Zv9mpP61Np8-00000-00000104-00000182 i Zv9mpP61Np8-00001-00000183-00000448 see trees of green Zv9mpP61Np8-00002-00000449-00000638 [Music] Zv9mpP61Np8-00003-00000639-00000838 red roses too Zv9mpP61Np8-00004-00000839-00001015 [Music] Zv9mpP61Np8-00005-00001016-00001095 i Zv9mpP61Np8-00006-00001096-00001391 see them blue Zv9mpP61Np8-00007-00001392-00001671 for me and you Zv9mpP61Np8-00008-00001672-00001980 and i think to myself Zv9mpP61Np8-00009-00001980-00003231 [Music] Zv9mpP61Np8-00010-00003232-00003719 i see skies of blue Zv9mpP61Np8-00011-00003720-00003938 the clouds of white Zv9mpP61Np8-00012-00003939-00004086 [Music] Zv9mpP61Np8-00013-00004087-00004470 the bright blessed day Zv9mpP61Np8-00014-00004471-00004767 the dark sacred night Zv9mpP61Np8-00015-00004768-00005035 and i think to myself Zv9mpP61Np8-00016-00005036-00005343 [Music] Zv9mpP61Np8-00017-00005344-00005567 what i wonder Zv9mpP61Np8-00018-00005568-00005685 for Zv9mpP61Np8-00019-00005686-00006121 [Music] Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00000-00000006-00000202 welcome back to kids fun science my name Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00001-00000204-00000476 is Ken today's experiment is Easter egg Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00002-00000476-00000716 science so three hands-on fun Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00003-00000717-00001057 experiments you can do at your house Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00004-00001058-00001295 what you need for this experiment is Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00005-00001296-00001520 iodine salt there's regular household Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00006-00001521-00001948 salt a hard-boiled egg and a raw egg so Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00007-00001950-00002180 experiment one is to figure out if it's Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00008-00002181-00002441 a raw or hard-boiled egg experiment two Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00009-00002442-00002738 is you're gonna spin the raw egg stop it Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00010-00002739-00003029 and then it spins again and experiment Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00011-00003030-00003452 three is a stand-up egg okay well here Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00012-00003453-00003706 I've got a great hands-on experiments Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00013-00003707-00003899 for kids at home especially right around Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00014-00003900-00004136 Easter right so I got two eggs I got one Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00015-00004137-00004370 is a raw and one is a hard boil but I Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00016-00004371-00004568 don't remember which one because when I Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00017-00004569-00004769 hard-boiled them I kind of intermixed Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00018-00004770-00004961 them back in so now I'm gonna figure it Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00019-00004962-00005245 out so what I could do is I could shake Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00020-00005246-00005504 them and I can't really tell a Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00021-00005505-00005717 difference I could hold them and I don't Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00022-00005718-00005918 really can tell but there is a way we're Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00023-00005919-00006158 able to tell right so if we put one down Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00024-00006159-00006343 on the side and we take another one and Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00025-00006344-00006781 we grab the ends and we spin it you can Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00026-00006783-00006917 see it's just spinning it around right Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00027-00006918-00007223 here right so this is must be the right Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00028-00007223-00007520 right so it wobbles and it spins because Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00029-00007520-00007795 the egg inside is liquid right so when Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00030-00007797-00008020 the raw egg is spinning the liquid Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00031-00008022-00008273 inside sloshes around and the effect of Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00032-00008274-00008609 the expends back and forth right so the Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00033-00008610-00008777 egg will just spin and eventually come Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00034-00008778-00009008 to a stop so this is because of Newton's Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00035-00009009-00009191 first law of motion Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00036-00009192-00009455 so the law states if an object in motion Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00037-00009456-00009853 remains in motion unless an external Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00038-00009854-00010034 force stops it right so put it more Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00039-00010035-00010235 simply Newton's first law says if Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00040-00010236-00010442 something is moving and it keeps moving Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00041-00010443-00010694 unless something else stops it so we Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00042-00010695-00010856 have our example of first law of motion Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00043-00010857-00011024 here with the raw egg so this is Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00044-00011025-00011141 something else you could try with this Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00045-00011142-00011278 now we figured out this is probably the Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00046-00011279-00011405 right but let's figure out something Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00047-00011406-00011431 else Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00048-00011432-00011674 we're gonna spin it then I'm gonna stop Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00049-00011675-00011917 it and we're gonna see that the liquid Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00050-00011918-00012121 is still moving even though I stopped it Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00051-00012122-00012308 and when I release my finger it should Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00052-00012309-00012910 start spinning again see that's pretty Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00053-00012911-00013510 cool right there right so Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00054-00013511-00013862 so I'm spinning it and the liquid is Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00055-00013863-00014041 going around in a circle because we know Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00056-00014043-00014261 it's a raw egg and even though I stopped Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00057-00014262-00014569 the egg right and when I release it it Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00058-00014571-00015063 starts to spin again one more time Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00059-00015065-00015368 that is cool science right there so Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00060-00015369-00015506 since we know this is the rob1 Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00061-00015507-00015700 right we're gonna go through the Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00062-00015701-00015994 hard-boiled one so now there's no liquid Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00063-00015996-00016147 in sites and nothing's gonna move around Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00064-00016149-00018506 so when I spin it anyway because it is a Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00065-00018507-00018698 solid it's able to spin all the way Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00066-00018699-00018863 straight up and therefore I know it's Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00067-00018864-00019291 the hard-boiled egg give it another try Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00068-00019292-00019685 very cool right there great science Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00069-00019686-00019946 because of all the it's all solid right Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00070-00019947-00020141 all right for the second spare mat we're Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00071-00020142-00020351 gonna have a hard-boiled or soft ball Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00072-00020352-00020525 doesn't matter you're gonna use some Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00073-00020526-00020786 table salt because it's got rectangle Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00074-00020787-00021008 and square shape so it's gonna help us Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00075-00021009-00021224 if we're gonna try to stand in a cup on Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00076-00021225-00021491 its own even on the big end it doesn't Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00077-00021492-00021671 want to stand up right because it's just Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00078-00021672-00021953 it's round or it's oval it won't stand Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00079-00021954-00022379 up but with the cube shape salt or the Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00080-00022380-00022565 rectangle shape it'll help build a base Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00081-00022566-00022805 so we can't stand it up right so when Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00082-00022806-00023089 you sprinkle a little bit of salt here Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00083-00023090-00024152 take your guy under the small end Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00084-00024153-00024399 it's not very easy I'll tell you that Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00085-00024400-00024738 because your when you go to release your Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00086-00024739-00024894 hand hits it every time so you have to Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00087-00024895-00025086 be very gentle but I'm gonna show you Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00088-00025087-00025443 the salts around it you can see it's Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00089-00025444-00025689 holding it up standing straight up which Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00090-00025689-00025795 is pretty cool Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00091-00025797-00027639 gently blow the salt away and there you Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00092-00027639-00027833 go you get your egg right there stand up Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00093-00027835-00028062 big I hope you enjoyed this video Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00094-00028063-00028302 remember to click thumbs up and to Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00095-00028302-00029751 subscribe and thanks for watching video Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00096-00029752-00030033 click on them at the same time and those Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00097-00030033-00030293 too and the red subscribe button down Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00098-00030294-00030789 below and um thank you bye those two Zw5ZFjXB6K4-00099-00030789-00031047 videos too ZwadvNWPPWy-00000-00000560-00000839 I'm Roger Noble the Australian Canada ZwadvNWPPWy-00001-00000840-00001012 terrorist ambassador ZwadvNWPPWy-00002-00001013-00001147 and we're here for the quad ZwadvNWPPWy-00003-00001148-00001439 counterterist exercise one of the common ZwadvNWPPWy-00004-00001440-00001709 problems that the quad Nations have and ZwadvNWPPWy-00005-00001710-00001967 in fact All Nations have is their threat ZwadvNWPPWy-00006-00001968-00002171 posed by terrorism and violent ZwadvNWPPWy-00007-00002172-00002279 extremists ZwadvNWPPWy-00008-00002280-00002507 so when we come together like this in ZwadvNWPPWy-00009-00002508-00002842 technical forums with experts and talk ZwadvNWPPWy-00010-00002843-00003065 about real world problems we better ZwadvNWPPWy-00011-00003066-00003322 understand the challenge that we Face we ZwadvNWPPWy-00012-00003323-00003527 better understand each other and we're ZwadvNWPPWy-00013-00003528-00003683 more likely to be able to cooperate and ZwadvNWPPWy-00014-00003684-00003940 understand when we respond either inside ZwadvNWPPWy-00015-00003942-00004133 our own Nations or anywhere around the ZwadvNWPPWy-00016-00004134-00004253 world ZwadvNWPPWy-00017-00004254-00004493 hi my name is Greg logerfo i'm the ZwadvNWPPWy-00018-00004494-00004679 deputy coordinator for counterterrorism ZwadvNWPPWy-00019-00004680-00004906 at the U.S Department of State the quad ZwadvNWPPWy-00020-00004907-00005201 Group shares values capabilities and ZwadvNWPPWy-00021-00005202-00005447 trust and where democracy is committed ZwadvNWPPWy-00022-00005448-00005686 to peace security and prosperity in the ZwadvNWPPWy-00023-00005687-00005891 indo-pacific region ZwadvNWPPWy-00024-00005892-00006245 I am Akira uh ZwadvNWPPWy-00025-00006246-00006510 government represent of Japan ZwadvNWPPWy-00026-00006511-00006892 to for countering the terrorism and the ZwadvNWPPWy-00027-00006893-00007133 international organized crime Japan body ZwadvNWPPWy-00028-00007134-00007573 is the partnership very much ZwadvNWPPWy-00029-00007573-00007978 the partnership is based on the shared ZwadvNWPPWy-00030-00007979-00008303 fundamental values such as democracy ZwadvNWPPWy-00031-00008304-00008467 Freedom ZwadvNWPPWy-00032-00008468-00008849 human rights and the rule of law ZwadvNWPPWy-00033-00008850-00009173 I am group Commander operations National ZwadvNWPPWy-00034-00009174-00009378 Security Guard from India ZwadvNWPPWy-00035-00009379-00009628 we are here with with the delegation ZwadvNWPPWy-00036-00009629-00009863 basically to interact with our quad ZwadvNWPPWy-00037-00009864-00010210 partners that is Australia USA and Japan ZwadvNWPPWy-00038-00010211-00010541 and we have been doing this ZwadvNWPPWy-00039-00010542-00010810 quadrilateral exercise for last two ZwadvNWPPWy-00040-00010811-00010955 years so this is the third chapter of ZwadvNWPPWy-00041-00010956-00011278 this exercise and uh previously two ZwadvNWPPWy-00042-00011279-00011596 chapters was done by India and this time ZwadvNWPPWy-00043-00011597-00011717 in the third chapter we are ZwadvNWPPWy-00044-00011718-00012064 participating as a as participants ZwadvNWPPWy-00045-00012065-00012449 we had a very good policy discussion in ZwadvNWPPWy-00046-00012450-00012731 the work stream meeting yesterday to ZwadvNWPPWy-00047-00012732-00012930 strengthen our ZwadvNWPPWy-00048-00012931-00013205 further engagement ZwadvNWPPWy-00049-00013206-00013415 we have been selecting different kind of ZwadvNWPPWy-00050-00013416-00013703 topics uh previous two chapters were ZwadvNWPPWy-00051-00013704-00013925 dedicated toward understanding the ZwadvNWPPWy-00052-00013926-00014080 national framework of each other's ZwadvNWPPWy-00053-00014081-00014399 country and in the second chapter we ZwadvNWPPWy-00054-00014400-00014783 played these Frameworks in a in a ZwadvNWPPWy-00055-00014784-00014944 realistic scenario ZwadvNWPPWy-00056-00014945-00015161 and this time we have changed the format ZwadvNWPPWy-00057-00015162-00015407 we have taken four pertinent issues ZwadvNWPPWy-00058-00015408-00015629 which are there in the counter-terrorism ZwadvNWPPWy-00059-00015630-00015941 uh the first being the online Terror ZwadvNWPPWy-00060-00015941-00016150 that is streaming of the online Terror ZwadvNWPPWy-00061-00016151-00016549 the second is the threat of the uh ZwadvNWPPWy-00062-00016550-00016967 unmanned aerial systems third being the ZwadvNWPPWy-00063-00016968-00017285 chemical attacks and fourth is the ZwadvNWPPWy-00064-00017286-00017483 Strategic communication which has Squad ZwadvNWPPWy-00065-00017484-00017861 Partners we need to maintain uh to uh to ZwadvNWPPWy-00066-00017862-00018029 contain a particular situation or to ZwadvNWPPWy-00067-00018030-00018383 build a narrative for each other ZwadvNWPPWy-00068-00018384-00018544 while working together with our ZwadvNWPPWy-00069-00018545-00018803 diplomats and Technical experts we're ZwadvNWPPWy-00070-00018804-00019043 having great conversations on how to ZwadvNWPPWy-00071-00019044-00019211 confront shared Terror threats while ZwadvNWPPWy-00072-00019212-00019385 respecting the civil liberties our ZwadvNWPPWy-00073-00019386-00019589 citizens enjoy ZwadvNWPPWy-00074-00019590-00019763 all brains are required to come together ZwadvNWPPWy-00075-00019764-00020086 to deal with the situation so I feel uh ZwadvNWPPWy-00076-00020087-00020308 there is a lot of takeaways from such ZwadvNWPPWy-00077-00020309-00020621 exercises and next year we are planning ZwadvNWPPWy-00078-00020622-00020879 again uh we are in in the discussion ZwadvNWPPWy-00079-00020880-00021064 process to take up the issues for the ZwadvNWPPWy-00080-00021065-00021197 next year ZwadvNWPPWy-00081-00021198-00021413 we have already ZwadvNWPPWy-00082-00021414-00021719 uh deepened our understanding of the ZwadvNWPPWy-00083-00021720-00022085 common challenges we face and also we ZwadvNWPPWy-00084-00022086-00022313 have learned a lot from the other ZwadvNWPPWy-00085-00022314-00022614 members presentation on their system ZwadvNWPPWy-00086-00022615-00022985 knowledge and experiences on ZwadvNWPPWy-00087-00022986-00023369 counter-terrorism Japan or our team will ZwadvNWPPWy-00088-00023370-00023711 take away the the what to have learned ZwadvNWPPWy-00089-00023712-00024047 we have learned in this exercise and the ZwadvNWPPWy-00090-00024048-00024413 theory we will strengthen our counter ZwadvNWPPWy-00091-00024414-00024630 terms measures ZwadvNWPPWy-00092-00024631-00024947 utilizing what we have learned here ZwadvNWPPWy-00093-00024948-00025144 we're going to take back the discussions ZwadvNWPPWy-00094-00025145-00025300 and and the information that we've ZwadvNWPPWy-00095-00025301-00025505 shared today and and conversations we've ZwadvNWPPWy-00096-00025506-00025799 had to Our Own federal interagency and ZwadvNWPPWy-00097-00025800-00025955 our partners back home within our own ZwadvNWPPWy-00098-00025956-00026146 government and Implement a lot of the ZwadvNWPPWy-00099-00026147-00026387 lessons and that our partners have have ZwadvNWPPWy-00100-00026388-00026555 shared and we're looking forward to ZwadvNWPPWy-00101-00026556-00026723 meeting with the quad Partners in the ZwadvNWPPWy-00102-00026724-00026974 future to continue the discussions on ZwadvNWPPWy-00103-00026975-00027179 important issues relating to ZwadvNWPPWy-00104-00027180-00027418 counterterrorism ZwadvNWPPWy-00105-00027419-00027718 uh we'll take the lessons and turn it ZwadvNWPPWy-00106-00027719-00028031 into an ongoing work program so that we ZwadvNWPPWy-00107-00028032-00028187 can stay connected with our partners ZwadvNWPPWy-00108-00028188-00028414 make sure we're always learning because ZwadvNWPPWy-00109-00028416-00028714 the situation is never static ZwadvNWPPWy-00110-00028716-00028955 I think it'll keep going we have a ZwadvNWPPWy-00111-00028956-00029135 enduring problem with terrorism and ZwadvNWPPWy-00112-00029136-00029405 violent extremism we've got three other ZwadvNWPPWy-00113-00029406-00029627 great partners and I'm sure we're all ZwadvNWPPWy-00114-00029627-00029777 determined to keep working together to ZwadvNWPPWy-00115-00029777-00029974 protect not only ourselves but our ZwadvNWPPWy-00116-00029975-00030181 friends ZwadvNWPPWy-00117-00030182-00031129 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00000-00000044-00000089 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00001-00000090-00000565 this is the day that the Lord has made ZxhC684B67k-00002-00000566-00000941 we shall reveal us and be glad in it ZxhC684B67k-00003-00000942-00001147 Hallelujah ZxhC684B67k-00004-00001148-00001807 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00005-00001807-00002249 hallelujah praise the Lord love you ZxhC684B67k-00006-00002250-00002452 and and I think that's one of the things ZxhC684B67k-00007-00002453-00002633 making sure that's why I'm saying we are ZxhC684B67k-00008-00002634-00003145 accountable because regardless of uh ZxhC684B67k-00009-00003146-00003383 what happens ZxhC684B67k-00010-00003384-00003617 well not some regardless but the fact is ZxhC684B67k-00011-00003618-00003935 if you do not have Advocate Christ ZxhC684B67k-00012-00003936-00004109 to speak on your behalf because see ZxhC684B67k-00013-00004110-00004499 Christ can't cross the gasm the gap ZxhC684B67k-00014-00004500-00004703 Abraham can't ZxhC684B67k-00015-00004704-00004906 Lazarus camp ZxhC684B67k-00016-00004907-00005135 The Wristband where all this money that ZxhC684B67k-00017-00005136-00005518 he had then he couldn't take with him he ZxhC684B67k-00018-00005519-00005699 couldn't get across on the other side ZxhC684B67k-00019-00005700-00005993 and he was tormented those of you don't ZxhC684B67k-00020-00005994-00006167 know that story don't worry about it we ZxhC684B67k-00021-00006168-00006388 will cover that either today or next ZxhC684B67k-00022-00006389-00006545 time next session ZxhC684B67k-00023-00006545-00006701 because you know what I want you to ZxhC684B67k-00024-00006702-00006923 another thing too but I said uh ZxhC684B67k-00025-00006923-00007145 and I don't know if you as you talk to ZxhC684B67k-00026-00007145-00007373 people on the golf course ZxhC684B67k-00027-00007373-00007619 and you'll you're walking ZxhC684B67k-00028-00007620-00007853 in the ministry and you know being out ZxhC684B67k-00029-00007854-00007942 there ZxhC684B67k-00030-00007943-00008242 have you come to conclusion that a lot ZxhC684B67k-00031-00008243-00008459 of people don't know the stories in the ZxhC684B67k-00032-00008460-00008651 Bible ZxhC684B67k-00033-00008652-00008903 that is and you know those stories have ZxhC684B67k-00034-00008904-00009185 a meaning that had a purpose behind it ZxhC684B67k-00035-00009186-00009292 right ZxhC684B67k-00036-00009293-00009485 so that's ZxhC684B67k-00037-00009486-00009683 that's why you have a ZxhC684B67k-00038-00009684-00009989 uh we all have a message because a lot ZxhC684B67k-00039-00009990-00010367 of people either in church ministry ZxhC684B67k-00040-00010368-00010756 or don't go to church don't know the ZxhC684B67k-00041-00010757-00011051 word of God don't know the mean in the ZxhC684B67k-00042-00011052-00011231 background you know and I like what ZxhC684B67k-00043-00011232-00011428 Bishop was trying to get us to do he was ZxhC684B67k-00044-00011429-00011555 saying I need y'all to get what's the ZxhC684B67k-00045-00011556-00011921 central theme right but we made with the ZxhC684B67k-00046-00011922-00012106 problem is most of the people out there ZxhC684B67k-00047-00012107-00012442 don't even know the basic ZxhC684B67k-00048-00012443-00012742 theme so we have to we have to show them ZxhC684B67k-00049-00012743-00012946 that's so important about that it's not ZxhC684B67k-00050-00012947-00013247 it's not a put down the fact is that the ZxhC684B67k-00051-00013247-00013427 body of Christ is supposed to do the ZxhC684B67k-00052-00013428-00013583 work of the ministry and teach people to ZxhC684B67k-00053-00013584-00013853 do that and with that I was showing them ZxhC684B67k-00054-00013854-00014158 when you came in I went to ZxhC684B67k-00055-00014159-00014471 the uh ZxhC684B67k-00056-00014472-00014777 Lord's Prayer it is because you know I ZxhC684B67k-00057-00014778-00014933 think I like now the more you keep ZxhC684B67k-00058-00014934-00015222 getting into it you see he's actually ZxhC684B67k-00059-00015223-00015544 re-emphasizing even the the defeats that ZxhC684B67k-00060-00015545-00015821 they have for the Hebrews you know all ZxhC684B67k-00061-00015822-00016007 what reminders ZxhC684B67k-00062-00016008-00016180 that that's basically what they were ZxhC684B67k-00063-00016181-00016444 right they're all telling a message all ZxhC684B67k-00064-00016445-00016811 bringing to remembers uh of God's Will ZxhC684B67k-00065-00016812-00017129 and what he has done and and and and the ZxhC684B67k-00066-00017130-00017435 responsibility of even a foreshadowing ZxhC684B67k-00067-00017436-00017705 of the of the of the sacrifices of ZxhC684B67k-00068-00017706-00018049 teandere is a savior coming there is a ZxhC684B67k-00069-00018050-00018299 blood-size facts coming ZxhC684B67k-00070-00018300-00018647 that's going to cleanse you ZxhC684B67k-00071-00018648-00018899 of your unrighteousness ZxhC684B67k-00072-00018900-00019085 and so look at the Lord's Prayer is ZxhC684B67k-00073-00019086-00019385 another reminders prayer is what I'm ZxhC684B67k-00074-00019386-00019703 saying is Matthew 6 verse 9 after the ZxhC684B67k-00075-00019704-00019894 man therefore pray ye Our Father which ZxhC684B67k-00076-00019895-00020122 are in heaven Hallowed be thy name is ZxhC684B67k-00077-00020123-00020327 the fact is that we we're talking about ZxhC684B67k-00078-00020328-00020561 the Creator we're talking the fact is ZxhC684B67k-00079-00020562-00020849 he's located in heaven not in the space ZxhC684B67k-00080-00020850-00021233 guys not in the sky but in the third ZxhC684B67k-00081-00021234-00021527 heaven in another dimension and Hallowed ZxhC684B67k-00082-00021528-00021736 be thy name is saying how great are you ZxhC684B67k-00083-00021737-00021953 because you are the creator of us all ZxhC684B67k-00084-00021954-00022247 we're only here because of him ZxhC684B67k-00085-00022248-00022421 but look at this reminder ZxhC684B67k-00086-00022422-00022744 thy kingdom come he's telling us to ZxhC684B67k-00087-00022745-00022997 remind ourselves to always call for the ZxhC684B67k-00088-00022998-00023200 kingdom of God to come ZxhC684B67k-00089-00023201-00023369 are you writing that you writing that ZxhC684B67k-00090-00023370-00023855 Romans 14 12 now yeah okay yeah yeah did ZxhC684B67k-00091-00023856-00023999 you read it can you see it or do you ZxhC684B67k-00092-00024000-00024197 need yeah ZxhC684B67k-00093-00024198-00024361 and it's her name ZxhC684B67k-00094-00024362-00024677 everyone of us ZxhC684B67k-00095-00024678-00025055 shall be accountable or account to God ZxhC684B67k-00096-00025056-00025313 give account to God and that's something ZxhC684B67k-00097-00025314-00025555 I have to make sure it said everyone ZxhC684B67k-00098-00025556-00025746 everyone ZxhC684B67k-00099-00025747-00025984 hey what do you call yourself a ZxhC684B67k-00100-00025985-00026225 Christian or not you all will give an ZxhC684B67k-00101-00026226-00026668 account to God uh some of us if we got ZxhC684B67k-00102-00026669-00026920 the app we got our applicator then we're ZxhC684B67k-00103-00026922-00027124 going to get account to what works we ZxhC684B67k-00104-00027125-00027329 have done right and then we talk about ZxhC684B67k-00105-00027330-00027502 the word stubble hey and all that other ZxhC684B67k-00106-00027504-00027833 stuff right so so that somebody's gonna ZxhC684B67k-00107-00027833-00028049 make that decision what do you got to ZxhC684B67k-00108-00028050-00028252 stumble what do you got to hate right ZxhC684B67k-00109-00028254-00028462 what do you got silver what do you got ZxhC684B67k-00110-00028463-00028912 gold it won't be you right it'll be him ZxhC684B67k-00111-00028913-00029117 and that's what we got to encounter ZxhC684B67k-00112-00029118-00029423 that's why he said thy kingdom come and ZxhC684B67k-00113-00029424-00029681 here's a big one that's a kicker die ZxhC684B67k-00114-00029682-00030018 will be done ZxhC684B67k-00115-00030019-00030377 inner as it is in heaven and I that's ZxhC684B67k-00116-00030377-00030629 one show so some of those people people ZxhC684B67k-00117-00030630-00030874 is listening and will listen forwarded ZxhC684B67k-00118-00030875-00031043 to somebody else because you need to ZxhC684B67k-00119-00031044-00031240 forward them to somebody else you need ZxhC684B67k-00120-00031241-00031396 to be the teacher to somebody yourself ZxhC684B67k-00121-00031397-00031595 you don't necessarily I'm using video ZxhC684B67k-00122-00031595-00031762 but you need to use the words that's ZxhC684B67k-00123-00031763-00031889 coming from here ZxhC684B67k-00124-00031889-00032158 and be able to tell people The Lord's ZxhC684B67k-00125-00032160-00032579 Prayer itself is saying his will be done ZxhC684B67k-00126-00032580-00032915 not just in heaven but in Earth ZxhC684B67k-00127-00032916-00033262 God wants his will to be done his ZxhC684B67k-00128-00033263-00033581 kingdom to come his will be done in our ZxhC684B67k-00129-00033582-00033802 faster than Heaven the kickers that ZxhC684B67k-00130-00033803-00034012 Christ is Christ said in regarding ZxhC684B67k-00131-00034013-00034217 considermy he said nevertheless the ZxhC684B67k-00132-00034218-00034396 price we're like oh man this is rough ZxhC684B67k-00133-00034397-00034679 what's getting ready to happen is rough ZxhC684B67k-00134-00034680-00035051 it's anyway it's this cup can I pass a ZxhC684B67k-00135-00035052-00035279 couple of brothers and you know what ZxhC684B67k-00136-00035280-00035769 even he probably look at nah ZxhC684B67k-00137-00035770-00036637 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00138-00036638-00036889 won't do ZxhC684B67k-00139-00036890-00037109 and and so the father he said ZxhC684B67k-00140-00037110-00037315 nevertheless father let thy will be done ZxhC684B67k-00141-00037316-00037673 uh I I wish I could pass this cup but I ZxhC684B67k-00142-00037674-00037768 can't ZxhC684B67k-00143-00037769-00037990 let your will be done nevertheless and ZxhC684B67k-00144-00037991-00038190 that's what that scripture reminded us ZxhC684B67k-00145-00038191-00038483 thy will be done people and if you've ZxhC684B67k-00146-00038484-00038657 taught and I'm talking about the fact ZxhC684B67k-00147-00038658-00038824 that if someone's got so caught up with ZxhC684B67k-00148-00038825-00039090 political parties and and and and and ZxhC684B67k-00149-00039091-00039479 divide in our country over this over the ZxhC684B67k-00150-00039480-00039833 fact is that we let our Behavior our ZxhC684B67k-00151-00039834-00040109 actions and everything else line up with ZxhC684B67k-00152-00040110-00040265 the approval of our political ZxhC684B67k-00153-00040266-00040618 affiliation or a couple of our skin uh ZxhC684B67k-00154-00040619-00040780 ethnic group and all that other stuff ZxhC684B67k-00155-00040781-00041105 and not understanding that his will be ZxhC684B67k-00156-00041106-00041262 done ZxhC684B67k-00157-00041263-00041573 inner as it is in heaven I like that ZxhC684B67k-00158-00041574-00041729 because that's what I call it the ZxhC684B67k-00159-00041730-00041902 reminder spread when they said Lord's ZxhC684B67k-00160-00041903-00042185 Prayer is a reminder's prayer that ZxhC684B67k-00161-00042186-00042449 you're supposed to do his will we're ZxhC684B67k-00162-00042450-00042730 supposed to do his will I like my fact I ZxhC684B67k-00163-00042731-00042923 even think about that when I say our ZxhC684B67k-00164-00042924-00043168 father he's trying to say all of us you ZxhC684B67k-00165-00043169-00043307 know with that script we just read right ZxhC684B67k-00166-00043308-00043709 Romans 14 12 you say everyone right look ZxhC684B67k-00167-00043710-00044015 at the prayer the prayer said ah plural ZxhC684B67k-00168-00044016-00044393 all of us our father in Heaven thy will ZxhC684B67k-00169-00044394-00044699 be done in earth as it is in heaven say ZxhC684B67k-00170-00044700-00044908 give us this day our daily bread what is ZxhC684B67k-00171-00044909-00045149 his Daily Bread the word of God ZxhC684B67k-00172-00045150-00045352 so he's telling us we need to feed ZxhC684B67k-00173-00045353-00045574 ourselves daily with the word of God ZxhC684B67k-00174-00045575-00045790 with the will of God understanding the ZxhC684B67k-00175-00045791-00046007 will of God so we can do what do the ZxhC684B67k-00176-00046008-00046183 will of God ZxhC684B67k-00177-00046184-00046462 you know we need he talking about just a ZxhC684B67k-00178-00046463-00046624 commandment he's telling the fact ZxhC684B67k-00179-00046625-00046889 there's a way of life people the judge ZxhC684B67k-00180-00046890-00047105 should live by faith he says in verse 12 ZxhC684B67k-00181-00047106-00047327 and forgiveness of our deaths as we ZxhC684B67k-00182-00047328-00047549 forgive our debtors he's telling us we ZxhC684B67k-00183-00047550-00047771 got to forgive one another as we can ZxhC684B67k-00184-00047772-00048083 give others so we want to give forgive ZxhC684B67k-00185-00048084-00048221 one another ZxhC684B67k-00186-00048222-00048407 and then I like leaders not into ZxhC684B67k-00187-00048408-00048665 temptation but I do want everybody to ZxhC684B67k-00188-00048666-00048940 know he will put you to a test but the ZxhC684B67k-00189-00048941-00049090 thing about it when he sends you on a ZxhC684B67k-00190-00049091-00049271 test you can pass this test if you can't ZxhC684B67k-00191-00049272-00049468 pass the test he didn't send you on it ZxhC684B67k-00192-00049469-00049661 because he know you could pass the test ZxhC684B67k-00193-00049662-00049901 amen ZxhC684B67k-00194-00049902-00050207 but delivers from evil ZxhC684B67k-00195-00050208-00050411 and that means don't be evil if he's ZxhC684B67k-00196-00050412-00050633 trying to Deliver Us from Evil why would ZxhC684B67k-00197-00050634-00050818 you be evil why would you pick up the ZxhC684B67k-00198-00050819-00051232 tools to be evil uh you don't want to be ZxhC684B67k-00199-00051233-00051485 delivered you want to be living evil so ZxhC684B67k-00200-00051486-00051658 you don't want to be the evil that need ZxhC684B67k-00201-00051659-00052063 to be delivered from so that ZxhC684B67k-00202-00052064-00052319 why would you want God working against ZxhC684B67k-00203-00052320-00052432 you ZxhC684B67k-00204-00052433-00052842 oh hey a t-shirt ZxhC684B67k-00205-00052844-00053176 why would you what you you don't want ZxhC684B67k-00206-00053177-00053482 God to be working against you ZxhC684B67k-00207-00053483-00053771 if you want if you're evil you need to ZxhC684B67k-00208-00053772-00054011 be able to be on the good side so that ZxhC684B67k-00209-00054012-00054473 you working for you on your behalf amen ZxhC684B67k-00210-00054474-00054665 so and that's what I'm saying that that ZxhC684B67k-00211-00054666-00054875 all that guys people I'm talking you ZxhC684B67k-00212-00054876-00055042 know the atrocity you're talking about ZxhC684B67k-00213-00055044-00055349 you know the the hate that some of us ZxhC684B67k-00214-00055350-00055625 have for one another and teaching one ZxhC684B67k-00215-00055626-00055775 another disrespecting one another ZxhC684B67k-00216-00055776-00056069 putting one another down we know that ZxhC684B67k-00217-00056070-00056291 and you know that's not God's will for ZxhC684B67k-00218-00056291-00056476 you to do that if God said to love one ZxhC684B67k-00219-00056477-00056644 another you shouldn't be hated ZxhC684B67k-00220-00056645-00056866 for once any close enough again it said ZxhC684B67k-00221-00056867-00057088 for thine is the kingdom reminding you ZxhC684B67k-00222-00057089-00057269 look at him I think the scripture says ZxhC684B67k-00223-00057270-00057454 seek ye first the kingdom of God first ZxhC684B67k-00224-00057455-00057754 right seek Him Kingdom first and I'm ZxhC684B67k-00225-00057755-00058007 saying is his power that we're looking ZxhC684B67k-00226-00058008-00058253 at in his glory that we're looking at ZxhC684B67k-00227-00058254-00058463 not our own glory in a lot of cases ZxhC684B67k-00228-00058464-00058691 people go by vain Glory he's talking ZxhC684B67k-00229-00058691-00058919 about his glory and then he says amen ZxhC684B67k-00230-00058920-00059057 and I just want to make sure you ZxhC684B67k-00231-00059058-00059273 emphasize other people said Matthew 6 14 ZxhC684B67k-00232-00059274-00059561 for if you give men their trespasses you ZxhC684B67k-00233-00059562-00059794 have any father also forgive you he you ZxhC684B67k-00234-00059795-00059975 know it's funny he gave the what we call ZxhC684B67k-00235-00059976-00060216 the Lord's Prayer and then he he ZxhC684B67k-00236-00060217-00060659 re-emphasized it in 14 and 15. ZxhC684B67k-00237-00060660-00060982 and he's telling people in 15 but if you ZxhC684B67k-00238-00060983-00061294 forgive men not their trespasses neither ZxhC684B67k-00239-00061295-00061487 will your father to give your trespasses ZxhC684B67k-00240-00061488-00061738 so you need to understand that it is ZxhC684B67k-00241-00061739-00061949 critical he Christ's even telling you ZxhC684B67k-00242-00061950-00062080 your ZxhC684B67k-00243-00062082-00062519 I received a redeemer our savior is said ZxhC684B67k-00244-00062520-00062813 in 15. Listen People ZxhC684B67k-00245-00062814-00063004 because some of you taught to hate ZxhC684B67k-00246-00063005-00063197 Generation generation not forgive ZxhC684B67k-00247-00063198-00063304 nothing ZxhC684B67k-00248-00063305-00063623 he said if you forgive me and not their ZxhC684B67k-00249-00063624-00063863 trespassing are you listening to the ZxhC684B67k-00250-00063864-00064087 words of coming off the word ZxhC684B67k-00251-00064088-00064541 if you forgive men not their trespasses ZxhC684B67k-00252-00064541-00064780 neither will your father forgive your ZxhC684B67k-00253-00064782-00065153 trespasses and I see with my my mom and ZxhC684B67k-00254-00065154-00065356 I was talking uh the other day brothers ZxhC684B67k-00255-00065357-00065537 and I think he probably dealt with this ZxhC684B67k-00256-00065538-00065705 before ZxhC684B67k-00257-00065706-00065903 where you ZxhC684B67k-00258-00065904-00066203 you may be dealing with someone and ZxhC684B67k-00259-00066204-00066497 letting them know it's important not to ZxhC684B67k-00260-00066498-00066761 do with hate or you know forgive that ZxhC684B67k-00261-00066762-00066905 person you know you've seen people don't ZxhC684B67k-00262-00066906-00067175 I ain't talking that person no more you ZxhC684B67k-00263-00067176-00067415 know and and if you come you try to ZxhC684B67k-00264-00067416-00067613 intervene a little ZxhC684B67k-00265-00067614-00067985 you know uh they'll Snap On You ZxhC684B67k-00266-00067986-00068188 have you ever answer that snap with you ZxhC684B67k-00267-00068189-00068441 for you try to suggest them and do right ZxhC684B67k-00268-00068442-00068567 thing ZxhC684B67k-00269-00068568-00068705 oh ZxhC684B67k-00270-00068706-00068779 yeah ZxhC684B67k-00271-00068780-00069203 and you can see I mean the viciousness ZxhC684B67k-00272-00069204-00069400 that comes out of it have you ever you ZxhC684B67k-00273-00069401-00069682 noticed it right it's just ZxhC684B67k-00274-00069683-00069994 because they feel like a righteous anger ZxhC684B67k-00275-00069995-00070187 all right ZxhC684B67k-00276-00070188-00070379 reason ZxhC684B67k-00277-00070380-00070705 to have this ZxhC684B67k-00278-00070706-00070919 unforgiveness in them ZxhC684B67k-00279-00070920-00071255 and and and in some cases leads to valid ZxhC684B67k-00280-00071256-00071423 Behavior ZxhC684B67k-00281-00071424-00071794 you know we we've seen it and and and I ZxhC684B67k-00282-00071795-00071975 was telling uh I'm telling Mom I said ZxhC684B67k-00283-00071976-00072256 what do we do it this way and then I ZxhC684B67k-00284-00072257-00072437 want 30s at you too see what you say ZxhC684B67k-00285-00072438-00072623 because I think you we still get the ZxhC684B67k-00286-00072624-00073061 reaction even with that is it is written ZxhC684B67k-00287-00073062-00073361 that you're supposed to give ZxhC684B67k-00288-00073362-00073547 that person ZxhC684B67k-00289-00073548-00073817 and that person may go off on you but ZxhC684B67k-00290-00073818-00073991 you can say look before you finish going ZxhC684B67k-00291-00073992-00074206 off with me I understand this it's not ZxhC684B67k-00292-00074207-00074429 my will ZxhC684B67k-00293-00074430-00074626 it's his ZxhC684B67k-00294-00074627-00074831 if you really want to deal with it go ZxhC684B67k-00295-00074832-00074987 talk to everybody ZxhC684B67k-00296-00074988-00075150 foreign ZxhC684B67k-00297-00075151-00075413 for your forgiveness talk to him about ZxhC684B67k-00298-00075414-00075706 it I didn't bring it up he brought it up ZxhC684B67k-00299-00075707-00075911 it's not my suggestion I just wonder ZxhC684B67k-00300-00075912-00076241 sometimes would that help people if they ZxhC684B67k-00301-00076242-00076499 recognize that oh I'm not I'm not giving ZxhC684B67k-00302-00076500-00076841 you my suggestion my opinion my my you ZxhC684B67k-00303-00076842-00077171 know I'm giving you what's written ZxhC684B67k-00304-00077172-00077344 and maybe you can weigh that for ZxhC684B67k-00305-00077345-00077626 yourself because is it worth ZxhC684B67k-00306-00077627-00077843 and and nobody and nobody everybody was ZxhC684B67k-00307-00077844-00077969 head ZxhC684B67k-00308-00077970-00078269 nobody was willing to go to death ZxhC684B67k-00309-00078270-00078521 destruction to hell or the Lake of Fire ZxhC684B67k-00310-00078522-00078779 willingly ZxhC684B67k-00311-00078780-00079055 but some people feel so angry about ZxhC684B67k-00312-00079056-00079187 something ZxhC684B67k-00313-00079188-00079409 right have so much unforgiveness about ZxhC684B67k-00314-00079410-00079511 something ZxhC684B67k-00315-00079512-00079805 they subconsciously ZxhC684B67k-00316-00079806-00079991 could not saying it consciously but ZxhC684B67k-00317-00079992-00080206 subconscious saying ZxhC684B67k-00318-00080207-00080476 it's worth going to happen ZxhC684B67k-00319-00080477-00080711 there's ZxhC684B67k-00320-00080712-00081106 many many folks folks especially this ZxhC684B67k-00321-00081107-00081343 his younger Generations ZxhC684B67k-00322-00081344-00081688 that don't even believe in God yeah ZxhC684B67k-00323-00081689-00081887 believe insane they don't believe in ZxhC684B67k-00324-00081888-00082126 hell they don't believe in Jesus Christ ZxhC684B67k-00325-00082127-00082373 so ZxhC684B67k-00326-00082374-00082661 has been said that you know they make a ZxhC684B67k-00327-00082662-00082811 mockery ZxhC684B67k-00328-00082812-00083212 of it you know uh ZxhC684B67k-00329-00083213-00083567 that you know uh ZxhC684B67k-00330-00083568-00083806 some may even joke about it or I'll just ZxhC684B67k-00331-00083807-00083950 be going to hell because that's where ZxhC684B67k-00332-00083951-00084275 the party is oh yo I heard that for us ZxhC684B67k-00333-00084276-00084743 all yeah yeah ZxhC684B67k-00334-00084744-00085153 that that is is uh ZxhC684B67k-00335-00085154-00085673 amazing yeah to me because even as a oh ZxhC684B67k-00336-00085674-00085981 yeah ZxhC684B67k-00337-00085982-00086381 a little longevity was on the Forefront ZxhC684B67k-00338-00086382-00086699 in my mind come on now smart ass you ZxhC684B67k-00339-00086700-00087023 know yeah I was aware of death ZxhC684B67k-00340-00087024-00087376 and I always ZxhC684B67k-00341-00087377-00087737 I would I would sit back and think and ZxhC684B67k-00342-00087738-00088117 try to put myself in the Hereafter ZxhC684B67k-00343-00088118-00088439 you know I would I would sit up and ZxhC684B67k-00344-00088440-00088631 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00345-00088632-00088811 think about ZxhC684B67k-00346-00088812-00089117 you know yeah there's got to be ZxhC684B67k-00347-00089118-00089518 something yeah after this it just my ZxhC684B67k-00348-00089519-00089923 brain just could not battle ZxhC684B67k-00349-00089924-00090562 that what is is no more come on yeah I ZxhC684B67k-00350-00090563-00090894 mean I I just don't it it escapes my ZxhC684B67k-00351-00090895-00091325 intellect yeah yeah I just can't I I ZxhC684B67k-00352-00091326-00091493 can't ZxhC684B67k-00353-00091494-00091781 I don't I just can't understand how ZxhC684B67k-00354-00091782-00091967 anyone can think ZxhC684B67k-00355-00091968-00092332 that wants this physical body is gone ZxhC684B67k-00356-00092333-00092512 that ZxhC684B67k-00357-00092513-00093011 the intellect the the soul yeah thought ZxhC684B67k-00358-00093012-00093162 the the ZxhC684B67k-00359-00093163-00093793 personality the existence the awareness ZxhC684B67k-00360-00093794-00094188 diseases and that's it that that's ZxhC684B67k-00361-00094189-00094511 it yeah that's what I'm saying my mind ZxhC684B67k-00362-00094512-00094906 has always been Eternal right I'm ZxhC684B67k-00363-00094907-00095111 thinking yeah ZxhC684B67k-00364-00095112-00095435 that's how I think that I always was ZxhC684B67k-00365-00095436-00095838 because I just could not understand ZxhC684B67k-00366-00095839-00096347 nothing yeah it does not compute in my ZxhC684B67k-00367-00096348-00096761 mind right right uh there's just I don't ZxhC684B67k-00368-00096762-00096929 even know how to put it ZxhC684B67k-00369-00096930-00097309 to to to explain ZxhC684B67k-00370-00097310-00097517 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00371-00097518-00097865 how I can't understand it yeah that ZxhC684B67k-00372-00097866-00098099 there's something more you know I don't ZxhC684B67k-00373-00098100-00098338 know where that that that that we got ZxhC684B67k-00374-00098339-00098626 what five senses right this is is that ZxhC684B67k-00375-00098627-00098879 sixth sense that that sense that doesn't ZxhC684B67k-00376-00098880-00099244 focus on the physical of this five ZxhC684B67k-00377-00099245-00099617 senses but focus on a spiritual sense a ZxhC684B67k-00378-00099618-00099850 spiritual understanding and I was ZxhC684B67k-00379-00099851-00100024 looking at it you know as you come into ZxhC684B67k-00380-00100025-00100385 your uh your relatives homes and ZxhC684B67k-00381-00100386-00100535 especially when you know when your mom ZxhC684B67k-00382-00100536-00100835 was alive you saw pictures on the wall ZxhC684B67k-00383-00100836-00101038 right just so you have pictures on your ZxhC684B67k-00384-00101039-00101429 wall now and and these people exist ZxhC684B67k-00385-00101430-00101849 right or have existed you know it exists ZxhC684B67k-00386-00101850-00102185 yeah I hear you right and some of us ZxhC684B67k-00387-00102186-00102413 have moved on to another realm reality ZxhC684B67k-00388-00102414-00102973 another life uh of resistance and and to ZxhC684B67k-00389-00102974-00103378 will we can believe something ZxhC684B67k-00390-00103379-00103666 but it doesn't make it true if we can't ZxhC684B67k-00391-00103667-00103780 and I'm talking about those who don't ZxhC684B67k-00392-00103781-00104104 believe this son after after death I ZxhC684B67k-00393-00104105-00104297 can't I you're right I can't prove to ZxhC684B67k-00394-00104298-00104513 you that you will but I think your ZxhC684B67k-00395-00104514-00104710 senses there's something in you already ZxhC684B67k-00396-00104711-00104890 that tells you and that's what you're ZxhC684B67k-00397-00104891-00105143 talking about there's something in you ZxhC684B67k-00398-00105144-00105323 that said there's more ZxhC684B67k-00399-00105324-00105816 to the to my existence then what I see ZxhC684B67k-00400-00105817-00106031 touch smell ZxhC684B67k-00401-00106032-00106439 or hear I have this something else and ZxhC684B67k-00402-00106440-00106763 that's that you can also look at other ZxhC684B67k-00403-00106764-00107086 cultures you know you have the Egyptians ZxhC684B67k-00404-00107088-00107321 you know they they just they truly ZxhC684B67k-00405-00107322-00107515 believed yeah ZxhC684B67k-00406-00107516-00108102 they believed in an existence ZxhC684B67k-00407-00108103-00108534 into that right yeah yeah you know uh ZxhC684B67k-00408-00108535-00108808 obviously they these grave robbers ZxhC684B67k-00409-00108809-00109102 that's what I call these so-called ZxhC684B67k-00410-00109103-00109331 scientists that's all they are to me ZxhC684B67k-00411-00109332-00109536 yeah ZxhC684B67k-00412-00109538-00109913 uh but uh ZxhC684B67k-00413-00109914-00110284 they they find evidence of that you have ZxhC684B67k-00414-00110285-00110465 these Vikings ZxhC684B67k-00415-00110466-00110716 you know Norwegians they believe in ZxhC684B67k-00416-00110717-00110977 Valhalla yeah yeah ZxhC684B67k-00417-00110978-00111358 that's their life after this existence ZxhC684B67k-00418-00111359-00111649 right and then there's there's ZxhC684B67k-00419-00111650-00111804 uh ZxhC684B67k-00420-00111805-00112199 the South Pacific folks you know they ZxhC684B67k-00421-00112200-00112565 believe in life yeah you know ZxhC684B67k-00422-00112566-00112834 reincarnation and life a day they ZxhC684B67k-00423-00112835-00113136 actually put up food ZxhC684B67k-00424-00113138-00113465 yeah yeah for those who have gone on ZxhC684B67k-00425-00113466-00114040 yeah the Korean yeah ZxhC684B67k-00426-00114041-00114202 uh ZxhC684B67k-00427-00114203-00114634 celebrations for their ancestors so ZxhC684B67k-00428-00114635-00114725 um ZxhC684B67k-00429-00114726-00115336 it just it don't know of a a a nation ZxhC684B67k-00430-00115338-00115595 or a a group of people that don't ZxhC684B67k-00431-00115596-00115834 believe this I think you're taught not ZxhC684B67k-00432-00115835-00116075 to believe you taught that and you know ZxhC684B67k-00433-00116076-00116284 or reasoning out loud to believe hey ZxhC684B67k-00434-00116285-00116513 because to me again I think it is so ZxhC684B67k-00435-00116514-00116866 that the accountability piece is not you ZxhC684B67k-00436-00116867-00117052 as long as you feel like I ain't got to ZxhC684B67k-00437-00117053-00117227 be accountable anybody ZxhC684B67k-00438-00117228-00117478 been into God I can do what I want to do ZxhC684B67k-00439-00117479-00117754 because if I put my focus on you to be ZxhC684B67k-00440-00117755-00118007 that you I'm accountable to you a lot of ZxhC684B67k-00441-00118008-00118295 cases people do things is I could if I ZxhC684B67k-00442-00118296-00118493 can not be in your presence ZxhC684B67k-00443-00118494-00118654 and see that again that's another thing ZxhC684B67k-00444-00118655-00118889 when we try to make it get uh ZxhC684B67k-00445-00118890-00119099 accountability for mankind ZxhC684B67k-00446-00119100-00119321 for our fellow brethrens we know that we ZxhC684B67k-00447-00119322-00119471 don't have to be in their presence all ZxhC684B67k-00448-00119472-00119765 the time right we we know that they ZxhC684B67k-00449-00119766-00119923 can't see your heart ZxhC684B67k-00450-00119924-00120197 they can't see your spirit they can't ZxhC684B67k-00451-00120198-00120460 see your soul so they figured I can get ZxhC684B67k-00452-00120461-00120581 over on you ZxhC684B67k-00453-00120582-00120773 and I'd rather ZxhC684B67k-00454-00120774-00120983 they did you know I guess oh first of ZxhC684B67k-00455-00120983-00121127 all people one of the things you need to ZxhC684B67k-00456-00121128-00121301 say is that God is a spirit you know ZxhC684B67k-00457-00121302-00121636 Genesis chapter one we're made in the ZxhC684B67k-00458-00121638-00122063 image of God John 4 24 said God is a ZxhC684B67k-00459-00122064-00122357 spirit and on top of that you cannot ZxhC684B67k-00460-00122358-00122513 even worship Him ZxhC684B67k-00461-00122514-00122833 except for where is Spirit and in truth ZxhC684B67k-00462-00122833-00123190 so so we all made in the image of God ZxhC684B67k-00463-00123191-00123508 and is God help the people the you know ZxhC684B67k-00464-00123509-00123784 the Ministries that sit there and try to ZxhC684B67k-00465-00123785-00124073 focus on the image on you as your flesh ZxhC684B67k-00466-00124074-00124366 because that is not the image ZxhC684B67k-00467-00124367-00124601 that is not the image of God you are ZxhC684B67k-00468-00124602-00124871 made in the image of God meaning you are ZxhC684B67k-00469-00124872-00125033 a spirit ZxhC684B67k-00470-00125033-00125201 and you're the only look look at the ZxhC684B67k-00471-00125202-00125327 other thing about it you can't Worship ZxhC684B67k-00472-00125328-00125531 in any other way you can't communicate ZxhC684B67k-00473-00125532-00125704 with them in a way but through your ZxhC684B67k-00474-00125705-00125849 spirit ZxhC684B67k-00475-00125850-00126016 and now someone who comes out of my ZxhC684B67k-00476-00126017-00126395 mouth and what comes out of my spirit uh ZxhC684B67k-00477-00126396-00126586 and that's why we want to talk about I ZxhC684B67k-00478-00126588-00126713 think that's why this message is so ZxhC684B67k-00479-00126714-00126965 important today right is the fact that ZxhC684B67k-00480-00126966-00127199 you are held accountable ZxhC684B67k-00481-00127200-00127607 on to God and here's the scripture start ZxhC684B67k-00482-00127608-00127883 off and let you read these for us uh ZxhC684B67k-00483-00127883-00128147 today because that's a full discussion ZxhC684B67k-00484-00128148-00128333 but people are telling you this is ZxhC684B67k-00485-00128333-00128566 probably the most important message that ZxhC684B67k-00486-00128567-00128914 of study that you should ever take and ZxhC684B67k-00487-00128915-00129214 and I recommend you do this so let's let ZxhC684B67k-00488-00129215-00129389 our brother who don't know the ZxhC684B67k-00489-00129390-00129508 scriptures that we're going to talk ZxhC684B67k-00490-00129509-00129664 about today he know which ones God ZxhC684B67k-00491-00129665-00129971 represented but he gets a revelation and ZxhC684B67k-00492-00129972-00130277 how God used them on that so what we got ZxhC684B67k-00493-00130278-00130445 here today good brother ZxhC684B67k-00494-00130446-00130771 for it is written as I live set the Lord ZxhC684B67k-00495-00130772-00131113 every knee shall bow to me ZxhC684B67k-00496-00131114-00131537 every tongue so confess to God so then ZxhC684B67k-00497-00131538-00131764 every one of us shall give account of ZxhC684B67k-00498-00131765-00132047 himself to God and that you can stop ZxhC684B67k-00499-00132048-00132202 there at first they want to come on that ZxhC684B67k-00500-00132203-00132437 before we go to Hebrews one right what ZxhC684B67k-00501-00132438-00132754 do you think about that ZxhC684B67k-00502-00132755-00132890 I think ZxhC684B67k-00503-00132891-00133211 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00504-00133212-00133607 that it is what it is it is but it is I ZxhC684B67k-00505-00133608-00133769 mean ZxhC684B67k-00506-00133770-00133942 I just can't imagine ZxhC684B67k-00507-00133943-00134183 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00508-00134184-00134519 anything happening outside of this ZxhC684B67k-00509-00134520-00134843 Physical Realm right ZxhC684B67k-00510-00134844-00135178 without him being a part of it yeah yeah ZxhC684B67k-00511-00135179-00135247 yeah ZxhC684B67k-00512-00135248-00135502 and I only talk about the fact is that ZxhC684B67k-00513-00135503-00135809 he said he this one is the uniqueness ZxhC684B67k-00514-00135810-00136078 between all the other face people out ZxhC684B67k-00515-00136079-00136187 there ZxhC684B67k-00516-00136188-00136378 belief system and everything else out ZxhC684B67k-00517-00136379-00136487 there ZxhC684B67k-00518-00136488-00136757 yeah the Bible is very clear ZxhC684B67k-00519-00136758-00137045 every knee shout out ZxhC684B67k-00520-00137046-00137225 every talk ZxhC684B67k-00521-00137226-00137525 shall confess ZxhC684B67k-00522-00137526-00137740 to God ZxhC684B67k-00523-00137741-00138047 the the the ultimate confessions that ZxhC684B67k-00524-00138048-00138197 you will make ZxhC684B67k-00525-00138198-00138359 whether you like it or not you don't ZxhC684B67k-00526-00138360-00138514 have to believe it that's fine ZxhC684B67k-00527-00138515-00138851 but all I know is is that that's what's ZxhC684B67k-00528-00138852-00139090 written there his brother you you will ZxhC684B67k-00529-00139091-00139354 bow down to God so hear the words we ZxhC684B67k-00530-00139355-00139523 said today ZxhC684B67k-00531-00139524-00139793 and then when you do Bow your needs ZxhC684B67k-00532-00139794-00140104 remember that you heard that ZxhC684B67k-00533-00140105-00140340 and because you will do it ZxhC684B67k-00534-00140341-00140699 every day you know that's right that's ZxhC684B67k-00535-00140700-00140854 also in Old Testament too and I think ZxhC684B67k-00536-00140855-00140999 that came up in the Old Testament all ZxhC684B67k-00537-00141000-00141059 right ZxhC684B67k-00538-00141060-00141509 the the sun about every knee shall bow ZxhC684B67k-00539-00141510-00141833 and every time shall confess ZxhC684B67k-00540-00141834-00142102 to who see that's what I want that's why ZxhC684B67k-00541-00142103-00142223 I think is the most important message ZxhC684B67k-00542-00142224-00142433 for everybody here today ZxhC684B67k-00543-00142434-00142697 or when they say it's posted and hear it ZxhC684B67k-00544-00142698-00143099 again is you will confess to God ZxhC684B67k-00545-00143100-00143507 and guess what you will not lie to God ZxhC684B67k-00546-00143508-00143843 because he gonna see you as an open book ZxhC684B67k-00547-00143844-00144131 just ain't gonna see me as open but ZxhC684B67k-00548-00144132-00144304 we too busy trying to get approve of ZxhC684B67k-00549-00144305-00144514 people you understand you it's not ZxhC684B67k-00550-00144515-00144790 people that you need to approval from ZxhC684B67k-00551-00144791-00144952 is hell ZxhC684B67k-00552-00144953-00145097 and that's why I looked at that and ZxhC684B67k-00553-00145098-00145240 that's why I'm using that simple thing ZxhC684B67k-00554-00145241-00145404 for the text today ZxhC684B67k-00555-00145405-00145793 every one of us should give account unto ZxhC684B67k-00556-00145794-00145862 God ZxhC684B67k-00557-00145863-00146051 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00558-00146052-00146297 that's what you need to understand ZxhC684B67k-00559-00146298-00146507 that's why they said what the reverence ZxhC684B67k-00560-00146508-00146999 God to to to to fear God and and I will ZxhC684B67k-00561-00147000-00147245 tell you what that Exodus story you know ZxhC684B67k-00562-00147246-00147604 after we chapter 20 after God gave those ZxhC684B67k-00563-00147605-00147797 Commandments and they sit there and said ZxhC684B67k-00564-00147798-00148021 Moses you remember that ZxhC684B67k-00565-00148022-00148283 Moses you you go ZxhC684B67k-00566-00148284-00148511 you go talk to him ZxhC684B67k-00567-00148512-00148825 we got you we got your back Moses we ZxhC684B67k-00568-00148826-00149152 rather die whatever you tell us ZxhC684B67k-00569-00149153-00149416 who we gonna do in the future after ZxhC684B67k-00570-00149417-00149837 later the golden calf popped up ZxhC684B67k-00571-00149838-00150101 because it's easier to give account some ZxhC684B67k-00572-00150102-00150371 of us rather give account to ZxhC684B67k-00573-00150372-00150616 a fellow man ZxhC684B67k-00574-00150617-00150857 didn't give account to God ZxhC684B67k-00575-00150858-00151223 because I know I could say a few days a ZxhC684B67k-00576-00151224-00151457 few years later I don't know what ZxhC684B67k-00577-00151458-00151547 happened ZxhC684B67k-00578-00151548-00151721 what did it say what it said what is a ZxhC684B67k-00579-00151722-00151852 Moses they said I don't know what ZxhC684B67k-00580-00151853-00152059 happened to him ZxhC684B67k-00581-00152060-00152345 so now what we're gonna do get the ZxhC684B67k-00582-00152346-00152537 golden calf out ZxhC684B67k-00583-00152538-00152759 I think that I think that has I think ZxhC684B67k-00584-00152760-00153064 that's a symbolic message of a cow ZxhC684B67k-00585-00153065-00153407 in itself isn't it it is you know ZxhC684B67k-00586-00153408-00153513 um ZxhC684B67k-00587-00153514-00153676 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00588-00153677-00154054 you you you can't expect that calf to ZxhC684B67k-00589-00154055-00154252 require anything up ZxhC684B67k-00590-00154253-00154554 nothing you gotta carry it the ZxhC684B67k-00591-00154555-00154997 responsibility of your life ZxhC684B67k-00592-00154998-00155435 yeah dictated upon yourself oh I just ZxhC684B67k-00593-00155436-00155831 thought yeah ZxhC684B67k-00594-00155832-00156089 a creator ZxhC684B67k-00595-00156090-00156373 create and be ZxhC684B67k-00596-00156374-00156635 subject to the creation ZxhC684B67k-00597-00156636-00156754 um ZxhC684B67k-00598-00156755-00156899 yes ZxhC684B67k-00599-00156900-00157309 you know yeah we went ZxhC684B67k-00600-00157310-00157709 man can't conceive that because ZxhC684B67k-00601-00157710-00158947 look what they say about AI ZxhC684B67k-00602-00158948-00159371 it would sit there and recognize the ZxhC684B67k-00603-00159372-00159647 equation you're the unknown variable ZxhC684B67k-00604-00159648-00159901 when I look at things this goes wrong ZxhC684B67k-00605-00159902-00160313 the unknown variable is you you are what ZxhC684B67k-00606-00160314-00160540 a radical well some of the things called ZxhC684B67k-00607-00160541-00160849 radical uh uh uh elephant or something ZxhC684B67k-00608-00160850-00161164 it's just not consistent it's just not ZxhC684B67k-00609-00161165-00161602 rational irrational you know so if I ZxhC684B67k-00610-00161603-00161854 move the irrational out of the way did I ZxhC684B67k-00611-00161855-00162028 did a lot of the things that need to be ZxhC684B67k-00612-00162029-00162251 done correctly is done ZxhC684B67k-00613-00162252-00162511 that's why we need to understand ZxhC684B67k-00614-00162512-00162839 we need our creator ZxhC684B67k-00615-00162840-00163061 and and when they said there even in ZxhC684B67k-00616-00163062-00163325 Exodus by saying Moses you go talk to ZxhC684B67k-00617-00163326-00163409 them ZxhC684B67k-00618-00163410-00163637 all it was doing just like Adam and Eve ZxhC684B67k-00619-00163638-00163787 this because remember we laughed about ZxhC684B67k-00620-00163788-00164233 that other day they stood a fire off ZxhC684B67k-00621-00164234-00164569 it's almost like they took off running ZxhC684B67k-00622-00164570-00164837 maybe they made a way they made it back ZxhC684B67k-00623-00164838-00164951 to the cab ZxhC684B67k-00624-00164952-00165335 and prior to the tent Moses you you uh ZxhC684B67k-00625-00165336-00165533 and running behind it well ZxhC684B67k-00626-00165534-00165731 you gotta do it we gotta ZxhC684B67k-00627-00165732-00165947 most you gonna talk to him ZxhC684B67k-00628-00165948-00166097 and David said why they wouldn't talk ZxhC684B67k-00629-00166098-00166199 remember what they said why they ZxhC684B67k-00630-00166200-00166511 wouldn't talk to him what'd he say ZxhC684B67k-00631-00166512-00166702 why did we talk to God why they said ZxhC684B67k-00632-00166703-00166859 about you go talk to him because if they ZxhC684B67k-00633-00166860-00167026 talk to him what's gonna happen oh ZxhC684B67k-00634-00167027-00167245 they're gonna die ZxhC684B67k-00635-00167246-00167623 unless we die ZxhC684B67k-00636-00167624-00167890 exactly isn't that the same if you think ZxhC684B67k-00637-00167891-00168190 about it that was the same thing Adam ZxhC684B67k-00638-00168191-00168449 and Eve took off running ZxhC684B67k-00639-00168450-00169075 they hid themselves ZxhC684B67k-00640-00169076-00169713 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00641-00169714-00170643 [Music] ZxhC684B67k-00642-00170644-00171021 [Music] ZyLv1aWl2ok-00000-00000363-00000897 right let's see / ones so this is where ZyLv1aWl2ok-00001-00000898-00001618 i am at this slide 22 let's go many a ZyLv1aWl2ok-00002-00001619-00002067 virtualbox manager let's start the ZyLv1aWl2ok-00003-00002068-00004530 victim machines I'm at the page 10 slide ZyLv1aWl2ok-00004-00004531-00005918 on info and when you start victim vm ZyLv1aWl2ok-00005-00005919-00006791 victim vm sysinternals and do you see ZyLv1aWl2ok-00006-00006792-00007233 you're all runs this one so over ones ZyLv1aWl2ok-00007-00007234-00007574 that the equip program and hold on see ZyLv1aWl2ok-00008-00007575-00008071 such as comment like or comment line so ZyLv1aWl2ok-00009-00008072-00008994 victims and you can start your 10 do you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00010-00008995-00009692 see idea ok so the reason i do not even ZyLv1aWl2ok-00011-00009693-00009913 major services or editing on the ZyLv1aWl2ok-00012-00009914-00010235 previous life these are the old location ZyLv1aWl2ok-00013-00010236-00010569 that can be used by malware to persist ZyLv1aWl2ok-00014-00010570-00010926 and there are a lot of them raven scroll ZyLv1aWl2ok-00015-00010927-00011741 down and when you see the options filter ZyLv1aWl2ok-00016-00011742-00011942 options for one day you are totally ZyLv1aWl2ok-00017-00011943-00012260 right now is a the entries registry key ZyLv1aWl2ok-00018-00012261-00012669 open a file location you know that is ZyLv1aWl2ok-00019-00012670-00013065 actually in you to persist currently for ZyLv1aWl2ok-00020-00013066-00013512 when you on the options filter options ZyLv1aWl2ok-00021-00013513-00013702 and when you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00022-00013703-00013944 select include empty locations and ZyLv1aWl2ok-00023-00013945-00014419 select yes and do you see much more ZyLv1aWl2ok-00024-00014419-00014718 entries see how many increase our right ZyLv1aWl2ok-00025-00014719-00015091 all of these can be used to anoka ZyLv1aWl2ok-00026-00015091-00015394 malware to persist okay and when the ZyLv1aWl2ok-00027-00015394-00015616 goal of this class is memorized the ZyLv1aWl2ok-00028-00015616-00016054 whole obese and this other kid so you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00029-00016055-00016188 don't need to memorize because we want ZyLv1aWl2ok-00030-00016190-00016504 to I want want to emphasize and there's ZyLv1aWl2ok-00031-00016505-00016822 a lot of our praise for our two person a ZyLv1aWl2ok-00032-00016823-00017152 lot of places they can be used to ZyLv1aWl2ok-00033-00017153-00017452 persist right and when you see other ZyLv1aWl2ok-00034-00017453-00017779 tabs that it is you know what am I was ZyLv1aWl2ok-00035-00017780-00017992 the Select was everything but when you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00036-00017993-00018262 click on your other cab you are see more ZyLv1aWl2ok-00037-00018263-00018733 not good as our locations I hear there's ZyLv1aWl2ok-00038-00018734-00019053 a lot in now I'll go pack everything in ZyLv1aWl2ok-00039-00019054-00019422 options filter option and i want to ZyLv1aWl2ok-00040-00019423-00019954 teach the leg and now we had a much less ZyLv1aWl2ok-00041-00019955-00020169 but there's something some location that ZyLv1aWl2ok-00042-00020170-00020661 i should being used currently right and ZyLv1aWl2ok-00043-00020662-00021127 another thing let's follow to run the do ZyLv1aWl2ok-00044-00021128-00021349 you see the belt very first line there ZyLv1aWl2ok-00045-00021350-00021694 is a windows current version one right ZyLv1aWl2ok-00046-00021695-00022009 and when you double click done when our ZyLv1aWl2ok-00047-00022010-00022297 reg adele is being open so in actual you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00048-00022298-00022800 can see what's in it in detail to see ZyLv1aWl2ok-00049-00022801-00023227 okay I to stop a click here right the ZyLv1aWl2ok-00050-00023228-00023678 need to jump to this all registry key ZyLv1aWl2ok-00051-00023679-00024466 and select right so that's also i just ZyLv1aWl2ok-00052-00024467-00025228 don't me with the slide 23 shortly but ZyLv1aWl2ok-00053-00025229-00025687 so although if I we called everything ZyLv1aWl2ok-00054-00025688-00026106 everybody help heavy read one was the ZyLv1aWl2ok-00055-00026107-00026473 one that you can identify the know if ZyLv1aWl2ok-00056-00026474-00026749 recent entries told Annika the yellow ZyLv1aWl2ok-00057-00026750-00026867 one is fine ZyLv1aWl2ok-00058-00026868-00027362 found red one I think it was a you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00059-00027363-00027686 cannot verify the signature I be there ZyLv1aWl2ok-00060-00027687-00028751 for the pitcher I like to work I can ZyLv1aWl2ok-00061-00028752-00028922 spread its own body will you sit here ZyLv1aWl2ok-00062-00028923-00029344 that just kinda think all right yes I ZyLv1aWl2ok-00063-00029345-00029927 hope this one says something right yeah ZyLv1aWl2ok-00064-00029928-00030193 if you select verify captioned by ZyLv1aWl2ok-00065-00030194-00030614 highlighting light red basically since ZyLv1aWl2ok-00066-00030615-00031106 I'm sure if option whether it is this ZyLv1aWl2ok-00067-00031107-00032803 one or three properties ZyLv1aWl2ok-00068-00032804-00033224 into properties so I pro there's some ZyLv1aWl2ok-00069-00033225-00033515 option that you can sell that and you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00070-00033516-00033824 also skip it but he saw say that red one ZyLv1aWl2ok-00071-00033825-00034100 is out the signature cannot be verified ZyLv1aWl2ok-00072-00034101-00034445 red one when there's an entry but you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00073-00034446-00034763 cannot find the file itself then he it ZyLv1aWl2ok-00074-00034764-00035378 has as a red and yellow find a phone ZyLv1aWl2ok-00075-00035379-00035729 here right he has somehow registry entry ZyLv1aWl2ok-00076-00035730-00036032 but associated virus cannot be found me ZyLv1aWl2ok-00077-00036033-00036353 the PI system right those that's what it ZyLv1aWl2ok-00078-00036354-00036850 meant and all right any questions so far ZyLv1aWl2ok-00079-00036851-00037160 and there are these a really good tool ZyLv1aWl2ok-00080-00037161-00037430 to use Oracle it yes well it's this ZyLv1aWl2ok-00081-00037431-00037685 internal tools today still work if you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00082-00037686-00038323 have four major proposes on Windows 8.1 ZyLv1aWl2ok-00083-00038324-00038849 okay Dahlia I'll eat what's for certain ZyLv1aWl2ok-00084-00038850-00039178 hey folks on something person no no sa ZyLv1aWl2ok-00085-00039179-00039410 run for you will not show you everything ZyLv1aWl2ok-00086-00039411-00039827 for example if you have worrisome ZyLv1aWl2ok-00087-00039828-00040109 process in the higher privilege for you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00088-00040110-00040370 are running the process monica is floor ZyLv1aWl2ok-00089-00040371-00040592 with a low pro previous one then you ZyLv1aWl2ok-00090-00040593-00040847 don't see any information there okay i ZyLv1aWl2ok-00091-00040848-00041195 think you wanna stay wrong with the ZyLv1aWl2ok-00092-00041196-00041474 limited data Z_x75SeRePo-00000-00000019-00000286 Green Island is one of the bedlo Islands Z_x75SeRePo-00001-00000287-00000434 group lying off the west coast of Z_x75SeRePo-00002-00000434-00000894 Greenland Antarctica Z_x75SeRePo-00003-00000894-00001095 you Z_x75SeRePo-00004-00001096-00001707 topic description the island is about 20 Z_x75SeRePo-00005-00001709-00001818 hectares in area Z_x75SeRePo-00006-00001819-00002173 it lies 150 meters north are the largest Z_x75SeRePo-00007-00002174-00002365 of the bedlo Islands group some three Z_x75SeRePo-00008-00002366-00002610 kilometers off it gram coast of the Z_x75SeRePo-00009-00002611-00002953 Antarctic Peninsula is 520 meters long Z_x75SeRePo-00010-00002954-00003249 from north to south and 500 meters wide Z_x75SeRePo-00011-00003250-00003429 from east to west rising to a rounded Z_x75SeRePo-00012-00003430-00003727 peak 83 meters high it rises steeply on Z_x75SeRePo-00013-00003728-00003901 all sides with precipitous cliffs on the Z_x75SeRePo-00014-00003902-00004462 southern and eastern sides Z_x75SeRePo-00015-00004463-00005084 topic Antarctic specially protected area Z_x75SeRePo-00016-00005085-00005313 it is protected as Antarctic specially Z_x75SeRePo-00017-00005314-00005595 protected area ASP a number 108 because Z_x75SeRePo-00018-00005596-00005771 of its vegetation which was described as Z_x75SeRePo-00019-00005772-00005963 probably the most luxuriant anywhere on Z_x75SeRePo-00020-00005964-00006121 the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula Z_x75SeRePo-00021-00006122-00006371 on its north-facing slopes it has Z_x75SeRePo-00022-00006372-00006563 well-developed banks of muster formed by Z_x75SeRePo-00023-00006564-00006741 poly trim stricter man chorus udon Tia Z_x75SeRePo-00024-00006742-00006912 Massif Ilum overlying Pete more than a Z_x75SeRePo-00025-00006913-00007191 meter deep Antarctic hair grass grows in Z_x75SeRePo-00026-00007192-00007331 small patches on the steep rocky Z_x75SeRePo-00027-00007333-00007499 northwestern corner of the island near a Z_x75SeRePo-00028-00007500-00007770 colony of 500 to 600 Antarctic shags one Z_x75SeRePo-00029-00007770-00007881 of the largest on the Antarctic Z_x75SeRePo-00030-00007881-00008114 Peninsula ZAdueQQr7fu-00000-00000053-00000291 tarah short for the exiled realm of ZAdueQQr7fu-00001-00000292-00000438 arboria is a massively multiplayer ZAdueQQr7fu-00002-00000439-00000766 online role-playing game MMORPG ZAdueQQr7fu-00003-00000767-00001020 developed by Crafton the game was ZAdueQQr7fu-00004-00001021-00001252 released in South Korea on the 25th of ZAdueQQr7fu-00005-00001253-00001545 January 2011 in North America on the 1st ZAdueQQr7fu-00006-00001546-00001789 of May 2012 and in Europe on the 3rd of ZAdueQQr7fu-00007-00001789-00002034 May 2012 with closed and open beta ZAdueQQr7fu-00008-00002035-00002235 testing taking place before the launch ZAdueQQr7fu-00009-00002236-00002318 dates ZAdueQQr7fu-00010-00002319-00002689 NHN corporation NHN Japan corporation ZAdueQQr7fu-00011-00002690-00002892 unmask entertainment and game forge ZAdueQQr7fu-00012-00002893-00003066 publishes the game in these regions ZAdueQQr7fu-00013-00003067-00003420 respectively in February 2013 the game ZAdueQQr7fu-00014-00003421-00003640 was renamed to Terra Rising concurrently ZAdueQQr7fu-00015-00003640-00003769 with the game's launch to the ZAdueQQr7fu-00016-00003770-00004144 free-to-play model in September 2014 the ZAdueQQr7fu-00017-00004145-00004356 game was renamed to Terra fate of Arun ZAdueQQr7fu-00018-00004357-00004549 in the same patch that added a new level ZAdueQQr7fu-00019-00004550-00004779 cap and expanded Terra's horizons with ZAdueQQr7fu-00020-00004780-00004936 the new continent in northern arun ZAdueQQr7fu-00021-00004937-00005176 valley orion cut off from the rest of ZAdueQQr7fu-00022-00005177-00005422 the world for centuries northern arun as ZAdueQQr7fu-00023-00005423-00005697 a land of savage jungles colossal ruins ZAdueQQr7fu-00024-00005698-00005895 and the undiscovered homeland of the ZAdueQQr7fu-00025-00005896-00006211 Baracus the patch became effective on ZAdueQQr7fu-00026-00006212-00006973 December 2014 in America and Europe ZAdueQQr7fu-00027-00006973-00007489 topic gameplay ZAdueQQr7fu-00028-00007490-00007837 terra has typical MMORPG features such ZAdueQQr7fu-00029-00007838-00007984 as questing crafting and ZAdueQQr7fu-00030-00007984-00008257 player-versus-player action the game's ZAdueQQr7fu-00031-00008258-00008503 combat uses a real-time battle system ZAdueQQr7fu-00032-00008504-00008665 that incorporates third-person camera ZAdueQQr7fu-00033-00008666-00008959 view the player targets an enemy with a ZAdueQQr7fu-00034-00008960-00009181 crosshair cursor rather than clicking or ZAdueQQr7fu-00035-00009182-00009379 tabbing an individual opponent which is ZAdueQQr7fu-00036-00009380-00009685 called the non target battle system by ZAdueQQr7fu-00037-00009686-00009877 the developer the players need to ZAdueQQr7fu-00038-00009878-00010147 actively dodge enemy attacks a keyboard ZAdueQQr7fu-00039-00010148-00010363 and mouse or a control pad can be used ZAdueQQr7fu-00040-00010364-00010564 to control the character characters may ZAdueQQr7fu-00041-00010565-00010759 be one of seven races allied with the ZAdueQQr7fu-00042-00010760-00011071 Val Confederation each race has a set of ZAdueQQr7fu-00043-00011072-00011365 unique racial skills that gives them ZAdueQQr7fu-00044-00011366-00011629 minor advantages races also have their ZAdueQQr7fu-00045-00011630-00011830 own unique animations for many class ZAdueQQr7fu-00046-00011831-00012151 specific skills Terra also has 13 ZAdueQQr7fu-00047-00012152-00012436 classes as of October 2017 each with ZAdueQQr7fu-00048-00012437-00012583 their own unique abilities and ZAdueQQr7fu-00049-00012584-00012901 attributes the developers collaborated ZAdueQQr7fu-00050-00012902-00013132 with CCP games and their successful use ZAdueQQr7fu-00051-00013133-00013416 of Plex for EVE Online as a way of ZAdueQQr7fu-00052-00013418-00013708 deterring gold farmers as a result Terra ZAdueQQr7fu-00053-00013709-00013927 released a currency called chrono ZAdueQQr7fu-00054-00013928-00014188 Scrolls that works similarly as it ZAdueQQr7fu-00055-00014188-00014362 allows game time to be purchased with ZAdueQQr7fu-00056-00014363-00014653 real money and sold for in-game gold the ZAdueQQr7fu-00057-00014654-00014827 use of Chronos Scrolls is only available ZAdueQQr7fu-00058-00014828-00015025 to users who have purchased the game ZAdueQQr7fu-00059-00015026-00015280 either digitally or physically those ZAdueQQr7fu-00060-00015281-00015588 with the discovery Edition cannot use ZAdueQQr7fu-00061-00015590-00016135 chrono Scrolls ZAdueQQr7fu-00062-00016136-00016613 topic plot ZAdueQQr7fu-00063-00016614-00016955 you ZAdueQQr7fu-00064-00016956-00017423 topic lore ZAdueQQr7fu-00065-00017424-00017711 the two beings Arun and Shara Titans of ZAdueQQr7fu-00066-00017712-00017921 unimaginable power met in a formless ZAdueQQr7fu-00067-00017922-00018257 void somehow Arun and Sharaf fell asleep ZAdueQQr7fu-00068-00018258-00018473 and began to dream as they slept the ZAdueQQr7fu-00069-00018474-00018671 exiled realm of arborea began to ZAdueQQr7fu-00070-00018672-00018956 manifest itself around them today both ZAdueQQr7fu-00071-00018957-00019166 errands and Sharra's bodies form the two ZAdueQQr7fu-00072-00019167-00019373 continents the exiled realm of arborea ZAdueQQr7fu-00073-00019374-00019679 as Maeda as both Titans continued to ZAdueQQr7fu-00074-00019680-00019928 sleep their dreams came to life out of ZAdueQQr7fu-00075-00019929-00020138 this dream the first 12 god-like ZAdueQQr7fu-00076-00020139-00020354 inhabitants of Terra emerged not long ZAdueQQr7fu-00077-00020355-00020555 before a terrible war amongst them took ZAdueQQr7fu-00078-00020556-00020879 place yet Arun and Shara remained in ZAdueQQr7fu-00079-00020880-00021071 their dreamlike state and simply out of ZAdueQQr7fu-00080-00021072-00021170 their imagination ZAdueQQr7fu-00081-00021171-00021416 the first mortals came to life the ZAdueQQr7fu-00082-00021417-00021584 mortals and gods fought each other in ZAdueQQr7fu-00083-00021585-00021800 great divine wars leaving most of the ZAdueQQr7fu-00084-00021801-00021992 gods dead imprisoned or otherwise ZAdueQQr7fu-00085-00021993-00022235 diminished even some of the mortal ZAdueQQr7fu-00086-00022236-00022451 species got wiped out however others ZAdueQQr7fu-00087-00022452-00022688 emerged and today most of Terra's races ZAdueQQr7fu-00088-00022689-00022889 form an alliance fighting menaces beyond ZAdueQQr7fu-00089-00022890-00023444 their world ZAdueQQr7fu-00090-00023445-00023968 topic development ZAdueQQr7fu-00091-00023969-00024319 in February 2013 Tara in North America ZAdueQQr7fu-00092-00024320-00024544 and Europe transitioned to Tara rising ZAdueQQr7fu-00093-00024545-00024736 which changed the subscription model to ZAdueQQr7fu-00094-00024737-00025045 a freemium design free play plus ZAdueQQr7fu-00095-00025046-00025231 purchasable premium status and ZAdueQQr7fu-00096-00025232-00025489 customization options the developer has ZAdueQQr7fu-00097-00025490-00025708 promised no time level or content ZAdueQQr7fu-00098-00025708-00025902 restrictions for free players after this ZAdueQQr7fu-00099-00025904-00026182 update players who purchase a 30 day ZAdueQQr7fu-00100-00026183-00026433 elite status will receive increased ZAdueQQr7fu-00101-00026435-00026683 dungeon rewards in-game discounts and ZAdueQQr7fu-00102-00026683-00026866 other meta game advantages due to the ZAdueQQr7fu-00103-00026867-00027181 new model de chrono Scrolls mentioned ZAdueQQr7fu-00104-00027182-00027352 above are being phased out and are no ZAdueQQr7fu-00105-00027352-00027580 longer sold by the developer more usable ZAdueQQr7fu-00106-00027581-00027858 to extend game time existing chrono ZAdueQQr7fu-00107-00027860-00028045 Scrolls can be sold to merchants for ZAdueQQr7fu-00108-00028045-00028372 2,000 gold the Japanese and Korean ZAdueQQr7fu-00109-00028373-00028537 versions of Terra also became ZAdueQQr7fu-00110-00028538-00028810 free-to-play in December 2012 in January ZAdueQQr7fu-00111-00028811-00029494 2013 respectively ZAdueQQr7fu-00112-00029495-00030008 topic reception ZAdueQQr7fu-00113-00030008-00030220 Terra has been met with generally ZAdueQQr7fu-00114-00030222-00030425 favorable reviews citing the action ZAdueQQr7fu-00115-00030426-00030637 based gameplay huge and widely varied ZAdueQQr7fu-00116-00030638-00030818 seamless world the exciting and ZAdueQQr7fu-00117-00030819-00031085 recurring big-ass monster BAM fights the ZAdueQQr7fu-00118-00031086-00031258 ease of using the game's auction house ZAdueQQr7fu-00119-00031260-00031436 called the trade broker and lush ZAdueQQr7fu-00120-00031437-00031625 detailed graphics as the game's high ZAdueQQr7fu-00121-00031626-00031901 point the option of using a console ZAdueQQr7fu-00122-00031902-00032072 controller also provided much ZAdueQQr7fu-00123-00032073-00032273 satisfaction for players that wanted to ZAdueQQr7fu-00124-00032274-00032515 play an MMORPG without relying on a ZAdueQQr7fu-00125-00032516-00032795 keyboard and mouse the game's musical ZAdueQQr7fu-00126-00032796-00033008 score received praise for its varied and ZAdueQQr7fu-00127-00033009-00033218 emotionally charged tracks ranging from ZAdueQQr7fu-00128-00033219-00033412 epic orchestral pieces to more mellow ZAdueQQr7fu-00129-00033413-00033701 Tunes criticism is directed at the ZAdueQQr7fu-00130-00033702-00033905 game's generic collect kill rendezvous ZAdueQQr7fu-00131-00033906-00034115 quest grind to level up with some quests ZAdueQQr7fu-00132-00034116-00034307 backtracking simply to talk to the same ZAdueQQr7fu-00133-00034308-00034631 NPC player killing is commonly done in ZAdueQQr7fu-00134-00034632-00034796 the open world and has been met with a ZAdueQQr7fu-00135-00034797-00034979 lot of praise due to the freedom and ZAdueQQr7fu-00136-00034980-00035171 constant action it can bring to daily ZAdueQQr7fu-00137-00035172-00035417 questing and traveling critics have ZAdueQQr7fu-00138-00035418-00035612 targeted the Nexus Wars feature as a ZAdueQQr7fu-00139-00035613-00035834 blatant ripoff of rift system in March ZAdueQQr7fu-00140-00035835-00036098 2013 after switching to a free-to-play ZAdueQQr7fu-00141-00036099-00036346 business model the game passed 1 point 4 ZAdueQQr7fu-00142-00036347-00036548 million registered accounts on the 5th ZAdueQQr7fu-00143-00036549-00036671 of May 2015 ZAdueQQr7fu-00144-00036672-00036950 Terra's new patch 31 point zero 4 was ZAdueQQr7fu-00145-00036951-00037100 released in which the game became ZAdueQQr7fu-00146-00037101-00037352 available on Steam along with being ZAdueQQr7fu-00147-00037353-00037574 available on Steam the gunner class was ZAdueQQr7fu-00148-00037575-00037748 released and new dungeons were added ZAdueQQr7fu-00149-00037749-00038045 Blue Hole studio also released inactive ZAdueQQr7fu-00150-00038046-00038246 character names making them available to ZAdueQQr7fu-00151-00038247-00038639 new characters by March 2017 Terra had ZAdueQQr7fu-00152-00038640-00038971 over 25 million users worldwide as of ZAdueQQr7fu-00153-00038972-00039299 the 5th of May 2017 Terra has over 26 ZAdueQQr7fu-00154-00039300-00039469 million registered players worldwide ZAdueQQr7fu-00155-00039470-00039764 including over 6.6 million in North ZAdueQQr7fu-00156-00039765-00040320 America ZAdueQQr7fu-00157-00040321-00040952 topic trade secret civil actions ZAdueQQr7fu-00158-00040953-00041315 in 2007 NCsoft filed a complaint to ZAdueQQr7fu-00159-00041316-00041543 South Korean gosu gamer authorities and ZAdueQQr7fu-00160-00041544-00041717 brought a civil action for damages and ZAdueQQr7fu-00161-00041718-00041990 an injunction to blue hole studio the ZAdueQQr7fu-00162-00041991-00042203 blue hole studio founders and employees ZAdueQQr7fu-00163-00042204-00042443 formerly employed under NCsoft and ZAdueQQr7fu-00164-00042444-00042632 working on the lineage three development ZAdueQQr7fu-00165-00042633-00042836 team were convicted by a Korean Criminal ZAdueQQr7fu-00166-00042837-00043013 Court for the theft of valuable trade ZAdueQQr7fu-00167-00043014-00043442 secrets from ncsoft in 2009 in 2010 a ZAdueQQr7fu-00168-00043443-00043592 Korean civil court held these ZAdueQQr7fu-00169-00043593-00043805 individuals along with blue whole studio ZAdueQQr7fu-00170-00043806-00044006 liable for misappropriation of trade ZAdueQQr7fu-00171-00044007-00044300 secrets awarding NCsoft about 2 million ZAdueQQr7fu-00172-00044301-00044492 dollars in damages and issuing an ZAdueQQr7fu-00173-00044493-00044669 injunction against utilising trade ZAdueQQr7fu-00174-00044670-00044957 secrets for monetary gain the damages ZAdueQQr7fu-00175-00044958-00045113 were later reversed by an appellate ZAdueQQr7fu-00176-00045114-00045293 court but the injunction remained in ZAdueQQr7fu-00177-00045294-00045578 place despite the injunction blue whole ZAdueQQr7fu-00178-00045579-00045790 studio developed and released tera in ZAdueQQr7fu-00179-00045791-00046153 South Korea on the 9th of January 2012 ZAdueQQr7fu-00180-00046154-00046400 ncsoft filed a civil action in the ZAdueQQr7fu-00181-00046401-00046613 United States against blue hole studio ZAdueQQr7fu-00182-00046614-00047015 in its US subsidiary on mass ncsoft was ZAdueQQr7fu-00183-00047016-00047198 seeking a preliminary and permanent ZAdueQQr7fu-00184-00047199-00047369 injunction prohibiting the launch of ZAdueQQr7fu-00185-00047370-00047612 tera in the United States or damages for ZAdueQQr7fu-00186-00047613-00047771 the substantial harm that the launch ZAdueQQr7fu-00187-00047772-00047912 would caused NCsoft ZAdueQQr7fu-00188-00047913-00048161 they asserted claims for copyright ZAdueQQr7fu-00189-00048162-00048314 infringement trade secret ZAdueQQr7fu-00190-00048315-00048515 misappropriation breach of confidence ZAdueQQr7fu-00191-00048516-00048737 unfair competition and unjust enrichment ZAdueQQr7fu-00192-00048738-00048944 under the laws of the state of New York ZAdueQQr7fu-00193-00048945-00049310 on the 18th of April 2012 unmask ZAdueQQr7fu-00194-00049311-00049481 Entertainment announced they were found ZAdueQQr7fu-00195-00049482-00049693 not guilty in the Korean civil actions ZAdueQQr7fu-00196-00049694-00049955 however three employees were found ZAdueQQr7fu-00197-00049956-00050165 guilty ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00000-00000000-00000353 foreign ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00001-00000354-00001057 [Music] ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00002-00001058-00001312 it's been a while we were really busy ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00003-00001313-00001607 making this show as good as it is we're ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00004-00001607-00001775 back with another episode which we know ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00005-00001776-00001925 you've been dying to see you know a lot ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00006-00001926-00002105 happened while we were gone a new health ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00007-00002106-00002315 office is here a new marijuana office ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00008-00002316-00002507 plans for future energy and a ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00009-00002508-00002668 controversial Car Wash you heard it here ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00010-00002669-00002825 last folks keep your health has opened a ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00011-00002826-00002999 new office building in Cortland the ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00012-00003000-00003179 office located on Tompkins Street will ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00013-00003180-00003365 serve to consolidate a number of Cayuga ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00014-00003365-00003556 House Cortland and Homer locations the ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00015-00003557-00003725 facility will include Behavioral Health ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00016-00003726-00003995 Services Cardiology neurology surgery ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00017-00003996-00004313 pulmonology ENT Occupational Medicine ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00018-00004314-00004613 sleep practices and lab services quote ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00019-00004614-00004751 we are excited about this brand new ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00020-00004752-00004906 facility and all of the benefits for our ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00021-00004907-00005081 patients in the Cortland area so Dr ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00022-00005082-00005279 Martin Saloon president and CEO of ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00023-00005280-00005483 Cayuga health you know something's in ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00024-00005484-00005656 the air done at the commons and it's not ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00025-00005657-00005975 love it's THC yes this is from ithaca's ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00026-00005976-00006202 first legal marijuana dispensary William ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00027-00006203-00006448 Jane opening last week bringing even ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00028-00006450-00006646 more marijuana into Ithaca if that was ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00029-00006647-00006851 possible the hopes of this business is ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00030-00006852-00007025 to provide a safe way to get the now ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00031-00007026-00007223 legal drug and decrease the risk and ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00032-00007223-00007409 effort of obtaining it no good thing ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00033-00007409-00007534 comes easy though and this new ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00034-00007536-00007714 dispensary could take jobs and profits ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00035-00007715-00007864 away from small local marijuana ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00036-00007865-00008110 entrepreneurs William Jane seems to be ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00037-00008111-00008273 very popular with locals though with a ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00038-00008274-00008441 line over a hundred people Along on ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00039-00008442-00008639 opening day with one man saying quote ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00040-00008640-00008933 it's been a while I moved here in 1971. ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00041-00008934-00009203 I can't wait to try it end quote no way ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00042-00009204-00009455 he waited a 52 years for this but okay ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00043-00009456-00009664 one man's trash dump is another man's ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00044-00009665-00009821 solar farm out in Dryden the ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00045-00009822-00009995 decommissioned Caswell Road Landfill is ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00046-00009996-00010156 an ideal location to gather solar energy ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00047-00010157-00010355 to power homes and businesses for ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00048-00010356-00010499 thousands of people since it's ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00049-00010500-00010678 uninhabitable because of the waste the ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00050-00010679-00010924 baron 112 acre plot can be used for ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00051-00010925-00011146 other purposes the plans been in the ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00052-00011147-00011314 works for a few years alongside other ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00053-00011315-00011483 solar farms in the area and it's ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00054-00011484-00011633 estimated that construction can begin in ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00055-00011634-00011909 2024. people are disappointed at the ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00056-00011910-00012064 beginning of construction of a new ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00057-00012065-00012310 Squeaky Clean Car Wash on the South Side ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00058-00012311-00012551 the plot of land for the car wash was ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00059-00012552-00012701 expected to be used for a new business ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00060-00012702-00012916 or residence not a car wash with another ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00061-00012917-00013169 location less than a mile away the land ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00062-00013169-00013313 could have been used to make a nice ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00063-00013313-00013499 local business like a Target or a ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00064-00013500-00013715 dispensary who knows social justice week ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00065-00013716-00013877 has gone crazy this week with awesome ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00066-00013878-00014069 presentations about hip-hop to climate ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00067-00014069-00014291 action to Fashion speakers told stories ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00068-00014291-00014399 from their lives sharing their ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00069-00014400-00014549 experiences in the world and connecting ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00070-00014550-00014686 them to students to educate them about ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00071-00014687-00014825 the differences between time and people ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00072-00014826-00014993 but that's all we've got for this ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00073-00014994-00015238 episode we hope you really learned see ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00074-00015240-00015319 you next week ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00075-00015321-00017549 [Music] ZBx3eKPK_mQ-00076-00017550-00017865 [Music] ZDEVaBd2cm0-00000-00000032-00000335 from around the globe it's thecube ZDEVaBd2cm0-00001-00000336-00000526 with coverage of kubecon and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00002-00000527-00000759 cloudnativecon north america 2020 ZDEVaBd2cm0-00003-00000760-00001007 virtual brought to you by red hat the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00004-00001008-00001215 cloud native computing foundation ZDEVaBd2cm0-00005-00001216-00001511 and ecosystem partners hey welcome back ZDEVaBd2cm0-00006-00001512-00001663 everybody jeff frick here with thecube ZDEVaBd2cm0-00007-00001664-00001807 we're coming to you from our palo alto ZDEVaBd2cm0-00008-00001807-00001998 studios with our ongoing coverage of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00009-00002000-00002110 kubecon ZDEVaBd2cm0-00010-00002111-00002415 cloud nativecon 2020 the digital version ZDEVaBd2cm0-00011-00002416-00002534 it would have been the north american ZDEVaBd2cm0-00012-00002535-00002687 version but obviously everything is ZDEVaBd2cm0-00013-00002688-00002742 digital ZDEVaBd2cm0-00014-00002743-00002895 so we're excited we've been coming back ZDEVaBd2cm0-00015-00002896-00003079 here for years and we've got a founder ZDEVaBd2cm0-00016-00003080-00003327 of cncf and also a practitioner really ZDEVaBd2cm0-00017-00003328-00003406 great ZDEVaBd2cm0-00018-00003407-00003551 opportunity to get some insight from ZDEVaBd2cm0-00019-00003552-00003703 someone who's out in the field and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00020-00003704-00003847 putting this stuff into work so we're ZDEVaBd2cm0-00021-00003847-00004015 joined in this next segment by ken ZDEVaBd2cm0-00022-00004015-00004247 owens he is the vice president software ZDEVaBd2cm0-00023-00004248-00004447 development engineering for mastercard ZDEVaBd2cm0-00024-00004448-00004679 and he's a founding member of the cnc ZDEVaBd2cm0-00025-00004680-00004791 the cloud native ZDEVaBd2cm0-00026-00004792-00005031 uh computing foundation uh kent great to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00027-00005032-00005135 see you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00028-00005136-00005327 yeah great thank you for having me i've ZDEVaBd2cm0-00029-00005328-00005495 enjoyed the cube over the years and i'm ZDEVaBd2cm0-00030-00005496-00005702 glad to be uh part of it again yeah so ZDEVaBd2cm0-00031-00005703-00005879 we're psyched to have you on and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00032-00005880-00005983 i think it's the first time i've got to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00033-00005984-00006095 talk to you i think you might have been ZDEVaBd2cm0-00034-00006096-00006254 on in la a couple years ago ZDEVaBd2cm0-00035-00006255-00006399 where i was kind of drifting around that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00036-00006400-00006591 show i don't think i was uh was on the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00037-00006592-00006678 set that day ZDEVaBd2cm0-00038-00006679-00006831 but before we jump into kind of what's ZDEVaBd2cm0-00039-00006831-00007087 going on now you were a founding member ZDEVaBd2cm0-00040-00007088-00007351 of cncf so you know let's take a step ZDEVaBd2cm0-00041-00007352-00007559 back and kind of share your perspective ZDEVaBd2cm0-00042-00007559-00007710 as to kind of where we are now from ZDEVaBd2cm0-00043-00007711-00007895 where this all began and kind of this ZDEVaBd2cm0-00044-00007895-00008023 whole movement around ZDEVaBd2cm0-00045-00008023-00008191 you know cloud native certainly it's a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00046-00008192-00008367 good place to be ZDEVaBd2cm0-00047-00008368-00008535 yeah yeah definitely it's um it's been a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00048-00008536-00008719 great ride um ZDEVaBd2cm0-00049-00008720-00008887 you know in our industry we go through ZDEVaBd2cm0-00050-00008888-00009031 these sort of um ZDEVaBd2cm0-00051-00009032-00009278 time frames um every decade or so or ZDEVaBd2cm0-00052-00009279-00009463 where something big kind of comes along ZDEVaBd2cm0-00053-00009464-00009527 and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00054-00009528-00009727 and you get involved in you participate ZDEVaBd2cm0-00055-00009728-00009927 in it and it gets to be a lot of fun ZDEVaBd2cm0-00056-00009928-00010231 and it either dies or it evolves into ZDEVaBd2cm0-00057-00010232-00010399 something else right and with ZDEVaBd2cm0-00058-00010400-00010742 cloud native con cloud native itself ZDEVaBd2cm0-00059-00010743-00010927 you know this concept of just how ZDEVaBd2cm0-00060-00010928-00011046 difficult it was ZDEVaBd2cm0-00061-00011047-00011406 to really move with the type of agility ZDEVaBd2cm0-00062-00011407-00011606 and the type of speed that that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00063-00011607-00011783 developers in the enterprise really need ZDEVaBd2cm0-00064-00011784-00011895 to move at ZDEVaBd2cm0-00065-00011896-00012070 it was just it was hard to get there ZDEVaBd2cm0-00066-00012071-00012231 with just traditional ZDEVaBd2cm0-00067-00012232-00012567 infrastructure traditional ways of doing ZDEVaBd2cm0-00068-00012568-00012727 you know configurations of doing ZDEVaBd2cm0-00069-00012728-00012935 management of infrastructure ZDEVaBd2cm0-00070-00012936-00013127 and it really needed something different ZDEVaBd2cm0-00071-00013128-00013294 and something to kind of help ZDEVaBd2cm0-00072-00013295-00013486 you know with this car orchestration of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00073-00013487-00013615 course but you know it ZDEVaBd2cm0-00074-00013616-00013743 at the time we didn't know it was caught ZDEVaBd2cm0-00075-00013744-00013903 orchestration right we knew we needed ZDEVaBd2cm0-00076-00013904-00014047 you know things like service mesh but ZDEVaBd2cm0-00077-00014047-00014183 they want card service messages then ZDEVaBd2cm0-00078-00014184-00014319 they were you know more like control ZDEVaBd2cm0-00079-00014319-00014430 planes and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00080-00014431-00014663 how do you how do you kind of custom ZDEVaBd2cm0-00081-00014663-00014871 create all these different pieces and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00082-00014872-00015055 the great thing about you know the cncf ZDEVaBd2cm0-00083-00015056-00015230 is that we when we started it we had ZDEVaBd2cm0-00084-00015231-00015494 very simple you know foundational ZDEVaBd2cm0-00085-00015495-00015671 principles we wanted to follow right one ZDEVaBd2cm0-00086-00015672-00015743 was ZDEVaBd2cm0-00087-00015744-00016038 we wanted to have end users involved um ZDEVaBd2cm0-00088-00016040-00016143 a lot of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00089-00016144-00016327 foundations as you know become very ZDEVaBd2cm0-00090-00016328-00016583 vendor driven and very vendor-centric ZDEVaBd2cm0-00091-00016584-00016855 and you kind of lose your your core base ZDEVaBd2cm0-00092-00016856-00016999 of the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00093-00017000-00017150 practitioners as you call this right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00094-00017151-00017327 that the guys who actually need ZDEVaBd2cm0-00095-00017328-00017550 to solve problems they're trying to make ZDEVaBd2cm0-00096-00017551-00017735 a living you know solving problems for ZDEVaBd2cm0-00097-00017736-00017879 the industry not just for selling ZDEVaBd2cm0-00098-00017880-00018030 products right and so it was important ZDEVaBd2cm0-00099-00018031-00018247 that we get those end users involved ZDEVaBd2cm0-00100-00018248-00018422 and that and that's probably the biggest ZDEVaBd2cm0-00101-00018423-00018686 change is it's a great technology ZDEVaBd2cm0-00102-00018687-00018950 body so we had great technologists great ZDEVaBd2cm0-00103-00018951-00019158 engineers in the foundation but we also ZDEVaBd2cm0-00104-00019159-00019414 have a huge over 150 ZDEVaBd2cm0-00105-00019415-00019663 um end users that have engaged and been ZDEVaBd2cm0-00106-00019664-00019814 very involved and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00107-00019815-00020047 contributing to the end users the user ZDEVaBd2cm0-00108-00020048-00020207 community are contributing to the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00109-00020208-00020391 foundation now and it's been awesome to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00110-00020392-00020567 see that come to fruition over the last ZDEVaBd2cm0-00111-00020568-00020630 three years ZDEVaBd2cm0-00112-00020631-00020791 yeah it's certainly part of the magic of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00113-00020792-00020958 open source that's been so so ZDEVaBd2cm0-00114-00020959-00021119 transformative and you know we ZDEVaBd2cm0-00115-00021120-00021271 we've seen that obviously with servers ZDEVaBd2cm0-00116-00021272-00021503 and and linux and what what that did ZDEVaBd2cm0-00117-00021504-00021671 but we've been talking a lot lately too ZDEVaBd2cm0-00118-00021672-00021814 about kind of the anniversary of the of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00119-00021815-00021950 the agile manifesto and kind of the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00120-00021951-00022039 agile movement ZDEVaBd2cm0-00121-00022040-00022271 and really changing the prioritization ZDEVaBd2cm0-00122-00022272-00022511 around change and really making change a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00123-00022512-00022719 class citizen as opposed to kind of a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00124-00022720-00022894 nightmare i don't want to deal with and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00125-00022895-00023071 really building systems and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00126-00023072-00023247 and ways of doing things that adopt that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00127-00023248-00023375 i wanted just to pull up ZDEVaBd2cm0-00128-00023376-00023558 the cloud native definition because i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00129-00023559-00023694 think it's interesting we talk about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00130-00023695-00023839 cloud native a lot and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00131-00023840-00024014 you guys actually wrote some words down ZDEVaBd2cm0-00132-00024015-00024119 and i think it's worth i think it's ZDEVaBd2cm0-00133-00024120-00024222 worth reading them that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00134-00024223-00024367 you know cloud native technologies ZDEVaBd2cm0-00135-00024368-00024558 empower organizations to build and run ZDEVaBd2cm0-00136-00024559-00024750 scalable applications in dynamic ZDEVaBd2cm0-00137-00024751-00024839 environments ZDEVaBd2cm0-00138-00024840-00025039 dynamic environments is such a key piece ZDEVaBd2cm0-00139-00025040-00025247 to this puzzle because it used to be ZDEVaBd2cm0-00140-00025248-00025439 this is your infrastructure app person ZDEVaBd2cm0-00141-00025440-00025575 you got to build something that fits ZDEVaBd2cm0-00142-00025576-00025670 into this ZDEVaBd2cm0-00143-00025672-00025831 now with an app-centric world it's ZDEVaBd2cm0-00144-00025832-00025983 completely flipped over and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00145-00025983-00026167 the the application developer doesn't ZDEVaBd2cm0-00146-00026168-00026270 have to worry about the environment ZDEVaBd2cm0-00147-00026272-00026383 anymore right it's ZDEVaBd2cm0-00148-00026383-00026590 it's it's spin it up and make it ZDEVaBd2cm0-00149-00026591-00026695 available to me ZDEVaBd2cm0-00150-00026695-00026911 when i need it a really different way of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00151-00026912-00027087 thinking about things ZDEVaBd2cm0-00152-00027088-00027383 than kind of this static world ZDEVaBd2cm0-00153-00027383-00027518 definitely and then that was the big ZDEVaBd2cm0-00154-00027519-00027687 missing piece for all those years was ZDEVaBd2cm0-00155-00027688-00027839 how do you get to this dynamic ZDEVaBd2cm0-00156-00027839-00028055 environment right that embraces ZDEVaBd2cm0-00157-00028056-00028374 change embraces risk to some extent not ZDEVaBd2cm0-00158-00028375-00028558 not risk like you've heard in the past ZDEVaBd2cm0-00159-00028560-00028727 with you know risk avoidance is so ZDEVaBd2cm0-00160-00028727-00028855 important to have right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00161-00028856-00029031 it's really more how do you embrace risk ZDEVaBd2cm0-00162-00029032-00029231 and felt earlier in the process ZDEVaBd2cm0-00163-00029232-00029439 learn earlier in the process so that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00164-00029439-00029590 when you get to production you're not ZDEVaBd2cm0-00165-00029591-00029767 failing you're not having to worry about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00166-00029768-00030039 failure because you cut as much as you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00167-00030039-00030214 could in the earlier phases of your ZDEVaBd2cm0-00168-00030216-00030423 development life cycle and that's been ZDEVaBd2cm0-00169-00030424-00030590 set like you said that dynamic piece has ZDEVaBd2cm0-00170-00030591-00030799 just been such the difference i think ZDEVaBd2cm0-00171-00030800-00030958 and why it's been taken off and yeah ZDEVaBd2cm0-00172-00030960-00031167 industry this last you know five years ZDEVaBd2cm0-00173-00031168-00031287 now that we've been around ZDEVaBd2cm0-00174-00031288-00031462 yeah for sure so then the next one i'm ZDEVaBd2cm0-00175-00031463-00031543 just going to go through them because ZDEVaBd2cm0-00176-00031544-00031599 there's three ZDEVaBd2cm0-00177-00031600-00031807 you know kind of kind of main tenets of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00178-00031808-00031990 this thing these techniques ZDEVaBd2cm0-00179-00031991-00032207 and techniques enabled loosely coupled ZDEVaBd2cm0-00180-00032208-00032399 systems that allow engineers to make ZDEVaBd2cm0-00181-00032400-00032687 high impact changes frequently and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00182-00032688-00032783 predictably ZDEVaBd2cm0-00183-00032784-00033015 with minimum toll i mean those are those ZDEVaBd2cm0-00184-00033016-00033239 are really hard challenges in a classic ZDEVaBd2cm0-00185-00033240-00033327 waterfall ZDEVaBd2cm0-00186-00033328-00033607 way with you know prds and mrds and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00187-00033608-00033790 everything locked down and a big giant ZDEVaBd2cm0-00188-00033791-00033943 gantt chart that fills ZDEVaBd2cm0-00189-00033944-00034151 half of the half the office to actually ZDEVaBd2cm0-00190-00034152-00034359 be able to have loosely coupled systems ZDEVaBd2cm0-00191-00034360-00034527 again a really interesting concept ZDEVaBd2cm0-00192-00034528-00034702 versus hardwired ZDEVaBd2cm0-00193-00034703-00034871 you know connected systems now you're ZDEVaBd2cm0-00194-00034872-00035079 talking about apis and and you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00195-00035080-00035215 systems all connecting ZDEVaBd2cm0-00196-00035216-00035446 really different way to think about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00197-00035447-00035527 development ZDEVaBd2cm0-00198-00035528-00035815 and how do you build applications yeah ZDEVaBd2cm0-00199-00035816-00035855 and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00200-00035856-00036071 the interesting thing is the very first ZDEVaBd2cm0-00201-00036072-00036246 definition we came up with you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00202-00036247-00036479 five plus years ago was containers ZDEVaBd2cm0-00203-00036480-00036702 containerized workloads right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00204-00036703-00036999 and being technologists everyone focused ZDEVaBd2cm0-00205-00037000-00037159 on those woods containers ZDEVaBd2cm0-00206-00037160-00037359 and containerized and everything had to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00207-00037360-00037527 be a container right and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00208-00037528-00037711 to your point that that isn't what we're ZDEVaBd2cm0-00209-00037712-00037830 trying to do right we're trying to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00210-00037831-00037887 create ZDEVaBd2cm0-00211-00037888-00038230 services that are just big enough ZDEVaBd2cm0-00212-00038231-00038471 to support you know whatever is needed ZDEVaBd2cm0-00213-00038472-00038671 for that service to support ZDEVaBd2cm0-00214-00038672-00038846 and be able to scale those up and down ZDEVaBd2cm0-00215-00038847-00039039 independently of other dependent systems ZDEVaBd2cm0-00216-00039040-00039207 that may have different requirements ZDEVaBd2cm0-00217-00039208-00039374 associated with what they have to do ZDEVaBd2cm0-00218-00039375-00039407 right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00219-00039408-00039735 and it was more about that that keeping ZDEVaBd2cm0-00220-00039736-00039783 those ZDEVaBd2cm0-00221-00039784-00040055 highly efficient type of patterns in ZDEVaBd2cm0-00222-00040056-00040230 mind of spinning up and spinning down ZDEVaBd2cm0-00223-00040231-00040343 things that don't have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00224-00040344-00040599 impact to cause impact to other larger ZDEVaBd2cm0-00225-00040600-00040743 components around them ZDEVaBd2cm0-00226-00040744-00040927 was really the key not containers or ZDEVaBd2cm0-00227-00040928-00041062 containerized right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00228-00041063-00041207 obviously that's one of the patterns you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00229-00041208-00041374 could follow to create ZDEVaBd2cm0-00230-00041375-00041518 those types of services and those ZDEVaBd2cm0-00231-00041519-00041727 patterns but there is nothing that you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00232-00041728-00041927 know guarantees it has to be a container ZDEVaBd2cm0-00233-00041928-00041999 that can do that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00234-00042000-00042190 lots of vms today and lots of bare metal ZDEVaBd2cm0-00235-00042191-00042455 servers can have a similar function ZDEVaBd2cm0-00236-00042456-00042662 they're just not going to be as dynamic ZDEVaBd2cm0-00237-00042663-00042815 as you may want them to be in other ZDEVaBd2cm0-00238-00042816-00042879 environments ZDEVaBd2cm0-00239-00042880-00043095 right and then the third tenant three of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00240-00043096-00043199 three is ZDEVaBd2cm0-00241-00043200-00043535 is fostering sustainable ecosystem of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00242-00043536-00043607 open source ZDEVaBd2cm0-00243-00043608-00043807 vendor neutral projects democratizing ZDEVaBd2cm0-00244-00043808-00043958 state-of-the-art patterns to make these ZDEVaBd2cm0-00245-00043959-00044151 innovations accessible for everyone ZDEVaBd2cm0-00246-00044152-00044327 so you know just the whole idea of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00247-00044328-00044487 democratization of technology ZDEVaBd2cm0-00248-00044488-00044702 democratization of data democratization ZDEVaBd2cm0-00249-00044703-00044790 of tools ZDEVaBd2cm0-00250-00044791-00044951 to do something with the data to find ZDEVaBd2cm0-00251-00044952-00045118 the insight democratization of the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00252-00045119-00045207 authority ZDEVaBd2cm0-00253-00045208-00045399 to execute on those decisions once you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00254-00045400-00045607 get going on that i mean the open source ZDEVaBd2cm0-00255-00045608-00045767 and kind of this democratization to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00256-00045768-00046023 enable a broad distribution of power ZDEVaBd2cm0-00257-00046024-00046262 to more than just mahogany row huge ZDEVaBd2cm0-00258-00046263-00046358 fundamental ZDEVaBd2cm0-00259-00046359-00046502 shift in the way people think about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00260-00046503-00046727 things and really even still today as ZDEVaBd2cm0-00261-00046728-00046911 everyone's trying to move their ZDEVaBd2cm0-00262-00046912-00047102 organizations to be more data centric in ZDEVaBd2cm0-00263-00047103-00047239 the way they operate ZDEVaBd2cm0-00264-00047240-00047439 it's it's it is really all about the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00265-00047440-00047623 democratization and getting that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00266-00047624-00047758 information ZDEVaBd2cm0-00267-00047759-00047935 and the tools and the ability to do ZDEVaBd2cm0-00268-00047936-00048135 something with it to as broad ZDEVaBd2cm0-00269-00048136-00048295 a group of people as you can and that's ZDEVaBd2cm0-00270-00048296-00048423 even before we talk about open source ZDEVaBd2cm0-00271-00048424-00048607 development and the power of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00272-00048608-00048751 you know again as you said bringing in ZDEVaBd2cm0-00273-00048752-00048927 this really active community ZDEVaBd2cm0-00274-00048928-00049143 who want to contribute it's a really ZDEVaBd2cm0-00275-00049144-00049255 interesting ZDEVaBd2cm0-00276-00049256-00049455 way that open source works it's such a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00277-00049456-00049599 fun thing to watch ZDEVaBd2cm0-00278-00049600-00049774 and i'm not a developer from the outside ZDEVaBd2cm0-00279-00049775-00049951 but to see people get excited about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00280-00049952-00050071 helping other people ZDEVaBd2cm0-00281-00050072-00050230 i think that's probably the secret to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00282-00050231-00050486 the whole thing that really taps into ZDEVaBd2cm0-00283-00050487-00050711 yeah it is and you know open source ZDEVaBd2cm0-00284-00050712-00050943 there were discussions about open source ZDEVaBd2cm0-00285-00050944-00051279 for you know 20 plus years trying to get ZDEVaBd2cm0-00286-00051279-00051335 more ZDEVaBd2cm0-00287-00051336-00051511 into open source contributing to open ZDEVaBd2cm0-00288-00051512-00051654 source in an enterprise ZDEVaBd2cm0-00289-00051655-00051911 mindset right and it could never really ZDEVaBd2cm0-00290-00051912-00052070 take off because it's not really the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00291-00052071-00052335 the foundation or the platforms or the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00292-00052336-00052550 or the capabilities needed to do that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00293-00052551-00052599 and now ZDEVaBd2cm0-00294-00052600-00052838 to your point open source was really the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00295-00052839-00052966 underlying engine that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00296-00052967-00053142 is making all of this possible without ZDEVaBd2cm0-00297-00053144-00053271 open source ZDEVaBd2cm0-00298-00053272-00053438 and some of those early days of trying ZDEVaBd2cm0-00299-00053439-00053582 to get more open source and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00300-00053583-00053711 understanding of open source in the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00301-00053712-00053815 enterprise ZDEVaBd2cm0-00302-00053816-00053942 i think we'd still be trying to get ZDEVaBd2cm0-00303-00053944-00054159 adoption but open source had ZDEVaBd2cm0-00304-00054160-00054326 just gotten to that point where everyone ZDEVaBd2cm0-00305-00054327-00054550 wanted to do more with open source ZDEVaBd2cm0-00306-00054551-00054750 the cncf comes along and said here's a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00307-00054751-00054863 set of you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00308-00054864-00055038 democratized you know we're not going to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00309-00055039-00055150 make you know we're not going to have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00310-00055151-00055287 king makers in this organization we're ZDEVaBd2cm0-00311-00055288-00055438 going to have a lot of open ZDEVaBd2cm0-00312-00055439-00055638 solutions a lot of good you know options ZDEVaBd2cm0-00313-00055639-00055830 for for companies to look at ZDEVaBd2cm0-00314-00055832-00055982 and we're not going to lock you into ZDEVaBd2cm0-00315-00055983-00056175 anything because that's another ZDEVaBd2cm0-00316-00056176-00056359 piece of that open source model right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00317-00056360-00056526 open source still can lock you in right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00318-00056527-00056615 but if you have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00319-00056616-00056823 open choices within open source there's ZDEVaBd2cm0-00320-00056824-00056999 less lock-in potential ZDEVaBd2cm0-00321-00057000-00057159 and lock-in isn't really a horrible ZDEVaBd2cm0-00322-00057160-00057382 thing it's just one of those tenants you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00323-00057383-00057454 don't want to be ZDEVaBd2cm0-00324-00057455-00057766 tied too tightly to any one one solution ZDEVaBd2cm0-00325-00057767-00057815 or one ZDEVaBd2cm0-00326-00057816-00058007 hope you know open source even program ZDEVaBd2cm0-00327-00058008-00058175 because it that could cause ZDEVaBd2cm0-00328-00058176-00058415 issues of that that minimal toil we ZDEVaBd2cm0-00329-00058416-00058559 talked about right if you have a lot of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00330-00058560-00058607 you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00331-00058608-00058838 dependencies and a lot of um you know i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00332-00058839-00059015 always joked about openstack but if i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00333-00059016-00059063 have to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00334-00059064-00059271 email two guys if i find an issue in ZDEVaBd2cm0-00335-00059272-00059430 openstack about security that's not ZDEVaBd2cm0-00336-00059432-00059599 really a great security ZDEVaBd2cm0-00337-00059600-00059766 model that i can tell my customers i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00338-00059767-00059991 have your security covered right so ZDEVaBd2cm0-00339-00059991-00060263 you want to get away from emails and you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00340-00060264-00060406 know having to ask for help ZDEVaBd2cm0-00341-00060407-00060575 if you see a big security issue you want ZDEVaBd2cm0-00342-00060576-00060791 to just address it right then and fix it ZDEVaBd2cm0-00343-00060791-00060830 fast ZDEVaBd2cm0-00344-00060832-00061103 right right so so so much to unpack ZDEVaBd2cm0-00345-00061104-00061150 there ZDEVaBd2cm0-00346-00061151-00061382 and uh for those that don't follow you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00347-00061383-00061599 you've done a ton of of presentations ZDEVaBd2cm0-00348-00061600-00061750 you've got a ton of great content out of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00349-00061751-00061799 the internet ZDEVaBd2cm0-00350-00061800-00062015 with with deep technical dives into some ZDEVaBd2cm0-00351-00062016-00062191 of this stuff and the operational ZDEVaBd2cm0-00352-00062191-00062415 challenges and your philosophies but get ZDEVaBd2cm0-00353-00062416-00062542 keeping a kind of high level here ZDEVaBd2cm0-00354-00062544-00062623 because one of the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00355-00062624-00062854 the things that comes up over and over ZDEVaBd2cm0-00356-00062855-00062999 in some of the other stuff i saw ZDEVaBd2cm0-00357-00063000-00063159 from you is really about asking the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00358-00063160-00063311 right questions and you know we hear ZDEVaBd2cm0-00359-00063312-00063454 this time and time again that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00360-00063455-00063606 the way to get the right answer you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00361-00063607-00063806 first you got to frame the question ZDEVaBd2cm0-00362-00063807-00063999 right and you talk quite extensively ZDEVaBd2cm0-00363-00064000-00064182 about asking the why ZDEVaBd2cm0-00364-00064183-00064415 and asking the how i wonder if you can ZDEVaBd2cm0-00365-00064416-00064606 unpack that a little bit as to why those ZDEVaBd2cm0-00366-00064607-00064719 two questions ZDEVaBd2cm0-00367-00064720-00064911 are so important and how do you ask them ZDEVaBd2cm0-00368-00064912-00065094 in a way that doesn't piss everybody off ZDEVaBd2cm0-00369-00065095-00065287 or scare them away when you're at a big ZDEVaBd2cm0-00370-00065288-00065366 company ZDEVaBd2cm0-00371-00065367-00065535 like mastercard that has a lot of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00372-00065536-00065671 personal information you're in the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00373-00065672-00065815 finance industry you got a ton of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00374-00065816-00065919 regulation ZDEVaBd2cm0-00375-00065920-00066191 but still you're asking how and you're ZDEVaBd2cm0-00376-00066192-00066382 asking why ZDEVaBd2cm0-00377-00066383-00066559 definitely and those those are two ZDEVaBd2cm0-00378-00066560-00066799 questions that i i keep coming back to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00379-00066800-00067006 in in the industry because they are ZDEVaBd2cm0-00380-00067007-00067223 they're not asked enough in my opinion i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00381-00067224-00067326 think they ZDEVaBd2cm0-00382-00067327-00067487 um for the reasons you brought up ZDEVaBd2cm0-00383-00067488-00067847 there's too much pushback or there's a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00384-00067848-00067991 you don't want to be viewed as someone ZDEVaBd2cm0-00385-00067992-00068199 who's being difficult right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00386-00068200-00068399 um and there may be other reasons why ZDEVaBd2cm0-00387-00068400-00068559 you don't want to ask that but i like to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00388-00068560-00068726 ask the the why ZDEVaBd2cm0-00389-00068727-00068926 first because it you kind of have to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00390-00068927-00069094 understand what's the problem you're ZDEVaBd2cm0-00391-00069095-00069255 trying to solve and it kind of goes back ZDEVaBd2cm0-00392-00069256-00069359 to my engineering ZDEVaBd2cm0-00393-00069360-00069591 background i think right i i love to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00394-00069592-00069759 solve problems and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00395-00069760-00069950 one of my early days and you might have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00396-00069951-00070150 heard this on one of my interviews right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00397-00070151-00070223 but i am ZDEVaBd2cm0-00398-00070224-00070471 in my early days i was trying to to fix ZDEVaBd2cm0-00399-00070472-00070575 a problem ZDEVaBd2cm0-00400-00070576-00070863 that i was a on an advanced engineering ZDEVaBd2cm0-00401-00070864-00070935 team ZDEVaBd2cm0-00402-00070936-00071199 and i was tier four support in a large ZDEVaBd2cm0-00403-00071200-00071294 telco ZDEVaBd2cm0-00404-00071295-00071494 and for months we had this issue with ZDEVaBd2cm0-00405-00071495-00071599 one of our large ZDEVaBd2cm0-00406-00071600-00071847 oil based companies and no one could ZDEVaBd2cm0-00407-00071848-00072031 solve it and i was on car the night that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00408-00072032-00072126 they called in ZDEVaBd2cm0-00409-00072127-00072319 and i asked the guy a simple question ZDEVaBd2cm0-00410-00072320-00072494 tell me which lights you see on this ZDEVaBd2cm0-00411-00072495-00072679 dsuc issue which is a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00412-00072680-00072959 a piece of equipment that sits between a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00413-00072960-00073015 you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00414-00073016-00073335 atm network and a regular sonnet network ZDEVaBd2cm0-00415-00073336-00073526 so we're watching i'm asking them ask ZDEVaBd2cm0-00416-00073527-00073726 you know kind of find out where in this ZDEVaBd2cm0-00417-00073727-00073926 path there's a problem and the guy tells