guess Chris has a new dog so we can iyw1IBzJBMo-00158-00049995-00050201 put wheels on this thing today we're iyw1IBzJBMo-00159-00050202-00050342 just finishing up putting our Rough iyw1IBzJBMo-00160-00050343-00050561 Country front adjust the track bar kit iyw1IBzJBMo-00161-00050562-00050861 in Mostar F country stuff is bolt on so iyw1IBzJBMo-00162-00050862-00050996 that anybody can do it but we have a iyw1IBzJBMo-00163-00050997-00051229 welder so we don't bolt things down we iyw1IBzJBMo-00164-00051230-00051389 just kind of weld them so this bracket iyw1IBzJBMo-00165-00051390-00051614 right here it's completely welded and iyw1IBzJBMo-00166-00051615-00051782 you guys know it was just Christmas well iyw1IBzJBMo-00167-00051783-00051955 it's literally Christmas in here there iyw1IBzJBMo-00168-00051957-00052175 are so many new parts so many things iyw1IBzJBMo-00169-00052176-00052333 that can go on this thing it's just iyw1IBzJBMo-00170-00052334-00052478 crazy like here's our lug nuts those iyw1IBzJBMo-00171-00052479-00054077 things are wicked iyw1IBzJBMo-00172-00054078-00054353 so I did the driver's-side now Jason's iyw1IBzJBMo-00173-00054354-00054626 prepping the passenger side so Chris and iyw1IBzJBMo-00174-00054627-00054809 the guys from Max's suggested these iyw1IBzJBMo-00175-00054810-00054953 tires for the Jeep they kind of know iyw1IBzJBMo-00176-00054954-00055154 what we're doing with it the Maxis iyw1IBzJBMo-00177-00055154-00055466 raiser em T's and we put them on the iyw1IBzJBMo-00178-00055466-00055688 powder-coated rims they're puncture iyw1IBzJBMo-00179-00055689-00055879 resistant there's actually some chemical iyw1IBzJBMo-00180-00055880-00056078 filler in these tires to prevent like iyw1IBzJBMo-00181-00056079-00056230 chipping and stuff like that so yeah iyw1IBzJBMo-00182-00056232-00056441 we're rocking some pretty sweet shoes we iyw1IBzJBMo-00183-00056441-00056702 got this front fender on and things are iyw1IBzJBMo-00184-00056703-00056834 kind of like mocked up they're not iyw1IBzJBMo-00185-00056835-00057050 completely bolted down because this iyw1IBzJBMo-00186-00057051-00057254 thing has to come off for paint but it iyw1IBzJBMo-00187-00057254-00057434 has to sit there for the exhaust system iyw1IBzJBMo-00188-00057435-00057611 I think we're actually gonna have to iyw1IBzJBMo-00189-00057612-00057938 modify this turbo the the plumbing of iyw1IBzJBMo-00190-00057939-00058259 the turbo because it's kind of it gets iyw1IBzJBMo-00191-00058260-00058429 really really close to the starter down iyw1IBzJBMo-00192-00058430-00058640 in there the apex as you can see is all iyw1IBzJBMo-00193-00058641-00058862 back together we got those parts in this iyw1IBzJBMo-00194-00058863-00059132 thing does start it does run well it iyw1IBzJBMo-00195-00059133-00059372 does pull like a NASCAR you got to think iyw1IBzJBMo-00196-00059373-00059558 this thing has a thousand cc engine this iyw1IBzJBMo-00197-00059559-00059762 has the exact same engine well as iyw1IBzJBMo-00198-00059763-00059972 similar I it might be the jack same iyw1IBzJBMo-00199-00059973-00060182 engine as crush and this thing weighs iyw1IBzJBMo-00200-00060183-00060440 like half of the weight and finally for iyw1IBzJBMo-00201-00060441-00060607 the KTM as you can see we got some new iyw1IBzJBMo-00202-00060608-00060860 spoke raps on some brand new spoke raps iyw1IBzJBMo-00203-00060861-00061066 the other ones were completely faded we iyw1IBzJBMo-00204-00061067-00061235 won't the orange and blue things are iyw1IBzJBMo-00205-00061236-00062604 moving forward it's the new year iyw1IBzJBMo-00206-00062605-00062861 just like that apex is out of the 3d iyw1IBzJBMo-00207-00062862-00063083 machines warehouse the KTM is right here iyw1IBzJBMo-00208-00063084-00063200 and I'm right here iyw1IBzJBMo-00209-00063201-00063355 things are still going to move forward iyw1IBzJBMo-00210-00063357-00063641 whether it's on camera or not I do want iyw1IBzJBMo-00211-00063641-00063812 to thank you again for supporting me iyw1IBzJBMo-00212-00063813-00064102 this channel the videos the sponsors iyw1IBzJBMo-00213-00064103-00064403 everything here I am very grateful for iyw1IBzJBMo-00214-00064404-00064616 like I said I'm not going anywhere I iyw1IBzJBMo-00215-00064616-00064802 just don't know what I'm going to do yet iyw1IBzJBMo-00216-00064803-00065000 I would appreciate it if you've all been iyw1IBzJBMo-00217-00065001-00065191 in Instagram I'd appreciate it if you iyw1IBzJBMo-00218-00065192-00065351 turn your notifications on because I iyw1IBzJBMo-00219-00065352-00065530 don't know what I'm gonna upload but I iyw1IBzJBMo-00220-00065532-00065759 am going to show you guys stay froggy iyw1IBzJBMo-00221-00065760-00066014 fresh stay super fly I love you guys I iyw1IBzJBMo-00222-00066015-00066191 love the hell out of you thank you for iyw1IBzJBMo-00223-00066192-00066257 what you've done iyw1IBzJBMo-00224-00066258-00066488 we're gonna keep going just don't know iyw1IBzJBMo-00225-00066489-00066755 how we're gonna do it izOyji5fWco-00000-00000000-00000179 hey there friends and welcome back to izOyji5fWco-00001-00000180-00000377 strange Rebel gaming I'm Brianna white izOyji5fWco-00002-00000378-00000688 and today a very exciting day The izOyji5fWco-00003-00000689-00000958 Rebirth of the God of War playthrough izOyji5fWco-00004-00000959-00001235 this is technically episode 20 of the izOyji5fWco-00005-00001236-00001462 playthrough but it's episode one in a izOyji5fWco-00006-00001463-00001721 very very long time and we're live izOyji5fWco-00007-00001722-00002026 premiering this so if you are part of izOyji5fWco-00008-00002027-00002267 the notification squad or you were aware izOyji5fWco-00009-00002268-00002417 ahead of time when this was going to go izOyji5fWco-00010-00002418-00002579 up then izOyji5fWco-00011-00002580-00002825 um you're here with me live in the chat izOyji5fWco-00012-00002826-00003089 so this is all pre-recorded this was all izOyji5fWco-00013-00003090-00003322 streamed live on Twitch a while back but izOyji5fWco-00014-00003323-00003569 we're watching it live together in the izOyji5fWco-00015-00003570-00003772 chat or in the chat I don't really know izOyji5fWco-00016-00003773-00004054 which direction the chat is but um let's izOyji5fWco-00017-00004055-00004181 just hang out and have a fun time izOyji5fWco-00018-00004182-00004385 enjoying this play through together I am izOyji5fWco-00019-00004386-00004553 so excited to be restarting it if you izOyji5fWco-00020-00004554-00004720 didn't catch my God of War restart izOyji5fWco-00021-00004721-00005104 announcement video I did replay the izOyji5fWco-00022-00005105-00005447 entire game so I am fully immersed I am izOyji5fWco-00023-00005448-00005633 very familiar with the story and the izOyji5fWco-00024-00005634-00005879 characters I even watched a recap Story izOyji5fWco-00025-00005880-00006154 video a couple of them actually for God izOyji5fWco-00026-00006155-00006388 of Wars one two and three so I'm very izOyji5fWco-00027-00006389-00006646 familiar with kratos's backstory I am in izOyji5fWco-00028-00006647-00006856 it I'm in the world and I am ready to izOyji5fWco-00029-00006858-00007031 restart this playthrough right back izOyji5fWco-00030-00007031-00007246 where we left off a little while back izOyji5fWco-00031-00007247-00007510 oh the world is different now but this izOyji5fWco-00032-00007511-00007714 playthrough is still gonna be awesome so izOyji5fWco-00033-00007715-00007895 take a second before you begin to like izOyji5fWco-00034-00007895-00008128 the video and we'll get on to the izOyji5fWco-00035-00008129-00008459 gameplay enjoy izOyji5fWco-00036-00008460-00008663 we have to figure out izOyji5fWco-00037-00008664-00008885 how to get where we're going look at izOyji5fWco-00038-00008886-00009077 where we are we're stuck izOyji5fWco-00039-00009078-00009478 in helheim it's awfully cold here izOyji5fWco-00040-00009479-00009749 and we separated ourselves from balder izOyji5fWco-00041-00009750-00009905 but I'm guessing the threat is still izOyji5fWco-00042-00009906-00010445 very much alive izOyji5fWco-00043-00010446-00010624 wow it's cold izOyji5fWco-00044-00010625-00010960 this is hell not just Hell worst place izOyji5fWco-00045-00010961-00011273 in hell you could have put us izOyji5fWco-00046-00011274-00011549 I see a ship helheim Landing it only izOyji5fWco-00047-00011550-00011801 takes us halfway to tears Temple but at izOyji5fWco-00048-00011802-00012077 least it gets us far from here izOyji5fWco-00049-00012078-00012292 so a thousand mortal lifetimes the izOyji5fWco-00050-00012293-00012431 bridge keeper kept the living out of izOyji5fWco-00051-00012432-00012623 this place but now that you've ripped izOyji5fWco-00052-00012624-00012829 his heart out here we are izOyji5fWco-00053-00012830-00013165 comes around izOyji5fWco-00054-00013166-00013691 excuse you izOyji5fWco-00055-00013691-00014166 can I Shield block you yeah there we go izOyji5fWco-00056-00014168-00014507 wow I really just made you look izOyji5fWco-00057-00014508-00014644 pathetic izOyji5fWco-00058-00014645-00014788 boy izOyji5fWco-00059-00014790-00014908 that izOyji5fWco-00060-00014909-00015233 wasn't me izOyji5fWco-00061-00015234-00015538 interesting izOyji5fWco-00062-00015540-00015916 so we all heard that so atreus has kind izOyji5fWco-00063-00015918-00016007 of izOyji5fWco-00064-00016008-00016205 from the beginning of the game been like izOyji5fWco-00065-00016206-00016427 so when he was an alfheim he was like I izOyji5fWco-00066-00016428-00016594 hear voices izOyji5fWco-00067-00016595-00016865 and Kratos was like no you don't deny izOyji5fWco-00068-00016866-00017147 everything because I'm that kind of guy izOyji5fWco-00069-00017148-00017513 um but now we both heard atreus say izOyji5fWco-00070-00017514-00017765 something that he had said izOyji5fWco-00071-00017766-00017980 um right before he killed izOyji5fWco-00072-00017981-00018233 Thor's son number two izOyji5fWco-00073-00018234-00018527 it's either magni or Modi izOyji5fWco-00074-00018528-00018730 literally I just replayed that part of izOyji5fWco-00075-00018731-00018941 the game like last week and I still izOyji5fWco-00076-00018942-00019217 can't remember so izOyji5fWco-00077-00019218-00019564 okay father should throw his ax at their izOyji5fWco-00078-00019565-00019799 feet to get around their Shields and izOyji5fWco-00079-00019800-00019991 trip them up izOyji5fWco-00080-00019992-00020261 didn't know that was a thing in this izOyji5fWco-00081-00020262-00020441 game that's kind of cool actually that's izOyji5fWco-00082-00020442-00020830 a cool little tip izOyji5fWco-00083-00020831-00020986 okay izOyji5fWco-00084-00020987-00021544 we gotta get to that boat but I oh izOyji5fWco-00085-00021545-00021917 hello friend Treasure Chest friend how izOyji5fWco-00086-00021918-00022186 do I get to you I guess I just walk izOyji5fWco-00087-00022187-00022372 around izOyji5fWco-00088-00022373-00022650 that was easy press that easy button izOyji5fWco-00089-00022651-00022955 smash open the treasure chest and then izOyji5fWco-00090-00022956-00023243 look at this shortcut back in izOyji5fWco-00091-00023244-00023536 amazing izOyji5fWco-00092-00023537-00023794 it's a thing of Art izOyji5fWco-00093-00023795-00023914 take izOyji5fWco-00094-00023915-00024058 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00095-00024059-00024257 what's happening izOyji5fWco-00096-00024258-00024478 what izOyji5fWco-00097-00024479-00024694 I needed that izOyji5fWco-00098-00024695-00025150 nope I didn't need that I can just jump izOyji5fWco-00099-00025151-00025336 all right we're not gonna throw that at izOyji5fWco-00100-00025337-00025672 me just for the record izOyji5fWco-00101-00025673-00025925 you think you're gonna throw that at me izOyji5fWco-00102-00025926-00026146 but you're not what's behind me over izOyji5fWco-00103-00026147-00026851 here what is going on excuse you izOyji5fWco-00104-00026852-00027262 oh heck no do you certainly not what are izOyji5fWco-00105-00027263-00027443 you doing over there izOyji5fWco-00106-00027444-00027737 I think so izOyji5fWco-00107-00027738-00028096 get out of here izOyji5fWco-00108-00028097-00028427 you are literally hiding behind a wall izOyji5fWco-00109-00028427-00028577 that's the rudest thing I've ever seen izOyji5fWco-00110-00028577-00028727 in my life izOyji5fWco-00111-00028727-00029140 I don't think so izOyji5fWco-00112-00029141-00029387 yeah exactly izOyji5fWco-00113-00029388-00029818 something about glass houses except ice izOyji5fWco-00114-00029819-00030185 oh smash or take izOyji5fWco-00115-00030186-00030358 you never know in this game the Kratos izOyji5fWco-00116-00030360-00030502 is going to take something or smash it izOyji5fWco-00117-00030504-00030790 or smash something then take it take it izOyji5fWco-00118-00030791-00031187 by Smashing you never know izOyji5fWco-00119-00031188-00031511 but we're gods izOyji5fWco-00120-00031512-00032105 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00121-00032106-00032446 it's Modi izOyji5fWco-00122-00032447-00033305 's oh I know what happens here izOyji5fWco-00123-00033306-00033509 I couldn't have done that do not dwell izOyji5fWco-00124-00033510-00033763 on those thoughts not here izOyji5fWco-00125-00033764-00033959 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00126-00033960-00034057 we must keep moving izOyji5fWco-00127-00034058-00034468 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00128-00034469-00034877 that's interesting for atreus who izOyji5fWco-00129-00034878-00035111 definitely did that thing to respond izOyji5fWco-00130-00035112-00035429 with that wasn't me I couldn't have done izOyji5fWco-00131-00035430-00035512 that izOyji5fWco-00132-00035513-00035812 is very interesting because at that izOyji5fWco-00133-00035813-00036101 point in time atreus was like I can do izOyji5fWco-00134-00036102-00036299 whatever I want I'm a God and having izOyji5fWco-00135-00036300-00036509 this like very like pompous kind of izOyji5fWco-00136-00036510-00036815 arrogant thing izOyji5fWco-00137-00036816-00037121 so I find it very interesting izOyji5fWco-00138-00037122-00037312 that izOyji5fWco-00139-00037313-00037757 atreus I suppose either didn't recognize izOyji5fWco-00140-00037758-00037931 himself when he watched it back which izOyji5fWco-00141-00037932-00038212 I'm sure a few people can can relate to izOyji5fWco-00142-00038213-00038452 that when you do something that you know izOyji5fWco-00143-00038453-00038699 you do In the Heat of the Moment and you izOyji5fWco-00144-00038700-00038879 look back at it and you're like that izOyji5fWco-00145-00038880-00039245 wasn't my best self that wasn't me izOyji5fWco-00146-00039246-00039629 or did he like straight up black out and izOyji5fWco-00147-00039630-00039773 like izOyji5fWco-00148-00039774-00040127 didn't remember that he did that izOyji5fWco-00149-00040128-00040474 curious don't you think izOyji5fWco-00150-00040475-00040799 um izOyji5fWco-00151-00040800-00040955 I see izOyji5fWco-00152-00040956-00041290 a health stone down there izOyji5fWco-00153-00041291-00041530 where are we supposed to be going here izOyji5fWco-00154-00041531-00041896 we're still making our way to that boat izOyji5fWco-00155-00041897-00042161 ah might be some climbing izOyji5fWco-00156-00042162-00042551 in our future izOyji5fWco-00157-00042552-00042805 well let us then izOyji5fWco-00158-00042806-00043115 what was that not just the old and sick izOyji5fWco-00159-00043116-00043421 come to helheim so do the criminals they izOyji5fWco-00160-00043422-00043565 all must not draw a distinction between izOyji5fWco-00161-00043566-00043733 us and Those whom these Visions are izOyji5fWco-00162-00043734-00044207 meant to torture oh Escape hell as soon izOyji5fWco-00163-00044208-00044339 as possible izOyji5fWco-00164-00044340-00044537 I'm not gonna let it bother izOyji5fWco-00165-00044538-00044771 like you said ramir it was just an izOyji5fWco-00166-00044772-00045107 illusion that wasn't me no izOyji5fWco-00167-00045108-00045323 but it is who you have become of late izOyji5fWco-00168-00045324-00045677 yeah look I know I got us into this but izOyji5fWco-00169-00045678-00046007 I'll get us out whoever I am I will get izOyji5fWco-00170-00046008-00046283 us out you will follow orders but maybe izOyji5fWco-00171-00046284-00046511 that's not who I am izOyji5fWco-00172-00046512-00046696 better it should be probably let me izOyji5fWco-00173-00046697-00046907 Focus yeah yeah it probably should be izOyji5fWco-00174-00046908-00047080 for now Trace what are you like eight izOyji5fWco-00175-00047081-00047621 you probably should be just focusing on izOyji5fWco-00176-00047622-00048083 taking orders izOyji5fWco-00177-00048084-00048383 don't mean so satisfying pasta izOyji5fWco-00178-00048384-00048868 um that was super fast okay so whatever izOyji5fWco-00179-00048869-00049115 mamir izOyji5fWco-00180-00049116-00049583 okay izOyji5fWco-00181-00049584-00049852 ah take nice izOyji5fWco-00182-00049853-00050224 um but where's the other one izOyji5fWco-00183-00050225-00050483 I get okay izOyji5fWco-00184-00050484-00051101 where's the other wind izOyji5fWco-00185-00051102-00051238 so izOyji5fWco-00186-00051239-00051485 can't feel my fingers maybe both wind izOyji5fWco-00187-00051486-00051880 traps need to be filled I know Lemire izOyji5fWco-00188-00051882-00052264 I know that izOyji5fWco-00189-00052265-00052709 but where's the other wind izOyji5fWco-00190-00052710-00053003 is my question izOyji5fWco-00191-00053004-00053507 that's where I came from izOyji5fWco-00192-00053508-00053873 I can't imagine that this counts izOyji5fWco-00193-00053874-00054611 does not izOyji5fWco-00194-00054612-00055349 a thing through there to be grabbed izOyji5fWco-00195-00055350-00055738 aha izOyji5fWco-00196-00055739-00056800 both wind traps don't need to be filled izOyji5fWco-00197-00056801-00057599 barefoot izOyji5fWco-00198-00057600-00058313 hmm you look mean izOyji5fWco-00199-00058314-00059941 foreign izOyji5fWco-00200-00059941-00060329 oh don't I oh don't I don't I look too izOyji5fWco-00201-00060329-00060391 good izOyji5fWco-00202-00060391-00060544 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00203-00060545-00060730 I'm gonna have to Spartan rage this guy izOyji5fWco-00204-00060732-00060838 to death izOyji5fWco-00205-00060839-00062087 that was my health stone izOyji5fWco-00206-00062088-00062507 yeah you go ahead and try you try izOyji5fWco-00207-00062508-00062711 oh I'm gonna rip your heart out too I izOyji5fWco-00208-00062712-00063226 guess izOyji5fWco-00209-00063227-00064261 it sucks being you right now buddy izOyji5fWco-00210-00064262-00064894 okay stop hitting me with that izOyji5fWco-00211-00064895-00065194 well now izOyji5fWco-00212-00065195-00065411 look at all the stuff I had to get from izOyji5fWco-00213-00065412-00065573 that battle izOyji5fWco-00214-00065574-00065794 what'd I get oh a chaos flame maybe that izOyji5fWco-00215-00065795-00065938 was supposed to be a bigger bad than it izOyji5fWco-00216-00065939-00066131 ended up being izOyji5fWco-00217-00066132-00066467 oh right then izOyji5fWco-00218-00066468-00066647 can't believe we got a chaos flame from izOyji5fWco-00219-00066648-00067055 that guy how exciting izOyji5fWco-00220-00067056-00067661 okay well definitely clear some of this izOyji5fWco-00221-00067662-00067961 but which is the way we are supposed to izOyji5fWco-00222-00067962-00068465 go izOyji5fWco-00223-00068466-00068782 aha izOyji5fWco-00224-00068783-00069059 can't we normally shimmy along a Ledge izOyji5fWco-00225-00069060-00069353 maybe just not that ledge izOyji5fWco-00226-00069354-00069581 okay well at least I see there's a chest izOyji5fWco-00227-00069582-00069781 there izOyji5fWco-00228-00069782-00070193 and I can probably stay there what about izOyji5fWco-00229-00070194-00071629 this now izOyji5fWco-00230-00071630-00072041 aha there is a chest down here well izOyji5fWco-00231-00072042-00072838 isn't that just fabulous izOyji5fWco-00232-00072839-00073109 hmm that sounds creepy and like I should izOyji5fWco-00233-00073110-00073488 be in danger izOyji5fWco-00234-00073489-00073805 wow well not that much Danger izOyji5fWco-00235-00073806-00074206 but it sure did sound creepy izOyji5fWco-00236-00074207-00074525 okay izOyji5fWco-00237-00074526-00074747 I think that might be all there was to izOyji5fWco-00238-00074748-00075700 do here izOyji5fWco-00239-00075701-00075875 can you imagine look at him just izOyji5fWco-00240-00075876-00076115 gripping on with his little fingers I izOyji5fWco-00241-00076116-00076282 mean they're giant fingers but just izOyji5fWco-00242-00076283-00076438 imagine izOyji5fWco-00243-00076439-00076775 that's crazy izOyji5fWco-00244-00076776-00077441 how do I get there izOyji5fWco-00245-00077442-00077669 definitely will take that actually we'll izOyji5fWco-00246-00077670-00078538 use this too izOyji5fWco-00247-00078539-00078743 aha izOyji5fWco-00248-00078744-00078953 seems like a way to get through here izOyji5fWco-00249-00078954-00079337 what what no don't do that don't come to izOyji5fWco-00250-00079338-00079691 life izOyji5fWco-00251-00079692-00080021 all right well it was fine izOyji5fWco-00252-00080022-00080273 okay this seems like something useful to izOyji5fWco-00253-00080274-00080591 push in this direction izOyji5fWco-00254-00080592-00081485 Maybe izOyji5fWco-00255-00081486-00081731 I don't izOyji5fWco-00256-00081732-00082115 think I can climb on top of that izOyji5fWco-00257-00082116-00082481 Maybe izOyji5fWco-00258-00082482-00083147 I didn't want to put that there izOyji5fWco-00259-00083148-00084011 foreign izOyji5fWco-00260-00084012-00084694 got some hack silver out of it fantastic izOyji5fWco-00261-00084695-00084953 well I'm pressing o but it doesn't seem izOyji5fWco-00262-00084954-00085300 like I can just jump there izOyji5fWco-00263-00085301-00085511 so it seems like what has to be done is izOyji5fWco-00264-00085512-00085793 leaping from there izOyji5fWco-00265-00085794-00086093 two here izOyji5fWco-00266-00086094-00086332 so I have to go back around izOyji5fWco-00267-00086333-00087082 it's fine I'll just go back around izOyji5fWco-00268-00087083-00087467 if that's what must needs be done for a izOyji5fWco-00269-00087468-00087587 take izOyji5fWco-00270-00087588-00088367 then that's what I shall do izOyji5fWco-00271-00088368-00088859 leap aha tape and leap again izOyji5fWco-00272-00088860-00089026 aha izOyji5fWco-00273-00089027-00089653 take again izOyji5fWco-00274-00089654-00090012 what you you no no izOyji5fWco-00275-00090013-00090437 you gotta stop coming to life izOyji5fWco-00276-00090438-00090749 just because I'm taking stuff izOyji5fWco-00277-00090750-00090965 showed you who's boss it's me I'm the izOyji5fWco-00278-00090966-00091079 boss izOyji5fWco-00279-00091080-00091444 all right what's next izOyji5fWco-00280-00091445-00091973 wait oh izOyji5fWco-00281-00091974-00092435 what are we in for izOyji5fWco-00282-00092436-00093035 I would never stay outside izOyji5fWco-00283-00093036-00093341 every right I am your mother who had no izOyji5fWco-00284-00093342-00093637 right izOyji5fWco-00285-00093638-00093881 I can't smell I can't even feel the izOyji5fWco-00286-00093882-00094144 temperature of this room he feels izOyji5fWco-00287-00094145-00094198 nothing izOyji5fWco-00288-00094199-00094631 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00289-00094632-00095159 don't feel pain again death has no power izOyji5fWco-00290-00095160-00095500 over you now you would rather die izOyji5fWco-00291-00095501-00096025 again izOyji5fWco-00292-00096026-00096370 yes take it away izOyji5fWco-00293-00096371-00096473 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00294-00096474-00096547 please izOyji5fWco-00295-00096548-00096848 take it away izOyji5fWco-00296-00096849-00097735 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00297-00097736-00098141 come on izOyji5fWco-00298-00098142-00098447 hmm izOyji5fWco-00299-00098448-00098879 so Freya who we also know as Witch of izOyji5fWco-00300-00098880-00099071 the Woods izOyji5fWco-00301-00099072-00099449 oh come on izOyji5fWco-00302-00099450-00099667 ruined my life izOyji5fWco-00303-00099668-00100006 you did something in order to make izOyji5fWco-00304-00100007-00100243 balder feel nothing izOyji5fWco-00305-00100244-00100541 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00306-00100542-00100963 and balder is reliving it izOyji5fWco-00307-00100964-00101623 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00308-00101624-00102466 oh he was gonna kill her izOyji5fWco-00309-00102467-00103642 yeah but couldn't do it izOyji5fWco-00310-00103643-00104092 interesting izOyji5fWco-00311-00104093-00104410 so atreus's nightmare was that he killed izOyji5fWco-00312-00104411-00104560 Modi izOyji5fWco-00313-00104561-00104740 Baldur's nightmare is that he didn't izOyji5fWco-00314-00104741-00104903 kill his mother izOyji5fWco-00315-00104904-00106007 it's pretty intense izOyji5fWco-00316-00106008-00106186 Freya is his mother izOyji5fWco-00317-00106188-00106439 why did you keep this from us head would izOyji5fWco-00318-00106440-00106702 you believe it slipped my mind I would izOyji5fWco-00319-00106703-00107051 not ah I'm a loss I'm sure you have no izOyji5fWco-00320-00107052-00107260 reason to keep such a thing a secret izOyji5fWco-00321-00107261-00107543 there's the boat we will speak more of izOyji5fWco-00322-00107544-00107963 this soon izOyji5fWco-00323-00107964-00108286 balder seems to be Mighty upset there izOyji5fWco-00324-00108288-00108575 haunted by his own izOyji5fWco-00325-00108576-00109402 situation izOyji5fWco-00326-00109403-00109613 interesting that he's haunted by the izOyji5fWco-00327-00109614-00109763 idea of being a coward because he didn't izOyji5fWco-00328-00109764-00110890 kill his mother izOyji5fWco-00329-00110891-00111095 see I know balder's on the other side of izOyji5fWco-00330-00111096-00111251 this but most importantly there's a izOyji5fWco-00331-00111252-00111413 treasure chest over here that I really izOyji5fWco-00332-00111414-00111790 need to get to so izOyji5fWco-00333-00111791-00111875 um izOyji5fWco-00334-00111876-00112163 gonna be prioritizing that yes izOyji5fWco-00335-00112164-00112810 taking it Taking It izOyji5fWco-00336-00112811-00113128 oh a symbol of frenzy huh izOyji5fWco-00337-00113129-00113345 what izOyji5fWco-00338-00113346-00114221 does that do izOyji5fWco-00339-00114222-00114490 symbol of frenzy strength and vitality izOyji5fWco-00340-00114491-00114623 well izOyji5fWco-00341-00114624-00114833 why don't I have the symbol of Shadows izOyji5fWco-00342-00114833-00115589 equipped look 10. izOyji5fWco-00343-00115590-00116381 hmm izOyji5fWco-00344-00116382-00116704 this one's already izOyji5fWco-00345-00116705-00116884 oh I can just switch this out because izOyji5fWco-00346-00116885-00117113 this one kind of sucks anyway put some izOyji5fWco-00347-00117114-00117484 luck 10 in there perfect izOyji5fWco-00348-00117485-00117647 every once in a while you just gotta izOyji5fWco-00349-00117648-00117869 check these things this one has the luck izOyji5fWco-00350-00117870-00118301 10 in it as well oops put it back in izOyji5fWco-00351-00118302-00118607 put it back in izOyji5fWco-00352-00118608-00118865 another symbol of Shadows yeah I'm happy izOyji5fWco-00353-00118866-00119093 with that izOyji5fWco-00354-00119094-00119327 totally happy with that great izOyji5fWco-00355-00119328-00119477 fantastic izOyji5fWco-00356-00119478-00119704 and now we can just sneak back to the izOyji5fWco-00357-00119705-00121013 other side izOyji5fWco-00358-00121014-00121439 yeah we'll save it izOyji5fWco-00359-00121440-00121631 perfect that's what I was hoping for izOyji5fWco-00360-00121632-00122083 just fill up here izOyji5fWco-00361-00122083-00122710 I hear some ghostly screams izOyji5fWco-00362-00122711-00122975 definitely just kill that right away izOyji5fWco-00363-00122976-00123365 you're next izOyji5fWco-00364-00123366-00123545 yeah perfect all right I'm glad you're izOyji5fWco-00365-00123546-00123893 dead izOyji5fWco-00366-00123894-00124145 well I kind of dodged that though you izOyji5fWco-00367-00124146-00124596 gotta admit I did Dodge that izOyji5fWco-00368-00124597-00125725 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00369-00125726-00126058 more fun host you just got a shout out izOyji5fWco-00370-00126059-00126281 wafflehost and izOyji5fWco-00371-00126282-00126545 you gotta let the waffles host izOyji5fWco-00372-00126546-00126916 you know oh he's oh izOyji5fWco-00373-00126917-00127543 I just threw him right off a cliff izOyji5fWco-00374-00127544-00127858 this voices set izOyji5fWco-00375-00127859-00128219 Kratos is like let's run away from that izOyji5fWco-00376-00128220-00128999 I know whose past that was izOyji5fWco-00377-00129000-00129190 all right well izOyji5fWco-00378-00129191-00129358 that little hellstone that popped out izOyji5fWco-00379-00129359-00129563 just fell right to its Doom so that's izOyji5fWco-00380-00129564-00129760 unfortunate izOyji5fWco-00381-00129761-00130045 but it's okay izOyji5fWco-00382-00130046-00130463 what have we around this corner here izOyji5fWco-00383-00130464-00130684 this isn't where we came from is it izOyji5fWco-00384-00130685-00130895 kind of vaguely looks like where we came izOyji5fWco-00385-00130896-00131464 from izOyji5fWco-00386-00131465-00131609 but sometimes you just have to be sure izOyji5fWco-00387-00131610-00131909 you know izOyji5fWco-00388-00131910-00132161 ah well that would be the reason yeah it izOyji5fWco-00389-00132162-00132377 is where we came from izOyji5fWco-00390-00132378-00132719 it's just a different way up and down izOyji5fWco-00391-00132720-00132875 okay izOyji5fWco-00392-00132876-00133259 so back down here izOyji5fWco-00393-00133260-00133457 and catch the boy izOyji5fWco-00394-00133458-00133931 All Right Moving On izOyji5fWco-00395-00133932-00134159 we'll listen to that chanting that has izOyji5fWco-00396-00134160-00134459 just been introduced well what happens izOyji5fWco-00397-00134460-00134669 if I izOyji5fWco-00398-00134670-00135101 move you I think something gets revealed izOyji5fWco-00399-00135102-00135377 oh well I can't move you backwards izOyji5fWco-00400-00135378-00135647 I move you sideways I can only move you izOyji5fWco-00401-00135648-00136199 forwards huh izOyji5fWco-00402-00136200-00136423 go goodbye izOyji5fWco-00403-00136424-00137099 that worked out better than I hoped izOyji5fWco-00404-00137100-00137314 oh a puzzle izOyji5fWco-00405-00137315-00138119 a puzzle for us to solve hmm izOyji5fWco-00406-00138120-00138514 with my bare hands izOyji5fWco-00407-00138515-00138863 hmm izOyji5fWco-00408-00138864-00139504 okay izOyji5fWco-00409-00139505-00139637 aha izOyji5fWco-00410-00139638-00139901 goodbye izOyji5fWco-00411-00139902-00140111 oh there's a chest up there too this is izOyji5fWco-00412-00140112-00140428 a good little area for Stuff izOyji5fWco-00413-00140429-00140771 I like it okay there's nothing around izOyji5fWco-00414-00140772-00140999 here izOyji5fWco-00415-00141000-00141257 good izOyji5fWco-00416-00141258-00141473 what about you did I pull you or push izOyji5fWco-00417-00141474-00142390 you seems like maybe I pull you izOyji5fWco-00418-00142391-00142961 oh what are you doing in there izOyji5fWco-00419-00142962-00143993 foreign izOyji5fWco-00420-00143994-00144678 what are you doing in there izOyji5fWco-00421-00144679-00145583 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00422-00145584-00145816 what am I supposed to do here izOyji5fWco-00423-00145817-00146135 must be a solution izOyji5fWco-00424-00146136-00146471 okay it can get on top of it but to no izOyji5fWco-00425-00146472-00146704 use all right well izOyji5fWco-00426-00146705-00147028 let me think on that for a bit izOyji5fWco-00427-00147029-00147239 see if I can work my way into something izOyji5fWco-00428-00147240-00147533 useful here izOyji5fWco-00429-00147534-00147952 nothing izOyji5fWco-00430-00147953-00148433 we have the C we have the r izOyji5fWco-00431-00148434-00149225 we need the n izOyji5fWco-00432-00149226-00149519 this one might be tricky izOyji5fWco-00433-00149520-00150088 foreign izOyji5fWco-00434-00150089-00152143 [Music] izOyji5fWco-00435-00152144-00152404 I always keep leaving my Leviathan ax izOyji5fWco-00436-00152405-00153185 places izOyji5fWco-00437-00153186-00153683 no wolves come over here izOyji5fWco-00438-00153684-00153928 I wish we had one of those explodey bins izOyji5fWco-00439-00153929-00154259 but izOyji5fWco-00440-00154260-00154745 we don't izOyji5fWco-00441-00154746-00154913 I don't know I'm just gonna try pushing izOyji5fWco-00442-00154914-00155021 it off the ledge because I don't know izOyji5fWco-00443-00155022-00155309 what else to do izOyji5fWco-00444-00155310-00155531 and see if it lets me izOyji5fWco-00445-00155532-00155687 it does not izOyji5fWco-00446-00155688-00156311 okay izOyji5fWco-00447-00156312-00156593 so I can get on top of it though izOyji5fWco-00448-00156594-00156826 mayhaps izOyji5fWco-00449-00156827-00157937 further drag it izOyji5fWco-00450-00157938-00158176 okay ooh okay that probably did izOyji5fWco-00451-00158177-00158326 something look at that izOyji5fWco-00452-00158327-00158573 let me climb this then we climb this and izOyji5fWco-00453-00158574-00158728 we get this izOyji5fWco-00454-00158729-00159023 okay izOyji5fWco-00455-00159024-00159514 so that's aha izOyji5fWco-00456-00159515-00159743 I thought that was an odd pillar in the izOyji5fWco-00457-00159744-00159971 middle of nowhere izOyji5fWco-00458-00159972-00160193 I don't know if I'm gonna get this I am izOyji5fWco-00459-00160194-00160439 gonna get this fantastic izOyji5fWco-00460-00160440-00160769 the problem though is none of that helps izOyji5fWco-00461-00160770-00161057 me get izOyji5fWco-00462-00161058-00161416 which I need izOyji5fWco-00463-00161417-00161693 and I think that's where we actually for izOyji5fWco-00464-00161694-00161819 some reason it looks like the place izOyji5fWco-00465-00161820-00162083 where we like started this whole thing izOyji5fWco-00466-00162084-00162293 so I don't think I can get up there I'm izOyji5fWco-00467-00162294-00162490 not I don't think that's where I'm izOyji5fWco-00468-00162491-00162857 supposed to be izOyji5fWco-00469-00162858-00163409 Curious Thing izOyji5fWco-00470-00163410-00163661 seems to be if it's not an atreus izOyji5fWco-00471-00163662-00164290 ability izOyji5fWco-00472-00164291-00164483 let's just try I don't know some izOyji5fWco-00473-00164484-00165071 different abilities izOyji5fWco-00474-00165072-00165347 okay we already tried these so let's try izOyji5fWco-00475-00165348-00165702 them once more izOyji5fWco-00476-00165703-00166276 like it's literally not not working izOyji5fWco-00477-00166277-00167104 hmm izOyji5fWco-00478-00167105-00167314 that's not gonna work izOyji5fWco-00479-00167315-00168089 we only have one of those izOyji5fWco-00480-00168090-00169699 that is not gonna help izOyji5fWco-00481-00169700-00169949 it's odd because it almost looks like izOyji5fWco-00482-00169950-00170231 these bars are encased in ice which izOyji5fWco-00483-00170232-00170501 would make you think izOyji5fWco-00484-00170502-00170687 that izOyji5fWco-00485-00170688-00170981 the blades of chaos fire abilities would izOyji5fWco-00486-00170982-00171173 kind of like I don't know melt it this izOyji5fWco-00487-00171174-00171395 is kind of a last-ditch effort try a izOyji5fWco-00488-00171396-00171616 little Spartan rage on this is just izOyji5fWco-00489-00171617-00171790 nothing izOyji5fWco-00490-00171791-00172193 wasted a little bit of that izOyji5fWco-00491-00172194-00172690 what has izOyji5fWco-00492-00172691-00173849 what can I do izOyji5fWco-00493-00173850-00174689 hmm izOyji5fWco-00494-00174690-00176087 foreign izOyji5fWco-00495-00176088-00176351 I guess I can try dragging it from the izOyji5fWco-00496-00176352-00176507 side again izOyji5fWco-00497-00176508-00176704 pretty sure izOyji5fWco-00498-00176705-00177376 can only go One Direction izOyji5fWco-00499-00177377-00177623 it only goes forward and backward and izOyji5fWco-00500-00177624-00177761 that's actually where we're going to end izOyji5fWco-00501-00177762-00177947 today's playthrough I think it was a izOyji5fWco-00502-00177948-00178151 pretty good spot but I also know you're izOyji5fWco-00503-00178152-00178361 dying to see more thank you so much for izOyji5fWco-00504-00178362-00178499 coming on this journey with me for izOyji5fWco-00505-00178500-00178738 restarting this game after so long we izOyji5fWco-00506-00178739-00178883 are gonna finish this playthrough and izOyji5fWco-00507-00178884-00179135 it's not gonna take that long I'm really izOyji5fWco-00508-00179136-00179375 having fun with it it really is such a izOyji5fWco-00509-00179376-00179578 great game and it is visually stunning izOyji5fWco-00510-00179579-00179752 now that we're playing it on the PS5 I izOyji5fWco-00511-00179753-00179993 mean it always was visually stunning but izOyji5fWco-00512-00179994-00180143 like it's just a little extra Sparkle izOyji5fWco-00513-00180144-00180304 now you know what I mean I hope you izOyji5fWco-00514-00180305-00180466 enjoyed it please leave me a comment let izOyji5fWco-00515-00180467-00180611 me know what you thought what was your izOyji5fWco-00516-00180612-00180826 favorite part of this episode izOyji5fWco-00517-00180827-00180976 um please do like the video If you izOyji5fWco-00518-00180977-00181114 enjoyed it share it with all your izOyji5fWco-00519-00181115-00181313 friends so they can enjoy it too and of izOyji5fWco-00520-00181314-00181463 course please remember to subscribe to izOyji5fWco-00521-00181464-00181607 strange Rubble gaming so you don't miss izOyji5fWco-00522-00181608-00181871 the next video more Final Fantasy VII izOyji5fWco-00523-00181872-00182171 remake coming at Ya that's all I love izOyji5fWco-00524-00182172-00182275 you all izOyji5fWco-00525-00182276-00182512 bye bye izOyji5fWco-00526-00182513-00183609 [Music] i--9e5wEQ0g-00000-00003065-00004556 I'm yeah [__] where is it is it what we i--9e5wEQ0g-00001-00004557-00005002 did he's neither he chose New Jersey i--9e5wEQ0g-00002-00005003-00005206 judicial police reporter BBC you need to i--9e5wEQ0g-00003-00005207-00005731 get down there yeah yeah I was covering i--9e5wEQ0g-00004-00005732-00006152 ok ok Mary Jo ponies have handy no one i--9e5wEQ0g-00005-00006153-00006434 is it Hank I am I am I need to know his i--9e5wEQ0g-00006-00006434-00006967 position the right shape let me know how i--9e5wEQ0g-00007-00006968-00007427 to play I'm nothing I'm looking japanese i--9e5wEQ0g-00008-00007428-00007991 are you guys me on me was it a water I i--9e5wEQ0g-00009-00007992-00008314 know it's me p the [__] 1 i'm wearing i--9e5wEQ0g-00010-00008315-00008524 red [__] would I see em I see em I see i--9e5wEQ0g-00011-00008525-00009435 my team i--9e5wEQ0g-00012-00009436-00009868 come come come I'm here here here I mean i--9e5wEQ0g-00013-00009869-00010105 rid of you see I mean ready I'm running i--9e5wEQ0g-00014-00010106-00010489 naked with the rock I need someone to i--9e5wEQ0g-00015-00010490-00012144 make Becca me to push push first of all i--9e5wEQ0g-00016-00012145-00012652 I just I'm killing every one of you or i--9e5wEQ0g-00017-00012653-00013071 did you ever get you away tell me kill i--9e5wEQ0g-00018-00013072-00013527 two churches I like this I'm actually I i--9e5wEQ0g-00019-00013528-00014022 have a lot of hooey women but not i--9e5wEQ0g-00020-00014022-00014674 everyone can become weary let me let me i--9e5wEQ0g-00021-00014675-00015219 put this lupus I'm coming back only rely i--9e5wEQ0g-00022-00015220-00016131 coming is that the chocolate yeah that i--9e5wEQ0g-00023-00016132-00016731 like that guy is that Christine no no in i--9e5wEQ0g-00024-00016732-00017074 a real of it i--9e5wEQ0g-00025-00017075-00017862 okay i'm running back to top or naked i--9e5wEQ0g-00026-00017863-00018270 I'm gonna see him see my shame he's on i--9e5wEQ0g-00027-00018271-00018822 the show me I don't have three engines i--9e5wEQ0g-00028-00018823-00019203 go [__] I'm ready no Meah Meah come i--9e5wEQ0g-00029-00019204-00019812 here or cannot hear me I me me naked i--9e5wEQ0g-00030-00019813-00020151 running to show you how movie got em i--9e5wEQ0g-00031-00020152-00021113 good eye tracking down oh [__] ready i--9e5wEQ0g-00032-00021114-00021428 they're behind right behind the obese i--9e5wEQ0g-00033-00021429-00022952 what a new one day but two down oh i--9e5wEQ0g-00034-00022953-00023619 [__] now was it like was like Amina i--9e5wEQ0g-00035-00023620-00023929 Amina i--9e5wEQ0g-00036-00023930-00025319 yeah let me donate it luby I I got into i--9e5wEQ0g-00037-00025320-00026977 one and a one day fund it coming on i--9e5wEQ0g-00038-00026977-00028379 white exactly I got a potent ego um you i--9e5wEQ0g-00039-00028380-00028694 are you going to do a pc with me i'm i--9e5wEQ0g-00040-00028695-00028970 running naked naked for me about your i--9e5wEQ0g-00041-00028970-00029545 body but Cahill making you any one bike i--9e5wEQ0g-00042-00029547-00030431 helmet I don't know wait wait wait I met i--9e5wEQ0g-00043-00030432-00030857 a chopper chopper deviously oh there's a i--9e5wEQ0g-00044-00030858-00031165 less Bachmann pti MVC jumping all right i--9e5wEQ0g-00045-00031166-00031454 cover me cover me and it according corny i--9e5wEQ0g-00046-00031455-00032051 corny oh [__] before rock it man go back i--9e5wEQ0g-00047-00032052-00032279 two ways to go back to miss Donna we r i--9e5wEQ0g-00048-00032280-00032468 lu the bodies when you two bodies okay i--9e5wEQ0g-00049-00032469-00032654 well note body if you see behind you i--9e5wEQ0g-00050-00032655-00033395 yeah hammer gun good good on all how are i--9e5wEQ0g-00051-00033396-00033893 you back yeah not a yellow feathers iCuhn4p0dAI-00000-00000050-00000286 the Masai mythology involves several iCuhn4p0dAI-00001-00000287-00000501 beliefs of the Maasai people an ethnic iCuhn4p0dAI-00002-00000502-00001042 group living in Kenya and Tanzania iCuhn4p0dAI-00003-00001043-00001553 topic further reading iCuhn4p0dAI-00004-00001554-00001842 Harold Shoob a dictionary of African iCuhn4p0dAI-00005-00001843-00002067 mythology the myth maker as storyteller iCuhn4p0dAI-00006-00002068-00002406 Oxford University Press Oxford 2000 ISBN iCuhn4p0dAI-00007-00002407-00002733 oh one nine five one two four five six iCuhn4p0dAI-00008-00002734-00002833 one iCuhn4p0dAI-00009-00002834-00003110 Naomi Cooper e oral literature of the iCuhn4p0dAI-00010-00003111-00003431 maasai 1983 east african educational iCuhn4p0dAI-00011-00003432-00003845 publishers limited P o box 45,000 314 iCuhn4p0dAI-00012-00003846-00004263 Nairobi Kenya Spencer Paul 2003 iCuhn4p0dAI-00013-00004264-00004481 Providence and the cosmology of iCuhn4p0dAI-00014-00004482-00004842 misfortune and loon key donkey diviners iCuhn4p0dAI-00015-00004843-00005235 and profits in Spencer P time-space and iCuhn4p0dAI-00016-00005236-00005454 the unknown Masai configurations of iCuhn4p0dAI-00017-00005455-00005679 power and Providence route Lidge London iCuhn4p0dAI-00018-00005680-00006180 PP 67 to 123 iD9zB1xXAlE-00000-00000006-00000311 in mathematical analysis fubini's iD9zB1xXAlE-00001-00000312-00000551 theorem introduced by guido Fubini in iD9zB1xXAlE-00002-00000552-00000829 1907 is a result that gives conditions iD9zB1xXAlE-00003-00000830-00001012 under which it is possible to compute a iD9zB1xXAlE-00004-00001013-00001243 double integral using iterated integrals iD9zB1xXAlE-00005-00001244-00001478 one may switch the order of integration iD9zB1xXAlE-00006-00001479-00001723 if the double integral yields a finite iD9zB1xXAlE-00007-00001725-00001918 answer when the integrand is replaced by iD9zB1xXAlE-00008-00001919-00003438 its absolute value X Y F X Y D Y D X iD9zB1xXAlE-00009-00003439-00005388 equals y X F X Y D X D y equals x times iD9zB1xXAlE-00010-00005389-00006592 y F X Y D X Y display style in iD9zB1xXAlE-00011-00006593-00006964 underscore X left in underscore Y F X y iD9zB1xXAlE-00012-00006965-00007321 text D Y right text D X equals in iD9zB1xXAlE-00013-00007322-00007688 underscore Y left in underscore X F X Y iD9zB1xXAlE-00014-00007689-00008051 text D X right text D y equals in iD9zB1xXAlE-00015-00008052-00008533 underscore x times y F X Y text D X Y as iD9zB1xXAlE-00016-00008534-00008819 a consequence it allows the order of iD9zB1xXAlE-00017-00008820-00009017 integration to be changed in iterated iD9zB1xXAlE-00018-00009018-00009356 integrals fubini's theorem implies that iD9zB1xXAlE-00019-00009357-00009556 the two repeated integrals of a function iD9zB1xXAlE-00020-00009557-00009731 of two variables are equal if the iD9zB1xXAlE-00021-00009732-00009977 function is integrable to Nelly's iD9zB1xXAlE-00022-00009978-00010220 theorem introduced by Leonida Tinelli in iD9zB1xXAlE-00023-00010221-00010523 1909 is similar but applies to functions iD9zB1xXAlE-00024-00010524-00010652 that are non negative rather than iD9zB1xXAlE-00025-00010653-00011210 integrable iD9zB1xXAlE-00026-00011211-00011838 topic history the special case of iD9zB1xXAlE-00027-00011839-00012024 fubini's theorem for continuous iD9zB1xXAlE-00028-00012025-00012239 functions on a product of closed bounded iD9zB1xXAlE-00029-00012240-00012456 subsets of real vector spaces was known iD9zB1xXAlE-00030-00012457-00012802 to Euler in the 18th century lobby's GAE iD9zB1xXAlE-00031-00012803-00013094 1904 extended this to bounded measurable iD9zB1xXAlE-00032-00013095-00013383 functions on a product of intervals Li iD9zB1xXAlE-00033-00013384-00013650 by 1906 conjectured that the theorem iD9zB1xXAlE-00034-00013651-00013838 could be extended to functions that were iD9zB1xXAlE-00035-00013840-00014037 integrable rather than bounded and this iD9zB1xXAlE-00036-00014038-00014425 was proved by Fubini 1907 Tinelli iD9zB1xXAlE-00037-00014426-00014715 1909 gave a variation of fubini's iD9zB1xXAlE-00038-00014716-00014897 theorem that applies to non-negative iD9zB1xXAlE-00039-00014898-00015050 functions rather than integrable iD9zB1xXAlE-00040-00015051-00015611 functions iD9zB1xXAlE-00041-00015612-00016160 topic product measures iD9zB1xXAlE-00042-00016161-00016403 if x and y are measure spaces with iD9zB1xXAlE-00043-00016404-00016592 measures there are several natural ways iD9zB1xXAlE-00044-00016593-00016772 to define a product measure on their iD9zB1xXAlE-00045-00016773-00017123 product the product X times y of measure iD9zB1xXAlE-00046-00017124-00017348 spaces in the sense of category theory iD9zB1xXAlE-00047-00017349-00017546 has as its measurable sets the Sigma iD9zB1xXAlE-00048-00017547-00017753 algebra generated by the products a iD9zB1xXAlE-00049-00017754-00017993 times B of measurable subsets of X and y iD9zB1xXAlE-00050-00017994-00018356 a measure mu on x times y is called a iD9zB1xXAlE-00051-00018357-00018572 product measure if mu a times B equals iD9zB1xXAlE-00052-00018573-00018746 mu1 mu2 iD9zB1xXAlE-00053-00018747-00019019 b for measurable subset say x and b y iD9zB1xXAlE-00054-00019020-00019280 and measures micro 1 on x and micro 2 on iD9zB1xXAlE-00055-00019281-00019451 y in general there may be many different iD9zB1xXAlE-00056-00019452-00019811 product measures on x times y fubini's iD9zB1xXAlE-00057-00019812-00020009 theorem Antonelli's theorem both need iD9zB1xXAlE-00058-00020010-00020183 technical conditions to avoid this iD9zB1xXAlE-00059-00020184-00020264 complication iD9zB1xXAlE-00060-00020265-00020462 the most common way is to assume all iD9zB1xXAlE-00061-00020463-00020696 measure space is a sigma finite in which iD9zB1xXAlE-00062-00020697-00020885 case there is a unique product measure iD9zB1xXAlE-00063-00020886-00021191 on x times y there is always a unique iD9zB1xXAlE-00064-00021192-00021437 maximal product measure on x times y iD9zB1xXAlE-00065-00021438-00021632 where the measure of a measurable set is iD9zB1xXAlE-00066-00021633-00021800 the INF of the measures of sets iD9zB1xXAlE-00067-00021801-00021983 containing that that accountable unions iD9zB1xXAlE-00068-00021984-00022241 of products of measurable sets the iD9zB1xXAlE-00069-00022242-00022406 maximal product measure can be iD9zB1xXAlE-00070-00022407-00022622 constructed by applying carathéodory's iD9zB1xXAlE-00071-00022623-00022787 extension theorem to the additive iD9zB1xXAlE-00072-00022788-00023009 function nu such that mu at times b iD9zB1xXAlE-00073-00023010-00023333 equals mu 1 mu to be on the ring of sets iD9zB1xXAlE-00074-00023334-00023638 generated by products of measurable sets iD9zB1xXAlE-00075-00023639-00023875 carathéodory's extension theorem gives a iD9zB1xXAlE-00076-00023876-00024041 measure on a measure space that in iD9zB1xXAlE-00077-00024042-00024236 general contains more measurable sets iD9zB1xXAlE-00078-00024237-00024464 than the measure space x times y so iD9zB1xXAlE-00079-00024465-00024635 strictly speaking the measure should be iD9zB1xXAlE-00080-00024636-00024815 restricted to the sigma-algebra iD9zB1xXAlE-00081-00024816-00025034 generated by the products a times b of iD9zB1xXAlE-00082-00025035-00025346 measurable subsets of x and y the iD9zB1xXAlE-00083-00025347-00025550 product of two complete measure spaces iD9zB1xXAlE-00084-00025551-00025868 is not usually complete for example the iD9zB1xXAlE-00085-00025869-00026044 product of the lobby's game measure on iD9zB1xXAlE-00086-00026045-00026239 the unit interval i with itself is not iD9zB1xXAlE-00087-00026241-00026417 the lobby's game measure on the square i iD9zB1xXAlE-00088-00026418-00026746 times i there is a variation of fubini's iD9zB1xXAlE-00089-00026747-00026960 theorem for complete measures which uses iD9zB1xXAlE-00090-00026961-00027104 the completion of the product of iD9zB1xXAlE-00091-00027105-00027251 measures rather than the uncompleted iD9zB1xXAlE-00092-00027252-00027806 product iD9zB1xXAlE-00093-00027807-00028518 topic for integrable functions suppose X iD9zB1xXAlE-00094-00028519-00028767 and wire Sigma finite measure spaces and iD9zB1xXAlE-00095-00028768-00028983 suppose that x times y is given the iD9zB1xXAlE-00096-00028983-00029193 product measure which is unique as x and iD9zB1xXAlE-00097-00029194-00029508 y as sigma finite phu beanies theorem iD9zB1xXAlE-00098-00029508-00029769 states that if F X Y is x times y iD9zB1xXAlE-00099-00029770-00029970 integrable meaning that it is measurable iD9zB1xXAlE-00100-00029970-00030447 in x times y f XY d XY infinity display iD9zB1xXAlE-00101-00030448-00030849 style in underscore x times y f XY text iD9zB1xXAlE-00102-00030850-00031445 d XY then XY f XY dy/dx equals y x f XY iD9zB1xXAlE-00103-00031447-00032402 DX dy equals x times y f XY d x y iD9zB1xXAlE-00104-00032402-00032724 display style in underscore X left in iD9zB1xXAlE-00105-00032725-00033165 underscore Y F XY text D Y right text d iD9zB1xXAlE-00106-00033166-00033438 x equals in underscore y left in iD9zB1xXAlE-00107-00033439-00033870 underscore x f x y text DX right text d iD9zB1xXAlE-00108-00033871-00034239 y equals in underscore x times y f x y iD9zB1xXAlE-00109-00034240-00034692 text d XY the first two integrals are iD9zB1xXAlE-00110-00034693-00034887 iterated integrals with respect to two iD9zB1xXAlE-00111-00034888-00035085 measures respectively and the third is iD9zB1xXAlE-00112-00035086-00035250 an integral with respect to the product iD9zB1xXAlE-00113-00035251-00036234 measure the partial integrals y F X Y D iD9zB1xXAlE-00114-00036235-00036816 Y display style in underscore Y F X Y iD9zB1xXAlE-00115-00036817-00037941 text D Y and X F X Y D iD9zB1xXAlE-00116-00037942-00038379 X display style in underscore X F XY iD9zB1xXAlE-00117-00038380-00038802 text D X need not be defined everywhere iD9zB1xXAlE-00118-00038803-00039003 but this does not matter as the points iD9zB1xXAlE-00119-00039004-00039192 where they are not defined former set of iD9zB1xXAlE-00120-00039193-00039510 measure zero if the above integral of iD9zB1xXAlE-00121-00039511-00039741 the absolute value is not finite then iD9zB1xXAlE-00122-00039742-00039921 the two iterated integrals may have iD9zB1xXAlE-00123-00039922-00040194 different values see below for an iD9zB1xXAlE-00124-00040195-00040491 illustration of this possibility the iD9zB1xXAlE-00125-00040492-00040728 condition that X and y is Sigma finite iD9zB1xXAlE-00126-00040729-00040929 is usually harmless because in practice iD9zB1xXAlE-00127-00040930-00041142 almost all measure spaces one wishes to iD9zB1xXAlE-00128-00041143-00041462 use fubini's theorem for a sigma finite iD9zB1xXAlE-00129-00041463-00041664 fubini's theorem has some rather iD9zB1xXAlE-00130-00041665-00041898 technical extensions to the case when x iD9zB1xXAlE-00131-00041899-00042126 and y are not assumed to be sigma finite iD9zB1xXAlE-00132-00042127-00042528 freman 2003 the main extra complication iD9zB1xXAlE-00133-00042529-00042699 in this case is that there may be more iD9zB1xXAlE-00134-00042700-00042974 than one product measure on x times y iD9zB1xXAlE-00135-00042975-00043227 fubini's theorem continues to hold for iD9zB1xXAlE-00136-00043228-00043431 the maximal product measure but can fail iD9zB1xXAlE-00137-00043432-00043689 for other product measures for example iD9zB1xXAlE-00138-00043690-00043881 there is a product measure and a iD9zB1xXAlE-00139-00043882-00044091 non-negative measurable function f for iD9zB1xXAlE-00140-00044092-00044340 which the double integral of f is 0 but iD9zB1xXAlE-00141-00044341-00044493 the two iterated integrals have iD9zB1xXAlE-00142-00044494-00044685 different values see the section on iD9zB1xXAlE-00143-00044686-00044913 counter examples below for an example of iD9zB1xXAlE-00144-00044914-00045195 this to Nelly's theorem and the Fubini iD9zB1xXAlE-00145-00045196-00045444 Tonelli theorem stated below can fail on iD9zB1xXAlE-00146-00045445-00045672 non sigma finite spaces even for the iD9zB1xXAlE-00147-00045673-00046290 maximal product measure iD9zB1xXAlE-00148-00046291-00046546 topic two Nellie's theorem for iD9zB1xXAlE-00149-00046547-00047110 non-negative functions to Nellie's iD9zB1xXAlE-00150-00047111-00047341 theorem named after Leonida Tonelli is a iD9zB1xXAlE-00151-00047342-00047617 successor of fubini's theorem the iD9zB1xXAlE-00152-00047618-00047794 conclusion of Tonelli z' theorem is iD9zB1xXAlE-00153-00047795-00047986 identical to that of fubini's theorem iD9zB1xXAlE-00154-00047987-00048436 but the assumption that f display style iD9zB1xXAlE-00155-00048437-00048802 f has a finite integral is replaced by iD9zB1xXAlE-00156-00048803-00049384 the assumption that f display style f is iD9zB1xXAlE-00157-00049385-00049708 non-negative to Nellie's theorem states iD9zB1xXAlE-00158-00049709-00050065 that if X a new and y be new a Sigma iD9zB1xXAlE-00159-00050066-00050296 finite measure spaces while F from x iD9zB1xXAlE-00160-00050297-00050602 times y - 0 infinity is non-negative and iD9zB1xXAlE-00161-00050603-00051995 measurable then X Y F X Y D Y D iD9zB1xXAlE-00162-00051996-00053905 x equals y X F X Y D X D y equals x iD9zB1xXAlE-00163-00053906-00055280 times y F X Y D X Y display style in iD9zB1xXAlE-00164-00055281-00055649 underscore X left in underscore Y F X y iD9zB1xXAlE-00165-00055650-00055994 text D Y right text D x equals in iD9zB1xXAlE-00166-00055995-00056357 underscore Y left in underscore X F X Y iD9zB1xXAlE-00167-00056358-00056709 text D X right text D y equals in iD9zB1xXAlE-00168-00056710-00057299 underscore x times y f x y text D X Y a iD9zB1xXAlE-00169-00057300-00057542 special case of Tinnell ease theorem is iD9zB1xXAlE-00170-00057543-00057725 in the interchange of the summations as iD9zB1xXAlE-00171-00057726-00059437 in x y hay x y equals y x hey x y iD9zB1xXAlE-00172-00059438-00059736 display style sum underscore X sum iD9zB1xXAlE-00173-00059737-00060062 underscore Y a underscore X y equals sum iD9zB1xXAlE-00174-00060063-00060297 underscore why some underscore X a iD9zB1xXAlE-00175-00060298-00061175 underscore X Y where hey X Y this place iD9zB1xXAlE-00176-00061176-00061261 dialer on this iD9zB1xXAlE-00177-00061262-00061653 core XY a non-negative for all x and y iD9zB1xXAlE-00178-00061654-00061891 the crux of the theorem is that the iD9zB1xXAlE-00179-00061891-00062107 interchange of order of summation holds iD9zB1xXAlE-00180-00062108-00062413 even if the series diverges in effect iD9zB1xXAlE-00181-00062414-00062602 the only way a change in order of iD9zB1xXAlE-00182-00062603-00062788 summation can change the sum is when iD9zB1xXAlE-00183-00062789-00062955 there exist some subsequent PSA's that iD9zB1xXAlE-00184-00062957-00063550 diverge to plus infinity display style iD9zB1xXAlE-00185-00063551-00064089 plus empty and others diverging to minus iD9zB1xXAlE-00186-00064090-00064641 infinity display style empty with all iD9zB1xXAlE-00187-00064642-00064825 elements non-negative this does not iD9zB1xXAlE-00188-00064826-00065146 happen in the stated example without the iD9zB1xXAlE-00189-00065147-00065320 condition that the measure spaces are iD9zB1xXAlE-00190-00065321-00065524 Sigma finite it is possible for all iD9zB1xXAlE-00191-00065525-00065671 three of these integrals to have iD9zB1xXAlE-00192-00065672-00065974 different values some authors give iD9zB1xXAlE-00193-00065975-00066190 generalizations of Tonelli x' theorem to iD9zB1xXAlE-00194-00066191-00066379 some measure spaces that are not Sigma iD9zB1xXAlE-00195-00066380-00066601 finite but these generalizations often iD9zB1xXAlE-00196-00066602-00066784 add conditions that immediately reduce iD9zB1xXAlE-00197-00066785-00067102 the problem to the Sigma finite case for iD9zB1xXAlE-00198-00067103-00067300 example one could take the Sigma algebra iD9zB1xXAlE-00199-00067301-00067552 on a times B to be that generated by the iD9zB1xXAlE-00200-00067553-00067744 product of subsets of finite measure iD9zB1xXAlE-00201-00067745-00067939 rather than that generated by all iD9zB1xXAlE-00202-00067940-00068134 products of measurable subsets though iD9zB1xXAlE-00203-00068135-00068326 this has the undesirable consequence iD9zB1xXAlE-00204-00068327-00068503 that the projections from the product to iD9zB1xXAlE-00205-00068504-00068715 its factors a and B are not measurable iD9zB1xXAlE-00206-00068716-00068965 another way is to add the condition that iD9zB1xXAlE-00207-00068966-00069148 the support of F is contained in a iD9zB1xXAlE-00208-00069149-00069352 countable union of products of sets of iD9zB1xXAlE-00209-00069353-00069742 finite measure frem 'ln 2003 gives some iD9zB1xXAlE-00210-00069743-00069934 rather technical extensions of Tonelli iD9zB1xXAlE-00211-00069935-00070132 x' theorem to some non sigma finite iD9zB1xXAlE-00212-00070133-00070204 spaces iD9zB1xXAlE-00213-00070205-00070489 none of these generalizations have found iD9zB1xXAlE-00214-00070490-00070675 any significant applications outside iD9zB1xXAlE-00215-00070676-00070930 abstract measure Theory largely because iD9zB1xXAlE-00216-00070931-00071152 almost all measure spaces of practical iD9zB1xXAlE-00217-00071153-00071775 interest to Sigma finite iD9zB1xXAlE-00218-00071776-00072399 topic the foobie neaten le theorem iD9zB1xXAlE-00219-00072400-00072625 combining fubini's theorem with to iD9zB1xXAlE-00220-00072626-00072912 Nellie's theorem gives the foo Bonita iD9zB1xXAlE-00221-00072913-00073072 Nellie theorem often just called iD9zB1xXAlE-00222-00073073-00073297 fubini's theorem which states that if x iD9zB1xXAlE-00223-00073298-00073525 and y are Sigma finite measure spaces iD9zB1xXAlE-00224-00073526-00073941 and if F is a measurable function then X iD9zB1xXAlE-00225-00073942-00076665 Y F X Y D Y D X equals y X F X Y T X D y iD9zB1xXAlE-00226-00076666-00078391 equals x times y F X Y D X Y display iD9zB1xXAlE-00227-00078392-00078667 style in underscore X left in underscore iD9zB1xXAlE-00228-00078668-00079150 Y F X y text D Y right texts D X equals iD9zB1xXAlE-00229-00079151-00079506 in underscore Y left in underscore X F X iD9zB1xXAlE-00230-00079507-00079909 Y text D X right text D y equals in iD9zB1xXAlE-00231-00079910-00080421 underscore X times y f x y text D X Y iD9zB1xXAlE-00232-00080422-00080638 besides if any one of the three iD9zB1xXAlE-00233-00080639-00082186 integrals X Y F X Y D Y D X display iD9zB1xXAlE-00234-00082187-00082465 style in underscore X left in underscore iD9zB1xXAlE-00235-00082466-00083550 Y F X y text D Y right texts D X Y X F X iD9zB1xXAlE-00236-00083551-00083919 Y D iD9zB1xXAlE-00237-00083920-00084606 X D Y display style in underscore Y left iD9zB1xXAlE-00238-00084607-00084999 in underscore X F X y text D X bright iD9zB1xXAlE-00239-00085000-00086663 text D Y X times y F X Y D X Y display iD9zB1xXAlE-00240-00086664-00087062 style in underscore x times y F X Y text iD9zB1xXAlE-00241-00087063-00088928 D X Y is finite then X Y F X Y D Y D X iD9zB1xXAlE-00242-00088929-00090905 equals y X F X Y D X D y equals x times iD9zB1xXAlE-00243-00090906-00092126 y f x y t X Y display style in iD9zB1xXAlE-00244-00092127-00092505 underscore X left in underscore Y F X y iD9zB1xXAlE-00245-00092506-00092847 text D Y right text D x equals in iD9zB1xXAlE-00246-00092848-00093216 underscore Y left in underscore X F X y iD9zB1xXAlE-00247-00093217-00093561 text D X right text D y equals in iD9zB1xXAlE-00248-00093562-00094051 underscore x times y f x y text D X Y iD9zB1xXAlE-00249-00094052-00094299 the absolute value of f in the iD9zB1xXAlE-00250-00094300-00094479 conditions above can be replaced by iD9zB1xXAlE-00251-00094480-00094665 either the positive or the negative part iD9zB1xXAlE-00252-00094666-00094856 of f these forms include two Nelly's iD9zB1xXAlE-00253-00094857-00095016 theorem as a special case as the iD9zB1xXAlE-00254-00095017-00095217 negative part of a non-negative function iD9zB1xXAlE-00255-00095218-00095480 is zero and so has finite integral iD9zB1xXAlE-00256-00095481-00095726 informally all these conditions say that iD9zB1xXAlE-00257-00095727-00095912 the double integral of f is well-defined iD9zB1xXAlE-00258-00095913-00096321 though possibly infinite the advantage iD9zB1xXAlE-00259-00096322-00096443 of the Fubini Tinelli iD9zB1xXAlE-00260-00096444-00096612 over fubini's theorem is that the iD9zB1xXAlE-00261-00096613-00096828 repeated integrals of the absolute value iD9zB1xXAlE-00262-00096829-00097035 of f may be easier to study than the iD9zB1xXAlE-00263-00097036-00097175 double integral iD9zB1xXAlE-00264-00097176-00097400 as in fubini's theorem the single iD9zB1xXAlE-00265-00097401-00097595 integrals may fail to be defined on a iD9zB1xXAlE-00266-00097596-00098187 measure zero set iD9zB1xXAlE-00267-00098188-00098863 topic 4 complete measures the versions iD9zB1xXAlE-00268-00098864-00099041 of fur beanies Antonelli's theorems iD9zB1xXAlE-00269-00099042-00099250 above do not apply to integration on the iD9zB1xXAlE-00270-00099251-00099451 product of the real line are with itself iD9zB1xXAlE-00271-00099452-00099731 with lobbies gay measure the problem is iD9zB1xXAlE-00272-00099732-00099917 that lobbies gay measure on our times iD9zB1xXAlE-00273-00099918-00100106 are is not the product of lobbies gay iD9zB1xXAlE-00274-00100107-00100294 measure on our with itself but rather iD9zB1xXAlE-00275-00100295-00100511 the completion of this a product of two iD9zB1xXAlE-00276-00100512-00100742 complete measure spaces x and y is not iD9zB1xXAlE-00277-00100743-00101024 in general complete for this reason one iD9zB1xXAlE-00278-00101025-00101243 sometimes uses versions of fubini's iD9zB1xXAlE-00279-00101244-00101437 theorem for complete measures roughly iD9zB1xXAlE-00280-00101438-00101642 speaking one just replaces all measures iD9zB1xXAlE-00281-00101643-00101900 by their completions the various iD9zB1xXAlE-00282-00101901-00102112 versions of fubini's theorem are similar iD9zB1xXAlE-00283-00102113-00102290 to the versions above with the following iD9zB1xXAlE-00284-00102291-00102619 minor differences instead of taking a iD9zB1xXAlE-00285-00102620-00102872 product x times y of to measure spaces iD9zB1xXAlE-00286-00102873-00103104 one takes the completion of some product iD9zB1xXAlE-00287-00103105-00103378 if f is immeasurable on the completion iD9zB1xXAlE-00288-00103379-00103613 of x times y then its restrictions to iD9zB1xXAlE-00289-00103614-00103834 vertical or horizontal lines may be non iD9zB1xXAlE-00290-00103835-00104041 measurable for a measure zero subset of iD9zB1xXAlE-00291-00104042-00104236 lines so one has to allow for the iD9zB1xXAlE-00292-00104238-00104404 possibility that the vertical or iD9zB1xXAlE-00293-00104405-00104617 horizontal integrals are undefined on a iD9zB1xXAlE-00294-00104618-00104815 set of measure zero because they involve iD9zB1xXAlE-00295-00104816-00105015 integrating non measurable functions iD9zB1xXAlE-00296-00105016-00105272 this makes little difference because iD9zB1xXAlE-00297-00105273-00105470 they can already be undefined due to the iD9zB1xXAlE-00298-00105471-00105764 functions not being integrable one iD9zB1xXAlE-00299-00105765-00105968 generally also assumes that the measures iD9zB1xXAlE-00300-00105969-00106183 on x and y are complete otherwise the iD9zB1xXAlE-00301-00106184-00106406 two partial integrals along vertical or iD9zB1xXAlE-00302-00106407-00106622 horizontal lines may be well-defined but iD9zB1xXAlE-00303-00106623-00106925 not measurable for example if F is the iD9zB1xXAlE-00304-00106926-00107126 characteristic function of a product of iD9zB1xXAlE-00305-00107127-00107311 a measurable set and a non measurable iD9zB1xXAlE-00306-00107313-00107522 set contained in a measure zero set then iD9zB1xXAlE-00307-00107523-00107702 it's single integral is well defined iD9zB1xXAlE-00308-00107703-00108349 everywhere but non measurable iD9zB1xXAlE-00309-00108350-00108985 topic proofs proofs of the Fubini iD9zB1xXAlE-00310-00108986-00109159 Antonelli theorems are necessarily iD9zB1xXAlE-00311-00109160-00109367 somewhat technical as they have to use a iD9zB1xXAlE-00312-00109368-00109633 hypothesis related to Sigma finiteness iD9zB1xXAlE-00313-00109633-00109892 most proofs involve building up to the iD9zB1xXAlE-00314-00109893-00110057 full theorems by proving them for iD9zB1xXAlE-00315-00110058-00110258 increasingly complicated functions as iD9zB1xXAlE-00316-00110258-00110528 follows step 1 iD9zB1xXAlE-00317-00110529-00110708 use the fact that the measure on the iD9zB1xXAlE-00318-00110708-00110882 product is a product measure to prove iD9zB1xXAlE-00319-00110883-00111023 the theorems for the characteristic iD9zB1xXAlE-00320-00111024-00111440 functions of rectangles step 2 use the iD9zB1xXAlE-00321-00111441-00111610 condition that the space is a sigma iD9zB1xXAlE-00322-00111611-00111833 finite or some related condition to iD9zB1xXAlE-00323-00111833-00112013 prove the theorem for the characteristic iD9zB1xXAlE-00324-00112014-00112309 functions of measurable sets this also iD9zB1xXAlE-00325-00112310-00112486 covers the case of simple measurable iD9zB1xXAlE-00326-00112488-00112700 functions measurable functions taking iD9zB1xXAlE-00327-00112701-00113086 only a finite number of values step 3 iD9zB1xXAlE-00328-00113088-00113300 use the condition that the functions are iD9zB1xXAlE-00329-00113301-00113465 measurable to prove the theorems for iD9zB1xXAlE-00330-00113466-00113635 positive measurable functions by iD9zB1xXAlE-00331-00113636-00113849 approximating them by simple measurable iD9zB1xXAlE-00332-00113850-00114196 functions this proves to Nelly's theorem iD9zB1xXAlE-00333-00114197-00114361 step 4 iD9zB1xXAlE-00334-00114363-00114557 use the condition that the functions are iD9zB1xXAlE-00335-00114558-00114698 integrable to write them as the iD9zB1xXAlE-00336-00114699-00114872 difference of two positive integrable iD9zB1xXAlE-00337-00114873-00115082 functions and apply to Nelly's theorem iD9zB1xXAlE-00338-00115083-00115183 to each of these iD9zB1xXAlE-00339-00115184-00115852 this proves fubini's theorem iD9zB1xXAlE-00340-00115853-00116369 topic counter-examples iD9zB1xXAlE-00341-00116370-00116678 the following examples show how fubini's iD9zB1xXAlE-00342-00116679-00116885 theorem Antonelli's theorem can fail if iD9zB1xXAlE-00343-00116886-00117529 any of their hypotheses are omitted iD9zB1xXAlE-00344-00117530-00117851 topic failure of to nellie's theorem for iD9zB1xXAlE-00345-00117852-00118469 non sigma finite spaces suppose that X iD9zB1xXAlE-00346-00118470-00118636 is the unit interval with the lobby's iD9zB1xXAlE-00347-00118638-00118820 game measurable sets and lebesgue a iD9zB1xXAlE-00348-00118821-00119042 measure and y is the unit interval with iD9zB1xXAlE-00349-00119043-00119236 all subsets measurable and the counting iD9zB1xXAlE-00350-00119238-00119567 measure so that Y is not Sigma finite if iD9zB1xXAlE-00351-00119568-00119758 F is the characteristic function of the iD9zB1xXAlE-00352-00119759-00120038 diagonal of x times y then integrating F iD9zB1xXAlE-00353-00120039-00120290 along X gives the zero function on Y but iD9zB1xXAlE-00354-00120291-00120518 integrating f along y gives the function iD9zB1xXAlE-00355-00120519-00120731 1 on X so that two iterated integrals iD9zB1xXAlE-00356-00120732-00120803 are different iD9zB1xXAlE-00357-00120804-00121040 this shows that two Nelly's theorem can iD9zB1xXAlE-00358-00121041-00121220 fail for spaces that are not Sigma iD9zB1xXAlE-00359-00121221-00121435 finite no matter what product measure is iD9zB1xXAlE-00360-00121436-00121658 chosen the measures are both iD9zB1xXAlE-00361-00121658-00121868 decomposable showing that two Nelly's iD9zB1xXAlE-00362-00121869-00122075 theorem fails for decomposable measures iD9zB1xXAlE-00363-00122076-00122243 which are slightly more general than iD9zB1xXAlE-00364-00122244-00122840 Sigma finite measures iD9zB1xXAlE-00365-00122841-00123177 topic failure of fubini's theorem for iD9zB1xXAlE-00366-00123178-00123761 non maximal product measures fubini's iD9zB1xXAlE-00367-00123763-00123969 theorem holds for spaces even if they iD9zB1xXAlE-00368-00123970-00124152 are not assumed to be Sigma finite iD9zB1xXAlE-00369-00124153-00124365 provided one uses the maximal product iD9zB1xXAlE-00370-00124366-00124689 measure in the example above for the iD9zB1xXAlE-00371-00124690-00124917 maximal product measure the diagonal has iD9zB1xXAlE-00372-00124918-00125118 infinite measure so the double integral iD9zB1xXAlE-00373-00125119-00125343 of F is infinite and fubini's theorem iD9zB1xXAlE-00374-00125344-00125711 holds vacuously however if we give x iD9zB1xXAlE-00375-00125713-00125916 times y the product measure such that iD9zB1xXAlE-00376-00125917-00126078 the measure of a set is the sum of the iD9zB1xXAlE-00377-00126079-00126270 lobby's gey measures of its horizontal iD9zB1xXAlE-00378-00126271-00126480 sections then the double integral of F iD9zB1xXAlE-00379-00126481-00126726 is 0 but the two iterated integrals iD9zB1xXAlE-00380-00126727-00126993 still have different values this gives iD9zB1xXAlE-00381-00126994-00127182 an example of a product measure where iD9zB1xXAlE-00382-00127183-00127503 fubini's theorem fails this gives an iD9zB1xXAlE-00383-00127504-00127677 example of two different product iD9zB1xXAlE-00384-00127678-00127851 measures on the same product of to iD9zB1xXAlE-00385-00127852-00128166 measure spaces for products of two sigma iD9zB1xXAlE-00386-00128167-00128394 finite measure spaces there is only one iD9zB1xXAlE-00387-00128395-00128802 product measure topic failure of two iD9zB1xXAlE-00388-00128803-00128967 Nelly's theorem for non measurable iD9zB1xXAlE-00389-00128968-00129153 functions suppose that X is the first iD9zB1xXAlE-00390-00129154-00129357 uncountable ordinal with the finite iD9zB1xXAlE-00391-00129358-00129528 measure where the measurable sets are iD9zB1xXAlE-00392-00129529-00129750 either countable with measure 0 or the iD9zB1xXAlE-00393-00129751-00129911 sets of countable complement with iD9zB1xXAlE-00394-00129913-00130245 measure 1 the non measurable subset a of iD9zB1xXAlE-00395-00130246-00131020 X times x given by pairs x y with X iD9zB1xXAlE-00396-00131021-00131354 topic failure of fubini's theorem for iD9zB1xXAlE-00397-00131355-00131821 non measurable functions iD9zB1xXAlE-00398-00131822-00132082 a variation of the example above shows iD9zB1xXAlE-00399-00132083-00132283 that fubini's theorem can fail for non iD9zB1xXAlE-00400-00132284-00132493 measurable functions even if f is iD9zB1xXAlE-00401-00132494-00132702 integrable and both repeated integrals iD9zB1xXAlE-00402-00132703-00132927 are well-defined if we take F to be 1 on iD9zB1xXAlE-00403-00132928-00133198 a and -1 on the complement of e then f iD9zB1xXAlE-00404-00133199-00133387 is integrable on the product with iD9zB1xXAlE-00405-00133388-00133606 integral 1 and both repeated integrals iD9zB1xXAlE-00406-00133607-00133762 are well-defined but have different iD9zB1xXAlE-00407-00133763-00134110 values 1 and minus 1 assuming the iD9zB1xXAlE-00408-00134111-00134383 Continuum Hypothesis one can identify x iD9zB1xXAlE-00409-00134384-00134572 with the unit interval I so there is a iD9zB1xXAlE-00410-00134573-00134788 bounded non-negative function on I times iD9zB1xXAlE-00411-00134789-00134998 I whose two iterated integrals using iD9zB1xXAlE-00412-00134999-00135216 Lubezki measure are both defined but iD9zB1xXAlE-00413-00135217-00135526 unequal this example was found by SIA iD9zB1xXAlE-00414-00135527-00135915 Pinsky 1920 the stronger versions of iD9zB1xXAlE-00415-00135916-00136108 fubini's theorem on a product of two iD9zB1xXAlE-00416-00136109-00136297 unit intervals with lobbies Gaye measure iD9zB1xXAlE-00417-00136298-00136513 where the function is no longer assumed iD9zB1xXAlE-00418-00136514-00136699 to be measurable but merely that the two iD9zB1xXAlE-00419-00136700-00136897 iterated integrals are well defined and iD9zB1xXAlE-00420-00136898-00137103 exist are independent of the standard iD9zB1xXAlE-00421-00137104-00137419 Zermelo Frankel axioms of set theory the iD9zB1xXAlE-00422-00137420-00137668 continuum hypothesis and Martin's axiom iD9zB1xXAlE-00423-00137669-00137860 both imply that there exists a function iD9zB1xXAlE-00424-00137861-00138052 on the unit square whose iterated iD9zB1xXAlE-00425-00138053-00138259 integrals are not equal while Friedman iD9zB1xXAlE-00426-00138260-00138508 1980 showed that it is consistent with iD9zB1xXAlE-00427-00138509-00138763 ZF see that a strong Fubini type theorem iD9zB1xXAlE-00428-00138764-00139036 for 0 1 does hold and whenever the two iD9zB1xXAlE-00429-00139037-00139257 iterated integrals exist they are equal iD9zB1xXAlE-00430-00139258-00139594 see list of statements undecidable in ZF iD9zB1xXAlE-00431-00139595-00140048 see iD9zB1xXAlE-00432-00140049-00140382 topic failure of fubini's theorem for iD9zB1xXAlE-00433-00140383-00140934 non integrable functions fubini's iD9zB1xXAlE-00434-00140935-00141123 theorem tells us that for measurable iD9zB1xXAlE-00435-00141124-00141333 functions on a product of Sigma finite iD9zB1xXAlE-00436-00141334-00141527 measure spaces if the integral of the iD9zB1xXAlE-00437-00141528-00141764 absolute value is finite then the order iD9zB1xXAlE-00438-00141765-00141960 of integration does not matter if we iD9zB1xXAlE-00439-00141961-00142163 integrate first with respect to X and iD9zB1xXAlE-00440-00142164-00142371 then with respect to Y we get the same iD9zB1xXAlE-00441-00142372-00142563 result as if we integrate first with iD9zB1xXAlE-00442-00142564-00142784 respect to Y and then with respect to X iD9zB1xXAlE-00443-00142785-00143039 the assumption that the integral of the iD9zB1xXAlE-00444-00143040-00143334 absolute value is finite is lobby's gay iD9zB1xXAlE-00445-00143335-00143601 integrability and without it the two iD9zB1xXAlE-00446-00143602-00143784 repeated integrals can have different iD9zB1xXAlE-00447-00143785-00144120 values a simple example to show that the iD9zB1xXAlE-00448-00144121-00144309 