ZDEVaBd2cm0-00418-00073927-00074079 me where there's no lights on ZDEVaBd2cm0-00419-00074080-00074311 and i'm like well plug in the power and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00420-00074312-00074447 let me know when it boots up and then ZDEVaBd2cm0-00421-00074448-00074591 let's try another test and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00422-00074592-00074775 that was the problem so my the cleaning ZDEVaBd2cm0-00423-00074776-00074967 crew would come through and unplugged it ZDEVaBd2cm0-00424-00074968-00075175 and so i i learned early on in my career ZDEVaBd2cm0-00425-00075176-00075303 that if you don't ZDEVaBd2cm0-00426-00075304-00075462 you know ask those simple questions you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00427-00075463-00075662 just assume that everything's working ZDEVaBd2cm0-00428-00075663-00075838 almost nine times out of ten is the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00429-00075839-00076087 simple easy solution to a problem ZDEVaBd2cm0-00430-00076088-00076247 you're just too busy thinking of all the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00431-00076248-00076415 complex things that could go wrong ZDEVaBd2cm0-00432-00076416-00076582 and trying to solve all the hud problems ZDEVaBd2cm0-00433-00076583-00076726 first and so i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00434-00076727-00076943 i really try to help people think about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00435-00076944-00077150 ask the why questions ask why is this ZDEVaBd2cm0-00436-00077151-00077375 important why do we need to do this now ZDEVaBd2cm0-00437-00077376-00077623 um why what would happen if we don't do ZDEVaBd2cm0-00438-00077624-00077694 this you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00439-00077695-00077847 if we did it this other way what's the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00440-00077848-00078038 downside of doing it this other way ZDEVaBd2cm0-00441-00078039-00078182 really think through your options ZDEVaBd2cm0-00442-00078183-00078359 because it it may take you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00443-00078360-00078567 20 30 minutes to kind of do a good ZDEVaBd2cm0-00444-00078568-00078735 analysis of a problem ZDEVaBd2cm0-00445-00078736-00078887 but then your solution you're not going ZDEVaBd2cm0-00446-00078888-00079055 to spend weeks trying to troubleshoot ZDEVaBd2cm0-00447-00079056-00079215 when it doesn't work because you put the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00448-00079216-00079399 time up front to think about it so ZDEVaBd2cm0-00449-00079400-00079526 that's sort of the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00450-00079527-00079679 the main reason why i like to ask the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00451-00079680-00079838 why and the how because it ZDEVaBd2cm0-00452-00079839-00080038 it forces you to think outside of your ZDEVaBd2cm0-00453-00080039-00080175 normal you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00454-00080176-00080406 my job is to take this cog and put it ZDEVaBd2cm0-00455-00080407-00080615 over here and and fix this right and you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00456-00080616-00080719 don't want to be in that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00457-00080720-00080943 that mode when you're solving complex ZDEVaBd2cm0-00458-00080944-00081119 problems because you overlook or you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00459-00081120-00081255 miss the simple things ZDEVaBd2cm0-00460-00081256-00081415 right so you don't like the uh because ZDEVaBd2cm0-00461-00081416-00081615 we've always done it that way ZDEVaBd2cm0-00462-00081616-00081894 i do not and i hear that a lot ZDEVaBd2cm0-00463-00081895-00082015 everywhere i've been in ZDEVaBd2cm0-00464-00082016-00082238 in the industry and you know anywhere ZDEVaBd2cm0-00465-00082239-00082391 any company you have those um ZDEVaBd2cm0-00466-00082392-00082559 this is the way we've always done it ZDEVaBd2cm0-00467-00082560-00082743 yeah yeah ZDEVaBd2cm0-00468-00082744-00082887 just like the way we've always traveled ZDEVaBd2cm0-00469-00082888-00083006 right and the way we've always been ZDEVaBd2cm0-00470-00083007-00083135 educated and the way we've always ZDEVaBd2cm0-00471-00083136-00083335 consumed entertainment it's like really ZDEVaBd2cm0-00472-00083336-00083606 um i want to i have learned though that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00473-00083607-00083694 there's a good ZDEVaBd2cm0-00474-00083695-00083959 i like to understand the reason behind ZDEVaBd2cm0-00475-00083960-00084103 why we've always done it that way so i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00476-00084104-00084206 do always ask that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00477-00084207-00084462 question right um i don't i don't turn ZDEVaBd2cm0-00478-00084463-00084647 around on someone and get mad at them ZDEVaBd2cm0-00479-00084648-00084759 and say oh we can't ZDEVaBd2cm0-00480-00084760-00084926 we have to do it differently i don't i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00481-00084927-00085087 don't have the mindset of let's ZDEVaBd2cm0-00482-00085088-00085255 you know throw that out the window ZDEVaBd2cm0-00483-00085256-00085447 because i realized that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00484-00085448-00085711 over time something happened it's like ZDEVaBd2cm0-00485-00085712-00085871 that you know when i was a when i had ZDEVaBd2cm0-00486-00085872-00086087 younger kids um i always laugh because ZDEVaBd2cm0-00487-00086088-00086287 they put these warnings on those um ZDEVaBd2cm0-00488-00086288-00086471 those um i got what they call them if ZDEVaBd2cm0-00489-00086472-00086599 the kids stand up in them ZDEVaBd2cm0-00490-00086600-00086791 right the little don't do a poor don't ZDEVaBd2cm0-00491-00086792-00086918 put them on top of the stairs right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00492-00086919-00087023 these stupid little ZDEVaBd2cm0-00493-00087024-00087255 you know statements are written on there ZDEVaBd2cm0-00494-00087256-00087399 and i always thought it was dumb and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00495-00087400-00087511 somebody told me well that's because ZDEVaBd2cm0-00496-00087512-00087606 somebody ZDEVaBd2cm0-00497-00087607-00087735 put their kid near the pool and they ZDEVaBd2cm0-00498-00087736-00087959 drown right right you have to kind of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00499-00087960-00088150 point out the obvious to people and so ZDEVaBd2cm0-00500-00088151-00088311 yeah i don't think it's you know that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00501-00088312-00088575 dangerous of a situation in in the work ZDEVaBd2cm0-00502-00088576-00088662 environment but ZDEVaBd2cm0-00503-00088663-00088791 you know hopefully we're not you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00504-00088792-00088991 making the same mistakes that have been ZDEVaBd2cm0-00505-00088992-00089094 prevented ZDEVaBd2cm0-00506-00089095-00089271 by not allowing just the knot because ZDEVaBd2cm0-00507-00089272-00089423 we've done it this way before ZDEVaBd2cm0-00508-00089424-00089631 model to go forward right right now we ZDEVaBd2cm0-00509-00089632-00089775 have a rule around here too the reason ZDEVaBd2cm0-00510-00089776-00089926 we have every rules is because somebody ZDEVaBd2cm0-00511-00089927-00090079 blew it at some point in time that's why ZDEVaBd2cm0-00512-00090080-00090159 we had the rule ZDEVaBd2cm0-00513-00090160-00090287 i want to shift gears a little bit and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00514-00090288-00090415 talk about automation right because ZDEVaBd2cm0-00515-00090416-00090550 automation is such a big ZDEVaBd2cm0-00516-00090551-00090735 and important piece of this whole story ZDEVaBd2cm0-00517-00090736-00090935 especially as these systems scale scale ZDEVaBd2cm0-00518-00090936-00091015 scale ZDEVaBd2cm0-00519-00091016-00091175 and we know that people are prone to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00520-00091176-00091350 errors i mean i had seen that story ZDEVaBd2cm0-00521-00091351-00091399 about the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00522-00091400-00091615 the cleaner accidentally unplugging ZDEVaBd2cm0-00523-00091616-00091791 things we all know that people fat ZDEVaBd2cm0-00524-00091792-00091975 fingers you know copy and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00525-00091976-00092223 and uh and paste is not used as ZDEVaBd2cm0-00526-00092224-00092335 universally ZDEVaBd2cm0-00527-00092336-00092535 as it should be but i wonder if you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00528-00092536-00092671 could share you know how important ZDEVaBd2cm0-00529-00092672-00092735 automation ZDEVaBd2cm0-00530-00092736-00092887 is and i know you've talked a lot about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00531-00092888-00093103 how people should think about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00532-00093104-00093359 automation and prioritizing automation ZDEVaBd2cm0-00533-00093360-00093455 and helping ZDEVaBd2cm0-00534-00093456-00093671 use automation to both make people more ZDEVaBd2cm0-00535-00093672-00093903 productive but also to prioritize ZDEVaBd2cm0-00536-00093904-00094103 what the people should be working on as ZDEVaBd2cm0-00537-00094104-00094399 well as lowering the error rate on stuff ZDEVaBd2cm0-00538-00094400-00094550 that they probably shouldn't be doing ZDEVaBd2cm0-00539-00094551-00094911 anyway exactly yeah automation to me is ZDEVaBd2cm0-00540-00094912-00095079 as you've heard me say before is is ZDEVaBd2cm0-00541-00095080-00095238 something that is ZDEVaBd2cm0-00542-00095239-00095487 probably almost as big of a key tenant ZDEVaBd2cm0-00543-00095488-00095694 as open source should be right it ZDEVaBd2cm0-00544-00095695-00095887 it's one of those foundational things ZDEVaBd2cm0-00545-00095888-00095999 that it ZDEVaBd2cm0-00546-00096000-00096262 it really helps you to get rid of some ZDEVaBd2cm0-00547-00096263-00096326 of that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00548-00096327-00096606 that churn and some of those the toil ZDEVaBd2cm0-00549-00096607-00096774 that you run into in a production ZDEVaBd2cm0-00550-00096775-00096894 environment where you're trying to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00551-00096895-00097094 always figure out what went wrong and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00552-00097095-00097174 why did ZDEVaBd2cm0-00553-00097175-00097438 why did this you know system not work on ZDEVaBd2cm0-00554-00097439-00097623 this point in time and this day and this ZDEVaBd2cm0-00555-00097624-00097735 deployment ZDEVaBd2cm0-00556-00097736-00098038 um and it's almost to you point always a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00557-00098039-00098294 fat finger or a you know someone deleted ZDEVaBd2cm0-00558-00098295-00098455 an ip address from the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00559-00098456-00098718 you know the ipam system there's all ZDEVaBd2cm0-00560-00098719-00098782 kinds of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00561-00098783-00098982 you know errors that you can people can ZDEVaBd2cm0-00562-00098983-00099143 tell you about that have happened but ZDEVaBd2cm0-00563-00099144-00099318 you know to the root of your question is ZDEVaBd2cm0-00564-00099319-00099535 automation is needs to be thought about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00565-00099536-00099806 from from three different primary areas ZDEVaBd2cm0-00566-00099807-00099855 in my ZDEVaBd2cm0-00567-00099856-00100174 in my view in my experience um the first ZDEVaBd2cm0-00568-00100175-00100343 one is the you know infrastructure is ZDEVaBd2cm0-00569-00100344-00100574 code or you know software defined ZDEVaBd2cm0-00570-00100575-00100791 infrastructure right so it that the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00571-00100792-00101006 networking teams and the storage ZDEVaBd2cm0-00572-00101007-00101159 teams and the security teams are ZDEVaBd2cm0-00573-00101160-00101399 probably the furthest behind ZDEVaBd2cm0-00574-00101400-00101655 and adopting automation in their jobs ZDEVaBd2cm0-00575-00101656-00101767 right and their jobs are probably the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00576-00101768-00101847 most critical ZDEVaBd2cm0-00577-00101848-00102015 pieces of your infrastructure right and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00578-00102016-00102238 so those are those are pieces that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00579-00102239-00102463 i really highly encourage them to to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00580-00102464-00102639 think about how can they automate those ZDEVaBd2cm0-00581-00102640-00102830 areas ZDEVaBd2cm0-00582-00102831-00103071 the second piece i think is equally as ZDEVaBd2cm0-00583-00103072-00103247 important as the infrastructure piece is ZDEVaBd2cm0-00584-00103248-00103447 the application side ZDEVaBd2cm0-00585-00103448-00103734 when i first joined multiple enterprises ZDEVaBd2cm0-00586-00103735-00103799 in the past ZDEVaBd2cm0-00587-00103800-00104030 their test coverage is in the low tens ZDEVaBd2cm0-00588-00104031-00104118 to 20 ZDEVaBd2cm0-00589-00104119-00104351 right and your test coverage is a direct ZDEVaBd2cm0-00590-00104352-00104518 correlation to how well your ZDEVaBd2cm0-00591-00104519-00104766 application is going to behave in ZDEVaBd2cm0-00592-00104767-00104839 production ZDEVaBd2cm0-00593-00104840-00104975 in terms of failures right so if you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00594-00104976-00105127 have low test coverage you're going to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00595-00105128-00105166 have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00596-00105167-00105407 high failure rates it's sort of over ZDEVaBd2cm0-00597-00105408-00105623 over all kinds of industries every study ZDEVaBd2cm0-00598-00105624-00105799 has shown that right so ZDEVaBd2cm0-00599-00105800-00106007 um getting your test coverage up and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00600-00106008-00106207 testing the right things not just ZDEVaBd2cm0-00601-00106208-00106407 testing to have test coverage right but ZDEVaBd2cm0-00602-00106408-00106599 actually thinking through your ZDEVaBd2cm0-00603-00106600-00106807 user stories and acceptance criteria and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00604-00106808-00106999 having good test coverage ZDEVaBd2cm0-00605-00107000-00107134 is really really important so you have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00606-00107135-00107327 those two bookends right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00607-00107328-00107495 and in between i think it's important ZDEVaBd2cm0-00608-00107496-00107686 that you look at how you connect to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00609-00107688-00107790 these these ZDEVaBd2cm0-00610-00107791-00107999 these services these distributed systems ZDEVaBd2cm0-00611-00108000-00108183 we talked about in the in the opening ZDEVaBd2cm0-00612-00108183-00108343 right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00613-00108344-00108519 if you fully automate your ZDEVaBd2cm0-00614-00108520-00108678 infrastructure and fully automate your ZDEVaBd2cm0-00615-00108679-00108751 application ZDEVaBd2cm0-00616-00108752-00108990 development and delivery that's great ZDEVaBd2cm0-00617-00108991-00109254 but if in the middle you have this gooey ZDEVaBd2cm0-00618-00109255-00109439 metal that doesn't really connect well ZDEVaBd2cm0-00619-00109440-00109583 doesn't really have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00620-00109583-00109807 the automation in place to ensure that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00621-00109808-00109990 your certificates are there that your ZDEVaBd2cm0-00622-00109991-00110207 security is in place ZDEVaBd2cm0-00623-00110208-00110471 that metal piece can become really a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00624-00110472-00110719 problem from a security and from a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00625-00110720-00110934 you know availability issue and so those ZDEVaBd2cm0-00626-00110935-00111047 those are the two pieces ZDEVaBd2cm0-00627-00111048-00111286 i say really focus on is that that gooey ZDEVaBd2cm0-00628-00111288-00111454 metal and then that infrastructure piece ZDEVaBd2cm0-00629-00111455-00111631 is really the two keys ZDEVaBd2cm0-00630-00111632-00111839 right right you've got another group of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00631-00111840-00112047 words that you use a lot i want you to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00632-00112048-00112199 to give us a little bit more color ZDEVaBd2cm0-00633-00112200-00112390 behind it and that's talking to people ZDEVaBd2cm0-00634-00112391-00112519 to tell them that they need to spend ZDEVaBd2cm0-00635-00112520-00112695 more time on investigation ZDEVaBd2cm0-00636-00112696-00112951 they need to do more experimentation and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00637-00112952-00113102 then and the one that really popped out ZDEVaBd2cm0-00638-00113103-00113183 to me was ZDEVaBd2cm0-00639-00113183-00113447 was retro to retrospectives to not ZDEVaBd2cm0-00640-00113448-00113599 necessarily a postmortem which i thought ZDEVaBd2cm0-00641-00113600-00113743 is interesting you say retrospective ZDEVaBd2cm0-00642-00113744-00113902 versus a postmortem because this is an ZDEVaBd2cm0-00643-00113903-00114063 ongoing process for continuous ZDEVaBd2cm0-00644-00114064-00114151 improvement ZDEVaBd2cm0-00645-00114152-00114358 and then finally what seems you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00646-00114359-00114607 drop dead dumb obvious is to iterate ZDEVaBd2cm0-00647-00114608-00114734 and deliver but i wonder if you can ZDEVaBd2cm0-00648-00114735-00114902 share a little bit more color on how ZDEVaBd2cm0-00649-00114903-00115023 important it is to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00650-00115024-00115247 experiment and to investigate and to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00651-00115248-00115439 have those retrospectives ZDEVaBd2cm0-00652-00115440-00115639 yeah definitely and then it kind of goes ZDEVaBd2cm0-00653-00115640-00115783 back to the you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00654-00115783-00116015 that culture we want to create in a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00655-00116016-00116110 cloud-native ZDEVaBd2cm0-00656-00116111-00116431 world right we want to be open to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00657-00116432-00116615 you know thinking about how we can solve ZDEVaBd2cm0-00658-00116616-00116758 problems better ZDEVaBd2cm0-00659-00116759-00116990 how we can have minimal more you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00660-00116991-00117158 each iteration we want to look at how do ZDEVaBd2cm0-00661-00117159-00117190 we ZDEVaBd2cm0-00662-00117191-00117502 have less toil have less issues how do ZDEVaBd2cm0-00663-00117503-00117527 we ZDEVaBd2cm0-00664-00117528-00117807 improve the i like to hire the light in ZDEVaBd2cm0-00665-00117808-00117927 your experience how do you make your ZDEVaBd2cm0-00666-00117928-00118047 developers ZDEVaBd2cm0-00667-00118048-00118231 and your customers specific specifically ZDEVaBd2cm0-00668-00118232-00118351 how do you make your customers ZDEVaBd2cm0-00669-00118352-00118615 so happy with your service and when you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00670-00118616-00118686 think about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00671-00118688-00118847 those sort of areas right you want to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00672-00118848-00119119 spend some portion of your time ZDEVaBd2cm0-00673-00119120-00119390 you know dedicated to how do i look at ZDEVaBd2cm0-00674-00119391-00119527 and investigate ZDEVaBd2cm0-00675-00119528-00119695 better ways of doing things or more ZDEVaBd2cm0-00676-00119696-00119878 improvements around the way my customer ZDEVaBd2cm0-00677-00119879-00120054 experience is being delivered ZDEVaBd2cm0-00678-00120055-00120190 asking your ques your customers ZDEVaBd2cm0-00679-00120191-00120423 questions right you'd be surprised how ZDEVaBd2cm0-00680-00120424-00120599 how many customers don't ever get asked ZDEVaBd2cm0-00681-00120600-00120790 for their opinion on on how something ZDEVaBd2cm0-00682-00120791-00120910 works right and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00683-00120911-00121086 they want to be asked they'd love to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00684-00121088-00121214 give you feedback um ZDEVaBd2cm0-00685-00121215-00121334 it doesn't necessarily mean you're going ZDEVaBd2cm0-00686-00121335-00121543 to go do it that next iteration right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00687-00121544-00121623 you may ZDEVaBd2cm0-00688-00121624-00121839 they may you know that the whole adage i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00689-00121840-00122039 like to use is you know if if ZDEVaBd2cm0-00690-00122040-00122199 henry ford had listened to his customers ZDEVaBd2cm0-00691-00122200-00122327 he would have tried to breed a faster ZDEVaBd2cm0-00692-00122328-00122478 horse right and so you have to kind of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00693-00122479-00122551 think about ZDEVaBd2cm0-00694-00122552-00122823 what you want to try to deliver as a as ZDEVaBd2cm0-00695-00122824-00123014 a product and as an organization but at ZDEVaBd2cm0-00696-00123015-00123358 the same time that input is important ZDEVaBd2cm0-00697-00123359-00123631 and i think i say cut it out because if ZDEVaBd2cm0-00698-00123632-00123727 you don't ZDEVaBd2cm0-00699-00123728-00123958 we're so busy today and there's so much ZDEVaBd2cm0-00700-00123959-00124175 going on in in our lives ZDEVaBd2cm0-00701-00124176-00124439 if you don't dedicate and curve out some ZDEVaBd2cm0-00702-00124440-00124647 of that time and protect that time ZDEVaBd2cm0-00703-00124648-00124823 you will never get to that right it's ZDEVaBd2cm0-00704-00124824-00124990 always a i'll get to that next year ZDEVaBd2cm0-00705-00124991-00125183 maybe a next iteration i'll try right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00706-00125183-00125286 and so it's ZDEVaBd2cm0-00707-00125288-00125607 it's important to really hold that time ZDEVaBd2cm0-00708-00125608-00125927 as sacred and spend time every you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00709-00125928-00126151 every week every couple weeks whatever ZDEVaBd2cm0-00710-00126152-00126310 works out in the schedule ZDEVaBd2cm0-00711-00126311-00126478 but actually put that in your calendar ZDEVaBd2cm0-00712-00126479-00126671 block out that time and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00713-00126672-00126910 use it to really look at what's possible ZDEVaBd2cm0-00714-00126911-00126999 what's what's ZDEVaBd2cm0-00715-00127000-00127199 relevant what kind of improvements you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00716-00127200-00127351 can have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00717-00127352-00127534 i think those are really the key the key ZDEVaBd2cm0-00718-00127535-00127719 takeaways i can have from that piece of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00719-00127720-00127814 it and then ZDEVaBd2cm0-00720-00127815-00127966 the last one you asked about which i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00721-00127967-00128158 think is so important ZDEVaBd2cm0-00722-00128159-00128366 is the retrospective right always trying ZDEVaBd2cm0-00723-00128367-00128495 to get better ZDEVaBd2cm0-00724-00128496-00128686 and better at what you do is is an ZDEVaBd2cm0-00725-00128688-00128919 engineer's goal right we never like to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00726-00128920-00129086 fail we never like to do something ZDEVaBd2cm0-00727-00129088-00129319 twice right we don't want to we want to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00728-00129320-00129463 learn the first time we make a mistake ZDEVaBd2cm0-00729-00129464-00129583 and not make it over and over again ZDEVaBd2cm0-00730-00129583-00129686 right so ZDEVaBd2cm0-00731-00129688-00129919 that those retrospectives and improving ZDEVaBd2cm0-00732-00129920-00130007 on what you're doing ZDEVaBd2cm0-00733-00130008-00130247 iteratively and and to the point you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00734-00130248-00130390 brought up and i i like to bring this up ZDEVaBd2cm0-00735-00130391-00130527 a lot because i've been part ZDEVaBd2cm0-00736-00130528-00130710 not at mastercard but other companies ZDEVaBd2cm0-00737-00130711-00130886 parts of companies that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00738-00130888-00131095 would talk a great game come up with ZDEVaBd2cm0-00739-00131096-00131214 great stories ZDEVaBd2cm0-00740-00131215-00131454 say here's our plan and then when we get ZDEVaBd2cm0-00741-00131455-00131663 ready to go to deliver it we go and we ZDEVaBd2cm0-00742-00131664-00131839 best we investigate the plan and see if ZDEVaBd2cm0-00743-00131840-00131983 there's a better plan and then we get to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00744-00131984-00132111 a point where we're ready to go execute ZDEVaBd2cm0-00745-00132112-00132263 and then we go back and start all over ZDEVaBd2cm0-00746-00132264-00132375 again right and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00747-00132376-00132583 you've got to deliver iteratively if you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00748-00132584-00132743 don't you you're ZDEVaBd2cm0-00749-00132744-00132887 the point i like to always make is ZDEVaBd2cm0-00750-00132888-00133023 you're never going to be ready right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00751-00133024-00133127 it's like when are you ready to have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00752-00133128-00133199 kids you're never ZDEVaBd2cm0-00753-00133200-00133375 ready to have kids right you just have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00754-00133376-00133551 to go and you go learn as you go ZDEVaBd2cm0-00755-00133552-00133863 right right i love that well ZDEVaBd2cm0-00756-00133864-00134031 again can you have so much great stuff ZDEVaBd2cm0-00757-00134032-00134183 out there for technical ZDEVaBd2cm0-00758-00134184-00134366 people that want to dive in deep so i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00759-00134367-00134502 encourage them just to do a simple ZDEVaBd2cm0-00760-00134503-00134735 uh youtube or excuse me youtube search ZDEVaBd2cm0-00761-00134736-00134871 or or google search but i want to give ZDEVaBd2cm0-00762-00134872-00134983 you the last word ZDEVaBd2cm0-00763-00134984-00135095 one word i'm going to check the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00764-00135096-00135239 transcript when this thing is over that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00765-00135240-00135399 you've used probably more than any other ZDEVaBd2cm0-00766-00135400-00135527 word while we've been talking for the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00767-00135528-00135695 last few minutes is toil ZDEVaBd2cm0-00768-00135696-00135863 and i i think it's really interesting ZDEVaBd2cm0-00769-00135864-00136087 that it brings up and really highlights ZDEVaBd2cm0-00770-00136088-00136263 your empathy towards ZDEVaBd2cm0-00771-00136264-00136447 what you're trying to help developers ZDEVaBd2cm0-00772-00136448-00136647 avoid and what you're trying to help ZDEVaBd2cm0-00773-00136648-00136759 teams avoid ZDEVaBd2cm0-00774-00136760-00136927 so that they can be more productive you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00775-00136928-00137175 keep saying avoid the toil get out of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00776-00137176-00137327 the toil get out of this ZDEVaBd2cm0-00777-00137328-00137463 you know kind of crap that inhibits ZDEVaBd2cm0-00778-00137464-00137607 people from getting their job done and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00779-00137608-00137766 being creative and being inventive and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00780-00137767-00137847 being ZDEVaBd2cm0-00781-00137848-00138054 innovative you know where where does ZDEVaBd2cm0-00782-00138055-00138159 that come from ZDEVaBd2cm0-00783-00138160-00138335 and i just love that you keep reinforce ZDEVaBd2cm0-00784-00138336-00138495 it and and just you know kind of your ZDEVaBd2cm0-00785-00138496-00138735 final perspective as we as we wrap on ZDEVaBd2cm0-00786-00138736-00139014 on 2020 and you know another year of ZDEVaBd2cm0-00787-00139015-00139135 cncf ZDEVaBd2cm0-00788-00139136-00139407 and you know clearly containers and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00789-00139408-00139631 kubernetes and cloud native is ZDEVaBd2cm0-00790-00139632-00139878 continues to be on fire and on a tear i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00791-00139879-00139983 just wonder if you can ZDEVaBd2cm0-00792-00139984-00140087 you know share a little bit of your ZDEVaBd2cm0-00793-00140088-00140295 perspective as a founding member as we ZDEVaBd2cm0-00794-00140296-00140471 you know kind of come to the end of uh ZDEVaBd2cm0-00795-00140472-00140614 2020. ZDEVaBd2cm0-00796-00140615-00140799 yeah definitely think thanks again for ZDEVaBd2cm0-00797-00140800-00140935 for having me it's been a great ZDEVaBd2cm0-00798-00140936-00141311 great discussion um i i i'm a developer ZDEVaBd2cm0-00799-00141312-00141671 by my background by trade today i still ZDEVaBd2cm0-00800-00141672-00141878 develop i still contribute to open ZDEVaBd2cm0-00801-00141879-00141975 source and i i've ZDEVaBd2cm0-00802-00141976-00142271 had this mantra my pus pretty much my ZDEVaBd2cm0-00803-00142272-00142399 entire career that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00804-00142400-00142551 you have to get into the weeds and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00805-00142552-00142766 understand what everyone's experiencing ZDEVaBd2cm0-00806-00142767-00142919 in order to figure out how to solve the ZDEVaBd2cm0-00807-00142920-00143023 problems right ZDEVaBd2cm0-00808-00143024-00143207 you can't be in an ivory tower and look ZDEVaBd2cm0-00809-00143208-00143375 down and say oh there's a problem i'm ZDEVaBd2cm0-00810-00143376-00143487 gonna go fix that ZDEVaBd2cm0-00811-00143488-00143695 it just doesn't work that way and and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00812-00143696-00143911 most most problems you try to solve in ZDEVaBd2cm0-00813-00143912-00144023 that model will be ZDEVaBd2cm0-00814-00144024-00144247 problems that no other team has really ZDEVaBd2cm0-00815-00144248-00144399 experienced and they're not going to be ZDEVaBd2cm0-00816-00144400-00144511 help they're not going to be thankful ZDEVaBd2cm0-00817-00144512-00144631 that you solve the problem they don't ZDEVaBd2cm0-00818-00144632-00144775 have right they want you to solve ZDEVaBd2cm0-00819-00144776-00144999 a problem that they have and so i think ZDEVaBd2cm0-00820-00145000-00145151 that's that's sort of a key ZDEVaBd2cm0-00821-00145152-00145351 for the reason why i spent so much time ZDEVaBd2cm0-00822-00145352-00145471 talking about that as i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00823-00145472-00145663 i live it you know every day i ZDEVaBd2cm0-00824-00145664-00145911 understand it i talk with ZDEVaBd2cm0-00825-00145912-00146143 with my development community and with a ZDEVaBd2cm0-00826-00146144-00146302 broader community of developers at ZDEVaBd2cm0-00827-00146303-00146431 mastercard and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00828-00146432-00146639 understand the pains that they're going ZDEVaBd2cm0-00829-00146640-00146783 through and try to help them you know ZDEVaBd2cm0-00830-00146784-00146878 every day with ZDEVaBd2cm0-00831-00146879-00147054 coming up with ways to help make their ZDEVaBd2cm0-00832-00147055-00147247 lives a lot easier so it's important ZDEVaBd2cm0-00833-00147248-00147471 to me and to to our organizations out ZDEVaBd2cm0-00834-00147472-00147551 there and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00835-00147552-00147943 in all of the in the world so um cncf ZDEVaBd2cm0-00836-00147944-00148207 has been great um it's still growing i'm ZDEVaBd2cm0-00837-00148208-00148407 always looking for end users i'd love to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00838-00148408-00148671 to talk to you or you can reach out to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00839-00148672-00148839 um to the cncf if you'd ZDEVaBd2cm0-00840-00148840-00149119 like to learn more my website has ZDEVaBd2cm0-00841-00149120-00149247 information about how to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00842-00149248-00149502 get connected to the end user community ZDEVaBd2cm0-00843-00149503-00149559 we are ZDEVaBd2cm0-00844-00149560-00149878 a community within the cncf that is not ZDEVaBd2cm0-00845-00149879-00150014 it's a private community so you don't ZDEVaBd2cm0-00846-00150015-00150151 have to worry about your information ZDEVaBd2cm0-00847-00150152-00150295 being shared ZDEVaBd2cm0-00848-00150296-00150439 if you don't want people to know you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00849-00150440-00150575 belong to the community you don't have ZDEVaBd2cm0-00850-00150576-00150702 to list that information ZDEVaBd2cm0-00851-00150703-00150895 if you want to list it you're welcome to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00852-00150896-00151023 list it ZDEVaBd2cm0-00853-00151024-00151407 there's no expectations on you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00854-00151408-00151631 to you know contribute to open source ZDEVaBd2cm0-00855-00151632-00151807 but we do you know encourage you to ZDEVaBd2cm0-00856-00151808-00152007 contribute and are here to support ZDEVaBd2cm0-00857-00152008-00152207 that end user community any way we can ZDEVaBd2cm0-00858-00152208-00152407 so thanks again for having us and ZDEVaBd2cm0-00859-00152408-00152687 looking forward to um to a great show in ZDEVaBd2cm0-00860-00152688-00152871 north america all right well thank you ZDEVaBd2cm0-00861-00152872-00153031 ken for sharing your information sharing ZDEVaBd2cm0-00862-00153032-00153166 the insight sharing the knowledge really ZDEVaBd2cm0-00863-00153167-00153487 appreciate it and uh great to catch up ZDEVaBd2cm0-00864-00153488-00153695 all right he's ken i'm jeff you're ZDEVaBd2cm0-00865-00153696-00153863 watching thecube with our ongoing ZDEVaBd2cm0-00866-00153864-00154151 coverage of kubecon cloud nativecon 2020 ZDEVaBd2cm0-00867-00154152-00154263 north america ZDEVaBd2cm0-00868-00154264-00154423 digital thanks for watching we'll see ZDEVaBd2cm0-00869-00154424-00155695 you next time ZDEVaBd2cm0-00870-00155696-00155903 you ZDOThSTqp-0-00000-00000000-00000191 welcome to episode 186 of clarity ZDOThSTqp-0-00001-00000192-00000327 compressed i'm paul jay daily today ZDOThSTqp-0-00002-00000328-00000534 we're going to be talking about ZDOThSTqp-0-00003-00000535-00000950 how to attract the right attention ZDOThSTqp-0-00004-00000951-00001111 this is the universal sign for ZDOThSTqp-0-00005-00001112-00001348 attracting the right attention ZDOThSTqp-0-00006-00001349-00001910 [Music] ZDOThSTqp-0-00007-00001911-00002079 let the good times roll ZDOThSTqp-0-00008-00002080-00002159 this ZDOThSTqp-0-00009-00002160-00002455 is clarity compressed ZDOThSTqp-0-00010-00002456-00002655 i might step on some toes with this ZDOThSTqp-0-00011-00002656-00002902 issue episode i don't want to and maybe ZDOThSTqp-0-00012-00002903-00003118 i won't i don't know but i've heard a ZDOThSTqp-0-00013-00003119-00003351 lot of things about the law of ZDOThSTqp-0-00014-00003352-00003631 attraction and admittedly i haven't like ZDOThSTqp-0-00015-00003632-00003822 studied all the different thought ZDOThSTqp-0-00016-00003823-00004047 processes on the law of attraction but ZDOThSTqp-0-00017-00004047-00004215 here's what i gather from a lot of ZDOThSTqp-0-00018-00004216-00004422 people that talk about it if you think ZDOThSTqp-0-00019-00004423-00004575 hard enough ZDOThSTqp-0-00020-00004576-00004870 and you will it into existence ZDOThSTqp-0-00021-00004871-00005022 then the things that you want will be ZDOThSTqp-0-00022-00005023-00005159 attracted to you ZDOThSTqp-0-00023-00005160-00005254 and ZDOThSTqp-0-00024-00005255-00005527 i think at a surface level if you just ZDOThSTqp-0-00025-00005528-00005670 leave it at that ZDOThSTqp-0-00026-00005671-00005751 it's ZDOThSTqp-0-00027-00005752-00006086 kind of just a bunch of oh it's crap too ZDOThSTqp-0-00028-00006087-00006302 strong of a word but i think it's just ZDOThSTqp-0-00029-00006303-00006542 wishful thinking i think that it it just ZDOThSTqp-0-00030-00006543-00006710 puts you in a place where ZDOThSTqp-0-00031-00006711-00006823 you think ZDOThSTqp-0-00032-00006823-00007078 that if you dream it it can happen or it ZDOThSTqp-0-00033-00007079-00007327 will happen which is even more dangerous ZDOThSTqp-0-00034-00007328-00007559 and i that hasn't been my experience in ZDOThSTqp-0-00035-00007559-00007670 life ZDOThSTqp-0-00036-00007672-00007846 and that hasn't been the experience of a ZDOThSTqp-0-00037-00007847-00008167 lot or most or maybe all of the people ZDOThSTqp-0-00038-00008168-00008319 that i know ZDOThSTqp-0-00039-00008320-00008495 my business coach in the season of my ZDOThSTqp-0-00040-00008496-00008791 life dave meltzer he's helped me reframe ZDOThSTqp-0-00041-00008792-00009110 this mentality of attraction ZDOThSTqp-0-00042-00009111-00009367 and he talks about it in a way where ZDOThSTqp-0-00043-00009368-00009446 it's ZDOThSTqp-0-00044-00009447-00009614 you put a marker out there and that ZDOThSTqp-0-00045-00009615-00009983 marker is what attracts people to you ZDOThSTqp-0-00046-00009984-00010119 and that really resonates with me ZDOThSTqp-0-00047-00010120-00010303 because that is ZDOThSTqp-0-00048-00010304-00010478 kind of it's not really a secret but ZDOThSTqp-0-00049-00010479-00010623 that is how ZDOThSTqp-0-00050-00010624-00010871 i've been operating really my whole life ZDOThSTqp-0-00051-00010872-00011078 but really intentionally ZDOThSTqp-0-00052-00011079-00011246 over the last 10 years as i've been ZDOThSTqp-0-00053-00011247-00011463 making a lot of content probably most ZDOThSTqp-0-00054-00011464-00011703 specifically in the last seven years ZDOThSTqp-0-00055-00011704-00011951 as i've been making more content because ZDOThSTqp-0-00056-00011952-00012255 as we as professionals and as people ZDOThSTqp-0-00057-00012256-00012495 that are constantly on social media or ZDOThSTqp-0-00058-00012496-00012735 we're constantly doing things to try to ZDOThSTqp-0-00059-00012736-00012958 you know build our careers build our ZDOThSTqp-0-00060-00012959-00013055 lives ZDOThSTqp-0-00061-00013056-00013230 get toward the things that we find ZDOThSTqp-0-00062-00013231-00013422 fulfilling we find meaningful ZDOThSTqp-0-00063-00013423-00013599 a lot of us if you're watching this most ZDOThSTqp-0-00064-00013600-00013886 of us are making content or are doing ZDOThSTqp-0-00065-00013887-00014030 things or putting ourselves out there ZDOThSTqp-0-00066-00014031-00014166 into the world ZDOThSTqp-0-00067-00014168-00014343 and what that is actually doing whether ZDOThSTqp-0-00068-00014344-00014551 intentionally or not ZDOThSTqp-0-00069-00014552-00014830 that is attracting certain types of ZDOThSTqp-0-00070-00014831-00014999 people to us ZDOThSTqp-0-00071-00015000-00015135 i'm not even talking about on social ZDOThSTqp-0-00072-00015136-00015319 media actually this goes very very human ZDOThSTqp-0-00073-00015319-00015486 very very personal it's like ZDOThSTqp-0-00074-00015487-00015783 how you behave what is your demeanor and ZDOThSTqp-0-00075-00015784-00016030 so in this in this short episode i want ZDOThSTqp-0-00076-00016031-00016391 to just talk about the things that i do ZDOThSTqp-0-00077-00016392-00016543 intentionally ZDOThSTqp-0-00078-00016544-00016775 to attract people ZDOThSTqp-0-00079-00016776-00016991 to me that i feel i can bring value to ZDOThSTqp-0-00080-00016992-00017230 and can bring value to me it really is a ZDOThSTqp-0-00081-00017231-00017399 trade-off ZDOThSTqp-0-00082-00017400-00017599 and so whenever you make something ZDOThSTqp-0-00083-00017600-00017814 whenever you create a piece of content ZDOThSTqp-0-00084-00017815-00017943 everything ZDOThSTqp-0-00085-00017944-00018094 communicates ZDOThSTqp-0-00086-00018095-00018255 everything communicates ZDOThSTqp-0-00087-00018256-00018535 the hat that i wear communicates ZDOThSTqp-0-00088-00018536-00018694 the way that i speak ZDOThSTqp-0-00089-00018695-00018919 communicates the equipment i use ZDOThSTqp-0-00090-00018920-00019111 communicates where i post this ZDOThSTqp-0-00091-00019112-00019311 communicates the copy i write ZDOThSTqp-0-00092-00019312-00019583 communicates who i hang around ZDOThSTqp-0-00093-00019584-00019958 communicates who i don't hang around ZDOThSTqp-0-00094-00019959-00020119 communicates ZDOThSTqp-0-00095-00020120-00020367 who i follow communicates who i don't ZDOThSTqp-0-00096-00020368-00020678 follow communicates how i treat my ZDOThSTqp-0-00097-00020679-00021030 family communicates how i prioritize my ZDOThSTqp-0-00098-00021031-00021407 team communicates how i handle bad ZDOThSTqp-0-00099-00021408-00021678 situations or tough situations ZDOThSTqp-0-00100-00021679-00021807 communicates ZDOThSTqp-0-00101-00021808-00021991 how i can be passive ZDOThSTqp-0-00102-00021992-00022222 and not address things that need to be ZDOThSTqp-0-00103-00022223-00022343 addressed ZDOThSTqp-0-00104-00022344-00022527 communicates you see where i'm going ZDOThSTqp-0-00105-00022528-00022639 with this ZDOThSTqp-0-00106-00022640-00022822 every action you take ZDOThSTqp-0-00107-00022823-00023214 also every inaction that you don't take ZDOThSTqp-0-00108-00023215-00023399 that's a double negative ZDOThSTqp-0-00109-00023400-00023558 every action and every ZDOThSTqp-0-00110-00023559-00023814 every action and every inaction ZDOThSTqp-0-00111-00023815-00024094 communicates something and as we are ZDOThSTqp-0-00112-00024095-00024327 doing all these things that are ZDOThSTqp-0-00113-00024328-00024591 constantly communicating to the world ZDOThSTqp-0-00114-00024592-00024727 around us ZDOThSTqp-0-00115-00024728-00024839 guess what ZDOThSTqp-0-00116-00024840-00025014 we're attracting ZDOThSTqp-0-00117-00025015-00025278 things people opportunities ZDOThSTqp-0-00118-00025279-00025463 into our lives ZDOThSTqp-0-00119-00025464-00025591 that either ZDOThSTqp-0-00120-00025592-00025870 move us in the direction we want to go ZDOThSTqp-0-00121-00025872-00025950 or ZDOThSTqp-0-00122-00025951-00026070 the other way ZDOThSTqp-0-00123-00026072-00026255 in a direction we don't want to go and ZDOThSTqp-0-00124-00026256-00026414 there are a lot of varying degrees right ZDOThSTqp-0-00125-00026416-00026574 i don't know that we can ZDOThSTqp-0-00126-00026575-00026727 it's very difficult to know the precise ZDOThSTqp-0-00127-00026727-00026839 direction we should go right because ZDOThSTqp-0-00128-00026839-00027039 it's life it's bumpy it's it's bruisy ZDOThSTqp-0-00129-00027039-00027167 there's things there are things that ZDOThSTqp-0-00130-00027168-00027246 happen ZDOThSTqp-0-00131-00027247-00027518 the underlying principle ZDOThSTqp-0-00132-00027519-00027783 is that the intentionality ZDOThSTqp-0-00133-00027783-00028039 by which we walk and which we operate ZDOThSTqp-0-00134-00028039-00028262 and which we create and which we act in ZDOThSTqp-0-00135-00028263-00028431 which we interact ZDOThSTqp-0-00136-00028432-00028783 that trajectory that intentionality ZDOThSTqp-0-00137-00028783-00029055 is what is the differentiator i believe ZDOThSTqp-0-00138-00029056-00029335 between attracting the right things ZDOThSTqp-0-00139-00029336-00029431 and not ZDOThSTqp-0-00140-00029432-00029662 that intentionality comes through ZDOThSTqp-0-00141-00029663-00029895 understanding your own ZDOThSTqp-0-00142-00029895-00030062 mission and vision and values and the ZDOThSTqp-0-00143-00030063-00030279 things that you hold dear in your life ZDOThSTqp-0-00144-00030280-00030495 and then you hold dear in your career ZDOThSTqp-0-00145-00030495-00030687 and which you know that really define ZDOThSTqp-0-00146-00030688-00030862 the direction and the trajectory that ZDOThSTqp-0-00147-00030863-00031087 you want to go the more intentional you ZDOThSTqp-0-00148-00031088-00031318 get with defining those things ZDOThSTqp-0-00149-00031319-00031479 the more intentional you are about ZDOThSTqp-0-00150-00031480-00031599 attracting ZDOThSTqp-0-00151-00031600-00031687 and ZDOThSTqp-0-00152-00031688-00031831 not attracting ZDOThSTqp-0-00153-00031832-00032023 because as soon as you put a marker out ZDOThSTqp-0-00154-00032024-00032190 there the second you make something the ZDOThSTqp-0-00155-00032191-00032367 second you make a decision the second ZDOThSTqp-0-00156-00032368-00032574 you dress a certain way the second you ZDOThSTqp-0-00157-00032575-00032727 talk about things in a certain way you ZDOThSTqp-0-00158-00032727-00032935 decide to post this or not post this the ZDOThSTqp-0-00159-00032936-00033174 second you do that guess what ZDOThSTqp-0-00160-00033175-00033335 you are now dividing ZDOThSTqp-0-00161-00033336-00033439 you're saying ZDOThSTqp-0-00162-00033440-00033702 this is what i believe this is not what ZDOThSTqp-0-00163-00033703-00033974 i believe and because when you do that ZDOThSTqp-0-00164-00033975-00034087 naturally ZDOThSTqp-0-00165-00034088-00034246 the people that believe the same as you ZDOThSTqp-0-00166-00034247-00034455 are going to move toward you ZDOThSTqp-0-00167-00034456-00034702 and the people that don't are going to ZDOThSTqp-0-00168-00034703-00034887 not move any closer or maybe they'll ZDOThSTqp-0-00169-00034888-00035151 even back up or maybe they'll check out ZDOThSTqp-0-00170-00035152-00035327 and if you know ZDOThSTqp-0-00171-00035328-00035502 what you're heading toward you know the ZDOThSTqp-0-00172-00035503-00035687 trajectory of your life guess what ZDOThSTqp-0-00173-00035688-00035839 that's a good thing it's a good thing ZDOThSTqp-0-00174-00035840-00036039 when the people that aren't going to ZDOThSTqp-0-00175-00036040-00036255 serve that and you cannot serve ZDOThSTqp-0-00176-00036256-00036439 move away why because ZDOThSTqp-0-00177-00036440-00036639 the noise goes away and now you can ZDOThSTqp-0-00178-00036640-00036879 focus on the community you can serve and ZDOThSTqp-0-00179-00036880-00037079 the community who can serve you ZDOThSTqp-0-00180-00037080-00037359 right that synergy is what creates great ZDOThSTqp-0-00181-00037360-00037590 opportunity that synergy is what creates ZDOThSTqp-0-00182-00037591-00037727 fulfillment ZDOThSTqp-0-00183-00037728-00037983 in life and yes there are no really ZDOThSTqp-0-00184-00037984-00038111 straight lines ZDOThSTqp-0-00185-00038112-00038223 there are no ZDOThSTqp-0-00186-00038224-00038407 perfect relationships there are no ZDOThSTqp-0-00187-00038408-00038630 perfect business relationships or ZDOThSTqp-0-00188-00038631-00038759 opportunities ZDOThSTqp-0-00189-00038760-00038895 everything's a give and take everything ZDOThSTqp-0-00190-00038896-00039030 so let's feel this out and let's see ZDOThSTqp-0-00191-00039031-00039199 which way it goes and let's pivot and ZDOThSTqp-0-00192-00039200-00039455 let's maneuver and let's you know work ZDOThSTqp-0-00193-00039456-00039671 with it as it goes along but ZDOThSTqp-0-00194-00039672-00039871 understanding what is driving you ZDOThSTqp-0-00195-00039872-00040007 understanding the trajectory you're ZDOThSTqp-0-00196-00040008-00040127 going in ZDOThSTqp-0-00197-00040128-00040230 and then ZDOThSTqp-0-00198-00040231-00040471 acting in a manner which serves that ZDOThSTqp-0-00199-00040472-00040574 guess what ZDOThSTqp-0-00200-00040575-00040767 that's attractional ZDOThSTqp-0-00201-00040768-00040958 that is where the community starts to ZDOThSTqp-0-00202-00040959-00041190 gather that's where you find your people ZDOThSTqp-0-00203-00041191-00041351 and then guess what the people that you ZDOThSTqp-0-00204-00041352-00041623 find they know people and then they know ZDOThSTqp-0-00205-00041624-00041711 people ZDOThSTqp-0-00206-00041712-00041983 and the real power in this this kind of ZDOThSTqp-0-00207-00041984-00042143 attraction mindset is like when you get ZDOThSTqp-0-00208-00042144-00042287 around the people that think the same ZDOThSTqp-0-00209-00042288-00042430 way feel the same way or going in the ZDOThSTqp-0-00210-00042431-00042607 same direction you now get the ZDOThSTqp-0-00211-00042608-00042935 multiplier of all of their relationships ZDOThSTqp-0-00212-00042936-00043151 to the second and third levels but i ZDOThSTqp-0-00213-00043152-00043318 don't know if you've ever heard this or ZDOThSTqp-0-00214-00043319-00043558 read this i cannot remember exactly ZDOThSTqp-0-00215-00043559-00043774 where i read it but your most powerful ZDOThSTqp-0-00216-00043775-00043935 network that you have ZDOThSTqp-0-00217-00043936-00044127 is the second level ZDOThSTqp-0-00218-00044128-00044302 it's not the people you know it's the ZDOThSTqp-0-00219-00044303-00044495 people that they know ZDOThSTqp-0-00220-00044496-00044599 because if you think about the ZDOThSTqp-0-00221-00044600-00044815 multiplier that if you know 100 people ZDOThSTqp-0-00222-00044816-00045046 that know 100 people and now you have a ZDOThSTqp-0-00223-00045047-00045190 relationship with that first hundred ZDOThSTqp-0-00224-00045191-00045295 guess what ZDOThSTqp-0-00225-00045296-00045462 you have a really close relationship ZDOThSTqp-0-00226-00045463-00045543 with ZDOThSTqp-0-00227-00045544-00045783 their hundred see how that works ZDOThSTqp-0-00228-00045784-00045983 and so today i hope that this encourages ZDOThSTqp-0-00229-00045984-00046190 you you know i'm talking about clarity ZDOThSTqp-0-00230-00046191-00046399 i'm talking about getting perspective of ZDOThSTqp-0-00231-00046400-00046590 where you are on the map so that then ZDOThSTqp-0-00232-00046591-00046783 you can go in the direction that you ZDOThSTqp-0-00233-00046784-00046943 want to go but you can't do that until ZDOThSTqp-0-00234-00046944-00047079 you understand where you are so today i ZDOThSTqp-0-00235-00047080-00047255 want you to ask yourself ZDOThSTqp-0-00236-00047256-00047430 what am i attracting ZDOThSTqp-0-00237-00047431-00047679 through the way i act my demeanor not ZDOThSTqp-0-00238-00047680-00047879 only in front of the camera but more ZDOThSTqp-0-00239-00047880-00048071 importantly not in front of the camera ZDOThSTqp-0-00240-00048072-00048230 am i being intentional about my life am ZDOThSTqp-0-00241-00048231-00048502 i being intentional about what i do in ZDOThSTqp-0-00242-00048503-00048695 order in a manner that will attract the ZDOThSTqp-0-00243-00048696-00048983 things to me that i want in my life i ZDOThSTqp-0-00244-00048984-00049086 can't just ZDOThSTqp-0-00245-00049087-00049302 think hard enough and make it happen ZDOThSTqp-0-00246-00049303-00049574 no i gotta i gotta you know what uh dave ZDOThSTqp-0-00247-00049575-00049758 meltzer says employ the deploy the law ZDOThSTqp-0-00248-00049759-00049862 of goya ZDOThSTqp-0-00249-00049863-00050055 get off your ZDOThSTqp-0-00250-00050056-00050199 you know this i ZDOThSTqp-0-00251-00050200-00050399 i think i've ever cursed on this podcast ZDOThSTqp-0-00252-00050400-00050630 gary vaynerchuk has i haven't so i'm not ZDOThSTqp-0-00253-00050631-00050999 gonna so goya the law of get off your ZDOThSTqp-0-00254-00051000-00051111 that's ZDOThSTqp-0-00255-00051112-00051302 actually how we're gonna do it today so ZDOThSTqp-0-00256-00051303-00051423 i hope that you get out there i hope ZDOThSTqp-0-00257-00051424-00051599 that you get intentional about what ZDOThSTqp-0-00258-00051600-00051742 you're creating who you're serving how ZDOThSTqp-0-00259-00051744-00051879 you're serving ZDOThSTqp-0-00260-00051879-00052007 maybe if you're into it what you're ZDOThSTqp-0-00261-00052008-00052214 wearing ZDOThSTqp-0-00262-00052215-00052382 and that so that we can attract the ZDOThSTqp-0-00263-00052383-00052526 people together that believe the same ZDOThSTqp-0-00264-00052527-00052703 things that we do so that we can really ZDOThSTqp-0-00265-00052704-00052919 go out and make a change and serve other ZDOThSTqp-0-00266-00052920-00053094 people and in doing so guess what ZDOThSTqp-0-00267-00053095-00053263 there's a lot of fulfillment and success ZDOThSTqp-0-00268-00053264-00053415 to be had i hope you have an amazing ZDOThSTqp-0-00269-00053416-00053958 week and i'll talk to you next week ZDOThSTqp-0-00270-00053959-00054276 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00000-00000000-00000532 on the previous episode for this unit ZKYAVdSOLxu-00001-00000533-00000754 that I'm wearing right now ZKYAVdSOLxu-00002-00000755-00001634 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00003-00001635-00001888 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00004-00001889-00002374 hi guys so I'm in Big Lots and I came in ZKYAVdSOLxu-00005-00002375-00003100 the fact rug for the boys room and I got ZKYAVdSOLxu-00006-00003101-00003418 this one and they can't really tell but ZKYAVdSOLxu-00007-00003419-00003789 here's the pattern of what it looks like ZKYAVdSOLxu-00008-00003790-00004334 and then kind of matching it up with ZKYAVdSOLxu-00009-00004335-00004968 this so I just want to play off of the ZKYAVdSOLxu-00010-00004969-00005720 textures and hopefully ZKYAVdSOLxu-00011-00005721-00006448 what I'm seeing will work all right ZKYAVdSOLxu-00012-00006450-00006673 fancy beauties and balls let's go ahead ZKYAVdSOLxu-00013-00006675-00007039 and get started with this transformation ZKYAVdSOLxu-00014-00007040-00007411 so the first thing I'm going to do is ZKYAVdSOLxu-00015-00007412-00007706 see where I'm gonna start ZKYAVdSOLxu-00016-00007706-00008408 oh it's so hard so first thing I'm going ZKYAVdSOLxu-00017-00008409-00008671 to do is go ahead and get the boys ZKYAVdSOLxu-00018-00008672-00008935 situated and I'm gonna put them in my ZKYAVdSOLxu-00019-00008936-00009317 room while I began to kind of just ZKYAVdSOLxu-00020-00009318-00009551 mental their room first cuz you know ZKYAVdSOLxu-00021-00009552-00009773 that's where you have to start you have ZKYAVdSOLxu-00022-00009774-00010295 to tear down before you build up so this ZKYAVdSOLxu-00023-00010296-00010583 gets the little worms in my room and ZKYAVdSOLxu-00024-00010584-00010949 comfortable in my bed it comes AJ on ZKYAVdSOLxu-00025-00010950-00011444 this little foam child and Here I am off ZKYAVdSOLxu-00026-00011445-00011906 to work so I am gonna go ahead of course ZKYAVdSOLxu-00027-00011907-00012239 and take up that rug first I'm gonna get ZKYAVdSOLxu-00028-00012240-00012569 it out of the way and then it's gonna ZKYAVdSOLxu-00029-00012570-00012677 end up in my room ZKYAVdSOLxu-00030-00012678-00013022 you guys might see that later in another ZKYAVdSOLxu-00031-00013022-00013300 video I'm not sure where cuz I didn't ZKYAVdSOLxu-00032-00013301-00013493 really do anything major to my room ZKYAVdSOLxu-00033-00013494-00013805 except for put that rug in there and ZKYAVdSOLxu-00034-00013806-00014096 then of course I want to get all of the ZKYAVdSOLxu-00035-00014097-00014408 little dust bunnies away give the floor ZKYAVdSOLxu-00036-00014409-00016372 nice my icebreaker in and ZKYAVdSOLxu-00037-00016374-00016752 just in case you guys are wondering his ZKYAVdSOLxu-00038-00016753-00017010 Jamar ease bed I picked that up ZKYAVdSOLxu-00039-00017011-00017601 from Target it will see the target of ZKYAVdSOLxu-00040-00017602-00018171 t.j.maxx and it was target in Georgia in ZKYAVdSOLxu-00041-00018172-00018648 Canton Georgia and then the bunk beds I ZKYAVdSOLxu-00042-00018649-00018948 picked those up from wait there and I ZKYAVdSOLxu-00043-00018949-00019866 believe I paid try and see if I can look ZKYAVdSOLxu-00044-00019867-00020205 it up and then if so if I find it I run ZKYAVdSOLxu-00045-00020206-00020547 it across the screen all right so we ZKYAVdSOLxu-00046-00020548-00020739 worst bunny head was sweeping now ZKYAVdSOLxu-00047-00020740-00021128 becoming you know go ahead a mop in ZKYAVdSOLxu-00048-00021129-00021612 areas as well as I'm moving along I'm ZKYAVdSOLxu-00049-00021613-00021900 sweeping and mopping so if that makes ZKYAVdSOLxu-00050-00021901-00021966 sense ZKYAVdSOLxu-00051-00021967-00022350 so I'm now trying to figure out how I'm ZKYAVdSOLxu-00052-00022351-00022977 gonna do this so I think I ended up ZKYAVdSOLxu-00053-00022978-00023144 putting it yeah I end up putting ZKYAVdSOLxu-00054-00023145-00023514 everything in the closet so I can kind ZKYAVdSOLxu-00055-00023515-00023877 of move the dressers out and then that ZKYAVdSOLxu-00056-00023878-00024084 would give me more space because I gotta ZKYAVdSOLxu-00057-00024085-00025185 lay that rug down first ZKYAVdSOLxu-00058-00025186-00025379 you ZKYAVdSOLxu-00060-00030525-00030904 now if I know guys this rug you guys ZKYAVdSOLxu-00061-00030905-00031204 know I picked it up from Big Lots this ZKYAVdSOLxu-00062-00031205-00031636 rug is everything I want to sleep on ZKYAVdSOLxu-00063-00031637-00032027 this rug is so plush it's so comfortable ZKYAVdSOLxu-00064-00032028-00032470 so that that area rug is really made of ZKYAVdSOLxu-00065-00032470-00032715 good quality I have to let you guys know ZKYAVdSOLxu-00066-00032716-00033021 that and I can't remember how much I ZKYAVdSOLxu-00067-00033022-00033520 paid for it I want to say 130 I know the ZKYAVdSOLxu-00068-00033521-00033711 one I picked up for the dining room was ZKYAVdSOLxu-00069-00033712-00034007 130 but I'm not sure how much that was ZKYAVdSOLxu-00070-00034008-00034380 so right now I'm just gonna iron their ZKYAVdSOLxu-00071-00034381-00034845 curtains wrinkles out of it before I ZKYAVdSOLxu-00072-00034846-00035170 hang them up and these are of good ZKYAVdSOLxu-00073-00035171-00035595 quality as well they're not as flowy as ZKYAVdSOLxu-00074-00035596-00035860 I would like for them to be but for the ZKYAVdSOLxu-00075-00035861-00036186 winter months and actually for the ZKYAVdSOLxu-00076-00036187-00036432 summer months - it will really work well ZKYAVdSOLxu-00077-00036433-00036720 because it will help protect everything ZKYAVdSOLxu-00078-00036721-00036864 from the elements ZKYAVdSOLxu-00079-00036865-00037195 you know summertime from the Sun and ZKYAVdSOLxu-00080-00037196-00037561 then in the winter time it'll help to ZKYAVdSOLxu-00081-00037562-00037890 keep the cold out as well especially if ZKYAVdSOLxu-00082-00037891-00038214 you have drafty windows and those I ZKYAVdSOLxu-00084-00041337-00041691 now the way I'm earning the curtains is ZKYAVdSOLxu-00085-00041692-00042153 I'm earning them two at a time and I'm ZKYAVdSOLxu-00086-00042154-00042438 putting the backs to face each other ZKYAVdSOLxu-00087-00042439-00042804 that way when I flip it over I can just ZKYAVdSOLxu-00088-00042805-00043326 go ahead and iron the other side because ZKYAVdSOLxu-00089-00043327-00043791 the other side will have less wrinkles ZKYAVdSOLxu-00090-00043792-00046165 for me to have to deal with ZKYAVdSOLxu-00091-00046166-00046449 and so now we're just gonna go here of ZKYAVdSOLxu-00092-00046450-00046698 course and take down the old curtains ZKYAVdSOLxu-00093-00046699-00046935 and I was actually debating if I was ZKYAVdSOLxu-00094-00046936-00047180 gonna leave them up because the color ZKYAVdSOLxu-00095-00047181-00047664 would have gone with this but I wanted ZKYAVdSOLxu-00096-00047665-00048455 to kind of keep the trend or vision ZKYAVdSOLxu-00097-00048456-00048980 maybe I should say that going so I opted ZKYAVdSOLxu-00098-00048981-00049182 to go with the ones that I just ZKYAVdSOLxu-00099-00049183-00049652 purchased the ABCs I had those already ZKYAVdSOLxu-00100-00049653-00050067 and I'm pronounced to me I did not even ZKYAVdSOLxu-00101-00050068-00050445 know that those colors were in the ZKYAVdSOLxu-00102-00050446-00050760 colors that I had in my head so just ZKYAVdSOLxu-00103-00050761-00050996 goes to show you when something is ZKYAVdSOLxu-00104-00050997-00051192 coming to you just go ahead and work ZKYAVdSOLxu-00105-00051193-00051518 with it just flow with it these are ZKYAVdSOLxu-00106-00051519-00051854 picked up from Big Lots as well and ZKYAVdSOLxu-00107-00051854-00052142 those really came in handy I picked up ZKYAVdSOLxu-00108-00052144-00052860 two sets of those and that it really ZKYAVdSOLxu-00109-00052861-00053085 made a difference in their room you guys ZKYAVdSOLxu-00110-00053086-00053334 will see that later on in the video ZKYAVdSOLxu-00111-00053335-00053666 but it really really brought their wrong ZKYAVdSOLxu-00112-00053667-00054817 together along with the area rug ZKYAVdSOLxu-00113-00054819-00055346 sleeping is so comfy and girly ZKYAVdSOLxu-00114-00055347-00055688 so I'm just trying to figure out how to ZKYAVdSOLxu-00115-00055689-00056225 place these up the best way that it will ZKYAVdSOLxu-00116-00056226-00056619 look more aesthetically pleasing to the ZKYAVdSOLxu-00117-00056620-00056844 eye I don't want to just put them up ZKYAVdSOLxu-00118-00056845-00057167 there just to put them I wanted to make ZKYAVdSOLxu-00119-00057169-00059060 sense and I wanted to flow right ZKYAVdSOLxu-00120-00059061-00061750 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00121-00061751-00062056 so now we have the curtains up and we're ZKYAVdSOLxu-00122-00062057-00062362 gonna quit and get the boys toys in ZKYAVdSOLxu-00123-00062363-00062825 order and I all I'm gonna do is just ZKYAVdSOLxu-00124-00062826-00063292 transfer from the red and the black ZKYAVdSOLxu-00125-00063294-00063787 storage bins to the gray solid color and ZKYAVdSOLxu-00126-00063788-00064282 the print gray because again I've told ZKYAVdSOLxu-00127-00064283-00064492 you guys I wanted to just kind of play ZKYAVdSOLxu-00128-00064494-00065384 with textures and patterns so with that ZKYAVdSOLxu-00129-00065385-00066100 being area I do want to find a better ZKYAVdSOLxu-00130-00066101-00066469 bookcase but I think I don't know if I ZKYAVdSOLxu-00131-00066470-00066775 want to get it now or just wait until I ZKYAVdSOLxu-00132-00066776-00067160 move but if I decide to get it I will ZKYAVdSOLxu-00133-00067161-00067478 update you guys and let you see how it ZKYAVdSOLxu-00134-00067479-00067843 turned out because I'm thinking if I do ZKYAVdSOLxu-00135-00067844-00068285 change it I kind of like that brown just ZKYAVdSOLxu-00136-00068286-00068503 to give it some dimension in their room ZKYAVdSOLxu-00137-00068504-00069236 but I might go with a white or even if I ZKYAVdSOLxu-00138-00069237-00069682 could find a gray like a wood great the ZKYAVdSOLxu-00139-00069683-00070075 brainy wood type of pattern I might go ZKYAVdSOLxu-00140-00070076-00070356 with that yeah kind of don't want to use ZKYAVdSOLxu-00141-00070357-00070829 so much more gray for them you know I'm ZKYAVdSOLxu-00142-00070830-00071171 saying so I'm just making up the beer ZKYAVdSOLxu-00143-00071172-00071393 right now just making up jamar ease ZKYAVdSOLxu-00144-00071394-00071690 because we're just about done at this ZKYAVdSOLxu-00145-00071691-00072212 point that light up picture that you ZKYAVdSOLxu-00146-00072213-00072481 guys are gonna see that's over jamarius ZKYAVdSOLxu-00147-00072482-00072837 be it I gave you like ZKYAVdSOLxu-00148-00072838-00073444 well clip of it being lit up I thought ZKYAVdSOLxu-00149-00073445-00073675 it was gonna do more than what it did ZKYAVdSOLxu-00150-00073676-00073909 but it's still cute it's cute ZKYAVdSOLxu-00151-00073910-00074194 nevertheless and of course it bronze bat ZKYAVdSOLxu-00152-00074195-00074661 batteries so I believe from here is ZKYAVdSOLxu-00153-00074662-00075103 pretty self-explanatory so I'm gonna go ZKYAVdSOLxu-00154-00075104-00075417 ahead and let you guys enjoy the music ZKYAVdSOLxu-00155-00075418-00075790 enjoy seeing your girl work my fingers ZKYAVdSOLxu-00156-00075791-00076579 to the bone and enjoy the video so until ZKYAVdSOLxu-00157-00076580-00076714 next time guys ZKYAVdSOLxu-00158-00076715-00077391 you stay fancy stay focused on God stay ZKYAVdSOLxu-00159-00077392-00077799 when I say stay true to yourself I mean ZKYAVdSOLxu-00160-00077800-00078514 your inner emotions find out what that ZKYAVdSOLxu-00161-00078515-00078850 is what your body is telling you what ZKYAVdSOLxu-00162-00078851-00079141 your emotions are telling you and kind ZKYAVdSOLxu-00163-00079142-00079498 of hone in on that don't run from it and ZKYAVdSOLxu-00164-00079499-00079848 don't like push it to the side because ZKYAVdSOLxu-00165-00079849-00080206 that could be where your growth is ZKYAVdSOLxu-00166-00080207-00080701 coming through so just kind of make sure ZKYAVdSOLxu-00167-00080702-00080986 you stay really really tuned in to ZKYAVdSOLxu-00168-00080987-00081337 yourself and take time for yourself I ZKYAVdSOLxu-00169-00081338-00081880 had to learn that this last week you ZKYAVdSOLxu-00170-00081881-00082120 know things kind of got a little rough ZKYAVdSOLxu-00171-00082121-00082486 for you girl but good I'm back I'm still ZKYAVdSOLxu-00172-00082487-00082825 fancy I'm still positive I'm gonna ZKYAVdSOLxu-00173-00082826-00083062 always stay positive even through those ZKYAVdSOLxu-00174-00083063-00083192 times ZKYAVdSOLxu-00175-00083193-00083479 and I want you to do the same thing so ZKYAVdSOLxu-00176-00083480-00083969 that's pretty much it stay locked if you ZKYAVdSOLxu-00177-00083970-00084122 haven't subscribed go ahead and ZKYAVdSOLxu-00178-00084123-00084326 subscribe girl what are you waiting for ZKYAVdSOLxu-00179-00084327-00084730 go ahead and smash that subscribe button ZKYAVdSOLxu-00180-00084731-00085106 click that notification bell hit the ZKYAVdSOLxu-00181-00085107-00085415 like button please cuz it helps us out ZKYAVdSOLxu-00182-00085416-00085670 when we do these videos because you ZKYAVdSOLxu-00183-00085671-00086018 knows YouTube as all these hoops we have ZKYAVdSOLxu-00184-00086019-00086432 to jump through so don't forget me help ZKYAVdSOLxu-00185-00086433-00086723 me out and then I'll see you guys in the ZKYAVdSOLxu-00186-00086724-00086959 next video ZKYAVdSOLxu-00187-00086960-00088165 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00189-00093023-00095677 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00190-00095678-00097422 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00191-00097423-00098390 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00192-00098391-00099478 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00193-00099479-00101435 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00194-00101436-00102229 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00198-00114009-00115589 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00199-00115590-00118299 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00202-00125321-00126901 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00203-00126902-00129610 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00206-00136633-00138212 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00207-00138213-00140922 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00208-00140923-00142817 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00209-00142818-00143638 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00210-00143639-00144724 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00211-00144725-00146682 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00212-00146683-00147475 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00215-00156037-00158640 [Music] ZKYAVdSOLxu-00216-00158641-00159738 you ZKYAVdSOLxu-00217-00159739-00160046 [Music] ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00000-00000360-00000495 i'll tell you how john ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00001-00000496-00000823 unlike the soulless always ugly glassed ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00002-00000824-00000919 private school ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00003-00000919-00001127 geeks that you get to do your media jobs ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00004-00001128-00001270 at the city morning herald and the ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00005-00001271-00001454 telegraph like stuart little lucy ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00006-00001455-00001614 cormick fergus hunter and the most ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00007-00001616-00001839 hideous of them all michael cosiel ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00008-00001839-00002023 unlike those subservient bottom feeders ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00009-00002023-00002231 to scum like you i actually care about ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00010-00002232-00002439 you wiping out entire species for like ZL3Cpd8yYUk-00011-00002440-00002832 half the price of a blue haven pool ZMU9nzF68co-00000-00000312-00000519 you are dead ZMU9nzF68co-00001-00000520-00000875 not big surprise ZNwUixwMdJ4-00000-00000032-00000262 all right what's up you guys sadana so i ZNwUixwMdJ4-00001-00000263-00000487 am really excited because ZNwUixwMdJ4-00002-00000488-00000831 i am going on my way i'm traveling right ZNwUixwMdJ4-00003-00000832-00001007 now to go to our new ZNwUixwMdJ4-00004-00001008-00001311 hospital for our training so ZNwUixwMdJ4-00005-00001312-00001495 um the hospital that i've been at for ZNwUixwMdJ4-00006-00001496-00001734 the past year has actually built a whole ZNwUixwMdJ4-00007-00001735-00001975 brand spanking new hospital ZNwUixwMdJ4-00008-00001976-00002239 and um i have to go there for training ZNwUixwMdJ4-00009-00002240-00002391 on the new system and so ZNwUixwMdJ4-00010-00002392-00002550 i'm on my way over there right now i'm ZNwUixwMdJ4-00011-00002551-00002758 really excited i'm gonna kind of just ZNwUixwMdJ4-00012-00002759-00003102 take you um with me as i go to this ZNwUixwMdJ4-00013-00003103-00003175 training and ZNwUixwMdJ4-00014-00003176-00003399 you know hopefully i get to see some of ZNwUixwMdJ4-00015-00003400-00003567 the new hospital and you guys will get ZNwUixwMdJ4-00016-00003568-00003711 to see some of it as well ZNwUixwMdJ4-00017-00003711-00005241 so let's get going ZNwUixwMdJ4-00018-00005242-00006639 [Music] ZNwUixwMdJ4-00019-00006640-00006951 so of course we are stuck in traffic ZNwUixwMdJ4-00020-00006952-00007223 i'm moving now which is good but i was ZNwUixwMdJ4-00021-00007223-00007383 just stuck in traffic and ZNwUixwMdJ4-00022-00007384-00007687 that's the life out here um but ZNwUixwMdJ4-00023-00007688-00007934 you know i'm on my way so i'm really ZNwUixwMdJ4-00024-00007936-00008006 excited i ZNwUixwMdJ4-00025-00008008-00008231 don't have that much time left to ZNwUixwMdJ4-00026-00008232-00008374 actually get to the hospital so ZNwUixwMdJ4-00027-00008375-00008567 once i get there i'll show you guys like ZNwUixwMdJ4-00028-00008568-00008774 the outside and the new side ZNwUixwMdJ4-00029-00008775-00009046 i mean i am so excited because who ZNwUixwMdJ4-00030-00009047-00009191 doesn't like something new ZNwUixwMdJ4-00031-00009192-00009455 right everybody likes new things um ZNwUixwMdJ4-00032-00009456-00009631 especially if they're supposed to be ZNwUixwMdJ4-00033-00009632-00009935 better so um i'm really excited to see ZNwUixwMdJ4-00034-00009936-00010174 kind of the upgrades and just like the ZNwUixwMdJ4-00035-00010175-00010351 new floors and all of that stuff ZNwUixwMdJ4-00036-00010352-00010591 because our other hospital has been ZNwUixwMdJ4-00037-00010592-00010823 around for a long time so ZNwUixwMdJ4-00038-00010824-00011046 um i'm excited to see what this new ZNwUixwMdJ4-00039-00011047-00011214 hospital has to bring ZNwUixwMdJ4-00040-00011215-00011406 we're still gonna have you know ZNwUixwMdJ4-00041-00011407-00011567 obviously all of the various different ZNwUixwMdJ4-00042-00011568-00011678 things that we need ZNwUixwMdJ4-00043-00011679-00012055 as trauma pas uh but apparently our new ZNwUixwMdJ4-00044-00012056-00012135 trauma bay ZNwUixwMdJ4-00045-00012136-00012438 has rooms for way more patients that we ZNwUixwMdJ4-00046-00012439-00012599 currently have right now ZNwUixwMdJ4-00047-00012600-00012799 um because our main trauma bay right now ZNwUixwMdJ4-00048-00012800-00012910 only houses ZNwUixwMdJ4-00049-00012911-00013086 two patients and then we have like ZNwUixwMdJ4-00050-00013087-00013230 overflow rooms ZNwUixwMdJ4-00051-00013231-00013415 and other areas of the emergency ZNwUixwMdJ4-00052-00013416-00013638 department that we can put trauma ZNwUixwMdJ4-00053-00013640-00013799 patients in because they need to be on ZNwUixwMdJ4-00054-00013800-00013983 monitors they need to be monitored ZNwUixwMdJ4-00055-00013984-00014199 if they're level one trauma like every i ZNwUixwMdJ4-00056-00014200-00014319 believe it's like two minutes or ZNwUixwMdJ4-00057-00014319-00014422 something like that we're all like ZNwUixwMdJ4-00058-00014423-00014575 they're taking vital signs ZNwUixwMdJ4-00059-00014576-00014855 so they have to be able to be somewhere ZNwUixwMdJ4-00060-00014856-00014894 that ZNwUixwMdJ4-00061-00014895-00015119 all of these things can go you know take ZNwUixwMdJ4-00062-00015119-00015319 place and so the new ZNwUixwMdJ4-00063-00015319-00015583 uh trauma bay is supposed to have all of ZNwUixwMdJ4-00064-00015584-00015743 those bells and whistles ZNwUixwMdJ4-00065-00015744-00016015 but like extra so i'm really excited ZNwUixwMdJ4-00066-00016016-00016103 about that ZNwUixwMdJ4-00067-00016104-00016383 and um we'll see i'll show you guys ZNwUixwMdJ4-00068-00016384-00016543 exactly ZNwUixwMdJ4-00069-00016544-00016903 what is going on all right ZNwUixwMdJ4-00070-00016904-00017079 i will talk to you guys in a little bit ZNwUixwMdJ4-00071-00017080-00017255 i'll show you guys when i get a little ZNwUixwMdJ4-00072-00017256-00017335 bit closer ZNwUixwMdJ4-00073-00017336-00018494 what the new hospital looks like ZNwUixwMdJ4-00074-00018495-00018663 all right we're almost there we're four ZNwUixwMdJ4-00075-00018664-00018799 minutes away um ZNwUixwMdJ4-00076-00018800-00018999 so i think i told you guys that we're ZNwUixwMdJ4-00077-00019000-00019111 training on a new ZNwUixwMdJ4-00078-00019112-00019486 um emr system and so i trained on this ZNwUixwMdJ4-00079-00019487-00019614 system when i was ZNwUixwMdJ4-00080-00019615-00019943 a student however it was at another ZNwUixwMdJ4-00081-00019944-00020086 hospital and that was ZNwUixwMdJ4-00082-00020087-00020358 over like a year and a half ago that i ZNwUixwMdJ4-00083-00020359-00020447 was actually ZNwUixwMdJ4-00084-00020448-00020655 using this system so i wasn't able to ZNwUixwMdJ4-00085-00020656-00020799 opt out of ZNwUixwMdJ4-00086-00020800-00021119 the training but um i mean this training ZNwUixwMdJ4-00087-00021120-00021230 is gonna be ZNwUixwMdJ4-00088-00021231-00021494 like all day i'm here from eight to ZNwUixwMdJ4-00089-00021495-00021591 seven ZNwUixwMdJ4-00090-00021592-00021911 which is bananas but i wanted to kind of ZNwUixwMdJ4-00091-00021912-00022071 just get it out of the way ZNwUixwMdJ4-00092-00022072-00022375 um and make sure that i was able to get ZNwUixwMdJ4-00093-00022376-00022430 it done ZNwUixwMdJ4-00094-00022431-00022783 oh my gosh look at it it's so ZNwUixwMdJ4-00095-00022784-00023230 pretty oh i'm so excited y'all y'all ZNwUixwMdJ4-00096-00023231-00023330 have no ZNwUixwMdJ4-00097-00023331-00023622 idea all right now i gotta figure out ZNwUixwMdJ4-00098-00023623-00023694 how ZNwUixwMdJ4-00099-00023695-00024046 to get in here ZNwUixwMdJ4-00100-00024047-00024584 [Music] ZNwUixwMdJ4-00101-00024585-00025407 [Music] ZNwUixwMdJ4-00102-00025408-00025662 get masked up i'm gonna put my shield on ZNwUixwMdJ4-00103-00025663-00025774 shortly ZNwUixwMdJ4-00104-00025775-00025974 i know my audio is probably like really ZNwUixwMdJ4-00105-00025975-00026199 really trash right now ZNwUixwMdJ4-00106-00026200-00026407 but that's all because i have this mask ZNwUixwMdJ4-00107-00026408-00026574 on so ZNwUixwMdJ4-00108-00026575-00026935 hopefully i can take some video when i ZNwUixwMdJ4-00109-00026936-00026967 get ZNwUixwMdJ4-00110-00026968-00027358 in and show you guys the actual like ZNwUixwMdJ4-00111-00027360-00027511 some of the ins and outs of the hospital ZNwUixwMdJ4-00112-00027512-00027679 i don't know because i don't know where ZNwUixwMdJ4-00113-00027680-00027783 i'm going ZNwUixwMdJ4-00114-00027783-00028167 all right all right ZNwUixwMdJ4-00115-00028168-00028502 walking down the hallway they have all ZNwUixwMdJ4-00116-00028504-00028655 these signs that keep ZNwUixwMdJ4-00117-00028656-00029483 telling you not to go in somewhere but ZNwUixwMdJ4-00118-00029483-00029607 then ZNwUixwMdJ4-00119-00029608-00030167 see like that don't enter ZNwUixwMdJ4-00120-00030168-00030431 all right it's looking nice though look ZNwUixwMdJ4-00121-00030432-00031095 at these floors y'all ZNwUixwMdJ4-00122-00031095-00032479 okay let me pay attention to my rooms ZNwUixwMdJ4-00123-00032480-00032758 all right so i am back in my car um ZNwUixwMdJ4-00124-00032760-00032807 because ZNwUixwMdJ4-00125-00032808-00033118 it was lunch time so i went across the ZNwUixwMdJ4-00126-00033119-00033287 street to this chick-fil-a and got some ZNwUixwMdJ4-00127-00033288-00033502 fries and a frosted lemonade ZNwUixwMdJ4-00128-00033503-00033815 um because i don't eat meat so ZNwUixwMdJ4-00129-00033816-00034135 i did that and now i'm back in the car i ZNwUixwMdJ4-00130-00034136-00034311 wish i could show you guys everything ZNwUixwMdJ4-00131-00034312-00034551 but i can't because they specifically ZNwUixwMdJ4-00132-00034552-00034751 told us not to be nosy ZNwUixwMdJ4-00133-00034752-00034943 don't go exploring around the hospital ZNwUixwMdJ4-00134-00034944-00035118 because it actually is still ZNwUixwMdJ4-00135-00035119-00035431 under construction um this is like ZNwUixwMdJ4-00136-00035432-00035774 april that we're in but the hospital is ZNwUixwMdJ4-00137-00035775-00035879 not set to be like ZNwUixwMdJ4-00138-00035880-00036118 completely fully operational and up and ZNwUixwMdJ4-00139-00036119-00036190 running ZNwUixwMdJ4-00140-00036191-00036583 um until june so still have like nails ZNwUixwMdJ4-00141-00036584-00036615 and ZNwUixwMdJ4-00142-00036616-00036799 various different like i don't know if ZNwUixwMdJ4-00143-00036800-00036990 they have exposed wires but maybe like ZNwUixwMdJ4-00144-00036991-00037055 some ZNwUixwMdJ4-00145-00037056-00037287 you know ceiling boards are out or ZNwUixwMdJ4-00146-00037288-00037446 whatever the case may be ZNwUixwMdJ4-00147-00037447-00037607 it is very much still a construction ZNwUixwMdJ4-00148-00037608-00037774 site the room that we're in ZNwUixwMdJ4-00149-00037775-00038039 uh was a nice little small compact ZNwUixwMdJ4-00150-00038040-00038230 conference room it was cute ZNwUixwMdJ4-00151-00038231-00038543 um had some about 12 or so ZNwUixwMdJ4-00152-00038544-00038751 computers because that's how many people ZNwUixwMdJ4-00153-00038752-00038902 were in the class so ZNwUixwMdJ4-00154-00038903-00039230 it was nice but it was freezing ZNwUixwMdJ4-00155-00039231-00039502 like crazy so uh i think i showed you ZNwUixwMdJ4-00156-00039503-00039630 guys some pictures ZNwUixwMdJ4-00157-00039631-00039935 um ant's calling me so i will come back ZNwUixwMdJ4-00158-00039936-00040046 to you guys and ZNwUixwMdJ4-00159-00040047-00040311 talk to you once i get back in the uh ZNwUixwMdJ4-00160-00040312-00040430 the actual space ZNwUixwMdJ4-00161-00040431-00040743 all right all right you guys so we are ZNwUixwMdJ4-00162-00040744-00040799 in luck ZNwUixwMdJ4-00163-00040800-00040999 because i actually have a training ZNwUixwMdJ4-00164-00041000-00041183 session on the seventh floor ZNwUixwMdJ4-00165-00041184-00041374 so i will get to take you guys upstairs ZNwUixwMdJ4-00166-00041375-00041527 and hopefully i can ZNwUixwMdJ4-00167-00041528-00041815 just get to see some of the rooms and ZNwUixwMdJ4-00168-00041816-00042062 what they have to offer on that floor ZNwUixwMdJ4-00169-00042063-00042511 let's keep our fingers crossed you guys ZNwUixwMdJ4-00170-00042512-00042846 oh it's coming it's coming ZNwUixwMdJ4-00171-00042847-00043343 i don't know this is so fancy ZNwUixwMdJ4-00172-00043344-00043567 no idea what i'm doing right now like ZNwUixwMdJ4-00173-00043568-00043879 sitting up here like ZNwUixwMdJ4-00174-00043880-00044055 like i've never been on an elevator ZNwUixwMdJ4-00175-00044056-00044207 before ZNwUixwMdJ4-00176-00044208-00044607 look at this y'all oh my gosh ZNwUixwMdJ4-00177-00044608-00044967 it's still being built ZNwUixwMdJ4-00178-00044968-00045383 what is this look ZNwUixwMdJ4-00179-00045384-00045790 it's wood wood in the elevator ZNwUixwMdJ4-00180-00045791-00046118 okay ZNwUixwMdJ4-00181-00046119-00046823 but i'm getting off on the seventh floor ZNwUixwMdJ4-00182-00046824-00048049 super excited ZNwUixwMdJ4-00183-00048050-00048639 [Music] ZNwUixwMdJ4-00184-00048640-00050751 [Music] ZNwUixwMdJ4-00185-00050752-00051071 the patient room ZNwUixwMdJ4-00186-00051072-00051487 pretty nice single bedrooms they're ZNwUixwMdJ4-00187-00051488-00051702 gonna get ZNwUixwMdJ4-00188-00051703-00052263 oh look at their tvs upgraded ZNwUixwMdJ4-00189-00052264-00053083 this is nice ZNwUixwMdJ4-00190-00053084-00053282 [Music] ZNwUixwMdJ4-00191-00053283-00053782 guys ZNwUixwMdJ4-00192-00053783-00054150 they have a nice shower ZNwUixwMdJ4-00193-00054151-00054229 bathroom ZNwUixwMdJ4-00194-00054229-00054682 [Music] ZNwUixwMdJ4-00195-00054683-00055654 me this is nice y'all ZNwUixwMdJ4-00196-00055655-00055975 it's nice ZNwUixwMdJ4-00197-00055976-00056311 all right you guys so i am back ZNwUixwMdJ4-00198-00056312-00056479 i had to get a sweater because it was ZNwUixwMdJ4-00199-00056479-00056694 freezing in there and then ZNwUixwMdJ4-00200-00056695-00057030 um i'm really fading uh ZNwUixwMdJ4-00201-00057032-00057407 i'm so tired i was at these ZNwUixwMdJ4-00202-00057408-00057759 this training session for from eight ZNwUixwMdJ4-00203-00057760-00058215 to seven so almost um 12 hours so ZNwUixwMdJ4-00204-00058216-00058382 fading that's why i don't like these ZNwUixwMdJ4-00205-00058383-00058550 like 12 hour shifts and i'm ZNwUixwMdJ4-00206-00058551-00058871 grateful for my 24s but um i hope you ZNwUixwMdJ4-00207-00058872-00059030 guys like the hospital i think it's ZNwUixwMdJ4-00208-00059032-00059199 going to be nice i think we're going to ZNwUixwMdJ4-00209-00059200-00059399 have a very difficult time ZNwUixwMdJ4-00210-00059400-00059607 training on this system like changing ZNwUixwMdJ4-00211-00059608-00059830 from the current system that we're in to ZNwUixwMdJ4-00212-00059832-00060054 a new emr for the first few weeks but ZNwUixwMdJ4-00213-00060055-00060271 we'll see exactly ZNwUixwMdJ4-00214-00060272-00060566 how well things go with that so uh if ZNwUixwMdJ4-00215-00060567-00060694 you have any comments for me please ZNwUixwMdJ4-00216-00060695-00060830 leave them in the comment section below ZNwUixwMdJ4-00217-00060832-00060975 tell me what you think about the new ZNwUixwMdJ4-00218-00060976-00061119 patient rooms and ZNwUixwMdJ4-00219-00061120-00061382 and how it looks and uh don't forget to ZNwUixwMdJ4-00220-00061383-00061559 subscribe like this video and follow me ZNwUixwMdJ4-00221-00061560-00061742 on instagram and on the pa ZNwUixwMdJ4-00222-00061744-00061911 and on instagram at get that c ZNwUixwMdJ4-00223-00061912-00062079 university thank you guys so much for ZNwUixwMdJ4-00224-00062079-00062238 watching i will talk to you guys next ZNwUixwMdJ4-00225-00062239-00062344 time ZNwUixwMdJ4-00226-00062345-00062594 [Music] ZNwUixwMdJ4-00227-00062595-00062895 bye ZN-VKEu0wqI-00000-00000055-00000403 Space Battleship Yamato you Joe's on G ZN-VKEu0wqI-00001-00000404-00000700 on Yamato juicing can Yamato may refer ZN-VKEu0wqI-00002-00000701-00001168 to ZN-VKEu0wqI-00003-00001169-00001789 topic film and television ZN-VKEu0wqI-00004-00001789-00002170 Space Battleship Yamato the 1974 ZN-VKEu0wqI-00005-00002171-00002536 animated series Space Battleship Yamato ZN-VKEu0wqI-00006-00002537-00003025 - a sequel to the 1970s series Space ZN-VKEu0wqI-00007-00003026-00003365 Battleship Yamato 3 a second sequel ZN-VKEu0wqI-00008-00003367-00003940 Space Battleship Yamato 1977 film a 1977 ZN-VKEu0wqI-00009-00003940-00004276 animated film farewell to Space ZN-VKEu0wqI-00010-00004277-00004728 Battleship Yamato a 1978 animated film ZN-VKEu0wqI-00011-00004729-00005164 Yamato the new voyage a 1979 animated ZN-VKEu0wqI-00012-00005165-00005599 film be forever Yamato a 1980 animated ZN-VKEu0wqI-00013-00005600-00006161 film final Yamato a 1983 animated film ZN-VKEu0wqI-00014-00006162-00006804 Yamato 2520 an unfinished over from 1994 ZN-VKEu0wqI-00015-00006805-00007164 Space Battleship Yamato resurrection a ZN-VKEu0wqI-00016-00007165-00007600 2009 animated film Space Battleship ZN-VKEu0wqI-00017-00007601-00008039 Yamato 2010 film a 2010 live-action film ZN-VKEu0wqI-00018-00008040-00008605 Space Battleship Yamato 2199 a 2012 ZN-VKEu0wqI-00019-00008606-00009096 animated series Space Battleship Yamato ZN-VKEu0wqI-00020-00009097-00009869 2202 a sequel to the 2012 series ZN-VKEu0wqI-00021-00009870-00010525 topic fictional spacecraft ZN-VKEu0wqI-00022-00010526-00010858 Space Battleship Yamato spaceship the ZN-VKEu0wqI-00023-00010859-00011068 titular spacecraft of the animated ZN-VKEu0wqI-00024-00011069-00011558 series ZN-VKEu0wqI-00025-00011559-00012110 topic games ZN-VKEu0wqI-00026-00012111-00012449 Space Battleship Yamato video game by ZN-VKEu0wqI-00027-00012450-00012871 Bandai Space Battleship Yamato Iskander ZN-VKEu0wqI-00028-00012872-00013082 Ino Teahupoo a video game for ZN-VKEu0wqI-00029-00013083-00013433 PlayStation 2 Space Battleship Yamato ZN-VKEu0wqI-00030-00013434-00013691 niju ginger no Hawkeye a second ZN-VKEu0wqI-00031-00013691-00014038 PlayStation 2 sequel ZNWAN5aFuxM-00000-00005887-00007542 five five ZNWAN5aFuxM-00001-00007543-00007886 don't kill me ZppNuwBcsi0-00001-00005684-00005927 foreign ZppNuwBcsi0-00002-00005928-00006135 you ZpKaFmAUQJI-00000-00000000-00000175 [Music] ZpKaFmAUQJI-00001-00000176-00000416 hello everyone welcome back to the ZpKaFmAUQJI-00002-00000417-00000611 walkthrough voice is still a little ZpKaFmAUQJI-00003-00000612-00000712 weird ZpKaFmAUQJI-00004-00000713-00001124 but it's ok we can do this we can golf ZpKaFmAUQJI-00005-00001125-00001429 and golf we could I could not have been ZpKaFmAUQJI-00006-00001430-00001474 more wrong ZpKaFmAUQJI-00007-00001475-00002377 I had it as the peak I see this vinegar ZpKaFmAUQJI-00008-00002378-00002579 solution is doing wonders for my hair I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00009-00002580-00002708 can't believe we didn't stocked it ZpKaFmAUQJI-00010-00002709-00003113 before now so yeah I'm just gonna take a ZpKaFmAUQJI-00011-00003114-00003350 look-see around here and see the new ZpKaFmAUQJI-00012-00003351-00003604 dialog going on since the murder ZpKaFmAUQJI-00013-00003604-00003824 investigation has been over and ZpKaFmAUQJI-00014-00003825-00004090 everyone's basically innocent sort of ZpKaFmAUQJI-00015-00004092-00004511 our only on top that nights so I see a ZpKaFmAUQJI-00016-00004512-00004694 cafe woman man she get her book down ZpKaFmAUQJI-00017-00004695-00004904 somehow must find somewhere better to ZpKaFmAUQJI-00018-00004905-00005150 hide it I know of a painting that has a ZpKaFmAUQJI-00019-00005151-00005329 secret hatched you could I never mind ZpKaFmAUQJI-00020-00005330-00005408 never mind ZpKaFmAUQJI-00021-00005409-00005704 sonna still not I mean it's real oft I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00022-00005705-00005920 should say I still think that bearded ZpKaFmAUQJI-00023-00005921-00006320 man is a werewolf dinner things aren't ZpKaFmAUQJI-00024-00006321-00006500 so hectic at lunch I can deliver the ZpKaFmAUQJI-00025-00006501-00006745 meals myself all right you do that ZpKaFmAUQJI-00026-00006747-00006928 can I still hide under tables no I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00027-00006929-00007676 cannot table hiding is over up here how ZpKaFmAUQJI-00028-00007677-00007849 are you liking that modern equipments I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00029-00007850-00008051 haven't a clue what you're talking about ZpKaFmAUQJI-00030-00008052-00008242 the DUI in type taking something to the ZpKaFmAUQJI-00031-00008243-00008633 bag room for me I'm busy so yeah I says ZpKaFmAUQJI-00032-00008634-00008801 he like hiding the monitoring equipment ZpKaFmAUQJI-00033-00008802-00009080 for himself or is it Jerome hiding it in ZpKaFmAUQJI-00034-00009081-00009313 the secret room or something ZpKaFmAUQJI-00035-00009314-00009605 exactly exactly I'm not too sure but ZpKaFmAUQJI-00036-00009606-00009767 there's definitely I never checked that ZpKaFmAUQJI-00037-00009768-00009959 before but there's definitely some ZpKaFmAUQJI-00038-00009960-00010223 contraband going on around here like ZpKaFmAUQJI-00039-00010224-00010484 those new clubs we phone in the secret ZpKaFmAUQJI-00040-00010485-00010946 room behind the painting so yes this is ZpKaFmAUQJI-00041-00010947-00011061 still open ZpKaFmAUQJI-00042-00011062-00011421 ah yeah the laundry tokens are all used ZpKaFmAUQJI-00043-00011422-00011670 up or at the very least we can't get any ZpKaFmAUQJI-00044-00011671-00011838 more out of there we can't even go in ZpKaFmAUQJI-00045-00011839-00012384 that other she's she's not distracted ZpKaFmAUQJI-00046-00012385-00012750 anymore alright so where are we off to ZpKaFmAUQJI-00047-00012751-00013053 now then you guys you coach your ski me ZpKaFmAUQJI-00048-00013054-00013128 aren't you ZpKaFmAUQJI-00049-00013129-00013388 I'm beginning to think Lara might be ZpKaFmAUQJI-00050-00013390-00013694 incompatible at this course come see you ZpKaFmAUQJI-00051-00013696-00013991 and you find the old rulebook so I gotta ZpKaFmAUQJI-00052-00013993-00014232 find the I think we found the place you ZpKaFmAUQJI-00053-00014233-00014430 can get the old rulebook the tidy six is ZpKaFmAUQJI-00054-00014431-00014685 no no don't don't keep saying that he'll ZpKaFmAUQJI-00055-00014686-00014991 keep nice today rhudi why are you ZpKaFmAUQJI-00056-00014991-00015288 letting your car idle that's wasting gas ZpKaFmAUQJI-00057-00015288-00015558 and creating more climate change any ZpKaFmAUQJI-00058-00015559-00015702 youngsters fine they can't keep up when ZpKaFmAUQJI-00059-00015703-00015918 they come to our course modern young ZpKaFmAUQJI-00060-00015919-00016209 feller so how about that round only golf ZpKaFmAUQJI-00061-00016210-00016398 with good friends but I do have a debt ZpKaFmAUQJI-00062-00016399-00016548 to repay so I'll meet you in the middle ZpKaFmAUQJI-00063-00016549-00016761 I'll accompany you on your own and give ZpKaFmAUQJI-00064-00016762-00016935 you some pointers I've got a lot of ZpKaFmAUQJI-00065-00016936-00017097 local knowledge let me know when you're ZpKaFmAUQJI-00066-00017098-00017241 ready to head out so we're gonna play ZpKaFmAUQJI-00067-00017242-00017538 the course for realsies okay now this is ZpKaFmAUQJI-00068-00017539-00017658 what I was wondering because I didn't ZpKaFmAUQJI-00069-00017659-00017886 equip the antique clubs or at least all ZpKaFmAUQJI-00070-00017887-00018228 the antique clubs so will they let me ZpKaFmAUQJI-00071-00018229-00018372 play the chorus if I don't have them ZpKaFmAUQJI-00072-00018373-00019005 equipped Radiohead outs no yes Lily Lily ZpKaFmAUQJI-00073-00019006-00019176 really or is it just for the tournament ZpKaFmAUQJI-00074-00019177-00019444 that I have to use the antiques ZpKaFmAUQJI-00075-00019445-00019669 I don't know but it looks like we're ZpKaFmAUQJI-00076-00019670-00019855 honor looks like we're using a cart to ZpKaFmAUQJI-00077-00019856-00020078 get her on here and we're off to play ZpKaFmAUQJI-00078-00020079-00020545 our first round on tidy Park finally we ZpKaFmAUQJI-00079-00020546-00020714 usually played putters only on this hole ZpKaFmAUQJI-00080-00020715-00021403 to warm up are we really gonna wait a ZpKaFmAUQJI-00081-00021404-00021787 second since we're trying to impress ZpKaFmAUQJI-00082-00021788-00022022 them as hold on code good friends is ZpKaFmAUQJI-00083-00022023-00022294 this like a test for me to use just like ZpKaFmAUQJI-00084-00022295-00022567 putters for the hole hole or whatever ZpKaFmAUQJI-00085-00022568-00022969 directions that were given or should I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00086-00022970-00023222 just play it normally because I know if ZpKaFmAUQJI-00087-00023223-00023342 I play it normally I'll get a much ZpKaFmAUQJI-00088-00023343-00023500 better score than if I use putters ZpKaFmAUQJI-00089-00023501-00023656 remember when I use the putters before ZpKaFmAUQJI-00090-00023657-00023978 on this but I think I should just try ZpKaFmAUQJI-00091-00023979-00024344 and play it normally and see what has to ZpKaFmAUQJI-00092-00024345-00024511 be said about that cuz maybe I'll just ZpKaFmAUQJI-00093-00024512-00024862 automatically fail if I play it wrong or ZpKaFmAUQJI-00094-00024863-00025222 not I see since I'm on that ZpKaFmAUQJI-00095-00025223-00025609 quote-unquote green though I mean I'm in ZpKaFmAUQJI-00096-00025610-00025759 the rough that gave me the rudder or the ZpKaFmAUQJI-00097-00025760-00025915 puddle wedge but since I'm on the court ZpKaFmAUQJI-00098-00025916-00026162 on cool green I will putt this it ZpKaFmAUQJI-00099-00026163-00026377 doesn't appear to be any noticeable ZpKaFmAUQJI-00100-00026378-00026558 slope I thought I was gonna miss that ZpKaFmAUQJI-00101-00026558-00026756 based on the bounce off but we're okay ZpKaFmAUQJI-00102-00026757-00026882 we're okay ZpKaFmAUQJI-00103-00026883-00027404 all right stroke play is going well so ZpKaFmAUQJI-00104-00027405-00027608 if the course is this I was going to say ZpKaFmAUQJI-00105-00027608-00027764 if it's this short it's like that first ZpKaFmAUQJI-00106-00027764-00027950 Sol and I'm gonna have a pretty easy ZpKaFmAUQJI-00107-00027951-00028220 time playing it six could score on this ZpKaFmAUQJI-00108-00028220-00029048 all I disagree but if I were to Cheyenne ZpKaFmAUQJI-00109-00029049-00029258 I don't know I think if I hit it they're ZpKaFmAUQJI-00110-00029258-00029512 gonna I'm gonna end up knocking it in ZpKaFmAUQJI-00111-00029513-00029687 the water no matter how much spin I put ZpKaFmAUQJI-00112-00029688-00030002 on the ball oh I just noticed they ZpKaFmAUQJI-00113-00030002-00030280 forcefully maybe put my antique clubs on ZpKaFmAUQJI-00114-00030281-00030496 so I really do have to play with all ZpKaFmAUQJI-00115-00030497-00030764 antique clubs they just didn't complain ZpKaFmAUQJI-00116-00030764-00030902 when I had the other two clubs in my ZpKaFmAUQJI-00117-00030902-00031274 inventory okay okay see I thought I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00118-00031275-00031574 wasn't paying attention to that but okay ZpKaFmAUQJI-00119-00031575-00031733 I'm just gonna hit back over here and ZpKaFmAUQJI-00120-00031733-00032012 then launch it over to the green from ZpKaFmAUQJI-00121-00032013-00032507 there that was not what I was going for ZpKaFmAUQJI-00122-00032508-00032743 it all obvious Act I plan to play that ZpKaFmAUQJI-00123-00032744-00033005 safe but looks like I'm using my rudder ZpKaFmAUQJI-00124-00033006-00033224 to get maximum distance on it I remember ZpKaFmAUQJI-00125-00033225-00033542 that the rudder was by far the best Club ZpKaFmAUQJI-00126-00033543-00033731 for the job out of these puddly water ZpKaFmAUQJI-00127-00033732-00034004 areas so is that gonna go in the other ZpKaFmAUQJI-00128-00034005-00034331 water ah maybe a six really is a good ZpKaFmAUQJI-00129-00034332-00034833 score on this hole wasn't kidding there ZpKaFmAUQJI-00130-00034834-00035255 we hold on hold on oh oh that's thought ZpKaFmAUQJI-00131-00035256-00035499 I can't cancel when I started whoops ZpKaFmAUQJI-00132-00035500-00035830 amateur mistake but I was gonna do is ZpKaFmAUQJI-00133-00035831-00036149 take a power shot give myself a little ZpKaFmAUQJI-00134-00036150-00036404 extra oomph out of it I don't know if ZpKaFmAUQJI-00135-00036405-00036664 that's gonna be helpful but you'll see I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00136-00036665-00036830 notice that the power thing goes down ZpKaFmAUQJI-00137-00036831-00037015 too so I guess you get three per round ZpKaFmAUQJI-00138-00037016-00037312 which is like Mario golf's six per round ZpKaFmAUQJI-00139-00037313-00037433 because there 18 holes ZpKaFmAUQJI-00140-00037434-00037639 so I'll split in half or wait actually ZpKaFmAUQJI-00141-00037640-00038187 hold on you see that hold on ZpKaFmAUQJI-00142-00038188-00038496 or is that meter just go up after every ZpKaFmAUQJI-00143-00038497-00038886 shot and then you and then what you do ZpKaFmAUQJI-00144-00038887-00039145 is you recover that F like you you can ZpKaFmAUQJI-00145-00039146-00039420 use it whenever it's got a segment to ZpKaFmAUQJI-00146-00039421-00039726 that meter maybe I am learning something ZpKaFmAUQJI-00147-00039727-00040155 trying new stuff can you believe it now ZpKaFmAUQJI-00148-00040156-00040305 I didn't play that all that well but it ZpKaFmAUQJI-00149-00040306-00040626 was still a five over six so yeah that ZpKaFmAUQJI-00150-00040627-00040839 was my own fault for that whole flub in ZpKaFmAUQJI-00151-00040840-00041049 in the water I should have just hit it ZpKaFmAUQJI-00152-00041050-00041493 out max power whatever just rolling for ZpKaFmAUQJI-00153-00041494-00041680 him but now no I thought I could cancel ZpKaFmAUQJI-00154-00041681-00041908 it all but no no no pay along this path ZpKaFmAUQJI-00155-00041909-00042174 no need to try that take the water on I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00156-00042175-00042399 don't think I can take the water on ZpKaFmAUQJI-00157-00042400-00042867 actually um I'll see count this water is ZpKaFmAUQJI-00158-00042868-00043201 taking the water on yeah this is this ZpKaFmAUQJI-00159-00043202-00043585 course seems like the very position II a ZpKaFmAUQJI-00160-00043586-00043789 sorta type of course like it's it's ZpKaFmAUQJI-00161-00043790-00044199 risky to go for the long ball here so I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00162-00044200-00044358 should probably just go ahead and just ZpKaFmAUQJI-00163-00044359-00044802 relax take some nice gentle shots go ZpKaFmAUQJI-00164-00044803-00045210 with the flow see if I can get Eagles ZpKaFmAUQJI-00165-00045211-00045615 it seems that oh wow that really flew ZpKaFmAUQJI-00166-00045616-00045936 dang it FBI knows these is my driver but ZpKaFmAUQJI-00167-00045937-00046365 oh no I thought that I thought oh the a ZpKaFmAUQJI-00168-00046366-00046577 that's right the different textures I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00169-00046578-00046798 thought I was landing it in rough ZpKaFmAUQJI-00170-00046799-00047082 because this is different colored than ZpKaFmAUQJI-00171-00047083-00047401 this but this is the rough texture this ZpKaFmAUQJI-00172-00047402-00047782 is fairly so is this like a speedy fast ZpKaFmAUQJI-00173-00047783-00047992 kind of fairway like Mario Golf then ZpKaFmAUQJI-00174-00047993-00048276 does that really flew even even for a ZpKaFmAUQJI-00175-00048277-00048752 fairway I guess I'll find out ZpKaFmAUQJI-00176-00048753-00049020 yeah it's definitely definitely rough ZpKaFmAUQJI-00177-00049021-00049248 there and I'm so used to the just the ZpKaFmAUQJI-00178-00049249-00049536 regular greens of the you know their ZpKaFmAUQJI-00179-00049537-00049716 coloration and the striping and stuff ZpKaFmAUQJI-00180-00049717-00049926 like that when I came on here it's kind ZpKaFmAUQJI-00181-00049927-00050349 of throwing me off I think if I plead ZpKaFmAUQJI-00182-00050350-00050487 this course a bunch of times it all ZpKaFmAUQJI-00183-00050488-00050664 beaches just be like reflux after a ZpKaFmAUQJI-00184-00050665-00050969 while and I would demolish it probably ZpKaFmAUQJI-00185-00050970-00051375 tell every soul for that actually looks ZpKaFmAUQJI-00186-00051376-00051561 like a pretty nice place to hang right ZpKaFmAUQJI-00187-00051562-00051819 there so it's not caution its go right ZpKaFmAUQJI-00188-00051820-00052116 down the middle of the water or just go ZpKaFmAUQJI-00189-00052116-00052413 right in the water surely that what I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00190-00052414-00052536 was going for I thought the wind would ZpKaFmAUQJI-00191-00052537-00052754 have taken it more to the left but oh ZpKaFmAUQJI-00192-00052755-00052955 wait oh that looks actually looks good ZpKaFmAUQJI-00193-00052957-00053235 give a little topspin little more ZpKaFmAUQJI-00194-00053236-00053621 rollouts a little more miltank action ZpKaFmAUQJI-00195-00053622-00053816 [Music] ZpKaFmAUQJI-00196-00053816-00053982 yeah ZpKaFmAUQJI-00197-00053983-00054150 is that something that I should be ZpKaFmAUQJI-00198-00054151-00054357 putting or shipping because remember we ZpKaFmAUQJI-00199-00054358-00054495 were taught here before that we should ZpKaFmAUQJI-00200-00054496-00054716 probably use a different method ZpKaFmAUQJI-00201-00054717-00054954 depending on your distance but I'm gonna ZpKaFmAUQJI-00202-00054954-00055386 try a poppy I accepts using a putz is ZpKaFmAUQJI-00203-00055387-00055751 that seemed to be the best idea ZpKaFmAUQJI-00204-00055752-00056025 smacks off that power in that distance I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00205-00056026-00056262 guess it doesn't look like as it's any ZpKaFmAUQJI-00206-00056263-00056508 slope around the hole oh good lord ZpKaFmAUQJI-00207-00056509-00056745 that's like deep super deep rougher on ZpKaFmAUQJI-00208-00056746-00057357 the whole the queen is yeah you think ok ZpKaFmAUQJI-00209-00057358-00057525 so I want to go ahead and use the rough ZpKaFmAUQJI-00210-00057526-00057762 to my advantage and just kind of get ZpKaFmAUQJI-00211-00057763-00058062 into it to lower my run out and land it ZpKaFmAUQJI-00212-00058063-00058355 on the fairway in theory man I cannot ZpKaFmAUQJI-00213-00058357-00058662 get can I get my ball laying on target ZpKaFmAUQJI-00214-00058663-00058890 this place this is a surprisingly ZpKaFmAUQJI-00215-00058891-00059139 difficult hole at least I'm in a bunker ZpKaFmAUQJI-00216-00059140-00059373 though I'm not in a puddle the puddles ZpKaFmAUQJI-00217-00059374-00059598 really kill your distance because you ZpKaFmAUQJI-00218-00059599-00059778 basically only use the rudder out of it ZpKaFmAUQJI-00219-00059779-00060048 will nail that right on the mark ZpKaFmAUQJI-00220-00060049-00060305 now I nicked a tree there didn't know I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00221-00060307-00060455 was hitting fitted tree but that still ZpKaFmAUQJI-00222-00060457-00060774 worked now I'll do i putt to do our chip ZpKaFmAUQJI-00223-00060775-00061091 I guess I put I probably have to hit it ZpKaFmAUQJI-00224-00061092-00061613 harder okay I'm just kind of going by ZpKaFmAUQJI-00225-00061614-00061916 improvisation here he's working out ZpKaFmAUQJI-00226-00061917-00062202 pretty decently other than that second ZpKaFmAUQJI-00227-00062203-00062595 hole but details this is a one shot hole ZpKaFmAUQJI-00228-00062596-00063084 for me yes those bunkers off I'll have ZpKaFmAUQJI-00229-00063085-00063261 to land that's short and bounce it over ZpKaFmAUQJI-00230-00063262-00063585 them those bunkers are in really awkward ZpKaFmAUQJI-00231-00063586-00064332 positions you know in the puddle cut out ZpKaFmAUQJI-00232-00064333-00064473 on the puddle or is it just gonna do ZpKaFmAUQJI-00233-00064474-00064899 like stop in the yeah yeah it just looks ZpKaFmAUQJI-00234-00064900-00065097 like it's just gonna stall but even at ZpKaFmAUQJI-00235-00065098-00065539 max power so I guess I'll Rutter it's ZpKaFmAUQJI-00236-00065540-00065851 and ZpKaFmAUQJI-00237-00065852-00066088 get it closely aim a little to the left ZpKaFmAUQJI-00238-00066089-00066241 touchy touchy ZpKaFmAUQJI-00239-00066242-00066562 this looks good though hopefully below ZpKaFmAUQJI-00240-00066563-00067081 them yes well so far even with my ZpKaFmAUQJI-00241-00067082-00067384 trouble I'm five out of six in birdies ZpKaFmAUQJI-00242-00067385-00068076 so looking good in the neighborhood and ZpKaFmAUQJI-00243-00068077-00068479 that's a lot of puddle lots and lots of ZpKaFmAUQJI-00244-00068480-00068761 puddle just use a mid iron and take it ZpKaFmAUQJI-00245-00068762-00069351 easy on this hole okay I'll use driver ZpKaFmAUQJI-00246-00069352-00069616 so much fairway down there why wouldn't ZpKaFmAUQJI-00247-00069617-00069961 I use driver nice sucking me there's ZpKaFmAUQJI-00248-00069962-00070078 less story than I thought because ZpKaFmAUQJI-00249-00070079-00070369 there's a bunker there but it's a par 5 ZpKaFmAUQJI-00250-00070370-00070720 might as well oh I can actually bounce ZpKaFmAUQJI-00251-00070721-00070914 out on the green now couldn't I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00252-00070915-00071368 alright my plink lava go oh yeah I know ZpKaFmAUQJI-00253-00071369-00071563 it's a driver but this is play club so ZpKaFmAUQJI-00254-00071564-00073132 why not oh I will take an eagle so six ZpKaFmAUQJI-00255-00073133-00073587 on their power seven holes baby yeah ZpKaFmAUQJI-00256-00073588-00074176 yeah okay what do you have to say as ZpKaFmAUQJI-00257-00074177-00074443 that quote on quote tip for playing this ZpKaFmAUQJI-00258-00074444-00074846 hole this time anyway I don't even know ZpKaFmAUQJI-00259-00074847-00074986 if this is gonna work as a remember oh ZpKaFmAUQJI-00260-00074987-00075146 that's gonna be in the bunker cuz ZpKaFmAUQJI-00261-00075147-00075265 remember I said at the start of the ZpKaFmAUQJI-00262-00075266-00075304 round ZpKaFmAUQJI-00263-00075305-00075596 I I don't know if I was supposed to ZpKaFmAUQJI-00264-00075597-00075949 follow the advice or not I have not been ZpKaFmAUQJI-00265-00075950-00076291 following the advice at all trying ZpKaFmAUQJI-00266-00076292-00076553 bounces on the green with my Bresee ZpKaFmAUQJI-00267-00076554-00077114 and I see can you roll out oh well that ZpKaFmAUQJI-00268-00077115-00077312 was close to what I was going for I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00269-00077313-00077630 wanted to roll out a bit more but only ZpKaFmAUQJI-00270-00077631-00077822 wait actually I could it could actually ZpKaFmAUQJI-00271-00077823-00078080 use a lower lofted Club to my advantage ZpKaFmAUQJI-00272-00078081-00078236 instead of my rudder ZpKaFmAUQJI-00273-00078237-00078680 I'll use my Spade and it'll definitely ZpKaFmAUQJI-00274-00078681-00078968 lose its distance at the 8-yard range ZpKaFmAUQJI-00275-00078969-00079391 I see I see maybe not say I should have ZpKaFmAUQJI-00276-00079392-00079811 used the rudder oh no I got a part of oh ZpKaFmAUQJI-00277-00079812-00080030 that's nothing it's a birdie I missed ZpKaFmAUQJI-00278-00080031-00080452 out on a badge I missed our sad face ZpKaFmAUQJI-00279-00080453-00081032 next one um it's same for a solid bogey ZpKaFmAUQJI-00280-00081033-00081383 on this floor I disagree against the par ZpKaFmAUQJI-00281-00081384-00081803 3 so if that's like a super speedy ZpKaFmAUQJI-00282-00081804-00081974 fairway that I should probably land it ZpKaFmAUQJI-00283-00081975-00082196 like there and let it roll out right ZpKaFmAUQJI-00284-00082197-00082295 right right ZpKaFmAUQJI-00285-00082296-00082619 at least I think it's like to kind of ZpKaFmAUQJI-00286-00082620-00082961 let it go you know I looked like regular ZpKaFmAUQJI-00287-00082962-00083153 fairway it is regular for me so that's a ZpKaFmAUQJI-00288-00083154-00083348 different that's a different color of ZpKaFmAUQJI-00289-00083349-00083675 fairway but it's still fairway uh I'll ZpKaFmAUQJI-00290-00083676-00083957 just put it max power right into the ZpKaFmAUQJI-00291-00083958-00084221 fifth right into the pan oh it's gonna ZpKaFmAUQJI-00292-00084222-00084628 slow it down like I thought that's okay ZpKaFmAUQJI-00293-00084629-00084890 it'll still accept the power as a good ZpKaFmAUQJI-00294-00084891-00085148 score for my oh that almost didn't Park ZpKaFmAUQJI-00295-00085149-00085358 bogey you might have ended up good after ZpKaFmAUQJI-00296-00085359-00085682 all six on their Park was that a success ZpKaFmAUQJI-00297-00085683-00086035 yes it was so I guess that sock ZpKaFmAUQJI-00298-00086036-00086404 I don't know I I was told he was certain ZpKaFmAUQJI-00299-00086405-00086625 etiquettes and certain places to play ZpKaFmAUQJI-00300-00086626-00086836 the hall but I did not put it that way ZpKaFmAUQJI-00301-00086837-00087085 at all I agree that was a pretty good ZpKaFmAUQJI-00302-00087086-00087340 first or month he saw much to learn but ZpKaFmAUQJI-00303-00087341-00087588 course knowledge comes eventually so ZpKaFmAUQJI-00304-00087589-00087813 about that membership what should we do ZpKaFmAUQJI-00305-00087814-00088009 next we won't be doing anything else ZpKaFmAUQJI-00306-00088010-00088159 today Wow ZpKaFmAUQJI-00307-00088160-00088551 I think it's on the course oh so they're ZpKaFmAUQJI-00308-00088552-00088756 still demolishing the place we got good ZpKaFmAUQJI-00309-00088757-00088912 we're gonna have to hit balls I'm like ZpKaFmAUQJI-00310-00088913-00089092 we did the creepers I heard it a boss ZpKaFmAUQJI-00311-00089093-00089550 battle I hope so I knew I'd be embroiled ZpKaFmAUQJI-00312-00089551-00089763 in this sooner or later I'll see if I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00313-00089764-00089976 can get rid of them there's nothing that ZpKaFmAUQJI-00314-00089977-00090187 can be done Gloria's been telling them ZpKaFmAUQJI-00315-00090188-00090525 off all morning hasn't made headway yet ZpKaFmAUQJI-00316-00090526-00090778 get a call police uh-huh yeah I know ZpKaFmAUQJI-00317-00090779-00091071 them maybe I can work something else hmm ZpKaFmAUQJI-00318-00091072-00091330 hmm many youngsters fine they just can't ZpKaFmAUQJI-00319-00091331-00091441 keep up when they come to of course ZpKaFmAUQJI-00320-00091442-00091956 decently say and no you no no no how ZpKaFmAUQJI-00321-00091957-00092122 about you you said you're a good to ZpKaFmAUQJI-00322-00092123-00092406 speak with your contemporaries okay so ZpKaFmAUQJI-00323-00092407-00092665 oh I just noticed the camera is kind of ZpKaFmAUQJI-00324-00092666-00092965 kind of low on its battery so maybe it's ZpKaFmAUQJI-00325-00092966-00093219 a good idea to slip this up and do it in ZpKaFmAUQJI-00326-00093220-00093505 the next parts so I hope you enjoyed and ZpKaFmAUQJI-00327-00093506-00093657 I'll see you in the next photo and I ZpKaFmAUQJI-00328-00093658-00093838 probably get a whole bunch of sidequest ZpKaFmAUQJI-00329-00093839-00094082 from the guys over at lawn bowling so ZpKaFmAUQJI-00330-00094083-00094695 yeah ZpKaFmAUQJI-00331-00094696-00095675 [Music] ZpQ59iMhiK0-00000-00001735-00001975 this lecture is titled contemporary ZpQ59iMhiK0-00001-00001976-00002407 indian writers the search for creativity ZpQ59iMhiK0-00002-00002408-00002718 what we will do in this lecture is to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00003-00002719-00002807 again ZpQ59iMhiK0-00004-00002808-00003102 look at three facets of this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00005-00003103-00003286 phenomenon ZpQ59iMhiK0-00006-00003288-00003431 in part one ZpQ59iMhiK0-00007-00003432-00003631 we will look at post colonial ZpQ59iMhiK0-00008-00003632-00003847 nationalist discourse ZpQ59iMhiK0-00009-00003847-00004159 and bring selected writings of tagore ZpQ59iMhiK0-00010-00004160-00004327 gandhi and nehru ZpQ59iMhiK0-00011-00004328-00004527 in order to understand ZpQ59iMhiK0-00012-00004528-00004902 the ethos and also the contribution of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00013-00004903-00005047 this period ZpQ59iMhiK0-00014-00005048-00005206 in the second part ZpQ59iMhiK0-00015-00005207-00005406 we will examine ZpQ59iMhiK0-00016-00005407-00005647 tagore's ideas in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00017-00005648-00005759 detail ZpQ59iMhiK0-00018-00005760-00006175 in order to give you a sense of his ZpQ59iMhiK0-00019-00006176-00006567 very very capacious notion of creativity ZpQ59iMhiK0-00020-00006568-00006903 and in the third part we will briefly ZpQ59iMhiK0-00021-00006904-00007014 touch on ZpQ59iMhiK0-00022-00007015-00007375 ideas relevant ideas of gandhi and nehru ZpQ59iMhiK0-00023-00007376-00007823 and provide some issues for reflection ZpQ59iMhiK0-00024-00007823-00008142 so this is how the lecture is structured ZpQ59iMhiK0-00025-00008143-00008255 and now ZpQ59iMhiK0-00026-00008256-00008391 let's look at ZpQ59iMhiK0-00027-00008392-00008807 what we mean by this period of search ZpQ59iMhiK0-00028-00008808-00009127 last time also in the last lecture ZpQ59iMhiK0-00029-00009128-00009310 we touched on ZpQ59iMhiK0-00030-00009311-00009423 the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00031-00009424-00009559 whole ZpQ59iMhiK0-00032-00009560-00009719 intense ZpQ59iMhiK0-00033-00009720-00009919 sense of change ZpQ59iMhiK0-00034-00009920-00010287 that decolonization imposed on our ZpQ59iMhiK0-00035-00010288-00010438 consciousness ZpQ59iMhiK0-00036-00010439-00010799 and what it did is to also bring alive ZpQ59iMhiK0-00037-00010800-00011023 plurality of voices ZpQ59iMhiK0-00038-00011024-00011283 and they they were new kinds of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00039-00011284-00011663 paradigms that were generated in order ZpQ59iMhiK0-00040-00011664-00012006 to deal with this whole idea of the new ZpQ59iMhiK0-00041-00012007-00012238 nation so this was a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00042-00012239-00012455 sort of creativity of an epic ZpQ59iMhiK0-00043-00012456-00012591 proportions ZpQ59iMhiK0-00044-00012592-00012774 and therefore i think it is very ZpQ59iMhiK0-00045-00012775-00013151 important to locate ourselves in this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00046-00013152-00013391 phase and try and understand ZpQ59iMhiK0-00047-00013391-00013503 the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00048-00013504-00013807 paradoxes the complexities and the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00049-00013808-00014083 problems that these ideas may have ZpQ59iMhiK0-00050-00014084-00014319 created and you know we are in a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00051-00014319-00014638 position to review them again ZpQ59iMhiK0-00052-00014640-00014863 i'd like to bring back ZpQ59iMhiK0-00053-00014863-00015127 a shiva vishwanathan's essay ZpQ59iMhiK0-00054-00015128-00015399 which we had discussed in the last ZpQ59iMhiK0-00055-00015400-00015622 lecture and i had pointed out to you ZpQ59iMhiK0-00056-00015623-00015911 that i'd really like you to read his a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00057-00015912-00016127 celebration of difference ZpQ59iMhiK0-00058-00016128-00016366 science and democracy in india it's a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00059-00016368-00016750 short essay unlike his extensive studies ZpQ59iMhiK0-00060-00016751-00017007 it will be easier for you to really ZpQ59iMhiK0-00061-00017008-00017127 understand ZpQ59iMhiK0-00062-00017128-00017367 the thrust of his arguments by looking ZpQ59iMhiK0-00063-00017368-00017511 at this essay ZpQ59iMhiK0-00064-00017512-00017855 in this particular essay he had also ZpQ59iMhiK0-00065-00017856-00018022 commented on the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00066-00018023-00018203 first phase of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00067-00018204-00018430 institutionalization of western science ZpQ59iMhiK0-00068-00018431-00018594 in india in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00069-00018595-00018758 1784 ZpQ59iMhiK0-00070-00018759-00019039 and then he pointed out how the issues ZpQ59iMhiK0-00071-00019040-00019207 of swadeshi ZpQ59iMhiK0-00072-00019208-00019343 they brought in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00073-00019344-00019711 the questions of native indigenous ZpQ59iMhiK0-00074-00019712-00020039 problems and it became a very vibrant ZpQ59iMhiK0-00075-00020040-00020486 dialogue starting in the year 1904 ZpQ59iMhiK0-00076-00020487-00020814 and this continued to produce debates on ZpQ59iMhiK0-00077-00020815-00021094 science and democracy and it is the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00078-00021095-00021343 continuities and discontinuities of this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00079-00021344-00021567 debate that he is interested in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00080-00021568-00021799 the reason we have brought this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00081-00021800-00022014 essay here once again ZpQ59iMhiK0-00082-00022015-00022263 and not in its totality though we have ZpQ59iMhiK0-00083-00022264-00022614 extrapolated part of his observation is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00084-00022615-00023030 related to what he provides by way of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00085-00023031-00023439 the excitement of this nationalist faced ZpQ59iMhiK0-00086-00023440-00023686 he has labeled this segment ZpQ59iMhiK0-00087-00023687-00023999 a living ecology of knowledge and let me ZpQ59iMhiK0-00088-00024000-00024199 read what he has to say ZpQ59iMhiK0-00089-00024200-00024463 he says that what the indian ZpQ59iMhiK0-00090-00024464-00024863 national movement did was to turn india ZpQ59iMhiK0-00091-00024864-00025039 into a theater ZpQ59iMhiK0-00092-00025040-00025335 or a series of thought experiments ZpQ59iMhiK0-00093-00025336-00025606 where modern western science would ZpQ59iMhiK0-00094-00025607-00025950 converse with other forms of knowledge ZpQ59iMhiK0-00095-00025951-00026255 the debates about science he goes on to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00096-00026256-00026662 say in the nationalist era were debates ZpQ59iMhiK0-00097-00026663-00026967 about the politics of knowledge it was a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00098-00026968-00027335 pursuit of cognitive justice that is of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00099-00027336-00027511 the right of different forms of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00100-00027512-00027790 knowledge to coexist without being ZpQ59iMhiK0-00101-00027791-00028167 marginalized by official state sponsored ZpQ59iMhiK0-00102-00028168-00028423 forms of knowledge so it really does ZpQ59iMhiK0-00103-00028424-00028631 provide a very exciting ZpQ59iMhiK0-00104-00028632-00028879 framework and insight into ZpQ59iMhiK0-00105-00028880-00029102 what happened at that point ZpQ59iMhiK0-00106-00029104-00029239 and therefore ZpQ59iMhiK0-00107-00029239-00029414 what we will do now ZpQ59iMhiK0-00108-00029416-00029758 is to keep that backdrop in mind but at ZpQ59iMhiK0-00109-00029760-00030095 the same time begin to explore briefly ZpQ59iMhiK0-00110-00030095-00030207 though ZpQ59iMhiK0-00111-00030208-00030462 some of the memories and other writings ZpQ59iMhiK0-00112-00030463-00030702 and also you know essays from the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00113-00030703-00030902 post-colonial period ZpQ59iMhiK0-00114-00030903-00031055 i have pointed out ZpQ59iMhiK0-00115-00031056-00031158 that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00116-00031160-00031462 post-colonial nationalist discourse ZpQ59iMhiK0-00117-00031463-00031727 you know if we try to understand it ZpQ59iMhiK0-00118-00031727-00031895 through the memoirs letters and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00119-00031895-00032167 autobiographical writing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00120-00032168-00032518 and then add essays to that it provides ZpQ59iMhiK0-00121-00032519-00032687 a sense of how ZpQ59iMhiK0-00122-00032688-00032823 the self ZpQ59iMhiK0-00123-00032824-00033151 of the individual writer was invested in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00124-00033152-00033471 shaping the nation and between the sense ZpQ59iMhiK0-00125-00033472-00033695 of the self and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00126-00033696-00033990 the sense of public spaces or sense of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00127-00033991-00034231 the nation there is a seamless ZpQ59iMhiK0-00128-00034232-00034518 continuity and it is this aspect which ZpQ59iMhiK0-00129-00034519-00034879 it provides a kind of epic sense of that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00130-00034880-00035231 framework that that sense that something ZpQ59iMhiK0-00131-00035232-00035583 that was being created it had its ZpQ59iMhiK0-00132-00035584-00035862 sort of place in one's being also so ZpQ59iMhiK0-00133-00035863-00036046 that was a very different climate and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00134-00036047-00036335 part of it is related to the pressures ZpQ59iMhiK0-00135-00036336-00036630 of decolonization where suddenly you're ZpQ59iMhiK0-00136-00036631-00037102 freed from a certain kind of bondage and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00137-00037103-00037390 now the whole field is you know ZpQ59iMhiK0-00138-00037391-00037671 available for new definitions ZpQ59iMhiK0-00139-00037672-00037823 so let's see ZpQ59iMhiK0-00140-00037824-00038255 what we also have said earlier about ZpQ59iMhiK0-00141-00038256-00038471 certain forms of writing in the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00142-00038472-00038687 post-colonial period ZpQ59iMhiK0-00143-00038688-00038799 where ZpQ59iMhiK0-00144-00038800-00038935 not only ZpQ59iMhiK0-00145-00038936-00039183 are the memorials interesting and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00146-00039184-00039487 important but there is a sense of this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00147-00039488-00039767 creation and construction of the self ZpQ59iMhiK0-00148-00039768-00040118 through fiction and other artistic forms ZpQ59iMhiK0-00149-00040119-00040287 including drama ZpQ59iMhiK0-00150-00040288-00040511 and therefore i would like you to again ZpQ59iMhiK0-00151-00040512-00040607 keep ZpQ59iMhiK0-00152-00040608-00040951 the discussion of bildungs roman in mind ZpQ59iMhiK0-00153-00040952-00041151 because again that is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00154-00041152-00041279 that sort of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00155-00041280-00041390 i think ZpQ59iMhiK0-00156-00041391-00041607 has a prominent place in the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00157-00041608-00041758 post-colonial ZpQ59iMhiK0-00158-00041759-00041911 experimental ZpQ59iMhiK0-00159-00041912-00042135 writing and therefore ZpQ59iMhiK0-00160-00042136-00042399 we will try and place our discussion of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00161-00042400-00042687 memoirs and the essays within this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00162-00042688-00043030 framework because the quest for identity ZpQ59iMhiK0-00163-00043031-00043246 shaped by overcoming various ordeals ZpQ59iMhiK0-00164-00043247-00043399 which is one of the characteristic ZpQ59iMhiK0-00165-00043400-00043662 features of buildings roman that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00166-00043663-00043958 actually colors this period in wide ZpQ59iMhiK0-00167-00043959-00044262 variety of very significant ways ZpQ59iMhiK0-00168-00044263-00044487 so this is just to bring you back to the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00169-00044488-00044758 question of forms also because we have ZpQ59iMhiK0-00170-00044759-00045062 not lost track of what we set out to do ZpQ59iMhiK0-00171-00045063-00045390 we are in quest of creativity we want to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00172-00045391-00045662 see how different writers and thinkers ZpQ59iMhiK0-00173-00045663-00045846 undertook this journey ZpQ59iMhiK0-00174-00045847-00046135 and if at all there is something now new ZpQ59iMhiK0-00175-00046136-00046358 that we can add to the pool of ideas we ZpQ59iMhiK0-00176-00046359-00046702 have already generated about writers on ZpQ59iMhiK0-00177-00046703-00046871 writing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00178-00046872-00047086 so the most interesting ZpQ59iMhiK0-00179-00047087-00047302 i think literary figure in the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00180-00047303-00047430 nationalist ZpQ59iMhiK0-00181-00047431-00047558 framework ZpQ59iMhiK0-00182-00047559-00047727 is rabindranath ZpQ59iMhiK0-00183-00047728-00048023 who hardly needs any introduction but at ZpQ59iMhiK0-00184-00048024-00048295 the same time we just place some basic ZpQ59iMhiK0-00185-00048296-00048551 information for your ZpQ59iMhiK0-00186-00048552-00048711 you know clarity ZpQ59iMhiK0-00187-00048712-00048918 he was the winner of the nobel prize in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00188-00048919-00049083 literature in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00189-00049084-00049311 1913 and he wrote ZpQ59iMhiK0-00190-00049312-00049686 poetry plays novels shot stories essays ZpQ59iMhiK0-00191-00049687-00049895 and he talked to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00192-00049896-00050174 his students he talked to leaders ZpQ59iMhiK0-00193-00050175-00050543 he wrote letters to them and in fact all ZpQ59iMhiK0-00194-00050544-00050935 of that was seen as a way of shaping ZpQ59iMhiK0-00195-00050936-00051487 the destiny of this young free nation ZpQ59iMhiK0-00196-00051488-00051790 we actually researched ZpQ59iMhiK0-00197-00051791-00052054 tego's writing extensively for this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00198-00052055-00052166 segment ZpQ59iMhiK0-00199-00052167-00052438 and based on this extensive reading and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00200-00052439-00052671 the confusion that it ZpQ59iMhiK0-00201-00052672-00052975 led to in our own minds i think what we ZpQ59iMhiK0-00202-00052976-00053135 have done is to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00203-00053136-00053479 provide you some sense of what we think ZpQ59iMhiK0-00204-00053479-00053654 he was trying to say ZpQ59iMhiK0-00205-00053655-00053903 this is a field where we don't we are ZpQ59iMhiK0-00206-00053904-00054191 not rabindranath scholars but at the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00207-00054191-00054407 same time i think ZpQ59iMhiK0-00208-00054408-00054679 uh you know reading of translated text ZpQ59iMhiK0-00209-00054679-00054911 does allow us to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00210-00054912-00055199 indulge in certain amount of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00211-00055200-00055447 understanding of what he was trying to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00212-00055448-00055607 do ZpQ59iMhiK0-00213-00055608-00055935 most notable aspect of his ZpQ59iMhiK0-00214-00055936-00056326 my life in my words is this particular ZpQ59iMhiK0-00215-00056327-00056623 accept where he talks about ZpQ59iMhiK0-00216-00056624-00056703 an ZpQ59iMhiK0-00217-00056704-00057079 epiphanic experience as a young man ZpQ59iMhiK0-00218-00057079-00057335 so again we've not lost track of our ZpQ59iMhiK0-00219-00057336-00057559 perspective too we started with shiv ZpQ59iMhiK0-00220-00057560-00057838 vishwanathan and we trying to understand ZpQ59iMhiK0-00221-00057839-00058126 what are the different kinds of ideas ZpQ59iMhiK0-00222-00058127-00058526 about knowledge about one's being about ZpQ59iMhiK0-00223-00058527-00058791 shaping one's own being and shaping ZpQ59iMhiK0-00224-00058791-00059054 society which is at the back of this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00225-00059055-00059375 trajectory that we are building for you ZpQ59iMhiK0-00226-00059376-00059663 so this epiphanic experience i'll read ZpQ59iMhiK0-00227-00059664-00060054 this out because later on you see the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00228-00060055-00060423 persistence of this particular state of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00229-00060424-00060679 mind and an idea ZpQ59iMhiK0-00230-00060679-00060950 that you know colors his thinking and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00231-00060951-00061054 writing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00232-00061055-00061166 he says ZpQ59iMhiK0-00233-00061167-00061350 and i'm reading from ZpQ59iMhiK0-00234-00061351-00061582 my life in my words ZpQ59iMhiK0-00235-00061583-00061847 a whale was suddenly withdrawn and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00236-00061848-00062119 everything became luminous