repeated integrals can be different in iD9zB1xXAlE-00449-00144310-00144519 general is to take the to measure spaces iD9zB1xXAlE-00450-00144520-00144716 to be the positive integers and to take iD9zB1xXAlE-00451-00144717-00145032 the function f XY to be 1 if x equals y iD9zB1xXAlE-00452-00145033-00145344 minus 1 if x equals y plus 1 and 0 iD9zB1xXAlE-00453-00145345-00145608 otherwise then the two repeated iD9zB1xXAlE-00454-00145609-00145901 integrals have different values 0 and 1 iD9zB1xXAlE-00455-00145902-00146163 another example is as follows for the iD9zB1xXAlE-00456-00146164-00148252 function x2 minus y2 x2 plus y2 2 equals iD9zB1xXAlE-00457-00148253-00148797 -2 X Y iD9zB1xXAlE-00458-00148798-00149201 10 y/x iD9zB1xXAlE-00459-00149202-00149595 display style frak X Charat 2 y carrot 2 iD9zB1xXAlE-00460-00149596-00149978 X Charat 2 + y carrot - carrot 2 equals iD9zB1xXAlE-00461-00149979-00150252 frac partial carrot 2 partial X partial iD9zB1xXAlE-00462-00150253-00150962 y arctan y/x the iterated integrals x iD9zB1xXAlE-00463-00150963-00151345 equals 0 iD9zB1xXAlE-00464-00151346-00153214 one y equals 0 1 X 2 minus y 2 X 2 plus iD9zB1xXAlE-00465-00153215-00154939 y 2 2 D Y D X equals pi/4 display style iD9zB1xXAlE-00466-00154940-00155263 in underscore x equals 0 carat one left iD9zB1xXAlE-00467-00155264-00155554 in underscore y equals zero carat one iD9zB1xXAlE-00468-00155555-00155959 frac X Charat 2 y carrot 2 X Charat 2 + iD9zB1xXAlE-00469-00155960-00156307 y carrot - carrot two texts D Y right iD9zB1xXAlE-00470-00156308-00156861 text d x equals frac pi/4 and iD9zB1xXAlE-00471-00156862-00158840 y equals 0 1 x equals 0 1 X 2 minus y 2 iD9zB1xXAlE-00472-00158841-00160844 X 2 plus y 2 2 D X D y equals minus PI iD9zB1xXAlE-00473-00160845-00161316 for display style in underscore y equals iD9zB1xXAlE-00474-00161317-00161643 0 carat one left in underscore x equals iD9zB1xXAlE-00475-00161644-00162045 0 carat one frac X Charat 2 y carat 2 X iD9zB1xXAlE-00476-00162046-00162414 Charat 2 + y carrot - carrot two texts D iD9zB1xXAlE-00477-00162415-00162921 X right text D y equals frac pi/4 have iD9zB1xXAlE-00478-00162922-00163197 different values the corresponding iD9zB1xXAlE-00479-00163198-00163482 double integral does not converge iD9zB1xXAlE-00480-00163483-00163689 absolutely in other words the integral iD9zB1xXAlE-00481-00163690-00164294 of the absolute value is not finite 0 1 iD9zB1xXAlE-00482-00164295-00166898 0 1 x 2 minus y 2 x 2 + y - 2 D Y D X iD9zB1xXAlE-00483-00166899-00167397 equals infinity display style in iD9zB1xXAlE-00484-00167398-00167733 underscore 0 carrot 1 in underscore 0 iD9zB1xXAlE-00485-00167734-00168126 carrot 1 left frac X Charat 2 y carrot 2 iD9zB1xXAlE-00486-00168127-00168491 X Charat 2 + y carrot - carrot to write iD9zB1xXAlE-00487-00168492-00169330 text d y text d x equals empty iD9zB1xXAlE-00488-00169331-00169863 topic C also iD9zB1xXAlE-00489-00169864-00170100 Cavalia Ruiz principal and early iD9zB1xXAlE-00490-00170101-00170258 particular case iD9zB1xXAlE-00491-00170259-00170523 Correa formula generalization to iD9zB1xXAlE-00492-00170524-00170871 geometric measure Theory disintegration iD9zB1xXAlE-00493-00170872-00171048 theorem a restricted converse to iD9zB1xXAlE-00494-00171049-00171390 fubini's theorem kirat offski ulam iD9zB1xXAlE-00495-00171391-00171705 theorem analog for category Young's iD9zB1xXAlE-00496-00171706-00171977 theorem analog for differentiation iD9zB1xXAlE-00497-00171978-00172332 Fubini nightmare iGrA1XaSKwo-00000-00000248-00000569 in a previous video we saw how lists and iGrA1XaSKwo-00001-00000570-00000743 strings are similar iGrA1XaSKwo-00002-00000744-00001091 now let's look at how they're different iGrA1XaSKwo-00003-00001092-00001312 the biggest difference is that strings iGrA1XaSKwo-00004-00001313-00001469 are immutable iGrA1XaSKwo-00005-00001470-00001702 we can't put a string axis on the left iGrA1XaSKwo-00006-00001703-00001948 side of an assignment iGrA1XaSKwo-00007-00001950-00002363 however lists are mutable iGrA1XaSKwo-00008-00002364-00002615 when you have a list you can reassign iGrA1XaSKwo-00009-00002616-00002908 one of the items by putting the index on iGrA1XaSKwo-00010-00002909-00003191 the left hand side of the assignment iGrA1XaSKwo-00011-00003192-00003436 you can reassign a slice of the list to iGrA1XaSKwo-00012-00003438-00003695 a list of equal size iGrA1XaSKwo-00013-00003696-00003970 or a different size iGrA1XaSKwo-00014-00003971-00004204 let's switch over to a list of words to iGrA1XaSKwo-00015-00004205-00004619 look at other ways to modify a list iGrA1XaSKwo-00016-00004620-00004925 the Del operator deletes an item from a iGrA1XaSKwo-00017-00004926-00005093 list iGrA1XaSKwo-00018-00005094-00005513 and closes up the empty space iGrA1XaSKwo-00019-00005514-00005885 you can use Del with a slice iGrA1XaSKwo-00020-00005886-00006101 to delete multiple items with this iGrA1XaSKwo-00021-00006102-00006281 result iGrA1XaSKwo-00022-00006282-00006545 the append method lets you add items at iGrA1XaSKwo-00023-00006545-00006934 the end of the list iGrA1XaSKwo-00024-00006936-00007223 the insert method lets you add items at iGrA1XaSKwo-00025-00007223-00007481 a specific index iGrA1XaSKwo-00026-00007481-00007703 and all the items from that index on iGrA1XaSKwo-00027-00007704-00007984 move down to make room for the inserted iGrA1XaSKwo-00028-00007986-00008207 item iGrA1XaSKwo-00029-00008208-00008405 and those are some of the ways you can iGrA1XaSKwo-00030-00008406-00008708 modify a list iGN0EBvqlsk-00000-00000006-00000733 foreign iGN0EBvqlsk-00001-00000734-00001199 I am back it's Dr Hammond here with your iGN0EBvqlsk-00002-00001200-00001504 mental health moment I hope that you've iGN0EBvqlsk-00003-00001505-00001841 had a wonderful week for those of you iGN0EBvqlsk-00004-00001842-00001973 who are tuning in for the very first iGN0EBvqlsk-00005-00001973-00002171 time welcome it's Dr Hammond here with iGN0EBvqlsk-00006-00002172-00002381 your mental health moment we are here iGN0EBvqlsk-00007-00002382-00002668 every Tuesday 8 PM Eastern Standard Time iGN0EBvqlsk-00008-00002669-00002837 right here on black women empowered iGN0EBvqlsk-00009-00002838-00003047 Incorporated Facebook page YouTube and iGN0EBvqlsk-00010-00003048-00003274 Linkedin live for those of you who tune iGN0EBvqlsk-00011-00003275-00003520 in every single Tuesday welcome back iGN0EBvqlsk-00012-00003521-00003865 thanks so much for joining today iGN0EBvqlsk-00013-00003865-00004115 and for those of you who are watching iGN0EBvqlsk-00014-00004116-00004433 the replay on YouTube on Dr nakisha iGN0EBvqlsk-00015-00004434-00004661 Hammond YouTube page welcome welcome iGN0EBvqlsk-00016-00004662-00004931 thanks so much for watching the replay iGN0EBvqlsk-00017-00004932-00005159 um good evening welcome to as well as Dr iGN0EBvqlsk-00018-00005160-00005285 Hammond here with your mental health iGN0EBvqlsk-00019-00005286-00005422 moment iGN0EBvqlsk-00020-00005423-00005647 um for those of you who celebrate happy iGN0EBvqlsk-00021-00005648-00005933 Valentine's Day you probably have been iGN0EBvqlsk-00022-00005934-00006268 flooded on social media iGN0EBvqlsk-00023-00006269-00006478 um in the news with all things iGN0EBvqlsk-00024-00006479-00006737 um Valentine's day as well as it uh in iGN0EBvqlsk-00025-00006738-00006875 the stores and everything around us iGN0EBvqlsk-00026-00006876-00007073 right it seems to be Valentine's Day iGN0EBvqlsk-00027-00007073-00007228 around us so welcome welcome good iGN0EBvqlsk-00028-00007229-00007409 evening to you as well from Zephyr Hills iGN0EBvqlsk-00029-00007409-00007642 let me know where you're tuning in from iGN0EBvqlsk-00030-00007643-00007769 um in the chat iGN0EBvqlsk-00031-00007770-00008134 as for myself I am in West Virginia iGN0EBvqlsk-00032-00008136-00008303 today iGN0EBvqlsk-00033-00008304-00008524 um I do reside in Florida but typically iGN0EBvqlsk-00034-00008525-00008842 traveling for one reason or the other uh iGN0EBvqlsk-00035-00008843-00009046 but today I'm in West Virginia uh thanks iGN0EBvqlsk-00036-00009047-00009178 for those who are joining from Georgia iGN0EBvqlsk-00037-00009179-00009431 here happy Valentine's Day to you as iGN0EBvqlsk-00038-00009432-00009778 well and as promised you all we are in iGN0EBvqlsk-00039-00009779-00010006 the month of February uh we are talking iGN0EBvqlsk-00040-00010007-00010156 about Valentine's Day today so I feel iGN0EBvqlsk-00041-00010157-00010391 like today is a special edition of iGN0EBvqlsk-00042-00010392-00010655 mental health moment and really uh some iGN0EBvqlsk-00043-00010656-00010873 of the hashtag Happy Valentine's Day iGN0EBvqlsk-00044-00010874-00011164 2023. absolutely iGN0EBvqlsk-00045-00011165-00011369 um greetings from Texas greetings to you iGN0EBvqlsk-00046-00011370-00011519 as well iGN0EBvqlsk-00047-00011520-00011909 um so today on this Valentine's Day I iGN0EBvqlsk-00048-00011910-00012227 thought it would be uh it would be nice iGN0EBvqlsk-00049-00012228-00012605 to talk about love but to also be iGN0EBvqlsk-00050-00012606-00012916 talking about self-love so as promised iGN0EBvqlsk-00051-00012917-00013108 for the rest of this month we're talking iGN0EBvqlsk-00052-00013109-00013338 all things self-love and we're talking iGN0EBvqlsk-00053-00013340-00013691 self-talk very important so I'm going to iGN0EBvqlsk-00054-00013691-00013847 share with you some tools today about iGN0EBvqlsk-00055-00013847-00014044 that because you all it is all you know iGN0EBvqlsk-00056-00014045-00014213 I say every single week it's a journey iGN0EBvqlsk-00057-00014213-00014405 but it is a journey as far as your iGN0EBvqlsk-00058-00014406-00014644 Wellness as far as your mental health as iGN0EBvqlsk-00059-00014645-00014788 far as you being the best version of who iGN0EBvqlsk-00060-00014790-00015029 you are this is absolutely positively a iGN0EBvqlsk-00061-00015030-00015263 journey and a huge part of that Journey iGN0EBvqlsk-00062-00015263-00015611 has to do with your level of self-love iGN0EBvqlsk-00063-00015612-00015857 your love for yourself your self-talk iGN0EBvqlsk-00064-00015858-00015988 and the things that you're saying to iGN0EBvqlsk-00065-00015990-00016115 yourself iGN0EBvqlsk-00066-00016116-00016235 um so thanks for those who are still iGN0EBvqlsk-00067-00016236-00016366 starting to join here from North iGN0EBvqlsk-00068-00016368-00016619 Carolina's in the house uh Temple Texas iGN0EBvqlsk-00069-00016620-00016993 New York South Korea Virginia uh iGN0EBvqlsk-00070-00016994-00017279 Atlanta's in the house welcome Arkansas iGN0EBvqlsk-00071-00017280-00017489 and someone said self-love and self-talk iGN0EBvqlsk-00072-00017490-00017794 absolutely so so so the first thing to iGN0EBvqlsk-00073-00017795-00017957 really be thinking about and I feel like iGN0EBvqlsk-00074-00017958-00018071 I don't know about you all let me know iGN0EBvqlsk-00075-00018072-00018335 in the chat but I really feel like even iGN0EBvqlsk-00076-00018336-00018586 growing up when I was a child that we iGN0EBvqlsk-00077-00018587-00018833 were taught so much about especially as iGN0EBvqlsk-00078-00018834-00019000 women honestly we were taught so much iGN0EBvqlsk-00079-00019001-00019205 about how to take care of other people iGN0EBvqlsk-00080-00019206-00019439 like it was like even as a kid like iGN0EBvqlsk-00081-00019440-00019600 before I had my own child it was like iGN0EBvqlsk-00082-00019601-00019763 you know put your children first or put iGN0EBvqlsk-00083-00019764-00019979 your this person first or put your iGN0EBvqlsk-00084-00019980-00020194 friend first or your significant other iGN0EBvqlsk-00085-00020195-00020411 whoever it was it was always this notion iGN0EBvqlsk-00086-00020412-00020567 that you should put all these other iGN0EBvqlsk-00087-00020568-00020825 people before you right but I'm I'm iGN0EBvqlsk-00088-00020826-00021100 elated especially as a psychologist I'm iGN0EBvqlsk-00089-00021101-00021293 really elated and excited now to see iGN0EBvqlsk-00090-00021294-00021472 that the narrative is really starting to iGN0EBvqlsk-00091-00021473-00021641 change so we're having a lot of iGN0EBvqlsk-00092-00021642-00021779 conversations I know you guys have seen iGN0EBvqlsk-00093-00021780-00022114 it too about self-love that it's not iGN0EBvqlsk-00094-00022115-00022408 selfish to love yourself first that it's iGN0EBvqlsk-00095-00022409-00022667 not selfish to have your self-care you iGN0EBvqlsk-00096-00022668-00022925 need to be putting yourself first and I iGN0EBvqlsk-00097-00022926-00023122 can't I can't stress enough how iGN0EBvqlsk-00098-00023123-00023422 important that is whatever whatever it iGN0EBvqlsk-00099-00023423-00023578 is that you made whatever goals you made iGN0EBvqlsk-00100-00023579-00023794 for 2023 and all those things I really iGN0EBvqlsk-00101-00023795-00024107 really hope that for you at the very top iGN0EBvqlsk-00102-00024108-00024377 was your men Mental Health was how are iGN0EBvqlsk-00103-00024378-00024611 you doing was your Wellness was your iGN0EBvqlsk-00104-00024612-00024869 level of self-love was your level of of iGN0EBvqlsk-00105-00024870-00025121 yourself talk right and things those are iGN0EBvqlsk-00106-00025122-00025289 still starting to join here um it's Dr iGN0EBvqlsk-00107-00025290-00025408 Hammond here with your mental health iGN0EBvqlsk-00108-00025409-00025643 moment so the first tip that I have for iGN0EBvqlsk-00109-00025644-00025858 you today when it deals when you um iGN0EBvqlsk-00110-00025860-00025962 think about iGN0EBvqlsk-00111-00025963-00026261 self-love or self-talk the first thing iGN0EBvqlsk-00112-00026262-00026440 and it's not the easiest thing you all I iGN0EBvqlsk-00113-00026441-00026627 can't always give you easy tips right iGN0EBvqlsk-00114-00026627-00026789 but the first thing to really think iGN0EBvqlsk-00115-00026789-00027077 about is you have to be aware of iGN0EBvqlsk-00116-00027077-00027329 yourself talk okay iGN0EBvqlsk-00117-00027330-00027551 you have to be aware of it because a lot iGN0EBvqlsk-00118-00027552-00027761 of times we're telling our thing iGN0EBvqlsk-00119-00027762-00027964 ourselves a lot of things that are not iGN0EBvqlsk-00120-00027966-00028270 true about ourselves we tell ourselves iGN0EBvqlsk-00121-00028272-00028493 things that we have heard from other iGN0EBvqlsk-00122-00028494-00028727 people that are not true we tell iGN0EBvqlsk-00123-00028727-00028901 ourselves things that we have heard from iGN0EBvqlsk-00124-00028902-00029177 society about ourselves that are not iGN0EBvqlsk-00125-00029177-00029411 true right and all these sorts of things iGN0EBvqlsk-00126-00029412-00029590 start to happen so I remember the other iGN0EBvqlsk-00127-00029591-00029968 day um I was on a podcast interview and iGN0EBvqlsk-00128-00029969-00030262 someone had asked about my childhood a iGN0EBvqlsk-00129-00030263-00030485 little bit and I was telling them how I iGN0EBvqlsk-00130-00030486-00030712 used to think wrongly because that's iGN0EBvqlsk-00131-00030713-00030868 what I was taught so growing up as a iGN0EBvqlsk-00132-00030869-00030977 little girl iGN0EBvqlsk-00133-00030977-00031318 I was taught Society taught me well if iGN0EBvqlsk-00134-00031319-00031540 you're if you're black and you're a iGN0EBvqlsk-00135-00031541-00031727 female and you come from a single parent iGN0EBvqlsk-00136-00031727-00032008 family and you know XYZ like all these iGN0EBvqlsk-00137-00032010-00032129 things like you're not going to be iGN0EBvqlsk-00138-00032130-00032351 successful you're doomed all these bad iGN0EBvqlsk-00139-00032352-00032458 things are going to happen to you you're iGN0EBvqlsk-00140-00032460-00032662 going to become a statistic like those iGN0EBvqlsk-00141-00032663-00032783 are the things I was thinking about as a iGN0EBvqlsk-00142-00032784-00032927 kid which is ridiculous when I look back iGN0EBvqlsk-00143-00032928-00033118 now I'm like that's not that doesn't iGN0EBvqlsk-00144-00033119-00033335 have to be my truth right it doesn't iGN0EBvqlsk-00145-00033336-00033521 have to be your truth just because iGN0EBvqlsk-00146-00033522-00033802 people around you are saying that so the iGN0EBvqlsk-00147-00033803-00034007 first thing I want you to recognize is iGN0EBvqlsk-00148-00034008-00034343 think about be more aware of what you're iGN0EBvqlsk-00149-00034344-00034595 saying to yourself okay because what I iGN0EBvqlsk-00150-00034596-00034757 started to say then and I'm I'm just iGN0EBvqlsk-00151-00034758-00034883 being very transparent with you and iGN0EBvqlsk-00152-00034884-00035111 honest with you there was a lot of a lot iGN0EBvqlsk-00153-00035112-00035387 of self-talk that started for me as a iGN0EBvqlsk-00154-00035388-00035573 kid okay well all these things if iGN0EBvqlsk-00155-00035574-00035789 Society is saying it about me it must be iGN0EBvqlsk-00156-00035790-00036023 true so now I'm less than right now I'm iGN0EBvqlsk-00157-00036024-00036233 not enough now I gotta prove myself now iGN0EBvqlsk-00158-00036234-00036377 I got to try to make Straight A's now I iGN0EBvqlsk-00159-00036378-00036527 got to try to do all these things in the iGN0EBvqlsk-00160-00036528-00036640 community now I got to try to do this iGN0EBvqlsk-00161-00036641-00036815 and that and education and right like iGN0EBvqlsk-00162-00036816-00036971 how can I prove myself and all these iGN0EBvqlsk-00163-00036972-00037246 sorts of things because of what Society iGN0EBvqlsk-00164-00037247-00037535 was telling me that wasn't even true you iGN0EBvqlsk-00165-00037536-00037912 all that wasn't even true so it starts iGN0EBvqlsk-00166-00037913-00038045 for some of you this started in your iGN0EBvqlsk-00167-00038046-00038230 childhood just some of the things you iGN0EBvqlsk-00168-00038231-00038429 start to tell yourself if if you maybe iGN0EBvqlsk-00169-00038430-00038579 you're in the same boat where you iGN0EBvqlsk-00170-00038580-00038752 started to say to yourself you're not iGN0EBvqlsk-00171-00038753-00039046 good enough or you're not worthy of this iGN0EBvqlsk-00172-00039047-00039299 that or whatever I can promise you you iGN0EBvqlsk-00173-00039300-00039449 all every single person listening to iGN0EBvqlsk-00174-00039450-00039724 this right now you are worthy you are iGN0EBvqlsk-00175-00039725-00039929 you are you absolutely deserve to be iGN0EBvqlsk-00176-00039930-00040174 happy you absolutely deserve to be iGN0EBvqlsk-00177-00040175-00040493 emotionally healthy so for some of you iGN0EBvqlsk-00178-00040494-00040618 um that's my second tip for some of you iGN0EBvqlsk-00179-00040619-00040846 when it comes to self-talk number one so iGN0EBvqlsk-00180-00040847-00041074 my first tip is you have to be aware of iGN0EBvqlsk-00181-00041075-00041189 the things that you're telling yourself iGN0EBvqlsk-00182-00041190-00041423 like what is your story what is your iGN0EBvqlsk-00183-00041424-00041668 self-talk that you are saying that's not iGN0EBvqlsk-00184-00041669-00041879 even true and you know it's not too iGN0EBvqlsk-00185-00041880-00042077 logically you do right because sometimes iGN0EBvqlsk-00186-00042078-00042293 logically we know things to be true but iGN0EBvqlsk-00187-00042294-00042545 emotionally it's really hard to change iGN0EBvqlsk-00188-00042546-00042779 that's just how our minds work right so iGN0EBvqlsk-00189-00042780-00042911 the first tip is for you to really think iGN0EBvqlsk-00190-00042912-00043180 about being a where the second thing is iGN0EBvqlsk-00191-00043181-00043462 that you have to work on replacing those iGN0EBvqlsk-00192-00043463-00043607 types of thoughts iGN0EBvqlsk-00193-00043608-00043787 so a lot of you thanks for those who are iGN0EBvqlsk-00194-00043788-00043930 still starting to join here iGN0EBvqlsk-00195-00043931-00044117 um Stanford or not San Francisco yeah iGN0EBvqlsk-00196-00044118-00044327 San Francisco is here San Antonio's here iGN0EBvqlsk-00197-00044328-00044507 and San Francisco is here in South iGN0EBvqlsk-00198-00044508-00044674 Carolina welcome welcome iGN0EBvqlsk-00199-00044675-00044873 um but a lot of you have said before in iGN0EBvqlsk-00200-00044874-00045017 the chat that you use different iGN0EBvqlsk-00201-00045018-00045239 affirmations right you use whether it's iGN0EBvqlsk-00202-00045240-00045461 affirmation cards whether you have an iGN0EBvqlsk-00203-00045462-00045623 app whether you have a journal whether iGN0EBvqlsk-00204-00045624-00045815 you've written things down we talked iGN0EBvqlsk-00205-00045816-00045965 about another mental health moment how iGN0EBvqlsk-00206-00045966-00046168 important our words are so whether iGN0EBvqlsk-00207-00046169-00046373 you're writing this uh you know putting iGN0EBvqlsk-00208-00046374-00046618 on a personal on your bathroom mirror I iGN0EBvqlsk-00209-00046619-00046787 know for me well right here on this iGN0EBvqlsk-00210-00046788-00047080 laptop I have um well my favorite saying iGN0EBvqlsk-00211-00047081-00047230 which is keep going keep growing like iGN0EBvqlsk-00212-00047231-00047393 those are my words that I live by I have iGN0EBvqlsk-00213-00047394-00047495 my sticker iGN0EBvqlsk-00214-00047496-00047668 it's on my mer it's in my merch store iGN0EBvqlsk-00215-00047669-00047843 but I have my sticker right here on my iGN0EBvqlsk-00216-00047844-00048017 laptop because that for me is one of my iGN0EBvqlsk-00217-00048018-00048215 affirmations right but whatever it is iGN0EBvqlsk-00218-00048216-00048424 for you whatever words you use whatever iGN0EBvqlsk-00219-00048425-00048773 phrases that you use you have to work on iGN0EBvqlsk-00220-00048774-00049033 starting to replace those negative iGN0EBvqlsk-00221-00049034-00049289 self-talk conversations that you have iGN0EBvqlsk-00222-00049290-00049499 with those things iGN0EBvqlsk-00223-00049500-00049805 now this is not an overnight process you iGN0EBvqlsk-00224-00049806-00049990 all this is not an overnight process and iGN0EBvqlsk-00225-00049991-00050152 hi welcome welcome iGN0EBvqlsk-00226-00050153-00050321 um someone said um they're they're iGN0EBvqlsk-00227-00050322-00050549 currently reading the book of Joy the iGN0EBvqlsk-00228-00050550-00050729 Journey of Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu iGN0EBvqlsk-00229-00050730-00050915 lasting happiness wonderful wonderful iGN0EBvqlsk-00230-00050916-00051179 wonderful that's actually uh last year I iGN0EBvqlsk-00231-00051180-00051358 believe is when I read that book and I iGN0EBvqlsk-00232-00051359-00051544 recommended it to you all so look in the iGN0EBvqlsk-00233-00051545-00051670 chat here um for those of you in the iGN0EBvqlsk-00234-00051671-00051785 chat well actually it's in LinkedIn but iGN0EBvqlsk-00235-00051786-00051958 I'll read it again it's called um the iGN0EBvqlsk-00236-00051959-00052180 book of Joy the Journey of Dalai Lama iGN0EBvqlsk-00237-00052182-00052487 and Desmond Tutu lasting happiness great iGN0EBvqlsk-00238-00052488-00052642 book it's one of my favorite books I iGN0EBvqlsk-00239-00052644-00052865 actually have it on my um flight reading iGN0EBvqlsk-00240-00052866-00053116 hashtag flight reading um highlight on iGN0EBvqlsk-00241-00053117-00053242 Instagram if you're on Instagram I put iGN0EBvqlsk-00242-00053244-00053380 some of the books that I typically read iGN0EBvqlsk-00243-00053382-00053609 when I'm traveling great book highly iGN0EBvqlsk-00244-00053610-00053729 recommend it iGN0EBvqlsk-00245-00053729-00053879 um someone said your past doesn't equal iGN0EBvqlsk-00246-00053879-00054149 your future absolutely not you all and iGN0EBvqlsk-00247-00054150-00054316 again when you when you think about iGN0EBvqlsk-00248-00054317-00054563 yourself talk right you really oh it's a iGN0EBvqlsk-00249-00054564-00054719 process and it's a journey but you iGN0EBvqlsk-00250-00054720-00055042 really have to to remember just iGN0EBvqlsk-00251-00055044-00055175 um how someone said your past doesn't iGN0EBvqlsk-00252-00055176-00055319 equal your future iGN0EBvqlsk-00253-00055320-00055673 it it can affect you of course your your iGN0EBvqlsk-00254-00055674-00055900 past can affect you currently can affect iGN0EBvqlsk-00255-00055901-00056021 your present can affect your future iGN0EBvqlsk-00256-00056022-00056303 however it doesn't Define who you are iGN0EBvqlsk-00257-00056304-00056525 every single one of us on this planet we iGN0EBvqlsk-00258-00056526-00056729 have an opportunity to change you all iGN0EBvqlsk-00259-00056729-00056915 I've heard stories from thousands and iGN0EBvqlsk-00260-00056916-00057149 thousands and thousands of people not iGN0EBvqlsk-00261-00057150-00057371 reading it in a book but seeing them iGN0EBvqlsk-00262-00057372-00057526 face to face as a psychologist I've had iGN0EBvqlsk-00263-00057527-00057754 the honor to speak to people all over iGN0EBvqlsk-00264-00057755-00058007 the country in different countries iGN0EBvqlsk-00265-00058008-00058175 all different scenarios all different iGN0EBvqlsk-00266-00058176-00058409 walks of life and what I have learned iGN0EBvqlsk-00267-00058410-00058582 Time and Time and Time and Time Again is iGN0EBvqlsk-00268-00058583-00058799 number one we are way more stronger than iGN0EBvqlsk-00269-00058800-00059087 we than we know but also we have the iGN0EBvqlsk-00270-00059088-00059413 opportunity to change there I mean iGN0EBvqlsk-00271-00059414-00059747 they're they're wow there have been iGN0EBvqlsk-00272-00059748-00060142 yes individuals with so much trauma that iGN0EBvqlsk-00273-00060144-00060280 has happened to them in their lives iGN0EBvqlsk-00274-00060282-00060616 right in so much negative self talk and iGN0EBvqlsk-00275-00060617-00060773 self-doubt and all the things that have iGN0EBvqlsk-00276-00060774-00061085 come up understandably because of these iGN0EBvqlsk-00277-00061086-00061375 life situations however with iGN0EBvqlsk-00278-00061376-00061697 understanding the power of self-talk and iGN0EBvqlsk-00279-00061698-00061930 understanding the journey to be a better iGN0EBvqlsk-00280-00061932-00062182 version of themselves I have just heard iGN0EBvqlsk-00281-00062183-00062488 just amazing Stories right of change and iGN0EBvqlsk-00282-00062489-00062716 resilience and people living thriving iGN0EBvqlsk-00283-00062717-00062992 lives you all you deserve to thrive okay iGN0EBvqlsk-00284-00062994-00063154 so maybe that's one of your affirmations iGN0EBvqlsk-00285-00063155-00063413 that you need to tell yourself I deserve iGN0EBvqlsk-00286-00063414-00063713 to thrive so not this I'm in a survival iGN0EBvqlsk-00287-00063714-00063892 mode type of thing that we you know iGN0EBvqlsk-00288-00063894-00064049 we're taught to live in and all that no iGN0EBvqlsk-00289-00064050-00064342 you deserve to thrive you deserve to be iGN0EBvqlsk-00290-00064344-00064511 happy you deserve to be emotionally iGN0EBvqlsk-00291-00064512-00064673 healthy these are the types of things iGN0EBvqlsk-00292-00064674-00064816 that you have to be telling yourself iGN0EBvqlsk-00293-00064817-00065129 again as we're number one you being iGN0EBvqlsk-00294-00065129-00065321 aware of the self-talk the negative iGN0EBvqlsk-00295-00065322-00065591 self-talk but also working on replacing iGN0EBvqlsk-00296-00065592-00065909 those thoughts with with something that iGN0EBvqlsk-00297-00065910-00066232 is well more true frankly because we iGN0EBvqlsk-00298-00066233-00066443 tell ourselves a lot of lies a lot of iGN0EBvqlsk-00299-00066444-00066599 things that we've heard that are not iGN0EBvqlsk-00300-00066600-00066761 true just because someone else said it iGN0EBvqlsk-00301-00066762-00066959 about you just because society says iGN0EBvqlsk-00302-00066960-00067073 about you I don't care about any iGN0EBvqlsk-00303-00067074-00067319 statistic you are listen let me get on iGN0EBvqlsk-00304-00067320-00067469 my so box for a second about statistics iGN0EBvqlsk-00305-00067470-00067763 if it's just if a statistic said iGN0EBvqlsk-00306-00067764-00068026 there was a 99 chance of something iGN0EBvqlsk-00307-00068027-00068285 happening to you guess what it's never a iGN0EBvqlsk-00308-00068286-00068482 hundred okay you don't know if you were iGN0EBvqlsk-00309-00068483-00068641 you were going to be in that one percent iGN0EBvqlsk-00310-00068642-00068981 chance right of something going in a iGN0EBvqlsk-00311-00068982-00069203 positive direction you are so we can't iGN0EBvqlsk-00312-00069204-00069515 listen to that may there yes be iGN0EBvqlsk-00313-00069516-00069731 guidelines and things like that being iGN0EBvqlsk-00314-00069732-00069887 aware of our physical health emotional iGN0EBvqlsk-00315-00069888-00070156 health absolutely but you don't have to iGN0EBvqlsk-00316-00070157-00070306 make everything you're hearing a iGN0EBvqlsk-00317-00070307-00070523 negative fact about yourself because iGN0EBvqlsk-00318-00070524-00070685 that's what our brain does sometimes we iGN0EBvqlsk-00319-00070686-00070931 distort things we tell ourselves some iGN0EBvqlsk-00320-00070932-00071153 lies and we get in some into some really iGN0EBvqlsk-00321-00071154-00071375 negative self-talk but I really want to iGN0EBvqlsk-00322-00071376-00071506 encourage you today iGN0EBvqlsk-00323-00071507-00071794 to again think about being aware of your iGN0EBvqlsk-00324-00071795-00072017 thoughts and the second thing how can I iGN0EBvqlsk-00325-00072018-00072293 change them and again this is a process iGN0EBvqlsk-00326-00072294-00072497 for some of you I'm just going to be iGN0EBvqlsk-00327-00072498-00072629 honest with you as a psychologist for iGN0EBvqlsk-00328-00072630-00072821 some of you this is a process it will iGN0EBvqlsk-00329-00072822-00073025 take you a couple of months and you'll iGN0EBvqlsk-00330-00073026-00073223 be like man I'm in an amazing new place iGN0EBvqlsk-00331-00073224-00073391 for some of you it's going to take you a iGN0EBvqlsk-00332-00073392-00073637 couple of years and that's okay but for iGN0EBvqlsk-00333-00073638-00073859 to to be in a right a new and better iGN0EBvqlsk-00334-00073860-00074069 place but for every single one of us iGN0EBvqlsk-00335-00074070-00074399 this is a lifelong process okay so a iGN0EBvqlsk-00336-00074400-00074567 lifelong process so that's why I don't iGN0EBvqlsk-00337-00074568-00074741 want you to put pressure on yourself to iGN0EBvqlsk-00338-00074742-00075005 say well by x amount of date right by iGN0EBvqlsk-00339-00075006-00075125 you know three months from now or iGN0EBvqlsk-00340-00075126-00075371 whatnot I'm just gonna be this amazingly iGN0EBvqlsk-00341-00075372-00075611 different person let's work towards iGN0EBvqlsk-00342-00075612-00075779 having better self-talk but knowing this iGN0EBvqlsk-00343-00075780-00075935 is a journey and a process and that's iGN0EBvqlsk-00344-00075936-00076061 okay iGN0EBvqlsk-00345-00076062-00076288 um yep someone said iGN0EBvqlsk-00346-00076289-00076703 um they are tuning in from Baltimore iGN0EBvqlsk-00347-00076704-00076931 Maryland welcome welcome iGN0EBvqlsk-00348-00076932-00077062 um someone said absolutely replace the iGN0EBvqlsk-00349-00077063-00077231 negatives someone said know your truth iGN0EBvqlsk-00350-00077232-00077476 and your worth yes tune out the noise iGN0EBvqlsk-00351-00077477-00077650 you'll understand my glory when you know iGN0EBvqlsk-00352-00077651-00077944 my story I love that I love that iGN0EBvqlsk-00353-00077945-00078155 um good evening to you as well selfless iGN0EBvqlsk-00354-00078156-00078437 selflessness is good right absolutely iGN0EBvqlsk-00355-00078438-00078581 yes be iGN0EBvqlsk-00356-00078582-00078887 be selfless but at the same time it I iGN0EBvqlsk-00357-00078888-00079109 know it's it's a it's a you know kind of iGN0EBvqlsk-00358-00079110-00079223 a iGN0EBvqlsk-00359-00079224-00079499 oxymoron if you I mean selflessness and iGN0EBvqlsk-00360-00079500-00079691 you're not being selfish though that's iGN0EBvqlsk-00361-00079692-00079937 not the I mean it is opposite but in our iGN0EBvqlsk-00362-00079938-00080159 terms it's it's more uh making sure to iGN0EBvqlsk-00363-00080160-00080405 put yourself first as a priority right iGN0EBvqlsk-00364-00080406-00080644 and it's all I am well I'm all about iGN0EBvqlsk-00365-00080645-00080885 giving I'm all about you know making iGN0EBvqlsk-00366-00080886-00081023 sure you help other people those things iGN0EBvqlsk-00367-00081024-00081250 are amazing wonderful highly recommend iGN0EBvqlsk-00368-00081251-00081431 it right we had a whole mental health iGN0EBvqlsk-00369-00081432-00081623 moment about that of how important it is iGN0EBvqlsk-00370-00081624-00081791 to give back how important it is to be iGN0EBvqlsk-00371-00081792-00081976 kind how important random acts of iGN0EBvqlsk-00372-00081977-00082126 kindness are for your mental health as iGN0EBvqlsk-00373-00082127-00082294 well however iGN0EBvqlsk-00374-00082295-00082679 your number one has to be you you have iGN0EBvqlsk-00375-00082680-00082912 to put yourself first so you can show up iGN0EBvqlsk-00376-00082913-00083117 as the best version of who you are for iGN0EBvqlsk-00377-00083118-00083362 all of those people around you iGN0EBvqlsk-00378-00083363-00083543 um someone said I worked hard to to iGN0EBvqlsk-00379-00083544-00083747 raise my children to embrace self-love iGN0EBvqlsk-00380-00083748-00083938 and not to be consumed by others taught iGN0EBvqlsk-00381-00083939-00084094 them about their love language and raise iGN0EBvqlsk-00382-00084095-00084250 them based on their individual love iGN0EBvqlsk-00383-00084251-00084544 language I love that I love that so iGN0EBvqlsk-00384-00084545-00084694 wonderful iGN0EBvqlsk-00385-00084695-00084905 um yes someone said yes if you don't iGN0EBvqlsk-00386-00084906-00085079 take care of yourself you cannot take iGN0EBvqlsk-00387-00085080-00085361 good care of others yes yes yes and yes iGN0EBvqlsk-00388-00085362-00085571 so very very true because what's iGN0EBvqlsk-00389-00085572-00085762 happened unfortunately in our society iGN0EBvqlsk-00390-00085763-00085973 we've seen it and maybe you're in that iGN0EBvqlsk-00391-00085974-00086099 boat maybe you've seen someone in that iGN0EBvqlsk-00392-00086100-00086237 boat I know we're all guilty of that iGN0EBvqlsk-00393-00086238-00086506 myself included sometimes of of putting iGN0EBvqlsk-00394-00086507-00086759 too many other things first right and iGN0EBvqlsk-00395-00086760-00086915 then we get to the point where we're so iGN0EBvqlsk-00396-00086916-00087232 stressed out we're so overwhelmed right iGN0EBvqlsk-00397-00087233-00087467 you start to hit burnout those things iGN0EBvqlsk-00398-00087468-00087844 are very real but the good news is when iGN0EBvqlsk-00399-00087845-00088091 you if you catch yourself in that state iGN0EBvqlsk-00400-00088092-00088337 start to pull yourself back and know iGN0EBvqlsk-00401-00088338-00088559 that okay wait a minute I need to start iGN0EBvqlsk-00402-00088560-00088762 putting myself first again it's okay iGN0EBvqlsk-00403-00088763-00088967 sometimes it happens you all I'll be iGN0EBvqlsk-00404-00088968-00089105 very honest with you of course this iGN0EBvqlsk-00405-00089106-00089375 happens the week before I'm doing mental iGN0EBvqlsk-00406-00089376-00089585 health moment about self-talk because it iGN0EBvqlsk-00407-00089586-00089735 has been a journey I will you know iGN0EBvqlsk-00408-00089736-00089987 personally share I really used to have iGN0EBvqlsk-00409-00089988-00090191 some negative very hard on myself iGN0EBvqlsk-00410-00090192-00090461 self-talk like for no reason but that's iGN0EBvqlsk-00411-00090462-00090803 that is just how that is just how it was iGN0EBvqlsk-00412-00090804-00090947 um for me through through my teenage iGN0EBvqlsk-00413-00090948-00091109 years through college through grad iGN0EBvqlsk-00414-00091110-00091276 school like just super hard on myself iGN0EBvqlsk-00415-00091277-00091517 too hard right and and so I've I've iGN0EBvqlsk-00416-00091518-00091667 worked on that though like it's taken iGN0EBvqlsk-00417-00091668-00091882 years it's taken a long time but even iGN0EBvqlsk-00418-00091883-00092087 this past week there's been a lot of iGN0EBvqlsk-00419-00092088-00092261 things that overwhelming things iGN0EBvqlsk-00420-00092262-00092435 um that has happened and then I I caught iGN0EBvqlsk-00421-00092436-00092591 myself though you all I was like wait a iGN0EBvqlsk-00422-00092592-00092837 minute hold on wait like we worked on iGN0EBvqlsk-00423-00092838-00092987 the self-talk like what's going on like iGN0EBvqlsk-00424-00092988-00093299 just going back into the self-doubt mode iGN0EBvqlsk-00425-00093300-00093526 and going back into like some harsh iGN0EBvqlsk-00426-00093527-00093700 things to say about yourself and I'm iGN0EBvqlsk-00427-00093701-00093838 like wait a minute wait wait hold on iGN0EBvqlsk-00428-00093839-00094049 what's going on here right so sometimes iGN0EBvqlsk-00429-00094050-00094300 we have to catch ourselves so you make iGN0EBvqlsk-00430-00094301-00094594 progress with this but just know there's iGN0EBvqlsk-00431-00094595-00094859 there's not a perfect day I was reading iGN0EBvqlsk-00432-00094860-00095081 this um statistic well actually there iGN0EBvqlsk-00433-00095082-00095218 was different statistics depending on iGN0EBvqlsk-00434-00095219-00095344 what you read but I was reading one one iGN0EBvqlsk-00435-00095345-00095644 statistic that said that we most people iGN0EBvqlsk-00436-00095645-00095999 process or we have about six thousand iGN0EBvqlsk-00437-00096000-00096329 thoughts a day six thousand that's a lot iGN0EBvqlsk-00438-00096330-00096515 of thoughts that run through our minds iGN0EBvqlsk-00439-00096516-00096706 right not to mention all the things that iGN0EBvqlsk-00440-00096707-00096905 we're inundated with iGN0EBvqlsk-00441-00096906-00097085 um so being that there's that many iGN0EBvqlsk-00442-00097086-00097259 thoughts uh a lot of the research was iGN0EBvqlsk-00443-00097260-00097487 also saying there's a lot of negative iGN0EBvqlsk-00444-00097488-00097805 thoughts that we tell ourselves so don't iGN0EBvqlsk-00445-00097806-00098015 beat yourself up too much for having the iGN0EBvqlsk-00446-00098016-00098197 negative self-talk you are normal iGN0EBvqlsk-00447-00098198-00098411 everyone all of us have the negative iGN0EBvqlsk-00448-00098412-00098705 self-talk but work on recognizing that iGN0EBvqlsk-00449-00098706-00099006 and working on changing your language iGN0EBvqlsk-00450-00099007-00099238 changing your words and changing the iGN0EBvqlsk-00451-00099239-00099382 story that you are telling yourself iGN0EBvqlsk-00452-00099383-00099605 because we're all telling ourselves iGN0EBvqlsk-00453-00099606-00099821 different stories and most of them are iGN0EBvqlsk-00454-00099822-00100012 not true frankly iGN0EBvqlsk-00455-00100013-00100385 um again they're not true uh so so work iGN0EBvqlsk-00456-00100386-00100709 on that yup someone said um it took me iGN0EBvqlsk-00457-00100710-00100974 three years and working good for you iGN0EBvqlsk-00458-00100975-00101212 congratulations I love to hear that I I iGN0EBvqlsk-00459-00101213-00101417 love it again it's this is a lifelong iGN0EBvqlsk-00460-00101418-00101662 journey wall this is not I wish I wish I iGN0EBvqlsk-00461-00101663-00101837 had a magic wand someone one someone iGN0EBvqlsk-00462-00101838-00102082 needs to send me a magic one I wish I iGN0EBvqlsk-00463-00102083-00102268 had a magic wand I really do I think I iGN0EBvqlsk-00464-00102269-00102478 wish for that um since I was a kid like iGN0EBvqlsk-00465-00102479-00102647 to make everything better and to to make iGN0EBvqlsk-00466-00102648-00102844 everyone feel better and just magically iGN0EBvqlsk-00467-00102845-00103084 change things but as we know uh it iGN0EBvqlsk-00468-00103085-00103282 doesn't work like that right but it iGN0EBvqlsk-00469-00103283-00103444 takes time don't get frustrated with iGN0EBvqlsk-00470-00103445-00103636 yourself well it takes time this is a iGN0EBvqlsk-00471-00103638-00103775 process iGN0EBvqlsk-00472-00103776-00103913 um someone said you don't have to allow iGN0EBvqlsk-00473-00103914-00104206 your past to affect you negatively in iGN0EBvqlsk-00474-00104207-00104356 your future you have to change your iGN0EBvqlsk-00475-00104357-00104554 mindset to a positive direction yes and iGN0EBvqlsk-00476-00104555-00104723 for those of you who missed mental iGN0EBvqlsk-00477-00104724-00104878 health moment in January you can head to iGN0EBvqlsk-00478-00104879-00105143 my YouTube page Dr nakisha Hammond and iGN0EBvqlsk-00479-00105144-00105323 we talked all month long in January iGN0EBvqlsk-00480-00105324-00105677 about mindset right so this month iGN0EBvqlsk-00481-00105678-00105928 definitely we're talking about self-love iGN0EBvqlsk-00482-00105929-00106108 and self-talk iGN0EBvqlsk-00483-00106109-00106252 um and how to be better versions of who iGN0EBvqlsk-00484-00106253-00106384 we are and last month of course was iGN0EBvqlsk-00485-00106385-00106534 resetting our mindset but absolutely iGN0EBvqlsk-00486-00106535-00106654 true iGN0EBvqlsk-00487-00106655-00106810 um it's something I'm that I have to be iGN0EBvqlsk-00488-00106811-00107008 conscious of every day like making sure iGN0EBvqlsk-00489-00107009-00107165 I get my eight glasses of water iGN0EBvqlsk-00490-00107166-00107423 beautiful and very very very true it's iGN0EBvqlsk-00491-00107424-00107681 really easy you all that's why sometimes iGN0EBvqlsk-00492-00107682-00107843 when you're driving places I know I do iGN0EBvqlsk-00493-00107844-00108077 this all the time oh guilty but when iGN0EBvqlsk-00494-00108078-00108215 you're driving places you kind of just iGN0EBvqlsk-00495-00108216-00108383 zone out and then you get to where you iGN0EBvqlsk-00496-00108383-00108593 got to especially for like going home or iGN0EBvqlsk-00497-00108594-00108766 something like that a path that you're iGN0EBvqlsk-00498-00108767-00108940 going to work or wherever you're going a iGN0EBvqlsk-00499-00108941-00109102 path that you normally take you sort of iGN0EBvqlsk-00500-00109103-00109240 zone out and then you get there you're iGN0EBvqlsk-00501-00109241-00109378 like wait how did I get here right iGN0EBvqlsk-00502-00109379-00109607 because we're a lot of what we're doing iGN0EBvqlsk-00503-00109608-00109907 is on automatic thinking so a lot a lot iGN0EBvqlsk-00504-00109908-00110075 of times you don't even recognize the iGN0EBvqlsk-00505-00110076-00110249 things that you are telling yourselves iGN0EBvqlsk-00506-00110250-00110566 but when you become more aware of that iGN0EBvqlsk-00507-00110567-00110843 which is a process it really helps for iGN0EBvqlsk-00508-00110844-00111065 you to start to change the language iGN0EBvqlsk-00509-00111066-00111215 change the way you're talking to iGN0EBvqlsk-00510-00111216-00111389 yourself one of the things that really iGN0EBvqlsk-00511-00111390-00111593 helped me you all I'll just share for me iGN0EBvqlsk-00512-00111594-00111719 personally this could be something that iGN0EBvqlsk-00513-00111720-00111934 is helpful to you or not please do what iGN0EBvqlsk-00514-00111935-00112163 works for you but one of the things that iGN0EBvqlsk-00515-00112164-00112384 was most helpful to me when I was or iGN0EBvqlsk-00516-00112385-00112571 still am right in my journey of of iGN0EBvqlsk-00517-00112572-00112769 self-talk was iGN0EBvqlsk-00518-00112770-00112901 um I think it was probably something I iGN0EBvqlsk-00519-00112902-00113134 saw online probably some uh Instagram iGN0EBvqlsk-00520-00113135-00113531 posts somewhere but where it said the iGN0EBvqlsk-00521-00113532-00113693 way you talk would you talk the way you iGN0EBvqlsk-00522-00113694-00113873 talk to yourself would you talk to your iGN0EBvqlsk-00523-00113874-00114131 child like that and I was like iGN0EBvqlsk-00524-00114132-00114490 man like or someone that you really care iGN0EBvqlsk-00525-00114491-00114707 about right there's people that we iGN0EBvqlsk-00526-00114708-00114952 really really care about could be your iGN0EBvqlsk-00527-00114953-00115115 child it could be your family member iGN0EBvqlsk-00528-00115116-00115331 friend or whoever that you really care iGN0EBvqlsk-00529-00115332-00115577 about like would you really say the iGN0EBvqlsk-00530-00115578-00115727 things that you tell yourself that iGN0EBvqlsk-00531-00115728-00115978 really dark harsh things that you tell iGN0EBvqlsk-00532-00115979-00116171 yourself would you say that to your iGN0EBvqlsk-00533-00116172-00116345 friend or would you say that you're to iGN0EBvqlsk-00534-00116346-00116483 your to your child your grandchild of iGN0EBvqlsk-00535-00116483-00116651 course you wouldn't no you wouldn't talk iGN0EBvqlsk-00536-00116652-00116843 to them like that you you someone that iGN0EBvqlsk-00537-00116844-00117052 you really care about someone that you iGN0EBvqlsk-00538-00117053-00117190 appreciate and someone you're gentle iGN0EBvqlsk-00539-00117191-00117371 with you wouldn't do that so if we're iGN0EBvqlsk-00540-00117372-00117502 not going to do that for other people iGN0EBvqlsk-00541-00117503-00117736 around us then let's not do that to iGN0EBvqlsk-00542-00117738-00117958 ourselves we're with ourselves 24 7 you iGN0EBvqlsk-00543-00117959-00118127 all right and we're in our thoughts so iGN0EBvqlsk-00544-00118128-00118378 let's let's really work on how we talk iGN0EBvqlsk-00545-00118379-00118510 to ourselves iGN0EBvqlsk-00546-00118511-00118678 um someone said um someday we'll be able iGN0EBvqlsk-00547-00118679-00118828 to measure the Power of Words I think iGN0EBvqlsk-00548-00118829-00119033 there are things uh they get in your iGN0EBvqlsk-00549-00119033-00119249 rugs and your Upholstery and your iGN0EBvqlsk-00550-00119250-00119423 clothes and your clothes and filing into iGN0EBvqlsk-00551-00119424-00119704 you by Maya Angelou beautiful quote iGN0EBvqlsk-00552-00119705-00119963 beautiful quote absolutely positively iGN0EBvqlsk-00553-00119964-00120107 true I can't iGN0EBvqlsk-00554-00120108-00120310 I can't even express how powerful our iGN0EBvqlsk-00555-00120311-00120478 thoughts are like that's how powerful iGN0EBvqlsk-00556-00120479-00120658 they are iGN0EBvqlsk-00557-00120659-00120869 um great one and someone say self-love iGN0EBvqlsk-00558-00120870-00120971 it's okay to put yourself first iGN0EBvqlsk-00559-00120972-00121097 absolutely iGN0EBvqlsk-00560-00121098-00121228 um I've told people I can't continue iGN0EBvqlsk-00561-00121229-00121421 this conversation if it's toxic for me iGN0EBvqlsk-00562-00121422-00121613 good for you very important for you to iGN0EBvqlsk-00563-00121614-00121895 be setting these boundaries now iGN0EBvqlsk-00564-00121896-00122033 um well this is probably for the next iGN0EBvqlsk-00565-00122033-00122177 mental health moment actually we'll iGN0EBvqlsk-00566-00122178-00122284 we'll talk about in the next mental iGN0EBvqlsk-00567-00122285-00122399 health moment iGN0EBvqlsk-00568-00122400-00122543 um because it's going to take me a while iGN0EBvqlsk-00569-00122544-00122819 to explain this but I I will say as a iGN0EBvqlsk-00570-00122820-00123040 intro to the next mental health moment iGN0EBvqlsk-00571-00123041-00123251 when it comes to self-talk one of the iGN0EBvqlsk-00572-00123252-00123502 reasons that you have the self-talk you iGN0EBvqlsk-00573-00123503-00123634 have is either you're something called iGN0EBvqlsk-00574-00123635-00123977 an internalizer or an externalizer and iGN0EBvqlsk-00575-00123978-00124108 we're going to actually talk about that iGN0EBvqlsk-00576-00124109-00124378 uh next week because it's it's a longer iGN0EBvqlsk-00577-00124379-00124673 discussion but it is important iGN0EBvqlsk-00578-00124674-00124823 definitely to be setting boundaries iGN0EBvqlsk-00579-00124824-00125045 especially again family friends iGN0EBvqlsk-00580-00125046-00125308 co-worker whomever it is in your life iGN0EBvqlsk-00581-00125309-00125531 but sometimes even when we set iGN0EBvqlsk-00582-00125532-00125675 boundaries there are people that have iGN0EBvqlsk-00583-00125676-00125902 said things that start to iGN0EBvqlsk-00584-00125903-00126143 kind of get into our our minds if you iGN0EBvqlsk-00585-00126144-00126310 will um which also leads to the negative iGN0EBvqlsk-00586-00126311-00126419 self-talk so but we're going to talk iGN0EBvqlsk-00587-00126420-00126527 more about that iGN0EBvqlsk-00588-00126528-00126701 um next week for sure iGN0EBvqlsk-00589-00126702-00126965 um someone said iGN0EBvqlsk-00590-00126966-00127169 um yep sure thing iGN0EBvqlsk-00591-00127170-00127457 um so the person that said about iGN0EBvqlsk-00592-00127458-00127799 um the spa retreat definitely send me um iGN0EBvqlsk-00593-00127800-00128063 a DM the easiest way is on Instagram so iGN0EBvqlsk-00594-00128064-00128243 it's Dr dot Hammond iGN0EBvqlsk-00595-00128244-00128386 um just send me a DM and then yeah we iGN0EBvqlsk-00596-00128388-00128633 can talk we can talk about that uh good iGN0EBvqlsk-00597-00128633-00128789 evening to you as well someone said we iGN0EBvqlsk-00598-00128790-00128939 have to remember to cut ourselves a iGN0EBvqlsk-00599-00128940-00129202 break we would never be perfect yes we iGN0EBvqlsk-00600-00129203-00129407 will never be perfect now there is no iGN0EBvqlsk-00601-00129408-00129533 perfect person on the planet right iGN0EBvqlsk-00602-00129533-00129821 absolutely iGN0EBvqlsk-00603-00129822-00130133 um The Retreat yep definitely email me iGN0EBvqlsk-00604-00130133-00130427 or uh not email me um send me a DM on iGN0EBvqlsk-00605-00130428-00130678 um actually on Instagram or LinkedIn as iGN0EBvqlsk-00606-00130679-00130966 well you can send me a DM on there iGN0EBvqlsk-00607-00130967-00131131 um I had to become more aware beautiful iGN0EBvqlsk-00608-00131132-00131471 real talk tonight absolutely that's new iGN0EBvqlsk-00609-00131472-00131609 for me to walk away from conversations iGN0EBvqlsk-00610-00131610-00131831 and in the workplace good for you the iGN0EBvqlsk-00611-00131832-00131927 thing is iGN0EBvqlsk-00612-00131928-00132143 we all have different ways iGN0EBvqlsk-00613-00132144-00132287 um we all have different ways that we iGN0EBvqlsk-00614-00132288-00132485 really think about how do we start to iGN0EBvqlsk-00615-00132486-00132604 set up those boundaries so I know for iGN0EBvqlsk-00616-00132605-00132743 some of you you're mentioning like in iGN0EBvqlsk-00617-00132744-00133013 the workplace for example iGN0EBvqlsk-00618-00133014-00133264 um if you know that yes there are iGN0EBvqlsk-00619-00133265-00133607 conversations that are negative uh you iGN0EBvqlsk-00620-00133608-00133840 know and you I have a negative impact on iGN0EBvqlsk-00621-00133841-00134051 you absolutely if you need to walk away iGN0EBvqlsk-00622-00134052-00134225 if you need to have a conversation with iGN0EBvqlsk-00623-00134226-00134447 that person in whatever way for you that iGN0EBvqlsk-00624-00134448-00134663 you cope best that works for you because iGN0EBvqlsk-00625-00134664-00134866 we're all different please do what works iGN0EBvqlsk-00626-00134867-00135071 for you for you to think about how can I iGN0EBvqlsk-00627-00135072-00135304 stay sane how can I stay emotionally iGN0EBvqlsk-00628-00135305-00135502 healthy right throughout these iGN0EBvqlsk-00629-00135503-00135628 interactions throughout these iGN0EBvqlsk-00630-00135629-00135839 conversations that is what is most iGN0EBvqlsk-00631-00135840-00136001 important you all your emotional and iGN0EBvqlsk-00632-00136002-00136289 mental health is first it should be your iGN0EBvqlsk-00633-00136290-00136469 priority and your physical health of iGN0EBvqlsk-00634-00136470-00136697 course your health is most important we iGN0EBvqlsk-00635-00136698-00136973 need that right to survive and to thrive iGN0EBvqlsk-00636-00136974-00137309 uh mcf someone said boundaries yes iGN0EBvqlsk-00637-00137310-00137531 absolutely someone said um I had to end iGN0EBvqlsk-00638-00137532-00137728 a relationship with a friend because it iGN0EBvqlsk-00639-00137729-00137909 impacted my energy and my mental iGN0EBvqlsk-00640-00137910-00138299 well-being yes very important for you to iGN0EBvqlsk-00641-00138300-00138521 be as you are assessing again you know iGN0EBvqlsk-00642-00138522-00138671 today we're talking about self-talk for iGN0EBvqlsk-00643-00138672-00138857 those of you destroying joining here iGN0EBvqlsk-00644-00138858-00139061 um but as we think about the self-talk iGN0EBvqlsk-00645-00139062-00139301 as we think about assessing iGN0EBvqlsk-00646-00139302-00139528 um what we're thinking we also have to iGN0EBvqlsk-00647-00139529-00139811 be thinking of are there individuals or iGN0EBvqlsk-00648-00139812-00140027 are there situations right that are iGN0EBvqlsk-00649-00140028-00140171 triggering the negative self-talk that iGN0EBvqlsk-00650-00140172-00140375 we have uh but again we will be talking iGN0EBvqlsk-00651-00140376-00140531 about that again iGN0EBvqlsk-00652-00140532-00140651 um on the next mental health moment iGN0EBvqlsk-00653-00140652-00140885 which is Tuesday of course 8 PM Eastern iGN0EBvqlsk-00654-00140886-00141166 Standard Time so again for those of you iGN0EBvqlsk-00655-00141167-00141304 just tuning in here iGN0EBvqlsk-00656-00141305-00141407 um if you didn't catch the whole thing iGN0EBvqlsk-00657-00141408-00141587 you can always watch the replay on iGN0EBvqlsk-00658-00141588-00141814 YouTube be sure to subscribe if you are iGN0EBvqlsk-00659-00141815-00141923 on YouTube iGN0EBvqlsk-00660-00141924-00142169 um right now it's Dr nakisha Hammond uh iGN0EBvqlsk-00661-00142170-00142301 YouTube page you can watch all the iGN0EBvqlsk-00662-00142302-00142547 replays January of course was dealing iGN0EBvqlsk-00663-00142548-00142811 with mindset as we set up for this year iGN0EBvqlsk-00664-00142812-00143021 here and then this month February all iGN0EBvqlsk-00665-00143022-00143135 month long we're going to be talking iGN0EBvqlsk-00666-00143136-00143387 about self-talk and iGN0EBvqlsk-00667-00143388-00143602 um uh self-love right because those iGN0EBvqlsk-00668-00143603-00143837 things are really really important as we iGN0EBvqlsk-00669-00143838-00144011 grow as individuals that is what mental iGN0EBvqlsk-00670-00144012-00144131 health moment for those of you who are iGN0EBvqlsk-00671-00144132-00144352 new is all about how do you become the iGN0EBvqlsk-00672-00144353-00144557 best version of who you are so you can iGN0EBvqlsk-00673-00144558-00144761 show it for yourself and show it for iGN0EBvqlsk-00674-00144762-00144869 those around you iGN0EBvqlsk-00675-00144870-00145054 yeah someone said uh setting boundaries iGN0EBvqlsk-00676-00145055-00145193 is so important iGN0EBvqlsk-00677-00145194-00145390 um if you all need me at any time you iGN0EBvqlsk-00678-00145391-00145571 can always reach me uh Dr nakisha iGN0EBvqlsk-00679-00145572-00145757 you can reach out on iGN0EBvqlsk-00680-00145758-00145883 Instagram that's where I spend most of iGN0EBvqlsk-00681-00145884-00145978 my time iGN0EBvqlsk-00682-00145979-00146231 um Dr dot Hammond or LinkedIn Facebook iGN0EBvqlsk-00683-00146232-00146525 or any other social media platform iGN0EBvqlsk-00684-00146526-00146771 um thank you guys so much for tuning in iGN0EBvqlsk-00685-00146772-00147137 thank you I'm I'm excited for you iGN0EBvqlsk-00686-00147138-00147281 um and grateful that you're in the space iGN0EBvqlsk-00687-00147282-00147473 if it's this space you know whatever iGN0EBvqlsk-00688-00147474-00147640 other spaces that you need to stay iGN0EBvqlsk-00689-00147641-00147881 inspired to stay uplifted and to iGN0EBvqlsk-00690-00147882-00148007 continue to work on being the best iGN0EBvqlsk-00691-00148008-00148259 version of who you are that's amazing so iGN0EBvqlsk-00692-00148260-00148390 congrats iGN0EBvqlsk-00693-00148391-00148564 um and I will see you all next Tuesday iGN0EBvqlsk-00694-00148565-00148799 Happy Valentine's Day again to you all iGN0EBvqlsk-00695-00148800-00148937 that celebrate iGN0EBvqlsk-00696-00148938-00149254 um I will see you all next uh Tuesday 8 iGN0EBvqlsk-00697-00149255-00149537 P.M Eastern Standard Time right here on iGN0EBvqlsk-00698-00149538-00149669 black women empowered Incorporated iGN0EBvqlsk-00699-00149670-00149975 Facebook page YouTube and Linkedin live iGN0EBvqlsk-00700-00149976-00150202 to have an amazing week you all and I'll iGN0EBvqlsk-00701-00150203-00150557 see you next week uh you're welcome bye iGN0EBvqlsk-00702-00150558-00150788 y'all iLBZ6YXclGE-00000-00000050-00000288 the compulsory process clause of the iLBZ6YXclGE-00001-00000289-00000442 sixth amendment to the United States iLBZ6YXclGE-00002-00000443-00000673 Constitution allows defendants in iLBZ6YXclGE-00003-00000674-00000880 criminal cases to secure witnesses in iLBZ6YXclGE-00004-00000881-00001027 their favor through the issuance of a iLBZ6YXclGE-00005-00001028-00001279 court-ordered subpoena the clauses iLBZ6YXclGE-00006-00001280-00001480 generally read as allowing defendants to iLBZ6YXclGE-00007-00001481-00001659 present their own case at trial though iLBZ6YXclGE-00008-00001660-00001857 several specific limitations have been iLBZ6YXclGE-00009-00001858-00002007 announced by the Supreme Court of the iLBZ6YXclGE-00010-00002008-00002722 United States since this rule began iLBZ6YXclGE-00011-00002723-00003233 topic text iLBZ6YXclGE-00012-00003234-00003467 in all criminal prosecutions the accused iLBZ6YXclGE-00013-00003468-00003818 shall enjoy the right less than pre iLBZ6YXclGE-00014-00003819-00004072 greater than slash pre greater than to iLBZ6YXclGE-00015-00004074-00004241 have compulsory process for obtaining iLBZ6YXclGE-00016-00004242-00004901 witnesses in his favor iLBZ6YXclGE-00017-00004902-00005408 topic history iLBZ6YXclGE-00018-00005409-00005666 the compulsory process clause was part iLBZ6YXclGE-00019-00005667-00005813 of the sixth amendment which was iLBZ6YXclGE-00020-00005814-00006191 ratified in 1791 between ratification iLBZ6YXclGE-00021-00006192-00006377 and the 14th amendment there were very iLBZ6YXclGE-00022-00006378-00006584 limited instances in which a court dealt iLBZ6YXclGE-00023-00006584-00006878 with compulsory process one important iLBZ6YXclGE-00024-00006879-00007100 example is the trial of vice president iLBZ6YXclGE-00025-00007101-00007283 Aaron Burr where burr tried to subpoena iLBZ6YXclGE-00026-00007284-00007487 documents from the president in order to iLBZ6YXclGE-00027-00007488-00007730 sustain his defense though the case was iLBZ6YXclGE-00028-00007731-00007919 heard in federal circuit court the iLBZ6YXclGE-00029-00007920-00008131 presiding judge was Chief Justice John iLBZ6YXclGE-00030-00008133-00008312 Marshall who ordered the papers be iLBZ6YXclGE-00031-00008313-00008465 issued invoking the sixth amendment iLBZ6YXclGE-00032-00008466-00008681 after the passage of the 14th amendment iLBZ6YXclGE-00033-00008682-00008978 in 1868 the Supreme Court dealt with a iLBZ6YXclGE-00034-00008979-00009182 series of cases regarding the guarantees iLBZ6YXclGE-00035-00009183-00009388 offered by the Due Process Clause the iLBZ6YXclGE-00036-00009389-00009662 first case to evaluate the procedural iLBZ6YXclGE-00037-00009663-00009857 trial rights of defendants in terms of iLBZ6YXclGE-00038-00009858-00010109 the due process clause was the 1897 iLBZ6YXclGE-00039-00010110-00010478 decision in Howe V V Eliot in ho V the iLBZ6YXclGE-00040-00010479-00010682 Supreme Court specifically applied the iLBZ6YXclGE-00041-00010683-00010868 Due Process Clause to fair trial iLBZ6YXclGE-00042-00010869-00011071 guarantees holding that due process iLBZ6YXclGE-00043-00011072-00011360 secures an inherent right of defense iLBZ6YXclGE-00044-00011361-00011639 this doctrine eventually came to protect iLBZ6YXclGE-00045-00011640-00011843 the defendants ability to present iLBZ6YXclGE-00046-00011844-00012110 exculpatory evidence and testimony of iLBZ6YXclGE-00047-00012111-00012440 witnesses for example the court in Brady iLBZ6YXclGE-00048-00012441-00012685 V Maryland used the Due Process Clause iLBZ6YXclGE-00049-00012686-00012935 to require the prosecution in criminal iLBZ6YXclGE-00050-00012936-00013138 proceedings to disclose evidence that is iLBZ6YXclGE-00051-00013140-00013322 favorable to the defendant prior to a iLBZ6YXclGE-00052-00013322-00013496 trial the courts due process iLBZ6YXclGE-00053-00013497-00013751 jurisprudence was expanded with the 1948 iLBZ6YXclGE-00054-00013752-00013979 decision in in ray Oliver which revised iLBZ6YXclGE-00055-00013980-00014138 the breadth of the fundamental fairness iLBZ6YXclGE-00056-00014138-00014491 doctrine the court wrote the person's iLBZ6YXclGE-00057-00014493-00014680 right to reasonable notice of a charge iLBZ6YXclGE-00058-00014681-00014872 against him and an opportunity to be iLBZ6YXclGE-00059-00014874-00015110 heard in his defense a right to his day iLBZ6YXclGE-00060-00015111-00015347 in court are basic in our system of iLBZ6YXclGE-00061-00015347-00015512 jurisprudence and these rights include iLBZ6YXclGE-00062-00015513-00015722 as a minimum the right to examine the iLBZ6YXclGE-00063-00015722-00015916 witnesses against him to offer testimony iLBZ6YXclGE-00064-00015918-00016197 and to be represented by counsel in iLBZ6YXclGE-00065-00016199-00016601 washington v texas 1967 the Supreme iLBZ6YXclGE-00066-00016602-00016757 Court held that the clause barred a iLBZ6YXclGE-00067-00016758-00016958 state law that made persons charged or iLBZ6YXclGE-00068-00016959-00017183 convicted as Co participants in a common iLBZ6YXclGE-00069-00017184-00017375 crime incompetent to testify on behalf iLBZ6YXclGE-00070-00017376-00017654 of one another this was a holding based iLBZ6YXclGE-00071-00017655-00017864 on the Due Process Clause a departure iLBZ6YXclGE-00072-00017865-00018161 from the Oliver cases Chief Justice Earl iLBZ6YXclGE-00073-00018162-00018332 Warren who wrote the majority opinion iLBZ6YXclGE-00074-00018333-00018575 stated that compulsory process was iLBZ6YXclGE-00075-00018576-00018794 critical to the very ability to iLBZ6YXclGE-00076-00018795-00019005 resent a defense iLBZ6YXclGE-00077-00019006-00019386 a defendant's version of the facts this iLBZ6YXclGE-00078-00019387-00019605 broad right was necessary to notice its iLBZ6YXclGE-00079-00019606-00019767 absence would make the right to compel iLBZ6YXclGE-00080-00019768-00019866 witnesses futile iLBZ6YXclGE-00081-00019867-00020247 however in Taylor v Illinois 1988 the iLBZ6YXclGE-00082-00020248-00020427 court rejected a challenge to witness iLBZ6YXclGE-00083-00020428-00020625 preclusion rules holding that the clause iLBZ6YXclGE-00084-00020626-00020907 did not provide for an absolute right iLBZ6YXclGE-00085-00020908-00021147 for defendants the court held that the iLBZ6YXclGE-00086-00021148-00021405 compulsory process clause provides the iLBZ6YXclGE-00087-00021406-00021618 defendant with an effective weapon but iLBZ6YXclGE-00088-00021619-00021792 it is a weapon that cannot be used iLBZ6YXclGE-00089-00021793-00022146 irresponsibly there are countervailing iLBZ6YXclGE-00090-00022147-00022443 public interests which weigh against an iLBZ6YXclGE-00091-00022444-00022641 absolute position of applying the clause iLBZ6YXclGE-00092-00022642-00022824 this signaled a major turns since iLBZ6YXclGE-00093-00022825-00023502 Washington two decades earlier iLBZ6YXclGE-00094-00023503-00024013 topic remedies iLBZ6YXclGE-00095-00024014-00024268 in modern practice a violation of the iLBZ6YXclGE-00096-00024269-00024478 compulsory process clause leads to the iLBZ6YXclGE-00097-00024479-00024658 reversal of a conviction unless the iLBZ6YXclGE-00098-00024659-00024979 original error s harmless this occurs iLBZ6YXclGE-00099-00024980-00025135 because the exclusion of defense iLBZ6YXclGE-00100-00025136-00025390 evidence can significantly undermine iLBZ6YXclGE-00101-00025391-00025614 fundamental elements of the defendants iLBZ6YXclGE-00102-00025616-00025914 defense the remedy is not automatic iLBZ6YXclGE-00103-00025916-00026127 reversal only because not every Sixth iLBZ6YXclGE-00104-00026129-00026317 Amendment error is automatically a due iLBZ6YXclGE-00105-00026318-00026912 process error iLBZ6YXclGE-00106-00026913-00027191 topic other sources of a right to iLBZ6YXclGE-00107-00027192-00027669 compulsory process iLBZ6YXclGE-00108-00027670-00027920 the due process clauses of the fifth and iLBZ6YXclGE-00109-00027922-00028104 Fourteenth Amendments also require iLBZ6YXclGE-00110-00028105-00028326 compulsory process as an element of due iLBZ6YXclGE-00111-00028327-00028664 process state statutes and constitutions iLBZ6YXclGE-00112-00028666-00028808 are another source of the right to iLBZ6YXclGE-00113-00028810-00029052 confront witnesses iLBZ6YXclGE-00114-00029054-00029401 equals equals notes iLFNaqnlFl8-00000-00000000-00000233 today I prepared to introduce some of iLFNaqnlFl8-00001-00000234-00000419 the weekly best weapon and outfit mods iLFNaqnlFl8-00002-00000420-00000634 on the test Nexus site it's definitely a iLFNaqnlFl8-00003-00000635-00000857 helpful idea so please watch it till the iLFNaqnlFl8-00004-00000858-00001119 end friends iLFNaqnlFl8-00005-00001120-00001482 [Music] iLFNaqnlFl8-00006-00001483-00001793 this mod adds the signal FeFe or guy in iLFNaqnlFl8-00007-00001794-00002021 six lengths for Modern Warfare 2022 but iLFNaqnlFl8-00008-00002022-00002255 had to Fallout 4 featuring sounds some iLFNaqnlFl8-00009-00002256-00002542 attachments and animation iLFNaqnlFl8-00010-00002543-00002849 this ruffle uses 50 caliber bullets and iLFNaqnlFl8-00011-00002850-00003029 has a default rate of fire of five iLFNaqnlFl8-00012-00003030-00003269 rounds this ruffle can be crafted from iLFNaqnlFl8-00013-00003270-00003479 the chemistry workbench and requires a iLFNaqnlFl8-00014-00003479-00003663 Gunnery perk level 4 still iLFNaqnlFl8-00015-00003664-00003797 [Music] iLFNaqnlFl8-00016-00003797-00004074 foreign iLFNaqnlFl8-00017-00004075-00004453 [Music] iLFNaqnlFl8-00018-00004454-00004793 rubber six screws four aluminum seven iLFNaqnlFl8-00019-00004794-00005201 edited and five plastic iLFNaqnlFl8-00020-00005202-00005417 this rifle is divided into tactical iLFNaqnlFl8-00021-00005418-00006065 reload and non-tactical reload iLFNaqnlFl8-00022-00006066-00006365 if you enjoy Modern Warfare 2022 or are iLFNaqnlFl8-00023-00006366-00006539 interested in the rifle itself we iLFNaqnlFl8-00024-00006540-00006837 recommend you give it a try iLFNaqnlFl8-00025-00006838-00007909 [Music] iLFNaqnlFl8-00026-00007909-00008159 I'm as Ranger our outfit is military iLFNaqnlFl8-00027-00008159-00008333 tactical outfit based on the ranger iLFNaqnlFl8-00028-00008334-00008560 Wilson's skin from Modern Warfare 2019 iLFNaqnlFl8-00029-00008561-00008867 goes for male and female characters it iLFNaqnlFl8-00030-00008868-00009041 is a very high quality outfit that iLFNaqnlFl8-00031-00009042-00009341 supports up to 4K textures still it's a iLFNaqnlFl8-00032-00009342-00009527 cool outfit that makes the most of the iLFNaqnlFl8-00033-00009528-00009839 Tactical military uniform this outfit is iLFNaqnlFl8-00034-00009840-00010049 divided into a regular backpack and a iLFNaqnlFl8-00035-00010050-00010289 hydration backpack so please try the iLFNaqnlFl8-00036-00010290-00010531 backpack you like iLFNaqnlFl8-00037-00010532-00010763 this outfit can be crafted in the iLFNaqnlFl8-00038-00010764-00011014 chemistry station it requires leader and iLFNaqnlFl8-00039-00011015-00011195 fabric and it does not require a iLFNaqnlFl8-00040-00011196-00011410 separate perk so it will be easy to make iLFNaqnlFl8-00041-00011411-00011759 [Music] iLFNaqnlFl8-00042-00011760-00011874 [Applause] iLFNaqnlFl8-00043-00011875-00012006 [Music] iLFNaqnlFl8-00044-00012007-00012233 the outfit I'm going to introduce this iLFNaqnlFl8-00045-00012234-00012509 time is obese bunny girl outfit iLFNaqnlFl8-00046-00012510-00012706 I think everyone knows how sexy the iLFNaqnlFl8-00047-00012707-00012910 outfit is so do you need any further iLFNaqnlFl8-00048-00012911-00013193 explanation there are five versions of iLFNaqnlFl8-00049-00013194-00013391 the body parts outfit for this outfit iLFNaqnlFl8-00050-00013391-00013577 and there are optional extra parts iLFNaqnlFl8-00051-00013578-00013807 outfits so you can use them together iLFNaqnlFl8-00052-00013808-00014069 this outfit can also be crafted in the iLFNaqnlFl8-00053-00014069-00014272 chemistry station you don't need any iLFNaqnlFl8-00054-00014273-00014730 other materials so it's easy to make iLFNaqnlFl8-00055-00014731-00014986 this concludes the introductory video iLFNaqnlFl8-00056-00014987-00015227 the sonatals for this video were created iLFNaqnlFl8-00057-00015228-00015479 based on the Creator's description thank iLFNaqnlFl8-00058-00015480-00015665 you so much for watching the video till iLFNaqnlFl8-00059-00015666-00015886 the end subscription like notification iLFNaqnlFl8-00060-00015887-00016072 setting is very helpful for the growth iLFNaqnlFl8-00061-00016073-00016950 of this channel see you next time iLFNaqnlFl8-00062-00016951-00017251 thank you iLcfGxRbNp8-00000-00000162-00000359 what is up guys it's your boy it's iLcfGxRbNp8-00001-00000360-00000497 lightning here in today's video I'm iLcfGxRbNp8-00002-00000498-00000695 gonna be showing hold on hold on hold on iLcfGxRbNp8-00003-00000696-00000916 and that isn't that my intro iLcfGxRbNp8-00004-00000917-00001085 what is a gradually voice lightning here iLcfGxRbNp8-00005-00001086-00001211 and welcome back to another video and in iLcfGxRbNp8-00006-00001212-00001343 today's video I just wanted to thank you iLcfGxRbNp8-00007-00001344-00001601 guys so much for 282 subscribers getting iLcfGxRbNp8-00008-00001602-00002014 my past two videos above 100 views iLcfGxRbNp8-00009-00002016-00002339 honestly guys I'm so much I'm very iLcfGxRbNp8-00010-00002340-00002710 grateful for these things and I couldn't iLcfGxRbNp8-00011-00002711-00002921 have done anything without y'all now if iLcfGxRbNp8-00012-00002922-00003089 you guys do hear something a little bit iLcfGxRbNp8-00013-00003090-00003322 different uh in the microphone quality iLcfGxRbNp8-00014-00003323-00003479 actually you know what let me turn this iLcfGxRbNp8-00015-00003479-00003653 on real quick that's right ladies and iLcfGxRbNp8-00016-00003654-00003827 gentlemen I finally got my webcam after iLcfGxRbNp8-00017-00003828-00003995 two weeks of waiting I've been waiting iLcfGxRbNp8-00018-00003996-00004265 to use my webcam and my new microphone I iLcfGxRbNp8-00019-00004266-00004481 finally got a new microphone so you iLcfGxRbNp8-00020-00004482-00004822 won't have to hear my fan up in uh the iLcfGxRbNp8-00021-00004823-00005063 background noise of my fan because in iLcfGxRbNp8-00022-00005064-00005236 like some of my videos you would kind of iLcfGxRbNp8-00023-00005237-00005501 hear it but it would be like if I didn't iLcfGxRbNp8-00024-00005502-00005741 have background music playing you would iLcfGxRbNp8-00025-00005742-00005986 most definitely hear it so that is a iLcfGxRbNp8-00026-00005987-00006215 wonderful plus and just letting you guys iLcfGxRbNp8-00027-00006216-00006395 know that this will be the only video iLcfGxRbNp8-00028-00006396-00006539 that I will be making for this week iLcfGxRbNp8-00029-00006540-00006725 because I am dealing with a family iLcfGxRbNp8-00030-00006726-00007084 member passing away and I'm gonna I'm iLcfGxRbNp8-00031-00007086-00007355 gonna take this week by just uploading iLcfGxRbNp8-00032-00007356-00007534 this one video and iLcfGxRbNp8-00033-00007536-00007877 resting you know coping and all that iLcfGxRbNp8-00034-00007878-00008110 stuff and then I will be back iLcfGxRbNp8-00035-00008111-00008345 probably next week in the middle of next iLcfGxRbNp8-00036-00008346-00008651 week uploading videos again back on iLcfGxRbNp8-00037-00008652-00008824 schedule iLcfGxRbNp8-00038-00008825-00008974 um I just wanted to say thank you guys iLcfGxRbNp8-00039-00008975-00009263 again for 282 subscribers we're iLcfGxRbNp8-00040-00009264-00009533 currently 18 away from 300 and let's iLcfGxRbNp8-00041-00009534-00009742 hope actually let's let's set a goal iLcfGxRbNp8-00042-00009743-00009899 right now iLcfGxRbNp8-00043-00009900-00010145 let's try to get 300 subscribers 300 iLcfGxRbNp8-00044-00010146-00010283 subscribers iLcfGxRbNp8-00045-00010284-00010481 by the end of the year iLcfGxRbNp8-00046-00010482-00010774 that's that's our goal if we can get 300 iLcfGxRbNp8-00047-00010775-00011003 subscribers before then then we'll make iLcfGxRbNp8-00048-00011004-00011224 another goal but now our main goal is to iLcfGxRbNp8-00049-00011225-00011399 get 300 subscribers before the end of iLcfGxRbNp8-00050-00011400-00011609 the year I hope you guys can help me iLcfGxRbNp8-00051-00011610-00011788 Reach This goal iLcfGxRbNp8-00052-00011789-00012023 and I hope that the FaceCam and the iLcfGxRbNp8-00053-00012024-00012191 microphone can bring better content to iLcfGxRbNp8-00054-00012192-00012395 you guys and help me make better content iLcfGxRbNp8-00055-00012396-00012610 for you guys with that all being said I iLcfGxRbNp8-00056-00012611-00012701 hope you guys did enjoy this video iLcfGxRbNp8-00057-00012702-00012821 please hit that like button subscribe iLcfGxRbNp8-00058-00012822-00012965 today see more videos and more content iLcfGxRbNp8-00059-00012966-00013211 on my channel comment down below what iLcfGxRbNp8-00060-00013212-00013361 you guys do think about the new face cam iLcfGxRbNp8-00061-00013362-00013486 I was thinking of having it over there iLcfGxRbNp8-00062-00013487-00013679 on my monitor but I kind of like where iLcfGxRbNp8-00063-00013680-00013841 it is right now and comment down below iLcfGxRbNp8-00064-00013841-00014063 what y'all think about the mic without iLcfGxRbNp8-00065-00014063-00014261 all being said I'll see you guys in the iLcfGxRbNp8-00066-00014262-00014633 next video peace iLcfGxRbNp8-00067-00014634-00014852 foreign ipbhBysmsJY-00001-00003432-00003606 all right boss ipbhBysmsJY-00002-00003607-00003903 hello hello ipbhBysmsJY-00003-00003904-00004031 hey y'all ipbhBysmsJY-00004-00004032-00004279 different setting ipbhBysmsJY-00005-00004280-00004654 same tuesday ipbhBysmsJY-00006-00004655-00004806 that we should do ipbhBysmsJY-00007-00004807-00005038 like uh get t-shirts they're like uh you ipbhBysmsJY-00008-00005039-00005263 know like uh different islands same ipbhBysmsJY-00009-00005264-00005622 but it's like different transformation ipbhBysmsJY-00010-00005623-00005822 garbage i don't quite have it yet it's ipbhBysmsJY-00011-00005823-00006015 it's funny because i find myself in the ipbhBysmsJY-00012-00006016-00006215 last few uh times like being in ipbhBysmsJY-00013-00006216-00006439 different locations for these and like ipbhBysmsJY-00014-00006440-00006614 different screens ipbhBysmsJY-00015-00006615-00006759 but um yeah ipbhBysmsJY-00016-00006759-00006975 always good to be with you guys here on ipbhBysmsJY-00017-00006976-00007287 our tuesday lives we're gonna tackle a ipbhBysmsJY-00018-00007288-00007598 topic today that i think is uh ipbhBysmsJY-00019-00007600-00007895 probably the paramount topic of human ipbhBysmsJY-00020-00007895-00008159 existence uh especially today ipbhBysmsJY-00021-00008159-00008319 uh we're gonna cover things like stress ipbhBysmsJY-00022-00008320-00008535 and anxiety so ipbhBysmsJY-00023-00008536-00008783 why don't you just start by saying hi ipbhBysmsJY-00024-00008784-00008999 letting us know that you are here ipbhBysmsJY-00025-00009000-00009246 and that you can hear us okay um also if ipbhBysmsJY-00026-00009247-00009439 this is your first time here with us ipbhBysmsJY-00027-00009440-00009583 just let us know this is your first time ipbhBysmsJY-00028-00009584-00009719 so we can uh ipbhBysmsJY-00029-00009720-00009942 say uh extra special warm ipbhBysmsJY-00030-00009943-00010167 welcome and hi to you i know there are ipbhBysmsJY-00031-00010168-00010295 many people ipbhBysmsJY-00032-00010296-00010535 that have joined our uh ipbhBysmsJY-00033-00010536-00010846 community here over the last few days ipbhBysmsJY-00034-00010847-00011119 so we are going quite fast guy by the ipbhBysmsJY-00035-00011120-00011631 way is going to drop a link right now um ipbhBysmsJY-00036-00011632-00011767 we use a ipbhBysmsJY-00037-00011768-00011927 software called stream and so if you ipbhBysmsJY-00038-00011928-00012127 guys are seeing yourself show up as a ipbhBysmsJY-00039-00012128-00012287 facebook user ipbhBysmsJY-00040-00012288-00012455 that's because uh you need to click on a ipbhBysmsJY-00041-00012456-00012663 link and it will basically connect your ipbhBysmsJY-00042-00012664-00012910 uh name from facebook to the service so ipbhBysmsJY-00043-00012911-00013175 then you don't show up as facebook user ipbhBysmsJY-00044-00013176-00013303 let's do that and that way we can ipbhBysmsJY-00045-00013304-00013558 actually know who you are ipbhBysmsJY-00046-00013559-00013943 um hi leslie welcome great time ipbhBysmsJY-00047-00013944-00014022 uh ipbhBysmsJY-00048-00014023-00014247 great to have you here first time ipbhBysmsJY-00049-00014247-00014407 weirdly enough all my comments say ipbhBysmsJY-00050-00014408-00014615 facebook user too so i'm not sure ipbhBysmsJY-00051-00014616-00014815 why my stuff stopped working but it's ipbhBysmsJY-00052-00014816-00014927 working for everybody else i think i ipbhBysmsJY-00053-00014928-00015135 need to reset something on my end no i ipbhBysmsJY-00054-00015136-00015343 have to do it again also i did too but ipbhBysmsJY-00055-00015344-00015479 it still hasn't worked for me i think i ipbhBysmsJY-00056-00015480-00015655 need to reset my permissions for some ipbhBysmsJY-00057-00015656-00015743 reason ipbhBysmsJY-00058-00015744-00016063 um anyway uh real real yeah go ahead bro ipbhBysmsJY-00059-00016063-00016327 sorry yeah so um while you guys are ipbhBysmsJY-00060-00016328-00016622 doing that uh hey bobby bobby welcome ipbhBysmsJY-00061-00016623-00016727 back ipbhBysmsJY-00062-00016728-00016967 um i wanted to since we're going to talk ipbhBysmsJY-00063-00016968-00017135 about stress and anxiety and i know ipbhBysmsJY-00064-00017136-00017247 people are coming from a bunch of ipbhBysmsJY-00065-00017248-00017383 different places ipbhBysmsJY-00066-00017384-00017607 today ipbhBysmsJY-00067-00017608-00017839 i'd love for you guys just to check in ipbhBysmsJY-00068-00017840-00017967 and ipbhBysmsJY-00069-00017968-00018263 get a baseline of where you're at before ipbhBysmsJY-00070-00018264-00018494 we start the conversation ipbhBysmsJY-00071-00018495-00018863 so just kind of checking in ipbhBysmsJY-00072-00018864-00019191 things life work friends love money ipbhBysmsJY-00073-00019192-00019343 whatever etc like whatever you're ipbhBysmsJY-00074-00019344-00019583 present to right now and just on a scale ipbhBysmsJY-00075-00019584-00019903 of one to ten noticing your level of ipbhBysmsJY-00076-00019904-00020007 stress ipbhBysmsJY-00077-00020008-00020191 or anxiety ipbhBysmsJY-00078-00020192-00020303 right now ipbhBysmsJY-00079-00020304-00020447 and then we're gonna do we're gonna have ipbhBysmsJY-00080-00020448-00020583 a conversation about this and we're ipbhBysmsJY-00081-00020584-00020783 gonna do an exercise around this ipbhBysmsJY-00082-00020784-00020950 and then afterwards we're gonna check in ipbhBysmsJY-00083-00020951-00021167 again and see ipbhBysmsJY-00084-00021168-00021327 if in the short time that we're here ipbhBysmsJY-00085-00021328-00021463 together ipbhBysmsJY-00086-00021464-00021758 uh what you've been able to do as far as ipbhBysmsJY-00087-00021759-00022047 through the practice to actually reduce ipbhBysmsJY-00088-00022048-00022263 the level of stress and anxiety in your ipbhBysmsJY-00089-00022264-00022511 body at the moment okay yeah ipbhBysmsJY-00090-00022512-00022758 real real quick before we uh jump into ipbhBysmsJY-00091-00022759-00022943 the training just if you're brand brand ipbhBysmsJY-00092-00022944-00023086 new to the community a few things to ipbhBysmsJY-00093-00023087-00023247 know uh depending on whether you're ipbhBysmsJY-00094-00023248-00023447 signed up with email or text resources ipbhBysmsJY-00095-00023448-00023583 will be sent to you ipbhBysmsJY-00096-00023584-00023663 uh ipbhBysmsJY-00097-00023664-00023863 to your inbox or sms ipbhBysmsJY-00098-00023864-00024047 there's a sequence to those things in ipbhBysmsJY-00099-00024048-00024230 order to them i highly recommend at ipbhBysmsJY-00100-00024231-00024455 least the first two three emails to ipbhBysmsJY-00101-00024456-00024655 uh watch them in that order and there's ipbhBysmsJY-00102-00024656-00024855 also an amazing resource there for you ipbhBysmsJY-00103-00024856-00025183 guys on a active healing meditation ipbhBysmsJY-00104-00025184-00025494 that we highly recommend doing a 21 day ipbhBysmsJY-00105-00025495-00025646 practice round here and there we'll do ipbhBysmsJY-00106-00025647-00025862 challenges in the group but ipbhBysmsJY-00107-00025863-00026031 at the end of the day you're the one ipbhBysmsJY-00108-00026032-00026183 benefiting from it so you might as well ipbhBysmsJY-00109-00026183-00026390 do a challenge on your own whenever uh ipbhBysmsJY-00110-00026391-00026662 the time is is is good for you uh the ipbhBysmsJY-00111-00026663-00026870 best time is always now ipbhBysmsJY-00112-00026872-00027135 and um you know having said that if you ipbhBysmsJY-00113-00027136-00027246 are someone who struggled with ipbhBysmsJY-00114-00027247-00027462 meditation never tried meditation before ipbhBysmsJY-00115-00027463-00027670 don't don't know how to quiet your mind ipbhBysmsJY-00116-00027672-00027862 we want to kind of just relax you a ipbhBysmsJY-00117-00027863-00027999 little bit and let you know that this ipbhBysmsJY-00118-00028000-00028167 meditation is not about any of those ipbhBysmsJY-00119-00028168-00028246 things ipbhBysmsJY-00120-00028247-00028390 this is a way how to go into higher ipbhBysmsJY-00121-00028391-00028607 states of consciousness how to use that ipbhBysmsJY-00122-00028608-00028727 to actually ipbhBysmsJY-00123-00028727-00028870 release and heal ipbhBysmsJY-00124-00028872-00029143 trauma from your own system so how many ipbhBysmsJY-00125-00029144-00029383 guys with a yes or no uh have or have ipbhBysmsJY-00126-00029383-00029551 not done this meditation just say in the ipbhBysmsJY-00127-00029552-00029727 comment box ipbhBysmsJY-00128-00029727-00029855 or let us know hit some likes or ipbhBysmsJY-00129-00029856-00030046 something like that just let us know ipbhBysmsJY-00130-00030047-00030239 and if you haven't done it yet then we ipbhBysmsJY-00131-00030239-00030462 highly highly highly highly highly ipbhBysmsJY-00132-00030463-00030839 recommend that you uh type meditation in ipbhBysmsJY-00133-00030839-00031031 the comment box below and someone from ipbhBysmsJY-00134-00031032-00031239 our team either jasmine tobias sarah ipbhBysmsJY-00135-00031239-00031470 corey someone will reach out to you and ipbhBysmsJY-00136-00031472-00031743 uh send you uh information on how to get ipbhBysmsJY-00137-00031744-00031823 that ipbhBysmsJY-00138-00031824-00032007 that information uh sorry that that ipbhBysmsJY-00139-00032008-00032223 exact training because if you start ipbhBysmsJY-00140-00032224-00032374 going through that training not only ipbhBysmsJY-00141-00032375-00032646 will you psychologically understand the ipbhBysmsJY-00142-00032647-00032823 processes that elon and i are talking ipbhBysmsJY-00143-00032824-00033135 about which we can tell you is nice but ipbhBysmsJY-00144-00033136-00033351 is really secondary even tertiary to ipbhBysmsJY-00145-00033352-00033551 directly experiencing what we're talking ipbhBysmsJY-00146-00033552-00033702 about here ipbhBysmsJY-00147-00033703-00033935 what we educate people on especially if ipbhBysmsJY-00148-00033936-00034039 you're new and especially if you've been ipbhBysmsJY-00149-00034040-00034239 around the mindset development space we ipbhBysmsJY-00150-00034240-00034407 certainly teach mindset too we think ipbhBysmsJY-00151-00034408-00034631 it's an important fundamental uh ipbhBysmsJY-00152-00034632-00034759 training and practice that everyone ipbhBysmsJY-00153-00034760-00034862 should have ipbhBysmsJY-00154-00034863-00035007 however ipbhBysmsJY-00155-00035008-00035174 trauma and the things that really stop ipbhBysmsJY-00156-00035175-00035390 people in life the the getting off the ipbhBysmsJY-00157-00035391-00035695 hamster wheel is not a thought process ipbhBysmsJY-00158-00035696-00035967 this is a reconditioning a retraining of ipbhBysmsJY-00159-00035968-00036207 your energetic body it is a down ipbhBysmsJY-00160-00036208-00036495 regulation of your nervous system and i ipbhBysmsJY-00161-00036496-00036623 don't know about you but i've not met a ipbhBysmsJY-00162-00036624-00036743 lot of people in this world who walk ipbhBysmsJY-00163-00036744-00036999 around knowing how to down regulate ipbhBysmsJY-00164-00037000-00037174 actively down regulating their nervous ipbhBysmsJY-00165-00037175-00037399 system so that their whole life feels ipbhBysmsJY-00166-00037400-00037590 like it's coming from a place of safety ipbhBysmsJY-00167-00037591-00037830 and well-being and groundedness and ipbhBysmsJY-00168-00037831-00038015 really everything that elon and i truly ipbhBysmsJY-00169-00038016-00038215 truly care about is helping people ipbhBysmsJY-00170-00038216-00038479 recondition this energetic body so that ipbhBysmsJY-00171-00038480-00038702 they can have a completely different ipbhBysmsJY-00172-00038703-00038887 experience of the way that they live ipbhBysmsJY-00173-00038888-00039046 their life and so if you take on that ipbhBysmsJY-00174-00039047-00039246 meditation practice we guarantee you're ipbhBysmsJY-00175-00039247-00039399 going to see big changes in seven days ipbhBysmsJY-00176-00039400-00039702 but they say they say that you need 21 ipbhBysmsJY-00177-00039703-00039902 days to build a habit and so that's why ipbhBysmsJY-00178-00039903-00040071 21 days on that and you're going to ipbhBysmsJY-00179-00040072-00040271 start seeing massive transformation in ipbhBysmsJY-00180-00040272-00040455 your life whether you decide to do more ipbhBysmsJY-00181-00040456-00040711 of our advanced work or not but at least ipbhBysmsJY-00182-00040712-00040862 it will give you a ipbhBysmsJY-00183-00040863-00041095 taste of exactly what we're talking ipbhBysmsJY-00184-00041096-00041246 about here so you don't just understand ipbhBysmsJY-00185-00041247-00041415 it but you're actually beginning to ipbhBysmsJY-00186-00041416-00041543 integrate it into your life and then of ipbhBysmsJY-00187-00041544-00041711 course like everything else there is a ipbhBysmsJY-00188-00041712-00041911 you know advanced path a path of mastery ipbhBysmsJY-00189-00041912-00042102 here and that's really what we ipbhBysmsJY-00190-00042103-00042271 we offer elsewhere if you decide to ipbhBysmsJY-00191-00042272-00042399 continue doing work with elena and ipbhBysmsJY-00192-00042400-00042630 myself in our community ipbhBysmsJY-00193-00042631-00042895 yeah um and that's a really really great ipbhBysmsJY-00194-00042896-00043151 point it's ipbhBysmsJY-00195-00043152-00043343 you know and ipbhBysmsJY-00196-00043344-00043583 whatever your thing around meditation is ipbhBysmsJY-00197-00043584-00043735 it works it doesn't work i'm trying to ipbhBysmsJY-00198-00043736-00043862 quiet the mind we're going to talk a ipbhBysmsJY-00199-00043863-00044215 little bit about that today as well ipbhBysmsJY-00200-00044216-00044439 these are very very very different types ipbhBysmsJY-00201-00044440-00044583 of meditations ipbhBysmsJY-00202-00044584-00044839 and so ipbhBysmsJY-00203-00044840-00045111 give it a go i was just talking to a a ipbhBysmsJY-00204-00045112-00045318 prospect earlier today and ipbhBysmsJY-00205-00045319-00045502 she was saying that the meditations have ipbhBysmsJY-00206-00045503-00045711 like transformed ipbhBysmsJY-00207-00045712-00045823 her life ipbhBysmsJY-00208-00045824-00045958 um ipbhBysmsJY-00209-00045959-00046455 because it gives you access to using ipbhBysmsJY-00210-00046456-00046718 an energy to heal and liberate certain ipbhBysmsJY-00211-00046719-00046927 aspects of yourself unlike anything that ipbhBysmsJY-00212-00046928-00047095 you've ever done before i mean people ipbhBysmsJY-00213-00047096-00047358 have done this meditation and just had a ipbhBysmsJY-00214-00047359-00047567 massive crying release ipbhBysmsJY-00215-00047568-00047774 or a massive like release from their ipbhBysmsJY-00216-00047775-00048039 body where they feel just energy and ipbhBysmsJY-00217-00048040-00048135 uh ipbhBysmsJY-00218-00048136-00048343 and aliveness and space ipbhBysmsJY-00219-00048344-00048455 you know i don't know if you've ever had ipbhBysmsJY-00220-00048456-00048695 that like ipbhBysmsJY-00221-00048696-00048839 whether it's like a massage or ipbhBysmsJY-00222-00048840-00049055 acupuncture or something but someone ipbhBysmsJY-00223-00049056-00049246 kind of like releases something ipbhBysmsJY-00224-00049247-00049407 in your neck but you've been living with ipbhBysmsJY-00225-00049408-00049599 it for so long that you just assume that ipbhBysmsJY-00226-00049600-00049758 this is what everybody goes through and ipbhBysmsJY-00227-00049759-00049895 then you get that release and you're ipbhBysmsJY-00228-00049896-00050167 like ipbhBysmsJY-00229-00050168-00050327 and they're like how's that feel and ipbhBysmsJY-00230-00050328-00050543 you're like i've never felt that before ipbhBysmsJY-00231-00050544-00050815 and they're like welcome to how the rest ipbhBysmsJY-00232-00050816-00051055 of us walk around you just assume that ipbhBysmsJY-00233-00051056-00051174 that's how it is ipbhBysmsJY-00234-00051175-00051390 yeah uh also i just want to say if ipbhBysmsJY-00235-00051391-00051494 you're watching this on the business ipbhBysmsJY-00236-00051495-00051679 page or on telegram or ipbhBysmsJY-00237-00051679-00051830 twitter or any other channels and you ipbhBysmsJY-00238-00051832-00052007 want to be part of the main conversation ipbhBysmsJY-00239-00052008-00052246 the main conversation happens inside the ipbhBysmsJY-00240-00052247-00052463 old souls and seekers facebook group ipbhBysmsJY-00241-00052464-00052711 yeah all right so let's uh let's ipbhBysmsJY-00242-00052712-00052950 transition to today's topic ipbhBysmsJY-00243-00052951-00053191 which i think you know is uh you tell ipbhBysmsJY-00244-00053191-00053319 you guys tell me if i'm wrong is of ipbhBysmsJY-00245-00053320-00053511 interest to everybody and it's about ipbhBysmsJY-00246-00053512-00053654 stress and anxiety ipbhBysmsJY-00247-00053655-00053863 okay and it's like really like how to ipbhBysmsJY-00248-00053864-00054015 transform stress and anxiety and ipbhBysmsJY-00249-00054016-00054159 obviously we are ipbhBysmsJY-00250-00054160-00054375 we are living in ipbhBysmsJY-00251-00054376-00054575 very interesting times right where ipbhBysmsJY-00252-00054576-00054742 there's just like a lot happening i ipbhBysmsJY-00253-00054744-00054894 don't know about you guys but it feels ipbhBysmsJY-00254-00054895-00055094 like we're in these times where there's ipbhBysmsJY-00255-00055095-00055263 like a major event ipbhBysmsJY-00256-00055264-00055430 on the planet like every other day like ipbhBysmsJY-00257-00055432-00055542 this used to feel like something that ipbhBysmsJY-00258-00055544-00055735 happened once a year now it feels like ipbhBysmsJY-00259-00055736-00056007 it happens consistently right ipbhBysmsJY-00260-00056008-00056119 and of course it looks like a lot of ipbhBysmsJY-00261-00056120-00056311 negative things are happening all over ipbhBysmsJY-00262-00056312-00056463 the world and of course that's what ipbhBysmsJY-00263-00056464-00056647 media likes to focus on because they're ipbhBysmsJY-00264-00056648-00056807 very good at hijacking our limbic ipbhBysmsJY-00265-00056808-00057030 systems and making us pay attention and ipbhBysmsJY-00266-00057032-00057238 in the same token i i want to just offer ipbhBysmsJY-00267-00057239-00057335 you like ipbhBysmsJY-00268-00057336-00057550 circles iron people i know there's so ipbhBysmsJY-00269-00057551-00057830 much beauty happening in the world right ipbhBysmsJY-00270-00057832-00058023 alongside with that people who really ipbhBysmsJY-00271-00058024-00058279 care and want to transform the planet ipbhBysmsJY-00272-00058279-00058542 and and the society and governments and ipbhBysmsJY-00273-00058544-00058694 are doing incredible work all over the ipbhBysmsJY-00274-00058695-00058863 planet we just don't have a lot of media ipbhBysmsJY-00275-00058864-00059103 that focuses on that and if they did ipbhBysmsJY-00276-00059104-00059230 we'd probably all feel a little bit ipbhBysmsJY-00277-00059232-00059326 different ipbhBysmsJY-00278-00059327-00059542 about the the way the world is going ipbhBysmsJY-00279-00059544-00059742 however today's conversation is really ipbhBysmsJY-00280-00059744-00059879 predicated on something way more ipbhBysmsJY-00281-00059879-00060071 important and it's that you know the ipbhBysmsJY-00282-00060072-00060230 quality of your life ipbhBysmsJY-00283-00060232-00060391 is not predicated really on what's ipbhBysmsJY-00284-00060391-00060599 happening out there ipbhBysmsJY-00285-00060600-00060863 it's really predicated on how your inner ipbhBysmsJY-00286-00060864-00061030 experience is ipbhBysmsJY-00287-00061032-00061294 about what is happening out there ipbhBysmsJY-00288-00061295-00061423 and ipbhBysmsJY-00289-00061424-00061575 we know plenty of people who live really ipbhBysmsJY-00290-00061576-00061775 effortless lives ipbhBysmsJY-00291-00061776-00061935 very easy going ipbhBysmsJY-00292-00061936-00062063 and again they're all living with the ipbhBysmsJY-00293-00062064-00062326 same circumstances as everybody else so ipbhBysmsJY-00294-00062327-00062606 we want to start looking at why is it ipbhBysmsJY-00295-00062607-00062815 people like us and people who do our ipbhBysmsJY-00296-00062816-00063087 training can suddenly get ipbhBysmsJY-00297-00063088-00063279 into this modality ipbhBysmsJY-00298-00063279-00063630 of not reacting to what's happening ipbhBysmsJY-00299-00063632-00063806 but really get their life to a place of ipbhBysmsJY-00300-00063807-00063950 responding ipbhBysmsJY-00301-00063951-00064230 to what's happening and really you wanna ipbhBysmsJY-00302-00064232-00064415 i'll say this earlier on you usually say ipbhBysmsJY-00303-00064416-00064638 it later on in the process but you know ipbhBysmsJY-00304-00064639-00064775 we want to start ipbhBysmsJY-00305-00064776-00064942 having this understanding and ipbhBysmsJY-00306-00064944-00065199 relationship that what we call reality ipbhBysmsJY-00307-00065200-00065399 right quote unquote reality ipbhBysmsJY-00308-00065400-00065543 is this ipbhBysmsJY-00309-00065544-00065719 it's really like a virtual reality set ipbhBysmsJY-00310-00065720-00065967 it is an organic hologram that is ipbhBysmsJY-00311-00065968-00066126 responding ipbhBysmsJY-00312-00066127-00066382 yes to to a degree to your thoughts and ipbhBysmsJY-00313-00066383-00066511 those kind of things but it's really ipbhBysmsJY-00314-00066512-00066719 hard to rehabituate a thought like you a ipbhBysmsJY-00315-00066720-00066879 lot of you guys again just say i in the ipbhBysmsJY-00316-00066880-00067055 chat box if if you know this to be true ipbhBysmsJY-00317-00067056-00067287 about you and probably about everybody ipbhBysmsJY-00318-00067288-00067550 is that we reenact and re-loop in ipbhBysmsJY-00319-00067551-00067815 thoughts often like you go to bed and ipbhBysmsJY-00320-00067816-00067911 you know there's that thing that's ipbhBysmsJY-00321-00067912-00068063 incomplete in that relationship or ipbhBysmsJY-00322-00068064-00068238 something that happened at work or some ipbhBysmsJY-00323-00068239-00068382 way you feel about yourself and you kind ipbhBysmsJY-00324-00068383-00068606 of find yourself looping looping looping ipbhBysmsJY-00325-00068607-00068855 looping looping now you can go please ipbhBysmsJY-00326-00068856-00069047 stop i want to go to bed and what does ipbhBysmsJY-00327-00069048-00069223 the brain do it's like looping looping ipbhBysmsJY-00328-00069224-00069431 looping looping right so that that ipbhBysmsJY-00329-00069432-00069567 command ipbhBysmsJY-00330-00069568-00069743 upward like please stop doesn't do ipbhBysmsJY-00331-00069744-00069894 anything ipbhBysmsJY-00332-00069895-00070055 it just doesn't help at all how many ipbhBysmsJY-00333-00070056-00070311 guys can can relate to that say i ipbhBysmsJY-00334-00070312-00070615 in the chat box and and if you can then ipbhBysmsJY-00335-00070616-00070935 you want to realize then maybe ipbhBysmsJY-00336-00070936-00071262 uh putting a forceful consciousness ipbhBysmsJY-00337-00071263-00071406 on something that's looping in your ipbhBysmsJY-00338-00071407-00071711 system isn't stopping it you you want to ipbhBysmsJY-00339-00071712-00071935 get curious about well how can i relieve ipbhBysmsJY-00340-00071936-00072047 that ipbhBysmsJY-00341-00072048-00072135 okay ipbhBysmsJY-00342-00072136-00072279 and that's what we really want to talk ipbhBysmsJY-00343-00072280-00072438 about so again we have the mindfulness ipbhBysmsJY-00344-00072439-00072638 practices that we mentioned before those ipbhBysmsJY-00345-00072639-00072782 are really important because if you ipbhBysmsJY-00346-00072783-00073079 don't understand what this is doing ipbhBysmsJY-00347-00073080-00073231 well again when i say this i'm just ipbhBysmsJY-00348-00073232-00073335 pointing out what's between your left ipbhBysmsJY-00349-00073336-00073543 and right here which is the brain and we ipbhBysmsJY-00350-00073544-00073855 right now live very much in a world that ipbhBysmsJY-00351-00073856-00074062 has been conditioned and created by by ipbhBysmsJY-00352-00074063-00074191 the mind ipbhBysmsJY-00353-00074192-00074287 right ipbhBysmsJY-00354-00074288-00074367 so ipbhBysmsJY-00355-00074368-00074662 but we don't have a world that has been ipbhBysmsJY-00356-00074663-00074903 uh developed by the heart if we want to ipbhBysmsJY-00357-00074904-00075031 say in that simple way but there's so ipbhBysmsJY-00358-00075032-00075159 much more than just saying oh you gotta ipbhBysmsJY-00359-00075160-00075319 live from your heart it's like that's ipbhBysmsJY-00360-00075320-00075471 that's beautiful but kind of hokey ipbhBysmsJY-00361-00075472-00075606 because everyone's like well yeah but ipbhBysmsJY-00362-00075607-00075719 how ipbhBysmsJY-00363-00075720-00075887 and so that's what we want to understand ipbhBysmsJY-00364-00075888-00076087 is that your mind ipbhBysmsJY-00365-00076088-00076319 is like this it's like the ultimate ipbhBysmsJY-00366-00076320-00076543 balancer at a club it is the ultimate ipbhBysmsJY-00367-00076544-00076879 protection device it notices discomfort ipbhBysmsJY-00368-00076880-00077071 in your inner system ipbhBysmsJY-00369-00077072-00077247 and it wants to react to that and so ipbhBysmsJY-00370-00077248-00077399 again the news when you're seeing media ipbhBysmsJY-00371-00077400-00077550 so that leverages that right they show ipbhBysmsJY-00372-00077551-00077687 you something scary ipbhBysmsJY-00373-00077688-00077782 there's a ipbhBysmsJY-00374-00077783-00077967 response and the nervous system like ipbhBysmsJY-00375-00077968-00078238 fear and then the mind is like okay this ipbhBysmsJY-00376-00078239-00078455 is bad here's what we got to do about it ipbhBysmsJY-00377-00078456-00078606 that's at media but that's happening in ipbhBysmsJY-00378-00078607-00078767 our lives every day with our loving ipbhBysmsJY-00379-00078768-00078911 relationships ipbhBysmsJY-00380-00078912-00079031 and honestly the most important ipbhBysmsJY-00381-00079032-00079255 relationship you can have with yourself ipbhBysmsJY-00382-00079256-00079487 around money uh you know around where ipbhBysmsJY-00383-00079488-00079631 you live like ipbhBysmsJY-00384-00079632-00079815 opinions of different cultures and races ipbhBysmsJY-00385-00079816-00080038 and things of that nature and so we ipbhBysmsJY-00386-00080039-00080150 cannot ipbhBysmsJY-00387-00080151-00080415 find peace in that state ipbhBysmsJY-00388-00080416-00080535 and i'll say this then i'll kind of hand ipbhBysmsJY-00389-00080536-00080671 it off to elon what we want to start ipbhBysmsJY-00390-00080672-00080943 looking at is that the mind is being ipbhBysmsJY-00391-00080944-00081335 reactive to a feeling to a sensation ipbhBysmsJY-00392-00081336-00081638 that you're having inside of your body ipbhBysmsJY-00393-00081639-00081831 and it doesn't matter how much willpower ipbhBysmsJY-00394-00081832-00081967 or mindfulness ipbhBysmsJY-00395-00081968-00082215 you place on yourself although it's very ipbhBysmsJY-00396-00082216-00082326 important ipbhBysmsJY-00397-00082327-00082487 it'll help you manage and cope your life ipbhBysmsJY-00398-00082488-00082711 certainly better and even stop ipbhBysmsJY-00399-00082712-00082887 the reenactment process but what we want ipbhBysmsJY-00400-00082888-00083079 to do is we want to learn ipbhBysmsJY-00401-00083080-00083326 how to metabolize ipbhBysmsJY-00402-00083327-00083543 this sensation in the body ipbhBysmsJY-00403-00083544-00083718 okay so if we want to look at trauma ipbhBysmsJY-00404-00083719-00083903 when we're experiencing trauma really ipbhBysmsJY-00405-00083904-00084126 what trauma is is stuck energy in the ipbhBysmsJY-00406-00084127-00084343 body it's like there's a flow of energy ipbhBysmsJY-00407-00084344-00084511 like this experience that's happening ipbhBysmsJY-00408-00084512-00084671 and what we have been conditioned to do ipbhBysmsJY-00409-00084672-00084823 most of us have been conditioned to do ipbhBysmsJY-00410-00084824-00085062 is to stop the flow of that energy it ipbhBysmsJY-00411-00085063-00085191 gets hooked in the system it's actually ipbhBysmsJY-00412-00085192-00085415 like a freeze in our system the mind ipbhBysmsJY-00413-00085416-00085623 looks down and goes uh oh i don't like ipbhBysmsJY-00414-00085624-00085806 that and then it has a program that it ipbhBysmsJY-00415-00085807-00085982 runs that it tries to ipbhBysmsJY-00416-00085983-00086150 react to that situation in order to ipbhBysmsJY-00417-00086151-00086335 create safety again in the system ipbhBysmsJY-00418-00086336-00086606 however whatever program you have ipbhBysmsJY-00419-00086607-00086791 that has been installed you created that ipbhBysmsJY-00420-00086792-00086975 through some kind of conditioning very ipbhBysmsJY-00421-00086976-00087215 very early on in your life most of the ipbhBysmsJY-00422-00087216-00087399 time before you actually can remember ipbhBysmsJY-00423-00087400-00087543 when you did that which makes it even ipbhBysmsJY-00424-00087544-00087743 more challenging to meet it from like ipbhBysmsJY-00425-00087744-00087975 the the you know language therapy type ipbhBysmsJY-00426-00087976-00088079 of space ipbhBysmsJY-00427-00088080-00088182 and so ipbhBysmsJY-00428-00088183-00088367 there is a way ipbhBysmsJY-00429-00088368-00088535 where we don't have to figure that out ipbhBysmsJY-00430-00088536-00088718 anymore we don't have to know why it ipbhBysmsJY-00431-00088719-00088879 happened how it happened whether mom did ipbhBysmsJY-00432-00088880-00089023 that or dad did that or whether this ipbhBysmsJY-00433-00089024-00089191 trauma at what time it happened and ipbhBysmsJY-00434-00089192-00089382 while all that is is ipbhBysmsJY-00435-00089383-00089615 psychologically stimulating for some ipbhBysmsJY-00436-00089616-00089750 some people that find that very painful ipbhBysmsJY-00437-00089751-00089855 for other people it's like oh that's ipbhBysmsJY-00438-00089856-00090038 interesting i know stuff about myself ipbhBysmsJY-00439-00090039-00090247 while that's psychologically interesting ipbhBysmsJY-00440-00090248-00090582 it doesn't help remove this blockage ipbhBysmsJY-00441-00090583-00090767 and so we want to look at because if you ipbhBysmsJY-00442-00090768-00090935 want to if you want to alleviate stress ipbhBysmsJY-00443-00090936-00091159 and anxiety in your life you ipbhBysmsJY-00444-00091160-00091375 want to build a resilient energetic ipbhBysmsJY-00445-00091376-00091606 system a fluid energetic system that ipbhBysmsJY-00446-00091607-00091799 when something hits your nervous system ipbhBysmsJY-00447-00091800-00091982 something hits your energetic body it ipbhBysmsJY-00448-00091983-00092175 comes in you're with the experience and ipbhBysmsJY-00449-00092176-00092335 then it comes out because that's the ipbhBysmsJY-00450-00092336-00092518 natural state of a human being is that ipbhBysmsJY-00451-00092519-00092735 energy flows in and energy flows out ipbhBysmsJY-00452-00092736-00092871 through the conditioning that we have ipbhBysmsJY-00453-00092872-00093071 now kind of perpetrated on ourselves the ipbhBysmsJY-00454-00093072-00093206 energy comes in and then it gets stuck ipbhBysmsJY-00455-00093207-00093350 the energy comes in and gets stuck the ipbhBysmsJY-00456-00093351-00093518 energy comes in and gets stuck ipbhBysmsJY-00457-00093519-00093655 and then this is why you see a lot of ipbhBysmsJY-00458-00093656-00093823 your friends in their 30s and 40s that ipbhBysmsJY-00459-00093824-00094031 were holding it together that are ipbhBysmsJY-00460-00094032-00094279 suddenly having a mid-life crisis ipbhBysmsJY-00461-00094280-00094415 because there's only so much that this ipbhBysmsJY-00462-00094416-00094615 system can contain ipbhBysmsJY-00463-00094616-00094887 right and then it gets too big ipbhBysmsJY-00464-00094888-00095143 and what you're seeing is basically all ipbhBysmsJY-00465-00095144-00095438 the protection mechanisms coming undone ipbhBysmsJY-00466-00095439-00095559 right and it's because they haven't ipbhBysmsJY-00467-00095560-00095726 learned how to metabolize this energy ipbhBysmsJY-00468-00095727-00095887 and it could be like 30 years of this ipbhBysmsJY-00469-00095888-00096015 like ipbhBysmsJY-00470-00096016-00096150 experience right imagine if you've had ipbhBysmsJY-00471-00096151-00096326 like asthma for 30 years you've kind of ipbhBysmsJY-00472-00096327-00096487 like contained it and managed it but ipbhBysmsJY-00473-00096488-00096631 eventually like i don't have energy for ipbhBysmsJY-00474-00096632-00096887 this anymore and the body starts like ipbhBysmsJY-00475-00096888-00097062 kind of releasing it and it and a lot of ipbhBysmsJY-00476-00097063-00097182 people get overwhelmed because they ipbhBysmsJY-00477-00097183-00097406 start feeling things that they thought ipbhBysmsJY-00478-00097407-00097615 they never had to feel before ipbhBysmsJY-00479-00097616-00097791 and so what we want to learn through ipbhBysmsJY-00480-00097792-00097918 these practices and through this ipbhBysmsJY-00481-00097919-00098150 meditation that we mentioned early on ipbhBysmsJY-00482-00098151-00098550 is hey i need to have a practice ipbhBysmsJY-00483-00098551-00098774 and it's what we call like energetic ipbhBysmsJY-00484-00098775-00098974 cleansing or um what's the word i'm ipbhBysmsJY-00485-00098975-00099126 looking for here bro ipbhBysmsJY-00486-00099127-00099262 uh ipbhBysmsJY-00487-00099263-00099455 energetic hygiene yeah like energetic ipbhBysmsJY-00488-00099456-00099599 hygiene like the same way you take a ipbhBysmsJY-00489-00099600-00099759 bath or a shower every single day to ipbhBysmsJY-00490-00099760-00099967 clean your physical body guess what you ipbhBysmsJY-00491-00099968-00100167 have an energetic body ipbhBysmsJY-00492-00100168-00100326 and if it hasn't been cleansed in 30 or ipbhBysmsJY-00493-00100327-00100559 40 years you haven't done the work to ipbhBysmsJY-00494-00100560-00100759 get that hygiene ipbhBysmsJY-00495-00100760-00100935 you're gonna feel a lot of stress and ipbhBysmsJY-00496-00100936-00101135 anxiety in your life because there's too ipbhBysmsJY-00497-00101136-00101223 much ipbhBysmsJY-00498-00101224-00101431 stuck energy in the body and so the mind ipbhBysmsJY-00499-00101432-00101726 is like on like overreacting to ipbhBysmsJY-00500-00101727-00101911 everything and every other little ipbhBysmsJY-00501-00101912-00102079 stimulus that hits that nervous system ipbhBysmsJY-00502-00102080-00102247 and makes it afraid ipbhBysmsJY-00503-00102248-00102486 it's just another peg another peg more ipbhBysmsJY-00504-00102488-00102751 pressure more this more that more this ipbhBysmsJY-00505-00102752-00102951 and i don't know about you but it's very ipbhBysmsJY-00506-00102952-00103151 difficult to make choices in our life ipbhBysmsJY-00507-00103152-00103302 that are good for us ipbhBysmsJY-00508-00103303-00103430 when we're stuck in our fight or flight ipbhBysmsJY-00509-00103431-00103575 response i want you to imagine like if ipbhBysmsJY-00510-00103576-00103766 you were trying to outrun a mountain ipbhBysmsJY-00511-00103767-00103847 lion ipbhBysmsJY-00512-00103848-00104086 and someone was like like okay uh now ipbhBysmsJY-00513-00104088-00104239 make a choice about your investments ipbhBysmsJY-00514-00104240-00104358 make a choice about what you're gonna do ipbhBysmsJY-00515-00104359-00104527 with your life or your career you know ipbhBysmsJY-00516-00104528-00104686 or are you gonna be in this relationship ipbhBysmsJY-00517-00104688-00104878 but and that is kind of what's happening ipbhBysmsJY-00518-00104879-00105095 to people it's like their consciousness ipbhBysmsJY-00519-00105096-00105263 is all over the place trying to figure ipbhBysmsJY-00520-00105264-00105423 out how to create safety and in the ipbhBysmsJY-00521-00105424-00105551 meantime they still have to live their ipbhBysmsJY-00522-00105552-00105751 lives and make choices ipbhBysmsJY-00523-00105752-00106007 in contrast if you could metabolize that ipbhBysmsJY-00524-00106008-00106175 energy ipbhBysmsJY-00525-00106176-00106463 bring the body to a more rested state ipbhBysmsJY-00526-00106464-00106758 relax and make choices for yourself from ipbhBysmsJY-00527-00106759-00106895 that place ipbhBysmsJY-00528-00106896-00107086 could you find that it would be ipbhBysmsJY-00529-00107088-00107407 easier or you would make better choices ipbhBysmsJY-00530-00107408-00107599 and then last point here is that organic ipbhBysmsJY-00531-00107600-00107815 hologram that thing we call reality is ipbhBysmsJY-00532-00107816-00108039 actually in a relationship with your ipbhBysmsJY-00533-00108040-00108247 energy output from your body ipbhBysmsJY-00534-00108248-00108463 and so stress anxiety flight or flight ipbhBysmsJY-00535-00108464-00108590 responses ipbhBysmsJY-00536-00108591-00108886 up regulated nervous system all this has ipbhBysmsJY-00537-00108888-00108966 a ipbhBysmsJY-00538-00108967-00109215 frequency and this is not spiritual ipbhBysmsJY-00539-00109216-00109423 here this is science fact i'm ipbhBysmsJY-00540-00109424-00109583 telling you right ipbhBysmsJY-00541-00109583-00109766 and so if we want to ipbhBysmsJY-00542-00109767-00109958 shift our experience if we want to see ipbhBysmsJY-00543-00109959-00110095 reality ipbhBysmsJY-00544-00110096-00110334 reform itself in a new way that reality ipbhBysmsJY-00545-00110335-00110558 is basically waiting for your frequency ipbhBysmsJY-00546-00110559-00110799 your vibration your output signal to ipbhBysmsJY-00547-00110800-00111039 change and it will meet it perfectly ipbhBysmsJY-00548-00111040-00111215 with whatever that signal is what we ipbhBysmsJY-00549-00111216-00111351 want to get curious about is how do i ipbhBysmsJY-00550-00111352-00111495 change that signal how do i change that ipbhBysmsJY-00551-00111496-00111647 frequency ipbhBysmsJY-00552-00111648-00111910 so right now just uh let me know in the ipbhBysmsJY-00553-00111911-00112110 comment box so i saw some of you guys ipbhBysmsJY-00554-00112111-00112239 already put the ipbhBysmsJY-00555-00112240-00112439 the scale of where you're at ipbhBysmsJY-00556-00112440-00112551 so now ipbhBysmsJY-00557-00112552-00112847 next phase is ipbhBysmsJY-00558-00112848-00113175 take a look in your body ipbhBysmsJY-00559-00113176-00113319 okay i'm just gonna ipbhBysmsJY-00560-00113320-00113495 instruct you have awareness move into ipbhBysmsJY-00561-00113496-00113943 your body and see if you can feel where ipbhBysmsJY-00562-00113944-00114151 there might be a constraint ipbhBysmsJY-00563-00114152-00114454 where there might be a ipbhBysmsJY-00564-00114455-00114663 discomfort something maybe it's a ipbhBysmsJY-00565-00114664-00114910 squeeze maybe it's a heaviness ipbhBysmsJY-00566-00114911-00115158 maybe it's a poking or prodding ipbhBysmsJY-00567-00115159-00115415 just see if you can get more in tune ipbhBysmsJY-00568-00115416-00115727 with where in the body ipbhBysmsJY-00569-00115728-00115863 this ipbhBysmsJY-00570-00115864-00116039 stress or anxiety i'm going to put that ipbhBysmsJY-00571-00116040-00116399 in quotes the stress and anxiety lives ipbhBysmsJY-00572-00116400-00116566 and just let me know in the comment box ipbhBysmsJY-00573-00116567-00116751 as we're kind of uh ipbhBysmsJY-00574-00116752-00117023 investigating this together ipbhBysmsJY-00575-00117024-00117190 and what i want to offer as you're doing ipbhBysmsJY-00576-00117191-00117486 that is ipbhBysmsJY-00577-00117488-00117683 stress and ipbhBysmsJY-00578-00117683-00117975 anxiety and i'll read some out so sierra ipbhBysmsJY-00579-00117976-00118199 welcome by the way sierra sierra says ipbhBysmsJY-00580-00118200-00118431 next shoulders base of head excellent ipbhBysmsJY-00581-00118432-00118702 really really beautiful awareness ipbhBysmsJY-00582-00118703-00119095 dan says spleen and heart beautiful ipbhBysmsJY-00583-00119096-00119415 dana says my throat ipbhBysmsJY-00584-00119416-00119734 tiffany stomach heart head throat ipbhBysmsJY-00585-00119735-00120007 really good throat chest ipbhBysmsJY-00586-00120008-00120231 very nice leslie ipbhBysmsJY-00587-00120232-00120375 veronique heart ipbhBysmsJY-00588-00120376-00120486 okay ipbhBysmsJY-00589-00120488-00120695 beautiful really really great awareness ipbhBysmsJY-00590-00120696-00120854 and really really great practice that ipbhBysmsJY-00591-00120855-00121078 you guys are able to notice that ipbhBysmsJY-00592-00121079-00121231 chest shoulders and neck i don't know ipbhBysmsJY-00593-00121232-00121495 who that said that but um that was kerry ipbhBysmsJY-00594-00121496-00121607 from gran ipbhBysmsJY-00595-00121608-00121831 okay cool oh carrie welcome ipbhBysmsJY-00596-00121832-00122102 um ipbhBysmsJY-00597-00122103-00122271 now here's what what's actually ipbhBysmsJY-00598-00122272-00122366 happening ipbhBysmsJY-00599-00122367-00122671 okay ipbhBysmsJY-00600-00122672-00122958 you just witnessed that sensations with ipbhBysmsJY-00601-00122959-00123143 your awareness ipbhBysmsJY-00602-00123144-00123351 your mind ipbhBysmsJY-00603-00123352-00123663 is a super hyper vigilant ipbhBysmsJY-00604-00123664-00123807 tool ipbhBysmsJY-00605-00123808-00124039 and it is always trying to figure out ipbhBysmsJY-00606-00124040-00124239 what in your surroundings ipbhBysmsJY-00607-00124240-00124486 is scary or unsafe ipbhBysmsJY-00608-00124488-00124751 and what in your body ipbhBysmsJY-00609-00124752-00124910 it deems ipbhBysmsJY-00610-00124911-00125143 as not good i'm just going to label that ipbhBysmsJY-00611-00125144-00125302 not even like ipbhBysmsJY-00612-00125303-00125390 now ipbhBysmsJY-00613-00125391-00125631 words like stress and anxiety are ipbhBysmsJY-00614-00125632-00126127 inventions of human mind ipbhBysmsJY-00615-00126128-00126319 you guys get that like ipbhBysmsJY-00616-00126320-00126583 imagine you were a society or a culture ipbhBysmsJY-00617-00126583-00126839 that had no words ipbhBysmsJY-00618-00126840-00127166 such as stress and anxiety ipbhBysmsJY-00619-00127167-00127439 and you needed to explain ipbhBysmsJY-00620-00127440-00127799 your experience to someone else ipbhBysmsJY-00621-00127800-00127871 so ipbhBysmsJY-00622-00127872-00128014 notice how like ipbhBysmsJY-00623-00128015-00128214 in in all the things that i read right ipbhBysmsJY-00624-00128215-00128390 there's people are having things in ipbhBysmsJY-00625-00128391-00128566 their stomach some in their heart some ipbhBysmsJY-00626-00128567-00128671 in their ipbhBysmsJY-00627-00128672-00128863 shoulder or some in their chest some ipbhBysmsJY-00628-00128864-00129078 like all over right ipbhBysmsJY-00629-00129079-00129358 but notice that we all call all of those ipbhBysmsJY-00630-00129359-00129647 experiences have all fallen under stress ipbhBysmsJY-00631-00129648-00129790 and anxiety ipbhBysmsJY-00632-00129791-00130039 i'm stressed i'm anxious ipbhBysmsJY-00633-00130040-00130278 right and then when you meet someone and ipbhBysmsJY-00634-00130279-00130502 you're like they're like how are you i'm ipbhBysmsJY-00635-00130503-00130790 fine no no like how are you really ipbhBysmsJY-00636-00130791-00130902 you're like you know what i'm really ipbhBysmsJY-00637-00130903-00131047 stressed out ipbhBysmsJY-00638-00131048-00131447 and they're like me too ipbhBysmsJY-00639-00131448-00131671 meanwhile your stress is ipbhBysmsJY-00640-00131672-00131863 a crazy amount of sensation in your ipbhBysmsJY-00641-00131864-00132102 stomach like like stuff is just moving ipbhBysmsJY-00642-00132103-00132319 in there like constant indigestion and ipbhBysmsJY-00643-00132320-00132527 this other person that you're talking to ipbhBysmsJY-00644-00132528-00132783 they're stressed out but they have ipbhBysmsJY-00645-00132784-00132990 really really tight neck but you guys ipbhBysmsJY-00646-00132991-00133095 think you're talking about the same ipbhBysmsJY-00647-00133096-00133566 thing ipbhBysmsJY-00648-00133567-00133854 let that sink in for a second notice how ipbhBysmsJY-00649-00133855-00134183 two completely different sensations ipbhBysmsJY-00650-00134184-00134383 into completely different places of the ipbhBysmsJY-00651-00134384-00134471 body ipbhBysmsJY-00652-00134472-00134895 but we all label that stress and anxiety ipbhBysmsJY-00653-00134896-00135078 is this making sense are you guys with ipbhBysmsJY-00654-00135079-00135287 me as as i'm just sharing this with you ipbhBysmsJY-00655-00135288-00135447 guys let me know in the comment box if ipbhBysmsJY-00656-00135448-00135911 uh if you're tracking this ipbhBysmsJY-00657-00135912-00136143 so what we want to get really kind of ipbhBysmsJY-00658-00136144-00136375 down and dirty around is stress and ipbhBysmsJY-00659-00136376-00136551 anxiety ipbhBysmsJY-00660-00136552-00136666 is a ipbhBysmsJY-00661-00136667-00136823 nonsensical ipbhBysmsJY-00662-00136824-00137095 label ipbhBysmsJY-00663-00137096-00137311 created by i'm not going to go down this ipbhBysmsJY-00664-00137312-00137590 whole rabbit hole right but created by ipbhBysmsJY-00665-00137591-00137790 people that want to send you sell you a ipbhBysmsJY-00666-00137791-00137951 bunch of ipbhBysmsJY-00667-00137952-00138454 to numb your stress and anxiety ipbhBysmsJY-00668-00138455-00138590 right like ipbhBysmsJY-00669-00138591-00138823 if we can just label something then we ipbhBysmsJY-00670-00138824-00139031 can go and create ipbhBysmsJY-00671-00139032-00139247 some sort of ipbhBysmsJY-00672-00139248-00139447 thing and it could be ipbhBysmsJY-00673-00139448-00139614 anything from ipbhBysmsJY-00674-00139615-00139911 thc to cbd to ipbhBysmsJY-00675-00139912-00140159 prescription pills to alcohol to ipbhBysmsJY-00676-00140160-00140319 cigarettes to ipbhBysmsJY-00677-00140320-00140687 workout routines to meditation to ipbhBysmsJY-00678-00140688-00140887 heal your stress ipbhBysmsJY-00679-00140888-00141063 one big label that we're gonna like try ipbhBysmsJY-00680-00141064-00141231 to knock out ipbhBysmsJY-00681-00141232-00141414 but the truth is everyone's stress and ipbhBysmsJY-00682-00141415-00141671 everyone's anxiety is felt entirely ipbhBysmsJY-00683-00141672-00141871 different ipbhBysmsJY-00684-00141872-00142047 so if we can get underneath that right ipbhBysmsJY-00685-00142048-00142319 like let's remove this label ipbhBysmsJY-00686-00142320-00142414 because ipbhBysmsJY-00687-00142415-00142551 labels ipbhBysmsJY-00688-00142552-00142854 stop curiosity ipbhBysmsJY-00689-00142855-00143054 if you label something like oh it's ipbhBysmsJY-00690-00143055-00143287 stress then that's it it's stress and ipbhBysmsJY-00691-00143288-00143478 now all you're investigating is what is ipbhBysmsJY-00692-00143479-00143695 the thing that i can put in my body as ipbhBysmsJY-00693-00143696-00143990 quick as humanly possible to alleviate ipbhBysmsJY-00694-00143991-00144311 stress ipbhBysmsJY-00695-00144312-00144671 and notice the phrasing to alleviate ipbhBysmsJY-00696-00144672-00144766 stress ipbhBysmsJY-00697-00144767-00144863 is it ipbhBysmsJY-00698-00144864-00145159 to make stress go away ipbhBysmsJY-00699-00145160-00145431 is it to make stress disappear from my ipbhBysmsJY-00700-00145432-00145678 body forever no alleviate is like ipbhBysmsJY-00701-00145679-00145854 i'm gonna put a band-aid on it for a ipbhBysmsJY-00702-00145855-00146095 little while so i can go about my day ipbhBysmsJY-00703-00146096-00146287 and perform and do the things that i ipbhBysmsJY-00704-00146288-00146471 need to do and ipbhBysmsJY-00705-00146472-00146599 not ipbhBysmsJY-00706-00146600-00146823 feel this thing ipbhBysmsJY-00707-00146824-00147135 that i have labeled stress ipbhBysmsJY-00708-00147136-00147471 okay now what happens ipbhBysmsJY-00709-00147472-00147639 after ipbhBysmsJY-00710-00147640-00147919 you alleviate stress and it goes away ipbhBysmsJY-00711-00147920-00148151 for a while maybe you took it ipbhBysmsJY-00712-00148152-00148399 you know you smoke you drank you ran you ipbhBysmsJY-00713-00148400-00148735 exercised you ate you you did whatever ipbhBysmsJY-00714-00148736-00148911 right like we all have our various ipbhBysmsJY-00715-00148912-00149214 coping mechanisms but what inevitably ipbhBysmsJY-00716-00149215-00149390 happens ipbhBysmsJY-00717-00149391-00149614 once the alleviation is gone you know in ipbhBysmsJY-00718-00149615-00149911 a matter of hours or the next day ipbhBysmsJY-00719-00149912-00150119 what exactly sierra thank you for being ipbhBysmsJY-00720-00150120-00150583 with me inevitably it comes back ipbhBysmsJY-00721-00150584-00150783 and isn't it true you guys let me know ipbhBysmsJY-00722-00150784-00151014 in the comment box isn't it true that it ipbhBysmsJY-00723-00151015-00151119 always ipbhBysmsJY-00724-00151120-00151359 comes back ipbhBysmsJY-00725-00151360-00151623 like have you figured out some coping ipbhBysmsJY-00726-00151624-00151823 mechanism that has actually ipbhBysmsJY-00727-00151824-00152102 removed the sensation in your neck or ipbhBysmsJY-00728-00152103-00152343 removed the sensation in your head or ipbhBysmsJY-00729-00152344-00152599 removed the sensation in your heart or ipbhBysmsJY-00730-00152600-00153183 remove the sensation in your stomach ipbhBysmsJY-00731-00153184-00153439 right so yeah it always ipbhBysmsJY-00732-00153440-00153726 comes back ipbhBysmsJY-00733-00153727-00153799 so ipbhBysmsJY-00734-00153800-00153959 i'm again i just want to make ipbhBysmsJY-00735-00153960-00154135 distinctions so we can kind of like talk ipbhBysmsJY-00736-00154136-00154383 about what's actually there right ipbhBysmsJY-00737-00154384-00154663 what most people look for because we are ipbhBysmsJY-00738-00154664-00154990 very um ipbhBysmsJY-00739-00154991-00155199 we want results immediately right like ipbhBysmsJY-00740-00155200-00155478 we're a human society that wants results ipbhBysmsJY-00741-00155479-00155902 yesterday so ipbhBysmsJY-00742-00155903-00156183 what we're always looking for is the ipbhBysmsJY-00743-00156184-00156302 shortest ipbhBysmsJY-00744-00156303-00156399 path ipbhBysmsJY-00745-00156400-00156623 to alleviate the thing that we are ipbhBysmsJY-00746-00156624-00156883 dealing with we're not actually looking ipbhBysmsJY-00747-00156884-00157214 for an actual path ipbhBysmsJY-00748-00157215-00157543 that can heal ipbhBysmsJY-00749-00157544-00157790 the cause the root cause that is ipbhBysmsJY-00750-00157791-00158023 actually creating ipbhBysmsJY-00751-00158024-00158278 this problem for example people that ipbhBysmsJY-00752-00158279-00158511 suffer with like stomach issues right ipbhBysmsJY-00753-00158512-00158871 indigestion acid reflux etc what do most ipbhBysmsJY-00754-00158872-00159031 people do ipbhBysmsJY-00755-00159032-00159175 they go to a doctor they say hey i'm ipbhBysmsJY-00756-00159176-00159407 suffering from acid reflux what does the ipbhBysmsJY-00757-00159408-00159559 doctor do ipbhBysmsJY-00758-00159560-00159719 does he ever have any sort of ipbhBysmsJY-00759-00159720-00159871 conversation about ipbhBysmsJY-00760-00159872-00160054 well let's take a look at where this ipbhBysmsJY-00761-00160055-00160247 acid reflux comes from ipbhBysmsJY-00762-00160248-00160519 no what do they do they go uh yeah take ipbhBysmsJY-00763-00160520-00160631 two of these ipbhBysmsJY-00764-00160632-00160759 once a day ipbhBysmsJY-00765-00160760-00160975 and you'll be good ipbhBysmsJY-00766-00160976-00161175 meaning i've just given you an internal ipbhBysmsJY-00767-00161176-00161335 band-aid that as long as you take this ipbhBysmsJY-00768-00161336-00161519 internal band-aid ipbhBysmsJY-00769-00161520-00161799 for the rest of your life um you will be ipbhBysmsJY-00770-00161800-00161999 just fine ipbhBysmsJY-00771-00162000-00162175 oh did we mention that it has all sorts ipbhBysmsJY-00772-00162176-00162302 of other side effects oh no we're not ipbhBysmsJY-00773-00162303-00162431 going to talk about that let's just ipbhBysmsJY-00774-00162432-00162911 let's just help you with what you need ipbhBysmsJY-00775-00162912-00163151 versus if you went to like a functional ipbhBysmsJY-00776-00163152-00163407 medicine doctor who actually cared right ipbhBysmsJY-00777-00163408-00163559 like this person is going to be like ipbhBysmsJY-00778-00163560-00163743 okay well let's look at where you're ipbhBysmsJY-00779-00163744-00163895 eating ipbhBysmsJY-00780-00163896-00164063 what's your diet what's your exercise ipbhBysmsJY-00781-00164064-00164247 regimen have you noticed that maybe ipbhBysmsJY-00782-00164248-00164414 there's a certain time of day that this ipbhBysmsJY-00783-00164415-00164638 happens or certain activities that ipbhBysmsJY-00784-00164639-00164902 you're in that make this activate right ipbhBysmsJY-00785-00164903-00165151 and they get curious right because we're ipbhBysmsJY-00786-00165152-00165375 not labeling we're getting curious ipbhBysmsJY-00787-00165376-00165799 all this to say this ipbhBysmsJY-00788-00165800-00165911 if ipbhBysmsJY-00789-00165912-00166135 you got curious ipbhBysmsJY-00790-00166136-00166471 about the sensation in your heart ipbhBysmsJY-00791-00166472-00166743 about the sensation in your stomach ipbhBysmsJY-00792-00166744-00166975 about the sensation in your neck ipbhBysmsJY-00793-00166976-00167231 about the sensation in your throat ipbhBysmsJY-00794-00167232-00167407 and instead of ipbhBysmsJY-00795-00167408-00167735 having the mind which has deemed all of ipbhBysmsJY-00796-00167736-00167911 those things by the way from the time ipbhBysmsJY-00797-00167912-00168083 you were very very young as very ipbhBysmsJY-00798-00168084-00168366 dangerous and very very bad very ipbhBysmsJY-00799-00168367-00168495 uncomfortable ipbhBysmsJY-00800-00168496-00168607 very bad ipbhBysmsJY-00801-00168608-00168895 so every time it even perks up just a ipbhBysmsJY-00802-00168896-00169031 bit ipbhBysmsJY-00803-00169032-00169238 the mind looks down immediately and goes ipbhBysmsJY-00804-00169239-00169447 nope can't have that ipbhBysmsJY-00805-00169448-00169671 and then automatically takes you to ipbhBysmsJY-00806-00169672-00169935 whatever coping mechanism you have ipbhBysmsJY-00807-00169936-00170047 deemed ipbhBysmsJY-00808-00170048-00170190 works ipbhBysmsJY-00809-00170191-00170511 and you will continue to do that ipbhBysmsJY-00810-00170512-00170790 here's the best part ipbhBysmsJY-00811-00170791-00171078 this sensation that got trapped inside ipbhBysmsJY-00812-00171079-00171214 you know that that phrase what you ipbhBysmsJY-00813-00171215-00171454 resist persist right so if we resist ipbhBysmsJY-00814-00171455-00171687 something like like your throat is ipbhBysmsJY-00815-00171688-00171926 starting to trying to talk to you ipbhBysmsJY-00816-00171927-00172111 okay it's trying to say something and ipbhBysmsJY-00817-00172112-00172431 you go no not now ipbhBysmsJY-00818-00172432-00172607 your heart is trying to communicate ipbhBysmsJY-00819-00172608-00172766 something with you and your mind goes ipbhBysmsJY-00820-00172767-00173038 nope not now ipbhBysmsJY-00821-00173039-00173214 your stomach is trying to communicate ipbhBysmsJY-00822-00173215-00173495 and you go nope not now ipbhBysmsJY-00823-00173496-00173735 i would rather take the pill i'd rather ipbhBysmsJY-00824-00173736-00173919 drink a glass of wine i would rather ipbhBysmsJY-00825-00173920-00174159 take a hit i'd rather do whatever ipbhBysmsJY-00826-00174160-00174359 and numb this thing so i don't have to ipbhBysmsJY-00827-00174360-00174543 feel it ipbhBysmsJY-00828-00174544-00174711 if instead ipbhBysmsJY-00829-00174712-00175023 you gained tools ipbhBysmsJY-00830-00175024-00175254 that allowed you to actually sit with ipbhBysmsJY-00831-00175255-00175478 that sensation ipbhBysmsJY-00832-00175479-00175807 in a state of curiosity ipbhBysmsJY-00833-00175808-00175959 not in a state of trying to make you go ipbhBysmsJY-00834-00175960-00176063 away ipbhBysmsJY-00835-00176064-00176271 not in a straight of trying to make it ipbhBysmsJY-00836-00176272-00176535 less or alleviate it in any way shape or ipbhBysmsJY-00837-00176536-00176743 form but just ipbhBysmsJY-00838-00176744-00176935 simply ipbhBysmsJY-00839-00176936-00177047 watching ipbhBysmsJY-00840-00177048-00177254 with a place like from a place of ipbhBysmsJY-00841-00177255-00177431 curiosity ipbhBysmsJY-00842-00177432-00177599 you will find that the most magical ipbhBysmsJY-00843-00177600-00177807 thing happen ipbhBysmsJY-00844-00177808-00178054 instead of the resistance which has kept ipbhBysmsJY-00845-00178055-00178319 this thing locked in your body ipbhBysmsJY-00846-00178320-00178543 you are now just witnessing ipbhBysmsJY-00847-00178544-00178766 and where this thing just keeps moving ipbhBysmsJY-00848-00178767-00178999 and changing and shifting right like the ipbhBysmsJY-00849-00179000-00179278 sensation keeps shifting and we're not ipbhBysmsJY-00850-00179279-00179438 going to label it overwhelm and we're ipbhBysmsJY-00851-00179439-00179607 not going to label it anxiety we're just ipbhBysmsJY-00852-00179608-00179799 going to notice oh look there's this ipbhBysmsJY-00853-00179800-00180047 bubbling in my stomach ipbhBysmsJY-00854-00180048-00180295 there's a tightening in my throat ipbhBysmsJY-00855-00180296-00180447 there's a little pinch ipbhBysmsJY-00856-00180448-00180687 in my heart it's kind of like ipbhBysmsJY-00857-00180688-00180926 swirling in almost i can notice it and ipbhBysmsJY-00858-00180927-00181135 it's not even just in my heart if i'm ipbhBysmsJY-00859-00181136-00181311 getting really curious i can notice that ipbhBysmsJY-00860-00181312-00181471 it's kind of on the ipbhBysmsJY-00861-00181472-00181559 back ipbhBysmsJY-00862-00181560-00181743 right part of my heart ipbhBysmsJY-00863-00181744-00181926 oh and look now as i'm watching you go ipbhBysmsJY-00864-00181927-00182087 in the back right part of my heart i can ipbhBysmsJY-00865-00182088-00182319 actually feel it almost move down into ipbhBysmsJY-00866-00182320-00182559 my solar plexus ipbhBysmsJY-00867-00182560-00182790 and my stomach and you just keep ipbhBysmsJY-00868-00182791-00182959 watching ipbhBysmsJY-00869-00182960-00183095 and energy ipbhBysmsJY-00870-00183096-00183295 just like energy and life wants to do ipbhBysmsJY-00871-00183296-00183711 one thing it wants to keep moving ipbhBysmsJY-00872-00183712-00183926 emotion energy ipbhBysmsJY-00873-00183927-00184102 in motion ipbhBysmsJY-00874-00184103-00184263 it wants to move ipbhBysmsJY-00875-00184264-00184502 if you allow it and the most wonderful ipbhBysmsJY-00876-00184503-00184663 thing happens when you allow energy to ipbhBysmsJY-00877-00184664-00184902 move can you guys guess what that is ipbhBysmsJY-00878-00184903-00185014 what do you think is going to happen if ipbhBysmsJY-00879-00185015-00185247 you actually allow this energy without ipbhBysmsJY-00880-00185248-00185454 labeling without trying to fix it ipbhBysmsJY-00881-00185455-00185663 without trying to make it go away what ipbhBysmsJY-00882-00185664-00185854 do you actually think ipbhBysmsJY-00883-00185855-00186750 would happen to that energy ipbhBysmsJY-00884-00186751-00188071 this is like the the jeopardy part ipbhBysmsJY-00885-00188072-00188150 yeah ipbhBysmsJY-00886-00188151-00188366 so alistair says metabolizes we'll wait ipbhBysmsJY-00887-00188367-00188623 for for a couple more ipbhBysmsJY-00888-00188624-00188990 um ipbhBysmsJY-00889-00188991-00189166 and yes whoever asked about acute ipbhBysmsJY-00890-00189167-00189495 emotional pain yes absolutely ipbhBysmsJY-00891-00189496-00189638 and i don't know what that means could i ipbhBysmsJY-00892-00189639-00189990 use it for something else but ipbhBysmsJY-00893-00189991-00190254 any any sensation in the body like yeah ipbhBysmsJY-00894-00190255-00190407 so move out of your body work through ipbhBysmsJY-00895-00190408-00190543 the body exactly ipbhBysmsJY-00896-00190544-00190654 now ipbhBysmsJY-00897-00190655-00190959 we spoke about the root cause ipbhBysmsJY-00898-00190960-00191078 right so if ipbhBysmsJY-00899-00191079-00191311 when we were treating the label ipbhBysmsJY-00900-00191312-00191526 we were taking the pill to alleviate it ipbhBysmsJY-00901-00191527-00191702 which numbed it and the thing always ipbhBysmsJY-00902-00191703-00191831 comes back right that's what we were ipbhBysmsJY-00903-00191832-00192071 saying now if we actually allow the ipbhBysmsJY-00904-00192072-00192207 energy to move through guess what ipbhBysmsJY-00905-00192208-00192375 happens ipbhBysmsJY-00906-00192376-00192607 it disappears ipbhBysmsJY-00907-00192608-00192759 it's gone ipbhBysmsJY-00908-00192760-00192926 the root cause ipbhBysmsJY-00909-00192927-00193223 that has your mind look down and go oh ipbhBysmsJY-00910-00193224-00193502 no this can't happen we gotta fix this ipbhBysmsJY-00911-00193503-00193775 is gone and guess what you're left with ipbhBysmsJY-00912-00193776-00193990 when the mind doesn't have to keep ipbhBysmsJY-00913-00193991-00194263 looking down and trying to sort out ipbhBysmsJY-00914-00194264-00194511 how to alleviate your stress all the ipbhBysmsJY-00915-00194512-00194943 time ipbhBysmsJY-00916-00194944-00195199 can you hear that little bit of peace ipbhBysmsJY-00917-00195200-00195854 and quiet up there ipbhBysmsJY-00918-00195855-00196047 that part that doesn't need to kind of ipbhBysmsJY-00919-00196048-00196166 constantly ipbhBysmsJY-00920-00196167-00196495 fiddle and metal and figure stuff out ipbhBysmsJY-00921-00196496-00196654 it disappears ipbhBysmsJY-00922-00196655-00196975 when the root cause that had it activate ipbhBysmsJY-00923-00196976-00197126 in the first place ipbhBysmsJY-00924-00197127-00197478 is gone ipbhBysmsJY-00925-00197479-00197663 and when you're thinking of like i want ipbhBysmsJY-00926-00197664-00197807 to ipbhBysmsJY-00927-00197808-00198038 transform anxiety and stress ipbhBysmsJY-00928-00198039-00198319 really like what are we talking about ipbhBysmsJY-00929-00198320-00198519 isn't that the ultimate goal if i said ipbhBysmsJY-00930-00198520-00198711 to every single one of you like at the ipbhBysmsJY-00931-00198712-00199054 end and then of all of it i think all of ipbhBysmsJY-00932-00199055-00199271 us would say like what i would love more ipbhBysmsJY-00933-00199272-00199454 in my life ipbhBysmsJY-00934-00199455-00199726 is moments of peace ipbhBysmsJY-00935-00199727-00199999 and calm ipbhBysmsJY-00936-00200000-00200150 those moments you know i spoke to my ipbhBysmsJY-00937-00200151-00200254 daughter ipbhBysmsJY-00938-00200255-00200559 um about a conversation similar to this ipbhBysmsJY-00939-00200560-00200743 she loves to write she loves to write ipbhBysmsJY-00940-00200744-00200902 songs she loves to draw and things like ipbhBysmsJY-00941-00200903-00201126 that and then we were also talking about ipbhBysmsJY-00942-00201127-00201319 how active this gets when it's like ipbhBysmsJY-00943-00201320-00201519 trying to figure stuff out right ipbhBysmsJY-00944-00201520-00201719 and i said when do you feel at most ipbhBysmsJY-00945-00201720-00201959 peace and in most calm she said ipbhBysmsJY-00946-00201960-00202102 when i'm writing ipbhBysmsJY-00947-00202103-00202238 or when i'm ipbhBysmsJY-00948-00202239-00202463 when i'm writing when i'm dancing or ipbhBysmsJY-00949-00202464-00202678 when i'm doing art ipbhBysmsJY-00950-00202679-00202847 and i was like exactly and you know what ipbhBysmsJY-00951-00202848-00202975 i realized ipbhBysmsJY-00952-00202976-00203143 every single one of us from the time we ipbhBysmsJY-00953-00203144-00203463 were so so small ipbhBysmsJY-00954-00203464-00203678 always looked for ways ipbhBysmsJY-00955-00203679-00204159 to find those quiet spaces ipbhBysmsJY-00956-00204160-00204343 like from a time that we were very very ipbhBysmsJY-00957-00204344-00204583 young we gravitated towards things ipbhBysmsJY-00958-00204584-00204942 whether it's sports art literature ipbhBysmsJY-00959-00204944-00205294 cooking painting sewing whatever ipbhBysmsJY-00960-00205296-00205558 because in those moments we lost ipbhBysmsJY-00961-00205559-00205751 ourselves right like even knows the ipbhBysmsJY-00962-00205752-00206031 language like i lost myself in there ipbhBysmsJY-00963-00206032-00206310 time disappears the voice in your head ipbhBysmsJY-00964-00206311-00206575 disappears this other voice comes online ipbhBysmsJY-00965-00206576-00206727 right that like ipbhBysmsJY-00966-00206728-00206942 is insightful and intuitive and ipbhBysmsJY-00967-00206944-00207151 beautiful and quiet ipbhBysmsJY-00968-00207152-00207358 and all this like we seek this out from ipbhBysmsJY-00969-00207359-00207566 a very very young age ipbhBysmsJY-00970-00207567-00207742 we just don't know ipbhBysmsJY-00971-00207744-00207894 how to get it ipbhBysmsJY-00972-00207896-00208206 and this like the work that we do here ipbhBysmsJY-00973-00208207-00208503 i'm i honestly don't give a ipbhBysmsJY-00974-00208504-00208679 to give you another management ipbhBysmsJY-00975-00208680-00208998 alleviation tool i don't care ipbhBysmsJY-00976-00209000-00209231 you know why because you'll come back ipbhBysmsJY-00977-00209232-00209375 or you won't come back because you'll be ipbhBysmsJY-00978-00209376-00209534 like oh i try this other thing and it ipbhBysmsJY-00979-00209535-00209694 doesn't work ipbhBysmsJY-00980-00209696-00209855 just like you've done a million times ipbhBysmsJY-00981-00209856-00210046 before ipbhBysmsJY-00982-00210048-00210294 we're interested in you actually ipbhBysmsJY-00983-00210296-00210615 being able to liberate ipbhBysmsJY-00984-00210616-00210855 these emotions ipbhBysmsJY-00985-00210856-00211255 allow them to move through ipbhBysmsJY-00986-00211256-00211446 right the only way out is through and ipbhBysmsJY-00987-00211448-00211663 once they move through ipbhBysmsJY-00988-00211664-00212142 you have that level of freedom ipbhBysmsJY-00989-00212144-00212319 peace ipbhBysmsJY-00990-00212319-00212471 ease ipbhBysmsJY-00991-00212471-00212679 and from that place ipbhBysmsJY-00992-00212680-00213063 you get to create something new ipbhBysmsJY-00993-00213064-00213334 so how's that all land ipbhBysmsJY-00994-00213335-00213758 for everyone how's that kind of ipbhBysmsJY-00995-00213759-00214071 landing as you let that kind of marinate ipbhBysmsJY-00996-00214071-00214303 on you and then ipbhBysmsJY-00997-00214304-00214694 check in even as you're kind of ipbhBysmsJY-00998-00214696-00214879 listening to that check in ipbhBysmsJY-00999-00214880-00215094 you know have i noticed even through ipbhBysmsJY-01000-00215096-00215263 this conversation before we've done the ipbhBysmsJY-01001-00215264-00215575 exercise like have i noticed any shift ipbhBysmsJY-01002-00215576-00215742 in my ipbhBysmsJY-01003-00215744-00215958 level of stress and anxiety right like ipbhBysmsJY-01004-00215959-00216239 what did i say i was at before even just ipbhBysmsJY-01005-00216240-00216455 getting these distinctions and kind of ipbhBysmsJY-01006-00216456-00216687 creating a little bit more of that space ipbhBysmsJY-01007-00216688-00217119 have you noticed a shift already ipbhBysmsJY-01008-00217119-00217294 go ahead broski ipbhBysmsJY-01009-00217296-00217542 yeah and so the one only other thing i'd ipbhBysmsJY-01010-00217544-00217767 add to this right so we're we're kind of ipbhBysmsJY-01011-00217767-00217887 exploring ipbhBysmsJY-01012-00217888-00218046 through ideas ipbhBysmsJY-01013-00218048-00218255 and you know when when you do our work ipbhBysmsJY-01014-00218256-00218431 we're we don't want you to explore ideas ipbhBysmsJY-01015-00218432-00218710 we want you to have a direct experience ipbhBysmsJY-01016-00218711-00218831 okay ipbhBysmsJY-01017-00218832-00219006 another word for that is just gnosis ipbhBysmsJY-01018-00219007-00219191 right we want to learn through gnosis we ipbhBysmsJY-01019-00219192-00219391 want we want it to be ontological in ipbhBysmsJY-01020-00219392-00219646 nature um meaning that when you when you ipbhBysmsJY-01021-00219648-00219775 do work it's not something you have to ipbhBysmsJY-01022-00219776-00220094 remember to apply in a certain situation ipbhBysmsJY-01023-00220096-00220382 uh it's just there for you to do ipbhBysmsJY-01024-00220383-00220494 and so ipbhBysmsJY-01025-00220496-00220679 we are not you know like habit forming ipbhBysmsJY-01026-00220680-00220846 is very difficult like how many guys ipbhBysmsJY-01027-00220848-00220998 have tried to change some kind of habit ipbhBysmsJY-01028-00221000-00221134 you know like something you know that is ipbhBysmsJY-01029-00221135-00221382 either not good for you or other people ipbhBysmsJY-01030-00221383-00221615 uh maybe it's like anger or ipbhBysmsJY-01031-00221616-00221767 self-loathing or whatever it might be ipbhBysmsJY-01032-00221767-00221887 like you try to change you're like oh ipbhBysmsJY-01033-00221888-00222094 i'm gonna do this habit thing and like ipbhBysmsJY-01034-00222096-00222255 you know for a while you will power your ipbhBysmsJY-01035-00222256-00222375 way through it and then it just kind of ipbhBysmsJY-01036-00222376-00222527 like fizzles out ipbhBysmsJY-01037-00222528-00222671 and you find yourself in these old ipbhBysmsJY-01038-00222671-00222823 habits like how many you guys have you ipbhBysmsJY-01039-00222823-00223039 know had those kind of experiences ipbhBysmsJY-01040-00223040-00223246 and so we want to ipbhBysmsJY-01041-00223248-00223463 get that you know the conditioning you ipbhBysmsJY-01042-00223464-00223719 like the patterns you're in it's it's ipbhBysmsJY-01043-00223719-00223871 it's not your first of all it's not your ipbhBysmsJY-01044-00223871-00224031 fault that you're there okay there's a ipbhBysmsJY-01045-00224032-00224246 lot of conditioning that happens to ipbhBysmsJY-01046-00224248-00224582 children based on some really old ideas ipbhBysmsJY-01047-00224583-00224734 and then like everyone's kind of doing ipbhBysmsJY-01048-00224735-00224887 it so it seems like the right thing to ipbhBysmsJY-01049-00224888-00225031 do and ipbhBysmsJY-01050-00225032-00225319 and it it it elicits a response of fear ipbhBysmsJY-01051-00225319-00225439 in our system that we're going to lose ipbhBysmsJY-01052-00225440-00225623 connection with people if we're not like ipbhBysmsJY-01053-00225623-00225806 what they want or like if you didn't ipbhBysmsJY-01054-00225807-00225991 appease mom and dad or ipbhBysmsJY-01055-00225992-00226215 get their praise or they told you you're ipbhBysmsJY-01056-00226216-00226367 good or something like that it's like a ipbhBysmsJY-01057-00226367-00226519 loss of connection for a child and ipbhBysmsJY-01058-00226519-00226687 really for an adult too because nothing ipbhBysmsJY-01059-00226688-00226823 really changes between when we're ipbhBysmsJY-01060-00226823-00227087 children to adults is this fear of loss ipbhBysmsJY-01061-00227088-00227294 of connection actually feels like death ipbhBysmsJY-01062-00227296-00227479 in our system ipbhBysmsJY-01063-00227480-00227598 and this should tell you something about ipbhBysmsJY-01064-00227600-00227823 human beings this fear that arises and ipbhBysmsJY-01065-00227823-00228063 again think about a person in jail who ipbhBysmsJY-01066-00228064-00228239 they put in isolation ipbhBysmsJY-01067-00228240-00228375 it's like the worst thing you can do to ipbhBysmsJY-01068-00228376-00228519 someone why ipbhBysmsJY-01069-00228519-00228694 because human beings are biologically ipbhBysmsJY-01070-00228696-00228910 built for connection ipbhBysmsJY-01071-00228911-00229103 and so one of the things that very few ipbhBysmsJY-01072-00229104-00229239 we've never found any teachers that ipbhBysmsJY-01073-00229240-00229391 teach this other than you know the ipbhBysmsJY-01074-00229392-00229575 little pockets that we've been in is ipbhBysmsJY-01075-00229576-00229798 this understanding that the way humans ipbhBysmsJY-01076-00229800-00230079 relate in this world has kind of three ipbhBysmsJY-01077-00230080-00230231 three levels okay ipbhBysmsJY-01078-00230232-00230391 and these levels are the way we relate ipbhBysmsJY-01079-00230392-00230687 to ourselves okay so like myself myself ipbhBysmsJY-01080-00230688-00230910 to myself the way we relate to other ipbhBysmsJY-01081-00230911-00231239 people like myself to a partner or to ipbhBysmsJY-01082-00231240-00231375 a business partner or to a friend ipbhBysmsJY-01083-00231376-00231487 something like that and then the way ipbhBysmsJY-01084-00231488-00231615 that friend or partner or business ipbhBysmsJY-01085-00231616-00231887 partner relates to me and then the way i ipbhBysmsJY-01086-00231888-00232023 relate to groups and the way those ipbhBysmsJY-01087-00232023-00232167 groups relate to me ipbhBysmsJY-01088-00232167-00232246 okay ipbhBysmsJY-01089-00232248-00232534 and so what ends up happening for for ipbhBysmsJY-01090-00232535-00232694 everybody we've ever met and you know ipbhBysmsJY-01091-00232696-00232831 unless there's some aliens out there ipbhBysmsJY-01092-00232832-00233087 that are not experiencing this is that ipbhBysmsJY-01093-00233088-00233246 there's trauma that happens at every ipbhBysmsJY-01094-00233248-00233375 level it's like the trauma we do to ipbhBysmsJY-01095-00233376-00233558 ourselves the trauma another that we ipbhBysmsJY-01096-00233559-00233734 perceive another doing to us and then ipbhBysmsJY-01097-00233735-00233894 the trauma we experience at the level of ipbhBysmsJY-01098-00233896-00234110 group like we all have that story right ipbhBysmsJY-01099-00234111-00234255 when we were at school and we raised our ipbhBysmsJY-01100-00234256-00234439 hand and we thought we knew the answer ipbhBysmsJY-01101-00234440-00234639 like everyone laughs and you're like i'm ipbhBysmsJY-01102-00234640-00234879 never going to raise my hand again but ipbhBysmsJY-01103-00234880-00234958 you know ipbhBysmsJY-01104-00234959-00235119 self-expression because i remember ipbhBysmsJY-01105-00235119-00235255 second and third grade when a teacher ipbhBysmsJY-01106-00235256-00235398 would ask a question every little point ipbhBysmsJY-01107-00235400-00235575 every girl is like me they only be like ipbhBysmsJY-01108-00235576-00235719 they're just shouting trying to get our ipbhBysmsJY-01109-00235719-00235863 attention right and then like sixth ipbhBysmsJY-01110-00235864-00236039 grade rolls around the teacher asks so ipbhBysmsJY-01111-00236040-00236279 who has the answer ipbhBysmsJY-01112-00236280-00236487 no one says a thing and when you're in a ipbhBysmsJY-01113-00236488-00236710 room in front of adults presenting any ipbhBysmsJY-01114-00236711-00236927 idea elon and i will tell you this from ipbhBysmsJY-01115-00236928-00237127 personal experience we've been and we've ipbhBysmsJY-01116-00237128-00237294 trained thousands of people from stage ipbhBysmsJY-01117-00237296-00237631 you ask a question no one answers ipbhBysmsJY-01118-00237632-00237791 because everyone's waiting for someone ipbhBysmsJY-01119-00237792-00237951 else to answer even though they might ipbhBysmsJY-01120-00237952-00238271 have the right answer because the fear ipbhBysmsJY-01121-00238271-00238503 of feeling the disappointment and shame ipbhBysmsJY-01122-00238504-00238758 in a group of people is so great that it ipbhBysmsJY-01123-00238759-00238998 will literally elicit a part of you ipbhBysmsJY-01124-00239000-00239215 that's worried about death ipbhBysmsJY-01125-00239216-00239415 no joke biochemic biochemically that's ipbhBysmsJY-01126-00239416-00239575 what's happening ipbhBysmsJY-01127-00239576-00239742 and so it's like holy if that's ipbhBysmsJY-01128-00239744-00239951 what we're up against the conditioning ipbhBysmsJY-01129-00239952-00240079 that you're in right now the patterns ipbhBysmsJY-01130-00240080-00240206 that you're in right now you have ipbhBysmsJY-01131-00240207-00240503 reenacted those patterns ipbhBysmsJY-01132-00240504-00240679 thousands of times tens of thousands of ipbhBysmsJY-01133-00240680-00240855 times maybe hundreds of thousands of ipbhBysmsJY-01134-00240856-00241063 times you have a lot of practice and ipbhBysmsJY-01135-00241064-00241246 repetition in those patterns ipbhBysmsJY-01136-00241248-00241430 and you know this because you're like ipbhBysmsJY-01137-00241431-00241582 when you're in a relationship you know i ipbhBysmsJY-01138-00241583-00241758 say this they say that ipbhBysmsJY-01139-00241759-00242071 they respond this way i respond that way ipbhBysmsJY-01140-00242071-00242223 we do the dance you kind of know how ipbhBysmsJY-01141-00242223-00242391 it's all gonna go oh they're gonna leave ipbhBysmsJY-01142-00242392-00242527 me and it's like they leave you and it's ipbhBysmsJY-01143-00242528-00242646 like i told you they're gonna leave me ipbhBysmsJY-01144-00242648-00242879 and it's like yes but you were ipbhBysmsJY-01145-00242880-00243015 reenacting something you've done it ipbhBysmsJY-01146-00243016-00243167 before of course you know how this story ipbhBysmsJY-01147-00243167-00243319 ends you've walked down that street ipbhBysmsJY-01148-00243319-00243582 before you know it's at the end of it ipbhBysmsJY-01149-00243583-00243863 and so reconditioning is not just oh i ipbhBysmsJY-01150-00243864-00244015 understand that i do that now let me ipbhBysmsJY-01151-00244016-00244182 stop doing that i wish it was that ipbhBysmsJY-01152-00244183-00244423 simple for us i really do ipbhBysmsJY-01153-00244423-00244575 because then we could just be like stop ipbhBysmsJY-01154-00244576-00244855 that and you would you know like ipbhBysmsJY-01155-00244856-00245006 you'd go have a six-pack you'd stop ipbhBysmsJY-01156-00245007-00245239 drinking you'd go travel finally you ipbhBysmsJY-01157-00245240-00245342 would go ipbhBysmsJY-01158-00245344-00245534 take that risk and ask that person if ipbhBysmsJY-01159-00245535-00245655 they want to go on a date with you like ipbhBysmsJY-01160-00245656-00245934 whatever whatever your edge is right ipbhBysmsJY-01161-00245935-00246134 so one of the practices that are ipbhBysmsJY-01162-00246135-00246303 critically important and again can't be ipbhBysmsJY-01163-00246304-00246503 learned through the mind is this ipbhBysmsJY-01164-00246504-00246798 relational