ZpQ59iMhiK0-00237-00062120-00062479 the whole scene was one of perfect music ZpQ59iMhiK0-00238-00062479-00062719 one marvelous rhythm ZpQ59iMhiK0-00239-00062720-00062999 the houses in the street the men moving ZpQ59iMhiK0-00240-00063000-00063094 below ZpQ59iMhiK0-00241-00063095-00063287 little children playing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00242-00063288-00063691 all seem parts of one luminous hole ZpQ59iMhiK0-00243-00063691-00063959 inexpressibly glorious ZpQ59iMhiK0-00244-00063960-00064119 that morning ZpQ59iMhiK0-00245-00064120-00064311 gave me inner vision ZpQ59iMhiK0-00246-00064312-00064606 and i have tried to explain it in my ZpQ59iMhiK0-00247-00064607-00064823 poems ZpQ59iMhiK0-00248-00064824-00065135 the same sense of everything ZpQ59iMhiK0-00249-00065136-00065494 becoming luminous is actually developed ZpQ59iMhiK0-00250-00065495-00065799 further as a philosophical stance ZpQ59iMhiK0-00251-00065800-00066247 in his notion of creative unity ZpQ59iMhiK0-00252-00066248-00066615 and again this is a short excerpt from ZpQ59iMhiK0-00253-00066616-00067006 that writing philosophical writing but ZpQ59iMhiK0-00254-00067007-00067247 let's have a look at it so from that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00255-00067248-00067550 epiphanic experience as a young person ZpQ59iMhiK0-00256-00067551-00067903 to this point of developing a whole ZpQ59iMhiK0-00257-00067904-00068255 ideology or a whole world view this is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00258-00068256-00068438 what we are moving towards and will ZpQ59iMhiK0-00259-00068439-00068719 place some of his own engagement with ZpQ59iMhiK0-00260-00068720-00068982 knowledge systems within this framework ZpQ59iMhiK0-00261-00068983-00069319 so he says and i'm reading from the text ZpQ59iMhiK0-00262-00069320-00069606 what is the truth of this world ZpQ59iMhiK0-00263-00069607-00069919 it is not in the masses of substance ZpQ59iMhiK0-00264-00069920-00070215 not in the number of things but in their ZpQ59iMhiK0-00265-00070216-00070359 relatedness ZpQ59iMhiK0-00266-00070360-00070591 which neither can be counted nor ZpQ59iMhiK0-00267-00070592-00070871 measured nor abstracted ZpQ59iMhiK0-00268-00070872-00071094 it is not in the materials which are ZpQ59iMhiK0-00269-00071095-00071199 many ZpQ59iMhiK0-00270-00071200-00071503 but in the expression which is one again ZpQ59iMhiK0-00271-00071504-00071687 it is not in the materials which are ZpQ59iMhiK0-00272-00071688-00071967 many but in the expression which is one ZpQ59iMhiK0-00273-00071968-00072191 all our knowledge of things is knowing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00274-00072192-00072462 them in their relation to the universe ZpQ59iMhiK0-00275-00072463-00072950 in that relation which is truth ZpQ59iMhiK0-00276-00072951-00073167 i'm not trying to interpret but i'm just ZpQ59iMhiK0-00277-00073168-00073335 trying to give the suggestive ZpQ59iMhiK0-00278-00073336-00073647 possibilities he goes on to say ZpQ59iMhiK0-00279-00073648-00073935 and again i read from the text ZpQ59iMhiK0-00280-00073936-00074199 a drop of water is not a particular ZpQ59iMhiK0-00281-00074200-00074487 assortment of elements it is the miracle ZpQ59iMhiK0-00282-00074488-00074775 of a harmonious mutuality in which the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00283-00074776-00074855 two ZpQ59iMhiK0-00284-00074856-00075023 reveal the one ZpQ59iMhiK0-00285-00075024-00075350 the joy of unity within ourselves ZpQ59iMhiK0-00286-00075351-00075694 seeking expression becomes creative so ZpQ59iMhiK0-00287-00075695-00076079 again this particular idea the joy of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00288-00076080-00076382 unity within ourselves ZpQ59iMhiK0-00289-00076383-00076679 seeking expression becomes creative so ZpQ59iMhiK0-00290-00076680-00077135 this is his idea of creative unity and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00291-00077136-00077406 how it spurs ZpQ59iMhiK0-00292-00077407-00077671 an act of expression so it is not really ZpQ59iMhiK0-00293-00077672-00078006 a passive activity it's a state of mind ZpQ59iMhiK0-00294-00078007-00078367 but it is also a state state of mind ZpQ59iMhiK0-00295-00078368-00078447 that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00296-00078448-00078815 leads you to self-expression where again ZpQ59iMhiK0-00297-00078816-00079119 the territory that you would cover is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00298-00079120-00079238 unknown ZpQ59iMhiK0-00299-00079239-00079399 so there there are whole lot of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00300-00079400-00079662 complexities in this point of view but ZpQ59iMhiK0-00301-00079663-00080023 also we are not really engaging with ZpQ59iMhiK0-00302-00080024-00080262 philosophical debates per se at this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00303-00080263-00080455 point in time about ZpQ59iMhiK0-00304-00080456-00080711 what could be the problem area in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00305-00080712-00080943 understanding it in a very consistent ZpQ59iMhiK0-00306-00080944-00081167 fashion because i think what we have ZpQ59iMhiK0-00307-00081168-00081615 noticed is the is related to a kind of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00308-00081616-00081887 constant transformation and constant ZpQ59iMhiK0-00309-00081888-00082023 striving ZpQ59iMhiK0-00310-00082024-00082279 that you find in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00311-00082280-00082606 his whole outlook which actually also is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00312-00082607-00082926 a matter of great strength so we have ZpQ59iMhiK0-00313-00082927-00083159 pointed out here that from the letters ZpQ59iMhiK0-00314-00083160-00083335 and essays of tagore ZpQ59iMhiK0-00315-00083336-00083694 one finds that the artist and the men ZpQ59iMhiK0-00316-00083695-00083950 constantly strove for better ways of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00317-00083951-00084103 self-expression ZpQ59iMhiK0-00318-00084104-00084382 and self-actualization ZpQ59iMhiK0-00319-00084383-00084631 what he calls the fulfillment of the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00320-00084632-00084918 inner impulse whether in his poetry ZpQ59iMhiK0-00321-00084919-00085318 plays educational work or social service ZpQ59iMhiK0-00322-00085319-00085431 also ZpQ59iMhiK0-00323-00085432-00085718 in his search for what is creative what ZpQ59iMhiK0-00324-00085719-00086031 works and what doesn't in art as well as ZpQ59iMhiK0-00325-00086032-00086271 in life he was humble to admit his ZpQ59iMhiK0-00326-00086272-00086559 mistakes and always prepared to try out ZpQ59iMhiK0-00327-00086560-00086799 new ideas this is our take you know ZpQ59iMhiK0-00328-00086800-00087255 based on the research that we undertook ZpQ59iMhiK0-00329-00087256-00087623 his ideal of unity of all things and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00330-00087624-00087894 their interrelatedness went through ZpQ59iMhiK0-00331-00087895-00088062 transformations ZpQ59iMhiK0-00332-00088063-00088318 changing him in profound ways so it's ZpQ59iMhiK0-00333-00088319-00088575 not like a very static ZpQ59iMhiK0-00334-00088576-00088838 position it is as i said it's a position ZpQ59iMhiK0-00335-00088839-00088982 of striving ZpQ59iMhiK0-00336-00088983-00089175 and at the same time maintaining an ZpQ59iMhiK0-00337-00089176-00089447 ideal because that epiphanic experience ZpQ59iMhiK0-00338-00089448-00089775 that desire to find a certain kind of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00339-00089776-00090094 union and harmony and transcendence that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00340-00090095-00090367 seems to persist as a very very ZpQ59iMhiK0-00341-00090368-00090718 important force in tagore ZpQ59iMhiK0-00342-00090719-00090815 the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00343-00090816-00091103 experiments in his writing and public ZpQ59iMhiK0-00344-00091104-00091415 participation both can be seen as ZpQ59iMhiK0-00345-00091416-00091743 extensions of his quest ZpQ59iMhiK0-00346-00091744-00092094 and he seems to have grappled with the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00347-00092095-00092391 paradoxes emerging from the gaps between ZpQ59iMhiK0-00348-00092392-00092662 his ideal and his experiences it was not ZpQ59iMhiK0-00349-00092663-00092838 an easy situation ZpQ59iMhiK0-00350-00092839-00093087 at all ZpQ59iMhiK0-00351-00093088-00093303 it is interesting to note and very ZpQ59iMhiK0-00352-00093304-00093487 important indeed not only just ZpQ59iMhiK0-00353-00093488-00093623 interesting ZpQ59iMhiK0-00354-00093624-00093903 it is important to see that in 1901 he ZpQ59iMhiK0-00355-00093904-00094247 went on to create shanti niketan ZpQ59iMhiK0-00356-00094248-00094599 and he endlessly talked about the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00357-00094600-00094871 nurturance of creativity in the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00358-00094872-00095118 educational framework ZpQ59iMhiK0-00359-00095119-00095503 so as he said in one of his ZpQ59iMhiK0-00360-00095504-00095655 you know statements ZpQ59iMhiK0-00361-00095656-00095894 the main task of universities is to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00362-00095895-00096079 produce knowledge ZpQ59iMhiK0-00363-00096080-00096294 is dissemination is its secondary ZpQ59iMhiK0-00364-00096295-00096423 function ZpQ59iMhiK0-00365-00096424-00096687 we must invite those intellectuals and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00366-00096688-00096943 scholars to our universities who are ZpQ59iMhiK0-00367-00096944-00097255 engaged in research invention or ZpQ59iMhiK0-00368-00097256-00097431 creative activity ZpQ59iMhiK0-00369-00097432-00097655 and one of the commentators ZpQ59iMhiK0-00370-00097656-00097903 you know who has looked at his writing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00371-00097904-00098191 from the educational perspective he has ZpQ59iMhiK0-00372-00098192-00098526 pointed out that tagore wanted to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00373-00098527-00098799 be you know science to be taught along ZpQ59iMhiK0-00374-00098800-00098991 with india's own philosophical and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00375-00098992-00099150 spiritual knowledge ZpQ59iMhiK0-00376-00099151-00099447 at indian universities but he was also ZpQ59iMhiK0-00377-00099448-00099711 aware of the fact that science without ZpQ59iMhiK0-00378-00099712-00099974 the constraint of self-knowledge ZpQ59iMhiK0-00379-00099975-00100174 it leads to an endless desire for ZpQ59iMhiK0-00380-00100175-00100415 material goods and well-being ZpQ59iMhiK0-00381-00100416-00100582 and the meaningless pursuit of the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00382-00100583-00100806 instruments of war and power which are ZpQ59iMhiK0-00383-00100807-00101087 often the origin of conflict between ZpQ59iMhiK0-00384-00101088-00101374 nations and end ultimately in the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00385-00101375-00101574 suppression of the weaker by the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00386-00101575-00101887 stronger so again that sense of power ZpQ59iMhiK0-00387-00101888-00102103 politics politics of knowledge that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00388-00102104-00102391 vishwanathan talked about earlier he is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00389-00102392-00102686 very sharply aware of that also ZpQ59iMhiK0-00390-00102688-00102951 especially from a nationalist position ZpQ59iMhiK0-00391-00102952-00103166 and therefore then this commentator ZpQ59iMhiK0-00392-00103167-00103302 points out ZpQ59iMhiK0-00393-00103303-00103463 that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00394-00103464-00103671 that is why both spiritual and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00395-00103672-00103990 scientific knowledge are considered by ZpQ59iMhiK0-00396-00103991-00104342 tagore as equally important ZpQ59iMhiK0-00397-00104343-00104623 and by spiritual of course he meant ZpQ59iMhiK0-00398-00104624-00105083 related to knowledge related to the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00399-00105083-00105534 self what we would like to do is to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00400-00105535-00105695 place some of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00401-00105696-00106047 only one recent piece of uh you know ZpQ59iMhiK0-00402-00106048-00106199 recent in the sense of recent ZpQ59iMhiK0-00403-00106200-00106527 translation of tagore's short story in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00404-00106528-00106775 order to highlight some of the paradoxes ZpQ59iMhiK0-00405-00106776-00107127 and difficulties of dealing with ideas ZpQ59iMhiK0-00406-00107128-00107358 at an institutional level ZpQ59iMhiK0-00407-00107359-00107663 and at the level of creative writing for ZpQ59iMhiK0-00408-00107664-00107886 that purpose it is also important to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00409-00107888-00108090 notice that in the process of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00410-00108091-00108399 colonization and decolonization ZpQ59iMhiK0-00411-00108400-00108734 the issue of mother tongue and english ZpQ59iMhiK0-00412-00108735-00109015 loomed large in these debates ZpQ59iMhiK0-00413-00109016-00109302 and tagore himself had to deal with this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00414-00109303-00109551 issue because he wrote in bengali and of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00415-00109552-00109775 course his trans uh you know gitanjali ZpQ59iMhiK0-00416-00109776-00110063 was translated from bengali to english ZpQ59iMhiK0-00417-00110064-00110247 the fact is that tagore ZpQ59iMhiK0-00418-00110248-00110510 had a tough time dealing with this issue ZpQ59iMhiK0-00419-00110511-00110695 of translation ZpQ59iMhiK0-00420-00110696-00111031 and at the same time he was ZpQ59iMhiK0-00421-00111032-00111302 very sharply aware of the role of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00422-00111303-00111399 english ZpQ59iMhiK0-00423-00111400-00111743 in a world where people needed ZpQ59iMhiK0-00424-00111744-00112039 to converse across differences ZpQ59iMhiK0-00425-00112040-00112278 so he did see english as a window to the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00426-00112279-00112495 world which is also a fairly nationalist ZpQ59iMhiK0-00427-00112496-00112647 position ZpQ59iMhiK0-00428-00112648-00112847 and he also saw english as the medium ZpQ59iMhiK0-00429-00112848-00113151 for imbibing western science at the same ZpQ59iMhiK0-00430-00113152-00113263 time for ZpQ59iMhiK0-00431-00113264-00113519 using the same language for reinventing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00432-00113520-00113790 the given definitions within our own ZpQ59iMhiK0-00433-00113791-00113990 different cultural context so that's ZpQ59iMhiK0-00434-00113991-00114310 really a very complicated process ZpQ59iMhiK0-00435-00114311-00114583 but he continued to engage in debates ZpQ59iMhiK0-00436-00114583-00114734 and discussions ZpQ59iMhiK0-00437-00114735-00115039 to find a way out and to also assert ZpQ59iMhiK0-00438-00115040-00115247 indian identity ZpQ59iMhiK0-00439-00115248-00115558 now within this i want to place a very ZpQ59iMhiK0-00440-00115559-00115854 very interesting conversation between ZpQ59iMhiK0-00441-00115855-00116254 tagore and edgy wells because it also ZpQ59iMhiK0-00442-00116255-00116558 shows the kind of writers he was ZpQ59iMhiK0-00443-00116559-00116751 interested in talking to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00444-00116752-00116910 and also the content of that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00445-00116911-00117207 conversation enables one to see ZpQ59iMhiK0-00446-00117208-00117543 the visionary aspect of tagore's thought ZpQ59iMhiK0-00447-00117544-00117823 process he was not interested only in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00448-00117824-00117943 confining ZpQ59iMhiK0-00449-00117944-00118231 himself to national concerns but he ZpQ59iMhiK0-00450-00118232-00118407 wanted to talk about ZpQ59iMhiK0-00451-00118408-00118799 national identity and national issues ZpQ59iMhiK0-00452-00118800-00119015 to an international ZpQ59iMhiK0-00453-00119016-00119247 ah you know body of people to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00454-00119248-00119534 like-minded people i will once again not ZpQ59iMhiK0-00455-00119535-00119710 touch on some of the controversial ZpQ59iMhiK0-00456-00119711-00119966 aspects of tagore's interaction ZpQ59iMhiK0-00457-00119967-00120078 with ZpQ59iMhiK0-00458-00120079-00120375 leaders of different nations but i would ZpQ59iMhiK0-00459-00120376-00120647 concentrate right now on what seems to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00460-00120648-00121086 be a very very even flow of his creative ZpQ59iMhiK0-00461-00121088-00121254 outlook ZpQ59iMhiK0-00462-00121255-00121558 this conversation with edgy wells took ZpQ59iMhiK0-00463-00121559-00121823 place in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00464-00121824-00121951 geneva ZpQ59iMhiK0-00465-00121952-00122078 and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00466-00122079-00122254 before i actually come to that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00467-00122255-00122447 conversation let me just point out that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00468-00122448-00122614 edgy wells ZpQ59iMhiK0-00469-00122615-00122814 of course you may already have read edgy ZpQ59iMhiK0-00470-00122815-00123095 wells he was an english author ZpQ59iMhiK0-00471-00123096-00123302 best known for his science fiction and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00472-00123303-00123590 political analysis he was a socialist ZpQ59iMhiK0-00473-00123591-00123871 and a pacifist the titles of his books ZpQ59iMhiK0-00474-00123872-00124095 they give an eloquent introduction to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00475-00124096-00124183 his ZpQ59iMhiK0-00476-00124183-00124431 outlook for example his notable ZpQ59iMhiK0-00477-00124432-00124719 non-fiction is titled anticipations of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00478-00124720-00124871 the reaction of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00479-00124872-00125095 reaction of mechanical and scientific ZpQ59iMhiK0-00480-00125096-00125510 progress upon human life and thought ZpQ59iMhiK0-00481-00125511-00125719 which contains futuristic predictions ZpQ59iMhiK0-00482-00125720-00126007 about technology and communication in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00483-00126008-00126310 the year 2000 ZpQ59iMhiK0-00484-00126311-00126558 that he also wrote these scientific ZpQ59iMhiK0-00485-00126559-00126686 romances ZpQ59iMhiK0-00486-00126688-00126919 like the time machine the island of dr ZpQ59iMhiK0-00487-00126920-00127214 mario the invisible man the first man in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00488-00127215-00127486 the moon the war of the worlds so this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00489-00127488-00127758 was a kind of very engaged ZpQ59iMhiK0-00490-00127759-00128014 very very uh sharp ZpQ59iMhiK0-00491-00128015-00128119 mind ZpQ59iMhiK0-00492-00128120-00128278 that again ZpQ59iMhiK0-00493-00128279-00128566 you know i think tagore engaged in you ZpQ59iMhiK0-00494-00128567-00128895 know in literary conversations with ZpQ59iMhiK0-00495-00128896-00129183 this particular meeting took place in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00496-00129183-00129447 june 1930 in geneva ZpQ59iMhiK0-00497-00129448-00129654 and the two of them were talking about ZpQ59iMhiK0-00498-00129655-00129958 human civilization where wealth seemed ZpQ59iMhiK0-00499-00129959-00130199 to suggest that there is a kind of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00500-00130200-00130463 universality ZpQ59iMhiK0-00501-00130464-00130695 to of course many of the concerns ZpQ59iMhiK0-00502-00130696-00131007 and and also he was a proponent of a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00503-00131008-00131223 universal civilization ZpQ59iMhiK0-00504-00131224-00131519 and tagore immediately instinctively ZpQ59iMhiK0-00505-00131520-00131727 reacts to that idea ZpQ59iMhiK0-00506-00131728-00132063 in in this conversation with wells ZpQ59iMhiK0-00507-00132064-00132335 and he sort of tries to maintain that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00508-00132336-00132471 the uniqueness of different ZpQ59iMhiK0-00509-00132472-00132790 civilizations ought to be maintained ZpQ59iMhiK0-00510-00132791-00133102 and i think there is all that sense of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00511-00133103-00133247 also worry ZpQ59iMhiK0-00512-00133248-00133551 about what would happen to unequal ZpQ59iMhiK0-00513-00133552-00133671 political ZpQ59iMhiK0-00514-00133672-00133935 and economic stand of different nations ZpQ59iMhiK0-00515-00133936-00134159 because she was i think quick to see ZpQ59iMhiK0-00516-00134160-00134366 that this could be really really very ZpQ59iMhiK0-00517-00134367-00134543 problematic ZpQ59iMhiK0-00518-00134544-00134759 and they go on to talk about uh ZpQ59iMhiK0-00519-00134760-00135111 reflections uh their reflections on ZpQ59iMhiK0-00520-00135112-00135343 rapid changes in modes of communication ZpQ59iMhiK0-00521-00135344-00135647 and the futuristic possibilities of new ZpQ59iMhiK0-00522-00135648-00135927 languages of communication developing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00523-00135928-00136135 so the science fiction writer with the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00524-00136136-00136271 futuristic ZpQ59iMhiK0-00525-00136272-00136423 sense of what is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00526-00136424-00136583 going to happen ZpQ59iMhiK0-00527-00136584-00136911 and what can happen what should happen ZpQ59iMhiK0-00528-00136912-00137214 and tagore the nationalist who's also ZpQ59iMhiK0-00529-00137215-00137454 interested in creating this kind of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00530-00137455-00137727 harmonious world ZpQ59iMhiK0-00531-00137728-00137966 this is what well said to him on the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00532-00137967-00138199 issue of supremacy of the west because ZpQ59iMhiK0-00533-00138200-00138502 as i said instinctively tagore reacted ZpQ59iMhiK0-00534-00138503-00138583 to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00535-00138584-00138895 wells's ideas well says ZpQ59iMhiK0-00536-00138896-00139143 the supremacy of the west is only a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00537-00139144-00139335 question of probably the past hundred ZpQ59iMhiK0-00538-00139336-00139463 years ZpQ59iMhiK0-00539-00139464-00139719 before the battle of lepanto ZpQ59iMhiK0-00540-00139720-00139999 the turks were dominating the west the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00541-00140000-00140223 voyage of columbus was undertaken to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00542-00140224-00140423 avoid the turks ZpQ59iMhiK0-00543-00140424-00140631 elizabethan writers and even their ZpQ59iMhiK0-00544-00140632-00140902 successors were struck by the wealth and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00545-00140903-00141223 the high material standards of the east ZpQ59iMhiK0-00546-00141224-00141502 the history of western excellency is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00547-00141503-00141887 very brief indeed and tagore says ZpQ59iMhiK0-00548-00141888-00142071 and this is very very interesting he ZpQ59iMhiK0-00549-00142072-00142302 says physical science of the 19th ZpQ59iMhiK0-00550-00142303-00142447 century ZpQ59iMhiK0-00551-00142448-00142743 probably has created the spirit of race ZpQ59iMhiK0-00552-00142744-00142966 superiority in the west ZpQ59iMhiK0-00553-00142967-00143223 when the east assimilates this physical ZpQ59iMhiK0-00554-00143224-00143559 science the tide may turn and take a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00555-00143560-00143735 normal course ZpQ59iMhiK0-00556-00143736-00143935 so now you will see why ZpQ59iMhiK0-00557-00143936-00144287 we are actually emphasizing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00558-00144288-00144487 you know the scientific knowledge as a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00559-00144488-00144695 very very important aspect of the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00560-00144696-00144990 conversations of decolonization ZpQ59iMhiK0-00561-00144991-00145087 because ZpQ59iMhiK0-00562-00145088-00145295 right from gan prakash ZpQ59iMhiK0-00563-00145296-00145478 to uh ZpQ59iMhiK0-00564-00145479-00145823 shiv vishwanathan to tagore and onto ZpQ59iMhiK0-00565-00145824-00146023 gandhi and nehru ZpQ59iMhiK0-00566-00146024-00146254 you'll find that this is seen as a very ZpQ59iMhiK0-00567-00146255-00146647 key ingredient in the creative quest ZpQ59iMhiK0-00568-00146648-00146871 so in any case i think this particular ZpQ59iMhiK0-00569-00146872-00146959 line ZpQ59iMhiK0-00570-00146960-00147326 in fact it becomes quite problematic ZpQ59iMhiK0-00571-00147327-00147502 when you come to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00572-00147503-00147687 a recent ZpQ59iMhiK0-00573-00147688-00148111 sort of story that has been translated ZpQ59iMhiK0-00574-00148112-00148247 and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00575-00148248-00148366 this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00576-00148367-00148719 story is seen as the last notable short ZpQ59iMhiK0-00577-00148720-00149031 story of tagore so again i'm trying to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00578-00149032-00149175 show how ZpQ59iMhiK0-00579-00149176-00149390 this whole conversation ZpQ59iMhiK0-00580-00149391-00149671 around systems of knowledge ZpQ59iMhiK0-00581-00149672-00149843 between you know ZpQ59iMhiK0-00582-00149844-00150063 institutionalization of systems of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00583-00150064-00150251 knowledge and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00584-00150252-00150439 experiencing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00585-00150440-00150614 these systems ZpQ59iMhiK0-00586-00150615-00150919 so to say in one's own being ZpQ59iMhiK0-00587-00150920-00151135 these are two different things ZpQ59iMhiK0-00588-00151136-00151287 on the one hand ZpQ59iMhiK0-00589-00151288-00151575 between the self and also the public ZpQ59iMhiK0-00590-00151576-00151807 space there seems to be a seamless kind ZpQ59iMhiK0-00591-00151808-00152054 of connection in the nationalist period ZpQ59iMhiK0-00592-00152055-00152375 but when we begin to look at the you ZpQ59iMhiK0-00593-00152376-00152751 know debates around ideas we notice the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00594-00152752-00153247 pressures and also the problems of these ZpQ59iMhiK0-00595-00153248-00153623 attempts to grasp and grapple with the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00596-00153624-00153766 new ideas ZpQ59iMhiK0-00597-00153767-00153919 the story in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00598-00153920-00154039 is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00599-00154040-00154390 titled laboratory and as i said and this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00600-00154391-00154639 is actually to repeat a phrase from tapo ZpQ59iMhiK0-00601-00154640-00154935 breath gosh who has ZpQ59iMhiK0-00602-00154936-00155207 given comments on this collection ZpQ59iMhiK0-00603-00155208-00155454 brought out recently by ZpQ59iMhiK0-00604-00155455-00155623 sukhanta ZpQ59iMhiK0-00605-00155624-00155863 containing many more short stories of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00606-00155864-00156159 tagore that have been that he has ZpQ59iMhiK0-00607-00156160-00156454 commissioned for translation or he has ZpQ59iMhiK0-00608-00156455-00156719 collected it from different sources this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00609-00156720-00156999 particular story has been translated by ZpQ59iMhiK0-00610-00157000-00157247 madhu chanda karliker ZpQ59iMhiK0-00611-00157248-00157383 and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00612-00157384-00157726 it really gripped our attention ZpQ59iMhiK0-00613-00157727-00157975 because in our attempt to understand ZpQ59iMhiK0-00614-00157976-00158183 tagore and place some of the key ZpQ59iMhiK0-00615-00158184-00158471 elements of tagore's creative outlook ZpQ59iMhiK0-00616-00158472-00158823 we were very puzzled by this story which ZpQ59iMhiK0-00617-00158824-00159239 portrays the complex exp aspirations ZpQ59iMhiK0-00618-00159240-00159326 of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00619-00159327-00159623 a scientist come engineer ZpQ59iMhiK0-00620-00159624-00159887 in pre-independence india ZpQ59iMhiK0-00621-00159888-00160111 ah while it reflects ZpQ59iMhiK0-00622-00160112-00160295 techos believed that scientific ZpQ59iMhiK0-00623-00160296-00160511 knowledge was a key ingredient in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00624-00160512-00160799 freeing indian imagination yet the story ZpQ59iMhiK0-00625-00160800-00161126 evokes really many many ambivalent ZpQ59iMhiK0-00626-00161127-00161463 issues in fact there are so many issues ZpQ59iMhiK0-00627-00161464-00161639 that need to be ZpQ59iMhiK0-00628-00161640-00161902 confronted in reading this story that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00629-00161903-00162143 we've decided that we'll place it for ZpQ59iMhiK0-00630-00162144-00162447 detailed reading in module 4 when we ZpQ59iMhiK0-00631-00162448-00162702 look at short stories but at this point ZpQ59iMhiK0-00632-00162703-00163039 also one would briefly like to point out ZpQ59iMhiK0-00633-00163040-00163126 that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00634-00163127-00163526 the protagonist of course in some ways ZpQ59iMhiK0-00635-00163527-00163951 gives you a sense of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00636-00163952-00164087 importance ZpQ59iMhiK0-00637-00164088-00164390 that was given to scientific quest ZpQ59iMhiK0-00638-00164391-00164702 he although he is an immoral ZpQ59iMhiK0-00639-00164703-00164814 person ZpQ59iMhiK0-00640-00164815-00165151 but he aspires to build new india ZpQ59iMhiK0-00641-00165152-00165366 through his scientific knowledge so let ZpQ59iMhiK0-00642-00165367-00165487 me read ZpQ59iMhiK0-00643-00165488-00165631 part of this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00644-00165632-00165895 portrayal of this complex rounded ZpQ59iMhiK0-00645-00165896-00166038 character ZpQ59iMhiK0-00646-00166039-00166271 and at the same time you know i think i ZpQ59iMhiK0-00647-00166272-00166487 will play some of the difficulties in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00648-00166488-00166695 reading this mainly from the point of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00649-00166696-00166863 view of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00650-00166864-00167135 tagore's relationship to scientific ZpQ59iMhiK0-00651-00167136-00167487 endeavor so i'll only briefly read parts ZpQ59iMhiK0-00652-00167488-00167654 of it so ZpQ59iMhiK0-00653-00167655-00167878 he is described his name is nanda ZpQ59iMhiK0-00654-00167879-00168166 kishore he's the protagonist and this is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00655-00168167-00168447 how he's described ZpQ59iMhiK0-00656-00168448-00168575 uh ZpQ59iMhiK0-00657-00168576-00168878 he did however build a massive mansion ZpQ59iMhiK0-00658-00168879-00169231 for scientific research now this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00659-00169232-00169463 however is actually related to the fact ZpQ59iMhiK0-00660-00169464-00169847 that he used to work for the british ZpQ59iMhiK0-00661-00169848-00170087 railway system as an engineer and he was ZpQ59iMhiK0-00662-00170088-00170375 extremely capable one of the best that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00663-00170376-00170519 they had ZpQ59iMhiK0-00664-00170520-00170631 and he ZpQ59iMhiK0-00665-00170632-00170959 has no qualms in collecting money ZpQ59iMhiK0-00666-00170960-00171199 in a fairly illegal fashion while ZpQ59iMhiK0-00667-00171200-00171375 working as an engineer because that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00668-00171376-00171599 seemed to be a way of life ZpQ59iMhiK0-00669-00171600-00171823 at that time also ZpQ59iMhiK0-00670-00171824-00172007 and therefore ZpQ59iMhiK0-00671-00172008-00172254 what he does is to collect this money ZpQ59iMhiK0-00672-00172255-00172471 and then he goes on to build ZpQ59iMhiK0-00673-00172472-00172654 a scientific ZpQ59iMhiK0-00674-00172655-00172919 research and development ZpQ59iMhiK0-00675-00172920-00173190 outfit through his own personal money ZpQ59iMhiK0-00676-00173191-00173495 and this is how tagore describes him ZpQ59iMhiK0-00677-00173496-00173895 so preoccupied was he with this hobby ZpQ59iMhiK0-00678-00173896-00174102 that he paid no heed when tongues ZpQ59iMhiK0-00679-00174103-00174263 started wagging ZpQ59iMhiK0-00680-00174264-00174566 where did this skyscraper come from ZpQ59iMhiK0-00681-00174567-00175102 where did he find aladdin's lamp ZpQ59iMhiK0-00682-00175103-00175278 tagore goes on to say ZpQ59iMhiK0-00683-00175279-00175519 some hobbies can become obsessive like ZpQ59iMhiK0-00684-00175520-00175719 an alcoholic addiction ZpQ59iMhiK0-00685-00175720-00175975 one pays no heat to what people might be ZpQ59iMhiK0-00686-00175976-00176126 saying ZpQ59iMhiK0-00687-00176127-00176511 nankishore had a curious caste of mind ZpQ59iMhiK0-00688-00176512-00176775 he was crazy about science ZpQ59iMhiK0-00689-00176776-00176959 he would flip through the pages of a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00690-00176960-00177278 scientific catalogue and clush the arms ZpQ59iMhiK0-00691-00177279-00177407 of his chair ZpQ59iMhiK0-00692-00177408-00177702 in shivers of excitement ZpQ59iMhiK0-00693-00177703-00177887 he would order such expensive ZpQ59iMhiK0-00694-00177888-00178254 instruments from germany and america as ZpQ59iMhiK0-00695-00178255-00178463 were not to be found even in the big ZpQ59iMhiK0-00696-00178464-00178702 universities of india ZpQ59iMhiK0-00697-00178703-00178975 it was this that most saddened the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00698-00178976-00179190 seeker after knowledge ZpQ59iMhiK0-00699-00179191-00179463 his poor country had to survive on the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00700-00179464-00179838 leftovers from the feast of learning ZpQ59iMhiK0-00701-00179839-00180102 not having the opportunity to use the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00702-00180103-00180375 fine equipment available abroad our ZpQ59iMhiK0-00703-00180376-00180614 young people had to make do with scraps ZpQ59iMhiK0-00704-00180615-00180990 of knowledge out of dry textbooks ZpQ59iMhiK0-00705-00180991-00181214 we are not short of brains we are simply ZpQ59iMhiK0-00706-00181215-00181559 short of money he would roar ZpQ59iMhiK0-00707-00181560-00181878 his life's ambition was to open up the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00708-00181879-00182326 highway of science to our young men ZpQ59iMhiK0-00709-00182327-00182495 now in this story ZpQ59iMhiK0-00710-00182496-00182807 nand kishore not only builds this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00711-00182808-00182919 lab ZpQ59iMhiK0-00712-00182920-00183135 but he also finds ZpQ59iMhiK0-00713-00183136-00183478 a very unconventional partner ZpQ59iMhiK0-00714-00183479-00183575 who ZpQ59iMhiK0-00715-00183576-00183823 helped him actually ZpQ59iMhiK0-00716-00183824-00184038 you know build on his strengths and that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00717-00184039-00184175 is sohini ZpQ59iMhiK0-00718-00184176-00184319 a young woman ZpQ59iMhiK0-00719-00184320-00184438 he meets ZpQ59iMhiK0-00720-00184439-00184654 during a visit to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00721-00184655-00184790 punjab ZpQ59iMhiK0-00722-00184791-00185078 and what sohini does ZpQ59iMhiK0-00723-00185079-00185414 is to really understand something which ZpQ59iMhiK0-00724-00185415-00185654 again creates the kind of ambivalence ZpQ59iMhiK0-00725-00185655-00185863 that i was talking about ZpQ59iMhiK0-00726-00185864-00185990 because ZpQ59iMhiK0-00727-00185991-00186247 she is not educated ZpQ59iMhiK0-00728-00186248-00186550 and at the same time she watches ZpQ59iMhiK0-00729-00186551-00186766 nanda kishore's interaction with ZpQ59iMhiK0-00730-00186767-00187031 business people now it seems that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00731-00187032-00187287 he continued to have business ties ZpQ59iMhiK0-00732-00187288-00187566 related to his scientific work ZpQ59iMhiK0-00733-00187567-00187678 and then ZpQ59iMhiK0-00734-00187679-00187990 this is what she has to say in a very ZpQ59iMhiK0-00735-00187991-00188150 instinctive ZpQ59iMhiK0-00736-00188151-00188535 street smart manner ZpQ59iMhiK0-00737-00188536-00188895 so this is a brief ah you know reference ZpQ59iMhiK0-00738-00188896-00189126 to interaction between nanda kishore and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00739-00189127-00189254 sohini ZpQ59iMhiK0-00740-00189255-00189550 the young girl from punjab ZpQ59iMhiK0-00741-00189551-00189766 whom he goes on to marry ZpQ59iMhiK0-00742-00189767-00190014 nan kishore was truly amazed the girl ZpQ59iMhiK0-00743-00190015-00190126 continued ZpQ59iMhiK0-00744-00190127-00190454 don't mind my saying so babu but you ZpQ59iMhiK0-00745-00190455-00190799 have the devil's inspiration too ZpQ59iMhiK0-00746-00190800-00191175 so you are bound to succeed ZpQ59iMhiK0-00747-00191176-00191326 and this ship ZpQ59iMhiK0-00748-00191327-00191495 sort of this reference ZpQ59iMhiK0-00749-00191496-00191726 she makes you know ZpQ59iMhiK0-00750-00191727-00191975 in terms of ins you are you have the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00751-00191976-00192278 devil's inspiration too this references ZpQ59iMhiK0-00752-00192279-00192566 to the britishers who she felt were also ZpQ59iMhiK0-00753-00192567-00192863 full of devilish ways because of which ZpQ59iMhiK0-00754-00192864-00193175 they actually had greater power and they ZpQ59iMhiK0-00755-00193176-00193399 were able to rule us for such a long ZpQ59iMhiK0-00756-00193400-00193638 time and she begins to see the same ZpQ59iMhiK0-00757-00193639-00193854 streak in nanda kishore that's why i ZpQ59iMhiK0-00758-00193855-00194087 pointed out that there is a lot of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00759-00194088-00194390 ambivalence in tagore about ZpQ59iMhiK0-00760-00194391-00194735 the kind of consciousness that nanda ZpQ59iMhiK0-00761-00194736-00195031 kishore the scientist represents on the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00762-00195032-00195150 one hand ZpQ59iMhiK0-00763-00195151-00195550 this scientific lab that he constructs ZpQ59iMhiK0-00764-00195551-00195878 it becomes a sort of legitimating ZpQ59iMhiK0-00765-00195879-00196071 sort of sign ZpQ59iMhiK0-00766-00196072-00196359 to use gan prakash's phrase ZpQ59iMhiK0-00767-00196360-00196647 of i would say amoral ZpQ59iMhiK0-00768-00196648-00196831 cognitive pursuits ZpQ59iMhiK0-00769-00196832-00197119 because this is at any cost and the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00770-00197120-00197454 costs are very high because he first of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00771-00197455-00197711 all dies during this particular ZpQ59iMhiK0-00772-00197712-00197902 experiment the experiments and the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00773-00197903-00198159 scientific details are not explained in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00774-00198160-00198454 any detail so one can only speculate ZpQ59iMhiK0-00775-00198455-00198590 that it could be ZpQ59iMhiK0-00776-00198591-00199038 a chemical exp you know experiment or an ZpQ59iMhiK0-00777-00199039-00199238 electrical engineering experiment ZpQ59iMhiK0-00778-00199239-00199526 because the lab that is described seems ZpQ59iMhiK0-00779-00199527-00199847 more like a physics lab but also a wing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00780-00199848-00200087 which is devoted to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00781-00200088-00200414 chemistry so it's really not clear what ZpQ59iMhiK0-00782-00200415-00200719 exactly was going on in that lab but ZpQ59iMhiK0-00783-00200720-00200902 it is shown in the early part of the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00784-00200903-00201295 story that nanda kishore dies in uh ZpQ59iMhiK0-00785-00201296-00201590 while performing a scientific experiment ZpQ59iMhiK0-00786-00201591-00201847 and then it is left to sohini ZpQ59iMhiK0-00787-00201848-00202063 his wife ZpQ59iMhiK0-00788-00202064-00202263 to really find ZpQ59iMhiK0-00789-00202264-00202487 a suitable ZpQ59iMhiK0-00790-00202488-00202631 successor ZpQ59iMhiK0-00791-00202632-00202926 to carry out nanda kishore's scientific ZpQ59iMhiK0-00792-00202927-00203038 legacy ZpQ59iMhiK0-00793-00203039-00203254 now this struggle to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00794-00203255-00203526 keep the lab ZpQ59iMhiK0-00795-00203527-00203902 despite any cost this becomes a passion ZpQ59iMhiK0-00796-00203903-00204166 that governs sohini ZpQ59iMhiK0-00797-00204167-00204431 to the extent that she is willing to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00798-00204432-00204759 sacrifice her own daughter neela ZpQ59iMhiK0-00799-00204760-00205127 in order to save the lab and also ZpQ59iMhiK0-00800-00205128-00205446 ensure that scientific work would ZpQ59iMhiK0-00801-00205448-00205751 continue in that lab so she hires a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00802-00205752-00205927 young man ZpQ59iMhiK0-00803-00205928-00206158 rebati in order to carry forward the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00804-00206159-00206262 work ZpQ59iMhiK0-00805-00206263-00206406 but as i said ZpQ59iMhiK0-00806-00206407-00206551 that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00807-00206552-00206710 you know the point that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00808-00206711-00207031 about this immoral immorality emerges ZpQ59iMhiK0-00809-00207032-00207198 from sohini's ZpQ59iMhiK0-00810-00207200-00207398 take on the lab she of course gets ZpQ59iMhiK0-00811-00207400-00207694 educated meanwhile so she understands ZpQ59iMhiK0-00812-00207696-00208014 that work of great importance is being ZpQ59iMhiK0-00813-00208015-00208303 carried out in this lab but she begins ZpQ59iMhiK0-00814-00208304-00208590 to treat it like a temple and in fact ZpQ59iMhiK0-00815-00208591-00208894 she describes it as a temple which would ZpQ59iMhiK0-00816-00208896-00209238 lead to the salvation of the individual ZpQ59iMhiK0-00817-00209239-00209534 and also the nation she repeats the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00818-00209535-00209782 words of nanda kishore actually in order ZpQ59iMhiK0-00819-00209783-00210055 to reaffirm this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00820-00210056-00210455 point of view so it's sort of the story ZpQ59iMhiK0-00821-00210456-00210751 leaves us with a sense of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00822-00210752-00210887 surprise ZpQ59iMhiK0-00823-00210888-00211087 as to what ZpQ59iMhiK0-00824-00211088-00211494 sort of position tagore had taken in the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00825-00211496-00211798 story about the pursuit of science ZpQ59iMhiK0-00826-00211800-00212063 and it hardly matches up with the kind ZpQ59iMhiK0-00827-00212064-00212375 of ideal that he has posited in his ZpQ59iMhiK0-00828-00212376-00212694 conversation with edgy wells where he ZpQ59iMhiK0-00829-00212696-00213046 felt that this you know doing of science ZpQ59iMhiK0-00830-00213048-00213351 would actually free the indian mind ZpQ59iMhiK0-00831-00213352-00213615 because then it would be able to apply ZpQ59iMhiK0-00832-00213616-00213894 its ideas and concepts to the indian ZpQ59iMhiK0-00833-00213896-00214031 situation ZpQ59iMhiK0-00834-00214032-00214342 but instead here you have a fairly ZpQ59iMhiK0-00835-00214344-00214551 amoral quest and i think we therefore ZpQ59iMhiK0-00836-00214552-00214815 need to think a little more about ZpQ59iMhiK0-00837-00214816-00215110 what was happening with these ideas what ZpQ59iMhiK0-00838-00215111-00215287 were the problem areas were they ZpQ59iMhiK0-00839-00215288-00215542 repressed or were they sort of engaged ZpQ59iMhiK0-00840-00215544-00215855 with i've still not made up my mind as a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00841-00215856-00216239 you know i'm not able to really fully uh ZpQ59iMhiK0-00842-00216240-00216534 deal with his philosophical ideas on the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00843-00216535-00216855 one hand and see this particular story ZpQ59iMhiK0-00844-00216856-00216998 which of course he ZpQ59iMhiK0-00845-00217000-00217158 wrote was the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00846-00217159-00217463 last phase of his writing career ZpQ59iMhiK0-00847-00217464-00217719 but i think we need to read this story ZpQ59iMhiK0-00848-00217719-00217934 and try and understand the nationalist ZpQ59iMhiK0-00849-00217935-00218231 framework through its problematizations ZpQ59iMhiK0-00850-00218232-00218503 and its problems also ZpQ59iMhiK0-00851-00218504-00218775 and therefore i think one way of doing ZpQ59iMhiK0-00852-00218776-00219079 this would be to also try and understand ZpQ59iMhiK0-00853-00219080-00219310 that science and technology both these ZpQ59iMhiK0-00854-00219311-00219598 terms are really not simple terms to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00855-00219600-00219719 begin with ZpQ59iMhiK0-00856-00219719-00219951 because they also contain many ZpQ59iMhiK0-00857-00219952-00220303 connotations in the nationalist fervor i ZpQ59iMhiK0-00858-00220304-00220575 think science was being ZpQ59iMhiK0-00859-00220576-00220694 actually ZpQ59iMhiK0-00860-00220696-00221031 uh you know internalized sometimes in a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00861-00221032-00221246 limited way sometimes without really ZpQ59iMhiK0-00862-00221248-00221567 relating it to the deeper issues of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00863-00221567-00221894 values that it also contained but in any ZpQ59iMhiK0-00864-00221896-00222046 case i think ZpQ59iMhiK0-00865-00222048-00222294 we will briefly look at ZpQ59iMhiK0-00866-00222296-00222519 williams and what he had to say about ZpQ59iMhiK0-00867-00222519-00222863 the term science and how it came into ZpQ59iMhiK0-00868-00222864-00223110 english in the 14th century you can have ZpQ59iMhiK0-00869-00223111-00223342 a look at the slide here ZpQ59iMhiK0-00870-00223344-00223558 where i have pointed out that it ZpQ59iMhiK0-00871-00223559-00223806 based on raymond williams's observations ZpQ59iMhiK0-00872-00223807-00224023 and keywords the science came into ZpQ59iMhiK0-00873-00224023-00224182 english in ZpQ59iMhiK0-00874-00224183-00224351 14th century ZpQ59iMhiK0-00875-00224352-00224551 from the word ZpQ59iMhiK0-00876-00224552-00224831 scientia which meant knowledge ZpQ59iMhiK0-00877-00224832-00225127 so it had a greater sense of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00878-00225128-00225327 a knowledge system and not a very ZpQ59iMhiK0-00879-00225328-00225582 restrictive sense of only the natural or ZpQ59iMhiK0-00880-00225583-00225775 the physical sciences ZpQ59iMhiK0-00881-00225776-00225863 although ZpQ59iMhiK0-00882-00225864-00226110 he also goes on to say in with reference ZpQ59iMhiK0-00883-00226111-00226263 to technology ZpQ59iMhiK0-00884-00226264-00226471 that a characteristic definition of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00885-00226471-00226742 technology was a description of arts ZpQ59iMhiK0-00886-00226744-00227087 especially the mechanical and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00887-00227088-00227375 then he adds that it was mainly in the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00888-00227376-00227727 19th century that technology became ZpQ59iMhiK0-00889-00227728-00228094 fully specialized to the practical arts ZpQ59iMhiK0-00890-00228096-00228423 this is also the period of technologists ZpQ59iMhiK0-00891-00228423-00228727 the newly specialized sense of science ZpQ59iMhiK0-00892-00228728-00228927 and scientist ZpQ59iMhiK0-00893-00228928-00229198 opened the way to a familiar modern ZpQ59iMhiK0-00894-00229200-00229479 distinction between knowledge that is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00895-00229480-00229575 science ZpQ59iMhiK0-00896-00229576-00229831 and its practical application that is ZpQ59iMhiK0-00897-00229832-00229967 technology ZpQ59iMhiK0-00898-00229967-00230094 within the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00899-00230096-00230334 selected field so ZpQ59iMhiK0-00900-00230335-00230679 it's i think these terms have been uh ZpQ59iMhiK0-00901-00230680-00230934 you know undergoing lot of changes ZpQ59iMhiK0-00902-00230935-00231231 and what perhaps we can now do is to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00903-00231232-00231542 again bring back shiv vishwanathan ZpQ59iMhiK0-00904-00231544-00231782 for our help in understanding these ZpQ59iMhiK0-00905-00231783-00232158 issues better so he goes on to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00906-00232159-00232271 place ZpQ59iMhiK0-00907-00232271-00232606 gandhi within the debates about science ZpQ59iMhiK0-00908-00232607-00232798 in the nationalist era ZpQ59iMhiK0-00909-00232800-00233142 and he goes on to portray gandhi ZpQ59iMhiK0-00910-00233144-00233367 as you know he says that he goes on to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00911-00233367-00233591 say that to portray gandhi as ZpQ59iMhiK0-00912-00233592-00233823 anti-science or lewdite ZpQ59iMhiK0-00913-00233823-00234046 as the technocrats of the nairobian era ZpQ59iMhiK0-00914-00234048-00234287 did is superficial so i'm moving from ZpQ59iMhiK0-00915-00234288-00234487 tagore to gandhi now ZpQ59iMhiK0-00916-00234488-00234727 in order to point out that this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00917-00234728-00235039 discourse around creativity ZpQ59iMhiK0-00918-00235040-00235206 around ZpQ59iMhiK0-00919-00235207-00235567 ideas related to knowledge systems ideas ZpQ59iMhiK0-00920-00235567-00235742 related to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00921-00235744-00236071 the whole sense of the indigenous versus ZpQ59iMhiK0-00922-00236071-00236215 the western ZpQ59iMhiK0-00923-00236216-00236534 all these were extremely complicated ZpQ59iMhiK0-00924-00236535-00236903 issues and therefore we need the help of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00925-00236904-00237119 you know scholars who have devoted time ZpQ59iMhiK0-00926-00237119-00237351 and attention to these debates ZpQ59iMhiK0-00927-00237352-00237663 and he points out that if we look at ZpQ59iMhiK0-00928-00237664-00237942 gandhi uh who often is labeled as ZpQ59iMhiK0-00929-00237944-00238175 anti-science or lewdite ZpQ59iMhiK0-00930-00238176-00238398 as the technocrats of the narrow ZpQ59iMhiK0-00931-00238400-00238694 era labeled him as that is a superficial ZpQ59iMhiK0-00932-00238696-00238871 enterprise because ZpQ59iMhiK0-00933-00238871-00239071 just as stegor founded found it ZpQ59iMhiK0-00934-00239071-00239375 difficult to reconcile science within ZpQ59iMhiK0-00935-00239376-00239719 the framework of these characters ZpQ59iMhiK0-00936-00239719-00239879 similarly ZpQ59iMhiK0-00937-00239880-00240103 there is a different kind of issue that ZpQ59iMhiK0-00938-00240104-00240351 emerges when we look at gandhiji's hindu ZpQ59iMhiK0-00939-00240352-00240742 swaraj which was written in 1908 ZpQ59iMhiK0-00940-00240744-00240879 as ZpQ59iMhiK0-00941-00240880-00241063 he says that it is one of the great ZpQ59iMhiK0-00942-00241064-00241367 critiques of science and technology ZpQ59iMhiK0-00943-00241367-00241575 it was an attempt to create a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00944-00241576-00241894 technological and scientific conscience ZpQ59iMhiK0-00945-00241896-00242110 for nehru's india very very important ZpQ59iMhiK0-00946-00242111-00242303 words i would say it was an attempt to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00947-00242304-00242527 create a technological and scientific ZpQ59iMhiK0-00948-00242528-00242782 conscience was for nehru's india which ZpQ59iMhiK0-00949-00242783-00243046 had no sense of the roots and tensions ZpQ59iMhiK0-00950-00243048-00243303 within modern western science ZpQ59iMhiK0-00951-00243304-00243471 i think we can ZpQ59iMhiK0-00952-00243471-00243887 contrast gandhiji's ideas with pandit ZpQ59iMhiK0-00953-00243888-00244167 nehru's ideas and leave you for certain ZpQ59iMhiK0-00954-00244167-00244455 thoughts for reflection ZpQ59iMhiK0-00955-00244456-00244855 in 1920s and 30s ZpQ59iMhiK0-00956-00244856-00245079 when these memoirs were written ZpQ59iMhiK0-00957-00245080-00245334 i think that they do show this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00958-00245335-00245775 engagement of thinkers writers with you ZpQ59iMhiK0-00959-00245776-00245882 know ZpQ59iMhiK0-00960-00245883-00246134 institutionalization of ideas also so ZpQ59iMhiK0-00961-00246135-00246494 this is what gandhiji had to say ZpQ59iMhiK0-00962-00246496-00246742 by way of clarifying his position ZpQ59iMhiK0-00963-00246744-00247030 vis-a-vis technology that is application ZpQ59iMhiK0-00964-00247031-00247255 of scientific knowledge ZpQ59iMhiK0-00965-00247256-00247494 so we have taken this excerpt from the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00966-00247496-00247727 profess to the new edition by mahadev ZpQ59iMhiK0-00967-00247728-00247839 desai ZpQ59iMhiK0-00968-00247840-00248039 where he tried to see gandhiji's ZpQ59iMhiK0-00969-00248040-00248319 clarification on technology related ZpQ59iMhiK0-00970-00248319-00248551 observations made earlier ZpQ59iMhiK0-00971-00248552-00248934 the this preface is titled the attack on ZpQ59iMhiK0-00972-00248935-00249223 machinery and civilization ZpQ59iMhiK0-00973-00249223-00249319 and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00974-00249319-00249671 this is what gandhiji had to say while ZpQ59iMhiK0-00975-00249671-00249919 replying to a question whether he was ZpQ59iMhiK0-00976-00249919-00250151 against all machinery ZpQ59iMhiK0-00977-00250152-00250263 he says ZpQ59iMhiK0-00978-00250264-00250494 how can i be when i know that even this ZpQ59iMhiK0-00979-00250496-00250703 body is a most delicate piece of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00980-00250704-00250846 machinery ZpQ59iMhiK0-00981-00250848-00251094 the spinning wheel is a machine ZpQ59iMhiK0-00982-00251096-00251358 a little toothpick is a machine ZpQ59iMhiK0-00983-00251359-00251591 what i object to is the craze for ZpQ59iMhiK0-00984-00251592-00251727 machinery ZpQ59iMhiK0-00985-00251728-00252030 the craze is for what they call labor ZpQ59iMhiK0-00986-00252031-00252487 saving machinery men go on saving labor ZpQ59iMhiK0-00987-00252488-00252727 till thousands are without work and ZpQ59iMhiK0-00988-00252728-00252982 thrown on the open street to die of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00989-00252983-00253151 starvation ZpQ59iMhiK0-00990-00253152-00253510 i want to save time and labor not for a ZpQ59iMhiK0-00991-00253511-00253742 fraction of mankind ZpQ59iMhiK0-00992-00253744-00253919 but for all ZpQ59iMhiK0-00993-00253919-00254271 today machinery merely helps a few to ZpQ59iMhiK0-00994-00254271-00254510 ride on the backs of millions ZpQ59iMhiK0-00995-00254511-00254775 the impetus behind it all is not the ZpQ59iMhiK0-00996-00254776-00255071 philanthropy to save labor ZpQ59iMhiK0-00997-00255071-00255223 but greet ZpQ59iMhiK0-00998-00255223-00255463 it is against this constitution of ZpQ59iMhiK0-00999-00255464-00255679 things that i am fighting with all my ZpQ59iMhiK0-01000-00255680-00255782 might ZpQ59iMhiK0-01001-00255783-00256103 the supreme consideration is man ZpQ59iMhiK0-01002-00256104-00256327 the machine should not tend to atrophy ZpQ59iMhiK0-01003-00256328-00256494 the limbs of man ZpQ59iMhiK0-01004-00256496-00256687 for instance i would make for ZpQ59iMhiK0-01005-00256688-00256887 intelligent exceptions ZpQ59iMhiK0-01006-00256888-00257087 take the case of the singer's sewing ZpQ59iMhiK0-01007-00257088-00257319 machine it is one of the few useful ZpQ59iMhiK0-01008-00257319-00257542 things ever invented and there is a ZpQ59iMhiK0-01009-00257544-00257879 romance about the device itself ZpQ59iMhiK0-01010-00257880-00258191 actually this conversation goes on and i ZpQ59iMhiK0-01011-00258192-00258415 think it would be very beneficial to ZpQ59iMhiK0-01012-00258416-00258710 read hindi swaraj and also these further ZpQ59iMhiK0-01013-00258711-00258967 clarifications that gandhiji provided to ZpQ59iMhiK0-01014-00258967-00259119 mahadev desai ZpQ59iMhiK0-01015-00259119-00259310 all of this is available in fairly cheap ZpQ59iMhiK0-01016-00259311-00259623 editions so do read it sometime ZpQ59iMhiK0-01017-00259623-00259975 he concludes this statement by saying ZpQ59iMhiK0-01018-00259976-00260263 ideally i would like to rule out all ZpQ59iMhiK0-01019-00260264-00260510 machinery even as i would reject this ZpQ59iMhiK0-01020-00260511-00260710 very body which is not helpful to ZpQ59iMhiK0-01021-00260711-00260846 salvation ZpQ59iMhiK0-01022-00260848-00261087 and seek the absolute liberation of the ZpQ59iMhiK0-01023-00261088-00261182 soul ZpQ59iMhiK0-01024-00261183-00261382 from that point of view i would reject ZpQ59iMhiK0-01025-00261383-00261646 all machinery but machines will remain ZpQ59iMhiK0-01026-00261648-00261815 because like the body they are ZpQ59iMhiK0-01027-00261816-00261942 inevitable ZpQ59iMhiK0-01028-00261944-00262191 the body itself is the purest piece of ZpQ59iMhiK0-01029-00262192-00262519 mechanism but if ZpQ59iMhiK0-01030-00262520-00262743 it is a hindrance to the highest flights ZpQ59iMhiK0-01031-00262744-00263103 of the soul it has to be rejected so it ZpQ59iMhiK0-01032-00263104-00263351 sort of it takes a very very different ZpQ59iMhiK0-01033-00263352-00263527 philosophical turn ZpQ59iMhiK0-01034-00263528-00263847 and as i as we find in tagore also there ZpQ59iMhiK0-01035-00263848-00264151 is this strong desire to maintain a ZpQ59iMhiK0-01036-00264152-00264351 philosophical outlook ZpQ59iMhiK0-01037-00264352-00264663 and the growing reality slips out of ZpQ59iMhiK0-01038-00264664-00264879 control because the two really are very ZpQ59iMhiK0-01039-00264880-00265047 very contrasting ZpQ59iMhiK0-01040-00265048-00265351 uh events but at the same time ZpQ59iMhiK0-01041-00265352-00265639 they really show the acute nature and ZpQ59iMhiK0-01042-00265640-00265903 intense nature of the dialogue that ZpQ59iMhiK0-01043-00265904-00266303 unfold unfolded during this period ZpQ59iMhiK0-01044-00266304-00266463 the other ZpQ59iMhiK0-01045-00266464-00266823 very short piece that i want to refer to ZpQ59iMhiK0-01046-00266824-00267127 is a letter that pandit nedu wrote to ZpQ59iMhiK0-01047-00267128-00267279 his daughter ZpQ59iMhiK0-01048-00267280-00267575 and the reason i have chosen this letter ZpQ59iMhiK0-01049-00267576-00267967 as against his you know autobiography or ZpQ59iMhiK0-01050-00267968-00268319 also his speeches or his other public ZpQ59iMhiK0-01051-00268320-00268543 statements although i have touched on ZpQ59iMhiK0-01052-00268544-00268855 one or two briefly but the letter seems ZpQ59iMhiK0-01053-00268856-00269127 to be of utmost importance ZpQ59iMhiK0-01054-00269128-00269303 because i can actually ZpQ59iMhiK0-01055-00269304-00269639 see this as a classic narrative ZpQ59iMhiK0-01056-00269640-00270039 as it represents typical parental advice ZpQ59iMhiK0-01057-00270040-00270439 to their children in modern india so let ZpQ59iMhiK0-01058-00270440-00270782 me read from this letter that paditneru ZpQ59iMhiK0-01059-00270783-00271047 so very lovingly wrote to his daughter ZpQ59iMhiK0-01060-00271048-00271391 indera ZpQ59iMhiK0-01061-00271392-00271710 in this letter let me also just add that ZpQ59iMhiK0-01062-00271711-00271934 he tries to show the important ZpQ59iMhiK0-01063-00271935-00272134 importance of science in education of ZpQ59iMhiK0-01064-00272135-00272310 the individual ZpQ59iMhiK0-01065-00272311-00272558 and also the role of science in economic ZpQ59iMhiK0-01066-00272559-00272847 development so that sense of the self ZpQ59iMhiK0-01067-00272848-00273039 and the sense of ZpQ59iMhiK0-01068-00273040-00273334 the society at large the nation at large ZpQ59iMhiK0-01069-00273335-00273503 he connects it to ZpQ59iMhiK0-01070-00273504-00273782 scientific learning and this is what we ZpQ59iMhiK0-01071-00273783-00273991 are also interested in understanding ZpQ59iMhiK0-01072-00273992-00274191 these relationships all the fissures ZpQ59iMhiK0-01073-00274192-00274430 also ZpQ59iMhiK0-01074-00274431-00274695 so this is what pandit nehru has to say ZpQ59iMhiK0-01075-00274696-00274887 to his daughter ZpQ59iMhiK0-01076-00274888-00275134 but art and general culture without ZpQ59iMhiK0-01077-00275135-00275423 anything else are abe to make us rather ZpQ59iMhiK0-01078-00275424-00275687 helpless persons in the present day ZpQ59iMhiK0-01079-00275688-00275823 world ZpQ59iMhiK0-01080-00275824-00276071 to understand it we have to possess ZpQ59iMhiK0-01081-00276072-00276239 technical knowledge ZpQ59iMhiK0-01082-00276240-00276479 for the modern world is based on science ZpQ59iMhiK0-01083-00276480-00276710 and technical appliances ZpQ59iMhiK0-01084-00276711-00276975 no person can call himself educated ZpQ59iMhiK0-01085-00276976-00277310 today unless he or she knows something ZpQ59iMhiK0-01086-00277311-00277734 of science and economics and technology ZpQ59iMhiK0-01087-00277735-00277982 goes on to say it was because of this ZpQ59iMhiK0-01088-00277983-00278310 reason i suggested you're taking up two ZpQ59iMhiK0-01089-00278311-00278655 science subjects chemistry and another ZpQ59iMhiK0-01090-00278656-00278951 physics is the oldest of sciences ZpQ59iMhiK0-01091-00278952-00279103 the basic one ZpQ59iMhiK0-01092-00279104-00279351 then comes chemistry and then biology ZpQ59iMhiK0-01093-00279352-00279647 which is popular now we should know ZpQ59iMhiK0-01094-00279648-00279927 something of all three of these ZpQ59iMhiK0-01095-00279928-00280223 it is my belief that a person who does ZpQ59iMhiK0-01096-00280224-00280471 not know something about science is ZpQ59iMhiK0-01097-00280472-00280779 incomplete in the modern world is ZpQ59iMhiK0-01098-00280780-00281071 incomplete in the modern world ZpQ59iMhiK0-01099-00281072-00281375 very strong intense passionate statement ZpQ59iMhiK0-01100-00281376-00281727 that and that passion is very clear in ZpQ59iMhiK0-01101-00281728-00282047 the public documentation or public ZpQ59iMhiK0-01102-00282048-00282334 statements and utterances also ZpQ59iMhiK0-01103-00282335-00282479 especially ZpQ59iMhiK0-01104-00282480-00282763 what catches one's attention is the ZpQ59iMhiK0-01105-00282764-00283087 1958 presentation to the parliament and ZpQ59iMhiK0-01106-00283088-00283239 this is titled ZpQ59iMhiK0-01107-00283240-00283371 nation's ZpQ59iMhiK0-01108-00283372-00283727 declaration of faith in science ZpQ59iMhiK0-01109-00283728-00283975 not only pandit rules but nations ZpQ59iMhiK0-01110-00283976-00284254 declaration of faith in science the ZpQ59iMhiK0-01111-00284255-00284495 scientific policy resolutions a ZpQ59iMhiK0-01112-00284496-00284679 fascinating document ZpQ59iMhiK0-01113-00284680-00285023 and it also you know the eloquence of uh ZpQ59iMhiK0-01114-00285024-00285382 this is really unmatched and also ZpQ59iMhiK0-01115-00285383-00285487 you know ZpQ59iMhiK0-01116-00285488-00285558 the ZpQ59iMhiK0-01117-00285559-00285839 the belief in scientific systems and ZpQ59iMhiK0-01118-00285840-00286087 he's also tried to enumerate different ZpQ59iMhiK0-01119-00286088-00286327 aspects of it for the purpose of policy ZpQ59iMhiK0-01120-00286328-00286534 and its implementation ZpQ59iMhiK0-01121-00286535-00286703 so of course i am not going to look at ZpQ59iMhiK0-01122-00286704-00287039 that right now but what concerns one ZpQ59iMhiK0-01123-00287040-00287110 is ZpQ59iMhiK0-01124-00287111-00287310 the institutionalization ZpQ59iMhiK0-01125-00287311-00287543 of nerubian vision ZpQ59iMhiK0-01126-00287544-00287887 which has also led to the formation of ZpQ59iMhiK0-01127-00287888-00288030 iits ZpQ59iMhiK0-01128-00288031-00288127 uh ZpQ59iMhiK0-01129-00288128-00288343 for example in the ZpQ59iMhiK0-01130-00288344-00288647 you know act 1956 ZpQ59iMhiK0-01131-00288648-00288927 act of parliament the indian institute ZpQ59iMhiK0-01132-00288928-00289087 of technology ZpQ59iMhiK0-01133-00289088-00289175 was ZpQ59iMhiK0-01134-00289176-00289415 given the status of institutes of ZpQ59iMhiK0-01135-00289416-00289615 national importance ZpQ59iMhiK0-01136-00289616-00289863 and in the first convocation address of ZpQ59iMhiK0-01137-00289864-00290103 iit kharagpur this is what pandit nehru ZpQ59iMhiK0-01138-00290104-00290206 said ZpQ59iMhiK0-01139-00290207-00290447 here in the place of that hijli ZpQ59iMhiK0-01140-00290448-00290727 detention camp stands the fine monument ZpQ59iMhiK0-01141-00290728-00290854 of india ZpQ59iMhiK0-01142-00290855-00291087 representing india's urges ZpQ59iMhiK0-01143-00291088-00291310 india's future in the making this ZpQ59iMhiK0-01144-00291311-00291543 picture seems to me symbolical of the ZpQ59iMhiK0-01145-00291544-00291767 changes that are coming to india we've ZpQ59iMhiK0-01146-00291768-00292015 taken the statement from the iit ZpQ59iMhiK0-01147-00292016-00292127 kharagpur ZpQ59iMhiK0-01148-00292128-00292230 website ZpQ59iMhiK0-01149-00292231-00292519 now i want to place this eloquence and ZpQ59iMhiK0-01150-00292520-00292847 this passion with what vishwanathan has ZpQ59iMhiK0-01151-00292848-00292919 to ZpQ59iMhiK0-01152-00292920-00293175 say about the institutionalization ZpQ59iMhiK0-01153-00293176-00293271 process ZpQ59iMhiK0-01154-00293272-00293534 in post-independence india which he ZpQ59iMhiK0-01155-00293535-00293910 describes as statist science he says ZpQ59iMhiK0-01156-00293911-00294206 that the symphony of pluralistic debates ZpQ59iMhiK0-01157-00294207-00294495 on science declined with independence in ZpQ59iMhiK0-01158-00294496-00294679 1947. ZpQ59iMhiK0-01159-00294680-00294958 neruvian india was committed to a civics ZpQ59iMhiK0-01160-00294959-00295147 of development ZpQ59iMhiK0-01161-00295148-00295358 industrialization and eventually the ZpQ59iMhiK0-01162-00295359-00295615 national security state the indian ZpQ59iMhiK0-01163-00295616-00295823 pursuit of scientific knowledge became ZpQ59iMhiK0-01164-00295824-00296063 bureaucratic and science became a ZpQ59iMhiK0-01165-00296064-00296343 positivism without a sense of his ZpQ59iMhiK0-01166-00296344-00296663 genealogies or doubts ZpQ59iMhiK0-01167-00296664-00296895 each statement of vishwanathan is very ZpQ59iMhiK0-01168-00296896-00297087 weighty and i really think we need to ZpQ59iMhiK0-01169-00297088-00297327 think a lot about it i'd like to bring ZpQ59iMhiK0-01170-00297328-00297558 back our earlier discussion regarding ZpQ59iMhiK0-01171-00297559-00297775 middle class obsession with engineering ZpQ59iMhiK0-01172-00297776-00298079 education in general and the iit brand ZpQ59iMhiK0-01173-00298080-00298327 in particular for your reflection ZpQ59iMhiK0-01174-00298328-00298582 i would also like to acknowledge the ZpQ59iMhiK0-01175-00298583-00298895 work of manuel castels which we have ZpQ59iMhiK0-01176-00298896-00299119 also referred to earlier where we do ZpQ59iMhiK0-01177-00299120-00299430 recognize that when we locate ourselves ZpQ59iMhiK0-01178-00299431-00299695 in the present day world we do have to ZpQ59iMhiK0-01179-00299696-00299927 understand the technological transitions ZpQ59iMhiK0-01180-00299928-00300134 from industrial age to the information ZpQ59iMhiK0-01181-00300135-00300382 age brought about by communication and ZpQ59iMhiK0-01182-00300383-00300663 biological technologies and according to ZpQ59iMhiK0-01183-00300664-00300982 castel's these technologies and how any ZpQ59iMhiK0-01184-00300983-00301271 nation deals with it it does show the ZpQ59iMhiK0-01185-00301272-00301415 survival ZpQ59iMhiK0-01186-00301416-00301647 potential of those societies because it ZpQ59iMhiK0-01187-00301648-00301919 is tied to technological applications so ZpQ59iMhiK0-01188-00301920-00302006 we do ZpQ59iMhiK0-01189-00302007-00302239 understand its importance but at the ZpQ59iMhiK0-01190-00302240-00302519 same time i think what is important is ZpQ59iMhiK0-01191-00302520-00302751 the imaginative pursuit of science and ZpQ59iMhiK0-01192-00302752-00302982 technology and i think that issue ZpQ59iMhiK0-01193-00302983-00303239 becomes even more acute today ZpQ59iMhiK0-01194-00303240-00303543 and therefore also the representational ZpQ59iMhiK0-01195-00303544-00303879 and aesthetic challenges multiply our ZpQ59iMhiK0-01196-00303880-00304095 search continues ZpQ59iMhiK0-01197-00304096-00306047 thank you ZpQ59iMhiK0-01198-00306048-00306348 my ZO_PXIKk7vM-00000-00000515-00000861 it's time to hear something from the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00001-00000863-00001020 workshops today and I would like to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00002-00001021-00001422 invite four leaders from four workshops ZO_PXIKk7vM-00003-00001423-00001839 ABCD up to the stage please welcome all ZO_PXIKk7vM-00004-00001841-00002049 of you you will have to introduce ZO_PXIKk7vM-00005-00002050-00002356 yourselves and you will have five ZO_PXIKk7vM-00006-00002357-00002835 minutes on the clock to present the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00007-00002836-00003058 findings of today very welcome ZO_PXIKk7vM-00008-00003059-00003450 are you a okay ZO_PXIKk7vM-00009-00003451-00003663 all right hi Aman ZO_PXIKk7vM-00010-00003664-00003838 I'm you wondering I'm here to talk to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00011-00003839-00004063 you about the first workshop the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00012-00004064-00004309 precision medicine work I'm not sure if ZO_PXIKk7vM-00013-00004310-00004459 I'm suppose if everyone is supposed to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00014-00004460-00004681 come up on stage now uh it's okay okay ZO_PXIKk7vM-00015-00004682-00004857 I'll start in that case I need the next ZO_PXIKk7vM-00016-00004858-00006345 slide I'm doing this line do I get some ZO_PXIKk7vM-00017-00006346-00007084 slides here oh all right so here are ZO_PXIKk7vM-00018-00007084-00007234 some of the things that we talked about ZO_PXIKk7vM-00019-00007234-00007545 in in the workshop so we were working in ZO_PXIKk7vM-00020-00007547-00007773 small groups that were interacting to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00021-00007775-00008026 identify obstacles and needs and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00022-00008027-00008293 possibilities for for precision medicine ZO_PXIKk7vM-00023-00008294-00008626 really to turn the hype to hope as our ZO_PXIKk7vM-00024-00008627-00009040 inspirational speaker put it and so we ZO_PXIKk7vM-00025-00009041-00009223 had I actually don't see them here so I ZO_PXIKk7vM-00026-00009224-00009391 need to do like this we talked about ZO_PXIKk7vM-00027-00009392-00009652 data standards and data standards is ZO_PXIKk7vM-00028-00009653-00009925 really something that can affect it's ZO_PXIKk7vM-00029-00009926-00010207 very much data standards will improve ZO_PXIKk7vM-00030-00010208-00010585 the interoperability and will improve ZO_PXIKk7vM-00031-00010586-00010798 for people to actually be able to access ZO_PXIKk7vM-00032-00010799-00011266 their own data so this is work that more ZO_PXIKk7vM-00033-00011267-00011404 or less everyone should be involved in ZO_PXIKk7vM-00034-00011405-00011644 all the clinicians from ethicists legal ZO_PXIKk7vM-00035-00011645-00012049 teams and so on and this some of this ZO_PXIKk7vM-00036-00012050-00012289 work is already underway in places like ZO_PXIKk7vM-00037-00012290-00012436 the Global Alliance for genomics and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00038-00012437-00012661 health work on on developing data ZO_PXIKk7vM-00039-00012662-00012930 standards we talked about cross ZO_PXIKk7vM-00040-00012931-00013269 disciplinary collaboration and this is ZO_PXIKk7vM-00041-00013270-00013377 something that should be done both ZO_PXIKk7vM-00042-00013378-00013607 nationally and internationally ZO_PXIKk7vM-00043-00013608-00014024 to make sure that we could really work ZO_PXIKk7vM-00044-00014025-00014213 across the borders and get a better ZO_PXIKk7vM-00045-00014213-00014516 informed more precise idea about health ZO_PXIKk7vM-00046-00014516-00014765 for a person in prospective clinical ZO_PXIKk7vM-00047-00014766-00014990 trials we said that that needed ZO_PXIKk7vM-00048-00014991-00015206 prospective and other types of clinical ZO_PXIKk7vM-00049-00015207-00015425 trials to be able to go from anecdotes ZO_PXIKk7vM-00050-00015426-00015983 to to more evidence on consent and Ling ZO_PXIKk7vM-00051-00015984-00016118 we think this is something that's very ZO_PXIKk7vM-00052-00016119-00016328 important and new ways to deal with ZO_PXIKk7vM-00053-00016329-00016616 consent handling for instance dynamic ZO_PXIKk7vM-00054-00016617-00016964 consents and consent coding to be able ZO_PXIKk7vM-00055-00016965-00017249 to work in sort of an electronic way ZO_PXIKk7vM-00056-00017250-00017549 with consents so if you get the next ZO_PXIKk7vM-00057-00017550-00017975 slide so for data standards ZO_PXIKk7vM-00058-00017976-00018179 interoperability certainly one of the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00059-00018180-00018344 things that's very important for for ZO_PXIKk7vM-00060-00018345-00018521 precision medicine to be able to work ZO_PXIKk7vM-00061-00018522-00018946 and to share data in a responsible way ZO_PXIKk7vM-00062-00018947-00019244 between research and clinical care but ZO_PXIKk7vM-00063-00019245-00019709 also across globally so also this has ZO_PXIKk7vM-00064-00019710-00020039 effects on the person level because this ZO_PXIKk7vM-00065-00020040-00020275 enables patients to get a better idea ZO_PXIKk7vM-00066-00020276-00020477 about their own data you can access the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00067-00020478-00020714 data you can interpret your own data if ZO_PXIKk7vM-00068-00020715-00020867 you know the standards by which they ZO_PXIKk7vM-00069-00020868-00021122 have been stored for the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00070-00021123-00021383 cross-disciplinary collaboration I mean ZO_PXIKk7vM-00071-00021384-00021518 of course this will give you more ZO_PXIKk7vM-00072-00021519-00021725 precise understanding like I said and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00073-00021726-00021932 also improved understanding of your own ZO_PXIKk7vM-00074-00021933-00022109 health the whole the whole picture so ZO_PXIKk7vM-00075-00022110-00022529 speak prospective clinical trials will ZO_PXIKk7vM-00076-00022530-00022709 have more evidence-based rakesh ZO_PXIKk7vM-00077-00022710-00022937 hopefully will less side effects and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00078-00022938-00023266 also you have a much wider choice of ZO_PXIKk7vM-00079-00023267-00023608 what to choose for your health decisions ZO_PXIKk7vM-00080-00023609-00023924 for the consent handling again this ZO_PXIKk7vM-00081-00023925-00024224 improves transparency and improves how ZO_PXIKk7vM-00082-00024225-00024533 you can access and your own data and how ZO_PXIKk7vM-00083-00024534-00024685 you can share the data ZO_PXIKk7vM-00084-00024686-00024986 this of course benefits everyone ZO_PXIKk7vM-00085-00024987-00025225 involved and puts the power of of ZO_PXIKk7vM-00086-00025226-00025394 decisions on the data in the hand of the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00087-00025395-00025739 patients both to restrict but also to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00088-00025739-00026186 increase how the data can be used so ZO_PXIKk7vM-00089-00026187-00026537 that's from the first workshop actually ZO_PXIKk7vM-00090-00026538-00026883 thank you we have one and a half minutes ZO_PXIKk7vM-00091-00026885-00027349 for comments applauds was there any ZO_PXIKk7vM-00092-00027350-00027657 specific discussion in your in your ZO_PXIKk7vM-00093-00027658-00027958 workshop something that was a lot ZO_PXIKk7vM-00094-00027958-00028210 discussed you would like to actually I ZO_PXIKk7vM-00095-00028211-00028437 mean one thing that we talked about us ZO_PXIKk7vM-00096-00028438-00028674 what's that there was much more focus on ZO_PXIKk7vM-00097-00028675-00028945 on data management the data sharing than ZO_PXIKk7vM-00098-00028945-00029295 on sort of that was much of the focus on ZO_PXIKk7vM-00099-00029297-00029468 the workshop actually we talked a good ZO_PXIKk7vM-00100-00029469-00029698 yeah I think it was a good works of it ZO_PXIKk7vM-00101-00029699-00030025 we talked about quite a lot of different ZO_PXIKk7vM-00102-00030026-00030058 issues ZO_PXIKk7vM-00103-00030058-00030654 thank you very much you one thank you ZO_PXIKk7vM-00104-00030655-00030961 now it's time for workshop be bio ZO_PXIKk7vM-00105-00030962-00031231 banking for global cancer care and here ZO_PXIKk7vM-00106-00031232-00031761 to present please introduce yourself ZO_PXIKk7vM-00107-00031762-00032095 hello everyone my name is Thomas cling ZO_PXIKk7vM-00108-00032095-00032662 strim and I can often act as Eric's ZO_PXIKk7vM-00109-00032663-00032920 chosen representative on specific tasks ZO_PXIKk7vM-00110-00032921-00033127 including bio banking and I've been ZO_PXIKk7vM-00111-00033128-00033292 organizing the workshop together with ZO_PXIKk7vM-00112-00033293-00033937 him and on the workshop on the door ZO_PXIKk7vM-00113-00033938-00034126 workshop for global biobanking ZO_PXIKk7vM-00114-00034127-00034623 suggestion number one build by banks and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00115-00034624-00034890 in order to build a successful biobank ZO_PXIKk7vM-00116-00034891-00035080 you need to rely on a very large number ZO_PXIKk7vM-00117-00035081-00035364 of stakeholders you need sustainable ZO_PXIKk7vM-00118-00035365-00035656 long-term funding because a bio bank ZO_PXIKk7vM-00119-00035657-00035929 does not pay off itself within the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00120-00035930-00036217 timeframe of a normal research project ZO_PXIKk7vM-00121-00036218-00036385 which are usually funded for three to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00122-00036386-00036655 five years and then of course you also ZO_PXIKk7vM-00123-00036656-00036886 need researchers both to set up the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00124-00036887-00036943 biobank ZO_PXIKk7vM-00125-00036944-00037129 but also more importantly to use to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00126-00037130-00037420 biobank and then you also must have ZO_PXIKk7vM-00127-00037421-00037764 supported the public because biobank can ZO_PXIKk7vM-00128-00037765-00038037 very very easily become controversial if ZO_PXIKk7vM-00129-00038038-00038346 you mishandle the data that means that ZO_PXIKk7vM-00130-00038347-00038473 we have leaked sensitive personal ZO_PXIKk7vM-00131-00038474-00038640 information I will have enormous ZO_PXIKk7vM-00132-00038641-00038889 critique about that especially in that ZO_PXIKk7vM-00133-00038890-00039108 count in regions where you have several ZO_PXIKk7vM-00134-00039109-00039337 different ethnicities or other groups ZO_PXIKk7vM-00135-00039338-00039570 that might be discriminated against it's ZO_PXIKk7vM-00136-00039571-00039730 very important ZO_PXIKk7vM-00137-00039731-00039994 we handle data with care and that also ZO_PXIKk7vM-00138-00039995-00040390 includes the data dissemination and a ZO_PXIKk7vM-00139-00040391-00040729 biobank can be initiated by basically I ZO_PXIKk7vM-00140-00040730-00040885 would in this case I called it an ZO_PXIKk7vM-00141-00040886-00041119 activist but it can be a researcher it ZO_PXIKk7vM-00142-00041120-00041455 can be patient interest organizations it ZO_PXIKk7vM-00143-00041456-00041638 can be persons within the government to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00144-00041639-00041881 realize that we can streamline research ZO_PXIKk7vM-00145-00041882-00042115 efforts to get more benefit out of every ZO_PXIKk7vM-00146-00042116-00042534 euro or chrono spent on the research ZO_PXIKk7vM-00147-00042535-00042937 point number two transitioning from ZO_PXIKk7vM-00148-00042938-00043255 sample storage to data banking I think ZO_PXIKk7vM-00149-00043256-00043483 TJ UK biobank is perhaps the most ZO_PXIKk7vM-00150-00043484-00043726 glorious example of where they integrate ZO_PXIKk7vM-00151-00043727-00044074 both sample handling with doing ZO_PXIKk7vM-00152-00044075-00044335 something with the data that researchers ZO_PXIKk7vM-00153-00044336-00044644 return and publish after they have done ZO_PXIKk7vM-00154-00044645-00044839 the research using the biobank samples ZO_PXIKk7vM-00155-00044840-00045118 and this is especially important for ZO_PXIKk7vM-00156-00045119-00045322 global cancer care because we have ZO_PXIKk7vM-00157-00045323-00045517 reached the situation where many ZO_PXIKk7vM-00158-00045518-00045757 research projects collect samples put ZO_PXIKk7vM-00159-00045758-00046036 into a biobank and if the biobank is ZO_PXIKk7vM-00160-00046037-00046258 located in a lower middle-income country ZO_PXIKk7vM-00161-00046259-00046519 there's a very high risk that either the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00162-00046520-00046756 samples or the relevant or the data ZO_PXIKk7vM-00163-00046757-00046999 generated from the samples leaves the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00164-00047000-00047296 country are analyzed somewhere else ZO_PXIKk7vM-00165-00047297-00047557 researchers at that other location gets ZO_PXIKk7vM-00166-00047558-00047854 all the credit and the country which ZO_PXIKk7vM-00167-00047855-00048049 where the data generated was then ZO_PXIKk7vM-00168-00048050-00048277 generated from they do not even have the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00169-00048278-00048520 money necessary to pay for any medical ZO_PXIKk7vM-00170-00048521-00048796 treatments generated by the samples ZO_PXIKk7vM-00171-00048797-00049411 collected in the country and this is ZO_PXIKk7vM-00172-00049412-00049642 important that both the researchers push ZO_PXIKk7vM-00173-00049643-00049825 for these kind of structures to be ZO_PXIKk7vM-00174-00049826-00050032 initiated and also funding bodies making ZO_PXIKk7vM-00175-00050033-00050389 sure that there is an incentive to do ZO_PXIKk7vM-00176-00050390-00050658 the data management in a better way ZO_PXIKk7vM-00177-00050659-00050935 we also it's also very important that we ZO_PXIKk7vM-00178-00050936-00051082 publish the success stories of ZO_PXIKk7vM-00179-00051083-00051379 biobanking because biobank samples ZO_PXIKk7vM-00180-00051379-00051535 provide us with a lot of valuable ZO_PXIKk7vM-00181-00051536-00051778 population data and it has also been a ZO_PXIKk7vM-00182-00051779-00052092 key contributor to projects like for ZO_PXIKk7vM-00183-00052094-00052273 example in The Gambia we had an example ZO_PXIKk7vM-00184-00052274-00052530 from the biobank there where knowledge ZO_PXIKk7vM-00185-00052532-00052783 about knowledge generated from the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00186-00052784-00053076 samples helped them to decide focus ZO_PXIKk7vM-00187-00053077-00053348 hepatitis B virus vaccination because ZO_PXIKk7vM-00188-00053349-00053591 that is an important way to reduce the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00189-00053591-00054050 burden of liver cancer and this is ZO_PXIKk7vM-00190-00054051-00054304 something that both researchers and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00191-00054305-00054497 patients organizations need to work with ZO_PXIKk7vM-00192-00054498-00054773 and finally we need to encourage usage ZO_PXIKk7vM-00193-00054774-00055016 of bio banks because many researchers ZO_PXIKk7vM-00194-00055016-00055166 the first thing they do is collect ZO_PXIKk7vM-00195-00055166-00055361 samples or apply for money to collect ZO_PXIKk7vM-00196-00055362-00055630 samples when it will perhaps be more ZO_PXIKk7vM-00197-00055632-00055891 logical to look at what bio banks are ZO_PXIKk7vM-00198-00055892-00056107 available and request samples from the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00199-00056108-00056315 bio banks because then you get quality ZO_PXIKk7vM-00200-00056316-00056455 metrics and you know that it will have ZO_PXIKk7vM-00201-00056457-00056960 the samples and if we move over to the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00202-00056961-00057405 next slide perfect ZO_PXIKk7vM-00203-00057407-00057860 so bio banks if we need to speed up a ZO_PXIKk7vM-00204-00057861-00058129 bit so I would say that the right wing ZO_PXIKk7vM-00205-00058130-00058391 rightmost column is the most important ZO_PXIKk7vM-00206-00058391-00058547 on the concept of building bio banks ZO_PXIKk7vM-00207-00058548-00058741 because there are so many health ZO_PXIKk7vM-00208-00058742-00058930 decisions that you need to make when you ZO_PXIKk7vM-00209-00058932-00059219 know more and especially for patients ZO_PXIKk7vM-00210-00059220-00059459 who or people who are not even patients ZO_PXIKk7vM-00211-00059460-00059692 yet they just know that okay I have a ZO_PXIKk7vM-00212-00059694-00059929 significant significantly increased risk ZO_PXIKk7vM-00213-00059930-00060203 of getting a kind of cancer Angelina ZO_PXIKk7vM-00214-00060204-00060470 Jolie and her removal removal over ZO_PXIKk7vM-00215-00060471-00060620 breasts are perhaps the best example ZO_PXIKk7vM-00216-00060621-00060991 this kind of problem and it's very ZO_PXIKk7vM-00217-00060992-00061304 sensitive and something that when we do ZO_PXIKk7vM-00218-00061304-00061582 more and more predictive medicine then ZO_PXIKk7vM-00219-00061583-00061876 we need to have a healthcare system ZO_PXIKk7vM-00220-00061877-00062237 designed to support patients with good ZO_PXIKk7vM-00221-00062238-00062926 decision making thank you thank you ZO_PXIKk7vM-00222-00062927-00063266 thank you thank you very much you got ZO_PXIKk7vM-00223-00063266-00063788 your five minutes almost mm-hmm now so ZO_PXIKk7vM-00224-00063789-00064013 so I will go to the next one thank you ZO_PXIKk7vM-00225-00064014-00064514 very much the next one is workshop C the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00226-00064515-00064790 clinical value and price setting for new ZO_PXIKk7vM-00227-00064791-00064973 cancer drugs and to present it is ZO_PXIKk7vM-00228-00064974-00065254 Professor Osler from region Uppsala and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00229-00065255-00065528 new therapies Council thank you thank ZO_PXIKk7vM-00230-00065529-00066203 you very much ZO_PXIKk7vM-00231-00066204-00066587 thanks to the participant it was really ZO_PXIKk7vM-00232-00066588-00066912 an active and enthusiastic group with a ZO_PXIKk7vM-00233-00066913-00067212 lot of suggestions so we have to to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00234-00067213-00067649 separate out to reach three of them and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00235-00067650-00068154 then the common rail for this were you ZO_PXIKk7vM-00236-00068155-00068646 need to work with an international ZO_PXIKk7vM-00237-00068647-00068892 perspective you can't stand alone and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00238-00068893-00069249 it's a long time perspective it's not ZO_PXIKk7vM-00239-00069250-00069615 one year it's ten maybe more realistic ZO_PXIKk7vM-00240-00069616-00069851 twenty years before reaching these goals ZO_PXIKk7vM-00241-00069852-00070193 because some of the rails that need to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00242-00070194-00070481 drive trains on has to be laid before we ZO_PXIKk7vM-00243-00070482-00070712 can drive a train and before we can ZO_PXIKk7vM-00244-00070713-00071016 collect knowledge and and all these ZO_PXIKk7vM-00245-00071017-00071460 things we are dealing with as think I ZO_PXIKk7vM-00246-00071461-00071801 stand here the first suggestion is that ZO_PXIKk7vM-00247-00071802-00072222 we need kind of a central price setting ZO_PXIKk7vM-00248-00072223-00072728 models in Europe or in the long run also ZO_PXIKk7vM-00249-00072729-00073150 international with an evidence-based ZO_PXIKk7vM-00250-00073151-00073500 standards for reimburse reimbursements ZO_PXIKk7vM-00251-00073501-00073911 and we think it's necessary because ZO_PXIKk7vM-00252-00073912-00074223 today we act very differently between ZO_PXIKk7vM-00253-00074224-00074472 different countries and we can't support ZO_PXIKk7vM-00254-00074473-00074807 and share knowledge about this very very ZO_PXIKk7vM-00255-00074808-00075215 complicated processes and of course ZO_PXIKk7vM-00256-00075216-00075879 regulatory authorities HTA e yes and the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00257-00075880-00076824 companies the EC Parliament and also the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00258-00076825-00077130 payers and governments must be involved ZO_PXIKk7vM-00259-00077131-00077697 so it's a very top this decision project ZO_PXIKk7vM-00260-00077698-00078123 in the in the beginning and we think ZO_PXIKk7vM-00261-00078124-00078413 that who can initiate a European ZO_PXIKk7vM-00262-00078414-00078612 perspective ICICI Parliament and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00263-00078613-00078943 Commission ZO_PXIKk7vM-00264-00078944-00079407 citizen two and three are very tight ZO_PXIKk7vM-00265-00079408-00079744 connected first of all we have to create ZO_PXIKk7vM-00266-00079745-00080335 the rails for and you create incentives ZO_PXIKk7vM-00267-00080336-00080680 for developing European and in the long ZO_PXIKk7vM-00268-00080681-00080956 run international infrastructure ZO_PXIKk7vM-00269-00080957-00081367 standards for collecting post marketing ZO_PXIKk7vM-00270-00081368-00081600 data of relevance for all stakeholders ZO_PXIKk7vM-00271-00081601-00081985 and even the hero health care ZO_PXIKk7vM-00272-00081986-00082318 governments Academy companies patients ZO_PXIKk7vM-00273-00082319-00082674 and EMA must be involved and the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00274-00082675-00083149 initiator must be the Parliament and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00275-00083150-00083512 Commission in ICI and number three is to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00276-00083513-00083884 go further with suggestion - it's to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00277-00083885-00084202 create incense incentives for ZO_PXIKk7vM-00278-00084203-00084547 development European and international ZO_PXIKk7vM-00279-00084548-00084901 standards for analyzing post marketing ZO_PXIKk7vM-00280-00084902-00085219 collection of knowledge from the data ZO_PXIKk7vM-00281-00085220-00085555 systems in health care I mean real life ZO_PXIKk7vM-00282-00085556-00085828 data what you call it and the same ZO_PXIKk7vM-00283-00085829-00086170 actors must be involved and the same ZO_PXIKk7vM-00284-00086171-00086473 actor must initiate in the next slide ZO_PXIKk7vM-00285-00086474-00086820 please ZO_PXIKk7vM-00286-00086821-00087501 is that the next slide no thank you I ZO_PXIKk7vM-00287-00087502-00088000 think this will contribute to create ZO_PXIKk7vM-00288-00088001-00088320 evidence-based price-setting and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00289-00088321-00088834 knowledge and it also evidence-based ZO_PXIKk7vM-00290-00088835-00089210 knowledge of clinical value ZO_PXIKk7vM-00291-00089211-00089528 the first CSM gives also more evidence ZO_PXIKk7vM-00292-00089529-00090001 based for equal and fair use of the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00293-00090002-00090446 treatments and improve affordability and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00294-00090447-00090931 access for the patients ZO_PXIKk7vM-00295-00090932-00091313 number two suggestion to also create ZO_PXIKk7vM-00296-00091314-00091951 evidence based pricing and no that's ZO_PXIKk7vM-00297-00091952-00092021 wrong ZO_PXIKk7vM-00298-00092022-00092417 this creates evidence based price ZO_PXIKk7vM-00299-00092418-00092717 setting and the knowledge of a clinical ZO_PXIKk7vM-00300-00092718-00093019 value that's right so we will must know ZO_PXIKk7vM-00301-00093020-00093461 what a new drug is really worth in in in ZO_PXIKk7vM-00302-00093462-00093779 in when it's coming to healthcare post ZO_PXIKk7vM-00303-00093780-00094063 marketing and it contributes the more ZO_PXIKk7vM-00304-00094064-00094313 equal cancer care by giving more ZO_PXIKk7vM-00305-00094314-00094619 evidence based on ich to two prior it ZO_PXIKk7vM-00306-00094620-00095088 and give equal and fair use of the drugs ZO_PXIKk7vM-00307-00095089-00095557 and they will also improve the patient's ZO_PXIKk7vM-00308-00095558-00095828 quality of life by creates possibility ZO_PXIKk7vM-00309-00095829-00096130 for collecting patient generating data ZO_PXIKk7vM-00310-00096131-00096986 and that's also suggestion three have I ZO_PXIKk7vM-00311-00096987-00097306 10 seconds left and these are gone now ZO_PXIKk7vM-00312-00097307-00098082 yeah thank you very much thank you ZO_PXIKk7vM-00313-00098083-00098293 tomorrow morning we talk more about ZO_PXIKk7vM-00314-00098294-00098656 equal access to medications and cancer ZO_PXIKk7vM-00315-00098657-00098900 care and and we're gonna talk a little ZO_PXIKk7vM-00316-00098901-00099167 bit about this too now it's time for ZO_PXIKk7vM-00317-00099168-00099650 workshop t yes long term care for cancer ZO_PXIKk7vM-00318-00099651-00099982 survivors dr. olla mark is on from ZO_PXIKk7vM-00319-00099983-00100421 Uppsala University Hospital welcome hi ZO_PXIKk7vM-00320-00100422-00100969 I'm an oncologist and doing a pediatric ZO_PXIKk7vM-00321-00100970-00101257 radiation therapy and I also work at our ZO_PXIKk7vM-00322-00101258-00101675 late affected clinic can have the next ZO_PXIKk7vM-00323-00101676-00101723 slide please ZO_PXIKk7vM-00324-00101724-00102161 and in our workshop which was a rather ZO_PXIKk7vM-00325-00102162-00102558 big web around 50 people in it ZO_PXIKk7vM-00326-00102559-00102979 we thought that the main or the head ZO_PXIKk7vM-00327-00102980-00103199 person is of course the patient and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00328-00103200-00103486 that's the most important person that we ZO_PXIKk7vM-00329-00103488-00103873 have to deal with and therefore it's ZO_PXIKk7vM-00330-00103874-00104126 important to bring the patient's ZO_PXIKk7vM-00331-00104127-00104506 perspective into this and we have to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00332-00104507-00104830 engage in patients in the web we have to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00333-00104831-00105038 engage the patients in the development ZO_PXIKk7vM-00334-00105039-00105391 of guidelines and in the healthcare ZO_PXIKk7vM-00335-00105392-00105827 services but it's also important to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00336-00105828-00106199 remember the patient's social network ZO_PXIKk7vM-00337-00106200-00106418 and that can be anything from a few ZO_PXIKk7vM-00338-00106419-00106904 relatives to a whole community that ZO_PXIKk7vM-00339-00106905-00107174 depends on the setting of the patient ZO_PXIKk7vM-00340-00107175-00107552 and we also talked about the use of the ZO_PXIKk7vM-00341-00107553-00108079 technology and think it's very important ZO_PXIKk7vM-00342-00108080-00108658 that technology is patient the patient ZO_PXIKk7vM-00343-00108659-00109091 needs Drive that not the doctors needs ZO_PXIKk7vM-00344-00109092-00109454 or the healthcare systems needs next ZO_PXIKk7vM-00345-00109455-00110048 slide we also think that it's important ZO_PXIKk7vM-00346-00110049-00110516 even for countries with low and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00347-00110517-00111050 middle-income countries to have late ZO_PXIKk7vM-00348-00111051-00111409 effect clinics or at least to monitor ZO_PXIKk7vM-00349-00111410-00111808 for late effects even if they cannot ZO_PXIKk7vM-00350-00111809-00112388 afford very fancy treatment they don't ZO_PXIKk7vM-00351-00112389-00112684 have to do like we did in Sweden and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00352-00112685-00112973 England and the United States and so on ZO_PXIKk7vM-00353-00112974-00113416 to treat patients for 30 years and now ZO_PXIKk7vM-00354-00113417-00113683 all of a sudden we realize that oops ZO_PXIKk7vM-00355-00113683-00113948 they have a lot of side effects and we ZO_PXIKk7vM-00356-00113949-00114199 need to take care of them this has to be ZO_PXIKk7vM-00357-00114200-00114776 done in parallel and we also think that ZO_PXIKk7vM-00358-00114777-00115001 you should remember that we don't have ZO_PXIKk7vM-00359-00115002-00115447 to reinvent the wheel more than once and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00360-00115448-00115700 for example we could learn a lot from ZO_PXIKk7vM-00361-00115701-00116008 stroke rehabilitation ZO_PXIKk7vM-00362-00116008-00116429 when we try to rehabilitate cancer ZO_PXIKk7vM-00363-00116430-00116951 patients what is also important is that ZO_PXIKk7vM-00364-00116952-00117302 we don't only look at the medical needs ZO_PXIKk7vM-00365-00117303-00117545 for the patients or the somatic needs ZO_PXIKk7vM-00366-00117546-00117872 but have a more holistic approach and ZO_PXIKk7vM-00367-00117873-00118217 it's very important to have ZO_PXIKk7vM-00368-00118218-00118565 multidisciplinary and multi professional ZO_PXIKk7vM-00369-00118566-00119018 teams to do this work with the patients ZO_PXIKk7vM-00370-00119019-00119690 and also to include many societal issues ZO_PXIKk7vM-00371-00119691-00120200 as the possibilities for the patients to ZO_PXIKk7vM-00372-00120201-00120713 get insurances and to get a work and so ZO_PXIKk7vM-00373-00120714-00121058 forth thank you thank you ZO_PXIKk7vM-00374-00121058-00121940 [Applause] ZO_PXIKk7vM-00375-00121941-00122147 you ZOSkixRZspc-00000-00000017-00000823 foreign ZOSkixRZspc-00001-00000824-00001150 ER the subject matter has been produced ZOSkixRZspc-00002-00001151-00001408 using AI technology and can in now why ZOSkixRZspc-00003-00001409-00001595 be employed as fact ZOSkixRZspc-00004-00001596-00001895 the AI works on articles and blogs so I ZOSkixRZspc-00005-00001896-00002063 may only be deemed as what others ZOSkixRZspc-00006-00002064-00002399 believe not necessarily the editor of ZOSkixRZspc-00007-00002400-00002542 this video ZOSkixRZspc-00008-00002543-00002818 this video is in no way intended as fact ZOSkixRZspc-00009-00002819-00003107 or intended to cause undue stress only ZOSkixRZspc-00010-00003108-00003395 for entertainment value the disclaimer ZOSkixRZspc-00011-00003396-00003611 is produced by Tony of Tony's music ZOSkixRZspc-00012-00003611-00004325 thank you ZOSkixRZspc-00013-00004326-00004499 the Queen of England had been the head ZOSkixRZspc-00014-00004500-00004685 of state of the United Kingdom for over ZOSkixRZspc-00015-00004686-00005002 60 years ZOSkixRZspc-00016-00005003-00005543 Elizabeth II who had reigned since 1952 ZOSkixRZspc-00017-00005544-00005759 she was born princess Elizabeth daughter ZOSkixRZspc-00018-00005760-00006202 of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth ZOSkixRZspc-00019-00006203-00006701 on the 21st of June 1926 in London ZOSkixRZspc-00020-00006702-00006989 her father became king in 1936 and she ZOSkixRZspc-00021-00006990-00007510 became Queen when he died in 1952. ZOSkixRZspc-00022-00007511-00007727 she married Prince Philip of Greece in ZOSkixRZspc-00023-00007728-00008231 1947 and they had two children ZOSkixRZspc-00024-00008232-00008596 their son Charles ZOSkixRZspc-00025-00008597-00008963 who is now King Charles III ZOSkixRZspc-00026-00008964-00009292 her daughter Anne ZOSkixRZspc-00027-00009293-00009503 who is now princess Royal is the ZOSkixRZspc-00028-00009504-00009778 Princess of Wales ZOSkixRZspc-00029-00009779-00010024 Elizabeth was educated at home until she ZOSkixRZspc-00030-00010025-00010469 went to school in England and Scotland ZOSkixRZspc-00031-00010470-00010727 she studied French German an Italian at ZOSkixRZspc-00032-00010728-00010895 Somerville College Oxford University ZOSkixRZspc-00033-00010896-00011135 where she gained a first-class degree in ZOSkixRZspc-00034-00011136-00011441 history ZOSkixRZspc-00035-00011442-00011669 after University she worked as a ZOSkixRZspc-00036-00011670-00011855 secretary to A Member of Parliament then ZOSkixRZspc-00037-00011856-00012256 joined the Civil Service ZOSkixRZspc-00038-00012257-00012455 she worked in the colonial office and ZOSkixRZspc-00039-00012456-00012623 the ministry of Defense before being ZOSkixRZspc-00040-00012624-00012827 appointed governor of South Africa in ZOSkixRZspc-00041-00012828-00013151 1960. ZOSkixRZspc-00042-00013152-00013336 she served there for five years and ZOSkixRZspc-00043-00013337-00013744 returned to England in 1965. ZOSkixRZspc-00044-00013745-00013957 she became Queen on the 6th of February ZOSkixRZspc-00045-00013958-00014357 1952 when her father died ZOSkixRZspc-00046-00014358-00014680 she was crowned at Westminster Abbey ZOSkixRZspc-00047-00014681-00014903 her coronation took place on the 2nd of ZOSkixRZspc-00048-00014904-00015191 June 1953. ZOSkixRZspc-00049-00015191-00015407 she was one of only two British monarchs ZOSkixRZspc-00050-00015408-00015844 to have been born in a non-royal family ZOSkixRZspc-00051-00015845-00016079 her father was known as King George VI ZOSkixRZspc-00052-00016080-00016571 and she was known as Queen Elizabeth II ZOSkixRZspc-00053-00016572-00016775 the queen had a wide range of interests ZOSkixRZspc-00054-00016776-00017015 and hobbies ZOSkixRZspc-00055-00017016-00017213 she loved horses and owned several of ZOSkixRZspc-00056-00017214-00017453 them ZOSkixRZspc-00057-00017454-00017800 including a mayor called sassy ZOSkixRZspc-00058-00017801-00018029 she also owned a number of cars and had ZOSkixRZspc-00059-00018030-00018479 an extensive collection of vintage cars ZOSkixRZspc-00060-00018480-00018683 she was a patron of the World Wildlife ZOSkixRZspc-00061-00018684-00018893 Fund The National Trust and the Royal ZOSkixRZspc-00062-00018894-00019355 National Lifeboat Institution ZOSkixRZspc-00063-00019356-00019571 she also supported many Charities and ZOSkixRZspc-00064-00019572-00019757 organizations including the children's ZOSkixRZspc-00065-00019758-00019985 Society the National Gallery and the ZOSkixRZspc-00066-00019986-00020333 National Trust ZOSkixRZspc-00067-00020334-00020500 she was also patron of the royal ZOSkixRZspc-00068-00020501-00020693 Commonwealth society and the Duke of ZOSkixRZspc-00069-00020694-00021017 edinburgh's award ZOSkixRZspc-00070-00021018-00021227 she was a keen Gardener and had a garden ZOSkixRZspc-00071-00021228-00021508 at Buckingham Palace ZOSkixRZspc-00072-00021509-00021719 she also had a private Garden at winter ZOSkixRZspc-00073-00021720-00021994 castle ZOSkixRZspc-00074-00021995-00022397 rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II ZOSkixRZspc-00075-00022398-00022635 the end ZOSkixRZspc-00076-00022636-00023975 [Music] ZOSkixRZspc-00077-00023976-00024413 foreign ZOSkixRZspc-00078-00024414-00025091 [Music] ZOSkixRZspc-00079-00025092-00027067 [Music] ZOSkixRZspc-00080-00027068-00028272 [Music] ZOSkixRZspc-00081-00028273-00028583 [Music] ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00000-00000112-00000353 the year newest ooh Oh people ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00001-00000354-00000590 historically known as Lolo are an ethnic ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00002-00000591-00000837 group in China Vietnam and Thailand ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00003-00000838-00001019 numbering 8 million ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00004-00001019-00001216 they are the seventh largest of the 55 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00005-00001217-00001415 ethnic minority groups officially ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00006-00001416-00001607 recognized by the People's Republic of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00007-00001607-00001913 China they live primarily in rural areas ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00008-00001914-00002189 of Sichuan Yunnan Guizhou and Guang XI ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00009-00002190-00002392 usually in mountainous regions Ling ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00010-00002393-00002588 Xiang Yi Autonomous Prefecture is a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00011-00002589-00002750 typical one and there are two million ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00012-00002751-00003047 people in the region for other countries ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00013-00003048-00003499 as of 1999 there were 3,300 low-low ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00014-00003500-00003790 people living in the ha Gyung Sal Bang ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00015-00003792-00004010 and Lao Cai provinces in northeastern ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00016-00004011-00004215 Vietnam ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00017-00004216-00004464 the espeak various you lo lowish ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00018-00004465-00004659 languages which belong to sino-tibetan ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00019-00004660-00004986 languages closely related to burmese the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00020-00004987-00005226 prestige variety is new osoo which is ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00021-00005227-00005516 written in the east crypt ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00022-00005517-00006227 location of the more than 8 million Yi ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00023-00006228-00006585 in Yunnan Province 2.5 million live in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00024-00006586-00006792 southern Sichuan province and 1 million ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00025-00006793-00006981 live in the northwest corner of Guizhou ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00026-00006983-00007258 Province nearly all the e live in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00027-00007259-00007446 mountainous areas often carving out ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00028-00007447-00007623 their existence on the sides of steep ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00029-00007625-00007819 mountain slopes far from the cities of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00030-00007820-00008014 China ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00031-00008015-00008236 the altitude '''l differences of the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00032-00008237-00008449 areas directly affect the climate and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00033-00008450-00008701 precipitation of these areas these ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00034-00008702-00008905 striking differences are the basis of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00035-00008906-00009118 the old saying that the weather is ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00036-00009119-00009439 different a few miles away in the e area ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00037-00009440-00009673 ye populations in different areas are ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00038-00009674-00009856 very different from one another making ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00039-00009857-00009985 their living in completely different ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00040-00009986-00010238 ways ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00041-00010239-00010799 subgroups although different groups of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00042-00010800-00010985 ye refer to themselves in different ways ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00043-00010986-00011358 including me sue Sani AXI Lolo akka and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00044-00011359-00011539 sometimes speak mutually unintelligible ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00045-00011540-00011760 languages they have been grouped into a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00046-00011761-00011978 single ethnicity by the Chinese and the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00047-00011979-00012155 various local Appalachians can be ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00048-00012156-00012621 classified into three groups me the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00049-00012622-00012957 appellations of nu o su na su any su me ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00050-00012958-00013133 su and other similar names are ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00051-00013134-00013319 considered derivatives of the original ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00052-00013320-00013538 auden 'm nip appended with the suffix su ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00053-00013540-00014069 indicating people the name Sani is also ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00054-00014070-00014307 a variety of this group further it is ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00055-00014308-00014493 widely believed that the chinese names ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00056-00014494-00014721 ye and ye both pinyin ye were derived ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00057-00014722-00014930 from me ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00058-00014931-00015236 lo lo the appellations of lo lo lo lo ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00059-00015237-00015464 pou etc are related to the e people's ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00060-00015465-00015672 worship of the tiger as low in their ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00061-00015672-00016142 dialects means Tiger lo is also the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00062-00016143-00016383 basis for the Chinese EXO named Lulu of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00063-00016384-00016667 whoa whoa luo luo or luo luo the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00064-00016668-00016934 original character guo with that dog ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00065-00016935-00017261 radical quan and a Guo Guo phonetic was ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00066-00017262-00017459 a graphic pejorative comparable to the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00067-00017460-00017653 Chinese name for an Guo ran a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00068-00017654-00018000 long-tailed eight languages reforms in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00069-00018001-00018230 the PRC replaced the glow character in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00070-00018231-00018555 luo luo of twice first by luo luo with ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00071-00018556-00018875 that human radical ren and the same ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00072-00018876-00019086 phonetic but that was a graphic variant ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00073-00019087-00019475 for luo luo naked and later by luo luo ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00074-00019476-00019917 net for catching birds paul k benedict ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00075-00019918-00020136 noted a leading Chinese linguist has ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00076-00020137-00020417 remarked that the name lolo his ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00077-00020418-00020711 offensive only when ridden with that dog ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00078-00020712-00020987 radical ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00079-00020988-00021245 other this group includes various other ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00080-00021246-00021440 appellations of different groups of Yee ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00081-00021441-00021638 some of them may be of other ethnic ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00082-00021639-00021833 groups but are recognized as ye by the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00083-00021834-00022268 Chinese thee who may be relevant to an ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00084-00022269-00022523 ancient ethnic group poo in the legends ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00085-00022524-00022676 of the northern ye the e people ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00086-00022677-00022886 conquered poo and its territory in the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00087-00022887-00023051 northeastern part of the modern Liang ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00088-00023052-00023273 Shan groups listed below are sorted by ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00089-00023274-00023411 their broad linguistic classification ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00090-00023412-00023684 and the general geographic area where ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00091-00023685-00023945 they live within each section larger ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00092-00023946-00024242 groups are listed first ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00093-00024243-00024817 history some scholars believe that the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00094-00024818-00024992 year descended from the ancient chain ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00095-00024993-00025202 people of today's Western China who are ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00096-00025203-00025394 also said to be the ancestors of the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00097-00025395-00025669 Tibetan naxi and Qiang peoples they ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00098-00025670-00025837 migrated from South Eastern Tibet ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00099-00025838-00026024 through Sichuan and into the yunnan ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00100-00026025-00026239 province where their largest populations ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00101-00026241-00026493 can be found today ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00102-00026494-00026754 they practice a form of animism led by a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00103-00026755-00027024 Shaymin priests known as the bimah they ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00104-00027025-00027219 still retain a few ancient religious ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00105-00027220-00027348 texts written in their unique ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00106-00027349-00027620 pictographic script their religion also ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00107-00027622-00027837 contains many elements of Taoism and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00108-00027838-00028045 Buddhism ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00109-00028047-00028250 many of the Ian Ling Shan in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00110-00028251-00028424 northwestern Yunnan practiced a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00111-00028425-00028718 complicated form of slavery people were ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00112-00028719-00028991 split into the nuovo or Blackie nobles ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00113-00028992-00029263 canoe or Waikiki commoners and slaves ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00114-00029264-00029489 white Yi were free and could own ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00115-00029489-00029689 property and slaves but were in a way ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00116-00029691-00029972 tied to a lord other ethnic groups were ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00117-00029973-00030226 held as slaves ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00118-00030227-00030722 legend most he believed they have the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00119-00030723-00030989 same ancestor Carfax scooby-dum you or ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00120-00030989-00031337 axe boo JJ you TM you it is said that a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00121-00031338-00031583 fugu mu married three wives and had six ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00122-00031583-00031814 sons each of the wives bore two sons in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00123-00031814-00032105 the legend the oldest two sons leading ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00124-00032106-00032302 their tribes conquered other Aborigines ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00125-00032304-00032522 of Yunnan and began to reside in most of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00126-00032523-00032777 the territories of Yunnan the youngest ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00127-00032778-00032999 two sons led their tribes eastwards and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00128-00033000-00033194 were defeated by Han before finally ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00129-00033195-00033377 making western Guizhou their home and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00130-00033378-00033566 creating the largest quantity of yeast ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00131-00033567-00033863 script documents the other two sons led ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00132-00033864-00034061 their tribes across the jinsha river and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00133-00034062-00034301 dwelled in Ling Shan this group had ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00134-00034302-00034645 close intermarriage with the local pop ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00135-00034646-00035261 known history most he live in Ling Shan ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00136-00035262-00035468 chu Zhang and Hong at the lizzle ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00137-00035469-00035750 archaeological site Lee Joey G near Shi ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00138-00035751-00035990 Tong of Ling Shan dating to 3000 years ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00139-00035991-00036224 ago many artifacts of the neolithic age ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00140-00036225-00036443 have been discovered although no ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00141-00036444-00036614 evidence proves that these ancient ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00142-00036615-00036815 cultures of the Stone Age have a direct ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00143-00036816-00037004 connection with modern Yi people their ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00144-00037005-00037232 descendants a local bronze culture may ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00145-00037233-00037424 have had some influence on you people as ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00146-00037425-00037658 the ancestors of Yi people had frequent ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00147-00037659-00037850 contact and intermarriage with local ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00148-00037851-00038126 tribes such as Dian Dian Chong Chong and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00149-00038127-00038318 Zuo Zay during their southwards ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00150-00038319-00038516 migration from the northeastern edge of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00151-00038517-00038798 the Tibetan Plateau today the e people ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00152-00038799-00039050 still call the city of XI Cheung as afar ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00153-00039051-00039362 ro in spite of the effects or the route ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00154-00039363-00039428 Dro ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00155-00039429-00039617 is believed by some scholars to be ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00156-00039618-00039827 related to the tribe Chong Chong as the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00157-00039828-00040004 pronunciation is quite close to the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00158-00040005-00040190 ancient pronunciation of the Chinese ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00159-00040191-00040688 character Chong during the Han Dynasty ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00160-00040689-00040883 the central sovereign of China conquered ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00161-00040884-00041069 the valley of any River which is a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00162-00041070-00041291 tributary of yelling River and founded a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00163-00041292-00041585 county there named Chandu Chong capital ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00164-00041586-00041870 the site is Xi Chong of present-day and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00165-00041871-00042056 from that time onwards she Chong has ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00166-00042057-00042194 become the bridge of Chengdu and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00167-00042195-00042473 conveying across the area since Han ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00168-00042474-00042689 Dynasty Yi people have been involved in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00169-00042690-00042920 the history of China in the north ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00170-00042921-00043133 dialect of modern Yi language Chinese ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00171-00043134-00043430 Han is still called HX I am dad which is ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00172-00043431-00043661 related to the Chinese word Han JA Han ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00173-00043662-00044053 Jia which means household of Han ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00174-00044054-00044321 after the Han Dynasty the shoe of the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00175-00044322-00044516 three kingdoms conducted several wars ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00176-00044517-00044708 against the ancestors of Yi under the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00177-00044709-00044951 lead of Zhuge Liang they defeated the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00178-00044952-00045188 king of Yi mo hop men who owe and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00179-00045189-00045371 expanded their conquered territory in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00180-00045372-00045607 the area after that the Jin dynasty ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00181-00045608-00045854 succeeds Shu is the suzerainty of Yi ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00182-00045855-00046190 area but with weak control ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00183-00046191-00046427 after the Jin dynasty central China ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00184-00046428-00046586 entered the era of the southern and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00185-00046587-00046773 northern dynasties with frequent wars ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00186-00046774-00046952 against the invading nomads from the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00187-00046953-00047154 north and lost its control of Yi and Yi ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00188-00047155-00047353 area ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00189-00047354-00047620 although the Sui dynasty reunited China ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00190-00047621-00047842 it did not retrieve control of Yi but ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00191-00047843-00048013 had close communications with Han ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00192-00048014-00048217 residential spots scattered within the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00193-00048218-00048532 area most along any River after the sway ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00194-00048533-00048778 dynasty's mere 37 years the situation ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00195-00048779-00049114 continued in tang dynasty during sway ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00196-00049115-00049369 and tang dynasty the local aborigines of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00197-00049370-00049552 present-day Yunnan and Ling Shan were ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00198-00049553-00049762 distinguished by Chinese Honda's woman ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00199-00049763-00050173 black barbarian in vain Minh by white ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00200-00050174-00050452 barbarian some scholars believe that ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00201-00050453-00050692 woman is the ancestor of modern Yi while ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00202-00050693-00050896 daemon is the ancestor of modern by ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00203-00050897-00051220 people by zou of Yunnan ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00204-00051221-00051481 the woman and Bayman people founded six ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00205-00051482-00051664 independent cities on Yunnan Guizhou ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00206-00051665-00051733 Plateau ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00207-00051734-00052010 the cities were known as Jiao Chinese ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00208-00052011-00052300 Jiao in Chinese texts meaning city ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00209-00052301-00052673 chieftain in 649 the Kings in Oulu oh ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00210-00052674-00052924 she knew luo of the men Shh ow then she ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00211-00052925-00053147 jo extended his city's territory into a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00212-00053148-00053336 kingdom that assumed the name great main ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00213-00053337-00053684 da man great Meng was nearer highlake he ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00214-00053685-00053851 people believed the capital of the great ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00215-00053852-00054091 Meng was located in the area of nowaday ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00216-00054092-00054497 Wyson county in 737 with the support of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00217-00054498-00054757 the Tang Dynasty of China king pillow GI ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00218-00054758-00054991 Luo J of the great main United the six ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00219-00054992-00055243 