practice and for those of you ipbhBysmsJY-01165-00246800-00246942 guys who are more in the therapy space ipbhBysmsJY-01166-00246944-00247079 and know these things like there are ipbhBysmsJY-01167-00247080-00247198 these things called our attachment ipbhBysmsJY-01168-00247200-00247294 systems ipbhBysmsJY-01169-00247296-00247455 and over the last 20 years there's a lot ipbhBysmsJY-01170-00247456-00247639 of really good work around ipbhBysmsJY-01171-00247640-00247782 these attachment systems there's a great ipbhBysmsJY-01172-00247783-00247958 book out there called attached for those ipbhBysmsJY-01173-00247959-00248071 of you guys who are ipbhBysmsJY-01174-00248071-00248230 interested in getting a little bit more ipbhBysmsJY-01175-00248231-00248423 information about it but again doesn't ipbhBysmsJY-01176-00248423-00248542 help you ipbhBysmsJY-01177-00248544-00248734 resolve the way that this attachment ipbhBysmsJY-01178-00248735-00248919 system has been conditioned ipbhBysmsJY-01179-00248919-00249110 so what we have found and ipbhBysmsJY-01180-00249111-00249303 this is why we actually built our ipbhBysmsJY-01181-00249304-00249471 programs this way ipbhBysmsJY-01182-00249471-00249703 is so that you get fundamental healing ipbhBysmsJY-01183-00249704-00249919 at every level that self to self self to ipbhBysmsJY-01184-00249919-00250142 other self to group and vice versa and ipbhBysmsJY-01185-00250144-00250358 what we have found is the more people do ipbhBysmsJY-01186-00250359-00250551 this kind of work and when we say this ipbhBysmsJY-01187-00250552-00250727 kind of work from a scientific mind you ipbhBysmsJY-01188-00250728-00250982 would say what we're helping people do ipbhBysmsJY-01189-00250983-00251206 is to learn how to actually down ipbhBysmsJY-01190-00251207-00251406 regulate their nervous system ipbhBysmsJY-01191-00251407-00251615 back to a place of safety and well-being ipbhBysmsJY-01192-00251616-00251839 so that that's actually where they sit ipbhBysmsJY-01193-00251840-00251958 all the time ipbhBysmsJY-01194-00251959-00252110 that doesn't mean that ruptures don't ipbhBysmsJY-01195-00252111-00252263 happen doesn't mean that life doesn't ipbhBysmsJY-01196-00252264-00252406 keep moving and that you don't get ipbhBysmsJY-01197-00252407-00252646 afraid it just means instead of it like ipbhBysmsJY-01198-00252648-00252823 being an all-encompassing experience ipbhBysmsJY-01199-00252823-00252975 hijacking your brain ipbhBysmsJY-01200-00252976-00253158 now reality looks scary now all the ipbhBysmsJY-01201-00253159-00253494 decisions you make are scary right ipbhBysmsJY-01202-00253496-00253694 you can actually let that energy move ipbhBysmsJY-01203-00253696-00253855 come back to a neutral state and hoof ipbhBysmsJY-01204-00253856-00254055 back into well-being and it happens very ipbhBysmsJY-01205-00254056-00254263 quickly it could happen in minutes hours ipbhBysmsJY-01206-00254264-00254398 and again we have all practice all sorts ipbhBysmsJY-01207-00254400-00254551 of practices to help you recondition ipbhBysmsJY-01208-00254552-00254630 this ipbhBysmsJY-01209-00254631-00254767 and so one of the things that we have ipbhBysmsJY-01210-00254767-00254991 found is for healing to occur i ipbhBysmsJY-01211-00254992-00255142 genuinely mean this we actually need ipbhBysmsJY-01212-00255144-00255263 each other ipbhBysmsJY-01213-00255264-00255367 yes ipbhBysmsJY-01214-00255367-00255542 we need we need ipbhBysmsJY-01215-00255544-00255742 we need the connection because if you're ipbhBysmsJY-01216-00255744-00255951 following what i'm saying and say i if ipbhBysmsJY-01217-00255952-00256103 you are and that say i in the chat box ipbhBysmsJY-01218-00256104-00256230 if you're following this is we are ipbhBysmsJY-01219-00256231-00256423 biologically built for connection that ipbhBysmsJY-01220-00256423-00256710 means some of our healing if not most of ipbhBysmsJY-01221-00256711-00256934 our healing needs to happen ipbhBysmsJY-01222-00256935-00257119 in connection ipbhBysmsJY-01223-00257119-00257239 okay ipbhBysmsJY-01224-00257240-00257382 and you got to call yourself out on this ipbhBysmsJY-01225-00257383-00257558 one my my little rogue warriors out ipbhBysmsJY-01226-00257559-00257703 there because elon and i were like this ipbhBysmsJY-01227-00257704-00257775 too ipbhBysmsJY-01228-00257776-00257927 how many of you guys think that you're ipbhBysmsJY-01229-00257928-00258079 going to do all this work and heal ipbhBysmsJY-01230-00258080-00258246 yourself to completely by yourself ipbhBysmsJY-01231-00258248-00258342 you're going to read the books you're ipbhBysmsJY-01232-00258344-00258494 going to do the courses and you're going ipbhBysmsJY-01233-00258496-00258663 to show up this like ipbhBysmsJY-01234-00258664-00258863 nice shiny ipbhBysmsJY-01235-00258864-00259039 new human being who's going to like show ipbhBysmsJY-01236-00259040-00259158 up in the family and be like look how ipbhBysmsJY-01237-00259159-00259446 transformed i am love me from that ipbhBysmsJY-01238-00259448-00259679 transformation and if you tried this by ipbhBysmsJY-01239-00259680-00260046 the way oh for the disappointment ipbhBysmsJY-01240-00260048-00260255 when you come as a shiny new transformed ipbhBysmsJY-01241-00260256-00260510 being into a environment that can't ipbhBysmsJY-01242-00260511-00260758 receive your transformation ipbhBysmsJY-01243-00260759-00260879 and they're like i don't know what the ipbhBysmsJY-01244-00260880-00261023 you're talking about ipbhBysmsJY-01245-00261023-00261239 or they can't relate to you ipbhBysmsJY-01246-00261240-00261423 at all and and for those of you guys who ipbhBysmsJY-01247-00261423-00261694 have done that you tell me how how ipbhBysmsJY-01248-00261696-00261879 crushing is that inside that that ipbhBysmsJY-01249-00261880-00262094 disappointment that you feel when you're ipbhBysmsJY-01250-00262096-00262239 like i just want mom and dad to see me ipbhBysmsJY-01251-00262240-00262430 as this new thing or like my partner to ipbhBysmsJY-01252-00262431-00262599 see me as this new thing and they're ipbhBysmsJY-01253-00262600-00262743 just like i don't know what you're ipbhBysmsJY-01254-00262744-00262934 talking about or they ipbhBysmsJY-01255-00262935-00263119 respond to you in a harsh and negative ipbhBysmsJY-01256-00263120-00263279 way and you're like oh i guess that ipbhBysmsJY-01257-00263280-00263495 didn't happen i must have not been ipbhBysmsJY-01258-00263496-00263679 transformed this is crushing ipbhBysmsJY-01259-00263680-00263815 right and so what we want to understand ipbhBysmsJY-01260-00263816-00263934 there's two things and no two things ipbhBysmsJY-01261-00263935-00264127 that need to happen here the first is ipbhBysmsJY-01262-00264128-00264327 sitting with another person and ipbhBysmsJY-01263-00264328-00264591 templating a healthy nervous system ipbhBysmsJY-01264-00264592-00264743 is really important here's what i mean ipbhBysmsJY-01265-00264744-00264991 by that again think about before you had ipbhBysmsJY-01266-00264992-00265182 language if you have small children you ipbhBysmsJY-01267-00265183-00265439 see this all the time the way a child ipbhBysmsJY-01268-00265440-00265591 works in this world is not their ipbhBysmsJY-01269-00265592-00265743 language they don't have it ipbhBysmsJY-01270-00265744-00265903 and so there's another mechanism at play ipbhBysmsJY-01271-00265904-00266063 that we see all across the animal ipbhBysmsJY-01272-00266064-00266287 kingdom is that we have energetic ipbhBysmsJY-01273-00266288-00266423 signaling ipbhBysmsJY-01274-00266424-00266615 as part of our makeup and biology and ipbhBysmsJY-01275-00266616-00266782 the way that humans work ipbhBysmsJY-01276-00266783-00266919 that's why when you walk into a crowd of ipbhBysmsJY-01277-00266920-00267127 people you feel a certain way or when we ipbhBysmsJY-01278-00267128-00267279 are with a loved one you feel a certain ipbhBysmsJY-01279-00267280-00267479 way there's an energetic signaling ipbhBysmsJY-01280-00267480-00267655 that's happening back and forth ipbhBysmsJY-01281-00267656-00267871 kind of like a read ipbhBysmsJY-01282-00267872-00268055 uh and send signal from a computer right ipbhBysmsJY-01283-00268056-00268263 the signal going out and inbound and ipbhBysmsJY-01284-00268264-00268439 outbound signal all the time ipbhBysmsJY-01285-00268440-00268606 why would we do that in technology if we ipbhBysmsJY-01286-00268607-00268775 weren't doing that ourselves ipbhBysmsJY-01287-00268776-00268910 so we're both sending and receiving ipbhBysmsJY-01288-00268911-00269110 signals all the time okay and we're ipbhBysmsJY-01289-00269111-00269247 getting feedback from our environment ipbhBysmsJY-01290-00269248-00269471 and then there is a energetic response ipbhBysmsJY-01291-00269472-00269647 but most of us don't notice the ipbhBysmsJY-01292-00269648-00269799 energetic response we just live in the ipbhBysmsJY-01293-00269800-00269919 stories ipbhBysmsJY-01294-00269920-00270063 that the mind is creating about that ipbhBysmsJY-01295-00270064-00270287 energetic response which is not really ipbhBysmsJY-01296-00270288-00270463 what's happening that's just how your ipbhBysmsJY-01297-00270464-00270639 mind deals with those ipbhBysmsJY-01298-00270640-00270815 little signals right ipbhBysmsJY-01299-00270816-00271087 and it through its process right like in ipbhBysmsJY-01300-00271088-00271319 each person's mind is going to receive ipbhBysmsJY-01301-00271320-00271510 that information differently because ipbhBysmsJY-01302-00271511-00271647 that's just the patterning that we ipbhBysmsJY-01303-00271648-00271847 created that's right you have basically ipbhBysmsJY-01304-00271848-00272071 a filtration system based on how you ipbhBysmsJY-01305-00272072-00272287 were conditioned what you were told was ipbhBysmsJY-01306-00272288-00272447 good and bad and right or wrong and all ipbhBysmsJY-01307-00272448-00272591 the judgments you have about people and ipbhBysmsJY-01308-00272592-00272743 yourself ipbhBysmsJY-01309-00272744-00272910 and so everything is viewed through this ipbhBysmsJY-01310-00272911-00273095 filtration and lens and that's why of ipbhBysmsJY-01311-00273096-00273239 course when we look out in the world and ipbhBysmsJY-01312-00273240-00273343 you see people ipbhBysmsJY-01313-00273344-00273599 uh disagreeing about small or big things ipbhBysmsJY-01314-00273600-00273710 of course they are ipbhBysmsJY-01315-00273711-00273791 it's like they don't have the same ipbhBysmsJY-01316-00273792-00273982 conditioning how they they literally are ipbhBysmsJY-01317-00273983-00274199 not living in the same reality and then ipbhBysmsJY-01318-00274200-00274334 so we have this world where everyone's ipbhBysmsJY-01319-00274335-00274543 trying to grind reality so that's never ipbhBysmsJY-01320-00274544-00274639 going to happen ipbhBysmsJY-01321-00274640-00274847 ever we can continue to do that i ipbhBysmsJY-01322-00274848-00275006 promise you we will see wars and ipbhBysmsJY-01323-00275007-00275199 arguments and all the things that we've ipbhBysmsJY-01324-00275200-00275367 seen for thousands of years now if we ipbhBysmsJY-01325-00275368-00275543 continue that model ipbhBysmsJY-01326-00275544-00275727 in contrast ipbhBysmsJY-01327-00275728-00275958 if you if you feel into your system it's ipbhBysmsJY-01328-00275959-00276255 like what's actually going on here ipbhBysmsJY-01329-00276256-00276495 what what is what is this desire that i ipbhBysmsJY-01330-00276496-00276799 have to be seen to be heard right this ipbhBysmsJY-01331-00276800-00276943 is at the mental level what we're ipbhBysmsJY-01332-00276944-00277182 talking about and what's actually going ipbhBysmsJY-01333-00277183-00277479 on is there is an unmet need ipbhBysmsJY-01334-00277480-00277663 energetically speaking in your system ipbhBysmsJY-01335-00277664-00277855 like a piece of information ipbhBysmsJY-01336-00277856-00278047 that it's been looking for ipbhBysmsJY-01337-00278048-00278230 an experience that it's been looking for ipbhBysmsJY-01338-00278231-00278430 that it hasn't gotten ipbhBysmsJY-01339-00278431-00278639 okay ipbhBysmsJY-01340-00278640-00278806 partially the reason it hasn't gotten ipbhBysmsJY-01341-00278807-00278999 this is because no most human beings are ipbhBysmsJY-01342-00279000-00279167 not trained how to give it to each other ipbhBysmsJY-01343-00279168-00279487 okay this is what we called attunement ipbhBysmsJY-01344-00279488-00279623 right like think about a musical ipbhBysmsJY-01345-00279624-00279775 instrument it needs to be tuned if it's ipbhBysmsJY-01346-00279776-00280006 out of tune it sounds terrible ipbhBysmsJY-01347-00280007-00280230 humans also we have a vibrational like ipbhBysmsJY-01348-00280231-00280455 vibration and energetic attunement and ipbhBysmsJY-01349-00280456-00280679 so what we were looking for as children ipbhBysmsJY-01350-00280680-00280823 is we were looking for a certain not ipbhBysmsJY-01351-00280824-00281006 just mom and dad to be there and show up ipbhBysmsJY-01352-00281007-00281143 we were actually looking for a certain ipbhBysmsJY-01353-00281144-00281334 attunement for mom and dad ipbhBysmsJY-01354-00281335-00281487 i mean you guys can relate to this say i ipbhBysmsJY-01355-00281488-00281647 in the chat box ipbhBysmsJY-01356-00281648-00281806 like you wanted mom and dad to show up a ipbhBysmsJY-01357-00281807-00282087 certain way that's how we think about it ipbhBysmsJY-01358-00282088-00282239 underneath that is there was some kind ipbhBysmsJY-01359-00282240-00282423 of attunement like a like a way they ipbhBysmsJY-01360-00282424-00282623 would be present with you ipbhBysmsJY-01361-00282624-00282863 that would have really made a difference ipbhBysmsJY-01362-00282864-00282967 okay ipbhBysmsJY-01363-00282968-00283175 so ipbhBysmsJY-01364-00283176-00283367 what we want to yeah there we go i just ipbhBysmsJY-01365-00283368-00283471 want to get a little feedback from you ipbhBysmsJY-01366-00283472-00283615 guys and so ipbhBysmsJY-01367-00283616-00283847 if you needed that as a child ipbhBysmsJY-01368-00283848-00284006 you know you came up to mom and daddy ipbhBysmsJY-01369-00284007-00284199 reaching out and crying ipbhBysmsJY-01370-00284200-00284351 right and mom and dad pick you up i have ipbhBysmsJY-01371-00284352-00284454 a three and a half year old we have to ipbhBysmsJY-01372-00284455-00284630 do this all the time ipbhBysmsJY-01373-00284631-00284839 we we hold him and there's a certain way ipbhBysmsJY-01374-00284840-00285047 we hold our energy and our presence and ipbhBysmsJY-01375-00285048-00285279 our body and what is what the child is ipbhBysmsJY-01376-00285280-00285406 learning in that moment through this ipbhBysmsJY-01377-00285407-00285591 energetic signaling ipbhBysmsJY-01378-00285592-00285734 is how to down regulate their own ipbhBysmsJY-01379-00285735-00285879 nervous system ipbhBysmsJY-01380-00285880-00286119 that's what's actually happening there ipbhBysmsJY-01381-00286120-00286247 that that's what ipbhBysmsJY-01382-00286248-00286391 coddling is for ipbhBysmsJY-01383-00286392-00286543 you are literally transmitting your ipbhBysmsJY-01384-00286544-00286775 energetic template to your child again ipbhBysmsJY-01385-00286776-00286879 uploading and downloading this ipbhBysmsJY-01386-00286880-00287030 information ipbhBysmsJY-01387-00287031-00287167 and that matters way more than what you ipbhBysmsJY-01388-00287168-00287471 tell your child is that felt sense ipbhBysmsJY-01389-00287472-00287558 okay ipbhBysmsJY-01390-00287559-00287679 and so ipbhBysmsJY-01391-00287680-00287871 what we do in our programs is we ipbhBysmsJY-01392-00287872-00288127 recreate these opportunities ipbhBysmsJY-01393-00288128-00288319 for what's called a reach and response ipbhBysmsJY-01394-00288320-00288463 i'm reaching and i'm getting a response ipbhBysmsJY-01395-00288464-00288623 i'm reaching and i'm getting a response ipbhBysmsJY-01396-00288624-00288815 and when you reach and get a response ipbhBysmsJY-01397-00288816-00289079 from someone from this attunement ipbhBysmsJY-01398-00289080-00289271 your system your nervous system your ipbhBysmsJY-01399-00289272-00289510 energetic body finally gets ipbhBysmsJY-01400-00289511-00289703 the data that it has been looking for ipbhBysmsJY-01401-00289704-00289887 probably for decades thinking that i ipbhBysmsJY-01402-00289888-00290054 gotta get it for mom and dad or for my ipbhBysmsJY-01403-00290055-00290279 spouse or whatever it is and by the way ipbhBysmsJY-01404-00290280-00290439 they may never give that to you that's ipbhBysmsJY-01405-00290440-00290654 why a lot of us reenact our stuff with ipbhBysmsJY-01406-00290655-00290863 our mom and dad with our spouse ipbhBysmsJY-01407-00290864-00290967 because we're still trying to get that ipbhBysmsJY-01408-00290968-00291167 need met and here's the thing you don't ipbhBysmsJY-01409-00291168-00291415 have to get that need met with them it's ipbhBysmsJY-01410-00291416-00291551 the same need you're trying to get met ipbhBysmsJY-01411-00291552-00291663 after you have a transformative ipbhBysmsJY-01412-00291664-00291782 experience and you're sharing yourself ipbhBysmsJY-01413-00291783-00291934 you're like please see me finally see me ipbhBysmsJY-01414-00291935-00292215 and they're like i don't see you ipbhBysmsJY-01415-00292216-00292382 you just get crushed ipbhBysmsJY-01416-00292383-00292543 so i want you to imagine what it's like ipbhBysmsJY-01417-00292544-00292671 to be in a community because this is ipbhBysmsJY-01418-00292672-00292815 what we've designed here what we've ipbhBysmsJY-01419-00292816-00293047 created here through our programs and ipbhBysmsJY-01420-00293048-00293295 experiences when you start doing ipbhBysmsJY-01421-00293296-00293487 repetitions on your regular basis where ipbhBysmsJY-01422-00293488-00293639 when you reach ipbhBysmsJY-01423-00293640-00293854 you actually get met and you get a ipbhBysmsJY-01424-00293855-00294006 response ipbhBysmsJY-01425-00294007-00294082 with ipbhBysmsJY-01426-00294083-00294263 attunement ipbhBysmsJY-01427-00294264-00294406 your system goes ipbhBysmsJY-01428-00294407-00294815 oh there it is ipbhBysmsJY-01429-00294816-00295006 and that energy can move through ipbhBysmsJY-01430-00295007-00295158 again we need each other for healing ipbhBysmsJY-01431-00295159-00295271 it's kind of ipbhBysmsJY-01432-00295272-00295454 amazing by design that it's designed ipbhBysmsJY-01433-00295455-00295734 this way for human beings to heal ipbhBysmsJY-01434-00295735-00295934 and so if you do this repetitiously and ipbhBysmsJY-01435-00295935-00296095 elon and i are going to do a five minute ipbhBysmsJY-01436-00296096-00296303 exercise with you right now again just ipbhBysmsJY-01437-00296304-00296510 for that fact like if you come here one ipbhBysmsJY-01438-00296511-00296654 of the reasons we sit with people in ipbhBysmsJY-01439-00296655-00296775 these meditations you're like why do ipbhBysmsJY-01440-00296776-00296943 they do these five-minute sets is so ipbhBysmsJY-01441-00296944-00297087 that you can get ipbhBysmsJY-01442-00297088-00297271 presents in a way that you've never ipbhBysmsJY-01443-00297272-00297463 gotten it before so that some aspect of ipbhBysmsJY-01444-00297464-00297695 you that's here right now ipbhBysmsJY-01445-00297696-00297879 can get this need met ipbhBysmsJY-01446-00297880-00298110 okay so before we do this medi before we ipbhBysmsJY-01447-00298111-00298230 do this little five-minute sit with ipbhBysmsJY-01448-00298231-00298447 everybody here's what i want to tell you ipbhBysmsJY-01449-00298448-00298551 if you're listening to these ipbhBysmsJY-01450-00298552-00298830 conversations you can certainly try to ipbhBysmsJY-01451-00298831-00298999 make sense of them and then be like oh i ipbhBysmsJY-01452-00299000-00299182 got this and i'll go do it in my life ipbhBysmsJY-01453-00299183-00299343 and and god bless you and good luck ipbhBysmsJY-01454-00299344-00299534 right ipbhBysmsJY-01455-00299535-00299767 we we elon and i have invested 20 years ipbhBysmsJY-01456-00299768-00299982 and well over a million dollars of our ipbhBysmsJY-01457-00299983-00300215 of our own funds to learn all sorts of ipbhBysmsJY-01458-00300216-00300415 these little things and what we've done ipbhBysmsJY-01459-00300416-00300575 is we've really looked we've stood back ipbhBysmsJY-01460-00300576-00300719 over the last few years and said truly ipbhBysmsJY-01461-00300720-00300830 what are the ipbhBysmsJY-01462-00300831-00301023 what are the things that really make a ipbhBysmsJY-01463-00301024-00301175 difference for people and this is why we ipbhBysmsJY-01464-00301176-00301334 have these tuesday talks because what we ipbhBysmsJY-01465-00301335-00301503 talk about here is what makes a ipbhBysmsJY-01466-00301504-00301775 difference not doing a five-step process ipbhBysmsJY-01467-00301776-00301879 not go ipbhBysmsJY-01468-00301880-00302054 right in your notebook and rehabituate ipbhBysmsJY-01469-00302055-00302212 yourself like there there's some ipbhBysmsJY-01470-00302213-00302351 [Music] ipbhBysmsJY-01471-00302352-00302534 evidence that that supports people it's ipbhBysmsJY-01472-00302535-00302727 better than not doing anything certainly ipbhBysmsJY-01473-00302728-00302895 but it's not like the thing that gets in ipbhBysmsJY-01474-00302896-00303206 there and reconditions the inner system ipbhBysmsJY-01475-00303207-00303399 and we don't want to waste your time ipbhBysmsJY-01476-00303400-00303606 and so if if at some level you're like ipbhBysmsJY-01477-00303607-00303871 this is interesting and i'm curious that ipbhBysmsJY-01478-00303872-00304030 to me is enough for you to take a next ipbhBysmsJY-01479-00304031-00304263 step and at least do a reach out to our ipbhBysmsJY-01480-00304264-00304510 team to find out if this work is a good ipbhBysmsJY-01481-00304511-00304630 fit for you ipbhBysmsJY-01482-00304631-00304967 okay now we want people who are invested ipbhBysmsJY-01483-00304968-00305143 in their transformation without a doubt ipbhBysmsJY-01484-00305144-00305351 right like you come here we're like ipbhBysmsJY-01485-00305352-00305527 we're gonna ipbhBysmsJY-01486-00305528-00305663 we'd hate to say this like we can't ipbhBysmsJY-01487-00305664-00305799 guarantee anyone's transformation ipbhBysmsJY-01488-00305800-00305967 because we can't guarantee how you're ipbhBysmsJY-01489-00305968-00306087 gonna show up ipbhBysmsJY-01490-00306088-00306263 and if you do this work we guarantee ipbhBysmsJY-01491-00306264-00306495 your transformation period end of story ipbhBysmsJY-01492-00306496-00306679 like your life is gonna change ipbhBysmsJY-01493-00306680-00306895 radically your relationships your ipbhBysmsJY-01494-00306896-00307071 relationship to money health like ipbhBysmsJY-01495-00307072-00307206 everything is going to get easier for ipbhBysmsJY-01496-00307207-00307351 you okay ipbhBysmsJY-01497-00307352-00307510 and we don't know the timeline of that ipbhBysmsJY-01498-00307511-00307639 we don't know any of the other things ipbhBysmsJY-01499-00307640-00307839 because your timeline and your trauma ipbhBysmsJY-01500-00307840-00307975 and your experiences are different than ipbhBysmsJY-01501-00307976-00308182 everybody else's your unique fingerprint ipbhBysmsJY-01502-00308183-00308367 that that's your own experience what we ipbhBysmsJY-01503-00308368-00308487 ask is that you just show up and do the ipbhBysmsJY-01504-00308488-00308647 work if you're ready for that ipbhBysmsJY-01505-00308648-00308910 conversation just let us know ipbhBysmsJY-01506-00308911-00309023 and the way they can do that is just ipbhBysmsJY-01507-00309024-00309310 saying contact me in the chat box below ipbhBysmsJY-01508-00309311-00309534 or if you're a go-getter ipbhBysmsJY-01509-00309535-00309671 you can go to well i'm just trying to ipbhBysmsJY-01510-00309672-00309871 find this thing for you ipbhBysmsJY-01511-00309872-00310158 you can go to call ipbhBysmsJY-01512-00310159-00310263 there we go ipbhBysmsJY-01513-00310264-00310495 and you can you can book your own call ipbhBysmsJY-01514-00310496-00310647 you can actually book in ipbhBysmsJY-01515-00310648-00310839 and this is a 15-minute ipbhBysmsJY-01516-00310840-00311023 clarity call or discovery call with our ipbhBysmsJY-01517-00311024-00311254 team there is literally no pressure to ipbhBysmsJY-01518-00311255-00311415 buy anything on this call that's again ipbhBysmsJY-01519-00311416-00311582 by design because we don't want your ipbhBysmsJY-01520-00311583-00311710 nervous system to be in a high tense ipbhBysmsJY-01521-00311711-00311879 state that you have to make a choice we ipbhBysmsJY-01522-00311880-00312103 want you to be in an exploratory state ipbhBysmsJY-01523-00312104-00312287 open to receiving some feedback open to ipbhBysmsJY-01524-00312288-00312439 receiving some presence from our team ipbhBysmsJY-01525-00312440-00312558 and that's what we train our team to do ipbhBysmsJY-01526-00312559-00312710 so unless you're like absolutely i want ipbhBysmsJY-01527-00312711-00312847 to do this work please sign me up right ipbhBysmsJY-01528-00312848-00312951 now ipbhBysmsJY-01529-00312952-00313079 we're not going to sell you anything on ipbhBysmsJY-01530-00313080-00313319 this call okay it's just for you to feel ipbhBysmsJY-01531-00313320-00313558 into understand how the programs are get ipbhBysmsJY-01532-00313559-00313719 the information and then you can make a ipbhBysmsJY-01533-00313720-00313903 decision as an adult ipbhBysmsJY-01534-00313904-00314039 hey i want to have another call i want ipbhBysmsJY-01535-00314040-00314191 to get those next steps i want to figure ipbhBysmsJY-01536-00314192-00314343 out how i can make this work in my life ipbhBysmsJY-01537-00314344-00314510 okay and so that's how it works so you ipbhBysmsJY-01538-00314511-00314751 can either again just type in contact me ipbhBysmsJY-01539-00314752-00314951 like someone just did or just go to call ipbhBysmsJY-01540-00314952-00315182 and you can book yourself ipbhBysmsJY-01541-00315183-00315319 right in for the schedule for a ipbhBysmsJY-01542-00315320-00315454 15-minute call there with someone from ipbhBysmsJY-01543-00315455-00315615 our team and i promise you they're ipbhBysmsJY-01544-00315616-00315895 incredible beings who deeply deeply care ipbhBysmsJY-01545-00315896-00316071 about the quality of people's lives they ipbhBysmsJY-01546-00316072-00316247 do this work every single day we make ipbhBysmsJY-01547-00316248-00316430 sure right like if we're gonna if we ipbhBysmsJY-01548-00316431-00316639 teach it at the core of our company ipbhBysmsJY-01549-00316640-00316823 is very competent in this work right and ipbhBysmsJY-01550-00316824-00316982 so they're doing this this type of stuff ipbhBysmsJY-01551-00316983-00317215 all the time uh with that said i said ipbhBysmsJY-01552-00317216-00317439 let's uh finish this out with a quick ipbhBysmsJY-01553-00317440-00317527 set ipbhBysmsJY-01554-00317528-00317687 and uh then we'll send you guys on your ipbhBysmsJY-01555-00317688-00317830 way ipbhBysmsJY-01556-00317831-00318039 so just again right before we sit just ipbhBysmsJY-01557-00318040-00318119 uh ipbhBysmsJY-01558-00318120-00318454 taking note of where you are now ipbhBysmsJY-01559-00318455-00318615 uh on that ipbhBysmsJY-01560-00318616-00318830 zero to ten or one to ten uh stress ipbhBysmsJY-01561-00318831-00318934 levels ipbhBysmsJY-01562-00318935-00319071 and then we're just gonna sit for five ipbhBysmsJY-01563-00319072-00319223 minutes and see ipbhBysmsJY-01564-00319224-00319495 what happens when we leave that ipbhBysmsJY-01565-00319496-00319734 and again just noticing what ipbhBysmsJY-01566-00319735-00319934 new sensations or ipbhBysmsJY-01567-00319935-00320351 uh new experiences are available to you ipbhBysmsJY-01568-00320352-00320687 broski i'll i'll hold the time and ipbhBysmsJY-01569-00320688-00320839 you can go ipbhBysmsJY-01570-00320840-00321023 i'm gonna do a lead okay so close your ipbhBysmsJY-01571-00321024-00321303 eyes ipbhBysmsJY-01572-00321304-00321639 let's get comfy for a moment here ipbhBysmsJY-01573-00321640-00321815 again we're just gonna do a quick five ipbhBysmsJY-01574-00321816-00322095 six minutes here ipbhBysmsJY-01575-00322096-00322430 so closing your eyes ipbhBysmsJY-01576-00322431-00322623 and it's always easiest to start by just ipbhBysmsJY-01577-00322624-00323271 focusing on the breath ipbhBysmsJY-01578-00323272-00323439 and the reason we focus on breath is ipbhBysmsJY-01579-00323440-00323606 just to give the mind something to focus ipbhBysmsJY-01580-00323607-00323895 on ipbhBysmsJY-01581-00323896-00324030 amongst the many benefits of just ipbhBysmsJY-01582-00324031-00324854 breathing in general ipbhBysmsJY-01583-00324855-00325054 and again just noticing the ipbhBysmsJY-01584-00325055-00325279 the timber of this breath meaning like ipbhBysmsJY-01585-00325280-00325487 as i breathe ipbhBysmsJY-01586-00325488-00325719 maybe i'm noticing tension in my ipbhBysmsJY-01587-00325720-00325903 chest maybe the air is not even going ipbhBysmsJY-01588-00325904-00326071 down to my belly ipbhBysmsJY-01589-00326072-00326671 could i breathe a little deeper ipbhBysmsJY-01590-00326672-00326854 and i want to invite you to not try to ipbhBysmsJY-01591-00326855-00327063 quiet anything down or even change your ipbhBysmsJY-01592-00327064-00327358 state ipbhBysmsJY-01593-00327359-00327543 meditation is not about changing your ipbhBysmsJY-01594-00327544-00327823 state it's about being with the state ipbhBysmsJY-01595-00327824-00328247 that you're in ipbhBysmsJY-01596-00328248-00328423 it's observing your state it's not ipbhBysmsJY-01597-00328424-00328606 changing your state this is where a lot ipbhBysmsJY-01598-00328607-00328782 of people ipbhBysmsJY-01599-00328783-00328910 get mixed up and don't get a lot of ipbhBysmsJY-01600-00328911-00329375 value from meditation ipbhBysmsJY-01601-00329376-00329575 if your mind is loud say your mind is ipbhBysmsJY-01602-00329576-00329695 loud ipbhBysmsJY-01603-00329696-00329839 if your breath is restricted so your ipbhBysmsJY-01604-00329840-00330071 breath is restricted if there's ipbhBysmsJY-01605-00330072-00330287 tension in your heart or your belly so ipbhBysmsJY-01606-00330288-00330423 it is that's that's where it's at right ipbhBysmsJY-01607-00330424-00330599 now that's your moment that's your ipbhBysmsJY-01608-00330600-00331295 present ipbhBysmsJY-01609-00331296-00331615 and then somehow some way ipbhBysmsJY-01610-00331616-00331871 guide your awareness towards the space ipbhBysmsJY-01611-00331872-00332727 around your head ipbhBysmsJY-01612-00332728-00332934 i find this challenging then just start ipbhBysmsJY-01613-00332935-00333063 by by ipbhBysmsJY-01614-00333064-00333423 finding the space in front of your face ipbhBysmsJY-01615-00333424-00333647 and then to the right of the head and ipbhBysmsJY-01616-00333648-00333799 behind the head and then to the left ipbhBysmsJY-01617-00333800-00333991 side of the head so you kind of are ipbhBysmsJY-01618-00333992-00334175 bringing your awareness almost like a ipbhBysmsJY-01619-00334176-00334319 halo ipbhBysmsJY-01620-00334320-00334830 around your head ipbhBysmsJY-01621-00334831-00334958 i won't get into too much of the ipbhBysmsJY-01622-00334959-00335134 explanation of the biology of what's ipbhBysmsJY-01623-00335135-00335310 happening here you can ipbhBysmsJY-01624-00335311-00335503 get that meditation and ipbhBysmsJY-01625-00335504-00335647 i get into all the details with you on ipbhBysmsJY-01626-00335648-00335871 that one okay ipbhBysmsJY-01627-00335872-00336358 right now it's just about the practice ipbhBysmsJY-01628-00336359-00336647 just exploring just getting curious ipbhBysmsJY-01629-00336648-00336910 and so see what effects ipbhBysmsJY-01630-00336911-00337095 finding that space around your head has ipbhBysmsJY-01631-00337096-00337334 and you can if you can ipbhBysmsJY-01632-00337335-00337463 just kind of release the awareness so ipbhBysmsJY-01633-00337464-00337654 that it starts moving even farther away ipbhBysmsJY-01634-00337655-00337767 from ipbhBysmsJY-01635-00337768-00338087 quote unquote the head ipbhBysmsJY-01636-00338088-00338303 this can be just a few inches for some ipbhBysmsJY-01637-00338304-00338430 of you or for some of you it's going to ipbhBysmsJY-01638-00338431-00338606 feel like you're ipbhBysmsJY-01639-00338607-00338895 going uh exploring the universe ipbhBysmsJY-01640-00338896-00339119 it could be very wide or ipbhBysmsJY-01641-00339120-00339327 very close neither one's better or worse ipbhBysmsJY-01642-00339328-00339551 just exploring bringing awareness ipbhBysmsJY-01643-00339552-00341423 outside of the mind ipbhBysmsJY-01644-00341424-00341606 so you might start feeling that there is ipbhBysmsJY-01645-00341607-00341703 actually a ipbhBysmsJY-01646-00341704-00341903 like byproducts to bring your awareness ipbhBysmsJY-01647-00341904-00342039 here ipbhBysmsJY-01648-00342040-00342247 perhaps you start feeling more ipbhBysmsJY-01649-00342248-00342447 restful ipbhBysmsJY-01650-00342448-00342823 people will use words like buoyant ipbhBysmsJY-01651-00342824-00343015 to explain this ipbhBysmsJY-01652-00343016-00343495 spacious ipbhBysmsJY-01653-00343496-00344199 empty ipbhBysmsJY-01654-00344200-00344423 the void ipbhBysmsJY-01655-00344424-00344710 white ipbhBysmsJY-01656-00344711-00344887 some people start losing ipbhBysmsJY-01657-00344888-00345006 the ipbhBysmsJY-01658-00345007-00345151 awareness of their body it's like hard ipbhBysmsJY-01659-00345152-00345391 to find the edges of their body ipbhBysmsJY-01660-00345392-00345630 and so i really want to offer you ipbhBysmsJY-01661-00345631-00345775 finding an alternate state of ipbhBysmsJY-01662-00345776-00345934 consciousness is as easy as what you're ipbhBysmsJY-01663-00345935-00346095 doing now this is already an elevated ipbhBysmsJY-01664-00346096-00346695 state of consciousness ipbhBysmsJY-01665-00346696-00346887 if you're doubting yourself ipbhBysmsJY-01666-00346888-00347023 let the doubt go ipbhBysmsJY-01667-00347024-00347239 if you're using effort to get here see ipbhBysmsJY-01668-00347240-00347454 if you can let go of the effort ipbhBysmsJY-01669-00347455-00347639 and just be in your experience however ipbhBysmsJY-01670-00347640-00347791 it is there's no right or wrong way to ipbhBysmsJY-01671-00347792-00347895 do this ipbhBysmsJY-01672-00347896-00348478 we're just exploring ipbhBysmsJY-01673-00348479-00348743 and then from here see if you can turn ipbhBysmsJY-01674-00348744-00348871 back ipbhBysmsJY-01675-00348872-00349023 towards your body so like maintaining ipbhBysmsJY-01676-00349024-00349223 this spacious awareness ipbhBysmsJY-01677-00349224-00349382 and then turning back towards the body ipbhBysmsJY-01678-00349383-00349551 and just noticing ipbhBysmsJY-01679-00349552-00349839 the center channel the heart ipbhBysmsJY-01680-00349840-00350095 the solar plexus ipbhBysmsJY-01681-00350096-00350247 the stomach region ipbhBysmsJY-01682-00350248-00350454 all the way down to the root ipbhBysmsJY-01683-00350455-00351351 check the throat ipbhBysmsJY-01684-00351352-00351527 and what we're doing here is we're using ipbhBysmsJY-01685-00351528-00351975 subtle awareness to just check on ipbhBysmsJY-01686-00351976-00352303 the sensations within the body ipbhBysmsJY-01687-00352304-00352534 now the mind may have an opinion ipbhBysmsJY-01688-00352535-00352710 and that's okay about what it's looking ipbhBysmsJY-01689-00352711-00352806 at ipbhBysmsJY-01690-00352807-00352999 and instead of trying to quiet the mind ipbhBysmsJY-01691-00353000-00353415 just include what the mind is doing ipbhBysmsJY-01692-00353416-00353582 just include your mind it's okay if it's ipbhBysmsJY-01693-00353583-00353806 chatty ipbhBysmsJY-01694-00353807-00354399 don't try to turn off the chat box ipbhBysmsJY-01695-00354400-00354543 and again all we're doing in this simple ipbhBysmsJY-01696-00354544-00354719 little practice is just getting curious ipbhBysmsJY-01697-00354720-00355006 about the sensations ipbhBysmsJY-01698-00355007-00355367 inside of our body ipbhBysmsJY-01699-00355368-00355527 and then taking note of our experience ipbhBysmsJY-01700-00355528-00356199 as we do that ipbhBysmsJY-01701-00356200-00356343 so just ipbhBysmsJY-01702-00356344-00356558 this is really a very small taste and ipbhBysmsJY-01703-00356559-00356847 just take another minute ipbhBysmsJY-01704-00356848-00357623 here just noticing your experience ipbhBysmsJY-01705-00357624-00357815 this is just the very beginning of ipbhBysmsJY-01706-00357816-00357967 beginning to work with our energetic ipbhBysmsJY-01707-00357968-00358254 system and learning how to down regulate ipbhBysmsJY-01708-00358255-00358463 again in the meditation that we offer ipbhBysmsJY-01709-00358464-00358558 you can ipbhBysmsJY-01710-00358559-00358775 still write meditation in the chat box i ipbhBysmsJY-01711-00358776-00358982 go into great detail on how and why this ipbhBysmsJY-01712-00358983-00359839 works ipbhBysmsJY-01713-00359840-00360071 so i want to thank you guys uh for ipbhBysmsJY-01714-00360072-00360223 showing up today ipbhBysmsJY-01715-00360224-00360358 for being the type of person who is ipbhBysmsJY-01716-00360359-00360510 curious ipbhBysmsJY-01717-00360511-00360727 and wanting to learn about these very ipbhBysmsJY-01718-00360728-00360919 very important transformative processes ipbhBysmsJY-01719-00360920-00361030 that don't just ipbhBysmsJY-01720-00361031-00361230 uh transform our lives but can transform ipbhBysmsJY-01721-00361231-00361463 the lives of those around you we really ipbhBysmsJY-01722-00361464-00361775 honor your awareness and attention ipbhBysmsJY-01723-00361776-00361958 we value your curiosity thank you for ipbhBysmsJY-01724-00361959-00362151 being part of this community ipbhBysmsJY-01725-00362152-00362278 we look forward to serving those you ipbhBysmsJY-01726-00362279-00362439 guys who are interested in taking the ipbhBysmsJY-01727-00362440-00362654 next step please go ahead and type ipbhBysmsJY-01728-00362655-00362854 contact me or book your call on call ipbhBysmsJY-01729-00362855-00363127 so our team can uh have a ipbhBysmsJY-01730-00363128-00363254 chat with you and see if we can serve ipbhBysmsJY-01731-00363255-00363406 you in a greater way ipbhBysmsJY-01732-00363407-00363575 we love you love you love you very much ipbhBysmsJY-01733-00363576-00363823 and we'll see you here next tuesday ipbhBysmsJY-01734-00363824-00364015 bye everybody everyone i don't know how ipbhBysmsJY-01735-00364016-00364223 your stress levels have dropped after ipbhBysmsJY-01736-00364224-00364367 that meditation ipbhBysmsJY-01737-00364368-00364711 yeah bye y'all iOebAwty-AI-00000-00000000-00000079 [Music] iOebAwty-AI-00001-00000080-00000359 the special thing about your Safina as a iOebAwty-AI-00002-00000360-00000607 speaker is really her energy her ability iOebAwty-AI-00003-00000608-00001010 to sense what the audience needs and iOebAwty-AI-00004-00001011-00001298 really a very warm and energizing iOebAwty-AI-00005-00001299-00001544 approach that really captures everyone iOebAwty-AI-00006-00001545-00001841 she is authentic and that she's well iOebAwty-AI-00007-00001842-00002057 prepared and she knows her stuff and she iOebAwty-AI-00008-00002058-00002255 connected the dots between the research iOebAwty-AI-00009-00002256-00002645 brain research business experience and iOebAwty-AI-00010-00002646-00002888 sport experience she's really good at iOebAwty-AI-00011-00002889-00003224 combining the dimensions of a quite iOebAwty-AI-00012-00003225-00003584 complex area and communicated in a iOebAwty-AI-00013-00003585-00003872 simple and holistic way I really gained iOebAwty-AI-00014-00003872-00004151 some very useful tools and approaches iOebAwty-AI-00015-00004152-00004433 like being mindful of when you are not iOebAwty-AI-00016-00004434-00004561 in tune with yourself iOebAwty-AI-00017-00004562-00004847 thoughtful messages about how to sustain iOebAwty-AI-00018-00004848-00005042 your energy as a leader what I'll take iOebAwty-AI-00019-00005043-00005236 with me is definitely the techniques and iOebAwty-AI-00020-00005237-00005456 exercises that she gave us that could iOebAwty-AI-00021-00005457-00005738 help you be more mindful more focused in iOebAwty-AI-00022-00005739-00006050 difficult situations iU8E2AAXE3M-00000-00001192-00001454 i'm here today with uh andrew hogue who iU8E2AAXE3M-00001-00001455-00001663 is a an assistant professor in the iU8E2AAXE3M-00002-00001664-00001887 faculty of business and i.t iU8E2AAXE3M-00003-00001888-00002118 and he is going to share with us some of iU8E2AAXE3M-00004-00002119-00002359 his insights about his major research iU8E2AAXE3M-00005-00002360-00002607 interests um the course development work iU8E2AAXE3M-00006-00002608-00002783 that he's been working on and the iU8E2AAXE3M-00007-00002784-00003023 intersection with what is the focus of iU8E2AAXE3M-00008-00003024-00003286 this particular uh course problem-based iU8E2AAXE3M-00009-00003288-00003606 learning um so with that um i'll give it iU8E2AAXE3M-00010-00003607-00003847 over to you andrew and uh intervene iU8E2AAXE3M-00011-00003847-00004054 whenever we need to have additional iU8E2AAXE3M-00012-00004055-00004151 questions iU8E2AAXE3M-00013-00004152-00004231 okay iU8E2AAXE3M-00014-00004232-00004447 um so hi um iU8E2AAXE3M-00015-00004448-00004575 okay i'll just give you a little bit iU8E2AAXE3M-00016-00004576-00004767 about sort of what we do here and what iU8E2AAXE3M-00017-00004768-00004999 what i do and and and where i fit in iU8E2AAXE3M-00018-00005000-00005254 with the problem-based learning etc iU8E2AAXE3M-00019-00005255-00005375 um iU8E2AAXE3M-00020-00005376-00005543 so i teach in the uh the game iU8E2AAXE3M-00021-00005544-00005775 development program at the uh at the iU8E2AAXE3M-00022-00005776-00005879 university of ontario institute of iU8E2AAXE3M-00023-00005880-00006095 technology in the faculty of business in iU8E2AAXE3M-00024-00006096-00006231 iot iU8E2AAXE3M-00025-00006232-00006503 um so game development is an interesting iU8E2AAXE3M-00026-00006504-00006691 sort of very iU8E2AAXE3M-00027-00006692-00007063 multi-disciplinary uh field of study um iU8E2AAXE3M-00028-00007064-00007239 the the the point is that basically what iU8E2AAXE3M-00029-00007240-00007406 we we have is it's an undergraduate iU8E2AAXE3M-00030-00007408-00007598 program it's four years long iU8E2AAXE3M-00031-00007600-00007759 and we want to teach students how to iU8E2AAXE3M-00032-00007759-00008031 build video games and uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00033-00008031-00008223 building a video game is is not just as iU8E2AAXE3M-00034-00008224-00008414 simple as dragging and dropping things iU8E2AAXE3M-00035-00008415-00008599 or writing a story iU8E2AAXE3M-00036-00008600-00008823 it combines a lot of different areas a iU8E2AAXE3M-00037-00008824-00009127 lot of different fields in particular iU8E2AAXE3M-00038-00009128-00009335 it has the technical side of things of iU8E2AAXE3M-00039-00009336-00009487 computer programming so it has some iU8E2AAXE3M-00040-00009488-00009735 computer science background iU8E2AAXE3M-00041-00009736-00009999 but also has the art artistic aspects of iU8E2AAXE3M-00042-00010000-00010199 it um you have to be able to you know iU8E2AAXE3M-00043-00010200-00010463 create the art assets and the 3d models iU8E2AAXE3M-00044-00010464-00010551 and iU8E2AAXE3M-00045-00010552-00010710 and that sort of thing there's also the iU8E2AAXE3M-00046-00010711-00010903 story aspects and then how do you bring iU8E2AAXE3M-00047-00010904-00011223 it all together into a into a cohesive iU8E2AAXE3M-00048-00011224-00011438 design that that that iU8E2AAXE3M-00049-00011439-00011623 engages the users and iU8E2AAXE3M-00050-00011624-00011735 and uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00051-00011736-00011942 and is fun um iU8E2AAXE3M-00052-00011943-00012167 at the end of the day so so it it takes iU8E2AAXE3M-00053-00012168-00012367 a lot of effort and a lot of iU8E2AAXE3M-00054-00012368-00012599 people to to build video games as an iU8E2AAXE3M-00055-00012600-00012719 example iU8E2AAXE3M-00056-00012720-00012846 assassin's creed iU8E2AAXE3M-00057-00012847-00013038 uh you've probably heard of iU8E2AAXE3M-00058-00013039-00013207 the first one costs iU8E2AAXE3M-00059-00013208-00013391 on the order of four million dollars to iU8E2AAXE3M-00060-00013391-00013647 build over four years and 150 people iU8E2AAXE3M-00061-00013647-00013838 worked on the project iU8E2AAXE3M-00062-00013840-00014063 made a lot of money as well so it's iU8E2AAXE3M-00063-00014063-00014255 certainly a iU8E2AAXE3M-00064-00014256-00014543 a large endeavor iU8E2AAXE3M-00065-00014544-00014694 so what we do in the in the game iU8E2AAXE3M-00066-00014695-00014838 development program is we've we've iU8E2AAXE3M-00067-00014840-00014958 recognized that it's very iU8E2AAXE3M-00068-00014959-00015127 multi-disciplinary iU8E2AAXE3M-00069-00015128-00015399 and we have a group of students who are iU8E2AAXE3M-00070-00015400-00015630 extremely multidisciplinary themselves iU8E2AAXE3M-00071-00015631-00015791 some people come in wanting to learn iU8E2AAXE3M-00072-00015791-00015958 more about the art aspects of video iU8E2AAXE3M-00073-00015959-00016183 games some people more want to learn iU8E2AAXE3M-00074-00016184-00016519 more about the iU8E2AAXE3M-00075-00016520-00016711 programming side etc iU8E2AAXE3M-00076-00016712-00016886 and so trying to iU8E2AAXE3M-00077-00016887-00017143 create a curriculum that iU8E2AAXE3M-00078-00017144-00017367 satisfies everybody's needs is very iU8E2AAXE3M-00079-00017368-00017479 difficult iU8E2AAXE3M-00080-00017480-00017703 and so what we decided to do is sort of iU8E2AAXE3M-00081-00017704-00017799 take iU8E2AAXE3M-00082-00017800-00017935 a more iU8E2AAXE3M-00083-00017936-00018167 sort of a different approach to to iU8E2AAXE3M-00084-00018168-00018286 teaching iU8E2AAXE3M-00085-00018287-00018575 these students iU8E2AAXE3M-00086-00018576-00018775 then like a then a traditional computer iU8E2AAXE3M-00087-00018776-00018950 science approach or a traditional art iU8E2AAXE3M-00088-00018951-00019167 approach iU8E2AAXE3M-00089-00019168-00019319 in canada iU8E2AAXE3M-00090-00019320-00019503 usually what ends up happening for game iU8E2AAXE3M-00091-00019504-00019694 development type of programs is you have iU8E2AAXE3M-00092-00019695-00020086 a computer science curriculum that is a iU8E2AAXE3M-00093-00020087-00020279 standard curriculum standard computer iU8E2AAXE3M-00094-00020280-00020414 science curriculum iU8E2AAXE3M-00095-00020415-00020679 and they typically add a few game design iU8E2AAXE3M-00096-00020680-00020839 or game development courses at the end iU8E2AAXE3M-00097-00020840-00020919 of it iU8E2AAXE3M-00098-00020920-00021083 and they call that a game development iU8E2AAXE3M-00099-00021084-00021358 program um what we try to do is try and iU8E2AAXE3M-00100-00021359-00021519 take a more cohesive integrative iU8E2AAXE3M-00101-00021520-00021678 approach and so that's where iU8E2AAXE3M-00102-00021679-00021886 problem-based learning comes into play iU8E2AAXE3M-00103-00021887-00022078 um iU8E2AAXE3M-00104-00022079-00022414 so yeah i can go on if you want iU8E2AAXE3M-00105-00022415-00022655 yeah what you're doing quite well so if iU8E2AAXE3M-00106-00022656-00022814 you want to pick it up from where you iU8E2AAXE3M-00107-00022815-00022950 actually see the intersection with iU8E2AAXE3M-00108-00022951-00023175 problem-based learning and uh describe iU8E2AAXE3M-00109-00023176-00023407 that a little bit uh that that'd be a iU8E2AAXE3M-00110-00023408-00023543 nice segue to where we're actually iU8E2AAXE3M-00111-00023544-00023750 heading okay iU8E2AAXE3M-00112-00023751-00023855 so iU8E2AAXE3M-00113-00023856-00024071 um iU8E2AAXE3M-00114-00024072-00024199 so yeah so the iU8E2AAXE3M-00115-00024200-00024358 you know what is problem-based learning iU8E2AAXE3M-00116-00024359-00024583 and from from what i've understood this iU8E2AAXE3M-00117-00024584-00024822 is a totally new field for me as well my iU8E2AAXE3M-00118-00024823-00025030 background is computer science iU8E2AAXE3M-00119-00025031-00025247 um so you know when it comes to iU8E2AAXE3M-00120-00025248-00025399 education and teaching people in iU8E2AAXE3M-00121-00025400-00025527 different ways iU8E2AAXE3M-00122-00025528-00025831 i was i was i learned education by uh by iU8E2AAXE3M-00123-00025832-00026078 looking at my professors and uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00124-00026079-00026231 which is not necessarily the best role iU8E2AAXE3M-00125-00026232-00026390 model is to look at computer science iU8E2AAXE3M-00126-00026391-00026687 professors as educators um they're iU8E2AAXE3M-00127-00026688-00026927 pretty pretty uh introverted and iU8E2AAXE3M-00128-00026927-00027135 anti-social or i wouldn't say anti but iU8E2AAXE3M-00129-00027136-00027255 asocial iU8E2AAXE3M-00130-00027256-00027414 um iU8E2AAXE3M-00131-00027416-00027639 and they they don't engage the the iU8E2AAXE3M-00132-00027639-00027846 audience very well because the material iU8E2AAXE3M-00133-00027847-00028031 is sort of in a way that you know is iU8E2AAXE3M-00134-00028032-00028183 always presented in a way that here's a iU8E2AAXE3M-00135-00028183-00028351 here's an algorithm here's a solution iU8E2AAXE3M-00136-00028352-00028574 here's a problem and then iU8E2AAXE3M-00137-00028575-00028831 go off and do your own thing sort of iU8E2AAXE3M-00138-00028832-00029014 for a while um iU8E2AAXE3M-00139-00029016-00029255 but we try and we we recognize that iU8E2AAXE3M-00140-00029256-00029639 that's not the the best approach uh to iU8E2AAXE3M-00141-00029639-00029735 teaching iU8E2AAXE3M-00142-00029736-00029902 video games and how to develop video iU8E2AAXE3M-00143-00029904-00030095 games iU8E2AAXE3M-00144-00030095-00030183 so iU8E2AAXE3M-00145-00030183-00030343 what we decided to look at is sort of iU8E2AAXE3M-00146-00030344-00030487 like okay what is this problem-based iU8E2AAXE3M-00147-00030488-00030655 learning approach and what is the what iU8E2AAXE3M-00148-00030656-00030767 is it uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00149-00030768-00030983 what is it um what are the sort of the iU8E2AAXE3M-00150-00030983-00031158 interesting bits and how can we take iU8E2AAXE3M-00151-00031160-00031327 from that at least and sort of modify it iU8E2AAXE3M-00152-00031327-00031535 in a way that works for us iU8E2AAXE3M-00153-00031536-00031702 uh so problem-based learning as i iU8E2AAXE3M-00154-00031703-00031902 understand it is essentially you you iU8E2AAXE3M-00155-00031903-00031990 take iU8E2AAXE3M-00156-00031991-00032143 groups of students iU8E2AAXE3M-00157-00032144-00032495 and you have them explore a problem iU8E2AAXE3M-00158-00032495-00032702 you give them a very ill-defined problem iU8E2AAXE3M-00159-00032703-00032831 and they try and come up with sort of iU8E2AAXE3M-00160-00032832-00033055 novel solutions to this problem iU8E2AAXE3M-00161-00033056-00033279 um and so this is this has been adopted iU8E2AAXE3M-00162-00033280-00033551 quite well in uh in the medical field at iU8E2AAXE3M-00163-00033552-00033702 mcmaster iU8E2AAXE3M-00164-00033703-00033911 and and and other areas as well but iU8E2AAXE3M-00165-00033912-00034031 that's sort of the one that everyone iU8E2AAXE3M-00166-00034032-00034159 cites iU8E2AAXE3M-00167-00034160-00034351 because the the work that it that iU8E2AAXE3M-00168-00034352-00034623 doctors have to do is is obviously very iU8E2AAXE3M-00169-00034624-00034767 uh you know they have to be able to iU8E2AAXE3M-00170-00034768-00034959 search for solutions and come up with iU8E2AAXE3M-00171-00034960-00035151 different novel uh solutions to these iU8E2AAXE3M-00172-00035152-00035359 problems and they're not necessarily the iU8E2AAXE3M-00173-00035360-00035511 same problems every time so you have to iU8E2AAXE3M-00174-00035512-00035727 be able to be fluid in your in your iU8E2AAXE3M-00175-00035728-00035983 problem solving iU8E2AAXE3M-00176-00035984-00036143 so we took from this is we said like iU8E2AAXE3M-00177-00036144-00036271 what we can do iU8E2AAXE3M-00178-00036272-00036455 is we can iU8E2AAXE3M-00179-00036456-00036630 make sure that students from day one iU8E2AAXE3M-00180-00036631-00036862 work together in groups iU8E2AAXE3M-00181-00036863-00037062 and we define sort of a problem a iU8E2AAXE3M-00182-00037063-00037246 problem space and that problem space iU8E2AAXE3M-00183-00037247-00037511 that we define is building a video game iU8E2AAXE3M-00184-00037512-00037702 now obviously building a video game iU8E2AAXE3M-00185-00037703-00037902 doesn't necessarily iU8E2AAXE3M-00186-00037903-00038062 have them do the exactly what we need iU8E2AAXE3M-00187-00038063-00038271 them to do in the right progression iU8E2AAXE3M-00188-00038272-00038399 so what we iU8E2AAXE3M-00189-00038400-00038639 tend to do is structure it a bit more um iU8E2AAXE3M-00190-00038640-00038830 in the first couple of years iU8E2AAXE3M-00191-00038831-00038990 so what we've done is we basically have iU8E2AAXE3M-00192-00038991-00039279 taken our standard curriculum iU8E2AAXE3M-00193-00039280-00039623 and made a workshop underneath it that iU8E2AAXE3M-00194-00039624-00039807 is the uh what we call the game iU8E2AAXE3M-00195-00039808-00039943 development workshop which is sort of iU8E2AAXE3M-00196-00039944-00040071 where the problem-based learning iU8E2AAXE3M-00197-00040072-00040287 approach comes into play iU8E2AAXE3M-00198-00040288-00040511 and in the in the workshop what ends up iU8E2AAXE3M-00199-00040512-00040983 happening is um a coordinator iU8E2AAXE3M-00200-00040984-00041151 basically tells the students you know iU8E2AAXE3M-00201-00041152-00041415 let's analyze a case study iU8E2AAXE3M-00202-00041416-00041671 and let's look at iU8E2AAXE3M-00203-00041672-00042055 a video game that we can deconstruct iU8E2AAXE3M-00204-00042056-00042207 that exists already and sort of iU8E2AAXE3M-00205-00042208-00042495 understand how it fits in with uh what iU8E2AAXE3M-00206-00042496-00042615 they're currently learning in all of iU8E2AAXE3M-00207-00042616-00042751 their courses iU8E2AAXE3M-00208-00042752-00043023 and it's structured in such a way that iU8E2AAXE3M-00209-00043024-00043207 they're going to be able to build up iU8E2AAXE3M-00210-00043208-00043407 uh knowledge and different aspects of iU8E2AAXE3M-00211-00043408-00043646 these courses as they progress through iU8E2AAXE3M-00212-00043647-00043911 the workshop iU8E2AAXE3M-00213-00043912-00044111 so basically iU8E2AAXE3M-00214-00044112-00044390 as an example iU8E2AAXE3M-00215-00044391-00044630 in first year in the fall semester they iU8E2AAXE3M-00216-00044631-00044823 take courses like introduction to iU8E2AAXE3M-00217-00044824-00045062 computer programming uh teaches them c iU8E2AAXE3M-00218-00045063-00045158 plus iU8E2AAXE3M-00219-00045159-00045327 all the basic programming knowledge and iU8E2AAXE3M-00220-00045328-00045423 skills iU8E2AAXE3M-00221-00045424-00045567 uh but they also take things like iU8E2AAXE3M-00222-00045568-00045743 creative writing and narrative uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00223-00045744-00045887 narrative design iU8E2AAXE3M-00224-00045888-00046015 uh so iU8E2AAXE3M-00225-00046016-00046127 in order to iU8E2AAXE3M-00226-00046128-00046287 show them the relevance of all these iU8E2AAXE3M-00227-00046288-00046590 different uh different courses iU8E2AAXE3M-00228-00046591-00046774 we integrate them together and say iU8E2AAXE3M-00229-00046775-00046983 there's a piece of that course inside of iU8E2AAXE3M-00230-00046984-00047127 your game somewhere and you have to iU8E2AAXE3M-00231-00047128-00047302 define what that is that's the iU8E2AAXE3M-00232-00047303-00047495 ill-defined nature of it iU8E2AAXE3M-00233-00047496-00047702 so the students get to iU8E2AAXE3M-00234-00047703-00047886 to explore that area with some iU8E2AAXE3M-00235-00047887-00048102 constraints iU8E2AAXE3M-00236-00048103-00048311 so the very the fall semester they have iU8E2AAXE3M-00237-00048312-00048495 to integrate the creative writing and iU8E2AAXE3M-00238-00048496-00048695 the programming that to build a game iU8E2AAXE3M-00239-00048696-00048886 that that takes pieces of both and sort iU8E2AAXE3M-00240-00048887-00049118 of uh explores that area so they iU8E2AAXE3M-00241-00049119-00049383 typically build things like um iU8E2AAXE3M-00242-00049384-00049639 story with character development iU8E2AAXE3M-00243-00049640-00049839 they have to have to show how that works iU8E2AAXE3M-00244-00049840-00050102 and have interaction with the user uh as iU8E2AAXE3M-00245-00050103-00050262 the video game uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00246-00050263-00050383 for the video game part of it so they iU8E2AAXE3M-00247-00050384-00050630 typically do like a text adventure from iU8E2AAXE3M-00248-00050631-00050702 the iU8E2AAXE3M-00249-00050703-00050895 70s and 80s iU8E2AAXE3M-00250-00050896-00051207 similar sort of genre iU8E2AAXE3M-00251-00051208-00051311 um iU8E2AAXE3M-00252-00051312-00051582 i i noticed in the uh the past week that iU8E2AAXE3M-00253-00051583-00051902 you've actually published a paper on iU8E2AAXE3M-00254-00051903-00052190 project-based learning iU8E2AAXE3M-00255-00052191-00052311 distinctions iU8E2AAXE3M-00256-00052312-00052447 based learning and problem-based iU8E2AAXE3M-00257-00052448-00052607 learning i know this is sort of out of iU8E2AAXE3M-00258-00052608-00052950 the blue but i thought it was our result iU8E2AAXE3M-00259-00052951-00053142 yeah i know absolutely there's certainly iU8E2AAXE3M-00260-00053144-00053438 a difference um iU8E2AAXE3M-00261-00053439-00053735 i'm still learning the differences iU8E2AAXE3M-00262-00053736-00053975 but uh but yeah i know i i think what iU8E2AAXE3M-00263-00053976-00054182 we've done is sort of iU8E2AAXE3M-00264-00054183-00054407 as opposed to exploring all the iU8E2AAXE3M-00265-00054408-00054615 different problems in this larger space iU8E2AAXE3M-00266-00054616-00054871 we've said here's a project iU8E2AAXE3M-00267-00054872-00055191 and you have to build this project which iU8E2AAXE3M-00268-00055191-00055447 is you know has some structure to it iU8E2AAXE3M-00269-00055448-00055615 so that it what the way uh the iU8E2AAXE3M-00270-00055616-00055799 differences that i see between regular iU8E2AAXE3M-00271-00055800-00056038 pbl and project based learning iU8E2AAXE3M-00272-00056039-00056271 is sort of um we have this more of a iU8E2AAXE3M-00273-00056272-00056550 structure to it and uh and that iU8E2AAXE3M-00274-00056551-00056766 structure is sort of developed to to iU8E2AAXE3M-00275-00056767-00056966 enhance sort of the scaffolding iU8E2AAXE3M-00276-00056967-00057038 uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00277-00057039-00057150 so that students know that they're iU8E2AAXE3M-00278-00057151-00057359 making progress etc iU8E2AAXE3M-00279-00057360-00057623 um and we can help them along uh to iU8E2AAXE3M-00280-00057624-00057815 understand what they're doing iU8E2AAXE3M-00281-00057816-00058015 so the students are still learning as iU8E2AAXE3M-00282-00058016-00058223 they are doing yes but there's a little iU8E2AAXE3M-00283-00058224-00058342 bit more iU8E2AAXE3M-00284-00058344-00058566 yeah assistance to them um in the iU8E2AAXE3M-00285-00058567-00058830 earlier years as you were describing in iU8E2AAXE3M-00286-00058832-00059135 less of that scaffolding or support um iU8E2AAXE3M-00287-00059136-00059454 when we get into yourself iU8E2AAXE3M-00288-00059455-00059623 would you characterize then the program iU8E2AAXE3M-00289-00059624-00059838 is starting out with very much a iU8E2AAXE3M-00290-00059839-00060166 project-based orientation and iU8E2AAXE3M-00291-00060167-00060359 towards the end of perhaps fourth year iU8E2AAXE3M-00292-00060360-00060687 or something that would be closer to a iU8E2AAXE3M-00293-00060688-00060950 problem-based orientation a little bit iU8E2AAXE3M-00294-00060951-00061159 yeah yeah so we relax constraints every iU8E2AAXE3M-00295-00061160-00061271 year iU8E2AAXE3M-00296-00061272-00061454 and and sort of increase the iU8E2AAXE3M-00297-00061455-00061615 um iU8E2AAXE3M-00298-00061616-00061694 the iU8E2AAXE3M-00299-00061695-00061854 the ability for them to to come up with iU8E2AAXE3M-00300-00061855-00062071 creativity and and use that that iU8E2AAXE3M-00301-00062072-00062359 creative uh expression uh more more so iU8E2AAXE3M-00302-00062360-00062494 every in every year iU8E2AAXE3M-00303-00062495-00062654 um obviously trying to teach them iU8E2AAXE3M-00304-00062655-00062863 specific content but at the same time iU8E2AAXE3M-00305-00062864-00063206 letting them explore even more um so in iU8E2AAXE3M-00306-00063207-00063415 in fourth year they have a capstone iU8E2AAXE3M-00307-00063416-00063726 project which is similar um iU8E2AAXE3M-00308-00063727-00063919 but what it does is it they they get to iU8E2AAXE3M-00309-00063920-00064087 define the project they get to define iU8E2AAXE3M-00310-00064088-00064199 the problem iU8E2AAXE3M-00311-00064200-00064487 and explore it that way as well so so as iU8E2AAXE3M-00312-00064488-00064791 we relax constraints they've learned iU8E2AAXE3M-00313-00064791-00065054 um all the the core technology and the iU8E2AAXE3M-00314-00065055-00065326 core um ideas and concepts in order to iU8E2AAXE3M-00315-00065327-00065487 actually build these games and by fourth iU8E2AAXE3M-00316-00065488-00065735 year they're able to succeed in in iU8E2AAXE3M-00317-00065736-00065882 creating whatever they iU8E2AAXE3M-00318-00065883-00066038 like okay iU8E2AAXE3M-00319-00066039-00066255 um iU8E2AAXE3M-00320-00066256-00066463 what i'd like to do is have you just iU8E2AAXE3M-00321-00066464-00066663 described a little bit more about the uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00322-00066664-00066879 the actual tools that you're actually iU8E2AAXE3M-00323-00066880-00067135 making use of um as you go through the iU8E2AAXE3M-00324-00067136-00067287 development of these games with these iU8E2AAXE3M-00325-00067288-00067447 students iU8E2AAXE3M-00326-00067448-00067615 when i was talking to you earlier you iU8E2AAXE3M-00327-00067616-00067759 were talking about iU8E2AAXE3M-00328-00067760-00067894 um iU8E2AAXE3M-00329-00067895-00068063 civic iU8E2AAXE3M-00330-00068064-00068294 task engines that would actually iU8E2AAXE3M-00331-00068295-00068494 do your your major iU8E2AAXE3M-00332-00068495-00068759 development for you etc can you describe iU8E2AAXE3M-00333-00068760-00068935 a little bit more of that iU8E2AAXE3M-00334-00068936-00069247 um yeah so in in terms of developing uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00335-00069248-00069471 the actual games students learn from iU8E2AAXE3M-00336-00069472-00069671 scratch so at the very beginning they iU8E2AAXE3M-00337-00069672-00069863 they learn how to build iU8E2AAXE3M-00338-00069864-00070087 the video games from iU8E2AAXE3M-00339-00070088-00070303 from basics from given nothing they have iU8E2AAXE3M-00340-00070304-00070455 to build all the art iU8E2AAXE3M-00341-00070456-00070726 all the assets all of the 3d models all iU8E2AAXE3M-00342-00070727-00070838 of the iU8E2AAXE3M-00343-00070839-00071150 story background etc all the programming iU8E2AAXE3M-00344-00071151-00071335 all the code iU8E2AAXE3M-00345-00071336-00071582 they're not given any real tools to iU8E2AAXE3M-00346-00071583-00071759 develop it they have to learn iU8E2AAXE3M-00347-00071760-00071903 um iU8E2AAXE3M-00348-00071904-00072063 you know the basic software packages and iU8E2AAXE3M-00349-00072064-00072271 stuff that you know photoshop and maya iU8E2AAXE3M-00350-00072272-00072431 and things like that that iU8E2AAXE3M-00351-00072432-00072567 are required iU8E2AAXE3M-00352-00072568-00072759 but they have to understand sort of how iU8E2AAXE3M-00353-00072760-00073038 to integrate that into their own code iU8E2AAXE3M-00354-00073039-00073199 and so that requires some effort on iU8E2AAXE3M-00355-00073200-00073367 their part to really sort of figure out iU8E2AAXE3M-00356-00073368-00073511 it's like a puzzle right you know how to iU8E2AAXE3M-00357-00073512-00073711 how do i develop code to solve this iU8E2AAXE3M-00358-00073712-00074023 particular sub problem and and get my my iU8E2AAXE3M-00359-00074024-00074279 3d model into my game iU8E2AAXE3M-00360-00074280-00074550 and a lot of that's led um through the iU8E2AAXE3M-00361-00074551-00074823 discussions etc uh with the coordinator iU8E2AAXE3M-00362-00074824-00074991 he helps them out a lot with with uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00363-00074992-00075238 with that core technology um so they can iU8E2AAXE3M-00364-00075239-00075359 learn how to do that and what is iU8E2AAXE3M-00365-00075360-00075550 actually necessary to iU8E2AAXE3M-00366-00075551-00075950 to go forward with these these things iU8E2AAXE3M-00367-00075951-00076262 but yeah as we get to third year uh iU8E2AAXE3M-00368-00076263-00076431 first and second year are pretty much iU8E2AAXE3M-00369-00076432-00076638 develop everything from scratch iU8E2AAXE3M-00370-00076639-00076903 um so they get a good base iU8E2AAXE3M-00371-00076904-00077119 uh fundamental knowledge of how all this iU8E2AAXE3M-00372-00077120-00077415 stuff works and by the time we get to iU8E2AAXE3M-00373-00077416-00077759 that um in third year they can they iU8E2AAXE3M-00374-00077760-00078015 start to use more more engine tools iU8E2AAXE3M-00375-00078016-00078206 they start to build the tools iU8E2AAXE3M-00376-00078207-00078415 themselves because now they've they sort iU8E2AAXE3M-00377-00078416-00078638 of they've understood what the issues iU8E2AAXE3M-00378-00078639-00078831 are because it's a learning process for iU8E2AAXE3M-00379-00078832-00078926 them too iU8E2AAXE3M-00380-00078927-00079159 uh they know what was the hardest pro iU8E2AAXE3M-00381-00079160-00079367 hardest part of developing the previous iU8E2AAXE3M-00382-00079368-00079455 game iU8E2AAXE3M-00383-00079456-00079671 so they get to develop tools and are iU8E2AAXE3M-00384-00079672-00079894 forced to develop tools essentially as iU8E2AAXE3M-00385-00079895-00080023 as part of a different course in third iU8E2AAXE3M-00386-00080024-00080294 year uh to help them build their their iU8E2AAXE3M-00387-00080295-00080487 newer game um iU8E2AAXE3M-00388-00080488-00080679 moreover they get to they have to iU8E2AAXE3M-00389-00080680-00081023 augment other tools as as well that sort iU8E2AAXE3M-00390-00081024-00081143 of take care of some that low level iU8E2AAXE3M-00391-00081144-00081294 functionality so they don't have to redo iU8E2AAXE3M-00392-00081295-00081415 all that stuff that they've done iU8E2AAXE3M-00393-00081416-00081582 previously iU8E2AAXE3M-00394-00081583-00081823 but can build at a higher level iU8E2AAXE3M-00395-00081824-00081999 sort of focusing more on iU8E2AAXE3M-00396-00082000-00082079 um iU8E2AAXE3M-00397-00082080-00082391 ai or or decision making or strategy or iU8E2AAXE3M-00398-00082392-00082479 or iU8E2AAXE3M-00399-00082480-00082735 more higher level gameplay structures iU8E2AAXE3M-00400-00082736-00082950 and that sort of thing iU8E2AAXE3M-00401-00082951-00083182 and ai being iU8E2AAXE3M-00402-00083183-00083399 artificial yeah iU8E2AAXE3M-00403-00083400-00083606 still the same definition then okay iU8E2AAXE3M-00404-00083607-00083907 um iUpUe6sSTgQ-00000-00000000-00000482 goodness iUpUe6sSTgQ-00001-00000483-00000720 [Music] iVZ8e96gcw4-00001-00003836-00005896 [Music] iVZ8e96gcw4-00002-00005897-00008208 [Music] iVZ8e96gcw4-00003-00008209-00008377 [Applause] iVZ8e96gcw4-00004-00008378-00010583 [Music] iVZ8e96gcw4-00005-00010584-00011301 [Applause] iVZ8e96gcw4-00007-00015755-00017471 [Music] iVZ8e96gcw4-00008-00017472-00017744 so iVZ8e96gcw4-00010-00022241-00023888 [Music] iVZ8e96gcw4-00011-00023889-00025399 [Music] iVZ8e96gcw4-00013-00029808-00030677 [Music] iVZ8e96gcw4-00014-00030679-00031495 [Music] iVZ8e96gcw4-00015-00031495-00031703 you iW7q2FQvaxY-00000-00000003-00000221 so for step two let's add the second iW7q2FQvaxY-00001-00000222-00000424 pivot object and make it a non solid as iW7q2FQvaxY-00002-00000425-00000653 well so let's go into the library let's iW7q2FQvaxY-00003-00000654-00000947 go into basic shapes and let's add in a iW7q2FQvaxY-00004-00000948-00001378 circle let's give the circle a color of iW7q2FQvaxY-00005-00001379-00001907 slightly pink that's good let's turn off iW7q2FQvaxY-00006-00001907-00002356 the solid and let's name it iW7q2FQvaxY-00007-00002357-00002879 second pivots great let's also resize iW7q2FQvaxY-00008-00002880-00003224 this so it's really small compared to iW7q2FQvaxY-00009-00003225-00003533 the arugula and let's place it in the iW7q2FQvaxY-00010-00003534-00003865 center of our scene awesome and now iW7q2FQvaxY-00011-00003867-00004148 we're done with step two iWCZWMksZ48-00000-00000479-00000551 greetings iWCZWMksZ48-00001-00000552-00000831 greetings greetings and welcome to iWCZWMksZ48-00002-00000832-00001070 hilltalk tuesdays iWCZWMksZ48-00003-00001071-00001383 it's so good to be here with you isn't iWCZWMksZ48-00004-00001384-00001491 it iWCZWMksZ48-00005-00001492-00001910 hello oh what a day it has iWCZWMksZ48-00006-00001911-00002350 been back to back so how are you doing iWCZWMksZ48-00007-00002351-00002526 i thought maybe we can have a cup of iWCZWMksZ48-00008-00002527-00002799 coffee together today iWCZWMksZ48-00009-00002800-00003102 here's why because iWCZWMksZ48-00010-00003103-00003470 it's so good to take some time iWCZWMksZ48-00011-00003471-00003886 and enjoy a moment iWCZWMksZ48-00012-00003887-00004206 of doing nothing you know why iWCZWMksZ48-00013-00004207-00004527 because doing nothing believe it or not iWCZWMksZ48-00014-00004528-00004911 is doing something ha what a concept iWCZWMksZ48-00015-00004912-00005031 right iWCZWMksZ48-00016-00005032-00005518 doing nothing is doing something iWCZWMksZ48-00017-00005519-00005847 so today we're going to be talking about iWCZWMksZ48-00018-00005848-00006167 what a lot of people ask me what is iWCZWMksZ48-00019-00006168-00006270 hypnosis iWCZWMksZ48-00020-00006271-00006598 how does our brain work and iWCZWMksZ48-00021-00006600-00006810 what is the difference between iWCZWMksZ48-00022-00006811-00006951 hypnotherapy iWCZWMksZ48-00023-00006952-00007263 and regular cognitive therapy iWCZWMksZ48-00024-00007264-00007623 so today i'm gonna because it is iWCZWMksZ48-00025-00007623-00008006 national i.t day i'm gonna iWCZWMksZ48-00026-00008008-00008359 turn things around and explain to you iWCZWMksZ48-00027-00008360-00008719 in my perception in my philosophy and iWCZWMksZ48-00028-00008720-00008751 how iWCZWMksZ48-00029-00008752-00009103 i explain to other people what our brain iWCZWMksZ48-00030-00009104-00009431 and how our body and everything works iWCZWMksZ48-00031-00009432-00009751 and just like a computer right hi cinda iWCZWMksZ48-00032-00009752-00009951 john how are you iWCZWMksZ48-00033-00009952-00010278 so if you are interested to learn more iWCZWMksZ48-00034-00010279-00010342 about it iWCZWMksZ48-00035-00010343-00010663 i'm also giving you a gift today iWCZWMksZ48-00036-00010664-00010887 for those of you who are having a little iWCZWMksZ48-00037-00010888-00011283 bit of a stress and anxiety iWCZWMksZ48-00038-00011284-00011519 automatically do this for me iWCZWMksZ48-00039-00011520-00011774 text on your phone just grab your phone iWCZWMksZ48-00040-00011775-00011927 i don't have my phone ah iWCZWMksZ48-00041-00011928-00012183 there it is just grab your phone and iWCZWMksZ48-00042-00012184-00012263 text iWCZWMksZ48-00043-00012264-00013027 the number eight one eight two seven iWCZWMksZ48-00044-00013028-00013166 818-221-2797 iWCZWMksZ48-00045-00013168-00013479 and text stress iWCZWMksZ48-00046-00013480-00013758 and by doing so i will send you a link iWCZWMksZ48-00047-00013759-00013894 so you can listen iWCZWMksZ48-00048-00013895-00014135 in the comfort of your home or anywhere iWCZWMksZ48-00049-00014136-00014319 that you are iWCZWMksZ48-00050-00014319-00014647 my hypnosis relaxation iWCZWMksZ48-00051-00014647-00014991 that it says stress no more iWCZWMksZ48-00052-00014991-00015550 so again it's iWCZWMksZ48-00053-00015551-00015750 text 818-221-2797 number and you will iWCZWMksZ48-00054-00015751-00015903 get my audio recording iWCZWMksZ48-00055-00015904-00016271 mp3 and you will have stress iWCZWMksZ48-00056-00016272-00016663 no more so that's number one number two iWCZWMksZ48-00057-00016664-00016935 make sure you subscribe below because i iWCZWMksZ48-00058-00016936-00017127 want to be in touch with you iWCZWMksZ48-00059-00017128-00017375 and by the way you can catch up with all iWCZWMksZ48-00060-00017376-00017543 the youtubes and everything iWCZWMksZ48-00061-00017544-00017967 that you have not caught up now iWCZWMksZ48-00062-00017968-00018271 let's just sit back and think about what iWCZWMksZ48-00063-00018272-00018311 is iWCZWMksZ48-00064-00018312-00018655 our brain like it's just this computer iWCZWMksZ48-00065-00018656-00018886 the same thing that you're either on the iWCZWMksZ48-00066-00018887-00018983 phone or iWCZWMksZ48-00067-00018984-00019247 i don't know many people who have never iWCZWMksZ48-00068-00019248-00019575 used a computer or seen a computer iWCZWMksZ48-00069-00019576-00019879 so our pineal gland iWCZWMksZ48-00070-00019880-00020199 right here which the dictionary calls it iWCZWMksZ48-00071-00020200-00020575 the third eye i like to consider iWCZWMksZ48-00072-00020576-00020943 our pineal gland the motherboard iWCZWMksZ48-00073-00020944-00021343 everything all the files are stored in iWCZWMksZ48-00074-00021344-00021430 here iWCZWMksZ48-00075-00021431-00021639 we think we analyze we judge we iWCZWMksZ48-00076-00021640-00021847 criticize everything iWCZWMksZ48-00077-00021848-00022167 is right here right so iWCZWMksZ48-00078-00022168-00022543 every single file every experience iWCZWMksZ48-00079-00022544-00022807 every habit and behavior that you have iWCZWMksZ48-00080-00022808-00022919 had iWCZWMksZ48-00081-00022920-00023247 from the day that you are born from the iWCZWMksZ48-00082-00023248-00023311 time iWCZWMksZ48-00083-00023312-00023767 that they put you on your mother's bosom iWCZWMksZ48-00084-00023768-00024111 and there is that touch and the baby iWCZWMksZ48-00085-00024112-00024430 feels the touch of a mother the iWCZWMksZ48-00086-00024431-00024558 connection iWCZWMksZ48-00087-00024559-00024927 to the heart to the entire thing iWCZWMksZ48-00088-00024928-00025303 and from the sounds from everything iWCZWMksZ48-00089-00025304-00025643 we begin to incorporate all iWCZWMksZ48-00090-00025644-00025934 experiences by looking iWCZWMksZ48-00091-00025935-00026199 listening and learning right so iWCZWMksZ48-00092-00026200-00026302 everything gets iWCZWMksZ48-00093-00026304-00026735 stored in your brain that iWCZWMksZ48-00094-00026736-00027070 is the motherboard the second thing iWCZWMksZ48-00095-00027072-00027423 is our brain our brain is where iWCZWMksZ48-00096-00027424-00027846 the data is stored all the data iWCZWMksZ48-00097-00027847-00028327 everything is stored right there iWCZWMksZ48-00098-00028327-00028718 next is our body our body iWCZWMksZ48-00099-00028719-00029046 is the case the casing iWCZWMksZ48-00100-00029047-00029383 of the computer right so iWCZWMksZ48-00101-00029383-00029879 hello joshua so we have the pineal gland iWCZWMksZ48-00102-00029880-00030190 and we have the brain which is the data iWCZWMksZ48-00103-00030191-00030551 and the body is the casing iWCZWMksZ48-00104-00030552-00030831 so every computer comes in a case and iWCZWMksZ48-00105-00030832-00031087 you already know that either a laptop iWCZWMksZ48-00106-00031088-00031470 or the computer itself now iWCZWMksZ48-00107-00031472-00031646 you would say then where is the iWCZWMksZ48-00108-00031647-00031831 subconscious mind iWCZWMksZ48-00109-00031832-00032111 i like to call the subconscious that iWCZWMksZ48-00110-00032112-00032158 little iWCZWMksZ48-00111-00032160-00032527 chip which is the ram the memory iWCZWMksZ48-00112-00032527-00032807 and everything is stored in there iWCZWMksZ48-00113-00032808-00032871 remember iWCZWMksZ48-00114-00032872-00033159 i've explained this and here's again iWCZWMksZ48-00115-00033160-00033199 it's iWCZWMksZ48-00116-00033200-00033574 that chip that is stored either in a iWCZWMksZ48-00117-00033575-00033702 video camera iWCZWMksZ48-00118-00033703-00033990 or in a regular camera or in our iWCZWMksZ48-00119-00033991-00034135 computer iWCZWMksZ48-00120-00034136-00034462 that chip stores and records iWCZWMksZ48-00121-00034463-00034767 everything so when i iWCZWMksZ48-00122-00034768-00035071 ask you to go back all the way to iWCZWMksZ48-00123-00035072-00035415 perhaps elementary kindergarten iWCZWMksZ48-00124-00035416-00035839 and remember your best friend iWCZWMksZ48-00125-00035840-00036143 maybe the school you attended your iWCZWMksZ48-00126-00036144-00036559 favorite games that you used to play iWCZWMksZ48-00127-00036560-00036871 maybe even your bedroom iWCZWMksZ48-00128-00036872-00037215 let's make it more detailed if you had a iWCZWMksZ48-00129-00037216-00037655 a pet or iWCZWMksZ48-00130-00037656-00037999 where did you go and play iWCZWMksZ48-00131-00038000-00038199 the kitchen in your house that you grew iWCZWMksZ48-00132-00038200-00038302 up in iWCZWMksZ48-00133-00038303-00038639 so all that you see we can get iWCZWMksZ48-00134-00038640-00039015 so detailed because when iWCZWMksZ48-00135-00039016-00039399 we relax a client and we take them from iWCZWMksZ48-00136-00039400-00039559 this conscious level iWCZWMksZ48-00137-00039560-00039799 to the subconscious level we can become iWCZWMksZ48-00138-00039800-00039951 so detailed iWCZWMksZ48-00139-00039952-00040239 in remembering memories just like iWCZWMksZ48-00140-00040240-00040335 rewinding it iWCZWMksZ48-00141-00040336-00040743 all the way because that ram iWCZWMksZ48-00142-00040744-00041046 the memory bank it can have iWCZWMksZ48-00143-00041047-00041358 a lot of storage now iWCZWMksZ48-00144-00041359-00041751 the heart is the energy iWCZWMksZ48-00145-00041752-00042087 it pumps all the energy iWCZWMksZ48-00146-00042088-00042423 into the computer into your data into iWCZWMksZ48-00147-00042424-00042735 your system iWCZWMksZ48-00148-00042736-00043167 now and you would say okay iWCZWMksZ48-00149-00043168-00043483 i like to call it the eyes being the iWCZWMksZ48-00150-00043484-00043687 monitor iWCZWMksZ48-00151-00043688-00044102 our ears are the speakers iWCZWMksZ48-00152-00044103-00044543 the mouth is the microphone iWCZWMksZ48-00153-00044544-00044895 and the hand is the mouse iWCZWMksZ48-00154-00044896-00045199 isn't that interesting so when we think iWCZWMksZ48-00155-00045200-00045271 about it iWCZWMksZ48-00156-00045272-00045727 our feet are what moves iWCZWMksZ48-00157-00045728-00046062 us forward that is if we want to iWCZWMksZ48-00158-00046063-00046439 so today being international iWCZWMksZ48-00159-00046440-00046799 i t day i thought how would it be iWCZWMksZ48-00160-00046800-00047358 if i explained how we function iWCZWMksZ48-00161-00047359-00047815 now i said all that because iWCZWMksZ48-00162-00047816-00048167 i've been getting a lot of client iWCZWMksZ48-00163-00048168-00048423 clients who are going through stress and iWCZWMksZ48-00164-00048424-00048639 anxiety iWCZWMksZ48-00165-00048640-00048951 and someone iWCZWMksZ48-00166-00048952-00049271 emailed me yesterday and said do you iWCZWMksZ48-00167-00049272-00049679 work with ocd iWCZWMksZ48-00168-00049680-00050027 here's my thoughts on ocd iWCZWMksZ48-00169-00050028-00050479 hypnotherapy can help iWCZWMksZ48-00170-00050480-00050886 tapping within and making that shift iWCZWMksZ48-00171-00050887-00051118 so what i say the evoking embracing iWCZWMksZ48-00172-00051119-00051294 evolving we evoke iWCZWMksZ48-00173-00051295-00051646 what was which is tapping into iWCZWMksZ48-00174-00051647-00052054 that ram tapping into that memory bank iWCZWMksZ48-00175-00052055-00052438 to see where did this habit or behavior iWCZWMksZ48-00176-00052439-00052782 begin and it could be ocd iWCZWMksZ48-00177-00052783-00053111 it can be a habit of smoking it can be a iWCZWMksZ48-00178-00053112-00053175 habit iWCZWMksZ48-00179-00053176-00053494 or whatever habit that iWCZWMksZ48-00180-00053495-00053838 we have iWCZWMksZ48-00181-00053839-00054287 and i wonder what habits that you've had iWCZWMksZ48-00182-00054288-00054735 that no longer work for you iWCZWMksZ48-00183-00054736-00055111 right go ahead and share it could be iWCZWMksZ48-00184-00055112-00055542 smoking it could be a habit of iWCZWMksZ48-00185-00055544-00055871 drinking excessive drinking iWCZWMksZ48-00186-00055872-00056142 excessive gambling excessive even iWCZWMksZ48-00187-00056144-00056215 excessive iWCZWMksZ48-00188-00056216-00056471 exercise to a point that when you don't iWCZWMksZ48-00189-00056472-00056542 do it iWCZWMksZ48-00190-00056544-00056703 and then you say okay i'm gonna start iWCZWMksZ48-00191-00056704-00057007 losing weight and then someone goes into iWCZWMksZ48-00192-00057008-00057207 four days a week five days a week six iWCZWMksZ48-00193-00057208-00057326 days a week of iWCZWMksZ48-00194-00057327-00057630 exercising or running without preparing iWCZWMksZ48-00195-00057632-00057871 without gradually getting into it iWCZWMksZ48-00196-00057872-00058111 the body may go into a shock a septic iWCZWMksZ48-00197-00058112-00058175 shock iWCZWMksZ48-00198-00058176-00058430 that sometimes our body does our stomach iWCZWMksZ48-00199-00058432-00058503 does iWCZWMksZ48-00200-00058504-00058782 that acidic feeling of it right so it's iWCZWMksZ48-00201-00058783-00058871 like saying iWCZWMksZ48-00202-00058872-00059238 yeah stop you just put something iWCZWMksZ48-00203-00059239-00059775 in me that did not sit well iWCZWMksZ48-00204-00059776-00060079 the ocd is known iWCZWMksZ48-00205-00060079-00060519 as obsessive-compulsive disorder iWCZWMksZ48-00206-00060520-00060806 i like to call it and shift it and when iWCZWMksZ48-00207-00060807-00061054 i work with my clients and i say iWCZWMksZ48-00208-00061055-00061366 you know when it says disorder that iWCZWMksZ48-00209-00061367-00061479 means it's iWCZWMksZ48-00210-00061479-00061806 out of balance it's off iWCZWMksZ48-00211-00061807-00062215 balance when it is obsessive iWCZWMksZ48-00212-00062216-00062519 i like to call it overly iWCZWMksZ48-00213-00062520-00062950 and instead of obsessive compulsive iWCZWMksZ48-00214-00062951-00063166 even though it is a compulsive a iWCZWMksZ48-00215-00063167-00063311 reaction iWCZWMksZ48-00216-00063312-00063654 i like to change it and say it is a iWCZWMksZ48-00217-00063655-00063894 control issue iWCZWMksZ48-00218-00063895-00064247 so you would say a control issue iWCZWMksZ48-00219-00064248-00064759 yes for those who clean a lot iWCZWMksZ48-00220-00064760-00065111 who buy a lot of cleaning products iWCZWMksZ48-00221-00065112-00065423 for those who constantly iWCZWMksZ48-00222-00065424-00065838 do uh they have to check iWCZWMksZ48-00223-00065839-00066150 doors check door knobs check iWCZWMksZ48-00224-00066151-00066406 windows make sure it's closed make sure iWCZWMksZ48-00225-00066407-00066647 it's safe iWCZWMksZ48-00226-00066648-00067006 throughout the years for over 20 years iWCZWMksZ48-00227-00067007-00067438 of working as an experience iWCZWMksZ48-00228-00067439-00067659 not only i have gone through my own iWCZWMksZ48-00229-00067660-00067871 transformations iWCZWMksZ48-00230-00067872-00068126 but over 20 years of experience in iWCZWMksZ48-00231-00068127-00068326 helping my clients iWCZWMksZ48-00232-00068327-00068503 through hypnotherapy and stress iWCZWMksZ48-00233-00068504-00068759 management i've realized iWCZWMksZ48-00234-00068760-00069079 that compulsive disorder is very much an iWCZWMksZ48-00235-00069080-00069679 order because while we are doing that iWCZWMksZ48-00236-00069680-00069999 they the person who's doing it iWCZWMksZ48-00237-00070000-00070391 is totally in control iWCZWMksZ48-00238-00070392-00070750 a warped sense but it's the real iWCZWMksZ48-00239-00070751-00071079 truth by doing so they iWCZWMksZ48-00240-00071080-00071367 managed to keep everything in control iWCZWMksZ48-00241-00071368-00071543 their control iWCZWMksZ48-00242-00071544-00071919 it's not about anyone else that means iWCZWMksZ48-00243-00071920-00072279 they must find a balance iWCZWMksZ48-00244-00072280-00072606 and by doing that same method iWCZWMksZ48-00245-00072607-00072831 saying behavior over and over over and iWCZWMksZ48-00246-00072832-00072975 over over and over iWCZWMksZ48-00247-00072976-00073391 they feel safe a sense of safety within iWCZWMksZ48-00248-00073392-00073567 themselves iWCZWMksZ48-00249-00073568-00073894 sometimes it's not even conscious it is iWCZWMksZ48-00250-00073895-00074126 the subconscious mind iWCZWMksZ48-00251-00074127-00074550 that has taken this behavior iWCZWMksZ48-00252-00074551-00074879 as this is how i keep order iWCZWMksZ48-00253-00074880-00075255 in place within me by making sure iWCZWMksZ48-00254-00075256-00075479 that the locks are in place by making iWCZWMksZ48-00255-00075480-00075631 sure the lights are out iWCZWMksZ48-00256-00075632-00075919 and i will check the lights on off on iWCZWMksZ48-00257-00075920-00075975 off iWCZWMksZ48-00258-00075976-00076255 or i may i must make sure that iWCZWMksZ48-00259-00076256-00076447 everything is clean iWCZWMksZ48-00260-00076448-00076823 and what is clean is it the clean iWCZWMksZ48-00261-00076824-00076879 product iWCZWMksZ48-00262-00076880-00077182 this product disinfected it's not good iWCZWMksZ48-00263-00077183-00077287 enough iWCZWMksZ48-00264-00077288-00077662 or clean it to a point that their finger iWCZWMksZ48-00265-00077663-00078031 and their finger the skin iWCZWMksZ48-00266-00078032-00078287 is wearing off because they've used so iWCZWMksZ48-00267-00078288-00078559 much cleaning product iWCZWMksZ48-00268-00078560-00078791 wore off even gloves because they iWCZWMksZ48-00269-00078792-00078982 constantly clean clean clean iWCZWMksZ48-00270-00078983-00079167 two o'clock in the morning they get up iWCZWMksZ48-00271-00079168-00079311 and clean iWCZWMksZ48-00272-00079312-00079735 clean the bathtub every single day iWCZWMksZ48-00273-00079736-00080079 so my question is iWCZWMksZ48-00274-00080080-00080567 what in your life do you need to clean iWCZWMksZ48-00275-00080568-00080911 or wash away or cleanse and heal iWCZWMksZ48-00276-00080912-00081294 internally believe it or not iWCZWMksZ48-00277-00081295-00081726 87 percent of those iWCZWMksZ48-00278-00081727-00082047 who have ocd that need to have iWCZWMksZ48-00279-00082048-00082359 a sense of control an iWCZWMksZ48-00280-00082360-00082679 inner sense of safety iWCZWMksZ48-00281-00082680-00083103 they have experienced trauma iWCZWMksZ48-00282-00083104-00083455 in their life especially iWCZWMksZ48-00283-00083456-00083799 at a very young age iWCZWMksZ48-00284-00083800-00084082 and because they could not control what iWCZWMksZ48-00285-00084083-00084215 happened iWCZWMksZ48-00286-00084216-00084406 they could not control either what they iWCZWMksZ48-00287-00084407-00084543 felt iWCZWMksZ48-00288-00084544-00084855 what happened to them or what they iWCZWMksZ48-00289-00084856-00085287 saw happening iWCZWMksZ48-00290-00085288-00085623 they developed this iWCZWMksZ48-00291-00085624-00086247 sense of a disorder iWCZWMksZ48-00292-00086248-00086567 that we call it so iWCZWMksZ48-00293-00086568-00086887 but in their mind if i focus iWCZWMksZ48-00294-00086888-00087255 only on doing this that i am iWCZWMksZ48-00295-00087256-00087767 safe that i am protected iWCZWMksZ48-00296-00087768-00088071 then this is all i need iWCZWMksZ48-00297-00088072-00088575 because i shut everything else out iWCZWMksZ48-00298-00088576-00088982 and by shutting everything else out iWCZWMksZ48-00299-00088983-00089487 i am good where i am iWCZWMksZ48-00300-00089488-00089959 i hope this makes sense to you iWCZWMksZ48-00301-00089960-00090279 and if it does please just hashtag iWCZWMksZ48-00302-00090280-00090655 one if you are present iWCZWMksZ48-00303-00090656-00090999 by all means share something iWCZWMksZ48-00304-00091000-00091406 have you had any type of a habit or a iWCZWMksZ48-00305-00091407-00091511 behavior iWCZWMksZ48-00306-00091512-00091823 that you thought it was a negative and iWCZWMksZ48-00307-00091824-00091894 yet iWCZWMksZ48-00308-00091895-00092223 it worked for you for the duration iWCZWMksZ48-00309-00092224-00092447 of the time that you were doing perhaps iWCZWMksZ48-00310-00092448-00092526 either iWCZWMksZ48-00311-00092527-00092894 you or someone you know iWCZWMksZ48-00312-00092895-00093199 has a tendency of doing something over iWCZWMksZ48-00313-00093200-00093287 and over iWCZWMksZ48-00314-00093288-00093862 that a lot of people cannot understand iWCZWMksZ48-00315-00093863-00094079 they don't understand you they don't iWCZWMksZ48-00316-00094080-00094423 understand that behavior iWCZWMksZ48-00317-00094424-00094662 and that's because no one understands iWCZWMksZ48-00318-00094663-00094879 how to tap within iWCZWMksZ48-00319-00094880-00095135 you see that memory bank that little iWCZWMksZ48-00320-00095136-00095462 chip inside iWCZWMksZ48-00321-00095463-00095694 that holds a lot of information from the iWCZWMksZ48-00322-00095695-00095935 time that you are a little girl iWCZWMksZ48-00323-00095936-00096279 or a little boy iWCZWMksZ48-00324-00096280-00096543 a lot of people who cannot sleep very iWCZWMksZ48-00325-00096544-00096767 well iWCZWMksZ48-00326-00096768-00097094 i usually ask them how long that has iWCZWMksZ48-00327-00097095-00097215 been iWCZWMksZ48-00328-00097216-00097550 you see when we do a time line iWCZWMksZ48-00329-00097551-00097759 and we go back to another time and a iWCZWMksZ48-00330-00097760-00097926 place iWCZWMksZ48-00331-00097927-00098287 and when where we tap within this data iWCZWMksZ48-00332-00098288-00098655 opening the files since we cannot delete iWCZWMksZ48-00333-00098656-00098999 anything from the day that we are born iWCZWMksZ48-00334-00099000-00099143 until this very moment iWCZWMksZ48-00335-00099144-00099511 you cannot delete any experience iWCZWMksZ48-00336-00099512-00099982 in your life but what we can do iWCZWMksZ48-00337-00099983-00100326 is watch and rewind everything with iWCZWMksZ48-00338-00100327-00100862 absolutely no emotions connected to it iWCZWMksZ48-00339-00100863-00101159 and how i like to do it with my clients iWCZWMksZ48-00340-00101160-00101318 is say iWCZWMksZ48-00341-00101319-00101671 just imagine yourself being an editor iWCZWMksZ48-00342-00101672-00102031 of a movie and the editor's job is iWCZWMksZ48-00343-00102032-00102374 only to edit and they cut and paste them iWCZWMksZ48-00344-00102375-00102447 it's a iWCZWMksZ48-00345-00102448-00102839 tedious job and they're there iWCZWMksZ48-00346-00102840-00103166 because on the movie screen it can be iWCZWMksZ48-00347-00103167-00103471 which is you going back to another time iWCZWMksZ48-00348-00103472-00103575 and a place iWCZWMksZ48-00349-00103576-00103806 we can be watching a lot of things that iWCZWMksZ48-00350-00103807-00103878 happen iWCZWMksZ48-00351-00103879-00104247 and took place and experiences that you iWCZWMksZ48-00352-00104248-00104606 looked listened learned experienced felt iWCZWMksZ48-00353-00104607-00104983 right but at that very moment iWCZWMksZ48-00354-00104983-00105271 you're only editing the file and there iWCZWMksZ48-00355-00105272-00105463 is absolutely no emotion iWCZWMksZ48-00356-00105464-00105631 or else editors are going to be iWCZWMksZ48-00357-00105632-00105775 experiencing oh my god iWCZWMksZ48-00358-00105776-00106086 murder all day i mean the jason coming iWCZWMksZ48-00359-00106088-00106399 and stabbing all day or people who are iWCZWMksZ48-00360-00106400-00106558 making love and they're going to be iWCZWMksZ48-00361-00106559-00106831 oh yeah lovey-dovey no the editor is iWCZWMksZ48-00362-00106832-00106910 like iWCZWMksZ48-00363-00106911-00107143 you know what it's just a movie where do iWCZWMksZ48-00364-00107144-00107223 i cut iWCZWMksZ48-00365-00107224-00107463 what do i do where do i put the music iWCZWMksZ48-00366-00107464-00107686 where do i iWCZWMksZ48-00367-00107688-00108095 attach that right so it becomes iWCZWMksZ48-00368-00108096-00108407 like a producer and editor you're just iWCZWMksZ48-00369-00108408-00108615 watching it with no feelings and that's iWCZWMksZ48-00370-00108616-00108854 exactly what we do iWCZWMksZ48-00371-00108855-00109295 we rewind back to find the cause of it iWCZWMksZ48-00372-00109296-00109815 not the symptoms so when i work with you iWCZWMksZ48-00373-00109816-00110166 we peel away the band-aid iWCZWMksZ48-00374-00110167-00110678 and so we can tap into that memory bank iWCZWMksZ48-00375-00110679-00111095 pull the files from the data iWCZWMksZ48-00376-00111096-00111607 edit and shift iWCZWMksZ48-00377-00111608-00112039 so if it was a negative experience iWCZWMksZ48-00378-00112040-00112415 that caused the trauma recognizing it iWCZWMksZ48-00379-00112416-00112519 and knowing that iWCZWMksZ48-00380-00112520-00112886 now today sitting iWCZWMksZ48-00381-00112888-00113247 right here in my chair in my office iWCZWMksZ48-00382-00113248-00113558 or for those who i work with through iWCZWMksZ48-00383-00113559-00113702 zoom iWCZWMksZ48-00384-00113703-00114015 you are safe iWCZWMksZ48-00385-00114016-00114366 and because within all of us iWCZWMksZ48-00386-00114367-00114566 there is that little girl there is the iWCZWMksZ48-00387-00114567-00114678 little child iWCZWMksZ48-00388-00114679-00114983 little girl little boy the child within iWCZWMksZ48-00389-00114983-00115071 us iWCZWMksZ48-00390-00115072-00115478 we also have the parent within us iWCZWMksZ48-00391-00115479-00115966 and the adult that we are iWCZWMksZ48-00392-00115967-00116439 we can easily as the adult iWCZWMksZ48-00393-00116440-00116751 be kinder to the inner child iWCZWMksZ48-00394-00116752-00117166 making sure that the inner child is safe iWCZWMksZ48-00395-00117167-00117423 and letting the inner child know that iWCZWMksZ48-00396-00117424-00117558 you can now iWCZWMksZ48-00397-00117559-00117951 be more responsible and take ownership iWCZWMksZ48-00398-00117952-00118478 to help guide mentor iWCZWMksZ48-00399-00118479-00118966 even plan something iWCZWMksZ48-00400-00118967-00119310 to nurture and heal iWCZWMksZ48-00401-00119311-00119590 and then the parent within you that it's iWCZWMksZ48-00402-00119591-00119831 always there to hold your hand iWCZWMksZ48-00403-00119832-00120071 and guide you and safeguard you just iWCZWMksZ48-00404-00120072-00120151 like iWCZWMksZ48-00405-00120152-00120454 that casing that safeguards the computer iWCZWMksZ48-00406-00120455-00120558 the entire iWCZWMksZ48-00407-00120559-00120863 computer every essence of you iWCZWMksZ48-00408-00120864-00121199 the body is there for you iWCZWMksZ48-00409-00121200-00121423 because it houses everything it protects iWCZWMksZ48-00410-00121424-00121566 you shields you from iWCZWMksZ48-00411-00121567-00121871 everything every organ every nerve every iWCZWMksZ48-00412-00121872-00121919 muscle iWCZWMksZ48-00413-00121920-00122454 every essence of you is in this body iWCZWMksZ48-00414-00122455-00122743 so be kinder to this incredible body of iWCZWMksZ48-00415-00122744-00122886 yours that does iWCZWMksZ48-00416-00122888-00123263 all the shielding and protecting you iWCZWMksZ48-00417-00123264-00123599 instead of constantly hurting it iWCZWMksZ48-00418-00123600-00123951 right and by doing so iWCZWMksZ48-00419-00123952-00124166 once the conscious and the subconscious iWCZWMksZ48-00420-00124167-00124486 agree iWCZWMksZ48-00421-00124488-00124854 the heart gives more energy iWCZWMksZ48-00422-00124855-00125286 and love kindness gratitude iWCZWMksZ48-00423-00125288-00125807 and therefore just like everything else iWCZWMksZ48-00424-00125808-00126143 we no longer need to have that kind of a iWCZWMksZ48-00425-00126144-00126199 negative iWCZWMksZ48-00426-00126200-00126502 control but realizing i can have iWCZWMksZ48-00427-00126503-00126823 a better balance in my life iWCZWMksZ48-00428-00126824-00127183 i can stand up for who i am i can stand iWCZWMksZ48-00429-00127183-00127334 up and protect the inner iWCZWMksZ48-00430-00127335-00127734 child i am safe iWCZWMksZ48-00431-00127735-00128063 i which is the adult can keep me iWCZWMksZ48-00432-00128064-00128510 safer and that's the promise that iWCZWMksZ48-00433-00128511-00128566 happens iWCZWMksZ48-00434-00128567-00128902 internally and externally iWCZWMksZ48-00435-00128903-00129207 i hope this was iWCZWMksZ48-00436-00129208-00129566 easier for you to understand uh says iWCZWMksZ48-00437-00129567-00129895 hi linda hello pearl says it makes a lot iWCZWMksZ48-00438-00129896-00129983 of sense iWCZWMksZ48-00439-00129983-00130319 well i'm glad it making sense because iWCZWMksZ48-00440-00130320-00130575 you know there is a saying it says for iWCZWMksZ48-00441-00130576-00130671 those who iWCZWMksZ48-00442-00130672-00131014 believe no proof iWCZWMksZ48-00443-00131015-00131431 is necessary and for those who don't iWCZWMksZ48-00444-00131432-00131654 believe iWCZWMksZ48-00445-00131655-00132223 no proof is possible iWCZWMksZ48-00446-00132224-00132566 because if you're not here to believe iWCZWMksZ48-00447-00132567-00132887 in you no matter iWCZWMksZ48-00448-00132888-00133311 what i say no matter what doctor you go iWCZWMksZ48-00449-00133312-00133654 no matter who iWCZWMksZ48-00450-00133655-00133990 holds your hand it's about iWCZWMksZ48-00451-00133991-00134414 you believing in yourself iWCZWMksZ48-00452-00134415-00134814 and saying i matter iWCZWMksZ48-00453-00134815-00135119 so the work that i do is first and iWCZWMksZ48-00454-00135120-00135231 foremost iWCZWMksZ48-00455-00135232-00135607 help you raise the bar iWCZWMksZ48-00456-00135608-00135990 so you find the worth and value within iWCZWMksZ48-00457-00135991-00136127 yourself iWCZWMksZ48-00458-00136128-00136447 and know that you matter who you are iWCZWMksZ48-00459-00136448-00136759 matters because you are a gift iWCZWMksZ48-00460-00136760-00137143 of god iWCZWMksZ48-00461-00137144-00137375 and it can be any god that you believe iWCZWMksZ48-00462-00137376-00137463 in iWCZWMksZ48-00463-00137464-00137935 universe the mighty god iWCZWMksZ48-00464-00137936-00138135 but there is a higher power within all iWCZWMksZ48-00465-00138136-00138559 of us iWCZWMksZ48-00466-00138560-00138919 and today i wanted to drink a toast iWCZWMksZ48-00467-00138920-00139199 maybe with coffee iWCZWMksZ48-00468-00139200-00139647 so you have more gratitude iWCZWMksZ48-00469-00139648-00139951 they just celebrated a veteran iWCZWMksZ48-00470-00139952-00140278 who celebrated his 108th iWCZWMksZ48-00471-00140279-00140719 birth date 108 iWCZWMksZ48-00472-00140720-00141254 years old so kudos to you iWCZWMksZ48-00473-00141255-00141566 for not only serving for our country iWCZWMksZ48-00474-00141567-00141895 defending our country iWCZWMksZ48-00475-00141896-00142359 being in the front lines iWCZWMksZ48-00476-00142360-00142623 and you know when we speak to someone iWCZWMksZ48-00477-00142624-00142702 who has iWCZWMksZ48-00478-00142703-00143151 so much experience iWCZWMksZ48-00479-00143152-00143599 and today they're even sound in mind iWCZWMksZ48-00480-00143600-00143919 enough to know that today is their iWCZWMksZ48-00481-00143920-00144166 birthday iWCZWMksZ48-00482-00144167-00144623 that's a lot you may call it technology iWCZWMksZ48-00483-00144624-00144711 the data iWCZWMksZ48-00484-00144712-00145287 the ram this body whatever it is iWCZWMksZ48-00485-00145288-00145575 we have to say kudos to them i take my iWCZWMksZ48-00486-00145576-00145726 hat off iWCZWMksZ48-00487-00145727-00146102 to this gentleman because the stories iWCZWMksZ48-00488-00146103-00146175 that they iWCZWMksZ48-00489-00146176-00146519 have iWCZWMksZ48-00490-00146520-00147023 it's surpassable it's unsurpassable iWCZWMksZ48-00491-00147024-00147326 we all have a story iWCZWMksZ48-00492-00147327-00147695 but i want you to think about yours iWCZWMksZ48-00493-00147696-00148054 and say what story iWCZWMksZ48-00494-00148055-00148343 do i have to hold on to the one that iWCZWMksZ48-00495-00148344-00148551 they told me iWCZWMksZ48-00496-00148552-00148847 or the ones that i am ready to create iWCZWMksZ48-00497-00148848-00149231 and make my own iWCZWMksZ48-00498-00149232-00149519 what i experienced in the past cannot be iWCZWMksZ48-00499-00149520-00149702 deleted iWCZWMksZ48-00500-00149703-00150119 but today i choose iWCZWMksZ48-00501-00150120-00150454 to create my own new stories iWCZWMksZ48-00502-00150455-00150799 and live my life with the way that i iWCZWMksZ48-00503-00150800-00150951 like to iWCZWMksZ48-00504-00150952-00151551 create plan do your own architecture iWCZWMksZ48-00505-00151552-00151902 so for national i.t day for those who iWCZWMksZ48-00506-00151903-00152023 work with computers iWCZWMksZ48-00507-00152024-00152343 thank you because i iWCZWMksZ48-00508-00152344-00152854 am looking beyond what is and realizing iWCZWMksZ48-00509-00152855-00153239 the capacity that we have iWCZWMksZ48-00510-00153240-00153847 in becoming better and healing within iWCZWMksZ48-00511-00153848-00154231 starts with one thing remember this iWCZWMksZ48-00512-00154232-00154559 you're only one choice one iWCZWMksZ48-00513-00154560-00154935 thought away from transforming iWCZWMksZ48-00514-00154936-00155254 and going from pain to gain iWCZWMksZ48-00515-00155255-00155607 because you do matter iWCZWMksZ48-00516-00155608-00156071 my name is lisa bubari your expert iWCZWMksZ48-00517-00156072-00156375 hypnotherapist healing expert iWCZWMksZ48-00518-00156376-00156590 and for those who of you who are iWCZWMksZ48-00519-00156591-00156726 interested i have iWCZWMksZ48-00520-00156727-00157063 a breakthrough coming and if iWCZWMksZ48-00521-00157064-00157414 sign up with us sign up on my website iWCZWMksZ48-00522-00157415-00157719 uh you will see the information it's an iWCZWMksZ48-00523-00157720-00157871 hour and a half iWCZWMksZ48-00524-00157872-00158302 of being with me via zoom we can iWCZWMksZ48-00525-00158303-00158671 find you can find patterns recognize iWCZWMksZ48-00526-00158672-00158823 your own patterns iWCZWMksZ48-00527-00158824-00159223 and then do your own work and for that iWCZWMksZ48-00528-00159224-00159639 i thank you for being here being present iWCZWMksZ48-00529-00159640-00159983 and thank you iWCZWMksZ48-00530-00159984-00160390 until next week god bless you iWCZWMksZ48-00531-00160391-00160959 and may the universal light surround you iWCZWMksZ48-00532-00160960-00161254 bye-bye thank you for being here if you iWCZWMksZ48-00533-00161255-00161343 want to iWCZWMksZ48-00534-00161344-00161607 check out some of the testimonials that iWCZWMksZ48-00535-00161608-00161687 i've got iWCZWMksZ48-00536-00161688-00161911 click right here but if you want to go iWCZWMksZ48-00537-00161912-00162143 back and watch other videos from a week iWCZWMksZ48-00538-00162144-00162390 ago two weeks ago even a year ago iWCZWMksZ48-00539-00162391-00163327 click right here see you next time iap9SuzE-YQ-00000-00000138-00000559 [Music] iap9SuzE-YQ-00001-00000560-00000829 everybody welcome to pop test presents iap9SuzE-YQ-00002-00000830-00001091 I'm your host Brent polar and I'm here iap9SuzE-YQ-00003-00001092-00001441 with Frank hi you just had your EP iap9SuzE-YQ-00004-00001442-00001793 stages come out I did it feels great iap9SuzE-YQ-00005-00001794-00002077 all these breakup songs have them out in iap9SuzE-YQ-00006-00002078-00002258 the world to have been released on iap9SuzE-YQ-00007-00002259-00002467 Valentine's Day at midnight it's like iap9SuzE-YQ-00008-00002468-00002807 the anti Valentine's Day EP it's all iap9SuzE-YQ-00009-00002808-00003203 about the stages of grief going through iap9SuzE-YQ-00010-00003204-00003518 a breakup okay and and can you tell us a iap9SuzE-YQ-00011-00003519-00003670 bit more about the name and the iap9SuzE-YQ-00012-00003671-00003992 background of it because it's spelled iap9SuzE-YQ-00013-00003993-00004169 with a 7 in the middle so yeah it's iap9SuzE-YQ-00014-00004170-00004352 basically like the seven stages which iap9SuzE-YQ-00015-00004353-00004733 are shock denial anger bargaining iap9SuzE-YQ-00016-00004734-00005188 depression testing and acceptance and so iap9SuzE-YQ-00017-00005189-00005477 each song on the EP is correlated to one iap9SuzE-YQ-00018-00005478-00005783 of those stages in chronological order iap9SuzE-YQ-00019-00005784-00006083 in song form well first of all I respect iap9SuzE-YQ-00020-00006084-00006295 your spelling of it with a seven in the iap9SuzE-YQ-00021-00006296-00006439 middle because here it popped us we iap9SuzE-YQ-00022-00006440-00006598 spell popped us with a lightning bolt in iap9SuzE-YQ-00023-00006600-00006838 the middle of course so does iap9SuzE-YQ-00024-00006839-00007228 well-acquainted and it seems like the iap9SuzE-YQ-00025-00007229-00007448 songs are very personal to you is it iap9SuzE-YQ-00026-00007448-00007739 based on a true story totally this is iap9SuzE-YQ-00027-00007740-00008023 like you know basically in like at the iap9SuzE-YQ-00028-00008025-00008288 end of not last year but the year before iap9SuzE-YQ-00029-00008289-00008462 I just want the really big breakup with iap9SuzE-YQ-00030-00008463-00008588 someone who I was friends with for a iap9SuzE-YQ-00031-00008589-00008816 really long time and then together with iap9SuzE-YQ-00032-00008817-00009059 for a very long time and you know all of iap9SuzE-YQ-00033-00009060-00009217 a sudden like my whole world was just a iap9SuzE-YQ-00034-00009218-00009503 complete 180 and I didn't realize that I iap9SuzE-YQ-00035-00009504-00009803 was writing like a breakup EP I mean I iap9SuzE-YQ-00036-00009804-00009938 realized what I was doing but not until iap9SuzE-YQ-00037-00009939-00010124 I looked back at the last song I wrote iap9SuzE-YQ-00038-00010125-00010288 on the EP was when I'm ready which is iap9SuzE-YQ-00039-00010289-00010502 the last song on the EP and when I iap9SuzE-YQ-00040-00010503-00010655 rehearse all the songs that I had kind iap9SuzE-YQ-00041-00010656-00010796 of written and recorded throughout the iap9SuzE-YQ-00042-00010797-00010981 year I heard them and I was like wait iap9SuzE-YQ-00043-00010982-00011164 this is so crazy like each song I'm iap9SuzE-YQ-00044-00011165-00011392 slowly getting a little bit better and iap9SuzE-YQ-00045-00011393-00011614 healing and also going through all these iap9SuzE-YQ-00046-00011615-00011741 different emotions like I have one iap9SuzE-YQ-00047-00011742-00011899 really angry song like I just saw it iap9SuzE-YQ-00048-00011900-00012131 like clear as day and I knew okay these iap9SuzE-YQ-00049-00012132-00012251 are the songs that are going on the EP iap9SuzE-YQ-00050-00012252-00012380 this is what the EP is gonna be about iap9SuzE-YQ-00051-00012381-00012719 and boom like I just went through that I iap9SuzE-YQ-00052-00012720-00012930 like the idea that it's iap9SuzE-YQ-00053-00012931-00013149 there's a concept to it and that it is a iap9SuzE-YQ-00054-00013150-00013353 cohesive body of work a lot of times iap9SuzE-YQ-00055-00013354-00013619 we're interviewing artists who you know iap9SuzE-YQ-00056-00013619-00013887 for whatever reason maybe because of the iap9SuzE-YQ-00057-00013888-00014049 streaming nature of music now go a iap9SuzE-YQ-00058-00014050-00014378 single at a time but you put together iap9SuzE-YQ-00059-00014379-00014588 deliberately an EP yep iap9SuzE-YQ-00060-00014590-00014811 that tells this story yeah that was iap9SuzE-YQ-00061-00014812-00014934 really important to me because I feel iap9SuzE-YQ-00062-00014935-00015201 like I agree with you that a lot of iap9SuzE-YQ-00063-00015202-00015324 people really singles which is totally iap9SuzE-YQ-00064-00015325-00015480 fine and I even was doing that right iap9SuzE-YQ-00065-00015481-00015768 before this but then again like when I iap9SuzE-YQ-00066-00015769-00015999 reflected and saw like it was just such iap9SuzE-YQ-00067-00016000-00016194 a clear theme it was clear as day that I iap9SuzE-YQ-00068-00016194-00016452 was like this has to be it and I need to iap9SuzE-YQ-00069-00016453-00016569 share it with the world and it was iap9SuzE-YQ-00070-00016570-00016746 almost selfish to cuz I was like I want iap9SuzE-YQ-00071-00016747-00016938 to heal myself I want these songs out iap9SuzE-YQ-00072-00016939-00017166 and I want them off my chest and I know iap9SuzE-YQ-00073-00017167-00017358 so many people who go through the same iap9SuzE-YQ-00074-00017359-00017568 thing every day and so I just wanted to iap9SuzE-YQ-00075-00017569-00017742 also give back a little iap9SuzE-YQ-00076-00017743-00017916 my stages of grieving are a little iap9SuzE-YQ-00077-00017917-00019520 different I just felt your office reruns iap9SuzE-YQ-00078-00019521-00019736 [Music] iap9SuzE-YQ-00079-00019737-00020058 but yeah it's very relatable and also iap9SuzE-YQ-00080-00020059-00020297 just the idea of like a breakup a very iap9SuzE-YQ-00081-00020298-00020607 jagged little pill of you oh my god iap9SuzE-YQ-00082-00020608-00020846 highest compliment ever thank you iap9SuzE-YQ-00083-00020847-00021144 Alanis which sets me up great for the iap9SuzE-YQ-00084-00021145-00021369 next question about your influences I iap9SuzE-YQ-00085-00021370-00021591 hear that you know like myself you are a iap9SuzE-YQ-00086-00021592-00021828 90s kid totes iap9SuzE-YQ-00087-00021829-00022169 what were a lot of your influences that iap9SuzE-YQ-00088-00022170-00022578 got you playing music pop was hot in the iap9SuzE-YQ-00089-00022579-00022959 90s we have Britney spice girls all the iap9SuzE-YQ-00090-00022960-00023169 Queens loved them grew up with them iap9SuzE-YQ-00091-00023170-00023316 would dance in front of the mirror you iap9SuzE-YQ-00092-00023317-00023580 know so that is that sprinkle of pop is iap9SuzE-YQ-00093-00023581-00023822 definitely throughout my music but then iap9SuzE-YQ-00094-00023823-00024222 I also grew up with 70's music so my iap9SuzE-YQ-00095-00024223-00024447 parents would play Fleetwood Mac Joni iap9SuzE-YQ-00096-00024448-00024627 Mitchell you know all the singer iap9SuzE-YQ-00097-00024628-00024768 songwriters of the 70s Simon and iap9SuzE-YQ-00098-00024769-00025022 Garfunkel so I grew up teaching myself iap9SuzE-YQ-00099-00025023-00025287 instruments and I wrote my first song iap9SuzE-YQ-00100-00025288-00025488 when I was like eight and so I've just iap9SuzE-YQ-00101-00025489-00025784 been oh an Alanis Queen Alanis of course iap9SuzE-YQ-00102-00025785-00025997 of course Admiral when Avril played iap9SuzE-YQ-00103-00025998-00026165 guitar I was like I'm playing guitar iap9SuzE-YQ-00104-00026166-00026251 tomorrow iap9SuzE-YQ-00105-00026252-00026490 everybody that you just named is a huge iap9SuzE-YQ-00106-00026491-00026612 fan of the show iap9SuzE-YQ-00107-00026613-00026923 amazing hey Stevie what's that I'm sure iap9SuzE-YQ-00108-00026924-00027087 they all want to make collaborations iap9SuzE-YQ-00109-00027088-00027361 with you and as like a pop singer where iap9SuzE-YQ-00110-00027362-00027517 it's pop music and it's very well iap9SuzE-YQ-00111-00027518-00027702 produced but with a lot of you know iap9SuzE-YQ-00112-00027703-00028174 synth and and polish I'm legit kind of iap9SuzE-YQ-00113-00028175-00028440 mad at how good you are in guitar oh my iap9SuzE-YQ-00114-00028441-00029011 god thank you so much I'm glad I made iap9SuzE-YQ-00115-00029012-00029193 you mad iap9SuzE-YQ-00116-00029194-00029437 let's made my day iap9SuzE-YQ-00117-00029438-00029620 [Laughter] iap9SuzE-YQ-00118-00029620-00029986 so how do you grew up in Oakland Bay iap9SuzE-YQ-00119-00029987-00030390 Area girl Bay Area girl and living in LA iap9SuzE-YQ-00120-00030391-00030631 now I think nylon magazine called you iap9SuzE-YQ-00121-00030632-00030985 the embodiment of California so kind I iap9SuzE-YQ-00122-00030986-00031320 mean I'll take it I feel like there's iap9SuzE-YQ-00123-00031322-00031583 like a bear right yep iap9SuzE-YQ-00124-00031584-00031930 yeah I'm feisty like it'd only get on my iap9SuzE-YQ-00125-00031931-00032202 good side I don't really know I'm going iap9SuzE-YQ-00126-00032203-00032833 with that yes love that we came to New iap9SuzE-YQ-00127-00032834-00033448 York during a sleet storm of sadness we iap9SuzE-YQ-00128-00033449-00033664 never get snow so it's great actually I iap9SuzE-YQ-00129-00033665-00034132 today I saw many people like just iap9SuzE-YQ-00130-00034133-00034282 someone totally bit off the side of iap9SuzE-YQ-00131-00034283-00034437 hotel you know you have to like cover iap9SuzE-YQ-00132-00034438-00034714 your chuckle normally it's me and today iap9SuzE-YQ-00133-00034715-00035077 not yet waiting okay fun fact about you iap9SuzE-YQ-00134-00035078-00035340 girl in high school I was voted most iap9SuzE-YQ-00135-00035341-00035621 likely to trip while going up the stairs iap9SuzE-YQ-00136-00035622-00035986 not musician not like to become a singer iap9SuzE-YQ-00137-00035987-00036252 it was like no shrim while walking up iap9SuzE-YQ-00138-00036253-00036915 the stairs you klutz yeah yeah so I keep iap9SuzE-YQ-00139-00036916-00037099 trying keep walking up keep going up iap9SuzE-YQ-00140-00037100-00037458 that mountain was all the context how iap9SuzE-YQ-00141-00037459-00037651 did that happen I literally don't know iap9SuzE-YQ-00142-00037652-00037768 like people like they just looked at me iap9SuzE-YQ-00143-00037769-00037876 they probably saw me like trip a few iap9SuzE-YQ-00144-00037877-00038107 times they're just like klutz she's not iap9SuzE-YQ-00145-00038108-00038170 going anywhere iap9SuzE-YQ-00146-00038171-00038793 Wow guys give me now dust okay this is iap9SuzE-YQ-00147-00038794-00039258 an upward spiral in your song wrong time iap9SuzE-YQ-00148-00039259-00039449 yeah thank you say iap9SuzE-YQ-00149-00039450-00039587 you ask something along the lines of iap9SuzE-YQ-00150-00039588-00039857 what it wouldd the last eight years me iap9SuzE-YQ-00151-00039858-00040073 was it in eight-year relationship it was iap9SuzE-YQ-00152-00040074-00040310 a three year relationship but like best iap9SuzE-YQ-00153-00040311-00040589 best best friends for eight years like iap9SuzE-YQ-00154-00040590-00041036 tied at the hip five years of friendship iap9SuzE-YQ-00155-00041037-00041936 super close like you know you know I iap9SuzE-YQ-00156-00041937-00042163 can't you know going out to like a bar iap9SuzE-YQ-00157-00042164-00042389 like let's be friends for like a decade iap9SuzE-YQ-00158-00042390-00042587 yeah and then maybe almost like have the iap9SuzE-YQ-00159-00042588-00042845 courage to say like hey well no I'm not iap9SuzE-YQ-00160-00042846-00043046 gonna have any courage at any point okay iap9SuzE-YQ-00161-00043047-00043298 but at some point you're just like you iap9SuzE-YQ-00162-00043299-00043919 just kind of give in but it's amazing iap9SuzE-YQ-00163-00043920-00044060 that you have to write about such a iap9SuzE-YQ-00164-00044061-00044524 personal thing and how is this project iap9SuzE-YQ-00165-00044525-00045022 either musically or the process iap9SuzE-YQ-00166-00045023-00045413 different or similar to you as your last iap9SuzE-YQ-00167-00045414-00045638 CP because this is a follow-up it's iap9SuzE-YQ-00168-00045639-00045926 definitely extremely honest my last EP iap9SuzE-YQ-00169-00045927-00046163 was too but I was indifferent like part iap9SuzE-YQ-00170-00046164-00046412 of my life and my brain and I feel like iap9SuzE-YQ-00171-00046413-00046688 this one I just wasn't scared of like iap9SuzE-YQ-00172-00046689-00047042 making like a perfect sounding song I iap9SuzE-YQ-00173-00047043-00047183 just kind of wanted to express myself iap9SuzE-YQ-00174-00047184-00047527 and say exactly what I was feeling and I iap9SuzE-YQ-00175-00047528-00047927 just like yeah just super raw like open iap9SuzE-YQ-00176-00047928-00048130 wound just let it all out iap9SuzE-YQ-00177-00048131-00048485 for the reception but I know that from iap9SuzE-YQ-00178-00048486-00048800 dream state that's the last GP I believe iap9SuzE-YQ-00179-00048801-00048983 one of the songs on there got the iap9SuzE-YQ-00180-00048984-00049418 attention of Taylor Swift so cool as iap9SuzE-YQ-00181-00049419-00049840 well concert okay my friend Jared and we iap9SuzE-YQ-00182-00049841-00050102 went backstage and I met her and once iap9SuzE-YQ-00183-00050103-00050306 she's taller than me which I already iap9SuzE-YQ-00184-00050307-00050459 knew that going in because I stalk her iap9SuzE-YQ-00185-00050460-00050705 know but I'm tall so I was like finally iap9SuzE-YQ-00186-00050706-00050936 I can like literally look up to someone iap9SuzE-YQ-00187-00050937-00051358 and she was like so kind and she told me iap9SuzE-YQ-00188-00051359-00051536 how much she loved my songs and it like iap9SuzE-YQ-00189-00051537-00051770 made me cry and I just like hugged her iap9SuzE-YQ-00190-00051771-00051974 and it was a beautiful moment I love her iap9SuzE-YQ-00191-00051975-00052207 I really do lost in translation can you iap9SuzE-YQ-00192-00052208-00052379 tell me production-wise is it a live iap9SuzE-YQ-00193-00052379-00052476 bass iap9SuzE-YQ-00194-00052477-00052991 sample I'm sample really yeah what is iap9SuzE-YQ-00195-00052991-00053204 the process like for you like with iap9SuzE-YQ-00196-00053204-00053443 writing because your guitarist yep iap9SuzE-YQ-00197-00053444-00053812 you can obviously sing yep iap9SuzE-YQ-00198-00053813-00054013 and these are obviously like personal iap9SuzE-YQ-00199-00054014-00054149 experiences but we talk to a lot of iap9SuzE-YQ-00200-00054150-00054280 people who you know you go into studio iap9SuzE-YQ-00201-00054282-00054487 sessions you're writing like most of the iap9SuzE-YQ-00202-00054488-00054751 time it's me and my two collaborators iap9SuzE-YQ-00203-00054752-00054937 Ben and Joey who are also in my band and iap9SuzE-YQ-00204-00054938-00055285 we did the first EP together as well and iap9SuzE-YQ-00205-00055286-00055571 so a lot of the time like I don't love iap9SuzE-YQ-00206-00055572-00055736 to like sit down and write a song like iap9SuzE-YQ-00207-00055737-00055910 that's just not really my vibe I just iap9SuzE-YQ-00208-00055911-00056104 stand up and write one yeah exactly I do iap9SuzE-YQ-00209-00056105-00056297 like slick in the corner and just wait iap9SuzE-YQ-00210-00056298-00056510 no but I do I actually really like to iap9SuzE-YQ-00211-00056511-00056650 like wait for it to come to me and a lot iap9SuzE-YQ-00212-00056651-00056759 of the times it comes through when I'm iap9SuzE-YQ-00213-00056760-00056944 about to fall asleep or like doing iap9SuzE-YQ-00214-00056945-00057157 nothing and then like just inspiration iap9SuzE-YQ-00215-00057158-00057355 hits and I'll get my phone and record iap9SuzE-YQ-00216-00057357-00057497 stuff I have so many voice memos that iap9SuzE-YQ-00217-00057498-00057737 I'm gonna post like about what the whole iap9SuzE-YQ-00218-00057738-00058042 EP but yeah so it starts with that and iap9SuzE-YQ-00219-00058044-00058162 then I'll bring it usually to the boys iap9SuzE-YQ-00220-00058163-00058337 and then they'll help me flush it out iap9SuzE-YQ-00221-00058338-00058600 and we just sit there and produce it all iap9SuzE-YQ-00222-00058601-00059026 out and the song is born and a star is iap9SuzE-YQ-00223-00059027-00059257 born as well how long have you been iap9SuzE-YQ-00224-00059258-00059542 sitting on the songs from stages this iap9SuzE-YQ-00225-00059544-00059879 was like basically all of 2018 was this iap9SuzE-YQ-00226-00059879-00060209 whole EP it's very cathartic oh my god iap9SuzE-YQ-00227-00060210-00060475 it's like therapy that's a beautiful iap9SuzE-YQ-00228-00060476-00060791 thing Thanks Thank You Frankie for pop iap9SuzE-YQ-00229-00060791-00061051 dusting pop tea time thanks for having iap9SuzE-YQ-00230-00061052-00061421 me you guys loved big hair loved it well iap9SuzE-YQ-00231-00061422-00062129 now you work here wonderful yes I'm so iap9SuzE-YQ-00232-00062129-00062377 coming back iaLe3QRK5UE-00000-00000003-00000776 hello we're going to the waterfall last iaLe3QRK5UE-00001-00000777-00001043 week I finally got off my little butts iaLe3QRK5UE-00002-00001044-00001174 and went hiking iaLe3QRK5UE-00003-00001175-00001457 I live in Taipei and Taipei is iaLe3QRK5UE-00004-00001458-00001639 surrounded by beautiful mountains iaLe3QRK5UE-00005-00001641-00002150 beaches it's full nature I love water so iaLe3QRK5UE-00006-00002151-00002441 I decided to go to San yelling to play iaLe3QRK5UE-00007-00002442-00002758 in the waterfalls I went with my friend iaLe3QRK5UE-00008-00002759-00003074 Elizabeth she's got two eyes brown hair iaLe3QRK5UE-00009-00003075-00003458 two eggs one it's pretty cool and she iaLe3QRK5UE-00010-00003459-00003589 helped me films iaLe3QRK5UE-00011-00003590-00005077 [Music] iaLe3QRK5UE-00012-00005078-00005468 okay I mean this is this is this is a iaLe3QRK5UE-00013-00005469-00005615 softer than a coconut so it should be iaLe3QRK5UE-00014-00005616-00005692 easy iaLe3QRK5UE-00015-00005693-00008421 [Music] iaLe3QRK5UE-00016-00008422-00008679 alive iaLe3QRK5UE-00017-00008680-00009385 [Music] iaLe3QRK5UE-00018-00009386-00011346 [Music] iaLe3QRK5UE-00019-00011347-00012016 life is a journey a journey of a iaLe3QRK5UE-00020-00012017-00012306 thousand steps begins with one step iaLe3QRK5UE-00021-00012307-00013179 Elizabeth is going iaLe3QRK5UE-00022-00013180-00014410 [Music] iaLe3QRK5UE-00023-00014411-00014950 [Music] iaLe3QRK5UE-00024-00014951-00015454 the second waterfall was just pizza iaLe3QRK5UE-00025-00015455-00016311 [Music] iaLe3QRK5UE-00026-00016312-00018000 oh my god it was so cold but iaLe3QRK5UE-00027-00018001-00018178 only up to my ankle iaLe3QRK5UE-00028-00018179-00018870 [Music] icfEfIMSUiE-00000-00000071-00000250 foreign icfEfIMSUiE-00001-00000250-00000781 [Music] icfEfIMSUiE-00002-00000782-00001360 [Music] icfEfIMSUiE-00003-00001361-00002910 [Music] icfEfIMSUiE-00004-00002911-00003233 so the sunlight can come icfEfIMSUiE-00005-00003234-00003581 that's why darkness is there icfEfIMSUiE-00006-00003582-00003803 otherwise there is no question of icfEfIMSUiE-00007-00003804-00004099 Darkness icfEfIMSUiE-00008-00004100-00004504 always try to give the bagyan icfEfIMSUiE-00009-00004505-00004756 and if somebody can get enlightened by icfEfIMSUiE-00010-00004757-00005111 the debuggan he can see everything icfEfIMSUiE-00011-00005112-00005513 who can get siddhi in Bhajan icfEfIMSUiE-00012-00005514-00005899 somebody asking who can get siddhi in icfEfIMSUiE-00013-00005900-00006445 Hari Bhajan icfEfIMSUiE-00014-00006445-00006941 who is in icfEfIMSUiE-00015-00006942-00007823 one sentence icfEfIMSUiE-00016-00007823-00008081 who is less interested to earn name him icfEfIMSUiE-00017-00008081-00008345 nothing he can get said the hundred icfEfIMSUiE-00018-00008346-00008587 percent icfEfIMSUiE-00019-00008588-00008981 who is going to adopt the show to Pantha icfEfIMSUiE-00020-00008982-00009292 hundred percent he can get siddhi icfEfIMSUiE-00021-00009293-00009605 but this kaliyub is the age of icfEfIMSUiE-00022-00009606-00010033 altercation all is fighting going on icfEfIMSUiE-00023-00010034-00010246 unnecessarily this fighting with no icfEfIMSUiE-00024-00010247-00010492 reason why fighting going on icfEfIMSUiE-00025-00010493-00010727 this is the arrangement of Kali icfEfIMSUiE-00026-00010728-00010895 unnecessarily icfEfIMSUiE-00027-00010896-00011146 if you lose your presidency then you icfEfIMSUiE-00028-00011147-00011285 cannot do Bhajan icfEfIMSUiE-00029-00011286-00011488 you cannot do Bhajan so you will have to icfEfIMSUiE-00030-00011489-00011771 keep patency all the time icfEfIMSUiE-00031-00011772-00012046 they like to start fighting with us to icfEfIMSUiE-00032-00012047-00012383 stop our harivajan don't give answer icfEfIMSUiE-00033-00012384-00012659 one line two line I can give answer to icfEfIMSUiE-00034-00012660-00012869 them they cannot give any answer icfEfIMSUiE-00035-00012869-00013091 in return icfEfIMSUiE-00036-00013091-00013438 only by logical interpretation only by icfEfIMSUiE-00037-00013440-00013865 you know logic we cannot get any success icfEfIMSUiE-00038-00013866-00014093 because from Mahabharata we invite very icfEfIMSUiE-00039-00014094-00014866 well icfEfIMSUiE-00041-00018000-00018293 so you can lose your Bhajan so let them icfEfIMSUiE-00042-00018294-00018407 bark icfEfIMSUiE-00043-00018408-00018647 let them bark sound icfEfIMSUiE-00044-00018648-00018917 don't pay any attention to them icfEfIMSUiE-00045-00018918-00019193 don't pay any attention to them let them icfEfIMSUiE-00046-00019194-00019343 burn icfEfIMSUiE-00047-00019344-00019750 so logic has no best icfEfIMSUiE-00048-00019751-00020014 Raju cannot find any solution icfEfIMSUiE-00049-00020015-00020747 is beyond logical interpretation icfEfIMSUiE-00050-00020748-00021029 is eternally present icfEfIMSUiE-00051-00021030-00021522 we are interested to follow South icfEfIMSUiE-00052-00021523-00021857 you speak this and that quite natural icfEfIMSUiE-00053-00021858-00022025 Maya Devi icfEfIMSUiE-00054-00022026-00022403 no Challenge and let thousands of people icfEfIMSUiE-00055-00022404-00022697 follow them and go to hell what is icfEfIMSUiE-00056-00022698-00022913 concerned was what to do probably icfEfIMSUiE-00057-00022914-00023386 speaking he who is busy doing sankitan icfEfIMSUiE-00058-00023387-00023753 24 hours even in dream he can get icfEfIMSUiE-00059-00023754-00024011 success in life icfEfIMSUiE-00060-00024012-00024472 before accepting anybody as your shiksha icfEfIMSUiE-00061-00024473-00024743 Guru of diksha Guru icfEfIMSUiE-00062-00024744-00025030 it is my request unto your Lotus feet icfEfIMSUiE-00063-00025031-00025342 you try to understand total siddhanta icfEfIMSUiE-00064-00025343-00025708 vichar what is the symptom of sadhguru icfEfIMSUiE-00065-00025710-00026039 emotion is not devotion you are driven icfEfIMSUiE-00066-00026039-00026362 by false emotion so you are putting this icfEfIMSUiE-00067-00026363-00026549 kind of question icfEfIMSUiE-00068-00026550-00026837 so you are putting this kind of question icfEfIMSUiE-00069-00026838-00027077 you are driven by emotion icfEfIMSUiE-00070-00027077-00027383 is fanatic word have some you know icfEfIMSUiE-00071-00027383-00027683 those who are dancing with emotion icfEfIMSUiE-00072-00027683-00027893 they are driven by emotion they don't icfEfIMSUiE-00073-00027894-00028057 understand what is icfEfIMSUiE-00074-00028058-00028499 nothing only they like to enjoy love icfEfIMSUiE-00075-00028500-00028805 Puja glamor they like to get it okay icfEfIMSUiE-00076-00028806-00029008 that they are getting icfEfIMSUiE-00077-00029010-00029261 what else they can expect in their life icfEfIMSUiE-00078-00029262-00029555 we are actually a dead body icfEfIMSUiE-00079-00029556-00029923 we are actually mobile dead body icfEfIMSUiE-00080-00029924-00030293 now if there is no Seva mood prabhupada icfEfIMSUiE-00081-00030294-00030479 used to say repeatedly icfEfIMSUiE-00082-00030480-00030683 if there is no icfEfIMSUiE-00083-00030683-00030881 temperament of save icfEfIMSUiE-00084-00030882-00031362 then his red body mobile dead body icfEfIMSUiE-00085-00031363-00031618 is a Dharma icfEfIMSUiE-00086-00031619-00031805 though we know in the beginning we can icfEfIMSUiE-00087-00031806-00032008 face some problem we don't like to do icfEfIMSUiE-00088-00032010-00032339 but that we'll have to do 100 without icfEfIMSUiE-00089-00032339-00033205 which no solution icfEfIMSUiE-00090-00033206-00033485 I mean those who are interested to do icfEfIMSUiE-00091-00033486-00033955 Seva they are only alive icfEfIMSUiE-00092-00033956-00034187 is alive icfEfIMSUiE-00093-00034188-00034427 those who are aversive to icfEfIMSUiE-00094-00034428-00034567 this icfEfIMSUiE-00095-00034568-00034931 they are dead body icfEfIMSUiE-00096-00034932-00035237 Krishna Seva Guru vaishnav icfEfIMSUiE-00097-00035238-00035543 bhagwan Seva without which we have no icfEfIMSUiE-00098-00035544-00036024 other Duty by sarup icfEfIMSUiE-00099-00036025-00036346 it is written in sastra by Sir icfEfIMSUiE-00100-00036347-00036779 by sarup all their vaishna icfEfIMSUiE-00101-00036780-00036977 by sorrow icfEfIMSUiE-00102-00036978-00037277 they are always now that's it but they icfEfIMSUiE-00103-00037278-00038065 they cannot realize icfEfIMSUiE-00104-00038066-00038446 somebody going to confess somebody not icfEfIMSUiE-00105-00038447-00038740 going to confess by any way icfEfIMSUiE-00106-00038741-00039229 everybody is you know krsna's icfEfIMSUiE-00107-00039230-00039905 so he did our duty Eternal duties icfEfIMSUiE-00108-00039906-00040174 if we are going to utilize our life icfEfIMSUiE-00109-00040175-00040468 if you if we are going to utilize our icfEfIMSUiE-00110-00040469-00040774 life fanciful feeling icfEfIMSUiE-00111-00040775-00041062 then we can lose our Consciousness more icfEfIMSUiE-00112-00041063-00041171 and more icfEfIMSUiE-00113-00041172-00041502 more and more more and more and we can icfEfIMSUiE-00114-00041503-00041795 spiritually we attached those who are icfEfIMSUiE-00115-00041796-00041999 engaged in karmakanda icfEfIMSUiE-00116-00042000-00042293 those who are doing to do some external icfEfIMSUiE-00117-00042294-00042701 Seva but inside some desire for La Puja icfEfIMSUiE-00118-00042702-00043055 Batista they have no attention towards icfEfIMSUiE-00119-00043056-00043373 Eternal bharti this way they can never icfEfIMSUiE-00120-00043374-00043685 reach that absolute point they can just icfEfIMSUiE-00121-00043686-00044316 waste their time foreign icfEfIMSUiE-00122-00044317-00044989 [Music] icfEfIMSUiE-00123-00044990-00045311 then all gone icfEfIMSUiE-00124-00045312-00045658 that is why we must hear from a living icfEfIMSUiE-00125-00045659-00045940 source icfEfIMSUiE-00126-00045941-00046211 balavan very powerful sadhu icfEfIMSUiE-00127-00046212-00046505 who is doing all acharan icfEfIMSUiE-00128-00046506-00046805 with glad we very gladly icfEfIMSUiE-00129-00046806-00047208 is speaking harikatha not like lecture icfEfIMSUiE-00130-00047209-00047651 from heart speaking harikatha then Boba icfEfIMSUiE-00131-00047652-00048023 speaking continuously harikatha hearing icfEfIMSUiE-00132-00048024-00048268 is very very important icfEfIMSUiE-00133-00048269-00048605 if we can approach a pure sadhu if there icfEfIMSUiE-00134-00048606-00049080 is some political game some personality icfEfIMSUiE-00135-00049081-00049439 fighting then you cannot come you cannot icfEfIMSUiE-00136-00049440-00049708 come you can get lost like some foolish icfEfIMSUiE-00137-00049709-00049835 people icfEfIMSUiE-00138-00049836-00050171 passing comment why Mara is not speaking icfEfIMSUiE-00139-00050172-00050608 this about these two exalted devotees icfEfIMSUiE-00140-00050609-00050896 what do you mean by exalted icfEfIMSUiE-00141-00050897-00051071 huh icfEfIMSUiE-00142-00051072-00051502 after speaking countless absolutely icfEfIMSUiE-00143-00051503-00051911 I cannot expect that you can glorify me icfEfIMSUiE-00144-00051912-00052204 I cannot expect you can you cannot icfEfIMSUiE-00145-00052205-00052565 that's up to you I have no expectation icfEfIMSUiE-00146-00052566-00052804 is foolish question now icfEfIMSUiE-00147-00052805-00053021 there is there can be some Divine reason icfEfIMSUiE-00148-00053022-00053357 for why is not freaking so much can be icfEfIMSUiE-00149-00053358-00053644 some days are also we have so much icfEfIMSUiE-00150-00053645-00053891 topics of pro path because it is the icfEfIMSUiE-00151-00053891-00054876 instruction of popat icfEfIMSUiE-00152-00054877-00055259 so it is very good so this question is icfEfIMSUiE-00153-00055260-00055403 absurd question icfEfIMSUiE-00154-00055404-00055780 people are so foolish they are not icfEfIMSUiE-00155-00055782-00056092 hearing absolutely icfEfIMSUiE-00156-00056094-00056291 that's why they are putting this kind of icfEfIMSUiE-00157-00056291-00056525 question when there is political game icfEfIMSUiE-00158-00056526-00056866 there is some you know fighting issue icfEfIMSUiE-00159-00056867-00057082 you know La Puja but then this kind of icfEfIMSUiE-00160-00057083-00057292 question can otherwise I have no right icfEfIMSUiE-00161-00057294-00057413 to speak icfEfIMSUiE-00162-00057414-00057688 I have no right to speak you that why icfEfIMSUiE-00163-00057689-00057838 you are not hearing me icfEfIMSUiE-00164-00057839-00058073 I have no right to speak icfEfIMSUiE-00165-00058074-00058313 I have no right to speak that you will icfEfIMSUiE-00166-00058314-00058511 have to me hear me why you are not icfEfIMSUiE-00167-00058512-00058726 hearing thousands of arikatha Bengali icfEfIMSUiE-00168-00058727-00059032 Hindi so many countries writings why you icfEfIMSUiE-00169-00059033-00059230 are not hearing it I have no right to icfEfIMSUiE-00170-00059232-00059332 speak icfEfIMSUiE-00171-00059333-00059507 I have no right icfEfIMSUiE-00172-00059508-00059687 it's up to you icfEfIMSUiE-00173-00059688-00059873 if bhagavan icfEfIMSUiE-00174-00059874-00060082 if you are enjoying some keep up your icfEfIMSUiE-00175-00060083-00060244 Guru wisdom then automatically you can icfEfIMSUiE-00176-00060245-00060454 feel attraction icfEfIMSUiE-00177-00060455-00060659 you can feel addiction icfEfIMSUiE-00178-00060660-00061049 or you can reject me that's up to you icfEfIMSUiE-00179-00061050-00061288 some sort of biasedness icfEfIMSUiE-00180-00061289-00061775 is there biased conception is not good icfEfIMSUiE-00181-00061776-00062026 we must try to understand what is icfEfIMSUiE-00182-00062027-00062380 absolute what is not absolute icfEfIMSUiE-00183-00062382-00062716 or what is half portion absolute icfEfIMSUiE-00184-00062717-00062932 hundred percent not absolute that you icfEfIMSUiE-00185-00062933-00063082 have to understand icfEfIMSUiE-00186-00063083-00063335 with logical interpretation with icfEfIMSUiE-00187-00063336-00063550 fighting mood you can never come out icfEfIMSUiE-00188-00063551-00063838 successful this spiritual life Bhajan icfEfIMSUiE-00189-00063839-00064204 life is such a sensitive fear where with icfEfIMSUiE-00190-00064205-00064480 fighting mood in Infinity period you icfEfIMSUiE-00191-00064482-00064697 cannot come out successful icfEfIMSUiE-00192-00064698-00065080 fighting is no solution altercation you icfEfIMSUiE-00193-00065082-00065249 know it's not solution icfEfIMSUiE-00194-00065250-00065555 try to understand what is absolute true icfEfIMSUiE-00195-00065556-00065794 try to understand where form you can get icfEfIMSUiE-00196-00065795-00066131 that absolute truth no party color no icfEfIMSUiE-00197-00066132-00066359 political game should be there icfEfIMSUiE-00198-00066360-00066647 because it's a question it is not the icfEfIMSUiE-00199-00066648-00066803 question of fighting icfEfIMSUiE-00200-00066804-00067009 it is a question of your survival icfEfIMSUiE-00201-00067010-00067367 survival of your real self you are so icfEfIMSUiE-00202-00067368-00067463 foolish icfEfIMSUiE-00203-00067464-00067691 you are going to ignore your absolute icfEfIMSUiE-00204-00067692-00067876 self-interest you are going to ignore icfEfIMSUiE-00205-00067877-00068332 and you are going to join one party icfEfIMSUiE-00206-00068333-00068579 that's why you are putting this question icfEfIMSUiE-00207-00068580-00068825 if you are interested about the absolute icfEfIMSUiE-00208-00068826-00069065 truth then you have icfEfIMSUiE-00209-00069066-00069341 no scope then readily you can understand icfEfIMSUiE-00210-00069342-00069682 because many times too many times many icfEfIMSUiE-00211-00069683-00069959 times probably used to talk if I seek icfEfIMSUiE-00212-00069960-00070169 the path leading to that absolute good icfEfIMSUiE-00213-00070170-00070421 then I must ignore the countless voices icfEfIMSUiE-00214-00070422-00070709 of popular wisdom and listen only to icfEfIMSUiE-00215-00070710-00070913 that of the realized soul icfEfIMSUiE-00216-00070914-00071176 and realized Soul doesn't mean there can icfEfIMSUiE-00217-00071177-00071453 be some realization from ramanuja icfEfIMSUiE-00218-00071454-00072097 sambada some realize icfEfIMSUiE-00219-00072098-00072223 [Music] icfEfIMSUiE-00220-00072224-00072635 wanted to say particularly those who are icfEfIMSUiE-00221-00072636-00072863 established in the acharan of gauranga icfEfIMSUiE-00222-00072864-00073156 mapu it's not the question of fighting icfEfIMSUiE-00223-00073157-00073373 it is not the question of fighting icfEfIMSUiE-00224-00073374-00073679 because in the very beginning I wanted icfEfIMSUiE-00225-00073680-00074063 to identify myself as the pet dog of my icfEfIMSUiE-00226-00074064-00074249 Guru Babu so where from this fighting icfEfIMSUiE-00227-00074250-00074387 can come icfEfIMSUiE-00228-00074388-00074699 I am the pet dog at my guruvarga icfEfIMSUiE-00229-00074700-00074903 those who are following propada exactly icfEfIMSUiE-00230-00074904-00075131 I am going to follow them icfEfIMSUiE-00231-00075132-00075538 and the pet dog of Popa there's no scope icfEfIMSUiE-00232-00075539-00075743 of fighting because the pet dog always icfEfIMSUiE-00233-00075744-00076025 want to protect the interests of if icfEfIMSUiE-00234-00076026-00076217 there is slightest possibility icfEfIMSUiE-00235-00076218-00076462 that if I am not speaking about Popa icfEfIMSUiE-00236-00076463-00076679 then other conception can come and icfEfIMSUiE-00237-00076680-00077009 contaminate you that is my fear icfEfIMSUiE-00238-00077010-00077315 I can speak about so many acharya but I icfEfIMSUiE-00239-00077316-00077453 am very careful icfEfIMSUiE-00240-00077454-00077962 and speaking about bhakti siddhanta icfEfIMSUiE-00241-00077963-00078137 in such a way icfEfIMSUiE-00242-00078138-00078509 so that you cannot any you cannot icfEfIMSUiE-00243-00078510-00078785 develop any misconception or if you can icfEfIMSUiE-00244-00078786-00079061 develop misconception that is why your icfEfIMSUiE-00245-00079062-00079241 luck is very bad icfEfIMSUiE-00246-00079242-00079415 luck is very bad icfEfIMSUiE-00247-00079416-00079744 you can complain when you can find I am icfEfIMSUiE-00248-00079745-00080015 not speaking about icfEfIMSUiE-00249-00080016-00080279 you have your right hundred percent icfEfIMSUiE-00250-00080280-00080500 but you are not doing that icfEfIMSUiE-00251-00080501-00080753 you have your right to protest me to icfEfIMSUiE-00252-00080754-00081047 chase me attack me if I am not speaking icfEfIMSUiE-00253-00081048-00081449 about icfEfIMSUiE-00254-00081450-00081700 if I'm speaking about you have no right icfEfIMSUiE-00255-00081701-00081826 to attack me icfEfIMSUiE-00256-00081827-00082085 because it's complete icfEfIMSUiE-00257-00082086-00082294 try to understand if I speak about icfEfIMSUiE-00258-00082295-00082709 bhakti siddhanta it is complete icfEfIMSUiE-00259-00082710-00082894 it's complete icfEfIMSUiE-00260-00082895-00083188 so you have no right to attack me but icfEfIMSUiE-00261-00083189-00083350 still you are doing icfEfIMSUiE-00262-00083351-00083591 I am very happy that you are feeling icfEfIMSUiE-00263-00083592-00083993 some reaction by this harikatha surely icfEfIMSUiE-00264-00083994-00084173 otherwise why should we put this kind of icfEfIMSUiE-00265-00084174-00084425 question there is very positive icfEfIMSUiE-00266-00084426-00084725 I take it very positively very good icfEfIMSUiE-00267-00084726-00085025 somebody can believe in Manpower icfEfIMSUiE-00268-00085026-00085282 somebody can believe in money power icfEfIMSUiE-00269-00085283-00085541 yet somebody can be there who can icfEfIMSUiE-00270-00085542-00085912 believe in guruval power of gurude so icfEfIMSUiE-00271-00085913-00086099 you have no right to fight icfEfIMSUiE-00272-00086100-00086291 simply because you have your money power icfEfIMSUiE-00273-00086292-00086506 you have Manpower so you can attack me icfEfIMSUiE-00274-00086507-00086687 this is not good now you can get icfEfIMSUiE-00275-00086688-00087053 destroyed I am not going to curse you I icfEfIMSUiE-00276-00087054-00087317 can I can never become angry you can do icfEfIMSUiE-00277-00087318-00087461 anything with me icfEfIMSUiE-00278-00087462-00087725 I told you many times if you are icfEfIMSUiE-00279-00087726-00088462 speaking against icfEfIMSUiE-00280-00088463-00088673 anything you can you can beat with your icfEfIMSUiE-00281-00088674-00089038 chappal on my head I'm not angry and I icfEfIMSUiE-00282-00089039-00089188 can never I promise you icfEfIMSUiE-00283-00089189-00089531 but if I find your speech your writing icfEfIMSUiE-00284-00089532-00089855 going to disturb going to break down the icfEfIMSUiE-00285-00089856-00090167 total system of South Guru parampara icfEfIMSUiE-00286-00090168-00090521 then I can open my mouth like dog icfEfIMSUiE-00287-00090522-00090641 so icfEfIMSUiE-00288-00090642-00090797 I can solve icfEfIMSUiE-00289-00090798-00091091 so many harikatha you are hearing icfEfIMSUiE-00290-00091092-00091462 but you are not going to feel that this icfEfIMSUiE-00291-00091463-00091793 absolute truth can change my life icfEfIMSUiE-00292-00091794-00091967 that's why this kind of fighting mood icfEfIMSUiE-00293-00091968-00092099 arise icfEfIMSUiE-00294-00092100-00092459 ashadu cannot be confined with one icfEfIMSUiE-00295-00092460-00092621 political level icfEfIMSUiE-00296-00092622-00092938 cannot be confined within a country icfEfIMSUiE-00297-00092939-00093347 Asado is international or I can say icfEfIMSUiE-00298-00093348-00093576 Universal icfEfIMSUiE-00299-00093577-00093859 who is taking birth in German icfEfIMSUiE-00300-00093860-00094079 is my father icfEfIMSUiE-00301-00094080-00094361 not because that is in German so I can icfEfIMSUiE-00302-00094362-00094721 reject him he's my father he is my Guru icfEfIMSUiE-00303-00094722-00095015 maybe he has taken but he's German but icfEfIMSUiE-00304-00095016-00095429 your conception is like a political man icfEfIMSUiE-00305-00095430-00095705 your conception is static conception is icfEfIMSUiE-00306-00095706-00096011 not good I have no such prejudicycle icfEfIMSUiE-00307-00096012-00096323 idea narrow conception so I cannot speak icfEfIMSUiE-00308-00096324-00096556 but when you find Zone disturbance you icfEfIMSUiE-00309-00096557-00096779 are making some disturbance going to icfEfIMSUiE-00310-00096780-00097049 make some politics to gather all garbage icfEfIMSUiE-00311-00097050-00097391 like I can avoid speaking icfEfIMSUiE-00312-00097392-00097606 so what wrong in it icfEfIMSUiE-00313-00097607-00097882 what wrong in it especially I am going icfEfIMSUiE-00314-00097883-00098062 to carry out the order of my Guru bhat icfEfIMSUiE-00315-00098063-00098261 Padma you must speak about bhakti icfEfIMSUiE-00316-00098262-00098375 shidan's icfEfIMSUiE-00317-00098376-00098662 all so I am speaking icfEfIMSUiE-00318-00098663-00098897 what I can do icfEfIMSUiE-00319-00098898-00099161 and one thing very vital I started with icfEfIMSUiE-00320-00099162-00099412 this poem you should not forget icfEfIMSUiE-00321-00099413-00099809 that Guru Maj want to pull me Guru icfEfIMSUiE-00322-00099810-00099982 mahaja is there I can see Guru man icfEfIMSUiE-00323-00099983-00100356 always there with me icfEfIMSUiE-00324-00100357-00100667 always there with me so I am not feeling icfEfIMSUiE-00325-00100668-00100787 any fear icfEfIMSUiE-00326-00100788-00101021 simply because you can reject me you icfEfIMSUiE-00327-00101022-00101291 cannot hear me you can throw me out I icfEfIMSUiE-00328-00101292-00101537 can never feel any okay icfEfIMSUiE-00329-00101538-00101753 if you are less interested you don't icfEfIMSUiE-00330-00101754-00102029 hear but I am going to follow the same icfEfIMSUiE-00331-00102030-00102329 principle what prabhupada told me icfEfIMSUiE-00332-00102330-00102503 what is that icfEfIMSUiE-00333-00102504-00102832 if the whole wall going against me try icfEfIMSUiE-00334-00102833-00103115 to understand siddhanta if the whole icfEfIMSUiE-00335-00103116-00103427 wall going against me still I am not icfEfIMSUiE-00336-00103428-00103636 going to stop speaking about that icfEfIMSUiE-00337-00103638-00103925 absolute truth standing under the icfEfIMSUiE-00338-00103926-00104063 umbrella like icfEfIMSUiE-00339-00104064-00104418 shelter Lotus feet icfEfIMSUiE-00340-00104419-00104753 whole world can go against me icfEfIMSUiE-00341-00104754-00104986 still I am not going to stop because icfEfIMSUiE-00342-00104988-00105257 absolute truth is not such a cheap thing icfEfIMSUiE-00343-00105258-00105713 so that by mass agitation by Manpower icfEfIMSUiE-00344-00105714-00105940 money power you can come and fight with icfEfIMSUiE-00345-00105941-00106307 me to stop my helicopter you can try you icfEfIMSUiE-00346-00106308-00106486 can try your best and see the icfEfIMSUiE-00347-00106488-00106595 consequence icfEfIMSUiE-00348-00106596-00106901 future can swear I can stop icfEfIMSUiE-00349-00106902-00107189 I cannot stop even in front of one icfEfIMSUiE-00350-00107190-00107416 people is there I can go and speak in icfEfIMSUiE-00351-00107417-00107813 Sam in brindavan Jungle there there was icfEfIMSUiE-00352-00107814-00107945 only one man icfEfIMSUiE-00353-00107946-00108184 even sometimes no man I used to speak icfEfIMSUiE-00354-00108185-00108436 arikatha continuously icfEfIMSUiE-00355-00108438-00108647 so what it concern to you you are going icfEfIMSUiE-00356-00108648-00108881 to reject me through me icfEfIMSUiE-00357-00108882-00109060 I don't care icfEfIMSUiE-00358-00109061-00109307 so I can go on speaking about this icfEfIMSUiE-00359-00109308-00109607 you like to hear to save yourself you icfEfIMSUiE-00360-00109608-00109721 can hear icfEfIMSUiE-00361-00109722-00109973 or you cannot hear that's up to you I'm icfEfIMSUiE-00362-00109974-00110152 less interested icfEfIMSUiE-00363-00110153-00110381 because I don't need any love Puja icfEfIMSUiE-00364-00110382-00110890 pratishta I need no love only I like to icfEfIMSUiE-00365-00110891-00111125 satisfy the prabhupada icfEfIMSUiE-00366-00111126-00111473 only I like to satisfy the prabhupada icfEfIMSUiE-00367-00111474-00111671 this is my target icfEfIMSUiE-00368-00111672-00111886 so you can have some other Target you icfEfIMSUiE-00369-00111888-00112084 can follow your Target and see what icfEfIMSUiE-00370-00112085-00112228 result you can get icfEfIMSUiE-00371-00112229-00112540 and let me follow let me follow now you icfEfIMSUiE-00372-00112541-00112890 cannot interfere with my you know icfEfIMSUiE-00373-00112891-00113165 foreign but you can prove that I am icfEfIMSUiE-00374-00113166-00113369 speaking lie then okay icfEfIMSUiE-00375-00113370-00113734 you cannot prove na you cannot prove icfEfIMSUiE-00376-00113735-00113963 so please stop icfEfIMSUiE-00377-00113964-00114173 many time I told you are not following icfEfIMSUiE-00378-00114174-00114328 harikatha icfEfIMSUiE-00379-00114329-00114508 you are not following that's why you are icfEfIMSUiE-00380-00114509-00114695 going to attract many times I talk icfEfIMSUiE-00381-00114696-00115327 speaking icfEfIMSUiE-00382-00115328-00115649 even one kitten you have no person see icfEfIMSUiE-00383-00115650-00116033 that one kitten can open and try to icfEfIMSUiE-00384-00116033-00116266 understand the meaning of that whereas icfEfIMSUiE-00385-00116267-00116501 you have your time to attack me icfEfIMSUiE-00386-00116502-00116807 that is your Excellency icfEfIMSUiE-00387-00116808-00117178 you cannot open there it is written that icfEfIMSUiE-00388-00117179-00117419 when nithyananda Prabhu can become very icfEfIMSUiE-00389-00117420-00117790 happy icfEfIMSUiE-00390-00117791-00119278 with icfEfIMSUiE-00391-00119279-00119543 you are not going to follow whereas you icfEfIMSUiE-00392-00119544-00119783 have your time to attack me why you are icfEfIMSUiE-00393-00119783-00119951 not following that acharya I am not icfEfIMSUiE-00394-00119952-00120113 bound icfEfIMSUiE-00395-00120114-00120316 I'm not going to speak anything against icfEfIMSUiE-00396-00120317-00120628 anybody I am neutral personality if my icfEfIMSUiE-00397-00120629-00120797 father were to speak wrong I can throw icfEfIMSUiE-00398-00120798-00120989 my father icfEfIMSUiE-00399-00120990-00121295 I am in basasan in my life I wanted to icfEfIMSUiE-00400-00121296-00121415 throw my father icfEfIMSUiE-00401-00121416-00121571 when he wanted to speak something icfEfIMSUiE-00402-00121572-00121847 against I Trump after later on he icfEfIMSUiE-00403-00121848-00122165 changed his mind mood but I wanted to icfEfIMSUiE-00404-00122166-00122404 throw I I reject him I cannot see your icfEfIMSUiE-00405-00122405-00122675 face you go away from me so if I am icfEfIMSUiE-00406-00122676-00122878 going to follow this kind of neutral icfEfIMSUiE-00407-00122879-00123028 path icfEfIMSUiE-00408-00123029-00123340 even I am ready to throw my father icfEfIMSUiE-00409-00123341-00123671 so how you can speak this way icfEfIMSUiE-00410-00123672-00123977 first of all to start harivajan you will icfEfIMSUiE-00411-00123978-00124175 have to stand on a neutral platform but icfEfIMSUiE-00412-00124176-00124481 you are failure before starting any type icfEfIMSUiE-00413-00124482-00124769 of any Hari Bhajan first of all it is icfEfIMSUiE-00414-00124770-00125075 your duty to stand on a neutral form icfEfIMSUiE-00415-00125076-00125308 no partiality should be there you should icfEfIMSUiE-00416-00125309-00125560 understand what is a perfect siddhanta icfEfIMSUiE-00417-00125561-00125819 is not question of fighting question of icfEfIMSUiE-00418-00125820-00126184 your Survivor you are going to drown in icfEfIMSUiE-00419-00126185-00126575 the deep ocean of Maya you forget it icfEfIMSUiE-00420-00126576-00126743 you forget icfEfIMSUiE-00421-00126744-00126952 you forget this point that you are going icfEfIMSUiE-00422-00126953-00127336 to go down and down like after life you icfEfIMSUiE-00423-00127338-00127540 are not going to take help upon Peru icfEfIMSUiE-00424-00127541-00127745 pure Guru vaishna only you are busy with icfEfIMSUiE-00425-00127746-00128160 some Society some group some politics icfEfIMSUiE-00426-00128161-00128645 glamor this one this much you can do icfEfIMSUiE-00427-00128646-00128939 this much you can do why not do why not icfEfIMSUiE-00428-00128940-00129286 do why not to check up why not you check icfEfIMSUiE-00429-00129288-00129545 up yourself that what is the disparity icfEfIMSUiE-00430-00129546-00130001 of of this you know sadhu with that Papa icfEfIMSUiE-00431-00130002-00130283 why not to yourself icfEfIMSUiE-00432-00130283-00130552 if why you are not going to take trouble icfEfIMSUiE-00433-00130553-00130834 to discover the discovery disparity of icfEfIMSUiE-00434-00130835-00131233 that sadhu with the bhakti why not you icfEfIMSUiE-00435-00131234-00131627 why you try to make the situation hot icfEfIMSUiE-00436-00131628-00131813 going to make offense icfEfIMSUiE-00437-00131814-00132293 huh icfEfIMSUiE-00438-00132294-00132569 is icfEfIMSUiE-00439-00132570-00132983 when all matter all contamination can go icfEfIMSUiE-00440-00132984-00133747 away from my mind icfEfIMSUiE-00441-00133748-00134219 when I my mind can become very pure no icfEfIMSUiE-00442-00134220-00134375 cut them icfEfIMSUiE-00443-00134376-00136873 foreign icfEfIMSUiE-00444-00136874-00137219 if somebody speaking some opposite then icfEfIMSUiE-00445-00137220-00137489 I cannot speak about him now how I can icfEfIMSUiE-00446-00137490-00137609 speak icfEfIMSUiE-00447-00137610-00137831 so it is not my fault and anyway I'm not icfEfIMSUiE-00448-00137832-00138023 going to fight with anybody I have no icfEfIMSUiE-00449-00138024-00138095 time