cities Chao in succession establishing a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00220-00055244-00055492 new Kingdom as the great Meng was the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00221-00055493-00055663 most southern of the six the Tang ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00222-00055664-00055898 Dynasty recorded the united great mangas ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00223-00055899-00056084 nan Chao nan Chao which means the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00224-00056085-00056324 southern city although academic ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00225-00056325-00056528 arguments exist see controversy of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00226-00056529-00056731 nan-zhao there is a popular view that ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00227-00056732-00056915 the royal family of nan-zhao were Yi ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00228-00056916-00057122 people and ministers were by people in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00229-00057123-00057404 the Y Shan County of today the saga of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00230-00057404-00057667 qing pillage is still widely told tibet ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00231-00057668-00057878 also noted the spring of nan-zhao which ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00232-00057879-00058124 in tibetan is called Jiang although ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00233-00058125-00058291 Tibet had maintained suzerainty over ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00234-00058292-00058543 nan-zhao for decades nan-zhao finally ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00235-00058544-00058825 turned to the tang dynasty at the era of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00236-00058826-00059074 kinga Luo Fang je lui Phung who was the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00237-00059075-00059250 son of king pillow CH the tang dynasty ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00238-00059251-00059482 performed three expeditions against ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00239-00059483-00059530 nan-zhao ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00240-00059531-00059828 to conquer it but all failed ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00241-00059829-00060223 nan-zhao existed for 165 years until ad ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00242-00060224-00060661 902 after 35 years of tangled warfare do ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00243-00060662-00060892 Anza pain do on seeping of the by birth ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00244-00060893-00061109 founded the kingdom of Dali succeeding ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00245-00061110-00061381 the territory of nan-zhao most Yee of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00246-00061382-00061555 that time were under the ruling of Dali ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00247-00061556-00061813 Dali sovereign existed for three hundred ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00248-00061814-00062038 sixteen years coterminous with the Song ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00249-00062039-00062257 Dynasty of central China until it was ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00250-00062258-00062527 conquered by Kublai Khan during the era ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00251-00062528-00062767 of Dali Yi people lived in the territory ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00252-00062768-00062932 of Dali but had little communication ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00253-00062933-00063249 with the royalty of Dali ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00254-00063250-00063530 Kublai Khan included Dali in his domain ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00255-00063532-00063822 grouping it with Tibet the yuan emperors ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00256-00063823-00064004 remained firmly in control of the e ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00257-00064005-00064209 people and the area they inhabited as ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00258-00064210-00064428 part of Kublai Khan's yunnan Qing Qing ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00259-00064429-00064632 Yun and Ching Chang at current Yunnan ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00260-00064633-00064938 Guizhou in part of Sichuan in order to ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00261-00064939-00065136 enhance its sovereign over the area the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00262-00065137-00065354 Yuan Dynasty set up a Dominion for Yi ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00263-00065355-00065634 Liu Liu is on Y Z Luo Luo Zhan way see ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00264-00065635-00065817 the name of which means local ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00265-00065818-00065984 appeasement government for lo-lo's ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00266-00065985-00066210 although technically under the rule of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00267-00066211-00066390 the yuan emperor the e still had ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00268-00066391-00066666 autonomy during the Yuan Dynasty the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00269-00066667-00066882 gulf between aristocrats and the common ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00270-00066883-00067256 people increased during this time ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00271-00067257-00067491 beginning with the main dynasty the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00272-00067492-00067725 Chinese Empire expedited its cultural ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00273-00067726-00067938 assimilation policy in southwestern ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00274-00067939-00068130 China spreading the policy of gay ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00275-00068131-00068471 Tougaloo guy to blade replacing to see ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00276-00068472-00068742 local chieftains with normal officials ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00277-00068743-00069018 the governing power of many feudal lords ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00278-00069019-00069219 had previously been expropriated by the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00279-00069220-00069417 successors of officials assigned by the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00280-00069418-00069675 central government with the progress of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00281-00069676-00069918 gay Tougaloo the e area was dismembered ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00282-00069919-00070116 in too many communities both large and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00283-00070117-00070293 small and it was difficult for the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00284-00070294-00070449 communities to communicate with each ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00285-00070450-00070608 other as there were often han ruled ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00286-00070609-00070866 areas between them ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00287-00070867-00071055 the can't see emperor of the Ching ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00288-00071056-00071274 dynasty defeated Wu sanguis and took ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00289-00071275-00071472 over the land of Yunnan and established ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00290-00071473-00071718 a provincial government there when Hort ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00291-00071719-00071916 I became the Viceroy of Yunnan in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00292-00071917-00072093 Guizhou during the era of young Zheng ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00293-00072094-00072326 Emperor the policy of gay Tougaloo and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00294-00072327-00072510 cultural assimilation against ye were ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00295-00072511-00072776 strengthened under these policies ye ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00296-00072777-00072950 lived near conveying were forced to ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00297-00072951-00073140 abandon their convention of traditional ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00298-00073141-00073374 cremation and adopt burial a policy ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00299-00073375-00073544 which triggered rebellions among the Yi ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00300-00073545-00073797 the Ching dynasty suppressed these ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00301-00073798-00074054 rebellions ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00302-00074055-00074401 after the Second Opium War 1856 to 1860 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00303-00074402-00074654 many Christian missionaries from France ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00304-00074655-00074851 and Great Britain visited the area in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00305-00074852-00075062 which they lived although some ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00306-00075063-00075238 missionaries believe that ye of some ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00307-00075239-00075440 areas such as Liang Shan were not under ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00308-00075441-00075635 the ruling of Qing Dynasty and should be ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00309-00075636-00075875 independent most aristocrats insisted ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00310-00075876-00076031 that he was a part of China despite ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00311-00076032-00076369 their resentment against Shing rule ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00312-00076370-00076675 long young-ae was the military governor ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00313-00076676-00076867 of yunnan during the Republic of China ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00314-00076868-00077159 rule on mainland China ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00315-00077160-00077387 the forth front army of the CCP ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00316-00077388-00077594 encountered the e people during the long ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00317-00077595-00077807 march and many he joined the Communist ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00318-00077808-00078005 forces much like their Tibetan neighbors ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00319-00078006-00078260 the Yi specifically the low-low actively ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00320-00078261-00078461 resisted the communist occupation of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00321-00078462-00078713 their homeland this manifested in a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00322-00078714-00078908 large-scale armed revolt against the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00323-00078909-00079193 Communist Chinese in 1955 leading to ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00324-00079194-00079382 thousands of losses on the Chinese side ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00325-00079383-00079570 before the revolt was finally put down ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00326-00079571-00079844 in retribution the communist forces ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00327-00079845-00080117 staged mass executions in which low low ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00328-00080118-00080330 men women and children were bayonetted ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00329-00080331-00080558 and shot the true scale of these ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00330-00080559-00080786 reprisals remains a mystery after the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00331-00080787-00081011 establishment of the PRC several ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00332-00081012-00081176 yeeeaaahhh autonomous administrative ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00333-00081177-00081356 districts of Prefecture or county level ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00334-00081357-00081578 were set up in Sichuan Yunnan and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00335-00081579-00081821 Guizhou with the development of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00336-00081822-00081952 automotive traffic and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00337-00081953-00082160 telecommunications the communications ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00338-00082161-00082316 among different Yi areas have been ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00339-00082317-00082591 increasing sharply ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00340-00082592-00083126 language the Chinese government ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00341-00083127-00083306 recognizes six mutually unintelligible ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00342-00083307-00083579 ye languages from various branches of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00343-00083580-00083984 the low lowish family northern ye new o ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00344-00083985-00084245 su new Oh su Western ye lala-lulu o ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00345-00084246-00084566 central ye Lu Lupo luo luo po southern ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00346-00084567-00084836 ye nice Unni soo southeastern ye sany ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00347-00084837-00085121 sany Eastern ye not Sunnah su northern ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00348-00085122-00085292 Yi is the largest with some two million ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00349-00085293-00085472 speakers and is the basis of the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00350-00085473-00085688 literary language there are also ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00351-00085689-00085940 ethnically Yi languages of Vietnam which ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00352-00085941-00086302 use the e script such as meant see ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00353-00086303-00086611 many e'en Yunnan Guizhou and guanxi no ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00354-00086612-00086809 standard Chinese and code switching ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00355-00086810-00087184 between Yi and Chinese is common ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00356-00087185-00087518 distribution ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00357-00087519-00087938 by province ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00358-00087939-00088496 by county county level distribution of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00359-00088497-00088772 the 2000 census in China only includes ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00360-00088773-00088943 counties or county equivalents ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00361-00088944-00089168 containing greater than 1% of County ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00362-00089169-00089491 population ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00363-00089492-00090100 script the e script was originally logo ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00364-00090101-00090300 syllabic like Chinese and dates to at ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00365-00090301-00090541 least the 13th century there were ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00366-00090542-00090787 perhaps 10,000 characters many of which ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00367-00090788-00090987 were regional since the script had never ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00368-00090988-00091188 been standardized across the e people's ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00369-00091189-00091480 a number of works of history literature ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00370-00091481-00091717 and medicine as well as genealogies of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00371-00091718-00091903 the ruling families written in the old ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00372-00091904-00092104 yi script are still in use and there are ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00373-00092105-00092313 old Yi stone tablets and stones in the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00374-00092314-00092517 area ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00375-00092518-00092715 under the communist government the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00376-00092716-00092960 script was standardized as a syllabary ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00377-00092961-00093210 syllabic he is widely used in books ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00378-00093211-00093565 newspapers and street signs ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00379-00093566-00094099 culture the he play a number of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00380-00094100-00094269 traditional musical instruments ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00381-00094270-00094474 including large plucked and bowed string ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00382-00094475-00094674 instruments as well as wind instruments ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00383-00094675-00095001 called bahu bahu and Abu mathy he also ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00384-00095002-00095181 played the who Liu Sheng though unlike ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00385-00095182-00095392 other minority groups in Yunnan the II ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00386-00095393-00095560 do not play the who Liu Sheng for ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00387-00095561-00095848 courtship or love songs hiking the kook ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00388-00095849-00096063 seeing a small four pronged instrument ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00389-00096064-00096243 similar to the Jews harp is another ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00390-00096244-00096424 commonly found instrument among the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00391-00096425-00096679 Liang Shan Yi Luke's II and songs are ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00392-00096680-00096871 most often improvised and are supposed ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00393-00096872-00097062 to reflect the mood of the player or the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00394-00097063-00097336 surrounding environment Luke Z and songs ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00395-00097337-00097534 can also occasionally function in the I ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00396-00097535-00097776 can form Yi dance is perhaps the most ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00397-00097777-00097993 commonly recognized form of musical ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00398-00097994-00098191 performance as it is often performed ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00399-00098192-00098376 during publicly sponsored holidays ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00400-00098377-00098675 and/or Festival events ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00401-00098676-00099062 ye people s son s given name is ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00402-00099063-00099308 patronymic based on the last one or two ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00403-00099309-00099589 syllable of father's name ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00404-00099590-00099835 artist Colette foo great-granddaughter ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00405-00099836-00100117 of long young have spent time from 1996 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00406-00100118-00100264 till present photographing the e ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00407-00100265-00100561 community in Yunnan Province for series ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00408-00100562-00100765 of pop-up books titled we are tiger ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00409-00100766-00100993 dragon people includes images of many e ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00410-00100994-00101221 groups ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00411-00101222-00101583 religion ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00412-00101584-00102117 by Moe ISM by Moe ISM is the ethnic ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00413-00102118-00102348 religion of the e Shaymin priests of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00414-00102349-00102501 this faith are known as ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00415-00102502-00102876 which means master of scriptures ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00416-00102877-00103130 officiated births funerals weddings and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00417-00103131-00103350 holidays they are often seen along the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00418-00103351-00103578 street consulting ancient scripts de ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00419-00103579-00103839 worship deified ancestors similarly to ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00420-00103840-00104001 the Chinese traditional religion ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00421-00104002-00104217 practitioners besides gods of local ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00422-00104218-00104519 nature fire kills trees rocks water ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00423-00104520-00104902 earth sky wind and forests ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00424-00104903-00105182 ritual performances play a major role in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00425-00105183-00105409 daily life through healing exorcism ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00426-00105410-00105524 asking for rain ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00427-00105525-00105754 cursing enemies blessing divination and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00428-00105755-00105953 analysis of one's relationship with the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00429-00105954-00106220 gods they believe dragons protect ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00430-00106221-00106429 villages against bad spirits and demons ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00431-00106430-00106757 caused diseases however the e dragon is ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00432-00106758-00106940 neither similar to dragon in Western ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00433-00106941-00107116 culture nor the same as that in Han ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00434-00107117-00107375 culture after someone dies they ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00435-00107376-00107570 sacrifice a pig or sheep at the doorway ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00436-00107571-00107738 to maintain relationship with the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00437-00107739-00108008 deceased spirit de believe that bad ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00438-00108008-00108248 spirits cause illness poor harvests and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00439-00108249-00108416 other misfortunes and inhabit all ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00440-00108417-00108704 material things de also believe in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00441-00108705-00108977 multiple souls at death one soul remains ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00442-00108978-00109145 to watch the grave while the other is ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00443-00109146-00109354 eventually reincarnated into some living ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00444-00109355-00109540 form ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00445-00109541-00109858 the nos you form of bio ISM the religion ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00446-00109859-00110095 of the nos you or new osoo subgroup of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00447-00110096-00110320 EE distinguishes two sorts of shaman's ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00448-00110321-00110527 the and the Sunni respectively ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00449-00110528-00110827 hereditary and ordained priests one can ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00450-00110828-00111070 become by patrilineal descent after ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00451-00111071-00111271 a time of apprenticeship or formally ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00452-00111272-00111460 acknowledging an old as the teacher ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00453-00111461-00111784 a Sunni must be elected are the most ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00454-00111785-00111994 revered to the point that the nos you ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00455-00111995-00112390 religion is also called religion ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00456-00112391-00112597 can regeec scripts while suni cannot ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00457-00112598-00112852 both can perform rituals but only ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00458-00112853-00113125 can perform rituals linked to death for ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00459-00113126-00113338 most cases Sunni only performed some ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00460-00113339-00113620 exorcism to cure diseases generally ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00461-00113621-00113809 Sunni can only be from humble civil ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00462-00113810-00113965 birth while can be of both ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00463-00113966-00114322 aristocratic and humble families ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00464-00114323-00114591 in recent decades the by most faith has ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00465-00114592-00114801 undergone a revival with large temples ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00466-00114802-00115244 built in the early 2010 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00467-00115245-00115822 other religions in yunnan some of the Yi ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00468-00115823-00116018 have adopted Buddhism as a result of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00469-00116019-00116200 exchanges with other predominantly ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00470-00116201-00116404 Buddhist ethnic groups present in Yunnan ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00471-00116405-00116696 such as the dye in the Tibetans the most ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00472-00116697-00116941 important god of Yi Buddhism is Mahakala ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00473-00116942-00117184 a wrathful deity found in Vajrayana and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00474-00117185-00117403 Tibetan Buddhism in the 20th century ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00475-00117404-00117620 some he people in China converted to ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00476-00117621-00117811 Christianity after the arrival of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00477-00117812-00118082 Gladstone Fortius in 1904 and later ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00478-00118083-00118288 medical missionaries such as Alfred ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00479-00118289-00118522 James broom Hall Janet Broome Hall Ruth ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00480-00118523-00118733 Dix and Joan whales of the China Inland ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00481-00118733-00118948 Mission according to missionary ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00482-00118949-00119224 organization OMF international the exact ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00483-00119225-00119623 number of years is not known in 1991 it ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00484-00119624-00119795 was reported that there were as many as ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00485-00119796-00120088 1 million 500,000 years in Yunnan ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00486-00120089-00120316 Province especially in laQuan County ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00487-00120317-00120647 where there are more than 20 churches ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00488-00120648-00121481 notable people John Lyon 1989 singer ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00489-00121482-00121938 long Jung 1884 to 1962 governor and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00490-00121939-00122477 warlord of yunnan province luhan 1895 to ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00491-00122478-00122739 1974 general and governor of yunnan ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00492-00122740-00123047 province ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00493-00123048-00123443 gallery ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00494-00123444-00123858 see also ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00495-00123859-00124335 Ling Xiang Yi Autonomous Prefecture Hong ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00496-00124336-00124652 Hany and Yi Autonomous Prefecture ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00497-00124653-00125154 Shu Xiang Yi Autonomous Prefecture penny ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00498-00125155-00125758 people by people Yemen aspis a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00499-00125758-00125958 prehistoric fish named in honor of the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00500-00125959-00126275 Yi ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00501-00126276-00126678 references ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00502-00126679-00127288 additional references Chang's Eamonn a ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00503-00127289-00127501 survey of the demographic problems of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00504-00127502-00127681 the e nationality in the Greater and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00505-00127682-00127983 Lesser Liang mountains social sciences ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00506-00127984-00128621 in China three autumn 1984 272 231 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00507-00128622-00128885 clemont's Ronald point me to the skies ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00508-00128886-00129156 the amazing story of John Wayles monarch ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00509-00129157-00129749 publications 2007 ISBN 978 o 8 2 5 4 6 1 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00510-00129750-00130040 5 7 6 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00511-00130041-00130301 they st. along why minorities of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00512-00130302-00130516 Southwest China an introduction to the e ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00513-00130517-00130814 Lolo and related people's New Haven HRA ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00514-00130815-00131099 F press 1980 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00515-00131100-00131424 new rule foo and VIP Vincent F ethnic ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00516-00131425-00131666 groups in China Beijing science press ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00517-00131667-00131952 1993 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00518-00131953-00132231 golurk Peter princes of the black bone ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00519-00132232-00132318 John Murray ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00520-00132319-00132635 London 1959 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00521-00132636-00132938 Grimes Barbara F ethnologue Dallas ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00522-00132939-00133368 Wickliffe Bible Translators 1988 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00523-00133369-00133623 cultural encounters on Chinese ethnic ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00524-00133624-00133860 frontiers the history of the history of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00525-00133861-00134133 the Yi edited by Stephen Harrell Seattle ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00526-00134134-00134619 University of Washington press 1995 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00527-00134620-00134824 perspectives on the ye of Southwest ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00528-00134825-00135088 China edited by Stephen Harrell Berkeley ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00529-00135089-00135316 Los Angeles London University of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00530-00135317-00135697 California Press 2001 ISBN oh five two ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00531-00135698-00136065 oh two one nine eight eight Oh ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00532-00136066-00136380 China's minority nationalities edited by ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00533-00136381-00136634 my in Beijing foreign language press ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00534-00136635-00136899 1994 ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00535-00136900-00137157 John way when and Zhaan kingdon in ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00536-00137158-00137414 search of China's minorities Beijing new ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00537-00137415-00137652 world press ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00538-00137653-00137928 ritual for expelling ghosts a religious ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00539-00137929-00138132 classic of the e nationality in length ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00540-00138133-00138384 shan prefecture sichuan the taipei ricci ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00541-00138385-00138780 institute november 1998 ISBN nine five ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00542-00138781-00139219 seven nine one eight five six three ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00543-00139220-00139883 bibliography Benoit Verlander lawn Klose ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00544-00139884-00140179 moutains unaged nuo sue du Sud West ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00545-00140180-00140377 Village enade Paris less indeed ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00546-00140378-00140752 servantes 2007 further reading alone on ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00547-00140753-00141086 Reedy vikon teen 12 in forbidden China ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00548-00141087-00141451 lead alone mission 1906 to 1909 China ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00549-00141452-00141659 Tibet Mongolia translated from the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00550-00141660-00141851 French of the second edition by Bernard ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00551-00141852-00142211 meal chapter XIV II and 7 London T ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00552-00142212-00142465 Fisher on when external links China org ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00553-00142466-00142888 dot CN de ethnic minority you Xu Lu the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00554-00142889-00143122 dishy septet traditional music and dance ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00555-00143123-00143486 documentation people's org ye peoples of ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00556-00143487-00143728 China use your in.com huge string ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00557-00143729-00144023 instruments of the e ver Mandor be the Y ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00558-00144024-00144272 eyes of Liang Shan Prefecture ver Mandor ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00559-00144273-00144565 be nu o su religion rituals agents and ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00560-00144566-00144920 belief ayi bomb oh the by mocks in the ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00561-00144921-00145141 length Shawnee society perspectives on ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00562-00145142-00145406 the Yi of southwest China edited by ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00563-00145407-00145840 Steven Harrell map share of ethnic by ZP_Kl1rNw9c-00564-00145841-00146120 county of China ZRN1fgkXmM8-00000-00000051-00000292 a splint is a simple piece of equipment ZRN1fgkXmM8-00001-00000293-00000704 used in scientific laboratories splints ZRN1fgkXmM8-00002-00000705-00000917 are typically long thin strips of wood ZRN1fgkXmM8-00003-00000918-00001283 about six inches 150 millimeters long ZRN1fgkXmM8-00004-00001284-00001511 and one quarter-inch six millimeters ZRN1fgkXmM8-00005-00001512-00001782 wide and are consumable but inexpensive ZRN1fgkXmM8-00006-00001784-00002060 they are typically used for tasks such ZRN1fgkXmM8-00007-00002061-00002293 as lighting Bunsen burners as the length ZRN1fgkXmM8-00008-00002294-00002507 of the splint allows a flame to be lit ZRN1fgkXmM8-00009-00002508-00002714 without risk to the users hand should ZRN1fgkXmM8-00010-00002715-00002981 the burner flare back another use for ZRN1fgkXmM8-00011-00002982-00003233 splints a chemical identification of ZRN1fgkXmM8-00012-00003234-00003488 various gases and splints are also used ZRN1fgkXmM8-00013-00003489-00003715 to teach simple chemical principles in ZRN1fgkXmM8-00014-00003717-00004309 schools ZRN1fgkXmM8-00015-00004310-00005027 topic using chemical identification ZRN1fgkXmM8-00016-00005028-00005291 some gases are hard to distinguish by ZRN1fgkXmM8-00017-00005292-00005564 sight or smell alone for example ZRN1fgkXmM8-00018-00005565-00005813 hydrogen oxygen and nitrogen are all ZRN1fgkXmM8-00019-00005814-00006089 colorless and odorless several ZRN1fgkXmM8-00020-00006090-00006308 laboratory experiments are capable of ZRN1fgkXmM8-00021-00006309-00006539 producing relatively pure gases an end ZRN1fgkXmM8-00022-00006540-00006731 product and it may be useful to ZRN1fgkXmM8-00023-00006731-00006934 demonstrate the chemical identity of ZRN1fgkXmM8-00024-00006936-00007234 that gas burning splints or glowing ZRN1fgkXmM8-00025-00007236-00007459 splints can be used to identify whether ZRN1fgkXmM8-00026-00007461-00007592 a gas is flammable ZRN1fgkXmM8-00027-00007593-00007810 whether it is oxidizing or whether it is ZRN1fgkXmM8-00028-00007811-00008150 chemically inert these tests are not ZRN1fgkXmM8-00029-00008151-00008405 safe for completely unidentified gases ZRN1fgkXmM8-00030-00008406-00008618 as the energy of their explosion could ZRN1fgkXmM8-00031-00008619-00008807 be beyond the safe confinement of a ZRN1fgkXmM8-00032-00008808-00009116 fragile glass tube this means that they ZRN1fgkXmM8-00033-00009117-00009260 are really only useful as a ZRN1fgkXmM8-00034-00009261-00009476 demonstration of a gas that is already ZRN1fgkXmM8-00035-00009477-00009734 strongly suspected and so is known to be ZRN1fgkXmM8-00036-00009735-00010076 safe in a high school chemistry class a ZRN1fgkXmM8-00037-00010077-00010249 typical use would be to show the ZRN1fgkXmM8-00038-00010250-00010471 presence of hydrogen after electrolysis ZRN1fgkXmM8-00039-00010472-00010724 of water or by reacting a metal with an ZRN1fgkXmM8-00040-00010725-00011274 acid ZRN1fgkXmM8-00041-00011275-00011882 topic burning splint test ZRN1fgkXmM8-00042-00011883-00012113 a splint is lit and held near the ZRN1fgkXmM8-00043-00012114-00012326 opening of the tube then the stopper is ZRN1fgkXmM8-00044-00012327-00012580 removed to expose the splint to the gas ZRN1fgkXmM8-00045-00012581-00012905 if the gas is flammable the mixture ZRN1fgkXmM8-00046-00012906-00013208 ignites this test is most commonly used ZRN1fgkXmM8-00047-00013209-00013463 to identify hydrogen which ignites with ZRN1fgkXmM8-00048-00013463-00013729 a distinctive squeaky popped sound ZRN1fgkXmM8-00049-00013730-00014000 hydrogen is easily ignited as it is ZRN1fgkXmM8-00050-00014001-00014171 flammable over a wide range of ZRN1fgkXmM8-00051-00014172-00014413 concentrations in air making this test ZRN1fgkXmM8-00052-00014415-00014732 quite robust if the gas is non flammable ZRN1fgkXmM8-00053-00014733-00014984 the burning splint will be extinguished ZRN1fgkXmM8-00054-00014985-00015257 as many other common gases are not ZRN1fgkXmM8-00055-00015258-00015466 flammable such as carbon dioxide ZRN1fgkXmM8-00056-00015466-00015827 nitrogen and argon etc this test cannot ZRN1fgkXmM8-00057-00015828-00016031 be used to definitively conclude what ZRN1fgkXmM8-00058-00016032-00016352 the gas actually is further analytical ZRN1fgkXmM8-00059-00016353-00016553 chemistry techniques can clarify the ZRN1fgkXmM8-00060-00016554-00017272 identity of the gas in question ZRN1fgkXmM8-00061-00017273-00017965 topic glowing splint test the glowing ZRN1fgkXmM8-00062-00017966-00018222 splint test is a test for an oxidizing ZRN1fgkXmM8-00063-00018223-00018613 gas such as oxygen in this test a splint ZRN1fgkXmM8-00064-00018614-00018861 is lit allowed to burn for a few seconds ZRN1fgkXmM8-00065-00018862-00019104 then blown out by mouth or by shaking ZRN1fgkXmM8-00066-00019105-00019354 whilst the Ember at the tip is still ZRN1fgkXmM8-00067-00019355-00019591 glowing hot the splint is introduced to ZRN1fgkXmM8-00068-00019592-00019780 the gas sample that has been trapped in ZRN1fgkXmM8-00069-00019781-00020035 a vessel upon exposure to concentrated ZRN1fgkXmM8-00070-00020036-00020278 oxygen gas the glowing ember flares and ZRN1fgkXmM8-00071-00020279-00020528 reignite to produce a sustained flame ZRN1fgkXmM8-00072-00020529-00020836 the more concentrated the oxygen the ZRN1fgkXmM8-00073-00020837-00021025 faster the wood burns and the more ZRN1fgkXmM8-00074-00021026-00021297 intense the flame this test is not ZRN1fgkXmM8-00075-00021298-00021531 specific for oxygen but will react ZRN1fgkXmM8-00076-00021532-00021787 similarly for any oxidizing gas such as ZRN1fgkXmM8-00077-00021788-00022005 nitrous oxide that supports the ZRN1fgkXmM8-00078-00022006-00022669 combustion of the splint ZRN1fgkXmM8-00079-00022670-00023220 topic see also ZRN1fgkXmM8-00080-00023221-00023559 flame test ZXdfnxKNEey-00000-00000063-00001744 [Music] ZYEn21QmGZ4-00000-00000051-00000332 the chair may hue V mountains are found ZYEn21QmGZ4-00001-00000333-00000539 at the southeast border of San ZYEn21QmGZ4-00002-00000540-00000808 Bernardino County in southeastern ZYEn21QmGZ4-00003-00000809-00001191 California adjacent the Colorado River ZYEn21QmGZ4-00004-00001192-00001555 located south of needles California and ZYEn21QmGZ4-00005-00001556-00001807 northwest of the Whipple mountains the ZYEn21QmGZ4-00006-00001808-00001999 mountains lie in a north-south direction ZYEn21QmGZ4-00007-00002000-00002345 in general and are approximately 15 ZYEn21QmGZ4-00008-00002346-00002643 miles in length ZYEn21QmGZ4-00009-00002644-00003022 you ZYEn21QmGZ4-00010-00003023-00003597 topic geography ZYEn21QmGZ4-00011-00003597-00003893 the mountains are located between US ZYEn21QmGZ4-00012-00003894-00004184 Route 95 and the topic Gorge of the ZYEn21QmGZ4-00013-00004185-00004499 river just south of interstate 40 ZYEn21QmGZ4-00014-00004500-00004847 whale mountain at two thousand seven ZYEn21QmGZ4-00015-00004848-00005075 hundred and seventy four feet eight ZYEn21QmGZ4-00016-00005076-00005418 hundred and forty six meters is found at ZYEn21QmGZ4-00017-00005419-00005643 the northern end of the range about five ZYEn21QmGZ4-00018-00005644-00006053 miles east of lobe ex pass the chair may ZYEn21QmGZ4-00019-00006054-00006347 hue V range reaches three thousand six ZYEn21QmGZ4-00020-00006348-00006594 hundred and ninety four feet one ZYEn21QmGZ4-00021-00006595-00006830 thousand one hundred and twenty six ZYEn21QmGZ4-00022-00006831-00007055 metres at its high point ZYEn21QmGZ4-00023-00007056-00007380 Chimay hue V peak located at the ranges ZYEn21QmGZ4-00024-00007381-00007695 extreme southwest bordering chemi hue v ZYEn21QmGZ4-00025-00007695-00007955 valley and wash where the valley turns ZYEn21QmGZ4-00026-00007956-00008382 due east to meet the colorado river ZYEn21QmGZ4-00027-00008383-00008759 you ZYEn21QmGZ4-00028-00008760-00009512 topic Shem a hue V mountains wilderness ZYEn21QmGZ4-00029-00009513-00009799 the chair may hue V mountains wilderness ZYEn21QmGZ4-00030-00009800-00010055 area encompasses the rugged granitic ZYEn21QmGZ4-00031-00010056-00010451 chair a hue V mountains the mountain ZYEn21QmGZ4-00032-00010452-00010721 range is horseshoe shaped with the open ZYEn21QmGZ4-00033-00010722-00010982 end facing eastward toward the Colorado ZYEn21QmGZ4-00034-00010983-00011335 River contained within the arms of the ZYEn21QmGZ4-00035-00011336-00011602 horseshoe is a large Central Valley with ZYEn21QmGZ4-00036-00011603-00011839 low rolling hills covered by dense ZYEn21QmGZ4-00037-00011840-00012160 stands of choy and other cacti oka till ZYEn21QmGZ4-00038-00012161-00012566 oh and an occasional I gave viewed from ZYEn21QmGZ4-00039-00012567-00012635 the West ZYEn21QmGZ4-00040-00012636-00012925 the striking light almost white granite ZYEn21QmGZ4-00041-00012926-00013178 peaks contrasts sharply with the rich ZYEn21QmGZ4-00042-00013179-00013460 green creosote and cactus covered the ZYEn21QmGZ4-00043-00013461-00013799 Harder's a few miles from the Colorado ZYEn21QmGZ4-00044-00013800-00014119 River the mountains changed dramatically ZYEn21QmGZ4-00045-00014120-00014378 from light-colored granite to dark red ZYEn21QmGZ4-00046-00014379-00014841 and gray volcanic spires and mesas ZYEn21QmGZ4-00047-00014841-00015218 you ZYEn21QmGZ4-00048-00015219-00015805 topic C also ZYEn21QmGZ4-00049-00015806-00016149 category mountain ranges of the mojave ZYEn21QmGZ4-00050-00016150-00016578 desert category protected areas of them ZYEn21QmGZ4-00051-00016579-00016975 the Harvey desert category flora of the ZYEn21QmGZ4-00052-00016976-00017379 California desert regions ZZLVAP78LUg-00000-00000008-00000142 so how do you take something like that ZZLVAP78LUg-00001-00000143-00000286 kind of a lofty mission and that kind of ZZLVAP78LUg-00002-00000287-00000503 a vision of this giant 10-year goal ZZLVAP78LUg-00003-00000504-00000686 and translate that into a strategy for ZZLVAP78LUg-00004-00000687-00000894 here's what we're doing this year ZZLVAP78LUg-00005-00000896-00001054 that that connects to that in a very ZZLVAP78LUg-00006-00001055-00001199 clear way and then how do you take that ZZLVAP78LUg-00007-00001200-00001343 strategy and say okay well this is what ZZLVAP78LUg-00008-00001344-00001391 we're going to ZZLVAP78LUg-00009-00001392-00001726 do this year how do you create goals ZZLVAP78LUg-00010-00001727-00001959 at the company where every single person ZZLVAP78LUg-00011-00001960-00002102 can connect what they're doing ZZLVAP78LUg-00012-00002103-00002383 on any given day to that exact vision ZZLVAP78LUg-00013-00002384-00002583 can you give us an example that sort of ZZLVAP78LUg-00014-00002584-00002831 walks down that waterfall sure so our ZZLVAP78LUg-00015-00002832-00002910 mission is to ZZLVAP78LUg-00016-00002911-00003023 enable the pursuit of a better life ZZLVAP78LUg-00017-00003024-00003231 through education right our our ZZLVAP78LUg-00018-00003232-00003559 vision today is we want to build ZZLVAP78LUg-00019-00003560-00003767 a an alternative to the current system ZZLVAP78LUg-00020-00003768-00003870 of higher education ZZLVAP78LUg-00021-00003871-00004022 right we want to provide people with a ZZLVAP78LUg-00022-00004023-00004183 with a different path college is ZZLVAP78LUg-00023-00004184-00004311 great for some people but it really ZZLVAP78LUg-00024-00004312-00004502 doesn't work for a lot of people and so ZZLVAP78LUg-00025-00004503-00004615 what is our strategy how are we going to ZZLVAP78LUg-00026-00004616-00004735 do that ZZLVAP78LUg-00027-00004736-00004951 we're going to build a global campus for ZZLVAP78LUg-00028-00004952-00005054 lifelong learners ZZLVAP78LUg-00029-00005055-00005270 focused on positive impact right and ZZLVAP78LUg-00030-00005271-00005406 those three things global campus ZZLVAP78LUg-00031-00005407-00005647 lifelong learning positive impact ZZLVAP78LUg-00032-00005648-00005863 are the three headers for all of our ZZLVAP78LUg-00033-00005864-00005991 company goals so what does a global ZZLVAP78LUg-00034-00005992-00006070 campus mean ZZLVAP78LUg-00035-00006071-00006318 well global campus means this year we're ZZLVAP78LUg-00036-00006319-00006510 going to open this many new locations ZZLVAP78LUg-00037-00006511-00006663 we're going to pioneer this model of ZZLVAP78LUg-00038-00006664-00006814 co-learning where now that we're ZZLVAP78LUg-00039-00006815-00007006 part of wework all of our online ZZLVAP78LUg-00040-00007008-00007214 students all around the world get access ZZLVAP78LUg-00041-00007215-00007359 to local weworks ZZLVAP78LUg-00042-00007359-00007678 to study out of um and and and so forth ZZLVAP78LUg-00043-00007679-00007774 lifelong learning ZZLVAP78LUg-00044-00007775-00007910 means we have to launch part-time ZZLVAP78LUg-00045-00007911-00008070 programs et cetera positive impact is ZZLVAP78LUg-00046-00008072-00008191 our job placement goal so we're going to ZZLVAP78LUg-00047-00008192-00008327 have x percent job placement we're going ZZLVAP78LUg-00048-00008328-00008471 to have x percent you know positive ZZLVAP78LUg-00049-00008472-00008695 impact is actually measurable positive ZZLVAP78LUg-00050-00008696-00008831 impact everything is measurable ZZLVAP78LUg-00051-00008832-00008991 but not just that it's measurable in a ZZLVAP78LUg-00052-00008992-00009151 way that you know you take something ZZLVAP78LUg-00053-00009152-00009223 like ZZLVAP78LUg-00054-00009224-00009431 uh global campus we're going to open ZZLVAP78LUg-00055-00009432-00009623 this many locations well then now that ZZLVAP78LUg-00056-00009624-00009791 layers down into the marketing team's ZZLVAP78LUg-00057-00009792-00010006 goal of what it looks like to launch ZZLVAP78LUg-00058-00010007-00010214 to the instructor's goals on or are the ZZLVAP78LUg-00059-00010215-00010359 people team's goals on hiring the staff ZZLVAP78LUg-00060-00010360-00010487 for those campuses ZZLVAP78LUg-00061-00010488-00010695 and anybody at flatiron school doing ZZLVAP78LUg-00062-00010696-00010871 anything should be able to ZZLVAP78LUg-00063-00010872-00011135 tie whatever they're doing up to one of ZZLVAP78LUg-00064-00011136-00011231 those sub goals ZZLVAP78LUg-00065-00011232-00011487 that ties to either you know creative ZZLVAP78LUg-00066-00011488-00011623 positive impact or ZZLVAP78LUg-00067-00011624-00011767 building lifelong learning that ties ZZLVAP78LUg-00068-00011768-00011887 back up to this bigger vision of ZZLVAP78LUg-00069-00011888-00012038 creating alternative education that ZZLVAP78LUg-00070-00012039-00012231 ties right back up to our mission of ZZLVAP78LUg-00071-00012232-00012391 enabling a better life through education ZZLVAP78LUg-00072-00012392-00012503 and so whatever you're doing on any ZZLVAP78LUg-00073-00012504-00012767 given day no matter how small it is or ZZLVAP78LUg-00074-00012768-00012927 what team you're on and what your goal ZZLVAP78LUg-00075-00012928-00013111 is for that month even if it's like ZZLVAP78LUg-00076-00013112-00013238 whether it's a sales goal or ZZLVAP78LUg-00077-00013240-00013407 or shipping a specific feature on the ZZLVAP78LUg-00078-00013408-00013622 product you should be able to ZZLVAP78LUg-00079-00013623-00013791 draw a direct line up to up to the ZZLVAP78LUg-00080-00013791-00013991 mission and did you ZZLVAP78LUg-00081-00013991-00014238 you as in management you know draw those ZZLVAP78LUg-00082-00014240-00014366 lines or ZZLVAP78LUg-00083-00014368-00014638 did you tell the accountant your job is ZZLVAP78LUg-00084-00014640-00014799 to close the books by the fifth of the ZZLVAP78LUg-00085-00014800-00014886 month ZZLVAP78LUg-00086-00014887-00015207 and that they had to then sort of link ZZLVAP78LUg-00087-00015208-00015391 draw the lines between that and the ZZLVAP78LUg-00088-00015391-00015511 changing the world goal ZZLVAP78LUg-00089-00015512-00015838 so i mean some of it ends up being ZZLVAP78LUg-00090-00015840-00016030 relatively straightforward one of our ZZLVAP78LUg-00091-00016031-00016222 impact goals is to have experts in job ZZLVAP78LUg-00092-00016223-00016375 placement well it's pretty obvious that ZZLVAP78LUg-00093-00016376-00016535 the career services team ZZLVAP78LUg-00094-00016536-00016719 you know that they have to do a bunch of ZZLVAP78LUg-00095-00016720-00016911 work to that that the educational staff ZZLVAP78LUg-00096-00016912-00016958 has to ZZLVAP78LUg-00097-00016959-00017150 to do a bunch of work in terms of how ZZLVAP78LUg-00098-00017151-00017279 they service the students ZZLVAP78LUg-00099-00017280-00017639 um how we go about that process of ZZLVAP78LUg-00100-00017640-00017871 matching top-down vision and goal ZZLVAP78LUg-00101-00017872-00018030 setting to bottom up here's what we can ZZLVAP78LUg-00102-00018031-00018119 do ZZLVAP78LUg-00103-00018120-00018414 is honestly an ever-evolving process ZZLVAP78LUg-00104-00018415-00018447 it's ZZLVAP78LUg-00105-00018448-00018679 it's incredibly difficult and it's ZZLVAP78LUg-00106-00018680-00018807 probably more difficult when you're ZZLVAP78LUg-00107-00018808-00018991 small and becomes a little bit more ZZLVAP78LUg-00108-00018992-00019175 clear as you're scaling ZZLVAP78LUg-00109-00019176-00019439 because who who knows what your goals ZZLVAP78LUg-00110-00019440-00019519 are supposed to be ZZLVAP78LUg-00111-00019520-00019735 what should our you know the first year ZZLVAP78LUg-00112-00019736-00019894 we launched an online platform ZZLVAP78LUg-00113-00019895-00020111 what should our sales look like and so ZZLVAP78LUg-00114-00020112-00020335 you try to set goals that are ambitious ZZLVAP78LUg-00115-00020336-00020591 um because you want people to think big ZZLVAP78LUg-00116-00020592-00020639 but ZZLVAP78LUg-00117-00020640-00020903 if they're too ambitious um it's easy ZZLVAP78LUg-00118-00020904-00021030 for people to just get ZZLVAP78LUg-00119-00021031-00021294 demotivated right you don't want to you ZZLVAP78LUg-00120-00021295-00021422 don't want everybody missing their goal ZZLVAP78LUg-00121-00021423-00021455 by ZZLVAP78LUg-00122-00021456-00021663 50 every month and then just being sad ZZLVAP78LUg-00123-00021664-00021839 all the time and so i think it's ZZLVAP78LUg-00124-00021840-00022007 it ends up having to be a conversation ZZLVAP78LUg-00125-00022008-00022207 between leadership and ZZLVAP78LUg-00126-00022208-00022447 the team of what can we achieve if we ZZLVAP78LUg-00127-00022448-00022647 really push ourselves and ZZLVAP78LUg-00128-00022648-00022814 but but it's really really hard and ZZLVAP78LUg-00129-00022815-00023112 takes a lot of time ZdbdeXK2UrM-00000-00000360-00001419 please get kill this beat ZdbdeXK2UrM-00001-00001420-00002671 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00002-00002672-00002838 please ZdbdeXK2UrM-00003-00002839-00003569 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00004-00003570-00004095 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00005-00004096-00004974 red crystals ZdbdeXK2UrM-00006-00004975-00005535 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00007-00005536-00005669 please ZdbdeXK2UrM-00008-00005670-00006420 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00009-00006422-00007267 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00010-00007268-00007510 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00011-00007511-00007720 please ZdbdeXK2UrM-00012-00007720-00009839 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00013-00009840-00010016 please ZdbdeXK2UrM-00014-00010017-00010733 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00015-00010734-00011572 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00016-00011573-00012166 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00017-00012167-00012703 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00018-00012704-00013599 please ZdbdeXK2UrM-00019-00013600-00014387 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00020-00014388-00016166 [Music] ZdbdeXK2UrM-00021-00016168-00016376 you Zftl4nn0S6U-00001-00014084-00016304 foreign Zftl4nn0S6U-00002-00016305-00016883 [Music] Zftl4nn0S6U-00004-00023887-00024991 foreign Zftl4nn0S6U-00005-00024992-00025223 foreign ZhgCs2ogh3U-00000-00000048-00000329 the worshipful company of arbitrators as ZhgCs2ogh3U-00001-00000330-00000577 93rd in the order of precedence of the ZhgCs2ogh3U-00002-00000578-00000790 livery companies of the City of London ZhgCs2ogh3U-00003-00000791-00001073 the organization formally became a ZhgCs2ogh3U-00004-00001074-00001447 livery company on the 17th of March 1981 ZhgCs2ogh3U-00005-00001448-00001754 the company supports education in the ZhgCs2ogh3U-00006-00001755-00002014 field of arbitration it also functions ZhgCs2ogh3U-00007-00002016-00002351 as a charitable institution its motto as ZhgCs2ogh3U-00008-00002352-00002564 displayed beneath its coat of arms is ZhgCs2ogh3U-00009-00002565-00002897 law and custom as with other livery ZhgCs2ogh3U-00010-00002898-00003092 companies there are two main categories ZhgCs2ogh3U-00011-00003093-00003443 of membership liveryman and Freeman its ZhgCs2ogh3U-00012-00003444-00003713 limit of 300 liveryman was decreed by ZhgCs2ogh3U-00013-00003714-00003920 the court of Aldermen all of whom must ZhgCs2ogh3U-00014-00003921-00004208 be Freeman of the City of London being ZhgCs2ogh3U-00015-00004209-00004421 admitted as a liveryman acknowledges a ZhgCs2ogh3U-00016-00004422-00004649 dedication to good government and order ZhgCs2ogh3U-00017-00004650-00004916 only liveryman may be part of the ZhgCs2ogh3U-00018-00004917-00005147 leadership of the company the master the ZhgCs2ogh3U-00019-00005148-00005378 senior warden the junior warden and the ZhgCs2ogh3U-00020-00005379-00005552 court of assistants likewise only ZhgCs2ogh3U-00021-00005553-00005759 liveryman may nominate others for ZhgCs2ogh3U-00022-00005760-00006074 membership company Freeman must be of ZhgCs2ogh3U-00023-00006075-00006266 good character and have an interest in ZhgCs2ogh3U-00024-00006267-00006457 and relevant experience of private ZhgCs2ogh3U-00025-00006458-00006664 dispute resolution while many of the ZhgCs2ogh3U-00026-00006665-00006823 older companies links with their ZhgCs2ogh3U-00027-00006824-00007070 original trades have expired most of the ZhgCs2ogh3U-00028-00007070-00007283 newer livery companies maintain close ZhgCs2ogh3U-00029-00007284-00007577 ties with their vocations the ZhgCs2ogh3U-00030-00007578-00007751 arbitrator's company as it is ZhgCs2ogh3U-00031-00007752-00008012 alternatively styled arranges a program ZhgCs2ogh3U-00032-00008013-00008242 of activities to promote arbitration and ZhgCs2ogh3U-00033-00008243-00008516 interest in arbitration in London in ZhgCs2ogh3U-00034-00008517-00008744 such matters it is held to be at the ZhgCs2ogh3U-00035-00008745-00008966 leading edge of ideas and development in ZhgCs2ogh3U-00036-00008967-00009155 ways which cross boundaries between ZhgCs2ogh3U-00037-00009156-00009346 different dispute resolution ZhgCs2ogh3U-00038-00009347-00009598 specializations in all fields including ZhgCs2ogh3U-00039-00009599-00009809 commerce and all business and domestic ZhgCs2ogh3U-00040-00009810-00010108 activities the company has established ZhgCs2ogh3U-00041-00010109-00010316 charitable trusts through which it ZhgCs2ogh3U-00042-00010317-00010549 expects to continue building substantial ZhgCs2ogh3U-00043-00010550-00010730 funds with the aim of supporting ZhgCs2ogh3U-00044-00010731-00011064 education in the field of arbitration ZhgCs2ogh3U-00045-00011065-00011301 it provides members with the opportunity ZhgCs2ogh3U-00046-00011302-00011517 of hearing from distinguished experts in ZhgCs2ogh3U-00047-00011518-00011721 its field and to exchange ideas and ZhgCs2ogh3U-00048-00011722-00012066 views in convivial surroundings it is ZhgCs2ogh3U-00049-00012067-00012279 also dedicated to the promotion of the ZhgCs2ogh3U-00050-00012280-00012453 City of London as the center of ZhgCs2ogh3U-00051-00012454-00012666 excellence for international dispute ZhgCs2ogh3U-00052-00012667-00012987 resolution the company is a member of ZhgCs2ogh3U-00053-00012988-00013206 the Financial Services Group of livery ZhgCs2ogh3U-00054-00013207-00013437 companies the other 11 members of which ZhgCs2ogh3U-00055-00013438-00013596 are the worshipful companies of ZhgCs2ogh3U-00056-00013597-00013772 Chartered Accountants actuaries ZhgCs2ogh3U-00057-00013774-00013971 international bankers chartered ZhgCs2ogh3U-00058-00013972-00014213 secretaries and administrators insurers ZhgCs2ogh3U-00059-00014215-00014487 information technologists City of London ZhgCs2ogh3U-00060-00014488-00014688 solicitors management consultants ZhgCs2ogh3U-00061-00014688-00015510 marketers tax advisers and world traders ZhgCs2ogh3U-00062-00015511-00016090 topic external links ZhgCs2ogh3U-00063-00016091-00016480 the arbitrator's company Zkk26ayhGRI-00000-00000071-00000366 a bird's best friend Zkk26ayhGRI-00001-00000367-00000471 one day Zkk26ayhGRI-00002-00000472-00000734 granny bird arrived at big bird's nest Zkk26ayhGRI-00003-00000735-00001007 with a surprise for him Zkk26ayhGRI-00004-00001008-00001278 a puppy said big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00005-00001279-00001491 and it isn't even my Zkk26ayhGRI-00006-00001492-00001934 birthday i know granny said with a smile Zkk26ayhGRI-00007-00001935-00002151 but i think you're old enough to have a Zkk26ayhGRI-00008-00002152-00002367 puppy of your own Zkk26ayhGRI-00009-00002368-00002591 will you take good care of him Zkk26ayhGRI-00010-00002592-00002934 it's a big responsibility Zkk26ayhGRI-00011-00002935-00003390 sure said big bird it'll be fun Zkk26ayhGRI-00012-00003392-00003622 what are you going to name him asked Zkk26ayhGRI-00013-00003623-00003799 granny Zkk26ayhGRI-00014-00003800-00004063 the puppy barked happily Zkk26ayhGRI-00015-00004064-00004303 that's it said big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00016-00004304-00004591 i'll name him barkley Zkk26ayhGRI-00017-00004592-00004943 bark said barkley to show that he liked Zkk26ayhGRI-00018-00004944-00005615 his new name Zkk26ayhGRI-00019-00005616-00005918 come on barkley said big bird let's go Zkk26ayhGRI-00020-00005919-00006134 to the park Zkk26ayhGRI-00021-00006135-00006463 wait big bird said granny don't forget Zkk26ayhGRI-00022-00006464-00006719 barclays leash and collar Zkk26ayhGRI-00023-00006720-00006806 look Zkk26ayhGRI-00024-00006808-00007063 the caller has your name and address on Zkk26ayhGRI-00025-00007064-00007414 the tag always use the leash when you Zkk26ayhGRI-00026-00007415-00007687 take your puppy out Zkk26ayhGRI-00027-00007688-00007919 i'll take good care of him granny said Zkk26ayhGRI-00028-00007920-00008039 big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00029-00008040-00008359 don't worry Zkk26ayhGRI-00030-00008360-00008646 big bird and barkley walked past oscar's Zkk26ayhGRI-00031-00008647-00008831 trash can Zkk26ayhGRI-00032-00008832-00009127 hey turkey oscar called Zkk26ayhGRI-00033-00009128-00009478 who's the walking dust moth Zkk26ayhGRI-00034-00009479-00009814 this is my very own puppy barkley Zkk26ayhGRI-00035-00009815-00010191 big bird told him a dog huh Zkk26ayhGRI-00036-00010192-00010399 said oscar Zkk26ayhGRI-00037-00010400-00010663 that's not as great as having a pet worm Zkk26ayhGRI-00038-00010664-00010878 like slimy here Zkk26ayhGRI-00039-00010879-00011574 but not bad Zkk26ayhGRI-00040-00011575-00011823 big bird met his sesame street friends Zkk26ayhGRI-00041-00011824-00011991 in the park Zkk26ayhGRI-00042-00011992-00012303 hello big bird said grover who's your Zkk26ayhGRI-00043-00012304-00012678 adorable furry new friend Zkk26ayhGRI-00044-00012679-00012958 this is my dog barkley Zkk26ayhGRI-00045-00012959-00013351 big bird introduced him proudly Zkk26ayhGRI-00046-00013352-00013630 mito said bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00047-00013631-00013935 i'm partial to pigeons of course but Zkk26ayhGRI-00048-00013936-00014294 dogs are good pets too Zkk26ayhGRI-00049-00014295-00014527 barkley said prairie don Zkk26ayhGRI-00050-00014528-00014815 meet my dog rustler Zkk26ayhGRI-00051-00014816-00015111 rustler barked hello Zkk26ayhGRI-00052-00015112-00015463 may we play with barkley ask telly Zkk26ayhGRI-00053-00015463-00015686 sure said big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00054-00015687-00015991 but he's just a puppy so be gentle with Zkk26ayhGRI-00055-00015991-00016599 him Zkk26ayhGRI-00056-00016600-00016903 barkley had a wonderful time playing in Zkk26ayhGRI-00057-00016904-00017103 the park Zkk26ayhGRI-00058-00017104-00017343 he played tag Zkk26ayhGRI-00059-00017344-00017663 he played hide and go seek Zkk26ayhGRI-00060-00017664-00018486 but his favorite game was baseball Zkk26ayhGRI-00061-00018487-00018783 big bird and prairie don walked our dogs Zkk26ayhGRI-00062-00018784-00019071 back to sesame street Zkk26ayhGRI-00063-00019072-00019303 it's time for barkley to eat prairie Zkk26ayhGRI-00064-00019304-00019471 said Zkk26ayhGRI-00065-00019472-00019758 i'll give him a nice bowl of bird seed Zkk26ayhGRI-00066-00019759-00019967 said big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00067-00019968-00020214 oh no said prairie Zkk26ayhGRI-00068-00020215-00020607 puppies have their own special food Zkk26ayhGRI-00069-00020608-00020830 they need to eat a little meal four Zkk26ayhGRI-00070-00020831-00020991 times a day Zkk26ayhGRI-00071-00020992-00021247 and they always need a bowl of fresh Zkk26ayhGRI-00072-00021248-00021455 water Zkk26ayhGRI-00073-00021456-00021767 prairie don fed barkley and rustler and Zkk26ayhGRI-00074-00021768-00022247 they ate every bite Zkk26ayhGRI-00075-00022248-00022622 barkley looks sleepy said prairie don Zkk26ayhGRI-00076-00022623-00022903 he can sleep in my cozy nest said big Zkk26ayhGRI-00077-00022904-00023086 bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00078-00023087-00023183 no Zkk26ayhGRI-00079-00023184-00023439 barkley needs a bed of his own said Zkk26ayhGRI-00080-00023440-00023575 prairie Zkk26ayhGRI-00081-00023576-00023863 she put some blankets in a box and made Zkk26ayhGRI-00082-00023864-00024158 a bed for barkley next to big bird's Zkk26ayhGRI-00083-00024159-00024822 nest Zkk26ayhGRI-00084-00024823-00025183 barkley crawled up in his new bed Zkk26ayhGRI-00085-00025184-00025527 prairie and rustler tiptoed out Zkk26ayhGRI-00086-00025528-00025927 sleep tight barkley big bird yawned Zkk26ayhGRI-00087-00025927-00026223 he was feeling sleepy too Zkk26ayhGRI-00088-00026224-00026511 he crawled into his nest and was fast Zkk26ayhGRI-00089-00026512-00026887 asleep in a minute Zkk26ayhGRI-00090-00026888-00027302 but big bird didn't sleep for long Zkk26ayhGRI-00091-00027304-00027414 you Zkk26ayhGRI-00092-00027416-00027590 cried barkley Zkk26ayhGRI-00093-00027591-00027935 he was not used to his new home Zkk26ayhGRI-00094-00027936-00028151 big bird tried everything to help Zkk26ayhGRI-00095-00028152-00028374 barkley go to sleep Zkk26ayhGRI-00096-00028375-00028543 he sang songs Zkk26ayhGRI-00097-00028544-00028718 he read stories Zkk26ayhGRI-00098-00028719-00029774 but barkley cried all night long Zkk26ayhGRI-00099-00029775-00030023 sherlock hemlock knocked on the door the Zkk26ayhGRI-00100-00030024-00030190 next morning Zkk26ayhGRI-00101-00030191-00030631 i say is anybody home he called Zkk26ayhGRI-00102-00030632-00030879 good morning sherlock hemlock said big Zkk26ayhGRI-00103-00030880-00031262 bird sleepily this is my new dog Zkk26ayhGRI-00104-00031263-00031367 huh Zkk26ayhGRI-00105-00031368-00031535 what's this Zkk26ayhGRI-00106-00031536-00031814 through my detective's magnifying glass Zkk26ayhGRI-00107-00031816-00032118 i see a small furry animals with big Zkk26ayhGRI-00108-00032119-00032262 ears Zkk26ayhGRI-00109-00032263-00032446 it appears to be Zkk26ayhGRI-00110-00032447-00032790 a dog Zkk26ayhGRI-00111-00032791-00033151 his name is barkley said big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00112-00033152-00033367 pleased to make your acquaintance mr Zkk26ayhGRI-00113-00033368-00033607 barkley said sherlock Zkk26ayhGRI-00114-00033608-00034135 meet my dog watson Zkk26ayhGRI-00115-00034136-00034351 it's time to be up and about and take Zkk26ayhGRI-00116-00034352-00034671 barkley for a walk said sherlock Zkk26ayhGRI-00117-00034672-00034911 you should walk your puppy three times Zkk26ayhGRI-00118-00034912-00035207 every day you know Zkk26ayhGRI-00119-00035208-00035599 it's raining today said big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00120-00035600-00035918 elementary my dear bird said sherlock Zkk26ayhGRI-00121-00035919-00036167 one must face the weather for the sake Zkk26ayhGRI-00122-00036168-00036999 of one's furry friends Zkk26ayhGRI-00123-00037000-00037327 after breakfast sherlock watson barkley Zkk26ayhGRI-00124-00037328-00037702 and big bird walked on sesame street Zkk26ayhGRI-00125-00037703-00038102 barkley splashed through every puddle Zkk26ayhGRI-00126-00038103-00038415 i must be offset sherlock there are more Zkk26ayhGRI-00127-00038416-00038639 mysteries to solve Zkk26ayhGRI-00128-00038640-00038887 goodbye Zkk26ayhGRI-00129-00038888-00039215 goodbye sherlock goodbye watson said big Zkk26ayhGRI-00130-00039216-00039335 bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00131-00039336-00039495 come on barkley Zkk26ayhGRI-00132-00039496-00039967 let's go visit ernie and bert Zkk26ayhGRI-00133-00039968-00040302 hi big bird said ernie Zkk26ayhGRI-00134-00040303-00040511 barkley raced past him into the Zkk26ayhGRI-00135-00040512-00040735 apartment and shook himself on the Zkk26ayhGRI-00136-00040736-00040871 carpet Zkk26ayhGRI-00137-00040872-00041199 then he ran in and out of every room Zkk26ayhGRI-00138-00041200-00041567 he jumped up on bert's favorite chair Zkk26ayhGRI-00139-00041568-00042407 barkley stop big bird yelled Zkk26ayhGRI-00140-00042408-00042655 but it was too late Zkk26ayhGRI-00141-00042656-00043135 black muddy paw prints were everywhere Zkk26ayhGRI-00142-00043136-00043287 barkley Zkk26ayhGRI-00143-00043288-00043639 look what you've done big bird cried i'm Zkk26ayhGRI-00144-00043640-00043951 sorry about the mess ernie Zkk26ayhGRI-00145-00043952-00044215 that's alright said ernie Zkk26ayhGRI-00146-00044216-00044487 barkley is just a puppy said bird he Zkk26ayhGRI-00147-00044488-00044799 doesn't know any better Zkk26ayhGRI-00148-00044800-00045039 big bird helped ernie and bert clean up Zkk26ayhGRI-00149-00045040-00045199 the apartment Zkk26ayhGRI-00150-00045200-00045558 barkley helped too Zkk26ayhGRI-00151-00045559-00045902 big bird took barkley home he dried his Zkk26ayhGRI-00152-00045903-00046151 puppy off with a big towel Zkk26ayhGRI-00153-00046152-00046486 and brushed the tangles out of his fur Zkk26ayhGRI-00154-00046487-00046727 it's time to take your nap now he told Zkk26ayhGRI-00155-00046728-00046862 barkley Zkk26ayhGRI-00156-00046863-00047143 i'm going to visit grover i won't be Zkk26ayhGRI-00157-00047144-00047799 gone long Zkk26ayhGRI-00158-00047800-00048143 barkley didn't take a nap he decided to Zkk26ayhGRI-00159-00048144-00048415 follow big bird so he squeezed through Zkk26ayhGRI-00160-00048416-00048702 the fence and crawled out into sesame Zkk26ayhGRI-00161-00048703-00048871 street Zkk26ayhGRI-00162-00048872-00049083 he was frightened by the Zkk26ayhGRI-00163-00049084-00049335 traffic he tried to make friends with Zkk26ayhGRI-00164-00049336-00049623 harry monster's kitten Zkk26ayhGRI-00165-00049624-00049846 he looked for a bone in the garden next Zkk26ayhGRI-00166-00049847-00050143 to the hooper store Zkk26ayhGRI-00167-00050144-00050383 then he went back home and found Zkk26ayhGRI-00168-00050384-00051263 something even better to chew on Zkk26ayhGRI-00169-00051264-00051607 barkley big bird cried when he saw what Zkk26ayhGRI-00170-00051608-00051799 barkley had done Zkk26ayhGRI-00171-00051800-00052126 that was my lucky glove Zkk26ayhGRI-00172-00052127-00052471 maria was out walking her dog burrito Zkk26ayhGRI-00173-00052472-00052630 heard big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00174-00052632-00053007 what's wrong she said Zkk26ayhGRI-00175-00053008-00053366 barkley chewed up my baseball glove Zkk26ayhGRI-00176-00053367-00053647 big bird was close to tears Zkk26ayhGRI-00177-00053648-00053966 and i had to walk him even in the rain Zkk26ayhGRI-00178-00053967-00054238 and he tracked mud all over ernie and Zkk26ayhGRI-00179-00054239-00054566 bert's apartment and he cried all night Zkk26ayhGRI-00180-00054567-00054687 long Zkk26ayhGRI-00181-00054688-00054959 and Zkk26ayhGRI-00182-00054960-00055271 big bird barkley is only a puppy said Zkk26ayhGRI-00183-00055272-00055399 maria Zkk26ayhGRI-00184-00055400-00055750 he needs you to take care of him Zkk26ayhGRI-00185-00055751-00056030 i know said big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00186-00056032-00056279 big bird picked up his puppy and hugged Zkk26ayhGRI-00187-00056279-00056430 him Zkk26ayhGRI-00188-00056432-00056694 barkley licked his face Zkk26ayhGRI-00189-00056695-00056982 don't worry barkley said big bird i'll Zkk26ayhGRI-00190-00056983-00057166 take good care of you Zkk26ayhGRI-00191-00057167-00057903 just like granny bird said Zkk26ayhGRI-00192-00057904-00058159 big bird and barkley played together Zkk26ayhGRI-00193-00058160-00058350 every day Zkk26ayhGRI-00194-00058351-00058599 big bird taught him how to sit and roll Zkk26ayhGRI-00195-00058600-00058782 over Zkk26ayhGRI-00196-00058783-00059047 maria brought a rubber ball for barkley Zkk26ayhGRI-00197-00059048-00059263 to chew on Zkk26ayhGRI-00198-00059264-00059366 one day Zkk26ayhGRI-00199-00059367-00059719 granny bird came over to visit Zkk26ayhGRI-00200-00059720-00059982 bustler burrito and watson were eating Zkk26ayhGRI-00201-00059983-00060206 lunch with barkley Zkk26ayhGRI-00202-00060207-00060623 how is barkley granny bird asked Zkk26ayhGRI-00203-00060624-00060919 big bird patted his pet proudly Zkk26ayhGRI-00204-00060920-00061135 just fine he said Zkk26ayhGRI-00205-00061136-00061550 barkley is the best present i ever got Zkk26ayhGRI-00206-00061551-00061935 he's my best friend are you sleepy yet Zkk26ayhGRI-00207-00061936-00062326 petey Zkk26ayhGRI-00208-00062327-00062599 are you sleepy yet petey Zkk26ayhGRI-00209-00062600-00062879 do you want to cuddle with your blanket Zkk26ayhGRI-00210-00062879-00063415 and go to sleep Zkk26ayhGRI-00211-00063416-00063671 it's time for bet petey Zkk26ayhGRI-00212-00063672-00064271 close your eyes Zkk26ayhGRI-00213-00064272-00064566 if you don't go to sleep you'll be too Zkk26ayhGRI-00214-00064567-00065382 tired to go to the park tomorrow Zkk26ayhGRI-00215-00065383-00065679 would you like your bear Zkk26ayhGRI-00216-00065680-00066463 little bear wants you to go to sleep Zkk26ayhGRI-00217-00066464-00066543 and Zkk26ayhGRI-00218-00066544-00067311 i'll give you a treat when you wake up Zkk26ayhGRI-00219-00067312-00067511 silly petey Zkk26ayhGRI-00220-00067512-00067735 you can't have that now Zkk26ayhGRI-00221-00067736-00068447 just lie back and you'll have it soon Zkk26ayhGRI-00222-00068448-00068975 are you out of that bed Zkk26ayhGRI-00223-00068976-00069703 petey you're making me tired Zkk26ayhGRI-00224-00069704-00069806 okay Zkk26ayhGRI-00225-00069807-00070023 i'll lie down with you Zkk26ayhGRI-00226-00070024-00070582 just for a minute Zkk26ayhGRI-00227-00070583-00070815 you're tired petey Zkk26ayhGRI-00228-00070816-00071462 close your eyes Zkk26ayhGRI-00229-00071463-00071862 like this elmo's new puppy Zkk26ayhGRI-00230-00071863-00072199 one sunny morning big bird and elmo were Zkk26ayhGRI-00231-00072200-00072494 sitting in front of one two three sesame Zkk26ayhGRI-00232-00072495-00072911 street watching people passing by Zkk26ayhGRI-00233-00072912-00073231 what's the matter elmo asked big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00234-00073232-00073494 why do you look so gloomy on such a Zkk26ayhGRI-00235-00073495-00073711 sunny day Zkk26ayhGRI-00236-00073712-00074023 elmo's side Zkk26ayhGRI-00237-00074024-00074343 if only elmo had a puppy Zkk26ayhGRI-00238-00074344-00075111 life would be perfect he said Zkk26ayhGRI-00239-00075112-00075231 just then Zkk26ayhGRI-00240-00075232-00075687 almost neighbor mr fuzzle strolled by Zkk26ayhGRI-00241-00075688-00075959 excuse me elmo he said Zkk26ayhGRI-00242-00075960-00076238 my family and i are going on vacation Zkk26ayhGRI-00243-00076239-00076350 tomorrow Zkk26ayhGRI-00244-00076351-00076567 would you be able to take care of our Zkk26ayhGRI-00245-00076568-00076926 puppy while we're away Zkk26ayhGRI-00246-00076927-00077143 elmo jumped up Zkk26ayhGRI-00247-00077144-00077287 eepy Zkk26ayhGRI-00248-00077288-00077926 he cried happily Zkk26ayhGRI-00249-00077927-00078191 the next day the fossils knocked on Zkk26ayhGRI-00250-00078192-00078367 elmo's door Zkk26ayhGRI-00251-00078368-00078662 here's our phoebe said mr fuzzle Zkk26ayhGRI-00252-00078663-00078926 and here is a list of instructions said Zkk26ayhGRI-00253-00078927-00079119 mrs fuzzle Zkk26ayhGRI-00254-00079120-00079615 please take good care of her for us Zkk26ayhGRI-00255-00079616-00079950 bye phoebe said susie fuzzle giving the Zkk26ayhGRI-00256-00079951-00080255 puppy a hug and a kiss Zkk26ayhGRI-00257-00080256-00080503 we'll miss you Zkk26ayhGRI-00258-00080504-00080791 thanks again elmo said mr fuzzle Zkk26ayhGRI-00259-00080792-00081282 and off they Zkk26ayhGRI-00260-00081283-00081606 went gee said elmo Zkk26ayhGRI-00261-00081607-00081982 elmo finally has a puppy to take care of Zkk26ayhGRI-00262-00081983-00082359 he watched phoebe chew up the sofa Zkk26ayhGRI-00263-00082360-00082631 you must be hungry phoebe the first Zkk26ayhGRI-00264-00082632-00083118 thing elmo needs to do is feed you Zkk26ayhGRI-00265-00083119-00083415 elmo knows puppies have to eat several Zkk26ayhGRI-00266-00083416-00083543 times a day Zkk26ayhGRI-00267-00083544-00083815 painted elmo as he poured food into Zkk26ayhGRI-00268-00083816-00084031 phoebe's dish Zkk26ayhGRI-00269-00084032-00084326 and elmo will be sure you have plenty of Zkk26ayhGRI-00270-00084327-00084950 fresh water to drink Zkk26ayhGRI-00271-00084951-00085271 elmo quickly found out what hard work it Zkk26ayhGRI-00272-00085272-00085567 was to take care of a puppy Zkk26ayhGRI-00273-00085568-00085991 at night phoebe missed the fuzzles Zkk26ayhGRI-00274-00085992-00086215 elmo knows you want him to come home Zkk26ayhGRI-00275-00086216-00086399 soon phoebe Zkk26ayhGRI-00276-00086400-00086679 elmo whispered sleepily Zkk26ayhGRI-00277-00086680-00087247 right now elmo misses them too Zkk26ayhGRI-00278-00087248-00087575 elmo missed the fossils even more Zkk26ayhGRI-00279-00087576-00088359 when he had to clean up after phoebe Zkk26ayhGRI-00280-00088360-00088631 phoebe wanted to go for a walk several Zkk26ayhGRI-00281-00088632-00088871 times a day Zkk26ayhGRI-00282-00088872-00089150 how's it going elmo big bird called to Zkk26ayhGRI-00283-00089151-00089262 him Zkk26ayhGRI-00284-00089263-00090094 but elmo was too busy to answer Zkk26ayhGRI-00285-00090095-00090462 finally elmo's neighbors returned Zkk26ayhGRI-00286-00090463-00090782 thanks so much elmo said mr fuzzle Zkk26ayhGRI-00287-00090783-00091094 i hope phoebe was no trouble Zkk26ayhGRI-00288-00091095-00091303 oh no said elmo Zkk26ayhGRI-00289-00091304-00091655 no trouble at all Zkk26ayhGRI-00290-00091656-00091894 i guess you must have changed your mind Zkk26ayhGRI-00291-00091895-00092175 about a puppy right elmo big bird said Zkk26ayhGRI-00292-00092176-00092406 later that day Zkk26ayhGRI-00293-00092407-00092655 almost sighed Zkk26ayhGRI-00294-00092656-00092799 no big bird Zkk26ayhGRI-00295-00092800-00093111 elmo still wants a puppy more than Zkk26ayhGRI-00296-00093112-00093582 anything Zkk26ayhGRI-00297-00093583-00093918 the next morning elmo's doorbell rang Zkk26ayhGRI-00298-00093919-00094167 when elmo opened the door the first Zkk26ayhGRI-00299-00094168-00094447 thing he saw was a basket with a big Zkk26ayhGRI-00300-00094448-00094638 ribbon around it Zkk26ayhGRI-00301-00094639-00094862 inside was a thank you note from the Zkk26ayhGRI-00302-00094863-00095055 fuzzle family Zkk26ayhGRI-00303-00095056-00095374 and there was something else too Zkk26ayhGRI-00304-00095375-00095759 a puppy elmo yelled Zkk26ayhGRI-00305-00095760-00096135 this time elmo knew just what to do Zkk26ayhGRI-00306-00096136-00096423 you must be hungry said elmo Zkk26ayhGRI-00307-00096424-00096687 gently taking his favorite teddy bear Zkk26ayhGRI-00308-00096688-00097343 out of the puppy's mouth Zkk26ayhGRI-00309-00097344-00097638 that night the puppy howled Zkk26ayhGRI-00310-00097639-00097879 elmo put a ticking alarm clock in bed Zkk26ayhGRI-00311-00097880-00098055 with the puppy Zkk26ayhGRI-00312-00098056-00098303 this should help you sleep he whispered Zkk26ayhGRI-00313-00098304-00098479 gently Zkk26ayhGRI-00314-00098480-00098726 the soothing sound of the clock calmed Zkk26ayhGRI-00315-00098727-00098871 the puppy Zkk26ayhGRI-00316-00098872-00099118 he curled up in his basket and soon Zkk26ayhGRI-00317-00099119-00099438 began to snore softly Zkk26ayhGRI-00318-00099439-00099735 first thing tomorrow elmo will take you Zkk26ayhGRI-00319-00099736-00100031 to the veterinarian for a checkup elmo Zkk26ayhGRI-00320-00100032-00100582 said Zkk26ayhGRI-00321-00100583-00100855 the next day the veterinarian checked Zkk26ayhGRI-00322-00100856-00101126 the puppy's eyes and looked inside his Zkk26ayhGRI-00323-00101127-00101335 ears and mouth Zkk26ayhGRI-00324-00101336-00101503 she listened to his heart with a Zkk26ayhGRI-00325-00101504-00101679 stethoscope Zkk26ayhGRI-00326-00101680-00101967 she felt his tummy carefully Zkk26ayhGRI-00327-00101968-00102199 then she gave him two shots to protect Zkk26ayhGRI-00328-00102200-00102623 him from catching animal diseases Zkk26ayhGRI-00329-00102624-00103606 elmo and his puppy were very brave Zkk26ayhGRI-00330-00103607-00103847 elmo taught his puppy how to go to the Zkk26ayhGRI-00331-00103848-00104142 bathroom outside Zkk26ayhGRI-00332-00104143-00104406 he took him for walks Zkk26ayhGRI-00333-00104407-00104654 he played with him Zkk26ayhGRI-00334-00104655-00104943 and elmo gave his puppy baths when he Zkk26ayhGRI-00335-00104944-00105534 needed them Zkk26ayhGRI-00336-00105535-00105799 hi elmo big bird called when they met in Zkk26ayhGRI-00337-00105800-00106015 the park a few days later Zkk26ayhGRI-00338-00106016-00106254 how's it going Zkk26ayhGRI-00339-00106255-00106519 elmo smiled as he watched his puppy Zkk26ayhGRI-00340-00106520-00106758 playing with phoebe Zkk26ayhGRI-00341-00106759-00107039 great big bird he said Zkk26ayhGRI-00342-00107040-00107351 say do you know anyone who has a kitten Zkk26ayhGRI-00343-00107352-00107558 that needs a new home Zkk26ayhGRI-00344-00107559-00108031 because now elmo wants a kitty cat too a Zkk26ayhGRI-00345-00108032-00108295 friend for freighty cat Zkk26ayhGRI-00346-00108296-00108623 when freddy cat leaped up the ladder Zkk26ayhGRI-00347-00108624-00108999 eli climbed into the hayloft after him Zkk26ayhGRI-00348-00109000-00109302 here kitty called eli Zkk26ayhGRI-00349-00109303-00109607 but fradycat crawled deep in the hay to Zkk26ayhGRI-00350-00109608-00109854 hide Zkk26ayhGRI-00351-00109855-00110151 then fradycat heard the farmer's voice Zkk26ayhGRI-00352-00110152-00110327 call Zkk26ayhGRI-00353-00110328-00110478 come on eli Zkk26ayhGRI-00354-00110479-00110807 oh fradycat never lets anyone get near Zkk26ayhGRI-00355-00110808-00110990 him Zkk26ayhGRI-00356-00110991-00111343 why uncle will asked a boy Zkk26ayhGRI-00357-00111344-00111639 don't know said uncle will Zkk26ayhGRI-00358-00111640-00111958 he's just a raggedy old stray that Zkk26ayhGRI-00359-00111959-00112599 showed up here one day Zkk26ayhGRI-00360-00112600-00112863 the next morning frady cat stopped Zkk26ayhGRI-00361-00112864-00113223 licking his paw when he saw eli's head Zkk26ayhGRI-00362-00113224-00113510 pop into the hay loft Zkk26ayhGRI-00363-00113511-00113647 hi kitty Zkk26ayhGRI-00364-00113648-00113975 said eli softly Zkk26ayhGRI-00365-00113976-00114286 fraidy cat hurried away to hide Zkk26ayhGRI-00366-00114288-00114566 he remembered other boys who pulled his Zkk26ayhGRI-00367-00114567-00114951 tail and made loud noises Zkk26ayhGRI-00368-00114952-00115247 so far the farmer's hayloft was the Zkk26ayhGRI-00369-00115248-00116071 safest safest place he'd found Zkk26ayhGRI-00370-00116072-00116447 eli sat in the hay and told fradycat Zkk26ayhGRI-00371-00116448-00116751 i'm visiting uncle will for two weeks Zkk26ayhGRI-00372-00116752-00116966 he's showing me how to collect chicken Zkk26ayhGRI-00373-00116967-00117247 eggs and ride a horse Zkk26ayhGRI-00374-00117248-00117551 i like it here Zkk26ayhGRI-00375-00117552-00117831 frady cat cracked back over the hay when Zkk26ayhGRI-00376-00117832-00118110 eli was gone Zkk26ayhGRI-00377-00118111-00118415 suddenly he sniffed a new smell Zkk26ayhGRI-00378-00118416-00118615 not a barn smell Zkk26ayhGRI-00379-00118616-00118886 what was it Zkk26ayhGRI-00380-00118888-00119166 eli had left him part of a peanut butter Zkk26ayhGRI-00381-00119167-00119343 sandwich Zkk26ayhGRI-00382-00119344-00119702 no one had given him such an ooey gooey Zkk26ayhGRI-00383-00119703-00120358 good snack before Zkk26ayhGRI-00384-00120359-00120686 the next time eli came to the hayloft he Zkk26ayhGRI-00385-00120688-00121095 was carrying a floppy old stuffed rabbit Zkk26ayhGRI-00386-00121096-00121566 fraidy cat climbed high up on the hay Zkk26ayhGRI-00387-00121567-00121951 this is eb bunny eli said Zkk26ayhGRI-00388-00121952-00122271 do you want to meet him asked eli Zkk26ayhGRI-00389-00122272-00122519 come and see Zkk26ayhGRI-00390-00122520-00122734 fraidy cat wanted to Zkk26ayhGRI-00391-00122735-00122983 but he climbed higher up on the hay Zkk26ayhGRI-00392-00122983-00123590 instead Zkk26ayhGRI-00393-00123591-00123951 one day when eli came freddie cat didn't Zkk26ayhGRI-00394-00123952-00124086 leap away Zkk26ayhGRI-00395-00124088-00124527 he let eli come closer and closer Zkk26ayhGRI-00396-00124528-00124863 but when eli reached out to pat his head Zkk26ayhGRI-00397-00124864-00125214 fraidy cat felt afraid Zkk26ayhGRI-00398-00125215-00125551 so afraid he scratched eli's hand and Zkk26ayhGRI-00399-00125552-00125902 made three bright red marks Zkk26ayhGRI-00400-00125903-00126151 ow cried eli Zkk26ayhGRI-00401-00126152-00126871 and fraidy cat hurried away to hide Zkk26ayhGRI-00402-00126872-00127166 fraidy cat thought eli would get mad and Zkk26ayhGRI-00403-00127167-00127334 pull his tail Zkk26ayhGRI-00404-00127335-00127639 but eli didn't do that Zkk26ayhGRI-00405-00127640-00127966 sorry i scared you he said Zkk26ayhGRI-00406-00127967-00128278 then he sat down and told fradycat about Zkk26ayhGRI-00407-00128279-00128623 his birthday Zkk26ayhGRI-00408-00128624-00128910 uncle will said i could have a barn cat Zkk26ayhGRI-00409-00128911-00129183 for my birthday eli said Zkk26ayhGRI-00410-00129183-00129414 i told him i want you Zkk26ayhGRI-00411-00129415-00129727 and he said i can hope and pray Zkk26ayhGRI-00412-00129728-00130014 but i might wait forever for you Zkk26ayhGRI-00413-00130015-00130863 so i'm going to start praying right now Zkk26ayhGRI-00414-00130864-00131175 freddie cat watched eli bow his head Zkk26ayhGRI-00415-00131176-00131478 dear god prayed eli help freddie cat be Zkk26ayhGRI-00416-00131479-00132039 brave so i can be his friend amen Zkk26ayhGRI-00417-00132040-00132311 eli laid a peanut butter sandwich on the Zkk26ayhGRI-00418-00132312-00133039 hay before he left Zkk26ayhGRI-00419-00133040-00133390 eli came to the hayloft every day Zkk26ayhGRI-00420-00133391-00133695 fraidy cat began to sit in the cobwebby Zkk26ayhGRI-00421-00133696-00133790 window Zkk26ayhGRI-00422-00133791-00134159 near eli but not too close Zkk26ayhGRI-00423-00134160-00134543 sometimes eli brought eb bunny Zkk26ayhGRI-00424-00134544-00134639 then Zkk26ayhGRI-00425-00134640-00134831 one afternoon Zkk26ayhGRI-00426-00134832-00134951 boom Zkk26ayhGRI-00427-00134952-00135343 a clap of thunder shook the hay loft Zkk26ayhGRI-00428-00135344-00135590 i'd better go eli said Zkk26ayhGRI-00429-00135591-00136319 he tossed frady cat his street Zkk26ayhGRI-00430-00136320-00136551 frady cat was cleaning the crumbs from Zkk26ayhGRI-00431-00136552-00136927 his whiskers when he saw eb bunny Zkk26ayhGRI-00432-00136928-00137231 eli had dropped him Zkk26ayhGRI-00433-00137232-00137519 freddy cat quietly crept up and tasted Zkk26ayhGRI-00434-00137520-00137678 one ear Zkk26ayhGRI-00435-00137679-00137943 the fuss tickled his tongue Zkk26ayhGRI-00436-00137944-00138207 then he sank his thief into the soft Zkk26ayhGRI-00437-00138208-00138311 cloth Zkk26ayhGRI-00438-00138312-00138807 and he chewed off eb bunny's big ears Zkk26ayhGRI-00439-00138808-00139063 when eli came the next day Zkk26ayhGRI-00440-00139064-00139390 freddy kat was hiding because he thought Zkk26ayhGRI-00441-00139391-00139654 eli would be mad Zkk26ayhGRI-00442-00139655-00139927 but eli wasn't mad Zkk26ayhGRI-00443-00139928-00140878 he just looked at eb bunny and cried Zkk26ayhGRI-00444-00140879-00141239 fraidycat didn't like eli's sad sniffy Zkk26ayhGRI-00445-00141240-00141743 sobs and he wanted to say he was sorry Zkk26ayhGRI-00446-00141744-00142039 fraidy cat forgot to be afraid Zkk26ayhGRI-00447-00142040-00142278 he jumped right into eli's lap and Zkk26ayhGRI-00448-00142279-00142590 licked the tears of his cheeks Zkk26ayhGRI-00449-00142591-00142959 then eli's hands rubbed frady cat's head Zkk26ayhGRI-00450-00142960-00143375 they were warm kind hands Zkk26ayhGRI-00451-00143376-00143678 and that day when eli stood up to leave Zkk26ayhGRI-00452-00143679-00144326 frady cat followed him Zkk26ayhGRI-00453-00144327-00144614 eli left when he saw fradycat and picked Zkk26ayhGRI-00454-00144615-00144775 him up Zkk26ayhGRI-00455-00144776-00145078 well i'll be said uncle will Zkk26ayhGRI-00456-00145079-00145335 i didn't think anyone could make friends Zkk26ayhGRI-00457-00145336-00145647 with you old fraidy cat Zkk26ayhGRI-00458-00145648-00145902 his name's not fraidy cat anymore said Zkk26ayhGRI-00459-00145903-00146007 eli Zkk26ayhGRI-00460-00146008-00146326 i'm going to call him pal Zkk26ayhGRI-00461-00146327-00146695 do you like your new name asked eli Zkk26ayhGRI-00462-00146696-00146926 then pal did something he'd never done Zkk26ayhGRI-00463-00146927-00147047 before Zkk26ayhGRI-00464-00147048-00147671 he purred grover's new kitten Zkk26ayhGRI-00465-00147672-00147983 one day my mommy said i could have a Zkk26ayhGRI-00466-00147984-00148159 kitten Zkk26ayhGRI-00467-00148160-00148471 oh i was so happy Zkk26ayhGRI-00468-00148472-00148790 we went to the animal shelter Zkk26ayhGRI-00469-00148791-00149054 the kittens were all so cute and Zkk26ayhGRI-00470-00149055-00149583 adorable Zkk26ayhGRI-00471-00149584-00149854 this is the kitten i chose Zkk26ayhGRI-00472-00149855-00150095 isn't she wonderful Zkk26ayhGRI-00473-00150096-00150431 i named her ginger Zkk26ayhGRI-00474-00150432-00150823 i brought ginger home and fed her Zkk26ayhGRI-00475-00150824-00151102 she ate all her food Zkk26ayhGRI-00476-00151103-00151783 then she washed her face Zkk26ayhGRI-00477-00151784-00152135 my mommy made a toy for ginger Zkk26ayhGRI-00478-00152136-00152414 first jinger looked at it Zkk26ayhGRI-00479-00152415-00153111 then she played with it Zkk26ayhGRI-00480-00153112-00153463 later ginger and i played hide and seek Zkk26ayhGRI-00481-00153464-00153678 in my room Zkk26ayhGRI-00482-00153679-00154414 i see you ginger Zkk26ayhGRI-00483-00154415-00154687 when it was time to go to sleep Zkk26ayhGRI-00484-00154688-00154854 i said Zkk26ayhGRI-00485-00154855-00155263 ginger here is your little bed Zkk26ayhGRI-00486-00155264-00155526 ginger climbed into her bed Zkk26ayhGRI-00487-00155527-00156295 but she did not stay there Zkk26ayhGRI-00488-00156296-00156702 ginger slept on my bed instead Zkk26ayhGRI-00489-00156703-00157064 good night ginger Zk-Pgli_yAI-00000-00000053-00000356 nunavut listen French nine of e.t Zk-Pgli_yAI-00001-00000357-00000614 Inuktitut syllabics Nunavut is the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00002-00000615-00000754 newest largest and northernmost Zk-Pgli_yAI-00003-00000755-00001075 territory of Canada it was separated Zk-Pgli_yAI-00004-00001076-00001211 officially from the Northwest Zk-Pgli_yAI-00005-00001212-00001525 Territories on April 1st 1999 via the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00006-00001526-00001730 Nunavut Act and the Nunavut land claims Zk-Pgli_yAI-00007-00001730-00001913 agreement act though the boundaries had Zk-Pgli_yAI-00008-00001914-00002242 been contemplatively drawn in 1993 the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00009-00002243-00002443 creation of Nunavut resulted in the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00010-00002444-00002630 first major change to Canada's political Zk-Pgli_yAI-00011-00002631-00002833 map since the incorporation of the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00012-00002834-00003224 province of Newfoundland in 1949 Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00013-00003225-00003434 comprises a major portion of northern Zk-Pgli_yAI-00014-00003435-00003626 Canada and most of the Canadian Arctic Zk-Pgli_yAI-00015-00003627-00003959 Archipelago its vast territory makes it Zk-Pgli_yAI-00016-00003960-00004166 the fifth largest country subdivision in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00017-00004167-00004349 the world as well as North America's Zk-Pgli_yAI-00018-00004350-00004604 second largest after Greenland the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00019-00004605-00004879 capital Iqaluit formerly Frobisher Bay Zk-Pgli_yAI-00020-00004880-00005152 on Baffin Island in the East was chosen Zk-Pgli_yAI-00021-00005153-00005488 by the 1995 capital plebiscite other Zk-Pgli_yAI-00022-00005489-00005704 major communities include the regional Zk-Pgli_yAI-00023-00005705-00005992 centers of Rankin Inlet in Cambridge Bay Zk-Pgli_yAI-00024-00005993-00006236 Nunavut also includes Ellesmere Island Zk-Pgli_yAI-00025-00006237-00006472 to the far north as well as the eastern Zk-Pgli_yAI-00026-00006473-00006659 and southern portions of Victoria Island Zk-Pgli_yAI-00027-00006659-00006871 in the West and a Comiskey Island in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00028-00006872-00007067 James Bay far to the south east of the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00029-00007068-00007328 rest of the territory it is Canada's Zk-Pgli_yAI-00030-00007329-00007541 only geopolitical region that is not Zk-Pgli_yAI-00031-00007542-00007733 connected to the rest of North America Zk-Pgli_yAI-00032-00007734-00007948 by highway Nunavut is the largest in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00033-00007950-00008146 area and the second least populous of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00034-00008147-00008435 Canada's provinces and territories one Zk-Pgli_yAI-00035-00008436-00008624 of the world's most remote sparsely Zk-Pgli_yAI-00036-00008625-00008863 settled regions it has a population of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00037-00008864-00009260 35,000 944 mostly Inuit spread over an Zk-Pgli_yAI-00038-00009261-00009592 area of just over 1 million 750 thousand Zk-Pgli_yAI-00039-00009593-00009778 square kilometres six hundred eighty Zk-Pgli_yAI-00040-00009779-00009967 thousand square miles or slightly Zk-Pgli_yAI-00041-00009968-00010288 smaller than Mexico Nunavut is also home Zk-Pgli_yAI-00042-00010289-00010484 to the world's northernmost permanently Zk-Pgli_yAI-00043-00010485-00010771 inhabited place alert Eureka Zk-Pgli_yAI-00044-00010772-00010942 a weather station also on Ellesmere Zk-Pgli_yAI-00045-00010943-00011162 Island has the lowest average annual Zk-Pgli_yAI-00046-00011163-00011324 temperature of any Canadian weather Zk-Pgli_yAI-00047-00011325-00011880 station Zk-Pgli_yAI-00048-00011881-00012420 topic etymology Zk-Pgli_yAI-00049-00012421-00013247 Nunavut means our land in Inuktitut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00050-00013249-00013783 topic geography Zk-Pgli_yAI-00051-00013784-00014008 Nunavut covers 1 million eight hundred Zk-Pgli_yAI-00052-00014009-00014263 seventy seven thousand seven hundred Zk-Pgli_yAI-00053-00014263-00014476 eighty seven square kilometers seven Zk-Pgli_yAI-00054-00014477-00014665 hundred twenty-five thousand eighteen Zk-Pgli_yAI-00055-00014666-00014971 square miles of land and 160 thousand Zk-Pgli_yAI-00056-00014972-00015130 nine hundred thirty-five square Zk-Pgli_yAI-00057-00015131-00015337 kilometers sixty two thousand one Zk-Pgli_yAI-00058-00015338-00015532 hundred thirty-seven square miles of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00059-00015533-00015819 water in northern Canada the territory Zk-Pgli_yAI-00060-00015820-00016030 includes part of the mainland most of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00061-00016031-00016150 the Arctic Archipelago Zk-Pgli_yAI-00062-00016151-00016321 and all of the islands in Hudson Bay Zk-Pgli_yAI-00063-00016322-00016603 James Bay and Ungava Bay including the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00064-00016604-00016807 Belcher islands all of which belonged to Zk-Pgli_yAI-00065-00016808-00016980 the Northwest Territories from which Zk-Pgli_yAI-00066-00016981-00017247 Nunavut was separated this makes it the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00067-00017248-00017458 fifth largest sub-national entity or Zk-Pgli_yAI-00068-00017459-00017688 administrative division in the world if Zk-Pgli_yAI-00069-00017689-00017911 Nunavut were a country it would rank Zk-Pgli_yAI-00070-00017912-00018180 15th in area Nunavut has long land Zk-Pgli_yAI-00071-00018181-00018375 borders with the Northwest Territories Zk-Pgli_yAI-00072-00018376-00018589 on the mainland and a few Arctic islands Zk-Pgli_yAI-00073-00018590-00018766 and with Manitoba to the south of the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00074-00018767-00018933 Nunavut mainland it also meets Zk-Pgli_yAI-00075-00018934-00019117 Saskatchewan to the southwest at a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00076-00019118-00019387 Quadra point through its small satellite Zk-Pgli_yAI-00077-00019388-00019585 territories in the southeast it has Zk-Pgli_yAI-00078-00019586-00019789 short land borders with Newfoundland and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00079-00019790-00020028 Labrador on kalanick island with Ontario Zk-Pgli_yAI-00080-00020029-00020293 in two locations in James Bay the larger Zk-Pgli_yAI-00081-00020294-00020509 located west of a Comiskey island and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00082-00020510-00020697 the smaller around the Albany River near Zk-Pgli_yAI-00083-00020698-00020896 for far Thailand and with Quebec in many Zk-Pgli_yAI-00084-00020897-00021106 locations such as near East Maine and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00085-00021107-00021384 near in o´clock it also shares maritime Zk-Pgli_yAI-00086-00021385-00021583 borders with Greenland and the provinces Zk-Pgli_yAI-00087-00021584-00021961 of Quebec Ontario and Manitoba Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00088-00021962-00022389 highest point is Barbra Peak 2616 meters Zk-Pgli_yAI-00089-00022390-00022762 8500 83 feet on Ellesmere Island the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00090-00022763-00023140 population density is 0.01 9 persons per Zk-Pgli_yAI-00091-00023141-00023452 square kilometre 0.05 persons per square Zk-Pgli_yAI-00092-00023453-00023668 mile one of the lowest in the world Zk-Pgli_yAI-00093-00023669-00023899 by comparison Greenland has Zk-Pgli_yAI-00094-00023900-00024109 approximately the same area and nearly Zk-Pgli_yAI-00095-00024110-00024705 twice the population Zk-Pgli_yAI-00096-00024706-00025187 topic climate Zk-Pgli_yAI-00097-00025188-00025463 Nunavut experiences a polar climate in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00098-00025464-00025679 most regions owing to its high latitude Zk-Pgli_yAI-00099-00025680-00025850 and lower continental summer time Zk-Pgli_yAI-00100-00025851-00026135 influence than areas to the west in more Zk-Pgli_yAI-00101-00026136-00026363 southerly continental areas very cold Zk-Pgli_yAI-00102-00026364-00026576 subarctic climates can be found due to Zk-Pgli_yAI-00103-00026577-00026750 July being slightly milder than the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00104-00026751-00027008 required 10 degrees Celsius 50 degrees Zk-Pgli_yAI-00105-00027008-00027577 Fahrenheit Zk-Pgli_yAI-00106-00027579-00028083 topic history Zk-Pgli_yAI-00107-00028085-00028294 the region now known as Nunavut has Zk-Pgli_yAI-00108-00028295-00028498 supported a continuous indigenous Zk-Pgli_yAI-00109-00028499-00028689 population for approximately four Zk-Pgli_yAI-00110-00028691-00029008 thousand years most historians identify Zk-Pgli_yAI-00111-00029008-00029179 the coast of Baffin Island with the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00112-00029180-00029422 Helen described in Norse Sagas so it is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00113-00029423-00029599 possible that the inhabitants of the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00114-00029600-00029806 region had occasional contact with Norse Zk-Pgli_yAI-00115-00029807-00030335 sailors Zk-Pgli_yAI-00116-00030336-00030926 topic archaeological findings Zk-Pgli_yAI-00117-00030927-00031249 in September 2008 researchers reported Zk-Pgli_yAI-00118-00031250-00031451 on the evaluation of existing and newly Zk-Pgli_yAI-00119-00031452-00031630 excavated archaeological remains Zk-Pgli_yAI-00120-00031631-00031886 including yarn spun from a hair rats Zk-Pgli_yAI-00121-00031887-00032146 tally sticks a carved wooden facemask Zk-Pgli_yAI-00122-00032147-00032342 that depicts Caucasian features and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00123-00032343-00032614 possible architectural material the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00124-00032616-00032833 materials were collected in five seasons Zk-Pgli_yAI-00125-00032834-00033133 of excavation at cape tan field scholars Zk-Pgli_yAI-00126-00033134-00033308 determined that these provide evidence Zk-Pgli_yAI-00127-00033309-00033490 of European traders and possibly Zk-Pgli_yAI-00128-00033491-00033724 settlers on Baffin Island not later than Zk-Pgli_yAI-00129-00033725-00033824 1,000 seee Zk-Pgli_yAI-00130-00033825-00034018 and thus older than our contemporaneous Zk-Pgli_yAI-00131-00034019-00034280 with Lanza Meadows they seem to indicate Zk-Pgli_yAI-00132-00034281-00034595 prolonged contact possibly up to 1450 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00133-00034596-00034886 the origin of the old-world contact is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00134-00034887-00035096 unclear the article states dating of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00135-00035097-00035312 some yarn and other artifacts presumed Zk-Pgli_yAI-00136-00035313-00035492 to be left by Vikings on Baffin Island Zk-Pgli_yAI-00137-00035493-00035699 have produced an age that predates the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00138-00035700-00035993 Vikings by several hundred years so you Zk-Pgli_yAI-00139-00035994-00036187 have to consider the possibility that as Zk-Pgli_yAI-00140-00036188-00036380 remote as it may seem these finds may Zk-Pgli_yAI-00141-00036381-00036557 represent evidence of contact with Zk-Pgli_yAI-00142-00036558-00036767 Europeans prior to the Vikings arrival Zk-Pgli_yAI-00143-00036768-00037298 in Greenland Zk-Pgli_yAI-00144-00037299-00037918 topic first written historical accounts Zk-Pgli_yAI-00145-00037919-00038120 the written historical accounts of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00146-00038121-00038443 Nunavut begin in 1576 with an account by Zk-Pgli_yAI-00147-00038444-00038726 English explorer Martin Frobisher while Zk-Pgli_yAI-00148-00038727-00038885 leading an expedition to find the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00149-00038886-00039089 Northwest Passage Frobisher thought he Zk-Pgli_yAI-00150-00039090-00039271 had discovered gold ore around the body Zk-Pgli_yAI-00151-00039272-00039485 of water now known as Frobisher Bay on Zk-Pgli_yAI-00152-00039486-00039718 the coast of Baffin Island the ore Zk-Pgli_yAI-00153-00039719-00039932 turned out to be worthless but Frobisher Zk-Pgli_yAI-00154-00039933-00040148 made the first recorded European contact Zk-Pgli_yAI-00155-00040149-00040430 with the Inuit other explorers in search Zk-Pgli_yAI-00156-00040431-00040586 of the elusive Northwest Passage Zk-Pgli_yAI-00157-00040587-00040855 followed in the 17th century including Zk-Pgli_yAI-00158-00040856-00041074 Henry Hudson William Baffin and Robert Zk-Pgli_yAI-00159-00041075-00041600 by lot Zk-Pgli_yAI-00160-00041601-00042114 topic Cold War Zk-Pgli_yAI-00161-00042115-00042328 Cornwallis and Ellesmere Islands Zk-Pgli_yAI-00162-00042329-00042493 featured in the history of the Cold War Zk-Pgli_yAI-00163-00042494-00042844 in the 1950s concerned about the area's Zk-Pgli_yAI-00164-00042845-00043066 strategic geopolitical position the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00165-00043067-00043276 federal government relocated Inuit from Zk-Pgli_yAI-00166-00043277-00043486 Nunavik northern Quebec to resolute in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00167-00043487-00043744 Grise fiord in the unfamiliar and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00168-00043745-00043939 hostile conditions they faced starvation Zk-Pgli_yAI-00169-00043940-00044230 but were forced to stay forty years Zk-Pgli_yAI-00170-00044231-00044407 later the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Zk-Pgli_yAI-00171-00044408-00044665 peoples issued a report titled the High Zk-Pgli_yAI-00172-00044666-00044971 Arctic relocation a report on the 1953 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00173-00044972-00045271 255 relocation the government paid Zk-Pgli_yAI-00174-00045272-00045472 compensation to those affected in their Zk-Pgli_yAI-00175-00045473-00045745 descendants and on August 18 2010 in in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00176-00045746-00045943 o´clock Nunavik the Honorable John Zk-Pgli_yAI-00177-00045944-00046288 Duncan PC MP previous Minister of Indian Zk-Pgli_yAI-00178-00046289-00046468 Affairs and Northern Development and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00179-00046469-00046654 federal interlocutor for matey and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00180-00046655-00046882 non-status Indians apologized on behalf Zk-Pgli_yAI-00181-00046883-00047041 of the Government of Canada for the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00182-00047042-00047726 relocation of Inuit to the High Arctic Zk-Pgli_yAI-00183-00047727-00048265 topic recent history Zk-Pgli_yAI-00184-00048266-00048485 discussions on dividing the Northwest Zk-Pgli_yAI-00185-00048486-00048727 Territories along ethnic lines began in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00186-00048728-00048998 the 1950s and legislation to do this was Zk-Pgli_yAI-00187-00048999-00049379 introduced in 1963 after its failure a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00188-00049380-00049577 federal commission recommended against Zk-Pgli_yAI-00189-00049578-00049976 such a measure in 1976 as part of the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00190-00049977-00050183 land claims negotiations between the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00191-00050184-00050387 inuit tape reott Kanna Tommy then called Zk-Pgli_yAI-00192-00050388-00050642 the Inuit tepee air is that of Canada Zk-Pgli_yAI-00193-00050643-00050867 and the federal government the parties Zk-Pgli_yAI-00194-00050868-00051032 discussed division of the Northwest Zk-Pgli_yAI-00195-00051033-00051205 Territories to provide a separate Zk-Pgli_yAI-00196-00051207-00051511 territory for the Inuit on April 14th Zk-Pgli_yAI-00197-00051512-00051802 1982 a plebiscite on division was held Zk-Pgli_yAI-00198-00051803-00052017 throughout the Northwest Territories a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00199-00052019-00052274 majority of the residents voted in favor Zk-Pgli_yAI-00200-00052275-00052424 and the federal government gave a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00201-00052425-00052630 conditional agreement seven months later Zk-Pgli_yAI-00202-00052632-00052850 the land claims agreement was completed Zk-Pgli_yAI-00203-00052851-00053135 in September 1992 and ratified by nearly Zk-Pgli_yAI-00204-00053136-00053390 85% of the voters in Nunavut in a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00205-00053391-00053771 referendum on July 9th 1993 the Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00206-00053772-00053960 land claims agreement act and the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00207-00053961-00054163 Nunavut act were passed by the Canadian Zk-Pgli_yAI-00208-00054164-00054434 Parliament the transition to establish Zk-Pgli_yAI-00209-00054435-00054671 Nunavut territory was completed on April Zk-Pgli_yAI-00210-00054672-00055016 1st 1999 the creation of Nunavut has Zk-Pgli_yAI-00211-00055016-00055229 been followed by growth in the capital Zk-Pgli_yAI-00212-00055229-00055610 Iqaluit a modest increase from 5,200 in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00213-00055611-00056432 2001 to 6600 in 2011 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00214-00056433-00056959 topic demography Zk-Pgli_yAI-00215-00056960-00057255 as of the 2016 Canada census the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00216-00057256-00057663 population of Nunavut was 35,000 944 a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00217-00057664-00058047 12 point 7 percent increase from 2011 in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00218-00058048-00058491 2006 24,000 640 people identified Zk-Pgli_yAI-00219-00058492-00058794 themselves as inuit 80 3.6 percent of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00220-00058795-00059016 the total population 100 as first Zk-Pgli_yAI-00221-00059017-00059722 nations 0.3% 130m 80 0.4% and 4410 is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00222-00059723-00060075 non-aboriginal 15 point Oh percent the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00223-00060076-00060276 population growth rate of Nunavut has Zk-Pgli_yAI-00224-00060277-00060501 been well above the Canadian average for Zk-Pgli_yAI-00225-00060502-00060699 several decades mostly due to birth Zk-Pgli_yAI-00226-00060700-00060879 rates significantly higher than the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00227-00060880-00061129 Canadian average a trend that continues Zk-Pgli_yAI-00228-00061129-00061429 between 2011 and 2016 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00229-00061429-00061636 Nunavut had the highest population Zk-Pgli_yAI-00230-00061637-00061842 growth rate of any Canadian province or Zk-Pgli_yAI-00231-00061844-00062062 territory at a rate of 12 point 7 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00232-00062063-00062353 percent the second highest was Alberta Zk-Pgli_yAI-00233-00062354-00063078 with a growth rate of 11.6 percent Zk-Pgli_yAI-00234-00063079-00063573 topic language Zk-Pgli_yAI-00235-00063574-00063830 along with the Inuit language inuktitut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00236-00063832-00064011 and inuinnaqtun sometimes called Zk-Pgli_yAI-00237-00064012-00064212 Inuktitut english and french are also Zk-Pgli_yAI-00238-00064213-00064446 official languages in his 2000 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00239-00064447-00064644 commission report aji katha genic Zk-Pgli_yAI-00240-00064645-00064829 language of instruction research paper Zk-Pgli_yAI-00241-00064830-00065049 to the Nunavut department of education Zk-Pgli_yAI-00242-00065050-00065279 ian Martin of York University stated a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00243-00065280-00065547 long-term threat to Inuit languages from Zk-Pgli_yAI-00244-00065548-00065781 English as found everywhere and current Zk-Pgli_yAI-00245-00065782-00066015 school language policies and practices Zk-Pgli_yAI-00246-00066016-00066192 on language are contributing to that Zk-Pgli_yAI-00247-00066193-00066255 threat Zk-Pgli_yAI-00248-00066256-00066558 if Nunavut schools follow the Northwest Zk-Pgli_yAI-00249-00066559-00066834 Territories model he provided a 20 year Zk-Pgli_yAI-00250-00066835-00067026 language plan to create a fully Zk-Pgli_yAI-00251-00067027-00067251 functional bilingual society in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00252-00067252-00067644 Inuktitut in English by 2020 the plan Zk-Pgli_yAI-00253-00067645-00067883 provides different models including Zk-Pgli_yAI-00254-00067884-00068229 Kulik model for most Nunavut communities Zk-Pgli_yAI-00255-00068230-00068421 with Inuktitut as the main language of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00256-00068422-00068721 instruction in you enact an immersion Zk-Pgli_yAI-00257-00068722-00068964 model for language reclamation and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00258-00068965-00069171 immersion to revitalize inuinnaqtun as a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00259-00069172-00069519 living language mixed population model Zk-Pgli_yAI-00260-00069520-00069768 mainly for a Khalu it possibly for Zk-Pgli_yAI-00261-00069769-00070050 Rankin Inlet as the 40% Kalu net or non Zk-Pgli_yAI-00262-00070051-00070245 Inuit population may have different Zk-Pgli_yAI-00263-00070246-00070737 requirements of the 30 4960 responses to Zk-Pgli_yAI-00264-00070738-00070917 the census question concerning mother Zk-Pgli_yAI-00265-00070918-00071166 tongue in the 2016 census the most Zk-Pgli_yAI-00266-00071167-00071466 commonly reported languages were at the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00267-00071467-00071661 time of the census only English and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00268-00071662-00071805 French were counted as official Zk-Pgli_yAI-00269-00071806-00072048 languages figures shown are for Zk-Pgli_yAI-00270-00072049-00072231 single-language responses and the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00271-00072232-00072345 percentage of total single-language Zk-Pgli_yAI-00272-00072346-00072690 responses in the 2016 census it was Zk-Pgli_yAI-00273-00072691-00073008 reported that 2045 people 5.8 percent Zk-Pgli_yAI-00274-00073009-00073251 living in Nunavut had no knowledge of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00275-00073252-00073422 either official language of Canada Zk-Pgli_yAI-00276-00073423-00073800 English or French the 2016 census also Zk-Pgli_yAI-00277-00073801-00074121 reported that of the 30,000 135 Inuit Zk-Pgli_yAI-00278-00074122-00074391 people in Nunavut 90.7 percent could Zk-Pgli_yAI-00279-00074392-00075081 speak either Inuktitut or inuinnaqtun Zk-Pgli_yAI-00280-00075082-00075556 topic religion Zk-Pgli_yAI-00281-00075557-00075805 the largest denominations by number of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00282-00075806-00076074 adherents according to the 2001 census Zk-Pgli_yAI-00283-00076075-00076269 were the Anglican Church of Canada with Zk-Pgli_yAI-00284-00076270-00076449 fifteen thousand four hundred forty Zk-Pgli_yAI-00285-00076450-00076678 fifty eight percent the Roman Catholic Zk-Pgli_yAI-00286-00076679-00076879 Church Roman Catholic Diocese of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00287-00076880-00077218 Churchill Hudson Bay with 6205 twenty Zk-Pgli_yAI-00288-00077219-00077424 three percent and Pentecostal with one Zk-Pgli_yAI-00289-00077425-00077635 thousand one hundred seventy five four Zk-Pgli_yAI-00290-00077636-00077949 percent in total 93 percent of the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00291-00077950-00078546 population were Christian Zk-Pgli_yAI-00292-00078547-00079061 topic economy Zk-Pgli_yAI-00293-00079062-00079325 the economy of Nunavut as Inuit and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00294-00079326-00079556 territorial government mining oil gas Zk-Pgli_yAI-00295-00079557-00079823 mineral exploration arts crafts hunting Zk-Pgli_yAI-00296-00079824-00080108 fishing whaling tourism transportation Zk-Pgli_yAI-00297-00080109-00080399 education Nunavut Arctic college passing Zk-Pgli_yAI-00298-00080400-00080648 military and research new Canadian High Zk-Pgli_yAI-00299-00080649-00080822 Arctic research station chars in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00300-00080823-00081026 planning for Cambridge Bay and hi North Zk-Pgli_yAI-00301-00081027-00081181 Alert Bay station Zk-Pgli_yAI-00302-00081182-00081464 Iqaluit hosts the annual Nunavut mining Zk-Pgli_yAI-00303-00081465-00081680 symposium every April this is a trade Zk-Pgli_yAI-00304-00081681-00081866 show that showcases many economic Zk-Pgli_yAI-00305-00081867-00082507 activities ongoing in Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00306-00082508-00083071 topic mining and exploration Zk-Pgli_yAI-00307-00083072-00083305 there are currently three major mines in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00308-00083306-00083643 operation in Nunavut Agni ko egill mines Zk-Pgli_yAI-00309-00083644-00083880 Limited Meadowbank division Meadowbank Zk-Pgli_yAI-00310-00083881-00084126 gold mine as an open-pit gold mine with Zk-Pgli_yAI-00311-00084127-00084432 an estimated mine life 2010 to 2020 and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00312-00084433-00084829 employs 680 persons the second recently Zk-Pgli_yAI-00313-00084830-00085017 opened mine in production as the Mary Zk-Pgli_yAI-00314-00085018-00085255 River iron ore mine operated by Baffin Zk-Pgli_yAI-00315-00085256-00085563 land iron mines it is located close to Zk-Pgli_yAI-00316-00085564-00085794 Pond Inlet on North Baffin Island they Zk-Pgli_yAI-00317-00085795-00086007 produce a high-grade direct ship iron Zk-Pgli_yAI-00318-00086008-00086307 ore the most recent mine to open as Zk-Pgli_yAI-00319-00086308-00086485 doris north or the Hope Bay mine Zk-Pgli_yAI-00320-00086486-00086740 operated near Hope Bay aerodrome by PMAC Zk-Pgli_yAI-00321-00086741-00087028 resource limited this new high-grade Zk-Pgli_yAI-00322-00087029-00087235 gold mine is the first in a series of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00323-00087236-00087444 potential mines and gold occurrences all Zk-Pgli_yAI-00324-00087445-00088102 along the Hope Bay greenstone belt Zk-Pgli_yAI-00325-00088103-00088698 topic advancing mining projects Zk-Pgli_yAI-00326-00088699-00089051 you Zk-Pgli_yAI-00327-00089052-00089789 topic historic minds loop in mine 1982 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00328-00089790-00090101 to 2005 gold current owner Elgin mining Zk-Pgli_yAI-00329-00090102-00090281 limited located near the Northwest Zk-Pgli_yAI-00330-00090282-00090535 Territories boundary near Conroy Lake Zk-Pgli_yAI-00331-00090536-00090947 phalaris mine 1982 to 2000 to lead and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00332-00090948-00091193 zinc located on little Cornwallis Island Zk-Pgli_yAI-00333-00091194-00091742 not far from resolute Nana Civic mind to Zk-Pgli_yAI-00334-00091743-00091973 lead and zinc prior owner breakwater Zk-Pgli_yAI-00335-00091974-00092195 Resources Limited near Arctic bay at Zk-Pgli_yAI-00336-00092196-00092618 Nana civic Rankin nickel mine 1957 to Zk-Pgli_yAI-00337-00092619-00092930 1960 to nickel copper and platinum group Zk-Pgli_yAI-00338-00092931-00093401 metals Jericho diamond mine 2006 to 2008 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00339-00093402-00093791 diamond located 400 kilometers 250 miles Zk-Pgli_yAI-00340-00093792-00094046 northeast of Yellowknife 2012 produced Zk-Pgli_yAI-00341-00094047-00094349 diamonds from existing stockpile no new Zk-Pgli_yAI-00342-00094350-00094673 mining closed doris north goldmine Zk-Pgli_yAI-00343-00094674-00094874 newmont mining approximately three Zk-Pgli_yAI-00344-00094875-00095126 kilometers to miles underground drifting Zk-Pgli_yAI-00345-00095127-00095429 mining none milled or processed Newmont Zk-Pgli_yAI-00346-00095430-00095633 closed the mine and sold it to TM AC Zk-Pgli_yAI-00347-00095634-00096050 resources in 2013 TM AC has now reached Zk-Pgli_yAI-00348-00096051-00096745 commercial production in 2017 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00349-00096746-00097274 topic transportation Zk-Pgli_yAI-00350-00097275-00097507 northern transportation company limited Zk-Pgli_yAI-00351-00097508-00097762 owned by nor Tara a holding company that Zk-Pgli_yAI-00352-00097763-00098044 was until April 1st 2014 jointly owned Zk-Pgli_yAI-00353-00098045-00098204 by the Inuvialuit of the Northwest Zk-Pgli_yAI-00354-00098205-00098412 Territories in the Inuit of Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00355-00098413-00099115 there are no sidewalks in Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00356-00099116-00099492 topic renewable power Zk-Pgli_yAI-00357-00099493-00099656 you Zk-Pgli_yAI-00358-00099657-00099926 nunavut spheal I primarily on diesel Zk-Pgli_yAI-00359-00099927-00100130 fuel to run generators and heat homes Zk-Pgli_yAI-00360-00100131-00100349 with fossil fuel shipments from southern Zk-Pgli_yAI-00361-00100350-00100541 Canada by plane or boat because there Zk-Pgli_yAI-00362-00100542-00100742 are few to no roads or rail links to the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00363-00100743-00100985 region there is a government effort to Zk-Pgli_yAI-00364-00100986-00101204 use more renewable energy sources which Zk-Pgli_yAI-00365-00101205-00101393 is generally supported by the community Zk-Pgli_yAI-00366-00101394-00101609 this support comes from Nunavut feeling Zk-Pgli_yAI-00367-00101610-00101759 the effects of global warming Zk-Pgli_yAI-00368-00101760-00102053 former Nunavut premier Eva re-ack said Zk-Pgli_yAI-00369-00102054-00102374 in 2011 climate change is very much upon Zk-Pgli_yAI-00370-00102375-00102629 us it is affecting our hunters the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00371-00102630-00102857 animals the thinning of the ice as a big Zk-Pgli_yAI-00372-00102858-00103060 concern as well as erosion from Zk-Pgli_yAI-00373-00103061-00103391 permafrost melting the region is warming Zk-Pgli_yAI-00374-00103392-00103577 about twice as fast as the global Zk-Pgli_yAI-00375-00103578-00103724 average according to the UN's Zk-Pgli_yAI-00376-00103725-00103877 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Zk-Pgli_yAI-00377-00103878-00104458 Change Zk-Pgli_yAI-00378-00104459-00105058 topic government and politics Zk-Pgli_yAI-00379-00105059-00105299 Nunavut has a commissioner appointed by Zk-Pgli_yAI-00380-00105300-00105482 the Federal Minister of indigenous and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00381-00105483-00105707 northern Affairs as in the other Zk-Pgli_yAI-00382-00105708-00105916 territories the commissioners role as Zk-Pgli_yAI-00383-00105917-00106118 symbolic and as analogous to that of a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00384-00106119-00106319 lieutenant governor while the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00385-00106320-00106465 Commissioner is not formally a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00386-00106466-00106666 representative of Canada's head of state Zk-Pgli_yAI-00387-00106667-00106898 a role roughly analogous to representing Zk-Pgli_yAI-00388-00106899-00107107 the crown has accrued to the position Zk-Pgli_yAI-00389-00107108-00107362 Nunavut elects a single member of the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00390-00107363-00107503 House of Commons of Canada Zk-Pgli_yAI-00391-00107504-00107800 this makes Nunavut the largest electoral Zk-Pgli_yAI-00392-00107801-00108074 district in the world by area the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00393-00108075-00108265 members of the unicameral Legislative Zk-Pgli_yAI-00394-00108266-00108449 Assembly of Nunavut are elected Zk-Pgli_yAI-00395-00108450-00108647 individually there are no parties in the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00396-00108648-00108934 legislature as consensus-based the head Zk-Pgli_yAI-00397-00108935-00109126 of government the premier of Nunavut is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00398-00109127-00109309 elected by and from the members of the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00399-00109310-00109684 Legislative Assembly on June 14th 2018 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00400-00109685-00109876 Joseph E katuk was elected as the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00401-00109877-00110069 premier of Nunavut after his predecessor Zk-Pgli_yAI-00402-00110070-00110358 Paul quasi lost Anan confidence motion Zk-Pgli_yAI-00403-00110359-00110633 former premier Paul o kalique set up an Zk-Pgli_yAI-00404-00110633-00110860 advisory council of eleven elders whose Zk-Pgli_yAI-00405-00110861-00111107 function it is to help incorporate Inuit Zk-Pgli_yAI-00406-00111108-00111403 kouchi majet shewket Inuit culture and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00407-00111404-00111577 traditional knowledge often referred to Zk-Pgli_yAI-00408-00111578-00111937 in English as IQ into the territory's Zk-Pgli_yAI-00409-00111938-00112174 political and governmental decisions due Zk-Pgli_yAI-00410-00112175-00112382 to the territory's small population and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00411-00112383-00112516 the fact that there are only a few Zk-Pgli_yAI-00412-00112517-00112702 hundred voters in each electoral Zk-Pgli_yAI-00413-00112703-00112924 district the possibility of two election Zk-Pgli_yAI-00414-00112925-00113137 candidates finishing in an exact is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00415-00113138-00113284 significantly higher than in any Zk-Pgli_yAI-00416-00113285-00113560 Canadian province this has actually Zk-Pgli_yAI-00417-00113561-00113756 happened twice in the five elections to Zk-Pgli_yAI-00418-00113757-00113965 date with exact ties into Kulik in the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00419-00113966-00114229 Nunavut general election 2008 and in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00420-00114230-00114403 Rankin Inlet south in the Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00421-00114404-00114760 general election 2013 in such an event Zk-Pgli_yAI-00422-00114761-00114944 Nunavut sprack toises to schedule a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00423-00114945-00115106 follow-up by-election rather than Zk-Pgli_yAI-00424-00115107-00115268 choosing the