icfEfIMSUiE-00450-00138096-00138461 I can solemnly say the heart of my Guru icfEfIMSUiE-00451-00138462-00138785 Patlu my Guru I have no right to speak icfEfIMSUiE-00452-00138786-00139114 because what I have done Guru Maharaja icfEfIMSUiE-00453-00139115-00139366 that is the main question it is also one icfEfIMSUiE-00454-00139367-00139769 kind of false ego my Guru my group my icfEfIMSUiE-00455-00139770-00140069 Guru how I can say my Guru what I have icfEfIMSUiE-00456-00140070-00140254 done for my Guru Maharaja icfEfIMSUiE-00457-00140255-00140627 anyway it is my privilege it is my icfEfIMSUiE-00458-00140628-00140909 privilege advantage that ah gurupat icfEfIMSUiE-00459-00140910-00141233 Padma give me the scope to identify him icfEfIMSUiE-00460-00141234-00141533 as my gurupa icfEfIMSUiE-00461-00141534-00141731 I am lucky icfEfIMSUiE-00462-00141732-00142031 this way I can say icfEfIMSUiE-00463-00142032-00142264 that Guru fat Padma icfEfIMSUiE-00464-00142265-00142457 was icfEfIMSUiE-00465-00142458-00142877 so plain-hearted so plain hearted I icfEfIMSUiE-00466-00142878-00143027 don't know how possible icfEfIMSUiE-00467-00143028-00143254 practically I have seen icfEfIMSUiE-00468-00143255-00143599 I am not making a story in front of you icfEfIMSUiE-00469-00143600-00144028 was so plain hearted even one three icfEfIMSUiE-00470-00144029-00144166 years boy icfEfIMSUiE-00471-00144167-00144433 who is just taken back is not so simple icfEfIMSUiE-00472-00144434-00144737 hundred percent in the name of bhakti icfEfIMSUiE-00473-00144738-00144917 shidan's speaking icfEfIMSUiE-00474-00144918-00145216 [Music] icfEfIMSUiE-00475-00145217-00145493 such plain hearted personality in my icfEfIMSUiE-00476-00145494-00145733 whole life I've never seen icfEfIMSUiE-00477-00145734-00146051 one day Guru Patna speaking I mean he icfEfIMSUiE-00478-00146052-00146231 want to go to vrindavan icfEfIMSUiE-00479-00146232-00146477 and taking preparation giving me order icfEfIMSUiE-00480-00146478-00146801 you can you can all arrange all these icfEfIMSUiE-00481-00146802-00147028 books and papers everything I am doing icfEfIMSUiE-00482-00147029-00147190 day by day icfEfIMSUiE-00483-00147191-00147478 finally is asking me how I can go to icfEfIMSUiE-00484-00147479-00147725 vrindavan that time you say you was icfEfIMSUiE-00485-00147726-00148228 98 is asking me how I can go my son 98 icfEfIMSUiE-00486-00148229-00148397 or 99 over maybe icfEfIMSUiE-00487-00148398-00148571 I forget icfEfIMSUiE-00488-00148572-00148985 the how I can go you can go by by plane icfEfIMSUiE-00489-00148986-00149428 plane is a huge amount of money I have icfEfIMSUiE-00490-00149429-00149633 no money you check up what is there in icfEfIMSUiE-00491-00149634-00150125 my bag huh I I started laughing how I icfEfIMSUiE-00492-00150126-00150347 can go I have no money you check out my icfEfIMSUiE-00493-00150348-00150557 back only some icfEfIMSUiE-00494-00150558-00150887 then I could realize how when I can icfEfIMSUiE-00495-00150888-00151259 reach that level to serve my Guru Patlu icfEfIMSUiE-00496-00151260-00151493 when I can reach that level that is icfEfIMSUiE-00497-00151494-00151714 called absolute bicuntal level where icfEfIMSUiE-00498-00151715-00151966 this kind of Simplicity this kind of icfEfIMSUiE-00499-00151967-00152287 plain heart is available icfEfIMSUiE-00500-00152288-00152633 Maharaja is going by local train local icfEfIMSUiE-00501-00152634-00153121 men almost local is a very reminiscent icfEfIMSUiE-00502-00153122-00153466 it's called what is called tufani space icfEfIMSUiE-00503-00153467-00153731 I also used to go local this is that icfEfIMSUiE-00504-00153732-00154121 because my life is very simple life icfEfIMSUiE-00505-00154122-00154435 so she work become very angry icfEfIMSUiE-00506-00154436-00154775 mhara the train is laid by five hours of icfEfIMSUiE-00507-00154776-00155063 when we can reach mathura Anna is icfEfIMSUiE-00508-00155064-00155261 useless to stay in Maharaja icfEfIMSUiE-00509-00155262-00155687 then speaking we are very lucky that the icfEfIMSUiE-00510-00155688-00155969 train company going to give us you know icfEfIMSUiE-00511-00155970-00156251 start trying to take a stay in 10 and do icfEfIMSUiE-00512-00156252-00156407 Bhajan icfEfIMSUiE-00513-00156408-00156773 so why you become angry and icfEfIMSUiE-00514-00156774-00157026 this way Maharaja wanted to indicate icfEfIMSUiE-00515-00157027-00157451 that our patency is a great property icfEfIMSUiE-00516-00157452-00157757 our presence is a great property what we icfEfIMSUiE-00517-00157758-00157973 can do if we reach mathura we can do icfEfIMSUiE-00518-00157974-00158213 Bhajan if we are in the way we can do icfEfIMSUiE-00519-00158214-00158633 Bhajan wherever we are there that wanted icfEfIMSUiE-00520-00158634-00158914 to indicate wherever we are baby in the icfEfIMSUiE-00521-00158915-00159185 Midway okay you can do Hari Bhajan icfEfIMSUiE-00522-00159186-00159413 if we reach mathura what we can do new icfEfIMSUiE-00523-00159414-00159773 new something new no so same thing okay icfEfIMSUiE-00524-00159774-00160078 so there it is our you know we are icfEfIMSUiE-00525-00160079-00160343 paying so you are paying one we are icfEfIMSUiE-00526-00160344-00160576 paying so small amount and they are icfEfIMSUiE-00527-00160577-00160763 going to allow us to travel in the train icfEfIMSUiE-00528-00160764-00161116 for uh five hours extra icfEfIMSUiE-00529-00161117-00161452 this is the heart of one pure devotee icfEfIMSUiE-00530-00161453-00161851 this is the heart of one paramansa icfEfIMSUiE-00531-00161852-00162059 used to say icfEfIMSUiE-00532-00162060-00162389 that I like to die unknown unseen icfEfIMSUiE-00533-00162390-00162695 do you think it's a matter of joke icfEfIMSUiE-00534-00162696-00162983 in Infinity period you can calculate you icfEfIMSUiE-00535-00162984-00163235 can understand what is a mood up that icfEfIMSUiE-00536-00163236-00163402 permanent icfEfIMSUiE-00537-00163403-00163661 only you have your mood to fight icfEfIMSUiE-00538-00163662-00163811 this you can do icfEfIMSUiE-00539-00163812-00164135 this you can do you can fight icfEfIMSUiE-00540-00164136-00164333 you can come with group you have money icfEfIMSUiE-00541-00164334-00164602 power that you can but you have no power icfEfIMSUiE-00542-00164603-00164837 that Infinity period you can get or icfEfIMSUiE-00543-00164838-00165173 cannot get I can I'm not sure icfEfIMSUiE-00544-00165174-00165509 some of the disciples wanted to put icfEfIMSUiE-00545-00165510-00165743 question in front of me why mugrumah icfEfIMSUiE-00546-00165744-00165947 wanted to say this way icfEfIMSUiE-00547-00165948-00166271 long ago maybe 12 15 years back icfEfIMSUiE-00548-00166272-00166595 from Punjab wanted to put why Guru told icfEfIMSUiE-00549-00166596-00166913 this I like to die unknown unseen I man icfEfIMSUiE-00550-00166914-00167249 hear me Maharaj never wanted to get any icfEfIMSUiE-00551-00167250-00167489 pratishta icfEfIMSUiE-00552-00167490-00167776 never wanted to get racist that is the icfEfIMSUiE-00553-00167777-00167939 meaning icfEfIMSUiE-00554-00167940-00168323 so we cannot get any benefit by fighting icfEfIMSUiE-00555-00168324-00168628 mood rather we can try to understand icfEfIMSUiE-00556-00168629-00168904 sincerely what is the absolute truth icfEfIMSUiE-00557-00168905-00169435 that is more practical advice opinion icfEfIMSUiE-00558-00169436-00169740 in my opinion is not opinion icfEfIMSUiE-00559-00169741-00170069 in Bengali there is one proverb one icfEfIMSUiE-00560-00170070-00170219 proverb is there icfEfIMSUiE-00561-00170220-00170483 you can kill the snack but be careful icfEfIMSUiE-00562-00170484-00170687 don't break your stick icfEfIMSUiE-00563-00170688-00171025 follow shop icfEfIMSUiE-00564-00171026-00171239 in Bengali icfEfIMSUiE-00565-00171240-00171499 I can follow icfEfIMSUiE-00566-00171500-00171887 all goria darshan perfectly and and at icfEfIMSUiE-00567-00171888-00172069 the same time I can keep close watch icfEfIMSUiE-00568-00172070-00172504 into this matter so so that I am not icfEfIMSUiE-00569-00172505-00172816 going to break my streak I can break all icfEfIMSUiE-00570-00172817-00172978 opposite siddhanta icfEfIMSUiE-00571-00172979-00173219 I can bring all opposite and try to icfEfIMSUiE-00572-00173220-00173495 break at the same time I'm very careful icfEfIMSUiE-00573-00173496-00173759 I am not ready to break my own stick icfEfIMSUiE-00574-00173760-00174071 given by profile a gurubarka icfEfIMSUiE-00575-00174072-00174335 that is very now if you are intelligent icfEfIMSUiE-00576-00174336-00174533 you can understand what I mean to say icfEfIMSUiE-00577-00174534-00175063 she is icfEfIMSUiE-00578-00175064-00175997 [Music] icfEfIMSUiE-00579-00175998-00176519 foreign icfEfIMSUiE-00580-00176520-00177071 is the only Guru in our Guru sampradaya icfEfIMSUiE-00581-00177072-00177401 what you say only Guru icfEfIMSUiE-00582-00177402-00177719 on other gurus they are not Guru icfEfIMSUiE-00583-00177720-00177911 the guru icfEfIMSUiE-00584-00177912-00178519 but you should remember icfEfIMSUiE-00585-00178520-00178799 you should not forget icfEfIMSUiE-00586-00178800-00179052 basala means icfEfIMSUiE-00587-00179053-00179351 bhagavan himself coming in the form of icfEfIMSUiE-00588-00179352-00179537 vasudeva icfEfIMSUiE-00589-00179538-00179687 so icfEfIMSUiE-00590-00179688-00179963 if we can speak this way icfEfIMSUiE-00591-00179964-00180257 is there is no problem because popat icfEfIMSUiE-00592-00180258-00180478 wanted to indicate icfEfIMSUiE-00593-00180479-00180964 because popat wanted to indicate icfEfIMSUiE-00594-00180965-00181228 at present in the whole world this kind icfEfIMSUiE-00595-00181229-00181487 of conception is rare real men they icfEfIMSUiE-00596-00181488-00181702 don't know icfEfIMSUiE-00597-00181703-00181852 they don't know icfEfIMSUiE-00598-00181853-00182147 popat wanted to give information to us icfEfIMSUiE-00599-00182148-00182561 we are situation situated in Guru icfEfIMSUiE-00600-00182562-00183059 parampara we are situated in icfEfIMSUiE-00601-00183060-00183325 if we are not situated icfEfIMSUiE-00602-00183326-00183611 then we are deviated from the track of icfEfIMSUiE-00603-00183612-00183773 Guru parampara icfEfIMSUiE-00604-00183774-00184078 then my siddhanta became different all icfEfIMSUiE-00605-00184079-00184426 my efficacy all everything different icfEfIMSUiE-00606-00184427-00184588 so icfEfIMSUiE-00607-00184589-00184901 mean icfEfIMSUiE-00608-00184902-00185159 we are not going to deserve any credit icfEfIMSUiE-00609-00185160-00185399 for any specialty icfEfIMSUiE-00610-00185400-00185651 whatever kind of specialty you discover icfEfIMSUiE-00611-00185652-00185951 in me but I like to ignore I have no icfEfIMSUiE-00612-00185952-00186143 specialty icfEfIMSUiE-00613-00186144-00186395 because Papa speaking all coming from icfEfIMSUiE-00614-00186396-00186683 the original Source who are you icfEfIMSUiE-00615-00186684-00187043 who are you even you cannot realize icfEfIMSUiE-00616-00187044-00187531 about about this you know temporary life icfEfIMSUiE-00617-00187532-00187969 life is temporary not permanent icfEfIMSUiE-00618-00187970-00188225 unstability of life if these you cannot icfEfIMSUiE-00619-00188226-00188863 feel what you can feel about akanti icfEfIMSUiE-00620-00188864-00189047 means icfEfIMSUiE-00621-00189048-00189316 wanted to indicate all our Guru Varga icfEfIMSUiE-00622-00189317-00189490 those who are really in line with icfEfIMSUiE-00623-00189491-00189778 profile repeatedly I told I have no icfEfIMSUiE-00624-00189779-00190037 enemity with anybody I am not going to icfEfIMSUiE-00625-00190038-00190235 criticize anybody I have no time to icfEfIMSUiE-00626-00190236-00190585 criticize but if I find icfEfIMSUiE-00627-00190586-00191214 samacharia defeated from icfEfIMSUiE-00628-00191215-00191566 I am not bound to speak about him if you icfEfIMSUiE-00629-00191567-00191788 can kill me see I cannot change icfEfIMSUiE-00630-00191789-00192004 I cannot insult anybody I can keep icfEfIMSUiE-00631-00192005-00192257 silent I cannot speak about him if I icfEfIMSUiE-00632-00192258-00192473 find he has just deviated gonna attack icfEfIMSUiE-00633-00192474-00192826 up you know icfEfIMSUiE-00634-00192827-00193151 then I have my right to keep silence icfEfIMSUiE-00635-00193152-00193463 you cannot put pressure on me icfEfIMSUiE-00636-00193464-00193614 so icfEfIMSUiE-00637-00193615-00193864 wanted to indicate us icfEfIMSUiE-00638-00193865-00194387 that icfEfIMSUiE-00639-00194388-00194795 is a is the only padhati icfEfIMSUiE-00640-00194796-00195037 account icfEfIMSUiE-00641-00195038-00195587 is the only way so all our energy all icfEfIMSUiE-00642-00195588-00195947 our resource all our energy all our icfEfIMSUiE-00643-00195948-00196216 brain educational qualification all icfEfIMSUiE-00644-00196217-00196499 should be channelized to one authentic icfEfIMSUiE-00645-00196500-00196781 channel that is called unique try to icfEfIMSUiE-00646-00196782-00196888 follow icfEfIMSUiE-00647-00196889-00197316 all our energy all the resource all our icfEfIMSUiE-00648-00197317-00197707 educational power all should be icfEfIMSUiE-00649-00197708-00197975 generalized through one authentic icfEfIMSUiE-00650-00197976-00198137 Channel icfEfIMSUiE-00651-00198138-00198352 to reach up to the Lotus feet of icfEfIMSUiE-00652-00198353-00198497 nithyananda icfEfIMSUiE-00653-00198498-00198773 that is icfEfIMSUiE-00654-00198774-00199001 because patrista icfEfIMSUiE-00655-00199002-00199300 Batista is not applicable for me icfEfIMSUiE-00656-00199301-00199528 I am a fallen soul icfEfIMSUiE-00657-00199529-00199757 maybe I'm acting as a chariot but I'm icfEfIMSUiE-00658-00199758-00200104 falling so if I am falling so then I icfEfIMSUiE-00659-00200105-00200387 have no right to get any pratishta but icfEfIMSUiE-00660-00200388-00200621 if I get pratishta it is just like icfEfIMSUiE-00661-00200622-00200831 poison icfEfIMSUiE-00662-00200832-00201143 if I'm forcefully you are giving Batista icfEfIMSUiE-00663-00201144-00201425 if I'm going to oh you are honoring me icfEfIMSUiE-00664-00201426-00201719 so I am big monkey then gone icfEfIMSUiE-00665-00201720-00201971 it is more than poison icfEfIMSUiE-00666-00201972-00202375 it is more than poison dangerous so icfEfIMSUiE-00667-00202376-00202564 pratishta icfEfIMSUiE-00668-00202565-00202775 you don't know maybe you know some icfEfIMSUiE-00669-00202776-00203225 Sanskrit word prati plus icfEfIMSUiE-00670-00203226-00203464 eternally existence icfEfIMSUiE-00671-00203465-00203861 what is eternally existence the owner icfEfIMSUiE-00672-00203862-00204095 what is eternally existence it is called icfEfIMSUiE-00673-00204096-00204271 pratishta icfEfIMSUiE-00674-00204272-00204538 this word is only applicable for icfEfIMSUiE-00675-00204539-00204700 nitananda icfEfIMSUiE-00676-00204701-00205019 not for you and me or at all if you can icfEfIMSUiE-00677-00205019-00205205 say those who are staying unto the Lotus icfEfIMSUiE-00678-00205206-00205379 feet of nityananda for them not icfEfIMSUiE-00679-00205380-00205666 applicable yes for them applicable icfEfIMSUiE-00680-00205667-00205901 those who are icfEfIMSUiE-00681-00205902-00206146 those who are established in the Lotus icfEfIMSUiE-00682-00206148-00206519 feet of nitananda they are also icfEfIMSUiE-00683-00206519-00206819 non different so it's applicable for icfEfIMSUiE-00684-00206819-00207071 them but not for you and or maybe for icfEfIMSUiE-00685-00207071-00207484 you not for me who can say icfEfIMSUiE-00686-00207485-00207725 so pratishta icfEfIMSUiE-00687-00207726-00208012 is applicable for nithyananda and or are icfEfIMSUiE-00688-00208013-00208223 those who are Guru those who are icfEfIMSUiE-00689-00208223-00208408 actually falling icfEfIMSUiE-00690-00208409-00208638 no contamination icfEfIMSUiE-00691-00208639-00210041 are going to contaminate heart kitten icfEfIMSUiE-00692-00210042-00210382 is icfEfIMSUiE-00693-00210383-00210532 eternally present icfEfIMSUiE-00694-00210533-00210767 and those who are resting in the Lord on icfEfIMSUiE-00695-00210767-00210982 the in the Lotus feet of nitana those icfEfIMSUiE-00696-00210983-00211565 Lotus feet they are also icfEfIMSUiE-00697-00211566-00211792 those of us are servant of Nissan they icfEfIMSUiE-00698-00211794-00211960 are Eternal Vision icfEfIMSUiE-00699-00211961-00212789 foreign icfEfIMSUiE-00700-00212790-00213155 we should remember what you are speaking icfEfIMSUiE-00701-00213156-00213425 but you are speaking you should remember icfEfIMSUiE-00702-00213426-00213581 because icfEfIMSUiE-00703-00213582-00213863 if you are speaking some Sachin icfEfIMSUiE-00704-00213864-00214110 siddhanta vichar which is just against icfEfIMSUiE-00705-00214111-00214373 our parampara icfEfIMSUiE-00706-00214373-00214519 our icfEfIMSUiE-00707-00214519-00214901 then today or tomorrow maybe 100 years icfEfIMSUiE-00708-00214902-00215158 after who can say icfEfIMSUiE-00709-00215159-00215398 who can say then people can realize icfEfIMSUiE-00710-00215400-00215548 gradually icfEfIMSUiE-00711-00215550-00215789 because to realize the absolute truth is icfEfIMSUiE-00712-00215790-00216037 not so easy icfEfIMSUiE-00713-00216038-00216389 thousands of icfEfIMSUiE-00714-00216390-00216671 jivatma can come unto the Lotus feet of icfEfIMSUiE-00715-00216671-00216929 Guru icfEfIMSUiE-00716-00216930-00217169 but who can say who is going to enjoy icfEfIMSUiE-00717-00217169-00217427 actual kripa icfEfIMSUiE-00718-00217428-00217691 who is going to get actual debug and who icfEfIMSUiE-00719-00217692-00217787 can say icfEfIMSUiE-00720-00217788-00218160 no guarantee simply by this calculation icfEfIMSUiE-00721-00218161-00218465 simply by this kind of calculation that icfEfIMSUiE-00722-00218466-00218656 he is enjoying too much favor all over icfEfIMSUiE-00723-00218657-00218927 the world he is enjoying so much you icfEfIMSUiE-00724-00218928-00219041 know icfEfIMSUiE-00725-00219042-00219244 he is having so much Temple so much icfEfIMSUiE-00726-00219246-00219496 Disciple This is not the document icfEfIMSUiE-00727-00219498-00219832 whereas you cannot find one you cannot icfEfIMSUiE-00728-00219833-00220279 find even one disciple of icfEfIMSUiE-00729-00220280-00220517 never confessed that icfEfIMSUiE-00730-00220517-00220751 vimala Prasad is my disciples in this icfEfIMSUiE-00731-00220752-00221106 sense though we know icfEfIMSUiE-00732-00221107-00221482 he don't convey I have no disciple icfEfIMSUiE-00733-00221483-00221758 and no disciple no pratishta no Temple icfEfIMSUiE-00734-00221759-00221908 nothing icfEfIMSUiE-00735-00221909-00222196 that doesn't that doesn't mean icfEfIMSUiE-00736-00222198-00222455 you can say that he is useless icfEfIMSUiE-00737-00222456-00222755 this is not the documents many temples icfEfIMSUiE-00738-00222756-00222989 many disciples many Ma so much money icfEfIMSUiE-00739-00222990-00223169 this is not the document icfEfIMSUiE-00740-00223169-00223415 foolish people they are misguided this icfEfIMSUiE-00741-00223416-00223751 way so icfEfIMSUiE-00742-00223752-00223898 Nita challenge icfEfIMSUiE-00743-00223898-00224260 [Music] icfEfIMSUiE-00744-00224261-00224537 if we are going to ignore icfEfIMSUiE-00745-00224538-00224831 guru parampara guru icfEfIMSUiE-00746-00224832-00225298 if you are going to ignore our Guru if I icfEfIMSUiE-00747-00225300-00225479 if I ignore icfEfIMSUiE-00748-00225480-00225755 if I ignore my Guru Padma that means I icfEfIMSUiE-00749-00225756-00226134 am going to ignore Guru back icfEfIMSUiE-00750-00226135-00226727 I'm going to ignore icfEfIMSUiE-00751-00226728-00227081 I'm going to ignore be careful before icfEfIMSUiE-00752-00227082-00227405 insulting one pure Guru vishna before icfEfIMSUiE-00753-00227406-00227698 you know speaking anything against Guru icfEfIMSUiE-00754-00227700-00227921 vishna you must be careful icfEfIMSUiE-00755-00227921-00228148 you can get destroyed icfEfIMSUiE-00756-00228150-00228544 portal can just all finish icfEfIMSUiE-00757-00228546-00228784 if you want to invite destruction in icfEfIMSUiE-00758-00228785-00228875 your life icfEfIMSUiE-00759-00228876-00229060 if you want to invite destruction you're icfEfIMSUiE-00760-00229061-00229282 that you can do you can fight with pure icfEfIMSUiE-00761-00229283-00229632 Guru wisdom you can fight against icfEfIMSUiE-00762-00229633-00229841 that you can do icfEfIMSUiE-00763-00229842-00230105 others don't do don't try to take this icfEfIMSUiE-00764-00230106-00230381 kind of risks be careful icfEfIMSUiE-00765-00230382-00230723 first of all popat wanted to rectify our icfEfIMSUiE-00766-00230723-00231929 dirty Heart by saying icfEfIMSUiE-00767-00231930-00232096 by this word icfEfIMSUiE-00768-00232098-00232451 robot wanted to say that we must be in icfEfIMSUiE-00769-00232452-00232727 we should be we must be in icfEfIMSUiE-00770-00232728-00233201 in icfEfIMSUiE-00771-00233202-00233471 we never want to get any pratishta icfEfIMSUiE-00772-00233471-00233741 whatever special you find in me maybe icfEfIMSUiE-00773-00233742-00234010 I don't find any specialty in me icfEfIMSUiE-00774-00234011-00234227 all I am doing by the power of their icfEfIMSUiE-00775-00234228-00234601 best icfEfIMSUiE-00776-00234602-00234929 to wear from the question of taking any icfEfIMSUiE-00777-00234930-00235127 pratishta from me even I have no right icfEfIMSUiE-00778-00235128-00235421 to taking me garland from you icfEfIMSUiE-00779-00235421-00236531 foreign icfEfIMSUiE-00780-00236532-00236746 Who Am I who are you icfEfIMSUiE-00781-00236748-00236863 even icfEfIMSUiE-00782-00236864-00237089 going to catch the Lotus feet of icfEfIMSUiE-00783-00237090-00237539 indawanda I'm going to cry icfEfIMSUiE-00784-00237540-00237767 please you know icfEfIMSUiE-00785-00237767-00238121 please you try to bless me I have no icfEfIMSUiE-00786-00238121-00238541 audacity I have no audacity to represent icfEfIMSUiE-00787-00238542-00238823 God your philosophy go to your siddhanta icfEfIMSUiE-00788-00238823-00239255 gauranga map By ignoring you whereas I icfEfIMSUiE-00789-00239256-00239869 am as acharya going to ignore icfEfIMSUiE-00790-00239869-00240155 this is my specialty icfEfIMSUiE-00791-00240156-00240448 this is my specialty that I can make icfEfIMSUiE-00792-00240450-00240821 full of I can make full of people all icfEfIMSUiE-00793-00240821-00240934 over the world icfEfIMSUiE-00794-00240935-00241175 this specialty I have icfEfIMSUiE-00795-00241176-00241373 no other specialty icfEfIMSUiE-00796-00241373-00241571 any kind of deserve the inside or icfEfIMSUiE-00797-00241571-00241769 bondage icfEfIMSUiE-00798-00241769-00242039 but the desire is pure desire you like icfEfIMSUiE-00799-00242040-00242284 to ex you will like to expand propagate icfEfIMSUiE-00800-00242285-00242548 pure devotional you know siddhant that icfEfIMSUiE-00801-00242550-00242734 is not on navilas icfEfIMSUiE-00802-00242735-00243005 that is not under the category of under icfEfIMSUiE-00803-00243006-00243215 Villas icfEfIMSUiE-00804-00243216-00243521 if I want that everybody should know the icfEfIMSUiE-00805-00243521-00243679 siddhanta icfEfIMSUiE-00806-00243680-00244073 sir this is not my own icfEfIMSUiE-00807-00244073-00244319 this is not possible but when I speaking icfEfIMSUiE-00808-00244319-00244594 something self-interest about me hundred icfEfIMSUiE-00809-00244596-00244906 percent is here on navilas icfEfIMSUiE-00810-00244907-00244992 is icfEfIMSUiE-00811-00244994-00245177 so icfEfIMSUiE-00812-00245178-00245434 there should not be any particular there icfEfIMSUiE-00813-00245435-00245681 should many ISM nothing new you should icfEfIMSUiE-00814-00245682-00245927 stand on a neutral platform to icfEfIMSUiE-00815-00245928-00246167 understand what is good what is bad what icfEfIMSUiE-00816-00246167-00246437 is siddhanta Professor what is wrong icfEfIMSUiE-00817-00246438-00246748 is a question of your survival icfEfIMSUiE-00818-00246750-00247037 survival of your real self is not the icfEfIMSUiE-00819-00247038-00247187 question of fighting you can come and we icfEfIMSUiE-00820-00247188-00247360 can start fighting icfEfIMSUiE-00821-00247361-00247606 foolish fever life going why we are icfEfIMSUiE-00822-00247607-00247684 playing icfEfIMSUiE-00823-00247685-00248015 live going we are playing live going we icfEfIMSUiE-00824-00248016-00248375 are playing these are in a condition icfEfIMSUiE-00825-00248376-00248646 so icfEfIMSUiE-00826-00248648-00249089 was not given any place and position icfEfIMSUiE-00827-00249090-00249394 by those material Society he was icfEfIMSUiE-00828-00249396-00249527 insulted icfEfIMSUiE-00829-00249528-00249887 he was insulted thrown out icfEfIMSUiE-00830-00249888-00250403 brahmana icfEfIMSUiE-00831-00250404-00250756 why he wanted to establish icfEfIMSUiE-00832-00250757-00250948 siddhanta Vishal icfEfIMSUiE-00833-00250950-00251194 that is his fault icfEfIMSUiE-00834-00251196-00251477 but it's my fault you find icfEfIMSUiE-00835-00251478-00251734 many fault you can find one of them is a icfEfIMSUiE-00836-00251735-00251998 that I want to speak about Prophet icfEfIMSUiE-00837-00252000-00252334 bhakti shiddhan that is a icfEfIMSUiE-00838-00252335-00252439 so icfEfIMSUiE-00839-00252440-00252827 has thrown out of their brahmana society icfEfIMSUiE-00840-00252828-00253198 we don't confess and not only that but icfEfIMSUiE-00841-00253200-00253594 also they started speaking all Ravi icfEfIMSUiE-00842-00253596-00253894 shakas against vrindavan the sugar Masa icfEfIMSUiE-00843-00253896-00254227 they started speaking or rubbish again icfEfIMSUiE-00844-00254228-00254579 to to speak or rubbish icfEfIMSUiE-00845-00254580-00255013 dirty thing icfEfIMSUiE-00846-00255014-00255394 they wanted to start speaking but still icfEfIMSUiE-00847-00255396-00255558 though icfEfIMSUiE-00848-00255559-00255953 was he was put aside icfEfIMSUiE-00849-00255954-00256313 by all Brahman but still he was not icfEfIMSUiE-00850-00256314-00256705 ready to change even one icfEfIMSUiE-00851-00256706-00257015 foreign just not ready icfEfIMSUiE-00852-00257016-00257284 you can kill me I'm not going to change icfEfIMSUiE-00853-00257285-00257591 it so when you can find icfEfIMSUiE-00854-00257592-00257921 that all siddhanta vishar acharan icfEfIMSUiE-00855-00257921-00258034 everything icfEfIMSUiE-00856-00258035-00258382 was implemented by one acharya in icfEfIMSUiE-00857-00258383-00258556 practically icfEfIMSUiE-00858-00258557-00258839 practically not impractically icfEfIMSUiE-00859-00258840-00259079 then you can understand his eternal icfEfIMSUiE-00860-00259080-00259603 person she is icfEfIMSUiE-00861-00259604-00260110 wanted to establish icfEfIMSUiE-00862-00260111-00260387 you are Guided by false emotion icfEfIMSUiE-00863-00260388-00260663 that's why you are going to invite total icfEfIMSUiE-00864-00260664-00260842 Destruction in your life why you are icfEfIMSUiE-00865-00260844-00260944 going to fall icfEfIMSUiE-00866-00260946-00261275 there is no for no no place of emotion icfEfIMSUiE-00867-00261276-00261580 false emotion icfEfIMSUiE-00868-00261581-00261760 you are going to invite icfEfIMSUiE-00869-00261761-00262025 simply because then icfEfIMSUiE-00870-00262026-00262282 first of all you should stand on a icfEfIMSUiE-00871-00262283-00262510 neutral platform that is a symptom upon icfEfIMSUiE-00872-00262511-00262793 vaishnava how you can understand one icfEfIMSUiE-00873-00262794-00262973 pure vishna icfEfIMSUiE-00874-00262974-00263297 how you can understand a pure vishna icfEfIMSUiE-00875-00263298-00263477 you should remember icfEfIMSUiE-00876-00263478-00263921 One symptom of pure vishna is neutral icfEfIMSUiE-00877-00263922-00264163 he is neutral icfEfIMSUiE-00878-00264164-00264610 he is always neutral icfEfIMSUiE-00879-00264611-00264971 not going to icfEfIMSUiE-00880-00264972-00265127 follow icfEfIMSUiE-00881-00265128-00265427 neutral position he is going to maintain icfEfIMSUiE-00882-00265428-00265810 and uh all is going to speak or about icfEfIMSUiE-00883-00265811-00266071 the absolute truth icfEfIMSUiE-00884-00266072-00266813 absolute platform icfEfIMSUiE-00885-00266814-00267149 ERA this all these are the symptoms you icfEfIMSUiE-00886-00267150-00267401 can understand then you can icfEfIMSUiE-00887-00267402-00267653 if somebody going to icfEfIMSUiE-00888-00267654-00267827 speak icfEfIMSUiE-00889-00267828-00268530 something different then is not neutral icfEfIMSUiE-00890-00268531-00268771 atha icfEfIMSUiE-00891-00268772-00268997 you should remember icfEfIMSUiE-00892-00268998-00269267 if you can remember apply it practically icfEfIMSUiE-00893-00269268-00269458 in your life you can arrest so many icfEfIMSUiE-00894-00269459-00269597 people icfEfIMSUiE-00895-00269598-00270029 Bengali I'm speaking simplicity icfEfIMSUiE-00896-00270030-00270505 rigidity icfEfIMSUiE-00897-00270506-00270930 neutral position icfEfIMSUiE-00898-00270931-00271205 unless you are standing on a neutral icfEfIMSUiE-00899-00271206-00271427 platform you cannot maintain the second icfEfIMSUiE-00900-00271428-00271834 quality I mean that is called rigidity icfEfIMSUiE-00901-00271835-00272297 strong rigidity economic not possible icfEfIMSUiE-00902-00272298-00272669 follow where there can be some love can icfEfIMSUiE-00903-00272670-00272806 make you you icfEfIMSUiE-00904-00272807-00273071 Psalms light nobody outside people so icfEfIMSUiE-00905-00273072-00273358 fully they cannot they cannot understand icfEfIMSUiE-00906-00273359-00273575 but pure pure vegetable they can look at icfEfIMSUiE-00907-00273576-00273719 him his activities his speech icfEfIMSUiE-00908-00273720-00274158 immediately arrest icfEfIMSUiE-00909-00274159-00274505 Ed if they watch him one acharya walk icfEfIMSUiE-00910-00274506-00274756 watch his activities icfEfIMSUiE-00911-00274757-00275003 and here one or two words immediately icfEfIMSUiE-00912-00275004-00275279 they can arrest is coupled icfEfIMSUiE-00913-00275280-00275675 is not in line but you cannot understand icfEfIMSUiE-00914-00275676-00275932 you cannot understand so three qualities icfEfIMSUiE-00915-00275933-00276160 you should remember to understand if you icfEfIMSUiE-00916-00276161-00276419 are vishna otherwise you don't confess icfEfIMSUiE-00917-00276420-00276653 there is a way maybe whole world can icfEfIMSUiE-00918-00276654-00276791 give icfEfIMSUiE-00919-00276792-00277030 majority must be granted there is a icfEfIMSUiE-00920-00277031-00277271 material formula icfEfIMSUiE-00921-00277272-00277601 we are not in favor of this formula so icfEfIMSUiE-00922-00277602-00278123 mean icfEfIMSUiE-00923-00278124-00278387 what is there inside her is speaking not icfEfIMSUiE-00924-00278388-00278669 going to follow up is going to speak a icfEfIMSUiE-00925-00278670-00278980 half truth not speaking speaking half icfEfIMSUiE-00926-00278981-00279197 truth going to conceal something icfEfIMSUiE-00927-00279198-00279515 begin to conceal the truth is a great icfEfIMSUiE-00928-00279516-00279677 offense icfEfIMSUiE-00929-00279678-00279882 he conceal the fact icfEfIMSUiE-00930-00279883-00280175 is a great offense those who are doing icfEfIMSUiE-00931-00280176-00280510 they can get severe punishment icfEfIMSUiE-00932-00280511-00280769 severe punishment how many Prayer by The icfEfIMSUiE-00933-00280770-00281039 Infinity period as for sahasra icfEfIMSUiE-00934-00281040-00281308 as for sastra is speaking icfEfIMSUiE-00935-00281309-00281506 like mathematics you can come don't icfEfIMSUiE-00936-00281507-00281710 fight you can see they can prove like icfEfIMSUiE-00937-00281711-00281932 mathematics icfEfIMSUiE-00939-00285185-00285556 it is written in sastra icfEfIMSUiE-00940-00285557-00285791 so icfEfIMSUiE-00941-00285792-00286021 she done to be sure icfEfIMSUiE-00942-00286022-00286343 is not a matter of gymnastic Feats I can icfEfIMSUiE-00943-00286344-00286734 get the barbell to make the muscle half icfEfIMSUiE-00944-00286735-00287065 is not gymnastic fits icfEfIMSUiE-00945-00287066-00287380 is not gymnastics I can get some barbell icfEfIMSUiE-00946-00287381-00287591 and iron and icfEfIMSUiE-00947-00287592-00287879 is automatically icfEfIMSUiE-00948-00287880-00288143 if you are in line with Guru warga I icfEfIMSUiE-00949-00288144-00288413 promise you in bessasan though if you icfEfIMSUiE-00950-00288414-00288677 are illiterate but still siddhanto you icfEfIMSUiE-00951-00288678-00288910 can speak right icfEfIMSUiE-00952-00288911-00289079 it's not the question of knowing icfEfIMSUiE-00953-00289080-00289391 Sanskrit grammar these dead philosophy icfEfIMSUiE-00954-00289392-00289937 vedanta mother icfEfIMSUiE-00955-00289938-00290789 foreign icfEfIMSUiE-00956-00290790-00291208 so if somebody want to transgress icfEfIMSUiE-00957-00291209-00291479 overlook icfEfIMSUiE-00958-00291480-00291905 I know insult then no chance icfEfIMSUiE-00959-00291906-00292330 so icfEfIMSUiE-00960-00292331-00292499 simplicity mean icfEfIMSUiE-00961-00292500-00292741 simplicity mean icfEfIMSUiE-00962-00292742-00292991 straightforward simply it is a icfEfIMSUiE-00963-00292992-00293245 simplicity mean straightforward icfEfIMSUiE-00964-00293246-00293782 simplicity mean a prakita smartness icfEfIMSUiE-00965-00293783-00294127 hey you can go mad I can prove icfEfIMSUiE-00966-00294128-00294532 Simplicity means the smartness icfEfIMSUiE-00967-00294533-00294803 straightness is equal to smartness icfEfIMSUiE-00968-00294804-00295782 because in kirtan we find Anthony icfEfIMSUiE-00969-00295783-00296110 not that you are coming I become I like icfEfIMSUiE-00970-00296111-00296339 to hide myself I am going to behave with icfEfIMSUiE-00971-00296340-00296813 this very different way copper icfEfIMSUiE-00972-00296814-00296999 Kappa icfEfIMSUiE-00973-00297000-00297245 what is the inside my heart that I am icfEfIMSUiE-00974-00297246-00297456 speaking there's girl icfEfIMSUiE-00975-00297457-00297880 or nice definition of saralatha is to icfEfIMSUiE-00976-00297881-00298127 stay in line with Guru Varga is more icfEfIMSUiE-00977-00298128-00298291 practical icfEfIMSUiE-00978-00298292-00298530 mean icfEfIMSUiE-00979-00298531-00298960 you have no right to play your brain icfEfIMSUiE-00980-00298961-00299167 nothing icfEfIMSUiE-00981-00299168-00299477 if you are in line with Guru Varga then icfEfIMSUiE-00982-00299478-00299765 you will if you are in line with Guru icfEfIMSUiE-00983-00299766-00299980 automatically you are straightforward icfEfIMSUiE-00984-00299981-00300795 foreign icfEfIMSUiE-00985-00300796-00301079 [Music] icfEfIMSUiE-00986-00301080-00301271 try to understand the scientific which icfEfIMSUiE-00987-00301272-00301417 are icfEfIMSUiE-00988-00301418-00301667 first of all who is in line with icfEfIMSUiE-00989-00301668-00301943 gurbarga antar what is inside my heart icfEfIMSUiE-00990-00301944-00302189 what I heard from Guru work and speaking icfEfIMSUiE-00991-00302190-00302284 the same icfEfIMSUiE-00992-00302285-00302615 and when you can speak icfEfIMSUiE-00993-00302616-00302855 when you can speak about siddhanta which icfEfIMSUiE-00994-00302856-00303130 are same Guru bhaga when there is no icfEfIMSUiE-00995-00303131-00303391 desire for Allah icfEfIMSUiE-00996-00303392-00304073 so what is icfEfIMSUiE-00997-00304074-00304434 I need no honor no practice icfEfIMSUiE-00998-00304435-00304751 I can give honor to you icfEfIMSUiE-00999-00304752-00305075 I can give honor to you but icfEfIMSUiE-01000-00305076-00305327 at present this Society can prove wrong icfEfIMSUiE-01001-00305328-00305447 way icfEfIMSUiE-01002-00305448-00305651 they can say icfEfIMSUiE-01003-00305652-00305897 they can say we are giving honor to icfEfIMSUiE-01004-00305898-00306154 somebody why he is not giving to honor icfEfIMSUiE-01005-00306155-00306275 to somebody icfEfIMSUiE-01006-00306276-00306610 they can say so I like to cover up all icfEfIMSUiE-01007-00306611-00306887 in a loop soul icfEfIMSUiE-01008-00306888-00307108 surely I am not going to give Garland to icfEfIMSUiE-01009-00307109-00307267 kangsa icfEfIMSUiE-01010-00307268-00307523 is your privilege you can say Maharaja icfEfIMSUiE-01011-00307524-00307732 is not going to give honor to icfEfIMSUiE-01012-00307733-00307991 it is your privilege but surely I am not icfEfIMSUiE-01013-00307992-00308225 going to give give Garden to kangsa to icfEfIMSUiE-01014-00308226-00308471 make any compromise icfEfIMSUiE-01015-00308472-00308758 surely I am not going to give Garland to icfEfIMSUiE-01016-00308759-00309097 hirana icfEfIMSUiE-01017-00309098-00309310 chapal gopal icfEfIMSUiE-01018-00309311-00309515 I cannot give icfEfIMSUiE-01019-00309516-00309827 even not to sarbama if he is not in line icfEfIMSUiE-01020-00309828-00310103 with gorang map now he is I can give icfEfIMSUiE-01021-00310104-00310258 Garden to him icfEfIMSUiE-01022-00310259-00310558 so I understand myself so if you can icfEfIMSUiE-01023-00310559-00310829 indicate not giving honor to anybody you icfEfIMSUiE-01024-00310830-00311093 prove me if I am not giving honor how I icfEfIMSUiE-01025-00311094-00311363 am giving honor to Guru work icfEfIMSUiE-01026-00311364-00311675 because regarding glorification of Guru icfEfIMSUiE-01027-00311676-00312023 vaishna it is in sastra if I myself icfEfIMSUiE-01028-00312024-00312317 don't love them from her I cannot icfEfIMSUiE-01029-00312318-00312665 glorify them icfEfIMSUiE-01030-00312666-00313084 from heart mm not going to love my Guru icfEfIMSUiE-01031-00313085-00313313 I cannot memorize some siddhant and icfEfIMSUiE-01032-00313314-00313547 speak in front of you that's mean I love icfEfIMSUiE-01033-00313548-00313793 my Guru icfEfIMSUiE-01034-00313794-00314141 like the case if you you yourself is not icfEfIMSUiE-01035-00314142-00314453 bhagavat then you have no right to touch icfEfIMSUiE-01036-00314454-00315295 bhagavat icfEfIMSUiE-01037-00315296-00315532 so you have no right to speak about icfEfIMSUiE-01038-00315533-00315653 bhagavan icfEfIMSUiE-01039-00315654-00315917 if you are yourself not vaishna you icfEfIMSUiE-01040-00315918-00316060 cannot glorify other vishna icfEfIMSUiE-01041-00316061-00316306 automatically mathematics icfEfIMSUiE-01042-00316307-00316487 it's like mathematics like mathematics icfEfIMSUiE-01043-00316488-00316789 if yourself is not visnam icfEfIMSUiE-01044-00316790-00317171 never you can glorify never whatever icfEfIMSUiE-01045-00317172-00317471 proficiency you can have whatever you icfEfIMSUiE-01046-00317472-00317632 know icfEfIMSUiE-01047-00317633-00317915 maybe you are a erudite scholar but icfEfIMSUiE-01048-00317916-00318119 still you cannot do because not the icfEfIMSUiE-01049-00318120-00318430 question of you know speaking oratorship icfEfIMSUiE-01050-00318431-00318658 automatically calm icfEfIMSUiE-01051-00318659-00318953 so somebody can complete how are not icfEfIMSUiE-01052-00318954-00319163 giving honor to somebody nobody else yes icfEfIMSUiE-01053-00319164-00319360 I'm not giving honor but I am giving icfEfIMSUiE-01054-00319361-00319769 honor to vaishna not to cancer icfEfIMSUiE-01055-00319770-00320173 if there is cancer icfEfIMSUiE-01056-00320174-00320399 chaitanya Bhagavad they are in front of icfEfIMSUiE-01057-00320400-00320489 me icfEfIMSUiE-01058-00320490-00320801 I can die if I speak lie icfEfIMSUiE-01059-00320802-00321029 I can give honor to icfEfIMSUiE-01060-00321030-00321139 actually icfEfIMSUiE-01061-00321140-00321425 I cannot give honor icfEfIMSUiE-01062-00321426-00321706 he can throw me reject me I cannot give icfEfIMSUiE-01063-00321707-00321953 honor to cancer icfEfIMSUiE-01064-00321954-00322156 the Baba told icfEfIMSUiE-01065-00322157-00322589 I learn everything from Papa Guru icfEfIMSUiE-01066-00322590-00322775 I am not ready to learn anything from icfEfIMSUiE-01067-00322776-00323141 you and your Society icfEfIMSUiE-01068-00323142-00323380 Boba speaking icfEfIMSUiE-01069-00323381-00323687 Boba speaking in this icfEfIMSUiE-01070-00323688-00323921 to honor icfEfIMSUiE-01071-00323922-00324223 to honor the maternal Uncle of Krishna icfEfIMSUiE-01072-00324224-00324665 is is a maternal Uncle of Krishna so let icfEfIMSUiE-01073-00324666-00324893 us give Garland to cancer speaking icfEfIMSUiE-01074-00324894-00325169 foolish idiot number one icfEfIMSUiE-01075-00325170-00325439 speaking icfEfIMSUiE-01076-00325440-00325717 it is your basic fault to understand icfEfIMSUiE-01077-00325718-00326093 that conscious the maternal Uncle of icfEfIMSUiE-01078-00326094-00326321 Krishna so let us give one Garden I icfEfIMSUiE-01079-00326322-00326591 cannot give God konsa so you can start icfEfIMSUiE-01080-00326592-00326854 education icfEfIMSUiE-01081-00326855-00327119 but you cannot discover that I am not icfEfIMSUiE-01082-00327120-00327377 giving Garland to our Guru Varga icfEfIMSUiE-01083-00327378-00327677 they cannot discover all the moment I am icfEfIMSUiE-01084-00327678-00327995 doing aruti all fraction of second icfEfIMSUiE-01085-00327996-00328517 doing it icfEfIMSUiE-01086-00328518-00328745 so you have no right to put any force on icfEfIMSUiE-01087-00328746-00328954 me icfEfIMSUiE-01088-00328955-00329141 cannot put like political leader icfEfIMSUiE-01089-00329142-00329393 political party it's not political level icfEfIMSUiE-01090-00329394-00329632 why not you go and join political party icfEfIMSUiE-01091-00329633-00329884 you can make Prosperity then in the line icfEfIMSUiE-01092-00329885-00330053 why you come icfEfIMSUiE-01093-00330054-00330310 why you come and acting as a Chari you icfEfIMSUiE-01094-00330311-00330503 are going to take yourself in the hell icfEfIMSUiE-01095-00330504-00330725 for Infinity period hundred percent icfEfIMSUiE-01096-00330726-00330910 hundred hundred percent icfEfIMSUiE-01097-00330911-00331115 hundred hundred percent you're going to icfEfIMSUiE-01098-00331116-00331360 you're going to take your yourself in icfEfIMSUiE-01099-00331361-00331499 Hell forever icfEfIMSUiE-01100-00331500-00331804 we are enjoying now okay enjoy how long icfEfIMSUiE-01101-00331805-00332008 life is limited icfEfIMSUiE-01102-00332009-00332380 you can live maybe up to 65 70 or 80 100 icfEfIMSUiE-01103-00332381-00332603 maybe after that icfEfIMSUiE-01104-00332604-00332867 after that you will have to think nah icfEfIMSUiE-01105-00332868-00333029 after icfEfIMSUiE-01106-00333030-00333208 after that you have to think now what icfEfIMSUiE-01107-00333209-00333371 you can get icfEfIMSUiE-01108-00333372-00333658 if you are foolish your eyes you can icfEfIMSUiE-01109-00333659-00333953 still Your Eyes by these eyes you can icfEfIMSUiE-01110-00333954-00334306 see woman man handsome man beautiful icfEfIMSUiE-01111-00334307-00334741 lady or you can see stool urine this is icfEfIMSUiE-01112-00334742-00335182 but your eyes is so dirty you cannot icfEfIMSUiE-01113-00335183-00335506 achieve that kind of fine darshan icfEfIMSUiE-01114-00335507-00335849 follow what I say so icfEfIMSUiE-01115-00335850-00336108 is interrelated icfEfIMSUiE-01116-00336109-00336365 so three formula icfEfIMSUiE-01117-00336366-00336599 three formula you should remember what icfEfIMSUiE-01118-00336600-00336858 is that one by Islam icfEfIMSUiE-01119-00336859-00337295 very straightforward no guru patma is icfEfIMSUiE-01120-00337296-00337753 like child well more than a child icfEfIMSUiE-01121-00337754-00338015 I feel sad to speak icfEfIMSUiE-01122-00338016-00338279 how much simply disease since Simplicity icfEfIMSUiE-01123-00338280-00338608 was there in bhakti I cannot speak any icfEfIMSUiE-01124-00338609-00338801 amount of philosophy in every word is icfEfIMSUiE-01125-00338802-00339082 not Superior I've seen I started icfEfIMSUiE-01126-00339083-00339377 laughing inside oh it's so simple icfEfIMSUiE-01127-00339378-00339713 even when child can you know icfEfIMSUiE-01128-00339714-00339934 so he is icfEfIMSUiE-01129-00339935-00340163 he never wanted to make any compromise icfEfIMSUiE-01130-00340164-00340469 with siddhanta vichar icfEfIMSUiE-01131-00340470-00340715 he never wanted to make any siddha even icfEfIMSUiE-01132-00340716-00340841 in old age icfEfIMSUiE-01133-00340842-00341165 old age hundred years ah no that that icfEfIMSUiE-01134-00341166-00341513 time he was 98 years icfEfIMSUiE-01135-00341514-00341747 they give us give me responsibility for icfEfIMSUiE-01136-00341748-00341873 editing icfEfIMSUiE-01137-00341874-00342154 one writing came from vrindavan icfEfIMSUiE-01138-00342155-00342419 one writing came from vrindavan icfEfIMSUiE-01139-00342420-00342673 govardhan I was there in govardhan just icfEfIMSUiE-01140-00342674-00343091 here in the in the rooftop too much hot icfEfIMSUiE-01141-00343092-00343534 48 degree all water low whole body rate icfEfIMSUiE-01142-00343535-00343841 no place for me I'm a beggar so I was icfEfIMSUiE-01143-00343842-00344129 bound to stay there icfEfIMSUiE-01144-00344130-00344332 I was bound to stay in the winter season icfEfIMSUiE-01145-00344333-00344639 I was to say in a naked ground totally icfEfIMSUiE-01146-00344640-00344993 wind eight degrees one sack of you know icfEfIMSUiE-01147-00344994-00345323 potato down sitting here icfEfIMSUiE-01148-00345324-00345484 this is my life icfEfIMSUiE-01149-00345485-00345730 so if you kill me so this is not a big icfEfIMSUiE-01150-00345731-00345941 problem for me icfEfIMSUiE-01151-00345942-00346193 I have seen the naked picture of this icfEfIMSUiE-01152-00346194-00346330 Society icfEfIMSUiE-01153-00346331-00346643 you cannot make fool of me icfEfIMSUiE-01154-00346644-00346858 follow so icfEfIMSUiE-01155-00346859-00347123 Guru patma very simple icfEfIMSUiE-01156-00347124-00347458 very simple Simplicity and guruma you icfEfIMSUiE-01157-00347459-00347729 want to reject that that so-called icfEfIMSUiE-01158-00347730-00348101 sannyasi acharya he always want to prove icfEfIMSUiE-01159-00348102-00348299 that I am a big icfEfIMSUiE-01160-00348300-00348529 he always want to prove icfEfIMSUiE-01161-00348530-00348845 he's writing Sanskrit write so many icfEfIMSUiE-01162-00348846-00349193 he writing he sent some writing guruma's icfEfIMSUiE-01163-00349194-00349499 reading I saw bruma you read this is icfEfIMSUiE-01164-00349500-00349715 okay or not please you read can have a icfEfIMSUiE-01165-00349716-00350206 look we must read the noise not good so icfEfIMSUiE-01166-00350207-00350351 CC icfEfIMSUiE-01167-00350352-00350682 even Guru my heart who wrote this letter icfEfIMSUiE-01168-00350683-00351282 after that icfEfIMSUiE-01169-00351283-00351730 was very simple second Point rigidity icfEfIMSUiE-01170-00351731-00352025 was there he never wanted to confess all icfEfIMSUiE-01171-00352026-00352289 wrong shiddhanta regarding rasata icfEfIMSUiE-01172-00352290-00352558 anything on the country he wrote some so icfEfIMSUiE-01173-00352559-00352810 many things I can show you if you attack icfEfIMSUiE-01174-00352811-00353056 me I can show you gurma wrote it Papa's icfEfIMSUiE-01175-00353057-00353404 wrote it how he can attack me icfEfIMSUiE-01176-00353405-00353675 cannot attack me he they told me I am icfEfIMSUiE-01177-00353676-00353878 their dog and speaking icfEfIMSUiE-01178-00353879-00354127 so icfEfIMSUiE-01179-00354128-00354437 rigidity and icfEfIMSUiE-01180-00354438-00354665 nirafeksha icfEfIMSUiE-01181-00354666-00354949 if you are not standing in neutral form icfEfIMSUiE-01182-00354950-00355282 whatever big acharya you are you are icfEfIMSUiE-01183-00355283-00355589 going to fall down in the hell icfEfIMSUiE-01184-00355590-00355930 past qualities of an acharya First icfEfIMSUiE-01185-00355931-00356141 Quality the first and foremost quality icfEfIMSUiE-01186-00356142-00356556 of an acharya is to maintain Simplicity icfEfIMSUiE-01187-00356557-00357017 rigidity and and neutral position icfEfIMSUiE-01188-00357018-00357227 first otherwise you cannot give icfEfIMSUiE-01189-00357228-00357467 protection to siddhantman icfEfIMSUiE-01190-00357468-00357804 otherwise you can never give protection icfEfIMSUiE-01191-00357805-00358037 otherwise you can never give protection icfEfIMSUiE-01192-00358038-00358313 to siddhant woman not possible for him icfEfIMSUiE-01193-00358314-00358595 whole welcome run behind you what it icfEfIMSUiE-01194-00358596-00358745 concern to me icfEfIMSUiE-01195-00358746-00358991 you cannot protect and if you cannot if icfEfIMSUiE-01196-00358992-00359278 you cannot protect then surely yours not icfEfIMSUiE-01197-00359279-00359434 acharya icfEfIMSUiE-01198-00359435-00359675 if you are unable to protect siddhant icfEfIMSUiE-01199-00359676-00359795 which are icfEfIMSUiE-01200-00359796-00360425 mathematics icfEfIMSUiE-01201-00360426-00360730 absolute truth is always better icfEfIMSUiE-01202-00360731-00360977 absolutely always beta because we can icfEfIMSUiE-01203-00360978-00361373 try to beat me it's quite natural icfEfIMSUiE-01204-00361374-00361625 absolute is always better icfEfIMSUiE-01205-00361626-00361858 after this too is not sweet apparent not icfEfIMSUiE-01206-00361859-00362182 Sweet Bitter but after that you can get icfEfIMSUiE-01207-00362183-00362525 the test that previously you cannot icfEfIMSUiE-01208-00362526-00363028 but in Gita we know icfEfIMSUiE-01209-00363029-00363293 what is very testy in the beginning but icfEfIMSUiE-01210-00363294-00364123 finally poison Gita in Gita you can find icfEfIMSUiE-01211-00364124-00364373 one pure vaishnav there you're going to icfEfIMSUiE-01212-00364374-00364582 throw him outside oh you have no icfEfIMSUiE-01213-00364583-00364787 connection with you we have our vaishnav icfEfIMSUiE-01214-00364788-00365110 society we can use because why icfEfIMSUiE-01215-00365111-00365591 why popad was attracted by sajia icfEfIMSUiE-01216-00365592-00365734 why icfEfIMSUiE-01217-00365735-00365915 what's wrong icfEfIMSUiE-01218-00365916-00366432 there is in 14's character icfEfIMSUiE-01219-00366433-00366791 wanted to beat kill popat simply because icfEfIMSUiE-01220-00366792-00367073 wanted to speak about that absolute icfEfIMSUiE-01221-00367074-00367421 truth so they don't like to hear that icfEfIMSUiE-01222-00367422-00367577 absolute truth icfEfIMSUiE-01223-00367578-00367775 in the name of Bhajan icfEfIMSUiE-01224-00367776-00367984 in the name of Bhajan if you like to icfEfIMSUiE-01225-00367985-00368321 make some compromise with some sahaja icfEfIMSUiE-01226-00368322-00368554 then you cannot stand icfEfIMSUiE-01227-00368555-00368873 harivajan is not harivazan is not so so icfEfIMSUiE-01228-00368874-00369053 cheap icfEfIMSUiE-01229-00369054-00369256 Hari was not such a cheap that you can icfEfIMSUiE-01230-00369257-00369421 start icfEfIMSUiE-01231-00369422-00369749 maso is rejected by their whole society icfEfIMSUiE-01232-00369750-00369949 but still icfEfIMSUiE-01233-00369950-00370217 never wanted to change any siddhanta icfEfIMSUiE-01234-00370218-00370384 picture icfEfIMSUiE-01235-00370385-00370799 in the great assembly Mama Gathering icfEfIMSUiE-01236-00370800-00371099 the great assembly Mama Gathering their icfEfIMSUiE-01237-00371100-00371465 Mammoth Gathering there are thousands of icfEfIMSUiE-01238-00371466-00371830 people hearing icfEfIMSUiE-01239-00371831-00372119 there was a fighting between icfEfIMSUiE-01240-00372120-00372232 two icfEfIMSUiE-01241-00372233-00372521 topics Brahman is more important than icfEfIMSUiE-01242-00372522-00372767 vaishnava or vaishnav is more important icfEfIMSUiE-01243-00372768-00373193 than Manda what is the amicable solution icfEfIMSUiE-01244-00373194-00373367 follow icfEfIMSUiE-01245-00373368-00373654 for seven days continuously discussing icfEfIMSUiE-01246-00373655-00374280 and the great icfEfIMSUiE-01247-00374281-00374549 discipleshwar Pandit line icfEfIMSUiE-01249-00377954-00378317 but cannot go due to sickness icfEfIMSUiE-01250-00378318-00378503 so icfEfIMSUiE-01251-00378504-00378767 popat wanted to explain icfEfIMSUiE-01252-00378768-00379097 and the reason for why I am going to icfEfIMSUiE-01253-00379098-00379297 speak these topics icfEfIMSUiE-01254-00379298-00379619 thousands of people hearing with full icfEfIMSUiE-01255-00379620-00379973 attention soap up standing in the you icfEfIMSUiE-01256-00379974-00380382 know platform like fire icfEfIMSUiE-01257-00380383-00380610 coming icfEfIMSUiE-01258-00380611-00380843 vaisnava if you can look at Vishnu you icfEfIMSUiE-01259-00380844-00381184 can see so power body falling is coming icfEfIMSUiE-01260-00381185-00381599 all people they hypnotized the man icfEfIMSUiE-01261-00381600-00381856 government all they like to take shelter icfEfIMSUiE-01262-00381857-00382073 onto a lot of speed of profile icfEfIMSUiE-01263-00382074-00382306 all day icfEfIMSUiE-01264-00382307-00382708 one leader one leader from the Committee icfEfIMSUiE-01265-00382709-00383032 Member one leader from the Committee icfEfIMSUiE-01266-00383033-00383278 Member they organizers soba the assembly icfEfIMSUiE-01267-00383279-00383477 they are coming very important person icfEfIMSUiE-01268-00383478-00383717 according to their according to their icfEfIMSUiE-01269-00383718-00384013 estimation is very important icfEfIMSUiE-01270-00384014-00384227 one request icfEfIMSUiE-01271-00384228-00384491 they all like to they all like to take icfEfIMSUiE-01272-00384492-00384737 shelter onto a lot of speed icfEfIMSUiE-01273-00384738-00384893 only you will have to make some icfEfIMSUiE-01274-00384894-00385054 compromise they are taking some time icfEfIMSUiE-01275-00385055-00385234 three treaty you know they are taking icfEfIMSUiE-01276-00385235-00385480 tea sometimes bitter leaf or you have to icfEfIMSUiE-01277-00385481-00385601 compromise no icfEfIMSUiE-01278-00385602-00385871 Papa said I can I don't like to get even icfEfIMSUiE-01279-00385872-00386153 one disciple icfEfIMSUiE-01280-00386154-00386332 what to speak about thousands of people icfEfIMSUiE-01281-00386333-00386573 even one disabled I don't like I'm not icfEfIMSUiE-01282-00386574-00386795 coming here to make this happen icfEfIMSUiE-01283-00386796-00387178 so you understand now now no nobody icfEfIMSUiE-01284-00387179-00387556 there standing on such a neutral problem icfEfIMSUiE-01285-00387557-00387730 they like to increase the number of icfEfIMSUiE-01286-00387731-00387856 monkey icfEfIMSUiE-01287-00387857-00388127 increase the number of monkey and monkey icfEfIMSUiE-01288-00388128-00388403 increasing you show me icfEfIMSUiE-01289-00388404-00388823 you show me oh what is you yourself can icfEfIMSUiE-01290-00388824-00389099 prove that you have the Bogan icfEfIMSUiE-01291-00389100-00389273 I'm not speaking about your disciples icfEfIMSUiE-01292-00389274-00389537 you prove that you have your debug and icfEfIMSUiE-01293-00389538-00389753 excuse my adversity and speaking about icfEfIMSUiE-01294-00389754-00389969 the absolute truth you prove that you icfEfIMSUiE-01295-00389970-00390275 have the Bugan even you cannot prove how icfEfIMSUiE-01296-00390276-00390341 to icfEfIMSUiE-01297-00390342-00390587 so you increase the number of monkey icfEfIMSUiE-01298-00390588-00390778 who can jump from One Tree to another icfEfIMSUiE-01299-00390779-00391073 whole body that you are increasing icfEfIMSUiE-01300-00391074-00391330 you show me one icfEfIMSUiE-01301-00391331-00391649 who can understand you saw me icfEfIMSUiE-01302-00391650-00391895 you show me you make one disciple who is icfEfIMSUiE-01303-00391896-00392093 hundred percent in line in Popa then I icfEfIMSUiE-01304-00392094-00392278 can confess icfEfIMSUiE-01305-00392279-00392717 you cannot sow because you are failure icfEfIMSUiE-01306-00392718-00393445 my other be giving you success icfEfIMSUiE-01307-00393446-00393730 success I know but bhagavan not giving icfEfIMSUiE-01308-00393731-00394073 you success it is not success icfEfIMSUiE-01309-00394074-00394710 it is not success icfEfIMSUiE-01310-00394711-00395034 [Music] id31rki3nFU-00000-00000038-00000361 Jose Marti International Airport IATA id31rki3nFU-00001-00000362-00000701 have ICAO Muja sometimes known by its id31rki3nFU-00002-00000702-00000956 former name Rancho Boy euros Airport is id31rki3nFU-00003-00000957-00001199 an International Airport located 15 id31rki3nFU-00004-00001200-00001453 kilometres 9 miles southwest of Havana id31rki3nFU-00005-00001454-00001742 Cuba and as a hub for Cubana de aviation id31rki3nFU-00006-00001743-00001930 and air Gaviota and former Latin id31rki3nFU-00007-00001932-00002105 American hub for the Soviet later id31rki3nFU-00008-00002106-00002399 Russian airline Aeroflot it is Cuba's id31rki3nFU-00009-00002400-00002615 main international and domestic gateway id31rki3nFU-00010-00002616-00002813 and serves several million passengers id31rki3nFU-00011-00002814-00003076 each year the airport is operated by id31rki3nFU-00012-00003077-00003320 empresa Cubana de aeropuertos y id31rki3nFU-00013-00003321-00003719 servicios Arenado goes eca sa the id31rki3nFU-00014-00003720-00003947 airport lies in the municipality of boi id31rki3nFU-00015-00003947-00004138 arrows and connects Havana with the rest id31rki3nFU-00016-00004139-00004381 of the Caribbean North Central and South id31rki3nFU-00017-00004382-00004622 America Europe in one destination each id31rki3nFU-00018-00004623-00004847 in Africa to Luanda by tag angola id31rki3nFU-00019-00004848-00005113 airlines in asia to beijing via montreal id31rki3nFU-00020-00005114-00005384 by air china it is named in memory of id31rki3nFU-00021-00005385-00005801 patriot and poet Jose Marti in the 1960s id31rki3nFU-00022-00005802-00006047 the airport was bombed by b-26 aircraft id31rki3nFU-00023-00006048-00006488 from Brigade 2506 a CIA sponsored group id31rki3nFU-00024-00006489-00006689 of Cuban exiles attempting to overthrow id31rki3nFU-00025-00006690-00007001 Fidel Castro Cubans are not allowed to id31rki3nFU-00026-00007002-00007189 own aircraft or use the airport for id31rki3nFU-00027-00007190-00007435 either private or commercial flight only id31rki3nFU-00028-00007436-00007645 government-owned aircraft are allowed to id31rki3nFU-00029-00007647-00007885 use the facilities today Copa Airlines id31rki3nFU-00030-00007886-00008108 as the foreign airline with most flights id31rki3nFU-00031-00008109-00008357 to the airport operating 34 flights a id31rki3nFU-00032-00008358-00008555 week roughly five daily flights from id31rki3nFU-00033-00008556-00009356 Panama City Panama and Bogota Colombia id31rki3nFU-00034-00009357-00009858 topic history id31rki3nFU-00035-00009859-00010170 the current Jose Marti Airport in 1930 id31rki3nFU-00036-00010171-00010392 replaced the Colombia airfield which was id31rki3nFU-00037-00010393-00010644 the first airport to serve Havana the id31rki3nFU-00038-00010645-00010851 original name of the airport Rancho id31rki3nFU-00039-00010852-00011121 borÃ¥s meaning the bull drove her ranch id31rki3nFU-00040-00011122-00011346 was in reference to the name of the id31rki3nFU-00041-00011347-00011549 planes territory where the airport was id31rki3nFU-00042-00011550-00011808 being built it was known as the Rancho id31rki3nFU-00043-00011809-00012024 boy arrows because in colonial times a id31rki3nFU-00044-00012025-00012213 local family had built a thatched Hut id31rki3nFU-00045-00012214-00012392 and provided meals in an inn to the id31rki3nFU-00046-00012393-00012591 weary drovers that brought agricultural id31rki3nFU-00047-00012592-00012785 products to the capital from badda bono id31rki3nFU-00048-00012786-00012925 and Vuelta Abajo id31rki3nFU-00049-00012926-00013194 to give a progressive environment to the id31rki3nFU-00050-00013194-00013362 airport the old ranch homes were id31rki3nFU-00051-00013363-00013578 transformed into a small town that would id31rki3nFU-00052-00013579-00013766 serve as an industrial livestock id31rki3nFU-00053-00013768-00014013 agriculture and commercial center rising id31rki3nFU-00054-00014013-00014187 comfortable homes an industrial id31rki3nFU-00055-00014188-00014391 technical school a paint factory and id31rki3nFU-00056-00014391-00014661 other facilities the town today is known id31rki3nFU-00057-00014662-00015279 as the boy arrows municipality id31rki3nFU-00058-00015280-00015816 topic beginnings id31rki3nFU-00059-00015816-00016063 19:29 the construction of Jose Marti id31rki3nFU-00060-00016063-00016354 Airport formerly Rancho Boyer's Airport id31rki3nFU-00061-00016355-00016660 was authorized in March 1929 by General id31rki3nFU-00062-00016661-00017191 Order number 223 1930 On February 24th id31rki3nFU-00063-00017192-00017394 the airport opened replacing havana id31rki3nFU-00064-00017395-00017812 colombia airfield 1930 on october 30th id31rki3nFU-00065-00017813-00018055 the first flight by Cubana de aviation id31rki3nFU-00066-00018056-00018316 formerly compañÃa Nacional Cubana de id31rki3nFU-00067-00018317-00018574 aviation Curtis from Havana to Santiago id31rki3nFU-00068-00018575-00018747 de Cuba carried the mail on a Ford id31rki3nFU-00069-00018748-00018940 tri-motor with stops in Santa Clara id31rki3nFU-00070-00018941-00019366 and camaguey 1936 non commercial id31rki3nFU-00071-00019367-00019540 flights to Madrid started within id31rki3nFU-00072-00019541-00019768 Lockheed Sirius named September 4th id31rki3nFU-00073-00019769-00020059 commanded by capped Antonio Menendez id31rki3nFU-00074-00020060-00020362 peláez she was flown via Venezuela natal id31rki3nFU-00075-00020363-00020860 Brazil and Dakar Senegal 1943 by January id31rki3nFU-00076-00020861-00021147 1943 the airport had its first control id31rki3nFU-00077-00021148-00021555 tower the first in the country 1945 the id31rki3nFU-00078-00021556-00021753 International Air Transport Association id31rki3nFU-00079-00021754-00022275 IATA is formed at Havana 1945 cubanos id31rki3nFU-00080-00022276-00022453 first international flight out of the id31rki3nFU-00081-00022454-00022711 airport was a Douglas dc-3 to Miami on id31rki3nFU-00082-00022712-00023169 May 15th 1946 first transatlantic flight id31rki3nFU-00083-00023170-00023350 from any Latin American country to id31rki3nFU-00084-00023351-00023668 Europe Havana Madrid was on dc4 operated id31rki3nFU-00085-00023669-00023890 by Aero vias Cuban is internationalist id31rki3nFU-00086-00023891-00024156 Conair founded by Cuban pioneer Reynaldo id31rki3nFU-00087-00024157-00024586 Ramirez Rosal 1948 on may 5th cubanos id31rki3nFU-00088-00024587-00024825 first transatlantic flight Havana Madrid id31rki3nFU-00089-00024826-00025252 was on dc4 estrella de Cuba 1950 on id31rki3nFU-00090-00025253-00025489 April 2nd the airport had a second route id31rki3nFU-00091-00025490-00025725 to Europe Havana Romana Cubana de id31rki3nFU-00092-00025726-00026181 aviación dc4 1951 the first night flight id31rki3nFU-00093-00026182-00026398 landed at the airport from Santiago de id31rki3nFU-00094-00026399-00026845 Cuba with a dc-3 1953 first flight to id31rki3nFU-00095-00026845-00027551 Mexico City on the Cubano constellation id31rki3nFU-00096-00027552-00028274 topic international service in the 1950s id31rki3nFU-00097-00028275-00028607 Pan American World Airways in the 1950s id31rki3nFU-00098-00028608-00028789 had four to eight daily flights from id31rki3nFU-00099-00028791-00029095 Havana to Miami it connected Havana with id31rki3nFU-00100-00029097-00029450 Merida and San Salvador with dc4 in dc-6 id31rki3nFU-00101-00029451-00029681 it also had flights to the south id31rki3nFU-00102-00029682-00029914 including Jamaica Venezuela and other id31rki3nFU-00103-00029916-00030202 South American countries aerolÃneas id31rki3nFU-00104-00030204-00030455 Argentina's connected Buenos Aires to id31rki3nFU-00105-00030456-00030725 Havana via Rio de Janeiro Trinidad in id31rki3nFU-00106-00030726-00031027 New York City with dc- success id31rki3nFU-00107-00031027-00031316 Aeropostale Venice Alana sa flew Miami id31rki3nFU-00108-00031317-00031618 Havana Caracas was super constellations id31rki3nFU-00109-00031619-00031976 Braniff International Airways DC - 6 is id31rki3nFU-00110-00031977-00032138 connected Havana to the north with id31rki3nFU-00111-00032139-00032336 Houston and to the south with Panama and id31rki3nFU-00112-00032337-00032555 other South American countries such as id31rki3nFU-00113-00032556-00032840 Ecuador Peru Colombia Argentina and id31rki3nFU-00114-00032841-00033164 others Delta Airlines connected Havana id31rki3nFU-00115-00033165-00033374 with New Orleans and Chicago and to the id31rki3nFU-00116-00033375-00033587 south with Montego Bay Jamaica and id31rki3nFU-00117-00033588-00033881 Caracas it also flew from Havana to id31rki3nFU-00118-00033882-00034118 port-au-prince Haiti Santo Domingo id31rki3nFU-00119-00034119-00034337 Dominican Republic and San Juan Puerto id31rki3nFU-00120-00034338-00034406 Rico id31rki3nFU-00121-00034407-00034871 it flew with convair 440 and dc-7 Delta id31rki3nFU-00122-00034872-00035054 resumed its flights to New Orleans in id31rki3nFU-00123-00035055-00035300 March 2015 after not flying the route id31rki3nFU-00124-00035301-00035482 for over 50 years id31rki3nFU-00125-00035483-00035756 Iberia vied with Cubana in the route to id31rki3nFU-00126-00035757-00036110 Madrid with super constellations KLM id31rki3nFU-00127-00036111-00036340 flew between Havana Montreal Europe with id31rki3nFU-00128-00036341-00036623 dc-7 and the route Miami Havana coração id31rki3nFU-00129-00036624-00037034 with DC 6 and DC 7 lakhs up lÃneas id31rki3nFU-00130-00037035-00037283 aéreas coaster census connected Havana id31rki3nFU-00131-00037284-00037487 with San Jose and other cities in id31rki3nFU-00132-00037488-00037721 Central America such as Guatemala City id31rki3nFU-00133-00037722-00038140 mainly with convair 340 Mackay Airlines id31rki3nFU-00134-00038141-00038327 inaugurated its passenger service id31rki3nFU-00135-00038328-00038543 between Fort Lauderdale and Havana with id31rki3nFU-00136-00038544-00038921 DC for mexicana de aviación flew between id31rki3nFU-00137-00038922-00039209 Havana Merida and Mexico City four times id31rki3nFU-00138-00039210-00039315 weekly id31rki3nFU-00139-00039316-00039662 national airlines in 1958 flew daily id31rki3nFU-00140-00039663-00039908 from New York City Tampa and Miami with id31rki3nFU-00141-00039909-00040520 dc-6 dc-7 and convair 340 440th Cubana id31rki3nFU-00142-00040521-00040862 de aviación in 1958 flew five day Levi's id31rki3nFU-00143-00040863-00041102 count 818 s to Miami and Bristol id31rki3nFU-00144-00041103-00041411 Britannia 318 s to Madrid Mexico City in id31rki3nFU-00145-00041412-00041609 New York id31rki3nFU-00146-00041610-00041933 you id31rki3nFU-00147-00041934-00042462 topic recent history id31rki3nFU-00148-00042463-00042811 in 1961 diplomatic relations with the id31rki3nFU-00149-00042812-00043068 United States deteriorated substantially id31rki3nFU-00150-00043069-00043242 and with the United States embargo id31rki3nFU-00151-00043243-00043449 against Cuba Airlines from the United id31rki3nFU-00152-00043450-00043590 States were not permitted to operate id31rki3nFU-00153-00043591-00043824 regular scheduled flights to the airport id31rki3nFU-00154-00043825-00044098 that year two days prior to the failed id31rki3nFU-00155-00044099-00044308 Bay of Pigs invasion organized by the id31rki3nFU-00156-00044309-00044548 CIA with the participation of Cuban id31rki3nFU-00157-00044549-00044865 exiles Douglas a26 invader aircraft from id31rki3nFU-00158-00044866-00045220 Brigade 2506 bombarded Jose Marti id31rki3nFU-00159-00045221-00045457 Airport and antonio maceo Airport in id31rki3nFU-00160-00045458-00045774 Santiago de Cuba special charter service id31rki3nFU-00161-00045775-00045967 to the United States has been allowed in id31rki3nFU-00162-00045968-00046158 recent years but must be operated by id31rki3nFU-00163-00046159-00046371 travel companies licensed by the US id31rki3nFU-00164-00046372-00046695 government in March 2015 Sun Country id31rki3nFU-00165-00046696-00046917 Airlines started operating regularly id31rki3nFU-00166-00046918-00047107 scheduled charter flights from New York id31rki3nFU-00167-00047108-00047349 during the Cuban thaw regularly id31rki3nFU-00168-00047350-00047551 scheduled commercial service to and from id31rki3nFU-00169-00047552-00047749 the United States began again in the id31rki3nFU-00170-00047750-00048001 fall of 2016 with such Airlines as id31rki3nFU-00171-00048002-00048345 American Delta and after January 2017 id31rki3nFU-00172-00048346-00048574 Alaska flying to Havana because of id31rki3nFU-00173-00048575-00048742 Cuba's relationship with the Soviet id31rki3nFU-00174-00048743-00049024 Union the airport during the 1970s and id31rki3nFU-00175-00049025-00049251 1980s enjoyed the presence of many id31rki3nFU-00176-00049252-00049470 Eastern Bloc airline companies such as id31rki3nFU-00177-00049471-00049732 Aeroflot Czechoslovak Air Lines inter id31rki3nFU-00178-00049733-00050133 flake and lot polish airlines in 1977 an id31rki3nFU-00179-00050134-00050398 Aeroflot ilyushin il-62 operating a id31rki3nFU-00180-00050399-00050601 scheduled flight from Moscow to Havana id31rki3nFU-00181-00050602-00050808 via Frankfurt and Lisbon crashed after id31rki3nFU-00182-00050809-00051099 takeoff from Lisbon killing 68 of the 70 id31rki3nFU-00183-00051100-00051365 on board and one person on the ground in id31rki3nFU-00184-00051366-00051756 1989 a second ilyushin il-62 operated by id31rki3nFU-00185-00051757-00052026 cubanos Cubana de aviación flight nine id31rki3nFU-00186-00052027-00052348 six four six crashed after takeoff all id31rki3nFU-00187-00052349-00052621 of the 115 passengers and 11 crew id31rki3nFU-00188-00052622-00052818 members as well as a number of persons id31rki3nFU-00189-00052819-00053142 on the ground were killed in 1988 id31rki3nFU-00190-00053144-00053325 terminal 2 was constructed in id31rki3nFU-00191-00053326-00053524 anticipation of future charter flights id31rki3nFU-00192-00053525-00053856 to the United States in the 1990s the id31rki3nFU-00193-00053857-00054046 special charter flights were approved by id31rki3nFU-00194-00054047-00054255 the US government to operate from Miami id31rki3nFU-00195-00054257-00054478 for Cuban citizens living in the United id31rki3nFU-00196-00054479-00054691 States that have close relatives in Cuba id31rki3nFU-00197-00054691-00055021 today various airlines operate non-stop id31rki3nFU-00198-00055022-00055230 scheduled charter service between Havana id31rki3nFU-00199-00055232-00055554 and Miami terminal 2 was remodeled and id31rki3nFU-00200-00055555-00055757 expanded in 2010 id31rki3nFU-00201-00055758-00056159 on December 31st 1997 a Concorde landed id31rki3nFU-00202-00056160-00056357 in Cuba for the first time landing at id31rki3nFU-00203-00056358-00056654 Jose Marti Airport the Air France flight id31rki3nFU-00204-00056654-00056866 London Paris Barbados Havana was id31rki3nFU-00205-00056867-00057101 received at the airport by Fidel Castro id31rki3nFU-00206-00057102-00057280 who boarded the aircraft and greeted the id31rki3nFU-00207-00057282-00057611 crew and passengers on April 26th the id31rki3nFU-00208-00057612-00057794 following year the new international id31rki3nFU-00209-00057795-00058022 terminal 3 was inaugurated by Canada's id31rki3nFU-00210-00058023-00058250 Prime Minister Jean chrétien in Cuba's id31rki3nFU-00211-00058251-00058595 president Fidel Castro in 2002 air id31rki3nFU-00212-00058596-00058832 freight logistics Enterprise ELCA Si id31rki3nFU-00213-00058833-00059027 opened Jose Marty's first freight id31rki3nFU-00214-00059028-00059195 terminal known as the Aero Varadero id31rki3nFU-00215-00059196-00059510 Freight terminal the terminal has a 600 id31rki3nFU-00216-00059511-00059941 T 590 long tons 660 short tons capacity id31rki3nFU-00217-00059941-00060329 2,000 cubic metres 71,000 cu feet of id31rki3nFU-00218-00060329-00060551 space in two refrigeration and freezing id31rki3nFU-00219-00060552-00060773 chambers with humidity and gas controls id31rki3nFU-00220-00060774-00061141 in 2007 three young recruits who id31rki3nFU-00221-00061142-00061330 deserted from the Cuban army tried to id31rki3nFU-00222-00061332-00061544 hijack a commercial passenger aircraft id31rki3nFU-00223-00061545-00061816 aiming to defect to the United States at id31rki3nFU-00224-00061817-00062054 terminal 1 the would-be hijackers killed id31rki3nFU-00225-00062054-00062779 one of the hostages a lieutenant-colonel id31rki3nFU-00226-00062779-00063286 topic terminals id31rki3nFU-00227-00063287-00063496 there are currently three passenger id31rki3nFU-00228-00063497-00063724 terminals in use at the airport terminal id31rki3nFU-00229-00063725-00063949 one is used primarily for domestic id31rki3nFU-00230-00063950-00064234 flights terminal 2 opened in 1988 id31rki3nFU-00231-00064235-00064438 primarily for charter flights to the id31rki3nFU-00232-00064439-00064825 United States 10 years later on April 27 id31rki3nFU-00233-00064826-00065095 1998 the international terminal 3 was id31rki3nFU-00234-00065096-00065416 opened international terminal 3 offers id31rki3nFU-00235-00065416-00065638 many modern facilities and jet ways that id31rki3nFU-00236-00065639-00065845 the former international terminal 1 did id31rki3nFU-00237-00065846-00066085 not provide for transfer between id31rki3nFU-00238-00066086-00066719 terminals bus services are offered id31rki3nFU-00239-00066720-00067226 topic terminal 1 id31rki3nFU-00240-00067227-00067482 domestic terminal 1 used to be the main id31rki3nFU-00241-00067483-00067677 international and domestic terminal id31rki3nFU-00242-00067678-00067845 building in the airport prior of the id31rki3nFU-00243-00067846-00068058 opening of terminal 2 and 3 which was id31rki3nFU-00244-00068059-00068385 constructed in 1998 the terminal is id31rki3nFU-00245-00068386-00068628 located on the east side of runway o6 id31rki3nFU-00246-00068629-00068910 it is now used primarily for domestic id31rki3nFU-00247-00068911-00069312 flights topic terminal 2 terminal two id31rki3nFU-00248-00069313-00069537 handles some long-distance international id31rki3nFU-00249-00069538-00069762 flights such as to Zurich Frankfurt and id31rki3nFU-00250-00069763-00069975 Helsinki along with a few Caribbean id31rki3nFU-00251-00069976-00070218 flights such as to Aruba Trinidad and id31rki3nFU-00252-00070219-00070434 Tobago and most of the scheduled charter id31rki3nFU-00253-00070435-00070688 flights to and from Miami Tampa feat id31rki3nFU-00254-00070689-00070953 Lauderdale and New York City the id31rki3nFU-00255-00070954-00071151 scheduled charter flights to the United id31rki3nFU-00256-00071152-00071361 States are operated by Gulfstream air id31rki3nFU-00257-00071362-00071631 charters ABC charters Mar Azul charters id31rki3nFU-00258-00071632-00071939 CTS charters and C&T charters the id31rki3nFU-00259-00071940-00072165 terminal is located on the north side id31rki3nFU-00260-00072166-00072465 roughly 2 kilometers 1.2 miles from id31rki3nFU-00261-00072466-00072687 Terminal 3 and is just infront of the id31rki3nFU-00262-00072688-00072957 threshold of runway 24 it was id31rki3nFU-00263-00072958-00073188 constructed in 1988 when the first id31rki3nFU-00264-00073189-00073368 charter flights after the Revolution id31rki3nFU-00265-00073369-00073617 were opened from Miami there are bars id31rki3nFU-00266-00073618-00073845 book shops news agents and also a id31rki3nFU-00267-00073846-00074037 restaurant on the second floor as well id31rki3nFU-00268-00074038-00074602 as car rentals id31rki3nFU-00269-00074603-00075137 topic terminal 3 id31rki3nFU-00270-00075138-00075366 International Terminal 3 is the main id31rki3nFU-00271-00075367-00075567 international terminal which was opened id31rki3nFU-00272-00075568-00075861 in 1998 it is the largest and most id31rki3nFU-00273-00075862-00076116 modern of all terminals ticketing and id31rki3nFU-00274-00076117-00076296 departures are located on the upper id31rki3nFU-00275-00076297-00076527 level arrivals and baggage carousels are id31rki3nFU-00276-00076528-00076761 located on the lower level there are id31rki3nFU-00277-00076762-00076953 several car rentals located in the id31rki3nFU-00278-00076954-00077509 arrivals area id31rki3nFU-00279-00077510-00078139 topic airlines and destinations id31rki3nFU-00280-00078140-00078407 topic passenger notes carrot 1 all id31rki3nFU-00281-00078408-00078608 special Authority charter flights are id31rki3nFU-00282-00078609-00078875 operated by Gulfstream air charters ABC id31rki3nFU-00283-00078876-00079160 charters Mar Azul charters CTS charters id31rki3nFU-00284-00079161-00079778 and C&T charters id31rki3nFU-00285-00079779-00080251 topic cargo id31rki3nFU-00286-00080252-00080620 you id31rki3nFU-00287-00080621-00081318 topic accidents and incidents id31rki3nFU-00288-00081319-00081799 1977 Aeroflot Ilyushin 62 crash on May id31rki3nFU-00289-00081800-00082105 27th killed 68 of the 70 on board and id31rki3nFU-00290-00082106-00082375 one person on the ground at the time the id31rki3nFU-00291-00082376-00082523 accident was the deadliest aviation id31rki3nFU-00292-00082524-00082849 accident in Cuba's history it remains id31rki3nFU-00293-00082850-00083054 the third deadliest in Cuba's history id31rki3nFU-00294-00083055-00083285 one of the victims was Jose Carlos id31rki3nFU-00295-00083286-00083516 Schwartz a poet and musician from Guinea id31rki3nFU-00296-00083517-00083956 Bissau on July 7 1983 air Florida flight id31rki3nFU-00297-00083957-00084236 8 with 47 people on board was flying id31rki3nFU-00298-00084237-00084363 from Fort Lauderdale International id31rki3nFU-00299-00084364-00084631 Airport to Tampa International Airport id31rki3nFU-00300-00084632-00084899 one of the passengers handed a note to id31rki3nFU-00301-00084900-00085087 one of the flight attendants saying that id31rki3nFU-00302-00085088-00085253 he had a bomb and telling them to fly id31rki3nFU-00303-00085254-00085541 the plane to Havana Cuba he revealed a id31rki3nFU-00304-00085542-00085760 small athletic bag which he opened and id31rki3nFU-00305-00085761-00085978 inside was an apparent explosive device id31rki3nFU-00306-00085979-00086287 the airplane was diverted to Havana Jose id31rki3nFU-00307-00086288-00086471 Marti International Airport and the id31rki3nFU-00308-00086472-00086707 hijacker was taken into custody by Cuban id31rki3nFU-00309-00086708-00087140 authorities on September 3rd 1989 Cubana id31rki3nFU-00310-00087141-00087524 de aviation flight 966 an ilyushin il-62 id31rki3nFU-00311-00087525-00087899 M Cu T one two eight one operating a non id31rki3nFU-00312-00087900-00088121 scheduled international passenger flight id31rki3nFU-00313-00088122-00088342 to Cologne cologne Bonn Airport West id31rki3nFU-00314-00088343-00088543 Germany crashed shortly after takeoff id31rki3nFU-00315-00088544-00088906 all of the 115 passengers and 11 crew id31rki3nFU-00316-00088907-00089149 members as well as 45 persons on the id31rki3nFU-00317-00089150-00089330 ground were killed and the aircraft was id31rki3nFU-00318-00089331-00089725 written off on may 3rd 2007 two army id31rki3nFU-00319-00089726-00089924 recruits hijacked a plane destined for id31rki3nFU-00320-00089925-00090124 Miami at Jose Marti International id31rki3nFU-00321-00090125-00090374 Airport in Havana the men killed a id31rki3nFU-00322-00090375-00090578 hostage before being arrested prior to id31rki3nFU-00323-00090579-00090850 takeoff it was the first Cuban hijacking id31rki3nFU-00324-00090851-00091024 attempt reported since the spring of id31rki3nFU-00325-00091025-00091130 2003 id31rki3nFU-00326-00091131-00091499 on May 18 2018 a global air Mexico id31rki3nFU-00327-00091500-00091930 Boeing 737-200 operating as Cubana de id31rki3nFU-00328-00091931-00092174 aviation flight 972 crashed after id31rki3nFU-00329-00092175-00092488 takeoff killing 112 of the 117 id31rki3nFU-00330-00092489-00093144 passengers and 6 crew id31rki3nFU-00331-00093145-00093682 topic see also id31rki3nFU-00332-00093683-00093901 list of the busiest airports in the id31rki3nFU-00333-00093902-00094150 Caribbean ifVF5qOEuhu-00000-00000003-00000308 coming back from the battlefield was the ifVF5qOEuhu-00001-00000309-00000528 toughest battle we face ifVF5qOEuhu-00002-00000529-00001031 we've been failed by both parts we need ifVF5qOEuhu-00003-00001032-00001211 more leadership in Washington not more ifVF5qOEuhu-00004-00001212-00001558 partisanship and we currently have a ifVF5qOEuhu-00005-00001559-00001917 senator who is unaware of our issues ifVF5qOEuhu-00006-00001918-00002275 unaware of the homelessness unaware of ifVF5qOEuhu-00007-00002276-00002570 the opioid addiction unaware a 22 of us ifVF5qOEuhu-00008-00002571-00002840 we're dying a day now that the radar ifVF5qOEuhu-00009-00002841-00003497 screen best dereliction of duty and it ifVF5qOEuhu-00010-00003497-00003652 breaks my heart ifVF5qOEuhu-00011-00003653-00004022 she should be relieved and that's not a ifVF5qOEuhu-00012-00004022-00004211 partisan issue that is a leadership ifVF5qOEuhu-00013-00004212-00004527 issue ifVF5qOEuhu-00014-00004528-00005311 [Music] igarbOc3RNk-00000-00000024-00000815 [Music] igarbOc3RNk-00001-00000816-00001007 yeah i just want to be the greatest igarbOc3RNk-00002-00001008-00001174 everybody knows my name [__] i might igarbOc3RNk-00003-00001175-00001311 have this whole [__] game list igarbOc3RNk-00004-00001312-00001454 spitting with the same wit igarbOc3RNk-00005-00001455-00001655 and i'm gonna be famous ain't nobody igarbOc3RNk-00006-00001655-00001791 able to delay this igarbOc3RNk-00007-00001792-00001967 coming up i had a vision to make it igarbOc3RNk-00008-00001968-00002134 never wanted to be nothing always wanted igarbOc3RNk-00009-00002135-00002255 to play [__] sit in class igarbOc3RNk-00010-00002256-00002399 always wondering why i don't explain igarbOc3RNk-00011-00002400-00002567 [__] how the hell am i different if we igarbOc3RNk-00012-00002568-00002742 all know the same [__] i never let them igarbOc3RNk-00013-00002743-00002966 tell me it's about me keep my head down igarbOc3RNk-00014-00002967-00003142 let my mouth speak they surround me they igarbOc3RNk-00015-00003143-00003311 all about the clout see where the crowd igarbOc3RNk-00016-00003311-00003343 be igarbOc3RNk-00017-00003344-00003503 every time i speak loudly they more igarbOc3RNk-00018-00003504-00003719 about me man you know i got a bounty on igarbOc3RNk-00019-00003720-00003935 these lousy ass haters that surround me igarbOc3RNk-00020-00003936-00004079 so they doubt me they don't know igarbOc3RNk-00021-00004079-00004254 nothing about me so their mouths breathe igarbOc3RNk-00022-00004255-00004399 imma change that soon better igarbOc3RNk-00023-00004400-00004919 watch out now see the greatest igarbOc3RNk-00024-00004920-00005383 man i just want to be famous igarbOc3RNk-00025-00005384-00006367 yeah that's wanna be the greatest igarbOc3RNk-00026-00006368-00006534 and i'm not playing any more games igarbOc3RNk-00027-00006536-00006687 either put me on the chart so i'll put igarbOc3RNk-00028-00006688-00006878 you up in flames better recognize art igarbOc3RNk-00029-00006879-00007014 cause i don't forget names should have igarbOc3RNk-00030-00007015-00007159 seen me from the start coming at you igarbOc3RNk-00031-00007159-00007295 like a train think i'm about to fall igarbOc3RNk-00032-00007295-00007455 apart every single [__] day igarbOc3RNk-00033-00007456-00007591 seeing all these damn stars with my igarbOc3RNk-00034-00007592-00007767 well-deserving and i spit these gold igarbOc3RNk-00035-00007768-00007934 bars while they spitting now [__] man i igarbOc3RNk-00036-00007936-00008110 give this [__] hard but it gives me back igarbOc3RNk-00037-00008111-00008295 pain i wanna be a spectacle igarbOc3RNk-00038-00008296-00008455 they skeptical but man i got the igarbOc3RNk-00039-00008456-00008671 chemical exceptional i do it all igarbOc3RNk-00040-00008672-00008910 intentional professional so i can make a igarbOc3RNk-00041-00008911-00009087 decimal incredible igarbOc3RNk-00042-00009088-00009239 i'm not thinking man they're saying that igarbOc3RNk-00043-00009240-00009439 i've gone insane i'm not ever gonna make igarbOc3RNk-00044-00009440-00009591 it cause the game has changed i'm not igarbOc3RNk-00045-00009592-00009791 good enough man no that's not okay tell igarbOc3RNk-00046-00009792-00011659 me that [__] again igarbOc3RNk-00047-00011660-00011831 [Music] igarbOc3RNk-00048-00011832-00012078 now wake up you got some [__] to do it's igarbOc3RNk-00049-00012079-00012263 6 a.m i don't care you got some [__] to igarbOc3RNk-00050-00012264-00012406 prove cause right now you ain't got igarbOc3RNk-00051-00012407-00012567 nothing that big to lose so get your igarbOc3RNk-00052-00012568-00012767 raps to work and don't you dare hit soon igarbOc3RNk-00053-00012768-00012974 can't stop this i'm obnoxious and i'm igarbOc3RNk-00054-00012975-00013191 honest and novice with promise made igarbOc3RNk-00055-00013191-00013391 monstrous i'm conscious but i'm not just igarbOc3RNk-00056-00013391-00013575 think i've lost it i've got it spitting igarbOc3RNk-00057-00013576-00013758 all this still i'm not and i've got this igarbOc3RNk-00058-00013759-00014015 i will not quit man i'm all in ballin on igarbOc3RNk-00059-00014016-00014238 a budget man i'm stalling crawling cause igarbOc3RNk-00060-00014240-00014463 i'm nothing but i'm all in calling i'll igarbOc3RNk-00061-00014463-00014535 be something igarbOc3RNk-00062-00014536-00014711 yeah i'ma get it now you could leave if igarbOc3RNk-00063-00014712-00014894 you don't like it say it out loud you igarbOc3RNk-00064-00014895-00015022 believe me you can fight this igarbOc3RNk-00065-00015023-00015199 keep my head down and i keep on going igarbOc3RNk-00066-00015200-00015391 timeless make it somehow i believe it igarbOc3RNk-00067-00015391-00016799 when i write this igarbOc3RNk-00068-00016800-00017149 man i just wanna be famous igarbOc3RNk-00069-00017150-00017696 [Music] ij1_2Hl9u9I-00000-00000029-00000665 don't know what you heard ij1_2Hl9u9I-00001-00000666-00000913 don't know what you heard ij1_2Hl9u9I-00002-00000914-00001145 [Music] ij1_2Hl9u9I-00003-00001146-00001577 don't know what you heard ij1_2Hl9u9I-00004-00001578-00001810 on the biggest burger I'm the biggest ij1_2Hl9u9I-00005-00001811-00001937 bird ij1_2Hl9u9I-00006-00001938-00002147 I'm the biggest bird I'm the biggest ij1_2Hl9u9I-00007-00002148-00002267 bird ij1_2Hl9u9I-00008-00002268-00002615 on the biggest bird I'm the biggest bird ij1_2Hl9u9I-00009-00002616-00002818 I'm the biggest bird I'm the biggest ij1_2Hl9u9I-00010-00002819-00003050 bird inofYIZRy8E-00000-00006987-00007233 in God inofYIZRy8E-00002-00017870-00019863 [Music] inofYIZRy8E-00003-00019864-00020507 [Music] inofYIZRy8E-00004-00020508-00020851 [Music] insB7XrFiEM-00000-00000019-00000407 hey guys it's a Sunday I should drop by insB7XrFiEM-00001-00000408-00000614 the studio for a meeting a very insB7XrFiEM-00002-00000615-00000844 important meeting regarding something insB7XrFiEM-00003-00000846-00001045 are we gonna learn about soon but it's insB7XrFiEM-00004-00001046-00001243 related to the blender game engine insB7XrFiEM-00005-00001244-00001522 real-time mode so stay tuned for that insB7XrFiEM-00006-00001523-00001820 but I just came to my desk comes reading insB7XrFiEM-00007-00001821-00001964 the committee logs and then I saw that insB7XrFiEM-00008-00001964-00002222 Lukas talk nur committed a patch you insB7XrFiEM-00009-00002223-00002483 know Lucas doctor this developers German insB7XrFiEM-00010-00002484-00002608 developer that has a patch for insB7XrFiEM-00011-00002609-00002882 everything in blender and especially insB7XrFiEM-00012-00002883-00003188 related to cycles mainly and this change insB7XrFiEM-00013-00003189-00003401 is also related to cycles is support for insB7XrFiEM-00014-00003402-00003961 IES lamps it's a is if you cool I yes insB7XrFiEM-00015-00003962-00004268 it's a text file is very helpful website insB7XrFiEM-00016-00004269-00004490 tells you that it's a text file that insB7XrFiEM-00017-00004491-00004685 describes the intensity of a light insB7XrFiEM-00018-00004686-00004931 source and at points of an on a insB7XrFiEM-00019-00004932-00005302 spherical grid so yeah that's it insB7XrFiEM-00020-00005303-00005504 basically it's a text file something insB7XrFiEM-00021-00005505-00005743 very simple that just tells the lamp insB7XrFiEM-00022-00005744-00006115 which direction which in how intensity insB7XrFiEM-00023-00006116-00006425 how much intensity is gonna have in a insB7XrFiEM-00024-00006426-00006778 spherical grid so it works very well insB7XrFiEM-00025-00006779-00007048 with with any lamp but mainly with point insB7XrFiEM-00026-00007050-00007334 lamps because it you don't have to do insB7XrFiEM-00027-00007334-00007558 anything like it's you know like a spot insB7XrFiEM-00028-00007559-00007970 the point lamp will light whatever this insB7XrFiEM-00029-00007970-00008384 file test tells it to so this it's very insB7XrFiEM-00030-00008385-00008591 simple this is a text file basically but insB7XrFiEM-00031-00008592-00008798 allows you to have very interesting insB7XrFiEM-00032-00008799-00009134 lighting especially more realistic insB7XrFiEM-00033-00009135-00009467 lighting because someone is files you insB7XrFiEM-00034-00009468-00009719 can find them online and some companies insB7XrFiEM-00035-00009720-00009998 even that create lamps they contribute insB7XrFiEM-00036-00009999-00010417 and they release their IES files for insB7XrFiEM-00037-00010418-00010639 like architecture or just having the insB7XrFiEM-00038-00010640-00011012 exact way lamp shines so that is now insB7XrFiEM-00039-00011013-00011441 possible in cycles and if you configured insB7XrFiEM-00040-00011442-00011578 blender from the build but it should be insB7XrFiEM-00041-00011579-00011839 already there otherwise wait another day insB7XrFiEM-00042-00011840-00012284 but basically let's see how it works so insB7XrFiEM-00043-00012285-00012553 here I am I'm gonna make a little wall insB7XrFiEM-00044-00012554-00013010 and that's it insB7XrFiEM-00045-00013011-00013297 this is support is a texture insB7XrFiEM-00046-00013299-00013625 that it's a texture is a note basically insB7XrFiEM-00047-00013626-00013988 the tied off of type texture so in your insB7XrFiEM-00048-00013988-00014363 lamp you just go to the node editor in insB7XrFiEM-00049-00014363-00014768 cycles remember so if you're in cycles insB7XrFiEM-00050-00014769-00015063 and you use the notes here you'll see insB7XrFiEM-00051-00015065-00015469 regular strength and if I an add a new insB7XrFiEM-00052-00015471-00015894 node type is structure I can pick either insB7XrFiEM-00053-00015896-00016172 internal if I have it in inside of insB7XrFiEM-00054-00016172-00016394 blender which is faster if you're just insB7XrFiEM-00055-00016395-00016813 playing with it or you can just also insB7XrFiEM-00056-00016814-00017177 load an aes file and these files you can insB7XrFiEM-00057-00017178-00017288 get them online insB7XrFiEM-00058-00017289-00017450 eventually blender will ship with insB7XrFiEM-00059-00017451-00017804 presets so that will solve the issue but insB7XrFiEM-00060-00017805-00018125 this is basically what you get you load insB7XrFiEM-00061-00018126-00018431 a file is like a script node and you can insB7XrFiEM-00062-00018432-00018758 set the strength and the output is insB7XrFiEM-00063-00018759-00018899 connected to the strength of your lamp insB7XrFiEM-00064-00018900-00019154 and voila that's it insB7XrFiEM-00065-00019155-00019607 the in this case the best way to see it insB7XrFiEM-00066-00019608-00019883 is with a point lamp but the issue with insB7XrFiEM-00067-00019884-00020129 that is at the point lamp by by default insB7XrFiEM-00068-00020130-00020297 in blender doesn't show direction unless insB7XrFiEM-00069-00020298-00020600 you have a like a manipulator so you insB7XrFiEM-00070-00020601-00021068 can't really see the direction but you insB7XrFiEM-00071-00021069-00021335 can also use spot lamps for example or insB7XrFiEM-00072-00021336-00021596 change it to an area position where you insB7XrFiEM-00073-00021597-00021863 want it to be pointing and then go back insB7XrFiEM-00074-00021864-00022274 going back to a point lamp so that's insB7XrFiEM-00075-00022275-00022544 basically it actually you can just load insB7XrFiEM-00076-00022545-00023116 those files and play with them just just insB7XrFiEM-00077-00023117-00023462 change the types and you can even go insB7XrFiEM-00078-00023463-00023711 crazy and start mixing them up of course insB7XrFiEM-00079-00023712-00023861 this will break it's not going to be insB7XrFiEM-00080-00023862-00024107 super realistic I guess because it's insB7XrFiEM-00081-00024108-00024332 gonna be not one type of lamp but insB7XrFiEM-00082-00024333-00024749 multiple so if you mix those you can do insB7XrFiEM-00083-00024750-00025184 crazy stuff you can let's use something insB7XrFiEM-00084-00025185-00025678 like that and so you're mixing one kind insB7XrFiEM-00085-00025679-00025964 of lamp with another kind of lamp and insB7XrFiEM-00086-00025964-00026258 you're getting an even more okay I insB7XrFiEM-00087-00026258-00026539 should put it here insB7XrFiEM-00088-00026541-00027164 and you can just break all kinds of insB7XrFiEM-00089-00027164-00027644 physics make a black hole anyway it's insB7XrFiEM-00090-00027645-00027863 super fun to play with and it's for insB7XrFiEM-00091-00027864-00028033 architecture especially it's very very insB7XrFiEM-00092-00028035-00028286 nice these files you can get them insB7XrFiEM-00093-00028287-00028532 anywhere if you do a quick Google you insB7XrFiEM-00094-00028533-00028861 will find where to get them they are insB7XrFiEM-00095-00028862-00029180 mainly free like for example this guy in insB7XrFiEM-00096-00029181-00029614 Gumroad is for free he's releasing a zip insB7XrFiEM-00097-00029616-00030104 file with how many over 20 82,000 kinds insB7XrFiEM-00098-00030105-00030311 of lamps maybe that's a bit too much but insB7XrFiEM-00099-00030312-00030614 um there are all kinds of website you insB7XrFiEM-00100-00030614-00030758 just click around and you will find them insB7XrFiEM-00101-00030758-00030895 I found this one for example that you insB7XrFiEM-00102-00030897-00031118 just click and it gives you a sip file insB7XrFiEM-00103-00031119-00031397 that you can download and just use it is insB7XrFiEM-00104-00031398-00031676 a text file so it should be fairly easy insB7XrFiEM-00105-00031677-00032152 to find and not not too complicated so I insB7XrFiEM-00106-00032152-00032383 hope you like this this is not part of insB7XrFiEM-00107-00032385-00032552 the cold quest itself it's just one of insB7XrFiEM-00108-00032552-00032900 those patches that Lucas has made and insB7XrFiEM-00109-00032901-00033107 contributed to blender now is part of insB7XrFiEM-00110-00033108-00033476 blender cycles and possibly Eevee in the insB7XrFiEM-00111-00033477-00033647 future but first the idea is to have it insB7XrFiEM-00112-00033648-00034055 on on cycles and then I read somewhere insB7XrFiEM-00113-00034056-00034376 there that might be possible on TV so insB7XrFiEM-00114-00034377-00034646 that's that's it so a short update I insB7XrFiEM-00115-00034647-00034832 hope you're having a good time good insB7XrFiEM-00116-00034833-00035138 weekend and I will see you again in the insB7XrFiEM-00117-00035139-00035477 next episode of whatever blender insB7XrFiEM-00118-00035478-00035732 development jo8NJ9yjt9E-00000-00000156-00000708 [Music] jo8NJ9yjt9E-00001-00000709-00000932 avocados have been described as a major jo8NJ9yjt9E-00002-00000933-00001289 dietary source of antioxidants and this jo8NJ9yjt9E-00003-00001290-00001495 may be true compared to much of the jo8NJ9yjt9E-00004-00001496-00001780 stuff people eat but compared to other jo8NJ9yjt9E-00005-00001782-00002002 common fruits my McCullough's are not jo8NJ9yjt9E-00006-00002003-00002179 necessarily anything to write home about jo8NJ9yjt9E-00007-00002180-00002462 they do however contain those two jo8NJ9yjt9E-00008-00002463-00002714 carotenoid eye nutrients found in dark jo8NJ9yjt9E-00009-00002715-00002846 green leafy vegetables lutein and jo8NJ9yjt9E-00010-00002847-00002950 zeaxanthin jo8NJ9yjt9E-00011-00002951-00003184 which may explain why Mexican Americans jo8NJ9yjt9E-00012-00003185-00003593 tend to beat out other ethnicities the jo8NJ9yjt9E-00013-00003594-00003832 critical carotenoids are concentrated in jo8NJ9yjt9E-00014-00003833-00004061 the darkest green flesh close to the jo8NJ9yjt9E-00015-00004061-00004291 peel and because of this consumers jo8NJ9yjt9E-00016-00004292-00004484 should be advised to use the Nick and jo8NJ9yjt9E-00017-00004485-00004709 peel method to obtain the nutrient-rich jo8NJ9yjt9E-00018-00004710-00005005 outer section of the avocado the Tufts jo8NJ9yjt9E-00019-00005006-00005185 nutrition health letter detailed what jo8NJ9yjt9E-00020-00005186-00005468 that means you cut in half lengthwise jo8NJ9yjt9E-00021-00005469-00005656 around the seat or rotated a quarter jo8NJ9yjt9E-00022-00005657-00005857 turn cut lengthwise again to make jo8NJ9yjt9E-00023-00005858-00006134 quarter of econo segments then you jo8NJ9yjt9E-00024-00006135-00006286 separate the quarters and remove the jo8NJ9yjt9E-00025-00006287-00006623 seed and finally starting from the tip jo8NJ9yjt9E-00026-00006623-00006887 Nick and carefully peel so as to not to jo8NJ9yjt9E-00027-00006888-00007153 lose that nutrient-rich darkest green jo8NJ9yjt9E-00028-00007154-00007366 flesh immediately under the skin jo8NJ9yjt9E-00029-00007367-00007580 avocados can also boost the absorption jo8NJ9yjt9E-00030-00007581-00007735 of the carotenoid phytonutrients in jo8NJ9yjt9E-00031-00007736-00008048 other vegetables because carotenoids jo8NJ9yjt9E-00032-00008048-00008271 like beta-carotene are fat soluble jo8NJ9yjt9E-00033-00008272-00008498 however many of our best foods for jo8NJ9yjt9E-00034-00008499-00008648 obtaining carotenoids like sweet jo8NJ9yjt9E-00035-00008649-00008923 potatoes carrots greens contain very jo8NJ9yjt9E-00036-00008924-00009116 little fat so if you eat them straight jo8NJ9yjt9E-00037-00009117-00009269 without any source of fat in your jo8NJ9yjt9E-00038-00009270-00009473 stomach you may end up flushing a lot of jo8NJ9yjt9E-00039-00009474-00009758 the nutrition down the toilet remember jo8NJ9yjt9E-00040-00009759-00009964 it's not what you eat it's what you jo8NJ9yjt9E-00041-00009965-00010156 absorb here's the amount of jo8NJ9yjt9E-00042-00010157-00010270 beta-carotene that ends up in your jo8NJ9yjt9E-00043-00010271-00010591 bloodstream two three four five six jo8NJ9yjt9E-00044-00010592-00010852 hours after eating a little over a cup jo8NJ9yjt9E-00045-00010853-00011089 of salsa there's a little bump and the jo8NJ9yjt9E-00046-00011090-00011278 same thing with the red pigment lycopene jo8NJ9yjt9E-00047-00011279-00011602 okay but now here's that same amount of jo8NJ9yjt9E-00048-00011603-00011956 salsa with an avocado added tripling the jo8NJ9yjt9E-00049-00011957-00012112 absorption that means if you eat jo8NJ9yjt9E-00050-00012113-00012271 tomatoes without some source of fat at jo8NJ9yjt9E-00051-00012272-00012533 the same meal avocados or nuts and seeds jo8NJ9yjt9E-00052-00012534-00012850 most of that bright red beautiful jo8NJ9yjt9E-00053-00012851-00013058 lycopene will end up in the toilet bowl jo8NJ9yjt9E-00054-00013059-00013147 rather the jo8NJ9yjt9E-00055-00013147-00013372 your bloodstream same thing eating a jo8NJ9yjt9E-00056-00013372-00013588 salad composed of lettuce spinach and jo8NJ9yjt9E-00057-00013588-00013849 carrots with a fat-free dressing hardly jo8NJ9yjt9E-00058-00013850-00014035 any beta-carotene makes it into your jo8NJ9yjt9E-00059-00014036-00014410 body but adding avocado in 15 times more jo8NJ9yjt9E-00060-00014411-00014580 beta-carotene ends up circulating jo8NJ9yjt9E-00061-00014581-00014860 throughout your body do you have to use jo8NJ9yjt9E-00062-00014861-00015078 a whole lotta kado though what about jo8NJ9yjt9E-00063-00015079-00015421 half an avocado pretty much same effect jo8NJ9yjt9E-00064-00015422-00015790 works just as well what about a quarter jo8NJ9yjt9E-00065-00015791-00016096 of an avocado we don't know the minimum jo8NJ9yjt9E-00066-00016097-00016278 amount of dietary fat required for jo8NJ9yjt9E-00067-00016279-00016494 optimum carotenoid absorption it may jo8NJ9yjt9E-00068-00016495-00016789 just be a few grams per meal though in jo8NJ9yjt9E-00069-00016790-00017022 which case an eighth of an avocado would jo8NJ9yjt9E-00070-00017023-00017391 fit the bill or just one or two walnuts jo8NJ9yjt9E-00071-00017392-00017697 interestingly avocado consumption may jo8NJ9yjt9E-00072-00017698-00017836 not just enhance absorption of jo8NJ9yjt9E-00073-00017837-00018022 carotenoids but then also enhance their jo8NJ9yjt9E-00074-00018023-00018277 subsequent conversion inside the body jo8NJ9yjt9E-00075-00018278-00018649 into vitamin A people were given baby jo8NJ9yjt9E-00076-00018650-00018889 carrots with and without guacamole and jo8NJ9yjt9E-00077-00018890-00019114 same thing we saw before way more jo8NJ9yjt9E-00078-00019115-00019249 beta-carotene in the bloodstream the jo8NJ9yjt9E-00079-00019250-00019396 hours following the meal with the jo8NJ9yjt9E-00080-00019397-00019578 guacamole added compared to the same jo8NJ9yjt9E-00081-00019579-00019825 amount of carrots alone in fact over six jo8NJ9yjt9E-00082-00019826-00020094 times more and since beta-carotene is jo8NJ9yjt9E-00083-00020095-00020308 turned into vitamin A in the body there jo8NJ9yjt9E-00084-00020309-00020521 should be six times more vitamin A - jo8NJ9yjt9E-00085-00020522-00020950 right no they ended up with over 12 jo8NJ9yjt9E-00086-00020951-00021208 times more vitamin A there was also a jo8NJ9yjt9E-00087-00021209-00021444 big increase in vitamin K levels another jo8NJ9yjt9E-00088-00021445-00021580 fat soluble vitamin though that's jo8NJ9yjt9E-00089-00021581-00021690 partially because I have a cuddle jo8NJ9yjt9E-00090-00021691-00022042 contains vitamin K itself not too much jo8NJ9yjt9E-00091-00022043-00022297 though claims this avocado industry jo8NJ9yjt9E-00092-00022298-00022440 sponsored review that people on the jo8NJ9yjt9E-00093-00022441-00022669 anticoagulant medication coumadin have jo8NJ9yjt9E-00094-00022670-00023025 to worry but that's not true we've known jo8NJ9yjt9E-00095-00023026-00023205 for decades now that even though there's jo8NJ9yjt9E-00096-00023206-00023386 not an inordinate amount of vitamin K jo8NJ9yjt9E-00097-00023387-00023619 and avocado sit still interferes with jo8NJ9yjt9E-00098-00023620-00023865 the drug coumadin also known as warfarin jo8NJ9yjt9E-00099-00023866-00024147 though we're not exactly sure why it may jo8NJ9yjt9E-00100-00024148-00024390 boost your livers detoxifying enzymes or jo8NJ9yjt9E-00101-00024391-00024531 prevent absorption of the drug but jo8NJ9yjt9E-00102-00024532-00024727 either way those on the blood thinner jo8NJ9yjt9E-00103-00024728-00024987 coumadin may want to put walnuts on jo8NJ9yjt9E-00104-00024988-00025722 their salad instead jo8NJ9yjt9E-00105-00025723-00026827 [Music] jo8NJ9yjt9E-00106-00026829-00027035 you j10Z3UmSHDy-00000-00000000-00001982 [Music] j10Z3UmSHDy-00001-00001984-00002175 hey everybody and welcome to build j10Z3UmSHDy-00002-00002176-00002318 notebook campers today j10Z3UmSHDy-00003-00002319-00002518 is quick tip day all the black stuff j10Z3UmSHDy-00004-00002519-00002623 plastic stuff j10Z3UmSHDy-00005-00002624-00002807 on your vehicle you want to get it back j10Z3UmSHDy-00006-00002808-00003079 to black um j10Z3UmSHDy-00007-00003080-00003367 some great stuff you can use and i'm j10Z3UmSHDy-00008-00003368-00003543 going to show you right now j10Z3UmSHDy-00009-00003544-00003711 cherry blossom boot polish use it on all j10Z3UmSHDy-00010-00003711-00003863 your black plastics j10Z3UmSHDy-00011-00003864-00004031 um i know they do sprays called back to j10Z3UmSHDy-00012-00004032-00004191 black and all sorts but to be honest j10Z3UmSHDy-00013-00004192-00004247 with you j10Z3UmSHDy-00014-00004248-00004559 why pay that this cost me a quid one j10Z3UmSHDy-00015-00004560-00004735 pound for a tub of this j10Z3UmSHDy-00016-00004736-00004983 two tubs of this did my iveco and that j10Z3UmSHDy-00017-00004984-00005159 was two coats i think two two and a half j10Z3UmSHDy-00018-00005160-00005302 three coats whatever it was j10Z3UmSHDy-00019-00005303-00005622 but it's cheap it's cheerful j10Z3UmSHDy-00020-00005623-00006031 and it does a damn good job um j10Z3UmSHDy-00021-00006032-00006406 so yeah cherry blossom boot polish j10Z3UmSHDy-00022-00006408-00006710 or ready wax black it's called j10Z3UmSHDy-00023-00006711-00006870 um i always keep this on the shelf j10Z3UmSHDy-00024-00006872-00007095 because it is absolutely amazing j10Z3UmSHDy-00025-00007095-00007439 and anything black that needs j10Z3UmSHDy-00026-00007440-00007751 um bringing back to life i use this j10Z3UmSHDy-00027-00007752-00007903 stuff j10Z3UmSHDy-00028-00007904-00008207 and when i say it works on anything this j10Z3UmSHDy-00029-00008208-00008483 is my j10Z3UmSHDy-00030-00008484-00008695 um j10Z3UmSHDy-00031-00008696-00009078 one of my socket boxes j10Z3UmSHDy-00033-00012120-00012335 so there you go it's as good as that you j10Z3UmSHDy-00034-00012336-00012503 can literally use it on anything it's j10Z3UmSHDy-00035-00012504-00012727 black and it's plastic j10Z3UmSHDy-00036-00012728-00012935 and i've got a roof box which i'm going j10Z3UmSHDy-00037-00012936-00013166 to attack with it j10Z3UmSHDy-00038-00013168-00013286 um do you know i haven't tried it on j10Z3UmSHDy-00039-00013287-00014966 tyres yet does that go on tyre quickly j10Z3UmSHDy-00040-00014968-00015791 i suppose if they work on shoes j10Z3UmSHDy-00041-00015791-00016038 anyway there you go cherry blossom boot j10Z3UmSHDy-00042-00016040-00016111 polish j10Z3UmSHDy-00043-00016112-00016343 give it a go give it a try yourself for j10Z3UmSHDy-00044-00016344-00016430 the sake of a quid j10Z3UmSHDy-00045-00016431-00016735 you can't go wrong and i've got it all j10Z3UmSHDy-00046-00016736-00016863 over my hands j10Z3UmSHDy-00047-00016864-00017047 right so this is what my van looks like j10Z3UmSHDy-00048-00017048-00017263 it's very dirty at the moment j10Z3UmSHDy-00049-00017264-00017535 but they were very very faded grey when j10Z3UmSHDy-00050-00017536-00017679 i bought this van j10Z3UmSHDy-00051-00017680-00018047 and if you look here j10Z3UmSHDy-00052-00018048-00018214 it's where i didn't really was very j10Z3UmSHDy-00053-00018215-00018439 careful this stuff went on the van j10Z3UmSHDy-00054-00018440-00018879 but yet done all the plastics j10Z3UmSHDy-00055-00018880-00019279 and they've stayed looking pretty good j10Z3UmSHDy-00056-00019280-00019935 just gotta do the rest of the van now j10Z3UmSHDy-00057-00019936-00020271 but yeah so i worked on all the plastics j10Z3UmSHDy-00058-00020272-00020519 on this j10Z3UmSHDy-00059-00020520-00020943 just to show you that i do use it myself j10Z3UmSHDy-00060-00020944-00021214 right it's been a couple of days since i j10Z3UmSHDy-00061-00021215-00021383 put some cherry blossom j10Z3UmSHDy-00062-00021384-00021686 shoe polish on the tyre there you go j10Z3UmSHDy-00063-00021687-00021894 it's come out quite nice so you see j10Z3UmSHDy-00064-00021895-00022158 where it's dirty and when it starts j10Z3UmSHDy-00065-00022159-00022483 so literally boot polish can work on j10Z3UmSHDy-00066-00022484-00022694 anything j10Z3UmSHDy-00067-00022695-00022975 just had a bit of a brainwave as well j10Z3UmSHDy-00068-00022976-00023222 but i forgot j10Z3UmSHDy-00069-00023223-00023567 we have the panels to do so j10Z3UmSHDy-00070-00023568-00023839 i want you to see this stuff as it goes j10Z3UmSHDy-00071-00023840-00023919 on this panel j10Z3UmSHDy-00072-00023920-00024047 i mean these panels are not in great j10Z3UmSHDy-00074-00028083-00029223 so j10Z3UmSHDy-00075-00029224-00029318 right what i'm going to do i'm going to j10Z3UmSHDy-00076-00029319-00029623 let that dry and this once it's dried j10Z3UmSHDy-00077-00029624-00029790 i'm going to come back to it give it a j10Z3UmSHDy-00078-00029791-00029958 quick buff up j10Z3UmSHDy-00079-00029960-00030046 and then you can see the difference j10Z3UmSHDy-00080-00030047-00030502 between the two parts of this panel j10Z3UmSHDy-00081-00030503-00030839 right so what we do now is dry j10Z3UmSHDy-00082-00030839-00031527 give it a quick buff up j10Z3UmSHDy-00083-00031527-00032158 so there you have it j10Z3UmSHDy-00084-00032160-00032367 that's different and that's just one j10Z3UmSHDy-00085-00032368-00032590 coat so imagine what you can do with two j10Z3UmSHDy-00086-00032591-00032807 coats j10Z3UmSHDy-00087-00032808-00033023 anyway that's enough for my quick tips j10Z3UmSHDy-00088-00033024-00033143 for now j10Z3UmSHDy-00089-00033144-00033295 just a quick video for you just to give j10Z3UmSHDy-00090-00033296-00033559 you some ideas and some j10Z3UmSHDy-00091-00033560-00033711 useful hints and tips i've got another j10Z3UmSHDy-00092-00033712-00033918 one coming up on headlights soon so j10Z3UmSHDy-00093-00033919-00034183 anyway stay well stay safe stay happy j10Z3UmSHDy-00094-00034184-00036308 and bye for now j10Z3UmSHDy-00095-00036309-00036951 [Music] j10Z3UmSHDy-00096-00036952-00037160 you j1vYO78Wns0-00000-00000053-00000290 foreign j56nCeJJ-PY-00000-00000000-00000484 hello hi hi everyone I'm Daniel chechik j56nCeJJ-PY-00001-00000485-00000751 and this is my colleague another VD we j56nCeJJ-PY-00002-00000752-00001022 are security researchers of sick sick j56nCeJJ-PY-00003-00001023-00001225 security sorts of contrast raised by the j56nCeJJ-PY-00004-00001226-00001469 labs and we are going to show you our di j56nCeJJ-PY-00005-00001470-00002180 pay attention now you better actually j56nCeJJ-PY-00006-00002181-00002450 pay attention going to kind of help you j56nCeJJ-PY-00007-00002451-00002575 out in case you can't see very well but j56nCeJJ-PY-00008-00002576-00002705 I'm not going to tell you the cool parts j56nCeJJ-PY-00009-00002706-00002930 so if you notice it yourself cool and if j56nCeJJ-PY-00010-00002931-00003080 not in 10 minutes you'll probably know j56nCeJJ-PY-00011-00003081-00004095 what happened so this is a browser and j56nCeJJ-PY-00012-00004096-00004322 visit our website with a cool cat j56nCeJJ-PY-00013-00004323-00004777 picture fiddler which is an HTTP proxy j56nCeJJ-PY-00014-00004778-00005254 we're going to record all the traffic j56nCeJJ-PY-00015-00005255-00007180 and this is google translate j56nCeJJ-PY-00016-00007181-00007698 and that's windows calculator and math j56nCeJJ-PY-00017-00007700-00008605 and that's it really nice i'm kidding j56nCeJJ-PY-00018-00008606-00009058 huh okay then that that's cool because j56nCeJJ-PY-00019-00009059-00009523 we google just exploited our machine but j56nCeJJ-PY-00020-00009524-00009706 before we going to talk about what are j56nCeJJ-PY-00021-00009707-00009919 the eyes we are going to have one quick j56nCeJJ-PY-00022-00009920-00010296 slide about why are the eyes okay j56nCeJJ-PY-00023-00010297-00010633 security web scanners and that's j56nCeJJ-PY-00024-00010634-00010801 definitely looks like a really boring j56nCeJJ-PY-00025-00010802-00011116 slide but we are in Def Con so let's cut j56nCeJJ-PY-00026-00011117-00011391 the crap and face the truth there are 38 j56nCeJJ-PY-00027-00011392-00011566 take you to your else can engines on j56nCeJJ-PY-00028-00011567-00011808 this list and they are all based on the j56nCeJJ-PY-00029-00011809-00012002 same technology most of them actually j56nCeJJ-PY-00030-00012003-00012267 blacklist it doesn't matter how you call j56nCeJJ-PY-00031-00012268-00012471 it your reputation your cuticle ization j56nCeJJ-PY-00032-00012472-00012732 it just like this with fancy names of j56nCeJJ-PY-00033-00012733-00012982 course some of them made with some other j56nCeJJ-PY-00034-00012983-00013344 stuff like static analysis or even j56nCeJJ-PY-00035-00013345-00013581 dynamic analysis but the co of the j56nCeJJ-PY-00036-00013582-00013897 majority is blacklist it may sound j56nCeJJ-PY-00037-00013897-00014284 surprising that in 2013 this asian j56nCeJJ-PY-00038-00014285-00014569 technology still have a used but the j56nCeJJ-PY-00039-00014569-00014897 fact is that it works pretty good and j56nCeJJ-PY-00040-00014898-00015178 the way that your reputation is done is j56nCeJJ-PY-00041-00015179-00015381 pretty simple it's kind of a scoring j56nCeJJ-PY-00042-00015382-00015606 systems so new domains or appears j56nCeJJ-PY-00043-00015607-00015774 automatically more suspicious than j56nCeJJ-PY-00044-00015775-00016122 veteran and popular websites I mean j56nCeJJ-PY-00045-00016123-00016378 let's take google com for instance it's j56nCeJJ-PY-00046-00016379-00016559 so upset that everyone trusts right j56nCeJJ-PY-00047-00016560-00017044 right no one is ever going to block this j56nCeJJ-PY-00048-00017045-00017422 google okay so we use the virus total a j56nCeJJ-PY-00049-00017423-00017686 website to scan a different website but j56nCeJJ-PY-00050-00017687-00018040 a popular website and as you j56nCeJJ-PY-00051-00018041-00018306 can see the security vendors pretty much j56nCeJJ-PY-00052-00018307-00018575 agree that it's a clean and safe website j56nCeJJ-PY-00053-00018576-00018822 except for commodore which finds the off j56nCeJJ-PY-00054-00018823-00019030 suspicious for some reason that I really j56nCeJJ-PY-00055-00019031-00019183 don't know why j56nCeJJ-PY-00056-00019184-00019525 but just let's just move on okay what is j56nCeJJ-PY-00057-00019526-00019833 the RDI you are probably wondering what j56nCeJJ-PY-00058-00019834-00020071 the hell you are talking about and why j56nCeJJ-PY-00059-00020072-00020222 are they talking about your reputation j56nCeJJ-PY-00060-00020223-00020560 well don't worry and don't even bother j56nCeJJ-PY-00061-00020561-00020752 to look it up either because we came up j56nCeJJ-PY-00062-00020753-00021007 with this term and even Wikipedia does j56nCeJJ-PY-00063-00021008-00021265 it know what it means but in a few j56nCeJJ-PY-00064-00021266-00021580 minutes you will know okay so let's j56nCeJJ-PY-00065-00021581-00021766 assume you have user we have some kind j56nCeJJ-PY-00066-00021767-00021955 of a website that provide a service and j56nCeJJ-PY-00067-00021956-00022282 we have our website if the user access a j56nCeJJ-PY-00068-00022283-00022477 website we will receive a legitimate j56nCeJJ-PY-00069-00022478-00022797 website if the service access our j56nCeJJ-PY-00070-00022798-00023005 website it will receive the same j56nCeJJ-PY-00071-00023006-00023338 legitimate website so basically so far j56nCeJJ-PY-00072-00023339-00023521 everyone works as a website is perfectly j56nCeJJ-PY-00073-00023522-00023842 safe and shouldn't suspect anything but j56nCeJJ-PY-00074-00023843-00024160 if the user access our website using the j56nCeJJ-PY-00075-00024161-00024411 service which download the content for j56nCeJJ-PY-00076-00024412-00024655 my web site and that's what ever it does j56nCeJJ-PY-00077-00024656-00025003 with it the code is executed and turn j56nCeJJ-PY-00078-00025004-00025533 the page into a malicious page so that's j56nCeJJ-PY-00079-00025534-00025755 our the bird's eye view on our di and j56nCeJJ-PY-00080-00025756-00025971 now we're going to kind of take a look j56nCeJJ-PY-00081-00025972-00026131 at what we need in order to execute such j56nCeJJ-PY-00082-00026132-00026415 an attack so the first thing we're going j56nCeJJ-PY-00083-00026416-00026601 to need is one simple web page and j56nCeJJ-PY-00084-00026602-00026833 really any web page will do we chose to j56nCeJJ-PY-00085-00026833-00026995 use a wordpress blog to not look too j56nCeJJ-PY-00086-00026995-00027162 suspicious and drown in Internet traffic j56nCeJJ-PY-00087-00027163-00027540 and what we're going to need next is a j56nCeJJ-PY-00088-00027541-00027802 trustworthy web utility and what I mean j56nCeJJ-PY-00089-00027802-00028012 by trustworthy water utility is we need j56nCeJJ-PY-00090-00028013-00028146 some sort of website that people are j56nCeJJ-PY-00091-00028147-00028351 pretty familiar with it sort of trusted j56nCeJJ-PY-00092-00028352-00028519 and it needs to have some sort of j56nCeJJ-PY-00093-00028520-00028693 service that will take content that's j56nCeJJ-PY-00094-00028694-00028887 provided by the user and when you played j56nCeJJ-PY-00095-00028888-00029149 in somehow and finally in some way also j56nCeJJ-PY-00096-00029150-00029443 return it to the users for example we're j56nCeJJ-PY-00097-00029444-00029637 going to use the yahoo cash service and j56nCeJJ-PY-00098-00029638-00029827 there's many matter that it's Iago j56nCeJJ-PY-00099-00029827-00030004 obviously it could be you know Google j56nCeJJ-PY-00100-00030005-00030258 being Yandex by do anything will do it j56nCeJJ-PY-00101-00030259-00030630 really and the last thing we need is j56nCeJJ-PY-00102-00030631-00030870 we're going to need a script JavaScript j56nCeJJ-PY-00103-00030872-00031060 code it's going to behave differently j56nCeJJ-PY-00104-00031061-00031318 with it in certain contexts and really j56nCeJJ-PY-00105-00031319-00031492 this will be the core of the concept of j56nCeJJ-PY-00106-00031493-00031729 our diu this will be a script sort of j56nCeJJ-PY-00107-00031730-00031900 represents the behavior Daniel described j56nCeJJ-PY-00108-00031901-00031983 earlier then j56nCeJJ-PY-00109-00031984-00032169 kind of thing where this code will j56nCeJJ-PY-00110-00032170-00032340 behave completely different when it's j56nCeJJ-PY-00111-00032341-00032554 under the context of Yahoo's cash j56nCeJJ-PY-00112-00032555-00032799 service and will dig into the details of j56nCeJJ-PY-00113-00032800-00033135 that and of course you need funny cat j56nCeJJ-PY-00114-00033136-00033363 pictures and this is by the way what j56nCeJJ-PY-00115-00033364-00033492 Daniel looked like when I was like this j56nCeJJ-PY-00116-00033493-00033633 book lots of funny pet cat pictures in j56nCeJJ-PY-00117-00033634-00034314 there no it doesn't yes it is alright so j56nCeJJ-PY-00118-00034315-00034569 we're gonna do a demo of yahoo cash the j56nCeJJ-PY-00119-00034570-00034692 attack but this time we're gonna go into j56nCeJJ-PY-00120-00034693-00034869 a bit more detail and not just to show j56nCeJJ-PY-00121-00034870-00035029 you a video we're gonna do it hopefully j56nCeJJ-PY-00122-00035030-00035244 live now this is Vegas we're gambling we j56nCeJJ-PY-00123-00035245-00035505 hoping everything works too ah there's j56nCeJJ-PY-00124-00035506-00035632 my first time camping if they guess you j56nCeJJ-PY-00125-00035633-00035787 could be proud i'm doing it live and j56nCeJJ-PY-00126-00035788-00036079 let's hope i win but what we're gonna do j56nCeJJ-PY-00127-00036080-00036225 here is we're gonna go to a website that j56nCeJJ-PY-00128-00036226-00036501 we prepared and cash on yahoo and this j56nCeJJ-PY-00129-00036502-00036657 is the website is a regular wordpress j56nCeJJ-PY-00130-00036658-00036885 blog now we can take a quick peek at the j56nCeJJ-PY-00131-00036886-00036985 source we're not going to go over it j56nCeJJ-PY-00132-00036986-00037218 obviously but you'll be able to see that j56nCeJJ-PY-00133-00037219-00037386 there is nothing particularly suspicious j56nCeJJ-PY-00134-00037387-00037614 about it i noted never liked imports and j56nCeJJ-PY-00135-00037615-00037740 stuff you'll have to trust us we're not j56nCeJJ-PY-00136-00037741-00037902 going to go over everything but it's a j56nCeJJ-PY-00137-00037903-00038141 completely clean wordpress website and j56nCeJJ-PY-00138-00038142-00038332 the next thing we're going to do is j56nCeJJ-PY-00139-00038333-00038490 we're going to go to the cached versions j56nCeJJ-PY-00140-00038491-00038715 of this website and that which we have j56nCeJJ-PY-00141-00038716-00039026 prepared and events and see what happens j56nCeJJ-PY-00142-00039027-00039393 now we'll get to the yen to sort of j56nCeJJ-PY-00143-00039394-00039519 already i ate advantages of different j56nCeJJ-PY-00144-00039520-00039732 services but the fun part about using a j56nCeJJ-PY-00145-00039733-00040707 cashing service is that j56nCeJJ-PY-00146-00040708-00041155 what's this called shot the new what do j56nCeJJ-PY-00147-00041156-00042127 we do it for some speakers where we got j56nCeJJ-PY-00148-00042128-00042298 one back there there you go first time j56nCeJJ-PY-00149-00042299-00042661 attendee you guys are like I don't have j56nCeJJ-PY-00150-00042662-00044929 to say it anymore no we don't know never j56nCeJJ-PY-00151-00044930-00046435 maybe just phones sure okay Cheers j56nCeJJ-PY-00152-00046436-00046996 so what I was saying yeah the cool thing j56nCeJJ-PY-00153-00046997-00047192 about using your cash services that due j56nCeJJ-PY-00154-00047193-00047324 to the nature of catching it saves j56nCeJJ-PY-00155-00047325-00047515 content that's no longer there we can j56nCeJJ-PY-00156-00047516-00047657 actually have an attack that we once had j56nCeJJ-PY-00157-00047658-00047849 somewhere and then remove it completely j56nCeJJ-PY-00158-00047850-00048080 once the page is cached and we'll have j56nCeJJ-PY-00159-00048081-00048260 an attack that's completely hosted by a j56nCeJJ-PY-00160-00048261-00048524 low and only by yahoo which is what we j56nCeJJ-PY-00161-00048525-00048799 did here and you know it's pretty nice j56nCeJJ-PY-00162-00048800-00049184 oh right it's just now finished j56nCeJJ-PY-00163-00049185-00049748 excellent care you do this it's not a j56nCeJJ-PY-00164-00049749-00050358 screenshot see it's an actual count j56nCeJJ-PY-00165-00050359-00050708 alright so um now we're going to take a j56nCeJJ-PY-00166-00050709-00050837 look at the one part I didn't really j56nCeJJ-PY-00167-00050838-00050942 explain and that's going to be the j56nCeJJ-PY-00168-00050943-00051098 script the source code behind what j56nCeJJ-PY-00169-00051099-00051277 happened here now we're going to try to j56nCeJJ-PY-00170-00051278-00051499 understand what happened and what we did j56nCeJJ-PY-00171-00051500-00051737 the first part the first thing that this j56nCeJJ-PY-00172-00051738-00051863 group really does is it's going to try j56nCeJJ-PY-00173-00051864-00052085 to access a span tag that exists within j56nCeJJ-PY-00174-00052086-00052400 the page because we're running under j56nCeJJ-PY-00175-00052401-00052661 Yahoo's cash the span tag is going to be j56nCeJJ-PY-00176-00052662-00052919 a following Yahoo is not responsible for j56nCeJJ-PY-00177-00052920-00053266 the content of this page and we got we j56nCeJJ-PY-00178-00053267-00053407 don't know being like a funk string to j56nCeJJ-PY-00179-00053408-00053663 use and we decided to use this as a sort j56nCeJJ-PY-00180-00053664-00053917 of key or I get it in our is we're going j56nCeJJ-PY-00181-00053919-00054023 to take this string and we're going to j56nCeJJ-PY-00182-00054024-00054314 generate some sort of student unique key j56nCeJJ-PY-00183-00054315-00054469 just something unique enough for us and j56nCeJJ-PY-00184-00054470-00054730 we encrypted most of our malicious code j56nCeJJ-PY-00185-00054732-00055244 with this key and the next thing we're j56nCeJJ-PY-00186-00055245-00055394 going to do is this is kind of like a j56nCeJJ-PY-00187-00055395-00055569 sidetrack thing it's a very simple j56nCeJJ-PY-00188-00055570-00055766 obfuscation trait that's used constantly j56nCeJJ-PY-00189-00055766-00056017 in the wild what we're gonna do here is j56nCeJJ-PY-00190-00056019-00056251 we put in the page a huge div tag that j56nCeJJ-PY-00191-00056252-00056429 contains it's called vocativ and it j56nCeJJ-PY-00192-00056429-00056605 contains what car number what kind of a j56nCeJJ-PY-00193-00056607-00056924 car number and oh this means basically j56nCeJJ-PY-00194-00056925-00057157 our malicious code it's slightly office j56nCeJJ-PY-00195-00057158-00057344 cated the Walker delimiter is meant to j56nCeJJ-PY-00196-00057345-00057587 be present you and we replaced it just j56nCeJJ-PY-00197-00057588-00057754 ready to prevent those kind of you know j56nCeJJ-PY-00198-00057755-00057947 those silly defenses ago if you have a j56nCeJJ-PY-00199-00057948-00058192 really long string that has % unit many j56nCeJJ-PY-00200-00058194-00058403 times just block it and that's j56nCeJJ-PY-00201-00058404-00058574 ridiculous so we just replace it with j56nCeJJ-PY-00202-00058575-00058738 something and we're gonna fix it back j56nCeJJ-PY-00203-00058739-00059036 here and once we have our code back j56nCeJJ-PY-00204-00059037-00059216 we're going to now try and decrypt it j56nCeJJ-PY-00205-00059216-00059435 with the key we just generated for j56nCeJJ-PY-00206-00059436-00059600 the you know is not responsible the last j56nCeJJ-PY-00207-00059601-00059905 ring and we're going to evaluated which j56nCeJJ-PY-00208-00059907-00060106 means that right now we have some sort j56nCeJJ-PY-00209-00060107-00060301 of string that has been the Alpha skate j56nCeJJ-PY-00210-00060302-00060497 and decrypted and it's going to try to j56nCeJJ-PY-00211-00060498-00060953 turn it into JavaScript code so only if j56nCeJJ-PY-00212-00060954-00061121 we are really in the context of yahoo's j56nCeJJ-PY-00213-00061122-00061334 cashing service only for really have the j56nCeJJ-PY-00214-00061335-00061496 content that we expected within the span j56nCeJJ-PY-00215-00061497-00061657 tag the we knew exactly where would be j56nCeJJ-PY-00216-00061658-00061910 only then well these two methods that j56nCeJJ-PY-00217-00061911-00062101 we're going to try to execute actually j56nCeJJ-PY-00218-00062102-00062257 exist because as you can see they're not j56nCeJJ-PY-00219-00062258-00062407 defined anywhere else within our code we j56nCeJJ-PY-00220-00062408-00062682 just pretty much show you everything and j56nCeJJ-PY-00221-00062683-00063004 that's that sort of them how the script j56nCeJJ-PY-00222-00063005-00063521 pulled off this cool trick oh well j56nCeJJ-PY-00223-00063522-00063724 that's good because we just managed to j56nCeJJ-PY-00224-00063725-00064124 host our attack on yell but we want to j56nCeJJ-PY-00225-00064125-00064330 take things one step further we want to j56nCeJJ-PY-00226-00064332-00064675 make it even more evasive so this time j56nCeJJ-PY-00227-00064676-00064906 we'll use google as an example because j56nCeJJ-PY-00228-00064907-00065113 we don't really want to pick on anyone j56nCeJJ-PY-00229-00065114-00065387 in particular here so here's google j56nCeJJ-PY-00230-00065388-00065638 transit service which i use it quite a j56nCeJJ-PY-00231-00065639-00065956 lot because i know no english didn't j56nCeJJ-PY-00232-00065957-00066538 notice if you haven't noticed but okay j56nCeJJ-PY-00233-00066539-00066803 so this time you are going to execute on j56nCeJJ-PY-00234-00066804-00067046 our attack not only by the context we j56nCeJJ-PY-00235-00067047-00067288 are in we're actually going to construct j56nCeJJ-PY-00236-00067289-00067456 our attack using google translate j56nCeJJ-PY-00237-00067457-00067868 service so i hope you still remember the j56nCeJJ-PY-00238-00067869-00068099 demo we presented in the beginning we j56nCeJJ-PY-00239-00068100-00068269 are going to get back to it now and take j56nCeJJ-PY-00240-00068270-00068516 it step by step so this is google j56nCeJJ-PY-00241-00068517-00068818 transit service and we just type in the j56nCeJJ-PY-00242-00068819-00069053 link to our website and as Google to j56nCeJJ-PY-00243-00069054-00069406 transit it from Hebrew to English of j56nCeJJ-PY-00244-00069407-00069538 course we can't really expect the user j56nCeJJ-PY-00245-00069539-00069763 to to browse to google translate and j56nCeJJ-PY-00246-00069764-00069976 talking the link to our website and get j56nCeJJ-PY-00247-00069977-00070225 exploited because probably won't do it j56nCeJJ-PY-00248-00070226-00070631 so yeah so as you probably know there is j56nCeJJ-PY-00249-00070632-00070922 a google allow us there give us the j56nCeJJ-PY-00250-00070923-00071159 ability to generate a direct link to a j56nCeJJ-PY-00251-00071160-00071399 translated page included the languages j56nCeJJ-PY-00252-00071400-00071551 and everything so it shouldn't be a j56nCeJJ-PY-00253-00071552-00071806 problem and of course with this URL we j56nCeJJ-PY-00254-00071807-00072094 can spread it via email social networks j56nCeJJ-PY-00255-00072095-00072402 or any other media and again it's google j56nCeJJ-PY-00256-00072403-00072810 will like this google okay so let's take j56nCeJJ-PY-00257-00072811-00073067 a look on the flow of the attack Google j56nCeJJ-PY-00258-00073068-00073488 service okay and the user trying to act j56nCeJJ-PY-00259-00073489-00073791 the website and using the google j56nCeJJ-PY-00260-00073792-00074091 translate service so he access to google j56nCeJJ-PY-00261-00074092-00074376 translate which download the content for j56nCeJJ-PY-00262-00074377-00074691 my web site and our website simply sends j56nCeJJ-PY-00263-00074692-00074970 back the content of the page the google j56nCeJJ-PY-00264-00074971-00075246 translate rub the content and add some j56nCeJJ-PY-00265-00075247-00075675 translation script and finally send it j56nCeJJ-PY-00266-00075676-00076053 back to the youth the user browser j56nCeJJ-PY-00267-00076054-00076496 translate the content of the page and j56nCeJJ-PY-00268-00076497-00076851 and by doing so it created decryption j56nCeJJ-PY-00269-00076852-00077286 key for us to use and after what the j56nCeJJ-PY-00270-00077287-00077544 javascript code is executed and uses the j56nCeJJ-PY-00271-00077545-00077846 key to decrypt the javascript code which j56nCeJJ-PY-00272-00077847-00078192 turns the turn the page into a malicious j56nCeJJ-PY-00273-00078193-00078783 page okay so once more we can take a j56nCeJJ-PY-00274-00078784-00078951 look at exactly how it happens and j56nCeJJ-PY-00275-00078952-00079191 you'll see that the concept at as you j56nCeJJ-PY-00276-00079192-00079329 could see right now the concept is very j56nCeJJ-PY-00277-00079330-00079551 similar what we wanted to do by giving j56nCeJJ-PY-00278-00079552-00079710 two different services and tip different j56nCeJJ-PY-00279-00079711-00079875 examples is just kind of show you where j56nCeJJ-PY-00280-00079876-00080067 it differs between services and where it j56nCeJJ-PY-00281-00080068-00080307 kind of looks the same I'm not going to j56nCeJJ-PY-00282-00080308-00080406 go over the things that look the same j56nCeJJ-PY-00283-00080407-00080622 I'm just gonna show you what we did with j56nCeJJ-PY-00284-00080623-00080880 this one so this time we added a couple j56nCeJJ-PY-00285-00080881-00081186 of div tags into the page with texting j56nCeJJ-PY-00286-00081187-00081450 Hebrew and the first one contains the j56nCeJJ-PY-00287-00081451-00081609 following text Wiz as you can obviously j56nCeJJ-PY-00288-00081610-00081975 see says script or rather is going to be j56nCeJJ-PY-00289-00081976-00082092 translated to script like Google's j56nCeJJ-PY-00290-00082093-00082422 translation and we needed a key as well j56nCeJJ-PY-00291-00082423-00082695 so we used the obvious choice which is j56nCeJJ-PY-00292-00082696-00082998 Bob Marley and it translates to Bob j56nCeJJ-PY-00293-00082999-00083199 Marley by the way and we're going to use j56nCeJJ-PY-00294-00083200-00083574 this to generate a key now of course you j56nCeJJ-PY-00295-00083575-00083784 can see here the waka Dave similar to j56nCeJJ-PY-00296-00083785-00084063 before and the code is going to look j56nCeJJ-PY-00297-00084064-00084219 similar and yet different and I hope you j56nCeJJ-PY-00298-00084220-00084531 can read this kind of but the first j56nCeJJ-PY-00299-00084532-00084657 thing that's going to happen here is j56nCeJJ-PY-00300-00084658-00084867 we're going to try to create an actual j56nCeJJ-PY-00301-00084868-00085152 element within the dom and this element j56nCeJJ-PY-00302-00085153-00085365 is actually going to take content from j56nCeJJ-PY-00303-00085366-00085487 within the translated j56nCeJJ-PY-00304-00085488-00085661 age we're going to try to dynamically j56nCeJJ-PY-00305-00085662-00085862 fetch the award script that was just j56nCeJJ-PY-00306-00085863-00086078 translated by google and generate an j56nCeJJ-PY-00307-00086079-00086261 actual script element within the Dom of j56nCeJJ-PY-00308-00086262-00086528 the page of course this means that if j56nCeJJ-PY-00309-00086529-00086687 the google translation scripts didn't j56nCeJJ-PY-00310-00086688-00086870 work or if anything went wrong this will j56nCeJJ-PY-00311-00086871-00086996 not create a script element and j56nCeJJ-PY-00312-00086997-00087196 absolutely nothing malicious will happen j56nCeJJ-PY-00313-00087197-00087524 and now the next thing we're going to do j56nCeJJ-PY-00314-00087525-00087671 is we're going to take the key Bob j56nCeJJ-PY-00315-00087672-00087860 Marley and we're gonna do actually j56nCeJJ-PY-00316-00087861-00088088 you've used the exact same code to j56nCeJJ-PY-00317-00088089-00088241 generate the key and do the ideal Fisk j56nCeJJ-PY-00318-00088242-00088457 Asian because well realizing it works so j56nCeJJ-PY-00319-00088458-00088838 we'll be using the same concept so what j56nCeJJ-PY-00320-00088839-00089129 we're doing now is basically decrypting j56nCeJJ-PY-00321-00089130-00089297 our code using the key Bob Marley the j56nCeJJ-PY-00322-00089298-00089540 English string Bob Marley which again j56nCeJJ-PY-00323-00089541-00089807 only exists if Google's translation j56nCeJJ-PY-00324-00089808-00090074 worked on our page and as opposed to the j56nCeJJ-PY-00325-00090075-00090326 cashing service which just sort of made j56nCeJJ-PY-00326-00090327-00090521 sure that we're kind of under the yahoo j56nCeJJ-PY-00327-00090522-00090773 cash context the translation here j56nCeJJ-PY-00328-00090774-00090935 actually we actually waited for Google j56nCeJJ-PY-00329-00090936-00091073 to do the translation work they actually j56nCeJJ-PY-00330-00091074-00091220 constructed the attack for us when they j56nCeJJ-PY-00331-00091221-00091379 did the translation of the page on the j56nCeJJ-PY-00332-00091380-00091766 client side um and of course finally j56nCeJJ-PY-00333-00091767-00091967 we're going to try to execute a method j56nCeJJ-PY-00334-00091968-00092099 hello world which does not exist j56nCeJJ-PY-00335-00092100-00092354 anywhere besides in our obfuscator and j56nCeJJ-PY-00336-00092355-00093053 encrypted code so I guess what we're j56nCeJJ-PY-00337-00093054-00093281 trying to say here is that our di is j56nCeJJ-PY-00338-00093282-00093569 really a technique it's sort of a method j56nCeJJ-PY-00339-00093570-00093776 it's taking all these services that take j56nCeJJ-PY-00340-00093777-00093965 content from the user and somehow j56nCeJJ-PY-00341-00093966-00094271 reflected back in order to construct our j56nCeJJ-PY-00342-00094272-00094463 attack or other in order to obfuscate or j56nCeJJ-PY-00343-00094464-00094898 evade with our attack as you probably j56nCeJJ-PY-00344-00094899-00095087 noticed throughout here the point of our j56nCeJJ-PY-00345-00095088-00095285 di is context that's the most important j56nCeJJ-PY-00346-00095286-00095558 thing here because obviously when you j56nCeJJ-PY-00347-00095559-00095651 think about it you might be asking j56nCeJJ-PY-00348-00095652-00095810 yourself so why don't I just take my j56nCeJJ-PY-00349-00095811-00095942 malicious link and put it in google j56nCeJJ-PY-00350-00095943-00096641 translate and and basically the problem j56nCeJJ-PY-00351-00096642-00096761 is that if you go to google translate j56nCeJJ-PY-00352-00096762-00096887 and you try to put in a malicious link j56nCeJJ-PY-00353-00096888-00097070 it's obviously going to be flagged as j56nCeJJ-PY-00354-00097071-00097244 malicious paid and it's not like you're j56nCeJJ-PY-00355-00097245-00097436 going to be able to go to it is going to j56nCeJJ-PY-00356-00097437-00097607 give up the big red message you know j56nCeJJ-PY-00357-00097608-00097808 this website is suspicious don't come j56nCeJJ-PY-00358-00097809-00097928 near it you know turn off your computer j56nCeJJ-PY-00359-00097929-00098253 throw it out the window do something j56nCeJJ-PY-00360-00098254-00098553 I'll let you access it however they do j56nCeJJ-PY-00361-00098554-00098721 not scan the website they're about to j56nCeJJ-PY-00362-00098722-00098973 translate within their own context they j56nCeJJ-PY-00363-00098974-00099156 don't scan it is if they are a user j56nCeJJ-PY-00364-00099157-00099435 using this service and so they will not j56nCeJJ-PY-00365-00099436-00099605 see what we're trying to do here at all j56nCeJJ-PY-00366-00099606-00099963 um of course everything I just said j56nCeJJ-PY-00367-00099964-00100119 leads us to the fact that it's very hard j56nCeJJ-PY-00368-00100120-00100332 to detect because if you think about all j56nCeJJ-PY-00369-00100333-00100551 the elements here everything we did we j56nCeJJ-PY-00370-00100552-00100731 had a big div tag with lots of content j56nCeJJ-PY-00371-00100732-00100872 we could have used any delimiter we j56nCeJJ-PY-00372-00100873-00100968 could have split it up we could have j56nCeJJ-PY-00373-00100969-00101196 done lots of things with it when you j56nCeJJ-PY-00374-00101197-00101472 consider what we did with the the key j56nCeJJ-PY-00375-00101473-00101652 for translation we could use disra j56nCeJJ-PY-00376-00101653-00101757 languages we could have put a different j56nCeJJ-PY-00377-00101758-00102060 places we could use any string we could j56nCeJJ-PY-00378-00102061-00102177 for the cashing service we could have j56nCeJJ-PY-00379-00102178-00102339 picked any element that's added from j56nCeJJ-PY-00380-00102340-00102531 yahoo cash which means oh this is j56nCeJJ-PY-00381-00102532-00102705 extremely difficult you cannot sign it j56nCeJJ-PY-00382-00102706-00102918 statically you really have to be in line j56nCeJJ-PY-00383-00102919-00103092 looking at the content exactly as it's j56nCeJJ-PY-00384-00103093-00103336 going to be at the user in order to j56nCeJJ-PY-00385-00103338-00103521 understand what's happening and see j56nCeJJ-PY-00386-00103522-00103838 what's going to happen and our j56nCeJJ-PY-00387-00103839-00104031 conclusion from this is the RTI is j56nCeJJ-PY-00388-00104032-00104343 pretty awesome for evasion but you know j56nCeJJ-PY-00389-00104344-00104568 our word and all that we want to test it j56nCeJJ-PY-00390-00104569-00104718 against some of the internet and see how j56nCeJJ-PY-00391-00104719-00105021 awesome it really is and so we've been j56nCeJJ-PY-00392-00105022-00105171 to virustotal once more because it has j56nCeJJ-PY-00393-00105172-00105402 lots of the security engines to test it j56nCeJJ-PY-00394-00105403-00105621 again and we also this time wanted to j56nCeJJ-PY-00395-00105622-00105768 test it against Webb board which if you j56nCeJJ-PY-00396-00105769-00106038 don't know is a dynamic code analysis we j56nCeJJ-PY-00397-00106039-00106182 want to see if the code is actually j56nCeJJ-PY-00398-00106183-00106458 executed what they're going to see and j56nCeJJ-PY-00399-00106458-00106689 we first took the translation page but j56nCeJJ-PY-00400-00106690-00106917 then access directly our translation j56nCeJJ-PY-00401-00106918-00107175 attack page when accessed without the j56nCeJJ-PY-00402-00107176-00107433 translation link and of course as you j56nCeJJ-PY-00403-00107433-00107705 can see if our solo says that 0 out of j56nCeJJ-PY-00404-00107706-00108035 39 detections no nobody said it was j56nCeJJ-PY-00405-00108036-00108267 malicious and while they be correct j56nCeJJ-PY-00406-00108268-00108453 because as we said our code is not at j56nCeJJ-PY-00407-00108454-00108620 all malicious one access directly and j56nCeJJ-PY-00408-00108621-00108833 when we put it on webos which j56nCeJJ-PY-00409-00108834-00109014 dynamically standard it said that this j56nCeJJ-PY-00410-00109015-00109200 page is benign no exploit were j56nCeJJ-PY-00411-00109201-00109428 identified and no evals were executed j56nCeJJ-PY-00412-00109429-00109713 and again when is this way there'd be j56nCeJJ-PY-00413-00109714-00109949 correct because I again nothing happened j56nCeJJ-PY-00414-00109950-00110271 but then we said okay now let's di and j56nCeJJ-PY-00415-00110272-00110517 take the actual attack URL the one with j56nCeJJ-PY-00416-00110518-00110718 all the translation features added and j56nCeJJ-PY-00417-00110719-00111099 see what happens then and well we put on j56nCeJJ-PY-00418-00111100-00111350 what's a dynamic analysis and it broke j56nCeJJ-PY-00419-00111351-00111523 apparently j56nCeJJ-PY-00420-00111524-00111697 we're gonna let them know but they're j56nCeJJ-PY-00421-00111698-00111877 actually pretty cool people they fixed j56nCeJJ-PY-00422-00111878-00112045 it before we could even tell them which j56nCeJJ-PY-00423-00112046-00112198 is nice I think now it Flags it as j56nCeJJ-PY-00424-00112199-00112618 suspicious I believe and more j56nCeJJ-PY-00425-00112619-00112774 interesting Lee's when we put it on back j56nCeJJ-PY-00426-00112775-00112959 on virus so we actually got one j56nCeJJ-PY-00427-00112960-00113203 detection one single engine that j56nCeJJ-PY-00428-00113204-00113385 dynamically scanned our content and j56nCeJJ-PY-00429-00113386-00113515 figure it out what was happening and j56nCeJJ-PY-00430-00113516-00113839 i'll be the security site check so if j56nCeJJ-PY-00431-00113840-00113953 there is any secure people in the crowd j56nCeJJ-PY-00432-00113954-00114204 good job they actually dynamically j56nCeJJ-PY-00433-00114205-00114415 analyze the content exactly as we j56nCeJJ-PY-00434-00114416-00114591 intended for the attack to be executed j56nCeJJ-PY-00435-00114592-00114826 and figure that we were attacking with j56nCeJJ-PY-00436-00114827-00115144 this page in the context of our di this j56nCeJJ-PY-00437-00115145-00115327 doesn't really concern us because as j56nCeJJ-PY-00438-00115328-00115528 daniel said in the boring side at the j56nCeJJ-PY-00439-00115529-00115813 very beginning RTI is not meant to deal j56nCeJJ-PY-00440-00115814-00115963 with these dynamic sort of engines it's j56nCeJJ-PY-00441-00115964-00116173 meant to weed out the other 38 engines j56nCeJJ-PY-00442-00116174-00116440 that use all these blacklisting sort of j56nCeJJ-PY-00443-00116441-00116713 techniques it's meant to kind of push us j56nCeJJ-PY-00444-00116714-00116881 forward from really using these old j56nCeJJ-PY-00445-00116882-00117118 technologies and force us to use to j56nCeJJ-PY-00446-00117119-00117234 really understand what's happening when j56nCeJJ-PY-00447-00117235-00117508 we're analyzing website and trying to j56nCeJJ-PY-00448-00117508-00117931 understand if it's malicious or not so j56nCeJJ-PY-00449-00117932-00118201 this is already I thank you for j56nCeJJ-PY-00450-00118202-00118354 listening I don't think we're going to j56nCeJJ-PY-00451-00118355-00118540 have questions and answers right here j56nCeJJ-PY-00452-00118541-00118723 but will be in the Q&A room later if you j56nCeJJ-PY-00453-00118724-00118876 want to come chat ask questions and all j56nCeJJ-PY-00454-00118877-00119865 that um j56nCeJJ-PY-00455-00119866-00120073 you j6Ei7nJRcl0-00000-00000034-00001717 [Music] j6Ei7nJRcl0-00001-00001718-00002000 hi everyone welcome to my youtube j6Ei7nJRcl0-00002-00002001-00002057 channel j6Ei7nJRcl0-00003-00002058-00002348 today I was going to discuss a new j6Ei7nJRcl0-00004-00002349-00002683 product that came out here recently j6Ei7nJRcl0-00005-00002684-00003406 called Navia oil infused body lotion j6Ei7nJRcl0-00006-00003407-00003692 with almond oil and there are several j6Ei7nJRcl0-00007-00003693-00004043 different ones but this is the one that j6Ei7nJRcl0-00008-00004044-00004588 I got I think it's very good except for j6Ei7nJRcl0-00009-00004589-00004901 the fact that it takes a long time for j6Ei7nJRcl0-00010-00004902-00005365 it to absorb into the skin I seem to j6Ei7nJRcl0-00011-00005366-00005767 have to rub it in for several minutes j6Ei7nJRcl0-00012-00005768-00006086 but I do highly recommend this product j6Ei7nJRcl0-00013-00006087-00006425 it is a four out of five on my review j6Ei7nJRcl0-00014-00006426-00006703 scale which is either one through five j6Ei7nJRcl0-00015-00006704-00007226 so please I'm looking for lotion that j6Ei7nJRcl0-00016-00007227-00007528 does have some oil and your skin is j6Ei7nJRcl0-00017-00007529-00007756 really dry due to the winter weather j6Ei7nJRcl0-00018-00007758-00008146 this product is very good I do recommend j6Ei7nJRcl0-00019-00008147-00008264 it j6Ei7nJRcl0-00020-00008265-00008617 here it is again so when you go to the j6Ei7nJRcl0-00021-00008618-00008948 store try it out tell me what you think j6Ei7nJRcl0-00022-00008949-00009328 and I'd love to hear from you so leave j6Ei7nJRcl0-00023-00009329-00009569 your messages down below and don't j6Ei7nJRcl0-00024-00009570-00009908 forget subscribe if you like my channel j6Ei7nJRcl0-00025-00009909-00010310 and really appreciate it thank you j8SRBD2qveg-00000-00000162-00000799 [Applause] j8SRBD2qveg-00002-00004487-00004787 oh j9d09q-_Ipy-00000-00000048-00000318 thanks for watching uh coming into this j9d09q-_Ipy-00001-00000319-00000503 video on how to create a really j9d09q-_Ipy-00002-00000504-00000823 really strong video demo now why do we j9d09q-_Ipy-00003-00000824-00001087 actually do the video demos so j9d09q-_Ipy-00004-00001088-00001166 essentially j9d09q-_Ipy-00005-00001167-00001447 the process the way that we run it is j9d09q-_Ipy-00006-00001448-00001495 that we j9d09q-_Ipy-00007-00001496-00001798 send out an email so we start off with a j9d09q-_Ipy-00008-00001800-00001855 basic j9d09q-_Ipy-00009-00001855-00002183 cold email and a person who's j9d09q-_Ipy-00010-00002184-00002447 uh not yet interested so their level of j9d09q-_Ipy-00011-00002448-00002534 interest is j9d09q-_Ipy-00012-00002535-00002799 pretty cold at that point and then from j9d09q-_Ipy-00013-00002800-00002855 there j9d09q-_Ipy-00014-00002856-00003150 what we do is we follow that email up j9d09q-_Ipy-00015-00003151-00003238 basically j9d09q-_Ipy-00016-00003239-00003463 sorry let me just fix that so we we j9d09q-_Ipy-00017-00003464-00003647 followed that email up j9d09q-_Ipy-00018-00003647-00003990 with uh a reply so do we send them a j9d09q-_Ipy-00019-00003992-00004127 cold email they're very interested at j9d09q-_Ipy-00020-00004128-00004206 that point j9d09q-_Ipy-00021-00004207-00004391 where they want to get to know more j9d09q-_Ipy-00022-00004392-00004559 about what we can offer j9d09q-_Ipy-00023-00004560-00004838 and then the demo video what it does is j9d09q-_Ipy-00024-00004839-00004919 it basically j9d09q-_Ipy-00025-00004920-00005238 spikes the interest so imagine if j9d09q-_Ipy-00026-00005239-00005543 the cold email is like bait and the demo j9d09q-_Ipy-00027-00005544-00005575 just j9d09q-_Ipy-00028-00005576-00005854 reels them in and what makes the demo j9d09q-_Ipy-00029-00005855-00005975 video work j9d09q-_Ipy-00030-00005976-00006206 really well is a bunch of really j9d09q-_Ipy-00031-00006207-00006351 important factors j9d09q-_Ipy-00032-00006352-00006527 that basically at the end of the day j9d09q-_Ipy-00033-00006528-00006663 it's supposed to j9d09q-_Ipy-00034-00006664-00006967 get them from the demo up to a point j9d09q-_Ipy-00035-00006968-00007039 where they j9d09q-_Ipy-00036-00007040-00007359 sign up to a call so basically a sales j9d09q-_Ipy-00037-00007359-00007470 call j9d09q-_Ipy-00038-00007472-00007831 so this is where their um interest peaks j9d09q-_Ipy-00039-00007831-00008159 so imagine if this is a chart of j9d09q-_Ipy-00040-00008159-00008439 you know time and their interest and j9d09q-_Ipy-00041-00008440-00008519 essentially j9d09q-_Ipy-00042-00008520-00008710 when they get a cold email they get a j9d09q-_Ipy-00043-00008711-00008935 small spike in their interest j9d09q-_Ipy-00044-00008936-00009119 and this small spike you know once it j9d09q-_Ipy-00045-00009120-00009271 reaches a certain threshold that's j9d09q-_Ipy-00046-00009272-00009374 enough to j9d09q-_Ipy-00047-00009375-00009599 get them to actually say you know reply j9d09q-_Ipy-00048-00009600-00009751 so when they're at that level j9d09q-_Ipy-00049-00009752-00009927 they'll give you a reply and then j9d09q-_Ipy-00050-00009928-00010063 they'll go on and watch the video and j9d09q-_Ipy-00051-00010064-00010183 the video is basically going to j9d09q-_Ipy-00052-00010184-00010503 warm them up really really fast to a j9d09q-_Ipy-00053-00010504-00010583 level j9d09q-_Ipy-00054-00010584-00010838 where they'll essentially be willing to j9d09q-_Ipy-00055-00010839-00011014 schedule a call so once they get here j9d09q-_Ipy-00056-00011015-00011214 they schedule a call and then by the j9d09q-_Ipy-00057-00011215-00011367 time they get to a call which j9d09q-_Ipy-00058-00011368-00011503 of course they get a bit colder but by j9d09q-_Ipy-00059-00011504-00011678 the time they get to a call that's where j9d09q-_Ipy-00060-00011679-00011855 you kind of spike them up to a level j9d09q-_Ipy-00061-00011856-00011910 where they'll j9d09q-_Ipy-00062-00011911-00012246 actually buy so the reason the video j9d09q-_Ipy-00063-00012247-00012431 demo can spike people really well j9d09q-_Ipy-00064-00012432-00012655 is because it's it gives you a chance to j9d09q-_Ipy-00065-00012656-00012815 show your personality j9d09q-_Ipy-00066-00012816-00013135 so basically it's it's what what's j9d09q-_Ipy-00067-00013136-00013191 called j9d09q-_Ipy-00068-00013191-00013622 um evolutionary signals j9d09q-_Ipy-00069-00013623-00013927 so evolutionary signals basically means j9d09q-_Ipy-00070-00013928-00014207 uh things that are very hard to fake so j9d09q-_Ipy-00071-00014208-00014366 for example j9d09q-_Ipy-00072-00014368-00014703 if you see a guy with a lamborghini j9d09q-_Ipy-00073-00014704-00014894 obviously that shows you a lot more j9d09q-_Ipy-00074-00014895-00015094 about their financial status than j9d09q-_Ipy-00075-00015095-00015255 you know somebody who just looks like a j9d09q-_Ipy-00076-00015256-00015430 plane closed person j9d09q-_Ipy-00077-00015431-00015599 but if you see a person who has a j9d09q-_Ipy-00078-00015600-00015750 private jet well j9d09q-_Ipy-00079-00015751-00015911 that would be much harder to fake j9d09q-_Ipy-00080-00015912-00016119 because anybody can you know drop a j9d09q-_Ipy-00081-00016119-00016199 thousand dollars j9d09q-_Ipy-00082-00016200-00016527 and get a lamborghini not anybody can j9d09q-_Ipy-00083-00016528-00016894 get uh a private jet so it can own a j9d09q-_Ipy-00084-00016895-00017022 private jet so j9d09q-_Ipy-00085-00017023-00017191 evolutionary signals are essentially j9d09q-_Ipy-00086-00017192-00017375 very hard to fake signals j9d09q-_Ipy-00087-00017376-00017583 and people are always looking for them j9d09q-_Ipy-00088-00017584-00017743 to know what to pay attention to so the j9d09q-_Ipy-00089-00017744-00017879 demo video j9d09q-_Ipy-00090-00017880-00018086 it shows a lot of things about you that j9d09q-_Ipy-00091-00018087-00018214 really make this work j9d09q-_Ipy-00092-00018215-00018455 so for example it shows that you're j9d09q-_Ipy-00093-00018456-00018543 passionate j9d09q-_Ipy-00094-00018544-00018863 that you're entrepreneurial nor j9d09q-_Ipy-00095-00018864-00019191 real sorry if there's a any uh spelling j9d09q-_Ipy-00096-00019192-00019263 mistakes j9d09q-_Ipy-00097-00019264-00019575 so passionate entrepreneurial it shows j9d09q-_Ipy-00098-00019576-00019758 that you know your product j9d09q-_Ipy-00099-00019759-00020167 that you love your product so so expert j9d09q-_Ipy-00100-00020168-00020535 love product service j9d09q-_Ipy-00101-00020536-00020822 um human so you know you kind of they j9d09q-_Ipy-00102-00020823-00020919 get to see that you're j9d09q-_Ipy-00103-00020920-00021183 a real person with actual you know a j9d09q-_Ipy-00104-00021184-00021311 personality j9d09q-_Ipy-00105-00021312-00021630 um and also it just