winning candidate by an Zk-Pgli_yAI-00425-00115269-00115549 arbitrary method the territory has also Zk-Pgli_yAI-00426-00115550-00115796 had numerous instances where MLAs were Zk-Pgli_yAI-00427-00115797-00115994 directly a claim to office as the only Zk-Pgli_yAI-00428-00115995-00116203 person to register their candidacy by Zk-Pgli_yAI-00429-00116204-00116389 the deadline as well as one instance Zk-Pgli_yAI-00430-00116390-00116575 where a follow-up by-election had to be Zk-Pgli_yAI-00431-00116576-00116783 held due to no candidates registering Zk-Pgli_yAI-00432-00116783-00116924 for the regular election in their Zk-Pgli_yAI-00433-00116925-00117218 district at all owing to Nunavut vast Zk-Pgli_yAI-00434-00117219-00117451 size the stated goal of the territorial Zk-Pgli_yAI-00435-00117452-00117610 government has been to decentralize Zk-Pgli_yAI-00436-00117611-00117799 governance beyond the region's capital Zk-Pgli_yAI-00437-00117800-00118126 three regions keating mIET give Alec and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00438-00118127-00118390 cheeky taluk Baffin are the basis for Zk-Pgli_yAI-00439-00118391-00118450 more low Zk-Pgli_yAI-00440-00118451-00118616 administration although they lack Zk-Pgli_yAI-00441-00118617-00118820 autonomous governments of their own the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00442-00118821-00119027 territory has an annual budget of see Zk-Pgli_yAI-00443-00119028-00119231 seven hundred million dollars provided Zk-Pgli_yAI-00444-00119232-00119402 almost entirely by the federal Zk-Pgli_yAI-00445-00119403-00119659 government former Prime Minister Paul Zk-Pgli_yAI-00446-00119660-00119870 Martin designated support for northern Zk-Pgli_yAI-00447-00119871-00120155 Canada as one of his priorities in 2004 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00448-00120156-00120341 with an extra five hundred million Zk-Pgli_yAI-00449-00120342-00120518 dollars to be divided among the three Zk-Pgli_yAI-00450-00120519-00120784 territories in 2001 the government of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00451-00120785-00120953 New Brunswick collaborated with the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00452-00120954-00121133 federal government and the technology Zk-Pgli_yAI-00453-00121133-00121370 firm SSI micro to launch chin eke a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00454-00121371-00121558 unique network that uses satellite Zk-Pgli_yAI-00455-00121559-00121772 delivery to provide broadband internet Zk-Pgli_yAI-00456-00121773-00122096 access to 24 communities in Nunavut as a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00457-00122097-00122308 result the territory was named one of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00458-00122309-00122761 the world's smart 25 communities in 2006 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00459-00122763-00122966 by the intelligent community forum a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00460-00122967-00123167 worldwide organization that honors Zk-Pgli_yAI-00461-00123168-00123458 innovation in broadband technologies the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00462-00123458-00123685 Nunavut public library services the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00463-00123686-00123872 public library system serving the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00464-00123873-00124064 territory also provides various Zk-Pgli_yAI-00465-00124065-00124354 information services to the territory in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00466-00124355-00124679 September 2012 premier Airy act welcomed Zk-Pgli_yAI-00467-00124680-00124880 Prince Edward and Sophie Countess of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00468-00124881-00125096 Wessex to Nunavut as part of the events Zk-Pgli_yAI-00469-00125097-00125243 marking the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Zk-Pgli_yAI-00470-00125244-00125850 Elizabeth the second Zk-Pgli_yAI-00471-00125851-00126382 topic license plates Zk-Pgli_yAI-00472-00126383-00126643 the Nunavut license plate was originally Zk-Pgli_yAI-00473-00126644-00126858 created for the Northwest Territories in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00474-00126859-00127177 the 1970s the plate has long been famous Zk-Pgli_yAI-00475-00127178-00127386 worldwide for its unique design in the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00476-00127388-00127516 shape of a polar bear Zk-Pgli_yAI-00477-00127517-00127858 Nunavut was licensed by the NWT to use Zk-Pgli_yAI-00478-00127858-00128131 the same license plate design in 1999 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00479-00128132-00128350 when it became a separate territory but Zk-Pgli_yAI-00480-00128351-00128542 adopted its own plate design in March Zk-Pgli_yAI-00481-00128543-00128824 2012 for launch in August 2012 a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00482-00128825-00129055 rectangle that prominently features the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00483-00129056-00129258 Northern Lights a polar bear in an inner Zk-Pgli_yAI-00484-00129259-00129767 tube Zk-Pgli_yAI-00485-00129768-00130357 topic flag and coat of arms Zk-Pgli_yAI-00486-00130358-00130602 the flag and the coat of arms of Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00487-00130603-00130788 were designed by Andrew carpet from Zk-Pgli_yAI-00488-00130789-00131356 pangur tongue Zk-Pgli_yAI-00489-00131357-00131856 topic culture Zk-Pgli_yAI-00490-00131857-00132198 you Zk-Pgli_yAI-00491-00132199-00132685 topic music Zk-Pgli_yAI-00492-00132686-00132958 the indigenous music of Nunavut includes Zk-Pgli_yAI-00493-00132959-00133140 Inuit throat singing and drum led Zk-Pgli_yAI-00494-00133141-00133297 dancing along with country music Zk-Pgli_yAI-00495-00133298-00133551 bluegrass square dancing the button Zk-Pgli_yAI-00496-00133552-00133756 accordion and the fiddle an infusion of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00497-00133757-00134341 European influence Zk-Pgli_yAI-00498-00134342-00134819 topic media Zk-Pgli_yAI-00499-00134820-00135071 the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00500-00135072-00135269 based in Nunavut the Canadian Zk-Pgli_yAI-00501-00135270-00135538 Broadcasting Corporation CBC serves Zk-Pgli_yAI-00502-00135539-00135727 Nunavut through a radio and television Zk-Pgli_yAI-00503-00135728-00135944 production Center in Iqaluit and a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00504-00135945-00136237 bureau in Rankin Inlet the territory is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00505-00136238-00136450 also served by two regional weekly Zk-Pgli_yAI-00506-00136451-00136675 newspapers nunataq news published by Zk-Pgli_yAI-00507-00136676-00136864 noir text in Nunavut news north Zk-Pgli_yAI-00508-00136865-00137086 published by northern new services who Zk-Pgli_yAI-00509-00137087-00137320 also published the regional Killick news Zk-Pgli_yAI-00510-00137321-00137590 broadband internet is provided by chin Zk-Pgli_yAI-00511-00137591-00137716 eke and northwest tell through Zk-Pgli_yAI-00512-00137717-00138225 net-caster Zk-Pgli_yAI-00513-00138226-00138684 topic film Zk-Pgli_yAI-00514-00138685-00138929 the film production company Asuma is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00515-00138930-00139139 based in Igloolik co-founded by Zk-Pgli_yAI-00516-00139140-00139374 Zechariah's kunuk and norman Cohn in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00517-00139375-00139676 1990 the company produced the 1999 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00518-00139677-00139881 feature on an arch wat the fast runner Zk-Pgli_yAI-00519-00139882-00140106 winner of the camera d'Or for Best first Zk-Pgli_yAI-00520-00140107-00140343 feature film at the 2001 Ken film Zk-Pgli_yAI-00521-00140344-00140588 festival it was the first feature film Zk-Pgli_yAI-00522-00140589-00140828 written directed and acted entirely in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00523-00140829-00141237 Inuktitut in November 2006 the National Zk-Pgli_yAI-00524-00141238-00141483 Film Board of Canada NFB and the Inuit Zk-Pgli_yAI-00525-00141484-00141704 Broadcasting Corporation announced the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00526-00141705-00141885 start of the Nunavut animation lab Zk-Pgli_yAI-00527-00141886-00142083 offering animation training to Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00528-00142084-00142325 artists at workshops in Iqaluit cape Zk-Pgli_yAI-00529-00142326-00142596 dorset and pangur time films from the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00530-00142597-00142845 Nunavut animation lab include Alethea Zk-Pgli_yAI-00531-00142846-00143061 our new cube barrels 2010 digital Zk-Pgli_yAI-00532-00143062-00143310 animation short luma Jack winner of the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00533-00143311-00143513 best aboriginal award at the golden Zk-Pgli_yAI-00534-00143514-00143699 chief Awards and named best Canadian Zk-Pgli_yAI-00535-00143700-00143973 short drama at the imaginative film Plus Zk-Pgli_yAI-00536-00143974-00144273 Media Arts Festival in November 2011 the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00537-00144274-00144459 government of nunavut and the NFB Zk-Pgli_yAI-00538-00144460-00144708 jointly announced the launch of a DVD an Zk-Pgli_yAI-00539-00144709-00144936 online collection entitled unocal civet Zk-Pgli_yAI-00540-00144937-00145158 Inuktitut sharing our stories which will Zk-Pgli_yAI-00541-00145159-00145424 make over 100 NFB films by and about Zk-Pgli_yAI-00542-00145425-00145589 Inuit available and Inuktitut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00543-00145590-00145824 inuinnaqtun and other Inuit languages as Zk-Pgli_yAI-00544-00145825-00145971 well as English and French Zk-Pgli_yAI-00545-00145972-00146174 the government of Nunavut is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00546-00146175-00146366 distributing eunuch ounce of it to every Zk-Pgli_yAI-00547-00146367-00146965 school in the territory Zk-Pgli_yAI-00548-00146966-00147493 topic performing arts Zk-Pgli_yAI-00549-00147494-00147766 arts RQ is a collective of Inuit circus Zk-Pgli_yAI-00550-00147767-00148000 performers based in Igloolik the group Zk-Pgli_yAI-00551-00148001-00148168 has performed around the world including Zk-Pgli_yAI-00552-00148169-00148405 at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00553-00148406-00149048 Vancouver British Columbia Zk-Pgli_yAI-00554-00149049-00149635 topic noon of amyot notable people Zk-Pgli_yAI-00555-00149636-00149906 Susan a glurk is an inuit singer and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00556-00149907-00150137 songwriter she has released six albums Zk-Pgli_yAI-00557-00150138-00150413 and has won several Juno Awards she Zk-Pgli_yAI-00558-00150414-00150569 blends the Inuktitut in English Zk-Pgli_yAI-00559-00150570-00150794 languages with contemporary pop music Zk-Pgli_yAI-00560-00150795-00150974 arrangements to tell the stories of her Zk-Pgli_yAI-00561-00150975-00151286 people the Inuit of Arctic on may 3rd Zk-Pgli_yAI-00562-00151287-00151541 2008 the Kronos Quartet premiered a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00563-00151542-00151724 collaborative piece with Inuit throat Zk-Pgli_yAI-00564-00151725-00151946 singer Tanya to gawk entitled Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00565-00151947-00152243 based on an Inuit folk story to gawk is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00566-00152244-00152418 also known internationally for her Zk-Pgli_yAI-00567-00152419-00152633 collaborations with Icelandic pop star Zk-Pgli_yAI-00568-00152634-00152943 Bjork Jordan Jon cut luck to two Zk-Pgli_yAI-00569-00152944-00153260 Inuktitut syllabics born February 2nd Zk-Pgli_yAI-00570-00153261-00153569 1983 in Churchill Manitoba Canada is a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00571-00153570-00153773 professional ice hockey player with the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00572-00153774-00153959 Chicago Blackhawks of the National Zk-Pgli_yAI-00573-00153960-00154022 Hockey League Zk-Pgli_yAI-00574-00154023-00154382 NHL although born in Manitoba tutu grew Zk-Pgli_yAI-00575-00154383-00154574 up in Rankin Inlet where he was taught Zk-Pgli_yAI-00576-00154575-00154760 to skate and play hockey by his father Zk-Pgli_yAI-00577-00154761-00155301 Barney Zk-Pgli_yAI-00578-00155302-00155793 topic alcohol Zk-Pgli_yAI-00579-00155794-00156057 due to prohibition laws influenced by Zk-Pgli_yAI-00580-00156058-00156276 local and traditional beliefs Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00581-00156277-00156579 has a highly regulated alcohol market it Zk-Pgli_yAI-00582-00156580-00156786 is the last outpost of prohibition in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00583-00156787-00156978 Canada and it is often easier to obtain Zk-Pgli_yAI-00584-00156979-00157299 firearms than alcohol every community in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00585-00157300-00157461 Nunavut has slightly differing Zk-Pgli_yAI-00586-00157462-00157665 regulations but as a whole it is still Zk-Pgli_yAI-00587-00157666-00157944 very restrictive seven communities have Zk-Pgli_yAI-00588-00157945-00158124 bans against alcohol and another Zk-Pgli_yAI-00589-00158125-00158331 fourteen have orders being restricted by Zk-Pgli_yAI-00590-00158332-00158625 local committees because of these laws a Zk-Pgli_yAI-00591-00158626-00158793 lucrative bootlegging market has Zk-Pgli_yAI-00592-00158794-00158970 appeared where people mark up the prices Zk-Pgli_yAI-00593-00158971-00159264 of bottles by extraordinary amounts the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00594-00159265-00159528 RCMP estimate Nunavut bootleg liquor Zk-Pgli_yAI-00595-00159529-00159759 market rakes in some 10 million dollars Zk-Pgli_yAI-00596-00159760-00159981 a year despite the restrictions alcohols Zk-Pgli_yAI-00597-00159982-00160134 availability leads to widespread Zk-Pgli_yAI-00598-00160135-00160425 alcohol-related crime one lawyer Zk-Pgli_yAI-00599-00160426-00160659 estimated some 95 percent of police Zk-Pgli_yAI-00600-00160660-00160968 calls are alcohol-related alcohol is Zk-Pgli_yAI-00601-00160969-00161142 also believed to be a contributing Zk-Pgli_yAI-00602-00161143-00161346 factor to the territory's high rates of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00603-00161347-00161694 violence suicide and homicide a special Zk-Pgli_yAI-00604-00161695-00161964 task force created in 2010 to study and Zk-Pgli_yAI-00605-00161965-00162144 address the territory's increasing Zk-Pgli_yAI-00606-00162145-00162366 alcohol related problems recommended the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00607-00162367-00162548 government ease alcohol restrictions Zk-Pgli_yAI-00608-00162549-00162786 with prohibition shown to be highly Zk-Pgli_yAI-00609-00162787-00163002 ineffective historically it is believed Zk-Pgli_yAI-00610-00163003-00163203 these laws contribute to the territory's Zk-Pgli_yAI-00611-00163204-00163503 widespread social ills however many Zk-Pgli_yAI-00612-00163504-00163665 residents are skeptical about the Zk-Pgli_yAI-00613-00163666-00163797 effectiveness of liquor sale Zk-Pgli_yAI-00614-00163798-00163962 liberalisation and want to ban it Zk-Pgli_yAI-00615-00163963-00164220 completely in 2014 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00616-00164221-00164391 noon of its government decided to move Zk-Pgli_yAI-00617-00164392-00164673 towards more legalization a liquor store Zk-Pgli_yAI-00618-00164674-00164895 has opened in Iqaluit the capital for Zk-Pgli_yAI-00619-00164896-00165646 the first time in 38 years as of 2017 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00620-00165647-00166122 topic sport Zk-Pgli_yAI-00621-00166123-00166337 Nunavut has competed at the Arctic Zk-Pgli_yAI-00622-00166338-00166581 winter games and co-hosted the 2002 Zk-Pgli_yAI-00623-00166582-00166904 edition hockey Nunavut was founded in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00624-00166905-00167196 1999 and competes in the maritime hockey Zk-Pgli_yAI-00625-00167197-00167871 North junior sea championship Zk-Pgli_yAI-00626-00167872-00168427 topic see also Zk-Pgli_yAI-00627-00168428-00168797 archeology in Nunavut Arctic policy of Zk-Pgli_yAI-00628-00168798-00169211 Canada Quebec Oh US company that Zk-Pgli_yAI-00629-00169212-00169439 produced airborne dioxin inferred to be Zk-Pgli_yAI-00630-00169440-00169687 the source of contamination in Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00631-00169688-00170033 scouting and guiding in Nunavut symbols Zk-Pgli_yAI-00632-00170034-00170300 of Nunavut list of communities in Zk-Pgli_yAI-00633-00170301-00170756 Nunavut Zk-Pgli_yAI-00634-00170757-00171278 topic footnotes Zk-Pgli_yAI-00635-00171279-00171788 carrot one effective November 12 2008 -oaUPEYBfPI-00003-00016850-00017807 in the uh -oaUPEYBfPI-00005-00023078-00023350 nobody knows yeah -oaUPEYBfPI-00007-00029345-00029711 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00009-00034091-00035752 recorded -oaUPEYBfPI-00013-00047531-00050195 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00014-00050196-00051788 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00015-00051789-00053026 [Applause] -oaUPEYBfPI-00016-00053027-00055216 Dharma -oaUPEYBfPI-00017-00055217-00055763 is -oaUPEYBfPI-00020-00065129-00067499 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00023-00077204-00077632 so she has become the residence for the -oaUPEYBfPI-00024-00077633-00077776 person who is the residence for the -oaUPEYBfPI-00025-00077777-00077903 entire world -oaUPEYBfPI-00026-00077904-00080537 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00027-00080538-00081353 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00028-00081354-00083119 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00029-00083120-00084965 [Applause] -oaUPEYBfPI-00031-00088495-00090061 foreign foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00033-00093324-00094865 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00035-00098405-00100456 [Applause] -oaUPEYBfPI-00036-00100457-00101588 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00037-00101589-00101968 [Applause] -oaUPEYBfPI-00038-00101969-00104813 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00040-00110455-00110734 he is the single source for the entire -oaUPEYBfPI-00041-00110735-00112225 world -oaUPEYBfPI-00042-00112226-00112739 he is playing by the rules of the world -oaUPEYBfPI-00043-00112740-00114077 is -oaUPEYBfPI-00047-00126444-00128290 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00050-00137784-00137861 um -oaUPEYBfPI-00052-00141036-00142799 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00053-00142800-00144896 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00054-00144897-00147035 [Applause] -oaUPEYBfPI-00055-00147036-00149513 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00056-00149514-00151793 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00057-00151794-00153659 Opera -oaUPEYBfPI-00058-00153660-00154625 is -oaUPEYBfPI-00060-00158688-00159761 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00061-00159762-00162217 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00062-00162218-00164599 [Music] -oaUPEYBfPI-00063-00164600-00165035 number third -oaUPEYBfPI-00064-00165036-00165754 grade -oaUPEYBfPI-00065-00165755-00167399 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00070-00183858-00184193 it is only accessible and it is only -oaUPEYBfPI-00071-00184194-00184385 known to a certain group of people -oaUPEYBfPI-00073-00190082-00190259 thank you -oaUPEYBfPI-00074-00190260-00192545 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00078-00203310-00205060 hmm OS -oaUPEYBfPI-00081-00217128-00220060 adjectives -oaUPEYBfPI-00084-00226416-00229042 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00085-00229044-00230344 unbelievable -oaUPEYBfPI-00087-00233538-00236225 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00088-00236226-00238769 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00090-00242079-00242116 [Music] -oaUPEYBfPI-00091-00242117-00243341 [Applause] -oaUPEYBfPI-00092-00243342-00243979 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00094-00247267-00248063 important yeah -oaUPEYBfPI-00095-00248064-00249584 um -oaUPEYBfPI-00096-00249585-00252437 [Music] -oaUPEYBfPI-00097-00252438-00252755 tangam -oaUPEYBfPI-00098-00252756-00255323 um -oaUPEYBfPI-00102-00272000-00272206 come on -oaUPEYBfPI-00103-00272207-00274937 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00104-00274938-00277024 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00106-00280697-00281706 [Music] -oaUPEYBfPI-00107-00281707-00281956 is completely gone -oaUPEYBfPI-00110-00288780-00290500 foreign -oaUPEYBfPI-00111-00290501-00290798 [Music] -0w8nmrYyyk-00000-00000158-00000443 gang back again with another monthly -0w8nmrYyyk-00001-00000444-00000695 upload today we're going to be doing a -0w8nmrYyyk-00002-00000696-00000952 troop test basically what the troop test -0w8nmrYyyk-00003-00000953-00001270 is it's a funny psychological test where -0w8nmrYyyk-00004-00001271-00001636 what I need to do is I need to -0w8nmrYyyk-00005-00001637-00001979 look at colored words on my screen and I -0w8nmrYyyk-00006-00001980-00002302 need to say the color of those words you -0w8nmrYyyk-00007-00002303-00002633 ready gang uh you can try at home if you -0w8nmrYyyk-00008-00002634-00002926 wish to -0w8nmrYyyk-00009-00002927-00003058 I guess -0w8nmrYyyk-00010-00003059-00003436 we're down no one cares I definitely -0w8nmrYyyk-00011-00003438-00003713 didn't already try to record this I -0w8nmrYyyk-00012-00003714-00004397 would never -0w8nmrYyyk-00013-00004398-00004553 read -0w8nmrYyyk-00014-00004554-00004697 yellow -0w8nmrYyyk-00015-00004698-00004822 dream -0w8nmrYyyk-00016-00004823-00004972 blue -0w8nmrYyyk-00017-00004973-00005104 yellow -0w8nmrYyyk-00018-00005105-00005249 red -0w8nmrYyyk-00019-00005250-00005386 blue -0w8nmrYyyk-00020-00005387-00005536 green -0w8nmrYyyk-00021-00005537-00005686 red -0w8nmrYyyk-00022-00005687-00005795 blue -0w8nmrYyyk-00023-00005796-00005951 green -0w8nmrYyyk-00024-00005952-00006352 right yeah yeah blue green -0w8nmrYyyk-00025-00006353-00006503 yeah red -0w8nmrYyyk-00026-00006504-00006641 yellow -0w8nmrYyyk-00027-00006642-00006773 blue -0w8nmrYyyk-00028-00006773-00006905 green -0w8nmrYyyk-00029-00006906-00007048 yellow -0w8nmrYyyk-00030-00007050-00007348 red yet green -0w8nmrYyyk-00031-00007350-00007510 yellow -0w8nmrYyyk-00032-00007511-00007901 blue red green -0w8nmrYyyk-00033-00007902-00008033 blue -0w8nmrYyyk-00034-00008034-00008471 green green red -0w8nmrYyyk-00035-00008472-00008614 yellow -0w8nmrYyyk-00036-00008615-00009124 glue -0w8nmrYyyk-00037-00009125-00009425 oh -3Ujlrskhkk-00000-00000000-00002182 [Music] -3Ujlrskhkk-00001-00002183-00002465 so those are deep relation between -3Ujlrskhkk-00002-00002466-00002621 thermodynamics and microcanonical -3Ujlrskhkk-00003-00002622-00002875 ensemble that I give it to you you I -3Ujlrskhkk-00004-00002876-00003188 have given in the book certain problems -3Ujlrskhkk-00005-00003189-00003613 and I should mention to you that the or -3Ujlrskhkk-00006-00003614-00004060 the entirety the entire solution book -3Ujlrskhkk-00007-00004061-00004420 all the solution of the problems are I -3Ujlrskhkk-00008-00004421-00004619 think one of you probably should work -3Ujlrskhkk-00009-00004620-00005045 out in the class the problems in tear -3Ujlrskhkk-00010-00005046-00005377 problem set that is now available online -3Ujlrskhkk-00011-00005378-00005660 free if you have bought a book or -3Ujlrskhkk-00012-00005661-00005825 anybody in the board book then we will -3Ujlrskhkk-00013-00005826-00006336 be able to download the solution book so -3Ujlrskhkk-00014-00006337-00006575 so and that solution book itself is -3Ujlrskhkk-00015-00006576-00006812 about 200 pages because it's a huge -3Ujlrskhkk-00016-00006813-00007498 number of problems in this book okay but -3Ujlrskhkk-00017-00007500-00007735 you need to do the solution because -3Ujlrskhkk-00018-00007736-00007939 there are examples there are there -3Ujlrskhkk-00019-00007940-00008089 problems which relate you calculate -3Ujlrskhkk-00020-00008090-00008328 Omega and they calculate the properties -3Ujlrskhkk-00021-00008329-00008594 so that is very essential part of the -3Ujlrskhkk-00022-00008595-00008798 problem now going over to canonical -3Ujlrskhkk-00023-00008799-00009064 ensemble chemical ensemble now is the -3Ujlrskhkk-00024-00009065-00009353 ensemble where the system is -3Ujlrskhkk-00025-00009354-00009962 characterized now why in VT so you -3Ujlrskhkk-00026-00009963-00010313 cannot change number that is kept fixed -3Ujlrskhkk-00027-00010314-00010778 you cannot change volume okay Prix so -3Ujlrskhkk-00028-00010779-00011456 your volume tricks now so these are well -3Ujlrskhkk-00029-00011457-00011935 the volumes are different in VT in VP -3Ujlrskhkk-00030-00011936-00012308 all are the same and then think of -3Ujlrskhkk-00031-00012309-00012503 systems of ensemble -3Ujlrskhkk-00032-00012504-00013077 but the energy is changing now so the -3Ujlrskhkk-00033-00013078-00013458 systems are in in a in connected in to -3Ujlrskhkk-00034-00013459-00013904 bother now we will do a beautiful mental -3Ujlrskhkk-00035-00013905-00014447 construction that gives lead which is -3Ujlrskhkk-00036-00014447-00014802 how to construct so basic strategy that -3Ujlrskhkk-00037-00014803-00015021 gives it is the following so here we -3Ujlrskhkk-00038-00015022-00015441 have number fixed volume fixed but -3Ujlrskhkk-00039-00015441-00015702 energy exchange is allowed in ejections -3Ujlrskhkk-00040-00015703-00016286 are out such that temperature is -3Ujlrskhkk-00041-00016287-00016578 temperature is constant so you put it in -3Ujlrskhkk-00042-00016579-00016869 a bath and we in chemistry now always do -3Ujlrskhkk-00043-00016870-00017025 these experiments we put it in a bath -3Ujlrskhkk-00044-00017026-00017492 and to preserve the constant temperature -3Ujlrskhkk-00045-00017493-00018069 now then how did Gibbs did the -3Ujlrskhkk-00046-00018070-00018252 calculation okay now let me first ask -3Ujlrskhkk-00047-00018253-00018516 you one thing that when I let my energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00048-00018517-00018765 constant go which is you know we grew up -3Ujlrskhkk-00049-00018766-00018933 with the conservation of energy and we -3Ujlrskhkk-00050-00018934-00019380 constantly nergi we let it go we let let -3Ujlrskhkk-00051-00019381-00019584 it go and replace it by a constant -3Ujlrskhkk-00052-00019585-00019890 temperature what is the change in this -3Ujlrskhkk-00053-00019891-00020565 microscopic state of the system yes -3Ujlrskhkk-00054-00020566-00020709 absolutely so it can have many different -3Ujlrskhkk-00055-00020710-00021094 energies so conservation energy is gone -3Ujlrskhkk-00056-00021095-00021446 conservation edge is a huge constraint -3Ujlrskhkk-00057-00021447-00021843 all of them they are constraints but we -3Ujlrskhkk-00058-00021844-00022062 work in a natural system area in the -3Ujlrskhkk-00059-00022063-00022290 world with constraints but here we let -3Ujlrskhkk-00060-00022291-00022790 go the energy constraint we were having -3Ujlrskhkk-00061-00022791-00023090 in temperature so will the kind of late -3Ujlrskhkk-00062-00023091-00023469 we not kind of we lake a macro variable -3Ujlrskhkk-00063-00023470-00023765 go or extensive property go and replace -3Ujlrskhkk-00064-00023766-00024102 it by an intensive property okay so what -3Ujlrskhkk-00065-00024103-00024252 will happen now will be microscope -3Ujlrskhkk-00066-00024253-00024731 number of microscopic states it will -3Ujlrskhkk-00067-00024732-00024840 increase it will increase enormously -3Ujlrskhkk-00068-00024841-00025158 right okay now this is an example I -3Ujlrskhkk-00069-00025159-00025531 believe is a very nice example -3Ujlrskhkk-00070-00025532-00025762 okay so basic idea the end -3Ujlrskhkk-00071-00025763-00025930 is the following these are not the best -3Ujlrskhkk-00072-00025931-00026149 pitches but we walked round with the -3Ujlrskhkk-00073-00026150-00026682 beaches the way it is a caracal ensemble -3Ujlrskhkk-00074-00026683-00027054 is nve so I have a huge number of -3Ujlrskhkk-00075-00027055-00027352 systems I can put them together and I -3Ujlrskhkk-00076-00027352-00027667 can so I can these are construction -3Ujlrskhkk-00077-00027668-00027795 gives this so we come to that -3Ujlrskhkk-00078-00027797-00027985 construction in a minute this is the I -3Ujlrskhkk-00079-00027986-00028282 think one of the best thing in the whole -3Ujlrskhkk-00080-00028283-00028639 of statistical mechanics ha here here -3Ujlrskhkk-00081-00028639-00029376 now I have the same same example my four -3Ujlrskhkk-00082-00029377-00029739 systems but now I need make the energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00083-00029741-00030261 levels change okay so now here energy is -3Ujlrskhkk-00084-00030262-00030748 6 there 8 this 10 I have same energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00085-00030749-00031245 levels but now before I had only 4 right -3Ujlrskhkk-00086-00031247-00031597 I had only 4 but now I have this -3Ujlrskhkk-00087-00031598-00031885 additional microscopic scales you are -3Ujlrskhkk-00088-00031886-00032113 keeping the energy temperature freeze -3Ujlrskhkk-00089-00032114-00032623 from outside you are putting it in a -3Ujlrskhkk-00090-00032624-00032866 bath you know the temperature just like -3Ujlrskhkk-00091-00032867-00033562 earlier I know I knew nve that was my -3Ujlrskhkk-00092-00033563-00034069 choice of my system here my choice of -3Ujlrskhkk-00093-00034070-00034375 variables is the NV t so I have these -3Ujlrskhkk-00094-00034376-00034702 systems which has same as number of each -3Ujlrskhkk-00095-00034703-00035281 each ok my in my system -3Ujlrskhkk-00096-00035282-00035624 envy and T that is you know this is very -3Ujlrskhkk-00097-00035625-00035943 standard experiments we do -3Ujlrskhkk-00098-00035944-00036229 that we have this number of volume and -3Ujlrskhkk-00099-00036230-00036442 density fixed total number of in in a -3Ujlrskhkk-00100-00036443-00036718 beaker total number of pay then in a -3Ujlrskhkk-00101-00036719-00036987 volume in a cell volume is constant then -3Ujlrskhkk-00102-00036988-00037152 he put it in a temporary outside -3Ujlrskhkk-00103-00037153-00037458 temperature so as an experimentalist or -3Ujlrskhkk-00104-00037459-00037623 in my -3Ujlrskhkk-00105-00037624-00037871 thought experiment I can always keep -3Ujlrskhkk-00106-00037872-00038184 this three fixed wrong side so their -3Ujlrskhkk-00107-00038185-00038448 face from outside means what connection -3Ujlrskhkk-00108-00038449-00038703 to both of you asked the questions that -3Ujlrskhkk-00109-00038704-00038925 means I am freedom to vary these things -3Ujlrskhkk-00110-00038926-00039159 I do not have freedom to marry other -3Ujlrskhkk-00111-00039160-00039474 things I have freedom to vary these -3Ujlrskhkk-00112-00039475-00039648 things like I had freedom to haryanvi II -3Ujlrskhkk-00113-00039649-00039843 and as a varying NVE -3Ujlrskhkk-00114-00039844-00040185 pressure is varying here also I have -3Ujlrskhkk-00115-00040186-00040343 these are my three independent values -3Ujlrskhkk-00116-00040344-00040731 okay now I don't have energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00117-00040732-00041118 conservation energy constant however I -3Ujlrskhkk-00118-00041119-00041370 know if I keep the temperature fixed -3Ujlrskhkk-00119-00041371-00041577 then energy is getting exchanged the -3Ujlrskhkk-00120-00041578-00041808 system is exchanging energy debauch of -3Ujlrskhkk-00121-00041809-00042170 the system is changing energy but then I -3Ujlrskhkk-00122-00042171-00042495 have different energies so as the -3Ujlrskhkk-00123-00042496-00042735 different energies are there in the same -3Ujlrskhkk-00124-00042736-00043038 number of microscopic states because the -3Ujlrskhkk-00125-00043039-00043149 system is the same -3Ujlrskhkk-00126-00043150-00043593 I'll have the sorry the microscopic -3Ujlrskhkk-00127-00043594-00043902 energy levels I will have many more -3Ujlrskhkk-00128-00043903-00044145 there I have four I have many more -3Ujlrskhkk-00129-00044146-00044619 microscopic states but of course let me -3Ujlrskhkk-00130-00044620-00045132 ask you a question of course constancy -3Ujlrskhkk-00131-00045133-00045548 of temperature and variation of energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00132-00045549-00045876 allows very different states but there -3Ujlrskhkk-00133-00045877-00046119 is a very powerful very very powerful -3Ujlrskhkk-00134-00046120-00046233 equation actually one of the most -3Ujlrskhkk-00135-00046234-00046413 important equation that comes out this -3Ujlrskhkk-00136-00046414-00046524 testable mechanics that came out of -3Ujlrskhkk-00137-00046525-00046926 Altman's work that that allows you to -3Ujlrskhkk-00138-00046927-00047202 say which of this arrangement is more -3Ujlrskhkk-00139-00047203-00047805 probable which is that so when I allow -3Ujlrskhkk-00140-00047806-00048390 energy to change listen carefully I -3Ujlrskhkk-00141-00048391-00048729 think I am NOT formulating it well I'm -3Ujlrskhkk-00142-00048730-00049083 telling you I am allowing energy to -3Ujlrskhkk-00143-00049084-00049422 change but systems always have spring in -3Ujlrskhkk-00144-00049423-00049914 them systems just like volume there is a -3Ujlrskhkk-00145-00049915-00050241 screen and in energy there is a spring -3Ujlrskhkk-00146-00050242-00050568 and I tell you the spring spring in -3Ujlrskhkk-00147-00050569-00050871 energy is this specific heat -3Ujlrskhkk-00148-00050872-00051082 in volume is the coachman Brazil I saw -3Ujlrskhkk-00149-00051083-00051351 one compressibility okay these are all -3Ujlrskhkk-00150-00051352-00051516 this spring that is which whole system -3Ujlrskhkk-00151-00051517-00051752 together doesn't allow you to change -3Ujlrskhkk-00152-00051753-00051966 actually you can write down the free -3Ujlrskhkk-00153-00051967-00052287 energy or any as a function expansion -3Ujlrskhkk-00154-00052288-00052617 and you can see that their first order -3Ujlrskhkk-00155-00052619-00052866 is zero because of the minimum energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00156-00052867-00053128 free energy minima condition second term -3Ujlrskhkk-00157-00053129-00053329 what this we call it responds function -3Ujlrskhkk-00158-00053329-00053580 which we deal with the ad quite -3Ujlrskhkk-00159-00053582-00053805 extensively mated that's one of the very -3Ujlrskhkk-00160-00053807-00054066 important outcome of this in my book -3Ujlrskhkk-00161-00054067-00054257 when you wrote this chapter I call -3Ujlrskhkk-00162-00054258-00054591 realization of from ensemble realizing -3Ujlrskhkk-00163-00054592-00054819 and and the fraction of chapter I say -3Ujlrskhkk-00164-00054820-00054973 realization of the promises because -3Ujlrskhkk-00165-00054974-00055225 that's was trying stat mech game which I -3Ujlrskhkk-00166-00055226-00055455 was done by Einstein the most remarkable -3Ujlrskhkk-00167-00055457-00055776 predictions that comes okay so I'm -3Ujlrskhkk-00168-00055777-00056011 asking you a question now if I give you -3Ujlrskhkk-00169-00056012-00056173 this kind of thing in a more general -3Ujlrskhkk-00170-00056174-00056418 sense many more energy levels much -3Ujlrskhkk-00171-00056419-00056724 higher energy but in the system that -3Ujlrskhkk-00172-00056725-00057075 which the energy is more probable what -3Ujlrskhkk-00173-00057076-00057369 is that there is a distribution which -3Ujlrskhkk-00174-00057370-00057600 will come out but all of you know that -3Ujlrskhkk-00175-00057601-00057851 you know that from high school days -3Ujlrskhkk-00176-00057852-00058200 multiple distribution so though energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00177-00058201-00058362 is fracturing across because of -3Ujlrskhkk-00178-00058363-00058615 constancy of temperature they are in a -3Ujlrskhkk-00179-00058616-00058903 probable distribution of the energy so -3Ujlrskhkk-00180-00058904-00059217 why do we when we relax the constant of -3Ujlrskhkk-00181-00059219-00059524 constant energy and in as a result of -3Ujlrskhkk-00182-00059525-00059700 the constraint we get all these -3Ujlrskhkk-00183-00059701-00060061 different different arrangements or -3Ujlrskhkk-00184-00060062-00060216 different occupation of the microscopic -3Ujlrskhkk-00185-00060217-00060369 state and different microscopic states -3Ujlrskhkk-00186-00060370-00060571 there is some another there is a -3Ujlrskhkk-00187-00060572-00060807 constraint that comes so we relax a -3Ujlrskhkk-00188-00060808-00061125 constraint but you get a constant in -3Ujlrskhkk-00189-00061126-00061291 terms of distribution this happens again -3Ujlrskhkk-00190-00061291-00061494 and again the same thing happens in the -3Ujlrskhkk-00191-00061495-00061696 case of grand canonical ensemble or -3Ujlrskhkk-00192-00061697-00061861 other ensembles but that's one of the -3Ujlrskhkk-00193-00061862-00062313 beautiful way of this thing okay so go -3Ujlrskhkk-00194-00062314-00062587 back let's see how a constructed gives -3Ujlrskhkk-00195-00062588-00062901 winter I'm doing it as I told you it's a -3Ujlrskhkk-00196-00062902-00063037 beautiful construction that we have -3Ujlrskhkk-00197-00063038-00063518 state what gives fade okay I assume that -3Ujlrskhkk-00198-00063519-00064050 all my systems are at mate -3Ujlrskhkk-00199-00064051-00064712 at I put I put all my systems together -3Ujlrskhkk-00200-00064713-00065124 all my NVT together in contact with each -3Ujlrskhkk-00201-00065125-00065529 other and then I billions and billions -3Ujlrskhkk-00202-00065529-00065916 of of my microcanonical ensemble systems -3Ujlrskhkk-00203-00065917-00066483 put together and then I put them in -3Ujlrskhkk-00204-00066484-00066830 contact then I put them in a isolated I -3Ujlrskhkk-00205-00066831-00067257 put a box around them and isolated -3Ujlrskhkk-00206-00067258-00067644 constantly completely so now each of -3Ujlrskhkk-00207-00067645-00068034 this system is the enmity system these -3Ujlrskhkk-00208-00068035-00068382 nvt this is envy tdsn meeting but I have -3Ujlrskhkk-00209-00068383-00068643 put them in contact they are enmity they -3Ujlrskhkk-00210-00068644-00068889 can exchange energy so instantaneously -3Ujlrskhkk-00211-00068890-00069090 each of the state are in different -3Ujlrskhkk-00212-00069091-00069443 energies okay -3Ujlrskhkk-00213-00069444-00070065 now I from a super ensemble I all of -3Ujlrskhkk-00214-00070066-00070443 them I put in contact and I now added -3Ujlrskhkk-00215-00070444-00070701 the energies all of them and is a very -3Ujlrskhkk-00216-00070702-00070955 large number of ensemble of ensemble and -3Ujlrskhkk-00217-00070956-00071375 I put I select them then I can talk off -3Ujlrskhkk-00218-00071376-00071868 my super ensemble I insulated my super -3Ujlrskhkk-00219-00071869-00072480 and symbol is a total number of n so I -3Ujlrskhkk-00220-00072481-00073232 have these number of Italy sized end and -3Ujlrskhkk-00221-00073233-00073694 this is my total number of ensembles -3Ujlrskhkk-00222-00073695-00073884 total number of micro canonical -3Ujlrskhkk-00223-00073885-00074715 ensembles in the system so so now I put -3Ujlrskhkk-00224-00074716-00075072 I create an ensemble out of this -3Ujlrskhkk-00225-00075073-00075494 ensemble that means now my LVT -3Ujlrskhkk-00226-00075495-00075933 each of my system here are at enmity but -3Ujlrskhkk-00227-00075934-00076323 instantaneously they are enmity but they -3Ujlrskhkk-00228-00076324-00077023 are have different energies side -3Ujlrskhkk-00229-00077024-00077441 so when I put them together I have a -3Ujlrskhkk-00230-00077442-00077666 huge number n of them I put them -3Ujlrskhkk-00231-00077667-00077981 together then isolate them then I make -3Ujlrskhkk-00232-00077982-00078155 ensemble out of that ransom with my -3Ujlrskhkk-00233-00078156-00078500 super ensemble then I that my super -3Ujlrskhkk-00234-00078501-00078757 ensemble each of them is a confessed -3Ujlrskhkk-00235-00078758-00079000 open our sample they themselves are in -3Ujlrskhkk-00236-00079001-00079571 having these number of these number of -3Ujlrskhkk-00237-00079572-00080182 volume and these number of particles but -3Ujlrskhkk-00238-00080183-00080609 energy will have a sum here there is a -3Ujlrskhkk-00239-00080610-00081017 constraint and this was then because the -3Ujlrskhkk-00240-00081018-00081140 only thing that I have you have to -3Ujlrskhkk-00241-00081141-00081436 understand the only thing that I have is -3Ujlrskhkk-00242-00081437-00082166 this formula that's why I said that -3Ujlrskhkk-00243-00082167-00082426 everything follows from that the only -3Ujlrskhkk-00244-00082427-00082622 thing that I have this formula so now -3Ujlrskhkk-00245-00082623-00082784 what I am trying to construct I am -3Ujlrskhkk-00246-00082785-00083000 trying to construct when I go to -3Ujlrskhkk-00247-00083001-00083228 Connecticut ensemble I want to construct -3Ujlrskhkk-00248-00083229-00083519 an ensemble of ensemble cause that my in -3Ujlrskhkk-00249-00083520-00083881 my super ensemble each ensemble is a -3Ujlrskhkk-00250-00083882-00084134 micro can unsub me the micro tantalum -3Ujlrskhkk-00251-00084135-00084572 subbu okay is if the III saying is wanna -3Ujlrskhkk-00252-00084573-00084751 try and obedient construction it's very -3Ujlrskhkk-00253-00084752-00085211 difficult to a of that they know what on -3Ujlrskhkk-00254-00085212-00085397 does there is if I have discussed it -3Ujlrskhkk-00255-00085398-00085801 quite a bit here but I just want to do -3Ujlrskhkk-00256-00085802-00086369 the math so now if I now have in my -3Ujlrskhkk-00257-00086370-00086639 ensemble these the number of systems -3Ujlrskhkk-00258-00086640-00086864 that have my energy here then that has -3Ujlrskhkk-00259-00086865-00087218 to be this is here the index is not -3Ujlrskhkk-00260-00087219-00087710 capital n it is total number in s and so -3Ujlrskhkk-00261-00087711-00088034 then ni total number so let me denote -3Ujlrskhkk-00262-00088035-00088235 this in India by the number of systems -3Ujlrskhkk-00263-00088236-00088535 energy religion so then total number -3Ujlrskhkk-00264-00088536-00088685 with the total number of things in the -3Ujlrskhkk-00265-00088686-00088942 non zero mcj are the total number in my -3Ujlrskhkk-00266-00088943-00089300 in my super ensemble and then the -3Ujlrskhkk-00267-00089301-00089567 population NJ is an angel EJ then -3Ujlrskhkk-00268-00089568-00090063 multiply they got the total energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00269-00090064-00090222 the nutritionist I personally when I -3Ujlrskhkk-00270-00090223-00090420 teach I actually literally sighs then -3Ujlrskhkk-00271-00090421-00090687 but here the italicize in has become -3Ujlrskhkk-00272-00090688-00090960 capital in and capital T so this is -3Ujlrskhkk-00273-00090961-00091308 total energy EJ is energy of one of my -3Ujlrskhkk-00274-00091309-00091671 system in my ensemble and I have made I -3Ujlrskhkk-00275-00091672-00091842 said microcanonical ensemble of the -3Ujlrskhkk-00276-00091843-00092310 ensemble or ensemble and this is the -3Ujlrskhkk-00277-00092311-00092538 condition because this is the total -3Ujlrskhkk-00278-00092539-00092921 number so ans is the total number of -3Ujlrskhkk-00279-00092922-00093366 systems in the my answers super on -3Ujlrskhkk-00280-00093367-00093567 sample and this is the total number -3Ujlrskhkk-00281-00093568-00093939 total energy so each each system each -3Ujlrskhkk-00282-00093940-00094197 system in my in a micro in the canonical -3Ujlrskhkk-00283-00094198-00094602 ensemble constant temperature but -3Ujlrskhkk-00284-00094603-00094872 they're in a different energy state is -3Ujlrskhkk-00285-00094873-00097062 in confusion gear you are allowed to -3Ujlrskhkk-00286-00097063-00097338 make the system's interact with each -3Ujlrskhkk-00287-00097339-00097695 other and you are giving the condition -3Ujlrskhkk-00288-00097696-00098133 that they themselves you keep that -3Ujlrskhkk-00289-00098134-00098397 system for an equilibrium with long time -3Ujlrskhkk-00290-00098398-00098748 with a bath so that the temperature -3Ujlrskhkk-00291-00098749-00099069 almost the way we do the simulations so -3Ujlrskhkk-00292-00099070-00099228 the temperature it comes to a constant -3Ujlrskhkk-00293-00099229-00099525 level at temperature T then you isolate -3Ujlrskhkk-00294-00099526-00099914 it humility completely and that is the -3Ujlrskhkk-00295-00099915-00100239 super and simple that's how and then you -3Ujlrskhkk-00296-00100240-00100770 could call that soup so the ensemble of -3Ujlrskhkk-00297-00100771-00101007 okay number of particles of -3Ujlrskhkk-00298-00101008-00101250 microcanonical system you put together -3Ujlrskhkk-00299-00101251-00101670 and construct a canonical a system in -3Ujlrskhkk-00300-00101671-00101904 canonical ensemble in VT then you put on -3Ujlrskhkk-00301-00101905-00102186 sample of those things and that has a -3Ujlrskhkk-00302-00102187-00102419 constant total number of particles it is -3Ujlrskhkk-00303-00102420-00102555 not the number of particles in one -3Ujlrskhkk-00304-00102556-00102794 system is the total you know and they -3Ujlrskhkk-00305-00102795-00103094 don't energy also in factually this is -3Ujlrskhkk-00306-00103095-00103305 the constant is it clear this is not an -3Ujlrskhkk-00307-00103306-00103483 easy construction -3Ujlrskhkk-00308-00103484-00103754 and but what you get at the end of the -3Ujlrskhkk-00309-00103755-00104196 day is of huge importance this is a very -3Ujlrskhkk-00310-00104197-00104426 serious business and usually these thing -3Ujlrskhkk-00311-00104427-00104582 is not taught in the classes because -3Ujlrskhkk-00312-00104583-00104973 it's a and kind of complicated thing -3Ujlrskhkk-00313-00104974-00105404 okay now we are going to again and again -3Ujlrskhkk-00314-00105405-00105689 hole throw we have created a super -3Ujlrskhkk-00315-00105690-00105983 ensemble which is micro economical -3Ujlrskhkk-00316-00105983-00106218 because I have nothing but on this -3Ujlrskhkk-00317-00106219-00106484 equation to go so I have to go back to -3Ujlrskhkk-00318-00106485-00106601 that equation that's why I had to -3Ujlrskhkk-00319-00106602-00106833 construct the microcanonical super micro -3Ujlrskhkk-00320-00106833-00107015 canonical ensemble and I am working on -3Ujlrskhkk-00321-00107016-00107243 the super microcanonical ensemble -3Ujlrskhkk-00322-00107244-00107489 so I had this super microcanonical -3Ujlrskhkk-00323-00107490-00107839 ensemble where in is the total number of -3Ujlrskhkk-00324-00107840-00108212 systems so it is a total number of -3Ujlrskhkk-00325-00108213-00108509 systems in my lambo and total number of -3Ujlrskhkk-00326-00108510-00109200 system each of the system it has in that -3Ujlrskhkk-00327-00109201-00109433 energy level so in my troponin sample -3Ujlrskhkk-00328-00109434-00109925 there is n1 number of systems not -3Ujlrskhkk-00329-00109926-00110100 particles in one number of systems -3Ujlrskhkk-00330-00110101-00110378 energy w1 into number of systems in -3Ujlrskhkk-00331-00110379-00110690 eligibility - and then I can write total -3Ujlrskhkk-00332-00110691-00111099 number like that okay so I do the -3Ujlrskhkk-00333-00111100-00111661 community looks now I can now develop a -3Ujlrskhkk-00334-00111663-00111897 saying and this is really extremely -3Ujlrskhkk-00335-00111898-00112163 important one can be forward now what -3Ujlrskhkk-00336-00112164-00112511 that define that probability of -3Ujlrskhkk-00337-00112513-00112787 observing a given state ni in na di is -3Ujlrskhkk-00338-00112788-00112995 this quantity so here I have done it -3Ujlrskhkk-00339-00112996-00113681 partitioning I have said okay I have -3Ujlrskhkk-00340-00113682-00114554 in a ni inai systems in energy level e i -3Ujlrskhkk-00341-00114555-00114935 that has since they're in constant -3Ujlrskhkk-00342-00114936-00115160 energy they are as an Omega associated -3Ujlrskhkk-00343-00115161-00115811 with it okay so that is this Omega then -3Ujlrskhkk-00344-00115813-00116070 I this is normalization because I sum -3Ujlrskhkk-00345-00116071-00116241 over all the energy levels the total -3Ujlrskhkk-00346-00116242-00116604 number of microscopic states is the -3Ujlrskhkk-00347-00116605-00116928 total is an obligation but then this -3Ujlrskhkk-00348-00116929-00117276 gives the probability of observing ni -3Ujlrskhkk-00349-00117277-00117645 particles in the a so I am done an -3Ujlrskhkk-00350-00117646-00117849 averaging here so this is a very -3Ujlrskhkk-00351-00117850-00118167 important definition in the whole scheme -3Ujlrskhkk-00352-00118168-00118533 give scheme of developing the expression -3Ujlrskhkk-00353-00118533-00118845 of micro canonical ensemble is it clear -3Ujlrskhkk-00354-00118846-00119214 so that means you have to think in terms -3Ujlrskhkk-00355-00119215-00119628 of a little bit because this NJ a number -3Ujlrskhkk-00356-00119629-00120200 of systems at energy level J since you -3Ujlrskhkk-00357-00120201-00120390 you are you are getting -3Ujlrskhkk-00358-00120391-00120576 since you have fix these things as -3Ujlrskhkk-00359-00120577-00121013 constraint energy I can talk copies and -3Ujlrskhkk-00360-00121014-00121578 it makes sense because Omega is number -3Ujlrskhkk-00361-00121579-00121848 of microstates of a system with a given -3Ujlrskhkk-00362-00121849-00122318 in V and energy alright okay -3Ujlrskhkk-00363-00122319-00122757 now game we are going to play now so -3Ujlrskhkk-00364-00122758-00122943 this is like you can guess what you are -3Ujlrskhkk-00365-00122944-00123132 going to do so we have defined -3Ujlrskhkk-00366-00123133-00123533 probability of observing a system with a -3Ujlrskhkk-00367-00123533-00124097 energy e ej and we have the total number -3Ujlrskhkk-00368-00124098-00124392 however we know internal number there -3Ujlrskhkk-00369-00124393-00124902 are these two constraint but so this is -3Ujlrskhkk-00370-00124903-00125159 not an unconstrained this is not an -3Ujlrskhkk-00371-00125160-00125702 unconstrained variable inverse re so -3Ujlrskhkk-00372-00125703-00125991 this has this two constrained so what is -3Ujlrskhkk-00373-00125992-00126086 the way we do it -3Ujlrskhkk-00374-00126088-00126603 I so anybody has any clue how to go -3Ujlrskhkk-00375-00126604-00126976 about it now okay just like before -3Ujlrskhkk-00376-00126977-00128137 we are going to do a we will do the will -3Ujlrskhkk-00377-00128138-00128683 maximize in an Omega and from the -3Ujlrskhkk-00378-00128684-00128899 community tonics I get this equation any -3Ujlrskhkk-00379-00128900-00129320 confusion there okay now I want to -3Ujlrskhkk-00380-00129321-00129634 maximize this quantity any confusion -3Ujlrskhkk-00381-00129635-00129961 there however there is not the way you -3Ujlrskhkk-00382-00129962-00130303 do that there is a way to do this there -3Ujlrskhkk-00383-00130304-00130804 is a condition call they call the a of -3Ujlrskhkk-00384-00130805-00131093 condition of LaGrange multiplier when -3Ujlrskhkk-00385-00131094-00131437 you have a variation but we subject to -3Ujlrskhkk-00386-00131438-00131932 the constraint -3Ujlrskhkk-00387-00131933-00132386 so when I have these to constrain I have -3Ujlrskhkk-00388-00132387-00132710 to put these two constrain into my these -3Ujlrskhkk-00389-00132711-00132902 two constrain I have to combine with -3Ujlrskhkk-00390-00132903-00133426 this equation of this equation with this -3Ujlrskhkk-00391-00133427-00133823 this quantity and you guys know the -3Ujlrskhkk-00392-00133824-00134243 method of Lagrangian multiplier this is -3Ujlrskhkk-00393-00134244-00134564 not okay okay this is the method of not -3Ujlrskhkk-00394-00134565-00134862 a constant -3Ujlrskhkk-00395-00134863-00135258 is a Lagrangian multiplayer is called -3Ujlrskhkk-00396-00135259-00135533 method of Lagrangian multiplier off -3Ujlrskhkk-00397-00135534-00135873 variation of constraints you have done -3Ujlrskhkk-00398-00135874-00136347 that no no okay so basic idea is that we -3Ujlrskhkk-00399-00136348-00136785 have to maximize this quantity we have -3Ujlrskhkk-00400-00136786-00137178 to find that distribution of NJ remember -3Ujlrskhkk-00401-00137179-00137415 in J's number of systems at energy level -3Ujlrskhkk-00402-00137416-00137919 e J however even though I am allowing -3Ujlrskhkk-00403-00137920-00138299 systems to vary over different energies -3Ujlrskhkk-00404-00138300-00138810 there are priorities because of envy and -3Ujlrskhkk-00405-00138811-00138993 intermolecular interactions there are -3Ujlrskhkk-00406-00138994-00139439 some energy levels which are more -3Ujlrskhkk-00407-00139440-00139743 populated there are some energy levels -3Ujlrskhkk-00408-00139744-00139881 which are more populated than other -3Ujlrskhkk-00409-00139882-00140079 energy levels and till there is a -3Ujlrskhkk-00410-00140080-00140271 Gaussian distribution and the -3Ujlrskhkk-00411-00140272-00140388 coefficient of the Gaussian distribution -3Ujlrskhkk-00412-00140389-00140703 is the specific heat but that that comes -3Ujlrskhkk-00413-00140704-00140907 later those very fundamental things -3Ujlrskhkk-00414-00140908-00141192 comes later right now we are trying to -3Ujlrskhkk-00415-00141193-00141279 get okay -3Ujlrskhkk-00416-00141280-00141534 I give you the energy levels I allow you -3Ujlrskhkk-00417-00141535-00141930 to choose your energy but the system has -3Ujlrskhkk-00418-00141931-00142299 a constrained system because of this -3Ujlrskhkk-00419-00142300-00142509 total energy is conserved in the by my -3Ujlrskhkk-00420-00142510-00142827 super ensemble total number is conserved -3Ujlrskhkk-00421-00142828-00143364 in my total sample the variation so the -3Ujlrskhkk-00422-00143365-00143685 the Omega to that particular -3Ujlrskhkk-00423-00143686-00143883 distribution so what I am talking of -3Ujlrskhkk-00424-00143884-00144066 this angel is a distribution and I am -3Ujlrskhkk-00425-00144067-00144681 after this distribution okay so -3Ujlrskhkk-00426-00144682-00144964 so India is number of systems in energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00427-00144965-00147664 level eg okay and I am allowing these -3Ujlrskhkk-00428-00147665-00147892 energy levels to change because I don't -3Ujlrskhkk-00429-00147893-00148045 have a conservation of energy constants -3Ujlrskhkk-00430-00148046-00148353 energy anymore -3Ujlrskhkk-00431-00148354-00148801 so these those my arrows so I have many -3Ujlrskhkk-00432-00148802-00149197 different energy levels however my -3Ujlrskhkk-00433-00149198-00149380 systems pray for certain energy levels -3Ujlrskhkk-00434-00149381-00149800 all these energy levels are not naughty -3Ujlrskhkk-00435-00149801-00150016 when you do the computer simulation what -3Ujlrskhkk-00436-00150017-00150208 do you see you shoot the energy and the -3Ujlrskhkk-00437-00150209-00150466 energy is fluctuating but they flex your -3Ujlrskhkk-00438-00150467-00150829 amount of value that value is the -3Ujlrskhkk-00439-00150830-00151042 average and also the most probable now -3Ujlrskhkk-00440-00151043-00151189 you plot a power distribution of the -3Ujlrskhkk-00441-00151190-00151363 energy what do you find you find the -3Ujlrskhkk-00442-00151364-00151648 Gaussian distribution who determined -3Ujlrskhkk-00443-00151649-00151798 what is the average value and who -3Ujlrskhkk-00444-00151799-00152107 determines what is the that there the -3Ujlrskhkk-00445-00152108-00152320 width of the distribution width of the -3Ujlrskhkk-00446-00152321-00152467 distribution is given by this space we -3Ujlrskhkk-00447-00152468-00152821 he who determines that what average -3Ujlrskhkk-00448-00152822-00152986 energy it will be it is by the -3Ujlrskhkk-00449-00152987-00153328 intermolecular interactions and density -3Ujlrskhkk-00450-00153329-00153631 and volume in and V interval of -3Ujlrskhkk-00451-00153632-00153895 interactions in and V that determine -3Ujlrskhkk-00452-00153896-00154384 your so now those things must be there -3Ujlrskhkk-00453-00154385-00154588 putting in a constraint and those are -3Ujlrskhkk-00454-00154589-00154933 the constraint so a distribution is -3Ujlrskhkk-00455-00154934-00155323 there which I have to maximize but that -3Ujlrskhkk-00456-00155324-00155581 be any distribution will not do those -3Ujlrskhkk-00457-00155582-00155988 distributions obey the total number of -3Ujlrskhkk-00458-00155989-00156496 particles that I have it's constant I've -3Ujlrskhkk-00459-00156497-00156709 written those equations here total -3Ujlrskhkk-00460-00156710-00156913 number of my energy in the grand -3Ujlrskhkk-00461-00156914-00157084 canonical capture all am I'll be working -3Ujlrskhkk-00462-00157085-00157264 in a grand my going back to my chronic -3Ujlrskhkk-00463-00157265-00157648 ensemble so the way that is done picking -3Ujlrskhkk-00464-00157649-00157864 up a distribution of many distribution -3Ujlrskhkk-00465-00157865-00157957 so I have a distribution of -3Ujlrskhkk-00466-00157958-00158035 distributions -3Ujlrskhkk-00467-00158036-00158254 picking up a distribution out of that -3Ujlrskhkk-00468-00158255-00158686 distribution is that those distributions -3Ujlrskhkk-00469-00158687-00159058 that follow this constraint and this is -3Ujlrskhkk-00470-00159059-00159234 a method of Lagrangian multiplier please -3Ujlrskhkk-00471-00159235-00159730 a that I have waive appendix on micro -3Ujlrskhkk-00472-00159731-00159898 canonical and the Lagrangian multiplied -3Ujlrskhkk-00473-00159899-00160375 in the book so then we do this maximize -3Ujlrskhkk-00474-00160376-00160537 with this constraint this is the way to -3Ujlrskhkk-00475-00160538-00160858 meet up a Lagrangian multiplier and then -3Ujlrskhkk-00476-00160859-00161304 you take this derivative you can you get -3Ujlrskhkk-00477-00161305-00161584 Omega you put the Omega which will DD -3Ujlrskhkk-00478-00161585-00162007 here indeed this is the Omega and you do -3Ujlrskhkk-00479-00162008-00162162 the starlings approximation -3Ujlrskhkk-00480-00162163-00162859 okay and then you get these constrain -3Ujlrskhkk-00481-00162860-00163399 and this is just a constant you can see -3Ujlrskhkk-00482-00163400-00163857 now in J to the power alpha B beta J and -3Ujlrskhkk-00483-00163858-00164680 so in J star become this quantity so -3Ujlrskhkk-00484-00164681-00164905 this is the yellow equation is the -3Ujlrskhkk-00485-00164906-00165178 equation that comes out from these -3Ujlrskhkk-00486-00165179-00165955 things exactly that's a very very good -3Ujlrskhkk-00487-00165956-00166207 question actually that's my excellent -3Ujlrskhkk-00488-00166208-00166414 question so we'll come to that -3Ujlrskhkk-00489-00166415-00166690 that's an excellent question this is the -3Ujlrskhkk-00490-00166691-00167005 coachmen distribution right you right -3Ujlrskhkk-00491-00167006-00167182 and but I'll come to that in a in a -3Ujlrskhkk-00492-00167183-00167212 minute -3Ujlrskhkk-00493-00167213-00167536 so I think we'll probably with that -3Ujlrskhkk-00494-00167537-00167683 answer of a question we will stop today -3Ujlrskhkk-00495-00167684-00168010 as I said that you know one of the again -3Ujlrskhkk-00496-00168011-00168178 the questions just like the questions -3Ujlrskhkk-00497-00168179-00168307 you guys asked is the cause of confusion -3Ujlrskhkk-00498-00168308-00168657 so but you are okay with these now right -3Ujlrskhkk-00499-00168658-00169117 okay now I have to get these quantity -3Ujlrskhkk-00500-00169118-00169441 here e to the power minus R so I do sum -3Ujlrskhkk-00501-00169442-00169786 over n J if I do some over angel and I -3Ujlrskhkk-00502-00169787-00170095 sum over e to a minus beta J then I kind -3Ujlrskhkk-00503-00170096-00170407 from over MJ is the total number n and -3Ujlrskhkk-00504-00170408-00170737 then these this is the quantity this -3Ujlrskhkk-00505-00170738-00171043 this T to the power minus beta J e to -3Ujlrskhkk-00506-00171044-00171286 the power alpha because these in -3Ujlrskhkk-00507-00171287-00171646 is the a so then you get PJ is NJ by n -3Ujlrskhkk-00508-00171647-00171910 from there you get Z to the minus beta -3Ujlrskhkk-00509-00171911-00172084 to buy it with these quantities okay -3Ujlrskhkk-00510-00172085-00172489 we'll just I sum over that so this is -3Ujlrskhkk-00511-00172490-00172726 the definition that we started to do the -3Ujlrskhkk-00512-00172727-00173068 probability of finding a system so -3Ujlrskhkk-00513-00173069-00173269 because we want its systems number of -3Ujlrskhkk-00514-00173270-00173485 systems energy ability it is not number -3Ujlrskhkk-00515-00173486-00173656 of particles in its energy level either -3Ujlrskhkk-00516-00173657-00173865 it is number of systems inconceivable -3Ujlrskhkk-00517-00173866-00174223 and so the probability of observing a -3Ujlrskhkk-00518-00174224-00174544 system Megan ng energy EJ is this -3Ujlrskhkk-00519-00174545-00174690 quantity and this quantity is the -3Ujlrskhkk-00520-00174691-00175191 canonical partition function and so if I -3Ujlrskhkk-00521-00175192-00175329 write the canonical partition function -3Ujlrskhkk-00522-00175330-00175558 here that has related then this is the -3Ujlrskhkk-00523-00175559-00175802 one of the most fundamental equation of -3Ujlrskhkk-00524-00175803-00176052 statistical mechanics which now tells -3Ujlrskhkk-00525-00176053-00176362 you how we have not yet shown that beta -3Ujlrskhkk-00526-00176363-00176596 is temperature but we will show that the -3Ujlrskhkk-00527-00176597-00176743 beta is temperature for that we have to -3Ujlrskhkk-00528-00176744-00176964 do an analysis very similar to what we -3Ujlrskhkk-00529-00176965-00177256 did with Euler equation in micro -3Ujlrskhkk-00530-00177257-00177550 canonical ensemble that we'll do now -3Ujlrskhkk-00531-00177551-00177801 I'll just before you stop I'll answer -3Ujlrskhkk-00532-00177802-00178225 this very good question what you have to -3Ujlrskhkk-00533-00178226-00178652 do now in order to get out that so -3Ujlrskhkk-00534-00178653-00180039 probability of PJ is you know a PJ is e -3Ujlrskhkk-00535-00180040-00180331 to the minus VJ now what do you do you -3Ujlrskhkk-00536-00180332-00180745 define the average energy E and then -3Ujlrskhkk-00537-00180746-00181918 average energy E is alright because this -3Ujlrskhkk-00538-00181919-00182194 power distribution it is this quantity -3Ujlrskhkk-00539-00182195-00182572 which is Gaussian so now you consider -3Ujlrskhkk-00540-00182573-00183165 your average energy is is the at this -3Ujlrskhkk-00541-00183166-00183657 you make a fractionation Delta U and -3Ujlrskhkk-00542-00183658-00184057 from here now you calculate the that's -3Ujlrskhkk-00543-00184058-00184320 exactly we will do later we calculate -3Ujlrskhkk-00544-00184321-00184497 the -3Ujlrskhkk-00545-00184498-00184966 variation of energy so now you say since -3Ujlrskhkk-00546-00184967-00185152 energy your average energy where the -3Ujlrskhkk-00547-00185153-00185500 system is this is the one which which -3Ujlrskhkk-00548-00185501-00185785 minimizes the free energy so fast -3Ujlrskhkk-00549-00185786-00186049 derivative of that goes to zero so -3Ujlrskhkk-00550-00186050-00186415 you're in the energy then it is like -3Ujlrskhkk-00551-00186416-00186964 that you energy e is e average plus -3Ujlrskhkk-00552-00186965-00187186 first derivative is zero then second -3Ujlrskhkk-00553-00187187-00188064 derivative is d to ad to Delta X square -3Ujlrskhkk-00554-00188065-00188478 so your variation of free energy and -3Ujlrskhkk-00555-00188479-00188821 then because first derivative zero so -3Ujlrskhkk-00556-00188822-00189082 now probability in this in easy to the -3Ujlrskhkk-00557-00189083-00189412 power of minus Delta a and that is e to -3Ujlrskhkk-00558-00189413-00189652 the power minus it goes out and you get -3Ujlrskhkk-00559-00189653-00190030 e to the power of minus Delta square so -3Ujlrskhkk-00560-00190031-00190297 it's really very good question that volt -3Ujlrskhkk-00561-00190298-00190510 even distribution has we need the -3Ujlrskhkk-00562-00190511-00190699 Gaussian distribution but this is -3Ujlrskhkk-00563-00190700-00190837 multiple distribution where you are -3Ujlrskhkk-00564-00190838-00191074 asking what is the individual energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00565-00191075-00191269 what is the population of individual -3Ujlrskhkk-00566-00191270-00191542 intervals Gaussian that you observe is -3Ujlrskhkk-00567-00191543-00192121 the total energy so in simulation when -3Ujlrskhkk-00568-00192122-00192283 you find a Gaussian distribution of -3Ujlrskhkk-00569-00192284-00192532 energy there's a total energy not the -3Ujlrskhkk-00570-00192533-00193054 individual energy via nor any observed -3Ujlrskhkk-00571-00193055-00193282 system when you look at the observed -3Ujlrskhkk-00572-00193283-00193498 total energy of system is the total -3Ujlrskhkk-00573-00193499-00193696 energy average energy or in a absorb -3Ujlrskhkk-00574-00193697-00193870 energy that you are this is not the -3Ujlrskhkk-00575-00193871-00194110 absorbed energy this is the one -3Ujlrskhkk-00576-00194111-00194266 confusion is always that because when we -3Ujlrskhkk-00577-00194267-00194506 do spectroscopy in quantum mechanics we -3Ujlrskhkk-00578-00194507-00194725 consider this is the energy that you -3Ujlrskhkk-00579-00194726-00194911 observed in spectroscopic any but those -3Ujlrskhkk-00580-00194912-00195085 are isolated single non interacting -3Ujlrskhkk-00581-00195086-00195517 picture when you are allowing energies -3Ujlrskhkk-00582-00195518-00195721 to exchange like in in in a macroscopic -3Ujlrskhkk-00583-00195722-00196015 system so hammer-on systems then this is -3Ujlrskhkk-00584-00196016-00196270 e PA is the probability that your system -3Ujlrskhkk-00585-00196271-00196489 is their energy easy we use that same -3Ujlrskhkk-00586-00196490-00196780 they are also but when I talk about Jean -3Ujlrskhkk-00587-00196781-00197005 distribution is the total macro variable -3Ujlrskhkk-00588-00197006-00197155 total macroscopic energy that is the -3Ujlrskhkk-00589-00197156-00197518 ocean and that comes from there by same -3Ujlrskhkk-00590-00197519-00197767 day and definition but -3Ujlrskhkk-00591-00197768-00197974 you define the total energy by that -3Ujlrskhkk-00592-00197975-00198229 equation I'm gonna average energy of the -3Ujlrskhkk-00593-00198230-00198601 equation then you say my free energy is -3Ujlrskhkk-00594-00198602-00198781 the one that is minimum at the average -3Ujlrskhkk-00595-00198782-00199075 energy that property used and then you -3Ujlrskhkk-00596-00199076-00199288 get the gaussian distribution at -3Ujlrskhkk-00597-00199289-00200082 equilibrium at equilibrium -3Ujlrskhkk-00598-00200083-00200428 okay look look let us look at that these -3Ujlrskhkk-00599-00200429-00200755 are the construct we gave we did because -3Ujlrskhkk-00600-00200756-00200935 as I told you there is only equation -3Ujlrskhkk-00601-00200936-00201214 that you have is in tropical KBL in -3Ujlrskhkk-00602-00201215-00201498 omega we did they construct great -3Ujlrskhkk-00603-00201499-00201877 pre-super on sum which is microchemical -3Ujlrskhkk-00604-00201878-00202105 so we started with ensemble which is -3Ujlrskhkk-00605-00202106-00202366 canonical they do we put many canonical -3Ujlrskhkk-00606-00202367-00202594 ensemble together and I put a super -3Ujlrskhkk-00607-00202595-00202864 ensemble microcanonical ensemble in the -3Ujlrskhkk-00608-00202865-00203068 microcanonical ensemble I now can talk -3Ujlrskhkk-00609-00203069-00203251 up number of system units arranged a -3Ujlrskhkk-00610-00203252-00203547 then I can do and construct your Omega -3Ujlrskhkk-00611-00203548-00203872 now and that Omega has the constraint of -3Ujlrskhkk-00612-00203873-00204166 total number of systems and total energy -3Ujlrskhkk-00613-00204167-00204477 because I have I have a micro ionica -3Ujlrskhkk-00614-00204478-00204742 micro Chronicle has constant energy and -3Ujlrskhkk-00615-00204743-00204991 constant in no I put those constraint by -3Ujlrskhkk-00616-00204992-00205207 using Lagrangian multiplier and I get -3Ujlrskhkk-00617-00205208-00205653 that karthik out okay that is the whole -3Ujlrskhkk-00618-00205654-00205998 game that he played and gives played -3Ujlrskhkk-00619-00206000-00206431 okay now now you are asking Saito the -3Ujlrskhkk-00620-00206432-00206788 the Gaussian energy Gaussian volume is -3Ujlrskhkk-00621-00206789-00206977 Gaussian all these things so in a -3Ujlrskhkk-00622-00206978-00207117 computer simulation we are studying -3Ujlrskhkk-00623-00207119-00207537 these you are talking of a single system -3Ujlrskhkk-00624-00207538-00207784 but you are talking of trajectory for a -3Ujlrskhkk-00625-00207785-00208063 long time or you can take a Monte Carlo -3Ujlrskhkk-00626-00208064-00208477 simulation where you are doing you are -3Ujlrskhkk-00627-00208478-00208675 creating many many configurations of -3Ujlrskhkk-00628-00208676-00208917 this system which is same as creating -3Ujlrskhkk-00629-00208919-00209230 many systems okay right -3Ujlrskhkk-00630-00209231-00209731 now you are talking of average energy so -3Ujlrskhkk-00631-00209732-00210100 when we plot we plot the energy of the -3Ujlrskhkk-00632-00210101-00210316 system either when a tragic day or in -3Ujlrskhkk-00633-00210317-00210789 Monte Carlo and I have a histogram I -3Ujlrskhkk-00634-00210790-00211117 have a this many energy the -3Ujlrskhkk-00635-00211117-00211569 any time my system is in his energy but -3Ujlrskhkk-00636-00211571-00211779 that is the macroscopic total absorb -3Ujlrskhkk-00637-00211780-00212542 energy this is not what you observe this -3Ujlrskhkk-00638-00212542-00212878 is what the microscopic occupation of -3Ujlrskhkk-00639-00212879-00213271 the system and we find out from this -3Ujlrskhkk-00640-00213271-00213592 distribution what is the energy Mac -3Ujlrskhkk-00641-00213592-00213804 average energy that just what I wrote -3Ujlrskhkk-00642-00213805-00214008 down we will do it tomorrow and what is -3Ujlrskhkk-00643-00214009-00214216 the entropy what are the other -3Ujlrskhkk-00644-00214217-00214462 properties we have not done that we have -3Ujlrskhkk-00645-00214463-00214683 just like in micro canonical ensemble we -3Ujlrskhkk-00646-00214684-00214813 have done we have done got that -3Ujlrskhkk-00647-00214814-00215148 important we that is is a Bushman -3Ujlrskhkk-00648-00215150-00215440 distribution and from there now will -3Ujlrskhkk-00649-00215441-00215823 construct the rest of the things so that -3Ujlrskhkk-00650-00215825-00216177 will do tomorrow 10:30 right -4qH53Qbvtc-00000-00000053-00000320 Myanmar English pronunciation below -4qH53Qbvtc-00001-00000321-00000542 Burmese midge ma officially the Republic -4qH53Qbvtc-00002-00000543-00000790 of the union of Myanmar and also known -4qH53Qbvtc-00003-00000791-00001054 as Burma is a country in Southeast Asia -4qH53Qbvtc-00004-00001055-00001289 Myanmar is bordered by India and -4qH53Qbvtc-00005-00001290-00001507 Bangladesh to its west Thailand and Laos -4qH53Qbvtc-00006-00001508-00001726 to its east in China to its north and -4qH53Qbvtc-00007-00001727-00002012 northeast to its south about one third -4qH53Qbvtc-00008-00002013-00002368 of mine Mars total perimeter of 5876 -4qH53Qbvtc-00009-00002369-00002750 kilometers 3651 miles forms an -4qH53Qbvtc-00010-00002751-00003041 uninterrupted coastline of 1930 -4qH53Qbvtc-00011-00003042-00003340 kilometers 1,200 miles along the bay of -4qH53Qbvtc-00012-00003342-00003647 bengal in the Andaman Sea the country's -4qH53Qbvtc-00013-00003647-00003931 2014 census counted the population to be -4qH53Qbvtc-00014-00003932-00004292 51 million people as of 2017 the -4qH53Qbvtc-00015-00004293-00004636 population is about 54 million Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00016-00004637-00004901 is 676 thousand five hundred -4qH53Qbvtc-00017-00004902-00005113 seventy-eight square kilometers two -4qH53Qbvtc-00018-00005114-00005411 hundred sixty one thousand 228 square -4qH53Qbvtc-00019-00005412-00005756 miles in size its capital city as Napier -4qH53Qbvtc-00020-00005757-00005954 DA and its largest city and former -4qH53Qbvtc-00021-00005955-00006286 capital as Yangon Rangoon Myanmar has -4qH53Qbvtc-00022-00006287-00006464 been a member of the Association of -4qH53Qbvtc-00023-00006465-00006838 Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN since 1997 -4qH53Qbvtc-00024-00006839-00007153 early civilizations in Myanmar included -4qH53Qbvtc-00025-00007154-00007339 the tibeto-burman speaking Pyu -4qH53Qbvtc-00026-00007340-00007559 city-states in Upper Burma and the Hmong -4qH53Qbvtc-00027-00007559-00007810 kingdoms in lower Burma in the 9th -4qH53Qbvtc-00028-00007811-00008014 century the Bammer people entered the -4qH53Qbvtc-00029-00008015-00008207 upper Irrawaddy valley and following the -4qH53Qbvtc-00030-00008208-00008399 establishment of the pagan kingdom in -4qH53Qbvtc-00031-00008400-00008642 the ten 50s the Burmese language culture -4qH53Qbvtc-00032-00008643-00008849 and Theravada Buddhism slowly became -4qH53Qbvtc-00033-00008850-00009092 dominant in the country the pagan -4qH53Qbvtc-00034-00009093-00009299 kingdom fell due to the Mongol invasions -4qH53Qbvtc-00035-00009300-00009503 and several warring States emerged in -4qH53Qbvtc-00036-00009504-00009839 the 16th century reunified by the tangu -4qH53Qbvtc-00037-00009840-00010021 dynasty the country was for a brief -4qH53Qbvtc-00038-00010022-00010246 period the largest empire in the history -4qH53Qbvtc-00039-00010247-00010520 of mainland Southeast Asia the early -4qH53Qbvtc-00040-00010521-00010760 19th century Kahn bong dynasty ruled -4qH53Qbvtc-00041-00010761-00010928 over an area that included modern -4qH53Qbvtc-00042-00010929-00011174 Myanmar and briefly controlled menopur -4qH53Qbvtc-00043-00011175-00011441 and Assam as well the British took over -4qH53Qbvtc-00044-00011442-00011648 the administration of Myanmar after -4qH53Qbvtc-00045-00011649-00011867 three anglo-burmese wars in the 19th -4qH53Qbvtc-00046-00011868-00012070 century and the country became a British -4qH53Qbvtc-00047-00012071-00012335 colony Myanmar was granted independence -4qH53Qbvtc-00048-00012336-00012749 in 1948 as a democratic nation following -4qH53Qbvtc-00049-00012750-00013036 a coup d'etat in 1962 it became a -4qH53Qbvtc-00050-00013037-00013232 military dictatorship under the Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-00051-00013233-00013447 socialist program part -4qH53Qbvtc-00052-00013449-00013688 for most of its independent years the -4qH53Qbvtc-00053-00013688-00013871 country has been engrossed in rampant -4qH53Qbvtc-00054-00013872-00014057 ethnic strife and its myriad ethnic -4qH53Qbvtc-00055-00014058-00014228 groups have been involved in one of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00056-00014229-00014422 world's longest-running ongoing civil -4qH53Qbvtc-00057-00014424-00014732 wars during this time the United Nations -4qH53Qbvtc-00058-00014733-00014921 and several other organizations have -4qH53Qbvtc-00059-00014922-00015158 reported consistent and systematic human -4qH53Qbvtc-00060-00015159-00015455 rights violations in the country in 2011 -4qH53Qbvtc-00061-00015456-00015683 the military hoon de was officially -4qH53Qbvtc-00062-00015684-00015896 dissolved following a 2010 general -4qH53Qbvtc-00063-00015897-00016069 election and a nominally civilian -4qH53Qbvtc-00064-00016071-00016322 government was installed this along with -4qH53Qbvtc-00065-00016322-00016694 the release of Aung San Suu Kyi's has -4qH53Qbvtc-00066-00016695-00016856 improved the country's human rights -4qH53Qbvtc-00067-00016857-00017075 record and foreign relations and has led -4qH53Qbvtc-00068-00017076-00017210 to the easing of trade and other -4qH53Qbvtc-00069-00017211-00017462 economic sanctions there is however -4qH53Qbvtc-00070-00017463-00017708 continuing criticism of the government's -4qH53Qbvtc-00071-00017709-00017885 treatment of ethnic minorities its -4qH53Qbvtc-00072-00017886-00018092 response to the ethnic insurgency and -4qH53Qbvtc-00073-00018093-00018431 religious clashes in the landmark 2015 -4qH53Qbvtc-00074-00018432-00018692 election on San Suu Kyi's party won a -4qH53Qbvtc-00075-00018693-00018856 majority in both houses -4qH53Qbvtc-00076-00018857-00019142 however the Burmese military remains a -4qH53Qbvtc-00077-00019143-00019484 powerful force in politics Myanmar is a -4qH53Qbvtc-00078-00019485-00019691 country rich in jade and gems oil -4qH53Qbvtc-00079-00019692-00019946 natural gas and other mineral resources -4qH53Qbvtc-00080-00019947-00020411 in 2013 its GDP nominal stood at 56 -4qH53Qbvtc-00081-00020412-00020666 point seven billion dollars in its GDP -4qH53Qbvtc-00082-00020667-00021032 PPP at 221 point five billion dollars -4qH53Qbvtc-00083-00021033-00021326 the income gap in Myanmar is among the -4qH53Qbvtc-00084-00021327-00021488 widest in the world as a large -4qH53Qbvtc-00085-00021489-00021689 proportion of the economy is controlled -4qH53Qbvtc-00086-00021690-00021845 by supporters of the former military -4qH53Qbvtc-00087-00021846-00022118 government as of 2016 -4qH53Qbvtc-00088-00022119-00022490 Myanmar ranks 145 out of 188 countries -4qH53Qbvtc-00089-00022491-00022697 in human development according to the -4qH53Qbvtc-00090-00022698-00023135 Human Development Index -4qH53Qbvtc-00091-00023136-00023459 topic etymology -4qH53Qbvtc-00092-00023460-00023659 you -4qH53Qbvtc-00093-00023660-00023935 both the names Myanmar and Burma derived -4qH53Qbvtc-00094-00023936-00024133 from the earlier Burmese em Ranma and -4qH53Qbvtc-00095-00024134-00024343 ethnonym for the majority Bammer ethnic -4qH53Qbvtc-00096-00024344-00024640 group of uncertain etymology the terms -4qH53Qbvtc-00097-00024641-00024814 are also popularly thought to derive -4qH53Qbvtc-00098-00024815-00025252 from Brahma Desha after Brahma in 1989 -4qH53Qbvtc-00099-00025253-00025450 the military government officially -4qH53Qbvtc-00100-00025451-00025647 changed the English translations of many -4qH53Qbvtc-00101-00025648-00025849 names dating back to Burma's colonial -4qH53Qbvtc-00102-00025850-00026052 period or earlier including that of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00103-00026054-00026433 country itself Burma became Myanmar the -4qH53Qbvtc-00104-00026433-00026761 renaming remains a contested issue many -4qH53Qbvtc-00105-00026762-00026980 political and ethnic opposition groups -4qH53Qbvtc-00106-00026981-00027208 and countries continue to use Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-00107-00027208-00027427 because they do not recognize the -4qH53Qbvtc-00108-00027427-00027574 legitimacy of the ruling military -4qH53Qbvtc-00109-00027575-00027802 government or its authority to rename -4qH53Qbvtc-00110-00027802-00028075 the country in April 2016 soon after -4qH53Qbvtc-00111-00028076-00028480 taking office on san suu kyi are free to -4qH53Qbvtc-00112-00028481-00028675 use either name because there is nothing -4qH53Qbvtc-00113-00028676-00028914 in the constitution of our country that -4qH53Qbvtc-00114-00028916-00029107 says that you must use any term in -4qH53Qbvtc-00115-00029108-00029427 particular the country's official full -4qH53Qbvtc-00116-00029429-00029664 name is the republic of the union of -4qH53Qbvtc-00117-00029666-00029992 Myanmar Pia dong Xue then madam I AMA -4qH53Qbvtc-00118-00029993-00030252 name ganda pronounced PG da Xue theta am -4qH53Qbvtc-00119-00030254-00030517 de majima not countries that do not -4qH53Qbvtc-00120-00030518-00030724 officially recognize that name use the -4qH53Qbvtc-00121-00030725-00031045 long form union of Burma instead in -4qH53Qbvtc-00122-00031045-00031255 English the country is popularly known -4qH53Qbvtc-00123-00031256-00031689 as either Burma or Myanmar both these -4qH53Qbvtc-00124-00031691-00031858 names are derived from the name of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00125-00031858-00032100 majority Burmese Bammer ethnic group -4qH53Qbvtc-00126-00032101-00032352 Myanmar is considered to be the literary -4qH53Qbvtc-00127-00032354-00032518 form of the name of the group while -4qH53Qbvtc-00128-00032519-00032788 Burma is derived from Bammer the -4qH53Qbvtc-00129-00032789-00032962 colloquial form of the group's name -4qH53Qbvtc-00130-00032963-00033196 depending on the register used the -4qH53Qbvtc-00131-00033197-00033400 pronunciation would be Bama pronounced -4qH53Qbvtc-00132-00033401-00033700 be ma or Miami pronounced midge ma the -4qH53Qbvtc-00133-00033701-00033907 name Burma has been in use in English -4qH53Qbvtc-00134-00033908-00034246 since the 18th century Burma continues -4qH53Qbvtc-00135-00034247-00034444 to be used in English by the governments -4qH53Qbvtc-00136-00034445-00034656 of countries such as the United Kingdom -4qH53Qbvtc-00137-00034657-00034933 official United States policy retains -4qH53Qbvtc-00138-00034934-00035131 Burma as the country's name although the -4qH53Qbvtc-00139-00035132-00035317 State Department's website lists the -4qH53Qbvtc-00140-00035318-00035617 country as Burma Myanmar and Barack -4qH53Qbvtc-00141-00035618-00035812 Obama has referred to the country by -4qH53Qbvtc-00142-00035813-00036067 both names the Government of Canada has -4qH53Qbvtc-00143-00036068-00036283 in the past used Burma such as in its -4qH53Qbvtc-00144-00036284-00036592 2007 legislation imposing sanctions but -4qH53Qbvtc-00145-00036593-00036802 as of the mid 2010's generally uses -4qH53Qbvtc-00146-00036803-00037045 Myanmar the Czech Republic -4qH53Qbvtc-00147-00037046-00037230 officialy uses Myanmar although it's -4qH53Qbvtc-00148-00037231-00037423 Ministry of Foreign Affairs mentions -4qH53Qbvtc-00149-00037424-00037632 both Myanmar and Burma on its website -4qH53Qbvtc-00150-00037633-00037965 the United Nations uses Myanmar as do -4qH53Qbvtc-00151-00037966-00038130 the Association of Southeast Asian -4qH53Qbvtc-00152-00038131-00038446 Nations Australia Russia Germany China -4qH53Qbvtc-00153-00038447-00038755 India Bangladesh Norway Japan and -4qH53Qbvtc-00154-00038756-00038912 Switzerland most english-speaking -4qH53Qbvtc-00155-00038913-00039139 international news media refer to the -4qH53Qbvtc-00156-00039140-00039346 country by the name Myanmar including -4qH53Qbvtc-00157-00039347-00039624 the BBC C and n all Jazeera -4qH53Qbvtc-00158-00039625-00039802 Reuters and the Australian Broadcasting -4qH53Qbvtc-00159-00039803-00040189 Corporation ABC radio Australia Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00160-00040190-00040383 is known with a name deriving from Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-00161-00040384-00040611 as opposed to Myanmar in Spanish Italian -4qH53Qbvtc-00162-00040612-00040861 Romanian and Greek Romania being the -4qH53Qbvtc-00163-00040862-00041052 local version of Burma in the Spanish -4qH53Qbvtc-00164-00041053-00041349 language for example Myanmar used to be -4qH53Qbvtc-00165-00041350-00041680 known as Burma Mia in Portuguese Ennis -4qH53Qbvtc-00166-00041681-00041992 berm ami in French has in the past -4qH53Qbvtc-00167-00041993-00042243 French language media today consistently -4qH53Qbvtc-00168-00042244-00042669 used beurre manié -4qH53Qbvtc-00169-00042670-00043142 topic English pronunciations of Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00170-00043143-00043287 you -4qH53Qbvtc-00171-00043288-00043533 Myanmar is pronounced in at least nine -4qH53Qbvtc-00172-00043534-00044011 different ways in English listen -4qH53Qbvtc-00173-00044012-00044510 topic history -4qH53Qbvtc-00174-00044511-00045037 topic prehistory -4qH53Qbvtc-00175-00045038-00045270 archeological evidence shows that Homo -4qH53Qbvtc-00176-00045271-00045464 erectus lived in the region now known as -4qH53Qbvtc-00177-00045465-00045782 Myanmar as early as 750,000 years ago -4qH53Qbvtc-00178-00045783-00046037 with no more erectus finds after 75 -4qH53Qbvtc-00179-00046038-00046323 thousand years ago the first evidence of -4qH53Qbvtc-00180-00046324-00046560 homo sapiens is dated to about 25 -4qH53Qbvtc-00181-00046561-00046787 thousand BP with discoveries of stone -4qH53Qbvtc-00182-00046788-00046952 tools in central Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00183-00046953-00047226 evidence of Neolithic Age domestication -4qH53Qbvtc-00184-00047227-00047432 of plants and animals and the use of -4qH53Qbvtc-00185-00047433-00047648 polished stone tools dating to sometime -4qH53Qbvtc-00186-00047649-00047951 between 10,000 and 6,000 BC has been -4qH53Qbvtc-00187-00047952-00048132 discovered in the form of cave paintings -4qH53Qbvtc-00188-00048133-00048392 in paddlin caves the Bronze Age arrived -4qH53Qbvtc-00189-00048393-00048707 circa 1500 BC when people in the region -4qH53Qbvtc-00190-00048708-00048911 were turning copper into bronze growing -4qH53Qbvtc-00191-00048912-00049136 rice and domesticating poultry and pigs -4qH53Qbvtc-00192-00049137-00049307 they were among the first people in the -4qH53Qbvtc-00193-00049308-00049583 world to do so human remains and -4qH53Qbvtc-00194-00049584-00049776 artifacts from this era were discovered -4qH53Qbvtc-00195-00049777-00049935 in Manoa district in the zagging -4qH53Qbvtc-00196-00049936-00050279 division the iron age began around 500 -4qH53Qbvtc-00197-00050280-00050486 BC with the emergence of iron working -4qH53Qbvtc-00198-00050487-00050657 settlements in an area south of -4qH53Qbvtc-00199-00050658-00050957 present-day Mandalay evidence also shows -4qH53Qbvtc-00200-00050958-00051155 the presence of rice growing settlements -4qH53Qbvtc-00201-00051156-00051371 of large villages and small towns that -4qH53Qbvtc-00202-00051372-00051545 traded with their surroundings as far as -4qH53Qbvtc-00203-00051546-00051980 China between 500 BC and 200 AD iron age -4qH53Qbvtc-00204-00051981-00052214 Burmese cultures also had influences -4qH53Qbvtc-00205-00052215-00052415 from outside sources such as India and -4qH53Qbvtc-00206-00052416-00052592 Thailand as seen in their funerary -4qH53Qbvtc-00207-00052594-00052899 practices concerning child burials this -4qH53Qbvtc-00208-00052900-00053103 indicates some form of communication -4qH53Qbvtc-00209-00053104-00053291 between groups in Myanmar and other -4qH53Qbvtc-00210-00053292-00053739 places possibly through trade -4qH53Qbvtc-00211-00053740-00054291 topic early city-states -4qH53Qbvtc-00212-00054291-00054542 around the second century BC the first -4qH53Qbvtc-00213-00054544-00054747 known city-states emerged in central -4qH53Qbvtc-00214-00054748-00055023 Myanmar the city-states were founded as -4qH53Qbvtc-00215-00055024-00055203 part of the southward migration by the -4qH53Qbvtc-00216-00055204-00055475 tibeto-burman speaking Pyu people the -4qH53Qbvtc-00217-00055476-00055686 earliest inhabitants of Myanmar of whom -4qH53Qbvtc-00218-00055687-00055856 records are extant from present-day -4qH53Qbvtc-00219-00055857-00056150 Yunnan the Pyu culture was heavily -4qH53Qbvtc-00220-00056151-00056385 influenced by trade with India importing -4qH53Qbvtc-00221-00056386-00056567 Buddhism as well as other cultural -4qH53Qbvtc-00222-00056569-00056804 architectural and political concepts -4qH53Qbvtc-00223-00056805-00056966 which would have an enduring influence -4qH53Qbvtc-00224-00056967-00057174 on later Burmese culture and political -4qH53Qbvtc-00225-00057175-00057401 organization by the 9th century several -4qH53Qbvtc-00226-00057402-00057624 city-states had sprouted across the land -4qH53Qbvtc-00227-00057625-00057869 the Pyu in the central dry zone maan -4qH53Qbvtc-00228-00057870-00058013 along the southern coast line and -4qH53Qbvtc-00229-00058014-00058284 Arakanese along the western littoral the -4qH53Qbvtc-00230-00058285-00058509 balance was upset when the pyu came -4qH53Qbvtc-00231-00058510-00058691 under repeated attacks from maan Jiao -4qH53Qbvtc-00232-00058692-00059018 between the 750s and the 830 s in the -4qH53Qbvtc-00233-00059019-00059196 mid to late 9th century the Bammer -4qH53Qbvtc-00234-00059197-00059393 people founded a small settlement at -4qH53Qbvtc-00235-00059394-00059651 bagan it was one of several competing -4qH53Qbvtc-00236-00059652-00059837 city-states until the late 10th century -4qH53Qbvtc-00237-00059838-00060333 when it grew in authority and grandeur -4qH53Qbvtc-00238-00060334-00060850 topic Imperial Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-00239-00060851-00061084 pagon gradually grew to absorb its -4qH53Qbvtc-00240-00061085-00061305 surrounding states until the ten 50s to -4qH53Qbvtc-00241-00061307-00061549 ten 60s when a Narada founded the pagan -4qH53Qbvtc-00242-00061550-00061762 Kingdom the first ever unification of -4qH53Qbvtc-00243-00061763-00061941 the Irrawaddy Valley and its periphery -4qH53Qbvtc-00244-00061942-00062272 in the 12th and 13th centuries the pagan -4qH53Qbvtc-00245-00062273-00062476 Empire and the Khmer Empire were two -4qH53Qbvtc-00246-00062477-00062691 main powers in mainland Southeast Asia -4qH53Qbvtc-00247-00062692-00062941 the Burmese language and culture -4qH53Qbvtc-00248-00062941-00063148 gradually became dominant in the upper -4qH53Qbvtc-00249-00063149-00063417 Irrawaddy valley eclipsing the Pyu mon -4qH53Qbvtc-00250-00063419-00063612 and pali norms by the late 12th century -4qH53Qbvtc-00251-00063613-00063871 Theravada Buddhism slowly began to -4qH53Qbvtc-00252-00063872-00064015 spread to the village level although -4qH53Qbvtc-00253-00064016-00064282 tantric Mahayana Hinduism and folk -4qH53Qbvtc-00254-00064283-00064473 religion remained heavily entrenched -4qH53Qbvtc-00255-00064474-00064732 pagans rulers and wealthy built over -4qH53Qbvtc-00256-00064733-00064933 10,000 Buddhist temples in the pagan -4qH53Qbvtc-00257-00064934-00065217 capital zone alone repeated Mongol -4qH53Qbvtc-00258-00065219-00065584 invasions 1277 to 1301 toppled the -4qH53Qbvtc-00259-00065585-00065877 fourth century old kingdom in 1287 -4qH53Qbvtc-00260-00065878-00066196 pagans collapse was followed by 250 -4qH53Qbvtc-00261-00066197-00066397 years of political fragmentation that -4qH53Qbvtc-00262-00066398-00066703 lasted well into the 16th century like -4qH53Qbvtc-00263-00066704-00066919 the Berman's for centuries earlier Shan -4qH53Qbvtc-00264-00066920-00067081 migrants who arrived with the Mongol -4qH53Qbvtc-00265-00067082-00067321 invasions stayed behind several -4qH53Qbvtc-00266-00067322-00067522 competing Shan States came to dominate -4qH53Qbvtc-00267-00067523-00067744 the entire northwestern to Eastern arc -4qH53Qbvtc-00268-00067745-00067996 surrounding the Irrawaddy valley the -4qH53Qbvtc-00269-00067997-00068194 valley too was beset with petty states -4qH53Qbvtc-00270-00068195-00068419 until the late 14th century when two -4qH53Qbvtc-00271-00068420-00068629 sizeable powers Avik Kingdom and Han -4qH53Qbvtc-00272-00068630-00068917 thottie kingdom emerged in the West a -4qH53Qbvtc-00273-00068918-00069109 politically fragmented Iraq and was -4qH53Qbvtc-00274-00069110-00069286 under competing influences of its -4qH53Qbvtc-00275-00069287-00069466 stronger neighbors until the kingdom of -4qH53Qbvtc-00276-00069467-00069661 M Rock you unified the Iraq and -4qH53Qbvtc-00277-00069662-00070012 coastline for the first time in 1437 the -4qH53Qbvtc-00278-00070013-00070198 kingdom was a protectorate of the bengal -4qH53Qbvtc-00279-00070199-00070387 sultanate at different time periods -4qH53Qbvtc-00280-00070388-00070629 early on Ava fought wars of unification -4qH53Qbvtc-00281-00070630-00070951 1385 to 1424 but could never quite -4qH53Qbvtc-00282-00070952-00071239 reassemble the lost Empire having held -4qH53Qbvtc-00283-00071240-00071437 off Ava the Mon speaking han thottie -4qH53Qbvtc-00284-00071438-00071662 entered its golden age and iraq and went -4qH53Qbvtc-00285-00071663-00071833 on to become a power in its own right -4qH53Qbvtc-00286-00071834-00072028 for the next 350 years -4qH53Qbvtc-00287-00072029-00072349 in contrast constant warfare left ava -4qH53Qbvtc-00288-00072350-00072505 greatly weakened and it slowly -4qH53Qbvtc-00289-00072506-00072952 disintegrated from 1481 onward in 1527 -4qH53Qbvtc-00290-00072953-00073150 the Confederation of Shan States -4qH53Qbvtc-00291-00073151-00073357 conquered Ava itself and ruled Upper -4qH53Qbvtc-00292-00073358-00073768 Myanmar until 1555 like the pagan Empire -4qH53Qbvtc-00293-00073769-00073987 Ava Pantha Waddy and the Shan States -4qH53Qbvtc-00294-00073988-00074206 were all multi-ethnic polities -4qH53Qbvtc-00295-00074207-00074374 despite the wars cultural -4qH53Qbvtc-00296-00074375-00074629 synchronization continued this period is -4qH53Qbvtc-00297-00074630-00074812 considered a golden age for Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-00298-00074813-00075097 culture Burmese literature grew more -4qH53Qbvtc-00299-00075098-00075343 confident popular and stylistically -4qH53Qbvtc-00300-00075344-00075628 diverse and the second generation of -4qH53Qbvtc-00301-00075629-00075796 Burmese lock codes as well as the -4qH53Qbvtc-00302-00075797-00076018 earliest pan Burma chronicles emerged -4qH53Qbvtc-00303-00076019-00076249 kantha wadi monarchs introduced -4qH53Qbvtc-00304-00076250-00076471 religious reforms that later spread to -4qH53Qbvtc-00305-00076472-00076729 the rest of the country many splendid -4qH53Qbvtc-00306-00076730-00076918 temples of M rock you were built during -4qH53Qbvtc-00307-00076919-00077255 this period -4qH53Qbvtc-00308-00077256-00077821 topic tongu and colonialism -4qH53Qbvtc-00309-00077822-00078068 political unification returned in the -4qH53Qbvtc-00310-00078069-00078296 mid 16th century due to the efforts of -4qH53Qbvtc-00311-00078297-00078538 tongu a former vassal state of Ava -4qH53Qbvtc-00312-00078539-00078803 Tonga's young ambitious King tab and -4qH53Qbvtc-00313-00078804-00079013 sweaty defeated the more powerful gente -4qH53Qbvtc-00314-00079014-00079301 wotty in the tango gente wotty war 1534 -4qH53Qbvtc-00315-00079302-00079631 to 41 his successor bayinnaung went on -4qH53Qbvtc-00316-00079632-00079823 to conquer a vast swath of mainland -4qH53Qbvtc-00317-00079824-00080045 Southeast Asia including the Shan States -4qH53Qbvtc-00318-00080046-00080294 land nah man of poor mung Mao the -4qH53Qbvtc-00319-00080295-00080513 Ayodhya Kingdom lan xang and southern -4qH53Qbvtc-00320-00080514-00080822 iraq n' however the largest empire in -4qH53Qbvtc-00321-00080823-00080981 the history of Southeast Asia -4qH53Qbvtc-00322-00080982-00081203 unraveled soon after bannings death in -4qH53Qbvtc-00323-00081204-00081656 1581 completely collapsing by 1599 a you -4qH53Qbvtc-00324-00081657-00081887 diocese tennis remand LAN na and -4qH53Qbvtc-00325-00081888-00082085 Portuguese mercenaries established -4qH53Qbvtc-00326-00082086-00082406 Portuguese rule at fan Li and cerium the -4qH53Qbvtc-00327-00082407-00082592 dynasty regrouped and defeated the -4qH53Qbvtc-00328-00082593-00083030 Portuguese in 1613 and Siam in 1614 it -4qH53Qbvtc-00329-00083031-00083192 restored a smaller more manageable -4qH53Qbvtc-00330-00083193-00083477 Kingdom encompassing lower myanmar upper -4qH53Qbvtc-00331-00083478-00083729 myanmar shan states LAN na and upper -4qH53Qbvtc-00332-00083730-00083984 tennis room the restored Tunku Kings -4qH53Qbvtc-00333-00083985-00084215 created a legal and political framework -4qH53Qbvtc-00334-00084216-00084413 whose basic features would continue well -4qH53Qbvtc-00335-00084414-00084668 into the 19th century the crown -4qH53Qbvtc-00336-00084669-00084857 completely replaced the hereditary -4qH53Qbvtc-00337-00084858-00085007 chieftain ships with appointed -4qH53Qbvtc-00338-00085008-00085196 governorships in the entire Irrawaddy -4qH53Qbvtc-00339-00085197-00085355 valley and greatly reduced the -4qH53Qbvtc-00340-00085356-00085631 hereditary rights of shan Chiefs its -4qH53Qbvtc-00341-00085632-00085865 trade and secular administrative reforms -4qH53Qbvtc-00342-00085866-00086078 built a prosperous economy for more than -4qH53Qbvtc-00343-00086079-00086405 80 years from the 1720s onward the -4qH53Qbvtc-00344-00086406-00086624 kingdom was beset with repeated my raids -4qH53Qbvtc-00345-00086625-00086807 into upper Myanmar and a nagging -4qH53Qbvtc-00346-00086808-00087170 rebellion in LAN ma in 1740 the mana of -4qH53Qbvtc-00347-00087171-00087377 lower myanmar founded the restored han -4qH53Qbvtc-00348-00087378-00087641 thottie kingdom kantha wadi forces -4qH53Qbvtc-00349-00087642-00087917 sacked ava in 1750 to ending the two -4qH53Qbvtc-00350-00087918-00088192 hundred sixty six-year-old tangu dynasty -4qH53Qbvtc-00351-00088193-00088493 after the fall of ava the kanban gente -4qH53Qbvtc-00352-00088494-00088718 wadi war involved one resistance group -4qH53Qbvtc-00353-00088719-00088919 under along pia defeating the restored -4qH53Qbvtc-00354-00088920-00088985 gente wadi -4qH53Qbvtc-00355-00088986-00089279 and by 1759 he had reunited all of -4qH53Qbvtc-00356-00089280-00089486 Myanmar and menopur and driven out the -4qH53Qbvtc-00357-00089487-00089648 French and the British who had provided -4qH53Qbvtc-00358-00089649-00090056 arms to gente Watty by 1770 along pi his -4qH53Qbvtc-00359-00090057-00090383 heirs had subdued much of Laos 1765 and -4qH53Qbvtc-00360-00090384-00090610 fought and won the Burmese Siamese war -4qH53Qbvtc-00361-00090611-00090980 1765 267 against Ayodhya and the sino -4qH53Qbvtc-00362-00090981-00091205 Burmese war 1765 -4qH53Qbvtc-00363-00091206-00091655 - 69 against Ching China 1765 - 1769 -4qH53Qbvtc-00364-00091656-00091889 with Burma preoccupied by the Chinese -4qH53Qbvtc-00365-00091890-00092123 threat Hadiya recovered its territories -4qH53Qbvtc-00366-00092124-00092405 by 1770 and went on to capture land knob -4qH53Qbvtc-00367-00092406-00092845 by 1776 Burma and Siam went to war until -4qH53Qbvtc-00368-00092846-00093104 1855 but all resulted in a stalemate -4qH53Qbvtc-00369-00093105-00093365 exchanging ten Ostrom to Burma and land -4qH53Qbvtc-00370-00093366-00093647 not to Ayodhya faced with a powerful -4qH53Qbvtc-00371-00093648-00093854 China and a resurgent Ayodhya in the -4qH53Qbvtc-00372-00093855-00093992 East King Boudia -4qH53Qbvtc-00373-00093993-00094271 turned west acquiring a rockin 1785 -4qH53Qbvtc-00374-00094272-00094754 menopur 1814 and Assam 1817 it was the -4qH53Qbvtc-00375-00094755-00094988 second largest empire in Burmese history -4qH53Qbvtc-00376-00094989-00095156 but also one with a long ill-defined -4qH53Qbvtc-00377-00095157-00095375 border with British India the breadth of -4qH53Qbvtc-00378-00095376-00095654 this empire was short-lived Burma lost -4qH53Qbvtc-00379-00095655-00095930 arakan mana poor Assam and tennis room -4qH53Qbvtc-00380-00095931-00096044 to the British in the first -4qH53Qbvtc-00381-00096045-00096575 anglo-burmese war 1824 to 1826 in 1852 -4qH53Qbvtc-00382-00096576-00096827 the British easily seized lower Burma in -4qH53Qbvtc-00383-00096828-00097121 the second anglo-burmese war King Minden -4qH53Qbvtc-00384-00097122-00097313 men tried to modernize the kingdom and -4qH53Qbvtc-00385-00097314-00097628 in 1875 narrowly avoided annexation by -4qH53Qbvtc-00386-00097629-00097868 seeding the Carini States the British -4qH53Qbvtc-00387-00097869-00098096 alarmed by the consolidation of French -4qH53Qbvtc-00388-00098097-00098297 Indochina annexed the remainder of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00389-00098298-00098513 country in the 3rd anglo-burmese war in -4qH53Qbvtc-00390-00098514-00098909 1885 convent wings extended restored -4qH53Qbvtc-00391-00098910-00099104 tunku's administrative reforms and -4qH53Qbvtc-00392-00099105-00099293 achieved unprecedented levels of -4qH53Qbvtc-00393-00099294-00099505 internal control and external expansion -4qH53Qbvtc-00394-00099506-00099752 for the first time in history the -4qH53Qbvtc-00395-00099753-00099932 Burmese language and culture came to -4qH53Qbvtc-00396-00099933-00100120 predominate the entire Irrawaddy Valley -4qH53Qbvtc-00397-00100121-00100388 the evolution and growth of Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-00398-00100389-00100607 literature and theatre continued aided -4qH53Qbvtc-00399-00100608-00100808 by an extremely high adult male literacy -4qH53Qbvtc-00400-00100809-00101039 rate for the era half of all males and -4qH53Qbvtc-00401-00101040-00101390 5% of females nonetheless the extent and -4qH53Qbvtc-00402-00101391-00101567 pace of reforms were uneven and -4qH53Qbvtc-00403-00101568-00101756 ultimately proved insufficient to stem -4qH53Qbvtc-00404-00101757-00102260 the advance of British colonialism -4qH53Qbvtc-00405-00102261-00102949 topic british burma 1824 to 1948 -4qH53Qbvtc-00406-00102950-00103473 topic Burma in British India -4qH53Qbvtc-00407-00103474-00103746 the 18th century saw Burmese rulers -4qH53Qbvtc-00408-00103747-00103965 whose country had not previously been of -4qH53Qbvtc-00409-00103966-00104168 particular interest to European traders -4qH53Qbvtc-00410-00104169-00104293 seek to maintain their traditional -4qH53Qbvtc-00411-00104294-00104553 influence in the western areas of a some -4qH53Qbvtc-00412-00104554-00104826 men of poor in Iraq and pressing them -4qH53Qbvtc-00413-00104827-00105003 however was the British East India -4qH53Qbvtc-00414-00105004-00105183 Company which was expanding its -4qH53Qbvtc-00415-00105183-00105339 interests eastwards over the same -4qH53Qbvtc-00416-00105340-00105635 territory over the next 60 years -4qH53Qbvtc-00417-00105636-00105911 diplomacy raids treaties and compromises -4qH53Qbvtc-00418-00105913-00106061 continued until after three -4qH53Qbvtc-00419-00106063-00106449 anglo-burmese wars 1824 to 1885 Britain -4qH53Qbvtc-00420-00106450-00106652 proclaimed control over most of Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-00421-00106653-00106938 British rule brought social economic -4qH53Qbvtc-00422-00106939-00107261 cultural and administrative changes with -4qH53Qbvtc-00423-00107263-00107472 the fall of Mandalay all of Burma came -4qH53Qbvtc-00424-00107473-00107670 under British rule being annexed on the -4qH53Qbvtc-00425-00107671-00107997 1st of January 1886 throughout the -4qH53Qbvtc-00426-00107998-00108216 colonial era many Indians arrived as -4qH53Qbvtc-00427-00108217-00108429 soldiers civil servants construction -4qH53Qbvtc-00428-00108430-00108618 workers and traders and along with the -4qH53Qbvtc-00429-00108619-00108816 anglo-burmese community dominated -4qH53Qbvtc-00430-00108817-00109019 commercial and civil life in Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-00431-00109020-00109275 Rangoon became the capital of British -4qH53Qbvtc-00432-00109276-00109446 Burma and an important port between -4qH53Qbvtc-00433-00109447-00109733 Calcutta and Singapore Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-00434-00109734-00109938 resentment was strong and was vented in -4qH53Qbvtc-00435-00109939-00110135 violent riots that paralysed Yangon -4qH53Qbvtc-00436-00110136-00110360 Rangoon on occasion all the way until -4qH53Qbvtc-00437-00110361-00110666 the 1930s some of the discontent was -4qH53Qbvtc-00438-00110667-00110850 caused by a disrespect for Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-00439-00110851-00111015 culture and traditions such as the -4qH53Qbvtc-00440-00111016-00111216 British refusal to remove shoes when -4qH53Qbvtc-00441-00111217-00111465 they entered pagodas Buddhist monks -4qH53Qbvtc-00442-00111466-00111584 became the Vanguard's of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00443-00111585-00111809 independence movement uwah Sarah -4qH53Qbvtc-00444-00111810-00112060 an activist monk died in prison after a -4qH53Qbvtc-00445-00112061-00112350 166 day hunger strike to protest against -4qH53Qbvtc-00446-00112351-00112494 a rule that forbade him to wear his -4qH53Qbvtc-00447-00112495-00112960 Buddhist robes while in prison -4qH53Qbvtc-00448-00112961-00113213 topic separation of british burma from -4qH53Qbvtc-00449-00113214-00113577 british india -4qH53Qbvtc-00450-00113578-00113928 on the 1st of April 1937 Burma became a -4qH53Qbvtc-00451-00113929-00114114 separately administered colony of Great -4qH53Qbvtc-00452-00114115-00114315 Britain and Bama the first Prime -4qH53Qbvtc-00453-00114316-00114483 Minister and premier of Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-00454-00114483-00114735 Bhama was an outspoken advocate for -4qH53Qbvtc-00455-00114736-00114931 Burmese self-rule and he opposed the -4qH53Qbvtc-00456-00114932-00115140 participation of Great Britain and by -4qH53Qbvtc-00457-00115141-00115444 extension Burma in World War two he -4qH53Qbvtc-00458-00115445-00115590 resigned from the Legislative Assembly -4qH53Qbvtc-00459-00115591-00115918 and was arrested for sedition in 1940 -4qH53Qbvtc-00460-00115919-00116148 before Japan formally entered the second -4qH53Qbvtc-00461-00116149-00116340 world war on sand formed the Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-00462-00116341-00116644 independence Army in Japan a major -4qH53Qbvtc-00463-00116645-00116859 battleground Burma was devastated during -4qH53Qbvtc-00464-00116860-00116985 World War two -4qH53Qbvtc-00465-00116986-00117307 by March 1942 within months after they -4qH53Qbvtc-00466-00117308-00117486 entered the war Japanese troops had -4qH53Qbvtc-00467-00117487-00117666 advanced on Rangoon and the British -4qH53Qbvtc-00468-00117667-00117943 administration had collapsed a Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-00469-00117944-00118164 executive administration headed by bomb -4qH53Qbvtc-00470-00118165-00118386 ma was established by the Japanese in -4qH53Qbvtc-00471-00118387-00118746 August 1942 Wingate's British Chindits -4qH53Qbvtc-00472-00118747-00118899 were formed into long-range penetration -4qH53Qbvtc-00473-00118900-00119115 groups trained to operate deep behind -4qH53Qbvtc-00474-00119116-00119454 Japanese lines a similar American unit -4qH53Qbvtc-00475-00119455-00119622 Merrill's Marauders followed the -4qH53Qbvtc-00476-00119623-00119924 Chindits into the Burmese jungle in 1943 -4qH53Qbvtc-00477-00119925-00120246 beginning in late 1944 Allied troops -4qH53Qbvtc-00478-00120247-00120474 launched a series of offensives that led -4qH53Qbvtc-00479-00120475-00120774 to the end of Japanese rule in July 1945 -4qH53Qbvtc-00480-00120775-00121035 the battles were intense with much of -4qH53Qbvtc-00481-00121036-00121308 Burma laid waste by the fighting overall -4qH53Qbvtc-00482-00121309-00121614 the Japanese lost some 150,000 men in -4qH53Qbvtc-00483-00121615-00121989 Burma only 1,700 prisoners were taken -4qH53Qbvtc-00484-00121990-00122194 although many Burmese fought initially -4qH53Qbvtc-00485-00122195-00122368 for the Japanese as part of the Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-00486-00122369-00122608 independence army many Burmese mostly -4qH53Qbvtc-00487-00122608-00122799 from the ethnic minorities served in the -4qH53Qbvtc-00488-00122800-00123072 British Burma Army the Burma National -4qH53Qbvtc-00489-00123073-00123268 Army and the Iraq and National Army -4qH53Qbvtc-00490-00123269-00123524 fought with the Japanese from 1942 to -4qH53Qbvtc-00491-00123525-00123765 1944 but switched allegiance to the -4qH53Qbvtc-00492-00123766-00124116 Allied side in 1945 under Japanese -4qH53Qbvtc-00493-00124117-00124539 occupation 170,000 to 250,000 civilians -4qH53Qbvtc-00494-00124540-00124776 died following world war ii longshan -4qH53Qbvtc-00495-00124777-00124981 negotiated the Pangolin agreement with -4qH53Qbvtc-00496-00124982-00125124 ethnic leaders that guaranteed the -4qH53Qbvtc-00497-00125125-00125337 independence of myanmar as a unified -4qH53Qbvtc-00498-00125338-00125715 state anzen why pay kin though hm yuan -4qH53Qbvtc-00499-00125716-00126033 sir monkey doctor sign my a hmong myoma -4qH53Qbvtc-00500-00126034-00126193 you then caiway were among the -4qH53Qbvtc-00501-00126194-00126402 negotiators of the historical penguin -4qH53Qbvtc-00502-00126403-00126612 conference negotiated with Bammer leader -4qH53Qbvtc-00503-00126613-00126804 General Aung San and other ethnic -4qH53Qbvtc-00504-00126805-00126993 leaders in 1940 -4qH53Qbvtc-00505-00126994-00127379 in 1947 onsen became deputy chairman of -4qH53Qbvtc-00506-00127380-00127581 the executive council of myanmar a -4qH53Qbvtc-00507-00127582-00127944 transitional government but in july 1947 -4qH53Qbvtc-00508-00127945-00128223 political rivals assassinated on san and -4qH53Qbvtc-00509-00128224-00128632 several cabinet members -4qH53Qbvtc-00510-00128633-00129393 topic independence 1948 to 1962 -4qH53Qbvtc-00511-00129394-00129725 on the 4th of January 1948 the nation -4qH53Qbvtc-00512-00129726-00129935 became an independent republic named the -4qH53Qbvtc-00513-00129936-00130158 union of Burma with south we take as its -4qH53Qbvtc-00514-00130158-00130328 first president and you knew as its -4qH53Qbvtc-00515-00130329-00130451 first Prime Minister -4qH53Qbvtc-00516-00130452-00130685 unlike most other former British -4qH53Qbvtc-00517-00130686-00130910 colonies and overseas territories Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-00518-00130911-00131051 did not become a member of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00519-00131052-00131324 Commonwealth a bicameral parliament was -4qH53Qbvtc-00520-00131325-00131501 formed consisting of a chamber of -4qH53Qbvtc-00521-00131502-00131711 deputies and a chamber of nationalities -4qH53Qbvtc-00522-00131712-00131912 and multi-party elections were held in -4qH53Qbvtc-00523-00131913-00132566 1951 1952 1956 and 1960 the geographical -4qH53Qbvtc-00524-00132567-00132779 area Burma encompasses today can be -4qH53Qbvtc-00525-00132780-00132972 traced to the Pangolin agreement which -4qH53Qbvtc-00526-00132973-00133209 combined Burma proper which consisted of -4qH53Qbvtc-00527-00133210-00133391 lower Burma and upper Burma and the -4qH53Qbvtc-00528-00133392-00133550 frontier areas which had been -4qH53Qbvtc-00529-00133551-00133736 administered separately by the British -4qH53Qbvtc-00530-00133737-00134015 in 1961 U Thant then the Union of -4qH53Qbvtc-00531-00134016-00134201 Burma's permanent representative to the -4qH53Qbvtc-00532-00134202-00134441 United Nations and former secretary to -4qH53Qbvtc-00533-00134442-00134654 the Prime Minister was elected Secretary -4qH53Qbvtc-00534-00134655-00134888 General of the United Nations a position -4qH53Qbvtc-00535-00134889-00135159 he held for 10 years among the Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-00536-00135160-00135369 to work at the UN when he was Secretary -4qH53Qbvtc-00537-00135370-00135681 General was a young San Suu Kyi Durov -4qH53Qbvtc-00538-00135682-00135878 Aung San who went on to become winner of -4qH53Qbvtc-00539-00135879-00136257 the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize when the nan -4qH53Qbvtc-00540-00136258-00136485 Burman ethnic groups pushed for autonomy -4qH53Qbvtc-00541-00136486-00136691 or federalism alongside having a weak -4qH53Qbvtc-00542-00136692-00136872 civilian government at the center the -4qH53Qbvtc-00543-00136873-00137085 military leadership staged a coup d'etat -4qH53Qbvtc-00544-00137086-00137513 in 1962 though incorporated in the 1947 -4qH53Qbvtc-00545-00137514-00137708 Constitution successive military -4qH53Qbvtc-00546-00137709-00137912 governments construed the use of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00547-00137913-00138120 term federalism as being anti national -4qH53Qbvtc-00548-00138121-00138623 and a unity and produce integration -4qH53Qbvtc-00549-00138624-00139378 topic military rule 1962 to 2011 -4qH53Qbvtc-00550-00139379-00139733 on the 2nd of March 1962 the military -4qH53Qbvtc-00551-00139734-00139943 led by General may wind took control of -4qH53Qbvtc-00552-00139944-00140132 Burma through a coup d'etat and the -4qH53Qbvtc-00553-00140133-00140311 government has been under direct or -4qH53Qbvtc-00554-00140312-00140512 indirect control by the military since -4qH53Qbvtc-00555-00140513-00140981 then between 1962 and 1974 Myanmar was -4qH53Qbvtc-00556-00140982-00141194 ruled by a revolutionary council headed -4qH53Qbvtc-00557-00141195-00141478 by the general almost all aspects of -4qH53Qbvtc-00558-00141479-00141739 society business media production were -4qH53Qbvtc-00559-00141740-00141920 nationalized or brought under government -4qH53Qbvtc-00560-00141921-00142082 control under the burmese way to -4qH53Qbvtc-00561-00142083-00142294 socialism which combined soviet-style -4qH53Qbvtc-00562-00142295-00142652 nationalization and central planning -4qH53Qbvtc-00563-00142653-00142880 a new constitution of the Socialist -4qH53Qbvtc-00564-00142881-00143054 Republic of the union of Burma was -4qH53Qbvtc-00565-00143055-00143498 adopted in 1974 until 1988 the country -4qH53Qbvtc-00566-00143499-00143702 was ruled as a one-party system with the -4qH53Qbvtc-00567-00143703-00143894 general and other military officers -4qH53Qbvtc-00568-00143895-00144077 resigning and ruling through the Burma's -4qH53Qbvtc-00569-00144078-00144422 socialist program Party BSP P during -4qH53Qbvtc-00570-00144423-00144623 this period Myanmar became one of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00571-00144624-00144826 world's most impoverished countries -4qH53Qbvtc-00572-00144827-00145091 there were sporadic protests against -4qH53Qbvtc-00573-00145092-00145295 military rule during the nee win years -4qH53Qbvtc-00574-00145296-00145484 and these were almost always violently -4qH53Qbvtc-00575-00145485-00145835 suppressed on the seventh of July 1962 -4qH53Qbvtc-00576-00145836-00146066 the government broke up demonstrations -4qH53Qbvtc-00577-00146067-00146285 at Rangoon University killing 15 -4qH53Qbvtc-00578-00146286-00146678 students in 1974 the military violently -4qH53Qbvtc-00579-00146679-00146885 suppressed anti-government protests at -4qH53Qbvtc-00580-00146886-00147016 the funeral of U Thant -4qH53Qbvtc-00581-00147017-00147566 student protests in 1975 1976 and 1977 -4qH53Qbvtc-00582-00147567-00147773 were quickly suppressed by overwhelming -4qH53Qbvtc-00583-00147774-00148049 force in 1988 unrest over economic -4qH53Qbvtc-00584-00148050-00148265 mismanagement and political oppression -4qH53Qbvtc-00585-00148266-00148415 by the government led to widespread -4qH53Qbvtc-00586-00148416-00148658 pro-democracy demonstrations throughout -4qH53Qbvtc-00587-00148659-00149008 the country known as the 8888 uprising -4qH53Qbvtc-00588-00149009-00149249 security forces killed thousands of -4qH53Qbvtc-00589-00149250-00149483 demonstrators and general salman staged -4qH53Qbvtc-00590-00149484-00149708 a coup d'etat informed the state law and -4qH53Qbvtc-00591-00149709-00149983 order Restoration Council Florrick in -4qH53Qbvtc-00592-00149984-00150110 1989 -4qH53Qbvtc-00593-00150111-00150281 slark declared martial law after -4qH53Qbvtc-00594-00150282-00150566 widespread protests the military -4qH53Qbvtc-00595-00150567-00150785 government finalized plans for People's -4qH53Qbvtc-00596-00150786-00151004 Assembly elections on the 31st of May -4qH53Qbvtc-00597-00151005-00151322 1989 slore changed the country's -4qH53Qbvtc-00598-00151323-00151568 official English name from the Socialist -4qH53Qbvtc-00599-00151569-00151847 Republic of the union of Burma to the -4qH53Qbvtc-00600-00151848-00152180 union of Myanmar in the 18th of June -4qH53Qbvtc-00601-00152181-00152453 1989 by enacting the adaptation of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00602-00152454-00152780 expression law in May 1990 the -4qH53Qbvtc-00603-00152781-00152948 government held free elections for the -4qH53Qbvtc-00604-00152949-00153164 first time in almost 30 years in the -4qH53Qbvtc-00605-00153165-00153422 National League for Democracy NLD the -4qH53Qbvtc-00606-00153423-00153950 party of Aung San Suu Kyi a total 492 -4qH53Qbvtc-00607-00153951-00154040 seats ie -4qH53Qbvtc-00608-00154041-00154337 80 percent of the seats however the -4qH53Qbvtc-00609-00154338-00154538 military whom to refused to cede power -4qH53Qbvtc-00610-00154539-00154712 and continued to rule the nation as -4qH53Qbvtc-00611-00154713-00154982 slark until 1997 and then as the state -4qH53Qbvtc-00612-00154983-00155276 peace and development council SPDC until -4qH53Qbvtc-00613-00155277-00155606 it's dissolution in march 2011 on the -4qH53Qbvtc-00614-00155607-00155948 23rd of june 1997 myanmar was admitted -4qH53Qbvtc-00615-00155949-00156044 into the associate -4qH53Qbvtc-00616-00156045-00156359 of Southeast Asian Nations as Ian on the -4qH53Qbvtc-00617-00156360-00156704 27th of March 2006 the military hoon de -4qH53Qbvtc-00618-00156705-00156854 which had moved the national capital -4qH53Qbvtc-00619-00156855-00157097 from Yangon to a site near pi in mana in -4qH53Qbvtc-00620-00157098-00157361 November 2005 officially named the new -4qH53Qbvtc-00621-00157362-00157604 capital Napier da meaning city of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00622-00157605-00157773 Kings -4qH53Qbvtc-00623-00157774-00158076 in August 2007 an increase in the price -4qH53Qbvtc-00624-00158077-00158289 of diesel and petrol led to the saffron -4qH53Qbvtc-00625-00158290-00158487 revolution led by Buddhist monks that -4qH53Qbvtc-00626-00158488-00158604 were dealt with harshly by the -4qH53Qbvtc-00627-00158605-00158832 government the government cracked down -4qH53Qbvtc-00628-00158833-00159132 on them on the 26th of September 2007 -4qH53Qbvtc-00629-00159133-00159399 the crackdown was harsh with reports of -4qH53Qbvtc-00630-00159400-00159606 barricades at the Shwedagon pagoda and -4qH53Qbvtc-00631-00159607-00159876 monks killed there were also rumors of -4qH53Qbvtc-00632-00159877-00160056 disagreement within the Burmese armed -4qH53Qbvtc-00633-00160057-00160316 forces but none was confirmed the -4qH53Qbvtc-00634-00160317-00160512 military crackdown against unarmed -4qH53Qbvtc-00635-00160513-00160725 protesters was widely condemned as part -4qH53Qbvtc-00636-00160726-00160904 of the International reactions to the -4qH53Qbvtc-00637-00160905-00161079 saffron revolution and led to an -4qH53Qbvtc-00638-00161080-00161286 increase in economic sanctions against -4qH53Qbvtc-00639-00161287-00161598 the Burmese government in May 2008 -4qH53Qbvtc-00640-00161599-00161808 Cyclone Nargis caused extensive damage -4qH53Qbvtc-00641-00161809-00162060 in the densely populated rice farming -4qH53Qbvtc-00642-00162061-00162324 Delta of the Irrawaddy division it was -4qH53Qbvtc-00643-00162325-00162522 the worst natural disaster in Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-00644-00162523-00162723 history with reports of an estimated -4qH53Qbvtc-00645-00162724-00162993 200,000 people dead or missing damage -4qH53Qbvtc-00646-00162994-00163239 totaled 210 billion u.s. dollars and as -4qH53Qbvtc-00647-00163240-00163521 many as 1 million left homeless in the -4qH53Qbvtc-00648-00163522-00163719 critical days following this disaster -4qH53Qbvtc-00649-00163720-00163935 mine Mars isolationist government was -4qH53Qbvtc-00650-00163936-00164115 accused of hindering United Nations -4qH53Qbvtc-00651-00164116-00164424 recovery efforts humanitarian aid was -4qH53Qbvtc-00652-00164425-00164613 requested but concerns about foreign -4qH53Qbvtc-00653-00164614-00164844 military or intelligence presence in the -4qH53Qbvtc-00654-00164845-00165021 country delayed the entry of United -4qH53Qbvtc-00655-00165022-00165210 States military planes delivering -4qH53Qbvtc-00656-00165211-00165423 medicine food and other supplies in -4qH53Qbvtc-00657-00165424-00165690 early August 2009 a conflict known as -4qH53Qbvtc-00658-00165691-00165885 the coking incident broke out in Shan -4qH53Qbvtc-00659-00165886-00166152 State in northern Myanmar for several -4qH53Qbvtc-00660-00166153-00166329 weeks wounded troops fought against -4qH53Qbvtc-00661-00166330-00166506 ethnic minorities including the Han -4qH53Qbvtc-00662-00166507-00166848 Chinese wah and Kachin during 8 to 12 -4qH53Qbvtc-00663-00166849-00167073 August the first days of the conflict as -4qH53Qbvtc-00664-00167074-00167337 many as 10,000 Burmese civilians fled to -4qH53Qbvtc-00665-00167338-00167742 Yunnan in neighboring China -4qH53Qbvtc-00666-00167743-00168078 topic civil wars -4qH53Qbvtc-00667-00168079-00168251 you -4qH53Qbvtc-00668-00168252-00168479 civil wars have been a constant feature -4qH53Qbvtc-00669-00168480-00168722 of mine Mars socio-political landscape -4qH53Qbvtc-00670-00168723-00168911 since the attainment of independence in -4qH53Qbvtc-00671-00168912-00169223 1948 these wars are predominantly -4qH53Qbvtc-00672-00169224-00169403 struggles for ethnic and sub-national -4qH53Qbvtc-00673-00169404-00169616 autonomy with the areas surrounding the -4qH53Qbvtc-00674-00169617-00169817 ethnically Bammer central districts of -4qH53Qbvtc-00675-00169818-00169955 the country serving as the primary -4qH53Qbvtc-00676-00169956-00170261 geographical setting of conflict foreign -4qH53Qbvtc-00677-00170262-00170438 journalists and visitors require a -4qH53Qbvtc-00678-00170439-00170678 special travel permit to visit the areas -4qH53Qbvtc-00679-00170679-00170861 in which mine Mars civil wars continue -4qH53Qbvtc-00680-00170862-00171200 in October 2012 the ongoing conflicts in -4qH53Qbvtc-00681-00171201-00171416 Myanmar included the Kachin conflict -4qH53Qbvtc-00682-00171417-00171587 between the pro-christian Kachin -4qH53Qbvtc-00683-00171588-00171773 Independence Army and the government a -4qH53Qbvtc-00684-00171774-00171977 civil war between the Rohingya Muslims -4qH53Qbvtc-00685-00171978-00172148 and the government and non-government -4qH53Qbvtc-00686-00172149-00172364 groups in Rakhine State and a conflict -4qH53Qbvtc-00687-00172365-00172616 between the Shan lahu and Karin minority -4qH53Qbvtc-00688-00172617-00172790 groups and the government in the eastern -4qH53Qbvtc-00689-00172791-00172886 half of the country -4qH53Qbvtc-00690-00172887-00173147 in addition al-qaeda signaled an -4qH53Qbvtc-00691-00173148-00173354 intention to become involved in Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00692-00173355-00173603 in a video released on the 3rd of -4qH53Qbvtc-00693-00173604-00173879 September 2014 mainly addressed to India -4qH53Qbvtc-00694-00173880-00174056 the militant group's leader Ayman -4qH53Qbvtc-00695-00174057-00174263 al-zawahri said al-qaeda had not -4qH53Qbvtc-00696-00174264-00174461 forgotten the Muslims of Myanmar and -4qH53Qbvtc-00697-00174462-00174644 that the group was doing what they can -4qH53Qbvtc-00698-00174645-00174740 to rescue you -4qH53Qbvtc-00699-00174741-00175022 in response the military raised its -4qH53Qbvtc-00700-00175023-00175193 level of alertness while the Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-00701-00175194-00175397 Muslim Association issued a statement -4qH53Qbvtc-00702-00175398-00175601 saying Muslims would not tolerate any -4qH53Qbvtc-00703-00175602-00175748 threat to their motherland armed -4qH53Qbvtc-00704-00175749-00175961 conflict between ethnic Chinese rebels -4qH53Qbvtc-00705-00175962-00176138 and the Myanmar armed forces have -4qH53Qbvtc-00706-00176139-00176315 resulted in the coking offensive in -4qH53Qbvtc-00707-00176316-00176648 February 2015 the conflict had forced -4qH53Qbvtc-00708-00176649-00176927 40,000 to 50,000 civilians to flee their -4qH53Qbvtc-00709-00176928-00177110 homes and seek shelter on the Chinese -4qH53Qbvtc-00710-00177111-00177347 side of the border during the incident -4qH53Qbvtc-00711-00177348-00177554 the government of China was accused of -4qH53Qbvtc-00712-00177555-00177746 giving military assistance to the ethnic -4qH53Qbvtc-00713-00177747-00178025 Chinese rebels Burmese officials have -4qH53Qbvtc-00714-00178026-00178247 been historically manipulated and -4qH53Qbvtc-00715-00178248-00178412 pressured by the Chinese government -4qH53Qbvtc-00716-00178413-00178646 throughout Burmese modern history to -4qH53Qbvtc-00717-00178647-00178838 create closer and binding ties with -4qH53Qbvtc-00718-00178839-00179072 China creating a Chinese satellite state -4qH53Qbvtc-00719-00179073-00179191 in Southeast Asia -4qH53Qbvtc-00720-00179192-00179501 however uncertainties exist as clashes -4qH53Qbvtc-00721-00179502-00179657 between Burmese troops and local -4qH53Qbvtc-00722-00179658-00180087 insurgent groups continue -4qH53Qbvtc-00723-00180088-00180636 topic democratic reforms -4qH53Qbvtc-00724-00180637-00180882 the goal of the Burmese constitutional -4qH53Qbvtc-00725-00180883-00181134 referendum of 2008 held on the 10th of -4qH53Qbvtc-00726-00181135-00181353 May 2008 is the creation of a -4qH53Qbvtc-00727-00181354-00181610 disciplined flourishing democracy as -4qH53Qbvtc-00728-00181611-00181884 part of the referendum process the name -4qH53Qbvtc-00729-00181885-00182034 of the country was changed from the -4qH53Qbvtc-00730-00182035-00182406 union of Myanmar to the Republic of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00731-00182407-00182703 union of Myanmar and general elections -4qH53Qbvtc-00732-00182704-00182889 were held under the new constitution in -4qH53Qbvtc-00733-00182890-00183201 2010 observer accounts of the 2010 -4qH53Qbvtc-00734-00183202-00183408 election described the event as mostly -4qH53Qbvtc-00735-00183409-00183468 peaceful -4qH53Qbvtc-00736-00183469-00183666 however allegations of pulling station -4qH53Qbvtc-00737-00183667-00183866 irregularities were raised and the -4qH53Qbvtc-00738-00183867-00184074 United Nations UN and a number of -4qH53Qbvtc-00739-00184075-00184215 Western countries condemned the -4qH53Qbvtc-00740-00184216-00184449 elections as fraudulent the -4qH53Qbvtc-00741-00184450-00184662 military-backed Union Solidarity and -4qH53Qbvtc-00742-00184663-00184875 Development Party declared victory in -4qH53Qbvtc-00743-00184876-00185097 the 2010 elections stating that it had -4qH53Qbvtc-00744-00185098-00185291 been favored by 80 percent of the votes -4qH53Qbvtc-00745-00185292-00185484 however the claim was disputed by -4qH53Qbvtc-00746-00185485-00185721 numerous pro-democracy opposition groups -4qH53Qbvtc-00747-00185722-00185889 who asserted that the military regime -4qH53Qbvtc-00748-00185890-00186195 had engaged in rampant fraud one report -4qH53Qbvtc-00749-00186196-00186504 documented 77% as the official turnout -4qH53Qbvtc-00750-00186505-00186779 rate of the election the military HMDA -4qH53Qbvtc-00751-00186780-00187094 was dissolved on the 30th of March 2011 -4qH53Qbvtc-00752-00187095-00187332 opinions differ whether the transition -4qH53Qbvtc-00753-00187333-00187500 to liberal democracy is underway -4qH53Qbvtc-00754-00187501-00187766 according to some reports the military's -4qH53Qbvtc-00755-00187767-00187925 presence continues as the label -4qH53Qbvtc-00756-00187926-00188277 disciplined democracy suggests this -4qH53Qbvtc-00757-00188278-00188460 label asserts that the Burmese military -4qH53Qbvtc-00758-00188461-00188676 is allowing certain civil liberties -4qH53Qbvtc-00759-00188677-00188883 while clandestinely institutionalizing -4qH53Qbvtc-00760-00188884-00189104 itself further into Burmese politics -4qH53Qbvtc-00761-00189105-00189381 such an assertion assumes that reforms -4qH53Qbvtc-00762-00189382-00189573 only occurred when the military was able -4qH53Qbvtc-00763-00189574-00189756 to safeguard its own interests through -4qH53Qbvtc-00764-00189757-00190091 the transition here transition does not -4qH53Qbvtc-00765-00190092-00190260 refer to a transition to a liberal -4qH53Qbvtc-00766-00190261-00190500 democracy but transition to a quasi -4qH53Qbvtc-00767-00190501-00190746 military rule since the 2010 election -4qH53Qbvtc-00768-00190747-00190932 the government has embarked on a series -4qH53Qbvtc-00769-00190933-00191141 of reforms to direct the country towards -4qH53Qbvtc-00770-00191142-00191373 liberal democracy a mixed economy and -4qH53Qbvtc-00771-00191374-00191583 reconciliation although doubts persist -4qH53Qbvtc-00772-00191584-00191751 about the motives that underpin such -4qH53Qbvtc-00773-00191752-00192054 reforms the series of reforms includes -4qH53Qbvtc-00774-00192055-00192252 the release of pro-democracy leader Aung -4qH53Qbvtc-00775-00192253-00193077 San Suu Kyi's for more than 200 -4qH53Qbvtc-00776-00193078-00193293 political prisoners new labor laws that -4qH53Qbvtc-00777-00193294-00193491 permit labor unions and strikes a -4qH53Qbvtc-00778-00193492-00193698 relaxation of press censorship and the -4qH53Qbvtc-00779-00193699-00193920 regulation of currency practices the -4qH53Qbvtc-00780-00193921-00194001 impact of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00781-00194002-00194205 election reforms has been observed in -4qH53Qbvtc-00782-00194206-00194442 numerous areas including a si ans -4qH53Qbvtc-00783-00194443-00194640 approval of mine Mars bid for the -4qH53Qbvtc-00784-00194641-00194910 position of is Ian chair in 2014 the -4qH53Qbvtc-00785-00194911-00195114 visit by United States Secretary of -4qH53Qbvtc-00786-00195115-00195333 State Hillary Clinton in December 2011 -4qH53Qbvtc-00787-00195334-00195501 for the encouragement of further -4qH53Qbvtc-00788-00195502-00195720 progress which was the first visit by a -4qH53Qbvtc-00789-00195721-00195939 secretary of state in more than 50 years -4qH53Qbvtc-00790-00195940-00196119 during which Clinton met with the -4qH53Qbvtc-00791-00196120-00196290 Burmese president and former military -4qH53Qbvtc-00792-00196291-00196503 commander Thane sine as well as -4qH53Qbvtc-00793-00196504-00196908 opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi Aung -4qH53Qbvtc-00794-00196909-00197145 San Suu Kyi's National League for -4qH53Qbvtc-00795-00197146-00197409 Democracy NLD party in the 2012 -4qH53Qbvtc-00796-00197410-00197592 by-elections facilitated by the -4qH53Qbvtc-00797-00197593-00197757 government's abolition of the laws that -4qH53Qbvtc-00798-00197758-00198087 previously barred the NLD as of July -4qH53Qbvtc-00799-00198088-00198381 2013 about 100 political prisoners -4qH53Qbvtc-00800-00198382-00198567 remain imprisoned while conflict between -4qH53Qbvtc-00801-00198568-00198774 the Burmese army and local insurgent -4qH53Qbvtc-00802-00198775-00199056 groups continues in the 1st of April -4qH53Qbvtc-00803-00199057-00199440 2012 by-elections the NLD won 43 of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00804-00199441-00199716 45 available seats previously an illegal -4qH53Qbvtc-00805-00199717-00199932 organization the NLD had not won a -4qH53Qbvtc-00806-00199933-00200217 single seat under new constitution the -4qH53Qbvtc-00807-00200218-00200436 2012 by-elections were also the first -4qH53Qbvtc-00808-00200437-00200661 time that international representatives -4qH53Qbvtc-00809-00200662-00200793 were allowed to monitor the voting -4qH53Qbvtc-00810-00200794-00201198 process in Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00811-00201199-00201824 topic 2015 general elections -4qH53Qbvtc-00812-00201825-00202049 general elections were held on the 8th -4qH53Qbvtc-00813-00202050-00202313 of November 2015 these were the first -4qH53Qbvtc-00814-00202314-00202508 openly contested elections held in -4qH53Qbvtc-00815-00202509-00202859 Myanmar since 1990 the results gave the -4qH53Qbvtc-00816-00202860-00203024 National League for Democracy an -4qH53Qbvtc-00817-00203025-00203219 absolute majority of seats in both -4qH53Qbvtc-00818-00203220-00203369 chambers of the national parliament -4qH53Qbvtc-00819-00203370-00203564 enough to ensure that its candidate -4qH53Qbvtc-00820-00203565-00203780 would become president while NLD leader -4qH53Qbvtc-00821-00203781-00204272 Aung San Suu Kyi the new Parliament -4qH53Qbvtc-00822-00204273-00204527 convened on the 1st of February 2016 and -4qH53Qbvtc-00823-00204528-00204758 on the 15th of March 2016 -4qH53Qbvtc-00824-00204759-00204983 htin Kyaw was elected as the first -4qH53Qbvtc-00825-00204984-00205181 non-military president since the -4qH53Qbvtc-00826-00205182-00205535 military coup of 1962 on the 6th of -4qH53Qbvtc-00827-00205536-00205907 April 2016 on san suu key soon the newly -4qH53Qbvtc-00828-00205908-00206123 created role of state councilor a role -4qH53Qbvtc-00829-00206123-00206621 akin to a prime minister -4qH53Qbvtc-00830-00206621-00207083 topic geography -4qH53Qbvtc-00831-00207084-00207491 Myanmar has a total area of 678 thousand -4qH53Qbvtc-00832-00207492-00207779 five hundred square kilometers 262 -4qH53Qbvtc-00833-00207780-00208037 thousand square miles it lies between -4qH53Qbvtc-00834-00208038-00208337 latitudes 9 degrees and 29 degrees north -4qH53Qbvtc-00835-00208338-00208619 and longitudes 92 degrees and 102 -4qH53Qbvtc-00836-00208619-00209003 degrees east as of February 2011 Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00837-00209004-00209323 consisted of 14 states and regions 67 -4qH53Qbvtc-00838-00209325-00209742 districts 330 townships 64 sub townships -4qH53Qbvtc-00839-00209744-00210338 377 towns 2914 Ward's 14000 220 village -4qH53Qbvtc-00840-00210339-00210806 tracts and 68,000 290 villages Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00841-00210807-00210973 is bordered in the northwest by the -4qH53Qbvtc-00842-00210975-00211190 Chittagong division of Bangladesh in the -4qH53Qbvtc-00843-00211191-00211442 misra menopur Nagaland and Arunachal -4qH53Qbvtc-00844-00211442-00211736 Pradesh states of India it's north and -4qH53Qbvtc-00845-00211737-00211894 northeast border as with the Tibet -4qH53Qbvtc-00846-00211896-00212117 Autonomous Region in Yunnan for a sino -4qH53Qbvtc-00847-00212117-00212444 Myanmar border total of 2000 185 -4qH53Qbvtc-00848-00212444-00212909 kilometers 1358 miles it is bounded by -4qH53Qbvtc-00849-00212910-00213091 Laos and Thailand to the southeast -4qH53Qbvtc-00850-00213092-00213602 Myanmar has 1930 kilometres 1,200 miles -4qH53Qbvtc-00851-00213603-00213836 of contiguous coastline along the Bay of -4qH53Qbvtc-00852-00213837-00214076 Bengal in Andaman Sea to the southwest -4qH53Qbvtc-00853-00214077-00214286 in the south which forms one quarter of -4qH53Qbvtc-00854-00214287-00214466 its total perimeter in the north the -4qH53Qbvtc-00855-00214467-00214621 Hanged Wan mountains form the border -4qH53Qbvtc-00856-00214623-00214946 with China the Kokubo Razi located in -4qH53Qbvtc-00857-00214946-00215309 Kachin State at an elevation of 5000 881 -4qH53Qbvtc-00858-00215310-00215669 meters 19,000 295 feet is the highest -4qH53Qbvtc-00859-00215669-00215957 point in Myanmar many mountain ranges -4qH53Qbvtc-00860-00215958-00216185 such as the ryokan youma the bago youma -4qH53Qbvtc-00861-00216186-00216401 the shan hills and the tennis room hills -4qH53Qbvtc-00862-00216402-00216623 exist within Myanmar all of which run -4qH53Qbvtc-00863-00216623-00216815 north to south from the Himalayas the -4qH53Qbvtc-00864-00216816-00217048 mountain chains divide mine Mars 3 river -4qH53Qbvtc-00865-00217050-00217273 systems which are the Irrawaddy salween -4qH53Qbvtc-00866-00217275-00217538 panel win and the sitting rivers the -4qH53Qbvtc-00867-00217539-00217775 Irrawaddy River mine Mars longest river -4qH53Qbvtc-00868-00217776-00218294 nearly 2,000 170 kilometres 1348 miles -4qH53Qbvtc-00869-00218294-00218527 long flows into the Gulf of marhaban -4qH53Qbvtc-00870-00218528-00218773 fertile plains exist in the valleys -4qH53Qbvtc-00871-00218775-00219011 between the mountain chains the majority -4qH53Qbvtc-00872-00219012-00219206 of mine Mars population lives in the -4qH53Qbvtc-00873-00219207-00219367 Irrawaddy Valley which is situated -4qH53Qbvtc-00874-00219369-00219571 between the recon youma and the Shan -4qH53Qbvtc-00875-00219573-00219898 Plateau -4qH53Qbvtc-00876-00219898-00220461 topic administrative divisions -4qH53Qbvtc-00877-00220462-00220746 Myanmar is divided into seven states and -4qH53Qbvtc-00878-00220748-00221025 seven regions formerly called divisions -4qH53Qbvtc-00879-00221026-00221271 regions are predominantly Bammer that -4qH53Qbvtc-00880-00221273-00221458 has mainly inhabited by the dominant -4qH53Qbvtc-00881-00221459-00221721 ethnic group States in essence are -4qH53Qbvtc-00882-00221723-00221898 regions that are home to particular -4qH53Qbvtc-00883-00221900-00222169 ethnic minorities the administrative -4qH53Qbvtc-00884-00222169-00222361 divisions are further subdivided into -4qH53Qbvtc-00885-00222362-00222571 districts which are further subdivided -4qH53Qbvtc-00886-00222571-00222916 into townships wards and villages below -4qH53Qbvtc-00887-00222917-00223105 are the number of districts townships -4qH53Qbvtc-00888-00223106-00223381 cities towns Ward's village groups and -4qH53Qbvtc-00889-00223382-00223576 villages in each divisions and states of -4qH53Qbvtc-00890-00223577-00224164 Myanmar as of the 31st of December 2001 -4qH53Qbvtc-00891-00224165-00224677 topic climate -4qH53Qbvtc-00892-00224678-00224893 much of the country lies between the -4qH53Qbvtc-00893-00224894-00225178 Tropic of Cancer in the equator it lies -4qH53Qbvtc-00894-00225179-00225385 in the monsoon region of Asia with its -4qH53Qbvtc-00895-00225386-00225565 coastal regions receiving over five -4qH53Qbvtc-00896-00225566-00225760 thousand millimeters one hundred ninety -4qH53Qbvtc-00897-00225761-00225969 six point nine and of rain annually -4qH53Qbvtc-00898-00225970-00226240 annual rainfall in the Delta region as -4qH53Qbvtc-00899-00226241-00226549 approximately 2500 millimetres ninety -4qH53Qbvtc-00900-00226550-00226747 eight point four in while average annual -4qH53Qbvtc-00901-00226748-00226942 rainfall in the dry zone in central -4qH53Qbvtc-00902-00226943-00227116 Myanmar is less than one thousand -4qH53Qbvtc-00903-00227117-00227296 millimeters thirty nine point four in -4qH53Qbvtc-00904-00227297-00227566 the northern regions of Myanmar are the -4qH53Qbvtc-00905-00227567-00227740 coolest with average temperatures of -4qH53Qbvtc-00906-00227741-00227968 twenty one degrees Celsius seventy -4qH53Qbvtc-00907-00227969-00228090 degrees Fahrenheit -4qH53Qbvtc-00908-00228091-00228319 coastal and Delta regions have an -4qH53Qbvtc-00909-00228320-00228526 average maximum temperature of 32 -4qH53Qbvtc-00910-00228527-00228754 degrees Celsius eighty nine point six -4qH53Qbvtc-00911-00228755-00229137 degrees Fahrenheit -4qH53Qbvtc-00912-00229138-00229629 topic environment -4qH53Qbvtc-00913-00229630-00229902 Myanmar continues to perform badly in -4qH53Qbvtc-00914-00229903-00230052 the global environmental performance -4qH53Qbvtc-00915-00230053-00230454 index epi with an overall ranking of 153 -4qH53Qbvtc-00916-00230455-00230771 out of 180 countries in 2016 among the -4qH53Qbvtc-00917-00230773-00230942 worst in the South Asian region only -4qH53Qbvtc-00918-00230944-00231248 ahead of Bangladesh and Afghanistan the -4qH53Qbvtc-00919-00231250-00231555 EPI was established in 2001 by the World -4qH53Qbvtc-00920-00231556-00231771 Economic Forum as a global gauge to -4qH53Qbvtc-00921-00231771-00231948 measure how well individual countries -4qH53Qbvtc-00922-00231948-00232125 perform in implementing the United -4qH53Qbvtc-00923-00232126-00232325 Nations sustainable development goals -4qH53Qbvtc-00924-00232326-00232623 the environmental areas where Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00925-00232623-00232842 performs worst ie highest ranking our -4qH53Qbvtc-00926-00232842-00233154 air quality 174 health impacts of -4qH53Qbvtc-00927-00233155-00233412 environmental issues 143 and -4qH53Qbvtc-00928-00233413-00233829 biodiversity and habitat 142 Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00929-00233830-00234075 performs best ie lowest ranking in -4qH53Qbvtc-00930-00234076-00234333 environmental impacts of fisheries 21 -4qH53Qbvtc-00931-00234334-00234633 but with declining fish stocks despite -4qH53Qbvtc-00932-00234634-00234963 several issues Myanmar also ranks 64 and -4qH53Qbvtc-00933-00234964-00235212 scores very good ie a high percentage of -4qH53Qbvtc-00934-00235213-00235407 ninety three point seven three percent -4qH53Qbvtc-00935-00235408-00235569 in environmental effects of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00936-00235569-00235761 agricultural industry because of an -4qH53Qbvtc-00937-00235762-00235914 excellent management of the nitrogen -4qH53Qbvtc-00938-00235915-00236217 cycle -4qH53Qbvtc-00939-00236217-00236690 topic wildlife -4qH53Qbvtc-00940-00236691-00236939 mine Mars slow economic growth has -4qH53Qbvtc-00941-00236940-00237133 contributed to the preservation of much -4qH53Qbvtc-00942-00237134-00237452 of its environment in ecosystems forests -4qH53Qbvtc-00943-00237453-00237652 including dense tropical growth and -4qH53Qbvtc-00944-00237653-00237869 valuable teak and lower myanmar cover -4qH53Qbvtc-00945-00237869-00238091 over 49 percent of the country including -4qH53Qbvtc-00946-00238092-00238367 areas of acacia bamboo Ironwood and -4qH53Qbvtc-00947-00238367-00238678 magnolias champaka coconut and beetle -4qH53Qbvtc-00948-00238679-00238873 palm and rubber have been introduced in -4qH53Qbvtc-00949-00238875-00239114 the highlands of the North oak pine and -4qH53Qbvtc-00950-00239115-00239312 various rhododendrons cover much of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00951-00239313-00239576 land heavy logging since the new 1995 -4qH53Qbvtc-00952-00239577-00239777 forestry law went into effect has -4qH53Qbvtc-00953-00239778-00239996 seriously reduced forest acreage and -4qH53Qbvtc-00954-00239996-00240259 wildlife habitat the lands along the -4qH53Qbvtc-00955-00240260-00240491 coast support all varieties of tropical -4qH53Qbvtc-00956-00240492-00240682 fruits and once had large areas of -4qH53Qbvtc-00957-00240683-00240821 mangroves although much of the -4qH53Qbvtc-00958-00240821-00241027 protective mangroves have disappeared in -4qH53Qbvtc-00959-00241028-00241309 much of central Myanmar the dry zone -4qH53Qbvtc-00960-00241310-00241667 vegetation is sparse and stunted typical -4qH53Qbvtc-00961-00241667-00241921 jungle animals particularly Tigers occur -4qH53Qbvtc-00962-00241923-00242209 sparsely in Myanmar in Upper Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00963-00242210-00242387 there are rhinoceros wild water buffalo -4qH53Qbvtc-00964-00242388-00242702 clouded leopard wild boars deer antelope -4qH53Qbvtc-00965-00242703-00242917 and elephants which are also tamed or -4qH53Qbvtc-00966-00242919-00243101 bred in captivity for use as work -4qH53Qbvtc-00967-00243102-00243287 animals particularly in the lumber -4qH53Qbvtc-00968-00243288-00243539 industry smaller mammals are also -4qH53Qbvtc-00969-00243540-00243730 numerous ranging from Gibbons and -4qH53Qbvtc-00970-00243731-00244030 monkeys to flying foxes the abundance of -4qH53Qbvtc-00971-00244031-00244265 birds is notable with over 800 species -4qH53Qbvtc-00972-00244266-00244541 including parrots Myna peafowl red -4qH53Qbvtc-00973-00244542-00244814 jungle fowl weaver birds crows herons -4qH53Qbvtc-00974-00244815-00245144 and barn owl among reptile species there -4qH53Qbvtc-00975-00245144-00245390 are crocodiles geckos cobras Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-00976-00245391-00245714 pythons and turtles hundreds of species -4qH53Qbvtc-00977-00245715-00245900 of freshwater fish are wide-ranging -4qH53Qbvtc-00978-00245901-00246098 plentiful and are very important food -4qH53Qbvtc-00979-00246098-00246392 sources for a list of protected areas -4qH53Qbvtc-00980-00246392-00246935 see list of protected areas of Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-00981-00246936-00247508 topic government and politics -4qH53Qbvtc-00982-00247509-00247775 the constitution of Myanmar its third -4qH53Qbvtc-00983-00247776-00247971 since independence was drafted by its -4qH53Qbvtc-00984-00247971-00248153 military rulers and published in -4qH53Qbvtc-00985-00248154-00248453 September 2008 the country is governed -4qH53Qbvtc-00986-00248454-00248621 as a parliamentary system with a -4qH53Qbvtc-00987-00248622-00248849 bicameral legislature with an executive -4qH53Qbvtc-00988-00248850-00249053 president accountable to the legislature -4qH53Qbvtc-00989-00249054-00249342 with 25% of the legislators appointed by -4qH53Qbvtc-00990-00249342-00249521 the military and the rest elected in -4qH53Qbvtc-00991-00249522-00249842 general elections the legislature called -4qH53Qbvtc-00992-00249844-00250076 the PIA dong-su Valletta is bicameral -4qH53Qbvtc-00993-00250077-00250371 and made up of two houses the 224 seed -4qH53Qbvtc-00994-00250371-00250596 upper house ami of the helada house of -4qH53Qbvtc-00995-00250596-00250853 nationalities and the 440 seat lower -4qH53Qbvtc-00996-00250854-00251048 house paya through helada House of -4qH53Qbvtc-00997-00251049-00251346 Representatives the upper house consists -4qH53Qbvtc-00998-00251346-00251723 of 224 members of whom 168 are directly -4qH53Qbvtc-00999-00251724-00251940 elected and 56 are appointed by the -4qH53Qbvtc-01000-00251941-00252213 Burmese armed forces the lower house -4qH53Qbvtc-01001-00252214-00252588 consists of 440 members of whom 330 are -4qH53Qbvtc-01002-00252589-00252846 directly elected and 110 are appointed -4qH53Qbvtc-01003-00252846-00253222 by the Armed Forces -4qH53Qbvtc-01004-00253223-00253752 topic political culture -4qH53Qbvtc-01005-00253753-00253971 the major political parties are the -4qH53Qbvtc-01006-00253971-00254175 national league for democracy and Union -4qH53Qbvtc-01007-00254176-00254502 Solidarity and Development Party mind -4qH53Qbvtc-01008-00254503-00254712 Mars army drafted Constitution was -4qH53Qbvtc-01009-00254713-00254990 approved in a referendum in May 2008 the -4qH53Qbvtc-01010-00254991-00255269 results ninety two point four percent of -4qH53Qbvtc-01011-00255271-00255450 the twenty-two million voters with an -4qH53Qbvtc-01012-00255451-00255669 official turnout of 99 percent are -4qH53Qbvtc-01013-00255669-00255873 considered suspect by many international -4qH53Qbvtc-01014-00255873-00256077 observers and by the National League of -4qH53Qbvtc-01015-00256078-00256254 democracy with reports of widespread -4qH53Qbvtc-01016-00256255-00256467 fraud ballot stuffing and voter -4qH53Qbvtc-01017-00256467-00256692 intimidation the elections of 2010 -4qH53Qbvtc-01018-00256692-00256844 resulted in a victory for the -4qH53Qbvtc-01019-00256846-00257048 military-backed Union Solidarity and -4qH53Qbvtc-01020-00257050-00257313 Development Party various foreign -4qH53Qbvtc-01021-00257314-00257487 observers questioned the fairness of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01022-00257488-00257757 elections one criticism of the election -4qH53Qbvtc-01023-00257758-00257921 was that only government sanctioned -4qH53Qbvtc-01024-00257923-00258075 political parties were allowed to -4qH53Qbvtc-01025-00258076-00258273 contest in it and the popular National -4qH53Qbvtc-01026-00258273-00258441 League for Democracy was declared -4qH53Qbvtc-01027-00258442-00258714 illegal however immediately following -4qH53Qbvtc-01028-00258715-00258903 the elections the government ended the -4qH53Qbvtc-01029-00258904-00259110 house arrest of the democracy advocate -4qH53Qbvtc-01030-00259111-00259254 and leader of the National League for -4qH53Qbvtc-01031-00259255-00259575 Democracy on san suu key and her ability -4qH53Qbvtc-01032-00259576-00259748 to move freely around the country is -4qH53Qbvtc-01033-00259750-00259919 considered an important test of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01034-00259921-00260132 military's movement toward more openness -4qH53Qbvtc-01035-00260133-00260505 after unexpected reforms in 2011 NLD -4qH53Qbvtc-01036-00260506-00260721 senior leaders have decided to register -4qH53Qbvtc-01037-00260721-00260889 as a political party and to field -4qH53Qbvtc-01038-00260890-00261114 candidates in future by-elections mine -4qH53Qbvtc-01039-00261115-00261296 Mars recent political history is -4qH53Qbvtc-01040-00261298-00261467 underlined by its struggle to establish -4qH53Qbvtc-01041-00261467-00261708 democratic structures amidst conflicting -4qH53Qbvtc-01042-00261709-00261992 factions this political transition from -4qH53Qbvtc-01043-00261994-00262221 a closely held military rule to a free -4qH53Qbvtc-01044-00262222-00262428 democratic system as widely believed to -4qH53Qbvtc-01045-00262429-00262640 be determining the future of Myanmar the -4qH53Qbvtc-01046-00262641-00262959 resounding victory of Aung San Suu Kyi's -4qH53Qbvtc-01047-00262960-00263232 National League for Democracy in 2015 -4qH53Qbvtc-01048-00263233-00263439 general elections has raised hope for a -4qH53Qbvtc-01049-00263440-00263601 successful culmination of this -4qH53Qbvtc-01050-00263602-00263826 transition Myanmar rates as a corrupt -4qH53Qbvtc-01051-00263827-00263952 nation on the Corruption Perceptions -4qH53Qbvtc-01052-00263953-00264375 Index with a rank of 136th out of 176 -4qH53Qbvtc-01053-00264376-00264585 countries worldwide with first being -4qH53Qbvtc-01054-00264586-00265060 least corrupt as of 2016 -4qH53Qbvtc-01055-00265061-00265588 topic foreign relations -4qH53Qbvtc-01056-00265589-00265791 though the country's Foreign Relations -4qH53Qbvtc-01057-00265792-00266010 particularly with Western nations have -4qH53Qbvtc-01058-00266011-00266245 historically been strained the situation -4qH53Qbvtc-01059-00266246-00266449 has markedly improved since the reforms -4qH53Qbvtc-01060-00266450-00266764 following the 2010 elections after years -4qH53Qbvtc-01061-00266765-00267019 of diplomatic isolation and economic and -4qH53Qbvtc-01062-00267020-00267231 military sanctions the United States -4qH53Qbvtc-01063-00267232-00267472 relaxed curbs on foreign aid to Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01064-00267473-00267688 in November 2011 and announced the -4qH53Qbvtc-01065-00267689-00267895 resumption of diplomatic relations on -4qH53Qbvtc-01066-00267896-00268176 the 13th of January 2012 the European -4qH53Qbvtc-01067-00268177-00268353 Union has placed sanctions on Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01068-00268354-00268639 including an arms embargo cessation of -4qH53Qbvtc-01069-00268640-00268849 trade preferences and suspension of all -4qH53Qbvtc-01070-00268850-00269044 aid with the exception of humanitarian -4qH53Qbvtc-01071-00269045-00269344 aid sanctions imposed by the United -4qH53Qbvtc-01072-00269345-00269545 States and European countries against -4qH53Qbvtc-01073-00269546-00269743 the former military government coupled -4qH53Qbvtc-01074-00269744-00269931 with boycotts and other direct pressure -4qH53Qbvtc-01075-00269932-00270145 on corporations by supporters of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01076-00270146-00270337 democracy movement have resulted in the -4qH53Qbvtc-01077-00270338-00270523 withdrawal from the country of most US -4qH53Qbvtc-01078-00270524-00270855 and many European companies on the 13th -4qH53Qbvtc-01079-00270856-00271110 of April 2012 British Prime Minister -4qH53Qbvtc-01080-00271111-00271318 David Cameron called for the economic -4qH53Qbvtc-01081-00271319-00271537 sanctions on Myanmar to be suspended in -4qH53Qbvtc-01082-00271538-00271704 the wake of the pro-democracy party -4qH53Qbvtc-01083-00271705-00272031 gaining 43 seats out of a possible 45 in -4qH53Qbvtc-01084-00272032-00272245 the 2012 by-elections with the party -4qH53Qbvtc-01085-00272246-00272647 leader Aung San Suu Kyi's Parliament -4qH53Qbvtc-01086-00272648-00272839 despite Western isolation Asian -4qH53Qbvtc-01087-00272840-00273019 corporations have generally remained -4qH53Qbvtc-01088-00273020-00273180 willing to continue investing in the -4qH53Qbvtc-01089-00273181-00273388 country and to initiate new investments -4qH53Qbvtc-01090-00273389-00273568 particularly in natural resource -4qH53Qbvtc-01091-00273569-00273814 extraction the country has close -4qH53Qbvtc-01092-00273815-00273997 relations with neighboring India and -4qH53Qbvtc-01093-00273998-00274162 China with several Indian and Chinese -4qH53Qbvtc-01094-00274163-00274465 companies operating in the country under -4qH53Qbvtc-01095-00274466-00274683 India's Look East Policy fields of -4qH53Qbvtc-01096-00274684-00274873 cooperation between India and Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01097-00274874-00275137 include remote sensing oil and gas -4qH53Qbvtc-01098-00275138-00275374 exploration information technology -4qH53Qbvtc-01099-00275375-00275617 hydropower and construction of ports and -4qH53Qbvtc-01100-00275618-00275880 buildings in 2008 India suspended -4qH53Qbvtc-01101-00275881-00276084 military aid to Myanmar over the issue -4qH53Qbvtc-01102-00276085-00276295 of human rights abuses by the ruling -4qH53Qbvtc-01103-00276296-00276439 junta although it has preserved -4qH53Qbvtc-01104-00276440-00276651 extensive commercial ties which provide -4qH53Qbvtc-01105-00276652-00276906 the regime with much-needed revenue the -4qH53Qbvtc-01106-00276907-00277149 thyine relations began on the 28th of -4qH53Qbvtc-01107-00277150-00277414 november 2011 when Belarusian Prime -4qH53Qbvtc-01108-00277415-00277615 Minister mikhail Maya's nikka vich and -4qH53Qbvtc-01109-00277616-00277798 his wife Ludmila arrived in the capital -4qH53Qbvtc-01110-00277799-00278044 naked on the same day as the country -4qH53Qbvtc-01111-00278045-00278250 received a visit by US Secretary of -4qH53Qbvtc-01112-00278251-00278446 State Hillary Clinton who also met with -4qH53Qbvtc-01113-00278447-00278698 pro-democracy opposition leader Aung San -4qH53Qbvtc-01114-00278699-00278981 Suu Kyi -4qH53Qbvtc-01115-00278982-00279176 missions progress indicators continued -4qH53Qbvtc-01116-00279177-00279652 in September 2012 when Aung San Suu Kyi -4qH53Qbvtc-01117-00279653-00279932 Mars reformist president visit to the -4qH53Qbvtc-01118-00279933-00280160 United Nations in May 2013 -4qH53Qbvtc-01119-00280161-00280346 Thayne sign became the first Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01120-00280347-00280593 president to visit the White House in 47 -4qH53Qbvtc-01121-00280594-00280772 years the last Burmese leader to visit -4qH53Qbvtc-01122-00280773-00280941 the White House was May when in -4qH53Qbvtc-01123-00280942-00281327 September 1966 President Barack Obama -4qH53Qbvtc-01124-00281328-00281555 praised the former general for political -4qH53Qbvtc-01125-00281556-00281753 and economic reforms and the cessation -4qH53Qbvtc-01126-00281754-00281951 of tensions between Myanmar in the -4qH53Qbvtc-01127-00281952-00282237 United States political activists -4qH53Qbvtc-01128-00282238-00282417 objected to the visit due to concerns -4qH53Qbvtc-01129-00282418-00282653 over human rights abuses in Myanmar but -4qH53Qbvtc-01130-00282654-00282878 Obama assured Thane's sign that Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01131-00282879-00283148 will receive US support the two leaders -4qH53Qbvtc-01132-00283149-00283334 discussed to release more political -4qH53Qbvtc-01133-00283335-00283547 prisoners the institutionalization of -4qH53Qbvtc-01134-00283548-00283757 political reform and rule of law and -4qH53Qbvtc-01135-00283758-00283973 ending ethnic conflict in Myanmar the -4qH53Qbvtc-01136-00283974-00284159 two governments agreed to sign a -4qH53Qbvtc-01137-00284160-00284345 bilateral trade and investment framework -4qH53Qbvtc-01138-00284346-00284664 agreement on the 21st of May 2013 in -4qH53Qbvtc-01139-00284665-00284780 June 2013 -4qH53Qbvtc-01140-00284781-00285005 Myanmar held its first-ever summit the -4qH53Qbvtc-01141-00285006-00285314 World Economic Forum on East Asia 2013 a -4qH53Qbvtc-01142-00285315-00285551 regional spin-off of the annual World -4qH53Qbvtc-01143-00285552-00285816 Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland the -4qH53Qbvtc-01144-00285817-00286034 summit was held on 5 to 7 June and -4qH53Qbvtc-01145-00286035-00286352 attended by 1,200 participants including -4qH53Qbvtc-01146-00286353-00286604 ten heads of state 12 ministers and 40 -4qH53Qbvtc-01147-00286605-00287060 senior directors from around the world -4qH53Qbvtc-01148-00287061-00287546 topic military -4qH53Qbvtc-01149-00287547-00287792 Myanmar has received extensive military -4qH53Qbvtc-01150-00287793-00288170 aid from China in the past Myanmar has -4qH53Qbvtc-01151-00288171-00288425 been a member of a.cian since 1997 -4qH53Qbvtc-01152-00288426-00288614 though he gave up its turn to hold the -4qH53Qbvtc-01153-00288615-00288818 Aegean chair and host the Aegean summit -4qH53Qbvtc-01154-00288819-00289084 in 2006 it chaired the forum and hosted -4qH53Qbvtc-01155-00289085-00289490 the summit in 2014 in November 2008 mind -4qH53Qbvtc-01156-00289491-00289658 Mars political situation with -4qH53Qbvtc-01157-00289659-00289871 neighboring Bangladesh became tense as -4qH53Qbvtc-01158-00289872-00290045 they began searching for natural gas in -4qH53Qbvtc-01159-00290046-00290317 a disputed bloc of the Bay of Bengal -4qH53Qbvtc-01160-00290318-00290522 controversy surrounding the Rohingya -4qH53Qbvtc-01161-00290523-00290744 population also remains an issue between -4qH53Qbvtc-01162-00290745-00291008 Bangladesh and Myanmar mine Mars armed -4qH53Qbvtc-01163-00291009-00291200 forces are known as the TAT model which -4qH53Qbvtc-01164-00291201-00291590 numbers 480 8000 the tap model comprises -4qH53Qbvtc-01165-00291591-00291914 the army the Navy and the Air Force the -4qH53Qbvtc-01166-00291915-00292103 country ranked 12th in the world for its -4qH53Qbvtc-01167-00292104-00292376 number of active troops in service the -4qH53Qbvtc-01168-00292377-00292616 military is very influential in Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01169-00292617-00292856 with all top cabinet and ministry posts -4qH53Qbvtc-01170-00292857-00293089 usually held by military officials -4qH53Qbvtc-01171-00293090-00293351 official figures for military spending -4qH53Qbvtc-01172-00293352-00293591 are not available estimates vary widely -4qH53Qbvtc-01173-00293592-00293825 because of uncertain exchange rates but -4qH53Qbvtc-01174-00293826-00294056 mine Mars military fauces expenses are -4qH53Qbvtc-01175-00294057-00294350 high Myanmar imports most of its weapons -4qH53Qbvtc-01176-00294351-00294625 from Russia Ukraine China and India -4qH53Qbvtc-01177-00294626-00294914 Myanmar is building a research nuclear -4qH53Qbvtc-01178-00294915-00295112 reactor near paya new Lwin with help -4qH53Qbvtc-01179-00295113-00295352 from Russia it is one of the signatories -4qH53Qbvtc-01180-00295353-00295592 of the nuclear non-proliferation pact -4qH53Qbvtc-01181-00295593-00295820 since 1992 and a member of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01182-00295821-00296096 International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA -4qH53Qbvtc-01183-00296097-00296474 since 1957 the military Hunta had -4qH53Qbvtc-01184-00296475-00296753 informed the IAEA in September 2000 of -4qH53Qbvtc-01185-00296754-00296935 its intention to construct the reactor -4qH53Qbvtc-01186-00296936-00297206 the research reactor outbuilding frame -4qH53Qbvtc-01187-00297207-00297382 was built by ele Steel Industries -4qH53Qbvtc-01188-00297383-00297665 Limited of Yangon Rangoon and water from -4qH53Qbvtc-01189-00297666-00297907 Anna Saucon B waterfall will be used for -4qH53Qbvtc-01190-00297908-00298103 the reactor cavity cooling system in -4qH53Qbvtc-01191-00298104-00298319 2010 as part of the WikiLeaks leaked -4qH53Qbvtc-01192-00298320-00298526 cables Myanmar was suspected of using -4qH53Qbvtc-01193-00298527-00298757 north korean construction teams to build -4qH53Qbvtc-01194-00298758-00298937 a fortified surface-to-air missile -4qH53Qbvtc-01195-00298938-00299240 facility until 2005 the United Nations -4qH53Qbvtc-01196-00299241-00299444 General Assembly annually adopted a -4qH53Qbvtc-01197-00299445-00299657 detailed resolution about the situation -4qH53Qbvtc-01198-00299658-00300017 in Myanmar by consensus but in 2006 a -4qH53Qbvtc-01199-00300018-00300212 divided United Nations General Assembly -4qH53Qbvtc-01200-00300213-00300440 voted through a resolution that strongly -4qH53Qbvtc-01201-00300441-00300644 called upon the government of Myanmar to -4qH53Qbvtc-01202-00300645-00300842 end its systematic violations of human -4qH53Qbvtc-01203-00300843-00300924 rights -4qH53Qbvtc-01204-00300925-00301281 in January 2007 Russia and China vetoed -4qH53Qbvtc-01205-00301282-00301500 a draft resolution before the United -4qH53Qbvtc-01206-00301501-00301710 Nations Security Council calling on the -4qH53Qbvtc-01207-00301711-00301902 government of Myanmar to respect human -4qH53Qbvtc-01208-00301903-00302133 rights and begin a democratic transition -4qH53Qbvtc-01209-00302134-00302397 South Africa also voted against the -4qH53Qbvtc-01210-00302398-00302735 resolution -4qH53Qbvtc-01211-00302736-00302994 topic human rights and internal -4qH53Qbvtc-01212-00302995-00303379 conflicts -4qH53Qbvtc-01213-00303380-00303595 there is consensus that the former -4qH53Qbvtc-01214-00303596-00303955 military regime in Myanmar 1962 to 2010 -4qH53Qbvtc-01215-00303956-00304144 was one of the world's most repressive -4qH53Qbvtc-01216-00304145-00304466 and abusive regimes in November 2012 -4qH53Qbvtc-01217-00304467-00304732 Samantha power Barack Obama's special -4qH53Qbvtc-01218-00304733-00304921 assistant to the President on Human -4qH53Qbvtc-01219-00304922-00305104 Rights wrote on the White House blog in -4qH53Qbvtc-01220-00305105-00305275 advance of the president's visit that -4qH53Qbvtc-01221-00305276-00305545 serious human rights abuses against -4qH53Qbvtc-01222-00305546-00305785 civilians in several regions continue -4qH53Qbvtc-01223-00305786-00306045 including against women and children -4qH53Qbvtc-01224-00306046-00306301 members of the United Nations and major -4qH53Qbvtc-01225-00306302-00306535 international human rights organizations -4qH53Qbvtc-01226-00306536-00306724 have issued repeated and consistent -4qH53Qbvtc-01227-00306725-00306931 reports of widespread and systematic -4qH53Qbvtc-01228-00306932-00307170 human rights violations in Myanmar the -4qH53Qbvtc-01229-00307171-00307432 United Nations General Assembly has -4qH53Qbvtc-01230-00307433-00307582 repeatedly called on the Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-01231-00307583-00307777 military hoon de to respect human rights -4qH53Qbvtc-01232-00307778-00308032 and in November 2009 the General -4qH53Qbvtc-01233-00308033-00308293 Assembly adopted a resolution strongly -4qH53Qbvtc-01234-00308294-00308494 condemning the ongoing systematic -4qH53Qbvtc-01235-00308495-00308692 violations of human rights and -4qH53Qbvtc-01236-00308693-00309001 fundamental freedoms and calling on the -4qH53Qbvtc-01237-00309002-00309242 Burmese military regime to take urgent -4qH53Qbvtc-01238-00309243-00309491 measures to put an end to violations of -4qH53Qbvtc-01239-00309492-00309670 international human rights and -4qH53Qbvtc-01240-00309671-00310021 humanitarian law international human -4qH53Qbvtc-01241-00310022-00310225 rights organizations including Human -4qH53Qbvtc-01242-00310226-00310441 Rights Watch Amnesty International and -4qH53Qbvtc-01243-00310442-00310606 the American Association for the -4qH53Qbvtc-01244-00310607-00310792 Advancement of science have repeatedly -4qH53Qbvtc-01245-00310793-00310999 documented and condemned widespread -4qH53Qbvtc-01246-00311000-00311284 human rights violations in Myanmar the -4qH53Qbvtc-01247-00311285-00311500 freedom in the world 2011 report by -4qH53Qbvtc-01248-00311501-00311738 Freedom House notes the military hooda -4qH53Qbvtc-01249-00311739-00312079 has suppressed nearly all basic rights -4qH53Qbvtc-01250-00312080-00312277 and committed human rights abuses with -4qH53Qbvtc-01251-00312278-00312658 impunity quote in July 2013 the -4qH53Qbvtc-01252-00312659-00312859 assistance Association for political -4qH53Qbvtc-01253-00312860-00313016 prisoners indicated that there were -4qH53Qbvtc-01254-00313017-00313252 approximately 100 political prisoners -4qH53Qbvtc-01255-00313253-00313558 being held in Burmese prisons evidence -4qH53Qbvtc-01256-00313559-00313747 gathered by a British researcher was -4qH53Qbvtc-01257-00313748-00313966 published in 2005 regarding the -4qH53Qbvtc-01258-00313967-00314152 extermination or Burma's ation of -4qH53Qbvtc-01259-00314153-00314366 certain ethnic minorities such as the -4qH53Qbvtc-01260-00314367-00314754 Karen Carini and Shan -4qH53Qbvtc-01261-00314755-00315119 topic child soldiers -4qH53Qbvtc-01262-00315120-00315267 you -4qH53Qbvtc-01263-00315268-00315513 child soldiers had played a major part -4qH53Qbvtc-01264-00315514-00315741 in the Burmese army until around 2012 -4qH53Qbvtc-01265-00315742-00316053 the independent reported in June 2012 -4qH53Qbvtc-01266-00316054-00316263 that children are being sold as -4qH53Qbvtc-01267-00316264-00316421 conscripted into the Burmese military -4qH53Qbvtc-01268-00316422-00316725 for as little as forty dollars in a bag -4qH53Qbvtc-01269-00316726-00317073 of rice or a can of petrol the UN -4qH53Qbvtc-01270-00317074-00317226 special representative of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01271-00317227-00317451 secretary-general for children and armed -4qH53Qbvtc-01272-00317452-00317649 conflict Radhika coomaraswamy -4qH53Qbvtc-01273-00317650-00317823 who stepped down from her position a -4qH53Qbvtc-01274-00317824-00318015 week later met representatives of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01275-00318016-00318213 government of Myanmar on the 5th of July -4qH53Qbvtc-01276-00318214-00318426 2012 and stated that she hoped the -4qH53Qbvtc-01277-00318427-00318597 government signing of an action plan -4qH53Qbvtc-01278-00318598-00318829 would signal a transformation in -4qH53Qbvtc-01279-00318830-00319122 September 2012 the Myanmar Armed Forces -4qH53Qbvtc-01280-00319123-00319382 released 42 child soldiers in the -4qH53Qbvtc-01281-00319383-00319587 International Labour Organization met -4qH53Qbvtc-01282-00319588-00319757 with representatives of the government -4qH53Qbvtc-01283-00319758-00319944 as well as the Kachin Independence Army -4qH53Qbvtc-01284-00319945-00320118 to secure the release of more child -4qH53Qbvtc-01285-00320119-00320418 soldiers according to Samantha power a -4qH53Qbvtc-01286-00320419-00320652 US delegation raised the issue of child -4qH53Qbvtc-01287-00320653-00320810 soldiers with the government in October -4qH53Qbvtc-01288-00320811-00321165 2012 however she did not comment on the -4qH53Qbvtc-01289-00321166-00321366 government's progress towards reform in -4qH53Qbvtc-01290-00321367-00321594 this area a Bangkok Post article on the -4qH53Qbvtc-01291-00321595-00321864 23rd of December 2012 reported that the -4qH53Qbvtc-01292-00321865-00322055 Myanmar Armed Forces continued to use -4qH53Qbvtc-01293-00322056-00322242 child soldiers including during the -4qH53Qbvtc-01294-00322243-00322440 Army's large offensive against the Kia -4qH53Qbvtc-01295-00322441-00322825 in December 2012 -4qH53Qbvtc-01296-00322826-00323194 topic child forced slave labor systemic -4qH53Qbvtc-01297-00323195-00323700 sexual violence in human trafficking -4qH53Qbvtc-01298-00323701-00323965 forced labor human trafficking and child -4qH53Qbvtc-01299-00323966-00324259 labor are common the military is also -4qH53Qbvtc-01300-00324260-00324469 notorious for rampant use of sexual -4qH53Qbvtc-01301-00324470-00324667 violence a practice continuing as of -4qH53Qbvtc-01302-00324668-00325036 2012 in 2007 the international movement -4qH53Qbvtc-01303-00325037-00325240 to defend women's human rights issues in -4qH53Qbvtc-01304-00325241-00325689 Myanmar was said to be gaining speed -4qH53Qbvtc-01305-00325690-00326001 topic genocide allegations and crimes -4qH53Qbvtc-01306-00326002-00326415 against Rohan gay people -4qH53Qbvtc-01307-00326416-00326646 the RO hinga people have consistently -4qH53Qbvtc-01308-00326647-00326874 faced human rights abuses by the Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-01309-00326875-00327027 regime that has refused to acknowledge -4qH53Qbvtc-01310-00327028-00327260 them as Burmese citizens despite some of -4qH53Qbvtc-01311-00327261-00327438 them having lived in Burma for over -4qH53Qbvtc-01312-00327439-00327683 three generations the Rohingya have been -4qH53Qbvtc-01313-00327684-00327860 denied Burmese citizenship since the -4qH53Qbvtc-01314-00327861-00328202 enactment of a 1982 citizenship law the -4qH53Qbvtc-01315-00328203-00328377 law created three categories of -4qH53Qbvtc-01316-00328378-00328604 citizenship citizenship associate -4qH53Qbvtc-01317-00328605-00328877 citizenship and naturalized citizenship -4qH53Qbvtc-01318-00328878-00329105 citizenship is given to those who belong -4qH53Qbvtc-01319-00329106-00329285 to one of the national races such as -4qH53Qbvtc-01320-00329286-00329453 Kachin kya karein ii -4qH53Qbvtc-01321-00329454-00329780 karin chin berman mon recline sean -4qH53Qbvtc-01322-00329781-00330144 cayman Orser body associate citizenship -4qH53Qbvtc-01323-00330145-00330327 is given to those who cannot prove their -4qH53Qbvtc-01324-00330328-00330629 ancestors settled in Myanmar before 1823 -4qH53Qbvtc-01325-00330630-00330830 but can prove they have one grandparent -4qH53Qbvtc-01326-00330831-00331149 or pre 183 ancestor who is a citizen of -4qH53Qbvtc-01327-00331150-00331328 another country as well as people who -4qH53Qbvtc-01328-00331329-00331590 applied for citizenship in 1948 and -4qH53Qbvtc-01329-00331591-00331893 qualified then by those laws naturalized -4qH53Qbvtc-01330-00331894-00332081 citizenship is only given to those who -4qH53Qbvtc-01331-00332082-00332258 have at least one parent with one of -4qH53Qbvtc-01332-00332259-00332453 these types of Burmese citizenship or -4qH53Qbvtc-01333-00332454-00332684 can provide conclusive evidence that -4qH53Qbvtc-01334-00332685-00332916 their parents entered and resided in -4qH53Qbvtc-01335-00332917-00333270 Burma prior to independence in 1948 the -4qH53Qbvtc-01336-00333271-00333489 Burmese regime has attempted to forcibly -4qH53Qbvtc-01337-00333490-00333696 expelled ohanga and bring in nan ro -4qH53Qbvtc-01338-00333697-00333948 Hingis to replace them this policy has -4qH53Qbvtc-01339-00333949-00334092 resulted in the expulsion of -4qH53Qbvtc-01340-00334093-00334331 approximately half of the 800,000 RO -4qH53Qbvtc-01341-00334332-00334505 hinga from Burma while the RO hanga -4qH53Qbvtc-01342-00334506-00334709 people have been described as among the -4qH53Qbvtc-01343-00334710-00335027 world's least wanted and one of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01344-00335028-00335346 world's most persecuted minorities but -4qH53Qbvtc-01345-00335347-00335565 the origin of most persecuted minority -4qH53Qbvtc-01346-00335566-00335777 statement is unclear ro hanga are also -4qH53Qbvtc-01347-00335778-00335970 not allowed to travel without official -4qH53Qbvtc-01348-00335971-00336131 permission are banned from owning land -4qH53Qbvtc-01349-00336132-00336326 and are required to sign a commitment to -4qH53Qbvtc-01350-00336327-00336573 have no more than two children as of -4qH53Qbvtc-01351-00336574-00336833 July 2012 the Myanmar government does -4qH53Qbvtc-01352-00336834-00337046 not include the Rohingya minority group -4qH53Qbvtc-01353-00337047-00337283 classified as stateless Bengali Muslims -4qH53Qbvtc-01354-00337284-00337614 from Bangladesh since 1982 on the -4qH53Qbvtc-01355-00337615-00337826 government's list of more than 130 -4qH53Qbvtc-01356-00337827-00338009 ethnic races and therefore the -4qH53Qbvtc-01357-00338010-00338153 government states that they have no -4qH53Qbvtc-01358-00338154-00338456 claim to Myanmar citizenship in 2007 the -4qH53Qbvtc-01359-00338457-00338702 German professor Bassam tibi suggested -4qH53Qbvtc-01360-00338703-00338898 that the RO hinga conflict may be driven -4qH53Qbvtc-01361-00338899-00339099 by an Islamist political agenda to -4qH53Qbvtc-01362-00339100-00339281 impose religious laws while non -4qH53Qbvtc-01363-00339282-00339482 religious causes have also been raised -4qH53Qbvtc-01364-00339483-00339699 such as a lingering resentment over the -4qH53Qbvtc-01365-00339700-00339792 violence that -4qH53Qbvtc-01366-00339793-00340002 during the Japanese occupation of Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-01367-00340003-00340272 in World War two during this time period -4qH53Qbvtc-01368-00340273-00340454 the British allied themselves with the -4qH53Qbvtc-01369-00340455-00340638 ROE hinga and fought against the puppet -4qH53Qbvtc-01370-00340639-00340829 government of Burma composed mostly of -4qH53Qbvtc-01371-00340830-00341006 Bammer Japanese that helped to establish -4qH53Qbvtc-01372-00341007-00341277 the tap model military organization that -4qH53Qbvtc-01373-00341278-00341537 remains in power as of March 2013 -4qH53Qbvtc-01374-00341538-00341834 since the democratic transition began in -4qH53Qbvtc-01375-00341835-00342087 2011 there has been continuous violence -4qH53Qbvtc-01376-00342088-00342341 as 280 people have been killed in -4qH53Qbvtc-01377-00342342-00342564 140,000 forced to flee from their homes -4qH53Qbvtc-01378-00342565-00342813 in the reclined state a UN envoy -4qH53Qbvtc-01379-00342814-00343125 reported in March 2013 that unrest had -4qH53Qbvtc-01380-00343126-00343334 reemerged between mine Mars Buddhist and -4qH53Qbvtc-01381-00343335-00343512 Muslim communities with violence -4qH53Qbvtc-01382-00343513-00343668 spreading to towns that are located -4qH53Qbvtc-01383-00343669-00344075 closer to Yangon -4qH53Qbvtc-01384-00344076-00344525 topic row hanga left by boat -4qH53Qbvtc-01385-00344526-00344696 the RO hinga have been leaving the -4qH53Qbvtc-01386-00344697-00344885 reclined state by boat in search for -4qH53Qbvtc-01387-00344886-00345074 jobs in Malaysia these recent years -4qH53Qbvtc-01388-00345075-00345347 often the boats are very small and -4qH53Qbvtc-01389-00345348-00345655 dangerous on the open seas an estimated -4qH53Qbvtc-01390-00345656-00345926 100,000 row hinga have fled Myanmar in -4qH53Qbvtc-01391-00345927-00346067 the last two years in fear of -4qH53Qbvtc-01392-00346068-00346340 persecution and violence they have been -4qH53Qbvtc-01393-00346341-00346559 fleeing to Thailand Malaysia or even -4qH53Qbvtc-01394-00346560-00346898 Australia for refuge over 200 have died -4qH53Qbvtc-01395-00346899-00347138 in recent years and over 7,000 have been -4qH53Qbvtc-01396-00347139-00347336 held in detention centers even after -4qH53Qbvtc-01397-00347337-00347674 surviving the boat trip -4qH53Qbvtc-01398-00347675-00348263 topic twenty twelve reclined state riots -4qH53Qbvtc-01399-00348264-00348548 a widely publicized burmese conflict was -4qH53Qbvtc-01400-00348549-00348821 that 2012 reconned state riots a series -4qH53Qbvtc-01401-00348822-00349037 of conflicts that primarily involved the -4qH53Qbvtc-01402-00349038-00349220 ethnic reclined Buddhist people and the -4qH53Qbvtc-01403-00349221-00349408 row hinga Muslim people in the Northern -4qH53Qbvtc-01404-00349409-00349721 Rican state an estimated 90,000 people -4qH53Qbvtc-01405-00349722-00349909 were displaced as a result of the riots -4qH53Qbvtc-01406-00349910-00350093 the immediate cause of the riots is -4qH53Qbvtc-01407-00350094-00350302 unclear with many commentators citing -4qH53Qbvtc-01408-00350303-00350492 the killing of ten burmese muslims by -4qH53Qbvtc-01409-00350493-00350672 ethnic repine after the rape and murder -4qH53Qbvtc-01410-00350673-00350875 of a reclined woman as the main cause -4qH53Qbvtc-01411-00350876-00351280 whole villages have been decimated over -4qH53Qbvtc-01412-00351281-00351500 300 houses in a number of public -4qH53Qbvtc-01413-00351501-00351754 buildings have been raised according to -4qH53Qbvtc-01414-00351755-00351971 tonkin the president of the Burmese ROH -4qH53Qbvtc-01415-00351972-00352316 hinga organization UK BR o UK as of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01416-00352317-00352675 28th of June 2012 650 row hinges have -4qH53Qbvtc-01417-00352676-00352946 been killed 1,200 are missing and more -4qH53Qbvtc-01418-00352947-00353143 than 80,000 have been displaced -4qH53Qbvtc-01419-00353144-00353399 according to the Myanmar authorities the -4qH53Qbvtc-01420-00353400-00353570 violence between ethnic reclined -4qH53Qbvtc-01421-00353571-00353837 Buddhists and rahega Muslims left 78 -4qH53Qbvtc-01422-00353838-00354092 people dead 87 injured and thousands of -4qH53Qbvtc-01423-00354093-00354367 homes destroyed it displaced more than -4qH53Qbvtc-01424-00354368-00354583 52,000 people the government has -4qH53Qbvtc-01425-00354584-00354799 responded by imposing curfews and by -4qH53Qbvtc-01426-00354800-00355064 deploying troops in the regions on the -4qH53Qbvtc-01427-00355065-00355295 10th of June 2012 the state of emergency -4qH53Qbvtc-01428-00355296-00355520 was declared in recline allowing the -4qH53Qbvtc-01429-00355521-00355675 military to participate in -4qH53Qbvtc-01430-00355676-00355940 administration of the region the Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-01431-00355941-00356125 army and police have been accused of -4qH53Qbvtc-01432-00356126-00356321 targeting Rohingya Muslims through mass -4qH53Qbvtc-01433-00356322-00356624 arrests and arbitrary violence a number -4qH53Qbvtc-01434-00356625-00356800 of monks organizations that played a -4qH53Qbvtc-01435-00356801-00356996 vital role in mine Mars struggle for -4qH53Qbvtc-01436-00356997-00357194 democracy have taken measures to block -4qH53Qbvtc-01437-00357195-00357395 any humanitarian assistance to the RO -4qH53Qbvtc-01438-00357396-00357732 hinga community -4qH53Qbvtc-01439-00357733-00358233 topic freedom of speech -4qH53Qbvtc-01440-00358234-00358485 Media censorship was significantly eased -4qH53Qbvtc-01441-00358486-00358749 in August 2012 following demonstrations -4qH53Qbvtc-01442-00358750-00358929 by hundreds of protesters who wore -4qH53Qbvtc-01443-00358930-00359091 shirts demanding that the government -4qH53Qbvtc-01444-00359092-00359346 stop killing the press the most -4qH53Qbvtc-01445-00359347-00359538 significant change has come in the form -4qH53Qbvtc-01446-00359539-00359742 that media organizations will no longer -4qH53Qbvtc-01447-00359743-00359892 have to submit their content to a -4qH53Qbvtc-01448-00359893-00360113 censorship board before publication -4qH53Qbvtc-01449-00360114-00360438 however as explained by one editorial in -4qH53Qbvtc-01450-00360439-00360660 the exiled press the Irrawaddy this new -4qH53Qbvtc-01451-00360661-00360909 freedom has caused some Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-01452-00360910-00361110 journalists to simply see the new law as -4qH53Qbvtc-01453-00361111-00361311 an attempt to create an environment of -4qH53Qbvtc-01454-00361312-00361497 self-censorship as journalists are -4qH53Qbvtc-01455-00361498-00361755 required to follow 16 guidelines towards -4qH53Qbvtc-01456-00361756-00362064 protecting the three national causes non -4qH53Qbvtc-01457-00362065-00362334 disintegration of the Union non -4qH53Qbvtc-01458-00362335-00362630 disintegration of national solidarity -4qH53Qbvtc-01459-00362631-00362855 perpetuation of sovereignty and -4qH53Qbvtc-01460-00362856-00363135 journalistic ethics to ensure their -4qH53Qbvtc-01461-00363136-00363285 stories are accurate and do not -4qH53Qbvtc-01462-00363286-00363519 jeopardize national security in July -4qH53Qbvtc-01463-00363520-00363780 2014 five journalists were sentenced to -4qH53Qbvtc-01464-00363781-00363984 10 years in jail after publishing a -4qH53Qbvtc-01465-00363985-00364164 report saying the country was planning -4qH53Qbvtc-01466-00364165-00364382 to build a new chemical weapons plant -4qH53Qbvtc-01467-00364383-00364611 journalists described the jailings as a -4qH53Qbvtc-01468-00364612-00364803 blow to the recently won news media -4qH53Qbvtc-01469-00364804-00365004 freedoms that had followed five decades -4qH53Qbvtc-01470-00365005-00365265 of censorship and persecution two -4qH53Qbvtc-01471-00365266-00365457 Reuters journalists were charged and -4qH53Qbvtc-01472-00365458-00365715 imprisoned on the 12th of December 2017 -4qH53Qbvtc-01473-00365716-00365931 for violating state secrets law when -4qH53Qbvtc-01474-00365932-00366099 they were covering the mass exodus of -4qH53Qbvtc-01475-00366100-00366555 the Rohingya Muslim minority -4qH53Qbvtc-01476-00366556-00366807 topic praised for the 2011 government -4qH53Qbvtc-01477-00366808-00367160 reforms -4qH53Qbvtc-01478-00367161-00367370 according to the crisis group since -4qH53Qbvtc-01479-00367371-00367565 Myanmar transitioned to a new government -4qH53Qbvtc-01480-00367566-00367790 in August 2011 the country's human -4qH53Qbvtc-01481-00367791-00367993 rights record has been improving -4qH53Qbvtc-01482-00367994-00368246 previously giving Myanmar its lowest -4qH53Qbvtc-01483-00368247-00368489 rating of seven the 2012 freedom in the -4qH53Qbvtc-01484-00368490-00368693 world report also notes improvement -4qH53Qbvtc-01485-00368694-00368909 giving me an Mara's 6 for improvements -4qH53Qbvtc-01486-00368910-00369092 in civil liberties and political rights -4qH53Qbvtc-01487-00369093-00369317 the release of political prisoners and a -4qH53Qbvtc-01488-00369318-00369638 loosening of restrictions in 2013 -4qH53Qbvtc-01489-00369639-00369860 Myanmar improved yet again receiving a -4qH53Qbvtc-01490-00369861-00370118 score of 5 in civil liberties and a 6 in -4qH53Qbvtc-01491-00370119-00370295 political freedoms the government has -4qH53Qbvtc-01492-00370296-00370442 assembled a National Human Rights -4qH53Qbvtc-01493-00370443-00370679 Commission that consists of 15 members -4qH53Qbvtc-01494-00370680-00370934 from various backgrounds several -4qH53Qbvtc-01495-00370935-00371180 activists in exile including V lay the -4qH53Qbvtc-01496-00371181-00371390 onion members have returned to Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01497-00371391-00371615 after president fame signs invitation to -4qH53Qbvtc-01498-00371616-00371813 expatriates to return home to work for -4qH53Qbvtc-01499-00371814-00372068 national development in an address to -4qH53Qbvtc-01500-00372069-00372290 the United Nations Security Council on -4qH53Qbvtc-01501-00372291-00372566 the 22nd of September 2011 mine Mars -4qH53Qbvtc-01502-00372567-00372755 foreign minister won a Mangla win -4qH53Qbvtc-01503-00372756-00372950 confirmed the government's intention to -4qH53Qbvtc-01504-00372951-00373154 release prisoners in the near future the -4qH53Qbvtc-01505-00373155-00373349 government has also relaxed reporting -4qH53Qbvtc-01506-00373350-00373556 laws but these remain highly restrictive -4qH53Qbvtc-01507-00373557-00373850 in September 2011 several banned -4qH53Qbvtc-01508-00373851-00374099 websites including YouTube Democratic -4qH53Qbvtc-01509-00374100-00374312 voice of Burma and Voice of America were -4qH53Qbvtc-01510-00374313-00374648 unblocked a 2011 report by the houses -4qH53Qbvtc-01511-00374649-00374867 center for nonprofit organizations found -4qH53Qbvtc-01512-00374868-00375044 that while contact with the Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01513-00375045-00375206 government was constrained by donor -4qH53Qbvtc-01514-00375207-00375412 restrictions international humanitarian -4qH53Qbvtc-01515-00375413-00375752 nongovernmental organizations NGOs see -4qH53Qbvtc-01516-00375753-00375962 opportunities for effective advocacy -4qH53Qbvtc-01517-00375963-00376163 with government officials especially at -4qH53Qbvtc-01518-00376164-00376397 the local level at the same time -4qH53Qbvtc-01519-00376398-00376646 international NGOs are mindful of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01520-00376647-00376826 ethical quandary of how to work with the -4qH53Qbvtc-01521-00376827-00376979 government without bolstering or -4qH53Qbvtc-01522-00376980-00377279 appeasing it -4qH53Qbvtc-01523-00377280-00377963 topic 2013 onwards following Fame signs -4qH53Qbvtc-01524-00377964-00378185 first-ever visit to the UK and a meeting -4qH53Qbvtc-01525-00378186-00378395 with Prime Minister David Cameron the -4qH53Qbvtc-01526-00378396-00378602 Myanmar president declared that all of -4qH53Qbvtc-01527-00378603-00378788 his nations political prisoners will be -4qH53Qbvtc-01528-00378789-00379046 released by the end of 2013 in addition -4qH53Qbvtc-01529-00379047-00379190 to a statement of support for the -4qH53Qbvtc-01530-00379191-00379340 well-being of the Rohingya Muslim -4qH53Qbvtc-01531-00379341-00379604 community in a speech at Chatham House -4qH53Qbvtc-01532-00379605-00379823 he revealed that week Myanmar government -4qH53Qbvtc-01533-00379824-00380162 are reviewing all cases I guaranteed to -4qH53Qbvtc-01534-00380163-00380342 you that by the end of this year there -4qH53Qbvtc-01535-00380343-00380534 will be no prisoners of conscience in -4qH53Qbvtc-01536-00380535-00380852 Myanmar in addition to expressing a -4qH53Qbvtc-01537-00380853-00381038 desire to strengthen links between the -4qH53Qbvtc-01538-00381039-00381247 UK and mine Mars military forces -4qH53Qbvtc-01539-00381248-00381500 homosexual acts are illegal in Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01540-00381501-00381647 and can be punishable by life -4qH53Qbvtc-01541-00381648-00381842 imprisonment in 2016 -4qH53Qbvtc-01542-00381843-00382277 Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi Mars -4qH53Qbvtc-01543-00382278-00382616 Muslim minority since August 2017 -4qH53Qbvtc-01544-00382617-00382901 Doctors Without Borders have treated 113 -4qH53Qbvtc-01545-00382902-00383129 row hinga refugee females for sexual -4qH53Qbvtc-01546-00383130-00383315 assault with all but one describing -4qH53Qbvtc-01547-00383316-00383693 military assailants the 2017 persecution -4qH53Qbvtc-01548-00383694-00383882 against the Rohingya Muslims has been -4qH53Qbvtc-01549-00383883-00384032 termed as ethnic cleansing and genocide -4qH53Qbvtc-01550-00384033-00384338 by various UN agencies International -4qH53Qbvtc-01551-00384339-00384476 Criminal Court officials and -4qH53Qbvtc-01552-00384477-00384824 government's more than 700,000 row hinga -4qH53Qbvtc-01553-00384825-00385037 refugees has fled to Bangladesh since -4qH53Qbvtc-01554-00385038-00385444 August 2017 -4qH53Qbvtc-01555-00385445-00386008 topic nuclear weapons program -4qH53Qbvtc-01556-00386009-00386257 there has been speculation that Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01557-00386258-00386419 is interested in developing nuclear -4qH53Qbvtc-01558-00386420-00386611 weapons and that North Korea was -4qH53Qbvtc-01559-00386612-00386824 planning to export nuclear technology to -4qH53Qbvtc-01560-00386825-00387091 Myanmar these reports are based on -4qH53Qbvtc-01561-00387092-00387244 evidence gathered from anti-government -4qH53Qbvtc-01562-00387245-00387526 burmese Myanmar is a signatory to a -4qH53Qbvtc-01563-00387527-00387721 specialized ian's treaty that bans all -4qH53Qbvtc-01564-00387722-00387937 types of nuclear weapons in signatory -4qH53Qbvtc-01565-00387938-00388384 states in Southeast Asia -4qH53Qbvtc-01566-00388385-00388893 topic economy -4qH53Qbvtc-01567-00388894-00389154 Myanmar is one of the poorest nations in -4qH53Qbvtc-01568-00389155-00389244 Southeast Asia -4qH53Qbvtc-01569-00389245-00389427 suffering from decades of stagnation -4qH53Qbvtc-01570-00389428-00389730 mismanagement and isolation the lack of -4qH53Qbvtc-01571-00389731-00389957 an educated workforce skilled in modern -4qH53Qbvtc-01572-00389958-00390182 technology hinders mine Mars economy -4qH53Qbvtc-01573-00390183-00390393 although recent reforms and developments -4qH53Qbvtc-01574-00390394-00390552 carried out by the new government in -4qH53Qbvtc-01575-00390553-00390765 collaboration with foreign countries and -4qH53Qbvtc-01576-00390766-00390945 organizations aimed to make this a thing -4qH53Qbvtc-01577-00390946-00391017 of the past -4qH53Qbvtc-01578-00391018-00391223 Myanmar lacks adequate infrastructure -4qH53Qbvtc-01579-00391224-00391503 goods travel primarily across the Thai -4qH53Qbvtc-01580-00391504-00391689 border where most illegal drugs are -4qH53Qbvtc-01581-00391690-00391919 exported and along the Irrawaddy River -4qH53Qbvtc-01582-00391920-00392178 railways are old and rudimentary with -4qH53Qbvtc-01583-00392179-00392360 few repairs since their construction in -4qH53Qbvtc-01584-00392361-00392633 the late 19th century highways are -4qH53Qbvtc-01585-00392634-00392826 normally unpaved except in the major -4qH53Qbvtc-01586-00392827-00393168 cities in 2010-2011 Bangladesh exported -4qH53Qbvtc-01587-00393169-00393465 products worth 9.65 million dollars to -4qH53Qbvtc-01588-00393466-00393738 Myanmar against its import of 179 -4qH53Qbvtc-01589-00393739-00393840 million dollars -4qH53Qbvtc-01590-00393841-00394080 the annual import of medicine and -4qH53Qbvtc-01591-00394081-00394283 medical equipment to Myanmar during the -4qH53Qbvtc-01592-00394284-00394583 2000s was 160 million United States -4qH53Qbvtc-01593-00394584-00394812 dollars in recent years both China and -4qH53Qbvtc-01594-00394813-00395001 India have attempted to strengthen ties -4qH53Qbvtc-01595-00395002-00395198 with the government for economic benefit -4qH53Qbvtc-01596-00395199-00395463 many nations including the United States -4qH53Qbvtc-01597-00395464-00395700 and Canada and the European Union have -4qH53Qbvtc-01598-00395701-00395922 imposed investment and trade sanctions -4qH53Qbvtc-01599-00395923-00396182 on Myanmar the United States and -4qH53Qbvtc-01600-00396183-00396356 European Union eased most of their -4qH53Qbvtc-01601-00396357-00396669 sanctions in 2012 foreign investment -4qH53Qbvtc-01602-00396670-00396921 comes primarily from China Singapore the -4qH53Qbvtc-01603-00396922-00397133 Philippines South Korea India and -4qH53Qbvtc-01604-00397134-00397543 Thailand -4qH53Qbvtc-01605-00397544-00398000 pick economic history -4qH53Qbvtc-01606-00398001-00398270 under British administration Myanmar was -4qH53Qbvtc-01607-00398271-00398420 the second wealthiest country in -4qH53Qbvtc-01608-00398421-00398687 Southeast Asia it had been the world's -4qH53Qbvtc-01609-00398688-00398963 largest exporter of rice Myanmar also -4qH53Qbvtc-01610-00398964-00399140 had a wealth of natural and labor -4qH53Qbvtc-01611-00399141-00399401 resources British Burma began exporting -4qH53Qbvtc-01612-00399402-00399734 crude oil in 1853 making it one of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01613-00399735-00399923 earliest petroleum producers in the -4qH53Qbvtc-01614-00399924-00400226 world it produced 75 percent of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01615-00400227-00400388 world's teak and had a highly literate -4qH53Qbvtc-01616-00400389-00400700 population the wealth was however mainly -4qH53Qbvtc-01617-00400701-00400892 concentrated in the hands of Europeans -4qH53Qbvtc-01618-00400893-00401231 in the 1930s agricultural production -4qH53Qbvtc-01619-00401232-00401444 fell dramatically as international rice -4qH53Qbvtc-01620-00401445-00401666 prices declined and did not recover for -4qH53Qbvtc-01621-00401667-00401948 several decades plans to broaden the new -4qH53Qbvtc-01622-00401949-00402113 prosperity and extend the reach of -4qH53Qbvtc-01623-00402114-00402329 modern civilization were halted by the -4qH53Qbvtc-01624-00402330-00402632 outbreak of the second world war during -4qH53Qbvtc-01625-00402633-00402836 the Japanese invasion of the area in -4qH53Qbvtc-01626-00402837-00403040 world war ii the british followed a -4qH53Qbvtc-01627-00403041-00403313 scorched earth policy they destroyed the -4qH53Qbvtc-01628-00403314-00403535 major government buildings oil wells and -4qH53Qbvtc-01629-00403536-00403790 mines for tungsten tin LED and silver to -4qH53Qbvtc-01630-00403791-00404054 keep them from the Japanese Myanmar was -4qH53Qbvtc-01631-00404055-00404321 bombed extensively by both sides after -4qH53Qbvtc-01632-00404322-00404519 independence the country was in ruins -4qH53Qbvtc-01633-00404520-00404720 with its major infrastructure completely -4qH53Qbvtc-01634-00404721-00404957 destroyed the British then granted -4qH53Qbvtc-01635-00404958-00405158 independence to the colony and handed -4qH53Qbvtc-01636-00405159-00405323 over their plans to rebuild to the new -4qH53Qbvtc-01637-00405324-00405548 government after a parliamentary -4qH53Qbvtc-01638-00405549-00405800 government was formed in 1948 Prime -4qH53Qbvtc-01639-00405801-00406037 Minister unu embarked upon a policy of -4qH53Qbvtc-01640-00406038-00406208 nationalization and the state was -4qH53Qbvtc-01641-00406209-00406445 declared the owner of all and the -4qH53Qbvtc-01642-00406446-00406628 government also tried to implement a -4qH53Qbvtc-01643-00406629-00406889 poorly considered eight-year plan by the -4qH53Qbvtc-01644-00406890-00407156 1950s rice exports had fallen by -4qH53Qbvtc-01645-00407157-00407372 two-thirds and mineral exports by over -4qH53Qbvtc-01646-00407373-00407663 96% as compared to the pre-world War two -4qH53Qbvtc-01647-00407664-00407945 period plans were partly financed by -4qH53Qbvtc-01648-00407946-00408146 printing money which led to inflation -4qH53Qbvtc-01649-00408147-00408512 the 1962 coup d'etat was followed by an -4qH53Qbvtc-01650-00408513-00408710 economic scheme called the Burmese way -4qH53Qbvtc-01651-00408711-00408950 to socialism a plan to nationalize all -4qH53Qbvtc-01652-00408951-00409106 industries with the exception of -4qH53Qbvtc-01653-00409107-00409397 agriculture the catastrophic program -4qH53Qbvtc-01654-00409398-00409595 turned Myanmar into one of the world's -4qH53Qbvtc-01655-00409596-00409864 most impoverished countries my Marrs -4qH53Qbvtc-01656-00409866-00410051 admittance to least developed country -4qH53Qbvtc-01657-00410052-00410353 status by the UN in 1987 highlighted its -4qH53Qbvtc-01658-00410354-00410621 economic bankruptcy in Myanmar political -4qH53Qbvtc-01659-00410622-00410839 and economic ideological struggles have -4qH53Qbvtc-01660-00410841-00411113 affected living standards decades of -4qH53Qbvtc-01661-00411114-00411347 civil war and unrest have contributed to -4qH53Qbvtc-01662-00411347-00411395 mine -4qH53Qbvtc-01663-00411396-00411574 current levels of poverty and lack of -4qH53Qbvtc-01664-00411575-00411920 economic progress improving basic human -4qH53Qbvtc-01665-00411921-00412114 social and economic infrastructure -4qH53Qbvtc-01666-00412116-00412328 required to advance individual living -4qH53Qbvtc-01667-00412329-00412505 standards have not received focused -4qH53Qbvtc-01668-00412506-00412870 government efforts -4qH53Qbvtc-01669-00412871-00413371 topic agriculture -4qH53Qbvtc-01670-00413372-00413632 the major agricultural product is rice -4qH53Qbvtc-01671-00413633-00413896 which covers about 60% of the country's -4qH53Qbvtc-01672-00413897-00414205 total cultivated land area rice accounts -4qH53Qbvtc-01673-00414206-00414463 for 97% of total food grain production -4qH53Qbvtc-01674-00414464-00414739 by weight through collaboration with the -4qH53Qbvtc-01675-00414739-00415000 International Rice Research Institute 52 -4qH53Qbvtc-01676-00415001-00415210 modern rice varieties were released in -4qH53Qbvtc-01677-00415210-00415531 the country between 1966 and 1997 -4qH53Qbvtc-01678-00415532-00415710 helping increase national rice -4qH53Qbvtc-01679-00415712-00416026 production to 14 million tonnes in 1987 -4qH53Qbvtc-01680-00416027-00416460 and to 19 million tonnes in 1996 by 1988 -4qH53Qbvtc-01681-00416462-00416704 modern varieties were planted on half of -4qH53Qbvtc-01682-00416705-00416917 the country's rice lands including 98 -4qH53Qbvtc-01683-00416918-00417259 percent of the irrigated areas in 2008 -4qH53Qbvtc-01684-00417260-00417478 rice production was estimated at 50 -4qH53Qbvtc-01685-00417479-00417837 million tonnes -4qH53Qbvtc-01686-00417838-00418349 topic drug production -4qH53Qbvtc-01687-00418350-00418595 Myanmar is also the world's second -4qH53Qbvtc-01688-00418596-00418822 largest producer of opium accounting for -4qH53Qbvtc-01689-00418824-00419101 25% of entire world production and as a -4qH53Qbvtc-01690-00419102-00419324 major source of illegal drugs including -4qH53Qbvtc-01691-00419325-00419647 amphetamines opium bans implemented -4qH53Qbvtc-01692-00419649-00419900 since 2002 after international pressure -4qH53Qbvtc-01693-00419901-00420083 have left X poppy farmers without -4qH53Qbvtc-01694-00420084-00420293 sustainable sources of income in the -4qH53Qbvtc-01695-00420293-00420557 coking and wall regions they depend on -4qH53Qbvtc-01696-00420558-00420972 casual labour for income -4qH53Qbvtc-01697-00420974-00421517 topic Natural Resources -4qH53Qbvtc-01698-00421518-00421805 Myanmar produces precious stones such as -4qH53Qbvtc-01699-00421806-00422153 rubies sapphires pearls and Jade rubies -4qH53Qbvtc-01700-00422154-00422363 are the biggest earner 90% of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01701-00422364-00422539 world's rubies come from the country -4qH53Qbvtc-01702-00422541-00422705 whose red stones are prized for their -4qH53Qbvtc-01703-00422706-00422975 purity and hue Thailand buys the -4qH53Qbvtc-01704-00422976-00423230 majority of the country's gems mine Mars -4qH53Qbvtc-01705-00423231-00423545 valley of rubies the mountainous Mogo -4qH53Qbvtc-01706-00423546-00423887 area 200 kilometers 120 miles north of -4qH53Qbvtc-01707-00423888-00424103 Mandalay is noted for its rare pigeons -4qH53Qbvtc-01708-00424104-00424364 blood rubies and blue sapphires many US -4qH53Qbvtc-01709-00424364-00424589 and European jewelry companies including -4qH53Qbvtc-01710-00424589-00424826 Bulgari Tiffany and Cartier refused to -4qH53Qbvtc-01711-00424827-00425024 import these stones based on reports of -4qH53Qbvtc-01712-00425025-00425204 deplorable working conditions in the -4qH53Qbvtc-01713-00425205-00425492 mines Human Rights Watch has encouraged -4qH53Qbvtc-01714-00425493-00425668 a complete ban on the purchase of -4qH53Qbvtc-01715-00425670-00425888 Burmese gems based on these reports and -4qH53Qbvtc-01716-00425889-00426071 because nearly all profits go to the -4qH53Qbvtc-01717-00426072-00426275 ruling junta as the majority of mining -4qH53Qbvtc-01718-00426276-00426418 activity in the country is -4qH53Qbvtc-01719-00426420-00426653 government-run the government of Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01720-00426654-00426889 controls the gem trade by direct -4qH53Qbvtc-01721-00426891-00427085 ownership or by joint ventures with -4qH53Qbvtc-01722-00427085-00427301 private owners of mines other industries -4qH53Qbvtc-01723-00427302-00427568 include agricultural goods textiles wood -4qH53Qbvtc-01724-00427568-00427808 products construction materials gems -4qH53Qbvtc-01725-00427809-00428204 metals oil and natural gas Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01726-00428205-00428435 engineering society has identified at -4qH53Qbvtc-01727-00428435-00428647 least thirty nine locations capable of -4qH53Qbvtc-01728-00428649-00428860 geothermal power production and some of -4qH53Qbvtc-01729-00428862-00429071 these hydrothermal reservoirs lie quite -4qH53Qbvtc-01730-00429072-00429289 close to Yangon which is a significant -4qH53Qbvtc-01731-00429291-00429491 underutilized resource for electrical -4qH53Qbvtc-01732-00429492-00429817 production -4qH53Qbvtc-01733-00429818-00430268 topic tourism -4qH53Qbvtc-01734-00430268-00430614 since 1992 the government has encouraged -4qH53Qbvtc-01735-00430614-00430824 tourism in the country however fewer -4qH53Qbvtc-01736-00430825-00431070 than 270 thousand tourists entered the -4qH53Qbvtc-01737-00431071-00431310 country in 2006 according to the Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01738-00431310-00431595 Tourism Promotion Board mine Mars -4qH53Qbvtc-01739-00431596-00431838 minister of hotels and tourism Solomon -4qH53Qbvtc-01740-00431839-00432021 has stated that the government receives -4qH53Qbvtc-01741-00432022-00432210 a significant percentage of the income -4qH53Qbvtc-01742-00432210-00432507 of private sector tourism services the -4qH53Qbvtc-01743-00432508-00432681 most popular available tourist -4qH53Qbvtc-01744-00432682-00432900 destinations in Myanmar include big -4qH53Qbvtc-01745-00432901-00433060 cities such as Yangon and Mandalay -4qH53Qbvtc-01746-00433062-00433322 religious sites in Hmong state pindaya -4qH53Qbvtc-01747-00433324-00433614 bago and HPA in nature trails in inle -4qH53Qbvtc-01748-00433614-00433847 lake kangding Phu Tau pi and Euler when -4qH53Qbvtc-01749-00433849-00434082 ancient cities such as bagan and m rock -4qH53Qbvtc-01750-00434083-00434285 you as well as beaches in nab you'll -4qH53Qbvtc-01751-00434287-00434679 Nepali and gwe song murky nevertheless -4qH53Qbvtc-01752-00434680-00434897 much of the country is off-limits to -4qH53Qbvtc-01753-00434899-00435072 tourists and interactions between -4qH53Qbvtc-01754-00435072-00435263 foreigners and the people of Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01755-00435264-00435477 particularly in the border regions are -4qH53Qbvtc-01756-00435478-00435750 subject to police scrutiny they are not -4qH53Qbvtc-01757-00435751-00435927 to discuss politics with foreigners -4qH53Qbvtc-01758-00435928-00436125 under penalty of imprisonment and in -4qH53Qbvtc-01759-00436126-00436397 2001 the Myanmar Tourism Promotion Board -4qH53Qbvtc-01760-00436399-00436610 issued an order for local officials to -4qH53Qbvtc-01761-00436612-00436868 protect tourists and limit unnecessary -4qH53Qbvtc-01762-00436870-00437163 contact between foreigners and ordinary -4qH53Qbvtc-01763-00437164-00437253 Burmese people -4qH53Qbvtc-01764-00437254-00437427 the most common way for travelers to -4qH53Qbvtc-01765-00437428-00437642 enter the country seems to be by air -4qH53Qbvtc-01766-00437643-00437901 according to the website Lonely Planet -4qH53Qbvtc-01767-00437902-00438159 getting into Myanmar is problematic no -4qH53Qbvtc-01768-00438160-00438410 bus or train service connects Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01769-00438412-00438627 with another country nor can you travel -4qH53Qbvtc-01770-00438628-00438893 by car or motorcycle across the border -4qH53Qbvtc-01771-00438895-00439218 you must walk across they further state -4qH53Qbvtc-01772-00439218-00439460 that it is not possible for foreigners -4qH53Qbvtc-01773-00439462-00439745 to go to from Myanmar by sea or river -4qH53Qbvtc-01774-00439746-00439985 there are a small number of border -4qH53Qbvtc-01775-00439987-00440168 crossings that allow the passage of -4qH53Qbvtc-01776-00440170-00440367 private vehicles such as the border -4qH53Qbvtc-01777-00440368-00440589 between Ruili China tomb you say the -4qH53Qbvtc-01778-00440589-00440897 border between HTE iki Myanmar and foon -4qH53Qbvtc-01779-00440899-00441201 Imran Thailand the most direct border -4qH53Qbvtc-01780-00441202-00441410 between Dawei and kanchanaburi and the -4qH53Qbvtc-01781-00441412-00441539 border between Maya Wadi -4qH53Qbvtc-01782-00441541-00441855 Myanmar and Mae Sot Thailand at least -4qH53Qbvtc-01783-00441856-00442083 one tourist company has successfully run -4qH53Qbvtc-01784-00442084-00442251 commercial overland routes through these -4qH53Qbvtc-01785-00442252-00442404 borders since 2013 -4qH53Qbvtc-01786-00442405-00442685 from mae sai thailand you can cross to -4qH53Qbvtc-01787-00442687-00442905 tatcha lake but can only go as far as -4qH53Qbvtc-01788-00442906-00443217 kangding those in Thailand on a visa run -4qH53Qbvtc-01789-00443218-00443493 can cross two Kallang but cannot venture -4qH53Qbvtc-01790-00443493-00443775 farther into Myanmar flights are -4qH53Qbvtc-01791-00443776-00443949 available from most countries though -4qH53Qbvtc-01792-00443950-00444129 direct flights are limited to mainly -4qH53Qbvtc-01793-00444130-00444326 Thai and other is e'en Airlines -4qH53Qbvtc-01794-00444327-00444620 according to 11 magazine in the past -4qH53Qbvtc-01795-00444621-00444849 there were only 15 international -4qH53Qbvtc-01796-00444850-00445041 airlines and increasing numbers of -4qH53Qbvtc-01797-00445042-00445272 airlines have began launching direct -4qH53Qbvtc-01798-00445272-00445589 flights from Japan Qatar Taiwan South -4qH53Qbvtc-01799-00445591-00445983 Korea Germany and Singapore expansions -4qH53Qbvtc-01800-00445984-00446253 were expected in September 2013 but yet -4qH53Qbvtc-01801-00446254-00446433 again are mainly Thai and other Asian -4qH53Qbvtc-01802-00446434-00446645 based airlines according to eleven media -4qH53Qbvtc-01803-00446646-00446928 groups 11 Thailand based na care and -4qH53Qbvtc-01804-00446929-00447120 business airlines in singapore-based -4qH53Qbvtc-01805-00447121-00447471 tiger airline -4qH53Qbvtc-01806-00447472-00447627 you -4qH53Qbvtc-01807-00447628-00448176 topic economic sanctions -4qH53Qbvtc-01808-00448177-00448397 the government of Myanmar was under -4qH53Qbvtc-01809-00448399-00448575 economic sanctions by the US Treasury -4qH53Qbvtc-01810-00448576-00449070 Department 31 CFR part 537 the 16th of -4qH53Qbvtc-01811-00449071-00449337 August 2005 and by executive orders -4qH53Qbvtc-01812-00449338-00450116 13,000 47 1997 13300 10 2003 13,000 448 -4qH53Qbvtc-01813-00450117-00450689 2007 13,000 464 2008 and the most recent -4qH53Qbvtc-01814-00450689-00450927 13,600 19 2012 -4qH53Qbvtc-01815-00450928-00451191 there exists debate as to the extent to -4qH53Qbvtc-01816-00451192-00451380 which the american-led sanctions have -4qH53Qbvtc-01817-00451381-00451566 had more adverse effects on the civilian -4qH53Qbvtc-01818-00451567-00451788 population than on the military rulers -4qH53Qbvtc-01819-00451789-00452085 from May 2012 to February 2013 the -4qH53Qbvtc-01820-00452085-00452271 United States began to lift its economic -4qH53Qbvtc-01821-00452272-00452571 sanctions on Myanmar in response to the -4qH53Qbvtc-01822-00452572-00452787 historic reforms that have been taking -4qH53Qbvtc-01823-00452788-00453108 place in that country sanctions remain -4qH53Qbvtc-01824-00453109-00453303 in place for blocked banks and for any -4qH53Qbvtc-01825-00453304-00453513 business entities that are more than 50% -4qH53Qbvtc-01826-00453514-00453855 owned by persons on OFAC specially -4qH53Qbvtc-01827-00453856-00454107 designated Nationals and blocked persons -4qH53Qbvtc-01828-00454108-00454493 list SDN list during her first official -4qH53Qbvtc-01829-00454495-00454830 visit to Washington DC in September 2016 -4qH53Qbvtc-01830-00454831-00455085 mine mars state councilor Aung San Suu -4qH53Qbvtc-01831-00455085-00455430 Kyi Obama who announced that -4qH53Qbvtc-01832-00455431-00455625 long-standing trade sanctions against -4qH53Qbvtc-01833-00455626-00455829 Myanmar are to be lifted adding it is -4qH53Qbvtc-01834-00455830-00455972 the right thing to do to ensure the -4qH53Qbvtc-01835-00455974-00456177 people of Burma see rewards from a new -4qH53Qbvtc-01836-00456178-00456339 way of doing business and a new -4qH53Qbvtc-01837-00456339-00456731 government -4qH53Qbvtc-01838-00456732-00456992 topic government stakeholders in -4qH53Qbvtc-01839-00456993-00457341 business -4qH53Qbvtc-01840-00457342-00457557 the military has the majority -4qH53Qbvtc-01841-00457558-00457745 stakeholder position in all of the major -4qH53Qbvtc-01842-00457746-00457964 industrial corporations of the country -4qH53Qbvtc-01843-00457966-00458160 from oil production and consumer goods -4qH53Qbvtc-01844-00458160-00458610 to transportation and tourism -4qH53Qbvtc-01845-00458612-00459337 topic economic liberalisation post 201 1 -4qH53Qbvtc-01846-00459338-00459666 in March 2012 a draft foreign investment -4qH53Qbvtc-01847-00459667-00459868 law merged the first in more than two -4qH53Qbvtc-01848-00459868-00460135 decades foreigners will no longer need a -4qH53Qbvtc-01849-00460135-00460339 local partner to start a business in the -4qH53Qbvtc-01850-00460339-00460512 country and will be able to legally -4qH53Qbvtc-01851-00460513-00460810 lease but not own property the draft law -4qH53Qbvtc-01852-00460810-00461026 also stipulates that Burmese citizens -4qH53Qbvtc-01853-00461027-00461287 must constitute at least 25% of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01854-00461288-00461455 firms skilled workforce and with -4qH53Qbvtc-01855-00461456-00461707 subsequent training up to 50 to 75 -4qH53Qbvtc-01856-00461708-00461926 percent in 2012 the Asian Development -4qH53Qbvtc-01857-00461927-00462168 Bank formally began rien gauging with -4qH53Qbvtc-01858-00462169-00462364 the country to finance infrastructure -4qH53Qbvtc-01859-00462364-00462570 and development projects in the country -4qH53Qbvtc-01860-00462571-00462889 the United States Japan and the European -4qH53Qbvtc-01861-00462889-00463068 Union countries have also begun to -4qH53Qbvtc-01862-00463069-00463306 reduce or eliminate economic sanctions -4qH53Qbvtc-01863-00463307-00463516 to allow foreign direct investment which -4qH53Qbvtc-01864-00463517-00463684 will provide the Burmese government with -4qH53Qbvtc-01865-00463685-00463989 additional tax revenue in December 2014 -4qH53Qbvtc-01866-00463990-00464170 Myanmar signed an agreement to set up -4qH53Qbvtc-01867-00464171-00464434 its first Stock Exchange the Yangon -4qH53Qbvtc-01868-00464435-00464725 Stock Exchange joint venture Co limited -4qH53Qbvtc-01869-00464726-00464916 will be set up with me on ma Economic -4qH53Qbvtc-01870-00464917-00465253 Bank sharing 51% japan's daya institute -4qH53Qbvtc-01871-00465254-00465439 of research limited thirty point two -4qH53Qbvtc-01872-00465439-00465652 five percent in japan exchange group -4qH53Qbvtc-01873-00465653-00465934 eighteen point seven five percent the -4qH53Qbvtc-01874-00465935-00466218 Yangon Stock Exchange ysx officially -4qH53Qbvtc-01875-00466219-00466432 opened for business on Friday the 25th -4qH53Qbvtc-01876-00466433-00466585 of March 2016 -4qH53Qbvtc-01877-00466585-00466920 first Myanmar investment co limited F M -4qH53Qbvtc-01878-00466921-00467143 I became the first stock to be traded -4qH53Qbvtc-01879-00467143-00467332 after receiving approval for an opening -4qH53Qbvtc-01880-00467333-00467914 price of 26,000 cots $22 -4qH53Qbvtc-01881-00467914-00468441 topic units of measurement -4qH53Qbvtc-01882-00468442-00468695 according to the World Factbook Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01883-00468696-00468866 is one of three countries along with -4qH53Qbvtc-01884-00468867-00469083 Liberia and the United States that has -4qH53Qbvtc-01885-00469084-00469284 not adopted the International System of -4qH53Qbvtc-01886-00469285-00469524 Units si metric system as their official -4qH53Qbvtc-01887-00469525-00469766 system of weights and measures the -4qH53Qbvtc-01888-00469767-00469956 common units of measure are unique to -4qH53Qbvtc-01889-00469957-00470145 Myanmar but the government webpages -4qH53Qbvtc-01890-00470146-00470385 generally use both imperial units and -4qH53Qbvtc-01891-00470385-00470637 metric units in June 2011 the Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-01892-00470638-00470838 government's Ministry of Commerce began -4qH53Qbvtc-01893-00470839-00471018 discussing proposals to reform the -4qH53Qbvtc-01894-00471018-00471164 measurement system and adopt the -4qH53Qbvtc-01895-00471166-00471368 International System of Units used by -4qH53Qbvtc-01896-00471369-00471657 most of its trading partners in October -4qH53Qbvtc-01897-00471658-00471933 2013 it was reported that dr. Prince an -4qH53Qbvtc-01898-00471934-00472134 Deputy Minister for commerce had -4qH53Qbvtc-01899-00472135-00472295 announced that the country was preparing -4qH53Qbvtc-01900-00472296-00472479 to adopt the International System of -4qH53Qbvtc-01901-00472480-00472822 Units -4qH53Qbvtc-01902-00472822-00473343 topic society -4qH53Qbvtc-01903-00473345-00473852 topic demographics -4qH53Qbvtc-01904-00473853-00474085 the provisional results of the 2014 -4qH53Qbvtc-01905-00474086-00474293 Myanmar census showed that the total -4qH53Qbvtc-01906-00474293-00474568 population is 51 million four hundred -4qH53Qbvtc-01907-00474569-00474887 nineteen thousand 420 this figure -4qH53Qbvtc-01908-00474888-00475097 includes an estimated 1 million two -4qH53Qbvtc-01909-00475097-00475312 hundred six thousand three hundred fifty -4qH53Qbvtc-01910-00475313-00475472 three persons in parts of northern -4qH53Qbvtc-01911-00475472-00475729 reclined state Kachin State and km state -4qH53Qbvtc-01912-00475730-00475976 who were not counted people who were out -4qH53Qbvtc-01913-00475977-00476158 of the country at the time of the census -4qH53Qbvtc-01914-00476159-00476414 are not included in these figures there -4qH53Qbvtc-01915-00476414-00476672 are over 600,000 registered migrant -4qH53Qbvtc-01916-00476672-00476872 workers from Myanmar in Thailand and -4qH53Qbvtc-01917-00476873-00477143 millions more work illegally Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-01918-00477143-00477335 migrant workers account for 80 percent -4qH53Qbvtc-01919-00477335-00477622 of Thailand's migrant workers population -4qH53Qbvtc-01920-00477623-00477931 density is 76 per square kilometre 200 -4qH53Qbvtc-01921-00477932-00478118 per square miles among the lowest in -4qH53Qbvtc-01922-00478118-00478451 Southeast Asia mine Mars fertility rate -4qH53Qbvtc-01923-00478452-00478756 as of 2011 as 2.2 3 which is slightly -4qH53Qbvtc-01924-00478757-00478952 above replacement level and is low -4qH53Qbvtc-01925-00478953-00479162 compared to Southeast Asian countries of -4qH53Qbvtc-01926-00479163-00479399 similar economic standing such Cambodia -4qH53Qbvtc-01927-00479400-00479681 3.18 and Laos 4.41 -4qH53Qbvtc-01928-00479682-00479933 there has been a significant decline in -4qH53Qbvtc-01929-00479934-00480137 fertility from a rate of four point -4qH53Qbvtc-01930-00480138-00480431 seven children per woman in 1983 down to -4qH53Qbvtc-01931-00480432-00480670 two point four in 2001 despite the -4qH53Qbvtc-01932-00480671-00480847 absence of any National Population -4qH53Qbvtc-01933-00480848-00481133 policy the fertility rate is much lower -4qH53Qbvtc-01934-00481134-00481481 in urban areas the relatively rapid -4qH53Qbvtc-01935-00481482-00481697 decline in fertility is attributed to -4qH53Qbvtc-01936-00481697-00481922 several factors including extreme delays -4qH53Qbvtc-01937-00481922-00482135 in marriage almost unparalleled among -4qH53Qbvtc-01938-00482135-00482329 developing countries in the region the -4qH53Qbvtc-01939-00482330-00482527 prevalence of illegal abortions and the -4qH53Qbvtc-01940-00482528-00482675 high proportion of single unmarried -4qH53Qbvtc-01941-00482676-00482918 women of reproductive age with twenty -4qH53Qbvtc-01942-00482918-00483097 five point nine percent of women aged -4qH53Qbvtc-01943-00483098-00483295 thirty to thirty four and thirty three -4qH53Qbvtc-01944-00483296-00483493 point one percent of men and women aged -4qH53Qbvtc-01945-00483494-00483889 25 to 34 single these patterns stem from -4qH53Qbvtc-01946-00483890-00484181 economic dynamics the economic hardship -4qH53Qbvtc-01947-00484182-00484370 which results in the delay of marriage -4qH53Qbvtc-01948-00484371-00484570 and family building the average age of -4qH53Qbvtc-01949-00484571-00484991 marriage in Myanmar as 27.5 for men 26.4 -4qH53Qbvtc-01950-00484992-00485312 for women -4qH53Qbvtc-01951-00485313-00485833 topic largest cities -4qH53Qbvtc-01952-00485834-00486335 topic ethnic groups -4qH53Qbvtc-01953-00486335-00486606 Myanmar is ethnically diverse the -4qH53Qbvtc-01954-00486607-00486897 government recognizes 135 distinct -4qH53Qbvtc-01955-00486897-00487158 ethnic groups there are at least 108 -4qH53Qbvtc-01956-00487159-00487353 different ethnic mystic groups in -4qH53Qbvtc-01957-00487354-00487583 Myanmar consisting mainly of distinct -4qH53Qbvtc-01958-00487584-00487800 tibeto-burman people's but with sizable -4qH53Qbvtc-01959-00487801-00488039 populations of Thai kadai Hmong mean and -4qH53Qbvtc-01960-00488040-00488295 austroasiatic Hmong Khmer peoples the -4qH53Qbvtc-01961-00488296-00488556 Bammer form an estimated 68% of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01962-00488557-00488639 population -4qH53Qbvtc-01963-00488639-00488991 10% of the population or Shan the KN -4qH53Qbvtc-01964-00488992-00489249 make up 7% of the population the -4qH53Qbvtc-01965-00489250-00489483 reclined people constitute 4% of the -4qH53Qbvtc-01966-00489484-00489729 population overseas Chinese form -4qH53Qbvtc-01967-00489730-00490026 approximately 3% of the population mine -4qH53Qbvtc-01968-00490027-00490241 Mars ethnic minority groups prefer the -4qH53Qbvtc-01969-00490242-00490610 term ethnic nationality over ethnic -4qH53Qbvtc-01970-00490611-00491007 minority as the term minority furthers -4qH53Qbvtc-01971-00491008-00491195 their sense of insecurity in the face of -4qH53Qbvtc-01972-00491196-00491420 what is often described as Burman -4qH53Qbvtc-01973-00491421-00491712 ization the proliferation and domination -4qH53Qbvtc-01974-00491713-00491897 of the dominant Bammer culture over -4qH53Qbvtc-01975-00491898-00492287 minority cultures Hmong who formed 2% of -4qH53Qbvtc-01976-00492288-00492501 the population or ethno-linguistic Li -4qH53Qbvtc-01977-00492502-00492783 related to the Khmer overseas Indians -4qH53Qbvtc-01978-00492784-00493070 are 2% the remainder are catchin chin -4qH53Qbvtc-01979-00493071-00493257 Rho hinga anglo-indians -4qH53Qbvtc-01980-00493258-00493449 Gurkha Nepali and other ethnic -4qH53Qbvtc-01981-00493450-00493733 minorities included in this group are -4qH53Qbvtc-01982-00493734-00493977 the anglo-burmese once forming a large -4qH53Qbvtc-01983-00493978-00494147 and influential community the -4qH53Qbvtc-01984-00494148-00494328 anglo-burmese left the country and -4qH53Qbvtc-01985-00494329-00494568 steady streams from 1958 onwards -4qH53Qbvtc-01986-00494568-00494880 principally to Australia in the UK it is -4qH53Qbvtc-01987-00494881-00495153 estimated that 52,000 anglo-burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-01988-00495154-00495603 remain in Myanmar as of 2009 110,000 -4qH53Qbvtc-01989-00495604-00495783 Burmese refugees were living in refugee -4qH53Qbvtc-01990-00495784-00496053 camps in Thailand refugee camps exist -4qH53Qbvtc-01991-00496054-00496247 along Indian Bangladeshi and Thai -4qH53Qbvtc-01992-00496248-00496425 borders while several thousand are in -4qH53Qbvtc-01993-00496426-00496701 Malaysia conservative estimates state -4qH53Qbvtc-01994-00496702-00496912 that there are over two hundred ninety -4qH53Qbvtc-01995-00496913-00497154 5,800 minority refugees from Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-01996-00497155-00497424 with the majority being RO hinga Karen -4qH53Qbvtc-01997-00497425-00497645 and Carini are principally located along -4qH53Qbvtc-01998-00497646-00497895 the time en Mar border there are nine -4qH53Qbvtc-01999-00497896-00498108 permanent refugee camps along the time -4qH53Qbvtc-02000-00498109-00498285 en Mar border most of which were -4qH53Qbvtc-02001-00498285-00498624 established in the mid-1980s the refugee -4qH53Qbvtc-02002-00498625-00498762 camps are under the care of the -4qH53Qbvtc-02003-00498763-00499131 thai-burma border consortium TB bc since -4qH53Qbvtc-02004-00499132-00499493 2006 over 55,000 Burmese refugees have -4qH53Qbvtc-02005-00499494-00499710 been resettled in the United States the -4qH53Qbvtc-02006-00499710-00499914 persecution of burmese indians Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-02007-00499914-00500103 Chinese and other ethnic groups after -4qH53Qbvtc-02008-00500104-00500318 the military coup headed by General nee -4qH53Qbvtc-02009-00500319-00500604 win in 1962 led to the expulsion or -4qH53Qbvtc-02010-00500605-00500891 emigration of 300,000 people they -4qH53Qbvtc-02011-00500892-00501126 migrated to escape racial discrimination -4qH53Qbvtc-02012-00501127-00501303 in the wholesale nationalization of -4qH53Qbvtc-02013-00501304-00501506 private enterprise that took place in -4qH53Qbvtc-02014-00501507-00501837 1964 the anglo-burmese at this time -4qH53Qbvtc-02015-00501838-00502020 either fled the country or changed their -4qH53Qbvtc-02016-00502021-00502182 names and blended in with the broader -4qH53Qbvtc-02017-00502183-00502524 Burmese society many roe hanga Muslims -4qH53Qbvtc-02018-00502525-00502791 have fled Myanmar many refugees headed -4qH53Qbvtc-02019-00502792-00502976 to neighboring Bangladesh including -4qH53Qbvtc-02020-00502977-00503310 200,000 in 1978 as a result of the King -4qH53Qbvtc-02021-00503310-00503610 Dragun operation in Iraq and 250,000 -4qH53Qbvtc-02022-00503610-00504046 more left in 1991 -4qH53Qbvtc-02023-00504047-00504539 topic languages -4qH53Qbvtc-02024-00504540-00504806 Myanmar is home to four major language -4qH53Qbvtc-02025-00504807-00505029 families sino-tibetan Tai kadai -4qH53Qbvtc-02026-00505030-00505300 austroasiatic an indo-european -4qH53Qbvtc-02027-00505301-00505565 sino-tibetan languages are most widely -4qH53Qbvtc-02028-00505566-00505616 spoken -4qH53Qbvtc-02029-00505617-00505916 they include Burmese Karen catchin Qin -4qH53Qbvtc-02030-00505917-00506222 and Chinese mainly Hokkien the primary -4qH53Qbvtc-02031-00506223-00506508 Tai kadai language is Shan mon palang -4qH53Qbvtc-02032-00506509-00506679 and waar the major austroasiatic -4qH53Qbvtc-02033-00506680-00506915 languages spoken in Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-02034-00506916-00507189 the two major indo-european languages -4qH53Qbvtc-02035-00507189-00507392 are Pali the liturgical language of -4qH53Qbvtc-02036-00507393-00507681 Theravada Buddhism and English more than -4qH53Qbvtc-02037-00507682-00507890 a hundred languages are spoken in total -4qH53Qbvtc-02038-00507891-00508104 since many of them are known only within -4qH53Qbvtc-02039-00508105-00508316 small tribes around the country they may -4qH53Qbvtc-02040-00508317-00508517 have been lost many if not all after a -4qH53Qbvtc-02041-00508518-00508820 few generations Burmese the mother -4qH53Qbvtc-02042-00508821-00508979 tongue of the Bammer an official -4qH53Qbvtc-02043-00508980-00509168 language of myanmar is related to -4qH53Qbvtc-02044-00509169-00509447 Tibetan and Chinese it is written in a -4qH53Qbvtc-02045-00509448-00509627 script consisting of circular and -4qH53Qbvtc-02046-00509628-00509840 semicircular letters which were adapted -4qH53Qbvtc-02047-00509841-00510017 from the Mon script which in turn was -4qH53Qbvtc-02048-00510018-00510204 developed from a southern Indian script -4qH53Qbvtc-02049-00510205-00510446 in the 5th century the earliest known -4qH53Qbvtc-02050-00510447-00510656 inscriptions in the Burmese script date -4qH53Qbvtc-02051-00510657-00510962 from the 11th century it is also used to -4qH53Qbvtc-02052-00510963-00511154 write Pali the sacred language of -4qH53Qbvtc-02053-00511155-00511362 Theravada Buddhism as well as several -4qH53Qbvtc-02054-00511363-00511602 ethnic minority languages including Shan -4qH53Qbvtc-02055-00511603-00511865 several Karen dialects and K occur any -4qH53Qbvtc-02056-00511866-00512027 with the addition of specialized -4qH53Qbvtc-02057-00512028-00512204 characters and diacritics for each -4qH53Qbvtc-02058-00512205-00512329 language the Burmese language -4qH53Qbvtc-02059-00512330-00512550 incorporates widespread usage of -4qH53Qbvtc-02060-00512551-00512829 honorifics and is age oriented Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-02061-00512830-00513035 society has traditionally stressed the -4qH53Qbvtc-02062-00513036-00513266 importance of education in villages -4qH53Qbvtc-02063-00513267-00513489 secular schooling often takes place in -4qH53Qbvtc-02064-00513489-00513725 monasteries secondary and tertiary -4qH53Qbvtc-02065-00513726-00513947 education take place at government -4qH53Qbvtc-02066-00513948-00514345 schools -4qH53Qbvtc-02067-00514346-00514735 pick religion -4qH53Qbvtc-02068-00514735-00514987 many religions are practiced in Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-02069-00514988-00515227 religious edifices and orders have been -4qH53Qbvtc-02070-00515228-00515397 in existence for many years -4qH53Qbvtc-02071-00515399-00515596 festivals can be held on a grand scale -4qH53Qbvtc-02072-00515597-00515887 the Christian and Muslim populations do -4qH53Qbvtc-02073-00515888-00516124 however face religious persecution and -4qH53Qbvtc-02074-00516125-00516313 it is hard if not impossible for -4qH53Qbvtc-02075-00516314-00516510 non-buddhists to join the army or get -4qH53Qbvtc-02076-00516512-00516670 government jobs the main route to -4qH53Qbvtc-02077-00516671-00516991 success in the country such persecution -4qH53Qbvtc-02078-00516992-00517147 and targeting of civilians as -4qH53Qbvtc-02079-00517147-00517375 particularly notable in eastern Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-02080-00517376-00517588 where over 3,000 villages have been -4qH53Qbvtc-02081-00517589-00517867 destroyed in the past 10 years more than -4qH53Qbvtc-02082-00517868-00518059 200-thousand Muslims have fled to -4qH53Qbvtc-02083-00518060-00518289 Bangladesh over the last 20 years to -4qH53Qbvtc-02084-00518291-00518530 escape persecution a large majority of -4qH53Qbvtc-02085-00518531-00518685 the population practices Buddhism -4qH53Qbvtc-02086-00518687-00519027 estimates range from 80% to 89% -4qH53Qbvtc-02087-00519028-00519358 according to 2014 Myanmar census eighty -4qH53Qbvtc-02088-00519359-00519526 seven point nine percent of the -4qH53Qbvtc-02089-00519527-00519753 population identifies as Buddhists -4qH53Qbvtc-02090-00519754-00519970 Theravada Buddhism is the most -4qH53Qbvtc-02091-00519971-00520218 widespread other religions are practiced -4qH53Qbvtc-02092-00520220-00520396 largely without obstruction with the -4qH53Qbvtc-02093-00520397-00520576 notable exception of some religious -4qH53Qbvtc-02094-00520577-00520777 minorities such as the Rohingya people -4qH53Qbvtc-02095-00520778-00520903 who have continued to have their -4qH53Qbvtc-02096-00520904-00521116 citizenship status denied and treated as -4qH53Qbvtc-02097-00521117-00521326 illegal immigrants instead in Christians -4qH53Qbvtc-02098-00521327-00521599 in Qin state according to 2014 census -4qH53Qbvtc-02099-00521600-00521796 six point two percent of the population -4qH53Qbvtc-02100-00521797-00522039 identifies as Christian four point three -4qH53Qbvtc-02101-00522041-00522334 percent as Muslim 0.8 percent as -4qH53Qbvtc-02102-00522335-00522658 followers of tribal religions 0.5% as -4qH53Qbvtc-02103-00522659-00522946 Hindus 0.2 percent as followers of other -4qH53Qbvtc-02104-00522947-00523278 religions and 0.1% follow no religion -4qH53Qbvtc-02105-00523279-00523555 according to the 2010 estimates of the -4qH53Qbvtc-02106-00523556-00523762 Pew Research Center seven percent of the -4qH53Qbvtc-02107-00523763-00523989 population is Christian four percent is -4qH53Qbvtc-02108-00523991-00524176 Muslim one percent follows traditional -4qH53Qbvtc-02109-00524177-00524431 animistic beliefs and two percent follow -4qH53Qbvtc-02110-00524432-00524629 other religions including Mahayana -4qH53Qbvtc-02111-00524630-00524839 Buddhism Hinduism and East Asian -4qH53Qbvtc-02112-00524840-00525109 religions Jehovah's Witnesses have been -4qH53Qbvtc-02113-00525110-00525367 present since 1914 and have about 80 -4qH53Qbvtc-02114-00525368-00525565 congregations around the country and a -4qH53Qbvtc-02115-00525566-00525814 branch office in Yangon publishing in 16 -4qH53Qbvtc-02116-00525815-00526138 languages a tiny Jewish community in -4qH53Qbvtc-02117-00526139-00526366 Rangoon had a synagogue but no resident -4qH53Qbvtc-02118-00526367-00526630 rabbi to conduct services although -4qH53Qbvtc-02119-00526631-00526963 Hinduism is practiced by 0.5% of the -4qH53Qbvtc-02120-00526964-00527179 population it was a major religion in -4qH53Qbvtc-02121-00527180-00527455 mind Mars passed several strains of -4qH53Qbvtc-02122-00527456-00527641 Hinduism existed alongside both -4qH53Qbvtc-02123-00527642-00527869 Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism -4qH53Qbvtc-02124-00527870-00528119 in the Mon and Pyu period in the FIR -4qH53Qbvtc-02125-00528120-00528314 millennium and down to the pagan period -4qH53Qbvtc-02126-00528315-00528608 9th to 13th centuries when save it--and -4qH53Qbvtc-02127-00528609-00528809 vey Shanda elements enjoyed greater -4qH53Qbvtc-02128-00528810-00529081 elite influence than they would later do -4qH53Qbvtc-02129-00529082-00529340 Burmese folk religion is practiced by -4qH53Qbvtc-02130-00529341-00529800 many bombers alongside Buddhism -4qH53Qbvtc-02131-00529801-00530261 topic health -4qH53Qbvtc-02132-00530262-00530471 the general state of health care in -4qH53Qbvtc-02133-00530472-00530723 Myanmar is poor the government spends -4qH53Qbvtc-02134-00530724-00530972 anywhere from 0.5 percent to 3 percent -4qH53Qbvtc-02135-00530973-00531217 of the country's GDP on health care -4qH53Qbvtc-02136-00531218-00531437 consistently ranking among the lowest in -4qH53Qbvtc-02137-00531438-00531665 the world although health care is -4qH53Qbvtc-02138-00531666-00531905 nominally free in reality patients have -4qH53Qbvtc-02139-00531906-00532079 to pay for medicine and treatment even -4qH53Qbvtc-02140-00532080-00532355 in public clinics and hospitals public -4qH53Qbvtc-02141-00532356-00532538 hospitals lack many of the basic -4qH53Qbvtc-02142-00532539-00532868 facilities and equipment the 2010 -4qH53Qbvtc-02143-00532869-00533135 maternal mortality rate per 100,000 -4qH53Qbvtc-02144-00533136-00533459 births for Myanmar as 240 this is -4qH53Qbvtc-02145-00533460-00533830 compared with 219 point 3 in 2008 and -4qH53Qbvtc-02146-00533831-00534194 662 in 1990 the under-five mortality -4qH53Qbvtc-02147-00534195-00534539 rate per 1000 births as 73 in the -4qH53Qbvtc-02148-00534540-00534758 neonatal mortality as a percentage of -4qH53Qbvtc-02149-00534759-00535115 under-fives mortality as 47 mine Mars -4qH53Qbvtc-02150-00535116-00535316 government spends the least percentage -4qH53Qbvtc-02151-00535317-00535571 of its GDP on health care of any country -4qH53Qbvtc-02152-00535572-00535748 in the world and international donor -4qH53Qbvtc-02153-00535749-00535988 organizations give less to Myanmar per -4qH53Qbvtc-02154-00535989-00536177 capita than any other country except -4qH53Qbvtc-02155-00536178-00536431 India according to the report named -4qH53Qbvtc-02156-00536432-00536729 preventable fate published by Doctors -4qH53Qbvtc-02157-00536730-00536990 Without Borders 25,000 Burmese AIDS -4qH53Qbvtc-02158-00536991-00537254 patients died in 2007 deaths that could -4qH53Qbvtc-02159-00537255-00537418 largely have been prevented by -4qH53Qbvtc-02160-00537419-00537662 antiretroviral therapy drugs and proper -4qH53Qbvtc-02161-00537663-00537917 treatment hiv/aids recognized as a -4qH53Qbvtc-02162-00537918-00538079 disease of concern by the Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-02163-00538080-00538253 Ministry of Health is most prevalent -4qH53Qbvtc-02164-00538254-00538487 among sex workers and intravenous drug -4qH53Qbvtc-02165-00538488-00538904 users in 2005 the estimated adult HIV -4qH53Qbvtc-02166-00538905-00539165 prevalence rate in Myanmar was 1.3 -4qH53Qbvtc-02167-00539166-00539348 percent two hundred thousand to five -4qH53Qbvtc-02168-00539349-00539480 hundred seventy thousand people -4qH53Qbvtc-02169-00539481-00539741 according to units and early indicators -4qH53Qbvtc-02170-00539742-00539942 of any progress against the HIV epidemic -4qH53Qbvtc-02171-00539943-00540094 are inconsistent -4qH53Qbvtc-02172-00540095-00540350 however the National AIDS program -4qH53Qbvtc-02173-00540351-00540596 Myanmar found that 32 percent of sex -4qH53Qbvtc-02174-00540597-00540785 workers and forty three percent of -4qH53Qbvtc-02175-00540786-00541001 intravenous drug users in Myanmar have -4qH53Qbvtc-02176-00541002-00541345 HIV -4qH53Qbvtc-02177-00541346-00541841 topic education -4qH53Qbvtc-02178-00541842-00542075 according to the UNESCO Institute of -4qH53Qbvtc-02179-00542076-00542300 Statistics mind Mars official literacy -4qH53Qbvtc-02180-00542301-00542654 rate as of 2000 was 90% historically -4qH53Qbvtc-02181-00542655-00542939 Myanmar has had high literacy rates to -4qH53Qbvtc-02182-00542940-00543128 qualify for least developed country -4qH53Qbvtc-02183-00543129-00543344 status by the UN to receive debt relief -4qH53Qbvtc-02184-00543345-00543563 Myanmar lowered its official literacy -4qH53Qbvtc-02185-00543564-00543974 rate from 79% to 19% in 1987 the -4qH53Qbvtc-02186-00543975-00544178 educational system of Myanmar is -4qH53Qbvtc-02187-00544179-00544382 operated by the government agency the -4qH53Qbvtc-02188-00544383-00544661 Ministry of Education the education -4qH53Qbvtc-02189-00544662-00544856 system is based on the United Kingdom's -4qH53Qbvtc-02190-00544857-00545030 system due to nearly a century of -4qH53Qbvtc-02191-00545031-00545195 British and Christian presences in -4qH53Qbvtc-02192-00545196-00545459 Myanmar nearly all schools are -4qH53Qbvtc-02193-00545460-00545639 government operated but there has been a -4qH53Qbvtc-02194-00545640-00545834 recent increase in privately funded -4qH53Qbvtc-02195-00545835-00546104 English language schools schooling is -4qH53Qbvtc-02196-00546105-00546269 compulsory until the end of elementary -4qH53Qbvtc-02197-00546270-00546476 school approximately about nine years -4qH53Qbvtc-02198-00546477-00546689 old while the compulsory schooling age -4qH53Qbvtc-02199-00546690-00546920 is fifteen or sixteen at international -4qH53Qbvtc-02200-00546921-00547280 level there are 101 universities 12 -4qH53Qbvtc-02201-00547281-00547553 institutes 9 degree colleges and 24 -4qH53Qbvtc-02202-00547554-00547868 colleges in Myanmar a total of 146 -4qH53Qbvtc-02203-00547869-00548144 higher education institutions there are -4qH53Qbvtc-02204-00548145-00548438 10 technical training schools 23 nursing -4qH53Qbvtc-02205-00548439-00548663 training schools one sport Academy and -4qH53Qbvtc-02206-00548664-00548981 20 midwifery schools there are 20 47 -4qH53Qbvtc-02207-00548982-00549425 Basic Education high schools 2605 Basic -4qH53Qbvtc-02208-00549426-00549806 Education middle schools 29,000 944 -4qH53Qbvtc-02209-00549807-00550229 basic education primary schools and 5952 -4qH53Qbvtc-02210-00550230-00550571 post primary schools 1692 multimedia -4qH53Qbvtc-02211-00550572-00550780 classrooms exist within this system -4qH53Qbvtc-02212-00550781-00551036 there are 4 international schools -4qH53Qbvtc-02213-00551037-00551330 acknowledged by lwas C and College Board -4qH53Qbvtc-02214-00551331-00551627 the International School Yangon is why -4qH53Qbvtc-02215-00551628-00551915 Myanmar International School MS Yangon -4qH53Qbvtc-02216-00551916-00552134 International School Y is an -4qH53Qbvtc-02217-00552135-00552377 International School of Myanmar ISM in -4qH53Qbvtc-02218-00552378-00552705 Yangon -4qH53Qbvtc-02219-00552706-00553166 topic crime -4qH53Qbvtc-02220-00553167-00553458 Myanmar had a murder rate of 15 point 2 -4qH53Qbvtc-02221-00553459-00553731 per 100,000 population with a total of -4qH53Qbvtc-02222-00553732-00554093 8,000 44 murders in 2012 factors -4qH53Qbvtc-02223-00554094-00554279 influencing mine Mars high murder rate -4qH53Qbvtc-02224-00554280-00554487 include communal violence and armed -4qH53Qbvtc-02225-00554488-00554768 conflict Myanmar is one of the world's -4qH53Qbvtc-02226-00554769-00555008 most corrupt nations the 2012 -4qH53Qbvtc-02227-00555009-00555233 transparency international Corruption -4qH53Qbvtc-02228-00555234-00555443 Perceptions Index ranked the country at -4qH53Qbvtc-02229-00555444-00555848 number 171 out of 176 countries in total -4qH53Qbvtc-02230-00555849-00556052 Myanmar is the world's second largest -4qH53Qbvtc-02231-00556053-00556258 producer of opium after Afghanistan -4qH53Qbvtc-02232-00556259-00556535 producing some 25 percent of the world's -4qH53Qbvtc-02233-00556536-00556697 opium and forms part of the Golden -4qH53Qbvtc-02234-00556698-00556973 Triangle the opium industry was a -4qH53Qbvtc-02235-00556974-00557195 monopoly during colonial times and has -4qH53Qbvtc-02236-00557196-00557400 since been illegally operated by corrupt -4qH53Qbvtc-02237-00557401-00557597 officials in the Burmese military and -4qH53Qbvtc-02238-00557598-00557816 rebel fighters primarily as the basis -4qH53Qbvtc-02239-00557817-00558143 for heroin manufacture Myanmar is the -4qH53Qbvtc-02240-00558144-00558356 largest producer of methamphetamines in -4qH53Qbvtc-02241-00558357-00558542 the world with the majority of Yaba -4qH53Qbvtc-02242-00558543-00558758 found in Thailand produced in Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-02243-00558759-00558987 particularly in the Golden Triangle and -4qH53Qbvtc-02244-00558988-00559181 northeastern Shan State which borders -4qH53Qbvtc-02245-00559182-00559345 Thailand Laos in China -4qH53Qbvtc-02246-00559346-00559622 Burmese produced yabas typically -4qH53Qbvtc-02247-00559623-00559827 trafficked to Thailand via Laos before -4qH53Qbvtc-02248-00559828-00559943 being transported through the -4qH53Qbvtc-02249-00559944-00560532 northeastern Thai region of Isan -4qH53Qbvtc-02250-00560533-00561031 topic culture -4qH53Qbvtc-02251-00561032-00561285 a diverse range of indigenous cultures -4qH53Qbvtc-02252-00561286-00561535 exist in Myanmar the majority culture is -4qH53Qbvtc-02253-00561536-00561783 primarily Buddhist in Bammer Bammer -4qH53Qbvtc-02254-00561784-00561960 culture has been influenced by the -4qH53Qbvtc-02255-00561961-00562180 cultures of neighboring countries this -4qH53Qbvtc-02256-00562181-00562408 is manifested in its language cuisine -4qH53Qbvtc-02257-00562409-00562693 music dance and theater the arts -4qH53Qbvtc-02258-00562694-00562858 particularly literature have -4qH53Qbvtc-02259-00562859-00563031 historically been influenced by the -4qH53Qbvtc-02260-00563032-00563243 local form of Theravada Buddhism -4qH53Qbvtc-02261-00563244-00563506 considered the national epic of Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-02262-00563507-00563760 the Yama's aa an adaptation of india's -4qH53Qbvtc-02263-00563761-00563983 ramayana has been influenced greatly by -4qH53Qbvtc-02264-00563984-00564245 Thai Mon and Indian versions of the play -4qH53Qbvtc-02265-00564246-00564481 Buddhism is practiced along with nat -4qH53Qbvtc-02266-00564482-00564691 worship which involves elaborate rituals -4qH53Qbvtc-02267-00564692-00564883 to propitiate one from a pantheon of -4qH53Qbvtc-02268-00564884-00565185 thirty seven Nats in a traditional -4qH53Qbvtc-02269-00565186-00565378 village the monastery is the center of -4qH53Qbvtc-02270-00565379-00565662 cultural life monks are venerated and -4qH53Qbvtc-02271-00565663-00565872 supported by the laypeople a no -4qH53Qbvtc-02272-00565873-00566116 vitiation ceremony called Shin bu as the -4qH53Qbvtc-02273-00566117-00566316 most important coming-of-age events for -4qH53Qbvtc-02274-00566317-00566476 a boy during which he enters the -4qH53Qbvtc-02275-00566477-00566739 monastery for a short time all male -4qH53Qbvtc-02276-00566740-00566910 children and Buddhist families are -4qH53Qbvtc-02277-00566911-00567103 encouraged to be a novice beginner for -4qH53Qbvtc-02278-00567104-00567310 Buddhism before the age of 20 and to be -4qH53Qbvtc-02279-00567311-00567589 a monk after the age of 20 girls have -4qH53Qbvtc-02280-00567590-00567826 ear-piercing ceremonies at the same time -4qH53Qbvtc-02281-00567827-00568056 Burmese culture is most evident in -4qH53Qbvtc-02282-00568057-00568243 villages where local festivals are held -4qH53Qbvtc-02283-00568244-00568435 throughout the year the most important -4qH53Qbvtc-02284-00568436-00568716 being the pagoda festival many villages -4qH53Qbvtc-02285-00568717-00568927 have a guardian nat and superstition and -4qH53Qbvtc-02286-00568928-00569254 taboos are commonplace British colonial -4qH53Qbvtc-02287-00569255-00569443 rule introduced Western elements of -4qH53Qbvtc-02288-00569444-00569710 culture to Myanmar mine Mars education -4qH53Qbvtc-02289-00569711-00569875 system is modeled after that of the -4qH53Qbvtc-02290-00569876-00570135 United Kingdom colonial architectural -4qH53Qbvtc-02291-00570136-00570322 influences are most evident in major -4qH53Qbvtc-02292-00570323-00570604 cities such as Yangon many ethnic -4qH53Qbvtc-02293-00570605-00570826 minorities particularly the Karen in the -4qH53Qbvtc-02294-00570827-00571020 southeast and the Kachin and Qin who -4qH53Qbvtc-02295-00571021-00571162 populate the north and northeast -4qH53Qbvtc-02296-00571163-00571443 practice Christianity according to the -4qH53Qbvtc-02297-00571444-00571668 World Factbook the Burman population is -4qH53Qbvtc-02298-00571669-00572052 68% and the ethnic groups constitute 32% -4qH53Qbvtc-02299-00572053-00572295 however the exiled leaders and -4qH53Qbvtc-02300-00572296-00572479 organizations claims that ethnic -4qH53Qbvtc-02301-00572480-00572745 population is 40% which is implicitly -4qH53Qbvtc-02302-00572746-00573031 contrasted with CIA report official u.s. -4qH53Qbvtc-02303-00573032-00573352 report -4qH53Qbvtc-02304-00573353-00573839 topic cuisine -4qH53Qbvtc-02305-00573840-00574066 Burmese cuisine is characterized by -4qH53Qbvtc-02306-00574067-00574289 extensive use of fish products such as -4qH53Qbvtc-02307-00574290-00574547 fish sauce nappy fermented seafood and -4qH53Qbvtc-02308-00574548-00574856 dried prawn mohinga is the traditional -4qH53Qbvtc-02309-00574857-00575063 breakfast dish and as mine Mars national -4qH53Qbvtc-02310-00575064-00575320 dish seafood is a common ingredient in -4qH53Qbvtc-02311-00575321-00575603 coastal cities such as sittwe kyaku ma -4qH53Qbvtc-02312-00575604-00575891 lam yang formerly mu mein murky my and -4qH53Qbvtc-02313-00575892-00576077 away while meat and poultry are more -4qH53Qbvtc-02314-00576078-00576278 commonly used in landlocked cities like -4qH53Qbvtc-02315-00576279-00576575 Mandalay freshwater fish and shrimp have -4qH53Qbvtc-02316-00576576-00576779 been incorporated into inland cooking as -4qH53Qbvtc-02317-00576780-00576991 a primary source of protein and are used -4qH53Qbvtc-02318-00576992-00577235 in a variety of ways fresh salted whole -4qH53Qbvtc-02319-00577236-00577472 or filleted salted and dried made into a -4qH53Qbvtc-02320-00577473-00577685 salty paste or fermented sour and -4qH53Qbvtc-02321-00577686-00578020 pressed Burmese cuisine also includes a -4qH53Qbvtc-02322-00578021-00578272 variety of salads atho centered on one -4qH53Qbvtc-02323-00578273-00578491 major ingredient ranging from starches -4qH53Qbvtc-02324-00578492-00578708 like rice wheat and rice noodles glass -4qH53Qbvtc-02325-00578709-00578978 noodles and vermicelli - potato ginger -4qH53Qbvtc-02326-00578979-00579266 tomato kaffir lime long bean lahpet -4qH53Qbvtc-02327-00579267-00579776 pickled tea leaves and nappy fish paste -4qH53Qbvtc-02328-00579777-00580248 topic sport -4qH53Qbvtc-02329-00580249-00580531 the lethwei bando ban che and pong -4qH53Qbvtc-02330-00580532-00580722 giving martial arts and chin alone are -4qH53Qbvtc-02331-00580723-00581002 traditional sports in Myanmar football -4qH53Qbvtc-02332-00581003-00581206 is played all over the country even in -4qH53Qbvtc-02333-00581207-00581560 villages the 2013 Southeast Asian Games -4qH53Qbvtc-02334-00581561-00581847 took place in Napier da Yangon Mandalay -4qH53Qbvtc-02335-00581848-00582031 an English song beach in December -4qH53Qbvtc-02336-00582032-00582210 representing the third occasion that the -4qH53Qbvtc-02337-00582211-00582491 event has been staged in Myanmar Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-02338-00582492-00582831 previously hosted the games in 1961 and -4qH53Qbvtc-02339-00582832-00583214 1969 -4qH53Qbvtc-02340-00583215-00583674 topic art -4qH53Qbvtc-02341-00583675-00583932 Burmese traditional art concepts as -4qH53Qbvtc-02342-00583933-00584124 popular and respected by the Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-02343-00584125-00584421 people and people from abroad Burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-02344-00584422-00584607 contemporary art has developed quite -4qH53Qbvtc-02345-00584608-00584787 rapidly on its own terms -4qH53Qbvtc-02346-00584788-00585045 artists born after the 1980s have had -4qH53Qbvtc-02347-00585046-00585255 greater chances of art practice outside -4qH53Qbvtc-02348-00585256-00585528 the country one of the first to study -4qH53Qbvtc-02349-00585529-00585879 Western art was Banyan together with ngw -4qH53Qbvtc-02350-00585880-00586098 he guying and a handful of other artists -4qH53Qbvtc-02351-00586099-00586254 they were the pioneers of Western -4qH53Qbvtc-02352-00586255-00586512 painting style later on most young -4qH53Qbvtc-02353-00586513-00586686 children learned the concepts from them -4qH53Qbvtc-02354-00586687-00586935 some well-known contemporary artists are -4qH53Qbvtc-02355-00586936-00587352 lungi way on Qiao Htet MPP ye I my aunt -4qH53Qbvtc-02356-00587353-00587688 my aunt SWE Minh Wyong on my aunt Kim -4qH53Qbvtc-02357-00587689-00588194 Mong yin po po and Zaza -4qH53Qbvtc-02358-00588195-00588756 topic media and communications -4qH53Qbvtc-02359-00588757-00589010 due to mine Mars political climate there -4qH53Qbvtc-02360-00589011-00589227 are not many media companies in relation -4qH53Qbvtc-02361-00589228-00589404 to the country's population although a -4qH53Qbvtc-02362-00589405-00589695 certain number exists some are privately -4qH53Qbvtc-02363-00589696-00589914 owned all programming must meet with the -4qH53Qbvtc-02364-00589915-00590187 approval of the censorship board the -4qH53Qbvtc-02365-00590188-00590387 Burmese government announced on the 20th -4qH53Qbvtc-02366-00590388-00590580 of August 2012 that it will stop -4qH53Qbvtc-02367-00590581-00590789 censoring media before publication -4qH53Qbvtc-02368-00590790-00591041 following the announcement newspapers -4qH53Qbvtc-02369-00591042-00591228 and other outlets no longer required -4qH53Qbvtc-02370-00591229-00591406 approved by state sensors however -4qH53Qbvtc-02371-00591407-00591614 journalists in the country can still -4qH53Qbvtc-02372-00591615-00591791 face consequences for what they write -4qH53Qbvtc-02373-00591792-00592070 and say in April 2013 international -4qH53Qbvtc-02374-00592071-00592254 media reports were published to relay -4qH53Qbvtc-02375-00592255-00592368 the enactment of the media -4qH53Qbvtc-02376-00592369-00592568 liberalisation reforms that we announced -4qH53Qbvtc-02377-00592569-00592856 in August 2012 for the first time in -4qH53Qbvtc-02378-00592857-00593058 numerous decades the publication of -4qH53Qbvtc-02379-00593059-00593262 privately owned newspapers commenced in -4qH53Qbvtc-02380-00593263-00593626 the country -4qH53Qbvtc-02381-00593627-00594008 topic internet -4qH53Qbvtc-02382-00594009-00594233 internet use is estimated to be -4qH53Qbvtc-02383-00594234-00594385 relatively low compared to other -4qH53Qbvtc-02384-00594386-00594680 countries mind Mars internet used to be -4qH53Qbvtc-02385-00594681-00594872 subject to censorship and authorities -4qH53Qbvtc-02386-00594873-00595064 viewed emails and posts on internet -4qH53Qbvtc-02387-00595065-00595295 blogs until 2012 when the government -4qH53Qbvtc-02388-00595296-00595543 removed media censorship during the -4qH53Qbvtc-02389-00595544-00595751 strict censorship days activity at -4qH53Qbvtc-02390-00595752-00595972 internet cafes was regulated and one -4qH53Qbvtc-02391-00595973-00596174 blogger named czar ganar was sentenced -4qH53Qbvtc-02392-00596175-00596351 to prison for publishing a video of -4qH53Qbvtc-02393-00596352-00596576 destruction caused by Cyclone Nargis in -4qH53Qbvtc-02394-00596577-00596860 2008 czar ganar was released in October -4qH53Qbvtc-02395-00596861-00597191 2011 in regards to communications -4qH53Qbvtc-02396-00597192-00597391 infrastructure Myanmar is the last -4qH53Qbvtc-02397-00597392-00597554 ranked Asian country in the world -4qH53Qbvtc-02398-00597555-00597793 Economic Forum's Network readiness index -4qH53Qbvtc-02399-00597794-00598052 and RI an indicator for determining the -4qH53Qbvtc-02400-00598053-00598210 development level of a country's -4qH53Qbvtc-02401-00598211-00598364 information and communication -4qH53Qbvtc-02402-00598365-00598747 technologies with 148 countries reported -4qH53Qbvtc-02403-00598748-00599093 on Myanmar ranked number 146 overall in -4qH53Qbvtc-02404-00599094-00599432 the 2014 and RI ranking no data is -4qH53Qbvtc-02405-00599433-00599909 currently available for previous years -4qH53Qbvtc-02406-00599910-00600366 topic film -4qH53Qbvtc-02407-00600367-00600606 mine Mars first film was a documentary -4qH53Qbvtc-02408-00600607-00600891 of the funeral of ton shine a leading -4qH53Qbvtc-02409-00600892-00601131 politician of the 1910s who campaigned -4qH53Qbvtc-02410-00601132-00601391 for Burmese independence in London the -4qH53Qbvtc-02411-00601392-00601647 first Burmese silent film maiden Athena -4qH53Qbvtc-02412-00601648-00601905 love and liquor in 1920 which proved a -4qH53Qbvtc-02413-00601906-00602124 major success despite its poor quality -4qH53Qbvtc-02414-00602125-00602322 due to a fixed camera position and -4qH53Qbvtc-02415-00602323-00602583 inadequate film accessories during the -4qH53Qbvtc-02416-00602584-00602910 1920s and 1930s many Burmese owned film -4qH53Qbvtc-02417-00602911-00603095 companies made and produced several -4qH53Qbvtc-02418-00603096-00603393 films the first Burmese sound film was -4qH53Qbvtc-02419-00603394-00603687 produced in 1932 in Bombay India with -4qH53Qbvtc-02420-00603688-00604016 the title and gwe pale Omaha money can't -4qH53Qbvtc-02421-00604017-00604353 buy it after world war ii burmese cinema -4qH53Qbvtc-02422-00604354-00604541 continued to address political themes -4qH53Qbvtc-02423-00604542-00604779 many of the films produced in the early -4qH53Qbvtc-02424-00604780-00605031 cold war era had a strong propaganda -4qH53Qbvtc-02425-00605032-00605277 element to them in the era that followed -4qH53Qbvtc-02426-00605278-00605570 the political events of 1988 the film -4qH53Qbvtc-02427-00605571-00605724 industry has been increasingly -4qH53Qbvtc-02428-00605725-00605988 controlled by the government film stars -4qH53Qbvtc-02429-00605989-00606129 who had been involved in the political -4qH53Qbvtc-02430-00606130-00606354 activities were banned from appearing in -4qH53Qbvtc-02431-00606355-00606639 films the government issued strict rules -4qH53Qbvtc-02432-00606640-00606866 on censorship and largely determines who -4qH53Qbvtc-02433-00606867-00607043 produces films as well as who gets -4qH53Qbvtc-02434-00607044-00607290 Academy Awards over the years the movie -4qH53Qbvtc-02435-00607291-00607497 industry has also shifted to producing -4qH53Qbvtc-02436-00607498-00607754 many lower budget direct-to-video films -4qH53Qbvtc-02437-00607755-00608040 most of the movies produced nowadays are -4qH53Qbvtc-02438-00608041-00608403 comedies in 2008 only 12 films worthy of -4qH53Qbvtc-02439-00608404-00608559 being considered for an Academy Award -4qH53Qbvtc-02440-00608560-00608841 were made although at least 800 V CDs -4qH53Qbvtc-02441-00608842-00609066 were produced Myanmar is the primary -4qH53Qbvtc-02442-00609067-00609351 subject of a 2007 graphic novel titled -4qH53Qbvtc-02443-00609352-00609558 chronique remains by québécois author -4qH53Qbvtc-02444-00609559-00609852 and animator Guy de lisle the graphic -4qH53Qbvtc-02445-00609853-00610074 novel was translated into English under -4qH53Qbvtc-02446-00610075-00610376 the title Burma chronicles in 2008 in -4qH53Qbvtc-02447-00610377-00610701 2009 a documentary about Burmese video -4qH53Qbvtc-02448-00610702-00610893 journalists called Burma Vijay was -4qH53Qbvtc-02449-00610894-00611147 released this film was nominated for -4qH53Qbvtc-02450-00611148-00611391 Best Documentary Feature at the 2010 -4qH53Qbvtc-02451-00611392-00611679 Academy Awards the lady had its world -4qH53Qbvtc-02452-00611680-00611886 premiere on the 12th of September 2011 -4qH53Qbvtc-02453-00611887-00612150 at the 36th Toronto International Film -4qH53Qbvtc-02454-00612151-00612516 Festival topic see also index of Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-02455-00612517-00612722 related articles outline of Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-02456-00612723-00612951 topic notes topic references topic -4qH53Qbvtc-02457-00612952-00613158 bibliography topic external links -4qH53Qbvtc-02458-00613159-00613332 government Republic of the union of -4qH53Qbvtc-02459-00613333-00613551 Myanmar president's office Myanmar -4qH53Qbvtc-02460-00613552-00613753 national portal chief of State -4qH53Qbvtc-02461-00613754-00613915 cabinet members from the Central -4qH53Qbvtc-02462-00613916-00614170 Intelligence Agency CIA general -4qH53Qbvtc-02463-00614171-00614359 information general information about -4qH53Qbvtc-02464-00614360-00614566 Myanmar Burma Myanmar search-engine -4qH53Qbvtc-02465-00614567-00614878 Burma the World Factbook Central -4qH53Qbvtc-02466-00614879-00615145 Intelligence Agency Burma from UCB -4qH53Qbvtc-02467-00615146-00615415 libraries govpubs Myanmar at curly Burma -4qH53Qbvtc-02468-00615416-00615670 profile from the BBC News Myanmar at -4qH53Qbvtc-02469-00615671-00615910 encyclopedia britannica geographic data -4qH53Qbvtc-02470-00615911-00616141 related to Myanmar at openstreetmap -4qH53Qbvtc-02471-00616142-00616384 wikimedia atlas of myanmar interactive -4qH53Qbvtc-02472-00616385-00616573 timeline of turning points in burmese -4qH53Qbvtc-02473-00616574-00616792 history key development forecasts for -4qH53Qbvtc-02474-00616793-00616960 myanmar from international futures -4qH53Qbvtc-02475-00616961-00617269 online burma myanmar library classified -4qH53Qbvtc-02476-00617270-00617542 and annotated links to more than 17,000 -4qH53Qbvtc-02477-00617543-00617761 full-text documents on burma young mare -4qH53Qbvtc-02478-00617762-00617953 economy taipei american chamber of -4qH53Qbvtc-02479-00617954-00618190 commerce topics magazine analysis -4qH53Qbvtc-02480-00618191-00618574 November 2012 Myanmar Southeast Asia's -4qH53Qbvtc-02481-00618575-00618838 last frontier for investment by David EE -4qH53Qbvtc-02482-00618839-00619075 agriculture Myanmar business today print -4qH53Qbvtc-02483-00619076-00619398 edition the 27th of February 2014 a -4qH53Qbvtc-02484-00619399-00619651 roadmap to building Myanmar into the -4qH53Qbvtc-02485-00619652-00619903 food basket of Asia by David Dubin and -4qH53Qbvtc-02486-00619904-00620098 Hashima & Co Myanmar business today -4qH53Qbvtc-02487-00620099-00620503 print edition the 19th of June 2014 mine -4qH53Qbvtc-02488-00620504-00620689 mars institutional infrastructure -4qH53Qbvtc-02489-00620690-00620890 constraints and how to fill the gaps by -4qH53Qbvtc-02490-00620891-00621094 David Dublin and Hashima & Co trade -4qH53Qbvtc-02491-00621095-00621243 world bank summary trade statistics -4qH53Qbvtc-02492-00621244-00621490 Myanmar environment Myanmar marine -4qH53Qbvtc-02493-00621491-00621706 biodiversity Atlas online from the -4qH53Qbvtc-02494-00621707-00621919 Wildlife Conservation Society and -4qH53Qbvtc-02495-00621920-00622216 University of Exeter -4SINbqLsHE-00000-00000028-00000416 starting with the overall structure what -4SINbqLsHE-00001-00000417-00001008 is it a big cylinder yeah so you have a -4SINbqLsHE-00002-00001009-00001315 cylinder right -4SINbqLsHE-00003-00001316-00001598 and again cylinders to work great you -4SINbqLsHE-00004-00001599-00002234 have a central axis the outer point and -4SINbqLsHE-00005-00002235-00002650 the ellipse for a top top right and to -4SINbqLsHE-00006-00002651-00003058 check yourself you can put a line -4SINbqLsHE-00007-00003059-00003344 through the ellipse at the outer points -4SINbqLsHE-00008-00003345-00003631 and this should be a 90 degree angle -4SINbqLsHE-00009-00003632-00003968 right if that angle isn't 90 degrees and -4SINbqLsHE-00010-00003969-00004226 you're in trouble because it will look -4SINbqLsHE-00011-00004227-00004520 like the ellipse is bending so common -4SINbqLsHE-00012-00004521-00005236 error is this one where the axis goes -4SINbqLsHE-00013-00005237-00005667 like that -4SINbqLsHE-00014-00005668-00006181 that you can't get see that -4SINbqLsHE-00015-00006182-00006394 yeah so I'll try that one a little -4SINbqLsHE-00016-00006395-00006717 turkey -4SINbqLsHE-00017-00006718-00006894 so you see that all the time that's a -4SINbqLsHE-00018-00006895-00007248 little bit exaggerated but it's just -4SINbqLsHE-00019-00007248-00007641 because you know you you haven't gotten -4SINbqLsHE-00020-00007642-00007856 into like checking yourself -4SINbqLsHE-00021-00007858-00008048 the other topic for today is actually -4SINbqLsHE-00022-00008050-00008277 how to measure right so if you have that -4SINbqLsHE-00023-00008278-00008487 overall cylinder you can figure out how -4SINbqLsHE-00024-00008488-00008832 tall it is first now why is this the way -4SINbqLsHE-00025-00008833-00009009 you do that is you stand in a consistent -4SINbqLsHE-00026-00009010-00009267 spot you know the spot that you're gonna -4SINbqLsHE-00027-00009268-00009456 draw and you stick your arm out at arm's -4SINbqLsHE-00028-00009457-00009672 length and you line up the pencil tip on -4SINbqLsHE-00029-00009673-00009867 one edge and use your thumb to mark the -4SINbqLsHE-00030-00009868-00010188 other well Shelley what I like of your -4SINbqLsHE-00031-00010189-00010371 width and that gives you one unit to -4SINbqLsHE-00032-00010372-00010632 measure by so I know that one unit of -4SINbqLsHE-00033-00010633-00010893 width it's right in the center of the -4SINbqLsHE-00034-00010894-00011253 hourglass so at least visually speaking -4SINbqLsHE-00035-00011254-00011490 because it's tilted it's you know -4SINbqLsHE-00036-00011491-00012120 exactly it divides in half exactly so -4SINbqLsHE-00037-00012121-00012353 I'm pretty close just by eyeballing it -4SINbqLsHE-00038-00012354-00012720 so I can stick with that right don't -4SINbqLsHE-00039-00012721-00013026 know but I don't what I don't want to do -4SINbqLsHE-00040-00013027-00013332 is measure first and then try to draw -4SINbqLsHE-00041-00013333-00013686 that now right you could do this pick -4SINbqLsHE-00042-00013687-00014016 marks in half and then you know draw -4SINbqLsHE-00043-00014016-00014346 that without and so on that would be -4SINbqLsHE-00044-00014347-00014522 more of a classical search this is -4SINbqLsHE-00045-00014523-00014862 analytical rate so for measuring to work -4SINbqLsHE-00046-00014863-00015221 you put down a guest then you check it -4SINbqLsHE-00047-00015222-00015624 if you're navigating with a sextant and -4SINbqLsHE-00048-00015625-00015800 you're at sea you take a guess at your -4SINbqLsHE-00049-00015801-00016025 exact what latitude and longitude and -4SINbqLsHE-00050-00016026-00016400 measure the angle of the Sun against -4SINbqLsHE-00051-00016401-00016721 that guess right and how much your off -4SINbqLsHE-00052-00016722-00017090 is how you is the number numbers -4SINbqLsHE-00053-00017091-00017600 correct so same light let me make it -4SINbqLsHE-00054-00017601-00018050 guess and then we corrected right now -4SINbqLsHE-00055-00018051-00018560 the overall shape here