they get to see j9d09q-_Ipy-00106-00021631-00021767 that you know you know you know what j9d09q-_Ipy-00107-00021768-00021967 you're doing so so basically j9d09q-_Ipy-00108-00021968-00022199 it's it's a process you could say that j9d09q-_Ipy-00109-00022200-00022319 you're not just some guy j9d09q-_Ipy-00110-00022320-00022575 or a girl who you know just got started j9d09q-_Ipy-00111-00022576-00022622 you j9d09q-_Ipy-00112-00022623-00022783 have some process working and the fact j9d09q-_Ipy-00113-00022784-00022935 that you have a process j9d09q-_Ipy-00114-00022936-00023094 makes people trust you because somebody j9d09q-_Ipy-00115-00023095-00023271 with a process is somebody with j9d09q-_Ipy-00116-00023272-00023567 experience and that is able to generate j9d09q-_Ipy-00117-00023568-00023614 a j9d09q-_Ipy-00118-00023615-00023967 very consistent results so essentially j9d09q-_Ipy-00119-00023968-00024055 the way that j9d09q-_Ipy-00120-00024056-00024391 a demo video would be structured is j9d09q-_Ipy-00121-00024392-00024703 first of all we would start with a quick j9d09q-_Ipy-00122-00024704-00025055 personal uh introduction so j9d09q-_Ipy-00123-00025056-00025303 basically uh you start off by saying j9d09q-_Ipy-00124-00025304-00025430 something like hey j9d09q-_Ipy-00125-00025431-00025750 thank you so much for watching this for j9d09q-_Ipy-00126-00025751-00025902 replying to my email j9d09q-_Ipy-00127-00025904-00026127 so you know it's something that you just j9d09q-_Ipy-00128-00026127-00026367 you would not say if this was j9d09q-_Ipy-00129-00026368-00026670 um a general video so that already j9d09q-_Ipy-00130-00026672-00026807 kind of like hints that you're going to j9d09q-_Ipy-00131-00026808-00026983 watch a personalized video j9d09q-_Ipy-00132-00026983-00027214 and then what i would add on top of that j9d09q-_Ipy-00133-00027216-00027455 is the second stage is to basically j9d09q-_Ipy-00134-00027456-00027783 set the expectations so make sure that j9d09q-_Ipy-00135-00027783-00027823 when j9d09q-_Ipy-00136-00027824-00027967 what that means is basically to tell j9d09q-_Ipy-00137-00027968-00028143 them what they can expect to get from j9d09q-_Ipy-00138-00028144-00028231 the video j9d09q-_Ipy-00139-00028232-00028535 now you want to make sure that this part j9d09q-_Ipy-00140-00028536-00028862 is aligned with the actual cold email j9d09q-_Ipy-00141-00028863-00029158 so the cold email that we sent uh it has j9d09q-_Ipy-00142-00029160-00029351 certain expectations because j9d09q-_Ipy-00143-00029352-00029590 if we pick their interests then there's j9d09q-_Ipy-00144-00029591-00029679 something here j9d09q-_Ipy-00145-00029680-00029943 that got them to go on the video call so j9d09q-_Ipy-00146-00029944-00030062 you want to make sure that this j9d09q-_Ipy-00147-00030063-00030407 is aligned with uh the expectations j9d09q-_Ipy-00148-00030408-00030718 so if the cold email talked about j9d09q-_Ipy-00149-00030719-00030983 how you can give them uh let's say you j9d09q-_Ipy-00150-00030983-00031151 know a first month trial j9d09q-_Ipy-00151-00031152-00031518 or how you guys uh or girls sorry j9d09q-_Ipy-00152-00031519-00031846 so how you can basically um uh j9d09q-_Ipy-00153-00031847-00032046 generate x result that nobody else can j9d09q-_Ipy-00154-00032047-00032255 do then when you set expectations you j9d09q-_Ipy-00155-00032256-00032318 want to make sure j9d09q-_Ipy-00156-00032319-00032487 that you refer to exactly what you j9d09q-_Ipy-00157-00032488-00032758 talked about in the actual email j9d09q-_Ipy-00158-00032760-00032927 or else they'll just gonna leave because j9d09q-_Ipy-00159-00032928-00033039 they're gonna feel like they've been j9d09q-_Ipy-00160-00033040-00033102 duped j9d09q-_Ipy-00161-00033103-00033367 so you know whatever was referenced here j9d09q-_Ipy-00162-00033368-00033535 that gets people's attention j9d09q-_Ipy-00163-00033536-00033735 that's what you set the expectations for j9d09q-_Ipy-00164-00033736-00033862 so let's use j9d09q-_Ipy-00165-00033863-00034143 uh for example a web design company uh j9d09q-_Ipy-00166-00034144-00034295 let's say that we sent out j9d09q-_Ipy-00167-00034296-00034535 in the email and we said uh you know j9d09q-_Ipy-00168-00034536-00034599 we're j9d09q-_Ipy-00169-00034600-00034855 the only web design company where if you j9d09q-_Ipy-00170-00034856-00034935 don't like j9d09q-_Ipy-00171-00034936-00035087 the website you don't have to pay j9d09q-_Ipy-00172-00035088-00035279 anything so you know that's obviously j9d09q-_Ipy-00173-00035280-00035407 very compelling to j9d09q-_Ipy-00174-00035408-00035639 a lot of industries and a lot of people j9d09q-_Ipy-00175-00035640-00035815 so they get the email j9d09q-_Ipy-00176-00035816-00036023 they are interested enough to go on to j9d09q-_Ipy-00177-00036024-00036215 watch the video and reply j9d09q-_Ipy-00178-00036216-00036495 so they watch the video and it says hey j9d09q-_Ipy-00179-00036496-00036630 thank you so much for j9d09q-_Ipy-00180-00036631-00036959 replying to my email and in this video i j9d09q-_Ipy-00181-00036960-00037159 am going to explain what i said in the j9d09q-_Ipy-00182-00037160-00037295 email and how j9d09q-_Ipy-00183-00037296-00037583 we can basically uh get your website and j9d09q-_Ipy-00184-00037584-00037711 make sure that it's perfect j9d09q-_Ipy-00185-00037712-00037990 and that you will only pay if you really j9d09q-_Ipy-00186-00037991-00038102 really love it and i j9d09q-_Ipy-00187-00038103-00038255 i'm gonna explain how we can do that j9d09q-_Ipy-00188-00038256-00038511 basically so now that the expectations j9d09q-_Ipy-00189-00038512-00038687 are set i know that if i'm gonna watch j9d09q-_Ipy-00190-00038688-00038902 the video and it's gonna be three to j9d09q-_Ipy-00191-00038903-00039095 five minutes j9d09q-_Ipy-00192-00039096-00039271 then i'm gonna know that these three to j9d09q-_Ipy-00193-00039272-00039415 five minutes um j9d09q-_Ipy-00194-00039416-00039630 are gonna be about the thing that i was j9d09q-_Ipy-00195-00039631-00039774 interested in initially and that's j9d09q-_Ipy-00196-00039775-00039911 what's gonna get a person to stay on the j9d09q-_Ipy-00197-00039912-00040007 video j9d09q-_Ipy-00198-00040008-00040327 now the next step is what we like to j9d09q-_Ipy-00199-00040328-00040535 call like the passion part j9d09q-_Ipy-00200-00040536-00040830 um that's the bulk of the video so that j9d09q-_Ipy-00201-00040831-00040879 is j9d09q-_Ipy-00202-00040880-00041271 where you um really get to j9d09q-_Ipy-00203-00041272-00041455 uh express what makes you passionate j9d09q-_Ipy-00204-00041456-00041615 about the business so j9d09q-_Ipy-00205-00041616-00041823 you're not don't say what you think they j9d09q-_Ipy-00206-00041824-00041999 should hear or what you think you should j9d09q-_Ipy-00207-00042000-00042095 be saying j9d09q-_Ipy-00208-00042096-00042311 you want to get your ducks in order and j9d09q-_Ipy-00209-00042312-00042479 make sure that j9d09q-_Ipy-00210-00042480-00042662 you know exactly what makes you j9d09q-_Ipy-00211-00042663-00042846 passionate about your business j9d09q-_Ipy-00212-00042847-00043079 and we really flesh that out in the call j9d09q-_Ipy-00213-00043080-00043183 so if we had an j9d09q-_Ipy-00214-00043184-00043415 onboarding call already then we kind of j9d09q-_Ipy-00215-00043416-00043599 fleshed out what makes you passionate j9d09q-_Ipy-00216-00043600-00043735 about your business you want to j9d09q-_Ipy-00217-00043736-00043943 basically make a list of these things or j9d09q-_Ipy-00218-00043944-00044143 ask us to send you a list based on our j9d09q-_Ipy-00219-00044144-00044271 call and j9d09q-_Ipy-00220-00044272-00044607 really just go hard on this part so j9d09q-_Ipy-00221-00044608-00044790 this is the main part that makes people j9d09q-_Ipy-00222-00044791-00045007 interested this is the part where you j9d09q-_Ipy-00223-00045008-00045143 really turn from just an j9d09q-_Ipy-00224-00045144-00045335 you know an interesting opportunity to a j9d09q-_Ipy-00225-00045336-00045543 real person that they want to work with j9d09q-_Ipy-00226-00045544-00045774 and because you basically go and become j9d09q-_Ipy-00227-00045775-00045943 passionate about your business so for j9d09q-_Ipy-00228-00045944-00046030 example j9d09q-_Ipy-00229-00046031-00046262 in our case you know in our video we j9d09q-_Ipy-00230-00046263-00046374 talk about how j9d09q-_Ipy-00231-00046375-00046567 we're the best b2b marketing solution on j9d09q-_Ipy-00232-00046568-00046711 the planet how j9d09q-_Ipy-00233-00046712-00046943 uh we can scale the results we can test j9d09q-_Ipy-00234-00046944-00047030 anything j9d09q-_Ipy-00235-00047031-00047255 uh our system is better than anything j9d09q-_Ipy-00236-00047256-00047351 else you can find j9d09q-_Ipy-00237-00047352-00047543 it's it's gets 10 times better results j9d09q-_Ipy-00238-00047544-00047823 than facebook ads or google ads we work j9d09q-_Ipy-00239-00047824-00047951 directly with you j9d09q-_Ipy-00240-00047952-00048135 basically you know these are things that j9d09q-_Ipy-00241-00048136-00048390 make me passionate as a business owner j9d09q-_Ipy-00242-00048391-00048767 so so the passion comes through j9d09q-_Ipy-00243-00048768-00049086 both emotionally and on a logical level j9d09q-_Ipy-00244-00049087-00049383 and in terms of visual what they see you j9d09q-_Ipy-00245-00049384-00049543 wanna make sure to treat your mouse like j9d09q-_Ipy-00246-00049544-00049646 a hand so j9d09q-_Ipy-00247-00049647-00049790 if i want you to focus on the cold j9d09q-_Ipy-00248-00049791-00049951 emails i'm gonna do this j9d09q-_Ipy-00249-00049952-00050102 i'm gonna go like this i might mark j9d09q-_Ipy-00250-00050103-00050318 something or i might just do like a j9d09q-_Ipy-00251-00050319-00050535 wiggly thing with my mouse not like this j9d09q-_Ipy-00252-00050536-00050662 some people do this j9d09q-_Ipy-00253-00050663-00050895 more like a circular thing like here j9d09q-_Ipy-00254-00050896-00051039 this there's this j9d09q-_Ipy-00255-00051040-00051230 there's that just make sure that the j9d09q-_Ipy-00256-00051232-00051494 mouse is where the eyes should be j9d09q-_Ipy-00257-00051495-00051687 and visually you just want to show j9d09q-_Ipy-00258-00051688-00051830 things that j9d09q-_Ipy-00259-00051832-00052038 kind of emphasize what you're talking j9d09q-_Ipy-00260-00052039-00052199 about so if you're talking about j9d09q-_Ipy-00261-00052200-00052511 how your company is like a family then j9d09q-_Ipy-00262-00052512-00052623 what you want to do j9d09q-_Ipy-00263-00052624-00052950 is to show the a picture of your team j9d09q-_Ipy-00264-00052951-00053159 you know really quality good looking j9d09q-_Ipy-00265-00053160-00053391 picture if you talk about how your j9d09q-_Ipy-00266-00053391-00053607 websites are the best looking websites j9d09q-_Ipy-00267-00053608-00053759 you want to kind of take them quickly j9d09q-_Ipy-00268-00053760-00053966 through really good looking websites j9d09q-_Ipy-00269-00053967-00054166 so again it shouldn't be distracting you j9d09q-_Ipy-00270-00054167-00054375 don't need to go too much into details j9d09q-_Ipy-00271-00054376-00054607 just geek out on your business imagine j9d09q-_Ipy-00272-00054608-00054694 you have like a j9d09q-_Ipy-00273-00054695-00054838 opportunity to talk to somebody who's j9d09q-_Ipy-00274-00054839-00055015 really interested in knowing more j9d09q-_Ipy-00275-00055016-00055142 and to just talk about what's j9d09q-_Ipy-00276-00055144-00055271 interesting to you it doesn't matter j9d09q-_Ipy-00277-00055272-00055399 what they think it doesn't matter j9d09q-_Ipy-00278-00055400-00055582 where they're at they just need to hear j9d09q-_Ipy-00279-00055583-00055782 you are passionate j9d09q-_Ipy-00280-00055783-00055991 finally i would close it out with a j9d09q-_Ipy-00281-00055991-00056175 strong ending j9d09q-_Ipy-00282-00056176-00056447 so basically i would take like the main j9d09q-_Ipy-00283-00056448-00056487 thing j9d09q-_Ipy-00284-00056488-00056735 the main actionable thing about us that j9d09q-_Ipy-00285-00056736-00056863 that you know gets people j9d09q-_Ipy-00286-00056864-00057094 really jacked up so in our case would j9d09q-_Ipy-00287-00057095-00057191 probably say j9d09q-_Ipy-00288-00057191-00057494 like like look we can get you five to 15 j9d09q-_Ipy-00289-00057495-00057550 leads j9d09q-_Ipy-00290-00057551-00057830 per day even on our smallest package and j9d09q-_Ipy-00291-00057832-00058038 again it's literally the best service j9d09q-_Ipy-00292-00058039-00058199 marketing service on the planet for j9d09q-_Ipy-00293-00058200-00058359 businesses i would j9d09q-_Ipy-00294-00058360-00058647 i would basically finish with a really j9d09q-_Ipy-00295-00058648-00058807 strong sentence like that j9d09q-_Ipy-00296-00058808-00059023 where it just leaves an impression j9d09q-_Ipy-00297-00059024-00059119 against something that's j9d09q-_Ipy-00298-00059120-00059415 very hard to forget a important stat j9d09q-_Ipy-00299-00059416-00059550 important feature j9d09q-_Ipy-00300-00059551-00059759 and i would then just finish off with j9d09q-_Ipy-00301-00059760-00059911 what we call an abrupt j9d09q-_Ipy-00302-00059912-00060215 ending so the abrupt ending is extremely j9d09q-_Ipy-00303-00060216-00060535 important abrupt ending j9d09q-_Ipy-00304-00060536-00060815 uh it's it's extremely important because j9d09q-_Ipy-00305-00060816-00061006 the way that most communication j9d09q-_Ipy-00306-00061007-00061335 works with people is that people um j9d09q-_Ipy-00307-00061336-00061503 there's imagine if there's an energy j9d09q-_Ipy-00308-00061504-00061711 level in a call so this is uh j9d09q-_Ipy-00309-00061712-00062006 time and this is the energy what most j9d09q-_Ipy-00310-00062007-00062119 people do j9d09q-_Ipy-00311-00062120-00062382 is they basically build up the energy j9d09q-_Ipy-00312-00062383-00062494 throughout the call j9d09q-_Ipy-00313-00062495-00062679 you know get excited talk about awesome j9d09q-_Ipy-00314-00062679-00062799 things build a good vibe j9d09q-_Ipy-00315-00062800-00062999 and then they let that energy kind of j9d09q-_Ipy-00316-00063000-00063166 simmer down and die out j9d09q-_Ipy-00317-00063167-00063287 and this is really the part of the j9d09q-_Ipy-00318-00063288-00063511 conversation where it's like oh thanks j9d09q-_Ipy-00319-00063512-00063679 you know it was great talking to you j9d09q-_Ipy-00320-00063679-00063950 yeah okay yeah you know have a good day j9d09q-_Ipy-00321-00063951-00064150 uh yeah yeah yeah you know you too j9d09q-_Ipy-00322-00064151-00064375 well good luck blah blah blah okay j9d09q-_Ipy-00323-00064376-00064550 awesome sounds good thank you bye-bye j9d09q-_Ipy-00324-00064551-00064735 and basically the energy just j9d09q-_Ipy-00325-00064736-00065023 drops and when people's energy drop they j9d09q-_Ipy-00326-00065024-00065247 had like a full cycle of communication j9d09q-_Ipy-00327-00065248-00065430 they're not gonna need more because they j9d09q-_Ipy-00328-00065432-00065655 got their fix and what we want you to do j9d09q-_Ipy-00329-00065656-00065775 is to basically j9d09q-_Ipy-00330-00065776-00065959 you know if this is the video and the j9d09q-_Ipy-00331-00065960-00066175 energy basically starts like hey thank j9d09q-_Ipy-00332-00066176-00066350 you so much for you know replying to the j9d09q-_Ipy-00333-00066351-00066479 email i'm going to show you this and j9d09q-_Ipy-00334-00066480-00066567 this and this j9d09q-_Ipy-00335-00066568-00066735 and you geek out and you know oh my j9d09q-_Ipy-00336-00066736-00066887 business can do this and j9d09q-_Ipy-00337-00066888-00067071 we do this and it's so awesome and we j9d09q-_Ipy-00338-00067072-00067223 can do this for you and this and this j9d09q-_Ipy-00339-00067224-00067279 and this j9d09q-_Ipy-00340-00067280-00067423 so basically you let the passion kind of j9d09q-_Ipy-00341-00067424-00067615 build build build build build j9d09q-_Ipy-00342-00067616-00067847 and then right at the peak where you j9d09q-_Ipy-00343-00067848-00067975 have the strong ending where you're kind j9d09q-_Ipy-00344-00067976-00068206 of like whoa like we can do this for you j9d09q-_Ipy-00345-00068207-00068487 then you abruptly end it you don't say j9d09q-_Ipy-00346-00068488-00068550 goodbye j9d09q-_Ipy-00347-00068551-00068823 you don't end it courteously obviously j9d09q-_Ipy-00348-00068824-00069006 you don't cut yourself mid-sentence but j9d09q-_Ipy-00349-00069007-00069150 it would be something like you know and j9d09q-_Ipy-00350-00069151-00069294 we can do this and this and this and j9d09q-_Ipy-00351-00069295-00069343 this j9d09q-_Ipy-00352-00069344-00069623 and that's why we're the most uh you j9d09q-_Ipy-00353-00069624-00069871 know the best b2b marketing platform j9d09q-_Ipy-00354-00069872-00070111 on the planet and can get you five to 15 j9d09q-_Ipy-00355-00070112-00070223 leads per j9d09q-_Ipy-00356-00070224-00070526 day done j9d09q-_Ipy-00357-00070527-00070687 like that that's how it ends basically j9d09q-_Ipy-00358-00070688-00071038 like like not thank you not just j9d09q-_Ipy-00359-00071039-00071287 boom strong ending they're gonna go from j9d09q-_Ipy-00360-00071288-00071550 there they're gonna go back to the email j9d09q-_Ipy-00361-00071551-00071726 and they're going to schedule a call and j9d09q-_Ipy-00362-00071727-00071950 if they don't you can always follow them j9d09q-_Ipy-00363-00071951-00071991 up j9d09q-_Ipy-00364-00071992-00072111 you know make sure that they watch the j9d09q-_Ipy-00365-00072112-00072294 video basically our motto j9d09q-_Ipy-00366-00072295-00072606 motto is you know until be as aggressive j9d09q-_Ipy-00367-00072607-00072694 as you want j9d09q-_Ipy-00368-00072695-00073006 until they get give you a yes or no so j9d09q-_Ipy-00369-00073007-00073159 basically you know until somebody j9d09q-_Ipy-00370-00073160-00073359 watched the video and j9d09q-_Ipy-00371-00073360-00073638 tells you it's interesting i want to j9d09q-_Ipy-00372-00073639-00073759 learn more or j9d09q-_Ipy-00373-00073760-00074006 you know i'm not interested it's limbo j9d09q-_Ipy-00374-00074007-00074223 so you want to really push hard on that j9d09q-_Ipy-00375-00074224-00074423 and that that's basically the process j9d09q-_Ipy-00376-00074424-00074599 it's a very simple process j9d09q-_Ipy-00377-00074600-00074871 and this then leads obviously to to a j9d09q-_Ipy-00378-00074872-00075015 scheduled call j9d09q-_Ipy-00379-00075016-00075238 uh and at that point you know when j9d09q-_Ipy-00380-00075239-00075335 somebody got j9d09q-_Ipy-00381-00075336-00075694 all the way through this uh this process j9d09q-_Ipy-00382-00075695-00075879 again sorry for the misspelling i'm j9d09q-_Ipy-00383-00075880-00076015 trying to do it j9d09q-_Ipy-00384-00076016-00076319 quite fast so when somebody got to this j9d09q-_Ipy-00385-00076320-00076406 point j9d09q-_Ipy-00386-00076407-00076759 uh they're ready like when they get here j9d09q-_Ipy-00387-00076760-00076935 they basically you know got an email j9d09q-_Ipy-00388-00076936-00077135 we're interested got all the honest j9d09q-_Ipy-00389-00077136-00077271 signals in the world like again your j9d09q-_Ipy-00390-00077272-00077471 entrepreneurial expert j9d09q-_Ipy-00391-00077472-00077719 really smart good with people and by the j9d09q-_Ipy-00392-00077720-00077919 moment by the time they got here j9d09q-_Ipy-00393-00077920-00078175 went back and scheduled like they're j9d09q-_Ipy-00394-00078176-00078223 good j9d09q-_Ipy-00395-00078224-00078415 like if if they're a good fit they're j9d09q-_Ipy-00396-00078416-00078783 gonna close jr543IrSExE-00000-00001124-00003701 thank you jr543IrSExE-00002-00007490-00009869 thank you jr543IrSExE-00005-00017058-00017459 foreign jr543IrSExE-00006-00017460-00018172 [Music] jr543IrSExE-00008-00021437-00023537 foreign jr543IrSExE-00009-00023538-00024208 [Music] jr543IrSExE-00010-00024209-00024524 [Music] jr7dxU6gxmc-00000-00000007-00000320 hi everyone Lewis here and welcome to a jr7dxU6gxmc-00001-00000321-00000559 new episode of autism talk there's a jr7dxU6gxmc-00002-00000560-00000811 side to me I want to talk about as you jr7dxU6gxmc-00003-00000813-00001087 all know I'm autistic my case is mild jr7dxU6gxmc-00004-00001088-00001450 also known as Asperger syndrome today jr7dxU6gxmc-00005-00001451-00001766 I'll be talking about autistic people jr7dxU6gxmc-00006-00001767-00001976 and how they can explain how to do jr7dxU6gxmc-00007-00001977-00002185 things step by step if you like this jr7dxU6gxmc-00008-00002186-00002423 video please hit the like button be sure jr7dxU6gxmc-00009-00002424-00002593 to subscribe to my channel and hit the jr7dxU6gxmc-00010-00002594-00002723 bell Furler to want to upload new jr7dxU6gxmc-00011-00002724-00002957 content to the channel especially those jr7dxU6gxmc-00012-00002958-00003238 with disabilities similar to mine I also jr7dxU6gxmc-00013-00003239-00003547 like to thank my best friend Jesse Fred jr7dxU6gxmc-00014-00003548-00003743 Lynn for inspiring this video I will be jr7dxU6gxmc-00015-00003744-00003974 sure to post links to our information in jr7dxU6gxmc-00016-00003975-00004166 the description below and also feel free jr7dxU6gxmc-00017-00004167-00004536 to follow and subscribe to her as well jr7dxU6gxmc-00018-00004537-00004859 being autistic also has its pros and jr7dxU6gxmc-00019-00004860-00005072 cons and one of the pros I'm going to jr7dxU6gxmc-00020-00005073-00005395 talk about is being able to explain how jr7dxU6gxmc-00021-00005396-00005699 to do things step by step this video was jr7dxU6gxmc-00022-00005700-00006002 inspired by Jessie herself when her and jr7dxU6gxmc-00023-00006003-00006211 I were talking to each other about some jr7dxU6gxmc-00024-00006212-00006626 things this is one of those times where jr7dxU6gxmc-00025-00006627-00006908 my handicap has become my friend for jr7dxU6gxmc-00026-00006909-00007145 example we were talking about how to jr7dxU6gxmc-00027-00007145-00007430 install a mass trap cover onto masks for jr7dxU6gxmc-00028-00007431-00007595 scuba diving since her and I are both jr7dxU6gxmc-00029-00007595-00008041 scuba divers I also owe this to reading jr7dxU6gxmc-00030-00008042-00008357 feeling and seeing how things like the jr7dxU6gxmc-00031-00008358-00008641 mass trap cover goes onto the mask jr7dxU6gxmc-00032-00008642-00008974 another example talking about how I was jr7dxU6gxmc-00033-00008975-00009214 helping her prepare for her scuba jr7dxU6gxmc-00034-00009215-00009641 training by talking about how to connect jr7dxU6gxmc-00035-00009642-00009884 the regulator to a scuba tank to even jr7dxU6gxmc-00036-00009885-00010091 connecting the regulator to the BCD this jr7dxU6gxmc-00037-00010092-00010445 is something that has come in handy when jr7dxU6gxmc-00038-00010446-00010689 it comes to helping my friends out a lot jr7dxU6gxmc-00039-00010690-00010916 there are times I haven't found jr7dxU6gxmc-00040-00010917-00011081 directions and didn't pay attention jr7dxU6gxmc-00041-00011082-00011319 which led to jr7dxU6gxmc-00042-00011320-00011592 mistakes I've made which is why it's jr7dxU6gxmc-00043-00011593-00011727 always important to follow the jr7dxU6gxmc-00044-00011728-00011973 directions and pay attention sometimes jr7dxU6gxmc-00045-00011974-00012141 it's hard for autistic people to pay jr7dxU6gxmc-00046-00012142-00012363 attention which can be a struggle in jr7dxU6gxmc-00047-00012364-00012744 class at work and in life in general jr7dxU6gxmc-00048-00012745-00012933 this is something I've been told over jr7dxU6gxmc-00049-00012934-00013088 the years by different people from my jr7dxU6gxmc-00050-00013089-00013391 teachers to my parents even my bosses at jr7dxU6gxmc-00051-00013393-00013674 my jobs thanks for watching everyone you jr7dxU6gxmc-00052-00013675-00013824 can also follow me on Instagram Twitter jr7dxU6gxmc-00053-00013825-00014094 and Facebook and remember it's time for jr7dxU6gxmc-00054-00014094-00014519 adventure jr7dxU6gxmc-00055-00014519-00015235 [Music] jrhUf_-xtQQ-00000-00000104-00000327 giles brassard is a faculty member of jrhUf_-xtQQ-00001-00000328-00000551 the universite de montreal where he has jrhUf_-xtQQ-00002-00000552-00000799 been a full professor since 1988 and jrhUf_-xtQQ-00003-00000800-00001647 canada research chair since 2001. jrhUf_-xtQQ-00004-00001648-00002191 education and early life jrhUf_-xtQQ-00005-00002192-00002439 brassard received a phd in computer jrhUf_-xtQQ-00006-00002440-00002767 science from cornell university in 1979 jrhUf_-xtQQ-00007-00002768-00002934 working in the field of cryptography jrhUf_-xtQQ-00008-00002935-00003759 with john hopcroft as his advisor jrhUf_-xtQQ-00009-00003760-00004191 research jrhUf_-xtQQ-00010-00004192-00004351 brassard is best known for his jrhUf_-xtQQ-00011-00004352-00004575 fundamental work in quantum cryptography jrhUf_-xtQQ-00012-00004576-00004759 quantum teleportation quantum jrhUf_-xtQQ-00013-00004760-00004943 entanglement distillation quantum jrhUf_-xtQQ-00014-00004944-00005127 pseudotelepathy and the classical jrhUf_-xtQQ-00015-00005128-00005383 simulation of quantum entanglement jrhUf_-xtQQ-00016-00005384-00005527 some of these concepts have been jrhUf_-xtQQ-00017-00005528-00005767 implemented in the laboratory jrhUf_-xtQQ-00018-00005768-00006063 in 1984 together with charles h bennett jrhUf_-xtQQ-00019-00006064-00006302 he invented the bb-84 protocol for jrhUf_-xtQQ-00020-00006303-00006495 quantum cryptography jrhUf_-xtQQ-00021-00006495-00006695 he later extended this work to include jrhUf_-xtQQ-00022-00006695-00006919 the cascade error correction protocol jrhUf_-xtQQ-00023-00006920-00007110 which performs efficient detection and jrhUf_-xtQQ-00024-00007111-00007255 correction of noise caused by jrhUf_-xtQQ-00025-00007256-00007463 eavesdropping on quantum cryptographic jrhUf_-xtQQ-00026-00007464-00008055 signals jrhUf_-xtQQ-00027-00008056-00008623 topic awards and honors jrhUf_-xtQQ-00028-00008624-00008823 brassard was the editor-in-chief of the jrhUf_-xtQQ-00029-00008824-00009255 journal of cryptology from 1991 to 1998. jrhUf_-xtQQ-00030-00009256-00009510 in 2000 he won the pre-marie victorian jrhUf_-xtQQ-00031-00009511-00009687 the highest scientific award of the jrhUf_-xtQQ-00032-00009688-00009846 government of quebec jrhUf_-xtQQ-00033-00009847-00010014 he was elected as a fellow of the jrhUf_-xtQQ-00034-00010015-00010183 international association for jrhUf_-xtQQ-00035-00010184-00010471 cryptologic research in 2006 the first jrhUf_-xtQQ-00036-00010472-00010678 canadian to be so honored jrhUf_-xtQQ-00037-00010679-00010935 in june 2010 he was awarded the gerhard jrhUf_-xtQQ-00038-00010936-00011151 herzberg canada gold medal canada's jrhUf_-xtQQ-00039-00011152-00011374 highest scientific honor jrhUf_-xtQQ-00040-00011375-00011551 brassard was elected a fellow of the jrhUf_-xtQQ-00041-00011552-00011767 royal society of canada and the royal jrhUf_-xtQQ-00042-00011768-00012031 society of london 2013. jrhUf_-xtQQ-00043-00012032-00012246 his nomination reads jrhUf_-xtQQ-00044-00012247-00012551 on december 30 2013 the governor-general jrhUf_-xtQQ-00045-00012552-00012751 of canada the right honourable david jrhUf_-xtQQ-00046-00012752-00012966 johnston announced that giles brassard jrhUf_-xtQQ-00047-00012967-00013119 has been named as an officer in the jrhUf_-xtQQ-00048-00013119-00013279 order of canada jrhUf_-xtQQ-00049-00013280-00013543 in 2018 he received the wolf prize in jrhUf_-xtQQ-00050-00013544-00013844 physics jrqjWrRdrGy-00000-00000065-00000469 [Music] jrqjWrRdrGy-00001-00000470-00000767 it's about taking personal jrqjWrRdrGy-00002-00000768-00000935 responsibility it's it's putting the jrqjWrRdrGy-00003-00000936-00001208 blame on yourself not on others I had a jrqjWrRdrGy-00004-00001209-00001415 question about if if you have a jrqjWrRdrGy-00005-00001416-00001612 situation come up where do you draw the jrqjWrRdrGy-00006-00001613-00001934 line between taking ownership and jrqjWrRdrGy-00007-00001935-00002167 personal responsibility and actually jrqjWrRdrGy-00008-00002168-00002401 standing up for yourself and I know that jrqjWrRdrGy-00009-00002402-00002659 can come across as excuses so where do jrqjWrRdrGy-00010-00002660-00002813 you draw the line between all of those jrqjWrRdrGy-00011-00002814-00003049 three things jrqjWrRdrGy-00012-00003050-00003635 that's a difficult one you know very jrqjWrRdrGy-00013-00003636-00004028 rarely when you're defensive is there jrqjWrRdrGy-00014-00004029-00004547 gonna be a positive outcome a lot of jrqjWrRdrGy-00015-00004548-00004850 that has to do with how the situation is jrqjWrRdrGy-00016-00004851-00005111 being expressed to you I guess something jrqjWrRdrGy-00017-00005112-00005375 someone says something you hey you know jrqjWrRdrGy-00018-00005376-00005590 I don't like the way that this was done jrqjWrRdrGy-00019-00005591-00005936 that would put you on the defensive but jrqjWrRdrGy-00020-00005937-00006083 if they're just saying like hey let's jrqjWrRdrGy-00021-00006084-00006242 talk about you know how that meeting jrqjWrRdrGy-00022-00006243-00006511 went and if you instantly go to the jrqjWrRdrGy-00023-00006512-00006646 defensive it's probably the indicators jrqjWrRdrGy-00024-00006647-00006835 you knew that something didn't go right jrqjWrRdrGy-00025-00006836-00006992 and that it was probably something that jrqjWrRdrGy-00026-00006993-00007325 you needed take responsibility for but I jrqjWrRdrGy-00027-00007326-00007580 think when you take personal jrqjWrRdrGy-00028-00007581-00007834 responsibility into that situation it's jrqjWrRdrGy-00029-00007834-00008231 owning the mistake owning not even the jrqjWrRdrGy-00030-00008232-00008335 mistake just what you could have done jrqjWrRdrGy-00031-00008336-00008828 better and putting that out there you jrqjWrRdrGy-00032-00008829-00009020 know the whole idea of personal jrqjWrRdrGy-00033-00009021-00009233 responsibility is to be able to grow and jrqjWrRdrGy-00034-00009234-00009419 all the way you can grow is by becoming jrqjWrRdrGy-00035-00009420-00009623 aware and shedding light on the things jrqjWrRdrGy-00036-00009624-00009908 that could it be improved on and so I jrqjWrRdrGy-00037-00009909-00010099 think the difference is like one is jrqjWrRdrGy-00038-00010100-00010385 defensive and one is offensive jrqjWrRdrGy-00039-00010386-00010613 the defensive being like oh I did this jrqjWrRdrGy-00040-00010614-00010751 because of that and that's why I do jrqjWrRdrGy-00041-00010752-00010991 you're just defending yourself as to why jrqjWrRdrGy-00042-00010992-00011227 you did something that way versus the jrqjWrRdrGy-00043-00011228-00011466 personal responsibility says you know jrqjWrRdrGy-00044-00011467-00011762 yeah you know I could have done it this jrqjWrRdrGy-00045-00011763-00012002 other way and and it could have been jrqjWrRdrGy-00046-00012003-00012259 better it could have been the same let jrqjWrRdrGy-00047-00012260-00012421 me look at that let me do some research jrqjWrRdrGy-00048-00012422-00012580 and figure out the best way we can do it jrqjWrRdrGy-00049-00012581-00012773 moving forward and so for me the jrqjWrRdrGy-00050-00012774-00012863 personal supposed today is more jrqjWrRdrGy-00051-00012863-00013172 problem-solving then the self defense of jrqjWrRdrGy-00052-00013172-00013336 just trying to defend your own position jrqjWrRdrGy-00053-00013337-00013583 it's like so personal responsibility jrqjWrRdrGy-00054-00013584-00013877 puts both people's opinions and both jrqjWrRdrGy-00055-00013878-00014041 people's feelings on the table whereas jrqjWrRdrGy-00056-00014043-00014435 self defense is just purely telling them jrqjWrRdrGy-00057-00014436-00014672 how you feel and not really taking the jrqjWrRdrGy-00058-00014672-00014938 other person's opinion jrXyQHq9MPE-00000-00000003-00000419 so I work with opener rights group I jrXyQHq9MPE-00001-00000420-00000692 cover policy across the board but in the jrXyQHq9MPE-00002-00000693-00001043 past year and a half or two years I jrXyQHq9MPE-00003-00001044-00001286 spent quite a lot of my time looking at jrXyQHq9MPE-00004-00001287-00001609 digital trade or the world of trade jrXyQHq9MPE-00005-00001610-00001895 magazine saying because when we looked jrXyQHq9MPE-00006-00001896-00002105 at the impact of brexit but we realized jrXyQHq9MPE-00007-00002106-00002302 that the UK was not just going to stand jrXyQHq9MPE-00008-00002303-00002450 alone in that luntik was actually going jrXyQHq9MPE-00009-00002451-00002725 to start building bridges mainly towards jrXyQHq9MPE-00010-00002726-00002897 the US but then as we discovered not jrXyQHq9MPE-00011-00002898-00003125 just with the US no but I think that jrXyQHq9MPE-00012-00003126-00003274 something that is very important to get jrXyQHq9MPE-00013-00003275-00003454 through is that this is going to be a jrXyQHq9MPE-00014-00003455-00003779 choice between different regulations you jrXyQHq9MPE-00015-00003779-00003940 know it's not just that UK going along jrXyQHq9MPE-00016-00003942-00004274 but getting closer to the US or staying jrXyQHq9MPE-00017-00004275-00004418 closer to Europe and that is one of the jrXyQHq9MPE-00018-00004419-00004847 key key issues so what is digital trade jrXyQHq9MPE-00019-00004848-00005075 so in the world of trade you know there jrXyQHq9MPE-00020-00005076-00005276 has been quite a lot of discussion jrXyQHq9MPE-00021-00005277-00005525 around ecommerce you know things like jrXyQHq9MPE-00022-00005526-00005827 tariffs on electronic goods electronic jrXyQHq9MPE-00023-00005828-00006017 signatures you know the problems of you jrXyQHq9MPE-00024-00006018-00006170 know trying to get a contract across jrXyQHq9MPE-00025-00006171-00006299 borders and things like that jrXyQHq9MPE-00026-00006300-00006610 and for a few years you know since 2001 jrXyQHq9MPE-00027-00006611-00006853 or even before he not there this thing jrXyQHq9MPE-00028-00006854-00007117 has slowly evolved into discussion jrXyQHq9MPE-00029-00007118-00007448 around digital beyond ecommerce and the jrXyQHq9MPE-00030-00007448-00007703 idea of you know a little online shop jrXyQHq9MPE-00031-00007704-00007967 has developed into large internet jrXyQHq9MPE-00032-00007968-00008173 platforms you know and the regulation of jrXyQHq9MPE-00033-00008175-00008378 a modern Internet which is not just jrXyQHq9MPE-00034-00008379-00008632 independent websites but mainly large jrXyQHq9MPE-00035-00008633-00009119 mainly American companies and there and jrXyQHq9MPE-00036-00009120-00009224 of course once they just start dealing jrXyQHq9MPE-00037-00009225-00009478 with these issues you know you're not jrXyQHq9MPE-00038-00009479-00009758 just dealing with economic transactions jrXyQHq9MPE-00039-00009759-00010033 you know you're dealing with information jrXyQHq9MPE-00040-00010034-00010264 personal information in some cases so jrXyQHq9MPE-00041-00010265-00010451 you're dealing with privacy your jrXyQHq9MPE-00042-00010452-00010658 expression intellectual property and all jrXyQHq9MPE-00043-00010659-00010826 these things that we have been dealing jrXyQHq9MPE-00044-00010827-00011014 with in open rights group so basically jrXyQHq9MPE-00045-00011015-00011288 this world has totally jumped into our jrXyQHq9MPE-00046-00011289-00011506 space you know almost like as much as we jrXyQHq9MPE-00047-00011507-00011924 had jumped into their space and then the jrXyQHq9MPE-00048-00011925-00012044 important things there is not just about jrXyQHq9MPE-00049-00012045-00012292 digital rights in our space but the way jrXyQHq9MPE-00050-00012293-00012467 that the internet touches absolutely jrXyQHq9MPE-00051-00012468-00012599 everything we do you know like what jrXyQHq9MPE-00052-00012600-00012755 you know if you're a farmer putting jrXyQHq9MPE-00053-00012756-00012956 sensors that will go into like some sort jrXyQHq9MPE-00054-00012957-00013141 of digital platform to measure the jrXyQHq9MPE-00055-00013143-00013376 humidity of your soil and plug into the jrXyQHq9MPE-00056-00013377-00013511 weather predictions and then jrXyQHq9MPE-00057-00013512-00013700 automatically you know start watering jrXyQHq9MPE-00058-00013701-00013976 your fields everything we do you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00059-00013977-00014240 factories agriculture you know dating jrXyQHq9MPE-00060-00014241-00014459 all our lives are now wrapped around jrXyQHq9MPE-00061-00014460-00014719 digital technologies so the regulation jrXyQHq9MPE-00062-00014721-00014894 of digital technology in the Droid jrXyQHq9MPE-00063-00014894-00015094 chapter is one of those things that they jrXyQHq9MPE-00064-00015096-00015257 say there's a bit of a horizontal theme jrXyQHq9MPE-00065-00015258-00015455 that will actually touch on pretty much jrXyQHq9MPE-00066-00015456-00016178 everything we do and so there are quite jrXyQHq9MPE-00067-00016179-00016429 a few specific issues now over the years jrXyQHq9MPE-00068-00016430-00016754 this what used to be called ecommerce jrXyQHq9MPE-00069-00016755-00016940 but now there are some typical digital jrXyQHq9MPE-00070-00016941-00017210 trade chapters in trade deals they start jrXyQHq9MPE-00071-00017211-00017366 to take shape and they are now stand to jrXyQHq9MPE-00072-00017367-00017626 look a bit similar to each other so jrXyQHq9MPE-00073-00017627-00017888 first come to like Australia Singapore jrXyQHq9MPE-00074-00017889-00018140 New Zealand they started in bringing jrXyQHq9MPE-00075-00018141-00018394 these kind of clauses in their bilateral jrXyQHq9MPE-00076-00018395-00018719 deals now the US and the trans-pacific jrXyQHq9MPE-00077-00018720-00018946 partnership some the big you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00078-00018947-00019196 players in the game they started also jrXyQHq9MPE-00079-00019197-00019388 implementing this and it's a bit like jrXyQHq9MPE-00080-00019389-00019637 free software in the sense that there's jrXyQHq9MPE-00081-00019638-00019900 a viral element to these things and you jrXyQHq9MPE-00082-00019901-00020108 put some text in one free trade jrXyQHq9MPE-00083-00020109-00020312 agreement and then the next free trade jrXyQHq9MPE-00084-00020313-00020438 agreements does looking suspiciously jrXyQHq9MPE-00085-00020439-00020666 similar like the one before and I jrXyQHq9MPE-00086-00020667-00020887 actually was in a meeting today the jrXyQHq9MPE-00087-00020888-00021305 Foreign Office and trade jacket and they jrXyQHq9MPE-00088-00021306-00021467 and we were discussing this you know the jrXyQHq9MPE-00089-00021468-00021644 Americans they you know keep asking for jrXyQHq9MPE-00090-00021645-00021778 this and that we don't know why say well jrXyQHq9MPE-00091-00021779-00022013 one reason is because they want to have jrXyQHq9MPE-00092-00022014-00022225 the same that they have in their trade jrXyQHq9MPE-00093-00022226-00022415 before in a Tribune before because when jrXyQHq9MPE-00094-00022416-00022600 they go to the next deal they will point jrXyQHq9MPE-00095-00022601-00022808 at you and say look what we got here so jrXyQHq9MPE-00096-00022809-00022958 you need to sign up to the same there is jrXyQHq9MPE-00097-00022959-00023111 this idea of you know building an jrXyQHq9MPE-00098-00023112-00023369 example for the next deal but you get is jrXyQHq9MPE-00099-00023370-00023588 basically harmonization of regulations jrXyQHq9MPE-00100-00023589-00023759 across the board this happens in other jrXyQHq9MPE-00101-00023760-00024005 areas not just in digital trade and it's jrXyQHq9MPE-00102-00024006-00024247 a well-known pattern of of the world of jrXyQHq9MPE-00103-00024248-00024485 trade which unfortunately means that you jrXyQHq9MPE-00104-00024486-00024700 know there if you get something bad it jrXyQHq9MPE-00105-00024701-00024935 gets reproduced you know quite easily jrXyQHq9MPE-00106-00024936-00025199 also because trade negotiators they jrXyQHq9MPE-00107-00025200-00025403 don't know anything about the internet I jrXyQHq9MPE-00108-00025404-00025603 mean they will be swapping you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00109-00025604-00025992 privacy for lamb legs from Zealand or jrXyQHq9MPE-00110-00025993-00026187 you know car parts from China you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00111-00026188-00026382 for them and everything's or bananas you jrXyQHq9MPE-00112-00026383-00026562 know from the Caribbean you know for jrXyQHq9MPE-00113-00026563-00026667 them everything is just like a trade jrXyQHq9MPE-00114-00026668-00026970 topic I mean they can be swap know if it jrXyQHq9MPE-00115-00026970-00027221 makes sense for the bigger deal so what jrXyQHq9MPE-00116-00027222-00027387 are the issues that we when we talk jrXyQHq9MPE-00117-00027388-00027561 about digital trade you know what is the jrXyQHq9MPE-00118-00027562-00027740 digital trade agenda or what is in a jrXyQHq9MPE-00119-00027741-00028245 modern you know trade deal you have the jrXyQHq9MPE-00120-00028245-00028433 protection of the free flow of data that jrXyQHq9MPE-00121-00028435-00028581 is one of the paramount and that's jrXyQHq9MPE-00122-00028582-00028749 something that you know we tend to like jrXyQHq9MPE-00123-00028750-00029082 then you have things around like a ban jrXyQHq9MPE-00124-00029083-00029337 on force localization of computing jrXyQHq9MPE-00125-00029338-00029508 facilities and this kind of makes sense jrXyQHq9MPE-00126-00029508-00029664 I mean you are a large internet company jrXyQHq9MPE-00127-00029664-00029864 and you go to you want to start selling jrXyQHq9MPE-00128-00029866-00030114 flood services in the country and they jrXyQHq9MPE-00129-00030114-00030243 say well no you have to set up a server jrXyQHq9MPE-00130-00030244-00030585 here in July well burundi you know may jrXyQHq9MPE-00131-00030586-00030810 not have the best infrastructure and is jrXyQHq9MPE-00132-00030811-00031014 there a real case actually know where jrXyQHq9MPE-00133-00031014-00031242 they they don't have enough literally jrXyQHq9MPE-00134-00031243-00031374 technical or even electrical jrXyQHq9MPE-00135-00031375-00031562 infrastructure for data centers so why jrXyQHq9MPE-00136-00031563-00031814 would you be forced to spend a lot of jrXyQHq9MPE-00137-00031816-00032015 money so you cannot cancel yeah I can jrXyQHq9MPE-00138-00032016-00032175 see your point of view you know why you jrXyQHq9MPE-00139-00032176-00032387 would want to stop that so we don't want jrXyQHq9MPE-00140-00032388-00032639 you know China Russia to force companies jrXyQHq9MPE-00141-00032641-00032844 to set up the data in the country jrXyQHq9MPE-00142-00032845-00033036 no because obviously there is a risk jrXyQHq9MPE-00143-00033037-00033255 there then you talk to people from other jrXyQHq9MPE-00144-00033256-00033495 countries and they they have problems jrXyQHq9MPE-00145-00033496-00033846 with this as well so something else that jrXyQHq9MPE-00146-00033847-00034062 you find now is the ban on the jrXyQHq9MPE-00147-00034063-00034277 disclosure of source code which again jrXyQHq9MPE-00148-00034278-00034533 makes sense if you are going to set up a jrXyQHq9MPE-00149-00034534-00034758 company go to China and say yeah we need jrXyQHq9MPE-00150-00034759-00034986 to know your technology you know because jrXyQHq9MPE-00151-00034987-00035237 you could have something hidden here and jrXyQHq9MPE-00152-00035238-00035430 next day you find another company jrXyQHq9MPE-00153-00035431-00035643 selling exactly what you were doing you jrXyQHq9MPE-00154-00035644-00035832 know a program that's lit like the one jrXyQHq9MPE-00155-00035833-00036126 that you just disclosed magically happen jrXyQHq9MPE-00156-00036127-00036312 so you can see why companies want these jrXyQHq9MPE-00157-00036313-00036486 things to happen but you can also see jrXyQHq9MPE-00158-00036487-00036683 the problem you know when it comes to jrXyQHq9MPE-00159-00036684-00036945 like algorithmic accountability and that jrXyQHq9MPE-00160-00036946-00037358 kind of thing and then do you have other jrXyQHq9MPE-00161-00037359-00037605 kind of things that are potentially less jrXyQHq9MPE-00162-00037606-00037796 controversial you know I mean those top jrXyQHq9MPE-00163-00037797-00038160 three are like the big heavy points then jrXyQHq9MPE-00164-00038161-00038258 you have things that you would call jrXyQHq9MPE-00165-00038259-00038468 genuine ecommerce like electronic jrXyQHq9MPE-00166-00038469-00038706 signatures tariffs you know and that jrXyQHq9MPE-00167-00038707-00038939 sort of thing and finally you have jrXyQHq9MPE-00168-00038940-00039210 things that we actually like like net jrXyQHq9MPE-00169-00039211-00039350 neutrality jrXyQHq9MPE-00170-00039351-00039509 protections you know even data jrXyQHq9MPE-00171-00039510-00039830 protection can be in some closest we jrXyQHq9MPE-00172-00039831-00039992 will see I mean they the problem is that jrXyQHq9MPE-00173-00039993-00040169 sometimes you may like those things when jrXyQHq9MPE-00174-00040170-00040346 you may not want to put them in a trade jrXyQHq9MPE-00175-00040347-00040547 deal you know where they could be either jrXyQHq9MPE-00176-00040548-00040949 too superficial or trade it away but so jrXyQHq9MPE-00177-00040950-00041306 going into the flow of data I mean this jrXyQHq9MPE-00178-00041307-00041528 is a report from a lobbying and jrXyQHq9MPE-00179-00041529-00041666 organization you know it looks at the jrXyQHq9MPE-00180-00041667-00041909 type of controls and data flows you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00181-00041910-00042038 you can see actually most of the data jrXyQHq9MPE-00182-00042039-00042179 when they're talking about data is not jrXyQHq9MPE-00183-00042180-00042437 even personal specifically accounting jrXyQHq9MPE-00184-00042438-00042671 tax and financial data only that at some jrXyQHq9MPE-00185-00042672-00042920 point it is financial data you know it's jrXyQHq9MPE-00186-00042921-00042968 personal jrXyQHq9MPE-00187-00042969-00043139 and it has an impact but the second jrXyQHq9MPE-00188-00043140-00043364 problem that the free trade people have jrXyQHq9MPE-00189-00043365-00043607 is that the flow of personal data and jrXyQHq9MPE-00190-00043608-00043754 that basically is going straight jrXyQHq9MPE-00191-00043755-00044086 head-to-head with the whole GDP are and jrXyQHq9MPE-00192-00044087-00044315 data protection system that we have in jrXyQHq9MPE-00193-00044316-00044573 Europe so as we said before you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00194-00044574-00044720 every internet activist you know like jrXyQHq9MPE-00195-00044721-00044957 the free flow of data you know we have jrXyQHq9MPE-00196-00044958-00045140 been talking about for twenty years now jrXyQHq9MPE-00197-00045141-00045281 you know what how the internet is going jrXyQHq9MPE-00198-00045282-00045491 to bring information across the planet jrXyQHq9MPE-00199-00045492-00045704 and help you know bring down the jrXyQHq9MPE-00200-00045705-00045902 barriers of access to information but jrXyQHq9MPE-00201-00045903-00046091 now twenty years down the line we also jrXyQHq9MPE-00202-00046092-00046319 care about privacy and we actually like jrXyQHq9MPE-00203-00046320-00046576 things like gdpr and this kind of jrXyQHq9MPE-00204-00046577-00046844 provision you know will really go jrXyQHq9MPE-00205-00046845-00047129 head-to-head with gdpr so you have one jrXyQHq9MPE-00206-00047130-00047276 bit of legislation that says you cannot jrXyQHq9MPE-00207-00047277-00047426 send data to a country where there are jrXyQHq9MPE-00208-00047427-00047729 no good protections and the other one jrXyQHq9MPE-00209-00047730-00047888 tells you you can't stop the data from jrXyQHq9MPE-00210-00047889-00048128 going to any country so how do you marry jrXyQHq9MPE-00211-00048129-00048551 those things there are exceptions so jrXyQHq9MPE-00212-00048552-00048692 there are things where in the world you jrXyQHq9MPE-00213-00048693-00048827 know if you can demonstrate that you jrXyQHq9MPE-00214-00048828-00049031 have a public policy objective that is jrXyQHq9MPE-00215-00049032-00049274 not going to harm the that is actually jrXyQHq9MPE-00216-00049275-00049433 not something that you are doing to as jrXyQHq9MPE-00217-00049434-00049694 an economic punitive measure you can try jrXyQHq9MPE-00218-00049695-00049880 to get this thing through and if you jrXyQHq9MPE-00219-00049881-00050081 talk to trade and other places they jrXyQHq9MPE-00220-00050082-00050342 sometimes argue in those lines but then jrXyQHq9MPE-00221-00050343-00050540 you talk to other trade advocate and say jrXyQHq9MPE-00222-00050541-00050948 well if you go to wdl with something jrXyQHq9MPE-00223-00050949-00051167 like this to get your exception through jrXyQHq9MPE-00224-00051168-00051404 is actually quite hard unless you're jrXyQHq9MPE-00225-00051404-00051575 like a really big country so the US will jrXyQHq9MPE-00226-00051576-00051782 put a lot of pressure and you and they jrXyQHq9MPE-00227-00051783-00051940 will threaten and they will go to the jrXyQHq9MPE-00228-00051941-00052169 course and put a lot of money trying to jrXyQHq9MPE-00229-00052170-00052325 stop you from wanting an exemption jrXyQHq9MPE-00230-00052326-00052504 actually exemptions on paper in the jrXyQHq9MPE-00231-00052505-00052721 world of trade look very good impact jrXyQHq9MPE-00232-00052722-00052997 this they don't tend to work very well jrXyQHq9MPE-00233-00052998-00053153 so it's better to actually get rid of jrXyQHq9MPE-00234-00053154-00053275 the problem by removing the original jrXyQHq9MPE-00235-00053276-00053873 clothes then the you also find closest jrXyQHq9MPE-00236-00053874-00054059 that say well you know do you need to jrXyQHq9MPE-00237-00054060-00054199 have data protection so you can have jrXyQHq9MPE-00238-00054200-00054355 free flow of data only with countries jrXyQHq9MPE-00239-00054356-00054550 that have got ok data protection and jrXyQHq9MPE-00240-00054551-00054809 then next line is like data protection jrXyQHq9MPE-00241-00054810-00055040 like the u.s. for example is adequate jrXyQHq9MPE-00242-00055041-00055291 take based on voluntary measures from jrXyQHq9MPE-00243-00055292-00055478 companies and you answer well actually jrXyQHq9MPE-00244-00055479-00055738 that in Europe doesn't really fly at all jrXyQHq9MPE-00245-00055739-00056015 but you have set up such a low bar you jrXyQHq9MPE-00246-00056016-00056222 know of common denominator that would be jrXyQHq9MPE-00247-00056223-00056491 allowed so again you look into on paper jrXyQHq9MPE-00248-00056492-00056741 it says data protection should exist jrXyQHq9MPE-00249-00056741-00056936 when you're actually digging what it jrXyQHq9MPE-00250-00056937-00057232 actually means it's not really what we jrXyQHq9MPE-00251-00057233-00057391 would call data protection in Europe jrXyQHq9MPE-00252-00057392-00057649 it's more like the what some people in jrXyQHq9MPE-00253-00057650-00057844 the US may call data protection but even jrXyQHq9MPE-00254-00057845-00057886 there jrXyQHq9MPE-00255-00057887-00058036 there are hundreds and hundreds of jrXyQHq9MPE-00256-00058037-00058247 factories trying to bring proper privacy jrXyQHq9MPE-00257-00058248-00058591 laws so yeah I mean my point there the jrXyQHq9MPE-00258-00058592-00058800 last thing is that eventually we will jrXyQHq9MPE-00259-00058801-00059101 require a global privacy standard jrXyQHq9MPE-00260-00059102-00059309 eventually we will need I mean you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00261-00059310-00059536 we want you know to talk to people in jrXyQHq9MPE-00262-00059537-00059656 China we want to talk to people in jrXyQHq9MPE-00263-00059657-00059771 Russia I mean we don't want to live in jrXyQHq9MPE-00264-00059772-00059966 like you know isolated blocks you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00265-00059966-00060169 fighting each other in new Cold War's jrXyQHq9MPE-00266-00060170-00060394 you know but to do that we need to go up jrXyQHq9MPE-00267-00060395-00060584 with the standards not go down so what jrXyQHq9MPE-00268-00060585-00060722 we need is better privacy in China jrXyQHq9MPE-00269-00060723-00060925 better practice in the US and not lower jrXyQHq9MPE-00270-00060926-00061099 our standards in Europe which jrXyQHq9MPE-00271-00061100-00061259 unfortunately is the way we are going to jrXyQHq9MPE-00272-00061260-00061697 head if these things go ahead so just jrXyQHq9MPE-00273-00061698-00061916 quickly I mean the main issue with jrXyQHq9MPE-00274-00061916-00062072 mandatory localization and those two jrXyQHq9MPE-00275-00062073-00062354 things are connected so the main jrXyQHq9MPE-00276-00062354-00062585 business segments that I mentioned jrXyQHq9MPE-00277-00062586-00062765 before you know like this costly doesn't jrXyQHq9MPE-00278-00062766-00062944 make sense you know it's okay but then jrXyQHq9MPE-00279-00062945-00063091 you talk to people mainly from India and jrXyQHq9MPE-00280-00063092-00063250 South Africa right now and they tell you jrXyQHq9MPE-00281-00063251-00063418 well this is all very good but we want jrXyQHq9MPE-00282-00063419-00063625 to have a fully developed national jrXyQHq9MPE-00283-00063626-00063856 industry to leave the same level of jrXyQHq9MPE-00284-00063857-00064126 standards we don't want to be like you jrXyQHq9MPE-00285-00064127-00064312 know having like a second-rate and jrXyQHq9MPE-00286-00064313-00064501 digital infrastructure you know so we jrXyQHq9MPE-00287-00064502-00064713 want to force companies to set up jrXyQHq9MPE-00288-00064714-00064894 infrastructure in the country we want jrXyQHq9MPE-00289-00064895-00065060 actually the data to be in the country jrXyQHq9MPE-00290-00065061-00065171 so we can develop an artificial jrXyQHq9MPE-00291-00065172-00065443 intelligence strategy and get companies jrXyQHq9MPE-00292-00065444-00065629 to process national you know like big jrXyQHq9MPE-00293-00065630-00066023 masses of data in the country and build jrXyQHq9MPE-00294-00066024-00066101 our own jrXyQHq9MPE-00295-00066102-00066433 engineers and techies and things so jrXyQHq9MPE-00296-00066434-00066737 obviously that is a little bit tricky jrXyQHq9MPE-00297-00066738-00066887 because you say well actually that data jrXyQHq9MPE-00298-00066888-00067037 is the personal data of people is not jrXyQHq9MPE-00299-00067038-00067235 just a national asset of the country as jrXyQHq9MPE-00300-00067236-00067430 a whole but you can see the argument of jrXyQHq9MPE-00301-00067431-00067592 economic justice being something that jrXyQHq9MPE-00302-00067593-00067778 you have to deal with I mean you cannot jrXyQHq9MPE-00303-00067779-00067964 just ignore say well sorry you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00304-00067965-00068240 there is privacy is really really good jrXyQHq9MPE-00305-00068241-00068396 really important you know and you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00306-00068397-00068603 it's better it's better to have Google jrXyQHq9MPE-00307-00068604-00068765 in your country you know then not having jrXyQHq9MPE-00308-00068766-00068975 like some sort of dodgy Russia and you jrXyQHq9MPE-00309-00068976-00069212 know SP that's going to be the data but jrXyQHq9MPE-00310-00069213-00069326 at the same time you see that you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00311-00069327-00069491 people really want to have their own jrXyQHq9MPE-00312-00069492-00069770 economic development so this is a big jrXyQHq9MPE-00313-00069771-00069911 conundrum and we don't we'll have a jrXyQHq9MPE-00314-00069912-00070247 short quick solution to other than you jrXyQHq9MPE-00315-00070248-00070367 know say well everyone should have jrXyQHq9MPE-00316-00070368-00070640 better privacy laws but you know at the jrXyQHq9MPE-00317-00070641-00070874 moment you know the this is one of the jrXyQHq9MPE-00318-00070875-00071105 one of the situations where within seal jrXyQHq9MPE-00319-00071106-00071243 society were actually having real jrXyQHq9MPE-00320-00071244-00071396 complicated discussions you know where jrXyQHq9MPE-00321-00071397-00071531 some organizations are more on the jrXyQHq9MPE-00322-00071532-00071756 economic development side others more on jrXyQHq9MPE-00323-00071757-00071951 the fundamental right I mean or it is jrXyQHq9MPE-00324-00071952-00072194 normally on the fundamental rights come jrXyQHq9MPE-00325-00072195-00072356 you know but I think we can also see in jrXyQHq9MPE-00326-00072357-00072614 the argument you know for economic jrXyQHq9MPE-00327-00072615-00073220 justice then the third topic is the jrXyQHq9MPE-00328-00073221-00073397 called the restrictions on access to jrXyQHq9MPE-00329-00073398-00073726 information and this I think is fairly jrXyQHq9MPE-00330-00073727-00074063 straightforward I mean do you need to be jrXyQHq9MPE-00331-00074064-00074273 able to look at the code of things you jrXyQHq9MPE-00332-00074274-00074495 know to know how they work in some at jrXyQHq9MPE-00333-00074496-00074711 some level and if you and actually in jrXyQHq9MPE-00334-00074712-00074951 many cases this already requirement jrXyQHq9MPE-00335-00074952-00075197 voting machines for example in many jrXyQHq9MPE-00336-00075198-00075473 countries you they you know the jrXyQHq9MPE-00337-00075474-00075697 regulators need to be able to look in a jrXyQHq9MPE-00338-00075698-00076000 trade in you know high-frequency trading jrXyQHq9MPE-00339-00076001-00076322 you know justice all sorts of things but jrXyQHq9MPE-00340-00076323-00076499 at the same time that algorithms and jrXyQHq9MPE-00341-00076500-00076703 complex AI systems getting to regulate jrXyQHq9MPE-00342-00076704-00076922 in many areas of our life did you find jrXyQHq9MPE-00343-00076923-00077143 things like also reduce a commercial jrXyQHq9MPE-00344-00077144-00077378 interest not write secrets you know you jrXyQHq9MPE-00345-00077379-00077579 cannot look into the source code you jrXyQHq9MPE-00346-00077580-00077744 know because you are going to copy it so jrXyQHq9MPE-00347-00077745-00077921 there is a big big battle right now in jrXyQHq9MPE-00348-00077922-00078110 terms of the regulation of technology jrXyQHq9MPE-00349-00078111-00078323 between transparency requirements and jrXyQHq9MPE-00350-00078324-00078575 commercial interests and this happening jrXyQHq9MPE-00351-00078576-00078875 everywhere and the mainly in the u.s. in jrXyQHq9MPE-00352-00078876-00079127 are also in the UK increasingly when as jrXyQHq9MPE-00353-00079128-00079283 Google is developing new algorithms jrXyQHq9MPE-00354-00079284-00079396 based on the jrXyQHq9MPE-00355-00079397-00079629 data from hospitals they are building jrXyQHq9MPE-00356-00079630-00079833 systems that eventually they want to jrXyQHq9MPE-00357-00079834-00080196 sell back to the NHS and you know at jrXyQHq9MPE-00358-00080197-00080349 some point you want to understand what jrXyQHq9MPE-00359-00080350-00080478 these things are doing when you go to a jrXyQHq9MPE-00360-00080479-00080664 hospital you know why are you being jrXyQHq9MPE-00361-00080665-00080904 given you know sent to this room or that jrXyQHq9MPE-00362-00080905-00081122 room you know given an emergency access jrXyQHq9MPE-00363-00081123-00081402 this is like one of the biggest biggest jrXyQHq9MPE-00364-00081403-00081669 question right now and if you put this jrXyQHq9MPE-00365-00081670-00081840 thing in a trade agreement do you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00366-00081841-00082002 which way things are going to go ask if jrXyQHq9MPE-00367-00082003-00082176 you're going to have complete secrecy of jrXyQHq9MPE-00368-00082177-00082464 relative agreements and that is a huge jrXyQHq9MPE-00369-00082465-00082680 problem and we can see the argument you jrXyQHq9MPE-00370-00082681-00082815 know that maybe we are in China you jrXyQHq9MPE-00371-00082816-00082953 don't want to give source code and the jrXyQHq9MPE-00372-00082954-00083211 algorithm to the government you know but jrXyQHq9MPE-00373-00083212-00083367 then you know you want to fix that jrXyQHq9MPE-00374-00083368-00083517 particular problem and not just bring a jrXyQHq9MPE-00375-00083518-00083727 blanket ban on disclosure across the jrXyQHq9MPE-00376-00083728-00084048 board and again there are exemptions you jrXyQHq9MPE-00377-00084049-00084132 know what these things don't really jrXyQHq9MPE-00378-00084133-00084654 agree to work you know so then we get to jrXyQHq9MPE-00379-00084655-00084831 the good beads you know and these are jrXyQHq9MPE-00380-00084832-00084963 things that all these things are in jrXyQHq9MPE-00381-00084964-00085104 trade agreements you know and then jrXyQHq9MPE-00382-00085105-00085257 neutrality what blocking even jrXyQHq9MPE-00383-00085258-00085431 intermediary liability you know just of jrXyQHq9MPE-00384-00085432-00085569 course the US wants to protect you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00385-00085570-00085736 Facebook and Google you know from jrXyQHq9MPE-00386-00085737-00086085 regulation and in general we say well we jrXyQHq9MPE-00387-00086086-00086241 like these things but do we really want jrXyQHq9MPE-00388-00086242-00086418 to put them in the world of trade you jrXyQHq9MPE-00389-00086419-00086622 know and that's a problem because that jrXyQHq9MPE-00390-00086623-00086982 the problem with trade is that as we jrXyQHq9MPE-00391-00086983-00087105 said before people don't really know jrXyQHq9MPE-00392-00087106-00087549 what they're talking about there it is jrXyQHq9MPE-00393-00087550-00087702 actually enforceable and you say an jrXyQHq9MPE-00394-00087703-00087933 international treaty on almost anything jrXyQHq9MPE-00395-00087934-00088182 like IP you know and you breach it you jrXyQHq9MPE-00396-00088183-00088392 know someone will try to take it to a UN jrXyQHq9MPE-00397-00088393-00088611 court you know in most cases you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00398-00088612-00088791 you can just ignore it not just all jrXyQHq9MPE-00399-00088792-00088923 things I don't know whether it's like jrXyQHq9MPE-00400-00088924-00089148 you know UN things honest and you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00401-00089149-00089466 being detained for too long or you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00402-00089467-00089646 like that you know you just ignore the jrXyQHq9MPE-00403-00089647-00089904 national cause if you violate a trade jrXyQHq9MPE-00404-00089905-00090204 cord you will get sanctions and this jrXyQHq9MPE-00405-00090205-00090318 what happened now you know I didn't even jrXyQHq9MPE-00406-00090319-00090519 know that the Scottish whiskey right now jrXyQHq9MPE-00407-00090520-00090693 is having lots of problems being jrXyQHq9MPE-00408-00090694-00091098 exported to the US because the European jrXyQHq9MPE-00409-00091099-00091377 the WTO courts found that Europe was jrXyQHq9MPE-00410-00091378-00091644 given a new subsidies to Airbus and jrXyQHq9MPE-00411-00091645-00091980 Boeing the American plane company sued jrXyQHq9MPE-00412-00091981-00092209 you know in the u.s. basically they sued jrXyQHq9MPE-00413-00092210-00092505 Europe and they were found guilty so now jrXyQHq9MPE-00414-00092506-00092761 a Spanish olive oil Scottish jrXyQHq9MPE-00415-00092762-00092944 whiskey and tons and tons of things you jrXyQHq9MPE-00416-00092945-00093157 know have to pay like millions and jrXyQHq9MPE-00417-00093158-00093551 millions of euros or pounds in tariffs jrXyQHq9MPE-00418-00093552-00093742 they've been slammed with massive jrXyQHq9MPE-00419-00093743-00093997 tariffs in retaliation and that is the jrXyQHq9MPE-00420-00093998-00094087 kind of thing that happens in the world jrXyQHq9MPE-00421-00094088-00094273 of trade so if you decide to have a jrXyQHq9MPE-00422-00094274-00094492 really you know something like data jrXyQHq9MPE-00423-00094493-00094795 protection law or force the algorithmic jrXyQHq9MPE-00424-00094796-00095044 disclosure or your net neutrality law jrXyQHq9MPE-00425-00095045-00095263 actually is better or doesn't work you jrXyQHq9MPE-00426-00095264-00095578 know and your suit you will pay and it's jrXyQHq9MPE-00427-00095579-00095698 not just you I mean basically with jrXyQHq9MPE-00428-00095699-00095950 anyone you know in the country any jrXyQHq9MPE-00429-00095951-00096121 economic sector that is actually jrXyQHq9MPE-00430-00096122-00096379 subjected to part of economic of the jrXyQHq9MPE-00431-00096380-00096643 deal that is covered can be Islam with jrXyQHq9MPE-00432-00096644-00096874 tariffs and that is a huge you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00433-00096875-00097198 stick you know to enforce trade so jrXyQHq9MPE-00434-00097199-00097360 that's why is really really dangerous to jrXyQHq9MPE-00435-00097361-00097516 get anything to do with digital rights jrXyQHq9MPE-00436-00097517-00097705 in the world of trade because just jrXyQHq9MPE-00437-00097706-00097900 you're opening Pandora's box and also in jrXyQHq9MPE-00438-00097901-00098029 many cases you what you get there is jrXyQHq9MPE-00439-00098030-00098350 like below the kind of protections that jrXyQHq9MPE-00440-00098351-00098607 we would have in the UK I mean it's all jrXyQHq9MPE-00441-00098608-00098746 right if you are like some country that jrXyQHq9MPE-00442-00098747-00098917 doesn't have many neutrality legislation jrXyQHq9MPE-00443-00098918-00099100 but in Europe there is a fairly decent jrXyQHq9MPE-00444-00099101-00099598 net neutrality regulation and you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00445-00099599-00099739 we want to stick to that rather than jrXyQHq9MPE-00446-00099740-00100168 opening something else so what is this jrXyQHq9MPE-00447-00100169-00100372 thing being discussed so at the moment jrXyQHq9MPE-00448-00100373-00100644 the US and the UK are quite advanced as jrXyQHq9MPE-00449-00100645-00100869 much as you can without pretty much jrXyQHq9MPE-00450-00100870-00101125 breaking the law you know in their pre jrXyQHq9MPE-00451-00101126-00101362 negotiations you know there has been a jrXyQHq9MPE-00452-00101363-00101551 lot of discussion around the NHS and jrXyQHq9MPE-00453-00101552-00101784 access to medicines you know the jrXyQHq9MPE-00454-00101785-00101974 pharmaceutical companies in the u.s. jrXyQHq9MPE-00455-00101975-00102331 wanting to break the cup on the V NHS jrXyQHq9MPE-00456-00102332-00102541 pays on medicines you know because there jrXyQHq9MPE-00457-00102542-00102715 is big business also having direct jrXyQHq9MPE-00458-00102716-00103032 access but the e-commerce and digital jrXyQHq9MPE-00459-00103033-00103351 trade chapters are also quite quite jrXyQHq9MPE-00460-00103352-00103477 dangerous I mean everything we discuss jrXyQHq9MPE-00461-00103478-00103753 is there basically the you the u.s. is jrXyQHq9MPE-00462-00103754-00103948 pretty much giving the UK the choice of jrXyQHq9MPE-00463-00103949-00104350 going with them or with Europe and at jrXyQHq9MPE-00464-00104351-00104647 some point is going to come to that UK jrXyQHq9MPE-00465-00104648-00104883 trade negotiators think that they can jrXyQHq9MPE-00466-00104884-00105009 have their cake and eat it that you can jrXyQHq9MPE-00467-00105010-00105178 actually sign a free trade agreement jrXyQHq9MPE-00468-00105179-00105394 with the US with all those things and at jrXyQHq9MPE-00469-00105395-00105730 the same time get GDP our adequacy but jrXyQHq9MPE-00470-00105731-00105943 most people looking from the out jrXyQHq9MPE-00471-00105944-00106108 I do things on tinder that is possible jrXyQHq9MPE-00472-00106108-00106239 if naday is going to create some jrXyQHq9MPE-00473-00106240-00106511 problems for their relation with a EU jrXyQHq9MPE-00474-00106512-00106720 weekend you know mean obviously until jrXyQHq9MPE-00475-00106721-00106902 the prints until you go to a court and jrXyQHq9MPE-00476-00106903-00107289 get you know to the or to the till you jrXyQHq9MPE-00477-00107290-00107431 go to a court of justice something like jrXyQHq9MPE-00478-00107432-00107608 that you want to know the outcome but jrXyQHq9MPE-00479-00107608-00107797 you know even do you really want to get jrXyQHq9MPE-00480-00107798-00108084 to that point you know even if you think jrXyQHq9MPE-00481-00108085-00108216 that you may be able to win you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00482-00108217-00108406 because they cannot make consequences jrXyQHq9MPE-00483-00108407-00108556 for addict or fatica support that you jrXyQHq9MPE-00484-00108557-00108724 care going to be completely devastating jrXyQHq9MPE-00485-00108725-00108931 them that you're talking about massive jrXyQHq9MPE-00486-00108932-00109137 you know disruption particularly for jrXyQHq9MPE-00487-00109138-00109560 small businesses so the next place where jrXyQHq9MPE-00488-00109561-00109756 these being discussed this is the World jrXyQHq9MPE-00489-00109757-00109962 Trade Organization so WTO you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00490-00109963-00110127 you've you've heard of deleterious and jrXyQHq9MPE-00491-00110128-00110334 you know don't worry after break seed we jrXyQHq9MPE-00492-00110335-00110583 can fall back on WTO rules I'm sure jrXyQHq9MPE-00493-00110584-00110850 everyone's heard that here so WTO rules jrXyQHq9MPE-00494-00110851-00111054 don't have a lot to say until now in jrXyQHq9MPE-00495-00111055-00111208 digital trade but that is about to jrXyQHq9MPE-00496-00111208-00111433 change there's been a process that is jrXyQHq9MPE-00497-00111433-00111673 not strictly WTO but it's a bit like a jrXyQHq9MPE-00498-00111674-00111879 Coalition of the Willing you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00499-00111880-00112024 involved in something like in 90 jrXyQHq9MPE-00500-00112025-00112266 countries within the WTO that are jrXyQHq9MPE-00501-00112267-00112621 pushing for all this stuff to be signed jrXyQHq9MPE-00502-00112622-00112996 at the treaty and the WTO is a bit like jrXyQHq9MPE-00503-00112997-00113233 instead of going one by one and doing jrXyQHq9MPE-00504-00113233-00113371 treaties with one or two countries I jrXyQHq9MPE-00505-00113372-00113535 mean you get it at WTO level and that's jrXyQHq9MPE-00506-00113536-00113763 like pretty much the whole world right jrXyQHq9MPE-00507-00113764-00114124 now at least half the world so it is a jrXyQHq9MPE-00508-00114125-00114459 big shortcut you know for the regulation jrXyQHq9MPE-00509-00114460-00114670 of digital trade fit if this thing gets jrXyQHq9MPE-00510-00114671-00115048 a grid there it's the UK signed now an jrXyQHq9MPE-00511-00115049-00115188 important player there because it will jrXyQHq9MPE-00512-00115189-00115475 have its own voice and they are actually jrXyQHq9MPE-00513-00115476-00115696 quite active you know inducing the new jrXyQHq9MPE-00514-00115697-00115933 voice not like the we are sitting with jrXyQHq9MPE-00515-00115933-00116119 lots of people in government who are jrXyQHq9MPE-00516-00116120-00116250 working on trade and they're all like jrXyQHq9MPE-00517-00116251-00116463 having to be the most ambitions we need jrXyQHq9MPE-00518-00116464-00116613 to I mean really is not just leaving the jrXyQHq9MPE-00519-00116614-00116811 you you know to on paper but it's jrXyQHq9MPE-00520-00116812-00116952 actually trying to make the most of it jrXyQHq9MPE-00521-00116953-00117307 so that's going to be interesting you jrXyQHq9MPE-00522-00117308-00117513 know and the again you know we are jrXyQHq9MPE-00523-00117514-00117654 trying to intervene it's quite difficult jrXyQHq9MPE-00524-00117655-00117834 you know because both the UK government jrXyQHq9MPE-00525-00117835-00118033 but also civil society in the UK has not jrXyQHq9MPE-00526-00118033-00118290 had much exposure to the WTO went to jrXyQHq9MPE-00527-00118291-00118524 Geneva last year no trying to go again jrXyQHq9MPE-00528-00118525-00118846 in margin trying to be a bit more active jrXyQHq9MPE-00529-00118847-00119010 there you know but it's a really jrXyQHq9MPE-00530-00119011-00119234 complicated big global organization jrXyQHq9MPE-00531-00119235-00119439 it's quite hard for a small national jrXyQHq9MPE-00532-00119440-00119688 level groups like us to intervene there jrXyQHq9MPE-00533-00119689-00119891 so but we are doing our best as we are jrXyQHq9MPE-00534-00119892-00120236 working there No so yes you said before jrXyQHq9MPE-00535-00120238-00120444 you know what's the solution you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00536-00120445-00120708 don't mean all these things should be jrXyQHq9MPE-00537-00120708-00120953 discussed you know as well internet the jrXyQHq9MPE-00538-00120954-00121233 Telecommunications Union the Internet jrXyQHq9MPE-00539-00121233-00121428 Governance forum you know they should be jrXyQHq9MPE-00540-00121429-00121653 talk you know the places because we said jrXyQHq9MPE-00541-00121654-00121743 you know they don't know what they're jrXyQHq9MPE-00542-00121744-00121950 really doing they will trade them and jrXyQHq9MPE-00543-00121951-00122111 importantly you know they all say look jrXyQHq9MPE-00544-00122113-00122316 we care about human rights you know some jrXyQHq9MPE-00545-00122317-00122490 of my best friends that human rights act jrXyQHq9MPE-00546-00122491-00122735 is but you know this news has not jrXyQHq9MPE-00547-00122736-00122874 discussed here these are trade the space jrXyQHq9MPE-00548-00122875-00123011 and we say well but you are talking jrXyQHq9MPE-00549-00123013-00123213 about human rights mean privacy data jrXyQHq9MPE-00550-00123214-00123381 protection oh no no no we are only jrXyQHq9MPE-00551-00123382-00123633 talking about trade and you say how you jrXyQHq9MPE-00552-00123633-00123785 please like how are you going to jrXyQHq9MPE-00553-00123786-00123903 regulate you know things that are jrXyQHq9MPE-00554-00123904-00124239 completely free expression privacy data jrXyQHq9MPE-00555-00124240-00124433 protection without thinking about the jrXyQHq9MPE-00556-00124434-00124661 actual rights and this is a conundrum jrXyQHq9MPE-00557-00124663-00124865 that it's not so you know there's no jrXyQHq9MPE-00558-00124866-00125127 solution basically to pull things out if jrXyQHq9MPE-00559-00125128-00125538 you can so yeah I think that they jrXyQHq9MPE-00560-00125539-00125708 they're not have one level up you know I jrXyQHq9MPE-00561-00125709-00126069 think that the as you said before you jrXyQHq9MPE-00562-00126070-00126284 know we need to also build bridges with jrXyQHq9MPE-00563-00126285-00126456 other sectors you know it's not just I jrXyQHq9MPE-00564-00126457-00126702 mean digital trade you know it's we it jrXyQHq9MPE-00565-00126703-00126884 cannot just be about digital right some jrXyQHq9MPE-00566-00126885-00127026 people who care about digital rights you jrXyQHq9MPE-00567-00127027-00127152 know we need to make sure that people jrXyQHq9MPE-00568-00127153-00127302 who work in other sectors you understand jrXyQHq9MPE-00569-00127303-00127497 the wider impacts of what's happening jrXyQHq9MPE-00570-00127498-00127713 here and also in terms of working with jrXyQHq9MPE-00571-00127714-00127853 other groups I said before you know jrXyQHq9MPE-00572-00127854-00128090 there we need to look at the economic jrXyQHq9MPE-00573-00128091-00128258 justice and global justice elements jrXyQHq9MPE-00574-00128259-00128378 which is something that we haven't jrXyQHq9MPE-00575-00128379-00128622 really done in the digital rights space jrXyQHq9MPE-00576-00128623-00128865 you know but we are now working building jrXyQHq9MPE-00577-00128866-00129024 bridges that we say with actually three jrXyQHq9MPE-00578-00129025-00129231 global justice she's an organization jrXyQHq9MPE-00579-00129232-00129428 that works and these they trade unions jrXyQHq9MPE-00580-00129429-00129657 and other other people who care about jrXyQHq9MPE-00581-00129658-00129888 these to try to see if they can jrXyQHq9MPE-00582-00129889-00130056 understand the digital aspects better jrXyQHq9MPE-00583-00130057-00130299 but also we can try to understand the jrXyQHq9MPE-00584-00130300-00130774 economic side so in that's it yeah jrXyQHq9MPE-00585-00130775-00130878 [Music] jrXyQHq9MPE-00586-00130879-00131380 [Applause]