has these little -4SINbqLsHE-00056-00018561-00018857 conical things so you can actually use a -4SINbqLsHE-00057-00018858-00020048 cone and then cut off the cone -4SINbqLsHE-00058-00020049-00020261 to get -4SINbqLsHE-00059-00020262-00021599 this overall counter structure a -4SINbqLsHE-00060-00021600-00021817 make that -4SINbqLsHE-00061-00021818-00022125 okay another way to do it is if you have -4SINbqLsHE-00062-00022126-00022786 your cylinder then you can take and just -4SINbqLsHE-00063-00022787-00023108 do another smaller ellipse right -4SINbqLsHE-00064-00023109-00023394 approximating wear that cone is and then -4SINbqLsHE-00065-00023395-00023794 add in the diagonals like that that's -4SINbqLsHE-00066-00023795-00024172 fine too okay it just depends the trick -4SINbqLsHE-00067-00024173-00024397 is to have variety so that you said if -4SINbqLsHE-00068-00024398-00024552 you needed you can do it -4SINbqLsHE-00069-00024553-00025019 what's the other structure visible -4SINbqLsHE-00070-00025020-00025393 there's another one too what structures -4SINbqLsHE-00071-00025394-00025821 are the three poles mica yeah they make -4SINbqLsHE-00072-00025822-00026158 a triangular prism right so you have to -4SINbqLsHE-00073-00026158-00026392 know how to do that structure so you -4SINbqLsHE-00074-00026393-00027489 have a triangular prism that goes down -4SINbqLsHE-00075-00027491-00027755 okay you have to be able to do training -4SINbqLsHE-00076-00027756-00027895 in prison and there's really only one -4SINbqLsHE-00077-00027897-00028427 way to do that and that's that way and -4SINbqLsHE-00078-00028427-00028633 then each one of these poles is a -4SINbqLsHE-00079-00028635-00029042 cylinder in itself so they have to come -4SINbqLsHE-00080-00029043-00030285 down with their own Philips is great -4SINbqLsHE-00081-00030286-00030594 so pretty complex but if you can see the -4SINbqLsHE-00082-00030595-00030807 overall then that's what really what -4SINbqLsHE-00083-00030808-00031266 we're going for now the way these mix is -4SINbqLsHE-00084-00031267-00031455 even more complicated so you have to -4SINbqLsHE-00085-00031456-00032088 have your cylinder right and then you -4SINbqLsHE-00086-00032089-00032342 have to be able to inscribe the -4SINbqLsHE-00087-00032343-00033069 triangular pyramid within it -4SINbqLsHE-00088-00033070-00034423 or the triangular prism faith -4SINbqLsHE-00089-00034424-00034648 so that in and of itself is pretty -4SINbqLsHE-00090-00034649-00034867 difficult so when you're working with -4SINbqLsHE-00091-00034868-00035401 this object you can practice just two of -4SINbqLsHE-00092-00035402-00035740 these elements interacting and then you -4SINbqLsHE-00093-00035741-00035971 can go in and you can add in the cone -4SINbqLsHE-00094-00035972-00036402 structures and all that if you want to -4SINbqLsHE-00095-00036403-00036526 start making it more accurate to the -4SINbqLsHE-00096-00036527-00036840 actual thing and then the third the -4SINbqLsHE-00097-00036841-00037336 third major structure is like yeah the -4SINbqLsHE-00098-00037337-00037570 actual like glass part of the hourglass -4SINbqLsHE-00099-00037571-00037660 okay -4SINbqLsHE-00100-00037661-00038167 and that's a what's that two drops they -4SINbqLsHE-00101-00038168-00038356 look kind of teardrop shaped but we -4SINbqLsHE-00102-00038357-00038499 don't have like a ready-made structure -4SINbqLsHE-00103-00038500-00038962 that's interior upgrade yeah so you -4SINbqLsHE-00104-00038963-00039193 could do it with a sphere right so you -4SINbqLsHE-00105-00039194-00039427 could say well that's the sphere and -4SINbqLsHE-00106-00039428-00039814 then that's a sphere down there and then -4SINbqLsHE-00107-00039815-00040550 they can kind of cross -4SINbqLsHE-00108-00040551-00040834 and that would give you your overall -4SINbqLsHE-00109-00040835-00041282 hourglass form right so would you have -4SINbqLsHE-00110-00041283-00041777 to do this -4SINbqLsHE-00111-00041778-00041998 for this -4SINbqLsHE-00112-00041999-00042283 you could so the other way to make this -4SINbqLsHE-00113-00042284-00042553 look like a natural form is to just draw -4SINbqLsHE-00114-00042554-00042876 some hemispheric lines around it right -4SINbqLsHE-00115-00042877-00043114 cuz you have the actual sand in the -4SINbqLsHE-00116-00043115-00043396 bottom and that will be on that ellipse -4SINbqLsHE-00117-00043397-00043732 right so the fan there's another -4SINbqLsHE-00118-00043733-00044389 indicator because the top and bottom are -4SINbqLsHE-00119-00044390-00045350 conical shape gotta steal bits -4SINbqLsHE-00120-00045351-00045587 there's oh I'm completing the count yeah -4SINbqLsHE-00121-00045588-00045896 thank you so how else could you break -4SINbqLsHE-00122-00045897-00046951 that yeah -4SINbqLsHE-00123-00046952-00047245 pyramids -4SINbqLsHE-00124-00047246-00047947 or using here's this fear you do yeah -4SINbqLsHE-00125-00047948-00048103 you can do a cylinder and you could do -4SINbqLsHE-00126-00048104-00048472 another like count and fear combo okay -4SINbqLsHE-00127-00048473-00048733 so if you did a cylinder you wouldn't -4SINbqLsHE-00128-00048734-00048877 take it all the way to the top you take -4SINbqLsHE-00129-00048878-00049375 it here right a squat cylinder and then -4SINbqLsHE-00130-00049376-00049954 you take two hat like half spheres right -4SINbqLsHE-00131-00049955-00050155 you take a small cylinder down the -4SINbqLsHE-00132-00050156-00050722 center -4SINbqLsHE-00133-00050723-00050887 and that would actually give you your -4SINbqLsHE-00134-00050888-00051409 your top and bottom points right which -4SINbqLsHE-00135-00051410-00051637 are kind of important and then you could -4SINbqLsHE-00136-00051638-00052153 kind of connect those together however -4SINbqLsHE-00137-00052154-00052466 you see that happening -4SINbqLsHE-00138-00052466-00052804 then you could also take your ado would -4SINbqLsHE-00139-00052805-00053300 be you take your two spheres and your -4SINbqLsHE-00140-00053301-00053933 and your cones and in this case you -4SINbqLsHE-00141-00053934-00054098 would make them cross so the point of -4SINbqLsHE-00142-00054099-00054298 the cones would go through each other -4SINbqLsHE-00143-00054299-00054638 right so yeah that's a pretty good way -4SINbqLsHE-00144-00054639-00054892 and then you can just sort of evolve -4SINbqLsHE-00145-00054894-00055226 them to be a little more accurate what's -4SINbqLsHE-00146-00055227-00056012 there -4SINbqLsHE-00147-00056013-00056423 and then drawing to people what else do -4SINbqLsHE-00148-00056424-00056819 you have -4SINbqLsHE-00149-00056820-00057370 that German crazy yesterday -4SINbqLsHE-00150-00057371-00058025 hey hey right you can take because you -4SINbqLsHE-00151-00058026-00058259 have a kind of a teardrop form you can -4SINbqLsHE-00152-00058260-00058478 take your ideal egg form if you used to -4SINbqLsHE-00153-00058479-00059250 drawing that -4SINbqLsHE-00154-00059251-00059667 invert two of them -4SINbqLsHE-00155-00059669-00060350 and start to connect them -4SINbqLsHE-00156-00060351-00060692 and that can give you another option how -4SINbqLsHE-00157-00060693-00061031 to do so there's a million different -4SINbqLsHE-00158-00061032-00061555 ways to do each part of this and then -4SINbqLsHE-00159-00061556-00061896 you know we'll take this initial one and -4SINbqLsHE-00160-00061897-00062069 then now that you have this you can get -4SINbqLsHE-00161-00062070-00063050 them all interacting right -4SINbqLsHE-00162-00063051-00063844 make things connect -4SINbqLsHE-00163-00063845-00064297 the tricky part is the the actual -4SINbqLsHE-00164-00064298-00065130 hourglass sticks out from this -4SINbqLsHE-00165-00065132-00065475 yeah it sticks past the polls anyway I -4SINbqLsHE-00166-00065476-00065631 don't mind if it's proportionately off -4SINbqLsHE-00167-00065632-00065947 so much as you're analyzing what's going -4SINbqLsHE-00168-00065948-00066575 on with the structures -4SINbqLsHE-00169-00066576-00066743 so if I can see that you're thinking -4SINbqLsHE-00170-00066744-00067144 through this process that's more what I -4SINbqLsHE-00171-00067145-00067373 want -6ZHE5lKeR0-00000-00000208-00000335 the first step -6ZHE5lKeR0-00001-00000336-00000591 in generating numbers from an arbitrary -6ZHE5lKeR0-00002-00000592-00000719 distribution -6ZHE5lKeR0-00003-00000720-00000975 is to generate numbers from the uniform -6ZHE5lKeR0-00004-00000976-00001174 distribution -6ZHE5lKeR0-00005-00001175-00001383 so the uniform distribution is a -6ZHE5lKeR0-00006-00001384-00001535 continuous distribution -6ZHE5lKeR0-00007-00001536-00001830 which has two parameters a and b and -6ZHE5lKeR0-00008-00001832-00001918 what it says -6ZHE5lKeR0-00009-00001919-00002199 is that when you take the real line -6ZHE5lKeR0-00010-00002200-00002383 between values a -6ZHE5lKeR0-00011-00002384-00002710 and b the probability of -6ZHE5lKeR0-00012-00002711-00002975 having any value between a and b is -6ZHE5lKeR0-00013-00002976-00003087 uniform -6ZHE5lKeR0-00014-00003088-00003311 with the caveat that the area under this -6ZHE5lKeR0-00015-00003311-00003431 curve over here -6ZHE5lKeR0-00016-00003432-00003647 this area adds up to one so that's the -6ZHE5lKeR0-00017-00003647-00003806 probability over here -6ZHE5lKeR0-00018-00003807-00004047 and so this is what we colloquially mean -6ZHE5lKeR0-00019-00004047-00004199 by a random number we -6ZHE5lKeR0-00020-00004200-00004486 typically mean a uniform random number -6ZHE5lKeR0-00021-00004487-00004583 now -6ZHE5lKeR0-00022-00004584-00004854 generating numbers uniformly is actually -6ZHE5lKeR0-00023-00004855-00005063 not that easy to do -6ZHE5lKeR0-00024-00005064-00005391 it's actually quite hard to do and so -6ZHE5lKeR0-00025-00005392-00005654 the approaches that some people take is -6ZHE5lKeR0-00026-00005655-00005838 to try to build their own uniform random -6ZHE5lKeR0-00027-00005839-00005975 number generators -6ZHE5lKeR0-00028-00005976-00006222 using something for example one of the -6ZHE5lKeR0-00029-00006223-00006495 well-known technique is called the -6ZHE5lKeR0-00030-00006495-00007083 linear congregational generator a linear -6ZHE5lKeR0-00031-00007084-00007439 congruential -6ZHE5lKeR0-00032-00007440-00007783 generator -6ZHE5lKeR0-00033-00007784-00008078 and this generator is defined -6ZHE5lKeR0-00034-00008079-00008351 mathematically quite simply -6ZHE5lKeR0-00035-00008352-00008678 the definition basically is that x n -6ZHE5lKeR0-00036-00008679-00009023 which is the nth value is given by -6ZHE5lKeR0-00037-00009024-00009335 a x n minus 1 -6ZHE5lKeR0-00038-00009336-00009695 plus c modulo -6ZHE5lKeR0-00039-00009696-00010006 n so the parameters are -6ZHE5lKeR0-00040-00010007-00010319 a and c and m -6ZHE5lKeR0-00041-00010320-00010623 and what it is giving you is basically -6ZHE5lKeR0-00042-00010624-00010855 uh taking the previous value multiplying -6ZHE5lKeR0-00043-00010856-00011014 it by some -6ZHE5lKeR0-00044-00011015-00011287 multiplicative factor a then adding to -6ZHE5lKeR0-00045-00011288-00011399 it some other value -6ZHE5lKeR0-00046-00011400-00011591 and then making sure that all the values -6ZHE5lKeR0-00047-00011592-00011751 lie between the values -6ZHE5lKeR0-00048-00011752-00012070 0 and m so this is giving us a integer -6ZHE5lKeR0-00049-00012071-00012199 in this range -6ZHE5lKeR0-00050-00012200-00012551 and it turns out that for certain values -6ZHE5lKeR0-00051-00012552-00012886 of a and c we get quite large -6ZHE5lKeR0-00052-00012887-00013175 uh sequences of values which look pretty -6ZHE5lKeR0-00053-00013176-00013327 reasonable for example -6ZHE5lKeR0-00054-00013328-00013655 m equals 2 to the power 31 -6ZHE5lKeR0-00055-00013656-00014007 minus 1 and a given by -6ZHE5lKeR0-00056-00014008-00014558 7 to the power 5 which is 16807 -6ZHE5lKeR0-00057-00014559-00014879 and c equals 0 -6ZHE5lKeR0-00058-00014880-00015079 gives us something that looks pretty -6ZHE5lKeR0-00059-00015080-00015263 random -6ZHE5lKeR0-00060-00015263-00015479 and so many people think of this as -6ZHE5lKeR0-00061-00015480-00015663 being sufficiently random -6ZHE5lKeR0-00062-00015663-00015958 but generally speaking uh we find that -6ZHE5lKeR0-00063-00015959-00016047 it's not as -6ZHE5lKeR0-00064-00016047-00016366 random as you might wish and so this -6ZHE5lKeR0-00065-00016368-00016422 approach -6ZHE5lKeR0-00066-00016423-00016639 while common is actually deprecated you -6ZHE5lKeR0-00067-00016640-00016815 really shouldn't be doing this -6ZHE5lKeR0-00068-00016816-00017063 instead modern approaches use something -6ZHE5lKeR0-00069-00017064-00017447 called the mercen twister -6ZHE5lKeR0-00070-00017448-00017775 and it's not really uh -6ZHE5lKeR0-00071-00017776-00018086 important what this does but -6ZHE5lKeR0-00072-00018087-00018399 uh it is very important for us to -6ZHE5lKeR0-00073-00018400-00018855 use a good uniform random generators -6ZHE5lKeR0-00074-00018856-00019167 and uh relying on -6ZHE5lKeR0-00075-00019168-00019494 libraries for this rather than -6ZHE5lKeR0-00076-00019495-00019758 coming up with our own values because -6ZHE5lKeR0-00077-00019759-00019871 mostly -6ZHE5lKeR0-00078-00019872-00020135 what you can think of on your own is -6ZHE5lKeR0-00079-00020136-00020555 going to be -6ZHE5lKeR0-00080-00020556-00020856 wrong -7jH5rKrq3I-00000-00000000-00001112 foreign -7jH5rKrq3I-00001-00001113-00002138 [Music] -7jH5rKrq3I-00002-00002139-00002921 [Applause] -7jH5rKrq3I-00003-00002922-00003191 what's up -7jH5rKrq3I-00004-00003192-00003315 everybody -7jH5rKrq3I-00005-00003315-00005806 [Music] -7jH5rKrq3I-00006-00005807-00006378 [Music] -7R-tInDrNA-00000-00000000-00000353 read the next item of business is -7R-tInDrNA-00001-00000354-00000671 topical questions we start with question -7R-tInDrNA-00002-00000672-00000877 of a one from monocle in Thank You -7R-tInDrNA-00003-00000878-00000965 presiding officer -7R-tInDrNA-00004-00000966-00001141 to ask the Scottish Government's for -7R-tInDrNA-00005-00001142-00001303 what reason ministers will no longer -7R-tInDrNA-00006-00001304-00001639 hold a public station or CUNY as part of -7R-tInDrNA-00007-00001641-00001927 the annual review of NHS boards cabinet -7R-tInDrNA-00008-00001928-00002306 secretary gene Freeman hmm there is no -7R-tInDrNA-00009-00002307-00002495 change to the core purpose of our new -7R-tInDrNA-00010-00002496-00002747 reviews which is to hold NHS boards to -7R-tInDrNA-00011-00002748-00002902 account this year -7R-tInDrNA-00012-00002903-00003142 all 14 territorial boards will receive a -7R-tInDrNA-00013-00003143-00003340 ministerial review as well as the -7R-tInDrNA-00014-00003342-00003604 majority of national boards ministers -7R-tInDrNA-00015-00003605-00003790 continue to have separate meetings with -7R-tInDrNA-00016-00003792-00003986 frontline staff through the area -7R-tInDrNA-00017-00003986-00004211 clinical forum area partnership forum -7R-tInDrNA-00018-00004212-00004451 and to meet with keishon patients and -7R-tInDrNA-00019-00004452-00004706 carers the meeting with a relevant board -7R-tInDrNA-00020-00004707-00004945 chair and chief executive allows for a -7R-tInDrNA-00021-00004946-00005186 focused free and frank discussion on -7R-tInDrNA-00022-00005187-00005399 local performance between the minister -7R-tInDrNA-00023-00005400-00005591 and those senior persons who are -7R-tInDrNA-00024-00005592-00005881 directly accountable from the board I am -7R-tInDrNA-00025-00005882-00006047 clear that health board should be -7R-tInDrNA-00026-00006048-00006197 accountable to the communities they -7R-tInDrNA-00027-00006198-00006442 serve all boards have been required to -7R-tInDrNA-00028-00006443-00006680 hold a public session to ensure local -7R-tInDrNA-00029-00006681-00006889 people continue to have the opportunity -7R-tInDrNA-00030-00006890-00007163 to question their NHS board on matters -7R-tInDrNA-00031-00007164-00007384 of importance and these will have a -7R-tInDrNA-00032-00007386-00007655 ministerial presence I have also asked -7R-tInDrNA-00033-00007656-00007798 the joint Scottish Government and -7R-tInDrNA-00034-00007800-00008071 kossler integration review to consider -7R-tInDrNA-00035-00008072-00008342 how we can have jointly with Koslow we -7R-tInDrNA-00036-00008343-00008582 are appropriate whole system reviews in -7R-tInDrNA-00037-00008583-00008758 the years ahead -7R-tInDrNA-00038-00008759-00009092 Monica linen Thank You presiding officer -7R-tInDrNA-00039-00009093-00009317 this is really quite a simple issue so -7R-tInDrNA-00040-00009318-00009452 I'm disappointed that the Cabinet -7R-tInDrNA-00041-00009453-00009755 Secretary has attempted again to spend -7R-tInDrNA-00042-00009756-00010019 hard way out of this the decision to -7R-tInDrNA-00043-00010020-00010264 stop the decision to stop member to the -7R-tInDrNA-00044-00010265-00010474 public putting questions to ministers as -7R-tInDrNA-00045-00010475-00010748 part of the annual review of NHS boards -7R-tInDrNA-00046-00010749-00010862 as a decision that this cabinet -7R-tInDrNA-00047-00010863-00011053 secretary has taken and it's a -7R-tInDrNA-00048-00011054-00011246 significant change in direction and -7R-tInDrNA-00049-00011247-00011513 stands in stark contrast to her tea -7R-tInDrNA-00050-00011514-00011876 disasters one of whom said quote I want -7R-tInDrNA-00051-00011877-00012049 the public to be fill partners and the -7R-tInDrNA-00052-00012050-00012367 delivery of NHS services and that's why -7R-tInDrNA-00053-00012368-00012574 it is vitally important to get the -7R-tInDrNA-00054-00012575-00012805 opportunity to participate and annual -7R-tInDrNA-00055-00012806-00013096 reviews the NHS the NH has board chairs -7R-tInDrNA-00056-00013097-00013349 and I look forward to questions -7R-tInDrNA-00057-00013350-00013541 members of the public have about their -7R-tInDrNA-00058-00013541-00013778 local health services and healing their -7R-tInDrNA-00059-00013779-00013988 views that court was from a former -7R-tInDrNA-00060-00013988-00014144 health secretary the current First -7R-tInDrNA-00061-00014144-00014468 Minister Nicola Sturgeon placing officer -7R-tInDrNA-00062-00014469-00014633 and it was good enough for previous -7R-tInDrNA-00063-00014634-00014794 health secretaries including the -7R-tInDrNA-00064-00014796-00015032 custodian to participate fully in public -7R-tInDrNA-00065-00015033-00015299 stations continue man explain to the -7R-tInDrNA-00066-00015300-00015482 public why should change the guidelines -7R-tInDrNA-00067-00015483-00015688 and why it shouldn't apply so hard -7R-tInDrNA-00068-00015688-00015997 cabinet secretary Thank You presiding -7R-tInDrNA-00069-00015999-00016130 officer -7R-tInDrNA-00070-00016131-00016385 miss Lenin is absolutely right that it -7R-tInDrNA-00071-00016386-00016589 was our current First Minister when she -7R-tInDrNA-00072-00016590-00016844 was health secretary who introduced the -7R-tInDrNA-00073-00016845-00017060 public sessions of public Q&A sessions -7R-tInDrNA-00074-00017061-00017276 prior to her of course in the labor and -7R-tInDrNA-00075-00017277-00017519 the DEM administrations that was not the -7R-tInDrNA-00076-00017520-00017801 case can I repeat all boards have been -7R-tInDrNA-00077-00017802-00018053 required to hold a public session to -7R-tInDrNA-00078-00018054-00018251 ensure local people continue to have the -7R-tInDrNA-00079-00018252-00018527 opportunity to question their NHS board -7R-tInDrNA-00080-00018528-00018818 on matters question their NHS board on -7R-tInDrNA-00081-00018819-00019031 matters of importance and share their -7R-tInDrNA-00082-00019032-00019268 views and these will have a ministerial -7R-tInDrNA-00083-00019269-00019538 presence I don't know for presiding -7R-tInDrNA-00084-00019539-00019804 officer at home is millennion manages to -7R-tInDrNA-00085-00019805-00020044 manipulate that into accusing me of -7R-tInDrNA-00086-00020045-00020255 spend let me assure you I am spinning -7R-tInDrNA-00087-00020256-00020462 nothing I am simply answering the -7R-tInDrNA-00088-00020463-00020624 question and the straightforward manner -7R-tInDrNA-00089-00020625-00020939 as I did the first time around monitor -7R-tInDrNA-00090-00020940-00021314 linen like a court extensively for -7R-tInDrNA-00091-00021315-00021547 example NHS faith chair Tricia Marwick -7R-tInDrNA-00092-00021548-00021797 who's quite clear that a new format has -7R-tInDrNA-00093-00021798-00021977 been instigated this year by the -7R-tInDrNA-00094-00021978-00022187 Scottish government presiding officers -7R-tInDrNA-00095-00022188-00022397 this cabinet secretary was previously a -7R-tInDrNA-00096-00022398-00022574 board member or the Scottish police -7R-tInDrNA-00097-00022575-00022766 authority and because of the scrutiny -7R-tInDrNA-00098-00022767-00022958 less Parliament we find out there are -7R-tInDrNA-00099-00022959-00023186 water glitter and secrecy none of us -7R-tInDrNA-00100-00023187-00023372 want to see the same bad practices and -7R-tInDrNA-00101-00023373-00023699 police governor's keep into the NHS our -7R-tInDrNA-00102-00023700-00023915 health and social care services are -7R-tInDrNA-00103-00023916-00024155 facing huge challenges and people need -7R-tInDrNA-00104-00024156-00024437 to feel confidence and the NHS and their -7R-tInDrNA-00105-00024438-00024659 health ports and the government's the -7R-tInDrNA-00106-00024660-00024905 changes brought in by James Freeman will -7R-tInDrNA-00107-00024906-00025139 undermine public scrutiny and represent -7R-tInDrNA-00108-00025140-00025385 a backward step will the cabinet's thank -7R-tInDrNA-00109-00025386-00025621 you chief justic met the hard decision -7R-tInDrNA-00110-00025622-00025811 to avoid public questions is the height -7R-tInDrNA-00111-00025812-00026008 of arrogance and though she commits an -7R-tInDrNA-00112-00026010-00026249 immediate u-turn cabinet zenkoji -7R-tInDrNA-00113-00026250-00026543 presiding officer I'm not sure what part -7R-tInDrNA-00114-00026544-00026705 of there will be a public -7R-tInDrNA-00115-00026706-00026906 session where members of the community -7R-tInDrNA-00116-00026907-00027127 can ask questions and there will be a -7R-tInDrNA-00117-00027129-00027427 ministerial presence comes to a -7R-tInDrNA-00118-00027429-00027704 situation of MS Lenin's accusation that -7R-tInDrNA-00119-00027705-00027964 I am avoiding public scrutiny I don't I -7R-tInDrNA-00120-00027966-00028187 genuinely don't understand that I am -7R-tInDrNA-00121-00028188-00028465 also deeply disappointed perhaps if Miss -7R-tInDrNA-00122-00028466-00028687 Lenin could just hold off for a second -7R-tInDrNA-00123-00028688-00028931 and listen I am deeply disappointed that -7R-tInDrNA-00124-00028932-00029210 in the absence of constructive positive -7R-tInDrNA-00125-00029211-00029456 or even radical ideas from the Labour -7R-tInDrNA-00126-00029457-00029689 benches about our health service that we -7R-tInDrNA-00127-00029691-00029924 have to resort to personality attacks -7R-tInDrNA-00128-00029925-00030242 I will not there is a pre-k or not we -7R-tInDrNA-00129-00030243-00030496 are not talking about the s PA we are -7R-tInDrNA-00130-00030497-00030739 talking about our health service there -7R-tInDrNA-00131-00030741-00030986 will be public sessions they will have -7R-tInDrNA-00132-00030987-00031223 ministerial presence there will be -7R-tInDrNA-00133-00031224-00031448 questions and ministers will be there to -7R-tInDrNA-00134-00031449-00031673 answer those questions along with health -7R-tInDrNA-00135-00031674-00031952 boards who are the subject of annual -7R-tInDrNA-00136-00031952-00032162 reviews in order to hold health boards -7R-tInDrNA-00137-00032163-00032402 to account I don't know what more to say -7R-tInDrNA-00138-00032402-00032651 on this Ms Lenin I'm sure we'll continue -7R-tInDrNA-00139-00032652-00032924 to want to misrepresent and manipulate -7R-tInDrNA-00140-00032925-00033113 these words but they're on the record -7R-tInDrNA-00141-00033114-00033284 and I hope they are clear to the rest of -7R-tInDrNA-00142-00033285-00033824 this chamber clear item simple officer M -7R-tInDrNA-00143-00033825-00034043 for the avoidance of doubt and since -7R-tInDrNA-00144-00034044-00034319 this wasn't raised in the chamber when -7R-tInDrNA-00145-00034320-00034538 members of an opportunity to do so last -7R-tInDrNA-00146-00034539-00034742 week in the cabinet secretary confirm -7R-tInDrNA-00147-00034743-00035084 the reviews are about board performance -7R-tInDrNA-00148-00035085-00035279 and that the requirement to hold public -7R-tInDrNA-00149-00035280-00035623 sessions at least once a year remains -7R-tInDrNA-00150-00035624-00035948 cabinet secretary mr. Thomson is -7R-tInDrNA-00151-00035949-00036131 absolutely correct the reviews are about -7R-tInDrNA-00152-00036132-00036377 board performance what I have said if -7R-tInDrNA-00153-00036378-00036545 you want to look at changes I've said to -7R-tInDrNA-00154-00036546-00036698 boards they have to hold a public -7R-tInDrNA-00155-00036699-00036905 session at least once a year in other -7R-tInDrNA-00156-00036906-00037096 words they may need to hold them more -7R-tInDrNA-00157-00037097-00037346 than once that increases accountability -7R-tInDrNA-00158-00037347-00037546 ministers will be at those public -7R-tInDrNA-00159-00037547-00037829 sessions I made the point earlier board -7R-tInDrNA-00160-00037830-00038054 annual reviews have changed over the -7R-tInDrNA-00161-00038055-00038320 years in order to reflect changing -7R-tInDrNA-00162-00038321-00038642 circumstances I have not removed the -7R-tInDrNA-00163-00038643-00038852 public opportunity to question the board -7R-tInDrNA-00164-00038853-00039112 or to have a minister there to be part -7R-tInDrNA-00165-00039113-00039377 of that questioning that is why the -7R-tInDrNA-00166-00039378-00039599 boards need to hold that public session -7R-tInDrNA-00167-00039600-00039785 they will have a ministerial presence -7R-tInDrNA-00168-00039786-00040073 and can I just add for the record the -7R-tInDrNA-00169-00040074-00040301 the follow-up letter to annual reviews -7R-tInDrNA-00170-00040302-00040508 which says so very clearly my -7R-tInDrNA-00171-00040509-00040712 expectation of the board's performance -7R-tInDrNA-00172-00040713-00040952 in the year to follow well of course as -7R-tInDrNA-00173-00040953-00041327 before be public miles bridge Thank You -7R-tInDrNA-00174-00041328-00041516 presiding officer this is maybe more an -7R-tInDrNA-00175-00041517-00041693 example of a Twitter spat being brought -7R-tInDrNA-00176-00041694-00041867 into the chamber that anything but I -7R-tInDrNA-00177-00041868-00042017 think it's only right -7R-tInDrNA-00178-00042018-00042170 the invitin proper that are in a -7R-tInDrNA-00179-00042171-00042359 parliamentary democracy that ministers -7R-tInDrNA-00180-00042360-00042587 NHS boards undergo public scrutiny and -7R-tInDrNA-00181-00042588-00042782 from increasing parking problems to -7R-tInDrNA-00182-00042783-00042926 waiting times getting worse the public -7R-tInDrNA-00183-00042927-00043067 has a right to be able to raise these -7R-tInDrNA-00184-00043068-00043295 concerns can I therefore ask the cabinet -7R-tInDrNA-00185-00043296-00043460 secretary if you'll look at how the -7R-tInDrNA-00186-00043461-00043592 Scottish Government can actually improve -7R-tInDrNA-00187-00043593-00043849 the accountability not restricted to -7R-tInDrNA-00188-00043850-00044270 very secretary and I'm grateful to mr. -7R-tInDrNA-00189-00044271-00044468 Briggs for that question I agree with -7R-tInDrNA-00190-00044469-00044603 them it is only right that there is -7R-tInDrNA-00191-00044604-00044738 public scrutiny and there is public -7R-tInDrNA-00192-00044739-00044801 scrutiny -7R-tInDrNA-00193-00044802-00044996 in a number of additional ways there are -7R-tInDrNA-00194-00044997-00045203 two ways I think that we are currently -7R-tInDrNA-00195-00045204-00045446 looking at how we can improve on this -7R-tInDrNA-00196-00045447-00045698 the first of those is as I said earlier -7R-tInDrNA-00197-00045699-00045998 in my first answer that I have asked the -7R-tInDrNA-00198-00045999-00046205 joint Scottish Government kossler led -7R-tInDrNA-00199-00046206-00046487 the review on integration how we can -7R-tInDrNA-00200-00046488-00046832 have a review of the whole system we -7R-tInDrNA-00201-00046833-00047114 talked before in this chamber with your -7R-tInDrNA-00202-00047115-00047336 colleague Miss --mess and others about a -7R-tInDrNA-00203-00047337-00047504 whole system approach to health and -7R-tInDrNA-00204-00047505-00047732 social care at the moment is the -7R-tInDrNA-00205-00047733-00047912 performance of health boards that are -7R-tInDrNA-00206-00047913-00048218 subject to annual review but we need to -7R-tInDrNA-00207-00048219-00048428 wade in that and I need to be able to do -7R-tInDrNA-00208-00048429-00048659 that in partnership with cause love -7R-tInDrNA-00209-00048660-00048878 where that is appropriate the second and -7R-tInDrNA-00210-00048879-00049082 again it's an area that we have touched -7R-tInDrNA-00211-00049083-00049286 on here and that is the whole question -7R-tInDrNA-00212-00049287-00049733 of how our health boards undertake -7R-tInDrNA-00213-00049734-00050030 public engagement and genuine community -7R-tInDrNA-00214-00050031-00050363 engagement throughout a 12-month period -7R-tInDrNA-00215-00050364-00050621 in a sense regardless of whether or not -7R-tInDrNA-00216-00050622-00050855 they have major changes that they want -7R-tInDrNA-00217-00050856-00051113 to take to public consultation and that -7R-tInDrNA-00218-00051114-00051548 work is underway with them and in inside -7R-tInDrNA-00219-00051549-00051742 government and I hope that we'll be able -7R-tInDrNA-00220-00051744-00051985 to bring forward some proposals -7R-tInDrNA-00221-00051986-00052241 certainly to make the health in Sport -7R-tInDrNA-00222-00052241-00052417 Committee aware of those and we might -7R-tInDrNA-00223-00052419-00052634 discuss them further but also into this -7R-tInDrNA-00224-00052635-00052853 chamber so that members are aware about -7R-tInDrNA-00225-00052854-00053167 the changes we want to make to encourage -7R-tInDrNA-00226-00053169-00053366 our health boards to have a more -7R-tInDrNA-00227-00053366-00053435 consistent -7R-tInDrNA-00228-00053436-00053692 but genuine public engagement approach -7R-tInDrNA-00229-00053694-00053944 with the communities that they serve -7R-tInDrNA-00230-00053945-00054166 thank you very much question number two -7R-tInDrNA-00231-00054167-00054524 Rachel Hamilton government what action -7R-tInDrNA-00232-00054525-00054665 it is taking to ensure that rail -7R-tInDrNA-00233-00054666-00054866 transport performs well during the -7R-tInDrNA-00234-00054866-00055094 festive period cabinet secretary Michael -7R-tInDrNA-00235-00055095-00055250 Myers the member will be aware that -7R-tInDrNA-00236-00055251-00055448 Scott Rose ability to provide the -7R-tInDrNA-00237-00055449-00055630 reliable service for several parts of -7R-tInDrNA-00238-00055632-00055804 the scottish REO network has been -7R-tInDrNA-00239-00055805-00055969 unacceptable for passengers and the -7R-tInDrNA-00240-00055970-00056131 scottish government over the last few -7R-tInDrNA-00241-00056132-00056329 weeks instead of celebrating the -7R-tInDrNA-00242-00056330-00056626 provision of 65,000 additional weekday -7R-tInDrNA-00243-00056627-00056788 seats and over a hundred additional -7R-tInDrNA-00244-00056789-00057044 services per day following the recent -7R-tInDrNA-00245-00057045-00057266 introduction of the new timetable I'm -7R-tInDrNA-00246-00057266-00057505 extremely disappointed to again be -7R-tInDrNA-00247-00057507-00057705 speaking about unacceptable levels of -7R-tInDrNA-00248-00057707-00057976 cancellations I've made my position -7R-tInDrNA-00249-00057977-00058085 clear -7R-tInDrNA-00250-00058086-00058262 - Alex Haynes the managing director of -7R-tInDrNA-00251-00058263-00058448 scott reil lines and also to Dominic -7R-tInDrNA-00252-00058449-00058685 booth the managing director of a burial -7R-tInDrNA-00253-00058686-00059015 UK that Scott Rio must take all action -7R-tInDrNA-00254-00059016-00059165 necessary to ensure that services -7R-tInDrNA-00255-00059166-00059438 returned to schedule as soon as possible -7R-tInDrNA-00256-00059439-00059624 and that passengers begin to see the -7R-tInDrNA-00257-00059625-00059873 benefits of the new timetable scott reil -7R-tInDrNA-00258-00059874-00060118 has sought to reassure me of a plan of -7R-tInDrNA-00259-00060119-00060355 action to address the number of -7R-tInDrNA-00260-00060357-00060616 cancellations firstly Scott Rio has -7R-tInDrNA-00261-00060617-00060931 already recruited 85 rivals and 54 -7R-tInDrNA-00262-00060932-00061188 conductors to deliver these new services -7R-tInDrNA-00263-00061189-00061407 secondly an intensive training program -7R-tInDrNA-00264-00061408-00061726 to recover the delays caused by the way -7R-tInDrNA-00265-00061727-00062000 the delivery of trains and RMT -7R-tInDrNA-00266-00062001-00062285 industrial action is underway this will -7R-tInDrNA-00267-00062286-00062518 continue through the Christmas holiday -7R-tInDrNA-00268-00062519-00062723 period allowing a steady service -7R-tInDrNA-00269-00062724-00062921 improvement as each staff member -7R-tInDrNA-00270-00062922-00063110 completes their training on the new -7R-tInDrNA-00271-00063111-00063400 trains and routes subway additional -7R-tInDrNA-00272-00063401-00063674 expert operational planning resource has -7R-tInDrNA-00273-00063675-00063923 been added to Scott Rios team to -7R-tInDrNA-00274-00063924-00064126 optimize the use of available resource -7R-tInDrNA-00275-00064127-00064438 and thus minimize cancellations I've -7R-tInDrNA-00276-00064439-00064634 made it clear to Scott Reil that -7R-tInDrNA-00277-00064635-00064853 restorative action rests entirely with -7R-tInDrNA-00278-00064854-00065101 them and I expect them to take whatever -7R-tInDrNA-00279-00065102-00065324 action is required to ensure that -7R-tInDrNA-00280-00065325-00065561 services returned to normal as quickly -7R-tInDrNA-00281-00065562-00065675 as possible -7R-tInDrNA-00282-00065676-00065879 and also ensure that services run -7R-tInDrNA-00283-00065880-00066100 smoothly over the Christmas and New Year -7R-tInDrNA-00284-00066101-00066157 period -7R-tInDrNA-00285-00066158-00066362 delivering the benefits of more seats -7R-tInDrNA-00286-00066363-00066662 and services on a consistently reliable -7R-tInDrNA-00287-00066663-00066837 basis -7R-tInDrNA-00288-00066838-00067100 I thank Mike Mattison for that full -7R-tInDrNA-00289-00067101-00067329 reply and for acknowledging that there -7R-tInDrNA-00290-00067330-00067548 have been problems recently however I'd -7R-tInDrNA-00291-00067549-00067704 like to point out some of the issues -7R-tInDrNA-00292-00067705-00067962 that many people in this chamber have -7R-tInDrNA-00293-00067963-00068166 been having and having letters written -7R-tInDrNA-00294-00068167-00068442 from the constituents last Friday travel -7R-tInDrNA-00295-00068443-00068647 chaos ensued across the Scott rail -7R-tInDrNA-00296-00068648-00068868 network and this continued until Monday -7R-tInDrNA-00297-00068869-00069201 with over 70 trains counseled many of -7R-tInDrNA-00298-00069202-00069456 our constituents experienced experienced -7R-tInDrNA-00299-00069457-00069640 terrible service including on the -7R-tInDrNA-00300-00069641-00069859 Waverly line to tweed banked last week -7R-tInDrNA-00301-00069860-00070110 trains were delayed canceled and the -7R-tInDrNA-00302-00070111-00070419 situation escalated so much so that the -7R-tInDrNA-00303-00070420-00070562 trains did not stop at Stough -7R-tInDrNA-00304-00070563-00070875 hardworking Scott rail staff bore the -7R-tInDrNA-00305-00070876-00071157 brunt of the passengers anger presiding -7R-tInDrNA-00306-00071158-00071399 officer this is absolutely unacceptable -7R-tInDrNA-00307-00071400-00071724 cabinet secretary this was the first -7R-tInDrNA-00308-00071725-00072000 proper weekend of the Christmas rush and -7R-tInDrNA-00309-00072001-00072288 Scott Reil failed to step up to the mark -7R-tInDrNA-00310-00072289-00072609 has scott reil already fallen at the -7R-tInDrNA-00311-00072610-00072922 first hurdle cabbage zenkoji obviously -7R-tInDrNA-00312-00072923-00073096 not so and I fully recognize the -7R-tInDrNA-00313-00073097-00073260 experience for some of the traveling -7R-tInDrNA-00314-00073261-00073449 public over the last week or so has not -7R-tInDrNA-00315-00073450-00073587 been to the acceptable level and the -7R-tInDrNA-00316-00073588-00073740 government's been very clear that it's -7R-tInDrNA-00317-00073741-00073956 not today levels which we expect as a -7R-tInDrNA-00318-00073957-00074115 constituency MSP with four train -7R-tInDrNA-00319-00074116-00074322 stations based within it I'm there I -7R-tInDrNA-00320-00074323-00074521 very much understand the concerns that -7R-tInDrNA-00321-00074522-00074724 constituents have about the quality of -7R-tInDrNA-00322-00074725-00074961 service which has been experienced to -7R-tInDrNA-00323-00074962-00075156 date I've out learned that a range of -7R-tInDrNA-00324-00075157-00075351 reasons as to why it's had an impact on -7R-tInDrNA-00325-00075352-00075709 service provision at today what I expect -7R-tInDrNA-00326-00075710-00075885 scott reil to do is to take appropriate -7R-tInDrNA-00327-00075886-00076056 action to address these matters -7R-tInDrNA-00328-00076057-00076368 as a matter of urgency and the elements -7R-tInDrNA-00329-00076369-00076527 of what which I said it's got really -7R-tInDrNA-00330-00076528-00076728 taken forward our actions which were -7R-tInDrNA-00331-00076729-00076909 intended to address these very issues -7R-tInDrNA-00332-00076910-00077118 additionally alongside that we can see -7R-tInDrNA-00333-00077119-00077319 the additional progress which has been -7R-tInDrNA-00334-00077320-00077515 made with the Donovan review the ORR -7R-tInDrNA-00335-00077516-00077703 will publish its findings on the -7R-tInDrNA-00336-00077704-00077884 progress around implementing the -7R-tInDrNA-00337-00077885-00078018 recommendations with an internal review -7R-tInDrNA-00338-00078019-00078282 tomorrow which will also say the range -7R-tInDrNA-00339-00078283-00078453 of progress that scott reil was making -7R-tInDrNA-00340-00078454-00078618 in addressing some of the infrastructure -7R-tInDrNA-00341-00078619-00078843 issues that also have to be addressed in -7R-tInDrNA-00342-00078844-00079072 order to improve reliability on a real -7R-tInDrNA-00343-00079073-00079236 network read across the country -7R-tInDrNA-00344-00079237-00079473 Rachel Hamilton thanked the cabinet -7R-tInDrNA-00345-00079474-00079782 secretary for taking the time to tackle -7R-tInDrNA-00346-00079783-00080035 this issue it is absolute priority over -7R-tInDrNA-00347-00080036-00080126 the Christmas period -7R-tInDrNA-00348-00080127-00080353 but you know I just want to reiterate -7R-tInDrNA-00349-00080354-00080597 we've had the lowest performance in two -7R-tInDrNA-00350-00080598-00080831 decades we've had overcrowded trains -7R-tInDrNA-00351-00080832-00081056 we've got overworked staff we've got -7R-tInDrNA-00352-00081057-00081263 services that are counseled we've got -7R-tInDrNA-00353-00081264-00081473 angry passengers and now we've got -7R-tInDrNA-00354-00081474-00081670 compensation payments that are rising -7R-tInDrNA-00355-00081671-00081935 cabinet secretary you know that this is -7R-tInDrNA-00356-00081936-00082205 deplorable when will you wake up and -7R-tInDrNA-00357-00082206-00082385 realize that perhaps the Scottish -7R-tInDrNA-00358-00082386-00082592 government reinstate the performance -7R-tInDrNA-00359-00082593-00082909 targets and hold scott reil to account -7R-tInDrNA-00360-00082910-00083180 Cameron seemed a bit confused by the -7R-tInDrNA-00361-00083181-00083294 members question one of many she's -7R-tInDrNA-00362-00083295-00083450 pacing me for taking action to try and -7R-tInDrNA-00363-00083451-00083585 get this matter address and then assume -7R-tInDrNA-00364-00083586-00083759 when will you wake up to the matter what -7R-tInDrNA-00365-00083760-00083897 I can assure the member of is I'm very -7R-tInDrNA-00366-00083898-00084146 much a weak to this particular issue but -7R-tInDrNA-00367-00084147-00084287 I've also laned as a variety of -7R-tInDrNA-00368-00084288-00084407 different reasons as to why it's the -7R-tInDrNA-00369-00084408-00084617 impact on performance to date with the -7R-tInDrNA-00370-00084618-00084824 arrival of trains that's that impact on -7R-tInDrNA-00371-00084825-00085019 training of staff alongside industrial -7R-tInDrNA-00372-00085020-00085175 action it's also that impact on a -7R-tInDrNA-00373-00085176-00085391 training program in preparation for the -7R-tInDrNA-00374-00085392-00085604 new timetable being introduced all of -7R-tInDrNA-00375-00085605-00085790 which have actually spiral ticket the -7R-tInDrNA-00376-00085791-00085958 particular difficulties which you have -7R-tInDrNA-00377-00085959-00086102 at the present moment however -7R-tInDrNA-00378-00086103-00086354 notwithstanding that I understand the -7R-tInDrNA-00379-00086355-00086603 traveling public expect better and if -7R-tInDrNA-00380-00086604-00086768 the actions that I set out in my initial -7R-tInDrNA-00381-00086769-00086969 response are the actions that Scott Reil -7R-tInDrNA-00382-00086970-00087164 are committed to taking forward in order -7R-tInDrNA-00383-00087165-00087419 to address this issue in order to make -7R-tInDrNA-00384-00087420-00087566 sure that we get the level of -7R-tInDrNA-00385-00087567-00087734 performance that we expect a traveling -7R-tInDrNA-00386-00087735-00088025 public in Scotland I should point out to -7R-tInDrNA-00387-00088026-00088403 the main bottle that some 60% of delays -7R-tInDrNA-00388-00088404-00088562 and cancellations on the Scottish -7R-tInDrNA-00389-00088563-00088792 Network are the responsibility of -7R-tInDrNA-00390-00088793-00089084 infrastructure problems a matter which -7R-tInDrNA-00391-00089085-00089297 is a responsibility of the UK government -7R-tInDrNA-00392-00089298-00089519 and as I've made I've made calls in this -7R-tInDrNA-00393-00089520-00089810 chamber time and time again there's a -7R-tInDrNA-00394-00089811-00090059 need for us to align the rolling stock -7R-tInDrNA-00395-00090060-00090290 provision alongside infrastructure -7R-tInDrNA-00396-00090291-00090527 service delivery in order to make sure -7R-tInDrNA-00397-00090528-00090761 that it is much more passengers focused -7R-tInDrNA-00398-00090762-00090977 and the most effective way to do that is -7R-tInDrNA-00399-00090978-00091088 to devolve it to the Scottish Parliament -7R-tInDrNA-00400-00091089-00091325 it's a list of a model in place that the -7R-tInDrNA-00401-00091326-00091535 levels are much more passenger focused -7R-tInDrNA-00402-00091536-00091808 trailing train service Colin Smith -7R-tInDrNA-00403-00091809-00092078 before by Mark MacDonald they lost the -7R-tInDrNA-00404-00092079-00092297 last month SNP and Tory MSP United to -7R-tInDrNA-00405-00092298-00092501 vote don't leave us proposal to end this -7R-tInDrNA-00406-00092502-00092690 feeling franchise and rather than take -7R-tInDrNA-00407-00092691-00092924 an enforcement action against got real -7R-tInDrNA-00408-00092925-00093128 for plummeting performance the Transport -7R-tInDrNA-00409-00093129-00093311 Circuit issued a waiver allowing them to -7R-tInDrNA-00410-00093312-00093456 deliver the worst -7R-tInDrNA-00411-00093457-00093703 reality since this franchise began had -7R-tInDrNA-00412-00093704-00093873 that license to feel not being granted -7R-tInDrNA-00413-00093874-00094066 the company would be in breach of the -7R-tInDrNA-00414-00094067-00094257 franchise and the government could have -7R-tInDrNA-00415-00094258-00094479 issued that remedial plan notice against -7R-tInDrNA-00416-00094480-00094696 scott reil isn't it time the transport -7R-tInDrNA-00417-00094697-00094903 set if they stopped Beale and oak scott -7R-tInDrNA-00418-00094904-00095103 reil and started standing up for -7R-tInDrNA-00419-00095104-00095376 Scotland's hard place real passengers by -7R-tInDrNA-00420-00095377-00095619 demand and a proper remedial plan from -7R-tInDrNA-00421-00095620-00095847 scott reil showing how and crucially -7R-tInDrNA-00422-00095848-00096060 when they were hit the performance -7R-tInDrNA-00423-00096061-00096261 targets they are paid to head not the -7R-tInDrNA-00424-00096262-00096496 two and adequate improvement plans which -7R-tInDrNA-00425-00096497-00096732 simply do not go far enough and well the -7R-tInDrNA-00426-00096733-00096910 transport sector did join with labor and -7R-tInDrNA-00427-00096911-00097125 calling for a fierce freeze and told -7R-tInDrNA-00428-00097126-00097323 passengers start to get the decent -7R-tInDrNA-00429-00097324-00097587 service they deserve cavernous agency -7R-tInDrNA-00430-00097588-00097929 and also as I just mentioned the update -7R-tInDrNA-00431-00097930-00098148 on the Donovan recommendations will be -7R-tInDrNA-00432-00098149-00098460 reported to model by the office of the -7R-tInDrNA-00433-00098461-00098673 real regulator ritual said it very clear -7R-tInDrNA-00434-00098674-00098922 the progress that scott reil and also -7R-tInDrNA-00435-00098923-00099066 network rail are taking forward in -7R-tInDrNA-00436-00099067-00099219 addressing infrastructure and blowing -7R-tInDrNA-00437-00099220-00099441 stock issues that was recommended which -7R-tInDrNA-00438-00099442-00099597 is what improving services for -7R-tInDrNA-00439-00099598-00099796 passengers and i await to see what the -7R-tInDrNA-00440-00099797-00099938 feigning of that particular report -7R-tInDrNA-00441-00099939-00100161 demonstrate that has already some early -7R-tInDrNA-00442-00100162-00100368 signs that improvements are and -7R-tInDrNA-00443-00100369-00100524 particularly been experience within the -7R-tInDrNA-00444-00100525-00100728 Strathclyde electrics area with those -7R-tInDrNA-00445-00100729-00100846 better resilience and has been an -7R-tInDrNA-00446-00100847-00101053 improvement in performance overall i -7R-tInDrNA-00447-00101054-00101175 will not today because of an -7R-tInDrNA-00448-00101176-00101371 infrastructure failure in points outside -7R-tInDrNA-00449-00101372-00101598 glasgow central but since it's been -7R-tInDrNA-00450-00101599-00101706 introduced in the course of the last -7R-tInDrNA-00451-00101707-00101878 week the news timetable we are seeing -7R-tInDrNA-00452-00101879-00102048 improvements in performance there as -7R-tInDrNA-00453-00102049-00102259 well as a member also recognizes that -7R-tInDrNA-00454-00102260-00102540 the the the the standard set out within -7R-tInDrNA-00455-00102541-00102708 the franchise agreement remain in place -7R-tInDrNA-00456-00102709-00102993 the waiver is unique recognition of -7R-tInDrNA-00457-00102994-00103239 issues out with Scott with Scott Rios -7R-tInDrNA-00458-00103240-00103401 control that with an impact on -7R-tInDrNA-00459-00103402-00103632 performance for example Network Rios -7R-tInDrNA-00460-00103633-00103878 performance which the ORR have said it's -7R-tInDrNA-00461-00103879-00104094 no such a level they're investigating -7R-tInDrNA-00462-00104095-00104331 them for the failure to deliver properly -7R-tInDrNA-00463-00104332-00104538 and also some of the weather incidents -7R-tInDrNA-00464-00104539-00104694 which were card that have an impact on -7R-tInDrNA-00465-00104695-00104864 it however the franchise agreement -7R-tInDrNA-00466-00104865-00105141 requirements remain in place and in -7R-tInDrNA-00467-00105142-00105315 force and what I can assure the member -7R-tInDrNA-00468-00105316-00105477 of is that when you're investing -7R-tInDrNA-00469-00105478-00105702 something regional over 400 million -7R-tInDrNA-00470-00105703-00105990 pounds in new and updated rowing stock -7R-tInDrNA-00471-00105991-00106209 in Scotland intending to invest some -7R-tInDrNA-00472-00106210-00106377 five billion pounds in the next five -7R-tInDrNA-00473-00106378-00106602 years in a railways in Scotland this is -7R-tInDrNA-00474-00106603-00106752 a government there's about investing in -7R-tInDrNA-00475-00106753-00106796 or -7R-tInDrNA-00476-00106797-00106987 infrastructure hidden Scotland in doing -7R-tInDrNA-00477-00106988-00107185 it our way that continues to drive up in -7R-tInDrNA-00478-00107186-00107449 performance performance 2d has not been -7R-tInDrNA-00479-00107450-00107683 to the level that we expect and actions -7R-tInDrNA-00480-00107684-00107831 that Scott Reil taking forward are -7R-tInDrNA-00481-00107832-00107981 actions that we believe they can address -7R-tInDrNA-00482-00107982-00108257 the problems have had to eat there are -7R-tInDrNA-00483-00108258-00108494 five more members who would like to ask -7R-tInDrNA-00484-00108495-00108676 a question mark MacDonald to be followed -7R-tInDrNA-00485-00108677-00109054 by outlaw Hamilton passengers arriving -7R-tInDrNA-00486-00109055-00109247 at dice station in my constituency this -7R-tInDrNA-00487-00109248-00109556 morning were notified that the 726 to -7R-tInDrNA-00488-00109557-00109799 Aberdeen was cancelled the 759 to -7R-tInDrNA-00489-00109800-00110053 Aberdeen was delayed and the 831 to -7R-tInDrNA-00490-00110054-00110222 Aberdeen was canceled these are -7R-tInDrNA-00491-00110223-00110416 important services for commuters and my -7R-tInDrNA-00492-00110417-00110638 constituency trains are also often -7R-tInDrNA-00493-00110639-00110845 running with fewer carriages leading to -7R-tInDrNA-00494-00110846-00111058 experience for passengers which causes -7R-tInDrNA-00495-00111059-00111283 discomfort and inconvenience my -7R-tInDrNA-00496-00111284-00111490 constituents welcome the improvements to -7R-tInDrNA-00497-00111491-00111640 the infrastructure between Aberdeen -7R-tInDrNA-00498-00111641-00111787 Inverness which will bring the -7R-tInDrNA-00499-00111788-00111983 infrastructure into the 21st century but -7R-tInDrNA-00500-00111983-00112172 the question they are asking is when -7R-tInDrNA-00501-00112173-00112418 will the train service get there camera -7R-tInDrNA-00502-00112419-00112588 secretary Sohn officer I don't know what -7R-tInDrNA-00503-00112589-00112706 the specific reasons were for those -7R-tInDrNA-00504-00112707-00112895 particular services but I suspect it was -7R-tInDrNA-00505-00112896-00113120 relating to matters relating to crew -7R-tInDrNA-00506-00113121-00113246 which is for the very reasons that I've -7R-tInDrNA-00507-00113247-00113434 outlined as to why Scott Lee oversaw -7R-tInDrNA-00508-00113435-00113566 some challenges because of the way -7R-tInDrNA-00509-00113567-00113795 arrival of the nutrient types and also -7R-tInDrNA-00510-00113796-00114079 to train staff and also some of the -7R-tInDrNA-00511-00114080-00114323 conductor's as well the member will also -7R-tInDrNA-00512-00114324-00114454 recognize that one of the key issues -7R-tInDrNA-00513-00114455-00114623 that we are trying to address is -7R-tInDrNA-00514-00114624-00114758 increasing capacity on the real -7R-tInDrNA-00515-00114758-00115049 infrastructure by the end of 2019 -7R-tInDrNA-00516-00115050-00115264 the we are 23 percent increase in -7R-tInDrNA-00517-00115265-00115501 seating capacity but that is dependent -7R-tInDrNA-00518-00115502-00115670 upon the delivery of the new high-speed -7R-tInDrNA-00519-00115671-00115891 trains alongside the new Hitachi trains -7R-tInDrNA-00520-00115892-00116083 as well which are then allows the other -7R-tInDrNA-00521-00116084-00116287 rest of the fleet to be cascaded out to -7R-tInDrNA-00522-00116288-00116464 other routes including within the -7R-tInDrNA-00523-00116465-00116747 northeast and the north of Scotland once -7R-tInDrNA-00524-00116748-00116906 that program is complete there will be a -7R-tInDrNA-00525-00116907-00117139 significant uplift in sealing capacity -7R-tInDrNA-00526-00117140-00117383 within Scotland and also in the range of -7R-tInDrNA-00527-00117383-00117577 services which are available and actions -7R-tInDrNA-00528-00117578-00117719 which are taken to address crew issues -7R-tInDrNA-00529-00117720-00117883 is actions which should help to improve -7R-tInDrNA-00530-00117884-00118078 the delivery of these services as the -7R-tInDrNA-00531-00118079-00118249 new and the new fleets become available -7R-tInDrNA-00532-00118250-00118462 Alex Cross Hamilton to be followed by -7R-tInDrNA-00533-00118463-00118615 John Finnie thank you very much -7R-tInDrNA-00534-00118616-00118840 presiding officer every weekday morning -7R-tInDrNA-00535-00118841-00119104 in recent weeks has seen hundreds of my -7R-tInDrNA-00536-00119105-00119362 constituents stranded at domini station -7R-tInDrNA-00537-00119363-00119618 and at South Kyle due to a chronic under -7R-tInDrNA-00538-00119619-00119812 provision of rolling stock on services -7R-tInDrNA-00539-00119813-00119983 bound for the center of our nation's -7R-tInDrNA-00540-00119984-00120059 capital -7R-tInDrNA-00541-00120060-00120233 Alley McKean messaged me this morning -7R-tInDrNA-00542-00120234-00120447 from the platform to say not one soul -7R-tInDrNA-00543-00120448-00120765 got on the three carriage 757 train at -7R-tInDrNA-00544-00120766-00120951 Dow many people are missing meetings and -7R-tInDrNA-00545-00120952-00121146 shifts this must be costing the economy -7R-tInDrNA-00546-00121147-00121431 millions this isn't just a workforce or -7R-tInDrNA-00547-00121432-00121620 infrastructure issue is it cabinet -7R-tInDrNA-00548-00121621-00121806 secretary it's a chronic under provision -7R-tInDrNA-00549-00121807-00121998 in rolling stock can he tell the chamber -7R-tInDrNA-00550-00121999-00122193 and my constituents when the rolling -7R-tInDrNA-00551-00122194-00122373 stock issue will be resolved and what an -7R-tInDrNA-00552-00122374-00122577 effective timetable would meet with his -7R-tInDrNA-00553-00122578-00122654 approval -7R-tInDrNA-00554-00122655-00122913 cabinet secretary so two years of -7R-tInDrNA-00555-00122914-00123066 rolling stock the remember make is -7R-tInDrNA-00556-00123067-00123260 referring to one is the attach to change -7R-tInDrNA-00557-00123261-00123410 the three eight files which have been -7R-tInDrNA-00558-00123411-00123597 delayed by Hitachi there should be -7R-tInDrNA-00559-00123598-00123791 something in the region of 56 of those -7R-tInDrNA-00560-00123792-00123941 available to Scott Reil for the -7R-tInDrNA-00561-00123942-00124203 timetable change unfortunately only 31 -7R-tInDrNA-00562-00124204-00124385 were provided which is at the direct -7R-tInDrNA-00563-00124386-00124593 impact on their ability to deliver that -7R-tInDrNA-00564-00124594-00124853 new rolling stock and to then cascade at -7R-tInDrNA-00565-00124854-00125103 the rest of the train fleet Bob take -7R-tInDrNA-00566-00125104-00125238 votes who fail to deliver on the -7R-tInDrNA-00567-00125239-00125493 refurbishment of the of the high-speed -7R-tInDrNA-00568-00125494-00125804 trains they no no I spoke to the global -7R-tInDrNA-00569-00125805-00126201 head president of of web tech in the US -7R-tInDrNA-00570-00126202-00126438 last week they don't expect to complete -7R-tInDrNA-00571-00126439-00126693 that refurbishment program by the end or -7R-tInDrNA-00572-00126694-00127103 until the end of 2019 the fous itachi -7R-tInDrNA-00573-00127104-00127316 program should be delivered for the next -7R-tInDrNA-00574-00127317-00127535 timetable change in May and then a -7R-tInDrNA-00575-00127536-00127703 discussion I had with a global head or -7R-tInDrNA-00576-00127704-00128015 Fatah Chi just a fortnight ago he gave -7R-tInDrNA-00577-00128016-00128139 me assurance is that they are doing -7R-tInDrNA-00578-00128140-00128315 everything possible to make sure it can -7R-tInDrNA-00579-00128316-00128547 deliver these carriages on time for the -7R-tInDrNA-00580-00128548-00128735 next timetable change so these are two -7R-tInDrNA-00581-00128736-00128946 companies that have laid don't Scott -7R-tInDrNA-00582-00128947-00129110 Reil in delivering rolling stock which -7R-tInDrNA-00583-00129111-00129378 is I'm an a direct impact on passenger -7R-tInDrNA-00584-00129379-00129606 experience but I can assure them in but -7R-tInDrNA-00585-00129607-00129783 we are applying every pay pressure -7R-tInDrNA-00586-00129783-00130061 possible to those companies to make sure -7R-tInDrNA-00587-00130063-00130251 they deliver this additional rolling -7R-tInDrNA-00588-00130252-00130490 stock as quickly as possible in order to -7R-tInDrNA-00589-00130491-00130610 address the problems that we have at the -7R-tInDrNA-00590-00130611-00130845 present time John Finnie to be followed -7R-tInDrNA-00591-00130846-00130995 by Stuart Stevenson thank you for -7R-tInDrNA-00592-00130996-00131115 serving officers cabinet second you -7R-tInDrNA-00593-00131116-00131298 appear to be commanding a plan of action -7R-tInDrNA-00594-00131299-00131484 to address the plan of action and its -7R-tInDrNA-00595-00131485-00131654 shortcomings which you described as -7R-tInDrNA-00596-00131655-00131859 unacceptable said you are disappointed -7R-tInDrNA-00597-00131860-00132012 and here we are again wonder if you meet -7R-tInDrNA-00598-00132013-00132210 any assessment of the reputational -7R-tInDrNA-00599-00132211-00132396 damage to the Scottish Government by not -7R-tInDrNA-00600-00132397-00132636 enforcing the terms of this franchise -7R-tInDrNA-00601-00132637-00132840 you want to take control of net what -7R-tInDrNA-00602-00132841-00132965 real and you join the sport of the -7R-tInDrNA-00603-00132966-00133119 Scottish Green Party for that I think -7R-tInDrNA-00604-00133120-00133209 that would be a significant development -7R-tInDrNA-00605-00133210-00133391 why not end the -7R-tInDrNA-00606-00133392-00133586 franchise no and take control of scott -7R-tInDrNA-00607-00133587-00133983 reil as well Eppley not so for the very -7R-tInDrNA-00608-00133984-00134138 reasons I've previously stated is that -7R-tInDrNA-00609-00134139-00134295 the franchise agreement still remains in -7R-tInDrNA-00610-00134296-00134486 place the objectives of the franchise -7R-tInDrNA-00611-00134487-00134699 agreement remain in place the 1% waiver -7R-tInDrNA-00612-00134700-00134915 is from the basis of issues which is -7R-tInDrNA-00613-00134916-00135026 that impact or in a franchise -7R-tInDrNA-00614-00135027-00135212 performance which are at worth Scott -7R-tInDrNA-00615-00135213-00135377 Reeves control particularly -7R-tInDrNA-00616-00135378-00135597 infrastructure which over the an impact -7R-tInDrNA-00617-00135598-00135795 on a performance alongside that of -7R-tInDrNA-00618-00135796-00135962 weather events as well and that's -7R-tInDrNA-00619-00135963-00136202 provided for within the franchise -7R-tInDrNA-00620-00136203-00136371 agreement and the enforcement of the -7R-tInDrNA-00621-00136372-00136478 rest of the franchise agreement -7R-tInDrNA-00622-00136479-00136712 provisions is already in place as I've -7R-tInDrNA-00623-00136713-00136889 also stated to the member there is a -7R-tInDrNA-00624-00136890-00137058 provision within the franchise agreement -7R-tInDrNA-00625-00137059-00137261 for it to be drawn turn end an earlier -7R-tInDrNA-00626-00137262-00137523 stage if that is appropriate as I said I -7R-tInDrNA-00627-00137524-00137748 want to see the existing investment were -7R-tInDrNA-00628-00137749-00137936 making into a rail infrastructure and -7R-tInDrNA-00629-00137937-00138236 also into a rolling stock in Scotland to -7R-tInDrNA-00630-00138237-00138483 be successful and our focus at this time -7R-tInDrNA-00631-00138484-00138587 is to make sure that we do everything -7R-tInDrNA-00632-00138588-00138785 possible to make sure we deliver the -7R-tInDrNA-00633-00138786-00138996 best possible real services to the -7R-tInDrNA-00634-00138997-00139206 traveling public in Scotland Stewart -7R-tInDrNA-00635-00139207-00139403 Stevenson's with old by Edward mountain -7R-tInDrNA-00636-00139404-00139760 I refer to my register of interests has -7R-tInDrNA-00637-00139761-00140034 the UK government apologized to the -7R-tInDrNA-00638-00140035-00140235 Scottish government for the performance -7R-tInDrNA-00639-00140236-00140694 of Network Rail which they own camera -7R-tInDrNA-00640-00140695-00140883 secretary saying officer there's -7R-tInDrNA-00641-00140884-00141084 absolutely no doubt that over the course -7R-tInDrNA-00642-00141085-00141290 of the last couple of years but in the -7R-tInDrNA-00643-00141291-00141534 last year in particular the performance -7R-tInDrNA-00644-00141535-00141689 of net what reel has had a very -7R-tInDrNA-00645-00141690-00141977 significant impact on real service -7R-tInDrNA-00646-00141978-00142248 performance in Scotland so much so that -7R-tInDrNA-00647-00142249-00142545 the ORR have investigated proceedings -7R-tInDrNA-00648-00142546-00142727 against and yet what real for their -7R-tInDrNA-00649-00142728-00142901 failure to be able to respond -7R-tInDrNA-00650-00142902-00143129 effectively to concerns which were being -7R-tInDrNA-00651-00143130-00143387 raised by service operators including -7R-tInDrNA-00652-00143388-00143673 Scotney to address the issues of concern -7R-tInDrNA-00653-00143674-00143970 when in excess of 60 percent of the -7R-tInDrNA-00654-00143971-00144135 delays and cancellations of Scotland -7R-tInDrNA-00655-00144136-00144350 that caused by Network Rail it tells me -7R-tInDrNA-00656-00144351-00144515 there is something very seriously wrong -7R-tInDrNA-00657-00144516-00144723 with the existing structure arrangements -7R-tInDrNA-00658-00144724-00144996 for real service and the way which -7R-tInDrNA-00659-00144997-00145173 network reel is not accountable to this -7R-tInDrNA-00660-00145174-00145364 Parliament there's government and the -7R-tInDrNA-00661-00145365-00145545 people of Scotland through Scottish -7R-tInDrNA-00662-00145546-00145736 government in my view is a major -7R-tInDrNA-00663-00145737-00145925 weakness and how we can deliver real -7R-tInDrNA-00664-00145926-00146118 services in Scotland and the sooner we -7R-tInDrNA-00665-00146119-00146268 have direct control over the -7R-tInDrNA-00666-00146269-00146426 infrastructure elements of a rail -7R-tInDrNA-00667-00146427-00146631 network alongside the passenger -7R-tInDrNA-00668-00146632-00146775 provisions of it as well -7R-tInDrNA-00669-00146776-00146949 better to deliver a better service for -7R-tInDrNA-00670-00146950-00147147 the travel in public in Scotland and -7R-tInDrNA-00671-00147148-00147330 Edward mountain Thank You presiding -7R-tInDrNA-00672-00147331-00147537 officer that of course is the point and -7R-tInDrNA-00673-00147538-00147708 every time we have this discussion the -7R-tInDrNA-00674-00147709-00147846 minister brings out at the same point -7R-tInDrNA-00675-00147847-00148065 that it's all down to Network Rail so -7R-tInDrNA-00676-00148066-00148212 given the fact that you've created the -7R-tInDrNA-00677-00148213-00148416 60% figure could you break that down -7R-tInDrNA-00678-00148417-00148596 please Minister for the amount that was -7R-tInDrNA-00679-00148597-00148815 down to whether the amount that was -7R-tInDrNA-00680-00148816-00149034 breaking down to broken trains and their -7R-tInDrNA-00681-00149035-00149238 amount that was down to track deaths all -7R-tInDrNA-00682-00149239-00149496 of which unfortunately as they may be -7R-tInDrNA-00683-00149497-00149706 cannot be controlled by Network Rail -7R-tInDrNA-00684-00149707-00149925 because the fact of the matter is even -7R-tInDrNA-00685-00149926-00150225 if you had control of Network Rail you -7R-tInDrNA-00686-00150226-00150390 couldn't stop those things that I'd -7R-tInDrNA-00687-00150391-00150534 mentioned so if you could split them out -7R-tInDrNA-00688-00150535-00150777 so one can understand exactly how much -7R-tInDrNA-00689-00150778-00151002 is down to matters that can be -7R-tInDrNA-00690-00151003-00151179 controlled by Network Rail I'd be -7R-tInDrNA-00691-00151180-00151362 grateful cameras I'm not entirely sure -7R-tInDrNA-00692-00151363-00151524 where the member realizes how illogical -7R-tInDrNA-00693-00151525-00151707 his question was because actually a -7R-tInDrNA-00694-00151708-00151836 number of those issues are with the -7R-tInDrNA-00695-00151837-00152058 control of scott reil as well never mind -7R-tInDrNA-00696-00152059-00152328 it Network real and also to see that the -7R-tInDrNA-00697-00152329-00152484 majority to see that all of these are -7R-tInDrNA-00698-00152485-00152631 the responsibility of Network Rail is -7R-tInDrNA-00699-00152632-00152913 patently untrue because I said in some -7R-tInDrNA-00700-00152914-00153092 occasions it's an excess of 60-percent -7R-tInDrNA-00701-00153093-00153315 that are the responsibility of Network -7R-tInDrNA-00702-00153316-00153576 Rail and disappointed that as a convener -7R-tInDrNA-00703-00153577-00153864 of the red committee in Scotland that he -7R-tInDrNA-00704-00153865-00154098 is unwilling to recognize that Network -7R-tInDrNA-00705-00154099-00154356 Rail have a significant impact on real -7R-tInDrNA-00706-00154357-00154590 service performance here in Scotland the -7R-tInDrNA-00707-00154591-00154857 very reason that the ORR are taking -7R-tInDrNA-00708-00154858-00155079 proceedings against network view is -7R-tInDrNA-00709-00155080-00155271 because of the failure to be able to -7R-tInDrNA-00710-00155272-00155430 love our standards which are expected -7R-tInDrNA-00711-00155431-00155634 with an array went near what not just -7R-tInDrNA-00712-00155635-00155787 here in Scotland but rate across the -7R-tInDrNA-00713-00155788-00155865 whole the UK -7R-tInDrNA-00714-00155866-00156036 something it's the responsibility of the -7R-tInDrNA-00715-00156037-00156456 Department of Transport if we have to -7R-tInDrNA-00716-00156457-00156645 apologize to there are three other -7R-tInDrNA-00717-00156646-00156798 members in fact four members wish to ask -7R-tInDrNA-00718-00156799-00157002 questions so apologies to my rumbles -7R-tInDrNA-00719-00157003-00157164 Neil Findlay and Patrick Harvey -7R-tInDrNA-00720-00157165-00157380 particular but which x we want to the -7R-tInDrNA-00721-00157381-00157551 next item of business which is a -7R-tInDrNA-00722-00157552-00157827 ministerial statement on preparations -7R-tInDrNA-00723-00157828-00158265 for EU exit the cara secretary will take -7R-tInDrNA-00724-00158266-00158466 questions at the end of a statement so I -7R-tInDrNA-00725-00158467-00158745 would request any members who wish to -7R-tInDrNA-00726-00158746-00159033 ask a question to press their request to -7R-tInDrNA-00727-00159034-00159297 speak buttons -rzj9yZIfmg-00000-00000071-00000231 okay buddy what do you think of wilkins -rzj9yZIfmg-00001-00000231-00000559 coffee i never tasted it -rzj9yZIfmg-00002-00000560-00000956 now what do you think of wilkins -vLk090rxZ4-00000-00000000-00000311 we don't know what a proton looks like -vLk090rxZ4-00001-00000312-00000605 you were probably told that it looks -vLk090rxZ4-00002-00000606-00000850 like a sphere of charge inside of an -vLk090rxZ4-00003-00000851-00001115 atom but this isn't correct at -vLk090rxZ4-00004-00001116-00001385 University you were probably told that a -vLk090rxZ4-00005-00001386-00001679 proton is a combination of up and down -vLk090rxZ4-00006-00001680-00002021 quarks but this is also wrong -vLk090rxZ4-00007-00002022-00002284 you may have even heard that a proton is -vLk090rxZ4-00008-00002285-00002555 a combination of quarks and gluons that -vLk090rxZ4-00009-00002556-00002723 are contained within what we -vLk090rxZ4-00010-00002724-00003007 traditionally thought of as a proton -vLk090rxZ4-00011-00003008-00003425 well it seems like even this is wrong a -vLk090rxZ4-00012-00003426-00003719 proton is both heavier and lighter than -vLk090rxZ4-00013-00003720-00003838 we think it is -vLk090rxZ4-00014-00003839-00004138 it is both larger and smaller than we -vLk090rxZ4-00015-00004139-00004415 think it is but how can these statements -vLk090rxZ4-00016-00004416-00004517 be true -vLk090rxZ4-00017-00004518-00004733 and what was wrong with the previous -vLk090rxZ4-00018-00004734-00005002 picture of a proton -vLk090rxZ4-00019-00005003-00005272 let's discuss it protons have always -vLk090rxZ4-00020-00005273-00005561 confused us we seem to continuously -vLk090rxZ4-00021-00005562-00005872 misunderstand them in early experiments -vLk090rxZ4-00022-00005873-00006185 on electrical charge and current flow we -vLk090rxZ4-00023-00006186-00006443 thought that positive charges moved not -vLk090rxZ4-00024-00006444-00006653 the much smaller negative charges of -vLk090rxZ4-00025-00006654-00006953 electrons which we now know is the true -vLk090rxZ4-00026-00006954-00007277 moving charge in fact we still denote -vLk090rxZ4-00027-00007278-00007469 current flow as the flow of positive -vLk090rxZ4-00028-00007470-00007739 charge the opposite to the actual flow -vLk090rxZ4-00029-00007740-00007877 of electrons -vLk090rxZ4-00030-00007878-00008095 but our confusion hasn't stopped there -vLk090rxZ4-00031-00008095-00008423 it was more than one century ago that -vLk090rxZ4-00032-00008424-00008603 Ernest Rutherford discovered that -vLk090rxZ4-00033-00008604-00008860 positively charged particles are at the -vLk090rxZ4-00034-00008861-00009083 heart of every atom -vLk090rxZ4-00035-00009084-00009401 and it turns out that physicists are -vLk090rxZ4-00036-00009402-00009619 still struggling to fully understand -vLk090rxZ4-00037-00009620-00010042 what exactly a proton is every time we -vLk090rxZ4-00038-00010043-00010283 thought we finally understood what a -vLk090rxZ4-00039-00010284-00010427 proton was -vLk090rxZ4-00040-00010428-00010685 we looked a little deeper and found more -vLk090rxZ4-00041-00010686-00010960 and recent results have dramatically -vLk090rxZ4-00042-00010961-00011224 changed the narrative once again but -vLk090rxZ4-00043-00011225-00011459 before we get into that what is the -vLk090rxZ4-00044-00011460-00011699 story of developing our understanding of -vLk090rxZ4-00045-00011700-00011974 the proton we originally thought that -vLk090rxZ4-00046-00011975-00012214 protons were fundamental particles just -vLk090rxZ4-00047-00012215-00012503 like electrons that is they were made up -vLk090rxZ4-00048-00012504-00012815 of smaller particles but we were very -vLk090rxZ4-00049-00012816-00013085 wrong and in order to find out what -vLk090rxZ4-00050-00013086-00013379 protons are made of we had to do just -vLk090rxZ4-00051-00013380-00013669 one thing smash them but of course -vLk090rxZ4-00052-00013669-00013943 smashing atomic particles into their -vLk090rxZ4-00053-00013944-00014201 constituents isn't the easiest thing to -vLk090rxZ4-00054-00014202-00014536 do we needed to build large particle -vLk090rxZ4-00055-00014537-00014765 colliders in order to do this our -vLk090rxZ4-00056-00014766-00014980 ability to look at Small Things is -vLk090rxZ4-00057-00014981-00015275 ultimately limited by the energy that we -vLk090rxZ4-00058-00015276-00015503 use to look at them Optical microscopes -vLk090rxZ4-00059-00015504-00015713 are limited by the wavelength of the -vLk090rxZ4-00060-00015713-00015929 light that we use which is called the -vLk090rxZ4-00061-00015930-00016144 diffraction limit if we use blue light -vLk090rxZ4-00062-00016145-00016415 we can see smaller details than if we -vLk090rxZ4-00063-00016416-00016727 use red light because blue light has -vLk090rxZ4-00064-00016728-00016961 more energy than Redline both of which -vLk090rxZ4-00065-00016962-00017208 have an energy of a few electron volts -vLk090rxZ4-00066-00017209-00017507 electron microscopes have an amazing -vLk090rxZ4-00067-00017508-00017783 resolution partly because the electrons -vLk090rxZ4-00068-00017784-00018089 used have such a high energy which is of -vLk090rxZ4-00069-00018090-00018305 the order of tens of killer electron -vLk090rxZ4-00070-00018306-00018521 volts I mean look at these amazing -vLk090rxZ4-00071-00018522-00018749 images but this is still nothing -vLk090rxZ4-00072-00018750-00019043 compared to looking inside of a proton -vLk090rxZ4-00073-00019044-00019325 to understand them we needed a higher -vLk090rxZ4-00074-00019326-00019636 and higher energies our first look -vLk090rxZ4-00075-00019637-00019907 inside of protons was in a particle -vLk090rxZ4-00076-00019908-00020141 accelerator using an electron with an -vLk090rxZ4-00077-00020142-00020471 energy of 20 Giga electron volts roughly -vLk090rxZ4-00078-00020472-00020657 six orders of magnitude higher than -vLk090rxZ4-00079-00020658-00020861 electron microscope -vLk090rxZ4-00080-00020862-00021167 rather than seeing a single particle we -vLk090rxZ4-00081-00021168-00021371 saw scattering of several point-like -vLk090rxZ4-00082-00021372-00021635 particles inside of the proton and at -vLk090rxZ4-00083-00021636-00021893 the right energy we were able to isolate -vLk090rxZ4-00084-00021894-00022264 this down to three particles when we -vLk090rxZ4-00085-00022265-00022475 first discovered this we had no idea -vLk090rxZ4-00086-00022476-00022678 what these particles were Richard -vLk090rxZ4-00087-00022679-00022936 Feynman called them pythons and said -vLk090rxZ4-00088-00022937-00023117 that these particles must carry the -vLk090rxZ4-00089-00023118-00023350 momentum that adds up to the properties -vLk090rxZ4-00090-00023351-00023599 that we see in the proton as a whole -vLk090rxZ4-00091-00023600-00023843 eventually we would begin to call these -vLk090rxZ4-00092-00023844-00024130 particles quarks and understand that -vLk090rxZ4-00093-00024131-00024322 these particles have fractional charge -vLk090rxZ4-00094-00024323-00024647 such that three quarks can add up to the -vLk090rxZ4-00095-00024648-00024935 single positive charge of a proton okay -vLk090rxZ4-00096-00024936-00025049 great -vLk090rxZ4-00097-00025050-00025277 the proton is made up of three quarks -vLk090rxZ4-00098-00025278-00025637 two up quarks and one down clock -vLk090rxZ4-00099-00025638-00025949 no this is too simple -vLk090rxZ4-00100-00025950-00026206 it appears that nature doesn't like to -vLk090rxZ4-00101-00026207-00026470 make things simple while the proton does -vLk090rxZ4-00102-00026472-00026735 contain these particles it is not the -vLk090rxZ4-00103-00026736-00026981 only particles that it contains -vLk090rxZ4-00104-00026982-00027185 if we look at different energy scales -vLk090rxZ4-00105-00027186-00027437 rather than seeing three quarks we -vLk090rxZ4-00106-00027438-00027743 instead observe a sea of gluons which -vLk090rxZ4-00107-00027744-00027958 are fundamental particles that mediate -vLk090rxZ4-00108-00027960-00028258 the strong interaction between quarks -vLk090rxZ4-00109-00028260-00028481 this keeps the quarks bound together -vLk090rxZ4-00110-00028482-00028696 rather than flying away from each other -vLk090rxZ4-00111-00028697-00028973 but we see more than just gluons we -vLk090rxZ4-00112-00028974-00029237 observe more quarks and much bigger -vLk090rxZ4-00113-00029238-00029362 quarks -vLk090rxZ4-00114-00029363-00029596 particles spontaneously pop into -vLk090rxZ4-00115-00029597-00029885 existence and then cease to exist again -vLk090rxZ4-00116-00029886-00030196 shortly after now this might not seem -vLk090rxZ4-00117-00030197-00030389 like it should be possible as there -vLk090rxZ4-00118-00030389-00030574 should be some conservation law that -vLk090rxZ4-00119-00030575-00030893 prohibits it but it does happen and this -vLk090rxZ4-00120-00030894-00031114 is because it always forms a matter -vLk090rxZ4-00121-00031116-00031396 antimatter pair so that all of the -vLk090rxZ4-00122-00031397-00031631 fundamental quantities are conserved -vLk090rxZ4-00123-00031632-00031824 this is happening all around us -vLk090rxZ4-00124-00031825-00032135 electrons and positrons form all of the -vLk090rxZ4-00125-00032136-00032218 time -vLk090rxZ4-00126-00032219-00032446 calculating the right energy of the -vLk090rxZ4-00127-00032447-00032674 proton atom requires accounting for -vLk090rxZ4-00128-00032675-00032921 these particles and Stephen Hawking -vLk090rxZ4-00129-00032922-00033215 famously theorized that black holes can -vLk090rxZ4-00130-00033216-00033515 evaporate by absorbing only one of these -vLk090rxZ4-00131-00033516-00033718 particles which leads to the other -vLk090rxZ4-00132-00033719-00034033 particle causing Hawking radiation well -vLk090rxZ4-00133-00034034-00034324 it turns out this process is happening -vLk090rxZ4-00134-00034325-00034481 inside protons -vLk090rxZ4-00135-00034482-00034751 and not just a little it is happening a -vLk090rxZ4-00136-00034752-00034985 lot and in ways that we didn't think was -vLk090rxZ4-00137-00034986-00035183 possible just imagine what we -vLk090rxZ4-00138-00035184-00035374 traditionally thought of as a proton -vLk090rxZ4-00139-00035375-00035740 inside of this we have many much smaller -vLk090rxZ4-00140-00035741-00035951 and lighter quarks that are -vLk090rxZ4-00141-00035952-00036268 spontaneously forming and annihilating -vLk090rxZ4-00142-00036269-00036533 but this is okay they're all contained -vLk090rxZ4-00143-00036534-00036821 inside of the proton so this makes sense -vLk090rxZ4-00144-00036822-00037018 with the physics that we understand at -vLk090rxZ4-00145-00037019-00037307 lower energy scales but this was until -vLk090rxZ4-00146-00037308-00037535 we found that there also seems to -vLk090rxZ4-00147-00037536-00037937 contain some much larger Quark antiquark -vLk090rxZ4-00148-00037938-00038057 pairs -vLk090rxZ4-00149-00038058-00038368 sometimes the proton contains a charm -vLk090rxZ4-00150-00038369-00038633 and an anti-charm quark -vLk090rxZ4-00151-00038634-00038879 you may not have heard of this Quark as -vLk090rxZ4-00152-00038880-00039095 they're usually only components of -vLk090rxZ4-00153-00039096-00039371 exotic short-lived particles formed in -vLk090rxZ4-00154-00039372-00039635 particle accelerators but this is an -vLk090rxZ4-00155-00039636-00039829 important thing about this discovery -vLk090rxZ4-00156-00039830-00040246 charm quarks are heavier and larger than -vLk090rxZ4-00157-00040247-00040349 protons -vLk090rxZ4-00158-00040350-00040649 so sometimes protons contain two -vLk090rxZ4-00159-00040650-00040895 particles that are both individually -vLk090rxZ4-00160-00040896-00041237 larger than the proton itself so when we -vLk090rxZ4-00161-00041238-00041602 ask the question how big is a proton the -vLk090rxZ4-00162-00041603-00041890 answer is it depends on when you look -vLk090rxZ4-00163-00041891-00042046 because if you look when there's a -vLk090rxZ4-00164-00042047-00042329 charms quite present it's much larger -vLk090rxZ4-00165-00042330-00042551 every time we have thought we finally -vLk090rxZ4-00166-00042552-00042802 understood what made up a proton we were -vLk090rxZ4-00167-00042803-00043205 wrong we constantly find more the more -vLk090rxZ4-00168-00043206-00043468 we look there is no reason to assume -vLk090rxZ4-00169-00043469-00043768 that we have finally understood it now -vLk090rxZ4-00170-00043769-00044051 maybe in a few years we will find -vLk090rxZ4-00171-00044052-00044365 something even crazier about protons -vLk090rxZ4-00172-00044366-00044657 understanding atoms is so important to -vLk090rxZ4-00173-00044658-00044812 new technologies -vLk090rxZ4-00174-00044813-00045112 one promising technique is to use the -vLk090rxZ4-00175-00045113-00045365 fusion of atoms for power generation -vLk090rxZ4-00176-00045366-00045707 check out this video to find out when we -vLk090rxZ4-00177-00045708-00046178 will actually have nuclear fusion power -yfqz61a9k8-00000-00000049-00000318 Timothy Baba also known as mohassid -yfqz61a9k8-00001-00000319-00000554 activity baba or paramhamsa tivity baba -yfqz61a9k8-00002-00000555-00000803 alternative spellings - ba da ba ba - ba -yfqz61a9k8-00003-00000805-00001107 - ba ba - ba - ba ba - ba Baba or tipota -yfqz61a9k8-00004-00001108-00001466 baba tibetan baba or the monk from tibet -yfqz61a9k8-00005-00001467-00001713 when translated into English born Nabin -yfqz61a9k8-00006-00001714-00001950 Chattopadhyay a Bengali nabina kattappa -yfqz61a9k8-00007-00001951-00002192 daya maja Samadhi or death the 19th of -yfqz61a9k8-00008-00002193-00002450 November 1930 was a famous Bengali -yfqz61a9k8-00009-00002451-00002757 philosopher Saint in yogi he was one of -yfqz61a9k8-00010-00002758-00002951 the few saints in India whose life was -yfqz61a9k8-00011-00002952-00003107 an amalgamation of the Advaita Vedanta -yfqz61a9k8-00012-00003108-00003329 doctrine of Hinduism and Mahayana -yfqz61a9k8-00013-00003331-00003590 Buddhist doctrine tippity baba was a -yfqz61a9k8-00014-00003592-00003768 master of all the eight cities and -yfqz61a9k8-00015-00003769-00004004 supposedly had remarkable healing powers -yfqz61a9k8-00016-00004004-00004233 even though he was master of all the -yfqz61a9k8-00017-00004234-00004446 cities he was not personally interested -yfqz61a9k8-00018-00004447-00004799 in using them -yfqz61a9k8-00019-00004800-00005329 topic biography -yfqz61a9k8-00020-00005330-00005506 there were many incidents and events -yfqz61a9k8-00021-00005507-00005704 that had taken place in the life of -yfqz61a9k8-00022-00005705-00005924 Timothy Baba died the 19th of November -yfqz61a9k8-00023-00005925-00006247 1930 many events have been recorded in -yfqz61a9k8-00024-00006248-00006400 writing by his devotees and disciples -yfqz61a9k8-00025-00006401-00006716 and some have not been recorded broadly -yfqz61a9k8-00026-00006717-00006869 speaking there are two views regarding -yfqz61a9k8-00027-00006870-00007058 events and incidents that had taken -yfqz61a9k8-00028-00007059-00007345 place in timid about his life the first -yfqz61a9k8-00029-00007347-00007592 view is propounded in books like Bharat -yfqz61a9k8-00030-00007593-00007945 ur Sadiq o sadhika and Bharat ur Sadiq -yfqz61a9k8-00031-00007947-00008228 sadhika the second view is propounded in -yfqz61a9k8-00032-00008229-00008483 biographical books Tabata Babur parish a -yfqz61a9k8-00033-00008484-00008735 and paramhamsa tabat IVA Barse Morita -yfqz61a9k8-00034-00008736-00008918 katha written by Timothy Baba's -yfqz61a9k8-00035-00008919-00009098 disciples like kanji Schwar misra and -yfqz61a9k8-00036-00009099-00009380 deconned ananda brahmachari since the -yfqz61a9k8-00037-00009381-00009593 books written by kandahar misra and a -yfqz61a9k8-00038-00009594-00009766 Condon and a Brahmachari have been -yfqz61a9k8-00039-00009767-00010034 published by Tabata Baba Vedanta ashram -yfqz61a9k8-00040-00010035-00010387 address 76 thirds Tonti para Lane Pio -yfqz61a9k8-00041-00010388-00010637 Santa Gucci how are a seven hundred -yfqz61a9k8-00042-00010638-00010868 eleven thousand one hundred four West -yfqz61a9k8-00043-00010869-00010985 Bengal India -yfqz61a9k8-00044-00010986-00011183 therefore the view of the second school -yfqz61a9k8-00045-00011184-00011416 seems more authentic however the events -yfqz61a9k8-00046-00011417-00011588 connected with the life of Timothy Baba -yfqz61a9k8-00047-00011589-00011806 at Polly / ashram at Polly / village at -yfqz61a9k8-00048-00011807-00012046 Birdland India events in other parts of -yfqz61a9k8-00049-00012047-00012248 undivided India and Afghanistan -yfqz61a9k8-00050-00012249-00012494 his philosophy spiritual powers and his -yfqz61a9k8-00051-00012495-00012776 teachings seem completely authentic so -yfqz61a9k8-00052-00012777-00012949 views of the former school are given -yfqz61a9k8-00053-00012950-00013481 together with the latter school -yfqz61a9k8-00054-00013482-00013855 first view -yfqz61a9k8-00055-00013856-00014065 this view regarding the events and -yfqz61a9k8-00056-00014066-00014215 incidents that had taken place in -yfqz61a9k8-00057-00014216-00014430 tippity Baba's life is propounded in -yfqz61a9k8-00058-00014431-00014697 barter sada Co sadhika and barter Sadiq -yfqz61a9k8-00059-00014699-00015110 sadhika -yfqz61a9k8-00060-00015111-00015466 early life -yfqz61a9k8-00061-00015468-00015745 Navan Chandra was born to a Bengali rari -yfqz61a9k8-00062-00015746-00016009 Brahmin family his father was a Tantra -yfqz61a9k8-00063-00016010-00016244 yogi who had settled in Assam while his -yfqz61a9k8-00064-00016244-00016444 mother was a shaivite a devotee of Shiva -yfqz61a9k8-00065-00016445-00016667 it is said that he did not remember the -yfqz61a9k8-00066-00016668-00016909 year date and month of his birth his -yfqz61a9k8-00067-00016910-00017083 father had died when he was very young -yfqz61a9k8-00068-00017084-00017297 so his mother had to bear great -yfqz61a9k8-00069-00017298-00017561 hardships to bring him up from his -yfqz61a9k8-00070-00017562-00017747 childhood Nabin Chandra had keen -yfqz61a9k8-00071-00017748-00017917 interest in nature and used to think -yfqz61a9k8-00072-00017918-00018155 about the maker of this world but his -yfqz61a9k8-00073-00018156-00018364 ideas about the maker did not tally with -yfqz61a9k8-00074-00018365-00018556 his late father's or mothers concept of -yfqz61a9k8-00075-00018557-00018862 God his idea was that God must be very -yfqz61a9k8-00076-00018863-00019049 different from what common men and women -yfqz61a9k8-00077-00019050-00019415 think him or her to be -yfqz61a9k8-00078-00019416-00019885 topic sannyasa -yfqz61a9k8-00079-00019886-00020167 as years passed by Navin Chandra entered -yfqz61a9k8-00080-00020168-00020428 into the world of teenage his ideas -yfqz61a9k8-00081-00020429-00020710 about God became even more profound one -yfqz61a9k8-00082-00020711-00020887 night on the occasion of shivratri -yfqz61a9k8-00083-00020888-00021055 festival he had a brief quarrel -yfqz61a9k8-00084-00021056-00021355 regarding God consequently he left his -yfqz61a9k8-00085-00021356-00021517 home in search of the person who had -yfqz61a9k8-00086-00021518-00021925 created this world -yfqz61a9k8-00087-00021926-00022319 topic I ADEA -yfqz61a9k8-00088-00022320-00022586 after leaving his home Nabin chandra met -yfqz61a9k8-00089-00022587-00022739 a group of pilgrims in an inn -yfqz61a9k8-00090-00022740-00023011 the destination of the group was Ayodhya -yfqz61a9k8-00091-00023012-00023285 the birthplace of Lord Rama Navin -yfqz61a9k8-00092-00023286-00023480 Chandra had made up his mind to become -yfqz61a9k8-00093-00023481-00023696 sannyasi a wandering monk in search of -yfqz61a9k8-00094-00023697-00023983 God he requested the pilgrims to take -yfqz61a9k8-00095-00023984-00024191 him with them the group members agreed -yfqz61a9k8-00096-00024192-00024389 and soon began Navin Chandra's long -yfqz61a9k8-00097-00024390-00024662 journey from Assam to Ayodhya when the -yfqz61a9k8-00098-00024663-00024869 group reached Ayodhya the members accept -yfqz61a9k8-00099-00024870-00025075 Nabin Chandra began to pay reverence to -yfqz61a9k8-00100-00025076-00025372 Lord Rama Nabin Chandra's mind was -yfqz61a9k8-00101-00025373-00025631 engrossed somewhere else his concept of -yfqz61a9k8-00102-00025632-00025837 God was of indeterminate type unlike -yfqz61a9k8-00103-00025838-00026140 deities like Rama Shiva and others so -yfqz61a9k8-00104-00026141-00026365 one day he quietly left the group after -yfqz61a9k8-00105-00026366-00026582 crossing the seru River he headed -yfqz61a9k8-00106-00026583-00026783 towards the north he finally reached -yfqz61a9k8-00107-00026783-00027087 Nepal -yfqz61a9k8-00108-00027088-00027538 topic Nepal -yfqz61a9k8-00109-00027539-00027793 in Nepal Nabin Chandra met an unknown -yfqz61a9k8-00110-00027794-00028000 Hindu monk who was living in a hut near -yfqz61a9k8-00111-00028001-00028245 a river he began living with the monk -yfqz61a9k8-00112-00028247-00028489 one winter night he expressed to him his -yfqz61a9k8-00113-00028489-00028681 desire of acquiring the knowledge of God -yfqz61a9k8-00114-00028682-00028951 the monk asked him to immediately take a -yfqz61a9k8-00115-00028952-00029227 dip in the river after taking a dip in -yfqz61a9k8-00116-00029227-00029404 the river he approached the monk and was -yfqz61a9k8-00117-00029405-00029668 made a disciple the monk explained that -yfqz61a9k8-00118-00029669-00029857 Nabin had to make an all-out effort to -yfqz61a9k8-00119-00029858-00030007 acquire the knowledge of God -yfqz61a9k8-00120-00030008-00030235 he asked Nabin Chandra about his -yfqz61a9k8-00121-00030236-00030417 favorite object of love at his home -yfqz61a9k8-00122-00030418-00030673 Nabin Chandra replied that he loved his -yfqz61a9k8-00123-00030674-00030904 lamb very dearly as he was just a -yfqz61a9k8-00124-00030905-00030958 teenager -yfqz61a9k8-00125-00030958-00031180 so his guru asked him to meditate on the -yfqz61a9k8-00126-00031181-00031425 favorite object of his love ie the lamb -yfqz61a9k8-00127-00031426-00031705 after some years of rigorous meditation -yfqz61a9k8-00128-00031706-00031914 nabban Chandra finally attained Samadhi -yfqz61a9k8-00129-00031916-00032208 super concentration thus he acquired the -yfqz61a9k8-00130-00032210-00032395 knowledge of brahman and animals which -yfqz61a9k8-00131-00032395-00032605 according to Advaita Vedanta Brahman is -yfqz61a9k8-00132-00032606-00032872 present even in animals this type of -yfqz61a9k8-00133-00032873-00033055 knowledge corresponding to knowledge of -yfqz61a9k8-00134-00033056-00033380 saguna brahman -yfqz61a9k8-00135-00033381-00033915 topic manasarovar Tibet -yfqz61a9k8-00136-00033916-00034146 after attaining knowledge of Brahman in -yfqz61a9k8-00137-00034147-00034342 animals Navin Chandra headed for -yfqz61a9k8-00138-00034343-00034626 manasarovar Lake in Tibet he finally -yfqz61a9k8-00139-00034627-00034810 managed to reach there unmindful of the -yfqz61a9k8-00140-00034811-00034992 obstacles that he had encountered during -yfqz61a9k8-00141-00034993-00035145 his journey from Nepal to Lake -yfqz61a9k8-00142-00035146-00035461 Manasarovar in tibet having reached the -yfqz61a9k8-00143-00035462-00035499 lake -yfqz61a9k8-00144-00035500-00035676 he chose a cave near the lake and began -yfqz61a9k8-00145-00035677-00035952 meditating on God he desired to have -yfqz61a9k8-00146-00035953-00036148 vision of brahman indeterminate and a -yfqz61a9k8-00147-00036149-00036451 tribulus God according to Hinduism even -yfqz61a9k8-00148-00036452-00036661 after meditating for many days he could -yfqz61a9k8-00149-00036662-00036876 finally only see darkness as the object -yfqz61a9k8-00150-00036877-00037176 of his vision suddenly one day he saw a -yfqz61a9k8-00151-00037177-00037374 Tibetan Buddhist Lama standing on the -yfqz61a9k8-00152-00037375-00037593 entrance of the cave he thought that -yfqz61a9k8-00153-00037594-00037782 perhaps God has sent the person to -yfqz61a9k8-00154-00037783-00037951 assist him in his aim of God realization -yfqz61a9k8-00155-00037952-00038271 so he earnestly requested the Lama to -yfqz61a9k8-00156-00038272-00038439 make him his disciple and help him in -yfqz61a9k8-00157-00038440-00038701 realizing the knowledge of God the -yfqz61a9k8-00158-00038702-00038886 Tibetan Buddhist Lama agreed to make -yfqz61a9k8-00159-00038887-00039105 Navin his disciple but explained that he -yfqz61a9k8-00160-00039106-00039258 did not know the advaita method of -yfqz61a9k8-00161-00039259-00039501 spiritual practice since he was a -yfqz61a9k8-00162-00039502-00039699 mahayana monk he could only teach him -yfqz61a9k8-00163-00039700-00039930 mahayana method of spiritual practice -yfqz61a9k8-00164-00039931-00040186 Navin chandra explained that knowledge -yfqz61a9k8-00165-00040187-00040330 of brahman according to advaita -yfqz61a9k8-00166-00040331-00040530 principles as equivalent to Nirvana of -yfqz61a9k8-00167-00040531-00040735 Buddhism and so he was willing to become -yfqz61a9k8-00168-00040736-00040986 his disciple so under the guidance of -yfqz61a9k8-00169-00040987-00041214 the Lama Navin Chandra learned spiritual -yfqz61a9k8-00170-00041215-00041479 practices and beliefs now it became -yfqz61a9k8-00171-00041480-00041682 easier for him to meditate on Nirguna -yfqz61a9k8-00172-00041683-00041880 brahman God who is infinite and without -yfqz61a9k8-00173-00041881-00042160 attributes but he realized that by first -yfqz61a9k8-00174-00042161-00042387 meditating on saguna brahman God with -yfqz61a9k8-00175-00042388-00042586 attributes he could easily concentrate -yfqz61a9k8-00176-00042587-00042783 his mind on nirguna Brahman God without -yfqz61a9k8-00177-00042784-00043057 attributes with the change in technique -yfqz61a9k8-00178-00043058-00043270 he finally realized his cherished dream -yfqz61a9k8-00179-00043271-00043437 of attaining the knowledge of Nirguna -yfqz61a9k8-00180-00043438-00043729 Brahman -yfqz61a9k8-00181-00043730-00044329 topic wanderings having realized the -yfqz61a9k8-00182-00044330-00044514 knowledge of Brahman Nabin Chandra -yfqz61a9k8-00183-00044515-00044698 decided to come down to the plains and -yfqz61a9k8-00184-00044699-00044868 wander following the ideal of his -yfqz61a9k8-00185-00044869-00045099 Tibetan Mahayana guru of alleviating the -yfqz61a9k8-00186-00045100-00045277 pains and sufferings of the people of -yfqz61a9k8-00187-00045278-00045442 the world and inspire them to tread the -yfqz61a9k8-00188-00045443-00045736 path of salvation Navin Chandra -yfqz61a9k8-00189-00045737-00045910 travelled far and wide spanning the -yfqz61a9k8-00190-00045911-00046083 length and breadth of India Nepal -yfqz61a9k8-00191-00046084-00046380 Bangladesh Pakistan Afghanistan and -yfqz61a9k8-00192-00046381-00046558 Myanmar enjoying the indescribable -yfqz61a9k8-00193-00046559-00046746 beauty of the Nirguna Brahman who -yfqz61a9k8-00194-00046747-00047017 manifests all beings of this world like -yfqz61a9k8-00195-00047018-00047248 his ideal Lord Buddha he alleviated the -yfqz61a9k8-00196-00047249-00047490 sufferings of distressed beings he -yfqz61a9k8-00197-00047491-00047668 combined the teachings of Lord Buddha's -yfqz61a9k8-00198-00047669-00047889 paths such as love non-violence and -yfqz61a9k8-00199-00047890-00048093 compassion for all living beings and the -yfqz61a9k8-00200-00048094-00048295 Vedantic Hindu teachings of enjoying the -yfqz61a9k8-00201-00048296-00048480 presence of Brahman in all beings at the -yfqz61a9k8-00202-00048481-00048866 same time -yfqz61a9k8-00203-00048867-00049320 topic Kanpur -yfqz61a9k8-00204-00049321-00049536 Kanpur was an important center of -yfqz61a9k8-00205-00049537-00049730 resistance during Indian rebellion of -yfqz61a9k8-00206-00049731-00050007 1857 also known as the first war of -yfqz61a9k8-00207-00050008-00050246 Indian independence and the Sepoy mutiny -yfqz61a9k8-00208-00050247-00050607 revolt broke out in June 1857 and Nana -yfqz61a9k8-00209-00050608-00050802 Sahib was declared as the Peshwa of -yfqz61a9k8-00210-00050803-00051102 Kanpur the rebels defeated General Hugh -yfqz61a9k8-00211-00051103-00051314 wheeler outside the city but after a -yfqz61a9k8-00212-00051315-00051498 pitched battle Sir Colin Campbell -yfqz61a9k8-00213-00051499-00051885 recaptured Kanpur in December 1857 Nana -yfqz61a9k8-00214-00051886-00052104 Sahib and his lieutenant tangia tope -yfqz61a9k8-00215-00052104-00052404 escaped the city now the British ire was -yfqz61a9k8-00216-00052404-00052587 directed against the common people of -yfqz61a9k8-00217-00052588-00052892 Kanpur atrocities began to be committed -yfqz61a9k8-00218-00052894-00053141 against the masses even innocent men and -yfqz61a9k8-00219-00053142-00053373 women were not spared many people were -yfqz61a9k8-00220-00053374-00053547 being imprisoned in the prison houses -yfqz61a9k8-00221-00053548-00053729 wandering from place to place -yfqz61a9k8-00222-00053730-00054005 nabban chandra appeared in Kanpur he was -yfqz61a9k8-00223-00054007-00054204 pained to see the people of Kanpur being -yfqz61a9k8-00224-00054204-00054360 oppressed by the British soldiers and -yfqz61a9k8-00225-00054361-00054678 officers he decided to intervene he -yfqz61a9k8-00226-00054679-00054888 introduced himself as a monk from Tibet -yfqz61a9k8-00227-00054889-00055053 as he had secured spiritual -yfqz61a9k8-00228-00055054-00055224 enlightenment in Tibet and asked a -yfqz61a9k8-00229-00055225-00055404 British officer to stop oppressing the -yfqz61a9k8-00230-00055404-00055650 innocent people but his request went -yfqz61a9k8-00231-00055651-00055904 unheeded consequently he had to use his -yfqz61a9k8-00232-00055905-00056117 spiritual power to temporarily weaken -yfqz61a9k8-00233-00056119-00056291 the soldiers under the British officer -yfqz61a9k8-00234-00056292-00056526 now the officer had to heed to his -yfqz61a9k8-00235-00056527-00056769 request Nabin chandra also met the -yfqz61a9k8-00236-00056770-00056988 senior officer posted in the city and -yfqz61a9k8-00237-00056989-00057182 voluntarily got himself imprisoned to -yfqz61a9k8-00238-00057183-00057315 check how the prisoners were being -yfqz61a9k8-00239-00057316-00057379 treated -yfqz61a9k8-00240-00057380-00057638 finally the senior military officer -yfqz61a9k8-00241-00057639-00057819 realized his mistake and ordered the -yfqz61a9k8-00242-00057820-00057990 release of nabban chandra and other -yfqz61a9k8-00243-00057991-00058226 prisoners who were with him Navin -yfqz61a9k8-00244-00058227-00058416 Chandra also got an assurance that -yfqz61a9k8-00245-00058416-00058599 innocent people would not be punished by -yfqz61a9k8-00246-00058600-00058781 the British military officers and -yfqz61a9k8-00247-00058782-00059034 soldiers under them at this the released -yfqz61a9k8-00248-00059035-00059219 prisoners in the people present at the -yfqz61a9k8-00249-00059220-00059432 scene held Navin Chandra as their Savior -yfqz61a9k8-00250-00059433-00059866 and coined the name Timothy Baba for him -yfqz61a9k8-00251-00059866-00060371 topic revisit to Nepal -yfqz61a9k8-00252-00060372-00060619 he is among the very few Saints in India -yfqz61a9k8-00253-00060620-00060766 who have made their soul - permanently -yfqz61a9k8-00254-00060767-00060994 or temporarily enter into another human -yfqz61a9k8-00255-00060995-00061286 body according to Hinduism any living -yfqz61a9k8-00256-00061287-00061490 human being soul can enter the body of -yfqz61a9k8-00257-00061491-00061748 another living or dead human being this -yfqz61a9k8-00258-00061749-00061991 fact is supported by Swami Vivekananda -yfqz61a9k8-00259-00061991-00062188 in his book Raja Yoga or conquering the -yfqz61a9k8-00260-00062189-00062441 internal nature this can be done when -yfqz61a9k8-00261-00062441-00062632 one meditates on the body which is to be -yfqz61a9k8-00262-00062633-00062822 entered another known Saint said to have -yfqz61a9k8-00263-00062823-00063112 achieved the feat as Adi Shankara he did -yfqz61a9k8-00264-00063113-00063301 it when you buy a Bharati the wife of -yfqz61a9k8-00265-00063302-00063487 mandana mishra challenged him to have a -yfqz61a9k8-00266-00063488-00063826 debate on the science of sex love so to -yfqz61a9k8-00267-00063827-00063982 learn the practical aspects of -yfqz61a9k8-00268-00063983-00064180 lovemaking he entered his soul into the -yfqz61a9k8-00269-00064181-00064375 body of a dead king for period of one -yfqz61a9k8-00270-00064376-00064679 month consequently you bio Bharati was -yfqz61a9k8-00271-00064679-00065005 forced to accept defeat in hinduism it -yfqz61a9k8-00272-00065006-00065165 is held that birth and death is like -yfqz61a9k8-00273-00065166-00065447 changing one's clothes birth occurs when -yfqz61a9k8-00274-00065448-00065680 a soul enters a new body when the soul -yfqz61a9k8-00275-00065681-00065885 discards the body the incident is called -yfqz61a9k8-00276-00065886-00066149 death when after wandering for many -yfqz61a9k8-00277-00066150-00066341 years he found that his body has grown -yfqz61a9k8-00278-00066342-00066550 weak he decided to enter his soul into -yfqz61a9k8-00279-00066551-00066815 the body of a Tibetan Buddhist monk the -yfqz61a9k8-00280-00066816-00066937 tibetan buddhist monk -yfqz61a9k8-00281-00066938-00067138 Lama had just entered into the state of -yfqz61a9k8-00282-00067139-00067426 Para nirvana after getting the new body -yfqz61a9k8-00283-00067427-00067622 the body of the Lama he resumed his -yfqz61a9k8-00284-00067623-00068087 wanderings and began making disciples -yfqz61a9k8-00285-00068088-00068596 topic second view -yfqz61a9k8-00286-00068597-00068805 this is the view is propounded in the -yfqz61a9k8-00287-00068806-00069057 biographical books Tabata Babur perish a -yfqz61a9k8-00288-00069058-00069300 and paramhamsa Tabata Babar's Morita -yfqz61a9k8-00289-00069301-00069483 katha written by Timothy Baba's -yfqz61a9k8-00290-00069484-00069690 disciples like Ken Joshua misra and a -yfqz61a9k8-00291-00069691-00070077 Condon and a Brahmachari -yfqz61a9k8-00292-00070078-00070553 topic early life -yfqz61a9k8-00293-00070554-00070825 TIPA Diablo was born in Sill hets raha -yfqz61a9k8-00294-00070826-00071044 de Bangladesh his original name was -yfqz61a9k8-00295-00071045-00071249 Navin Nabin chato Padilla -yfqz61a9k8-00296-00071250-00071500 according to kunja Schwar misra he was -yfqz61a9k8-00297-00071501-00071735 the sixth child of his family his father -yfqz61a9k8-00298-00071736-00071942 and mother were great devotees of Lord -yfqz61a9k8-00299-00071943-00072155 Shiva his father died when he was very -yfqz61a9k8-00300-00072156-00072259 young -yfqz61a9k8-00301-00072260-00072562 Navin Nabin chato Padilla did his early -yfqz61a9k8-00302-00072563-00072836 education from his village school right -yfqz61a9k8-00303-00072837-00073028 from his childhood he was spiritually -yfqz61a9k8-00304-00073029-00073294 inclined at the age of 13 years he -yfqz61a9k8-00305-00073295-00073480 decided to leave his home to pursue his -yfqz61a9k8-00306-00073481-00073872 quest for the knowledge of God -yfqz61a9k8-00307-00073873-00074374 topic search for a guru -yfqz61a9k8-00308-00074375-00074623 nabban visited many places like gaia -yfqz61a9k8-00309-00074624-00074836 Ayodhya and Vrindavan in search of a -yfqz61a9k8-00310-00074837-00075097 guru but he could not find anyone who -yfqz61a9k8-00311-00075098-00075304 could be his guru next he went to -yfqz61a9k8-00312-00075305-00075547 Amarnath shrine in Kashmir there he met -yfqz61a9k8-00313-00075548-00075717 a monk who advised him to go to Tibet -yfqz61a9k8-00314-00075718-00075936 where his desire of finding a guru would -yfqz61a9k8-00315-00075937-00076212 be fulfilled but he also said that if he -yfqz61a9k8-00316-00076213-00076378 went through Nepal then his journey -yfqz61a9k8-00317-00076379-00076605 would be less straining for entering -yfqz61a9k8-00318-00076606-00076836 Tibet via Nepal he Nabin would require -yfqz61a9k8-00319-00076837-00077098 the permission of the king of Nepal the -yfqz61a9k8-00320-00077099-00077301 monk then told Navin to first visit the -yfqz61a9k8-00321-00077302-00077485 prime minister of Nepal who was well -yfqz61a9k8-00322-00077486-00077728 acquainted with him the monk the prime -yfqz61a9k8-00323-00077729-00077907 minister would then take him Navin to -yfqz61a9k8-00324-00077908-00078063 the king and then he would not find it -yfqz61a9k8-00325-00078064-00078211 difficult to get permission to go to -yfqz61a9k8-00326-00078212-00078502 Tibet -yfqz61a9k8-00327-00078503-00079150 topic Nepal from Amarnath Nabin went to -yfqz61a9k8-00328-00079151-00079402 Nepal after visiting many temples and -yfqz61a9k8-00329-00079403-00079600 other places he finally met the Prime -yfqz61a9k8-00330-00079601-00079855 Minister of Nepal he told the Prime -yfqz61a9k8-00331-00079856-00080059 Minister about his spiritual thirst and -yfqz61a9k8-00332-00080060-00080227 the message sent by the monkey met at -yfqz61a9k8-00333-00080228-00080488 Amarnath the Prime Minister took him to -yfqz61a9k8-00334-00080489-00080794 the king of Nepal the king was amazed at -yfqz61a9k8-00335-00080795-00080971 the spiritual thirst of such a young -yfqz61a9k8-00336-00080972-00081175 teenage boy and he promptly gave him -yfqz61a9k8-00337-00081176-00081367 Nabin permission to go to Tibet to be in -yfqz61a9k8-00338-00081368-00081652 Nepal he also gave a letter to him to be -yfqz61a9k8-00339-00081653-00082073 given to a Lama known to him takane -yfqz61a9k8-00340-00082074-00082515 topic Tibet -yfqz61a9k8-00341-00082516-00082781 Navan Thibodeaux baba entered into tibet -yfqz61a9k8-00342-00082782-00082967 with a group tibetan businessmen in -yfqz61a9k8-00343-00082968-00083217 tibet he did not find it difficult to -yfqz61a9k8-00344-00083218-00083409 find the lama recommended by the king of -yfqz61a9k8-00345-00083410-00083724 Nepal the Lama agreed to make NAB in his -yfqz61a9k8-00346-00083725-00083924 disciple he asked him whether he -yfqz61a9k8-00347-00083925-00084147 remembered anyone at his home Navin -yfqz61a9k8-00348-00084148-00084368 fondly remembered his Buffalo now the -yfqz61a9k8-00349-00084369-00084579 Lama asked him to meditate on the image -yfqz61a9k8-00350-00084580-00084867 of Buffalo in his mind thus began NAB -yfqz61a9k8-00351-00084868-00085049 ins meditation and after intense -yfqz61a9k8-00352-00085050-00085250 meditation for one year he attained -yfqz61a9k8-00353-00085251-00085487 nirvikalpa samadhi of saguna brahman God -yfqz61a9k8-00354-00085488-00085803 with attributes the Lama was amazed at -yfqz61a9k8-00355-00085804-00085986 the achievement of attaining Samadhi at -yfqz61a9k8-00356-00085987-00086267 such a young age he then took Nabin to a -yfqz61a9k8-00357-00086268-00086462 famed llama named param ananda thakur -yfqz61a9k8-00358-00086463-00086726 param Ananda was a very great Lama of -yfqz61a9k8-00359-00086727-00086906 Tibet and had reached the Acme of -yfqz61a9k8-00360-00086907-00087009 Advaita Vedanta -yfqz61a9k8-00361-00087010-00087297 Tantra and Mahayana Buddhism the Lama -yfqz61a9k8-00362-00087298-00087492 requested that param Ananda McNabb and -yfqz61a9k8-00363-00087493-00087753 his disciple param Ananda agreed to give -yfqz61a9k8-00364-00087754-00087926 shelter to Nabin but did not immediately -yfqz61a9k8-00365-00087927-00088232 make Nabin his disciple Nabin had to -yfqz61a9k8-00366-00088233-00088428 first prove his worth so nabbing -yfqz61a9k8-00367-00088429-00088631 selflessly served his new master for a -yfqz61a9k8-00368-00088632-00088868 few years finally param Ananda was -yfqz61a9k8-00369-00088869-00089061 pleased with Navin service and made him -yfqz61a9k8-00370-00089062-00089381 his disciple under param Ananda nabban -yfqz61a9k8-00371-00089382-00089567 rigorously followed the principles of -yfqz61a9k8-00372-00089568-00089835 yoga Tantra Advaita Vedanta and Mahayana -yfqz61a9k8-00373-00089836-00090044 Buddhism for six years and reached great -yfqz61a9k8-00374-00090045-00090299 heights of these doctrines he finally -yfqz61a9k8-00375-00090300-00090516 attained nirvikalpa samadhi of Nirguna -yfqz61a9k8-00376-00090517-00090717 brahman God without attributes and his -yfqz61a9k8-00377-00090718-00090893 childhood dream of gaining knowledge of -yfqz61a9k8-00378-00090894-00091212 indeterminate God was fulfilled now NAB -yfqz61a9k8-00379-00091213-00091424 ins guru asked him to visit other places -yfqz61a9k8-00380-00091425-00091653 of Tibet to gain perfection in spiritual -yfqz61a9k8-00381-00091654-00091712 knowledge -yfqz61a9k8-00382-00091713-00091955 so Navin embarked upon visiting other -yfqz61a9k8-00383-00091956-00092229 places of Tibet his fame and respect a -yfqz61a9k8-00384-00092230-00092438 spiritually accomplished person grew in -yfqz61a9k8-00385-00092439-00092651 whole tibet and began to be respected as -yfqz61a9k8-00386-00092652-00092942 a great person Navin stayed in Tibet for -yfqz61a9k8-00387-00092943-00093131 40 years during which he learned many -yfqz61a9k8-00388-00093132-00093315 healing techniques from many Lamas and -yfqz61a9k8-00389-00093316-00093736 old Tibetan medical texts -yfqz61a9k8-00390-00093737-00094203 topic wanderings -yfqz61a9k8-00391-00094204-00094463 having stayed in Tibet for a long time -yfqz61a9k8-00392-00094464-00094653 Navin decided to visit other parts of -yfqz61a9k8-00393-00094654-00094905 the world starting from the Chong Tang -yfqz61a9k8-00394-00094906-00095006 region of Tibet -yfqz61a9k8-00395-00095007-00095190 he began his long journey of visiting -yfqz61a9k8-00396-00095191-00095406 places like China Mongolia Russia -yfqz61a9k8-00397-00095407-00095730 Siberia region and Myanmar he was well -yfqz61a9k8-00398-00095731-00095928 received everywhere and his respect as a -yfqz61a9k8-00399-00095929-00096141 healer and spiritually accomplished man -yfqz61a9k8-00400-00096142-00096417 grew manifold he became literate in the -yfqz61a9k8-00401-00096418-00096599 languages of the countries he visited -yfqz61a9k8-00402-00096600-00096840 among the foreign languages known by him -yfqz61a9k8-00403-00096841-00097088 were English Mandarin Tibetan Russian -yfqz61a9k8-00404-00097089-00097437 Mongolian Burmese he next entered into -yfqz61a9k8-00405-00097438-00097698 India and visited many places when the -yfqz61a9k8-00406-00097699-00097880 buddhist monks of myanmar came to know -yfqz61a9k8-00407-00097881-00098079 about his long stay and accomplishments -yfqz61a9k8-00408-00098080-00098253 in tibet they coined the name timothy -yfqz61a9k8-00409-00098254-00098529 baba for him on his second visit to -yfqz61a9k8-00410-00098530-00098726 myanmar with the permission of the king -yfqz61a9k8-00411-00098727-00098906 and queen of myanmar who were his great -yfqz61a9k8-00412-00098907-00099159 devotees he transmigrated his soul into -yfqz61a9k8-00413-00099160-00099338 the body of the dead prince of myanmar -yfqz61a9k8-00414-00099339-00099593 this was done because his original body -yfqz61a9k8-00415-00099594-00099800 had grown weak and feeble on account of -yfqz61a9k8-00416-00099801-00100023 old age according to Hinduism any living -yfqz61a9k8-00417-00100024-00100224 human being soul can enter the body of -yfqz61a9k8-00418-00100225-00100485 another living or dead human being this -yfqz61a9k8-00419-00100486-00100725 fact is supported by Swami Vivekananda -yfqz61a9k8-00420-00100726-00100925 in his book Raj yoga or conquering the -yfqz61a9k8-00421-00100926-00101178 internal nature this can be done when -yfqz61a9k8-00422-00101179-00101357 one meditates on the body which is to -yfqz61a9k8-00423-00101358-00101686 entered -yfqz61a9k8-00424-00101687-00102241 topic devotee of Buddha -yfqz61a9k8-00425-00102242-00102481 tippity Baba was ardently devoted to -yfqz61a9k8-00426-00102482-00102703 Buddha he incorporated into his life -yfqz61a9k8-00427-00102704-00102922 love compassion and non-violence and -yfqz61a9k8-00428-00102923-00103072 towards all living beings from the -yfqz61a9k8-00429-00103073-00103327 teachings of Lord Buddha he died at his -yfqz61a9k8-00430-00103328-00103536 ashram in pali per village in Birdmen -yfqz61a9k8-00431-00103538-00103756 india after keeping an idol of Buddha in -yfqz61a9k8-00432-00103757-00104113 front of him -yfqz61a9k8-00433-00104114-00104628 topic ashrams -yfqz61a9k8-00434-00104629-00104909 to ashrams were established one at Dalal -yfqz61a9k8-00435-00104910-00105153 picure locality of santa gotcha area of -yfqz61a9k8-00436-00105154-00105372 how a city india and another at polly -yfqz61a9k8-00437-00105373-00105843 per village of birdman district India -yfqz61a9k8-00438-00105844-00106351 topic how our astrum -yfqz61a9k8-00439-00106352-00106720 in November 1929 second agraja yonder of -yfqz61a9k8-00440-00106721-00107014 Bengali calendar 1336 an ashram was -yfqz61a9k8-00441-00107015-00107235 established at Sant regatta in Hara -yfqz61a9k8-00442-00107236-00107508 India by Timothy Baba land for the -yfqz61a9k8-00443-00107509-00107668 ashram was bought by a man named -yfqz61a9k8-00444-00107669-00107883 bishnupadaghosh Padilla later known as -yfqz61a9k8-00445-00107884-00108159 boo and Swami the first brick for the -yfqz61a9k8-00446-00108160-00108376 ashram was laid by Timothy Baba himself -yfqz61a9k8-00447-00108377-00108613 later more land for the ashram was -yfqz61a9k8-00448-00108614-00108799 bought by a man from mental II area of -yfqz61a9k8-00449-00108800-00109003 Kolkata this ashram was given the name -yfqz61a9k8-00450-00109004-00109219 Timothy Baba Vedanta ashram by his -yfqz61a9k8-00451-00109220-00109354 devotees and disciples -yfqz61a9k8-00452-00109355-00109618 it is commonly referred to as tippity -yfqz61a9k8-00453-00109619-00109819 baa baa - baa - baa baa ashram by the -yfqz61a9k8-00454-00109820-00110038 common people of Dalal picure area -yfqz61a9k8-00455-00110039-00110329 Thibodeaux Baba lane beside Dalal picure -yfqz61a9k8-00456-00110330-00110545 a large pond of the area is named after -yfqz61a9k8-00457-00110546-00110876 the saint -yfqz61a9k8-00458-00110877-00111391 topic polly / ashram -yfqz61a9k8-00459-00111392-00111622 the pelipper ashram is located at -yfqz61a9k8-00460-00111623-00111853 pelipper village in Berwyn west bengal -yfqz61a9k8-00461-00111854-00112161 india land for ashram was donated by -yfqz61a9k8-00462-00112163-00112417 Bhootnath taw he was also assisted by -yfqz61a9k8-00463-00112418-00112608 dharma das and some of friends in his -yfqz61a9k8-00464-00112609-00112798 efforts to get the ashram constructed -yfqz61a9k8-00465-00112799-00113074 this ashram was given the name of pragya -yfqz61a9k8-00466-00113075-00113275 mandir temple of consciousness on the -yfqz61a9k8-00467-00113276-00113590 19th of november 1930 corresponding date -yfqz61a9k8-00468-00113591-00113842 month and year of Bengali calendar ii -yfqz61a9k8-00469-00113843-00114148 agra haein 1337 after midnight he died -yfqz61a9k8-00470-00114149-00114424 at this ashram later his samadhi tomb -yfqz61a9k8-00471-00114425-00114613 was built here the ashram also has -yfqz61a9k8-00472-00114614-00115196 samadhi tomb of Soham swami his disciple -yfqz61a9k8-00473-00115197-00115732 topic healing powers -yfqz61a9k8-00474-00115733-00116010 he had remarkable healing powers his -yfqz61a9k8-00475-00116011-00116167 healing powers combined with his -yfqz61a9k8-00476-00116168-00116334 knowledge of innumerable herbs and -yfqz61a9k8-00477-00116335-00116559 animal products alleviated the diseases -yfqz61a9k8-00478-00116560-00116866 and physical problems of many people the -yfqz61a9k8-00479-00116867-00117055 first lessons of the art of healing were -yfqz61a9k8-00480-00117056-00117247 learned from din Dayal Upadhyaya of gaya -yfqz61a9k8-00481-00117248-00117434 who was an Ayurvedic practitioner -yfqz61a9k8-00482-00117435-00117660 further knowledge and techniques of -yfqz61a9k8-00483-00117661-00117829 healing were learned from the lamas and -yfqz61a9k8-00484-00117830-00118264 the buddhist tantric sub tibet -yfqz61a9k8-00485-00118265-00118781 topic teachings -yfqz61a9k8-00486-00118782-00119059 one must not consider oneself as body or -yfqz61a9k8-00487-00119060-00119243 mind as each person is the supreme -yfqz61a9k8-00488-00119244-00119465 infinite soul or God this teaching is in -yfqz61a9k8-00489-00119466-00119674 accordance with the Advaita philosophy -yfqz61a9k8-00490-00119675-00119968 one must lead one's life based on truth -yfqz61a9k8-00491-00119969-00120248 the causes of emotions like fear and -yfqz61a9k8-00492-00120249-00120467 shame as the false association of self -yfqz61a9k8-00493-00120468-00120782 or Atman soul with the body in mind when -yfqz61a9k8-00494-00120783-00120985 one gets knowledge that self or Atman -yfqz61a9k8-00495-00120986-00121232 soul is different from body or mind then -yfqz61a9k8-00496-00121233-00121529 these emotions disappear when people get -yfqz61a9k8-00497-00121530-00121715 entangled in evil deeds they can again -yfqz61a9k8-00498-00121716-00121904 become pure and good by means of good -yfqz61a9k8-00499-00121905-00122233 discourse in suggestion one cannot fully -yfqz61a9k8-00500-00122234-00122405 love another person without seeing -yfqz61a9k8-00501-00122406-00122920 oneself in the other person -yfqz61a9k8-00502-00122921-00123270 topic notable disciples -yfqz61a9k8-00503-00123271-00123477 you -yfqz61a9k8-00504-00123478-00123699 his admirers disciples and devotees -yfqz61a9k8-00505-00123700-00123924 ranged from undivided India to -yfqz61a9k8-00506-00123925-00124199 Afghanistan Russia Tibet China Mongolia -yfqz61a9k8-00507-00124200-00124539 Japan and Myanmar Burma some of his -yfqz61a9k8-00508-00124540-00124872 famous disciples were Dharma tis Rai he -yfqz61a9k8-00509-00124873-00125049 was a great devotee and disciple of -yfqz61a9k8-00510-00125050-00125295 Timothy Baba he was a companion of -yfqz61a9k8-00511-00125296-00125466 tibideaux Baba in his wanderings to -yfqz61a9k8-00512-00125467-00125711 southern India he was a resident of -yfqz61a9k8-00513-00125713-00126008 channa village kanji Schwar misra a -yfqz61a9k8-00514-00126009-00126165 resident of North Kolkata -yfqz61a9k8-00515-00126166-00126383 he was an allopathic or practitioner -yfqz61a9k8-00516-00126384-00126635 doctor by profession he had written -yfqz61a9k8-00517-00126636-00126870 books named Tabata Babur parish a this -yfqz61a9k8-00518-00126871-00127107 was a biography on Timothy Baba Chanda -yfqz61a9k8-00519-00127108-00127431 tattva vetto Viggen Rami and Bodh Baba -yfqz61a9k8-00520-00127432-00127647 Miki rat map Prakash and gleanings from -yfqz61a9k8-00521-00127648-00127923 Ramayana Rami and Bodh and add haya -yfqz61a9k8-00522-00127924-00128196 tattva comedy rasa-lila poverty / banda -yfqz61a9k8-00523-00128197-00128664 bali akshay mitra Soham Swami whose -yfqz61a9k8-00524-00128665-00128861 original name was Shyam akan table and -yfqz61a9k8-00525-00128863-00129059 upon ayah was Timothy Baba's Advaita -yfqz61a9k8-00526-00129060-00129383 Vedanta disciple he had so much physical -yfqz61a9k8-00527-00129384-00129525 strength that he could wrestle even -yfqz61a9k8-00528-00129526-00129870 Tigers soham Swami had ashram in both in -yfqz61a9k8-00529-00129871-00130104 Nainital in Haridwar the writings of -yfqz61a9k8-00530-00130105-00130361 Siham swami include the books soham gita -yfqz61a9k8-00531-00130363-00130482 soham Samhita -yfqz61a9k8-00532-00130483-00130689 common sense and truth this book was the -yfqz61a9k8-00533-00130690-00130866 only book written by him in English -yfqz61a9k8-00534-00130867-00131154 poetry it was published in Calcutta now -yfqz61a9k8-00535-00131155-00131601 Kolkata in 1913 Jitendra nath Banerjee -yfqz61a9k8-00536-00131602-00131820 who was a very active revolutionary of -yfqz61a9k8-00537-00131821-00132000 India's freedom struggle during the -yfqz61a9k8-00538-00132001-00132204 first decade of the 20th century of -yfqz61a9k8-00539-00132205-00132408 India's freedom struggle perhaps became -yfqz61a9k8-00540-00132409-00132638 the most famous disciple of Siham swami -yfqz61a9k8-00541-00132639-00132888 he was among the initial members of a -yfqz61a9k8-00542-00132889-00133059 new XI Lance MIT which was established -yfqz61a9k8-00543-00133060-00133467 in 1902 he was rechristened neuron basu -yfqz61a9k8-00544-00133468-00133659 ami and he established an ashram at -yfqz61a9k8-00545-00133660-00133980 Chanda village Birdman India neural Amba -yfqz61a9k8-00546-00133981-00134196 swami had held Timothy Baba as one of -yfqz61a9k8-00547-00134197-00134358 the greatest exponent of Advaita Vedanta -yfqz61a9k8-00548-00134359-00134616 after Adi Shankara when he visited him -yfqz61a9k8-00549-00134617-00134880 at his ashram in China village neural -yfqz61a9k8-00550-00134881-00135090 Amba swami had written an introduction -yfqz61a9k8-00551-00135091-00135306 to the book named common sense this book -yfqz61a9k8-00552-00135307-00135477 is mentioned by Bhagat Singh in his -yfqz61a9k8-00553-00135478-00135696 famous work why I am an atheist Bhagat -yfqz61a9k8-00554-00135697-00135906 Singh was a legendary freedom fighter of -yfqz61a9k8-00555-00135907-00136197 India Bhagat Singh had met neural Amba -yfqz61a9k8-00556-00136198-00136389 Swami at channa ashram at Changi village -yfqz61a9k8-00557-00136390-00136830 in the beginning of 1929 1927 1928 a -yfqz61a9k8-00558-00136831-00136872 quarter -yfqz61a9k8-00559-00136873-00137213 to some Hmong pain he was a Burmese -yfqz61a9k8-00560-00137214-00137382 Bhootnath tah -yfqz61a9k8-00561-00137383-00137559 he was the landlord of poly / village -yfqz61a9k8-00562-00137560-00137727 near Birdland town in the bird win' -yfqz61a9k8-00563-00137728-00138012 district of West Bengal in India he had -yfqz61a9k8-00564-00138013-00138254 donated land for the Polli / ashram his -yfqz61a9k8-00565-00138255-00138432 ancestors at present are living in -yfqz61a9k8-00566-00138433-00138768 Birdland town dharma das Mondal he was a -yfqz61a9k8-00567-00138769-00139047 resident of Pali per village dhwaja -yfqz61a9k8-00568-00139048-00139269 panda tibideaux baba had narrated many -yfqz61a9k8-00569-00139270-00139493 incidents related to his life to him -yfqz61a9k8-00570-00139494-00139800 sadhana Moitra she was a direct female -yfqz61a9k8-00571-00139801-00139956 disciple of tubebuddy baba -yfqz61a9k8-00572-00139957-00140199 dr. kenji Schwar Mishra was the husband -yfqz61a9k8-00573-00140200-00140691 of the sister-in-law of sadhana Moitra -yfqz61a9k8-00574-00140692-00141220 topic philosophy -yfqz61a9k8-00575-00141221-00141472 the philosophy of tippity baba has been -yfqz61a9k8-00576-00141473-00141640 well explained in the following books -yfqz61a9k8-00577-00141641-00142006 bara der Sadiq o sadhika vara dursa dick -yfqz61a9k8-00578-00142007-00142228 sadhika Tabata Babur parish a and -yfqz61a9k8-00579-00142229-00142554 paramhamsa Tabata by Barse Morita katha -yfqz61a9k8-00580-00142555-00142813 Timothy Baba aspired and practiced -yfqz61a9k8-00581-00142814-00142984 Mahayana doctrine and the Advaita -yfqz61a9k8-00582-00142985-00143251 Vedanta doctrine at the same time the -yfqz61a9k8-00583-00143252-00143500 universalism of Mahayana ideal helped -yfqz61a9k8-00584-00143501-00143644 him to reach the infinite world of -yfqz61a9k8-00585-00143645-00143832 knowledge of Brahman of Advaita Vedanta -yfqz61a9k8-00586-00143833-00144088 he had said that the experience of -yfqz61a9k8-00587-00144089-00144280 knowing Brahman can also make a person -yfqz61a9k8-00588-00144281-00144457 to realize the universalism of the -yfqz61a9k8-00589-00144458-00144742 Mahayana doctrine it helps a person to -yfqz61a9k8-00590-00144743-00145033 embrace the whole world according to him -yfqz61a9k8-00591-00145034-00145177 when the believers of Advaita Vedanta -yfqz61a9k8-00592-00145178-00145402 attained success in their endeavor of -yfqz61a9k8-00593-00145403-00145537 knowing Brahman then the name -yfqz61a9k8-00594-00145538-00145792 differences nama beta visual perception -yfqz61a9k8-00595-00145793-00145960 differences rupa beta and the -yfqz61a9k8-00596-00145961-00146179 differences in attributes guna beta of -yfqz61a9k8-00597-00146180-00146380 the world slowly vanished for the yogi -yfqz61a9k8-00598-00146381-00146686 in other words homogeneous differences -yfqz61a9k8-00599-00146687-00146968 Sadia beta heterogeneous differences VJ -yfqz61a9k8-00600-00146969-00147109 dia beta and internal differences -yfqz61a9k8-00601-00147110-00147472 swaggity beta slowly disappear then it -yfqz61a9k8-00602-00147473-00147655 becomes safe for the believer to easily -yfqz61a9k8-00603-00147656-00147898 love any living being this can easily -yfqz61a9k8-00604-00147899-00148111 help in transmitting Buddha's message of -yfqz61a9k8-00605-00148112-00148291 love compassion goodwill and -yfqz61a9k8-00606-00148292-00148528 non-violence to any living being even to -yfqz61a9k8-00607-00148529-00148831 wild and ferocious animals he stressed -yfqz61a9k8-00608-00148832-00149011 the fact that one gains the knowledge of -yfqz61a9k8-00609-00149012-00149325 Atman soul by great efforts admin is -yfqz61a9k8-00610-00149326-00149509 self-illuminating and of the nature of -yfqz61a9k8-00611-00149510-00149731 true knowledge attaining Nirvana is -yfqz61a9k8-00612-00149732-00149929 equivalent to knowing the Atman by -yfqz61a9k8-00613-00149930-00150130 knowing the Atman all animate as well as -yfqz61a9k8-00614-00150131-00150361 inanimate things can be known without -yfqz61a9k8-00615-00150362-00150535 knowing the Atman the perception of -yfqz61a9k8-00616-00150536-00150733 differences cannot vanish fully and -yfqz61a9k8-00617-00150734-00150925 consequently one finds it difficult to -yfqz61a9k8-00618-00150926-00151126 fully show compassion and love towards -yfqz61a9k8-00619-00151127-00151435 all living beings he also said that the -yfqz61a9k8-00620-00151436-00151624 Upanishads declare that there is nothing -yfqz61a9k8-00621-00151625-00151864 beyond the Atman and Paramatma God is -yfqz61a9k8-00622-00151865-00152091 the highest manifestation of Atman -yfqz61a9k8-00623-00152092-00152353 Buddha means the enlightened one Buddha -yfqz61a9k8-00624-00152354-00152563 identified oneself with everyone in this -yfqz61a9k8-00625-00152564-00152887 world a Siham Swami or Paramahamsa -yfqz61a9k8-00626-00152888-00153121 according to advaita vedanta any person -yfqz61a9k8-00627-00153122-00153295 who reaches the pinnacle of spirituality -yfqz61a9k8-00628-00153296-00153568 as known as soham Swami or paramahamsa -yfqz61a9k8-00629-00153569-00153835 also does the same thus we find that -yfqz61a9k8-00630-00153836-00154060 advaita vedanta and mahayana doctrine -yfqz61a9k8-00631-00154061-00154252 may have differences but they also have -yfqz61a9k8-00632-00154253-00154528 similarities the similarities are with -yfqz61a9k8-00633-00154529-00154600 regard to the -yfqz61a9k8-00634-00154601-00154821 nature of truth and truth is universal -yfqz61a9k8-00635-00154822-00155089 there is no great difference Brahman or -yfqz61a9k8-00636-00155090-00155350 Paramatma of Vedanta and universalism of -yfqz61a9k8-00637-00155351-00155641 Mahayana doctrine Lord Buddha had told -yfqz61a9k8-00638-00155642-00155908 as a mother even at the risk of her life -yfqz61a9k8-00639-00155909-00156127 protects her son so let him who has -yfqz61a9k8-00640-00156128-00156370 recognized the truth cultivate goodwill -yfqz61a9k8-00641-00156371-00156679 among all beings without measure this -yfqz61a9k8-00642-00156680-00156922 kindness is without any obstacles hatred -yfqz61a9k8-00643-00156923-00157159 and enmity in the mind this type of -yfqz61a9k8-00644-00157160-00157342 attitude is to be found in Advaita -yfqz61a9k8-00645-00157343-00157633 Vedanta also it is known as brahman -yfqz61a9k8-00646-00157634-00157864 brahma vihara brahma vihara is living -yfqz61a9k8-00647-00157865-00158053 and moving and having one's happiness in -yfqz61a9k8-00648-00158054-00158302 the attitude of brahman so brahman -yfqz61a9k8-00649-00158303-00158473 vihara is equivalent to Buddha's -yfqz61a9k8-00650-00158474-00158689 infinite friendly attitude goodwill and -yfqz61a9k8-00651-00158690-00158937 compassion towards all living beings -yfqz61a9k8-00652-00158938-00159196 tivity Baba knew the similarities and -yfqz61a9k8-00653-00159197-00159376 dissimilarities between Mahayana -yfqz61a9k8-00654-00159377-00159589 doctrine and Advaita Vedanta doctrine -yfqz61a9k8-00655-00159590-00159793 but he laid stress on the similarities -yfqz61a9k8-00656-00159794-00160092 he led a life based on the similarities -yfqz61a9k8-00657-00160093-00160339 another aspect of tippity Baba's -yfqz61a9k8-00658-00160340-00160609 philosophy was public service he engaged -yfqz61a9k8-00659-00160610-00160786 in public service by giving good -yfqz61a9k8-00660-00160787-00161002 suggestions to all and by practicing his -yfqz61a9k8-00661-00161003-00161449 healing powers -yfqz61a9k8-00662-00161450-00161889 topic views -yfqz61a9k8-00663-00161890-00162144 that God exists as proven by the fact -yfqz61a9k8-00664-00162145-00162372 that the sky in spite of being empty is -yfqz61a9k8-00665-00162373-00162581 still filled with light during daytime -yfqz61a9k8-00666-00162582-00162843 when a snake touches and coils itself -yfqz61a9k8-00667-00162844-00163065 around the body of a person absorbed in -yfqz61a9k8-00668-00163066-00163263 deep meditation and the person does not -yfqz61a9k8-00669-00163264-00163422 feel the presence of the snake then the -yfqz61a9k8-00670-00163423-00163569 person is said to have achieved -yfqz61a9k8-00671-00163570-00163872 perfection in meditation a shock does -yfqz61a9k8-00672-00163873-00164058 not one who seeks mada fermented -yfqz61a9k8-00673-00164059-00164262 alcoholic beverages and may through not -yfqz61a9k8-00674-00164263-00164439 sex but one who realizes the -yfqz61a9k8-00675-00164440-00164637 manifestation of Shakti and all living -yfqz61a9k8-00676-00164638-00164801 beings -yfqz61a9k8-00677-00164802-00165011 come with me I will teach you to subdue -yfqz61a9k8-00678-00165012-00165168 the beasts of ignorance roaming in -yfqz61a9k8-00679-00165169-00165422 jungles of the human mind you are used -yfqz61a9k8-00680-00165423-00165618 to an audience let it be a galaxy of -yfqz61a9k8-00681-00165619-00165800 angels entertained by your thrilling -yfqz61a9k8-00682-00165801-00166267 mastery of yoga -yfqz61a9k8-00683-00166268-00166713 pick see also -yfqz61a9k8-00684-00166714-00167246 Advaita Vedanta Mahayana non-dualism -yfqz61a9k8-00685-00167247-00167627 Buddhism Buddhist terms and concepts -yfqz61a9k8-00686-00167628-00168214 Polly / chant of illage -yfqz61a9k8-00687-00168215-00168782 topic further reading -yfqz61a9k8-00688-00168783-00169127 Ghosh Sudan shuuran Jan Bharat er Sadiq -yfqz61a9k8-00689-00169128-00169427 o sadhika Bengali Edition India -yfqz61a9k8-00690-00169428-00169676 Julie Kalam publication one College row -yfqz61a9k8-00691-00169677-00170111 kolkata 700,000 9 1992 Bengali calendar -yfqz61a9k8-00692-00170112-00170762 year $13.99 pp 318 - 343 Chakraborty -yfqz61a9k8-00693-00170763-00171113 Subodh bara der Sadiq sadhika Bengali -yfqz61a9k8-00694-00171114-00171233 Edition India -yfqz61a9k8-00695-00171234-00171527 Kamini publication 115 a kill mystery -yfqz61a9k8-00696-00171528-00171950 Lane Kolkata 700,000 9 1997 Bengali -yfqz61a9k8-00697-00171951-00172556 calendar year 1404 volume 1 PP 452 478 -yfqz61a9k8-00698-00172557-00173054 and 502 522 Brahmachari akanda Nanda -yfqz61a9k8-00699-00173055-00173321 paramhamsa Tabata Babar's Murray Takata -yfqz61a9k8-00700-00173322-00173615 Bengali Edition India Tabata Baba -yfqz61a9k8-00701-00173616-00173954 Vedanta ashram 76 thirds tanto para Lane -yfqz61a9k8-00702-00173955-00174293 Pio Santa Gucci how are seven hundred -yfqz61a9k8-00703-00174294-00174524 eleven thousand one hundred four West -yfqz61a9k8-00704-00174525-00174788 Bengal made 2003 PP -yfqz61a9k8-00705-00174789-00175181 one misra can joshua tabata Babur parish -yfqz61a9k8-00706-00175182-00175472 a Bengali Edition India Tabata Baba -yfqz61a9k8-00707-00175473-00175814 Vedanta ashram 76 thirds tanto para Lane -yfqz61a9k8-00708-00175815-00176156 Pio Santa Gucci how are a seven hundred -yfqz61a9k8-00709-00176157-00176384 eleven thousand one hundred four West -yfqz61a9k8-00710-00176385-00176953 Bengal 1934 Bengali calendar year 1341 -yfqz61a9k8-00711-00176954-00177254 Shankar death row barter Sadiq Bengali -yfqz61a9k8-00712-00177255-00177536 Edition India pachi publications three -yfqz61a9k8-00713-00177537-00177710 and four hairstreak tada -yfqz61a9k8-00714-00177711-00177938 Kolkata seven hundred thousand one West -yfqz61a9k8-00715-00177939-00179058 Bengal Edie 1980 volume 9 PP 213 - 241 -yfqz61a9k8-00716-00179059-00179474 references -yfqz61a9k8-00717-00179475-00179967 topic notes -yfqz61a9k8-00718-00179968-00180347 topic external links -yfqz61a9k8-00719-00180348-00180506 you -yfqz61a9k8-00720-00180507-00180713 you -ykAF-6Laby-00000-00000496-00000703 now as miss baxter comes tonight one of -ykAF-6Laby-00001-00000704-00000831 the things that -ykAF-6Laby-00002-00000832-00001023 praise god yeah i forgot to get to mike -ykAF-6Laby-00003-00001024-00001174 praise god thank you -ykAF-6Laby-00004-00001175-00001358 one of the things that miss baxter asked -ykAF-6Laby-00005-00001359-00001503 me to tell you about -ykAF-6Laby-00006-00001504-00001863 was that she wants all our young people -ykAF-6Laby-00007-00001864-00001975 that's 18 -ykAF-6Laby-00008-00001976-00002287 and down tonight um she's up -ykAF-6Laby-00009-00002288-00002607 books on she wants all of them if you -ykAF-6Laby-00010-00002608-00002791 don't have it have a book -ykAF-6Laby-00011-00002792-00003071 on the revelation of hell amen and she -ykAF-6Laby-00012-00003072-00003166 also has -ykAF-6Laby-00013-00003167-00003463 i believe a few on heaven left and so -ykAF-6Laby-00014-00003464-00003519 she's going -ykAF-6Laby-00015-00003520-00003759 to give if you're 18 and below and you -ykAF-6Laby-00016-00003760-00003919 want one of those books -ykAF-6Laby-00017-00003920-00004159 then you can get them at the end of the -ykAF-6Laby-00018-00004160-00004295 service tonight -ykAF-6Laby-00019-00004296-00004583 um as long as the supplies last amen and -ykAF-6Laby-00020-00004584-00004711 that good -ykAF-6Laby-00021-00004712-00005047 she wants to sew that she wants to sew -ykAF-6Laby-00022-00005048-00005079 that -ykAF-6Laby-00023-00005080-00005599 haven't we been blessed church amen -ykAF-6Laby-00024-00005600-00005886 love you love you amen thank god thank -ykAF-6Laby-00025-00005887-00006006 you thank you -ykAF-6Laby-00026-00006007-00006286 good afternoon you can be seated isn't -ykAF-6Laby-00027-00006287-00006478 it great -ykAF-6Laby-00028-00006479-00006806 how many has been happy when you go home -ykAF-6Laby-00029-00006808-00007151 wow we heard about a lot of miracles -ykAF-6Laby-00030-00007152-00007319 pastor they came up and was telling me -ykAF-6Laby-00031-00007320-00007406 there -ykAF-6Laby-00032-00007408-00007542 raise your hand if you got to bless -ykAF-6Laby-00033-00007543-00007710 those miracles last night raise your -ykAF-6Laby-00034-00007711-00007774 look at that -ykAF-6Laby-00035-00007775-00008087 look around you oh my -ykAF-6Laby-00036-00008088-00008391 raise them high you got to uh -ykAF-6Laby-00037-00008392-00008607 call the church you know let them know -ykAF-6Laby-00038-00008608-00008759 pam you guys get ready to answer the -ykAF-6Laby-00039-00008760-00008871 phones -ykAF-6Laby-00040-00008872-00009095 send the emails you really do need to -ykAF-6Laby-00041-00009096-00009223 log it down and -ykAF-6Laby-00042-00009224-00009423 write it who was a girl came up since -ykAF-6Laby-00043-00009424-00009599 she's not dizzy anymore she's teasing -ykAF-6Laby-00044-00009600-00009639 her -ykAF-6Laby-00045-00009640-00009959 stand up baby you got healed tell them -ykAF-6Laby-00046-00009960-00011959 tell him -ykAF-6Laby-00047-00011960-00013628 oh my gosh -ykAF-6Laby-00048-00013629-00014966 [Applause] -ykAF-6Laby-00049-00014968-00015294 tonight amen i want two more of people -ykAF-6Laby-00050-00015295-00015350 that -ykAF-6Laby-00051-00015351-00015575 that were healed last night that want to -ykAF-6Laby-00052-00015576-00015671 testify -ykAF-6Laby-00053-00015672-00015991 okay come on up helen praise -ykAF-6Laby-00054-00015991-00016238 god amen i'm gonna use the knight so -ykAF-6Laby-00055-00016240-00016358 everybody can hear that can you get -ykAF-6Laby-00056-00016359-00016415 through that -ykAF-6Laby-00057-00016416-00016847 okay amen here here we go -ykAF-6Laby-00058-00016848-00017175 okay what happened i um -ykAF-6Laby-00059-00017176-00017463 in september i suddenly lost my vision -ykAF-6Laby-00060-00017464-00017527 and -ykAF-6Laby-00061-00017528-00017703 i've had some other neurologic symptoms -ykAF-6Laby-00062-00017704-00017855 and last night i will have to say i'm -ykAF-6Laby-00063-00017856-00017903 not -ykAF-6Laby-00064-00017904-00018135 100 at this time though i have received -ykAF-6Laby-00065-00018136-00018383 my healing -ykAF-6Laby-00066-00018384-00018735 have for the first time in six months -ykAF-6Laby-00067-00018736-00018911 i have not had numbness and tingling in -ykAF-6Laby-00068-00018912-00019135 my hands at all today -ykAF-6Laby-00069-00019136-00019430 i usually list to the left that's hence -ykAF-6Laby-00070-00019431-00019503 the cane i -ykAF-6Laby-00071-00019504-00019750 have not fallen or leaned to the left at -ykAF-6Laby-00072-00019751-00019894 all today -ykAF-6Laby-00073-00019895-00020135 my joints and my fingers are better and -ykAF-6Laby-00074-00020136-00020207 my vision -ykAF-6Laby-00075-00020208-00020543 is much better today praise god -ykAF-6Laby-00076-00020544-00020847 amen praise the lord praise the lord -ykAF-6Laby-00077-00020848-00020927 that's it -ykAF-6Laby-00078-00020928-00021214 amen praise god how many know the ten -ykAF-6Laby-00079-00021215-00021391 lepers as they went they were healed -ykAF-6Laby-00080-00021392-00021471 praise god -ykAF-6Laby-00081-00021472-00021727 hallelujah come on give god a shout of -ykAF-6Laby-00082-00021728-00021814 praise -ykAF-6Laby-00083-00021815-00022158 thank you lord thank you lord all right -ykAF-6Laby-00084-00022159-00022455 want another one who else amen praise -ykAF-6Laby-00085-00022456-00022511 god -ykAF-6Laby-00086-00022512-00022839 brother cliff okay we'll take two -ykAF-6Laby-00087-00022840-00023103 sis come on both of you come and we'll -ykAF-6Laby-00088-00023104-00023167 take that -ykAF-6Laby-00089-00023168-00023399 amen they'll be short right to the point -ykAF-6Laby-00090-00023400-00023527 and powerful -ykAF-6Laby-00091-00023528-00023927 this is good amen -ykAF-6Laby-00092-00023928-00024207 i've had a knee problem for years and -ykAF-6Laby-00093-00024208-00024342 haven't been able to walk without -ykAF-6Laby-00094-00024343-00024391 limping -ykAF-6Laby-00095-00024392-00024550 i haven't been able to run last night -ykAF-6Laby-00096-00024551-00024742 after i left from up here -ykAF-6Laby-00097-00024743-00024975 she she blessed my heart and prayed on -ykAF-6Laby-00098-00024976-00025047 my heart -ykAF-6Laby-00099-00025048-00025271 but also when i was walking up the aisle -ykAF-6Laby-00100-00025272-00025439 i felt a muscle come -ykAF-6Laby-00101-00025440-00025670 up in my leg and this morning when i -ykAF-6Laby-00102-00025672-00025839 woke up i feel this tightness around my -ykAF-6Laby-00103-00025839-00025967 knee like something's holding it -ykAF-6Laby-00104-00025968-00026014 together -ykAF-6Laby-00105-00026016-00026318 and it hasn't hurt today praise god -ykAF-6Laby-00106-00026319-00026558 thank you sis we were joyous hey ben -ykAF-6Laby-00107-00026560-00026895 brother cliff -ykAF-6Laby-00108-00026895-00027046 i came up with two problems last night -ykAF-6Laby-00109-00027047-00027279 and i had a terrible heartache -ykAF-6Laby-00110-00027280-00027470 over some things that have happened to -ykAF-6Laby-00111-00027472-00027631 me recently -ykAF-6Laby-00112-00027632-00027951 and after she prayed for me -ykAF-6Laby-00113-00027952-00028158 i traded in a heartache for heart of -ykAF-6Laby-00114-00028160-00028287 compassion so -ykAF-6Laby-00115-00028288-00028646 hey man that's good that's really good -ykAF-6Laby-00116-00028647-00028902 then i had a in my neck i had a pinched -ykAF-6Laby-00117-00028904-00029127 nerve on my neck uh friday uh -ykAF-6Laby-00118-00029127-00029367 last friday i went to the doctor he took -ykAF-6Laby-00119-00029368-00029535 four x-rays and he said in a severe -ykAF-6Laby-00120-00029536-00029599 pension nerve -ykAF-6Laby-00121-00029600-00029743 i'll probably have to go to the hospital -ykAF-6Laby-00122-00029744-00029943 and and have some work done on it you -ykAF-6Laby-00123-00029944-00030039 know -ykAF-6Laby-00124-00030039-00030390 so after last night um it it completely -ykAF-6Laby-00125-00030391-00030535 left -ykAF-6Laby-00126-00030536-00030687 for the first time in about a week and a -ykAF-6Laby-00127-00030688-00030911 half i've got a real good night's sleep -ykAF-6Laby-00128-00030912-00031070 praise god woke up this morning -ykAF-6Laby-00129-00031072-00031543 healed completely -ykAF-6Laby-00130-00031544-00032239 thank you brother amen praise god -ykAF-6Laby-00131-00032239-00032574 i first want to give honor to almighty -ykAF-6Laby-00132-00032575-00032670 god tonight -ykAF-6Laby-00133-00032672-00032935 and i want to give honor to pastor chris -ykAF-6Laby-00134-00032936-00033015 his wife and -ykAF-6Laby-00135-00033016-00033327 all the staff here that's been so good -ykAF-6Laby-00136-00033328-00033399 to me and -ykAF-6Laby-00137-00033400-00033662 uh sister debbie we've got a beautiful -ykAF-6Laby-00138-00033663-00033751 sweet -ykAF-6Laby-00139-00033752-00033943 and adjoining room the church is paying -ykAF-6Laby-00140-00033944-00034167 for and we're having a lot of fun -ykAF-6Laby-00141-00034168-00034343 and we've been giving the maid some -ykAF-6Laby-00142-00034344-00034590 books and cds and stuff -ykAF-6Laby-00143-00034591-00034735 yeah one of them we wanted to come to -ykAF-6Laby-00144-00034736-00034943 church tonight i don't know if she did -ykAF-6Laby-00145-00034944-00035095 but we really want to thank you from our -ykAF-6Laby-00146-00035096-00035262 heart you've been treating us so -ykAF-6Laby-00147-00035263-00035335 wonderful -ykAF-6Laby-00148-00035336-00035743 so wonderful and uh my pastor is tony -ykAF-6Laby-00149-00035744-00035887 brazelton -ykAF-6Laby-00150-00035888-00036071 he's on the internet at the youtube -ykAF-6Laby-00151-00036072-00036367 victory christian center in maryland -ykAF-6Laby-00152-00036368-00036655 and he we have a church of five thousand -ykAF-6Laby-00153-00036656-00036951 he does and he has a uh -ykAF-6Laby-00154-00036952-00037127 four or five other churches and he's got -ykAF-6Laby-00155-00037128-00037271 elders and boards and they're -ykAF-6Laby-00156-00037272-00037583 under their leaders cleflo dollar and -ykAF-6Laby-00157-00037584-00037839 what i want to tell you is this that -ykAF-6Laby-00158-00037840-00038143 my mentor uh burl rice many years ago we -ykAF-6Laby-00159-00038144-00038351 met him 25 years ago -ykAF-6Laby-00160-00038352-00038518 preaching it i was going with my mentor -ykAF-6Laby-00161-00038519-00038767 to preach in washington dc -ykAF-6Laby-00162-00038768-00039039 not too far from here and he came in -ykAF-6Laby-00163-00039040-00039087 with -ykAF-6Laby-00164-00039088-00039399 his wife and they had one baby i think -ykAF-6Laby-00165-00039400-00039615 the little girl she was just on hold her -ykAF-6Laby-00166-00039616-00039879 arms and he had his bible and he -ykAF-6Laby-00167-00039880-00040055 and he thought he was coming to bible -ykAF-6Laby-00168-00040056-00040383 study i remember this 25 years ago -ykAF-6Laby-00169-00040384-00040630 and my mentor went right over to him she -ykAF-6Laby-00170-00040631-00040695 said thus -ykAF-6Laby-00171-00040696-00041007 saith the lord said you are going to be -ykAF-6Laby-00172-00041008-00041118 an eagle -ykAF-6Laby-00173-00041119-00041367 and have eagles under your arms and -ykAF-6Laby-00174-00041368-00041551 under this eagle spread you have many -ykAF-6Laby-00175-00041552-00041639 churches -ykAF-6Laby-00176-00041640-00041918 you will have lear jets and you will go -ykAF-6Laby-00177-00041919-00042071 preach all over the world you and your -ykAF-6Laby-00178-00042072-00042143 wife -ykAF-6Laby-00179-00042144-00042327 now here they are just a young married -ykAF-6Laby-00180-00042328-00042455 couple with a baby -ykAF-6Laby-00181-00042456-00042655 he fell out in the floor with his bible -ykAF-6Laby-00182-00042656-00042774 under his arm and slept -ykAF-6Laby-00183-00042775-00043079 the whole time she preached and we were -ykAF-6Laby-00184-00043080-00043151 so -ykAF-6Laby-00185-00043152-00043327 excited we kept in touch with him and -ykAF-6Laby-00186-00043328-00043543 everything and -ykAF-6Laby-00187-00043544-00043774 truly every word she says to him has -ykAF-6Laby-00188-00043775-00043951 come to pass -ykAF-6Laby-00189-00043952-00044279 every word you know and i look back as i -ykAF-6Laby-00190-00044280-00044446 traveled with her and learned from my -ykAF-6Laby-00191-00044447-00044543 mentor from -ykAF-6Laby-00192-00044544-00044799 she was from a allen's time and i'm -ykAF-6Laby-00193-00044800-00044902 telling you guys that -ykAF-6Laby-00194-00044903-00045135 when you're with people like that -ykAF-6Laby-00195-00045136-00045318 they're just down to earth people they -ykAF-6Laby-00196-00045319-00045390 love you -ykAF-6Laby-00197-00045391-00045655 they love what you feel what you think -ykAF-6Laby-00198-00045656-00045895 it does it great in your heart -ykAF-6Laby-00199-00045896-00046262 and uh today my pastor he'll fly me in -ykAF-6Laby-00200-00046263-00046415 like once a year -ykAF-6Laby-00201-00046416-00046630 and it's like he treats me like pastor -ykAF-6Laby-00202-00046631-00046767 chris does -ykAF-6Laby-00203-00046768-00046927 i want to compliment you on how you -ykAF-6Laby-00204-00046928-00047158 treat me that's just how he treats me -ykAF-6Laby-00205-00047159-00047486 and uh yeah we we -ykAF-6Laby-00206-00047487-00047743 we're in a church where we have armed -ykAF-6Laby-00207-00047744-00047807 security -ykAF-6Laby-00208-00047808-00048111 sometimes you know in those areas and -ykAF-6Laby-00209-00048112-00048279 what it is god -ykAF-6Laby-00210-00048280-00048455 is blessing those churches that love -ykAF-6Laby-00211-00048456-00048607 jesus christ -ykAF-6Laby-00212-00048608-00048830 and a prophet said not long ago i think -ykAF-6Laby-00213-00048831-00048951 it was clem comment -ykAF-6Laby-00214-00048952-00049230 and he's a real prophet he said that -ykAF-6Laby-00215-00049231-00049262 there -ykAF-6Laby-00216-00049263-00049479 god was going to seek in the country's -ykAF-6Laby-00217-00049480-00049607 little churches -ykAF-6Laby-00218-00049608-00049839 and big churches he was going to find -ykAF-6Laby-00219-00049840-00049927 churches -ykAF-6Laby-00220-00049928-00050223 that loved him loved people and they was -ykAF-6Laby-00221-00050224-00050399 going to establish them and they would -ykAF-6Laby-00222-00050400-00050639 bring living water to the people -ykAF-6Laby-00223-00050640-00051158 that's what was spoken -ykAF-6Laby-00224-00051159-00051382 excuse me that great revivals will break -ykAF-6Laby-00225-00051383-00051502 out in the earth -ykAF-6Laby-00226-00051503-00051735 from the countries so you guys are in -ykAF-6Laby-00227-00051736-00051911 the country right -ykAF-6Laby-00228-00051912-00052087 and get ready for you're going to have a -ykAF-6Laby-00229-00052088-00052246 great move of god -ykAF-6Laby-00230-00052247-00052566 great move of god and and -ykAF-6Laby-00231-00052567-00052719 i want to speak to you tonight a little -ykAF-6Laby-00232-00052720-00052950 more on hell because i didn't get to -ykAF-6Laby-00233-00052951-00053150 share about a lot of the things -ykAF-6Laby-00234-00053151-00053415 and we were talking today and then the -ykAF-6Laby-00235-00053416-00053607 holy ghost had spoke to me to correct -ykAF-6Laby-00236-00053608-00053759 myself to you guys -ykAF-6Laby-00237-00053760-00054015 in the office today and what i want to -ykAF-6Laby-00238-00054016-00054159 talk with you in a minute -ykAF-6Laby-00239-00054160-00054438 my gifts are given to me by god in the -ykAF-6Laby-00240-00054439-00054615 book of corinthians the gifts of the -ykAF-6Laby-00241-00054616-00054782 spirit amen -ykAF-6Laby-00242-00054783-00054982 you guys all know about the gifts not -ykAF-6Laby-00243-00054983-00055094 really huh -ykAF-6Laby-00244-00055095-00055335 well they're given by the holy ghost and -ykAF-6Laby-00245-00055336-00055511 the pastors the elders the leaders will -ykAF-6Laby-00246-00055512-00055654 lay hands on you or -ykAF-6Laby-00247-00055655-00055911 i had jesus christ lay his hands on me -ykAF-6Laby-00248-00055912-00056063 plus elders too -ykAF-6Laby-00249-00056064-00056303 and mentors and and schaumbach many -ykAF-6Laby-00250-00056304-00056454 people pray for me -ykAF-6Laby-00251-00056455-00056647 so what i'm going to tell you what he -ykAF-6Laby-00252-00056648-00056759 gives me -ykAF-6Laby-00253-00056760-00057038 by revelation i i'm telling you it blows -ykAF-6Laby-00254-00057039-00057159 my mind -ykAF-6Laby-00255-00057160-00057438 and the other day i was sharing about -ykAF-6Laby-00256-00057439-00057615 you me and having one less rib than a -ykAF-6Laby-00257-00057616-00057694 woman -ykAF-6Laby-00258-00057695-00057975 but i stand corrected i was in air -ykAF-6Laby-00259-00057976-00058038 because -ykAF-6Laby-00260-00058039-00058303 i have doctor friends not only you know -ykAF-6Laby-00261-00058304-00058375 that email -ykAF-6Laby-00262-00058376-00058607 pastor here but i have other doctor -ykAF-6Laby-00263-00058608-00058815 friends i've never asked that to -ykAF-6Laby-00264-00058816-00058991 so i want you to know you men have the -ykAF-6Laby-00265-00058991-00059326 same amount of ribs as we do -ykAF-6Laby-00266-00059327-00059487 i just want to correct myself i stand -ykAF-6Laby-00267-00059488-00059711 corrected and not only that we were -ykAF-6Laby-00268-00059712-00059799 talking -ykAF-6Laby-00269-00059800-00059991 and i said you know that's true that was -ykAF-6Laby-00270-00059991-00060142 like for years i heard that you know -ykAF-6Laby-00271-00060144-00060303 growing up and everything -ykAF-6Laby-00272-00060304-00060582 and the lord said to me uh i'm not -ykAF-6Laby-00273-00060583-00060679 imperfect -ykAF-6Laby-00274-00060679-00060894 i gave adam another rib and we were -ykAF-6Laby-00275-00060895-00061038 laughing he talked to me right awhile -ykAF-6Laby-00276-00061039-00061199 ago in the office -ykAF-6Laby-00277-00061200-00061494 and we were laughing how perfect is god -ykAF-6Laby-00278-00061495-00061687 so tonight i want you to know he's -ykAF-6Laby-00279-00061688-00061879 perfect but he's holy -ykAF-6Laby-00280-00061879-00062191 sweetheart he's real and if you do fall -ykAF-6Laby-00281-00062191-00062430 or make a mistake be quick okay to get -ykAF-6Laby-00282-00062432-00062559 corrected -ykAF-6Laby-00283-00062560-00062887 we are children in a world that is so -ykAF-6Laby-00284-00062888-00063119 mass and so full of sin -ykAF-6Laby-00285-00063120-00063479 so full of meanness so full of abuse -ykAF-6Laby-00286-00063479-00063766 and god wants us to be different he -ykAF-6Laby-00287-00063767-00063999 wants our light to shine -ykAF-6Laby-00288-00064000-00064319 amongst everywhere we go right children -ykAF-6Laby-00289-00064320-00064623 and and today debbie got a call -ykAF-6Laby-00290-00064624-00065015 from a nurse -ykAF-6Laby-00291-00065016-00065287 in a clinic in arizona about her -ykAF-6Laby-00292-00065288-00065430 treatments -ykAF-6Laby-00293-00065432-00065726 and we asked her about the lady that had -ykAF-6Laby-00294-00065727-00065806 the -ykAF-6Laby-00295-00065807-00065999 machine on her last night we asked the -ykAF-6Laby-00296-00066000-00066135 nurse about her -ykAF-6Laby-00297-00066136-00066343 are you here today honey there yeah we -ykAF-6Laby-00298-00066344-00066447 saw your -ykAF-6Laby-00299-00066448-00066687 she's here well tonight we got to make -ykAF-6Laby-00300-00066688-00066806 sure pastor and i -ykAF-6Laby-00301-00066807-00067150 and uh debbie pastor debbie we lay hands -ykAF-6Laby-00302-00067151-00067326 on you again because the nurse told us -ykAF-6Laby-00303-00067327-00067543 how how to pray for you -ykAF-6Laby-00304-00067544-00067903 she said you have a heart disease that's -ykAF-6Laby-00305-00067904-00068215 it's inherited right yeah and then jesus -ykAF-6Laby-00306-00068216-00068519 broke all those curses in his name -ykAF-6Laby-00307-00068520-00068799 okay so but she said that uh she was -ykAF-6Laby-00308-00068800-00068999 telling us all about you -ykAF-6Laby-00309-00069000-00069279 just what you told us up here but more -ykAF-6Laby-00310-00069280-00069423 and she said it's very -ykAF-6Laby-00311-00069424-00069735 serious very very serious and the lady -ykAF-6Laby-00312-00069736-00069838 knows it -ykAF-6Laby-00313-00069839-00070135 and that uh that that machine is to keep -ykAF-6Laby-00314-00070136-00070287 her heart going -ykAF-6Laby-00315-00070288-00070543 and that today i really wanted us to -ykAF-6Laby-00316-00070544-00070726 pray for her again tonight for that -ykAF-6Laby-00317-00070727-00070919 disease to dry up -ykAF-6Laby-00318-00070920-00071087 because it you know how many heart -ykAF-6Laby-00319-00071088-00071311 surges you had honey -ykAF-6Laby-00320-00071312-00071750 how many somebody speak up -ykAF-6Laby-00321-00071751-00071975 four hearts so that's enough it's over -ykAF-6Laby-00322-00071976-00072087 enough -ykAF-6Laby-00323-00072088-00072623 right right -ykAF-6Laby-00324-00072624-00072871 and god good so we're gonna pray for you -ykAF-6Laby-00325-00072872-00073047 again tonight i mean she was so -ykAF-6Laby-00326-00073048-00073375 sincere that nurse and so kind -ykAF-6Laby-00327-00073376-00073606 and we ended up prophesied to her on the -ykAF-6Laby-00328-00073607-00073711 phone -ykAF-6Laby-00329-00073712-00073894 yeah yeah and debbie's going to take her -ykAF-6Laby-00330-00073895-00074047 some of my books -ykAF-6Laby-00331-00074048-00074359 but what we want to know god loves you -ykAF-6Laby-00332-00074360-00074550 i don't want to leave here feeling that -ykAF-6Laby-00333-00074551-00074711 i didn't do everything god wanted me to -ykAF-6Laby-00334-00074712-00074806 do -ykAF-6Laby-00335-00074807-00075135 because i know my god is real i know -ykAF-6Laby-00336-00075136-00075303 he's there we don't want to see it -ykAF-6Laby-00337-00075304-00075559 sometimes when we're lit stinkers -ykAF-6Laby-00338-00075560-00075871 and we have been stinkers know that -ykAF-6Laby-00339-00075872-00076126 oh for real we have i think that's why -ykAF-6Laby-00340-00076127-00076303 he said some of us are stinking his -ykAF-6Laby-00341-00076304-00076462 nostrils right -ykAF-6Laby-00342-00076463-00076767 right guys because we got to admit it -ykAF-6Laby-00343-00076768-00076999 we're full of the devil sometimes -ykAF-6Laby-00344-00077000-00077279 but god is using people like me and bill -ykAF-6Laby-00345-00077280-00077447 wheeze to clean us up -ykAF-6Laby-00346-00077448-00077687 see he cleaned me up again today so -ykAF-6Laby-00347-00077688-00077871 you've got to say okay god -ykAF-6Laby-00348-00077872-00078150 show me my fault show me my sins and let -ykAF-6Laby-00349-00078151-00078326 me clean my mess up -ykAF-6Laby-00350-00078327-00078479 sometimes you got to go to people and -ykAF-6Laby-00351-00078480-00078719 repent to them so tonight we're going to -ykAF-6Laby-00352-00078720-00078799 talk about -ykAF-6Laby-00353-00078800-00079119 holiness talk about angels -ykAF-6Laby-00354-00079120-00079350 we're going to talk about the depths of -ykAF-6Laby-00355-00079351-00079503 being holy -ykAF-6Laby-00356-00079504-00079726 and we want to talk to you about if you -ykAF-6Laby-00357-00079727-00079823 backslide -ykAF-6Laby-00358-00079824-00080119 don't think you're gone to hell how many -ykAF-6Laby-00359-00080120-00080287 know what i'm talking about -ykAF-6Laby-00360-00080288-00080487 what does the word say now i know that -ykAF-6Laby-00361-00080488-00080726 your jesus is married to the backslider -ykAF-6Laby-00362-00080727-00080999 so he wants to pull you back and bring -ykAF-6Laby-00363-00081000-00081247 you closer to him and correct you -ykAF-6Laby-00364-00081248-00081535 and love on you and just fix you up -ykAF-6Laby-00365-00081536-00081662 right guys -ykAF-6Laby-00366-00081663-00081943 and he shows he's real by the healing -ykAF-6Laby-00367-00081944-00082062 miracles -ykAF-6Laby-00368-00082063-00082255 he said signs and wonders will follow -ykAF-6Laby-00369-00082256-00082423 them in my name -ykAF-6Laby-00370-00082424-00082679 and god showed all of us elders a pastor -ykAF-6Laby-00371-00082680-00082855 we were all laying hands on them -ykAF-6Laby-00372-00082856-00083135 it wasn't just one person so you never -ykAF-6Laby-00373-00083136-00083391 take the glory for what god has done -ykAF-6Laby-00374-00083392-00083591 so right now let's think him what he's -ykAF-6Laby-00375-00083592-00083767 done children -ykAF-6Laby-00376-00083768-00084167 wow feel the love oh wow -ykAF-6Laby-00377-00084168-00084359 well thank you man in your own way for -ykAF-6Laby-00378-00084360-00084550 just a minute here please -ykAF-6Laby-00379-00084551-00084879 lord jesus we just cannot comprehend -ykAF-6Laby-00380-00084880-00085038 what you've done in this beautiful -ykAF-6Laby-00381-00085039-00085182 church -ykAF-6Laby-00382-00085183-00085423 i see father god how you love this -ykAF-6Laby-00383-00085424-00085559 church -ykAF-6Laby-00384-00085560-00085918 i see the humility the humbleness of the -ykAF-6Laby-00385-00085919-00086206 servants of god here -ykAF-6Laby-00386-00086207-00086606 i see the hunger in the congregation god -ykAF-6Laby-00387-00086607-00086887 light their fires brighter lord god -ykAF-6Laby-00388-00086888-00087079 dropped more power of the holy ghost on -ykAF-6Laby-00389-00087080-00087175 us tonight -ykAF-6Laby-00390-00087176-00087423 let us be awake and aware of the the -ykAF-6Laby-00391-00087424-00087599 realities of hell -ykAF-6Laby-00392-00087600-00087799 that we don't want one person not our -ykAF-6Laby-00393-00087800-00088094 worst enemy to go to hell lord jesus -ykAF-6Laby-00394-00088095-00088391 let us be so attuned to you lord god -ykAF-6Laby-00395-00088392-00088655 that will listen to you lamb of god -ykAF-6Laby-00396-00088656-00088906 hallelujah in the name of jesus christ -ykAF-6Laby-00397-00088907-00089079 hallelujah -ykAF-6Laby-00398-00089080-00089415 amen so we're going to talk a minute i'm -ykAF-6Laby-00399-00089416-00089559 going -ykAF-6Laby-00400-00089560-00089847 about hell to you and we're going to go -ykAF-6Laby-00401-00089848-00089991 over to the book of luke -ykAF-6Laby-00402-00089992-00090294 chapter 16 real quick -ykAF-6Laby-00403-00090295-00090599 and i want to i want to uh -ykAF-6Laby-00404-00090600-00090815 ground something in your spirit grind -ykAF-6Laby-00405-00090816-00091031 something in your spirit -ykAF-6Laby-00406-00091032-00091382 we've had a lot of fun okay and god is -ykAF-6Laby-00407-00091383-00091462 talking to me -ykAF-6Laby-00408-00091463-00091647 you know as a mother and a grandmother -ykAF-6Laby-00409-00091648-00091894 and a traveling evangelist -ykAF-6Laby-00410-00091895-00092159 that you know as time goes on from the -ykAF-6Laby-00411-00092160-00092367 cradle to the grave -ykAF-6Laby-00412-00092368-00092694 god wants a people to praise him god -ykAF-6Laby-00413-00092695-00092838 wants a people darling -ykAF-6Laby-00414-00092839-00093174 to love him god wants a people -ykAF-6Laby-00415-00093175-00093343 that will not stand back if your -ykAF-6Laby-00416-00093344-00093511 neighbor's getting beat and you don't do -ykAF-6Laby-00417-00093512-00093662 a thing about it -ykAF-6Laby-00418-00093663-00093935 you got to help that neighbor and and -ykAF-6Laby-00419-00093936-00094079 god wants a people to -ykAF-6Laby-00420-00094080-00094367 understand his holiness and that's what -ykAF-6Laby-00421-00094368-00094543 we're going to talk about here for just -ykAF-6Laby-00422-00094544-00094615 about -ykAF-6Laby-00423-00094616-00094911 five minutes we want to live in an -ykAF-6Laby-00424-00094912-00095055 atmosphere -ykAF-6Laby-00425-00095056-00095303 where if we're in danger or our family -ykAF-6Laby-00426-00095304-00095535 that we could immediately call on god in -ykAF-6Laby-00427-00095536-00095679 the name of jesus -ykAF-6Laby-00428-00095680-00095967 and he will send help from the sanctuary -ykAF-6Laby-00429-00095968-00096150 and i will tell you a vision i've seen -ykAF-6Laby-00430-00096151-00096223 about that -ykAF-6Laby-00431-00096224-00096574 many times i'll tell you about it -ykAF-6Laby-00432-00096575-00096815 because you've got to understand your -ykAF-6Laby-00433-00096816-00096903 position -ykAF-6Laby-00434-00096904-00097135 but if you're full of satan and beating -ykAF-6Laby-00435-00097136-00097318 and cursing and drinking and -ykAF-6Laby-00436-00097319-00097471 cussing and listening and doing wicked -ykAF-6Laby-00437-00097472-00097743 things you call on god sometimes -ykAF-6Laby-00438-00097744-00097918 he does hear you i got to say that he -ykAF-6Laby-00439-00097919-00098094 saves many many people in -ykAF-6Laby-00440-00098095-00098406 those positions but when you're really -ykAF-6Laby-00441-00098407-00098543 real with god -ykAF-6Laby-00442-00098544-00098782 you have a blessed assurance in your -ykAF-6Laby-00443-00098783-00098879 soul -ykAF-6Laby-00444-00098880-00099206 he's going to intervene and help you -ykAF-6Laby-00445-00099207-00099582 an intervention of the holy ghost -ykAF-6Laby-00446-00099583-00099759 i mean it would take days to tell you -ykAF-6Laby-00447-00099760-00099926 how god has helped us -ykAF-6Laby-00448-00099927-00100223 kept airplanes from crashing blowing up -ykAF-6Laby-00449-00100224-00100431 with with us riding on those planes and -ykAF-6Laby-00450-00100432-00100503 cars -ykAF-6Laby-00451-00100504-00100774 how we've even had our car in l.a come -ykAF-6Laby-00452-00100775-00100879 up in the air -ykAF-6Laby-00453-00100880-00101094 and go over another card almost hit us -ykAF-6Laby-00454-00101095-00101199 broadside -ykAF-6Laby-00455-00101200-00101526 by the power of god lifted that car -ykAF-6Laby-00456-00101527-00101694 and put it down on the other side of -ykAF-6Laby-00457-00101695-00101815 that car that was going to hit us -ykAF-6Laby-00458-00101816-00101879 broadside -ykAF-6Laby-00459-00101880-00102191 somehow crazy we didn't know -ykAF-6Laby-00460-00102192-00102502 how almighty god does things and i got -ykAF-6Laby-00461-00102503-00102686 hit in the back of the car one time with -ykAF-6Laby-00462-00102688-00102815 my mentor -ykAF-6Laby-00463-00102816-00103086 and we got out i had a i had a cadillac -ykAF-6Laby-00464-00103088-00103254 and we went back to the -ykAF-6Laby-00465-00103255-00103551 the back and the bumper the guy hit me -ykAF-6Laby-00466-00103552-00103702 very hard in the back -ykAF-6Laby-00467-00103703-00103927 and he went off the side of the road and -ykAF-6Laby-00468-00103928-00104078 tommy got out the car running over he -ykAF-6Laby-00469-00104079-00104358 said are you is okay i'm so sorry -ykAF-6Laby-00470-00104359-00104566 and he said that your bumper has been in -ykAF-6Laby-00471-00104567-00104678 and we got out of the car -ykAF-6Laby-00472-00104679-00104990 immediately that bumper was straight no -ykAF-6Laby-00473-00104991-00105207 not it was crazy that man looked so -ykAF-6Laby-00474-00105208-00105399 weird and i did too -ykAF-6Laby-00475-00105400-00105758 and dears i'm telling you how good is -ykAF-6Laby-00476-00105759-00105878 god -ykAF-6Laby-00477-00105879-00106247 he is good and all the time honey -ykAF-6Laby-00478-00106248-00106502 and we have to know this you got to know -ykAF-6Laby-00479-00106503-00106631 he's your friend -ykAF-6Laby-00480-00106632-00106895 he wants you to know tonight he's coming -ykAF-6Laby-00481-00106896-00107015 again -ykAF-6Laby-00482-00107016-00107166 and he don't want you to be caught in -ykAF-6Laby-00483-00107167-00107383 the darkness honey he wants you to be -ykAF-6Laby-00484-00107383-00107590 aware of the holies of holies -ykAF-6Laby-00485-00107591-00107886 the love of god no sin will enter heaven -ykAF-6Laby-00486-00107888-00108039 don't think you're going to repent when -ykAF-6Laby-00487-00108040-00108247 you get there no you cannot -ykAF-6Laby-00488-00108248-00108519 you repent on this earth and you tell -ykAF-6Laby-00489-00108520-00108695 god i'm sorry god -ykAF-6Laby-00490-00108696-00108934 forgive me and if you got to cry me and -ykAF-6Laby-00491-00108935-00109031 you cry -ykAF-6Laby-00492-00109032-00109239 because your tear balls are tears are in -ykAF-6Laby-00493-00109240-00109486 bottles every tear you've ever cried -ykAF-6Laby-00494-00109488-00109751 is caught by angels in a bottle and -ykAF-6Laby-00495-00109752-00109934 taken to heaven and put in -ykAF-6Laby-00496-00109935-00110207 tear books with your name on them with a -ykAF-6Laby-00497-00110208-00110295 manly -ykAF-6Laby-00498-00110296-00110599 book you get big red stones green stones -ykAF-6Laby-00499-00110600-00110895 and manly material women get diamonds -ykAF-6Laby-00500-00110896-00111039 pearls and lace -ykAF-6Laby-00501-00111040-00111310 and their names up there and every tier -ykAF-6Laby-00502-00111311-00111478 any of you have ever cried -ykAF-6Laby-00503-00111479-00111639 angels are right there with you catching -ykAF-6Laby-00504-00111640-00111799 those tears -ykAF-6Laby-00505-00111800-00112047 and when i cried unto the lord that -ykAF-6Laby-00506-00112048-00112166 psalms 56 -ykAF-6Laby-00507-00112167-00112486 or 7 89 when i cried into the lord then -ykAF-6Laby-00508-00112488-00112647 my enemies turn back -ykAF-6Laby-00509-00112648-00112975 this i know my god is for me in my god i -ykAF-6Laby-00510-00112976-00113110 will put my trust -ykAF-6Laby-00511-00113111-00113366 i will not be afraid of what man will do -ykAF-6Laby-00512-00113367-00113478 unto me -ykAF-6Laby-00513-00113479-00113654 and i want to encourage all you people -ykAF-6Laby-00514-00113655-00113847 that got your miracle last night -ykAF-6Laby-00515-00113848-00114119 you stand on god's word you do not go -ykAF-6Laby-00516-00114120-00114302 off your medicine till the doctor tells -ykAF-6Laby-00517-00114303-00114423 you to -ykAF-6Laby-00518-00114424-00114607 and he will claim you're healed you -ykAF-6Laby-00519-00114608-00114758 watch and you see -ykAF-6Laby-00520-00114759-00115047 and you keep standing on god's word if -ykAF-6Laby-00521-00115048-00115231 you've got to open your bible and smack -ykAF-6Laby-00522-00115232-00115527 the devil in the head with it you do it -ykAF-6Laby-00523-00115528-00115878 because today when i was -ykAF-6Laby-00524-00115879-00116119 me and debbie were preparing some stuff -ykAF-6Laby-00525-00116120-00116334 the power god came on me said you know -ykAF-6Laby-00526-00116335-00116439 it's getting towards -ykAF-6Laby-00527-00116440-00116727 close to easter and see he has times and -ykAF-6Laby-00528-00116728-00116831 seasons and we know -ykAF-6Laby-00529-00116832-00117047 what easter is it's the day we worship -ykAF-6Laby-00530-00117048-00117415 jesus for what he paid for you and i -ykAF-6Laby-00531-00117416-00117702 and he it was it was like a revelation -ykAF-6Laby-00532-00117703-00117799 and we were talking -ykAF-6Laby-00533-00117800-00118031 about something and all at once it's -ykAF-6Laby-00534-00118032-00118254 like my whole personality changed -ykAF-6Laby-00535-00118255-00118439 and the lord spoke to me and he said -ykAF-6Laby-00536-00118440-00118647 never never take the cross -ykAF-6Laby-00537-00118648-00119023 lightly he said never never let -ykAF-6Laby-00538-00119024-00119310 you know you take my sacrifice to the -ykAF-6Laby-00539-00119311-00119431 earth lightly -ykAF-6Laby-00540-00119432-00119695 my son jesus christ and he give me -ykAF-6Laby-00541-00119696-00119871 phenomenal things i can't even remember -ykAF-6Laby-00542-00119872-00119966 him now -ykAF-6Laby-00543-00119967-00120190 but he said to me when my son died on -ykAF-6Laby-00544-00120191-00120310 that cross -ykAF-6Laby-00545-00120311-00120590 i turned my head and i cried and i cried -ykAF-6Laby-00546-00120591-00120727 and i cried -ykAF-6Laby-00547-00120728-00120958 he said the storms and the winds was my -ykAF-6Laby-00548-00120959-00121110 tears from heaven -ykAF-6Laby-00549-00121111-00121439 when my son died and he said i -ykAF-6Laby-00550-00121440-00121702 myself went to that tomb and put him -ykAF-6Laby-00551-00121703-00121927 back together again -ykAF-6Laby-00552-00121928-00122319 so that you could have life eternal -ykAF-6Laby-00553-00122320-00122590 so that you when you die can if you're -ykAF-6Laby-00554-00122591-00122783 saved and born again can come with me -ykAF-6Laby-00555-00122783-00123127 forever and ever and go to other -ykAF-6Laby-00556-00123128-00123454 galaxies and go to every place in heaven -ykAF-6Laby-00557-00123455-00123702 where you can go through the waterfalls -ykAF-6Laby-00558-00123703-00123886 and diamonds come down -ykAF-6Laby-00559-00123888-00124102 you can walk amongst the flowers they -ykAF-6Laby-00560-00124103-00124190 sing music -ykAF-6Laby-00561-00124191-00124510 to you they make their big as this table -ykAF-6Laby-00562-00124511-00124623 one rose -ykAF-6Laby-00563-00124624-00124966 and they sing music to you you just -ykAF-6Laby-00564-00124967-00125166 don't know what god has you streets of -ykAF-6Laby-00565-00125167-00125271 gold -ykAF-6Laby-00566-00125272-00125599 he has remarkable remarkable things -ykAF-6Laby-00567-00125600-00125966 he has bubbles big bubbles that children -ykAF-6Laby-00568-00125967-00126071 ride on -ykAF-6Laby-00569-00126072-00126239 and they get up in the air and then -ykAF-6Laby-00570-00126240-00126407 they'll another bubble will come and -ykAF-6Laby-00571-00126408-00126543 catch them and they'll ride -ykAF-6Laby-00572-00126544-00126863 in the air on bubbles you'd see -ykAF-6Laby-00573-00126864-00127063 and now they've got a thing on tv where -ykAF-6Laby-00574-00127064-00127239 they've invented them -ykAF-6Laby-00575-00127240-00127543 bubbles and years ago god told me to -ykAF-6Laby-00576-00127544-00127599 tell them about -ykAF-6Laby-00577-00127600-00127878 the flowers that sing and i think it was -ykAF-6Laby-00578-00127879-00128102 one of the big stores walmart so i -ykAF-6Laby-00579-00128103-00128302 made those pots you push a button in the -ykAF-6Laby-00580-00128303-00128423 flower scene -ykAF-6Laby-00581-00128424-00128678 yeah and that great and everywhere you -ykAF-6Laby-00582-00128679-00128927 look in heaven where the kids grow up -ykAF-6Laby-00583-00128928-00129239 is goldfish that are in ponds of water -ykAF-6Laby-00584-00129240-00129407 and they're playing in the water -ykAF-6Laby-00585-00129408-00129599 little two and three-year-old children -ykAF-6Laby-00586-00129600-00129734 and that goldfish -ykAF-6Laby-00587-00129735-00130023 opens his mouth and block letters come -ykAF-6Laby-00588-00130024-00130047 out -ykAF-6Laby-00589-00130048-00130351 and they get the block letters squeezing -ykAF-6Laby-00590-00130352-00130447 it says jesus -ykAF-6Laby-00591-00130448-00130766 loves you sings to those children -ykAF-6Laby-00592-00130767-00130934 and every baby that's ever been -ykAF-6Laby-00593-00130935-00131111 conceived on this earth -ykAF-6Laby-00594-00131112-00131359 that's been aborted or murdered or died -ykAF-6Laby-00595-00131360-00131527 the angels have come and got their -ykAF-6Laby-00596-00131528-00131735 little soul at the time of that death -ykAF-6Laby-00597-00131736-00132031 and taking that baby to heaven and god -ykAF-6Laby-00598-00132032-00132207 finishes that baby -ykAF-6Laby-00599-00132208-00132439 and it the angels take it to grow up in -ykAF-6Laby-00600-00132440-00132599 certain parts of heaven -ykAF-6Laby-00601-00132600-00132895 there's also a room where little shells -ykAF-6Laby-00602-00132896-00133023 come out made like a sea -ykAF-6Laby-00603-00133024-00133335 shell then there's trees suspended in -ykAF-6Laby-00604-00133336-00133439 the air -ykAF-6Laby-00605-00133440-00133647 little birds sit on there and sing to -ykAF-6Laby-00606-00133648-00133783 that baby -ykAF-6Laby-00607-00133784-00134031 and they call them precious but when you -ykAF-6Laby-00608-00134032-00134254 name that unborn child that you cared -ykAF-6Laby-00609-00134255-00134407 you knew you had it -ykAF-6Laby-00610-00134408-00134654 you name it the angels take that to -ykAF-6Laby-00611-00134655-00134823 heaven you say god -ykAF-6Laby-00612-00134824-00135087 please forgive me or whatever you did -ykAF-6Laby-00613-00135088-00135151 and lord -ykAF-6Laby-00614-00135152-00135399 if you win abortion and you merely mean -ykAF-6Laby-00615-00135400-00135614 it you mean it with your whole heart -ykAF-6Laby-00616-00135615-00135823 and say god please tell me was it a boy -ykAF-6Laby-00617-00135824-00136095 or a girl and when god does that -ykAF-6Laby-00618-00136096-00136311 then you say lord may i name my baby -ykAF-6Laby-00619-00136312-00136431 this is real -ykAF-6Laby-00620-00136432-00136727 and you take the angels take that name -ykAF-6Laby-00621-00136728-00136887 put it on the top of the little board -ykAF-6Laby-00622-00136888-00137007 over the baby -ykAF-6Laby-00623-00137008-00137287 and remove the word precious they like -ykAF-6Laby-00624-00137288-00137335 mark -ykAF-6Laby-00625-00137336-00137702 like john uh you know tom or judy -ykAF-6Laby-00626-00137703-00137911 they put that name ahead of the top of -ykAF-6Laby-00627-00137912-00138023 that baby -ykAF-6Laby-00628-00138024-00138311 and sometimes the babies say little you -ykAF-6Laby-00629-00138312-00138454 can walk up to a -ykAF-6Laby-00630-00138455-00138702 six-year-old child and they're they're -ykAF-6Laby-00631-00138703-00138807 so brilliant -ykAF-6Laby-00632-00138808-00138983 it blows your mind what comes out of -ykAF-6Laby-00633-00138984-00139311 their mouth uh they can play the piano -ykAF-6Laby-00634-00139312-00139535 one boy was playing a piano better than -ykAF-6Laby-00635-00139536-00139663 beef tobin -ykAF-6Laby-00636-00139664-00139847 and singing with the voice of an -ykAF-6Laby-00637-00139848-00139983 archangel -ykAF-6Laby-00638-00139984-00140214 it's brilliant what god has for us in -ykAF-6Laby-00639-00140215-00140343 heaven -ykAF-6Laby-00640-00140344-00140671 teenagers in heaven families in heaven -ykAF-6Laby-00641-00140672-00140935 young people you god i don't understand -ykAF-6Laby-00642-00140936-00141159 all those mysteries i don't know it -ykAF-6Laby-00643-00141160-00141366 but i do know when you die and go to -ykAF-6Laby-00644-00141367-00141575 heaven if you were a hundred -ykAF-6Laby-00645-00141576-00141919 15 minutes in the atmosphere you look -ykAF-6Laby-00646-00141920-00142271 28 or 33 years old -ykAF-6Laby-00647-00142272-00142902 you know that you don't -ykAF-6Laby-00648-00142903-00143095 ah would you like to be there up there -ykAF-6Laby-00649-00143096-00143287 someday -ykAF-6Laby-00650-00143288-00143559 am i are you listening we all want to be -ykAF-6Laby-00651-00143560-00143702 there someday -ykAF-6Laby-00652-00143703-00143839 so children i want to explain to you -ykAF-6Laby-00653-00143840-00144054 about heaven and now i'm going to touch -ykAF-6Laby-00654-00144055-00144223 on hell because -ykAF-6Laby-00655-00144224-00144607 here in luke it tells you clearly -ykAF-6Laby-00656-00144608-00144902 that when you die without jesus christ -ykAF-6Laby-00657-00144903-00145119 god's judgment comes on you -ykAF-6Laby-00658-00145120-00145407 almighty god his judgment of eternal -ykAF-6Laby-00659-00145408-00145543 damnation -ykAF-6Laby-00660-00145544-00145831 and you say what is eternal damnation -ykAF-6Laby-00661-00145832-00145926 sweetheart -ykAF-6Laby-00662-00145927-00146190 that's where when you okay so you die -ykAF-6Laby-00663-00146191-00146390 and like you saw in the video -ykAF-6Laby-00664-00146391-00146671 they go down they fall down and their -ykAF-6Laby-00665-00146672-00146790 demons -ykAF-6Laby-00666-00146791-00147119 take them and they begin to put them in -ykAF-6Laby-00667-00147120-00147295 certain sections of hell like you have -ykAF-6Laby-00668-00147296-00147366 these -ykAF-6Laby-00669-00147367-00147671 boxes up here they have pits -ykAF-6Laby-00670-00147672-00148095 and and like maybe a thousand acres -ykAF-6Laby-00671-00148096-00148414 or more of land down there -ykAF-6Laby-00672-00148415-00148702 where the pits are just the holes and -ykAF-6Laby-00673-00148703-00148911 they take and place you -ykAF-6Laby-00674-00148912-00149207 in a pit that's got burning rocks in it -ykAF-6Laby-00675-00149208-00149390 it's in a circle -ykAF-6Laby-00676-00149391-00149631 and then it has flames that come up from -ykAF-6Laby-00677-00149632-00149759 the bottom -ykAF-6Laby-00678-00149760-00149902 and they'll place you you have a -ykAF-6Laby-00679-00149903-00150087 skeleton form -ykAF-6Laby-00680-00150088-00150278 you can still talk like here i'm going -ykAF-6Laby-00681-00150279-00150511 to read gentlemen you can still hear -ykAF-6Laby-00682-00150512-00150711 you can still think you have your senses -ykAF-6Laby-00683-00150712-00150878 that you died with -ykAF-6Laby-00684-00150879-00151175 if you die blind you're blind in hell -ykAF-6Laby-00685-00151176-00151278 and anyway -ykAF-6Laby-00686-00151279-00151502 they take your soul it's in a skeleton -ykAF-6Laby-00687-00151503-00151783 form that's how god showed them to me -ykAF-6Laby-00688-00151784-00151983 and they put you in the middle of a pit -ykAF-6Laby-00689-00151984-00152159 with your name on it -ykAF-6Laby-00690-00152160-00152487 and then the fires around there come up -ykAF-6Laby-00691-00152488-00152783 over your bones and you have a great -ykAF-6Laby-00692-00152784-00152911 ugly substance -ykAF-6Laby-00693-00152912-00153223 on your body and as that substance comes -ykAF-6Laby-00694-00153224-00153431 up the fire touches it -ykAF-6Laby-00695-00153432-00153743 and it burns it like hot lava and then -ykAF-6Laby-00696-00153744-00153926 it melts down -ykAF-6Laby-00697-00153927-00154159 and as it melts down they're pulling big -ykAF-6Laby-00698-00154160-00154359 white worms out of their arms screaming -ykAF-6Laby-00699-00154360-00154454 let me die -ykAF-6Laby-00700-00154455-00154823 let me die and death never comes -ykAF-6Laby-00701-00154824-00155054 and then you're watching this by saying -ykAF-6Laby-00702-00155055-00155247 see where you're sitting in your seats -ykAF-6Laby-00703-00155248-00155478 can you imagine if anybody you know went -ykAF-6Laby-00704-00155479-00155814 to hell there were thousands of people -ykAF-6Laby-00705-00155815-00156143 in in this area that had the -ykAF-6Laby-00706-00156144-00156454 either was different types of sin over -ykAF-6Laby-00707-00156455-00156511 here -ykAF-6Laby-00708-00156512-00156719 say in hell they would be the -ykAF-6Laby-00709-00156720-00156863 adulteresses -ykAF-6Laby-00710-00156864-00157190 over here would be the liars okay -ykAF-6Laby-00711-00157191-00157423 you understand they're sectioned off of -ykAF-6Laby-00712-00157424-00157663 the lifetime of sin they committed -ykAF-6Laby-00713-00157664-00158031 before they died if you did every sin -ykAF-6Laby-00714-00158032-00158351 i don't know how they do that but the -ykAF-6Laby-00715-00158352-00158519 i don't but i'm going to tell you what i -ykAF-6Laby-00716-00158520-00158790 do know that these skeletons -ykAF-6Laby-00717-00158791-00159159 can turn they can talk they can scream -ykAF-6Laby-00718-00159160-00159311 you don't know if it's a man or woman -ykAF-6Laby-00719-00159312-00159511 honey till they speak -ykAF-6Laby-00720-00159512-00159719 and by their dialect you know what -ykAF-6Laby-00721-00159720-00159878 nation they're from -ykAF-6Laby-00722-00159879-00160159 and you're looking at masses burning -ykAF-6Laby-00723-00160160-00160295 screaming -ykAF-6Laby-00724-00160296-00160559 and here's what i want to tell you the -ykAF-6Laby-00725-00160560-00160614 lord's -ykAF-6Laby-00726-00160615-00160847 word is written in big black letters in -ykAF-6Laby-00727-00160848-00160935 paragraphs and -ykAF-6Laby-00728-00160936-00161175 sentences flames around them you can -ykAF-6Laby-00729-00161176-00161343 read the word of god -ykAF-6Laby-00730-00161344-00161551 lovers of their own flesh more than -ykAF-6Laby-00731-00161552-00161751 god's commandment -ykAF-6Laby-00732-00161752-00162054 amen the lusts of their flesh deceived -ykAF-6Laby-00733-00162055-00162087 them -ykAF-6Laby-00734-00162088-00162502 devils deceive them this is scary -ykAF-6Laby-00735-00162503-00162743 i mean it's real scary and you think -ykAF-6Laby-00736-00162744-00162966 about how many of you thought since the -ykAF-6Laby-00737-00162967-00163254 service began about somebody in hell how -ykAF-6Laby-00738-00163255-00163287 many -ykAF-6Laby-00739-00163288-00163502 thought about it you really thought -ykAF-6Laby-00740-00163503-00163623 about it -ykAF-6Laby-00741-00163624-00163975 have you cried a little bit i know you -ykAF-6Laby-00742-00163976-00164078 do -ykAF-6Laby-00743-00164079-00164383 you can't help it -ykAF-6Laby-00744-00164384-00164647 because when your eyes come open and -ykAF-6Laby-00745-00164648-00164887 when you hear with your ear -ykAF-6Laby-00746-00164888-00165143 god's circumcising your ear and your -ykAF-6Laby-00747-00165144-00165343 eyes to see -ykAF-6Laby-00748-00165344-00165687 we walk we talk rarely does anybody when -ykAF-6Laby-00749-00165688-00165719 you're -ykAF-6Laby-00750-00165720-00165902 young or in your teens you really think -ykAF-6Laby-00751-00165903-00166159 about eternity -ykAF-6Laby-00752-00166160-00166431 from the cradle to the grave we know as -ykAF-6Laby-00753-00166432-00166607 grandmas and grandpas -ykAF-6Laby-00754-00166608-00166831 we never dreamed we would be this age -ykAF-6Laby-00755-00166832-00167007 did we -ykAF-6Laby-00756-00167008-00167326 tell the truth guys tell how fast time -ykAF-6Laby-00757-00167327-00167511 goes -ykAF-6Laby-00758-00167512-00167878 life is like a vapor of smoke inhale -ykAF-6Laby-00759-00167879-00168231 their carcasses had a vapor of smoke -ykAF-6Laby-00760-00168232-00168431 moving and moving but it could never go -ykAF-6Laby-00761-00168432-00168647 outside the rib cage brother -ykAF-6Laby-00762-00168648-00168999 and they had uh the worms the bones and -ykAF-6Laby-00763-00169000-00169095 the fire -ykAF-6Laby-00764-00169096-00169366 and they would scream let me die let me -ykAF-6Laby-00765-00169367-00169454 die -ykAF-6Laby-00766-00169455-00169790 i've been here 50 years i cannot die -ykAF-6Laby-00767-00169791-00170071 they would scream to jesus get us out -ykAF-6Laby-00768-00170072-00170119 get us -ykAF-6Laby-00769-00170120-00170454 out and jesus would cry and someone -ykAF-6Laby-00770-00170455-00170638 would curse the lord -ykAF-6Laby-00771-00170639-00170951 they would blaspheme him as he walked by -ykAF-6Laby-00772-00170952-00171159 and there were sections where backslide -ykAF-6Laby-00773-00171160-00171326 ministers were -ykAF-6Laby-00774-00171327-00171654 that was an area sweetheart called it -ykAF-6Laby-00775-00171655-00171783 was a vat -ykAF-6Laby-00776-00171784-00172119 it was about as big as this room -ykAF-6Laby-00777-00172120-00172447 it was four or five feet tall made out -ykAF-6Laby-00778-00172448-00172478 of -ykAF-6Laby-00779-00172479-00172799 rusty metal in a circle like a water -ykAF-6Laby-00780-00172800-00172935 tower -ykAF-6Laby-00781-00172936-00173238 and i watch with jesus as demons -ykAF-6Laby-00782-00173239-00173511 demons and by the way are not invisible -ykAF-6Laby-00783-00173512-00173614 in hell -ykAF-6Laby-00784-00173615-00173919 you can see the horns the tails some -ykAF-6Laby-00785-00173920-00174063 four faces -ykAF-6Laby-00786-00174064-00174414 some oh my god two feet three feet -ykAF-6Laby-00787-00174415-00174583 tails they got hoofs it's just like -ykAF-6Laby-00788-00174584-00174759 these horror shows -ykAF-6Laby-00789-00174760-00175031 they're horrible and they will have -ykAF-6Laby-00790-00175032-00175151 chains around -ykAF-6Laby-00791-00175152-00175399 skeletons dragging them and they will -ykAF-6Laby-00792-00175400-00175583 laugh they'll say -ykAF-6Laby-00793-00175584-00175775 according to this we have to we're going -ykAF-6Laby-00794-00175776-00175975 to put you uh -ykAF-6Laby-00795-00175976-00176151 with the murderers you were a murderer -ykAF-6Laby-00796-00176152-00176359 on the earth yeah they do that they have -ykAF-6Laby-00797-00176360-00176663 books and records and they take and put -ykAF-6Laby-00798-00176664-00176871 you with the murder and they'll say -ykAF-6Laby-00799-00176872-00177071 according to this you're you were called -ykAF-6Laby-00800-00177072-00177231 and chosen of god -ykAF-6Laby-00801-00177232-00177551 and we deceived you into backsliding -ykAF-6Laby-00802-00177552-00177790 and we killed you before you could come -ykAF-6Laby-00803-00177791-00177935 to the knowledge -ykAF-6Laby-00804-00177936-00178159 of what god wanted you to do and they -ykAF-6Laby-00805-00178160-00178359 said we deceived you demons say we -ykAF-6Laby-00806-00178360-00178487 deceived you -ykAF-6Laby-00807-00178488-00178687 and they're on this chain so what they -ykAF-6Laby-00808-00178688-00178878 do they they pick like -ykAF-6Laby-00809-00178879-00179143 10 skeletons out of those people with a -ykAF-6Laby-00810-00179144-00179223 chain -ykAF-6Laby-00811-00179224-00179526 and they throw them in that vat and that -ykAF-6Laby-00812-00179527-00179975 that has lava it has boiling raging fire -ykAF-6Laby-00813-00179976-00180087 that comes up -ykAF-6Laby-00814-00180088-00180383 splatters over the edges and in it is -ykAF-6Laby-00815-00180384-00180590 people bobbing up and down screaming and -ykAF-6Laby-00816-00180591-00180775 screaming and screaming -ykAF-6Laby-00817-00180776-00181031 and jesus said to me they had many -ykAF-6Laby-00818-00181032-00181135 chances -ykAF-6Laby-00819-00181136-00181399 to lead my people to jesus christ he -ykAF-6Laby-00820-00181400-00181495 said those men -ykAF-6Laby-00821-00181496-00181799 and women souls in there were -ykAF-6Laby-00822-00181800-00182007 knew better every one of them knew -ykAF-6Laby-00823-00182008-00182183 better and they lied when they was in a -ykAF-6Laby-00824-00182184-00182463 pulpit they lied to the congregation -ykAF-6Laby-00825-00182464-00182671 they never warned them about eternal -ykAF-6Laby-00826-00182672-00182807 damnation -ykAF-6Laby-00827-00182808-00183078 they never told them the truth and said -ykAF-6Laby-00828-00183079-00183278 i warned them and i said prophets -ykAF-6Laby-00829-00183279-00183502 i said apostles to him and he was -ykAF-6Laby-00830-00183503-00183631 weeping he said -ykAF-6Laby-00831-00183632-00183959 child beware don't you never -ykAF-6Laby-00832-00183960-00184231 fall back oh he warned me man so that's -ykAF-6Laby-00833-00184232-00184383 why i'm so bold -ykAF-6Laby-00834-00184384-00184575 because it scares you when you see the -ykAF-6Laby-00835-00184576-00184799 judgment of his father -ykAF-6Laby-00836-00184800-00185047 and then on side of this big metal thing -ykAF-6Laby-00837-00185048-00185143 sweetheart -ykAF-6Laby-00838-00185144-00185459 it was rusty brown metal was written the -ykAF-6Laby-00839-00185460-00185775 abominations of desolations it stands -ykAF-6Laby-00840-00185776-00186102 in the holy place where it should be not -ykAF-6Laby-00841-00186103-00186319 that means a holy pulpit they were -ykAF-6Laby-00842-00186320-00186511 behind a holy altar -ykAF-6Laby-00843-00186512-00186783 and he said all these souls you've been -ykAF-6Laby-00844-00186784-00186990 talking to through hell -ykAF-6Laby-00845-00186991-00187175 some of their leaders are here that -ykAF-6Laby-00846-00187176-00187390 brought them to hell they never told -ykAF-6Laby-00847-00187391-00187519 them the truth -ykAF-6Laby-00848-00187520-00187743 they never told them to repent and be ye -ykAF-6Laby-00849-00187744-00187935 holy from holy -ykAF-6Laby-00850-00187936-00188166 so you understand now how important it -ykAF-6Laby-00851-00188167-00188278 is -ykAF-6Laby-00852-00188279-00188583 you have sweetheart you all of you are -ykAF-6Laby-00853-00188584-00188614 so -ykAF-6Laby-00854-00188615-00188783 kind i want to thank you for giving me -ykAF-6Laby-00855-00188784-00188990 offerings it means the world to me -ykAF-6Laby-00856-00188991-00189319 but you are you are god's chosen -ykAF-6Laby-00857-00189320-00189407 generation -ykAF-6Laby-00858-00189408-00189711 every one of us and if we don't wake up -ykAF-6Laby-00859-00189712-00189911 baby doll while it's time -ykAF-6Laby-00860-00189912-00190190 and these young people you got to open -ykAF-6Laby-00861-00190191-00190350 your little eyes -ykAF-6Laby-00862-00190351-00190623 and you got to stop and think you hear -ykAF-6Laby-00863-00190624-00190766 say you have a -ykAF-6Laby-00864-00190767-00191126 friend that was into all this trouble -ykAF-6Laby-00865-00191127-00191326 screaming now today in california i go a -ykAF-6Laby-00866-00191327-00191454 lot to california -ykAF-6Laby-00867-00191455-00191711 the kids come in droves to hear me they -ykAF-6Laby-00868-00191712-00192007 say mary is there really a god -ykAF-6Laby-00869-00192008-00192254 they'll say mary what what does it mean -ykAF-6Laby-00870-00192255-00192454 we'll burn forever -ykAF-6Laby-00871-00192455-00192719 mary what is going on i was told there -ykAF-6Laby-00872-00192720-00192783 was -ykAF-6Laby-00873-00192784-00193007 no god i was told him i could go to -ykAF-6Laby-00874-00193008-00193087 wicca -ykAF-6Laby-00875-00193088-00193383 and be a powerful witch mary over and -ykAF-6Laby-00876-00193384-00193559 over their little hearts -ykAF-6Laby-00877-00193560-00193702 they said we don't want to do this and -ykAF-6Laby-00878-00193703-00193863 go to hell -ykAF-6Laby-00879-00193864-00194135 i mean their hearts are broken and we -ykAF-6Laby-00880-00194136-00194302 weep and cry with those they come in -ykAF-6Laby-00881-00194303-00194438 droves -ykAF-6Laby-00882-00194439-00194702 the very man that i'm doing the movie -ykAF-6Laby-00883-00194703-00194766 with one of -ykAF-6Laby-00884-00194767-00194990 his name won't you pray for him his name -ykAF-6Laby-00885-00194991-00195111 is uh -ykAF-6Laby-00886-00195112-00195478 andrew rogers he's 27 years old got the -ykAF-6Laby-00887-00195479-00195614 holy ghost -ykAF-6Laby-00888-00195615-00195895 he's the one that gets the funds for the -ykAF-6Laby-00889-00195896-00196038 christian films -ykAF-6Laby-00890-00196039-00196366 this man when he started a bible study -ykAF-6Laby-00891-00196367-00196423 it comes -ykAF-6Laby-00892-00196424-00196735 loaded with young actors christians -ykAF-6Laby-00893-00196736-00196966 people these little girls they've been -ykAF-6Laby-00894-00196967-00197047 beat -ykAF-6Laby-00895-00197048-00197183 they've been hurt these aren't the -ykAF-6Laby-00896-00197184-00197407 actors these are little kids coming -ykAF-6Laby-00897-00197408-00197671 in with their friends to bible study and -ykAF-6Laby-00898-00197672-00197831 i prayed with a lot of them -ykAF-6Laby-00899-00197832-00198183 and they said oh my lord they said we -ykAF-6Laby-00900-00198184-00198231 never -ykAF-6Laby-00901-00198232-00198631 felt such love we never felt such unity -ykAF-6Laby-00902-00198632-00198887 and god is doing this you hear me -ykAF-6Laby-00903-00198888-00198999 business men come -ykAF-6Laby-00904-00199000-00199207 there they say this one man said this is -ykAF-6Laby-00905-00199208-00199319 my family -ykAF-6Laby-00906-00199320-00199511 said when i fly to you new york for -ykAF-6Laby-00907-00199512-00199711 business i fly to texas -ykAF-6Laby-00908-00199712-00199975 i think a hurrying back to pray with my -ykAF-6Laby-00909-00199976-00200102 family -ykAF-6Laby-00910-00200103-00200407 so think about it god is moving in -ykAF-6Laby-00911-00200408-00200631 places never dream -ykAF-6Laby-00912-00200632-00200854 and and when if he's picking high elite -ykAF-6Laby-00913-00200855-00200966 people -ykAF-6Laby-00914-00200967-00201223 these people are fulfilling bible -ykAF-6Laby-00915-00201224-00201335 prophecy -ykAF-6Laby-00916-00201336-00201575 that god's going to raise up a standard -ykAF-6Laby-00917-00201576-00201711 in hollywood -ykAF-6Laby-00918-00201712-00202054 and change a lot of things okay -ykAF-6Laby-00919-00202055-00202343 so we need your prayers i want you to -ykAF-6Laby-00920-00202344-00202526 pray for me for that movie called -ykAF-6Laby-00921-00202527-00202654 eternity -ykAF-6Laby-00922-00202655-00202838 i want you to pray for a man named mark -ykAF-6Laby-00923-00202839-00203071 cook he's the one that works with -ykAF-6Laby-00924-00203072-00203214 passion moving along -ykAF-6Laby-00925-00203215-00203502 he's one of the producers so we're doing -ykAF-6Laby-00926-00203503-00203663 all that paperwork -ykAF-6Laby-00927-00203664-00203959 when i go to these meetings it touches -ykAF-6Laby-00928-00203960-00204087 my heart -ykAF-6Laby-00929-00204088-00204343 how they really love god and want to -ykAF-6Laby-00930-00204344-00204414 change -ykAF-6Laby-00931-00204415-00204775 the world they want to change destiny -ykAF-6Laby-00932-00204776-00204966 they want to prove we didn't come from a -ykAF-6Laby-00933-00204967-00205231 fish nor a frog -ykAF-6Laby-00934-00205232-00205462 sincerely it teaches that some people -ykAF-6Laby-00935-00205463-00205623 believe that -ykAF-6Laby-00936-00205623-00205966 so we have to recognize exactly what -ykAF-6Laby-00937-00205967-00206327 damnation means sweetheart and it's -ykAF-6Laby-00938-00206328-00206527 even we read in mark about your hands -ykAF-6Laby-00939-00206528-00206782 and your eyes last night remember guys -ykAF-6Laby-00940-00206783-00206951 where if you keep lying cheating -ykAF-6Laby-00941-00206952-00207166 stealing doing the things with this -ykAF-6Laby-00942-00207167-00207286 human body -ykAF-6Laby-00943-00207287-00207638 god says stop it stop it and when we -ykAF-6Laby-00944-00207639-00207814 listen to the word -ykAF-6Laby-00945-00207815-00208110 we understand but the young kids out -ykAF-6Laby-00946-00208111-00208198 there -ykAF-6Laby-00947-00208200-00208406 there's such awful doctrines in many -ykAF-6Laby-00948-00208407-00208575 places there's like -ykAF-6Laby-00949-00208576-00208871 maybe 10 churches that really preach -ykAF-6Laby-00950-00208871-00209062 fire like you guys do -ykAF-6Laby-00951-00209063-00209198 and the people are coming to them in -ykAF-6Laby-00952-00209200-00209438 droves to get their lives right -ykAF-6Laby-00953-00209439-00209910 in that wonderful -ykAF-6Laby-00954-00209911-00210151 so i want to read to you here thank you -ykAF-6Laby-00955-00210152-00210391 god -ykAF-6Laby-00956-00210392-00210727 oh my i feel his love wow guys you feel -ykAF-6Laby-00957-00210728-00210942 his love just failed -ykAF-6Laby-00958-00210944-00211094 and this is what you we got to learn -ykAF-6Laby-00959-00211096-00211279 together let's heed that let's say -ykAF-6Laby-00960-00211280-00211503 because pastor said i could when you -ykAF-6Laby-00961-00211504-00211694 feel this list right now just close your -ykAF-6Laby-00962-00211696-00211806 eyes -ykAF-6Laby-00963-00211807-00212158 say lord we receive your presence -ykAF-6Laby-00964-00212159-00212542 wow oh my -ykAF-6Laby-00965-00212544-00212871 oh lord yes -ykAF-6Laby-00966-00212871-00213303 for i will crown this church with glory -ykAF-6Laby-00967-00213304-00213575 i shall crown this church with glory on -ykAF-6Laby-00968-00213576-00213782 easter -ykAF-6Laby-00969-00213783-00214103 i shall bring my crown of glory down -ykAF-6Laby-00970-00214104-00214375 and put on the top of this church and -ykAF-6Laby-00971-00214376-00214406 thou -ykAF-6Laby-00972-00214407-00214751 shall have a changing of the guards -ykAF-6Laby-00973-00214752-00215110 i will send you another troop of angels -ykAF-6Laby-00974-00215111-00215398 and the other angels will come home -ykAF-6Laby-00975-00215400-00215615 because they will establish more things -ykAF-6Laby-00976-00215616-00215815 for you -ykAF-6Laby-00977-00215816-00216023 there will be a changing of the guards a -ykAF-6Laby-00978-00216023-00216239 changing of the atmosphere -ykAF-6Laby-00979-00216240-00216558 that will be your day of elevation -ykAF-6Laby-00980-00216559-00217015 wow wow -ykAF-6Laby-00981-00217016-00217375 wow thank you lord -ykAF-6Laby-00982-00217376-00217567 and many shall come and drink of the -ykAF-6Laby-00983-00217567-00217775 waters here -ykAF-6Laby-00984-00217776-00218006 many shall come my children to hear what -ykAF-6Laby-00985-00218007-00218231 i'm saying here -ykAF-6Laby-00986-00218232-00218415 you shall see and you shall know i've -ykAF-6Laby-00987-00218416-00218639 said these things -ykAF-6Laby-00988-00218640-00218967 for i have chosen this place to let -ykAF-6Laby-00989-00218967-00219167 living water flow -ykAF-6Laby-00990-00219167-00219551 i've chosen this place to heal my people -ykAF-6Laby-00991-00219552-00219982 oh my saith the spirit of the lord thank -ykAF-6Laby-00992-00219983-00220215 you jesus -ykAF-6Laby-00993-00220216-00220582 wow to fill his presence his arms are -ykAF-6Laby-00994-00220583-00220710 around you guys your -ykAF-6Laby-00995-00220711-00221055 your fave favored highly favored -ykAF-6Laby-00996-00221056-00221431 highly favored well thank you thank you -ykAF-6Laby-00997-00221432-00221575 lord -ykAF-6Laby-00998-00221576-00221982 amen here in uh the book of luke we read -ykAF-6Laby-00999-00221983-00222110 it the other day -ykAF-6Laby-01000-00222111-00222246 and we're talking i'm going to go down -ykAF-6Laby-01001-00222248-00222510 it's a chapter 16 -ykAF-6Laby-01002-00222511-00222671 and i'm just going to go down here to -ykAF-6Laby-01003-00222671-00222910 verse 22 -ykAF-6Laby-01004-00222911-00223142 chapter 16 guys verse 22 if you want to -ykAF-6Laby-01005-00223144-00223279 put that up -ykAF-6Laby-01006-00223280-00223951 verse 22 of chapter 16 of luke -ykAF-6Laby-01007-00223952-00224446 and it came to pass that the beggar died -ykAF-6Laby-01008-00224448-00224655 and was carried by the angels into -ykAF-6Laby-01009-00224656-00224919 abraham's bosom -ykAF-6Laby-01010-00224919-00225206 and on that great day of easter when -ykAF-6Laby-01011-00225207-00225446 jesus was crucified -ykAF-6Laby-01012-00225448-00225806 and he went down down into hell -ykAF-6Laby-01013-00225807-00225998 when he rose from the dead after if they -ykAF-6Laby-01014-00226000-00226246 put him in the tomb -ykAF-6Laby-01015-00226248-00226431 he said open up your gates and let the -ykAF-6Laby-01016-00226432-00226646 king of glory come in -ykAF-6Laby-01017-00226648-00226855 he went down into hell and all of those -ykAF-6Laby-01018-00226856-00227039 that had waited on the promise there was -ykAF-6Laby-01019-00227040-00227175 an abode -ykAF-6Laby-01020-00227176-00227342 where they could see down into hell -ykAF-6Laby-01021-00227344-00227519 that's where jesus went -ykAF-6Laby-01022-00227519-00227806 to talk to those who's waiting on him -ykAF-6Laby-01023-00227807-00228039 and it said right here -ykAF-6Laby-01024-00228040-00228327 that the baker died and was carried by -ykAF-6Laby-01025-00228328-00228582 angels into abraham's bosom the rich man -ykAF-6Laby-01026-00228583-00228894 also died and was buried -ykAF-6Laby-01027-00228896-00229303 and in hell this is the the rich man -ykAF-6Laby-01028-00229304-00229623 he lifted up his eyes being in torments -ykAF-6Laby-01029-00229623-00229815 right there proves to you those people -ykAF-6Laby-01030-00229816-00229958 in the pits -ykAF-6Laby-01031-00229959-00230151 that died with their other senses could -ykAF-6Laby-01032-00230152-00230279 see -ykAF-6Laby-01033-00230280-00230455 and they were on fire with worms -ykAF-6Laby-01034-00230456-00230615 crawling through them -ykAF-6Laby-01035-00230616-00230839 and you could not get out of the holes -ykAF-6Laby-01036-00230840-00230942 and i read them to you -ykAF-6Laby-01037-00230944-00231246 ezekiel 32 because sweetheart the demons -ykAF-6Laby-01038-00231248-00231694 would shove them back in and laugh -ykAF-6Laby-01039-00231696-00231951 it's all true bill whis talks about it -ykAF-6Laby-01040-00231952-00232223 other people talk about hell -ykAF-6Laby-01041-00232223-00232487 and let's look at this he lifted up his -ykAF-6Laby-01042-00232488-00232687 eyes being in torments -ykAF-6Laby-01043-00232688-00232967 and seeing abraham looking afar off it -ykAF-6Laby-01044-00232967-00233142 was far from him -ykAF-6Laby-01045-00233144-00233494 and lazarus in his bosom how did this -ykAF-6Laby-01046-00233496-00233839 rich man see and understand -ykAF-6Laby-01047-00233840-00234151 it was abraham and it was last -ykAF-6Laby-01048-00234152-00234334 bosom abraham's books how did he know -ykAF-6Laby-01049-00234335-00234598 that they were not a vapor of smoke -ykAF-6Laby-01050-00234600-00234767 evidently right they were not in a -ykAF-6Laby-01051-00234767-00234982 skeleton form were they -ykAF-6Laby-01052-00234983-00235294 they were in human forms they had to be -ykAF-6Laby-01053-00235296-00235551 for him to recognize him and when he -ykAF-6Laby-01054-00235552-00235710 looked at him you know here's what he -ykAF-6Laby-01055-00235711-00235823 said -ykAF-6Laby-01056-00235823-00236046 verse 24 he didn't just talk he screamed -ykAF-6Laby-01057-00236048-00236255 he cried -ykAF-6Laby-01058-00236256-00236655 father abraham have mercy on me -ykAF-6Laby-01059-00236656-00236958 oh and send lazarus that he may dip the -ykAF-6Laby-01060-00236959-00237087 tip of his fingers see -ykAF-6Laby-01061-00237088-00237431 you got he felt yet you know a tongue -ykAF-6Laby-01062-00237432-00237679 and he wanted a drop of water and cool -ykAF-6Laby-01063-00237680-00237815 my tongue -ykAF-6Laby-01064-00237816-00238239 from tormented in this flame -ykAF-6Laby-01065-00238240-00238479 but abraham said son remembers he had -ykAF-6Laby-01066-00238480-00238655 his brain -ykAF-6Laby-01067-00238656-00238846 that in your lifetime you had good -ykAF-6Laby-01068-00238848-00239071 things received -ykAF-6Laby-01069-00239071-00239382 by good things and likewise lazarus evil -ykAF-6Laby-01070-00239383-00239479 things -ykAF-6Laby-01071-00239480-00239679 for now he is comforting and thou are -ykAF-6Laby-01072-00239680-00239846 tormented -ykAF-6Laby-01073-00239848-00240071 when you read these holy scriptures you -ykAF-6Laby-01074-00240071-00240191 wonder -ykAF-6Laby-01075-00240192-00240479 how could this be how in the world could -ykAF-6Laby-01076-00240480-00240646 people walk on the earth talk and eat -ykAF-6Laby-01077-00240648-00240823 and drink and party -ykAF-6Laby-01078-00240823-00241151 and fellowship pray and seek god -ykAF-6Laby-01079-00241152-00241479 think about it and all the time a lot of -ykAF-6Laby-01080-00241480-00241582 the sinners that's -ykAF-6Laby-01081-00241583-00241934 the devil's blinded are so careless and -ykAF-6Laby-01082-00241935-00242030 so -ykAF-6Laby-01083-00242031-00242327 don't understand they get killed died or -ykAF-6Laby-01084-00242328-00242430 car wrecks or -ykAF-6Laby-01085-00242431-00242798 get old and go to hell so god is raising -ykAF-6Laby-01086-00242800-00243094 up a standard of holiness again -ykAF-6Laby-01087-00243096-00243319 for years how many years has the gifts -ykAF-6Laby-01088-00243319-00243503 of healing left the earth how many other -ykAF-6Laby-01089-00243504-00243646 preachers know -ykAF-6Laby-01090-00243648-00243823 it's been like 30 years right here in -ykAF-6Laby-01091-00243823-00244103 america it's beginning again now the -ykAF-6Laby-01092-00244104-00244255 massive miracles -ykAF-6Laby-01093-00244256-00244479 it's begin how many years guys you older -ykAF-6Laby-01094-00244480-00244615 christians -ykAF-6Laby-01095-00244616-00244830 when you could go to shambox 10 and all -ykAF-6Laby-01096-00244831-00245087 of them and get miracles couldn't you -ykAF-6Laby-01097-00245088-00245342 you guys know what i'm talking about so -ykAF-6Laby-01098-00245344-00245615 now it's coming back -ykAF-6Laby-01099-00245616-00245830 pastor wright in california has a church -ykAF-6Laby-01100-00245831-00245991 like yours -ykAF-6Laby-01101-00245992-00246246 he has a powerful church two angels came -ykAF-6Laby-01102-00246248-00246351 to him -ykAF-6Laby-01103-00246352-00246687 last year and he said pastor wright -ykAF-6Laby-01104-00246688-00246998 we are the angels over l.a -ykAF-6Laby-01105-00247000-00247223 god has sent us to you that we're going -ykAF-6Laby-01106-00247223-00247310 to prepare -ykAF-6Laby-01107-00247311-00247655 this place again for zuzia street -ykAF-6Laby-01108-00247656-00248103 100 years ago so he's now being prepared -ykAF-6Laby-01109-00248104-00248303 we went to have service there pastor -ykAF-6Laby-01110-00248304-00248415 chris -ykAF-6Laby-01111-00248416-00248694 it was the wildest service he and i got -ykAF-6Laby-01112-00248696-00248855 up because i've known him 24 years and -ykAF-6Laby-01113-00248856-00248942 we got up we were -ykAF-6Laby-01114-00248944-00249287 speaking to the congregation all at once -ykAF-6Laby-01115-00249288-00249487 he was talking about it the two angels -ykAF-6Laby-01116-00249488-00249623 came to him -ykAF-6Laby-01117-00249623-00249830 he's a very powerful man very correct -ykAF-6Laby-01118-00249831-00249934 like you very -ykAF-6Laby-01119-00249935-00250206 schooled in everything he does and the -ykAF-6Laby-01120-00250207-00250471 power of god hit that place we those we -ykAF-6Laby-01121-00250471-00250606 didn't know it he had the elders like -ykAF-6Laby-01122-00250607-00250694 you -ykAF-6Laby-01123-00250696-00251039 and god's power began to knock people -ykAF-6Laby-01124-00251040-00251271 over the people were falling out -ykAF-6Laby-01125-00251271-00251534 they were jerking they were running and -ykAF-6Laby-01126-00251535-00251694 i was standing there and i didn't know -ykAF-6Laby-01127-00251696-00251830 what was going on -ykAF-6Laby-01128-00251831-00252023 and dexter my spiritual son he's a -ykAF-6Laby-01129-00252023-00252151 born-again jew -ykAF-6Laby-01130-00252152-00252351 he was froze in the floor because he had -ykAF-6Laby-01131-00252352-00252487 to catch a lady -ykAF-6Laby-01132-00252488-00252639 that her head was bobbing up and down -ykAF-6Laby-01133-00252640-00252767 you know he's afraid she'd break her -ykAF-6Laby-01134-00252767-00252855 neck -ykAF-6Laby-01135-00252856-00253175 and it was crazy it just went wild so he -ykAF-6Laby-01136-00253176-00253367 finally got some order -ykAF-6Laby-01137-00253367-00253558 and we had to make like you people there -ykAF-6Laby-01138-00253559-00253751 and we here we had to let all the people -ykAF-6Laby-01139-00253752-00253855 walk through there -ykAF-6Laby-01140-00253856-00254039 and everybody laid hands on them they -ykAF-6Laby-01141-00254040-00254246 were miracles signs and wonders we were -ykAF-6Laby-01142-00254248-00254446 there to four in the evening -ykAF-6Laby-01143-00254448-00254710 god did that all of that we did no part -ykAF-6Laby-01144-00254711-00254830 a lot in that -ykAF-6Laby-01145-00254831-00255134 it was god to prove how much he loved -ykAF-6Laby-01146-00255135-00255310 pastor wright -ykAF-6Laby-01147-00255311-00255646 in that wild and people come and drove -ykAF-6Laby-01148-00255648-00255782 to his church -ykAF-6Laby-01149-00255783-00256087 and what it is it's a timing pastor -ykAF-6Laby-01150-00256088-00256206 wright told me -ykAF-6Laby-01151-00256207-00256494 he said mary it's the timing said i've -ykAF-6Laby-01152-00256496-00256734 been waiting 40 years for this -ykAF-6Laby-01153-00256735-00257055 yeah he said it's the timing of god -ykAF-6Laby-01154-00257056-00257271 and you never know when god's going to -ykAF-6Laby-01155-00257271-00257494 explode things for you -ykAF-6Laby-01156-00257496-00257782 you better get ready guys you better get -ykAF-6Laby-01157-00257783-00257910 ready because there's going to be a -ykAF-6Laby-01158-00257911-00258191 wind coming this place gonna rock your -ykAF-6Laby-01159-00258192-00258319 tree -ykAF-6Laby-01160-00258319-00258703 wow yes glory to his name -ykAF-6Laby-01161-00258704-00258863 debbie was telling me last night she -ykAF-6Laby-01162-00258864-00259023 kept feeling the power god hit her in -ykAF-6Laby-01163-00259023-00259127 her seat -ykAF-6Laby-01164-00259128-00259287 have you guys been feeling anything like -ykAF-6Laby-01165-00259288-00259567 that raise your hands -ykAF-6Laby-01166-00259567-00259806 wow all over just you know that's -ykAF-6Laby-01167-00259807-00259934 because you opened up your heart and -ykAF-6Laby-01168-00259935-00260023 said okay god -ykAF-6Laby-01169-00260023-00260334 use me touch me and the angels go around -ykAF-6Laby-01170-00260335-00260430 i've seen them -ykAF-6Laby-01171-00260431-00260646 they'll touch you some of you and you -ykAF-6Laby-01172-00260648-00260815 begin to feel his power -ykAF-6Laby-01173-00260816-00261103 isn't that wonderful so we're talking -ykAF-6Laby-01174-00261104-00261375 about heaven and hell and a mixture -ykAF-6Laby-01175-00261376-00261727 of what the power of god does so when -ykAF-6Laby-01176-00261728-00261919 when all of this like this rich man in -ykAF-6Laby-01177-00261919-00262094 hell see talk -ykAF-6Laby-01178-00262096-00262406 remember okay let's put him in a -ykAF-6Laby-01179-00262407-00262510 category -ykAF-6Laby-01180-00262511-00262791 he's still in hell tonight because he -ykAF-6Laby-01181-00262792-00262999 rejected god his commandments that's -ykAF-6Laby-01182-00263000-00263239 when he had to keep the commandments -ykAF-6Laby-01183-00263240-00263463 and so you see jesus had to go to the -ykAF-6Laby-01184-00263464-00263567 cross -ykAF-6Laby-01185-00263568-00263815 to keep his promise naturally to let -ykAF-6Laby-01186-00263816-00263903 them out -ykAF-6Laby-01187-00263904-00264182 apparent you know abraham's bosom am i -ykAF-6Laby-01188-00264183-00264287 right -ykAF-6Laby-01189-00264288-00264519 jesus had to fulfill the prophet's word -ykAF-6Laby-01190-00264520-00264679 his father's word -ykAF-6Laby-01191-00264680-00264999 and be down there to talk to them for -ykAF-6Laby-01192-00265000-00265182 three days to make them escape -ykAF-6Laby-01193-00265183-00265487 out of that place he opened up and they -ykAF-6Laby-01194-00265488-00265647 were translated -ykAF-6Laby-01195-00265648-00266047 to heaven right am i right also the the -ykAF-6Laby-01196-00266048-00266239 graves busted open -ykAF-6Laby-01197-00266240-00266591 when he was crucified 500 people come -ykAF-6Laby-01198-00266592-00266767 out of the graves listen -ykAF-6Laby-01199-00266768-00267039 walk the streets and then they were -ykAF-6Laby-01200-00267040-00267199 brought up to heaven -ykAF-6Laby-01201-00267200-00267463 think about that half of your graveyard -ykAF-6Laby-01202-00267464-00267743 down here it popped open -ykAF-6Laby-01203-00267744-00268047 a lot of you got family there right -ykAF-6Laby-01204-00268048-00268303 think about it a minute think how many -ykAF-6Laby-01205-00268304-00268415 times graveyard you -ykAF-6Laby-01206-00268416-00268639 you drive by so my god how many made it -ykAF-6Laby-01207-00268640-00268799 to heaven -ykAF-6Laby-01208-00268800-00269087 yeah i think that a lot and you have to -ykAF-6Laby-01209-00269088-00269263 start thinking of your family's -ykAF-6Laby-01210-00269264-00269415 sweetheart -ykAF-6Laby-01211-00269416-00269655 some of them are little rascals you know -ykAF-6Laby-01212-00269656-00269727 and i know -ykAF-6Laby-01213-00269728-00270071 boy i know i got one that was a navy -ykAF-6Laby-01214-00270072-00270255 seal and another one that -ykAF-6Laby-01215-00270256-00270447 oh they're just boys you know but -ykAF-6Laby-01216-00270448-00270655 they're you got to really sit on them -ykAF-6Laby-01217-00270656-00270710 sometime -ykAF-6Laby-01218-00270711-00270958 preach the gospel because they like to -ykAF-6Laby-01219-00270959-00271071 fight you know and -ykAF-6Laby-01220-00271072-00271343 wrestle and all that stuff do you guys -ykAF-6Laby-01221-00271344-00271558 like to fight and wrestle guys -ykAF-6Laby-01222-00271559-00271815 now you're laughing i know you do you -ykAF-6Laby-01223-00271816-00271982 probably don't let mama know about it -ykAF-6Laby-01224-00271983-00272206 because she'd get a hold of you -ykAF-6Laby-01225-00272207-00272551 and uh he you know you got to i -ykAF-6Laby-01226-00272552-00272719 never listen let me tell you mothers -ykAF-6Laby-01227-00272720-00272847 y'all let me tell you women here -ykAF-6Laby-01228-00272848-00272951 something tonight -ykAF-6Laby-01229-00272952-00273175 if you got a son or daughter that's in -ykAF-6Laby-01230-00273176-00273295 the occult -ykAF-6Laby-01231-00273296-00273503 and you're scared to death of them you -ykAF-6Laby-01232-00273504-00273751 get yourself a bottle of olive oil -ykAF-6Laby-01233-00273752-00273958 go in their room and sit on them and -ykAF-6Laby-01234-00273959-00274175 drown them in the olive oil -ykAF-6Laby-01235-00274176-00274399 and you prophesy over them thus saith -ykAF-6Laby-01236-00274400-00274519 the lord you're going to live you're not -ykAF-6Laby-01237-00274520-00274663 going to die you're going to serve the -ykAF-6Laby-01238-00274664-00274751 lord -ykAF-6Laby-01239-00274752-00275039 don't be a coward and run in the corner -ykAF-6Laby-01240-00275040-00275215 and all that little hoochie coochie they -ykAF-6Laby-01241-00275216-00275455 stuff they do is a bunch of garbage -ykAF-6Laby-01242-00275456-00275695 and you got to get bold as a lion you -ykAF-6Laby-01243-00275696-00275799 mothers -ykAF-6Laby-01244-00275800-00276079 and knock the devil out of them don't -ykAF-6Laby-01245-00276080-00276295 let them back you in a corner -ykAF-6Laby-01246-00276296-00276575 you better believe it we can't back down -ykAF-6Laby-01247-00276576-00276710 because we're after this -ykAF-6Laby-01248-00276711-00276975 we don't want their soul to go to hell -ykAF-6Laby-01249-00276976-00277095 you don't want them -ykAF-6Laby-01250-00277096-00277327 a lot of kids are in wicca and i'm -ykAF-6Laby-01251-00277328-00277543 telling you what the lord's going to get -ykAF-6Laby-01252-00277544-00277815 you kids you better stop that stuff -ykAF-6Laby-01253-00277816-00278015 and i know what i'm talking about -ykAF-6Laby-01254-00278016-00278158 because i've ministered all over the -ykAF-6Laby-01255-00278159-00278255 world -ykAF-6Laby-01256-00278256-00278430 and they don't even know they're in -ykAF-6Laby-01257-00278431-00278663 darkness still i talk about hell -ykAF-6Laby-01258-00278664-00278951 they get so scared because in hell -ykAF-6Laby-01259-00278952-00279039 there's -ykAF-6Laby-01260-00279040-00279391 a 17 miles high of a circle -ykAF-6Laby-01261-00279392-00279695 and every level is about 12 foot -ykAF-6Laby-01262-00279696-00280030 and then another 12 feet high -ykAF-6Laby-01263-00280031-00280319 of people that was in the occult there's -ykAF-6Laby-01264-00280320-00280599 a bars in the front of their jail cell -ykAF-6Laby-01265-00280600-00280871 and they were witches they were warlocks -ykAF-6Laby-01266-00280872-00281047 they served satan -ykAF-6Laby-01267-00281048-00281319 and fires come up the sides of those -ykAF-6Laby-01268-00281320-00281375 cave -ykAF-6Laby-01269-00281376-00281695 those jail cells and go in and burn them -ykAF-6Laby-01270-00281696-00281823 and burn them and keeps -ykAF-6Laby-01271-00281824-00282071 it's like it's alive then it comes out -ykAF-6Laby-01272-00282072-00282127 and it goes -ykAF-6Laby-01273-00282128-00282479 in a circle and satan comes -ykAF-6Laby-01274-00282480-00282806 in the middle and he takes fireballs out -ykAF-6Laby-01275-00282807-00282999 of his hands and throws -ykAF-6Laby-01276-00283000-00283239 more at him and he says if you don't -ykAF-6Laby-01277-00283240-00283399 praise him the devil -ykAF-6Laby-01278-00283400-00283710 he will burn you more and more and -ykAF-6Laby-01279-00283711-00283895 they're screaming let us die -ykAF-6Laby-01280-00283896-00284215 let us die you lied to us well the devil -ykAF-6Laby-01281-00284216-00284334 is a liar -ykAF-6Laby-01282-00284335-00284527 he's a liar so any of you out there in -ykAF-6Laby-01283-00284528-00284687 the cult tonight -ykAF-6Laby-01284-00284688-00284879 and if you start doing your coochies on -ykAF-6Laby-01285-00284880-00285087 me i'm gonna come after you -ykAF-6Laby-01286-00285088-00285406 and because if i start to choke if i -ykAF-6Laby-01287-00285407-00285567 start to choke i know you're in here so -ykAF-6Laby-01288-00285568-00285806 you better not use that trick -ykAF-6Laby-01289-00285807-00286119 i usually go after them because the lord -ykAF-6Laby-01290-00286120-00286303 wants me to -ykAF-6Laby-01291-00286304-00286495 we've had them crawl on their bellies to -ykAF-6Laby-01292-00286496-00286703 get out away from my mentor she -ykAF-6Laby-01293-00286704-00286951 i learned the hard way you know she had -ykAF-6Laby-01294-00286952-00287143 me go pray for some of them like that -ykAF-6Laby-01295-00287144-00287175 and -ykAF-6Laby-01296-00287176-00287423 they didn't crawl then away from me but -ykAF-6Laby-01297-00287424-00287567 they did her all she had to do was look -ykAF-6Laby-01298-00287568-00287710 at them they'd -ykAF-6Laby-01299-00287711-00287871 they crawled like a snake to get away -ykAF-6Laby-01300-00287872-00288087 from her because of the power in her -ykAF-6Laby-01301-00288088-00288206 life -ykAF-6Laby-01302-00288207-00288463 she sought god she loved god and when -ykAF-6Laby-01303-00288464-00288615 you seek god you're going to have that -ykAF-6Laby-01304-00288616-00288679 power -ykAF-6Laby-01305-00288680-00288895 when you seek him you shall find him -ykAF-6Laby-01306-00288896-00289143 when you want more of the holy ghost -ykAF-6Laby-01307-00289144-00289319 your wife was telling me sir you were -ykAF-6Laby-01308-00289320-00289510 really travailing the other night -ykAF-6Laby-01309-00289511-00289782 the pastor right here of her souls in -ykAF-6Laby-01310-00289783-00289879 this place -ykAF-6Laby-01311-00289880-00290079 and it came on me and debbie too we were -ykAF-6Laby-01312-00290080-00290247 crying for souls -ykAF-6Laby-01313-00290248-00290471 and the holy ghost was saying i want -ykAF-6Laby-01314-00290472-00290647 souls i want souls to be -ykAF-6Laby-01315-00290648-00290839 saved i want them to come out of -ykAF-6Laby-01316-00290840-00291039 darkness into light -ykAF-6Laby-01317-00291040-00291399 and that's what this is all about -ykAF-6Laby-01318-00291400-00291591 so you guys cannot be afraid of your -ykAF-6Laby-01319-00291592-00291830 youngins amen -ykAF-6Laby-01320-00291831-00292582 i know i'm talking to some women in here -ykAF-6Laby-01321-00292583-00292751 yeah i'll just get to get you another -ykAF-6Laby-01322-00292752-00292982 prayer partner and if you can't sit and -ykAF-6Laby-01323-00292983-00293206 hold them down the other one can't -ykAF-6Laby-01324-00293207-00293463 say say hey young and i gave birth to -ykAF-6Laby-01325-00293464-00293623 you you came out of my body and i'll be -ykAF-6Laby-01326-00293624-00293791 doggone if you're gonna tell me what to -ykAF-6Laby-01327-00293792-00293880 do -ykAF-6Laby-01328-00293881-00294175 [Applause] -ykAF-6Laby-01329-00294176-00294447 you got to get bold with the devil he'll -ykAF-6Laby-01330-00294448-00294703 take your child to hell man -ykAF-6Laby-01331-00294704-00295103 my son my son was a navy seal and -ykAF-6Laby-01332-00295104-00295327 and something happened in our life very -ykAF-6Laby-01333-00295328-00295558 critical i mean not critical uh -ykAF-6Laby-01334-00295559-00296023 horrible disaster and he uh -ykAF-6Laby-01335-00296024-00296343 he turned into drugs he got on cocaine -ykAF-6Laby-01336-00296344-00296527 he got it never raised in church and -ykAF-6Laby-01337-00296528-00296654 everything and -ykAF-6Laby-01338-00296655-00297015 uh what happened to him for two years we -ykAF-6Laby-01339-00297016-00297087 had to get -ykAF-6Laby-01340-00297088-00297334 look for him pray for him find him and -ykAF-6Laby-01341-00297335-00297487 and every time my son -ykAF-6Laby-01342-00297488-00297719 his brother would find him he would go -ykAF-6Laby-01343-00297720-00297910 to the drug house and pour oil on him in -ykAF-6Laby-01344-00297911-00298127 front of all those other people -ykAF-6Laby-01345-00298128-00298287 and he'll say you're coming out of this -ykAF-6Laby-01346-00298288-00298471 you can't do this you know -ykAF-6Laby-01347-00298472-00298687 and all kinds of stuff and they would -ykAF-6Laby-01348-00298688-00298830 find him and bring him home -ykAF-6Laby-01349-00298831-00299151 he was so bound by drugs and uh -ykAF-6Laby-01350-00299152-00299463 later on uh i was travailing one night -ykAF-6Laby-01351-00299464-00299775 all night i travailed from sun sun down -ykAF-6Laby-01352-00299776-00300127 until six six till six and when i i -ykAF-6Laby-01353-00300128-00300343 looked up and there was a red glow a -ykAF-6Laby-01354-00300344-00300495 circle on my ceiling -ykAF-6Laby-01355-00300496-00300751 in the middle was lights like that and i -ykAF-6Laby-01356-00300752-00300919 took a picture of it -ykAF-6Laby-01357-00300920-00301158 and then it moved back and then i had a -ykAF-6Laby-01358-00301159-00301367 vision open vision of heaven -ykAF-6Laby-01359-00301368-00301534 and all my prayers are going straight to -ykAF-6Laby-01360-00301535-00301823 heaven and i really saw these guys -ykAF-6Laby-01361-00301824-00302134 i saw big stallions warrens -ykAF-6Laby-01362-00302135-00302447 worn horses they had some kind of metal -ykAF-6Laby-01363-00302448-00302623 on their legs the horses -ykAF-6Laby-01364-00302624-00302767 now the reason i'm telling you this -ykAF-6Laby-01365-00302768-00302975 these demons need this they need to be -ykAF-6Laby-01366-00302976-00303351 destroyed and it's in malachi -ykAF-6Laby-01367-00303352-00303630 and then that their their legs and then -ykAF-6Laby-01368-00303631-00303830 the riders were dressed with metal and -ykAF-6Laby-01369-00303831-00303927 iron -ykAF-6Laby-01370-00303928-00304151 but they were 30 foot high the horses -ykAF-6Laby-01371-00304152-00304319 was this white -ykAF-6Laby-01372-00304320-00304599 big big stallions they were sitting on -ykAF-6Laby-01373-00304600-00304791 them in rows and michael the archangel -ykAF-6Laby-01374-00304792-00304919 was in front of them -ykAF-6Laby-01375-00304920-00305182 they had a sword flames come out of the -ykAF-6Laby-01376-00305183-00305351 bottom and the top -ykAF-6Laby-01377-00305352-00305599 and they had helmets on then their jaws -ykAF-6Laby-01378-00305600-00305758 were made out of iron -ykAF-6Laby-01379-00305759-00305958 they weren't you you'd think it was the -ykAF-6Laby-01380-00305959-00306199 devil if you didn't know they were god's -ykAF-6Laby-01381-00306200-00306375 warren angels -ykAF-6Laby-01382-00306376-00306663 and uh the lord spoke to me and he said -ykAF-6Laby-01383-00306664-00306823 dot only for your son -ykAF-6Laby-01384-00306824-00307103 will we move tonight today we're going -ykAF-6Laby-01385-00307104-00307399 to move for many children in the earth -ykAF-6Laby-01386-00307400-00307710 many children on drugs and stuff and so -ykAF-6Laby-01387-00307711-00307743 what -ykAF-6Laby-01388-00307744-00307975 happened they began to come down to the -ykAF-6Laby-01389-00307976-00308095 earth -ykAF-6Laby-01390-00308096-00308510 and i saw the angels going into -ykAF-6Laby-01391-00308511-00308727 where drug scenes was in picking out -ykAF-6Laby-01392-00308728-00308975 certain children and pulling monkeys off -ykAF-6Laby-01393-00308976-00309030 their back -ykAF-6Laby-01394-00309031-00309271 monkeys off their legs and burning them -ykAF-6Laby-01395-00309272-00309423 up with them sores -ykAF-6Laby-01396-00309424-00309887 then i saw homes and houses i saw bars -ykAF-6Laby-01397-00309888-00310119 where people were sitting at the bar and -ykAF-6Laby-01398-00310120-00310279 demons be hanging on their legs like -ykAF-6Laby-01399-00310280-00310382 monkeys past -ykAF-6Laby-01400-00310383-00310599 and on their shoulders and the angels -ykAF-6Laby-01401-00310600-00310767 just pull them off and cremate them with -ykAF-6Laby-01402-00310768-00310895 that sword -ykAF-6Laby-01403-00310896-00311047 and the lord said they don't have any -ykAF-6Laby-01404-00311048-00311271 souls the demons it's their day of -ykAF-6Laby-01405-00311272-00311358 judgment -ykAF-6Laby-01406-00311359-00311639 in my son's name i saw this i'm telling -ykAF-6Laby-01407-00311640-00311806 you what i saw -ykAF-6Laby-01408-00311807-00312199 and later on when my son was delivered -ykAF-6Laby-01409-00312200-00312430 i said honey did you feel like a monkey -ykAF-6Laby-01410-00312431-00312654 was on your back he said lord jess -ykAF-6Laby-01411-00312655-00312830 said i actually could feel it crawling -ykAF-6Laby-01412-00312831-00312999 around my neck -ykAF-6Laby-01413-00313000-00313199 and he said he would tell me you're no -ykAF-6Laby-01414-00313200-00313303 good -ykAF-6Laby-01415-00313304-00313623 nobody loves you you might as well over -ykAF-6Laby-01416-00313624-00313671 d -ykAF-6Laby-01417-00313672-00313982 and this and that oh yeah -ykAF-6Laby-01418-00313983-00314191 and he said mom i knew better but this -ykAF-6Laby-01419-00314192-00314423 thing had such a grip on me -ykAF-6Laby-01420-00314424-00314767 i could not i could not let go it made -ykAF-6Laby-01421-00314768-00315023 me go in a circle like a madman -ykAF-6Laby-01422-00315024-00315334 and he said i hated it i hated it and he -ykAF-6Laby-01423-00315335-00315375 said -ykAF-6Laby-01424-00315376-00315695 i met one man mama that came to a -ykAF-6Laby-01425-00315696-00315943 drug house because the lord told me that -ykAF-6Laby-01426-00315944-00316158 he was going to send help to my son -ykAF-6Laby-01427-00316159-00316415 but he said mama he was different he -ykAF-6Laby-01428-00316416-00316606 said he was a huge muscle made -ykAF-6Laby-01429-00316607-00316879 man he said to me he's named scott he -ykAF-6Laby-01430-00316880-00316919 said -ykAF-6Laby-01431-00316920-00317206 you do not need to be here your mother -ykAF-6Laby-01432-00317207-00317430 is praying for you your father -ykAF-6Laby-01433-00317431-00317639 and he said i looked at him and said i -ykAF-6Laby-01434-00317640-00317903 believe in angels i believe in all that -ykAF-6Laby-01435-00317904-00318175 and he said i watched him and he i guess -ykAF-6Laby-01436-00318176-00318351 he lived with those guys for like -ykAF-6Laby-01437-00318352-00318567 three weeks and they said right before -ykAF-6Laby-01438-00318568-00318703 their eyes -ykAF-6Laby-01439-00318704-00318943 he withered up and vanished he just -ykAF-6Laby-01440-00318944-00319127 turned into a skeleton -ykAF-6Laby-01441-00319128-00319399 and he said this is your destiny if you -ykAF-6Laby-01442-00319400-00319591 keep this up -ykAF-6Laby-01443-00319592-00319806 he showed him what would happen to him -ykAF-6Laby-01444-00319807-00319919 on the drug -ykAF-6Laby-01445-00319920-00320134 he don't like to talk about it the day -ykAF-6Laby-01446-00320135-00320319 he really got delivered -ykAF-6Laby-01447-00320320-00320551 i was in detroit michigan and we live in -ykAF-6Laby-01448-00320552-00320663 florida -ykAF-6Laby-01449-00320664-00320982 and that morning god said to me your son -ykAF-6Laby-01450-00320983-00321134 has died -ykAF-6Laby-01451-00321135-00321463 and i said what lord he said -ykAF-6Laby-01452-00321464-00321734 call some prophets to pray with you -ykAF-6Laby-01453-00321735-00321871 today -ykAF-6Laby-01454-00321872-00322063 and i got real nervous i tried to call -ykAF-6Laby-01455-00322064-00322295 my my family at home -ykAF-6Laby-01456-00322296-00322575 and nobody answered their phone and so i -ykAF-6Laby-01457-00322576-00322630 finally -ykAF-6Laby-01458-00322631-00322839 as god said i told you to call some -ykAF-6Laby-01459-00322840-00322975 prophets you know -ykAF-6Laby-01460-00322976-00323279 pastor only on one hand gotta know real -ykAF-6Laby-01461-00323280-00323543 five true prophets only five -ykAF-6Laby-01462-00323544-00323782 how many you know that are real count -ykAF-6Laby-01463-00323783-00323903 them -ykAF-6Laby-01464-00323904-00324119 count them in your heart right now count -ykAF-6Laby-01465-00324120-00324247 them that -ykAF-6Laby-01466-00324248-00324534 they know love you and will pray for you -ykAF-6Laby-01467-00324535-00324606 so i care -ykAF-6Laby-01468-00324607-00324815 called harry sauer he's a him and his -ykAF-6Laby-01469-00324816-00324975 wife are friends of mine he's a prophet -ykAF-6Laby-01470-00324976-00325095 in detroit -ykAF-6Laby-01471-00325096-00325327 and harry's a laid-back prophet he'll -ykAF-6Laby-01472-00325328-00325534 talk forever if you don't shut him up -ykAF-6Laby-01473-00325535-00325830 he loves god and i'm his friend so i -ykAF-6Laby-01474-00325831-00325887 said -ykAF-6Laby-01475-00325888-00326151 harry you cannot talk forever hush we -ykAF-6Laby-01476-00326152-00326310 got to pray we got to pray my son had -ykAF-6Laby-01477-00326311-00326367 died -ykAF-6Laby-01478-00326368-00326615 he odd on drugs because we found it out -ykAF-6Laby-01479-00326616-00326751 they called us -ykAF-6Laby-01480-00326752-00327063 and harry said okay we pray and i had a -ykAF-6Laby-01481-00327064-00327271 visionary to do but harry saw the hand -ykAF-6Laby-01482-00327272-00327358 of god -ykAF-6Laby-01483-00327359-00327567 come on him he saw his soul coming out -ykAF-6Laby-01484-00327568-00327678 of his body -ykAF-6Laby-01485-00327679-00327934 he saw god take his hand and put it back -ykAF-6Laby-01486-00327935-00328054 in his body -ykAF-6Laby-01487-00328055-00328303 and him get up and walk and he said -ykAF-6Laby-01488-00328304-00328478 don't worry he's going to be okay i have -ykAF-6Laby-01489-00328479-00328671 the same vision but mine was -ykAF-6Laby-01490-00328672-00328823 a little different because i'm a mother -ykAF-6Laby-01491-00328824-00328999 you know i was scared to death -ykAF-6Laby-01492-00329000-00329206 i mean i've seen ill and all but buddy -ykAF-6Laby-01493-00329207-00329319 you don't want your kids -ykAF-6Laby-01494-00329320-00329663 ever to go to that good lord and so -ykAF-6Laby-01495-00329664-00329839 children here's what happened this is -ykAF-6Laby-01496-00329840-00329967 the truth -ykAF-6Laby-01497-00329968-00330239 uh we called and called i tried to call -ykAF-6Laby-01498-00330240-00330303 home couldn't -ykAF-6Laby-01499-00330304-00330591 finally my daughter answered scream mama -ykAF-6Laby-01500-00330592-00330815 mama scotty's daddy's in the uh -ykAF-6Laby-01501-00330816-00331134 hospital dead on arrival -ykAF-6Laby-01502-00331135-00331382 and she said i'm going over there it was -ykAF-6Laby-01503-00331383-00331558 in it's call we have a hospital called -ykAF-6Laby-01504-00331559-00331647 listen to this -ykAF-6Laby-01505-00331648-00331903 just perished that's horrible you just -ykAF-6Laby-01506-00331904-00332015 perished away -ykAF-6Laby-01507-00332016-00332295 and then another hospital called wusthof -ykAF-6Laby-01508-00332296-00332430 you're worse off -ykAF-6Laby-01509-00332431-00332695 so they took him to worse off you know -ykAF-6Laby-01510-00332696-00332934 and -ykAF-6Laby-01511-00332935-00333247 so tree but what happened they he they -ykAF-6Laby-01512-00333248-00333423 couldn't find him -ykAF-6Laby-01513-00333424-00333678 he disappeared out of the hospital so -ykAF-6Laby-01514-00333679-00333799 what happened -ykAF-6Laby-01515-00333800-00333967 when i called him i finally got him late -ykAF-6Laby-01516-00333968-00334103 at night on the phone and i'm screaming -ykAF-6Laby-01517-00334104-00334158 at him -ykAF-6Laby-01518-00334159-00334343 you crazy thing you could have died oh -ykAF-6Laby-01519-00334344-00334591 you did die i said what are you -ykAF-6Laby-01520-00334592-00334767 what are you doing and he had chopped -ykAF-6Laby-01521-00334768-00334951 his tongue up with seizures -ykAF-6Laby-01522-00334952-00335271 he said please mom calm down i'm -ykAF-6Laby-01523-00335272-00335582 okay and he said i said what happened to -ykAF-6Laby-01524-00335583-00335782 you he said i'm not gonna tell you -ykAF-6Laby-01525-00335783-00336078 i said you're gonna tell me boy he said -ykAF-6Laby-01526-00336079-00336295 he didn't tell me everything and today -ykAF-6Laby-01527-00336296-00336519 he don't tell me he said what happened -ykAF-6Laby-01528-00336520-00336758 to him he was on a gurney -ykAF-6Laby-01529-00336759-00336975 dead on arrival in the hall he knew -ykAF-6Laby-01530-00336976-00337182 because all he saw was blackness -ykAF-6Laby-01531-00337183-00337439 he could see it and he said all at once -ykAF-6Laby-01532-00337440-00337487 life -ykAF-6Laby-01533-00337488-00337663 he came alive he come awake and he -ykAF-6Laby-01534-00337664-00337799 walked up -ykAF-6Laby-01535-00337800-00337975 pushed the sheet off and walked out the -ykAF-6Laby-01536-00337976-00338271 door and it came home -ykAF-6Laby-01537-00338272-00338478 and he said that i see he said when i -ykAF-6Laby-01538-00338479-00338791 got home jesus was here waiting on me -ykAF-6Laby-01539-00338792-00339103 and jesus talked to him and totally -ykAF-6Laby-01540-00339104-00339303 healed him he did a 95 -ykAF-6Laby-01541-00339304-00339758 degree turn around and that great -ykAF-6Laby-01542-00339759-00340103 that was about 10 years ago and -ykAF-6Laby-01543-00340104-00340447 he's a great great young man of god -ykAF-6Laby-01544-00340448-00340751 and he's a seer also but what i want to -ykAF-6Laby-01545-00340752-00340975 tell you when we go through crisis you -ykAF-6Laby-01546-00340976-00341119 young people -ykAF-6Laby-01547-00341120-00341454 please find somebody that loves you -ykAF-6Laby-01548-00341455-00341663 i don't care if it's you know you have -ykAF-6Laby-01549-00341664-00341823 friends girlfriends whatever -ykAF-6Laby-01550-00341824-00342095 boyfriend said you guys get to a pastor -ykAF-6Laby-01551-00342096-00342319 that loves you you hear me -ykAF-6Laby-01552-00342320-00342519 you better hear me because you're going -ykAF-6Laby-01553-00342520-00342695 to need their help -ykAF-6Laby-01554-00342696-00342943 someday you're going to need it when i -ykAF-6Laby-01555-00342944-00343110 was having when my kids was lit little -ykAF-6Laby-01556-00343111-00343134 we'd -ykAF-6Laby-01557-00343135-00343278 always have the other kids come over and -ykAF-6Laby-01558-00343279-00343495 pray when they were six and seven years -ykAF-6Laby-01559-00343496-00343582 old -ykAF-6Laby-01560-00343583-00343839 and one day there was a little boy he -ykAF-6Laby-01561-00343840-00343927 came -ykAF-6Laby-01562-00343928-00344143 and he was crying he said miss baxter my -ykAF-6Laby-01563-00344144-00344415 daddy's in jail for bad stuff -ykAF-6Laby-01564-00344416-00344654 would you pray and ask jesus and let me -ykAF-6Laby-01565-00344655-00344823 see my daddy -ykAF-6Laby-01566-00344824-00344999 he had his little bag he was going to -ykAF-6Laby-01567-00345000-00345127 run away -ykAF-6Laby-01568-00345128-00345287 naturally i told him mother and didn't -ykAF-6Laby-01569-00345288-00345430 let him run away -ykAF-6Laby-01570-00345431-00345695 but that little boy today is a pastor of -ykAF-6Laby-01571-00345696-00345951 a church he's 35 years old -ykAF-6Laby-01572-00345952-00346254 maybe a hundred miles from me people -ykAF-6Laby-01573-00346255-00346334 like that -ykAF-6Laby-01574-00346335-00346519 and i would tell these children if you -ykAF-6Laby-01575-00346520-00346663 ever get in trouble -ykAF-6Laby-01576-00346664-00346951 call on jesus christ one of the little -ykAF-6Laby-01577-00346952-00347047 boys came back -ykAF-6Laby-01578-00347048-00347287 these all my kids was little and they -ykAF-6Laby-01579-00347288-00347454 said miss baxter -ykAF-6Laby-01580-00347455-00347671 i was in a car wreck last week and in -ykAF-6Laby-01581-00347672-00347830 banana river -ykAF-6Laby-01582-00347831-00348063 we went into the river and i was in the -ykAF-6Laby-01583-00348064-00348215 back seat -ykAF-6Laby-01584-00348216-00348391 and he was 10 years old that was like -ykAF-6Laby-01585-00348392-00348575 two weeks after i told him to call on -ykAF-6Laby-01586-00348576-00348678 jesus -ykAF-6Laby-01587-00348679-00348919 and two of the boys died because we have -ykAF-6Laby-01588-00348920-00349054 a banana river there -ykAF-6Laby-01589-00349055-00349287 we're by waters we're right on the -ykAF-6Laby-01590-00349288-00349447 merritt island cocoa beach here oh -ykAF-6Laby-01591-00349448-00349551 they're married -ykAF-6Laby-01592-00349552-00349910 and he said what happened an air bubble -ykAF-6Laby-01593-00349911-00350191 came around my head and i kept saying -ykAF-6Laby-01594-00350192-00350310 jesus don't let me die -ykAF-6Laby-01595-00350311-00350534 jesus don't let me down that airborne he -ykAF-6Laby-01596-00350535-00350806 lived he was in the water 15 minutes -ykAF-6Laby-01597-00350807-00351087 under the water he lived and got him out -ykAF-6Laby-01598-00351088-00351206 of the back seat -ykAF-6Laby-01599-00351207-00351591 so listen jesus will answer your cries -ykAF-6Laby-01600-00351592-00351799 are you hearing me -ykAF-6Laby-01601-00351800-00352006 don't don't tell them don't be and then -ykAF-6Laby-01602-00352007-00352191 i taught my little kids too -ykAF-6Laby-01603-00352192-00352343 if you feel a gut feeling you better not -ykAF-6Laby-01604-00352344-00352543 do that you better not do it because -ykAF-6Laby-01605-00352544-00352830 you better behave so what we do is -ykAF-6Laby-01606-00352831-00352943 parents -ykAF-6Laby-01607-00352944-00353134 sometimes we don't see the danger -ykAF-6Laby-01608-00353135-00353278 they're going to get in -ykAF-6Laby-01609-00353279-00353487 the kids today get hammered in high -ykAF-6Laby-01610-00353488-00353687 school hammered in college -ykAF-6Laby-01611-00353688-00353967 they get little guys they get you know i -ykAF-6Laby-01612-00353968-00354110 know because i've been through all that -ykAF-6Laby-01613-00354111-00354206 stuff -ykAF-6Laby-01614-00354207-00354399 and we have to know that they need to -ykAF-6Laby-01615-00354400-00354575 know how they're loved -ykAF-6Laby-01616-00354576-00354782 even if they fall down and you have to -ykAF-6Laby-01617-00354783-00354991 leave them alone in a while -ykAF-6Laby-01618-00354992-00355199 still love them still get in touch with -ykAF-6Laby-01619-00355200-00355295 them -ykAF-6Laby-01620-00355296-00355478 because that's the devil's gain so you -ykAF-6Laby-01621-00355479-00355719 won't communicate with them -ykAF-6Laby-01622-00355720-00356047 and they'll end up in jail and so god -ykAF-6Laby-01623-00356048-00356199 delivered my son -ykAF-6Laby-01624-00356200-00356439 but buddy it was through a lot of prayer -ykAF-6Laby-01625-00356440-00356567 to velen -ykAF-6Laby-01626-00356568-00356823 and then the other son he's a little -ykAF-6Laby-01627-00356824-00356951 stinker too -ykAF-6Laby-01628-00356952-00357278 we were in detroit -ykAF-6Laby-01629-00357279-00357591 i was in detroit and uh i've been doing -ykAF-6Laby-01630-00357592-00358095 this since 1960 i mean 1993 is when my -ykAF-6Laby-01631-00358096-00358271 book came out -ykAF-6Laby-01632-00358272-00358478 and then i didn't really start going in -ykAF-6Laby-01633-00358479-00358671 the world until 96 -ykAF-6Laby-01634-00358672-00359006 only twice a month and then later on -ykAF-6Laby-01635-00359007-00359327 i think it was 97 -ykAF-6Laby-01636-00359328-00359599 i preached three straight years non-stop -ykAF-6Laby-01637-00359600-00359791 400 services a year and everything -ykAF-6Laby-01638-00359792-00360015 because the kids were grown in -ykAF-6Laby-01639-00360016-00360375 but what happened to me one day i was -ykAF-6Laby-01640-00360376-00360751 really seeking god about my son -ykAF-6Laby-01641-00360752-00361110 the younger one and that little stinker -ykAF-6Laby-01642-00361111-00361343 was in detroit and he called me for some -ykAF-6Laby-01643-00361344-00361423 money -ykAF-6Laby-01644-00361424-00361599 and i said i'm not giving you no money -ykAF-6Laby-01645-00361600-00361758 you i don't know what you're going to do -ykAF-6Laby-01646-00361759-00361910 with it son -ykAF-6Laby-01647-00361911-00362134 and he said well mother i just want to -ykAF-6Laby-01648-00362135-00362239 go party -ykAF-6Laby-01649-00362240-00362447 i said you know i'm not giving you money -ykAF-6Laby-01650-00362448-00362671 go party am i crazy -ykAF-6Laby-01651-00362672-00362919 and he i slammed the phone down on him i -ykAF-6Laby-01652-00362920-00363103 was having a bad day -ykAF-6Laby-01653-00363104-00363487 and now this was when he was oh my god -ykAF-6Laby-01654-00363488-00363758 how was he about 21 i think -ykAF-6Laby-01655-00363759-00364039 five six years later we're in another -ykAF-6Laby-01656-00364040-00364271 place preaching he's helping me -ykAF-6Laby-01657-00364272-00364534 and uh his mother-in-law is sitting our -ykAF-6Laby-01658-00364535-00364630 table -ykAF-6Laby-01659-00364631-00364839 i'm there and we're in perkins that's -ykAF-6Laby-01660-00364840-00364999 where we took that dead lady that day -ykAF-6Laby-01661-00365000-00365158 that raised with it -ykAF-6Laby-01662-00365159-00365471 and grandma looked at him said billy did -ykAF-6Laby-01663-00365472-00365639 you ever tell your mother what rotten -ykAF-6Laby-01664-00365640-00365782 thing you did the day she wouldn't give -ykAF-6Laby-01665-00365783-00365919 you the money -ykAF-6Laby-01666-00365920-00366175 i said what rotten thing did you do bill -ykAF-6Laby-01667-00366176-00366399 he said i went up on the resonant center -ykAF-6Laby-01668-00366400-00366582 in detroit city you guys know that -ykAF-6Laby-01669-00366583-00366806 biggest building in detroit -ykAF-6Laby-01670-00366807-00367095 you do know do you remember the resin on -ykAF-6Laby-01671-00367096-00367230 you guys that none of you don't paint -ykAF-6Laby-01672-00367231-00367319 the -ykAF-6Laby-01673-00367320-00367487 on the computer they had to get a name -ykAF-6Laby-01674-00367488-00367727 for it what 15 years ago -ykAF-6Laby-01675-00367728-00367999 it's called the resinon center it's the -ykAF-6Laby-01676-00368000-00368278 highest building in detroit city -ykAF-6Laby-01677-00368279-00368567 you've never heard of it we lived in -ykAF-6Laby-01678-00368568-00368751 detroit's i know -ykAF-6Laby-01679-00368752-00369030 but he said i got so mad at you mama i -ykAF-6Laby-01680-00369031-00369215 went on the top floor -ykAF-6Laby-01681-00369216-00369406 and i was gonna kill myself i was gonna -ykAF-6Laby-01682-00369407-00369654 jump off and i said to myself she'll -ykAF-6Laby-01683-00369655-00369799 really feel bad then -ykAF-6Laby-01684-00369800-00370158 cause she'd give me the money i thought -ykAF-6Laby-01685-00370159-00370415 what and mom said let him finish before -ykAF-6Laby-01686-00370416-00370575 you smack him you know -ykAF-6Laby-01687-00370576-00370903 so he said i took a flying leap -ykAF-6Laby-01688-00370904-00371134 off that and jumped in the air i think -ykAF-6Laby-01689-00371135-00371215 it's 20 -ykAF-6Laby-01690-00371216-00371487 30 40 stories high you know it had been -ykAF-6Laby-01691-00371488-00371639 a vegetarian -ykAF-6Laby-01692-00371640-00371951 nothing when he fell he said a big angel -ykAF-6Laby-01693-00371952-00372071 grabbed me -ykAF-6Laby-01694-00372072-00372399 around the neck he said he like like -ykAF-6Laby-01695-00372400-00372775 mr t and he said boy do you know where -ykAF-6Laby-01696-00372776-00372958 you're going to go if i drop you -ykAF-6Laby-01697-00372959-00373310 straight to hell and he said -ykAF-6Laby-01698-00373311-00373671 he said i was so angry he threw me back -ykAF-6Laby-01699-00373672-00373847 up on the thing he threw him back up on -ykAF-6Laby-01700-00373848-00373943 the top of the -ykAF-6Laby-01701-00373944-00374167 resinon look it up on your internet -ykAF-6Laby-01702-00374168-00374327 you'll see the building -ykAF-6Laby-01703-00374328-00374647 and said oh that made me mad and said -ykAF-6Laby-01704-00374648-00374839 he said i jumped up and took another -ykAF-6Laby-01705-00374840-00375167 flying leap out -ykAF-6Laby-01706-00375168-00375471 yeah kenneth hagin's son remember he -ykAF-6Laby-01707-00375472-00375639 helped him off a motorcycle remember -ykAF-6Laby-01708-00375640-00375710 that -ykAF-6Laby-01709-00375711-00375958 when hagin yeah and he said i took -ykAF-6Laby-01710-00375959-00376127 another flight late mama -ykAF-6Laby-01711-00376128-00376439 and this time the angel was mad said he -ykAF-6Laby-01712-00376440-00376582 took his fist and -ykAF-6Laby-01713-00376583-00376863 knocked me in the jaw all the way back -ykAF-6Laby-01714-00376864-00376958 on there -ykAF-6Laby-01715-00376959-00377278 and said i woke up 12 hours later sober -ykAF-6Laby-01716-00377279-00377463 and scared to death -ykAF-6Laby-01717-00377464-00377782 he knocked him out -ykAF-6Laby-01718-00377783-00378119 so naturally my reaction was to smack -ykAF-6Laby-01719-00378120-00378278 some sense in him so i smacked him on -ykAF-6Laby-01720-00378279-00378391 the jaw -ykAF-6Laby-01721-00378392-00378702 and he said now mom i done repented i -ykAF-6Laby-01722-00378703-00378799 said but you never -ykAF-6Laby-01723-00378800-00379063 told me did you and just things like -ykAF-6Laby-01724-00379064-00379247 that i almost fainted when he told me -ykAF-6Laby-01725-00379248-00379327 that -ykAF-6Laby-01726-00379328-00379575 and ma said well you know god has you -ykAF-6Laby-01727-00379576-00379702 out here preaching -ykAF-6Laby-01728-00379703-00379871 taking care of the king's business he's -ykAF-6Laby-01729-00379872-00379982 got to take care of these little -ykAF-6Laby-01730-00379983-00380110 stinking kids -ykAF-6Laby-01731-00380111-00380478 she called him sneakers too it's true -ykAF-6Laby-01732-00380479-00380734 he'll take care of your kids because -ykAF-6Laby-01733-00380735-00380943 they don't know how to resist the devil -ykAF-6Laby-01734-00380944-00381023 all the time we -ykAF-6Laby-01735-00381024-00381302 we do i hope you do you take your -ykAF-6Laby-01736-00381303-00381463 authority you say hey devil you ain't -ykAF-6Laby-01737-00381464-00381630 coming another inch -ykAF-6Laby-01738-00381631-00381910 you know james jesus you back up devil -ykAF-6Laby-01739-00381911-00382047 so i told -ykAF-6Laby-01740-00382048-00382271 all the kids how to pray like that and -ykAF-6Laby-01741-00382272-00382439 even today boy they get in trouble -ykAF-6Laby-01742-00382440-00382534 they'll call me -ykAF-6Laby-01743-00382535-00382719 and also chandeliers start praying -ykAF-6Laby-01744-00382720-00382871 they'll start praying -ykAF-6Laby-01745-00382872-00383095 they know god they know how powerful he -ykAF-6Laby-01746-00383096-00383191 is -ykAF-6Laby-01747-00383192-00383430 and we got to know this god we serve -ykAF-6Laby-01748-00383431-00383687 that he is not going to stand back -ykAF-6Laby-01749-00383688-00383951 when you are seeking god and serving god -ykAF-6Laby-01750-00383952-00384015 sir -ykAF-6Laby-01751-00384016-00384343 he's going to save your whole family he -ykAF-6Laby-01752-00384344-00384710 promised he promised so you families got -ykAF-6Laby-01753-00384711-00384927 to get together the easter is coming -ykAF-6Laby-01754-00384928-00385095 repent to each other -ykAF-6Laby-01755-00385096-00385263 pray for each other and right after -ykAF-6Laby-01756-00385264-00385430 easter you'd be yelling at each other -ykAF-6Laby-01757-00385431-00385543 again -ykAF-6Laby-01758-00385544-00385895 but stop it it ain't worth it you will -ykAF-6Laby-01759-00385896-00386087 you will i know -ykAF-6Laby-01760-00386088-00386382 i know i've been there i know that one -ykAF-6Laby-01761-00386383-00386582 cousin made a better pie than you made a -ykAF-6Laby-01762-00386583-00386743 coconut cake -ykAF-6Laby-01763-00386744-00387063 and yeah especially here in the country -ykAF-6Laby-01764-00387064-00387263 somebody fried chicken better than you -ykAF-6Laby-01765-00387264-00387534 and then your salad was worth bad -ykAF-6Laby-01766-00387535-00387806 you know i'm telling you the truth i -ykAF-6Laby-01767-00387807-00388151 know you guys because i'm from tennessee -ykAF-6Laby-01768-00388152-00388319 some of us women thought we were so -ykAF-6Laby-01769-00388320-00388543 pretty we had the best-looking husband -ykAF-6Laby-01770-00388544-00388719 and some of the men thought they were so -ykAF-6Laby-01771-00388720-00388967 sexy and their wives were so pretty -ykAF-6Laby-01772-00388968-00389095 and they gained some weight and they -ykAF-6Laby-01773-00389096-00389551 never told it again -ykAF-6Laby-01774-00389552-00389910 so i'm trying to legends know life is -ykAF-6Laby-01775-00389911-00390054 real -ykAF-6Laby-01776-00390055-00390239 but you got to keep your heart right -ykAF-6Laby-01777-00390240-00390382 your mind right -ykAF-6Laby-01778-00390383-00390582 you got to walk on that straight line -ykAF-6Laby-01779-00390583-00390830 and say god i'm going to walk the old -ykAF-6Laby-01780-00390831-00391095 ancient pathway i'm going to love my -ykAF-6Laby-01781-00391096-00391302 family with all their devils -ykAF-6Laby-01782-00391303-00391510 and i'm going to break that chain off of -ykAF-6Laby-01783-00391511-00391606 them -ykAF-6Laby-01784-00391607-00391799 hey that's why the bible says that we're -ykAF-6Laby-01785-00391800-00392023 a stink in god's nostrils -ykAF-6Laby-01786-00392024-00392351 it goes up and he just makes a face i'm -ykAF-6Laby-01787-00392352-00392423 telling you -ykAF-6Laby-01788-00392424-00392743 you got to know god is real dexter my -ykAF-6Laby-01789-00392744-00392895 spiritual son -ykAF-6Laby-01790-00392896-00393191 he he was a multi-millionaire when all -ykAF-6Laby-01791-00393192-00393351 the stock market failed -ykAF-6Laby-01792-00393352-00393599 i can tell you because he tells it on tv -ykAF-6Laby-01793-00393600-00393727 all the time -ykAF-6Laby-01794-00393728-00394030 he lost millions of dollars -ykAF-6Laby-01795-00394031-00394302 and he ended up in a barn with his -ykAF-6Laby-01796-00394303-00394487 little dog -ykAF-6Laby-01797-00394488-00395087 pumpkin little white dog and god had a -ykAF-6Laby-01798-00395088-00395247 way of getting him -ykAF-6Laby-01799-00395248-00395406 he was in a church but i'm not going to -ykAF-6Laby-01800-00395407-00395599 tell you then uh what the church was it -ykAF-6Laby-01801-00395600-00395967 was called the chosen frozen -ykAF-6Laby-01802-00395968-00396287 so i call him my chosen frozen son -ykAF-6Laby-01803-00396288-00396551 you gotta have fun with this you know or -ykAF-6Laby-01804-00396552-00396623 you could just -ykAF-6Laby-01805-00396624-00396967 be wiped out so dexter's telling yuri's -ykAF-6Laby-01806-00396968-00397102 crying and moaning -ykAF-6Laby-01807-00397103-00397358 his father worked for rockefeller so you -ykAF-6Laby-01808-00397359-00397527 know they had money -ykAF-6Laby-01809-00397528-00397782 so dexter lost everything stripped down -ykAF-6Laby-01810-00397783-00397887 to nothing -ykAF-6Laby-01811-00397888-00398078 they had two adopted children and he -ykAF-6Laby-01812-00398079-00398191 tells it on tv -ykAF-6Laby-01813-00398192-00398406 so i'm not because they have a jewish -ykAF-6Laby-01814-00398407-00398567 program an english program -ykAF-6Laby-01815-00398568-00398823 a spanish program and so they take me -ykAF-6Laby-01816-00398824-00399006 there all the time to speak -ykAF-6Laby-01817-00399007-00399367 but listen dexter said he kept crying -ykAF-6Laby-01818-00399368-00399454 out to god -ykAF-6Laby-01819-00399455-00399599 what happened to me what happened my -ykAF-6Laby-01820-00399600-00399782 money lord why -ykAF-6Laby-01821-00399783-00400102 and the lord showed him a dream of the -ykAF-6Laby-01822-00400103-00400199 throne of god -ykAF-6Laby-01823-00400200-00400471 in the book of revelations either be hot -ykAF-6Laby-01824-00400472-00400687 or cold i'll spew you -ykAF-6Laby-01825-00400688-00400951 out of my mouth and he was in the water -ykAF-6Laby-01826-00400952-00401110 that came out of god's mouth -ykAF-6Laby-01827-00401111-00401406 dexter was god was spitting him out so -ykAF-6Laby-01828-00401407-00401487 for six -ykAF-6Laby-01829-00401488-00401767 months he was crying with his puppy in -ykAF-6Laby-01830-00401768-00401854 the barn -ykAF-6Laby-01831-00401855-00402134 he was homeless he was having a horrible -ykAF-6Laby-01832-00402135-00402230 time -ykAF-6Laby-01833-00402231-00402430 he went through a divorce his wife took -ykAF-6Laby-01834-00402431-00402558 everything -ykAF-6Laby-01835-00402559-00402919 he now think guys what if it was you in -ykAF-6Laby-01836-00402920-00403319 the barn -ykAF-6Laby-01837-00403320-00403630 think about it you got to think about it -ykAF-6Laby-01838-00403631-00403775 i hope you don't mind me telling this -ykAF-6Laby-01839-00403776-00403975 pastor to the people -ykAF-6Laby-01840-00403976-00404263 dexter got on the internet to find him a -ykAF-6Laby-01841-00404264-00404502 woman -ykAF-6Laby-01842-00404503-00404758 and he got a hold of a beautiful lady -ykAF-6Laby-01843-00404759-00404934 almost 400 pounds -ykAF-6Laby-01844-00404935-00405254 named marcel -ykAF-6Laby-01845-00405255-00406047 marcel -ykAF-6Laby-01846-00406048-00406343 you better not laugh because today she's -ykAF-6Laby-01847-00406344-00406454 gorgeous and -ykAF-6Laby-01848-00406455-00406734 weighs like i don't know 100 something -ykAF-6Laby-01849-00406735-00406767 where -ykAF-6Laby-01850-00406768-00406927 she's one of my spiritual daughters -ykAF-6Laby-01851-00406928-00407206 she's spanish speaks english she's got -ykAF-6Laby-01852-00407207-00407495 13 years of college she taught in john -ykAF-6Laby-01853-00407496-00407758 hopkins university and made 5 000 -ykAF-6Laby-01854-00407759-00408134 a day teaching teaching she'd bought -ykAF-6Laby-01855-00408135-00408319 houses and landed a woman -ykAF-6Laby-01856-00408320-00408678 and her father is a jew from a -ykAF-6Laby-01857-00408679-00408975 venezuela in another country they're -ykAF-6Laby-01858-00408976-00409087 jewish -ykAF-6Laby-01859-00409088-00409375 and you cracked you up so they went out -ykAF-6Laby-01860-00409376-00409558 to dinner and marcel wouldn't look at -ykAF-6Laby-01861-00409559-00409622 dexter -ykAF-6Laby-01862-00409623-00409751 because she was embarrassed of her -ykAF-6Laby-01863-00409752-00409926 weight and everything and he kept -ykAF-6Laby-01864-00409927-00410118 switching and he'd have to he said i had -ykAF-6Laby-01865-00410119-00410278 to follow her like this ball -ykAF-6Laby-01866-00410279-00410470 her head would go down he said i said to -ykAF-6Laby-01867-00410471-00410663 her finally do you ever look at who -ykAF-6Laby-01868-00410664-00410799 you're talking to -ykAF-6Laby-01869-00410800-00411103 and she said if i want to so -ykAF-6Laby-01870-00411104-00411399 she's real feisty and so her brothers -ykAF-6Laby-01871-00411400-00411566 made her go on the internet that's how -ykAF-6Laby-01872-00411567-00411695 she met him -ykAF-6Laby-01873-00411696-00411966 but make a long story short he blessed -ykAF-6Laby-01874-00411967-00412134 her he helped her -ykAF-6Laby-01875-00412135-00412382 he he takes her to north sims and macy's -ykAF-6Laby-01876-00412383-00412534 that god's blessed him he's got back -ykAF-6Laby-01877-00412535-00412703 everything he lost -ykAF-6Laby-01878-00412704-00412974 but what happened to him when he turned -ykAF-6Laby-01879-00412975-00413174 back to god when he said why do you spew -ykAF-6Laby-01880-00413175-00413303 me out of your mouth -ykAF-6Laby-01881-00413304-00413534 the lord showed to him you were in a -ykAF-6Laby-01882-00413535-00413703 church he said -ykAF-6Laby-01883-00413704-00414022 that was false doctrine as we told him -ykAF-6Laby-01884-00414023-00414382 and said you were going a different way -ykAF-6Laby-01885-00414383-00414591 and you were being told different things -ykAF-6Laby-01886-00414592-00414791 but you i was in your heart you were -ykAF-6Laby-01887-00414792-00414910 looking for me -ykAF-6Laby-01888-00414912-00415214 so you were in a place of the frozen -ykAF-6Laby-01889-00415215-00415455 chosen and it's real he said all those -ykAF-6Laby-01890-00415456-00415551 people -ykAF-6Laby-01891-00415552-00415814 are froze and they're chosen of god but -ykAF-6Laby-01892-00415815-00415926 they pay to stay -ykAF-6Laby-01893-00415927-00416191 under this old doctrine and old teaching -ykAF-6Laby-01894-00416192-00416303 no life -ykAF-6Laby-01895-00416304-00416607 no love just nothing holy -ykAF-6Laby-01896-00416608-00416966 and god said you got to come out of that -ykAF-6Laby-01897-00416967-00417278 situation and go find a place where -ykAF-6Laby-01898-00417279-00417566 you can know me and serve me and be -ykAF-6Laby-01899-00417567-00417663 productive -ykAF-6Laby-01900-00417664-00417999 in my kingdom productive -ykAF-6Laby-01901-00418000-00418295 in his kingdom oh he's he's a wonderful -ykAF-6Laby-01902-00418296-00418374 person -ykAF-6Laby-01903-00418375-00418559 he's down god's trained him as an -ykAF-6Laby-01904-00418560-00418687 apostle -ykAF-6Laby-01905-00418688-00418959 and as time went by he grew he met -ykAF-6Laby-01906-00418960-00419199 marcel she was full of the holy ghost -ykAF-6Laby-01907-00419200-00419422 she helped him from level to level he -ykAF-6Laby-01908-00419423-00419591 got some of hagin's book -ykAF-6Laby-01909-00419592-00419799 he got some books of the holy ghost but -ykAF-6Laby-01910-00419800-00419910 many in -ykAF-6Laby-01911-00419912-00420159 he got the holy ghost by her telling him -ykAF-6Laby-01912-00420160-00420351 he needed the holy ghost -ykAF-6Laby-01913-00420352-00420535 and through the holy ghost helped that -ykAF-6Laby-01914-00420535-00420655 man grow -ykAF-6Laby-01915-00420656-00420975 so kids it's real it's real don't give -ykAF-6Laby-01916-00420976-00421047 up -ykAF-6Laby-01917-00421047-00421383 don't be a chosen frozen okay -ykAF-6Laby-01918-00421384-00421655 really think about it and now there's -ykAF-6Laby-01919-00421656-00421814 they're the happiest couple they -ykAF-6Laby-01920-00421815-00422022 like these two they preach together pray -ykAF-6Laby-01921-00422023-00422118 together -ykAF-6Laby-01922-00422119-00422287 tell their stories together and people -ykAF-6Laby-01923-00422288-00422431 get saved -ykAF-6Laby-01924-00422432-00422783 and people family marriages are restored -ykAF-6Laby-01925-00422784-00423055 and tonight i wanted to tell you god -ykAF-6Laby-01926-00423056-00423239 spoke to me to pray for the couples here -ykAF-6Laby-01927-00423239-00423359 tonight -ykAF-6Laby-01928-00423360-00423639 all the husbands and wives that are here -ykAF-6Laby-01929-00423639-00423766 i think it's about -ykAF-6Laby-01930-00423767-00424022 it's about time we're going to pray for -ykAF-6Laby-01931-00424023-00424214 you tonight especially in the ministry -ykAF-6Laby-01932-00424215-00424279 here -ykAF-6Laby-01933-00424280-00424447 how many husbands and wives are here -ykAF-6Laby-01934-00424447-00424583 tonight -ykAF-6Laby-01935-00424584-00424879 oh wow you're going to get blessed -ykAF-6Laby-01936-00424880-00425079 tonight -ykAF-6Laby-01937-00425080-00425327 yeah so i wanted to share those life -ykAF-6Laby-01938-00425328-00425510 experiences with you -ykAF-6Laby-01939-00425512-00425855 that there's hope please don't give up -ykAF-6Laby-01940-00425856-00426118 he raised my child from the dead he can -ykAF-6Laby-01941-00426119-00426327 do it for you honey because i stood on -ykAF-6Laby-01942-00426328-00426487 his promises -ykAF-6Laby-01943-00426488-00426799 and when that boy was three months old -ykAF-6Laby-01944-00426800-00427055 he used to have epileptic seizures and -ykAF-6Laby-01945-00427056-00427151 under his bed -ykAF-6Laby-01946-00427152-00427351 came a light real bright it was three in -ykAF-6Laby-01947-00427352-00427510 the morning and we'd got back -ykAF-6Laby-01948-00427512-00427735 from the hospital with him and the lord -ykAF-6Laby-01949-00427735-00427895 spoke to me and he said if that child -ykAF-6Laby-01950-00427896-00427943 was -ykAF-6Laby-01951-00427943-00428207 ever dropped dead i the lord will raise -ykAF-6Laby-01952-00428208-00428343 him up -ykAF-6Laby-01953-00428343-00428614 and years later see he did that isn't -ykAF-6Laby-01954-00428615-00428960 that something